HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-24 - Orange Coast Pilot10181 COIT YIUR HlllTDll DAllY PAPIR I IHJlhUA Y JUNl: ;.M l<IK / OHA N <~E-COUN I Y C AL If OflNIA 25 CENTS Reagan vetoes housing subsidy hill WASHINGTON (AP) President Reagan vetoed today an e mergency spending bill offering housing subsidies to low and middle-income home buyers and repealing a $75-per-day tax deduction that membe r s of Congress gave themselves last year. Reagan's veto was announl'ed by White House .. deputy press secr e t ary Larry Speakes . Speakes said earlier th e president would veto the $8.9 billion catch-all measure because of his opposition to the housing provision. It was .Reagan's fifth veto since he took office. Anticipating the veto, Democratic lead ers accused Reagan at a news confer~nce of tuming his back on the depressed housing industry. "He cannot veto the dream of every American to own his own home," said Speaker Thomas P . O'Neill. "He can't veto the grol'ery bills of unemployed housing workers." The quick veto gave the House a cha nc e to override tbe president before leaving later today for a holiday that will last until July 12. The Senate plana to recess next week. But leaders of both part.lea saw little chance a veto could be overridden. And unless Cong:resS writes a new bill acceptable to Reag~ before the recess, IOme federal programs might run out of money. The compromise bill was sent to Reagan on Wednesday night after the House. by voice vote, swallowed U.s pride and agreed to drop ita lnaiatence that eenaton limit outside earnln1• for speechef, writJ.ns and the like to US.200 a year. That ceillng already applies to House membera. The Senate'• flat rejection of the House amendcnent had snarled the money bill since Monday. The main purpose of the bill was to keep m ore than 50 agencies and programs in operation until Oct. 1. when a new budget year begins lt included: -$3 billion to help lower and middle-income families pay for new h omes on which construction is substantially completed by Nov 30, 1983 Buyers with incomes of up to $30,000 ($60,000 in some areas) co uld have the federal government pick up 4 JW'centage points of the mortg.e. The subsidy would have to be> repaid If the h ome was sold or refinanced. Srn. RLC'hard Lugar, R-lnd., and ot h e r spon sors say the measure rould create 483,000 jobs this year; th e Reagan adm1mstrat1on estimated 72,500 .)Obs $2.4 billion for sewer · construction grants. -$I 3 b1llion for student loons $I b1lhon for food stamps. Rept•al of the $75-per-day tax dt'<ful·t1on for members of Congress Court: Nixon 'had WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. Supreme Court said today former President Nixon could not be held accountable for allegedly firing a civilian P e ntagon worker, ruling for the first time that a president enjoys "absolute immunity" from lawsuits wh1l'h seek monetary damages for misconduct in office. The vote was 5-4. The suit stemmed from the alleged illegal firing of Air Force worker A . Ernest Fitzgerald, who a lready has OC budget presented to board By DAVID "KUTZMANN w ................ A preliminary 1982-83 Orange County budget of $870 rruU1on has been presented to the Board of Supervisors. Action is expected next week that will inaugurate budget hearings on a spending plan that now features a def1c1t that could reach $70 million. The final budget, which will be adopted in either late July or early August, will likely be far lower than Wednesda y's tentative proposal because of expected heavy cutbal'ks in state aid. SALUTE -The tall ship Esmerelda of Chile fires a sa.Jute to Fort Adams as it sails toward Newport. R.I.. after finishing a trip from Philadelphia. The &merelda will be one of the vessels sailing in the tall ships parade Sunday off Newport. The s t ate Legis lature is wres tling with a Californ ia budget that could cost Orange County anywhere from $12 million to $30 million In financial assistance. officials said. Survivors of slayings aided As a result, projected deficits in Orange County's new budget range from $40 million to $70 million when losses in local revenue are added in. W estminster p olice establish fund f or three children The s pending plan, which comes before the Board of Supervisors next week for preliminary approval, is 14 percent higher than the approved budget for the 1981 -82 fiscal year. Westminster police officers have established a fund to aid three children whose mother and grandmother were slain last. week in the family's Huntington Beach home. Officer Earle Graham said the fund will assist Alea. Rene Jr. and Naomi Dayco. ages I to 6, who are now living with an aunt and two cousins in a small Westminster apartment The children's father. R('ne F . WORLD Dayco, 41. is being held in Orange County Jail, charged with the mutilation murders of his estranged wife. Shirley, and her mother. Amelia Harbulak. Dayco was arrested las t Thursday in Rosarito Beach, Mexico. The children w ere found with him, safe and unharmed. police said. Westminster officer Graham said police in his city were. LONDON (AP) -Britain's littlest prince remained without a name today while the press accused his aunt. Princess Anne, of being jealous of the three-day-old future king. COUNTY U you're an antique car buff, like tin soldiers, or even like collecting old gasoline pumps, The Grand Garage in Corona del Mar has something for you. Page Bl. BUSINESS Ever wonder why Nebraska is often left out 1n messages inviting calls on toll-free numbera? For the answer, see Page A 7. A I acquainted with the family and that the eldest child had been attending a Christian school in Westminster. He said the Westminster Police Officers Association has established the fund to help the children 's aunt find larger quarters and pay other expenses until state crime victim assistance and insurance funds are received. (See CHILDREN'S, Page A2> NATION The largest expenditures for the new budget year are re co mmended for human services, where the preliminary· recommendation is to s pe nd nearly $270 million. This includes the county's Health Services Agency and its Social Services and Community Services agencies. Fans of the Miss America contest won't get to hear the "There She Is" refrain that celebrated the crowning oi the winner because of a contract dispute. Page A5. Steven Spielberg has the midas touch with movies. Both his "E.T." and "Poltergeist" are box office bonanzas, Page B7. LAS VEGAS (AP) -The Departmen t of Energy conducted an underground nuclear weapons test today at the r(evada Test Site. The test, code-named Nebbiolo, 'had a yield range between 20 and 150 kilotons. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -The steady tick of the countdown clock today carried astronaut Ken Mattingly neare r his dream of flylnt that "elegant . . . almoet magic machine.'' the apace ahuttle Columbia, acheduled to lift off at 8 a.m. Sunday. iininunity' received $142,000 in return tor his promise not to take Nixon to tnal no matter how the rourt ruled . Thus, the decss1on upholding the president's absolute immunity will affect only future lawsuits seeking monetary damages from curre nt and former presidents, as well as several other pending cases against Nix o n for alleged miS(.'Onduct in offset>. The Supreme Court came down on the side of the president today as Jong as the alleged Illegal conduct is within the "outer p<-r1meter" of his official dut1l>s "We hold that (Nixon). as a formc•r president of the United Stat<•s I!> entitled to absolute 1mmun1ty from damages liabillty pn-dK·ate-d on °h1s official acts." Jusllc'l' Lewts F. Powell wrote for thl' l'OUrt "We• consider this immunity a fum·taonally mandated incident (See NIXON, Page A2 ) Two Mi6s downe d Israeli warplanes divehoinh Beirut BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) - Israeli jets divebombed guerrilla strongholds in residential areas of west Beirut today and the state radio said IsraelJ gunboats JOmro in the bombardment. The Jl'tS also downed two Syrian M1Gs m central Lebanon and Americans prepared to evacuate the war-tom country. The Tel Aviv command said the M1Gs were downed when they tried to intercept Israels jets attal·king Synan targets during <i tank and artillery battle along the Beirut-Damascus h ighway Syn::. acknowledged two MiGs were "hit" and said its forces were engaged 1n ''violent dashes" with the Israelis. The• lsraeh armored forces in thr mountains southeas t of &arut appeared to be trying to l'onso ladate thl'ir grip o n a 20-milc stret.c:h of the highway hnkmg the Ll>l.k\nese and Syrian capitals an an effort to bar the Syrian<; from bringing supplies and reinforcements for a possible lx1ttle for Beirut. ThC' Christian Phalangist-run (See ISRAELI, Page A2> Alien kids killed by cars identified Two children who were struck and killed by hit-and-run drivers on the San Diego Freeway Sunday night as they ran from U.S. Border Patrol agents have been identified by the Orange Coun ty Sheriff-Coroner's Department. Anna Toledo, 9, died of head and internal injuries at Mission Community Hospital Sunday and her 12-year-old brother. Jaime Toledo, was pronounced dead of a broken neck at the scene of the accident, a coroner's office spokes man said . The two children both w e r e Mexican citizens. The spokesman said funPral arrangements are being handled INDEX At Your Service A4 Erma Bombeck B2 Business A8-9 California A5 Cavalcade B2 CJawfied C6-10 Corrucs C5 Crossword C5 Death Notices C6 F.ditorial AlO Entertainment B6-8 Horoecope B2 Ann Landers B2 SPORTS by the Mex1c·an consulate in Los Angeles Callforn1a Highway Patrol investJgators sulJ are searching for the vehicle or vehicles that struck the children about 8:30 p.m. in the freeway's southbound lanes JUSt north of the Camino Capistrano underpass in the San Juan Capistrano area. The children were fatally mJured when approximately 15 undocumented aliens attempted lo run from border patrol agents after the van in which they were riding pulled to the freeway median. The children's mother was among the occupants of the van, said the torone r's spokesman. Movies 86-8 Mutual Funds A8 National News A3 Public Notices All, B3-5, C6 Sports Cl-4 Or. Steincrohn B2 Stock Markets A9 Television B6 Theaters B6-8 Weather A2 World News A3 I Angela duel Kansas City for first place after taking two of three from Texas. Page Cl. '.t s Orange Co111 OAILV PILOT /Thuraday, June 2 .. , 1082 NIXON 'IMMUNE'. • • of tht> 1m.•:1ldt'11t'11 u111qut• otfit-c, 1ootcd In tht: c.·vnatltutlonal trad1t1on or the 1eparatlon o f powt>rs and i.u pported by our tuw\Ory." Puwl'll addt-d ' I n N t• w Y o r k . N 1 x o n ' K spokt>Vnuan, N1eholas ttuwe, s~ud, "~'orrncr Pres1dt•11t N ixon ':1 custom 1s nut to c:omment on c.·ourt dec1s1ous." Al the Pentagon. Fnzg1•ru ld ulso said he would huvt' no unmechate t'Omnu·nt. Fiugerald daamro Nixon had him fared fu r d1sl'losing to Congress in 1968 that the C-5A military transport plane c.·ould t'OSl $2 biUaon over t·stimates. He was rehired with back pay in 1973, and only l..lSl week was reinstated to h1::. original duties m a set tl eml'nt with th e governmen t Fitzgerald. who suc·d Nixon ::ind two former aadt•s for $3.5 m illion, claimed that hi s constilutionaJ right to fret> speech and his rights to make his views known to Congress were violated. Ftti.acraJd rtl(..~lv id tht $142.· 000 from Nixon ln return for prom sins not to take the fomwr rr'-•ildent to what Nlxon 'a uwyc r s said would be a "months-long trial." Nevc.•rthcless. tht" Supreme <.:ourt, d t:s pate expreutng annoyam-c ovN the settlement during oral a rguments ln the c·ase. went ahead and dc.'Cldcd the 1mmun1ty issue for both Nixon and the two atdl'S ln a c.'Ompanaon dl'Ctsion, the Supreme Court rult.'CI H·l today that former Nixon aides Bryce N. Harlo w and Alexa nder P . Butterfield enjoy only "qualified 1mmunlt. from Fiugerald's suit. The decision apparently leaves the pair open to furth<'r legaJ prcx:eedings an the ('&St'. Nixon, Harlow and Butterfield have denied Fitzgerald's u l lega lions. J oining Powell's opinion were Chief .lustice Warren E. Burge r a nd Ju stices Wallaa m H . Rehnquist. Johe Paul S tevens. and Sandra Day O'Connor ISRAELI INVA SION. • • Voice of Lebanon radio station said the artillery battle resumed soon after dawn a lo ng the Bhamdoun-MdeareJ se<:tor of the highway east of Beirut The Syrians f1rc.>d Katyusha rockets into lsraeh lanes and tht· Israelis replied with an air stnke, dC'stroying the rcx:kl't launchers, the radio said. The Tel Aviv command gave a sunilar account. saying its forcr'S were replying to a Synan rocket a nd artiller y bombardmment begun just after dawn. A Pales tinia n communique said an "intense battle" was raging between Mansouriyeh a nd Bhamdoun , cast o f the capital. It clauned the Israelis lost 80 soldiers killed and 17 tanks and one armored personnel carrier destroyed in 24 hours. T here were no accounts oC Palestinian or Syrian casualties. Israel reportl'rl sevC'n soldiers killed and 95 wounded 1n fighting an Lebanon on T uesday and Wednesdav Wh ile Israel i warplane~ ..creamed overhead. Americans lined up wnh othl·r fore 1Rn nationals In the Christian-held coastal town of Jounieh. 10 miles north of Beirut, to awa it passage to safety today A vessel from the US 6th Fleet a nd a British transport planned t o take c•vacuees to Cyprus. 100 miles w1:st in the Mediterranean Sea. U.S officials said Wronesday they were closi ng the U.S . Embassy building an west Beirut because of increased r isks of destruction .and urgro Americans to rlee. About 300 U S passport holders were st1U beheved to be in thC' embattled se<:tor. Today's clashes came one day afwr a car-bomb killed 50 people in predominantly Moslem west Beirut and m1ured more than 150. In Jerusalem, lsrac.•l's Cabinet was re po rted anguishing over whNher to order an invasion of west B eirut, whC>re 8,000 guerrillas loyal to Pales tine Liberation Organization c hief Vasser Araft are c•ntrenched m bunkers. buildings and refugee slums , vowing a bloodbath if Israeli troops uwadE' CHILDREN'S FUND. • • Additional court hearings will be held before a pC>rmanent guardian for the· children is assigned. Graham said. The children's father is awa1ting arraignment Monday in West Orange County Municipal Court. Graham said donations to the Dayco Children's Fund can be se nt t o P 0 . B o x 8 4 5, Westminster, Calaf 92683 DEATH TRAIN -Firemen m Redding hose down the-Amtrak tram w hich caught fire W ednesday. claimi ng th e lives of two passengers. Forty two o thers were treated in AP Wlreplloto Redding for smoke mhalat1on, lt'n of whom were retained for extended trc.·atmcnt and observation. Man shoots self to death in CM traffic As horrified motorists watched Wednesday a 26-year-old man shot himself to dt•ath 1n the middle of a busy 1ntl•rsc.oct1on m Costa Mesa. Daryl De.an Smith of Anaheim was pronount·t•d dead at the sce n e following the 4 p .m Incident at the interSt'<:tion of Newport Boult·va rd and Industrial Way. W1tn('SS('S stopp<.>d for a red light told polil<t.• thal the man walked mto the middle of the !'trect in front of them and shot himself The weapon was a .22 caliber nrlt•, police said Sm ith apparently had a history of mental problems and had been released from the ml'nl.al ward uf I loog M<'monal Hospital within the past month. Bl'C'Ordang to pohce reports 58 a liens nabbed SAN DIEGO (AP) Federal 1mm1gration agents raided a San Diego gift ware manufactur« and arrested 58 employeC's who authoriti es sai d were undocumented workers. The 34 men and 24 womC'n arrested in W ednesday's raid at Fagi G1ftware Inc:. face possible deportation Fair amphitheater back on schedule • An Irvine tarm has signed a t:o ntract to build the long- d el aye d $10 million amphitheater on the Orange County Fairgrounds 1n Costa Mesa. Rick Witte, vie<' prc'Stdent of the Nederlander Organization. which has tne statP l'Ontract to build and operate the 15.000-seat theater, said the company signed a new con struction l'Ontract M o nd ay with C L Pec k Construt·uon of lrvml' Witte said that he hopes to havt• the amphi thea t er completed by May 15. Groundbreakrng was la<;l July 11 for the facility expe<:tro to be open by May, 1982. m ~mC' for the annual Orange County Fair OCfacials fo r the Orange Coun t y Fa i r Board and Nederlander have disagrC'ed over whethe r their co n tract agn:.-ement called for c.·ompletton of the a mphitheater by June 30 or merely a signed construction <:on tract As the weeks or inactivity wore on ra1r board members decided to wait until June 30 Cops ousted after party berore t aking any a c.·t1CJn Officials for the Orange· County Fatr Board said tht:'y lE'arned of the construction <.'Ontrat·t from a Daily Pilot reporter "Oh reaJly," said assist.ant fair board manager J o hn Burke. "We'd like to sec 1t go 111 We'll have to see what happ<•ns Tha1's good news" Watte as schE'du ll'<J to mt>et with fatr board membl•rs today lo dlSCuss the amphitheater Wattt' said that finant·1ng forced the Detroit basc.-d c.·nmpany with 28 tht•atl•rs to dt•loy t·onstrucuun o f the amphithc.'ater "I don't lake 1t any more than anyom• l'IS<'." said W1tt1.' "Th as has lx'<·n one of th<.• roughest pro.)('<·ts to put togethl·r " Off1t·1als r rom CL P eck dt•cllnc'<i to comment on the new l'<>n traet. William Blurock, pn•sidcnt of Blurock Partners hip . the N<•wport Bea ch based an·hatectural farm that 1s dt'S1gnang the open-air th<.•at.er. '>Old he understood that a new contra<.·\ had been signed and thcit the project would go ahead. Blurock said he beheved that financing was to blame for the proJl'<.·t·., delay "If I wc•re silting an Detroit I would have canceled' any project· that spent money. n<.· said Plans for the bowl-shaped the><tlcr includC' 7.000 p<•rmanenl s<-<1ts a nd space> for 8.000 sp<'<.'ta tors on th!' gras."> Low clouds prevail LOS ANGELES (AP> Seven police o ffkers were suspended for five to 20 days a fter one was shot ac<:identally during a beer-drankmg party in a parking lot al the Newton D1v1s1on station. Police Chief Daryl Gates said an his monthly report on adm1n1strat1ve dis(.'lpline. Nc•derlander took over the amphitheater proJN'l from Harvey Kresky and was able Lo settle htagation with the city out of <.'ourt. enabling plans for the thc•at1.·r to seemingly movl' ahead Coastal Cou1al areas. low cloudiness and local fog night and morning hOUfS becoming more extenStve hrSI of weet< Moslly fa1r during afternoons Highs al beaches 65 to 75 and Inland 75 10 85 Lows SS lo 65 M0un1a1n areas mosUy fair bul local gusly soulhweslerly winds flrsl of week Resor1 h1ghs 76 10 86 Lows 40s and sos B1smarc1< Botse Bos1on Bullalo 0urhng\on CharlSI" SC Charlstn WV Charltle NC Cheyenne Chicago C1ncrnnah Cleveland Clmb1a SC Columbus Oal-FI Wth Davion Denver Oes Moines Oetroll US S a Oululh • • Ufflffl ry El Paso I nunoers1orms over widely separaleo parts of lhe country spawned 10<nadoes Wednesday 1n pens of Florida Texu and North Dako1a Two 1ornadoes louched down In Lynn Counly In norlhweslern Texas Wednesday nlgh1 damaging ullhly poles and farm buildings but causmg no injuries. euthorl11es said A few lornadoes touche<I down ahorlly afle< noon n0<1hea11 or Miami. but there were no reports ol damage. Heavy thunderstorms accompanied by numerous slgl'ltings of tornadoes and funnel clouds. pummeled perts of sO\Jlh central and southeast Norih Oakola lale Wednesday There were no reports of damage lrom the twlslers bul police al the etly of Mandan said a man round dead on a golf course may nave ~ struck by 1tghtn1ng Showers and lhunderslorms extended from Flor1d11 across the eattern Gulf Coasl California Cloudy l "land 10 low er mountain elopes In Soulhern Caflfornla nlghl and morning lloura Clearlng Inland during afternoons today and Frid1y Llllle lemP«alure change Fairbanks Fargo Flags1a11 Greal Fells Hart lord Helena Ho'1olulu Hou SI on lndnaplls Jacksn Jacksnvlle Kans Clly Las VegllS Lillle Rock LOUISVIiie M~pfilS M1am1 Milwaukee Mpls·SI P Nashvllle New Orleans New York NorfOll< Ol<la C11y Omaha Orlando Pholadpht8 Phoent• P1llsbur0h Piiand, Me Ptlend. Ore ProVldenoe Reno Richmond 5811 LAI<• San Anlonto S..ttle ShntV9POf1 SIOUX Fa"• St Loul• 63 87 75 65 62 86 77 85 78 7<; 11 69 87 n 92 73 80 83 71 85 too 74 91 76 63 76 66 90 90 17 91 88 80 100 9t 71 90 86 72 81 85 90 18 78 88 83 85 76 103 57 55 -.. S9 •Ht 49 55 73 56 64 53 44 ~ 48 69 51 72 51 55 56 48 • 7 NA""••·• 'N1• ~"'-·• '°' ... "" .,, 56 '4('AA j ~· •• (. ......... P-I ~·"~ SnowQ ~s-Flurries~ 49 60 Fronts C0l<1.....,. W .1rm .,., n h1d"<1 ~ • lfuwt.1• • •• 39 Bar•tow 8flaumont Btg Beor Bia hop Bly1ht! Cetallna Eurell11 Frest'IO Laneaslllf Long Beach Los Angeles Monrovia Monlebello Ml Wilson Needles Newpor1 Beacri OoklenO Onlerto Palm Sprl'1QS Pueoena Peso Robles Red Blult Redwood C11y Sacremenlo SallnH Sin Betnardlno San Gat>rlet San 0!990 S..n F rencieco San Jote San111 Ana Sen18 Barbara Sanla Crut Senta Marla Sent• Monie. Sloelllon 99 82 76 93 too 10 62 94 90 10 70 76 72 78 102 63 68 74 98 74 80 93 75 82 82 74 75 72 70 76 70 67 65 69 ea 90 11 Mazallan 9t 81 Merida 97 75 Na988u 90 17 Sen Juan.PR 81 75 CANADA HI Lo Calgary 68 49 Edmonion 71 46 Montreal 65 54 Onawa 71 52 Regina 7 t 59 Tor on lo 69 47 Vancouver 74 54 Winnipeg 81 56 Smo!( The Air Ou11hly Management 01stric1 predicts good air quahly today 1n mosl areas 01 lhe South Coasr A" Basin excepl 1n lhe R1vers1de-San Bernardino area, whlCh will he\111 unl'leallhful air qua1t1y for sen•Hlve P9(tons. A Pollulant Standerd Index of 150 is foreeall for Illa Rtveralde- San BernarOlno area A PSI or too Is predlcled '°' lhe San 01brlel. Pomona. San Fernando and Santa Clarita valley• 8'1d the Hemet-El1ln0<e region A PSI Of 87 II predlc1ed for Banning end 50 lor metroPOlltan Loa Angele• An eighth off1cc•r from that division south or downtown was reprimanded orally for carrying an open beer in his car Cmdr_ W1ll 1am Booth. departme nt spokesman. said the offarers also brought their seven cases of beer to the Feb 4 party m departme nt veh1clt'S Te t tube birth PARIS (AP) F'ranc·e·s St-t·ond test tubt' baby. a girl named Alexia, was born at a Paras suburban hosp1la l Wednesday rught. the hospital announced today TH E FASHION IS DIAMONDS FROMA-Z. Judge's appeal upheld A lhrt-t• judge appeU..te .,_neJ rcvl'ncd Sun D1eao Munkfpal Judg<.' L e w i• A W e nieil'a Orong(' County convlctl01\ for buying 1erv1ce1 o{ protlltu• rul ing that the trial j ud1e improperly told the j\1ry that \he five· c harges againll We nzell could themselves corroborate testimony o f Lhree women 1nvolvl'd San Diego prosecutor Edwtn Maller said he would appe.al to t h e Four1h Dastral'L Court of Appeal and 1f that t.'OUrt failed to remstaw the convktion, would retry Wenzell on all five counta. The dec ision ends s tale S upr emt> Court d e bate on whether to remove Wenz.ell, 39, rrom the bench. The judge's a ttorney. PHer Hughes, said Wenwll was ready to return to work after not hearing a Cale since December. Char ges were filed last August Trial was s hifted to Harbor Municipal Court in Orangt;• County. "Hl"'s very happy," Hughes said of has chem Wednetday. "I told him to wall until Monday and tht•n advise the court th.at he wa:. r.•ady, as he always has bt'(•n, to ac.-cept c:ases." Hughes said Wenzell would cununul· his 10-month silence on thl· «aM· and refuse comment on thl' :! to I reversal by the Orange County Superior Court panel. Orang!' County Municipa l Judgt· Selim Franklin h ad scnll'nl'l'Ci Wenzell to 58 days in .iail aftC'r he was convicted of paying three prostitutes for sex. Wl'nzt•ll's name was found on 1.-rl'd1t card re<'e1pts and check stubl. M'lzt"'<i dunng a raid on a call girl ring. The s tate Comm1ss1on on Jud1t·1al P e rf o rman ce ret·ommC'nde d June 1 that Wenwll be removed 1f he lost the appt:al The state Supreme Court was revie wing that recommC'ndat1on . which appears moot wnh the reversal. The• prevai lin~ appellate Jud ges Edward J . Wallin and Leonard H M cBride - fciultt•d Franklin for telling Jurors. out o f the attorneys' prc'Sencc. that the charges filed again s t Wenzell could be supported by statements of the women who testiried against h im. They w e re consider e d ac:comphces. "The m e re fi l ing o f a complaint is not evidence of the crime charged or corroboration of the testimony of an accomplice," the de<:1s1on said uspecte d officer not on HB force A headline in Wednesday's ed1t1on of the Daily Ptlot a bout a police officer who is a defendant m a child molestation case was in error. Michael Bruce McDonaJd, the officcr involved. is a member of the Long B eai::h Police Department. He is a resident of Huntington Beac h . bul not a member of the Huntington Beach pohce force. The Daily Pilot regrets the error. Orange County wm riave riigris lodey 63 10 73, lowt 58 to 63 Friday hleh• 85 10 75 Inland valleys c1n expect highs ln70.. lows near 80 Moun taint will have high• 7 4 10 eo. 1owe 44 10 sa Northern "-! l'llght g2 to 102. lo•• 82 to 72 Soulhern deMr1 hight ti lo t05, lows 66 10 78. St P.Tampe Spokane Syracuee Topeka Tucson TulM W9thlngtn WlcNll 10 70 90 76 81 82 84 93 82 90 86 80 87 89 70 76 97 88 80 80 58 57 58 7t 11 49 65 73 62 10 70 57 72 78 47 56 61 71 80 64 68 6t 76 58 73 48 54 56 62 49 87 60 67 51 84 52 59 79 55 50 81 63 72 65 68 Ta hoe valley Thermal T0<rance Yuma BerbtlOOe Befmuda Curecao Freeport Guldel1Jar• Haven• 101 89 100 "' ea 71 54 40 56 69 62 49 63 61 83 82 6t 58 59 74 59 57 56 65 59 52 62 62 Sit 54 SB 61 65 57 57 82 !>6 51 55 56 SS 4t 85 60 67 Lo 17 79 81 75 5g 75 w riere to call (1011 frH) for 11tes1 smog Information· O.-.nge Counly; (800) 445·3826 Los A.tlgelu Counly. (800) 242~22 RlvertHle end Sin Bemerdlno counllet. (800) 367-4710 Wear one initial or spell out your name or a personal message. Our 14 karat yellow gold initials set with diamonds make a brilliant fashion st.atement. Available from A-Z. chain not included. $150 each. • Northern end c.r11rel Callrornta c.... expeci coestal fog end low overc HI wlll'I drizzle Partly c:IOud)' lodl)' and Friday. Temperatures HI 70 IM N IO 78 t3 78 llO Le S8 80 47 87 80 70 83 83 Lo 54 15 84 88 90 88 ea ~--=-* ..... -~u ....... R_f R_IP_DR_T ..... ... l4#f .... ..... ""' .... "" ... Zuma 2 6 1e 2 Senlfl Mon~ 2 • II ' 2 ~ 3 s 18 2 Sen oi.go County 3 5 It 2 • Outlook IOf F'rldty· f~Ulng aoolh-•llfly turf • . ... .... 3 3 3 3 .... Dlf SW aw. SW SW AQMO Eptll>CM Center (800) 242-46&6 Tides TODAY Second l'llgh I 27 p m Second lo• 8 I 1 p m '911DAY 42 23 Fi<•I !Ilg!\ 12 16 11 m 5.9 Fl1et '°"' 7 34 a m 0.8 Second h!Qh 2 27 pm 4 3 Sec:ond low 7 :ZS pm. 2.11 Sun Mlt tod~ •I I 08 p.m • ,, ... F'rldey 111 5:43 1.m. Moon rr-tod1y at 0· 14 1 m • 18t• •I 11 22 pm SLAVIC K'S F11141 .JwreWtt Since 1917 Where the best surpmes btgtn. FashiOn ll&lnd (714) 544-1380· H~ 8eatll Abo GfNt« l.os AnQtltS •San Ole90 • Lis ~ ' ' - ~I ( •I ... -~ -. ~· . HINCKLEY DUE HE RE -St. Elizabeth Hospital in Washington, O.C., will house John W. Hinckley Jr. after his transfer from the ·stockade in Fort Meade, Md. U.S . District Judge Barrington D. Parker has scheduled an AP Wlr•photo August 9 hearing to decide whether Hinckley "is entitled to release from custody," in light of a verdict that he was innocent by reason of insanity m the shooting of President Reagan. New Hinckley • issue surfaces Psychiatris ts will d etermi11 e if h e will ever l eave hospital WASHINGTON (AP) For more than a year, John W. Hinckley Jr., has had people peering into hts brain trying to understand why ht' s h ot President Reagan. Now the focus shifts to how he thinks I.Oday. After so much emphasis during Hinckley's trial on his state of mind during last year's shooting of Reagan and three other men, Hinckley faces mental scrutiny to see If he'll ever leave a psychiatric hospital. The new evaluations at a Washington hospital will try to determine Hinckley's current mental status, if he might be dangerous to himself or others, and when he might be freed. experts said. Psychiatrists not connected with the case said it 1s somellmes possible for a person found Williallls tagged with 24th MARIETTA. Ga. (AP) -The number of slayings ol young blacks attributed to Wayne B. Williams rose to 24 Tuesday when officials said he was responsible for the 1980 murder of 16-year-old Patrick Rogers. "After reviewing the file we have concluded Wayne Williams is a suspect in the Patrick Rogers case but the file is closed as far as police procedure goes," Cobb County District Attorney Tom Charron said at news conference. When asked if he believed Williams killed Rogers, Charron said: "Yes, we do." Charron said the case would not be presented to a grand jury now. but he added, "ObVlously if the situauon on the convictions changes all prosecutors m all the cases in all the counties involved will look hard at what to do next." Williams. 24. a black free-lance photographer and aspiring music promoter . was convicted in F eb ru ary of murd e ring Nathaniel Cat.er. 27. and Jimmy Ray Payne. 21, who were among 29 young blacks lulled during a 22-month period in the Atlanta area. He was sentenced to two life prison terms. The slayings. which began in • • VICtllll July 1979, drew worldwide attentton and prompted the formation of a special polke task force During Williams' nint'·week trial. the state relied heavily on fiber evidence removed from the bod11'.'S of Cater and Payne and which vxperts said were similar to fibers found in Williams' home and car. Charron said Tuesday that a lengthy investigation of the Rogers case turned up fibers and dog hairs on Rogers' clothing. But Charron would not elaborate on the findings. He also said authorities had found a witness who claims to have seen Rogers and Williams together in a car. "I am pleased with what he is saying about the case. but I still can't accept the fact that a Wayne Williams killed my son. I just can't," Rogers' mother, Annie Rogers, said Monday night after talking with Charron. "He might be right. I just can't accept that" R ogers disappeared 1n November 1980. His body was found in the C hattahoochee River on Dec. 8, 1980. Medical examiners ruled that he died from a blow to the head with a blunt instrument. ORANGE COAST Daily Piloi Cl111lfled advertising 7141642-5678 All other departments 642-4321 Thomas P. Haley Pvbtl"'* end Chief 6ecutlve Oft~ Kay Schultz VIOi .......,..,1 ond OINCIOt OI A"-1191ng Tom Murpnlne f.dl10t Mike Harvey DINCIOt OI MllritellnQ (Clrcui.tlon) Ken Goddard °"*"°' Of 0pet1oon1 ~~!:.,eclean Charlel LOOI ........... ldl!Ot MAIN OFFICE J30 Wnl Bay St , Costa MUI, CA M1ll 1dd'9U! 800 1560. Costa M~». CA '1•7t Coe>yrl91tt ,.., 0r""'9e c ... 11 Put>ll11tl1>9 c:omc..ny No nnn Jlorlas. liluS1r1llon1, •dltorlat mtotl•r or 16- Mrtlsemanh ,,.,.in may ti. r•-ucld "'""°"' l1M<l11 permlnlon of<°"¥'~"'_,,., VOL. 75, NO. 175 insane for a past act to be considered well enough by the time his trial ends to be .freed. A Jury o n Mo nday'" found Hinckley innocent by reason of insarnty on all charges and U.S . Dtstnct Court Judge Barrington D. Parker ordered hun sent to St. El1zabeths Hospital for evaluation. The federally funded mental institution, which serves District of Columbia residents and those who go through the federal court system here, has 50 days to evaluate Hinckley before he has a court hearing c:oncernmg hts mental status. If the court determines that Hinckley still 1s mentally 111 and dangerous, he would have to remain in St. Elizabeths indefinitely. However.'he would have the right to request a re hcarmg every six months Defense attorneys Vincent J . Fuller and Gregory B Craig said Tul'Sday that Hinckley will not try to wm his freedom after the 1nit1:,1.I l'Valuation. They added that they would not try to free Hmckl<'y until he 1s no longer considered dangerous. Off1c:1als at St. Ebzabeths, a 3'.lO-acre facility with l,600 in- patients, declined any comment o n the Hinckley case. They would only say that he would be treated in the Division of Forensic Programs, which has about 220 patients held under various degrees of security However. experts in this type o f p syc hiatry s aid most instllut1ons follow a similar routi ne 1n evaluating and treating patients connected with criminal cases. Dr. Thomas Gutheil, associate professor of psychiatry at Harvard University, said patients start with a battery of physical and mental tests, and have therapy sessions one or more times a week with a psychiatrist. Gutheil noted in a telephone interview that an offender may be.-a very different person aft.er a trial than when he committed the act. smce he has been evaluated and treated during the interim. "A lot of people have chronic mental conditions that carry on through the trial," he said in a telephone interview. "But you can have people with a transient state of disability and by the time you get to the end of the trial. you're dealing with a largely treated individual." Dr. Shervert Frazier, psychiatrist-in-chief at McLean Hospital In Belmon t, Mass., said many institutions do a complete series of physical and mental tests despite what was done to prepare for a trial. We're Listening ••• ,& I ,, ~"Y,toelly H YoU Clo no<"- 'llOll' -l>y ~ 30 P "' U H b91or"I I pm end~ eooy •" o. d .. •~eid a.-.., -S..no•Y ti ,..,.. oo -;::,t:" ... c::: ,.:, ~"' .. ,C: --- ClrcAMMM T....._ Motl Or~ Count't Atilt 64MUI ~· Hunt11191on e .. c,, """Wl•l,,,.nol.. .-1 rtt LIOu'li N.,.i .. u.e L __ Whal do you like about the Daily Pilot., Whal don't you like? Call the num\)er below and your m essage will be recorded transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor ' The same 24-hour answenng service may be used to record let- ters to'lhe editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telPphone number for verirtcalion. No circulation calls. plea11e . Tell w1 what·s on your mind. 642·6086 ------------------ Orange Coa1t DAIL v PILOT /Thurtday, June 24, 1082 8 .41 Weapons control secret START likely to ups tage Europe missile talks GEN EV A. Sw1twrland (AP) -Onl·e a week, a black Mer<..'t'des and three beige Fords bearing Russian diplomats, Red Army officers and taceless bureaucrats ease through the opened iron gates at the Soviet diplomatic mission and proceed in single-file formation down the Avenue de la Paix. Three minutes lat.er, at the end of the Avenue of Peace, the Soviets emerge with decided haSle from their cars for a perfunctory reception. They are met by a handful of Americans waitmg at the door of a building that houses U.S . Arms Control and Disannament Agency offices. The routine, almost-ritual exchange of handshakes a nd nodded greetings is the only real public moment in the talks on intermediate-range nuclear weapons in Europe, talks that Secretary or State Alexander M. Haig Jr. once said "constitute a special category of East· West relations." Since they were convened Nov 30. the negotiations -the harbinger of paraUel Strategic Anns Reduction Talks due to open m Geneva June 29 -have been veiled in secrecy. And given the worldwide attention that is c<'rtain to be devoted to the opening of ST ART, thl' c.alk.a on inl<'mwd1ate-range forces or IMF are likely to recede Curthl'r into the background. At the outset of the IMF dcl.Jlx>rations, the two sides soid a news blackout was a prerequ1s1te for progress. Never have they departed from that agreement to rl'main light-lipped m Geneva about the results of the ir twice-weekly meetings. The sessions alternate between the Arms Control Agency orrices and the Soviet mission compound where there is seldom 0<.1.:as1on evl'n lO glimpse the ncgouatmg teams. Chief U.S negotiator Paul H. Nitze, who has crafted and cntic1wd American arms control policy since World War 11, is known Literally to turn his back on reporters asking about the course of the talks. While staymg well w1thm the prescribed limits, Nitze's Soviet counterpart, Yuh AJ exandrov1ch Kvitsmsky, delights in droppin~ cryptic. one-line hints. Questioned about what he was looking for from the talks, the 45-year-old Soviet, Niti.e's JUnior by 30 years, replied with a smirk. ··success.'' 45-year-old Soviet, Nitz.e's junior by 30 years, replied with a smtrk: "Sucx:ess." Success, however , has proved elusive after more than 30 rounda of arcane bargaining, which is to continue apart from the START negot1a lion. The d1Uerences seem staggering. The Soviets, for example, argue approximate parity prevails in int.ermediate- range weapons strength; the Reagan administration, however, says the Kremlin holds a 6-t.o· l advantage , and p ossesses weapons for which the West has no mat.ch. The basic U.S . position ts essentially to swap its paper missiles for the Soviets' deployed missiles. The offer, comm only calle d the "zero opt ion,'' proposes canceling NATO plans to deploy a new generation of 108 Pershing 2 and 464 ground-launched cruise missiles in western Europe, beginnmg next year. The Soviets, in return, would dismantle their imposing arsenal of about 600 SS-series weapons, most fearsome or which are 300 mobile SS-20 systems, each bearing three warheads with a range of 3,100 miles. They can strike targets anywhere in Western Europe, as well as points in the Middle East. ARGENTINA BOYCOTT -Empty seats in the Argentine delegation graphically indicate the boycott of British Prime.Minister Margaret AP Wlrepf\oto Thatcher's speech to the United Nations disarmament conference. • A bond of dtOmondS !hot SO)'S you d merry her all over "'101n I, The Diamond Anniversary Ring RAFF jeWeJry 12 F..Mon letencl Newport 9Nch • ..._,2040 1 oeneratlon• of tri.Mty P9ffOMf MfYlce ! I I 11111!111!!1111111111 .......................... ____________ .._.. ________ -"".'"" __ ~------~~---~~~~~-~~---~~--- • Orange Oo11t DAIL'( PILOT /Thuraday, June 24, t982 1 DEAR READERS: Befo~ joudn& ahy health wpa, the Fed,raJ 1'r1Adt• Commtsalon advlieS .i thorouih lnapl'<.'UOh . Vhdt durln" the houre you would norm»lly ~ the 11pa and see i f It'• ov rcr owd ed at that time. Notice whethur the f.cllltJ~ are woU-mainlalned lnapect t•verythlng tor cleanJinc a1ld note the condlllon of the equipment. You al~ may want to ask these qu{'sllons; -ls there a trial period during which you can sampl«.< servict'S but not oo obligated to join? How many members bc:!long to the spa? Is there a membership limit? Many spas set no membership limit. So while the spa may not be ('rowded during your visit, this <:ondition may change -espedaUy if the spa ls new. What hows will rou be able t-0 U$e tbe spa? A spa may be oplm alf w~k. out' may be limited to men on some days and women on others. What qualifications or special training do your instructors have? Consider contracts carefully. Some spas ask you to join right away You may be offered special lime-limited rates as an incentive. But if you wait a few days, you may make a better dt>cis1on. Take the contract home and read it carefully. Before you sign it, see if you can answer these questions: -Is everything the salesper110n pro~ written m the contract? If a probJ~ arises after you join, the contract proba91y 'WiU govern the dispute. So 1f it's not written in the contract, don't rely on it. ls there a "cooling-off" p<mod? Some spas give you several days to reconsider your dec1s1on to join after you have signed the contract. Can you get a refund if you need to cancel'? If you move. be<.-ome disabled, or just want to stop using the spa. can you get a refund or get out of your C90traot? . . . Can you join tor a Short ti.me only? It may be to your advantage to pay a little rq.ore money and join for a few "ttiat" months. That way, if you are not enj:>,ing the membership or using It as much as you planned, you will not be committed to many years of payments. -Can you afford the payments? Take into consideration the finance charges and annuaJ percentage rates when you figure the tot.al cost of your membership. Figure this per week and per day to give yourself a better idea of what it will cost to use the spa. Microwave flower dry ing D E AR PAT: With all the s pecia l occas io n s t hi s m onth -especiall y gradua tions and weddings -I thoughl it would b e nice if you could r epeat your instructions for drying fresh flowers in a microwa ve oven. I'm sure a lot of your SFA s Semi-Annual Mens Event. • 'ihown o>.ford cloth button do..., n dress shtrt m cotton and polye>ter. ~pC'c1all} pnced at /6. 90 • C1venchy knit \htrl\ in cotto n and polH?\ter ongmall}' 'JU, no\.\ 19.90 •Also available. >hort- ,leeved dres' ~hlrl\, ciC'\t~ner J...nit 'h"" ancl \port~hlfl\ golf shirts • A "a't array. too, of athlc11c shtrt<.. Imel>, bo>..er >hort\, \O<.J... \ and pa1amc1' • In the \Aen \ 'itore-where \.\C> ar<:' c111 the thing' you are' ... • contract readers will have "occ11loo" flowers &bey would like co preserve. D.S., Corona del Mar Rose1, chrysanth cmum1, carnations, duffodlla and other brightly colored flowen are good candldutca for microwave drytna. Remove aU but a half-inch of the item. Place flower stems down into a bowl containln1 just enough silica gel (avaUable at hobby stores) to hold it upright. Gently 1poon w1Uca gel around the flow"'r and between the petals. Do this very carefully to maintain the llower's naturaJ shape Plat-e the flower and a . cup of water in the oven Microwave at high power for one or two minutes. Difficult-to-dry flowers may take from two to five minutes. Remove the flower from the pven 41qd let it stand. still covered with gel. tor 20 to 30 minutes. When cool and dry, gently pour off the gel. Florist wire and tape provide new stems. Spray with a clear, protective l'OVcring. Fabrics turn yellow DEAR PAT: Wha t causes some wbJte fabric to turn yellow? I've bad severa l wbJte garments that take on a yellow ca s t lo areas exposed to sunlight, while non-exposed areas, such as the underside of a pocket flat, still bave tbelr otigin&J wbltene,s . Is tbere an ytbla.g I can do to prevent this from bapptmlng? K.E .. Costa Mesa The International Fabricare Institute advises you that the fabric probably con tains a fluorescent brightenln,& agent which h as dcromposed and turned yellow due to ligh t expos ure A similar breakdown of the brightener can be caused by the heat of drying after drycleamng, steam finishmg, waahlng with an alkaline detergent, bleaching with oxiditif\g agent.a like perborate or peroxide and spotting with alkahne agents such as ammonia Many whi t e fabri cs are permanently dbcolored when they are "laid out in the sun to dry." fFl adds that fluorescent dyes are not stable on all fabrics, and their breakdown cannot be prevented. The textile mill w hich applied the original brightener is the responsible party in this case. Although there 1s no rcmf'dy, a drydeaner may be able to improve the cond1 t1on by applying a brightener. • Got a problem? Then write :o Pat Horo--• 1 wHz. Pat will cut red tape, getting the ill answers and action you need to solve in- equ1tJes m government and business. Mail your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coo.st Dauy Pilot, P.O. Box 1560. Casts mesa, CA 9?626 M rmmy letters u possible will be ans- wered, but phoned inqumes or letters not including the reader's full name. address and business hours' phone numlx>r cannot ix> cons.idered. -~ ,, -South Coast Plaza. 3333 Bristol Street. Costa Mt.1a.Ol>fl' ~Oftday f~&frfr1pfy lrprri iO am to 9:.JO pm· Sa4Jrday 't j/,, Pl'f\' unday 12 ne<:!'? tp S efTh 1 ---.;: ----------- ' starts Friday, 9:30 a.m. !flany limited quantities ... not all sizes may be available in each grouping ... colors and styles limited to stock on hand, so shop early for best selection! • 1n our Huntington Beach women's sportswear 96 MISSES' TEE SHIRTS. . . . . . .........• 157 JUNIOR PANTS . 39JUNIOR LEVI'S • JEANS 281 JUNIORTANKTOPS 111 JUNIOR KNICKERS 33 JUNIOR CORDUROY PANTS 368 JUNIOR TEE SHIRTS 149 MISSES' TEE SHIRTS . 82 MISSES'$ SLEEVELESS TOPS 262 ACTIVE CO-ORDINATES 38 LARGE SIZE BLOUSES 33 JUNIOR JEANS 146 JUNIOR TEE SHIRTS 53 JUNIOR PANT TOPS 25 CASUAL BLAZERS 52 JUNIOR SKIRTS 54 JUNIOR SHORTS 43 JUNIOR PANTS 61 JUNIOR JEANS . 111 JUNIOR PANTS . , n LARGE SIZE CARDIGANS . 44 MISSES' PANTS .. 57 JUNIOR JACKETS store NOW .. 98c 1 .98 1.98 1.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 3 .98 3.98 3.98 3.98 4.98 4.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 6.98 9.98 . 9 .98 buys for boys 106 BIG BOYS' WESTERN SHIRTS 243SOCKS 66 LITTLE BOYS' SWEAT TOPS 43 BIG BOYS' SHORT SLEEVE SHIRTS 36 BIG BOYS' TEE SHIRTS 63 BIG BOYS' SWEAT TOPS 24 BIG BOYS' AUTO JACKETS 26 BIG BOYS' KNIT SHIRTS buys for men 35 M·A·s·w TEES 79SLIPPERS 117 S UNGLASSES 29 NYLON WALLETS 49 L. SLV. TEE SHIRTS 13 TIES 51 FAMOUS MAKER JERSEYS 559 SCREEN PRINT TEES 81 RUGBY STRIPED SHIRTS 51 S. SLV. COLLARED SHIRTS 217 POCKETED SHIRTS 35 POL VESTER T ERRY SHIRTS 43 V-NECK SWEATERS 94 JUNIOR PANTS .. 9.98 11.98 11.98 11.98 45 FAMOUS MAKER GENTLEMEN'S SHIRTS women's dresses 13 MATERNITY SWEAT TOPS 69 MISSES' DRESSES 100 MATERNITY TOPS 25 JUNIOR DRESSES 25 JACKET DRESSES 20 MISSES' DRESSES lingerie, loungewear NOW 6 .98 14.98 9 .98 14.98 24.98 24.98 NOW 9 HALF SLIPS 1.98 41 CAMISOLES . . . 1.98 55WARNER'S" BRAS . 2.98 22VANITY FAIR" CAMISOLES 5.98 17 COTTON GOWNS . 5.98 8 LONG NYLON GOWNS . . . 5.98 9JOGSUITS . 9.98 24 LOUNGEWEAR . 12.98 women's accessories 158 BEACH SANDALS 74 FASHION PANT SOCKS 83 KNEE HI SOCKS NOW 1.48 68c 78c 137 COTTON GAUZE SHIRTS 25 LEATHER BEL TS 43 S. SL V. PLAID SHIRTS 25 LEATHER WALLETS 19 SUIT VESTS 17 GENTLEMEN'S CASUAL SLACKS 37 FAMOUS MAKER SUIT SLACKS 83 YOUNG MEN'S BEL TED SLACKS 81COTTON COROUROY SHORTS 129 LIGHTWEIGHT JACKETS shoes for the family 10 GIRLS' NATURAL SANDALS 15 GIRLS' DRESS SHOES 50 MEN'S SANDALS 15 CANDIES" SANDALS 15 BELMAR" CASUALS FOR MEN 8 CHILDREN'S ATHLETIC SHOES 18 LADIES' NIKE'S• 19 CANDIES• TENNIS SHOES 15 LADIES PLATFORM SANDALS 38 MEN'S ATHLETIC SHOES 15 MEN'S NUNN BUSH" CASUALS 9 MEN'S JOGGER SHOES 15 LADIES' SLING PUMPS 26 MEN'S DRESS LOAFERS 69 HAIR ACCESSORIES 54 SPORT SOCKS . .98c 1.48 1.98 1.98 1.98 yardage and notions 421 LEGWARMERS 52 FASHION PANTYHOSE 388ELTS 67 HAIR ACCESSORIES 72 EXERCISE DANCE TRUNKS 88 VINYL SANDALS . 21 NYLON HANDBAGS 21 NYLON HANDBAGS 115CANVASHANDBAGS 48 OANSKIN" EXERCISEWEAR .. 1.98 .... 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 5.98 14.98 59 SKEINS CREWEL YARN 63 SKEINS YARN 100 CERAMIC THIMBLES 11 DRAFT DODGERS 23 APRON PANELS 19 YARDS GABARDINE 9 WOODEN THIMBLE HOLDERS for your home 125 WALL PLAOU ES 346 VINYL PLACEMATS 42CURTAINS 40 SHOWER CURTAINS 21 TOSS PILLOWS 17 SLEEPING BAGS 32 BODY TOWELS 139DRAPES 135 PRINT BATH TOWELS 75 PRINT HANO TOWELS jewelry buys 107 PIERCED EARRINGS 70 PADDINGTON" NECKLACES 40 GOLD-FILLED BOXED SETS 15 DIGITAL WATCHES 11 JEWELRY BOXES 9 MEN'S WATCHES toys, toys, toys 53 PUZZLE CUBES 29 STUf FED ANIMALS . Huntington Beach • 9811 Adams Ave . at Br.ookhur.st St. • 963-9731 ' --------------------------------~ NOW 98c 1.48 2.98 3.48 3.48 4.98 12.68 6.98 NOW 1.98 1.98 1.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 2.98 3.98 3.98 3.98 4.98 4.98 S.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 5.98 3.98 6.98 q.98 9.98 9.98 12.98 NOW 3.98 5.98 7.98 7.98 9.98 9.98 9.98 9.98 10.98 12.98 14.98 14.98 16.98 19.98 NOW 18c 68c 98c 1.98 1.98 1.98 3.98 NOW 28c 98c 98c 4.98 5.98 9.98 9.98 14.98 2.68 1.98 NOW .Mc 1.48 3.11 s.• e.• 1.• NOW 2tc: 2 •• .... I~ ' • I , . l • I I I I - Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Thurtday, June 24, 1882 'There She ls' just won't be this year ATLANTIC CITY, N.J . (AP) -Wht-n thto new Mlu America parade. do'\'n the runway In 1September, tomethlna will be mlllll"8 betide. Bort Parka. For the flrat time ln 27 y()AJ'S, 1he won't be strolllnj to tht-at.raJN of "'I'h~re She I.a." New Miss America to parade to different tune foraotten , the word• 10 u followa: APPOINTED -Former U.N. Secretary General Kurt Waldheim w ill Join th e faculty of Florida State University this fall as a visiting lec turer on international relations and law. Compo1tor'Be rnie Wayne w1ntt1d too much money to renew 1 15-year contract for Ute of the aong,\ a<.'C..'Ording to Albert A. Marks Jr .. executive director of the. pageant. Marks declined to reveal how much money was Involved. He said that under the agreement that just expired, Wayne was paid $17, 500 for the righ ti to the song over the 15-year period. Wayne, reached at his home ln Hollywood, Mid he waa 1urpruoo and dl~ppolntcd to hear the 801\g h d been bumped from the P'l!ellnt >.. far aa l know, my attorney ln New York WU 1tJU ntoSotiatlng with them," aald Wa~, who al.lo declined to 1tate hla asking price. ''There She la" was fltlt sung as the Miss Amerka Pageant in 195~. the same year Parks made his debut as emcee. The melody b eca me a trademark for the pageant and for Parks, who was fired ln 1980. Former televillon Tarzan Ron Ely then got the job for two years, but thlt fall the emcee will be Gary Colllna, who It married to Mlu AIMrtca 195i, Mary Ann Mobley. Ely. not known u a atro"I alnier, recorded the IOn(l In a studio and Up-synched lt aurtng the telecast. Before 1955. MiH America. walked the r unwa y at Convention Hall to such tunes as "Pomp and CircUJNtance" and "A Pretty Girl 11 Like A Melody." Pageant producer George Cavalier said this year Miu America will take h~r ll)&jdep walk to the tune of either "Look At Her," or "M l11 America , You're 8eauUful." Both of thoee tonp have been uaed ln previout ceremonies to accompany the out1olng queen. Marki 11ld that under hie contract wlth Wayne, he could have used the song thl1 September, but did not want to put off the Inevitable. Wayne, who alao wrote "Blue Velvet" and "Laughing On The Outside -C r ying On The Inside." has, said he composed the Miss America song in about an hour. For those who may have • l "There 1hto la, Ml.al America, There 1he It, your ideal. The dreama of a million girla who are more than pretty May come true In Atlantic City, Or, they may tum out to bf> The queen of femininity. There she I.a. Miss America, There she LI, your ideal. With so many beauties. 1Jhe took the town by storm, With her all-American face and form. And there she is, Walking on air she is, Fa1rest of the fair she is, MISS Aqlerica " • A Robinsons Sale WALLACE STERLING SILVER SPECTACULAR . FOR 10 DAYS ONLY YOU CAN PURCHASE FAMOUS QUALITY STERLING 4·PC. PLACE SETIINGS AT OUR LOWEST PRICES OF THE SEASON s139.s169 From June 24 lhrough July 3 you can acquire line sterling tor as little as $50 a monlh for a service tor e1gh1-a rare opportunity to own the silverware you ve always yearned tor at an unbelievably low cost Sterling flatware 1s the ul11mate !ouch ol luxury tor your formal lable-a shining reflection of the quality and good rasre you want for your home And our famous Wallace s1er11ng 1s mer1cu1ous1y crafted and perfeclly balanced to give you a lifetime of beauty and service Select your favorite from our six classic patterns-you can buy as many seltmgs as you wish. to begin your Stiver service or add 10 your present set. Some patterns may require special order (Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for special order delivery) Bui don'! delay, our offer 1s 1n effect for 10 days only, so hurry tn to Robinson's Silver Flatware. 181 To order. or for Silver Club mformat1on. call toll-free 1·800-345·8501 WALLACE STERLING PATTERNS 4 pc place setlong prace knife place tori\ salad fork. teaspoon 16·pc ser111ce for 4 tour 4·pc place settings 32·pc ser111ce tor 8 eight 4-pc place settings 48-pc ser111ce too 12 twelve 4·pc place set11ngs ------+----------+------ GrandP Baroque Now s139· Roseooont I ,- 1 Sir Ct111s1ophe1 Now $)49· ~---Grand V1c1011an Romanc e or the Sea Now $169. Golden Aegean Weave Now '556 Monthly payment $25 Now $596 Monthly payment $30 Now '676 Monthly payment S30 Now '1,112 lv1on1hly paymenl $50 Now '1,192 Monthly payment $55 Now •1,352 Monthly payment $60 • Now '1,668 Monthly paymenl $75 Now '1,788 Monthly payment $80 Now '2,028 Monthly paymenl $90 *The Silver Club Plan 1s available only tor purchases of $200 or more. JOIN OUA SILVEA CLUB: UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY. NO FINANCE CHAAOEt Here's an e1111mple 01 flOw the plan works a ser111ce tor 8 (eight 4·pc ptace settings) in the Grande Baroque pattern is S 1, 112 plus 61f• sales 1a11 ol S66 72. tor a total of S 1. 178 72 Your payments w111 be S50 tor 23 months wolh a tinal payment of S28. 72 (Subject to crt<:Nt approval.) tNO FINANCE 01ARGE 11 required monthly payments are made by the b1lhng date The.amount of the minimum monthly payment requored 1s the greater of S25 or 1124th of the highest new belance owing et any time rounded 10 Ille nut highest wriote dollar A FINANCE CHARGE may be 1mpcsed 1f required monthly payments are not paid when due and may be imposed unhl the account •S no longer 1n default We charge the greater ol a m1n1mum FINANCE CHARGE ol 50¢ 18 perm111ed by lew, Of a FINANCE CHARGE. if Imposed, wtll be computed 11 a perlOdtc rate of 1 6% per month (19 2'f1 ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE) on Average D11ly S.t1nce1 ol $1.000 or less end 19/1 per month (ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF 12o/1) on that porlton ol lhe Average Dally Belances over S 1,000 FINANCE CHARGES W111 be computed on the Average Daily Balance which Is determined by totlllng tne balance outstanctmg lor each day during the monthly bolling period and d1vldln9 that total by ttle number ot days In the monthly b1111ng period The balance outat1nding lor each day ts determined by subtracting any payments and/or credits during lhat day lrom the previous day's outstanding balance The Sliver Club Pt1n 1s 11111lable only tor ourchases ol $200 or more. ROBINSON'S COMPUTERIZED WEDDING GIFT REGISTRY MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH OUR CONSULTANT AT YOUR NEA;aST ROBINSON'S. WE'LL RECORD YOUR GIFT PREFERENCES IN EVERY STOii VIA THE ONLY COMPUTIRIHD SERVICE IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA. -~----------- • ~· Orange Oout D~ILV PILOT/Thurlday, June 84, 108a Nixon plans 'fact-finding' tour of East Europe rormer PrHldont Rlclaard Nlxoa will leav Saturday on a "port0nal f•Ct·flndlna trip" to four Eut E\lropt••n i.'Uuntrlt ... a 1pokeaman aald. Nixon will conft'r with the head1 of state of Romania , But11uta, C1t"cho1lovak1a and Hun1a.ry during thl• trip, said Nlctiolu Ruwe , the former prealdcnt'• •pokesmun In New York. Ruwe said Nixon will apend two nights In ~ach c.·ountry as the person~I gu es t of the govemmenta. He ls to return to the United States the week of July 5. Fonner footbaU st.ar Roosevelt "Rosie" Grier says critics of his T-shirt manufacturing program for minority youth "didn't have all the facts.'' Sen. William Proxmire gavt> the Giant Step Inc. program his "Golden Fleece" award, saying that the program headed by Grier received more than $700,- 000 In federal money but that no T-a)).lru wON produced and no MU'\orlty youths found Jobe. Pro>emite called the operation "a apectacular fallure." Federal omclala are aeekina the return of $443 ,000 to the federal government. Grier aaid his program trained 100 youth.a a year and aold f700,- 000 worth of T -shirts, lncludlng "thousands of dollars worth" to Coca-Cola -all of which waa plowt.'CI ba'·k into the program. Charles Manson, convicted mastermind of the 1969 Sharon Tate murders, has been placed In the general prison population after being locked in his cell for most of each duy since 1971. Manson , 47, appeared before the Institutional Classification Committee o ( the California Medical Facility and asked to be plaL-ed on the prison "mamlme," said Lt. Don Custard. a prison spokesman. He said the commtttee agn>ed 11118 I fll:EI to put MaJ\IOn In the general popuU&Uon on • trial bui1. No problems had been reported In the first thrue days, Custard said. The tour manager for Alexander Godunov says a muscle Injury In the dancer's right calf might force the can cellation of a six-week, cross- country tour. Steven Wagner said the ballet star plans to go ahead with his next scheduled performance • tonight in San Diego. "ff h e's badly injured, it's unlikely the tour will continue," Wagner sa.id. A show scheduled Sunday in Cmcmnau was canceled when it was learned Godunov could not dance Former federal Budget D1rc'<:tor Bert La.nee says lus son has an orthopedic problem that mt1ht havv rnaoe tua unateady drivtna look .. If • drunk wu behind the wheel. Lance caUflM on bc!halt of hta 30-yrar-old llOn, Tom, who hu b~tJn c:harged with drunktn drlvlna. In Cleveland, Tenn. 0.-neral Seuiona Court Judae Jack Wbltaoo allowed the young La.nee to remain free on $500 bond and referred the ca.ac to a Bradlt!y County grand jury for review. The grand Jury is to meet in July. In a rare display of academic in-fighting, University of Texas officials sly "gutter tactics" cau sed them to lose to the University o f California a priceless coUect1on of t'Omposer Igor Stravinsky's manuscripts A New York judge awarded sale of the archives to UCLA, even though UCLA bid only $1 .5 million for the papers while UT offered $2 million. The UT Humarut1es Research Center has been negot1aung Cor more than lO y{• n to buy the compoeer'a archlv('8. Struvlnaky'1 helra have been wrungllng ov_,r the . paper9, which lncludu tlw original acore of "Thtt Rlw of Spnng," slncc Stravinsky dirt! 1n 1971. Jerry LIUle would love to take the free trip to the World's Fair that he won from a radio swtion ln Lawton, Okla .. but stat.c prison o fficials want him to hang around another three years. L 1tt1 e. an ~nm ate o f 'th l' Lawton Community Treatment Cent.er, also hoped lo st.op off Jl his home in northwest Tennesset! durlng the five-day vtsit to the Knoxville. Tenn., fair The warden didn'l see 1t that way. T.G. Byrns, superintendent of the Lawton Co mmun i t y Treatment Center, said L1ttll' was disappointed but kn<.>w It was out of the question Ca rdinal Humb e rto S. Medelro1, 66, h.-ad o f the Archdlo<.•ctll' of Bu.ton. waa hoapltaUicd alter bt-comlng Ill 1 whllt' nUt•ndmg tht• Aasembly of , the U S Hu;hops at St. John'• Un1wnmy 111 CoUegev1Ue, Mlnn. Rlcbard T . Bre tilog, who headed the f'Bl's probe Into allegauon.'i a~ul organlt.ed <.·rime ties o f Secrt•tury uC Labor Raymond Donovan, has been Mmt'CI tu ht•ad thl• bun•au's Los A ngt>ll·s offttt· Brl!tz1ng. H , will replace Edgar B{'Sl as sp<.'twl agent In t.'harg<' m·xl month, thl' fBI said ~l. 50. n·tm•d Jfll'r 22 years to d1rN"l :,.t•t·uraty for the 1984 Olymµit-s m Los Ang<•l€'s , T h l' I 5 U , U U 0 m e m b e r Cdlllnrnw Ttath1·r-. Asscx:1ation l><.'!-itowt•d 11.l. h1ghl~t award for pol1t1rnl Jt t1v1s111 on Kathleen Elise Kinley, ·• st·venth and eighth gradt• u·at ht•r at Imperial Jun111r I l1~h S<·hool 1n Ontario GIBRALTAR. nTS THE INVESTMENT TO YOU. Police ridicule gun law OROVILLE (AP) - Law e nf o r cem ent officials say the City Council's idea of arming this Sierra foothills town against criminals is at best unenforceable and at worst "idiotic." 3 months to 10 years. SIOO to SI00,000. TERMS MINIMUM ANNUAL RAH I ANNUAL YIELD EFFECTIVE DATE BALANCE & DETAILS . 13.3.~ 3-MONTHS $7,500 12.588% Rate elltct•>'t' ll1tu Junp lB ,,.,,, ·~ 1,.e<1 tor 91 days By law (91 Daysi 1nl~r~t not compounded 6-MONTHS $10,000 13.281·% 13.921~ H(l.ff• ,.ltf11 t1111 .. U"u JUOv ;ij ·•1111 !\ t11t.-d tur I Iii ddv·, B, •dw (1 82 Days) mf~ff'\I nol ! OnlptJUOdt.Jlf JO.MONTHS $500 14.700% 18.069% llatP ellecr1~ 1111u July 2 """ ,, 111~ lot 30 morith' fnlPIPSI (211> Yea~) rnmpounded l'.la•lv 42-MONTHS 16.363% Rafe ~tr .... lhtu lul., 2 and $500 14.950% -. a11u'\ P<1 t~'Y ~·" fflr)(\Hl\ TO lOYRS. ~nfrr~• ,.mpnunde<l da1lv O. t'°' f· p. rm1tlfi>d .Jyt•"il' tt-t: l1r~y1>a' I 9.395% 9.850% Y f"td efl~tl '"It r Jv'" I J Ut 12-MONTHS $500 f \1 oor If 1nf~ft>'il f dff .. :t tt1empt trorn f "°''ail Cd•f-\ nltre-<,t nmoouf'dt."f1 da111 18 MOHTHS TO 5 YRS. f"W!CI '* S500 M.250% 1 M.973'lli R1tp stiown ·~ fol r 11e<1 ~ate A count V.V••b'• 18 MONTHS TO 10 YRS. VaNele rae $100 IQtp A< count •S a11o0 ••••lab~ Pll!asr ask lor <IPtt•ts •h,,. .,.,.,,MI"""" lfCOUlll\ A\·"""',, ... , 0' ,, PAI .,.d '"1t~r:.I .,, r, .. , .. , .. ,1M ti \ tf',. fllf t •r ~ '"••uhlf J,ttf'• llf'l 'O!lf ,,.,. l.,.1100 s., ... ,,.,,, ft'1tM1"•"! hf)tn --~11tlf411 A "'"' ,,, H "' utP,lt1nt1•1 r!IMt\I Clofl'rt•ll• Every dollar up to_~00,000 is Federally insured. Whatever your s<1ving's goals, sho rt-term or long, Gibraltar can help you put togethe r a savings/inves tme nt prog ra m that will produce .... ubs tantial, g uaranteed results. And it's safe. Let us show yotJ how easy it i..., to earn a ~izcablc return o n your mo ney. We help you manage your money, your taxes, your future. §~~}b~~~~~~~ '" HUNTINGTON BEACH: lf9l Huntington Ctr. I (714) 898-9666 LAGUNA HILLS : 24260 El Toro Rd.1(714) 951-8454 RJLLERTON: 255 W. Orangethorpe Ave. /(714) 871-6101 NEWPORT BEACH: 2700 W. Coast Hwy. /(714) 631-26ll 18& BROOKHURST ST. FOUNTAIN VALLEY (CORNER GARFIELD BEHIND McD0NAL:DS) SAN JUAN C APISTRANO: 31877 Del Obispo St. /(714) 493-SOlJ SANTA ANA: 3925 S. Bristol St. /(714) 979-7580 114 Sdnla Ana Fashion Square I (714) 834-071.7 The council voted 4-2 to order City Attorney Charles Lueder to draft an ordinance requiring each household in this city of 7,854 to own a gun The cowte1l is to vote on 1t July 6. But Butte County U nd e r sheriff Di c k Stenberg told a reporter, "W e've got enough idiotic laws on the books without adding another one." Said District Attorney Will M attl y. "It's unenforceable. You can't force someone to have a gun in his house if he doesn't want one." Oroville Police Chief Jan Duke. who works for the council, said he was offidally n eutral. But Duke added that he believes "an yone who wants to have a weapon ought to have a right to one. and anyone who doesn't want a weapon should have the right not to have anything to do with it." Counci lman James Rossas, who voted against the proposal, said he believed it was inspired by Nazis. The pro po sa l is modeled after a law in Kennesaw, Ga. Violation would be a misde - meanor, presumably punishable by a jail term. It would exempt convicted felons. the elderly or handicapped. and people whose religion 1s against guns. Expanded LOS ANGELES (AP) County supe rvisors have voted 3-1 to expand AP Wlrephoto IN THE SPOTLIGHT Cher belts out her single "I Paralyze" during Monday taping of syndicated telev1s1on series "Solid Gold ·· P rogram will air the week of July IO. Swim program set for summer ThC' SC'<'ond st·s.sion of Or:mgl• Coast CollC'gc•s annual summt>r swim program b1·g1ns July ti an !he pool at the Costa Mesa S<:hool Registration 1s bt•ing hl'ld daily prior to the session at thl· pool. Fees arc· $1 5 JX'r studc:nl JX'r two-Wt.'C•k session. Two other M'ss1om, an• ',(fo,.dull'd. Julv 19-:50 and Aug. 2-l:i. · Classes arC' 40 manut<.~ long and available for toddlers (3 years of age). non sw1mnwrs. beginning swimmers. advant'ed bcginm•r... and mtcrmed1atcs. A "Mommy and M<•" progr<im. for t-hlldrcn from 1 to 3 wtll also be offerC'd For information. phum· 556-51:180 a pil ot program at ,---------- Pomona Munici pal -----------§~" Court, in whic h thr -' county hires private attorneys for poor defendants, to municipal Every Sunday rourts at Pasadena and Rio Monde. REG. $25.00-$50.00 --~-..,- •l- ~ llluetretloft "EXCEPT IN NEBRASKA" -If you've always wondered why a lot of toll-free numbers are available anywhere except in the Comhusker State, the answer is that the state has the highest concentration of 800 lines. States where such lines are headquartered receive a separate number. LA schools get 'waste' award LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Los Angeles Unified School District and its "educational bureaucracy" qualify for board member John Greenwood's "Wastebasket Award" through complex forms 1t requires to measure student proficiency. ... Orange Oout DAIL V PILOT /Thurlday, June 24, 1982 NebFaska · exceptiOn State has highest number of toll-free lines t NEW YORK (AP) ->toucan tfet a aourmet oooklng uienaU, a 'gteatett hlt.t" album. a movina van, a hotel room, a t•redlt check or aomc udv100 limply by dlallnj un 800 number from &n,Ywhere . . . except ln Nebraaka. Ma Bell'• toll-free number business hUll always had Its exceptions, and Nebraska ls accepted as the most-o ften cxt-epted. Need an Avis rental car? Oklahoma is the exception. Want tfJ locate a Po1"11Chu Audi dealer? Illinois is the exception. Have a question about Apple computers? CalifomJa Is the exception. The list goes on. Forty-nine states get one number -the state where operators answer the calls gets another. And beause Nebraska has the highest concen tra t1on of 800 numbers, it's the most-often ex<--epted state. ' Why so many 800 numbers in Nebraska? About seven years ago, as the u se of "800" numbers grew, ctntnil location made tho ratel lower Alllo, the accent. Yet, the ac<.-ent ''Somti iwy we have a vanllla accent and our 1puoch can be underatood by ianyone In the country," Santord explatn1, undentandably. Talk show hosts Johnny Carson and Dick Cavett are ex~ptlonal Nebruka product.a. The operators may be euHy underetood, but th e advertiaements that have to U.t more than one 800 number may not be. AT&T re<.-enUy overcame the mechanical quirk and aella an 800 service with one nationwide loll-free number -n o exceptlon1. Until companies change over, there'll be aom e exceptton1, eept'clally for Nebruk.ana. An A.Uled Van Llnee driver who'• look.ins tor an all-night gaa 1tatJon limply calla one of hi11 company'• 800 numbers no matter where he la -unletS lt'1 Nebruk.a. Want to order the Wall Street Journal? We dial one 800 nuplber -Nebruk.ana get another. A retervatlon for a Hyatt hotel? On e number -except in Nebruk.a. And if Clairol'• Nice 'n Easy hair-coloring kit turns your hair blazlnai red Instead of blond, simply dial Clairol's toU-free line . . . except in New York. Nebraska can't always be the exception. Renter credit claiins checked Northwestern Bell of Omaha SACRAMENTO (AP) -The, they paid at, such as a canceled launched a campaign to bring state Franchise Tax Board has check or a rental receipt. reservation centers to its area. It mailed letters to 950 persons who Bush said rental credits were worked. Omaha is home to l,000 claimed a 1980 renter's tax credit, given to 5.6 million taxpayers in "800" lines and several hundred asking that they submit proof 1980, averaging $98 each -a "800" numbers. they were eligible. total of $548 million. "If it can be sold in a catalog, Board spokesman Will Bush The spot check is being made chances are pretty good that you said the letters ask thO&e who because of repor ts of fraud, called here to get it,'' says Terry claimed the $137 credit as a including reports that people Sanford, account manager for married head of household to were husUed to claim the credit North weste rn Be 11 's 8 0 0 submit pl'O(>f of ~e. for a fee. operations. Those who claimed only the Bush said those who fail to The cam pa i g n to make $60 single person credit are asked answer the letters will be billed THE WAN DERER A moc: toe cwo eyelet tit' with full leather linings . Avail able in Ulac k, Bone , Brown, or Blue Smooch G lovt. $6500 Wanderer 2260 • .... PA9"1<* ISi.Me, Nl'#POllT MACH 17141 644-4JU •21 MAIM lftllT, ~ IJIJI H1°161t ~7 Greenwood supported establishment of the · student testing program three years ago. But what was meant to measure pupils' competency in math, reading, writing and language use has become an exercise in paperwork for teachers, Greenwood said. Nebraska home for 800 numbers to w hom they paid rent on for the credit they were given, worked because the s~t~a~t~e~·s~-M~ar~c~h~l~·-1~9~8~0~1 ~a~n~d_£p~roo~f~tha~t_Jp~l~us~a~2~5~pe~rce~n~t~pe~nal~t~y~.~~-1~:::::::::::::=:::::::~~~======:::::::::::::=:=::::' Business lectures offered A four-part business lecture se ries that explains how a territory can be managed to yield profitable sales will be offered at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa this swnmer. De sig n e d for marketing managen and salesmen, the series is titled "Analysis of a Territory." It iB slated for successive Wednesday eveningJJ, July 7-28, from 7:30 to 9:30 in OCC's Pine Arts Hall 116. Series fee is $10. Series lecturer is John BEAUTIFUL BABY -Costa Mesa's Kate Emma Rumph, 19 montfls, will be among the young contestants in the Orange County Fair's ''All American" baby contest. Kids aged six months to three years will be judged on beauty, personality, smile, hair, eyes ard eyelashes. The contest is Sunday, July 18, at 1 p .m. For m ore information call 751-FAIR. J . Simpson, president of The Simpson Group, L td ., a company specializing in marketing anal ysis and man - agement , and engi - neering sales. · For information ,, phone 556-5880. Call 642-5678. Put a lew words to work lor ou. BEWARE OF BUGS AND BEES by Terry Grant, R. Ph. ' \ 9 M odern sprays ano repellents havt• cut down <'normouslv on the harm i.-aused by bees, wasps, licks. chiggers and other such c-reatures that abound dunng the summer months However. sunging monsters still take their toll w11h barefooted and barely clad children. Use a good repl'llr nt. we have many 1n stoc k regularly Apply prior to summer outings Try to wash with soap nnd spong<' with alrohol as soon as you rome back Quickly treat any sting with a soothing lotion or ointment. We stock them If 1t 1.~ unusually lj<'Vcre and s w e lling . c·u ns l.dt your phys1C1an YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a medidne Pick up your prt'llc-ri pllon 1 f shoppl ng nearby, Of" we wilJ de!Jver promptly without extra charge A great many people • entrust us with their pre1cr1pt1ons. May we compound and dispense youra? l'AlflC UOO PHAll•AC'f ,,..,,....,, ., ,,..,,,,., lfoH ,.:1...,, ,. • e If It's got e handles • you'll grab . ,. .. I faster In I Dally Pilot classified ads. can 642·5'71 sen a - ·------------------SPECIALS We Have A Limited Number Of Select Mercedes Available For Lease At Favorable Terms. ------------------1982 300 D Turbo fjh•l 1 Pt 1 I l .111tt1 IJlu, l• " .. It I• c> "JOO lllllf'., F I 'I t (jl IJIWO eve11 '-U' 'DUI' r:02456 Cap Cost 126,500 LHll J.!lr 1!.., 24..,16ill48 or 60 mos. • ~u choose! ------------·-··· ········-·········· 1982 300 D Turbo • Golrl 111etdll1c with be•~e tnm l .. .,.., th.in 2 !"JOO ni11e-; Fully <'ut11pped rve11 "'"" rool' n0371C Cap Cost 127,500 :::: :::: ·::: : : : : , . ;: .......... .... .... . . .. .. lease for 12, 24, 36, 48 or 10 mo•·· you choose! •••••••••••••••••• ··11rr·····~:~~~~~ 300 SD Turbo :·:: :::. :::: :::. ··: :::: Blue n1etalhC with.blue tr1nt :::: :::: ::;; ~;;: ;;;: :::: Le.,., th.111 9 000 mile-; Ctir >me wheels Sur' rool & 111()1 e• 1120434 Cap Cost •34,000 UH• for 12, 14, 31, 48 or 10 fMS, :_fOU cheese! ·················= ••••••••••••••••• 1982 240 D D11aler demo Eou1poeef w•th .Jutornat1<. & much rnore1 Warranty still 1n torct!' 1113449 Cop Cost 918,000 . ...... . . .. . .. UHO for 11, U , 31, 41 or I moa. • yov ........ • ••••••••••••••••• 'Quality Leasing ask for Bob Mohan •• lZl'U.l!l•IRiR •••• -- Jack Nicklaus "Golden '8ar" Shirt by Hathaway- Aeg. 20.ob. 14.99 For a limtted time only! Many fashK>n colors. famous quality. Dress Shirts Reg.20.00-28.50 ... 13.90-16.90 Long & short sleeve, easy care fabl'ICS I Dress Sh~ Reg. t9135.00 .. 49.90·94.9() Select trom Johnston & Murphy, Bally, Barrister. Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits Reg 295 00·450 00 249.90-349.90 Pure wools & wool blends Many with vests Designer Suits Reg.21000-335.00 .. 179.90-279.90 Chnstian Dior. Pierre Cardin, 8111 Blass. Nino Cerruti. Oaks, Palm Beach Sport coats Reg 13500·195.00 109.90-169.90 Includes year round weight. summer weight. pure silk. sohds and patterns Dress Slacks Reg 3500-6500 29.90-52.90 lndudes Hart Schaffner & Marx, Jaymar. Sansabelt, Oaks Wool. wool blends. polyesters 1n solids and patterns No cnarge for normal altera11ons Not all sizes & colors 1n all stores GREAT VAl.UES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT I NEWPORT FASHION ISLAND • fi - \ ft ~ .. .. , 1'1 •' II II ,, q I ii r1 ••• Ir I. f" '·· ,, I ll .) \ .. •' ., . , Orange Ooatt DAIL. V PILOTITtn,,9d1y, Jun• 94. 1982 David R. Carpe1ttr of ~ dtl Mar hu ~n t1l ·h'Cl p Iden\ •nd chlt1f operattna off r ot Tra1Jam1rtu Occtdeatal Lift la11&11ac.-C.m.-.,. He 1Ul.'f.'ffd1 Meao T. Lalle, who WN 11iwc:.S "'halrman of tl\ board and remalnd chief tlCtcuuve offlt"t!r. C.rpenter contlnuOll u a dlnlcwr for both Trtmaa.mertca Occidental Life and TtanNmorica Aalluran''Ct Company. A11ocl 1t t11 IDQ. haa bt4Sn eelocted •• public rGlaUon. CONWWtt tor U'\o Newport S..Ch off.Jett of lllU, Thon 6 Com pl D)', a Phocn lx-b11od comm•~lal t'ffl t.'ltate brokerage flnn Nt"wport Buach -baat<d Olorla Zl1atr 6 Vtn H. Hart hu been rwMd vtce .Preaident1 North American field aervlce, M lcrodata Corporation, Newport Beach. He had been with Honeywell and Compu\C!r MachlnJry Corporation. Final Oceanfront Lots OEllTIFIED PUILIC AOOOUITllll A~ailable Pnv,11l' 'J,111 t kinente cnrnmunity with pnvJle bead1 .:ind 1111v.11e o.,1v1111 .111d ll•n111,. dub. for Income Tax & Accountln& Asslcnments CaM Chock Pearson 117/s% Financing Act now. (714) 498-2830 (213) 277-9470 (714) l&l-5823 ,,,,,,, RFS Re~lic's Cash Control Account High Money Market Rates Ready Cash Ac.cess $100,000 FSLIC Insurance Here's a cash management account tNlt puts you In complete control. Ready cash when you nee~ l . (rto need to "Lock youraelf In .. for• long period.) With a deposit of as little as $5,000. you can earn the high interest rates of a 6-month $I 0.000 or 91-day $7.500 Money Market Certificate. Unlike Money Market Funds. whose interest rates may change daily, your estabUshed Cash Control rate is guaranteed for the full term. For ready access to your account. you simply write checks (minimum $500 each) -avoiding the penalty for early withdrawal. And your funds go on earning at their established rate. • Minimum investment $5,000." • Rate guaranteed for full term. • 6-month or 91-day Investment period. •Free checka. rto tranuctlon charges. ·We advance any funds nttded to qualify fOf the high money matitet rates. Checks wrtten. Of edvances IO mccl the minimum. are charged against your llne of credit. which Is $ l .0001e$$ than your opening t>.lence. And you pay interest at JUSI I 010 more than your Cash Control Rate. If account is dosed befott maturity. there is a penalty. Your savlnes Insured to • 100,000 REPUBLIC ~~.~~~~L SAVINGS jfSI)(:j BANTA MA 17th St. West ol Newpon Freeway (714) 541-5286 AMAHE1M 202 Anaheim Plaza, 500 N. Euclid St. (714) 956-8290 lAO<ll'tA l'OG<EL 30212 Crown Valley Parkwey (714) 4~50 WESTMll't8Tl!A 134 Westminstet MllU/Boba £,San Diego F~ (714) 894-5347 ., Hud Offlc" AlTAPEty. 2246 N UtM Ave. (2i)) 791·1281/66t·6611 Al TAOlNA • AN/\H£1/ol • ARCADIA . BURBANK. CLAl!El'\ON1 • CLAREl'ION1' HEICHTS • HACIENDA HEIQHTS , LAC<JNI\ NIGUEL LOS /\NCEUS ·~LI'\ Sl>111NCS • fll\SAOE.N/\ ·PICO RIVERA· SANTA ANA· THOUSAND Qt.KS· WESTMINSTER, WOODLAND HIUS 14.28% 16.14% Annual Yield Annual Yield 13.5896 15.25% Annual Rate 3 Months, $1,000• 1 Year, $500 Annual Rate 2~ Years, $500 Our money market thrift certificates pay higher interest rates than Federal law allows on com~arable plans at banks and savings and loan assoetations. Interest is compounded quarter!~ Early withdrawals earn 63 annual interest ... theres no forfeiture of up to three months' interest or loss of principal. High interest is only part of our story. We will give you $10 cash when you purchase a thrift certifi· cate for $500 or more. This off er is for a limited time only with one cash bonus per household. Internal transfer of funds is not included. Available to California residents only. Rates offered on accounts opened through Monday. • y,,UJ INJirtl "" ,.,,,.,.""'~ 111 lltr ,.,,.t ro11 Ralr "'01 cltoflll' al ,."'""''· Call"'~""' lti/tlrn rolt1 011 '"''°""IJ ot'l'f t.2(),()(J(). COMMERCW.Cm>n' COMMERCIAL CREDIT PLAN , IN C. AltatMlm, 650 S. Brookhurat St. 02804. 774-0740, Hutt= b_3l~sto!it"St~~ 9r~f~t.7111. M.i..roo Viejo, 24395 Alicia Park WI!.)' 92675 110-2661, Santa Ana. 1224 East 17th Street 9Z701, 547-5811 Keaaetb R. Edwardt tw been named AlrC1l'1 cu stomer aervlce manaaer at M cCarro n 1nt.erru1Uonal Airport ln Lal Vesu. Ht haa been cuatomer Hrvlce 1upervi1or u Loa An1ele1 International Airport tor Newport Beach-&aaed AirCal. Joa Shrnbor1 & Auoclatea Costa Mesa advorU.ing and publlc relations agency, hu been retalned b~ Slpal Landniark Properties, Inc., a Southern Calitomla home bulldiJ'\I firm baaed In Irvine, to develop a program for nine developments In three counties. Jamea R. Senake oC Huntington Harbour has been appointed vice president-sales of Tbe Doctors' Life Jaauruce Company, Santa Monica, a wholly- owned subsidiary of The Doctors' Company, professional liability insurer. He formerly was with The Travelers Insurance Company in Santa Ana and Sacramento. IOHQflATH HAlfT Paul Friclonl has been appointed manager, entertainment programming, at Tr ani Com,, a supplier of visual and audio entertainment to airline t.'Ompa.nies, and based in Costa Mesa. He had been with Bell & Howell. Semas of Irvine executive vice presidt\nt of it.s joint venture and construction loan division. He was president of SEM Development Corporation of Santa Clara and is a past Santa Clara County planning commissioner Norris, Beggs & Simp1on, headquartered in San Francisco, selected Madeline Zucker man Public Relations/ Advertising of Tustin, to develop a public relations program for the firm's Newport Beach office, and its Claremont office. Norris, Beggs & Simpson specializes ln commercial and industrial brokerage, mortgage finance, property managment and real estate advisory services. The Dolphins Group of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce presented its White Orchid Award to Dorl Fitch of Ernst & Whinney. The award was for a 1981 fund-ra ising campaign she conducted A tennis tour'n.ament, entitled Wimbledon West, was held to raise $25,000 to aid New Directions, lnc., a half-way 'home for rehabilitating women alcoholics. Builder, the publication of the National Association of Home Builders, cited St. Albans, a condominiwn community in Costa Mesa, as one of the top five selling real estate projects in the country. Within a nine-month period, St. Albans sold 112 of its 220 studio, one and two-bedroom homes. It is a project of Cadillac Fairview Homes West. The Churchill Financial Group of lrvine named Irving C. Jordan vice president of developer financing. A general contractor and developer. he is a past president of the Buildin g Contractors Association of California. Ron E. Songrath of Tustin has been appointed district sales manager of First American Title Insurance Company, Santa Ana, with responsibility for business development in the Mission Viejo, El Toro and Laguna Hills areas. Touche R06S & Co., Newport Beach based accounting firm. has been selected to provide tax and consultinR services for Ampllcoa Inc., Santa Ana, which procures and places new and used IBM computer equipment to 'end-users. Minicomputer s made by POINT 4 Data Corporation of Irvine have been rated by users as the best in the computer industry, according to Datapro Research Corporation's survey of computer system users. Sbearson/ American Expreu Development Corporation of Newport Beach named David M. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NEW YORK (API O>lrTie '""' 13~ Int cEftr •~ o-., ,,.,.Ent 12~. 13V. s.Al6ru 311,. )7~ NASDAQ =llonl ~ J.16 f.32 ln'9rptl ,.,,, 21 •1t l'llnter • t.V. IS ~El 111 1~. UPS AND DOWNS s!Mno hi I bids S6'1• S6"4 lntnwd ~ l0¥t "9apExo ...... l•'t. ll:V. 11 end IOM11 offerl ~ on!h 12 13 lntrrtGs '1'14 IO'lt "-trll• l111. 27~ DC ~ ~. ,,.~,,,. .. ,, ., OnwT•I I• IS hllaW!lh 9V. 9h f'llellbOn ·~I& i:•, 3~ 32'1• w . rices do no COnAlp 2~ 24V• twaSoUt 13'1> 13¥. PNlaNat •11/) 3'~~ 2J\4 ""' NEW YORI( IAPI T"" toHowl<>Q Mt tnclUO.,...all mar•up Cordi ,. 2614 JsnsbV l:IV> 13'\'. 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Ott IT I llucl<bee l~ 10\'• FUllrH8 l .. lt T6'h Nttwt<S 19 1914 3 c.-ll'-' ·~ 011 11 0 Mfth nv. 22'1. <i"IAUtm • ''" NJ~5C 13'1• l:Po • COColM<.O ,,., I Ott 108 ~~ 12 12'1· Gn~s 2•;. 2"-,.,.,,...,,. 2'7o 3 NEW YORK (API Most t<tl•e o-.•· s Pe•D•ao ... ., Ott 10 s 2 2 .... GnRIE.sl ll'h IS ~~~ 6'h "' 11 .... coun1..-stocti;~ supplied by NASO 6 E<>QMo•' 7 II 16 $" 011 10. CPT' 1~ T4 GoYEFn 10 1011) 1111• 12 Naml! Voluml! 81<1 Asked CllQ 7 AloG un 2'• .. Off 10 0 CllW15'1 lA'h lS"1 ()rajfi5c 14'h IHo Nlelsn A ....... 47'"' MCIC I 142,SOO •••n ""' •• 8 Tovot• • , .. •• 011 9 ~ CaYedH 21/) 2¥. Gr.,Jldy 6T 6S Nlelsn 8 -41 Tandm ~ m .100 23'. 231,; • 11. 9 Cl!t"" ... '· 011 I J ~ '-11 ·t6 GUlnt!ll ' 10 NIM 8 30'h 30"' KOQl'r , .. ,000 ,. , . .,, + If; 10 Du••LI•~ 3 .. ()ti II CldSw s 12 lJ Gyrodyn 1 '"' !C>Ca~ 11>0 1J-"' GrndmL lJl>,..00 ) J.16 J'I• • 1•1' 11 AndrG' IJI, I 0 11 61 ~r 3V.. l 'I> Htdson '"' • NwtNCA 1~ 10~ .. Apple(: 23S,SOO 1).lio; .. . 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IS 10.00 EtlCh 31.07 NL I'd Am 1.1• t .'~S Ol'aw 18. 11 NL HlrW .... 10 ... ~ 26.03 a .o F¥ovld J.10 U9 A <W!Fd .... l.J t A titrllO U3 NL. AmlM 4.W S.07 A ln-1 7,., NL "lrlY In .... NL /lt'rNtt4 JIM," NL A Nl<l'" U 4 J.7' A Nttnc 14.7' 16," z=t. \:~ SN'Z_ 1.-Ho ..... OI\. Ffld B 111 e.o lllCCll'll J.9J 4.17 Stod 7,6j U• t2 Ot IUt 13.70 .. I~ 't~lt~ aa~c t.7t NL 11MC 10.P NL !INC: HI 12.16 NI. ~~t. NL iO'( ji; 'a:ts NL ~C.: IPI tnc t ,,. IO. 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W.l~t jlt ~• ... ... ,.t; ... t,ft , fl n;::" AIJ..~ t"' .S '1 !J~ :::~M :· : 'Q I ;.,:·\.; E!~ ~ ~ ' 1~• tt::-~ !'iii' I • J1 ~ • -W.llllYI · 1: 1, J!"' • tit ~.::i n"';·~ ,.-,~ a1 a '5:: !~.r.:.,,,· .:s-=~ ~ ==::: lt ''"' !"'b;; 11, a; .n ll... -.. W•KtTtl 06 ' ~· w ~· Mesa firm gets contract The Orange County Board of SuperviJol'I hu selected the Coat.a Mesa engtn~rlng firm of Jack G Raub Co. as primary choice to compl\:tc deslg:na tor the planned Mlstlon Viejo multi-modal trontiportatlon termJnal. The planned $1.8 million tennmal, whlch will ~rvke Amtrak tralns, Orange County Transit Diwtnct buses and • park-and-ridt! fot, is to be comple\£'d by April 1984. The terminal 1s to be located half a mile south of Oso Parkway, by the ratlroad nght-of-w1.1y, and adjacent w the proposed Cabot Road County planners are hoping that construction or the tenrunal can begin by the spring or early i;ummer of 1983. Super 80 de livered to AirCa/ AirCal's fleet of McDonnell Douglas DC-9 Super 80 aircraft increased to seven when the airlln" t.00k delivery of its n ewest $i5 million plane at the McDonnell Douglas test fac1Uty in Yuma, Ariz At'COrdrng to AJrCal, based in Newport Beach, the aircraft was Clown Tuesday to the airline's maintenance base a t the Oakland lnternat1onal Airport ror preservice mod1f1cat1ons, and in the afternoon entered passenger service with a flight from Oakland to John Wayne Airport. AirCaJ's Super 80s are (·onfigured for 160 passengers and po)\'ered by two Prau & Whitney .ITSD-217 engines. Fluor short stock incr ease Short positions m the sux:k of the Fluor Corp. of Irvine increased the past month, according to the New York Stock Exl•hange. As o( June 15. there were 239,030 shares that hadn't been purchased for return to lenders, up from 232.521 May 14. (n a s hort sale, the seller expects the stock w drop so he can purchase an equaJ number of shares later at a lower pnce. Network stock r evised The board of directors of American Educallonal Telev1s1on Network Inc. of Newport Beach approved a rev1S1on of the terms o( its outstanding warrants. The exercise period for those warrants that expire in June w1U be extended to December 1983, and the exercise price wiU be reduced from $2 per share of common stock to $1 Also, the exercise price for all other outstanding warrants will be reduced by $1 per share of common stock. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS PO Up tl J Up U.0 up 110 UP 12 O Uo US Up II' Up II.I VP 10• Up 10• Uo 10 • uo 100 Vo ti Up •I Up t1 Up t S Up • J Up t.• Up U uo ., Pct Off 11 I ()fl 10' Off t . Of! •• Ott It Oii lj Ofl I • Off •I Off ., Ofl t I 011 • 0 Otl s. °'' J. Off J.l Off J> Off u Off J J Oii 11 011 SI CY!! ~9J~~APJ -PrlaH l•t• T~ of gokl aoln•. aornpw.ct wllh Mond•Y'• orlae. ltNf9"-I 1r0y 01., tat•.16, Oii U~ IMf. 1 troy or .. 1314,76. on S2. 7&'. ..73 ~ ~ •,..., 1.2 trOy OL. -. ...,, off 13.25. A ........ 100 Of9Wll. M02 troy ot.. 1298.00. off 12.75. Sou<oe: Oeek.,..,... DOW JONES AVERAGES NEWYORKCAPI F,,_., Dowd.I-• •"9' tor -J"" 13 STOCKS 0..11 "'"" I.a. c.... °" JO lr\d liol IS l tS JS I'll 16 Ila 11•11 It lO Tr" JOI 'It l ll JI llt.S Jlt 10. 191 ti Ull Ul6 IJ •O.U tOS•t IOt tl-0 11 •S St• 110 •1 110 oe .lOl 11 ltS II'. s J2 lnclu• • llO, IOO lr•n l 010 -Ul>lt 1n IOO •J St~ 1 t2l.lll0 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW VORK ZAP) Jurt t) AOw-•n<.PO 0.<11...0 Un< ... "O"CI lot•I l!t~ Ntr h•~ NPw IOW'\ T-y ICIJl .,. OJ ,.,, 11 JS NEW YORK tAPt Jun 11 ltd••n<f'd 0.<1"'"' u n< l\enQeCI To<•• '"''" Ntw htQllS Ntw IOW'I METALS 100.y l&8 194 213 "' " 2) Puv .,., 111 Sil .. tlS? 1l 100 Prev Cl•Y ,.. Jjj) 243 ,., I 33 NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonl.,rous metal OUCH IOday c~ 65-72 cents a pound. U S detlln•tlons lb Lud 23·27 c.nlS e pound Zinc 35-37 cents 1 pound, deltve<ed Tin $6 0616 Me1els WMk ~poane Alumlrwm 75· 77 c.n11 • pouod, N Y Men:ury S370 00 pet !lull. PlellnllfT\ $268 00 trov OJ. .. N Y SILVER H1ndy & Harman, SS 100 per 11oy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS Londoft; morning lhllng J.300 75. otl S3 25 London: •llernoon ll•lng 1304 00, unc;llenged. ,.lfla: etternoon lhdng S299 96. otl S0.38 ,,,...,..fllrt1 $302.97, ott S 1 oc Zurich; l•le llxlng 130 I SO. off 12 00 bk!, $302 00 Uked Hendy & Harmen: only delly quote S30• 00, uncnang.e lnoelti•d: only dally quote $304 00 unchanged. SYMBOLS O•-"'9<1y low u ""'" .. Illy h09h ~ oci.....,.._,, .. noteo 1110 or dt•..,. .,.. ~ Ol~ll\'t b~ Of\ IM Ifft~') or M~4'\n.,...1 O•c••'•t•on Spec1•I Of t at'• ..,...... °' ... .,,,.,\t.. "Gt °"'0"1 .... ,..,.., ": :::~"o:~.~:-:fn'::~ Olw ,_. -C·loQ-IH094'•-0.Ct1tff O• Ot •• ,,. ptt Ct d•"O 11 ~t .... ~-.. -,,.., .. oc .... _ ... """!Cl ,_, .... _ •·--• .. o "-..... _,..,.. -o4 ,_. o .. _ -"'• • ~ 0t ..... ff\19 ,,.., I I\ M.(Vfl'ylt -1.. ,._. •tf'I ...,,..,,. *" •·~ n . ....., ••wit •O..._.. .. -"'-... '' ,,....,.., PIY' "0<• -,.-"' ..... "'-eo·•o """'"'"" •-cmtt .al~ Oft t11-d•••ttwH2 Of e t•OitfnOVfiO" .... ... ~ o-•• ••thtt , l • O•tt~ ....,. ... W\fwH f ..... lifllh;H c .. c.,..,. .,. Wll"•" •.• ., .• .,,.. • ~ -... ....-wrt" weuMt• •• w •• ....,. _.,..,... -·--.... ~ ( ,_,. Tlw -.. e ttoc• M o -OI ..,.,.,.. ., ......... ,. .... °"' ....... ,.. ....... ,.__,.too-............. _ ~··· s Orange 04ut DAILY PILOT/ThurM11y, June 24, 1on Health care needs getting second look Groups once wishing to build h0-1pitals in Irvine have begun t.o bow out. Western Medical Center in Santa Ana has given up on its Irvine hospital plans and now is proposing a $10 million outpatient medical clinic for the city. Tustin Community Hospital has about scrapped its hospital proposal. And the Nashville-based Hospital Corp. of Ame rica h as dropped an Irvine hospital project to just about the lowest position on its priority list. Irvine M edical Center . supported by a group of private citizens called People for an Irvine Community Hospital, and the H ealthWest Foundation of Chatsworth appear to be the only remaining contenders. UC Irvine is re-evaluating its $10 million o utpatient clinic proposal. University officials say they're discussing the possibility of a hospital on campus. The recent moves away from a hospital weren't unexpected. The various groups realize they must fight a tough battle to win state approval for any medical facility in the city. Studies have shown that the lrvine area may have too many hospital beds in coming years. Though Irvine has no beds of its own, the state, according to count~ health planning o ff icial s, rerogni2.et1 specific health planning reg1ons ra th er than c ity boundaries. And lrvmc Ls virtually ringed by a number of major hospitals, including H oag, Tustin Community, Mission Community and Weste rn Medical Cen ter. Naturally. an outpatient clinic seems a more likely alternative lO a hospital. With a s tandard emerge ncy room, such a facility would meet many of the city's needs. Elective surgery, which is the bulk of work at a major hospital, doesn't require a quick response tjme by county paramechcs. Obviously, Irvine doesn't need two $10 million outpatien t clinics. Part of Western Medical's plans. no doubt, are to maintain their economic territory m lrvine as well as provide an outlet for funneling patients to its hospital. UCI h as long sough t a teaching clinic for its medical students. Before any clinic proposal is accepted, Irvine residents must help decide how best to meet their health care needs. A community that has been pumped up to believe it needs a medical center by the pro-hospital faction may have lO learn tha t it's possible to live safely without one. The Heights dileHJrna It appears the on-again, off- again study on the future of Santa Ana Heights -the jet no ise- plagued conununity south of J ohn Wayne Airport -is on again. That probably is good news to the various forces at work in the contentious area -those who would like to see the HE:ights retain its residential flavor and those who w o uld pr e fer development of professional and commercial offices. But the news is troubling, too. The Heights specific plan study -designed to establish a pattern for orderly development for years to come -was hardly o ff the groun d w he n it was s topped last J a nuary. Work ceased when Orange Coun ty Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner overturned a county plan for $100 million in improvements at the airport and a related plan designed lO reduce the high noise level in the heights. Matte rs remained in limbo un til last week when county s upe r visors reinstituted t he specific plan study. There is a ca tch! The s tud y mus t n o t incorporate conclusions contained in the now defunct airport master plan or its noise-control program. What this means is that less of the Heights area actually can be studied. The remainder of the area -that which falls within the high-noise-impact zone as defined by decibel readings -cannot be s tudied until future decisions about the a1rport are reached. "W e're talking about an unknown quantity," is the way one county planner explained the situation. His point is well taken. How can a plan for a community highly impacted by jet noise be developed when the future of the very cause of the problem is so undecided? Shorter week saves money With the beginning of summer, Golden West College in Huntington Beach has for the third consecutive year converted to a money-saving four-day work week. College employees will work 10-hour days Monday through Thursday. Most of the campus will be closed on Friday. Saturday and S unday. This schedule permits the college to shut down heating. ventilation and air conditioning sy stems over the three-day weekend. Also, maintenance and remodeling projects can take place on the cleared campus Friday, • saving on some over time labor costs. According to the college, this four-day schedule c u t e n e rgy consumption by 17 .5 percent last summer and saved about $4,000 in overtime wages. Community colleges a r e currently facing serious financial problems. As a relatively painless means of saving precious dollars. the four-day summer school week at Golden W est seems a wise move. Othe r public instit utions might consider following Golden West's example. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is Inv it ed. Address The Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·432l. L.M. Boyd I Crosswo1·d puzzl e Q. Has there ever been a crossword puzzle that nobody could work? A. At least one nobody has worked, anyhow. From 1938 until 1949, Robert S tilgenbauer of Los Angeles put to- gether such a puz.z.le with 3,185 clues down and 3,149 clues across. Claim is nobody yet has finished it. Observed Samuel Butler: "A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg." Q . What's the real difference, if any. between "mountain grown" cof· fee and some other kind? A. Arabica beans of t he higher altitudes have more flavor with less ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ...-. .. -... ,, .. , .. '""' FN I •I "' Wf'll l•t ". , .. , ......... _ .... .,,,,_, ,. a.. '* c .. , ....... , .. .,.i. bitterness than the robusta beans of the lower levels. 'fhe arabica cost more. The robusta have more caffeine In Spain, an amateur bullfighter can be shot for practicing his techni· que with a bull o ut on the range. Q. What's the one thing most people fear most? A. Physical violence That the word "cigarette" comes from the word "cigar" is common knowledge. But did you know that the word "clJ,ar" was coined from the word ''cicada' because the firtt cigars supposedly looked like beetlee? Thomas P. Haley Publisher Thomas A. Murpttine Editor Ba rbara Krt ibich Editorial Petoe Editor Insurance trick cheats poor WASHlNGTOm -Last February 18, Kino T. Lewis, a 21-year-old black youth. was trudging through the snowy streets of Muncie, Ind .. on his way to his girlfriend's home. He moved Into the street because the sidewalk was piled high with unplowed snow. Suddenly, with out warnmg, rhyme or reason, an 18-year-old white youth in a passing car pulled out a pistol and fired one shot at Kino Lewis, kallil'\g him. THE TRAGEDY OF this unprovoked murder was devastating enough for Lewis's fami l y. What added immeasurably lO their heartbreak came afterward. Kano's grandmother. Daisy Cook. submitted a claim o n the accidental death policy she had taken out 19 years earlier on her grandson. At the rate of IO cents a week, Kino's grandmother had been paying premiums to the Commonwealth Llfe Insurance C-0. of Louisville, Ky., for a Sl,500 policy on her grandson's life. But instead of the $1 ,500 she expected to collect, Mrs. C.OOk was given the grand total of 80 cents -a refund for ei~ht weeks of excess premiums. In other words, what Daisy C.OOk got for the $98 of premiums she had paid over the years to Commonwealth Life was exactly nothing. ln rejecting her claim, Commonwealth relied on the fine print an 1ts policy that excluded "any loss resulting from . injuries antcnllonally inflicted upon the insured either by him.self or by any other person other than burglars or robbers." Commonwealth Life Vice President W.J. Kearney told my associate Tony Capaccio the company's decision to deny Mrs. Cook's claim was based on 1ts reading of two newspaper clippm~s an G. -JA-Cl-Al-1-llS_D_I -~ the local press on her grandson's murder. ln defense of this astonishing practice, Kearney claimed that the company in the past has paid out claims on the basis of such news accounts. What he seemed to be saying was that if the newspaper reporters had worded their stories to conform to the fine print in Mrs. C.OOk's policy, she would have been paid the $1,500. Had Commonwealth Life bothered to go beyond the press reports. they might have discovered that Kino Lewis' killing was not really "intentionally in fl acted." A police source said. "There was no premeditated planning on their part to kill Lewis . . . There is no evidence the accused knew who he was shooting at." A prOS(.'(.'utJOn soun:-e agreed that Kmo "was just m the wrong place at the wrong time" Yet when the National Insurance Consumer Organization brought the denial of Mrs. C.OOk's insurance claim to the attention of the Indiana Department of Insurance, the only response was a form le tter accepung the company's explanation IF EVER THERE were a case where consumers could use a IJttle protection on the part of the fodcral government, thts kind of insurance shenarugans would seem to be it. And in fact the Federal Trade Commission several years ago cnlicJ?.£..od the type of insurance K.ino Lewis's grandmotht:r bought as "high cost for low benefit." The FTC estimated that such pennies-a-week insurance policies bnng in $3 billion a year m premiums. Commonwealth L1fl•'s vice president insisted that such policies sold to the poor represent "only a small part of our hne." Yet thl· insurance tndustry's own data showed that suc·h policies, while bringing 1n only 13 percent of Commonwealth Llf<•'s prl"maums, accounted for 28 pcrct•nt of the company's profit~ in l!HH>. or $10.2 million. Footnotl'. When told of the denial of Mrs Cook's claim. o ne of tlie deta•lives who investigated ht:r grand.son's murder said he thought It W<lS wrons, and added_ "Maybl· I s h ould ch eck my o wn policies.'' Thrifty subsidize the big spenders To the F.clitor: Regarding t.n.Jth in lending, I think it was Adam Smith who said: "Borrowing has been too easy and lending too painful." For too long , the thrifty have subsidized the big spenders who have learned to live by leverage. So -the old low interest rates are no longer MAILBOX acceptable. Capital wants its fair share of the economy. If we are going to have easy credit, 1t should be subsidized by government like everything else. As t hings are now, the borrower writes off all the interest paid and gets the commod1 t y before paying for it, thereby beating inflation, while the lender pays taxes on earned interest. THE THRIFTY lender. meanwhile, watches inflation reduce the value of retirement funds while the swingers use those funds to buy foreign cars. foreign TVs, foreign radios, foreign clothin g, foreign booi.e, foreign vacations, foreign vacation homes and overpriced domestic homes beyond their true means. Now, when they fall on their faces, they file Chapter 13s and blame their troubles on the Federal Reserve. That makes about as much sense as smashing the thermometer because you can't stand the heat. High interest is not the cause; it is the effect. For too long, too many have been making and spending too much for too many things. While, at the same time, too many have been making too little and spending too much for too few things. Today. most salaries and pensions are tied to the Consumer Price Index; not 90 the case o f cash savings .. And, meanwhile, CBS and others complain that the reduction of Lnflatlon is gol.ng to hurt the ones w ith income tied to the Consumer Price Index. W..t a laugh! How hypocritical can they i@t? Many worked two and three hours for the first dollar saved. Thoee dollars, today. aren't worth ien cents, ln splte of it •11. tyrarmy of the majority shall contlnue to pn!Vail. FRED MAC DONALD Transport balance To the Editor: l There are headllna ewry other day or IO on the subject of whether to ~Orange County'• airport« about the latest ;am and holdup on the Santa Ana freeway. l think 1n all this to -do about transportation people miss the larger issue, which ts the destruction of publi<: transportation in this s tate by a conglomeration of the oil and automotive industry. ln almost every other country m the world there is a balance among surfal-e transportaUon , there is a balance among transportation in the air, on the sea and roadways. I grew up in the Midwest where the roads w ere built around the suburbs so you have probably as many suburbs and miles o f roads an Illinois -t he difference being that the roads were built fi rst and then the suburbs and communities were built around them. THIS ST ATE as a whole could cure a lot of unemployment by redeveloping railroad s, by retooling the assembly plants to build railroad parts a nd railroad cars. This could knock a big dent in unemployment, perhaps for the next 20 years. Instead of spending the taxpayers' money, and I speak of the taxpayer who seldom uses planes, instead of spending money to e nlarge Oran ge County airport, I wouldn't mind seeing much better railroads between Los Angeles and Orange County and on to San Francisco and San Diego. TOM KELLY Business j ets To the Editor: In numerous news media articles, and discu ssions about a proposed new general avtation site, the noise impact of business jets has been made somewhat overstated. For example, during 1981 at J o hn W ayn e Ai rport. d e p art ing commercial aircraft aver aged 99.96 decibels on takeoffs as compared with 94.72 recorded for business[· ts. In addition. the llmlte 3,600-foot runway contemplated for a new G .A. site would r estrict the number of business jets that could use the facility to perhaps four of five of the new quiet models out of 22 t)'pes now in general use in the United Statd lt ia important • Lrttrr.' from reodf'ri ore Wtlcome Tht nqht to condmse ltttf'rs to ftt apoct or rhmlnate lt~I u rf'aerued l.ttttrs of 300 words or lei!! will ~ g1utn prt/trenrt All letler~ must include s1gnaturt l'llld ma1tang address bul nnmn may ~ withheld on re· quest 1/ 11u/f1c1r n1 rl'c son 1s oppon•n1 PO<'l ry utt/I nol be pubh1hf!d l.tltn• ma¥ be ttlrphmted 10 842·6016 Name and phMlf' number of the contnbutor mwl be gnH>n for Uf'rtftcolton purposl's ' to note that apprmomately 50 pen.'t'nt or the business jets an• the n~w<•r, quieter models with single• c w nt readings al the 84 00 d1><:1bels lewl N01~· 1s. and should be. a t"()nC<·m m planning airport opt.>r<i t10ns and we hope tht• (a("t.o, mentionC'd will help placf' the matter in perspc<"t1VC'. JOSEPH E IHVINE Executive Director, u>mmunaty Airport Councll V nf air to n eed y To th<' Eda tor· 1 would lake to call public attenllon to a bad Mt>d1-Cal bill that will become Law on July I. 1982 unlcs.s we act quickly This bill, AB 3480, will "eliminate non- emcrgl1nc y medical transportation except for d1aJys1s patients and discharge from acutt• hos pital to convalescent hospitals" This bill as grossly unfcur to the most needy people of our society -the an farm and disabled elderly, rncluding patients who arc confined to wheelchairs or who are blind and have n o ot her transportation to their doctors other than courtesy coat·hes. THE MEDI-CAL program costs need to be cut, to be sure, but we should not inflict these cuts on our most needy. Cut doctor's ft.'<'S (already done). cut hospital f('('S (also done). and cut the M<.'di -Cal bureaucracy (not done yet), but to deny thesl' patients 1he11 ac<:ess to their doctors for outpatit'nt care is truly a tragedy. It is also not smart. Outpatient care is needed to reduce emergency hospitalization and alJ its attendant risks, complacauons. and costs. Those who are interested in defeating this bill s h ould contact their s tate Assembly ma n , the i r Senator, and Governor Brown at the State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814. Act quickly. for we only have until J uly l. JAN D VANDERSLOOT. MD GlDDIY GUS The wenthermen arc beginning to IOUnd like Ronald Reagan wf th t.helr bright and sunny foreca.sts, only to come up wit.h"another dismal day. R.M. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Thuraday, June 24, 1982 All Unwritten rules of society control our lives Th mt..auranl WU 1.lrnoel full A 1tMdy hum of conve,..tlon huna over th room: P"OPlo 1POk1 wt\h eech oth r and worked on the1r tMela. Sudd nly, from 1 \.lbl• ooar tho t't!nter of th room, own«' a 1Crcamtna vol~: "Domn It, Sylvia ... " THE MAN WAS 1houtlng at the top o f hi• VOk't' HlR fa<'\• WMS reddened. and he yelled at the woman 11ltUng oppoaitct rum for about 10 aecxmchl. ln the crowded n.~t.aurant.. it seemt'd like an hour. All other convcraalion In thf' room stop~, and everyont' looked ~l the man. He mul\ h ave realized this, because as abruptly as he had at.arted, he stopped• he lowered his voice and fin i1hed whatever it was he had to say ln a tone the rest of us could ru)t hear. It was startling precisely ~ause it almost never happens; th.ere are laws against such an outburst, and with the pressures of our modern world you would almost expect to run into such a thing on a regular basis. But you don't; as a matter of fact, when I thought about 1t l realized that it was the fir'Jt time in my life I had witnessed such a demonstration. In all the meals 1 have had in all the restaurants, I had never seen a person start screaming at the top of his lungs. When you are eating among other people, you do not raise your voice; it is RUFFELL 1 S UPHOLSTERY ...... tere!MSS..• I '22 HAJllOI II. VO. COSTA MUA -S41·115'· THI IARL'I "~llNO All COftDIT~ SOUit WATa ltlATIHO IA THIOOM ltMOCMllJNO So i< 11101 5....a T-Stena et YOU< 0o0< (Cell StOl'e _ _. Y°"' ArMI COSTA Ml5A 641 -1289 152' Newpert ....... MISSK)N YllJO 495-0401 2"22 c-.i-c:.,.w-,_ oi..,. l'rwy .... ....., ......,,, 1 Great Rebate Sale of '82 Huntington Center's 11-hr saving SPECT AGULAR features hundreds of rebates from 20 % to 50 % this Fri. eve. 6 to 9 and Sat. 10 lo 6. Limited quantities. so shop early P\Bl.IC NOTICE MINORITY llU81NEH ElfnRPRISE PROGRAM lhe Clly 01 Huntington Beach. as a recipient ol U S Dep11r1men1 ol Tran1portatlon Funding. has u111bl1hed 11n overall Minority &sines• Enterprise Goal ol 5°4 (<l'>'o Minority • 1% female) • pursuant 10 RNOlullon No. 5116 adopted .Aplll 19, 19112 D1ted· June 21. 1982 City ol Huntington Beach Alicia M Wen1Wo1th Clly Clerk Published Orange Coast Deily PllOI. June 24. 1982 2763-82 P\8.IC NOTICE K~1 FICTmoua IUSIHEH NAME STATEMENT The following persons are doing business as· CENTER lOWER. 3333 Bristol Str .. t. Coste Mesa. CA 92626 C.J. Segerstrom & Sons, A G-11 Partnership. 3315 Fel"'lew Road. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 .Andrea de C. Gr1nt. 14721 Romenu Plaoe. luatln. C.A 92680 Henry J . Seger•lrom, •• Trutl•• l or To1en Henry Segen trom, 1914 V1c1or11 Drive. Senta An11, CA 92706 Henry T Segerstrom. es Tru•t•a l or A nton David Seger1trom, 1914 Vletorla Drive, Sant• Ana. CA 92706 l 0ten Henry S41ger11rom, 1914 Victoria Drive, Senta Ana. CA 92706 .Anton Oevid Sege<strom. 19 t4 Victoria Drive. Sanll .Ana. CA 92706. Harold T. Segw9t1om. J1 ... TIU91• f()( Susan JeWWllll PeHy, 1129 Altlera Ol'lve. Santa .Ane, CA 92706. Harold T. Segeratrom, Jr ... Ttualle for Theodore Welter S19erttrom. 1129 Riviere D1lve, Senta Ana. CA 92708. Harold T. Segetetrom. Jr. •• TNll" for Siiiy Ir-Seg4ntrom. 1129 RMefa Owtw. Sanle Ane. C.A 92708 Harold T. Segerttrom, J1. • Tru•t•• for Sandr• Phylllt legeretrom. 1129 AIYlere Drive. Se1Wa AM, CA 92708. SUUn Jeenette P.rry 114 W PIUmb, Weet Union. lowe ~21715 Theodcwe Wiil¥ $eget•t1om, 1129 AMefa l:ln\le, Santa .Ane. CA 92708. Salty 11-Segerttrom, 1129 lllMere Or!Ye, Sente .Ane, CA 92708. le11dra Ph)'lll• 8eger11ro111, 112' AM«• on-... Santa .Ana. CA t2108. Thia buelneee .. condl.IG1ed by • ..,_ .. pert= C:O.t Ptua. ·~ C.J. 8eOWWom & Sone, • gllW1ll pertnertrllp, Henry T hfemrom. Juat an example of the W\written nales Wt' u~ by. When you conltdei' It. you reco11nlH that thote rule• probably aovem OW' llvee on a mon eblolut.t baalJ man the onM you could find II you looked In tho lawbooka.. The cuatom1 that govern u1 are what make a IOI GllHH clvillutlon; there would be chaos without them, and yet for IOllW reuon -even tn the dilinter;ratine todety of 1982 -we obey them. HOW MANY TIMES have you been stopped at a red light lat.eat nJJlht? You can see in all dl.rections· there fa no one else around -no headughta, no police cruiser idling behind you. You. are tired and you are in a hurry. But you walt for the light to change. There 1a no one to catch you If you don't, but YoU do lt anyway. Ia it for aafety'a Mb? No; you can see th.at there would be no acddent if you drove on . la-lt to avoid gettlng arrested? No; you are alone. But you alt and wait. At major athletic eventa, It is not uncommon tD find 80,000 or 90,000 or. 100.000 peopl • 1Hlln1< ln thl! •Wnd1. On th playl"I fll'ld 1o1rc two doicn uthh•tcs. maybe Ct"wtr There an-nowht'rt' "''W" enou11h tecurlty auatlla on hand \41 keep the Pf'Oplt> frun\ eettlnti out ot their seota and walkJng onto the field en muse. But it virtually never happens. Rcgardl'*"' of the emotion of t,he conteat, tht· tJpl'(;WltlNl stay ln tht•lr pt~ ... and thti uthlNt.'6 are safe In tht•ir purt of tht• 1o1ren1.1. The lnvt.aible barrier lliwoys holds. IN RESTAtJRANTS and coffee shoJ)I. people pay their check11 . A simple enough concept . Yet It would be remarkably easy to wander away from a meal without paying at the end. Eapt'clally in theee difficult economic times, you might expect that to become a common form of cheating. It doesn't happen very often. For whatever the unwritten rulet of human conduct are, people automatically make good for their mealt. They would no sooner walk out on a check than start acreamlng. Restrooms are marked "Men" and "Women." Often there are long lines at one or another of them. but males wait to enter their own waahrooms. and women to enter theln. In an era of sexual egalitarianiam, you would expect Impatient people to violate this rule on occasion; after all, there are pl'ivate stalls inside, and it would be less inconvenient to use them th.an tD wait. ln Cleveland - why Clt.>veluud I don'l know thia l'WltolO hns bt'gun to r hungl' At pubht• l'Vt:n~ in Cleveland It 111 not unuMuul lo find womt·n ~Ntmg oul of llrw ul lht• womt>n'~ rt•11troom and wulkanl( lntu ttw m1•n't room ~!lfWwhcn• 1t just 1-n't done:. Pt'<iplo olJtAy ttw 111gn11, EVF.N CRIMINALS oht•y the rull'll l ont't' t·ov1•rt'fl u murdl•r which centeroo uround th;1l rult• tx>mg broken A man wunu.-d to harm u woman -whwh woman apparently didn't matter. So hl' did the s1mpk'llt thing possible. He WN\t to u public park and walked lnto a restroom marked "Wuinen" -the surt>til place to flhd what he wanted. He found it. He attacked with a knife the fu'Sl woman to come in there Her husband and young child wmted outside. and the man killed her. Sut•h a crime is not commonplace. even in a world grown accustomed to nasllness. Even the most evil elemenoi of our society generally obey the unspoken rule. IC you are not a woman, you do not go past a door marked "Women " l know a man who, when he puJls hLS car up to a parking meter. w1U put change in the meter even if there is time lefl on it. He regards it as the right thing to do; he says he is not doing It just to extend the time remaining ~ even if there is suffi<'ient time on the met.er to cover whatever task he has to perform at the lcx:DtJon, he will pay hla own way. 1 ll' bl•llcvc'I th l you ano auppoeed to purt'hHc your own tune; the follow bdon• yo u pun·hased only hl1. 1 kn w lmother man who 1tolo Upe at bars It waa euy enough; when the person s1Uint( next to thil man would dt•part for lhe t>vening and leave IOme silver or a muple of doll.ara for the , bartender. thL"l guy would wait until he 1 thought no one was looking and then .. wc.oep the money over in front of him The thing th.at made it unuaual ill that I never knE'w anyone elliU who even tned thili; the rules of civility stated that you left someone l'lsc's tip on the bar until 1t got to the bartender. and this man stood out because he rt•fused to comply. THERE ARE SO many rules like , these -rules we all obey -that we think about them only when that rare person violates them. In the restaurant, after the man had yeUed ''Damn it, Sylvia" and had then completed his short tirade, there was a tent.alive aura among the other diners for half-an-hour after it happened They weren't sure what dtstrubed them about what they had witnessed; they knew. though, that ll violates something very basic about the way we are supposed to behave. And , it bothered them -which in it.self iB a 1 hopeful sign that things. more often than not. are well • Can you believe numbers like these? Right now, you can fly all over Continental's U.S. at these low, low sumn1er fares . Oh, and plan on bringing your kids. If they're between 2 and 11, their fare is even lower. \I $199 $179 $173 '10 $159 $145 $139 $11 2 BOSTC)l\. PHILADELPHIA C HICAGO LAGUARDIA/ NEWARK SAN ANTONIO \ HOUSTON KANSAS CITY DENVER EAC H WAY WITH ROUND TRIP PURC HASE So check our lows. No matter where you travel in the Continental U.S.A., it won't cost you more than $199 each way with our round trip Super Saver Fares. Then make it official: Call yo ur travel age nt, company travel department or Continental. YOU 'LL NEYER PAY MORE THAN $199 EA C H WAY FROM L.A . INTERNATIONAL, BURBANK OR ONTARIO WHEN YOU FLY lN THE CONTINENTAL U.S.A. \I !It l}I I Ml Ji I 111\H 11 o l~I I '-11\'INll .. ,, \\l\!\il I• I '"•I \'-/\I' 'I" 't.l "lol\11\• Ill \I 'ti'-1 .. 1 "'"'-1111 l I 1\\1\lil\ II\ I 11\\lll!t l l\11\\1 I 11 llM I."'-'"' "'"'' ~(Hll11 11\Ml 1\i I ,J'I \:V11 1111\ llM< I\\'-'\ 1111 I 1111 I ~"' I>. II ·~·~ I "rf ~ jOllJ,\llll '1 I 1 Hit I II llll\',lt i• '4l\1 tl" "'""" '~I t' lt J:APt•'l'tH'• •' \I"''' I \ 111'1 1 llMll"l llHl\11 \II \Ill ! 'I I ~'~I ll-. l l\l I"' \11111 '"' ' I 'II IT 11 Ilk 111 • II 'I\\'\ \\>\\Ill'-' !<I' Ill 1 l 1'11'11 \tll~111ri..1t \\11 ltl 11\ fl L\11111 MflAll 111'-" l\l~\11\ 1 .MA '-11 ltlN\ J 111'-'I 1'11111 <.Ill I\:~ .... ,. \11oltll1 1 hol1llJ11 1 II 111J\111111111'ill'll,-. .. h ... J1 "hu1 IL<UlllllAn11·J h~ An .1J11h I ln1 I hol1I r1 I 11l11h \IAll1 ~IOUI "'~'v"'""' •nd huv Y"'" 111lc1•,11h11 1"'14 JA)' 1n ••" ~nH J1 I" nd1n1t11n J1 •111ut1 .. 11 inJ •UY t h111u1th 11nc 'it u1J,11 hu1 no0 1 .. nit« I th•n r.11,1.11' \11111<· 111111 r .,., , m 11(h1 1nv11I•·· t IJ\11l1111 T1·•·" l11111n•111111JI r .. ,.,If\ •11h1nr 1001h.1111t1• fln1hrA"•" l11n111•ll R111 d1cn al(Aln ''' "'umnH:r' ontinen The Official Airline of Summer. Los Angele, 771 f><nl • Rcvrrl y 1 ltll,, <;.m fcm11mlo Valley YR6 1000 •Burbank, Glmd•lc, Pu•dcna: 2.4(,.. 7181 •Long Beach. S.~7 4400 • On1.u1<1, Pnmona Yllll (l'i4 I • C)ran1c County 'i.l 7 .'114 • Rlvcffidc, San Bemardlno toll fttc· 18001 SlS-01'80 • San C1bnel Valley. 'i 79·4210 • S3nta Mon11.a, outh 8att 64f,.l2.Jll 0 1. r! r •i I ' ) ---------- All Ortnpt CoHt DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, June a4 , 1992 Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. I 6 mg "tar;' 0.6 mg nicotine av. per cigarette, by FTC method. • THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1982 CAVALCADE 82 THI COAST AND THI caum TELEVISION 86 The dancing talent ot hirley MacLaine are not put to good u se 011 "I/Ju ion , " tonig ht on Channel 2. Take a step into yesteryear at The Grand Garage ~\ ~,,, . Antique cars, soldiers and trinkets delight LE G RAND EVER YTHING: Cruising East Coast Highway through Corona del Mar, you might just miss The Grand Garage, figuring it was a place that peddles grease, motor oil and tire pumps. But not Vic Knight. Knight, genial and highly-touted throughout our region as the publicity pumper for Children's Hospital of Orange County, stopped by The Grand Garage and purchased a wheel spoke brush for $3.50. This was noteworthy because ol' Vic drives a Mazda, which has wheels with no spokes. Why did he buy the brush? "It was the cheapest thing in the place," Knight explains logically. "Listen, this place is like a rich man's garage sale. "I GOT THE BRUSH ,,..._, because I wanted one of their TOM MURPHINI ~-· -~ ~hopping bags to carry it out ~ ~' m," the PR exec enthused. --------·'----. "The bags are Grand Garage green with gold trim." So you may be left puzzled by all this, wondering what is this Grand Garage, anyway? For old timers of our coastal region, the place will be recalled as Whitman's Garage of Corona del Mar, which, over the years, indeed did specialize in fixing busted motor cars. Most recently, the place was purchased by Alan Rypinski, who some time back originated a product to spray on the plastic top of your car. It's called Armorall. S~ce he made a fortune on that and sold out, Rypinski got The Gr~d VinUJge Ford runabout in place of honor at Rypinski's The Grand Garage Garage concept and now has a place where he can sell you antique autos like Rolls Royces, Bentleys, Model T Fords, old w oody surfer wagons and even a wooden-sided Ford Sportsman convertible out of the 1940s. Actually, according to Rypinski's wife, Pat, they decided to buy the vintage garage after fearing the property would be purchased by a rug merchant and tom down. "WE JUST COULDN'T let that happen to the grand old place," she declared. Back in the early days, Alan's dad used to bring his car to Whitman's for service. Alan had been visiti:lg from Pasadena in the summers since the 1940s when his family kept a boat at the old Villa Marina docks. Pat has been a Newport resident since 1945. They met and became campus sweethearts at Harbor High. So Corona del Mar's The Grand Garage has been built on a lot of history, sentiment and love. Rypinsk.i has a stock of more then 40 vintage and historic automobiles, most of them warehoused out on Placentia Avenue in Costa Mesa, as stock that can be purchased through The Grand Garage. BUT THE PLACE is more than an auto store. You might be in the market for a vintage popcorn machine. Or how about a collection of the finest wine bottle openers ever offered for sale? Some ancient toy soldiers? The Grand Garage has 'em. As for deluxe service, listen, the garage place has a computer where you can be reminded when it's time for a gift for wife or mother-in-law on the proper date. Gift ideas are offered, along with wrapping, signing and delivery. THE COMPUTER WILL even keep a five-year list of the gifts you've given before, so you won't get yourself crossed up with a duplication. Clearly, the old Whitman's Garage of yesteryear, where you could pick up a quart of Pennzoil and a new innertube, is a long way from The Grand Garage of today. Ex-trustee ordered ALL IN A ROW -Vintage toy soldiers are part of the offerings for purchase or pleasure at The Grand Garage, 3222 GOOD OLD DAYS -Doug Jensen of The Grand Garage demonstrates how they used to pump ethyl in yesteryear when gasoline was drawn up into glass bowl and allowed to flow by_gravity into auto tank. returned to prison Brannon to complete two-year sentence for bookmaking after arrest Former Saddleback College trustee Alyn M . Brannon was ordered back to state prison Wednelday to finish a sentence for bookmaking following h is arrest this week for allegedly aoceb.UUS bets on a professional baae P.JJle. Orange County Superior C.ourt Judge Leonard McBride revoked a previous order allowing Brannon to remain free while appealing a two-year state prison tentence on his bookmaking oonviction last summer. Judge McBride told Brannon be would be returned to priJon where he would complete the ~inina eight months to a year left on the eentence. Brannon did not contest the alleptlona leveled against him by district attorney's ihveat11aton Monday that he ... aceepting beta on Dodger iueball games. McBride said he was played a tape recording of a bet being placed and was told that Brannon was the party receiving the bet. He said he would give the former Saddleback trustee a chance to answer the charge, but defense lawyer Dennis LaBarbera said he would not challenge the tape. Deputy Uistrict Attorney Maury Evans said no new charges have been flled against Brannon on the basis of his arrest. Monday, th e former college trustee was taken into cuatody after officers 1erved a search warrant and found what waa believed to be betting paraphernalia in hia Santa Ana home. LaBarbe r a said after Wedne.day'a hearing that there was little point in punulnc an appeal of Brannon'• cue atnce hls client would probably {Lnlah h.ia ------~ sentence before it could be heard. The 51-year-old Brannon. who has been convicted three separate times for bookmaking acJ.ivities in the past decade, was sentenced to state prison last summer. In a hearing before McBride last month . he unsuccessfully sought to have his guilty plea withdrawn because he thought he was to receive a lesser sentence than he did. The judge allowed him to remain free pending an appeal Rough water swim contest scheduled in Huntington The 32nd annual Huntington Beach Open "Rough Water" Pier Swim will be conducted S.aturday at the Huntington. Beach City Pier, Main Street and, Pacific C.oast Highway. The first race, for men and women ln the senior, masters and grand masters divialons, wm begin at 9 a .m. The second race, for junior men and women, ages 12 to l~. st.arts at about 9:30 a.m. Trophies will be awarded for finlt through third places ln each of seven divisions. The Gene Belshl Memorial Perpetual Trophy will go to the winning team. ' The public may view the competition at no c h arge.' Participants must pay a $6 early entry Lee or an *8 late entry fee on the beach by 8:30 a.m. .oaltr Pllol Photoe by Patrick O'Donnell E. Coast Highway, in Corona del Mar. Among the other antiques are vintage autos such as Rolls Royces and Model T's. PRICE WAS RIGHT -Scoti Adams shows off the fancy popcorn machine from bygone times which is part of the collectibles found at The Grand Garage in Corona del Mar. Wouldn't it be nice if po,x:orn was still only a nickel? Court last hope for Cove residents By JEFF ADLER Of the Deity Piiot Sten Crystal C.ove cottage residents may have but one option left in their fight to retain their residences -a court challenge of the st.ate-ordered evictions. And th e attorney who represents the Crystal Cove Resident's Association says he already 1s readying three lawsuits that will ask an Orange County Superior Court judge to block any resident evictions, which could begin as early as July 31. Cove residents say they realize the court may be their last hope after the Legislature Monday rejec ted a compromise that would have delayed the July evictions of part-time residents. The Legislature's action, which let stand the July 31 eviction order to residen ts of 23 cottages, will be finalized whenever lawmakers enact the state's 1982-83 budget. "I anticipate filing the lawsuits in the first week of July,'' resident's association attorney Craig Dummit explained Wednesday. "They will ask that the court enjoin the state from evicting the ten.ants (both full and part-time) at Crystal Cove." The three additional court actions he threatens would joln a pending lawsuit already before county Superior Court judges. Dummit said the new auils would contend cottage residents have b een d e n ied equ al protection under \he law; \hat the state haa failed to complete env i ronmental impact statements. and that park leg1s lat1 on <:o nfl1cts with restrictions governing national historn: districts Cott.age residents interviewed Wednt•sday appeared umformly glum about thei r prospects for ret~uning their cottages. which dot the S<'as1de bluffs between Corona dt•I Mar and Laguna Beach "We'll JUSt have to go t o court." t'Ommented Paul Ramsey, a part-lime cottager from North H ollywood . "It 's ve ry di sapp oi nting and qui t e s urpris ing that th ey (the LegtSlature) would go back on what they said they'd do "There's just no JUStice in it. How can they justify evicting me out of my house and then renting it to the public?" Laur~ Gabriel. a permanent residenf, said that she is "pi~ her hopes on the court case" no\\ that lawmakers have rejected thf compromise. "l really feel bad about it," Ms. Gabriel said. "W e're all terribly threatened," wu what part-time reaident Christine Shirley said of the legislative action. "We're facing immediate eviction. but of courae we have to have our day in court." Snides restoring language in the at.ate budget that let.a stand the July 31 evictions, lawmakers also have moved to strike $4.8 million in bond revenues that had been slated for park development. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Thuraday, June 2'4, 1882 •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMB ECK Wife's social position not worth the price DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am married to a workaholic. He is in his early 60s and has never taken a trip Cor 1heer pleasure. He haa no hobbies. Everything we do is related to making money. He would make business appointments' for midnight or 5 a .m. if he could find anyone crazy enough to meet with him. Thls man consistently puts in 12-hbur days. The telephone is on the dining room table during supper. He phones all over the world, wheeling and dealing, and doesn't have one word to say to me. Many women think I'm lucky. From all outward appearances we have everything. We live in a beautiful home, but very few people have ever been inside. We travel so • HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA Capricorn: Plans change Friday, June 25 ARI ES (March 21 -April 19): Be positive, direct -a pplies especially in connection with service, employment and diet. You'll be dealing with some persons who act in neurotic fashion. Stick to issues -and basic procedures. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Power, creativity are featured -member of opposite sex has rules, re quests and demands. Focus on excitement, physical att(action. added challenge, responsibility a nd opportunity for greater rewards. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Transaction is concluded -involves property, furniture. Older individual confides, praises your efforts. Ari es. Libra natives figure prominently. Sense of timing is heightened. You learn rules and you'll know when to apply them. CANCER (June 21..July 22): Original concept will be favorably received. Accent on messages. motion, calls involving relative in transit. One who means much to you aids in getting to heart of matters. Leo, Aquarius natives play key roles. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Follow through on hunch, especially with regard to partnership. legal pa pers, actions which could affect marital status. You add to special collectio n . You locate needed material and have valid opportunity to recoup recent loss. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Pressure is relieved -you have more room a nd freedom. Moon in Virgo coincides with excellent timing, correct judgement and intuition that h its mark. Signs of added popularity will be in evidence. LIBRA (Se pt. 23-0ct. 22): Be aware of rules, restrictions and prohibitions. Keep promise to one who may be confined to home, hospital. Handle details personally - th is is not time to delegate duties. You are likely to have meaningful dream. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Wishes become realities -know it, take special care. Don't wish for something you can't handle. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius persons play important roles. Open lines o f communication. SAG ITT ARI US (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Major adjustment occurs in domestic area. Conflict could exist between home and career. Business demands are plentiful, exciting, challenging. Family member demands equal time. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Plans that appeared solid may actually be nebulous. Know it, be flexible enough to move with tide. Terms have yet to come into focus. Answers come via spiritual revelation. AQUARI US (Jan. 20 -Feb. 18): Circumstances occur which enable yo u to recoup recent loss. What had been a setback could now boomerang in your favor. Focus on credit rating, finan~ial prospects of one close to you, including partner or mate. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Legal d ocument requires special attention. Association or relationship is not actually beginning -it may be near an end. You'll be confronted by o n e whose views diametrically oppose your own. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT much we can't pl.an a party or accept isocial invitations because if an important deal come!' up at the last minute we mu.at cancel. Nothing "unimportant" has ever come up in our 40 yea.rs of marriage. I a.greed to go everywhere with m y hUJband when we married. That was my way of proving I wanted to be a supportive wife. I have sat in so many hotel rooms all over the globe, I am cockeyed from doing needlepoint. I am not feeling sorry for myself, Ann. I chose this life and am s ticking to my bargain. but I want the world to know that wives ol financial powerhouses pay dearly for their social position. designer clothes and jewelry. My husband and I are polite to each other, but there is no real love between us. His business is his love and I've known it for a long time. lf I had it to do over again, I would have married a man who wanted to be a professor. Being one of the Fortune 500 isn't all it's cracked up to be. It's awfully lonely at the top . Sign me - UNFULFILLED BEHlND THE FACADE ON FIFTH AVENUE DEAR FIFTH: Most people are just about as unhappy as they want to be. If you are content to vegetate In hotel rooms while ROADSIDE DINING -David Crandall, 18, serves Lorraine Hutcheson, 18, and Mark Markovic, 20, at an outdoor table that the three Mesa, Ariz., residents set up on an overpass you lHvel all over tbe world, that'• up to you. Tbere are bundred1 of tbto11 you could do wltb all tbat time aod money. Don't blame your bu1band because you are coateat to live like a bouae cat. I know muy executives' wives wbo are effective volu&eer1 ud commaalty leaders. What's more, tlley laave a wonderful time. You are attempUa1 to blame yoar husband's workaJtollam for yoa.r failure to accomplish 1omedt.l.Df oa yoer own. Sorry, dear, It won't wat•. If I '• 1ympa~y yoa want, you rattled Ute wrong case. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'm a new bride who came to Louiaiana from Ariz.ona. Last night when I turned on the kitchen light, I waa horrified to see several bugs scurrying acrma the Door. They are very speedy, but I managed to catch one. Here it is in the envelope, wrapped in a piece of toilet tissue. Can you check with your bug experta and tell me what it is and how I can get rid of them? Are they dangerous? C.Ould they hurt a new baby? I am pregnant and expecting in a few months. Thank you so much for your help. (P.S. I hope you didn't open my letter during lunch.) -SUZlE Q. DEAR Q .: Having lived in New Orleans, I didn't need to take tbe bug to an U Whpftoto across the Superstition Freeway in the Phoenix suburb. The trio say they staged the night out "just for fun," with food from a fast-food restaurant. GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. North deals. NORTH + A K 96 'V'A 0 KQJ 8 • J 104 2 WEST EAST +842 +QI07S "' K Q 7 6 2 "' Void O A9 0 107654 +973 •K8U SOUTH • J3 "'J 1098543 0 32 •AQ The bidding: North Eut I 0 PHI I+ Pu1 3 NT Pa11 Pau Pan SoutJa Weet I "' Pu1 2 "' Pa11 4 "' Pa11 Opening lead: Seven of •. Thf' bridge players of Johannesburg were sorr y to see Trump Coup Tommy leave. Not that he was par- ticularly popular at the bridge club -his ineptness precluded that. However, he had contributed a substantial number or dollars to the locals' coffers. and with t hat currency rl!11ng steadily against the South African rand, they had good reason to rue his departure. Tommy. however. had made a lasting im pression of a different sort. The club's players boggled at the way he botched up simple hands, but when trumps broke bad ly. became an absolute muter. Cooaider this hand from a team match at the club. At both tables a contract or four hearu was reached, and at both tables West led a club. Both declarers played dummy's jack. and both Easts covered with the king. What looked like a simple contract became complicated when East showed out on the first trump lead. The king of diamonds lost lo the ace, and the spade return was taken in dummy. The other declarer crossed to the queen of clubs as West followed with the three. and led a high heart. West won the queen and played another spade. Declarer won and returned to his hand with a spade ruff (luckily West followedt to force out the remaining high trump. Now West put declarer back in dummy with a diamond. and South had lo guess how to return to his hand. He tried to rurr a diamond low. but West overruHed for down one. Tommy found another line. After winning the. first spade lead at trick four, he cashed a spade and a diamond before crossing lo his hand with the queen of clubs. Now he led a high heart. West won. but he could do no damage. Declarer ruffed the club return and fo rced out the remaining high trump. West was forced to yield a rurr to declarer. and West's last trumps were sa£ely extracted -making four odd. How do you chooee the beet opelliq lead7 Charlee • Gorea hat ~he aa1wer. For a copy of "W loaJq Opealq Lead1," aead 11.85 to "Gore•·Leadt,M care of thi1 1 aewtpeper , P.O. Boll 259, Norwoed, N.J . 07648. Make d1eckt peyable to New•· peperboolu. Compromise on temperature DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: With the beat of summer coming on, we have a recurring, serious problem In oar boase. My father (76) who Uves wltb as, can't stand alr.coadltioalo1. He prefU'I warmtJL But .I can't stand the exce11lve beat, neltller can my husband. So, we keep It re~ted at about H·t8 degreea. My father say1 lt'1 like llvln1 ln n lee daest. Re refa1e1 to wear a sweater. luteacl, be will llt oatalde on th~ porch, even If the temperature 11 la die 101. Isn't this bad for him? What to do? -MRS. G. DEAR MRS. G .: If you ask ed 100 readers of this column, I believe that 99 would say, "Why not compromlle? Keep the ~ tenpe~ at 72. That ahoWd keep your dad c:Omfo11&ble. And you, too!' 'nuat is good adYice. "People in their 70s and 80. are • T IOUI HIAlTH ~. PETER J. STEINCROHN es p ecially sensitive t o extremes of temperature. The heat of the summer and the cold of the winter are t oo much for their temperature.regulatory systems. They're sUICepdble to heat stroke or to hypothennia with serious complications. Temperature exll."'emes put abnormal stress on the aging arteries of heart and brain. Try compromlae, Mn. G . K:g the hOUle temperature at 72 and your may even agree to wear his sweater. ~ ANN LANDERS "expert." I know a cockroach when I see one. Call an extermlnator. Cockroaches do carry diseases and they can cause s mall • flesh wounds when they bite. There is a big difference between cold and cool. Ann Landers shows you how to play it cool without freezing people out in her booklet. "Teen -age Sex -Ten Ways to Cool It." Send 50 cents and a long. self-addressed, st.amped envelope to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11 995, Chicago, DJ. 60611 . EIMA 80M8ECI AT WIT'S END Cruise no 'Love Boat' There 1s probably no TV show that has captured the imagination of romantics more than "The Love Boat." It has certainly brought new meaning to the word "cruise." which now translates to "(noun) Floating bedroom for thin people and old moVle stars with an Ark wish to exit two by two." · A friend of mine confided to me that she and her husband were going on a cruise this summer to put excitement back into their marriage. She said it worked for June Allyson and Van Johnson and it should work for them. If a cruise didn't do it, then they were going to h ang it up. "DON'T BE A FOOL," I told her. "You can't have your entire future hinging on a cruise." Her enthusiasm made me wish I had spoken out before. My husband and I have been on a cruise . . . several of them . . . and believe me, they're no love boats. To begin with, forget wis py little bottoms in bikmis. We're talking 18 meals a day aboard a cruise ship. At the e nd of the first week, I'd outgrown my life preserver; by the end of the second week, they were having a practice drill on how to launch me in the event of a disaster, and by week three, Julie, the recreation direct.or, was s h owing the movie "Nic h olas and Alexandra" on my backside. There are other discrepancies worth mentioning. On real cruises. they paint the boat every minute of the day and night, so scratch the love scenes at the ship's railings. The winds that whip around the deck may not do anything to Ann Miller's hair. but one day mine blew right off. When my husband said, "Don't carry on, it's only a wig,'' I informed him I wasn't wearing one. NO MATTE R WHAT YOU said to our captain, he answered. "I am Norwegian" and "There is no immediate danger."' I'd like to have been able to tell my friends that lovemaking burns 125 calories and that by the end of the trip we were both anorexic. But the truth is my husband and I only went to bed in the afternoon once. It was on a Tuesday. in open seas, and both of us were so motion sick we prayed to die. Personally, we loved the cruises, but if you really want romance, stay at home and paint the kitchen. ..... ,, ... NATURE TRAIL OPENS -Robert Redford holds a adllors for ribbon cuttlna df a new 1 ~ .. mlJe nature tra.ll ln Provo Canyon, Utah, where the actor lives. The new trail, dellgned by Redfonl, has marken deaianatin& plants and hlt\orical r elevance to help people underttand nature . •• l 1 • . . t # Spill award $3,000 Mt.IC NOTICE MLIC NOTICE ftCTmOUS 8UIMH NOTICE Of TltUSTEE'S SAU ruauc NOTICE . NAMI ITATl•NT T.S. No. 34214 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS 1 The followlng pettlOOI tfl doing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thllt NAME STATEMENT buW,_ u : on Wedne9day, June 30, 1982, 111 The 1o11ow1n9 persons 1r1 doing TIMELESS TREASURES, 378 9:00 o'clock am of said day. In lhe business as North Vie Mlleno, Anaheim, CA room ••• Hide lor conducting PEACH TREE 444 -B No 9280e. . Tru1tee'1 Sales, within l/\e oltloes 01 Newport Boulevard Newport . Sl\twnmarl Matal\alt, 378 North RE A L EST A T E S EC U R IT I ES Beach Cililornla 92660, V1• M"eno, Anaheim, CA 9280e SERVICE, localed II 2020 North WARREN DEVELOPMENT • Bettle Matle Bleul«, 378 North 6roedw1y, Suite 206, In the Ct1y ol Cahlorn•a corporetoon 444 B No Via Milano, Anaheim, CA 92806 Senta An•. County of Orenge, Stale Newport Boulevard Newport This bualness 11 conducted by• of Callfornla, REAL ESTATE Beach Celllorn.a 92660 general pertnerstolp SECURITIES SERVICE, II Cettlomia This. 0usmess 11 conducted by a Shewnmart Marahalt corporation, Ill duly appointed general partnership F1*7S Trullee under and pursuant to the Keoneth D Warren Publlahed Orange Coaat Delly power ofau te conferred 1n that Partner Piiot. June 3, 10, 17, 24, 1982 c:eneln Deed of Trust executed by This statement wa~ filed w1tr1 lhll 2387-82 M H FEKRI, an unmarried man, cou,,1y Cl8flt 01 O••"ije Cou"'Y on ------------recorded July 24. 1981, In Boolt June 8 1982 "'8.JC NOTICE 141~ of Otticlll Records ot said Lew Otnc.• Cou,,ty, at page 184, Aec:orde<'s WYMAN, 8AUTZER, ROTHMAN, NOTICE Of' Instrument No 34298, by reason ol KUCHEL & SILBERT fl\atC 8ALE • l>fMC:h or def.ult tn p1ymen1 or A p111,,.,.ntp tncludtno On July 8, 1912 et 9:CIO a.m. et the pertormence of the obllgatlo,,s Prolenlonal C0tporetk>f,e Aental Office, 3883 Pllfllvtew l-. Hcured ther1tby, lncludlng thal 500 Newport Center Drive, Irvine, Cellfornta, lh• followtng brMCll or deleull, nollce ol wttlch Sult• 100 dMctlbed pettlOOal properly wlll be WH recorded Merch 5. 1982, Newport hech Cetuornl• t2MO told at public auction. without u Recordar'a tnllrumenl No. ' F190l17 ,_: 82--077740, Will SELL AT PUBLIC Published Orange Cont Dally (1) Furniture tndudlng 1 couch, AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST Pilot June 10 17 24 July 1 1982 1 ~onamatlc etecirlc tyj)41Wt11er BIDDER FOR CASH. lawful money ' . ' . 2S55·82 with cue, 2 neated 1tblu, 1 of Iha United S1a1111, or • cashier's ------------ dreHlng !Ible. , wing chair, 1 Check drawn on a Slete or national ruauc NOTICE dining chair. 1 octagonal dining btnk. • ltale or federal credit------------ table, 2 marble en.ta, 2 coektalt union, or • ll•te ()( federal $av1,,gs FICTITIOUS BUSINESS tablet, 8 alleMle, 1 floor lamp, 2 and loen uaoclellon domiciled In NAME STATEMENT redwood chllra, 1 redwood chalM, thlt ll•te, Ill payable et the time ol The following persons ere doing 1 drawing table. 1 Hoover upright Nie, 111 right, tllle and lnter11St held busones' as V8CUUm, 1 Sony color TV, 1 tingle l>y II , aa Trullee. In that real l AG U N A L U GGAGE boJI ~. mattr-6 l'Tame. I prQC>er1y situated In aaod County COMPANY 1806 N Broad a nlghtatand. 2 dre11ara. 1 111>1e and State, de9crlbed as loltows. w Y tamp, 1 ~•tori"-•· lot 75 ol Tl"llC1 No. 7844, 89 per Sulla A Santa Ana, C•lllornl• (2> w_,·, ............. , ..................... ,_ ...... in l>O<* 314 92706 54 ~. 18 ~.;_-~ d~ 27To38.l,;;.,w,of Mt~ S addlebeck Valley Lend 10 llngett9. I 18C*e1t. 1 coet. 9 Maps In the olftce of tl'4I county co""*"" • CeltflorNll corporation, tklrtl, 2 bethlng Nia. 1 -i•. 2 recorder ot Orange County 1806 N. BtO.Oway. S11lte A. Santa '--I ... 1 __. ...., ,._.11 11 · Ana Callfoml• 92708 _, .,.,., ·--· panta, 1 t...,..11. 1 .,.. om This buaone5s IS conouc1~ by a )umpault. 1 fur muff. The street 1ddress or other corparatoon (3) Appttancea lncludlng 1 common dHlgnallon of the real Saddle1>aci.. Valley Land Co Seat-. fan, 1 dock. I Irons. 1 mua1c properly • heteloal>Ove Oesc:nt>ed Burt w11son bl>Jt, 1 Copaco cOllHmaker. 1 le purported to t>e 21 MontBCtto Secreiary Oatartnr blender. 1 Sony tape Or~. Corona OBI Mar. California This staternenl was hied oth tne recorder, 1 8'aun coffM gtlnder, 1 The undersi gned h1treby Co 1 Cl k 1 0 c w 1 poc:llat calculator, 1 thermal dtsctatms all lleblllty for any un Y er 0 range oun Yon m111ager, 1 Sunbeam food lnc:orrect,_ tn said street address May 16 1982 proceaeor. or other oommon d1111gnallon. (4 ) M tac:ellaneoua Item• Saki sale will be mede without tncludlng 5 boxe1 of book1. 1 warranty. a1tpr111 or implied. Centunon 10 aCJ88(I men'• l>*a. 1 regarding tltle. possession. or F11MH Published Ora"ge Coast Dally PtlOI Junf! 10 17 2~ July 1 1982 2543-82 bike beg. yatn an<I needtapoln1, 3 encumbrancea. to 1111sly the POOLIC NOTICE plltowa, 5 plcturH In framH. 9 prlnclpll balence ol the Note or ------------ marble egga, 1 boJI ol rec:ord1. 2 other obltoatlon secured by said NOTICE OF SALE leather ault~. 1 canvu tul1C8M, Deed of f rust. with lnt8fest and OF REAL PROPERTY 1 plutlc auttcaM, 1 canvu traWI other sums as provided therein, AT PRIVATE SALE bag, 2 pair• rain bootl, 8 ~•. 3 plus 1d1111nc111, 11 any, under the No. A·113:le0 towela, 20 1tufled doll•. 1 term• thereof •nd Interest on such In the Superior Court 01 the Stale comlortar. 1 atteptng bag, t advences, end plus lees, charges ol Calilorn1a, for lhe Counly ot blenke1, 1 fur rug. 4 cuae<olee, 2 and e•penses of the Trust1te and of Orange in the Meller or the Estate ulltrav-, 5 forn, 8 apoona, 1 knife. Iha trusta created by said Deed of o I J E R 0 M E C 0 R N E L I U S Thia ute ta mlde In accordance Tru1t. The 10111 amount ol said ROBINSON with Clllfomla CMt Code Section• obllgallon, Including reasonably Nol1ce is hereby given that the 1987 and 1Ne. by the underalgned eatlmt1ad lees, charges and understgne<l wtll soll al P11va1e Sale, landlord, to dtapoH ol per1on1f al(penNI ol the Trustee: et the time to the 111ghesl and beal bidder. ' properly left by Laelte an<I Robena of Initial publication ol this Notice, Is subject 10 conllrma11on ol said Underwood. $37 Baywood, upon $70,358.76 Superl0< Court, on or •lier the 3rd vacating the real properly of Iha Dated June 8, 1982 day of July, t982 al the olllce ol landlord an<I after nollce to Mid REAL ESTATE Rodl. Pollock Pellker, GalbrBllh & tenant. SECURITIES SERVICE Ph11f1ps. A Law Corporation. All DATED June a. 1982. e Calllornle corporation, John D Pettker. 61 t W 8th St BAYWOOO APARTMENTS. as Trustee. Suite 1600 Los Anget111. Celllornie Landlofd (SEAL) DJ. M()(get, County or Los Angeles S1a1a ot clo Pwtl Wee1 Apartments its Presi<!erlt Celilornoa all thi! right, tllle and 3883 Plftcvtew ~ 2020 North Broadway . interest ol sa•d deceased at the lnltne. CA 92715 Suite 206, time of death and an the "Ohl lltle T 14/552-9200 Senta An1, CA 92706 and interest that the estate or said Publlahed Orenge CoH1 Dally Tel·(714)953-6810 dec eesed has a cquired by Piiot. June 24. July 1. 1912. Publlthed Orange CoHt Delly operation ol law or ot11e<w1se. other _________ .:;2M;.;..1;..-8::=2 Piiot. June 10. 17. 241. 1982 lhan or 1n add•llon to that ol said 1 _________ ....;2;;..::53=2-_,8::2 dec;eased at lhe lime of delln, on DltDtlC NOTICE and to all the c:er•ln real property, ~ COURT ruv1. situated on the City or Newport NlJC NOTICE Of CAUf'OMIA C-1710 Beech. County of Ora"ije, Stale ol COUNTY Q# OftA.NOa NOTICE OF 9AU OF Cahlornta partiCularly described as 700 Ci.to Canter l)rtve WMt PERSONAL PROPERTY follows. lo-wfl The Leaaehofd eox m AT PflfVATE SALE Estate or the Le-. In and under lanta AM, CA...,. No. A·104tse that certa111 Lease with Option To MARRIAGE OF PETITIONER· DUC In the Superior Coon of ttie Sllte Purchase dated January 1, t971, by MINH TRUONG ol Calllornta, for the County of 8 n d be I w 8 e" THE IRVINE RESPONDENT: NGUYET THI Orange COMPANY. a West Virginie TRAN tn the Matter of the Estate of corporation. as leesor and Wiiiiam SUMMONS (FAMIL y LAW) LUCY RICHARDSON ake LUCY I D Staggs. Ill and Peggy l Slagga, ca.. No. 0-202147 RICHARDSON, Deceased. husband and wtfe as joint tenants NOTIClll Yev 11eft bMft ewd. Nottce 1a hllftby given thal the as Lessee. recorded on Augu1t 24, TM-' mer d9clde .... net 10ll undarllgned will sell at Private sale. 1971 on Book 9773, Page 578 of wlttlout ,_ ~ ll9erd unleee to the highest and beet bidder. Olflc1a1 Aecoroa ol Orange County, JOU,.......... ......... ao claJe. A.-aubjtcl to confirmation ol said Calllornoa lurther detcrlbed 11 ttle ..,._ll'Mllloft ....... Superior Court, on or alter the t5th follows A LEASEHOLD ESTATE IN If you with to Mell the adlllce ol day ol July 1982. et lhe olflce of AND TO PARCEL t· Loi 52 or Tract 111 attorney In Ihle matter, you OUITSMAN 6 HUGHES, INC . 5601 NO 7148. in the City OI Newport al\oUtd do to promptly IO that your WHI Sleuaon Avenue No 220. Beacn. county ol Orange. llatt ol r91POOM Of pleadlng, ti lllY· ~ be Cut11ar City. County ol Loa An. Calltornie II~ per mep recorded In fifed on time. getee, State of Catlfor111a. ll0230, ,11 book 2 7 1. pagH 5 through 1 t A VI 8 O I u at • d 11 a a Id • the right, tttte and kltaresl ot aald Inclusive of Mlleellaneou1 Maps, In ff111atMla4e. 11 tr1Ml•al '""• ~ 11 the time of dHlh and Iha office or the county recorder of ......... U..IM r ••llt 911 the right, title and fnter .. t that Uod c ounly PARCEL 2 An ' -... Uil. ,....._....,.. the •tat• of~ d8CMl8d hu appurtenant non-e1tctu1lv• • • • ..._ "-9 la W.. u lrA.. acquired by ~atlon of tew or aasamenl . for tngrMS and egr ... ..... om.wtw. othet Olar-. or In addition 1hroughoot Lot 75 ol uld 'tract 81 Uat•d d .... 101tct1ar ., tolhelOIMlddeCleaMd.•ttha tlme 714111 TOGETHER W ITH •II oonMjO d9 un abogedO an t1e1• of daeth, In end 10 aM the c:enain tHJtld1ngs and othef improvement• ••unto. dtbarl• hactrto perlOnlll properly 111ua1ed tn Sen on 11td land. More commonly tnw111 U , • ..._dew,,,_, JuanCeptstreno.Countyol Orange. known u 312 Viet• Suerte. • llU 1'9111119 Illa o ategeC6on. II hay 81ate of Cattlornia, p•rtlculerly Newporl Beach, Calflornla 928e0 1t9una, ~· .. , reglatrldt 1 deecl1bed u lollowl. to wtt· Any brokerage commtuton ta llefnPO, 1972 ROllaway Mobfle Home subleci to approval of lhe Court 1. TO THI M.8PONOEHT: The Uc. No. JP4719, Ser No. S445U: Alto, 1he underllgned ,_.the pttltlCMMr "" flted 1 pttltlon .tP4110, Ser No. S445X right 10 reltet any and all bldl prior GOllOii ... )'Ollr ~ If ~ Term• of Hie cHh tn lawful to entry ol en order confirming Iha : F .. to ftlll 1 r91POf* ...,_ • ltlOMY of the United StatH on sa1e . • daye of tM c1111 tt1111 "* ..,.,_,. oonfln'natlOll of Nie. or ptrt ca11 Terms ot aate cHh In lawlul : ta ~ Oii yw. J'OI" ..,_.. IMY and balance evidenced by note money of the United StalH on . ii..,,..... 9"d IN_,.. ,,_, .,.,,_ -9d by Mortgage or Truat Deed conllrmatton 01 Nie, °' part caen 1 )udOIMl!t OOllllllnll!O"""""'" or Oii the properly ao told, Twar1ty.flYe ind balenct evtdanc:ed by ,,Ota : 01'* _.,.~If dMledfl of ==nt of amount bid 10 be MCured l>y MOl'tgage or Trull Deed property, ~I auppO<t, otltld ttd llllttl bid. on the proper1y IO IOld. Ten per cuatody. Cfllld tupport• 1ttOfn9Y °' offwa to be In writing Md ctnt of 1moun1 bid to t>e dtpotlted .._ ooMa. Md "'°" otMr ,..... 111 wfN be reotlv9d at the aloretafd with bid lfNlf Ill _.,..... by the CICM#t. The aMce at Wl'j time tfter tl'Ml fi"1 Bid• or otter• to be tn wnttng and .,.,....,...., fl/I ...-. tllClflt of 1111bticet1on hereof l'1d before data wtn be r1¢11lved at tha aloraMld lftOfl'IY Of ""'*'Y• OI' °"* OOUf1 of Nit. office II Wl'j It~ lf1tr the fir.t . ~. PleotldltlOt IN}' lllO oet9d 11111 •llh cley ol Aint, 1982 publteatlOl'I hereof and befOf'e dlla •-Wllttem 0. Aic:tlerdton Of ..... DATl.D.....,,.,, ff, tH2. J-M. Rtcllerclaon Oattd 0111 22nd day ol June, ~A. llrwld'I, EXecu1cn ot t!Mt Eat•1• 1982. Clartl of Mid Decadeftt !•~ ......... ly ..._ M, Ol1tft. DUIT9MAN a ........ INC. of NW Deotdent. ~ --CL~ .lttw!D.~er,1-., YM NO A uin-., ..c. _,.._. ....... A-No. no ~ r:,.:=~· 1• W. tM...... C.... C.,, ClllarMI... _. .... • Ct1I) ~ A L.IW _.=:' .... ' .._ ..... OA... MW1111tter1....-. 111w.-. 1-,~ Otllftll c .... Oeolty Pvl»llefltd Ofangt CoHt Dally p bl~~·O!-. CA= O lllot, .Mw 10, 17, M, Nit 1, ttlf. Not,"'-2', 24, 30. 1912 U 11'1~ I ally ..... 2ttM2 ~. June t4. 25 . .tvfy 1, 1"2 .. . -... --~~~~~-~~-~~-~--------~· 27et-t2 • Oratige Oout DAILY PILOT/Thurlday1 June 24, 188:2 SAN MATJ)O (AP) -A ~year-old man who mutenninded • muddled 1eheme to ..U IOC!'et redl* of MM.her'• c.ookSe Co. to Peppert<!te Farm hu been flMd $900. Alan R. Johmon of Concord alto wu atv.n two years' probltion by San Mateo Superior Judge 1---------------.J Zeme ffan11\I and ordered to perfonn 200 houn of 1------------------ community eervfoe work and unMl'IO ptychlatr1c counMlln,a. He waa one of three people arrested ln November after offering by mail to eell a dor.en r«ipee of the Oaklancf company to Pepperldge Farm in CoMectlcut for $25,000. AuthorlUee aaJd he wanted revenae for beln,a fl.red lut summer u a coet accountant for the cookie company. All three pleaded no conteet to charges of attempting to 1ell trade aecreta. HJa cohorta were fined l600 each last month, tentenced to 80 houn of community eervice work anl placed on 18 months' probation. · YOUR PRECIOUS JEWELRY MAY BE WORTH MORE THAN YOU THINK Let Us Appraise It For You As We Have Been \ Doing For 110 Years. B.D. HOWES and SON I "I Jl\\11 IR'i FOii I Ol IC (,l NlR4TIONS M:WPORT BEACH 3412 VIA ll00/67S-2731 PASADENA/SANTA BARBARA/PALM SPRINGS HAWAII/PEBBLE BEACH/SAN FRANCISCO 25°/o Of our entire line of bras and girdles. For savings that take ahape beauttfulty stock up now on some bare necessities. In aH your tavonte styles and colors. Embroidered underwlre bra with nylon cups, nylon/spandex back. reg. 9.50, Sal• 7.12. Soft Ski.,. brief of Lycra'> spandex with cotton-lined crotch, reg. 4.50. Sile 3.37. Nylon trlcot crossover bra with natural cup, reg. 6 .50, SaJ• 4.87. Nice 'N' Splcy9 I bra wtth leCe upper cup. reg. 5 .2e5 ... ,. 3.13. NIC:e 'N' Splcy9 II contour bra with fiber· flll llnlng, reg. $7, a.i.1.21. • 1 I I j ---·--- "" "'"'*"'=-"• r .. t 'O"OWllll ... Ull llU --~ ......... .,......, "*" ~ tfl9 OC*--m Ille ts ~t ~ 1.IOAI. "' 0 TIN orHTI ..... • ~~ °'"* Dtiw. No eoo. co.ta • ~tttH1 ~~!-'!PHll0111 b111111 .. 1 name " Ila~ for Ifie panneraNp -1 llleCt Ol'I APfll ? , 11'2 In the Oounty ol OrMQe ,\Ill ~-and Aadt .. I OI tM • Pw6on WlthclraWlnQ ~II tOMONT T 8AlllllllTT. tH T~ Ollnttt ~. NO:toO. Coate SI MHa, Calll0<nla 92121 01 l tl dmorit T lttf,.11 ' . . ,,_.. Pvt>ll•~i!!I Qr1ng1 Qo111 Dally Pllof1. '1 ~~~14. July t. 8. HI, 1182 2719-82 r • PUBUC NOTICE ·" auTiilliti"I' Oft A8ANOONMINT UllO, I I ,~ aut•HNA• ,rl The IO Owing pereon ha1 ab~~ th• uM ot the llcllttou. 9f bu'1 llal'M. ~R MOTORS. 1'85 H111bof. I'( Costa M .... c.tllornll 92827 O T11e Flcllllou1 8u1ln1U Neme rel frr•d to above w11 lll•d In vt• Oreoo• C'ounty on February 23, 1982 $f Curll• Guy Hartman, 2700 A~ 1'c>ld. c-.. a. Fu11er1on. C.illof111A 92d35 1'1111• -..ineaa WU conducted by an lndMINal g C..rt .. Guy Hartman This stetem4'nt was llled with th• a County Cieri! ot Or•nge County on n Ju-22. tt82 ,,U1a2 ( Pllb4ll'fltd Orange Co11t Dally • n Pilot, June 2"· Jul~ 1, 8, t6. 1982 2704·82 PU8l1C NOTICE • flCTITIOUI BUllNllH NAME 8TATIMENT I l'hlt lollow1ng persons ere doing '(· t>vSillff• H I ~ RAH. 4230 Park Newport, $ •307, Newport Beach. CA 92660 f\0f1Al..P A. HAGER. 4230 Park Newp0rt, ioo1, Newport Beach. CA 92~,. !"\J"lTA HAGER, 4230 P1rk Newb<>rt'. 113(17 Newpor1 Beach, CA 0 921!60 Thia t>ulln9ft 11 conducted l>y 11 lim1111d pannerslllp • I Anltt Heger This Statement was "11<1 with tne $ CQ4.lnty CleB of Orange County on fl June 8 t91t2 F110t79 11• Pu1>ll1hed On1nge Coast 0111y .. "' It '(I Pt1ot, June 10. 17, 24, July I, 1982 2558-82 Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/TI1ijrtdl'y. Ju_n1 194, 1882 S tor 1n ' danJages repl1ca 'Bombastic Dushkin' s u es agent Lively, sporty oeslgns for the summer season PELICANS GAGGLE OF GEESE SUN FACE LITTLE FLOWERS STANDING ACRYLIC DOUBLE PICTURE FRAMES From Hong Kong Keep your lnends, pets and loved ones 1n full view HOids two 5 x 7" prints 2.99 Holds two WHITE PORCELAIN EGG CODDLER From Japan Immerse m boiling water rnr-.--~M to cook a perfect egg. COBALT BLUE STONEWARE BONSAI PLANTERS From Japan WALNUT FINISH NATURAL OILED TEAK OCCASIONAL TABLES From Hong Kong .&.SHELF HARDWOOD FOLDING BOOKCASES f"tom Romania Well cons•ructed Beaut1fully grained, 011ental style tables have flush framed and grooved teak veneer top on solid smoothly f111lshed...:;...__.,..,"' and eminently .;;;:"':;;~·~~~;a~ useful 28" wide 10'11" deep 48 •;, • tall 44.99 teak legs 18"x 18" 18" tall 34.88 FOLDING NET PICNIC FOOD UMBRELLA From Hong Kong Nylon mesh with wire ribs keeps unwanted "guests" away. Blue, Yellow or White with White lace trim 4·TIER "etfl!l!!iili~ BAMBOO n SHELF UNIT From Taiwan To hold a coffee· tton of I owe ls or llttle plants. 4' tall 18· wide With screw-on metal top. 4 · tall 3.99 NATURAL RATTAN TOY FURNITURE SET From China Airy classic for the doll house set To 4 •t, • tall 2 Chairs. 1 Settee and 1 Table. NATURAL RICE STRAW SQUARE CARPETING From China Strew carpeting In 9' widths cul to any lengths desired to 36' long. .48 Per SQ. Foot EXAMPLE: -3.66 Set of 4 Pieces 11 • deep ~=---llit'!lllit!i.lJj 6'x 9' 2•.84 9'x 12' 48.68 ~~~ill~rE~[~~~~f__,__ 22 . 79 CONTEMPORARY HARDWOOD HARDWOOD 6 CANVAS FOLDING DINING TABLE AND CHAIRS CHAIRS From Singapore Ftom Singapore Comfortable classics all well at PADDED VINYL home and on the HI or safari. EXTENDING TEAK DINING TABLE Beaullfully grained, tlueh framed t••E'\• l}aa matching fin hard.Y(~d le • and a11ijf. ~t 1ea~ea. OR FABRIC DIRECTOR'S TEAK FINISH Natural finish frame HARDWOOD with brown Of DINING CHAIRS oranoa 39.99 TWEEDY canvas. FABRIC 22.88 Beige. brown and Ian combined. Callfornla ftammablllty requirements are met. SAFARI Natural ltnlah frJme wlt~brown or ~ e1rwaa or walnUt finish frame with beige canv._, DIRECTLY ACROSS l'ROM SOUTH COASTi PLAZA SLIGHTLY WUT OF BRISTOL AT 1313 IUNfLOWf" (TAKE l "ISTOL EXIT OFF 405 Flt&WAY) ftlA • •UTP CMMll MO TtLl1'MOeel a. MAIL otlll'AI • Mlf\I fMI PMCHli LUNCHTIME -Two-year-old Ryan Paulson of Santa Ana empties a bag of victuals into C>Mtr,... ....... _,NGNN......_ pond at TeWin.kle Park as duck swims forward to scoop up the free meal. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/lhurtday, June 241 1882 Mayors award Chicago MINNE.A.POLIS (AP) -Ch~ WU p ven the 1982 C t y L ivabllity WLKI_.:_,. Wiila A ward b y t h e U.S. A'• 1 r'r rau. .. c.,. -----------Qmference of Mayors. ....._........, c... PtCTmOUt euu.N T he award ll 1tven ~:/:!! ... ~~.-1~0'~~. doing each yHr to a city whJcb . --... _ _ ...,...._. _ ft¥11\ effectively Ules UU Putill.n.cl Or•n,e Ooa1t Dally CLP f.NTEl"P"t91!8. 10062 and cultural ~aml to PllOI, J~ I , 10, 1 • 24, ttl2 ~4)'t Drive, Huntington 9Hoh. 2444-82 c.lltornla 112&48 e nhance t e c it y'• -----------Oett L. Petty Jr .• t00&2 f.dye UvabWty. PtalC NOTICE ~ Hununo1on &Mdl, C•Htornll Baltimore, Evaruton, 1--;;P1CiCinnm110UtMiiM1iiiii1ii1ii•ii1iier-Thll bull_ It conducted by en ID.: Rockville, Md., and The =:=• dOlnO 1nc11v1c1ua1 T e mpe, A riz. , w ere bullNiM • Thie .. ~~~:~tee, wttll tt1e nominated for mention CA"l.INI O"IOINAL8. tHI t County Cl«k of Ofeinga County on b y a p 1 n et 0 f art 8 Pettey Clfole, Huntington BelCll, June 1, tl42 c.llfomte t2t47 expwta. &nmy Lou Pmlnl. teee t Panay Seven cl t le a we re Clrda. Huntington 8Mch, CllNomla P'1t1GI Pvbrtahed Orange Co111 Dirty Piiot, June 10, t7. 24, Jvi)' 1, 1982 2636-112 given national award• 1264J.n. ~-1eeet Pw1ay for d tlt.en volunteerism. cwo.. Hunllngton 8-cfl, c1111om• ---,_--IC-MO_TlCE ___ _ w ith emphaaia on the '"47 P U b 11 c -p r l v a t e Thll ~ 1e conduoted by • l"ICTITIOUI eu .... H genetli pannerlhlp. NA• ITATl•NT ~~': ebe~ ~ Thie 11:"~~': with the ~~:.wing i>etldn• .,, dOlng ma~-· conf•re..,... County Cltf1I of Ofanot County on AODED CLASS. 3157 Blrcll •• .. ,,,_. June t7, tN 2. StrMI. Suite 291, Newport 8eech. w a r d s w e n t t o 'tfllll CA 12680 Anc h orage, Alas ka; Publl•h.0 Or•nge Co11t Di iiy ARNOLD LEE JACKSON. 607 Ptlol, "'-24, Jvlty t. I, t5. 1912 N ,....,_• • 160 Anaheim CA Baltim ore; Cran ston , n.a-t2 92eo1",,.,..-· · · R . I.; El Pa a o, Tex . ; MONICA DE LA ROSA, 794 1 K k I d "8JC N0T1C( Inwood i.-. LI Plltna, CA 90623 0 0 m 0 • n . ; Thi• butlnMa I• conducted Dy I ,_ Pvbli.tled Or1nge Co .. t ~ ltllo\, .NM a, to, '7, 24, tM2 u n..ea fltOTmOUe-.. NAmlTA~ Th• 1011ow1no "'°'°" I• csotno ~ .. : A.fl ANTHOHY a ION, tMt Prelldlo l>rt¥e, Huntington a.di, CA 9"48. Alto• Rultl Anthony, U4t PYMICllO Drive, HvntlnglOn ltech. CA 12$4t. Allct Rutll Ant"°"Y Thll ~ -Med" wlttl IN County Clerk of OflnQt County °"' June f. tN2. ,_,. Publl1he4 Or•no• Coa11 Delly Piiot. June 3, tO, t7, 24, tN 2 • 244M2 fllCTITIOUI ...... NA• ITAftMINT The loUowlng per1on la dolno bu._ .. DEL REY PROPe.RTIES. 181M Ml W11hlng1on 8trMI, Fou11laln Vll'wf, CA 92708 ARNOLD L SILVEl"MAN, 3 M0<nlng Mill, lrvlne, CA 12716. Thi• buainMa •• condvc1ed by .,, lndtVldull Wives say baby strengthens marriage Pittsburgh and San ACTmOUe.,...U 11m11edp1T1n.,an1p. Bemardino, Calif. NAiii ITATIMINT Arnold L JIClllOl'I S p•clal recognition The loltowlng c>ereon• .,. doing Thi• 1111ement wu 111ec:1 wit11 the " bl*'-u : County Clerk of Or~ County on Arnold L Silverman Thie llllemef'll Wll lllecl wltll the count,. Ctetk ot Or1noe County on June e. 1112. a w ard a. al a 0 f 0 r OOLDEN WEST CAP ITAL June 8. t912. NEW YORK (AP) -Having a said 69 percent believed having a babies' delivery and 77 percent of volunteerism , we nt to OROUP. t401 Dove StrMI, Suite '110'71 ,,..,4 Publl1111d Orang• Colet Diii~ PllOt. June 10. 17, 24, JUiy t, 1192. 2417~ baby str engthened most baby bolstered their marriage the mothers u sed a nat ural Ahl d K B e60,Mewport8Mch,CA1t:lee0. Publl•ll•d Orange CoHt Dally s a n , Y.; . ue na Sun W•t Bfollarage Co., Inc .. PllOI. June 10. 17. 24, July 1, 1962. marriages, increased the mother's and 59 percent felt better about c hildbirth techniqu e during Park, Calif.; Burlington, 1 ca11tom1a~111on, t40t Oove 2475-82 self-esteem and raised her regard themselves and their spouses labor. Vt.; Indianapolis; New StreM, Sult• 8 · Newport Belctl. "8JC NOTICE for the father. a survey of 35,000 after a birth. Orleans; Norfolk , Va.; c~9:'8°tMtt-11 conducled by• ----------- NIUC M011C( FlCTITIOUI .,_ .. ...-nA,_NT mothers says. The survey was based on 66 Oakland; Peoria, Ill.; San ~"*e, Co ~'.~ The survey, published in the It also said 74 percent of all questions that appeared. in the Francisco; San Jose; ~:"A. S:O..-:i;r...c,:; Tilt tollowlng person 11 doing Th• tortoW11lno person I• dolng ~ ... July issue of Parents magazine. new fathers were present at their magazine a year ago. Sch n e ct ad y. N . y . Thll ltat-• w11 flled Wlltth the ~ u ---------------------------------------------------------iCounty Clerk of Orange County on MAN A 0 EM ENT AND GTI MOTORSPORT, t H 1 Monrovl1. Newport Beach, Catll0<nla 92863 AFTER FATHER'S DAY 3 DAYS ONLY (JUNE 25th, 26th & 27th) Gigantic Shoe Sale MEN'S Nike Yankee Nike Columbia Nike Marlatt Nike Bruin Leather (Blue) Nike legend HI Nike Pepper Adidas Stan Smith Adidas Superstar Adidas Promodel Adidas Rebound (lo) Adidas Squire Adidas Boston Adidas Champ Adidas HI Pt. (HI) Adidas HI Pt. (LO) Tretorn Nytlte Asahi Leather Asahi Canvas WOMEN'S Nike Lady Roadrunner Nike Lady Yankee Nike Lady Bruin Nike Racquette Nike All Court Nike Lady Meadow Adidas Lady Spirit Tretorn Nyllte Asahi Canvas CHILDREN Nike Robble Roadraoer Nike Oute Oceania Nlke CYrt Cenvaa Nike Turf King Adlda1 Junior (cteet) Adldu J~mplhot Adidas Trx Kid REG. 34.99 58.99 58.99 39.99 56.99 29.99 43.99 47.99 5 1.99 33.99 26.99 34.99 32.99 25.99 23.99 28.99 38.99 24.99 29.99 34.99 36.99 36.99 24.99 29.99 26.99 30.99 23.99 23.99 24.99 19.99 16.99 16.99 •18.99 23.99 SALE 24.99 41.99 41.99 27.99 39.99 20.99 30.99 33.99 38.99 23.99 18.99 24.99 22.99 17.99 18.99 19.99 27.99 17.99 20.99 24.99 25.$9 25.H 17.H 20.H 11.H 21 .99 18.99 18.91 17.81 13.91 11.91 11.99 13.99 11.91 Adlda1 Paxton Tennis Shirt Reg. 19.95 Sale 14.95 Save 5.00 Hooded Sweat Shirt• Reg. 24.99 Sale 8.99 Save 16.00 Braided Sweat Penta Reg. 18.99 Sale 8.19 Save 10.00 Sock a OP and Super Sox Values to 4.95 Now 2.• SAi Ski Sock 4.95 Now 2.99 f Assorted Lettered T-SHIRTS Values to 9.95 Now $1.99 Nylon Gym Shorte Reg. 7.95 Now 3.11 Nike Gym Shorts Reg. 9.95 and 13.00 Now 3.11 .. "ams Cep1 Reg. ~.50 Now 1.11 SOUTH COAST PLAZA Upper Level Bullock• Wing, Coet1 •••a. &4CM717 Mey t 1, t982. BUSINESS SERVICES (MASS), ,1.191 2172 0uc>ont Drive, Suite 17. Irvine, 'IU>eOTT, Lal a VAN QIW"1' CA 92715. A ~ Corpcw811oft Crllg W Oleon. 6859 Mountain 1117 Weetdlff Dr ..... 1D4 Loop Trait, Anaheim, CA 92807. ........,. 9Notl, CA -Thia bull,_ 11 conducted by an Publl1he d Orange Co111 Delly Individual. Pttol, June 3, tO, t7, 24, t9S2 24<43-&" Crllg W. Ol.on Thie llll-1 wN ftled with the -----------County Clerk of Ofange County on Nil.IC M>TICE ACT1TIOUI .,.._ .. ..._ITAftmNT The IC>lloWfllnO peraona are dolno June 1, 1982. Fta.7 Publllh•d Orange CoHI Dally Pltol, June 3, 10, 11, 24, 1982 2311-4-82 ~... -----------M I s s I 0 N v I E J 0 s w I M P\llltc NOTlCE RACQUET CLUB, 28221 Tierra -----------Clrcte, Min ion Viejo, Callfornl• FlCTITIOUI .,._ •• 92eet N.u. ITATDIENT SWIM & RACQUET CLUB. a Tile lollowlng person la doing Cliltornll oorporlllon, 28221 Tiarra bu.in.a u : Circle Minion Viejo Catltornlt CARRAY INVESTMENTS. 9289t' ' 24629 Del Ptado. Dana Point. Thi• buw-I• conducted by a Celllornla 92629 corporalton Raymond G. E.aplnou, 21371 swim & Racquet Club Av•nld1 Ambient•, El Toro, T•-.,_ Cllltornla 92830 M~· Tlll8 bullneN 19 conducted by an Thll 1tat-I -llled with the Individual. County CW1t of Ofange County on Raymond G. &c>lnoza JuM 18 tl82 Thia at•t-• -Ned With the ' . FtttlM County Clerlt of Ofeinga County on Pubt11lle d Or•no• Coall Da lly June 11, tl42 Pilot, "'-24• July 1• e. 15~~2 Publlahed Oran~e Co1:.~:1~ FICTTTIOUIMI ..... Pllol, "'-17, 24, Jvlty 1, 8, 1982 ~2 Pta.IC NOTICE BtyC• Otborne . 21 18 2 WllltellorH, Huntington Stach. Cllllornla 92641 Thl1 bualneee It conducted by 111 lndlvk:llJll . Btyoe Osborne Thi• at••-· WU filed with 11'9 County Clertt or Orange County on June 22. 11182 ,,._ Publiahed Orang• Co11t Dally P11o1. June 24, Jvi)' t, 8, t5, 1~ 270542 FlCTmOUI llUllleU NAM1 ITATIWNT Tiie lollowlng person 11 doing bull._ a : DOCTOR DETAIL, 1 44 Cheyenn•. Cotta ""-· Calttomia 12626 Patricia S11 1nnon, 944 Cheyenne, Cotti Mna. Cllllomll 92826 Thia bu.W-It conducted by 111 Individual. P llrld• Stllnnon Thl9 1t1temen1 Wlltil Ned Will! the County Clet1I of Ofange County on June 22. 1982 ,~ Publlahed Orange Co111 Dally Pilot. June 24. July t. 8, t5, tN2 2707-12 FlCTITIOUI .W.U NA• STA.,....,., NAlmlTATE•NT The lollowtng Ptl'IOM ate doing bull-• The folloW11ln9 pereon I• dolno The following perao" 11 doing bu"'-11: KI MBER LEY FINANCIAL SERVICES. t 511 Tahiti Avenue, L.aguna 8eech, Clllfomta 9265 I Cleudl Barnard Koeudl, 158t Tahiti A"enue, Laguna Baacll. calltoml• 12t6 t bullnea 11: SUTTON ENTERPRISES, 3831 TRACEY ENTERPRISES, 2700 MacArthur Blvd., Sulla 208, North Main Str .. 1, Santa Ana, CA Newport Eleech, CA 92MO. 92701. MARCIA KAYE Sl/TTOH, 940 Hal Trl09'(, 3 AehWllOOCI, Irvine, lrvlne Avenue. •A-311, Newport CA 127 t4. e..cn. CA 92863. Thie ~ le conducted by an This bu81nM1 ii conducted by an Bt'9n Soon Wood. tSlt Tahiti Avenue. \.agll#ll 8eec:t'I. Celttomll 1265t lndlvlduel lndlYtdual Hal Trecer Mardi Kaye Sutton Thie bu~ II conducled by a gentrel pertntrahlp. Thie 1111emen1 was llled wltll the Thie atat-' -ftled Wlllth the County Clark of Ofange County on County Clerk of OflnQt County on Cleuoe 8 . KOMICk 80~255-7810 June t. tg12. June '· tlS2 F~ ,..,_ TIU 1111-t WU lited with lhe County Clerk of Of1nge County oo Publltll•d Orange Co111 Dell Publlahed Orange CoHt Dally Ptlot. June 3. 10. 11. 24. 1982. Piiot June 3 10 11 24 1M2 June 22. t982. _________ 2_«_2_-11_2 • . . • . 2383-e2 ,,.,.. P\llllC M011C( "8JC N011C( Publlalle d Orange Co111 Dally --AC-TITIOU--,-.,_---.. ------------- Pilot, June 24, July 1, S, 15, 1982 NAm ITATDmlfl' l'lCTYTlOU9 .,._ .. _________ 2_7_30-32_ The followlng perao" la doing T MAm1 1 11TATDmNTI d 1 ~ U: he OI OW ng peflOn I 0 ng PtaJC NOTICE BEACH TOWELS PLUS. 236 ~E:i1FIC MANAGEMENT , CALWOMllA M090MAL Mlflne Avenue. Balboa lelend. CA 24671 ... ......_ Avenue, L..- WATD QUALITY CCN'TIK>l 92ee3. Niguel CA 92t77 llOAN> Cllerl .. Cerpenlar Allen Jr., J • Kl I · I 24•71 L IMfTA ANA MC** 305 Lugonla, Newport 8-:h, CA olln II 1n I , v e -...... A-. MM 2111 12863 HermoN Avenue. l.aoi-Nlguel, .._......, CA -fhll0 bu'"-18 c:oocluC1ed by an CA 92$77 "°.._. ------·-lndMdual • John l(Jtelllnll ,,... _. ~ .-.-. CNw1M C. Allen Jr. This Ital-I -Ned wlttl the Alt'\JC:#o.. '°" Thie etat-1 _. Ned Wlllth the Coun~ Cler1t of Ofange County on WAITW IMIC....... · County Cllrk of Orange County oo June • t912. ~· May 13 t982 ,_ (...._.. ......_. Dleotlar1le . . ,,._ Publlehed Orange Co .. 1 o.Hy ..... ..._...., .,_..... "9rMtf) Publl•h•d Orange Co11t 01lly PllOt. June 3, to. 17, 24, t182 tor Pllol, June 3, 10, 17, 24, t982 2376-ta lllcOocw ... 0...,.. Mtroc-*ca 2427-82 Mc:Oonntll ~ Astronautlea ___ Nll __ IC_M>_TIC£ ___ _ Company hlll nted a reciort of -te t UNNC>fl COURT dlachuge and 1pptl1d for °' CALM'ONtlA r~ll tOt tn. di.c:Ntge of COUNTY CW CMlANCle wut• Into -ltrl ol lhl State. TOO CMG C...Mr °""" w..t On 111e .,.... of ~ 1tat1 ~.o .... • review 1nd application of lntul IMI• AM. CA tr:r7'I 1ta nd1rd1 1nd regul1tlon1. Iha PLAINTIFF• DENISE F. HUNT Celttomla "-!llon•I Water Ouallty DEFENDANT ROBERT JAMES Control Bowd, Senta AtMI ~. WILLIAMS. DOE I through DOE tenl•t!Ytly Pf()poMI to l11Ue wute xxx. lnctu.,.... dlec:h1roe r9C1ulrem1nt1 Including IUMMONI affluent llmllatlona e nd 1pec111 '1rlt A-*4 c~ condition•. Ptr1on1 wlahlng 10 c-No. ....,,. comment upon or obj«:t to the NOTIC•I You "'" IMierl .-ct. Pfopoeed dleohltge requlr-11 Tiie _, mer dtolde lf'IMI ,.., -In~ 1011.1bmlt Mme In wrttlng ""'*" ,_ -.... '-'cl w-.. to Ille aoove aoor-no la1tr thin '°" '"P'fMf wttMft io dep. ....., July 18, 1112. All comment or tM ~ .....,. ob)ectton1 recetffcJ prior lo Ille 11 you wtlh 10 ..-tt1e ldVlce of at>ow dlt• wit! be COlllldlled In the 1n attorney In thl• matter, you tomluetlon of ~ dltenninltlonl etlOIJld do 10 promc>lly 10 thlt your rtQlfdlna !tie weet• ctlldlarge. «ttlen ~. N any, May be th• lfoard WllllhH to obtain l!ltd on time. lntormatlon 10 U llll II In ci.tef· Av I • 0 I u. t • d II. I I d. mining proP•r WllHI• dlect11ro• •-ndHe. 11 trl-11n1I IHtff• '9QUlrementa ll'ICI, tor thet purpoee. ....., _.,. w. 11111t1lll1nole a ... hotd a puOllc '-1na u lollowlc -... "" ,...... ....... DATE: 8epttrnbtr fO, t"2 ............ ~, ..... TIME: 9:30 a.m. ..... PL AO E: C It y Co u n c II ltl 'u1t e4 dlH• 1ot1cllu el Chambu1, 81100 Main Street, ooneejo di un lbogtdo en M1• ~OallfOmll eaun to, Oe b trla h 1 c e rlo ~, ... .._, penone -ln""9d to lnmediMllMnl9, di teta "**a· lttlftd to ~ tn.W lllilWI °" ., ~· llCttt" II hey 11QUna. .,_ --rWttne to tN --Pliedt .... regletl9da • """"° ..... dlecNrfl. PerlOtll INilllrlO 1. TO T1'+f" OIFEHOANT: A cMI ACTITIOUI ...... MAmlTATDmWY The rouowtng peraon 11 dolno bu-"-u. SIMPLIFIED BOOl<l<EEPiNG SERVICES, t77-F Rlvtreld• Avenue, Newpor1 8-:ih, CA ~ Merion l Carpt nter , 444 Pro1p1c1. N1W11por1 8HCh, CA 928&3. Thie ~ II oonduc1ed by an lndlvkluel. MarlorlL ~ Thll 1111-1 -llled ~, ... County Clartl of Orange County dn June 1. 1982. ,1m1'7 Pub111h.o orenr eoeat Deity Piiot, ~ 3, to, t • 24, tl42 23S2..a ACTITIOUI IUll ... MAmlTA.,_,. Th• lot10W11lno pereon 11 4olno ~.a: OUTWARD 80UNO. 355 E. tllth Street, Coetl Mela. Cliltornla 92U7 Ooneld Jelfftry Whelltlnt , 266 E. 11th StrHt, Cott• ....... Cellfomll IH27 This ~ le oonducted by"' lndMdUll. Ooneld J. Wt ..... .. Tlllt 119'tment .............. .. County Cltrtl of °'*"' ~ • "'-22. tM2 PNMflltttoril ~ COtiflnt "*" comPelnt hM beln flled by !tie 1let..-net1t• 10 the 1boY9 , .. ,eel p111nt11t aoa1n91 .,aU. " you wish 10 tewM. Ofet 1t1tement1 wlll tie ~ tllfe .._,..,you muel, Wlllttl4ll "-d, but, tot .. IOGUfllGY ot tM tt .,. ..,_ thle eunwnone 11 reoord, 111 lm pof11nl tMttmon1 Ml'Wd Oii you, Ille ..tit\ thle OCM1 1 ......, tie~ 11'1 _.....Orel ~ r..,onee to IN ~ .... ,,,.., .. ~ " brW to ... Unllll you clo '°' ~ ....,,. .. .. IM•U11d ,_.. tlrnt lrO be tie arttwed on ..,p.D911on of the "°TmOUI 1111 •• ~ ptelftttff, lftd ""' oourt lllllY .,,. • llMm .,..,_., , The r9pOf1 °' .... a Clltohetee. )uclolMflt ...... '°" tot lM ,...... The totloWmt ,.,_.. .. --,.....~ ----. tN ~Jioltllt ~t.~ ._..__ 8oard'1 Pl"otM>Md requlre!Mnta, could reti.111 In 91r11l1"mtnl of l C 0 I TA M 18 A MIT 4'. •"d e11 GOfll.,.,t, anc1 petition• -.-. i.111ne ot money or ~ HQ)UOTt. 1m .....,.._ ._ teoe!Yed m1~1; l:.•"°t.-llld or Otltef reflel ,.__..., In the I . CoMa ...... CA ... ,. 000-.. MIN 1on-., OOJmOWnt, ~ ~ .,_., -llOt IMleN A,..,.._,... 200, °""0~1. ttea. hthef l tl'Mt, c .......... CA "1ver1l!!L.._OA tHOI (pllo nt ~ ~ ...,_, -7. 714114 _,.,..... .. hounof aw. l'Ntl_._. ..... ..-.,lfl ... I.Ill. .,., 4:00 p.m., ...__ "' "-' L. Ooroonn. .,... .... .... ,.._. .. flW ...... = ....... ..,,....,,.'°... ...._.,... l'Nillll .... _ ........ ., Mr ...... ._ .. .. • ""...... Cewie¥ Cllll "Ofw'lt QNIW. ~ ............. , ,....... ..... Mlllf 1';1-. ....... ._.AM.CA.,. ,._ ............. Ofe!ll' Coeet OtMy ,,.tllllld OrMfe co ... Delly ~ 0.-.. 0.... Olllf fllDt.,. M. tta -£ -,..., ...... 10, '7, 14. oMl 1. ttll. "'°'· .Niie a. 1t. tf, 14.. ,.. ··--...,.... ....... Ot•noe 00.t OAtLY ftlLOTIThurtday, June 24, tN2 .... , •• NIWI ~WOMAN Tiie °""" Ol 11'11 Amuone Mnde her deugtltw lfom Pw.diM 1111/ld to Ille OUI· aide world 10 Ohll'nplon (lCM)d end GOMbll evil. • ntllAINT "Tiit Con_.,lent MOlll!tt'' 1 8.W.A.T. HAWAM FlY£.O McOwrt« in-t10•• the dletlll Of thl btlde8 ol lhrll IOldllr• klllld In eotlon In Vlttnam. BEGUILING -Arnie (Bob Hoskins) teams up with an old name to deceive a prospective backer ln "Flickers" tonight at 9 on KOCE (50). • HUMANmE8 TIMOUGt4 THE ART8 ""Fllfn· Hot Juel The GfMI &cape'' Cl> C88HlWS 9 AllCNEWS alNeCNEWS 9:30 . CAMERA THREE • "the Pllywrighl Olrect1 .. David Mlll'llt lt ehown In lhl proceM or de'>lloolog end refining Iha Kllon end clillogul of Ille 1etor1 In I reheltaal for "'Reunion.'' a colllctlon of thrM of his ;;-~ OOVEANM£NT "Thi ConltlllillOnal Con- 8 EYaOHLA. F .. yld: 1M1r1 1WO OI I rlPOft on peyeHcs; a mag. lllne tha1 IPlcialil• In Hpoelng OlllC>tillll. PAI'! IWO of • prolilil ot P1lrlcl1 Hllftl- • M•A•&•H Fllher Mulcahy lakea blong PISMd over tor • promollon pl'lllo1ophlc:ally un1u he r-1 or lhl rapid aovencement illlde by a hltolc hlltcoptll' Piiot • Cl) TIC TAC DOUGH • MACNEll / l.EHAER REPORT • UF£ OH THE F'fW«)E YWillon" OF SOCIETY Cl) al NEWS A couple who 1111 c:Mllz.a. 0 8AANEY Mil.LEA lion 30 )'NI'S ago 10 11,.. Wofo la b11fted by a man lndll)endenlly ol aoclll arr•ted tor an .. unciual-ti. end publlc con"9nl- llld misdemeanor.'• lflCll It profllld. 0 MOVIE Q YOU A8KED FOR~ * * * ~ "'Gimme Shelter'" F-unio: "C.tc:Nng An ( 11170) Roling SlonM, Jel-Elephant Wilh Are.. and lerson Ai<plant Thia dOcu-"GrMCl"I Olath-o.tying rnen1ary of Ille ROiiing Sponge OIV«a " Stonet" t969 American CC) MOVIE IOUt include$ --ol the • • • ··Home From The rioting and murder •t en Hilt"' ( 1960) Robers Altamont Splldwey lrM Mllc:hum. George Pep. 7:00.concertC88. ~ pard. A man·1 llllglllmele ._..... llOn ....... "" Iii• I ~NEWS (I) AEA08ICi8E: ABC HEWS 8E<MHHEA TO KOJAK INl'EAMEtMA TE Kojlk P<>a. u I ai.m111 Get In llhlpe, 1o011 good. In en ettort 10 .,...,, the lllld 1111 gr111 w11.h thl• thl•v•• or St .000.000 pllY** ntneea progrem. worth of morpl\lne 1:00 9 Cl) MAQHUM, p J. • tw•A ·s·H Robin M1t11r1 otftn to 111 Hot Ups" myalll'k>ul ~ • IHm company UM hla IPPH'lllCe IO dlthKbl hoUM for 10m1 location Frenk thlll he shool1 8.J. llhott. (R) wtllle prepenng 10 March D a FAM£ the )Ungll lor lhe mlulng Montgomery"• mother • ~re-a WILD (Gwen V9fdon), I l1m<>u1 __,.., IC1r-. helpt the ttudlnts •• 84181NE.88 with • lltlOW they .,. put. REPORT ling on lor ,.,_ patenta. Cl) P.M. MAOAZIHE (R) The reunion of two 8 111 MOVIE orpllaned llatlfl Iller 30 * * '" ""Thlt Houae Pc»- YNI" 01.separa11on: • men IMMCI"" ( 1ae t) Parlcw St• wt1o-.u1~ecr1Mld--· u.a ~ A 11"8 park In Florid&. rock linger hM • nervout Ill ENTERf AIHMENT btlllldown Md go. 10 TONIGHT 11¥'1In1 linllt1t llotlM wtth An lntwvllw with Robby hla young -end corn- ;;· MUPPETS ii°"OO:~™E ~t:Ter1S18r-. a...oAEN CD> MOW Holla Art Unldlttet and * * • ""Flesh Gordon'" Catol L--=e locu. on (1M0) Sam J Jon.., Mu Ille hopea. Or11tn1 end Von Sydow. A trio OI llUtVlv81 of It'll wor1<!"1 cflll- llrlhllnga travel to the dren. ~ Mango Ind help Its • P.M. MAQAZJNE DPP<esMd lntlebltanta In The reunion or two Ille Olllrtlv-ol It'll evll orJ)llanld siatlfl 1l11t 30 Emperor Ming. "PG' /YI ........... D .. .,.,. r year• of teplflllon;. man \.6..1 ~ ~ wtw> owns a 200--ecra Wiid'· Thi Uttltl Rucals .,e lea-~II parti In Aorld1 hwed in Him cMpa Ind e MOYIE lhorts. • • ··o r Sh.,11, And Men .. 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN (19771 Oocurnen111y. The F11tured. vielt lhe Old v811oua types of lhar1ls movie 111111«1 01 Loa and m1n'1 rlf1tlonallfp Anglilt; loot. at the~ with Ihle ,..,_ ~ rations unclerwey lor lhe 1or tlvougn Iha hlltory we 11184 Otymplc:t; llao llnd lllemlned. OUI what hlpplrla wflln • LAST CHANCE foreign dlgnltarlee visit Lo. GARAGE Angeles. Brlld Sears putt '°"" 8 \B FAMILY FBJ0 11182 car modlla to Ille • 8ASE8All 1111 and 1¥8'ull.. the I Kanan City Aoyalt at Call-1'llUlll lornll Angela GD SNEAK PAEV1EWS f filfiN ....... EL-Ll-STl-NG-S--~- 9 l<NXT IC8Sl 8 l<NBC. !NBC) e KTLA ltnd.J • l<ABC (ABC) • KFMB 1ces1 8 KHJ-TV (Ind.) e KCST (ABC.I e KTTV (Ind.) 'e KCOP-TV llnd l e ICC.ET (PBS) e KC';E IP8Sl 'JI, On· TV 'II Z· TV 'E HBO :t1 CCioemaxJ Cll (WORI NY., N.Y. «Zl IWTBSJ f.() tESPN) 111 I Showtl me I • Spolll9hl • CC.bit N@ws.Net~rlll Roger Eblr1 8lld Oetll Siil.ei relllew "Annll.'' "A111hor, Avtllor" end .. Flrelo•" (B)MOVIE * * * "'HIQl'I Rltll"" (19t1) Jllnltl Srolln, CIMvon UI· lie. A trto of grlldy lrllnd• plot the rooblr)' ol a ""'- Hon dollwl lrom • South American dNg dlltltl' •A' fl)MOVIE * * • .. Thi Doge Of W11"" ( 11180) Clvtat<>O'* Walk· en, Tom hr~. Art. being tortured and dle>or't- ld by an Atrlcan dlcletor, a metCltllf)' rllurne lo leld • ,.-.olullon. "A' ct MOVIE * • * * ""Thi Lall ShOw .. ( 11177) Ar1 Carney. Liiy Tomlin. A~ c>r1· vale eye encountll't bled!· mall and murder when he cornea oul ol rellr-1 10 IOCll• 1 ca• belonging 10 an ottblal lem•ll client. 1:30. 000 COUPlE • SNEAK PAEV1EW8 Roger Eb«! Ind G- Slskel review "'Annie," .. Aulhor. Author·· 1no "Arlfox ·· CD LAST CHANCE GARAGE Brld Sears lrantl1191 lhe myelerlous llngo ol euto repair and an1were vllwers' qu.llons •bout common car problem• (%)MOVIE • * ·~ .. Quadrophlnla .. ( t117t) PNI Oenllla. Martt winoen Mutk: by The Who. A Brltlth youth rejtct1 the vlluet "' hie l1rnlly for the "lflldom .. of lhl Mods. onty 10 dltlc:o\ler lhll lhla MW 80Cial group la .....,., more CC>n11rlctlng. "R' t:OO .. (I) 8HIAL.EY MACLAINE: lllUSK>N8 Shifley Mac:Lalne and Gre- gory HIMS IHUSlrlll the World ol illualon llvougtl tong end dance. D \BDff'RENT 8TAOt<ES Unaware that hit hlllth club hu a policy or rlClal OlllCrlmlnallon. Mr. Drum- mond 11ks Willia end Arnold lo ,._, Nrn lhlr't. (RIQ G ALlGOO'S ail~ Mllllon1 of lhl world'• ~ dren live In a dellclla bll· ence bel-n Ole and death. hope end dllpllr. • MERV OAIF'fW "'ASCAP Salut11 Elhll Merman'" Gueeta Ethel Merman. Hal Dlvld. Jule Sleln. Jerry Herman. Ging« Roger&, Lucille Bill SI NUMEAO UNO Olympic gold mldalltl run,_ Peter Snell of N9W ZNland 11 prolillcl ID MAS IEM"ECE THEA TM '"Fllcken"' Arnie Ind hie otd Heme Letty 1e1m 'IP 10 beguile a pro1p1ct1v1 (;*~art 5) c;> *** .. T~ 8y Love'" ( 11190) Oebor'ah Atlfln. [)I-Line. A nunlng trainee lr191 to bring a handictpped girl oul of 1 d11p depreulon by encouraging her lo ciorr• 9')0rlCS with her ldOI. EMt1 Pr..i.y. "PG" 9'.30 0 al~ABAEAK Thi chllf IMma that tt1a perentt, wtw> are •bout to Clllbrate their SSth Wld· ding 1nnlver11ry. are threatening 10 011 a dl\'Wc..(R) • UP AHO coe..NQ '"love'• Leaon '--"Id"" Francine runt Into trvubll When ahe Qetl a 11111 roll In .. .....,_M',,.."w '*~"-''t I") iMOYll • • ''lkill\' AIW' (tH1) T~o.n...-...w-. ... TlvM Oftintllllnt llold lM llUtM "rlnft to I ... lftllllon INwllenOI .. flO. tOM~L~=~ Ill Q9etltloll thll ooutd °'" """ of "'~ bYt ~ lllll him.,,., •• HIU.ttMn IWm The W llllDied lclllet 01 I lllMllo dlfMdet It,....., on • tedlnlOalll'I end ~ Gltdl\tt wine tfle ~IOnt Of I ll9W men. II •• NIWe IO/IO TO THI MAHOft IOAN "1c111rd llH butlnt .. probl1m1, end Audrey Ille .. I ,lob M ~eep. tr II tllt "'-wtlllil the blilltr rtcoY11'9 lrom 1 bro- lllfl 11\!Ue. • Tl* lAWMAQM Oorre1pond1nt1 Linde Wlrtllel!Mf 11\d Collie Rotlen1 join Peul Dutle for 111 uc>-IO-lhe-minull II.Im• miry of Congr1 .. 1on11 1Ctlvlt111. (C)MOYE * • * "Cutter'• W1y" (1Nt) John HMrd, .Wit 8'tdgeL A maim.ct Vite· Mm ..i end hit belt fflilnd, I toclll dropout. locus ''*' -otee on ~ • murd41r cue. 'R" (1)33BAOMPTON PLACE (P1111 2) • MOVIE * * * .. Strl9el" ( 11181} 8111 Muney. Herold Ramil. A New York cabbM loolclng '°' 1xc;11-1 oonY1nce1 hit blll friend lo join him In lnllallng In 11\t U.S. 10;301Atm~ ~ * * "8Ultla'" ( 11177) P11U D"Arti.nvilll. Mone Krle- ten--.. A young g111·1 11a- u81 ewlicenlng occura dur- ing her alay with 1 l1mNy lroeno one eummer 'R" t1:00 fJ DD (1)111 a NEWS II SATURDAY NIGHT Host· Teri G1rr 0--11: The B-52°1. 1J YOU ASKED FOR rT F11tured: "'H-To Talk To Animals.. and "'Woolen Workf1 S1rong111 M1n .. · ... tw •A•S•H Kllnger lalle vletlm to It'll pecuH., behavior ol the 4077th"• per~ • BENNY HIU. 8enny Ollebrll .. ,. 1141h blrthd1y In I ho9t>ttll IUr· rounded by beautllul nu,_. • OtCt< CAVETT GUllll. Pete M1r1vk:h ltld Juhu1 Etvlng. (R) 89 TONY BROWN'S JOUANAl. ""Cflslt: Bladc1 Kiiling Each Olher .. Tony Brown l•k• an ln-o.pth loolc 11 lhe 1ocl1I ph1nom1non of l>lllC:lt on bllClt Cl'lme. (R) CID WIM8lEDOH TEHHl8 HIOHUOHTS (Q)MOVIE * \h '"OMd And Buried .. lt981) Jamee Farentlno, Melody Anderson. A atnlll· town p0Hcem111 lnY11ll- g11es a series of biz.Irr• mu<Olra. "R" Cl)MOYIE • • * \h ""Atllntlc City" (111110) Burt llnc:111«. SuHn Sarendon. The estranged husband of an oyaler bar wallr ... arrl\'ll wllh hit pregn1nt younger lilter and IOml ltolln hltom, which he wen11 en aging hood to 1111 for him ""'" 11:30 8 (I) QUINCY Quincy dlacovw1 thllt a roolllil Ottloer who klllld 1 burglar hid about the Inci- dent. D \BTOHIOHT Hott: Johnny Carton GUiit: Dolly Parton. D O A8CNEW8 HIOHTUNE fil MOYE * * "8rlghly 01 Thi Grand Canyon" ( 1ff7) JOMph Collen. Pet Con- way An indlpendent burro Ind en Old P'OIPIClor w110 llruck It rldl enoountet ld111nlur1 In Iha °'*Ill C.,,yon. e SOHHYANO~ • LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE .. l0\11 And Tiit Ocld Cou- plel .. I "'Love And Gamta ~Play .. • CAMERA THAEE .. Thi Pleywright Olrwc:tt .. David Mamet la e11own In Iha PfOClll °' ~IQ and rtftnlng the I011on Ind dlelogue of the ectore In 1 rlhllraal I« ··~:· a MacLaine show disappointing By FRED ROTHENBERG U T......._W... NEW YORK -Once upon a time, Shirley MacLaine could dance drc.Jes a.round the stage and light up a TV screen. The way her special la constructed tonight at 9 on Channel 4 makes It appear her Jegs aren't cooperatf.ng'ar\ymore. T he hour la aptly titled "Shirley MacLaine: lliusiona." Inatead of eerioul dancing and electttdty, the muaJcal numbena are energy aaven. The ltmiled activity la carnouOapd by elaborate poat- p rod u c tl on meaaure1 like allhoueuea, multiple llmba, accelerated filmina ~ all desf.cned to lfve the illulion of movement. Miia MacLai.ne W• nominated for four Olean. won an Emmy award and Wrote a ~ book. Her actln1 ln "Turning Potnt" llWl'al yelb beck WU full of emoUon. Sbe'a alwa11 a atlmulattna f\lal on the talk abow dmdt. . e=e'· But lt 8eefDI that the varitty TV format, which relies so heavily on a star's musical and dana! ability, may no Jonaer be the appropriate vehicle for her. The star of "Sweet Charity" perform• ln slow motlon and talks her way through most of the aongs. There's no glitter, no p1zza.zz, no reaton to watch. Miu MacLalne told an interviewer ahe staunchly resi4ted ~ving her •pedal loaded down with guests. She could have uaed the help. Only the spectacular tap dancer Gl'efOl'Y Hlnea ·~ but he'a not. given ~todo. &medmee It aeema Hinft was shackled 10 he "ouldn 't. ~Mi. Macl.alne. In the ~ they P'! topther, a silly piece of 4'lt about. hata. there'• Utt.le ct.ndnc. Just becauae Mill MacLJ!M needa to da~ ln =• and flJppera, Why muat hn~~~= come1 1blnln1 throu1h. Jle ahoUld have beet\ the OM wtth &.be speda.J. Aa part ot the "lllualon" theme, Mis,, Macl..aine makes the · ting point that she's 37 women in her career- 11 have been prostitutes. She then offers a pedestrian parody of some of them, turning each streetwalker into a sleepwalker. There were clues that "lllusi o ns " might be disappointing. lt'1 echeduled for the dog daya of aummer, when TV vtewtng ii down drastically. The other t.ip-otf waa the . dre•ry open Ing number, t'Ol'\tr~ Rule 1 in the Anti plal-Switching Manual. Rock em and tock 'em right away, or risk 108ing them forever. The one claaay number oomee near ~he end. lt'1 about the proce11 ot writing a story, which happen1 to be about a ~forated marr1a1e. At one point the divorced woman wonden whet.bet getu.n, back f.nto dtculaUoti II WOC'th ~ the ru1h from ''•••ry knee- srabbln.1, open-shl1'1ed, told· chalnea, pou-pubeseent, polye1t.ered print'e of ~ .. t c TUBE TOPPERS KNBC (4) 8:00 -11Fame.11 Studenc. aet. help from a tamoua acttt.a ln putttna on a ahow. KABC (7) 8 :00 -11 Thl1 House Po•e•ed." A young woman ia el'U1\e9hed ln terror when 1he becomet convinced her houae la "alive." Parker Stev~naon Lisa EUbacher atar: ' KNXT (2) 9:00 -"Shirley MacLaLne· Illuatons." Greaory Hines joins actress i~ ulute to illuaioN. Review below. KNBC (4) 10:00 -"Hill Street Blues." A s uapected killer la released on a techn.lcall ty. col*:tlon ol thr.. OI hie pCay1.(A)Q • CAPTIONU> AllC NIWe Ql)MOVll • • • ..,,.,tint 01111'" ( 1879) Bur1 ~ .. Jiii Claybutgn. Altw f'llOtltht 01 TV dinner• end blind dllll. I dlYOIOld mtg .. &lne wtfllf thin.1 hi'• rounct true IOVI when 1 eotloolteec;f\lr """" 1111 Nie "A" 11:60 (C) MOVIE **'" "P11lp" 111112) MIOhlll Calnt, Mickey Rooney. A IMdy -lier It hired by 111 •a-lllm al81 to "Ohollwrlll" hit barely prlnllble IUIOblogrlPf\y . "PG' 12:00 II ENTERTAINMEHT TONIGHT An lnlervl...., wllh Robby Benton. 8 111 VEGAS A nun 11 kidnapped by • killer Mllllng • prlclllu cro11.(RI • LOVE, AMENCAN STYLE "Love And Thr11 Tim11" / .. Love And The Cllnlcal Problem .. DMOVIE * ••.; .. Slow Out"" (111111) John Travolla, Nancy Allen A sound technician WhO works on hOrror films becomes Involved In a murder myslery when hi wu....-an 1saasain1· lion 'R" 12: 111 (%)MOVIE •*'It '"Zorro. The Gii)' 8t1d1'" ( 11181) George Hamilton. Lauren Hutlon. Thi hltolc 110n ol old Cell- lornl1"t l1mout luttloe fighter II lncapecl111ec:1 by I riding lnjuty. forcing hla lopplan brother to don the cape and maa 'PG' 12-.30D 18 LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Gue111 Teo Nugent, comedlen Wll Shriner • popcorn king Orvllle Redenbec:ltet. • OOUPl.E8 Toole: Thia ltlow •llPlor• the lroublll ol 1 young couple llOOn to be mertled WhOM bride '91"d1 IO mUCh lime With lltt mother Ind who 11 ,..,._ of the i!_oom't •1'-Wlf•. -~-* •• '" "Command Oecl-a1on·· ( 19411) CIMlc Gable. JOl'ln Hodlak. Liv• 1r1 NClillced In a etrlleglc move lo bomb 1111 llrplane l11e1or ... ot Germany t2:40 I ~IUAH & WIFE A conttov.1111 lll~polloe author le murdered aboard a lrlln carrying llVlral polloe olllcera. Including MIC, to a convention (R) 12:44 Cl) MOVIE *** .. Strlpes"(1118t)81U Murrll)I, HarOICI R1ml1 A N-Yori! cabbll iootllng tor ••ell.,,_,, convlnoes 1119 belt friend to join him In lnllttlng in thl U S Army 'R" 1:00e MOYIE • * ··African S1l1rl" (19ell) Oocumtnllf'Y. Cen· lrll Afrlcl II thl ec.n1 ol Helling ld'wenturt. • MOYIE • .,., ··Graveywd Of Hor- ror·· C 1117') Biii Curren. YOCHll Grey. A 1111n leerna lhl IWful -" of hi• brolher'a dleappMt. enoe Wflltl he la ltd to 1 hidden c.ve by 1 bend or 1:10~11! * * .. Altum Of Tiie Giant Moritt.,.... ( 111M) l<ojlro Hongo, Klohljlro Ulda. A m1111111 11rthqualc1 unlllthll • mammo1h. dNtructfile Cl'MIUfl which la anldled by 01mmer1 III NEWS 1: 11 CH> MOVll! * '" "'Dlad And Burled" ( 1081) Jam11 ff1ttollno. Melody Andlr'aon A amlll- 1-n PC>ilceman lnY111l· g11" 1 -• or ~,. mut"derl 'R" 1:30D 8HEWS CC>MOVIE • * • "'Pardon Mon Affair•·· ( 11177) J11n Rochefort. Anny Ouperery. A happily married mll'l con11mpl11H lnlldellly Iller llllng I bllUllM model In • periling garllQI. "PG" 2:00 D MOW! • *"' '"Blow-Up .. (111ee) David • ..,,,. ..... v- Redgfl¥9, When • young London photogrepfllf haa eornt of hie plctur• blOWn up. he dllcovera wt111 ~,.to bl a murder. CZ)MOVll! * * * * .. Nltwof'k'" ( 11176) Faye Dunaway. Peter Finch An aging llllvlalon newsman. WhOM rallnga •re ltuc:hly lllPOlng. It turned Into 1 renting prophel of the 1lrw1v .. by a cr11ty female progrem- mlng 111ecutlv1. 'R' 2:1am MOVIE * *'II "T 00 Secr11 A"llr .. ( 111571 Susan Heyward. Klrti Oougiu. A put>IWler 111emp11 to •te>Q • major generll from obtaining 1 dlplom•llc post . 2:30 9 NEWS • MOVIE * * .. Nlght Of Thi Blood Monller .. (11172) CMeto- phlr lM. Marla Schell. A blltll bet_, King Henry v end Wiiiiam of Orenge r11Ull• In the IKICUllon ol mll'ly women ICCUald of **** '"8 112" C1MS) Mercello Ma1trol1nnl. CllUdl1 Cardln11e. Direct- ed by Federico Felllnl. An overworked film director lllml lo ac:c:tpl lhe Oblll'" ciM In his Cir-11 well U In hit l*IO"al Mle 2:40 8 NEWS 2:50 CH> MOVIE • * \h ··conlln•ntel Divide.. ( 1911) John Blllllhl. Blalr Brown. A Chlc1go newtpaper ~n111 lraY'llt to the Roekle1 lo escape - PC>illical heat and inllll'Vllw a -.c:tu.ive n11uran11 ·po· 3:00 8 MOVIE • • • "Sllualion HC>i)llll1 Bu1 Nol Serlou1'" (1965) Alec Gulnr111a. Robert Rec:llord. A Ger,.. lhop. dlr1l holds two American n11r1 hottage after the end ol Wond War 11. II MOVIE * ~ "Oevghtet 01 Thi Junglil.. (1948) loll Hall, d1mee Clldwtli. An Amer-1- c an h1lr111 end her JOHN DARLING ~ ,..._ lfl,..,.., "°"' Ille~ bV I Piiot •• (I:) WCWll *··~"I Love You, A11oe I Totci.t" ( 1Mll ,..., 81111r1, WlOI! TaylOf· YOllflO. A middle 11)9d ltw- '/flf' ~, .. Wltfl '"' Dt"91111 ~. ...,.. • n9W llfl wltl\ I ~ lllp. pie ..... •lOO•MOV11 * * *.,., '"Olmmt 8helter .. I 11170) Rolllng It~ • ..,.,. tenon Airplane. Thie c:1oc41- ~•11Y ol Ille Rolling 81onea· 1Nt A"-lclll tour lncludll aoetlM ol the rioting Ind rnw der at 111 Altemon1 8'>tldw1y free cone.rt. (Z)~OVM! • • '-' "Ou1drophenl1"' (1070) Pnll Denitll. Mllil Wlngell. MuliC by The Who A 8rltl1h yoolh fljeGll lhl vlluw of hie lemlly IOt lhe "'lrlldom" of •hi Mode. only to dlecovet lhat Ihle ,_ M>Clll group la even more con11rlctlng 'R' 4:t0. VOYAOETOTHE BOTTOM OF~ SEA "'Thi FOMilmln .. • Ml880it: IMPOal8l.E Thi IMF le d.tehld to 1 neutrll country to prtYenl • 1lnl11er ptot which lhr111-lo lh•ll• U S PfMtlgt. •:aa CID MOVIE * • * .. High Risk'" ( 11181) Jamee Brolln. Cllavon L•t· lit A lrlo of greedy lrilnda plot the robbery ol • mil- lion dotl1r1 lrom 1 Soulh American drug dea.., "R" 4:to MOV1E * * * .. Thi Doge Of War .. (11180) Chrillopti« Walk· •n. Tom Blrenoe< F riday'• Daylh 11e Mot1ft-• t:OO CC) • * • ··eu11w·1 w1y•· (tllll1) Jonn Heard, Jen Bridges. A maimed Viel· n1m vet and his betl friend, a SOOlll dropout locu1 lhelr energ111 on IOMng a murder caae "R' S:IO 0 * I 'It "The Chlnlll Connec:t1<>n . ( 1973) Bruce LM. Robert Bake< A mar- 1111 art• lludenl 1111 out to •venoe lhe mu,der 01 his INChlr In which a rlval tChOOI Wll lnllOIYed 'R' 1:00 CZ) * * "Hu11y··111180) Htlln Mlrren, John Shea t:30 CC) **'II ··A Challenge For Robin Hood"" (111&8) Barrie Inghem. Jam11 Hayter Robin Hood and hit band ol merry men Mt out lo dllhrone a Mil· IPPC>inled dlctllor wt\o hu Mlzed power over thl .... 7::aG U • • ""The Kid From NOl·So-81g"' ( 11171) Jen. nlfer McAllister. Roberl Vlhato A 12-yeer-old girl llnd1 hltaell in Ind out Of lroubll whtle Nnnlng 1111 sown~. 7:46 (%) * ~ ""The Gong ShO'# Mov11·· ( 1980) Chuck 81tr1a, Robin Altman. A TV holl mu11 conlend with a v1rl11y of ob111c111. lndudlng """'°"' Clln90fl. to pul IOQllhlr a colllCllOn ol bizarre acts tot Illa lhOw "R" t:OO CS)** ""Revenge Of The Myalerons From Mar•'" (111111) Pupl)lls. Capt.in Scar1ll goes 1n10 deep 9'>lc. 10 ttoo lhe Olldly M)'tterona lrom del1roylng Earth "-30 Ct) I* .. Big Wldneaday"' ( tll7111 Jan-Mlchlli Vln- cenl. WMllam Katt Three C1llfornia boys enjoy lhe surt and sand until lhly begin 10 reallze lhlll lhere"a more lo 1111 lh1n wulng down lhllr boards 'PG" CID * • "'Salurday The 141h"' (11181) Rtcharo Ben· j1m1n. Paul• Prenlln A couple OllCOV« lhll lhl houM they've lnher1tld It being occupied by Y'lm- plr•. ghOlte and ~eel mon11en. "PG" t:1s (%) • • ··s111nce 01 The North .. (11181) Ellen Bura- tyn. Tom Skerrilt. In 111111. • young wom111·1 marrilgl 10 1 lrepj)er leads her lo a ---............ .,,..,.. ",....,,.a... M.'N " ....... ....,,..,,. , ..... (t .. I),...,....,. ........... ,.,. ...... A OOUp6e ...,...., ltlat '"-IMM-.~· .. ~ .. .,..,. ~by.,_ ..... _....,.....,... ~'N' tOteO (JI) • • • * .. ,., llrom Ttll Mecldlnt Crowd'' , , .. 7) .kH1e Ct1r1tt11, T'.,_ llamp A ..-.. 'IO'lf'I lwm gllf ~ ........,, but deltrO'/I ""-"*' lft IN~ Cl>•• ....... '",.,. .. C 1Mll ...,_.......,._ loulll Jourdan A Pena ~ nwpe I IMNon bY~ ~ '*""· tO:IOCC) * * ''llrth OI Tiit .... 1111•• ( 1111) lttpll•,, M8ditnM. AOCI ClllOert· eon. The 1t0ty of John. Paul. Ringo llnd George lrom thllt obeaure begll)o ning to lhllr 1tardom 11:00 (%) • * 'A "Slow Out"' (1881) John TrlVolta, Nan- ~ Allen. A tound lechnl- Cllll wf'O _., on llOrror IHme ~ ""'°'* Ir! • rnuro.r ~ery .,_, ,.. .. ,,.... 11'1......,.. tlon ..... tllOO G • •.,.. .. Retum Of The Fly .. ( 19511) Vlnclnt Pra, &111 Ha!My. Allet 111 invlnlor d... l*"O hit dialnlegrlllng m~. hit aon conllnuee lo work on II deeplta PfOIHll trom 1111 unclil. • *** "C1llM1 Madam .. (11153) Elhll ~· man, Oonlkl O"COflnor A Waehlngton ho11111 ltr"'Qlhens lntemaUonll bondl through mllChmek· a * *'II "Thunder In The Ea11"" ( 19531 Alan Ladd. Oeborlh Kerr A bllnd g1r1 111emp11 10 help relllvl tenalona lltlf a man Mii• ~n• to 1 mlher1Jlh 12::30 lC) * • * "AF-In Thi Crowd" ( 11157) Andy Grif. flth. Patricia Neal. A detll· ICI goes from a Jall c.11 to natlonll rtcognlllon on lhl 11rangth Of his humor and mullCal talent. 0 * * .. Horne Movies" (1980) Keith Gordon, Kirk Oougiu A you119 film llu· dent suffers from a bldgeri119 teacher and an anr1etlon 10 his brolher"s hanct1 "PG' 1:00 • • • ··s~ Streak (11176) Gene Wiider. JUI Clayburgh. A m110 . mannered book editor accld•nt1lly becomu lnvotved In a Slnlller an thlel"e bizarre plol during 1 CrOSS-COUnlry lraon rode ·pa· Cl) * * ""Dead Plglon On Beelhoven Stree1··1 1973) Glenn Corbell, Chrl11a Leng A detective allempia to ••oo a ring or l>lllCk· miller• who ~ata 1nter- nehon111y 2:00 0 * • ""The Kid From Not-So-eig·· ( 19711) Jen. nller McAllister. Roberl Vlharo A 12-year-oid girl find• '-Mii In and out ol lroubll white running lhl tOllrfl~ 2:30 (%) • * "'S~ Of Thi Nor1h .. (1991) Ellen Bura- lyn. Tom Skerrltt. In 11119. •'/<>Ung woman's mAfrlage lo a trapper leld1 her 10 a 1111 ol hardlhlp In the w11. d«neu or northern C1n1. 01 'PG" S.-00 * • '" "Zorro. Thi Gey 81101.. ( 19111) George H1mmon, leur.., Hullon Tiit herok: son ol Old Call· lornl•"• lamous )UlllCI lighter la lncapacillled by a riding Injury, IOf'Clng hls IOOC>l.ti brother lo don the cape and m1.sk "PG· 3:30 CS) * • . 'Hucitleberry Finn.. (1974) Jell EISI Paul Winfield A young boy and • runaway slave become Involved In a series OI ld-.tures wt.lie "-"II down the Mlulssop. pl Rlwt on a ralt 'G' 4:00 G * * "8a11ie Of El Al1meln" (1971) George Hlllon, Miehefll Rennie In Wor10 War II. Monlgom· ery's torces wage a bluer ballle or a11nt1<>n ag11n11 Rornmel'1 Afnka Korps by Armstrong & Batiuk TRIUMPH "A movte of soaring P'ealuree that you hope Wfll never end. To be seen again and again ... and treaaured." -Gene Shallt. NSO.TV Toda Show ' J • • I f I i : : t ·I :I I I t • I t , ·~ ' I ~ • ... . . . .... Orang• Coaat DAILY PILOT/Thur1d1y, Jun. 2~, 1982 Double dip for Spielberg.: .. ·-···~ .. ·-·· .. ~--- fJ,~~'~A~ NEW YORK -Lau year. dlrt.-clor Stovtm Splolb<!rg wa1 reepona!bl for the lop if'OS&lng mm of 1981, "R.ldl'ni or the Lost Ark." Thia year, Splclbers l'Ould be rctponsJble for two top·gt08Slng rilm1. ''E.T .. Th e Extra - TerreatrlaJ" and "Polt4!>rgelst " And the two movies. although virtually made at the same iimc. are like day and night. "One's a boy and one's a gi rl," the 34-vear-old director said over a cup o( cold borscht dur- ing an inter· view. " 'Polwrgeisl' is a real scary ghost story." h e sa id . "while 'E.T .' is a love story about rra end- ship." In ''E.T .·· .,,l!LHRO that £riendsh1p is between a boy and a creatur e from another planet who a•t• stranded on Earth when h i• apaceahl p llbandona hlm. " 'E.T.' means more to fn(I than llOY movie I ever made." Spielberg aaid. "When 1 was young, my father would move us from one town to the other every time he found a bet~r job.'' he· said. ''I'd be on the brink of making a best friend and suddenly I'm somewhere else havinl{ to start from acratch. 'E.T.' 1s about a friendship that will never be disrupted." "Poltergeist.'' on the othe r hand. is a horror story about a typical suburban family being terrorized by a force that etists somewhere between life and death . For S pi e lberg . it represents all his childhood fears. "All my fears were nonnal," Spielberg says. "I was afraid of my closet. Under my bed. Dark shadows. I never got over that. "It usually takes making a movie to get over a fear for me.'' he said, "and it usually costs the studio between $10 million and ROCKY III ~@· UmtedArt11ta .MWAI NOW PLAYING lllU COSTA MfSA MISSIOll flfJO OllAllGl UA t.lo•Mt) H.l•DO< I •in V"'J<I I'""' 0..nge Omt 1rt 990 •on 63• HO• uo bqqo ~~•ion IUfllA rAlllt •llUllTltfCITOll llACN •OllAllOl WUTMIHTEll Poc1hc ltneOll> °'"e •• I a.,.,o\ C-.• c"'"°""'' r a .... a. C'"tm• we-1 1ru1a21 •010 e•e Ole& &l• ?~~1 s•1 l9J~ •COSTA MlSA lAGllllA IUCN (Ow"iteb 8't\IOI SouU'I (Au,, trt.0 ........ a.cct•tlO •o. '""' u.o.Ao~111tj ~40 T4U •Q• '~" •Pr.,~enffXl'" 35mm001"""".,_,,I " C° LUXURY TH~="'~----····111.. ~ 1st Two M~tinu SbowrnuOHLY$2j2Unlus0thtrwr~Nottd S 113t.13•I•I11Il6J6lt1 2ss11 ~~T:.) S ·~------------------FOR FUnl EXCITEffiEnTl V1s1tOur ... k;1 •<tre •J(il(f[;Tj,1;u~:e1;?49 Cioni Eulwood 12:00 2:lS S 15 1:00 Sh01'/Pl 12;_1S 2.50 ffi 10:30 70mm N ol'.con.Su1' S 25 1:10 fu·35 #\ ' .. •1 • ...... , .... , .... ... ... .. ' Al PACINO "AUTHOR! AUTHOR!" \ $1~ million before I'm c:ur«J " If mak.lna movte11 la therapy Co r Splelbera'• phobias. mm companln are Unina up to J*Y for hi.a \t'Q\ment. So far, hl1 pictures, which Inc 1 u de •·Jaw 1, ·' • ' 'C 1o1 e Encounten of the Third Kind" and "Raiden or the Lost Ark " have senerat.ed more than $1 billion box office grosses. "I love making movie. about things l don't know anything about," Spielberg says. "My films are usually about things that you just can't go out and experience outside of a movie theater." "Poltergeist" developed out of hls Interest in people who had life after death experiences. "Ma ny o f them," he said. "report seeing a glorious light that seems to want them and they seem to want it, but something either holds them back or rejects them from the light, or something brings them back to wherever they were when they almost died." 1'IN!y 6bo~ * IAMlb~. II# I~. lb.jrustraHon ... atul dN bathroom. A.n alien ipilcahlp ••• For 100,000 years It lay buried In the Antarctic Ice. ow, the aJlen creature inside has been set free. A !URMAN f~ER COMPQY IQUCllOI Jiii r.wmEl'S 11 _.. .-lllllt mu eiffi.UrA'i1lR iBiiii1ltocx =am ~r.lo MllRRlCOll O!Ai°aiiiY iiifiica i9lUSlR ~iii ClllH ilO'ftlSIER & IAWRilCl TIMM m·rNlftl1£R ........ _ --·-· .. -·~. __ ..,._ - R I •••MC•I• {~-.-..·-•-•;;;;;) 1..W film ................ ~ •• , .. CJJ[~....-i c..~--..... -· , .......... , ............ ~ ... -.lit' START§ FRIDA t' .STAA n. W'f'ATH ... ROC, .. °"'"'"'l(Yc.__ Jfl -TRe K..lL -~ ... (IS:p ZJ ...,., DYAN CANNON TUESDAY WELD s11~wr•' 1i :oo2:3os:oo s11ow,1112:002:10 4:1s 7:30 0100 In 70mm ':20 1 :30 f0:40 BOB DISHY ALAN KIHG II Kr1plldl ~flt OM Q!US1ll ~""'°flt IRYllll WlfiQ.[R Iii. WI""" 1Jv 1SRMI IClfllVll/ ()wad bl AAlltl lllUU ~-:-~;~~~ Qlt¥t ntE ~ .. ~ ~~if!.~G HOJJ\? Plu_• DEAD MEN DON'T WEAR PLAID IPCI ~a'1ky ~-~~~Y,.G ~r~,Yd~T.2~PC) ~r:,e,,,'!'~W1c~1~~"P!~~;9 OPEN 7 :30 NIGHTLY Children Under 12 Free Unless Noted CITY cenTEA ~~ .,.. '"' c '" ll"'-'"r (JAA,.Gl • 6JA 911/ I e Daily Pilot e classifieds e workfor • you. call 642-5678 e forquick e cash sales. • "4..-:> I 1111 IHIMI , ~ .J \ Ace ffunfer Is the Ultimate Super Herol a GOlDEl IWIYm Prms Al AlBERI s RUDOY PROOUCllOI A HAl IUOIWI flM BARRY BOSlWICI · MltHAll BlCI · PIRSIS IHAMBAllA "Ml&AfORtf:. SIJrnll EDWARD MULHARI • 6£DR6l fURTH _, HllRY SllVA IS '4tel111 • • JlRRllD 111116 Ollar II,_. ¥1CllAEl BUllER 1m1tM ri-. RAYMQIO CHOW lmou '*'ft ROBlRT $ WllfR So-.. n JAMlS WlllnAllR • Alllll S RUDOY & HAl llf OllMI a AIORE MOR5M ,. ..... '9 Al8£U S. RUODY !em" HAl IUDHAll 1....-...... 111.-. ....... , - PGINUTIL . llWM 61A#W' '1.1.!ht!tiZ't 1 ..... "P't ... ~ ..... ~ ---.'""",.."'' 1tt o.-... _.. ,.. *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday All Ptrform1nces before 5:00 PM (Except SPtClll Engagements and Holidays) lJI MlllAl"' MAii o M110<10 0 1 t o1e,ron1 LA MIRADA WAltc·IN 994·2400 "ANNIE" 1ro1 . _ ..... _ ....... I 11AUTHORl AUTHOR" "POL TEAGEIST" (POI ·---, ... - VOUIH SHOW SAi 10 A.M "GREASE 2" IPO) ......... -._.,,.. LAKEWOOD CENTER WAUC·IN "ROCKY Ill" (PO) IN 70MM DOUY 8Tt:AIO ·---......... ,,,,. "ST AA TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN" 70MM DOUY tTEAEO (l'O)I ·-------- LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAllC IN •2-&e.._, ...... ,, • (f'O) "ST AA TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN" 10MM DOLBY ITIElllEO (PO) lllM, ... •:M. -- "ROCKY Ill" (PO) 1a:. t-• ....... , .. .--... " ,, focutty 01 Conote wooo 213/531·9510 "DIEAD MEN DON'T ftAA Pl.AIO" ~I -.-. .... M AR'TMVR" 10>01 ........ - "POflKY'8" 1•1 tta, .... ,. ··~·· "fl1CHAJID PftYOlll LIVE ON THE 8UN8ET STAii'~ 1•1 --- "GREASE 2" (PG) , .... ,_ .... .._aa._ "HANKY PANKY"~) I "GREASE 2" (PO) t;ta,____ IMl,Ht I~,.... .... LAGUNA so . COAST WALK-IN 5011111 Coo•t H1woy o l l 100<1woy 494-1514 "GREASE 2'' 1ro1 "ROCKY Ill" (POI a: ... _, __ --. ...... -.-~---UI.- MM. tlw Fri. 7.>0 -Sil. SIM. l.U ~latts al Dua .. -•IMPORTANT NOTICE! CHllOREN llWDlR 12 FRH! Harbor IN ,,.,,. 11111. llwv frl. 1:00 • Sot • s.... . MIWtr• 'oo tllf~ A SOUltO • VOUll Aloi CAA MOO 11 rt>IJli S"-M[- 11r "° ... w MOO wm• tCHmOH AGCISSOlll l'OSfllOll -llllHC Aloi IOl!f_,.( I• AU Cllif-fl OIWt 11<$ IJI) ON Aloi llAlllO JINAH!IM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN Ft•••ay 91 ot le,,.on S• 179·9150 "FIREFOX"'"°' ..... "OUTLAND" 1•> C•ffl ri SO\JffO --------------..-----· ----- "GREASE 2" 10>01 ..... "AMERICAN POP" 1•1 C:lltl II 50UltD 9utNA PAl1l BUENA PARK DRIVE -IN 11nco1n A•• we.i Ol llJ\on 121·•070 9UINA PAllK LINCOLN DRIVE-IN ltMOln A~• W•" ol •nott 121-•010 11.11m111u1 Sol\ D••Vo ftwy ot 110011111111 (So ) 962·2411 WISIMINSllll HI-WAY 39 ORIV( IN "ANNIE" 1!'01 -"POl'IYE"1N1 .. PORKY'S"1•1 -••OOIN' All THE WAY" l"I "E.T .. THE EXTRA· TEAAEITI'IAL" ll'OI ..... "'1NAL AHtONtHNT" l"I "ROCKY Ill" 10>01 ..... "CLASH OF THE TITAN8''1"°1 "8TAA TREK It. THE WAATH ~KHAN" 10>01 ..... "lllCTOflY" ll'OI CINI II SOIJHD lleotn 11•0 So OI G.l<Otn Gl o" '"""o' 191·3693 "FIREFOX" tl'OI -"OUTLAND" , .. _____ c_11•_l _"..;.IOllll>;.;;..;.;'-----+-----==-"-=-'' " SOIJH_o __ "AUTHOR! AUTHOR!" 1"01 -"MODEM "'08LEM8" ,,.1 CM R SOllllO I 1 04A,l'\fA LA HABRA 0111\11 IN ·-•Ot ........ _ ........ _ i71-1H2 ---- ''1A,N• I "POL TEA~IST" (N ) "HA WOl.VIS" fl'OI Cltlf fliou<oo "ROCKY IU" '"' -"CALIH Off nfl TITANS" INI ORANGE 0 111\li IN ~·"' ..... llW'f • lla••C..,•~ 558·7022 '... ~"' ~ " "'• M ISSION Dill\/( IN . . f H • I • \ rl' bl & ,, )J :l 0 r -.. --_.. _,...-----------~-----.,..------- Or1ng• Coaat OAILV PILOT/Thurld•v. June 24, 1982 atalie Wood awa~d continues out1tandln1 mal• and female acttn1 ma~nta 1T•du1ttn1 at UCLA. After ~lf\I •ltcted by the Board of OlniCton ot th Theet r Ar1a Oeputmentl both atud nta receive a $1,000 award to help them continue their careers, KJrvay uJd. l\&Nt It ,..mains an annual port of theUCLAp~. Miii Wood drowned Nov 2IJ In an k'Cld nt at her 60-foot yqcht moored near Santa Catalina llland, where ahe had been fllmtn11 the movie "Bralnatonn" with .actor Chrlatopher Walken. "It was alJ done very 11.mply,'' KJrvay aatd, explalntn1 how the awards were handled when Ml.u Wood was alive. "She dJdn't like any publicity around it." 1-------NOW PLAYING -----~ Wagner aatd through his publicist that he \l.tlll continue to support the award on behalf of his family and himself to make spred the satin Famous latex llat wall paint from Glidden . Beautiful flat finish scrubs clean. stays color f11t. Easv water clean-up. Reg. Reg. 13.99 From Black an'd Decker #8600 Completely portable. hose 1a flat hke a flreftghter's hose. Reg. 29.99 ---·· ----· * ~ ......... to stay In hot water 30·gallon watar fl.later with energy s•vlnQ tamoeratur11 ahut-olf. Batt gla11- llnad tank liner In th• Industry. 11811 ........... 124.111 St"' ...... 114.18 , lllU UA Mo•ot\ ttO 4017 COITA MtlA lO•••O\ c.n.mo (;fnt•• .,. IUt UllO .. tllOWI Wt<t!llo.>' HO 4401 • llllllTIHTOll ltAClll I o .. .;ou. c.n.iit1 UIOJll • COITA MltA llltllff ld.,Md\bwlnW.•1 IO•MU•WOQCll•ldtlo lo•" Cootoi /)t 11•• \\t o•~' ll fOllO lO•llO\ $IOOI-• \I I \00 .. _ _..., ... , ... ,_ .. , SIX·TRACK (X](DOJl\'ITWO). PRESENTATION lll!WMI IUU ''"~" ... ,.., c_.. 11• llN -~ tH t"l uu ·-" .. '""' 111•• t"d• •u illl""' Y•ltt-, .. ,, \H9 tn •410ff con• 1111u •••-•it .. ••••• ,1~J ... 1r-.,~ ... .,.""" _..,,~ "'"' \H • 1' "' U70 WUIMllllU \,IA V• o;o"'•t. lmmll:D. •. l-16t•Ulllt .. , , ... ltO•HM••CCOUO'°" r1itt6l"'4•Gt .. flll' l6to1UN ;;r,or.· ... , ... :r:m. I .... • IJo<•ll 11Fr/ends, Romans and bHch dw•llers, . let's face It, we ha vs a flea problem I 11Great fleas have little fleas upon their backs to bite 'em, and little fleu have less;,, fleas, and ao ad lnllnltum. n d·Con Flea Kill "Birth control for fleas " 6-oz. Reg. 4.99 be glad you got glldden Kid-tested Latex aemi- gloss enamel for a super tough, non· yellowing finish. Reg. 18.99 professional touch and cut 7'1.'' circular saw from Skit. Gives extra cutting capacity combined with super com· fort and handing ability. #51'4, #634 49 1 ldtoh1n whi1tl1r 2'1t qt. Stalnless steel whistltng teakettle. Copper-coated bot· Rag. 6.99 tom. 4•• it's 11 the ~11 Lawn Chief 21" rear bag rotary mower. 311 h.p. #81 Reg. 199.98. ,I .. willer "1mok1J jo1" Portable grill, porcelain, re- movable legs. ash catcher For beach park. travel. home. car. motorbike # 10001 2599 Reg. 32 99 breeze away the hot spells Put a 3·apeed. 20" box fan 1n your window to cool your home. #3713 2 •• ~2 .. 3~~~~~~ .................... 2 •• ,,.rt , •• , 11011 ...... 3-wlre caga for supporting healthy. hardy, tomato planta. I I j I I GOTCHA -Left fielder Brian Downing d ives for and comes up with long fl y h it by Buddy Bell of Texas in the third inning of Wednesday THURSOA Y, JUNE 24, 1982 COMICS C6 AP Wlrepholo night's game at Anaheim Stadium as Ranger bullpen looks on. Angels won. 5-3. ClASSIFllO ce An unlikely hero Will ong sparks Angel s; K C next l By CURT SEEDEN OftN Deltr Not ltaff You didn't h ear anyone chantin~ "Wllfon~, Wilfong," Wednetday night at Anaheim Stadium. Rather, it was the customary "Reggie, ttegglc," whlch brought out one Reggie Jackson for a tip of the cap after he had just hammered a Doc Mt'dich pitch lnto the right field aeats in the seventh inning as the Angels scored a 5-3 victory over the Texas Rangers before 25,207 fans. Most of those fans had to dig through their trusty programs to find Wilfong. At the same time, Wilfong was dlgglng through the cobwebs near his dres&ng cubicle in the Angel clubhouse in search of a glove and a bat. Manager Gene Mauch asked Wilfong af he knew where second base was, to which Wilfong eloquently responded, "Yeah." · He also proved he could still hit the ball. By the tamt> the night was over, Wilfong. nadrnamed one of the "Pme Brothers" along watlT another rarely used 1nf1elder Mick Kelleher. had a Lraple. two singles and scored two runs while filling in for Bobby Grich. Wilfong came mto the game with an average of .157 (.125 as a n Angel) and when thin~s were wrapped up. he was batting .183 and ready Lo spend another :$U days on the bench waiting for Grich to tire again. "It's just nice to contribute. I think I'll assume the same role I had again," Wilfong admitted afterward. That means he'll be bac:k on the bench tonight when the Angels open their important four-game series with the invading Kansa:::. City Royals. "Things are different for me here," Wilfong continued. "For the last five years I played almost all the time. But I've accepted my job here and that's to rest Bobby Grich. He's probably one of the best all-around second basemen around. "I think Grich really neeckd at (a rest)," added Mauch "I'd rather give them a blow here and there ratht•r than when it's obvious th.lit they ne<Xi at." Wilfong W llb lht• otht·r ~uy 111 thl• May 11 d<·al that brought tht· ct•lebratt-d Doug Corlx•n to tht• Angels an ext·hangt• for Tom Brunaru.ky dnd two manor l{·ague rs. He had been LO bat JUSt t·1ght t1mt>s since• joinin.g the Angels and had one hat to his lTedll brior to Wednesday night's game (ronacally. on a night Wilfong perfo\m<'cJ admirably in his s urprlM' starting rok" his ex· Twm teammate showed signs of returning to form. too Corbett was be<·koned by Mau<:h in the eighth inning after starter Ken Forsch y1eldt>d a home run On TV tonight channel 5 at 7:30 to Buddy Bell a nd reliever Andy Hassler gave up a !>hot to Dave Hostetler. trimming a n Angel 5-1 lead to 5·3. Corbett managed to gt·l tht• final four ou~ to earn has eighth savt• of the y<-ar and fifth as an Angel It was10 bag turnaround from has last ft•w outings an which ht• was unahlt• Lo hold leads The reason for tht• 1mprovt•mt•nl Wedm•sday night was the elimination of a flaw 1n his dehvery. he admitted afterward "(Pitching coach ) Tom Morgan spotted at Ra lh<'r than going straight at tllC' hatter. I was opening up with my stride I was losmg velocity because I was JUSl sla nging the ball," Corbt:tt said "My pitch was stall sinking, but 1t had a hump an it. Actually, there was only om· ganw that drove me bananas and that wa::. tht• Toronto gaml· (Jun(' 9) .. He was rek r rmg tu tht mght the Blue Jay:::. sc:ort-d a come-from-bc•hand 3-:l VJl·torv off him with a runth-inning uprising Follow1ng· that outang, Corbett's record with the Angels wa.'> 1-4 and his earned run average balloont-d ovl'r the 6.00 mark. Corbett said he as just abou t b.il"k in thl' groovP, none t.oo soon as far as ht· a nd M<.tut'h are concernt-d, considering the Angc·ls will gc·t Lht·ir first look at Kansas City beginning tonight (See ANGELS, PaJite C4) McEnroe holds off temper, Edwards E urope an longsh o t s Navratilova, A ustin, J aeger mak e their d ebut to day; E dmon son ad van ces WIMBLEOON, England (AP) -It is somehow fitllng that just minutes from where the goodly Dr. Jekyll downed the potion that made him the beastly Mr. Hyde, John McEnroe rails against his own darker side. Colin Dowdeswell of Brat.am and No. 11 Brian Teacher of the United Stat.es got his tournament bid underway against Israeli Shlomo Blickstein. The ranked wome n, all of whom received byes ln the opening round, also made thel(. ~ ioday as top~~ed Ma rtina Navratilova, No. 3 Tracy Austin, No. 4 Andrea Jaeger and fifth-seeded Ha na M<.tndlikova of Czechoslovakia took the court showed that the feathers of the reigning champion stall ru!fle. A reporter asked the New Yorker if he "is purposely backing off the throttle a bit?" "YOl( might pu\ it that way," McEnroe sai<t, 'I )lppe to ,enjoy my tennis career. This w ay, as time goes on. at will be easier." Ye t, it didn't go that way Tuesday. But fight it h~ does, swallowing what anger he can on the neatly manicured lawns of the All-England Lawn Tennis a nd Croquet Club. I t is hke shadow- boxing in front of a mirror, except here some 8,000 people are looking on. Jimmy Co nno r s. who lo n g ago tempered somewhat the demons that continue to haunt McEnroe. highlighted today's card when he put his No. 2 seeding on the line against Australian John Alexander Sernnd-<;{><'C.led Chris Evert Lloyd . an kt't•ptng with W1mbll>don tradition of having tht· dl'fondang t•hampaon open play. dl'ft·at<'Cl Barbora Sul• Gerken on TuPSd<iv With his strokes erratic from the outset, his temperament joined in. A1ter cruising through the first two sets with nothing more than minor disruptions -berating himself for poor play, berating an official for what he deemed a poor call, and playing to the crowd all the while between -McEnroe rrussed an easy volley in the third game of the final set. He lifted the ball with ln other men's matches. th1rd·se«icd Vat.as Gerulaills took on New Zcalander Bruce Derlin, No 4 Sandv Maver met McEnrot'. who opt•ned on C enter Court Monday an a n impressive victory. mcimt·nls after w ip ing out Edd ie Edw<1nJs of South Africa 6·3. 6-3. 7.5 m a s~·cond r11und matt·h Wednesday Cocaine use linke d to Bre w e r s MILWAUKEE (AP) -The Milwaukee Bre~rs declined to reply Wednesday to a pubhshed report that a team member is to be a witness at a U.S. Distract Court grand JUTY investigation of co caine dis tribution an t h e Milwaukee area. "The Milwaukee Bre w ers have not been contacted by any law en forcement age n<:y and therefore will have no comment on this evening's s tor y," the American League club said in a statement. The Milwaukee Journal said in a copyright story that a sour('l' which it dad n ot 1dent1fy reported that the unid entified w itness is on the team's starling lineup. Government agents told the player and his attorney that he has been under investigation for two years 'concerning cocaine purchases, the newspaper said. Th e story appeared coincidentally on the day the club h e ld an annual session during whi ch the Poli ce Department's vice squad cousels players against uslng drugs. Brewer Manager Harvey Kuenn said the "story was not even mentioned" during th e meeting. Kuenn and players declined to talk publicly with sports writers about the story. The Journal's report comes in the wake of an article in Sports Bra ves rough up Vale nzuela, 7-2 Dodge rs fall 61h games beh ind ATLA NTA (AP) It was a mght patcher Rack Mahler of the Atlanta Braves won't soon forgC'l. He· ..,mashed th<.' fu-st home run of h1'> l«.treer and oul d ue le d Fernando Va le n 1uf'la with a compll'l<' game c;c.•v1•n·hitter as the Bravt>s beat thC' l..,o.., Angeles Dodgers 7 2 Wednc'Sday mght "'That's just somL•t hmg, that's ama21ng.'· saan Mahler. who crackc'<i ht'.'> homt•r off rehever Alejandro Pena t.o cap a four-run sixth whc·n thC' Braves chased Valen2uC'la with four consecutive <>mglc-s ''Valt'nzuela 1s one of the better pitchers in the• league." Mahler said. "ll·s one· or the big th ra lls of my carerr ·· T h e v 1c t o r v e n abled the National League West-leading Bravl'S to stretch their lead to 6 'h games over th e thard·place Dodgers and to 4 'h games over San Diego. which dropped a 5-4 decision at Cincinnati Wednesday night. The crowd of 33,2 12 gave Mahler. 7-5. a lengthy standing ovation following the homer before the pitcher finally realized they were seekirtg a bow. "Everything was blank for me for a while," he said. "Everybody in the dugout fainted and I had to step over them w hen 1 realized the crowd wanted me to take a bow. and adding two more hits off Valenzuela. "l've had pretty good SUl.'CeSS with him in the past," Horner said. "Overall, he didn't have bad stuff. but an key situations he got 1l up, especially his screwball. "I thought Fernando was not as sharp as he normally is and when that happens. we've got some hitters who can hurt you." Homer added "We were hitting him pretty hard tonight. 1 don't think he's used to it." Valenzuela, 9-6, was charged with six runs and eight hits through five innings, giving up half o f those hits without recording an out m the sixth. "l was very conscious of the importance of winning against a team like the Braves because t h ey ar e ahe ad of u s," Valenzuela said through an interprete r "l thought I had good stuff. and they hit it. I have had some very tough games in Atlanta. They have a strong Hneup. They seem to get timely l)itUng against us." ROMINE SIGNS WITH BOSTON Kevin R<nnine, an ex-Fountain Valley High and Orange Coast produc" has signed a contract. with the.Boston l\ed Sox and has been AMlimM to the(r Wmter Haven "Ay;-;f(illate in Florida. • has racquet and then slammed 1t into the nl't. "Code v 10la t1 o n , abuse o f ba ll , warning," said ump ire G e orge Armstrong. "l asked tum what constituted ball abuse." McEnroe said later of h is ensuing discussion with Armstrong. "I thought you had to hit the ball into the stands or at a lineman." For the third straight da y, rain curtailed the card Wednesday and left tournament offacaals Cacmg a backlog of dozens of matches. Two other seeded me n players reached the second round as No. 12 Mark Edmondson of Australia o utla sted Am<'r ican Marty Davis 7-6. 7 ·5, 7-5 and 15th·seeded Buster Mottram of Britain overcame a tiebreaker loss to overtake 20-year-old Anders Jarryd of Sweden. • IDustrated about Don Reese, a fonner National Football League player who ls quoted as saying "cocaine can be found In quantity" throughout the NFL. The newspaper aaid it waa told the Brewer witness la not apeclfically the target of the IP'Jld jury inv~tlon. "When I hit it I knew I hit it really well. I knew It had a chance. It's like a dream. I can't hit one in batting practice. Not alnce high 9C'hool have l hit a home run." Bob Homer had supplied most. of the ofCen sive h eroic• until then, lash ing a. two.run alngle during a three-run fint l.nn1n.g Romine, who played the past aeaaoo at Arir.ona State, bauad .411 for the Sun Devi.la while eat.ting a llChoof record for meet · stolen baleS in a single eeaon with 59. .. ...... tt OPENS DEFENSE -Defending Wimbledon champion John McEnroe contJnued hla de1ense of his crown Wedne9day by defeatJng American F.ddie F.dwards in 1\ra.lgbt .eta, 6-3. 6-3, 7-5. ~---------...... .._.. ......... _.....__....__ ---_ _... ~-------------------------------__ ;......;_.,..;;_..;;... • a s urprise MADRID. S p a in (AP) Round Two o( the World Cup soccer finals ts shaping up. in part. as a battle betwttn the t o u r n a m c·n t 's t w o S outh American favori tes in one group and three European longshots an another. Defe n ding c·hamp1o n Argentina lx•at El Salvador 2 0 an A lil·a n tc· WednC'sday nig ht to advanC'e to se<'Ond-round Group C wath thn.-c·llmc· Cup wanner Br.1711. which stn·nglht>ned its status as th e• top favorite-by <:rushing NP'-' Zl•aland 4 0 in Seville. Thr group is mundt'C.I out by I t a I v . w h 1 l. h J d v a n t' P d Wednesday with d I I d raw against CamProon an Vigo Belgiu m. Poland <.t nd the Sovie t Union. c•ach seeking its first world championship, meet m Group A of the second round, which involvC's 12 of the original 24 teams Gro ups A a nd C pl a y in Barcelona starting next week. while Groups B and D play m Madrid. One of the three te~ in each group will advance to the serrufmals July 8. Only England has clinched a berth in Madrid. and 11 other teams still have a chant'e for the five spoLc; that will be decided today and Friday by the last six fi rst·round matches. In today's games, World Cup newcomer Honduras will qualify if it b eat s Yu goslavia in Zaragoza, and France will make at if it dC'fea t.s injury.wracked Czechoslovakia an Valladolid. The Yugoslavs a nd Czechs need to win JUSt to survive. So does Chile m ats match against Algeria in Oviedo. Algeria can slay alive with a draw. But those four teams' second-round hopes also depend on the outcomes of Friday's matA:hes. Most of the speculation about the Madrid matchups centers on whether fa rmer c h ampions England and West Germany. the strongest teams on that side of the chart. will wind up in the same second-round group. That would happen lf both teams finish atop their res~ve first-round groups. England Manager Ron Greenwood aays he would like lo avoid the , Germans. Both teams play their final first-round matches at the same time Friday. In "Barcelou'• Group C, 8tuil '8 ra\ed by far the best. It won all three firat-round matcheit, two after falling behind. and OUtlcO.red lts foea 10 to 2. ZJc.-o and F.der lead a group of half a d~n talented aoabcorera. I I 1. Orange Ooa1t DAILY PILOT/Thurtdly, June 24, 1982 r_. __ ._ ________________ ._, H ere' a different sid e of Wimbledon From AP dl11patcbes WIMBLEDON, England Life in the outer courts at Wimbledon isn't E3 all strawberries and cream. Just as k Zana Garri80n and Leigh Anne Thompsun. Despite tht• on-and-off rain that plagued Wimbledon for tht• third straight day, No. 1 Court wru. rca,dy for play within 20 mmutes of the tarpauhn's bl•ing removed Court No. 14, where Garrison and Thompson were to play, took hours to drv The players call at "Siberia" -the dozen or so outer l'OUrts on thl• perimeter of the All- England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club where Jow~r-ranked players battle 1t out m the early rounds. scrapping fur the c:hancc to emergt:> from tennis obscurity Only m S1ben a would a player who made the third round at thc U.S Open last year - Thompson look up at her father afler a first-set shutout and. an anguish. mouth the words. "Can't I wm om' game?" Only 1n Silx•na would a player about to serve be halted by a loud l'Onversation betwe<'n two fans: "Who's playinl<( thcrt•?" "Just Garrisori and 'Thom pson." Cromartie powers Expos past Mets Warren Cromartie bt•ltcd two h o m e runs and Steve Rog e rs ~ scattcrC'd t.'tght hits as Montreal ... blanked the Nl•w York M ets Wednt.'sday night, 5-0 al ShC'a S1.ad1um. Rogers. 9-3. struck out seven and dtd not walk a batter in posting his ~venth c:omplNe game of the season . . . Elsewht.'re an the National League, Paul Householder slammed a two-run homer m the bottom of the eighth mnang to power CmcinnalJ to a 5-4 victory ovt.'r San Diego, the third straight victory for tht.' Reds . Junior Ke.nn~dy rapped a til'-breaking doubl~ m the 10th mnmg as the Chicago Cubs halted a five-game los~g streak with a 6-5 win m Pittsburgh . . Mike Krukow fired a seven-hatter and singled home a run and Manny Trillo drove m three others to pace Philadelphia to a 7-1 triumph over St. Louis . . . Max Venable's pinch-hit si ngle in the eighth inning snapped an 8-8 tie, giving San Francisco a 9-8 come-from-behind victory over Houston in the Astrodomt• Greg Minton, the fifth Giant pitcher. worked the last two innings to pick up his 12th savl'. Royals nip Oakland In ninth Inning Larry Gura hurl d a four-"'lt 111 1hutout and U .L. Wubla1&oa Ex-flam admits to drug use dellve~ rwH1cor1n& aln&let tn the Kevin McLain claim team 'never dealt with the problem' &up ot the nlnth lnnlna to carry Kanau City lO a l 0 victory over alumplflt Oakland. O ura, 8-3. walkt'd th and it.ruck out four in rl><.'Ordmg h lH M"C.'0111.l 11hutout o( the 11eaaon unJJ outdul!linK hurd ·luck loewr. Brlao KlD&mlD, O ~ TIQl Laudoer'1 tw lirt.•akJng three-run ho m er c·u ppe d a aa x ·run upr1.111ng m the ninth mnlng und powered Mlnneaot.n to a 6-J triumph in Chicago over the Whale Sox . . . Rookie short.stop Vance McHenry'• th rowing erro r a1 h e attempted to complete an lnning·l·ndl ng double play allowl'<.l two runa to acore In ; t he 11th inning and gave OUAA To r o n to a ~ . 3 w I n o v e r Seattlt' . Roy Smalley 11larnmed a three-run homer in Lht• fifth innmg, leading New York past M1lwaukC't.-, J-2, snapping the Bre wers' seven· game winning streak . . Jim Palmer pitched seven strong innings to gain has 253rd lifetime victory as Baltimore downed Cleveland, 3-1 . . . Glenn Hoffman drove m four runs with a tw-breakm~ two-run homt·r and a sinjitle to power Boston past Detroit, 10-4. the Tigers' 10th straight set back Quote of the day Jim Walden , f oo t bal l coach a t Washington State University. "I think D'\OSt of the cheating in college athletics is more talk than anything else. There is far more smokt' than there 1s really fire There are some teams that cheat, as in any profession. Wl· spend too mul'h tlmL• talking about those that cheat instead of talking about those who don't " Television, radio Following are the top sports even ts on TV tonight Ratings are: vvvv exeellent: vvv worth watching; v v fair, v forget it. 5 7:30 p.m., Channel 5 v V V V BASEBALL: Kansas City at Angels. Announcers: Bob Starr and Ron Fairly. In a showdown for first place in the American League West. the Angels send Geoff Zahn (7-3) against Kansas Caty right-hander Keith Creel ( 1-3). The Royals won two of three in Oakland. as did tht> Angels against Texas. OTHER TELEVISION WORLD CUP SOCCER 11 p.m. (34) - France vs Czechoslovakia RADIO Baseball Dodgers at Atlanta, 4:30 p.m., K.ABC (790). Kansas City at Angels, 7:30 p.m., KMPC (710). FRIDA Y'S TELEVISION 8 a.m. (:l4) WORLD CUP SOCCER - Germany vs. Aul>tria . 11 :45 a .m. (34) WORLD CUP SOCCER Northern lrl'land vs. Spain. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Kevin McLain. the Ram1' No. l draft choice from Colorado 8\al'te ln 1976. hu returned to Colorado and ...OmJtl he formerly UMld drup whUe playing prole.ional footba", the Loe Angeles Hc-rn1d Examiner reported W odndday "I enjoyed aocla.Uzlng and partying. It'• au pArt. of the Notional Football League. !verythlf\i you want ls pretty readily available -cocaine, marijuana, pw.°, boow." 0McLaln said. "A lot of players are Involved to diffe rent degrees." Unlike the story by former player Don Reese. who wrote ln Sports Illustrated about use of dope on NFL teams, Mc:Lain did not name individuals. ''The team neve r dealt with the problem." McLain said. "They'd pretend It didn't exist. But I don't want to dig up any dead soldiers with the Rams. "In my case, l wasn't able to handle the social pressure, the kind of lifestyle where there is so much partying." NEWPORT BEACH fashion l!.land 633-1880 lie left profaak>nal footb.tll two ye.n ..,, 18 now o ~lul bualnetlm8n at Fort Colltna. and say11 or the llOClaUrlna. "t gave all that up u IOOf\ .. I got out of football. It wo.a like 1 wu ln a f08. I didn't realize what I wos doing to m)'jelf I didn't know what 1 waa trymg to prove" McLain. 27, IMljd much o( the NFL druc problem uru1e11 becau1e very few athlete• are pre pared for the tremendous adju1tment from college to the fros. "A lot o what Reese aaid waa ~tifled," McLain added. "But In my oplnJon, ll 1 only a symptom, thl• tip of the iceberg. "You get a guy '20 or 21 coming Into the world of high finance, big buainesa, win at all cost. 'lhe biggest thing he's nad to worry about until that point 1s getting a date. "Now, suddenly. he's m n c:ompetitive situation at the highest level. He has to deal with IO many psycholog1cal aspects peer and fanuly pressure and the press. "It's hard to cope with. You want to be at-eepted and make 1t bi$it but vou don't know bow to deal wath all the psychological adjustment.I." OFFSl~OrE For Her Side bunon cord shorl Red or Navy -$23.00 Cap sleeve lop in Red or Royal -$23.00 For Him Columbia solid knit shirt, Purple or Mint -$ 19. 00 Hawa11an Highway beachcomber shorl. Purple or Black -$22. 00 - CERRITOS Los Ct'rrllos Ct'nlt'r 2S20 E Ch1pm1n I block\ w. ol S7 Fwy. 870-4171 Most beers start with chem- ically altered tap water. And then go on to use additives and preservatives. And only Coors stays pure. Naturally brewed from beginning to end with no additives or preservatives. Brewed more -slowly, and naturally aged Not Coors. Coors knows that pure water is one of the most important ingre- dients in providing fresh beer t.aste, beer after beer. That's why only Coors beer starts naturally pure, natu· rally fresh with pure Rocky Mountain spring water. longer fo! a clean, fresh taste, beer after beer. So when just one beer won't do, your last Coors tastes as fresh as your first. That's why Coors is the beer made for the way you really like to drink beer. • 1982 Adolptl Coor• Co. Golden. Colol.00 80401 Only Coors starts pure, stays pure. No chemically altered water, no additives or preservatives. ~~------~·~~~~~----~--~----------------~----L~--...io.....;..-...;,-~L,~~~ ' ' HUNNINO DENNIS BROSTERHOUS County Fair to hold run (Jther 110/iday rnce planned The summt·r months may b<.• upon us. but there 1.1rt• still C'llough t•vc.-nts in the urea to entice the runner looking for n1mpetltion. ThC' Orang<.• County Fair will be kicked off by "A Share Ht>alth u£ AmC'nca" 5k and lOk "Iron Person Run" on .July 5 The ra<.'<'S w11J be run at the Orange County Fairgrounds 1n Costa Mesa, beginning promptly al 8 a.m. t-'arllc1pants may walk, jog, run or whedchair and there arc also categories fo r crutch, walker. crippled. blind and cardiac runners In the IOk event. an individual runs 5k . rests, and then runs another 5k. Both umes are <.'Ombined £or a total !Ok time. $pedal awards will be given to first through third place winners overall in men's and women's divisions. Prizes will also be awarded in age categor ies depending upon the numbe r of participants and m the handicap division. Pn•-reg1strat1on fee for the race is $8 per participant and includes a ra1:e T-shirt and a Fair ticket for adult admjssion. If runners do not want a T-shirt. they can pay a $4 entry fee and rl>eeive a Fair ticket There 1s a late rcgistrauon fee the day of the race a nd all entry foes are non-refundable. This is tht• second of four races in the Orange County Fair '82 cup series dnd is named the ''Fourth of July Run-" All races a re held to commemorate an American holiday with the third run slated on Sept. 6 (Labor Day) a nd the fmaJ one on Nov. 25 (Thanksgiving). For entry forms and more mfonnation. call 731-5725. Additional information about the Fair can be obtained by calling 751 -FAlR. ANOTH ER HOLIDAY race is scheduled for July 4 at Crown Valley Community Park in Laguna Niguel, named th<.' Monarch Bank 5 and lOk Run in the Parks. The 10k <.'vent will begin at 7 a.m. with the 5k due to start one hour later. There will be an $8 entry fee with t>n tnes available at South Coast YMCA m Laguna Niguel. All proceeds of the race will go toward that YMCA Trophies will be awarded to the fu-st three finishers m each category. ranging from 9-and- under to 60-a n d -over with five-year 1n cr e- mcnts in both races. The course 1s flat and paved and last year's champ. Mike Corrals, will be back to compete. For further mfonnation, contact Bill Pascual at fl31 :3301 Meanwhile. the Westminster Boxing Club will hold its third tok run this Saturday morning at Westminster H 1gh with proceeds to benefit the club. The rours<.' 1s a fast and flat route through the str<'ets of Westminster with t1mmg splits given at 1, 2, 3 a nd 5 miles. Prizes will be awarded after the race. due to begin at 8 a.m. Pre-registration fee with T-shirt is $8 with late registration the day .of the race $5 without a sh irt. There will also be a boxing exhibition a fter the ral·e For information. call 892-8708. * * * * * * RUNNING SCHEDULE Saturday T ·$11111 11no ·$3 without Con1ac1 WHlmlnater 8o•lng Club1<* 837•3301 -Begins 8 a m al Wes1m1ns1e< H1g!'I 14325 GOIOtlfl West S1ree1 1n WeS1m1ns1er Fast and flat scenic course through lhe streets 01 Westminster late registration day of 1he race 1s SS wllh an additional S S for T-sh111 For more 1nlorma11on, contact 892-8708 Orang• County AHoclallon1 Mental Health "Sweat, Don't Fret .. 5, 10 and 20ll rune -Begins 111 8 a m al "'4ason Perk 1n Santa Ana Fee is $8 F'or more 1nlorma11on. contacl 54 7 7559 Torro X·C Serie• -12k run begins 8 am at Cat Slale Uno11ers11v Oomonguez Hills Grass course w11h m1mma1 pavement Fee is S3 S-4 day or the race Con1act (213) 516-3761 Sunday, July 4 Monarch lllank Run In th• Park Sil and 10k -Begins 8 a.m In Laguna Nlauel F'llft is $8 with a Le Palma/ADP Ru nning C ... brallon 511 and 11111 -Beg 8 am 1n la Palms Fee Is S7 Wtth T short and $3 without Alter Fr1day , S9 with shirt and $4 wolhoul Course Is Ital 11111 asphalt Contact 522-67-40 Long Beech Lfbef'ty Run Sii and 10k -Beglns 7 a m lor the 51< and 7·45 for the tOk at El Dorado Regional Park 1n long Beach Fee Is $8 with T ·Shirl and S3 without late reglslrellon, add S 1 Contacl (213) 430-0989 Monday, July 5 Or•nge County Fair 5 •nd 11* -Begins at 8 a m at the Orange County Faugrounds Pre-reg1slrat1on is S8 with T-sn1r1 end Fair admission. $-4 wllhout shirt Foo more onlormallon, contact 73 I 5725 EHCLUSIVE OFFERING ... ii;; _:. . -~"'c: :Jill -~ ----~·----~ --"~'-··-.... ,,_. Now, for a limited time. we are offering all new De Loreans at prices far below normal va lue. ... Here's a rare opportunity for you to buy a one-pf-a-kind automo- bile at an extraordinary price. Factory Authorized Technician• Parts Avallablllty Crest Chevrolet 909 W. 21at St. San Bernardino (714) 883-8833 Cell Biii or Robt. Bader or Fred Po pe Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Thur1day, Junt 24, 1982 C::I t Bahia Corinthian hosts two yachting events By ALMON LOCKABEV DellJ ,.._. ........ Wrttw Bahlo Corlnthlun Yacht Club will fe"turc two yacht ra ·Ina uvcnta Saturday 4'nd SundAy with the third r~ of ha Angelmun Scrlt>il tor Performance ltandicup fuwing Jt'ltiet y1u:ht.11 on Sunday and lta IUUlUal Start' and Stripe>:! ttcgatta fo r ali ck•~'S SatW'day and Sund11y Otht•r 1'111 coml)t•tllivc tWtmta will ix. Balbt141 Ya{·ht Club's Ont' c.ki11gn Rl•gutta fur both b41y and ~n 1ctusscs Saturday, Danu Point Yacht Club'11 Dano Belles 8eri1-s tor wumen 11t1ilora Saturday &&nd Sunday and a ract' !or the Orange County Ocean Racine Serll's Saturday, and Nc.-wport Harbor Yacht Club's Jean Schenck Memorial Regatta for Lchman -12 dlnizhics Saturdav Huntington Harbour Yacht Club will stage tht• se<.'Ond race of its Bolsa Chica Series Saturday, and Alamitos Bay Yacht Club will host the Senior Sabot CAL TERM QUICK KIT WITH ~ ECONOCRIMP TOOL for the electric bulls (no. not poll1her1)ha125 pieces in the kit including the mo1t popular connectors and the Econocrlmp tool. --~ ~ ~ -~ ·---ii c ~- ROEBIC CHEMICALS UQUID DRm CLEAJIER 1 79 QT. ROOT mLER. 2 LB. OR SEPTIC TDK CLWISER, QT. YOlll 4•7 tlOICE EA. BuaineH may be bad all over but a friend of mine opened a janitorial service and he i1 cleaning up. II EVEREA»Y SUPER i HEAVY DUTY BAnERIES t ORD 59tTWINPAK 'I ll 89•rouR PAK 9 VOLT 111 r-<":.. TWfN PAR ..... ' & VOLT 1 •1 SINGLE PAK DOORMATS 50°/o OFF ~~· REGULAR RET AJL Half off? La Mar Jean LoMar can't pan up a bargain like that. He 'U be down at the store load in' up. : u ! ! !~ t· ... ._ s ;.l{ i.... i.-1 ' ... ~ .. , • DURALITE EnRA WIDE WEB OUTDOOR FURNITURE CHAIR 5 I 4 X 4 WEBS 6 99 #Sl60 FOLDING ADJUSTABLE CHAISE 6 x IS WEBS 13~!86 Multi-colored webbing with one lnch tubing, (Summer la when the days are longer and the clothH are 1horter .) RUBBERMAID 32 GALLON ROUGRlfECK 11 97 national champlonahls-SAturday amd Sunday In other art'u. Sa.nta Monie• Bay King Harbor Yucht <.:tub Summer one· dt..,;ign r<'gatta, Saturday; Iron Man roe.'\• (Sabot) Sunauy RC"dondo IW11<:h Yl&cht Club Channel lslunds to Rt"dondo &ach r•t't', Saturday, Sunday California Yacht Club Pudflt· Cup rac"' (~pllt rig11) Suturday Del RC'y Ya,•ht Club Muhbu Tr"nsbay ra~ (Ekrg,•r St•ries) Saturday. South Coast Corinthian Y11rht Club l"'1dil'8 at thP Helm (PHRF) Sunday. San Diego Santa Clur{t Rac•i ng Assoc'lataon Laser1 Sailboard Circuit (lnvitationnl), Saturduy. Coronado Yacht Club -Barr Summer Series (hand1c:ap) Sunday COLUMBIA Mlsslon Bay Y ht Club Om~ Day Regatta (ull d.w1SCt1) Sunday <A· •anaidl' Yacht Club -San Lula Rey Power Squadron pr\.'<itl'tt.'Cf log race. Sunday. Sn n Dit•go C rul11c r Auoclatl o o - SouthWt'fllt.'rn Ynd'll ('lub Invitational predicted log r&l'<', Sunday North and Inland t:tiannl'I bdumb Y#cht Club <.:honncl lllJrmdB Lo ll1·do11do a.mdi (PHRF) Saturday, S unday S ar\W &rbura Y'1cht Club -Spring Serles No. 4 (PHHfqOR> Saturday: One-d~lgn, Sunday Sanw Barbara Salling Club -One-design Scm'lt (PHRF) Sunday. Pit'rpolnt Bay Yacht Club Director's Trophy ra"e (PHHF) Saturday. Wc1tlakl' Ya<.'ht Club -Summer Regatta (dinghy) Sunday Now 1rMAK£ ~SE m SAVE 1l40;E BUC~S . ~\N6A FEW F0Et4DS AtJo SAVE A So~ OF B(J(X}. HOME GUARD II SECURITY SCREEN DOOR The bad guys will think twice before rneasing with this. You get deadbolt and all ha rdware. In gold ot silver flecktone finishes. Sizes 30". 32". and36". 9777 SUNDANCE ACRYLIC ROUSE PAJJfT The first one ia for primed metal and stucco. The other atuJI is like the mailman . ti stands up to rain. 1now. sleet and hail. IMPERIAL AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION ~ FLUm COOLERS FOB 8.000 LB. 15ss GVW #242008 FOR 16.000 LB. 24aa GVW #242016 Oi11ipate1 heat and d oubles your lranamission'1 Ille. Specially made lor the hard-working small car tran1mi11ion. PENNZOIL IOW.40 1'1vcs <.;ASOL1"~ .___ _,,; --... ·~ !=·~ ·-~~. ·--~ .... ,._. ~---~ I PENNZOIL MOTOR OIL 30 WT. IOW• 40W 88~T. 98~r. You can change your own oil in about 30 m inutes (or leas if you've had some p ractice) and hey. you can't beat the price. TURTLE WAX POLY SHELL POLY SEALANT 4 97 NT-5601565 Used this stuff on my car and now l ju1t wash 11 with water and a cloth. Cleana. shin••· protect• and outlast• the ordinary atutf. Liquid or pa1te. KRACO SUPREME CAR MATS TWIN REAR 499 =T 699 These a ren't the fllmay ones, folk1. They'll protect your carpet for a long time. ln red. blue. black or light chocolate. MURRAY BICYCLES MEits 26" BALBOA CIUISER . 77~!sozaxo CloH black Unlab and gold flnl1h rlma and 1proclret. The hand grips aJe full foam. MEI'S 27" 12-SPEED PBO£l1I um 117!~2 .. llcrck and tan wall tire• on thl1 one. f'lnl1h l1 aun gold (bow'• that for co-otdlnaUon ?). Double padd.ed tGClng todcll•· CLOSE-OUT QUAKER MONTAUK SHEDS 10 x 9 16997 No haHle auembly 'cause It has pre-numbered and pre-aligned parta. Size1 nominal to reflect outaide eave dimen1ion11. 10. 13 26797 BLACK & DECKER 35" WORKMATE Hai 35" vise jaws that open to 19'1." wide. Swivel pegs hold lumber up to 26" wide and up to 42" diagonally. Will handle up to 750 Iba. STERLING AMERICAN FLAT KIT 3· x s· 597 Compare our freedom with al moat all I he real of the world. AH . now you know why that flag looks so beautiful. right? ,. DURACRAn TWO SPEED VERTICAL HANDSAW 788!.312 Runs at 350 tpm and 1300 fpm (doe1 tha1 mean fret• per minute?). has a table that tilts 45°for beul cuts and 'h HP motor. WESTVACO FRESH FACE 24 ... 60" I 0 77 30". 120" 2 7 77 Stuff cu ls lo fit cabinets or counters (does that mean you could be a counter fitter?). Plastic laminate in woodgrain patterns. Y2 II CD PLYWOOD SHEATHING Not everybody g oes out of town on the wffkend. There are those of u1 who 1tay a1 home a nd do aome bulldillg. (QuHtlon: 11 a 1hort vacation half a 'loaf'l) 6 47 411 - r ~ ,,. . MAJOft LIAOUI ITAl(P,..01\ Amt """ Lff9Ut w .... ,.. OMelOll A ...... KanHI City e~ s .. n .. Oak lend r .... MlllftH Oll 9!M1on Mllweu_kff 0.11011 8alhm0<• Clevellll\d Me-.'f0tk TOfOIMO w L ,01 oa 41 28 u. 30 27 5111 " )I 20 )f7 2 36 3~ S07 I 30 41 423 12 24 38 387 13'> 17 54 t30 25 eeotem D!YleJon 42 25 827 37 30 652 36 211 ~47 35 30 5~1 32 33 4t2 31 33 ~84 11'> 32 37 464 11 Wedn .. def'o lcClf .. Aneeie 5 r .... 3 roron10 6 s .. 111e 3 111 tt>n1ng11 KensH Clly I Oeklend 0 Boston 10. Oelroll 4 e.itrmor• 3. c1e--.11ne1 1 New Y0tk 3, Mllwauk" 2 Mlnneso1a 6. Cntceoo 3 Ton'ehl'o O•mH Kana&S Clly (CrHI 1·3) II A119e4• (ZIM 7-3) OelroH IUldur 0-2) al Da111m0ta (McGregor M l Clevelend ISutcl11t1 5·3) et Mew York •Ou1dry 8-ll Oa~land (lengl0td 5 81 et Texu (Mlllac~ 2·51 Only oamaa acneouled NatlonalLHOU• Allanla s.,.. OieQo Oodee" w .... ,.. Ohrl•IOn ~' 2L8 '~"2 oa 36 30 .545 4 .,., 38 34 .~14 &'ii SM FranclKO 31 311 443 11·~ 30 38 ,44 1 11', Clnclnnell Hous1on Mon tr a.al 211 311 426 12'A Ea11 ... 11 OMliort 38 27 585 40 :?9 560 34 32 515 •• ,, 34 33 507 5 30 34 48Q 71il 26 .. ,31'1 14'il St loula Phlladelpllla New York Pittsburgh Chicago Wednelld•r'• lc0<H Atlanta 7. Dode«• 2 Mon1rea1 s. M-Y0tk O cnic.oo 8, Plllaburgn S ( 10 1nn1nga) Conc•noall 5. San Ooego 4 San Fraoei1eo II, Houaton 8 f>to~adelpllle 7, SI LOUii I Ooctven 3-31. n Todaf•Q-(Reust 8-5) 11 AHanla (Dayley Phllaoetpll1a (CarUon 8-7) at St Louie (FOrlCh 8-2) Monlreel (GulllCkaon •·&I at Now York (Puleo 5-41, n San Franc1tco IHamma~e1 J-'J et Houston (Nlekro fl..5), n San Francisco CHammuar ->·•J •• Hooslon (N1eluo 6-5). n Onty games acheduled AMERICAN LEAGUE Angeli 5, R1nger1 3 T£XA( CAUFoaMUI abr hbl ab •llbl Sample If 4 0 2 0 Oowmng 11 3 0 O 0 Boganer cl 4 O 0 0 Benlqui 11 o o O 0 B Bell 3b 4 I I 1 car-1 b 4 0 0 0 Grubb rt 3 0 I 0 Ba)'tor dh 4 1 1 O Roberts rt 1 o 0 0 R4 Jckan r1 4 1 2 2 L Jhntn dh 4 0 1 0 R Clark rl O O 0 O Hostetlr lb 4 2 2 2 Lynn cl 4 I 1 0 Sndbrg c 3 0 1 0 OeCnca 3b 4 O I O Wagner u 4 0 I 0 Wiifong 2b 4 2 3 0 Flynn 2b 3 0 0 0 Foil u 2 0 2 2 Stein pll 1 0 0 0 Fetgu"1 c 3 0 I 1 Totals 35 3 II 3 Totals 32 5 11 5 Hauler Ren•o Aase W111 Golu Forsch Sancllel Zahn K1son Mor6'\0 C01be11 . To1a1a Angef avetegff Mnwo •• " " "" "91 '211 n 13 o 11 223 28 u 2 30 I~ 13 &t I 26 28t 41 78 10 26• 224 • 62 3 I 220 ae to e H 270 30 11 ' 8 •2 210 31 111 14 34 248 31 83 7 40 8811108 211 a 1 o .s 40Stt :S 40 3 8 o 2 93 10 17 0 5 45 4 1 0 ~ 13 2 0 0 0 2380 311 634 55 ™ "TCHINQ , ~~ r.t 277 . 273 263 255 .254 250 ~;~ .. 226 183 .\66 000 270 " H • 10 W-l. ElllA 21 21 I I 1'4 ''° I 93 8•\'\ 80 ao 37 1.1 ~ 4~ 32 111 3' :s-2 ·a.1• 880... 8 1 17 40 4-I 2 l5 12 9 S I O· 1 3 00 '""' 100 28 31 8-8 3 14 315•, 31 18 21 3-0 3 22 97'' 92 23 35 7-3 3 24 741-o 611 30 41 8-3 3 74 43•~ 52 72 21 3-6 4 44 431,\ !>O 21 2' \-8 5 56 989 538 218 300 41·26 3 25 NATIONAL LEAGUE 11r'ave1 7, Dodg•• 2 LOI ~NGIELH ATLANTA •rhbl •rf\111 SM 211 4 t 1 0 Wanntll rl 6 • I 0 Land••• Cf 4 I 2 0 Hvbl>Md 2b4 I 1 0 Bak .. II 4 O 0 0 Chmbla lb 4 o O O Guerrer rt 4 0 2 1 Murphy cf 2 2 1 0 e......, lb .. 0 I I Horner 3b 4 I 3 2 ~ 3b 4 O 1 O Roya1er 3b o o o o Scloacl• c 3 0 0 0 Llnor" II 4 I 1 2 Ruueo u I O O O BeMclk;t c 3 0 I 1 Roenckph 1 000 RRmnu 4010 Themas u 0 0 0 0 Malller p 4 1 2 2 Valnzuej p 2 0 0 0 Total• 34 7 II 1 APenap 0000 Orta ph I 0 0 0 s Sllltley p 0 0 0 0 Total• 32 2 7 2 ._by lnftlnt• LOI Angela 100 000 ~1-2 Aflanla 300 004 OOll-7 DP-Lot .-.ngeles I. Atlanta 2 LOB-Loe Angeles 4, .-.uanta 8 2B-W .. hlngton HR-Manier (I) loeAngelee llalenluela (l.11-6) A Pena 8 Slllrley Allellt.a ~HlleRUIO s 88823 2 I 1 I 1 0 I 20000 M-(W,7-5) 9 7 2 2 t 5 llatenzueta pitched 10 • ballers In the 811\_ T-2·13 .-.-33.212 .... , ....... San Diego 000 200 lttl-4 12 0 Clnclnnetl 000 000 32><-i 4 0 Welah , lucu (7), Show (8) and T Ktr1"90Y; P .. tort . Shirley (2). Price (8), Hume (8) and Trevlna W-Hume. 1·2 L- Sllow. 4-3 HR-Cincinnati, ~ 141 A-14,004. E•9MS.-O MonlrNI 010 011 200-6 11 D ~lltlt1IO", =r::=,. U , 01llvle , ""''•;: .. , 1l. H1•ali. ,.111n.1ofa, ta, """ .. WIWIOf•, ••• HMM, c~w. 1~'-~L.'~' MllwMMo "' 119. ~ ,..... ... ---....-111 M•llH , l(ar1111 OllY..i...~!'.._Tllotnlon, ~ tt, LWIMltl, ........,.... UJ. Olit. l(tl\Mol 0/~1Milo::=a, •• 011lory Mtw J:, ... •·1, ~ullo.,1011, Mllwwlo.M, •·•; a.11 .... C§ano, •. ,. Qu.1, l<alleM CllyL .. ,, HoY', , 1~, Clallcy, TorOl'llO, r•S, ZaM, 141 9.lrnt. ChlOegO. 1·). CeudlH, ... t le. ·l NATIONAL LIAOUI Q •• " " ,,. .. MoO• It LOUii 30 110 1t 41 H:S ()ti..,, Mo11trN1 a. 24 • '1 7t .H• •ttMne New Y0tlt Ill 2aT _, 7~ 322 Fr~ Mot\lrMI 44 131 1'4 42 UI c.o.no. ~rv1a11 ea 213 11 ., :111 Hu .ion., 1a11 Diego 83 tu .a 11 "' Hotnet,Allente f11;7 42 ti 311 J~. Pitt 82 227 4i Ta 311 10r9, It "'°"'' ta IU I 38 I 16 .j.#W;, l'illtOufOll ... , .. ,. t 1 't4 .._,._ ~·Y• A~ta. ,I, l(ln°"*11. New Yori! 11~ J,l'hompe!!,n1 Plt11buroh. 15: Certar. MOii!,. 13; _.,, ~ 11, lllwontW..Clft Murphy, Atlainta. 17. Oliver. MonltMl, 47. Klno m111 , New York, 48; 8 Din , Ph"acle(pNe, 46, J ThOmii-. P\tteot>utOll, 48, Cluer-.. Oedeet ..... ""dlllle {t ~) 'orecll. St, 1.oul1. 1·2. 111oQer1. Monl<MI, t ·3, Sulton, Houaton, 7-3. 0 lloblnaon. Pllttbutgh, •·3. IPIO. Clnolnt1t tl, 7.4, "-• o.oe--. ... I V.-a ..... ONterlo .... HIGH ICHOOL AN-CIP i.A NllTTIAlll ..... ,.....,Mfloel P -Rob Pallllnt, Cerrnot P -.Jim Halley, MaQnOl(a P -v ... Riley, &anTa AN C -Kurt~.fro, 18-Tom W .... a. Nori• lllllt 111/-lall Fafll. Cer'rltot Inf-Mike WN .... F1111ertOl'I tnt-VlnOe I.Opet. La 01111\ll OF-Joev MecKay, \/Mia Pall! OF-Andre HolmM. MontlWla OF-Oetran DHn, Col/IN Ut-Blilv 8-1. Senta Ana HCOM>TIAlll ... 1·1 M 11·2 .•82 ,482 479 .4411 :UB ci· St Sr Sr St Jr Sr 81 l: .<4M Sr .•36 Sr .438 Sr P -Paul Cl-. Fllller1on \4-2 8r p C Webb Nortll (RI~ ) M Jr P -Tom Gorman, COYlne 10.2 Sr C -Rlc:ll Slmpaon, SA llelley 452 St 18-Ch..U. Verra. Chall9y 4412 St Inf-Fernando Huetla, Nogalea !IOe Sr lnf-0.vld Wlllea. FuHenon .soe J< lnl-RIOk Ameaon. Magnolia 481 Jr OF-Jef Gatela. Loare .435 Sr OF-M. Ta~. SM Lula Obllpo .. 375 Sr. OF-Tlm Jifhenez. El Rancho 500 Sr Ut-Denny Morrie, HooY9t 381 Sr TMIM> TLUll P -Pflll Hwrteon, Glendota 1().() J<. p _,,.,,. 0...ode. ~ 11-3 Sr P -Rob Qlieaon. Pacffk;e II-' 11• C -PNI WOOIM'y. Foothill +40 Sr IB-Mlke Chipman, Le Uu1nl1 380 S;·, 1111-John VMgu, Loe.a 3llO Sr. Inf-Mike Walk .... CerrltOI .311\ Sr. lnl-0.Yld ROlend, Norlh (Riv.) 376 Jr. Of-J41tt Wei,., c1aremon1 .4!15 Sr. Of-Craig Roblaott. La Habra 438 Sr Of-Snannon O'Btyen. Downey .•18 Sr. Ul-8111 Higgins, Glendora 418 Sr. "'-Yet of the V.-Rob ParlllM (C«moe) Loe Alamltoe ftDMEaoArl lll!IUl.TI '""'Of.,......,.~_..,,., '1111T llACE. 400 yard1 DuMya 0.-berg (Mii) 11 00 4.40 J.IO Moqla NelU.. (C>omlngua) 3.00 U O KJpt Cemalot (&levlna) 10.00 Alao raced Gothlnkrlctl, Speed Chan, Tnlnk Sii, Ala Hoel. Polley Bull, &ineet FOily Lady, Speedln Van Time 2028 '2 llACTA (2·111 paid S22 40 NCOM> llACI.. 550 yarde Jaton Jamacla {Adell') 14 80 e 80 5.00 Mr E.zy Twtat (Creeger) 12.00 5.00 ~ Unll Bear (C...do,.) 3.00 Aleo raced: Brady. Poo. Plllleot Go Go Cold ~t. Nevada Oh, Jungle Brat. Toll.t Time ,... , .... htftorWta, MIM DllllO Oanolf, M ICHlen, CIMtMI I ~~~ 10 1 paid m oo l~TH RAOI. MO y.,Cla. HI Tl:=HMO t IO 0 ao :s.oo hey y LOii (OrMQtt) IU O f IO ~ , .. (Uomingvtm) .. '° Alto raved 00ltl ,., II , llwe lle b, e.ollyatel Oonlt, l(Jtu;;nlltlM, llebtl• ltlftt. Slit T~ '"'f., 'n°"· ,_,Pt At\CI lleedy l)CACTA (4·t) palO 111 00 II l'ICIC Ill (10•f •3 a•7 •I P•IO t ll, 014 10 wllh Ull .. winning llOUll Il la horMll 12 Ploll Iii. oonaolatfOll paid too 40 *''II tn winning llGll•ll (fl .. holMll ....,. .. RACL 400 yatde Ory PttGll (Cieri-) It 00 10 20 a 20 r,..,...n (MyMI a oo l 20 Joe e Ouldi (l'Wllntl • oo Aleo tAG4d PUfr._, OrNM ........ Craig Oo. -..U e.ci.-, Del ,!Giiie f1eon. Tratln. Tlllw. 20.3'1 a lllACTA (H) paid I U 20 Attllfldano.. UH HollYwood '•rtl Wll*lioAY'8 Mtul.TI , ............ ,....,~_...,., ~-IT RACI. ON mlle 0en1urf1 Ledy (8i11Clcl 2t IO 10 '° ~ oo Perno .. Cet (Ou«raJ 4 20 ' 20 leleclt A lMd (Delel\ouMaye) UO Aleo r1ceO· Tov limn , Llllle Roa11, Olat!IOlld Beet. OOldeon POl!ty, SGulptreM, EdetM Time. 1.U llCONO llACI. 8 fu•lonQ1. Ma Bold Tlleme (001uyl34 IO 16 00 13 00 Trlbal All• (MCHatgue) 28 60 13.90 Young Belle (Hawley) 19 40 Alao tac:ed Klutz WMI Do. WhlttllflO Low. Htcole'e Gltl. Fourlba, Gold Jack94, Juoy·1 ~. Siient WlndeO<, 8-Cheel.e Timi \ 11 2/5.. 12 DAILY~ (2-8) paiCI t 503 00 1:1 CONIOLATION OAA.\' 004.Hk.a 12-3) paid 120 80 THIAO lllACI . 8 lurtong1 S t•rnle (Ortega) II 80 8.20 5.00 Tale Of Trl11mph~McH111g111) 4 20 4 20 Tttrll0tlal (81bllle 7.00 Al10 rac1u wahu, 'Clualc ~ollday. Remember My Dream, Predllecllon, k lhymetry, Dari! Mutat, a...i Jolin. Dan Meaty Timi., 11 115 • IJlACT A (3·51 paid S 104 00 'OUlllTH lllACe. l''o mllea on tur1 Aae HOUM (PtnCayj 11 40 3 20 Captain G-al IShoemaktt) ' 90 Amrapour (Guttrl) Alao r~. Paraon·a Leader. Wilton, Phllllptc Time I 48 1/6 .. llACTA (3-4) paid $74 60 flfTH llACE. 1 IUtlonOt Roya Curle lll~uel•l 10 20 3 60 3 20 B E.toouc (Plncey) 3 00 2 00 Ag1ta1e1r-(Gue<ra) 3 40 Alao 1ac:ed Lucily Kay R Ftneat Ouallty She'• Neat, War Aneao, Rull n. O...tgo. Exceu. lmplentytutt, One On The HouH Time I 23 115 .. UACTA (1-11) paid $87 00 llXTH lllACE. 6 furlo<\gl Fon McCIOUd (Steiner) 17 eo 8 40 5 60 s .... Goal 111a1eozue1a) 8 60 4 60 Romeo'• Sword (Cutaneda) 5 60 Aleo raced Luck1wan Leckie R1veta Factor, OlaMIJe, Father Mee; 1194 .. t Blauw. Alm Adllem. F llr Ruling, Vertrldo Time I 10 115 NVINTH llACE. 1'4 mllff on turf SN Ol Eehos (Catndal 20 00 8 00 3.00 Arco (Guerra) 4 00 2 40 Shagbark (Plnc:eY.) 2.20 Alao r!IC4Ct: P ltte Tela Sa.load, Premlo NObel Time t 48 415 • UACTA 12-5) peid S234 50 t2 'ICll llX (t -3-3-1-10·2) paid $12 899 00 wllh 10 winning tld<94• (rtv. ~' 12 Pldl 8bt conaolatlon paid $226 20 witll 187 winning tlclleta (lour hO<Ma) S2 Piek Sia acraton coneoteuon paid S 103 20 wllll 80 .. 1nn1ng 11c1<eu (tllr" l'lor-. one acralch) ilJOHnt llACE. 5 lurlonOt Via Magnum (H~l f5 00 8 20 4.80 Arnba.Zae (Plncay) 1 40 4 80 The lvt.• Bird (Toro) I 80 Aleo raceo Frencn Majtlty. Stall Commande<, Fut! Chol<• Luaro Pmnero Tin,. 58 415 .....,... llACL 7 lunonge AMII llJ 11 Oft Ct11*1M T~ l'rlllGll. M , 4 t. a..t~te l'MQUllll IM.•w•t ... loi4ttle ~· (0&eClllollo¥eillt~ , .. 1-1; 9'0Mlyll "-llt>ri (lovth Affio.) dei: 111• "ollln1on tlo11th Alrloal1 • I, t•l 1 Maro.lit M .... tr (the ,...fherlandsl def. Ill" tufglll (U. ~ •• a. •·t, AM• whl .. (U.t ) def 1.-• °"'on\(U.). I·• 1 .... 7. Iv• l'lefl (Well Otrtn•MI del I.I• h yt rt (AuMrtllt). 7 t , f..0 ....,_ ...... "-W ....... Ketll'/ Rlneldl IV I I IN! ... .., ~ (UI ). • t. •a 'o..p N• nahlne NIWPOflT (Alt'• LeM!fte) 90 tnOle'• S barreiiuda. 7f ban 14 110"110 OU meGilerel e klllQ .. i.mon. I 11 '°'k lltll (Oner '• LHlrer) IU a"Oltrt 120 bon!IO, 307 MINI bHI, 98 C•l~O ti.... 24 •oc:~ 11111, & hallbut. o 10 mec;kerel. 4 k1110 aalmon Wotld Cup WEONelOAY'I l t O..H Italy,, e-oon 1 Ar111nt1,,. 2. El SalVadOf O Br&lll 4, New Zaeland 0 TOOAY'I OAMaB Algeria ve Chlle al Oviedo Honduraa YI Yugotlavla el Zaragoza Fr-YI Czec:nollovalola at Vallaoolld flUOAY'I OAMIB w .. 1 Germany YI Auelfia at G11on Spain ve Northern Ireland at ll1Menc11 Englatld YI Kuw1111 al Biibao World Cup 1tandlng1 (Thrtutll WeclMedaJ'• GamH) ClROUP 1 ('1nef) W L T Pie Q, QA "POie/id I 0 '1 4 I •11a1y 0 0 3 2 2 Cameroon O 0 3 2 I Peru 012 2 8 • Ad•anoet 10 NCond round QROIJP 2 W L T Pte QF OA Auttr1a 2 o O 4 4 3 Wetl Gttmaoy 1 1 o 2 5 3 Alger1a 1 1 o 2 2 5 Chile 0 2 0 0 I 5 "9melnl119 Fire! Round Qemat Today A1ge<1a vs Cnue a1 Oviedo frtdar Weal Ge<mtny vs Aua1t1a a1 G1Jon QlllOUf' a (Flnel) W L T Pte 'Belgtum 2 0 I 5 • Argenllna 2 1 0 4 OF OA 3 1 8 2 Hungary 1 I I 3 12 6 El Salvador O 3 0 O I \3 • Advanciee IO MCOnd round OlllOUP 4 WLTPte OF QA ·england 2 0 0 4 France 1 I 0 2 CtechoaiOvlkla o I 1 Kuw111 0 1 1 ·Advance• 10 MCOnd round llefnalnlng Flral Round Q- T oday 5 I 5 4 I 3 2 5 France va Cucnoslovakla a1 ValladOld Friday England va Kuwa11 al Biibao QlllOUf' 5 W L T Pte GI' OA Sp .. n 1 0 1 3 32 Honduru O 0 2 2 2 2 NO<U>etn lrlMand O 0 2 2 I I YuocetaV\a 0 1 1 I \ 2 llem.inlng Flrel Round a- Todey Hoodur .. vs "1::;'• al Za1az_og1 Spain vs N0tlhern Ireland at Vatenc10 Qfl(XW. ('1"91) WLTl'te 'Brazil 3 0 0 5 'Ru ... a I I I 3 Scotland I 1 1 3 NewZMlano 030 o • Advancea to MCO<ld round OF QA 10 2 5 3 7 7 2 12 le-by Inning• Tues 000 100 020-3 C,illo""9 010 001 30•-!1 E.-Wlllong DP TexH I, C1111orn1a 2• LOB--T•• .. 7. Cal1lorn1a 10 3B-Wltl0f>lll HR-Hostetler 2 llll Re Jackaon ( 14), B Bel (7) SB-Downing S-F~ (2) ' New V()(k ooo ooo 000-0 e o 111\d Cener; S;ilan. LMdl (8) ~ HOd 1 L Roger1, 9-3 L -Swan. 5-~ .. A M<lnlraal. Cromlf11• 2 1•). -'. - Time 27 50 ~ lllACI. 350 yerd1. 1 on W.y ~(Adair) 30 20 11 00 5.2t A F .. t Peeee (Upllaml 4 1 40 17 20 12.80 Geoft"t Oenoer (I>~) 5 60 4.80 l(~I~ Bullet. War ~ Jg.ii._,... __ B e. Acting Foot1sn Spirit eel .-C, Teua IP H Ill Elli •• 10 Medlell IL.5-61 8 9 4 4 5 3 Mirabella ·~ 2 I I 0 I Darwin II·\ 0 0 0 0 I C.iltO<nle F0t1Ch (W.fl..61 8 2 2 2 2 Haaaler .... 1 1 I 0 0 Corbett (S.9) 1•i, 0 0 0 0 I Medich pllched 10 2 batten In 1ne 7th. For.c:h pitcned 10 1 baller 1n lhe 8111 T-2 40 A-25.207 lllw J•"9 5, MMIMn , Toronto 000 000 003 02-5 8 0 S .. llle 100 001 001 00-3 15 I Cllncy. J McLJugnhn (II) and B Mar11nei. F Banntste<. Slanton (91. VandeB«g I Ill and sw .. 1 W J Mclaughlin, 6-3 L- Slanton. 1· I HR Toronto, Barlleld (!>) Upshaw ( 10), Whltl 161 A 9.007 llloyel1 1, A'o 0 Kensea Clly 000 000 001-1 7 0 Oakland 000 000 000-0 4 1 Gura Wld wa111an Ou1r~ f8l. i<inoman. O..clllnko (91. Beard 191 al'l(j M Heatll w - Gura, fl..3 l -Klnoman. 0-3 A -15,511\ Orlolee l. lfldlene 1 Baltimore 000 100 020-3 8 O Cleveland 000 000 100-1 10 I Palmer, T Martinel (81. StOddard (91 and Dempsey, Denny and Bando W-l>almer, 5-3. L -Denny, 4-8 S -Stoddard (&~ HR-Balllm0te, Rll>ken (81 A-14,005. fled kl 10, Tie<><• • OMtOll 201 000 010-• g 0 loelOI' 300 001 14•-10 17 0 Off-Road race set 1e.m. cue.1,,.,.. .. s Chicago 001 112 000 1-8 13 I P1llsburgl\ 020 001 011 0-5 13 I File< W Hernendel (7). Campbell (8! and J DaY1a, Sarm1en10. Scurry 16), E Ron>o (8) Tekulve (7). N.....,ar>n (9) and T Pene W- Campbell, 1-3 L-Mltmann. 0·1 HR- Plll1oorQh. Euler ($) A-9.2117. Qlenta t, AaltM I I s.,. Frana.co 020 220 120-t 11 .1 Hou.ion 010 018 ooo-8 15 o R Mat11n, HOiiand (6~ Lavelle (8), l!f .. nlng (6). Minion (ll and May. Ryan. c~ (5), Knepper (8). LaCor1t (7), Roberge (I I and Asnby W-Brt1nlng, 4-1 L-LaCor1e 0-2 S-Mlnton (12) HR-San Francl.c:O, Evans (8) A-•4.295 l'f\IUi.. 7. Cerdlnai. 1 Pn11110etphl11 000 230 I 10-7 9 2 St Louis tOO 000 000-1 7 1 Krukow and B Diaz. Mura, KMner (!I), Ullell 181 and Porter, Brummer (II). W- Krukow (>.S, L-Mura, !>-8 A-19,862 Top 10 (llMM on 11' ,i -•J AlfflUCAH LEAGUE Harrati.CleYeland Bonnett, T0tonto W.Wlltofl, KanMI C11y MoRee. 'l(ansu City • H,,,_, t.flnnesoll • YMtnil!Mlll, Bo1 Hernd'°" O.trolt Cooper,~k .. E Ml.lrray, BMHnore c.-• .-... f 0 Aa II H f'ct. 64 250 5-4 ~ 379 62 187 37 68 353 42 112 23 82 .341 68 250 36 85 .340 57 228 311 78 330 54 197 26 ... ,325 85 247 41 80 .324 11 219 38 eo iS2 t .. T18 28 ..., .no It 219 39 1S .S1t J1lfly Lunch (Cardoza) 4 80 3.00 Rednec:,1< Brother (Creager) 3 20 Aleo rac«I Ouslln Gold, Dti.Splcy Bojtdl. OH-Rahe A 8 1111. E•ca puonal Bug Openuponem. A Zura A Winner. Spring Veiuetta Time 18 25. FOURTH llAU. 350 ya1da Jell 0 Lucil (Catdo,.) 9 40 4 00 3.00 RICll Kip (Delombal 18.80 8.80 Murp~ ltn• (~ty) 3.60 AJllD raoe6; Tonl<awan. N)M, Llltle Tep Ctltck. Pa,_ La Rue, Tep Intent. Loom Son. Wwd9S.. Timr 17 715 '2 1.XACTA (8-1) olld S 1(3 40 l'lf'TH llACE. 350 yards Slllln On Tha Cean (Fdy) 7 40 5 40 3 80 Htza Roer (Sllnebeugh) 12 80 6 80 Heu Botn RIWler (Mytal 9.80 Alao raced: Noholme Pa11. Spill The Sn.at. Reel bey Bara, Klku, lmeuleal. His Gelltlll lluo. 00-Pepe Oancer 00-Flnlaned aecond, dltquaHlltd and plec:ed !Mt. nm. 11.06. 9'Xnt llAC«. 870 yard• Town And BICll (Ward) • 40 uo 2 80 Ganen1 Bltd (StinebauQhl 8 oo '·'° l\ockadoo (Hart) '·'° Alao rac:ed Torlllla Ra1, Luvdeck, Por 0..., s-n1 True, Lucl\y L-41 Tlme: 45.59. ~ EXACTA (2-3) paid $26.80 UVENTH llACE. 400 yard1 ,...... ROiie <e.tdon) 4 80 3 40 2.20 Cfltr~M Moon Lady (Adllr) 14.80 •.20 Kay Cee Ci.ti (Han) 2..20 SIGN-UPS Graben, Solltarlo, Stable Pll, McCu~ Time 122 215 18 llACTA (J.5J paid 15'9 00 Allet\dan<lt 21,0211 Wlmbi.don ...... ''"' llound 81 ...... B1111•r Mollrtm IBr1ta1n) def Andera Jarryd (Sweden). 9.r 8-1. 8·3. 8 ·2. Fr.nc:laco Gorualee (U S l del Scoll McCain IU s ), 8-3, 8-2, (>.7, 5.7 8-1. Paacal Port.a (France) det John Auetln (US). 7-8. 6·2. 8-2. V!Clor Amay• (U S.l def NICM Brown (Brl1a1n). 7-6. 6-3, 8-3: Mark EdmondtOn (Au1trall•) def Merty Davit (U.S I. 7·8. 7-5, 7.5 Lloyd Bourne (U S.l det Ille Nut- (RoMM'lla). fl.. I, 6-3, 3·6, 6-4 Mdu~• Odlzor IMfOe<la) def JOM Lopez·MIMO (Spalnl, 4.9 1.e. 7-!I. 7-6 ...... ._.. "°""° ..,,.... John McEn<oe (US l del Eddie Edwerda ISouln Africa.), 6-3. 6-3. 7.5 ·-·· "'"' RouftCI •tnetee Beth Norton 1u S l di!. Lil Jonea (9rltaln). 8·2, o.e, 6-4, Zina Garrlaon (US l Clef, Leigh Ann Thomp1on (U $.), 8-0. 8-2; JoAnne Ru•Mll (U S.) def. Suaan MHCatln (U.S I. 4·9. 7-5, 8-2: Alycia Moullon (US) del Helen• Su1<ova 1Czecnoetov1klaJ, 3-8. 8-3, 8·4· Cancty Reynold• (U S I dtf AenH ~ (\J.$ ~. 7-8, 8-3. Pam C-lt (U.S l Clef Kathy Horvath (U_S,). 6-4 fl.. 1, Leelle June 26 and July 17. 10 a.m. • 2 p.m. The fourth round of the Baja Cross Off-Road race series is set for Saturday and Sunday at Saddlebaek Park. Gates will open Sunday at 7 a.m with the first race set to go off at 10 a .m . Saturday, there will be practice and quallfving all day. Edi1on High School Cafeteria All of the r acer s, three-and-four wheel alike, will be greeted by a re -des igned Saddleback course. More than 100 of the bttt off road racers are ~ted to compete. Amo:n4 them will be Jerry 'Iro n Man" Whelchel. who will be competing in class t~o, nine and ten. Last ume out, racing in three clasae1, Whelchel won five out of six races. Already the entire Honda teen\ la entered lnch""lll Dean su,idahl. who h~• onl; bun *• one of the lut 20·~. Pot ~ furthe r lnfor•a tlon , phone U4-5460. - SUPER MIDGETS asc.:{,\.\r' T-Q MIDGETS Fri., JllM 25, I p.m. ILL. BoJs Ages l-14 Birth c.rtlflcate Required For More Info -Call Howell -883-8384 IJATt:H I KICK FOOTIAU t:U#IO Featuring M~mbers of the L.A. Ram• ' . a .&, •• ...... .....1(9 Wedne.ctay'e tran1actlon1 aiU8Al.L Amertc..n L.Neue SEAnLE ~RINERS -Opllonecl Mike Moore., pitchal, to Sall Leko ol the ~fie Co.Ill League.· Allred ,.....,.. wal-s on Domingo ~. e/IO<t91op, 01 Sall Lall• City for the purl)OM or bringing him up 8All<ETBALl DETROIT PISTONS -Traded Kenny catr !onward, to Ille Portland Trail Bl&Ze<I lor their 1982 llrsl-round draf\ PICk FOOTaAU Nallonel FoolbeU l 119ue CINCIMNA Tl BENGALS Signed Dan Ferad1y, quarlerbec• DALLAS COWBOYS Signed Boll Purifoy. delenslve and and Joe Garv, delenst .. tllCllMI Hired o.cJc Bes!WICk .. a ICOUI NEW ORLEANS SAINTS -Cut Barry Bennett, dllena!Ye ttdlle. end Larry M11h1a. Ii,__« Cou..EQE ILLIMOIS-CHICAGO CIRCLE -Named \/al 8aimonte heed hoolcey coach KANSAS -Announced lhe resignation ol Keith Kephart, 11rength and conditioning coecn. 10 become recruiting coordlMtor for aH eporta at th• Unlvenlty or South Carotlna. NORTH CAROLINA STATE -Named Cati Smllh, olfenatw loolben coordinator PUROUE -Named Tony Branch part· lime au111an1 baallelball coach YOUNGSTOWN STATE -Named Mlcf\MI T RICI !'>Md l>Ukelball colell ?02. 664 From P e C1 ANGELS • • • "Wo'vt: got to play well," offered Jack1on, who1e 14th home ru11 of t~ y ar tu_med out to be tho decldlf\i hit "We've got to play our pme and w 'U wln. J'm looking forward to It." "'fhi1 is the only team we htav,•n't 8Cl'n . I'm amdoua to aee how Wl•'IJ stand up to them," addl'<,f Mauch. "This la the ume way I ldt when we went into Chicago fur the fu'Sl \jmc." ~t'orsch picked up hit 1i><th vktory Wednesday night with Ht!ven innings of work. The vt:teran righ t-hander went seven innings and wBB tagged for the two home ru ns by Bell and llostetler Tam Foh picked up a pair of RBI with a single m the sixth. after Walfong's triple, and a. suH·tdt• squeeze bunt In the seventh. Joe Ferguson, playing !or the Injured Bob Boone behind the plate, got the other RBI with a second -inning singl e a fter Wilfong and Foh opened the IJUll08 With base hits. The Angels are 6-3 on the homestand and now take on the Royals who nipped Oakland l -0 i n an afternoon game Wednesday. Kansas City s till trails the Angels by one-half game <-ominR into the series. * ANGIL NOTES: Now that ftocl C8'ew''t 2S·g•me h11t1no streak t• history, It's time 10 lake 1 quick glance at other Angele' recent hlt11t1g accomplishments Tom Foll, for example. owns a six-game t'lllllng atreak. The Anpttl 1hortstop rins hll 528 durlno 11111 A011n Bom Doug O.Clncee and lrlan Oownl"t had hit wlely In ai• ot thelr last seven O•"-· witt'I OeCmces driving in 23 tuns ov., the lut 20 g1mH coming into Wedne1day evening's contMI WlldneMlay nlght't Texaa llwter. Doc llhdlch, was 0-3 1n hit 1a1t thr .. games J ag11n11 the Angels wttn 1 8 55 urned run average Medich had won three of hoa last lour games all over 1u1-place Minnesota While many belle<& have a tendency 10 btuSh eway much ot the ctlalk 1ne1 O\ltllnH Ille baller's l>O•. WedllMdey nognt's home p111e umpire Tim McClallend lmmedlttely oblltereled lhe umpires bo• t>efof'il the game evef\ started Key stet from the Rangers' publicity departmen1 Te,1t II 4-5 on Wedneaoays coming into Wll<lnetday night s game Rengers cen1er lielder TerrJ ~ hlll tyst two RBI this season -t>oth game winners Wednesday night was lrvlne Youth Athletlc AHOCiet1on Night With tdme 1,500 youngsters from the city In attendance The Angels and Kanaas C11y Royat1 open theot lour-game Mlrlts 1onoght with Kellh C'"' (1-31 going for the Royals 1ga1n11 Geoff Zahn (7-2) for 11141 Angela Wednesday was pitctler One Golt'"'• 33rd b•t1hd•y Ray captures t e nnis t i tle Robyn Ray. director of tenrus at the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel and Tennis Club. last week won the State Seniors champ1onsh1p singles tournament held in San Francisco. Prior to w inni n g that tournament, Ray was the singles win ne r 1n the Sou th e rn California Seniors Invitational held at the Lmdborg Racquet Club m Huntington Ueach. Ray 1s now ranked nationally m the top six in the 35-category, and hopes to qualify for the U.S. Open h eld in Sept e mber at Flushing Meadows in New York. McEnroe's mom crit icizes critics LONDON (AP) -John McEnroe's mother said in an 1nterv1ew published h e r e Tuesday that her tenrus star son "gets a bum rap" from his crittcs. "Everyone just loves it when he gets mad and goes stamping :iround the court, throws his racquet down and g e t s outrageous. But no one seems to care that most of the time he behaves perfectly well," Mrs. Kay McEnroe told Woman Ma~a~ne. Soyehereyoucan waa any car ony 1be. on IS mln\ltetot le11 tloacat1> II OZ 333 •T-U ZIP WAI CD WASH II I T•IB fAMILl' Cl•Ctl •IG61eR&E by Virgil Partch (VIP) "Now that I stopped sucking my thumb I only have a couple more things to learn to be a teen-ager!" "It'• my nttt -eg.11 by Brad Anderson DEN~IS THE Mt:Nt\C . Hank Ketchum ~ . \ I 0 • •'f I// "I don't know which Is worse ... slurplng on bones or blowing bubble gum!" • 1 JUST ~T SEEM TO GET WAITED ON.' ACROSS 56 Gifted ones 1 Mongolian 59 Bolldlng monk 62 UNd to be Ill HAVE VOU our OF TMERE IN TWO 5MAKE'Z> OF A CAT'S TAIL WEONEIDA V'I PUm.f IOl YID 5 Pound down &4 Flynn of films ,,......,~.....,,...,.... 9 P.ie 6S Of tpece 14 Perfume 67 School chum quantity: 70 Nightcap 2 word• 11 8eglnnef 15 To lhelter 72 Cooled 16 Frtneh river 73 Stlgge(S 17 Winged 7 4 Goulash cr111uret 75 Cape 19 Petit 20 Sh1tp rldgt DOWN 21 Style 1 Outbtc 23 -off Drow college 24 Pried 2 Datt on 2 7 Colltgt studt 3 SpltefUI 29 HIWk 4 Reductl 31 Poured 15 l.aol NIM 35 Unwell 6 - 37 KJnd Of boom Amencen 39 Gib 7Trectl -1 40 Atduc:t .. 11 8 Mulc#I 42 Ship Mellon money 44 Columbu• 8 j41gh .,.. C#M 1~ Croet 45 Mien QOltll 11 Empoy 4 7 Bott 12 °""° 48 Pertnt 13 l..ldl 60 l.-o 18 PreHttOttc 52 °'"""* lftOUltdl c.. 22,.... 54 HcluMtop ~ Qr9111 dllly 2t 9ltrniehte or cana11 t lyi>t 48 Heape 28 Enetgy 51 Currently 30 Submit 53 Cerrlon 32 Joclcay'e 55 Data debut. 57 Ctrrltl 2 wotdt SI To~ ._. .......... .,_ 33 LAb tietter 59 Tlirb¥1t 34 EJ&Unc:t eo 1n • 11ne 35 Atlln netion e 1 c.t«', 38 USIA,_ mother 3' E~ 93 ()pelllng ,, "My -_ ... Fttur-dt -____ ....... .q " °'... 11 lallt 41CM.-u9 et&..- by Harold Le Doux ON THE On-.ER HAND. MAYl)E I't.L JUST 00 ()JT THE~E AND 5EE WHAT'S 60tN6 ON I ,....._ __ ' Orangt Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, June 24, 1982 Cl PUNlJTI ~'NO, YOU DOt(r ! STAV AJJJAV FROM llW 8WBA6! OUR A IR CONDITIONER IS BROKEN--- fTNK \' "INKERBEAN I'U.. TaL.. 4lO(J I R»M(Q I PUmNC7 106E.1MER NJ '~ 60l1AR ' BAND cm REAU.~ ii P£ EJPEN51VE ! BRABBLE Q4,UCOSC ME., SIR ... I DIDN'i ME.AN "fo ~1tf OM '400R f OOT! OIL SMOCK '1"eS1'"1NG, 99! 1'"eS'T"ING, 99! by Charles M Schulz ------~ BOT W~AT ABOUT MV 8EAHM6? w.401S 60tN6 TO use IT? by Jeff MacNelly WEU...~J. W6·TO (.>AA'( lUE CL$. by Ernie Bushmrller AND WE BUT WE 00 HAVE DON'T HAVE ICE WATER A FAN--- ~ I BUT t,)OO'IJE GOT10 8t}l..> A \NJ 10 Wt>l rT AU. A~D! by Kevin Fagan AAAMAMAAAMMH!f by George Lemont APPAReN1'"C..Y, AF1'"ESR "THIS GUY1 we:'Re GONNA HAVe ANO'T"HE:R Pl,-CH FOR 1"HE: LOCAt- 1....IONS' CL.ue .' • ! Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurad1y, June 24, 1982 B~G HARVEST -Bobbie Cole displays flat of s~awberries from farm in Auburn, Wash., part of bumper crop being harvested in the Pacific AP Wlf1pt11" Northwest. There is also a bumper crop of prospective pickers, most 12 to 14 years old. Irritated 'possum hack home 1 Officers pick up animal in College Park after beating :An angry oposs u m was 1clumed to the wilds after its un pleasant e n counte r with l'i111lization in Irvi n e . The animal was picked up in Irvine's College Park development when ;1 t es1dent reported two boys and a •_girl were beating ll over the hC'ad with a board. Supervisor Carl Pagano. The possum's head was cut but otherwise it appearro to be "an everyday. hea lthy 'possum," Pagano said. so it was returned to the wilds. fruit and vegetables in the fields as well as on in sects and anythang else they can find. "They're nature's garbage can," he explained. The teen-agers had disappeared bl,the time police arrived, said Il ine Animal Se r vices "It's a good sign of health when they're still rnean and ornery," he said. "He was in complete control of himself." Opossums are native to the area, Pagano said, and lwe off The animaJs, which grow to about the size of a cat, aren't any dange r to residents, Pagano added, noting his department usua lly picks up two or three a week in lrvine during the spring and summer. Medi-Cal • • terrn1nat1ons error termination notices went out this month along with the usuaJ 12. 000 or so correct te rmmataon notices. payment did not go up July l , when other Social Security rec1p1e nts got a cost-of-living boost ~ACRA MENTO (AP) -A s tate computer mistakenly sent M-edi-Cal terminallon notices to t6.ooo elderly Californians. most. of! them in rest homes. officials report. ,Connie Farmer of the Health S..uvices Department's eligibility soct1on said th e mista k en Most of the ancorrect nouces we nt to elderly persons who are getting $2 5 a m o nth f or incide ntals from Sc><:1al Security, the minimum payment That Ms. Farmer said those who got the incorrect notices will get their M edi-Cal paymen ts as usual. P\&JC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE ' ACT1T100S 8USINEU flCTmOUS MISINEH NAllllE STATEMENT NAME STA~ Tl'MI lollowinQ pe<1ons are OOlnQ The following person 11 doing NOTI CE OF DEATH OF bu51~-: ~c E s s 1 N 0 L A 9 . t>usinesa u ANNE C. BU RGESS AND AMERICAN GIFT PRODUCTIONS C A LI F 0 RN I A LAWN & 0 F P E T I T I 0 N T 0 AMERICAN ~OTO ASSOCIATION: GARDEN SERVICE, 320 Coste ADMINISTE R ESTATE NO. 2Z22 MarHn Av11nu1. Suite 212, ~2~~~ Street, Coate Mesa. CA A-113940. ~ lrvt~: ;tl_ 9t:Jr1iRNA TIONAL, INC.. D;.,.eron Clltton Mlciley. 320 . T o all he~. benettciartes, a Calllornla corporlllon. 2222 Costa Mela Str .. t. Cosll Mesa. CA c redtlors and conllngent M1111n Avenue. Sulle 212.1rv1ne. CA 9262.7. t:rcdtlOrs of Anne C. Burgess 92715 This businMs 19 conducted by •n and per sons who m ay be This busl.-s ts conducted by a lndlv\dual 0 on c Meck"" otherw1St' interested in the' CO< pot 11100 l'llf' v 1 2-Tel 1~tern1tlonel Inc Thos stllement wes llled wllh the wall andlor estate r Keren 0. Nb«>n. • Counl)' Clerk Of Orenoe Counly on A pctiuon has been filed Secretary-Treasurer June 1· 1982 F180!552 by M arjorie Rowland m the This Stlt-1 WU Nied with the $ C f Q counly Clerk of Orange Coonty 00 Published Orange Coaal Oally up!'raor ourt o range June 1. 1982. Piiot. June3. 10, 17, 2•, 1982. County requesting that Ftl0582 2•os-52 M a r Jo r 1 c R o w l a n d be Publlsned Orange Coast Delly PtellC NOTICE a p p o t n t ~ d as person a I P1101. June 3. 10. 17. 2•. t9112 237•-82 FlCTITIOUI eUSltf£1S representauve to.administer NAME STATEMENT the estate o f Anne c ------------The follow1n9 peraon Is doing B u r g e s s ( u n d e r l h c business as P\&JC NOTICE MAGNUM MARKETING. 5601 Independent Admimstratton FICTITIOUS IUSINESS Engineer Drive, Huntington Beach, of EslaleS Act). The peUllon NAME STATEMENT CA 92649 IS SC't for hearing an Dept DAVID W SMITHSON. 16465 N 3 700 c· Cc The following per1on Is doing Coast Hwv Sunset Beach. CA o at 1v1c nter busi0l a~ EC RE A T 1 O N & 90742 Drive. West. in the City of E 14 TE RT A IN MEN T This buatnesa is conducted by an San ta Ana, California on COORDINATORS; (2)(R EC). 3110 ondovtduat July 21. 1982 al 9:30 a m . Pei'lt Newpor1 No 312 Newpor1 OeV1d w Smuhson I F YOU OBJECT to the ~ CA 926eo · This statement was hied wtth the J0nn SllnaeY Dulr. 31IO Pllfk County Clerk ol Or•noe Counl)' on granting of the peti twn. you NeWi>ort No 312 Newl>O'l Beech Jone 8. 1982 should either appear at the CA 92860 · • ' Ftll087t h earing and stale your This business Is conducted by en Published Orange Collt Cally obJ·eclion s o r file wrllte n lndlvldual. Pllol, June to. 17, 24, July 1. 1982. JOhn s. 0u1r 2502-82 objections with the court Thi• s111emen1 wu flied wt1h the P\lll.IC NOTICE before the heari ng . Y our County Clerk ol Orange County on appearance may be in person June I. 19112. FICTITIOUS 8USfNEIS or by your attorney. f1to51t NAME STATEMENT Publlsnad Orange Coast Delly The lotlowong person 1a doing I F Y 0 U A R E A Piiot. June 3. 10. 11. 2•. 1982 t>usonQS as. CREDITOR or a contingent 2371-112 VIDEO M EMORIES, 222 crechtor of the d eceased, you Lugonia Street. Newport Beech. CA must file your claim with th~ 92663 RICHARD L SINOR. 222 court within four m onths LugonlaS1reet.N-port8eacl'l.CA f r o m the d ate o f f i r s t r.l"',..-,...--C-l_MO __ TH_H_S __ ""I • 92$~1! businesa 1, conducied by .,, is s u a n c e o L let t e rs a s SMITHS' MOltTUAll'f Individual provided in section 700 of ' 627 Matn St Rieflerd L Sin<>< ' l h e p r o b a t e co d e o f Huntington Beach Tn1s business was llted wtll'I the Cal1forfnia. The time for t 5·""' ,,,,39 County Clerk ol Onanoe County on filing c auns w ill not expire ...,...,,., June 8. 1982 F110tn prior to four months from . r•ctAC VIEW ......,ltALrAllM Cerretery Mortuary \..~apet-Crematory ~ Pac1f1c 0 V1ew Dnve • Newport Beach 644-2700 McCOIMCIC MOITUAllH • Laguna Beach ' 494·9415 ' Laguna Hills 768-0933 • San Juan Capistrano ! 495-1776 . ~ LAWM-MT. OUYI Mortuary• Cemetery ( Crematory , 162.6 Gisler Ave , Publlthed Orange Coast Dally the dale of the heari ng Pllo1, June 10, 17. 2•. July 1. 1982 noticed above. 2500•112 YOU MAY EXAMINE the DEATHS ELSEWHERE file kept by the court U you arl' interested in the eslal.t', you may fi)e a request W1th lhl' court lO receive special nollct' of the inventory o f estate and o f the pet1t1ons, accounts and repo rts SANTA NELLA (AP) -described in Section 1200.5 A Chino minister and his o f the California Probate r oom m a t c were k i 11 e d Code Tuesday when both w er e Jackson Kidder & Suckling ejected afrer their car rolled 660 Newi>ort Ctr. Dr. #Ult off lnters~te 5 ln Merced Newport Beach, CA HHO County . Vic tims w ere the H0-1300 Rev. Marloo Letter, 57, of Published Orange Coast the Ch1nd W esleyan Church Dall Pi J and Jo1epb Merryman Ill, y lot, une 24. 25, July 40. I. 1982 2766-82 MUC •lll FICTITIOUS eu ... ss NAME STAftll!lleNT The lollowlng pereon 11 dolno buatnasa es ERNIE"S GOURMET MEATS. •82 E 17th Slraat. Colla Meu. Olltlofnla Danny Lee Bokelman. 1908 W P1l1ls Ro1d, Anlhalm. C1lllornl1 9280• This bualneSI la conducted by 1n 1nd1vtdu1I Danny L .. Bolcelman Thts Slllement WIS !tied wllh the Coonly Cle<lc of Qf1nge Covnl)' on June 8. 1982 l'll0910 Published Orange Coesl Delly Piiot. June 110. l 7. 2•. July 1. 19112 2516-112 P\a.IC NOTICE flCTTTIOUS IW ..... NAME STATDllENT The followlng pereon 11 doing bualneas u . AOMARK. 217•5 Ocean Vl1t1. Soulh Laguna. Celllornl• 92677 Zellerlund Corporation. a Calllornll corporation, 21745 Oceen Vitia. Sou1h L1gun1. Calilomla 92677 This buslnese Is conducted by 1 c°'poretlon. Zollartuncl Corp Mr. Zeltertund Va Pr811dant nus slatement wu flied wllh the County Clerk of Orange Counl)' on June 22. 1982. F1t19a Published Orange Co11t Delly Piiot. June 24, July I. II. 15, 19112 2761~2 flCTTTIOUS ..,... .. NAME STATEMENT The following persont era doing bualnetl U . WESTERN OIL SERVICES. 15635 Brookhursl. Suite 45, Wutmlnttar, C1lllomla 92e83 Anhur Jemat WIHl1m1. 11389 Werner Avenue. Founleln V1lley. Catlf0<nl1 927011 Jo1nna Wiiiiams. 113119 Werner Avenue. Fountain Valley. c.lltomla 927011 Thia bull,_ Is conducted by a general partnerel'llp Arthur Jemet Wllll1ma Tiiis 11119frian1 w11 lltao wllh the · County Cl4lfk of Orange County on May 19, 19112 ,1'8171 Publta,,ed Orenge Co11t Dilly PllOt. June 17. 2•. July I. II. 1982 2&82-92 FICTITIOUI eueaNIH I NA• aTATl•NT Th• followlng pereon la dolno buslnesa u; VITAGRAPHIC SEfWICES, 9162 8ar{"ud1 Drive, Hunllntton 8a1ct1. C.Nfornla 92t46 Chandler J-Kennady, 9112 e.rmudl Ortw, Hllllllngton leld\ . C.lltomla 112848 Tiiie bullllaM 11 conduc1ed by an lndlvldllal. attandlar J, Kaflnady Costa Mesa 5-40-5554 Thll alattment -filed with the SALISBURY, N.C. (AP) County Cllttl of 0r9nge County Oil 1-7 boma1 Staab1ek, 97, ·-ic ""'TICE M~ 13. 111112 whme homemade headache ~~ nu ,,_,. powder grew to national Ftennous eutlNllS Pub111nad orei:_ Co.et Deify success with the advertising N,... ITAT'nlmfl Piiot. June IO, 17• 4• July ~~:2 1 ,..c1•artas -.L•OADWAY MOITUAH 110 Broadway Costa Mesa &42-9t50 • slogan , "Sn ap Back W ith bu~o:_wino ,,.,,on '' doing ~-----------~ Stanback,"' died Monday. KIRBY'S MAINTENANCE, 1622'A Newport Blvd., Suite 321, NEW YORK (AP) -Vlce eotla MaN. caurorn11 92829 Adm tr 11 l Ro 1 co e Balh Kirby Thqmu, 113 iHUlmoetter 8~ the lint BfoadW•y. No, A-2. 00t1a Mela. 1.. • • c.llfomla 92827 iulrector of the CIA, died Thia bullMll •• oonctuat«t by 1111 ' IALTI ' ... OM Frtday. lndMdual. tMlfM a T\tMU --~ A. TllOl'llae wtt1Cl.91F .JEHAra NEW Y 0 R K (AP) -Thie ........,t rit "'9d wttn die & ~ £ 11m SI Rlclllar• Loc lkrld1e o1 83, ~~~Of Or.,. County on ~Mela a'MlOr of the Mr. and Mra. • , __ &4&-9371 , NOl1h m)'ftery now!1' a:nd Publltrw.d Orange CoHf Delly ...... _________ .. ~ ... ,televl1lon aeries, died ~.June 24, .Mt 1, e, 15. 1tea Sat.utday. 2161-82 e If It 's got e "•ndles • you'll grab ..... • faster in • D•llY Pltvt e cl•••lfled ~1 :.':.·~· \· 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I .E D 6 4 2 • . 5 6 7 8 CLASSlfllD IGllf ... 10fl ttll Ill:/ '°" ·-1111 ... .... I ... .... llllO IM:.1 Iott ttllt IOTt tOTt ·-.... ·-·-"" EQUAL "°USIHO OPPOATUHITY r.Ml1hr'1 lttltt1 All real Ntata adY8(11se<I In ll'lla new1p1per 11 1ubJec1 to tl'le Federal Fair Housing Acl of 1988 which makaa 11 Illegal 10 1d~rt11& ""any preleren ce. limitation or dlacrlml· n1t1on baaed on race. color. religion. au or n1tlonal origin, or any Intention to make any auch preference, llmlta· lion 0< dlscrlmlnetlon 11 ••••• ,,, ,,,, 11 ••••• ,,, ,,,, ~~;;;;·········;·;,o; ~~;;;j·········,·;;; . ...................••............•...•..•.. PllllllU 11•11 Prate Wean Bay buyf ron l ShJ.18 for 2 boliu. tt'modt'lt."d 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200.000. Oc:-ean & )€'tty vatws M arine room, 4 bdnn. 3 belh. 3700 aq h S 1,385.000 Oceantror1t Liii ISLE IOIEI Pnme Lido Nord bayfront 5 bdrm. :11., bath Lg<' L .R , 2 boat :.hps $1.500,000. Rcmodelt."d 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec rm beam <.'e1hngs, furnished. patios. $420,000. Lllll ISLE llYFllll1 ....agoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath. playroom, dark rm. ,It n, Boat l>ltr $1.350.000 ::: Thia n~pape< will not BAYSIDE COYE ::: knowlngty 1ccep1 any Spe<'l4icular bayfronl Vll'W 2 br, 2 ba up, 2 br, aoo advertising for real es-2 ba d 2 boa I $ 8 Jeoo lale wl'llch la In vlolallon n. l I ips l. 00,000. 1100 or lhe law. ! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml COROHDO Cl YS 1100 Elllll& Advertl· Coronado Island cust bayfront lol 85' boat = sers should check dock P.lans avail Red $370,000 w/t.erms = their ads dally and := report errors Im- :: medlatelY.. The 1'lOt lOU DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. NEW VIEW TOWN - HOMES. 2 Muler Sul- 1a1. View or ocean & nlgl'll lights. Oulel Area Parks. o pen spaces S 125.800 dn Xlnt Fin Hal 0< Pat Bauer. Agls 673-7300 h1tr C1rrlt4· ht Give yourself Mesa Ver- de In "82. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba home w/m1ny extras on cul-de-sac. Owner will carry low interest ra1e 191 T.O. Full price $134. 500. 751-3191 ,,. ---------1 -tolf IOll ---~ -ell<) IDllO 7900 - WTSlll COfM and -Ihle char-ming home. Great loca- tion with beama. Ure- place & 3 bdrm. 2 bath Mov&-ln condition. Bring ctilldren & pell to play In hUQI yard with alley ac- cess. St•7.SOO. ~ .---------. -MJU IOTI -IOll --IOl'I ::1 ... -..... - . lldlll Udo Realty 673-7300 ILIFFS COllO Smgll· slory 1."nd unn. expanded 3 br, 3 ba on larglc'St grt'('nlx·lt. $250.000 Piii L•O 3 bdrms. 2' 2 balhs condo ne;u-pool $145.000. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR )41 Soy\•de Or•VP N 8 o7S biol FlllLllS YI-WILL EICllllE Terrifie ltwpert l.01tit1 witti wiew ef lt•J, Mtu I 1l11tt Nclth, fwt·lftry 3 M4. + ,.,,. •••. , ...... ,.. + a car ,., .... A11a•1ltlt lt11 H4 OWIEI ... tf art1 wlsltH •••lier It••• tr 11its 11 Ctsta ....... .,.,.. •• ,, .... ., '•••41••• ., ••. WllllH ft tra4t ••••· Ttr•1 fttliMt. Ima lty 2H 1 Cliff lrin, 1d call fer ••tills. HH,000. WATFRf-RONT HOMl .I'< IU \I lttll" " 24J6 W Coast Hw y Newport Beach 531_1400 !l£ sior N 11At llr At I ~I Alf <.t RVICr s Ill CUYOI SIH,IOO New r e duced price! 4 BR overlookin g 6th fairway with love ly view. Deauville model completely customized. Dramatic Living & dining room. Large deck & spa. Low maintenance yard. Alr conditio ned. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 For Ad Action For Cl8SSll1ed Ad ACTION Call a Dally Pllol AD-VISOR 6•2-5678 Cal a Daiy Plot AD-VISOR 642-5678 Have you read today"s Class1f1ed Ads? II not, you·re missing the best bargains in townl GAZER'-'-11 ~=-~"-.---th • I '' R '""ll \ '\ Ji>. :~:~;', ~:' ;~': ~o~ J> r,., dt,~t i-f'l"f\,OJ~ '~ ''·dOt rlf'Od~d\~O''~ ... ~· ~r-t · of ...... lod« "'"". ;~ "'°" .• s-='-'-'--1 :~-:,·; ... , ........ .. ,,, ... , .. .... ... '<• ,, .... , ~:l2!:~!!1 ;:~::. "°"' n ..... n• ... ,.o_ ....... ,..,.. ... 11•~-' JitC.t"~· ,. ........... .,,,,. ""'" .,_ ,, ...... ~ .. ._ ... _ ., . ..,,., ,, ... .., ........ ••• tO~ .. , ... ~ II~ .. ., ... •• •f"~ ... • .. . ,, ... 4tP1 ....... " ... ...... ... ,_ V •· ... ,,"' ... .... "''"" ..... '"'" ,. .. f_. ... _ M f,.,. ........ ..,,..._ .. l tJ~~ .. ........ ·~·-..... , .,,.....,,., .... "'-roG<••""°" Jlfl'ilc:•w••• ,,c._ .. ,,c;.,.,,,.... ..,..._,, ,,-;_.,. .... 1'11M•fldl ... ,,..,, .. , ,..,_ ... _ ..._ lllYC:•t 1111 ..... ., .. _ .. .,. f'Obi-t•• . .... , ,,_ ... .,.., ., ... , ...... .... C;Nutuf '=~=· ~\\.'1\A-~~~s· --~ ~ QAY II_ -.&NI ----- •=-: ... :::"" ~ ::-..,.. ........ ._....,.. _. -.;~-----------------. ___________________________ __.;i.......--------·---·-------- ______ _._ ---~---~--~---=--------~~-----..-..~-...~· ........ ~·----------------.......... Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, June 24. 1882 !\•!ft.~'.~'.~ ...... K~nft.{~.1..V.• ....... l~!fft.~~'1 •••..•. '11!!.!'!:1.llJl.'1 ••••• ~'.~~.~'r!~'!A~~-~frl1!!!.¥.~ •. !!m.f~ .. ltA~~~t ........ JMI ~'..'JUIN .. !.'M 111."1.l!l!.t .. J.':ff t-;,~:1 1100 ~~'. •• ~.!!!.JM~ ~ t.u:r.n.fmt .. I.~! !~ff'..fr!r.r!M-A •• I~~.,., ~~=~~ -utl•t"" ••• ,nffr:rr •••••••••••••• ua~ •••••• ... ,. l~ff ff!!~.!f!~ ...... 1.~1.1 ••;::J-1•1 TOI pu11Yt """* OLOI LAOUNA OHAl'IM ••••• ;.{;-;;~ ••••••••••• Ouatnt 3"" seoo ~lllV .~... 1e.f WH IOlllf 5 ... 1¥· ba, ... • Court Ofd., Nie ol H•r· Unique 2 bdr'1 floor AHU YALLIY 0011 •I de, a O•t ' • oO.'"iNTALi" •• HOO f'llO, AllO '"'· Ttfr., ..................... 1 IA APT. D/W. Ntw Tllen thl• nMI & ~ 3 t>or View HUit J bdrm, plln, 1 "'n; llv r~ wdl y11 ti.titer parknQ, t vl July 1.S i.abr'e 1200 10 12000 4 '" 2'11h,11'00 mo. ldrm llOIM la Ju•t tor 2•.\ bath wl t>Hutllul bHmtd C4 no•. ar • 1 873·82,... f50-3.3 1 d 8oth lrlth I clean. no ' pejnt & Cptt and cit 9')119, • • • • • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • 11,1, • '1111T CI t p 0 ti I 4 0 0 I m 0 furn. or unfurn 1 I(.. you laoell llnanolng ocean view & nlaht lfOht wood floore & coiy log Neer new 4·pe•. 2 borm, 14 open • •YI Ptll Avl nO'#. 848-Utt wllll I 11111 t1111m1t>le 111 vltw Only 13 le,600 burning lrptc S1t1.800 2 btlh H oh unit with C11I• lln• 3114 WALK TO B!ACH lpanllh £a11t1 l.Mngl 1111 ·2118 pool. 191 19"2 Florid .. lttullh.11 l)atll·llk• 1ur· 1 •&25 t42·2t34, 142·3172 l D 11 8'"~ '"" price 8rolltr U l•l 181 <>o.n Full l'rlce 1"~~ Ill~ patio, •• • ••••• • •••• • •• •••••• 42 t l aka. I room cot· Bluff• lrtl condo 4 It f 138,100 751-3191 houn Self Sun • 10 MISSl£N" R!ALIY ~=~~lo~v"i0~1 S ~:: llW TIWIMNll 1.11g1 l0r q_ulet tingle, tiny 2'11ba,Nlrptc, fi'r w/":' roundlngt Tt111c1d 2 r PoOI. garege ""' .. POOi Sunken gee t>bq, mo No 1>911 1311$ B •••ll111N S1ndcutle Ort~ 4......, 73 l &OO l lll O• llnd ,_11, • 2 8r, 2\.'o ot. pt111 lrpte, 2 yerd. No Oogt. 1335/mo. r,>0501 tw e~: :& r: I EMEl\ALO .AV 075.f11e1 ~ y. ' Ct r Otr, pool, j1e, 111 wt· Wit« paid. 080·3888 • mo • Ci I /ft Jllf Vll!W HQME thin bllUllg dlettnee to , Br O Bt '•mlly rm. SPACIOU8 3 t>r, I b1 .!.'.f ••• ~••••••••••• Contempor tr)' home llWH tll'L b • • c ti , 110 0 I mo Donut rm 3 car CllllQI condo. trl)lo, blt·lnt, 2 wllh 4 bt0room1, 3 f"11eeilenf Gtnlral corner 075·23f1~r549·2238 3100 •q '11 SU&/mo' eer g11 .. POOi•. n-oe-1 ll, I IA b1th1, 101. 900 tnd loe•flao, 3 bl~•· Owner OC·RENTALS e4o-e203 all 8. COf Vacent. 1900/mo. 1parkllng lounletn1 W. 8tker 841.0783 ~INll 1H1. lp.ctou1 roomt 8191. 2 IA 1 81, cptt, drp1, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • -rat• dining artt Wlllk·ln t>llnt no ptll 1425 STUDIO CONDO • ''Pl cilc>H11, horri. llkt klleh· 2272 Mtple. 131·2927 rtlrlg, PlllO . ..,_, IMllOM tn & cabinet•. Wtlk 10 trom boh 105 mo. 1 Huntington c.tlter. lllfllT Ill •-"-2-·4_0_1_4 ____ __ 1 Bdrm.turn, 1505 l430mo . .2 8' 1 B1. poot, l J 'Ht .. 2 Bdrm-turn from 1809 'c•u,,n,dry rm1 .. 1aet1ldt .• ~.'!!••••••••••••••• . 2 Bdrm TownhouM lurn. 1 or app rrom 1&75 TSl Mgmt · 842· 1&03 lllllNAR . ...., ... , Lerge covered P•tlo , 11rt1>l1oe . U215.000 t1n1nchiD. l-5br'• l200 10 s2ooo 042·1156 ~u~~:,:: ~xlt !1=:~~~~~ :'~·o~·o:.::it:~~ oea~n~~-84L:.·",o,20.UL 11t•n Aeato"°"'lea 976·8700 750·331• oO•n T·d•Y• 13 .D~~i';. ~~r:r~ !~~=.~ OC·RENT ALS flttpl•ce. Mnlc1n 11te1, lion s 139,000 Owner " • R1pldl~ devtloplng 1111 HW TMWllOIHI park, beach No trattlc. 1·6bl''• 1200 to 12000 veulttd celllngt MBR wllt carry 111 loi n 8t1t £•'1,IH llJll JOSO on Newporl Blvd In 3 Br 2,~t>• ptue ftrt • Kldt OK Bui thlt l 1!50·3314 o0efl 7·d•Y• •ult• w/calhtdrt l win· 01 terme •• •••••••••!••••••••• Colla Meta 08x300 101 piece'. ,a. ,..,· gar, pool. 1786/mo H0· 1818 IUON 110111 dow1 Coty, Mcludtd 2 RtJ ltOar~lt, IUtr. ltst II•••• 1•11 ~!~~~c1~':.1 owe Mo· 11e. t ll ,.ilhln biking di•· 1CLOS6 TO OU.CH 2 Br Br rter un11 & POn a.al l l !I Co-opt trom l 31f,ooo ,, 1 1 87 • .,700 t 1 n c • t o b t • e ti ""1th nereg•. Iott, ltplc, (11-1) No 1)911 Ulllltlta FrMI 1 Br. garage. yard. No 1 Br CONIO. epecloue. P•I• 1425/mo 387 8 new , x tnt loe11lon l-1am111on. 841-0783 '650/mo 866-1133 0~11 qtrsl Gr111 tlnan· ;~~~-=~-~=~~~I equity prlct Condo• ntaonomoa .,... $900/ma; 875-2311 0, t>ll·l~t . t un decks, By lhl month only BUT o In g 5 3 S 6. 0 0 O A from $75,000 lull prtct Ciale•i•l•••r/ 549-2238 1876/"10. 63a.7879 only 1900/mo IOr 2 Br 2 Colllns·Hlll ltsttng Le11ure World R .. alet • .... llOO 8'. wall! to bMeh Avall 7$8·8100 lllA Yllll 24221 PtllO dt Valtnoll I......... • l ., VIC*'IC. tharp 3 BR 2 Bt, from June 20 LA OUINTA HERMOSA 2 BR garden tpl New 18211 Park•td• Ln. 1 btk paint No pela. s440/mo. Orengtlrtl lbr condo •• W ol Beach. 3 btka S ot s46-8$60 end unit, ale, OW, pool:. Edinger. ---------1 ~nit, J.C. Avail July $! GEORGE ELKINS CO MOYE UP/IXOIAllE Seti llrst? or Buy llrat? That II always the ques- tion Why not both In one 1ran111et1on We ctn ofter you an unusual oppor1U· n11y 10 e•cllange your preaent home, paid fOf or not, es the oown pay- ment on an ou1s1and1ng Big Canyon home on the 0011 course 144-4110 ~: C.I. WHTSJIE Reduced 10 sell Three bedrooms Customized f1m1ty home. Skyllghls, 11111an c eramic I lle. cheer lul tamlly room, solarium country kitchen. Two patios. EJccellent fl. nanelng. S 137.500. 111-noo •••• llEW LllTIH1 IOAT SUP WATERFRONT spae•Ol.IS 2 •tory, 3 bdrm, 2 balh, llreplaee nome Open beam ee11onga, lots or Imported 111e & much more SS95.000 IN· CLUOES THE LA~DI .. , ...... , ,,.,, Rtalttrs *lll-lOIO* POil HIE Leg Hiiie 7141937.15500 ~~~~·:ie::."o~~~-H~;~; TH LIOIY ffW f776 1<14• & Ptl• OK. ••7.•••1 PINE 8LUFF APTS '475 81&-1434 ' --2 Br. 2 BL 1 chlld c»c. no ASSUMABLE FINAN· £•"• f:•ml JOH on Bluffs, 2Br. 2Ba, 0001. Rtnl IA 00111 Meta'• Ke l 1 ti • 8 2 -11 • I . 28r. boat clU $500/wk ·~ti..... 3111 CING. Sharp 3 Bdrm •• :' ••••••••••••••••• ~~ IPI. low down 1226,000. NE w Es T Q a It d 2 0 "8·D853 18r, bo•t dck 1400/wk ••••••••••••••••••••• plu• family wllh remode· _________ , 893-3151 . Townhome VILLAGE 3 er. wtlh g1ragt, ttove & JA"··· RU1TY THE 1&0 kitchen. 2 y1rd1 ror Piii PUOE /Ho•• ProNtll JOOO COMMUNITY 2 & 3 Br. dllltM11h1r, child & ern111 -- tnter111n1no Asking ESTATES •••••••••••'""·· •••••• 2'1t Ba t600-1800 eq. fl pet ok , 1860/mo PROP MAIAllllfr 1145,000. Call S40-1t51 lllfTI WAllTll ot pure luxury. Garag11, !538-7879 111·1111 ''GOOD tor tn appointment 10 • IR 21.c. II Trade for N.B ocH n· spas In every home · -B-Fl------1 ---1 _________ _ • 71 • rneller eulle, dining 2 1'"' bt, Pal o. gar. 3 Br 3 Bt 2 ttory, pool/ tee. BETTER THAN front homt Owner rooms. wood burning Yorktown VlllH, $600 tennis. S1060 .... HERITAGE • • REALTORS By Owner College Park 4 Br 3 Bl pool Atsume VA owe 2nd s1ss. 000 Pr 1nc1pels only S56-1098 MODEL $800.000. 3111 Su-llreplacu , micro-wave 980-4085 PROPERT\' HOUSE LIFE" HAS EVERYTHING shore 873-8S78 ovens. prlvtte patios & B••ll•il•• 642-3850 642-10 10 ~ul-<Jesue llreet EAST St DE TRIPLEX 2 yards,gerl)ener provl-.. ,, .. -., 3Zl2 Big Canyon Townhome YIEAR·"OUNO f'UN: un & •II II Clut> bOrm Sp1n1111 hOl.rlt plua ded El"IJ~ llvlng only •• ~'·•~•••••••••••••• 2 br, 2 ba. on golf eour-Socia I Activities 20 min to 2 l·Odrm apts S 18,000 IS mlnut111 floom Fashion 3Br. 3Ba. wlboat ooek se Poot ltnnle 01 S lOTS D 1 re et or •Free NewponC.nttf yeertygroas Sep mete-lslano,Tmtnutes toS.C s14somo mo 861•1811 days, Sunday l 210.000 wllh$180.000 reo $195,000 OWC Plua or OCAtrport 840-1731 780•1197 eves Brunch•BBQ'a• •I t2% fixed rate & 1 303·887-2887 Owner Ju111 east of Newport Partlts•Plus fully emortltto 2s Older Urilte Blvd & so. ol Sen Diego /rri•• 3Z41 Bluffs lg 3 t>r. lam rm, much more. No points or qualifying Frwy Si.Hing 11 $900 a •• .. •••••••••••••••••• pool, greenbelt S 10SO o R .... T 770 n347 Cash flow 2.2 Acres. Zo-:=-.· EASES .. .. E. SIDE ll·2 ...., ned 41 Coridoe Tustin month. 131·6439. 2473 L ll mo. Agl 844-0134. R EC R E A T I O N : JBr, tBa, & 1Br. 1Ba ln·l~~~O~~wn~er~/~A~p~•n~l~~!I SIM Agt, 975-0679 Orange Av41 • Coe ta 3 Bdrm detached llomes 4 Br 3 Ba, beaut decor, T 1 n n It • Fr• 1 I ---------Mesa. lft e•eellent erea Avella· leaaons (pro & pro law suite, newly remocle· 0 SE ., TS •· ~ Ilg deck, lab. vu. guar· led,lle•lble1erms.$129. /f/11iH V/111 1061 Hu /uUNI SBr3Ba.Mesa del Mar, ble lmm1d l 11e1y ded g ate , H H •hop)•2 l-1e11th 900. Or try lse option. By •••••••••••'/~ • ••••••• • Near Goll Coui1t In E· lrg yard $9aS/mo Bob or 1800/mo on I yter lease. $2700/mo Ctuba•Sauna• owrier 846-2768 Miii OWIHlllP1 Side Costa Mesa 30•1. Dovie Koop 759. t22 I Five othtra to choose Hydromanage• E.lllE ITUnR Sml 2 Br 2 Ba o10er home w/g1t11 locotlon near Tualln Avt Has roads or potentral A•· sume S87 000 In roans w/$ 15,000 dwn Full price $110 .000 631-7370 TRADITIONAL REALTY $2600 to 13800 Invest· dn wlli B.E Asaume 1SI • trom We're the onet to $-' 1 GOii TO OWC 2nd TO 5-7 yra Convenient ~Sr 2ba. lam, 3 Br 3Ba. vu. POOi, ltn· ..,mm ng• ment gives you home call tor t11ae1 n 1 a, g u 1 rd t d g 1 t t Driving Renge ownership tnO all IBll A I ck Bk r M I F 2 flps w/d, rig. gas $1700/mo 81! AU TI F U L advan11gul Wt hlvt 213·S92·28.C5 BBO. tenoe dbl gar, Al'ARTMENTI : equity 'hare progr1rn1 * * llYHTOH* * ;s~~ :4~8d" r S 8 7 5 · (g ~bridge 2 Br 3 Ba, den, baytront. ~ g I e 11 j: I & 2 :~al~ ~o; ~d:i7' =~~ ~-~fe~1~~d 1u0; t.::~1~: llE Rc•lt~ ~~~ s~~,!~ekeo:e; & ~~~~~.~~~~ Rushton Realt ors, 760 7089 I W ~ SS l·JOOO Dovie Koop. 1g1, Rt/ Pett•Models Open 768-1300 agt · rl H•J M•I Max 759-1221 Oatly 9 10 6 ~.'.'!r.!!. ~~!~ ••• !.~! AllOLITt STEALI Lovely lrg 3 Br house w/ deci. spa & forever vu Onry $359,900 Fee Call DIRECT 10 Patric!< or Fred Tenore, agr 631-1266 or 780-9702 H 111115 COSTA MESA 3 Br 3 Ba lrplc, micro, lt?tllarunra Pk .. •.lr•inr Q kw .I deci\. pool & tennis. Btulfa 3 Br 2 Ba. pool, I I 00• Etstslde, all large 2 Br s 8 7 51 mo 6 4 6. 1 164 Luxurious Turtlerock 3 br, close to school. shops & lar4ei pool. Income $7 1 ,000 days 645-9S43 eves. 2 ba, crpls. drps, bltlns, p ark S 8 O O Imo I Price $175.000 Drive t>y · 1 yr lae. $950 mo. Eves & 760-8384 &,art.t1h 149 E Bey then call See 1782 New Hampshire wkrida 673-5820 le--rt llM""/le Br o k er./ 0 w n e r 3 Br S800/mo 1st/ last/ H ' llAT SLIP -r-• ' 642-0282. $300 SOC\1()1)' No pets 3 BR Woodbridge condo. Lux 3 Br 2,11 Be condo, I 880 Irvine 844·69~ Avt July 1. 5725 per mo. 1•11 blks to OCMn. Yrly 1 (at 16th) l•411tri•I Bob Blaeklldge SS2· 1800 6rs.6ns. 81s.7060 (714) 645-1104 ,,. .. ,,.. Z/ OO E·stoe 2 t>r. fl\e4 yd. 2 car deys only h rt II ll/S. ..... or.;.¥............ ger w/opn1. stv & relrtg , Npl Beh condo. 3 Bd 2 Ba, .,. 11 ' 1)911 P1tJo, view. lrplO, jaeua l, g11., gH tt~ 1580. 831·8101. ' 2 bdrm. 2 be unfurn 1500 mo. Call alter 3 P M 751-1508 ~l.~~~-~t . .!.~'.f HWFlllT ~:· Motl elegant apt. bldG, 1n Laguna Beaoh, llneet location In town, br11111. , taking vi-•, all bulll·lne, Light Britt. Airy & Brand 11 ta I e d po o I 1t1 Ntw. 2 Br. 2 Ba lrple. 2 tub -garage, elevetot'. cer Qtrlge. pool, 1p1 Lease only $850 & upl l~ From 579S SS7·2360, 330 Clllt Or 494·8083 I<• 546·3116 l'ii!!!!i!~~~~~~~~Oeean troot. MciudtCI II · ,• !QI 2 Br 3 Bl In old FHH & HW Clltll med villa on Clltt ov~ 1 & 2 bOrm eondomt-tooklng oc.ean Steps t nlum1 each wllll auto· prtv1te beach Ltlde mellc 2 ear garage, fire· window•. 3 lrp1c·1. bet pl•ee, •kyllgnt. p1t10, med ce tllnge. mtny d I 1tiwashe1 . e I c trees. $2950/mo yrly '49S·S59S 640·S629 t ) 111-llOI , 1872 Monrovia OHHfrt.t C.•llt Costa Mese EIAgef!t 2 BR. den. 3 B1, l~~~~~~~~~~I woodburnlng fple, pool, $425-$435/mo. 2 Br 1 Ba. S lSOO lie. 499•352!1: 805-868-5328 ... 1p1 • be1mtd celllng, 1 _________ _ laundry rm . pool Avtll I BR, tge llv rm, ocean vll, • Jury Call for 1pp1 etoM beech No. Laguna. , TSL Mgmt 642-1603 $&() 494·6404 $500/mo 2 Br 1 Ba up-MtrMtl .. It. 3111 per unit, enclsd gataoe. • • .-.,,.. • • ••••• ••••• ••• patio all blt·lns. leundry NO FEEi Apt & Condo 1 rm rentals VHl1 Rentals • TSL Mgmt 642· 1603 675·4812 Broker. USTSllE S625mo 2 Br 1 'h Ba. Townhouse, yard. car- port, ell bll-tns. small pet Ok Wont IUll TSL Mgmt 642-1603 2 br, 1 ba, small encl pttlo. encl gar E/Slde. ssoo S40·3666 PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS 'i I COUNTRY CLUB LIVIN(;i. S 117 ,900 bu~ tuper up· gr1ded pool home As· sumable low Interest Bkr 848-0709 .Ew llllllllfl w/grdnr $68S 960-6419 •Br. 211Ba. community $700/mo 831•1266 Ro-1700 16th St. • pool, (4 Carrol Ave ) ber1 .. 1111ken. ""' (Dover at 16th) New carpets. Orapes, Coata Mesa 1626 Ohms •OLD FASHIONED• S87S 980 4342 I ... -· Pllnt Adult large 2 Br 1 Way, lease<I to Flreplace, 2 1m1ll be· mo • IQ Harbor View Home 3 Br. 2 (714) 642-5113 Be upetal;s Westside IN NEWPORT BEACH~· A total envlronmt~ \ apartment community oA ~ lhe Upper Bey Prlvlle clubhouse and health spa, 8 tennis eour11. 1 poors. CIOM to bulllne19, alrp0r1, F11hlon l1tancs,.. Convenient thops on"• site Uriturnlltltd btehe- lors. I & 2 bdrm 1pts and• townhouMt. EIEUll IAY CAMEO SHORES 11ooanm UIY" Orooms fresh paint. RHTALI Ba lamllyrm.$1000/mo Djltlwasher, stove. close AWARD WINNER Custom 4 Br 3 Ba. pool. Have othera. Chuck laundry hook-ups, fen-2. 3 i nd 4 bdrms. from Lease. 644·6977 IA to ShoPplng, transpor18· Ocean views. 3 bdrm, 4 1aeun l, kot pond, 3 -Ill 831 1286 eed yard, trees. No S625 toSl300 ,.rl•l•ll Clon.S425tmo 1st.last& ba, kit w/eonvenlences. Ir p I c . s . I 4 1s.000 Dogs 2335 ~Iden $560 •••••• RlllE u.1.ai••" HG. 54S·4 156 d 675·5930 . 960·3988. ·/ an n •••••••••••••••••••••• 1----------tem rm, lge gar en, pa-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Greet view ot Catalina to l•/Ha 111••4 Jltlf 2 Br. 2 Ba. twnh1, gar:,~? tlo. formal din. '"'i lge llv. Eastslde spec modern on Paloe V•rd•• & night •••••••••••••••••••••• pets, 1912 Wallace t rm Oul1t cul•ae-aac HUIFRllT quiet ~-sac. 3Br 'l -~ llghl9 3 BR, 3 BA. 3 YRLY. 2 br, 1 ba. Stv. & $475. 831·3671 $812.000 By owner. $400,000 Total Prletl 111 • ...._ 2ba. dlnlnd rm, lrple, (,.(" lpl 3 et 1 Deck 0 pets 1540 . 11000 673-44 11 ,.,0•11t,,•, -•trl, den, fard. $790/mo ll :!A_ es . ear garage r r g. • n Large 3 Br 2 Ba. Town-~:'1!~ko;5.~a~~ni l11•tl ZIOO Aets 497-6612 wknds or I '1l''11~ Wheal colors, tight & $87S. 67S..0349 houae In quiet ciomple_., dl3,000* ••••••••.•••••••••••••• 7S2·5040 dally t...r; airy lmmeo avtll ,. i I •--iJlll large pool geroen set-Fabulous rownhome 1n VACANT MUST SELL assumable S7SK. 10'1. Palm Springs Condo 1 Br 12.900/mo Bea Arnolo I ~!/.!.!~~!.!':':.".~...... ttng $600 645·3381. mucll desired SPRINGS 4Br. 2"'rBa. 2100 SCI tt 10 •T~D~. !Ow~n!•~r !64~0~-~7!8~90~~1 1 Ba spin revel, steepc 4. CLEAN 2br, bakers kiteh.. ~)·860() 6«-6200 (E·50) Duplex, 2 br, gar .. frpk;, 676-S849 Several bachelors arid 1 Bdrm unit• leature tine dtslgnar furniture and accessories Move In to-oay or , ... ,..,, fOf sum· mer months Sm1rlll' turnoshed modtl• open area Popular "B" Ptan yrs new Nr So Cst : eomple1ety furnlstltd lg gar, lned yd pet S500 I wet bar. No pets. New 1•1-w-.. -F-r---R---1-2-b-r-. -2-b-81 on Jamboree Rd 81 Call tor de1a11s111 2670 Preza. IO"lo· 15% dwn Located wind tree south OC·RENTALS 750-3314 eond. $450 2631S VII co~do:"'sc'f.18za. new San Joaquin Hillt RO. ~:'.~au;rs~.'1~~ ~,~:'1ik~,~~Mlke 2B~~·:~e~:!':!ras :"c!i s:~~~~~.,ar~~r~:t 2 br t ba, W/D hook-up. lt523CAMPllSDt·lltvlffE ~3i~~4r nl a 12 13 1 erpt. drps, trtg. Pools. &'4·1100 Oally 7S 7373. _. 1.,..-,,...~,....__,,,,.....,'1'!'"'___ Poot, jeour:tl, greenbelt weel<ender & ren1ab1t In ger No pets $475 carport. lnOry Buallne.1---------- avalt-M\111 H ll P•ln season $87,SOO Call 2178D Placentllj w~1 Squar1 3Br 2 Ba. C.z .. l•lll•r 11ZJ N on 1mk11 $54 5 Westclllf xtra lrg. 1 Bl". on I Y 8 4 1 • 9 4 9 g or 646-33 H Of 53 1•4465 S45· 7983 Condo No pe19 S700, •••••. •••• •••••••••••• 642·2142 Completely reo.e0rated. 646-79S8 ---------TOP-NOTCH 4br ale 5S2·9549 or SS1·2193. 3 bdrm townhOUH l pt. 2 b" 2 b II I Patio & pOOI 64S·61S2 .II l ira• UIE 2'h be, tlreplaoe. enc;to-vrm, 8· rep ace, ~, NO DOWN, no quallfy1ng. •• """ •• Roomy TURTLEROCK CONDO • 3 Br. home. lrple. nice Md patio. 1 blk be4eh patio, cpts, drps, car-Westellrt xtra lrg. 1 Br, , ~~~~~=~===1 nave 2 houses S125 ooo 4 Seasons ot Fun Invest gar, pool. bit-Ins $600 2Br, beeut view, perfecl area. Hatbor Highlands por1 s485 557 6932 Completely r9decora1eo • each 620-90°89 (7°141 In our mountain Pity· OC·RENTALS 750-3314 cond s8oo. 95s.3247 111 Upgradts ln11de, prvt and shops. Applleallont · · • Patio & PoOI 94s 8lS2 • f LEX 11 LE f 11111 1501 & 1s 11 Mlrtmar St ground white we're stlll In 5PM ye rd, ho1 tub Nr scllooll accepted. 316·B Mar· So. Cat Villas I br. pool. • 4 llllT • a buyers market Write 3 Br 1 Ba "Baek Bay" $900 642·33S6 guerlte. Corona del Mar spa plua amenities. $450 Bachelor 1p1 • Dover l.YESTIEll1 I Cll8 llarlltr Yltw llt•H or call for brochure & S67S 1s1. & last ptus 3 BR, den or bonus rm Lid o Isle 4 Br 4 Ba 673-1183 673·5446 Shores, non smkr. 1350 on th11 1mmacula1e 3 Br By owner $188,000 flMI maps You·lln1s11 tiomes Sl50 wat'!a~.,grdnr pd. •Ir, upgraded. eul·Oe· custom 51500/mo Ol.oalnl 2 Br 1 Ba Sl4 2Br. tBa. kids OK. nice mo Ullt Pd Ask for SOllO Costa Mesa rental home with erielosed P•· hotd. Muat tell. 3 80rm from $10 psq . 35 mod· t<lds ok S.,.-vvS9 tac Comm rec lee's Je1ml ne, $8SO yrly area $475 mo 951·~44 Gtnger •• 641-6&88 •rte $50,000 oown 10 I tlo. tamlly rm, sprinklers Mon&OQ. i.e. dOwn. Call els or your plans, wlll SPECtA~r. encloMd $950 per mo 73 t-7147 9S 1•280S 875-4912 Broker or Se Ha bl a Espanol 1 Br Ve<aallles p_,.thse 13% loin Gross mulll· and more Owner an. for app1 to tee butld anywh11e Sun. pat10,dtl41<1kltch,$430 DEERFIELD 3 br, 2,11 ba. 2 B r I Ba Newport S48 1~9 on court SS40/mo pller o t 11 0 Manage· lllous S 129.500 Call 644-4289 shine Real Estate. Better OC-RENTALS 750-3314 FR. twnl1M End unit Helghla. olo eu11om Near Shoreclitt 2 Br large • 2 13 /68 7 ~3 2 92 bu,: mtnt llt91ory avalltble. 978-5370 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Homes & Gardena. Bok 1 charmer. open beams. ex1 decks. 2 ear port, M1cArthur VIiiage 2 BR. 2 2131387.s900 euy Asking $225,000 A 6083, Big Betr Lake EtS1de 3 bt, den. trplc, dbl oar. G patio. •le, oak 11oors, split tevel lrple. refrlge, poor Oe· Ba. ground fir, end unll .\'( >ll/ 1l/·.:1f listing ot Do111e Valen· UH llU 92315 714/866-4651 COl.rnlry kit , lease. $850 lmmed occupy 1795 $875/mo •34 Catallna, cupaney July 3rd New 1pplle, lmmed oec· LIDO BEAUTIFUL 2 Br tine Brand new luxurlOIJS 4 No pell 642-0260 lease Agt SS2·5384 N e s 4 8 . 4 3 6 o. $795/mo 67S-2444, py $625 mo. Evs/ tr pie. p1tlo. adults .• Bdrm. 4 fireplace llome Oat ol C•uly By Airport, 3 br. 2.;, be, Pttlo home. 2 BR. Oen. 631·5476, 494-0395 673-4442. Wknds, 213·377-1221 $1050 67S·63S9 P[AlT'f A 1"'4\(')lMft4TS l JllWl()l Jf f1(J~f s Realtors. 67S-6000 OUISIC OllllTRY IHllH on street IO Slretl lot No ,,. .. ,,_, 255~ p 11 I Io, 2 c ar gar lplc, central air· 1125. 3 BR 2 Ba East bluff, avl 3 Br 2 Ba. 2 car garage E/Slde. 2 br, l'h ba eon· Westelltl area 2 Br 2 Ba: HAOllll LfYllll e~pense was spared In •••••'-•·"•••••••••••• 1 673 8 70 Vogel Pacific 640 8161 S8 lri this 4 Bdrm home with butt ding tllls beautllul Duplex. Rancho Mirage. 7ooimo. • 2 deya • July 15. S 1200 mo Avail 7-1 SO/mo. 0 do, pvt patio, gar w/ upper w/lrptc. relrtge, add·oo farn1ty rm M1ny home C-1 property, $80.000 3 br. 2 ba, SC. Plaza 2 Bd plut den Oeertlo1td 640-9019 Pash 759·12.21. etec opener, lrplc. Jae, drapet, pool $800/mo. extras including new &•2·5200 Two separate units 2 Br. condo Sflarp 1rH11I. gar, twnhm. S750tmo Call Specteeutar view, lmmae Bachelor apt with kitchen ~e~r1 ~99s~~g S+ ~Ills 1_6_4_5-_0_3_0_2 _____ _ carpet. Large asS<Jmable 1200 9<I 11 each By Ow· poor. spli'. $750 mo. Charley S59·9400 Ag• 5 bdrm.•·~ ba. 3 story & p1t10 No pets. Noga. 4 •4 · • 41 1 BR apt, stove, retrlg. Behind magnificent cot>· loan and owrier wlll as-ner Grea1 llnanclng S51 ·2960 eves. L•r.••• .,,,.1. 3z~1 3700 sq It. Den. gourmet rage. $400. 675-1108. 2 Br Condo, pool, garage. perkng on Penln1u11 ... blestone eourtytrd & I t $135 000 C 11 I 1·328·S5S5, 340-1646 •• ' C I 1 N t E 1 C I S•OO C 11 67S na 12 SP•• s s · • or E·slde, 2 bdrm plua/tpc. •• ••••••••••••••••••• kitchen, att1edr1 ee • l 1rge 2Br, 2ba. be4med o pe • as os a ~ a """ ..... ~~~u:~o;0~aJ:~. ~~~ ~ more Into 979-5370 l•idll, fll•I, Gar Lg tot Pets ok Chtrmlng buen tront rtng L Fl Sep D.R 2 ctillt. D/W, 2 earporta, Mese 157S S46-0281 1802 Cray, 2 br, 1 be, new'"' lrplct. more mOfe Will 'rtr·•1 z71t1. 1700 mo Joyce Weitze llomt. 9')tCllCutar View. lpes O\JrdoorJto 12800 no pell. S67S/mo IBr. pool, gas/ water pd, eplS, drps, paint No • •' .. " 831· 1266 brick COUr1 yard entry 4 mo lnctuolng gtrdener SS9·9285 bef 1pm reft req 147 Flo-St .... 19 SS40 67S..Q348 ' .. Just completed . wlll ::;;:~~;;;;~1·0••:•••••••••••••••••t Br 3'nBa.ltrge llvlngrm 714-613·2102 $ 0 ,..... decorate1osu11.S1.450, 4 ... eres prtme peree . IEIA YElllE/ •••• &dlnlngrm.beaehroom. Cnt•lfll• JIZ4 N 4 ° pau. 36 mo CLtFFHAVEN2BR,1 Ba, 000 Submit Rick Aid&----------TOP llY. llY IT neer towri, xlnl for norae ~ IOI• ol 11orege For leaM Mllllon S houM IOf rent. •••••••••••••••••••••• 8 S-8161 DIW. fpte. Piiio. ger • retie 731·4444 Realtor/ B1•ti11Jlll ranch Paso Robles. Bkr ... only. Call Peggy PatUton 1601 & 1511 Mlram11 SI •Clttn 3br. nr SC Plaza, M ... Verde 2 Br. I B1 $595 mo 64S-7836 Developer .. ati 1040 Bu1 priced duple• on 714/S56-611 1 2Br end ~ twnhse, bl· for appt. 714/955·2473 $1600 mo. 111 & IHI SA. Gar, pool, spa. $780 garage, 1tl. floor. no S BR le -11-1-11-11-0-J-N_l_l_l_E_S_I •••••••••••••••••••••• the Peninsula. 4 & 3 FENCED s ACRES lint , gar· r pool. no wkdye 8·5 620-9089 (714) Child ok 7S2-5822 or pett s4 75/mo s4 75 pac 3 2 Ba. Ip • g11, Bdrm w/2 baths each Level, oaks & willow pets. $52 Imo 1649,t. RIGHT ON PCHll 641-1480. secu;ity SIOO ereanlng beach 2 blkl. S900 yrly. Beaut. 4 BR 3ba condo Lo Int assumable loan. s 169,000. 7141934-4670 2Bt. on the beach 111nd, oce n view f rom all rooms $230,000 960-1484 Garege, I/p's, all t>Ullt-trees, Rancho Celltornla ~o,;;a ,;~3 Sal/Sun. Eves p;!~E3~~~: ~~.E~~r:~d 2br/1ba. Beaut. cond. 1 IR 2 "' a Ill 7 s 9 . i2 2 9 . wk n d 8 No pell. 645"1682 Ina. Only 7 Y,.. old. Top Land Welt, 1-876-2040. • Wiii( 10 bch 51300 _ $700/mo. Agt 842·1183 • • • 549-7329. Small Bachelor, Newport.,, shape anoJ a low assu-lovel" modern 2Br $600 Newly decor Gas pd, Heights S300/mo Ullls mabt• loan. Only 1285. l1•l l1t•t1 lOHl w Wllson 0811 9•4 494-4874 Seawlnd S Br vttw, pool/ enet gar, dwahr, pool, Euttlde 1 Br Natural · · 000. W.••1...,6 ZA.iMI tennis. $1 600/mo . bbg. Adulla, no Ptls wood ctlllng&cablnets paid Private yard Call 10 If llWY FUC n ~ pm, 2131689-4384 OCEAN VIEW 138S Please cell 3•5, 111 6 • 846-3702 • BEACHWALK El t MEJ. HS ....................... Ctaaay 2 Br I 1tudy, 2 644·4084 •fl 6PM. 642-5073 CHOllA HL MAR egtn PmRtt Rtllttr Dhc eondQ S,;000/1725. 2 btth, 2 lrp1ea. 1plra1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml 8Sl·9S22 lut• A.• JUI 1 townhouse llvlng near Prhatt Pa... plu• IOlt•'eR 2'h ba A/C H v Homes 4Br. lam rm, •••• •• ••••• ••••••••••' Wen priced and we I lo-Ille Wiier From S 145, lll-1120 • •1 Chris 67a.1489 stalreue S 15001per mo pvt btckyerd, Many ex· -...~ ...._ D••• l•l•I 1111 MecAnhur Vlllege 2 BR. iJ"""'\.. eated rental units just a 000 Bkr 849-0709 Wiii take over your PIY· Chlrltr Realty 498·8122 trt features. Exte living ~-uB,.u ••••••••••••••••••• .. • Bt, ground nr, end unit~ ' lew blocks from the ----------1 ments on a 2 or 3 Bdrm s 1 3B 1~B dbl or 493-Se86 s 000 f d · 2 t>d m 1 b• ocean vu lm11 1044 ,.,,;. IOH Id OIC out [, • •. . 1 rt un lbl• MCU· uumrra r • . New tpplle. tmmed oee-;~~~ ~u;;e~t~ '![i"~n~ •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• =~pte~"o~l~P~~~·w:;; gtrege, jrpf~ epts. drpa, P~esllglou t 1-1 lgh Dr rlty d1potl1. References Beautllully land1eaped rtlurblahed Ines Ulll py. S82S mo. EYl/wtmdt. Trtlk 18971 Antioch. lkbx, f•EICll llHM••ty p , S750 nio w/gardener oet1n vu, w1lk to beach, req. $1200/mo, 111 plus ~ard-•nts. Poot & Spa. $495 mo No pet a. 248S 1 213·371-t221 w1lt1ng 1111 Motivated " -owne<1 unit. rin ooly 846-211t Of &42·3287 S IHI 759.9350 -·.... Selv1 831-1220 Hiier has reduced the 4 Br 2 Ba DR • F.R vu lncr11dlbte t>11uty on 2V• pleast. 542-3377 PECTACULAR remo· overed parking No Wnt.U.im 3111 pr lea IO 1229,000 and ol Univ. $200.000. sso. acres with mtrble. oak N-Condo 2-3 Bdrm 3 deltd home 3 Br 2·~ Ba, Wnt.lnllt '"' pttt. a •• 11.,1.. • ••••••••••••••••••••• wlll 151111 woth creative 000 down, 11 S0,000 paneling atone oolumna l••l•ll Bath. Chlld, pel ok. Rent b1ckyud, fr pie, tee. ...................... Bechelor $400 IHti 3140 •Clttn Studio, ulll pd, yrs. Agent 541-5032 exquisite landteaplng dltalls 631-~055 or & akylllH. 11500/mo. ned poreh, lncd yd, $826 101 E. 16th 842-0956 Deluxe pootaldt, xira lar· Privacy. Single only flnenelng A.IT D 12% lnl only tor S Iron ftnee, elee gates &, •••••••••••••••••••••• now buy later Call for al1rm, loadt of Fr. 00011 2Br. I Ba. RI O, lg 1erH · I 2 Br. 1'/1 Ba, 152S •••••••••• .. •••••••••• relrlgt. gar. AvaJI. l27S. \ ll11l'h'll111 ll.1rhor ln\I''' m,•111 ("11 ,,,._. /1IHI I OH .........•.•..••••.••. Unique & charming 3 br & loft. Lte/opt or trade tor un1t1. 873·9S8S. ,,, ... ,,.1 •• .i. 1111 ••.•••............•••• Lowr; home on W Bly. 2 br & den, din. rm. 2 t>a, 2 l rplo. 1295,000 owe 12% 845--4220 HUrry1 c.m,, ,,, ,,,, 11. •••.............•.•... IN IFIV~~AACE 3 BR 2 9A, $225,000. 1425 BONNIE DOONE OPEN DAil Y 1·5 HM111 ::>X:\ VOGEL PACIFJ'.G Flowers 4 Color 1111 the $1.29S.OOO . •ubmlt. R1111111mhiH 642·2000 or come by 494-8741or484-6577 mo. 111 & 11111-see ge 2br, 2ba . bltns, 752•5922 giant backyd of 1ht1 Rlok Atderette Realtor ;;;;;j~;;;;••••••••••• 380 w Wiison. OCEANFRONT Mobllt 955·0073 llllt. IODIHIOYI ~~~~~. ~~ ~~le~~~~·'·A-,,-,-,.-,-.-,,-,-.-,,,-1-,-.-14- Woodbrldge S&S Twnh· Developer 731-4444 Or • 1. JI~"-Eaatsldt eti1rmer, 1 BR 1 Homes-Adlll only. S 1000 Co1l•m•/1•1 1425/mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba .. ,..... se 3Br 2'1t Ba. only 731·511S lor dttallt •I"• "' Bl. rtCtrll ,remod. lga to S 1 !500 mo Agt. I ti 0 1 536·0382 It U•l•nl Jflf s164,ooo oo00 terms Wnt 1 11 IOll N;·e;;~h·&0.Aii;~i;:3·;; yard 13011Uigne11a ss50 499.3918 ••• ~~!~~!~#. .. !.~~~ ~~ sp.r~.0~o~~rr .. ~ !1 W'lltffLmEE ••••••1··E·a·w···11••1••••••• GOLDEN PROPERTIES ••••• "!.~! .. !.......... t•t, ba condo, avell Jury mo S49-8124 3 BR, patio w/apa, short Resor1·11ke tOull tract nr thl1 prtcel 1 & 2 er OlteOUnt 00 752·1588 2Br. 1Ba, R/0, IO tette· t.S725 964-7348tvt Ni-ctean'•ar 1Be.ln-.. walk to beech. $2,000 SC Plza' Pool, grdnr. TSLMgmt 642-1603 modtlt POOi s YILUIE ned porch. fned yd, 184 ~v .-.. "" Olux 1Br. No 1)911. 1475 tlOfnt ' pa. EXECUTIVE 000, low dwn owe i.,,. •••.. H. 314' yerd . 1ntl1d Qtrtgt. mo yrly 213-876-2255 & l 3S ulll. 17S-2500. Flrtplaoe. pool pvt patio Gym. s I u n I . tie . New 1&2 bdrm. tuxury-t 9SS-0073 •• ••••••••••••••••••• C h il d die'. no pell. 4 br. 3~ bL ltmtly room, Hlghly upgraded & cit.an & dshwehtr X lg 1&2 Br. IM8..Q619. aptt In 14 plent. 1 8drm HDIE 4 BR. new dto, furn, See $575/mo. plut MCurlty tovtty oeetn view, garden apta, on E/llde 2Br, l~Ba. 1375 mo + from SS15, 2 bdrm from DtAtr '"' E.l•I• 01111. prlv BGh.. ttnnl1 2 S 4 8 0 ran Q • "E". I 1 6 o o 1 m 0 ( 2 1 3 ) • .._ I ., I 1...,1 from $480. S!l1·21M 1. ,375 dep. Cptt, drpt. nr SS70, Townhoutt from wl111 VIEW Perfect tor •••••••••••••••••••••• Ownr 4~Q38 S48·2771, 431.5n89 liMl1•I• 1111• '•"" • Sea 11 Bl d & MeFad 1840 + poolt, t1nnl1, enlerttlnlng 3 t>drms. 2 # • g, • • .,-.-. ••••••• ••h••• •• • • Spaoloot 2 Br 1 81 .• 425. e v • • wettrft ll•, pond ii Gaa be In Tunle Rock High· • i/1 ••fl 1111111 O•l•r•llAH 3 Br 2b1, rmn rm, format l.11'1.H' R/111 11$0 Cnl• #n• 3111 3 8r. 1 lo\ Bt $4 75. den. No'*._ 893-4884 for cooking & httllng tandt Garden Home1. F11 l•lt 1100 •••••··~..-·•••••••••• dining, •1•'m •Y•tem, i":: ••••••••••••••••••• ••••0·,··1·1••1••1••0••1•0••u• Ltundry rec .. pool, 2 Br. 2 B•, Ap1. 1v111. now. peld. Fron'\ S an Diego kttohen-famlly room •••••••••••••••••••••• •••1'1 JZIJ new epts & pilnt. AveQ 4Br, 2B1. C1Jl·de-11c, nice 1549-91515fl Patio. am•ll vard, tingle Frwu drive Nort h o n Newport Beach De Anz1 •••• ••• • •••••••• •••••• 811 "tfe ran 197"' In I I 7 3 a ' ' with llrtptace Interior b•yfront Park. Mini " --.· " • P 1 l O • " m o · ALL UTILITIES PAIO 1488/mo. 2 !;tr 2 Ba. g erage, d 11t1w11llar, 8tlch to McFadden lo garden eour1. Beaullfullu I r1 le"'/I fw 01 ud 1 n Q. 9 "d • n er• 553-1405 • B 11 waler -Id. I .... lld ()!(, no S • 1 w I nd V r 11 a " ~ ... • cond. ·re dbl Wide, nre-tWM • 1 ,. 645-04-46-... ,.p11. e1m1C1 oe1 ng, .... .... • -, decorated ind landaca-plaee,brlckpltlO, On Clubhouu, 2Br, Wl!••ll••t/ 11SJ Compare balort you trplo,garage.laundrynn. pe 1 1 . 1 625 /mo . (714)883-0188. ped 1S3t~000to POOi Ind 158.500. Aleo 2 l)r . 2 cif\annel view 169!5/mo. D••• 1tl•I JfM •• •••••••'••••••••••• rent. Cullom detlgn Avail. June. 545-2000. Agent. no fee. 1.,., ~ 1pa 10, · ba .. dout>te wld•, corner ••••••••..-<1•••••••-::T 4 Br. 2'_. h famlly nome, f11ture1: Pool . bbq, TSL Mgmt 842·HI03 Bech 1-426 mo Pool. )ec. •••••••••••-••••.-.~ IOI 1381000 81H Grundy BMi.rtllvl end lar91 2Br In Upper d~~rplo, ••ro• yard, wuller • ~:·'!11~·~~ ==: •a.en 2 8'. MacArthur H11n•. ttnnlt, down· !alllldt C.M. '1.ltn ptlV 875·81o1 VIII• 81lbo1. 2 pallot. ~i · 7186 191:. dtytf, rlfr~H8/mo. ........ No pete Vig,, SA. Tennie. PoOI. 1o-n. l40·2tte room anc1 balh. fWl'lo. l•lt. •-"' .... _ -~, 11200/mo • A91f'I 4N-18:. furn. S&OO 1p1 UOO. A dultt. 128$ 2 t>dr~:T.. "a':i11. hta1fr11t/ln .. r fl i 113J Iii IH Fl-" "" 385 w Wlleon 842·1t71 752·&822 or 841·14*' o.tuxe a"'· 2 11 Condo. en.7944 On the btaeh, 3Br, 1pa, •••• !!! .. *-.•••••••••• •• !! ••.•••• -1! •••• ••••• ~d~ ... ~ Otle, Html-M 1 pl _.. Large lot. Sml pet OK ftntHllC location. Av.it 3 8R, 2 '-' f(ple, fenotd HOME FOR AENT 1 8FI ~llQe luM tngl '380. t Br. 1 k . Ac>t. n t..... I mo. aleh 8 urt , ':f em o, •• Nr Shopping. low ren1 Juty/Ann $5000/mo. yrd. 1>1tk1w1g1rd1n1r. 3 8drm. •reo ,enetd no 1>91• 1225 mo i. dip: tnelld 11•rag11carpon, 1414&e3. 2131582-16-31 ·n~, I.I l\IJrlv~f;'~· 125,000. 041-2964 Wat.rl~ont Hornet Inc $095. 8Ss:'M:J1 yard I .... Kldl & ~23 ptllO, ln<Sry rma. bt1-IN, ev.N. t ti mo, t ·f Iv L-1 ....... 831·1400 pet• -.lc:ome. 645·2000. oloM to aH. BEACH 11>9'1 1 BR 1 Ba ,_mtQ__.._· ------~·· n fH•l•l•ifPfll~ 31J4 Agent no flt Quiet Junior & 1 Brt. TSI. Mgmt 8-42·1803 kid• OK ..Us A• 1« CdM IO ""'-· pvt. tnt .. U2~CAMNSDl·lllVIHE 24'1104 QAEENBRIEA ..... •••HOME .A.AEtH ... ., ' 1. e-flror11 1375. Poold, tao. WHl•ld• Lg 19, wl K e 1111 .' 1e2'.4 4 71 : patio a Nth. Alfrto/ Ml- HOME. Lgt l .A. Din. Rm. rtnH l1J •1 .,._ I I F .. ,,....,,, ..... ,,_,, ""·• 1111na. t llol• t•• OIW i..o -·-• Hf-tN3 cro. Oar. prkg, Non· ... H kit 01)9111 to Fam Rm. •••••••n••,•••••••••• 3 8drm. . encev •• • • ..-.-. •• -;m••••••••• ""9 11301 Ktial.on of1 cwpon, • ,..,ry, -~t Mlk ~ 7~1311 ,,,,,... ,. ' ' Wllbar. 2 BR. 2 BA. I Lnht 3 Eld a ... d.bl Oft, f\-.lu yard & ga.r11ge. Kid• l Super •l'WP "'· fern '"'· ~..:... ·~2.7•u 7.2. '400 mo. 14e-te21 WAl.K TO MACH, Bech, '· . •• •••i"•H•••••••••••• Int., young adlfl ';¥;i. fedeooreted, Co.;o';,'' 1)919 • 94&.2000': den, Pc;>OI, t pa, Quiet --,... -. 1 bf etolle, ger lndl'f file. 11ovia I t'9fr1Qe. 01it 1 1·Rm--ln-..,...--hCM--l*,---.,..-ldlr'l-t WALi Tl TIWI oome 13UOO. ~37 Hlolllencll. st7a. Avail ~1, ~ retldentlal loo. I 1150. ~-.... '141 Clci. to 0cc:'Ave11. 111. wtter paid , l SOOtmo. fliO. kllaflir\, ~---from Ihle cltllghtlul unit · LIVI AT BEACHI llR 111. 7~1H HOM "INT Agt. 7804W. ~~·L.:;~~;·ik:;.;•1; '4t0. 647114 &M-7179 1310/moi NJ .... ~:~· ~~;4:.= 10 NWpl 8ch trlr I 15,000 Com'°'11~ • br '9r'nl!Y 3 Bdrm. 00. '•need LAeM °' 1MM ~lion .a. wy ltudlo • ._ SINllne I I r. wltfl 9er10•. NJ. Am I 1H "'0• Wotttl1 1 _ ~ U '3000 dn, 1375 paye Ill. l'IOmt, pV1 ~II. Pll Ole V9rd & garege. Kkle & amine er... no. e llJIM. TV, 1111.N, fl\ald ..,w., HM ..... ~..,,. oony, atove I dlall-manL~vt '"".,. ... ... -.. ...._11 1 630·tl924 d~. &31-8418 ·'1&00. U0· 110, l*•Mleome. &45-2000. 3 ecsr. din PoOllt9"nll ,ttone1. •11&/wHk. to..nQ&.Mi LiichdtdO w u hr, HIO/mo. oootl'"8. ~~ ,. tlV tTS40H. Agent, no,... s1oeo Agt 780-1333 ...._m,, "Will....,...,.. &H-1919. ldl. rt WIWft. ........ ....__.._.,.. ,.'!'!!.~.~ ... !!.ff , ..... t'.'!.tf .ff~.!.l!f film, home pn11 for MlllOf NIW!tOAt HACH ll dy, Ill OK 8M 101/9cl Roommat• n.edeel, M/F pet OK 1110 ito.rd Of>-UllO/mo. Lori 848-1'310 M/'1 to 1hare Prom Pl I ---------1 &t 2 la. tennl1. be' ••ttll •1tl1 flltll view, 1375 1148·812 ••••• ·'··· •••••••••• ':l' WOtk, 87S-78,. home Ilona! Call 011·3383 In AM IUUll IWflL Wkly r-"t•I• now 1v11l S 10& & up Color TV Phon .. In room. 2274 NewpOf'l Blvd. CM 84tl-74411 •••• ,, ···'"' 4100 Fem. 30 ellr lg• tavtal't twnh .. wtr"p WOl'ttlng l•m , unbellev abl • roomt , overlooklng brook & wat1r11ll, Poor. Jee l1k1, etc. N8/CM .,.. 12111 1eo-8a.& •......•...•.....••.•. IAYHOIT Special l1dy w/tflart la· vlah Patil Newpor1 2 BA 4 bdrm, 4 blth, 11ndy 2 B 1 / beach, p1ar & 11011. a. urn •pl. w mllure $8000 tor Auguat 6111 rup working M /F DOLLAR DAY DOUGH 8AVER8 StU yQUr no-longer-needed Item• for cuh. tf It doten't MU, we'll run It another 3 daya FREE. One Item per ad, mu1t be priced. Sorry, no real ntate or commercial ada. Call today for full detallt . NlftoflN'l•111te Im IMe 11.00) ~JP.Jfl .... !Mf ~ti/ ~~.'.{• ........ !.~!. !'11..~.,_'!!. .... !.~~ ~!.11..'!I!'!!. .... !.'... WUTWlll IMI .t l•u' CO!OS • WovlO lov. 10 lllTU. Ledy lO thow ap111meni.. 1200 11 Of 14 IQ, 11 Oelw! ••••••••••••••• ••••• •• ~ny with you. Call Sue Aec;pt., ortho offo. f.tpr light otfb wQfie, no ty-o Ice or ttor• 1paoe • .1...,,......,.11 ,, .. or l<tthy anytime nee. )(Int wege & bntti. ping, wilting.to wor11 lwo 14502 l 14304 I H oh ....... .-.-.-.-. .......... -r: 853-9383 Nwpt &oh. 840~121 wMktndt • month, wlll llYCI. llWn a, t. CIYlo L.et Oo 01 A!Ooholl""I trlln. Call lor lntwvtew C41nt• VIiiage 8 Don't lei a1cot1oUam pull '-_ftnmut DENTAL Chalr-'de Aatl 9·12 Tl'turtd1y & l'rlday Cent.,, PtlN tocatlon. ~ to Mtf·dlelfllC1fon. •• ~"•••••• • •••••• Npt Bell ' day wk fJIS> only 545-4855 87MUt °' .,.._12eo. L•I go & 11¥e e ute 0j J., rtUIM 1111 Of prof. IChOl4 1ra1n1ng to~tw With IM hel f •••••••••••••••••••••, pr.rd &4&-3635 Lflll lttrtf~ 3 oinc., HO 1q n eult• ' Po P/tlme .. ot•t•ry w/rH I avall .. Of' 400•800 IQ 11 Tl'te Moorlngt. Wllh • Hiil• e:/. Npt. &oh. Denlll N•wport C•nter u l d n111on1lly recogntud ar••· 873 111 •t"••• •••••tm E1111e Lltlgetlon f!lrm MIQned lo eult. Cltllltllt outpatient lteetment " •--need• experi.nc.d Legal Bank Bldg. 301 E. 17th proorem, you nevet n..o ••I• rtulM lllO Cerur opply for u · S.Oy. Xtnt typing, dlcll· St, C.M, Conteot JO/ln 10 be ~llllzed, ml" •••"•••••••••••••••••• P•r'd. 1•1m orl•nted, phon• & ahorlhand a Wllah, 079-4200. lltne from wonc, Of 11,.,. &lllllTllT mot11111ed addition 10 muat . Salary open . Airport ar .. • Elite. Sul· from your lamlly .. oa. ... lrlendly 1latf of 7 TIQ It 440.6"0 • ... or-'" managef. con •• ruc:· 1 t>u1y Npt. ecn. olc. that 1----------, ... Ftom 226-460 IQ h. nl"iJ l evenll'IQ program• tlon 111p•r. req'd Job LIFlllUI 'c' 11*1 ~51<17 70 n. Many xtru avt lltble & tn1ur1nce cotllf\O & nnanclal thru P =!.~184~~ ~· ·•uel Waler Sal•I" ln-1 " • 10 IPProv.O. & L. Send r taume to: __ ... '"""_. __ .,..____ "" , Tll...... P.O. Box eets8, Laguna OENT. AHi. OrtllO. Npl. 1truc1or C•rtltlcetton. 4¢ 0 •• 0 u Grundy, Rltr, 57•.111111 oc .. n & bay view ~SO ... 760-8045 l•ttfH1ler •·•· Resp. non·smklng l•m 10 Summ•r rental Spiral shr tunny 2Br 2bl CdM Oto lor rent IUll or pan, tilh 81 , C.M. Xlnt front olc toe. Avail lmm1d. 5.-0-1117 1853 ~. Llncoln. Or~ Niguel. 82871 Bcl'I. 4 day M·Th. bpef ~~.~,y~I~: :::~ ::,~ 46'7 tong = 8 • & ROA req. 84Mtl2tl board. •IH. /d.,,, Coll• •111 lnlH ·-1 :!. _.21 ll a.lllm. kDI Nll'T a. Lazy w Ranch ••••• •• • • ••• • •••••• •• • • • • • • • • •• •• • •• •• • • • ••• • ••••••••••••••••••••• t lllrt. lkyllghts. •Pl w/11me. Pvt bch. .... """ -._.. • ll TheJOllyAogef.lno.hu Early AM ahltt. No exp. 714"93·1541 MARINEGarageSaleFtll MOVING SALE · Furn, GARAGE SALE Sat en entry l•v•I po1lllon nee, 25--'5 w oman pr• i--... --... -19-11-1-•• -.-1-1-1--Sat 9·5Pm $1-$405 loole, llnena, book• (61161 only Golf club• & avallabll In our Sa ... & I'd . Apply In p•raon • • Hundred• of Items See Mueh more S11/Sun cart. e1111. knitting 6 ,._ CHh Accounting 0.pl. Olppll y Donuts, 1864 Top layout & setup OPit-Olm ... 11.Llne 501 N 2<153A Orange Av• CM wing Items. A 11\lle bit or for a peraon who hu II· NewPOrl Bl, CM retor for T01no1 Swtee Bay Fron1, Balbo111a1and • 1 J 11 II everything 15181 Ch•· frple, Pvt 1pa. l''t bike $312/mo 7t10-2tl15. beach Weekly 855-1743 875-7837 ev/wknde. Well·aooolnt.O ottloe w/ BEACON BAY FOR AUG. Rmmale needed lo 1hr Huge 4Br home Step1 10 CM home. llA /F. $250 pvl bch & Balboa VICI-mo 842-7113 alt 3PM tlon w/ell the lu• Avail Nwpt Harbor vl•w. IP· prox 1,000 IQ 11 658-7100 SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS mlttd e.11per. but 1ei----------au1om1llcs. Od future, 873-016& !!!.'!.~.'!.~~ •. ~ ...... Ion Cor tTrie Ranch) lr- ambllloua & wllllng l o ORIVERS 25 yra 01 age growing thop In Laguna 1---------- July 21-Aug 21 $4000 Resp m11ure male 8"11.1 tor mo. Call Robin (Agl) •Pl to aher• In Npt Bcl'I 646-7276 area. hive lurnllur• TOP LOCATION, HlrbOt· 8akw Center, 3011-23 HarbOt Bid. CM. 580 & 1250 tq I I. Mgr . 84s-.8100, 649-138e Cloudy -Gretel Youth • Embryo learn. 1 yr ••~ pr• Gd driving record N1guei off Avery Pltwy Coll• #•H HUGE Sale Sat/Sun _v_"'_8 _______ _ lerred Oulle1 tnclud• 494-1067 Micro Preclllon Swln, ••••••••••••••••••••• • l0·4PM Sall fish boat Sat 6-26. 9-JPM La<ge ~CHORE Gfanny llwaye M id coo- petlllon made any t11k 1&1ler. She called It ... 1udltl1l9 of aalM reportt, -Et-r-en_d_O_lr1-.-p-1-,-1me-.-M-on--714-831-9331. Can Chris S75. mower $75, edger Garage & Swap Sele aome filing. mall proeft· Fri, t 1.SPM. for preal· ,_D_u_b_reu_11______ SWAP MEET s75 Toya, clothes, ronet Clothes. P1c1u1es. Baby 1400 w .... , 642·6456 M /F share ameshlng 3 Br. 2 Ba Huntington Beech home near beech with proteu1ona1 male $390 1nelds house cleaning & gardener Eves 7141963-8723. C•••tflll prll OE CHORE. .Ing • I I I I ,. Every Sunda 8 3 skates. 9901 Merced A1• lurn . manu new ltAm& '" genera c er ca dent of Newport Bch M EDICAL, F/tlm•, front y, am· pm B k & w ' " _.., Ex II .__ fl a Or C t C II ver. roo hurat ar-sold under ~hi·-1• 146 w.,... 0• .,...ne ta '" firm. Muat have retleble olc position M ission ange oas 0 ege ~ ~ ., 2 bdrm hse. very near waler and Newport Pier Avail June 27111 lhru July 2nd Aug 81h lhru 22nd Aug 29 thru Sept 5 646-7958 ... ~!~!~!~ ....... !.~!~ ,,.,, ' , ... , 530tJ working condition• with car. resp altitude & be Viejo Reefs medical,._ Fairview & Arllng1on. ner Sa11rinen, Irvine Juat otl 1 growing co. dependable 675-4918 crelertal exper Including Coste Mesa Admission B••li;{t•• J,.d ~ ------..i lfFIOI II 19 •••••••••••••••••••••• THE JOLLY ROGER. lnsurenee bllllng free to buyers Seller •••••• •••••••••••••• .,.. I I a. INC F/C Bkkpg. typist IOI PA 495_1060 AeMNattonsllnlo OARAG SALE-Fri Sat ,..,wr.1 Ht• 17042 0111e11a Ave., Oto In HB Must be u -1----------556-5880 8-3 Moving must sell ESTATf."s°ALi::·;~;;·;. In MWet bldg on C-0111 Hwy, Sooth LIQllna. Ap- prox 500 1q. ft. b c•I· lent ptlvete puking b«ilnd bldg. $525 mo. Turner Auoc. 4114-1 t77 FOUND ADS ARE FREE lrvlne, CA 112714 Pet F/tlme 536-3793 1111 New natlonal marketing ~~~~~~~~~~ lots ol stull Goldenwest misc Everything musi 714·546-0331 5PM co has employment Gerage Sale • Lots 01 & Sla1er 6942 Mariattan go 1211 w Bay St .NB 10 Ste,t Te Sad M/F over 20 lo Shr 3 br Oceen vlew-turnlahe<l. 2 apt, N.B , 2 blks beech, BA or 4 BR Ren1ed by $250. 207A Colton UYllTillH lt1trll Offlot oppty for tO demonalra· Goodies! Sat/Sun 10·4 Dr H.B (Penlnl Fri/Sat 8 30-5 tors over 16 Travel wllh 879 Arbo< St (Nr 19th & GAR GE s E S Muat enjoy phone con-group or work 1ocally. Monrovia). C M A Al awing S••t• A•• the week Below market rate O w nr /egt. 848-4557 or 962-2305 c., Ii I f35' H B ore''°' lndu1t epace Cal OMllHl&TH .. !!l.!~.~ .. ~L.... evall. FOf IM 11ertlng et : Coordlnlle brouraoe & Dana Pt garage, lront drl· S450 mo. 847·0954 142-Hll ctuallled adv•rtlalng ---------1 veway, cloae lo t>eaeh. .._I/If-Supervl1e pasteup. NO Ocean vi-: 2 br. 2 be. 493-0803. 548-6446. ••-r-ARTISTS T t h I II f 300 .,., 11. Fool 1ra111c. e •P ~. ty· tvs. 11et. working wtth cueto· Above average earnings. 1----.;..______ Items. hobbies. auto •••••••••••••••••••••• mers end detail work eicpenses advanced. Too many Items 10 lllt parts, tools, hand mo-HUGE RUMMAGE SALE Paid vacation, sk:tc pay. Mutt be neat snd ambl· Large beveled mirrors wer, geme1, books Slit only 9AM-4PM 200 end health ln1urenc1 uoos Exclllng. fun Job. S 15 Olshes. glau & more. PRICED TO SELL' W Chetlnut SA Every FuUUme Applylnper10n Cell tor appl 10·!>. l\Ara. pottery 25c-$5 linens. 16352 Hanovet Ln thing lmmagtnable, re Mon-Fri at BAROEN'S Pridgen. 646-3337 or lace 50c-$8 Pictures $1 (Edwards/McFadden) treshments. baked PEST CONTROL 896 646-0366 Oak che1rs $10 Tables Fri/ Sat/ Sun 9.5 goods All proceeds lor R1ndolph, Costa MelB iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 1622 Monrovia, 2 blocks Trade your old atufl for mant.ally retarded adullS spa, $BC. syst., u y urn .,.. Lost Ce\ T bb ! ping & record keeping $400/wk. 4119-5304 01/it• l••t•I 440tJ Dntwn Laguna 404·56&1 : • 11 Y em, Mature & up'd onlu ---------1 •••••••••••••••••••••• "Jasmine··. vie Shore· ' 546-5570 •H•H .,1•• west of Placentia, bet· new good I•• with 11 DON T MISS IT • ., ~• ween 16th & 11th C M Cl&Wflecl ad. 842-5678 Want Ada Can 842-567 Balboa Twnhse 2Br 1617 Weslcllll. N.B Went LAGUNA BEACH elllls.CdM. 7tl0-8057ev1 Apply: 4t9 Old Newport t',<,be, NIOety turn . sips t1nane1a1 Inst 7000s f 900+ sq 11 bldg $900/mo Bl . Ste. F. Npl Bch 6 Weekly or mo See at 1 st 11 0 0 r A 0. n I 0.bota/'t. egl. 407 .5494 Lott 3/82 Blk long haired B ·BYSITTER cat. S 100 R-ard Called " needed tor I 310 E. Bay. Set1Sun or 541 -5032 l•'••tml lnt'14$1C "Meatball" 673_8972 occealonel wknds & EIElll. IFFIO( ca 11 Wk d y II v as 520 SQ fl $1 00 per sq •••••••••••••••••••••• wkdy1, C M 75 t·8982 Temporary help needed _2_13_1_7_00_.o_eo_2 _____ 1 11 • 3975 B1rch . N B NB. 3975 Blrcl'I. 5600 sq Found· Sunday. N-Tea· eva to eonver1 Illes to mk:ro- Summer monthly renlel, Agent 541.5032 It. or leH. MIA zone. lament Bible, La Paz & l·B-A_B_Y_S_l_T_T_E_R_p_/l_i_m_e_,I film Could lead lo per· Conv • long term care OKP req'd Excell wor· !ling oonds & benefits F1t1me. 7.3 30. 3.11·30 B1l1, WHIH 1100 H•I• WHIH TIDO llfltiH,iie ~!~~~4;·8~:~ o~.e::~~i~ I s·aieA;·D·V··E·R··T·l·S·l·N··G···· s~t~·s~~·eS ·;;·~;·:~· :.-;;;-,;~;;········1005 Jul" or Aug 1 t Agent 541·5032 •05 Fwy, llA V. 831-3432 manent position Call , on Qu e Mon 6 Wed .. 9.4 My Jim. 649•8909 Balboa Penln 2 BR. $750 up. 2180 It. lndu· FOUND Mele lrlstl Seller. home 6'12-9905 ~~~~~~~~~~I Ad NB E•cett oppty Exp pre .. • • • • 7• • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • ' . I'd Hrly plus comm Ant1Que Oak, klgal size 4 compl turn home Rees atr1al . Otllce. l808t A.-purebred. approx. 3 yts .1----------= Cpls oret, no pets dondo Circle •E Hunt· vie.C M 545-7091 ... ,r/ltflot .. ,. HAIRDRESSER needed. Heres a un1Que oppor-Chtld en 1 B t drawer File Cabinet P&llT TIME 1 tunlly lor one whO en1oys 644_2;64 llA~ M~~,8r y. $ tOOO 559-6565 675-5538. 837-7949 1 t "'···h 8 2 283 1----------Newpo t Be h bll w/booth aven Reu rent ng on . .,..,... · 4 • 4 FOUNO Oobermen pup-r ec pu c For rent mo of July turn ~Ao,__ 1 3 Id VI relations firm seek• de-648-6044 Eves and/or weekend• working '""'" the public 1;::..:...:.:.::::=:..· :::._:::.::.:.::::__.l~:=.~7-::::~::;:;-::~;;: R •'bl d 1 on lhe lelephone and Teleprione Solicitor Pl DINING Table. 4x8' w/2 2' 2Br h•a , hot lub, nice ~ c-,_,.. Th• Price 19 r 10 h ti py, am., mos. 0 · c. pendable Individual 10 ••Pon~ e II u ts, over ext 6 chis carved top 2 t, with outitandlng. 81• eernlng money at lhfl lime evM & Sat for auto ,325, 673_3770 ~ /,,,..,.,. 1000·1100 eq 11. Call for Oene PL 861-0707, monltOf bulc bookkee· Hardware clerk. experten-$~~ m1;,ag:a':i~6:4~a~:: ~ ::•:_ _ _, de11ns. 675-8251 496-9•95 ping needs. Payables. cad. ~::~~~~29 tractive pertonalllles to same time deta1hng co Salary plus t---------- work with youth (egu Your aucc;esslul ules comm 641-0383 lHIOIE SllDW/Slll Ilana ./A .... ,.._ llal'1• W••IH 41°' Found: Y"iJ an black tam receivables end dally / -,.....,. • ••••••• •••••••• •••••• cat. epe)'ld. wormed, ell Journal• Must have prior llnL t 0 -t <1 ) Ca II 2. 5 PM, exoerlence wlll enable TOPLESS MOOE LS Dally thru Mon . July 5111 642-4321, EJ0 343 EOE ~f' c:. ~a~~i!s k~d~:'. $75 DAY • PAID DAILY Free admission Hunl· OCEAN FRONT Dix 4Br. Looking for unlurn 3 b1 shott To good hme exper end b• able 10 Swllchboard Operaror 2Ba. 2 car gar avail apt or c:ondo w/enclOeed 648-5478 work wltll our accoun-only 11 luxury Laguna PHOTO Order Desk . 1111ng Department no exp • nee • 826-2563 1ngton Cenler Mall 405 de111t-rell1bl•. Quick, Slrelghl commission on TRAVEL Agent, e.cper'd Frwy & Beach Blvd · 7 I t -7 11 O. 8 17 • 812 1 garage for 3 male oc FOUNO: Lg• while Se· 11n11. $1,000 pet mo to Beach holel Full time. 675· 7386, 535-6017 (Edi • 11udent1. No 1moklng, moyed. Coast Hwy. NB s 111 rt . A• I P' a I 'd e v e n I n g 1 h t I t , me lure per1on for a all tales Min 2 yrs Sabre agency 1_H_B _______ _ variety ol duties Phone, II yoo have sales ability, EKecutlve Travel Serv. & ti Q 'It Sl• Elegant Summer Rental *lflllf llFIOIS* drinking or partying. Call to Identify. 673-2810 714-720-0941 3PllA-1 IPM. S. Margie Ocean view. compl lurn From l room 103 room1. Need for S19t. lat, '82. OAPT&ll to apply. 497.4477 clerlcat. etc. FIT. Bus. are e sell-staner and like 1rv1ne 833-9406 • que 11 " hrs. Non-student. Non-MONEY. we will train you ---------1 ____ 5_5_2_·2_8_3_9 __ _ $1700 can tor appt v0• From S 1.18 1 IQ. 11. No Rent ;uerenteed by pa.· Found Bleck & White E.O.E gel Pacific 640-6161 lease raqulr.O. Adi. Air· rente. l.oeal family. Plea· mele Shllzu. 17th St Olnlng room, lull time, ---------porter Inn. 2172 Dupont. M cell (714)85t-41829. Costa Mesa. 673-5904 ••perlenc«I only. S7 hr. lllfr/0..,-IH r!.t_•.f!!~.~~!!~!!!.~~~ _C_a_1_1 _A_llA_._833-3 __ 223___ Found. Lg brn dog, shon ~llpr~~~~~ ~~:.~~~~ ~~~~~o::o :;,~~~~~ smkr Apply 10.2, OnSlte 1n Clesallled procedures Typesetler needed P/t1me Charming almost ant1Que Photo/Grephlct. 3303 For an eppo1n1ment for nights Edll writer e~per vanoly $125/t>esl olter Harbor Bl • Commerce lnllt'ol•ew. please call oor raq'd Hunt Bch area 673· t265 Perk. E . 5 C M Personnel Dept at 714·536-3939 r-------------------16 11111 armoire wtbevele<l 540-0668 642-4321, Ext 277 TYPIST. P/time last & · glass door $225/best ORUIE COAST accurate Balboe Pen1n offer 673· 1265 OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br BAYfRl\llT Aeeponslbla Ledy Medi l'lelr. l•male. Vic Hunt· views Wed thru Sun man. Live In. 675-6067 Avail. now. Weekly lhru Uftl room 3 days a week. lnglon Bch. 960-0561 Phone 844-5404. summer. 673-7873. ~Beech Of Coste 1--·-Prlme office. 873-1003 Mela.~ to P.O. Box LOST: Smell yellow laun· CASHIER Fltlmfl poal· -" l1•tal1 II 111'11 4300 Coste Mesa 250 91. aulte 2685. Mll&lon Viejo, CA dry b&lk•t lull of cloth... rlons. Gd. pay. growth FGS hu opening In A.- • • •••• •• •• • •• •••• •• • •• S 175mo Utll lneld. 7711 92e90 Fell from cer In College co.. 5 loc:.tlon• Melro ,_., Dept. for person to Producilon Artist needed. lest growing graphics leelllty. complimenting typesetting & camera dep1rt & creating comps reQ'd Hunt Bch area 714-531).3939 lllU PILOT A s k I o r B ar b a r a 330 W. Bay SI 714-875-0900 ~11.~i!!.~~~ .•••.• !.~ ! ~ ROOMMATE FINDERS Oldest & lergeat agency AU clients screened with photos & references Credlls. Cosmopot11en Good Morning Am8ftca. Thfl Tomorrow Show •'h olf• 10 all new cuents who need a place HWPOltT 141-1111 Costa Mesa An Equal ()w1y Emp1yr Sales Park ., .. , Cotti Meea C11 Wun. 2950 Harbor Quote & lollowup on r• W 19th St 85t·8928 REWARO• Pleese cell Bl , CM new••• Au1o rating or l•ll•n1/l•rnl/ 641-2916. ---------1 unO.rwrlll"iJ e11p. pretd Exec suites. full serv . furn/unlurn . greatly re- duced No lse. 754-0274 Fiaut• ---------Childcare. Need mature Excell salary & bonus •••••••••••••••••••••• Lost: Gold charm brace-women. 3 d1ye a weett Pd co benefits Including P.TtlE SALES l••i•IU let. Unuauet charms. le-my riome. Permanent co pd dental plan Enloy working wllh kids. EJcpe11enced outside sa- lespeoole tor progres11ve travel agency Call 547·6783 ~ t J!l •-s mlly Jewelry. rewero 631·3523 Contact: Jerry. 549-8909 and wish Increased ear-,..,... ~ 556-5797, 540-3266 ---------1 ---------••• "0•••••• •••••••• ____ .;.._____ OLHIO&l lrrlilffel nlngs. utilize your out-SALES SWIMMING Pool Cl'lflml· Foond bird In vie ol Peu· going personality, learn eel u rvlc• lie Costa tarlno. btwn Bristol a One person olllce. l•HlaHat how 10bec:ome 11 iralned SSS$ S10 to S25 hr Un l\Aese area No exp. nee Redhill, CM 966-1443 Laguna/Dana Polnl area. Person with EXPERIEN· &ales counselor. Call dercover Weer home Wiii train SS0,000 full Start out doing envelope CE 1n lnatalletlon & ope-2·5PM 642·432 t. Ext. patltes 645-7744 H fllW Samouo 0n 00 t req'd, Wiii ne1 F~h~:u!r!~ S~nr!h~~: ~.~".2or~o~nt~~~~!: rational m11n1enanoe of 343. EOE SALESLADY P/T The UEC_..._ 4 . plu1 Cell col· A & 8 1 l • larger 1ya1ems Fullllme. ----------1 Mole Hole. Ll .. o VIII 20 w11H lect. Mon-Fri., Hk tor ve. 1 th 642·7731 r el poatlon. •5/hour 10 permenflnt Salary bued llUL ESTATE UlEI u Sim A u d I • 11 • ti P M • Found Ladles ring June _s_t_a_rt_. _4_9&-_1_41_58 ____ 1 on uperlence Irvine· Need 2 exper people In yrs exp reQ 673·4655 408-667-0111 111 Builders Emporium OllltOAL/PAlT Tiii based company Wiii commercial & Industrial Seles Person, malure. Pt D4lllllf~ 110 lo 3000 SQ 11 GRAPHICS CENTER pkt n g 1o1 E 1 T 0 r 0 L l(I 1 1 take eppllcellons lrom real estate tor successful time. HB gllt sllop. .......... "No Frill" Prices G 1 551.~1 °0 n~ or nteresllng 6 30am-2.30pm C1111 & growing f irm Besl 963-6900 Moving? Avoid deposots William Cote, Bkr d oc. NB/CM All work? yplng. no ahor-768-4751 working conditions 1n Cut llvlng expenses! eQulp, low overhead. Found Sml male poodle, lhsnd. 8-Noon Ole. on N e w p 0 r 1 B 8 8 ch SALESPERSON for ch1I· Third Off for June ll•ll ... 1.. compl. trai ning Xlnl lawn. vtc Springdale &1_P_C_H_._64_8-_7_4_3_1 ___ 1 "UnllllAL 714•646,5051 dren s sriop Exp'd 1n 833 Dover Or Ste 2, NB • opply. Low dn & terms. Edinger 846-4113 ctPJ naas·t Ole cleaning, Npt. Bch retell only. Full/ P·llme 131.5332 --~===~:__-_6_3_1_·5_5_77_____ n Fltlme days Pltlme llEOEPT./SEO'Y Petite Marche. 642-4714 Found mile Leb. 2 huslly Irvine ad agency has Beauty Selon1 • Your mix puppies, fem. terrier newly creeted position. eves US CITIZENSHIP Light bookkeepln~. Full SALESPERSON/BUYER Share Condo wllh Proless IPT·llllNllT llU. parson $285 tst, last 1200 or 600 sit, 90¢ per d e p 6 4 1 • 4 8 2 5 or sit Mo 10 mo. or leeae 966-8479 Mullan Really 540-2980 choice of three From mli1·or•y, male Golden reporting 10 treftlc Must REQUIRED Some p/ or part/lime 557· I t6 tor goll shop, prlvaie $12,000 Bkr 848~709 Aetrlev•r ml• (blk & have high professional time nlle waicer OP•· RETAIL SALES MGR club, 30-35 hrs wllly. Incl TAii n -All gold), male Seml·ml11 standard• & ucellenl nlngs Apply l23 N For a Children's bout!-some weekends Hoorly WHn (blk & wtlt). male Cottle proofing 1klll1 w ork Olive St. Orange Que.unlQueopptytoran wage+ commission HARBOR AREA #1rd .. v1• APPLIANCE SERVICE • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • We sell recond .• gu&r ~lfJ ... ~~ •••.•••• !."f!~ eppllenoes 549-3077 FRENCH Armo1re. beve-I HY lPPLlllOES ~~~s'" ~;~~~2o~ 8 · x 3 4 · Les 95 7 -8 t33 LARGE Solid Oak Desk Washer & Qas dryer. both Excell cono clean work good $50 S400 575.02051_5_4_8·_4_4_85 _____ _ LACE Curtains, 102· x83' ea 7 pairs S 125 New 675-0205 DOUBLE Oven. etec Like new Redec<><atlng $75 968-7327 AnllQue oak & brass lur Philco Ford Frostlree nllure collection office 17cu It relrlg llreezer bdrm. llv & din rm + Brown .1Clnt cond S 175 seve<al side pieces Ph 960-9675 or 962-5355 633-4411 Sears p or table d t511· amt IE wa!lher $100totle< 673-1265 SltOW • SAU HOTPOINT Electrlc range, Sunday. June 27th I 10-4) 30 · Harvest Gold like new $195 675-5292 llfWNllTtll Ill IEWPlllT IUOIC Info Fradkin Fairs 846-8983 Electric Oryer $115 Hotpoint Good Cond 720-1545 Fem. rmmte, 2 BR apt lllmFIL prlv ba. $295 plus • ., urn. HWPOIT c1m11 995·2001• 642•9702 With use of reception, STUT 11111• ..... mix (blk & ten). lam. last-paced, but tun 10 _1·_5_P_M_._M_o_n_·_F_r1_. ___ enlhustastlc 1ndlv Please 496-5767 tor Interview 41 yr old Belboe Pentn-Terrier (Ian), Mete Whip· work tori Mery979-7000 Jovrneyman/Sllilled celi lor appl 549-1461 SALES REPS LlttlllTIH SAU sule Balc•ry re\111/ pet (brn & whl), elao 2 OANCERS Maintenance Men with llT If "'LY 111 Kenmore Water Softener $150 720· t545 M /F Pleasant, Quiet conl room. kllch, phone. twnhse Costs Mesa. aecreterlel & word pro- wholesale buslMU Lo-chlctcan1 . Newporl eaperlenoe ln plumbing, llO&IL MUAIEMEIT NEEDED AU furniture a 1tore fix-Camper relrlg wtlile. ap- cated on lhe corner ne•I Beach Animal Sh•ller llOO .._ Sl,OOD .... electrlcel & carpentry Apropo Fashion lllend • Storer Cable T v Is now tures got Available by pro1t 10 cu fl. good $ 2 2 5 p I u s ,,., u t 11 cesslng Mell & messaoe lo lhe Pavilion. 301 Main 644-3656 "" work Fun lime. Mon-Fri Contemporary European ohone & snows until 1 con!! S55 750-7602 St, BalbOI 2600 IQ I\ w 7 30AM ·4PM Salary designer boullQue Is accepilng epp1tce1tons C<>mplelely equlppact. A Lott· hll• & grey long Summer jobt, tull & part commensurate wllh ex-seeking e creative •ndlv for ntes representetlve relocate Margaret Nord Wards Signature port fine lease Priced to Mii. heired cat, seer upp•r time dancefa want.O fOf perlence Send resume for career In retell sales position. Related sales Antiques. 1896 Harbor at dishwasher. avocado For Information can. :el1 1~· 1 R~~I d8'>01Uted Bare Minimum Tele· 10 Ad d 1009, Dally Piiot, & mgml. Fashion bkgrnd. end / or educ 8 II one I t9th. C.M 642•7576· color. $65 750-7802 631·5963 serv a111ll. separately II 2 bdrm, I bl apt N.B. desired Call: Judy . $330 .• ,., utlls. Eves _1_14_1_1_so_--0_1_00_. ____ 1 1175-0601 Fred Eitec office· 705 E. Bal· _M_/_F_s_h_a-re-4-B-r_h_oo_se_ln boa Blvd. N r Bel boa Newporl Shores Nr Trieatr• 525 SQ fl , beech. pool g tennla S425/mo A/c . b eth 675·3600 MEL FUCHS eg. .c. wu en 11 n· grams. Audition• being P.O Box 1560, Costa Is e must Call btwn 9 & background helpful Belgian oak bullet, center Swamp water/air room PAVILION REALTOR ~~~~2 Or. AEWARO held this weelC from OAM Mesa 112826 12. 547-7609 Please cont:~' ;to;er mirror. beveled glass cooler portable alee 111-1120 10 3PM. Af)9ly al: Bate ---·---·----peraonnel at 1• 24 c1blne1 doors. $1500 wither,;, S6S 750-7802 FOUND: C~apoo. gray, Minimum, 1807 W. K.. Get GREEN cut1 S•lllng anything wllh a SEWING llAACHINE OPE· Oak press bectc rocke< --------- $350 /mo 't\ ullls 551·68341857-6111 Smalt buslnwl ownere or OC Swap mM1, 8/20. HB telle, Ste. 21tl, Anahe4m fOf WH1TE elephanta Dally Piiot Claellfled Ad RATOAS Exper, Quellly w/lealhef seet $200 En-Kenmore Elec. Oryer buy•rs. do you need Lie tag. 646-1929 with a CIUllftld Ad II 1 llmpll metier ... Jutt minded. piece rates ghsh oak framed oval Oeluxe model. $75 help? Expert adv\Qe on ---=-------1 Sell Idle lteme 6'2·5676 Call &42-5678 eal1 642-5671. Cosll Mesa 642·9652• mirror $90 646-S238. 750·7802 ~~.bu~~~~ Found:Be1enJIClub-~======~~=~~;~~~-~======;~~--~-----~========~=======~ 548-4340. 28 yr old nonsmkg prof IEWNIT IE&O• man seeks rmmte 10 shr EKecutlv• oflloe In Cen- beaul. turn. 3 br Bluffs nery VIiiage. S450/mo. condo In N B. S375/mo Broker 675-4912 lions, etc. G•t going. wl1hea 10 piece yg M con1ullat1on, $75. Ed. barkl11t dog tllet yodelt. 714-754-0531 898-3826 +YI utlls. 720-1744 Prof outgoing alngle le· male Non-smoker. no dependents lo share 2 BA 2 beth apt Gd loc In Irv In•. $330 mo plus ulll. Wendy 551-496 l O C Airport Execuplan #tan ,. W.. HU Mfgr's reps/sattellle •••••••••••••••••••••• saleS ott , desk ap Full PllYlTI lllR serv. or no trills. Elegenl S 10,000 & up Tom 759-8978 642-9914 --------~ 3 Arch Bey. 500 aq It I Foond: 2 dogs. 1 black, 1 wl'llle, Cockapoos( 1), Ron & Mey•r. C M , 642-8430 Found: F black dog In Tustin, Newport Av. & Main St, on June 11 551· 1425 PenlhSe. Catalina View. H 8 • pvt entrance & beth. fem 18·25 $300 mo Incl ulll 536-0794 S Lagun1. Coest Hwy. 111 If•~. ftHf Wl gOOd hwy \llSlblllty I flJf 4'97·2351 •••••••••••••••••••••• ----------1 1.1. umn htNul• '" Mt4er1 lfflee llef1s1Ct o.. lee. •. • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • l ab apace. 7.000 aq II. Spect1llz:lng In 111 & 2nd Shr 3Br hse. $260 mo $520 move-In. Apply 250 Ceder St .. N.B. alt SPM. Prof . llA /F 25 -33 , nonsmkr. •Height. no ~ts, to shr 2br, 2'1\be new condo. C M Oeve B. 831-4391, 957-5731 Fem. 10 1hr 3 br OQMn view newer home, So L aoun e . S23 5/mo 4199-2770 Near Hoag Hospltal. TO'• ~nee 11MO Ideal for e small small Robt. Sattlaf NH/CM buslnesa. 845-21 1 l R.E. Brok• 8d AMflot'I H Tiil WlTll 842-2171 145-()811 0111 ••ec suite. 2,012 IQ Al Uf.11 11. Newp<)(l Arc:Ne M•-Not" Wl1/'t • flOI ~ _r_ln_e_B_ld_g_._94_2_-4_64_4 __ 1 of 171.2!0, 1116,000 & FH1T&11 nu.n Prim• office leclllty loca- led directly acrota t1om Civic C•nter. euy ac- CHI to lrwya. flulbl• Im l 1111' OITt o lltc• aullee f rom S215.000 MCUred by tst. T.D.'1 on 1+ 1cr11 of oceen vi9w pr~y In San Juan Capistrano .,... Wiii dlecount to yield 20%. Matuflt... In 18 , 23 & 35 montlla. lnl•r•tt peld monthly. a-Brlnd Randi Co. 714/840-4404. WOftll'IQ llldlee OV9r 40 235-1430 IQ. h. For Id· willing 10 talk abo\11 fin-dltlonal Into call ding llld ahlll"iJ a hOUM l,Y,I, lee. \Newporl ., .. ). Call Mt-1121 'T.L.' at 642-75tl3 Sun----------1 dey thN Thurtday alter 8 _, --·-··u MONEY BACK -SOI Ocw1 •""'"-~ tax r«unct 10 1111 Celli. p.m. 940 aq 11 prime exec rllldlntl wN> ~.S In 25+ working reep f~Je o ffice apact. Mark 1070.s.nc:t8A81to:80I to 8'lr 28r 2ba, •nllf'll-873-MOe. Tu Refund, PO Box Lilda & V"1tki's ,...,._... ae.-n1....a1 OUTCALL 24 HRS, llM211 ••• ltl11tf1 ,.,,., °'*' 2' "" a dey 7 daye a week Jacuul, S1una. L~I• a1 well at tourleu. 8ankAmerlc11d, MNttt Cllerg•. American Ex· pr•n. Olnera. All wel· come 7141845-3433 2112 Harbor 81. CM Yovr Cet A«tec\1 You Cutlom Wu & Detail Aeea •Tony 547-82•1 , ... Dye 845-0110. evea 300 IQ It. 2 olfloe suit•. 11084, O.M. 0292t. SuocHalul, auract111e 830-7110 Karen s300/mo. m~ man, alf1919, Heed fem rmm1te 21-26 M"1c 87~. 8USIN!S8 OPPOATU· ~ ol IOrtt. IOng to AW In 31t hM, CCSM NEWPORT BiACH NITY time ewport a .. oft UOO mo. Call Hiiary "Tum Key" OfftQe 1390 ~· 1 1 f'Mldtent now ..._ the tn-6659 "Branen" ollloe 175. ...,.. "rlt ht raOy" • PO lo.c G--'--· ___. ...... r--~ Nwpof1 leedl CA Bay beck 11tew, E-blufl. -·--.. ...,""" ......,,_ .,__. 1000 pvt IQ. 11. enl" 111 hourly. Typing, mallll\Q, M081LI floOt .. lnel. den, 2 br, lull pllOnH. ·eall lor Info 000 OAOOMINO UNIT o.ttl 7Q.0«4 I've, 752-6408. .., ..... ) ) ) ) Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • Good Eanincp Super Trips •Great Prt .. • CALL · CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT lllJPlll 842-432 ANO SOON YOU l l Bf SEEING 5101115 AAOUlllO TOWN CALLING A TTEl'ITION TO ESALES! MIW Tl llVE I SICCESSFUL UUIE SIU (or Yetd ..... Eetete 8• .. , etc.) 1. Piece your ed In the Dally Piiot Classlfled section (It's best to run 3 days for maximum exposure). If you pay for your ad In advance we'll run It 3 days and only charge you for 21 2. Get your ~EE Garage Sale signs (all you have to do Is come In to the Dally Piiot & pay for your ad In advance -we wtll give you two 11 11. 17 Signe - FREE of charge). 3. Prtoe eech piece ~f merchandlae. 4. Have plenty of ctianga on nano o(nlcket1, dimes. quarters, halves, one and five dollar bllla). 5. Relax. have fun. and count your mo,,.y at the tnd ot the day. ~.t7A!-~~~1 '°'. IOiey 141 lft Ille .... , """ .... •lllllY DO IT NOWI , .... , ..... Y Ol.lr Delly _.llot a.n1ee Olr.ctory ~tltNI tU·Mll. Ht. Ill ~~ ......•.•.•..• °""9w•Y•· Partclng Lot ~·· SMl<:oellng. 818 Aec>hll 631·41t9lto Oen Mellbefg Grading 6. P1vlng Co. Res/Coml Lie. 38780• 842· 1720 '•""'''" .•.•••..•.••.•••...... Prof1Hlon11 Au10 Cle•· ntng, Waxing. Potl11\1ng Tiie Oetellert 840·5109 ~!'!!~I .......... . Over 5 yre educetlonel progrem Incl. Wee«deya 7 54-1352 evee. Mature ledy w/own 1 yr old would llke to sit anotllef chlld, my home, &42-4205 ~~~!!r!~'-········· PaJrell T 111t11 Smooootlled ~0-4479 F/O htUtt,.r FULL CHARGE. Wiii do aml bu1. acc't In my home. All phases Bkklng tllru trial bat. S.8-6793 .... ;rrnt "· .. ""'· ... Cullom ~1ry, deetl• ' pellol Quality WOftt Lio. •HOIOt ,, .... u. mal11, IH·H 11 ------fll~~ .....•...... 'INCH 6 OICKI Maril "oblnton Con11 ,,,. 1871 76"·0969 CABINl!1 S·fllEMODIL lkylilH • Oreenllu Window• 141·4808 ~!r.!. l!!r!~ ....... . No S1e1m1No Shampoo Stain Specilalltt. Fait Ory. Fr" llt 830· 1652 Crpta lnat1ll/r191lrld Floo<I damege Steem ctng 554·&510. 973~85&e Shampoo 6 llHm clet11 Color brighteners, wllt orpta • tO min blllCh Hall, llv/dln. rm1 St5, avg rOOM 17 60. couch I 10; chr $6 Guer etlm pet OdOf Crpt repelr 15 yra exp. Do work myaell Reis. 53 t·O 10 t EXCEL CARPET CARE Jeck But11ng1on Owne</operator Carpel. uphot. aree rug cleaning Worl( guar Free Eat. 645-1771 fJI •••••••••••••••••• ,~ •••••••••••••• CMILD OA"I D~ALL TAPING My nome. 1n11nl .... y,.. All f ulur .. a A~1tl0 Xlnt tef9 O.M .,.,...,., 1 "-.. , KeYln t76-t0N ftd.¥.{'!f •••••••••••• OardtnlflQ Wanted Mowing, edging, rakl~. aweepl11l l'rH Ull• m1t11 64 6737 My C.M hOl'lle· Lovlng 1 ()fyw9lt·P1U tlf•Stuoco mothet, .iipf'd tMC1191 New/r ep11r Acouetlc TRiii ~ V"I• & up 641·1012 celllnga, well texture•. t ..... ,, t 1 h Topped/removed. CIHn tMtt.u,.,. . ..._., we., .,... ngJ pan 1 up, 11wn renov ?51-3471 ••••••••n.-,v;-rr.n.. 1 .. ture Dan fb2·9e05 A!MOOl!UAOO..ON8 11Mttli'1 MOWINO • CLEAN UPS l Carpenlly LIO'd 21 ... io................. Mauling • 1.AnOec:1plng )'ft exp lrwln 541·2119 ILICTRICIAN-Prlceo FrM .. , 642-9907 Fine Flnl•hld Carpentry right. Ir .. Htlmate on Mow, eog1. rake. 1WMp, Aemoel, 8~. Randall large or amall lobe. · 1prlng Cllt1n-up. haul Lie 419481 120-t2eo L.lo. 3HHI 873-0358 c11uck 8•2·2813 bet '9 COMM'L/Rf81D. LIC'D IL!CTRICIAN 1_•_m __ ·------1 Aemod-Add'n1-Rep1lra • Oual WOtk-Aeu. retM RHld Cln-1.1p1, geroen Very rea1 Lio 380250 Fr1t Ml 831-5072 Tom Hrv. ma1n1, irtt trim Jeck H Bennett, Jr. l!LECTAICIAN FrM ... 841-lOGI Wiiiy Gen. Contr. 552-91•2 Sml job1/Repalre Lie. Bonded 6 ln1urld 233108-C· 10. 54&·6203 Lenoeoaprng-Yd C1nup1 Tr" ttlm·Expert melnt 11,J, l1tfll11 I It• lrrtgellon Jlrn 061·0 t29 Lio 30l8H Remodel, .\ '•'•~ Totll Verd Cere by add'n1, Clblnttl Qlltlt, Wort THE GRASSHOPPER __ M_l_·_8_58_8_18_•_5_-4_1_44-i\ Ul·JZU Penonat-Oependabla Mll'11·h1t11-llt•t4. ,...,. MH942 __ o_o_m_1n_1c_1•_:2_-4_8_6_1 _, Free est Reu prlcea ' lie 410901 J.,HtH lar411er 1 O~al WOfk Lie 337119 Ellelrk:al ContractO< FrM "l Ken 838-5035 631-2345 Ind , Comm. Rel Lk: LANDSCAPE MAINT General Contractor 333217. Pll 557-t738 Commet'tCial & property Ind , comm'I, res· m1negemen1s, 831·8046 Lie 333211 557 -1738 lllllllTlll ILIOTIUO we don't make you wait Ron's Gardening. 8 yra Dl•11tle Lie 370689. 631-7123 same area Ouellty at •••••••••••••••••••••• reat rates Malnt / 1tKATRINA'S LIVE-IN f,.d•• tendacapt NB/CdM hskprt, dally maid serv, ••••••A•••••••••••••• 676-9368. Orange Co11t DAIL.Y PIL.OT/Thurtd1~1 June 24, 1H2 ~-l.14l?!f, •••••••••••• ~•OM IM,f'IOVf!MeNT llllPA,IR·~LUMllNO Cerpenll'y, ~. Ille Fr11 111 No Job loo lt'l'lalt Dall11 141·H11 ~~!!!~~"''· ...... . T L 0 Ho11"61..,p111C1 S11Ylc• Low fl'alH. Toni 180-0208/ .. 2·0405 bptftlM lofOUMkMplng We furf\lt ll 11ec:1.1um a IUPPllll, Ven"H t?t..etH JACK OF ALL TRADCS 0 111 JHk d•y Of night •175-301'4• HOUSEOL!ANINO C'OMPL HOMf MAINT IS OUR U81N(891 Cerp, plumb. paint. l\aut, JenlGe • ~y Ann yd c lnup Fret UI Ell. 10 Y" G75-2614 d&-3291 I Jo.ii a Cllenlng 8~ Ce1 pen try rough/llnl1ll Ho1.1M .. Apl1-R1nl1lt drt. wnd~e. ftnoM. dry: OlllCi411 • 5'40· 1287 Wall. pllnt ?64·0189 101ne111 HOUHClttnlng Ri•ll• Aelleble, rel1 tO yr1 ecp •••••• ~ •••••••••••••• oe2 .. 0510 '" • DUMP JOBS MOUSECLfANING + & Small Moving Jobs MAINT & REPAIR Call MIKE 1141· 139 t Snerrye 631·5 t45 PROF SERVICE Hauling • yerd cle8flup Quick 6 clean FrM HI 673-0546 Oulhty HouteelHnlng wllh a Peraonel Toueh Sith ~51-0151 ....... ,,,,,.,,.~, l1t1ldJ11n t:';l;~, •••••••••••••••• : •••• ~..f.t -t.·~'''.t•• • .-.:TT••••············ 8TA .. VINQ OOLL!OI ltl.Alt•" II TO"IN<J , ITUPl!HTI MOVINO AHl1o1000• ln111111 30 Delle 1 Sprlnlder Srtttmt. co. Uc Tl2+-431 yrt NMt. P1ul &41·21171 ,, .. 1ttlmet11 lnturld 6A l·l•tr 170 I tO I WATCH US 0R0Wt f !~!'!~!~I. ............ f!I• •-'• ,,,,.., -U IU Ml·llH ·i~~~;,"~~~·;,"i; .. nm................. • ••llfT I IAY * Prompt Call ClluCik, IVI PIANO le11ont. yo1.1r 842·8584/87&-...ae Oyt hom• New epproech '''"•"'"'• -----'I 11t1 •on L an n y ••• ....... ••••. •••• •• • • CtRAMIC·LINOLEUM ~67·7531 80NTEKOE REf'RIG Tiie FrM Ntltnllff 6 AIA COND Menne, AIU Boll 975.5551 ! !/~.tf~I..... ... . . . . . . •uto, comm 1 1148·520& 1 rH lime• PIH Plt•TIH l1•N•ll•• 'l1 .. lt • •• • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • II)' Alehard Sinor l IC ··········''~··"······ LOW RAT(S.Tr .. 111111 28~4 13 y•• ot nappy l44'H ·IHl&l·ll•••4. ming & 1emov11 all locet cuttomera ''" HI Reas prkl4tt cleanup• & lrull h1111l1nu lhenk you. 631 4AIO I Ou11 work Lie 3371110 ~i';o~l' M•tttnu . PAINTER NEEDS __ 631_3345 ----4-' ------ WORK' 30 yra ••P. Intl JAV TREE CARE, compl Eat , A lie oetll IHI/•• eerv & llump grinding • coua no• ······'··············· uc·o ' &•o 9308 Davis Pelmlng 147-5116 REPAIRS $25 IO Sl&5 • na • lntte~t Reea ratet WALT 770·2725 Complelt tree care 17 HAULING-GRADING demollllon, cleen-up Concrete & trff removal Ouoc;k HfV 6"2·7838 ~LPH'S PAINTING I Free ••t Coll an)'llme, HERITAGE TREE SERV Ref. Free asl 636·9606 yrs uper Dan 552·5377 H / / Huber Roollng-all IYPH .• ~~!~~!f.~f•••••••••• BAM P•lntlng & Tllo New recover-deckt f1t1rJH MAULING 6 MOVING Local Student wl truck Lewis 676-8 lllO Reliable, mature lady w1 Free est 1n11ex1 & 1111111 Lie 411802 546-9734 •••••••'••• ••••••••••• rels seeks hOusttltting tO yra In QC S~ rate "'JOHN HENRY CO "" Most lllbJect&, K· 14 position 1-<135-8922 eva on epll Catt 2• nra Roofing 10, Fine Home. Oay-evl·lummer SIOwk • •••••• ••• • •••••• •••• Custom Pelntlng by Jim $1al)/11tl11• AS 2ND LANGUAGC 1 1-995·3488 collect Lie 41!1232 5•6·11213 Mr Morgan, 645-5176 f1111011r1 I TUTORING IN ENGLISH BRICKWORK Smell Jobs Rea icomm'I l(l'1t rels •••••••••••'•••••••••• Joyce Zorger 545·3839 Hauling & quick clean-up, I Newport, Coste MHa. 631-5507 ell 6pm BUDGET RA TES yds, garages, Job-aHes, & Irvine Reis 675·3 175 • Lo m•n Sml 1ob1> OK LIC !!!!~~~'·············· WELDING No JOb 100 olllce cleenlng, crpt WHI FHOl•I c11anlng. 635·2118 Free eatlmatea 8•5·8258 631·0865, l(r11 631-0953 Brick ~lock. concrete. I stucco, very reas lie Farthing Interior Design SetHlll P 1 o P mg m t R 1ck 1 _ f!/!.~'!'J. •••• •••••. ••• Free Ht_1ns 6• 1 758 t HI-Tree Services hvy cln· Houllng-student w/truck. Bob 546-76501536·9906 HANGlNG/STRIPPING i •••••••••••••••••••••• small Very reasonablu Call Gene et 645·087S Prof carpet cleaning, apt Dt1/llllf lirrlell & resldenUal Ltc & bon· •• • •... • ••••••••••••• ded. Also clean-up Jobi ARCHITECTURAL PLANS John 6'42-0357 FOR BUILDING PERMIT upa. repair tired yda, reg Low r a tea. r allable Vlsa·MC Scott 6•5·9325 MOBILE SERVICE malnt 931•1198 Th 8 II k yo 1.1 S 111 ~ e F1replaces-Plentera Resc:reoens/New screens w;.,, .. C/ll•i•f ,,,.,e. l fJ/1 1----------759. 1028 BBQ s-Pet101-Veneer ASA PAPERHANGING NB/CM only 642·9552 ••••••••••••••••••• -• ••• • • ··'·• • ••••••••• •• Aytll La 4 I Reis Free est 646 0464 7 yrs local exp Guar --Let the Sunshine In f!!!!~!I.~~~!!!!~ •••.. Resldentlal additions & remodel Don 14 7 -8606 FORMICA COUNTERS ts · I IOI' 11 I HAULING & OUM_P_ ---·--work Proces start at 1 S1tt1l1ti1/ S1trie11 Call Sun1h1ne WtnOow Tops/Ceblneta refaced Tree trim, gen cinups, JOBS Aak tor Randy, Expert Masonry Ouallty S8/roll Alec 751-7027 i •••••••••••••••••••••• Cleaning. Ltd 5•8·6853 Free est. 642-5357 cement wOfk Free est 64 t-8427 workmanship, realistic --SECRETARIES TO GO 20• 1 o Call 549-1604 any1lme pflces Reis 551-4555 Custom wallpapering Your Office or Ours Yo Month Y oscount Cement-Maaonry·Block DtTW 1J WaUs·Cust work Uc •• ,.-.!•••••••••••••••• FIHt C.r1tJ•1. B I . aellstactlon guaranteed EU1c1ent1Rellabte MR SPARKLE all wndws ... CAPT-LiNo-wc)oo··· cc~:.~-~eP~~ ::.:nS:r~~!: •• ~~!!~-~~~!~f .....•.. flloriat For est Frani.. 115.0114 1n-~use woro Proc both sides screens & •381057 Rob 547-2683 DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC lns1alled/rtpalred Greg sprlnklers 631-7570 ROBIN'S CLEANING •••••• ••••••••••••••• 1-1 ,-;--1 . ---No minimum 642-0969 1racka Honest. deper1- L1c 3692680 1·240-3082 Service· a thoroughly *' 1 MOYll .. * "''~: 'I."' ---dabte Guar no 11reaks Drives. palloa. walks Free est. No Job too small. 536-2607 Claaalfled Adt &42-5171 Repelrs, n-6 Old. 11 yrs exp. Bud 552-9582 Wall te.ctvret·Acoustlc Mike your •hopping ea- H1ng-T1pe-S1eel atuda lier by u1lng lht Dally Lk:. 389944 1·532·5549 Piiot Cl11llflld Adi. B I clean house ~40·0857 1 "• • ••• • •• •• • •• •' • • ••• • • S1.ri1kl111 Reas prices 540-565• .... ~ .l!'!!!J. • •••• •••••• Top quality Speclal care 1 EO S PLASTERING , • •••• •. ••• • ••••• ••• •• EXPERT HANDYMAN I Peclllc Housec:leonln<J In handling. 26 yrs e~p ALL TYPES INT/ElH I SERVICE & REPAIR SELL Idle llema with a Carpentry . Roofing 8 yrs exp. Xlnl refs Compe1111ve Rates Textures Petchlng Van Oppens Sen11ce Co Dail)' Piiot Claulflld Ad Plumbing, etc 642-6013 Free est Lori 675·6353 1 No overUme 730· t353 FREE EST 645-8258 1714) 838-4666 642-5678 A••U4•cn IOI FtH to ,,. ltU ,,,,,,;,,,,, 1050 lli1e1lluHH 1010 Oflit1 F•t•lt•r1 I loll• Pow11 9040 fllotorc1d"/ Alllitae1/ Aot01 Wutu 1590 A11t01 l•HlfH .;r.~ •••••.••.•••••••. ••••·····•••···••••··· ••••••·········••••••• ••·••••••·•••··••···•• I •'•••I 1015 •••,··'················ •-oot··• 11 1u• C/111/"'1 9SZ0 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• ·····"···'·-··········· Sears double door relrlg 5 mo old fem Black Leb/ Hendredon Korean style 9 2 Metal desks. sofa, 2 Al· •••• t .. f ••••..••••..•. 26 Sa l ty Bartend e r ••• ".'" •••• S: ••••••••••• ~ ••••••••:••••••••••••• WE IUY B/llW 91JZ 19 cu It gold, good Golden Ret mix, alle<:· drawer Ore1ser w/mtrror tee commerlcel spkre. SHARP SF 820 Copier Runabout w/recent en-. USED CARS & TRUCKS •••••• .. •••••••••••••• cond Sl50 762-59610< tlonate + 646-6308 S350 851-070t evs and receiver Torro rl-with reduction cepebrli· gone $3,950 or 'r onte· 51 Wlllys wegon 2 wnl COME IN OR CALL FOR 79 3201 brnl tan A<.. 552-5631 r ., 105D ding lawn mower. new ties Matching cabinet res1 w/Sllp Bllrl Owner •ao llO•Dl Cl 100 I drive. runs great Sac AM/FM cass Snrl 4 ----------• .~!'.~!!............. White Wool Rug oak drop tuf desk Less than 1 yr old Cost 646·•005 Fe111ng. trunkcase 7,400 5795/obo 646-4005 I FREE APPllllSll. spd $9900 631-5550 or Kltcnenaldt trasl1 comptr. KING INNERSPRING EX· 12~~0~~~!~00 545·3514, 9.4 $7400, wlll take $4000, 77 MAKO 23 Inboard I miles. Owner desperete MGA '58 completely te· Cormier-Delillo 641-7905 1~ YI'• old Fine cond, TRA FIRM mattr11n sel, 129 Cabrlllo. No 206. Fast • fishing & harbor $2500/ be5t / nowl built mechanically CMEYllOLET ---------~~J-~~rn 752-5968: never uU<I, worth S530, OYElllTVfFH OllAJR 4X8 POOL TABLE CM, 631-7445 c r u 15 1 n g S 9 0 0 0 559·9299 \2500 7 14-640-4050 16211 BEACH BLVD 1982 BMW 633CSI, tOOO SEARS WASHER & GAS DAYER, idnt cond S285 pair. 548·61 t 5 STOVE, apt size, gas, WOfl<S good S75. 548-4465 ELEC. renge, microwave. 1ell-cle1n oven. Show prize. $975. 6"7-5639 Freezet' S200. Washer & dryar S 125 ea. Ol1h· washer s 100 646-58411 Refrigerator S350 Gu Stove S250 3 years old 497-4855. Large Olsplay Freezer S50 or trade tor any- 1 Iii ng I 548-6446 or &42-6636 aac $2•8 del. Never $10 1173-9499 SLATE, $.400. CM 142/Mlnolte Copter 548-2560 1975 Br1c1..i1n gullwong HUNTINGTON BEACH moles All opuons plus S~:~. ~~~~n o~~y. wSo;!~ KING MATTRESS & ~5-8751/836-1666 under wrnty, $400/ofr 14 Gregor, n .. y duly Ne:~:~:'..SA~~~sell doors I ownr .Xlnt cond 141·1011, 141·3331 3001 BOS P7 s reo wl det Usually home, BOX SPRINGS. xtnl Com pl base CB w/ 540-4614. 549-9492 model 25 hp Suzuki 7t4 530-9659 tan tnlr Rare & perlecl 754-7350 cond, S50. 673-9499 antenna, puah-1.1p, all evs/wknds. eng . runs great. Incl 3 1 a 5 1 $ 3 0 0 0 B 0 Top Dollar G ' a n d G a ' 3 g e LGE COFFEE TABLE otras. perfect, $100. p 1081 cMlrs. rod l\olders. oers, 549 1953 '57 CHEVY 2 dr Bel Air ~63~t-~3~69~8~~~~~~ 968-8 t tO Ill & hvw duty tra•le< w 2 KAWASAKI KM 100 Street Rebll &ng & trans New p 'd : 3 •S'. cane top, 525 ••••••••••• • •• •• • ••••• , ttres new uphol Nds 31 87"'9499 sa •'L. HIUlll PARROT Blue Crowned spares Perteet tor Ba1a or Trail, Xlnt only 1000 pnt S3 200 556-4417 ·79 3201 snrf air AM/FM Good used Fumlture & "" -"" c / g v S 1500 firm 673·9234 m11es MUST SACRIFICE For Your Clrl $10,750 631·8 t31 9-5 A""llanoea-OR I will sell Compl. $95 9e8-8110 onure w Cl e ery $400 646-3197 l l fl>tfl ll.OIJI/ •OMISOI I SO• 497-3649 alt 5 ...... Bar w/lock1ng cabinet, 1----------lrtendly, tame $50, Woodaon Dual Cathedral, .. "' °'SELL for You very nice wnd. S95. btrelH llkt HO 673·2137 llberglass, 15 . OI B. 80 Honda CB 550K. mint V1ile/t1 9530 l1101h1-ltrcury '80 BMW 6331. Loaded lllAITIH HOTIH 968·6110 770-1370 • 0 1040 hp Evlnrude. on trailer cond Blk. lo ml Must ••• •• •••••••• ••••• •••• '2626 Harbor Blvd $22.000 illlk tor Warner 141-1111 IH-1121 2 lime green velvet chrs, IU•. t• 'IS !f~~!.1.!! •• !f~!'. ... '?. S 1600 Musi sell this sell $850 takes 642-0955 72 Dodge Conversion Costa Mesa 540-5630 559-422' 640-7990 ---------·• .-Int condition S 180 """ "RENTAL PIANOS· weel<end 950.5543 bubble top relng chem ----------1 I "' FllllmllE bo h 9 93 00 edge sso 770-1370 Open plan, $t5 mo '71 hw11alrl uao IOflet must sell $5500 Premium prices D1l1aa f1ZO Les 957·8133 w•T,ERB11E20.4 Su9per sing•-Rancho Mesa Verde/ Ft e I d · s p I an 0 5 lo1t1, 11111 SW Stroker shcx;lls. air 63 I ·204 1 dys evs pa10 tor any used car •••••••••••••••••••••• ,.. "' Rancho San JoaQ1.1ln 714-638-2771 Cillllt 90501 lorks ~Int. $425 Must 1 546-4035 floretgn or domestic! New lull·SIZe mattress set. w/2 sets ol sheets, matt •••••••••••••• ........ sell 644-5410, 64•·2338 1 s-rtl R1e1, In gooo cond1t1on S85 New Queen size. pad. S75 875-1253 Ath le\l c Club mem-Seri•• f111e•i•111092 July 4th Weekend. Mari·I 'lO MO•D• 17.Sl ,-1·--11 11J~fljSjiee~Ui!isilJF!!ltr~s1t•'9!l~I StOO 750-5832 bershlp S 150 pl1.1s •••••""••••••••••••••• ner 40 Ketch $500 tor " u HJ 9540 • 4 Poster Oueen size Bed transfer lees Singer Touch & Sew in 3" dys 673-5340 $375 675· 1428 •••••••••••••••••••••• New beaulllul 48" round by Burlingame Sacr1Uce 551·0535 eves cabinet. does evarylhing GO CART loberglas Indy **'BUY** :~~~~,$~~~ ~~-c~j~g ~:T::9BsE:.6~CX:50etuxe M1.1st sell, large pley hou· Must se11 s1so 646-942• ~!!.'!,.~!!t ..... !.~~~ VEi:~ 1~ ~~:~R ~~~! ~to· 3:f~6;~ow I • J IOZO ae Come and get it S50 lr.,tti•f G.H1 1094 23' Siar & trlr S 1800 or 760-0310 l!r., II CHOI Oak frame Auto l\tr 645-9510 • ••••• •••••••••••••• otter Good cone 4 WbHI Dri v11 9550 oi~/·;~;i1·~;~~;~·b~1: H lllEH, II. OOH '125· 675•9286 Fish tanks & equip. from WOMH'S WET SUIT 536-4809, eves 1960 Harley oavooson. •••••••••••••••••••••• too II dk I & -• I S ... " OIO ••1 7710 SERTA o tt $lO 10 S50 752•5968 or 5'8" S125 545-5•08 Golden Ann1 .. ersary LI· 73 Toyota Land Cruiser n rea. b ue ,..1. -ir• · ueen ma ress <14' Beaut Swed11h stoop moted Ed1t1on Faclory wagon custom bucket _., S30. 750-7802 Box springs & frame S50 552-5638 ..v •111•1, $29,500 71•·552-3701 custom, $850 paint Job se&ts AM/FM cassette, \ 11,t.1 \11·-,r ~11111•1 Tweed sole. good condl· gd cond 960-9678 /1 "'-A CB ,2250 8335 RALEIGH Competition. 24 tlon. ,125 Breas celling fan 4 tulip lliFJ S4.tH 1011 Of 7t4·621·1503 Many. many extras IOtsl 675-1:1 h 1 ash d,-1 -1 1·11 240Z Fresh paint Xlrit lbs. Gd. cond. 23" '170 847 49s:r King heeClboerd, -wnlte, llgtlts coat S220 sell :t. EG of cnrome & gotd pleW!\). "' O 19 es c omme a 8 Y cond 4 spd $3 750 770-1101 • French Prov. Xlnl cond. $100 °552 0796 . B00E0A0.U0Tl°F0•U•L•u25••~·P:c·: 27' V A dsl sloop Npt $7.000 or B 0 646-1854 1111ck1 756 tor your vehicle Do· 714-675-5741 . • · " slip Sac $ 13,950 PP ___ ••• •• ••••• • ••• .. • ••• •• mes II c or Io re 1 g n Three solid oak executive $25 960-9678 Colo TV sale 2 yr wrnty 75 F F T p ----12 Spd. SR. semi pro, like Chairs. Sl5 ea. LOVE HLLOOIS r 548-5556 Kawasaki 175F7 oniolf ord 100 '• •ckup, 551-8285 72 240Z New Porellos new Extras Sac 941.•963 Brown-Jordan 48" gleu s~d someo e 1 Sl4T6 JFree.de6l~v:r1Y786 30• Wo d Sloop 1 road 70mpg mint cond Air siereo. runs good Recaro seats Xlnl run· S250/bsl 499-4837 tat>te. ped .. 111 base. 6 v.. n you ove V oM s .. .,.. o w new ~tras $600 645-7497 $900 All 6. 631-5507 A11to1 l•ir..tttd n1ng cond $2500 •71 a bouquet ol 30 beautiful engine locale Newpor1 ., 114•·•-'•4 , charrs & 2 chaises Helium balloon• Lovely Philco S.S console stereo I stop Try s19 500 An· flt II. 5 /ri t981 Toyota SAS short ••••••••• •••••••••••• 642-t737 Douglas l•il~I 962-4471, 968·98~ (honey) $600 646-2952 tor brides & tun for the & rec P I a Yer w I xious Bkr 646-4005 OIOt omll, • 1 bed new clutch new G1111t1/ 910/ · • tri I 'ozs 4th 01 July Be.ts the w.allensak Cass recor-Rea~SIOtlfl 1601 tires' new pa1n1' ~1n1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 77 B210, xlnt cond 601( , • I -CHINESE Re" Coroman-Modern couch, earth-• h '82 u da c cs • d mo am/Im cass w/anuol " "heck'. out ot roses de r I n d r k cab Morgan 45 1mmac1.1lete ••••• •••••• ••••••••• $55 0 8 09 .-.on ov1 .. r . . --. •••••••••••••••••••••• det Screen, 36"•42". 3 tones, striped. needs o du 1 1 '73 25, lully equipped. cond OO 84 • 7 $137 47 plus tax per mo $2700/0BO 759-9032 IOW 31c/fT, panel.S200 673-6979 cleaning 175 OBO 673-<1419 ~~~2~~~~;'Y good se7'n':n~~ousce~:,r~ock~ Sips 8 sell conla•llild a1t 5PM c1ose<1and 48 mo•ease 73 2,.02 amllm ale Aedwood 2x6 declllng. ,. .., l lY ll• •-t 842-4532 MOVING SALEll Wards mllle< 646-4005 546-57•7 f 1966 Ranchero, good ALL SAVERS auto, mags runs good 4-20' long. also redwood ~ r--wastier 6 gas dryer, both SEllll OOLOll n 1200. '72 Shasta 18 motor cond . erJg r ecently 714·534.•0189 $2800. 548·9•35 fencing Cell Jim or Ken 1 wk old Coll S600 sell Httlll IOfO $150 Plaid Hflhtone 8' 912-4471 968-9853 18' Lockllng Sa•t Boat h o me, $3 500. good overh8ule<l Must see to B/llW 911 anytime, 775-1491 $250 213-630-5252 •••••••••••••••••••••• couch & lovesea1 both S85 SO I No Bay Front. con d Ca 11 a 11 6 . apprec 5600 64 I 5080 '10 Data111 210 Wac 74"x30" maple table WESTtll• SAllLE $100 All like. new Sony stereo system Mod Balboa Island 673-0166 642·7502 ·11· ••;·,··,··,-r ........... 5 spd 011. stereo 28K Radlal Arm Saw w/stand, S75 w/stand St50 840-8777 848-3398 HP·258· AM/FM, 8 trk, Hobie 18 with trailer cust '75 Chevy •, PIClo. Up ~ mo Pvt Parly $4 490 nice cond Must selll 1urn1abte. great lor 1rii/ttl ft1rll 9110 Gooo tores. engine 2 gas ~ 714_675.7414 $295 OBO 646-4005 673-3691 Bal Isle For sale 7 yr old 0 H Large roll ot Sliver mate-anyone Sllghlly dama· tr;ip 8 Xlnl cond S2000 ••••••• "· ••••....... •• tanks $2400 546·2646 •, Ar1 Deco. 3 piece mat-gelding & 8 yr old TB 11a1 , tor Suntanning ged bul works great 6 5· 335 76 Golden Falcon 25 75 FLATStOE '•ion ve, 76 B210. •lnl mpg lant C.•1t11 I ched bdrm furniture ~t. gelding, both trained blankets. S75/0B0 $75 641-5080 LIDO 14, nds repair Bes• lully sell contd Twn auto trans pie PIS. astoc 2nd car Musi sell ~~l•I 1030 very good cond 51200 Weslern 546-2698 960-9678 Sears 25 .. color console ofter Seen by appt beds 1ub & shower. roll AIC, rebll eng $l 950 $1550 OBO Call Chros ••• •••••••••••••• 631-5794 fll1eii•lrY 1011 Hand woven Karakul wool TV, good conCI. contemp 760-6086 up awning Sips 6, ltke 5<18-5533 _6_6_2_._15_9_2 _____ _ Nlkkormat FT3, black, JEN v LINO o ••••••••"'•••••••••••• Hollman ·ug. "'"'v9' style $150 750 7602 LIDO 14 t ci' new in & out Used very SllES·SEIYICE 81 Z" LOADED Take 70-150 zoom. 2X con· N' re19er/ ' ",.ft . . . nr new n s little Must sell $5750 79 Chevy , r Ton 8 bed, LUSlllft ,. verier tripod !lash & changing tbl. Wht' like Air c •• ,,"'., eartlltones. $550 5 It Stereo Wall unit cstm teak cradle $2, OBO 213·630·1500 I Lumber racl< S5200 • over lease No m oney lighl rMler M'lnt cond n __ S90 988-7327 3 HP. 1 pllue, 60 g•I 146--6238. Walnut color s 25 Gd. 600 675-6649 548•0106 or 645.9153 831-2040 495-4949 d o w n S 3 0 2 mo S•OO or best otter. RECLINER chr .. blk .. hvy ~:er~~Es~:eT;~~. BUTCHER Blk culling tbl cond. 960-9678 CAP bit Apr '78, lull race '6iei~~~~·t~l~e~~ s\r7"6ot.rlr VHI 9510 SAHlHAOl lllW 714"640·405o 548-5•07. vlnyl. wingback Xlnt 1_772•5390 Rack , shell, drawer. QUASAR Video recorder wl'I. trap sptnn gear fl. 557_14•5 •••••••••••••••••••••• 28402 Marguerite Pkwy '78 Z. auto a11. stereo, lo 0 L y M p U S X A ( 2 ) $75 968· 7327 Show pr I 1 e $ 2 5 0 $260 cash 962•2331 aft berglass bO• lull cover '71 IODIE VAi Mission Viejo m1. $1000 & take over .. ...,.,.., I" 35 AHat ..... ,., 4". 847-5839 5p•• .r7 t0. $4000 493.5350 rr1i/1t1 Uti/it• 91 0 .. d ."'750 1Avery EJ(11 oH 1·5) pymls 975-07•6 ...,....e mm camefa, For Sale· Solid oek, 7-llet "" :;i: 'J'. very depen ab~ .., Open Sundays fully automatic. never unit w/smoked glau $135. 675-5292 Goll Clubs MacGregor. 1 pc stereo set. must sell 15 SAILBOAT needs U;~1~;·;ra~i::·s3gs .. s:g 642·3914 7 t 240Z like new in & been used $85 OBO. shelves. recOfd cabinet, Rockwell Woodworking Nlcklau1, compl Ht New New $900, Sell s 600 some work. great trailer. steel frame tie rails, ply-& out All orig Sheepskin 173-5712 rollawey writing desk, Lathe, complete w/ cond 1180. 675·6278 966-0312 S300 Must sell thts wood sides. 542.3410 A1t01 W111tH ISH '• seat cvrs $1000. In eng stationery drawer, Im· knives. s4es. 675-5292 EXERCYCLE Sear'a, weekend 960·5543 ----------1 •••••••••••••••••••••• $3900 Dave 497-5613 CANON 514 XL MOVIE maculate. neerly new. 40 Ltk S50 a ., s OT , A•IO Strritt, P1tl1 WE PAY wkdys II S II Table drlll press. 3 spd, •1, e new . 1Ht1 • ,..,/•1 AB . Melcra II rentals CAMERA. exceUent con-percent o acri ce at 673 2137 11 'Ra e d " Ilk I Atc111oti11 9400 73 2<10Z. wh1 Int Ilka dlllon. F·l4 ten1. auto $500 642-3477 alter hp mtr, ,,, .. chuck, never • E••i••l•I sa S ce·r a7 Y e •••••••• .. •••••••••••• TOP DOL' AR S3 00 0 zoom, macro focusing. 4pm used. still In boll, m1.111 John Wayne Tenn II ••••'•""'•••--••••••• .. ~;;B96~75 6 3·4306, LITE BODY WORK & Lii CREVIER new 2 sve only used twice, with 8. Tall bookcase Solld sell Cost S400 new, sell Mtmberahlp for sate. C.a1t1J 1010 --·-------paint/up 10 50% oll your FOR USED OARS 497·55t3 wkdys carrying CH&. $200 stained wood. Many $130. 646-4915 l100050f best otter. Alt ;(,j;"(;,~·;;~;;·01~·;~; ,.,,,, S/111 body shop est 536-9832 au• lllAllH FIHSt SeleotiOll '7wlorDkA:~UUSNT S5E10LLNFAeeSdTs 6"5-8t38 shelves & In good cond. flli1e1llHH•I IOIO 5PM 5 2-44 18 $100. 501 No Bay Front, Dffb 9010 FINE SHINE AUTO POITIAO/SllAllV 111 Or1111 Ceu1ty M S 3 5 9 6 0 • 9 6 7 5 or •••• ••••• •••••••• • • ••• Boys bike '24" Singer Balboa Island, 1173-0166 •• • ••••• • •• • • •••• •• • •• OET AILING Guar 2.-50 Harbor Blvd sa1es·Service-Leas1ng s3oo OBO 545•4 793 962-5355 INTEAARMS MK X teether wt sew machine S'd T' Free PU/del 642-54<19 COST A MESA we speclellie In Euro-1971 Datsun t200 looh Complete Darkroom 4x5 Professionally Custom Eve's only 552-7867 Ott AVON SPORTSTEA I e 1e peen Delivery gOoCI. runs great. good enlarger, 1ens·s. traya, 6 Beaut mahog antique Bullt Rille Heavy Barrel wllll 3 HP sea Gull $495 To 111 fl Marcus Channel. All Chevy truck parts •; 1•1·4100 WM .. ll( CISTO .. Ell tires S695 Call Herry other equlpmenl $450. dresser.recurvedClaaslc 22-250 with Redfleld POOL TABLE. good con· 501 No Bay Front, Bal· ton 10 diesel Rbll 141 Hl7 11; • 6 4 9414 5"8·9•80 wtmlrror $395. 646-4005 3~·9x Scope. Cost S1, dltlon, complel•. S400. boa 111and. 673-0166 SlOO 673·6145 eves transmission lrom $165 • SlllYICE COMES 1STI 4 · ---------iBeeut solid 08~ roll top 100 Sac 1700 Firm. Jett 548-4210 ... II, lt•tiH ••w,ert larlH & up 554-1850 WE BUY IH·lll 1 '75 Datsun 280Z 2 plus 2 4 t.fr 1135 desll. 54" wide, new a 842-1570, 556-0"60 L I 1030 Sllp11v111 day, wk Of mo vw engine. 40 HP New OLEAll CUS 206 W lat ~~~·6~g. ,;;~d. SOOO, ...................... finished S896/olr mW• 2d .... lt•lie'1 ••• ~~~~~!! ......... 648·0551 not rebuilt Mull see Sanla Ana F~ ~~1~:~·1 b.!~t ~ 64&-4005 8 10 20. long. 38, per tt .•• !~.'.'!~!'!!~!! ... !OJ.! IOHP Albln 2 cyl merlne Side Tl• up to 30 po_. _s_soo __ 968_·_73_2_1 ____ 1 All TRUOIS Ctoaed Sunday '80 Oat 210 Waoon Lo tld. 1 rll<loon talled. 2 Wing baclc. chairs, yel-775-1491 anyi11me. Flamenco Clanlc Guitar lnboerd S400 bolt, S 195 673-9127. Cragar Mags. good oond CHOICE INVENTORY ~~~~t' c~=~~15 c!~~ 960-2534 2·7 PM low, beige print. xlnt SLIDING WARDROBE w/hardshell CHt . S400. 562-7755 673-6209. $75 pr Call for details VOLUME SALES $4795, 545-5736 pV1 pty quality S200. 892-2124 DOORS 120 645•67511836-1666 Sporty Yak w/oars $115 Side ue up 10 20° power 1140-8709 alt 6PM & a..1 1040 6-0 OBO B 1 1 S 120 7 t 2<10Z high perlor-~•••••••••••••••••• Meywood -Wakelleld 49 • 38 New Bundy Clerlnet, pd &46-4005 :;:~624a Is e 1 AalOt /or S1/1 • mance eng, cstm body Pets "R" people Boer-bdrm, sotkl birch, dres· LIVE IALlHll S317, asking $150 227& •••••••••••••••••••••• I 0 I I LA ft E 91 work & int 1mm1c ding & Grooming. Poodle 1411', mirror, nlte standa, 30 Helium Belloona Pimela Lane, 1pt A Swlvel Fishing Chair & WANTED Dock space tor IMPORTANT NOTICE lltlll llYEll C thruout Must -to ap pups f()f ..... 957-8589 hdbrd, $500. 551-5500 c M. btwn Noon-IOPM bate $99. 501 No Bay 13 ' boat. Bal ISIA.nd/ TO READERS AND llW prec $6500 6<11-7595 Oetlvered + cerd. Perteet F nl Belboa 111and o RT SERS Top dollars for Sport1 American Pll Bull, UKC Antique oelt 6 brass fur· for every occuton. Of/Ii. 1•t•lt•t1 I ro , 673-0166 . 86Pa1v·l51~~~ !:.~a pret'd A VE t Seles-Servlo&-Leealng DtLft1H 91Zl ADeA, 2 mot. old. 1150 nl1ure collec:llon; office, Beau111ul lor brides ··-Tne price ot Items •d-Cars, Bugs. Campers. 850 N Beech Blvd •••••••••••••••••••••• or trede 714-536-8956, bdrm, llv & din. rm + 173-•419. Lfli••lll IOIS SLEEPERETTE double ver111ed by vellk:le <*I· 91 4'•, Audi's La Habra •EW I( LHUI Mike eeveral •Ide pteoes Ph ••• -;i.~•••••••••••••• Matt w/baM $100. 50t ft1•1•rt1tl1• lera In tl\e 9ehlcle cleul-Atk tor UIC MGR 122 NII 633-4'411. , OOLLSMOWSelJune26, II wood detlet & awivet No Bay Front. Balboe •••••'°••••••••••••••• tied edvtrl•Slng columns JIM MARllll • The emeztng, unique Golden Att pupa, AKC, 10-4. St Joechlm Ce-Cheirs, Country French lalend. #tl•rllM llkll 1140 does not Include eny VOLllWAlll 01>1'1 Sund•y sports car ol lh• '60's. female•. 9 wl\1 old, Mual aecrmce brend n-thollc Church. 1964 Design, new coal 11800; 673-o1ee •••••••••••••••••••••• eppllcable taxes, llaense, 18711 Beach Blvd. * '71 llW HOI Must clear Inventory Im· wormed/thot a S 150. LR. chairs, tables, Orenge Ave. C.M. SnlCk Secrlllce el 1550. Cell PUCM, llke new, fully 1rantl1r f .. 1. flnence medletely $19.995 Alk 197-2712 lampa, mirrors & pie· bar, ratne 833-t800. allc for Dawn 70 LB ANCHOR IQulp. $389 or make ol-chargea. leea tor elr Pol· HUNTINGTON BEACH 4 Spo • 1nrf .. OHMtte, tor Mr O'Brien. Dir (714) lures. 714/978-9"57 oanlorlh type, S70. ter 544-!5136 lutlon control device 142·20t0 •llO'ys, IOW mll ... Choe 1113-1833 o r (7 t4) AR! FLEAS OR.IVING 12,000 Full Femlly Mem· Ctoalng Otllc:e. IBM Ty~ e•e.-4965 brn w/ten trim, "Ari ex-881·fi1115 YOU CRAZV?? STllllT HSI t>ertnlp In John Wayne wrltera, btcullve, Se· '78 MONDA 250 ElalnOfe certlllcettona or Oeeler WI IHI c1pllon1lly ntu carl'' 1--------- cetl PIUI, The Bug Man. Two dr.-. good cond. Tennie Club tor only lec:lrlc II, Mii correc:Ung IHll ,..,, f041 Mc»td S475. 548·9273 documentery prepara· Ytlll HIT10 Sele price S10.30511 Exp. Flit 111$ For $25 we'll rid your $35. 840-8709 eves $900. 714-821·1503 Selectric. Monroe Calou-•••••'•••••••••••••••• •78 P'"""'IOt. Rune great, ti on °1 11arge• 1~1nless I ••m•11 A••s 8 • 2 8 ·I 2 . LI c . No , •••••••••••••••••••••• home of llleu PHii Beaut. new White Wedding l1t0f1., de~•. m'-c. ate-PlMIO SALE I 3000v~u•I ml'-t 1275. otherw se speo ed by - --691YMO '78 Spyder Convertible (ln-hou .. •praying), Outdoor Furniture. Brown tlon1ry euppllu. Ill · LOST MY SLIP 5•8-4888 lhe advertlMf' I ~ oamaa MITRI Rvn• gr ... Mutt .... M 0 n 111 1 y 1 •,v1c 1 Jordon, (Walter Lamb ~· never worn. elze pier• puncllH piper All ' :/ N~ 208 W lit St. $.4500 640-15911 =.. 114~ ~7!'_~~~~ Kt~:~:~:~~~;!~.:'. 3 :~1:;~~:.::~g~Jt:~ ::~:~:~ff~~::: 12~i~ YWl':..'!!osf ... ki~;;! ....... !.~~ -I ntii1-a111 .,pes 5 •. 0RM01101n110~r4:b2 •. esoor1M1u.0 1,:f•ri. •••••••••••••••••••••• ollalr $125, I bron:r.e 9911 matclll'.'I •hel1• 4 k er. etecklng tr•Y•· 130 Iii t I 11 llllL "l"1l · -1----------1 • week old klltene FREE. rocker '150. 7 back CUM. 11eo. 88-7327 WHll blMlltt. 8\0. 129 Velue seooo ·:'I 1110 Sll•y replk:H; plc:kUPI e i100 w. Coa1t Hwy tUHI •m'I 6•1-5801 or 5"8-2•83. !:,:bi:in:3<>;;~~21~t-'"'' 120 Mell. 8-44-0609 l ' IAILl1U Cebrlllo, Co111 Meu Ed ~8'40 ••••••• '!.'!............ co1.1p••· 4 10 c hoOH Newport Beech AlllT ... ,, 1111 .,,...--..,.----·---y n-s1eo. 875-4205 831-74"5 ,73 8 t 111 2llOGT lbll from! (001711) (Stk 8"2·9'405 •••••••••••••••••••••• ,, •• to lovi n g llOm __,.,,. .._ '11 · 11' htttl Wllaler f\lnt ~~. ••UST s'Eu'. A3093) Prtoll 1tanlnn at Q 1911 Monde Cl\llc. Good ..,.., neut. cat, mu:i Love S..t, Oflk HutCl'I. Beeullflul handr.etnted o.-Hew I It oak Memllton Meny 1xtre1, 85 hp. 1350 oBo 8711..e20• llLY 11,Hli'"' condition. 57,000 ml 11-.p In 11ov ... llt4.ec>&4 8 tHm1r Ch1l11, Side remlce Very 1rg1 llOfM Dreiling ••Dll and M500. 511-0789 wanED! 8111 Oller Cell (714) Tet>le, Mat~hlng Animal '50. Cat• $6. Atao m161 • q u 1 pm· t • 7..0 0 '?t V.l'llAM HO. epeiclal, L1t1 m oc111 ToyotH. l ale••Servlce-l.INlno 911&-?0ee CtlM'I I red, fluffy, d•· 81tln O~ All top que-to order 1nlm1l1, yO\lr 550..625 ' very etMn VOlvOI, Plokupe I v_,,. i----------h klttent, need honlM. Illy. CdM 7to-e178. 0110101 Of cotore. Ll.ILU ICAAAB Par la, com -11 USO . De0-5325 Ctll UI tOOfY! '8t Pre!UOe. 5 ICld. anrt, ._120, IMO-e?oe.,, IPM rvPewA1TER •• wtnd~ .. ..,,.. · IO' CARVER *· l/lflttm c:eM. iuv ~ . ...--------K lno etu water bed, • Rem1no1on Seleclrlc;, bty 1nclud1no tHll c•P VESPA 100 SCOOTER. • 8 K I o Io . Oo .. tl'llan, fetn, 1 yr, complete, lllOtlflce '70. ~ttr ... king .a. 8eeu· ~In I e llle. 1350 r11t1, llke new USO. wtndlNlld, carrier, IM1 R:l.LSl(Ji('E·Bt\1W 2 13 /5 I 'T •I a 0 O. ,.... ~ Wfl1dl ..._9424 tyrut, firm. Nr new ..,...HS IH-2124 beak, eto. 1300 ml, Ilk• ":~.Jell,:~:'.:~~ 2131933·2011 • ...,.., N2 4 paneled Japaneu '400. S4~117 Ofo (non-cortHllnO) n-. NH, S.4-tot7 '48 llNTL.iY, Merk VI, tSll1 Aceot'd UC, 21,000 ~ ~ __._1 w4ttl peetoral ~ Hft FOi~ 8tllrwl!Y Otymp1o e6to typewr11er BOSTON WHALElll. 15W '78 XA76, xlnt condition, blk/ l elf. >(Int cond '""....., "°" '78 2002, elf, 4 IC)d. Im· ml, AC, AM/FM cua, e...-1 llan '*'9 6. goed. StOO. P:orGet.,-tlUc N S S2SO/ofr 54 .... 9482,,.,., Like new. 70hp, Trlr r1cen1 tune-up S275 St71-::00 f71·3t09. ,.. .... ~"*,,, ...... , .......... , mec . .,.utu .. to""9f'I-1tlnt cond . Sttts aeo.1m M1.0101..., 120-16"5 Wllnda SNOO. a.o-.111 1112.a.13 '"~20 ~ c1111 .. se.soo. t7Mn• ......,.,1 · Cit Orenge Oo11t DAILY Pll.OTIThur1dlV1 June 2~, 1082 IAP.r.~ ...... ~!"'1.f;I!'!.~ .••••. 11.'!'I.~,.~ ...... ~A~.!'11'!!. • ••••• ,.~~,.!,~""······ ~~w .. ~m! ...•.•. ~itt~•,.!~~t'J!...... .11~. ........... ,..,,,.~ ••••••••••••• ll'!!1.lt ••••••••••• ; !Ml ........... 1.f.~l !int ........... 1!.ff 11=.ts ' .. f..~1 ~!!~.~ ......... I.~!¥ T!!~!!t! ........ !.~!l YIJ".'!flP. ....... 1.~?f 1 rllr. ............ 11.n fll.'Htf ......... 11.U 9A'!!!.{'/ ........ !.t ... H!~f ......... l!f. "ti. WtQOn. "lf\1 OOlld I ·n MlllU enc. )(Int lo1d9d, '••k no ,7;.~J ·~~~&e~:~o'1&:8 ~::1 19TUpU~lr•, ~n: ind. In 11170 WH1PtiAL.IA C•m· #1 Ytlff hlltr ......UTlll '71 11 Camino .. Vt, •1,~u=· ~·=-~ •mllf!I ••• , MUii "" ond llOtllloe 10r Oto 1'11·1141 (l~oy orl 1110.&ooo. IVI 876·803•' t&:.11,',39,ow. 3600·• Pit, to ml. r11w 11,..,1 •• ,, .. ,. ''""' OUIUAOt Auto.,a1.~P~!:.P,lb.,: Im eoo: 642-2100 '3000 11''Hlllt ~609 Call •11-48'7 1.lovdl t VH a wkn1'11, I• -1 AMll'M OH• H .000 I •.•••. Wt IPfOllllP In letlMI c.... '""''" ...,.,. ,.,,. 1810 fl~ 6 •Pd, eun • ·10 RX1 I0'60 l·tfl·hH "c" 11 •1•· new tflnl, I '11 aPmlH IHOO HM62" Ill.II lllY.111 tor tile butln ... 11utou· '73 Mtllbu <10,, 30.000 P/IH'!~~•••••!.J.'1.!f root, lo.. 1402 AMlllM AH111 ••'-• 1AlKl61 •h 300D Turbo Mtr· 1 A '17 Air, 1t1<t0 c .... Odj lll liiiiii tl~L& pro(Mtl ... ~J!·_ or 11 mt · t tt O O · 11.NlllU 'lt 011 .. 11• ••• 000 ml Od <143 w ·~· c M Cldlt, 3 n'IOI new. leu 0 cond, 00.000 tnl, 120&0 oveRSEA& OEl.lVl!RY ..... ........ 0'40-119. 0'45·4203 lfTWI ....... eono naoo 110-osn e..a.a 83 ~=~·3·?:2:~ .. :~·~Yt: ~ .!~o,.oH86Ta•oK d I, l!XPIRTS tt1~~~111 "n Mlllbu c1a111c. 4 or, ....... '""1 , ... .., 11ii #ftfHM "'' 114f Catt: Mon·l'tl, I 00·0 -"-v• 11 " • 0 ' -tlr, gd cond. 122501 of· Lou.ctl lcooomleal di.. ·~711·············":1· ······•ii••······1••• 13 t0 6t"4, ..," eea-1028 '6 lflnaporlillon •00• or WLI lll ••• •• ...... '"· t70-ll3S HI 1ngln1t l'iandtOmat ·n J901.1at t ooor •111 ,,.,., 1 1 baat otr 844·H27 YILYO ~1~. 1885.,. JI) 1~7~s~~:u •Ill ltret4tt ·~~,M~~r.::e18~02.°°d.4 . _ '72 vw P1nt1 8ue. f11W 1180 Harbor Blvd. l ~ . f~.'1!!.1! ••••••... !.IJ.f MY 111•1 It I HW • b I J rdl1, r•blt eng. Very COSTA M!SA c '67 Nl!WPORf, xlnt. tren• 11111wa•1 0"6-let Pt nda • cu . 27110 •• o11an In/out 13100, 1a111011a• 9.aa• ~ " -...nt · .lt•••• 1.1'1 11rtllll11 tlHt 213/0112·31132 6,.._0221 e-4&·30511 • • -· -· • •Port. HOO. Dove/Quall s1e, 7• ............... •••• Compare HOUH or Im· ' I J1.(X) II.Ill~• 111"1 <193·959& NEWPORT BEACH '73 J!NHN H1ely, "00 port• Olrtol lt•H and so ., 1741 !OH vw Squu1back., '60 VOLVO 2 dr OL ""'·' \\ .... , C,.l() •If().) ,,.,.,,.,.,,, 1130 ....... . :· :· Chev & 360 111111 roo mo1. ien1101e pvm11 •••••••••• ............ run•. natda body work. Sunroof, <I •Pd + 00, ~~•••••••••••••••••••• , ______ __,_...,. m&ucfh 10 lltt SllH11 1~'1 01a1 213 or 114, M!A· ·~~wM~~.0$J .. ~"oV:&.'~~~8 11,000 0 80 . 848·2323 ~::~~i1~08~·7:~nt .79 Seville, xlnt cond. ·ee SEM1.c1a.,1c, mey 79 Muetano. white, rtd un 10 drlvt <1,&00 C E O ! S I a 2 l 3 o' Sat/Sun bet 3pm alt 5 or 538· 2l175 brown/brown, many ex· t nMd mulll~ but otlltr· 111th Int 'PS. PB. AC, 080 493·15115 7 l<l/837-2333 •87 VW, n•w '8bll tng '7<1 1<15 W•gon, am/Im, Al 1, .. , 11 low biut book wlae gd oon(! $399. AM/FM 8 trk, l ownr, '117 J£NSSN Interceptor. Haven't vou walled 1000 #SI 1114 under wrnty, 2 n•w ,.. C.Xlntcond.14100 price, 1 1 0 ,5 00 . 979·8017 27~0.~01101 ml , 1"325. RI g ht h In l1 d r Iv.. •nough to own a Mer· .·711·MQBT.eve.......... dl&lll. AM/FM 1ac>e dtck, 9<1e-e9•3 1175-3000, 407-3320. '82 Cootlnenttl Sig Hrt.I. ~,_._. _____ _ 180mph, 4 pau. 15. 100 ced11 Btni ? Oon·t Ill 4<1,000 ml wrnty. 1unrl, 10,000 ml. $20.000 '76 Oldt Vitt• Crulllr 0 80. 493•9596 this opportunity paat you O~I 1141 ., tkl r•ck, good cond. A1t11 UIH THE UlllEIT 559·4221. 6<10-7990 Wgn, PIS, P/8. •Ir IU0.- 1 W h • •• ••• ' 1"550 5•1 3887 •••••"••••••••••••••• I N I lltwil 1131 by .. •cl now 11 ave • ,74 OPAL•;;;.;.,j;;.·;~~; 6 , . " • AlfC llO IELIOTIDI Warner roo ew t ru, vecy •••••u••••••••••••••• fenttatic aalectlon of good, needs nafnt $1, lo '7<1 VW 8qrbk, nu paint, •••••••••••••••••••••• r lat od-4 10 II • ' 11,.0 clten. $2200 ofter, UI US POl YOUl HUT MAIDA. -"II..,._,.. """' WtllTM .. • PAClml 1m um 11 mu 11m 111 mi models & color• avalla· .. 1 d ·•e R•mb•~. ~dr, big J• 0 • m • w m ea· 1 II "' 240·0141 200 5"8·0731 alt 5pm • • run• very good. 8 r oon . v "'" .. ge Cadlllaca In Southern •• • • ••••• •• • • • • •• •• • •• 1---------bll JIM SLIMOH S 2 3 5 O I 0 8 0 . p p vetln VS eng. Nter CIH Cetltornl81 See ua today! ' '69 Wegon, run• good 11•1• Hit l."•f• lorie/11 1150 875.-5291 1lc. Running, Nd• aome lllEllS $500. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1301 Oua~ S~reet •••••••••••••••••••••• work. 1295/bet olr. 988·2272 ·75 Wagon, auto. ale, 1111111 SO "•/•o 111 .. 6<12.ee12 OlDILLlC . s9K, s18001osto, m1.111 NEWPORT BEACH Leather Interior, new .. , ~· • 78 F18ata, gd. cond. Fae-Miii 551-8125 alt. 5 133 1300 paint. $1500 stereo, 18" •••••••••••••••••••••• l•l1k 1110 2800 Harbor Blvd tory sunrl , 1 ownr •---------• ATI£MJIOI •••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MESA $2.800/0BO 960-9114 '75 Pinto Wagon, alt • • 0 ,.IZ 210CE polished alloys. ru'w ft IEE US 540 1880 . good cond. 11300 . *' 111 bluaprtnted engine, con-VOLVO BUYERS • 1 80 FIESTA Ghia, 18K ml, 631_1279 552•5252. Jay SPORT COUPE cours winner. best offer for lhe largest and best 100. ownr. 14,900 1-----· -----Sun root, alloys, 1oadedl selectlon of new and '79 CdV d'Elegance. Al· 873-2290 '75 PINTO, very gd. cond. Low mites. very rarell Oall 1·117-2221 No Speclal Invitation used BulckS In Or•noe most new Mich. tlru. station wgn, AIC. 1950. "This excep11onal cer Is selea, no hol dogs or County today! Service red• a1111t Xlnt 1·77 Ford Wagon, super 640-4102 mini lhrouohoutl" Lie MEISTER $ "' cond. Loaded w/extras. clean. S 1975. , •203ZOL. sodas, no clowns, no $7900. 545-6445 431-7776 73 Pinto Runabout SI circus, no Red Tag Spe-1 ~ Stereo. air, rune gd. CREVIER llOTOH PORSCHE/ AUDI clals. no balloons I J C1"vlllll llZO ·75 Ford L ~D, no body $900 631·5507 alt 6 20:a'::':~ i:~:·· 13631 Harbor Blvd Just plenty of good 010 1 ···s··E·1··,··s··,··,·1·s··,·1···1 ~~~g~e . c~7~ :r:a;-1/r•••'" IHO 714 131 3111 Garden Grove fashioned, solid value I 5<16·8233 .. '••••••••••••••••••• 1974 Mazda RX-4, new • Saltt·Strvlct 9 deals ALL THE TIME, a1 h•Or~C-"f we have a good setec· '69 Plymouth, 8 cyt, runt, tires & battery. Liiie new 79 Mercedes 450 SL. ltatl•I d month In and month out. 2925 Harbor Bl110. tlon of NEW & USED £i•t1l• 1145 s3oo, nftW bait & or brks. Inside & out AM/FM cream wtcamel Int. $28 Jl.a 636_2333 n WHY? BECAUSE WE COSTA MESA I Chevroletsl ·"s9MARKj1jj~~k;•&;~~; 640·8665 cassette stereo Manual ooo. 544-0590 eves "' R TRY HARDER! 979-2600 ; ttke new $2350 OBO. Poatile IHI 4 spd. trans Needs an. " d ~ 110 31... I ·7 l MBZ. 4 dr. 6 cyl. 4 '78 Turbo, spectacular red Z P •00 OOft•, •• i 554-9118 ••• •••••••• ••••••••••• glne work r 1 d d 1 dan ol tne 60s' l Coma In today and see '67 Flreblrd. runs good. $800 OR BEST OFR. spd, au10, PS. Well arga, oa e . ow m•· BEACH IMPORTS 71 SUPER Beetle, gd our courteous, profes· 1977 Buick Riv Loaded.I ·71 Mark Ill. Body ruSled. needs some body work, 962-5355 m89e7~n13t0a11ned $4500, ~e4a2~:48~om 642-1603 cone! $1,800. s1ona1 salesmen to pick I 62,0P~T";1t·y$827~~414 I good tires, Interior & en-$1200/0BO. 553-1429 848 Dove Street 545-6713 your New Volvo. Plenty g I n e . S 5 0 0 o b o '79 GLC. xlnt Extras. ,--.. -.-Z-1_0_3-00_S_D__ '70 PORSCHE 91 lT NEWPORT BEACH I . to choose lrom, most I "•41·111-l"'l" 641-5056 '67 Flreblrl1. runs good. Must sell immed. $2699 111 68 000 1 1 1 70 VW Sq-beck 2 owners. "' ., ~ " · • I needs some body work, or beat offer 499·4837 Turbo dlasal, Al.tee red ' mt, or 0 na con-752-0900 1 xtnl cond. $1650 OBO. models end colors. new ••••••••••••••••••••••! .. "'ISO 9 I Brown vinyl 40 gel tank l11tlon, 5 speed, looks & l Michael 540-3445 boelload now hara for '82 Cimarron, 6000 mi, all 'IO CITATIOI ~~~~~~ ••••••••• !.... $1200/0BO. 553-142 ·74 MAZDA RX4 $27,000 runs nice. all service S b 9162 your ln1pectlon. factory options. llke new. Loaded, xtra aharp, ·74 Dix Marquis wagon '78 GRAND PRIX. nice Xlnt cond, lo m1. a/c. 673•7368 receipts, no rust. $6800 .!1 •• ~~~••••••••••••••· 1 ·79 RABBIT Dsl 23K ml Sliver gray. Owner must p~rrrfect cond. $'4700. I 'Top cond. 40,000 ml. cond $3200 OBO. $1500. 640-4102 J 532-2153. 539-0229 Sales-Ser111ce·Leas1ng Loaded II Must see to FREEWAY OLOSfl sell $11,500. 691-1588 537-4348/669-1611 $1295 firm 642..0955 645·9246 '81 RX7. xlnt cond, sun-1110 410 IL Sharp black on black '79 SADDUHH appreciate 640-0646 ORAIGE COUITY '79 ElDO dsl. $9.7 te Carlo, silver/ llllll•f. 1152 '71 LeMarwi V8, rebuilt roof, red. Must sell Xlnt cond 2 tops Black 911SC. loaded, 26K ml, SUIARU '64 Van Xlnl cond. $1000 Xlnt mpg. A -1 . air. V6. lo-••••••• •••••••••••••• eng . ale. nu tires, hitch. $9000 or $3000 & take wilh bamboo Interior. S22 ,500 Must see 131•2040 495•4949 or best 5o4115a~3A58 VOLVO Loaded. 6 tr ass. cal t5K mlles. $5700. '73 convert., 6-<:yl. auto. $695 642-3410 871"6534 S32·500 831.8325 '66 912, 5 spd. alloys, '66 TR4·A, summer lun '63 Bug. ~Int condition. 10120 G:rv~~n Grove you want '75 Vega Hatchback. a/c, $2800. 857-6603 '!.~'!~!.'!~!!! •.••. !.~!~ over pymts Sheri Polished rims. Firm at 855·9991/ 859-1261 -.., ster 645-7 1 645-6218 nu top. stereo . CB • Webers, AM/FM, new V612600 Capri & 4 spd new llres, rablt eng, 2nd . Garden Grove lo sallied ads do 35,000 miles, nftW tires, '87 F&1tback, needs a 63 T·Blrd, orig, 20 yr old tires. new paint. $5.700 Fast, fun & econ $3,200 owner Must sell $1750. ft well I Call NOW mint cond. $1750 or best little bOdy work. $700 Of classic. like new. to m1, 720-0607, 694·6247 060. 493-9695 581-2932 642-5878. ' offer. 6<16·6153. best otter. 545-3458 $2.950. 675-4174 MATCH THE NUMBERS OM THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • • • ATLAS CHRYSLER.ft.YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 5<16-1934. 3 blocka south of San Diego Freeway off Harbor Blvd. Complete , body shop. Sales. SeMce. Parts. Sefvlce Dept. open Monday thru Friday 7.30 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. and 8 A,M. to 5 P.M. on Saturday. HACH IMPORTS 84& Dove Street. Newport Beach. Tel. 752·0900 C•ll us, we're the specialists for Alfa Romeo, P•ugeot. SHb & Maaerat I. • THIODOIE ROllMS FOaD Modern Hies, service. parts. body, paint & tire dapts. Competitive r•IH on leHe & dally rentals. 2060 Harbor Btvd .. Costa MeH. 642·0010 or 54(>.82ti. • JOHMSOM & SOM UNCOLH MllCURY 2828/Harbor Blvd .. Cotta Mesa. Tel. 54(}5e30. 57 Year• of lrlendly f•mily service -Or1nga County's oldHt Lin· coin-Mercury dealership. SOUTH COAST DOMI 2818 Harbor Blvd., Cose. Meta. Tel. 540-0330. RV Mrvict epecialiata, c.ustom v•n convertlone. HIWPOIT IMPOi'rl 3100 W . Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Tai. &42·9405/540-176.4. The Ferrari Htedquarte,.., NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street. Newport Beach. Tel. 833-1300. At the lrlangle of Jamboree, MacArthur & Bristo! behind Victoria Station. Sales, Service. Leasing & Parts. We make great deals I 0 NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa. Tel 540-9100 Orange County s Largest Cadillac dealer Sales Service. Leas- ing. • DAVID J. PHILLIPS IUfQ<.f'OHTIAC.MAIDA Sales • Service • Leasing 24888 Alicia Parkway Laguna Hills 837·2400 f» CHICK IVERSOM PORSCHE-AUDl-VW 415 E. Coast Hwy .. Newport Beach. 673-0900. The only dealership In Orange County with tllese three great malles under one root• • ALAM MAG MOH ,ONT'IAC·SUIARU 2480 Harbor Blvd .. Coeta Mesa. Tel. 549-4300. Salas. Service. Leasing._· 'Mr Ooodwrench." •• CLAlllC AUTOMOllLH 785 Newton Way, Coate M .... Tel. 831·1313 "JAGUAR& OUR SPECIAL TY" XK 120't/140'a/150'alE-Typea Sa'" -s.-.-ic. -~t0f'a11on• Off Ptlc«ltla ~ 17th & I h I Coeta MeN 801 LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd .. Westminster. Tel. 892-6651. Orange County's oldest and largest Pontiac dealership Safes, Service, Parts. • DICK MILLll PIAT/LANCIA "Probably the lowest priced Flats In Southern California" (Located 1 mlle north of South Coast Plaza near Main St. and Warner Ave In Santa Ana.) 120 W. Warner, Santa Ana 557·2132 • SANTA AHADATSUH 2001 E. 17111 Street. Santa An•. Tel. 558·7811 . Your• Original Dedicated Datsun Dealer. • MIRACLE MAJ.DA We've moved! Our new location Is 1425 Baker Street, Costa Mna. Tel. 545·~. Stop by & vi.it our bfand new showroom and see why we're the fl Mazda dealer In Southern Callfornla. Salea, Service, Parts and Leulng. 0 AMAHBMMADA "°"" o.c. ....... ~ wllll ,,......,..."-C-" 801 S. Anaheim Blvd., An•helm 958-1820. Juat north or S•nta An• Frwy. on Anaheim Blvd. Call us flratl "WE ARE HARO TO FINo-eUT WORTH ITI" • SADDLllACK IMW ~AllU 28402 Marguerite Pkwy .. Av.ry Pkwy, titlt We offer what no bank or I•••• company can: 1. Expertly staffed, moat modern aervlc• & pens dept ; 2. Ont or the Southland'• moat axperlancld NI• & teaalng stllff: 3. Ellminatlon of the middleman by IHalng dleler dlr~. 831·2040 MINlon v 49$.494f ·FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, OR TO BE PlACED ON THIS AD, CONTACT YOUR DAILY Pit.OT REP . . I COSTA MISA DATSUN 2845 H•rbor Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Tel. 540-6410. Serving Orange County for 16 years. 1 Mile So. 405. SUNSET FORD, IMC. (Home of Willie the Wh11ei 5440 G•rden Grove Btvd., w.atmlnster. Tel. 636-<W10. • OIANGI COUNTY VOLVO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd .• Garden Grove Tat. 530-9190. Exclu•lvety Votvo to cover all your V.olvo requirement•. N.-UMd•Salet•Leulng•Parts•Sefvlc:e-Body Shop Freeway clOM In the heart of Orange County at Garden Grove Blvd. &. Brootihurat . • COMHB.L CHEVIOUT .2828 Harbor Blvd., Costa Miu. 0.,.., 20 yeara Nt'Ving Orange County! Sates. lhllng. MrVioe. C.11 546·1200; epeclat parts fine; 546-9400; body shop tine; 754-0400. 0 IOY CAIYH IOU.S IOYCWMW 1 S40 Jamboree Road, Newpott BMch. 640-6444. s.1-. 5-rvlce, Part• And Leaalng. COMstDll IT SOLD! Ustd can ar• In dt,.,.nd tnd NII quc:kty when ld\WtlMd , In ctaulfltd. To place your private S*1'f ad, c.11 Salty L. at&42-5&7$. • 811111 ClllT lllTllCTll lllCI I f 1111111 llllll TttUflSOA Y, JUNE 1•1, 1981 OH ANGE COUNT V . C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Huntington gets $51 million budget While leveling crm cu;m at state officials for holding back money t.o dtics, Huntmgton Beach Chy C.Ouncil members hav(' approved a $51 ,033,990 genera I fund budget. Up from $47.2 million expended for 1981-82 help, go after thl' 11tat~ like you did the ciues " Effective from July l to next June 30, the budget is up from the $47,212,276 spent this fi.scal year to run the city. At the same session, council members on a split vote gave pay increases to City Attorney Gail Hutton and City Clerk Alicia Wentworth. While officials were giving the departme nt heads the raises, they were giving two more department heads the ax. Personnel D"lrector Ed Thompson and Purchasmg Agent Roy How were written out of the budget. Their jobs are to be assimilated by other department directors. On July l, Mrs. Hutton's salary w1U go from $52,104 to $58,447 a year while Mrs. Wentworth's salary wiU rise from $33,923 t.o $36,594. Mayor Bob Mandie said after the acuon that Mrs. Hutton's pay was raised to ensure improved communications and cooperauon with the city council. "It's lmpor1ant that we work better ~ether so there are no problems, ' he said. City Administrator Charles Thompson said another reason is that the pay for one of Mrs. Hutton's deputies would soon have surpassed Mrs. Hutton's Salary. There had been no cost-of- living increases for either woman since November of 1980. All othe r department heads will receive a 7 percent pay mcreaae July l and a 2 percent increase Jan. l because of prior agreement.a. Voting in favor of Mrs Hutton's salary increase were Mandie. Don MacAllister, John Thomas and Jack Kelly. Against the increase were Ruth Bailey, Ron Pattinson and Ruth Finley. Mrs. Bailey and Pattinson voted against the pay hike for Mrs. Wentworth. In approving the budget, city officials noted that they have cut 300 emµloyees since 1978 Th(•y noted, however , that most of them wt' re Comprl'hens1 ve Employment and Tra1n1ng Act workers paid by the federal government. Officials also claimed that the city stands to lose about $3 million from state funds this year because of cutbacks in akohol and cigarette taxes and auto license in lieu fees. "Ladies and gentlemen." said MacAllister, "your problem 18 with the state. If you want to Officials also say tht.•rt.• w1U be about 20 fewer employees at the t.•nd of the fiacal year, with most of the va<:anc1es caused by dllnllon. But Perl.onnel Direc tor Thompson and Purchasing Agent I low will lose their present jobs. Th1·y have bumping rights over subordinates. Pro)L'(."ted revenues are about $I milhon less than expected rc·vcnues The deficit will be made up fr o m the unappropriated reserve fund Court rules Nix on immune from suits WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. Supreme. C.Ourt said today former President Nixon could not be held accountable for allegedly firing a civilian P e ntagon worker, ruling for the first time that a president enjoys "absolute immunity" from lawsuits which seek monet a r y damages fo r ,misconduct m office. The vote was 5-4. The suit stemmed from the alleged iUegaJ firing of Air Force worker A . Ernest Fitzgerald, who already has received $142,000 in return for his promise not to take Nixon tQ lrl'lne concert trial no :natter how the court ruled . Thus, the decision upholding the pres ident 's absolute immunity will affect only future lawsuits seeki ng monetary damages from current and former presidents, as well as several other pending cases against Nixon for alleged misconduct in office. The Supreme Court came down on the side of the president today as long as the alleged illegal conduct is within the ''outer perimeter" of his oCficial duties. Rocker -warned 'no 1nutilations' By GLENN SCOTT 0( lhe Delly Piiot Slaff Rock singer Ozzy Osbourne, who gained dubious national fame in February by biting off a bat's head during a concert, won't be sacrificing any animals Friday in Irvine, city officials promise. If he does, however, police officers claim they'll arrest him after the concert. Osbourne, who is following in the "theatrical-rock" footsteps of Alice Cooper, is scheduled to perform Friday at Irvine Meadows amphitheater. The concert will be filmed for a national television speciaJ. Osbourne maintains a busy touring schedule and has been shadowed by local humane societies and other groups since the incident with the bat, which was tossed onstage during a concert in Des Moines, Iowa. The con stant foclls has bolstered the singer's reco~tion but has created a permanent fuss wherever he performs, said Pat Siciliano of Jet Records, Osbourne's recording company. He claimed Osbourne didn't know the bat was real when he chomped off its head -which later led to a battery of rabies shots for the singer. "Ozzi e has never killed anything in his life," said Siciliano. People are coming up with these absolutely bizarre rumors that we never could have WORLD DOWN, BOY -Rock singer Ozzy Osbourne will do his thing at Irvine M eadows Friday. and police will try to see to it that he doesn't decapitate any animals. dreamed of doing." The issue came up this week in Irvine after members of a local Baptist church contacted City Council members about the possibility animals might be mutilated on stage. Mayor David Sills then issued a subdued public statement that killing or mutilating animals Is a violation of state l;lw and anyone caught doing so would be arrested. LONDON (AP) -Britain's littlest prince remained without a name today while the press accused his aunt, Princess Anne, of being jealous of the three-day-old future king. A COUNTY .. If you're an antique ear buff, like tin aoldiers, or even like collecting old gasoline pwnpe, The Grand Garage in Corona del Mar has something for you. Page Bl. BUSINESS Ever wonder why Nebraska ta of ten left out in memages inviting calla on toll-free numbers? For the answer, see Page A 7. "We hold that (Nixon), as a former president of the United States is entitled to absolute immunity from damages liability predicated on his official acts," Justice Lewis F. Powell wrote for the court. "We consider this immunity a functionally mandated incident of the president's unique office, rooted in the constitutional tradition of the separation of powers and supported by our history," Powell added. In New York, Nixon's spokesman, Nicholas Ruwe, said, "Former President Nixon's custom is not to comment on court decisions." At the Pentagon, Fitzgerald also said he would have no immediate corrunent. JURORS QUIZZED -Five members of the jury which found John Hinckley Jr. innocent by reason of insanity in the s hooting of President Reagan testify before the Senate AP Wlrephoto Judiciary Committee. From left are Glynis Lassiter, Lawrence Coffey, Woodrow Johnson. Maryland Copelin and Nathalia Brown. Fitzgerald claimed Nixon had him fired for disclosing to Congress in 1968 that the C-5A military transport plane could cost $2 billion over estimates. He was rehired with beck pay in 1973, and only last week was reinstated to his original duties in a settlement with the government. Hinckley jurors ask change Five tell subcommittee of deliberation frustrations Fitzgerald, who sued Nixon and two former aides for $3.!> million, claimed that his constitutional right to free speech and his rights to make his views known to Congress were violated. Fitzgerald received the $142,- 000 from Nixon in return for promising not to take the fonner president to what Nixon 's lawyers said w o uld be a "months-long trial." WASHINGTON (AP) - Jurors in John W. Hinckley Jr.'s trial called today for changes in the law under which they found President Reagan's assailant to be not guilty by reaso n o f insanity Five of the 12 Jurors told a Senate Judiciary subcommittee considering proposed changes in the Jaw governjng the federal insanity plea that Hinckley should receive mandatory treatment m a mental institution and then complete a tenn in prison. The jurors said they were frustrated because during 31/i days of deliberations they were limited to two choices -guilty or not guilty by reason of insanity -1n weighing evidence of Hinckley's attack against the president and three men March 30. 1981 "If a person is guilty of a crime and is mentally 1U." said JUror Maryland Copelin. 50, "they should be treated for that illness then get punisht.'CI for the crime." Another juror, N athalia Brown, 30. said Hinckley "should Reagan vetoes housing bill Emergency measure would have aided low-income buyer WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan vetoed today an emergency s pending bill offering housing subsidies to low and middle-income home buyers and repealing a $75-per-day tax deduction that members of Congress gave themselves last year. Reagan's veto was announced by White House deputy press secretary Larry Speakes. Speakes said earlier the president would veto the $8.9 billion catch-all measure because of his opposition to the housing provision. It was Reagan's fifth veto since he took office. Anticipati ng the veto, Democratic leaders accused NATION Reagan at a news conference of turning his back on the depressed housing industry. "He cannot veto the dream of every American to own his own home," said Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill. "He can't veto the grocery bills of unemployed housing workers." The quick veto gave the House a chance to override the president before leaving later today for a holiday that will last until July 12. The Senate plans to recess next week. But leaders of both parties saw little c hance a veto could be overridden. And unless C.Ongress writes a new bill acceptable to Reagan before the recess, some Fans of the Miss America contest won't get to hear the "There She Is'' refrain that celebrated the crowning of the winner because of a contract dispute. Page A5. \ Steven Spielber.·g has the midas touch with movies. Both his "E.T." and "Poltergelat" are box office bonanzas, Page B7. LAS VEGAS (AP) -The Department of Energy conducted an underground nuclear weapons test today at the Nevada Test Site. The teat, code.named Nebbiolo, had a yield range between 20 and 160 kilotons. federal programs might run out of money. The compromise bill wa'i sent to Reagan on Wednesday night after the House. by voice vote. swallowed its pride and agreed to drop its ins1Stence that senators limit ou tside earnings for speeches, writing and the like to $18,200 a year That ceiling already applies to House members. The Senate's flat re,JeCtion of the House amendment had snarled the money bill sinn• Monday. The main purpose of the bill was to keep more than 50 agencies and program s 1n operation until Oct I. INDEX At Your Service A4 Erma Bombeck B2 Business A8-9 California A5 Cavalcade B2 Classified C6-10 Comics C5 Croaword C5 Death Notices C6 Editorial AlO Entertainment 86-8 Horoecope B2 Ann Landera B2 SPORTS have been guilty by reason of insanity." Miss Brown said she held out until the very end before agreeing lo join the unanimous verdict of not guilty During the trial . s h e said. she became ronvmccd Hinckley manipulated his team Of psych1alrtStS and .. had all of his facultws" at the lime of the shooting Miss Brown conceded that Hinckley had "some mental disorders" but felt hl' still should have been found guil ty and sentenL-ed to some punishment. Besides Mtss Brown and Mrs. Copelin, the other jurors who testified were Woodrow Johnson. Glynis Lassiter and Lawrence C.Offey. Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa .. acting c hairman of the subcommittee on criminal law, told the jurors he was "sensitive" to intruding in the Jury system and that they L'Ould refuse to answer any questions put to them. There was unanimous agreement among the Jurors who testified that even if Reagan had been assassinated. tht• outcome of the trial would have not been different. Because the choice of verdicts was so narrow. Mrs. Copelin said. "It would have been the same." "Every one of us knew he was guilty," she said. "but W<' had to deal with that mental problem" Movies 86-8 Mutual F\.lnds AB National News A3 Public Notices All, 83-5, C6 Sports Cl-4 Dr. Steincrohn B2 Stock Markets A9 Television B6 Theaters 86-8 Weather A2 WoTld Ne~ AJ CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -The steady tick ol the countdown clock today carried astronaut Ken Mattingly nearer his dream of flying that "elegant ... almost magic machine,'' the ~pace shuttle Columbia, scheduled to lift off at 8 o.m. Sunday. Angels duel Kanau City for first place after tak1.ng two of three from Texas. Page Cl. I I ~ H/F Orange Oo11t OAIL V PILOT /Thut1day, June 14, 1eea ------------------------------..... 111111111 .... --------------------------------------------------------Pro P8nel • nixes judge's· guilt An Orirnge l'olmty 1&p~uau.• panel hu revl'n1tid u S4n Oie.o rnunldpol <:uur t judae 1 convl<.'tton on rive pro1tltulion c horgo11 dt·ui·lng lhe wuy ror another uppt.•ul to a hight•r <.·ourt or a re trllll of Judge LC'wis A. Wenz.ell. The thrl'e-judge S uper ior Court appellate panel rcvcnl(.'<i the conv1cuon WH.lnesday ruling that the trral judge, Harbor 'Municipal Court Judge Selim Marshal Franklin, lmpr<Jpt•rly Instructed the jury while auorn"ys for both the dctbnst' and prociecutlon were not present In the courtroom. The San Diego County case W&ll moved to Orange County on 11 change of venue. Son Diego County District Attorney Edwin Miller said he plans to appeal the ruling striking the conviction to the Fourth District C.ourt of Appeals and, failing that, would retry Wenzell on all five counts. PCP bust nets four • 1n county Two Huntingto n Bt>ach rc:sidenlJi and the mother of a l'Onvic~'<f double murderer were among lhe four people arrested 1h1s week on suspicion o f posstc"Ss1ng PCP Pollc·e said Westminste r ufhcers, armc>d with a search warrant, arre11U!d the four peoplt> al a W£-stp&rk Place a~ent ln Westmmstl'r on Monday night suspected as bookie In the meantime, the appellate panel's action ended, for the time being, removal actions aimed at Wenzell that already were before the state Supremt-Court. The 39 -year-old judge, who has not heard a case smce the removal recommendation was made in December, could return to his San Diego courtroom bench as early as Monday. BOMBED B UG -The remains of a Volkswagen smolder after a bomb planted in the car exploded in Beirut, kilUng the driver AP w1 .. pho10 The explosion occurred n ex t door to the Lebanese army officers' dub in West Beirut The occupant of the Jpartment, Delores Brucker, 35,. was arrested on suspicion of possessing PCP for sale. Police s<ud she 1s the mother of Robert WhaJlt·y, 17, who was convicted la.st year of murdenng Brenda Baird, 15, of Costa Mesa, and William Hc:mz, 19, of Huntington &-ach. Arres ted at Ms. Brucker's apartment Monday on suspicion o r possession of PCP were Pamela Jean White, 26, and John Waller Goad , 25, both o f Huntington Beach, and Ricky George Brinkman, 26, of Westminster An Orange County marshal has been suspended from his post as bailiff for a Newport Beach Judge w h 1 le au t h or 1·t i es investigate allegations he operated as a bookie, takmg bets at Harbor Municipal C.ourt. Two Ml6s downed Su pecte d officer no t o n HB fo rce Police in Newport identified the bailiff as Darrell C. Strobele, a 17-year veteran o f the marshal's office and bailiff for presiding Judge Robert J . Polis. "He's very happy," Wenzell's a ttorney, Peter Hughes, said Wednesday. "I told him to wait until Monday and then advise the court that he was ready, as he always has been, to accept case-s.·· Hughes added that Wenzell had no plans but to continue his 10-month silence on the case and refuse comment on the latest turnabout. The charges we re first filed last August. Israeli warplanes divehoDih Beirut A headline in WC'dnesday's ed1uon of the Dally Prlot about a poh('C.' ofCicer who is a defendant in a ('hild molestation case was m C'rror Mkhael Bruc.-c McDonald. thP ofhc:er involved, is a member of the Long Beach Police Department. He IS a resident of Huntington Beach, but nol a member of the Huntington Beach police force Westmrnstcr Offrcer Earle Grctha.m said one-half ounce or 14 .000 m1lhgrams of PCP was SC'rzed al the st'C'ne. Strobele also was named as the individual who helped officers set up the arrest this week of former Saddleback College trustee Alyn M . Brannon. (Related story, Page Bl). Judge Franklin had sentenced Wenz.ell to 58 days in jail after he was convicted of paying three prostituets for sex. BEIRUT. Lebanon (AP) - Israeli jets divebombed guerrilla strongholds in residential areas of west Beirut today and the state radio said Israeli gunb-:>ats joined in the bombardment. The jets also downed two Syrian MiGs in <:entral Lebanon and Vice otl1cers m Newport s~ud they will ask the Orange County District Attorney's office to formally charge Strobele with bookmaking. S trobele. reached at hrs Huntington Beach home, sard he couldn't comment on the bookmaking assertions. Fiery crash kills • • Judge Polis said h e was shock ed to learn of the alJegations. He said Strobele had served as his bailiff for frve years. 1n1ures two Police contend Strobele ran a small but steady bookmaking operation out of the courthouse, taking bets mostly on horse races It was uncl£•ar how long the bailiff had allegedly been e ng aged 1n bookmaking activities. Newport police said the arrest o f Brannon. who assertedly accepted a bet on a Dodgers baseball game. and the case against Strobele are part o{ a two-week bookmaking investigation by police in Newport and the district attorney's office They said the invesugauon IS contmuing. One man was burned to death and two other people were 1nJured in a fiery two-car colhs1on Wednesday night in Westminster. Police said the body of Scott Russell Ihli. 28. was found inside a Toyota station wagon after hrehghters extmgutshed a blaze tnggered when the vehicle was rear-ended at a high rate of speed by a Chevrolet Malibu. The mishap occurr ed at McFadden Avenue a nd Magnolia Street. The driver of the station wagon, Carmen Currier. 29, of Westminster. was pulled from the flaming vehicle by four witnesses to the accident. including off-duty Westminster police officer David McDowell, and Gen~ B laschak of Costa Mesa, police reported. The woman was reported in serious condition today at Fountain Valley Community Hospital and was scheduled to be transferred to the bum unit at Irvine Medical Center. The drrver of the Mair bu. Dean Fluss, 31, of Garden Grove, initially fled the scene, police said. He was arrested an hour later at a liquor store and was Jailed o n sus picion of manslaughter. felony drunken driving and felony hit and run, police said. A passenger in the Malibu, James Edward Zise, 35. of Hawthorne, was treated at Fountain VaUey C.ommunity and released The Forecast For 8p.m. EDT Rain~ Snow CJ Showersll!ll FlurrltsEi} T emper atures Coastal Low clouds during m orning hours. 1>ecom1ng parlly cloudy during trte alternoon today Highs 11~ lo 72 Low clouds return during nlghl and morning hours. t>ecoming motlly sunny Friday alternoon Overn19rt1 lows 56 10 63 Highs Friday 65 lo 75 Hunt1ng1on-Newport area tempe<atures 10 range lrom a low or 58 to a high of 65 Elsewhere , lrom Po11.0 Concepllon 10 lhe Mexican ba<der and ou1 eo miles Lighl varlet>le winds night and morning hours, becoming westerty 8 to 16 ~nots In the evening hours loday and Friday Wind wavas 1 to 2 feet wtth soutriwest •-II I to 3 feet Mos11y cloudy through Friday out some clearing tn late attem00<1 end ev8fllng ho1Jr1 U.S. S ummary Thunde<ll0<m1 -• 3Clltl118d over lhe Plains today, extending from soulhern Minnesota to eu14*n Wyoming and reecruno south 10 Oklahoma and Texas The 11orms also apre&d from lhe Gull Coast to Iha Carolinas. but clear akies p1evalled f1om Michigan and Illinois to lhe At11n11c coast Wealhef was also lair over Iha Pttelhc N0<1hwes1 and 9°'11"-t deserts Almost thrM Inches or rain 1e11· Wednesday In some parts ol Floilde. wnere five soulh-slarn counlles were placed under 11 1111• of emergency T0<nadou and lunnel Clouds -• epolled In North Dakota Today'• forecut called for thundw1tonn1 over Flotlda, Ille Mlalealppl velley. -lern Great Laket and nor1hom and central Plalna. A tew thunderahowere wtre expecled over lhe Greal B11ln. wllh ehowen over New ~ and tunny akin 0\181' the iest of the nallon T1mp1111ur11 lfound lhe nation blf~• dewn ranged from 3e In Sault Ste. Mlflo. Mich . to 83 In Phoenix. NATION Alt>any Alt>uque Amarillo Alhe'vtlle Allanta A11an1c Cly Aus11n Balllmore Btlllngs B1rm1nghm Bismarck Boise Boston Brownsvlle Bullalo Burlington Casper Charlsln SC Charlstn WV Charltle NC Cheyenne ChlCIOO Clnclnnah Clevela'1d Clmt>ia SC Columous Oel-Ft Wth Oeyton Denver Des Motnes Oelr<llt Oulu th El Paso F11rgo Ftaostatt Greal Falls Hartford Helena Honolulu Houston lndnaplls Jacksn MS J&eksnvlle Juneau l<ans City LU Vegas Little AOQk Louis vine Lut>boel< Memphis Miami MllwaukM Mpl .. SLP Naehvllle N-Orleena ,.._ Y0tk Norf otk No Pt111e Olde City HI Lo Pep 71 46 94 67 92 61 01 82 61 90 66 78 56 93 75 78 53 72 56 10 90 63 83 56 03 87 56 75 59 97 79 65 50 62 48 49 85 55 61 86 74 56 77 50 85 62 84 78' 54 75 54 77 52 69 45 87 67 72 46 92 67 1 17 73 50 80 55 Of 83 62 71 46 65 52 100 62 91 65 04 76 42 68 53 01 76 53 66 56 02 90 69 90 80 77 53 91 69 88 73 72 « llO 63 100 74 91 118 10 77 56 92 60 87 90 72 81 71 1 13 72 53 87 70 85 62 90 69 01 76 81 78 60 116 62 ee 84 84 ' I 111 r emperarures Fron ls Co10 -.. Warm .,. Stahonnrv •• Omaha 83 66 San Otego 72 85 Orlando 85 73 04 Sen Franciaco 63 55 Phlladphle 78 58 Sanle Barbara 87 55 PhOlflix t03 75 Sent• Merla 69 Pittsburgh 70 44 S1ock1on 90 57 Piiand, Me 70 49 Thermal 101 Piland, Ore 90 59 Ukl•h ~ Providence 76 57 Barllow 99 71 Raleigh 115 87 Big Beer 78 •O Reno 87 55 &.l\09 93 56 Salt Leke 84 59 C1111in11 70 62 Sen Anlonlo 93 74 LOOQ Beecll 70 63 Seattle 112 57 Monrovia 76 61 Shreveport 00 66 Mt. Wilson 78 59 Slou• F111i1 86 68 Newport Beach 113 59 SI Louil 80 61 Onlarlo 74 56 SIP.Tampa 87 74 Palm Springs 98 65 St Ste Mlfle 117 36 P•sed8tl8 74 59 Spakene 89 60 San Betnerdlno 74 58 Syrecuae 70 50 San Joae 76 57 Topeka 78 113 1.13 Sanl• An• 70 62 Tucson 97 63 S•nt11 Cruz 65 57 Tulea 88 67 43 • Tahoe llelley 77 41 Wuhingtn 80 59 Wlchile 80 65 09 CAl lf'OANIA B1ker1t181d 99 79 rrwg Blythe 100 Eurelca 8t 5 1 The Air Ouallty M1neg1men1 Frano 94 87 Olatrict predic11 gooc:t elr quanty Lanuater 90 68 tOday In most 8'111 ot the Soulf1 L A..,.,,.,,_ Cou1 Air B .. ln, except In lhl °' ·..,........ 70 60 River.Ide-Sen Bernardino aree, ~z.;:1e tX~ whlcll w111 hava unheallhlul air O•kland ea se Quellty lat Mnelllvl perwona. Pit() Aoblet 80 ~ A Potlutent Slandard Index of Red 8"lff 93 68 160 ti IOt"ecMI lat lhe A~ Redwood City 75 ao San Bernan:nno area. Saof1men10 82 42 Where 10 c•ll (toll free) tor Slflnae 82 54 .0 1 111111 emog lnfomlatlon; n -Ofange County:JIOOI 44W82t -c-T-~-1~-:f-~-r-~-.. -,-~!--Servloe--. -.. -"'!! .. -.--. -.. ----8-UR---,--R~l_P_O_R __ T __ ~~~~~= predict• anolher round of night 242-4Me and morning croudlneu Ind • ral11c1tnl eflernoon 1un1hln1 ... 1?==sliiiil•,.._•n .. ,.. __________ _ Friday. Wellerly wind• could .. _ Ti.des T=-.... A"f/ .... 1-2 It poor 1-2" poor t-2 " poor 1-2 ft PoOt 1-2 ft ,J;or 2~ ft 2·3" '""'""°°' 2·3 " fllr-tlOOt 14" ..., t-3" lllr • eweep cMttrl• •t 30 mpl1 lfound ~tten ";;;;;;"' twnlng. Hun lnot0t p 58 Friday'• 1'11,ha tllOuld rtnge t, ~ 111 67 "°"' ..... mid oa In Loi ~· !::'at. ~Jett)' a7 Md et bt9Cfl8I. .,.._, 74 end ,_...,.... .. eo In mount#'lt. l'r'om 92 to 102 In 22nd St. ""'""" 61 tfll ~ ci-t encl '*-' .. ==::..~ 57 a.net tOG In the tow d&Mne. Sleepy Hollow 59 eo.tera from Point ~tlon Tlleria:.BrOOlla g: 10 IN ~ t>Otdar can~ a.,, Clement• PW eo WI'. ¥9tl8IJle wlndt dur1nCI 11'18 nlght t nd morning, becoming Trelelgat ....-rty I to t8 llnott Fl'td9y CT -4°lfMt) •'1&1noon with • 1 to I-loot TOMO"ROW'I TIDES ~.... Direction Soul,_I Hlth 2 27 p.m. Low 7:14 a rl'I l••ll IO • I TOOAY hcond high 1·27 pm Stcond tow I 11 p m. ""°AY 42 23 FlBt hlOfl 12; 11 a m. 6 t Flrtt tow 7:34 a.m. 0.8 Seoond high 2:27 p.m . 4.3 Second low 7:21 p m. t.e Sun Ml• today al 11>1 p.m., "-,rlday It 5 q .. ,., • Moon rllel todey et t . t4 1.m., llta It 11:22 p.m Americans prepared to evacuate the war-tom country. The Tel Aviv command sa.d the MiGs were downed when they tried to intercept Israeli jets t1ttackmg Syrian targets durrng a tank and artillery battle along the Beirut-Damascus highway. Syrra acknowledged two M1Gs were "hit" and said its fort:es were engaged in "vio lent dashes" with the lsraelis The Israeli armored fort-es in the mountains southeast o( Beirut appeared to be trying to con solidate their grip on a 20-mile stretch of the highway linking the Lebanese and Sy1·1an capitals in an effort to bar t~e Syrians from bringing supplies and reinforcements for a possible battle for Beirut. The Daily Pilot regrets thl1 error Valuable • T est tube birth PARIS (AP) -France's second test tube baby, a girl named Alexia, was born at a Paris subu rban h os pital Wednesday night. the hospital announced today. • 1te01s The Christran Phalang&St-run Voice of Lebanon radio station said the artillery battle rC'Sumed soon after dawn along the Bhamdoun-Mdetrej sector of the h1Jithway east of Berrut ID HB Middle school • conversion eyed in Valley Fountain Valley School District trustees will consider plans and cost estimates tonight for converung Talbert School into a. middle school for the coming tenn. The school has been housmg k indergarten through erghth grade, but district o{{icials say some structural changes must be made so that it can begin serving only grades six through eight beginning in Sept.ember. The district's middle school plans have drawn criticism from some parents. who have targeted three trustees for recall, primarily over this issue. The school board meets at 7:30 p.m. in the distric.:t headquarters, 17210 Oak St. The Huntington Beach Fol1ce Department 1s encouraging r esidents to mark their valuables through an "Operation Identification" program. Residents may borrow at no charge an electric engraver from the police department Officers encourage residents • The B oys C lub o f Fountain Valley has begun its summer schedu le. with activities taking place from 8 a .m to 6 p .m Monday through Friday The club IS located at 9840 Talbert Ave. • Patricia L. Mikol, a Huntington Beach resident, has been named ''Employee of the Month" for June at THE f ASHION IS DIAMONDS FROM A-Z. to mark their valuables with their California driver's license number, which can be traced quickly if the it.ems are stolen or lost I nformation on th is 1dentihcat1on program can be obtained by contacting Suzie Wajda of the p<;>lice public affairs office, 536-5933. Datly lunches wrll be served for $2. The membership price is $5 per year for boys and girls, ages 7 to 17 Additional fees are charged for athletic leagues, trips a nd c.ampauts. Great.er El Monte C.omrnumty Hospital. She works as a staff pharmacist at the hospital Wear one initial or spell out your name or a personal message. Our 14 karat yellow gold initials set with diamonds make a brilliant fashion statement Available from A-Z. chain not included. $150 each. ') SLAVICK'S fine JlwMn Sln(e 1917 Whtrt rhl btsr surpnses btgm F&StllOl'l ltWinO (714) 644· l:MIO • N~ 8elt'tt Abo Gl'fft« l4I Angeles • S.1' Oltgo • I.as~ • • •Budget fights yet to COIDe Uy Tbe Auoclaled Pre11 WASUlNGTON The rive month 1truggh: in Cong~ to &adopt o l\>83 budget Is OVl'r, but It u1 only a prelud1• lQ ~lt><:Uon·ycor tlghLIJ ovur the wx mcrt.!ai.etJ &md ~uctJon. In aodal programs cllllt-d Cor In thf' l't'd-ink outlln., "We've sot ti polilical document heh-that can't K\Lind the ll~ht of implementation," St-n Em~t F Holl1ng11, 0-S.C .. said on the Senatl• lluor Wodnoaday to rc,;mark1 dlrt-c ted at Rt>publlc&m leadera. "You won't have the troope, you won't have thl' votes." The Senate gave the GOP-drafted plan final congressional approvjll Wedneeday on a ~4·4~ vote following a last-mt.nut.o telephone lobbying blitz by President Reagan. The plan calla tor spt:-ndlng $769.8 billion ond ront.alnt a record pro)e<'ted deficit of $103.9 billion. •Allen smuggling ring cracked ALBUQUERQUE, N.M . -The largest illegal alien smuggfing ring ever cracked by U.S. imnugration authorttles brought 24,000 people Into the United States every year, often by hiding them in the trunks of cars for hundreds of miles, authorities say. The ring operated for about 4 1n years a nd gl'O&St'd about $24 million annually -more than half of which was profit, officials sajd. A federal grand jury here has indicted 38 people on charges of conspiracy to transport illegal aliens and 47 separate counts of actually transporting aliens. •Congress increases debt ceiling WAS HINGTON -Legislation to keep the government operating by allowing it to go deeper into debt is headed for P resident Reagan's desk today The ·Senate, by a 49-41 vote, completed co ngressional act ion on the legislati o n Wedn{'Sday night by approving a $64 billion increase in the public debt limit -from $1.071:1 trillion to $1.143 triWon. That stop-gap bill 1s enough -hopefully - to keep the government going through Sept. 30, the end of the current fiscal year. Another increase in the debt hm1l will be needed for the nl'xt fiscal year. •Hare whooping crane killed BARABOO, Wis . -Tex , th e rare 4-foot-tall whooping crane who performed a mating dance with a human, was killed m her pen by a marauding raccoon only a few weeks after she made sc1enu11c history as a mother. Geor ge Arc hibald , director o f the WORLD Interna tiona l Crane Foundation center, had spent years performing mating dances with the whooper to induce Tex to lay an egg after being aruficially inseminated. T he newborn chick , the first whooping crane born in captivity, hatched j ust 3 112 weeks ago and is named Gee Whiz. •Argentines 'fed up' with army BUENOS AIRES. Argentina -Civilian political leaders agreed to sit down and talk tod ay with the a rmy's president-designate. Reynaldo B1gnone. but warned that Argentines are fed up with m1ltt.ary governments. "The peopl e have again been me re spectators at the designation of the president of the nation," said a statement issued Wednesday by a coalition of the nation 's five largest pobucal parties. 1t said Argentina's six-year -old military regime had "severely degraded the country's standard of Living and put Argentina in lhe worst C'ns1s of its history" -the disastrous Falkland Islands war. •Iran plans higher oil price NEW YORK -lran will raise its oil price $1 a barrel July 1, marking the first increase bv a membe r of the Urganization o r Petroleum Exporting Countries since Saudi Arabia raised its price last fall. . Britain and Egypt, which are not OPEX:: members, raised their pnces in June. Iran 's national oil company notified customers of the price change earlier this week, sourees said Wednesday. Iran made no public announcement, but sources said the new price would be $31.20 a barrel. •Mitsubishi denies wrongdoing TOK YO -A Mitsubis hi Electric Corp. ofCicial said today one of the firm's employees. arrested earlier in California in an undercover FBI operation, paid about $20,000 for "sample information" about IBM computers. But he denied the transaction was illegal. Mitsubishi spokesman Hideo Ohta said he had just learned of the transaction in Jong· distance telephone conversations with Takaya lshida, who was arrested by the FBI in San FranC'isro and later released on bail. STATE •Committee shelves IJC tuition SACRAMENTO -The Universi ty of California medical. dental and law schools will probably not have their first-ever tu1t1on next winter after all. The Legislatur e's budget conferenC'e committee late Wednesday night reversed its action of last week and decided against tuition that would have saved the state $6 million. •Probe of fatal train fire begun REDDING -Officials tentatively blamed an electncal fault for a fire that sent black smoke and flames boibng through an Amtrak sleeping car, killing two elde rly passengers and injuring 62. through the mountains of northern California en route from Seattle to Los Angeles. Shasta County Coroner Joe Kohn identified the victims a s Douglas E . Moore, 73, of Snohomish, Wash., and Mary Feushtinger, 87, of Los Angeles Thl' blaze broke out at 1:35 a.m. Wednesday as the 288-passenger Coast Starligh t train wound •San Diego beaches 'greased' SAN DIEGO -Mysterious "greaseballs" ranging in size from a BB to a 1h:inch in diameter are washing up on San Diego-area beaches and state a nd local officials don't know where the ugly hule globs are coming from. maybe as much as two months or more," Dr. Donald Ramras, county health officer, said Wednesday. "'We'd sure like to know where they came from," he added. "But the bottom line is, who wants to use a beach that has greaseballs?" "Those who k now grcaseballs have detennmed that these are pretty old greaseballs, ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P HaleY Pu.,..,_ .,.., Clllel (aecuttw Of!lce< Kay Schultz Vice Preeldent end OWeciO< ol Ad-11~ Tom Murphlne Edllol Mike Harvev Oltwctor Of MtA!lllng (ClfQUlltloft) Ken Goddard OlreClot ol Opet attona Ray Mec:Leen Conll'Oll9 Charles Loot M._.Edllor Claulfled advertising 7141642·5678 All other departments 642-4321 MAIN OFFICE JJO w .. 1 Bey SI • , ..... MeM. CA AUii eclclreH 8oJ1 U.0, COllA MeM CA '1626 COPyrlOftl ,.., °'-COHI Publl\111"0 ,.,,._... No no•\ \10tln. lllu•tretlon•, tHIHorlal mMter or eo. •erllM.....,11 herein may be ••Pf"Odu<ed wltho<lt •DKl•I twrmlulon 01 upyr19111 owner Tiie Go ~ CO.>I OaHy Pilot, .. 1111 .. Mell I• G- bln..i lhe .._,.P'"'· I• pUblished by tfle Otanot Coett Publl1hlft9 ComP9fty. 5e1M1r•I• edit'°"' er~ publlllled Mond<tY thrwefl Friday lo-Coste -· NewPO<t llMch. H...,llf\Olon hac:h, F°""IAln Valley. lrvlne, ~ 8Mch, Soutll COHI. A,..,. .......... e<llllOfl Is ....... lt!IM S..-Y' -"""'"" The Pf"ln<l1M1l llUO!l'1llno plenl l• at JJO Wett S.y SlrMt. P 0 Bost~. COiie Mew, c amomle m2ilt. VOL. 75, NO. 175 Anti-giveaway measure killed SACRAMENTO -Legislation to ban the giving away of free cigarette samples, passed by the state Senate Last week, has been snuffed out by an Asse mbly committee. N o member of the Governmen tal Organization Committee would make a motion for passage Tuesday of SB 1684 by Sen. Alan Steroty, D-Los Angeles. which was opposed by '---------------------------------------------------~ ,,, the tobacco industry. Monoey r rtdey 1 t You <)ft l\M P\•w 'ffNI -I>• ~ 30 p "' call °"""• 1 0"' er'td "°"' COO'; .... ~ CS.h.«fCI We1Te Listening ••• What do you ltke about the Dally Pilot" What don't you like' Call lhr number below and your message will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to lhe appropriate editor. The s ame 24-hour answering service may be used to record let· ters to the editor on 11ny topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls. please Tell u!' whars on your mind 642·6086 Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Thurad1y, June 24, 1882 HIF • .E 1 l"p TO EYES ON TIE -Gordon Shanks, an optometrist with FHP, a F ountain Valley health o rganization, can give an examination anywhe re, thanks to his eye-catching ue. He was. s potted at a h ealth fair s p onsor~d b y t h e medica l organization. Alien kids killed • by cars identified Two children who we re struck and killed by hat-and-run drivers on the San Diego Freeway Sunday night as they ran from U.S. Border Patrol agents have been identified by the Orange Count y S h e rif f -Coroner's Department. Anna Toledo, 9, died of head and internal injuries at Mis&on Community Hospital Sunday and her 12-year-old brother, Jaime Toledo, was pronounced dead of a broken neck at the scene of the acc ident, a corone r's office s po k esman said . The two children both were Mexican C'1tizens California Hig hway P atrol investigators still are searching for the vehicle or vehicles that struck the children a bout 8:30 p.m. in the freeway's southbound lanes just north of the Camino Capistrano underpass in the San Juan Capistrano area. The childre n were fatally injured when approximately 15 undocumented aliens attempted to run from border patrol agents after the van in which they were riding pulled to the freeway median. OC budget presented to board By DAVID KUTZMANN 0( ltle Deltr f't4ot lteft A preli minary H*82-83 Orange County budget of $870 mHlion has been presen~ to the Board of SupervLSOrs. Action 11 expected next week that will inaugurate budget hearings on a spending plan that now features a deficit that could reach $70 million. The ftruil budget, which will be adopted m either late July or early August, will likely be far l o w er tha n Wednesda y's tentative proposal because of expected heavy cutbacks in state aid . The s tate Legis latu r e is wrestling with a California budget that could cost Orange County anywhere from $12 million to $30 million In financial assistance, officials said. As a result, projected deficits tn Orange County's new budget range from $40 m1Uion to $70 millio n when losses in local revenue are added in . The s pending plan. whic h com es before t he Bo ard o f Su pervisors n ext week f or pr elimina r y approval, is 14 perce nt h ig h er than the approved budget for the 1981 -82 fiscal year The largest expenditures for th e n e w budget yea r are recomme nded f o r human services, where the prel.urun.ary recommendation 1s to s pe nd nearly $270 million. T his includes the county's Health Services Agency and its Social Services a n d Community Services agencies. In add1t1on to being the largest pro posed e xpenditure, t h ese human services programs also wJI I be the hardest h1 t 1 n c utbacks since m ost funding comes from the st.alt' and federal governments. Community safety programs are budgeted at $179.5 million in the new financial blueprint while the county's Environmental Mana ge ment Agency is recommended for $1 74 million Survivors of slayings aided Westminster police officers have established a fund to aid three children whose mother and grandmoth e r were slain last week m the family's Huntington Beach home. Officer Earle G raham said the fund will assist Alea. Rene Jr. and Naomi Dayco, ages 1 to 6. who are now hving with an aunt and two cou stns in a small •Westminster apartment. The children's father, Rene F -Dayco, 4 I , is being held in Orange County J ai l, charged with the mutilation murder.; of his estranged wife, Shirley. and her mother, Amelia Harbulak Dayco was a rrested las t Thursday in Rosarito Beach, Mexico. The children were found with him, safe and unharmed, police said. Westminster officer Graham said police i n his city were acquamwd with the family and that the eldest child had been attending a Chnst1an school in Westminster. He said the Westminster Pohce Office r s Assoc iation has established the fund to help the childre n 's aunt ftnd larger quarters and pay other expenses until st.ate crime victim assistance and insurance funds are received. The Diamond Anniversary Ring A bond Of dfOrnondS that SO)'S yoc.id marry her Oii over OQOln RAFF jewelry sz ~ leJend Nwpott ...... M4-2040 I ~atlone of trtMMtly pweon•I MMoe ' Mlfl 1'111 kif'.\ lllel "°'"' 111'1 '"'" H•I .. t !\fl Ch'~ Cllt It ~ ~\ Clo" C:\'19 I' t 11.n Ctuw C119 ,. • 1111' c .. ._ l."O ::::" u:. : J" t:~ "' i pl,: •• ,, u~ .\.. == Ii (~ · 1~: ~ '"e' ~ : ·ml, .:: . ~ mp ot 41 0 ,.,. o ,. 1~. Mtlra'I I ' i + V> f\o m11ln1. «>1J I ti-;,.; .10 4•1 t \" NtoiJ. t tt1t i t.IO~ •t ,.._ \.,.. ..... ~a1~1 : • •; :t~* "" " n ·'~ ~ ~ .,_, ' ' I/). ~ ~ ·u 'l'" I' fl l\d\ ''o'° C"O llMr<ll I .0 t I'S lt\o • lo\ ll'tlilM ::J.ll . ) ::i.o. ~ = 1.' ~ I '-+ :z in ... 1lJ !.~: 1: )1 · •I ~l~' ~\ "~A' 1t '"" N110ei1 J.04 t U U W ~ I I to IJ 1 ~ ~ l!lt I I 1'i 11-. 1 •,a . ~ ~,~. ~ ~ m ~~·1:: ::.':!' ·:~• Jj ltl'l ... ~ J~. ~~·. ~ t .':~ •' ~--· ~ . 121~ ll!! 1-,, 11111 ' 1 t II 11'60 ._. nfM{n • JO !1~• ~ ~~-fO ~ It, ,_. .. lllt.13 tt , ... i • ~ tE :~1~ ''°' 1! ~t: "te .~ 'l! G-1tt•'1.1i ~~1.•1• l! ; t! =" ,.,11 a 1;~ \ol"' ~ t :1 J • -..... 411(i.~ I.to S 11 Ith Iii U A, 1'4 • 14 ~ l J I 10\o\,. .... I Al!o • "* p c ,... c. .. " '""' r. t lL: t': ,,L, , '°'" • .-. "' , » i•v. • Ii\ 11Wrv0 1.10 • 1•"-· . ii 2.1a • 1 .,..,,, -A-A -i::,,,1·21 . . I ~. Ii. •rnr I ... t i '1.. ..... I,. !Ge '" • 14V.. " AMOi'n I 4" ,, 11 " " n ... lido ~~ ... ?: ~$ u' :ito ~ "1 n tOto• v. 1=·c'.= > ' llt"'.!. ~ 'ainv "• '\•Jt•.1-~ ~.,..&. !!'-'~I . . ·'*•al!' i~::· v. AMP' 1.il ' aH ,. • ... 1, lt t i: :: v. .,,,,.. M • 11.. .... I"' 111 ttt 7 ~ 1~-.. I tat 4 tt JIV.... . ~ '° s lfV.. APL 1• • •""· .... 1 ... i l •'i ,,.,. .,, '"r' 1 so • ~ io tc · ui 1 u~-411 1 n 14 * 'I"'·'" ..,.""'\·JO " • a.~. ,,.. •r: I 1 It 16~ + ~ ',&p i. , .:1 ++ ·~ IY l>fll 4 I )) · 1::<0 J J • •I • \o j t 4 I .... .. ~y ,«! S n 27 . '2 ~ -!a -· > ·-~ v•nP t.)I • )I av.+ "' -,,. . . . ~-WH 1\.'I 8 . l " I • ' ~a,. . 2 tOllH , ... """)( ji ' ~·-~ l..:. t lt2 .. v. ' ~. lv1~ pl 1,.0 I• ·~ !!«~th "! I U l't •ti/\ 1' t 7 1.,.. MVt-fll .+..tf~ ln 11Sl\lo , YI ADtUb .. u ... ; pl' to ! I J114 ... h •n pl t.10 ' n""· I .. ,.. 1. • .. \do. I Ind ~ OH74 ~ " -°" I• , I 17vt .. A<m:i 1,40 • ""' l't • ·:g 'J ... ,s 1812~ +" ~ EICtlO I" • It ~ ll't&Al11 • • 24 Olto-Iii T 1. 10 t 'ui4~ + '" -·r.a 1 *' s """' t ..... A•-n f1' lt ra • ., e.chr 1 •» ) ~ V. l&M a.~ 11 Sm ~ "" = I .. "7 I~. , ,_llCIM .J2 ' ti 11\lt .... • 04 • · • J: • .-., euon • I I~ ti~+ Iii INil'tev 1 n s 211/\ • ~ I '·°' I UJ Joi ~ • 1• 11 '' ri V. !t'·'t iit a' ti I l: .. ·: ). U)d m: 1 I/\ ' -lllHtN 4'-• '4 ~ jllUO . 1100 tf 1 -....... S I/\, 'It AOtl\Ml .20t I 1M J'4 t -. ,. t .. ~ •' 1, t4!Wi ·..,, FMC I .0 I t1 ~fll + fll !nl~r Of J,14 .. 10 .. .. Nit«>• l,IJ 11. f7S I ~t l'tvton 1 ... et •Y• -. ""' AMO 14U Uh-tl't '" 1... • 1 FMC 111 'l) ~ .. Vt • t;: ln\Mln UO ' ti. 27~ NICl!Fd ,tob It • 1a • l't 11,._, to 7 21 1 vt .. -..nLf Mt • 7" ~ "" ~tt1llf nf.." 41 '1 ,,..,,. v. FtDroe "" ' 114 lrt!NMll uo • n ,. • It. NwOll ,., ,, 2t 1 \lo ,,_ lllf•l'l'CI 1,!Jl 10 u 10 , ..., Ahl'Mt .IO U 1111 lllS • nl It"" v. FFtablr'c~ J:21D ! U I l't' l'l tnt ... pr 2.<!Q I '61 3'..,. • " lll!t"'1e I IO 11 Q IAV...... """In 1., . 77t dl't-V. Allttn I J\\ to Felrc'iii •.·" ' lOO 14"' • "" tnt"9<1 ti , . 13 t\oi-,... NltOln I • •J 16 -..,,, AJy!n 11114. tO 41 • .,, AlrPrd ~ I ,.7 """ • 1 Pw l,.0 I II 1 V.' ' ' l i •.., JS ~ "" tnlTT , .. S 7'0 U.... l\ICt!lt$I .tOll 11 11• 17 \lo ~YMI I, t I» H vt + 'It A rbl'r1 . I• I) I~ . . CcCSotf.\tn fT: 1! I~ :~:.: ..... F•mO ~ ~ 1i n )~• "' ITI plK •. 20 ll"" • "" .. IOlll 2.1) S '" t•Vt + V. llchVck1nMI ) 11 H"". ~~= .... :..•A t'::. d\~~ ~ CentrOI • u 10\to ""' FU•h ,_ ;.,,. + .,_, ITT~O S . 1 41'4 • V. HOlll pr1Ut, I 1~ =!j!IT 1.10 j t !.L V. Al•PclP II J •• ""~:t~" ": t 11 1""• \do ~::rt: tJO l.3111l! !!"'' ~ 17:++~1.·~. iJ ~ .• .. \Q s:J&"';.,. ! ~·y ~J"'•'i<; .. ~ .. r'·I·~ ~ ~.:: AtePpl II 120 I~. c v,~ .! ,.10~··;,: ~ad~ ... I •• •1•1,. ~ lntNrtll2.12 s .. 26~."' =pfUD .. ·~-.. """ ' 11 so 111/t•.,, AllP pl '·" tlOO ~ -V. rt•_,. u •..-.,. r di>!~ .. , ' .. lntrpce 1,)11 I(> ? 1'~ IG>fp I,. 9 S# 1~-\Iii "°*""• 1. t 2t ,. ... V. AllPC>IUI tlO SJ ',"~",'' .«!•",.~ "1""0~ ~~"'Pe 1.'20' .~11 J.\oo.;__ lntoOo UOIO • 27~-"' 11 21'<, :,. lll>!*nel.to' .. 33V.-~ AlallKO •• ~ s 4 131 :L hmr n .., II ,.. I "" ~ r~ -tV ~ •nt8'kr 10 16 • • ~ l\jMdO'• ... ' m ·~ -~ .• t 227 ,,..,, • ..,, AIO.ny ' 20 • ' I U\<o + -Cllm pf ··~ • I• '! ..•. ~ FdSGnl • 80 • 20 I~-..... ll'llflPw l.M s ,, 12\\ v. ~Ell "° 10 7'1 ,.,,.. . 1'i<llG "l. s 7t 14\'o. • IO Crt.amSp .ID 11 .. ·-... F.00!.t 1 j(> ' 7S5 " ' "" 1-£1 1.72 s ' urw.-.... NMIMIS .J217 12 1v •• ..,,, iblll'fl cw 7 J7 n v •• v, !!~~0 ,:..;1~1~"*~·~ ~c::"h •• ~,11~1.·'.. !1 :,~·. ;4· ~rJG:,, ~: ~ >: ~~:;: :=~ l: 1"5! ~:.-.;:::=us. 6 2~ ~-•~ = ::: : ~ :~:... i-. ,.. ~ •v •• Ftoc11 t 8 i 21'1'> • "'-I-lb 2.IA 1 2t 21\\, v. ltS\1111 1.e 6 SO 23\lo ·~ ADNln • '1 '"" • V• AlcoSld I.QI 1 • 20'4. . . Cllot 3 40 3 1060 .,..._ .... Firm" .. I 11 ""' NSlend 72 2S 3 ·~ "' ~ .... J tt 21"" ,,. ""',·.~~r' nl.'4 t 11•11 1,• . Ch•~ .,. •. ,. 1 .. • .-i. Fl mw• 70 •~H .., fllCoQ> .20 1J 621 H• • • ... ,Jtt • -~"' -, -' Ftwy pi ., •ll'J , v, INQ&k J.3' 4 ?1 J6 -'"' l'iltlStl I 9 St Ul'l-1/. ,_,llllllt .. 1 e1' 1314 AllQCP 1.08 6 ,. 38... "' ~~~:o u • 1: ?~ ~ FnCpA .... 4 JIO ,,.. • ..... llellCP ,ll)r ~J" 13~.. . NtlUI n 1J1! -? "l'.!'.'. :z ~ u 11, 1:~· I~ 4't11Cp p12" • ~ll'J-'" CrtHY ' 1.a • ?OS JO-"' FlnlF..:t 12 ,,..,,, -r--NtlClm ·-• .... •• "" Alllllll 1.40 3 ~ 14 · Ch!W Pll 17 IS 21 -l<t Flrestn .~It 217 11.-. ~ ~.~ l·~ ': i: :;~ ~ =~\.:. i 2V ~;~·_:·,;.; = .: t~ 1~~ :1~. ~ Al11tiE 2 19 I 14;i.-..... Clll>IY pt u uS1\do. "" FF'1"'c1'.',nt. •., .s. 11lt 11•0~ ~ ~ JRvr' .«I I n IJ'N -.... Nt...OS n 1'3 • IV>+ .,.. llowen .08 4 S'3 10 "' A1P.1 C11.U 23 70~ Yo ChffVe t.08 6 1l ~. '-'"· ~ pl J AO t SI 11 1W. ""' 11o 1)12 ,j 10 JI 1A ::,i.e. 2.1~ 1t 1~ ::...,= ~ ~~';:' tn ; ~ ft~! ~ FllChlt 120 S 82 14 ' V. ~~ '11 • • '"'· ~i'R ~ ~ .. l&V>: 'It RC~• 1.G.' 9 11 11 + 11: ~:~~PP""l.:'t 4 ·r~ ~. ~ c111M1w .. use ,,, ~W~c·: ~·~ :.J~ Ut.':.: .. =111i~~ s .~~ ,m·, ;,~ =1 .J 1~ J ll:7."·i,; ~~1·1~~:1~ ~ ~~ ,,.. ... ClllMlr . s l6 "" FIMl\l ,1' • •17• ~I "' ·-p1 ·-··o •• ~~ I 13 ••• , •• ~.. . -·sT~ I -tit IJ'~. ·~ Atcl£e.f" 1' l3 171f+ • 'I• Ch!Pn -.. l9 1°· -•~ F 6 ~ 13' .....,,_ -•• -,..._," •~ •• -" •• ,. • "".. ·-·• "' .,. •1.92 ' 1.v '' • v. .iorc111 a 12 1160 ""', w. Ntwt pt t!O . 129 <n\I>. "" Ryen 1.:io h M 1s1Jo ''• Aid 110 :!'IS JIV.+..,,, CllkFull . .0018 t1 IJ Vo FNSt6n1200 < 12 12:\ot '"' .i-IC l .'8 4 114 U + v. Nwperk .16 S 166 ,,,,_ Yo ~I<*> I •1• JO ... + '' AlldSlr I 80 I "" 1'1~ l/o CMIJCI I S21 16 JO 3' t "' FslP• 1'I l JMIC pf J 2S'I'> NaMP 1.., S 327 ll'~. -$-$ AlclTel II I 6 so 1511. Chrlsln 10 S'lt+ v. FstP•.., 0 1·31 .1.. JM l(r I JO ,.,, ... aMpl 3.'°. JIOO Ul/1 SCA 20tt • UI I~. '" Alll•Cll 99 11~ Cllrom. <jC) lS 2 tQI/, "' FtUnlU I 16 • tilO 14'1'> + ... Jcfll\Jll I IS 1192 ~.... .,, "'iE 7.n JllO ...... • ... SCM 2 • ., 22"+ .... All•CI• 1>1$.. 2 Jot'-"' "" Cllrm pf s 13 cMS v. FtVdk fl.I s "" 7~. ft JQl\nEF lA m ,, • v. NI Ult . so 13~ -''• SFN 1.1• • J9l II"'. "' AllrAu s .. 16 17 1•ll.. . Chry•lr n'6 7'1t ..,,, FIWl$C 1.10 • 10 221'> JcflnCn 1.40 6 11 ., .... ' '4 .... J 7 S6 ,. SPSTec .n 4 II ,. ..... AICOI I.ID I 11• 23'¥.-.,, Chry.., IJ 2>1+-"' "1at1Fd 70 1 IOI> ,, JollnC pl 2 . 2 W h + 'h M>lll.Af ll I 336 12'1'>.. smlno 40 19 m ~-v. !:::~~ J ~ y~ ~~· t l~~nr I ; m 2~:: ~ E!IFinG 2 A .. 11f\ •I'"' JonLQn .~ • 21 14\lo + ,,,_ i.Dr5o n ..:i 44'\ 1<o SfQde. s.J2 12 -141/t I ,,,_ Ame. pl 3 . I OJJ -1 Ctn6ell 1.n 1 " ,,.,. + -. ~IEn Sl lD M9 ut4V. • "' .-.n 9'1 • 16 18'14 Nor11<1 " IS"' v. 5'gdSc 11 4~0 '"' AmH ... 1.101' 1160 1n., V+ CtnGE 2.10 11001 lS~• V. FlermQ 114 7 1 26'1'0 V.. .loyMIQ 1.40 4 t4 n •..-+ 'I• Nl>nlt nl.20 I UI/\-'t. SfQ6-.4 , • ._1.+l·I• AHes pl 3.SO S2 IS'"'.,~. ClnG pl us •100 "'" ... F1totl\I .ID 19 34 l7'1'> ... -I(~ -l'«>rt• .08 J 20 '". ..... w.wv 2.~ 7 171 2'\IJ. 11. A A 10 too 2 I ""' so 21/y f.'!~'. "'n"1 ••. l .. s 1101~ :z KOi n. 6 ,, J~. . NAO>•• ,., II 4 UVJ . "' s.iaco ,,. • MS 27 • II/+ m ¥,'' · ""' 1 0 CtnGpl 14' '""" • .......,.:>, ~ '" KOT 17 1\oi. NoAPN 1,10 S 11 l&\li+ \I, Sl.li>L#> Llol 4 • 11"-'It AmA , 209S• II "· ClnMlt .n I ISi 20 A41EC 10 " I 17 1(1.M 11 19 ll ~ l>IEurO "2. IM • I '°"'-• .,, ~"'"'' 1.20 n '"" .,, AAlr wt "° lllo . Cltlcrp 1.n s 3'20 2S'n + v. A•PL J,)6 7 17 Jl>ido. IC n•u1 I ll tn• 11\li. 'I• -•Vt 1.21 7 -tl'I .,, st"-llP 2..2A 2*I ,, ..... ~ .t.Alr C>f 2.11 .. u .,~ • ..,, CIUS•< I.~ . 'COS SS.,. • Aal'l-11 I IO 1 11' ISl<o . 'I• l(alHAI ~II ™ 121/J ~s. . 3 10\0r+ v. s.ld «I 6 I~ . ~=~::.., l SO~~~ m:-. ~ g~b'l~v 1·"8 ,:. ~~di;~-~ AaSll S1 10 JO ll"e · l(atsCe 1.40 6 1S 17-11. • Yo NINIPS l.lll 10 IS 10(;,. . SOl.C.• 1.12 S »2 14~ .. AB~--160 7 1 .... JI''", ~ Ctar•e •• 2013 si """•• v. Aw<:;en • •~ '!l'' :".' l(alC Pl I 31 31114V. 'I• Ni>SIPw 2.74 6 86 21111 -v. SJuenB uo 12 dy ''"• \lo ~ ~M ... .. ~ ~ • •v Fluor ,., I U< 16·w • "' l(al•rSI 4 M 19 ''• NSPw pfl.IM . vsoo S3 I SJullnR 14.'9<: , . 1• 7'"' .. . ABICIM t a 113 1114'". I Cl•Ctl I.ID s " 19 • 11• Rlo!IC t.20 I n JO,,.,. \\ ~neMI .:ze I l "'"'. '" NSPw pf 1 •. vsoo 4"V>-_I\<+ W..rt .... 16 " 4 ..... '"' ABusPd .SI> I 2 12.... "' Cl•vE1 2 16 6 194 Ill'>-V. ForoM . 4022 1414 "" t<entb lb 6 230 14 , ~ M>r'TI II I Cl 160 37\IJ + I.,_ SAnllRI 1.68 1 I IAl<o \Ii ~"'cnct:vn 2~.. 1: 1~~ i... Cc•,.,•;!..r» 7·~ • '100111 4~~. ~. f'of'Mf( 2.AO I 22S J(I'/•. v. ICOyPL 1.'16 s Sl 23\<o .. l'Chlllt II . • 23 l . Sfitlnd I • .... l•l<o-''• ~ """ •~ ... "" -FMK pl 1.IO S 18 • r, ICCPl,p('lml() rl60 27 M>rfrp 1.I02S9 ... St"" "" Sgtll\ltl 1.20 I l 26~+ V. ~b~en : ~L~ m ~_::, ~ g~~iP ';: : '\"!~ ::~ .. '-! ADtlr 1.32 . 16 •\\. ICCPL pl•.35 1300 30 , ~ NwstAtr «> m 110 27"' • w. Se.ARE 20it .. 12 tl/t ,,, AEIPw 2.26 7 o199 16'1>+ v. Coachm 31 IS qy, Ft-I 08 l2 93 l8 '1 KCSos ·• 7 21 llV• + v. -Bcp 1 ... S S32 II,_, S.VEIP 1.21 S wl 101/tO 'II ~mF.Em•r, 1 !!? ,11-:1, 4!.~+· ~ ~~11'!!' I~ • J21Sl ~"" • .,,. ~ FoslWI " 6 lS3 11.... ... l<eoGE l . ll s 132 ISV+. .• NwltEll I"° • '3 16"" S.VE A 1,3'1 .• ,, 11•1>. v. ~ q --: ·-.,.. ._, ,,. .., ••,. ... Fotom 122 4 • '4 l<enHb Ult> 1 S 22V1 -En ,J'l. ll lS 17VJ. Sevin , 11 4"" + ~ AGnCp 2.20 6 401 ·"'· v. Coc:•CI ,, ... ens JS~ ~==~ 1 &i: : 11~ m~. ~ ~~L:,,t~ ~ 11: mt. "' :tt~LI N'J ! "1J s~ ~':.r.: r: io ~ J~ ~ rn AGIBd 2.0A<I 77 IS'1• . Col•l>I' .fl.I t1 20 2•'11. F'l>IMC .60 I 110 ••14 . Vo l<ttytn s 21 8'111 . 'Al M>r1on 2 s 118 tt:V.. ,,., Sclllmo .96 t 2'°7 '° I~ AGnCv t eo. . 16 ?.JI.I.+ l/o Cottco 13 m 16'4 • "' FrlQtrn AO 7 41 tl~, v. re.ty of I.A& •I UI<+ + 'It M>r51m 1.ot • 109 17V. . SclAU 17 13 I~ 13\lo +I A Holst I u s 108 II"+ v. Cot•l'l'UI I 20 8 II ,,_ V+ Fruttlf 1.40 4S 219 20•;,. "• Kllu!Br .?A ' "' l\'e Novo n u.. 11 S?A •14 • ... Scolt s "' It .. 1lh. ~~~~.,,'·2!! 11 10604 13691"" .-6;,, Cco0t111!1• ... • 1 ?On 17 11•162 1131.,, • :: F~ -~ . 8 1 .... 0 \.'> 1<11111 pt 1 so . . 1 tO'h ... "M:or .Sl a .<SA 36\\, tlt! Sc>alLad • • ,,,. • ~ ~ .. ~ • •· r... FUQa p1 1 2S • 1 lJ\\ ,,..., ~•I• JO 6 s •~ • v. -0-0 -Scot"-1 1.ID 1 J1 21v. ~:!~':' I ~ :; I~~ ~n:: :;: ~~:~:..st~ I ;: :~: tt -~ -!(all:: UI • llO 1.J~-.,.. 0.lnd .24 11411 1111 .. Vo SconP I s 94 IS ..... ~~.~ .. , , 21,"'6 J!'.'. cco011~.n.s~.·!>'s''ocu111 ~~.o ~ fi!~x 2.:s'1~r"m:-o..\ ~::., ·:'8 ~ 222' 1?~-. .h g:/1:.NJ ~ s•! ~., ... ..., ~%' 1.~ • ,~ :r1·: ~ "' "~ u < -,,_ " GCA s 20 I JOI IS'h. · "'9nml .96 9 261'?4'1'> • 'I• Ocx:IP pf2.IO . II 16"" V. S.O pl I._. IS 9'1t • 1/t ASL Fla JO , ... ' .,, cso pf 3.•S ? 2J'll ' .... GEICO S6 6 n nv. 'I• KyUtll 2.20 8 44 1811•.... OcclP pll.12 10 ""' . . . SMO pl 2 10 8 uv. AShp s ,eo,, S 49 q • 1 11 CSO pl nlS.2S llO 100 • 1 GEO 2• 3 168 111/t ~ W.rr<if .'4 S lS 11 + ''-Ocx:IP 1112.J:>, 6 lS:V. • '"' SMConl r2 S 11S .,. .... , ~ AmStcl 2.20 8 614 1411• • ft Combtn I., S 166 ti~'-c;.!Holl Sl 6 S. U V.-1 ..... l(.9r(lpl 1.70 .. t 17'1& + 'I• Ocx:IP pll •. 62 l '121/y s.fS1 1,44 4 1S()o1tl't• 1/, ASteril 3110 101 13'14+ ''• CrnDEn IMS m 1S ~ 1.n10 J96 ll~ l't 1<.9rrM sl.10 1 1127 lf>'t.+ ¥• OOECOs IS IAJ """ l<o 5-Qrm 1.80 • 1 .. ~ + •t. AmSlr I 7 21.l uoJ • h Comds ' .14 q 4l 17._ + Vo Ge1>51r . .SO I IA 141"+ + \lo t<aVtCn 3 10"1 • V• OiPen 1.ID A 16 d:zolt! ,,,_ SMgut 10 S8 f>'I'> + •;, ATT S S «I 6 2t2l SO~. "• CmSw n lO I A1 7"' • '"' GesSYc I .S • 3 10110 V. KaySfnt s s . . 2 19 •. OflloEd 1.74 • 2n 11"'. S.fAlr ~ 10 '1 u v. t 11o ATT Pl • 1tl1 c!SJV..+ 't• Comcll • 17101• 3'"1-v, Gtatt\1 .316 9 113 17'/t ~ Kidde s 110 o S7 21\lo + V+ 0.Edpl <.40 l'IO 21"-. s.tPw 1.4' 1 l JOl,!oo ~ ATT pl 3.f>A .SJ Jtv, .. "" CmwE 1.ID 6 ,.J 10"' + Vo Ge1c.o I 12 1 1 16'1o. . . Kid pre 4 , 1 ••lh • "" 011Ec1pl1.20 . l20 Sl S...leG .Sl 11 S21 :M • "° ATT pf J 7• .• ae JI.. CwEf)I l <jl). J1• 12 "'ciemc. .. JS Joi(;, .... KldlllC ... I• so •l 0.Eclpfl.80 I 12><., S...s 1,3' 9112• ""' 14 Amtron I~ 4 8 21~1 CwE Pl 1 7 nii.-Vo Gemln l...O. •. ' 14~+ ""' IOrrea • 7 217 .,.,.' 'I• OllEclpfl ... ' rtOO S-J\.'>-.... SecPllccl.CI 4 412011"-"' Am•sO I 00 8 l ll"" ''° CwE p1 1.17 • 201/J+ 'It GAll'lll u.. .. 20 tSV. t "e Kl>GM~ t2 IO S6 30"-+ 11, (ltlP p167.~ .. rtOO •I . • Sedco .4' s 2" tt'lt+ "-~;;:r~ 11 -~ 1 ! tl ~~v. + ~ CWE pl 1.40 t20lO Se"'•·"' GNnOll .60D 1J 581 32V. + 'h 1CoQof • I 22 7 1~ + 11, OIP p1G2.:!7 . 4 I•"" 14 ef. .60 S 70 11 V. ,... ~ • CwE pl 714 11100 43_1,... GCINn ,t\l' 40 41 t .. Kormor 32 16 67 ~+I Of'l>pfF 14. r110 9'11>-1 "t J39u2• •2 A_MPll'\ I 00 14 •S• S2"' 1 ~ Com ES 1' a 6 16 14:\o • I.\ GnO.la .. • Fiii .... · ~ l «I lO ,.. 13'/o. OldtGE 1.16 I 102 14 , • I S '7 171/J ~ V. ~mms'e1P l.60~ 1~ .~~: .,, Comwt t.JO ts m SSfo+ ~ GnOrn .n IS 1223 ~-"" KTOllllr · ,. a • 'lo OlllllG pf .IO .• v100 6\!o + '" 9-ln .10I 1 6 ~ • •4 '=m•tarh I.-4• 1,6 11:;" ..... 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PetStl s .J:2 7 117 10\\ SClilEd J.24 '185~419-..,,, YetlSe l.28a 2 t•..-.... ':':::1011 •• ::::<1•0 -• 2•v6;:~ ,., 9~ 1.~ 86?SI01 ?~!!.• __ '_11Gert>Pd2CW 6 J6 28'4 "' Umltdn .2813 "91"11 +"' P9CT1n .4013 • 11'\ ... ScaAttCol.'2 6 116 12•111-•..-Vllcom JDIA ,.., 10""'-'"' ~~· , -~ ~ , " ...,.,_,,.. .N .,..,. Grrt6C 12 ll 13 6¥1 • • UncNt J 6 114 ll"'° '4 PalntW ·'° 20 UI U V. SHETol 4.56 6 AO 42"' .. ""' Va£Pw UO 6 0 12 -'"' AshtO plA SO 1 ll .. • 11• Cool<Un .Olr 12S JV>+ l'o Getty 2,60 5 lll SO~ "e Utton 1.MI s "7S AJ'lt + ~ Aon.AB n .S4 I 11 14"' • "' Sa.I"-< l .MI • 21S JO""+ \lo VeEP l)fl.e I Sl\4 + l'I• AshlO pll '16 l l2 .,. CDQllr 1.$2 l73 27 • '" GeGl!!_YPI 1.20 •SI I? ..... ~ l...ocl<hd SIO 51""-.,, PwWT1 . 112' l'I\ .... ~ 1.5' 6 2 16 -..... 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IS '"' + "· LIL plU • ZS 12 26'1+ ~He~ s .. 7 ,. 16 + .,, 5'o9lll s I 20 6 •7 2•~. 'I• -w--AllRc pl J./S tll:> J0'1• ComG 2 J:2 11 107 '6V> + 'I• GIObM• 2A 4 l06S ll'll 'II UL plT 3'31 10 20>4, "' l'ltn.Pn .S213 l:>1 11'1'1+ "' s..tFo,-. .ISi ll n 91/, WICOR 2.14 S OJ ll"' All Re pl 2.IO 1 94 ••• ,. C«'Blk 1.76 10 • 20•;, + .,, ~~~ ·°' 7 1n 2!"" Lil plP 2.AJ ? 1S... .,, Parvt' I 7 1,1~ ·~"' 14 WO. I 16 I 16 9 -.,, Yolobll ,.. so l10 31 • 'It AllA\Cp 1 33 tJ -.,, CO.tel I ?1 '° :i.t•n ~~kh I ~ 6 IS I .. ,,. ..... LIL pf() 2 ,, • 1 t71/1-'" Pmtl'\rl IA 1 S" + ' SwEn< n . .$2 10 S6 12 . . 'Mtctlov I 2' 6 .JJ 2H). Vt A1>9.al l2 17 JI 2S'll• '" Coa8d s .29 12 •24ll 2S'h >\ ~ ,., t..ongOr 1 04 tO ISl JO + "" Paoyll>I 4A 8 41 I ~ \ WPS 1.SO 8 11 13"" • '"' V.Cl<M 4Ab 10 J 1311> • '" Auto01 IO IS sos 14'1· •• ,. Craig 22 IS 6'~ + .,.. Gdreh plJ 12 1 13 "' Loral "n IS 233 J3¥, •• ,, PayCsh n.20 IS 14" 2314 Sciwtn 60 1 '3 II~+ ,,.. V.lllOC .. . 1117 •• ,, 'I+ Avco(.p I ?O s ,,. tS\1 .... 0--1 . .0. s 17 12'1> •.. ~YT. I.~ 1611~ ~;,,, LaCienl ,.:.i, 8 I II Pleebclv .164W ... S•h ..... 5cJKIP IOI ,. p v. + ~ llll!Mlrt .JO 20 lb' S2 .,.,.. AVCO"' ) 10 ti 31 -I O'a~Rs 17 291 24 -......... Cl.I . -UL.end I.ID tO 137 21'h ... PMvv n 1.1010 10 ?6 + •r. Scior'rr 1.92 4 114' 22~ "" WMrtpl . I JO". 4'Vrw!I lb II SS9 .... ,. .... O lton s 8 n •11 . "" Gould 1.n • 4111 llV. 'I• LaPJt lab.JI ISJ ••'Ill+ .,, PtnClo .02• 1 2•1 S"--... Sp>lnsp l.l& s 2 ?SV.. . V.t~n s I ' 60 29'1'J . If+ AvO<I l I 903 21'-• 111 0-0CllN 2 «I 7 SI 2'1/t •;, Gould pf1,3S I 21¥. Lo.rvGs 2.22 7 1J1• II'\+ v. P\!nOI S 6 177 26'1>. Sqwrt> 1.IM I IU 2S -Ye WllHRs111.J2 . 13S 13 , v, AXI• It< 6 I 17~ '" (llT'C>l(n 1.0A 6 • 1114 • V• Gl'ace 2 ~ 4 S06 34... "e 1..owt .. tl.WO S JO 260/t -"e ~ prS.21 t••IA'l'>O o,, ~ 1.1114 IU 3S + ~ V.IC:Sv 66 IO 1 ~ .... Aydin IS 161 26'h '-Ownek 6 1S 23V. ..... ~~ngrl v I 16 .'. l!~ 1n~ t '.';': ~ s .. 16 16 1S ' .... 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Pw!IEI ,10 IJ 708 11¥• '4 SlerNtt la 7 • 71-., + ~ ._,.., .,. ~ B•ndtQ 'IO • s 2311,. 14 OMG •S 2'"' Gl'um pf7,IO , 19Y,-"' MlcmU .so 12 1SS 12"-+ "' Pl"n-4ell l.40e 7 •IA IO'lt. ~ 1.209 • II ..... . • . 'MllsF I t2 ' .. 7 XIE+ ..... BB~:.'.llp 1'.8020 h' .. , !!~ + ·-~~RI~ 1.1011 • ~ 161!!.· '" Gurlnll .J& 7 ' ll>\. ,,.. Mtm Pl 1.20 . l 10\>i + '" Pelrle' l.«110 15J n -'" 5'lllfOI , ...... ' m 1114 • . . . ....IFM l .IO • 11 1IV. "' ~"'" ' ~... Y1 ...... • -YO .,.. GllWJI 11 ' ocMslwJ4. ,,. Miiey_ s I IO SJ )7 ..... Pelr1n .so 1 n ,.,,.. . . SltrcN ,76 I 1J ""'. .... 'Mnd';J .• 11 f21 16'1'> ~ Vt BkolVa 1.16 6 •t2 ISi/a ''• OtnlCp I,~ ' 293 26>\ "' GllW Pl S.7S I Sl .. MlsFd 1.25-.. 3\1 11 .. • Ptl'-•. l~ '. " 26\.'> .... ..,...... .72 6 1 7>4-v. 'Mii s ' ,. 16 ..... BnllAm 1.Sl s si. I~+ .,.. o.n1e1 .lib 6 3 12'1' 1/t GUllOh 2.IO 12075 27\0r .. ,.. MlatO .. ., l8 10..,.+ Vt Pfl-.... 1810. 56 -... Slt<t7' 1,0810 .,, 12V.-\\ WIPtP1 l.IO 6 :M ,,~. "' Bank Tr 2.0S • 1890 17 C.rtK113.~ 8 Ss.6 S2'\+ 1.4 Gu11R• .. 221> 14 -1v, MilfonH 1.40 10 18 29W •.... l'htllpO AOSI 213 1214 + \II s-..f' UD •. 6 1'"1t-~ W!Alt1T91~ S 9'" H Banner 11 10 S 7,..+ ~ 0.teGn 9 379 27 'h GllSIVI 1.S6 SIU. llT OH N'QIAll 12 l()p 1 l'loO ... PlllDro ,... l 6'8 2l ,,_ • ... SIW'#' t t ... 4 1 :121/'J + V• -lrL . 716 6 .. ·,,.. Barc!CR 48 IS 1009 35.\\~ Yt C.tTer . 8S 7•;, • '.\ GllSU Pfrm40 lie lswhllq .. Mlrllln .30b S s? 14'1& 'It PlllltEJ 2 & 3SI IJ'rt. · 5'0llVC IM 7 •7 ~-I/\ wi.1r pl . 6~ IS \II Blrr>Gi> ~ 102 • 131/., '"' 0.tpnt 21 S70 12 "' --I>!--Mll'ltlU 32 6 2t 6""'-'It PNtE pl l., rllOO 2J:W.-'°" E¥ I t100 ti -V. ~ 14 • xlUI 9 1 1,-. Barnet 1.08 7 • 20'11 '• C.~o Sit 11 • 8'1&!. '!.. HMW IS 10 .... " MlnO • :36 • 2J ll"e + ~ PllltE pl 4.30 .• J220 21 • I ,fMla j 16 37\.'> • . WPtect s 12 SI"'+ ... B.,nl pl 2 18 . 13 lS Otvt'!d SI IO 11 182 36''-HAT '° I 17 9V.. '" MlrHen 2.92 • m 28 .... PllllE pit 1 • 170 42\111 "" .~ 7 SJ """-.,.. ~ton 1 . .0 I J09 w9l'I + .. !UB•',Y"!: 1~1 •• JO,, u.~. v. ~!!PFLnl •. ~76 ! ISi. 2u3••. 'lo Hee kW 1A 10 l u -"' Mln\1111 .IO 12 178 IOX + l\ PNIE PU.IS . 1200 SA\11-'h ~ 1.e • Ml lO • v. WUn dPll.11 . . • ,,,.._ 'lo R.. • · .... _, ' " HallFB 1 70 9 211 l'"' + ~ Mll'llll pfS,40 . 73 27~. PllllE pl 7.15 . z10 471/J-y, ~ I 1'20 22""-\lo v.vTI pf 2.S6 .. 2 11,,_, .. , BauKh I S617 l8 _, .. + It, Ottn 2 12 546 l7Y, • 'I• H1lbln I.~ S 1991 291h IMPCO 1.IO ' 214 28V. ..... PllllE pfl7,13 . t•200 ICXJ •2:W. 9'l>rw .72 U 1 .. ~ . WJ~E 1,IO S :145J 2S~-"' BuTr s ..... 651 JS ~ OttmP I.SI 7 S1 141/.. HamrP I.II s l6 n~ "' Mlrca n • 77 l V..... PtlilE pl I.ID. r2SOCHt~ + 1'111 SlrldRlt 1,34 .. so 1Slll. 14 Wrstvc 1.20 6 A2s1' .. BayFln 36 S. IV• C.llM' 1J:>1657 J.t:W... H•nJS 1.47•. J:> 11 . MlrMld 1,25 4 61 17.\lo + •t. PllllE pH.7S .. 110 47 -.... so-511 .30 S ._.. ~. W -~I.JO 14 M 23\\ ,,,_ B•ySIG 2.Jl 6 l "''• OtllGna 8 14 7Yt •• ,, HanJI I..... •• 1--. ..... Marton M 3l as JOI/ •• v. AlllSull 1.20 I 111 10 ~G 1.6(11) • •s 2~.1-. W.Yf'pf 2.IO .. 2 Jl'h+ "- BB!•.•,Flnv l.J. 67 ~s' llal•~ •· ;~ i?.·-~11' 1.·~ 10, '171' 21471/t. "'. Hnclll'l'UI I • 1Sl 13 ... . Ml111C .32 .s 37 81/J •• ,. PllltMr 1.40 9 ll'NI Sl •• ,, Wlelr .:a .. 121 7 -v. -~pr 4.~ 18 .. ,,.,_ v. s 'd ~ ,., •• •• ..,.,...,. -HandH 60 9 33 12'\, Mlr11 pl 110 .. 3 ll"'• V. Plllllnll .'8 9 16 I~-'h Sunllk n 1 7 l 17~ ••••• Wl•IF 1 . ., 6 J06 29 +I Butl)f l .ll 10 JS~ Ito Olrw>yss .M11 167 2S -'I+ Hannt 2 1 1J1 n>i1>-~ MltTlol .J:>IOIOOI 3'\\•I Alllflltt ,,20 i 2405 ~+II/\ ~ .• S 20 17~• ... VttM4Fpf4.12 .. SO lJ'll + 14 Be<tnO 110 ti 290 J9Yo '" Olnllply .• 'N 68 23'h. H•rBrJ I S 39 13i,, • 'It W..Jltl#o 2,20 10 134 3l,,., + 11+ Pllll\M .Ml S S U""-V. §urEI , 1'1 .. 1' • -14 'lllhllPlt 4 S 13 .. -Vt 60k•r •I Sii) + V. Ol5oto I. 12 8 10 1411> • 'I• H1rtnd 6? 12 24 20V.-~ MlrtM sl,92 S 140 wA"" • ~ P I t d A v I m 2 I ~ UO • 113 3--\It W'tirtpl 1,60 • 446 JO'IO-:W. BelcoPI .60b 4 60 20'l-l• v. OtlEcl 1.611 6 1080 II~• 1/t Harntsll .20I n I« 7V. • •t. Meryl( .2014 lll ,.,,, • "' 7 J 2 t S V. t.. \.'> pf 2.2S .. 2 .. ~. Vt WlllC UO I 2 2011-V. BotclnH .36 8 I 6'1• . OllE"' 7.•s •A.JO ~ .. • H•rrBk 2 l6 • s 14 + v. Ml Olp • • l3 ~ + ... PleHG 1.• ~ 6 16~-.,, Ir 1.IO s t4 16 + 11'< IMlllN. n IS7 """ •'"" BtlH-... 7 .. t•-14 C.IE pf 7,l6 uoo •SV.-'Ito HlrrlJ •• 'lt8 , ....... ~ Miko .7 •• 1'9 J1"'. IV. Pier l 6 40 • ..,,, • ~ .. 214 ~ ..... 'fll!Htult l.tO s » 2J"-.... Bell Ind .14 8 JI 1sv, .... OE pl8 2.7S I ...... . . . H41tKO l 20 6 I ""•. .... Mll(lftlt 1.32 • n 19'.t.. I/+ PUsbry 2.24 I 492 ... .. "" 5 22 11 SIA + 14 wi1111m 1.20 7 73lslN-Vt BtlCd II 1,96 l6 l•Tf•. "' OE pr\. ' II 2'"" . HartSM 1.74 ' IS 101/e MISM l,76e 8 1• IH't .••. Aoneor I • 441 ", •I V1 ••• 10 lr6 17\.'>-"' IM lflE n.10t • '74 1S\.'> + 14 Bemis I~ 6 I 161to-Vo OE plK 4.ll 26 1514-Ve HartH .90 9 103 ZlY>, 'I'> lle""iF • 7'9 Wo Plt"VB I.to 8 314 31,._ · · .. · , I .20 I• 2S2t. t9Vt + ~ IMltflrO .~I 11 tt 111>-Vt Bendl• 3.ll S 66 '7'/t "e OltE pr 2.19 . ' 14'1•. • H•llS. t 10a • 1 11~ l't MIJ(p 2 '6 8 17'4 . Pltn&pl 2.12 41 JI"'-'"' =G .6' • .0 wA'-+ v. WnClc 2 1• 9 100 J7 t Ye Ben<fx 1114.0ol 2' <OVo+ "' Olxttr 1.10 8 818 22 -'I• HwttEI i.IM 7 7 ?6V•+ V+ Maslnc 1,32 . lit 'l<o+ 11, Pltt•n l.lll 14 711 lSE-\lo .. 1'4 J•t..... IMMl)Q 14 11•t 6.\re+ \\ lllnatB s IU 31't. DGlor '"" 7 ,. ''" + .,.. H•yHA }1 ,,,, .... MIUUE .J&r ' 219 '° 11/) Plll'IRIC IS •s 6V...... s... 111 •• 12 .... WrCerJ .121 . l 3'ti .... lari'ay ., 40 • • DatCI> 1«I13 ' S2 Hecks 14 80 ,,,, , v. Mttttt 30 • n6 I~. . Plll'llm It 12 JS 11 • S'/Won 1.0I t '° 17~ ••. WtEP 2.'1 6 104 JO\lo v. BtlstPll .12 7 2193 141"-1 Dain! 2.20 17 71 19''1 'I+ He<taM '267 1111 ••• ,, Mltlf""' 406 12'4 -" PtrtbOY .12 us l .. 'I'> 5-tllrn pf2,AO • • • 30Vt-E WsE Pl '·'° . . 110 .. . . '. 8'lll5l1 1.60 1 Ml ....... DamS 1.1• 11 621 11'11.-... Helt""' n 86 lS + "" #4111 pf l.'° 122 36'"' "' """""' I 7 110 2 ""• "" S\lftlft• l.w010 1121 31 -II) WacF'L 2.16 • JI ,,~' ·~ ~Thf'SL, .n .7 1~ •37'11 •• ~ o~, d ., 196 ?~~ '311:~ + 1,L H•tnr s I 4' llS l3V. + .... ~y05 1 ., 7 H 17\.'>. I/, l'l:QDP'd .60 I IS ,,.,.. • 'I\ Sytco ' • ,. '15'M\oi ...... WllCl'S I" I 21 19E .. ""' , n Dg !al 4..,. '" ~ Heinz pl I 70 1 .., +I Mly_., 2a 11 340 ll'I•, :\0 Alferk! 125 m It -"" -T-T -~lco a.IO S sl 21EO 14 11«!10 .76 10 lu.I U•t. v. Dflno n .70b s '20 I~ •• ,, H•ttnC s 16 1)1,._ "' Mci>°m I IO • ~ 18'1"-.,, Pl'lclros Cl 9 ll>S .,,... .,.. TOI< n .tot :16 SA Jt•t. . v.bll/W •.• 6 ,. 12~ + .. llkHPwl.«> 6 1 1~-\lo Dllon llOD a •6 21\<o• '• Hel•tnt 11011 JO""' Mterp1120 1•3 1•~~..., ~Tai ll022 '11 · TECJJ 1.a 61an 11\\-11\ ~Pl 411 11 49 22'4-Yt tllelrJn 1 • " 33"4. v. Cisney 110 18 l&JI S7'" ,,, HetmP 1.8 6 711 ""'' ~ MtCr pl 1'60 1 11v.. f'llrtec .IO • ,,., ,..,. E TRE I 1S 41 "'"' + .,, v.blwlh I.ID • 2" 11~~ "" llldlH~ 1.92 11 123 29.\Q 't. c;lvrsln . st 2V> . Hemca 6S A t •1t McOnlCI 1 ·20 ii IW llV.-Vt Pl>rtGll! I 11 • IOI lw!'. · · · TRW 2.M> t I .. 4'14 +I W'ldN SI 2'1'-"' llull 1,., 7 91 2~ . DrPepp 80 • 13' t2E • '"' Htrcuts t 31 1 219 llE V. McllllO i?A I 631 J6 , 'I& PlotGP' 2.60 1 It~+ 'It TRWpl 4.CI 1 Ult +Ill) WIQ!y 11..-t tl 32'/• + V. ~ 11 •• ~ •7 1!!7s 21~1v -. :~ OoOo~n•tll ... 10. l6016 1~'~+0 ~ Herl1C." 26 •S ev .... MtOEd '2 4 as 2•~ v. PorG~A.40 • 21 27"'-'lt Teclbet • • 6 17:\to+C'I+ 'flNfll:ir 12 3'1> ..... 8cl.C "' --.,. d • ~ ~ Hershy I 'IO 7 • " .... McGtH 1 au 11S S2~· '"' Altllc IA! 7 n 22 • "" TllftBrd .t2 • 27 :iov. •I wyleL.b c 101 . 2S sx -,,.. ~ l .'ll • 31' JJl'l-..,,, Oonw 20 I ISS ~ + 1/) Htulon .20 . I ·~. ..... Mein! II • • 191111. '" Aitltll 11112... ' T .. toy • . • ..., •• "' Vfyly 71 ll '"" • "" BDf9W "«! 7 1IS WY•+ \\ Oonnty I 42 10 •1 41'11.. "· ti 1 • 3/A ll "' Mele 1•1 • ,.. HV. .. r7SOO ..,,,.._Woo Tell.-y pl I u 71'-+ .... ~ to s u 13V. • 'h llOrirfls ' . . 7t 11 AV.• ..,,, Dorsey 1 I • ~ + '4 :!:"~p11 2, 16 21,, U\lt; .,., McNtr.' · tO ;, 1 12,,.' · ~El 1.6' 1 IS 1SV.-"" TafOY 1.i 21•1 u.,...-II\ .:...x-v~- =dilf i:: • .• ~~ ~~· -~ g::,•c,,s "~ i.J~~v·.-.~ ~rF~~ ·;·~ .t; 1~~ ~ ::,.. ~J 4!~ :~~:i~ ~~':!hi 11~ n~~ a ~" .• '~ t! 1~:_;,; ~·i: .1 ~ '0: m~-; ~ 'it 1.At • . 2 10 , . • OowJon I.~ 11 '48 '°"' + \I+ u lVolt IS 10 .. 7•--14 .__,n ... t• ~1 u47'i'o + v. ~ .lO S 'Ill 2t .._ • Tdlclr .72 • t ~ + 1111 ~ 1.lll • 13 20 • "" .... _ 0 1-1S 1'· 0 7 JI 10" " •• :,w;:vwll~ r0"2• s ~-_ ... _ '"· """'" 112.40 • " 4... II) r-m· I,. 10 ... _ w • .72 • 12• I .... -... Br 1.-I "" • '" r•vo I -· HllnDd s .ID I 1 24" • Mo ,... • ...,.. (: Prime( IS •7t 20'1t-\\ r=.!-" < • 11 ti\ . .,_,_ .4Db 10 a1S J.Si; + jz Br 2.IO 12 "25 S6""-I-Orur .IO S ta 1--"'-Hiiton !.IO I 1lt 3e -.... MllM tt 1.04 9 411'o + •• Pl'tmMt .S> l2 12 20V; • "' T~._::. , 173 --ll'l ..., llrlll't Ute • 13. 1011>. "" or .. B 2 .. 1 ,~ '4 Hllach n 12 ISi ,..,, -11111 MtrtSI I 1 St 6S • "' A>octG 4.:IO ' J07 13v. -..... y::"..!"-.. JS• • -"" ~tr\R '° '° 1)0 11"". x ~ d&~ f:x\ mt .. ~ ~;::.-:-·:: :,~ ~~: ¥; HOU"ty ·~ 1T ·:.; }~~:,·111 =~=M ~·~,~ ~ J~ ···~ A"dlbh .32 •• s 1-... r=<o LM> s 121, ,, ... .,, ~tsn 1'~ 1 21 J3~;:: llllYUG 1.70 ~ I• iA!,1. < Yt duPnt 111•·'° . ' le · · · ~~pit.I;. JO 111, • \la Mlrdlh 1.IO 7 67 St + 'h ~ 1., 11 ~ :;~·.. 1----------------------t 8'#1511 ''° S6 " ,,,,.._ ltl Ou~•P 2.20 1 ... 21 . . . . Homtlk «I " 4'S 1,_.._ "' ,.,.i I 21 • "° 2614 --P5¥Qll 1.7 7 ' 11W1GC11.76 • 1 .. l3 .,~ 0uui1fus 1 1µ..1-. Hol'tCI• ,.. • 1 ~ 11+ Mt .. ·ao tJ034" --. I"° 1·1• • 261 ,, .. +.,.. ~~ l.J 10, ~. ~>'~ -. ~ ~~: = ?:: ZS: ::~:-~ =~ t: t IO~ m::: ~ = l:it 6 ~~ 1::t: :: l~l't~ ?1'.:i: ,' ~O n.17;-; .~E __.... ., ,.,. .,,, Dulle p1 1.21 . 170 S• -I u-•-1 ~ • t 1411.•. ._... 21 ~ "' • • · · .,... .....-. ky& ,.:.!! ! '°51 121~ + ~ 0ufl8r l .7• IS 1(17 MV.-1 Ho~•,r,.::;. <~ 12' •7 IOV. ::'.'!1m1 • 14 J1 UO .:._ •11 In ilf ;· • MO 62" · · · ~ -, .,. ~ Ouc!Lt '·'° • .s •:av. . . .. "°,.;Q; ·-; 12 ..,., :io ;,:lie DfHln "° " • 1 $.,.. .. 11 s 12 uv.-"" lll.f'illrH 2.16 . ..S 1t'/H ~ O\l<lpr UI 1l00 1S Holelln 2 t 4 """• .,.. Mteio ;; 42 >•+ I/\ ~!!llf~~:s .. ~ .!..~:.:·\4, airtll!d l.S2 S 411 1'~-" Oy~oPI U I 12 17\oi..... .._M 1.IO • ~ U -Ito ,,_,.., lift, 1' .. 7 11 .. .. ,. 2 6 70 •1,• "' 811111th UIA I 4'tj 42~< .... OynAm .IS I J .... 0 I/\ Hov,"11 .~ t * IS,,._ ..... =•I 1•! 1 .. 11~" • • WO ".""' t ... m~: ~ a-tlll pf 2.,, .. 7 l' -" -E-a -Ho111tm U} ... ,. It + "' ~ l J 117 JOI/; .. .. .... -•• llurnd t .• 7 ,. ''"•~EGOS nun. l••At-V. Holl'tlllU7 . JC21Mll4•1 1: )1Mt 12~.... ~l~ ..J ~··.1· .....,,.,, t.60 • S.. ~ 1<t E Sys s 40 tt 1" JO~+ 'II HOlnt P4 2.SI • alt • + 'It 1 AO f 6$4 If~+ t.; "' .-• ' O ,,...... , llUttft _ C-C 2~ ~ V. EegteP .. I 1' I~ Holnt Pl 1.tl J14 ·~ + 1 t g 26 .12'6-'"° l"JLG pflU4 • t I.,.,... .... !Ind I.GI 7 20 JHe+ Ito E11co 1.:0 S l l!Mlt-"" HOlllnd 2-1' • JOSi t•'lt , M ltlrd l.)I) • '! 111.~ + V. Rl8 ~:ll l ::~; ~ i.IO • llO H~ • l\'-EtstAlr 14' ~..... "°""f 1.1' I Ill JO"'-\.Or Mll!!'QI t. 16 , • .,. "... l"SaG pf7 ID tJOO -S4 2 ) Ill ll"t ~:li,~t.. . 1 1~ ... • .. l't =II y 1.'~ i ~ 'tr;: ~ =-~~ t;JO : 'tt n~-; ~ f'SEI cAOI . : 1100 S-4 ~· gS!~A n1.• • 1"°4 l<tl't •• • ~ &utr pr-uo c " t.ao v. HolWPl ,,., e ,.. ft: ~ I' ' • n -• .,. "'"' .. "'° • ' (jU.pf 1.7S • 1: 3w. + 'It EttlG# 1,'9 1 t• 17-i,t Hubllf1:t ~ I alt I \It >' j M M ti ~ II llr lh-+ V. a.A: I IO I 1'0 =17;:• :n IHIUU 1.IO t i) 121/\+"" HllCIMg .10 .. 40 I~ Ito Ml '111 4 ll 121/\+ V. P.11 I II 11 O Wt m I J ~ 1,. ,,10 'i ll1n ! ;; E11Cod at to mt ne.+ v. Hllflv , 1 '° 12'-... ,, Mil 1ru1 . t !1"-v. 1"115~ ;'..,, s ~r 12;_ "' ,...1 2,~. ~ \\+ 111 Et• 1,77 I 11• t•" H\IOllTI ... •1114 ~~ ~ ou,tl .. J P'h. ·~ ~ ~10 ti~-'.'\ 1 • ~ , .. Eclllln .»u 211 1 -v. Hurnert1 .M11t1°'2 14'-• l't M n .,IMl 16....,_ IW 1 , 11,~-.. • • •• IOrd• ·". tH 1 ...... H11ntOI 4012 Ti ,~ • .,.. =ir 1 .,,.., »~· ~all• ,oa. 1 M··: v; CAllll .: ,· t" J ~ l% Ecllt~ 1"'4 • IS# ~. • • , "11Ul!l'f .i I i..-\II ,H ~ S7 2"" + V. ro , S ·~ + \\ c-,,M ..,.: "> EclW,.. .. ~ 1 110 ''°" • ._ Mvo,. 1_.1• ,• • '-tn-. , · 1 .20. 113 ~ + 14 = 11 • ~ •1.,. • '4 • ...... 1.• • tOt 11 -"' --. :MO 114 ~ • • I .ttf1 "•"' 1PGp1 au '2.--. 1c1nc1 1.•' ~ :· v. ft• j°"1•" · 'E-111 ~.,~; ~ 1:·~ 1~ -~~ 1 i'.:~ :~;; ;ui ·~if.Es.. 11.f!j 11!~: ~ .. NI· ~~I~',:;: 0 t.tO ' M l4 lltotn IAO J • ~O _, IN!lor .... 1 ,. ft -"' • l • \\ ~ .tO • ** tllli + " "'f111.1t~ .. Ji r .. '4 irilrtl!I j 10 '11 .. Iii l4'1tl 1,70 ' 1J i• ' 16 Sf i • + lit Jiil 4 • < ~"'+ 11111 .. . nth " llad I "' d -"' .... , • • t .. IA .. .. • v. Jiil l 11 .. •?t 1!... + ... "~" "'"'" IOtt ''° '""o"" 11~.J:-:.~.~ ~....... 't·t JI t~l/t ... i. M..r'\71 '6 ,;o ·~~ Glass plant to close LATHROP (AP) -A Libbey- Owena-Ford glass plant In San Joaquin County will ausyend manufacturlng July l because o poor sales and h.lgh inventory, a <.'Olllpany spokesman said. The dedai:on to shut a glua.-meltlng furnace will mean th~ layoff of 170 workers, said spokeam ' RJcbard Rump. The tndetl.nit.e 1hutdown will leave 4~ plant employee. to handle cutting, ~ a.nd ah.lpping operations for inventory ~ot. Ruriip Mid \ H/F Much insulation work 'faulty' SAN 01000 (AP) -Nearly half the home insulation · pro)ecui ftnant'l.-'Ci by San Diego Caa & Electric Co. end up being rejected by the utility because of faulty workmanship, oompany ofCldalll said. $in£,-e Jan. 1, a team of SOG&E i.tisp«t0rs has reviewed 7,000 energy <:'Onservation projects IJ\ the San Diego area financed at low interest rates by company loans. Larry Baebler, an SDG&E executive in charge of the inspection program, said reje(·tion notit-es were sent to many of the 75 C.'Ont.ractors in the rounty re<.'Ognized by the util.lly ut\der a series oC energy savings plans it finances with 8 percent loans, mostly through Bank of America. Fluor links firms The Fluor Corp. of Irvine announced that its Fluor Engineera & Constructors Inc. subsidiary wiU become a new company. Fluor Engineers lnc. The company will consist of aJl t'ngineering units withfo the Fluor Corp. except for the engineering functions of Daniel Construction Co. The move unites 15 offit-es with more than 15.000 employees under one reporting organization. These d1vis1ons are located ve>rldwide. Smith earnings drop Smith lntemational lnc. of Newport Beach said earnings for the second quart.er are likely to be 15-20 pert'ellt below the second quarter of 1981. Sales are expected to be approximately equaJ t.o the period a year ago. For the full year, earnings are like I y to be l 0-15 percent below those of 1981, officials said due to reduced drilling activity. Cal Fed to buy Brentwood S&L Special to the D'aily Pilot LOS ANGELES -California Federal Savings & Loan Association has signed a definitive agreement to acquire, subjed to regulatory approvaJ and certain conditions, 100 pert'ent of the First Brentwood Corp. and its principal operating unit, Brentwood Savings & Loan Association, from Jim Walter Corp., headquartered in Tampa, Fla. Brentwood Savings has 36 offices m Southern California. The agreement calls for CaJ Fed to issue $44 million of mutual capital certificates to Jim Walter Corp .. and rould make Cat Fed the third largest S&L In the nation. New-car sales off DETROIT (AP) -The long-awaited recovery in lhe U.S. auto industry stumbled in mid-June as new car sales at the five major domestic automakers dropped 22.4 percent from the period a year earlier6 the companies reported, The five automakers sold 118,095 cars in the June 11-20 period compared with 171 ,196 in the period last year . Donald DeScen za, auto industry analyst at Donaldson. Lufkin & Jenrette in New York, attributed the drop Wednesday to consumers' expec tations that new incentives would be implemented. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES HEW YORK IAP>· S.lfl, • p,m . P<IClO' •nd net C""'1Qe ol lhe """" ITICKI •llw N•w YOl'k Sloc:k E~ChanQt is-., g,~~!'fv~11ona11v ":..'W.~'"•"s:.~ .., Purol•I<>< \ 96•,'C)O 3JI/) I IBM Ul,ICJD 61..... +II/• s ... 1.i:e1nc1 m .ooo 1•1'1 ... Amer Tl.T 701,100 St + 1<o WSICoNA 100,IOO ... • Ill 6-n MolCJr1 "47.JOO ott~ • ..,,, s-rOlt "41,:ZOO -•1"' Chrysler IC?,200 iv. "e Mua"'"4rl ,.,..00 ,.... • ..,,, Clttcorp "9.IOO UV+ • l<o EHlnAlrL S3S,IOO SI'> "' K mart ol99.IOO 11"' • "' Hewtet1Pll • 466,MIO 43'1t , "' llCA 4S1,IOO 17"-+I AMERICAN LEADERS GOLD COINS Ptt. Up 13.2 Up 13.0 Up 13.0 Up 130 Up IJ.S VO 11,t Up 11 I Up 10,• Up 10• Up 10,A UD 10.0 ~= u VP t .7 Up •.S Up f.5 Up t,• Up t ,2 Uo •1 Pct. Off 11.7 °" 10.s OH t.4 Off '·' Off u Off 7.S a 7.• 6.7 u ()If •• 1 Off 6.0 Of! '·' Off S.A Off u Off S.J Ofl u °" s.t on s.1 °" S.I NEW YOAt< (API -Prlcu latt WednelOey ot told tolnl. ~with ~·1cwtoe. IC............ 1 troy oz.. 1324.00, up SUS. .. ~ ..... 1 lf'OV oc.. '3:t4.00, up up~-...... Utr0yoa,, W4 H. ......... M '""' .NOa troy oz .. *301.11, up SUI 80llrOI: DMll·,,.,.. NEWYOfll(IAPJ FIN I Oowa.Jone\ •"9' •or 'Wed , J.., U STOCIC~ 0.-.. Hlel\ Lew CleM 0., JO Ind !IOI IS it~ lS MS I• 81) t7 , IJ St 10 Ttn lot Q8 Jll 11 J06 oS Jl6.JO. I "7 lS Ull IOI> IJ 10. 13 tOS '1 106 13-O t7 ts Slk l tO O Jl6 08 Joe ?8 JIS 00 • S J'1 lll<lu• •.Ito, 100 T r•n J,020,«IO Ullh 172,IOO 6S Siil l ,U3.JOO WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK ZAPI Jun 23 Aclv•ncfd C>ecll....:t UnchallQe<I TOl•I IUUPS l>let llllJllS Nrw tOW'\ Tod;tv 103& ,,. 41] 187) 2] u NEW YOllK CAPJ Jun 1:1 Aclvanc..O C>ectt'*' Untlla._t Talat tuun ,.. ... lllQM ... ~ .. ,~ METALS Todty ,.. , .. 123 78S 11 13 ""*" <Ny 821 Sl3 .... 111S1 ll 100 NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonr.ttous metal prloel today· Cctppllf 65·72 oents • pound, u.s dHll11allon1. lb LMd 24-27 centt 1 pound. Zinc 3S·37 cen1s • Po<.md, Ootlll9<'9d Tin $6.0993 M•lal• WMll composite Al11mln11m 75-71 Clent1 •pound, NV Mel'CIUry $370.00 pe< 111$1<. 1'11tln11m S249 00 lroy oz • N Y SILVER Handy & Harmen, S5.2 10 per troy ounc.. GOLD QUOTATIONS London! mor11ln11 ll•tng U Oll 76. up s~.75. LOf\dOfl: tllllrnoon ll•lnQ; 13 t0.2S, up S6 25, llJMh: •n.<noon bing: '307.64, up $7 M. FfMlllWt! *31a.oo. us:i se 03. Zwtolti lalt fixing 131100.110 h 50 tlfO. 1311.60 .. ltoel H•ndr a """''"' (only dtlly quotol '310.25, up H 26. 1""9111...., (only dl!ly QUOIO) 1310.n , '"" sua ,......,.,.. (on!) dajly QUOl•l l'tbrfOalell 132U6, up M !it SYMBOLS ' I DlllJ Piiat THURSDAY, JUNE 2•. 1982 H/F COMICS CS ClASSlf If Dee An unlikely hero Wilfong sparks Angel s; K C n ext By CURT SEEDE N O(ttie Dellr l'llol 11•" You didn't hear anyone chantin~ "Wllfoni, Wilfong," Wednesday night at Arulheim Stadium. Rather. 1t was the customary "Reggie, Heggie," which brought out one Reggie Jackson for a tip or the cap after he had just hammered a Doc Medich pit.ch into the r ight field seats in the seventh inning as the Angels S<.'Ored a 5-3 victory over the Texas Rangers before 25,207 fans. Most of those fans had to dig through their trusty programs to find Wilfong. At the same time, Wilfong was digging through , the cobwebs near his dres.smg cubicle in the Angel clubhouse m search of a glove and a bat Manager Gene Mauch asked Wilfong 1f he knew where se<..'Ond base was, to which Wilfong eloquently responded, "Yeah." He also proved he could still hit the ball. By the time the night was over. Wilfong, nicknamed one of the "Pine Brothers" along with another rarely used tnfielder Mick Kelleher, had a triple, two singles and scored two runs while filling in for Bobby Grich. Wilfong came into the game with an average of 157 (.125 as an Angel) and when tllin2s were wrapped up. he was batting .183 and ready to spend another ;m days on the bench waiting for Grich to tire agam. "It's just nice to contribute. I think rn assume the same role I had again," Wilfong admitted afterward. That means he'll be back on the bench tonight when the Angels open their important four-game series with the mvading Kansas City Royals. Wilfong was the other guy an the May 11 deal that brought the celebrated Doug Corbett to thc Angels m ~xt·hange for Tom Brunansky and two minor leaguers He had been to bat JUSt eight tunes s1nc.-e ')Otnmg the Angels and had one hit to his credit brior to Wednesday night's game. Ironically, on a night Wilfong performed admirably in his surprise starting role, his ex-Twin teammate showed signs of returning to form, too Corbett was beckoned by Mauch in the eighth inning after starter Ken Forsch yielded a home run On TV tonight channel 5 at 7:30 to Buddy Bell and rehcver Andy Hassler gave up a shot to Dave Hostetler, trimming an Angel 5-1 lead to 5-3. Corbett managed lo get the ftnal four outs to earn his eighth save of the year and fifth as an Angel. It was~ bag turnaround from his last few outangs in which he was unable to hold leads. The reason for the improvement Wednesday night was the elimination of a flaw in his delivery, he admitted afterward. "(Pitching coach) Tom Morgan spotted 1t Rather than going straight at the hJtter. I was opening up with my stride. I was losing velocity because I was just slinging the ball," Corbett said. "My pioch was still stnk.ing, but it had a hump in it. Actually. there was only one game that drove me bananas and that was the Toronto game (June 9)." He was referring to the night the Blue Jays scored a come-from-behind 3-2 victory off him with a nrnth-inmng uprising Following that outang. Corbett's record with the Angels was 1-4 and his earned run average ballooned over the 6.00 mark. GOTCHA -Left fielder Brian Downing dives for and comes up with long fly hit by Buddy Bell of Texas in the third inning of Wednesday AP Wlrephoto night's game at Anahe im Stadium as Ranger bullpen looks on. Angels won, 5-3. "Things are different for me here," Wilfong continued. "For the last five years I played almost alJ the time. But I've accepted my job here and that's to rest Bobby G rich. He's probably one of the best all-around second basemen around. "I think G rich really needed it (a rest)," addedl Mauch. "I'd rather give them a blow here and there rather than when it's obvious that they need at." Corbett said he is just about back in the groove, none too soon as far as he and Mauch are concerned, considering the Angels will get their first look at Kansas City beginning tonight. (See ANGELS, Page C4) Connors survives Alexander's upset bid E x -Foothill High star Dunk eliminated ; Shriver advances to third round From AP dispatches WIMBLEOON, England -Second- seeded Jimmy Connors, an easy first round winner, was extended by John Alexander before he defeated the Australian, 6-3, 4-6, 6-1. 7-6, in the second round today at Wimbledon tennis championshlp.s. Connors needed lo capture a fourth- set tjebreaker. 9-7, to fight back the upset bid of AJexander. AJexander jumped out to a 3-1 edge in the tiebreaker, only to have Connors rip off the next four points. But t he Australian . who came into the tournament off an impressive win at Bristol, twice battled back to take leads of 6-5 and 7-6 through the mat.ch, began serving wide to Connors' backhand with impressive results. winning the second set. TOOAY'I MIULTI Men'• ~ Round *"""" Tomaa Smid (Cz9Cho1lovekl1) del Rlchmrd Lewi• (Brllaln). 6-3, 7-6. 6-0 Hank PlllllH' (U.S.) del Mel Purcell (US). 6-2, 6-3, µ Tom Gulllkton (US I def Jeremy Bates (Brilaln), ~. µ, 6-3 In other men's action today, Foothill High graduate Chris D unk was elimina ted by West Germany's Peter Elter in the first round, 6-4. 7-6, 6-3. Ha nk Pfister. meanwhile, defeated fellow American Mel Purcell, 6-2. 6-3, 6-4. and Tomas Smid of CzechosJovak.ia ousted England's Richard Lewis. 6-3. 7-6, 6-0 in matches carried over from Wednesday In women's srngles. Pam Shriver crushed felJow American Kim Jones, 6-1. 6-1. to move mto the third round. Connors then rushed to the net at every chance. knotting thl' tiebreaker at 7-7 with a lunging forehand volley. He reached matt·h point when AJexander's Job sailed wide, then wrapped t.p the victory when the Australian netted a forehand volley. Slelan SlmonlSOf'I (Sweden) def BUI Scanton (U S I. 7-5, 6-4, 6-1 . MarC09 Hooevar (Btazll) del Steve Krulevitz (U.S ), 6-4. 6-2, 6-3 Rod Frawley (Austr1111) del. Pel OuPre (U.S.). 6-7, 6-3, 7-6. 6-3 Pater Eller (W .. 1 Germany) def. Chris Dunk (U.S I. 6-4, 7-6. 6-3 S..n1rd Fritz (France) del S«gio Caual (Spalnl, 6-2. 7-5. 4-6, 6-7. 6-3 Scnalk van der M-e ISou1h Alrlca) del Tfitry Moot (U.S.). 6-4. 6-2, 7-6 Lauy Slllankl (U.S.) def Alejandro Conea (Colomble), µ, 6-2. 6-1 Cocaine use linked to Brewe r s MILWAUKEE (AP) -The Milwaukee Brewers declined to reply Wednesday to a published report that a team member is to be a witness at a U.S. District Court grand jury investigation of cocaine d1stribut1on in the Milwaukee area. "The Milwaukee Brewers have not been contacted by any law e n forcement agency and therefore will have no comment on t his evening's story," the American League club said in a statement. The Milwaukee Journal said an a copyright story that a source - w hich it did not identify - reported that t he unidentified witness is on the team's starting lineup. Government agents told the player and his attorney that he has been under investigation for two years concerning cocaine purchases, the newspaper said. T h e story appeared coincidentally on the day the club h e ld an an n ua l session d u r i n g w hic h t h e P o l ice Department's vice squad cousels players against using drugs. Bre w er M a n ager Harvey Kuenn said the "story was not even m en tione d " d uring the meeting. Kuenn and players declined to talk publicly with sporla writers •about the story. The J ournal's report comes in the wake of an article in Sports Connors gamed breaks in the fifth and ninth gam<'S of the opening set. But Alexander. who blasted nine aces Brian T~ (US) del Sntomo Gltckstem (ISreel). 3-6, 7-6, 6-4. 4-6. 6-2 Brad O<ewell (Australia) del Pat Doonan (Australta). 7-6. 6-2 6-4 Even Valenzuela can't slow Atlanta Dodgers fa ll 6 1/2 gam es b ehind ATLANTA (AP) -It was a night piocher Rick Mahler of the Atlanta Braves won't soon forget. He smashed the first home r un of his career and outdueled Fernando Valenzuela with a c.'Omplete game seven-hitter as the Braves beat the Los Angeles Dodgers 7-2 Wednesday night. "That's just something, that's amazing," said Mahler, who cracked his homer off rehever Alejandro Pena to cap a four-run sixth . when the Braves chased Valenzuela w ith four consecutive singles "Valenzuela 1s one of the better pitchers tn the league," Mahler said . "It's one of the big thrills of my career." The victory enabled the National League West-leading Braves to stretch their lead to 6 ~ gam es over the third-place Dodgers and to 4 1/z games over San Diego. which dropped a 5-4 decision at Cincinnati Wednesday night. The c rowd of 33,212 ga ve Mahler, 7-5. a lengthy standing ovation following t he homer before the pitcher finally realized they were seeking a bow. "Everything wrus blank for me for a while," he said. "Everybody in the dugout fainted and I had and adding two more hits off Valenzuela. "I've had pretty good success with him in the past," Hom er said. "Overall, he didn't have bad stuff, but in key situations he got it up, especially his screwball. "I thought Fernando was not as sharp as he normally is and when that happens. we've got some hitters who can hurt you." Homer added. "We were hitting him pretty hard tonight. I don't think he's used to it." Valenzuela, 9-6. was charged with six runs and eight hits through five innings, giving up half of t h ose hits without recording an out in the sixth. "I was very conscious of the importance of winning against a team like the Braves because they are ahead of us," Vale nzu ela said t hrough a n in terpreter. "l t hought I ha d good stuff, and they hit it. I have had some very tough games in Atlant a. They have a strong lineup. They seem to get timely hilting against us." ROMINE SIGNS WITH BOS TON to step over them when I realiz.ed Kevin Romine, an ex-Fountain the crowd wanted me to take a Valley High and Orange Coast bow . product, has signed a contract "When I hit it J knew I hit It 'f with the Bost.on Red Sox and has really well. I knew it h ad a been usigned to their Wint.er chance. It's like a dream. I can't Haven "A" affilia te in Florida. hit one ln batting practJce. Not Romine, who played the put Men'• 8econd Round Slnglee Jimmy Connors (U.S.) del. John Alexander (AuSlralla), 6-3, 4--6. 6-1. 7-6 Sandy Meyer (US ) dal Colin OowdetWlll (Brllaln). 6-2, 6-2. 6-3 Womet'l'e flnt~ ....... Cleudll Koflde (Weal Getmany) def Debbie .Jev-(8rttaln), f>.1, 6-3 Andree T-varl (Hungary) def. Olane Oesfor (U.S ), 7-6. 7·6 Sabina Simmond• (llaly) del. Kim Sandi (U.S.). 6-1 6-3 Pelrl Oelhees (SwllzerlandJ def Kate Brasher (Britain), µ, 6-2 Barbare Jorden (U.S ) def Use Ponde< (U S ). 6-3, 6-3 Kim Stetnmetz (U.S.) def. Peanut Louie (US.). 4-6, 6-3. 7-5 Barbara Hellquitt (US) del. Jenny Kll1Cf1 (US). 7-6. 6-3 Nancy Yeargin (U S l def I•• Budarove (Czechoalovel<le), 7-5. 4-6. 7-5 Manuell• Maleeva (Bulgarle) <Jet Vtckl Nelson (U S ). 2-6, 6-4, 6-4 Kale Latham (Brllaln) del Ann Klyomure fU.S ). 6-4, 6-7 6-0 Sue Leo (Au1trall1) def Claudia Monteiro (Brazell). 6-3, 2-6. 6-3 Women'• leconCI Round llftglee Pam Snriver (U.S) del Kim Jones (\JS" I. 6-1, 6-1 ,., .......... I Illustrated about Don Reese, a t fonner National Football League r.tayer who is quoted as saying 'co cain e can b e fo und In quantity" throughout the NFL. The newspaper aaid it wa1 told the Brew e r Vlltne11 la no t I apeciflcally the target of the grand jury investigation. since hlgh school have I hit a season at Art:ona State, batted home run." .411 for the Sun Devils while Bob Homer had supplied most 1etUng a IChool record for meet of the offensive herOiC!I unt il stolen bues ln a ling.le .eaaon then , lashing a two-run single with 69. d uring a three-run first lnnlng OPENS DEFENSE -DefendinJl Wimbledon champion John McEnroe' continued defense of his crown Wednesday by defeating American Eddie Edwards ln straight sets, 6-3, 6-3, 7-5. European longs hots e a surprise MADRID. Spain (AP) Round Two of the World Cup soccer finals is shaping up, in part. as a battle between the tournament's two South American favorites in one group and three European longshots in another. Def e nding champio n Argentina beat El Salvador 2-0 in Alicante Wednesday night to advance to second-roun d Group C with three-lime Cup winner Braz1~ which strengthened its status as the top favorite by crushing New Zealand 4-0 in Seville. The group is rounded out by I taly , whi ch advanced Wednesday wtth a 1-1 draw against Cameroon m Vigo. Belgium, Poland and the Soviet Union, each seeking its first world championship, meet in Group A of the second round, which involves 12 of the originaJ 24 teams. Groups A a n d C p l ay in Barcelona star ting next week. while Groups B and D play m Madrid. One of the three teams in each group will advance to the semifinals July 8. Only England has clinched a berth m Madrid, and 11 other teams still have a chance for the five spots that w1U be decided today and Friday by the last six first-round matches. In today's games, World Cup newcomer Honduras will qualify if i t beats Yugosl avia in Zaragoza, and France will make it 1f it defeats injury-wracked Czechoslovakia m Valladolid. The Yugoslavs and Czechs need lo win just to survive . So does Chile in its match against AJgeria in Oviedo. Algeria can stay alive with a draw. But thoee· four teams' second-round hopes also depend on the outcomes of Friday's matches. Most of the speculation about the Madrid matchups cent.en on . w h e ther forme r c hampion s England and West Germany, the strongest teams on that side of the chart, will wind up ln lbe same sec:ond-round group. That would happen if both teams finish atop their respective first-ro und groups. Enalan d Manager Ron Greenwood aaya h e w o uld like t o avoid t h e Germans. Both tffrrui play lhet.r final flrst-round matches at \he aame time Friday. In ~lona'a Group C, Brazil la rated by far the 1-t. It won all three first-round matches, two a f te r falli n1 behind, and out.med lta fom 10 to 2. Zia> and F.der lead a group of hall a dozen tale nted g~n. ' 1 I Ot•nge Oout OAll.V Pll.OT/Thu,.day. Jun• 24, 1982 ., ..,.,._... BIG HARVEST -Bobbie Cole displays fl at of strawberries from farm in Auburn, Wash ., part of.bumper crop being harvested in the Pacific Northwest. There is also a bumper crop of prospective pickers, most 12 to 14 years old. -rritated 'possum back · home Officers pick up animal in College Park aft er beating An angry opossum was returned to the wilds after its unpleasant e n counter with c1yilization in Irvi n e . The animal was picked up in Irvine's College P ark development when a lesident reported two boys and a girl were beating 1t over the head with a board. Supervisor Carl Pagano. T he possum's head was cut but otherwise it appeared to be "an everyday, h ealthy 'possum," Pagano said, so it was returned to the wilds . fruit and vegetables in the fields as well as o n in sects and anything else they can find. "They're n ature's garbage can," he explained. The teen-agers had disappeared byl,the time police arrived, said Irfine Anim al Services "It's a good sign of h ea lth when they're still mean and ornery." he said. "He was m complete control of him.self." Opossums are native to the area. Pagano said, and live off The animals, which grow to about the size or a cat, aren't any danger to residents. Paga no added, noting his department usually picks up two or three a week in Irvine during the spring and s ummer. . Medi-Cal • • terin1nat1ons error SACRAMENTO (AP) -A state computer mistakenly sent Mt<)i~Cal termination notices to 16,000 elderly Californians, most of• them in rest homes, officials report. tenninataon notices went out this month along with the usual 12, 000 or so correct terminauon notices. payment did not go up JuJy l, when oth er Social Security recipients got a cost-of-living boost. Connie Farmer of the Health Services Department's eligibility se1c tion sa id the mistaken Most of the incorrect notices went to elderly persons who are ge ttin g $2 5 a month f o r incidentals from Social Security, the minimum payment. That Ms. Farmer said those who got the incor rect notices will get their Medi-Cal payments as usual P\B.IC NOTICE PlELIC NOTICE P\ElJC NOTICE • ACTfTIOUS BUSIHEH FICTlllOUS llUStNESI NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT NOTICE O F DEATH OF Tne following pe1son1 are doing The following person Is oolng t>uslnesl u : business 11• ANNE C. B URGESS A ND PROCESSI N G LAB . Of PETIT I ON TO AMERICAN GIFT PRODUCTIONS: CA l I F 0 R N I A l A W N & AMERICAN PHOTO ASSOCIATION, GARDEN SERVICE, 320 Coate ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. 2222 Martin Avenue, Suite 212. ~2~~; S1reet, Coate Men . CA A·I 13940. Irvine, CA 92715. Der.,on Cllflon Macil-320 T o aU heirs, benehclaril"S, 2-TEL INTERNATIONAL, INC.. -•· d d , · 1 Calllornle corporeUon. 2222 Coate MesaStreet,Coete Meaa,CA er e 1lors a n con tingent Martin Avenue, Suite 212. lrvtne. CA 92627 cred1 tors or Anne C. Burgess 92715 Thlt buslMas 19 conoue1ed by an and persons who may be This. busmett Is conducied by a indlvldvel Dereron c Maclley oth erwl.S(' interested in the ~~~~,;ternatlonal Inc Thia stelement was tiled with the will and/or t.>staU•. Karen D Nl•on · County Clerk of Oranoe County on A petition h as been filed Secratary-TreeSurer June 1• 1982 ,.,190552 by Marjorie Rowland in the This statement was flied with Ille . S · C f Q County Clerk of Orange County on Publlaheo Orange Coast Deity uperior ourt o range June t. 1982 Pilot, June 3, 10. t7. 24. 1982. County reques ting that F110512 • 2405-82 M a r Jo r 1 C' R o w I a n d b c Published Orange Coaat Dally PUBLIC NOTICE a pp o 1 n t e d as person a I Pilot, June 3, 10, 17, 24. 1982 d · · 2374-82 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS representallVl' lo a minister NAME STATEMENT the es tate o f Anne c -----------The following person •s doing B u r g es s ( u n d e r t h c l>uSlnesJ H P\EllC NOTICE MAGNUM MARKETING 5601 lndependent Adrrumstralton ACTmOUI SUllNIESI Engon-D11ve. Hun11ng1on Beach, of Estates Acl) The pellt1on NAME STATEMENT CA 92649 IS St'l for hearing In Dc.•pt. The following person Is doing DAVID w SMITHSON, 16465 No. :I al 700 Civic Cent.er ousiness as Coas1 Hwy Sunse1 Beach. CA Drive, W est, In the C1ly of ( I ) R EC R E A T I 0 N & 90742 ENT ER TA 1 HM ENT Th11l>us1n9531s conducted l>y an Santa Ana. California o n COORDINATORS; (2)(R.EC I. 3110 in0rv1<1uat July Zl. 1982 at 9:30 am. Perk N......,.... No 312 ...__,,,. Davio w Smithson IF YOU OBJ ECT t h Beacto cw6&o . •• ·~-""'' Thll 11111emen1 waa IOed wllh the 0 t e JOhn Stanley° Ouir, 3t IO Park County ,Clerk ol Orange County on gr anting of the petition. you Newpo!'t, No. 312, Newpon 84lach, Juna 8 t982 Fltot7I should either appear at lhe CA-92660 h earing and s tate you r Thia~ Is conduc1.0 by en Pul>llshe<l Orange Cout Daily o bJeCU ons or C.le written tnohlldual Piiot, June 10. 17, 24. July 1, 1982 · Johns Oulr 2502-82 objections with the court 'fhls atatement wu tiled with the PlELIC NOTICE bef or e lhe h earing. Y our County Clerk of Oranoe County on appearance may be in person June 1, 1982. FICTITIOUI IUllNEIS or by your at torney. '1.-n NAME STATEMENT Published Orange Coaat Delly The followln9 perion 11 doing I F Y 0 U A R E A Piiot. June 3. 10. 11. 24. 1982 business es: CREDITOR or a contingent 2371-82 v IDE 0 M E M 0 RI Es. 2 2 2 credit.or of th e deceased, you Lugonla Street. Newport Beacli. CA must file you r cl.aim with lhe 92663 . RICHARD L SINOR, 222 court within lour months lugon•a Street. Newpon Beach CA from the date of ·first ,~----------......_~ 92663 iss u a n ce o f letters as ~:. ~~T inJ~:~u~.iness is conducted by an provided in section 700 of 627 Main St. Richard L Sinor t he prob a t e cod e o f Huntington Beach Thia l>u91ness was llled with Iha California The time for S"""S""" County Cieri! of oranoe County OQ fllmg claims wtU not expire ~ ""'~ June 8. 1982 F1IOl7'2 prior lo four months from rACtAC YllW MIB«)ltAI. , ... Cemetery Mortuarv Chapel-Crematory ?600 Pacific View Drive Newport Beach 644-2700 McCOS...al MOITUAllH Laguna Beach 49'·9'15 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 HAaloa LAWN-MT. OUYI Mortuary • Cematery t Cre!T9tory Puo1o1ned Orange Coast Dally the date o f the hearing Pilot, J11ne 10. 11. 24. July 1. 1982 noticed above. 2500-32 YOU MAY EXAMINE the DEATHS ELSEWHERE SANTA NELLA (AP) - A Chmo minister and his roomma te were killed Tuesday when both were ejected after their car rolled off Interstate 5 m M erced County. Victuns were the Rev. Marloe Lester, 57, of the Chino W esleyan Church and Jo1eplt Merryman m, 40. file kept by the court If you arc interested m the estate, you may hie a request with the rourt to receive SJ>C('ial noucc> or lhc mvent.ory or C>SU!te and of the pet1l1ons, accounts and reports descnbed in Sccuon 1200.5 or the California Probate Code. Jackson, Kidder & Sackllng 660 Newport Ctr. Dr. #1414 Newport Beach, CA tHIO f49·f800 Published Orange Coast Dally Pilot, June 24, 25. July I , 1982 2766-82 FtCTITIOUI 8UIMSS NAME ITAT!M€NT Tho lollowtng person la doing buslneas es EANtE S GOURMET ME'.ATS 462 E 17th Street. Coate M-. Cat1tornte Danny Lee Bokelman. 1908 W Palaia Road, Anaheim, Celllorn11 92804 Thos 1>us1neu la conduct.O by an 1n01vo<Wel Danny Lee Bolcelman Tho• statement wu nled with the Coun1y Clerk of Orange Counly on June 8, 1982 F1ICll10 Publlshe<l Orange Coast Daily Potot. June 110. 17, 24, July 1, 1982 251M2 "8.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI BU ... U NAME STAT!MIHT The tollowtng person la doing buslneaa aa. ADMARK. 21745 Ooeen Viste, South Leguna. Calllomla 92877 Zetterlund Corporation. e Callfornle corporation, 21745 Ocean Vista, South Laguna. California 92877 This bu9loeas Is conduc1.0 by a corpor atk>n Zottertund Corp Mr. Zetterlun<I Vice Prealdeot Thia statement was llled wttl'I the County Cletk of Orange County on June 22. 1982 ,,.,.. Pul>llahed Orange Coaat Dally Piiot, June 24, July 1, 8, 15, 1932 276Hl2 FICTTTIOUI 8'19MU NAMESTAn.NT Tt>e followirlg per.one ere doing t>ualneaa u WESTERN Oil SERVICES, 15635 Broollhural, Suite 4 5, Weatmlnater, C.Htomle 92883 Ar1nur Jamea Wllllama, 11389 Warner Avenue. Fountain Valley, Catlfornla 92708 Joanne w1111am1, 11389 Warner Avenue, Fountain Valley, California 92708 This t>ualneu la conducted by a getMl'al pwtnerfhlp. Ar1hur Jamee Wffllama Thia 1tatement wu ftled with the County Cleflc of Orange County on M~ t9. 1982. ,,..,,, Pub1t1hed Orange Coaat Delly Pilot. June 17, 24, July 1, 8, 1982 28&2-92 'ICTITIOUI _,,_.. ' NAmtTAnMIN'T The lollowfng ~non 11 dotng l>ualn"8 ae: VIT AQRAPHIC 8ERVICE8, 9 Ul2 Bennuda Orlve, Hunllng1on Beech Calitomle 92...e ~ J-1<--'Y. 9182 Bermuda onv.. HuntlnQ1on Beedl, Calllomla 92848 Thia bull,_ 11 conducted by an lndlvlduel. Cnencllet J. 1<9f!Mdy 1625 Gisler Ave • Cost1Meu 540-SSS. SALISBURY. NC. CAP) -Tltomaa Ssaaback, 97, whoee homemade headache powder grew to natio n al Sua."ell8 with the advertising slogan, "Snap Back With Stanback," died M onday. Thi• 111ternfnt -l'lled "'"" the County Clertt of Or11ng1 Coumy on l'ta.IC NOTIC[ M~ 13. 1982. .._,. rtMCI 1101' .. lllS l&L•OADWAT MOtrT'UdT 110 Broedway Costa Me.. 642-9150 NEW YORK (AP) -Vice !Adm i ral R o1 c oe illnleakoeller, 8~. the flnt ~~ctor of the CIA, died IJ'naay . N EW YORK (AP) - RtC!ll1ar4 Lodrld1e, 83, ere.at« of the Mr. and Mn. , North mY*Wfy novela and ""~----------~,.i television Hrlu. d ied Saturday . ( I f1CTTTIOU8 ..,..... Publlened Orange C:out Dally NAM1 aTAT'DmNT Pilot, June 10. 11, 24. Juty t, 1"2 The tollowlng ~r~ 11 doing ...._ _________ m __ ..,_2-1 bullneea ea: • KIRBY'S MAINTENANCE, 1822'A N9wpOf1 Blvd., 8vlte 321. Coeta Meaa, Cellfomle 92t29 Beth Kirby Thom•a. 173 8f<*fway. No. A·2. COe1a .._., ~m21 TNa llualr-. .. ~ ~.., lndMdu& IMtl R Thomll Thia ...._.,, w .. fJlad With ... Coun1Y a.II ol Orange Ooumy on May 21, 1112. .. ..... PubH.n.cl Orange CoHI Oatly Ptlol, ~ 24, .My t, I . 15. 1N2 2761-12 • • If It's got e hendles • you'll grab ..... • te1tw In • D•llY Piiot e otaulflld : -"d1.C.ll -'42·5671 6 4 2 • D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 . 7 8 loot loM 1"1 1111 1• I ... 1• 1m 111)4 '"° -I .. lflllfl ,., IOIT ·-um IO'lt ·-ICIM ·-·-1111 EOIJAl~ OPPOR l UNI TY ... u ... ., •• letltt1 ~ real eetate advertlaed Ihle newapaper l a bject 10 tt>e Feder11 Ir Hou1tng Acl of 1968 ~lch makea II Illegal to ~Ye<tlM '"any preferen- ' !Imitation or dltcrlml- tlon baaed on race, c11or, religion. 11x or n111ona1 origin, or any '"'nllon to make any •iih preler.-,c•. llmlta· tlai or discrimination " ,,.,,, ,., ,,,, .•.......•............ 11•11.J J OOZ t;,.,,,J I 001 .................••••• •·•··•••··•··········· PllllllU •111 Pr ize W riit &y bayfront $11pa for 2 boitll, rt>modded 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1.200,000 Ocean & .ietty v1ew1 Martne room. 4 bdrm 3 bath, 3700 *I It $1.38:1,000 Ocunlron1 Liii llLE 111111 Prune Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm. 5 Vi bath Lge LR . 2 boat slaps $1 ,500,000 Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec m1 beam rellangs. furnished, patios $420,000 Liii& ISLE UYPllO uagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm den. Boat slip $1.350.000 ::: Tl'e n-apaper wlll not ll YSIDE COYE :: krDwlngly accept any Spet·tacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up, 2 br, J'~ •dlertlalng for real H · 2 ba dn 2 boat slips $1,800,000. -tah which la In vlolallon ! iioiif ii"41iilii•wii.iiiiiiiiiiiil COROHDO CAYS mo ll,lllc Advertl· Coronado Island cust bayfront lot 85' boat g: dcx:k Plans avail. Red. $370,000 w /tenns. 2.oo; ser\ should check = ther ads dally and :,: rep.>rt erro rs Im- :: me:S lately. The SEIYICES DA l y PILOT as- surres llablllty for the first Incorrect lnsetlon only. NEW VIEW TOWN- HOMES. 2 Master Sui- tes Vie;, ol ocean & night hglts. Quiet Area. Parke. 1pen spaces. S 125,800 dn Xlnt Fin. Hal or Prt Bauer. Agts. 673-7300 twaer larrfttl-1 at Give youriell Meaa Ve<- de In "82. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba home w/"8ny extras on cul-dt·HI. Owner wlll carry low Interest rate s.n .... o. ..... .., EMrtOYMDIT & 111 T 0 Fell pric. S 134. llGllt 500. 751·3'91 rlfrAIATION lOfl6 IO'IS ,St-· l•ttn.<llotl JoeW•n<t<t• H<tpV.•ftC«I IC 6 f' 1100 _________ , MOCNANINSE .=::: .. I •A~ ::!r;.':: ........ u ~ru6 [4111,_111 Doc> n-.. .. v ... ~=s.i.. - -moo ... , -----IOU -7'00 - usrllll Come and tee thla Char· ming home Gr .. t loea- tlon with •eam1, lire- ph1~ & 3 bdrm. 2 bath. Move-In eotdltlon Bring ct>Udren & Ptll to play In huge yard with alley ec- oeas $147,500. -.-o-. IOU ~---~----,,.,..,"' Uva&otl ....... _,. ........ ._ ....... .._. .... ¥1t<l 11..-.il-...nwlllU ~ ........ E....,p ::: ... ~:,:, Spin..,. a ...... f ..... RutwraM a., ~·r.&o.H•f'l.Stue. BOATS & MA11NE , EQUl,..£NT I~~., ... s.'"I('~ loau Mtrnw E.qw1p a..u,Powtt ...... """ C'h•rtl'f IMUSaol a..u Slopo l>o<h :=r..:Slrt THNSrGITA TION "''""" l =·ti~ R•M =~~__,.. -H ... Sale R<nl Tr&1Mr•.Tn Hi I~~:!"J.ru AUTOMOBILE 0tMUI • MIUqY«ttC:lau.ftt I Aetrt•ooa Yril.lrk>• ~.t~!~och Trvicu • v • .-. AliWlAatt.ftl AU'\OI Wa"tM -lfITT ---mi -.., .., ISi ---- !IOIO -llIIO ------ I AUT01, IMrGITED c;.,..ral rtOI I All• Aonwo ft» Alff• W1Vl A.t"" Ht•Wt wtw BllW '711 C•pn f'll> •g,i;-:m Lido Realty 673-7300 o...... '7<111 • 1 ~::·" ;:: cars*bikes• ~:. :: *skateboards* ' ~-~ ~ trucks *baby 1 1.;EF-..",.,'• ··:: carriages*tea :rr·· .. · 110• ::~ carts*trikes ; ~ :::: rol tersl<ates • ~::~ :::~ walker~ .oys .......... Yllll R........ ,,..i.s •wagons•••· =:'.1!.110'" ~~ scooters*hot 't:!. ::i rods*coupes• 1 r.,.': ;:: trailers*hard I ~=··· ~ tops•convert-vac... nn I Ailts, NEW ibles*motor •c-.1 -hornes*lawn ILIFFS CllH Smgll• stor y t•nd unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on l.irg'-"'l greenbell. $250,000 Piii Liii 3 bdnns, 2112 baths rondo near pool. $145,000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR )41 Boy\1de D••Yt' N fl b7S blol FOILlll YI-WILL DOIWllE Terrific lewpert IHatiH wittt wit• tf •11, eoe .. a .,, .. 11,rtts, twe-ate,, a .. ,. + far1t fa•, r•. 41•, r•. + S Clf llflCe• ba••••t• lea1 Htl OWIER e.t et area wfa .. 1 •••lier lte•e er 11ita 11 Ceat1 leaa, .. .,.,. lel11tta er l• .. 4l•t• ., ... Wlaltta te tr1tlt 4ew1. Ter•• flexl•te. lriwt •1 2U 1 Oliff lrhe, Htl Hll fer •••• u •. $111,000. WATE.RFRO~T H OMb,1'1 lt~\111111 ... .. \.' '' r • 2436 W Coast Hwy Newport Beac h 631-1400 RfSIDf NllAI Rf Al ~ S !Alf <;I RVICfS Ill CWIYOI 1111,IOO New reduced price! 4 BR overlook ing 6th fa irway with lovely view Deauville model com pletely customized. Dramatic livmg & dining room. Large deck & spa. Low maintenance yard. Air conditioned. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 For Ad Action For Classlfied Ad ACTION Call a Dally Pilot AO-VISOR iµ2-5678 Cal a Daiy Piot AD-VISOR 642-5678 Have you read today'• Classllled Ads? It not. you're missing the best bargains In town! GAZ.EK"•• ' k tV'\1 l ,, ~ :~.~~~~:··:-': ~':7 Ji.. T~ d<'•th•fl ""0$0Qf tot r t1dO'f 1C'O(f WUtd' tO'ft'lOtrd•,,~ tc,. '""""".""'" of y04,lt Zod•oc. b•rth "V" ·-.. c.-., .,....,., , ... ,, .... """""' .. , ·-D-" ., .... _. .... .. -.. -•• ...... ... _ '"" . , ..... ...... "-,, .. , .,,_... ., .. , ·-· ... t ("'9tO•"Q " .. ··-~o "°" -~.-.,.. roo-.... ..,.... 1'T-.. .,,...., ti"'!~ ,,.., .. .... ,, ...... !J..,. ., . ...,, ,,u .......... , . ...., ..... .,. , ......... , l\C,,...•-t\U .... 1\( .. -~t .... ... _ .. " .. ,,,.._. ..... ••C-''"'"" "'-" ..... •• 1lW•t .......... , ,._ 1tlM 1 ... ,.,_ 10~ ..... ... u. .. .... ,,°"'' \1(...,..... •••1•01 ,, ..... _. "~""° "11.i.,.. """' .. ,v ... ..... .. a ...... ..... .. <> ,,._. ..... ft~·-.. o--.... . .... ~ 11 "t" ......... "°" .,_ -~· ... _ __ .. ,. ......... ,.,_ ··-···"· ..... ..... ~Goo< ~Ad._ .... C)sci.ml ! UTOS..VSfl mowers*limos :i:f' = •corporate -=~=' s~~~lA-&£~s·:: 1 c...11.. ••> headquarters -.. -·. ~ -----c. • .,. •• , • de t .~':.. -·gara near s ·~~ ~ · c-. : Model A's•*•* 1ow "' •-,_ .__ _. F. 5 •typingtables 1 0 0 L cu, t :~j 5 ht~~~;;,~'fs·, I I I I I ~.EL § ~=~~!~~f !1--.-1D_E,_I G .... ,~ .... R-,,-11 ·,· ~. e.-:~ = trains*bikes --· _. -·-· ....... · \ .• : *planos•cars 1 H 0 T u y 1 1 ~...... -· refrigerators I' I I I' r Granny ., .... ,. Mid oaop. *skates•••••• L.. _. __ ..__ -..1.'--.1..-..1: -loft fllede any I ... M•ler IUttle MIN MunM Mt on • li'le called It ...,,.. - -. Twfftt , along cam•• l R 0 a ( " ' I I •PIMr end r .. d In ttle 1 I I I' I I • c_.... ... ~ ......, Dally Piiot CIHl lH.O •••••n . -~ ............ -. ... I MOtlon about MIN Mvf. ,._ ........ "--Moo J ...._ i.t• TIMll and ........ It knock• often whe11 you 1 tor tt.H . y011 nn Mfl uH reeul•·o•ttlng Dally your turtet Sllf Iola of Piiot Ct111lfled Adi to I ~Uher lltlnga '"rough reech tit• Oren~ CoHt , Delly Piiot Claitlflad mwll~ ....... 4e78 Adi. Cell Mfo-M7t ~ - \ lllllECIAIT lAIUIAUl/lmlMT lHUrtSOAY. JUNE 74, l!Ut7 ORANGE COUNTY. C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Council race cost LB group $35,000 By STEVE MITCHELL O(lfle DMty ~lot ltllff Laguna First spent a tot.al of $3~.775 in supporting an unsucceSB(ul slate of three candidates an the April 13 Laguna Beach City Council race The organization, which supported losing candidates Ron Williams, Kelly Boyd and Pat .Barry, was by far the highest spender, according to final ca mpaign expenditure statements released by the City Clerk's offa:e. Four e lection committee&, Including Laguna First, and all nine candidates in the City Council election were required to me final campaign statements earlier this month under the Political Reform Act. The second highest spender was the Gentry, Minkm, Kenney for Laguna organization that reported expenditures of $13,280 in its su~ful campaign to elect Robert Gentry, Bobbie Minkin and Dan Kenney to the City Council A group called Committee for Laguna, which aupported the losing slate of candidates, raised $7,290 ln contributions and reported spending $6,765. And the League for Honest Government, which ran several ads touting the "white hats" and lambasting the "black hats," reported spending $1 ,588 in Its successful support of the winning slate. Of the nine candidates, successful campaigner Dan Kenney reported spending the most, with $12,478 listed in his report. Under listed contributions, however, Kenney shows a ttgure of $2~.735 -the majority of which was the value placed on the artworks contributed by artistA for an auction in supporl ot the candidate. The art contributed by local artists did not n~rily raise as much as the reported value vr tht-art. Heal esta t e broker Ron Williams reported a war chest of $14,851, of which h~ said he s pent $11,541 The third lar~est spender was Bobbie Minkin, who raised $11 ,007 and reported spending $7,445. Her slate companion, Robert Gentry, reported spending $6,- 587 Boys Club Director Pat Barry's report shows contributions of $5.- 212 and expenditures of $1,891 Kelly Boyd, who lost In his bid for a second term on the council, raised $6.869 and reporte d expenditures of $4,138 H o tel operator Paul Christian.sen contributed nearly all of his $3,545 war chest to his own campaign, while candidates Rickey Slater and Beth Leeds reported spending less than $500 in the raC'e. Court rules Nix on immune f roin suits WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. Supreme Court said today former President Nixon could not be held account.able for allegedly firing a civi lian Pentagon worker, ruling for the first time that a president enjoys "absolute immunity" from lawsuits which seek monetary damages for nnisconduct in office. The vote was 5-4. The suit s temmed from the alleged illegal firing of Air For ce w orker A . Ernest Fitzgerald, who already has received $142,000 m return for hiS promise not to take Nixon to trial no matt.er how the court ruled. LAGUNA JOGGER INJURED -Firemen and an emergency medical technician aid Lagunan Phyllis Kessler, who was struck while running across Pacific Coast Highway near El Morro Elementary School at about 8 a .m . today. The woman struck the windshield D811y Not '91oto br lteve •tchell of a car driven by Connie Smits of Mission Viejo. She was taken to Mission Community Hospital where s he was reported in guarded condition in the facility's trauma center, with injuries to her head, legs and arms. Thus, the decision upholding the president's absolute immunity will affect only future lawsuits seeking monetary damages from c urrent and former presidents, as well as several other pending cases against Nixon for alleged mi.8conduct in office. Hous ing aid bill vetoed by Reagan South Coast cutting 40 hospital posts The Supreme Court came down on th~ side of the president today as long as the alleged illegal conduct is w ithin the "out.er perimeter" of his official duties. "We hold that (Nixon), as a former president of the United States is entitled to absolute immunity from damages liability predicated on his official acts," Justice Lewis F. Powell wrote for the court. WASHINGTON (AP) President Reagan today vetoed an emergency money bill containing housinR subsidies for low and middle-income home buyers, charging that Congress is not serious about contr olling federal spending. By PATRICK KENNEDY Of the D9'1y Pffot Staff Anticipating proposed government cuts in medical programs, the South Coast Medical Center in South Laguna 1s eliminating 40 jobs, including 25 nursing positions. The $1.4 million cut from center's $23.5 million budget is to be accomplished by July 1, mostly by not filling jobs opened by resignations and retirements, said Kent Dunlap, assistant administrator of the center. Since April, he says, 30 jobs have been cut from the payroll, including 15 nursing posts. Six unskilled e mployees from (See MEDICAL, Page A2) "We consider this immunity a functionally mandated incident of the president's unique office. roQ.l.ed in the constitutional tradition of the separation of powers and supported by our history," Powell added. In New York , Nix on's Less than two hours later, Reagan's veto was sustained by the House The vote was 253-151 in favor of overriding. but Cell 17 short of the two-thirds margin required. It takes a two-thLrds majority of both the House and the Senate to override a presidential veto. Hinckley jurors ask change Five tell subcommittee of d elibe ration frustrations The H ouse then began considering a bill that contained every element of the vetoed version except for the housing subsidies. Like the failed measure, the new one would repeal a $75 -p er-day tax deduction that Congress voted itself last year. Although Reagan crit1c1zed several features of the $8.9 billion bill in casting the fifth veto of his administratlon, he concentrated on the housing provision. Antici pating the veto , Democratic leaders accused Reagan at a news conference of turning his back on the depressed housing industry. WORLD WASHINGTON (AP) - Jurors in John W. Hinckley Jr.'s trial called today. for changes in the Jaw under which they found President Reagan's assailant to be not guilty by reason of insanity. Five of the 12 jurors told a Senate Judiciary subcommittee considering proposed changes in the law governing the federal insanity plea that Hinckley s hould receive mandatory treatment in a mental institution and then complete a term in prison. The jur ors said they were frustrated because during 3 ~ days of deliberations they we re LONDON (AP) -Britain's littlest prince remained without a name today while the press accused his aunt, Princess Anne. of being jealous of the three-day-old future king. I COUNTY If you're an antique car buff, like tin soldiers, or even like collecting old gasoline pumps, The Grand Garage in Corona del Mar has something for you. Page Bl. BUSINESS Ever wonder why Nebraska is often left out in mesaagn inviting cal.ls on toll-free numbel'I? For the answer, a.ee Page A7. • t\ limited to two choices -guilty or not guilty by reason of insanity -in weighing evidence of Hinckley's attack against the president and three men March 30, 1981. "If a person is guilty of a crime and is mentally tll,'' said juror Maryland Copelin, 50, "they should be treated for that illn~ . . . then get punished for the crime." Anothe r juror, Nathalia Brown, 30, said Hinckley "should have been guilty by reason of insanity." Miss Brown said she held out until the very e nd b efore agreeing to join the unanimous NATION verdtct of not guilty. During the trial, ske said, she became convinced Hinckley manipulated his team of psychiatrists and "had all of his faculties" al the time of th'e shooting. Miss Brown conceded that Hinckley had "some mental disorders" but felt he still should have been found guilty and sentenced to some punishment. Besides Miss Brown and Mrs. Copelin, the other jurors who testified were Woodrow Johnson, Glynis Lassiter and Lawrence Coffey. "Every one of us knew he was guilty," she said, "but we had to deal with that mental problem." Fans of the MiM America contest won't get to hear the "There She. Is" refrain that celebrated the crowning of the winner because of a contract dispute. Page A5. Steven Spielberg bas tbe midas toacb wltb movies. Botb bil "E.T!' and "Polter1el1t" are box office bonanzas, Page 87. LAS VEGAS (AP) -The Department of Energy conducted an underground nuclear weapons test today at the N e vada Teat Site. T h e test, code-named Nebbiolo, had a yield range between 20 and 150 kilotons. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -Tbe steady tick of tbe coantdowa clock today carried astrouat Ken Mattln1ly nearer Ill• dream of flyln1 tbat "ele1ant ..• almott ma1lc mac-.ae," tl•e 1pace 1battle Colambla, acbedaled to Uft off at 8 a.m. Saaday . spokesman, Nicholas Ruwe, said, "Former President Nixon 's custom is not to comment on court dec1s1ons." At the Pentagon, Fitzgerald also s aid he would have no immediate comment. Fitzgerald claimed Nixon had him fired for disclosing to Congress in 1968 that the C-5A military transport plane could cost $2 billion over estimates. He was rehired with back pay in 1973. and only last week was reinstated to his original duues in a se ttlement with the government. Fitzgerald, who sued Nixon and two former aides for $3.5 mtll1on, claimed that his constitutional right to free speech and his rights to make his views known t o Congress were violated. Toilet turmoil LB firemen fail in bowl bid When the guy walked into the Laguna Beach fire station carrying a toilet under his arm, Capt. Scott Lucas knew It wasn't going to be an ordinary cilium request. It wasn'L The man wanted to know 1f firefighters at Station One could help him remove a lacrosse baU lodged deep inside the toilet bowl. The man's plumber, who had removed the toilet after failing to dislodge the small rubber ball, had s uggested the fire department's air C"ompressor might blow the ball out. It didn't. Next firemen direc ted a healthy stream of water (300 pounds) from a fire hose toward the small black sphere. That didn't work either. Saying he 'd think of something else, the v isit o r thanked firemen for their efforts. And walked out onto Forest Avenue, toilet m tow Rock singer told 'no mutilations' DOWN, BOY -Rock singer Ozzy Osbourne will do his thing at Irvine Meadows Ftiday, and police will try to see to it that he doesn't decapitate any animals. INDEX Al Your Service Erma Bombeck Business California Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices Fdltorial Entertainment Horoecope Ann Landers A4 B2 A8-9 A5 B2 C6-10 C5 C5 C6 AlO B6-8 B2 B2 SPORTS By GLENN SCOTT Of the D•llY Piiot Sl•H Rock singer Ozzy Osbourne. who gained dubious national fame in February by b1tmg off a bat's head during a concert, won't be sacrificing any animals Friday in Irvine, city officials promise. If he does, however , police officers claim they'll arrest him after the concert. Osbourne, who is following in the "theatrical-rock" footste ps of Alice Cooper. is scheduled to p erform Friday at Irvine Meadows amphitheater. The concert will be filmed for a national television special Osbourne maintains a busy tounng schedule and has been shadowed by loca l humane societies and other groups since the incident with the bat, which was tossed onstage during a concert in Des Moines, Iowa. The constant foc us has (See OZZY, Page At) Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notices 86-8 A8 A3 Al 1, 83-5, C6 Sports Dr. SU!incrohn Stock Marketa Television Theaters Weather World News Cl-4 82 A9 .B6 B6..S A2 A3 Angels duel Kansas City for first place after &aking two of three from Texu. Page Cl. • 41 L "''\' \\,t. Continued stories MEDICAL CUTS. • • varioulf d~partmcnt.11 hove been laid off. but Dunlap soya no other layoffs llrtl antkipawd thla y~ur althovah 10 mort· nunlna jot~ are •lotted tor extinction by n~xt Thunday. Federal Mtidi<:are and state Medl ·Ca l program s a r c scheduled for funding cutbad<s although government leglslutoni haven't as yet detaile d lhe reductions, Dunlap said. The s taff reducllons were based on studies of other Southern Cali fornia general hospitals that ind cate d the medical center was overst.aHed for its usual number of pauents, Dunlap said. population growth In O range County. ho said. Ht> auy1 th~ cutbu<.·ka were m11lnly prompted by proposed rt•ductlona In the state and ft.:deral reimbursement programs for senior cilium and low-Income patients, but that "part or the probll!m" is the large overhead to run the medical center at Iese than 50 perc.-ent capacity. He says employee morale "hit a low point" in April after t·utbacks were announced but that employee spirits have picked up. e-·· Nuclear plant's .costs up Soulht•rn Cullfomla Edi.,n Co. uftlclalA pion tu 1pend about $70 million modltylna San Ono!re'a Unit I nuclt.-ar react.or, but the cost wlU eventually be paued on lo the utility's customers. The c·ompany announced Wednesday it was re.tructuring the 13-year·old reactor at the San Onofre nuclear power plant after the Nuclear Regula\-Ory Commission questioned the earthquake safety of the aging unit. "The qualJty of <.•are should not be affected in the slightest," he says. "In £act, we've probably· become more e ff1c1ent by streamlming and clearly defining job responsib1hues ·· ·'The employees know what the ec.-onomy is like and they realize they may have to work a little harder but that the work can be done efficiently with fewer people," Dunlap said. Besides nursing reductions, ]Obs are being eliminated in the kitchen staff, the business office and the cardiology and radiology departments, he said. BOMBED BUG -The remains of a Volkswagen smolder after a bomb planted in the car exploded in Beirut, killing the driver. AP Wlr..,tioto The explosion occurred next door to the Lebanese army officers' club in West Beirul NRC officials wanted Edison to bring the reac tor up to earthquake standards established for two newer reactors -Unit.a 2 and 3 which were built adja<.'ent to the seaside facility. Rev1s1ons at the power plant will mdude installation of about 2.000 st.eel pipes throughout the fac1hty, said Lou Miller of the federal Nuc lear Regulatory Commission. Dunlap says the 24-year-old medical center was built in 1958 and until the 1970s was one of the few general hospitals closely available to Orange County residents. However, he says that other gen eral hospita ls have l)een developed since 1970, drawing patients away. The medical cen ter has capacity for 268 patients but usually treats about 120 at any one lime, he said. The hospital's capacity wiU be needed in future yea rs to accommodate projected Dunlap says the hospital currently has about 200 doctors, and 620 part and full-time employees, including 300 nurses. However, the medical center anticipates greater need for hospital car e because of population inc r eases and is negotiating with a Newport Beach construction firm to build office space for 50 more doctors by 1984. He says th e firm has tentatively agreed to pay for the building and to lease the land from the center OZZY OSBOURNE. • • bolstered the singer's recogmuon but has created a perm;;inent fuss wherever he performs, said Pat Siciliano of J et Records. Osbourne's recording company. Onion Field killer to stay in jail LOS ANGELES (AP) Paroled "Onion Fie ld" killer Jimmy L ee Smith, who disappeared for several days after a drug test revealed phenobarbital in his system , must remain in jail pending a parole revocatio n heac1ng Jul y 15. authorities said Smith's jail stay, order ed Wednesday when he was accused of five parole v1olauons, followed his disappearance from his south-eentral Los Angeles home June 7. He turned himself in to authorities June 10 and was booked in county jail He claimed Osbourne didn't know the bat was real when he chomped off its head -which later led to a battery of rabies shots for the singer. "Ozzie has never killed anything in his life," said Siciliano. People are coming up with these absolutely bizarre rumors that we never could have dreamed of doing." Sills said he also contacted promoters of Osbourne's act who assured him that no violations would occur. City officials discovered they have> no municipal laws covering killing of animals but they did dig out a separate ord inance against "worrying animals." Officials at Irvine Meadows, who anticipated the fuss, joked earlier about the field day Osbourne could enjoy in Irvine because the ou td oor amphitheater is adjacent "to Lion C>untry Safari. Marshal suspected as bookie An Or ange County marshal has been s uspended from his post as bailiff for a Newport Beach Judge while authorities investigate allega t ions he operated as a bookie, taking bets at Harbor Municipal Court. Police in Newport identified the bailiff as Darrell C. Strobele. a 17-year veteran of the marshal's office and bailiff for presiding Judge Robert J . Polis. Strobele a lso was named as the md1v1dual who helped officers set up the arrest this week of former Saddleback College trustee Alyn M . Brannon. (Related story, Page Bl). Vice ot llcers in Newport said they will ask the Orange County District Attorney's office to formally charge Strobele with bookmaking. Strobele, r eached at his Huntington Beach home, said he couldn't co mment o n the bookmaking assertions. Judge Polis said he was shocked to learn of the allegations. He said Strobele had served d S his baili(f for five years. Police contend Strobele ran a small but steady bookmaking operauon out of the courthouse. taking bets mostly on horse races .. It was unclear how long the bailifl had allegedly been e ngaged 1n bookmaking activ1ues. Low clouds prevail Tern pera lures NATION Coastal HI Lo Pep Alt>any 71 •6 Atbuque 94 67 Low clouds during morning Amarillo 92 6t 01 hours. becoming partly cloudy Asllevllle 82 61 during the afternoon todey Highs Allan II 90 66 64 IO 72 Low clouds return Allanlc Cly 76 56 during nlglil and mo1nln9 hours, Auslln 93 75 becoming mostly aunny Frid1y Be1t1more 78 S3 attetnoon Overnlghl IOWS 58 IO Billings 72 56 10 63 Highs Frldey 6 5 to 75 B1rm1ngl1m 90 63 Huntlng1 on ·Newpor1 a rea Bismarck 83 56 03 temperatures 10 range lrom a low Boise 87 56 of 58 10 a 11.gh ol 65 Bos Ion 7S 59 Elsewhere, trom Po1n1 Browns vi le 97 79 Concepllon 10 the Max1c1n Buffalo 65 50 t>otder and oul 60 mites Ltglll Burhnglon 62 48 .49 varlable winds n19nt end morning Casper as 55 .6t hours, becoming westerly 8 10 t 6 Chlrlatn SC 86 74 .56 knots In Iha evening houra 1od1y Char1atn WI/ 77 50 and Friday Wind waves t 10 2 Charltte NC 85 62 84 feet with south-I swell I to 3 Chayenoe 78 5• feet. Mostly Cloudy through Frtd1y Clilcago 75 s. but some clearing 1n late Cincinnati 77 52 att8fnoon and evening hours Cleveland 69 •5 Clml>le SC a7 67 U.S. Summary Columt>ut 72 46 O&l·Ft Wiil 92 67 1 17 ThunOarttorm• -• 1ea11ere0 01yton 73 50 Denver 80 55 .Ot over the Plaint today. ax1en01ng Det Moln~ 83 62 from southern Mlnneto1a to Detroit 71 46 eaatarn Wyoming and reaclilng Duluth 65 52 eouth to Oklalioml and Tex11. El Paso 100 62 Tile storm• also spread lrom Fargo 91 65 04 111e Gull Coast 10 1116 Corollnas, Flags1all 78 42 but clear tkles prevailed from Oreal Falls 68 53 01 Mlclilgan and Illinois 10 1he Har11ord 76 53 Atlantic coast Weather was el50 Hei.na 66 56 02 lalr over tlia Pacific Nor111west Honolulu 90 69 and eouthwesl deseris HouSIOn 90 80 Almott tliree ln<:lies ol rein lelr lndnapha 77 53 W1dn11day In tome parls or Jacksn MS 91 69 Florlda, wflete five eoutl1-tarn JICktnv11e 88 73 counll11 w•re placed under 1 JunNU 72 .. •l•t• of -gency TomadOll KIM City 80 83 and lunnel Clouds -e aoolttd In L .. Vegu too 74 North Dakota Little Rodi 91 88 .10 Toda·(• forec11t called for Loultvllle 77 56 tllunde111torms over Florid•. tlle lubt>ock 92 60 87 MlaelMlpc>i valley, -1arn Great Memphis 90 72 Lek• encl northern Ind central Miami 8t 71 I 13 Pl1fn1. A few lhunderthOwlrl Miiwaukee 72 53 were 1xpecttd ov•r tlie Great Mpl•St P 87 70 Basin, wlt11 1how1r1 over Naw Nlthvllle as 62 England and eunny lklM over the New Orleln• 90 69 01 r•t of lhe netton New York 1a 6t Tamp1re1ur11 around 1111 Nortollt 78 60 netlon before dewn raf\080 from No. Pta1t1 85 62 38 In SIUll 811. Mlrie. Mtch .. to Oltla City ee 8A .SA S3 In PhoenlJI. am.ha Orlando Philadphla Phoenix P111s1>vrgh Piiand. M• Piiand. Ore Providence Relelgl1 Reno Salt Lake San Antonio Seattle Slireveport Sioux Falla $1 Louis St P-Tampa St Ste Marie Spokane SJ'fac:uH Topeka Tucson lulM Washlngtn Wldllta 83 a5 78 103 70 70 90 76 a5 a7 M 93 82 90 86 .80 87 87 89 70 76 97 88 80 80 CAUFOMllA 66 73 04 58 75 44 49 59 57 67 55 59 H 57 66 68 6t 74 36 60 50 63 I t3 63 67 43 • S9 6S 09 Bakerafleld 99 79 Blythe 100 Eureh 61 51 Fr...o 9• 87 lAneuter 90 68 Loe Angelel 70 80 Meryavl"-9 t Needlel 102 Oi«land 68 51 Puo Aot>tee eo .,. Red BMt 93 ee Redwood City 76 80 Sac.ramento 12 42 Sallnaa a2 5" 0 I California ··-: TM Nahone1 Weeth« SaMce prtdlc:t1 another round of nlghl 1nd morning cloudlnHt and SURf REPORT reluetanl aliernoon 1unthlne •lii . .ihnili. --~l 1111111m-.----------Frlday. W1111rly wind• oould lwMp ct.erta 11 30 mph around evening. Friday'• hlgha ehould range fl'om tilt mid 70. In Loa Anaelee' and " bMcMe. ~ 74 and ao In mountalnl. from 92 to toa In IN l1Wt ~ and bttwMft tt lfld 10f5 In lht tow .,...,,., eo.wt from POlnt Conoiptlon 10 Iha ~ bofOer oan upec1 !Wit. ¥IWlltMI llMdl dl#1nt lflt nl911t and "'ornlnt. ~o"''"D ~ • to 1e lnoc1 'rtdeY ef1ernoon with 1 t to 3·foot .-.ty ...... ·-..... poor poor poor POOi' ,.=o, flllr-90« llllri>OOf ""' "* A"'lfl Tett1p se G7 57 57 57 58 ff H 00 80 San Diego 72 65 San FrancilOO 63 55 Santa Barbara 67 55 Santi Marla 69 S1ockton 90 57 Thermal 101 Ukllh 84 Barstow 99 71 Big Bear 76 40 Bllhop 93 56 Catalina 70 82 Long Beacl1 70 63 Monrovia 76 61 Mt. Wiison 78 59 Newport Beacl1 63 59 Ontario 74 56 Palm Spring• 98 65 Peuden• 74 59 San Bernardino 74 58 San Joae 76 57 Santa Ana 70 82 San1a Cruz 65 57 Tahoe Valley 77 41 nwg Tlie Air Ouallly Management Olllrlcl preOlc:1• good air quallry IOOey In mot! erMa Of lhe Sou1h Cout Alf Butn, exa.pl In the Rlv8ftlde-San Bernardino aree, which wlll have unhealthful 1lr QuaHty for __,11¥1 pert0na. A Pollutant Stlnderd Index o1 150 Is torecee1 tor the ~ S911 BemwOlno .... Where to oell (l oll frM) fOf lltlll llTIOQ lnfoml811on. Orange County: (800) «s.382t LOI Ang1111 Counly: (8001 242-4022 Rlvwlide and San Bemardll'IO GOUntlM: (8001 H7 .... 710 AOMO ~ Cenler: (800) 242 ... llM Tides • TOOAV SecionO nigh 1::27 o.m .Jlecond IOw I: 11 o.m. PNDAY 4.2 u Flrw1 111911 li: 11 e.m. It Flfl1 10w 7:3' e.m. O.J 3tcond high 2•11 p.m. u StCOftd iow me o m. 2 a M Mtl IOOey M t-ot pm., r1IM ~rio.J It 1:'3 e.m. Moon r1-tOOey al .. 14 a.m., Mii at 11·U PIT! Two MIGs downed Israeli warplanes divehoinh Beirut BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - lsraeli jets divebombed guerrilla strongholds in residential areas of west Beirut \Oday and the state radio said Israeli gunt:Y.-ats joined in the bombardment The jet s also downed two Syrian MiGs in central Lebanon and Americans prepared to evacuate the war-tom country . The Tel Aviv command said the MiGs were downed when they tried to intercept Israeli .iets cattacking Syrian targets during a tank and artillery battle along the Beirut-Damascus highway. Syria acknowledged two MiGs were "hit" and said its forces Police win donnybrook behind station Laguna Beach police didn't have to go far to jaJI a suspect who purportedly attacked an ci!icer. The dispute took place in back of the police station Sgt. Mike Davis was at the rear o( the station early this morning when two women drove up to complain a man was following them. The suspect then pulled up behind the women and got out of his car. When he refused to give DaVls his name and began to climb back in his car. Davis grabbed his arm. A fight ensued and at one poin t Davis said the man attempted to grab his firearm. Davis said he bit the suspect's arm, then sprayed him in the face with Mace and subdued the man. Damon Aragon , 22. who refused to give an address, was arrested for allegedly assaulting a police officer. were engaged 10 "viole nt clashes" with the Israelis. The Israeli armored forces in the mountains southeast o f Beirut appeared to be trying t-0 consolidate the ir grip on a 20-mile stretch of the highway linking the Lebanese and Synan capitals in an effort to bar the Syrians from bringing supplies and reinforcements for a possible battle for Beirut. The Pilgr im Trust campaign and Laguna Niguel attorney Gregory Smyth will host a fund-raising reception aboard the bri~ "Pilizrim'" in Dana Point Harbor Sunday. The fund-raiser for Laguna Niguel resjdents will include a one-h our dramatic re- creation of Richard Henry Dana's life at sea and will introduce the Pilgrim Trust •Elementary school children from Laguna Niguel, Irvine and Mission VieJO are competing in the "Laguna Niguel Coloring Boo k Contest" sponsored by Avco Community Developers, lnc. The cont.eSt includes three categories, age 5 and under. 6 to 8, and 9 and 10. Students are required to color eight "They will be putting in many pieces of steel to reinforce c>x1sting <.'Olumns and make the whole structure stiffer," said M 1 l ler. a resident federal inspector at the plant. Upgrading expenses will be split 80-20 between Edison and San Diego Gas & Electric Co., which owns 20 percent of the plant The cost of the structural work will eventuaUy be paased on to utility rate payers, said Echson spokesman Russ Hawks. F.d1son announced the seismic s:rengthening pro_gram last week , saying it would mean ext.ending the present shut.down of tht' 436-megawatt reactor unul about November campaign, which hopes to complete purchase of the brig later thts summer. Donors to the trust w ho pk>dge $2.500 or more will be inVlted to sail on the brig's f irs t b iennial c ruise to Newport Beach this fall for annual maintenance. Mor e information can be obtained at 496-2274. pages of scenes of recreation in Laguna Niguel -fishing, sailing, swimming, soccer , kite flying and tennis. Winners receive U.S . savings bonds worth between $50 and $100. Children have until June 30 to complete the books and return them to three Avco complexes in Laguna Niguel. For further informatwn, call 645-6300. THE FASHION IS DIAMONDS FROMA-Z. • I Wear one initial or spell out ybur name or a personal message. Our 14 karat yellow gold Initials set with diamonds make a brilliant fashion statement Available from A-Z. chain not included. $150 each. SLAVIC K'S Flne~Slnc.1917 WMrt w btsr surpnsu btgin Fash!On 1tjlnO (714) &W-1380 • ~ IHcfl Abo~Lot~·Sln Diego• i..~ \ j I •• L Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Thurtday, June 24, t982 Plan.ners, council must work together A majority of tht.t Laguna Beach City Coun cil believl.'s planning c:ommiBHioners -who are. appointed by the council - should serve two-year terms. Commissioners currentl y serve four-year terms, and two new planning commissioners appointed last week were given tem\S of that length. But three City Council members voted to limit terms to half that time next time around. Their argument? The Planning Comm1ss1on should reflect the views of the City Council majority. Problems arise, they say, when a new council majority 1s stuck with a planning co~ion that reflects the philosophy of the old council majority. If the city 1s ~mg run by a "slow-growth'' City Counc:ll majorit~, for instance, but still ha.a a maJority o f l e ft -o ver commissioners who are more developmen t and business oriented, then there are bound to be conflicts. Some say it lS healthy to have both philosophies re!lected in the municipal arena. And perhaps they are <..'Orrl.'Ct. But consider this: Planning commissioners serve at the pleasure of the C ity Council. The council majority has the authority and the right to have a commission that it believes will best serve its interests. And, if the community doesn't agree with the decisions o{ the council members a nd their appointees -well, that's what e lections are all about. Tax ·balancing act Laguna Beach taxpayers wm see two items increased on their property tax bills later this year, and a slight decrease in one service. On the plus side, s treet lighting costs will decrease for residential cus tomers from 23 cents per adjusted front foot, to 16 cents. In other words. a resident with a standard 50 foot frontage will pay $8 for street lighting next year instead o{ $11.50. The cost for trash pickup for residential customers will increase 6 percent to $4.46 per month. The increase is the first approved by the City Council for trash pickup since 1978, and is modest considering the cost of providing the service. Meanwhile, sewer ser vice fees have been increased by 9.5 percent for next year, on the heels of an increase last year for the service. The reason for the increase is the high cost of the Aliso Water Management Agency's $100 million wastewater treatment plant and sewer outfall. Laguna Beach is expected to hook into the new system sometime next year, abandoning its ancient, 50-year-old sewer system. No increase in taxes is ever welcome, but in the case of trash service and sewer fees, the increases are justified. And a m odest decrease in street lighting fees takes a bit of the b ite out of the h ikes. Art Jnuseu111 looks ahead The Laguna Beach Museum of Art is looking toward a bright future. The mu seum has been a cultural asset to the community for many years. but recent events have sent gallery programs at a dead run toward unprecedented success. Museum director Bill Ott.on says that in years past the gallery mainly stuck to local art works. But now. he says, the museum plans to feature national art trends as well as its mainstay, local and Southern CaliCornia art. He says museum directors have aJso sought the opinions and support of local residenLc:; and art patrons and that the effort is paying off. In the past month, the museum has received a large grant -$40,000 from the Irvine • Foundation -has gained 250 dues-paying members, swelling membership to 1,700, and has received the largest number of entries for the annual membership exhibit, which is now open. Also, the gallery has doubled its budget from last year to $271,000 and plans to add about 2,000 square feet of floor space to the current area of about 5,000 square feet. Laguna Beach has a tradition of being the art center of Orange County, with the museum and annual exhibits of the Sawdust Festival, Art-A -F air and the Festival of Arts. It's gratifying that Orange Coun ty residents not only appreciate the cultural events of Laguna Beach , but also are suppo~ting Laguna's art tradition. Opinions expressed 1n the space abOve are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex- pressed on this page are those ot their authors and art is ts. Reader comment is inv1t ed. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (7 14) 642-4321 L.M. Boyd I Crossword puzzle Q. Has there ever been a crossword puzzle that nobody could work? A. At least one nobody has worked, anyhow. From 1938 until 1949, Robert Stilgenbauer of Los Angeles put to- gether such a puzzle with 3, 185 clues down and 3,149 clues across. Claim is nobody yet has finish<.'d it Not every young lady called Martha was named m honor of a bird. But some might have been. The last passenger pigeon on earth died Sept. I, 1914, in the Cincinnati Z.00. Her name was Martha. Q . Do the Mounties an Canada still ride horses? A. Only in parades and on special assignments. That the word "cigarette" comes from the word "cigar" is common knowledge. But did you know that the word "cigar" was coined from the word "cicada" because the first cigars suppoeedly looked like beetles? Q. What's lhe real difference, if any, between "mountain grown" cof- fee and some other kind? A. Arabica beans of the higher altitudes have more (l,avor with less ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot bitterness than the robusta beans or the lower levels. The arabica cost more. The robusta have more caffeine. Q . How much money does Prince Charles make? A. Equivalent of about $1 million a year. Not from taxpayer's money, h owever. His pay comes from property he now owns. He donates a fourth of that income to the national treasury, and keeps $751,350. Observed Samuel Butler: "A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg." Q. How old is the comic book he- roine "Wonder Woman"? A. Forty. At least, that's how long she has been around. Q . Who is "losif Dzhugashvill"? A. That was the original of several names used by J 06ef S-talin. In Spain, an amateur bullfighter can be shot for practicing his techni- que with a bull out on the range. Q. What's the one thing most people fear most? A Physical violence. Thomas P. H.itey Publisher Thomas A. Murphlne Editor Barbara Krelblch Editorial Paoe Editor Insurance t~ick cheats poor WASHINGTOm -Last February 18, Krno T. Lewis, a 21 -year-old black youth, was trudging through the snowy streets of Muncie, lnd., on his way to his girlfriend's home. He moved into the street because the sidewalk was piled high with unplowed snow Suddenly, without warning, rhyme or reason, an 18-year-old white youth an a passing car pulled out a pistol and fired one shot at Kino Lewis, kilJing him. THE TRAGEDY OF this unprovoked murder was devastating enough for Lewis's family . What added immeasurably to their heartbreak came afterward. Kmo's grandmother, Daisy Cook, submitted a clai m on the accidental death policy she had taken out 19 years earlier on her grandson. At the rate of 10 cents a week, Kino's grandmother had been paying premiums to the Commonwealth Life lnsurance Co. of Louisville, Ky., for a $1,500 policy on her grandson's life. But instead of the $1,500 she expected to collect, Mrs. Cook was given the grand total of 80 cents -a refund for eight weeks of excess premiums. In other words, what Daisy Cook got for the $98 of premiums she had paid over the years to Commonwealth Life was exactly nothing. ln rejecting her claim, Commonwealth rehed on the fine print in its policy that excluded "any loss resulting from mjunes intentionally inflicted upon the insured either by himself or by any othC'r person other than burglars or robbers." Commonwealth Life Vice President W.J Kearney told my ~iate Tony Capaccao the company's decision to deny Mrs. Cook's claim was based on its reachng of two newspaper clippini;~s in G -Jl-Cl-IN_D_IRS_O_I -~ the local press on her grandson's murder. ln defense of this astonishing practice, Kearney claimed that the company in the past has paid out claims on the basis of such news accounts. What he seemed to be saying was that if the newspaper reporters had worded their stories to conform to the fine print in Mrs. Cook's pohcy, she would have been paid the $1 ,500. Had Commonwealth Life bothered to go beyond the press reports, they might have discovered that Kino Lewis' killing was not really "intentionally inflicted.'' A police source said: "There was no premeditated planning on their part to lull Lewis . . . There is no evidence the al'Cused knew who he was shooting at" A prosecution source agreed that Kino "was JUSt in the wrong place at the wrong tame " Yet when the National Insurance Consumer Organization brought the denial of Mrs Cook's insurance claim to the attenuon or the Indiana Department or lnsuran<.'<'. the only response was a form lt.•ller accepting th<' company's explanation IF EVER THERE were a case where c:onsumers could use a Little protection on the part of the federal government, this kmd or insurance shenanigans would seem to be 11 And an fact the Federal Trade Comm1ss1on several years ago cr1t1cized the type or insurance Kino Lewis's grandmother bought as "high cost for low benefit." The FTC estimated that such pennies-a-week insurance policies bring an $3 b1l11on a year in premiums. Commonwealth Life's v1<.-e president insisted that such policies sold to the poor represent "only a small part or our line." Yet the insurance industry's own data s howed that suc:h po licies, whtle br1ng1ng an only 13 p e r ce nt of Commonwea I th La fC''s pre miums, accounted for 28 percent o f th~ company's profits tn 1980. or $1 0.2 million. Footnote When told of the derual of Mrs. Cook's claim, one of the detectives who anvesugated hl'r grandson 's murder said he thought at was wrung, and added: "Maybe I should l'h et·k my own polmes." Thrifty subsidize the big spenders To the F.ditor: Regarding truth in lending, l think 1t was Adam Smith who said: "Borrowing has been too easy and lending too painful." For too long , the thrifty have subsidized the big spenders who have learned to live by leverage. So -the old low interest rates are no longer MAILBOX acceptable. Capital wants its fair share of the economy. If we are going to have easy credit, it should be subsidized by government like everything else. As things are now, the borrower writes off all the interest pa.id and gets the commodity before paying for it; thereby beating inflation, while the lender pays taxes on earned interest. THE THRIFTY lender, meanwhile, watches inflation reduce the value of retirement funds while the swingers use th0&e funds to buy foreign cars, foreign TVs, foreign radios, foreign clothing, foreign boore, foreign vacations, foreign vacation homes and overpriced domestic homes beyond their true means. Now, when they fall on their faces, they file Chapter l3s and blame their troubles on the Federal Reserve. That makes about as much sense as smashing the thermometer because you can't stand the heat. High interest is not the cause; it Is the effect. For too long, too many have been making and spending too much for too many things. While, at the same time, too many have been making too little and spending too much for too ,few thingll. Today. most salaries and pensions are tied to the Consumer Price Index; not so the case of cash savings . And, meanwhile, CBS and othen complain that the reduction of inflation is going to hurt the ones with income tied to the Consumer Price Index. What a laugh! How hypocritical can they get? Many worked two and three hoW'll tor the fint dollar saved. Thoee dol.lara, today, aren't worth ten cents. In 1pite of it all, tyranny of the ma.jortty shall continue to prevail. FRED MAC DONALD Transport balance To the F.ditor: There are h~ every other day or to on th subject of whether to mlarp Orange County'• airport or about the latest Jam and holdup on the Santa Ana freeway. I thin k an a ll this to -do about transportation people miss the larger issue, which ts the destruction of public trans portation in this state by ,a <."Onglomeration of the oil and automotive industry. ln almost every other country in the world there is a balance among surface transportation. there is a balance among transportation in the air, on the sea and roadways . I grew up in the Midwest where the roads were built around the suburbs so you have probably as many suburbs and miles of roads in Illinois -the difference being that the roads were buiJt first and then the suburbs and communities were built around them. TRIS STATE as a whole could cure a lot of unemployment by redeveloping railroads. by retooling the assembly plants to build railroad parts and railroad cars. This could knock a big dent in unemployment, perhaps for the next 20 years. lnstead of spending the taxpayers' money, and I speak of the taxpayer who seldom uses planes, instead of spending money to enlarge Orange County airport, I wouldn't mind seeing much better railroads between Los Angeles and Orange County and on to San Francisco and San Diego. TOM KELLY Citizens silenced To the &lit.or: Recently Mayor Bellerue divorced government from the people. The correspondent of this divorcement was Mayor Pro Tern Fitzpatrick. The victims of this action were the citirens of Laguna Beach. Bellerue and Fitzpatrick deeded Public Communications to the end of the council agenda, meaning about the midnight hour. They killed the voice of the people, meaning their right to be seen, heard and express thelr independent views. They killed the right of a high school student to speak at a reasonable hour. The last time this student spoke it was • l.cttt>rs frnm reader.• ort> wtlcomc The right to ronderase lettus to /11 ape.cf or i>hm1n11t1• hl'H-/ 1$ rc.tcrvf'd 1.ftlcr.• <>I 300 word& or ltt!R u111l hf g1v<rn prtftrtflct All letters mu&t 1ncludt> fignoturt and mailing oddrtas °'-'t Mmt'I mo11 l>f' Wtthh«ld on re· quest 1{ ~uff1c1rn1 reason 1s apparent PnrlrJI will not ~ publl1htd. uttt'rs mov be tl'l'Ph<med to 642~ Nome and phone number of the contnbutor miut ~ gu~n for vrrtfleolion ptJrpostl near midnight. The student said that on the way home he was harassed by the police due to the lateness of the hour. This is no way to tr('at our future voters. They killed the opportunity for seniors to appear (especially women who are afraid to be out late at night) They killed 1t for working citizens who are obliged to rise early and earn their livelihood. ALAN E. ADAMS Uni air to need y To th~ Editor· I would lake to L·all public attention to a bad Mech-Cal ball that will become law on July 1. 1982 unles.'i we act quickly. This b1U . AB 3480. w1ll "eliminate non· e mergency medical transportation except for dialysis patten ts and discharge from acute hospital to convalescent hospitals " This ball 1s grossly unfair to the most needy people of our society -the infirm and disabled elderly, including patients who are confined lo wheelchairs or who are b l ind and hav e no ot h er transportation to their doctors other than courtesy coaches. THE MEDl·CAL program costs need to be cut, to be sure. but we should not inflict these cuts on our most needy. C\Jt doctor's fees (already done), <.'Ut hospital (ees (also done), and cut the Medi-Cal bureaucracy (not done yet), but to deny these patients tht•1r access to their doctors for outpallent care is truly a tragedy lt is also not smart Outpatient care is needed to reduce emergency hospitalization and all its attendanl risks, romplacallons. and costs. Those who are interested in defeating this bill should contact their state Assemblyman. their Senator, and Governor Brown at the State Capitol. Sacramento, CA 95814. Act quickly, for we only have until July 1. JAN D. VANDERSLOOT, MD GlDllY GUI The WMthermen are beginning to llOWld like Ronald Reagan with their br'faht and sunny forecasts, only to come up wilh another dismal day. R.M. • llllf Plal THURSDAY, JUNE 24, 1882 l CAVALCADE 82 THI CDAIT AND THI COUNTY TELEVISION 86 The dancing talents of hirley MacLaine are not put lo good u se on "Illus i ons," tonight on Cha nnel 2. 0 0 Take a step into yesteryear at The Grand Garage ~\ '/.,,, . Antique cars, soldiers and trinkets d e light LE GRAND EVERYTHING: Cruising East Coast Highway through Corona del Mar, you might just ~ The Grand Garage, figuring it was a place that peddles grease, motor oil and tire pumps. But not Vick Knight. Knight, genial and highly-touted throughout our region as the publicity pumper for Children's Hospital of Orange County, stopped by The Grand Garage and purchased a wheel spoke brush for $3.50. • . . This was noteworthy because ol Vick drives a Mazda, which has wheels with no spokes. Why did he buy the brush? "It was the cheapest thing in the place," Knight explains logically. "Listen, this place is like · a rich man's garage sale. "I GOT THE BRUSH I"'-\ because I wanted one of their TOM MURPHINI ~-·· "r. shopping bags to carry it out ~ ~' 1 in," the PR exec enthused. . '' . "The bags are Grand Garage green with gold trim." So you may be left puzzled by all this, wondering what is this Grand Garage, anyway? For old timers of our coastal region, the place will be recalled as Whitman's Garage of Corona del Mar, which , over the years, indeed did specialize in fixing busted motor cars. Most rece ntly, the place was purchased by Alan Rypinski, who some time back originated a product to spray on the plastic top of your car. It's called Armorall. Since he made a fortune on that and sold out, Rypinsk.i got The Grand Vintage Ford runabout in place of honor at Rypinsk.i's Tht! Grand Ga.rage Garage concept and now has a place where he 'can sell you antique autos like Rolls Royce;, Bentleys, Model T Fords, old woody surfer wagons 'and even a wooden-sided Ford Sportsman convertible out of the 1940s. Actually, according to Rypinski's wife, Pat, they decided to buy the vintage garage after fearing the property would be purchased by a rug merchant and torn down. "WE J UST COULDN'T let that happen to the grand old place," she declared. Back in the early days, Alan's dad used to bring his car to Whitman's for service. Alan had been visitbg from Pasadena in the summers since the 1940s when his family kept a boat at the old Villa Marina docks. Pat has been a Newport resident since 1945. They met and became campus sweethearts at Harbor High. So Corona del Mar's The Grand Garage has been built on a lot of history, sentiment and love. Rypinski has a stock of more then 40 vintage and historic automobiles, most of them warehoused out on Placentia Avenue in Costa Mesa, as stock that can be purchased through The Grand Garage. ' BUT THE PLACE is more than an auto store. You might be in the market for a vin tage popcorn machine. Or how about a collection of the finest wine bottle openers ever offered for sale? Some ancient toy soldie rs? The Grand Garage has 'em. As for deluxe service, listen, the garage place has a computer where you can be reminded when it's time for a gift for wife or mother-in-law on the proper date. Gift ideas are offered, along with wrapping, signing and delivery. THE COMPUTER WILL even keep a five-year list of the gifts you've given before, so you won't get yourself crossed up with a duplication. Clearly, the old Whitman's Garage of yesteryear, where you could pick up a quart of Pennzoil and a new innertube, is a long way from The Grand Garage of today. Ex-trustee ordered ALL IN A ROW -Vintage toy soldiers are part of the offerings for purchase or pleasure at The Grand Garage, 3222 GOOD OLD DAYS -Doug Jensen of The Grand Garage demonstrates how they used to pump e thyl in yesteryear when gasoline was drawn up into glass bowl and allowed to flow by gravity into au to tank. _ __ _ ___ _ returned to --prison Brannon to complete two-year sente nce for bookmaking after a rrest • , Former Saddleback College ~tee Alyn M. Brannon was qrdered back to state prison Wed.ne9day to finish a aentence tor bookmaking following his ~t this week for allegedly iccept.ing beta on a professional bueball game. Orange County Superior Court Judge f.eonard McBride revoked a previous order allowing B~ to remain free while appealing a two-year st.ate prlaon •entence on his bookmaking conviction last summer. Judie McBride told Brannon he would be returned to prbon where he would complete the remaining eight monthA to a year left on the sentence. Brannon did not contest the allegations leveled against him by district a\\orney'1 inveatigatora Monday that he ~u accepting beta on Dodger ~ball garnet. I : McBride said he was played a tape recording of a bet being placed and was told that Brannon was the party receiving the bet. He said he would give the former Saddleback trustee a chance to answer the charge, but defense lawyer Dennis LaBarbera sald he would not challenge the tape. Deputy Uiatrict Attorney Maury Evan1 said no new charges have been filed agalnst Brannon on the basis of his arreat. Monday, the former college trustee was taken into CUSU>dy after officers aerved a search warrant and found what was believed to be betting ~-hemalia in his Santa Ana LaBarbera said after Wednetlday's hearing that there was little point in PW"luinl an appeal of Brannon's cue aince his client would probably finilh his sentence before it could be heard. The 51-year-old Brannon, who has been convicted three separate times for bookmaking activities in the past decade, was sentenced to state prison last summer. ln a hearing before McBride last month. he unsuccessfully sought to have his guilty plea withdrawn because he thought h e was to receive a lesser sentence than he did. The judge a llowe d him to remain free pending an appeal. Rough water swim contest scheduled in Huntington The 32nd annual Huntington Beach Open "Rough Water" Pier Swim will be conduc ted Saturday at the Huntington. Beach City Pier, Main Street and. Pacific Coast Highway. The first race, for men and women in the senior, masters and 1rand masters divisions, will beifn at 9 a.m. The teeond race, for junior men and women, ages 12 to 15, starts at about 9:30 a.m. Trophies will be awarded for first through third places in each o{ seven divisions. The Gene Belshl Memorial Perpetual Trophy will go to the winning team. The public may view the competl ti on a\ no charge. Participants muat pay a $~ early entry fee or an $8 late entry fee on the beach by 8:30 a.m. D.tly Piiot Photoe bJ Petl'lcil O'Donftell E. Coast Highway, in Corona del Mar. Among the other antiques are vintage autos such as Rolls Royces and Model Ts. PRICE WAS RIGHT ~ Scoti Adams shows off the fancy popcorn machine from bygone times which is part of the collectibles found at The Grand Garage in Corona del Mar. Wouldn't it be nice if popcorn was still only a nickel? ___ _ Court last hope· for Cove residents By JEFF ADLER Ofttie Delly Piiot 8tett Crystal Cove cottage residents may have but one option left m the ir fight to retain thei r residences -a court challenge of the state-ordered evictions. And the atto rn ey w h o re presents the C r ysta l Cove Reside nt's Assoc1att on says he a lread y 1s r ead ying three lawsuits that will ask an Orange County Superior Court judge to block any resident evictions, which could begin as early as July 31. Cove residents say they realiz:e the court may be their last hope a fter the L egislature Monday rejected a compromise that would have delayed the July evictions of part-time residents. The L egislature 's a ctio n , which let s tand the July 31 eviction order to residents of 23 cottages, will be finalized whenever lawmakers enact the state's 1982-83 budget. "I anticipate filing the lawsuits in the first w e ek of July," resident's association attorney Craig Dummit e xplained Wednesday. "They will ask that the court enjoin the st.ate from evicting the tenants (both full and part-time) at Crystal C.OVe." The three additional court actions he threatens would join a pending laW1ult already before couniy Superior Court judges. Dummlt aald the new suits would contend cottage residents have been denied equal protection under the law; that the state has failed to complete • t:'nv 1ron m e n t a l i mp a ct state m ents, and that park lc>gislatio n co nflic ts with restrictions governing national htston c districts Cottag<.' r<.'S1den ts interviewed Wc-d nesday appeared unifonnly glum about their prospects for rt.>tai nmg their cottages. which dot the ~was1de bluffs between Corona dl•l Ma r and Laguna &•at·h "We'll JUSl have to go to court," commented Paul Ramsey, a part-time cottager from North H o ll y w o od . ''It 's very d1 s appo int1ng a nd quite s urpris ing tha·t the y (th e Legislature) would go back on what they said they'd do. "There's just no. justice in it. How can they justify evicting me out of my house and then renting it to the public?" Laurie Gabriel. a permanent resident, said that she ls "pinnfnl her hopes on the court case" no"° that lawmakers have rejected tht compromise. "I really feel bad about it," Ms. Gabriel said. "We 're all terribly threatened." was what part-tlme resident Christine Shll'ley said of the legislative action. "We're facing immediate eviction, but ot coune we have to have our day In court." Besides reetori languace in the atate budget "3..at lets at.and the July 31 evictions, lawmakers also have moved '° atrike $'4.8 million in bond revenues that had be en slated for park d~velopment. 1111111:• 1n1111li11a1 l MUJlSL>AV. JUNE J4. 19U;.> ORANGE COUN TY . CA LIFO RNIA 25 CENTS Take aspirin, but watch your stomach By JOEL C. DON or-.o...,,...a1.,. The phy&cia.n'• !ldage about two aspirlna may not be the best remedy for whatever ails you, acoording to a UC lrvlne scientist who has studied the popular pain killer for more than 12 years. Dr. Kevin Ivey, UCI professor of medicine a nd chief of gastroenterology research at the VA Medical Center in Lo ng Beach , h as r e po rte d the 30 million Americans who take the non-prescription drug on a daily basis run a highe r risk o f developing a bleeding stomach which could lead to gastric ulcers. ''There pot~ntlally is a danger," he said. "But you have to put It in perspective. The risk o ( so m e thing serio u s l y happening is relatively small. "(f you look at it from the p oint o f vie w of the gastrocnterologist, 50 percent o ( the people who come in with major (stomach) bleeding have an association with aspirin." lvey said arthrit.ic patient.a who took at least eight aspirins a day for a minimum of three months had a 25 percent c h a nce of getting an ulcer. But aspirin, whlch erodes the stomach's protective mucosal lining, hu been shown to cause damage ln just about every user, he said. Using a fiber optic instrument c alled an e ndoscope, Ivey examined the stomachs of research subjects 10 minutes after taking aspirin. He found 20 percent damage to surface cells lining the s t o mach in all participants. But, he n ote d , the body's natural repair mechanisms healed the stomach lining within a few hours. Still, Ivey believes aspirin is a good drug that can be taken safely if users take advantage of methoda to reduce lta corrosive effect on the stomach. His recommendattons Include taking aspirin coated with a s pecial c h e mical to prevent abeorption in the stomach, use of a homemade buffering solution and ingestion of aspirin with a prescription drug that reduces acid secretions In the stomach. Enteric-coated aspirin allows the drug to pass through the s tomac h , with c h emica l breakdown in the int.eatine . A third teaspoon of baking soda taken w ith two aspirins appears to have a buffering effect on the s t omach . But Ivey doesn't recomm,end that method for chronic aspmn users, because of the possible dangerous rise in blood alkalinity . Clmetldine, a popular ulcer drug, can be taken with aspirin to l imit pro du ction o f hydrochloric acid In the stomach, he said. Aspirin is especially popular among patients suffering from arthritis, rheumatic dl.lieases and galls tones. And r esear ch e r s currently are s t udying its apparent preventive value for heart disease and stroke victuns . Ivey said aspirin substitutes such as Tylenol, the brand name of &l'etaminophen, should be l'Ons1dered. But llOme docton; are concerned about reported toxic effec:t of Tylenol when taken in large d~. "l thank aspmn is a very good drug; I hke 1t," he added. ''The message I'm trying to get across is one s hould be:! more cautious and the re are other ways of taking It." l vcy's findings. part or a n ongoing research e ffort, were presented at a sy mposium sponsored by the International Association for the Study of Pain in Mainz-Frankfurt, Germany. Court rules Nixon immune from suit WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. Supreme Court said today former President Nixon could not be held accountable for allegedly firing a civilian Pe ntagon worker, ruling for the first time that a president enjoys "absolute immunity" from lawsuits which seek monetary damages (o r 1misconduct in office The vote was 5-4. The s uit stemm e d Crom the aJleged illegal firing of Air Forc e worker A . Ernest F itzge rald, who a lready has received $142,000 in return for h~ promise not to take Nixon to trial no matter how the court rule d . Thus, the decision upholding the president's absolute unmunity will affect only future Rock singer told 'no niutilations' DOWN, BOY -Rock singer Ozzy Osbourne will do his thing a t Irvine M ead ows Friday, and police will try to see to it that h e d oesn't decapitate any animals. By GLENN SCOTT or.._. o..r "°' • ..., Rock singer Ozzy Osbourne, who gained dubious national fame in February by biting off a bat 's head during a concer t, won't be sacrificing any animals Friday in Irvine, city officials promiae. If he does. however, police oUicers claim they'll arrest him after the concert. Osbourne, who is following in the "theatrical-rock" footsteps of Alice Cooper, is scheduled to pe rform Fri day at Irvine Meadow s amphitheater. The concert will be filmed for a national television special. Osbourne maintains a busy touring schedule and has been s hado w ed by local humane societies and other groups since the incident with the bat, which w as tossed o n s tage during a concert in Des Moines, Iowa. The co n stant foc us ha s (See OZZY, Page A2) Fair grounds theater lawsuits seeking monetary damages from c urre nt and former preside nts, as well as several othe r pending cases agai nst Nixon fo r al l e ge d misconduct in office. The Supreme Court came down on the side of the president today as long as the alleged illegal conduct is within the "outer perimeter" of his official duties. "We hold tha t (Nixon), as a former president of the United States is entitled to a bsolute immunity from damages liability predicated on his official acts," Justice Lewis F. Powell wrote for the court. "We consider this immunity a functionally mandated incident of the president's unique offi<le, rooted in the constitutional tradition of the separation of powers and supported by our history," Powell added. In New York, Nixon 's spokesman, Nicholas Ruwe, said, "Former Presid ent Nixon's custom is not to comment on court decisions." At the Pentagon , Fitzgerald a lso said he would have n o immediate commen t. Fitzge rald claimed Nixon had h i m f ired for d isclosing to Congress in 1968 that the C-5A military t ransport plane could cost $2 billion over est.in\ates. He was rehired with back pay in 1973, and only last week was reinstated to his original duties in a sett l ement w ith the government. Fitzgerald, who sued Nixon and two former aides for $3.5 m illion , c l aim e d t h at his constitutional ri~ht to free speech (See NIXON, Page AZ) 'reborn' AP~o J URORS QUIZZE D -Five members of the Judiciary Committee. From le ft are Glyrus jury which found John Hinckley Jr. innocent Lassiter, Lawrence Coffey, Woodrow Johnson, by r eason of insanity in the s hooting of Maryland Copelin and Nathalia Brown. President Reagan testify before the Senate Hinckley jurors ask change Five te ll s ubcommittee of d elibe ra t ion frustra tio n s WASHINGTO N (AP) - Jurors in John W. Hinckley Jr.'s trial called today for changes an the law under which they found President Reagan's assailant to be not guilty b y reason o f insanity. Five of the 12 jurors told a Senate Judiciary subcommittee considering proposed changes in the law governing the federal insanity plea that Hinckley s h o uld receive mandatory treatment in a m ental institution and then complete a t.cnn in prison. The jurors said they w e re frustrated because during 31h days of deliberations they were limited to two choices -guilty or not guilty by reason of insanity -in weighing eviden ce o f Hinckley's attack against the president and three men March 30. 1981. Hinckley had "some mental disorders" but felt he still should have been found guilty a nd sentenced to some punishment. Besides Miss Brown a nd Mrs. Copelin, the other jurors who testified were Woodrow Johnson. Glynis Lassiter and Lawrence Coffey. "Every one of us knew he was ~ilty," she said. "but we had to deal wnh that mental problem." U.S. District Judge Barrington D. Parker instructed the JUry that to find Hinckley innocent, they had to decide that he dld not know right from wrong and that the prosecution failed to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Hinckley was sane at the lime of tht.' s h ooti ng o ut s i de a Washington hotel Reagan draws line at housing subsidy ft takes a two-thirds majority of both the House and the Senate to override a presidential veto. lrl'ine lirm sign s ne w contract for construction "If a person is guilty of a crime and is mentally ill," said juror Maryland Copelin, 50, "they should be treated for that illness . . . then get punished for the crime." WASHINGTO N (AP) President Reagan today vetoed an emergency m o n ey b ill containing housing su bsidies for low and middle-income h ome buyers, charging that Congress IS not serious about controlhng federal spending. The H ouse then b egan considering a bill that contained every elem ent o ( the vetoed version except for the housing subsidi£>s. Like the failed measure, the new one would repeal a $75 -per-day tax deduction that Congress voted itself last year An I.rvme hrm has signed a contract to build the lo ng- d el ay e d $10 m i ll io n a mphitheater o n the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Rick Witte, vice president of the Nederlander Organization, which has the state contract to build and operate the 15,000-seat theater, said the company signed a new con s truction contract Monday with C . L . P ec k Construction of Irvine. Witte said that he hopes to ha ve the amphitheater completed by May 15. WORLD Groundbreaking was last July 11 for the facility expected to be open by May, 1982, in time for the annual Orange County Fair. Officials for the Orange Count y Fair Board a nd Nederlander have disagreed over wh e th e r their cont r act agreement called for completion of the amphitheater by June 30 or merely a signed construction contract. As the w eeks of inactivity wore on fair board members decided to wait until June 30 before taking a n y a c tion. Officials for the Orange County LONDON (AP) -B ritain's littlest prince remained withou t a name today w hile the press accused his aunt, Princess Anne, of being jealous of the three-day-old future king. I .. COUNTY U you're an antique car buff, like tin 90ldiers, or even like collecting ol d guollne pumps, The Grand Garage in Corona del Mar has 90mething for you. Page Bl. BUSINESS Ever wonder why Nebruka ia often left out ln messages Inviting calls on toll-free numben? For the answer, see Page A7. n Fair Board said they learned of the construction oontract from a Daily Pilot reporter. "Oh really," said assistant fair board manager John Burke. "We'd like to see it go in. We'll have to see what happens. That's good news." Witte is sch eduled to m eet with fair board members today to discuss the amphitheater. Wi tte said t hat financing forced the Detroi t -b ased company with 28 theaters to d elay co n struction of th£> amphitheater. NATION Ano the r juror, Nathalia Brown, 30, said Hinckley "should have been guilty by reason of insanity." Miss Brown said s he held out until the very e nd before agreeing to join the unanimous verdict of not guilty. During the tria l , sh e said , s h e b ecame convinced Hinckley manipulated his team o f psychiatrists and "had all of his faculties" at the time of the shooting. M iss Brown conceded that Fans of the Mias Amert.ca contest won't ge t to hear the ''There She Is" refrain that celebrated the crowning of the winner because of a contract dispute. Page A5. Steven Splelber1 baa tbe midas toacb wltb movies. Botb bis "E.T." and 11Polter1el1t" are box office bonan1a1, Page 87. LAS VEGAS (AP) -The Departmen t of Energy conducted an underground nuclear weapons teat t oday at the Nevada Test Site. The test, code-named Nebbiolo, had a yield range between 20 and 150 kiloton'I. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -Tbe steady tick of the countdown clock &oday carried astronaut Ken MatUn1ly nearer bis dream of flytn1 tbat "ele1aDt ... al moo maalc macblne," Uae 1pac~ 1llattle Colambla, acbedaled to Uft off at 8 a.m. Saday. 1 Less than two hours la t er, Reagan's veto was sustained by the House. The vote was 253-151 in favor of overriding, but fell 17 short of the two-thirds margm required. 5 8 a lien s na bbed SAN DIEGO (AP) -Federal immigration agents ra.ided·a San Diego gift ware manufacturer and arrested 58 employees who a uthoriti es said were undocumented workers. INDEX At Your Service Erma Bombeck Business California Cavalcade Classified Comics Croaword Death Notices F.ditortal EntBtainrnenl Horoeoope Ann Lanclera A4 B2 A8-9 A :) B2 C6-10 C5 ca C6 AlO B6-8 B2 B2 SPORTS Although Reagan c riticized several features of th e $8.9 billion bill m casting the fifth veto of his administration , he concen trated on the housing provtsion. Anticipatin g t h e v e to, D emoc ratic leaders accused Reagan at a news conference of turning his back on the depressed housing industry Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notices 86-a A8 A3 All, B3-5, C6 Sport.a Dr. Steincrohn Stock Markets Television Theaters Wnther World News Cl--4 B2 A9 B6 86~8 A2 A3 Angels duel Kan.au City for first place aft.er taking two of three from Texas. Page Cl. Pro tltutlon ea e Panel • nixes NIXO N 'IMMUNE'. • • judge's guilt and hill rlahtai to make hi• vll'wa known t o Cong r cu were violated. Fttigerald received lhe $142,· 000 from Nixon In return for proml11lng not to take lhe former preside n t t o what Nixon's lawyer11 said would be a "months-long triul." Nevertheless, the Supreme Court, des pl t e expressing annoyance over the settlement during oral a rguments in the case, went ahead and decided the Immunity issue for both Nixon and the two aides. ln a companion decision. the Supreme C.ourt ruled 8-1 t.oday that former Nixon aides Bryce N. Harlo w and Alexander P . Butterfield enjoy only "qualified immunity" from Fitzgerald's suit. The decision apparently leaves the pair open to further legaJ proceedings in the case. Nixon, Harlow and Butterfield have denied Fitzgerald's allegations. OZZY O SBOUR NE. • • bolstered the smger's recognition but has created a permanent r~ wherever he performs, said Pat Siciliano of J et Records, Osbourne's recording company. He claimed Osbourne didn't know the bat was real when he chomped off its head -which Later led to a battery of rabies shots for the singer. "Ozzie has never k l I led anything in his life," said Siciliano. People are coming up with these absolutely bizarre rumors that we never could have dreamed of doing." Judge Frankhn had sentenced Wenzell to 58 days in jail after he was convicted of paying three prostituets for sex. Wenzell's name was found on credit card receipts and check stubs seized during a raid on a call girl ring. In a 2 -to-1 dec ision, the appellate Judges faulted the triaJ judge for telling jurors, while attorneys were not present, that lhe charges Ciled against Wenzell could be supported by statements made by the w o m e n who testified against him. The judges held that "the mere filing of a complaint is not evidence of the crime charged or corroboration of lhe testimony of an accomplice." SiJls said he a lso contacted promoters of Osbourne's act who assured him that no violations would occur. City officials discovered they hav<' no municipal Laws covering killing of animals but they did dig out a separate ordinance against "worrying animals." Officials at Irvine Meadows, who anticipated the fuss, joked earlier about the field day Osbourne could enjoy in Irvine because the o utd oo r amphitheater is adjacent to Lion Country Safari. Top school officials granted pay hikes Pay raases amounting to 10 to 11 percent increases have been granted tw o deputy superinte nde nt s and two assistant superintendents of the Irvine Unified School District. School trustees, meeting in private session Wednesday njght, approved Superintendent A . Stanley Co r ey's recommendations that pay for his assistants be hiked and \hat they be given two-year contracts. The raises are effecuve JuJy l. Pay for the tw o deputy superintende nts, Bruce Givner and Ron Upton, goes from $44.~ 000 a year to $49.000 a year. The salary of Assis tant Superintendent Dean Waldfogel goes from $42,608 annuaJly to ~41,000 while that of As.sistant. Superintendent Delaine Richards goes from $40,000 to $45,000. Corey said all four ''are outstanding performers" and lhat they received "only very, very small raises last year." Givner got a 3 percent increase last year while Upton's hike in 1981 was 4 percent. Trustee Gordon Getchel cast the lone vote op}Xlllin8 the raises and joined Trustee John Ji1ynn voting against the two-year contracts. Get.chel said the four men "are all good people and deserved raises." but said he's concerned about the board "being locked into" the raises in "a freaky economy period." An Orange County aappeu•te 1>4'0E'l has reversed a San Dle'o muni<.'ipal court judge a conviction on five pre>atltution charge» clearing the way for another appeal to a hlsher court or (I retrial ot Judge Lewis A. Wt'nwll. T he three-judge Superior Court appellate panel reversed the conviction Wednesday ruling that the trial judge, Harbor Municipal Court Judge Selim Franklin, tmproperly instructed the jury whiJe attorneys for both the defense and prosecution were not present an the courtroom. The San Diego County case was moved to Orange County on a change of venue. Irvin e set s standards for home center A n e w home and garden center unde r construction at CuJver and Irvine Center drives will have diverse tenants despite some neighbor.i' complaints. But the Irvine City Council has banned video game arcade centers from the 32-acre site and automobile repair shops are permitted only if lhey are part of a retail saJes opera tion. Convenience stores and liquor markets a lso were approved Tuesday night, following city Planning Commission approval through a conditionaJ use permit. Residents in nearby Deerfield and College Park communities had expressed concerns that a proposal to expand the scope of the shopping complex would encourage additionaJ traffic and noise in the area. Th e cen t e r , s lat e d for completion in October, will have an Angels hardware store, J.H. Biggar Furniture and Armstrong Garden Center as major tenants. J o hn Murphy, the city's manager of development services, noted residents within a one-mile radius of the center will r eceive a 60-day notice on convenience and liquor stores wishing to locate at the site. T est tube birth PARIS (AP} -France's second test tube baby. a girl named AJexia, was born at a Paras suburban hospital Wednesday njght, the hospital announced today. Low clouds prevail Temperatures Coastal Low clouds during morning houre, becoming parlly ctoudy during the afternoon todey High• 64 to 72 Low clouds return during nlghl and morning hours. becoming mostly aunny Friday attemoon OvMnlght lows 56 10 63 Highs Friday 65 to 75 Hunti ngton-Newport area temperatures to range lrom a tow of 58 to a high ot 65 Elsewher e . l rom Poin t Conception to the Meatcan botder and out 60 mites Light variable winds night and morning houre. becoming westerly 8 to t6 knot• In the evening hours today and Friday Wind waves t to 2 laet with 10Ulhwe1t awell I to 3 feet Mostly cloudy through Friday bul aom• clearing 111 late afternoon atid evening ho<Jrs U.S. S ummary Thundllfttorms were tcatte<ed over the Pl11ln1 today. extending from aouthern Mlnn11101a 10 eut.,n Wyoming and reaching touth to Oklahoma a.nd Te11111 The atorm1 alao aprelld lrom the Gull Cout to the Carollnaa. but clear sklH prevailed lrom ~lchlgan end Illinois to the Allentlc cout Weether was alto lalr over the Psclltc Norlhwest 11nd south-I deMfll Almost three fncilM ot rain lel~ Wedne1day In 1ome p1r11 ol Florida. wi'lete five touth-atern counlle• were placed under • state of -gency Tornedoea and tunnel cloods -e epotted In North Dakota Today'• torecHt called tor thunderstorm• over Florida. the MIAiMIPPI valley. -tetn GrNI Lalt• end northern and c..-.trel Pl1ln1. A f-lhundarahowara were H~tad ov•r the Great B11ln. wllh ahowera over New England end aunrry 111118 p,,., the rlllt of lhe nallon. T•mp1r1tur11 around the nation before da..m renoec:t from at In Sault St.. Merle, Mlci1 , to 83 In Phoenix. NATION Aloanv Albuque Amarillo AShevllle Alla"ta Atlante Cty Austin Baltimore e1nings Btrmlnghm Bismarck BOlse Boston Brownsvtle Butta to Burlington Casper Ch11lstn SC Chartatn WV Charlne NC Cheyenne Chicago Clnc1nna11 Cleveland Ctmbla SC Columbus Dal-Ft Wlh Daylon Oenv« Des Moines Detroit Dvtuth Et Paso Fargo Flagstaff Great Falls Harllord Helena Honolulu Houston lndnaplla Jecksn MS Jackanvtle Juneau Kana City Lu Vegas Lttlle~ Loullvltle Lubboctt Memphis Ml•ml Mllwauk• Mpls-51.P NUhville New Ofleant New Vorlt NorlOltl No Platte Olcll City HI Lo Pep 71 46 94 67 92 61 01 82 61 90 66 76 56 93 75 78 53 72 56 tO 90 63 83 56 .03 87 56 75 59 97 79 65 so 62 48 49 85 55 61 86 74 .56 17 so SS 62 84 78 S4 75 54 77 52 69 45 87 67 72 46 g2 67 1 17 73 so 60 55 .01 83 62 71 46 65 52 100 62 91 65 .04 76 42 68 53 01 76 53 66 56 02 90 69 90 80 77 53 91 69 88 73 72 44 80 63 100 74 91 88 .10 n 56 92 80 87 90 72 81 71 t 13 72 53 87 70 85 62 90 69 01 7S 61 7S 80 85 82 ee 64 M The Forecast For 8p.m.EOT Rein~ Snowc:J I J'\ J ' Showersll!/I Flurrln!¥1} Fronts Cold .-. W<1rm W. Or•~luoco ~ Stahorwv •• Om1111a OrlanOo Phlladptile Phoenix Pitta burgh Piiand, Me Piiand. Ore Pro~ Raleigh Reno Salt Lake San Antonio Seattle Shreveport Sioux Falls St Louis St P-Tampa St Ste Marte Spolcene Syrecute Topeka Tucson Tulse WUl'llngtn Wtchlll 83 85 78 103 70 10 90 76 85 87 84 g3 82 90 86 80 87 67 9g 70 78 g1 88 80 80 CAUi~ 86 San Diego 73 04 San Francieco 58 Santa Barbara 75 Santa Merl• 44 Stockton 49 Thermtl 59 U-lah 57 Ban tow 67 Big Beer 55 Bishop 59 Cataline 7 4 Long e.ach 57 Monrovia 66 Mt. Wiiton 68 Newpor1 Beech 6t Ontario 74 P•lm Springs 36 Pasadena 60 San S.rnardlno SO Sen Jote 63 t 13 Sant• An• 83 Santi Cruz 67 43 , Tahoe Valley 59 es 09 Bakenlleld 99 79 mog 72 65 63 55 67 55 69 90 57 101 8-4 99 71 76 40 93 56 70 62 70 63 76 61 78 59 63 59 74 56 98 65 74 59 74 58 76 57 70 62 65 57 77 41 81y1he 100 Eureka et 51 FrMnO 94 87 Lancut« 90 68 Los Af191118 10 eo MarylVllle 111 NMdlel 102 0..lend 68 58 The Air Ouallty Manegem.nt Otatrk:t predlcia good air quellty today tn moat ., ... of the South Coaat Air Buln. except In the Atv«lld•··San Bernardino area, which wlll have unh111thtul air quality tor Mnaltlve pet90M. Paao Roblee eo 84 Red Btuff 93 86 Redwood Cttv 15 eo SIC:famento 82 42 SallnM 82 6.t 0 1 A Pollu1ant Standard lndell of 150 la rorecut for ta.~ San Bernardino ., ... California The Na110na1 W11th« s..Vkl8 prt01ct1 another round of ntghl end morning otoudlneu and reluot1n1 •ftarnoon au"elllt11 ,,ld•y. WHttrly wind• eoutd ......., dM«ta ., ao mph around -wng. li-.iiill,6 ..... 0~U.-..... R_f R_IP_DR_T Where to c:all (toll 1r11) tor 111111 emov lnlonn•llon: 0t1ngeCou11ty:(SOOl~5-3&28 Loa AngelH County: (100) 242-4022 Rlveralde llld S111 Bematdlno c:ovntlel: (800) 387-4710 AOMO Epltode Center. (900) 242-4&88 Tides ,rtday·a hlgha tl!ould range from tile mid 70. 111 loe Anotlla' Ind ., ~. --u Ind IO In moutitllne, from 12 to 102 In the llWI ~ and .,..__, .. trld 108 In tM IOllf CltMl't .. .... ~,.,~ lO IN MtllClCen OOrder Olin lllPIGt !Wit. wrteble --durtnO tht nleflt and motnlng, ~Otlllno ~ I to 1e ttl'IOta l'ridey 1n.,noon •lt11 • 1 lo a.toot ~ ..... Teder'• A'9/llp 1·2 ft .1-2 ft 1·2 ft 1·2 ft 1·2 ft 2411 2-3 ft 2~ft t4 ft ...... T..,. 61 57 57 57 57 59 5t ff eo TOOAV S.Ooncl high 1:27 p.m. Second low I: 11 p.m. llfltDAY 4.2 2.3 Flrat high 12: 18 am. I.I Flrwl low 7:3-4 Lm. 0.1 8teond lllOf\ 2'27 p.tl'I. u ~'°* 7:25pm. U 8utl MC• todey tt t:Ot p.m • tteea Frtdwt ti 5·~ e.m. Moon Mt8 toelwt ti t : 14 a.m •• MCt It 11 22 pt11 San Diego County Dlstrlt•t Attorney Edwin Miller said he •pl.ans to appeal the ruling striking the conviction to the Fourth-District Court of Appeals and, failing that, would retry Wenzell on all five counta. In the meantime, the appellate panel's action ended, for the time being, removal actions aimed at Wenz.ell that already were before the state Supreme Court. The 39-year-old judge, who has not heard a case &Ince the removaJ recommendation was made in December, couJd return to his San Diego courtroom bench as early as Monday. "He's very happy." Wenz.ell 's attorney. Peter Hughes, said Wednesday . "I told him to wait untiJ Monday and then advu;e the court that he was ready, as he aJways has been, to accept cases.'' Hughes added that Wenzell had no plans but to continue his 10-month silenc.-e on the case and refuse comment on the latest turnabout. The charges wert- first fiJed last August. Irvine teen s' summe r 'fun' draws police It's summer. school's out and the teen-age nauves of Irvine apparently are restless 1f the Irvine Police log is an indication. For example, police were called to the Springv i ew swimming pool m Woodbridge Wednesday· night because eight maJe juveniles wee putting soap into the water. Police showed up at McGuffey pool Sunday night when three boys were carving on tables in the pool area. Later Sunday, police w ere called to Beach Avenue because three boys were spotted on a roof and to Smoketree because 15 teen -ager s c limbed the swimming pool fence. Other juvenile-related items in the police log this week include: -"Juveniles in parking lot wilh beer." -"Three m ale JUVentles hitting a ball into traffic." -"Shouting and loud muaic." -"SeveraJ ~niles throwing firecrackers in a field." -"F i fteen teen -a gers fist-fighting ... -"Five juveniles 14-15 years old on greenbel t r i ding motorcycles, throwing rocks and harassing children." -"Five to six maJe juveniles, nicely dressed, wilh two black beac h cruisers yell ing and screaming." -"Juveniles with skateboard jump device in road." -"12 -year -old s ubject painting the basketbaU wall." -"Ten juveniles, punk rock type ... harassing the paper boys." -"Breaking bottles and loud music." -"Several juveniles usmg bad language in parking lot area." -"Juveniles in parking lot with beer." ALL SYSTEMS GO -Space S huttle astronauts Thomas K. Mattingly II (right) and Henry Hartsfield, who will pilot the orbiter Columbia on its fourth and final test flight, indicate their readiness at the Kennedy Space Center launch pad. The countdo"vn is progressing toward a S unday morning liftoU. Water recycling • sein1nar Water recyclmg will be t he subject of a daylong seminar at UC Irvine Friday The event. to be held in Social Science Hall from 9.30 •Lrvane's Community Services Department is sponsoring a bus trip to San Die go's Sea World next Wednesday. The trip as for anyone 7 or older. A bus wiU leave from lrvme City Hall at 7:45 a.m. and is scheduled to return at 5 o.m. •A public auction of found. unclaimed o r surplus city property is planned al 10 a.m July 17 by the Irvine Police Deparlmen t. Items to o e auctio n e d include about 50 bicycles, stereos, jewelry, car parts and household items. THE FASH ION IS DIAMONDS FROMA-Z. at UCI a.m. to 4 p.m .. as sponsored by the Orange County Water Dis trict. For information, call 833-1223. The fee. which includea admission, is $1 2 for children seven to 12 years old and $16 fo r others. Permission slipe ::i re required for minors. Parucapanls should bring a sack lunch or money to buy a meal. Those int erested c an register by cal ling the department at 754-3639. Property wiU be avaiJable for inspec·taon at 9 a.m. July 17 an the Civic Center parking lot. 17200 Jamboree Road, frvmf', site of the auction. A list of items to be auc:t1oned will be available at the poh<.'t:.' department front desk one w eek before the event. Wear one Initial or spell out your name or a personal message. Our 14 karat yellow gold Initials set with diamonds make a brilliant fashion statement Available from A-Z. chain not included. $150 each. SLAVIC K 'S flne~Slnct 1917 Whtrt rhl best surprtsts begin. ,llNOn ...... (714) ....... ~ 9Mcl\ Alto~"".,,... $ttl Dl99o. t..15 ~ '• Ale Orang• Oout DAILY PILOT /Thuraday, June 24, 1982 Health care needs getting second look Groups On<'t' wishing to build h08pltells in Irvin(' hnvo begun to bow out. Western Me dical Center In Santa Ana has given up on lts Irvine hospital plans and now is proposing a $10 million outpatient medical clinic for the city . Tustin Community Hospital has about scrapped its hospital proposal. And the Nashville-based Hospital Corp. of America has dropped an Irvine hospital pro,JeCt to just about the lowest pos1llon on 1ts priority list. Irvine M edical Center, s upported by a group of private citizens called People for an Irvine Community Hospital, and the H ealthWes t Foundation of Chatsworth appear to be the only remaining contenders. UC Irvine 1s re-evaluating its $10 million outpatient clinic proposal. University officials say they're discussing the possibility of a hospital on campus. The recent moves away Crom a hospital weren't unexpected. The various groups realii.e they must fight a tough battle to win state approval for any medical facility in the city. Studies have shown that the lrvine area may have too many hospital beds in coming years. Though Irv me has no beds of its own, the state. at't'ording to county Perhaps no portion of the City of Irvine wil l be more thoroughly scrutinized than the new civic c~nter. Although the plaza e nvisioned as the city's much- needed central meeting place is !!till years away. design work has begun. Architects David Klages Associates staged a public meeting Monday to discuss the process, and representatives of the design team have been confernng this week with anyone interested in sharing ideas. This 1s the ume for com- munity members to speak up and to offer their suggestions for the proposed center, which will be developed on 25 acres on J effrey Road near Barranca Parkway. There, undoubtedly, will be many suggestions. Some will want an impressive architectural masterpiece to em beU1sh the city's image. Others will call for a clean and simple design to fit humble budget expectations ln all cases, though, designs must be subject to exhaustive review by city officials and the citizenry. health planning officials, rccognizea specifk health planning regions rather th a n city boundaries. And Irvine is virtually ringed by a number o( major hospitals, induding Hoag, Tustin Community, Mission Community and Western Medical Center. Naturally. an outpatient clinic seems a more likely alternative to a hospital. With a standard emergency room, such a facility would meet many of the city's needs. Elective surgery, which is the bulk of work at a major hospital, doesn't require a quick response time by county paramedics. Obviously, Irvine doesn't need two $10 million outpatient chnics. Part of Western Mcdical's plans, no doubt, are to maintain their economic territory in Irvine as well as provide an outlet for funneling patients to its hospital. ucr ha s long sought a teaching clinic for its m edical students. Before any clinic proposal is accepted, Irvine residents must help decide how best to meet their health care needs. A community that has been pumped up to believe ll needs a medical center by the pro-hospital faction may have to learn that it's possible to live safely without one. To take part requires only a visit Friday to the Chamber of Commerce conference room at the curre nt Civic Center A n nex at Jamboree Road and M cGaw Avenue. You don't have to be a dignitary or a homeowners ' association officer to be heard. An advance call to 754-3652 (civic center coordinator's office) and the recording of your suggestions in writing might help. A second round of ope n community conferen ces is scheduled to begin July 12 at University Hlgh School after the design team unveils its preliminary ideas for the center. Extensive pubhc review 1s the only way to guarantee that public facilities reflect the desires of a community. Recent last-minute upheaval over plans for an animal shelter was evidence of what happens when a community takes such steps too lightly. The new civic center will be too important for anything less than broad community r eview. Get involved while it matters. Can color help ratings ? The lrv1ne City Council probably will find that spending $8,000 so its meetings can be broadcast in color rather than black-and-white won't do much to improve ratings. The Tuesday night council sessions, after all, are up against such popular programs as "LaVeme and Shirley,'' "Three's Company," "Flarrungo Road" and even "Nova" when its biweekly m eetings are broadcast on Community Cablevision's Channel 3. Seriously , a lth ough a n occasional topic might fascinate a segment of lcx:aJ viewers, the plots do berome a bit repetitive and dialogue tends to drag as meetings extend into later hours. The cable company has or dered n ew cameras for its Newport Beach studio. The cameras they replace will be shifted to Irvine City Hall, making -. it possible to broadcast council meetings in color for the first time. The city, meanwhile, will install brighter lights and will expand its control room to accommodate the bette r equipment. These changes will benefit those residents who flip on counci_\ meetings to keep track of local issues. The better equipment and lighting should mak e a big difference in the quality of transmission. City officials report dozens of complaints in past years about the dark and shadowy trans missio n by cu rrent equipment. The simple addition of color, however , won't mean much without other improvements by the players. Even if it were in black-and-white, "LaVerne and Shirley'' would still outdraw the City Council. Opinions expressed In the space above are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex- pressed on this pa9e are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is invlt· ed.> Address The Daily Piiot, P.O. Box 1$60 Costa Mesa CA 92626 Phone (71<C) 641·~321 • • . ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat >. I Thomas P. Hatev Publisher Thomas A. MUrphln• Editor B•rbara Krelbich Editorial Pave Editor Insurance trick cheats poor WASHINGTOm -Last February 18, Kino T. Lewis, a 21 -year-old black youth, was trudging through the snowy streets of Muncie, Ind., on his way to his girlfriend's homf. He moved into the street because the sidewalk was piled high with unplowed snow. Suddenly. without warning. rhyme or reason. an 18-year-old white youth in a passmg car pulled out a pistol and fired one shot at Klno Lewis, k.tlling him. THE TRAGEDY OF this unprovoked murder was devastating enough for Lewis 's family . What added immeasurably t.o thelr heartbreak came afterward. Kino's grandmother, Daisy Cook . submitted a claim on the accidental death policy she had taken out 19 years earlier on her grandson. .At the rate of 10 cents a week, Klno's grandmother had been paying premiums to the Commonwealth Life Insurance Co. of Louisville, Ky., for a $1 ,500 policy on her grandson's life. But instead of the $1.500 she expected to collect, Mrs. Cook was given the grand total of 80 cents -a refund for ei~ht weeks of excess premiums. In other words, what Daisy Cook got for the $98 of premiums she had paid over the years to Commonwealth Life was exactly nothing. In rejecting her c~um, Commonwealth relied on the fine print in its policy that excluded "any loss resulting from tnJuries intentionally inflicted upon the insured either by himself or by any other person other than burglars or robbers." Commonwealth Life Vice President W.J . Kearney told my associate Tony Capaccio the company's decision to deny Mrs. Cook's claim was based on its reading of two newspaper d1ppinw; in Q -JA-CK-AN_D_IR-SD-N -~ the local press on her grandson's murder. In defense of this astonishing practice. Kearney claimed that the company in the past has paid out claims on the basis of such news accounts. What he seemed to be saying was that if the newspaper reporters had worded their stories to conform to the fine print in Mrs. Cook's policy, she would have been paid the $1,500. Had Commonwealth Life bothered to go beyond the press reports, they might have di&.~vered that K.ino Lewis' killing was not really "intentionally inflicted." A police source said: "There was no premeditated planning on their part to k.tll LewtS . . . There is no evidence the accused knew who he was shooting at" A prosec·uuon source agreed that K.ino "was JUSt in the wrong place at the wrong ume." Yet when the Na tirmel Insurance Consumc•r Organ1zat1on brought the dental of Mrs. Cook's insurance cl.aim to the attention of the lnd1ana Department of Insurance. the only response was a form lt'tte r at•cepung the company's explanation IF EVER THERE were a case where consumers rould use a little protection on the part of the fed£>ral government, this kmd of insurance shenanigans would seem to be 1t And in fact the Federal Trade Commission several years ago cnttcized the type oC iru.uranre K.ino Lewis's grandmother bought as "high cost for low benefit." The F'l'C estimated that such pennies-a -week ins urance pohc1es bring in $3 billion a year an premiums . Commonwealth L1f1•'s vil"f• president insisted that such policies sold to the poor represent "only a small part of our line." Yet the insurance industry's own data showed that s uc h po ltc1es, while bringing 1n only 13 p t·rc ent o f Commo nwe alth L1 fc .. s pn·m1ums . accounted for :.!I:! pl•rce nt or the l'Ompany's profits 1n IYHO. or $10 2 million Footnote. When told of the derual of Mrs Cook's claim, onC' of the detectives who 1nvest1gatc..>d her grandson 's murder said he thought 1t was wrong. and added: "Mayb(• I s hould c·ht•tk m y o wn poltc1es" Thrifty subsidize the big spenders To the F.ditor: Regarding truth in lending, I think it was Adam Smith who said: ".Borrowing has been too easy and lending too painful." For too long, the thrifty hav e subsidized the big spenders who have learned to live by leverage. So -the old low interest rates are no lo nger MAILBOX acceptable. Capita] wants its fair share of the economy. If we are going to have easy credit, it should be sumidized by government like everything else. As things are now, the borrower writes off all the interest paid and gets the commodity before paying for it; thereby beating inflation, while the lender pays taxes on earned interest. THE THRIFTY lender, meanwhile, watches inflation reduce the value of retirement funds while the swingers use those funds to buy foreign ca.rs, foreign TVs, foreign radios, foreign clothing, foreign booze, foreign vacations, foreign vacation homes and overpriced domestic homes beyond their true means. Now, when they fall on their faces, they file Chapter 13s and blame their troubles on the Federal Reserve. That makes about as much sense as smaahina the thermometer because you can't stana the heat. High interest is not the cauae; it is the effect. For too Jong, too many have been making and spending too much for too many things. While, at the same time, too many have been making too little and spending too much for too few things. Today, most salaries and penalons are tied to the Conswner Price Index; not to the case of cash savings. And , meanwhile, CBS and others complain that the reduction of inflation ta going to hurt the ones with income tied to the Consumer Price Index. What a laugh! How hypocritical can they get? Many worked two and three hours for the first dollar saved. Thoae dollars, today, aren't worth ten centa. In spite of it all, tyra nny of t he majority ahall continue to prevail. FRED MAC DONALO Transport balance To the! Editor: There are head.1.ina every other day qtr 10 on the aubject of whether to m1.arae Oranae QJunty'a airport or about I the latest J3.m and holdup on the Santa Ana freeway. I think in all this to-do about transportation people m~ the larger issue. which is the destruction of public transportation in this state by a conglomeration of the oil and automotive industry. ln almost every other country in the world there is a balance among surface transportation. there is a balance among transportation in the air, on the sea and roadways. I grew up in the Midwest where the roads were built around the suburbs so you have probably as many suburbs and miles of r oads in Illinois -the difference being that the roads were bUllt first and then the suburbs and oommunities were built around them. THIS STATE as a whole could cure a lot of unemployment by redeveloping railroads, by retooling the assembly plan ts to build railroad parts and railroad cars. This could knock a big dent in unemployment., perhaps for the next 20 years. Instead of spending the taxpayers' money, and I speak of the taxpayer who seldom U8es planes, instead of spending money to e nlarge Orange County airport, I wouldn't nund seeing much better railroads between Los Angeles and Orange County and on to San Frandaco and San Diego. TOM KELLY Business j ets To the F.ditor: ln numerous news media articles. and discussions about a proposed new genera] aviation site. the noise impact of business jets has been made somewhat overstated. For example. during 1981 at John Wayne Airport, departing commercial aircraft averaged 99.96 dedbela on takeoffa as compared wllh 94.72 recorded for business jets. In addition, the limited 3,600-foot runway contemplated for a new G.A. alte would restrict the number or business jets that could use the facility to perhaps four of five of the new quiet models out of 22 types now In general use ln lhe United States. It is Important • l.ettrrs from rtaders art' wtLcome Tilt right In condetse letters to flt $J>OCt or rllman(llf• lrhfo/ 1., rfserved Ltlttts nf 300 words nr lu~ will hf 111uen prtfert11ct AU ltlltrs mu.ti 1n<'h.idC' s1gn<lllirt and malhrtg addrtu hut namt1 mo11 bt' wfthhtld on rt· quest if .rnff1clfml rta.Ton 1s oppartnl Pottry will not ~published uttn1 ma11 bf' ttltphoned to 642-6088 Nomt and phone num~ of tM contnbMtor mtut be givn /or &Jtrlf icotion JJM'JIC)Btl to note thal approx1mutely 50 percent of the businl'SS .)l'ts art' thl' nc:'wer, quieter models with single cwnt readings at the 84 00 dec1 bf' Is l<-vc I NoiSt.• is. and should be, a conl-ern in planning airport op<>rations and we hope the facts ml•nt1omod will help place the matter in perspc'<'t1w .JOSEPH E. IRVINE Executive Direct.or Community Airport Council Uni air to need y To the Editor· l would like to call pubhc attention to a bad Medi-Cal bill that will become law on July I. 1982 unless we act quickly. This bill, AB 3480. will "eluninate non- emergenl'Y medical tra n sportation e xcepl for dialysis patients and dlSCharge from acute hospital to convalescent hospita1s" This bill 1s grossly unfair to the most needy people of our society -the inl1nn and disabled elderly, including patients who are confined to wheelchairs or who are blind a nd have no ot h e r transportation to their doctors other than courtesy coaches. THE MEDI-CAL program costs need to be cut. to be surC', but we should not inflict these cuts on our most needy. Cut doctor's fees (already done), cut hospita1 fees (also done), and cut the Medi-Cal bureaucracy (not done yet). but to deny these patients their access to their doctors for outpatient care is truly a tragedy. It is also not smart. Outpatient care is needed to reduce emergency hospita11zalion and all 1ts attendant riska, complications, and costs Those who are interested in defeating this bill s hould contact their state Assemblyman. their Senator , and Governor Brown at the State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814. Act quickly, for we only have until July l. JAN D. VANDERSLOOT, MD GllllY CUI The weathermen~ beginning to sound like Ronald Reagan w{th ~tr brlght and sunny forttu1a. only to come up wilh another dismal day. R.M. ...... , .. ___ ......... .., ............ .. ~, .................. , ........ ... _.. "......., .. o.fl• ... ... t I 1111111 l:lllT 1111111 IDITIDI I tlUUSi>AY JUNl ).\ l'UI~' OHA NG l CCh 'N T Y L AI If OHN IA 25 CEN TS Take aspirin, but watch your stomach BY JOEL C. DON orthe0...,"941WI The phyatctan'11 adage about two aspirins mi.y not be the best remedy for whatever ans you. according to a UC Irvine scientist who has 11tudJed the popular pain killer for more than 12 years. Dr. Kevin Ivey, UCI professor o f medi c ine and c hief of gaatroenterology research at the VA Medical Center in Long Beach, has reported the 30 million Americans who take the non-prescription drug on a daily basis run a higher risk of developing a bleeding stomach which could lead to gastric ulcers. "There potentially la a danger," he said. "But you have to put h In perspectivt>. The risk of som e thing serloualy haR,penlng is relatively small. •lf you look at It from the point of view of th e gast.roonterologiat, 50 percent of the people who come in with major (stomach) bleeding have an association with aspirin." lvey said arthritic patients who took at least eight aspirins a day for a minimum of three months had a 25 percent chance of ·getting an ulcer. But aspirin, which erodes the stomach 's protective mucosa! hning, has been iihown to cauac ~e In ju.'ll iabout every user. he aa1d. Using a fiber optic tnstrwnent ca lled an endoscope, Ivey examined the stomachs of research subjects 10 minutes after taking 81$pirln. He found 20 pel"'(:enl damage to surface cells lining the s tomac h In all participants. But, he noted, the body's natural repair mechanisms healed the stomach lining within a few hours. Still, Ivey believes aspirin is a good drug that can be taken safely if users take advantage or methods to reduce IUI <..'Urrosive ef!ect on the stomach. His recommendations Include taking aspirin coated with a s pecial chemical to prevent absorption in the stomach. use of a homemade buffering solut19n and Ingestion of aspirin with a prescription drug that reduces arid secretions in the stomach. Enteric~coated aspirin allows the drug to pass through the stomach , with chemical breakdown m the intestine. A third teaspoon of baking soda taken with two aspirins appears to have a buffering effect on the stomach. But Ivey doesn't recommend that method for chronic aspirin w.ers, because of the possible dangerous rise in blood alkahnity Clmetidlne, a popular ulcer drug. can be taken with aspirin to limit produc:t1on of hydrochloric acid in the stomat·h, he said. Aspirin is especially popular among patients suffering from arthritls, rheumatic diseases and gallstones. And r esearchers currently are study ing its apparent preventive value for heart disease and stroke victims. Ivey said aspirin substitutes such as Tylenol, the brand name of aC'etaminophcn , 11hould be <.'01'\Sldered. But some docum1 a.re roncerned about reported toxic efft.'<'t of Tylenol wh<m taken in large doses. "[ think aspirin lS a very good drug; I hke it," he added. "The message I'm trying t.o get across ts one should be more cauuous and there are other ways of taking It." lvey's findings, part or an ongoing research effort, were prese nted at a symposium sponsored by the International Association for the Study of Pain m Mainz-Frankfurt. Germany. Court rules Nixon immune from --suit WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S . Supreme Court said today former President Nixon could not be held accountable for allegedly firing a civilian Pentagon worker, ruling for the first time that a president enjoys "absolute immunity" from lawsuits which seek monetary damages for 1misconduct in office. The vote was 5-4. The suit stemmed fro m the alleged illegal firing of Air Force worker A . Ernest Fitzgerald. who already has received $142,000 in return for his oromise not to take Nixon to trial no matter how the court ruled . Thus. the decision upholdmg the president's absolute immunity will affect only future laws uits seeking monetary damages from current and former presidents. as well as several other pending cases against Nixon for alleged misconduct in office. Rock singer told 'no niutilations' By GLENN SCOTT Of IM Olllly Piiot IWI Rock singer Ozzy Osbourne. who gained dubious national fame In February by biting off a bat's head during a concert, won't be sacrificing any animals Friday in Irvine. city officials promise. If he does, however, police officers claim they'll arrest him after the concert. Osbol.ime. who is following in the "theatrical-rock" footsteps of Alice Cooper. is scheduled to perform Friday at Irvine Meadows amphitheater. The concert will be filmed for a national television special. Osbourne maintains a busy touring schedule and has been shadowed by local humane societies and other groups since the incident with the bat, which was tossed onstage during a concert in Des Moines, Iowa. The constant f ocus has (See OZZY, Page A2) DOWN, BOY -Rock singer Ozzy Osbourne will do his thing at Irvine Meadows Friday, and police will try to see to it that he doesn't decapitate any animals. Reagan draws line at housing subsidy WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan today vetoed an e mergency money bill containing housing subsidJes for low and middle-income home buyers, charging that Congress is not serious about controlling federal spendim~. Less than two hours later. Reagan's veto was sustained by the House. The vote was 253-151 in favor of overriding, but fell 17 WORLD sh ort of the two-thirds margin required. It takes a two-thirds majority of both the House and the Senate to override a presidential veto. The Hous e then began considering a bill that contained every e lement of the vetoed version except for the housing s ubsidies. Like the failed measure, the new one would (See VETO, Page A%) LONDON (AP) -Britain's littlest prince remained without a name today while the press accused his aunt, Princess Anne, of being jealous of the three-day-old future king. COUNTY If you're an antique car buff, like tin soldiers, or even like collecting old gasoline pumps, The Grand Garage in Corona del Mar has something for you. Page Bl. BUSINESS Ever wonder why Nebraska is of ten left out 1n message1 lnviting calls on toll-free numbers? For the answer, ll"e Page A 7. The Supreme Court came down on the side of the president today as long as the alleged illegal conduct is within the "outer perimeter" of his official duties. "We hold that (Nixon), as a former president of the United States is entitled to absolute immunity from damages liability predicated on his official acts," Justice Lewis F. Powell wrote for the court. "We consider this immunity a functionally mandated incident of the president's unique office. rooted in the constitutional tradition of the separation of powers and supported by our history," Powell added. In New York . Nixon's spokesman, Nicholas Ruwe, said, "Former President Nixon's custom is not to comment on court decisions.'' FRONT DOOR ENTRANCE -The 24-year-old driver of this truck was arrested on suspicion of drunke n driving after his vehicle slammed into the front door of the Ebell Club, 515 W. Balboa Blvd .. Newport 01111, fltlol Photo br lllcfwd Koehl« Beach. Wednesday evening. Officers said Mike C hristopher Smith of Santa Ana went to ~ii while one passenger went to Hoag Memorial Hospital with cuts and bruises. At the Pentagon, Fitzgerald also said he would have no immediate comment. Fitzgerald claimed Nixon had him fired for disclosing to Congress in 1968 that the C-5A military transport plane could cost $2 billion over estimates. He was rehired with back pay in 1973, and only last week was reinstated to his original duties in a settlement with the government. Condos proposed for Arne I property Jurors urge changes after Hinckley flap Fitzge rald, who sued Nixon and two former aides for $3.5 million , claimed that his constitutional right to free speech and his rights to make his views kno wn to Congress w ere violated. Fitzgerald received the $142,- 000 from Nixon in return for promising not to take the former president to what Nixon's lawyers said would be a "months-long trial." By JODI CADENHEAD Of the Delly Piiot It.ff The Amel Development Co. is proposing condominiums and offices on 50 acres near South Coast Plaza that were rewned by a voter initiative later declared invalid by an appellate court. The proposal now on file with the City of Costa Mesa calls for high den si ty residential development on seven acres and general commercial development on 43 ares bounded by South Coast Drive. Bear Street. the San Diego Freeway and San Leandro Road. Senior city planner Mike Robinson said the plans submitted in time to qualify for the General Plan Amendment hearings in October, call for the greatest concentration of low and mid-rise offices near the San Diego Freeway. "I think it's a Jot more comme r cial than anyone expected," said Robinson . "Historically we've opposed (See MESA, Page A2) WASHINGTON (AP) - Jurors in John W. Hinckley Jr.'s trial called today for changes m the law under which they found President Reagan's assailant to be n o t gull ty by reason o f insanity. F ive of the 12 jurors told a Senate Jud1c1arv subcommittee considering proi}osro changes in the law govemmg the federal insanity plea th at Hinckley should receive mandatory treatment m a mental mstitution and then complete a term in prison. Nevertheless, the Supreme Court. des pite expressing annoyance over the settlement during oral arguments in the case. went ahead and decided the immunity issue for both Nixon and the two aides. In a companion decision, the Supreme Court ruled 8-1 today that former Nixon aides Bryce N. Harlow and Al e xander P . Butterfield enjoy only "qualified immunity" from Fitzgerald's suit. The decision apparently leaves the pair open to further legal proceedings in the case. Neighbors oppose church expansion The jurors said they were frustrated because during 3 1h days of deliberations they were limiled to two choices -guilty or J not guilty by reason of insanity -in weighing evidence of Hinckley's attack against the president and three men March 30, 1981. Nixon, Harlow and Butterfield have d e nied Fitzgerald's allegations. Joining Powell's opinion were Chief Justice Warren E. Burger and Justices William H . Rehnquist, John Paul Stevens. and Sandra Day O'Connor. NATION By STEVE MARBLE Oftti. Dally Ptlol llleff Some Newport Beach residents have raised their voices in anger over plans by a neighborhood church to erect a new sanctuary that will stretch 85 feet into the heavens. The dispute between Cliff Haven residents and members of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church is scheduled to be sorted out by city planning comm1SSioners tonight. Both sides say they will have Fans of the M~ America contest won't get to hear the "There She Ls" refrain that celebrated the crowning of the winner because of a contract dispute. Page AS. Steven Spielberg bas the midas touch with movies. Both hi• "E.T." and "Poltergeist'' are box office bonanu1, Page 8 7. LAS VEGAS (AP) -The Department of Energy conducted an underground nuclear weapons test today at the Nevada Test Site. The test, code-named Nebbiolo, had a yield range between 20 and 1~0 kilotons. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -The steady tlck of tbe countdown clock today carried aatronaut Kea MatUa1ly nearer bl• dream of flyln1 tbat "ele1ant ... almo1t ma1lc mac blne," the space 1b1ttle Col•mbla, 1cbedaled to Uft off at 8 a.m. Saaday. I hundreds of supporters on hand. Both sid es also are pointing fingers at each other. saying the other guy is being unreasonable. The a rgument started early this year when the church . pointing out that its congregation was growing rapidly. filed plans for a 105-foot sanctuary with a 40-foot cross on top of it. Residents in Cliff Haven howled. Some said the new building would all but blot out the sun and would be taller than (See CHURCH. Page A%) INDEX A4 B2 AS-9 A5 B2 "[fa person ts guilty of a crime and is mentally ill," sa1d juror Maryland Copelin, 50. "they should be treated for that illness . . . then get punished for the cnme." Another juror, Nathalia Brown. 30, said Hinckley "should have been gwlty by reason of insanity." Miss Brown said she held out until the ve r y end before agreeing to JOin the unanimous verdict of not guilty. Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notices 06-8 AS A3 Al I, 83·5, C6 Sports Cl-4 At Your Service Erma Bombeck Business California Cavalcade Clas,,ified Comics Crossword Death Noticee F.dl t.ortal Entertatnment Horoerope C6-10 C5 C5 C6 AlO 06-8 B2 B2 Dr. Steincrohn Stock Markets Tele Vision Theaters Weather World News 82 A9 B6 B6-8 A..2 Al Ann Landers SPORTS Angels duel Kansas City for first place after taking two of three from Texas. Page Cl. • I l I A.I OIN OtanQt Coaat OAILV Pll.OTl~ay, June 24, 1982 ~-;--.....\, Pro tltutloa ease •' Continued stories Panel • nixes rommcrclal acn~ ~ur Strt't!t " • • • Lut Occembtr, the 4th Diltrlct Court of Appeal ln San Bernardino dl'Clared Invalid the Initiative rezoning the property from medium denaity to atn1Je family residential. judge's guilt The prt-llmlnary plan al10 call1 for the ruall11nment of South Coailt Drivu nbout 200 f~t to conn~t with a M'Ctlon of the street already complt>tt•d near San Leandro Road. Homeowrwrs living In the adjacent Oreenbrook tract had requested the realignment of the street away from their property, accordin~ to Harry Rinker, a partner 1n Arnet with George Arpros. Kmker said it is impcm1blc to move South Coast Drive and build only r es id e ntial development because of the sire of the lots that resulted. "This is very preliminary," said Rinker. "Right now we're dwelling on visual and screening South Coast Drive from the residents." The decision and a subsequent decision by the state Supreme Court not to hear the case, cleared the way for Amel to prot"t.'l'd with their original 31ans to build 537 apartments an 127 homes on the property. At the time of those rulings, city planners predicted that tne developers would abandon their original plans because of current financial constraints on buildmg apartments. Rinker declined to comment on the reasons for proposing commercial development, emphasizing that none of the offices would be used for retaiJ space. CHURCH HASSLE • • • the tower at nearby Newport Harbor High School, a landmark they claimed to enjoy. In r es ponse, the church lowered its sights 20 feet. The church also reduced the size of the cross from 40 to 20 feet. None of this, though, reduced criticism. Pete Gendron, president of the Cliff Haven homeowner group, says his neighbors want the church to stick with the city's 35-foot height limit. "It's all so clear to us -it's hard for us to figure out why the church is being so unreasonable about this." He says rne)Jlbers of St. Andrew's are Simply trying to squeeze too much church on too little property. He says residents also are concerned about parking and larger Sunday crowds. "When you build a larger building," he suggests, "you have to fill it up, right?" Robert Curt.is. chairman of the church's building committee, says it's the residents who are being unreasonable. '"We've tried and tried again to explain to the residents that this is the best we can do and still retain our membership." Curtis says. OZZY OSBOURNE:. • bolstered the singer's recognition · but has created a permanent fuss wherever he perfonns, saia Pat Siciliano of Jet Records. Osbourne's recording company. He claimed Osbourne didn't know the bat was reaJ when he chomped off its head -which l!\ter led to a battery of rabies shots for the singer. "Ozzie has never killed VETO HOLDS repeal a $75-per-day tax deduction that Congress voted itself last year. Although Reagan criticized sever al features o f the $8 .9 billion bilJ m casting the fifth veto of his adm1mstrat1on, he • any th j.ng' in his Ii fe ." said Siciliano. People are coming up with these absoiutely bizarre rumors that we never could have dreamed of doing." The issue came up this week in Irvine after members of a locaJ Baptist church contacted City Council member s about th<;> possibility animals might be mutilated on stage. • • concentrated on the housing provision. Anticipating the veto, Democratic leaders accused Reagan at a news conference of turning his back on the depressed housing industry. An Orange County appeUate 1~mcl has reversed a San Dle'o municipal co urt judge 1 copvlction on five prostitution ctiarges clearing the way for another appeal to a higher 1.-ourt or a retrial of Judge Lewi# A. Wenzell. The three-judge Superior Court appellate panel revened the convictJon Wednesday ruling that the trial judge, Harbor Municipal Court Judge Selim Franklin, Improperly instructed the jury while attorneys for both the defense and prosecution were not present in the courtroom. The San Diego County case was moved to Orange County on a change or venue. San Diego County District Attorney Edwin Miller said he plans to appeal the ruling striking the conviction to the Fourth District Court of Appeal and, faillng that, would retry Wenzell on aJl five counts. In the meantime, the a ppellate panel's action ended, for the time being, removal actions aimed at Wenzell that already were before the state Supreme Court. The 39-year-old judge, who has not heard a case since the removal Man shoots self to death in CM traffic As horrified motorists watched Wednesday a 26-year-old man shot himself to death in the middle of a busy intersection in Costa Mesa. Daryl Dean Smith of Anaheim was pronounced dead at the ~ct:ne followin~ the 4 p .m . mc1dent at the mterse<:tion of Newpo rt Boulevard and Industrial Way. W1tn~s stopped for a red light told police that the man walked into the middle of the ~treet in front of them and shot himself. The weapon was a .22 caliber rifle, police said. Smith appa r ently had ·a history of mental problems and had been released from the mental ward of Hoag MemonaJ Hospital within the past month, according to police reports. Low clouds prevail Temperatures NATION Coastal HI Lo Pep Albany 71 •6 Low clouds during morning Albuque 94 67 Amarllto 92 61 .01 hours. becoming partly cloudy At1111vllle 82 81 during lhe •11emoon today Highs Allenta 90 86 64 10 72 Low clouds ••turn Allanlc Cty 78 56 during night and morning hours. Austin 93 75 becoming mo11ty sunny Frtdey Baltimore 78 53 afternoon Ovefnlghl tows 56 to Bltltngs 72 56 .10 63 Htglls Fridey 85 10 75 Btrmlnghm 90 63 Hunttnglon-Newport ere• 8lsm11rc1< 83 56 03 'empera1urM to r•;?• from a low BolM 87 56 of 58 to • high of 8 Boston 75 59 Elaewller•. from Potnt Brownsvlle 97 79 Conceplton to tlle Mextcan Buttato 85 50 bor<le< and OUI 60 mites Light Burhngton 62 48 .49 v•rlabte Winds nlghl and momlng C9'941' 85 55 61 hOUra. becoming wes1erty 8 to 18 Chartstn SC 86 ,.. 56 Fronts Cold .,. W:irm .,.. 0<".ludcd ~ S1a11011:irv •• knots In the evening 11ours IO<lay end Friday Won<! waves I to 2 feet witll SOUtllwest swell 1 10 3 feet Moally cloudy lhrough Friday bul 1ome clearing In late etternoon and evening hour• U.S. Summary Thun<1er11orm1 -• 1eaner.o ovec the Plalns today. e.1tlendlng from 1oulhern Mlnnetote to eutem Wyoming and reechlng south lo Oklahoma and Texas. The storm• alao spread from the Gull Coall to 1he Cerotlnas. but clear akles prevailed lrom Michigan and Illinois lo the Atlentlc COHt. Weather WIS alao fair over lhe Pa<:lllG Northwest and southwest desert• Almotl three Inches of t111n fell' W•dneaday In some parts ot Ftorld•. where nv. soutll-lern counltea w•re placed under a Ital• °' emergency. TomadOM and tunMI clouds-• IPO«ed In Nof'lh Dakota. Today•a tor•caat c•ll•d lor thund«SIO<'ml ~ FIOO<la. the MIMllelppl valley. -1errt GrNI Lall• end northern and central Pl•lnt. A lew lhunderthowert were ••PKl•d over Ille Great Baaln, with 111ow•ra over New England and llUnny ·-CMlf !tie rwt ol Ille n•tlon Tempar•lure1 aro1rnd the nation before dewn r~ from 3C In Seult SI• M ... le. ten . lo 83 In PhoentJt California The Naitonel WMlhef s.r.-to. P<edlcU another round ol night •nd morning cloudlnau end r•luct•lll •lt•rnoon 1un•hlne Frld•y. WHterly wind• could 1-.p Mert• at 30 mp11 around -"'"CJ. Frldey'• hlghe ehould reno• 1rom the mid 10. In Loa Anoele9' end llt bMCll!ee, ~ 14 end eo In mountain•. from t2 to 102111 the lllQll dtMtt end ~ .. end 105 In IN low dtMrt9. loeWI from Point Cclnce9tlon to IN Meldml't b«der oen ~ llaflt. ~ wlndl during the nfgflt •nd lftOfnlng, Mc:omlng ...-ty I to 18 knot• Frldey •ll•moon with • I to 3·foot Wlllllerty ...,, • Omah• 83 86 Orlando 85 73 04 Phtladl)flla 78 58 Plloent• 103 75 PlUlbvrQh 70 u Piiand. M• 70 49 Piiand, Or• 90 59 Provldenoe 78 57 Raleigh 85 87 Reno 87 55 San Leke 84 59 Sen Antonio 93 7• S..tlle 82 57 Shreve~ 90 Ge Sioux ells 86 68 SI Louis 80 61 SI P-Temp11 87 74 SI Sle M11rte 87 36 Spokane 89 80 SyracuM 70 50 Topeka 78 83 I 13 TUC*>tl 97 83 TulM 88 87 43 • We.thing In 80 59 Wlclltla 80 85 09 Charlstn WV 71 50 Chartne NC 85 82 84 Cheyenne 78 s.. ChiCllQO 75 s.. Cincinnati 17 52 Clevt!land 69 45 Clmbla SC 87 87 Columl>Y1 72 46 O•l·Ft Wlh 92 87 1 17 Oe)'1on 73 50 Denver 80 55 01 Des Motnes 83 62 0.1rolt 71 48 Oululh 65 52 El Pas.o 100 62 F11rgo 91 65 .o• Flagslafl 78 42 Great Falls 68 53 01 HarlfO<'d 76 53 Helena 66 S8 .02 Honolulu 90 69 Hou91on 90 80 lndnaptia 77 53 Jacksn MS 91 69 JaGksnvlte 88 73 JunMU 72 44 CA~OflNIA Bakerdeld 99 79 Blythe 100 eur.ii. 81 51 FtMnO 94 87 Lancuter 90 88 Loe Angelel 70 80 Marysvllle 91 Needlel 102 Oakland 88 58 Puo Roblee 80 84 Red Bluff 93 88 ~Qty 76 80 secr-fo 82 •2 SaHnaa 82 54 .01 Kana City 80 83 lM VegM 100 74 Ultle Roolt 91 88 10 loultvllle 77 !Se lubbo<:tl 92 80 .87 Memphl• 90 72 Mleml 81 71 1 13 Milw.,k .. 72 53 Mpl~I P 87 70 Naal!vHle 85 82 N"" Orleen1 90 69 .01 New Yortl 78 81 Nof1olk 78 80 No Platl• 85 82 Okla City 88 84 84 ·~·r;:~-~u ....... R_f R......_IP_DR_T LNdeft Huntington Pier 8en11 Ant Al¥tr Jetty 40lfl St. Newport 22nd It. Newport lllltlOe WtdOe Aodlpllt, Llguna ~HOiiow T~lroolle San a.men.. '* TrllfalOlt ~~) Mft • ~ TOMOAAOW'I TIOH: Hteh 2:27 p m. low 1:M a.m. Swell °"°'IOn~ --------- (. San Otego 72 65 San Francltco 63 55 Santa Barbara 67 55 Santa Maro1 69 Stockton 90 57 fh•mat 101 Ukiah 84 Bartlow 99 71 Big Bear 78 40 Bishop 93 56 Cataline 70 62 Long Beach 10 63 Monrovia 76 81 Ml. Wilson 78 59 Newporl Beach 63 59 Ontario 74 56 Palm Springs 98 65 Pasedena 74 59 Sen Bernardino 74 58 San JoM 78 57 S•nta An• 70 62 Santa Crvz 65 57 T1hoe Valley 77 41 Smog Th• Alt Quality Management [ljllflct prad1Ct1 good elf quality today In moal ar-of lhtl South Cout Air e..tn, Heep! In the Rlverlid..San Bernardino area. Which wlll h•v• unhtlelthful air quallty lor MntltlYe pwaona. A Pollulant Stendard lndelt Of 150 le loreuat tor the ~ San Bernardino arM. Wh•r• to cell (loll I•••) for 1•1•t emog lnformallon: Orange County; (800) «5-3128 LOI Ang•\H County: (800) 2•2-4022 Rtveral<le and SM Bernetdtno coun11ee: (800) 387-4710 AOMO Eplaode Center. (IOOJ 242-4888 Tides TOOAY Second high 1:27 p,m. 4.2 Second low 8:tt p.m. 2.:S rNOAY l'lrll hlQh 12· 11 •.m. U ~ low 7:34 Lm 0.1 Second high 2:27 p.m. 4.$ 8-d low 7:21 p,111, 2 6 IWft Mt• lodly I I l:OI p.m • , .... l'r1d ... et 1:4) 1.m Moon rta. lodey al t:I• a.m., ..... , 11.%2 p.lft. recommendation wa1 made In Decembt>r, <.'OuJd return to his San Diego courtroom bench aa early as Monday. "He's very happy." Wenzell's attorney, Pete r Hught'11. said Wednesday. "l told him to wail until Monday and then advise the court that he was ready. as he always has been, to accept cases." Hughes added that We nzell had no plans but to continue his 10-month silence: on the case and refuse comment on the latest turnabout. The charges were first filed last August. New school budget approved Newport-Mesa school trustees have approved a tentative $48.5 million budget for 1982-83. The budget is about 5 percent lower than last year's but doesn't reflect any salary increases for teachers or classi!led employees. Superintendent John Nicoll warned tha l the revenues expected from the state could drop when the state adopts its budget later this month. "We're not the only people st.anding in line at the trough." said Nicoll. Nicoll predicted that all school districts in the state will receive the same funding from the state as last year, rather than the two percent increase that had been customary in yea.rs past . The district expects to receive about $26 million from local taxes. $20.7 million from the state, $1.2 million from the federal government and $35,000 from the county. Teacher layoffs and retirements have resulted in the drop of salary expenditures from $25.2 million last year to $23.5 million in 1982-83. About $8 million wilJ be spent for c,lassified employees salaries, $7 .5 million for employee benefits, $2 million for books and su ppli es, $3 .9 million for operating expenses and $2.9 million for other expenses Mr. Harbeck funeral held Funeral services were conducted today for Costa Mesa resident and longtime Newport Beach city employee William W. Harbeck, who was killed in a car accident last weekend. Mr. Harbeck was the senior plan ch ecker in the Newport building department. His wife Shirley, injured in the collision, heads the city credit union in Newport Beach. The Costa Mesa resident was killed Saturday in Riverside when the car he was dnving was struck head on by a wrong-way motorist. C>.n, Not It.ff "9lote A DOGGONE BROKEN ARM -Mayor Jackie Heather , who impressed everyone recently by bouncing back from a stroke, showed up at Irrelevant Week celebrations with a broken arm. The mayor said she broke it when her pet golden retriever bowled her over. Broken arm and all, Mrs. Heather was honored Wednesday by members of SUN (Speak Up Newport) for her years of city service. Marshal suspended gambling probe • In An Orange County marshal has been suspended Crom his post as bailiff for a Newport Beach Judge while authorities investigate allegations he operated as a bookie, taking bets at Harbor Municipal Court. Police in Newport identified the bailiff as Darrell C. Strobele. a 17-year veteran of the marshal's office and baHiff for presiding Judge Robert J . Polis. o f Brannon , who assertedly acce pted a bet on a Dodgers baseball game, and the case , against Strobele are part of a two -week bookmaki n g investigation by police in Newport a nd the district attorney's office. Strobele also was named as the individual who helped officers set up the arrest this week of former Saddleback College trustee Alyn M . Brannon. (Related story, Page Bl) Vtce 0111cers m Newport saJd they will ask the Orange County District Attorney's office to formally charge Strobele with book.ma lung. S trobele, reached at his Huntington Beach home, said he c ouldn't comment on the bookmaking assertions Judge Polis said he was s hocked to learn of the allegations. He said Strobele had served as his bailiff for five years. Police cont.end Strobele ran a small but steady bookmaking operation out of the courthouse, taking bets mostly on horse races. It was unclear how long the bailiff had allegedly been engaged in bookmaking activities. Newport police said the arrest They said the investigation is continuing. One crewman los t at sea boat race • ID NEWPORT. R .I. -One crewman was thrown mto the sea and ts presumed drowned after h1s boat rolled 360 degrees 1n heavy sea during the Newport-to-Bermuda yacht race which started Sunday, according to the Coast Guard. Crane Burke, 42. of Arlington. Va., was one of a half a dot.en crewmen aboard the 37-fool ~loop Tantalizer, but was the only one swept overboard in 30-foot seas and 40-knot winds about 100 miles southeast of Nantucket Island. Th~ Coast Guard said another craft spotted a capsired sailboat I 00 miles southeast of Cape C.od with no sign of its crew. An air search is bemg conducted. The start of the 635-miJe race was postponed 24 hours when a violent storm front raged across the COUTS(.' on Saturday. . t i • THE FASHION IS DIAMONDS FROMA-Z. Wear one initial or spell out your name or a personal message. Our 14 karat yellow gold initials set With diamonds make a brilliant fashion statement Available from A-Z. chain not included. $150 each. SLAVICK'§ Fine ~ Slnc9 1917 Whtre tht btsi .surpruts begin. F&SNon land (71 4) 644-1380 •Newport e..cti Ano ~ Loa Angem •Sin Diego• u. \lloll • • ----------. ·-------- c Orange Oout OAILY PILOTIThureday, June a .. , 188~ Sign ordinance s witch could spark problems The Costa Mesa City Council took a aurprismg atep this week, one that unfortunately may have eacaped the attention o{ many residents since it was not on the council agenda. At a late evening hour, when members of thejress and most of the audience ha left, Councilman Donn Hall proposed an ordinance that would radically alter the city's 8-year-old sign law. In 1974 the city adopted a sign ordinance aimed at ridding Costa Mesa of its clutter of illegal and unsightly sign s . All n o n - conforming signs were to b e removed or replaced by 1984. That was a more generous amortization period than provided in many communities adopting new sign laws. Hall's proposed ordinance would exempt from replacement all the remaining nonconfom1ing signs that we re erected before 1974. Remarkably, the council went along with h is recommendation in a 3-2 vote, with m embers Ed McFarland and Norma H ertzog voting no. The revised ordinance will have to come back to the City Council for a public reading. That he lps a little. Hall contends it is unfair to force business people to tear down signs that once w er e legal. H e se ems t o miss the point completely. By the time the sign law was passed in 1974 there had been ample discuuion. Although much of the bu.slness community was not enthusiastic, many Cl.rms were ready to comply. By now, city officials estimate that 20 percent o f the 3.~00 businesses in the city have either taken down their nonconforming signs or erected new legal signs. A recent study of 584 signs in the city found that 141 were conforming under the present law, 143 were nonconforming but had been legal under old ordlnances, and the other 300 never had been legal. Hall's o rdinance w ould exempt the second category from compliance with the current law. C learly this would be gr~y unfair to those businesses that have gone to the trouble and expense of compliance. More than that, by changing the sign law in midstream, the city could well be liable to legal action from such finns. Apart from the expense involved, they could justifiably compla in that their smaller, more discreet new signs cannot compete for attention with the nonconforming s igns that would be allowed to remain. The council should consider this ordinance change carefully and, most important, make sure that its second reading is placed on an official agenda, properly publi- cized and presented at an hour that is convenient for those who wish to discuss it. The Heights dilernnia It appears the on -again, off- again study on the future of Santa Ana Heights -the jet noise- plagued community south of John Wayne Airport -is on again. That probably is good news to the various forces at work in the contentious area -those who would like to see the H e ights retain its residential flavor and those who would prefer development of professional and commercial offices. But the news is troubling, too. The H eights specific plan study -designed to establish a pattern for orderly development for years to come -was hardly o ff the ground whe n it was stopped last January. Work ceased when Orange County Superio r Court Judge Bruce Sumner overturned a county plan for $100 million in improvements at the airport and a related plan designed to reduce the high noise level in the heights. Matters remained in limbo until las t w eek when county supervisors r e i n s ti tu ted the specific plan study. There is a catch ! The study must not incorporate conclusions contained in the now defunct airport master plan or its noise-control program. What this means is that less of the Heights area actually can be studied. The remainder of the area -that which falls within the high-noise-impact wne as defined by decibel readings -cannot be studied until future decisions about the airport are reached. "We're talking about an unknown quantity," is the way one county planner explained the situation. His point is w ell taken . How can a plan for a community highly impacted by jet noise be developed when the future of the very cause of the problem is so undecided? Chance to g e t involved Las t f all, controversy developed in Costa Mesa over city plans to uproot some troublesome trees in College Park. A committee was set up to look in to the problem . Some compromises were reach ed a nd many of the trees were saved. It was a good exercise in community involvement and a good lesson for those in m unicipal government. Something else good has come from that experience. It is a new mechanism for e stablishing citirens' committees in Costa Mesa. City officials have prepare d a detailed h andbook on citizens' committees. e xplaining the ir function and authprity. Applications for c itize n s wanting to serve on those committees will be available soon et City Hall. Some committees will be formed as needed to deal with onetime problems or issues. Others might have a longer lifetime and a broader scope. Now , ins tead of feeling as t hough they're on the outside looking in at City Hall, Costa Mesans ca n have greater opportunities to become part of the decision-making that moves the wheels of city government. That is , if th ey take advantage of the opportunities. Goodness knows there are plenty o f places to start. All you have to do is get down to City Hall and do something about it. L.M. Boyd I Crossword puzzl e Q. Has there ever been a c:roaword puzzle that nobody could wockT A. At least one nobody has worked, anyhow. From 1938 until 1949, Robert Stilgenbauer of Los Angeles put to- gether such a puzzle with 3,185 clues down and 3,149 clues across. Claim is nobody yet has finished it. Q. What's the real difference, if any. between "mountain grown" cof- fee and some other kind? A. Arabica bean• of the higher altit\lde!l have more flavor with less ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot bitterness than the robusta beans of the lowe r leve ls. The arabica cost more. The robust.a have more caffeine. ln Spain, an amateur bullfighter can be shot for practicing his techni- que with a bull out on the range. That the word "cigarette" oomes from the word "cigar" is common knowledge. But did you know that the wOC"d "chrar" wu coined from the word "dead.a,.' becau.e the fint dpn auppo8edly looked like beetlee? T hom.ts P. Haley Publisher Thomas A. Murphlne Editor Barbara Kreibich Editorial Page Editor Insurance trick cheats poor WASHJNGTOm -Last February 18, Kino T. Lewis. a 21-year-old black youth, was trudging through the snowy streets of Muncie, Ind., on his way to his girlfriend's home. He moved into the street because the sidewalk was piled high with unplowed snow. Suddenly, without warning, rhyme or reason, an 18-year-old white youth In a passing car pulled out a pistol and fired one shot at IGno Lewis, killing him. THE TRAGEDY OF this unprovoked murde r was devastating enough for L e wis's fa mi l y . What ad d e d immeasurably to their heartbreak came afterward. IGno's grandmother, Daisy Cook, submitted a claim o n the accidental death policy she had taken out 19 years earlier on her grandson. At the rate of 10 cents a week, Kino's grandmother had been paying premiwns to the Commonwealth Life Insurance Co. of Louisville, Ky., for a $1,500 policy on her grandson's life. But instead of the $1,500 she expected to collect. Mrs. Cook was given the grand total of 80 cents -a refund for eight weeks of excess premiums. In other words, what Daisy Cook got for the $98 of premiums she had paid over the years to Commonwealth Lile was exactly nothing. In rejecting her claim, Commonwealth relied on the fine print in its policy that excluded "any losi. resulting from ... injuries intenlJonally inflicted upon the insured either by himself or by any other person other than burglars or robbers." Commonwealth Life Vice President W.J. Kearney told my associate Tony Capaccio the company's decision to deny Mrs . Cook's claim was based on its reading of two newspaper cHppings in G. -Jl-Cl-11-D-IRS_D_I -d the local press on her grandson's murder. In defense of this astonishing practice, Kearney claimed that the company in the past has paid out claims on the basis of such news accounts. What he seemed to be saying was that if the newspaper reporters had worded their stories to conform to the fine print in Mrs. Cook's policy, she would have been paid the $1.500. Had Commonwealth Life bothered to go beyond the press reports, they might have discovered that Kino Lewis' killing was not really "intentionally inflicted." A police source said: "There was no premeditated planning on their part to kill LeWlS . . . There is no evidence the accused knew who he was shooting at." A prosecution source agreed that Kina "was just in the wrong place at the wrong time." Yet when the Nauonal Insurance Consumer Organization brought the denial of Mrs. Cook's insurance claim to the attention of the Indiana Department of Insurance. the only response was a form letter acceptin g the company's explanation. IF EVER THERE were a case where t'Onsurners could use a little proteclJon on the part of the federal government, this kmd of insurance shenanigans would seem to be it. And in fact the Federal Trade Commission several years ago cnticiz.ed the type of insurance K.mo Lew1s's grandmother bought as "high cost for low benefit." The FTC estimated that s uch pennies-a -week insurance pohc1es bring m $3 bimon a year in premiums. Commonwealth Life's vice president insisted that such policies sold to the poor represent ··only a small part of our line." Yet the insurance indusll'y's own data showed that such policies. while bringing in o nl y 13 per cen t o f Commo nwealth Life 's premiums, accounted f o r 28 percent of the company's profits in 1980. or $1 0 2 rrullion. Footnote. When told of the denial of Mrs. Cook's clalJTl, one of the dele('tlves who investigated her grandson's murder said he thought ll was wrong, and added: "Maybe l shoul d c ht•ck my own policies:· Thrifty subsidize the big s penders To the F.ditor: Regarding truth in lending, 1 think it was Adam Smith who said· "Borrowing has been too easy and lending too painful." F or too long, the thrifty have subsidized the big spenders who have learned to live by leverage. So -the old low interest rates are no longer MAILBOX acceptable. Capital wants its fair share of the economy. If we are going to have easy credit. it should be subsidiz.ed by government like everything else. As things are n ow. the borrower writes off all the interest paid and gets the commodity before paying for it: thereby beating inflation, while the lender pays taxes on earned interest. THE THRIFTY lender, meanwhile, watches inflation reduce the value of retirement funds while the swingers use those funds to buy foreign cars, foreign TVs, foreign radios. foreign clothing, foreign booze, foreign vacations, foreign vacation homes and overpriced domestic homes beyond their true means. Now. when they fall on their faces, they file Chapter 13s and blame their troubles on the Federal Reserve. That makes about a.s much sense as smashing the thermometer because you c.an't stana the heat. High interest is not the cause: it is the effect. For too long, too many have been making and spending too much tor too many things. While, at the same tune. too many have been making too little and spending too much for too few things. Today, most salaries and pensions are tied to the Consumer Price Index: not 90 the c ase of c ash savings. And, meanwhile, CBS and others complain that the reduction of inflation 1a going to hurt the ones with income tied to the Consumer Price Index. What a laugh! How hypocritical c.an they get? Many worked two and three hOW'I for the f.irst dollar saved. Thoee dollara, today, aren't worth ten centl. ln 1plte of it all. tyr•nny of the majority ahall continue to prevail. FRED MAC OONALD Transport balance To the Editor: There are head.llnel ewry other day or .o on the subject of whetheT to enlarp 0ranae ~ty'• au,.t « aboul the latest jam and holdup on the Sant.a Ana freeway. I lhink in a ll this t o-d o about transportation people miss the larger issue, which 1s the destruction of public transportation in this s tate by a conglomeration of the oil and automotive industry. In almost every other country m the world there is a balance among surface transportation, there is a balance among transportation m the air, on the sea and roadways. I grew up m the Midwest where the roads were built around the suburbs so you have probably as many suburbs and miles of roads in Illinois -the difference being that the roads were built first and then the suburbs and communities were built around them. THIS STATE as a whole could cure a lot of unemployment by redeveloping railroads, by retooling the assembly plants to build railroad parts and railroad cars. This could knock a big dent in unemployment, perhaps for the next 20 years. Instead of spending the taxpayers' money. and I speak of the taxpayer who seldom uses planes, instead of spending m oney to enlarge Orange County airport, I wouldn't mind seeing much better railroads between Los Angeles and Orange County a nd on to San Francisco and San Diego. TOM KELLY B usiness jets To the Editor: In numerous news media articles, and discussions about a proposed new general aviation site, the noiae impact of business JelS has been made somewhat overstated. For example. during 1981 at John Wayne Airport, departing commercial aircraft averaged 99.96 decibels on takeoffs as compared with 94.72 recorded for business jets. In addition , the limited 3,600-foot runway contemplated for a new G.A. aite would restrict the number of buslness jets \hat could use the facility to perhaps four of five of Uie new quiet models out o( 22 types now ln general · uae in the United States. It Is important • l .('tt<'r11 from rttodnt ore wrlcomtt Thtt '1Qhl 10 ccmdenat' lttUttra to fit 'J)OCe or tthm111rut ltt>f-1 1.s reserved Lettt'rs of ~ wo rds or lttu will bt given prt!fermce. All lt'rtt>rs mwt lnch.tdt ngnotur• ored momng oddrtss btll nomu m.o~ bf withht'ld on re-. quut l/ i1.11f1cittnt reason 11 apportnl Pottrv Wiii Mt be publish~ l..tthrnm.aN bt' tttltphtlfW!d lo 642 6086. Namtt ond phOrl• numbtr of the contributor maiat bt git>fft for v~1/1cott<m purpo11t'I to note that approximately 50 percent of the business .iets are the newer. quieter models with single event readings at the 84.00 decibels level. Noise is. and should bc.o, a t'Oncern in planning airport operauons and we hope the facts mentioned will help place the matt.er m perspective. JOSEPH E. IRVINE Executive Director, Community Airport Council Un fair to needy To the Editor: I would like to call public attention to a bad Medi-Cal bill that wiU become law on July 1. 1982 unless we act quickly. This bill. AB 3480, will "l'hminate non- emergency medical tra nsportation except for dialysis patients and discharge from acute hospital to convalescent hospitals." This bill 1s grossly unfair to the most needy people of our society -the infirm and disabled elderly, including patients who are confined to wheelchairs or who are bli nd and hav e n o ot h er transportation to their doctors other than courtesy coaches. THE MEDI-CAL program costs need to be cut, to be sure. but we should not inflict these cuts on our most needy. Cut doctor's fees (already done). cut hospital fees (aJso done), and cut the Medi-Cal bureaucracy (not done yet). but to deny these patients their access to their doctors for outpatient care is truly a 1.ragedy. It is also not smart. Outpatient care is needed to reduce emergency hospitalii.ation and all its attendant riskB. complications. and costs. Those who are interested in defeating this blll should contac t their state Assembly man. their Senator, and Governor Brown at the S tate Capitol. Sacramento, CA 95814. Act quickly, for we only have until July l. JAN D. VANDERSLOOT. MD CllllY Cll After attending the CMHS baocalaweate~t the name of the pcograrn be c to Pep Rally, It be held ln the IChoo gym. and attendance be Umltc!d to th~ atudentL M.P. ·~· --···f9--lty ................ _....,., ............ -. .. --.---.... ................. ....., ...... I l • • llAICICUIT IOIPllT RI I Hiil llll:U lttlJRSOA V. JUNl 14 I 'Ill.' ORANGE couN rv , CALIFORNIA 2s CENTS Take aspirin, but watch your stomach By JOEL C. DON Ot "'-Delly '"°' ... n The physician's adage about two aspirins may not be the best remedy for whatever ads you, according to a UC lrvinc scientist who has studied the popular pain killer for more than 12 years. Dr. Kevin Ivey, UCl professor of m edicine and c hi e f of gastroenterology research at the VA Medical Center in Long B each , has reported the 30 million Americans who take the non-prescription drug on a daily basis run a higher risk of developing a bleeding stomach which could lead to gastric ulcers. "Tht.>re pole nt10Jly ia a danger," he said. "But you have to put It in perspective. The risk o f somet hing seraoualy happening ts relatively small "lf you look at it from tht> point of view of the gastroenterologiat, 50 percent of the people who come in with major (stomach) bleeding have an association with aspirin." Ivey said arthriti~ patients who took at least eight aspirins a day for a minimum of three months had a 25 percent chance of getting an ulcer. But aspirin, whkh erodes the stomac h 's protective mucosal Hnlng, has been shown to cause damage in just !lbout ('wry wier, he said. Using il fiber optic wtrument called an endoscope, l vey e><amined the stomachs of research subjects 10 minutes after taking aspirin. He round 20 percent damage to surface cells lining the st~mach in all participants. But. he noted, the body's natural r epair mec hanisms healed the stomach lirung within a few hours. StaU, Ivey believes aspirin is a good drug that can be taken safely if users take advantage of methods to reduce its l'Orr061ve effect on the stomach. Hui recommendations Include taking aspirin coated with a special chtAmical to prevent absorption in the stomach, use of a homemade bl4f fenng solution and ingestion of aspirin with a prescription drug that reduces acid secretions in the stomach. Enterlc-coated aspirin a llows the drug to pass through the stomach. with chemical breakdown m the intestine. A third teaspoon of baking soda taken with two aspirins appears to have a buffering effect on the stomach . But Ivey doesn' l recommend that mf'thod for chronic aspirin usel'!I, bt.-caUBc of the possabll· dangerous ruse m blood alkalinity Cimeudme, a popular ulcer drug, can be taken with aspirin lo l1m1l product i on or hydrochloric acid 1n the stoma,·h, he said Aspirin is csp<.'Cially popular among patients suffering from arthrills, rheumatic diseases and gallstones. And r es archers curren tl y are studying 11s apparent preventive value for heart dlSCasc and stroke v1ct1ms. Ivey said aspirin substitutes such as Tylenol, the brand name ol acl•tam1nophen, s hould bt.' t'Ons1der('(f. But some doctors arc cont-em~ about reporlt-d tox ic effect of Tylenol when· taken m large doses "I think aspinn ts a very good drug. I like at," he addl>d. "The message I'm trying to get acrOt>S ts one should be more cautious and then• are other ways of taking 1t." lvey's findings, part of an ongoing rescart·h e ffort, were presl•ntcd al a symposium sponsored by the lnl.E'rnat1onaL, Assoc1auon for the Study of Patn in Mainz-Frankfurt, Germany. Court rules Nixon immune from suit WASHINGTON (AP) -Theo U.S . Supreme Court said today former President Nixon could not be held accountable for allegedly firing a civi lian Pentagon worker, ruling for the first time that a president en,JOys "absolute immunity" from lawsuits which seek monetary damages for llllisconduct in office. The vote was 5-4. The s uit stemmed from the alleged illegal faring of Air F orce worker A Ern es t Fitzgerald, who already has received $142,000 in return for his promise not to take Nixon to trial no matter how the court ruled . Thus, the decision upholding the president's absolu t e immuruty wiU affect only future lawsuits seeking monetary damages Crom curren t and former presidents, as well as several other pending cases against . Nixo n for alleged misconduct in office. Rock singer told 'no IIJutilations' By GLENN SCOTT Of Ille Delly Piiot Stan Rock singer Ozzy Osbourne, who gained dubious national fame in February by biting off a bat's head during a concert. won't be sacrificing any animals Friday in lrvine, city officials promise. If he does. however, police officers claim they'll arrest him after the concert. Osbourne, who is following in the "theatrical-rock" footsteps of Alice Cooper, is scheduled to p erform Friday at Irvine M eadows amphitheater. The concert will be filmed for a national television special. Osbourne maintains a busy touring schedule and has been shadowed by local humane societies and other groups since the incident with the bat. which was tossed onstage during a concert in Des Momes. Iowa The constant focus has (See OZZY, Page A2) DOWN, BOY -Rock singer Ozzy Osbourne will do his thing at Irvine Meadows Friday. and police will try to see to 1 t that h e doesn't decapitate any animals. j Reagan draws line at housing subsidy WAS HINGTON (AP) - President Reagan today vetoed an emergency money bill containing housin~ subsidies for low and middle-income home buyers, charging that Congress is not serious about controlling federal spendin~. Less. than two hours later. Reagan's veto was sustained by the House. The vote was 253-151 in favor of overridin~. but fell 17 WORLD short of the two-thirds margin required. It takes a two-thirds majority of both the House and the Senate to override a presidential veto. The House then beRan considering a bill that contained every element of the vetoed version except for the housing s ubsidies. Like the failed measure, the new on e would (See VETO, Page A2) JOUHIEH, Lebanon (AP) -About 1,000 Britons. Europeans and Americans left their homes, businesses, friends and memories behind today and boarded ships at this Christian-controlled port to flee the war raging in Lebanon. COUNTY If you're an antique car buff, like lin soldiers, or even like collecting old gasoline pumps. The G rand Garage in Corona del Mar has something for you . Page Bl. BUSINESS Ever wonder why Nebraska is often left o ut in me81Mlges inviting calls on toll-free numbers? For the answer, see Page A7. The Supreme Court came down on the side of the president today as long as the alleged illegal conduct is within the "outer perimeter" of his official duties. "We hold that (Nixon), as a former president of the Uruted States is e ntitled to absolute immunity from damages liability predicated on his official acts," Justtce Lewis F. Powell wrote for the court. 0411, Piiot Photo br Richard l(o.ft ... "We consider this immunity a functionally mandated incident of the president's unique o ffice, rooted in the constitutio nal tradit ion of the separation of powers and supported by our history," Powell added. In N ew York, Nixon's spokesman, Nicholas Ruwe, said, "Forme r President Nixon's custom ts not to comment on court decisions." FRONT DOOR ENTRANCE -The 24-year-old driver or this truck was arrested on sus picion of drunken driving after his vehicle s lammed into the front door of the Ebell Club, 515 W . Balboa Blvd .. Newport Beach. Wednesday evening. Officers said Mike Christopher Smith of San t.a Ana went to jail while one passenger went to Hoag Memorial Hospital with cuts and bruises. At the Pentagon, Fitzgerald a lso said he would have no immediate comm ent. Fitzgerald claimed Nixon had him fired for disclosing to Congress in 1968 that the C-5A military transport plane could cost $2 billion over estimates. He was rehired with back pay in 1973, and onJy last week was reinstated to his original duties in a settlement w it h the government. Condos proposed for Arnel property Fitzgerald , who sued Nixon and two fonner aides for $3.5 mill1on, claimed that his constitutional right to free speech and has nghts to make his views k n own to Congress were violated. Fiugerald received the $142,- 000 from Nixon in return for prom1Sing not to take the former president to what Nixon's law yers said would be a "months-long trial." By JODI CADENHEAD Of IM DallJ Piiot Si.H The Amel Development Co. is proposing condominiums and offices on 50 acres near South Coast Plaza that were rezoned by a voter irutaative later declared invalid by an appellate court. The proposal now on hie wtth the City of Costa Mesa calls for high den s ity residential development on seven al'res and general commercial development on 43 ares bounded by South Coast Drive. Bear Street. the San Diego Freeway and San Leandro Road. Senior city planner Mike Robi nson sa id the plans submitted in time to qualify for the General Plan Amendment hearings in October, call for the greatest concentration of low and m1d-risc offices near the San Diego Freeway. "l think it's a lot more commercial lhan anyone expt'cted." said Robinson. "Historically we've opposed (See MESA, Page A2) Nevertheless, the Supreme Court, despi te expressing annoyance over the settlement during oral a rguments in the case, wen t ahead and decided the immunity issue for both Nixon and the two aides. In a companion decision, the Supreme Court ruled 8-1 today that former Nixon aides Bryce N. Harlow and Alexander P . Butterfield enjoy only "qualified immunity" from Fitzgerald's suit. The decision apparently leaves the pair open to further legal proceedings in the case. Neighbors oppose church expansion Nixon, Harlow and Butterfield have denied Fitzgerald's allegations. Joining Powell's opinion were Chief Justice Warren E. Burger a nd Justices W illiam H . Rehnquist, John Paul Stevens. and Sandra Day O'Connor NATION By STEVE MARBLE 0( Ille Delly Piiot Stan Some Newport Beach residents have raised their voices in anger over plans by a neighborhood church to erect a new sanctuary that will stretch 85 feet into the heavens. The dispute between Cliff Haven residents and members of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church is scheduled to be sorted out by city planning commjssioners tonight. Both sides say they wall have Fans of the Miss America cont.est won't get to hear the "There She Is" refrain that celebrated th e crowning of the winner becaUse of a contract dispute. Page A5. Steven Spielberg has the midas touch with movies. Both bis "E.T." and "Poltergeist" are box office bonanzas, Page 87. LAS VEGAS (AP) -The Department of Energy conducted an underground nuclear weapons test today at t h e N evada T est Site. The test. code-named Nebbiolo, had a yield range between 20 and 150 kilotons. hundreds of supporters on hand Both sides also are pointing fingers at each other. saying the other guy is being unreasonable. The argument started early this year when the church , pointing out that its congregauon was growing rapidly, filed plans for a 105-foot sanctuary with a 40-foot cross on top of it. Residents in C liff Haven howled. Some said the new building would all but blot out the sun and would be taller than (See CHURCH, Page A2 l INDEX At Your Service A4 Erma Bombeck B2 Business AB-9 California A5 Cavalcade 82 Classified C6-10 Comics C5 Croaword C5 Death Notices C6 F.dltorial AlO Enier1ainment 86-8 HorolCOpe 82 Ann Landers B2 SPORTS Jurors urge changes after Hinckley flap WASHINGTON (AP) - Jurors in John W. Hinckley Jr:s trial called today for changes in the law under which they found President Reagan's assailant to be not guilty by reason of insanity Five of the 12 jurors told a Senat<.> Judiciary subcommittee cons1denng proPosc.-ci changes an the law governing the federal insanity pica that Hinc kley should receive mandatory treatment in a mental mslltut.Jon and then complete a term in prison The Jurors said they were frustrated because during 3 'Ii days of deliberations they were limited to two choices -guilty or nol guilty by reason of insanity -in weighing evidence of Hincklcy's attack against the president and three men March 30, 1981 "lf a person is guilty of a cnmc and is mentally ill," said juror Maryland Copelin. 50, "th ey should be treated for that illness then get punished for the cnme." Another Juror. Nathalia Brown, 30. said Hinckley "should have been guilty by reason of insanity." Miss Brown said she held out until the very end before agreeing to JOtn the unanimous verdict of not guilty Movies 86-8 Mutual Funds AB National News A3 Public Notices All. 83-5, C6 Sports Cl-4 Dr. Stel.ncrohn B2 Stock Markets A9 Television B6 Theaters 86-8 Weather A2 World News A3 CAPE CANAfERAL, Fla. (AP) -The steady tkk of tbe countdOwn clock today carried astronaut Ken Mattlnglf nearer bis dream of flying tbat "ele1aat ... a most ma1lc machine," tbe s pace sbuUle Columbia, scbedaled to ltft off at 8 a.m. Sanday. ~ls duel Kansas City for flnt place after taking two of three from Texas. P-ae Cl. q u O/N Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, June 24, 1982 tltutlon ea Pro e Panel • nixes ~\ ''' Continued stories MESA CONDOS • • • Lai1t Dttcember, the 4th Dlstrlct Qiurt of Appeal tn San Bernardino dedared Invalid the Initiative rezoning the propeny from medium denaity to alngle famlly residential. judge's guilt The preliminary plan al10 calla for tht• n·llll(lnml'nt of South COAllt Drlvti 11bout 200 fl,..,\ to connect with a M'(!tion of t.ht• 1Hrnet already complet .. d ncur Siln Leandro Road . Homeownt•n living In the adjacent GN!<lnbrook tract had requested the rl'alignment of the street away from tht!ir property, according to Harry Rinker, a partner in Amel with Oeorge Argyros. Kinker sa1d 1t is impossible to move South Coast Drive and build on l y rcs1dent1al development because of the size of the lots that resulted. "This as very pre liminary," said Rinker. "'Right now we're dwelling on visual and screening South Coast DrtVl' from the residents." The decl8lon and a subsequent decision by the stale Supreme Court not to hear the case, cleared the way for Amel to proc.-eed with their origin.al plans to build 537 apartments and 127 homes c;m the property. At the time of those rulings, city planners predicted that the developers would abandon their original plans because of current financial constraints on building apartments. Rinke~ declined to comment on the reasons for proposing commercial developme nt , emphasizing that none of the offices would be used for retail space. An Orunge C.ounty appeUate pwwl hill! reversed a San Dle'o municipal court judge s corwktton on five prostitution charges clearing the way for another appeal to a higher court or a retriaJ of Judge Lewis A. WenzeU. T he three-judge Superior Court appeUate panel revenled the conviction Wednesday ruling that the trial JUdge, Harbor Municipal Court Judge Selim Franklin, improperly instructed the Jury while attorneys for both the de fense and prosecution were not present in the courtroom. The San Diego C.ounty case was moved to Orange C.ounty on a change of venue CHURCH HASSLE • • • San Die go County District Attorney &lwin MiUer said he plans to appeal the ruling striking the convic tion to the Fourth District Court of Appeal and. failing that, would retry We n zell on aU five counts. the tower at nearby Newport Harbor High School. a landmark they claimed to enjoy In r esp o n se, the c hurch lowered its sights 20 feet. The church also reduced the size o f the cross from 40 to 20 feet. None of this. though, reduced criticism. Pete Gendron, president of the Cliff Have n homrowner group, says his neighbors want the church to stack with the c1ty"s 35-foot height hm1t. "It's all so clear to us -it's hard for us to figure out why the church 1s being so unreasonable about this." He says members of St. Andrew's are simply trying to squeeze too much church on too little property. He says residents also are concerned about parking and larger Sunday crowds. "When you build a larger building." he sugges~ "you have to fill at up, right?" Robert Curtis, chairman of the church's building committee, says it's the residents who are being unreasonable. ··We've tned and tried again to explain to the residents that this is the best we can do and still retain our membership." Curtis says. ln the meanttme, the appellate panel's action ended, for the time being, removal actions aimed at Wenzell that already were before the st.ate Supreme C.ourt. The 39-year-old judge, who has not heard a case since the removal Man shoots self to death in CM traffic OZZY OSBOURNE.· . • As horrified motorists watched Wednesday a 26-year-old man s ho t himself to death in the middle of a busy intersection in Cost.a Mesa. bolstered the singer's recognition but has created a permanent fuss wherever he performs, said Pat Siciliano of Jet Reco rds. Osbourne's recording company. He claimed Osbourne d1dn"t know the bat was real when he chomped off its head which L<tter led to a battery of rabies shots for the singer. "Ozzie has n ever kill ed anyth;.ng in his life." s aid Siciliano. People are coming up with these absolutely bizarre rumors that we never could have dreamed of doing." The issue came up this week in lrvine after members of a local Baptist church contacted City Council members about th ~ possibility animals might be mutilated on st.age. Daryl Dean Smith of Anaheim was prono unced dead at the sc~ne following the 4 p .m . mc1d<.'nt at the intersection of Newpo rt Boulevard and Industrial Way. Witnesses stopped for a red hght told police that the man walked into the middle of the !'treet an front of them and shot himself VETO HOLDS • • • The weapon was a .22 caliber r1nc. police said repeal a $75-pe r -d ay tax deduction tha t Congr<.-ss voted itself last year Altho ugh Reagan criticized several f eatures of the $8.9 billion biU m casting the fifth veto of his adm1mstrat1on, he concentrated on the housing provision . Anticipating the ve t o. De moc ratic leaders accused Reagan at a news conference of turning his back on the depressed housing industry. Smith appar ently had ·a history of mental problems and had been re leased from the mental ward of Hoag Memorial Hospital w1thm the past month, al'C'Ording to police reports Low clouds prevail The Forecast For 8p.m. EDT Temperatures 1 • I 11'1 •H1 11 remperalures NATION Coastal HI Lo Pep Albenv 71 46 Low clouds during morning Albuque 94 67 Amerllto 92 6t 01 hours. becoming parlly cloudy Asheville 82 61 during the arternoon today Highs Atlanta 90 66 64 10 72 Low clouds re lurn Allantc Cly 76 56 during nlghl and morning hOOrs. Austin 93 75 becoming moslly sunny Friday Baltimore 78 53 afternoon Overn1ghl lows 56 to BOltngs 72 56 to 63 Hlghl Friday 65 10 75 Blrm1nghm 90 63 Hun11ngton -Newpor1 area Bismarck 83 56 03 temperatures 10 range lrom a low Boise 87 56 of 58 10 a h>gh of 65 Boston 75 59 Elsewhere tr om Point Brownsvlle 97 79 Conception 10 lhe Mexican Bu Halo 65 50 bo<der and out 60 miles Ltghl Burllnglon 62 48 49 variable winds night end m0fn1ng Casper 65 55 61 hou,.. t>ecomlng weslerty 8 10 16 Charlsln SC 86 H 56 Fronts Colo ~ W1trm WW 0C"•)u0co w.-Sra11on.vv •• knots In the evening houra lodey Cherlstn WV 77 and Friday Wind waves 1 to 2 Char1tte NC 85 leet wtth soulh-sl swell I 10 3 Cheyenne 78 feet Mostty Cloudy lhrough Friday ChlCllJQO 75 but 1ome clearing In Iara C1nc1nna11 77 afternoon and evening hours Cleve13nd 69 Clmbla SC 87 U S S Columt>Ys 72 . . ummary oai·Ft wth 92 Thunoer110tms -e tcanered D•Y100 73 over Iha Plains today. extending Denver 80 from aouthern Mlnneaota to g: ~tnes 83 71 eastern Wyoming and reaching r 65 south to Oklahoma and Tex111 ~~th 100 The storms alao spread from aso 91 lhe Gull Coast 10 lhe Carolinas. Fargo but clear skies prevailed from Flagstell 76 Michigan and 1111nots to the Great Falls 68 Allantlc coast Weather w11 also Hartlord 76 fair oWif lhe Paclhc Norlhwett Helena 66 and southwest deMirts Honolulu 90 Almost lhree Inches of rain fell• Housl°:' 90 77 Wednesday In some par ls 01 lndnap 11 91 FIOtlda. wflere !Ive southwesltrn Jac1<1n MS counties were placed under 1 Jackanvtle 88 state of am41fgency T0tnadot1 ~ 72 and funnel cloud• -• tPOlled In Kana Clly eo North Dlkota. LM Vegae 100 Today'• forecasl c111ecl for ~~~ 91 77 thunder1t0<ms over Florida. the 92 MIMIM!pp! valley. -•ern Gr•t Lubbock Lakea and norlhern and <*ltfll Mempt1i1 90 Pl1ln1. A few thundtrthowera ~1:'~ 81 72 were axpecled over lh• GrHI 1 98 87 BHln. wit" thow1ra over New Mpl .. St P England and eunny tkles over Iha Nuh¥1118 85 real ol the nation New Or1Mn1 90 Temc:iraturas eround Iha ~:iJ~ 78 78 nation Cl'8 dewn ra~ from 85 3e In Sault Ste Marie. tell • 10 No Plana 83 In Phoenlx. Ol!l1 City 16 50 62 84 54 5.4 52 45 67 46 67 1 17 50 55 01 62 48 52 62 65 .04 42 53 01 53 56 02 69 80 53 69 73 44 63 74 58 .10 se 80 .87 72 71 t 13 53 70 S.2 5g 01 81 60 82 64 M Omaha Orlando Phlladphte Ph<Mlnlx Plnsl>Yrgh Piiand. Me Piiand, Ore Providence Raleigh Reno Sall Lake San Antonio Seattle Shrevepor1 Sioux Falls St Louis St P-Tampa SI Sta Marte Spokane Syracuse Topeka Tucson Tulae wuntngln Wichita 83 65 76 103 70 70 90 76 85 87 84 93 82 90 86 80 87 67 9g 70 76 97 88 80 80 CAUFC>Nt!A 66 73 04 58 75 44 49 59 !>7 67 5!> !>9 H 57 66 66 61 74 36 80 50 63 t 13 63 67 43 . 59 65 09 Batterslleld 99 79 Blythe 100 Eurella 81 51 Fretna 94 87 Lancatter 90 58 Lot Angelet 70 80 M~lle 91 Neecflee I 02 09klend 88 58 Pno ROblea 80 84 Red 81utt 93 1M1 Redwood City 75 60 Sacramento 82 42 Sallnea 62 64 0 t California ~ Nalaonal WMther Service predlet• another round of night and morning cloudlneu and reluctant afternoon 1un1hlne Friday. WHterly wind• could ""P deMrtf at 30 mph around lti ....... :=ra .... -~uim..-_ R_f R_IP_DR_T ~· Friday·• high• 1hould range trom the mid 70. In Lo. AnotlM' end llt bNCfMle, ~ 74 and eo In mountfllnt. trom t2 to 102 In ttlt high ~ end .,...._, •• and 100 In the IOw ~ .. ao.t«I ll'Oftl Point Conoepllon to the ~ bOrdlf can MP8CI llaflt. _..,.. ..... duf1ng the nlohl •nd mornlno. NcOf'l\lno ..-" • to ,. knOI• 'r'lder alt•rnoon with • t lo 3·foot ~ ..... fooey•1 Wne A"'898 AY9/Mu lhlpe Temp 1-2" poor 68 t-2., poor 87 1-2 ., poor 57 1·2" poor 67 1·2" poor 57 2-3ft .. ~ 58 2-3 ., ,..,"900' 50 14ft t~ ff 1.:1 n '* eo t-3" .. to HIOll 2:27 p.m. Low 7:14 a.m. '"'' __ l ____ _ San Otego n 65 San Franelsco 63 55 San11 Barbara 61 55 San•• Merta 69 S1ock1on 90 57 Therm II 101 Ukiah 84 Barstow 99 71 Big Bear 76 40 Bishop 93 56 Cetellna 70 62 Long Beach 70 63 Monrovia 76 61 Ml Wiison 78 59 Nawporl Beach 63 59 On1ar10 74 56 Palm Springs 98 85 Pasadena 74 59 Sen Bernardino 74 58 San Jose 78 57 Santa Ana 70 62 Sanla Cruz 65 57 Tah<>e Valley 77 41 mog The Air Quality Management 041trlet predk;11 good air quality today In mott arMt ol Iha South Cotti Air Buln, IX()llpl In the Rlverelde-San e.rnerdlno ar ... which wlll have unhHllhlul air qu1llty f0t ...,lltlve per.ons. A flollutant Standerd Index of 150 le loracut for Iha River~ Sen Bernatdlno area Where lo call (toll frM) for lalHI 1mog lnlormallon: Orange County: (600) U~3828 Loa Angetu County (800) 242-4022 Rtv.alde and 81n Bemardtoo countlet: (800) 387-4710 A.OMO EptlOde Center: (8001 242·'4&88 Tides TODAY Second high 1.27 pm 4.2 B«:ond low e· 11 p m. 2 3 fl...OAY Flrwl high 12. 15 1.m. 5.t Flrlt low 7::M I m 0.1 S8oond hlQl't 2 21 p Ill 4.l ~ IOw 7-25 p.m. 2.S Svn MU tod1.y 11 1:08 p,m .. rlNI 'rldtry et 5.43 a.m. Moon n.. lodey It 8.1.t I m., Nit It 11.a:t p If\ '· ' reeommendation wae madt> In December, could return to h111 San Diego courtroom benl'h as early as Monday. "He's very happy," Wenrell's a ttorney, Peter Hughes, 11uid Wednesday. "J told htm to wait until Monday and then advise the court that he was ready, as he always has been, to accept cases." Hughes added that Wenzell had no plans but to contlnue his 10-month silenc.-e on the case and refuse comment un the latest turnabout. The c harges were first filed last August. New school budget approved Newport-Mesa school trustees have approved a tentative $48.5 mHlion budget for 1982-83. The budget is about 5 percent lower than last year's but doesn't reflect any salary increases for t.eachers or classified employees. Superintendent John Nicoll warned that the revenues expected from the st.ate could drop when the state adopts its budget later this month. "'We're not the only people st.anding in hne at the trough." said Nicoll. Nicoll predicted that alJ school districts in the st.ate w1U receive the same funding from the state as last year, rather than the two percent increase that had been customary in years past . The district expects to receive about $26 million from local taxes. $20.7 million from the state. $1.2 millio n from the federal government and $35,000 from the county Teacher layoffs and retirements have resulted in the drop of salary expenditures from $25.2 mHlion las t year to $23.5 million m 1982-83. About $8 million w1U be spent for classihed employees salanes, $7 .5 million fo r employee benefits, $2 million for books and s upplies. $3 .9 mlll1on {or ope rating expenses and $2.9 million for other expenses. Mr. Harbeck funeral held Funeral servi ces were conducted today for Costa Mesa resident and longtime Newport Beach city employee William W Harbeck , who was killed in a car accident last weekend. Mr. H arbeck was the senior plan checker in th<' Ne wport building department His wife Shirley. injured an the collision, heads the city credit union in Newport Beach. The Cost.a Mesa resident was killed Saturday in Riverside when the car he was driving was struck head on by a wrong-way motorist. o.lly ...... l teff IJIM>t• A DOGGONE BROKEN ARM -Mayor Jackie Heather, who impressed everyone recently by bouncing back from a stroke, s howed up at Irrelevant Week celebrations with a broke n arm. The mayor said she broke it when h er pet gold en r etriever bowled her over. Broken arm and all, Mrs. Heather was honored Wednesday by members of SUN (Speak Up Newport) for her years of city service. Marshal suspended gambling probe • 1n An Orange County mars hal has been suspended from his post as bruhH for a Newport Beach judge whil e authorities investigate allegations he operated as a bookie, taking bets at Harbor Municipal Court. Police m Newport identified the bailiff as Darrell C. Strobele. a 17-yea r vetera n of lhl' marshal's office and bailiff for presiding .Judge Robert J . Polis. Strobele also was named as the individual who helped officers set up the arrest this week of former Saddlebac k College trustee Al yn M . Brannon. (Related story, Page Bl). Vice ol11cers m Newport said they will ask the Orange C.ounty District Attorney's office to formalJy charge Strobele with bookmak~g. St r obele, reached at has Huntington Beach home, said he co uldn 't comm e nt on the bookmaking assertions. Judge P o lis said he wa s s hoc k e d to learn o f the allegations. He said Strolx'le had served as ha s bailiff for five vears. Police contend Strobele ran a small but steady bookmaking opera tion out of the courthouse. taking bets mostly on horse races. It was unclear how long the bailiff had allegedly bee n e ngaged in bookmaking acu v1 tics. Newport police said the arrest o f Brannon , who asserte dly accepted a be t on a Dodgers b<Jseball game, a nd the case against Strobele arc part o f a t w o -week bookmaking 1nvest1ga t1 o n b y police an Newport a nd th e d1 s tr1c t a ttorney'!> office Th<.'y said the• investigation as contmumg One crewman lost at sea in boat race NEWPORT. R .I. -One crewman w as thrown into the sea and as presumed drowned a fter has boat rolled 360 degrees 1n heavy sea during the Newport-to-Bermuda yacht race which ~tart.eel Sunday. according to the Coast Guard. Crane Burke. 42. of Arlington, Va. was one of a haH a dozen c r ewmen aboard the 37-foot t>loop Tantalizer , but was the only one s wept overboard in :.HJ-foot seas and 40-knot winds about 100 miles southeast of Nantucket Island. The Coast Guard said another craft spotted a capsized sailboat 100 miles southeast of Cape Cod with no sign of its crew. An air search is being conducted. The st.art of the 635-mile race was postponed 24 hours when a violent sto rm front raged across the course on Saturday THE FASHION IS DIAMONDS FROMA-Z. Wear one initial or spell out your name or a personal message. Our 14 karat yellow gold initials set with diamonds make a brilliant fashion statement Available from A-Z, chain not Included. $150 each. SLAVICK'§ flne .i.....ttrs Sita tll17 Whert che buc surpnses btgin. F•hlon lsllnd (71 4) '46·1JIO• N""*' 1i111ttt AIJtO ~Loi~· Sen '*90 •IM..-,. ---------------. ; • Oranv-CoMt PAIL v PILOT IThUrtdlf, ""'"' 24, 1Ha N ~· NY E COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS euou"Ollll llll(l.1101 'UOUOlll '"'' NIW •O••. MID•Uf, "''' 11 1(, ..... IOtTOtl, DI HOIT AND ClltCINNATt noc• l•UIAlfOU AND lll"01111 l't TMI OH ANO lllltTllflT •elt• Htl t el ft Htl l"•I ,... t tow ("11 • I M\ c.... t "' •• ,.. Nfl •I Ml Clew Cllt l.elet Htl ""'Ml tltw t "' m~ ua 1 : :u n::-• .,~ .. ,~ ~ Me•M ,, .. • .. 1~..: .. 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Allrd pl J 61 , • I o10Yt + '-11,,1111 40.. 11 -Vo FlllOle .. • 31 17-~ ll'llMln J to S J1S ,,,,__ 'h Murry() I 111 S l 16-"" ACA pf J.'5 · JI 221'> Aldcll 'to 7 ••1' J1V.-It. llrltO 1 SJI I• lll'>. .... Flfmwy ,., .,,. + "' lfttMull I to • " 134-. .. Mulom l.ftlt 2S 11 RLC ... ,,, ..... \o't AlldM I I 130 u1'" •IV. llntlll lO s .... + v, Flwyr .. •'ht '·> tnlP-1 «> • U. ll'n • " MYt•sL Jll 3S I RTE .«> 1 •12 7~+ ~. Al11tPO 56 1 2 ""'-""' (Pl•omt .tOlS • IOV.-"' Fl'ICp..a' ... 160 "" "' lnlRKI n .. ·-. ..,, ---Allll'u• 71 • JOI ,,.,._ ... Ameen l .1'0 1 t0 11-1111 '"'"' ;f s · 13 •o -"" ""seer l 21.o-.,. 1 .. 1n ue s 1m JJY>-.,. ,.90 , oe • 21 21 -"' All'llMI "' ~- AC111rv .209 • s s ... °""" ,. '!"~ • .__ " l'lnlFl<I 21 IJ\ll, ..... ITT pfJ 4 J ~•II<. Niii n 1• ..... ~· '"" -"11< l.IO 12 ...,, """ ..... ACYfll '1S 1 '*° ,.,.._ " Cllrt • !'!~ J-... Flrutn • " J7' IH .,. •Tl pflt 4 20 llllt . h NCH .n • • IJ~ ... Atnco .. IO ' """' AOT ISJIO ,,. 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At ·:!I~ ~ ~t~-~ ATT•p! .. •" Oj,..._ "' ooCI t .... lfl ;w.;_ "" FllEC .10 I) ' 17 ..... Jllvr pf , .0 • ,, NMdC•• ... 1 ,.. ·~-.... r.::.:.· u t ATTpf J.M . U4 31\lo ..... ~· -.. 11 ia 1•"' FlePL l.» 1 '" 3u-. ..... J•m•w 12. I ·~-•.• NMdEn .«>10110t I•~· v. Atvton , .. I .. 211.lo "' ATT pf l .,. .,. J2 • v. Colf'CO . " ""':;·"· FlePro '·'° 1 JI) IS~+ v. JtpnF '17• ., , .... _""' NMlneS .'227 1J ....................... :60 , s. ""'• ..... AWelr 1.lO , 11 15" .•. , Col""" 11 I ,,.,.._ :i. FllSll .S2 10 S2 1114-"-JeflP111 I &e S 111 2•""-"' NPrett I U. t 41 JJV.-V. Rtllrrd I oe IO 119 .... "-AmtrOll I to 4 I 21Yt ..... Cote'"-' 1' 7 27«> 17YI • ~ FlwG<ffl • Jll Ill>+ "' Jore 111 t.» "° S3 NS.ml JOJ.• IOo-114. Annin t.to • 1..n o v. .. AmttDt 40 I 12 U-... COlllilllt '72 7 '1 1)-"• Fluor IO 1 111 ..... w JerC pf 1.12. 1lto 41\'>+ll(o NISvtn I ... 6 SO !J'l'O-\lo "9ylnllll4.IO •. 11 40¥o+ v., Amel-1.2011 122 a v.-.. CollnFt ... 7 Ill 16""• v. Foote< 220 1 12 30VJ.-.. JowelC 2,4' • 1«> SJ .. It. N$1end 712.S 10 ....... ~I l.IO 1 ,.. 1011 .... Amiee 1 . .-I le 1.-.-\'a ColPwfl 1·40 te IJt'll FonlM SOii 14V.-w JtwlC pf 103 JS VI fjelfSll I • 11 Is\'--It. ~h~ll l.4I 7 21t n'Wi, \lo AMP!" I 40 14 611 St -JV. Colllll t UO ihOM 2•11'1 ... ..,; l'Of'Mll. VO 1 JOI 3111\l't • YI Jewkr I JI •'-+ Vt NelUI n 2 11 I ull~+ \'a ll._iT t,IO S J 174'o-~ Amrep 2S I ....... • ... ColO.t 2M s * )0 • Mo FMK pf 1.10 . I 41V.. I JOl>nJn ... 2Ml2 ,. -.. Helom ' ., • •S. " . .. . lloGren I 60 , ., ~ ·~ AmSlll I to S 11 17"'• 141 CSO pf JCS 1 f3\l't Vt FIO .. r l.J2 . .. '"-JollftEF 14 JtJ ,._ '"'° Nelm pf • • JO ?ti« • lloOt pl Ill 13 11'-Amll.-1.1'0. I .. JI\'>+ .. CSOpl1tUzs' t.f!O IOO :, l'IHO'<Oldl.Ollt IOI JH•+ ~ Jonncn I «>. SI ...... NtvPw , .. ·s 11 n.... ""A• .I011 to,,...,·. i;., Amsted t 41 ' 5' U • \lo Goml!lf\ I IO j' bS 1,_._ ,._ FCKI-._ • 371 111'\ • \lo JollnC pl 1 1 2411t t 'h NevP pf I 7• 120 1l V. ~ 1.«I t 0) o • "'1 An< mp,. 1J IJ 00 "-... 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(•E,,, t 1 12'-'-' Fuqe pt I 21 4 IJ~ '-KLM II 71 3211>-114 Nwllel n 11 SO 23\.'t-Yt Aattrln l • ~ ,,:: • \'t Antan .s:> S ts ,,.__.,.cwEpl Jl7 · 1l ~ · -~-K,...,, 111_. IP.;~ Howmt lllll:S 2'T•loo ,_,,..pll l 1"-Anll\ny ·-• s , CwE pf ..... r*O SM+ ~ GAF IO 1 .... IOV·-lt•ltrAI to 14 .&:M 1J .. N ... , pf • so . l?t .,,,. • "" ._..I ... ' .. , J1I ; • ~ AH<lle .2410 .,._. IJV. CwEfs 7.2A • 11* .,_I.,. GAT... 2 «> S 119 l3 • Ke llGe I 40 S 11 O~ Nwper1< II S 1• ,.,._ ... ,_,.mCp IS 14~1 ~~ • 1 V. ~~;I.~ . l~ !~ . . ~::::J i: .~ ~ ~~: ~ ~c~ : ~ ~ w·:. ~ ~:t~ 'J7 l ,!! ::~ : =::::. i: st= ll~:. . . =" to s .~ IO •. ~~~~ 1':'!1: ::..,, • ~ ~.:;,··,,·~ 20~ tt~~.'.4 g~~qp 1•~ is;'!~=~ ~:::::i ,i:; 41~ :;::· v. =::~,~~ ·''~ ~:: 5::-i~'! ~i ir· ~ ArlrPS l.21 • .,, .. _ II. CorftMC J~ .~ ~:: GelMou SJ • , .. n~.-•·· ltKCCIYLpSJJ ... IO s llJ ~ .... 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S l•.\t,. . ltenNb 1.-. 1 t• n l'> HoAPlll I 10 h 12 3~ .... -r.-1 - Armllu 1.40 • 1• ll~ 1'11 CCCM\!,plU.SS . Y: ?!,~+!:: GAlnv •lk " Uh+ \I., Kel'IPLIJ.«> t llO 70lllo+" NEur0"2 1oe 9 7• lO +\'a SCA .209 I toJ IC*+ 'Jo ArmWln 1.10 u 71J I"'. .. on~ tlJ 1 ':-~.;:· ,, GAmOll .llOb 13 7U ,,.,,. \It lt•PL pl2 2l I IS"" NOHIUI 1 21 1 .-1 ·-... ~: 2 •• t1'-• " ArowE 1142 21 ·-\I. ra , .. -+ • Gn8<th • • I 17-It• Kelyll'I .., In• '-' NCelS• .. S I~ . . . • 1.16 I Jt4 II\/++ \/+ Artre 20 30 S I~ ... l'ISF 60 • '1 M~•• I GCl"m .. 9 .. 40V> + v. ltelv pf I.. •• 1>%o • '-' NlnclPS I.SO 10 IS2 '°'"'°· .... !~.°!!< .~ ,: ..!! j;.,.._ ~ A"'ln I 1J t 21 I~• '"' °"'"-t .. • UJ 11 · GnOete JI •~• •.-. l<eul8r U t IO 7 ,,. ,.oStPw 2 74 t Ill J7V.-V. ....... _ '"' .. At"'" pl J . . 2 20 .... (JI~ 111•." • "'°100 1121~ .. ;,; GnOyn n 13 l<ISS ,._ 'h lt•tA ~ I.SO • . I IO•t> . NSPw pf7 .. ySOO ~3 -1 ~·,ociSc8s. J1 ,, ~! ,,~ ... Awrco «> 21 2• 20.,., + 1" CA ...... llf•.SO .. I "+ GOY" pf• lS IS ....... t 1V> Keller .JO 6 S ~ • Ito NSPw pf 1 .. ySOO 41'">-1111. S OCI · -• .. -Ill AihlOll J.«> 10 -,. ..... "' QIPw ~··ns t400 -::z.:: °'"El 1:.0 • 140 63't.. " K•lloO!I 'so • '7J lJ!'e. Vo NorTI 9 1"' l03 37 • "' SllldS WI . • .. , •• "'' AJlllO pf•.SO , JI -II> °'..... ..... . . Z20 • GnFd• '20 "031 »Pi?-"' KtllWd .«> s " IJ'h. "' NI~·· 9 . . :M 3v .. Vo Sel•wr J.to , UI ~. II> AilllO pf3... . • JIV>-Ill. CnPw II( • • 2•Vt-'h GGlll -· .. 13\1., Ke,.el 10 3 1]1 111> • \o Norlrp 1.IO 21' IS9 SI-Vt SeOll~ .56 I J70 Ht>• I"" AtdOG 1 IO t 1057 J3"" + IJo CCn..._Pw ~!! ; ~ :: GHosl s .SO 7 UIO ul6'A. ·,.... Ktl'lml .. • JM J41'> + v, NwSIAlr .IO 214 20l9 l1'1e + 1'-!IPJeo·l~I 11.·!! .•. t'• I.I~-~ AMID pf •.1S U6 S71'>. v. n ....... • 2 GnHO\it IJ • ,, t • .... KyUUI , 20 • 1• ,..... NWl8<P I.. s 1232 " • v. .. v "" Yr-... Allll-I to • 1 ttv. + " C(n~ ~.U0 J :; ..... + 1_,, Glnll l .'2 II I~ 3S • V. 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I 6t +a t :il'' ~--~·6' I :. + \a .. ;I I ., ~;;: . ~i~··,-~·i • • 2: ,.. -~ , _.., Dow Jones Final OFF 2.76 CLOBINO 810.41 Much insulation wo~k 'faulty' SAN DIEGO (AP) -Nearly halC the home lnaulation project& f~ by San Diego Gas & Electric C.O. end up being rejected by the utility because of faulty workmanship, company offici.a.ls said. Since Jan. 1, a team of SOO&E lnspectors has reviewed 7,000 energy conservation projects in c.he San Diego area flnanced at low interest rat.es by company loena. Larry 8aebler, an SDG&.E executive in charge of the inspection program.: said rejection notices were sent to many of the 7~ contractors in the county recognized by . the utility under a series of energy savings p.lana It fiNU'K'eS with 8 percent loans, meetly through Beftk of America. Fluo,. links firms The Fluor Core. ot I.rvlne announced that its Fluor Engineefl & Constructors Inc. subsidiary will become a new company, Fluor Engineers Inc. The company will consist of all engineering units within the Fluor Corp. exc.pt for the engineering functions of Daniel Construction Co. The move unit.es 15 offices with more than 15,000 employees under one reporting organization. These divisions att b.2ted worldwide. Smida earnings drop Smith lnt«natJonaJ Inc. of Newport Beach said earnings for the ae<lOlld quarter are likely to be 15-20 percent befpw' ttle M!cbnd quarter of 1981. Sales are expected to be approximately equal to the period a year ago. For the full year, earnings are likely to be 10-15 percent below those of 1981 , officials said due to reduced drilling activity. Cal FeJ to buy Brentwood S&L Special to &lie DaJty Piiot LOS ANGELES -California Federal Savings & Loan Assoctation has signed a definitive agreement to acquire, sub~ to regulatory approval and certain conditions, 100 percent of the First Brentwood Corp. and its principal operattng unit, Brentwood Savings & Loan Asaociation, from Jim Walter Corp., headquartered ln T&J!lpa, Fla. Brentwood Savinp hu 36 offices m Southern California. The ~ment calla for Cal Fed to issue $44 million of Mutual capital certificates to Jim Walter Corp .• and could make Cal Fed the thfrd largest S&L in the nation. New-car sales off DE'Tl\OIT (AP) -The long-awaited recovery in the U.S. auto irtdustry stumbled in mid-June as new car sales at the five major domestic automak~ dropped 22.4 percen' from the period a year earlier. the companies reported. AMERICAN LEADERS HEW YORK IAPI-S.I•\. J p.m ptl<• end net c~ Of Ille fen mo•I Kl•~ American Stock Eacllf~ I•-•. ~.,,;';"'-"" ··1~~ '":i~! S-1• Vtrt>etlm ' 144,SOO 3011> • "' We~ 8 127,j(JO 21"-+ "' GullCen o IJJ.JOO II Ito -v. '"" 8t\41"°1 11•,lOO •E • "" Tetts<len 112,tOO "" -l~• Tec:ll Sym 103.toO ,... \lo Gullloru 7'.600 ll'h • "' Rttrtlnl A ... 000 '"" -\o Tl E Com \ tJ..400 11Yt "' METAl.:S . NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonfeHOUS metal ~ todr; c.,.., es. 12 c.n11 • pound. u s UPS AND DOWNS HEW YOflll C/1#'1 -~9'1fw!"t 1111 -h -y""' ~ be llllK .. ---__ .,,.. .. .,.. --= _.,.._. .. ,~._..-.. No -ti-.o -11 ........ -pe!C6'11 ... '~'"991. ... ,,,. .,........... -"'9 --,,_. ---· -- -I l'ttf!Hfly ' 2 Slfle<C I Glllf llnn. •GEO 11'111 S MMte Medi .... ,,..... t LTV e.t I Hen.ml • ,..,.1 .... 10 AC:-T,,. II ·-5'IW'9 It Pr!'"'°" ,, Gel""*" ,. MatMI ""' IJll-16 Poel.C'11 pf !1.Al ..... 11 11w111-a1,., It HllllW 11111 desllnttlona. It> LMd 2•·27 oenlt • pound DIC 35-37 C4"l• e pound, dell_.e<I Tift te.0993 MelllS Week oomposlle ~ 1s.n cent•• pound. N.V ....._, 1370.00 per 116tal ~ $2411.00 ltO'( oz .. N.Y. SILVER Hendy 6 Humel'I, $S.210 per 1roy ouno.. GOLD QUOTATIONS ., The ....... ted ,._ Seteotecl world QOlcl P<ioee today lol'ldon: mornl"O ll•lng U00.75. up U .7$ Lot14-: ellerllOOn ll•lng 1310 25. up SB 25 ,...., ,.,.,"°°" n111no l307JM, up 11 se ,,.......,,., 1312 00, up Sll.03. btWI: •• ,. ftl1'"9. '311.00. up 18.50 bid 1311.50 Mlled M1114r a Her111111: (only di lly quota) 1310.21 up M 25 ~ (C>Ny 0111y quc1t9) l310 '6, WI .. -,r -- ........,. (only dll!y qvot•l tltltlQted SUS1'1. upM.H SYMBOLS • Ale Ortngt Oout DAIL V PILOT IThutlday, June 24, 1882 • conversion Condo l;ogic seems 1 A proposal to permit owners of t small apartment complexes to convert to condominiums has cr~ated controversy in Newport Beach. The new law. which must be adopted by the City Council, would allow owners of <.'Omplexes with four units or less to switch. . It is estimated lhat the change could affec t more than 7 ,000 rchters in the beach city. • Proponents of the m easure say it would come with enough conditions to guard against abuse anp would not bring about a flood of conversion requests. Opponents cliarge the law will result in forcing senior citizens, students a nd others unable to buy the converted units to move out of the city. The proposed law is being considered as a means o f creating more a ffordable housing. The t hinking is that con verte d a partments would be cheaper than ne w or even old homes. flawed Vlo have several concerns with the suggested law change. It seems strange that the city would risk driving out renters in o rder to bring in "affordable" housing. Aren't the renters already living in "affordable" housing? This seems less than logical. And if the law change, as city ofCicials contend, won't bring in a flood of conversions, how iB all this "affordable" housing going to be created? The law change is either going to have an effect or it isn't . It can't be both ways as the city seems to suggest. If affordable housing is the goal, there must be better ways of achieving it. One way we remember is the Banning Ranch development now threatened by a referendum. It called for a large share of housing that cou l d b e c onsidered affordable by Newport standards. The Heights dileniHJa It appears the on-again, off. again study on the future of Santa Ana H e ights -the je t noise- plagued community south of John Wa yne Airport -is on again. That probably is good news to the various forces at work in the contentiou s area -those who wo uld like to see the Heights re tain its residential flavor and those wh o would pre fer development of professional and commercial off ices. But the news is tr oubling. too. The H e igh ts s pecific plan study -designed to establish a pa ttern for orderly d evelopment for years to come - .was hardly o ff the ground whe n it was stopped last January. Vlork ceased when Orange County Supe rior Court Judge B r uce Sumne r overturne d a county plan for $100 million in improvements at the airport and a related plan designed to reduce the high noise le vel in the heights. Matters remained in limbo until last wee k whe n county s upe rvisors reinstituted the specific plan study. There is a c atc h ! The study must not incorporate conclusions contained in the now defunct airport master plan or its noise-control program. What this means is that less of the Heights area'>a~tually can be studied. The remainder of the area -that which falls within the high-noise-impact zone as defined by decibel readings -cannot be s tudied until future decisions about the airport are reached. "We're talking about an unknown quantity," is the way one county planner explained the situation. His point is well taken . How can a plan for a community highly impacted by jet noise be developed when the future of the very cause of the problem is so undecided? Patriotism and the law When it comes to fireworks, N e wpo r t Bea ch d oesn 't f ool around. Fireworks, firecrack e rs and all things related are illegal in Newport. This often comes as a surprise to some beach visitors, and even some residents around the Fourth o f July. After all, they can buy fireworks up the road in Costa Mesa or over in Huntington Beach. But i n N e wport Beach , possession of any e xplosive device the size of an M-80 or larger is a felony. Bail is $25,000. Even a spa rkler is a no-no and can bring a misdemeanor charJ;!;e. Police a nd fir e m e n i n Ne wport remind people of these laws each year as Independence Day approaches, anticipating the annual crush of celebrants. Several homeowner groups ha ve joined the act this year, sending out fliers warning that all fireworks are illegal and hanging • banne rs at intersections saying the same thing. City officials claim there are good reasons for the ultra-strict rules. In many older sections of the city. they say, the houses are close toge ther. A fire in Newport could spread quickly. Another proble m, they point out. is that with the heavy influx of tourists, the fire department has something less than an easy time getting to some sections of the city, particularly Balboa Island and the peninsula. And there are those rusty sparkler wires le ft in the sand. These conditions, of course, are not unknown to othe r coastal towns where the so-called safe and sane fireworks are permitted. While it is easy to see the concern city officials in Newport have, it is ironic that this concerted effort to crush out the traditional means of observing the nation's birthday comes in a city that always has taken great pride in its patriotism. Opinions expressed in the space above are tho!>e of the Daily Pilot. Other vi ews ex- p ressed on.this page are those of their author s and artists. Reader comment is invit· ed. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-4321. L.M . Boyd I Crossword puzzl e Q. Has there ever been a crossword puzzle that nobody couJd work? A. At least one nobody has worked, anyhow. From 1938 until 1949, Robert Stilgenbauer of Los Angeles put to- gether such a puu.le with 3, 185 clues down and 3,149 clues across. Claim is nobody yet has finished it. Obl!erved Samuel Butler: "A hen is only an egg's way of making another egg." Q. What's the real difference, If any, between "mountain grown" cof- fee and some other kind? A. Arabica beans of the h igher ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat altitudes have more flavor with less bitterness than the robusta beans of the lower levels. The arabica cost more. The robusta have more caCfeine. In Spain, an amateur bullfighter can be shot for practicing his techni- que with a bull out on the range. Q . How much money does Prince Charles make? A. F.quivalent of about $1 million a year. Not from taxpayer's money, however. Hu pay comes from property he now own.a. He donates a fourth of that income to the national treasury, and keeps $751,3!>0. Thomas P. Hatt y Publisher ThomlS A. Murphlne Editor Barbara Krt lblch Edltorial Page Editor Insurance trick cheats poor WASHINGTOm -Last February 18, Kino T. Lewis, a 21-year-old black youth, was trudging through the snowy streets of Muncie, Ind., on his way to his girlfriend's home. He moved into the street because the sidewalk was piled high with unplowed snow. Suddenly. without warning, rhyme or reason, an 18-year-old white youth m a passing car pulled out a pistol and fired one shot at Kino Lewis, killing him. THE TRAGEDY OF this unprovoked murder was devastating enough for L e wi s 's family What add e d immeasurably to their heartbreak came afterward. Kino's grandmother, Daisy Cook, s ubmitted a claim on the accidental death policy she had taken out 19 years earlier on her grandson. At the rate of 10 cents a week, Kino's grandmother had been paying premiums to the Commonwealth Life Insurance Co. of Louisville, Ky., for a $1 ,500 policy on her grandson's life. But instead of the $1 ,500 she expected to collect, Mrs. Cook was given the grand total of 80 cents -a refund for eight weeks of excess premiums. ln other words, what Daisy Cook got for the $98 of premiums she had paid over the years to Commonwealth Life was exactly nothing. ln rejecting her claim, Commonwealth relied on the fine print in its policy that excluded "any loss resulting from injuries intentionally inflicted upon the insured either by himself or by any other person othe r than burglars or robbers." Commonwealth Life Vice President W.J. Kearney told my associate Tony Capaccio the company's decision to deny Mrs Cook's claim was based on its reaciing of two newspaper clippin~s in G -JA-Cl-AN_D_fRS_D_N -~ the local press on her grandson's murder. In defense of this astonishing practice, Kearney claimed that the company in the past has paid out claims on the basis of such news accounts. What he seemed to be saying was that if the newspaper reporters had worded their stories to conform to the fine print in Mrs. Cook's policy, she would have been paid the $1,500. Had Commonwealth Life bothered to go beyond the pres.s reports. they might have discovered that Kino Lewis' killing was not really "iotentionally inflicted." A poli('e source said: "There was no premeditated planning on their part to kill Lewis . . . There is no evidence the accused knew who he was shooting at.'' A prosecution source agreed that Kino "was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.'' Yet w hen the National Insurance Cons umer Organization brought the deniaJ of Mrs. Cook's insurance claim to the attention of the Indiana Department of Insurance. the only response was a form letter accepting the company's explanation. IF EVER THERE were a case where consumers could use a little protection on the part of the federal government, this kind of insurance shenanigans would seem to be it. And in fact the Federal Trade Commission several years ago criticized the type o ( ins urance Kino Lewis's grandmother bought as "high cost for low benefit." The FTC estimated that such pennies-a-week insurance policies bring in $3 billion a year in premiums. Commonwealth Life's vice president insisted that such policies sold to the poor represent "only a small part of our line.'' Yet the insurance mdustry's own data sh owed that such polici es, wh ile bringin g 1n onl y 13 pe r cent of Commonwealth L if e 's pre mi ums. accounted for 28 perce n t of the company's profits in 1980. or $10.2 million. Footnote: When told of the denial of Mrs. Cook's claim. one of the detectives who investigated her grandson's murder said he thought it was wrong. and added: "M aybe I s ho uld ch e ck my own poJjcies.'' Thrifty subsidize the big spenders To the &lit.or: Regarding truth in lending, I think it was Adam Smith who said: "&rrowing has been too easy and le nding too painful." Fo r too Jong , the thrifty have subsidized the big spenders who have learned to live by leverage. So -the old lo w interes t rates are no longer MAILBOX acceptable. Capital wants its fair share of the economy. If we are going to have easy credit, it should be subsidized by government like everything else. As things are now, the borrower writes off all the interest paid and gets the commodity before paying for it; thereby beating inflation, while the lender pays taxes on earned interest. THE THRIFTY lender, meanwhile, watches inflation reduce the value of retirement funds while the swingers use those funds to buy foreign cars, foreign TVs, foreign radios, foreign clothing, foreign booze, foreign vacations. foreign vacation homes and overpriced domestic homes beyond their true means. Now, when they fall on their faces, they file Chapter 13s and blame their troubles on the Federal Reserve. That makes about as much sense as smashing the thermometer because you can't stand the heat. High interest is not the cause: it is the effect. For too lo~. too many have been making and spending too much for too many things. While, at the same t.lrne, too many have been making too little and spending too much for too few things. Today, most salartes and penaion.s are tied to the Consumer Price Index; not ao the case of cash savings. And , meanwhile, CBS and othel"'I complain that the reduction of Inflation la going t.o hurt the ones · wtth Income tied to the Consumer Price Index. What a laugh! How hypocritical can they get? Many worked two and three hours for the first dollar saved. Thoee dollanl, today, aren't worth ten centa. In spite of it all, tyranny of the majority shall continue to prevail. FRED MAC DONALD Transport balance To the Editor. There are MldUnel f1VttY other day or eo on the wbject of whether to e'.1\1.arae ann. COl.ml.Y• a.lrpol'\ Ot •bout t the latest jam and holdup on the Santa Ana freeway I t hin k in all this to -d o about transportation people miss the larger tSSUe, which is the destruction of public tran s portation in this s t ate b y a conglomeration of the oil and automotive industry. In almost every other country in the world there is a balance among surface transportation. there is a balance among transportation in the air, on the sea and roadways. I grew up in t.he Midwest where the roads were built around the suburbs so you have probably as many suburbs and miles of roa ds in Illinois -the difference being that the roads were built first and then the suburbs and commun.ities were built around them. THJS STATE as a whole could cure a lot of unemployment by redeveloping railroads. by retooling the assembly plants to build railroad parts and railroad cars. This could knock a big dent in unemployment, perhaps for the next 20 years. Instead of spending the taxpayers' money, and I speak of the taxpayer who seldom uses planes, instead of spending m on e y to enlarge Orange County airport, I wouldn't mind seeing much better railroads between Los Angeles and Orange Count y and on to San Francisco and San Diego. TOM KELLY Business j ets To the Editor: In numerous news media articles, and discussions abo ut a proposed n ew general aviation site, the noise impact of business jets has been made somewhat overstated. For example, du.ring 1981 at John Wayne Airport, departing commercial aircraft averaged 99.96 decibels on takeoffs as compared with 94.72 recorded for business jets. In addition, the limited 3,600-foot runway contemplated for a new G.A. site would restrict the number of business jeta that could use the facility t.o perhaps four of five of the n~w quiet models out of 22 F now in general use 1n the United ·tat.ea. I\ i.s Important • Letters from readers art wtlcome Thfl right to ctmd~$' lttttrs • to /fl spoct or chmlnatt> ltbel 1s reser ved. Letters. of 300 words or leas will be given pre/fff'mce All letter11 miul include aignohtrt and mailing oddresr but namta mo11 be withlldd on re•. que•I If suj[iclent recuon fs apparent Poetry wdt not~ published. l..ettrr1 mQN be tetephoMd lo 64.2.fON. NOTM a1'd phone num~r of lht "ontnbutor "'"'' bf giwn /or veri/icotfOfl Jlllil'l'OH•. ' to note that approximately 50 percent of the business jets are the newer, quie ter models with single event readings at the 84.00 decibels level. Noise is. and should be. a concern an planning airport operations and we hope the faclc; mentioned wiU help place the matter in perspective. JOSEPH E. IRVINE Executive Director, Community Airport Council Unf ai r to needy To the Editor: I would like to call public attention to a bad Medi-CaJ bill that will become law on July l , 1982 unless we act quickly. This bill, AB 3480, will "eliminate non- emergency medical transpo rtation except for dialysis patients and discharge from acute hospital to convalescent hospitals." This bill is grossly unfair to the most needy people of our society -the infirm and disabled elderly, including patients who are confined to wheelchairs or who are bl i nd a nd h ave no other transportation to their doctors other than courtesy coache:-. THE MEDI-CAL program costs need to be cut, to be sure, but we should not inflict these cuts on our most needy. Cut doctor's fees (already done). cut hospital fees (also done). and cut the Medi-Cal bureaucracy (not done yet), but to deny these patients their at'cess to their doctors for outpatient care is truly a tragedy. It is also not smart. Outpatient care is needed to reduce emergency hospitalization and all its attendant risks. complications, and costs. Those who a.re Interested in defeating this bill should contact their state Assemblyman. their Senator, and Governor Bro'VJl at the State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814. Act quickly, for we only have until July l. JAN D. VANDERSLOOT, MD lllllY GUI Tho ~thennen are beginning tb 90\lnd Uke Ronald Reqan wTth their bright Md tunny fOl"eCNtl. only to come up. wlth ~r dilmal day. R.M. ,.