HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-25 - Orange Coast Pilot111111 CIAIT YllR HlllTDWll llllY PIPIR HllDA \'. J UN[ 'l'•. 1'18.' OH ANGE COUNTY . C ALIFORNIA 25 CEN rs Take aspirin, but watch your stomach By J0£L C. DON O(ttleDMlfl'tlotlteff The physloian'a adaae about two aspirins may not be the best remed~ for whatever aili you, accordmg to a. UC Irvine lcientiat who has studied the popular pain killer for more than 12 years. Dr. Kevin Ivey, UCl professor of medic ine and chief of gastroenterology research at the VA Medical Center In Long Beach, has r e ported the 30 million Americana who take the non-prescription drug on a daily basis run a higher risk of developing a bleeding stomach whkh could lead to gastric ulcers. "There potentially Is a danger," he said. "But you have to put it In perspective. The risk of 1omethlng 1e rloualy happening is relatively small. "If you look at It from the p o i n t o f •v I e w o f t h e gutroenterologiat, 50 percent of the people who come ln with major (stomach) bleeding have an association with aspirin." Ivey said arthritic patients who took at least eil{ht aspirins a day Furious bonibardnient unleashed for a minimum of three monlh.s had a 25 percent chance of gettlni an ulcer. But as~, which erodes the 1tomac:h 1 protective mucosal lining, ha.I been ahown to cawie damage in just about every u.er, he said. Ueing·a fiber optic instrument called an endoscope, Ivey examined the stomach• •o f research subjects 10 minutes after t.aking uplrin. He found 20 percent damage to surfac.-e cells lining the s to mach 1n a ll participan ta. But, h e noted. the body's natural repair m ech a nisms healed the stomach lining within a few hours. Still. Ivey believes aspirin is a good drug that can be taken safely i( users t.akc adv1mtagt> of methods to redu<.-e its torros1ve effect on the storrutC'h His recommendat1oru. mclutle taking aspirin coated .with a spetial chemical to pn•vcn1 absorption in the stomach, use of a homemade buffering solution and ingestion of aspirin with a (See ASPIRIN, Page A?) lsrael'-s goal: PLO destruction Plane survives dive Lebanon • prein1er British j e t drops 14,000 feet; 255 safe JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - A British Airways Jumbo jet plunged 14,00-0 feet whe n four engines sputtered out in flames as the plane flew through ash clouds belching Crom the Galunggung volcano in West Java, officials said today. The pilot restarted two of the p lane's engines during the harrowing dive and the Boeing 747 limped here Thursday night where it made an emergency landing, air traffic controllers said. All 239 ~ngers and 16 crewmen were safe but scared by the ordeal. "It seemed to go on for an e t ernity . Everybody was petrified," said passenger Gerry Middleton, a tour operator from Perth, Australia. He said passengers sat and prayed as the engines belched flames and the cabin filled with acrid volcanic smoke billowing from air vents. "l looked out to see the near engine on my side apparently op fire and the two engines on the other side seemed to be burning, too," Middleton said. "Then all the engines stopped and we went into a steep dive." The plane was on its way from London to Perth, flying south of Jakarta at an altitude of 31,000 feet, when it suddenly hit the ash cloud and all four engines stalled, air traffic officials said. Rock singer told 'no niutilations' By GLENN SCOTT Of IM Dllllf PltoC St.ff Rock singer Ozzy Osbourne, who gained dubious national fame in February by biting off a bat's head during a concert, won't be sacrificing any animals tonight in lrvme, city officials promise. If he d oes. however, police officers claim they'll arrest him after the concert. Osbourne, who is following in the "theatrical-rock" footsteps of Alice Cooper. is sch eduled to perform t onight at Irvine Meadows amphitheater. The concert will be fi I med for a national television special. Osbourne maintains a busy touring schedule and has been s hado we d b y local humane societies and other groups since the incident with the bat, which was tossed onstage during a concert in Des Moines, Iowa. The con stant focus has bolstered the singer's recognition but has created a permanent fuss wherever he performs, said Pat Siciliano of J et Records. Osbourne's recording company. He claimed Osbourne didn't know the bat was real when he chomped off its head -which later led to a battery of rabies shots for the singer. "Ozzie has never killed anything in his life." said Siciliano. People are coming up with these absolutely bizarre rumors that we never could have dreamed of doing." The issue came up thtS week in WORLD DOWN, BOY -Rock singer Ozzy Osbourne will do his t h i ng at Irvine Meadows tonight, and police will try to see to it that he doesn 't decapitate any animals. Irvine after members of a local Baptist church contacted City Council members about the possibilit.y animals miRht be mutilated on stage. Crash kills pilot PASSAU, West Germany (AP) -Another American-designed Starfighter jet crashed in West Germany Thursday, killing the pilot., police reported · Let's take a month off The whole world needs to take a month off, suggests columnist Andy Rooney. Page A6. STATE 'Messiah ' fails to show A Pakistani leader touted as the Messiah has Called to appear as predicted. Page A4. Slarer bids for freedom SAN RAFAEL (AP) -Convicted murderer- rapist William Archie Fain, whoee parole after 15 years was wii~awn becauae of public outcry, faced a second Superior Court hearing today on his bid for release. Passengers said it took the crew 12 minutes to level the plane at 17,000 feet afler restarting two engines. The volcano started eru pt.ing earlier in the day, sending ash as far as Jakarta, 125 miles away. It was unclear why the plane's crew was not warned to keep clear, but officials said later that the area was closed to aircraft. The Galunggung volcano has exploded 10 times in two months, killing at least 30 and leaving 60,000 home less. The 9,154-foot mountain had been considered dormant since its previous eruption in 1918. Probe reveals toxic waste dumping in OC County environmental health officials revealed Thursday that nearly seven million gallons of highly toxic industrial wastes may have been illegally dumped in Orange County in 1981. The disclosure, sure to ignite fresh controversy over the dis p osal of the dangerous materials, was made in a report to the county Board of Supervisors. Pre pared by the cou nty Environmental H ealth Department. the studr proposed that officials establish a new enforceme nt-style program that would preve nt the illegal disposal of the toxic substances. AP Wl~lo RAVAGED BY WAR -Apartment buildings in the Cornich Mazrea suburb of West Beirut stand in rubble a fter Thursday's Israeli air attack on the residential neighborhood. Witnesses said the apparent target was the n earby headquarters of the pro-Palestinian leftist "Moorabitoun" militia. • resigns BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) I s rael 's jets and gunboats unleashed a furious bombardment of guerrilla posit10ns in w est Beirut 1 today and De fe nse Min ister Ariel Sharon said the PLO was on its way to "complete destrucllon.'' Israel! tanks also closed an on the Syrian garrison in Aley after taking strongholds on either side along the key highway to Damascu s, and L eba n ese television said Israeli armor was on the move near the Beirut airport. Pnm<' Mm1ster Shaf1k Wazzan resigned. charging that Israel's relentless assault was "escalated blackmail that renders me unable to execute the duties o f my oCli c e ." He hand e d his resignation to President Elias Sarkis at the Baabda palace as the Israeli bombing set off huge fires in west Beirut. Lebanon's top Jefust leaders and Palestine L iberatio n Organization ally Wal1d Jumblat1. also announced his resignation from the Natio nal Salvation Council which is trying to resolve the national crisis. He told a news conference Israel's demands for an unconditional PLO surrender were unacceptable Jumblatt said the P alestine Liberation Organization was read y f o r an honorable surrender. "but I don't think Israel will give 1t to them. They (the Israelis) just want to kill them (the Palestinians) a nd kdl them and kill the Lebanese with them·· The Christian Voice of (See ISRAELI, Page A2) The report estimates that 100 m illion gallons o f hazardous wastes are produced each year in Orange County. Of that total, more than 6. 7 million gallons of wastes were never taken to the proper disposal sites, the report says. Coast hospital cuts 40 jobs Because of this, the report says, the possibility exists that illegal dumping has taken place "and should be ca r efully examined." Environmental health officials arrived at their conclus1on on missing waste by totaling the amount of materials re ported s hi pped by companies and comparing this to the records of dump sites on how much was received COUNTY By PATRICK KENNEDY O(tti. D.ity Piiot St.ff Antici pating proposed government cuts in medical programs, the South Coast Medical Center in South Laguna is eliminating 40 jobs, including 25 nursing positions. The $1.4 millio n cut from center's $23.5 million budget is to be accompilsbed by July 1, mostly by not filling jobs opened by resignations and retirements, said Ke nt Dunlap, assis tant administrator of the center. Big names at OC Fair Big name entertainment will be heard nightly during the "All American" Orange County Fair July 9-18 in Costa Mesa. Weeke nder. Walking to feed kids Eighty people are trud&iJlg downcoast from Santa Barbara to Tijuana to raise money for poor children ln the Mexican city. Page BL TELEVISION Clothe1 maJce the anchor For thoee who broadcast news on television , clo make the man or woman. Pilot TV Log. j. Since April, he says, 30 jobs have been cut from the payroll. including 15 nursing posts. Six uns kille d employees from various departme~ts have been laid off, bwt Dunlap says no other layoffs are anticipated this year although 10 more nursing jobs are slotted for extinction by next Thursday. Federal Medic;ire and state M e di -Cal programs are scheduled for funding cutbacks although government legislators haven't a s yet detailed the reductions, Dunlap said. The staff reductions w e re based o n studies o f other Southern California gen eral hospitals that indicated the medical center was overst.aHed for its usuaJ number of patients. . Dunlap said "The quality of care should not be affected in the slightest," he says. "In fact, we've probably' becom e more e fficie nt by streaml11:11ng and clearly de fining iob resi><>nsibilities." (See MEDICAL, Page A!) INDEX . A4 84-5 AS B2 C8,Dl-6 C6 C6 C7 A6 At Your Service Busl.neu California Cavalcade Cludfied Comics Croaword Death Notices F.c.ii torlaJ Entertainment Home/Garden Horoeoope Weekender B3 B2 SPORTS Intermission Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notices Sports Stock Markets Televiaion Thee ten Weather World News Weekender B2 Weekender B4 A3 B4,C7-8 Cl-4 .B5 TV Log Weekender A2 A3 Angels, Dodgers win big ones The Angels and Dodgers both win crudal gam~ agairult dJvilional foes. Page Cl. \ r' Orange Oout DAILY PILOT"r1day, June 25, 1882 stories EDJCAL CUTS. • • Dunlap uy1 tho 24-year-old mec:Ucal c..'\lnttir w~ built In 19~8 and untJl the 1970,. wu one oC the few i nt'ral hotpttale clolely avallabfe to Orange County r'eMdentl. However, he says that other i~neral hospltala have been ~~eloped alnc.-e 1970, drawl"i P,.tlenta away. The medical c~n ter has capacity for 268 p.gtJents but usually treats about f4?p at any one time, he 1aid. ·,.The hospital's capacity will be n eeded in future years to -~commodate projected e:qpulatlon growth in Orange Gounty, he said. .Jle says the cutbacks were nwinly prompted by proposed' rF.ductions in the state and f#}eral reimbursement programs f91: senior citizen and low-income patients, but that "part of the pfQblem" is the large overhead to r49 the medical center at less tJvm 50 percent capacity. 'He says employee morale "hit a. low point" In April after cutbacks wt•re llnnounced but that employee splrl1& have pickl'd up. "The employees know what the economy ls Uk<' and they realize they may hav • to work a llttle harder but thot the work can be done e fflcli"ntly with 'fewer people," DunJap said. Bealdes nunlng reductions, jobs are being eliminated ln the kitchen staff, the business office and the cardiology and radiology departments, he said. Dunlap says the hospital currently has about 200 doctors. and 620 part and full-time employees, including 300 nunies. However. the medical <.>enter anticipates greater need for h ospital care because of population increases and is negotiating with .a Newport Beach construction !inn to build office space for 50 more doctors by 1984. H e says th e firm has tentatively agreed to pay for the building and to lease the land from the center. ASPIRIN DANGERS. • • p~escrlption drug that reduces acid secretions In the stomach . 'Enteric-coated aspirin allows t~e drug to J>8s.5 through the stomach . with chem ical b('eakdown in the intestine. A third teaspoon of baking soda t¥:en with two aspirins appears to have a buffering effect on the s tomach . But Ivey doesn't r~commend that method for dµ·onic aspirin users, because of t~ possible dangerous rise in blood al~nity. Cimet1dane, a popular ulcer drug, can be taken wit~ aspirin tu limit production of Hydrochloric acid in the stomach, Ile said. Aspirin is especially popular among patients s uffering from arthritis, rheumatic diseases and gallstones. And researchers cu rre ntly are studying i ts appare nt preventive val~e. for heart disease and stroke VtcUms. Ivey said aspirin substitutes such as Tylenol. the brand name of acetaminophen, sh ould be considered. But some docton are concerned about reported toxic effect of Tylenol when taken in large doses. "I think aspirin is a very good drug; I like it," he added. "The message I'm trying to get across is one should be more cautious and there are other ways of taking it." _ Ivey's findings, part of an ongoing research effort, were pre~ented at a symposiu'tn 'lponsored by the International Association for the Study of Pain in Mainz-Frankfurt. Germany. County gets ·Fresno trial I FRESNO (AP) -The murder trial of a man charged with murdering a Fresno County rancher was moved to Orange County Thursday. , A change of venue for Skip White. 35, already had been i nted because of pre-trial p licity. Superior Court Judge nis Caeton announced the t(tel site after checking the a~billty of outside counties. until July 29 to determine when the caae can be heard in Orange c.e>unty SuJ)e!ior c.ourt. White ii charged with killing River d a le ranch er J o1eph Norbert Flores whoee charred body was found in the trunk of his flre-gutte4 car in July, 1980. From Pa • A1 ------- I BA ELi. • • L.tbjnon radio blared, "Tho batUe for Beirut hu besunl" ., ilratu armor took th t:lyrlan tronghold of Jamhour, 1lx milee wst or Al('y, 1uld mc.wt'<l to link with otht>r tank thut l'Mptured Bhamdoun, three mllos ea.t of Al~y. Syl'lu chiaraic.,-U the lsraella Wied nt>rvt• aiu In the battle for Bh11mdoun, but I.aria I denied It. Shllron. vl1ltlng troo p• In Lebanon, told Israel radio, "The PLO la on Its way to complete destruction in Lebanon and in Beirut, It we will not leave them now." signaling Israel'• ret0lve to keep up the pressure on the guerrillas in wett Beirut. Sharon also said the laraella had taken control of the Belrut- Dama.scus highway from Syrian forces, denying resupply to the PLO In west Beirut. "For the flrst time since the Syrians invaded Lebanon six years ago, they lost their atra~ control over Lebanon, and by that the PLO lost its main or maybe only ally . the only one who could have saved 1t." The cutoff of Aley will shield Israeli ground forces besieging Lebanon's -:apital against harassment from their rear if they go into Vasser Arafat's west Beirut enclave to crush the PLO and its leadership. The Voice of Lebanon said the command headquarters of the pro-Syrian !::ia1q a guerrilla o rganization near Beirut's midcity race t,l'ack was devastated by Israeli jets, which jomed gunboats in furious attacks on guerrilla-held neighborhoods and the paralyzed airport area. The race track itself. which housefl a small Syrian garrison, also was bombed, and witnesses reported the blitz sent chunks of trucks and jeeps flying into the air. The U.S . Embassy and other foreign missions were shuttered and their nationals evacuated, and fears mounted that despite Israeli pledges not to invade west Beirut a ground 3$8Ult might be near. Israel's army barred woman journalists from entering Lebanon. gjving no reason. Israel announced 16 o f its soldiers died fighting Syrian troops Thursday, the Jewish state's highest single toll in three days of fighting. It pushed the Israeli death toll to 252 since the invasion began June 6. Beirut police say more than 10,000 Lebaneee have been killed. LAST LAUNCH -Joseph W. Schmitt checks the spacesuit that Astronaut Ken Mattingly will wear during his upcoming flight of the ~..,., •• tit space shuttle Columbia. Schmitt. a flight equipment specialist, as retiring after 22 years of "suiting up" astronauts. Book ruling shelved High court r e turns case to f e d eral court WASHINGTON (APt° -A splintered U.S. Supreme Court ruled today that a New York school board may have erred in removing nine books from its public school Libraries. But the justices failed to1come up with a rule to guide tfie nation's school boards on the limits to their power to remove controversial books from schools. Today's case. from the Island Trees school district on Long Island, had been expected to spell out the rights of students to have access to controversial and sometimes sexually explicit books in public schools. But a bare majority of five justices agreed only that the dispute had to go back to a federal trial court to see if the school board members had "constitutionally valid concerns'' that justified their removal of the books. Only three other justices agreed with Justice William J . Brennan's opinion that would sharply limit officials' power to remove such books, while four other justices would give such officials broad discretion to ban books they find offensive. Justice Byron R. White. in the middle, agreed only that the case has to have further proceedings. The nine books were removed from the school library shelves m 1976 because school board members objected to the sometimes strong passages about drugs, sex and brutality. The books, including Bernard Malamud's ''The Fixer," Kurt Vonne~ut's "Slau~hterhouse El Toro site· eyed for jetport again Five," and "The Naked Ape" by Desmond Morris, also sometimes use vulgar, four-letter words. Five Island Trees students challenged the Long Island school board's decision to remove and ban eight books from the high school library and one from the junior high school library. The student also opposed the board's decision to bar the use of the books in classrooms. The ban has remained m effect pending today's Supreme Court decision. The lsland Trees dlSpute is not isolated, as growing numbers of parents have complained about what they view as offensive boo la In addition. the American Library Association reported in January that librarians nationwide have been fighting what they say is at least a "three-fold" increase in attempts to ban books from library shelves. Some of those censorships and bans have wound up in court. Lebanese state television said U.S. presidential envoy Philip C. Habib was to go from Bel.rut to Jerusalem today to plead with Prime Minister Menachem Begin not to order his troops into the 10-square-mile west Beirut enclave. where 8,000 PLO guerrillas have promised to fight to the death. Caeton then continued the case A co-d efenda nt, William Schmidt, will be tried separately. White's sisters, Dora Elaine White and Shirley Soum, will be tried on accessory charges. The El Toro Marine Corps Air Slation has re-emerged as a ~-----------------------------,. potential site for a new Southern Military officials also have protested any proposPJ use of their Orange Cciunty b?.:.c. A fourth site under consideration had been in San Diego Canyon. But F ederal Aviati o n Adm in istration representatives said there would be airspace conflicts with nearby airports such as Chino, Ontario International and El Toro. But the Supreme Court failed to come up with rules to guide !}lose court fights. Justice Bre nnan, writing himself and three other justices. said: "We hold that local school boards may not remove books from school library s he l ves simply because they dislike the ideas contained in those books and seek by their removal to prescribe what shall be orthodox m politics. nationalism, religion or other matters of opinion." Cooling trend due "-"'. Snow(m T empera tures Show•• F1untMt!!J :Coastal •• Ugnt Vaflao1e winos In rough lllinl0111 excep1 -lerly 8 lo 16 i.11011 afternoon and evening IDul'-t swell 1 to 2 reet. end "'creaalng southerly swells bfcomlng 2 to 4 leet Moatly ~ with partial clearing dur1ng ·~emoon and evening h<>uf1 U.S. Summary NATION Scattered showers and 1~11nder1torm1 developed from tl'I• centr•I Pleln1 end e11te.rn Redllee 1nlo lhe io-Mlsllulpp; Velley Thur1day ellarnoon. the N•tlonel Weather Service Mid Albany Albuque Anchorage Allanta Atlante Cty Aini In Baltimore Blnnlngllm Bismarck Bolte Boston Buffalo Burlington Cllarlstn SC Charlstn WV Chartue NC Cheyenne Chicago Cincinnati CleYeland Clmbla SC Columbus Dal-Fl Wlh Oaylon DenVllf 74 46 94 66 61 47 89 66 81 53 94 75 78 53 89 63 70 56 87 55 78 58 70 50 70 48 84 74 80 50 81 66 68 5"' 82 5-4 78 52 75 45 86 67 76 46 88 67 77 50 73 55 89 62. 77 46 75 52 Fronts: Cold .. Wa1m .,. Thunderstorm• also hit eouthem MlnnetOt• and imo-s felt along the Montana-Wyoming er and In norlhern sin. ndet'storrns we<e centered he Florida PenlnSul• and ecattered OY« the r•t of H Coett region. lorecastera • louda llngered over the antic and Pacific coutal tH, and reached Into the et Basin. It also wae pertly through ihe Nor'theaat or t oday. lorece1ter1 edlct ed showers and t torma scallered from the ~-Mlululppl Valley to the er Greet Leku end New glend. ecros1 the lower _,. .. Jppl Valley 10 Florida. end the North«n PlalMU • oslly sunny 1kle1 were ed trom the IOUlhern hall tlle Appalachl1n1 to lh• ollnH end the mld·Allanllo • end acrosa Ill• southern MU to the southern RoctllM. eeHl•ra pradloted p1rlly elclee In the oentrll 1tatee. : oulhern Celllornle wlll llnue 10 have COHiii low cM~IMll extending Intend Fllr 1 ough Seturd•y ucept 101 I reaalng high oloudlneu dey. renge County oen upect todey 18 to 74. Iowa 54 to s.1urci.y ~ 84 to 70. valley'I c:en u.pect hloll• mid to~ 70a loday, row 70. S.turdey. Lowa "1 SO. . tlkM Wiii have highs "' Des Moines Detroit Duluth El Pao Faifbankl Fargo Flagstaff Greal Falls Hart lord Helene Honolulu Houston lndnaplls Jeck son Jacksnvlle Kens City Les Vegas Little Rock Loulsvllle MetnPllls Miami MllwaukM Mnl...StP Naetwllle New Orleans New York NOf1olk Okla City Omen• Or1endo PMadpllla Phoenix Pittsburgh Ptlend, Me Ptlend, Or• Providence Reno RIChmond Salt We Sen Antonio Seettle Slwwepoft SIOUx Falla , Iowa 45 IO 65. 8oull!wMI ,. , 8et\lfdly. . •. tE&DUtl,.,..., 10 .... wlnde ·~ , 100 61 77 55• 67 81 77 42 73 53 78 53 74 56 87 67 92 79 78 53 92 69 93 71 87 63 100 71 116 68 78 56 90 72 84 71 82 53 UH 91 89 77 81 79 80 82 8" 87 86 68 73 78 S8 103 75 73 .... 74 49 84 58 78 57 81 53 81 81 87 1>8 94 75 se sa 19 88 83 68 St Louil SI P·Tampa SPOkane Syracuee Topeka Tucson Tulsa W81111ngln Wk:hlla CAUfe>fMA Apple Valley Bekerafield Bartlow Beaumont Big Beer Bishop Blythe Eureke Fresno Lence11er Long Beach Los Ang~es Monrovia Montebello Monlerty Mt Wiiton Needlel Newport &Nell Ontario Palm Springe Puadene Paso Roblee Red Blulf Sac:f-10 Sen Bern8'dlno San Gabriel San D141QO Sen Frenetaoo Sen JoM Senta Ana Santa Befbat• Santa CNz Santa Mane Sa11ta Monie. TeN>e Velley Thermll Tonance 84 81 83 72 88 59 73 50 85 63 99 83 71 87 80 59 73 66 S11Wg Tne Air Quallly Management Dl1trlct predicts unheallhlul air quality for senaltlve par1on1 today In the Rlver1tda·S•n Bernerdlno area and Ill• San Fern1ndo and Senta Clarlta valleyt Bu1 QOOd elr quellty la rorecast ror afi other er-or Ille 96 91 100 85 71 84 tOS 64 89 84 75 71 79 74 68 79 58 South Coast Air BNln 104 66 78 101 78 78 83 79 81 78 71 as 78 72 88 ee ~ 71 101 10 78 A Pollutant S1enda1d Index ol 72 163 11 ro1ecut for th• San 53 Fernando and Sltfltl Cl1rlla 40 valleys, and a PSI of 150 for the 61 Rlveralde·San Bernardino area. 70 51 67 68 61 80· 56 62 56 60 75 61 55 89 56 54 6-4 57 59 57 85 55 59 61 55 80 M 57 41 66 59 Where lo call (loll free) lor latest tmog Information Orange County: (800) 44S.3826 Los Angelea County (800) 242-4022 Riverside and San Bemlltdlno count let· (800) 367-4 710 AOMD Epltode C.Oter: (800) 242-4866 Exiended Forecast Sunday. TuHdey. Coeatal .,. .... c;oneldetable low Claud• wllh Plrtlal elternoon clHrlng. Hight et beecllN 82 lo 72 and 1n1end 88 to 75. Lowa 55 to 85. Mountain ereu. contlderabl• cloudlneu wi th chance or ' lhowers or thunderehowers mo.ti)' ~ nonhern mountelne 11 the beginning of the week. Gutty toulhweet to weat wind. Reeort hlghe In the 70. LOW. 408 to 50t. Tides SURI REPORT TOOAY Second lllOfl 2:27 p.m 4.3 Second low 7:25 p m. t .5 • • In nMhern ~ Hight 88 • ~ ta, aowe In IOe. sou111ern •liiiimGliil ... ••--~~------llfaN 100 to t06. !OM II IATUMAY Flrat high MS •.m. 5.2 U . Coollng 5 degre.. lwf ewt l4lff ~ A"I Mu M ~ 3 I 11 Santi Monlce 3 II tll ~ 4 1 18 San oi.oo County 2 8 10 Ou1footi f« htUfdey: Lltlle cNnoe• .... ., 2 2 1 .... ... 3 3 4 ~ ...... Dlf s . 8 , 8 w Anlt low 1:21 1.m. 0.3 Second high 3:21 p.m, 4.1 Second low l :lt p.tn. 2..4 8un Mis tod1y " l:Oe p.m .. rl ... Set~ •t 1:43 Lm. Moon rllM tod•Y •1 to:~ • m .. Mte S"wdey 11 t2.0t 1.111: California commercial jet airport. T he rrulJtary base was one of three sites recommended for future consideration Thursday by a search committee of the Southern California Association of Governments. The two other sites were the Camp Pendleton Marine Base and a proposed $2 biUion-plus offshore airport in the Long Beach-Los Angeles harbor area. Together, the three locations will be considered by SCAG 's executive committee with a final recommendation expected by the end of summer. officials said. Ironically, all three sites have been studied and rejected in the past. The El Toro proposal was dismissed in 1980 by SCAG airport planners as being too costly as well as noisy. Fire man s aves Laguna Hills apartme nt An off-duty firefighter anned with a fire extinguisher battled a blaze in a Laguna Hills apartment complex Thursday evening and is credited with preventing $500,000 damage. Firefighter Brett Russell, 22, suffered minor cuts on his hands and feet after he broke out the window of the bedroom where the fire started in an apartment just 30 feet from his own home. say fire department officials. Orange County Fire Captain Gary Stenberg says Russell rushed into action at 6:15 p.m. when he heard the teen-age daughter of his neighbor Linda Borges yelling for help. Because of his quick action, only $3,000 damage was suffered in the fourplex. 1'\e cause of the fire is under lnveatlgatlon, Stenberg says. "He attacked the fire befot-e it had a chance to spread to the attic," Stenberg ea ya. :'He probably saved the entire fourplex, the gar.ge and all the content&." Stenbers says three ~ and 22 fl.reflghterl an1ved a1>out four minutet after the b.Lar.e wu reported but that Ru.ell had put out the flames by the time they arrived. Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather, a member of the airport oommittee, was unsuccessful in keeping the Santiago Canyon alternative alive. However, the four -man opinion contains no binding precedent for future cases. ~-····· RAIL TO DENVER. -Firemen Ron Packard (left) and Don Ezell ahovel hail at a Denver lntenectlon. The •venue w• cloeed to traftic for about two hourt beca\m of hl&h wa• · cauaed by hall·clogged drains, the reault of a violent th~entonn that dumpe4 two inches of rain on some .,.... I I ~ .-----1 • - SITE OF STING -On the second floor of this building in Santa C lara is the Glenmar Associates suite where FBI agents conducted a sting o peration. Hitachi's chief computer '" W!Nphoto executive Yasukichi Hatano said Hitachi authorized Nissei Electronics, its California affiliate, to pay m ore than $540,000 to Glenmar Associates for "computer secrets." ·Flight restrictions easing FAA lifting tig ht curbs o ve r W estern states WASHINGTON (AP) -The Federal Aviation Atlmini.stration has begun to ease some flight restrictions over Western states after nearly a year of tight curbs because of t he air traffic controllers' strike, officials say. The lifting of restrictions is confined to areas in wruch the strike had the least impact. Controls on flights in regions severely affected by the strike, including much of the East and Middle West, remain in force. An FAA spokesm an said restrictions on flights that pass through areas controlled by the Salt Lake City and Seattle air traffic control centers were lifted e arlier this month. He said restncuons on flights handled by the Albuquerque center would be lifted July 19. The change at the Salt Lake City and Seattle facilities allows pilots to take off and land freely at airports in eight states from Washington to Nevada and a small portion of Northern California, the officials said. Mexico's election to he held July 4 "These were sections that weren't hit very hard by the strike to begin with," said FAA spokesman Fred Farrar. The areas, for example, do not include any of the 22 major airports that since the strike have had takeoffs and landings -so called "slots" -tightly controlled by the FAA. MEXICO CITY (AP) -The government party's choice for presiden t of Mexico ia on the h ustings in this nation of 70 million in the final days of a vigorous campaign for an election he is all but certain to win. Photographs of Miguel de la Madrid, the 48-year-old hand- picked heir to President Jose Lopez Portillo, adorn light poles and hang from bridge overpasses throughout Mexico City. His campaign speeches throughout the country in preparation for the July 4 balloting are nightly television fare as Lopez Portillo, constitutionally prevented from succeeding himself after rus six- y ear term ends o n Dec . l , discreetly disappears from view. Such is an election year in Mexico, where the ruling Institutional Revolutionary Party -kn o wn by its Spanish abbreviation PRI -has held a monopoly on national politics since 1929, with no early prospect of losing its grip. The issue nagging at de la Madrid and his party is not whether they will win, but how good a showing they will make in the election. U.S . specialists on Mexican affairs said de la Madrid needs a strong voter turnout to prove the party is not losing its traditional broad-base support -which ranges from right to left on the political spectrum. "They want to reverse the abstention rate," said one U.S. diplomatic analyst. "They want to show that the PRI still has the power to get the vote out." Ma ny voters are said to be apathetic and cynical about t.~r for participating in the ting aince the outcome is taken for granted. Despite de la Madrid's promises that he will fight corruption and seek "a more egalitarian society," many Mexicans question just what changes will come about -53 years after the party consolidated power in the years following the 1910 Mexican revolution. There are growing economic woes he re caused in part by shortfalls in oil revenue, heavy borrowing and high interest rates. The nation's peso currency was devalued by 50 percent in February with prc;spects for further de.;aluation ahead. Meanwhile, economic growth is grinding to a stop and the nation faces the prospect of continued inflationary problems, with an annual rate now listed at 60 percent. Minority political parties have been calling for a change, pointing to the need for economic and political refonns. The largest opposition party, the National Action Party, has fielded presidential candidates before. But this year four other minority parties -including a leftist coalition that includes Mexico's Cbmmunist Party -also are participating. Their candidates have the freedom to campaign and express their views in public appearances and on television, within their modest financial means and as long as their critic ism of government policies avoids mentioning the president or his family by name. FAA Administrator J. Lynn Helms has repeatedly sald the agency has no Intention of maintaining flight controls any longer than necessary becau.se of the short.age of controllers. The Salt Lake City, Seattle and Albuquerque centers are among 20 centers in the country that handle flights between airports. FAA officials said restrictions in areas hardest hit when 11,500 controllers went on strike last August, including much of the Northeast, Southeast and Midwest, are not expected to be eased at least until the spring of 1983. Helms told a lunc heon this week that the FAA plans gradually to lift controls on riights as the controller work force is rebuilt. "We're going to take the restrictions off center by center across the country, instead of trying to absorb it all at once," he told an aviation industry group. Helms said the first phasing out of restrictions in the West comes without any newly trained controllers on the job. The first group of new controlle rs is expected to begin working at airports and control centers in Augu$t. The aviation industry recently has complained increasingly about restrictions imposed on landings and takeoffs at the 22 biggest U.S. airports. The Seattle and Salt Lake City control centers handle traffic over Washington, Oregon, Montana, Nevada and Idaho, Utah, Wyoming and a small part of Northern California. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Claulfl9d advertising 714/S42·5e71 All o ther dep8rtments 642-4321 Steel firm MAIN OFFICE failure seen l:JO WH I Bay St .. Costa ~w. CA Thomas P. Haley "4all addrui Bo• ts.a. Cost• fMM, CA mi. NEW YORK (AP) -At least Publt.,,., enc1 c11i.i !1<,cut""' Olftc¥ COPY•'9M ,.., 0r-co .. t P111>t11111119 c-y. one leading steelmaker Is on the Mo""'" st«les, lllullr•ll0111 . ..iltc><lal m.it•r or a,. b i k f 11 d } Kay Schultz ¥••11Mmenh '-••In m•y ~ ••-uctc1 without r n o co apse an severa V1oe "-Iden• -•at perm1111or101coPyr1Qfttowner others have serious financial -Director°' A"-1illfl0 S.Cond c••H PD$1-,..,d •t Costa M9w. Callfornla problems, United Steelworkers Tom Murphlne IUPS ,.....,.,, Svolcriou ..... bv carrier M IS....ihl• president Lloyd McBride told E.clllor llY mall M SO ,,_thly Mlk. Hr.:t union leaders al a recent closed .,,_ c,,-. Coast Dally PllOt, with Wlltch II con>-t · I d t W k Dltector o1 M MlnO 111"" ttw ..,_.Prns, 11 111111u_., lly ,,,. Ora4191 me e 1 n g, n us r y e e 1ci.eu1e110111 coast P\A>ll"''"' compoin, s.,..rat• .o111o111 a•• ma~azine reported Thursday. 1>11l>lllMcl Mollday tllroutfl FrlO•y for Costa Mna, SW 1 al 'd eed Ken Goddard H•wport a-11, Huntfllfl"" BH<h, F01Mta1n v1111ey, oc pres1 en ta agr at Director ol °'**''°"' lrvlM. ~ 8Hcll. South Coast. A slnote ,.._, that meeting last Friday to begin .Oltlen It !IWlllllH s.turun and S<Hod..,s. The Ray Maclean Pf'•nc 1pa1 ~111111\t pl4tnt 11 at J.JO wut a., s1rwt. d i s cuss ions w i th t h e steel eomro1er Po. 110. '"°· C•ta M9M. cautornla tt•i. industry after steelmakers called ~-=}.:: VOL. 75, NO. 178 for wage and benefit concessions ----------------------------'~ under the current contract. ~ ,,,.,_., II yo;, dO "Cl ..... \'Ollf -b'; 5 30 D Ill Coll belo<• 1 Diii _.,.,.,,~ .. llM.,__, ~ -S..M"t,11 Yow oo "04 =·~'::I.,.,. .. ~"'-"': ..._.tel We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot'> What don 't you like" Call the number below and your message will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour answering ser vice may be used to record let· ter11 to the editor on 3ny topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verHlcatlon. No clrcul1tion calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind. 642•6086 ,_ Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT /Friday, June 26, 1982 8 . War refugees negleCted Thousands of Palestinians camping out TEL AVJV, brael (AP) -The Palettinlan refugee. of 80Uthem Lebanon -made homeleu by the flnt Arab-laraell war ln 1948 -are the moat neglected victims of the latest conflict. Seventeen days after the Iaraells lnvaded southern Lebanon to strike at Pale.tlnlan guerrillas, Israeli officlala say Use-a-lie, lose-off ice hill hacked SACRAMENTO (AP) - Reacting to a "growing menace" of political mudslinging, an Assembly committee has voted to deny a candidate his office if he wins an election by libeling an opponent .. r ACA74 bY Assemblyman Art Agnos, D-San Franciaco, went to the Assembly floor on a 12-0 vote of the Ways and Mean s Committee. The proposed cons ti tu tional amendment requires voter approval. The measure would disqualify a winning candidate if a jury found that he or she libeled or slandered an opponent, and that the lie was a maJOr contributing cause to the outcome of the campaign. Current court rulings provide that a "public person" cannot recover libel or slander damages unless it's proved that a false statement was made with "actual malice." Vacancies created by the measure would be filled by special election or appointment, depending on the office. Agnos agreed that it would be difficult to force an official from office under his proposal, but contended that the amendmen t would act as a deterrent "to a kind of growing menace we see in campaigm." "It will not impinge on freedom of speech. However, this constitutional amendment will put candidates on notice that if you lie (and your opponent wins a libel suit), you will lose your offioe," Agnos said. The bill follows a primary campaign that many politicians call one of the dirtiest i n California history. In one race, a battle for a Los Angeles Senate seat between two Democrats, Sen. Alex Garcia and Assemblyman Art Torres, Garcia sent out a mailer implying that Torres was not really married to his wife. Torres narrowly defeated a former newscaster who uses her maiden name. Torrest narrowly defeated Garcia. In an Orange County Senate race, one Democratic candidate sent out a mailer claiming an opponent ''marched with Vietnamese in blfck pajamas," wruch implied that he supported th e Viet Cong. Agn95 cited other questionable campaign tactics. In 1978, he said an opponent claimed that Assemblyman Larry Kapiloff , D-San Diego, had turned loose 10,000 dangerous felons by voting against a bill, wruch Agnos said Kapiloff voted for. there Is little need for International refugee aid in the coaatal cities of Tyre and Sidon, which bore the brunt of the attack. But thousands of Palestinians whoae refugee camps were deetroyed by the Israeh drive to fluah out guerrillas living m thetr midat are still camping out m the open air -using plastic sheets and makeshift shelters to ward off the relentless Mediterranean sun. Lebanese townspeople an the area are cleaning up the wreckage of their homes and putting their Lives back together. and reporters traveling the coastal highway have noticed the progress on a daily basis. A United Nations official who has spent time in the area ob6erved that "the Lebanese are much more able to take care of themselves .. They have transportauon, the money to buy food and whatever necessities are available and have been issued travel passes by the Israelis. The emphasis of the Israeli recovery operation appears thus far on restoring services to the Lebanese neighborhoods m the stricke n cities. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees estimates that 60.000 people are camping in areas around Sidon -25,000 of whom are Palestinian refugees from the 1948 war. Associated Press correspondents saw thousands more outside Tyre living an orange groves without shelter or regular 1upplle1 of food and water. AB soon u the Jewish sta~ was establlahed in 1948, it.I Arab' neighbors attacked and many Palestinians fled the flahtlna. settling In Lebanon, ""SyrlJ, Jordan and Egyptian-contro~ Gaza . An armistice was concluded in 1949 under U.N .. auspices. The U. N . agency for t h'e Palestinians says 50 percent of its installat1ons in southern Lebanon, including schools and clinics, were destroyed in the· new fighting and the camp at Ein. Hilwa outside Sidon "which fo~erly housed 24,000 refugeetf has been reduced to rubble." The camps of Rashidiyeh and · Bourj Ash-Shamali on th'e.' outs k irts of Tyre were ' destroyed on the first day of the invasion in shelling attacks. The estimated 15,000 people m the camps either fled the area or moved onto the nearby beach. • ·•we have no food," said one elderly woman when AP Correspondent Terry A .- Anderson visited the camp Tuesday and saw about 3,000 to 4,000 refugees camped out under the trees. She held up a child and pointed to his mouth. Abdullah Mohamad Mashad, 25, who was born in Rashidiyeh, said the only food the refugees. could get was bought in Tyre three rrules north. Those without money are given food by friends or eat rations passed out unofficially by Israeli soldiers. A.P~to GETTING RE ADY -The s pace shuttle Columbia rests on Pad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center in Flo rida as preparations continue for its fourth launch into space. Liftoff is scheduled for Sunday at 8 a.m. PDT. SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE WALTERS "SEA HAVEN" Chestnut Color Subtle Tone on Tone Nylon W /Scotchgard $14'' INSTALLID CAMELOT "ACCOLADE" Specia l Antron Plus Nylon Aquamarine • 14ts INST. LEES "HALLANDALE" Ultron Nylon 4 Colors: Dusty Brown, Woodrose. Twilight Bronze. French Blue s13ts INST. WALTERS \\ FAIRCREST" Ultron Nylon Forest Green s1395 INSTALLID LEES \\GOOD FEELING" Antron Nylon 3 Colors Applewood, Tan, Ollvewood, Bronze, Brown s 15so INST. APARTMENT CARPET Nylon Plush Brown Sft95 ~y INST. • ~ .. . I • ll----'7P',.......;..~---------.....__--------:1 lnstall~d Prlc~s lnc/ud~ I • 'i NZX-3600 spon~ rubber pad : Wt' Hav~ 90 Day • NO INTEREST TERMS . 1 fO.A.C.J f t • • • I ( ' l ,. ' I 1 I ' 1 1 I I I I I I . . Orange Oo11t DAILY PILOT/Friday, Junt 25, 1982 O&AR READERS: Worklna parent.a who are taclni lnc~Ut'd child ca~ l'08t.a now that flehuol la out c.n take he11rl The Internal Revenue Servk rvport.s \ha\ un lncruuod child care credit for I D82 "*" mean big 11UVlnp of up to Sl.440 on your wx return. The Economic Recovery Tax Act raised tho maximum amount of expenses you can claim and the maximum rate of the Child and 0184lbled Dependent ~re Credit. To ttgurt• your credll fo r 1982, you may use up to $2,400 of your child care expenses if you have one dependent instead of $2.000 under the old laws, and up to $4,800 for two or more de pende nts instead of the previous $4,000. The rate of credit is JO percent of your child care expenses if you have an income of $10,000 .i year or less. This rate then drops by one perc.'t'ntage point for each $2.000 of int'Ome above $10,000, unul ll reaches a rate of 20 percent 1f your income 1s more than $28,000. You can cla1m the credit for care of a dependent child under 15 years or age or a disabled spouse or disabled dependent. The expenses must be paid Lo provide care for the qualifying person while you work or actively look for work. You also may qualify for the crecht if you pay for child care while you go lo school fulltime and your spouse works. F o r more information , phone (800) 242-4585 and ask for a Cree copy of Publication 503, "Child and Disabled Dependent Care." Help for turtle Joyers DEAR PAT: I belong to the California Turtle and Tortoise Club. We've bee n receiving a lot of calls and leners recently requesting Information about tortle and tort,olse care. Even though we have answered many calls and letters, we believe there are more people who need information on feeding, batching of eggs, care of batcblings and medical care for turtles and tortoises. We have free care sheets available and would be happy to send them to anyone who sends a self-addressed, stamped, legal-size envelope to us. N.L., Santa Ana Thanks for letting our readers know about this service lnqumes may be addressed Lo: Caltfom1a T urt le and Tortoise Club, P.O Box 11124. Santa Ana 92711 Check air conditioner DEAR READERS: Using your car's air conditioning system regularly throughout the year will ket!p it working properly. acrording to the Automobi le C lub of South ern California . Mike Sc1araffa, a consultant in the club's 1u.1tomotlvt> Information center. saad the compteNOr "n~a to run pl'rtod1{·ally ut h~ul five mlnutea {'ach month to k{'l'P th~ seala from drying out, which c:lln ~:uul't' lt-akag(• of the refrlgcrtmt (fr'-'<)n)" He recommends that motor11t!I get a quahfled air conditioning specialist to lnspe<·t their air conditioning aystem early evt>ry 11pring. "lt'1 wlae to get It checked now , thou¥h, if you haven't done so already this year. ' Sciarttffa said. Gener a l 1H~rvlclng would Include inspection and adjustment of the compreS110r drive belt a nd a pressure chN·k of the refrigerant level Most service stations, garages and a ll new t•ar deal~rsh1ps. he continued, huve the proper equipment and trained pen;onnel to provide any service needed. Pm.-es usually range from $20 to $45, including any freon added to rc.-charge the air cond1t1onmg system Withholding payment DEAR PAT: I know that federal law allows a person to withhold payment on a credit card purchase If the merchandise Is defective, but I don't know exactly what ls involved ln doing this or lf there are any exceptions. T.E., Fountain Valley IC you use t•red1t to buy an item and later find 1t de f et·t1 vc, or 1f you receive unsatisfactory st'rv1t·e, you may refuse to pay for it until the item has lx>en replaced or re paired. or the unsatisfacto ry service 1.s corrected. This provision of the Fair Credit "Billing Act applies lo all credit card suppliers, whether 1t is the store from which you purchased the item or servit-e or a third party such as a bank. However, you first must have made a good faith effort to retur~ the goods or solve the problem with the merc·hant involved. If the store that honored the> credit card did not also issue the card, two hm1tations apply to your right to withhold payment: the original amount of the purchase must have been more than $50. and the sale must have taken place m your stall' or within 100 males of your current address. whichever distance as greater • Got a pmblem" Thl·n wrire to Pat Horo-._ 1 w11z. Pat will cut red tape. getting the ill answers and oct1on you need to solve in- eqwucs in government and business M_a1I your questiuns to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service. Orange Coast Daily Pilot. PO &x 1560, Casta mesa, CA. 92626. As many ll'tters as possible will be ans- wered. but phoned inqumcs or lt.>tters n'!t inrludinK_ the rt!'ader's full name, address and business hours phone number cannot be rons1dert>d. O k l a h oma town m a kes own beach 'M essiah' fails to appear LOS ANGEL.ES (AP) -A predictio n m•de at a news conference In May that the Meulah or Chrht would announce hlrneelf t.o the world on tel •vision with in two wt:ek.8 hllll failed t.o materlaUze. "I prom111e you, I wlll not aay, 'lt'a been postponed'," said Britlah author Benjamin Creme in a May 14 news conference. He uid he called the news confere nce In Loa Angeles b«.auae he couldn't get enough pretlS interest In London. Creme aald that an individual who ia the Meaiah of the Jews, the Christ of the ChriaUana, the imam Mahdl of the Moelema, the Krlahna of the Hindu. and the fifth Buddha of the Buddhists, had taken a human form as a l ea der of the Pakistan i community in London. Creme said he had never met or talked to the man, who, he said. gave talks every Saturday about a ne w econ omic o rder based on sharing. Creme said he was told that the man is the awaited Messiah. whom he called Lord Maitreya. C r e m e s aid h e got h is information from a "mast.er" who he also has never seen . Creme returned to London to wait for the news media to track down "the christ," whom he refused to name. "We just talked to Ben a few days ago; it's been postponed," said a spokeswoman for Crcme's affihatl'<l organiz.atton , the Tara Ct.'nt.er. Expla ining Crcm e's failed promise, spokeswoman Bonnie Shipman said, "He believed that was true at the time he said 1t; he didn 't believe 1t would have to be postponed "A s soo n as th e media discovers him (Lord Maitreya) he will appear," she said . "When he entered the modem world there were two rules that had to be fulfilled before he revealed himself. the media had Lo seek him out and human will must not be infnnged," she said. HOUSE OF TAILORl~G AL ~rn /\ TIQN ') i-OR M':N I<. V-'OME.N ~ ;.\.)' P.AJA .: , : • AP Wlrepholo MOTHER AND CHILD -Ha tari, the African elephant who starred opposite John Wayne in the 1962 film, "Hatari," has given birth to he r first calf. The unnamed baby. which weighed 250 pounds a t birth, is the fourth born at San Diego Wild Animal Park this year.....:... B e rke ley council prohi bits handgun s BERKELEY (AP) -The Berkeley City Coun cil has foll owed San Francisco's lead and voted to ban the possession of handguns. The 8-1 vote makes Berkeley the third U.S. city lo opt for a hand gun ban. The oth e r 1s Morton Grove. Ill ·'The' act ion o f Bl'rkclcy l-ommg aft.er San Franc1sC'o may be the only efft-cuve way WC' can make an 1mprt'SS1on on the state of Cal1fom1a and hopefully on thl• Congress of tht' United States," said l'O uncll member Gilda Feller. ENID, Okla. (AP) -Turkey Creek is the nearest watering hole and the Gulf Coast is about 500 miles away, but for residents o ( this landlock ed Oklahoma town who can't get to the beach. the beach IS commg t.o them. A local radio station, K.XLS, is aponaoring "Zumm a Beach Week,'' named after the station's owner, the Zumma Broadcasting Corp. Burkh ard says sta tio n e mployees dumped a truckload of white sand in the parking lot. s prea d out lawn c ha i r s. uprighted a fake palm tree and other plastic flora. and borrowed a hot tub for the setung. L. :i-··t L•' .. I I~)" c or ''"lU\I ' Register For Summer School A downtown parking lot has been covered w ith white sand and dotted with lawn chairs. a h~t tub and a fake palm tree. "Since a lot of folks a round he re don't get to the beach every summer, we're bringing a Little of the beach to n o rthwest Oklahoma ... said Ri c h a rd Burkhard. a reporter for the station. He said an estimated 300 people dropped by on e day, many of them strollers in bathing suits from the municipal pool a few blocks away. Classy Autos Advertised in the DAILY PILOT , ................................ . : PLAY ; ~ 1iAfe11'~ : ! THE MINI-QUIZ . . . . . WHO ... WHAT ... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-1 : ... WHEN ... WHERE A bit ot Contemporary History Dr. D. YOUNG RHIE annou nces th e opening of his ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC at 1755 Orange Ave . Sat. & Sun. June 26 & 27 10 am -6 p.m. Fantastic Bargails On • llm I 1111/EI • OA•EUI • •&'I WEAi • FllllTrll • •11 • Wl•El'I OLITllll • ,.,,.,,, • a11.11a1 1t111111 SHOP' NOW & SA VE ·-- . . . . . t . ·• ,f, •<I''" 230 pm ~~~~ Costa Mesa 631-6202 -·-·-·-······By appointment . ·--....... ..._.. ·-,... . • • ........ v ,..,_ •• ' --'" : '································ Yau Are Invited To The First Annual Floor Sample E*travaganza Your Personal I nv1tat1on. JIM SLEMON IM PORTS and 1he KREISS COLLECTION 1nv11e you 10 U J"'rien« all the in entives 1ha1 are Mercedes-Benz, hightigh11.'d--/fl,."'" wulm1d ""')'·-by a select 11rouping from JOme o( lhe worlds fint'Sf furniture. On Saturday, June 26 1.nd Sundiiy. June 27, floor samples o f the ultim11c in Mcrcwes-Benz cr1rum101hip will stand side·by·side with their counterparu in the world of quality furnishings. All under o ne roof. For your inspection and dellgh1. You know thu • •m•n huy i• i matter of timing. So come talk m us. l..e't our rtrt event wttlc~d show you why, the 1imc ro buy is definirely NOW! ' ® l\6fl?S JimSle~ 1301 Quail Street, Newport .Bctcb 714/8U-9300 213/623-5000 f Huntington Center student and adult classes start July 6. Enroll in the mall weekdays 1 to 4 & 7 to 8. Sat/Sun 12 to 5. fitness& fashion Richard Ouellette Announces the Grand Opening ot His New Fitness and Fashion Phenomenon on June 27th 11 s called That's Some Body. and our team of fitness experts ore going to help you bend and st retch that body Into the greatest shape ever And to emphasize your That's Some Body look. we've gathered a unique and colorful collection ot designer bodywear and acttve- wear Plus a special line o f condi- tioning products It's a total fitness and fashion con- cept designed to create and main- tain the kind of healthful vitality and beauty that turns heads. So you can be that special some- body. Reception trom 5 to 7 p.m. Near the Bullocks Wilshire corridor Seventy-seven Fashion Island. Newport Beach. Calllornla 92660 (714) 644·BODY Hours: Mon.. Wed , Fri. 6:30-8: Tues .. Thurs 7·8: Sat 8·30·5 - 1 • -------------------- Orange Cont DAILY F1ILOT/Frlday, June 25, 1882 Politician stays clean Pat Nixon ordered to rest after hospital stay PoUUclana have bten known to bold and k1ll blbl• a\ election time, and Oov. Frull Wlaitt wu happy to obUat wlth tho former. Bu\ IHl"I U the biby WU a 4 -week-old bobcat, White demurred on the latter. Whtie picked up the little c.t H he doclared Zoo Week In Arkanau. Zoo d irect or Bob Cooper handed White the ttny bobcat and said. "Jwit don't tilt him. He tenda to s o to th_, bathroom when you tilt him." T he governor remained unscathed. Former first lady Pat Nlxoa Is under strict doctora' ordera to reat during the next aeveral weeka while her husband la ln Europe. Mrs. Nixon, 70, waa diacharged from Valle y H ospital I n Ridgewood, N.J . after being admitted wit h a pulmon ary infection, said family spokesman Nicholas Ruwe. She was accompanied to he r home in Saddle River by Secret Service agents. lllEl/flCEI Vtralala Mayo, ft&lpb Bellamy, Mary Brian, G•y M1dl10a, Martlaa Scott.L. Ll11betb Scott, LaralDO Day, Kady Vallee, Jou Letllt, Jue Wyatt. A 9-year -old San Francisco boy named Pierre doesn't. Uke hla name. He wrote to the governor of Delaware -Pierre S. du Pont IV -to aee how he feels about "Pierre." The youngster, who wasn't available to elaborate, aa.ld in t.h e letter "I hate my name because kids at achool joke about It." He said his fat.her died before he could ask him wh y he nam ed him Pierre . He a s k e d the OUf'ONT governor if he knew of any good nicknames. He also asked, "Will you be my friend? I sure need one ." The governor replied: law, hat been named dHn of the UC School of Law, Boalt Hall. Choper, 46, 1ucceeda Seaford H. Kadlslt, who retuma to full· time teachlna at Boalt Hall. The Alabama Senate rejecied the Lord's Prayer for use tn achoola in favor of one written by the 10n of Gov Fob James. The Senators paHed a blJl saying public achoo! teachers "may pray or mar, lead willing students ln prayer,' and Included a suggested prayer by Fob JamH 10, a Mobile lawyer. T h e governor aald the measure , if paned by the Aaaembly. could be the vehJcle for the U.S. Supreme Court to re verse its 1962 ruling that prayers ln public schools are unconstitutional. Amy Carte r , daughter of former President Jimmy Carter, will travel to Britain this summer as part o f t he 5 -year -old Friendship Force program. "We feel very fortunate in having her go," said Eugene Witmer, Friendship Force director. WANDA MEETS WALL STREET -Veronlca Hart, 1tar of X -rat.ed "Wanda Whips W411 Street," meet.a broker1 and tnvett.ment advtaers invited to the advance .aeenina ln New York The financial wiJ.ardl came to watch the film about a woman who Utet eexual aueta to take over a aecurtllee firm. Former Prime Minister laa Smith of Rhodesia collapsed in the Parliament building and was taken to a Salisbury hospital whe r e h e was reported i n satisfactory condition. "My family taught me to be proud of my name, and you should be proud of yours, too." She will be one o f 34 Lan c aster County (Pa .) ambassadors , o r goodwill representatives, making the trip. Friendship Force was launched in 1977 when Atlanta a nd Newc astle, England , exchanged "ambassadors." The international goodwill project grew out of a program conceived in 1973 by Carter, th en t h e Georgia governor, and tus wife, RosalyDD. Goofs victim • daniages WIDS 'Comedy of errors' by airline leads to lawsuit Although they didn't dance, Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire were toge the r again to help celebrate the donation of RKO studio archives to UCLA. The famed dancing pair were among 30 RKO stars who appeared on the campus for c e remonies marking RKO General's gift of the $5 million collec tion for use b y film historians and students. He said Pierre is a great name that goes way back in history, and "you and I are lucky enough to be among the few people In the country who have it." Mlkball Barysbnlkov, who has been off the stage four months because of a knee injury, plans to return July 8 for a seven-week appearance at the Festival of Two Worlds in Spoleto, Italy. H OUSTO N (AP) -A b u s inessma n who s aid his Mexican vacation became a "comedy of e rro rs" has been awarded $2,086 in damages from Texas International Airlines. Williams said the ride turned out to be a two -hour ordeal complete with goats, chickens and pigs as fellow passengers. Williams said he got sick during the trip. airline said Parker 's return reservatJon had been canceled "Whe n they bumpe d me coming back , that was n ,'' Williams said. "That was the last straw." Hospital ailing The s tudio had a colorful history from 1928, when it was founded by Joseph P . Kennedy, to 1958, when Howard Hughes sold it to the General Tire and Rubber Co. Baryshnikov, artist director of the American Ballet Theater, said in an interview in The New York Times that his career is almost over. But, he added, ''1 am still dancing." KINGSBURG (AP) -A Los Ange les consulting firm was recruited to de te rmine 1f the Kingsburg District Hospital can survive. Pacific Health Resources will re port In three to four months whether the hospital in souther n Fres n o Co unty can become financially viable again following a doctors' boycott. Houston insurance agent Brant B. Williams had sued the airline for $27,000 aft.er he and a friend. John Parker of Housion, were bumped from a flight to Cancun in 1980. The men decided to take another flight to Cozumel, a Me xican resor t near Cancun, when airline officials assured them they could take a "short, pleasant ferry ride" from there to Cancun. Will i a ms s aid T ex a s International refused to pay for the ferry ride, and 10 days later, whe n Williams and Park e r attempted to return to Hous\.On, the airline claimed the men had no t been bumpe d from the earlier flight because the airlines' computer showed there had been e mpty seats on the plan e . U S District Judge Norman Black ruled that Williams had been mis treated, but awarded fa( less than was asked. "At least I got my day 1rt court." Williams said . Texas International officialg didn't cont.est Williams' claims ii"( court and declined comment on the verdict. Among the stars in attendance: Dorothy McGuire, Jane RuueU, Jeue H. Cboper, an authority on constitutional and corporate Restaurant * DAILY COCKTAIL SPECIALS * Plano Bar Thurs., Fri. & Sat Nights with Betsy * Thursday Night Men's Night Saturday Night Ladles' Night * Happy Hour 4 to 7 19111 Brooklust tbrtilcton Beach At Adams 962-1341 $99 DOWN DIUYIRI ANY NEW PONTIAC T-1000, J2000, or 8000 THIS WEEKEND! LARGI llLICTIOll ! -a. magnon pontiac Harbor at Fair rlN[ HW[l~Y SAVE THIRTY PERCENT ON CULTURED PEARL STRANDS FOR TWO DAYS ONLY AT BW NEWPORT BEACH Pearls the June Birthstone. Tomorrow and Sunday a unique cultured pearl collection of round, 8 mm sizes and larger, w ill b e presented at 1rres1st1ble savings Pearl consultant, Ml. Dan Hall, w ill be available from 11·4 on Saturday, 12·5 on Sunday, to assist and customize your selections. Examples of our savings include: 81/9 )( 9 mm strand, 16#, Reg 51810, SALE 51267. 9 x 91/2 mm strand, 16", Reg 52825, SALE $1977.50. 8 x 81/2 mm cream gold pearls, 1s·. Reg. 5740, SALE S518. 101/? x 14 mm South Sea pearls. Round, fine wh1te-p1nk strand, 17", Reg. 571 ,000, SALE $49,700. Fine Jewelry, at BW Newport Beach only B~llOC~) Wl~~I~~ r u [ s p I ( I A I I y 's r 0 t I 83 FASHION ISLAND. NEWPORT BEACH. 759-1211, MON-FRI 10-9, SAT·6. SUN 12-5 ,----------------------~ Co1ta Me1a I . I 549-4300 1 1 -<.. ~€.Dtc 14' I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!J ~ (') ,.. ........ ~ ............ ~ ........ .._11 I I DOGS CATS I PRESENTS OUR DYNAMITE 99e BREAKFAST S11ard1y1 8 AM lo 11 AM 548-2224 3300 W. COAST HWY. NEWPORT BEACH I I I PREVENTIVE MEDICINE FOR ANIMALS I I LOW COST v ACCINATIONS I I Rabies $3.95 •Distemper S4 .50 • Parvo SS.00 I I Dog 5-in-1 $7 .00 • Cat 3-in· 1 $5.00 I I FREE PET CONSULTATION I I by Doctors of Veterinary Medicine I I Call (213) 888-1100 For Information I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SAVI THIS AO I I PLEASE-DOGS ON LEASHES-CATS IN CARRIERS I ......................................................... L-------------·•••••••-.1 Furthermore, said Williams. the BeAKHOQ-FM Beach Bikini 6irl PRIZES* GIVEAWAYS Poor Man Will Be Here Sunday June 27 • REGISTER EARLY • Bcuefoot, ·~ corue~ct, 2811 Ne•port Blvd. Newport Be•eh 675-38.a I • Custom bikini., (our fabric or youn • Short'>, Blouses, Ne. 10 match • Wt'll known brand Phone Your Orders #ow For 4th ol July Week-end You 'll want our Ready Made Tossed Salads, Carrot Sticks, Celery Sticks for your holiday outings! We'll have everything Peaches, Bing Cherries, Grapes, Blueberries, Papayas, Mangos and much more. Order Yours Now 645-0032 ~~ ...... _,,,__ 1601 Newport B v • :::,,-., I "1o.How ,_.._.........i 845-0032 l'MMrlll Ill~~ ,,_,._. I ~--~~-------··--···--------·---------------- Orange Oout OAIL.Y PIL.OTIPrldtYi JuM 25. 1912 End of an unhappy chapter in politics Ralph Diedrich'a fall from lho summit of pollUcal leadership ls tragic ln many ways. A.a his own lawyer told a San Diego County juds~ Tuesday, Diedrich "is a man who t:Wl, and has, over many yc«rs made very significant contributions to society." For the next two years, Diedrich, former chairman of the Orang e County Board of Supervisors, will have to make his contributions Crom behind bars. Bo th he and co-defendant LeRoy Rose began serving their state prison terms this week following their conviction nearly three years ago for bribery and conspiracy relating to an Anaheim Hills development proposal. S•n Dfego Superior Court Judge Roes Tharp really had little choice but to requlre the two men to serve their terms instead of granting probation. Violation of the public trust is possibly the worst crime of which a n elected official can be guilty. In Diedrich's case, l t is especially tragic because of the many years of service he had rendered, as a county supervisor, as an elected official ln Fullerton and as one-time foreman of the Orange County Grand Jury. It is h oped that, with his long-running legal battles at an e nd, h e can return to society and contribute once again. Refugee responsibility A fact-finding trip to Orange Co unt y by t h e House Subcommittee on Immigration. Refugees and International Law apparently was a key factor in a . House vote to extend and expand the federal Refugee Act of 1980 for yet another year. Garden Grove Re p. J e rry Patterson arranged the 1981 visit to Orange County, during which members were well br iefed on the financial burden imposed on areas that have received more refugees than their resources can support. This week the House passed th e R e Cugee As sis tan ce Amendments of 1982, which authorizes continued federal funding for refugee resettleme nt programs through fiscal 1983. New e lements in the bill would enable state and local govern men ts to become more in volved in decisions regarding the geographic distribution of refugees. The aim would be to seek a more even distribution throughout the nation to avoid heavy concentration in areas like Orange County. The measure also proposes study of a p rogram which would provide paym e nts to s tates, co unties, cities a nd other government units to reflect the increase in costs of educational, health, criminal justice and other services resulting directly from the resettlement of refugees. Such a program would benefit both the refugees a nd the local agencies charged with caring for them. As of January this year. there were approximately 56 ,000 I ndochinese refugees living in Orange County -the largest concentration in the country - and new refugees are arriving at the rate of 300 a month. This does not include refugees moving he re Crom other parts of the country to join friends and relatives. This movement also should be reflected in federal funding. As county officials repeatedly have pointed out, the refugees have been admitted by the federal government and it is plainly the duty of the federal government to pay the full cost of thei r resettlement, without recourse to the use of local taxes. Thus all the states, including those that have received few if any refugees, can share the burden. Extension of federal funding must continue for as long as it takes for the refugees to establish themselves. New 'r eward' for v oter s Voting has turned out to be one of the smartest things some Californians have ever done. That isn't because the ir ballots installed particularly noble persons m high offices on June 8 but because their ballot stubs w e re tickets to a wide assortment of prizes. A promoter named :Eel Shaw organized the California Election Sweepstakes to encourage citizens to vote. Turning in their ballot stubs to h is organization made them eligible for a drawing. The winners. a San Jose couple, won trips to Alaska and Hawaii, among other prizes. Shaw says he gained nothing personally for his effort, which drew 700,000 entries, but did it out o f patriotic duty . H e wants Californians to take more interest in public affairs "to read a sample ballot, pick up a newspaper for a change ." It s h o uld be noted that Shaw's game was not a lottery in the legal sense. in that there was no consideration (money) paid for the opportunity to play -just a vote, which has significant value. but not in a cash sense. Judgin g fr om the l ow turnouts in both state and national elections recently, an y method of encouraging a trip to the polls short of coercion 1s welcome. Turnouts in both California and across the nation have been on a downward slope for many years. This month's California primary t urnout is estimated at between 50 and 55 percent of eligible voters, compared to 69 percent in June 1978, although fewer probably would have turned out four years ago had Proposition 13 not been on the ballot. Although Shaw is to be commended for going to a lot of trouble to encourage citizens to perform their civic duty, it's sad the re is such a lack adaisical attitude toward votin g in this country. Around the world there are oppressed millions who can only dream about voting in a free election. It's doubtful if Poles, for example, would n eed the temptation of prizes to bring them to voting booths if they were offe red a free election. Be that as it may, we hope Shaw is successful as he plans for a nationwide contest for the 1984 presidential election. We also hope the day comes when efforts such as his won't be necessary. L.M. Boyd/ Female bodyguar ds • Young lady, how would you like to be a female bodyguard? Security firms report they're looking for such. Some dlcnta, they say. can best be ~ed by bodyguards who don't look like bodyguards. These clienta should be accompanied by women who 1eem to be their mothers or wives or sisters amt girlfriends. Also , female ~yguarda can get lnto places male OC>f'Yguarda can't. they say. there'• a blg migration going on tn Al\strall• from the south In the I ORANGE COAST f Daily Pilat ..... It-twry .. , OI tllt rH' •t JJt W•tt ••r S4 , (Mte ... AMr~• <ti'"-• I* lloo tMt,c .. -.-.. CA•lt~ Sydney-Melbourne areas north to sunny Queensland -just the opposite from the north-to-aouth migration in the United States. High on our Love and War man's list of the most troublesome four- word phrases in matrimony is the {amiliar: ''Trouble with you ia .. " It's even more aensitive than hl need more money." It'• not quite as dangerous, however. as \he deadly Interrogative: "Where have you been? .. Thom as P. Haley Publisher Tttomas A. Murptlln• Editor B•rt>ara Kreibich Editorial Paoe Editor Union bosses block workers W A S H l 'N G T 0 N W I t h unemployment at its worst level since the Great Depression, workers at six meatpacking plants are caught in a squeeze between a company that is closing plants because labor costs are too high, and a union that won't let the local units save their jobs by accepting lower pay. "It's like two elephants fighting, and the ants are getting crushed," said John Bowe, a clergyman in one of the towns affected THE TWO ELEPHANTS are the John Morrell Co ., a s ubsidiary of the mulunational United Brands lnc.. and the United F ood and Commercia I Worke rs International Union. The unfortunate ants are some 2,580 men and women who are -or were -working at Morrell meatpacking plants in Cincinnati, Memphis, El Paso, Arkansas City, Kan., and Estherville, Iowa. Blaming labor costs, Morrell has already closed down the El Paso plant and one of the two in Estherville. The plant in Arkansas City also is scheduled to close. At issue 1s the master contract the interna tional union negotiated with Morrell, covering all the company's plants. Morrell wants to reopen the contract and negotiate cuts in wages and benefits by about $3 an hour; it clalJT\S this ts the only way tht> plants can be kept open. The union leaders an Washington say this is unacceptable. They claim the company isn't as bad off financially as it claims to be, and is simply using the G -J1-c1-11-1-11-11-1 -~ recession as a sleazy excuse to cow the workers into taking pay cuts. The leadership insists on stickmg to its policy of a master contract, which it says serves the union membership better "If we negotiate on a plant-by-plant basis, the union and the workers are stripped ot any bargaining power," UFCW Vice President Lewie Anderson told my associate John Dillon. But the union bosses' father-knows- best attitude has infuriated many members of the UFCW locals. The international has refused to let the locals so much as discuss the company's offer to keep the plants open at reduced pay scales, and even initiated an unfair labor practices comp laint aRai nst the Estherville luull fo r successfully n1..•gouaung to k1..'Cp one· of its two plants opc.>n In El Paso. th1..· 800 Morrell workers nevt-r got ci, chance to V<Jtt: on a wage- frcezc.> proposal b<:furc the 1.:ompany shut down the plan1 At't'ordmg to members of thl• local, Washmgton sent union off1 c1als to membership meetings to prevt-nt a d1St:uss1on or vote on th<.· offor. WITH ARMED GUARDS enforcing ordt-r: the• mtc1 nauonal's men took over the mE-Ctmgs and gavelro down attempts to consider th<• w<igt• freeze .. Any time w<.· tried lO Lakl· uvcr the 1 loor to start talking about voling. they would ad.JOurn the mN'tmgs .. r<'(·alh.>d Eddie Duran, a truck drivt•r Tht.i workers m Arkansas City have not b<>t'n allowl'<l to negotiate on the ('Ornpany's prop<>s(-d pay cut. "It seems as though the-internauonal holds a ll the '<:ards." s..i1d UFCW member Verne Hull. "We ·have to go with whatever they offer." So company execuuvc•s and union officials -none of whom 1s m danger of losing his JOb -continue to spar and jab and blame each other for the situation. Meanwhile. the peQplc wh()S(' lives are being shatterl'd by the impasse aren't even allowed a vokt· to determine their own fate Vacation suggestions for the world It would be nice 1f the world would take a month off this summer I wish Israel would go to a travel agent and book itself a ruce. quiet crutSe m the Caribbean. Argentina could certamly use some time off. Perhaps the British could find 1t in their hearts to send Argentina to Ireland for a month in the country. The Republic of Ireland backed Argentina m the Falklands war and they're always after tourists, so they might welcome Argentina for all of July. The PLO should definitely go away. l'd like to have the PLO climb Mount Everest. It might give them a different view of things. MEMBERS OF our own Congress ought to take at least a month and just go home and hang around the house like ordinary people It 11Ught bnng them back to Earth with the res\ of us. l don't really care where the world goes on vacation this summer as long as it takes a good long holiday. The world has been so filled with events m the past few months that it's difficult for the average newspaper reader to know or understand what's hap~nin~. For example, I can't decide whether I'm mad at the Csraelis for destroying Lebanon or not. I've always thought the Palestinians got a dirty deal, being moved out of their country. On the other hand, the way Vasser Arafat and the PLO terrorists behave, you have the feeling any country 11Ught have done what lsrael did. I need a month to mull 1t over, and I'm not sure President Reagan c..'Ouldn't use a month off himself. Russia would probably have the best time 1f 1t could go anywhere 1t wanted ,~,, -AN-DY-RD-DNl-Y -~ for a month. Poor Russia never gets to go anywhere unless it invades someone. 1 knew a woman who lived in New York and she was 50 before she ever got west of Scranton, Pa. Russia hasn't even been to Scranton, Pa As a matter of fact. a month in Scranton might do Russia a world of good. Great Brnam deserves a break itself after the war in the Falklands and I have the feeling a lot of Americans wouldn't mind a little time off from the British. As mut:h as we like them, we've about had our fill of pomp. circumstance, Margaret Thatcher and the royal family for a while. Great Britain IS taking iL..elf awfully seriously these days and it wouldn't do it any harm to spend some time just hacking around at Disneyland. What about the muggers and the murderers, the pornographers and house-breakers? How could we induc.-e them to take the summer off? We're all llr£'d of rc•admg about them Isn't there some 1dylhc 1slond we could ship them to for the month of August? We could pack them a lunch wtth tuna fish and hashish sandw1t'hes and give them spending money so they wouldn't have to steal from each other IF THE UNITED Nauons wants to do some thing constructive, the Gene ral A.s.st•mbly might pass a motion calling for a om•-month moratorium on war, spying and mternauonal double-dealing of any kind. Russian soldiers could tome home from Afghanis tan for a month, the Poh~h ~><'Oplt> could be free for a month, uur CIA operat1vt>s c·ould JOtn their families on Martha's Vineyard and the pro· and anti-nuke demonstrators could stop demonstrating. What we• need this sum.mer 1s time to pull our thoughts together and decide whc..·re we stand on everything that's been happening We don't need anythmg more to happen. We ne<'d les.s news in the newspapers Give the guys in the advertising department parl of page one for a month, JUSt like tiley've always wanted Move astrology, the com1cs, Ann Landers and the eras.sword puzzle up nearer thP front of the paper and bury those mtemat1onal incidents back with tht' obits for th,.. month If thC' world would JUSt go away for a while, the rest of us would have time to think things over, stop worrying and even have some fun. Origin of traditions ofte n har d t o trace How did F..aster eggs get started? How did St. Nichol.as, later known as Santa Claus, get into the Christmas act? Why are specific kinds of food prohibited ln Moeaic law? Why do Moslems proetrate themselves so often? Exactly how and why did certain rituals and obeerva.nces have their origins? The only honest answens to theee questions, and many more like them, it ~ SYDNIY HARRIS ~ that nobody knows for aure. Some can be traced back to their primitive antecedents; a few othen have 90~ vague connection with early tradltlona. folklore, or popular auperatltion. Even ao-called authorltlet In their fields can make only educated au-- Such ancient practices are cin:umdmon or the proecrtptton of pork and lheUfilh are Mid by IOC'ne to have been hY,senlc meaaurea m.uqueradlni •• reflatou1 ritual. The whole panoply of Chriatmaa celebration, for instance, was totally unknown to the first generations of Christians for hundreds of years. The clergyman's collar worn back to front is ot comparatively recent origin, and had no religious asaociation at all. Covering the head tn temple, as Jews do, was a practical matter to begin with, having no religious implications. Church bells were unknown to Christ:i.ant for at least 500 years. The halo that is often painted around r.ortraita of Jesus and the saints is .ipagan, practical and ci>mpletely un- Christian ln origin," according to R.H. Bruch, author of "How Did rt Begin?" Even the alp of the cross is a late Introduction; it. wu preceded for many yon by the algn of the fJJh whlch was a code message identilytng members of thla underground M'- AS FOB THE Star of David, that too at finrt. wu a .,.,an emblem, taken~ by the IaraeUte• and Imbued with aplrttual meaning, thowrh ln1t1ally It. had only a mUltary qmf&nce. LJltewt.e, lalaln'• 1ymbol of the Creecent bepn u • national emblem, not • re""°"' one, untU the Turk.a roae to power over Byuntium and adopted the MOllftm faith. We do have one a uthenticated instance of the origin o( an observ ance - Gandhi's "Day of Silence," one day each week in the H indu community that follows him. This is how the Mahatma. in a confidential moment, explained it to his biographer, Louis Fischer: ''I was working very hard ... I wanted to rest for one day a week. So I instituted a day of silence. Later, of oourse, 1 clothed it will\ all kinds of virtues and gave 1\ a spiritual cloak. But the motivation was really nothing more than that I wanted to have a day off." And tha\, I auapect, is the way many "traditions" have begun. GllllY Bii Commit a crime don't aet an at1orney, hire • head shrinker. INSA.NlTY ..._, .. ,., .................................. . _........,,..._. .. ,,_ef __ .. ,,, ........ ... _ .... oi.-, 0-. D.Mly ....... I r \ RCA'• 1-ltottf vt4to c11aette rtcorffr. The VFT650 has full-function infrared remote control. with wireless hand unit Soff·touch function controls. tape counter with memory switch Picture search and slow motion functions m SP and SLP modes only Cable-ready tuning system $749.87 Solly KV·1945RS Remote Control Trlnllron Color TV. 19" (diagonal) TV has one·oun one-lens p1ctu1e tube lrequencv synthesized 10-key Express Tuning controls Exp1ess Commander mlrared remote con· trol. Cable-Ready tuning c1rcu11ry 105 channel recep11on capab1hty $589.87 • 111141·.Allf llrand. 60-counl ',. plashc strips $.62 C' iiiiiii · ., I ---~~~~~~~~~'~~~·-~-' Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Friday, June 25, 1982 FE!1CO 8ERSfllP PRICES I I ,. ALL l'IHC•a •irP•CTIV• TltROUQH JUNB 27th, 1982 INfllvlal•"' from Mattel Elactronlcl. The video game system to get involved w1thl Plug a game cartridge into the Master Component and the whole world of lntefllv1s1on •• 1s at your fingertips Wide variety or cartridges available a1 extra cost $205.87 P11111onlc Portable/Home Video Recorder. The PV·5500 is pr o· orammable tor up to lour tlmes m a two-week period and features Omnlsearch to let you view recorded material at nine times the speed ot normal playback 1n the SLP mode Remote control unit included $949.87 Kldllle Fire Extlngulahera. Rust-free aluminum cyhnl1er nrgh· visibility gauge. U L lls1ed rechargeable. non-toxic eX1mgu1sh1ng agent. 10·8 C l·A. 10-8 C 2·A 40·8 C $5.97 $8.97 $15.97 Uatamu Video C111ette Recorder lrom Sony. The SL-2000 has 1~1etaScan • hrgh·speed picture search Swing Search rn normal and :1low speeds and a Lrnear Time Tape Coun1e1 The Tuner Tomer has :? -wHk, 4-event unattended programming and a wireless Remote Commander Tuner Timer $81 9 87 11\iallable at addlttonal cost • Rlcl1del Sil-Station Sprinkler Control Can be programmed to water fror1 six times a day to once a week Wa1~rin9 perioo can be ad1usteo lron1 (approx I h~e 10 ttl1rty minutes tar eacn c11cu11 , $27.87 Non1,ma Skin Cream Removes make·up and d•rt yei does no1 dry loke o rdonary soap Won t clog pores because 11 s greaseless Net •Nt 14 01 $1.96 Sony HVC-2200 Trlnlcon Camera with Trinicon Pickup Tube for Quality reproduction in-camera ed1ung capability. automatJC e11po- sure control burlt in microphone and the F 1 4 macro-locusmo power zoom lens $789.87 Rlchdel :Vi ' Valve Actuator for Sprlnllier Control Unit. Converts Champion brass or R1ch0et plastic antr·syphon valves to fully automa· trc control Rated at 150 PSI maximum working pressure $9.87 Kai Kan pet food. Mealtrme crunchy dry dog food, small or large bites lO·lb(bag. S3.57 ea . 25·1b bag. $6.42 ea . SO·lb bag. $11.54 ea 6'17 oz canned ca1 tood in live d1tterent flavors. S.24 ea . 14 oz canned dog rood rn ten different flavors. S.34 ea .. 23'h oz canned dog food In.seven different llavors. S.49 ea Waring 7-speed blender w1tn sna11erproo1 Power 7 piece Sal ad Set. Tempered glass from France Weamer Pop com Pumper. Pops corn w•tn 1101 au. no1 011 Ideal tor calorre coun1ers Work Soap • The grease handler 16 5 oz Ad 111111111 Sand Cllal11. ~atures mul11·poS11ton back Folds for easy storage Covered with vinyl·coated $24 86 Prtcner blade assembly wn•cl'l removes tor cleaning $16.96 Vld1I Sassoon Hair Products Sc Pnt f1ca11v oes grieo to work lor maximum oenef•• Sndn'POO 12 f 01 Finishing Rrnse 12 fl oz Re·Mo1s1ur·z.~Q Creme net wt 4 oz L1ou1d Prote·11 Harr Cond ! Ol't• J I oz S1 .ll ea Non-Aeroso Ha,, Spray 8 f 01 Aeroso Hair Spray. net wt 7 oz S1.64 ea $6.76 Beach Crui ser. Men s 26 oeach brke with rugged 19· cantilever Ira me l'1Cludes black loam comfort grips spring·padoed saddle $69.87 $1~5.62 $.98 polyester fabnc • ea FED CO MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES STORE LOCATION (213) 860-7711 FEOCO CERRITOS 11525 SOUTH (714) 979-2660 FEOCO COSTA MESA 3030 HARBOR BLVD., COSTA MESA 92626 STREET, CERRITOS 90701 STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS: 12:00 PM to 9:00 PM S~lTURDAYS: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM -SUNDAYS: 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM STORE CLOSED WEDNESDAYS OPEN TO FEDCO MEMBERS ONLY ARE YOU ELIGIBLE TO JOIN? APPROVED CREDIT UNION MEMBERS NOW QUALIFY. CHECK THIS LIST! WHO MAY JOIN FEDCO? Only , .. 1c1en11 of th• State of C1llfornl1 who meet on• of ltll following qu1flrlcat1on1: • fldefal 1mployH1. both clvHl1n and military. 11th¥ ecttv. or retired. • Membefl of the Urgantzed (active) R111rv11 of the lll'med 1«Vlce1 of the United St1t11 Government wtlo lfl on IJle payroll of the Federef Government I ""-who tetUlarfy receive dlHblflty ~Ion. penl1on1. 1ocl11 1ecurlty payment• 0# r11llfOld rlllNment 1nnultlH from the United StMel OoYernmenl. • State, County, City, end other Munlc1pal emp1oyu1. ~ ectlve or retired • ll!mplfty-of nonprofit corpcratton1 or Mloolatlon1. • fu~tllM ttt.Hllntt ~ are 1lghlfffl yH rt of 119e or otdef. • lfll9\0.,.... of t1oaplt1t1. 1cll0011 end co11.tg11. • r,,.eo,..e of b\111""'" wti1c11 .,, 1utitec1 to the l9flltlll!M1, control, Of I U!*Vllion Of lhe Public ~ co-ll liOn Of the Si.te of C1ltlornla • ...,,.._Of ~ credit unf0ft1 ENCLOSE Cl-fECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR 12.00 •PLEASE~ NOT l ·END CASH Memberships issued only fo persona resident w1th1n Caloforma FE IJ( '() 11tc P.O. IOX 22151, LOI ANOIUI, CALIF. 90022 APntCATICMt FOR LIFE MEMBERSHIP ~llAll l'lllllT ...... , ______ ..;;;_ _____ _ ....... _________ ~,....,.... .. --=-,,-.,'.".".-= .. :--- CALIFORNIA 9 Sltlt lip~· 1111• Cllllct .. kllool "'* "yow "'tllfl'lt It IOlll floct llfC1~1t ,.. "' Ill ... 11111t111y """"· .... ~ llM cllfl MfWIU, .... ., ...... fftlf'lll. 01 renlwlw9 hcltl l tclrity hwtfkt, "'"" c••O fl tllt •"""'1•11 """' Mltw. N -t • ....._.VII-, "'9 C -"1 II -II Mlllllr'f, tM ,.. M ttrltl 111111tllt1 " -rtntwl .. ltcttl '-11y, .... _, .. " -rtl!f'M • tl¥ll ...... "" Cl ....... " - t CfMll 1111111 ..... tlft ACC •IMtf SUNFLOWER AVE. n A7 \ I , ·. I . I I .. .. I 1 1 ' I r Al 1914 OPEL MAITA SPORT COUPE Auto trans., radio & heater. exceptionally clean and new paint Must see 10 appre<:1a1e1 (265KLLI 5 2299 1911 ISUZU "LS" COUPE 5 speed transmission. AM-FM radio, all the factory equipment, just over 11.000 miles. custom wheels & tires (1COA945) 5 5799 lite Y.W. llPER IEETLE "SllWllEI" 4 speed. stereo cassette, sunroof & morel Completely reconditioned with new gold metallic paint & saddle brown Interior. Don't get the bug till you see this onel (729405). 5 399_9 "114" llUEL 4 speed trans., AM-FM c:asaet1e. power steering, power b<akes, pow8' windows, sunroof & morel Very clean! (049TZU). A real ateel at only 54799 1111 TIIYOTI U£-1" UlllTOP Rare 5 speed model for outstanding economy with stereo cassette. custom exterior trim & m orel (677RLF). Great graduation gif1 for only 5 2999 1111-1 ..... PopYlar 5 speed mOdel with air conditioning, AM-FM atereo and roof rack. Spotleal beige ftnllh with matching Interior. (914ZTT). 5 5999 1111 lllZIA "IZI" ~ Automatic trana .. air cond., AM·FM stereo, alloy wheel•. custom trim package & moral Exceptional car In evefy respect with only 15,000 miles. (1BJZ435). 5 6499 DlllWlllll The ultlmate In economy with a 4 speed trana .. AM·FM aterao, exterior trim package, & more. Spotless brown metalllc flntlh with beige Interior. ( 1CTP811 ). Ju at 15,000 miles for only 55399 1111 lllUllMll 4 .. IDU 5 speed, alr cond., power Sleeting, power brakes, stereo cassette & morel ( 1AQU363). The uttlmate In economy with a tooch of luxury at a bargain price of Juat 57699 1111 "'"' ..... 111111 The ultimate Toyota Sedan with auto .. lull power, air cond .. Jlua Utt wheel. cruise control, AM·F stereo & morel Under 22,000 mlleat Spotless met. b<own exterior with beige velour Interior. (580ZVT). 58599 TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. SPECIAL &REEi RlllOll BUYS These late model, low nnlleage cars all carry Earle Ike's exclus;lve 2 year 24.- 000 mlle warranty. You ·~an't lose! BEST BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTY! e1111 OIREllE UTlllllK on.53999 Economical 4 sQeed with a1 r eond., radio, tilt whee~ roof rack, custom Interior, exterior trim package & morel Exceptional Inside & outt (507:XJX). e1111 llME OULUllll IPllTOHPE Auto. tran1., air cond .. full P•:>W8f', tilt wheel, atereo tape, alloy v..·heel1 & more. Sterling allver over c:harcoal tu-tone with low low mllea. (1.BJK724). Don't mlsa this one at Juat 5 5399 ii 1 I e1111 TIYITI IWCI UfTllOI 5 speed tranamtaalon, air con-dltlonlng, AM-FM etereo, rear window t.l\ade & morel You've got to Me this 1rwo tone beauty! (667WPl). s5999 ii I e 1111 TIYITI Olllll UFTIAOI 5 7999 11 Hard to find "Luxury Edit ton" with automatic overdrive trans., air cond., power st98flng & brakes. Ult wheel, cruise control, stereo c.sserre & morel (1BUL483). 1111 VOLVO "244 IL" Auto. trans .. air cond., power steering. power brakes & very c.lean. Light blue finish with dark blue Interior. Don't miss this one I ( 187XWB) 5 6499 eostaMesa 1171 FRI Yll OU1UI I PlllEllD Equipment Include$ power steering, radio, power brakes, Interior decor and complet84y original Inside and out! (219WDA) .. 53699 I 1110 TOYOTA TERCEL SUI ROOF 4 speed, stereo cassette, alloy wheels. custom Interior & exterior trim The ultimate In economy & run to drivel ( 1AOS832) 5 4699 1111 TIYOTI llPUn.OOF Automatic trana .. air cond., full power, AM-FM ltereo. tilt wheel, c:rulM control. power door lock•. alloy wtleela & morel Rare blacll metallic finish with Bordeaux Interior. (499ZTI). 5 8999 1171 TOYOTA CELICl "LIFTHCI" 5 speed, a1r cond . AM-FM stereo. alloy wheels. rear shade & more Low mlles & spotless In every respect. (413WAA) 5 5999 1111 TIYITI mu Automatic trana .. lull pow9r, air oond., stereo tape, Ult wheel, crulae control, alloy wheels & morel Juat over 27.000 mll• on tNa metaMlc brown beauty. See It tOdayt (884XJW). 56999 11ll TOYOTA CELICI "LlnHCI" • Auto trans., air cond .. stereo tape. power brakes & more. (987SEW) A rare llnd & extra clean lor only • 54799 1111 Olm PIOllP lllllZI LOlllEI Automatic transmission. air cond., power stee<lng & brakes. tilt wheel, SIX-PAC camper and low m11esl Must see to appreciate! ( 1G34888) 5 4999 .. IL" PICUIE Popular 5 speed with air cond . lull power, cruise control. leather seats, power mirrors. stereo cassette with equalizer & power boost. alloy wheels & rally tires. Just over 8,000 miles ( 1DOK384) s11,999 1981 lllZDI 0 GLC" Popular front wheel drive 5 Speed, fully factory equipped plus eicterior trim package & more• Just over 10.000 miles I 1BWY605) Take a look at only 5 4999 1111 lllli& omc UOYOC" Uf11&CI Economical 5 speed with air cond .• stereo cassette, exterior tr im package & more. (726ZLF) An outetandlng buy at only 5 3299 1117 Y.W. UlllT 2 Mii UTClllCI Popular 4 speed fuel Injected model with a stereo cassette, custom Interior and more. (793SYZ). Low miles. A steal for just • 52799 1982 TOYOTA· PICKUP 'h Ton Shortbed. This one has a 4 speed transmission. a 2.4 litre engine and Is fully factory equipped. (037859). A vacation special now priced at only $ . (714) 646-9303 Open We6days 8:00 a.m.·9:00 p.m .. Saturdays S:OO a.m.-8:00 p.1n .. ~ IO!OD aa-1• p.11 .. s...iae and Parts 7:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Monday-Friday, Saturday 8:00 1.m. 4:00 p.m., Body Shop Wetkd11ys a~OO a.m ·S:OO p.m. Call 631-«32 ' ------.. :~:;:;.:.;:;;:;:.::::::;:::::.;:::::::--:=....:_~---------------~=--' -~ l FRIDAY, JUNE 25, 1082 D a THI CDABT AND THI COUNTY CAVALCADE GARDEN STOCKS 82 83 85 Check the performance of your stocks on Page 85. ~' -a''' End of an ERA food for thought REALLY BREAKFAST, DEPT. -Over the years, people have done crazy, zany and heroic things for causes. They've !aced bullets, braved picket lines and withstood physical pain or the contempt and ridicule of the citizenry. Zoe Ann Ananda of Newport Beach is a person like that. In this case, Ms. Ananda didn't eat for 37 days. She drew a lot of attention to her cause, probably did herself some physical harm, and undoubtedly was labeled zany by numbers of people. Her cause was to seek ratification of the E:qual Rights Amendment, which she believes would be to the benefit of women ~ all across the nation. ,~_E"-J SO ZOE ANN ~1 '" and s i x of her JOM MURPfflNf : i , sist~rs in the cause ---------''.-....-_.__ stationed themselves in the rotunda of the Illinois capitol buildng in an effort to persuade the Illinois Legislature to ratify the ERA. They failed. At least they failed to get Illinois legislative support. So it was that the seven ERA supporters broke their fast Wednesday and lifted a toast of grape juice. The liquid had been recommended for the gradual return to filling stomachs empty for 37 long days. Usually, when most of us think of breakfast, Newporr Beach's Zoe Ann Ananda (nght) and ERA fnend share £11-sr meal we're thinking about "breaking a fast" that lasted overnight since the last meat and potatoes. For the ERA women, however, this was a real fast-breaking. Ms. Ananda finally graduated to poached eggs, orange juice and coffee. Pancakes and pizza 'were reportedly also on the menu. And what of the result? "WE HAVE DEMONSTRATED that ordinary women can do extraordjnary things." commented one of the fasters, Sonia Johnson. 46. of Sterling. Va. "This message of courage got out to this country and has made the fast a success." If adoption of the ERA is doomed, and barring some miracle that seems to be clearly the case, then you might ask how the women can characterize their fasting action as a success? OBVIOUSLY, THE WOMEN involved believe that their action was successful because it was dramatic, and drew heavy news coverage, in calling attention to the cause. There will be some final rallies in Washington, D.C. in the last-gasp ERA efforts, prior to the June 30 ratification deadline. Further. you have to suspect that proponents of the F.qual Rights Amendment will not just be folding up and hiding away should ratification fail to occur. There will be other ways and other campaigns a head. FROM THE CORNER of this observer, however, it would have seemed prudent if some other means had been selected to publicize cause rather than placing the health, and maybe the lives. of seven people in danger. Since the fast didn 't really work, as far as influencing Illinois lawmakers, perhaps some other innovations that are safer will be tried oy ERA supporters, or other campaigners, in the future. It really makes you hungry just to think about it. SuSpect in bilking sued for $350,000 Newport Beach resident Robert Swick. accused of bilking mobile home customers out of their down payme nts and aometimes their mobile homes, ts being sued by a woman who claJma he owes her $350,000. Anahelna resident Patricia Kenyon. owner of an investment firm, aaya she loaned Swick the money ln 1980 because he waa ln a flnancial plnch. Swick, who owned now· defunct Country Style Mobile Homes ln Garden Grove, allO fa<.'eS 15 gTand theft charges and is in custody In Orange County Jail. He made news several week.a ago when his bail was set at $2 million, one of the highest baila for grand theft ever ln Orange Co~~{" His bail haa been • red to $250,000. The usual bail for grand theft is $5,000. Deputy Attorney General Michael Botwin said Swick thia month was bound over to Orange County Superior Court on all 16 charges. Walking so orphans can eat Tortilla Marathon contingent treks down Coast to raise funds By BARRY EBERLING Of , ... Delly f'Mot ..... Al least 80 people were thankful for the cloudy weather in Newport Thursday -the walkers on th e Tortilla Marathon, a 250-mile trek to raise money for Tijuana orphans. The approximately 180 sponsored participants on the 10-day walk have split into two groups. taking inland and coastal routes. "We want as many people to see us as pos&ble," Ann Galisky, the walk's public relations spokeswoman said. The Coast Highway party, dubbed the Rojos, was fairly conspicuous. The 'l'-shirt and bandana-dad contingent spread over an eighth of a mile along the Upper Newport Bay Bridge, many carrying sign s with inscriptions such as "We walk so kids can eal." "I learned about the marathon when I spent some weekends in Tijuana with Los Ninos (the sponsoring group)," Chris Theil, a UC lrvine graduate, said. "I saw what a great grass roots organization it 1s, workmg with the orphans and the poor people." Galisky said that most of the walkers have worked with Los Ninos, an international child- serving agency. And , even though they started the walk seven days ago in San~ Barbara, their spirits are stilJ high. "We're keeping together and the weather isn't extreme like last year," said Carmel McGinty, the Rojos' leader who sets the group's pace. "No one's dropped out yet," Ms. Galisky added. ''though we've had a few people who have had to ride part of the way in the ~an because of minor foot and knee injuries." Otherwise, the group's biggest problems have been blisters and "extreme exhaustion at the end of the day." according to one walker. They spend the night at churches and synagogues. where the van meets them with supplies. They are fed by the congregations. Los Ninos wiU coUect more than $100,000 to provide Tijuanan orphans with food, medical care, teachers, and companionship. making the marathon the most financially successful in its seven -year history. But, to the participants, there is more than money involved in the trek that will end Sunday in Tijuana. Theil said, "It's a self- education, and it tells other people that thmgs aren't so great everywhere." ON THE MARCH -Members of the Tortilla Marathon, a group of young people raising money to feed orphans in Tijuana. trek TENDER Fourteen-year-old Kathy Baustert of Woodland Hills has her sore foot • rooo roR KIDS OR BUST ·~ Oallr Piiot Photo• br Richard Ko.hler thro~gh Huntington Beach on their 250-mile journey from Santa Barbara to Tijuana. examined by Loren Jones of San Bernardino during a rest stop in Huntington Beach. One-legged owl gives a hoot By SANDIE JOY Of tM Deity "6t ..... Barney, a 3-month-old barn owl who lives with Lorrayne Steward, might be in for a name change. "We're thinking about changing it to Long John Silver," she joked as Barney hopped around the Irvine University Park Animal Hospital where she works. The reason? BARNEY HAS ONLY one leg but he's about to get a false foot, a peg leg, if you will. Dr. F.dward Cole explained he's waiting until the owl's stump is healed completely before trying to fit it with' a prosthesis which he's designing. Barney joined the animal hospital menagerie a month ago when an Irvine resident rescued him after he probably fell out of a nest, Ms. Steward said. The owl had a broken foot which Cole operated on, but the surgery didn't take. "Infection set in," Ms. Steward said, "and his little foot started losing circulation so Dr. Cole had to remove it." DAYTIMES, THE OWL either stays at Ms. Steward's Tustin home or goes to work with her to see its fowl friend, Jedediah, a 3-month-old crow. J edediah, Jed for short, was adopted by another animal hospital employee, April Rochester of Costa Mesa. after he, too, fell out of an Irvine nest. "Jed's not sick, though," Ms. Rochester said, "He's just spoiled." Both Ms. Steward and Ms. Rochester are well acquainted with the pecularities of the partiC\llar birds they've adopted. MS. STEW ARD USED to work at another animal hospital where she nursed sick sea guµ.s , owls and crows while Ma. Rochester used to have another pet crow. Barney probably will stay indefinitely with the Steward family because of h.1a handicap but Ms. Rochester said, "It's up to Jed whether or not he wanta to stay." At home, Barney "usually just stands around" duri.ni the day, Ma. Steward said. "But the minute it gets dark, he does a lot of hopping around and flapping his wings." Jed la less pusive, Ms. Rochester said. o.-, Not "'°'o itr ~alrtcAI o,,._.. BIRDS OF FEATHER -Barney the owl. on the arm of his mistress, Lorrayne Stewart (right). meets Jedediah the crow, held by April Rochester, at Irvine's University Park Animal Hospital. The crow chases her two dogs and plays with her sons. "CROWS ARE VERY sociable birds,'' Ms. Rochester explained, "and mischievous, too." At h ome, Jed "helps" Ms. Rochester's husband work on his car. "He steals the tools and climbs into the engine or wheel mounts.'' she said. Jed has the run of the Rochester kitchen, yard and garage. "He can stay as long as he wants,'' Ma. Rochester said. . .. It's up to Jed." / .. Orange Ooaat OAILV PILOT/Friday, Juna 28, 1882 •ANN LANDERS •HUGH MULLIGAN· •HOROSCOPE .. Parents' constant arguments frustrate teen son I r DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 am a 17-year-old high school senior, the only kid left at home. I love my parents very rnuch and am sure they love me. The problem la they don't love each other. The yelling and screaming that goes on every night is teaing me apart. Each kee~ U:lling the other to "get put." I can't count the number of times I've wanted to stand between them and shout, "SHUT UP and behave like adults! I am sick of all the arguing!" The anger and frustration is building up inside me and 1 feel as i( I am going to burst. I keep worrying that they might get a divorce. If that happened, I just :ouldn't handle it. It would finish me for ;ure. Don't auaaest that I tell them to see a marriage counselor. They are both too proud and stubborn. 1 haven't talked to anyone about th18 because I don't want to be disloyal to my parents by blabbing. This problem Is not going to go away. Please help me. -A BOY IN MADISON, WIS. DEAR FRIEND: Cblldren are not responsible for wbat goes on between tbelr parents. Tellio~ them to shut up and behave like adults won t change anything. All It will get you 11 a kl op lD tbe chops from one or both. Of course lt rattles a kid to U1ten to bis parents yell at each other, but your best protection against the anxiety and frlgbt ls to 1et 1ome couueUD1. You must leara bow '° aepara&e yourself from tbelr fl1ht1 emotionally, since yoa are unable to do 10 pbyatcally. If your follltl 1pllt1 you will not dle. Ml1Uoa1 of cbUdren bave llved tbro.ugb divorce, and In maay Instances It bu Improved tbe quality of life for all concerned. Your 1chool counselor or favorite teacber can be a big help. Tiils · would not be conaldered "blabbing." Tbl1 11 too big a load for you to carry by yoanelf. Get gotng. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am an artist, a writer and a sometime college student. I am also a quadriplegic. For the most part I am treated very well by the public. Often people come up to me in a restaurant and ask questions about how I live and the equipment I use. I enjoy these questions and am not self-conscious about them. On the other hand, I am sick to death of people who assume that because I am in a wheelchair I am mentally retarded. Waitresses often hand the menu to my companion because they don't think I can read. I am 27 years old and would appreciate it if people treated me like an intelligent adult, which I am. Handicapped folks are getting a better break now than in years gone by, but there is still much to be done before we are ~ANN UMaS considered equals. You can help by pr:.lnting thla letter. -MILES TO GO BEFORE l SLEEP (PROVIDENCE, R.I.) DEAR PROVIDENCE: I'm 1.re yoar r letter will laelp educate a great many people and I tbad you for it. ID all falrne11 -to tile ' waltre11es, laowever, may •r;lnt out tllat the reason they do not ban tbe mea• to quadriplegics Is because tbey are not tare tbe penon bas tbe use of bl1 buds. I ca.uot leave this 1ab1ect without polntt.ag oat daat the vast ma orlty of quadrlpleglc1 are wbeelcbir-boaad for tbe rest of tbelr lives because ID their teen years they ( 1) were ln a 1peeclhl1 car that went out of control, or (2) dove Into shallow water. A no-nonsense approach to how to deal with life's most difficult and most rewarding arrangement. Ann Landers' booklet, "Marriage -What to Expect," will prepare you for better or for worse. Send your request to Ann Landers, P.O. &x 11995, Chicago, m. 60611, enclosing 50 cents and a Jong, stamped, self-addressed envelope. 1 Circumstance, pomp '. ' l I ~MPLOYEES CHIP IN -The world's largest nanufacturer of do-it-yourself electronic kits is naking its mark in the microcomputer field. Cmployees of the Heath Co., Benton Harbor, Af'Wl~o place micro chips on to the main circuit board. The unit passes 20 w o rkers for circuit atta<.'hment before automated soldering. LONDON -Letter from London, where the tourist season got off to a splendid start with successive visits by Pope John Paul ll and President Reagan and the QE2 arriving back in Southampton with a cargo of certified heroes fresh from the fighting in the Falkland Wands. The Queen Mum was at the rail of the royal yacht Britannia to wave a welcome to the returning lads, while on the evidence of a front-page picture in the Sun a high- spirited ~on a sailboat nearby Oared her breasts like Queen Boadicer to symbolize that Britannia still ruled the waves or at least those in the South Atlantic. A few evenings later crowds gathered outside 10 Downing St. to sing "Rule Aquarius: Make new contacts iaturday, June %6 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Basic tasks vhich have been ignored or delayed now ommand attention. Individual who means C)Uch to you will help resolve dilemma. lelationship intensifies, is str engthened hrough experience shared during crisis TAURUS (April 20-May 20): You learn vhere you stand with special person. Accent 1n change, travel, variety and completion of mportant project. Me mber o{ opposite sex ·xpresses feelings in a very frank manner. \ries, Libra natives play key roles. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You could iiscover genuine bargain, expec1aUy where >roperty or home e nte rs picture. You •ncounter bellicose individual who attempts o dominate, intimidate. Stand your ground. rerritorial dispute is likely to be settled in rour favor. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Avoid >ecoming involved in conflict between -elatives. Some persons appear determined .o bring you into fray. Maintain neutral lttitude as far as possible. Property, money, )OSSible inheritance figure in scenario. LEO iJuly 23-Aug. 22): Elements of :iming, luck ride with you. Focus on ~yment, collections, settlement of financial -.tispute. Lines of communication open, popularity increases and social activities :tccelerate. This could be an evening for :elebration -Sagittarius is involved. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You successfully work with material available. Circumstances favor your efforts -details are ironed out and you'll have greater freedom of thought, action. Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio persons figure prominently. ' LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Hidden motives are discovered. Individual who makes threats is merely envious and frustrated . Sense o f perception is P01 SH01S 1 BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT THE GREATEST O&STACLE TO ACHIEVING MY GOALS IS THAT DON'T KNOW ~ WHAT MY GOALS ·----iiiiillll ... ilA F\E. -.. heightened. You gam access to material which enlightens, broadens view. • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Pleasant re union dominates scenario. Diplomacy is highlighted , g ifts could be exchanged. Family member he lps make wish come true. Lunar emphasis on improved health, good news concerning career and finances intensified relationship. News of promotion due. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21 ): AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Greed on part of associate puts strain on relationship. Be ready to let go of past -you can make clean brea k and initiate valuable, new contacts. Lunar emphasis on financial prospects, intuitive feelings and physical attraction. Orders from top may lack substance. Be ready to define, review, revise and to seek alternatives. Cancer, Pisces, Virgo natives play important roles. By displaying loyalty d uring p e riod of adversity you gain admirers, allies. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Travel plans become more viable. You perceive potential and program of education could be outlined. Another Capricorn is in picture. Focus also on pressures, challe nge and PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Obtain valuable hint by studying Aquarius message. You are ready for new start in new direction. Partnership or legal document figure in scenario. Concern with marital status also plays role. GOif N ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF North·South vulnerable. South deals. NORTH • 93 l::'QH 0 J 10965 +KH WEST EAST •AS •7642 l::'K108732 ~A9 O AQ4 0 82 + A8 + 10 9532 SOUTH •KQJJ08 I:' Je O K73 +Q7e The bidding: Sowtli We1t North Eatt p.., J <i:' Pa• p.., I• 2 ~ P&11 Pa11 2 + Pu1 P ... Pua Opening lead: 1 • ' H you feel that Zia Mahmood gets an undue amount of coverage in thi• column. It I• only because the namboyant Pakl1tani pro videe auch excellent copy. Here is another example of his Oalr, from an intern•· tio.nal match betwun Paklatan and Poland. Oe'aplle hit sood hand. Zia decided he had had tl\OUJh when the bidding reached two spade1. Obviously, he could expect little from his partner, so to com~te lo th~ three level with such a porous suit was inviting trouble even though the vulnerability was In his favor. True, Eut·Weat Cf,n make a lucky: four hearts, but the game is ~t biddable. Although West wu look· ing at rour to five defensive tricks In hia own hand, he did not rate his defenalve pros· pecta too highly. Since the idea of releasing one of his minor·suit aces on o~ning lead was unappetising. he decided that hi1 be•t chance wu to attack with his lonr suit. And Ir he wu roln1 to lead a heart, wh7 not the king? That mirht even force an entry to hi• partner'• hand 1hould E11t hold the queen. When the kin1 of hearts won the flr1t trick, It wa1 ol>- vloua who held the ace. The rest of the defenM wu automatic. Weal 1b«t.d Im· mtdlattiy to ace of clubl and another . .Declarer won In hit hand and t.rted a ane&ky •lsht or trumpe. b\lt Zta waan't havln1 11\1 of that. He new up with the ace of trumps, led a heart to hi1 partner's ace and rot a club rurr in return. Then be exited with a heart, rufred by Eut and overruf· fed by South. Declarer suddenly found himself trapped in bit hand with no entry to dummy. All he could do wu draw trumps and lead the kin1 or diamonds in the hope of 1motherio1 a bare queen. But 1ince West had both diamond honol'I, he wu able to win the king of diamond• with the ace, force out declarer's lut trump wlU1 a heart and take the lut two trick• with the qu"n of diamonds and a Iona lleut for a mo1t aaU.(1· Inf thrM-lrick Ht. Bah,.. lleee,........ a. t• dea'9e &rHlll•' Let c...,._o.....,.1p,..a..1 , .... , ............... el DOUIL£8 llrr ,....... ...... tak .... , .. a..,,., .. D0\111.£8 ........ ... ..... .. -0.....,......." ..................... 0 . ... IH, N ....... N.J. .,... ......... ,_,..... .. Mn f 11irt11•1 HUGH MULLIGAN · MULLIGAN STEW ' Britannia" when Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher went to the House of Commons to report white flags of surrender flying over Stanley. The victory has been a tremendous tonic for British morale, bringing out the military strategist in almost every taxi driver I encountered and turning eiry · barmaid into a remake of Mrs. Miniver. WHEN THE HOTEL laundry di 't oome back, I was reminded by the hall porter that "there's a war on, you know" and we all should be prepared to make sacrifices. Presumably the Admiralty or ~e Defense Min.istry has requisitioned he laundry van and sequestered the spin - cycle for the fleet skivvies . Although early on there was so e criticism of the BBC by the government or trying to effect a neutral stance, most of Fleet Street from the start struck a proper patriotic pose. "Gurka Knives are Out" trumpeted a headline one morning in the Daily Express. The same British byline journalists who, when I knew them in Vietnam, were calling the Americans "baby killers," "village burners," "happy dealers in death by napalm and agent orange" were now rhapsodic about the daily doings of "our heroes," "the brave paras" and "those who go down to sea in the Queen's ships fighting far away for freedom." The enemy was referred to as "the Argies," "the Junta" and the "sheep shaggers." The Pope in his unprecedented call on the Queen at Buckingham Palace rated only a single sentence in the Court Circular, which chronicles the daily doings of the royals, while President Reagan and his entourage took up two long columns on each morning of the three-day visit . Here is how the Court Circular covered the big white-tie bash in the Knights of the Garter Hall at Windsor Castle, where the queen in her gracious toast praised the president's statesmanship at Versailles and his horsemanship on the canter with Her Majesty in the Home Park: "THE QUEEN SAID the Duke of F.dinburgh gave a banquet this even.in& in honour (sic) of the President of the United States of America and Mrs. Reagan at which The Prince of Wales, The Prin~ Margaret. Coun~ of Snowdon, Princess Alice, The Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, The Duke and Duchess of Kent, Prince and Princess Michael of Kent and Princess Alexandra, the Hon. Mn. Angus Ogilvy and the Hon_ Angus Ogilvy were present. "The following had the honour (sic) of being invited:" There followed a very long list of names, beginning with "The Hon. A.loander M . Haig Jr. (aecretary of state) and M.r9. ~0 and wind1na up with ''The Chalrman, COundl of the 1'byal Coo.nty of Berkahlre and Mrs. Timperley," until an 1&8 at the bl& mahopny table were accounted for. Among the miaing wes Diana. 1'le Prtnoell of Wales, who wu expectina the birth of her baby and whole biotraphy "Prince9" by Robert Lacey wu on top of the best-..eller• lilt. In anticipation of the bleaaed event, the ''Royal Baby Cup" already had sqne on 1ale in the poeb Mayfair •hop1, a 1quallin1 crockery i cubture ~dna the ame enonnom _.. ; that• W9d • bmlD. on the Prince a.tlll ' laYlnl CUPi one of the authorbed IOWllflln J at 1Mt July'• royal weddtna. ' -~-·~-----. ... , Wate rlily role multiplies ..6A'6l PAULO. BrailHA.f) -WaterWlet are f'8ht.hl8 pou'uuon, fertilllina rloo, and makina coal ln Brull. "Thia ii the cheape9t way of purifylnj water," Eneaa Salatl, the aaronom.lst he.Wtna the project, told The Amociated J>rea. "This is the only plru.-e In the world that I know of w here waterlillea are being used to control both organic and inorganic wute and to help agriculture at th e same Ume. And the results of our research can be applied in other parts of the world." Salati ls head of the Center of Nuclear Energy ln Agriculture, an oraanJzation tha\ U*!S nuclear en4'r8Y In agricultural reeearch. 1t ill located ln Plraclcaba, a manufacturlne city near here In aoutheastem Brazil. The waterlily project la the rewarch center'• 10luUon to the pollution lou.Una the Ptraclcaba River, which runa throuah the highly Jnduatriallzed state of Sao Paulo. The scientist explaina the river ii choked with untreated sewage, Industrial waste, and a.Kricultural pesticides and fertilizers. "The river ii <lying and when the pollution gets really bad at times the fish die. too," he said. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, June 25, 1982 F ourth time blossoming •• lf you're looking for 10me 1peclal effect.I for lht• Fourth of July, try plantll\Q IOme red, white and blue oombinatlona ln beda and contalnera. The planta that provide thne "patriotic" colors a.re ve? lavish In their dlaplay. Annual 11tlvla ahowa brilliant red bloom• during lhe summer month.e. C.Ombine it with white Shula dalales and blue lobelia and you will have neighbors and friend.a saluting your Lngen u1ty. I URDlllRI CHICIUIT "The worst problem we have ln thia area is the p0Uulion in the river. I remembered that when water plants grow in the Amazon River and its tributaries, the quality of the water cha nges dramatically." After the successful completion of initial tests, a seven-acre pilot project is being built. Polluted water is first flooded into waterWy-filled ponds where the plants' roots, suspended ln the water, act as a filter. The petunia family can dleplay red, white and blue within its own ranks. T hill annual doet well ln beds and borders, in rai.aed bed.a and containers, and even in hanging baskets. Their color show le one of the longest around. Plant them now and they will produce Clowers alm08t t'Onlinuously into fall. Plant petunias wherever sun and water are plentiful. You'll find them blooming in single, double, ruffled, large and smaU-flowered varieties. Other <..'hoices for red flowering plants are some o f the hibiscus varieties, zin nias, dahlia, bougamvllJea, geraniums and some roses. I • Keep your bougainvillea vlnes on the dry For white, try white campanula, marguerites, "snow in summer," alyssum and white roses. I I J side and their bloom will be more intense. •It's a good Idea to take down your hanging baskets every now and then and gtVe them a thorough soaking. • Don't destroy California native plants by w~tering in the summer. RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY ............... S..• 1922 HAJ'I OR I LVD. COSTA MESA -541·1156-~======:!.l1Waltah say 25th year Anniversary Q.,, in the Harbor Area ~-,.,,,.,, • FMMEIS IMSUWCE ;1our 44 I OW Hew,ori ll•d. Hew,ori leoch, CA 0 1·7740 matching Is lnl See our matching sweetheart (Kuulpo) sets. Many exclusively designed prints and colors. • "The roots strain out particles, and colonies of fungi and bacteria that live near t he roots decompose the organic ma teri81 in the water," Salati explained. WINNER -Look in your nursery for this Sun Flare, the 1983 All-American Rose Selection award winner. The bright yellow floribunda has flower clusters of three to 12 in a group. Nursery Special • RICHMOND BEGONIA Excellent 1hade, part·aun plent, for cont•lner or ground. Pink end red btoom1. 1 GAL. REG. 3.50 IUCl•1:iil f'•iJ Flori!ltt Special INDOOR PLANTS NEANTHE BELLA PALM Or•cetul, extre nice Indoor pelm. SCHEFFLERA Bright grMn, ovel-INfed pl•nt. Besides lobelia, the touch of the blue can be provided by the perenrual Aster frikarti or its look alike, Fe licia , both of which have daisy-like flowers. Or, you can try a few clumps of agapanthus, that lovely blue illy of the Nile. Roger's Gardens Landscape Department designs and in· stalls the highest Quality outdoor environmen ts 1n Orange County. We do all types of work: from "tune-ups" and seasonal color plantings to full scale construc tion projects that include pools. spas. masonry, concrete and irri· gation: from romantic coun· try gardens to Tropical hideaways. By combining your ideas and objectives with our exper· ience, special creative flair and ability to get the job done, we can guarantee the best results for you. I I i Great Rebate 6" POTS ~EG. 8.95 EACH Ill I . S~~!ng!! c:!~ I 11-hr. saving 1 SPECTACULAR features hundreds of rebates Since 1946 Hallis}us Nursery -Florist from 20 % to so% this South Coast Plaza, by the Carousel Fri. eve. 6 to 9 and Sat. 751-7500 10 to 6. Limited ------------------ 2840 Harbor llvd .. Costa M11a 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Mt,...~,,..,..a. 111i.wt11e .,.,py....._ I quantities. so shop early NOW OPEN IN· IRVINE QUALITY TOYS FROM AROUND THE WORLD HERITAGE PLAZA 14370 CUL VER, SUITE J. mVINE (betWeen Ralphs and Sa~On) TOY HOTLINE, 551 -TOYS (551-8697) ,- _I LLDl'D•s garden shop LLOYD'S FIRST ANNUAL POTTERY SALE * ALL RED CU Y AllD MEXIC.111 POnERY 40% "' ,::'" * ALL U.S. POnERY -GllllEY POTIERY I STONEWARE 20% "'~ BED DIN ~~le! PLANTS 41 4" Pots Regularly Priced 1.09 .. w&9e ... --.-s•.u ...,.--~ HALF WHISKEY BARRELS SOLID OAK ""· 11.11 llW 12• ...... ., . .,,., .. ,,, ......... IOW 21 111101111 # 1 o& ''s":.'r' A special formulated mix ol ground fir bart<, Canadian sphagnum peat moss and hortlc\Jltural sand. FOi' planting all Indoor & outdoor potted plants. Ready to use. 2 ou. ff .... ,. 1.11 Hw498 1111. J.IO IOW 1• ..... 11.tl llW 1• HANGING IASKn l1co1l1 lllo••••M11i1 IN BLOOM ..... 11.11 ••• 11• ALL lflMI IUIJlCT tO I~ ON HAHO. Of'l"ll'I GOOO TI4ftU 11 lflt. OPEN MON. THAU SAT. 7-6 -SUN. t-S LLOVO'S NURSERY ANO LANDSCAPE CO., INC. 2028 ~ Blvd. (•t Bey St.) Costa Meea, CA e2e211 (7t4) 946-7441 -----------..... - --'t ---------------~-- : a .. Of1nge Coatt DAILY PILOTll'rlday. June 26, 1882 TECATE TWIST -Imported Tecate beer is traditionally served topped with lemon and salt, but this serving includes the new two-piece all-aluminum Tecate can that is currently being introduced in the West . Previously. Tecate has only been available in a three-piece steel can that was not suitable for recycling. Hamilton Co ve condo sales so a r Sales totaling $20 m1U1on for more than 30 units have been made at the condominiums at Hamilton Cove on Santa Catalina island. Prices ranged Crom $199,000 to $1.5 million {or the join t venture by developer/contractor Tarnutzer- Harnilton of Costa Mesa and Daon Cqrporat1on. When completed lhe proJeCt will encompass 330 residences. Move-ms for the first phase of 165 are scheduled next w1mer. Architect 1s David Klages and Associates, fnc. o( Costa Mesa. Surcharge cut SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The California Public Utilities Commission decided Thursday to reduce from 15 t'ents to 5 cents the monthly telephone bill surc harge that pays for free telecommunication devices for the deaf. ANTIQUE ·SHOW Window Fashions -. ~-cu-~~OM DR;~~R-;;;T­j f Tr; \'I Newportcr Inn Sunday. June 27th 10 ;1m ..i I"' ;\ l! I' l t ~' ',11if1 \,,I... ~ .. · I_ 1, _I ·,·.I! t' I 11 I' ' DAVE'S CLOCK SHOPPE Specializing In t he r e pair o f antique and n e w cloclca . Hou se coll• on grandfather clockt.. Certified Clockmo· ker Sole s & Ser- vice. (71 4) 495-3233 28752 Marguerite Pkwy., M1SS1on Vieio Ott at Avery P\B.IC N011CE Pl8lJC NOT1C£ •Unbeatable Prices '>. :' PTL 750-1188 " ~ SOU.I WAfa lllATIHO llAfHtlOOM llMOOIUNO 51 le i116~I S-W:. l""" 5111111 •I YOU< Ooot (c.11 SIOfe N-•1 YOUt Ar .. ) COSTA MISA 641-1289 UU New,_, ....... MISSK>N VllJO 495..()401 2H22 C:.mlfte Cepio- 1'-ca..-"'-r ., A.wy "wy I flta.IC NOTICE FICTITlOUa 8UllHE8S FlCTTTIOUI .,..... FtCTTTIOUI 8UltNEll ~ ITATElll€NT NAME I TATEMbfT NAME I TATDIENT rt.el.IC NOTICE The following person la doing The following person la doing The following person la doing bu~ u · business ... buslneu u . ATLAS PORTABLE WELDING. TOP BAASS. 500 Signal Rd , I<. W POOLS & SPAS, 8131 720 Vlc10tla C-3. Cosia Mesa. CA Newpof1 Beach, CA 92663. Wenlock Clrcte, Hunllngton Beach, 92627. Wllll1m M. HOUM, 500 Signal CA 92648 Mlcheel Shermen Allu, 720 Rd .. Newporl Beech, CA 92663. Ke11ln Howerd Wellke, 6131 Victoria C-3, Costa Meu, CA Thia buslneat la conducted by an Wenlocic Circle, Huntlnglon Beach, 92627. 1ndMd11ol CA 92s.tll. Thia business Is eonctuoted by an w M House Thi• b\AelneM la conducted by an Individual. Thia st11lement wu IHed wtth the ln<llvtdual. Mlcheet S. Alias County Clerk of Orenge County on Kev1n H. Wlllalce Thi• ateteme11t was llled with lhe June 9, t982 ,111110 Thi• ltatemenl wu filed with the County Clef'k of Orange County on Publlahed Orenge CoHt Dally County Clen< of Orange County on June 3, 1982 Piiot. June 11. 18. 25. July 2. 1982 M*Y 2ll, 1982 F1tof75 2523-82 F111M11 Published Orange Coast Dally Publlsrted Orenge CoHI Delly Pllol. June '· 11 18. 28. 1982 PtalC NOTICE Piiot. June '· 11. 18, 25. 1982 2449-82 ------------1 __________ 2_4_5_S-_82 FICTITIOU• 8UllNEIS ... -II' NOTICE NAME IT A TEllft.NT r-.,_,,,, The following perton 11 doing f1CTIT10UI 8USINEll -------------1 builloeU u FICTITIOUS IUl lNE98 SPARK.LE CLEANERS OF NAIK ITATEMDfT NAM£ aTATEM£N'f COSTA MESA. 355 Avocado St The lollowlng peBOnl ere doing bu~:::,:·~.~OQ persons are d<Mng #G-I, Coate Mau. CA 92627. bull~ ~·c HER Bus IN Es s SPA.AGLE ENTERPRISES, Olene Beker, 355 Allocado St. CENTER · CORPORATE PALOMAR 2516 Colby PlllCe, Cotta Mesa. CA #GT·1,· ~~· Maul • CAd928!J·by PHASE ti, 2781' LI Paz Roed, 92626. •n<I~~~"'""' 9 con uct.... en Laguna Nlgulll, Calllornle 921177 Thomu o Spr1191e, 251B Colby Olene Bek.et Csmpbetl-Pelomar II. e Pl . Co111 ~--. CA 92626. Thi• Slllement was nled With 1,,. Calllornl• g1ner1l p1r1ner1hlp, Allee F Spr99le, 2518 Colby County Cle<k OI Oranoe County on 27111 t LI Paz Roed, Laguna Niguel. Pl . Cotl8 MeM. CA 92628 M 12 1982 Callloml• 921177 Thia b\Aalnets •• conducted by 11 ay ' F1"252 Thia butl..-11 conducted by I gen«al Pt1netah~ S Publlahed Orenge CoHI Dally llmlted ~Palomllr 11 A:::'r Spr.:aagle Pllol. June t t. 18. 25. July 2. 1982 A Celltomlt o-al Thie tt•l-t waa filed wllh Ille ----------258_s-e_2 plfln«ahlp, County Clerk ol Orenge County on PtalC NOTICE Generel Plrtnet Mey 28, 1982. Rober1 M Cempbllll F'1IOU1 FICTmoUI ~·· Plfln« Publlllled Orange Coest Delly NA• ITATl•NT This 11a1~t wu riled wlth the Firm reports net loss Golden Weiit Homes of Santa An.a report.a fourth quarier and fl.teal year loeMt. P'or the flacal year ended May 29, Golden Wett reported a net loss of $529,000, or 16 cents per 1h&re1, u c.'Ompared to net hlCOme of $1.6M,OOO, or 150 centa, ln fUlcal 1981. Sales for the 12-month period were $5i,123,000 compared to $63,511.000 last year. During the fourth quarter, the company realized a net loss of $451,000. o r 14 cents, compared to net lncome of $442,000. or 13 cents, in the like period a year ago. Dave Totten, vice chairman and executive officer, indicated that the lO&SeS were a result of record interest rates and the negative impact upon the real estate market. The company has temporarily suspended some manufacturing activities in Oregon and Northern California. Golden West is a producer of factory-built, multi-section homes in the West. Antique Show/Sale Deily thru Mon. July 5 at the Huntington Center mall. Featuring outstanding American and European collections plus Heritage Days entertainment. Beach Blvd at 405 Fwy, H B. Great Rebate Sale of '82 Hunlington Center's 11 -hr saving SPECT AGULAR features hundreds of rebates from 20% to 50 % this Fn eve 6 to 9 and Sat. 10 to 6 Limited quan1111es. so shop early Call 642-5678. Put a lew words to work for ou. Pla.JC NOTICE FlCTTT'IOUI IUllNEU ~l'TAn•NT The lollowlng per•on I• doing t>u*,_. .. MOH ENTERPRISES. 17150 San Mlle<> 0-3, Foonteln Valley, CA 92708. Mlchael David Holley, 17150 San Mateo 0-3, Fountain Veney, CA 92708. Thia bualneaa la conducted by 1111 tndMdual MlchMI 0 . Holl9y Thi• statement wu flied wtth the County Clen< ol Oranoe County on June 2, 1982 F1e.2G Publlahed Orange CoHI Dall)' Piiot. June 1 t, 18, 25. July 2. 1982. 2564-82 PlllllC NOTlCC FtCTITIOUI IUIMU NA• aTATE•NT The following peraon 11 doing bull,,_ ... J.V. ENTERPRISES, 3309 SO. Main, Sanl1 An1, CA 92705 (P.O. Box 4022. lrvtne, CA 92716·4022). Alice Suzanne OoRouett. 1430 So Le Brea, LOI AngelH, CA 90019 Thi. bull,_. la conducted by 1111 lndlvlduel S 0.ROIMtt Thia a1a1-1 wu nled With the County Clertl of Orange County on June 9, 1982 F1t1177 Publl•h•d Or•nge COHI Delly Piiot, June 11. 16, 25, July 2, 1982 252$-82 Mt.IC NOTICE Piiot, June 18, 25, July 2, 9, 1982 file lollowtng pereont are doing County Clerk ol Orange County on 2669-62 bullnell U M.y 21, 1982. '1CT1TIOUI Ml-·· FAY AVENUE llENTURERS .......... a V-NA• aTAT'llmNT 19782 MllCA.rthur 8oulev1td, Suite AttofMp et 1Aw The followlng penon1 ere doing 140, lrvlne, c.tllornl• 927t5. 1teoO relfd!M Dt1Yw ~ M: 8Nce Cox Conklin, Jr .. 19762 ._... 100 CONCOURS PROPERTIES, Mec/lfthur Bouleverd, Sutle 140, ,,o, ... t"77 819 E. 4tll Street, Santa Ana, !Nine, Callfomla 92715. lntM, CA 12711 Callfomla 92703. Gregory C. Dirienzo. 19782 ,,_. Doneld w .. terdele, 7819 E. M.e.Arthur Bouleverd, Suite 140, P11bll1hed Orenge CO .. t Dally Compto11 81vd , P1r1mou111. IMM, Cellfomll 92715. PllOt, ~ 11, 18. 25. Jllrf 2, IM2 Clllfomla 90723. Mlc:heet •A. Nlc:hol11, 111782 25117-82 Morrey Chung , 8120 E. MKArthut Boui.v•rd. &Ille 140, Compt on Blvd .. Paramount, IMne, Callfomla 92716. Pla.IC NOTICE Clltfornle 90723. Ralldal J. Wlnkleplecll, 19782 . 011\nl1 M lt Ollllkl, 1231 MICAfthut &oui.Yerd, Suite 140, ACTlTIOU• IU..... Sharron Rd .. Senta Ane, C.itftwnla lrvlne. ~ 927 t5. NAiii 9TATl•NT 92708. Thie bu""-9 It COl'lducted by • The lollowlng pereon 11 doing J-Brudler, 221 Hellotrof>I general per1nllflhlc>. bull.-. .. : Drive, Sarttl Ane, CallfOmla 927C>e. Fsy Avenue Venturer• c 0 8 8 • 8 p " 0 p e AT y 0... Johneon. 914 Olh Slrte\, MlehMI A. NloholM M A IN TEN AN CE C 0 , 1852 0 TIWIOOk, Otlllomla 96380. Otnttel ,.,,,. Moronoo SI .. Fountain ... .,..,,, CA Thi• ~ .. oonduoted by • Thia statement Wfll llltd wfftl ~ 92TOI. generll pettnerlhlp. County an of Oninee eouniy on Chel'lee 1.. Cobb. 21as-e ttth OOlleld w.-" ... June 2. 1982. St., Sen lemtrdlno. CA 92404. 1"111 "9*'*'1 WM llled Wl1ll ttlt ....,.. a v... Thia ~ i. oonducled by en County ~ of Onnf9 County on A..._,. .. U. lndMdull June 1, 1NI. ,_ ,..,..... °"" CMnM L. Cobb c... a ....... .... W Thia 1tatemen1 wM llled with \he 11tt ...._ C... Ort.. P.O .... *'7 COYnty ~ o4 Oninge County on ..... -IMM. OA ~ ~ 10. 1N2. ....... C • '* _,, .. ,. ,,_ ·-•-1• Publl111ed Oreng• Oo11t Oal'/• Publl•lled Or1n1• Co11t Deity PublleMd Orang• Oottt o.tty P'llO(, June 11, 11, 25, .My 2. 191 Pllo1. June 4, 11, 1 , 15, 1M2 Piiot, June •. 11, 11, H , 1912 2-...a 24&2-t2 2471.U DC 10811118 A flu1e and f411hlon ccnwr Cor m n !ind women. Tha l'• Some Body, leased 4,000 11q~ feet of apol'tl at 77 Fushl<)n lsland. Nuwport Beach. Partnura u.ru Nt•wport Cent.er buslnt>aman Rlcbard Ouellellt llnd Martha Laham, o fltnCINi expert and fortn('r advc.>rst.lalng cxt'\..<Utuve. The oonwr wtU open Monday Dale H. Marco, ,.2, of Laguna Hilla, ha.s been promot«i to vh.-c pretldent and marnaglni principal, Wc1tt•rn rt>f(lon. by Caae and C o mpany , In l t>rnn lion a 1 ma nagt•mf"n t cona ul ton t11 ht•adquarwred In New York City. Personal Sy1tem1 Technology loc. or l...aguna Hllls, munutacturer of add-in/roducts tor Lhe lBM Personul Computer, namt' Emil Naatrl vice pres1<fr•nt-1rn les. Ile was with Advanced Micro Devices of Sunnyvalt• Donald R. Andnws of Fountain Valley was ell"Cted v1C(• president of stores by the boa.rd of directors of The llarril Company, San Bernardino. The Sun Otego-based 8W1iness lnfonnallon Products dlvLS!on of Unlt~d Telecom Computer Group named Jansen Associates Inc. uf lrvme to handle public relat.ions activities. Irma I. Carel has joined Mariners Ba nk (in organization) in San Clemente as vice president 3nd cashier. She was vice president and cashier of Town & Country &nk in Seal Beach. Capistrano National Bank reports assets Lncreased by at least $5 million in eight weeks. a period m which the San Juan Capistrano facility has been sponsoring customer and personnel incentive promotions. The F luor Corp.'s board of d i rec t o rs co n f i r med l h e CA"tl appointment of Charles N. Cannon as chalrman of Fluor Engineers, Inc. and Wiiiiam I. McKay as president. Cannon served as president of the former Fluor Engineers & Constructors Co. and McKay as president of Fluor Constructors Inc. Other appointments confirmed by Fluor's board include: . -C. Patrick Bedford, Fluor Constructors vice president, succeeds McKay as president of that organization. -Leslie G. McCraw, group vice president, OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NEW YORf( t.t.P1 NASOAO quot4t1on) )l\OWU'Q lllQN\I t>IO) •no IOWMI Ol1ft\ t>y m•r~e1 m•~•n ., ot ' p m Pr•<•"' oo "°' 1nctude rflt••I merkup merkdDwn 0t comm IHN>n IO< T t>ur..,.y Stock BIO A•• AEI.. Ina 12~ IJ'• AFAP•OI 1'' a 11 AVMCO l '• 4 At •dln\ IOw U'• Accur•v 1•, I~ AOdlW\W q•, q14 AdvAou • t 1"9 Aft8\f'I \ 14,1,, f~'I• Allcotnc )AV, ~ Am•re• 9Ve •~ "Furn "'• s-. "Grw1 1• >•• • A In Gp SI\. SI AN•ttn\ U "'• AOv•v I ' 1 l\oo AR•\MO • t 6• • &Wf'MJ '\ 1~1 1 I•' I AnHUt 61• ~ AnoSA •'~ 1 AnQAGCI .. ~, 0 1 • :~J~ :r-m: ArdtnG.9 JE J"' "'°C8t ) )µ. )(>' • EnR\W AtlG\1..1 , ... ""° Enlw•S11 "U•nR ' IO'• 104, EoulSL A•nl• .. , ""' 11~. ~1i1~(1 :::~~~ ~~! r• FotmC,o B•noHE 10' • 10.. F •Ole or BoocR 0 I IS 167 FIBkSY• B•utf.r 741• 741, Ft8ostn ::;:,•: ~"' ;:~ ~:~';f~n BtntPt " ,.. 1•, F 1•0B .. , ::~,~~ ~: .. ~:~ ~:~,~~;. Bot>llCO IS· 1 I• Fluroct> B.rdSon • •'. Foresta ::~':!:, :,. ; ... =~:'~~ 8oni11t1 u. I'• Fr•ni-:Et BrwTOtn 10 10'• FrttSG Buck~ I~ 10· / Frtmnl Buff ti\ n• • 11' , FullrHB 8urnuoS 11'• t1 GnA.utm (Nl Fin 2 1•• GnD•v<) CPT \ ll'<• u GnRIE>l C.•IWISv :M', JS' 1 GovEFn C.•n••dH 1"1 71, G•apll5c C•PEn ' lo 11 lb GrtyAdv CopSw \ 17 IJ Glfln1s1 CapAlr l' • 3~ Gvroovn Carec o 111 , 1~1 , Had-.on Ceh1~ 11• 84' .,..em•P1 C.n.r R1'if J1t, ll Hardwkt (hunS 10'" 10'• HroR:ow (ht 1HOV \ , ..... 10 ti•rD(ip CrtmLt• • , 11 H•rttN1 ~~:~" ;:~: ~ . ~:~~;i Corlo<o y•, •'• IHolot>m C•l1SoW ,._ I~ Hoover (1l1UIA ).ti.,, )~'. HoruA~ C•llUlb JO'. )()>.. IMS Int ~:~~~~ 1r· 1t:: I :~f .• ,no MUTUAL FUND =~:~r P•n•En1 P•nt~ s PoopE•P P•lrllt Ptllit>on Phll• .... I PltrceSS Pln•rtn P1onH1 ' Plull~ Po uh Prt\GM PtiStryn PrOQrp Pt>SvNC: Purl BM ~~~~f~ R•oenCI> R•ymno Retvt \ Ro.c!E• Rol>l>My Rou\ot !..di.rt S.t•co SIHtlGCI StPeul '>crlpH l S.~·"' Sens<>< S'<ICM•r Svcmst SllMe<I Shwmut S1eralh S•llcona SCe lWtr SwEISv Sl•ndyn SldMlcro ~::~~ Ster I SI ch~mlC'.4'1 •nd ftbcrw division of Daniel Conatruct1on Comr:ny. beocon1e0 prt'!Sldent of DCC. He 1ucceedl Curr e 8 . Spivey, nam(4(! group vkc president of Fluor Engmcera. Mlcbele Morrisey of Laguou Nlg\lel has been named Oet'Ount roordtnalOr al The Cox & Burch Advertl1lng Company, Newport &ach. She WM with Senior World Publicallons The Orang_(! County office of Cusbmu & Wakefield of California negotiated a five-year, $652,500 least' with three ftve-year renewal options on behalf of Orange Ci l y Ba n k for a 7,500-square-foot branch office facility. The site formerly was occupied by Commer<.-e Bank 41t Birch Street and MacArthur Boulevard in Newport Beach. July <X.'Cupancy IS scheduled. Marge Connelly of Anaheim has been promowd to manager of the Tk'Or Title Seivices center for the Orange County div1s1on of Tille insurance a nd Trust, Sant.a Ana Shi? also was named a v1(·e prl"Sident Los Angeles Federal Savings and Loan appointed Joyce Caminiti director oC business development, pnmanly for Newport Beach/Costa Mesa and Laguna H11ls/Saddleback Valley areas. Equitable Savings and Loan Association approved a io percent stock divid end to shareholders of record June 17 It has opened branches in Huntington Beach, Garden Grove-Stanton, and is purchasing branches m Irvine and Laguna Hills. Maurice Sbermao of Newport Beach. seruor vice president of corporate relations for National Education Corp., Newport Beac h , has been appointed by the California State Senate to serve on the Council for Private Postsecondary Educational Institutions. The council is an advisory body to the Department of Education. N•-Hp .. n Try O<nR\Eq A Furn comta • R-c~ ChUIOI Q PoayO• ~ St".,_'nq Zone Pt o-~. Mou T~t• GIABHI• (hn\lf'• GlrWb""' Petton GnHyar l..OQotl•n f:e1r-T• US 0. un CmplAul NGenFO NuMNI Tf'r.mO \ Ptr0o<IQ UPS l.A•I ) C"Q !'ti '• Up )1 l •"• 4• Uo 11 I 4'• '-• Uo II 1 ) • •• Uo t• 1 1 • •) lo UP 16 I 7 • •ll Uo ti 0 S• \. UP ISO 1 Up h l 1 • Up t4 l 1 • , . ) .. • • I , .. 1 • 1'• I• 1" UP ll J UP 11 S .. Up 11 S • Up 11) Up II I U1> II I 1 • uo " ' '• UD 10) • ''• Uo 10 1 '• UP 100 '. Up 10 0 "• Up •I ,ii,. • I' I ... J 17'. ... DOWN~ .. Uo • ' '• Up • t I UP I• .. Uo It N&l'N l .. \I ("Q l'(I M••ros "" 1 I 0 11 1t • P•t•• Of • , 1 OU 1J ~ LOV"t"ld I "• J • Off 10 ~ • GA( l QICJ l 1 '• Oit 1' ' ' PautHar 7'. , o n 11 ? o Reqcyf 10•. I'• OH t4 • 1 Mit.ro\ )1• .,_ Off '") I El-S., ~ •• 011 llO 9 MGF Ool A.. ._ 011 11) mmO Mjl>Qc:J l t.n • '• '• 0 t ' I I • CmoHr1 7 A1108v pf M1dAPtl W\!Chm tnwFtb A<oontE 'lclo•R~' SwFr<t BrtnlP Q Daffi• Gr1Hl<h tntl"1i\ NlorQAf''\ YM'R""' TW\IE • • 1'. I I• 7 ) . 1•. 1 I I 16 1•· 11., , .. •• 7 • I 0 11 111 •· Oft 10 J • 011 100 ' 0 11 100 I , 0 11 q I 0 11 • , .. 0 11 •• •• Off •• OH I ) Off t J Ott I J '• Ou IJ " (Jff 1 l ,,. Oft 1 l ._ Off 1 7 NEW VO~K IAPI NI WS 8.31 9 1S Gvt Se< t 13 NL IOS PrOQ • 71S19 MMk()pl 1619 NI ' Grwth 10 81 Nl Com SI 4 3" 4 II The followlno QUO-l •Frt 8 01 8 '1 Htlnco 6"' NI.. In¥ Mil 8 13\9 4' MSB Fd IS ll NI.. lncom I ol NL Dl vPr\ •.SJ • 9S :~·:':1.~~~~t, ~=~.'~ .. I G~11 NI.. ~: ~~ ',i:>. =t :~n~ ,/~1rn ~~p~ W1 ION•~ :.!'1t,. I;~ ~t S•~~:~nl ~ ~ 1N1~ •llon ol s.c.,,1110 Grlh 'JO I 'It Purlln • 90 Nl. Inv s.• • " 616 MIF Fund• N Horii 1110 Nl SIF<m Bl .... NL Ou lu \. Inc •<t Equol S 6S 6 II lllrlft I~ NL Inv V11< 1 IA t 10 Fvno I IM I 16 h . Frp 1 )(> NL S•Slrttl lnw IM Or>(~ fl wl\l(h (114nc~llO< Gr<>119 Trend 14 6S HI.. Inv RHll 3 .. l I' Grwtll \ J1 S IS Pto !af<"vo<t\ Ewch S. Olo NL ~':.~ ,,.:<u'~~ ~:~n .~~L;:; F ig~~iai P~?1 N1.. :~~1Fo ·~~ ~t M~.~~~o1~: ... 11• 't~ •rn ~t i::.!... s~1/:s,N.~ M>IO ZN.i \ e\-.1 Natt 1106 11 '3 Fnclh a7 lA NL JP Grlll It •7 12 •t A""!r 10 11 NL ln<Otn 7 11 NL !>lt..:lrn.on F"nO' m~:. :;~~r7$~ ~~t~o :rn ::N~ F~l~:L.,,~: ~t 1~~~:ncj? INS~ ~(~ ! ~ rn :~C~onsn.~ Flul~l~I,'~·, ~n;~ : 5 ~t S.11 '"' Cllo Olr 113" NI.. 8no ~ n., IJ tJ Bond 11 n ",. MllOvel 11 SJ NI.. lnl Eq I) JI •'j";, ()(pan s ,, ~t Al)lp 13 iq Nl. Chestnut 30 91 NI.. 0 KO I SI 9 JI GrWlll 8 8& 9 '3 Mui St11 :Ill 'lo Nl. G-o 11 14 11..i Sl•ln R0t Fd• Aco•n F 1107 NI.. Colon1•I Funm Grwtll 6.lA 6 9-US Gv1 8 II I 81 NeH>l J11'I Nl Grwth • S1 10 tO B•I"" 11 U NI.. "OV I) &I NL FunO 9.M 10 II lncom S '1 6.. T aa Ea t JO ....01 N•I Av•• I /1 Nl HUllll IJ 'lo IS ul Bona 1 II Nl. Atulurt 11 'It NI.. Grwtll o.l'I I SJ Nat RH •. ,. s " l(•ufmn •s Nl Nfl Ina 11 3" Nl. Ho Yid I) .. "0 Cap Op •• " NL AIM Fund\ HI Yid s ., .... Opln s"' • .,, Kemper Funo. N•I Sec:urllHI\ lncom s SI s ,, !>IO<k "'II NL Cv'l'IO II AJ 12 17 bln<om S 19 6 l3 Tu Ea 1 1' I II 1nc0tn 6,. I .0 Bttan q &I 10 u 1nve.1 110 8 •> !>tnSp1 9 :12 NL EdM>n 19'4 191 Op1n 9:14..,11 •rWIEq 6.19 7SJ G•ow 974 1010 Bond 793 J.10 Qpln 11'31149 Slnh •» NL HIYld 8.>1 1.1' Taa Mtg 18 SI 10 JO U W•ll t7 '4 NI.. HI Yid I 16 1.H GrWln & IS 1 39 lo !:1 16 SI 11.0 Strallnv A 01 •.~ Aloha F IS '19 Nl Colu Glh ISJ2 NL Fo\ler 4.tt 4 II lnllFd 10 :12 II 71 Prelo ) 1q 6 2' \ll•la 1190 14 10 ~lf•I C'.I°' nos NL A Btrllll 10 II II II CwllhAB lmlO I 19 FM Gth • .0 S 03 Mun B 6 tt 6.11 lncom S S2 ) 9S Voy~ 10110 1110 SunGr1h q OJ 911 •r;.·~~t"" Ft.:\ I llO ~:.!!~ ~ : ~~ : ~ F~;:'~' G~ NL Opln 1113 IUI ~~O:\x : ~ '~~ gv.~~~ 37q1111s ~~ ~~p~ 14 07 IS :n "mcp S .. 6 21 Comp Fd 1111 I 90 tncom II IA NI.. ~~hm 1~ ~ l~ )~ \Tot Rt •.,. ) 00 At•t~ • IJ Nl fmpl Gt '; ~: •JS A Mull rO II II S6 ConcOf'O 11 81 NL Mui.. I .. I.. Toi RI "IS 12" F•1rtld s"". SI SalttO Sr<u• Tmol w I) SI II 07 Bond 10 '4 II 63 ConnechcU1 Gent S!M<I II '1 NL US GYf 7 11 I t4 NE Lift f und EQull 8 O Nl T rn. (~ I ol t J6 ~~~n,.v ~ r, '~ ~ in~'!. I~ r, '! ;: F•.:a~•n Gr~ JJI l(C':~Tt ~~~ I)., EQull •ts• lO 21 GrWll\ 17 00 NL Trn\N-1 SJ NL tncom 194 I .a Mun Bel o 10 4 10 ONT(. 11 .. 1390 Cus 81 IS .. 11 JI ?.:.:::: •: ~ :~ r, S1~':i1 lnw>\~ ~ Nl i~; ~: I~~~ ON~ IC... I II ••• Cons •n· 10 ., 10 ., Grwtll I ,. I .. C11• a. •. ,. , ,. ~fl EQ II S8 " 11 (.1p1I • lA 10 IS r ... ~c Gt • 21 Nl N P.o •SI I II Con)ltl G II JI Nl Option ) 0t S 4t Cu) KI 6 7' 1 4) T aaE• S St S IO Grwtll 10 42 11 0t fwn( S.I IJ 01 NL ... ~:~ ~·~ ~:. fi~P ~ i: •l~ ~~~ ! ~ rn ~~: ~ .!·r .: :~ N~mr 1'ttr ~t S<~~t*! :~ 0l~~roi :: ~I~ E~ro 10., 11.13 o:v;;," 11 'W11., c • P • 1 c~: so !.rl t ,: lb n• ' NI.. HI YIO l .ll I 9l Oelew IS II 16 SI S 4 6 S m I t lnltrnl UO 4.IS ~.~f,, J 1' ~t g:;;;th O IO NI.. ~~r t;: NL Mun B •• JS IS 01 O.lch ••• " Equll s 02 s 41 T ••Fr •.St •• , Perin 12" NI.. 10 ., NL Uni Accu s.. NI.. Vtnlr lO U t2 JS T • Frt S 10 S '1 T nFr SIS • ot Men t, .. 10 11 S<lll>\ 13 00 Nl lnc0tn t IS NL Unit Mui I 6) NI.. Cmllh 0 14 • It Celt• '16 10 0 Funds In< L••lnaton Gtp· Ntwl GI 11.JS NL Intl F<I 11.0I NI.. Unll..i Fund\ E ocll JO f9 NI.. Olr C.ep 2.13 NL Cmrce I ... I 6S Cp C.or t,)4 10.IO Ntwl Inc •.'9 NI.. MMB 6 00 NL Accm I 11 I 14 FO Am t.7• • U DodC• Bl 10.41 NI.. lnvQual 1.41 I.II GolOfd 112 NI.. Nl<llOle IS.00 Nl S~I 0049 NL BOftCI 4,SJ US Grow II 08 Nl DodCa SI 11.S9 NI.. Piiot I ... 8.3' GNMA 6.91 NI.. NE tnlr t.71 NL S.curitv Fundl tnlGlll 11 ll U 07 HMl>f 9 .. 10.9' Orn Bur 13.11 NI.. OT P~ It" NL Grow I 07 NL NE lnGI 8 >4 NL Bond 1.0I I 11 Con In< t °' 9 .. P•ct h 01 1' •·J Dre~lut Grp. G•lt Op IJ '4 NL Re-'11 IJ,.0 Nl NovtFd ti .. Nl. Equty S » S ... U $ G41i<1 JI. NL Provld J.. >.. " Bnd 11" NL Gen Elec Inv: 1.lnonr u 01 NL NY v"'' s.tS • . .Ml tnwSI l.t1 .... vei...t Ltr. Fd: A GlhFd • 10 1 ,, Orey! 12 " It JI ElfftT• •• II Looml• S.yle• NU\1"4) 6..JO NI.. Ultra ••• , 1.U BOftCI 10 0 Nl ~:1..::·· ! :: r~ •l..~v,ri,,. I~ .. ~ 11i.~ f~l~Ta ,~·ti· NL ~~I 11:.~ :t &:-S:m ,:·: :t s.~~'*'sJ"':';i NL v::'c':'~ Nl " lnveSI I.. NI.. Spl •nc • OJ Hl SAS Le l.tS NL lOfd Allbett· 01199-•-· H Sol 51\l u 43 NI.. 11\Com •• 10 Jot A I n " I n Ta• e. •.u NL Gen S« • 0 NI.. Atflltd 1 OI I U 01...CI IJ .. 14 tS S.tl~ ~ lnws1 6..J:S ... • •1 Nl.."mMtd Tflrcl (. s lS NI.. GBT • .0 NL Bnd. ..,. • ,. 0-• n ' IJ CIOl>Fcl •. n 1 .0 Lf"'9f ,,,., NL 1 I ' S t N L EeQI Gtll I 1' I tS Grlh Ind IS lJ HI.. Dev GI IS.U 17 M HI Yto "11 17,21 CmSU. t.47 10 JI (epE I '1 41 Nl A NIGtll Ju > 7S Ufonf.-•r'll 0.-0PllA ,, " u ,, l11<om t.. , .. Ille h 1 " N\. G,,,..,.,, S.16 s M EVGUI Ut s .. A Ntlnc ... , •• )I Beletl y.IM1,, Hemlnon LUI_.,. Bro Ooln ,, 1' nu lllCOn'"e EYh '., .. JO Amw~ \10 S4l Fourt I S1 NL F HOA •" tlS Fvnd !Oft 11'6 Specl IS1t ltto 101• IOOIO V~~· ArcllG\11 •• ,. NL Gr.win 16 tl 17.74 H•rl (;411 e.u NI. In<-1.2A , " h ,,. •• oc .. ,, S.nllnel "-hPI• n IS NI.. A•• HOutMon ln<etn • .. 4" Herl Lav "lCI NL MUftf. UJ •.>7 AIM IJ 1' 14..ff 8el41n 1 °' us lr>d Tr 14 11 HI.. Fnd I , IS • 0 Stoo. '.., 141.31 Herole ISi.Ti NL us ~ , .. • J1 ,.,,.,,. • JO t.07 80fld s '° • 01 GP<MA • 11 NL ln<orn ).t) 4.27 Ebetllall Group H91' Mlft .... HI. ~u ,lrwt<I OTC Set nm 2) ts Com s IJ IO IJ" 1¥HI 11.u Nl Sloe' 7 . .0...t l '"-"' 8 21 •• ., !HA HIY • °' • t1 MIT t.JI IO.J3 P•••m M us • Grwttl 10.JO 11... -II IU:J Nl Bl..C 01 It SJ tJ.. EnoR' • 20 .... Hulllnd 10.01 NI. MIG 10.20 11.00 P•aWIO • ,. NL s.ciuoi. ,. 21 NL Mutf'f I.IS Hl 8lC Inc 11 U ". Sur<Oty tl.61 It.IS HullOlll 10.lt NL MIO IUO I• .. Penn 5Q ... Nl S.nlry ..,....... MuSl>I Hot NL l•I» "" I,, NI.. EnoUlll 17 SQ NI.. ISi Grovo MCO , .. LOI ,..,,n NloJ J.M NL She••-FunO• Mulnt t.IO NI. Bat>t Inv 9.1• NL EvrO<!I Jt.O NI.. Grw!ll S, .. 6. It MFO t.21 '·" ~~-la C"!-E t.07 AHPOteYkl t1t1,?! 1t6UI M?Oul~I 1•1·tt NH~ Bttc 0111 tO•I NL Frm •o 12.~ 13,10 IMOM i.U i.n Ml'B 10.10 IUI ,.,_,,, ·--lVkl ., ff . ,,.., .. 8t9' Hiii 17" NI.. Ft6trettd f'UftCIJ. Tr'1 Sii • Q ,.,., MMB '37 , h ...... Ln • ,. lllCO<n " .. " Olv II • ,. NL lerttr Otwp, Am Ldt 1.16 I 7J lndutlry J $4 NL Ml"~ H' •II' CvFd IJ.P 14 N -Uft 11. 16 11.7 nt()D U.. NL 11111 F0 11 61 NL ercll 11<1 '• NL lllltrcejMi.I l11Trl 1001 10.lt Or.V. t JI 10 11 NwOtr 1t.4j IJ II Well•I 10.ilt NL 101 Fii I.... NL H '"" 10.02 10 t2 I II C I P Mllllef\ 1t.IS Hl HIYICI L• UI SM•m 0 HS NL Wellln e.U Hl 8<>tton CO PtnTF 11N11•ll I 6 • t '" I e IM"lll lYftCll. lllKlt I.• t t1 SHlffe GI IO Jt Hl IOlllCI 1J!S NL IPI In< •» 10.U l'! Frt 7 64 HI. HIYICI 11.n It.eel lie.~ t .74 IO•J PCClo 1107 SIQl'M F-. HIYM Tn HI. C~ tt.74 HL US G"' U ) NL l11Vel U1 'ft C • P I I Pll¥1191 0t"P Ceplt 1 77 I .'" \/~hotk'I t Jt 10 1t loll F,,. •12 10• IOallfr CO-t HIRfl HS HI I.... ')"'.. Pl. JI! IQ 1t 11 ltl<• HJ U1 W• ISi. 0 s.tf .... 81111 • .... GO At.Mt ta. lS N\. Te11aa I II e.tw llqu M MS t OI 11\ff C '$4 4 ln"'lt II ,_ ll.11 W.111 l'.q 19-• I'll ~ Ul NL 1104'0 n • NI. I"' 111\l}t ....,. ).2'1 111 111e UIS 7.14 Mat 111 uo 1 ,,..,.. UJ " wltit * J..14 1111. 1 S 10 • I'll. Co/Iott •ts NL ""'lllldlC 1.0 Hl 141 Q!I U1 t,10 Pm f'tlftll• VtM U7 •.ts WeM 14rlANI'\. n t • NL Coilffll t.OJ HL 111• ... ._,J t II lnlT"" t Mt ft .... 1 11 Sil l~ 11 • It.. ....,.. J1 it Hl C1Mn 9ulloO Dtl"Y I• ., "'~*' ..,...., I Ll""9 '•'• •·~ lllli "t4 $1 l&Gr 1 .. ._Oii 111..,.. II ... NL ~ullO ll.11 14 ft f;q lftc II 14 Ht I > Id 3.• Ut MVllHI 1.tJ J.'4 I lllC IO 11 I~· El '" 11:H 12.tt "IN lUI HI. ~ 1t 6 !Elttll tt ... fol Olt ·~II 67 ~Ill S ... 6,IS lllfll lllY 16.Jt 1'. 111"' t .41 I'll I'll.. Ha lead l•ICI 41 i. M .... •lj!l 1t0 I ~Ill. lt.h flec:FO 190t tt.1• li'lltnrt IUt HI. WllllllC I OI HI. (lojll~ dlertll H In< 9 ... 10 '' Mii'\ Id S. HL I "IY • e.A1 &of \I.. UO l• fll11[rnd ,... Ht. SOver 111 l'-11 1... t-Pnv1-_., Molltfl e.to t ll fl.llloll NL I HO UI IM Mli AM S" 6 W lilrlce """"'' fote• 9olld Of•t !!lilt•. I ~ .• .• • " Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Frldoy1 June 25, 1982 s Bl NY E COMPO ITE TRAN 'AC,.fION OllOfATIQtn lltCl.1101 ..... , .............. YOIC, ......... l'A(ll'I( .... 10\TOM DITIOIT AllO Cl llCll .. H fl noc 11 llCMAilllt .. 4•o llNllflD t T fMI NA•v UD 111.fllllT N•I 11.,, ~·"" • r "'' l 1•1"9 , ,,., ("II ... 1 • .. • I Much insulation work 'faulty' SAN DlfXXO (AP> Nearly half the home 1r1suh:1Uon prOJt!C~ financ<.'<.l by SlUl Diego Va5 & Elt"<.·tm· Co. rnd up lwing r<•Jcx·ted by Lh<' ulihty lK'\JLISt' of f<Aulty workrnaru;h1p. compllny 0Cf1c:1als s;ud Stnt'(• Jt111 l. u lt•am of SOC& F. ll\!>JJtc'<:lors has n •vtt•Wl'<I 7,000 t•1wrgy t'\)J1S<•rvatiun pr oje<:ts iJl the Sau Oit•go an·a frrWlll't:d ,1l k1w tntt>n-st rat.cs by t ·om 1>-.111 y loa lls LJrry &t-blt·r', an SDC&F: t•xet·utivc m t•hargc of ttw tn~JX'<.'llon prugram. ::.c:ud rt')t'Clion nolit-es were M'llt to · many of the• 75 rnntracton. 1n the county r<.'(:11gnized by thl• utility u11dt•1 a ~rlL'S of energy ~·vings plaru. 11 ftnam·l~ with ll pt•rc'E.'nt loans. mostly through Bank of Arnt·nc·J /•""/uor links firn1 Tht> Fluor Corp of lrvint> announced that 1lS i"lu111 Engin('<:rs & Cor\Struc·tor:. Inc: subs1d1ary w1JI bt'twnt· a new rompany. F'luor Engineers lnl' The comp;m y will consist of all e ngmt-"Cnng units w1thm thl' Fluor Corp l'xc·ept for the <.>ngmt:'t'ring furu lion~ of Darnel Construction C'<> Tlw move unilt·i-1511Hll•t•s w11h mor<· than 15.000 l'fllployt•t•-. undt•r w11• n•porting or~an11~1llon Thest> cliv1~1un~ J!'t• lo1·;1 lt•d ww ldw1dt· S mith earnings drop Smith lntl·rnal1onal Inc of Newport Beach said earnings for the second quarter are likely to be 15-20 pert•ent below thl• Sl'<..'Ond quarter o f 191H Sales are t»<pt'l.'tro to be approximately equal to the penrxl a yc·ar ago. For the full year, earnings are likely hl tx· 10-15 p.-rt·<'nt bc·low thCJS<.· of 1981, officials said du1• to rcdut'<.'d drilling <1ct1v1ty Ca l Fed to buy Bre ntwood &L Sperial lo the Daily Pilot LOS ANGELES California Federal Savings & Loan As..-;oc·iallon has signed a dcfimllvc agrt<ement to Jt-qu1re. sub.JC>C't to rc·gulatory approval and certain mr1d1t1ons, 100 pNt'<•nt of the• First Brentwood Corp . • rnd Its prine1pal O!)('raung unit, Bre ntwood Savings & Lo.Jn Assoe1at1on , from Jim Wall(•r Cor p , headquartered m Tampa, Fla Brentwood Savings has :~6 offices m Southern California. ThC' agret.•men t calls for Cal Fed to issue $44 m11lwn of mutual capildl t•ertif1cates to Jim Walter Corp .. and could make Cal Fed the third largest S&L in the nation . New-car sales off DETROIT (AP) -The long-awaited recovery m the U.S. auto industry stumbled· in mi?·June as new car sales at the hv~ maJOr domestic automak_ers dropped 22.4 percent from the penod a year earlier, the companies rePorted STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORI( !AP) -S-'"'""cley pta and .... et\-of ..... 1111-....... tOCl .... -vo'" .Stnclil E•<"•n9e 111ue• rradlno n•\·vn•Hy •• more uuw'\ I 1 NI I {0tp I 11& )()() l• C•t1f',\v1 f' t 06 SOO S\ F•1tn1"' arn ea.ooo is NEW VOA" &P• ~'""''Do• Jon•~•VO\ fof Tn.Jr~v Jun 1• STOCI($ <>PM H19ft Low , .. ,. OW io '"" H•• •• 111 •l aos s. e10" 1 A 10 Im Jll O 11111 JIJU JllOO• OJO II Ull 1~ )'; 101 1" 101 18 10. IJ • 0 10 •\ '>O Ill QO i1S 118 )II '8 )I• 90 0 19 -. 1n11v, • ~~.G 1 • f t ,tr I ,., o00 I BAI\ • &'IO t.00 .0' t .,na., &~ 100 I ' • Wu \ .. P ph l )~OlOO t• • O•u•t.uE.tt »-t 400 10'. Cr,.n '-"Otor\ ~s1.•00 •6 E • •on ' !.lf )QC) H '• Ford"'44t SOt, tOO I•'• C1t•<OtO 491600 1\ I .. .. . '• tl(A 1.)9 100 IW E "" "on"~ "° too /'J .,. • CiatoPwl t ••'>,JOCI 1<J ' .. Co•BrOt\-' 41S 100 7\"ti\ 1 , AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORI\ IAPI -SalM l~u•tclay pra eno nt1 c.henge of tl't• ten moat 1cflY• Aimenc•n Stocll. Each1nge •11ue1 trading n•t•onelty et mofe than SI -OomPPfr t 181 800 .... \iftbatUT' \ 10.)()Q )OJ.• Waf\Q 8 10 100 11' • Tf'le-K•PO l'U ,SOO i•1• Gult(an Q 114 100 11 • 1ntt 6nlilnol 12> IOO 41 , 1 Pch Svnt 110 '<JO fl._.. , ... .. U t 1I\ I 031 100 •\ ~I• I H'l.100 WHAT STOCKS DID NfW vo qK I Al'I Jvn ,. Atlv•n<..O o .. , .. ~ uru.ndnQ~ f OIAI l\\.Ufl' Ntiw ,'110"1' N .-w lnw \ Ad~fU\• l-d o .. , ftf'IN1 Unt ,'hOlQfld tooa, 111 r»() 'II •!lo<• I• ll lndA1 )•I ,,, P·r•v O•Y llll6 •2• .. 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Pel UP 11 • Up ll I Uo 11 I UP ti' Uo 11 S '• uo •• 1 " UP 110 Up 14 J t Up fl I '• UP II 6 •, Up II I '• Up 10 6i • uo tO 0 I " \JO q t I , UP t 1 °' UO ' I I II uo I . I • UO I I 1 11 lJO , I Nan ... ~ ~:~~~~· ~ OOWNS LA>I ,.,. c~. Ptl 011 131 Oii 10 I 011 10 3 ()II 10 1 I EmpOE ulA A N•1Sfm1 I B"'n ~MO­•World A1rw I Gull RtlH I v"lv~IHou '-s•• ~<" 10 I<(. SI"" pl II BnlPrOCI t7 .OMO IJ P-nQC>lncl U Slo<'90T•C" IS (fOfO• Co It ACtntT n l 11 Pr1-Cm 11 StOlttVC pl 1• c .... 1.1cp GOLD COINS •' • l'. '''• n•> , .. •• ,JI) J'. I .... 1J'- ) .. , ... ,,,, ) .. , •.. , .. 11'1 "' " 1 .. ... I • ... 011 •• 011 ') ()It I 1 oo , • • • Oii 1 . •• 011 11 '• , .. 011 11 011 • ) Ott • i 0 11 • ) Ott •• Ott u ()fl •I 0 11 •I Ott •O NEW YORK (AP) -PrlcH Ille W.Onetd•'f ot OOld coin•. compered .,.,h Tuesday·• Ofic.. KNtefrend, 1 lloY 01 S3:t•.OO. up S9 25. M..,._ IHf, 1 troY oi . S3a4 00, up Sii 25. Me11:lc.i1 eo,.... 1.21roy ot .. $384 25, up $10.7~ ~11etrtM1 100 UO-ft, 11102 troy ~ . ~07.75, llP $8.'1'6, Soura. DMk·l'wet• Wll"'"' I :IO 1 1009 WlllT\11\IOt • tlS 'MllfWO .•SI II ~ 'MltQI t lt t I Wlfll'llla. )4 I w,..~J ·'ff 2 :?1.,.1 ~ m wil.it1 no Ytlt(ll'\.. '.. • ,, t I» • •1 J 1 ,, METALS NEW YORK tAPi -SPOI nonleuous ""'t•l pticn ttN1SOay Coe>pet 65 n cents a pOVnd u S dPslinei1ons In Leed 24 27 cents a pound Zinc 35.37 cents a pound dehvered Tin S6 0993 Melals Week comp()5'te Aluminum 75· 77 cents a pOVno, N Y MerCuf'1 S370 00 per tlask Plelln11m $249 00 Hoy o~ N Y SILVER Tt.wndaY H11ndy & Harman S5.210 per troy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS London me>rn1no 11x1no S309 75 up SS 7~ London ell er noon 11.ing S~ 10 25, up S6 2~ Perle: ariernoon li.tno $307 !>~.up 17 56 'rankfurt: SJ 12 00 up S9 03 Zurich: l•te liXI~ S3 t I 00 uP S9 50 l>IO S3t I 50 Hltecl Hendy I Harmen tnnly clelly quole) S310 25. up Sii 25 l~d: IO<ti'r Clllll'; quote) '3 10 25. 11P Ill 25 I~: (only clMly quo1e1 llll>tlCilted S325'79. 11P M S6 SYMBOLS ~ '=',:,_~ ~~ ':'.~ :r....,... .. --.. -°" .... __ ,, or ...,.. M'"W ' Oetlat•t•o., Spiec .. 1 ~ .,..,,. -... --.. --~-----·-"' ,,.. IOl-"t _,.., ... a-Allto ••tr• ., ••trM ~AN\Mt ra .. ~ ~ -.1.,.-1 ... 11 ••-0.C••'•" or pe1f •" o•ec•ctir'lt 11 montM I-Ok-.. -•"-' ..... .,.._ °' ..... .. r#MJ--... _ _. ............. ... ----.. --.... ~ Of ~ --.,, ec:•-----'" ....... ...-.... ~ .. ....,, .. ...-... u -plwo ·--_,. . .-... -... ..-.... ,,_ -_ ....... °" •• --..... ..,..,,_,_ ·--........... ,to __ -"'""'' ........ ' .. " OG Cal... _. Wf\•-" t11•t1•t1111t .. • .._. _... #llP~tt\ wetfliMt ••Wt~ _...... -·--iOfl , • .... "" P"C• el • f!O(tl ........... ., ... -........... "-"f ............ -,.......,_,._, ...... _ ....... _ ! I ... Orange Ooa•t OAIL v PILOT /Friday, Jyn• 215, 1eea A Touch of Class ... For Very Little .Starti1114 at Cash ... VOLVO DL 2 Door Sedan, 4 cyl., 4 speed with overdrive, remote control mirror, cloth interior, quartz clock, tinted glass, full interior carpeting Including trunk, power assisted brakes and ateering. (215282) (Stk. 1763)• 29 Volvos in Stock • 46 More in Transit DIESELS • TURBOS• DL'S • GL'S •WAGONS 1982 VOL VO DIESEL SALE . INVOICE + 5% EXAMPLE: GL 4 DSA 4 DOOR SEDAN Sunroof, automatic, pwr windows. Invoice '13,067.80 + 5% 653.39 Your Sale Price '13,721.19 You Save 11,699.61 11860 72177111 EXAMPLE: GL SDA STATION WAGON FROM SUGGESTEO R.ETAIL Invoice 113.477.80 + 5% 673.89 Your Sale Price '14, 151.69 You Save '1,782.11 FROM 1, .... _. mes1 s~~re:,~eo •Oft• ••P 6130182 All ptoCM -1 .... we• ooc ·-on appl.0..0 C•eelll. SUl>j«I 10 ptlO< ... Not .. plC1i;reCI mm~mm HUNTING? WE CAN mo Before you buy, compare our savings, selections & service. 130 1 Quail Street, Newport Beach 714/833-9300 213/623-·5000 . ~RAND OPENING SPECIAL 1982 Subaru DL 5 Passenger Wagon White -Automatic Trans. -(Ser. 7033) ONLY$ Mo • • and 12 cents per month plus tax & license. Cap Cost-$6895; Resldual-$3275; 48 month open end lease on approved credit. Cap reduction $2000; Total Down-$2295. • I I r 11 llllJ Piiat l'AIDAV, JUMI H , 1NI COMICS C6 A 'second chance' • 4 Sunset League tars win All-Cl F honors. ee page C4 . • for Rogers By ROGER CARLSON Oflhe Oall, '"°' tlen There's one in very crowd -a sleeper No one has ever accused Corona del Mar High product Glenn Rogers, a 6-2, 245-pound All-Sea View League football choic.~. of sleeping on the job, It's just that he has gone about hi.a business in a fashio n that hasn't brought college scouts out of the woodwork. It anyone could use a 5e(.'Ond chanc·e. 1t':1 Rogers. As a sophomore he was labeled as a can't miss lineman. but mononucle<>s18 Vlrtually crippled his JUntor season and ll was like starting all over as a senior what ~w·~ doing Ht>'s d very guud offenMlvt-hrwman and he'i. what yu1,1 want, qull'k and very aggrl'SSIVl' Ile doc.'Sn't smile too much " "Th('tc Isn 't u lot of ~lory ," s.iylf f<otwrs, but you fl'l'I you'vt> dont• yow p:u·t. it's a gout.I ft"-'lmg wht>n you've th1 own vou1 blcx:k and a rurnll'r hru. M'()f('(f .. And. as many do, Rogers made some freshman and sophomore mistakes in the classroom and only a 3.5 gpa during his final semester brought his overall gpa up to 2 5, stiU far below his capabilities. Rogers has lx"'t'n strictly an offeru.1v1.• lineman as a M!ntOr, wh1l'h 1s fine with him The throry that 0Cfc•ns1ve lim·m\•n are tht' passives. as oppoiwd to tlw aggressive defens1vc hnl•man, doe1111'1 really hold up in this C'asc. No one l·amc running with b.igs of offen. following thl· 1981 season. but Rogers took 1t upon h1mstlr to send the game film of the• Costa Mesa game to Arizona State. and lhE-Sun J)t.v1b must haVl' seen something dc>Se to what made L<·i.tcr go for him, too South All-stars coach Bob Lester, hoW(.'Ver. plucked Rogers out Cor his team after weeks of film scanrung and he'll be there Monday night at Orange Coast College m th(' 23rd renewal of the Orange County All-star game. He admits it "I was lazy." concedes Rogers. Now, however, he has his sights set on t'Onstruclion school, within the D1v1s1011 of Engineenng at Ariwna State. "l look at ll tht other way around," says Rogers. "On running plays I get my shot. n 's g1v1ng. not rt'n•1v1ng Pai,s blocking 1s a hule different "They said they c:ouldn't offor me cinythmg (111 aid). but thdt tht.•y Wl.'l'f' mtc>restt'CI. And. th('y'll bl' hE.>r<• Monday tu SC<' the ganll'," says Ro~ers. STARTER -Corona del Mar High's Glenn Rogers is the Sou th 's starting left tackle Monday night at Orange Coast College. Already ticketed for Ariwna State on a walk-on basis, this is in effect, a scholarship game for the three-year starter at Corona del Mar. Rogers isn't past all of the setbacks. however. He suffered a groin pull in practic.-e and has been held out of the more recent preparations for the game. "I'm not taking anything awciy from thl• defense, they'n• ml•an. but an offt>nsive lineman has to bl· a~gressive and use his head mort-, nut to JUSl go wild." l( nothing c)S(•, Rogers has 14.'arncd '>Orne things about himself during the South prac-tlt't'S "rrnrn what l'v<' st't'n, I think I can play mtiJOr c•ollt•g1· ball," ht· says "I'm hoping that's what thlS 1s,'' says Rogers, "a se('ond chanet" " "He'U start at left tackle," says Lest.er "Conditioning is a factor. We had two weeks with him. so he's sound, he· knows And, the re's big monwnts for a lineman, too. s1miJar to the t•xplu1ts of the runmn~ back or quarterback It's that sinking feeling Roy als fall 1 ~ g ames back thanks to Zahn By CURT SEEDEN .01 the 01lly Piiot Slall Geoff Zahn foiled in his two alt.empts to beat the Kansas City Royals last year. but his problems were minor compared tu the Angel team as a whole victory before 29,250 fans at Anaheim Stadium. teammate Ken Forsch for most complete games on the staff with seven. "lt took a few innings. but it finally started working." Kansas City swept all three games against the Angels at Anaheim Stadium last year and did the same on their home turf. Both umt'S Zahn was the losing pitcher to Kansas City's Dennis Leonard. He can thank Don Baylor for a two-run single in the fifth inning to tum a 2-1 Royals lead mlo a 3-2 Angel advantage. He can also thank Reggie Jackson who followed Baylor's hit with a towering three-run blast into the right field stands to make things easier for Zahn. When Zahn's pitches are down. Zahn's teammates tn the infield are busy and the result Thursday night was 16 ground ball outs from a team with a .292 batting average. "Some of their guys give me pro blems," Zahn continued. (George) Brett, (Hal) McRae and U.L. Washington always did and slllJ do." ThursdaS' night in the fu:st game of a four-game series with the Roya:s, Zahn went up against Kansas City rookie right - hander Keith Cr('("! and he camt- away with an eight-hit 7-2 The Royals boast the top- hnting lineup in the American League, but they JUSt couldn't handle Zahn's smker which for the first time in several i.?ames was sinking. It's not surpristng guys like Bre tt (.303) and McRae ( 336) are tough outs. but Washington carried a .222 avera~e into the "It was nice to see that pitch come ciround again," admitted Zahn , who has n o w tie d Wallach hits bump • 1n road But slum p comes on h eels of NL P layer of Mo nth honor All hitters. no matter who they are. hit m streaks lt's just that some are more conststent than others, and your good ones have fewer lows than highs Tim Wallach is currently going through a low cycle. ln fact. Montreal Manager Jim Fanning has set the the ex-University High and SaddJeback College product down the last <..'Ouple of days in the hope 1t will snap his third baseman out of a slump which has seen his average dip 30 points m the last 12 days. That's not to say things are gomg poorly for Wallach. Quite the contrary. really. Although he's struggling at the moment. there are plenty of hitters in the National League that would love to have numbers like a .279 batung average. nine home runs and 36 run:. batted m It's JUSl that Wallach's problems of late come on the heels of what was probably six weeks of the hottest hitting m the maJOr leagues. It all started. mnorently enough. when Wallach and the Expos cam(' to Dodger Stadium for a three-game series Mav I . 1 Wallach. a right-hander, was wrestling with an anemic 200 b<Ktmg average at the time Wallach, however. a protege of Montreal batting instructor Billy DeMars. got three hits in the first game against the Dodgers and three more in the second. That was only the beginning. During the next 29 days he lashed out 30 more hits, including six home runs and 23 RBI, to raise his batting average 100 points. His efforts were such that the National League named him 1ts Player of the Month Wallach peaked and actually got his average as high as .310 before his current troubles began in mid-June. Contacted in New York Thursday. where the Expos were wrapping up a three-game senes with the Mets, Wallach welcomed hts recent time off ... and also his newly-found confidence as a National League hitter "I've been in a little slump, but everybody goes through them. Now 1s just my time." he admits. "I don't know 1f I'm tired or not ... I don't feel tired. "It reallv startE'd in St Louis (Montreal's first SPORTS COLUMNIST JOHN SEVANO stop in its second longest road trip of the year-11 games m 11 days). then in Chicago I went 2-for-18. "It's just a groove I'm m at the moment, but that's all it takes in hitting Just the smallest thing can throw you off. "You know what you're doing wrong," Wallach continues, "but it's so hard to do it right sometimes. Then, all of a sudden you can get two hits and you're out of it." Wallach is an entirely different hitter than when he was belting 23 home runs for Cal State Fullerton as a senior in 1979, or 36 as a member of the Denver Bears in 1980. Wallach still has hlS power, but it's more of a "controlled" strength. as he puts it. ''I've changed my whole swing around," says Wallach. "Coach DeMars started me from scratch with a batting tee. I can't begin to tell you all the bad habits I had." Two of Wallach's problems were the arc of his swing and the movement of his upper body "I was swinging up at the ball.'' he explains, "and I was pulling my shoulder and head off. I wasn't even seeing the ball. I had what my coach called, 'a long swing.!" Wallach credits De Mars for most. if not virtually all his success at the plate. "He took me and taught me how to hit.'' says Wallach. "Nobody ever did that with me before. He's taught me to stay back and not to stride. "That doesn't mean I don't step into the ball. r It's just that I try to take as sh<.. "t a step as ~ible. What I've learned is that the shorter your swing is the quicker it is." Wallach's favorite example of what DeMars has taught him is the same one his coach used to get (See SEV ANO, Page CO We're striking distance now • ID game and batted ninth in the Royals' lineup. He promptly delivered RBI singles the first two umes he came to the plate to help the Royals maintain their slim 2-1 advantage. "They're such a good hitting ball club," Zahn added. ''I just tned to keep them off balance the best I could." Zahn threw 110 pitches at the Royals in picking up his eighth victory against three looses. \ The victory moved the Angels l 1h games ahead of the Royals in the American League West. and Jackson, for one. thinks the team has found its groove. "We've been playing welJ. We seem to be hungry We ' re playing first-place baseball," Jackson said afterward. Jackson equaled his home run output of last year's strike- shorten ed season when h e whacked his 15th homer of the season in the fifth. 1t was also the fifth in his last seven games. He's also raised hlS batting average to .255 during that span. "I can't really explain this recent streak. I've ~n getting a lot of fast balls to hit: It's like everyone's saying. 'Here's a 36-year-old guy who <'an't get around on a ball in on him'," Ja,::kson added. While it took Jac kso n 's booming homer to break the game open. the Angels needed another perfectly executed suicide squeeze bun t from Tim Foli to get the fifth inning off and rolling. It was the seventh suicide squeeze in seven attempts for the Angels -four by Bob Boone and three by Foll. ··1 just have to get the ball down. That play is the fun part of the game for me," noted Foli. "I'm never going to hit balls out of here like Reggie does." "Zahn Just pitched great," Foli added. "He just got a couple of pitches up to Washington." Angel Manager Gene Mauch, meanwhile, was completely satisfied with Zahn's performance. Now he's just itching to see what the rest of his staff can do against the potent Royals' bats. "I just want to see what (Mike) Witt does. I want to see what (Steve) Renko can do," Mauch said. Zahn, meanwhile, said the victory and the sen~ are more important than some people think, even though it's still early in the season. "I don't think there's any (See ANGELS, Page C3) --Reuss ATLANTA (AP) -J erry Reuss says the Los Angeles Dodgers have regained their momentum and "we're in striking distance now" Reu.ss, who had a four-hit shutout through seven innings, needed last-out relief help Thursday night to secure his ninth vtctory in 14 decisions as the ~ers edged the National League West-I ·ng Atlanta Braves. 5-3. ''I was talking to someone and had not , realized that (pitching coach R on) Perranoski had just gone QUt to talk to him," Lasorda said. Perranoski went to the mound with Bruce Benedict at the plate for Atlanta. llnd Benedict was still in the batter's oox when Lasorda left the dugout. Rut. requlre that a pitche r must finish throwing to the batter a.her a mound visit Reuss had yielded a double to Rufino Linares and an RBI-single to Bob Watson before corning back to fan Benedict and Johnson. After Jerry Royster singled, Steve Howe relieved, giving up one h it before recording the Cinal out for hia fifth save. The victory, 10th in 13 games for Los Angeles, enabled the third-place Dodgers to take a 2-1 edge in the three-game eeries and clOlle to within 5 ~ games of the Braves. "'I was a little tired, but I still bad enough, I thouaht," ta1d Reu.. who fanned two b9ttel"l in the ninth Immediately after Manqer Tom Latorda lntended to lift hlm. "He had lost hll atulf, but be found it 1omewbere," ••id LHord1, wbo waa l'topped by the wnplret nnr the 1.hird blle Une when he was head.Ina to ~ mound to remove Re\09. "After that. he really went out and J{Ol it~" aaid Luorda. "He wasn't throwing well before I went o ut' to get him, and afterwards he threw the ball aa trard to Benedict and (Randy) Johneon as he did dunni the game:• The Dodgers lost one of their most versatile perlonners in the game when Derrel Thomas fractured the Cibula above his left ankle when hll aplkes 1pparently caught In the gr .. aa he rounded third .bue tn the 1evenlh lnnl.Nr and bumped into third hue coach Danny O&ark. The tum uld Thomat wduld be tidelined for about six w lea. The Dodgers were in control mo.t of the way as Steve Oatvey belted ha 10th homer in the fourth and added a run-acortng double in the seventh. Ken Landreaux singled home one run In the first and had another RBI tingle in the fifth. Pedro Guerrero drove ln the other run with a fifth-inning single. Reuaa •topped Atlanta'• two alugen. Dale Murphy and Bob Homer, withO\tt a hit u each went O-for-4. •11 just got 'em·oui,,11 Reusa aid. "Thal'• wh.ai you hive to do to t>Mt them. They att two of the bett 3-4 hittcl"I in the league. MW'l>hy Ls hav1na tho kind of year of an MVP. l believe that's why they're ln firlt plam." AP W1r1photo LADY HOPEFUL -Kimberly Witt. 22. 1s s hown during a tryout for the Minneso ta Twins W<.•dnf.'s day cit th e Metrodome. Witt, who has played only ~ftball . was not among the 70 pf the total 406 trying out that w t.?re m v1 tro back. Teen idol Wilande r withstands pressure He survi ves first -set scare to advance WIMBLEDON, England (AP) -A young English girl wearing the dark blue blazer of her school unfurls the color poster. looked at the young blond man stalking about the court. looked back at the poster, giggled and nudged her friend. The object of her attention was young Mats Wilander, who at 17 already is famous and successful beyond his wildest dreams. He 1s fast becoming the latest in a string of matinee ido ls at Wimbledon, assuming the role that for the l)ast several years w~ handle d impeccably by his Swt'd1sh countryman. Bjorn Borg, the five-time All-England tennis champion who 1s skipping the tournament this year "It bothers me a htlle bit, the recognition," Wilander conceded just minutes after escaping with his No. 7 seeding int.act and a 7-6, 6-4. 6-0 triumph Thursday over Nduka Odizor of Nigeria. "If people come up and don't say anything, I don't care. "It's when they come ..up and want to talk and tell me their names and what they do that it's a bother." Does he feel the pressure? "No," said Wllander. "I didn't think I might lose. But if you Jose the fin\ aet, it is very difficult to make it back. Then you mu.at win three sets with that much already gone." The highest ranked men's player on today's ca.id was No. 3 VJ\U Gerulaitis, who took on New Zealander Bruce lRl'Un. ln other matches, Stan Smith, who ul*t ninth-seeded A.ndl'et Gomez of Ecuador in a flra\~ round ma1Ch, met Hank Pf"ter; ChJp Hooper, who acalped No. 8 Peter McNamara ln the openina round. played RU&lell Slmpeon; f lhh·8teded Johan Krlek of South Africa faced West German Peter EltN and No fi Gent• Mayer playro Australian Brad Drewett Only lwo ranked women wert• scheduled 'to see ac·L1on todav. with top -seeded Mar tin·.'.! Navratilova ta king on Anne• White and No 7 Pam Shriver going against 15-year-old Kathy Rinaldi. Wilander was part of a wave of youngPr players advancing through the draw Thursday that left tw o fo rmer w o men's champions V1rg1n1a Wade' and Evonn£> Goolagong in their wake Candv Revnolds. 25, went against ·the trend by upsetting fifth-seeded Hana Mandhkova. a 20-year-old Czech, 6-2. 3-6. 6-4. as did 27 -y ear-old Joanne Russcll. a 6-7. 6-3. 7-5 winner over No. 8 Mimi Jausovec. 26, of Yugoslavia. Wade, the 1977 champion. extended Marjorie Blackwood. Canada's No I-ranked woman. to 7-6. 7-5 before bowing out. Goolagong was ousted by Zina Garrison. an athletic 18-year-old from Houston, who is being favorably compared to the young Blllie Jean King. "It was pretty difficult to play someone with her (Goolagong's) reputation,'' said Oarrl9on, last year's Wimbledon junior girls' champion and a quarterfinalist in this year's French Open. "She wu a heroine of mine and I looked up to her, so it was &qugh to go out and play her " Meanwhile, Billie Jean Kb'\I played her lOOth ainsl• match at the All-En,land Lawn Tenn.ii and Croquet Club, ICOli.rl,I a e-s. 6-2 victory over Claudia PUqualo of Swttarland on one ol \M outer c:ourta. ·1 It Orangt Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Friday, Junt 25, 1982 ~---------------------- ·~Turnabout fair play: ·Coliseum sues NBA • : .From AP dl1patcbe1 ··• LOS ANGELES The Los m :,;,'Angeles Collseum Commission filed a .$1 20 million antitrust lawsuit .. ~'Thursday against the National ,;Basketball Association and some NBA clubs and •club owners. The suit, filed in U.S . District Court , stems •from the proposed move of the San Diego Clippers to Los Angeles. Earlier this week, at the annual NBA spring meeting, the league flied a $10 million suit i; against the Coliseum Commission and said it was '"investigating Donald T. Sterling, owner of the Clippers. The suit filed by the Coliseum Commission challenges the legality of NBA pracuces that 'establish exclusive territories for teams and, the . Coliseum says, prevents the Clippers from • moving to the Los Angeles Sports Arena, which ·'the Coliseum Commission operates. The Coliseum Commission and Sterling jointly announced on June 1 that the Clippers intended to move to Los Angeles starting with the 1982-83 season. Sterling joined wllh the Coliseum Comm1ss1on in fillng the lawsuit but he did not include a damage claim. At the NBA meeting at Coronado this week, the league took no action on the proposed move other than to sue the Cohsown Commission, asking a federal court for a declaration of its rights in addition to the $10 million in damages. Quote of the day Kevin Cogan, apologizing for causing the pace-lap crash in the Indianapolis 500, which knocked him and three other drivers out of the race: "Nobody regrets more than me t he fact that there weren't 33 cars to start the race. But you don't have to watch 'Wide World of S ports' with your eyes closed, hke I do." Gilder finishes fast to take lead Bob Gilder birdied the final hole l!I to finish at 6-under-par 64 and take the first-round lead Thursday in the Westchester Golf Classic tn Harrison. N.Y. Gilder, one of the last men on the course, shared the top spot with Dave Eic helberger and Chip Beck until Gilder reached the par-5 18th with a 3-iron second shot and two-putted for the birdie-4 that broke the tie . . . JoAnne Carner, one victory away from the LPGA Hall of Fame. inched a step closer to that elite group with a blistering 5-under-par 67 that gave her the first-round lead by one stroke in the Rochester International in P ittsford, N.Y. 1 r grove eenda Guidry down to defeat Mlke Har1rove'1 1\81 alnal• broke a 2·2 tit' ln the eolahth lnnlna I.I and the Cleveland lndlaM we,,nt un to d f at the New York Yankt."1. 5·2 Thureday nlaht In New York, endlni pitcher Ron Guidry'• alx·aamc wlnnln& atre•k ... Ellewhere ln tho Amtirican Leaaue, the Detroit Tigers anappc•d u I O·glm\' loalna strl•ak by dofeating Balllmort>, 7 ·I, 11"' Larry Kenadon, Kirk Glbaon und Lou Whitaker homered In liupport of tht> clght·hlt pitching of Jerry UJdur and Dave Toblk ... Jon Matlack, with laat-out relief help from Danny Darwln, handcutf ed Oakland on three hits to give Texas a 2-1 triumph over the A's Mtianwhile, in tht> Nati onal League, Tim HA,.OAOVI Flannery'• sacrifice fly in tht! 13th mrung gave San Diego a 7-6 win over Cincinnati . . Charlie Puleo scattered S<'ven hits over 8 ~ innings to help snap Montreal's six-game winning streak as the Mets beat the Expos. 3-1 . . Gary Matthews rapped three hits. one a two-run homer. helping Philadelphia trounce St. Louis, 10-2 J ack Clark, who had four hits, slammed his 13th homer of the yenr in the 10th inning to Lift San Frandsco to a 4.3 triumph over Houston in the Astrodome. Did Rogers, Wiison buy cocaine? George Rogers, the National • Football League's leading rusher in 1981, and Dave Wilson, on<' of his teammates, reportedly an• among more than a dozen present and former members of the New Orleans Saints who have told federal investigators they bought <.'O<.'aine from a former Samts running back or a c.-onv1cted drug dealer. Rogers spent more than $10,000 last season to buy cocaine, the New Orleans T1mes"P1cayune said . . . Formt'r USC captain Mike Margolin and two-time national c.'Ommunity college coach of the year, Virginia Brown, have been named roaches for the 1982 Cali fornia Oranges Team Tennis season. The Orclnges open their 14-match season against the Los Angeles Strings. July 6 at the Forum ... Dr. Jerry Buss, the owner of the NBA champion Los Angeles Lakers and the Los Angeles Kings of the NHL, was awarded a franchise in the MaJOr lndoor Soccer L<>ague Thursday. Television, radio Following are the top sports ~vents on TV tonight. Ratings are: v v v v e~"uent: v v v worth watching: v v fair; v forget it. n 5:30 p.m., Channel 11 V' v v v BASEBALL: Dodgers at Houston. Announcers: Vin Scully and Ross Porter. Currently 8-2 on their current road swing, the Dodgers will/try to stay hot in the Astrodome, sending right-hander Bob Welch (7-5) against Houston's Dave Smith (l-3). The Astros are in last place in the NL West. OTHER TELEV ISION 11 p.m. (34) -WORLD CUP SOCCER - England vs. Kuwait. RADIO Baseball Dodgers at Houston. 5:30 p.m., KA.BC (790); Kansas City at Angels, 7:30 p.m., KMPC (710). Kialoa finishes third THE ELEVENTH RUflllNS OF THE PRESTIGIOUS The 1982 Newport, R.I. to Bermuda race was being written into the yachting history books today as the last of the 178 starters battled toward the hmsh ltne at Hamilton. Bermuda. First to finish was the 81-foot sloop Nirvana . s kippered by Marvin Green o f Stamf ord, Conn. with an elapsed time of 62 hours. 29 minutes and 16 seconds. breaking the old elapsed ti me of 67 hours and 51 minutes held by Sumner A . "Hue y " Long's 79-foot Ondine. Long broke his old record with a new Ond ine, finishing second behind Nirvana. Third was Jim Ktlroy's 81 ·foot sloop K1aloa, also beating the old record. Nirvana 's corrected time stood up for more than 12 hours until it was beaten by R etaliation -with Dennis Durkan of Newport Harbor Yacht Club acting as skipper. Corrected time winner ap peared to be the 57 -foot Brigadoon. skippered by R.A. BeU of Hamilton. Bermuda. America's Cup - challenge SYDNEY. Australia (AP) -Th e R oyal Sydney Yacht Squadron Thursday announced a $3 million challenge for the 1983 Ame rica'• Cup. The yacht, to be named Advance, will be lhe third Austr alian e ntry in the trials at Newport , R .I., to determine lhe fina l challenger . ., ,VISSILS llTUllTI SlTtmDlY NIGHT JUNE 26th Outstanding 4-Year-Olds Like Danville Stati~n, Shawnee Hoo, Queen For Cash, My Honey And Spice & Senator Sage will go postward in rich Vessels Maturity. POST TIME 7:45 All 52 Exactas • Pick Six t"""'t\~~ u FREE SPORTS TOTE BAG ~\le " l" To All Paid Admissions, ' Men's or Ladies' Styles! Antique Show! .-· DI Huntington center man I HOME OF CALIFODIA'S RICHEST HORSE RACES today thru July 5. -4961 KATELLA AV£ LOS ALAMITOS . (714)99~·1234 . (213)431-136t_--=~ .. lou want low \nterest Rates? APR ON EVER~ BR~NO. NEW LUXUR) C~R IN OUR BIG INVENTOR!IMITED TIME OFFER ) (MARKS e CONTINENTALS e LINCOLNS e \ 3 O/o ~~~~~Nix~~: ~:~~"~~~~~~~:~:~~d~ The onlv reQU' rement, is 25 -down You Want Low Month\y Payments? you GOT IT! $1 265!td• $3988.8 ra. E Maintenance New Luxurv Cars. & warrantv on our 24 Months on 36 Months FRE & L N 7'S our smaller. New Lvnx P . 1 ~ou ·want Low nces. you GOT IT! On any of our Mew 8l Models left. s500 UNDER \NVO\CE lO~ PRICES e lO~ IMlERESl ~:~~' p~~MEMlS\ V4K~lE~ER ~OU n Kn '· • World Cup spots open MADRlO, SpaJn (AF) Four t.oama 1quand red opportunltlet of qu1llfyln1& for the 1ccond phWt(' of tht' -World Cup flnala Thursday and thu lut flw pl•ceit In round two nuw were tu be d~ldc.-d. Alaerlu could havf' qualified If It defcatt1d Chile 4-0 In lta Group 2 game in Oviedo. It jumped to a 3-0 advantage, but had to settle tor a 3-2 victory, Fran ce nee,ded t o beat Czechoelovakia to make sure of advancing from Croup 4. lt led 1-0 with five minutes left, but then conceded a pe nally and finished 1-1 Honduras t'<>uld have qualified by beaung Yugoslavia. which, 1n tum. could have advanced by winning by a two-goal margin Instead . Yugoslavia won 1-0 on a controversial late penalty Czechoslovakia, Chile and Honduras now are def1n1tely eliminated, but two places each from Groups 2 and 5 and the second spot from Group 4 all were up for grabs today, when the last three group ma tches were scheduled. Pro golf results Weatcheater Claaalc (•I Henhlon, N.Y.) Bob Glider Chip Beck Dave E1eheloorge1 Tom Kite L8My W8dkms Biii Gllsson Lyn Lott JC Snead Oouo Tewell tsao Aoki D A We1br1ng Crtartes COOdy Marl< Lye Mark Hayes Mike Hill Perry Arthur Hubert Green Peter JacobHn Larry Ziegler Larry Mize Clarence Rose Kermit Zartey Hal Sutton Lindy Miller Ben Crensrtaw Ae11 Caldwell Leonard Thompson Lee Elder Jim Colbert Kenny Kno~ Lance Ten Broeck Ray floyo Jett Knox Ed Sneed Bill Rogers David Graham Gil Morgan Rod Nuckolls Jim Simons Mark McNulty Jay Cudd Don Levin JOhn Adams Don Pooley Jay Haas Mike Gravley Frank Conner Jack Renner Jodie Mudd Payne Stewan Da•1d ThOfe Jim TrtOfpe Mark Plett Blaine Mc:Ca1t1ster Joe H11ger George Cadle Bill Israelson Doug Black Fuuy Zoeller Curtis Strange Scott Watkins Allen Miller Jett Mitchell Tom Shaw Wayne Le•I Tom Watson Greg Powers Scott Simpson Lon Hmkle Chi Chi Rodriguez Lon Nielsen Crtartes Krenke! Andy Notth Alan Taple Bruce Oouolass Mark O'Meare Craig Stadler Tom Jenkins Bot> Shearer Lou Graham Bob Eastwood Jim Mclean Bolt Britton Bob Heins Denis Watson George Burns Mark McCumber Tommy Va~11ne John Schroeder Gary Koch Howard Twitty Tim Simpson Jerry Pate Russell Halw19 Bobby Wadktn Jortnny M1llel Gary McCord Mike Nicolette Rod Loesch Buddy Gardner Mike Booker Gibby Giibert Mlcl< Sotl Ronnie Ulack Victor Aega111do Bob Murphy AOd Curl Jim Albus Beau Baugrt Aon Streck Skeeter Heath Bruce Delllln Robert Thompson Mike Donald Terry Diehl Andy Bean Eric Batten Lloyd Monroe Tommy Aaron Antonio Cerda Tom Woodard L .. Chfft Bob Tw1y Aon Comm1n1 Jeff Sand«I Mark Cllcaveccl'lll 31-33 64 30-35 65 33·32 65 32·34 66 30-36 66 33.33 66 32·34 66 32-35 67 33.34 67 34.33 67 34.33 67 33.34 67 33·35-68 34-34-88 34-34 -68 34.34 68 32·36 68 33.35 68 32-36 68 34.34 88 34.34 68 35.33 68 34.34 68 32·36 68 33.35 68 34·35-89 35-34-69 34.35 69 36-33-69 35.34 69 34.35 69 34-35-69 35-34-69 36-33 69 34.35 69 34·35-69 35.34 69 34-35-69 35·34-69 34.35 69 34.35 69 34-35-69 35-34-69 35·34-69 33-36-69 33-36-69 35.34 69 36-33-69 36-33-89 34-35 69 34.35 69 34·35-69 34-36 70 35.35 70 32·38-70 33.37 70 35-35 70 34-36-70 35.35 70 34-36 70 35.35 70 34·36 70 35.35 70 35.35 70 34·36-70 33.37 70 31-39 70 35.35 70 36·34 70 35.35 70 35.35 70 32-38 70 36-34 70 34-36-70 36-35-71 33-38 71 35·36 71 36-35-71 35-36 7 I 35-36 71 35-38-71 37.34 71 37.34 -71 35-36-71 35-36 71 34-37-71 34·37-71 35-36 71 37.34 71 33·38 71 38·33 71 34.37 71 33·39-72 36-36 72 35-37-72 33·39-72 36-36 72 36-36 72 36·36-72 36-36 72 36-36 72 37·35-72 38-36 72 36-36-72 38·36-72 37.35 72 33.39 72 35.37 72 37.35 n 36-38 72 38-34 72 36-36-72 36-37 73 34.39 73 36-37-73 37-36-73 38-35-73 35·38-73 37-38-73 3-4-39 73 37-36-73 35-38-73 38-35-73 35-38-73 37·38-73 38-35-73 LPGA tourney ( .. ,......,., N.Y.) JoAnne Catner 32·35-t7 Pat Bradley 34·34-08 B. Davit-Cooper 32-36-M HolMt Stacy 34-35-89 Jo Ann Witham 33-36-t9 Sally Little 35-34-89 Ptm Gietzen 32-38-70 Vicki ~gon 3.4-38-70 8oMle Bryanl 32-31-70 Sandra Pal"* 33-37-70 Bart>er• a-ow 33--37-10 Nanc:y Lopez 34-38-70 .i.tll)'n 9'1tz 34-3 7 -71 Alice AIWnan 3$-3t-7 I Kathy WNhltorth 34-37-71 , .. ty~ 34-37-71 Allaon StlMtd :l6-3e-7 I Jlllet COiee 364&-71 llnclf• ~ 35-47-72 Pini Nao 3&-U-72 c.thy~ 341-72 Kathy McMullen ~-72 Msty Oldlenon U-SI-12 ~...,... IWt-72 Piil ~ 374&-72 Orange Co11t DAIL V PILOT /Friday, June 25, 1982 Los Alamitos, Hollywood Park results L .. AleM .... ~V'aMMILTa =r .. J1ctf:o~ _....., Hele KolM (CtMOetl t 40 4 to 4 00 OOI Hll lh.,. (Milctlelll 4 00 3 00 O!Qltal lltaullM) 4 IO ~l•o raced Paci A Whip, Trle>la Now, Cltc;I!« Miii. ~. Jetty J41911.,, MO.I HIC>l)y CllO!o9, SPiii• Tiie flunc:h Tl~ 17.73. M lltACTA ( 1·21 paid 123 00 llCOMO flACI. no y11de. MarC1.11 l!xPf ... (Ci.ti ... ) 17 40 I 00 5.40 Im A ReqUHI Too ICatell•I 0 00 3 IO A fur• Hoi>e ILac;key) 4 40 Aleo raciad: Granny Gruder, Ha1 Turn, fh1nk1 To Cute Bar, Klrschy Jet, S•MY Shtrley. Counta11 Speed. Time: 18.06 THIRD RACI. 360 v•rd1. Rock Solid (Lickey) 7 80 3.80 3 20 Soul 01 A Champ (Fryday) 3 80 3.00 Paclehl (Bard) 4 00 AllO 11.Ged· JOdl1 Solution, Juliet Dane... Dangerou1 Debi. Venture In AOft. The Bud Man Time 111111 FOUR™ RA.Cf. 440 y1rds Prtantom Rogue (Pauline) 4 60 3 20 2 80 Venture Folks (Creager) 1 00 4 00 Ouplleete Takeolf (Hart) 2 80 Also reced Pteesanl Policy, Hlpplty, S-t NIQM Polley Break Aw1y Easy 1'1rne 22 10 S2 fllACTA t 1·21 Plld $33 20 flnH RACE. 350 yards Wrangtera Go Men (Hartl 17 20 7 00 4 80 A11e Jet (Asmus.sen) 6 00 4 20 Easy Tigress (Mytesl 3 00 Also raced Let Me Sinn Shea• Pest Free Tobe Me Tll• GOOd Saint. Quest For C1th, Chou Fteur Race Fo1 C11h Time 17 90 SIXTH RACE. 350 yards Easy Lady Sar (Lackey) Jetta Cause (Creaaer) Argentine Rose Cl'll•enton) • 400 280 280 4 20 4 20 IJ 80 Aleo rtoea. l lM On Dowrl, Nanl1\laro1 I tar, KIMy .NllWI. 'read• 'reelolOel', LMl!y 9'HI. Diamond ~ .. 1NM: 11 M M lllAC1A 17·81Oe1<1 111 "O llYINTH MCI. 400 y1rd• BIMier lluM (Mit~i ao 40 9 00 400 BHu La lillle (Cf'MQI' IUO 1 IO F°'ever Truc:kln (Adair) J 00 Aleo raoecS l llnk111 Ott, Play Tuft. SkybO. Oyf) ChlOk, Raymond Nockeye, 0 11111 Righi TIMI 20 14 II IXACTA (9·1) P* t 193 60 llOHTM flACI. 400 yard1 Miu Deep Snauy (Adair) 7 00 4 60 3.40 Twloe Thi Spice (Mylet) 10 20 7.00 Jull Like M• (Tonk•) I:! 40 Alto rte.O Mi•• Et11do1h. Pio•. AMI HI, Trlth1 Charm. Wh1telott1log. T8dy1 Jutnt. Warp Two. Time: 20.02. 12 llCACTA (8-4) paid 100 40. 12 '1CK llX 18·1·1·7·9·81 paid Sll23.20 wttrt 43 winning tlektll !live llOr'") t2 Pick SI• ooneolatlon petd 114 20 wlfh 849 wlnnmg 11Ck811 (lour hOrM•I NINTM RACI. 350 yard• Legat Baby (Adair) 7 80 5 20 4 20 Triple Suite (Harl) 5 20 3 80 O•uchot C~ (Piikenton) 5 80 Alto rac.o Linda Charm Funny Feather M111 P:l1m1no Bunny, Trlpott Lady Oo11k1 Queen S.., Out1e41, Miu Truly Fllgh1 Time 1795 12 IXACTA (8-10) paid $39 80 A1tend1noe 11,408 HoHrwood ,.,k TtWRIOA Y'I RHULTI (4tth of M-d•r thcwo119h~ed m.etlng) flRIT RACI . 8\'t lurlongs Ag111to (P1nc1y) 6 20 3 40 2 40 E11tr1 Ovlek IMcC1rron1 3 80 2 60 Sanos 01 V911u (C11111*11) 2 60 Alto 11ced Reb s Outlaw, Susanne 1 Boy Fe<1er11 Judge Vav1v1voom lns1d1 Moves Capt n Arphy. Slacy Jo Time 1 17 IECONO RACI. 1 ti 16 mites Ch1el Zero (Hawley) 34 40 12 40 6 60 Blow Tap• (Stemer) 4 60 2 80 Lyeou1PPEP fUL Z ''herni'' NAP5-• 2 2-liter . ·on . . e nsrn1ss1 eng1n ual tra kes • 4-speed rn.an front disc bra Power-assist ·ng valve • d-sens1 • arake 1oa . steering variable r~t10d ignition • ·storize tterY • Trans1 free ba nance le • Mainte rectang uadrabearn • ~eadlights ·1gate release handta1 . • one otect1on •th • corrosio~ P;er/defroster w1 Bi-level he~ • 3-speed fa defoggers Side w indow entilation • flow-through " • ch rnore •,And rnu () t982 NMC-USA l<r;ttal &now (McC•tron) 4 oo Al10 11ciad Sl'lowdown. Roy11 lu1ton1. Pr1noa Of DlllUbl, Oame IMe. 81r Wing Out. Ariottlaf 111«0. Rlc!ll In Hop9. Outdoor lluler. Ar~·· l tOI'* flme t 44 110 ti DAil. Y OOU9U ti· 10) paid 123 I 40 THIM) flACI. I 1118 mllel Nl•ty Nadine (ShCMllnlker) 10 IO I 40 4 llO My O\ltchetl (Hawfoiy) 4 80 S 00 Stray A Little (Guerre) S 00 AtlO rlGed Looglt, Teco Teco. Buret 0 1 Song. 0..1 francny Time: 1:4<t 110 II IXACTA f7•41 Plld t 180 00 'OURTH RA.Cl. 11'1\ f\lrlong1 Paula P1ul1 (Plncay) 10 00 4 80 4 00 Lady 01 Atb (OllvarH) 4 20 3 20 F11h1on Knowlldoe (Oelahou•uv•I 4 40 AllO raced Sandy Porter, P111d1 A Star, Double Fortune. Tuecol1n1, I'm Preclou1 Too. Sht 'I A Doll. Pollln1trl11, Bukk111n. Ice Shell Time· 1 OS 415. "'™ RACI. 11'11 lurlong1. Sun1hine Starehlne (Oth11y) 0 80 4 20 3 00 Commen' Dear COllvarff) 9 20 4 80 Karyn's P1eHnl (Vallntull•l 5 00 Also ri ced. MOdelly BlllM. 0 For Giiie. Ellte 1 S11ter, Lii' MIH GOOdy, Spray Cologne. Bee Gone Time I 16 4/S $5 EICACTA (2·31 paid $120 00 llXTH RACE. I 1'18 m11t1 on turt Sir Pele !Gue<ll) I I 80 6 40 4 00 Allied Command .. (McHarguet 7 60 4 40 T1mt>erj1Ck tCas1111eda) 3 20 Also 1aCld Echo Pl-. W111m1 San. Kelel Bruin Counly Crimson A.le Running Power T1tan10 Time I 43 216 IEVfNTH RACf. 8 turtong• tcy SPorl (V1tenzuel1) 2 I 60 I I 00 3 20 Glamorous Siren (McCarron) 5 80 2 40 w ino Of Fr111ce (Toro) 2 20 Also ra ced Sonnet A gto. Famous Performer. MendatOfy Queen. Tett 01 Time Kaci Ellen Time I 09 II!> .. UACTA (5·11olkl 1203 60 ea 11te1C 11x t 10.1.9 2.a 01 P••d auoo 20 with 21 winning Ucket1 (five hOf'") 12 Ptelt SI• c;cH1tOl1t10n f)lld 180 80 with &16 winning llOlletl (IOI.II l'IOIMI) llOHTit RACI. 7 furlong• Sc11te1 OWonder (LIPl'l•m) II 60 3 40 2 40 81uoy Ill (McCarron, ll 20 3 00 Hasty H1nnll'I (McHa1gu•I 2 60 Alto IAOl(I Jt11nller B • GOfO•tte, C1p11 .. 01/Mn, RtaHty ltl•ntJ Timt I 21 4/6 • IXACTA 1•·01 oa1e1 $117 50 NINTH "ACI. One mile on turf \/lllit (McC1rron) II 40 3 40 2 110 Forebear IShoemakerl 3 00 3 00 Vagabond Song (Valonzuela) 6 20 Aleo rec.o Aocou111cal, Ring Proud Celtic S11>11, Setkotdtu, Trtgonome Timi. t.34 315 '5 IXACTA ( 1·41 P•ld $6 I 00 Attendance 17,472 Costa Mesa 4-0 in sp eedsocce r The Costa M esa Cowboys stayed unbeaten in four tries Thursday night by toppling tht> Mission Viejo Vikmgs, 6-2. m Ameri ca n SpeedsO C'l'lc•r Assoc1at1on play at the L o:. Caballeros Racquet and Sports Club. Tav10 Zambrano and Carlos Gardenas each netted a pair of goals for the Cowboys. who IL'Cl 3-1 at halftime. Mission VieJO fell to 2-1 in league play. I I From Pa e C1 ANGELS. • • qucttlon lt'1 • big Mrlet. You want to ctWblith younelt 111tn1~ tht>m Any Um<' you ploy ~ team that'a right there with you, It's rl!ally two gamH," Zahn i.urm1sed "Jt'a a big aeries l'lpct'tQlly from the atandpolJU 1hut lt'ic tht• fanit tinw we·v~ .een: t•1:1<.·h uthn." · • ANOIL NOTll: Aller 1 IOI.Ir-game h11lu1. ' catchaf 9oO a-returned 10 the Angela' 1181tlng lineup Thur1day night Boone,; 1ulter1ng trom a my1ter1ou1 1wetllng In hl1 left • knee. rt1d the kn" drained of fluid and ~ received cortleone Injection• from teem prty11Cl1n Or. L1wle Yocum With hie socond-1nn1ng home run, third blMmlll O..,. OeClnce1 hit now hll 11111y In etght of N• lu1 , n1n1 game1 Tne homer 111to give him 24 "Bt ~ 11t the IH I 23 gamH Oe1plt1 Re• Wttlon11'• •eoond-tnntng error Wldneld1y night. the Angeli will IHd th• American , L e1gue In lleldtng with 1 1184 percantagt The Angeli hid played 38 e<10fleu g1mn coming • into Thurl01y evening'• contfft The Angel• ano AoYt11t gol •llelr enara of tlltllteion • coverege Trturl01y night Bolh KTLA In LOI Angeles and WDAF In Kan ... City leleY\Md trte cont1tl " did the USA Hetworlc and • Crt1c111o·s Suoerv111on 11111on O•ltf C«HWlt'• 111te 1n We<1~1v'1 5·3 vtetory 01tet Teua w1a the clut:>'• llre1 11~ June 17 wfletl • Angel Moreno earned one In 1 10·8 vlelory ov@r TOl'onto FOi' 39 hOme dat ... the Angel• anrecteo 1 2711.983 tan1 1r.11 MAtOt>. wrt1ch 11 an av"age ot 32.8~ per game tn • 1979 Ille New YOl'k Y111k-Mt 11'1 Ametlcan LeaQul atteno1nc1 recoro Dy 11trectlng 2.· • 627 417 Aller 39 dltM thlt yMt, the Yank- had drawn I 209 880 70 103 ie.1 than tn. Angels The Aoyela will aend lett·hano.t ! Peul Spllltorll 17 ·41 tonight agaln11 the Angels Mike Wiii (4· 11 • . .. .. . . • ' . .. MAJO" LIAQUI ITANOINQI Amertcen League w .. 1 .. 11 OM•lon Aneel• Kan••• City CNc•oo SHHle On ta.rid T••H M1n,,.aot• w l .., ~· 39 21 38 ~ l6 3S lO 42 2S 38 t1 G• ..... 01 eoo 682 , .. 567 1'1 $07 6'1 • 17 13 397 13' 239 25 • l uleln OIYlolon Bo•ton •2 2b 627 0.1ro11 36 29 554 5 MllW•ukee 37 30 552 5 ea111mor11 35 3 1 530 e•, Ctevelana 33 33 500 8 • Ne• VOtk 31 34 4'7 10 I oronto 32 37 •6• 11 ThvtMl•p'• lcCHH Angtia 7 Kan .. 1 Ctty 1 0.110tl 1 8•lltm0te I Cleveland 5 New Yon. 2 reus 2 O&Jlland I Only Q•m<ls SChl!Clul<t<l Tonight'• OamH Kansas City (Spttllorll 1 41 &t A~I• (Wiii • 11 MlnnMOtn 1~eo1~r11 J·81 di Toronto ISlleb t!-71 Oe!tOll (Petty b •1 '1 B•lltmor" IFllll'laga11 5·51 M1lwauhl!t! !Lerch ~ 51 al Bosron \Hutll 2 ,, C~velMd (Btuk~• 8 h et New "°'"' IJotut • 61 Oaklano tMrC~lly • II 111 '"•"~ 1Tan~n• J 71 Ch.cogo IHOy l IU ., ~I S811lllt1 (8ea111~ 4·4) Netlon1I Leeau• W••lern OMelOn ,t.t1on11 San Ooego OocSg.11 San Francisco C1nc•nna11 Houston W l Pel 08 •t 21 603 37 30 552 3 ' 37 34 52t 5'> 32 39 451 tO r 30 39 435 "" 29 •O 420 12" e .. 1ern DIYl•k>n Monlleol St LOUtS Philadelphia New York Pt11st>urgn Chtc•go l8 28 576 40 30 571 35 32 !>22 J • 3~ 33 515 4 30 )4 469 1 26 44 371 ,. Thutedey'1 SCCHH Dodgefa 5 ,t.t1an10 1 Phll1<1e1pn1a tO St Lou" 2 N-YOfl.. 3 Montre .. I San O>egn 7 C1nc1nnat• 6 1 IJ ""'""9•1 San Francisco • HouSlon 3 PO 1nn1119s1 Only games scheduled Today'• O•m•• Oodg<111 fWetcn 7 Si al Houston (0 Sm11n 1-31. n Sr Louis fAndu10• 6 4 ) al Chicago lJeni..1ns 4 8J N.,.. Yotk IFa•cone • 3 ano Zacllty 4 21 at PMadell>h•a (Ruthven ~·5 and Farmer I 41 2 In P111s1>utgn tRoo•n'IOll 6-l ono Rriooen )-61 al Montreal CSanOeuon 6·• •nd lea 6-21 2 t·n Atlante (P N111kro 5 21 II C1ncrnn111 (Berenv• 5· 7) n San Diego cE1cn.,1berget 5 81 at San franc1sco (Laskey 6 41, n AMERICAN LEAGUE Angele 7, Royele 2 KANSAS CITY CALIFORNIA abthbl ebrh bl w w11son • o 1 o 0own1ng II • t 2 0 w11nan c 3 O O O Ben•ouz If I 0 0 0 Ourrt.. c 2 o o o Ca•ew 10 3 I 0 0 8re11 3o 3 o o o 8eytot dn 3 t 1 1 Ohs Cl l 0 I 0 Re JCksn rt 4 t 1 3 McRae dh 3 o o o Clark rt 0 0 0 0 Marun. rt 4 1 2 o 0Cnc1,3t> 4 1 1 I A1~ens, tb 3 o 1 o Lynn ct 4 I t 0 Pryor 2b 4 I I O Ortch. ib 3 0 t 0 U Wshgl ss• o 2 1 Foti n 3 O O 1 Boonec 3120 lo1a1s J3 2 e 1 Total• 32 7 9 1 Scor• b7 Inning• Kansas Cot~ 010 100 000-2 Cahlo<n•a o tO 060 00· 7 E Wetlliln OP Ca1o101n1a I LOB Kansas C11y 9 Cahlorn•a 6 2B W Wilson P1yo< Lynn r1R OeC1nces 181 Re Jac~soo· f 15) S Foll Kanua Cltr Creel fl 1·41 HOO<! Armstrong C11llfon\~ IP HA ER 1111 SO s 677?0 11> 2 0 0 t 2 I'> 1 0 0 I I Zann cw 8-31 9 8 2 2 J J HBP-Bv Zahn tB•ell w Wtlson) WP Zann Armstrong I 2 33 A 29 250 Tloate 7, Orlolea 1 Oel«>ll 030 0 II 10 I 7 10 I Ba1t1m0te 000 000 0 tO I 8 I U1du• Too1k (81 ano L M Pattlsh McGregor Gr1msl~y 171 and Nolan w U1C1ur 1·2 L l.lcGregor 8-5 HR -Oet10<t H~rndon t 141 Gibson (8) Whilaker t•I A 27 191 Ranoere z, A·. 1 Oakland 000 100 000 I 3 0 Te.as tOO 010 00• 2 II ' LatlQIOtd •nO M HHll'I Malleck Darwin 19) and Weiner w Mallat~ 3.5 L l.anglord !>-9 S Oa,...1n (31 HA Oakleno C Johnson ti! ,;. t•.76• Indians S. VankM• 2 Cleveland 000 100 012-5 10 I N9"' York 000 OtO too 2 4 I SulCUlle. Spollner 17) MO Benoo. Guidry Frazlet (81 Rawley tlll end Wynegat W Sp111ner. S-4 L-Gurdry 8·1 A-23 449 NATIONAL LEAGUE Dodgere 5, Brevee 3 l OS ANGEL~S ATLANTA •b r h bl •b r h b Sex 20 J t 2 O c WshQI. r1 • t 2 1 Lanoie• cl • I 2 2 HVOOa•d s 0 2 I Bak..-. If 3 I 2 O Murphy. c;t • 0 0 C Guerre< rl 4 O 2 I Hdrner 3b • 0 0 C Thomas pr O O O O lonares. II 4 1 2 C Roen1ct.. d 1 O O O Watson, lb • t 2 I G11tvev lb 5 1 > 2 B<!nedtel. c • 0 O 0 Cey 3b 2 0 t 0 A Rmrz SS 3 0 0 0 Yeager. c 4 O O O McWlms P 0 0 0 0 Russel. ss 3 0 0 0 A JMsn ph t 0 0 0 Reuss p 3 I I 0 Walt.. p I 0 I 0 S Howe p O O O 0 Hanna p t 0 0 0 Aoystat IS 2 0 l 0 Totals 32 s " !> lo1a1s 37 3 tO l Scote by Inning• los Angeles t 00 I 10 I 00 5 ,t.llanta 000 000 O 12 3 E BenediCI Ru&'<llll OP Los AngeiH t ,t.t1an1a 2 LOB I oa Anoetes 1 '· Atlanta 8 2B-Garve~ WUl'l11'1gton Linares HA Garvey C 101 SB Sa• 2 Lanoreau.. S Atl\JIS s .. Loe Anoe-Reuss (W9 SI S Howe tS 51 Allante Walk (L 6·6) Hanna MCW11f11ms HBP-By Walk IP HA EA ae 50 8' 9 , 3 ' 7 I 0 0 0 0 4 • 8 4 I 2 21> 2 I 6 0 2 1 0 0 I 2 (Yeager) T-2 58 ... ,. ····=·' MonltHI ~ 001 I 8 ) '""° YO<ll 000 3 OOl< 3 e O GuHICh On II tlm111> 11) Md Cat let Puleo. M Ikon 1•1 •lld HOOCIM w Puleo 9.4 ~ OulltCOon <I 1 II M Scott (31 HR MumrMI C1111et llt ) A 18419 "",... '· "41d•. San ~o 01s 000 000 000 1 1 10 o Clrtc;lnn"'' 000 005 00 I 000 O II 16 5 Mometu~o Chute• (GI. OeLllOn (8) Luc•• (~I !<how \IOj tnll I K~rm~Kly, H•""· PriCtl (~I. K.,n 01 Hume (9) L••btancll (I I), 0 81llrltty I t3> t•KI I rev1no w Snow ~-:t I 8 Sntrle)' 2 4 HA 'l•n O.~o LelUtlO ti! A 14 4\1(1 OIMlll 4, Aolroe J 5 111 fr AllC.111(;0 00 I 020 000 I 4 ft I ltl)\lt\On 000 0,0 010 0 3 1 I H1n1m1ke• •no M•y J N1ok11> •no l'u1Q11 W H1mm1her 4 4 l J Nlekrt> & e ttll San frtl'tiKO, C111k (I~) A 13. 182 Ctt9W Boone Foll 0o•Rl"i) Lynn Gr ten B1yl0f Re Jack1on 0.CiliUa 8enlqut1z Ao Jackson c1.,~ Fe,guson Wilfong Buri.son l(ett-t 101t11 Angel everegH IATTIHO Al fl H Hfl flll Pel. 232 37 73 0 18 315 199 14 sa 1 26 291 2211 28 115 2 31 288 273 u 1• 10 28 286 ne 40 63 3 15 21& 123 21> 61 6 35 274 213 31 n e o 264 220 J2 56 IS 37 255 252 32 64 8 •1 25• 69 9 17 0 6 246 29 2 7 0 3 24 I 40 5 9 I 3 225 •O l 9 0 2 225 9J 10 I I 0 5 11!3 ·~ 7 0 '1 156 13 2 0 0 0 000 2381 316 643 57 19• 270 PIT CHINO IP H II 10 W·l EflA 28 21 11 1• l•O 1 93 84'\ 80 20 37 7-1 266 42~ 32 19 35 3 2 2 74 68'• 6' 27 40 4.' 2 75 12 9 ~ 9 O· t 3 00 HAl.!lktt R•nlt.o Aase Will 00111 Zuhn FOtKh Sanchez K1aon MOltnO Corbett 106'~ 100 Jt. 38 8·3 3 13 , , •• , 100 26 31 6·6 3 14 36'1 31 16 " 3-0 J 22 14•• 69 30 41 6-3 3 74 48'1-> 52 22 21 3·8 ... 43~. so 21 16 •·6 s 56 Tolall 648 59 I n I 303 42·28 3 24 All·CIF 4·A Flttl TMtn Poi. Pl•re•, 1cllool P ,t.le• Salaz at. Colton P I\ W~•h•ngton. Welnul P Jim Pena Mira Cost• C Joe Cox Huooeme C B L'4!bZeil l9h9"'00<l IB K Sut~I Tl>S<I Oa~s lnl lrm Rapp S1m1 Vo1l1'!y In• 01n r1enley AtCMl!a 1111 A Stank-tel St P1u1 or C1111s Gwynn LS Poly OF-Mike Oe8eno<1. EOl•Ott Or J B"nnell Cn Islands LJI Dan O'Dell Redondo Second THm P Ron Serven. Arcad•ft P 0 Guetra Oos Pae1>101 P A WOf111am Pesaoena C -Ot99 Shifley, Htn a..cn 11-0.an Ac>Oetl•, Ftn V•ller Int O Bo<>elant C•eso• tnl M Perryman Mtta Cosia 1n1 M1i..e Moore Lai..ewooo Of T Fekaone Mril1kan Of I Kurlen Welnul Of M Colltns PKtl•C UI F Youmans, Fon1an8 Third Team Matk Cl 13.3 Sr 13·2 Sr 16-3 Sr •3• Sr 431 St 5t6 Jr •11 Sr •59 Sr 430 St 484 Sr .•ta Sr. J78 Sr •t2 Sr t3 2 Sr 7 2 Sr 1·2 Sr .JIO Sr. .447 St. 593 Sr 343 Jr 397 St 372 Sr 466 Sr 453 Sr 380 Sr P A Wiison. LB POiy 8·4 Sr P S St>er11. S1m1 Valley I t -S Sr p M SamplOfl Patos VetdM 9.3 St C -Jen l<•ye. AtCIOia 370 Sr IB-Oen °'81. H.,.,,.,... 390 Sr tnl-8 Clari< Stm1 Velley 422 Sr tnl-F Anguiano. e..noci Amat 477 Sr 1111-1. "°"9"'-CI. Fii\. ve11e1 .An St. OF-M S1tong, No T0tr•nce 366 St OF-St..,. Cecil. Venlute 468 Jt OF-J HIQl>ee. El Seaunoo 4 !II Sr Ut-Mttt Slark, los All06 4 70 Jr Wlmbfedon Men·a fl,..1 Round 81ngle1 I Qma~ Smid (Czechoslovak•~! def Attherd Lewis (Brt1a1n) 6-3 7·6, 6-0 Hank P1111e1 IU S ) def I.lei Purc:eH (US ). 6·1 6-3 6 4 rom GuH1i..aon CU S) del Je1emy Bate~ 1Brol11n1 6·4 6-4 6-3 Stefan Srmonsso:i !Sweden) dill Bill Sea~ IU S ). 7 !> 6-4 6 I Ma•CO• Hocevar C8r11111 oel Steve Krutl'YllZ tU S I 6-4 6 2 6·3 AO<I Frawley IAust1aha1 del Pat OuPre IU s I 6-7 6-3 I 6 6-) Petet Etter (Well Ge<menyr del Ch11• Dunk 1U Sf 6·• 1 6 6-J Bernatd lritz 1rran<eJ def St!r9ro Cual (Spain) 6·2 I ~ ~-6 6 7 6·3 Schoik van det Metwe 1sou1n A111ca) def ferry Moor tU s 1 6·4. 6·2 7 6 La"v S1a1ank1 tU S 1 Oet ,;.1e1and•o Co""' 1co1omb1a\ 6 4 6 2 6-1 Broan I eachet tu S > de• Sn1omo Ghcks1e1n !Israel) 3 6 7·6 6-4 4 6 6-2 Brao O<ewe11 1Aust•afla> oel Pat Ooohan IAustr&l•a> 7-6 6 2 6·4 Jotin F1tzge< elO CAuatreha) def J1t1 Gtanat 1Czecno!llovak••I 6-1 7-6 6-4 Ette Fromm (U S I def Hen11k Sundstrom ISwN1en1 7 ·6 6-3 6-2 Jey lal>'dua (US 1 <let ZOlten Kuharsky (Hungary!. 3-6. 7 5 II 3 6-0, Paul McNamee (Austrella) del Matt Dovie tU s) 5.7 6·3. 1·6 7-6, CMS L"w15 (New Zealand) del Juflo Goos (Btaz1I). 6·2 11·3. 6·2 . V11ay Amtllraj c1nd1e1 del Jett Botowrak (U S ). 6-7 4-6 II 3 6-4 6·3 Oavtd Oowlen IU S ) del Joachim Nystrom tSwedtn) 13-3 3-6 6· I 6·3 Leo Palrf\ CFtnlarld) def Ctaig Miiie< (AuSltaha) 3-6 6 2 7.5 4-6 6·• Men'• Second Aovnd llnglee Boo Lull (U s) del RIC~ Mtye< IU s ) 1-6 6·3 6-2 6-7 6·• Ma11 Wtlanoer 1Sweden1 der Nd uka Oo11or (Nlge r1aj 7-f; 6·4 6·0. Orew Giiiin (U S ) c:lel T '11erry lulasne (francel 6·3 6·•. 6 2. Peter RMnen (U S > dol Jof\atllan Smith (Brr1aon). 7 6 1 6. 4·6 6·3 Jimmy Conoo" (US 1 del J011n Alexandel (Ausltel••I. 6·3. 4-6. 6-1 1·6 Sandy M1ye1 (U S l Ot1 f Col•n 0owOKloell (Bt1latn) 6-2. 6 2 6·3 Women'• Flttt Rovnd Slnglff Ct•udra Kohde 1West Getmanyl clet Oeoore Jevens (Butain) 6· t 6-3 AndtH l emesv111 (Hungaryl del Diane Oeslor 1U S > 7·6, 7·6. Sabin• 81mmono1 (lltly) clel Kim SaMIS cu s ), 6-, 6·l Petre OelheH (S1t1111zerland) def t<11e Bras/1et tBtllotn). 6·4, 6·2 Bnrbara Jorden tU SI del L•aa Bonder IU S I 6 3 6·3 Batbera Hollqvrll (U S ) det .lennv Ki11CI! IU S 1. 7·6 6-3 Kim Stelnmet~ ru SI oet Punut Lou•o cu SI 4-6 6·3. 7·5. N&ncy 'fearg1n IU S ) def Iva Buoarova ICzechOslov&k•al 7 !!> 4·6 I 5, Menuetll Ma~• IButgarr•I def Voe'' Netson CU S I 2 6 6 4 11-4. Ketr l 31n1m 18rrt1rn1 dal ,t.nn l\tyornura tU ~ 1 6·• 6 7 6-0. Sue Leo 1Aus1ra1ta1 det Cteud•o Monteoro (BtezH! 6·l 2 6 6-3 w-·· s.c.onci Rovnd llnala• Pam Sh11ver (U S I def Kim Jones (U S I World Cup THUfllDAV't •C:O"ll ,i.l(j•llM I (;htle 2 1 r unco t C1<11(.11011c;v11~ •• I vuu<>~l•vt~ 1. Hondur•• I' TOOAY'I 0,t.Mll w .. 1 011tm•fly •• Auttrfa Sp11•n v1 No11t>etn lftll•nd Engll)l\O ve Kuwait World Cup •lending• (Thtovgh Thur.O.fe O•m .. ) GROUP I (final) W l l Pt1 OF OA 'Pullt•Q I U 2 4 !> I 'll&IV 0 0 J 3 I l C..arnetoon O o ~ ' 1 I Pt1v 0 I ~ i 6 ~ AtJv~nc.~~ to Mteono rovoO Au')trld A••)tWI-> w~~• C•ttni.inv •. ,llltf GROUP 2 W l T Pit OF OA l 0 11 4 4 3 l I 0 4 S 7 I I (l 7 ~ J () j 0 0 l 8 ll•m•lnlno Fk•I llovtld O•M•• Today Wt'•I lll'rm111y Y5 Au•t11a 81 G11on GROUP 3 ~ln~I) l Pit QF QA · ae101um 2 o 1 5 3 1 0 Argttnl1nn l I 0 • 6 2 ltUllQdry I t t l 12 6 El Satv&UOI 0 J 0 0 I 13 • AIJvancHs to ...cund •OUl\O OAOUP 4 W l T "11 ·eogl•nCI 2 O o 4 F1anc~ 1 1 1 3 C1;ochoslovAk•a 0 I ? 1 l(uwall 0 I I I • AdVOl\Qes 10 s«;OOO 1011"0 Rem1lnlng Flr1I Aovnd G1mH Tod•Y Eno•ano vs Kuwait ef Btit>ao GROUP 5 W l T Pl• OF GA Spa111 1 o 1 l ) 2 Yu11os•ovta t 1 1 l 1 2 N0tthetn Ireland 0 0 2 2 1 1 riOndurH 0 I 2 2 2 J Aem.tnlng Finl Rownd Gam•• Today Spain •S Nort1H11n 11e411na at VultnC•• GROUP 8 (Flnal) W l T Pit Q~ OA • Bteztl 3 0 O 6 10 2 • Aus..1 I I I J ~ l Scot•And I I I l , ~ New ZeNnd 0 3 0 0 2 12 ·Advances to ~ tound Thia WMk'a trout plenta LOI AHOElES -8ovquel Cenyon C•eell. JacklOn Lake fllVEl'IStDE -Fulletmill C"teel< P11tt1S Lake, Sttawbetry Creek IAN IE .. NARDtNO -Arrowoear lake Bog 8eM Lah, G1een \/alley lake, G1egory Leh, s~ Lake. IAN OWGO -Doe,,. Pond Santa Ma1gar1ta Atve< MADERA San Joaquin Atvtlf (Middle F0tkl StltkwHlhef l.al<e TUl.AM 0ee< C<ee\ Ory Mead<>W Creak Freeman Creel< Kt1tn Ao-tF••"'-Oem 10 KR3 Powerhouse Jonn1ondale BtldQ8 10 Fat,_._ Oam), t<etn AMII (South F<Hkl Peppermint Creell Poeo Creel<. South CrMk. Tule Rive< (Nort h end Sovtn FOfkS of Main ForkJ. WM• AtvOI' INYO -Beker Cteek. BIQ Pine Creek' Bishop Creel! (lower Bldole, South ond 1n1ake II). GoocJale Creek lnd1penclenc11 Crffl< Lake Sabttna. L0<141 Pine Ctteii Oah Cr-(NOtlll Fork), Owens Rive< (S Bt109M Oown&tteam to Stewul LaneJ Symmes Cr-r.ooow Cteel< Tlnem111a C•• Tullle C1eek MONO -Bridgeport Ae1etvott. Buckeye Creek Conv1c1 CreCjk Convict Lall• Oeadman Cf-Ellety Leke Geotoe Lake Gian Creek, G<1111 Lake G1een Creek, Gull Lake. HUion Cteek. June Lake. l ee Vining Creek. Lee Vining CrOl'k (Soult> Fork) Llltlo Walker River Lundy Lake Mantte Lake Mammoth Cteek Mary Lue. MGGee Cteek. Moll Creek Owo111 Arvet (Benton Ctowng and B•o Spt1ngs1 A<lv&r'MI Creek Ro1>1n1on Creek Rock Cteek ,Parad•U Camp to Toms Place Tom a Place ll()Slteem to Rock Cleelo lalo.e, Rock CrMk Lake 10 11>11 end or the road). Rock Creel< u i..e. Rush Cr-She<wln Cr-Silver lake. Sotehel Lai.e. Sweuoet C1eek r.umouu Lei..e Twin Lekea Bridgeport (Uppor ind Lower). Twin Lake• (l.lammoth), Vttg1ma Cteel< v1rg1n1a Creel< (Upl)()r and Lo we1) Walker River ICll11s Flat C1m00tound to town of Watket, Leavrll M .. aows Campground 10 Sonore Bt1dQel Thuredey'e treneKtlon• fASEIAll AIMflcMlMQue NEW YORK YANKEES -Sign.a Randy G11ham. Rory Brown, R1ch1td Gvmbe<I Chatles Tomaselh Kirk Beiley Ronato Inman St ephen Geo1ge. and Jeme t Oethalet pllcn..-a, Rtchard Cerfet and Joe McKev. outtlelders. Mike Fennell ano Fredi Gonutez c11cners; Peter Adnms and T1moth~ Kubacki 1nhelders SOCCER M•fot lndOOf Soccer LHQU9 MISL Aw11tded Ot Jerty Buss a l0to AnQetes lr1nch•n 10 be nern~ the Lazan LOS ANGELES LAZERS N1med JOM Buss P•et10"1I Bill Sharman YIC8 pretldtont ond Parkrr M&eOQnalO gene<tl mnneoer COU.EOE AMERICAN tNTEANATtONAL Named Lincoln Flagg head hoc~•Y coach CENTRAL MISSOURI SlATE Named Jim Wooldrldge ass<ttenl buketball coach Football ticke t s on sale This Week's Special Tickets for the 23rd Orange County All-star football game at Orange ~t College are available al several outlets, priced at $4 each Costa Mesa -Barbara's Do Nut Shop, 2180 Harbor; Cost.a Mesa Bike Shop, 1514 W. Baker; 'l'reds N' Threads, 270 E. 17th St. Foantaln Valley -Loesc.hom's For Runners, 10810 Warner. Newport Beacb -Ski N' Sports Store, 27 Fash ion fsland . Tickets are also available at the box office at OCC'a LeBard Stadium until 6 p.m . Monday at $4. Ticket prices are $6 each at the box office at 6:30 Monday evening. 1981 CADILLAC ELOOP\f>O R1•f\R1Tl Includes all Biarnu options, AM FM ~tereo w1lh cassette tape player and low m11es \ i l>t"J458) $16,995 ClldlllK Value Prot~llM !ktvt<W ~M Avlll.l.bl, All Oort ~ lb l'Wcw &tJ.. All flntw ""'° 7lLr It 1- NABERS ILLAC 2600 Horbor Blvd . Costa Mesa (7 14) 540-1860 4 area stars earn All-CIF DeBenon gains fir t tean1 By ROGER CARL.SON Of ,.,. Oat11 Pllol ltaft Edison High'~ Mike DeBenon lt'ads ~ quJrWl of O range Coast area baseball play\'rs who haw bc.~n named to the All-CIF 4-A team by the f'1 rst Interstate Bank athletic foundation. Oe Beno n , a two-lime All-Orangl' County outfielder, was selected to the first team after lt>ading Echson to the Sunset League champ1onsh1p He batted .418 with 23 RBI and 15 extra base hits a nd also helped the Chargers on the mound, striking out 68 in 65 inmngi. in fashioning an 8-2 record and a I. 7 1 ERA DeBenon was the only athlete from O range County to earn a fJrst team spot, on a squad led bv Pl ay1..'r o f the Yt.'a r K irk W a:.h1ngton, who :.pa rked Walnut High to tht.• CIF utlc Washington 1s thl' g randson or former UCLA grc·at Kenny Washington. He rerordcd a 1:3-2 won -loss record and a I -18 ERA During the playoffs h1..• wa:. 4-0 With an 0.82 ERA S<.'<.'Ond team berths go to Fountain Valley fu-st baseman JONOEWAAAD Dean Roberts ·and Huntington Beach catcher Greg Shirley. Fountain Valley's Steve J ongewaard IS a third team cho1c:e Roberts hit at a 447 clip and showed hlS prowess at the plate a t the Orange County All-star game with a three-run homer I le had 29 RBI. 3 homers and 41 hits in a 23-game season and recorded a .993 fielding average in helping the Barons lo second plac.:e and a ClF 4-A playoff berth . S hirley. headed for Anwna State following three banne r seasons w ith the Oilers. found himself m possibly the toughest a rea of the 4 -A selections at catcher, where two player of the year candidates were chosen above him. S hirley batted .380 and helped the Oilers to third plat't' in leagu<' play, also winning a playoff berth Jongewaard. who was a tr1-pl.ayer of the year 1n the Sunset League with OeBenon and Greg Cloney of Edison, was also Jumped mto a strong area as an infielder Signed to a pro t.-ontract by the Ne w York Mets after being drafte d o n the second round, Jongewaard batted 41 3 with 31 hits in 23 games, including 14 RBI and 8 stolen bases. From Page C1 SEV ANO COLUMN. e e h is point across to Wallach. "It's like takmg a towel and swinging 1t as opposed to snapping it. There's a lot more power in that towel if you snap it." Wallach explains "ln other wor·ds, it's not how hard you swing. but what you do with n. Some o f the balls I'vt• hit have amazed me " Fortunately for Wallach , the Expos return to Olympic Stadium tonight where the third baseman 1s hitting .380 in fro nt of the home crowd And. while Wallach has maybe cooled some, the Expos certatnly haven't as they have w on 22 of their last 31 games for a share of first place m the NL East with S t. Lows. ··1 think we're the two best teams in baseball,'' t'Ontends Wallach of the Expos and Cardinals. "And w e're jus t starting to play. We're in such a groove righl now I don't think a n ybody can beat us." Wa llach's had such a feeling before. except it occurred during his h ot streak of May and was more individualistic than team-or iented "Whe n I was in that streak it didn't matter who w as out there Steve Carlton, Fernando Valenzul'la, I could have hit any o f them," says Wallach . "l've always been pretty streaky but my goal is to s tay more cons istent this year I may be struggling a little now but we're going home and I aJ ways seem to hit well there." Wallach maintains that he doesn't like to set goals, but when he does he wants the m to be realistic. "I'd hke to hit about .280 this year with 20 home runs and between 60-80 RBI," he says. Wa llach quickly points out he's ahead of his pare in home runs and RBI. And, with another hilling streak hke the one he enjoyed 1n May, well, who knows just what kind of season he may enjoy. "It sure 1s a great feeling," says Wallach NEW 1982 SUBARU PIOM $158°0....., Daluxe 4 door (#09490). Total Cllh price $6582.82 lflCIU<ilng tu end '"*'"· 58945 52 Oef91'f9<1 paym«rt price tncludlng 111 carrying charges ror lorty·•lgllt month•. Annuel Percentage Rat• 19.2. BIG llLICTIOlll llOWI a. magnon suoaru Harbor at fair Cotta Mesa 549-1457 HAHE FIAT l>O'cATEU 811! Anderson, left, preS<'nts Don J . Rrnwn with tht.· title to one of only two Typt• 5t> 1914 ~'ialb m t•x1stenc.-e ICE'\0 , ''"v, Bill Anderson. owner of the Ponderosa Ranch al Lake Tahoe, h as donau.-d a rart.> 1914 Fiat to the· llarrah A ulomobde Foundation 1n Reno, Nt.•v One of only two known lo exist, the· Type 56 Fial JOlns 19 other pnvatl'ly donawd cars, as well as 100 automobiles rl'<.'c•111ly donated by Harrah's Au tomobilt.> Colk'('l10n Anderson prl'.:.l'ntl'<.J thl· f'1at to Don J Brown. exK·uuvc direc-to1 and t·hll'f t:."xecuuve offll'<.·r of the Foundauon. staling. "Thl, preservation of Bill Harrah'!> fam(·d Juto t'<J llection in R(•no 1s 1n1porl..d nt, not 1mlv to Nc·vad:m.:., but to the t•nttrc world " "Tht.· c:ollecuun has great srgnifica.nce smce the outomubtlc dra rnat1cally changt'd the hft.s tyl<' uC JX'Oplt'. the way tht-y worked and how they l'nJOycd their leisure· umc I hope my gift w ill e n t:ourage oth t'r c:ollcL·tor s to makt• s imilar donat1oru,." The Fia t , a :.L·ven·passenger touring c·ar. s ports a s 1x -cyl1nde r engine, m ak1 nR fur a hur$(•puwer of 50. a 1:!5-1nt:h whl"Clbasc· and 5fi-inch tread Built m Poughkt'eps1e. N Y , th1• c·ar sold fnr $5.900 WhL•n rww Standard equ1pmi:nl 1ncludt>s English mohair upholste r y; dust vnvelopt' a nd side l'Urtains, handmade straps: i.pK·1al Fiat wind:.h1t:ld with rain v1s1on; l'lectnc headlight.:.. dash and t.atl lig ht. and 100 m p h Sp('l.'donwter with t>xtt:rnal winding cl<.><.·k In dc·scr1b1ng thl' car , the Fiat factor y literature' of 1914 touted its Amt•nl·an-budl advanwges and 1..·alled 1t the lx>st Fial "Six" ever built "Fiat. the a<·knowledged leader or the automob1lt' world, 1s now sold at Aml' ·1ca n pnc.:es," the literature Sldted "The C'Stabhshnwnt or the Fiat factory at Poughk(·epsu:·. N Y .. t>ltmmaung the payment of 45 pt:n·(•nt import duty. has macle possible the ad;ustmc•nt or 45 pnc.-es which nwans so m ui:h to d1S<:nmmatmg motorists Fiat ha'> won more great racing victories than any other automob1lt-Tht' Fiat 'Six' has been pronoum't>d by eminent designers as 'The Greatest of All S1xt·s'" *** RE'\O. '\f'•. Don J . Brown ha~ been named executivP c.11r('(:l0r a nd chief e xecutive officer o f The Harrah Automobile F oundation. Jn his new positron . Brown. 50. will oversee the transfer of veh1dt.'S and assets from Harrah's Autom obile' Collection and privat e donors. establish a new museum headquarters and raise funds to support tht· non-profit public foundation. Prior to JOining the Fo undatinn, Brown served for five years as executive vice president of the Carlsbad, Calif. Chamber of Commerce Hts exptmence also includes pos1uons as C'xecuu ve vice president of the Berki:ley, CaJif Chamber of Commerce, regional manager for tht> California St.ate Chamber of Commerce and execuu ve vtc-e prL-s1dent o f the Tacoma. Wash Chamber of Commerce He started his chamber management career with the Omaha Chamber of Commere<• as mana ger of th<! govt:rnmental r e l ations department. He also servl•d as pres1dC'nt o f the Nebraska Jaycees and as a Natumal Jayc:e<' v1ct' president A native of Hastings. Neb . Brown studied business administration at Hastings College He was graduated from the C hamber of Commerce of the United States lnsutute an Organizational Ma nagem ent and attendro the Academy p rogram at the University of Notre Dame . Brown has served on the Western 01v1s1on Board of Rege nts for the Chamber Institute a nd has taught courses m membership development and convention and visito r promotion at the University of Sant.a C lara a nd the Un1vers1ty of Colorado "at Boulder He has served as h rst vice president of the San Luis Rey Planning Council, vice president of the California A.ssoc1at1on of Chamber of Commt>rce Exec uti ves a nd as president of the Tn-C1ty Hospital Foundation. "My appointment to the position of executive director of The Harrah Automobile Foundauon is an exc1ung, new ch allenge," Brown said The Harrah Automobile Foundation has been entrusted with a n outstanding collectio n of historically important automobiles and o ther memorabilia assembled by Bill Harrah *** lft\ l'f. Before' you take on the pleasures and challenges of off -road driving m a 4-wheel drive car, take a look a t these safety tips from a new book from Subaru, "Getting Dirty,'" by off-road drivm~ expert Tom Mad1gan. • DO -Get to know your vehicle. On the tr ail a driver is d ependent on knowledge of vehicle operation and ability. • DO -Have everyone in the vehicle wear a seat bell, particularly when your 4-wheel drive car is off-road. Chuck holes, deep ruts and hidden boulders can cause a considerable jolt even m a 4-wheel drive vehicle • DO -Check over the machme before lea ving on a back country venture. A 4-w h eel drive vehicle may be subjected to rigors far beyond nonnal highway driving. A thorough check of drivetrain components, tires, the oooling system. suspension parts, belts, wiring and engine fluids should be made before departing. If you'd like to know more about the basics of ofC-roading in today's stylish •·wheel drwe cars, you can get a copy of "Getting Dirty" from Subaru for free. Just test drive an On Demand 4·wheel d rive Subaru BRAT, wagon or hatchback at your participating Subaru dealer. EE WHAT YOUR LOCAL AUTO DEALERS HA VE TO OFFER YOU IN TODAY'S PAPER. - Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT /Friday, June 26, 1982 Whatever the job, Baker Plywood bow 60.W .. :~ .......... iii.: . : r-.-.... . . . :--. ..... • . . • • • . leaf ra.~ Sure, lurnher is our business, hut we're n1.uch niore than just a 1 uni.her store. · • • • I • • . : • • • • • • • • • 2969 Century Pl., ·costa Mesa 549-3073 • OPEN 7 DAYS ~ HOURS: MON -SAT 8-6; Sun 9-4 • garden supplies . CJ • I a Ofaoge Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, June 25, 1912 THE f,.\~llL\' CIRCt8 by Bil Keane "We're out of lemonade." by Brad Anderson ''We will continue the obedience lessons after the Ice cream truck leaves!" Jl'DGE PARKER HE 5AY5 TI-IE COf'S WHAT DID FETLOCK ARE HOL.DIN0 HIM SAY? CAN HE ON MURDER ONE / !lf'RIN0 LUKE ? JfM rJAVffJ &·Z5 MOON Ml'LLINS ACROSS 1"-- evil,. " 8 Quebec city IOOist~ 14 Mail 15 ErelOng 18 Invented 17 Shrews 19 Cle0pa1ra'1 maid 20 Condt11on 21 DltpOMI ayttem 23 Exp«lment 25Suppo<1 28 MoltlUrl 27 SchoOI org. 29 Ract Ir.ck 31 L.cetlllOn 33 liquefy 34 Y'lnf drink 3f (>Mdlng w1lla 40 Single llmt 42 lot bled! 44 l.lyout 4& Prtdlci0f1 47 HeywMll lndMortnO 41 lntlet 50Pr~ 62~ " """guMlr Ye5 ~t:Rsls -roMY 39!!J! oH,C'oME NOW·· '/OUIRE 39? 54 Elect un11 THURIOA Y'I 57 Maller· Law PUmf 80lVED 59 TaboOS 61 Fin NFL 64 Gen11er 67 J<Nrr-..y 68 Camek>I leature: 2 WOf'dS 70 Bone: Prel 71 "It's --I you" 72 Eyed 7 3 Re91den<:e 74 Noble 75 8lt'9 DOWN 1 s...oning 2 Trwieg< ..... 18 Folllgl 48 l.egfllat« 3 Exud1tlon 22 Protection 51 Alp: 2 word• 4 Mod. lvrnl-24 Min drink 54 Suma' rllltlf tunt flnllh 27 -Ind cont 55 Elk'• kin 5 H.,MgUe 28 Melody 56 Moue. 6 lnqulr• 30 s.n .. 11one1 56 OeclMty 7 Supemlan't 32 Vitality 80 Mlalourl gk1 35 Fiend lttdlt 8 Nicllll "10¥ 37 Ctedlblt 82 Wtlgh1 • ~ 38 Contlln« lllowence 10 Aliln otlltf 39 Poktt pot 63 1n1trument 11 Etlet.unll 41 Work unit 86 ~ ltll• 12 Sew 43 Bo.tecl .. Rldlcall 13 a.-~ 48 EllfOC*ln ff Md not BIG GEORGE by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) t "Look, clown. Doea that 11y let cream?" •Bf TCAA ~T 'r<JON WfJrO llilS IS MR.. WIL~ I t I • 1' ~f IQ.JEW ~ '' by Harold Le Ooux f>Vf WHAT D.A. 15 GONNA ~ IT WHEN mlJ U5E A 5AWED·OfF 6HOT0l.JN1 by Ferd & Tom Johnson No, No --BUT FOR '/EARS Now JIVE ALWAYS THOUGHT i~,\T WAS MY BEST ----~ Bl!?THDAY. 1 2 3 4 6 14 11 ~-----..... .-. ... --- PMNIJT8 by Charles M. Schutz ---------. "'""''-·-·'., by Jeff MacNelly , -- by Ernie Bushm1ller I'M PLANTING J ELLYBEANS BUT JELLYBEANS THEY'RE WHAT ARE YOU WON'T GROW THE ONES I DOING, PEEWEE? GORDO BRABBLE MA .. & off, M~-1«.~ ~'i NT AtN ~E.SS~ Al.MOS'1' ro ~ CAR. °" "~ fOOT. KEEP IT Et.EVA'tW ... iEAA, LIKE 1'14AT ! ~- WHA,-'S OUR PA-r"IE:N,-L..oAD ,..H 1 s we:e:K , MISS CURRY~ weL.t..., we. t COUL.PN'-f GE:-r 'fi.M AU.. ON 'THE: -r"RUCK SCAl...f::, SO !'t..t... HAF-r"A GIVE! YA A WI L.D GUE:SS! DON'T LIKE by Tom B at1uk so 1 1HOUG+rr l cru..o PICK UP A U1il.E ~ GWIN& ~E ~ ! by George Lemont NOW W HA,-'S i'HA,-FUNNY 1.-00K FOR ? .' roa •ETTE• •• ,. ••• ••£ .... -------------.--~-~~~----lf\ E KIDS ~T THflf MisEMBL.E 8LEEP. .. RND I MUTI'!-HE.'S !X)N~ it\INK NEVER ~UN ()='Fo l WILL. Llt<.e ~IS ~ 8EFO~E.. U~IO in dluding from left. Martin Nesbitt, 1 2; Norman Kerr, 12, Tony Knocker , 11; Bruce Stewart, 11; Sonya Banks, 10; and No1~l Adams, 13. Lavery raised $55,000 to send children to homes in 22. states. CHILDREN OF IRELAND Catholic and Protestant children are shown on their first day in America where they are spending a six-week vacation from strife-torn Nor thern Ireland. Fund organized by Vincent Lavery of Fresno, right background. brought 63 children, -=~~~~-~-'-~~~~~~----~----~--~ Women • 'real' miners PBS to present story on Channel 28 SundaJ1 By FRED ROTHENBERG A~T~Wrtter NEW YORK -Reality-based p rograms are always looking for oddb a lls, freaks and carnival characters. But they overlooked som e s i mple women with overpowering dignity who happen to work under mountains of earth. T h ey missed some REAL PlX>PLE. S unday, PBS tells their story in "W e Dig Coal: A Portrait of Three Woman," a t 10 p .m . on C hanne l 28 . This powerful, mov ing documentary 1s about three women who fought the system in t h e courts and underground. They became the first f e m a l e miners for the R ush ton M ining Co. of Osceola, Pa. And o n e of t hem, Marilyn M cCu sk er , became a statistic. She w as k illed in a cave-in, becoming the first female fatality in an American mine. She loved t h e work. but was d oing it only until her h usband, a carpenter. couJd build their dream house. Before sh e got the job, she didn't know what coal looked like. The hour builds dramatically and concludes with interviews w ith Mrs. McCusker's husband and the coal miner who saw her die, Harry Koptchak. He was her fr iend . but disapproved of women m iners. "Their reacttons aren't fast e nough." Koptchak says. W ithout a narrator. the DllTH NOTICI S principals and cameras tell an emotionally poignant story and capture an America that wasn't made pretty. but was made of solid foundation. Back-breaking work as the backbone o f these dusty towns. like Frugality, Tippletown and Coalport. Mary Louise Carson worked in the local sewing factory. She brought home less than $100 a week and didn't like the work to boot. She wanted to work in A mine. For some, rejecting sewing factories for mine shafts rrught be a classic case of the pot calling the kettle black. But, for Mrs. Carson. 1t was an econom ic necessity. Her husband , a miner. had emphysema and had to quit after suppo~ I.he family 25 yean. . "I never thought of being a. mine.r , you know. not till th e hard times came," she says . Then sh e a dds that taking care of her husband "makes me feel important and wanted." So Jim Canon walks his wile to the pick up truck each morning and kisses her goodbye. H e stays behind . and she gets lowered into the earth. "I didn't want her to go because I didn't .. well. I guess I'm like a lot of men. I didn't think it was the place for a woman to be," he says. "And I still don't." That's the a t titude M rs . Car son , Mrs. McCusker and B e rnice Dombroski fought against . It t.00k three years, htUt in 1977 they won the right to work in a hole in the ground and caJJ it home As an economic sign o f the limes, the younger men w e.re most gung-ho against womt•n miners. And, as an indjcator ·of self·imposed and self. perpetua ting shackles. the women of the commuruty fE·lt women miners threatened their notion of femininity. Says the w ife of one miner: "I like to feel feminine ... and that isn't feminme to me ... to be grubby and dirty and to walk in the slush and mud and guck all day long." In its honest, straightforward style. this program makes a wallop o f a statemen t about determination and willpower. As the Equal Right.s Amendment a p proaches a p parently certain defeat n ext Wednesday, "We Dig Coal" manages to q uestion some trad itional con cep ts of what constitu tes w omen's work . Mrs. Domb roski, her face sool y and sweaty, talks about the time she caught her hand in a machine. She ripped two fingers, sliced her side and broke two ribs. She worked a full shift then went to the doctor Obviously. Mrs. Dombroshi, one of 16 children , doesn't discourage easily. "They djd give us the dirty jobs. I enjoyed doing every one of them " HAMILTO N WI LLIAM MA SON HAMILTON, JR . born July 31. 19:>2. died on Saturday. ATCHESON HUGHES June> 19. 1982 He 1s survived F R E D E R I C K R . A U D R E Y M A R Y by h1i. loving parents, ATCHESON, resident of HUGHES. a resident o f --------------W11l1am and Dorothea of South Laguna, Ca. Passed Orange County for the ~ast r ..,. Pasadena, Ca .. sisters and his away on June 22, 1982. Mr. 12 years. She passed awuy ,..Cl•OTH~ daughter M e tta Noel. Atc heson had been an on June 23, 1982, Having ~~·~n·~~ Y Memorial services wall be executive with Marshall been born and raised 1n Huntington Beach held on Sunday. June 27. Field In Chicago, Winoas and Muskogee, Oklahoma, she 536-65J9 1!182 at Jl:OOAM at the al thet1meofhisretittment became a real estate broki~r rACIFfC VIEW NINOllAL rAlll Cerretery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1l1c View D11ve Newport Beach 644-2700 McCOllMICIC MOITUAlllS Laguna Beach 49"-9415 Laguna Hills 76&-0933 San Juan Clp1strano 495-1776 HMl90ll UW~MT. OUVI Mortuary • Cemetery Crerretory 1625 Gosier Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 ,_Cl llOTHDS m1 UOA.OWAY woaTUAIY n o Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 • IALT2 .... HOM Mnt a nmttL.L. Balboa Island Community in 1961 was Comptroller/ in Pasadena for-20 years. Center ln lieu ~r flowers Treasurer, of Frederick and She as survived by h e r please send donations to The Nelson Departmart Store in daughter Frances Farn·r Children's H osp1 lal of Seattle, Washington, besides g ra n d chi Id re n Su~ 0 range Count Y or l he hl5 wife Marguerite he is Antonina. Laura Farrer and Nursing Scholarship Fund at survwed by 4 90\'\I, David Jay Farrer. great-grandson Orange Coast C.ollege. Atcheson of San Francl.!tco. Adam Graveside servic«s HAMILTON Ca , John Frede r I ck will be on Friday, June 2.5. J A y N E L E E A t ch es on o f Se a t t I e . 1982 at 3:30PM at Paetl'ic HAMILTON, born January Was hington, Willia.m View MelTl?riaJ Park with 13 1957 died Saturday Atcheson of Indian apolis, Rev. William R . Parry, Ju'ne 19 1982 She i~ Indiana and the Rev.Charles Chaplain Hoag Memorial sur vived' by tier loving Atcheson of Bothel l , Hospital ofhCl31..1!1g. Services parE>nts Austm and Marian Washington, 2 daughters under the direction of Baltz o( San Deigo. Ca., brother, Antonia MacKe nzie .of Bergeron Smith & Tuthill sisters and her daughter Johannes~g. South Afnca Westcllff Chapel Monuary M e tta Noel. M emorial and Louise M c Glade of of Cosl4l Mesa, 646-9371. services will be h eld on Redondo Beach, ,Ca .. he also ----------- Sunday, June 2?, l982 at leaves l brother an lreland. 1 P\B.IC NOTICE l l :OOAM at the Balboa m New Zealand and~ siste_rs ----------- Island Community Center. tn England and 1 5181.er tn F~~:A~::-.J• In h<'u of flowers please send Ca n ad a . as we I I ~ 5 1 3 Trwt tottowlng pereona are dol'•; donaunons t.o The Children's grandchddr.en Private buslne .. 11.1 Hospit.alofOrangeC.ounty. 1n.terment as planned . RES.P COMPANY, 16721 Friends may call at the Ray Hele Ave .. Irvine, CA 92714. TOPPE R Fami ly L a~na Beach P~t Edwin RutMll, 21561 Lost NORMAN TOPPER , a Mort11n.-v on turday June ~I.,.. Ct .. Leke For•t, CA 92630. -J Wllllem L Beclt, 2415 Buclleye. resident of Capistrano 26, 1982 Crom lO:OOAM to Newpon Beech. CA 92880 Beach, Ca. Passed away on 2:00PM. , Memorial atrvicei. Thia butlnMI le concl\lc:led by 1 June 23, 1982. He 11 survived w ill follow at 3:00PM at St. OCW*., P8t'lnenllip. b h. 'f r -hildre Peul E Rulllll y 11 w1 e LAUra. c n Mary's EpisC'oe,al C h irch, Thi• •t•tement wu filed wtth ''" La r r y a n d S t e v e n . 3 Laguna Beach, q. with the County Clettt ol Orange County on grandchildren, Stacy, Rev. Robert Cornelison June 2, 1982. ,,..., Melinda and Melissa. offtclaling . Ray Family Publlthed Or1ng1 Co111 Dally Services will be held on Mortuary directors PllCM. June •. 11, 18, 25. 1982 Sunday, June 27, 1982 al · 2431·82 12:00 noon at the Harbor ----------- Orange Co11t OAILV PILOT/Friday, Jun• 25, 1ea2 C1 ,,.... P11bll1hecl Orenge CoHI Dally f'tlol. June 11, 18. 2&. July 2, 1982 2aea.a2 Nil.IC NOTICE MIMfl<H'TAHT NOTICI" II' YOUA PAOPERTV 18 IN l'OA8CL08UAE BECAUte YOU ARE l!HIND IN YOUR PAYMINTS. IT MA y ee 801.0 WITHOUT ANY COURT ACTION. el'd YoU mey heve Ille i.otJ tiQlll to b<tng your llGGG\lnl In OOod etenOlng by peying all of yo11r pul d11• peymen11 plut permlll•d oo•I• and upenau wtlhln lhrM month• from tht dtl• thl• notice of d.ieult wit ree<><de<I l'UB&.IC NOl1CE "8.IC NOnct 'ICTITIOUI IU .... I~ --..,.,~IO~T~fT~~~~.-=iUW'.:r.r. '!:!llr.:1~1-- llfA• ITATllllPl1' NAMI ITATIMIWT The lollowlng pettef\e .. e CIOlng The IOllOwlno '*ION •• doing I bU!MnelM M bUJlneN u · .. OMAI" LAND Ol'V L SOUTH C0A8t BROACH • OPMIN T '· LTD • 2990 Orac1 l ine. COMPANY. 1111 MOMovi• ltretl. eo.11 MMe, 01lltornle 92'20 Coal• Meu, C•l"otnla 91027 John WHl1y Wiiton. 10411 Oniel P 81akell, c)ene111 K11meth River. Fo1.1n11tn V11tay, re11ner, U74 rurlOck Drive Coet• ca11101n1• 92708 Mtt•. Cet11o<n11 1ne28 1 nit bUetneN '' condueteel by 1111 llloger H She111 Q.,n1111 111c1tvocklel Pertner I Ill Rel>oUCIO LI ll•bt• John w WlllOn CetllOfni• 90e3 t fhl• 11•1-I wu flied with .,. John P 8emmane l lmlteu County Clerk 01 Otenoe County°" Pe1tner. 5 HI 35th StrMI l~o 8 June 10, t9a:l Newpo.1 Beech. C1111oml1 92883 '1t12'0 fhll butlrt•M 11 conduetetl by • l'110111hed Orange CoHt Di lly llmlleo O•rtrlefehlp Pilot, June 18, 31. July 2. 9. 1H2 Oevlcl P 0.Chett 2542 .. 2 0-el Peftne1 Tnra 11etemen1 wit 111ee1 w111> the rtaJC MOTIC( Collnty Clerk ol Orange County on --------.....---J11ne t5. 1982 f lCTITIOUI 11U9111111 F•011S4 MAMI ITA'n•WT Pu1lllar11d Orange Co111 Dally lne lollowlng perllOnt .,. OOlnO Pilot. Jun1 19, 25, July 2, 9 •»82 l>ullnen as 2678-82 I t I T H E NU TR I TI 0 N Thlt MIOllnt It $108, 18~ 00. 1 ... ---------- any cr9dttt M ~ O-S• 01 MLIC NOTICE EXPERIENCE, (2) LA X-RAV. 400 N T uttln Av1n11e • S111t1 20 I. Tu1t1n. CA 92705 Tr11tl .. Of Jul't 3. iH} end wtll -----------lncr11 .. 11ntll your eaaount ~ 01Krent. You mey not h1"9 K-00562 to pey Ille entire unpeld pon1on 01 NOTICE OF Df:ATll OF NOTICI M TIIUaftl'I IALI your 1caoun1 even tho11gh full MACK P. FREED AND or·· T.I. No, Im peymenl WM fltnended, b11I you (31 AH v Sy•t•m•. Inc • Ce1tlorn11 corporetlon, 817 P1ul1rlno Avenlil, C:0.11 MIM, CA 92826 Tna. butln•H II conduc:led by • On JulY 2, 11182, 1t 11:00 A,M . muit pey 1n. lmO\lnt 11et9d above P 1': T I T I 0 N T 0 611n-Sh1w Corpor111on. 1 Attw lhtM month• trom the date AD MINIS1'E R ESTATE NO C1lltornl1 corporetlon It cl11ly of r9COtcllllOn of Ihle doc:ument A·l 13863. appointed Tt11tte1 11nder e ncl (whldl clete of rtcorelellon ~· I h r Pllfllllllt 10 o..s of T"* d1ted hereon).""'-the obllQ•tk>n being To el em .. benc• ll'IJI It's. December 211. 1919. recorel•CI roreciONcl upon permlla 1 tonoer creditors and t•unttllj.(\• nt Oeeember 31. 1979. H Intl. No. period, you h111e only tM i.o11 rlgnl t-rcd1t.ors of Mat•k I' f'n.,•d 311141. In book 13461, pege 111110. 10 alop the loreoloeur• by P•)'tng and pt'rliun1> who mav Ill' ol Otflclel Reootdt In the ofllCI ol the entire 1moun1 demanded by otht•i Wlll4..' IOh.'l l'!ll\'<l 11i 1 lw the Counry Rlco<dett of Orlfl04I your -creditor. County. S1111 of cemotnle execu1ed To f~ out 1ne amount Y°"' mu11 will 1md/or l>:>kttt- corparauon R H v 8yatem•. Inc Ot Rnondl Henry Pr..idenl Tttl• tte1emen1 wu hied w1111 lhe County Clerk 01 Orenge County on June 9 19112. f1t1117 P11bllthed O,.nge Cont Di iiy PllOI, June 11 , 19, 2!1, J111y 2, 19112 2498-42 P\&IC NOTICE by HARLAN A. HANSON. •n PIY· °'to err~ for P•~· lo A pc:llll(,IO h.h •x'l'I\ Ith-ti unmerrlecl men Will SELL AT ttop 1111 tor1c101ure. or If your by Wilham Lnoy B.ir th tt in ---Fl_C_T_rr_IOU""'"'."l,....,.l~U..,.l_INE..,...l..,.1-- PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST P<operty It In forlCIOlur• '°' eny 1he Supt•ricir Court oC NAMEITATUllENT BIOOER FOR CASH OR AS SET other rMtOn, contact • FOATH IN SECTION 2824H OF THE 8"" Parker Otan~t· ounty rc·~ut·sllllj.t lne following persona are doing CIVIL CODE, el lhl front tntrenct t,4.P.D lnve11men1 Corporellon that W1l11arn Lt•roy Burll«'I t buai~~:itt IMPRESSIONS-WEST. ol Stln·Shlw Corporation, 23t6 E P 0. Box 3357 bl! appotrllt•d JI> )Jt'rson.i I '300 Pacific Coast Htghw1y . $\Ille J, 17th Str"'· Sent• An•. CA 927 l t Anlhllm. CA 92803 r.·prt'S4.•ntallVI' h• ;H.lm11111>tt•r Newport Beacn, Cahlornle 92ee3 Ill ""ht. title end lnl .... I C0<1veyecl 7141781-3800 r M ·k l' L' ,. ... 10 ·~ now held by " under aelO u you neve "'Y Q~tk>nt you the est.all' 11 ,,, r n'\~l. Robert A Peterson. 24v., Deed ol Truet In th• property •houlel contact• lewyer o; th1 Cosl:i Ml•!.,., CJld11rn1<1 Ma t1nc Drive. Newport Beech. Ca11101111a 92663 lltueled In Mid County Ind Stell oo-nmentegenoywtllchm1y11a"9 \Undl·J thr-Jnde pendt·ni Ric;nerd F Kohl 303 2Sth deac:rlbed ~HIBIT "A" t~~O~L~~L~~F ~g~ Adm1n1slrntwn uC Es1;;11·>0 Stroel Drive c.der Raplela. IOwl Legal O..Criptlon: 00 NOT TAKE PROMPT ACTION. At.:1 l Thl• J>'.'l1t1un I!. M'l fill 32'03 PARCEL 1: Lot 38 of TrlCI No. In eddltk>n to the emount tteted h(•arH\~ an Ot•pl No :.I al 70U fhos t>usineaa " conducted by • ""14, u..., m-rlCOrded In 8ool< llboY9, thOuld "'" ~, llXM.11-. Ct Vil' c .. nu•r 01 iVt• Wt·~t. oeneral partnership """ ,..... _. .,...., Rot>e•t A Peterson 20, p 1gu 111 1hro119h 25 o °' encumbt'1rt0e6 be dellnquenl °' Sant.a Ana, C<thlor JU 1 •1·,no I lh1s 11111emen1 wes loled wl1h 11wt mlacellll*>lla mape, In the otfloe become dellnquenl. and Ille 1oen J 1 9 · · c "· Cou thecounty-0.ot .. !Ocounty c;i n b l reln•teteel , ••Id on uy 14 I ll:!Jl!l.lll ,t m County letkot.,..enge ntyon PARCEL 2. Non·u.clualve dellnquenelel must be cured u • IF YOU OB.JECT lo tlw June 9. t992 F1t112'1 Published Orange Coeal Delly , P1101, June 18 25 July 2. 9, 1997 ..-nent• Oltet Lo1 A Ind Lo1• 141 condl1k>n ol rllnslltlmfH'll granlln8 uf lhl· pdtllt)ll, yuu to t5e 1nc;tull"9 of TrlCI No. 3351, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN· should t•ttht•r <tppt•Jr ;;l th1 as per map rec;orcled In Boole 107, THAT T 0 SERVICE COMPANY 11 h • l . 2880-82 pagH 1 throuoh 7, lnclualve of duly eppolnted Trustee under the I.! a fl n !!: Jn< 'la ll You I m1ao1111neou1 mape, In the otfic:e or fotlOwtng delc:rlbed CIMO ol 1r1111 objcc·uoni. or f ah' w 11ltt•n PUBllC NOTICE lhe county recQ<det of l8k:I county, TRUSTOR O.M.S. PROPERTIES. Objc<·uon!> With tltt• l'l•\Jrll ror the purpo-and u cseecnt>ed INC before the· hC'ar111.: ~·our NOTtcE OF In Ar \fc;le XIII, Section 4 ol lhe BENEFICIA RY M P 0 prv•arant't' ffidY be 111 '"''~·Oil TRUSTEE'& SAU: declera11on of cov1n1nl1 INVESTMENT CORPORATION '1 r-• ,... • Loan No. 291 concllllons and re11r1c1 loni record*' Aprll 2, 1982 as Instr No. or by your Jllurn('y r.s. No. 71541-e recorded Me.rch 7, 1974 In Booi. 82·118200 or O"lcial Rec;orcls In the I F y 0 u A H E A NEWPORT PACIFIC FUNDING. t10il0. page 174 ot ottlcial records. ottlce of the Recorder of o,.nge CHEDITOR or a l'<1nt1ng1•nt tNC as duly appointed TruatH Tne street addr11a 1ne1 otner County: Mid deed ot trutt eecurea nediLor of the det'eaM'tl vou ondl!f the IOllOwlng daacrlbeel Clee<l common designation. II eny. of It>& certeln obllg1tlon1 Including one · • · ol trust WILL SELL AT PUBLIC real property desc:rlbed ebove 11 noll tor the t11m of S 105.000 00 must f tit' vour datm w1 lh lht• I\ u c T 1 o N To THE H 1 G HE s T purported to be: 1321 Outrigger Thet Ille beneflclal lnl., .. t un<ler ~'OUrl or prl~nt II tu till' EllOOER FOR CASH (p1yeble el OrM1.Coron1delM1r,CA9282S aucn d••CI of lr11a1 1nel the pcr~iHlJI rc•prt•St>ll lot1v1: 1meo1sa1e1n11w1u1moneyollhe Th e unclerstgneel Tru11ee obllge1ton1 aec:ureel thereby are appointed b y 1 he· t'•turt 1.1111111<1 Stale•I an rtghl. title end Cllsclalm1 any ll1blllly tor eny pr._,11y held by the underllgneel; ( Interest conveyed 10 aoo now held lncorrec1nea1 cl the atr"t eddresa fhet a breech ol, and deleult In, tne within lour month:. rum lhl· by 11 uneler sa1CI Deed of Trust In the end Other c;ommon deelgnellon. II Obllgallona for which tuch deed ol dale of (1rst ISS\1(1n(•(• Of 1>roperty herelnaller described any. anown herein lru•t 11 MC\lrily hi& occurred In lhel letters ru, prov1de<l in &'(:tum TAUS TOR OEAN A WILSON end Seid .. ,. Wiii be m•cl•. but pey~I hU not o-1 mede ot· lt>e 700 uf lht• Probate Cude of KAROL E WILSON. h11Sb11nd Ind without covenant or wlft8nly, bal1nc1 cl th• prlnclp1I aum of wile as ioonl tenenls exP<HI or Implied, regerdlng !Ille, 1105,00000, which bec1m1 Clu1 CaltfornrJ The ltmt• for BENEFICIARY WhllneyMaygren. po11e11lon, or enc11mb11nces. AP<H 30. 19112. wllh 1n1erea1 due f1hng l'lam\S will nul exp1rt-8 single man IS 10 an undolllded lnc;ludlng leea, c;h1rg11 and thereon prior lo four month.\. (mm 7 48503•1., Pn111p Eug-Ceva<llni eapen ... ol the T•ualM end of the That by re11on thereor. In• the dat<' of thl• hl'artng and Janet Edna Cavedinl. nuaban<J 11ua1a creeteel by 11ld Oeed ot uncleralgned, present benellctery .• r bo and wile as 101n1 1enan1s 111 10 an Truat, tc pay the remllnlng principal under 111c;h deed ot trusl. has nollt't.>u a vc· X MINE und1v1ded 30 53893•;., Carrol sumt of the note(•) MC11red by eald e.leculed lllld Clellll&fed to NICI duly Y 0 U MAY F. 1\ Robe•son an unmarried man as to o-i of Trult, 10 wtt $112,823 24 eppolnl1d Truatee. • written the f1lt• kept l>y lh1· 1ourt IC an une11vlded 9 58083•.t. Rtcnarel with lntcw811 thereon trom 2·15-82 Oederetk>n ol Oeleult 111d Ocwnend Y•>U art· intt.'rt•1>tcil .,1 lhl! F'r.1ndsen and Elina< 8 Frllldten, ~ 13% per annum a P<OVIO«I In tor Sile, end has depottted with f 1 nu'iband and w1l1 u Joint Tenents H id note(•) pl11s co•I• 1nd eny Mid Cluly IPPOll'lt9d TNSIM, tu<:h t'Stak. you may 1 ea rt>qut'SI n 10 an undivided 41 91616%, edvenc. of -4-With lnlerwt plua dMd of tN81 end •I documenll wllh tht• l'OUrt lo rC'C'C'tVe Yolanda 81ewers and Je1n111• , torec:toeure 00911. evidencing obllgatlona secured s p e c I d I " 0 t I c I! 0 r l h (' B1ewera as }Olnl tenants ... 10 en The beneflc:lely under lllld OMd thereby, end has declere<I end <Ion inventory u f estate ass~ts und1v1de<1 10 4790S"l •. 1111es1en1111ts ol Tru11 heretofore 1xecut9d Ind hereby Clecler• Ill sume aocur9d d f h 1n c.ommon , c1111verecl lo the unclertlgned 1 thereby lmmecllllely clue enel an ° l c pclllmns, at.'<.'OUnts Aecorded M1rch 26. 19111 e'/• • written Decteratk>n ol o.t1Utt end PIYlble end hM eleet9d end CIOM and reports described in Instr No 34508 1n l>Ootl 1399S.,. ! Oemend tor Sele. end. writlen h1reby •••Ct to C8UH th• lrutt St-C'tt on I zoo 5 or tht' p119e t726o10tl1ClalRecotdeln"'-:·' Notlee of CMfeult end EleCtk>n 10 oroperty 10 be -'*' to Ntl8fy the California Probate Code. oll\Cle ot 1ne Recor<lef 01 O<~ : Sell. The under1lgned ceuMd Mid obllg1tlona e.:uted ll••by R' b d J A b · County said deed or trust deeolbet· Nottce of Dll•ull Ind Electlon 10 DATED t.4ey 18. 1982. IC ar · pra amtao · lt>e 1o11ow1~ propet1y ; 1 Sell 10 be rec:offed In the county M P o . 1 N v Es T M EN T a Professional C'orporatlon, Tt10se oonton• 01 Loi 1 01 TrlCt· ; whet"• 111e real p..openy 11 IOceled CORPORATION Attoruey a t Law, %02 1 East No 8445. as l>el' map 11111<1 In Boolo. I DATE June 7, 1982 Published Orange Co111 Oally Fourth Street, Suite 116, 353 pages 33 10 36. lnciuslve o( . StenShaw Corporetk>n PH01, June 4, t t, 18, 25, 1911:. Santa Ana, California 9%705. M1sce11aneou1 Maps of seld County,> , 2315E f71hSI 241·112 71•1 8350345 desc1bed1npl/celsasfottows , 1 Sanle Ana, CA 9271 I ( ' • PARCEL I •· : (7141 !>42·5811 ... 1.,. MGTICE Published OrangE' Coast Un11 No 58 as sho•n incl ., u lllld Trustee. rwDU\t Daily Pilot Jun1· 18 IH :!5, e1esc11bed on tt>e CondomtntllfTI PW\ • By Lynn Brunner l 98i ' reco.ded on October IS, 1975, .n. : All&lll ~retary P -101681 .,67..\ 8• Book 11S40, PIQ& t251hroogh 220,. • Publlahed Orange Cout 01111y NOTICE OF DE ATH OF -• .. 1nelu~we 0111e1111 Records or .. io.: j Pno1, June t1, 18, 25, 1982 LIN A VIOL A DAS H NER Coun•y ~ • 2547-82 PUBllC NOTICE PARCEL 2 -----------AN O OF PETITION TO A'n und1v1C1t!<l one SIXIY ·llrsl P\&IC NOTICE ADMINIST E R EST ATE NO. K 00570 1116 1 so 1n1eres1 as a 111nen1 1n· -----------A 1137• J • common in Ille tee 1n1eres1 tn end 10 • ' · NOTICE OF DEATH OF tne Cl)mmon Area of .. od Loi an<l E T H OF To all heu-s. beneC1cianes. HE LEN M. LEADBEATER Traci as sucn term os det.'ned tn NOTICE OF D A creditors. conttngl·nt AND OF PETIT I ON TO Ar11c1e en1111ec:1 ·0e11n111ons orthe ANNE C. BURGESS AND jcredrtOI"!\, and persons who , oec1,11a11on o r Covenarits . 1 0 F P E T 1T 1 0 N T 0 may bt.• otherwise antt•rt.'!lled ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. cont111tons and Res1no11ons ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. in the will or est.ale or· LINA A·l 13856. recorllecs on August 27 1915. In A-113940. V !OLA DASHNER aka To all hC'1rs bent.'Ctrnirws Book 11495 Pago t5S5 Ottlclet ·redilors and continol•nt Records o.r ta1d County tt he To all heirs. bencf1crnraes. LINA V DASHNER l .., 0ec1ara11on I credttors and contingent A pelltton has been hied c r-t.>d1lors of H elen M PARCEL 3· creditors of Anne. C Burgess b R th R J nes in the Leadbeater and persons who Non·e•c;lu11ve easements for ,. , 'Y u 0 may Ix> otherwise intt>n-sti'CI a c; c e i. s 1 n gr es s e gr • s •. and pt.'rsons wno m ay be SupcruJr Cuurl o( Oran~e h 11 di Ult , encronchmen1 s11ppor1 end lor otherwise interested in the County n-quesung that Ruth In ~<' wi an h orb: c fl 1 01ner purpose, all as sucn will and/or est.ate R Jones be appointed as petition as 't.·n 1 t< easemenrs are reserved tor \he by Alfred A Leadl>E-awr m oenet•t 01 o• grented 10 ~ 1n A peuuon has been rated person:il representative to the Supt•rtor Cnurl o f lhe Arllcle Of the Declaretlon by Marprae Rowland m the administer the est.ale of the 0 nuc County r<'qU<'Sllng e<1111led Eesements .. Superior Court o f Orange dl!(:edcnl hra A"tf ..... A ,· -dbl:· l Ix YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A C h Th l I quests t al rc.>u ....... a •a er ". DEED or TRUST DATED M1rcn 12 oun t y requesting t at e pe 1 ion re appoi nt ed as personal 1981 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTloN Mar Jo r 1 e R ow I and b ejauthonty to adminrstE>r the repr~nt.auve to adrnuustcr TO PRO rECT VOUA PROPERTY. IT appointed a s personalestal<.> undi-r the the ~slate of Helen M MAYBESOLDAT APUBLICSALE represent.alive to administer LndependC'nl . Admm1strat1on L db 1 c A IF YOU NEEO AN EXPLANATION {Est.ates Act Ah armgon ea C'ater, rvlnl', OF THE NATURE OF THE the estate of Anne C -o e \under th<• Jndl•pendt•nt PAOCE(OINGAGAINSTYOU,VOU Burgess (under the the pell lion will ~ held on Admimstrauon oC Estatrs SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER Independent Adm1nistrat1on June 30, 1982, at 9 JO am• m Act) The· IX'hllon 15 ~l for 53 See Pine Lene Newport f .,._ A ) Th · Department 3. localC'<l at 700 700 Beach. CA ? =tateS ct . E', pel..lllon C1v1c Center Drive W est. hearing m Dept No 3 al (II a street address or common lS set for hearmg m Dept. Cit of Santa Ana C1v1c· Ct•nter Driv<' We>st . des1gna11on ts shown above, no No. 3 at 700 C1v1c Center 1~ YOU OBJECT to the Santa Ana, CA H2701 on warranty 11 given u ·~.Its Drive West, In the City of July 14 19112 al 9:ao am. comp1eier1ess or c;onec1ness) · granting of the pel1llon, you • The beuetlCiery under M.ICI OeeCI Santa Ana. Calr forn1a on should either a ar at the CF YOU OBJECT to the 01 Trust by reuon of • brMCh or July 21. 1982 at 9:30 am hearing and ~~le your granting of lhe pelltaon. you deleult 1n the obllg•tlona MQlr.cl IF YOU OBJECT to the b f'l tl should either apJX'3r al the lh«eby. heretofore 81UICUl9d •nd ti f h U o JeCUOn$ or 1 e Wrt en h g d t l y u r delivered 10 the unclertlgned 1 gran ng .o t e pell on. you objecuons with the court e~ri n 3 n 5 a l' v, wrmen Oe<:t1rallon 01 O.feult •nd should e ithe r appear at the before the hearing. Your ob~ecuons or Cllc wr1ttt n OemAnd tor Sele. t1n<J written nollcie hearing and state your appearance may be in person objections with lh<.· L'()Uft 01 brHch •nd of e1ec11on 10 ceuM objeC'tions or file written b lto before thl· hearing Your the undersl!jn•CI lo ull u td . h or Y your a mey rw>arance may tx> m ov•rson property 10 ae11tlfy said obllg1t1on1. o bjections with t e court [ F Y O U A R E A ap,_ r anel lhere1f1er tne uncl1rslgned before the hearing Your CREDITOR or a conungent or by your0atlom<'y R F" A caused se1<1 notlele or t>reecn eno ot appearance may be in per'll<>n c:red to c th d ase<f 0 I F Y U A • elecioon 10 1>1 b 1 r 0 e ~ ' Y u CREDITOR or a l'Ontmgent Recorded Jenuery 21. 19112, u or y your attorney. must hie your claim with the redi r h d , St"d instr No 82..02S195 ot n1e1 Olflclat I F Y 0 U A R E A court or present it to the c tor 0 t e ~a. ·you Records CR E DITOR or a contingent per sonal representauve must file your claim with t~c Seid 111e wlll be m1de. but creditor o( the deceased you appointed by the court court or present it to t w11hou1 c;cw1n1n1 or werr1n1y. t file your claim with the with four months from the personal representat1v eap<ess or impllod, reg8'cllrlg tltlt . mus m . appointed by the court poSMNion. °' encum~ 10 C'OUrl within four months dale of first issuance of lh n four months from th pey the remlinlng prlneipll aum 01 from the date of first letters as provtded m section wi 1 . Ille note(•) socured by MIO Deed of I f I tt 700 of the Callfom1a Probate date o f C1 rs~ issuance o Trust. with 1t1ter•I u In HICI no11 s s u an c e o e er a as letters llS provided m Set-llo provlOed edv1non If 1ny under provided in sect.ion 700 of Code The time f~r filing 700 of the Probat~ Code 0 1111 1cwm'• of ea.Id b.ed oi Tru11, the probate <.'Ode of clnims will not expire prior California The time Co f-.cnargeoende~pen-011,,. California The time for to four months from the date (il' 1 . · .11 t •ustM 1n<1ol 11141 truall ~19d by . h h I ticed bo mg c am\S W1 no exp1 MIO o-s ol TNat filing claims wtll not expire oft e eat ng no a ~. pnor to foor months f Seid Nit will be.held on Mondey. pnor to four months from YOU MAY EXAMINE the date of thc-hearin JI.try 18. 1982 et 2.00 p,m at IM the date of the hearing the tile kept by the court. If noticed above CMpman A..-tonlrenoe to the MITCUflP CHA .... 477 E. 17th SI Costa Mtt11 6-46-9371 Lawn Memorial Chapel. "8.IC Nemec SelVlce& under the direction 1--... fltO....,,nnout..----.,...---1-1-- noticed above youareapenonlnt.erestedm YOU MAY EXAMINE Civic Center 811llclln9. 300 E.ett -OI WITMDAAWAL ' . h l 1 m f'le a onapm1n A~. "' tr.. Cl~ of ITA•-• YOU MAY EXAMINE the 1 e es a e. you ay 1 \)le file kept by the rourt. If Ot•nge. F ..o of H arbor Lawn-M ount NANI •TA,_.,. Olive Mortuary of Costa Mesa 540-55~. nOM ~m=.flATMi tile kept by the court. If you req~est wit.~ t hetJ cou{\~0 you ure Int erested In th Al th• tlrn• ol th• ln1t111 llU ... 11 NAMI are In terested in the estate rece ve spec:1 ~ ce o e estate you may file a reques publtcelk>n of tt111 notice. the tot., -... Tiit lollowlno pert on hn tl1 t with m1ns of the mventory of 1 h ·.h 1 1 1 wnoun1o1111eunpe1c1 ~of 1M Th• followtno !Mfeon 11 dOln0i wlttldrtwl'l .. •991*•Pllf1nerlton' you may e 8 reques · estate a111et1 an d of thew 1 t e cour. 0 rcce v obllgetk>n _,., by IN llboW butintllat: thepertnenthls>OP«•tlnQundertNt the! court to ~Ive apedal tltlon a accounu a n d special notice ot th ciucrlbecl d••d ol tr11et '"d THE PAOFE8810 NAL flclltloui bualne n name ol notice of the lnwntory of pe detcrtbed . l«'tl Inventory of etl&te Htet Mtlmettd co111. •Al*'M•; encl FABAICAR!BUREAU,1803380lla CA l.IFOR NIA FI NANCIAl. estate an d of the petitJOM. ~O~ or the c:.itCornr. andofthepetlUON,IK'COUn ~~=~,,::o!!:o~·~·~ Gr.at R.blt. Chlcla No. 103. H~on a.di, ENTERPRISES 11 3HO WMterty accoun ts •nd report• n....i..~··Code end reporu described 1n-~.11114i937.0tee. · Clllfomle tr.1&49. Piece Suite 280. Newpor1 e..cti. nvuon"' S , 1 2 0 0 ,.. f h _, Byron '· Hender1on, 3592 CA 9~800. d t9Crlbed In Section 1200.5 Ruth R Jones ~c l 1o n ·" o l DATE June 11, 1992. Sal. Of '82 Aqvtl'lua on.... HuntlnQton a.en, Th• 11aut10111 bu11neu n•m• of the C.ltromla Probate Petltlo~r California Pl'oUte Code. NEWPOR1' PACIFIC Cellforn11 92949. •t•t-t tor 1t1e pennertNc>...,.. Code. l-oo, M-••-..... , Miiler, JacboD, IUdder & Sock"91 .. Fu~~N~h1 ..... NC .• Thill bullnelt II oondfic1.o by.,, llled on Merell 16, 1H2 fn th• -\;AUi "' A«oney at Law _.,, .... Huntington Center's 11 hr. saving spectacular Unln<!Ofl)Oflltd MeOCletlon olhef COllnl y ol Oreno•. '"• No. Jacllloo, ltldder. 11Cldla1 Zommldc, 8aMer. Alua .. o N 1 Cate D I 8y l 0 SE~ COMftANY, ., ttten • 1*1'*"'1ip. '1a&23t. ..0 Newport Cu. Dr. #IUi Attoneys r... PetlU~r •mr r r ve egent features hundreds of rebates from 20 % to Thlt 1yron P. Htl~eonwtttt """ NWN enc1 /.ddr ... °' 1n. Newporc Beacll, CA tt••• t7H Bellflower Boelevanl ~ .. te l~ ~ c• CA ttHO ~"'=tJ.;;:::r 50 % ='I ~c:a. County t: '--r..:':',r.1'.:' t04t i..M1t1c1• H•·•Ho Loaf Boe•. Callfonta t,~m .... ito ' 0ne Cll'f 11.cia:.-thlt Fri. eve 6 to 9 and Sat. 10 to 6. Limited "'-· 1"a. ,191 .. ti .. ...,,,~~ 1 Da~l~b~;~ju~a21~6~; "Vubllihed Ot•nt• Cout Publl1hed Orange Cout ~~C: quantities so shop early. P\lbHtn9d Ofenge Co••t 'D•llY PublleheCI 0r.ing. Cout.D•lly l , 1982 • I O.lly Ptlo\. JUM' l I 19, ~. O.lly Ptlot, Juno 18, 19. 2~. Publll hed Or•nQe OoMt Delly ' "°" June 11, 18, If • .My I. 1111 Plot. ""'-11, lt. 16, .M>J 2. 1"1 2766-82 1982 2672·82 1982 Pllol, June 25, ~ 2, •• 1-:.....a *242 2"3-e2 2677·82 • \ •• . -.... ~· ------"'-----~--- • Orenge Cout OAIL.Y PILOTlffliday, JUM 25, 1982 PUklC NOTICl MUC •na MOC 110na MIJC 110ra PiTmOU• ...... l'tOTITiOOi rn .. MA• lfA~T ..... tTATDmff =llU··· lfAT'lllllWf Ttte ~P*IOnt tr1 OOUIO ~ ................................ _____ , _______ ~,.,.,.,.,...,,... .... .,.. ............ ,~------------.o.;.....; ............ - MOncl Ofl IUllllMY OP "'°""°"' IUIMll IUUI ftWMIU ~MO OMMNWCI ...._ IUW PtOririOUi ..... IWlll ITAT'l.lilhf Th• toliowlnu p1reon It doing rha lollowlng pareon ta 1101111 b\111"-•• bullnaN .. ~-: '"' lollowlno pwtOnt .,. doing ~ .. ; , ..... 1tt,,.t11 u.c~ A propond 01dl111noe •• Tiit lollOWlno l)elwn1 .,. Oo1ng TO•'**" llAY COMO I Oht dultd lor 1clOpllq11 I t Ill• ~ .. "AHIUJ4H AN8 Wl1111NQ ANOY'I IUlllOl"l..1._'011 8UllllAU, .... Garden Qrov. O•'"" ,., .. ,,Coal• MAM,°"'· QOAaTLINI TlllAVIL, HI Pleo.n111 Ave .. 1110, Htwporl a.eoti. OA ttM.1 ANYWHlllll , ANVTI MI OOVfltlM, 17112 Cow111 l tttel, Irvine. QA 12714 Ho~loe 11 ht t•by 8h1tn to 1111 199\lltr City Counc:ll m.linO of July OllllATIVI VIDIO IYITEMI , Cttdllort of NIWI' IH l l AOH ,., tOH. belno OrdlnllllOI H.f', 11722 Pl)'ll'lbuth LAM, HunOnoton AtTt, INO .. I Clltfotnlt CCWpotellon. adocitlno • n11e P«'*'' Iner .... In IMch, Oeliloml• 12 ... 7 •~OI, Oatt1e11 OtOll8o OA 9'1144 Uto 101 Le o n ••llhel, oo 111"" w Nam, U7 t Ivy Cir 1011111 ll1ooh View Olrota, ''"· Ott·t.olt tnt1tn1tl0nli Corp .. 1 Celjfptnl• COfPO! ,,IOt1 136 AllllH Dr , eo.11 ....... CA nut Tttn•f.,Ot, WflOM butllleM roddr-11l1ry for mambert ol the City Jolln Andrew•. 16722 Plyl!IO\ltll It ~1111 WMt OC.en ''°"'· ~ Oounoll ellecll11• lht montn 01 ~. Hun1ino1on 8-ch, CllllOtnl• tllmtlnQIOO Be6clh, CA 12048 Anehelrn 111111, CA 12I01 44peed Oall~ ltrvlOt, Inc .. a 0 1illorn11 oorporetlon. 11692 Cowtn It,_, ltvtne, CA t2114. 1 .. c It. CA IUU, County of DfCIMIEfll, 1H2. 12647 Thi• bu•hi.u le conduol.O by 1111 Thi• lwtl,.,... Ill oonclueteO by M 1'1'11t ~ .. oonduClted by • OO(l)OnltlOn Oreno•. lll1Le of Celllornta, lhat • Tltt mollon 10 Olve Ordlnenoe ,.,.,. Anartwt. 20454 CYl>f-lndM(hlll ln<IM~fll Tiile tivein.e le oonclUOled by I COt1)0t etlOn lung W Nam '-~ Oeoroa Leon lalll'tel !Ille tlll-1 Wal ilitl<J •llh !!Ill I 1111-t WU flled Wlllt tM CO\lnty 018'11 or Ot erioe CO\Anty Oil ty Cllttl ot Orange C:-,ty on Cori> Jurw 16. llH June ~-IN2 ::::.· Oe 1.e Tor re. Oel-8eck International •·lpeed Oellvety 8etvlol. Inc Merced•• l lnmen, bulll I 1 lllllw II lboutto lie made IO 12·1 flttt retellnQ cam.cs by the 111 tt.. . I. n I • A". M 1 I g h I •• Ill () I' , INC . • C 1111Orn1 t IOllOwlng rOll clll vole Counall Callfotnte 92'1'07 oorp1>r1tlon, TreneferH . wl'IOM Member• -AY(ll. llohaJ«, Mell, P ~t Quill.,, 1 ti E.mereto lay, bueinfllt adOteM II 010 llo'• 'WI Hertaoo. M o,rland, Jonneon i..a~ Dlac;h, Callfornla 92961 ,,.1.. . ·~ SK~I 1t•t""811t wee Iliad wtll't the County Cltrll Of Oranoe County on June U , 1N2 Markel. 1221 lunH I lout1111rd. NOIS. None. AU!HT None. fhl• bl.lllnMI •• aonoucted by. Publl1hed Or•no• COHI Di lly Publlah•d Ot•no• Co1at Diii)' Thie eta*'*'' ... flled wtlh lhl Pilot Junt ti, 2!1 July 2, 9 1982 Piiot, Ju•'-25, July 2. 8, 19, tN2 County Clttll of Ofll'IOI County on Suit• 202. LOI A"ot611. County Of The lull 11111 OI the propOHd ~ .. pennenl\lp. Lo• AngelH, 8talt of 0 1lltornt1 Ofdlnanoa mey o. r..o 1n tl'te Clly Jonn All<lrtw• 2633·112 27'1..P June U , 1Na eooeu. Olefll'• olfiee 11 77 ''"' O.tve. Coe1e Thll 1111-1 w11 n11e1 w111t the rta.IC NOTICE l'ICTmOUllU .... 11 N,,... ST A TSMINT Th• lotlowlng pe1t0n1 are doing l>uelf\811 ... TEK INOU$TAl[S, s~o w. Crowtllet Avenu.. Pt11eent11. CtJll. 924170 Urtth1n1 lnd\11lrlH . Inc: . • C ellfornte corporellon, &60 W Crowther A•enue Pl1oent11. CalllOrtlll 92870 Tiiie bulll\IM 11 c;on<>uct.O Oy I c;o< pore tlon U!"1hlll\8 lndulltlea, 1110 Oellld W Flt>eberg Pr .. ldent Tnll llatement WU llled With lh• County Clerk cl Orange County on June 1, 1982 fllOMI Puonshed Orangu Coaat Dally Pilot. June 4, 11, 18, 26. 1982 24117·82 Ml.IC NOTICE UNITl!D STATES IANKAUPTCY COUftT DISTRICT OF COLORADO CASE NO. IU11S3 NOTICE In re OTC NET, Inc , Deb1or NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS ANO CREDITORS OF OTC NET, 1NC ANO TO ALL OTHER PARTl~S IN ·~1 P\8l.IC NOTIC[ Nlntl ........... Ille. ...,. c...,. Df. 119 NOTICE OF DE ATH OF N.wpon e..cn. CA tHOO R UT H S. JONES AKA R UT II C J 0 N ES AK A flubt111t1c1 Oteno• Oo11t Dally R U 1' 11 SCH N IT Z LE IN Piiot. Ju,,. 26· Jury 2• o. 16;a;~82 JONES AND OF PETmON TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. Al 1388 1. '1Ctmoul .,... .. T•> all heirs. benef1c1anes, NAm ITATR....,. <'red 1tor~ and continaent The fottowtng pweont are doing c red11prs of Ruth S. J ont.'I t>u~~ llOVOfll. 1043 North und personll whu may be co.11 Hlghwey, llQUna 8MGlt. CA uthl'rwure lnlt!retted lrl the 92851 will and/or estate: Lombardo Enlerprl111, Inc:., a "' pc1hlon has been filed CelllOfnltcorl>C)fatton 18321 Nltntk: by Carol J CaZJer in the ~;~~·· Hun1tno1on Buch. Cl. S u per1or Cou rt o f Orang«; Thia bu1lne1e 1a conducted by 1 County r-equesttng that Carol corporellon J . Cau er be appointed as Inc: Lomberdo Ente<pr1 .... personal representative to administer the estate o f Huth S Jon es {under the Lno.lependt!nt Adnurustration of utates Act) The peUUon LS set for heanng at 700 C1v1<• Center Dnve, West. in the C 1ty o f Santa Ana. Jonn L Lomtllroo. Pres Tllll lllllrnent WU flied with ltle County Clerk ol Orenoa County on June 23, 1982 F1120U Publl1hed Orang• Co111 Delly Pllol June 2S, July 1, 9, 16, 1982 2782-82 California on July 21, 1982 Ml.IC NOTICE ,, .... Publl•h•d Or1ng1 Co11t P elly PllOt, June 26, July 2, 9, 16, 1812 27&3-82 Thtt property to ~ tranatttr.O 11 M... County Clttk or Ortnga County °" looaltNI ., 2108 W"I 0..,, Front, !ILEEN p PHINNEY June 15, tte2 Newpon llMoh, County of Orange. City Clerk f1~AI 81111 of Cllll0tnl1 Cllr. ol Coeta M... Pu1>ll1ned Orenge Cont Dally --------------------! 81ld properly It dH c:rlbtd tn Publ 1h1d 011nge Coaa1 Dally Piiot, June 18, 26, July 2, G, 1982 .,. ... IC NOTIC( Qt n .. al 11: A" !*ton-' property PllOt, June 25, 1912. 2370-12 ----'"-UUL------~I ••Id netgnmenl ol leuellold ol that 2792·82 I(~--•Mtewant bull,_. known•• The ..... IC NOTICE -AIU ano IOCll•O •I 2109 WHI -----------____ ,.VVL _______ _ '~:A~::'.J1 oo .. n l'ront, Newport Beach, "8.JC NOTIC£ IUIMllAltY 04' The lollOwl"" P¥tot1• ,,1 Clot"" Coullty OI Orenot. Stele of '1CTITI0Ut IU .... 11 P'ftOt"OMD OROINANCI ciu.lnt11 .. ··w . .,. CallfC>f'nla NAM1 I TAftMIHT A PIOPOltd Ordlnenc:e II FRONTIER MANUFAClUAING. Th11 bulll tr1n1l1r w lll be Thi fo11ow1ng ~IOl'll ll'e doing tC:lltOUltd IOt edopllon 11 1111 ..,... c ClOnklfTll'Nlted on or anw the 15th ~ u •IOUllt City COUl'Cll mM1Jno ol July ~for~'::Ie;e-· Ol1e ~. day ol Juty 1182, and olllmt may~ LAWY ERS A86URANC E 19. 1982. being Ofdlnanc:e 92-8, C 0 mm 0 cl 0 r 1 Bu 1In811 filed ut WtllS FARGO BANK, N.A .. PROORAM, 695 Town Cent., Or. amending Tiiie l::l ol the Co111 Machtnu, Inc , ,a New vane Elcmw Dtp1rtment, Re: Eacrow ''°°·Cott• M .... CA 826:118 M • • • ~ u n I c I p• t Co d• COIPofltlOI\, 950 Rltttnl'IOUM Aoao, No 114S-3Hll, Suitt 1230, 880 Emilio N Frencteco. inc .. • lneorporaHng tectullcal r..,1.ion1 to Nonletown. PA lt<t03 Ntwf10rt Oenttr Drive, Neport C11t1ornl1 11w corporetlon. 896 the Pltklno requlremenh 1n 8ttci1. County ol Ofanoa. State or Town Cent• O. •900. Cott• M .... ruld1n1111 dtvelopm•nt e A Tt•I• butl""9 11 C:O,.dUC1ed by 1 Celllomle Of by mall lo Box 7290, CA 928211. m•lorlty 01 Ille rev111on1 ere COfpot'lllon. Newp-Of't BHoh, CA 112~! Thi• bulllneH II oonduoted by • n • c: •• I • , y t 0 r •• 0 I v • ~:'~,:°f~cBulllneu All 1~l1lm1 mutt bl received 11 1ht1 corporation. tncon1lttenclH end emblgulllea Ak:hard J Nainin. •ddreSt by the 14th dey 01 July Emlllo N Franclaco, Inc. c:ontlllned In the cur'60t parking Ille• PretlOenr 1982. uni•• the bulk lrat'lefer eleo Emilio Fr11ncl100 regu1111on1 Tllll 1111-1 wu Iliad With Ille lnclutJu lhe lr1n1ler of liquor PrMldet't The motion 10 give Ordinance County Ci«k 01 Orenoe County 00 llc;1n11.1. In whlc;h CHt . 111 c:1t1m1 Thi• 1t11ement wee llled wllll t!M 82·8 flrtl rt1a1ng c1rr1ed by lhe JuM 22, 1982 mu1t be rec;elved prior to Ille aa1e County C18'k of OrAllQ8 County on following roll cell vote Council f'ltt .. on wnlch the llquot Ileen .. la June 9, t982 Ulltl!befl AYES Sc:ll1le< Hell. Publllhtd o r1ng• Colll Dally tr1111fetred by lht Dtpertmenl ot F1'1171 rleruog, Mc:Ferland Johnson Ak:Ofl.:>tlc e.v.teoe Control Publl1htd Orange Coaat Di ii) NOES None ABSENT None PllOt, June 2S, July 2• 9• 18• 1982 So ~., u known to 11111ren1teree. P11ot, June t 1. 18, 26, Jul)' 2. 1982 The lull teAt of the propo11d ___________ 27_eo-e ___ 2_ 111 bu91MN nemee and lddre1-2525-82 0tdlnance may bl reaa In Ille Cny f1taJC NOTICE uMd by Tran1ler0f lor the three 1----------------Clerk * Ot11ce II 77 Fair Onve. ------------ye1n IHI pall, 11 dlfteren1 from the f'\8.IC NOTICE Costa "4eu f'1ClTTIOUI 9U ... IS above ere 11me and Newport Beach EILEEN P PHINNEY HAMI STATIMENT Alll, Inc , 2106 WHI ()() .. n Fronl. FICTTTIOUI IUllNllS City Clerk INTEREST CO M M EN CE MENT LIQUIDATION PROCEEDING at 9:30 a.m K.ool7' O F IF YOU OBJECT to the NOTICI! TO CMDITOfll Tiit following pet'IO(ll .,. doing NewPOrt Belch, CA NA• ITATUlllNT City ot Colla MM• bulineaa 11: DllEld: May 26, 1982 The followlng perton1 are doing Publlehed Orange Coas1 Dally PINECREST, LIMITED, 18552 ... a .I'. IMC., bu1lneea ••• Pllol, June 25, 1982 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th111 on June 3, 1982, the Honoreble Zl111 L We1n1h1enk, Judge of the United Stales DISlriCI Court lor the OISlncl ol Coloraoo. enlerea an Order granting the eppll~at1on ol the Secur1t1e1 Investor P1otect1on Corl>C)flllon I' SIPC 'I t0t issuance of a Protec:11v• Decree ao1ua1e111ng 111a1 the customers of OTC Net. inc 1111t 'Oeblor ), are In neeo oJ lhe p1otect1on alloraeo by'the Secu1111es 1nveal0t Protection Act 01 1970 r·s1P""I Gten E Kelter. Jr , was appointed •• Trustee tor the llQUld8tl011 DI 1118 busln~s OI tile Daotor, and Davis Grah11m & Stubl>S was appc1nled as counsel lo ll'le Trulleti Customers ot the Debtor who wlall to avell themselves ot the protec11on atlorded to them under SIPA are required 10 lite their claims with 1he Trustee within 1301 days alttH the date ol 1h1s Notk:e Such claims should be hied with th" Trus1ee Bl P 0 Boa 2•087, Denve• C010t1do 80222 Customer claims will be deemed l•led only when received by the Trutlee In order lo evpedlle the 11qu1da11on process 1he T ruslee and SIPC era attempting 10 reach agreements w•lh other stock brokerage firms 10 accepl a 1ransf111 01 the Debtor s cuslomer accounts fhe Truslee ano SIPA be11eve that any suell ttinsler will elfecl lhl' return ot custome1 s· sec:ur111es 10 their con1rol as quickly ano efhcoently as poss11>le Cuslome<s whose acc:ounls are lransterred lo anottler sloe~ broke<age lirm "''" be noutled by 1hat 11rm Cuttomers whosll accoun11 ore translene<I to anolher hrm may 811111 Ille completion of .such traneler request 1na1 lhe11 account be trenslMted 10 any stock b•olte<agt firm ol lhelr ch<>OOI IN ORDER TO FULLY PEOTECT THEIR RIGHTS. CUSTOMERS MUST FILE A CLAIM WITH THE TRUSTEE El/EN IF' THEIR ACCOUNT IS TRANSFERRED Forms lor lhe hl1ng ol customers claims are 1>e1ng malled • o CUSIO'T'llrl OI 1"9 Oeblor as lh<~r eddr~es appear on the Debtor's bOOks and records Customers wtio do no1 receive such lorms w11t11n seven 171 days from tne Oale or thtS Nohc:e mey obtain rnem by wr111no to lh• TruSlee al Ille address shO'Nn abOve Claims by brolo.er-deale~. e<tl1er as customers or lor the completion ol open con1rac1ua1 comm1tmer11s musl be !Ilea with lhe T rusiee al lhe aoove address w1th1n thirly (301 days aller lhe data 01 this Notice Broker·do1aler claJms wOI be deemed 10 be tiled only when rece1ve0 by 1he Trustee Claim torms may be c1>talned by writing 10 Ille Trus1e11 al the address sllOwn above All ott>er cre<111ors 01 Ille OeOtor must hie lormal proofs 01 cl&Jm wllh lhe Trustee al the address shown 1bove within 11x (6) months •"•r the da1e or this Not~ All suc:t> claims will be deemeo filed only when 1ecetved by Ille Trustee No c111m 01 any kind w11t be allowed unless llted w1th•n $1)C (6) mon111s attar the date ol this No tk'& Please note 1hat the Trustee and n1s counsel will only accep1 01 respond to written Inquiries or commun1cet1ona AUTOMATIC 8TAY OF ACTIONS AGAINST TH£ DEBTOR NOTICE IS HEREBY Gii/EN that 111 • r .. ull of lhe Issuance ol the Protective Dec:re1, certain ecl"l end proceedings against the Debtor and Its prooerty are ttayed as P<OVlded In 11 U S C \362 FIRST fllEETINO OF CREDrTORll NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 1he llrst meeting ol cuS1omers end Cted1l()(S wlll be Mid '" Room 303 t84S Sherman Street Denver ColOredo 80203 on July 20. 1982. at 1 30 p m .. at WhlCh time anll place customers a"d creditors may attend, examt,.. lhe Debtor and transact 11.1ch 01her business as may property come betore said granting o f the petition, you °' auuc T"ANlflfl should either appear al the (hc.110,410? U.C.C.) h e aring and s tate your Notice 11 hereby given to the c:redllors ol DANIEL LIAO and ob1ect1o n s or flle written INGRto LIAO, Tran11eror1, wnoee ob1ect1o n s with the court t>usiMM lddr ... 11 2190 Harbor b~fore the hearing. Your 8tlld.,C1tyofCoe1eM .... Countyot a ppearam.-e may be m pen;on Orange, State ot Calllornte. that • bulk tr811sflf 11 tbOul lo lie mlde to or by your attorney. DWtGl1T CHAO. Traner.ea. wtM>N l F Y 0 U A R E A eddr-11 t• 182 S1ws100, City of CREDITOR or a contingent We11m1n111r. County of Orange, c reditor of the deceased, you St11e 01 c at11orn1a must hie your claim with the Thi P'OC>lf'IY to be trenaterted 1• '°"lad at 2180 Harbor Blvd , City c:ourt or present It to the of Co111 M .... Counry of Oranoa. )Per sonal represenlattve Slate ol ca111ornt1 u ppo inted by the court S1td property 11 detortbed In within four months from the general u : All atock In trade, fixtures, equipment 1nd good wtll ol <late o f first issuance o f that Chicken Takeout buslne11 letters as provided 10 Section known .. PIONEER TAKEOUT and 700 of the Probate Code of IOcated 11 2180 Mlfbot Blvd. Ctly 01 California The ltme f or Colle M111, County of Oranoe. St••• OI CllllOfnla f1hng dauns w1U n ot expire The bulk tranater wlll b1 prior to four months from conaumrneted oo Of •"er the lllth the date of the h earing aey of Juty, 1962, 11 10 a.m at nouced aboVt! ANNA M ROH ESCROWS, INC. wl10M addre11 11 teeoo Mein St.. YOU MAY EXAMINE Ste 200, Huntington e.acn. CA. the Ctle kept b y the court. If LAST DATE TO FILE CLAIMS IS you are mterested in the JULY 15, 1982. f I So far 11 IS known lo the est.ale, you may 1 e a request T•anirer ... all bull,..n names and with the e<>u r t to receive add• ..... ulOd bV the Tranal9'ors s p e c 1 a I n o t 1 c e o f t h e lor tlle pul lhr.. year1 ere Int inventory of estate assets Mmt. and o f the peuuons. accounts Oeted June 17. t982 d d 'b d . Defllel lleo an r e po rts escri e tn tngrtd u.o Sect 1 on I 2 0 0 . 5 o f t he rr-"'- Cahfomta Probate Code. ANNA M. lllOH u c .. owa. IMC. M k S Ra t E 1llOO lllllft It. •200 ar • papor • sq. Muntinoton Beac:n, CA 92648 Attor11ey at Law Publltlled Orenge CoHt Diiiy MacArthur Blvd., Suite 440, Irvine. u Calltofml OOfpofatlon lPA. 91176 Boin Avenue, Celll. 92716 Ille• Chendler, PYM. WHtr11tm1t«. Catllornla 92683 David K. l.lmb. 5 SI. fr0981, Ouy ldwlfdl, llct). lighting PIHtlCI A11oclatH, NewOOf1 Blach, Cell! 92lle0. Pubt11htd Orange Coast Dilly Inc., a C1llf0tnt1 corporation, 9875 Mehr da d R1111kh, 9682 PllOI, .Ju,.. 2S. 1992 BOIH Avtnue, Wt1tmln1ter, CA Surlcre1t, Hunllngton 86acn, Calif 2786-82 92638. 92646. Tnil ~ la c:onduc:ted by • John Minar, 18552 Serr1no. Ml.IC NOTICE c:orporellon VIiia P111!, Celll 92667 UghtlnO PIMtlc;e Thia butlneet II c;ooduc;1ed by I NOTICI 0# A~ Inc limited partoeralltp l'UeLlc: Hl:AltlNO Ulwf-W. Hot1on Oevld K. l.Amb ~once IS HEREBY QIV&N 11\81. Prllldlnl Thi•'"'-' WU nled ... ,,, "'' ~ .....,inO Wiii bl held by tt>e Thie alttemll'lt -ftled wltn tt>e COunty Cl8'k ot Orange County on QJr (~)UllCll ol tt • City ol Cosra County ca.R of Or-. County on June 1, 1962 Miite ~JI.it • i• 2, In the Council June 9, 1982. ,,,_.. Ch\'J' I' t \Cll• Hall; 71 Fair 1'191tlt Publl111ed Orange Co11t Defly Drive c ~-~8·to~. or Publl1hed Orenge Co11t Dally PllOI June"· t 1. 18, 25, 1992 • iClci -~~ If' able, PllOt, June t I, 18, 25, July 2, 1982 ---------2-"&a.42 ........ -.,jG.ft~ E ~?Tr1~~ R· 1 os, 2581 • 82 PUl.IC NOTICE ~6f1 ~. M Wien, 2319 g11e1 Ml.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI .u ... aa Drive, H••Port 8ttc , for NA• ITATIE..,,., permtal lon 10 rezone property Tiie touowtng perton 11 doing locelt4 11 221'h Avoc:tdo S1r .. 1 buaJneea ... tr om C2 to A2 Environmental MA SPARKLE. 2101 s Pecltlc Delorml nellon Neoallve •3. Sant• Ana. CA 927CM O.Cleralton 1dopt9d IOf General Robert G Hoernl9 2101 s Plen amendment GP-81-3A. Pac:lllC •3 Senti A~ CA 927CM REZONE PETITION A-82.o6, Earl Thll bu~lneee 11 conducted by 111 lulf, liUthOtlztd agent lor Wllllem C. lndlvldull. HonMen, 22 Klllol Court, Newport Aot>lr1 G Moemlo Beech. for perml11lon to rezone Tllll 1111-1 WU Neef with the property k>Clled II 244 Ogle Str .. 1 County Cle<k of Ofange County on trom A2 lo A3. Environmental June Hi. 1982. 0 • t IH m I n • ti on N e g a 11 v e Oec:teratloo. F111a8 Publ11hed Orange Co11t Delly Piiot, June 18, 25, July 2. 9, 1982 2638-82 REZONE PETITION R-82-07. J.,.._ H. Grtg()(Y, authorized egenl for Norma Merttog, 1805 White Ou P\ace. to.ti Miii. tor ptrmlsalon to rezone property loc:lted at 273 and 277 Monte v1111 Avenue lrorn F'ICTIT10Ua .,..... A 1 10 PDA·LD Envtronmenlal N.-STAnmln Otturmtnatlon Negll lve The IOllowlng penlOnl we dolnO Dede r e11on. FlCmtOUI IUlfNH8 NAME ITAT!MINT r111 lollowlng peraon 1s doing bulMMISU THE OFFICE PRO 1529 San Alto Avenut Orange, Calltorn•a 92665 Carol l Yarbrough. 1529 San Alto Avenue Orange Calllornt1 926115 This butlneu 11 conducted by an Individual Carol L Yarbrough This ll•ltmtlnl was llled w•fl1 the County Clerk of Orange Counfy on May 28, 1982 F1802U Published Orange Coast Dally P110i, June 25, July 2 9, 18, 1982 2767-82 l'ICTTTIOUI .,._ .. Hab.D, CaJ,ler & Leff P110t. June 25. 1982 ~ M ' RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY TO 5SS S. Flower St .. 4hcl Floor Los AD1ele1, CA t0171 2787-82 ROBIN-ROBERTS PAINTING, C0NIJ£MH property rMMUf1nO 5 ----.,.---IC-....,-:Tll'-r___ 17 17 2 Bot 11 C hie• Ad. If 17. f-by llO le.M IOf aoqulelllOn of NAMISTA~ The lollowlng peraon 11 doing ~-: (%13) 4 S-tOOl ,-""" "'" ~ HunllnOton BMcl't, CA 92$49. lrlgllt-of-wey for 11111'1 Pf~ -th RObin o.v1e. 111n BOite Q1101 lo( t7th 8trMI ~ a.nu Ane Published Orange Coast Dady Pilot. June 25, 26, Jul y NOTICE TO CONT"AACT°"I Ad. 1117, Huntlngtol\ &eeel't, i&.,1. and T u1tln AYenuM, Grellam Parcel CALUNO FOlll llOS 92&49. • No. 7, 10eat4d 11 :Me 0ote Street. School Dlllrtct: Ocean View Robtrl S1ubet1btrg, 17172 NOTICE IS FURTHER Gil/EH thll 2796•82 Se~::;>109PI~~~ 2:00 o'cloc~ p.m. of BolN Chic• Ad. #17. Huntlng1on a111ld lime and piece, 111 lntefelted Belch, CA 92649. peraon1 mey appear end be heard -------------1 lhe lo41h day ol July, 1982 Thts bull,_. la conducted by 1 by the City Council on the 11unt 'C MnTIC[ Piece ol 81d Aoc:etpl: Bullnoss I •mentioned mltlefl l"UUU "" 0 f I Ice . 1•9 4 0 "B .. s Ire. I . Qlnel'll Pll1<*ahlp. • or . ------------· .. Robin Devi• EILEEN p PHINNEY. K-«1172 HunHnglon Beach, CA 926"7 This aletement wu llled with the City Clerk NOTICE OF IULK TUHSFElll Prolect ld1nttflc:1tlon Name County Cle<k ol Ofenge COunty on Pullllehed Orengt CoHI Dally (Seca. 1101 ... 107 U.C.C.) Ocean View School District June 9. 1982. Piiot. June 25. t982 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Remove end Replec:e Asphalt Notice is hereby given to the P1vtng. Cr911 'I/.,._ School. 18052 p d 0 f 1t1179 Cr e d 1 Io r s of 0 N E H 0 U A LISI Lene, Huntinoton Beach, CA. ubllelle renoe CoHt Delly .,._II' NOTICE CLEANERS. INC 1 C1lllornl1 Oceen Vllw Sclloot Olllrle1 Piiot, June l I, T8, 25, July 2. 1982 r~ Corporation Tr1n1terors. whose Pl-1>11111 lfl on Flle BuSlneas 2524-82 NOTICE OF IALE 2. 1982. 2791-82 MICHAEL'S MAINTENANCE, 'oot2 Vetley l"orge, HunUnoton s-:ti, CA 926"e. MICltH I L•• Aeling, 10092 Valley Forge. Hl(!lllngton Beach, CA 92Me. . Thi• bu~ c:onduc1ed by an lndlvldual. Mlct' ... l Aeling Thlt ltltemenl WU liled With lt'oe County C1er1< of Oranoe County on Mey 17, 1982 F1111M7 Publlthld Orange COHI Di iiy PllOI, Junt I I 18, 25, July 2, 1982 2~2 :1793·82 Ml.IC NOTICE FtCTlTIOUI IUSIHHS NAME STATEMENT Tiie touowtno pcweons are dOlng t>uSlness H GOFORTH MOBILE HOME VILLAGE, 1801 E Cothnl Orange Calll0tnla 9266 7 C1011e T C a ldwell and Margeret I Caldwell Trusi .. s ol Ille C1ldwell lnle< Viva. Trust dated February 17, 19112 1801 E Colllna. Lot No 73, Oranoe. Calllornla 92667 Thia butlntss II cooducte<l by an 1no1vldua1 Clo1se I C1ldwllll1 Trustee TlllS statement wu flied wllh Ille County Cletk ol 011119• Counly on Ju,.. 8, 19112 JACKSON, ICIOOE" I SUCKllfllO Anomeye et law Suite 1414 Welle F1100 fMdO., MO Nawpc1<1 Ceftllt bf., Newpoo1 hec;ll, Celffomll 12t10 F1'105I Publl1hed Orenge CoH I Oa11y Pltot, June 2s. July 2. 9. t6. t982 2778-82 Ml.IC NOTICE NOTICE tNVl'TlNO 8tD8 Notice Is h9feby given 11111 11>11 Boero ot Tru1tt H ot lhe Co1St Community College D1Str1ct ol Orange County C1llfornla, will ,_ve sealed bid• up to 1 t 00 am , Tuleday, July 8, 1982 II tt>e Purchasing Oepertmenl of said college dlstr1c:1 1oc1ted II 1370 Adema A venue. Colla Mesa. Calll«nta, 11 which time Mid bids will be publicly opened Ind read lor CO M PREHENSIVE TELEPROCESSING SOFTWARE CONTROL PROGRAM -ONE· VEAR LEASE WITH ONE·YEAR RENEWAL OPTIONS All biOs are 10 be In accordance with the Bid Form ln1lruc:t1ons and Condlllooa end SpecillcatlOns wtilch are now In Ille and may be secured 1n the olf~ or the Purchasing Agent or llld COiiege dllt rle1. EaGll blddef mutt submll with his bid a c111tler·a check, certified check, or bidder's bond mede payable to' the oro.t ol the Coast Community College Dtslrlci Board or Trust-in an amount !\qi less tnan five percent (5'1tl of the sum bid " • gu111n1 .. that the bidder business eddress is •722 8Drranc1 ottlce, Oceal\ View Scnoot ()jstrle1 OF Illa.Al "'<>Pl"" Patkway '"'ine County ol Orange NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lh•t Ml.IC NOTICE AT l'RIVATE IALE Ml.IC NOTICE wtll enter I nto the proposed -------------ContrlC1 11 the 1ame IS ewarded to State ot Calitom11, 92714, that a Ille abOve-nemed SCllool 0t11rtc:1 01 r 12112 No. A-113:290 bulk tranaler 11 abOUt lo be m1ae Otange County. CeJllOfnla. aotlng YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A In lhe Supe<lot Court ol the Slete lo CALIFORNIA CUSTOM CARE by ind through Its Governing DEED OF TRUST dllld Apr~ 22. of C.alllornle. for lhe County of CLEANERS. INC • a C alifornia Board, llef11<nafter, ral9fed 10 as 1 Otan<ie tn the Metter ot the E1t1te Coroorat1on Transferees. whose "O.a1r1C1", ww rece1ve up to, but no1 1981 Unless you take •c:t on to o 1 J EA o M E co R N EL I us bus 1 n I! as address Is 1 8 15 5 later then the ebOve llale<l time. protect yDUf property, 11 may be AOBllllSON. aold II • publle Nie. II you need an Leatherwood Irvine. County ol seeled bid• for the ewerd of a eaplanttlOn 01 the nature 01 Ille Notice 11 hereby given that the Orange S1a1e of CalllOfnle. 92715 COOlrlCil lor tt>e abOve projec1 ptOOMdlng egaln•I you, you Should undersigned wllt Mii at Privet• Sale, The prooerty lo be lranale<red 11 Bids 1hall be received In Ille plaoe c:ontec:t 1 llwy9< to the lllghHI end but bidder . localed at 2398• Aliso Creel\ Aoed. Identified above, end shall be NOTICE OF TflUITIE'I SAU 1ub1eot to c:onllrmellon of 1110 Sulle A· 11 and 27932 la Paz. SU1t1 opened and publicly rUd llOud at T.S. No. tMC. No. n Supel1or COurt, on or atlw the 3td J In Laiuna Niguel, County ol the above lllled time and plac:e. On • ..., • 1 ... 2 10 00 d1y of July, 1962 at the Office or 0 ' I. I I I la c .... bid I f .... ...... VV'J Iv, .... I I : a.m ., range, I o e 1 Ofn ~" mus c:on orm ••ou ..,... HO M E A EC O NV E y AN C E Rodi, Polloc:k, Pettker, Gelbrelth & FICTITIOUS 8UllNH8 NA•STA~ ... T Ttltt following persons are doing business u . NEWPOAl CAN VIS, 501 29th Street, Newport Beach, Calllornla 9266S W O Schoell Corporation, a Calllorn1a corporation, 3502 S Greenville Streat, Sant a Ane Caltf0fnl1 92704 This butlnesa 11 conducted by e corp()fellon w 0 Schock Corp w 0 Schock. Pretldent Thia statement w .. Uled with the County Clert. ot Orenge County on June 23. 1982 Ffl2045 Published Orange Coa11 Dally Piiot, June 25, July 2. 9, 16, 1982 27117-82 him In 11>1 eve<n ol fellure 10 enle< into aucr. c:ontrect. thl proceeds or the check will be lorta1ted. or In the ease ot a bond. Ille tuu sum ltiereot wtll be torfelled lo said college dlstrk:1 No bidder may wHlldr•w his bid tor a period tor IO<ly·llve t4S) days alter lhe dll• Ml lor lt'oe opening lheteol. Tt>e Boetd ot Trualees reserves the privilege of ratec:tlno 1ny and all bids or to w11ve any lrregullfitles or &nformalllllS In eny bid or In the bidding /1/ NORMAN E. WATSON Sectetary, Board of Tru11- Cou1 Community College Olltrlcl Publl111eo Orange Coast Delly PllOI. June 111. 26. 1982 2673-82 Said property 11 dHcribed tn 111pon1IY1 lo lhe c:ontrect COM PANY 11 duly ippolnted PtlllNpe, A Law Corpor1tlon. Alt general as All Sloe!\ In treOe. tteOe doclumenta Trullee under end purtuant to .JOlln D. P11t11er. 611 W 6th St . names leesellotd Improvements, Eich bid thell be accornp1nled Deed 01 Trull, recOl'ded April 30. Suite 1600. Loe Anoe'91, catlfornta. llxtures. equipment end good wtN ol by the MCUrlty relered to In Ille 19111, 11 inti. Ho 36370. In book County ol Los All(lllel, Stale ot those c:erietn dry c:leenlng contrlCt document• and by tlle 1191 14038, pao• 1602, 01 Olllclat Clltlc.mla, aH the light, 1111• and bustnesses known u VILLAGE ONE of propoeld tut>COn1rlC10fS. Record• In the olflol of lhe County 1ntero1t ol 11td dtcHMd at the HOUR CLEANERS located at lht DISTRICT,_,,,.. the right Recordetl of Orange County, Stele time of deeth and all the right, title 23984 Atoso Creek Road. Suite to re)eci any and 111 bid• or to waive 01 CelllOfnla. executed by Roy A. and lnte<est tl\81 tlle .. tat• ol said A·ll. Laguna Niguel. County ol eny lrregularlt ... Of lnlOfmalltlet In Skultln and Lind• M Skullln. d1ce11ed h•• ac quired b y Orange. Slate of C•llfornla. end any bide 0t In the bidding, husband end wllt 11 jolnl lenanti 099flttlon of lew Of othenol11. other ALISO CREEK OE DAV CLEANERS, No 8tddet may withdraw his bid Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION then or In addition to thal of aeld end located at 27932 la Paz, Sulta tor a Plf\Od ot forty 11119 (45) d•ys TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH ~8Nd 11 the time of ci.tth, In Ml.IC NOTICE PlJl.fC NOTICE. J, L119un1 Niguel, County of Orange, ah« the dete Ml !Of tlle opening ot (peyit>lt 11 time of ..,. In lawful and 10 Ill Ille oe<aln rail property, ------------------------------ State or CalifOf~la bid• money of Ille United Slat") 11 Ille altuated In 1111 Clly ol Newport 1'-101•1 MUMCll'Al COURT Of' THE The bul~ trensrer wlll be A peyment bond and• rnetnentrancetoSullt t0211187 Beech,Countyof Orange.St1te o1 NOTtcl:M O.ATffOf' ITATIOFCAIJ'~ corisummaled on or el1et tt>e 14th perlonnance bond wtH be required W Orengalhorpe. Pllc:entla. CelH•;)mla, partk:iuterty 'delef1bed u UNA~ DASHMl:ft OAANOI: COUNTY, day or July 1982. 1/ld cialtns m1y prior to execution of the contrect ClllfOfnte &21170 (71,.152.._2250• all follow1, to·wll. Tlte l euehold AND 04' "1lTION TO H.lMC>tl JUDtCIAJ. DtltTNCT be II~ 11 WELLS FARGO BANK, The peyment t>or'll "'911 bl In the II and .--... E.atatt of the~ In end under ...,_...Ta .. llTATE ..01 ,........,_ ..... NA Escrow Oep1r1ment, Ae· lorm 111 forth In the c:ontrac:t ~~·~held b~11~on.;;f"'~ that otnaln L.MM with OptlOn To CAii NUflllleR A-11m1 ""'1"'f1 leedl, CA 9Q'llO Eecrow Ho 643-3907. Suite 1230, document•. of Trull In the pr~y lllulted In Purr.f\Ue dated Jenulf'f 1, 1971, by To all helra. bentflc11r1es. l'tltnltff: 680 NewPQrl <Ante< Drive. Newport l'erfOflllAllCla flletentlone: The Nld County and Slete delctlbed aa: 1 n ti b t I ween TH E I AV IN E credltOfl, contlngant creditors. and F It, INC~ Beech. County of Ortnge. Slele of Contract« 10 whonl the c:ootrect It Loi 1 01 Tract No 4146. tn lhe CO !IA PANY. a Weit Virginie per1on1 who mey be otherwlae clbe n. QA"•HT DllllaCT Celllornll1. 92660. or by melt et P 0 . 1w1tdtd mty avaM hlrnMlf of the Counly of Orang•. Siii• ot c;orpor1tl0n, u L-and Wllltem lnt.,•ted In the wlll Of 111111 of. Defeftdlltt: Bov 7280. Newport Beach. CA provlt lont of Government Code CellfDfnla, u per map recorded In 0 . 6 11(1(11, 111 end Peggy L. Sleggs. LINA lllOLA DASHNER Aki LINA II fRANCll N. YOUNG, 92663. Sac:tlon 4590 -lch lllowt oettaln book I 53 pagll 21 and 22 of hulb tnd and wife u joint \lllllftte DASHNER. clbe GA,._NT OflTNCT All ctalms must be received 11 this H curlllH to bt 1ub1tlluled lot Mlacelleneoua Mapa, record• 01 u 1.-, rlCOl'dld oo Augu11 24, A petition 1181 been ltled by: Ruth l'LACENTlA. and DOI• ' ' address by the 13th day ot July, mont11 withheld to en1ur1 Ore,.ge Counl )I bctpt three-197 1 In Boo4t 9n3, Pege 578 of R. Jones In the SuperlOf Court of throuoh '0. lnc:tuelft. 1982. un1e11 the bulk tr1n1fer eleo perl0tm1no1. lourtht of all mlnerela. oil. gu 11t1d Olft.ct1t Rec;ord1 of Orange Counly, Orange Counly, requ11tlng that IUMMOMI Includes the tr1n1ler of liquor IUD llCUftfTY: Each bid allall be Calllornt1 further dHc:rtbed 11 Ruth R Jones bl appolnt.O, II C-No. IZm MEA"INO OF l•cense. In w111c11 cese. ell claim• 1ccomp1nled by a certified or other hydroc:erbon •ubalanc:H followt A LEASEHOLD ESTATE IN pereonal repreunutlv• to NOTICll YOll IMwe 118111 wed. OlllNTE"E8TEDNE88 mu11 l>8 received prior lo lhe dete C11hltr'1 check peyabte to lhe =:;11 ':::: d';;;,,;: ~:!n ~ AND TO: PARCEL 1: lot 52 of Trect 1dmlnl 1ter the e1tate ot the The_, 1fteJ dectde ...-t ,CM.I meeting OF TitUITEE AND C<WHllEL on which lhe liquor license 11 Ol1tr1c:1, or • Nttsrectory bid bond Start & Franoet Tarka, reco<dld No 7149, In the city ot Hewpot1 decadent. ~ ,_ ~ '-d unleee TO THIE TIIUSTEE transferred by the Oepertment of in tevOf 01 the Olltr1C1 executed by Jen 25, 11156 In l>oOk 2934 page Beech, county of Ofenge, 11a11 of The petllloo reqllftt8 euthorlty to you r....-nd wlttlln • •1•. flleect NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAl Alcoholic 8eve<AQ41 Control. the bidder II prl,.c:lpal and I 493• offlcill recOfdl C111romt1. as pet mep recorded In 1dmlnlller the Hlete under the tM ~ .,...._, July t 9, 1982, at 1 30 p m 1n So I•• • • k nown Io t 11 • 11tl1f1e1ory surety c:ompany 11 Tit• etrtel lddrt u end other book 271, p1gH 5 through t 1 Independent Admlnt1lratlon of II ~ wl91'1 to IMk the ad'llOe of Courtroom "B'. 4th Floor. 111•5 tran1le<-. 111 bual,_ nemes end eurely, In en amount not .... than c;ommon cMllgnetlon II any of thl lndu..,,,. Of Ml-'lenloue MIC>I. In EllllH Act. A hllrlng on tht an 1ttorn1y In thll matter, you Sherman Stteel. Denver. Cot0<ado eddr-uled by Tran.!1for1 lor 10 petoent ol mlJtlmum amount ot real Pfoperty dMclrlbed .bow 11 the oflloe of the county r~ of petition wlM lie Mid on June 30, tllOuld do to promptly to that your 80203,hub"'1'81Uthellmeand thethr .. yeartlutput.ildllfertnt thebld Theehec;llorbldbond.....,t d b . 1731 o h d u ld count y. PARCEL 2: A n 1982.at9:30a.m ,ln°'91rtmant3. written raepon ... If tny. mey bl place !Of the t>earlng before tlll trom theebove,are Same lie otven u 1ouer111t•11111 the ~l~~~11':na.•Ce111ornl•~~7~~. 1ppurttn1n1 non·•11 otu1lve IOeat.0 et 700 CIVlc Cent., 0'1ve llledonltme Honoreblt Roland J Brumbaugh, Allto Ct11n1r1, 2S808 Allele blddarlhelt exac:utelhe c:oot,-ac111 The undettlQntd Truett• -em.nt for 1nar ... end IQr"8 We1l,C11Yot SantaAna. AYllO I U •l•ll ha e lllo United States Bankruptcy Judge ot Parkwty, Legvne Hiits. CA: AlllO tt lie ewardld to him In c:oolormlty di•clalme any lflblllly 10, any thr•JUQllOut LO( }6 ol Mid Tract IF YOU OBJECT to the grenttng de1111n4llHlla. II lrtln1111I , .. d• objeC11one,lfeny,totllete1entlon ln CrMk On•Hour Cletnert. 27932 wllh lht contract documenl1 Ind tnc:orractnaMOlthel1r ... teddr-71 4d. TOGETHER W ITH ell ol the peotl110n, you 91\ould elll'llf ....,_.,.U4l..lilll••1nt11 a olflc:e o t Gle" E Keller. Jr . 11 La Pu Ad . L8Qun1 Ntg\111. CA: 111111 provide the ''"elY bond Of nd her .............. tlon 11 bulldlnQs end olhlf Improvement• IPPlll' al Ille hMrlnQ and 11111 -.-Ud. ,....-dlfltro Tru•IH. end Gevlt. Gr ahom & Bre11 Plue Cleenars, 409 bondl u ~fled ~hln 5 dayt 1 ot common .._... .. a ' on u rd land. More commonly your Oblt ct1on1 01 lite wtlHen cltM..._LAelatnfenNe!an.,. Stubb• u counsel to the Trustee, Asaoctlled Roed.L Bru, CA; Cenyoo 111., notlfleltlon ot tlt•-lfd of the an~ •• ~°:1:"~· be med•. but kn uwn u : 312 Villa 8uertt, OOJICtloli• wltll IN ooort b-'Ot't Ille ...._ uPon '"' oroond that they are not Clellners. 5S&fl s e.nta Ana Canyon contract lo the bidder. Seid Mc:Urlty without oovenent or werrinty, ~ e.eeti. Clltfornta MteO. i-rno. Your appeerenoe may O. In "Al U1lad d•H• 1ollciller •I quelllled 0, not dlllnterested u Ad , Anaheim, CA; Harrlton'a Boal 1111111 be lor1elled to the Ol1trlet e"pr"' or lmpli.11 regardtno tltlt Any broklrtO• comMIHlon It Plf'IOft or by your 1ttom1y. aoneajo de un 1bogeclo "" Ml• l)<Ovldtd In Sec:11on 5(bK61 ol SIPA Canle<. 2327 So Mein. S1nt1 Ana, ahould the bidder to whom tfie poHeHlon, or e'ncumbranc:H: eub)eci to ~ovll o1 the Court. IF YOO ARE A CFIEDITOA Of I a 1 unto. d e b err a 1't a o er I o ( 15 u s c \ 76eH(b)(6)) Suell C A. Harrl1on'1 Marine. Inc:. 2327 ContrlCI It 1w11dad flll 1o uecyte lnciludtng feH, ohargu a.nd .1.1.,0, the u"°"111oned ,__the ::C~~~~~ent c redi tor o f the inm.ctlel-te, dt -!..~.~. objeC11ont muit bl flied by July 14, So M 11 n, S • n ta An•. C A , !?It Agr""'*'t and PtOYIOt Mid expenaM ol thl Trust• and of the rtgtit to reject llr/ and .. bide priof • you mull flll your dllm eu ~· aacrfta, el ~ llguna. 19112, with Int Benkruptc:y C:ourt H1rr1eon·1 Mw tne, Inc: .. dbl San bOt\<lt within ~ Ctltt\dar deya of ttuata oreeltd I)~ •aid Dffd of to ""''Y ol an Ofder OOlh .. •rMIO the ""'h tllt coun or pr11tnt 11 to "" Pl*&"' ~tide • tllrnPO 1846 Shuman Street, Denver OieOO Marina Center, 3711 89oftl -wd T 1 ...... -.wna prtndpel ..... ~ ,..._,lltl\4 ""'°"'led I TO TH( Ol1f.NOANT• A cMI Coloredo 80203 end rruatte'• Artnl Blvd. San Dltoo. CA; l.161• WAO. MTll1 Thi Olltrlcl hal t\11 , IO Pt)',,,.. '-·;;;:;,:;o bY Mid •rt rrna OI llM caeh In llwiut by 1"8 court wltl*I flolif monlhl oomplljnt ,_ ~ llted by the CounMI. l Alc;hard Fr-. PO F0t"1 One Hour CltanefJ. 24301 obtained from Iha Otr.ctOf of the = ~·~~!1 wtt· tis~~ money of th• United 811te• on lfom the date of find'--of plalntlfl 1g111n11 )"OU. If )"OU wW1 to Box 195, Oanver. Colorlldo 8020 I Muttlend•. El TOfO, CA. MldWlly One OtPatlmtnt of ·~"" f'eilttone . • • oonftnnltlOn of ..... Of 11911 Olllfl leli.ra .. PfO\lded In MC11on 700 of dlfWld tNI ._,..,you-'· wtthlrl DATED Den"". Coto.·ado, June HOUf Ctaanar1, 3ll01 MtdWey Or., tnt o•nt r•.I ortvalllnO rtlt Of with lnler•t thereon "°'" '"1114' and b•I•~ rvldenaed by note the C.llfOmla PfObAtt Code The ~O d•Y• efltr thla t ummon1 ta 21 11182 Sen Diego, CA, Plum Ont ·D•y Plfdllm wegaa In lhl \ocllllty In 11 21"° f:. INMHT'I • prOlllded 111 eeourad by MonQloaOf Trutt Deed time~ filing Ci1t1n'11 •not~ a.Ned on you, flll with thla OOUft • Olen E. Kelltr, .lr c 1e1nar1, 24322 Mutf1ande. El Toro. whlOh tl'lll WOf1I It to bt '*10m*' lllCI no t(•I ~lua cotte tnd 111>' on thl pr~ IO aold, ran per "''°' to '°"' montha from Ille elate written reeponae to ttlt OOf'llOlllnl, Trutlea ror tht C A. S1ontc:raek Cleenere. 4250 fOf aecn eren Of type of WOfkman ldv"'°88 Of 1 9".2' with lnterttt. °"'' of ll!IOUnt bid to bt ~ltd ol the '-Ina notl<ltcl eboW. ~ you do IO, 'f04lt Olftllll wlll ll<l\ll<ltllon OI the 8u11nc•..1. Unit "P", lrYlne. 'CA; llffdtd 10 ••acull th• C:O!llrlCI ol ~~or~~°::: with bid. YOU MAY !XAllAINE the flla kept be enter9d on ~ of the 9utlneM Of OTC Nel. Inc Tret>uoo \ilelnere, 26431 Trtlbuco Tl'ltM tllM era on flla 11 the Olltrtcrt dell lttd 10 tltt undertlgned • Bide or offef'l to bl In wrttlng and by 11\t ooun. II you -• l*'IOl'I ~and tl'tll court m11Y enltf • Publl1h1d Oren1• COHI Dally Rd. El TOfO, CA, Suite 8; VllllOI olllc• IOC•l•d •I th• lu•lneH wflttv o.ci.tetlon ol defeult and wlll be reoeMlcl ., the •foteNid lnWttl.ld In !tit •••i.. '/OAJ l'l\IY'"' t llOllnlt )'OU for tne ,..., Pit I J 25 1... One De~ Cllltinara, 111436 .Httf...., omc:.. Ooeell View 8Gtlool Olltrfct, en ..-,,. a0 •Au ••-, .. _ , ........... I rlqUlll with the COUtl to ,..,..ve ...__...~ WI the _.....,., Mlloll 0 • un• ' wu 279,._82 Rd , lr~tne. CA : Woodbrto'o~ cop111 may be obtlllf>ld on reqUMt. Otmtnd !or 8!181 Ind 1 written ;;;;i-io:'iiet.O. .. enci';,,O; ci;i. IPICla4 notice of !tie flllnO ot the =7.';1111 'j; g;;~;,ient of . --------------l CIHne11. 022 81rr1noa, lrvlne, A oopy ol thtH '''" th•li be :'t~ot~ 01~ IE.::'..!: of Nte. Inventory of ettllla wt. end of the ~ Utlllnll Of rnon.y or~ • Turn your CA Polled 11 Int IOtl lllt. It th.ii o. Mid NOtlct of Deflllllt and E1te110n Oeted thll 22nd dl'f of JI.-. pet1t1on1. aocoun11 and rtport• Of other renet requa1ted tn tl'I• Unu• '"'bleS Oiied ~ It, 1912. mandatory upon the ConttactOf to to ltll 10 IMI reoofcled In lhl COllnty 1MI. ci.tcr111-9 ln ltOI*' ,IOO,i of tl'IO ~ • -CllllOtt'lll Cuttom Cwt wtiom the comr.at ill _..,, end .,_.. "" ,_, r~ 11 IOOlt9d .,......, flf .. -C4lllfor1lll ~ COdt DATIO ""9 It. 1111. Into ci..n.... tnc 11pot1 """IUMonlraollof undS '*'"· o.."""' 1 , .. 2 • llf .... Dt 1, ,.,, 11111c91 II'.-'°'* J. ~ a.ni • UUble I Cellfomll GOl'P 10 Plf no1 , .. , then tht U ld H'OM! 'AECONVEYANCE .... D. ,.._, ~ ~ V. L. '*-· Dlputy • ~::::..,. Jumanl = ~·:::mtt ~ :=.:: co ...... Tl -:a' .:a:..:=· · :::;c~~~ ~rs :i::-ce.:: , Clsh. C.11 ... ,... ... of"" oontnr:t .. -"*el A~°" • """:"" .. , • IF -................ I D1lly Pllot _....,..c.....°'. .. ........ ..-~~· tttw.3 1-.,..., ,,,,,,.... .. .....,~...., cl•ulfled ........... CA-......... c.... -· &. ....... GA..,, '-llill!llliC•• ••11 UM) ....... Pullllllled Oran11• Co11t Di ii) r ublllMCI Or•np Ooaet Dally ...:i~e OM": ;~;i2 Pait~ 1>u1111111M l>r ... CO.el Delly Publlllwd 0r-.. C088t Deity "'MllMd 0r.,.. Coat Delly .__ __ M_2_·_5'_7_1_. ___ _, Piiot, June 26, 1912 U 8M2 Plot, June 21, .My 2, 1M2 f1K-a2 ' ' ' ' i1tt-12 "'°'· Nnt M. 11, J4l1'f 1. '=6..a ll'IOt. .Me \I, tt. II, 'Nltt~ l"tloe, JUM 4, '1, ,._II. 1-::~ • 1---.~----------~-------~-;;:.:;=-=================::::::~ , I( .... AOTITIOUl.,._H MA .. ITATDllM'T l fie IOll"111Q l)t!'tlllle art "4nQ butlneH 11 BAOOKHUlll8T ANIMAL HOSPITAL, 14281 Brookl't\lrtt Stree1 Oard•" Grove, C1llfofnl1 92943 Sl't1u Htleng Ct1en , UO II Mercaclo A.enut. Monterey Park, C llllOtnle 017 6o4 Jen 8hlh Chen. '30 ll Metc:aclo Avenue. Monterey Petll, CallfOfnll 11176• T1111 bull,_ 11 CO<IOUCled by ln<1Mduel1 (HueOend £ Wllel Jen Sr1111 Cnen Shiu MfilnO Ctlltl tn11 11118(tltll1 wae llleo with Ille County Cieri.. or O.enge County on Junt 2~. t982 ,,IG1. l'Ublllnld Orengft COH I Dally Piiot. June 21'1. July 2, 9 16, 1982 . 2779 92 Ml.IC NOTICE FICTmoul IU ... 11 NAME ITATDllNT The following peraon 11 doing butlnetlel (1) TIERRA OEl/ELOPMENT CO MPAN Y (bl l lER RA CONSTAUCllON COMPANY lcl TIERA " MA.NA GE MENT COMPANY, 20471 8 Tony ClllVH . 2047 1 Gr1y11cne, Hunllnoton Beach C1111orn1a 92646 l hi• bu11n1111 11 conducteo by •n 1nd1v1<1ual B Tony Chev" Thia 1t11htmttn1 wH tlleo wlln tlle County Cieri.. of Orange County or1 June 23 1982 "'~ Publlshed Orang• Co11t Delly Pilot June 2!> July 2 9 tll 1982 2731·82 Pl8LIC NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE Nohce 1s t111reby given 11111 the City ot lrv111" Police Department will hold e public a1.1c11on ot unc:talmed property and city surplus property on Sa1urt1ey, July 17, 1982 at 10:00 a m We will bt1 placing lhti property on view on "alt hour prior 10 1111111ng Ille 11 uc11on The a uc t ion ••II take place 1n the C1v1c Canter parking lot, 17200 Jamboree Road. 1rv1ne, Calll0tn1a Any queS11on' regarding Ille aue11on, cart 7!14·3726 0t 7!14-3730 between 8 00 and 5 00 Monday 1nroug11 F11oay Thank you I ynne Oagoen Propefty Olt•cer Puohsnea Orange Coast 011ly P1lct June 2!> 1982 2789-82 PWLIC NOTICE NOTICE INVITING etDa NOTICE IS HEREBY Gii/EN that ;,ealed bids will Ile r809lv8<1 Dy the City Clerk ol 1111 Clly ot INone California lor lurn1'111ng all pt ant. labor services ma1e1181s loots equ1omenl supplies transp0r11111on. utlllt•es and all other item$ i nd lac11111es neceuoty lllerelor as p1ov 1aee1 in 1he contract aocumlnli lor Cu1ve1 Drive 11rlgation con1rol corivers100 (CIP 530 -t•I 1oge1ner w 1111 appurtenances lhereto '" slnc:t accordance w11h lhe spec1ticet10n& on hie at lhe olhce ot Ille D1rec:10f ot Public Wor~s DATE OF OPENING BIOS Bids will b8 rece•ve<I at lhe Ollite ol the Clly Clerk or 1ne C11y ol 11111ne 1oca1eo al 11200 JambOree Road Irvine. Calltorn1a 92713 unlll 2 oO pm on July 6 1982. al whictl time and piece D•lls w111 be publicly Ol)llllecl ano read aloud Bid$ s11an be subm1tteo .n seeled envelopes markll<l on Ille ou1sooe Boos IOt Culver Dr1ve 1111ga11on Conlrol ConverSIOll LOCATION OF THE WORK Tile wOtk to l>4! per1ormec nerevnoer 1s toceted 1n 111e City ot lrvtne. County ot Otange. en Culver Dnve median DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work to be perlormed snall include bul nol be llrnlled IO upgrading ex1s11ng 1rrogat1on control COMPLETION OF WORK Al work 1s tc be completed w1th1" twenty \201 con1acut1ve work•no deys lrom 11>1 date spec1f1e<1 In Ille NotlCe to Proceed AWARD OF CONTRACT The O•net reserves the r•ghl. afle opening bt<IS 10 re1ec:I any or al bods, to w11ve any inlormallty 1n a bid to make awards In 1ne 1ntltfesl DI the Owne< and ID reiecl •II Other b•ds l'AOPOSAL GUARANTEE ANO BONDS Each bid shalt be accompan1ee1 by a cer11tled o cashier s c:11eck or by a corporate sur"ely bono on lhe lorm lurmshed by tlll Owner a~ guaranlee lhel the bidder will 11 an award •s made to him 1n eccoroanc:e with Ille 1erms ot his bid promptly secure Worl<men s Compens111on insurance end loal>•hty insurance e•ecute a conlrac:1 on lhe required l0tm and 1um1sn sattSlactory bonds ror Ille faltlltut ~mance or Ille coril'11CI •nd ror ,,. oaymenl 01 Claims ot material. men end l aborers the<eunder S1lc1 cht'ck or bidder s bond shall bl! 1n an amounl ot no1 less than 11111 ( tOI percenl ol Ille amount ot the bid The Fallhlul Performance Bond &hall be not less than one 11u11<1r&d (tool percent ol the 101al amount cl the bid prlca fl&med 1n the contracl The Labor and M1ter1a1s Bona shall oe not less 111an one llundted 11001 pe<cen1 of the 10111 1moun1 ol the bid pric:e named In lhe con111c:t TllO ow~ r•MrVM the rlQllt to reiec1 any bOnd 1f In the Ol)lnlOtl ot Ille Engineer Ille Surety s .c:knowle<lgment is not 1n the torm lnciuded •n Ille c:ontrac:I documents or 1n anothlt rorm !Wblt1n11a11y as prescribed by lew PAEllAILING RATES OF WAGES In ecc:ordanoe with the prol/lslons or Sec: Hoo , 773 or 111e C111tom1a LabOr Code, tl'le Owner hes determined Ille gen1tra1 p1evAlllr1g rates or per diem wages 1n the loc:allty 1n Wlllc:h the work is lo be per1ormed lo t>e that c:on111ned 1n the Southern Clhtornta Mesler LabOr Agreement • copy ot wn1cn Is on Ille In me Office ol t"41 City Clerk ol Ille C11y or Irv•~ end wtll ~ made avelleble to et1y 1nt9'ttled parly upon request lh• contr a c t o r e n d •nv tubc:ontrectOt undel him lhall pey nol la•• 1h1n the 1peclrt1d prevelOng r•tH ol ••on to 111 workmen emp!Oyadm the eaeevtlon 01 the con Ir act APPRENTICE: The Contrector 1h1ll comply w ith ell the requlremenll ol Section 1777.6 of th41 C.lllornl• L•bor Code. DRAWINGS ANO SPECIFICATIONS A full Ht of or1w1no1 end 1peet11c:at1011e 1e 1111llable ror 1n1ptctlon without dlerge at the olflw ol the Oltee10< ot Public W«kl ol thl City of Irvine Com91t-. tlMI o4 l9'd dn1wlf191. epec:H~tlOnl Md bid~·· m1y be purc:h .. td trom th• o.c>artment o1 Public WOtkt. City Of tr111na, 17200 Jimbo•" ROid. tr111ne, C1lltornl1 92713 A non rtlu11d•blt fH of 16 00 wilt bt ~ IOt ltOl'I .. , of document•. Or1wtng1. epeclltc.tlone and bid docum81'111 will bt m•lled, upon reoetpl ol raque111. no later rtien tO QAklndlf d1ya prlot to the dele Mt tor oPllfllng bide. '°' an addltlOnll Ohlfg4I of 16,00 • P~OJECT AOMINISTRA TION~ Al qUMllOnl , ... !Ne to thlt project prior to opening 11101 111111 be dlrecltd to Jim o ·conn•ll Conetr u ctton Contra o AdmWttrllOt. 1~111 °" T1'.D: """' u , '*· cm Oii llllVIHI 9r MAHOY 0. fllOWlN«>. ~TYCl.PK ,u~ Of•no-COM1 Deily l"tlol . .NM 21 t 30, 1M2.. fl'tCMl .. Cl A lfl'ID Diiiy Piiat Looking for a career in sales? See today 's Help Wanted ads , classification 7100 . Friday, June 25, 1982 Real Estate CLASSIFIED INDEX •w t111tt •.••••..••............ '!.~!!!!. '!.'. !.•l.t. •••••. !~!!!t{~'.!.~1.'....... !'.~!!!!.!'.'. !.'!.•. ••• • • • !~~!ff.!'.'.!!.'!....... !'.'.~!!!.!'.'. !!l! •...•• JM'.!!!!.!'.'.!.'.'!....... ~~~!!! .!0.1• !.A.1!....... '!.'.~!!!.!'!. !.'.'! •••••.. ¥!.-.~~~! ......... !.OJ!, f!.-.'!.'1. •••••••••• '.OJ!l 9!.-.~~~{ ••.•••••• !.'!!1 ~!~~~{ •••..•••• !.'!!I ~!~~~~ •••••..... 1.0J!. !~!~~! ........... !.~1 !~!{~! .....•..••• !,~~1 ~'.'!r.!! .~!~!~ ••. !.'!! To Pbct Your Ad, Call Tiil lllPfl Oelv>1• 4 bdrm. C Plan overtooklng the pool. Can be purohaNd with just 10% down to • 30 year lo•n. Full prloe la $279,500 L.H. 642-5678 HOUS(S FOi SALE Gtn•tel 11o11, ... hl••Q ~•Ibo• t'tn1n•"'I• t'tSM•Ueno l\HC"h farf-"• dtl M •• 'O.l• ,._.,,.. het1• t"u.nt t:1 Toro rf"ltlt•IA \ •Ot\ , ••• , ..... ...., ll<•<h hVIM t..a11un• twuf\ 1_.11i;.n"' U1ll• t..t\lf1• N1&1111I M1u1un \'11tu ~:Ef:~::h \tn Ju•f\ '"•'""" .,,., S.tlola An• Sut tk•Cf'I iroJlh L•a1.1-111 "'"tm11u•tr MotM .. llORtf') ~•Ir Rm mm A1 tl'Ut f\_, ~.,, A1M1rtnwnh fcµ-'41" hu C'h Pr09tr\) 8w••nt~' rrot~rt) l'tm1tlt'H I'~" C'n ""'-' }-=~~~~:1~~,~~:l) Ou~ltU\ I "II\,., .. tlou~C'~ lo~ \1o..,fd lnt'Utnf' t'ru ptorl) lndu.str11I f•n••""") U:>blo..-~.all' MObtlt lttnt ftlt t'''' Mountn o..,.,, Ht'"'' Or .n,t t.:o J>r-uv ~~ ~ ~~~f .,~'~"' ltanC'hta .... ,,.,h Grov .. -. :::: t!:::: ~:·n~~·f RENTAlS tlw)f':\ f urn1lllht"d Ho1nf!"'I l.'nfurn"h...t Uoui~" t\irn v• l M l 00ttdom1n1u"'" ..-1.Hn l ,,,__,om1n1un\\ l "' Tu'fllnhou'"' •wfn Tvw.nhf.u,f; I of Ou&>lf\f"' ~u'" llu!)l•u .. I 'nt "~'.""' A~" l.Murn ~J.lt" f\lrn m ' nt Auom' 1<11» IOOl It.Cl! 1@1• lbll 10)0 lllai •o:A 1<»4 I041l .... 11><1 IUlO IW lt.41 ,, ... 101" 10711 '"'° • IOIM '"" llMt 1100 1.W IMI •»• llW ll<JU .. ..., 1100 IU ,,.., ,,,,.., IOUAl llOUllNG OPPOATUNI fY Pltllllllallller's ••tt111 All real estate advertlHd In this newspaper la subject to tha Federal Fair Housing Act ol 1968 which makes ti Illegal to aavertlse "any preferen- ce, limitation or discrimi- nation based on race. color, religion, sell or nallonal origin. or any Intention to make any such preference, llmlta- taon or dlsorlmlnatlon " This newspaper will not l<nowlngly aooept any advertising tor real es- tate which la In vlolatlon of the law. l IOO iijiiijiiijiiijiiijiiijiiijiiijiii ;/SJJ , .. Al "'lO nio 171 41 673-4400 UIJI Ul·H2t HARBOR \ ll1n,1111111I ll.11 h111 luq•,lml'nl I'' EXTREllE Y&LUEI With 15% Investment assume existing finan- cing and seller wlli carryl This Is a super opportu- nity In a .Newport Beach 3 Bdrm 2 bath lamlly home. Only $239,900. Call now! 646-7171 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS 2:..111 ~ 2100 -1$00 Z'JOO EHHS1 Adverti- sers should check their ads dally and I NEW VIEW TOWN• report errors m-HOMES. 2 Master su1- m e d I ate I y . The tes. View of ocean & ~ DAILY P.ILOT as-night lights. Quiet Area ~ sumes liability for Parks, open spaoes. '"' $125.800 dn Xlnt Fin. ~ the first Incorrect Hal or Pat Bauer, Ag1s. ~. insertion only. 1_67_3_-_13_00 _____ _ ~, ...................... ... _.., -g,.,., /01 $1}1 llESl WOODS Beautiful custom cabine- try by a master craft- PllllllLl ••••• Prh:e West Bay bayfront. Slipe for 2 boat.I, remodeled 3 bdnn, 3 bath $1.200.000. , Ocee.n & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdnn. 3 bath, 3100 eq.h . $1,38MOO. ~anln>nt. Liii llLE IDMEI Prime Lldo Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm. 51h bath. Lge L.R .. 2 boat slips $1,500,000 . Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam', l'ellings. furnished, patios. $420,000. lllll llLE IAYFROIT ...agoon view from 6 bdrm. 5 bath. playroom, dark nn, den, !:\pat slip. Now $1 .000,000. 1A-s1DE COVE - Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br. 2 ba dn. 2 boat slips $1 .000.000. COROllADO CAYS Coronado island cu.st. bayfront lot. 85' ~t dock. Plans avail. Red. $370,000 w/terms. ILIFFS OllH Single story end unit, expanded 3 br, ~ ba on largest greenbelt, $250,000. PIRI L9D 3 bdrms. 211'1 baths condo near pool. $145,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 34 1 Boy\1de Or.v .. N 8 olS 6161 Mnon1 • Hl1•i1I flOlc"h Mfitt't" Guut ttumr• Suml'nf'r Rtnl•h \'.rahon R•nl•h Kfftt•h to \.ht11 r1 • C•nct-' ,,,, lhnt 0tru·• kf'nt•I fkauw-u R•l'l\•1 tnd~tr.-1 Hf'nhl :::; .......•.............• mtl) S.01111 1 DOZ .. ~ ..•...•.........••.... 4.100 ·~ •JOO UPPER IACI IAYI sman really seta this 3 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bdrm 2 Ba home apar1. - Lovely gazebo and bea- "°''•' Htnt•b ~ •nlf"'ll Miu Rf'nllh· BUSINESS, INVEST· MENT, FINANCE :~::~~~ ~~~~~· :~==~:::~: ~~~~' '40f'Hll) to IA>•n M~.) \\fn&,.d• MMlltUf'\ fl, 't ANNOUNCEMENTS. PUSONALS & LOST & FOUND Annou.N f'tt('nh -" Poot l..tc1I N<1"•'t' IJ)ll\I A.F"fiun(I ""'"'-"'•',. 'Vx 1•lt:lutiit.• y,., .. 1• SERVICES '-otr\'1t .. ll1r .. rt11r,. EMPLOYMENT & PREPARATION Sr"°°'' '""''""'''utt Juo w .. n.tftf• ._..,., "•nlnt \\ & t o.,,.~, s..1.,. MERCHANDISE "fttlqUf''\ APVli•AI "" 41Ktt1,., &:;.t;,1!: ~hlrn.tl" l'•rJWt o & Fqu1imu•r11 (',.t, ~· Prtt tu 't '"' t\trn1h.ir• G•r•I• ~.tilt' Uon~jo Uoul-"hold r;oo•h Jf'-.f'lry l..t\t•l«'-M1u•h1nu; Mt~tlllMUID M1Mtll•n.•o\h '4 .nt•<I \iu~u·•l lni.lr-uml"nt" Ofh(f .. \Hf\" .. !JUlll r .. , Pia~' ort11•n' 5'-c .. 1nc "''' "'•""" Spw\1n& {;OOiJ• Slnrt.Hf"\hur .. nt U.-r ~~T.d.u lht 1 ""',..., BOATS & MARIN£ EQUIPMENT (it'Mf1I Boal\ Mttlnl "rr\1< .. 8'l•h i\H1nn• tqu111 Both Po•tr Ooat" R,.nt nuirt41'r Bo•blwi1I &•b..sllP> ~Ill." 8oab .Sprttd 4i S.1 Ho.lb Stot•lt TRANSPORTATION Aucrttfl ( •mpirrt ~.,,. H•nt t:lf'('\tt(' ('•f\ Mot.41~ llnm .. , Motor Cycln Srootf'n • -..oto.-ltm\ !'t•I~ Rf-nt Tra1l~r'\ Tr•HI !~~s.~!,~'!11; .• ,,, AUTOMOBILE lit>rwro1t Anl~Ut-• l lo"n' Ht"c-rr•lai:m\.,n11l1•" ~~~~1i"r11: .. ~•wJ" rr\K'kt "•"• i\ulu l-f•"n" Auto. W •nlf'tf AUTOS. IMPORTED tJ,.n .. r .. 1 AU.t Rvtnfu A'Ktt A11~t11\ u ... ,,. "MW l •Prl ~:r.-t • • h l,jl 11 ~ t'f I tff I t· ... 1 111.mit .. Jo1M,u.-1 J"tl"'''' t\o11rn1•n11 •,h•4 l .. mborl?r!IN M.w1. \ttoft t'1h•41 Mf1111 '41.. '4\;H u.-1 .... 01,., .. l'ev.:.-04 l'M\\htt ,.. .. ~ ... ,, Kuti• KU.)\'t MO\~r ..... b .91..U :;u,, .. ,. .. roy()U Tr-uunph ~:~~~W'lflft c.i4HW'ral AMI: o ... ,_ AUTOS, NEW AUJOS,USED C•d•llH' C:am•to , ... ,,.~~ c~''''•' i;o.,... COftUMnt•I ~r-,fU.tt CouJ•• ~,. J"'~f••I Lj-8 .. ,,...,, .... .. ..,.('"'' :==.,. ~i;:ou'..1' ~=ttMrd Vtfe . ......... ~ •11<> 1.00 <UO '"" •l<Xl 100) tti.111 Great locallon plus sweeping view or Beck Beyl This custom built 4 Bdrm 2 bath pool home Is a super buy at only $209,900 with terms rl119 trult trees Low rate, new loan avallable. Full p ric e $149 ,000. 751-3191 c::. C,(l ( c , -f"' PROPE: ~ 11~ <, ,.,,. available Call today, .;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; lOIO 646-7171 For Claaslfled Ad ACTION ~IP-..i,.1111 .... ••• r: lll!lJii~~.--.. .... ><m Call a Dally Piiot AO· VISOR 642-5678 ""'" '"" •)tu ''\"' •t).\IJ ., ... , W),11 ...... ••lw 'lilll ·1110 r.u~ 1}1tf} !Hli' ~11) 171, fl11 1:11t l,f';!J .,;.:) 'f1Jt .. , .. 11-:J: »l.Ll •T.11 1,:. 'Ji"' ·•i ll "'" .,,., llit'i .... 11>i •1~ 171<> •":)i 11•111 t111 "'"' ~i'6 ;,~•i '1Jl11 ''·'l *FREE IEIT * hoice 3br 2 ba home in Prim University Park location! $1 ,000/mo rent all applies towar purchase in 1 year. 2670 Sa iguel. 714/75 9 -1501 7141752-7373. * 12~% Fll&IClll * * * lllLIH CLISEllT * * vailable on brand ne townhome! Featuring 2 mstr suites ncl'd garages & private courtyrd. y $114,950. 2670 San Migue r., Newport Beach . 759-1501 o 752-7373. * Hin' HSn I YACHT * * $101,000 * .9% assumable financing availabl n this tastefully decorated 3 B ownhome. Vacant & quic possession. 2670 San Miguel Dr. Newport Beach. 759 -1501 o 752-5353. •EWPORT IEACI OFFICE 2110 ... 111111 ,,,,. 71•) 111·1101 (11•) 112·111 'f!"-:* u~r tt ',-Jwloit 70 :-.11 )))960 : 6.171 ""'° CAH(ll Jy1 ;~;~~·!~ ~:·':h': ';;;~." 1y\ T, d"""''>XJ ~eucoe t,.,, ~otu1doy, ,,..,.,w lfl'\1 '"'"lUo'Jf'id•'liQ '"'~'' ,, v1111rl cJ1oe-l1uth \11,1n tu •• '~ '. • 1·~11 ,,,,.,!'\ ''"'"_,_ , ............ Jt•f'lt •IJ""'"' , .. .... '"'"' "'"•'' YJ'"•' ........ ,. ,..,.._ ..,,,., .. '" ... ... vi1uu11-.....,. ""--.. ~ ....• iot"f"'-'''''I '"''" ,,, '(....""• '"'" '" ..... '• 1l()11'1••\ ,, ..... ," II• .t~u# 41110.-•·· hflrl.!11' 1"t .. \A •'i•• Ill!,~~ tA Ui1t ..-~ MM.••• ,.. ''"•• ,, a. • .a , ....... ,, .,.,.. 11(11, tt 'I. • .,. ......... ., ........... ltAfl-1111 /IJfiollO \0 .... It .,,.,... ... 1• r .. •w•111i> \t~ .. fl AN! ,, .. vw.11'1 IU "'""" >) ....... .., \JAtilo,.•••· •• elW•t""""-1' '" '". -..ot'i ···~ l>O• ~'••i> .,l""'' ,. .... " .. ..... 9tOlhG!ll1t ,, ...... ,. \llolo-• II "-"t<• ,.._ .. o ... , ..... ltlUL .. ,,~~·" •Athl_,.. YI ... ,. ....... .Oht9lf'l'I g GooJ Jl;'\dvftl( .,,. ~Nuur,l or=:,~:-"'b~··~~. t ... J low to f()fl'ft '°"'' tiintp~ #O•d• 1~i"1~1s 1 I i---_K_A_L_N _Y__.1 1 , I I' r 11 . L.-..-.-" _o_K .... "-"-1 :'·t ~ . Ht ..... M11ttr'1 OeorH !n I j• I' I Phlloaoplly. He can't gtt a Job. ..--------.bvt 11 IHll he -·-, HORGWT I --, -, --,.-, ........ , ......... 0 ~.::: ~no:":~~ q=:. ----------........ "--No., ........ PeociM Who need P-'9 Tllat'• whet the DAILY PILOT ~VICE DIRECTORY • ~;~;.r~~.u I' r r 1· r r r r 1 • ~~r:-"011 I I I I • I I I •AIMITI ........ II •111t111•1 ._, " .. aboUtl OCEANFRONT DUPLEX Close to Bal boa Ferry, shops, restaurant. $91,000 down. 3 bdrm, 2 bath upstairs, 2 bdrm, 2 bath downstairs. 4 yrs. o ld , in beautiful condition with good rental i n come. Asking price $625,000. 10° o Financing ('102) 588 3~96 ' LIDO ISLE llWIATIC s,1ra1 1t1lrs H4 ,ret1ult11I 4toer ... ,..,..... Hill ''"''" • ~d, • .. .... II•••· P1rftot ftr Hie 1 .. 11,. hi1tt11 1tH•1lllll1 ltHt ef Sat2,000 @ 1tt.1tt.1 12.S'X, l1terest. lalH ,rioe .... ,IOO f11. WA Tl RHWNT HOME.S. ''< Ht. \I I 1111' '•k:•·· """l•I•,. ,,.,,..,., 't•""'.,"'°""' 24311 •. t-1 .... ,. " ........ , S..at9' 3•S M•rt•• It•• a.n.-1.i."4 831-1400 873-1900 llWPllT lllllTI IUUIOl 411 EL llODEIA OPEN HOUSE SUN. 1-4 $43:'.>.000 Custom country kitchen w/entique lace curtains in breakfast nook, 4 Bdnn sullel each w /bath . 4 flickering f'Vt:.ol.VOll(flreplaces, formal dining, 3200 559-9.00 11q.f1., 2 yn old. Don't delay. call Diana Today! UllllVllWRlll ., . .- Unique expanded 5 BR 4 BA Palerm o . Newly painted & carpeted. Assume the first at existing rate. Owner will help with financing -low down possible! Best prlc:e per square footage ln town. IN NEWPORTCENnR , 644·9060 HIT llY t• TIRnHOCl Redeeml'd in foreclosure. $30,000 below market. Lovely 3 bdrm, den family room condo. ~umable 1st. $247.500. a EAITSllE D.M. llPUI ES Good assumablt' loans. 2436 Orange - $165,000. 2475 Orange -$175,500. 1584 Santa Ana -$165,000. MARINA 1111101 1'4-IOIO llEWPOllT IEACH *IAYFIOIT* TlllPLEXI IOAT SLIP Pride of ownership units. Slll,000 Owner's unit offers prl-WOW! Lowest priced vale spa ano many up-baytront home ON BAL- gradea. High aaaumabte BOA COVES Large 4 loan plus seller terms! bdrm. 3 bath, double Only $560,000 • call nowl tlreplaoe, covered patio 646-7171 plus much moral Witt AITD or trade for East· rt!Z{ill!l 1 btu~~1::~s-~;·,~~;:111 R11lttn STOL A COIH *lll·lOIO* In Irvine's Woodbridge~~~~~~~~~! erea. 3 yrs young. 10"'•% ..:. financing. On cul-da-sac. 11/ltN /11,.I IOH Fenced rear yard. Owner •• • • •• ••• • • • ••• •• ••••• very anxious. Only $ l35, Unique & oharml119 3 bf' & 000. Susan Trlvlson's loft Lse/opt or trtde lor listing. 759-9100 un11s 673-8585. ,,, ... 11.j.,.,, "" ...................... GEORGE ELKINS CO _________ 1 Lovely home on W. Bay. 2 br & den, din. rm, 2 ba, 2 1rp10. $295,ooo. owe 12%. 645-4220 Hurry! AID A UNIT And make money by 11- vlng In one for comfort and renting the other tor profit. Neal. remodeled 2 Bdrm hO\Jse on an R-2 lot. 15% down moves you In. with monthly payments of approxima- tely $900. Asking $104, 900. 546-2313 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS IWIER IEIPlllATE Has bought another home. Largest 4 BOrm 2 Ba sl119le story In Mesa def Mar. Assume low Interest toan & owner will aaalst In financing re- mainder. Full prloe S152, 900. 751 -3191 TRADJ T 10\AL REALTY eo, .. , 111 "'' 1 ozz .........•..••..•.••.• PROUTE Court order sate ot Har- bor View Hilts 3 bdrm, 2'h beth w/beautllul ocean view & night light view . Only $319,500 ilroker 551-8181. Open house Sat/Sun. 870 Sendcastle Drive P111n11 sn1un mcmn 111ME Popular 4Bdrm Trade- winds mdl $495,000, Owner may exohange or lease option. Mll\e Crow. Agent. 645-3176 OLI OOROU CLASSIC A perfect house. very near be•oh. Beautiful garden. 2 etory, 3300 sq tt, 4 Br. $400,000 possi- ble financing. Any rea- eonable otter w/lut u- crow. $595,000. Open Fri thru Sun 1 to 5 at 233 Polntettla. Owner 673~271 EXEDUTIYE'I DllElll MOIE A ~r uly magnificent 2 stor y 3Br + downstairs den. Northwood Place Plan 3 home. Other features Include a Cam rm. dining rm, 3 baths and a lge kltdlt'n w/breakfast nook Natural colors including wallpaper thru-out. Seller 1s motivated. Offered at $249,900. Call FrHll 11111. Oel11i1I I .E. Ill· 11 11 C1111 11111 1 OZ4 .•...•......•.....•... 111101011 LIYIH In this 4 Bdrm home with add-on family rrn. Many utras lncludlng new oarpe1. Large aaaum•ble loan end ow~ wlll as- sist. $ 135,000. Call tor more Into, 97i.-S370 .lf >IL/ 11~·11 Rr ~I fy ~ INVf S l M(Nl'i St,000 HW• Asaume 9'A% loan, ow- ner will help fin 3 br. lg. A In OF SllllllllU 1111,'50 E•traordlnary 4 bdrm, 2v. bath home In a charming plush setting. No e~tra overlooked, from fountain to private tree-shaded patio, thts home has everythtf\g Enjoy the summer In your own bit ol paradise Call today. GENE CON- LF.Y, bkr 559-9400 yard. $99.500. 648-8082 l-'==~.;...;...~~'--'- Lt1tt/Lt1H 1,t111 "l•J New 3 Br. 3 Ba. Condos. Newport Schools 80"11 11nllllclng at 12'h% 210 16th. Pl. Open 12-5 Sall I Sun. Dally 1·5 John Eftot Agent 631 -4509 or 673-3968 eves. HIPfUTE IWIERl Beautiful Park Bristol Condo . Low down $5-$10K. Low payment. $1000/mo. Low price $88K. 646-0688. h11r FIH11l11 Seller wlll carry loan for qualified buyer. Gr ea I terms. 3 Bdrm 2 ba. Mesa Verde Htghtands. boat trlr access. S 130, 000. 3281 Colorado Ln. Ownr/agt. 559·6221 TURTLHOCK Gracious living In spa cio us 3 bedroom, 2 bath home Huge ou t door enter· talnment patios Excellent llnanclng $159.900. Wliam Cote, Broker (714) 780-1900 c~!?!~¥!~ n;S c f!l.~!~.!!!.~~ ... !.IJ.4;~ Plaza. Maka your doV:,n OLDE LAGUNA CHARM payment by the mon1h. Unique 2 bdrm tloor Noles & trades OK. As-plan, 1 bath. llv rm wl ktng $279 ooo. beamed callings. nerd-• wood floors & cozy log ltHlt Rlthth burning lrplc $167.500 111-0'24 Full Price. ad kttellttt MISSION REAL TY 111·042' 494-0731 WALi TO TOW• OCWHOIT S400,000 Tot1I Prloel Best buy on oceanfront. xlnt loc 5325.000 CHh + uaumable $75K, 10'Y. TO Owner 640-7990. TH Tll 111• 011n11 2 Bdrm and den home on Lido t11e with pier and boat slip for lot value only ESTATE MUST SELL Call 540-I 151 for more 1ntormallon and ~HERITAGE • • REALTORS '10 DOWN, no qualltylng, have 2 houses. $725.000 each 620-9089 (714) 1501 & 1511 Miramar St llEIVEll Oii LIDO You'll tove this spac1ou· sly remodeled 2 be· ' droom home on an exrra wide tol Sunny pall.a & 1acuu1t Only 10% down OWCll $50,000 under appraisal. lldll Lid o Realty 673-7300 I llarlllltr YI•• llo•ts By owner $198 000 tse I hold Must sell 3 Bdrm Monaco Low down Cell tor appt t o 5ee 644-4289 I VERSAILLES 2 Br 2ba. balcony. se<:u· rlly, underground par- king and all amenities. $239.000. Good finan- cing Call owner. Moss Laura 548-9955 Open SatlSun I 5. call from gate 10 1 Shotz Plaza EXECUTIVE NOME a .. ,,.,, •• ... t. 1040 5 Bdrm 2'h Ba Only $225.000 Appraised $245,000 Open House 6-27·82, 12-4PM 336 Cherry Tree Lane. Call anytime Tony 548-8633 from this detlghtlut unit · 1--'-----"---- 1 Br, den, gar, close to SEAVIEW -elegant & Main beach. $149,950 charming Hampton ..............•....... La111a YUi••• R.E model, fabulous views 2Br, on 1ha t>each Mild. ..17 17-11 decor. spa. pvt comm ocen vtaw lrom all • • w/pool & t6nn1s tacll1t1es rooms . 1 230 ,000 .jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil $519,000 Open House 960·1484 IAHAll NUmH sa11Sun 12-5. 1903 PllCE REIUOH Yacht Colina 644-t017 ---;4-:1:-:8:-:R:-:;ll:;---I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil BEA c H w AL K. Eleg • n t Prtllllatt w/flHIOll& MOISES ..... E IOW')hOUH ltvlng near .10 ... ,100 IN tRVtNE TERRACE the waler. From $145, WllTEWATER VIEW 0 C Airport, 66.a300' IOI ,. ooo B 8 8-07 plus 2 bdrm house Unbelievable price tor 3 BA 2 BA. $225,000. . kr. 4 09 Poot, large lot: 3BR 2ba Sant a An a Hg h t s thts huge home. The 1<425 BONNIE DOONE ---------• plus guest quarters 536_2455. price has been reduced OPEN DAILY 1-5 110 DOWN !! CI o s e t o downtown I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii below market and wlll 1.0-1111 View of the ocean and Laguna . ., $295.000 sett to the first person ~ w 8 1 k t 0 th a s and. H•· 7211 SECUSIOI I VIEW who looks. 1Perlect lor 2 1 3 / 3 3 3 . 3 8 4 6 & ~ Spacious Bog Canyon 4 Investment or great ta-213/902-1298 Bdrm home Kitchen mlly home Call now, V GEL ---------• s , opens to a private cour- won'l last. 546-2313 0 lrri•I 1044 ~ tyard so 1nv1t1ng lor oul-PACIFIC . r;t~;·;8·9;;;:;17~."ikt;;, ~. door eating s125.ooo IEllOll SH,000 4 br. 2'h ba. ideal family ~~~~~~~~~ home with ocean view Community pool & park. Cul de sac. Aaaumable 1o~w. toan. $275,000. H•-4110 MIST SILL LOWEST priced home In CdM. 1791< lor 2BR. 1BA. low dwn & owr w/carry most ot balance at to rate. Call tor showing at 673-5718 or 646-7215 or come to open house Sun 11-6. 4 14 Narclsaus. CdM C11t1 111" · 1 OZ4 ~~~~~~~~~ ·····1~·iii£·11.2····· IEWPOllT CREST I EA In Beautiful lownhome In one of the mOfe dealra- 3Br. 1Ba, & 1Br, 1Ba ln- taw suite, newly remod&- ted. llexlble terms. $129, 900. Or try tse option. By owner 646-2768 ble areas of Newport 1---M-E_S_A_V-ER_O_E __ Beach. Huge r ooms Harbor/Baker. Lowest 3 thruout. Tasttlully deco-Br. price In area. $123. rated. Walk to the beach. 900. $25 dn. OWC re- Seller Is highly motivated malnlng. $S4,000 81_ and wlll negotiate. Won't 8 u m 8 a 1 1 2 .,, •. lut. call 54&-2313 64 6-32 55 I 540-4 06 7 THE REAL ESTATS:RS 04• CUYll ctnAIE Oulet spot on Buck Gul- ly. Min view, must re- model bu1 owner will carry at 12"1. Asking $275 ,000 wllh 20"/o down. A llstlng of Marilyn Hodges. Ulllrl()Uf li(),..fS Re•ltore, 675-6000 3 FDR TllE PRICE IF 1 Open Sun 1-5, 1586 Myrtl-ood. IMllALI UY AWARD WINNER Ocean vl-s. 3 bdrm. 4 ba. kit w/convenlences. tam. rm. lge garden, pa- tio, formal din. rm, tge llv. rm. Quiet cul-de-sac. $812,000. By owner 673-4411 VACANT MUST SELL 4Br. 2'~Ba, 2100 SQ ft. 10 yrs new. Nr So. Cat Plaza, 10%-15% dwn. Asking $185,000. Make otter. Bkr. 768-4008 $140,000. Two 2 Bdrm, 2-3 Bdrm. 3 B•th new and one 3 Bdrm tepa-condo on perk. Child olC . rete hooae. Propetly la With leue option. Go zoned R-5, high den11ty. from tenant 10 owner. Cliy aaya you can butld 6 380 W. Wiison. 631-5055 unite Very dealrabl• or 642-2000. property. Prlc.d to Nit SANTA ANA HOTS 4Br, now. C•ll ~8-2313 2Ba. huge f•m rm & rec THE REAL ESTATERS -- rm. trplc, pool, big yet. S25.ooo dwn. owe - 13%. $14 2 .500 . 567-7993 lllMTI LllEI fLElllLE Fllll· BMut. 4 BR 3ba Condo. Lo Int. aaeumable toan. 0111 $189.000. 714193"·4870 on 1hla lmmt0ulate 3 Br t h~ with encloaed pa. F•lallll tlo, fttnlly rm, aprlnkl9't Owner deeperatel 4 br, 3 and more. Owner an· ba, pool. •P•, Laguna xloua. 1129,500. C1t1 Niguel. Wat $349,500 979·5370 but now NAME YOUR PRICEI 915-1101 Agt. aa....,"94tt \ f . ·I/. / 1l F t f ' •, . .., '· 1 owner L• Jo41• ArM. 1---------Wlll nil, exchange to, ~ or UIQun• pro- Ptftv O!' etirry 1 °'4i P"" per. 0•11 Brandon Agt 720-1404 CIHllflao Ad i are , .... •newer to a 1uco .. atul -.oryWdMlellt'•• ~ter way to ,.,, more 4 Br. 2 Ba DR .. F.R. vu JUST LISTED IN 642-5200 of Univ. $200.000. $50. EMERALD BAV 000 down, S 150,000 5 Bdrm. ocean view ta- A.1.T.O. 12% Int only for 5 mity home wtth 3 llre- yrs. Agent 54 t-5032 places and spa S 1.300. ---------1 000.644-7020 A PETE BARRETI ~·.. REALTY Flowers & Color till the Ll.~O •R•L ESTATE giant backyd ol this • """ -:::::::~::::: Woodbridge S&S Twnh· OCEANFRONT Mo bile iii se. 3Br. 2'hBa, onty Home11, several $80,000 OCEAI OCEH DCUI $164,000. Good terms. Pvt 499-3816 GOLDEN PROPERTIES __ . -------is always there to see 752-1589 f!l.~~~.!1.J!!! .... !.~~~ ~~:i'o~lsb~t~t'g;:'o~!s~:':. THnE lllOl ltd Mt•H 1111 nally decorated ocean- Co-ops from $39,000 tront home 3 BR, 3ba. equity price. Condos tormat dining rm, play-Fantastic Bren garden home -Monteclto Model, Plan B w/great view of mountains, featuring 3 BR, lam rm, htghty UP· graded This home Is on a cul-de-sec & lee land. Community pool & ten- nis. S265,000, Sharon Smith 644-6200. (E-51). lrom $75,000 run price room Must see to ap- Lelsure World Resales preciate. $750,000 24221 Paseo de Valencia MEL FUCHS Lag. Hiiis 7t4/837-5500 PHillH llHlttr 1 055 175-1120 f!~.' ... ~~~~~ ..•.. ! .... ~~~~~~~~~ 'fl: M~cnab -Irvine SSMILLIOI DOLLARS$ VIEW Pllll PUCE ESTATES 4 BR. 21/i IA. BEnER THAN MODEL HAS EVERYTHING Cul-de-sac streel Sun & Sall II Ctub 20 mln. to Newpor1 Center $210,000 with $160.000 at 12% filled rate & tully amortized. from this exoepttonal 3 No points or quelltylng. bdrm, 2'h ba. Hollyhock I 770-0347 tn Turtle Rock Glen Gar-Owner/Agent den Ho mea Perfect • home for entertaining with 1ra targe lam. rm. /llJ1n•• Vieio 1061 with F.P., formal din. rm.•••••••••••'•••••••••• and llv. rm. with wet bar. ••E IWllRSllP? Large enough yard tor a $2600 to $3800 Invest • pool and a VIEW trom ment gives you home almoat every room. Tak• ownership •nd •II tax over high auumable advant1ge1I We have lo1na.. 1389,600. 1qulty share progrema on 3 & 4 Bdrm hornet avail now. C•ll Don 1t Rushton Re1ltor1 . 768·1300 •• '!'.r.!!. ~!~ ••• !.'!f Altllm ,STULi Lov.ly lrg 3 Br hOuM w/ den. •P• & lorev.r vu. Only 1359.toO F ... Call 't573 ~MMDl~IP:illf£ DIRECT to P•trlck or -· Fred Tenore. agt FORECLOSHE NEWPORT HEIGHTS CONDO 2 bdrm. 2 ba. pool end laundry. 10"1• dn. No qualifying. Long term financing Call Brandon Agt 720-t404 WllU TUIE HWIT HAVE -Sharp 4 BR 2'h be Palermo In HVHomes on lee land. S225K equi- ty & only $870 pm WANT -Ocean vu home. In NB/CdM Agts. wel· come. Bruce Blomgren-Agt. 760-93331760-0297 11IEWPORT MOISE OF IHlll" NEW MEDIT. CUSTOM Te, tf ""'"' Pool & WfnooeUar Ferettr Yin $2,400,000 Open Sat/Sun 1-4 17 Muir Beach Circle BY OWNER 640-9405 673-1633 OLIFF IRIYE '""" .... 4 Bdrm, 2ba. toe lee 101. S5'5K. prln only. Agent 875-1211 after 7 rm· 28Rl28A WOOOBRIOGE -1· 1 . Of 7804702 Sgt tam. Sacrifice. 3 p y m t • I• ta . Ha' p t • For Id •ction 857-2425 r, • " " w1111111•1 cAMEo sHoRes • Cal a TIWllHIE Cuatom 4 er. 3 B•. pool • 2 8r be, 1ge patio. Uno 1acu11t, kol pond, 3 D,.a., Plot ci.r market at S13t.too. r~o·1. SH5,000 . ~·J ltfMI &111111111 i~•1...:..s;..;os_o._____ AD-VISOR lll-Ual MC)(e f•mllln tr• getting Ha . tha camping "bug" thl• t.•2-5671 ~ IOf'l'lelhlna JOU want YMI'· tt you ~ a cam-••llli"W•iiili•• to ... ., C1Mtlfled aCll dO par th•t'• not o•ttlng It well I C all NOW. uHd, Hll lt now with a Find wtlaty~u want In M2-&ITI. CIANlftect All. 09My Piiot Cl*l ntfll a \ -1 '· l ~------1- •• """ ..... UU -Otlflll "" 1.1 ..... Oul of the lllght pattern , th l t GUllQm hOfM otter• m1gnlf101nt opportunltlu. S1par111 oue11 hoMe and private pool and apa , Owner wltl finance entire 101n. Tna price 11 $985,000 Wlllla• Otte, ,,. .. , l 14/ll0· 1100 Ofanot Coett DAIL y PILOT /l'rld•v. June a&. 1982 ., •IWNRT OlllT '" .... ..,., Th• 1ow .. 1 priced home In Newport Cre1t . Two ~room•. 2 bath•, form11 dll\lnQ room. wet b1r, lltp down llvlng room • •II Ihle for only 11115,000 w1111 •• Otte, ,, ... , ll0-1100 I !'!!tt!.f~ .. "-m!.fr/,.~1~ .. ~.fmef!!~ .. ~~~ A':,"j'•f.w 1rr1.. 11ff ,,.__, lt#NA JMI ... ,_,.,, •••• nnr:r.;rr. ••••••••••• !.!~ ...•......... •• •••• ••••• •••• • • •••• :".·.w:;: •••••••• •••• ·• ""1 1141 l!..fi 11.... JIU C.. _.... ...-0., a bdrm ptua/fpc. IA WOOdbftdo9 oondo. •••••••••••••••••••••• r::.~•r::::'°••••••••••• ••• !~.~••••••17::1 llfLI YIUn 11..a..lh ,..._ Oar Lg IOI P•t• ok. Avl July t. 1721 t:: mo. .... Ull Quiet Junior & 1 Ire •Clean 2 It MICArtnur M ... Verde 2 9'. 1 .... Tu IWet nn -·1 1100 mo Joye• w11u:. :Ob Bl-r'lldge 5 2·1800 Hlfbor View Hom•• 2 From 1315 Pool, reo. vio .. I A. Tennie, pool, garega. 11t floor, nc Neetnew4-plu,lbdml, Wll take OYW your pey. "31·12M •v-ony 19'lden,2ba.wellk9Pf rm., 11un1, ancltd o•· •g1. ••oo Adultl Piii t'11/mo. t47e 2 t111h H Oii unit wltl\ = :.•J.: o!!?J: 1-,-,-,-,-.-.-.-.-/-I-,-,-, Ir, t'Ala ooml'!lunlt~ home l ywd. 1100 per raga. 11301 KMleon Off ., 2·NH or 1141·1490 MCurlty, 1 100 olMnlng flrapiaca,ll\OIOMdpe11o, a due*11 or I"'""-· wllh ........ po.,ol , (4 Carrol Ava. '71,cr1e~ry;i8.1;,g7 Slltll' IA2-71AI. '* 1" 1 Ba Apt. 769 ·4220,' wlcndt OWIOI• ~-tet. Poe. ,...,... n II II mo. M0-4342 991. • "' • I .,,.. Ill encl1d 01ragelo•rport. _5_4_9_·7_3_21_. ____ _ h II"' N 11119 OWMra unl1. Prln. only air end unit twnhM. bl· ._, • J p 11-IA.. bit I 0•1 .. w. ow • ........._ ••t '"'"'1'1 Walnut·~ ... ,. 3 er. 2 BL •• -.-.r.•••••••••••1•••• 1 rv, ,..,ry rme, • ne, E11l1ld1 1 Br. Nature aoo 8111 a d Alt l~!..-!!!!!!!!!!·~ .... !!!! ... !!!! .. ~~~!l 'ln1, gar, nr pool, no .. -•••••• , •&• I t ,IJ. . rul\ y, '· P•t• 15a61m 14149'" Condo. 0 pell. ,.,00, -.wr TH cs°" 0. . wooo c.lllng a c.tblnate _e_1_w_1_e_1. _____ ... low•· St. Satl:~n. Ev.; 1152·0&49 or &61·219S. Lux. 3 Ir 2'1\ Bl eondo, E T L Mgmt &42· 1803 130. Pl1111 0111 3•6 Ra,pldly developlng •rea •••• t'!!••••••••••••••• 549.1793 fUATl.EROCK CONDO • ~~~~&,t~7~oOo Yrly. W111tld1 Lg 1 Sr w/ _&_6_1_·9_6_2_2 ____ _ on Newport Blvd. In .H hraJ•t.w -0val-ly_m_od_em--2-8-r.-teoO--. 2Br, beaut vlaw, perfect ••aooo cerpor1, D/W, lndry, •viii E•SIDE: N-oat.1>91, 2 8t WC01t!1•1~~·. 0eewx300C .•• 1o0~ .. ··•,.:::•:,·,.·.··,::-•··,·,·M 1010 w. Wlleon c•ll 9•4 cond teoo. Ma-3147 att Npt 8ch oondo, 3 Id 2 81, · 7.-2. UOO mo. 114&•11t:Z5 patio, g•r11g1. '440. te< ",_,.,,.. ..., -11 -pm, 213/889-4304 5PM 1700/mo. 631·1280. Ro· 11>r,1tova,;ar.,lndrylao. 2111 548-0185 tlvatld lo ... I. ••••••••• .. ••••••••••• DEERFIELD 3 br, 2~ ba. l>9ft Mllllkan, ag1 LIFE'' C1011 to ooc. Av111 711 1 br duple•. Nwpl Hte. no R11lonomto• 875-8700 3Br 2ba, 1lngl• oerpor1. Ix oondo S1,000IS725 :Z F.R .. twnhM Ind unit, HARBOR VIEW HMS. 1450. 6~7214 Pih, S600/mo. Open #<--~--' I 'I Quiet •<Ill• pref, No Piii plul 1011 BR 2\.t bl A/C. d Bea I ••on'""-I I s /8 a • 32• ~ ............ , Yrly , .. Avlll Sep1 I&, Chrl1. 973.5409 bl. gar, lg patio, 1/0, u ... --·OOH 0 1 BR APT 0 /W , New II un 1 -.. ...._. rlftA••HI 1111 876·4330 lmm1d occupy. 1795 everything. t1025/mo YIAA-ltOUMO fUN: paint & opt• end drapee 2 b r • 1 be trl·ple11, •••••••••••••••••••••• paclout 38r, 1v.e1, dbl lllH. Ag1. &52·6354 844-te10 or 873·3174 800111 Aetlvlt1e1 Carport. S•OO/mo 1600/mo Fenced yd/ OcMn view. 01"-Hlrbor .. Df,, Oat IOI. lrplc, cpll, drpe, f> Hlltl« View Home 3 8r. 2 O I re o t Or• F re 1 881-2175 p 1 t Io, n • ..., p 1 Int I on Blutt1 2Br 2Ba pool $750 mo w/gardener 1110 hOfM, 2 BR, den. 8 S u n d I y • • • 000• lt•baHll '111 8A4l·2'l8 or 842•3287 fplc, centre! air, 1126. •· llllTllly rm 11000/mo erunoh•BIO't• 2 Br. pooj, gerage $525 drapea, 1'~ ml. 10 belch. ~!!.1.~{ .'!!l.'!... •• ~.P~!.·.~.'e.'!. .. HI ,,,.,. C..I• #H• 1114 ,, .. "' "" ··••••·•••······•··••· ···••··•·•········•••· •P•. low down $225. •••••••••••••••••••••• Vogel Pacific 840-41181 LaaM 9'4·8977 P· .. •~•Plut mo. No "'"'t• 1306 "B" 873-8921 893·31&1 WINTER Renl1I, avl 0112 C d 2 3 Bd 3 ••-,..... ---------_--------/·-•1 ,._P!;'!l --2 bt. 1 bl. ctn Lndry & ::.h. ~I~. ~1 ok.r~t 2 Bd plu• !Mn. OMrlleld New2,,ponb Ta<rF con1 do 281t muo0 •hl~T W. Blket. 841-0783. Spacloo1 2 Bf 2 Ba «»-_.,, •• ._ "Ir S•"" '"73 "''"1"' twnhm 1750/mo Call " I , r~ C, foo • " .. 2 8R 1 "-'"·'ti, drpt, luic e, n ew carpeU, •&•II ~-, I"""' ••••••••••• ••• •••••• • fl'IV," "'"' " now buy l•ler. Cati tor t12a1 95 3 7 • 1 C •I .. T 0 ..., .... -.,.. _., 8 Charley 559-9400 Agt .. mo • 1 " " .. I N: b1tn1. no p111 $426 dt•P ... good .. 1t1ld1 •••••••••••••••••••••• EAST IOE TRIPLEX 2 ••• ,,.s,.· d•t•ll• 831·5055 or T. n n I •• Fr.. tocauon Mat re adult• Curious? Open llouM Sat bdrm Spanllh hou&e plut &42·2000 or come by Noodbrldge 3 Br 2~ aa. 3 Br home, Ir pie, nice LetlOnl (pro & pro 2272 Mlf)le 63 !·2927 only 1475,m:_ Manag. & Sun. Atlume $55.900 2 1·bdrm aptt. S18,000 IMe 3140 380 W. WllM>n. lamlly room. d ining 1r11. Harbor Highland• 1hop)•2 Health lltTllT 1•1 147 E 18th St "4". 11'-\0/o ln1 2 br 2 be yearly 11rott Sec> met.e-•••••••••••••••••••••• room, 2 car garage, pa-Upgrade• lnelde. prvt Clubs Sa condo 11mlly MCtion. So r ed S 195,000 o w e . Nr, Beech & Atlentt. 3 br. Br 2 Be trple, 2 car tlo, all amenltlH 1nclu· yard, hol lub. Nr achoot1. • una• S430mo 2 er 1 81 pool, E/Slde CM 3 BR 1 BA, ILl"S • YIEW Cat Vlll11 ·No 113 $87 1-303·887·2887 Owner 1 lo\ be condo, •Yell. July gerage w/opener, pooj, ded $795/mo Avell July HOO. 8'42·33S8. Hydromuaaoe• laundty rm · 111111d• j•r 2617 B El den 3 Br 2'Aba, and unit on 900 U d · 1 · '· S725 09'·7346 IVI •P• Chlld ok $795. '"th. '"•k 1_ Carol h,__.. Swlmml~-ootf C111 tor appt 595,mo 631 ;755 pgra "· 111 ru 25 Oldet Unlta 557-2380 or 545-31 t5. " "' '" '"'"" Lido Isle 4 Br 4 Ba. Dtlvlng RaflOI TSL Mgmt 642·11103 • · IM land. 20% down. OW· Incl Wiii c1 rry 2nd Cash now 2.2 Acres Zo-L•tH• ••tli J/41 5 5 2 • O 4 O 3 . o I 11 c • Cullom s1sooimo. a EA u T 1, u L D I I 11# netwlllcarryhnanclng to 641·18t4 ned 4• Condoa Tustin •• ••••••••••••••••••• aalaldech•rmet, I BA 1 768·2099 951·2805 AltARTM•NTI ·. 1 Br. g1r1ge. yard No .!.'!~ •• ~.~!••••••••••• suit your budget. ' 4 BR, new dee, lurn. Sec B c nt mod tg ... pelt *425/ 387 B fHtiL••H• IOll $1M.Agt.975-<>e79 gait. prtv 8ch .. tennis •,re e re • e OrangetreePa11oH~.2 2 B r. 1 Ba. Newporl S lngles , 1 & 2 · • mo. 2 bdrm 1 bl OOMtl vu h••lt litlitttl ••••••••""•••••••••••• HOUSE/II UNITS Ownr 496·.4038 yard. 130 M~nolla. S550 Br, 2ba. Mp. dining llH, Helghll, old cu1l om Bedrooma•Furnlllled Hamilton. 641-0763 relurbi1hed. • lnc1 Utll. 11• htHlltH PIHTillffl mo 549•812 lam rm, 2 car gar. A.IC. h b & Unlurnlahed•No 2 BR garden apt. New $485 mo No petl. 24851 111·0424 pyt DllllllllTY Near Goll Course In E· lltflNtl IHti 3l6j tee clean 2 Br. 1 B•. tncd comm pool a, 1enn1 1, ~.:r~~~r~P:;111 ~=:.~: Pett•Model1 Open paint. No pete $440/rno. Selva &31·7220 -iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!ijiijiiiiiiil ' Side Costa Mesa. 30% ••••"'••••••••••••••••• yard enclsd garage aauna, exercise rm, I 7111. dally 0 to 6. ~8-9950 • 3 Br 2'h ba, former dn wlll B.E. Assume 111 Furn 2 BA 1 ba blk 10 • · 8 .,/mo. 434 Ca1111n1, 1 _________ 12Br uppef dph1. Attac:Md model w/apa. Furn. op. TO o we 2nd TO 5-7 yrs bch, yrty .. Adlla, 'no pets ch" d 0 II . n ° p e.. s7oo. Avall, 552•9185 N e 5 4 8 • 4 3 8 0 • Oakwood PINE BLUFF Af>TS. g•r w/09nr F/P, bltlnt. c ars •bikes• •skateboards • trucks•baby carriages •tea carts•trikes rol le r skates • walkers •toys *w agon s•••· scoot e r s• hot rods "coupes • tra ile r s* hard tops•conve rt· ibles•motor homes •1awn mowers•limos •corporate headquarters •garde n carts Model A's••·• •typingtables wheelbarrows· rec reational vehicles· golf carts*model trains•bikes •pianos•cars refrigerators *skates ······ :~~~~10~~~;~ :~~~·:~~ ~1~~5~2-2:..~ r M I F $850. 873-6390 ~~7;~m0r~l~~e~u~l,tr: ~~/.S;~~.~.'.t.t •• 1.~~f )8!~5;7:~ 4:.:.~:I:~ .. IVI ..... ~~~. 2p~~lo,1 ~~:.o~·pr: e~~,8~~'t:S~vleC; ra1ea below mllt. $480, HH1tl U•l•t•l1ittl 1_5_48_·_2_77_8 ______ :'.:harming bHc h front July 15. 11200 mo. &,.-.lb 1acuu 1. g1r .. gaa 1tove _6_6_1·_8_4_88 _____ _ 000 499· 1268 Agt * *llYEmll* * • •••••••• •••• ••••••••• 3 Br 2ba, tem rm, lormel home, spectacular view, IA0·9019 ......... la•llt/h. S580. 631-8107 H••ll•il•• looking for dupleic, fH•tt•I 3202 dining. alarm system. brlcll courl yard entry. 4 880 f••ti• IOIO 4·plex and up. Free Into, •••••••••••••••••••••• new cpts & paint AvaJt Br 3'h Ba. large Ill/Ing rm Spect11CUlar 1119w, lmmac. lrvlne l ight Brite, Airy & Brand ••t Jl4f •••••••;.•IL•L••1•1•,•••••••• agt. 760-7089 •·rclatt/hfwri 8/ 1 Reis req $975 In-& dining rm, beach room, 5 bdrm. 4~ ba. 3 11ory (at 16th) New, 2 Br. 2 Ba. trplc, 2 •••••••••••••••••••••• " t• 1•m OllTI llf•• .,. • c 1uo1 n g gar o en er. lots ol atorage. For leue 3700 1q ft. Oen. gourmet (714') 645-1104 car o•rage. pool. ape Deluxe poolllde. 111re lar· OOllTIY YILU ., -Lovely Southpor 1 with 545•6445 only. Call Peggy Plltlton kitchen, Cathedral eel· ............ /... From S795. 557 -2360, g e 2 b r . 2 b I . b II n 1, Superb conatrucllon, E.ast11de, ell l•rge 2 Br. grea1 vlewe. $2800/mo. for appt. 714/955-2473 llng L.A. Sep. D.R. 2 1100 16th St. ~5-3115 dlwtlr. l 'h miles beletl. creltsmansl'ltp & decor•· pool. Income $7 t .000 lew,.rt ltll/llfMfl Westetde 2 Br 1 Ba. tncd wlldya 8-5 lpca Outdoor Jae l2100 Do Adulls. no peta SSOOmo ting An archtlectural Price $775,000 Drive by Panoramic ocean and pallo, enctsd garage, . mo. lnc:lucllng gMdeMr. ( Yer at 16th) fllll I ...... _5_3_6-_8_3_6_2 ____ _ masterpiece In prestt-149 E. Bay then call bay views lg 38r. tamtly new carpets. drapu, PRIME HOME nr Emerald 714-613-2102 (714) 642-5113 1 & 2 bdrm condom!· WllFfLITlll gloua Lemon Heights 8 r 0 k e r / O w n e ' rm OrlYe by 2331 Clltt palnl No pels S495imo. Bay. 3BR, 2 ba, ~ yd. Mlltlon I hOUll tor in, nluma each with eulO· t & 2 Br Ol9COUnl on 8000', 5Br, 8b•, 4 lrplc. 642--0282. C a II Io r de I a II• plus security 548-5442, ~:~:6~: boh. 1300 1501 & 16'1 Mttwner St. ---------matte 2 car gareoa. fir• gym. wine celle< Room •20 000 DOWM $1400/mo 770·5629 $1600 mo, 11t I la1t .... i '---3"'U place. ikyllghl, patio. ~ ~O::~·:~·e~":· tor horses. 1ennls. etc. T• 3 bdr h "1 SUPER MESA VERDE 3 OCEAN VIEW 620-9089(714) ••• !;. •• -;"A~~ •••• .'~ •• dl1hw1ah1r , e lc 846·<>e19 Call Rick Alderetle WO rm ou-on Beaut11utandlarge2Brln Br 2Ba lrplc,$775/mo. Cluay 2 Br & 11udy. 2 Cute 1br/1b• duple•. $495-1595 --------- Rea11or10eveloper ror lot. E/Slde C.M Mull Vtlla Balboa. 2 patios 644-6996 No pets bath, 2 lrplce, aplral RIGHT ON PCHll c:ompt. furn. Sipe & lor 111·"" 2Br. 1'1tBa. $375 mo + detalls 73 1•4444 or sell No qualllylng. A S1200/mo 11alreaae.S1500/permo. 2bt/1ba.e-rt.oond. iummer, s 20 0/wl\ $375dep Cpts.drps,M 731 ·5115 steal at $150,000 Waterlron1 Homes Inc 4Br. 2Ba. lam rm. lg tncd Charter Realty 4911-8122 $700/mo. Ag19'2·1183 longterm, $600/mo 1572 Monrov11 Beach Blvd & McFad· Call agent. 540-3666. &31-1400 bk yd, ctose to schla. or 493-3686 408-<)765 1~~~Coet~~a~M~ ... ~~~ den No pets. 893-4894 Wnt•iHltl ltltl $650 mo. 1st, laat + 1---------Seewlnd 6 Br view, pooll 1 _________ 1: •••••••••••••••••••••• tlTST&lllll llYll $200 sec dep 656 Cove Prutlgloua H i gh Or. tennl1. S 1500/mo. S4:ZS-S4351 2 8 1 B 2 Br 2 Ba+ Oen TOWf'I· Br, 1Ba A/0, lg acree-Hunt. Sch. 4 units, Co-C•11•• ''' M11 3222 St Apply at 660 Cove ooean YI.I, welk 10 blolch, 6«-4014 aft &PM. A,.,,. •• ,. mo. r 1 house tennla & IC>• nr ned porch. tncd yd, S94, 11tngton s1y1e. $239.000 3••B•••••B••••••••••••••• SI . c M SPECTACULAR remo-.. V .. ...__, ..... t·-rm, "•/·--1-a.~ •Pt ' beamed celling, beach 2202 HH1 Cir. 000 I d OWC d 2 I dbl gar newly eled n "~·-'"°' _,, 11• .,__ laundry rm .. pool. AYlll 960·3745 955..()()' 7°3w wn Only •25.ooo dn As· redacor~led c'orona Mase 'verde • BA 2 Ba d home. 3 Br :ZIA Ba, pvt backyard, Many ••· •••••••••••••••••••••• July Call tor appt ---------sume I 1°1• 1st Call now · · · beckyard, lrplc. H C ex 11/M llhatl JIOI TSL Mgmt 842· 1603 2 Br 2 Ba. Apt avau now. Otitt ltll Eltllt bk r , 9 6 3. 8 o 0 0 0 ; Highlands, $975 Ava It lam rm, $850 Agt/ownr alarm, IOedt 01 Fr. doors :•~lur91. ec. llvtng. •••••••••••••••• •••••• p •••••••••••••••••••••• 968-0208, elk tor Jim 711 , 760-0138 751 -6191, 963·1413 &. al!ylltH. $1500/mo. It' ...:.!'..YndRlbtle Neu· YRLY. 2 br, 1 ba. Stv & S500/mo. 2 Br 1 81. UP· g:~:·g~•;,,y~rd,,~le 494 .4741 494-6577 r Y v....., .. t. e erencet retrlg Deck, no pets per unit eneltd garage · w 1 •r • lfo6i/t Ht•n lal••lti~ 1 Br with stove, covered • Of req. $1200/mo, 1st plus $675 875--0349 patio ali bit-Ina laund,Y water paid I child 011. no ,,, ,.,, 1100 , • 00 parking, chlld & amall pet OCEANFRONT Moblle IUI 759.9350 . rm. • . p. 1 s s 5 2 5 I m 0 •••••••••••••••••••••• n.J!!&. ,./ ok, $450/mo. 536·7979. Homea·Adlts only, $1000 C•'l,illlUI ••d31ll TSL ugml. ••2-1603 545·~000 Agen1. no lee. Newport Beach Oe Anza ••• • • • • • • • • • •• • • •• •• $ 1 5 0 0 A fll.t, fl91Mt •• • •• ••• ••• • ••• •••••• ,.. -eac< ;. • .,5 mo Pool, )~. baylron t Pl, .... Int •nr llllltlt Du•,,,., '"' IO mo gt. I Old Cor .. _. Duplex 2 br g•• trplc wt••11r :n ..,, - cond '78 dbl wkse,iire-Costa Mesa 1626 Ohma •••••••••••••••••••••• 499"3816 ~ew ~oun~~: Fr"e~a;. wel bar. NO ~tii. N....; .. ~ sauna, tennis, down· place. brick patio, Way. leased to OAMEO lllHLlllS Upper dpslx, 2br. frplc. 3 BR patio w/1pa ah0f1 2800 ..,. tt. 3 bdrms, 3 cond. $450. 26315 Via SS25mo. 2 Br. 1'~ Ba town. 840·2886 $58,500. 1'1so 2 br . 2 16011YETTI WY" Three bedrooms. Two carpon , 525· 1300 sec. w•lk to beach. i:z.ooo b1lh1,flrep1acee Steps Ca 11torn1 a . ( 2 1 3) Tpoo~.n:,f~~~tnl,a.'!iai~~; Deluxe 2 Br 2 Ba COf1do. ba., double 'Wide, corner Have others. Ch uck bath1. View Excellen1 542•3597· 730-7165 mo. yrly. 213-876-2255 10 t>eech. One year leaM 539-0504 ell. Wont tutl "" Adults, MC. gate, &IT\9- lot $39,000. Biii Grundy Splller. 631-1266 location. Please call us 4 BA 2ba, fenced yard, 4 br, 3'h< ba, ramuy room. to qualllled lemlly S2200 Cl"-•• '.6•/ Mlt .... TSL Mgmi 1142•1603 nllles $650/mo. Hatch 675·6161 lor appo1n1ment co Me gardener. $800/mo. CaJI lovely ocean view, mo. 675-0935. 218 Mar· .::: ...... '••••••••t:'.~ 847·2563. 2131592-1531 1his excepllonal duplex 847·8604 eves s 1 6 o o I m 0 ( 2 1 3) guerlte. 3 bdrm townhouse ap1. 2 br, 1 ba. small encl. eves M2•bd•t. le~~ '!I..~, S631':9i300per mon1h NB El 1011 3Z3Z 431-5989 Ill••-• MM 2'A be, fireplace, enc:lo-petlo, encl. ger. E/Slde.B _EA_C_H_ap-1rt-.-,-B-A_1_ea_. rm, ..... .... s. • •••• • ••••••••••••••••• ~· Md p.atlo 1 blk beech 1500. 540-3666 lltda OK $425 ASll IOf large IOI. Sml pet OK. 3 BA 2 ba lrplc r---" OCEAN VIEW 3 er. 2~ 8•. lull golf •ftd ... ~. •nn11catlona Nr Shopping. Low rent. Wfl /11 S.lt ZZOO C t le • . . ~·....., Elle 3 BA 2'h be dee*• ,,,.._ loee--· ~..,... • ...._. New car pelt. drapes. Ket I h . 9 8 2. 4 4 7 1: $25 000 847_....,. .. ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• om onab 4 br family yrd, patio, gardener. ,1 • ..,. 4...,. ~--00\lf'tl · prime accepted. 318-B Mar· paint Adu1t, l1rge 2 8t. 1 968-9853 . . ''"" IUIATH lllYEll home, PV1 beach Pet ok $695. 95s-g431 """" ~ t I 0 n •• p 0 t ••••. xuerhe Corona cMI Ma,r B I I w I I --------1 1"'llO/L.... •~• 7•2• ' I . UPI 1 rl 11 s de 2 8 b I &-..... $1500 760·194 3 , ••••laz• u.11 ,.9 .. ~loe 1BR 1 be, Mp6al(. .... ~ · .,._ ... '" 73-7183 DllhwMher.llove,cioM r with garege, a · , ~"'::":: One acre lol wlth ano-&75-3095 '' 111. r-.u" _.. 1110 •· St I ~ cony 11ove I d l eh 24 x64 GREENBRIER elation pool & clubhouse ••••••••••••••'••••••• P • 9-8941. -• Quelnl 2 Br. 1 a._ 514 lo lhopplng, tranapon... • • HOME. L..ge LR. Din. Rm. Better than Time-Share C11I• lflU 3224 HOME FOR RENT relrlg. 524 St . Anne. BMvlltul ~ Cres1 Jasmine, 1850 yrly. ~· ~!5fm15o6 111 laat & ~3~7~;;. 050/mo. kl1 ~ to Fam Rm. 52 weeks a year for •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Bdrm. $825. Fenced $550. 536-1453 wtldy'a. Conck> 4 er. arnlly Rm. 675-4912 8roker. ~ .,...,..... we1bet 2 BR 2 BA Ughl $5800. 751-3t91 IEW TOWIMIMES yard & garage. Kids & W mil 1ZJI Dining Rm, pool. ape. 2 er. 2 Ba. twnhs, gar. No $400 lurn °' unrurn 1 Br Int . young adllt wel-2 Br. 2·~ ba. plua trplc, 2 pell welcome. 545-2000. ·•'-~~ ••••• !......... tenn11.l t200/(l'IO. yeetty N .. r Shoredm 2 Br. llttge pelt. 1912 Wallace "1" pool, spe. t8992 Aorlda. come $39,500. 540-5937 car gar, pool, lac. 811 wi-Agent, no lee 4Br, 28•. cul~aac. nice ''ii&4&-oeeeiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ext. decitt, 2 car pen, $475 831-3671 8.42-2834. 842-3172 t 1 $ 7 3 5 11 ttplc, retrlge, pool Oc· LIVE AT BEACH! 1BR thin btklng.dt11ance 10 HOME FOR RENT ~~1A~S m 0 • -a..:L auptncy July 3rd . Large 3 81. 2 8e Town-WALK TO BEACH, Bedl, Nwpt Bcf\trftS15,000 beach 800 /mo 3 Bdrm $750 Fenced ..... _ • S795/mo. 675-2444, house In Quiet complex. Sieve & reff1oe, tu & $3000 dn, $375 PIYI all. .. a l 675-2311 Of 548·2239 yard & garage. Kids & w ., I 3ZSI 3 BR 2 81, flreplace, 2 673-4442. large pool. garden Mt· waler p aid $300/mo 530·5924 dy, 531-8475 ,., .. ,.,., Da.1t1 OC·AENTALS pets welcome. 545-2000 .•• 'l.~~ ••• 'I.".'··•••••• car garage, lg• yard ting. $675 645·3381, 536-7979 ev ···'·"··'·'·'··••••••••2.4.00.. t-5br's $200 to $2000 Agent, no 1" 3 Br. 2 Ba. huge 'becil sa25 mo. 3 er 2 Ba. 2 car gMage 875·5949S -6-50--m-o-. -... -~-2-B-a-. -.,..- 750 33 7 yard. oceen view 2nd. Rtalttf Avell 7-1. $850/mo. D ,... .. , .,..... PllOEI fH Palm Sprtngs Condo 1 Br • 1" open ·days H••li•fll• l1oor. $950 yrly or mon-• Paah 759-1221. 1 Wk Free Rent: 2 br. 2 i.. OK, lrplc, across from flta SAU I Ba split level. sleeps 4, IEW TOWllOMH .. lti 3UI t 11 1 'I. A v a 11 now. 1---l4•lilllllll•lJ•I--• Bachelor apt with kllchen condo, SC Plaza, nalit bCh 536-6113 '71 Lancer 20 x &O, completely furnished. 3 Br. 2'nba. plus tire· •••••••••••••••••••••• 760-1977. & P•llo. No pets. No oa· crpt, drpa, trig. Poole, •••ln1tn corner 101 846-8612 Localed wind tree sou1h place 2 car gar pool OC-RENT.t.LS 5----1---4--3 Br. 2 Ba, two llreplaces, raga. S400. 875•1108. carport, lndry. Busllne. .. ..._ .... 1 · · end. Beautllul grounds, • · · t·Sbr's $200 to $2000 pectacu ar ocn men beamed cetllnga, f:lc• N o "• m k rs S 5 • 5 11-u ._. OCEANFRONT Mobile pool •na, tennis Perfec1 Jae, all wllhln biking di&· 750.331 • 0"""' 7-d1y1 view hOfM In Mon1teh d B I 00 L••ge 2Br·. 2 .. -. ...._ ___ .. ••2 21•2 •••••••••••••••••••••• $80000 k;-d & t bl I I an c e t 0 be I ch .. ,,_.. Terrace. 3Br. 381, 11, yar ' aycreat. 2 -..... ............ .... • .. STUDIO CONDO • Frple, Hpomes,9sev9erat, · wee n er$97r5e0n0a Ce "1 $900/mo 675·2311 or 4 Br 3 ea. Famlly rm. 050 mo. Call owner per month. Call Pete «*n0 11'peDllWs.' ,2 6 7car5/ponmo'·. So. Cat. VIiias. 1 br,f.ool, relrlg, patio, spa, •cross 111 49 ·3 18 season. • , at 548 ... 239 Jo lln1on, 631-12116 1 h s 75 646-3317 or 631-4465 ' Bonus rm, 3 car garage. 499-4252 evet. agenl. 559•9265 bet. 7pm. spe plus amenlliet 450. rom be 4 mo. C••••rd•l ulll IW WEu IE HE OF ~~g~2~~ a'~ 6$895/mo. 4 Br. 2'1l Ba. lamlly home, Wi l•ll• It 3111 873-5446 _9_6_2·_4_9_14 ____ _ ''2!~ 1600 4 S 1 F 1 TME LIOICY FEW ------·----•large yerd . wuher, •• !! .... .' .. ! .......... C..11 #ffl JIZ4 2Br. 1Ba. kid• OK, nice Imai Jiff ••••• •1•1;:;1••••••••• easons 0 un nvest Rent In Cosia Mesa's 3 br. 1'1. ba, apa. sundeck dryet, retrlg S895/mo. 2Br. 1Ba. RIO. lg ~ ... ;;0;.;3'1,;~~;·50•;,j.;"8~ ar11. $475 mo. 951·5444 •••••••••••••••••••••• If i t 's got ~ In our mountain play-NE w EST gated 2 O & more. Walk lo schools. Agent 496-5980 ned porch tncd yd $625 SA Ga P90I $780 or Se Hable Espanol Ot1nge1ree 1br condo, Wheels' TAI llELTll ground white -·re alllltn To wn home VIL LAGE park, beach No 1'attie. • • • mo 'it ' & lest. sec C"'l.ld r, 75' spa. . 548-15441 end unit, a/c, ow. pool, a buyera market. Write Kids OK. Beat thlsl lf/1111• y,.,, ~UT · · n Ok. 2-5822 or tennis, jae. Avall. July 5. you'll move FOi lllYElfllftl or call tor brochure & COMMUNITY 2 & 3 Br s785/mo 960•1818 •••••••••••'•••.«•••• 95&--0073 1141-1480. MICAr1hut VIiiage 2 BA, 2 $475 675·1434 San Clemente pride ot maps. You-11nlsh homes 2'/l Ba 1600-1800 sq It · HOME FOR RENT ---------ea. ground fir. end unll. ---------i t faster in a ownership. Modern Spa. rrom $10 psq . 35 mod-ol pure luxury Garages, CLOSE TO BEACH 2 Br. 3 Bdrm S750. Fenced 1 IL J II, J II, New .le. lmmld ~ Woodbridge Condo 2 bf. Daily Pilot nlah style four unit ets or your plans, wllt spas In every home • wilh gerage. loft. lrplc, yard & garage. Kida & C..~•-1.9./••• Newly !'•Cor. 011 pd, py Sl25 mo Eve/ 2 ba, I year,,_ In >clnt C lassi'fi'ed • apartment hou11 with bulld enywhere Sun· master suite, d in i ng bit-Ins. sun decks. ~ta welcome. 545--2000. llalrlnlJdN 3411 encl gar, dwahr, pool, Wltnde. 213-377-1221 area Oeslrable upper ooean. hlllt & golf course shine Real Estate, Beller rooms, wood burning $875/mo. S36-7979. Agent, no tee •••••••••••••••••••••• bbg. Adultt, no pelt. end unit. Ah Woodbridge ad. Call view, close 10 evef'Ylhlng, Hornes & Gardena, Bo• llreplacea. micro-wave _________ ,_..;;;__ _______ Aeeorl-llkl adult trlC1 nr 6'12·5073 2 BR 2 a.. nMI' new, up-amenities Near park, 642 5678 d only three years old, 6083, Big Bear Lake. ovena, private patios & vacant, sharp 3 BR 2 Ba, l~tl IHd 3111 SC Plza. Pool, grdnr. per, 1515 mo. S200 dip. pool & more $650 mo. • a n a shows ltke NEWI Selle< 92315. 714/866-4651 yard1,gardener provl-$775 Kida & pets OK •••• ••••••••••••••••• Olu11 181. No pete. $475 Mo P•t1 Avl July 7 , C a 11 Jo e Ry bu I . friendly ad-wm help tlnancie & save ---------1 ded Elegant IMng only Ke I t h 9 8 2 • 7 7 4 1 · Super tharp 3er, tam rm, & 135 utll. 775-2580 •NliBJIU 548-33115 551--0324 9-6 viser w ill buyer lhou11nd1 o f WE llllWIW 15 minutes from Fashion _9_68_·9_8_5_3 ______ 1 ~:.7de~f,~:· .~··.~~~~'. Highly upgtaded & ciean Ad\Jtt only 1 br. utlla pd.,,. .... IHtt "" help You dollarslll Selling price ol Lake front1t!tam11talr 4 Island, 7 mlnules 10 SC. 3 Br with garage. stove & Agt 760·9333 lPAll9llTI No pet1. S330 mo. C.N ••'••••••••••••••••••• $325,000 11 way below bdrm. 3 ba $875,000. Pleu or 0 C 1'1rpor1 dishwasher. child & small •---------Aaart.tall fanhW Be1ut11Ully l1nd1e1ped '°' appt. 6'15-7072 HUIFlllT turn your currant replacement o we 714-848·3278 Just east of Newpor1 pet o k , s 85o1 mo Lease or tease option J .. •,.•••••••••••••••••••• ~ardan aptl. POOi & Spa, Bl d & t S DI I C ~.. •... .., ... _& l '·-~ ,.,_ d E/Slde, 2 br, 1·~ bl con-Most elegant IPI bldg Whools i"nto cosllPAI N C IPALS PlLMH••-v 800 an ego 536-7979 smne r ........ no .. ,..an. -•-,_ overe parking No 1 l ,. __ ..... 11 ""'"' ONL YI Call owner 11 ~"' Frwy Slanlng al 1900 a ---------1 3 Bdr, den pool/tennlt. •••••••••••••••••••••• pet1. do, PY1 patio, ger w/ n 99una .......,,, nett Ca Sh. (714) 1142-0138. Monterey C.C 2 br, 2 ba month 631·5439. 2473 )brl 2ba Walk to beech. $1550. Agt. 760·9333 Belullfvl neWlf 48r I~ Bec:Mlor $400 elee. opener, lrpl(), )IC, locatlon In lown, brea1h-·-~=======~~~~~~=~-condo on th• Fairway. Orange Ave Costa Nr lhopplng & acllool1. home, Ill bltna, p1tlos & 2 Br. 1,1, Ba. 1525 rel rig. S&25 + ulll1 taking views. all built-Ins. weatern expoiure. Lo· M... Chlldren & pe1 OK. S850 Ne1tclltl 3 BR IV. ba, dbl garage, avell July 1. 181 E. 18111 842-0856 844-4998. 759-5412 he a 1 e d Po o I. _,price In.,.. St59 1---------lease 984·8223 bet. S900 mo. Alto lrt. Tarr.. Furn/Unfurn. Nr North sub .. garage, elev•tor. 1More value for DIMES your In the famous Dally Piiot DIMES-A-LINE ADS AdvertlH Item• up to HO In value In OlmH·A.Un• Ilda every Seturday In th• Dally Piiot. lrint your ad wlttl e11h to any of our thrH COffffnHtnt off~aa or mill your copy wHfl a cMdl ot mon•y order for r~ correct amount. 20c per ltnt, 11.00 .Wnfmum. tony, no 11~ .. 1odl. produce or plant• and no com........, .. .,. •lo .. CI. bcft lle111 IMIM be ,,..., wMtt,.. ..... , OY9f M0.1>""9• A-YM adt 1MY N pleotd It the Coeta ..... .._ untll a •·"" ~·1· .. . 500 · ' 5 Br 3 81, Mesa del Mar. 9am. 4 BR 2'J'o Ba. $1400 mo. 8ay. &45--8787 2 Br. Condo, pool, gatege Lease Of1fy $850 & up. lrg yard S925/mo. Bob or ----------r Both lreth & et .. n, no _.. ... llOTI No pet1. Eul Co111 330 Clltt Or. 494-8083. 0.11/ CtHf1 Dovie Koop, 759·1221 9301 Velardo: 3Br 1¥• be, pell. Avt now. &46-2319 c.,.., l1J JIM j1tl S425/mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba. M ... 1575. 54&-0281 . ..._ all blllns. new paint tn/ •••• •••••••••••• •••• •• ---------O<leen front, MCluclect I•· r'Oltftffl ZSSO COf1venlanl 3Br 2ba, lam, out. ' car gar. lg rMr Blutta area condo. 4 Br 1 bdrm Incl utll, gar. Cloee apti. patio•. catports. l8t, pool, gaa/ water pd, rge 2 Br. 3 ea. In old •••••~••"•••••••••••• 2 I/pa w/d lg gas yrd. Call 979-6761 21ltba, frplc, oar w/atec to allop1, Quiet. red'd. Sm pet ott. Won't IU1 at rel• req. 147 FlOWet $1. med. vllla on Ciln ovet· Duplex, Rancho Mirage. BBO, ience: ~bt' gar, opnr. N-cpt• & paint. 838•7_.47 thlt prloat No pell. S330 mo looklng ocean. StlP9 to C-1 property, S80,0 Q. w 1r 1 g d n r $ 81 5 2 BA 1•1, bl , patio, gar, $975/mo. 544.5512 ---------1 TSL Mgmt 842·1603 845-8101 prlvete bHCh. LHded Two separate unite, 2 Bl, 556•1448 • Yorktown VIiias. $600. ---------C..11 #tu 11U wl d 3 r 1 · bae-1200 sq It each. By Ow· 960·4085 OC-AENTALS •••••••••••••••••••••• Flf'9Place, pool, pvt pallo flleq>le Who n..o people n OWi, rpc •• ner G reat financing. ulTlll• 1·5br's $200 lo 12000 oa•a H 1110 l dlhWSller. X lg 1&2 Br. ehould elway. CMdc the med celllng1, many 328 5 "" " H t1 II 750 33 4 .. garden apt• on E/tlde Service Directory In the trees. $2950/mo. Y1'1y. 1• • 555· 340•1648 lrlttllJ ...... .. •• , • . 1 open 7·d•Y1 All UTILITIES PAID from $490. 5'57.21141 . DAILY PILOT _11_4_0·_5_8_29 _____ _ ·-a. .,, ... , 3141 _., ... ., ,.,.,, 3 Br 3 Ba lrplc, micro, •••••••••••••••••••••• IUCI llllE s~ .......... -2 B 1 8 ••25 ••• ,:I'.. • •tl•t"-• CnYH Z100 deck, pool & tennl1 3Br. 3Ba. w/boat dock .... Compat1 before you .,........_ r. •--· •; • , .. •••••••••••••••••••••• $875/mo 64 6 -1 164 $1450mo. <-D ) rent. Cualom design 3 Br. I'.~ Bl 1475 Ifft 314 J.ff J141 By t._ month only BUT le 1 p 1 bb L1und1ry fac pool •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •O 1'cr11 prime parcel, daya. 645-9543 eves 840-1731 '"' • uree· oo • q , 58 · • neer IOWfl, xlnt tor horse only S900/mo fOf 2 8r 2 COll'fd oaraga, MKl'OUnd· _5<48-__ 0_5 _____ _ ranch. Puo Roblee. Bkr E·.alde 2 br. fncd yd. 2 car Jrrf•t 3z44 81, walk to ~ Avail. Id wlttl plu1h landaoe· YllU --a 7141556-6171 gar w/opnr, Slv & relrlg, •••••••••••••••••••••• from June •. 20. pMo No pete. ............... -E. S'"-• &ftta. w/grdnr $885 980-6419 LUSESI' 1 .... ·-euv. -"'"' ..... FENCED 5 C S i -· ,_,., -Encl ~r. petlo, dlhWlhr A RE Eu11lde 1pac mo<Sern on 3 Bdrm deteehed hornet 2Br, boat dek MOO/Wk 3416 W. WllM>n 1142·19'11 & atoYe. Molt U111 tree. Level, oaks & wlllow quiet CUl·dl ·llC 38r In eiccellenl area AVllll-1 e• oottag1 lum ......, NO peta ~·~=~II~~~~· 2ba, dining rm, trplc, b I• Imm• d I a ti I y lBria~e;;;,oon'wtl no';,.. .. w5 mo & d;'. 1 BA. 1 'person '436 • · den. yerd. 1790/mo. MOO/mo on 1 >'Nf IMM. -IA~ 1 BR, 2 persona '4'1& IHI 6111• Ael1 407-5612 w1cnda or Five other1 to choo11 ,.., llltllmt • 2 8R Slitting It U10 lxdu 1 ZIOI 762-5040 dally. rrom We're the°"" to 11M1ll •U"-t,.,, 2323 Elden AYI CM •••••••••i••••••••••• CLEAN 2br, blkert kltCh.. call for leete9. • ~ n4f 842•7805 WaltT II tr 0 ... 1 ig og.ar. tncd .. d ..... 1500 i]w..~~b Id 3 er. 3 a.. 2 atot)', poolt •••••••••••••••••••••• ""' • 0C.. ' ,,.... YT\J\JU f fe tennla. 11050. '4tlll mo. 2 Br. 2 Ba. condo or home. Trade AEIJTALS 750.3314 Da a. PAOPEATY HOUSE a!!::' w.y Apt1. Beamed c•lllno. Fallbrook lovely 48r 2 br. 1 be, W/O hook-up, ~lnl &42a38llO •142·1010 • r"'59 trpie, garaoa, laundry rm. 2~b•, lg lam rm, Pf ... gar. No pate 1475. 551 3000 btN LMngl Ava41. June. Oge 1r11 Streem, oeka, 2 1 7 8 o p 1 a c 1 n 11 1 . · Bk.Ifft to 3 tit. t.in rm 8eau11tut partt•llka aur• TSL MOl'lt 9'2· 1~ over 1 llefa, '325.000 or 545•7983 ltttBanuu l'll"l •1t'''" • pool, gr.anbllt. 1 1050 rounctln91. Terraced l;:;iii=====-~ "" tor 125.ooo down. amau mo. Agt. &44-0134. pool, lunlcen IN bbq, 1· • •I o w e . Con•lder ..... , TOf>·NOTCH 4br a /c 2 3 Ind 4 bdrrna. lrom • 8r a Ba. bMuL ~ 1parklln9 loun1alna.• Wit opt, o-ner. 1-725-00...3 Roomy ' 16281011300 1,.., deck, lab. vu, ,..,.,: •,~~room., .. •. ·w~n llnoelc• often wtlen you or 088-7ll07 g•r, pool, bll•lne MIO<> • • .,.. ... ...,_,. _., UH r11ull•Oll1lftl Dally OC-ReNTALS 750-3314 d • d O 1 t • • H • H cloelt9, hOIM Ilk• kltart· Piiot c1aul111d ~d• 10 .... llrl11t 3 Br 1 Ba. "Beck Bay" l2'tOOl mo. en l c.blneta. Walk 10 rHCI\ Iha Ortl"CI' Cout Bettul. 3 elf ·2 8t plut H7&. 111, & 1111 plue HUntlnoton ~tar. marke1. 1ludlo wllull btl!h pool S 3 8r 381. llU, pool, *'° • 1 lki""°"'m, lllOS Pftone .. 2·~ 8 • • 160, waler & grdnr pd. n I 1 , 1, u 1r dad g a I a 2 -..,-.. ... -,,..._ ••".. l•--••llilltiiiiilill•lll I 11e. pvt. Auumabl• Kida ott. 548-0850 I 700 ..., ..... u... "'" ....,,. 1207.000 1oen1. Apprel· ' mo 2 Bdrm TownhouN l\lrn. Uttle Ml .. Mun.1 Nt on• Md t27!1,ooo. Radue.cl 8PE.CIAL 2br, lnCIOlld from N75 Tulfat. along oame • to 1240,000. Wanl bNoh p1t10, dllUXI kl1oh, "430 c2 ::.~ ::~den\ d~~. ~c:'~'. spider anCI r .. d In the property. Ownr/agt. OC·AlNTALS 1ll0-3S14 No,..... Dally PllOI CIHllllad '114-323-29&9 fd9, 11100/mo. -Of Utdltl .. Fr11t MC\lon 1tiovt Miii Mui• ---------!/Side 3 ))r, !Mn, lrplc, itt A ...... ""'·I Dovie Koop, egt, 1'•1 r.t'e Tl.lffwt INS bOl.IOl\t It You don'1 Ned • oun to country kh., ...... 1150. \5~'-""'"'>K l'/1111 Mu. 'TD-1221 LA QUINTA HV.MOSA for It.ti. Y~ can 1ell "draw fu1'' wflan 0\1 No J*I, &42-0200 l.uUloul Tuf11erOOIC i tit, 91u"9 9 If. a k pool, 1~11 ,,.,..,. LI\, t 1111 your t11net lf\d 1011 Of pllOI an ad In the By Airport. 3 tlf. 2"' ba. a be, °'P-" drP9. bit .... I CI09ll to actm. .,.,. ' w. of a.di, 3 bikes.°' otl\er '"'"'' lflrougtl Pllo4 Wint Adtl Cell now p 1\I 0 . I 0 . r o• r. 1 yr .... nso mo. Iv.' pa' k ••• 0 0 ("' 0 . ...... 0.11., PllOLOll .. lfl•• I &4Mt'18. 1700/rno, rn.a70 de)<I Wllndl 8134t20. 79CM114 .,., Ma. Cl.a ta-M71 Kennebunkport? Wasn't he the Amba ssador from Australia under Teddy Roosevelt? ~ro~ --------...-----~·----------------------~--..... ~~~~-·~~ -·---...-...... ----....--•·-:±3 • •• •••••••••••••• v~,~7"!~°"D~J ................ tl.L llllT. II. My o M nomt: 1.ovtng 111011\ef, f illl)r'Q '-'*' S V .. ,. I up. f 41•10t2 Rt!~ ••••••••••••. ~~ ••••........ PlllOI'. 81111\1101! Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Friday, June 25, 1982 ~~!!!!!~~f ..... , .. l~!~I ............. . ou111iy t4~1no P'tll Patm11 with ..... on•I Toucll by Aloh11d Sinor LIO 11111 8H-0151 280044 13 yr1 Of lllC>PY ~!1!!11!~!!~ ••••.•.•• 80NTtKOI! R!,,~IQ & AIA CONO. Marine. IUIO. eomm'I, 649-5209 oa .., ...•......••...... for I )() d1y Id In the Cu1tom oar~nlry, deoll• 6 p1tl01 Quallly work Uo •380801 ''" 1111· m1tM Hf..5111 ILIOTflllOIAN-Prlo•d Landlllllplng.Yd ClnuJ>• right, tree 11t11na11 on t r• trlM·lllpen malnt. taro-or •m•ll lobe. 1rr1Q1tlon Jim 9111-0129 I.le 3Hl21. 173·03&9 ---·-----f~.'!!!.'t!!,.~!!,!.. l.IC'O El.ICTllllCIAN TT~~11o~ls<;.'b~:lR Hauttno • vara oleenup Quick 4 clffn, l'rM n t 173·0841 HAUl.IN0-4AAOINO d1molltlon, cl11n-up. Concr1t1 & trM removal. Quklk MfV, 842·7838 WUTll ICM;el eu1tomer• Tr11nk YoU. 831·4410 LOW lllATEl·Ttff trim· mtno & r1mov11, 111 OIMIWPt & trMll l'llllllng Pree 111 Mtrtlner ~!.~~!!!~11.~~r.!!... _&_5_4_-1_0_1_1 _____ _ l&ILY "LIT llll!MOO!l/ADO.ONS Oull WOtll•AIN rltN P111eon1l·O.oend1ble • C11pe111ry, Llo'd. 21 FrM "I. 8'1·8072 Tom Dominic 1'42-41151 Hou111 lo 01 11n 134 4488 PAINTER llftfOS WORKI 30 yr1 exp, lnll ex111 Acou1Uo GlllUng1 D1v11 P11n11no 847·81&1 &44'11·lt1l11·lltatlll, JAY TREE CARI. compl. Fre1 111 R•H. prloee lll'V & 1tump grinding. ~t!l!.a.!~ ........... . yra 111p. Irwin 541-2719 El.ICTRICIAN C .. "" ...... ., .... , HOUSECLIANING 8y &oandln1V11n t.aOy Quit WOtk l ie 337189 Llo'd, Int f.40-9301 ....... l'INCH l O!CKS Fine l'lnlahld 11pentry Sml lob1/n1P11ra 1.IO Fr" Mt Ken 839.aosa HAULING l MOVINO 1.ocel Student wltruck. 831·2348 HERITAOE TREE 8fAV "''""' 00 IT NOWI All hr l•••r1 Your Diiiy Piiot Sefvlol DlrtctOtY Rlpr1Mntatlve IU·Hll, tit. au M•rk llloblntQtl Conti 8tnce t978 764.ot,9 CA81Nl!TS·REMOOEL. Skylllll • Or11n11u Window• ~··4909 f~r.!.l!m~ ....... . RIH'nOd Spec Randall 2" 10S.C· 10. &41-1203 llCl 4 19511 720· 12to LAND8CAP~ MAINT COMM'L/RESID. .,''h:C.::-Comrnerloal & pr0per1x R1m0d·Add'nt·Rtp1lr1 QllllMy W.. """~''· 131•to4 Very rau. LIO 390260 ') tll·7HI Aon'1 Qardenlng: I yrt Jae« H 1.nnett, Jr 14 Hml 1r11. Ou1111y 11 Gen Contt 552·9142 . ~ lie ~:::. r 1 u . r 1111, M 1 n ti B<>ndlCI & ln1ured · land101p1. NB/CdM. Elec:1r1ca1 Contractor 17&-t3H. "·"· .......... . Lewi• 975·1180 M1ullng & qulott c1 .. n~p. yd1. OtrlQM. l0b·llt11. & p ro p mgmt Ri ck 831-0IOS. Ktll 831-0tM l •p'd 1148·2171 SCRU8-A·OUB ,., .... t. V11y 1e01bll J e1 n 131.50181648·8490 I k •••••rlttl•• H1ullng-1tudent w true . •••••• •••••'•. ••••• ••• EXTERIOR PAINTING Cuatom work Fre1 111 R111 + fine ln1 4t 1111· nlng Steve 547-4281 RALPH'S PAINTING lnl/IXI Riii ratH Rtl frtte 111 538·911911 ~!!.'!~1. ..•.....••.... REPAIRS $25 lo S 188 Fr" "'· Cell 1nyt1me. WALT 770·212!1 HubM Rooflng-111 1ypee New r.eover·deek1 Lie •411802 548·973" Cornpilt1 tr .. oer1 17 Yfl ••Pit Din 882-5371 '!.'.t'!J~I. ••••.•••.•.•• Mott aub)ecte. K· 14 01y-1ve-eummef I 10wll Mr Morg1n. 14&-5178 TUTORING IN ENGLISH AS 2NO LANGUAGE Jo~ Zoro-r 545-31139 No S111ml No Shampoo ~~~~~~~~~~! St1Jn Speol1ll•t. F1tt .: dry FrM NI 139· 1&82 ~~!!~ ............. . l ie 301881 Rem0d1I, ldd'nt, Ctbllletl 848-8581/ 84 &-48-44 Ind,. Comm. fllM. Lie iH·-1.-T-r .. --8-_-.....__--.. -11-.,,.-ci-n· 333217. Pll 657·1738 ., • .,,... ., up1, repllr tired ydt. reg mllnt. 831· 1188 Low rat11, rell1b1e. Alllebl•. m1ture l1dy wt T II • n k you . 8 I • v •. 1111 .... , 11ou111ltt1ng 789• 1029 potltlon. 1-435-81122 IVI HAULING & DUMP .... IUY B&M Painting & Tile Fr11 111 Int/ext & 1111n1 10 ect. Cullom P11n11ng by Jim Ree./comm'I Xlnl rel• 831·5507 all. 6pm v JOHN HENRY CO v Roofing for Fine Hom1t Lie 415232 5"8-8213 TUTORING Sp1nl1h 6 Orlvew1y1. Parking Lot Rep1lrt, S111001t1ng. S&S Aeplllt 131·41911Llc o.n H•llt>«g Griding a P1Vlng Co Aff/Coml LIO. 39780<t 842-1720 A1ltatlln ...•..•.••.•.......... Prol1H lon1I Auto CIH · nlng, Wa11lng. Polltl'tlng The oet1lter1 640·5199 ~~~'!!~t .......... . Over 5 yr1 educ1t1onal pro0r1m Incl. Weekd1ys 754-1352 evet. Mature lady w/own 1 yr old would llke to sit 1notlle< child, my hOme. 2·4205 Crptt ln1t1lt/rlf)1lrld FIOO<l d1mao-St11m clng.854·9510. 1173·8588 S111mpoo 6 steem cll1n. Color brlglltenere, wht crp11 • 10 min. bleach Hall. Uv/dln rma $15; evo room 17.SO; couch $10, chr $5 Guar ellm pet Odor Crpl repel! 15 yrs 1xp Do work myself Rel1. S31-0101 EXCEL CARPET CARE Jeck Bulllnglon Owner/operator Carpet, upllol, area rug cllenlng Work guer. Free Est. 645· 177 t , ................... . FrM HI. Reu . price• Qu11 work lie 3371811 631·2345 Ht1m11um11 WI don't m1k1 you wilt Lio. 370889. 831·7123 ''"'''Lu ........ Tree trim. gen. clnupe, f t•IU• cement woril. Fr11 111 ••••••"' •••••••••••••• Call Mf.. 1804 anytime. ........... Oener11 Con111etor FrM lltlm•te• 845•8258 Complete 11wn a ere, Ind .. comm'I, rea. cteen-upe. 1r11 Ml'\llce. Lie 333217 557-1738 {/~J~~!!~I. •...... 1_8'1'1_n_k_llf_•_. _83_1_._1_111_0 __ 0.•11lie CRPT-LINO·WOOD lulnau • • • • • •••• • • • • • •• • • • ••• lnat•fled/t~atred Or11g ••••••tt•• ••• •••• •• ••• •KATRINA'S LIVE-IN Uc. 3802880 1•2,40•3092 HOME IMPROVEMENT hekprs. dally mild """· •---------REPAIR-PLUMBING office c111nlng. crpt Glrl1•I•• Cerpentry, llee. tlll. Fr" eleenlng. 835·2116 ••••• • •• ~ • •••••••••• • M t. No Job too •mall G11<11nlng Wanted OlllU 845·2811 Dr1lli•f Stnle11 Mowing, ld'glng, raking. ••••••• •••••••••••••• eweeplng. Free 1111. EXPERT HANDYMAN ARCHITECTURAL PLANS mites 64g.5737 Carpentry • Roofing C, C. FOR BUILDING PERMIT 1---· ="="",.,.----Plumbing, etc. 642-e<l13 .!!'!!!'!l.~'!!!!!..... R11ldentlal additions & TREES COMPL HOME MAINT Cement-Masonry-Block remodel Don 847-8606 Topped/~oVld. Cle1n C1tp. plumb, p1lnt, llaul, Walls-Cust. work Lie. up. lawn ranov 751-3476 yd clnup free 111. ••• M!!l!~t .•.••••••• _•_3_8_1_0_5_7_R_o_b_5_4_1_.2_s_8_3 P.'P.!~!L •• •••••• ••••• MOWING • CLEAN UPS 49&.3291 • PaJftll Taiilts Drives, pa11os. walks Free DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Hauling • Landeceptng Cirpenlry, rougll/flnli ll, JOBS. AMI for Randy. • • •• • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 84 1-8427 BRICKWORK: Small Jobi Newpof1. Cotta Meta, !~~m!~!!!f..... ... 1rv1ne. Ref• 11a.3118 ROBIN'S CLEANINO Bric*. bloctt. concr9'1. Servlol • I tl'IOrougl'tly llUCCO, VlfY r .. I . lie. clean 110\.IN. &40-0857 Bob ~-78801538-900& Paclflo HouMCIMnlng Flreplaa. .. Planttte I )'fl 1xp. lOnl rtlfe. BBO'•P1tlol-V- Fr .... ,, Lori 87&-8363 Riii FrM "' ~484 T.l .C. Houaekeeplng Expert M11onry· Outllty Service. low R•t• workm1n1lllp. reellatlc Toni 850-02081842-0405 prle11. Ref1 581-4555 EicpertlM HouNlceeplng #ffl•f Wt turnllh veouum & • • • • • • • • •. •. • •••••••• euppllM . *A· 1 ltYlll * V1neH1 971-41138 Top quality Special care __ H_O_u_s_;_lEA_N_l_N_G __ , In llandllng 25 yr• e11p IS OU USINESSI Competnlve Rates No over11me 730-1353 Janloe'1 eggedy Ann Ell. 10 yre. 875-2514 STARVING COLLEGE STUDENTS MOVING Joan'• Cllenlng Service co Lie T 12"·436 l~!;'.~~!~!~'f'..( .••••••.• BUOOET RATES l1Mtl•• Lo min Sml Job• OK lie •• ,.-••• ..,,,,............. Free ea1. tns 6• 1·7581 Ferthlng Interior Dlllgn I --HANGINOISTRIPP1NG lttHal v11a-Mc scou &46·9325 ···;;oBiLE.SEAV,c·e··· ASA PAPERHANGING Ae1Green1/New ecre1ns 7 yrs local ••P Guar NBICM only 8"2·9552 work Price • start 11 llftttllll '" tll S8{roU Alec 751·7027 •••••••••••••.••••••••• Cullom wallpaperlng . SECRETARIES TO GO 1aus1act1on guarantMd Your OlllGe or Ours For esi Frank 775-0114 ElllclentlReltabMI In-house Word Proc '1Hlll IJ,.1ir No minimum 642-0969 ···eo~t;,:r5;.·iR;NG ... s ri.t/111 ALL TVPES INT /EXT ·'··••• • • •••••• •• • •••• 1 SERI/ICE & REPAIR Teitlures Patcll1ng Van Oppens S8'Vlce Co FREE EST 645·8258 t7 1") 838-4886 PLASTER PATCHING Joave's Sprinkler Syslems, Reatuceos Int/ext 30 free estimates yrs Neat Paul 545-2977 770-I lO 1 Smooootlled s-40_..4 711 esl No Job too small Repairs, new & old 11 Free est. 8-42-9907 dra, wndwe. flllCll. dry· 536-2607 yrs exp Bud 552-9582 1---------wall, p1lnt. 754-0899 F/o .. &.&. ow, edge, r1)(1, sweep . Hou-Apts-Rentals I Id 8" t 8427 Offices. 540· 1287 nsur • '1••)i11l 1ill G1ner11 HouHcleanlng • w;T;H us GROWi Iii.iii." ..... ici:1aii ··e:~-.~~;,,"C:r~;;,~·r1i~ .. ..... ,., Ci/II C111 Well 1e11tures-Acoustlc spring clean-up, 111ul B .U. FULL CHARGE Wiii do ••••• •••• •••• • •••••••• Hang· Tape-Steel studs Clluck 8"2·2873 b1f 9 .J. •• .!.f •••••••••••••• sml but. acc't In my CHILO CARE Uc 389944 1·532·5549 DUMP JOBS llome. All pll1ses ~king My llome. lnlanta·" yrs 1---------& Sln1ll Moving Jobi :;i~~~~or:~. ~o yr• exp •• ,!.~ .. !!!!'t······· I •lllllT I DAY • I ~2.'G~e4~~~s~~~=·a'yvss ---------PIANO leuons. your tllru trial bl l. 548-5793 Xlnl rels C.M 645-88 .. 6 DRYWALL TAPING H id Cln-up1, gerd1n Call MIKE 646-1391 All Textures & Acoustic sarv, m1lnt. tree trim. i----------i Shelley'• Houaec:teanlng E11p'd·Rell1bt.Rel1. * •662-2149• * llome. N1w 1pproach 1SEll ldl1 Items wltl't a $ 6 11 e 1 s o n l e n n y Dally Pllo1 Claaslllld Ad Clualflld Ada 842-5678 Sell Idle Items 842·5878 Frei eat Kevin 675-9088 Free est. 641· 1096 Wiiiy S57-7838 842·5678. DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Noft-retundeWI. hire MMe 11.00) CERAMIC-LINOLEUM Tll1. Free estlm1te1 Reas Bob 675·5651 Real Estate-the ·Complete Orange Coast Market Place l•1.'~.,,,//an1t/ j ~~!!.~.!!.-.~~ .... !~~l f!!!.~.!.•.-.!f.. .. !~~ Engllth. Mery J 1ne 848-1042 morning• rJ'J!{".f.!!!r!!! ••••••• ,,.,, ,,,,., by Executive Sect'y on IBM Setectrlo S11t1allea1. corre1pondenc1 , re· porta, llC Oii $.,-v IVlll Cell P1m 553-0453 fyping Word Proc. l it tera. resumee. term PB· per1. MSS, •IC Reas 5"8·7135 !!!~!~f ............. . WELDING: No job too small Very reasonable. Call Gene at 645-0675 ~!~!!~ .~!~~!!!f ..... "l et Ille Sunehlne In" Call Sunthlne Window ci.anlng. uo 545-585: 20% Monthly Ol1Goun1 MR SPARKLE 811 wndws both sides, screens 3 treeks Honeat. depen debi. Gulf no atrea)(s Rea1 prices 540·5654 SELL Idle Item• With 8 Dally Piiot Claaalflld Ad. ,,,,.,,,,, S350 .•....•..••...•.....•• Your Car Rellec1e You Custom Wax & Oel811 Reas.• Tony 5<47·82"1 1•••el l Let Go Of Alcoholism! Found 2 oogs, 1 bl1ck, 1 ••••1•1:·,··,···••••••••••• Oor1'1 let alcoholism pull w t111e , Cockapoos(?J, I • I you to sell-Oestrucllon Ross & Meyer. CM 0•Mtf•a/IY 5005 Lei go & ll11e a Ille of 642-8430 •••~'°•••••·;'··•••••• sobnety wltll ll'te help or ---------1COEOS • Would love 10 UllllOIUT Tiie Moorings Wllll a Found F black <log In par1y with you Call sue A,.,,.,.,, IH•I 4000 l•••11 l1at1/1 4200 l1at1J1 to 1'111 4300 Ollie1 l1a11/ 44• Ollie• ltal1l 4400 U•l•t•i•j" E ... id··c;;;··;······· .........••.•.•...•.............•..•.................••••.••..•••.....••...••........... Flull & fold Gross in· nation illy recognized Tustin. Newport Av. & or Ka 111 Y an Y 11 me come S"OOO/mo Full I outpallenl treatment Maon St, on June 11 953·9363 price $6000 C M program, you never need 551"1425 Successful. attractive • • • •• ••. ••• ••• •• ••• ••• asts e . urn P~ v Classy Condo, poolsldl, 25+ working resp female NEWPORT BEACH W Jti • 3141 room 1nd bath Reing adjacent clubhouse, mile 10 ahr 28 r 21>•. amenl· "Turn Key" Otflce $390. 6"0·6754 lo t>e hospllellzed. miss Ceohr s,111111 Ilk middle-aged man. single, •• 'f.~!~•••••f_••••••••• ,285 to belCll, 2 Br 2 Ba. lctrl I n.. 845-0llO "Br111ch" office $75 1 BR. lge llv rm. OGean ""· 673-7544 llrge $200/wk Monthly ~:.t/1'o Karen ·eves Seminar ~Ing rooms SWIMMING Pool Cheml· lime from work, or lime (21 mele, fem. LOST 6122 celebrity ol SOr1s. long c1I service lie. Coste lrom your family Mor-vie Woodbt1dge Reward 11 me Newporl Beach Mesa area No e11p nee n1ng & evening programs I 857·"894 resident now seeks the Wiii train. $50,000 lull evallable & Insurance "right lady" PO Box •mount r..,.,·o. Wiii net approved Lost Male German Sllep. 1445, Newport Beacll CA close beaell. No Laguna Room lor rent, s 155 per $800 1741 Tustin Apt ./.., 0-llourly Typing. m1Ulng, $880. 494·6404 mo. 181 & last CM.,... 2 2 A 5 4 8 • 8 4 4 8 or Need tern rmm1te 21·28 ./ .,. phon11. Call for Info NICE 2 Br 1ba, triplex. patio. g11. relrlg. $650. 520 St Anna. 536-1<453 wkdys 831•5510 493·0803. Sale $135, to llve In 3Br Ilse. CdM. ,;::-.-752-8408. ----------• 000. $300 mo. Call Hiiary ./(loo-i--.. --STW--QTI--.--• """ T11• IOllllllS 14 mo Blkl tan, neme 92663 S"0.000 plus Call col· to "Bullet '. s 100 Reward Mature. r11p employed Oii M P lme RICI Sel· 873-6559 ./•• --only Lt kit prlv. C.M . " r ./ .... -1200 or 2400 1q ft 0. 1ect, Mon-Fri . ask for 1653 E Lincoln. Orange 499•2164 •-... -.• --•• -!-•.---.-.'-.•.-.'-.-.-.-•• -.-.-.-•• R u d I • 9 • 6 P M . 4647 long Beach Blvd , -<i; ~;;; S 185 mo 558-93711 Iv eon. B.pt. 3rd. tllru 10111 Bay back view, E·btulf ./....,...,.... lu11 1 office or it ore · Beeutlful I 81' or tingle. 1000 pvt 1q. ft. entire 111 epic•. 14302 a 14304 "08·867-0111 Long Beach Founo blue Parekeet, vie. Jo/H WialH 1015 #.,_.ti IHei 3111 _m __ ag:..·-------1 poollkle. Walk to trecll. floor . Incl. den. 2 br. lull B11cll Blvd. Btwn 2 •• ·-.'°•••••• ••••• • ••••• CdM lg. furn .. pvt. tnt.. 548-6446 °' 493--0803. bltl't. 75~44. eve. Frwys. CIYlc Center vu. Beauty Salons • Your 0111 1-100-.422-llll Clay & 15th St .. C M , on •••••••••••••••••••••• June 23 642-2379 P/tome secretary w/real cllolce of three From Lost Cat. TabDy rem. S 12,000 Bkr 848-0709 "JBSmina· vie Shore· NO FEEi Apt. &. Condo petlo a betll Refrlg/ Ml· s c rental•. VIiii Rental• cro Gar prkg Non· UYJltlT M/F to there Prom. Pt. 2 •Ill.ID lffllH* ~rY!. =.~~979~~~~9 Found Slack lem $mall es111e e11p Npl Bch d<>o Beer St oll ramp. aree 673-8 l l8 875-4912 Broller smkr $350 759. 1363 4 bdrm, 4 b1tll, sandy Br 2 B1 ttnnle, b1y From 1 room to 3 room.. or 8-45-1260. ----------• t>eacll. dock, S6000. Also view, $375. 546-8729 From Sl.18 a SQ. ft No --------- TAIE n OYH All STAllT IUllll IOlll cliffs, CdM 760-6057 evs Lost 3/82 Blk long haJre<I cit, $100 Reward Called "Meatball" 673-8972 CM 557-7095 IJ.'.11..'f~!.~'!. ••• .?!.~ PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS Rm In large tiouae. lndry Lido Isle 3 bdrm. fam worll. 673-7814 llome. •----,.,,ulr'"", ·~j, •1• 3 oltlce 850 eq ti suite lac. kitchen. Costa Mesa. 2 $3100 J 1 -~... ...., " " 11 00-800 ft $210/mo 957-3955 rm ba, u y. Fem. 30 tllr lge 11vl111 portlf Inn. 2172 av I .. or 4 sq ----------• S3500 Augusl Bill Grun-twnllse w/rffp working Call AM. 833·3223 designed to $Ult Clltiens 4 I yr old BalbOI Penln· su11 Bakery retell/ SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS ACCIT/IOTIY Par1 time. 1ppro11 6 hrs d11y Salary negotoaDle H H Yacllt Clu b 846-4<453 COUNTRY CLUB LIVING Rm $195 mo Working dy. Altr. 675--6161. fem . unbelle v1ble Bank Bldg, 301 E 17tll man. pvt entrance & v, .. ,,; ••• ,.,,,,4zso room•. o verlooklng BAYFRONT St. C,M Contact John wholesale buSlnlS$ lo-Los& Gold cl'tarm brac;e- cated on lhe corner next 111 Unusual charm•. la· IN NEWPORT BEACH A total e11v lronment apartment oommunlly on tlle Upper Bay Private clubllou" and 11111111 spa, 8 tennis OOUr11, 7 poot.. ciose to bu11ness. airport, Faehlon 1s1ano Convenient shopa on alte Unlurnl!ll'ted baclle- lors, 1 & 2 bdrm apts and townhouses. cooking Pool, Laguna •• : •• •••• ••• , ••••••••• brook & wateflall. Pool, W1lell, 979-4200. B<:h. nr town. "94-4459 OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br j1c lake. etc. NB/CM Prime office. 873-1003 Airport erea • EJtec: Sul· lo Ille Pavlllon 301 Main mlly jewelry, reward Asthma • Lanky St. Balboa 2600 sq II 556-5797. 5"0-3286 Known· Growth ,.0,..1111_ . Completely equipped A KNOWS WHY a -"1 F v huge r.oom. ba. pool. Av1U now. Weelcly thru _a_r_ea_._s_2_7_5_7_60_·_80_ .. _5 __ ,ccat• M ... 250 •f. 111111 111 From 225-450 sq ft uUI provided. $275 m<>n· summer 673·71173. Speclal lady w/sllare II · S175mo Utll lncld. 779 $1 per sq. ft. M111y 11tru line lease. Priced to sell Found bord on vie of Pau-He has a Master's De· Ole manager. construc- For lnform1tlon cell 1 •arlno, btwn Bristol & gree 1n Pllllosoplly He tton exper req'd Job th. 964-5693 ll•ll/I II liltt 4300 vlll't Parll N-port 2 BR w 19111 St. 551-8925 Cell 557-7010 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Bii, furn apt w/m1ture Exec suites, lull eerv .. Ole tor rent lull or pan, MEL FUCHS Reoholl. CM 966-1443 can t get a job, but at costing & t1nanc1a1 lhru P PAVILION REALTOR Found Grey & White teasl he KNOWS WHY & l Send resume to $540 . $1000 Several bachelors and 1 Bdrm units feature fine designer lurnlture and accessories Move In to- day or reserve lor sum· mer montlls. Smartly lurnl1lled models open dally Guestllouse. pvt ent. & batll, utlls pd. Nr beach. H 8 S300 536-0794 IH• ' ,.,,, 4050 ········•···•·•••••••• Rm. home pro11 for senior lady SSI OK Sm loved pet OK also Board op- tlonal Cell 979-3363 In AM Bot1J1 #01111 4100 ······'··············· SUWI IOTEL ROOMMATE flllDERS Oldest & largest agency. All clients screened with photos & references Credits: Cosmopol1t1n GoO<I Morning Amerlc1. The Tomorrow Sllow * ,,.., oll* 10 all new cllents wllo need 1 place. IEWPHT 141· 11H reap. w orking M /F IUmlunlUrn .. greetly re-19th St .. C.M Xlnt tront Ooeat1 & bay view $350. duced. No lee. 754--0274 olc loc. Avall Imme<!. 780-8045 540-1287 Ill 1120 S h I S t A P 0 Box 6668. Laguna • c nauzer v c an a na Found black Lab Puppy, Small business owners or I Ave & 18111 642-7731 er>out 4 mo Name Is iiNiilgiiiueii1i. i92i6iiii7iiii7iiiiiiiiiiiii buyers, oo you need Found Ladles ring June Shadow Please call to ACCOllTill ClElll llelp? uper1 advice on 19 Bulldera Emporium 1oenU1y 548-7874 Resp, non-emklng fem 10 , stir sunny 2Br 2ba CdM apl. w/11m1. Pvt bell. $312/mo 760-2615. 675-7837 111/wknds Rmmate needed to 1llr CM home. MI F $250 mo. 642-71 13 aft 3PM Resp. m1tura male Miki apt to ll'tlrl In Npt Bell. ere1, 111ve turnlture. 642-6456 .. fmlil mlmYI Mm YIEW IFFIOE money, business opera· Pk on g lot El Toro 1 1·-,-,-,,-.-,-1-,----5-3-50-1 Tiie Jolly Roger, Inc. has Wlll·appolnted ottloe w/ llons. etc Get going, 551·4091 •••••••••••••••••••••• an entry level position Nwpt Harbor view. ap-consullatlon. $75 Ed. ---------avallable 1n our Sales & prox 1,000 9q It 71"·754-0531 Found: Sml male poodle. Cash Accoun11ng Dept 656-7100 lawn, Vic Springdale & l1'nda & Vicki's for a person who has II· ----------•SANDWICH SHOP, Beer Edinger 6"6·4113 mite<! exper but Is T~:k!'?~:~:~~· 3~~~3 & Wine. sells 19, by Found: male Lab. 2 husky PIOTI IOIELS ambitious & wllllng to Harbor Std. CM. sao a 0 w n er . 5 4 8 • 9 2 8 9 . mhc puppies. fem. terrier ESCllTS/l&ICHS learn t yr ·~per pre· 1 2 5 o a q 11 Mg r 545-2453· 979• 1919 ml11·grey. mete Golden OUTCALL 24 HRS. !erred Dulles Include 845.a1oo. 649-1388 •••-,. LH• SOZS Retri ever m111 (blk & &ll-020l auditing or sales repor1s, ---------•••••'•••••••••••••••• gold), male Saml-mlJC some flllng, mall prooes· IEWPHT IUOI PIHYATf ltlEY (blk & wllt), mele Collle l•-------•I sing & general clerlcal On Jamboree Rd II San Joaquin Hiiia Ad l••-1IOO Wkly rentals now avail. S105 & up Color TV Phones In room 2274 Newport Blvd. CM 646-74"5 BiQMli M/F snare tmUl'tlng 3 Br. ROOMMATE SEAV 2 Ba. Huntington e.ecn 110 to 3000 1q tt "No Frill" Prices Wllllam Cote, Bkr. 114/l ... 1 ... 1111111. Mm $10 ,000 a up. Tom mhc (blk & ten). lem Tns * * * work Excetl benefits & 842·9914 Newpor1 Beach Animal working conditions wltll Prtet.r leutlH. Sl'teltet 6"4-3656 ltl11tis P1rlor a growing co Westelltt xlra lrg 1 Br. S•••lt ltallll ~"-llome near beecll wltll Completlly redecorlled •••••••••••••••••'!.~ Moving? Avoid ~Its prolesllonll mete. 1390 ....... .,. ··=n, ,,.,, FOUND Co<:kepoo. gray, Ope1124 hrs. day THE JOLLY ROG ER, 900 111 • amenftll9 I 5035 OC Swap meel. 6120 HS 7 days 8 week 17042 d~1';ite Ave .. Patio & POOi 645-8152 l•toflOlllr •••• C~~l:~l~~I ~~~:I lnelds llOUM cteenlng & Westcllff xtra lrg 1 Br Summer rental Spira! 833 Dover or Ste 2. NB g 1 r d e n e r . E v I I 1n.1111,..T llU. ___ 1_1_1-_2_1_10 ____ 1·····i:i..umn..... uc tao 6•s-1929 ~~c":.!'!'ii s.·:~~u~f~~!' 1rV1ne. c A 92114 Completely redecorated. s1111rs. skyllgllta, Ill-HU 714/963-8723 Patio & pool 6"5-& 152 lrplc. Pvt spa t '-'t Dlks ---------M/F ov« 20 to ll'tr 3 br I I I h I I t a It J , Approx. 450 sq. ti Zoned I :!: ,._ I F o u no 8 es en ti c I u D BankAmerlcard, Mes tar 1 14-548-0331 141-2"0 C·2 Crpt. pvt bltll. A/C. IC• -· 11• wishes to place yg M Charge. Amerlc1n Ex.· 1 Br. versalllls Pentllee beaoll Weeki)' ome Slltre Condo wlll't Prof111 apt, N.8., 2 blks belCl't, on court, s54o i mo . Steps 10 pvt beh & Bal· person S255 11t, IHI S250. 207A Collon. 2 13186 7• 3 2 9 2 bus boa llacallon w/all the a e p . 6 4 1 • "8 2 5 0 r $200 mo. 130 E. 17111 St, Special no In 111 & 2nd Derkless dog that yodels press. Diners All wel· IUmFIL Suite F. C.M. 548·1168. TO's slnoe 11149 898-3826 come 71 41645-3433 c1ass1l1ed Ads are tl'te Robt. Settler NH/CM ---------2112 Harbor Bl. CM answer to a successful llWNIT OllTO lubltll lf•lll 44SO R e. BrOker Bd Raallors Have aometlllng you want garage or yard sale' It's a 213/387-5900 lu11 Avail July 21-Aug 21. 966-8479 $4000 lor mo Call Robin ---------LIDO BEAUTIFUL 2 Br (Agl) 6"6-7276 Fem rmmte. 2 BR apt tr pie, patio, adults _ _;_ _______ -I prlv be. $295 Plus •;, utll s1050 675-6359 10 It••• Tt 111• 996-2001. 642-9702 Westclltt area 2 Br 2 B1. Ocean vlew-turnlslled. 2 2 b<lrm. 1 bll apt N B BA or 4 BR. Rented by $330. ·~ wtlll Evee upper w/frplc, refrlge. the week Below market 675-0601 Fred drapes, pool. $600/mo r a 1 1 O w n r I e g t 645-0302 848-4557 or 962-2305 M/F ll'tare 4 Br llouae In 1 BR apl, stove. refrlg. parkng on P1nln1ula. $400. C1J1675-0612 5PM 1802 Cl1y. 2 br. 1 b•. new cpta, drps, pain& No pell. $540 675·03 .. 9 CLIFF HAVEN 2 BR. 1 Ba. O/W, fplc, p1t10. gar. $595 mo. 845-7836 eva Newport S llores. Nr beach, pool & 1ann11 $350/mo '-' u t ll s 548-43 .. 0 Ooean view 2 br. 2 be, spa, sec syst . fully turn. $400/wk 499-S304 ----------128 yr old nonsmkg prof Balboa Twnl'tse.• 28r man seeks rmmte to shr 1 'hba, Nicely furn .• sips beaut. lurn 3 br Bluffs 6 Weetcl'y or mo. See at condo In N B $375/mo. 310 E Bay, S1t/~n or + ,,.., ullls. 720-1744 c 111 W kdy 1v111---------- 2131790-0602 Prol outgoing slngle fe· Sptc. 3 BR 2 811. !Pie. gar. mite, Non-amok er, no t>each 2 blks. S900 yrty, Summer monthly ren111. dependent• to sh1111 2 No pet1. 845-1682 July or Aug. on quiet BR 2 batll 1pt. Gd ICM; In Sm.all Bacl'tetor. Newport 81lboa Penln 2 BR. ll"lllne $330 mo plus utll H....,1111. .,.""Imo Utlll compl lurn l'tOITll Aeu Wendy 551-41161 """ ~ Cp l• pref, no pell.1---------pald. Prlv1t1 yard. Call 675-5538; 837-7949 Shr 38r 1111. 1280 mo 1tt t • 648-3702. $520 move-In. Apply 250 1 ••tLE TO B"•CH For rent mo. of July furn c.der St . NB aft 5PM ,.. """ 2Br l'tM. llol tub, nice 1----------UNFURN. APT. N.B. view L1guna B11c11. pr 0 I M I F 2 5 . 3 3 . 8-42-2357 $850 mo. 494-1242 Te· nonsmkr, 1t11lgllt. no L.tre>e 2Br 1bl, 1 l'touM t11na, pelt. to shr 2br. 2""b• from belch Mini OCM11 OCEAN ffiONT DI 481' new condo, C.M. Oav1 8. • vu. 1750 yrtY. 175-7907 2B•. 2 car j•r: i v t ti 831-439t, 957-5731 ... ,. -,,,, 7 11·7110. /7 ·11121, Fem IO ll'lr 3 br ocetn •••••• •••••••••••••••• 87&-7386, 535-8017 (Ed). view newer llome, So. MacAnhur Vlllaoe 2 BR 2 El s R 1 I l I g u n I ' s 2 3 5 I m 0 ' Ba. ground nr. tlnd unit. =t:.~p~fu~n 1_4_90_·_2_n_o _____ _ '""'.nt,:· ·~~ s 1700 call tor eppt. Vo-All new Pentl'tN, C.tlllna 2PY1;,. .. 77 mo122·1 t. g.i Ptclflc IMO.e111 View, H.B .. pvt entr~ -• & bltll $300 MO. Incl utu . • ...._,_ • ......._ .,,, Bllbol 1111 2 Bt. tlMpl 8. 838-0794 ..,.,.,.,..,... ,.. ~50/wll In June. Augu1t 1----------•n••••••••••••••••• •• IA50M &75-H 10 llD • Im lllt •Ci.in Studio, urn pd, · · • refrtge, glf. AV911 1278. Dllfllng 18t. 1 blk from Working ltldlll over 40 Privacy. 81ngle only b oll. w /gar. Sip• 4 . wlfllnO to tllll 1t>out fin· 1~12 M50M 1ao.1ee2 ding •nd en1r1no • houM • (N•wport aru ). Call Mote ,.,.,,..... .,1 getting Furn, Cute 1Br w/patlO. 1 "TL' 11 142-7593 Sun- ttle cemp4ng "bug" tt"9 bl ll lrOM bllOl't, ger. dey lhfU Thund1y 1fter I CLOSE TO IUCM Roomm1t1 needed H.B. S260mo. 1.81111964-n 34 With u11 of reception. •• •••• •• •• •••• • ••••••• 642·2171 545..()611 10 seU? CIHSlflld ads do Classlfled Ads, your one-1 better way to tell more oonf. room. kltel't, pllone, CdM Retell store On Coast 11 well. 842-5878. stop sllopplng cent111. peoole1 2 rmmte'a needed to lllr 3BR llouae E.Slde C.M. $260 mo 831·1093 secret1rl1I & word pro· Hwy. 1850 sq ft or 1600 FIR IAU1 OHllng. Mill & meNlgtl s q ft Aval! July 15. Notes wltll a face value Mrv. IVlll. HC>lfltlfy If 873-3658 aft 8PM ol $71,250, s 115,000 & d11lred. Call: Judy, ,._ • I $215.000 aecurld by 1st 7141750-0100. -••lttll To ·1 on 1+ 1cres of MOHiER W/toddler --------•••IW 4415 oeeen vi-property In would llke to 1hr. llouN IEWPHT IUOtl •••••••••••••••••••••• Sen Juan Capl1tr1no or 1pt. Up to $300 mo. Exec:ullvt office In C1n· lfflOE H IMP are• Wiii discount to 644-1879 nery Vlll1g1. $450/mo In newer bldg on Coast yield 20%. M1tur1tles In BrOker 875-4912 Hwy, Sou111 Ltgune Ap. 18. 23 & 35 montlls CdM 2 br. 2 be twnllee pro11. 500 aq ti. Excel· Interest paid montllly av1ll to allr, F only, S. Laguni, Cout Hwy. 11 lent prlv1t1 perking Beer 8fand Ranch Co 25·3011h. r .. p. nonsmkr, 3 Arcl't Bly. 500 aq, 11. Pool, nr beacll. $300 mo, w/good llwv. vltlblllt" belllnd bldg. S525 mo. 7141640-4404. 'h utlls. Connie 641-8911 497-2351 ' ' Turne< Anoe. 494-1177 1---------- wtldy. 760-8859 wtlnd 11.-n lftlet H.8 olc &lor lndu1t IPeC8 All•H•tt•nts/ 1 btll beliel't eln resp non-av.II. For IM t1artlng et ,,,...1}1/ amkr. Piiing $300 mo. Lab epace, 7·~ ~ ft, $4~ mo. 847-9984 U.1 .f ftHI LHt mo. $100 Sec alto Near Hoeg o1p 111. 1·THl/I,_ •••••••••••••••••••••• ld .. I for 1 small •mall n•~ Atutu,,.t•I• SIOO Wkly. 875-7025 butlnw.. 845-2 I 11 300 llq ft. Foot tralflc. • ••••••••••••••••••••• F nonsmkr 25-30. 3 br, 2'A DESIGNERS, 1rchltec:ti , Ontwn Laguna 494-66811 BUSINl!SS b a du p I u In Cd M • graplllc ll1ltta: lurnllhld LAGUNA BEACH OPPORTUNITY S 2 2 5 I mo . J u I Y 1 · olflc•• to 111ar1, Incl, 900+ eq ft bldO $900/mo @) 840-0980 w1rello1111. N1wpor1 D1bor1h, agt, 497.5494 • c::::c:J 0u111 M to ellr trvtne 2 br1_Beec __ 11·_84_2.e_22_2 ___ t.lutrW lt•l•lfHI -- •Pt w/aeme, non1mkr, • 'fll wam •••••••••••••••••••••• MVt:JtLt; llrtlgllt, $295 + "" utile. a 012 N.B. 3175 81rcll. 5800 1q DOG O~OOMING UNIT 857-47" DI•. 11190· eutte. ' ICI ft. or 1111. MIA zone. 111 -"'lll ft. Newport Arotlel M• -. 2 rmmt• wanted 10 tl'lr rlna lldQ.142-4644 1..:A~oen::.:,:1.,:6:::4:.:1,::·50=:3:.2:... ---~~~V.w::tt:"in.ii'::;;- 3Br furn S. L.;un111""'•--,-mJ---•• -.,-.-11---s750 up. 21to fl. lndu· ONl!Y BACK · SOI Clovt F/p, beamed C4111, 1un--, __ , 11,111 • Office. 1aoe1 ~ tu rlfund to 111 Clllf. dectc. ocn vu. 1275 Pl'· Pt1tM offlOt ~llty toc;e. dondo Ctrcle •E Hunt• ~r."'~ wt;A~~~ '°" ptut .,... u1M. 4et-.4184 tld dlrectly ectOll from lngton, BMotl. U2·283'. T•w .. ,fund . PO Bo• CMo C1nter, 111y 10· ~ n ~ c ... to ,, ..... flex I bl• T 111 pr I c . I• r I g II t I 11084, C.M. 92828. off lo• 1u1t11 trom 1000-1100 aq 11. Cell for ,__. _..,. -~ 1 . ..,,. 235-1430 aq. ft. For Id· _a.._ .... __ e_1w_2_8_1 ___ ,~!.~.!!!;'!: ••••• !:'!'! dlttonel Info cau l•tlll Wult4 U1f 1-------'-'JL .... . .............•....... Mt-11H LOoklno tor unl\lm 3 br apt or condO w/enclOled oar• ror 3 mall oc •tudenll. No 1moklng, ctrlnklno or pertylng, Neid tor a.pt. 11t. ·ea. fWll guetMteed by P-. rentt. ·l.Oetll fltl'ltty. Ptee· .. -(714)1S1-e82t. FOlll> ADS ARE FREE I ---Cal: Ml ... H t ___ < .... 0=-'--> > r--(05---) ) Newspaper Carriers for routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain V.alley & Newport Beach • • Good Ecauaings Super Trips •Great Prf*' CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT J9lr If YI>" """a Super loc HOO/mo, p.m. nAt '11111'1 not getting July/ Aug, tOO/mo.•-N-,-w-1n--to_w_n_'_c"'le_•_1 .. ll .. l•-d Ito.,. ft 1100 - -~~~~~~~!!!~ ,,. S:lt 18 to June 30 r .,..... • • ,....... .....,. ......_._.. ........ ........,Haw 1ometlltno to Mll?I; 9..o112 ueect, NII h now wtth • 7 1....... · een help you meet mtny fl .• 3911 l lroh .. M.I . .....:; ... w.,,._1'':'".!. "'"' .,_, Cll:Hlfled lldl do It well. CIWltld Ml 142-4e71 • 1 ...... OIMll!ledAd. ..,., ~o~f!y~ou~r~Mld~~·~·!~~2~·6f1~!8!JAoen~~t~M~1·~503~2~--~r~""'~-~·~--~======1-======;;;::~~~d.:===:;~~==:;;===i.~=======::=::~~~============~~!!::::!:=~~~~!_- ~·-,----~---------- D4 Orange Coat\ DAll.V Fiil.OT/Friday, June 28. 10H I -· 1*,fMfM ••.. 1.{ff "11..~'11. .... 1.{ff M.fMW. .... 1.'.ff .. Uf~OTIW HOVllOLIANl~I NITS "•" ""· PT"T Own lalet &!~'111 ........ ~tl rne.~ ........ I!." l!~'!!.1!tm.~t •.. ,.~ "L!"~ "•' Oak \11c1orlll\ ._.oOertlty Wloiltt lolleeMt w. Mtt"· I.MO' rOll or 811"' mat.. •u. ltJM AMI 4Hk 0011 t1111, H C tonacuanlont ... 1n1 COfld, rlal, lor luntannln .......... n-. ••• r.-;-;-: DO'AUTTU llMftllUI .~ l•P'd 140-0H1 l'ULL 0" ftAIU TIMI 0111er11\lp or tor•'on Mlfl~MIH ~= °' ....,. .._,. llU ... U .. VOU9l OWN HO• t 1ii0. t4t-l410 141. ~ Dlenkau, 1151018 llMt .. TY 1111. Co11on •• "· •Int oond. 8HAAl'tl _HO·H71 H2·4411 Ht-MN IUIO Dllll taper enoe IT"0 .. 0 ANO HIALTHV .... -~ Pf•'-'t.cl Call Oltln IOt non•1"1oller for older •• :"::.. C•l•ry grn. LOOM CU· e>v.an IOI• ti.d, ••Ith· IUTCHl!A 8111 outllng tbl Sylv1nl• 24" Coneole ~ llllol'I lftll, 640-1119 lontl. 1115 '44-1431 Atcll, t l"lell, drewu 0t TV, wont good. IH an IOUOll\l!Mfll L In 116-100 ..._.. .. , 111¥1• Mlfl lw ' 1 AeAL HTATI INIU· llU.t ..... Pll . •'t~lutlmo ADVER~;fJo T!A- Oiied 111alnu1 Chell t drwr a11ut ,011.toli d"I( by S 1'1 ow f ti u I 25 O 042·3521 I • 147·&43 .,---------p u1 v oomp1ttma11t1 Or111al, 2111 O. I dra· Sony ttareo IY'ltm Mod. -~~~ 1; ~~~,, r..l·, -"~ .. :.F.~.~ }~ ~ -~~ .<fyl~ .•. ,.._ 116 548·0311 W91t. 11000. 160·1950 Ooll Club1 MacGregor HP•261, AM/FM, 9 tr!(, 74"!130" maple tabla 20 EK41®tlv• Olk 0.Pt NICkltUt, oompl Mt New 1urnt1bla, great for ... In OYrn bo... mlll mgmt CHl!M .... 1444 lv numbef 146·1778 DIRECT SALES II you dHlr• lndapan· 175 (good for l'loma UH), cond 1180 875-e278 anyone Bllotttly dama- 81WH1 811 ltl9 lov .. eat, chair, COllH fXERCVClf 8Hr'1 rd but •orkt arHI OAIAGI SALi ADI NOW . '"'°"'-'.\~ ~ am ltollA•IO , .. ,UHi dance & "' IUC:CIH WkHI ellgnm1nt and f'QS h•• opening In Re-mollvat•d 0111 Aul b1 ake llo MC Own 111n<1 n1w11 Oapt 101 weon 10 .,;9~64~-3~4~9~9~~~~~ DHul m1hog •nllqu• !Ible and end t1b1 ... 2 Uk• new HO. 7$ I• 1-50to dr....,, recurved ci ... 1c orwr !Ne e&Nt, wau d• 873 2137 Solld walnut COIOI working loot• Apply quoit 6 tollowup on ,.. :; Nl!!WPORT nawal• Auto 11tlng or ULll CLAlllPllD IY CITYI ~~ Ill llLOW ".__ wtmlrror 1395. 549-4005 COt &all u group or In· John WI Y n e T en n I• T V o o n ' o It S 2 5 0 dlvldu111y. Sea S•turday Mambaral'ltp for 1111 842-7018, 648 41030, Beaut. eolld Olk roll lap ., Th• RHI lllletert, 11000 Or .. _., oHar Alt 8'48-1805 tlAI! CENTER vndtrwrlllng eip prtl'd uce • 10 10 i 25 hr Un· 3000 I 00111 Hwy CdM !xoell HI&~ & bonu1. d;~:o"ver Wear ho mt BABYSITTER p/llma, PO co bane ill lncludlng p1r1I••· 645-1744 de•k. 54" wtd9, new & 285!5 e Cou1 Hwy, CdM .,.. " ~......,·-------11n11 had 189!5/ofr . tbtwn12&2PM).0r call SPM552-441e 5 It S tereo Wall unit Mon. & Wed .• 9-4. My ~~.~:. J:~~.1~~l~:~s ..;_A_L_E_S_l_A_O_Y_P_/T-. -T-,,-. ~!~!!!f~!. •....... f!!!~.l!!!~ ........... !'!,!!-.f!!,.~~~t .. . 941-400!5 WMkd1y1. 761-e1e1 Boy• bike 2'4" Singer Walnut color S25 Gd. 2 Wino back ol'lalrt , yet-llOllll IHO 1 .. 1her W1 aew. macttlne cond lllK>-11078 l'IOmt G42·DD06 -----'----Mole Holt. Lido VIII, 20 MARINE Qarege &ate Fri/ 8ai/8un t0-5 • SAT ONL V 9·'4, 8232 BA8YS1n£RS • Mutl Ile lrrl11tlH yrt •~P req 873·495!5 ht 9 ·5Pm I 1·1496, 251 1911'1. Pia~ Apt. B. Malloy Or H8 8t10hl low, btlQI print, xlnt •••••••••••••••••••••• Eva'• only 562·'1'887 QUASAR Video recorder. quality 1200. 892-2124 Wllltltl llllll POOL TABLE, OOOd con-$280 cull. 902·2331 att Antique oak 6 bra11 fur· w/1tand S 150 8'40-8777 dltlon, complete 1400 _8_P_M _______ _ 20 Own trana. s111a lle'<1 l•ttl1ll1t Hundrttd1 of 11em1. SH Cotti Mah. lndl1napoll1. Blku, & bonded 1gency. Char· Ptr1on wlll'I EXPERIEN· StlH Parton, mature, Pl Olmll·a•Llne. 501 N. men• & women• clo• lolle 84~3740 CE In lnatall11lon & 0!)8-time. H~l~~~=P· B1y Front, BtlbOI ltland TV video O•n'll. IOt Ollll tiling, btby clotl'IH, 1kl • rational m1ln1tn1nce of 673·01118 chr, mite book1, toy1. equlpmt, Tupperware, nlture colleotlon: olflce, For Ille 7 yr old 0 H 548-4210 7 pc 11ereo eel, mu11 Mii. bdrm, llv. & din, rm +-g•ldlng & 8 yr old T.B King w1tar1>1d, paddeO New $900 Sell S600 NVatal 110. P'-· Pl'I. gelding, both trained rail•. hdbrd $186 Exer _9_6_8_-0_3_1_2 _____ _ I ••rl tfflH l&f• larger 1y1ttm1. Fulltlme, SALESPERSON tor cl'lll· 3293 Arllona. CM Sat Avon botti.t, potl dlll'I· Newpo11 B11ch public perm•nent Salary baaed dren'• shop. bp'd In l•lt.. l1•l•1JI• 9.30-l.30 wUher. pupplae, lot• of 633-4411. WMlem. 548·2898 oycle $30 6'48-03•3 Hl 21" ctLN yy relatlon1 firm 1Mk1 de on experience. 1rvlne· retell only Full/ P-ttme •••••_:;;-.·1·,··;:;~··••• YARD SALE-Valueble etc pendeblt lriOIYldu11 to b•••d c:ompanv Wiii Pell!• Merc;he, 642,..714 --Stull a .. aap 25•" •1 .. •n i---------- Mu•I taerlnee brand ~ Jit1tlrr 1010 INVALID W1l1>.er, Chrome. Very claan, !Ible mdl, L .R chair•. llbl••. ••••••'••••••••••••••• 111p1111 wl'leel1 xlni S 135 548·2•20 ell , $11 12-'4, an• J St Ba-" • "" " .,,. · Yard Sai._ Sat/Sun. 9-8 monitor ba$IC boolekee· t•k• 1ppllc111one from "''" C •• Sat/ S n/ ••on P SALESPERSON/BUYER bot. c'"alra. maple •ftf1. "" u "" 515 l 111'1 St, 40 gal lamp1, mirror• & pie-ESTATE. 14 lttma OI 011· SSS 645-3998 11am tur•. 714/018-9467 mono 1w1ry Plu1 78 Ca-ping nHdl 1yabl11, 8 301m-2 30pm Call " -recelvebles end dilly 768_4751 for goll shop. pnvete m111roe at11. Brown aquarium. 1urfboerdt. ITWllT IUI d 1111 c CdV 31K m 1 ltl'l1c• Trap gun, men's 14K Tll801 watch, Chain & nugget 831-9276 PIP SHra Haavy Duly Viv&· 1Ht1 I #•rl•• bratO< Batt Reg S 1811 Sec $50 973-87" 1ournals Muetl'laveprlor ---------clvb,30-351'1rt wkly,lncl Jordan furn 6'40-6021 M ULTI FAMILY. Antq 1_m_IK_. ______ _ uper and b• 1ble to JAllTtlUAL some week1111d1 Hourly C•t1•• It/ .. 11 furn, colleetlblN, doll•, Gar~ 8118: 2 over1tuf· Two Or•-. gOOd cond $35. 94(J.8709 .., .. worle with our accoun-Ole claanlng. Npt Bell wage + commission ••••••••••••'!~•••••••• 1869 Gr1nd Plano, Croll led cl'lalrt. tl.,IO, meo'1. 11nt1 $1,000 per mo to F/llme day1 P/llme '496·5767 ror lntllf'llew Mite ofllc auppllM, 4!5/9' tap desk, lloral 8/rtnge-women·•. cl'llldran·1 Clo-OutdOQI' Furniture, Brown '2,000 Full Femlly Mem- berahtp In Jottn Wayne Tenn11 Club for only S900 1714)821-1503 sttrt Rel prel 'd •ves US CITIZENSHIP SOITT/ll·Ll•&••I de1k, 2 pr whit• drp1, mant1, muel'I more tiling. Many bergaln•I Jordon, (Walter lamb 714-720-09'41 REQUIRED Some pl Japinese/Amerlean mur1I pe~. 2 Fr prov 548-8982 1173 Sat/Sun 8-7 10121 Bronzal,31oungea S200 !!~!~!!!!1 ....... !~~! Air o •• ,,. .. ., BOAT WASHER FIU·TIIE Apply In person 2200 w. o ..... ., ltw,trt ltHll IOOllEEPH Newport Beach property mgmt co Date Input ll'lru monthly llnanclal stmts. Highly motivated sell-starter Acctg Deg pref'd . Some exper helpful. Send resume to· Boa 927, Dally Pilot, PO. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92826·0560 Candy Salesman expe- r I en ce , wanted ror Orange County Full or Part time Wrne P 0 BO.< 10757 Costa Mesa, 92627 0&'1111 Dining room. lull time. oaperlenced only $7 l'lr for prtvate country club Call alter 3 pm Inter· views Wed tl'lru Sun Phone 6'4-5404. time nlte waxer ope-Flul(>t In both ltnguiges cl'lrs, alao mite l'IMl'lld & Klnatton, C.M. Sat. onz . Merrimac Drive aacl'I, 3 canvas roeketl r11ng1 Apply 123 N T 1 SIH 14 50 11 cl'llldren Item•. Sz 19 lr-J-, $150 llCh, l 1trelgl'lt Olive St. Orange cy."1 ~gM r . Yemaza:I women1clo11'161.SlOOto YARD SALE: Flal'I rode,.~••••••••••••••••• chair tt25. 1 bronu t-5PM,Mon-Frl. 7141842_0411 soc 2207WaterlrontDr ree11. dret11r1. booka. GARAGE SALE 811 rocker $t50 7 beck 3 HP, 1 Phase, 60 g1I vert ASME code tank Never used $695 Terms t-772-5390 #Hit•/ l•1t1••••t1 IOIJ ···········•·········· Journeyman/Skilled CdM 675·8853 Sat 1_m_1ec_._2_8_1_e_1_8_111_._c_M_1 (6/181 only Goll ctub• & ra111 S20 each 944-0509 Maintenance Min with Secfetary 8-5PM FRI. TO SUN 10•2PM cart. eilla. knllllng & M-O Table drlll press. 3 spd, • • New Bundy Cllrlnel pd ----....-----S317, aaktng SISO 2276 1xper1eoca In plumbing, llrtottr ltortlary GARAGE SALE _ Ethnic 1005 Valencia. C.M . wing Items A llttle bit ol lllTIY flEIOI np mtr. 'It" chuck, never elec1rlo11 & cerpentry needed by Hunllngton Acceu. clothtl. wee· Trailer 120• all motor 4 everything 15181 Cl'la· Love s .. 1. Oak Hutch, used. 11111 in box. must work Full time. Mon-Fri Beach City School Dist vlnge. Plly pen, lapldery bike parll 50,.15, BBQ Ion Cir (The Rencl'll Ir· Steamer Cl'lelH. Side NII. Cos1 $400 new, sell 7 30AM-4PM. Salary 1 2 mos po a r y equip. 2 deeki, plant•. SS, cloll'let. piano 1700. ,_v_ln_e________ Tlble. Metcl'llng Anlmal $130. 846-'4965 commensurate with ex-$1,201-$1.489 per mon-pie tramas. lebrlc Sat 1 ·-Skin Cl'lelra All top qua-""' th d di urn. Sat. 8-28, 9-3PM Large Illy CdM. 760-6776 ,.,.tlllHHH IOIO peflence Send resume · epen ng on e11per June 26 only-c11l'I only 1----------1 Garage & Swap Sara ..,.---------•••••••••••••••••••••• 10 Ad 111009, Delly Piiot, tpp:.re 29°s!5~8;;a1mer 18136 Leat l'larwood MAKE OFFER Clothes, Plcturet, Baby King Slit Wiier bed , INTEAARMS MK x P 0 Bo11 t560, Costa n. · . -Wey, Irv (oll Sandburg OAR.AGE SALE furn., many new Item• complete, sacrifice $70 Prolesalonally Custom Pamela Lane. apt A C M btwn Noon-10PM Wasttburn State S•rlU Elec Guitar w/lremelo bar w/case $500/orr Lab series LS guitar am. pllller. 100 watts w/2 12" spkrs S'400101r 848·9784 Tom or Donna Mesa, 92628. IEC1tn••y Wayl Muet eell everything sold under wl'llae. 14149 848·942'4 ,,., Bulll Rllle. Haavy Barrel an 3085 Loren ln 979-5027 1----------22 250 L111I Storttary Full/time position 10 1111 c.,t• #11• Saailnen, Irvine. Just ott White Wool Rug · • wlll'I Aedfleld Olllt• F•r•lt•ll I Newport Center Real immediate opening Ty-•••••••••••••••••••••• Furn, lampa, carpeting & _c_u_i_ve_r_.______ 12' X 14 $100 3x-9x Scope Cos1 S1 , ,...,•l•••••t 10f5 b many em Items, Set/Sun 720 s.5 100 Sac $700 Firm. Jell ~' "' nE!!~s'ee;p1et1rgleantcl~~ LF;:,mal plngh, llgl'll C ookkeeplng SWAP IEn 973 Arbor St .. CM. 3772 Provincetown. Irv -I 642-1570. 556-0460 9•••• • •••••••••••••• """"' ~ ...... -• & p ones ompuler ex-Papasan & Mamann WATERBED Super single ---------wood deaks & awl\'al Secy. Xlnt typing, dicta-perlence helpful Call for Every Sunday. 81m-3pm. Big, BIS Oaraoe Selel cl'lrs, single bed, cou-w/2 Mii ol lheete, matt-llEIWIOI hi .... chairs. Country French phone & al'lorthand a appt, 760-10'41. Orange Coaat College ·73 2'~ ton GMC w/18' chea pad S75 575.1253 8 to 20· long, 36¢ per ft Design, new coat $1800. must . Salary open SEWING MACH NE OPE Fairview & Arllnaton, bolt & mlac. 24153 Santa 775-1491 anytime. S1crll1ce at S550 Call I 640-6960 A TORS 1 -Coste Meaa Admission Ana Av Fri/ Sill Sun L••••• h•ti Large Pl1te Glasa Dresser 833-8600. ask for Dawn ----------I A Exper, qulllly ••'••••••••••••••••••• Mirror $35 SLIDING WARDROBE LIFEllllll minded, piece rates ~::er~~tl~~:~~~o Seller MOVING SALE SAT Eve-Sal/Sun 8-4pm Every-631•32111 DOORS s20 Ole (non-correcting) Must Weter Safety In-Costa Mesa 642-9652 rythlng goes cheep. thing gou Jewelry. fur· ,.96-4038 Olympic alee typewriter structor Certlllcallon SHOE SALES 25 hr wk 556-588° Furn, 1711 110 Boat Ping nlture, l'louMttold, many 4 Poster Oue«i ll:te Bed S250/0lr 549-9492 evs1 Musi be 18 ~ears old. pang tbl. 1011 more. 3291 quahly Items 515 Poplar by Burlingame Sacrll1ce MOSES painting Rende-_w.,..k_n_d_s ______ _ ' Excell oppty Exp pre-Garage Sale • Lots or "rlton• ··~·Verde St lor <A95 "'" '""5 red In stein glass mo-Salary plus room and Id Hrly plus comm G "' ""-~ .,..~ sales $3.000 O BO SCM 1'42/MlnOlt• Copier DOard C'111dren'ls Bootery oodiesl Sal/Sun t0·4 I •-&. R d .. •• under rnt $4001 I 644•2.~. ••r .. 111~ 1 879 Arbor St (Nr 1911'1 & F•••l•I• V1Un .... rt -•t• 8 ec .. ome ,,,.a1c111ng Autl'lenclly furn'd Al1 6 w 'J. o r Lazy W Renell .. .-. .., .., -Monrovia), C M ••••••••••••••-"••••••• ••••"; •••••••••••••••• de91gner couch & love Call 641-1829 Shown by 540-4614 549-9'492 714/493-1541 T 1 S 1 P HUGE Siie Sat/Sun, Refrlg. dresser wlmlrror, seat Spotleu. naw appt only evs1wknds 11 ephone o tcllor I ''OVING S•LE • F 10 •p•• S I kg Sl bed SO~ $135 d 55• "' •1oltl1l1l·Swl11 time. eves & Sat tor auto "" "' urn. -.. .., alll ah boel ... con · , • .,.. 18 Desk, Fiiing Cablneta. etc detalling co Salary plus tools, llnens, books S75. mo-S75. edger Sat/Sun 9-2pm 2211 l·K--st-------Collier Baby StrOller, Ilka Uke new_ must sell No ... ~~!f!i!~~! ........• 01a111J HlO .....•..•..•....••••.. 1011 Glauper Dingily S100 501 No Bay Front. Balboa letand. 973-01118 911 AVON SPORTSTER With 3 HP Sea Gull $495 501 No Bay Front. Bal- boa ltl1nd 673--01118 SPORTS YAK DINGHY wimotor mount, t 100 673-0647 ..,,,, "•"" ... ~!!f~!'!!. ... ~~~ 10HP Albin 2 cyl marine onboero $400. 552-7755 Sporty Yak w/oara $115 080. 6'46-4005 Swivel Fishing Chair & base $99 5-01 No. Bey Front. Balboa 1a11nd 873--0166 SLEEPERETTE dout>le seats wlbase $ 100 SO I No Bey Front, Balboa lslano 673-0166 70 LB ANCHOR Oenlortl'I type. $70 646-4965 Evonrude 40 HP. Out- board. SHO. 544-HH CASHIER Fltlme POll- l'lons Gd. pay, growth co.. 5 locations Metro Car Wash. 2950 Harbor Bl , CM Top layout & setup ope-comm 641-0383 Much more S attSun S75. Toys, Clothet. rollet Vlsla Huerta, E Blull Ing abedwtdecorator new $50_ reas offer reluied rator for Tornos Swlss 2453A orange Ave c M skates 9901 Merced RI· 759-1843 sl'lee1 set. 111n1 cond 968-6435 1u1om11lcs Gd future, TOPlESS MODELS ver Brookl'lurat & War· $175 645-1985 Wkdys 768-4812 eves & IHtl ''"" fOfO growing shop In Laguna S75 DAY • PAID DAILY Orga 1 n, lur 1 n, etereo, rnd ner 41140:38Ptl'l.;51Freeu r'n· N 0 B11SpAe~ l-B-8-8-u-1-11-u-1-1-0-1-a-b_e_d_w_/ D010L~ SHSOI WJ Sat ;!1uneC26, wknd •95·25 t 7 ••••• t. ••••••. •••• •••• Niguel oil Avery Pkwy_ no exp • nee • 826-2583 pa 10 lb . misc l'ISl'lld "" ·~ oac .. m a· 111• 1011 H ' Paclfio llHfll If Micro Precision Swiss. Items & crarts Set/Sun. ILICI UAAll ULI strles. pots. AIC. misc ;'1~~~h1~~c:r~17;. ;4~~1 tl'lollr. Cl'lurcl'I. 1964 •••••••••••••••••••••• Encl'd ma ataierm. 2 714·831-9331 Cell Chris TRAVEL Agent. expei'd 8AM. 1604 Sandalwood Bikes. l'lammocka. alpg ESTATE SALE -Furn & 645-1985 Orange Ave. c M Snack PARROT Blue Crowned bait systems. 2 AOF, 2 Dubreuil Min_ 1 Y'-Sabre aaency Pots, plants. glassei, clo-bags, Ice cl'lesta, llsl'llng misc. Everything mull ---------bar. rattle. Conure w/cage Very VHF AIP, Fath .. trim Cl'llldcare Need mature woman. 3 days a weelc my home Permanent 631·3523 MEDICAL, F/tlme. front EHcullve Travel Serv tiles. elec tools. reas equip, camping gear, go 1211 W Bey St , NB. Bunk bed. all wood, atur· Screen room divider, ap-lrtendly, 1ame S50 , tabs, lull encl Bimini. olc position Mission Irvine. 833-9406 Sat/Sun 1236 Conway, books. jewelry. clotl'llng, (Penln)_ Fri/Sat 8 30·5 dy with loy chest $110 prox 7'6 .. latl. 4 sections, 673-2137 beaut cond $6 7 ,900. CLHICll/PlllT TI•E looking lor Interesting worl\? Typing no shor· tl'land-8-Noon Ole on PC H 646-7431 Viejo. Req'a medical se-Typesetter needed P/llme c M 545-4128 4 D a 1 au n w 111 s z X. GIGANTIC SALE meple l-64_5_-_1_98_5______ folding, 1250. 548-0378 1. I O IOf 675-0255 crerarlal e•per lncludlng nlg~ts. Edit writer exper 2073 Swan Or . CM, Set games, exercise equip., tea cart, microwave, Old WATERBEO • v, -Deluxe l ' UllfllM .!~~!.' •.•.. !f~!'.' •••.• ~ 23 lnbd. open hsl'lerman. Insurance bllllng . reqd. Hunt. Bell. area 9AM Baby Items. Seara tools, odds & ends. ~ac'1 cruiser bike art Oak frame Auto l'llr. 'RENTAL PIANOS· xlnt bayboat or day 11111. 495-1060 714-538-3939 Some new+ aelesman's · $125 675 9288 $l50. 675-0205 Open plan $15 mo s 7 mower, chest Irv dog samples. Sat. 8-4. 9086 deco "waterfall" bed. • l·Be-1-111-,-h-an-d--.-,-.-... -F' e I d s P ran o • . e6;5 1410 5 O O 0 B 0 COOK New natlonel merkellng #trtA••lill Ilse. Ford van aeata. etc Cocketoo. lOO's ot 1tem1. 1812 Ir-French provlnc111 4 pc u u pem""' ce-714_638_2771 v .. • co has employment ••••••••••--•••••••••• Low prlcea-llrm vine Av. (~I 20th & 21•1 bdrm set: bd, dreeaer, ramies. Very larae horse oppty tor 10 demonltre-b"••n IOOS Too 11 11 B •• •.• •• t ... • ••.t•.• •• " ••• •.t.•..... St.) Sal/Sun 9-e. desk. mirror S550 SSO. Cats S8. Also made Antq Mal'log upor1gl'l1 PHIC SALE l Broller or saute Apply between 2 30 & 4 30 et The Paradise Cale, 600-D Newport Center Dr.NB DANCERS HOO te 11,000 Wttk Summer jobs, lull & pan lim11 dancers w1nted for Bare Minimum Tele- grams Auditions ~Ing held 11111 week rrom 9AM to 3PM Apply at Bare Minimum, 1807 W Ke- tella, Ste 216, Anal'letm IHTll Recpt , ortl'lo oflc Expr nee Xlnt wage & bnlls Nwpl Bch 640·0t21 DENT AL Cl'lalrslde Asst Npl, Bell 4 day wk. E11p or prol school training prel'O 6'46-3535 Dental llOVIH lSSllTlll Career oppty ror eK· per'd team oriented. motivated addition to friendly stall of 7 Tl'l1s Is a busy Npt Bctt. ore ll'lat needs yout Resumes en- couraged 646-2481 DENT AssL Ortho Npl Bell • day M-Tl'I Exper & ROA req 6'42·2626 FITlltfl Female, Jr size (7) me- dium Work In design olllce of sportswear Im- porter Flt modeling, quality control & clerical duties Kather ine . 979-'494'4 llllT ... ., Early AM sl'llll No exp nee, 25-45 Woman pre· I'd Apply In person. Dlpplty Donuts. 1854 Newport Bl, CM DRIVERS 25 yrs ol age Gd driving record '494-1067 tors ov~ 18 Tra•-' with •• :~ •••••• •••••••••• many ems to •t. ;111 5'49 2370 e ea 10 order animals. your 1 S300 6"2 70 •8 -.... large beveled mlrror1 GARAGE SALE-Fri Sat Motobecane 10 SOd bike, • v choice or colors_ Lulu Pano • ' · group or work locally. WESTMINSTER S 15. Olal'les. g11u & 8-3. Moving. musi aell sabot, 9· Avon r•tt, crul· SEAT A Queen mattreu 8'40-8709 af1 6PM. or 5•9-6030. 5•5· 1805 Above 1verege Mining•. ABBEY pottery 25c-S5 Linens. Iota or stutt, GOldenwest ser bike. Ships clock. Box spring• & frame $50 ----------Nar•td O"tr ... lr~ll e11pen1e1 adv1ncad. ANTIQUE MALL 11ee 5Qc.S8 Pictures $1. & Slater. 6942 Menhat-furniture, BBQ. dishes. gd cond 960-9678 2 Metal desks, sora. 2 Al· " • Mull~ neat and am~ 1'751 Wet1mlnlter Av.. Oak chairs $10 Tablet ten Dr H B mlac. Sal/Sun 10-5 tee commerlcal spkrs. $'459 642· 429 tlous Exeltlng, tun lob. GARDEN GROVE 1822 Monrovia, 2 blockt · · · '4230 Patrice Rd (oft Pit· King headboard, wl'llte, end receiver Torro rt· Pipe Organ In pvt home, Call lor 19Pt. 10-5. Mr9. S54-al03 well or Pllc•ntle. bat-GARAGE SALE. Sewing cenlll. nr Hoeg Hoap) Frenett Prov Xlnt eond. ding l1wn mo-. new 8 u 10ma11 c P 11yer 1 Pridgen. 848-3337 or l~~~~~~~~~~L~-~~n~1~6~tl'l~&~17~t~l'l~C~MC. ltema. hobble1. •uto S25 960-9678 oek drop leaf desk recorder features 5 6'48-0368 I-part1, tools, hand mo-la•I• Ai• B J 8 • 545-3514, g...c, Rtnk ,._,.. cor>d Ve"·-~·• 181 drtt. GARAGE Sele RoCiklrig wer sames books •••••••••••••••••••••• rown· orden 4 . glass ,,.... "'"' $100 6'46-0376 cl'lr. baby turn, batkets, more PRICED.TO SELLi HUGE RUMMAGE SALE-table pedestal b~. 6 N-Folding Stairway S75,000 Wiii sell $65. llHH AJIES ---------1 clotl'les, toys, 1019 of 15352 Hanover Ln Silt only 9AM,..PM 2002 chai rs & 2 c l'lalus For G&1age/all1C $55 000 '494-2393 Conv • long term care FRENCH Armoire. beve-goodies 8-SPM Set (Edwards/McFadden) W C~tnut. S.A Every-(honey! $600 646-2952 720-1545 St · II. i · IOfZ exp req'd Excell wor-led mirror. 78' x34". 305 Ham111on ' Frt/ Sall Sun 9.5 tiling tmmaglneble, re-011 palnllng -signed •• ~.:'J ••• ~~.!~!!. .... king conds & benefits $'495_ 675-0205 Y 1 lreshmenu. baked Modern couch, earth-Seaseepe. 3zx42 w/gold Singer Touch & Sew in Fltlme. 7-3 30. 3_11.30 ----------1 ard Sale re r1a. bikes. GARAGE SALE goods All proceeds lor tones, striped. need• & bar ue tr m 1175 cabinet, dou everything 71.__642_8044 or apply on LARGE Solid Oak Dftk books, mite S81 8·2 I Sat & Sun Att 9AM mentally retarded 1dults clea n lng $ 7 5 O BO 6<4S-l9oq85 a e Must sell $150 6•6·942• Excell oond. blk E ol Harbor on '406 911'1 St. DON'T MISS IT 8 .. 2.4532 person 466 Flagsl'llp $-400 675·0205 Adams Harbor Greens 1----------1Rancl'lo Mesa Verdel !Brother Sewing M1cl'l1ne. •R~d~·~· ~N~B~~~~~~ _LA_C_E_C_u_rt_a-ln-8-.-,-0-2-.. -x8-3-.-,I, _A.;..P_'*--------G AR AGE Sa le 8 19 6 Oti11 At1H 1ffl SOFA BED 5· Royal blue Rancho San Joaquin new never been uHd, = .-Wiidwood , Set /Sun. •••••••••••••••••••••• Good cond111on S80 Atl'll Cl b Electronic 4001 S200 POTTIIE ea 7 pairs $125 New 6Fam1lyGar1geSelel Furn, stereos, misc •FAMILYSALEll D ia na 499-'4884 1 b ~111 c ,1u50 mem-644-9138 ' 675--0205 Antiques. hal'lld goods. Furniture. Clothing. anti· "99·2•95 ' era p . olus 1---------- Eves and/or weekends.A --n-t1q_ue __ o_a_f\_&_b_ra_s_s_lu-r-·' srampa, lnllllable canoe. Garaae Sale. Sat 9am ques, genuine bargain• transfer fees. s .. ,,;., c..11 IOH Responsible adults, over nllure collection· office, books, jewelry, color TV, 8371 Deepvlew (oft Sat & Sun 8_4 8571 Uphl cl'l11r. green. rust. 551-0535 eves • .-; •••• •••••••••••••• 2t, with outstanding, at-bdrm. llv & din rm + TV antenn1 access .. pwr New I and · Ad ams · Mallard Av . Ga rden g01d. creme stripes S75 1Must setl large play l'lou· WO•H'S WET Siil tractive personelllles to several side pieces Pl'I supplies. elec test Yorktown! Gr 0 v e (Tr as II & 1ana 499,..884 98 Come and get It SS-0 5'8" S125 545-5'408 work with youth (ages 633•4411 equip., misc. 407 Hamil-SELL 1 1 Newland! 6'459510 10-141 Call 2-5PM, ion Id• tams with 8 hll tlH Id --·-------WI "'LllEll 11r Dally Piiot Classlfled Ad. Want •d• Cell "•2-5678 • 642-432 I, Ex1 343. EOE llTIOUE ~-~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~iii.jjiiiijiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiii"ii0.i~i""~~~~ Mal1ress, box spring and Fish tanks & equip, from Gd c 0 n d . s 2 5 o pH 0 T 0 0 rd er Des I< ' SHOW I SAU r frame. >(Int eond s 125 . s 10 to SS-0. 752-5968 or 673-064 7 deta11-re11able, quick, Sunday, June 27th ( 10·41 ~IJ.lf~!'.~~~ •••••• 1.~{~ ~11.IJ~!'.~~~ .•.••• !.~{~ f!!!.!~l!! ...... !~~ ~a~~~l~~a g~~~n,;da~ei _5_5_2_·5_6_38 ______ S•••• 1096 mature person lor a I llY lPPLIAICES Refrigerator S350 Gas JUNGLE GY~ dbte bed S100 OBO Brass celllng fen. 4 tullp •••~••••••••••••••••• variety ol duties PhOne. IEWPORRll 111 Les 957-8133 Stove $250 3 years old SWING. BARS. 'ETC Moving 552-5698 llgl'lts, cost $220, sell SWAP MEET. sponsore<I clerlcal, etc FIT Bus i-T IUOI 497_4955_ 6._2•7502 S 1 8 $100 552-0796. by employees of Hunt hrs Non·aludent, Non-m;"'r-•n Washer & gas dryer. both o II 11, Comm Hosp, June 27, smkr. Apply 10·2. OnSlte Info: Fradkin Fairs clean, work good $50 Large Display FreeHr 24' ltlllll Exoellenl cond $85 LIVE IALLMIS 8-'4:30, llm spaoe evl tor Pl'loto/Grapl'llcs. 3303 848-8983 5'48,..485 SSO or trade for any-Flbetglasa 642•7502 545-8020 Send someone you love publlc/$6 med or1en1ed ~a;~k', B~·-;om~e~el--l-lf_l_ll_A_TI_l_l_w.t ___ Sears portable dl11'1-tiling' 50-6446 or Doberman, fem 1 yr. Ennre Glrls white be-~::'~~~~~.~~~~ ra'~~c R~l'I ~.·~~~~~: 540-0668 Ill IJ .llLY ht washer S 100tott8f 642-6638-needs love, good watch droom set, Includes ca-for brides & run for Ille 71'4/S.-3·9053 ror onto All furniture &. store nx-673-1265 G.E Side by Side Frlge dog 532·48'45 nopy, frame. bedspread '411'1 of July. Beats the P.TIIE SALES lures gol Avalleble by Electrle ""'er $115 23 5 cu tt S.S-00 Flrm. Ml .... p 2 brOW11 winged cl'lalrs. 'l'ler.k" out or roses rv, •• ,;., Enjoy working wttl'I kids. phone & shows untll I Hotpolnt ~Good Cond 673-3909 x.... UPPl8s, p 111 o I urn • m I s c 673·4A 19 BiFI 8t11H 1091 and wish Increased ear-relocate. Margaret Nord 720-15'46 Refrlnarator. $90. 86"'~1 1-84-"-,..-1-44------_O_V ________ ······"·•••••••••••••• n•ngs. utlllze your out· ·-____ '7\1"_1_9_2_2 ___ 8' 3 CUll'llOn !lowered M ING SALEll Werds BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA goong personality, learn ~~,'~~~esM 1=~-~rr':' 11 Kenmore Water Good ~:~1~:fs cond 5 mo. old rem Black Lab/ couch ... int cond. s 125. ~~~llerP~el~a~~r7rr0n':~~ Color TV die 2 yr wrnty l'IOW to become a trained 1----------Softener S150 Golden Ret mix, ellec· &42·7226 S148 Free delivery sales counselor Call DINING Table, 4x8' w/2 2' 720-15'45 1 + 646 .,.,n8 couch & loveseat. bOttt TV Jo11n·s 6'46· '786 6 l'I Wl'I I •onlle . ..,,.... 2 DIRECTORS CHAIRS S 100 All Ilk e new 2-5PM 642-•321. E~t ext.. c rs , carved lop Hotpol ni electric Ir pool washer, Ken· 8 8 343 EOE $325. 673·3770 oven more etec dryer. $95 ea. Free turtle & lortOIM ee1e Canary yellow, S 19 pr 4 -3396 range. sen clean. S 100 5'46-8672 stteets, send i.g11 size 640-,.366 RETAIL SALES MGR &mflE SIOW/UU obo 631·'4271 self-eddreued stamped BAKER'S RACK P~~Lc.:~B's~sraek, balls For e children's boutl· Dally tl'lru Mon .. July 5th -K-1---1------G.E Relrlaerator, frost envelope to CTTC. PO I I lchena de trash comptr, free, very Cilean "225. B Wroug .. t Iron $'5 546-6'428 que. un que oppty or an Free admlselon. Hunt-l'i\o old Fl d • ox 1112'4, Santa Ana. " · ' Pl'llleo S S console stereo & rec player w / Wallensak Cass recor- der In drk cab 16X2•X70 Very good $100 548-8807 enl"u·•11ttc lndl Pl ea ,.._ yrs no con 5'47-2916 Ca. 927'1. 640·4366 W t Ad CI "... v ea-lngton """''er Mell, 405 5175 Grn 752•5968, ' an a al642-5678 call for appt. 549·1461. Frwy & Beach Blvd .. S52·5638 A -d--, -,-R-,-..,--,--F-F i,:::::::.:::=:;=====:!..:=============..!:========:::;- H B. m" e '-v' rtr. I • ,,.,.,,.,, IOSO '''u ROAIL llAIHEIHT ---------Refrigerator Ilka new, 2 20 cu 11· Avocado, good • ••••• •••••••••• • ••••• Apropo Futtlon Island _ Needlepoint cl'l11r . door. Frost frH $185 cond . $300 /oli . !<ING INNERSPRING EX- Conlemporery European authentic Vletorlan, car-893_9060 975-5156, 495-0834 TRA FIRM mattrees set, ,4 Errand Glrl, Pltlme, Mon-seeking 8 creative lndlv. 644-1651 SEARS WASHER & GAS l•illi•I tee. $248 del. Never designer boutique 11 ved wa lnut, 1 300 ---------never ueed. worth S5SO, uu--.----e~ " -.--~ Fri. 11-SPM. for presl-ror career In retall S8les ---------DAYER, xln1 cond. #•llli•lr 1015 used queen n , worth J }j' T l)I dent of Newport Bell & mgmt. Faal'llon bkgrnd. htt••• t•llt Sll S285 pe1r 548·6115 •••••••••••••••••••••• $399, c-111'1 only. S218 t:S. ~ ~ 1 / 0 ' car. resp attitude & bf 12. 547-7609 Charming almost antique works good $75. • . llrm. Must have reHable 1s a must. Call btwn. 9 & 552·2839 STOVE. apt. size, gu. MOW 31c/fT, d15e4t.73u50euelly home, 0 0 ,,~ , dependable 875·'4918 1----------vanity 11251._ __ 1 otter 548_4485 Redwood 2116 decking. 1----------• Sales """ ----------I 4·20' long; also redwood **I BUY** "-. • o SOON YOU LL BE F/C Bkkpg. typist for PA ADVERTISING 673• 1265 ELEC range. mlcroweve. fencing. Call Jim or Ken SEEING SIGNS •ROUND Ole In HB Musi be "~6 -.-,-a-II-, _81_m_o_l_re_w_/be_v_el_ed_ sell-clean oven Show enyllme. 775-1491. Good used Furniture & ~MF/time 538-3793 alt Here's e unique oppor-glaH door. $225/best prize SD75 8'47-5839 Radlel Arm Sew w/Slend, AppllanoN-OA I wlll Mii 4 ~ E SALES I tunlly lor one wl'lo enjoye offer. 673-1265 Freezer S200 WHher & nice oond Must selll Of SELL IOf Vou • •. General Ole · p/llme. Ana working with tile publlc llfllf Wtt4 S.tlYll dryer s 125 at. 0111'1 • S295 OBO. 8'48-4005 ll&ITIU AMTill -~ . • ~~:.n:c ~~3~c No ~;r~~:a ·~~~~~n:, ~~: S50 6'44-1651 washer '100· 8'46-5945 c •• ,,.,' ... .... IH•HH I ~ •• I Tl llYE l SIOCWnL llUIE SIU lt1tral ttftot ~'-: 1!':ce1111u1 sales :,~;:d~~~T:S. DHlltM ••• ~!!e!!! .... !.~~! L! UY fll'"J:.:133 ~ Mu11 enjoy pl'lona con· experience wlll an1bla $70. 844-1651 lllYlll llPT. I tacl, working with cualo-you lo become a key part LIQUIDATING CANON 514 Xt. MOVIE N9w NM-Illa mattr-Mt, ' mer1 1nd detail work of our Claullied Adver-FLOOR LAMP & All NEW APPLIANCES CAMERA, excellent con· SSS. New quHn 1111, Paid veeatlon, llck pay, II ting Oapertmanl GLASS SHADE, $1$0 T COST dltlon, F-14 len1, auto S100. 750-5832 1nd l'la11tl'I lnturenca Stralgl'll commlNlon on ____ 6'4_4._1_6_5_1___ A · zoom, macro focu•lng. New t>MutlfUI 48 .. round / F'ull time Apply In ~n ell ..... -u o••• IM•ytag) only Ul•d twice, with ........... tbl w/4 mltctll Mon·Frl II BAROEN'S If you l'lav• .. , .. abllily, ...... -n ... Wuher Al10 $309.95 carrying Clll. S200. ~ 1110 540-17~ PEST CONTROL see are a ..it-starter and Ilk• 6 44 -1&!5 1 ~.,:OJ~~o S:::a~ist;a.c;5;··;';134;;;;;;ii-:-:J·~~·r-::-Rando1p11, Cotta Me11 MONEY. we wlll treln you CtMld Cherry Chair Wunar LSA810 $519.95 - 546-5470 In Claulfled prOOICIUret. Newly revphol1tered Dttlwthr WU701'51995 • 11111, II, .. IBIMI. .,,. Temc>Orlry help needed to conven mee to mlclo- n1m. Could lead 10 per- manent po11tlon. Call: Jim, 5'4M909 HAIRDRESSER ntaded, w/boOtl'I avail. Rau rent. 649-804'4 llTll Swltel'lbO•rd Operator only al luaury Leouna lellCtl hOttt. ,ull ftme, evenin g lltllt, 3PM·11PM. See M.,gle to apply, •t1·44 71 , e.o.e. For an appoint"*'' for $150 8#-185l Dll'l..-hr WU90l 1549,95 Complete OaHuoorn 4x$ •--IM-llll lntervi.w, plaue oall our ---------(Admiral( anltroet. lent' a. trays. & - Personnel D•pt. 11 er ... bad, V., old, beau· 23_5 ou. ft. relrlg w/ other equipment $450. ........W Ill, 6'42-'4321, E.llt 277 lllul, YflfY ornate, 1 of dlepenure In door 1~64"~~94~60~~~~~~ ...,.1 OUST kind, S3oo. 644-tes1 1104u 6. i.: 1 __ M2_·_••_1_1.;....~ __ 9_m __ 1 IAILY PILtT Solld walnut dlnlng room 01l'IW111r OU2488 C•ll 1131 Full 11%1 bdrm M t, ,.y 330 w Bay St. 111, 7 ehalr1, table, l'lae· l30t.D5 •••••••••••••••••••••• goo<! condition, 1ntq Colla M... vlty caMld leg•. Leather Dttlwtflr OU24Be Frat kltt•n•. bHu blk whit•, br111 handled, A E I 0 E .. all. 1'400. Antique 1269.95 long heired. 1 wllt boo-headboard/bed frame, n qua ppty mplyr burled walnut armolre, Whirlpool self cleenlng tad: 1 NtCOOn talltd. d,....,, mirror. 2 l'l~l'lt Louie XVI •tyla. Solid rang .. from 1499.H . 9e0·2534 2·7 PM 1tand1 $1100 oomPl•ta. Selal: M•tl d~,. Ing table/ oen.r. a. 81ttlaf micro/ !'l• •~1 ._HM __ 43_5 _____ 1 Experlanoad outtlde ... cMllc. ' ra. l teo ..._bit ... a .. •-....,. ·-~ lor progr"stve Mlle 8' ......., n oven --· .... •• .... ..... ........... 4 ,. Lh .. let travel tgenoy. Call -lee11on Of ~ 1~ l Pete "A" people. l!loer· 1 w11 cMcS Coat 1800 Mii 547-8783 j_,...... "" =~E'S APPl.IANCES ~~ ~:r=~._,~.. IUO. 21i.ao-626a a..: . ~~····••• •••••• 84&-M73 ,._,..... 95 EAT. CHl!A T, QET RICH •p~A:llAA~~ ~~.,.., ~~~!!~~~~j'Qolden Ret 1up1, AKC. 8 " ~""' ""' ;;;: lemale1, w k1 old, & LIM. 100% Oulnnty. W• Mii ~ .. p r. WMt M ._, wormed/1hott 1 150. 8!50-92:Jf, 85C>-9313 ~ 54t-3071 942-MTI ff1·2712 Setting anything with • DeJfy llltot Ola.Mlfled Ad .. e ... rnetW ••• )Ult c.t1M~.ae1e. "'~ IJ. ll'h .• _ (or Y11rd ••· E•t•te ••. ate.) 1. Place your ad In the Dilly Piiot Clasalfted section (It's beat to run 3 days for mulmum exposure). If you pay for your ad In advance we'll run It 3 days and only charge you for 21 2. Get your FREE Garage Sale 8'gna (all you have to do Is come In to the Dally Piiot & pay for your ad In advance - wt will gl\19 you two 11 x 17 Signe - FREE of ellarge). 3. Prloe each piece of merohandlte. (~:._ •. Have plenty ot change on n1no L 1(nlckels, dimes, quarters, helves. one and flve dollar bills). ~ .........,.. 6. Relax, I'll~ f\ln, and oount your monev ·.~~~~ '" -~ ~ 0 LOST MY SLIP 2•· Drake Cabin Cruiser 12000 F/P 1948-Wood-Cl'lrysler 130 Value $6000 Ed 53"-fi9'0 '11-11' .............. Many eatru. 65 hp $6500 586--0799 PlllC SALE ! LOST MY SLIP 24 Drake Cabin Cruiser 12000 F/P 1948-Wood-Cl'lrysler 130 Value $6000 Ed 53•·6940 SC~RAB Perts. com- plete windsl'l1eld assem- bly Including teak cap rails, Ilka new $250 892-2124 26 Salt y Bartender Runabout w/recent en- gine S3.950 or '/J Inte- rest w/sllp. Bkr/Owner 6.46-'4005 '77 MAKO 23· Inboard. Fa.st -r1st11ng & ttart>or cruising $9 000 . 548-2560 BOSTON WHALER l5'h' Like new. 70ttp. Trtr $5500 &40~ t96 25' Sk1p)ack cabin cru118f', rully equlp'd S 19,500 213-4 33-671 4 . 7 14·8'46-0021 H Gregor, l'lvy dut)' model. 25 l'IP Suzuki eng • runs gra.t, incl. 3 c.1'11lre rod holders, oars, & ttvy duty lreite< w 2 spares Per1ect 10< Beja S 1500 firm 673-923'4 Woodson Duel Cathedral. llt>ergless. 15•. OIB, 80 l'lp Evlnrude bn lreller. S 1800 Must 1e11 this weekend 980-55•3 23' IMP, dn1 weekender & 101ded for llal'llng too. Many e~traa. Vanaom trlr Sl2,500 536·857'4 30 Cabin Cruiser, twin engine with slip Must Hiil 927-7331, 927-0014_ 31 FINN FL YER demo sale, tax deal ollers• 39 CAL '78 loaded, $99K Or bell offer NORD YACHT 673-8879 34· Royal CA '74 TW dal like MW $'47,500 40' Royal CR N-dernO T111 OMll $155,000 NORD YACHTS 873-&879 15' bolt. glan over wood, rabll tr'lr $2!50 or best ofr 549-9218 22' Cvtr;tlu1\k. flt>arglua. oan1er conlole, olfth«• fllherman. (Mk• a Mello). Set up t0t outbfd, (no eng.) Tandem big whl g81vllnlzed tr1r. $11,000 rnvll tad. Deeparete mull 1111 &41196 . 631-30156 11' ..... , • Trlr, 1500 873-0&t7 15' AUNABOUT 36 hp, trallef, 11000. 87l-06"7 21 ' 01111ron ts& M•n: CNltar 110. OUtttandlng tor t11hln9 end 1k.lln9. Low eng. tin. ca.en. ~ aqulppff, lull CMHI , trlr ttlllL 71417904325 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, June 25, 1982 DI ~!ii~ffi~.... ....... .... MWr.-.flJt ...... M. ~ ...... f,1t'H#.~ ...... ~.-.'!!t.!'!l!!.'!I. ...... ~.~'.'.~.~r.!! ........ ~:z,.c~~!~.i~ll /$'·'-~·····II» ~I l'Jn ..._ •lff •• ... ~r.r.11 llaf n• ......,. 1,1• htHt• •1Jf VllJ>1..... 1111 YJ;;; ....... , .... ,,.~ ....•••• m •••••••••••••••••• I OllL nnn.r.. GO "T INfw, #II 1p; ••••••••••••• rt.TI il1111'··········· .. "':T ·················'··· ......................... IW VVLYU 'or u "Fl 'leel• Del cond ,. Ill -. ~. •=flHr, hill~ ~ • .,;.., .._ ....... • '12MAZDANC108 T8T1Hb0.9')9Gtac:ule1'9CI 'NVW&uo.Aecono eng, lunroof ... ll>d + oo tor .~n r f 1 ownr ll • M•• )!II llllt --.-P •!Nik• ol• ,,-. MIO. ,..... 19'>d, llr. w111oof, Terga. loaded, low ml· cle~1 lhlfp. Mull eel! am/Im 37,000 ml, 11.1ni ea /oc,1010 ·eeo-9114 ......... ... ... ~, __,.,.... Mal amlfrn 11"901 Allop. IHO• Tom· 8-4i· 1803, •1•001090. 641·1845 ~ .• .,too, 510-071lt • • i::-=... ~"'MOHO f n'l"ln', n1m. ml , 200 ml-t howroom 842-6417 '00 IUO • .lllnl lrllntpoft•· 74 146 waoon. am/Im, Al ·eo l'IUTA 0111•. 1tl< ""· ....-•1i ... t> 00N9.:. l tfl ft QMO -::-.: •• l l1too=14 .. 7141 8U-88C. i.lnt COM Mull tlon 11.200 °' bHI ONef C, )(Int cond ... 100 loo owre1r.2: 11 .. ,, .. v." .. "' MMt-Lift kit. MW eno. "**" * · .. 11 Hoooioao llob. &• 1.2093 ue.ae•s WW, t1L•· iaW'IJ• '1' ,..,._., fMll great, 1ir.. ~ . ..-.,_~ca, *FANTASTIC ••-.J*' .. , 1,1411 ll79·00ll0. eve 078·8034 .73 BUG , '77 Ford Wagon, 1u"r ii•Giin QfwtW.J•'" aooo .Otuel mllel. UJll. a !ftON, ..... t7M7f0 * fl•TS * ... ~'i•········ ···" 72 1 7 914, new 1111\e, paint, t2::'! o':o"· -72 \101110 1481 Wegon. GIMn, 11975 . ....... •ltll •llP· 11•1 ......,.... '10 ,Otd • wN •· Clood n ••,,. .. ,I clutch. Ur• & Targa top 133-1001 ~~~·ii. ~=~,~~~ch. 43l·T77I ..... ,.m,, a1..001.. -,........ oooa. 11200/bll off. PIE·OWflD ... 4 .. ,..... AMIFM CHI P•'' In & p '78 FOfCI l TO, no body -•• 0 f81-ot10 IS1·2040 4tt-4MI .... , ._..S 6 "l/t' tt out tno11 oar cvr a 1kl '71 SU EA Beetle. gd A•,.,., U1-' dam19e. runt 9ra e1 ';n:' ":::.;..v::.,:1emo U71, 54CM061 UlllR .... rift•'-" "' I lltW rack 16300 O•va, GOnd $~~713 UC ........... ,;;; 11200 Ce ll alt I 'fl IOedtd. lttt< •tu•-'-/ p,-i.. ~ IMOI u...--.. !ilk_, MANY TO CHOOSE FROM aeJttaltC t lHt 407·111113 wkOy• ...................... 648-8233 --,_/ •• :z-r·•••••••••••l'•.,...l h~~·.. ~, Dm\l Compare Hov•• ot Im-, ---'711 RABBIT Dtl. 231< ml '&8 Rembler 4dr ..,,. Je -.-,------1--°' Nti1...., ,,,.,.,. ,,,, '18 u11, 4 9Pcl ltletc, 4t, , • .:..,-:":!. ,_.) 75 f••J 124 $PlntD porti Direct !MM and 80 ~!upet llO, raotory rime. Loldldlt Muit HI 10 • ·...,, • 'v4 alcon, 111cep1 onel ~ Y1'0HT e7t·ll?I •• .. •••••••••••••••••• 00 ml , xlnt oo"d · V"·-• ..,.., ~• '" ~ I ..... 00 valln \fl eng Neer Cl.._ cOnd hi per eng Mao-• • ,,/ .__.. o• .7 .. TW ..... '?t luaukl HOOT rebll, 128&0/blt off. 1117"°440 Open~ ...,. 1-• ..,. ~"""' moe. H ne bit pymt• 848-5204 ai>Pfecl•1• 840.o648 •IC Aunnlng, Nd• eorna redlele. etc. etc 22 mpg, -._,... " • -"'"9 QOOd, MUIT llLL.. ,7• '°'d l"tOO '"· ~ .... , & llr llftll llHIUI). ~;I D2~38 °j 7~4•1 ~·:; 54 Van. Xlnt cond 11000 work 1 2H/bll Oft 12400 lnvHl•d· 11500 40' ~~'::.':mo AIO oao 87MIO<C Air ....... -........ ~r~-. $4295 7141837-233; 78 11:14, 49K ml, aunrool. Of 0911 ofhtt 442.ea12 firm 643..()221. ..... ,,.,,. 11ereo ce .... 111, 4 1pd, 84~58 TD clMll .,H.000 Honda 8T 90. 700 10111 1900. Afl 8, '31· 7 ·--• el ed """" •Int c:ond OrlQ !)tint & --••ltk 1110 £1.,.1. IHI N 0,. 0 YA 0 HT I mllM l'JN •mll 77 FIAT 124 <KIUU\ H!,~~h~ !n1 • M.~".. owne r All Hrv rec 83 Bug, xlnt condition ....................... ~7··~:·•••1t1••=rc••• .. ••1:-..· ln-te71 t7M2H tH1 Toyot• 8AI 1110f1 • ''"~. •••rH. • """' ••• oed•• Benz? Don't lel 18400 830·0880 wlldys, n-tlr•• rebll enf 2nd IEE US 1 ... ark rut .... ---------iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil bed, new oluloh, new * '71 320t; 11110 .. tn/rf, blluty. •• ,_, (1ACll'1111. 41111 2.... k d 1 M 1 11 1750 goo<I urea lntef or & en· 11' llOet, ..... ovet wood, llrH. new pelnt. xlnt (1438VOK) $ 1hl1 opportunity pue you · ""u w " ' •11• ownlf. us H for the lergeet ind 1>ee1 0 1 n i 6 o o ob o l'9Cllt trlf. USO or beet 'II llml U.. oood. 15100. 140.8709 * '79 Ull; 4 9'>d .. low 4995 by ... ICI nowl We have• '78 Tvrbo Carrere Loe-581-2932 Hl•c:llon of new ind 8,41.:0ao oft. IMl-t211 ,.,rtng, trvnkcue. 7.400 •It 8PM. mle •• l'140YC0) lentHllo H lecllon of ded, 8,000 orig tnl 127. 1978 WESTPHALIA c:am-1 uled 6ulCll• In Orange --------- 21' Outtytiunti, flblrvleel, ra'roo~.~~~ 111ee Aanchero. good 1~Jta:~: 11110 .. en/rl, 78 FIAT 124 SPIDER ~~· & COlore a11&111-IOO obo. 857-8856. ~~i~~ ~~·.;•;8~~~~· c=v lodeyl .. ~~la~.::~, I~ Ow· ~!.!...~'°"'t111c•'•~). HM29t cond .. en g recently • '79 '33oel· IUlo iow ~t lled. •IPll-•••90.moooo JI• IUMll '12 OAllUILn 857-2524 -~1 ner All wnlle 840-8902 ,,__~, ~~~~~~~~~I o-'ttwled. Mull ... to mlt-. (11635411) ·• ' · _, lfltfp !•1*1 lllPllTI 178115 t-970-71149 ~~)~deC:1~to' !:: '71 KAWASAKI 500 ~"°·MOO. 841-SOto * 'IC) :IZOI; S lpd., loll• $5895 1301 Qu•'I 81r .. 1 '78 Poreche 924, xlnt 77ondAlr.6011oooeroom~111129~0d fc !!~~~!f ......... !!!f 1rtr. 111,000 Need• work. muat Hll '71 FLATSIDE ""-Ion VI. d*«!~l'!.2.Y •. O~L. .. •---NEWPORT BEACH cond. Loaded. $9500 J20·052s' · ·74 Dix Marqula Wagon nveeted. Deeper ate I• a t. $ 3 O O O B O . auto trene .. P/8, PIS, .. i ""'"' "..,.. """~ 79 fl•T 12·4 t-Dtnnl 11a.1aoo 770-731111. 718-8083 •I I o .,.. c.-y Top cono 40.000 ml mu 11 1 •II I 41111 5 . 5411-llM A/C, reblt. eng. $1,950. dedl l1EIOt10) " ¥lllAI\ 70 l/W Camper Van 29;5 'Harbor Blvd I 1295 firm 842-0ll55 ... 1 .,... 548-5533 •••1111 ,..,._,to,-· od W• tOICI 'II _, 21001 ·79 Poracha 928. loaded. Bubble top w/Klr& bed, -----------,---KAWASAKI KM100 SlrMI -.-,_, _,...._ l*Y8A) * •-Super st•reo tape, Im-n-motor, 1teel belled COSTA MESA 11161 Mercury. wlllte, 4 dr, 111' .. "''I Of Trall, Xlot, only 1000 79 Chevy ~ Ton, 8 bad, :!1~·~~ $6 95 .... , "'" m1c Aulo P8'1 30K ml, Urea. Olltana ll0119 27 ~11-211r.oo need• IOM9 wOtk Tow T ....... t7" ,..~1 mllel. MUST SACRIF"ICE Lumber reek. 111200. 2 Sun roof,,,._..., loadedl ~Id tan leather 122, MPG $4500 859 Oak W U away. 1150, 842·8155 "'· -• ..-·~-. -~· "1117 541~1o& Of 848-9183 C1oMd Sundey ~, • ......., ,...,...... Low mllH, very rarell St . CM. 646·t423 1977 Blick Riv Loaded. 'II O.•tf lllO 16' RUNABOUT Hond• CB UOK. mint 78 ToyoU Longbed, '79 3201 brn/tan. AC, 80 FIAT 124 SPIDER "Thia a•oeptlonal car 11 845-8532 82.000 ml $2,490 3& hp, trlllW, $1000. cond. Blk, IO ml. Muit campr shell, AM/FM, 4 AM/FM c:111. 8nrt, 4 8 tpd., mege, "* lnleG\loll OtMy mint throughoutt" lie --1:::d V~M~~~v9;.'5,!11:'e1 Pl/T Pty 875·7414 Runs OK 63l-41l40 873.()647 Ml1 ll50 lak .. 642-0ll55 •Pd . x In I c: on d . apd. SHOO. 831·5550 or 1U61 -11azHt .. 1 •203ZOL. MEISTER P I P S 6 8 o o o Bo '14 1-LLO •••IHI HSI 21' Ol111ron 185 Mere: 13700tofr. 536-4542 841-7906 $7495 ORRiii •Tiii 494-5638 I F'V .................... . Cnil-110. Out1tandlng '11 INN lllll . SR-5 208 w. 111 St. PORSCHE/AUDI 350 ang · pb, ps. air. '17 FHtback, need• • tor flehlng and 1kllng. '375. 875-1428 1:ti!i~·!;.~·~~ caaa: 1M28MW833C81,1000 MORE 81ntaAn1 13831Harbor81vd ·99 FASTBACK gd Goodbody&llrea Runs lllllebodywork $700or Low eng. hie. c.rt. !\Illy VESPA 150 SUPER 13,000. 881--0413 mites. All opllona plue Afl> MANY lir 114 111·1111 Garden Grove tran1por1a11on S999 or good I 1050 548-0558 balll otter 545-3458 equipped, lull cenvaa, 1 &001, 908, Pre, red w/ We believe we have the lal••·lttllH best olr 844-9227 I C•"lllt 1115 .74 Muatang, 4 cyl, rune tr Ir . 'e 1 2 6 • ~ll0~1g25 ,,., .,, ,.,, lntr • ...,. & '**'· sharpest & lowest pnced 19 Merc:e dea 460 St., l111l•1 '72 SIPEll IEETLE ...................... good. needll body work 71417eo-t325 ····'l··,·•=:;·.: .. ·••••• a r • n d a a r • g •. F' ts . So C 1·1 c1eam w/camel Int S28. OHTEMPUTlll ssoo 642 2790 11110 Harley De11ld1on. -w 831-3M8. II In . I I. 000 5~590 evee l 1C 838 2333 lo mlles Showroom 1---· -------....,, ... , Golden AnnlverHry u-vwy cleOend•ble 13750 All Yehdes Gu111ntlld -cond Run• perfect• AMI OAllLU01 '89 ~uatang Fa11b1ck ----,,., mlted Edition. Factoey 642-3914 ...... euw --1 ~~ 1971 3.5 coupe, 71,000 '82 I FM 8 Irk. $2,595 otter We speclallze In leaaas Has air cond .. power ••~•••••••••••• euetom; $850 paint Job ""' "' ....., • l..,__,, mlle1. Sliver w/blk lnlr PORSCHE 559·50 10 ror 1lle buslneas eKecu-brakes. power stee<lng .Mt 4th Weekend. Matt-Many. many extru; Iota like new '79 Chevy lJ\ ton, =~~r: .. :,~;~· S 2 2. 0 0 O Fr II n k . CABRIOLET •1.a T.,.11"' '1100 live & proresslonal Great sllape N-roof, '* 40 Ketcn. l500 tor ot ..... r~ & gold ..i-1'--. &Jr. PS, PB. redlo. "4800. 494-3381 ~ " • • lar1t Stlttflta new paint $ 1500 3~ dyt. 87WS40 17~;; B.0 . ~ta~ 648-07N ·79 BMW 8281, brn, ••· 1110 4IO SL s~ri~r a~:~:PT~~gl1roe:1. 545-07321540·4614 Of••• lilt 645~768 .. ~"" "" '71 TAIUKawaaalcl 175F7 ·79 Cllevy Ven Nomad, oepl111.~. 8concs7,._ •7' 53L.Ollded. Xlnt oond. 2 tops Blac:k Everwlhh'lg New M SI 72 vw Panel Bui, n-0-.1111... O'''•••"ll• HSS blue w/blue lnl lo ml ..,., ""' Ith b b 1 1 1 S ' u rdls. rebll eng Very -1· " ••••• •••••••••••••••• on/off roed 70mpg mint • . w am oo n er or ee Tills Beauty 73K I clean In tout $3100 ••• la lfto&.I ..................... . '81 Rldte, be11Utl1ul CNI-cond . xiru $.800 Window• & rernovebl• & ..U 1111 Pollslled rime Firm et (13584MEI • ILts•HILE '11 ..,, custom bit, dll ang. 846-74117 benoh 1ae1. 18500. , ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 132.IOO. 831·8325 548-8221, 645-3955 • NABER~ OfTUll llPIDIE km of lllru. Mu•t ... 10 4113-7402 ..a •tmM1 MBZ 280 S.E. 1969 4 dr $9950 1971 l/W Squareback. ;Kf.~. AJ:~:.~: ~~ ;::.:~~'!:. ~. Aetn WutM lfH We ean halpl S.lore you sedan Wlllte wtgreen runs. needs body work C1\DI LL1\ , l!~~,·~~~t •• NII. $21,000/bell otr. 6-44-5585 •••••••••••••••••••••• buy, c:htCtl our unt>eata-lntr Asking $4500. call $l,OOO OBO 846•2323 /1•'C.ltto1 •• 111,.i sel englnel Hendsomal 848-25e1 or 873-9301 '78 CB 750 Honda lo ml.. WE PIY CREVIER :~~::=•,on. uvlng1 493-7402 alt 5 or 536-2875 t .,,,. '""' <,,10 'I ' (865YJE) Alldng Sebo!. vwy fut, 111 IOld ·711 Xlnt cond. TOP DOWll lllYEllSITY MBZ 230 SL. 1965 Blue/ 72 CAMPER wtRI/ aw· llU SHiit .... _ ,.,,_ Sall Good $1300 n-.~ Sta...... wht 101r 2 lops, goo<I nlng, AMIFM cass. new 79 Sevllle. Klnl cond, 111wa•1 OL let ..... np . .,_ .. an · ,,_, ... •a• •1 I s1•v101 ~~d. 112.500. 151.2402 tores, brks, ba11 runs an .. ewrt con d . S 5 5 0 I o Ir . 831-4940 FOi llEI 001 It 1f91C1....., ~ Harbor"~vd. ~· great $3100. 633·6653 brownlbrown, many eK-OovetOuall Sta 54t-S529 '81 KAW 650, 2000 ml, 't. AUi 11111111 S~L.wtng COSTA MESA '60 3000. 20.200 ml, fully JtauJI f1SS tras. at low blue book NEWPORT BEACH --Jt f•'rl""', "-"-. -•1 p-.. , we sp•~lellze In Euro-loaded, uklng $22.500 ...................... '65 BUS Loise extras Pr Ice. $ 1 0. 5 O O i•• Alll Fut.:20'i:t« erounO. ,;~ ,;;;.;;.-: 98'2-5900. ~~~ peen ~. 140-9140 Ole 973-~ 141 (Roy or IEW Super clean. Runs greal 675-3909, 497-3320. 75 Olds•~:la Cruiser Super reclng record. ••'"-... n •-•~ COSTA ••ESA Wllll OllTMI Lloyd); eves & wknds, '12 llt11ult Lt Oar I 52200· 963.5146 THE UR~EST Wgn, PIS, PtB. air sun-... _._ 2 Jibe 1 ale ,_ / ~· ,.. so--•• lm 1976 Honda Civic. Good 1-87&-32118. Oh f 67 vw new rebll eng • ..,_,, • IP"" er. ..111"1... llf IMl·4* ,,_ --condition. 57,000 ml JO tt ttH rtM under wrnly, 2 new ra· SELECTIOI roof New tires, vary tnr. OUt demo boal. ,_. •••••;/•'••••"""•••••••• IMl-1411 Nl-1111 Bell offer Call {7141 69 MBZ 220D good Ex Buckel Seats. Rally a1a1s, AM/FM iape deck. ol la1e model, low mllaa· clean $2200 ollar dulled to 19,500. Balmar, '73 25'. fully equipped. 208 W. 111 1196-7068 ~~~~d:'~74-~l!.ri·;:<> Mags, OeluKe Trim, Racll I 44,000 ml wrnty, sunrl, ge Cadlllacs In Southern _2_4_0_.0_1_4_1 ____ _ dlr. 871-3282 Sips 8, Hit contained. WI llY Sanl• An• ·74 HATCH BACK. good & Pmlon Steering. Front ski rack good cond Callfornlal See us today! 70 Olds 98 Original Ow- 27' V£GA dll. lloop. Npt. 541)..5747 CLUI c••s CIOMd Sunday cond, 4 spd. 60.000 ml. 1974 SLC llke new Wheel Drive, LuKury $2550 551-3887 llllEllS ner. oreat molor. good llip. Sec. 113,950. P.P. '72 ShHla 18' mo1or an CHOICE INVENTORY $1995. 87&-7396 Must sell Interior & MOREi I sllape $695. 631-2108, 541J..565e home, $3500, nood 01 TllCIS 631-3689 EPA Est. 74 VW Sqrbk, nu paint, CADILUC Noon to 3 or al1 6PM. • VOLU&ME SALES '12 lOOHI 4 ll .82 30 city. 40 hwy I runs very gOO<l. air oond 30' Wood Sloop w/new cond . Call alt. 6 , 3000 Turbo Mer-$4989 $2350 /080 PP 2600HarborBlvd ri•t• HS1 engine. local• Newport 842-7502. Only 5000 ml. '8800 Incl. cedea. 3 mos. new.~ 575.5291 COSTA MESA ..................... . II T 1 19500 • • .11 fr .1 11-rl tax. Auto, a/c, cruise . lhan3.000ml.Allextras I l880 ·75 Pinto Wagon all 1 p. ry ' · """ il.n#I IN• •' I LA IE I lmmac. eond. 731·8830 (serial "009341) '82 VW runs well. sun roof 640-' ' xloul.BllrS40-4005. •••••••:;<'•••••••••••••• IOI 0 Maka reasonable offer HAJllE COAST 1895 good cond . $1300. 78 Golden Faloon. 25'. •77 St w..,,,00 ~•ni ---" Call: Mon-Fri .. 8.30·5, 79 ELOO d 1 19 775 631· 1279, 552-5252. Jay Morgan 45: lmma.cul&te. fully••" conl'd . Twn llW am1im ;r.,:M-ue'i"'.~ii 731-584-4,evea968·1029 UIC/JEEP/IEUILT 548-1487 Xlnt mpg SA·l cond 75PINTO,varygd cood. OwflW ~ P<lca to bed•. tub & "'°""*· roll SaJes..S4wvlce.L.ulng 13000. 873-2259 '87 Mercedes Benz 200, 4 2524 Harbor Blvd, C.M 171 vw Squareback ax· Loaded 8 trk & cast . .... anxlOul. Bkr Bock-up ewnlng. Sips 8, Hice Ml Rm 850 N a..c:h Blvd. 549-8023 645-7770 cellent condition ster '"5-7253 slallon wgn. AIC. $950 mlllat 848-4005 1 & 11...... · · 1960 p --'ud 5 pd cyl. 4 apeed Nice de· .,.. 640-4102 ,_ n out. _, vwy Top dollar• tor Spor1a La Habr• root [;..•;-«>:AM~~ pendable car s2750 .74 Renault R-l2. 4 speed $1695 548-1487 ---------1~5~;,~11~ :~1 F~!,:'. ~. ~~·sc:,6750· ~:;.~·. !~~ Campers, 122-1111 cWat1e. 58,000 ml. Gd 2131592-3932 4 door a te, Slereo 'II YW 1111 \9:~ :!e;'.ws~d0 .1~ 9~1• ~::~~~1~ur~~~. lelbol llland.17~1841 •85 Shala . 20 .• trvt trlr. A8k for U/C MOR Open Sundey cond. S6300 720-0525 Garage sale, barstools, Sl700 548"8739 New motor. AM/rM cas· 54-4·9736 $900. 631-5507 all 6 UDO 14, nde. repair. e-1 Seti conlelned, 11700, -.... ,,,,... ITIO '111 Accord 4 door. 5 playpen. c:lothH, etc ••II• l •tt• 11S6 sette Good condition 79 CdV d'Elegance. Al· r1 .. ._. """T l H"' -·-~ •••••••:•• ... !•••••1."• IPffd. air cond., reg. 322 101h 11 Huot 8ch 9 ..... , •• , ............. $1700 •• nm••I• ~~ offer. 8 Hn by appt. ~ • ....... 18~~~"'8:c,. . ~-" , ... 35,000 ml. 15900. 'tll 4 Sal 549-7374. 540·9439 ~eo.!:C:•r~d:1;:a11.11r,::~1 •59'~;~:,-:1~~·8·~·;:;:, 1~ Very nice 5th Wheel 5 2 .'" 1 9 1 d 1 Y1 .. ,1111 ____ ......_ 2_. "l DEALER IN U.S.A. L d-"' 1 t $300, n-ball & nr br"I Eldorlldo 34• al~ HUNTINGTON BEACH " --.,_ l/W 69 \fan, runs good, cond oa "" w eK ru. • " s~.P~n0~~ In TUllln 'pwtc. Muet ... : ..,.,_ 951-7523 eves/ wknd•. SEDAN . 12850 Mu1t ~CARVER reblt eng. new ••dials. 17900 545-64-45 640-8685 lil0.17t4) ~530. 19996. Huabeno Ill -'81 Accord LX. AM/FM ae 11 . Make 0 If• r TY"tJ r C .IY""tJ'""'1: AMIFM Slereo can, '76 SEVILLE '••fill fHS can't woni. 73Q.7t2t WI -~.AC, 19,000 ml, xlnt 891-9355 I~ l'il..,.l l"-..1,; moving, muat aelt. Al· Orig. owner. Brown on •••••••••••••••••••••• C:J: ":.,ASW..z!· :!,~ r,,a1a-6dll,. 11• W.. 1J1M cond. S1499. 497-2680. ·79 3000, 4 dr sedan, ~:.-·~~,.·~:-.;:.,::.."" king $2300. 730--3278 brown, clean. 1001< ~~·:.!r =y ~: '"-'-box NII oowr •• ~7••••••~•••••• I IMS J#UI 1131 perleot cond, lo ml. must CIO~ID \UNDAYS Volrt 1112 miles. $1200tOBO 553-1429 '7rS4000 '49a,.5350 Traller. new. cycle, flat • .--, ...................... 1 Financing evall. ~ ...................... 873-7713 ' · . bed. $350. ·~ Wo "" buy "" 1178 """ ,....,.,, -67"""" ·79 SM•M Shod~ " ATIEITIOJI Caa.,. ffl 1 67 """''· '""' -· 1!5' SAILBOAT, need• 642-3528 · 1981 J90uarl Call Cllve Mint cond. 9000 mites. •••••••••••••••••••• .. need• some body work. IOfM worlc. great 1r&11er, ' al Beue r Mo1or1 a1 3001 • 1171 $55.000 !916)~1·5860 VOLVO BUYERS 67 Camero 327, PB. PS. s12001oeo 553-1429 UOO. Mual Hll 11111 Utlllty trailer. S395. 5x9 '71 2-«>Z. Fresh pelnt. Xlnl 9711-2500 or Slop by for • -.kend. 980-5543 ~ ~~ 1~2re.!l~,10ply-3100 W "'-~ ...._. c7o1!'~·7"'4517~1d. $3,750. qulc:lt -W•llal al 2926 :;~~g,'~fr~a~liwc~~r~~. $d1tl 91f ;~~~~~2~~~~~~. 7co8nGd.RSA3N2000 POABOIX. nlGe l ett 1175 HOBIE CAT w/ """"'...._.,... ._,.., N-Po~~h~,. ...., ~ .. Harbor Blvd. In Costa 645•9849 ··5:1~~:5;;,;,;:L;;;,~~·· No Special lnvllallon 6-45_9246 trlllet. !Cini cond. S1850 A•f9 l«ftn, l1rtr &42-IM05 '72 2402. New Plrellla. M .... We want your Je-SHIU.aOl :~~!~. "~o h~1'0:~~~ i~ f~!!!!.~•! ........ !.~~~ ---------oeo. 414M>512 '.tn.llMin HH Aecaro ... , •. Xlnt run-gua.rl !~ .............. !.~~~ ,, .. :-, circus, no Red Tag Spe-RSTJ 71 LeMans V8, rebulll 20' Tom*'o Cetameren .. i.iTi"eoovwoAK·&" WlmD! ~~-~7~70 ~,:.2 5 0 0 . '77 J:,~·:o~:.oor ~~.~~:~y ~r ... ~.·:: ~~ 131·2040 -........ clals, no balloons I w~~!v~~ !~ selac-;~~5. ~2-~~ ~g ... llltch & .,.._, eiclra QMf. palnl/up to 50% ott your Lale model Toyotu. 'II ...... 211 W11 213/438-4483 converllblas In Oran~• Just plenty or good old llon or NEW & USED fi••'fliid 1111 $1200. (213)784-8905 body &hop 911. 536-9832 Clt~osua, tPodlctl~pa & Vane. 5 lpd, air, stereo. 21K rnln f1"Z County Including a 19 6 r.ol~~'. .......... 1!.t lashloned, solld value ChellrOlelsl 5'3••T•-'a"1'rd"."'o'r'1~.'2'o••yr•••o•ld• SA90T, M91cfelt/ '9nt&le Fl"'E: SHINE AUTO -.,, •~ 90 "' ,. MGB. white (38 INTPI, deals All THE TIME. • ... .. .. ___ d .. Ilk ~ mt. Pvt party. -·4 •••••••• •• • •• ••• •••••• 1 9 7 7 M G 8 b I u e 79 Cellca AM/FM, elec I le Ilk lo I · ...,....., .. Y • DETAILING. Ouar. 71~15-741.. '73 JENSEN Healy. 400 sunrl, 36.000 ml, AC, month In and monlll out c ass · • new, m • ~75. 873-4300; Fr• PU/del. 642-5-«9 '81 zx. LOADED. Teke Chell. & 350 trans. Too ~l~~:,H!i~· ~:n'!n~~ good cond $5 100 i'A~y~A:gif:iusE WE s2.95o 675 .... 174 ---------1"'1 Chevy truck parta: '-\ over l•H•. No money muoto 10 1111· su .. i tegal (09iYMI), 191•7 MGB _66_2_·_12_4_7 ______ 1 A•to1 U1H ~ 37 NB llllp ton lo dlesel. Abll. ,. .. ......,... do• n 13 0 2 mo & fun 10 drive. 14·800 blve (123USU), 1979 MG ·71Cellca,1uns good, new Come In toaay and see ..................... . , Xlnt Fln9ftdng 1511,500 tranarnlealon from $185 c .... ..._, 714-&40:...050 . OBO. 493-9595 Midget brown (909W0Z) tores, tlutcl'I & brks. our courteous. protea-•---------r ••••••••• =:-:PTMte~-=:-P=arty-:-:':::4=9'-4820:--=:::-:::;l~&:..:up:!::.... 5::54-:..:...:.:18:..:50::__ ___ 1 " .... uu.u .... u '78 z. auto, elr. 91•eo. lo '87 JENSEN ln1eroep1or. & • I 9 7 9 MG B $1400fbS1 olr 494-0607 1lon1I salesmen 10 ~ 'IO onaTIH NABERS S.1 bot. completely r1gged Cregar Mega, goo<I cond. ml $1000 & lake 0\191' Right hend drive, <035WWI() Choice 01 '74 Corolla Wag. A/C Nu your N-l/otvo Plen1)' Loaded. xtra aharp, • Mto.-ne u•217" '76 P'· Cell'°' dele.111 WI Ill py:n11 1175-0740 160mph, 4 pue. $5,100 colors, and yes. exciting paint, llres Xlnt cond lo choose lrom, mos1 pYm18C1 cond. $4700. (""'Oil I A ,(' · .....,.. ., ~7og alt 8PM. USED CARS & TRUCKS . OBO. 4113-11595 MGs from S2995 & up-11850 080 957-0440 models and colors, new 537-4~/669-1611 ,/'\. " ,./'\. ' 8 COME IN OR CALL FOR '71 240Z, Ilk• new In & •--ll&.1. ll'"~ ward• Bauer Motors. boatload now hare ror 44' 8-ut. wedl9h &loop. TOYota dual wheels & r• out. All orig. 8hMpllcln ..r• ... -,,.. 2925 Harbor Blvd .. Costa '10 C.rtlla SJt Opt your Inspection. '79 Monte Carlo, sllverl CLEARANCE m ..i:,500· (714) !5&2-3701 dfel lltel. Sll5. Van. S&S FIR ....... ...t cvre. 11000. In eng. •••••••••••••••••••••• Mesa. Call 979-2500. blue Interior, air. 1/8, to· "'1r14) 821-1503 Atphalt, es1 ... 111t Cormler-Oellllo 13900. Oeve, 41l7-58f3 't4 oetlnmlU c~081~ w1~11.~10~111;11:J!.!,.Y f•E·Eway OLOIEI cal 151< mllea 15700 -· 8,_ • 1..._ •1800 __ .. -wtc..... XJnt Running Condlllon. '6 1 MGA red convert, '' """"' n " 645-8218 SALEI «,. ,_ • '"• • or PROPANE Carburallon •-••-• • ... ,.. S2:ZOO. 873-3978 good c;ond, $1950 AMI FM cassette Perl ORARl/!!_E COUITY offw. Good cond. System. $850. 18211 BEACH BLVD. '73 2 .. 0Z. whl. lnl. Ilk• . 545-3603 cond 55,000 or best or-• 79 El Camino SS V8. • 636-"809 eY9I 546-2828 HUNTINGTON BEACH ne w . $3200 . Dave. ell Ghia, AM/FM 8 trll, , rer 768·4751 lrom 8 to S VOLVO Auto, 1/ c. p/1, plb, tm *•-1•* • LI"• .,_ Vnn.o .. Tl-141 .... l, Ml·IH1 41l7-M13 wtcdya. new cloth seate. brka, 77 Midget Converllble PM c8S9 $5500, 556-9134 .._ • .. " ...,... ...,..... ...... paint, ruoa great 13500 low ml. 13400. 586-3038 ---------1 10120 Garden Grove 2-. of Mil•. trlf. many S25 each. Top Dolar '71 DATSUN 510. Need• OBO. e33-U53 Sal/Sun bal 3pm '60 Tercel -14.000 ml, Blvd. ~ pett9. Xlnt cond. 531-3374. wort! MUST SELL FAST. AM/FM stereo, it tr as, Garden Grove I Id .2000 • ..,..,,·oeo. '"~• .. 1""" Mi-~-1131 '52 MO TO Aeplicar. xln1 m1n1 cond 642-3555 P "' •· · T .. • Ulllmata Car/AV p 'd ~ ,_,._ "" ... I Y I 114 530 9190 549 2711 dys 050--11988 " a1 •••••••••••••••••••••• condll on ellowl an, $4800/ofr 642·3555 • -• ' Alarm. Ungobox. Sland· '73 240Z em/Im, a / c, Ill 19500. ~4-7577 •It .,M. by t>ettery. flulllng llghl For Your Cerl euto. m-aa. tune good. LEHMAN 12. Mty equip-reley lnc:IUOed. 1420 ve--~--· I UI $2800. 141-9435 T!!~!t~ ......... !!.~! # 1 Ytlwt ltaltr la lrHI• OtHtyl ·73 Mallbu 40r, 30,000 orig ml. S 1900 645·4199. 645-4203 7 """ Monie Carlo Lan· dau, orig ownr, xlnl cond, clean & lux. 358 c:yl eng, aulo. P/S, PIS, al• 1911 CADILLAC ELDORADO llARRITZ (1DFJ .. 581 $16,995 pees, 9225. Ive. S250 or belt oner. Llt ... I •--1.,, 11171 "'-'-· 1200 ....... , 548-3529 everything Included, ._ .,._,n • """' brWld new In bo• with 3 2628 Harbor BIYd. QOOd, rune greet, good 1978 Spitfire. xlnt cond. In & out 1 owner. 13500 759-1139. SAUi, IEIV10E HIWSIH OVE~S DELIVERY EXPERTS Mu11 eee Mirrors, AMI 1911 CADILLAC FM stereo. sprt rims, PLEETWOOD 20' SNIPE, w/traller, y •a r w • r r • n 1 Y. Coat• Meu 540-5630 tlrH . 1895. Call Harry nNde TL.C. SH&. Aft. 2 1 3 I 7 8 5 -II 2 1 0, Premium P<ION l44-ll4t4 fcMft wtldy9, 557-3142. 714/848-6805. paid tor any uMd car '76 Oel9un 2llOZ 2 plua2 .. UllT 1.00 .,., I« W• (loratgn or 6ot'Mlllc) 1pd.J: cond. 14500, ~::: ,u:ui ~ Wal.oen. 87~7 ••IMPORTANTNO.Tic·E••• In C'9u~~t'f'· Call 11lt2 MHT .. •ZD•. '••llfi ·so oat 210 Wagon. LO - -I J..11 lli,. TO READERS AND mllHQt. Excel oond. .._. •• Wa 11'/i ADVERTISERS AM /FM OHi. 5 epd. -.. "' ••~••••••••• ••••• The prlee of Item• ed· '4795, 546-5731 pv1 pty, fAGUrfl Skle fee :':':':t!Y ....=~.== '81 O&tlUn 510 Wgn. eu10 -14H 11111 n. um lllU Ml UM '711 MOB: Whl18. 5 speed 538-0094 Eves. To 1• ft Mercue etienn.I. tied ed-...rtlllng columne 1..-. air. db{ wood gfaln 1---------~..,'!ft $100. 173-11"5 9Y99. doH nol Include any package. 8800 ml. A•· 1974 Mazda RX•4. new ---------1 appt1eabi.1axee, llcenM, king 17300 646-2708 Urea & ballery. Like new ._..,. •ll'llla transfer Itel, finance '888 11 u. HI d · Inside & out. AM /FM r~ -Jr 11 ~ '71 240Z high perlor· ~~tte 11er-. M•~•&I ~ di)', wtc or mo. char~. , ... for llr pol• • '1Kl 1 \f .. SJ ~ '" ,.,..,. • ' .._ .... -· ... ' · • ' ,,.., ""'"' • mence :"?· cetm ,........ • ....... 1ran1. .._..., -. I lullon conlrol device ~, .. ...,.. ,_ -· ce 1111ca11 d 1 HIQhelt cuh lmmedlately w or k & " t • Im m • c glna work. Side T1t up to 30' power do~umenr~:Y o;r.::,:~ for your vehlcle . Do· thruout Muet ... to ap-MOO OR BEST OFA. l>Oat, •1ts. 173·9127., tlon chergH vnlen meetlc or f ore ign. prec. $1500. &41-7595 Ge2-5355 lt..I 1141 fTa..208. Olll•rwlM •e>.allled by 551-&285 '74 B210. need• engine '74 MAZDA RX.. :-r.: ................. . llde tie up to 20' lrr:. fhe adllert.....-. A•ln ·-~~ W0111. 1375 080. Xlnt cond, lo ml, etc. '14 OPEL MANTA runs b t • I I I 120 .. , ...... ••1 11"1 good, OMdl p1ln1, 11. oa . oa • • . = ·····"••• •••••••••••• "" -• S1500. 840-4102 000 549--0131 It 5pm 175-14124 1111 ,,,,.,,, 1111 '78 280Z. 5 ....... arn/trr -• -"'1-• · • · ... r.... ...,... 711 RX7. Auto, .r. r ... -•· •71 n......1 OT r .. t-•b'-WAHTWD Dodi "'9C9 lor ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• c ••• elr 1unrt wlrt mini cond. 38,000 ml. ..._ • "' ..... ta' boat. Bal. l•l•nd/ -.. l"tl '82 Honda Civic• 4 dr. wh11' brown 17400 4117·3930. need• body work & up-'•vlllo" ar•• prof'O. 8 .. _, ~--: """kupa & 1137.47 pfu1 tax P« mo. 840.9017 · · 1 ______ ...,.......,._ hol, Aall•b le 1r1n•f,· lll-67'1 ,,., ,..,._ .. -Cloted lll1d 48 mo louo. '79 Mud a OLC. Xlnt good MPG, 11000/o r. ~ coup .... to ChOO H All SAVERS. '71 8210. Exoel oond. 43K oond. Sacrlllo• IOI i-49t-9183 14• ~a !Wit, HunllnO-froml 10017H) IStk. 714-534-01811 ml, New t1re1. • 1pd, 12099, Call 499-4837 ---------1 :::.. .;:c:::.· .~~I~ A:IOtS). Pt1oae •lartlng It AN/ 11n =~· 12000. H3·93e8 'llO RX7 set50 !!!.(!!!. ........ !!.~! •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ Salel 1AIK1S7 Peug4'QI eo•. 1971. o.. '72 Audi 100LS. 2 dr, 443 w ~ c M luxe, fully equipped. Xlnt au1o, P8, AC, wt, FM. M ... a nil 846-2963 ' ' oond. A/C, tunrl, lo ml. ,_ rlldlala, vwy clean. •••••••••••••••••••••• '8600/obo. 8~2428 11 .. 00. 544-21841 .. •,..... ....,," 11n -------1 -Tll•. 1mai11111 1111lq11e •••••••••••••••••••••• ,.,,., l1fl ""' ••'' 9POf1I °" or .,. ·ecre. llAllll ..................... . ===;;;;..i •••••••••••••••••••••• Mutt oieer ttw9ntcwy m. 1111 111 • '61 W~ W1190ft, 2 wtll .... •lllf'I ~· a1t,9M. Mt! OllllTY'I l.Hlha r lnlarlor, new ••-•-•••••••••.,.••• ctrlYe. nHll QrMI, tao. Alll'f tor Mt. 0'9nen. Cir. (71 .. ) u........ point, 11500 llOt'eO, 18" 1f 1111 loet w/UHP t716/0f:lo. ••• t004 ~ ••a-nu or ('114) ... ,. poll•h•d alloyl, new •~~~i = traller. MOA ,51 ~ompf .. oly ,.. tte-t1ee-. llAllUTI bluepflnted engin., cion-~~=~--1 ~ ~ nft IULllUIP1 CfOYtl winner, beet on.. '11 ILllJCC"An .!!.:_· 12500. 71' l40-4080 ltJt' ~ !'lf!••••oc••••••••lf.";l W 'II ~--I •-u 1-Hl-llll ---. • l"onl -CARVER ·11 8pyder eon .. .,. • ----.,,,~ .... -n ... -prlftt ••t•noed', Hw ,tTI lrlokU", gut:~ Rune 0r•1t. Mll01 llJ)9. tM WOftdl CofM In & -------.--- 1 UH I U . ti.too. ctoon, 1 ownr.XJnt · ~·ltAW Mint oond. Muot aHI 11911t Plrelll P7 '"'-· POtMlhe lfNT70 7144'0 MM .,......,..,40_,._a.,..• 14000 or bHt offer. 111111 ....,.. tront tlrW. b<end new, •• •11 CtCVY 2 ctt • .., Nr. ~""°'''.,....,_ ...._1 0t ..._... .... 00¥0 • .,... never t>Hn mount•d, • .Tr. "9t11t, eno & ,, ...... '71 2002, *· • apd, lln-HIWP°"1' IEAOH 1108/IJO VA "· 1200 "1'I MOflDt\ • ...,_. "'" n .. u:.~oh Nde. mao. ti4W1 ... to-... Htve ......... to..., 112-1• Holl. ttll7H·t210, ....,-1411. Ml4l7I .-ts,200. ff ..._ M ,800. 11M1TI Ollldl_.. ... c1o ft Ml. 7141141 MOS, med red w/wlll, nu trans. nu mu111er. 12400 "'ASTIOIOOF" '71 SPITFIRE SHOO Xlnt cond 759-0523 _5_5_1-_10_60 _____ 1 BROUGHAM COUPI (1CRR592) '79 EL Camino. V8, auto. EARLE Ill AIC. PIS, P/8 , sunrr VOLVI lid, new tires. brka & 19M Harbor Blvd. abalt $1,000. 536-8574 '76 TR7, runs good, 44• COSTA MESA '77 Malibu Classic, 4 dr, ooo mt, clean. new tires. Ul-taOI HO·Hl7 air. gd cond. $22501 01. 13200 963-1990 1--------fer 475-1835 11'1 & BREEZE West. · .a Dally PllOI $2200 or make offer Sell With EASEi '!The rH1as1 draw In the 1.-7-5-E-I -C-,m-lno-.-P-,-11-.-.-,c-1. Claa.lllad Ad• 642-7867 Claaallled Ad. 642-5678. 979-4027 '85 COAVAIA Needl wort< 1600 080. 545-9438 or 842-4336 '72 MALIBU LAGUNA Excellent cond. exl. & Int .. engine nol rvnnlng. $1()(). 842-4653 327 Ch-VV V8327 engine with 350 1ran1 lhlft kh. HI perlormenca. MUST SEE. t1,000 080. 1142 ... 853 ~~~'! .......... '!.ff '87 NEWPORT, xtnt. lt.n' epon, S&SO. 493-15115 f!!'!r.!W. •••. -"-~ '12 COtltlnental 819 "'*· 10.000 ml, 120.000. 859·4221, 840-7910 Vfet'M(, c.n.n. "" ..•..••..•...........• 8 T-TOP. • mpO. tatl Full•rton Ave .. Colla MMe, M W•OeYt IUI ... . ............... . • -'1't Omni • *· u ,ooo ml. ~o 11'1.PClt .. apd, IPtM'llMCI .. '4AO. ... ..-000. 8'2414a s14,995 1980 CADILLAC ELDORADO COUPI (602277) s13,995 1979 CADILLAC COUPE DIVllll (113YOH) s9395 1971 CADILLAC COUPI DIVIUI (2S..011) $6995 1-~\\\.\\ 4S~o!l5 NABERS CAOILI.. C teOI HAMC>ft .._VO. CCMrTA•U 540-1860 ' i 4 Orangt Ooa1t OAILV PILOT/Prlday, June 28, 1992 'll IEllCllY WHDI 10 puseneer Colony Par k mode l 11 s s4995 loaded' (20SUQI) '13 c11m IOITE DAILi All cond pwr Slte11n1. Y top s2 395 (931CRH) 'ID DlTSUI 2DOSX SL packace. low miles $6 9 9 5 and load ed ' (IAll\265) 'll OHm IOIZl H/B Air cond , 1111, ,3495 AM FM stereo l1pe, 4 cyl .. aulo (~YHl) ' 'll PLYIOITll &lllOW Economical 4 cyl .• 4 spd., power brakes, style wheels. folding rear seat. Ser. 142057. Stk. 1657. (Incl. rebate). L1111 low For $121i! '"' ••~on --er-C---C., coet S5e20 Totet lot mo pmt S381 39 Ruldu•I amt $3001 00 Total amt DI pmla M112 72 PIH I .... , .. •• lteok 4 cyl., front wheel drive, 4 spd. overdrive, cargo cove<, custom stripes. Ser. 147746, Stk. 0789 (Incl. rebate). L1111 low For s134~~ IOf 48 ~ on --Cted<I CIOMd --Cap coe1 M525 TOlll 'II mo pmt 1443 07 Rutdual amt1 '3172 25 T otll amt ot pm to MM 7 36. ,. .. I .... , .. •• Sttok W11on A11 cond.. $ pwr stu11n1 & 3495 aulomat1c lrans (BYA891 ). 'll FOii LTI II A11 cond . auto. $2995 lrans pwr stmuii. . and more (220VTI) 'll FOii Fmll A11 cond . pwr slttnne. pwr brakes & automatic trans. '3895 (265XNY) 'll c11m OlMllO Air cond , pwr . slrermc. pwr. brakes ,3995 & aulomat1c lrans (183VAY) 'll l&Tlll 200 SI 4 cyt .. auto 111ns . ,3495 A11 cond , AM·FM ,3995 spor~ economteal slerto & 5 speed (79 ) trans (IJIVZD). L lxclu1lvely At Theodore Robin• Pord Thi• Thur1., Prl., Sat., Sun. & Mon. • June 24 thr u 21. Get 5 Shares of .Stock in FORD MOTOR COMPANY .. , .. .... ,, .... • ;1·::: ... .. ..... ..::-: ... · .. . . ' ... ·-~ ................... .. .. --6 . :-. ·- .... ... -,.. .... . ; ~:~:,~ .. --.... -.~· .. · with the purchase of anJ one of over 210 llaw Fords-Ev•l'J one CompatitivalJ . Priced This Weekend NEW '82 FAIRMONT I 33 22 Future, power brak ... body aide moldlng1, deep well trunk•. Ser. 129599, Stk. 1177. l0t 4'~ on--~ C- --C., coet 163'5 Total llt mo pmt S4tt 31 Re oldu•I amt S2424 N Totet llllt ot omto t n4f 24 NEW '82 MUSTANG GT 5.0 H.O. V8, 4 spd. overdrive. amlfm stereo cassette, T.R. performance suspension. power steering, air cond., dual remote mirror, traction loc rear axle, cast aluminum wheels. fog lamps and morel Ser. 200797. Stk. 1684. 0-60 M.P.H. ~ In 6.9 Sec. 28 17 Lease this Sports G. I. With Only And Just 'll Fiii DOlllEll 'll Fiii FIESTA Utllrty lool bot. 5 3 9 spd tr1ns . XU ~l $ 4 5 (IM922SJ) Sport model, 4 cyl . $ 3 9 9 5 economical car ' (381YXQ) '10 FOii FIESTA 'll Cllm TIHI Sun rool. 4 cyl . and ,3995 Dlatl encine. rrut $ 4 9 9 5 4 speed l11ns rnt1eace. and sporty (IACll61) (IY66924) 'ID FOii FllllOIT 'll YOLISWllEI Ill A11 cond .. pwr Great rnlltace. clean. $ 4 9 9 5 stee11nc. 6 cyl. auto $ 4 2 9 5 t11ns. (175797) nc. cond. (109038) 'll DDllE 1h TOI P.I . 'll FOii L.T.I. Ou11 11nk, 8 lrack, ,4395 •·Or. with Mlver & s4995 bucket HllS & Iulo black two-to11e ltnlsh. lrans (H85493) (070XVT). 'll IEllDllY OlPll 'll 11111 100011 All cond . pwr '4495 A11 cond .. MHM ,4996 steerin1 & 6 cyl stereo. and 5-Sl>ttd aulo (8JC077) t11ns. (847YlW). NEW '82 F-100 PICKUP Fully equipped, power steering, power brake1. Ser. A27221 , Stk. T-1568. r0t 4f ~ on IA>'-cr- cio---Cap COii 147'5 Total ht mo pmt S511.0t ,....,.,.... amt '3170.00. Total amt DI pmt1 S7t24 32 26 19 Power brakes. heavy duty battery, heavy duty shocks, max. cooling. tinted glass. Ser. A75976, Stk. T-1~1. L1111 low For $160,~~ IOt4'~on--~c­ --C., c:oe1 ~ Totll ltl mo pmt '508 08. Autdual 11n1 '3728 65 T04el aml DI pmt1 S7882 88 All cond • pwr $ 995 stttnnc. pwr br1kes, 4 Hop (611VWQ). '10 FOii FllllOIT W11on, A11 cond .. pwr Stttll~& Iulo. s5 2 9 5 lr1ns. (S97 Y) '10 11101 IEUL lrm11ed. 6 cyl.. ,71 9 5 lolded, fuU power, luxury. (169&42). 'll Fiii lllOIEll All cond .. pwr. ,6595 brakes. pwr. stetnnc. lllip. (Y76674). '11 FOii EIOllT H/B. All cond , ,5 795 AIMM Sllfeo, Iulo. t11ns (178124) PIH ' , .. ., .. • • lttok 4 Door Alrcond , low $ 5 8 9 5 milt.ace ind 6 cyl auto (168916) 'll FOii 414 TllCI Otptndable and $5995 on/off ro.d eQUtl)l>fd (M34819) '11 FOii llSTlll 6·']'. tt'Onom1c1I ,8995 an very stylish (114012). 'll LllOOLI 1111 Y Moon rool, 1me111d s 7 9 9 5 areen and fully loaded CIOIYZI) 'ID FOii 1 ·TOI Yll =i~::; '7995 - •June 25, 1982 • B.J . THOMAS WOLFMAN JACK Fair tin1e A ll-A m erican f un begins on J u ly 9 By JODI CADENHEAD Of the Daily Pilot Stalf Big name entertaimnent will be beard nightly during the "All-American" Orange County Fair July 9-18 at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Nightly performances. at 7 and 9 p.m. are Included in the Fair admission price: $4 for adults, $1 for children 6-12 and children under 5 free. The fair will be open Monday through Thursday from noon to midnigh t and Friday to Sunday from 10 a.m. to midnight. ln addition to the camival rides, game booths and displays, the fair will offer daily perfonnan<a by top country and rock performers in the fair amphitheater. Bobby Vinton will perform July 9. Jose Feliciano will appear July 10, and the Bel Air Bandits are scheduled July 11. Elvin Bishop will take the stage July 12, with Roy Orbison appearing July 13. Rita Coolidge will sing July 14. B.J . Thomas is scheduled to appear July 15. Wolfman Jack will star in the American Gramu Revue July 16. The Limeliters will sing American folk ballads July 17.' INSIDE ------·--· .. ~·- er It takes two lumberjacks, in this case Jumberjills, to push and pull the saw through the log to make a crosscut. Sawing is just a part of the Lumberjack Show, shown four times daily at the Orange County Fair. -A tribute to the Beatles by Rain will be heard July 18. The Annual Junior Livestock auction will be highlighted by the sale of hogs and lambs raised by Orange County Future Farmers of Ameri.ca and 4-H Club members Saturday July 17 at 1 p.m. Beef will be offered for sale at 6:30 p.m. The sale of prize winning livestock helps the youngsters learn about the business side of raising animals and also aids in offsetting their ooSta. Last year market steers sold for an average of $1 .36 per pound. sheep $2.33 per pound and swine $1.86 per pound. Vinton, known for his Polish love song."!. will open the fair's star-packed entertainment line-up with perfonnances at 7 and 9 p.m. ..Feliciano, will appear in the amphitheater. The guitarist and composer is known for his hits, "Light My Fite," "Rain," "Destiny" and "Feliz Navidad." The Bel-Air Bandits and Dean Torrance will be bringing the sounds of the 60's California surf music with them to the fairgrounds. Country rock star Elvin Bishop returns to the Orange County fair at 7 and 9 p.m. His hits include '·'Rock My Soul," "Travelin' Shoes," "Arkansas" and "It's a Feeling." Roy Orbison will be on stage at 7 and 9 p.m. The composer and singer is known for his hits, "Runnin' Scared," "Cryin'" and "Only the Lonely." Rita Coolidge, the dark-haired popular singer of "Higher and Higher" and "We're All Alone" fame will be spotlighted also. Grammy and Oscar winning singer B.J . Thomas will perform some of his best-known hits, which include his Oscar winning "Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head," and "I'm So Lonesome t Could Cry." Famed dlSC JOCkey Wolfman Jack will be on s tage to do the American Graffiti revue tha t features the Drifters, Fabian and Freddie Cannon. Wolfman has hosted NBC's "The Midnight Special" for nine years and celebrates his 20th year on the airwaves this year. The Limeliters will take a look back al the '60s with folksongs performed by Robert Grammer, Lou Gottlieb and Alex Hassilev. Rain will re-create the sounds of the Beatles during 7 and 9 p.m. performances. Using make-up, costumes and mannerisms the group will recapture some . of the sounds made popular during the '60s. Bill Connearney perfonns as George Harrison, Randy Clark as John Lennon, Glen Burtnick as Paul McCartney and Bobby Taylor as Ringo St.arr. 'Thornhill' to have worldpremiere at Laguna "" J A whole new wave finds The Ventures' music Pe· J 'Firefox' slow-starting spy story "" 4 Children 12 and under will be admitted free to the Orange County Fair July 9 and 16 during Kids Days that featureS officer Bird on July ~ and Ronald McDonald July 16 at 2 p.m. Senior citizens over 59 will be admitted toe $1 Seehir,~9 rt J . --' l 2 N co CJ) ... II) N Q) c :7 .., >. <O 'O ·.:: u.. ..: Q) 'O c Q) .){. $ ~ 0 ~ --= ~ -----c lnterml••lon )• 'We're very R ud and fortunate to be able to present this play in its world premiere. ' I 'Thornhill' Rowe to star in coast presentation at Laguna Moulton Playhouse By TOM TITUS Of the Daily Pilot Staff The mood around the Laguna Moulton Playhouse is somewhat somber these days. in marked contrast to the gaiety of the Festival of Arts, gearing up for another summer-long run next door. It's in keeping with the tone of the Moulton's summer production, the world premiere of possibly the heaviest piece of theater to mount the Laguna stage since "Long Day's Journey Into Night" over a decade ago. The play is "Thornhill," the creation of screenwriter Meade Roberts who penned the movie versions of two Tennessee Williams plays ("The Fugitive Kind" and "Summer and Smoke"). It opens July 14 for a four-week run with Laguna managing director Douglas Rowe in the title role. "Thornhill," according to Rowe. is a fictional account of the life of a great American playwright, loosely based on Eugene O'Neill -or an O'Neill-like figure. It's a biography presented in the form of the playwright's memories as an old man, haunted by the people and events in his past that shaped him. "It's a beautifully literate work," Rowe exults. "A penetrating study into a man's psyche -his life, loves, career. enemies. what motivates him. A son who committed suicide comes back to visit as a ghost. So do two earlier wives. It's a very serious and thought-provoking play." Zigzag" by local playwrights Ian Bernard and John Ferzacca. Then last summer, the Laguna stage was the starting point for three originals - Fen.acca's "After the Fact," Mary Jane Roberts' "Match Point" and "Dead Heat" and David Marlow's "Daughter's Darling." "Thornhill," however, shapes up as the most ambitious of the lot, an introspective character study which the playhouse admits "wiU not appeal to all tastes." Perhaps optimistically, the playhouse has scheduled it for a five -week , 20-performance enRagement. For Rowe, it will be his second appearance onstage at the Moulton this year -both times portraying playwrights. He last performed the leading role of Jason ,Carmkhael in Bernard Slade's "Romantic Comedy." Joining Rowe in 'Thornhill" will be Jacquie Moffett, Kimberly Wiener, Jon Sidoli, Robert Kokol, JoAnn Black, Robin Cole and Rowe's wife, Catherine. Alex Golson is directing the epic. Also in attendance will be playwright Roberts, a professor of screenwriting at New York University, who will be Oying out for the premie re and will see at least half of the run. He already has spent some time with the cast. Oe11J NCl4 "'9to lllJ LM hJM Douglas Rowe, managing director of the Laguna Moulton 1 Playhouse, wm play the title role in the world premiere of "Thornhill," opening July 14 for five weekends. SCR's workshop Jo~ children "We're going to submit It for a Pulitzer Prize," Rowe declares. "I The Young Conservatory at South Staff for the workshop includes haven't seen a play to compare with Coast Re pertor y Theater in Costa Diane dePriest, director of the SCR it. The language is s pectacularly Mesa will offer a special summer Young Conser vatory; Kathryn beautiful." workshop for children a.ges 8 to 14 Johnson, who appeared in "Henry from August 16 to 28. IV;" Howard Shangraw, an actor in While admitting that "Thornhill" is The workshop is planned as an many SCR productions and Diane not a general audience type of play-introduction to all creative aspects of King. music director for the Young hence its presentation between the theater, with children learning Conservatory. sub9crlption seasons -Rowe predicts 8 b o u t m i me a n d tum bl i n g , Special appearances will be made h 's also a very long show, Rowe warns. Three hours plus intennission. But that's only alter the script was scissored from its original running time of nine hours, which Rowe considered playing over two evenings. "It demands some work on the part of the theatergoer," he goes on. "We're not doing this for the ca.suat -theatergoing public." that theater "gourmets" will find a playmaking, puppetry and theater by actor-director John-David Keller, bountiful repast in the new work. The gllJlles as well as acting, singing and designers Dwight R1chard Odle and actor who will interpret the Improvisation. Marc Donnelly as well as properties demanding title role speaks of the It will end with a performance of manager Michael Beech. play in reverential tons: an original play developed by The three-hour cl.a.es will be held "We're very proud and fortuN.'te to students during the two-week aession. mornings and alternoona, Monday The Moulton is no-stranger to new material. In 1978 the theeter mounted two orig_IJll!la back to bac k -"TwiliiJiflJAi"-ana·r'TheTaOure to - be able to present thla play an lta, Children will write direct and act in through Saturday at SCR's theater WQdd .P~~i:e.!-W~-t_~~JL~-~-th. pl'Od~_.;,_d-iphlg lheiP-·~O m pl ex. Call 9 5 7 -2 6 0 2 for talked el>Qut for years to come. own acenery and costumes. infonnation. t _... ( ~r~:i::::=:::::::-----~---~-----·-------C-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=========3 =====================================~ The lntertoln•r• g - 'Our M usic is a combi~ation of surf. good times and rock 'n' roll. Ir's timeless, and it's amazing to think we've been doing this 22 years this month ... ' Sounds of surfing The Ventures bring their music to Knott' s Good Time Theater A whole new wave has discovered The Ventures' surfing sound By SANDIE JOY Ot the Daily Pilot Staff-around and are being discovered by the New Wavers who have latched onto Ventures' music as their own. ranged from 13-and 14-year-olds to tha&e in the mid-40s, just like the band members. The one time Mel Taylor went surfing, he fell off the board. "I gave it up," he said. "Now I like to lay on the beach and check it out." The lone surfing experience hasn't dampened his music. Taylor ia drummer for the hottest surfing band around. Ar. a matter of fact, his band, The Ventures, originated, the surfin' sound 22 years ago in Washington and have been going strong ever since. They're even perfonnine to packed houses inland where there aren't any waves. "Our music is a combination ol surf, good time and rock 'n' roll," Taylor explained. "It's timeless'" he added. "And it's amazing to think we've been doing this 22 years this month. To think that it has come back around to a public that wasn't even born when we started recording." Taylor said he thinks the reason the Ventures' music has endured bas a lot to do with being an instrumental group. "We don't wind up in a bag,'' he said. "It's not ju.at one particular kind of music and we don't have lyrics to go stale or get in the way." The original Ventures were formed in 1959 by bassist Bob Bogle and r.hythm guitarist Don W~n .wht;n they met on a construct.Ion job in Seattle. By the time they were ready to cut their third album, they were joied by lead guitarist Nokle Edwards and Taylor who had been a meat-<:Utter. The' Ventures' trademark is a vibrant surf rock, a hard-driving, double-time bass, danceable brand of music. O ften called the "Instrumental Guitar Kings," the Venwres recorded hit after hit during the '60s. "Walk Don't Run," which earned two gold records (in '60 and '6-4), spawned the then famous aurf sound. Then thete waa ''Pipeline," "Wipe Out" and ••&wail Five--0." Other Ventu,ra' ~buater hits ' , ... t1 included "Tequila." "Secret Agent Man" and "Perfidia.'' Currently, they're riding high with their new single. "Surfin' a nd Spyin'," which was penned by the all-female group, the Go-Gos, who sing backup on the recording. At one time in the mid-'60s, the Ventures had five albums on tlle Top 100 charts simultaneously. The Ventures' music is "coming around again," Taylor said. "I think it's great." He added, "We're still doing the same rock 'n' roll and people who neard it before are picking up on it again and people who never heard it are getting into it." Taylor said he knew after the first 10 years of the group thal the surfin' aound "never was going to end." The Ventures aren't a nostalgic group. n.etr concerts aren't one of tbote rock 'n ' roll revival shows; they're 81 contemporary as any group Since the mid-'60s, the group has been touring internationally, mostly in Japan where, in 1970, they earned the Grand Prix Award for being "Number One Composers in Japan." They hadn't been touring the United States until two years ago when they played their first domestic gig in more than 10 years. They w ent into the Starwood Club in Los Angeles after they we re co nv i n ce d by DJ R od n ey Blngenheimer to perform there. He had been playing the Ventures' music a nd getting a tremendous response. ''The kids thought we were a new punk group ," sai d Bogle. Bingenheimer "emceed a New Wave disco, and he said he thought we could do well. The response around the country has been just aa tremendous." Since then, they've been making the rounds of clubs and concert halls throughout the U.S. where fans have "We did 160 days on the road last year," Taylor said, "and it looks like this year is going to be real heavy. We'll be home probably only 25 days this year." They were playing Louisville, K )'. .. earlie r this week , then Me mphis before heading for Buena Park where they play Knott's Berry Park at 8:30 and 10:30 p.m. S unday in the Good Time Theater. Then, they'll play in the Northwest, Taylor said , followed by a concert in Long Beach before leaving on a two- month tour of Japan. 11 "I get tired of the traveling part, Taylor said, "but I don't get tired from performing. I could play all night. I feel great. I'm able to do the kind of thing other people would like to do, and I enjoy it.'' H e add ed, "We like what's happening and we hope it keeps .on going and that all the people ~n.JO~ our music because we enpy playmg 1t for them." Wild animal park celebrates 10 years T h e San Diego Wild Animal Park will celebrate its 10th anniversary with special summer entertainment including headliner concerts. new animal shows. longer hours and other activities. Headliner shows will be staged at the park'• grassy Mahala Amphitheater and visitors are encouraged to bring blanke\8 and backrests. The Dirt Band will be featured this weekend, followed by Rick Nelaon July 2-5; Roy Orblaon July 9-11; B.J . Thomas July 16-18: The Mamas and the Papas July 23-25: Jim Stafford July 30-Aug. l; the Kingston Trio Aug. 6-8; a folk festival featuring the Limeliters, John Stewart and \he Brothers J'oW' Aug. 20-22; Roger Miller Aug. 27-29, and Dottle West Sept. 3-6. The concet'\8 are incluOOd In the price of admilaion. Nighttime monorail tours aboard the Wgaaa au.h Line offer visitors a special opportunity to see ' . nocturnal herding be»avior. Th~ 50-minute ~ travels through the park's Asia n and African habitats and is the only way to see many of the 3,600 anirnal inhabitants. Seven new felines will make their debut in the canine show, with cats ranging from domestic tabbies to the more exotic Abyssinian breed. The cats will join a group of domestic dop which will display their adaptive skllla for herdina. ~uman protection, climbing and other trained bellavtora. A ne w bird show will be offered th.la summer, with two new varieties of pigeons -Bi.nn1naham rollers and homing. They will swoop ~h the amphitheater and demonstrate fonnatioo Oying. The park will be open from 9 a.m. to 11 p.m. throu1h Sept. 6. It is located 30 miles north of San Otego six miles east of F.«ondldo from the Via rancho Parkway exit of Interstate 15. • ,,,· f .... t, \ f ,, > ' 'H 1:> f ~ t t I t t11 r~t & •' t ...... "' (I) I\) - r .. N I co O> ..... ~ N '1 c ::i .., ~ "O -.:: u. ..: ~ "O c ~ .Jie. I ~ -~ n:: But D uring most of 'Firefox,' Eastwood's character is a pawn /n the hands of Western intelligence agents and the Russian underground. ''Firefox' Eastwood disappointing as spy in slow-paced espionage plot By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of the Daily Pilot Staff ln a recent interview with Barbara For a spy picture to be engaging, it Walters, acior-director Clint Eastwood must have clever, unexpected plot attributed his success to instinct twists and colorful characters. The rather than brains. Jame, talky "Firefox" script by Alex The 'Firefox' ur Russian MJG-31 in aerial combat. Unfortunately, Eastwood's Lasker and Wendell Wellman has traditionally on-target instincts seem neither. The characters are either to have led him astray in his lat.est cardboard military types or st.rldent release, "Firefox," showing now at Russian underground members. a~ea theaters. Eastwood fans will Gant's journey through Russian have to endure a long plodding security checkpoints is slow-going and espionage yarn before the picture co n f us i n g, r e q u i r i n g l i t t 1 e finally comes alive during a climactic resourcefulness on the part of the 'Concert on the Green IV highlights Fourth of July aerial duel. hero. The title refers to a new Russian It is here that Eastwood makes his fighter plane that is controlled by greatest miscalculation. Eastwood's thought waves and can travel six best characters, such as "Dirty Harry" times the speed of sound. To prevent and "Josey Wales," have been men of an upset in the balance of power, the action, not pusive participants. But Western nations conspire to steal it. during most of "Firefox," Eastwood's The Fourth of July will be a busy and entertaining day in Irvine this year as the fourth annual music-and- fireworks extravaganza will be staged at Heritage Park and singer Christopher Cross will perform at Irvine Meadows. The stadium at Heritage Park will be the site of "Concert on the Green IV," a family-oriented evening featuring the Orange County Master Choral e and then an animated Ci reworks show. Gates at the stadium will open at 6 p.m. for picknicking families. A jazz band made up of local high &ehool musicians will begin playing at 7 p.rlt The chorale will perfonn a collection of patriotic and show tunes at 8 p.m., and then will back up the fireworks display that starts at 9 p.m. Meanwhile, across town, pop singer Christopher Cross will perfonn at an 8 p.m. concert at Irvine Meadows Amphitheater. Tickets for his concert went on sale Saturday. June 12 and are available either at the amphitheater box office or Ticketron outlets. Prices are $16 and $12. Admission to "Concert on the Green" is $12 for a family of foLir, or $6 !or two, il purchased In advance from the city's Community Services Department. Tickets will be $6 per person at the gate. Children aged six or less will be admitted free. The film begins tautly enough with character is a pawn in the hands of a military helicopter pursuing ~tired Western intelligence agents and the American fighter pilot Mitchell Gant Russia'ft underground. In tense (Eastwood) as he jogs near his situations, his character reacts with reclusive h ome in Alaska. The sweaty panic. whirling chopper blades cause the A panicky Clint Eastwood? How nervous Gant to flash back to a could the actor have forgotten that his frightening Vietnam experience. heroes are most often admired for The tension unwinds, however, their self-assurance and fearlessness? after the unstable Gant is shanghaied About two-thirds of the way into the plane1tealing assignment on through, Eastwood and the film the flimsy grounds that he's the same finally get airborne. The shadowy size as the Russitm Firefox pilot and Russian scenes give way to bright has a Russian mother. Though Gant is blue skies and cotton white clouds. Participants can bring blankets and supposed to speak fluent Russia", he Though he's strapped in a cockpit, sit on the stadium field or in the mumbles primarily in English after Eastwood suddenly regains h is heroic stands on a first-come, first~served his arrival ln the U.S.S.R. (Eastwood's composure. basis. More information can be brief attempts at speaking Russian The aerial chase and dogfight, obtained by calling 754-3643 or come out in an unmistakable supervised by special effects wizard 754-3928. Cali!omia drawl.) John Dykstra of "Star Wars" fame, Organit.ers claim the pyrotechnic has all the tension and excitement demonstration la titled "I Love miMing from the rest of the film. America," and it will depict acenes Seniors get break on tickets If most of "Firefox" is from American history in animated disappointing, Eastwood, u lead actor, designs. J(nou's Berry Farm a. treating Monday through Friday unW Sept. 3, director and producer, must shoulder U that im't enough, sponaon from sen.Ion 60 and over to a 30 percent the spedally priced ticket reflects an the blame. At 52, he still has plenty of the city'• Commun l t Y Servi cea diacount on an unlimited use park almo6t $3 savings over the unlimited star appeal. And in recent films like Department say aerial fireworks ticket this summer. ticket's normal $9.95 price tag. "Bronco Billy'' and "Every Which display will precede "a final' barrage For $7, seniors will enjoy the Way But Loa.e," he's successfully of sighta and IOUJ\ds t.o delight young unlimited Ule ol the park'• 13& ridea, Knott'• Berry Fann la Jocated at ltretched beyond the rogue cop and and old alike." ltlOWI and •ttnrions inclu4inc all of 8039 Beach Blvd. In ~ Park. Western ~cer roles that made Harry Boaatan. praident of the the park'• planned summer Addltkloal deta1la about lhe .enk>rs him. top box office attraction. Irvlne Chamber of Commerce, will act entertalnment. . ticket or park attraction• can be In "Firefox," however, he's just \00 • masterfl~:?-es ~~-~ent~!!_:•ve n:_ ~~~:~-:..~~by ~~:.._-= .. -_r in getting off,~'~", , :-. ·Eil:~Miiiiiiiii&~~~~~7.:=:::=::=:::==:;:::::;-.;;;-----------------...... ----------..... ------...... ---------- r Winners • • zn wine competition By JERRY D. MEAD One of the factors that gives the annual Orange County Fair Commercial Wine Competition a high credibility rating with consumers a nd trade alike is the quality of the panel of judges. To qualify lo judge at Orange County, one m u st be either a winemaker or winery proprietor. No other major competition in this country utiliz.es such a panel made up entirely of professionals. Since the inception of the event six years ago, it has been my privilege and duty to serve as chainnan of the panel of judges. Those duties include selecting "and inviting the individual panelists, overseeing the judging itself. It does not however, include judging and scoring the wines. While I feel qualified and in fact judge at numerous other events, the rules at Orange County simply do not permit any non- production panelists. That means no journalists, no wine sch olars, no retailers, wholesalers, or even vineyardists . Only people who make wine or are responsible for its being made. Space will not permit me to list the entire panel of 40 judges and three alternates, but a little name dropping s hcrnld illustrate the caliber of judge aerving at this nationally recognized event. Perhaps most recognizable are those judges whose names appear on labels representing som~ of California's finest wines. Names such as Bill Jekel, Dan Mirassou, Jim Con cannon, Angelo Papagni and Jim Lawrence. Also Jerry Lohr, John Parducci, John Turner, Phyllis Pedrizzetti, and John Kenworthy. Other names that go with famous. or soon to be famous, labels include Jim Prager , Paul Obester, Jim Bundschu, Carol yn Wente, Brian Pendleton, Joe Franzia and David Cordt.z. But e n ough of backgroulttl. You want to know the names of winning wines. One of the categories to command major interest every year is Cabern et Sauvignon. Wheth e r it'• an indication of the quality See MNd; Page 1 .. -:- s 3? 0 -~ i '11:" ~ :l Q. ~ _ ... "Tl ... a: I» ~ (.. c :l ~ N _<Jl ..... co 00 N f $ .. ;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~,~-A-'~'h_e-iAtioivi/~e~•~;~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ; G.ene Wilder in peril again ~ in his 'Hanky Panky' movie >-~ By TOM TITUS ·.::: Of the Deity "°' ..... u.. Ever since he was taken for a joy ~ ride by "Bonnie and Clyde" in his i::> movie debut, Gene Wilder has gotten ~ himself In more perils than Pauline ~ ever dreamed of. ~ He's been tossed off trains ("Silver ~ Slreak"), thrown into prison ("Stir £! Crazy") and matched with monsters ii ("Young Frankenstein") but always seems to bob to the surface with only his dignity ruffled. His latest ruck, .. Hanky Panky." should establish him as America's premier "crisis corriic." Wilder is wilder than ever th is time as the target for assorted homicidal -... thugs and government agents -and often it's diUic u lt to tell the difference. They're all strong-armed s traight men for the frizzy-haired master of freewheeling buHoonery. If the movie itself, produced by Martin Ransohoff and directed by Sidney Poitier, was up to Wilder's level of performance. there would be cause for rejoicing. Alas, the Henry Rosenbaum-David Taylor plot twists and t ur n s with so metimes incomprehensible jerks. rescued at intervals by some splendid location photography in Ne w York, Bost.on and the Grand Canyon. See Gene, Page 15 v;,.,(N IN SOVTHlllN CALIFORNIA lllSIT ~~~ ~ TOUlll An alien spaceship ... For 100,000 years it lay buried in the Antarctic ice. Now, the alien creature inside has been set free. .. Gilda Radner. Gene Wilder (in drag) questioned by policeman. WHEN IN SOUTHERN CALIFOANIA \llSIT ~ 8'TUDI09 TOUR .......... __... Triumph "A movie of soaring pleasures that you hope will never end. To be seen again and again . . . and treasured ." Gene Shalit, NBC-TV Today Show Magleal "Steven Spielberg's magic ·class by its beautiful self." miracle movie is m a -Time A STEVEN SPIELBERG ALM ET. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL A ~ffEVl:N Sl'll:U\ERG ~11.M I: T Tl 11: I XTRA·Tf:llRl:."1 RIAL DEE WAil.Al ·E l'ETER L'OYOTE I IENRY Tl k 1MAS AS EU It YTT Ml l~ll. RY JOHN WILLIAM~ WllJlTEN RY MELISSA MAnU~1N f'ROIU 1:11 RY ~!EVEN "Nf:LllERli 6i KATHl.ll.N .:l:NNEnY DIRECTI:J) BY STEVEN SPIELBERG A UNIVER"\AL Jlft'TIJR~ .~~. ·'11'::.~.~.'· .. ~~ ·;-::;1':,...;~1!1,,'!~ ... ,... •"'' .. h...... ==~ .......... = [XJ!-.-1 ~•waunia~ CITY cenTER I'~ '"' fHl '"" cu.ru OllAl\IOl • IJA tH1 . .I --=--' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ llteodon Milne ~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ Winners • • zn wzne competition Frpm Page 5 of the currently offered vintages or perha~ just a tough-scoring panel, fewer medal ~were awarded to a greater number of entries. Orange County judges all wines in separate price categories of low, medium and premium, and the number of awards was skinny in every price range. In the upper price range ($11.01 and up). which presumably contains some of the finest Cabernet wtnes in the world, only a single go Id w a·s a w a rd e d . Monterey Peninsula 1979 "Arroyo Seco Vineyard," stands alone as a gold medal winner, and with its approximate $12 price scored higher than wines selling for up to $40 and beyond. What kind of wines was it competing against? Well, silver medals went to the likes of Heitz 1977 "Martha's Vineyard," Clos Du Bois 1978 "Marlstone," and Chateau Montelena 1978 "Sonoma." Bronze meda I is ts included such names as Robert Mondavi 1977 "Reserve." Beaulieu (B. V .) 1977 "Private Reserve,'' and Charles Krug 1977 "Vintage Selection." Dining Dellghh F AS.tUON SHOWS - For your dining pleasure you can enjoy a fashion show a the Tale of the Whale Restaurant where five models will be showing casual beach wear from La Scarpa Fashions of Huntington Beach every Friday throughout the summer from 12:30 to 2. The Tale of the Whale Restaurant is located in the Balboa Pavilion at 400 Main Street in Balboa. Phone 673-4633. Thursdays you may also enjoy fashion shows at the Gorda Liz Restaurant located at 900 Bayside Drive. Newport Beach 760-0971, and on Fridays at the Warehouse Restaurant l oca t ed o n the waterfront in Lido Marina Village 673-4700. These two fashion shows are preeented by La Chantee of Newport Beach. They are a specialty ahop of E uropean d ealgnera formal wear. _.._ -- -The winning wine comes from Monterey County, a reioion that has had a difficult time establishing a reputation for red wines. And the Monte rey Peninsula wine appears not to be a fluke, because two of three gold medalists from the middle price ranjl;e also oriltinated l.n Monterey County vineyards. Cabern ets from the ~ medimm price range I ($7.01 to $11) was Stony ,.. Ridge 1979. ~ One of those gold medal Monter ey Clint Eastwood in 'Firefox' F.xeculiw Producer Fritz Manes · Scrcenpluy by Alex Lasker & Wende ll Wellman Bused on the nowl b.v Craig Thomas· Produced and Oin.:cLcd t>yClint Eastwood · Originul mll'dc composl!C.I und conducted by Maurice Jarre · Punuvisio~Cok)r by Ot!luxe- [1)1 oauw..., r lflt:ucl ·nw Bun tum nook I A ...... :~=~£~,=.,= "" jPG!MlllJlllll MIUIQ aamtO• .. iil'dtti tilihiS ~ . .... ............... ..__ ~ .... _ ...... ...... ....... - __ ,_......,.. 0. ~ _..., / - I I j 1- I l ('I GO -----~·___. ~ By TOM TITUS ir; ortt.e o.-, Not 1ta1t ~ Steve Martin's new movie, "Dead Men Don't c Wear Plaid," probably will appeal most to those ~ addicts of inconsequentia who pore over the trivia .,;.. column in these pages each Saturday. «I ::2 The gimmick this time is one that Mel Brooks it probably wishes he'd thought of -film clips of old ..: movies interspersed throughout the picture, with ~ the resultant effect of Martin playing scenes with i the likes of Humphrey Bogart, James Cagney, Alan J1' Ladd an;-others from those old gangster flicks of I the Forties. ~ The game, for dedicated triviaddicts, would be o to see how many movie titles one could identify. 5:'. "Double Indemnity," "Notorious" and "White Heat" are three of the easy ones, along with "Sorry, Wrong Number" in which Barbara Stanw yck ,ACIFIC THEATllU DlllVE·IN ,., tum $Tlfltll ftue tll(&l-l"tllt lllf OAT U HAlllOll ILVD DlllVl·IN I OMNU DlllY(·lll I AM IO J I'll '411\IMAY I 111 ... Y HM,_ ... SllMAU Af AMiil .. llAllU• At./!AHf V ANAHEIM ORIVE ·IN ,._..."°''-"'°"St ___ t;;..7t-_H....;....;IO..;.... __ ..,... __ Ctllf·Ft S011110 ._ ~~A PJA '-'l BUENA PARK DRIVE IN "MEGAFORCF '"' -"V181T1NG HOURI"""· Clllt • " MlUllO -------- At the Movie• Old • movies 'Dead Men' food for trivia addict shares a frantic telephone call with a puzzled Steve Martin. h 's all the brairdlild of Carl Reiner, a fonner Brooks crony, who co-authored, directed and plays a pivotal role in "Dead Me n." It's heavier on satire and lighter on silliness than the Martin-Reiner combo's first venture, ''The Jerk," but likely will play to a more limited constituency. It's aimed particularly at old movie buffs, who will get a kick out of seeing Martin getting shot by Ladd and Cagney, rebuffed by Veronica Lake, charmed by Ava Gardner and, would you believe, romanced by Fred MacMurray. All in living black and white. For the hard-core Martin aficianad06, there's a hilarious scene involving Edward Arnold and a dog that ml.1st be seen rat.her than explained. It's the funniest bit of the movie even though the writing's the most contrived at that point. This latter point is the principal weakness of "'Dead Men." In order to bring Martin into contact with all these celluloid images from the past, a -;an:w"tous script bad to be deviaeci to link Up with both the new movie and the old clips. It's something you have to grin and bear with for complete joyment. Abetting Martin, who plays a Bogey-type private eye, is the alluring Bamel Ward who -.dapca beautifully to Martin'• off-the-wall brand of y. Miss Ward fits the mold of a demure brties heroine perfectly, yet lhows aiome 80Ud l!llllC'ti.r. \i skill beneath the bedroom eyes . e cinematography is a special treat for thoee ~°'" ,,..,. -··• oi • .. ott "FINAL u.:a"-NT" IN> eaned on B movies of the early Bogart and 121·4070 n~.~unv>·y ge~. Reiner's direction brings out the ---~...;...:=-:--=---------- e,l""' ~·~· LINCOLN ORIVE·IN "ROCKY IH" CNI -.. CLASH OF THE liMOlll A•• .... Of kl\Ott TITANS"'"' 121·4070 "~""' -"POPFll" '"' Clllf. '4 SOUllO .. AUT'HUltt AuntURI"...., -"'THm CANNONaAU '"'""I Cllll ·I! IOUllO ... . -. ~ '""'. LA HABRA IJlll't'I IN ____ ._.. ............. t1MM2 . -..... ORANGE OR'.Vf IH "tlOCKY ... INl -•A ,OKI OP OMS" INl a,'' ~ '• l ~ A f4 MISSION OQIVf IH . . WA~NE R I 1<'11/t IN "'t'IMPOX" ire> -"OUTLAND" fl) Cllll · Fl tollllD ---"'f'OL ~.,...., "llA WOLVll'" INI C•·FI IOUllO ........... ,""' •11o .. co11 ... 111·7022 "ITU TNlK Ii THI wuntz KHAN" C"l "VteTOR'r' INI * •ARQAlll MATIN••• * Monday U.ru l1turd1y All Ptrfonnenct"IMfot9 5:00 PM (~ I,_ b1111•1M1 llMI H....,.) . .-~ ... ~f .... ~" Ml1e1do ot •o .. cran• LA MIRADA WAI)( IH ff4·2400 - "~",,., ............. "POL TIRQlllT" tN> ......... ,.._ ~ ........ , ....... -...... ,.- lAl<EWOOO r:[NJE~ WAii< IN lAl<I W01,1• f~lf\.' c;~.11111., •. •AUTHOfU AUTHOR" ,.... ....... 1111.111' ,_ CN) THI WRATH OP KHAN" ,_GOLaY ~ (N) ............ - "ROCKY Ill" CN• ......... 1111.111' '1116 ... . -- S teve Martin's new film, .. Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid," •long on satire. musty melodrama of thoee days while reserving IOme neat satirical punches to slip in between frames. . Woody Allen may have been the first one to think of bringing Bogard Bogart back to life in "Play It Again, Sam," but Martin and Reiner have carried the idea to its logical extremes in "Dead M,.en Don't Wear Plaid." It's a small idea for the big acreen, but it plays quite well. .Fair time From Page 1 on J uly 12 to 15. Awards will be given July 13 for the oldest man and woman, the longest married couple, and the largest lamlly. Also, on July 13. there will be a senior horseshoe pitching contest and big band dancing at 8 p.m. Ama te u r photogra phe r s a r e invited to participate in the "Many Faces of the Fair" contest. Grand prize is $100 and first prize for black and white and color photos each carry a $75 award. All photos must be taken during the Orange ------- County Fair and should be mounted on 11 by 14 display cardboard. Up to three entries will be accepted. The International Lumberjack Show will be appearing four days at the fair. The traveling troupe of second generation lumberjacks are known for their speed climbing, log rolling. ch.air carving and axe throwing. Call 642-5678. Put a lew words to work for ou. F.arl MarCellua and his family have performed in shows across the Un ited State• since first appearing at the 1974 Worlds Fair. The group travels all year exhibiting the talents and skills U.y learned in the lumberjack trade while gro wing up in the forest s o f Washington. For more i.nfonnation call 751-3247. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL MOVIE OPENIMG IN HISTORY. LET THE STARSHIP ENTERPRISE TAKE YOU ON Ace Hunter Is the Ultimate SuperHerol THE ADVENTURE OF YOUR LIFE. SIX-TRACK [l]IOOl.BVStEREDI"' PRESENTATION .wPOllT llACll (dWatds HtWPO'I C.ntfN 6U 0760 ll TOllO Edwns SaddleOlck Sii SHO ,._U .. H llfl F_l..,11...., 839 1500 .... S~Otr.tln Ht 8770 ........ tA"ITIWIO ,..., *"°" Onw .. 113 0 4S a GllDll M m PrlSlllS Al AlBfftT S. MIDDY PllOOUCTllll A IW lllDIWI fltM BARRY BOSlWltl · MICHAR BECI · PlftSIS IHAMBAJTA 'llEGAEORCf:. si.t11e RIWAllD lllUtHAAE · GEllft6l FUATH 1111 HEIRY Sil VA a s.ien • • JfRRllO llllR Dtrec. i "'"""' MIDIAEL BHTlfR 1Jm1"' Prlim RAYMO•D CJtOI BaH •a Siil" R08ERT S. lACllLER ~ '9 JAMES WlllTIAllR •ALBERT S. RUDDY I HAl IHDllAM I AIDftf MOR6AI PrlMd Ir AlBlll S. lllllY llncld w IW lfflltlAM 1.....-......... 111.-. ...... , - &MW ~--1 .. PGINIDTM...a-.nt ....erto"'i ..... 1£! ___ , ___ _._t= "'llllJ1-IMl.S1~110 Cl-----,. I I I I I I I ---./" • -------~ -------- ~0-------------------f( Cur rently Screenln11 ),,_ _______ _ ! ANNIE: Rated a: stars Albert Finney, Carol Burnett M . howi"ng ~ and Aileen Quinn. The film is based on the popular • 0VleS now S <'I musical. § DEAD MEN DON'T WEAR fLAJD: Rated PG, stars a I 0 n g 0 range coast ...., Steve Martin In a spoof on the delective films of the 40s >. and 50s. lntercut with the film are "guest" appearances t'll by Bogart, Lana Turner, Veronica Lake, Bette Davis andl :g Burt Lancaster. This PG rating is for adult humor. u.. .._ EVIL UNDER -THE SUN: Rated PG, stars Peter a> Ustinov, Jane Birkin, Sylvia Miles, James Mason and -g Diana Rigg in Agatha Christie's tale of murder and ~ intrigue. The PG rating is for adult situations. ~ ~ DAS BOOT: Rated R, is a German-made tale of the crew working in brutal conditions aboard a Nazi £ submarine in World War U. The film stars Jurgen ii: Prochnow and Klaus Wennemann. The R rating is for violence.· A LITTLE SEX: Rated R. stars Tim M11theson, Kate Capshaw and Edward Herrmann in the story ol a man who tries to be faithful but finds it hard. The R rating is for adult situations. ATLANTIC CITY: Rated R, stars Burt Lancaster as an aging, bottom-rung ex-gangster who gets one last chance to make a big buck when he happem upon a large tl.mOunt of cocaine, and one last chance at rornanc:e when he meets ~usan ::>arandon, a card dealer. Louis Malle directed th.ls bit of wh.imsy. written by John Guare. It's fresh, furinr, and alive. The R rating Is for violence and adult situauooa. BODY HEAT: Rated R, starring William Hurt as a bungling, lovestruck attorney and Kathleen Turner as the femme fatale. This sexy, devious mystery takes place in a fictitious Florida town so hot that people in cales order iced teaa.-two at a time. Oi.reded by Lawrence K.asdan as an homage to film noir, the R rating cobleS from brief nudity, salty language and a general air of steaminess. CANNERY ROW: Rated PG, stars Nick Nolte and Debra Winger in a free-swinging film adaptation of John Steinbeck's stories "Canner y Row" and "Sweet Thursday." Shot on MGM sound stages. lhis movie has a sweet, enchanted look and fine performances by Nolle, Winger and Audra Lindley as the madame. Narrated by· John Huston. Te PG.rating is for sexual adult situations. CAT PIWt'Lt;: .Kated K. stars Nastassia Kinsk1 andt Malcolm McDowell in a Lale of love and the supernatural. Directed by Paul Schrader, music by Georgio Moroder .. The R rating is for sex and violence. CHARIOTS OF FIRE: Rated PG and starring Ber1.; Cr oss and Ian Charleson as runners in the 1924, ::>lymplad, who run races for different reasons but. manage to win just the same. The PG rating must be fon its lofty themes: there is no nudity, no violence and very. little offensive language. CONAN 'l'Ht; HAKHAKIAN: Rated R, stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the muscle-bound Conan, a pagan warrior who seeks revenge against the other pagans who killed his mother and father. Directed by John Milius. The R rating is for violence and sex. DEATHTRAP: Rated PG, stars Christopher Reeve. Michael Caine and Dyan Cannon in • clever murder mustery about a WjlShed up writer and a promising young author who pens a great mystery. The PG rating is for violence. ENTER THE NINJA: Rated R, stars Christopher George, Franco Nero and Susan George in a tale of martial arts and vengeance. The R rating is for violence. E.T. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL: Rated PG, atars Henry Thomas, Dee Wallace, Robert MacNqhton and -------------------Drew Barrymore. This highly acclaimed science-fantasy •••••••••••••••••!!!11••1111111 film deals with a young boy who befriends a little !oat GO FOR IT! ROCKY Ill alien from outer space. This family film has been touted as one of the best in years. FORBIDDEN WORLD: Rated R. is a science fiction horror story set in space. The R rating is for violence. THE FRENCH LIEUTENANT'S WOMAN: Raed R. "8rs Meryl Streep in the role of the heartbroken and heartbreakinJl French Lieutenant's woman and Jeremy lrons as the Victorian gentleman who gambles his love ' ( LUXURY THEATRES ) W 1st ... Milet SMilcsOll.YS2.lllU.SSOtMnristllltt41 ~ S tll3Mg4.tt.ll6t65~ 25SJ/~~,) S * FOR Funl EXCITEmEmt V11rtOur... * ARCADEofGAMES* :'. '.:.'" L Anlfil m 12.00 2:J5 5 :15 1:00 10:30 n TOmm I Sf'AA -'Wl'ATH ~fil B TT\EK.I. ... NW'I IE) ..... ~'"'C'v-f f:'j'ff8:o\f11~01\'~~s:oo , f':/11tlo1'6~ o2'10 4t15 cunt 1:11twood 1fll"i~IR.J OF THE , .. _.rVRIFDX C?!1.A!!L:~ t~INo1f6!ls2'50 a 12141 J :OO S:IO 7:4010:10 m '''Dtu 14;w 2163~ 928'2/~:-~) Al Paclno In ~ f T THI: EXTRA~ ~/,~/i •le TERRESTRIAL 11'41 a. 7:&0 l'tu• QRl:ASE 2 13:03 12:10 3:00 5:30 1100 ( i t 1 r 513 a. 9!4 0 :2 711mm No l'a11•1 6 639 8770/~~ ET THE EXTRA· •le TERRESTRIAL Tll• lncrtJIU>I• lllflnklnt woman 1PG> No ~nu Geoffrey Holder stars as Punjab, Daddy Warbucks' mysterious bodyguard, blessed with otherworldly powers in the m otion picture, "Annie. " and reputation on her, The modem day film crew making a movie of "The French Lieutenant's Woman" has its own romantJc dramas and downfalls wluch are meant to compare and contrast with the Victorian sequence. The R rating is for adult situations. · GOIN' ALL THE WAY: Rated R. is about a s~amy summer and young people with "only one thing on their mlnds." The R rating is for adult situations and nudity. GREASE 2: Rated PG, stars Maxwell Caul.field, Michelle Pfeiffer , Adrian Zmed and Loma Luft. Youthful talent and vltallty provide occasional fun, but this sequel is unevenly crafted. IF YOU COULD SEE WHAT I HEAR: Rated PG, stars Marc Singer and Shari Harper. This movie is based on the We of Tom Sullivan, singer-composer, writer- director and athlete who was blind. Rating is for adult situations. See Movies, Page 11 • ·~~~TVIDEO ENTERTAINMENT t MISSING THE BORDER ABSENC E OF MALICE THE GREAT WALDO PEPPER l'M DANCING AS FAST AS I CAN CACTUS FLOWER jOPEN: M-F. 10-9-SAT.10-6-SUN.12·5 I · · .. .(r 1! VIDEO GAMES ~ * ·. · '" '"" ............ ,. """ 11) Ct>1111 Mesa C•Moro10 91627 lllnl:Q I I 17141631 STOP or 631 7867 l'IUJ;I ACROSS FROM RALPH'S ''The Store That Has All Tht Movies" • • ------------------..... (Currently Screening )J-------------------: 0 Frum Page 10 MISSING: Rated PG, sLars Jack Lemmon and Sissy Spacek as a man and his daughter-in-law who search for his missing son The evenL-; are baSt.'CI on a true story in whkh a young American was apparently allowed to Ix· killed in a Lalin American wuntry by forces CriC'ndly with the U S. Governnwnt The PC rating is for adult s1tuauons ON GOLDEN POND: &ilt'<I PG, star.. Henry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn as .in agtng l'OUplc rNurnmg to live on Goldl·n Pond !k's filled with anx1eues about death; sh{''s intcrminahly chl'C'rful. Tht.'y b1t·ker politely unul the arrival of their daught.c>r (Jane Fonda), ht•r latest boyfriend, Billy (playt'CI brilliantly by Dabney Coleman) and his ta-yl•ar old boy. The PG rating is for language ONE FROM THE llEART: Rated H, takes plal-c in a sound stage' ri.•-creation of Las Vegas and tl'lls the story of 24 hours in the hves of two lovers The ftlm was dlre<:l.C'd by Francis Coppold, wr1tt1.-n by Armyan Bernstein and Coppola. and :.tars Fredl·m· Forrest, Ten Garr. Raul Julia and Nasi.ass1a K1nsk1 'Tht• R rating is fur adult situations POCTERGEIST: Rated PC. stars Jobeth W1thams and Bealm:e Straight in a tale of the supernatural. The story is by St.even Spielberg, the dtr{'('UOn by Tobe Mooper The PG rating LS for suspense. PORK Y'S: Rated R. stars Kim Cattrall. Scott Colomby and Alex Karras in a tale of boys groWlllg up. ll'he R rating is for nudity. ROCKY Ill: Rated PG. stars Sylvester Stallone as the gutsy Rocky. who battles to defend hlS crown. The PG raung lS for violence SHOOT THE MOON: Rated R, stars AJbert Finney as ~rge Dunlap. whose marriage to Faith (Diane Keaton) Is on the rocks. They become involved with diCferent people, and for the first time in years, seem to involve themselves again. It's an accurate, moving account o! a break-up. more intuitive and precise than most movies on divorce. M their daughter, Sherry, Diana Hill ls brilliant. Keaton gives the performance of a lifetime. The R rating is for adult situations. SOME KIND OF HERO: Rated R, stars Richard Pryor as a down and out Marine who can't make his life go as he wants it to. The R raung is for language and adult SJtuatJoos. STAR TREK 0 : Rated PG, stars William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy In the continuing quest to seek out and explore strange new worlds. The PG rating Is for action. Directed by Nicholas Meyer. . . E.T. .. E:-'.~ .,_ . .T. I , I "GREASE II" DAii. Y ""°°• ~ (,0) "HANKY PANKY" DAILY .._ 1:18, 10:M "BLADE RUNNER" DAILY 11:11, 2tl0 4:41. 1:00. t:11 (Ill) 8AMY 801TinCIC IN "MEGA- FORCE" OAIU 1-.a:. l:tO, NO.NO (N ) -THE ROAD WARRIOR: Rated R, stars Mel Gibson :£ as a sem1-hero who bautes marauding bandits in a VISITING HOURS: Rated R, stars Lee Grant and <D post-end-of-the-world thriller. Directed by George Wilham Shatncr ma tale about a homble hospital. The R <D Miller The R rating is for violence, wh1rh is abundant rating is for violence. ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ KUAT RUSIEU IN JOHN CARPENTER'S "THE THING" DAILY 1:00, S:1S, 5:45 1:00, 10:1~R) Dllslmll DAILY 1:15, •:OO 1:00,•M .... ~,"'(:·~ • ICUAT IWHEU .. JOttH CARPENTER'S "THE THING" DAll.Y 1:30, S:45, t!OO 1:15, 1~.30 (R) AL PACINO "AUTHOR, AUTHOR" DAJL Y 12'40, a.-GO S:15, 7:JO, 10:00 DAil. Y 2.-00, 5:00 1!00, 1~.30 (PO) DAJl Y 1:30, 3:U 8:00, 1:15, 1~AO (PO) ·---....,'l'O~ ... ·----,_ ... , __ '°"'"' · I "'ACIC "IT AR Tl'EK II OOl.IY ITINO HARAISON) THE WRATH OF "Th • FORD he'!! f.• m ~ KHAN" (PO) If ltNO'Wli WHAt lfUlf,,.,, t<:AllU YOU • 0 11!1 DAIL. Y1 11:11 • POLTERGEIST ~ 4:41, 7!00 PN. 1.-00. 1:15, 10:IO 12=111, t=-t:11. ''"·IAT. 8A T.01UM. 1:JO, lcOO, 1:tt. tM1 1t!30 '.M. 1.-00.1:11, 1~ Q. <D .., 'Tl 1 Q. ~ ~ .... Ml ~ DAil. Y 12::40, 2::30, •:30 ll;lO, l:JO, 1~.30 "DEAD MEN OOH'T WEAR Pl.AID" 1..a1 DAILY 2:15, 1:15, 10:15 CUNT EAI TWOOO (PO) ~ID DAILY •:OO, 1:00 DAILY 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:00 ~~,,'s @ "'E/iR <PG> Ba11l1i~:. •• ,._acE DAILY 1:00, S.-00, 5:00 DAil ~,,f-1,,' 5cOO 7:00, t:00 7:00, t:OO a Fftl,. I AT. 11:00 OOl.aY 8TEM O FM. l:OO, 1:15, 10:30 I AT-SUN.. 1:IO, S:.U, 1:00 1:15, 10:30 edw.Hds LI DO C INE MA NfWP()R I Dl\10 Al ••A LID'' 673 -8350 NFWPOPT RfAf>t MAN HAS MACl HIS MAlCH HARRISON FORD 8L.V. llUlf,,.,, 0 l!J f"'-7:15, •.so I AT/SUN. 12:30,2:'5 MIO, 7:15, ..... A ITIWN ll'tlLMRO ~ POL TERQllST OAL'r. ,,._ ... ~.-.. 10:ao '"' ....... DAILY 1:00. l:AIO ~-1100. t:OO aAMY llOITWICK IN "MEGA· FORCE" OAJLY 1:at.l:ll 1:a.1•t:11 11:tl (PO) DAI. Y 11:11. 2:25. """ 7:10, •.a IU.1•11' RUllEU. .. .IOHNCA~'I "THE THING" DMY 1a..l:ll ........ -(") ~ <D I\) !J' • • •:-------------------"'\( Table to Table )~------------------ 0> ROTHSCHILD, 2407 E . Coast ~ Highway, Corona del Mar. 673-3750. G) Lunch served from 1 J a.m. to 2 p.m . c: Monday through Saturday. Dinner ~ served from 5 to 10 p.m. seven days a. >. week. Lunch from $2. 75 to $6.95. ~ Dinner from $8.95 to $13.75. Limited -c reservations. Major credit cards. LL .... ~ The Rothschild restaurant is an "O overwhelming place. That's in i addition to beina a fine place to dine i on Italian cuisine in a setting reminiacent of quaint French cafe. ~ When we stepped through the door. ~ h ow ever, we immediately were a: happily overcome by the pungent odor of fresh garlic sauteing in butter. It was enough to set our taste buds on end. But we managed to endure the wait for our table, nursing goblets of white German varietal and admiring refrigerated deli cases offering an international assortment of cheeses. U that wasn't enough to arouse our appetites, we also feasted our eyes upon jars pf caviar, pates, dijon mustard as well as an abundant array of petite crackers, prepared meats and rich desserts. But it's no accident that Rothschild proprietor Helinut Reiss tantalizes h.ia dinner guests with the sights and smells of a French delicatessan, replete with floor-to-ceiling racks of domestic: and imported wines. Rothschild started four ye8r_!Jlgo as a rather modest 90Up and sandwich \ \ Rothschild Where dinner guests receive fu ll treatment of sights and smells By JOEL C. DON Of the Daily Pilot Stall shop. After six months, Reiss transformed his Pacific Coast Highway location Into an intimate dining experience with linen on the tables, a country French atmosphere and a warm and friendly staff. Reiss, who was born and raised in Munich, Germany, left his native land at age 16 after a brief stint as an apprentice waiter in the Hotel Bayerischer-hof. He continued in the restaurant trade in St. Louis, working for a major chain. Tiring of the Gateway City. he moved to what he considered a splendid place to open his own deli and thus began Rothschild, after his mother's maiden name. Though he describes his menu as Continental, the somewhat limited selections are distinctly Italian. The . Everybody, Ever ywhere Is Cheering Al Pacino And The Kids. And So Will You! exquisite offerinp are prepared by chef Rogelio Gerrera of Guadalajara, Me xico, who served his apprenticeship under former · Rothschild chef Andreino DeSantis. (DeSanUs has moved on to create his own fine restaurant in San Clemente.) After our palates were thoroughly entranced by the aroma of fresh spices cascading out of the kitchen, we settled down to the advertised house specialty appetizer, toasted artichoke hearts ($2.95). They were marinated with vinegar, oil and garlic, toasted with lemon butter and white wine and delicately crowned with fresh Parmesan. We were tempted by both the veal marsala ($12.95) and a pasta entree titled Paglia e Fieno Rothschild ($10.95). featuring a colorful mixture of spinach and egg fettucine with sauteed shrimp, crab leg meat, mushrooms, white wine and Parmesan. Our waitress took a muc h - appreciated initiative when w e casually mentioned our predicament over our preferred entrees. She brought us the best of both worlds, our plates handsomely filled with half-portions of both dinner selections. The veal was wonderfully tender. with its appropriately seasoned wine sauce. The pasta was splendid and the seafood fresh, proof of Rothschild's claim of no freerer on the premises. Desserts range from $2. 75 to $4.95 and-include amaretto mousse torte, chocolate-cover ed strawberries drenched in port wine and fresh raspberries. We opted to share the torte, a creamy delight featuring white chocolate and a brownie crust with a hint of the almond-flavored liqueur. Diners be warned there often is a wait for lunch and dinner. There are a few tables in the deli case area, but I advise requesting a table inside the main dining room to avoid the bustle of waiters and waitresses and guests awaiting their tables. But the wait at Rothschild IS an experience unto itself. The deli-like atmosphere and culinary visage is enough to stir even the mildest of temptations. =awss "AUTHOR, AUTHOR" "BAMBI" <o> "ON GOLDEN POND" PIUt "CHARIOTS OF FIRE" Turn your unusables Into usable cash.call D~ilyPUot classified 642-5671. ~------------------------~~~~~--\~,~~-D_l_v_•_r_•_lo~n-•~~-~~~~~~~~~--~--~----~~~-----·•: LA MlRADA FESTIVAL OF ARTS Art Auction iB g 1-!'> p .m . Saturday at La Mirada Civic Theater. ~ Information 523-0291. J "THE BAD SEED," Maxwell Anderson's drama about a lethal 8-year-old girl. continues at the Newport Theater Arts Center, 2501 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach. Performances are given tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Reservations 675-3143. "GOORGE M," the musical biography of George M. Cohan, is In Its first w<-ek at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente. Curtain times are 8:15 Tuesday through Thursday, 8:45 Friday and Saturday and 1:30 and 7:45 Sunday Reservations 492-995-0. . "I DO, I DO," a two-character matrimonial musical, is the fare at the new Movieland tl1nner Theater at Movieland Wax Museum, 7711 Beach Blvd., Buena Park, playing Wednesdays. Thursdays and Fridays through July 9. Dinner is at 7:30 and show at 8:45. Reservations • 522-ll54. "A MAN FOR ALL SEASONS," Robert Bolt's historical drama, continut>s at the Huntington Beach Playhouse in the Seacliff Village shopplng center, Main Street at Yorktown Avenue, Huntington Beach. Curtain is 8:30 Fridays and Saturdays through July 10. Reservations 847 -4465. "THE MUSIC MAN," Meredith Willson's tribute to Midwestern America, is on stage at SaddJeback College in Mission Viejo, a producuon of the Saddleback Company Theater. Performances are tonight and Saturday at 8, Sunday at 3 and WedMsday throllgh Saturday of next week a\ 8. Reservations 831 -4656. What's happe_ning along Orange Coast Larry o·srlen, leader of th• Glenn Miiier Orchestra, wlll appear evenings on Dllneyland's Plaza Gardens stage through July J. "OKLAHOMA," the Rodgers and Hammerstein Curtain is H IJ.m. tonight and Saturday. Reservations musical, continues nightly except Mondays through Aug. 492-~5. 22 at the Curtain Call Dinner Theater, 690 El Camino Real, Tustin. Reservations and information at 838-1540. -ART----------------- TORANA ART LEAGUE OF ORANGE COUNTY presents its 19th annual JUTied painung show July 1-29 at the Guggenheim Gallery. Chapman College. Information 633-4408. ~ ~ Q. ~ _ .. "'Tl .. "A YEAR AT T HE GALEHlA" multi-media exhibit Ci opens Sunday at Galeria, 114 ~ N. Broadway, Sant.a Ana. ~ Artists' reception as 3-5 p.m Sunday Information 834-9078. ~ ~ ~ ROBERT RAUSCHENBERG 'S "SURFACE SERIES FROM CURRENTS," a 1970 portfolio of 18 ~ large black and white silbcreen prints, at Long Beach ...... Museum of Art, 2300 E. Ocean Blvd., Long Beach Hours co noon-5 p.m. Wednesday-Sunday Admission free. °' Information (213) 439-2119. N ONE WOMAN SHOW of Helen Hardin's recent works continues through Wednesday at Galeria Capistrano, 31681 Camino Capistrano, San Juan See Diversions, Page 14 NOW ON STAGE DONALD O'CONNOR "SUGAR," the musical version of the movie "Some Like ll Hot," is belng offered at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse. 35-03 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana. Cur1.lin times vary nightly except Mondays through Sept. S. Reservations 979-5511. ORANGE COUNTY CENTER FOR CONTEMPORARY ART 2nd annual Fine Arts Juried Competition ls July 9-30. Entries can include drawings, paintings, prints, multi-medla works and photographs. Limited Engagement Wonnation 549-4989. thru August 7 ''TINTYPES," a musical chronicling America at the tum of iM century, continll4!9 at South "tout Repertory, 655 Town Center Drive, Coeta Mesa. Curtaln ia 8 p.m. Tuesdays through Saturdays, 7:30 Sundays, with weekend matinees al 2:30 through July 3. Reservations 957-4033. "YOUR FLAKE OR MINE?" Jack Sharkey's latest comedy, winds up its run at the San Clemente Community Theater, 202 Ave. Qabrillo, San $l-emente. FOUNDRY PROCESSES CLASSES iaught by F.c:t Chatlin are offered by Laguna Beach School of Art starting June 28. Ten-week class will include wax brom.e casting. InformatJon 497-3309. "CHINESE ART: T'ANG THROUGH CHl NG" 1::xhibit is at Bowers Museum, 2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana, through Sept. 26. Admission and parking free. Hours 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday and noon-5 p.m. Sunday. "Mother Koren" .. The year 'round jacket Gteot b 8\lefYlt'ltng. like boating. bike nding or Just the beoch Fun color combl~ions. Moch1ne woshoble too Super with Vuomet & Le COrd sunglass holders ~~~ 56 FASHION ISLAND · NE\NPORT BEACH · (714) 644· 7030 ~--·:- Glftt Tdlb It "-" Cllll 460·6488 or 487-4181 T deb aJ 1M lt1 llf!Ct tr Ticlctnt. Gne, Sela: (ZIJ) 464-lUI l 0 ~ A N G f L f S C I V I C l I G H T r, P f R A by Mary Kyte, Mel lbl'YI\ Ind &afy Peart This nostalgic musical revue with turn-of-the-century songs ~tures the spirit of The American Dream -and the American reality, too, with the sounds of ragtime, Tin Pan Alley, jazz and the Ziegfeld Folllee. Mey 25 through June %1 -4~MOW PU YING~ Main Stage Curtain Times: Tuesday-Saturday at 8 p.m. Sunday at 7:30 p .m. Sat. and Sun. Matinees at 2:30 p.m. Limited Seating Still Available 655 Town Center Drive. Costa Mesa. CA 92828 For tic:ket information « reservations. call (714) 957.....003 ·~-------------- I 1 ·. "' ~~-------------------------------------4(_-~ ___ 0_1_v_•_,_•_lo __ n_• ______ ~~------------------------------------- co CJ) ... ~ Fr o m Pa g e 13 , N Cap&Btrano. Showing or John Nieto's pamlings. drawings, ~ serigraphs, lithographs and bron.z.es is July 16-31 with an ~ artist's re<."eption 5-9 p.m July 16 . .., ~ CALLIGRAPHY LEX::TURE by Len.an Rees, scribe .g to Queen Elizabeth, is at 2 p.m. Saturday in Newport ·.::: Harbor Art Museum. Admission $5. u.: ~-DANCE------ -g CRYSTAL CATHEDRAL DANCE ARTISTS lN ~ RESLDENCE WEEK Begins Saturday at 12141 Lewis St, ! Garden Grove. lnfonnauon on classes 971,4144. ~·-ETC.--------0 . ~ GOLDEN STATE DOLL COLLECTORS hold 11S 2nd annual doll show and sale 10 a .m -4 p.m. Saturday at St. Joachim Catholic Churt.'h, 1964 Orange Ave., Costa Mesa. AdmLSSion $1. "SNOOPY AND ALL THAT JAZZ" 1<..'e show is three tunes daily exc.'ept Friday at Knott's Berry Farm. Buena Park. KINGDOM OF DANCING STALLIONS , 7662 Beach Blvd.. Buena Park, new showtimes are 2 and 8 p.m. weekdays; 11 a.m .. 2 and 8 p.m. Saturdays and 11 a.m., 2 and 5 p.rn. Sundays. YOGA GUEST NIG HT with discussion and demonstration of yoga IS 7-9 p.m Sunday at the Fire Training Center, 2400 E. Orangewood, Anaheim. GUN SHOW is 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m.-5 What's going on along Orange Coast p.m. Sunday at Anaheim Convention Center. Statues of cowboys and Indians, hand-tooled saddles, gun belts. painllngs and other works to be shown GLENN MILLER ORCHESTRA directed by Larry O 'Brien performs at Disneyland for a week st.artmg Su~day. Voc~Jist Bert.le Higgins opens Mondav -MUSIC------+-- GOSPEL RECORDING ARTIST FRED FRANK, a bantone. performs at 8 pm. July 7 m Memonal Hall Auditonum, Chapman College, 333 N. Glassell. Orange Adm1SS1on $3. lnfonnallon 997-6611. -SINGLES------ "ARE YOU MOVING TOO FAST -OR NOT FAST ENOUGH?" is d1'CUSSion topic for Center Club Singles at 5 p.m. Saturday in Advanced Health Center, 1300 Bristol St. N .. Newport Beach Admission $3 Information 975-0700. FLAG DAY PARTY Is 9 p.m.-1 a.m. for Parents Without Pa.rlners at C.OSta Mesa Community Center, 1845 Park Ave, Costa Mesa. Information 551-0161 DISCOVERY, a singles discusmon, is at 7:30 p.m. every Sunday at Unitarian Unlversalist Church, 1259 Victona, Costa Mesa. lnJormation &44-7103. "Snoopy," the lovable beagle, s tars in Knott's Ice Spectacular, "All That Jazz," daily in the Good Time Theater at Knott's Berry Fa.rm. 0 .. i=-01NING & ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE ••t h.re or t•k• home STA·G CHINESE CASINO , Wf ,IOMISI YOI COOO ClffNISf 1000 LUNCHIS • IMHNllS • "°'9CAl (OCKTAILS .~ ,. IAIQUITFACIUTIU • ... CATlllNG * fOOO TO GO 1 OPll 7 bAYS ( '"'* llKMIT OI POOi TO IO I I SANOl£GO I • I N l........+--~---.,..:i-~ "'' ..... "=· HJ.ti II Ha.IOIO IS NOW OPEN AT S:OO PM DAILY S4B-7167 STEAKS • SEAFOOD • PRIME RIB * Thursday Night Men's Nlg'lt Saturday Night Ladlee' Night 19111 ~ tbticton a..dt At A-. 912-1341 ,,--.olden 9~~~ ..., . -~~ Sl;)~agon ·-- GENUINE CHINESE MAHOMIN DISHES Specializing In Chinese /J. lo Corte Dishes . Lunch Dinner Del.bi • Food To Take Out . 4711C ....... ·~ ' ,JOJJH~llY4. 750.7171 • 7S0.50M COUA MISA .. .~ ...... , 642-7142. 6ll0 ttll A VERY SPECIAL JAPANESE RESTAURANT Award winning traditional Japanese cuisine a nd superb western-style specialties. Your favorite seafood , chicken, and steak. Delicate soups and delightful salads. Impeccable service in a most beautiful setting. Discover Ya mato ... a very s pecial dining experience. 118.Wlato 60 Fashion Island Newport Beach / 644-4811 Century Plaza Hotel 277-1840 • .. ~-----------------------------------t( ____ A_1 __ 1_h_•_At __ o_v_I_•_•---~~----------------------------------~•: Gene Wilder in peril again in his 'Hanky Panky' movie From Page 6 Wilder plays a poor schnook (a market he's cornered recently) caught in a maelstrom of international intrigue because he man.ages to pop into the wrong-New York taxi. It's also occupied by an alluring agent (Kathleen Quinlan) who's in , possession of a computer tape with top-secret details on a new weapons system that could tilt the world's balance of power. Naturally she's being pursued, and Wilder winds up in the thick of it, ultimately fleeing Gotham as a murder suspect caugh t by the television camera. If this escapade, which climaxes in the Grand Canyon, begins to sound vaguely like "North by Northwest,'' it's probably intentional. The first 20 minutes of the picture do indeed resemble the buildup for an Alfred Hitchcock suspenser. But this similarity fizzles at about the point Wilder hooks up with Gilda Radner and the pair begin to play detective in earn.est. From then on it's out of one life- threalening situation and into another with only cursory attention given to furthering the plot or establishing ehar:ic-fnr I\ Mirist all of this chaos, the ominous fjgure of Richard Widmark slips in and out of the picture, adding a modicum of class to the charade as the kingpin of the enemy agents. Widmark, a star by Old Hollywood standards, exudes understated power and authority, as well as a menace he's been cultivating for the last 35 years since "Kiss of Death" in which the giggling Tommy Udo pushed an invalid old woman down stairs in her wheelchair. His presence gives the forces of villainy a touch of credence, even though it's never established where their allegiance lies. M i s s R a d n e r , ~a s k i l 1 e d improvisational comedienne, seems somewhat out of her element in "Hanky Panky." a straight comedy- adventure flick. It should, however, prove a popular pairing given the exalted standing of each -even though Chevy Chase a nd Goldie Hawn did the same things much better in "Foul Plav." What "Hanky Panky" has going for Fashion Island to spqnsor series of big band concerts For the 14th straight summer, Fashion Island shopping center will sponsor a series of six concerts. mostly big band outfits. Returning to the mall's Center Stage C.ourt will be Les Brown and His Band of Re nown and Tex Beneke, formerly with Glen Miller. The concerts, in past years. have attracted crowds upward of 50,000. The even ing performances, all on Thursdays, are free. July 8 -The California Symphony directed by Henry Brandon. - July 15 -Tex Beneke. July 22 -Gisele MacKenzie with the Brandon Band. July 29 -};lenry Brandon's Big Brass Band. August 5 -Les Brown and Iris Band of Renown. August 12 -The New Christy Minstrels. The s h ows, sp on sored by the Fashion Island Merchants Association and the Irvine Company, begin at 9 p.m. Local. county. state. national and international events come to your 'doorstep a· ·1 p·1at in the bright . light and lively II JJ . _ __ ·_ 0 -it is. in essence, ~ne Wilder, who's risen above better material ~han this over the years. He's a master cinematic comic who makes the ~ situa tion work, and for this th~ i producers can be deeply indebted. "K lb ---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ Complete Dinners from SS.25 to $5.95 5:00 PM -7 :00 PM Daily Your choice of soup o r salad and one of these entrees Fettucini .. Neptune .. The Weight Watcher -broiled. freshly Ground Beef ·.. Country Fare -broiled . breaded Pork Chops Fish and Ch ips o m elette du Jour ... plus your choice of d essen. including Haagen o azs ice Cream or Apple Strudel and a selection of beverages from coffee. tea. iced tea. milk or Sanka. ~le-" CAPRICCIO CAF~ a• ~=: Tl!nnhClub I !100 St'Wpon Cf01llt"r l>rlv 1· I Nt'WJIOM l\('H(•I\, CJ\ !l:!m;o I (7141 fi40·411(H). F..XI. 61 ;Jl4 \ Half-Price Dinner Celebration. To celebrate the Fourth, we're offering very special savings through July 8th. Jus t bring in this coupon during this Holiday Savings Time and you can save 50% on your second dinner. If you order a ny entree from our regular menu, we11 serve up a second entree of same or lower value for just half price. All dinners served complete with soup, or unlimited salad bar, ri ce or potato. Pl~ a basket of fresh bread. Come and enjoy the 6est Prime Rib and so much more. For less. • Victoria Station· The beet Pl'ime Rib. And now • wlao~ lot more. Laguna Hille, 211231 Avenida de la Carlota, 168-1994 Ne wport Beach, MacArthur and Jamboree, 152"°240; Watminetu, 14041 Beach Blvd.,898-6702 lb :' "Tl ... a: Ql '< '-c ::> lb N (JI .. • • • • r --...:..u.!.----- • & Josef ,,...._ ich "Y" PllSPOllll GOLDI ROPKHEll • Sf)!i!drifter Dasnnaivc Waterfront Dining • Oyster Bar • c:ocktails 3333 W. Pmcific a.st H,igbway, Newport ec.cti Rcscrvllions Aa:qxcd • 642-2295 A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment Center \ Albertson's • Bank of America • Bilbo Bagglns •Coco's/Reuben's • Dolphin Hair Fashions • Edwards Cinema • Fash'n Splash • Hamburger Hamlet • Ice Capades •Mesa Verde Florist • Mesa Verde Travel Mione's • Music Market • Plecemakers • Photography by Jeffrey • Southern California Optical Spa Lady • Swensen's 2701 Harbor Blvd. • (Harbor & Adams) Costa Meu, CA ·~-... ·· ..... ~:toll!) :ROger -Gives You A Chance To Win One Of SIX Fabulous Hawillan fatQlly Vacations! Each Week For SIX Weeks A N~w Family Will Win A Vacation For 4 Perst>ns! Register Ev•~Tif::\?~D::;: hawa1aan 12ai€nt hot£l • 7 days/6 nights for 4 persons (2 rooms) at the spectacular Hawaiian Regent on Waikiki's scenic side near Dtart)Ond Head. • Round Trip airfare via spacious Wor1d Airways Wide Body Jet from Los Ar.gales to Honoluful • Great Meals at Jolly Roger/Hawaii locations (Taxes. gratuities and oround lransoortahoo nor included l Entry forms and complete rules are at yoor participat- ing Jolly Raoer You must be 18 or older to enter. no purchase necess3ry. Odds of winning are detennined by each week's entries. New entry forms used for each drawing, so register often! Sweepstakes ends August 3. 1982. It's All To Introduce Our Great New Hawaiian .... uDlnner lopped Witt\ a delicious Hew.han Glaze th1S llland Feut features a tempfino tno oi Boneless Bre1tl of Chicken. Tender P\:Jtk Btck Ribs and II Prime Rib 8c>11e. 1>1u1 Hewahon frlrirlt lhef include Alce Piiaf ftesh T~I ~a 6 ~ 'Qefntlt\ed with Frestl St~nes 6 Coconut. y®r ohOlce of Clam Chowder. Soup or S.tld sod a hell-loaf of Warm Bread 6 Butter 7.95 ~:fll9.t!. . --BREAKF.\ST • '-:UNCH • OfNNER •COCKTAILS Balboe 1118nd • 203 Marine Avenue (Beer & Wine Service Only) Cotta Meu • Harbor Shopping Center 2300 Harbor Blvd. INtne • Newport Fwy. at East Dyer Road 1727 Eas\ Dyer Road Lalre r:o..t •Just ott 1-5 at Lake Forest Drive 22873 Lake Form Drive Tattletales. • • News style ... TV Teasers, Page 28 Orange County, Page 3 ..... ' f{', • •• Roman Brady ... Daytime Drama, Page 31 •June 25-July 2• Hart to Hart. . . Stefanie Powers' role a lot like real life Stefanie Powe rs' role as the stylish, world-traveling writer Jennifer Hart is not unlike her own real-life adventure. Miss Powers is seen Tuesday at 10 p.m. on KABC (Ch. 7) in the popular television series "Hart to Hart." She co-stars with Robert Wagner in the series, which will return for its fourth season this fall. "Hart to Hart" is the story of Jonathan and Jennifer Hart, an adventure seeking husband and wife who keep their love affair ablaze while in pursuit of exciting a n d hazardous escapdes. Benevolent tycoon J o n athan is the self-made head of a multi-billion dollar conglomerate, while the elegant and alluring J ennifer is an internationally-known freelance journalist. Frequent visits to Mexico where her brother was attending school proved to be the foundation for a love of world traveling, which, today, includes extensive journeys through Asia, South America, China, Africa and Europe, whenever her acting career permits. She also bas been observed bull fighting in Mexico, singing in a cultural exchange in Poland and, in Rome, supporting a home for abandoned children. Miss Powers began her career as a dancer in a stage production of "West Side Story" but was replaced three months lat.er when it was learned that she was only 15 years old. That effort w.-s not in vain, however, as she was· offered the lead role in her . first motion picture, "Among the Thorns." Since.then she has appeared in such major motion pictures as .. Experiment in Terror," ''The Int.ems," ''Die, Die My Darling," "McClintock," "Stagecoat" and "The Boatniks." A veteran of over 200 t elevision appearances and many theater productions, Miss Powers landed her first starring role in a television aeries as the heroine in "The Girl From U.N.C.L.E.", which was followed by ABC's "Feather and Father" eertes. She aJao baa stam!d 1n many t.elevision moviee, including ''A Death in Canaan" and the 10-hour mini-aeries "Wuhingtolt: Behind Cloeed Doon." "I j I ' Th•e single aotreu haa received many honors. among them the People'• Choice Award and a Golden Globe nomination. both for her portrayal of Jennifer; Hart, and the Pou.h Heritqe Awards. She mo ler'Wll ml the . ' . . ~ ~······· ... ,,.,·' ......... ...., ........ ~ t N co (7) .... I/) N CD c :> , >. l'O "O -=: LI.. a, 0 ..J • > .... .2 ~ WHY WEDNESDAY ')• Atlantic Music is closed on Wednesday . Frankly, we work very hard during the othe_six day_s__of the week to find the best values in hi-fi components. So on Wed- nesdays, we relax. Our philosophy has always been to provide the best sounding equipment for you to fit with in your budget. In addition, we sell Maxell , and TDK blank audio and video tape at the lowest possible prices. *********************************************~ IUDIO/VIDE-o FURNRURE -Atlantic Music carries one of Orange County's largest selections of quality furniture to house your valued possessions. From 24 inches tall to 70 inches tall; from $59°0 to over $700°0; ~ith glass doors; with casters; in oak, walnut and pecan veneers and solids. Stop by for our complete selection and excelle.nt pricing. ' ********************************************* LOOK! WE'VE REDUCED TECHlllDYllE PRICES EVEll IORE!! THE TECHNIDYNE HPR-184 • Cllp-.on earphones (no headband) •Two headphone jacks •LED stereo idcator •AM/FM side '* cial with inclrect bl1i'f for easy station selection •Two headphone jacks so you can Is ten with a friend •Dual v~ controls to select the exact vokrne and balance you prefer Mtg. Hat •se *THE TECHNIDYNE Now On Sale* HPS-180 I•• 11 Salt ... ~ '.!Jl5 * CASSETTE •ts ust sat $1 0 5 $38~ PLAYER AND RECORDER * WITH FM TUNER! ~* * •adlustable foldable headphones * -= tape capabity fOf fichest qualty * •IUtomatk stop him off electronics and ,.t. mot. at end of the tape ~ 9flvitw and cue hrtction while tape IS 11 * play ,.,.,._ •manual rKorclnc from a bult-il mile ,...-•st•• rec«dq capabity from 11temal * min or froln yu home ste1eo ....._ •accepts FM Tinr cassette (~d) l° •LED pow•• and battery level irdcatar ,.... •staWlzt4 tape !Mdmliun tor ...._ •Canyilc CHI and shol'* strap ....._ WOW lnCI fMt• .... Joatnl • ... , ~ ,.... •tllJ.(MJ UH wllt ....... drip ... ***********************\********************* HEAR YOUR SYSTEM AT ITS BEST!! • ATLANTIC MUSIC HAS ONE OF ORANGE COUNTY'S LARGEST SELECTIONS OF AUDIOPHILE RECORDINGS WITH TELARC DIGITAL, DIRECT DISK LABS, NAUTILAS SUPER DISKS, SHEFFIELD LABS, AND MOBILE FIDELITY ORIGINAL MASTER RECORDINGS. I 1 I J -------e • Daily Pilat MAIN OFFICE 330 WHt Bay St .. Coata Meaa, Ca. Mall addreaa: Bow 1560, Coata Meaa, Ca., 92626 Telephone: 642-4321 Program information 1s provided by the networks land st.ations and is subfect to change without notire. Index Orange Coast TV At1le11tio Page 2 Sports Hzghligltts Page 5 Daytime Schedule Page 6 Evening Schedule Page 8 Letters .................................... : ........... Page 27 Word Game ....................................... Page 27 TV Puzzle Page 29 Daytime Druma Page 30 Channeis f} KNXT 1CBS 1 6121 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. Et KNBC <NBC> 3000 W. Alameda Ave . Burbank, Ca . 0 KTLA (Ind. 1 5800 W. Sunset Blvd . Los Angeles, Ca fJ K ABC <A BC ; 4151 Prospect A\'e . l.ns An~el~s. Ca 18 1 KFMB <CBS1 7677 Engineer Rd .. San 1>1egu, ('a 0 KHJ·TV I Ind ) 5515 Melrose An•, I.us Anl{eles, Ca ( 10; KCST IARC1 8330 Engineer Rd., San Diego. Ca tD KTIV <Ind. t 5746 W. Sunset Blvd .. Los Angeles, Ca. Q) KCOP-TV (Ind l 915 N. La Brea Ave, Lhs An~eles. Ca < 24 l CBS Cable 1f KCET <PBS) 4401 Sunset Blvd .. Los Ani.teles, Ca. 9KOCE 1PBS1 15744 Golden West St . Huntington Beach 10 1 On-TV 1139 Grand Central Ave . Glendale. Ca <Zl Z-T V 2939 Nebraska Ave . Santa Mo111ea. Ca tHI HBO ' Time Lire Bldg., Rockefeller Cenler. N.Y . N.Y 1C1 Cinemax Time-Life Bldg., Rockefeller Center. N Y . N Y 0 <W0 R) N.Y .. N.Y !171 IWTBSI Allanta. Ga I f':) ESPN I LI Select 1S1 Showtime iS1 SpotliJ!:hl 1C1 'Cable News Net work 1 Oran e C<)ast TV Antenna Newsroom dress: 'chic' to 'casual' By PHIL SNEIDERMAN 01 the Delly Piiot St•lf Do clothes make the newsman? At a press conference or any other media event. you seldom have trouble telling the newspaper reporters from the television journalists. The newspaper people, of course, will be equipped only with note pads, while the te levision reporters will be dragging along a camera operator. lighting person and sound technician. But more to the point. you can usually tell the television reporters from their print counterpar:.S by the cut of their cloth. The television reporters will be the men in tailored blazers and fashion.able ties. The TV new swome n will be w earing cris p professional looking outfits that are stylish but not too gaudy or revealing. The newspaperman, on the other hand, will be the guy with a gravy-stained tie hanging from an unbuttoned collar. He'll be wearing an ill-fitting jacket or no jacket at all. The newspaperwoman leans toward casual attire, such as a functional blouse and slacks or a d ress that was in style four years ago. But let's face it. Television is a visual medium, and viewers expect the people who deliver TV news to be spiffily atUred. Newspaper readers, on the other hand, probably don't care whether the man who wrote a lengthy article on the President's nuclear arms policy composed the piece in a cheap hotel room wearing no thing but his underclothes. So isn't it about time we stopped harping about the superficial content of television news and talked about something more important -like what Connie Chung was wearing last night? Or how much we admire John Schubeck's new necktie? The Los Angeles Herald Examjner recently asked its fashion editor, Gwen Jones, to take an in-depth look at the apparel that goes on ciisplay each evening on the network-owned stations' newscasts. Her observations were profound. Pointing to the importance of fashion in the ratings race, she not.es that Dan Rather's ratings jumped a bit after he wore a short-sleeved sweater beneath his jacket, aUegedJy "warming up" h is image. After that incident, CBS asked Rather to wear those sweaters more often. Never mind that the newscaster was probably sweltering beneath the hot studio lights . . . Locally, Ms. Jones concludes, each of the JESS MARLOW AND CONNIE CHUNG ... In television. clothes qujte often make the newsperson. network stations has a predominant mode of dress for its anchorpeople. ''The word for Channel 2 is 'chic,' for Channel 4 ·conservative' and for Channel 7 either 'casual' or 'anything goes,' " Ms. Jones tells us. Men have it substantially easier on the fashion front, she explains. A male newscaster can get away with four or five blazers. several shirts and a handful of neckties. But "a woman with that few o utfits would immediately draw flack for her limited on-camera wardrobe,'' the fashion writer declares. Still, Ms. Jones hands out a fe w warnings to female newscasters who get carried away. To Channel Ts Tawny Little, she advises: "Those flashy earrings, Tawny, get in the way of the news by distracting us from it as they Jingle- jangle from your lobes:' The fashion writer describes Ms. Little as "Channe l T s big clotheshorse" and a "fashion r e bel" who sometimes must conte nd with disapproving glances from her bosses. "I bare l y get a w ay with m y turquoise earrings," Ms. Little told the fashion writer . ''lnterestingly, a couple of blouses that management frowned on, viewers wrote in and said they liked them." Now, who says you viewers at home aren't paying attention to the evening newscasts? Why, even Connie Chung told the fashion writer she received calls from viewers about the buttons that adorned one of her.sweaters. Crime in the streets? Financial crises in public education? Toxic wastes in your backyard? Forget these little inconveniences. lnstead let's admire Cynthia Allison's "adventuresome" taste In See Newspe.rsons, Page 31 VIDEO MOVIES .SPOKEN HERE •STAR WARS •ON GOLDEN POND •FAMILY PLOT •PRIVATE LESSONS ,.... . •7 PERCENT SOLUTION •ABSENCE OF MALICE •RAGTIME I ,0001s of Movies For Sale or Rent See fh.e Video Experts at ••. Video CasHlte l .... lih · 1884-1 HARIOR ILVl'~-- V1S4· COST A MESA • 646-at28 • •TARZAN THI API MAN •GOLDFINGIR •MAKING LOVI • No club to join, "° .... ,,...., feet • I 000~ of 1WO•ie1 _. ...... , all ratlftCJI --?ftni e --~ .,~,~- • 3 ::2 2 -I < r 0 'P "T'I ... a: ~ <-c ;:) <I> "' U'I _. <O Q) "' ----------------... --------- AUTHORIZED SALES/SERVICE/SATISFACTION AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP-RENAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 SADDLEBACK BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9100 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-0010 -540-8211 LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTA ANA LINCOLN-MERCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anaheim Blvd. An ahei m -956-1820 PEUGEOT IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSON. INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -6 73-~900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636-233-3 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street . Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington-Beach 847-855f· VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 842-2000 " VOLVO EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 l _. d 0 Sports Highlights Friday JUNE 25. 1982 EVENING 7:00([) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS " 1971 British Open" ( 1 hr) · CO) THE WAY IT WAS ''Yankee Dynasty Srenget Years And Bronx Bombers 1949-1964" (Parr 3) 7:30 (I) BASEBALL San Diego Padres al San Fran- cisco G1an1s (2 hrs .. 30 min.) CO) BASEBALL Kansas City Royals at California An~ls (3 hrs.) 8:00 SPORTS CENTER 9:00 TOP RANK BOXING From Allanlic City. New Jer~. (2 hrs . 30 min.) 10:55 l!Z) BASEBALL Allanta Braves at Cincinnati Reds (3 hrs.) 11:00; WIMBLEDON TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS 11:30 SPORTS CENTER 12:30 AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL 2:00 WATERSKllNG "Senior Men's All·Amencan Championships" from Cypress Gardens. Florida. ( 1 hr . 30 men) 3:30 (£) RAOUETBALL "lnternateonal Champion· ships" Wendell Talaber vs Don.Jhomas 4:00 {[) SPORTS CENTER Saturday JUNE 26. 1982 MOANING 5:00 {[) PROFESSIONAL RODEO From Mesquite. Texas. (2 hrs.) 5:05 ~BASEBALL BUNCH 7:00 SPORTS CENTER 8:00 WRESTLING {[) NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES "Soccer: Goalkeeping'· 8:30(£) All-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE World Champion Boslon Celtics vs. Dallas Cowboys of lhe 1960's CID WIMBLEDON TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS 9:00 (!) NASL SOCCER KICKS {[) POLO "M1chelob International Gold Cup Final" (1 hr .. 30 men.) 10:00 m DODGER DUGOUT 10:30 Cl BASEBALL Milwaukee Brewers at Boston Red Sox (3 hrs) I DODGER PRE-GAME NASL SOCCER KICKS BASEBALL Regional coverage of Los Angeles Dodgers at Houston Asrros, Milwaukee Brewers at Bosron Red Sox (3 hrs ) (() WATERSKllNG "Senior Women's All·Amencan Champ1onsh1ps" from Cypress Gardens. Florida (2 hrsL 10:'45 m BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Hous- ton Astros (3 hrs. 15 min) 11:00 0 WCT TENNIS "Hilton Head Tournament H1ghhghts" ( 1 hr ) AFTERNOON 12:300 AUTO RACING "Pocono Spring 500" ( 1 hr , 30min) fD VIC BRADEN'S TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE Popular tennlr. coach Vic Braden Introduces v;ewers to his "laugh and win" philosophy and d1spells com- mon myths about the forehand stroke. (R) O (E) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1972 British bp~n" ( 1 hr.) 12:45(1) SAN DIEGO PADRES PRE-GAME 1:00(1) BASEBALL San Diego Padres al San Fran· clsco Giants (2 hrs .. 30 min.) ®> U.S. OPEN Uve coverage of the 18-hole third round ot play 1n this qotf tournament (from the Peb- BASEBALL ACTION -The drive toward the division playoffs continues in both the A merican and National L eagues . This w eek 's action will pit the Milwaukee Brewers against the Red Sox in Boston at 10:30 a.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). 5:30@) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS 10-round Hght- we1ght hghl between Cornelius "Boza'' Edwards and Robello Elizondo (from Las Vegas. Nev } . The Special l111ernat1onal Mile (from Oslo. Norway) ( 1 hr . 30 min) ~SPORTS AMERICA "1982 United Bank Tennis Classic Men's Finals" ( I hr ) EVENING 6:30~SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY 7:00 POCKET BILLIARDS "Tttck Shors"' ( 1 hr ) 8:00 PAUL HOGAN (() SPORTS CENTER 8:30 (!) RACING FROM YONKERS 9:00 (!) WRESTLING (E) NASL SOCCEA Vancouver Wh11ecaps al Tampa Bay Rowdies (2 hrs ) 9:05@ BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at C1nc1nna t1 Reds (3 hrs) 11:00(() ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE World Champion Bos1on Celtics vs. Dallas Cowboys of the 1960's 11:30([) SPORTS CENTER 12:30([) POLO "Mlchelob lnterna11onal Gold Cup Final" ( 1 hr , 30 min ) 2:00(£) WATERSKllNG "Senior Women's All-Amen· can Championships" from Cypress Gardens, Flori- da ~hr . 30 min.) 3:30 SPORTSWOMAN 4:00 SPORTS CENTER Sunday JUNE 27, 1982 MOANING ble Beach Golf Links in California) ( 1 hr ) 5:00(£) NASL SOCCER Vancouver Whitecaps al 1.30 D fZ WIMBLEDON TENNIS Same-day cover-Tai Bay Rowdies (2 hrs) age of early round matches (from Wimbledon. Eng-7:00 SPORTS CENTER land) (2 hrs) 8:00 NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES (() RODEO "Schrade Pro Team Sem1·Final" (2 8:30 SPORTSWOMAN hrs .. 30 min.) 9:00 GOLF HIGHLIGHTS" 1973 British Open" ( t 2:00 (!) RACING FROM BaMONT hr ) ®l GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Howard 10:008 BASEBALL BUNCH Cosell" Host: Ken Howard. (!) OUTDOOR LIFE 2:301) WESTCHESTER GOLF CLASSIC Third-{[) RACQUETBALL "Eklelon Champ1onsh1p" ( 1 round coverage of this $400.000 PGA Tour golf hr.) tournament (from Westchester Country Club In 10:30(!) BASEBALL New York Mets a1 Philadelphia ~e. N.Y.). ( 1 hr.) Phillies (2 hrs .. 30 min.) U SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES fZ OUTt>ooR LIFE St Louis vs. Tennessee (I hr.) 10:35@THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL (!) BASEBALL New York Meis a1 Philadelphia Phil-11:00 0 0) WIMBLEDON TENNIS Coverage ot early lies (2 hrs .. 30 min ) round matches (from Wimbledon, England) (2 @) PROFESSIONAL BOWLERS TOUR $110,000 hrs, 30 min.) Showboat Doubles Classic (from Showboat Bowl· (I) WESTERN OUTOOORSMAN 1ng Center In Las Vegas, Nev) ( 1 hr . 30 min.) (() HORSESHOW JUMPING "Upperv1lle Jumpe1 2:351 MOTORWEEK ILLUSTRATED Classic" (2 hrs.) 3:05 WRESTLING 11:05 Q!l ON-DECK CIRCLE 3:30 Cl) SPORTS SATURDAY 15-round WBC 11: 15 ({l) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at C1nclnnat1 super t1ghtweigh1 championship bout belween Saoul Reds (3 hrs.) Mambry and Leroy Haley (from Las Vegas. Nev.): 11:308 WESTCHESTER GOLF CLASSIC Final round International Bicycle Classic (from Boulder, Colo.). coverage of 1h1s $400.000 PGA Tour golf tourna- { 1 hr . 30 min.) ment (hve from Westchester Counlry Club 1n Rye, D PROFESSIONAL BOWLERS TOUR $110.000 N Y) (2 hrs) Showboat Doubles Classic (trom Showboat BowJ. (I) BASEBALL BUNCH 1ng Genier en Las Vegas. Nev ). (1 hr .. 30 min.) 4:00 {[) SPORTS CENTER AFTERNOON 4:05 GI) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Cincinnati Reds (3 hrs.) 12:001 THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 4:30 fll WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT 12;'45 PADRES PRE-GAME 5:001) WORLD GAMES I An International sports 1:00 DRAG RACING "Cajun Nationals" ( 1 hr.) spectacular. with over 1,700 athletes from 60 coun-(I) BASEBALL San Diego Padres at San Francisco tries par11c1patlng fn various sporting events Giants (2 hrs .. 30 min.) throughoul the United States. (Part 3) ( 1 hr.) (!) GR€ATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Frank Robin· 0 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS '0-round lightweight son" Host: Tom Seaver fight between Cornelius "Boza" Edwards and (E) LACROSSE "World Championship" trom Balli· Roberto Elizondo (from Las Vegas. Nev.). The Spe-more, Maryland. (2 hrs .. 30 min,) ciel lnterna11onal Mile (from Oslo. Norway) ( 1 hr.. 1:30fJ SPORTS SUNDAY 15-round WBC cru- 30 min ) iseweighl championship bout between Carlos (!)BASEBALL New York Meis at Philadelphia Phll-Deleon and S.T. Gordon (live from Las Vegas, ties (2 hrs., 30 min.) Nev l , Cascade Aun·Ott Road Race (from POftland, {[) NASL SOCCER Vancouver Whitecaps at Tampa Ore) ( 1 hr .. 30 min) Bay Rowdies (2 hrs ) OD SPORTSWOALD ln1ernatlonal Cup Weightlifting CO) BOXING FROM THE OLYMPIC See Sports, Page 28 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~---------------..i .--1~~--T-~·=-a=Jm :!~~ IATUADAY·8UNOAY A. FREE ADMI KET > SIDEWALK SALE T-1 -~ .,, P •NA.1"1HE .l.At.K!~ ~ • :ic PEE WEE'S nu E lfFll -2 " '-" ~ to ~. ~~ ~ llYllY•TIM,IETI Ai SUMMER FUN CLOTHES • S C ~~Gs~ w Slll.L COIE nEE ( 41• YIL•) 5 AND sw1MwEAR tn A m.erica. ~ Pee wee's Hot Dors ~ ~ ~ • ~ . 1-NEWPORT BL~D. ~~· COSTA Ml 8A ~ 141 4G07 \ • .. ()p«l Dalty 11 a.m..-'O p.M •• Bun. 12 p.rn.-8 p.m. • 10-8!00 5 I f I I _j 6 • !Daytime N Q) c :l -, 5:00 B SUMMER SEMESTER ~ MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE (THU) "C MOVIE (FRI) if COMMUNITY PROGRAMMING (1 HR.) (TUE) ci MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 50 MIN.~ (WED) o MOVIE (1 HR, 30 MIN. (THU) ...J MOVIE ( 1 HR., 46 MIN. (TUE) ~ MOVIE ( 1 HA .. 25 MIN ) (THU) 5:05; MY THREE SONS o 6: 10 MOVIE (WED) (i'. 5:20 . MAC DAVIS IN CONCERT ( 1 HR.) (WED) 5:30 JUNTOS (MON. WED, FRI) FROM JUMP$TREET (TUE, THU) JIMMY SWAGGART LET THERE BE LIGHT (FRI) INTERNATIONAL HOUR (MON, TUE) TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING (WED) PUBLIC AFFAIRS (THU) NEWARK AND REALITY (FRI) MEET THE MAYORS (MON, WED) NEW YORK REPORT (TUE) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (THU) HOGAN'S HEROES (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR . 47 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 44 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE (1 HR .. 38 MIN.) (MON) 5:351 THAT GIRL 5:45 '11) A.M WEATHER 5:50 NEWS CID VIDEO JUKEBOX (TUE) 5:65 9) MAKING IT COUNT (FRI) 6:00 f) L.A. MOANING HOT FUDGE DAYBREAK L.A. MORNING NEWS COMMUNITY FEEDBACK (FRI) YOUTH AND THE ISSUES (MON) MEET THE MA V'OR (TUE) FRANKLY FEMALE (WED) IT CAN BE DONE (THU) STRAIGHT TALK JIMMY SWAGGART VILLA ALEGRE AMERICAN STORY EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (FRI) MA THMA TICS FOR MODERN LIVING (MON· THU) I WRITING FOR A REASON CINEMAX SHOAT FEATURE (FRI) RAOUETBALL (FRI) SPOATSWOMAN (MON. WED) INSIDE BASEBALL (TUE} GOLF HIGHLIGHTS (THU) MOVIE (1 HR .. 58 MIN.) (MON) THE ISLAND OF NEVAWUZ (TUE) FRACTURED FLICKERS (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HA .. 40 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HA .. 33 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 35 MIN.) (FRI) 6:05@ MOVIE 6: 15 0 HEAL TH FIELD (%)MOVIE (2 HRS .. 4 MIN.) (WED) 6:25@) ED ALLEN (FRI) 6:30 8 CAPTAIN KANGAROO SO'S WOMAN (FRI) GALLERY (MON-THU) BODY TALK fT CAN BE DONE (FRI) COMMUNITY f:EEDBACK (MON) YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES (TUE) OFF HANO (WED) FRANKLY F£MALE (THU) GREAT SPACE COASTER EMERGENCY CAPTIONED ABC NEWS (TUE·FRI) PRESENTE (MON) JIMMY SWAGGART INTROOUCING BIOLOGY MOVIE (THU. FRI) WELCOME TO MIAMI, CUBANOS (MON, WED) CC) CASE OF MUKKINESE BAnLE HORN (1955) PETER SELLERS. SPIKE MULLIGAN. (TUE) I SPORTS FORUM (FRI) HORSE RACING WEEkL Y (MON) ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE: (TUE) NASL WEEKLY (WED) JIMINY CRICKEl' P~SENTS BONGO (WED. FRI) CID THE MYSTERY IN DRACULA'S CASTLE MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 33 MIN.) (TUE) TWO IN A BOX (THU) INTRODUCING ... JANET ffiED) MOVIE ( 1 HA .. 37 MIN.) HU) MOVIE (1 HR .. 48 MIN.) THU) 4 -------------- CZ) MOVIE (1 HR., 38 MIN.) (TUE) 7:00 G MOANING NEWS tmTOOAY 700CLUB @) GOOO MOANING AMERICA THE FROOZLES ROMPEAROOM TOM AND JERRY SUPERHEROES BUSINESS REPORT PROJECT UNIVERSE MOVIE (MON-WED) SPORTS CENTER MOVIE (2 HAS., 50 MIN.) (THU) INTRODUCING ... JANET (FRI) MOVIE 11 HA., 30 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE 1 HR .. 16 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE 2 HRS .• 46 MIN.) (MON) 7:308 THE EISAWAY MIGHTY MOUSE YOGA FOR HEAL TH • MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING BRENDON CHASE (FRI) MOVIE (1HA .. 63 MIN.) (MON) CONSUMER REPORTS PAESENTS (WED) MOVIE (1 HR .. 37 MIN.) (MON) FOOTLICiHT FAENZV ( 1 HR .. 50 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (FRI) MARVIN HAMLISCH: THEY'RE PLAYING MY SONG (MON) 0 ROASTED MEDIUM RARE (1 HR., 15 MIN.) (TUE) 7:45(%) MOVIE (1 HR .. 38 MIN.) (FRI) 8:00 Cl) SUNUP SAN DIEGO • JIM BAKKER TIC TAC DOUGH BA TILE OF THE PLANETS MISTER ROGERS I BODY BUDOIES WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT (THU) WIMBLEDON TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 35 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (1 HA., 53 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HA .. 58 MIN.) (THU) 8:05@ MOVIE 8: 16 (%) MOVIE ( 1 HA .. 25 MIN.) (TUE) 8: SO D LEA VE IT TO BEA VEA BULLSEYE SPIDER·MAN KROFT SUPERST AAS VILLA ALEGRE (R) Q OVER EASY MOVIE (WED, FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 16 MIN ) (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 35 MIN.) {MON) MOVIE ~1 HA .. 43 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE 2 HRS .. 5 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE 1 HR .. 35 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE (1 HR., 45 MIN.) (THU) 9:008 (I) ONE DAY AT A TIME (R) DIFF'AENT STROKES (A) OZZIE ANO HARRIET A.M. LOS ANGELES • JACK LALANNE NEWS THE ROCKFORD FILES I LOVE LUCY ROMPER ROOM ~~~t~TAEET (R) Q VILLA ALEGRE (R) O MOVIE (MON. TUE. mu) TOP RANK BOXING (FRI) NASL SOCCER (MON) AUTO RACING (TUE) PKA FUU CONTACT KARATE (WED) WACKY WORLD bF JONATHAN WINTERS (JUE) g THE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION (1 HR .. 30 MINi (TUE) 9: 15 MOVIE (1 HR .. 35 MIN.) (FRI) 9:30 (I) ALICE (R) WHEEL OF FOR"rUNE THE RIFLEMAN MIO MORNING L.A. MAKE ROOM FOR DADDY DORIS DAY (FRI) LITTLEST HOBO (MON-THU) ELECTRIO COMPANY (R) TWO IN A BOX (MON) AEROBICISE (M'ON. WED. FRJ) MOVIE (1 HR .. 15 MIN.) (FRWc 9:40 iMOvlE u HR .. 35 MIN~ El 9:46 MOVIE 1 HR .. •5 MIN. MON) 10:00 Cl) THE RICE IS RIG TEXAS ERG ENCY 9 LOVE BOAT (R) JOHN DAVIDSON TWICE A WOMAN (FRI) RHODA (MON· THU) DORIS DAY FA fflERING {FRI) 8D NATURAL HISTORY OF A SUNBEAM (TUE- THU) I SESAME STREET (A) D MOVIE (2 HRS .. 50 MIN1 (FRI) MOVIE (2 HRS .. 10 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 27 MIN,) (TUE) MOVIE (2 HAS.) (WED) MOVIE (2 HAS., 5 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 45 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HA., 50 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 30 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 35 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (THU) 10:05 ~MOVIE 10:16 MOVIE (1 HR .• 25 MIN.) (WED) 10:30 CHARLIE ROSE INDEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS LEARNING THROUGH SUCCESS (FRI) AESOP (MON) IMAGES (TUE) CALIFORNIA DREAMS (WED) TO BE ANNOUNCED (THU) MOVIE (WED. FRI) WATERSKllNG (WED) BOXING (THU) MOVIE (1 HR .. 43 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HA., 40 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR •. 45 MIN.) (THU) 11:00 8 TATTLETALES TliE DOCTORS BONANZA (11 FAMILY FEUD THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS BULLSEYE (MON. WED-FRI) ALL GOD'S CHILDREN (TUE) PITFALL WOMEN'S PAGE LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE (FRI) MARCUS WELBY. M.0. (MON-THU) ELECTRIC COMPANY (A) RICHARD SIMMONS • VEGETABLE SOUP (A) Q MOVIE (TUE. THU) RODEO (MON) ROASTED MEDIUM RARE (1 HR.. 15 MIN.) i i) MOVIE (1 HA., 30 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 45 MIN.) (FRI) 11:20iMOVIE (1 HR.,38MIN.) (TUE) 11:30 THE YOUNG ANO THE RESTLESS SEARCHFORTOMORAOW RYAN'S HOPE MATCH GAME (MON. WED-FRI} MATCH GAME at NEWS LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE (FRI) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT I FAST FORWARD MOVIE (MON) SPORTS FORUM (FRI) RACQUETBALL (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 16 MIN.) (TUE) FRACTURED FLICKER$ (TUE) 11:45 (%) MOVIE (1HR.,35 MIN.) (MON) CZ) MOVIE (2 HRS .. 4 MIN.) (WED) . \ l· .. l lJC\< >< ):\ 12:008 flD DAYS OF OUR LIVES TWILIGHT ZONE @) ALL MY CHILDREN NEWS me MOVIE BONANZA DICK CAVETT PERSONAL FINANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE- MENT WATERSKllNG (FRI) POLO (WED) TIMEWAS (1 HR.) (WED) FOOTLIGHl' FRENZV ( 1 HR .. 50 MIN.) (FRI) ~OVIE 11 HR .. 53 MIN.I !MON) MOVIE 1 HR. 33 MIN. TUE) MOVIE 1 HA., 40 MIN. WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR .• 37 MIN.) THU) THE AEfUAN (TUE) 12:06 ~ FUNTIME 12: 16 MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 35 MIN.) (THU) 12:30 (I) AS THE WORLD TURNS TWILIGHT ZONE OVEAEASY I YOU ANO TliE LAW MOVIE (WED. FRI) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR .. 33 MIN.) (MON) GOTIA bANCE. GOTTA SING (1 HR,) (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 30 MIN.) (WED. FRI) MIL TON BERLE'S MAD, MAO WORLD OF COMEOY (1HA .. 30 MIN.) (MON) 0 MOVIE (1 HA., 35 MIN.) (TUE. THU) 12:35 =THE ~LINTSTONES 12:48 MOVIE ( 1HR .. 35 MIN.) (TUE) t: ANOTHER WORLO I fJ @) ONE LIFE TO LIVE (J) MOVIE MATINEE AT THE BIJOU SESAME STREET (R) Q MOVIE (MON, THU) WATEASKllNG (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 53 MIN.) (FRI) SNEAK PREVIEW (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 24 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 30 MIN.) (FRI) 1 :05@THE ADDAMS FAMILY 1:3011 Cl) CAPITOL U NEWS @SIGNATURE (TUE-FRI) AFFAIRS OF THE HEART: DAISY (MON) MOVIE (TUE) AUTO RACING (FRI) LACROSSE (W~D) WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT (THU) WAIT UNTIL DARK (2 HRS.) (TUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 33 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 27 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 46 MIN.) (MON) 1:35;0ZZIE AND HARRIET 1:50 MOVIE ( 1 HA., 45 MIN.) (THU) 2:00 (() GUlc:>ING LIGHT I CHIPS (R) JOHN DAVIDSON fJ @) GENERAL HOS PIT AL G IRONSIDE OPEN LINE LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE BOTANIC MAN (FRI) MIXED BAG (TUE) QUIZ KIDS (WEO) COLLLl.LECTING (THU) I MIST~ ROGERS INSIDE BASEBALL (TUE} MOVIE (TUE-FRI) THE 000 COUPLE (MON) AEROBICISE (MON. WED, FRI) IU~ACKY WO~LD OF .JONATHAN WINTERS MOVIE (2 HRS.) (THU) MOVIE 1 HA .. 30 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE l1 HR .. 4'3 MIN.) ~WED) MOVIE 1HR.,38 MIN.) WED) 2:06 ~THE ARTRIOGE FAM LY 2:20 MOVIE ( 1 HR., 26 MIN.) (TUE) 2:30 BASEBALL (FRI) BEWITCHED SUPERMAN MOVIE (FRI) THE WORLO OF JAMES JOYCE (MON) IN SEARCH OF SHAW (TUE) DANCE (WED) WHEN I THINK OF RUSSIA (THU) RIGHTEOUS APPLES MATINEE AT THE BIJOU (FRI) UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR (MON- THU) SPORTS TALK (MON) SPORTSWOMAN CTUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR., .S MIN.) (MON) VIDEO JUKEBOX (WED) INTRODUCING ... JANEl' (FRI) THE ISLAND OF NEVAWUZ (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (TU~) NOEL BUYS A SUIT (WE0) MOVIE (1 HR .. 33 MIN.) (fUE) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 30 MIN.) (THU) CZ) MOVIE (1 HR., 35 MIN,) (FRI) 2:35@HAZEL 3:00 II BARNABY JONES Cl DONAHUE 0 RICHARD SIMMONS D EDGE OF NIGHT (I) MERV GRIFFIN 0 CARTER COUNTRY Cl) HAWAII FIVE-0 (MON-THU) ®) PEOPLE'S COURT m THE WAL TONS I CARTOONS CANDIDA (TUE) MELODY OF A CITY: CHICAGO (FRI) OCEANUS: THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT MON, TUE. THU) OCEANUS: MARINE ENVIRONMENT (WED) HOUR MAGAZINE AMERICAN STORY (MON-THU) WELCOME TO MIAMI, CUBANOS (FRI) THE SELFISH GIANT (MON) MOVIE (TUE) MEETING HALFWAY (WED) THREE TALES DARK ANO DANGEROUS IHd'~MNASTICS (TUE) MOVIE WHR., 33 MIN~ (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR .. 37 MIN. (WED) INTROO ING ... JAN (WED) NOEL BUYS A SUIT (MON) 3:05 ~MY THREE SONS 3:16 MOVIE (1HR .. 38MIN.) (MON) 3:30 RICHARt> SIMMONS I PEOPLE'S COURT WHAT'S HAPPENINGlll CHARLIE'S ANGELS THE SONG WRITER'S: KANDER AND EBB (JHU) fl) FAST FORWARD (MON, WED) FROM JUMPSTREET (TUE. THU) I GROWING YEARS (MON-THU) THREE TALES DARK AND DANGEROUS (FRI) WELCOME TO MIAMI, CUBANO$ (MON) MOVIE (WED) SPORTS FORUM (FRI) MAC DAVIS IN CONCERT (1 HR.) (TUE) MOVIE (1 HR., 16 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 58 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 37 MIN.) (MON) HAMMER HOUSE OF HORROR (MON) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 35 MIN.) (WED) 3:35@ FATHER KNOWS BEST CZ) MOVIE (1 HR., 35 MIN.) (TUE) 3:40(Z) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 36 MIN.) (THU) 4:00 II BARNEY MILLER I MARY TYLER MOORE COUPLES NEWS WELCOME BACK. KOTIER ; MOVIE YOU ASKED FOR IT (MON-THU) TOM ANO JERRY CARTOONS @SPECIAL PEOPLE (FRI) fl) MISTER ROGERS I LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE SESAME STREET (R) D MEETING HALFWAY (M"ON) ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE (FRI) INSIDE BASEBALL (MON) NASL WEEKLY (TU£) ; SPORTS FORUM (WED) RAOUETBALL (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 40 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE (1 HR .. 58 MIN.) {THU) I MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 30 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR .. 43 MIN.) (TUE). MOVIE (1 HR., 27 MIN.) (WED) 4:05 @ WINNERS (FRI) @ GREEN ACRES (MON-THU) 4:15 MOVIE (1 HA .. 45 MIN.) (FRI) 4.306 NEWS 0 BOB NEWHART 0 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT (() M•A•s•H ; ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT (MON-WED) BASEBALL (THU) LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY SIGNATURE I SESAME STREET (R) Q MOVIE (MON) WHO WANTS TO BE A HERO? (THU) SPORTS CENTER THE MYSTERY IN DRACULA'S CASTLE i ON. TUE~ MOVIE 1 HR .. 20 MIN.) TUE) ROAST 0 MEDIUM RA~E ( 1 HR., 15 MIN.) (MON) 0 MOVIE (1 HR., 37 MIN.) (THU) 4:35@ BASEBALL (TUE. WEO. FRI) @ANDY GRIFATH (MON. THU) 4:45 CZ) CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE (MON) 5:00 tJ Cl fJ aJ NEWS ST ARSKY ANO HUTCH NEWS (MON, TUE, THU. FRI) BASEBALL (WED) BASEBALL (FRI) I, CLAUDIUS (MON) COME LOVE THE CHILDREN (TUE) MOVIE (WED) m DODGER ~OUT (FRI) «D THE BRADY BUNCH (M'ON-THU) I FRED FLINTSTONE ANO FRIENDS MIXED BAG (MON, FRI) QUIZ KIDS (TUE) COLLLLLECTING (WED) I BOTANIC MAN (THU) LIVEAT FIVE MOVIE FRI) AMERlgA: THE SECOND CENTURY (MON- THU) CC) MOVIE (WED-FRI) CC) CASE OF MUKKINESE BATIL.E HORN {1956) PETER SELL~. SPIKE MULLIGAN. (TUE) PROFESSIONAL RODEO (FRI) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (MON) BOXING (TUE) AUTO R~CING (WED) SPORTS FORUM (THUl BRENDON CHAS~ (FR) CONSUMER REPORTS PRESENTS (WED) VIDEO JUKEBOX (THU) FOOTLIGHT FRENZV (1HR .. 60 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 45 MIN.) (MON) 5:05@ MOVIE (MON. THU) 5:15m DOOGEA PRE-GAME (fRI) ~ MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 35 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (1HR .. 25 MIN.) (WEO) MOVIE (1HR .. 45 MIN.) (THU) 5:30 D ABC NEWS (MON) «D BASEBALL (FRI) NOTICE TO VETERANS If you are an Honorable Discharged Veteran of the Armed Forces of the United StatE's, in good health. you are entitled to a Double Interment Spac·e (for you and your Spouse) in our Dedicated Veteran's Section at the cost, to you, of only a Single Interment Space plus the Endowment Care Fund Deposit required by State Law. Harbor Lawn. long known for its Soeclal Considerations to Veterans, Is making this Program available to the Veterans of this area. Space rs llmlted and It will be assigned on a fi rst come. first served basis. To assure your space. MAIL THE COUPON TODA YI ------------------------~------------- HARBOR LAWN MEMORIAL PARK I MORTUARY 1625 Glsler Ave., Costa Mesa, CA. 92826 (adjacent to the San Diego Fwy (405) at Harbor Blvd. So. I am an Honorably Discharged Veteran In good health (Name)-------------------- Serial No. --------------Discharge Date ___ _ Address ___________________ Zlp ___ _ 1 City ------------------------- ' I ~------------- 7 ! 8 !Friday N , -- CD c :s ..., .>. co 'O ·~ u. \I< >IC\ I :\( ; \I< )\.I LS 5:00(C) "Clltter's Way" (1961, Drama) John Heard, Jeff Bndges. 5:3011 "The Chinese Connection·· ( 1973, Adven- tur~Bruce Lee. Robert Baker. 6:00 "Hussy" ( 1960) Helen M1rren, John Shea 6:05 "The Macomber Affair" (1947, Drama) Gre- gorlfeck. Robert Preston. 6:30Ck) "A Challenge For Robin Hood" ( 1966, Adventure) Barrie Ingham, James Hayler. 7:30 g "The Kid From Not-So-Big" ( 1978, Come- dy) Jennifer McAllister, Robert Vlharo. 7:45(%) "The Gong Show Movie" ( 1980. Comedy) Chuck Barris, Robin Altman. 6:00(S) "Revenge Of The Mysterons From Mars" ( 1961, Fantasy) Puppets. 8:05@ "Cockleshell Heroes" ( 1956, Drama) Jose Ferrer, Trevor Howard. 6:30 CC) "Big Wednesday" ( 1976. Drama) Jan- Michael Vincent, William Katt "Saturday The 14th" ( 1981. Comedy) Richard Ben_@.min, Paula Prentiss. 9:15(.Z) "Silence Of The Nor1h" (1981, Adventure) Ellen Burstyn, Tom Skerritt 9:30 0 "Saturday The 14th" ( 1981, Comedy) Rich- ard Benjamin, Paula Prentiss 10:00® "Far From The Madding Crowd" ( 1967, Dra- ma) Julie Christie, Terence Stamp. CS) "Made In Pans" ( 1966, Comedy) Ann-Margret. Louis Jourdan. 10:05 trn "Enchantment" ( 1949, Drama) David Niven, Teresa Wright. 10:30(C) "Birth Of The Beatles" ( 1979. Drama) Ste- phen Mackenna. Rod Clllbertson 11:00(%) "Blow Out" (1961, Suspense) John Travol- ta. Nancy Allen. . \l .. llJ~:\< >< >:\ \I< )\'I 1-'.S 12:00 IJ "Return OfThe Fly" ( 1959. Horror) Vincent Price. Brett Halsey. e "Call Me Madam" ( 1953. Musical) Ethel Mer- man, Donald O'Connor. e "Thunder In The East" ( 1953, Adventure) Alan Ladd, Deborah Kerr. 12:30(C) "A Face In The Crowd" ( t957, Drama) Andy Griffith. Patricia Neal. g "Home Movies" ( 1960, Comedy) Keith Gor- don. Kirk Douglas. 1:00(!) "The "Soy With Green Haar" ( 1946. Fan1a- s_}') Dean Stockwell, Robert Ryan. CID "Silver Streak" ( 1976, Comedy) Gene Wiider, Jill Clayburgh. (%) "Dead Pigeon On Beethoven Street" ( 1973. Adventure) Glenn Corbett. Christa Lang, 2:00 (I) "The Big Bus" ( 1976. Comedy) Joseph Bologna. Stockard Channing. g "The Kid From Not-So-Big'! {1978, Comedy) Jennifer McAllister. Robert Vlharo. 2:30@ "Ballad Of A Soldier" ( 1959. Drama) Vladl· mir lvashov, Shanna Trokhorenko. ACUPUllCTURE Clll-IWI CIOI, O.A. AUlltOR ~,.ACUPUNCTURE• ICIENCE'' Fonner Chairman, seminar of Chinese Acupuncutre Foundation PROFESSOR OF ACUPUNCTURE, GRADUATE: CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE WHO'S WHO IN CALIFORNIA, 13th Edition 545-2438 Mon.-W.O • ..f'n. lf'i.tolMedlc•I C-* 27'20 •. lf'tetol ••. •utt• .... 221 IANTA ANA TOGETHER -Brian K erwin stars as divorced lather Willie James, who attempts to k eep his job as a construction worker under an unsympathetic boss while raising Sam (Eric CopUn), his rambunctious 7-year-old son, in "The James Boys," a half-h our com edy development project Friday al 8 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4) . (%) "Silence Of The Nonh" ( 1981, Adventure) Ellen Burstyn, Tom Skerritt. 3:00 CID "ZOfro. The Gay Blade" ( 1961. Comedy) Geo<~ Hamilton. Lauren Hutton. 3:30 C.S.J' "Huckleberry Flnn" ( 197 4, Adventure) Jeff East. Paul Winfield. •:OOG "Battle Of 8 Alameln" (1971 , Adventure) George Hiiton. Michael Rennla g "The Late Show" ( 1977. Mystery) An Carney, LllyTomlln •: 15(%) "Blow Out" ( t981, Suspense) John Travol- ta. Nancy Allen. 5:00 Ci) "A Star Is Born" ( t937. Drama) Fredric March. Janet Gaynor. CC) "Big Wednesday" ( 1976, Orama) Jan-Michael Vincent. Wiiiiam Kat1. 6:00988NEWS I WONDER WOMAN CBS NEWS THE SAINT ARE YOUR UTILITY BILLS INCREASING? Our energy man99ement ayateme can reduce your utlltty coetal Call ua for FREE lnfOf'matlon Heating and Air Conditioning Spedall•t• since 1915 545-5542 97!M771 ORANGE COUNTY 1.'(\~ GROWING CONCERN "Caring /s Our Busln~ss" CHILD CARE KAREN WHEELER 752-045'7 24 8 s. E'litfllentMY £ducatlotl ~:;11mv11 A.:b•' A1vil'!V11 I ABC NEWS HAWAII FIVE--0 NBC NEWS 6:05(%) MOVIE "The Gong Show Movie" ( 19801 Comedy) Chuck Barris. Robin Altman A TV host must contend with a vanety of obstacles. Including network censors. to put together a collection ot bizarre acts for his show 'R' ( 1 hr . 38 min.) 6:30(J)G) NEWS @) BARNEY MILLER (3 AFFAIRS OF THE HEART: DAISY Georgina Hale stars in this adaptation of Henry Jame's novella. "Daisy Miller .. ( 1 hr ) I LOS ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW SLIM CUISINE MOVIE "Saturday The 14th" ( 1961. Comedy) Richard Ben1am1n, Paula Prentiss A coople d1scov· er that the hoose they've inherited 1s being occupied by vamp1res. ghosts and assoned monsters 'PG' ( 1 hr .. tS min.) 7:008 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS KUNG FU ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE The wedding of magician Doug Henning: a family that owns and operates thear own railroad. ENTEAT AINMENT TONIGHT JOKER'S WILD ....----_._ ai) BUSINESS REPORT --... THEMUPPETS IKOJAK MOVIE "The Final Countdown" ( 1960. Sc1ence- F1etion) Kirk Douglas, Manin Sheen A mysteraous storm at sea transports the atomic-powered aircraft carrier U.S.S Nimitz back an time to December 6, 1941. positioning the vessel between Pearl HarbOr and the advancing Japanese fleet. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 43 min ) ([) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1971 British Open" ( t hr ) (I) MOVIE "The Apple Dumplrng Gang" ( 1975. Comedy) Biii Bixby, Susan Clark. A cardsharp agrees to take possession of some valuable proper- ty for a friend. and is rather surprised 10 learn that three orphans are included in the deal. 'G' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) (ID THE WNI IT WAS "Yankee Dynasty: Stengel Years And Bronx Bombers 1949-1964" (Pan 3) (S) WHArS UP AMERICA! Featl.Jred: auctlOf'ls from Christie's in New York to the backroads of Ala- bama: donors and couples who employ the services of sperm banks. the 21st National Tractor Pull. ( l hr ) /:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: visit a privately owned geyser which supposedly predicts earth- i akes: a profile of Buckm1nister "Bucky" Fullef. GD FAMILY FEUD EYE ON L.A. Featured: sensuous sports: par1 three of a report on psychics; a magazine that spe- c1ahzes an exposing celebrities. part three of a profile of Patricia Hearst. (J) BASEBALL San Diego Padres at San Francisco Giants (2 hrs .. 30 min.) I APPLE POLISHERS YOU ASKED FOR IT TIC TAC DOUGH SIGNATURE Guest: Phlllp Weld MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT ll you're having a problem wllh your back. It might surpn9l' you IA:I learn 1h111 poor foot fUJlC'llon may be ca~Ul{l 1t Poor foot (unction ain abo be the N lpnt m hip pain . 1tlff nt't k, knt'e problems and o ther aggravaUons. Somet.lmn •n abnormal ahortl'nlng of one lea develops. This c.an happen wht'n one of your feel flattens out. dN:>pplnc thl' ankle cloler to the lfO\.lnd. You can lmailne what thla does 1oo the rest ot yvur body. It thl'OWI I l OU t ol kilter The lee may not be any shoner from a slructural poinl or view But when you measure lhe dlaunce from a point on the uppl'r lea w the ground, the leg with the flattl'ned foot 11 shorter than lhl' other leg. Thl' body lrll'I IA:I compensate for lhll by liltm& the pelvla or bendlr\g the 1pine. Or maybe you'l1 ITIOVl' lhl' Joneer leg out 1oo the aide when you walk, pu I UJ\ll ltrn. on your hl pl and knees. The only way to be l\lre your feet are functlonlna properly 19 to have them ex.unect by you., pocbauut 8 .... laJ M . Offtee N"'"'1 0.&er Ofttc. ArtMr A. WahM, D.P.M. ll-.n J, .......... ,, DJ>.M. lflt s.rtw Anc, NA 1111 A.._. Aff .. N.B. "'"'~SP!t u-ivt.>c. I\ .llulli\760L(i9(~1''"'111 11 J ~=------~------------~~.-~ .. ~-~------_......._ Friday (conti nued) m> WALL STREET WEEK "A Summer Rally?" Guest· Leon G Cooperman of Goldman, Sachs & Company (DJ BASEBALL Kansas City Royals at Cahfomia Angels (3 hrs ) · CZl MOVIE "Dead Pigeon On Beethoven Street" ( 1973. Adventure) Glenn Corbett. Christa Lang A detecllve attempts to stop a ring of black· mailers who operate lnternallonally ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) 7:35 ttl> NEWS 8:00 8 THE DUKES OF HAZZARD Bo and Luke are accused of secretly taping a Mickey Gilley benefit concert and selling the tapes. (R) (1 hr) D THE JAMES BOYS A divorced lather attempts to keep his 1ob while trying to raise his 7·year-old son. 8 MOVIE "Custer Of The West" (1968. Western) Robert Shaw, Mary Ure. General Custer pleads unsuccessfully wi!h government officials to tactfully remedy Indian rebellions. (2 hrs.) fJ @) BENSON Kraus falls for a government official and arranges a romantic weekend. unaware the man of her dreams Is married. (R) O iJ ENCORE NEWS "Novemblr 26, 1963" Highlights. Lee Harvey Oswald, the man who assas- sinated President Kennedy. Is shot: the first transat· lant1c cable: Cape Kennedy is named; skateboards flood the market (!) BENNY HILL .., MOVIE "Legend Of Dealh Valley" ( 1977, Adventure) Documentary. John Venner follows an ancestor's footsteps into Death Valley. (2 hrs.) ID MIXED BAG "New Blues" A look at the Chicago blues scene today l f!i) WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW LOOK ALIVE SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Saturday The 14th" ( 1981. Comedy) Richard Benjamin. Paula Prentiss. A couple discov- er that the house they've inherited is being occupied by vampires. ghosts and assorted monsters. 'PG' (1 hr., 15 min.) CS) MOVIE "Blow OUt" ( 1981, Suspense) John Travolta, Nancy Allen. A sound technician who works on horror films becomes involved in a murder mystery when he witnesses an assassination. 'R' ( 1 hr., 46 min.) g MOVIE "Goln' Ape" (1981, Comedy) Tony Danza, Jessica Walter. Three orangutans hold the purse stnngs to a $6-million Inheritance. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 27 min.) 8:300 tJD CHICAGO STORY Megan investigates a gangland-style staying with a surprising twlS1. and Joe breaks up an argument between two old friends over a woman. (R) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 8 (!I MAKING A LIVING The players of a minor league baseball 1eam start hanging out at the res- taurant. (R) I ERJC sev AREID'S CHRONICLE IRONSIDE P.M. MAGAZINE A gold record-winning dance exercise instructor: a family that owns and operates their own railroad. a ROYAL AREWORKS ANO MIRACULOUS MAN- DARIN The Vienna Philharmonic Is directed by Richter in performi~ "Royal Areworks Music" and "Miraculous Mandarin" suite. (1 hr.) e WALL STREET WEEK "A Summer RaJly7" Guest: Leon G. Cooperman of Goldman. Sachs & Company. Ci) VOTER'S PIPELINE Jim Cooper talks about Orange County's severe transportation problems w1th private citizens and ~overnment offlciats. ([) MOVIE "Goin' Ape ' (1981, Comedy) TOJly Danza. Jessica Waller. Three orangutans hold the purse strings to a $5-mllllon Inheritance. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 27 min.) 8:35 Cll) MOVIE "Bullitt" ( 1968, Drama) Steve McOueen. Robert Vaughn. A San Francisco detec· live tries to prevent the murder of a prospective wit- ness for a pollllcal hearing. (2 hrs .. 20 min.) 9:0011 DALLAS J.R 's position as head of Ewing Oil is jeOpardlzed when an Irate Miss Ellie takes matters into her awn hands. (R) ( 1 hr.) I QJ TO BE ANNOUNCED MERV GRIFAN Guesl host: Orson Welles. Guests Ashford & Simpson, Ron Glass, Ben Stein. Andy Kaufman. ( 1 hr.) • SEARCH FOR ALEXANDER THE GAEA T "The Young lion" James Mason hosts this re-creation of the extraordinary life of the man hlstorfans have called the world's greatest leader. Nicholas Clay stars. (Part 1) ( 1 hr ) CD IMAGES Fifteen Latin American graphic artists from Mexico. Venezuela and Colombia are profiled. CC) MOVIE ''A Change Of Seasons" (1980, Come- dy) Shirley MacLalne. Anthony Hopklos. A mlddle- aged couple try out rounger partners during 8 mountain vacation. 'R' 1 hr., 42 min.) Cl) TOP RANK BOXING From Atlantic City, New Jersey. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) (%) MOVIE "BIOw Out" (1981, Suspense) John TravOlf"~ Allin. A sound fm~ wtlo HAZZARD-OUS VISIT -Mickey Gilley makes a special appearance in Hazzard C-Ounty on "The Dukes of Hazzard" Friday at 8 p.m. on KNXT (Ch . 2). works on horror films becomes involved In a murder mystery when he witnesses an assassination 'R' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) 9:30(1) MOVIE "Who Done 117" (1956, Comedy) Benny Hill. Belinda Lee. A former rink sweeper al an Ice show turns detective to track down an Interns· tional spy. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 9 AFFAIRS OF THE HEART: DAISY Georgina Hale stars In this adaptation of Henry Jame's novella. "Daisy Miller." ( 1 hr.) ai)EUROPEAN JOURNAL CID MAC DAVIS IN CONCERT Taped at the Spoil· Ing Club in Monte Carlo. Mac sings. jokes and danc· es In a performance backed up by the talented sing· er-dancers of Strut. (1 hr.) 0 MOVIE "The Stunt Man" ( 1980. Orama) Peter O'Toole. Steve Railsback. Wanted by the police. a disturbed Vietnam veteran finds an unsure haven on a movie set where a Worfd War I epic Is being filmed 'A' (2 hrs., 9 min.) 10:0011 ())FALCON CREST Emma Is kidnapped by Turnec-Bates, who Ines to extcxt rnoney trom Angie. (A) ( 1 hr ) D llD MCCLAIN'S LAW McClain uses a police computer to zero In on two young thugs who are lterr.:~-~~ood. (R) {1 hr.) CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW AR1NG LINE "Shall We Go With A Budget· Balanclng Constitutional Amendment?" Guests: James Davidson. chairman of the National Taxpay- ers Union: economist Robert Hellbroner. ( 1 hr.) CO GINO VANELLI The Canadian pop singer per- forms "I Just Want To Stop" and "Living Inside Myself" In a concert taped during a tour of the U.S. and Canada. ( 1 hr ) Cl) MOV1E "Stardust Memories" ( 1980, Orama) Woody Allen. Charlotte Rampllng. A successful director faces a personal crisis as he tries to make some major decisions In his life. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 29 mln.1 10:301J YOUTH AND THE ISSUES I ~~ TVRE Guest: Philip Weld. WHAT YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT YOUR PENSION PLAN Labor Department experts explain what one should know about the pension system to a~uately plan for retirement. (B) SNEAK PREVIEW Host Leonard Harris looks at the movies, specials and sports events coming up on Home Box Office. (a> EVERYTHING GOES 10:55 al> BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Cincinnati Reds (3hr~ 11:00 8 D. Cl> die NEWS I 8A'1\JAOAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M•A0 S0 H BENNY HU MIXED BAG "New BlueS" A look at the Chicago bluet soene ~jf. ~Oil~ u ~~ SWEETSHOP Oil~ ~~ SWEETSHOP Oil~ ~~ SWEETSHOP _al~LL Y BELLIE~S I "~ oCJ~ ~ . - I 0 Oil , ~8~ _TSllOP Oil~ ~~ SWEETSHOP SANDWICHES (coming soon) ~ CAROUSEL SWEET SHOP In front of K-Mart Harbor cl: Wilaon, Costa MeH Look '°" our ad nut w•kJ We're l'Oftl'A pt ,out Y• we ant I DtCK CA Guttt: Kurt Thomas. (R) · _ -OM::IFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW'"'"• .. • I 1•.---......... _..__. ............... I 9 ~ 0 -.... < r-~ ..,, ~ a: SJ> ',:< t.. c ::> CD I\) _CJI ... <D OD I\) ' ...J 10 N Friday (continued) co O> CC) MOVIE "A 'Face In The Crowd" ( 1957 Drama} Andy Grttf1th. Patricia Neal A derelict goes lrom a 1a1I cell to national recognilton on the strength of hrs humor and musical talent (2 hrs . 5 min ) QI) WIMBLEDON TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS CU MOVIE "Sch1zo1d" ( 1980. Suspense) Klaus Kin ski. Mariana Hill A crazed murderer who uses sc1s· sors 10 do away w11h a series of divorced or unhap· prly married women sends a lelter 10 an advice columnrst alter each killing. 'R' ( 1 hr . 29 min ) ©)MOVIE "Zorro. The Gay Blade" ( 1981. Come· dy) George Hamillon. Lauren Hulton The heroic son of old California's famous 1ust1ce tighter rs rnca· pacilated by a riding injury. forcing his foppish brother 10 don the cape and mask. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 33 min.) (%) MOVIE "Hussy" ( 1980) Helen Mrrren. John Shea ( 1 hr., 35 mrn.) 11:30 8 Cl) MOVIE "The Psychic" ( 1979, Drama) Jennifer O'Neill. Marc Porel. A young woman fore- sees the circumstances surrounding her own death. ill) (2 hrs .. 5 min ) U 6' TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guest· Thalassa Cruso. ( 1 hr ) fJ @) ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE f) MOVIE "Baille Of El Alameln" ( 1971. Adven· lure) George Hilton. Michael Rennie. In World War II. Montgomery's forces wage a bitter battle of attri- tton against Rommel's Afrika Korps (2 hrs.) Q) MOVIE "Masquerade" ( 1965. Adventure) Cliff Robertwn. Jack Hawkins A private detecttve is htred to discover the whereabouts of a young prince from an oil-rich Mideastern kingdom (2 hrs ) «I) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE @ ROYAL FIREWORKS AND MIRACULOUS MAN- DARIN The Vienna Philharmonic 1s directed by Richter 1n performing "Royal Fireworks Music" and "Miraculous Mandarin" suite ( 1 hr) I LOS ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Silver Streak" ( 1976. Comedy) Gene Wilder. Jrll Clayburgh. A mild-mannered bOOI< editor accidentally becomes involved In a sinister art thief's bizarre plot during a cross-country train ride 'PG' i! hr . 53 min.) (SJ MOVIE "The Stunt Man" ( 1980. Drama) Peter O'Toole. Steve Railsback. Wanted by the police. a disturbed Vietnam veteran finds an unsure haven on a movie set where a World War I epic 1s being !rimed. 'R' (2 hrs .. 9 min.) 12:00 U ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT fJ @) FRIDAYS Host: Beau Bridges Guest· David Grisman (R) ( t hr . 30 mrn.) (!) MOVIE "Escapade" ( 1957, Comedy) Alastatr Sim. John Mills Three runaway children auempt lo teach the adull world how to bring about peace. (2 hrs) II) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE g MOVIE "Squeeze Play" ( 1981. Comedy) Jrm Harris. Jenni Hetrick. The gtrllriends of softball play· ers decide to form their own team as a way or aver:!91nJi their neglect. 'A' ( 1 hr • 30 mrn.) 12:30 U OJ SCTV NETWORK (R) U COUPLES Topic: An open marriage works for a couple until she decides 1hat ti should be closed. «I) NEWS 13 AFFAIRS OF THE HEART: DAISY Georgina Hate stars in this adapta11on of Henry Jame's novella. "Daisy Miller " ( 1 hr ) CE) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL CO MOVIE "The Return Of The Secaucus Seven" ( 1980. Drama) Mark Arnott, Gordon Clapp The members of a group of college students active in the protest movement during the '60s gather ror a weekend reunion. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) 12:45©) MOVIE "Mcvicar" (1980, Drafna) Roger Oallry, Adam Faith. The true story of Brttish criminal John McVicar's hie 1n prison. his escape and hli new Ille on the outside Is chronicled. 'A' ( 1 hr. 30 min.) (%)MOVIE "Silence Of The North" ( 1981, Adven· ture) Ellen Burstyn, Tom Skerrlll In 1919, a young woman's marnage 10 a trapper leads her 10 a Ille of hardship 1n the wilderness of northern Canada 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 1:00 U MOVIE "Dead Man's Eyes" ( 1944, Mystery) Lon Chaney, Jean Parker In order to snare a mur- derer. a blind artist pretends that his sight has been restored through surgery. ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) a> MOVIE "Terrified" ( 1964, Suspense) Rod Lau- ren. Steve Drexel The owner of a popular night spot becomes abnormally Interested In the welfare of unprotected young girls. (1 hr .• 30 min.) 1: 10~ MOVIE "The First Nudie Muslcal" ( 1975. Comedy) Cindy Williams. Bruce Kimmel. A down- and·out Broadway producer plans to spark interest In l'\rs latest protect by staging II Cortljletely In the nude. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 36 min.) 1:20(ID MINSKY'S FOLLIES Phyllis Dlllef, Rip Taylor and Stubby Kaye join the Minsky Burlesque Troupe 101 a revue featuring baggy-pents comedy. strip- tease and rodoctlon numt>ets. (1 hr.) 1:308 l~l~Atl BIG WINNER -Larry H agman, who stars as J.R. Ewing on "Dallas." was one of the reasons the CBS television series was the big winner again this season in the ratings race. "Dallas" will be back again next fall on Friday night at 9 on KNXT (Ch. 2). Then• is talk of a featurf' film al!>O. Q) MOVIE "Blood Of The Vampire" ( 1958. Horror) Do11ald Wolltt, Barbara Shelley A young Bavarian doctor becomes involved with a vampire m a prison for the Insane ( 1 hr . 55 mm.) 0 MOVIE "The Awakening" ( 1980, Horror) Chari ton Heston. Susannah York An archaeologist's daughter becomes possessed by the malevolent sp1r1t of an ancient Egyptian queen 'R' ( 1 hr . 42 min! 1:35 NEWS 1:-'5 MOVIE "Fade To Black" ( 1980, Suspense) Dennis Christopher. Linda Kemdge. A disturbed young movie fan reacts to romantic rejection by commrltmg murders rn the guise and style of his favorite screen v1lla1ns. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 4 1 min ) 1:55@ MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 2:000fi)NEWS ([) WATERSKllNG "Senior Men's All-Amertcan Championships" from Cypress Gardens Florida. ( 1 hr .. 30 mrn) 2:05 6 MOVIE 'Bang The Orum Slowly" ( 1973. Drama) Michael Moriariy, Robert De Niro. A young baseball player helps his terminally Ill fnend and teammate to complete one last season (2 hrs .. 5 mrn) (!)NEWS 2: 15 U MOVIE 'Calling Dr Death" ( 1943, Mystery) Lon Chaney Jr . J Carrot Naish The murder of an adulteress is pinned on her innocent lover ( 1 hr . 20 mrnJ. 2:20CH) MOVIE The Last Metro" (1980. Drama) Cathenne Deneuve. Gerard Depardreu Directed by Francois Trutfaut During World War II, the propr1e· tors of a small Paris theatre try to keep their estab· hshmenl open during the German occupation. 'PG' (2 hrs . 10 min ) 2:30fJ NEWS II) MOVIE "The Island Of living Horror" ( 1968, Horror) John Ashley. Kent Taylor A research team mvestrgatrng plant and animal mutations due to atomic tesring discovers a human muta11on. ( 1 hr . 30mrn) (Z) MOVIE 'Blow Out" ( 1981 Suspense) John Travolta. Nancy Allen A sound technician who works on horror films becomes involved In a murder mystery when he witnesses an assassination 'R' ( t hr., 45 rmn.) 2:35 (!) MOVIE "The Devil Bat" ( 1942. Horror) Bela Lugosi. Dave O'Brien. An evil genius trains blood· sucktng bats to attack al the smell of perfume. ( 1 hr . 25 min.) 2:60 CC) MOVIE "Birth Of The Beatles" ( 1979. Ora· ma) Stephen Mackenna. Rod Culbertson. The story of John. Paul, Ringo and George from their obscure beginning to their stardom ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 3:00 all NEWS 3:25 m MOVIE "Monster Zero" ( 1966. Sclence-Ac- tion) Nick Adams. Aklr• Tekarada. Planet x. which Is dominated by Monster Zero. captures GodzJlla and Rodan end threatens Eartl'\ with destruction. ( 1 ""'A5jl!Qjq ... d U~11 I YACJB.:IU T ill:iqu ""'-. . . .. -.. Saturday 5:00 (!)CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP CE) PROFESSIONAL RODEO From Mesquite Tex as ~hrs) ~:OS BASEBALL BUNCH 5: 10 WHAT'S UP AMERICA! Featured auctions lrom Chrrstre's 1n New York to the backroads of Ala· bamd. donors and couples who employ the services of sperrn banks. the 21st Nalronal Tractor Pull ( 1 hr.) 5:30 U VOYAGE TO THE BOTIOM OF THE SEA (!)NEWARK AND REALITY g MOVIE "Disappearance" ( 1977. Suspense) Donald Sutherland. Francine ~acette. f 1 hr . 40 5:~n~ THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY 6:00 tl SUMMER SEMESTER I SERENDIPITY HEALTHBEAT TEEN TALK APPLE POLISHERS @) NEWSMAKERS ~FAMILY AFFAIR WATCH YOUR MOUTH MOVIE "Silence 01 The Nortn" (1981, Adven- turei Etten Burstyn, Tom Skerrltt ( 1 hr . 35 min.) 6:05 WAR AND PEACE 6:20 NEWS 6:30 DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE Q THArSCAT U PACESETIERS Cl) VOICE OF AGRICULTURE f) FAST FORWARD (!) DAVEY AND GOLIA TH I 1rs YOUR BUSINESS TO BE ANNOUNCED NEW VOICE CAPTIONED ABC NEWS OR. SNUGGLES MOVIE "A Fistful Of Dynamite" ( 1972. Adven· lure) James Coburn, Rod Steiger MOVIE "Conhnental DIVlde" ( 198 l, Romance) John Belushi. Blair Brown ( 1 hr . 43 min.) CS) THE ISLAND OF NEVAWUZ Animated. The greedy J B Trumphorn crash-lands on the island of Nevawuz and tries to modernize 1t for his own per· sonal garn 7:00 fJ KIDSWOALD Featured v1s1t wrth Jenilee Har- rison ot Three's Company; a <epor1 from Dayton, Ohio on The Brothers And The Sisters," a talented blUeJ!faSs group. I W THE FLINTSTONES BIG BLUE MARBLE @) SUPERFRIENDS INTERNATIONAL HOUR I DAVEY AND GOLIATH DOCTOR WHO TO BE ANNOUNCED CHECKING IT OUT I YOGA FOR HEAL TH WRITING FOR A REASON SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Gorn' Ape" ( 198 l. Comec:Jy) Tony Danza Jessica Waller ( 1 hr . 27 mrn ) 7:05@ MOVIE "Barbary Coast" ( 1935. Drama) Joel McCrea. Edward G Robinson 7:30 fJ MA. MOON'S MAGIC CIRCUS "In Puppet Parade" Dfi>SMURFS DR. SNUGGLES ®) RICHIE RICH I SCOOBY 000 INTERNATIONAL HOUR DAVEY ANO GOLIA TH DOCTOR WHO TO BE ANNOUNCED VOICE OF AGRICULTURE • BIG BLUE MARBLE • WRITING FOR A REASON WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest Andy Gnll11h 7:-'5(2) MOVIE "Blow Out" (1981. Suspense) John Travolta. Nancy Allen ( 1 hr . 45 min.) 8:00 tJ Cl) POPEYE II MOVIE "Home On The Prairie" ( 1939. West- ern) Gene Autry. Smiley Burnette I REAL ESTATE WEEK WRESTLING MOVIE "The Enforcer" ( 1950. Orama) Hum- lrex Bogart. Zero Mostet. SPEAKEASY AESOP WRITlNO FOR A REASON NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES "Soccer: oalkeeping" Cl) MOVIE "Father Of The Bride" ( 1950. Comedy) Spencer Tracy. 81zabeth TaylOf ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 8:30 TARZAN I LONE RANGER Nl!/ll4 HiOlde .Jl'lk'.>A-. ~ OID~ I Saturday (continued) I @) FONZ I HAPPY DAYS GANG BEANSPROUTS "What Can You Show Me?" Robert stands up for his friends. but doesn't speak out for himself. (A) ~ WAITING FOR A REASON CD All-ST AR SPORTS CHALLENGE World Cham- pion Boston Cel11cs vs. Dallas Cowboys of the t960's ®WIMBLEDON TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS 0 MOVIE "J 0 And The Salt Fial Kid" ( 1978, Comedy) Shm Pickens. ( 1 hr., 30 men ) 9:008 LEAVE IT TO BEAVER @)LAVERNE & SHIRLEY WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS NASL SOCCER KICKS ERNEST ANGLEY 1' -"'-.-• A shot • 1n anger ... co NEW VOICE • AMERICAN GOVERNMENT MOVIE "The Concert For Kampuchea" ( 1980. A hotheaded officer ~ (Harvey Keitel, left) Musical) Paul McCartney, The Who (.E) POLO "M1chelob International Gold Cup Final" il hr .. 30 min ) OD MOVIE "This Time Forever" ( 1980, Romance) Claire Pimpare. Vincent Van Patten. ( 1 hr .. 35 min ) 9:05@ MOVIE "The Victors" ( 1963. Orama) Geoi e Peppard. George Hamilton. 9;30 Cl) BUGS BUNNY I ROAD RUNNER I SPIDER-MAN OZZIE ANO HARRIET @) HEA THC LIFF & MARMADUKE MAUDE MONEYMAKERS AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 9:45 CI) MOVIE ' Why Would I Lie?" (1980, Come· dy) Treat W1lhams. Lisa Eichhorn ( 1 hr 45 m1ri) 10:000 SPACE STARS BSHANANA @) THUNDARR I GOLDIE GOLD 0 MOVIE "The Eye Creatures" ( 1965. Horror) John Ashley Cynthia Hull • (!) MOVIE "M1ss1ss1pp1 Gamoler" ( 1953. Drama) I r one Power. Julie Adams DODGER DUGOUT BOB JONES LAST CHANCE GARAGE DAFFY I SPEEDY AMERICAN GOVERNMENT PETER, PAUL & MARY The popular folk tno of the early '60s perform many of their classic runes as well as new ma terial ( 1 hr., 28 min.) 0 MOVIE ' Continental Divide" ( 1981. Romance) John Belushi, Blair Brown ( 1 hr 43 min.) 10:30 0 BASEBALL Miiwaukee Brewers at Bos1on Red Sox (3 hrs ) I AMERICA'S TOP TEN DODGER PRE-GAME NASL SOCCER KICKS SIGNING WITH CINDY BASEBALL Regional coverage of Los Angeles Dodgers at Houston Astros. Milwaukee Brewers at Boston Red Sox (3 hrs ) m> AMERICAN GOVERNMENT ~ MOVIE "Grand Illusion" ( 1937. Orama) Jean Gab1n. Erich Von Strohe1m CD WATERSKllNG "Senior Women's All-American Championships" from Cypress Gardens. Florida (2 hrs) 10;45 m BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Hous- ton Astros (3 hrs .. 15 men ) 11:00 8 WCT TENNIS "Hilton Head Tournament ljighl_!g_hts" ( 1 hr.) U ®> WEEKEND SPECIAL "The Contest Kid Strikes Again" A young boy wins a flock of chickens In a contest. (R) c:;i I AOOt<IES COOKING MEXICAN PERSONAL FINANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE· MENT (Ji) WHAT ON EARTH Orson Bean hosts this fast- paced. fact-filled science series. 11:308 (I) BLACKSTAR 19 AMERICAN BANOST AND WILD, WILD WEST MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING '1!) PERSONAL FINANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE- MENT (H) WAIT UNTIL DARK Katherine Ross and Stacy Keach star 1n this chilling story of three men who terrorize a blind woman alone in her apartment (2 hrs J MOVIE Skatelown US.A." ( 1979. Comedy) Sco11 Baio. Greg Bradlord ( t hr. 34 min ) MOVIE 'The Immortal Bachelor" (1979. Romance) Monica V11t1. Giancarlo G1ann1n1 ( I hr 35 min) . \F' 1 'l-Jt\< >< ):\ 12:00 fJ Cl) TROLLKINS U LOST IN SPACE (!) MOVIE "The M1lllona11e" ( 1978. Drama) Marlin Balsam. Edward Albert g) AOAM-12 m ou1LTING ~ PERSONAL FINANCE AND MONEY MANAGE- MENT 0 MOVIE "Chu Chu And fhe Philly Flash" ( 1981. Comedy) Alan Arkin. Carol Burnell ( 1 hr . 40 min) 12:301) TOM ANO JERRY 0 MOVIE "How To Srulf A Wild Bikini" ( 1965. Comedy) Annette Funicello. Dwayne Hickman. Cl) MOMENTS IN TIME 0 AUTO RACING "Pocono Spring 500" ( 1 hr . 30 min) @)KIDSWORLD Q) ADAM-12 ID VIC BRADEN'S TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE Popular tennis coach Vic Braden introduces viewers to his "laugh and win" philosophy and d1spells com- mon myths about the forehand stroke (R) o m PERSONAL FINANCE ANO MONEY MAt<fAGE- MENT CC) MOVIE "The Jau Singer" ( 1980. Musical) Neil Diamond, Laurence Olivier. CE) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1972 Brirish Open" ( 1 hr.) 12:35@ MOVIE "My Six Loves" (1963. Comedy) Debbie Reynolds, Cliff Robertson. 12:45 (I) SAN DIEGO PADRES PRE-GAME 1;001J KWICKY KOALA 8 THE MUNSTERS (I) BASEBALL San Diego Padres at San Francisco Giants (2 hrs .. 30 min.) tml U.S. OPEN Live coverage of the 18·hole third round ol play 1n this gOlf tournament (from the Peb· ble Beach Golf Links 1n California). ( t hr.) ml MOVIE "The Millionaire" ( 1978, Orama) Martin Balsam. Edward Albert in Napoleon's army forces a fellow officer (Keith Olrradine) to fig ht a s e r ies of savage duels in "The Due/1st'' Saturday at 9 pm. on KNXT (Ch 2). tD WOODWRIGHrS SHOP 'A 811 Of Nostalgia" LR) Cl) INTRODUCING BIOLOGY THE ISLAND OF NEVAWUZ Animated The greedy J B Trumphorn crash-lands on the 1Sland of Nevawuz and tries to modernize 11 tor his own per- sonal gain 1:15 MOVIE 'Blow Out" (1981 Suspense) John Travolla. Nancy Allen ( 1 hr 45 min ) 1:306 30 MINUTES 0 6) WIMBLEDON TENNIS Same-day coverage of enrly round malches (lrom Wimbledon. Eng· land) (2 hrs ) U F-TROOP m NOVA "A Field Guide To Roger Tory Pelerson" A portrait of the man whose best selling guidebooks on ornithology have played a pivotal role 1n turning bird watching into a mass sport is presented (R) ~(1 hr) INTRODUCING BIOLOGY RODEO "Schrade Pro Team Sem1-F1nal'' (2 hrs , 30 min) MOVIE "The Hearse" ( 1980. Horror) Trish Van Devere, Joseph Cotten ( 1 hr., 40 min ) 0 Mil TON BERLE'S MAO. MAD WORLD OF COMEDY Berle. reviews classic routines by the comedic stars of the past and meets 1he purveyors ot today's humor ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 2:00 fJ 2 WITH YOU I GILLIGAN'S ISLAND PORTRAIT OF A LEGEND MOVIE "The Lusty Men" ( 1952. Drama) Susan Hayward. Robert Mitchum. Cf) RACING FROM BELMONT ®) GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Howard Cosell" Host. Ken Howard m MOVIE "Lassie Come Home" ( 1943, Drama) Roddy McOowall, Edmund Gwenn. I SIGNATURE Guest. Phihp Weld INTRODUCING BIOLOGY MOVIE "Far From The Madding Crowd" ( 1967. Drama) Julie Christle. Terence Stamp. (2 hrs .. 20 min.) 2:301J WESTCHESTER GOLF CLASSIC Third· round coverage of this $400.000 PGA Tour golf tournament (from Westchester Country Club in i e.N.Y) (1 hr.) GILLIGAN'S ISLAND · SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES St. Louis vs. Tennessee ( 1 hr.) Cf) BASEBALL New York Mets at Philadelphia Phll· lies (2 hrs .. 30 min.) @) PROFESSIONAL BOWLERS TOUR $110,000 Showboat Doubles Classic (from Showboat Bowl· ing Center in Las V&Qas. Nev.). ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ~dr~ Creative Jewelers, Inc. "'tJN!'~ ~~ £ 8;" rY~-/" NATIONALLY KNOWN AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER ll/,;kuz Jf{J:,r~1 . .. WILL CREATE A DESIGN THAT REFLECTS YOUR TASTE AND LIFESTYLE! • Origins/ Designing • Custom Remounting • Restyling • Designer Collect/on of Gold and Platinum Jewelry • DIAMONDS • PEARLS • FINE COLORED GEMSTONES OPEN TUESDAY THAU SATl!MOA'I'' --~ ... 12 ~ Sciturday (continued) O> ... It) N Q) c ::I -, @ MIXED BAG "New Blues" A look at lhe Chicago blues scene today fl!) PABLO PICASSO: THE LEGACY OF A GENIUS Pablo Picasso's ar1 works. life con111but1ons and influence on 20th century art are examined ( I ht 30 min.) m INTRODUCING BIOLOGY CC) MOVIE "High Country" ( 198 I Drama) Timothy Bortoms. Linda Purl. 0 MOVIE 'J 0 And The Salt Flat Kid" ( 1978. o, Comedy) Shm Pickens ( 1 hr .. 30 min) o 2:35@ MOTORWEEK ILLUSTRATED -' 3:00 I) MOVIE "Marco" ( 1973. Musical) Zero Mos ~ tel. Desi Arnaz Jr Q) MOVIE "The Clones" ( 1974. Sc1ence-f1ct1or1) Michael Greene. Gregory Sierra @ROYAL FIREWORKS AND MIRACULOUS MAN- DARIN The Vienna Philharmonic 1s directed by Richter 1n performing "Royal Fueworks Music" and "M1raculous Mandann" suite ( 1 hr ) m INTRODUCING BIOLOGY ([) MOVIE "The Late Show" ( 1977 Mystery) Art Carney. lily Tomltn 3:05@ WRESTLING 3: 15 (%) MOVIE "Why Would I Lie?" ( 1980, Come- dy) Treat W1lhams. Lisa Eichhorn ( t hr., 45 mm) 3:3011 (1) SPORTS SATURDAY t5-roond WBC super hghtwe1ght championship bout between Saool Mambry and Leroy Haley (from Las Vegas. Nev ) , International Bicycle Classic (from Boulder. Colo) U hr .. 30 min) D EVERYWHERE Loca11on hve from Anaheim Sta- dium. Anaheim. ( 1 hr , 30 min ) fJ PROFESSIONAL BOWLERS TOUR $1 t0.000 Showboat Doubles Classic (from Showboat Bowl· I. Center 1n Las Vegas. Ne11 ) . ( t hr , 30 min ) LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE FAST FORWARD MOVIE "The Black Marble" ( t 980, Drama) Robert Foxworth. Paula Prentiss ( 1 hr . 53 min ) 4:00 0 HEE HAW @) THE ROCKFORD FILES U) MOVIE 'Masquerade" ( 1965, Adventure) Cltfl Robertson. Jack Hawkins livers debts, Tom stops speaking 10 Maggie when he discovers she has been seeing Philip (Part 4) ftb SPORTS AMERICA .. 1982 Uniled Bank Tennis Classic Men's Finals" ( t hr ) ® TWO IN A BOX The mime team of Robert Shields and Lore~e Yarnell sing, dance and perform mime 1n a series ol sketches CID MOVIE "Conttnental D1v1de" ( 1981, Romance) 'John Belushi, Bla11 Brown ( t hr . 43 min ) ®AFFAIRS OF THE HEART. DAISY Georgina Hale 6:001J (1) CBS NEWS stars tn this adaptatton of Henry Jame·s novella 0 6:) NBC NEWS "Daisy Miller · ( 1 hr ) 0 MOVIE "That Funny feeling" 11965. Comedy) &l) QUE PASA. U.S.A.?' The F11st Move" Joe !Inds Sandra 0€e Boboy Darin A pau of pretty maids 11 100 much lo handle when Denise asks him out 011 g111e out their n1::w working address to a handsome a date bachelor only to discover that t'!e's their new ~FAST FORWARD emµtoye1 (2 r11s) (})SPORTS CENTER 0 KOJAK 0 MOVIE "Darby 0'0111 And The L1f1le People U) S.W.A.T I 1959. Fanta.,y) Alber! Sharpe. Sean Connery (I Q) MOVIE Thi• Mc111 W111. The Powe!'" t 1977 Hor hr 35 min ) ror 1 h1 1., Neill vie M ,., JW A h1y1t c;choot teacher 4:05@ BASEBALL A11;inta Braves at Cincinna11 learn!> that he h;is rnhe11ted supernormal powers Rede; (3 hr:>) lrom h15 ta I her wt11ch render him valuable 10 govern· 4:30 Eli) WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT ment e!°>p1onagP effort'> (?hrs J ~FAST FORWARD ®MOVIE "GPrtrude Stem Gertrude Stein Gertrude CC) MOVIE "A Fistful Of Dynamite" ( 1972. AClven Stein P.11 Carroll Gertrude Steins hie flom 1903 to ture) James Coburn. Rod Steiger 1935 1;> hrs ) 5:00 EJ WORLD GAMES I An internaf1onal sports Eli) UP AND COMING 'L<>ve's Lesson Learned"' spectacular, with over 1 700 athletes lrom 60 coun Fianr mt> runs into trouble when she gets a title role tries par1tc1pat1ng in 11at1ous sporhng events 1n Ao111(•0 And Juliet" and her bOyfriend doesn't throughout the United States (Part 3) ( 1 hr ) A) o 0 FREE 4 All MOVIE 'Hog Wild"' ( 1980 Comedy) Pa1t1 D'A1· 8 ST AR TREK banv1ll1> Michael Biehn A high school campus 0 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS 10 round hgh1we1ght becume::. the starting point for wild prnnks and h1lar hgh1 between Cornelius "Boza' Edwards and 1ty wnen several clean cul youngsters decide to 1a~e Roberto Eltzondo (from Las Vegas. Nev ) , The Spe on a rowdy motorcycle gang 'PG' ( 1 hr , 27 min ) c1al lnterna1tonal Mile (from Oslo, Norway) ( 1 hr 0 MOVIE ' Zorro. The Gay Blade" 1198 t Come· 30 min) dy) Geurye Hamilton. Lauren Hutton The hPrO•c i M• A ·s·H son or old Cahlorn1a·s lamoos 1ust1ce lighter is 1nca· GRIZZLY ADAMS pac11ated by a riding m1ury, forcing his foppish BASEBALL New York Mets at Philadelphia Phil· brother to do11 the cape and mask ·PG' ( 1 hr . 33 lies (2 hrs .. 30 min.) min .l ®) NEWS 6:30 U fJ Cl) 6i) NEWS «I) SOLID GOLD D MARY TYLER MOORE @ PAT CARROLL.ON THE ROAD WITH GER-fl!) CALIFORNIA DREAMS ""Golden City'" Tom TRUDE STEIN An insight Into the process develop-Bosley recounts the history of San Francisco from ment of '"Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein Gertrude the 1848 gold rush through the devastating earth Stein" ( 1 hr) ~ake of 1906 I LAWRENCE WELK ~ SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY FAST FORWARD 7:00 II Cl) IN SEARCH OF. NASL SOCCER Vancouver Whitecaps at Tampa I FAMILY FEUD Bay Rowdies (2 hrs.) BACK TO BASICS MOVIE "The Secret Of Seagull Island" ( 1981 THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER- Suspense) Jeremy Britt. Nicky Henson IES CID BOXING FROM THE OLYMPIC I PEOPLE'S COURT (I) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS LAWRENCE WELK Guest· Andy Griffith. CHECKING JT OUT Nely Alvarez and Ana Cobt· cz:> MOVIE "The Immortal Bachelor" ( t979, an report on teen age pregnancy n R ) ••-..i...~ VIiii GI I G. . I ( t h ! THE MUPPET 0 S . ....,. omance Muo ,,..,.. • ancar o 1annin r , 35 min.) MOVIE "Morgan!" ( 1966. Comedy) Vanessa 5:308 NEWS Redgrave .... David Warner A schizophrenic can't Cl) WELCOME BACK. KOTTER accept the tact that his ex-wife 1s remarrying and (fl W10£ WOALO Of SPORTS 10-round hghtweight attends her wedding dressed as a gorllla ( 1 hr , 40 fight between Cornelius "Boza" Edwards and min.) Roberto Elizondo (from Las Vegas. Nev.); The Spe-([)POCKET BILLIARDS "Trick Shots" ( 1 hr ) ctal lnternattonal Mite (from Oslo. Norway) ( t hr.. (Q) MOVIE "Excalibur" ( t98 t, Fantasy) Nigel Ter- m n.) , leOl Wiii a . The exptolts of ~Arthur ~11111119!lilllll1Jrlllllll~ltllli~--~"'"'~~~'-'~ta!~~~~~l!ll!l~!!!·~to"DW.k~~~.-Tab e. •R' 12 hrs .. 20 min.) Intimate Brazil Brazilian JilZZ gwtanst Oscar Castro·N(•\'es and hi:> wife Regrna WC'rnec k wjJJ be f t'atured 1n "0:,,l'ar and R t'gina .. lnllmate Brazil" Saturday at 8:30 p.m on KCET (Ch 28) CZ) MOVIE "Blow Out· ( t98 I, Suspense) John Tra1101ta, Nancy Allen A sound 1echntc1an who works on horror t11ms becomes involved 1n a murder mystery when he witnesses an assass1na1ton 'R' I 1 hr. 45 min) 7:05@ NEWS 7:30 8 DANCE FEVER Cl LOOK AT US I PEOPL8S COURT FIGHT BACK NEW YORK REPORT @) EYE ON SAN DIEGO reatured report on con trolled burn pro1ec1, a look at the growing field cit colo1 analysis. how to prepare Scallo;>s. Mouse Ell) PRESENTE W WEEKEND MAGAZINE ~MARK RUSSELL Washington's top poht1ca1 sat1 11s1 pokes lun at ma1or issues and news s1or1e<, ul the da'r fH) CONSUMER REPORTS PRESENTS "The Not For K1d'i· Only Show Products of special 1nterec,1 10 ch1ld1t:11 and adulscents. are re111ewed, including comparisons of blue 1eans and oranges L MOVIE · lnha·Man ( 1975. Science-F1ct1on) BrucP I• W.rng H'>1eh A b1or11c supe1hero uses mar· t1al .1r1s 1ech111quec; to btlllle a horde of monsters 'PG ( 1 hr . 35 min ) (S., PETER. PAUL & MARY The popular lolk 1110 ol the rd• y 60s perform many of their classic tunes as weir c1s npw material ( 1 hr 28 min ) 8:00 EJ WALT DISNEY "The Ranger Of Brownstone . Donald Duck and a bunch of bears cause problems for thr t·lftc1ent ranger ol Brownstone Nahonal Park J Auduhon Woodlore ( 1 hr l 0 A SHAUN CASSIDY SPECIAL Shaun Cac;s1dy takPs a tiumorouc; look al his life on the roac1, Loni Anotw;on. Jack Albertson and thE' Crystals guest sta1 ( 1 111 ) 8 MISS CALIFORNIA PAGAENT F'red La Gosse joins many young ladies as they bid to represent lhe state 111 lhe Miss America Paegenl 1n Atlannc City @hrs I fJ ®) TODAY'S FBI Maggie and another female agenl go undercover as truckers to crack a rtng of ~ackers (R) ( 1 hr ) C1J LA TIN PROFILE f> MOVIE "'Tomb Of L1ge1a" ( 1965 Horror) Vtn cenl Pnce. Elizabeth Shepperd A dead woman attempts to ruin her husband's second marriage by terrorwng his new wife (2 hrs ) (!)PAUL HOGAN U) MRS. AMERICA PAGEANT Bobby Vinton hosts this special from the Las Vegas Hillon. with the can d1dates being 1udged on their personallly. poise beauty, lam1ly hie and community involvement (2 hrs) 61) MOVIE "Fear Slrikes Out'" (t957, Biography) Anthony Perkins. Karl Malden. Boston Red Sox player Jimmy Piersall suffers a nervous breakdown when his lathE!f's driving influence and the pressures of big league baseball get the belier of him. (2 hrs ) @PAT CARAOLL...ON THE ROAD WITH GER- mUDE STEIN An insight into the process develop- ment of "Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein " ( 1 hr.) ' I TRAININO DOGS THE WOODHOUSE WAY MISS CALIFORNIA PAGEANT MOVIE "The Private Life Ot OM Juan" (1934, AdvenlUfe) Douglas Fairbanks Sr . Merle Oberon ----• ~ Jua~. the ta~.s romantic, cavorts. tus 'flrtY • q ..... fllJflftOOMiltd••"Ut•••nottav(t+w~,-..., (I) SPORTS CENT!"A Saturday (continued) CID MOVIE "Gorn· Ape" (1981, Comedy) Tony Danza. Jessica Waller Three orangutans hold the purse strings to a $5-m1ll1on inheritance. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 27 min) 0 MOVIE "Raging Bull'' ( 1980. Biography) Rob· ert De Niro. Cathy Moriarty. Boxing champion Jake La Motta's aptitude for violence brings him success 1n the ring but disrupts his personal life. 'R' (2 hrs .. 8 8:05 WORLD AT WAR min~ 8:30 M•A•s•H (!) RACING FROM YONKERS 9 OSCAR AND REGINA "Intimate Brazil" 9:00 II Cl) MOVIE "The Duellists" ( 1978. Adven- ture) Keith Carradine. Harvey Kettel. Based on a story by Joseph Conrad. Two French officers con- tinue their long-running feud during the Napoleonic wars (2 hrs.) Cl BARBARA MANDRELL ANO THE MANDRELL SISTERS Guests: Dolly Parton. John Schnelder. the Krofft Puppets (R) ( 1 hr.) D ®) LOVE BOAT Captain Stub1ng develops an unusual relat1onsh1p with a woman. and a newly mamed couple meet up with a man from the ; oom's past. (R) Q ( 1 hr ) WRESTLING MOVIE "Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein" Pat Carroll. Gertrude Stein's life from 1903 to 1935. (2 hrs.) 9 AMERtCAN PLAYHOUSE ':Oppenheimer" Aller fighting unsuccessfully to have his security clearance reinstated. Oppenheimer returns to Princeton fa< the last years of his life. (Part 7) Q ( 1 hr.) ~MOVIE "The Jazz Singer" ( 1980. Musical) Nell Diamond, Laurence Olivier. A New York cant<>< breaks with family tradition and sets out to find suc- cess as a pop music star. 'PG' ( t hr .. 55 min.) (() NASL S~ER Vancouver Whitecaps at Tampa Bay Rowdies (2 hrs.) CD MOVIE "Flash Gordon" ( 1980. Science-Action) Sam J Jones. Max Von Sydow. A trio of earthlings travel to the planet Mongo and help Its oppressed inhabitants In the overthrow of the evil Emperor Ming. 'PG' (1 hr .. 50 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Zorro. The Gay Blade" (1981, Come- dy) George Hamilton, Lauren Hulton. The heroic son of old California's tarnous justice fighter Is Inca- pacitated by a riding Injury, forcing his foppish Iii~ t~;tl IN RETIREJIENT -Although Lawrence W~lk. "Mr. Music Man," has announced his retirement, his champagne music can still be heard Saturday at 7 p.m. on KTTV (Ch. 11). brother lo don the cape and mask. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 33 min ) (%)MOVIE "Silence Of The North" (1 981 , Adven· ture) Ellen Burstyn, Tom Skertltt In 1919. a young woman's marriage to a trapper leadS her to a Ute of hardship in the wilderness of northern Canada. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) ~05@ BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Cincinnati Reds (3 hrs.) 9:30 . MATINEE AT THE BIJOU Featured: Buster l1 E:'\'S TR.\DITIO~.\I. WE \R For lhow \\ hn '\hnp for qu.1lil \ l 'pstmrs rl11u•11st(llrs- 11// er r111111rl Pol \In rlt'I/ s l/IJ/I ('(Ill ."1(11''1/' tilt' .~/1C't'11.~.~(11/ ltH1k ... 111 dnssw I rnrl1tumnl..:-tnilorerl h11 < rc11ti;111t•11 u•h11 cart'- des1q11t•d / m111 .~111x·rfl fahnc.~ for 11or1r """""'' Check tht• attic - sale room for undiscon•r('cl sa \·in~s. f;J Keaton 1n "Parlor, Bedroom And Bath" (1931), a Rudy Vallee short; and Chapter 3 of "The Phantom Empire" ( 1935). (R) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CID MOVIE "Conlinenral Divide" ( 1981, Romance) John Belushi, Blair Brown A Chicago newspaper column1s1 travels to the Rockies to escape some political heal and interview a reclusive naturalist 'PG' ( 1 hr . 43 min) @ MOVIE "Chu Chu And The Philly Flash" ( 1981, Comedy) Alan Arkin. Carol Burnett. An alcoholic former baseball player and a kooky street entertain· er become partners in a scheme to make money by return1n_g_ a lost suitcase. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 40 min ) 10:00 0 W NBC REPORTS "The Falklands" ( 1 hr ) fJ @) FANTASY ISLAND An answering service operator meets the three men of her dreams, and a brother and sister return to the house where their lather died (R) O ( 1 hr.) O MOVIE 'Pey7on Place" ( 1957. Dram.a) Lana Turner. Lloyd Nolan The complex reve1a11ons ot 1he secret hfe ot a small New England community har- bor scandals galore. (3 hrs .. 30 min.) (!) MOVIE "Blood Mania" ( 1970. Horror) Peter Carpenter. Maria Aragon. A greedy, sp1tetul girt who is anxious to collect her deceased lather's money loses her phys1c1an boylnend in the process (2 hrs ) I NEWS SOLID GOLD INDEPENDENT EYE "The Last 0 1 The Little Breweries" 10:30CD INSIGHT 9 ROCK GOES TO COLLEGE "Ge0<ge Thoro-Q£0d And The Destroyers" ( 1 hr ) a MOVIE "Lipstick" (1976. Orama) Margaux Hemingway. Anne Bancrof1. A top lashroo model rs hum1hated and frustrated by her unsuccessful attempts to sentence the man who raped her to prison. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 10:"5 (%)CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE 11:00 II 8 8 (() «t •NEWS I ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK MOVIE "Masquerade" ( 1965. Adventure) Cliff Robertson, Jack Hawkins. A private detective is hired to discover the whereabouts of a young prince from an Otl-nch Mideastern kingdom. (2 hrs.) aJ MOVIE ''Rio Conchas" (1964. Western) Rich- ard Boone, Stuart Whitman. Foor men set out across the Texas desert afler the Civll War to recov- er stolen Army rifles earmarked for sale to the ~aches. (2 hrs.) ~ PAT CARROLL.ON THE ROAD WITH GER- rEt' 'N?tl~YOM • SCOTT PFNNfrl Session I Stnion 2 Stuion 3 SESSION DA TES JUN[ 21 JUt.Y 9 JUlY 12 JUlY JO AUG 2 AUG 20 CLASS TIMES For the sixth consecutive year the Newport Beach Tennis club is olfenng the Ted Winston-Scott Penner summer junior tennis clinics Open to lhe pubhc, the program is designed to improve the tennis game of Juniors from ages 7-17 Clinic lessons are offered at the beginners. intermediate and advanced level Courses-will be ltm1ted to 8 students and wlll be grouped by age and ability. Mon Wed 8am I01m IOam 17 lu~ Thu1s 8 fill JO am 10 am 17 12 HCUS $70 TWIPWOT Pl.AYCA S£SSIOfl DATES Se~soon I I~[ 21 JUl Y 8 Smion 2 JULY 12 llAY ~ TOtltlW€11l rum ClllC TIU Mondo 1h1ouih thu1~1 2 pm 4 pm 24 HOURS $80 FOR REGISTRATION OR INFORMATION CALL 644-0056 :1;,i;;, 1-:a,t C'oa'\I ll1,11h\\ ,,, J ('11ro11.1111'1 \1111 • RARE GIFTABLES and 2601 Eastbluff Qrlve, Newport Beach,, CA. 92660 • OBJ ECTS 'DART .•• /or any gift occQSion 5 13 :2 0 - .... <O O> I\) l I ~ 14 ~ Saturday (continued) CJ) ... TRUDE STEIN An Insight 1n10 the process develop ment of "Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein " ( 1 hr ) G> SOUNOSTAGE "Doc Sevennsen" Doc Severtn· sen introduces his new 1azz fusion band Xebron tn a special performance which features vocalist Dee Dee Brtdgewater (R) D ( 1 hr ) CC) MOV1E "The Concert For Kampuchea"' ( 1980. Musical) Paul McCartney. The Who A hosr of rock per formers. many of whom get together 1n an all srar rock orchestra, are featured in this record ot a series of concerts held tor the benefit of rehef 10 war-ravaged Cambodia ( 1 hr . 20 mrn) CE) ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE World Cham pron Boston Cel11cs vs Dallas Cowboys of the t960's MOVIE "Camille 2000" ( 1969, Drama) Darnele Gaubert. Nino Castelnuovo. A young woman addicted to drugs leads a sertes of men rn to 1raSJ1C alla1rs 'R' (2 hrs . t 4 min ) @ BIZARRE "The Bigot Family" Cl) MOVIE 'The Valley" ( 1972. Drama) Bulle Ogier. Michael Gothard A weallhy woman travels 10 New Guinea 1n search of na11ve artifacts lor he1 Pans. boutique ( I ht . 40 min ) 11:30 6 RHYTHM AND RAWLS Lou Rawls welcomes guests Linda Chffo1d, Taste OI Honey, Andrae Crouch. Kool & The Gang, Chuck Berry. Bobby Womack and Pally Austin & James lng1am 1n a salute 10 the top rhythm and blues songs of the year 1? hrs) D fl) SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE Host. Blythe Danner Guest Rickie Lee Jones (RI ( 1 hr . 30 min) fJ ABC NEWS (!) MOVIE "War 0 1 The Wildcats" ( 1943, Adven- ture) John Wayne, Martha Scott A pretty schoolleacher ousted from a small town f()( having wnllen a controversial book becomes the object of romantic rrvalry between two Oklahoma oil men (2 hrs) @) KGB ROCKS 10 Taped performances of varroos internallonal rock 'n' roll a111sts are hrghhghted ( I hr.) (£)SPORTS CENTER (ID WAIT UNTIL DARK Katherine Ross and Stacy Keach star 1n this cnilhng story ot th1ee men who terrorize a bhnd woman alone 1n her apartment (2 hrs ) @ AN EVENING WITH OllZY GILLESPIE "Roond About Midnight" and "A Night In Tunisia·· h1ghl1ght this concert taped at The Stahon m Wilkes-Barre. Pennsylvania ( 1 hr.) (1) MOVIE "Graduation Day•· ( 1981. Mystery) Christopher George. Patch MacKenzie High school track athletes are being literally "cut trom the tedm" by an unknown killer 'A' ( t hr . 25 min ) 11:45 fJ MOVIE "Enter Laughmg"' ( 1967. Comedy) Reni San1001. Elaine May A bumbhng young Jewish boy's star-studded hopes of becoming a stage comedian run Into some reel obstacles along the way. (2 hrs.) 12:00 U BLUE JEAN NETWORK (!)MOVIE "The Runaround" ( 1946. Comedy) Ella Raines, ROd Cameron A pair of private eyes are hired by a wealthy man to bring his heiress daughter back from San Francisco before she can marry the dock WOfker she's fallen In kwe with (2 hrs ) ~ MOVIE "Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stern Gertrude Stein" Pat Carroll. Gertrude Stein's Ille from 1903 to 1935. (2 hrs.) fl MOVIE "Stay As You Are" ( 1980, Romance) Marcello Mastroianni. Nastassia Klnskl A married. middle-aged man embarks on an aflair with a teen- age Jlirl whO may be related to him ( 1 hr . 45 min ) 12:05 QZJ MOVIE "The Pride Of The Yankees" ( 1942, Biography) Gary Cooper, Teresa Wright Baseball star Lou Gehrig overcomes the Odds 10 beeome a legend 1n the game (2 hrs .. 25 min ) 12:20(C) MOVIE "The Visitor" ( 1978, Horror) Mel Ferrer. John Huston An ancient from a distant galaxy comes to Earth to destroy an evil 8-year-old girl who rs destined to be the mother of a powerful. malevolent race. 'R' ( 1 hr . 36 mm ) 12:30tm MOVIE "Day Of The Wolves" ·( 1973. Dra- ma) Richard Egan. Rick Jasoo An ex-sherilf finds h1msett up against a strange band of bearded men who plan to Isolate and ransack a small town (2 hrs . 15 min) (!) POLO "Michelob International Gold Cup Final" (!hr .. 30 mm) CO) MOVIE "Cheating Couples" (Drama) The con- jugal life of a bored married couple gets a shot 1n the arm when they move from the provinces to Paris ( 1 hr., 30 min) 1:000 ROCK CONCERT at MOVIE "The Brighton Strangler" ( 1945. Mys- tery) John Loder. June Duprez A paranoid murder· er prowls the damp, foggy str~ts of London by i hl. (1 hr .. JO min) NEWS EVENING AT THE IMPROV • MOVIE "A Pleasore ~Ukl!Sal1J (~ti SM URF MAN -Joe Barbera, executive producer of "Smurfs," poses with some of the cuddly little critters. "Smurfs" has be<.'Ome the m ost popular Saturday morning show on NBC. The little blue guys are seen at 7:30 a.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). Comedy) John Byner. Conrad Bam A young man and hrs friends plan a get-nch-qulck scheme that involves a beautiful woman and the world's oldest profession 'A' ( 1 hr , 26 min.) (~MOVIE "The Gong Show Movie" ( 1980. Come dy) Chuck Barris. Robin Altman. A TV host must contend with a variety ot obstacles, including net- work censors. 10 put together a collection of bizarre acts for his show 'A' ( 1 hr. 38 min.) 1: 10 CSJ MOVIE "Continental 01v1de" ( l 98 1, Romance) John Belushi, Blair Brown: A Chicago newspaper columrnst travels to the Rockies 10 escape some political heat and interview a 1eclusive naturalist 'PG' ( 1 hr . 43 min.) 1:301)NEWS 8ROCKSHOW ti) MOVIE "Inn Of The Fnghtened People" ( 1972. Suspense) Joan Collins. James Booth. Embrttered over the brutal murder of their young daughter. a couple set out to give her killer a slow but horrible taste of their vengeance. (2 hrs ) CID MOVIE "The Hearse" ( 1980. Horror) Trish Van Devere, Joseph Cotten. A schoolteacher tries 10 recover from a nervous breakdown at her late aunt's home. which rs besieged by demons 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 mrnl_ 1:65CC) MOVIE "Grand Illusion" ( 1937. Drama) Jean Gabin, Errch Von Strohelm World War I pris- oners conlhct with a German commandant ( 1 hr . 55 min) 2:00 6 MOVIE "Who Killed The Centerfold Model" ( 1977. Mystery) Barbara Eden. Joan Hackett A routine missing persons case takes an investigator from lhe depths of porno to the heights of the bank· i and commerce world ( 1 hr , 30 m111 ) ROCK SHOW NEWS WATERSKllNG "Senror Women's All·Amerrcan Championships" trom Cypress Ga1dens. Florida { 1 hr . 30 nun) 0 MOVIE 'Search And Destroy" (2 hrs I 2:05 (!) NEWS 2:30 0 NEWS O MOVIE I Want You· ( 1952. Drama) Dana Andrews. Oorotlly McGuire Durrng the Korean War. a yourrg man·s call to mrhtary duty provokes serious an1agornsn1 among his loved ones (2 hrs) (!) PUBLIC AFFAIRS 0) MOVIE "A Dangerous Profession. (1949, Mys- tery) Pat 0 Brren. George Rall A beau111u1 wom an's laletul meeting with a bail bondsman result s 1n her 1nvulveme111 with blackmail and murder ( 1 hr 40 rn1n.) (!1) AGRICULTURE U.S.A. Cl) MOVIE "Why Would I Lie?' ( 1980 Comedy) Treat W1lh.1111s Lisa [1chhorn A compulsive h9' upsets the status quo with hrs relusal lo conform 'PG ( I hr . 45 min I 2:45@) ABC NEWS 3:00 (!) STRAIGHT TALK @ NEWS CID MOVIE "Prrvate Ben1am1n· ( 1980. Comedy) Goldie Hawr) [1leen Brennan A well-to-do young woman mistakenly 1oms the Army following the dealh of her new husband on therr wedding night R' ( 1 hr . !>O min ) 3: 10 (111 MOVIE "Gorn' Ape ' { 1981, Comedy) Tony Danza. Jessica Waller Three orangutans hold the purse s1r1ngs lo a $5-m1t11on inheritance 'PG' ( 1 hr . 27 min) 3:30 f) MOVIE "Powder Town" (1942, Drama) Vic· tor McLaglen. Edmond O'Brien A scientist comes 1n10 confhcl with a tough foreman in a murnt1ons plants. (£)SPORTSWOMAN 3:50(t) MOVIE "Ouadrophenia" ( 1979. Orama) Phil Daniels. Mark Wmgell Music by The Who. A BrittSh youth re1ec1s the values of his family for the "free- dom" of the Mods. only to discover that this new social group is even rnore constricting 'R' ( 1 hr . 55 mrnl_ 4:00 (!)DR. PAUL YONGGI CHO SPORTS CENTER 0 MOVIE "Raging Bull" ( 1980. Biography) Rob· ert De Niro. Cathy Morrar ty Boxing champion Jake La Mona's aplllude tor violence brings him success In the rrng but disrupts hrs personal hie 'A' (2 hrs . 8 min~ 4:05 BETWEEN THE LINES 4; 10 MOVIE "The Half-Breed" ( 1952. Western) Robert Young, Janis Carter V1lla1ny is eKposed in an Arizona Apache revolt { 1 hr . 35 mrn ) 4:15(%) MOVIE ''Siience 01 The North" (1981 . Adventure) Ellen Burstyn. Tom Skernll In 1919. a young woman's marriage to a trapper leads her 10 a life of hardship In the wilderness of northern Cana- da. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 4:308 RAT PATROL CJ) VIEWPOINT ON NUTRITION 4:35@ IT IS WRITTEN 4:.0(H) MOVIE "Hog Wiid" (1980. Comedy) Path O' Arbanville, Mlchaet Biehn. A high school campus becomes the starting point for wild pranks and h1lar- lty when several clean-cut youngste1s decide to take on a rowdy motorcycle gang. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 27 min.) 4:50CS) MOVIE "Hollywood High" ( t976. Comedy) Marcy Albrecht. Sherry Hardin. Teen-agers al the famous public high school continue their vacation studies In the flefd of adolescent human relations. 'R' ( t hr.. 25 min.) 'People's Court' prompts more claims GRAND RAPIDS. Mich . (AP) -LegaJ bat.ties portrayed on the syndicated television program "Peoples' Court" apparently are prompting the proliferation of small claims court cases, M ichigan officials say. . "People didn't reali~ the things they could sue over." Chris Heron, clerk ln the smaU claims division o f Grand Rapids District Court, said Tuesday. "I think It has had a lot of Influence." The program has been broadcast six days a week since January by WZZM, a Grand Rapids television station. The station's program director, Mike Seagly, said the litigants on the program are real people who have agreed to submit their disputes to • retired judge ln front of television cameras. . The TV judge listens to PV1dencc and mak~ " monetary award to one of the parties. Seagly said But the losing party d~ not have to pay the program's producers provide the money. Joe Soper, district court administrator. said the small claims division caseload has increased from about 147 filings a month in 1981 to about 185 a month this year. Mrs. Heron believes that. people who watch the program awaken to the idea that they might ix' able to reap rewards from small claims court actions. "Before now. w e basically had companies and corporations coming in and filing small daims, not many individual'\. But since 'Peoples' Court.' we have as many indJViduaJ cases as business filings," she said. Sooe~ . .:tfld . .he ~i~es tl\e p~srr~have ploy~:11 1fjt:itt1 1n~~·iAttte~ '"J •C"' ·g I ~----------------------------•& ............... ~ \ I< >l l:\ I:\< ~ 5:00 Cf) NINE ON NEW JERSEY ([) NASL SOCCE.R Vancouver Whitecaps at Tampa Bay Rowdies (2 hrs.) 5:051 JAMES R081$0N 5:30 DAY OF DISCOVERY 5:36 CARTOONS 5: .. 5 CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 6:00 MUSIC ANO THE SPOKEN WORD I SUNOA Y MORNING YOUTH AND THE ISSUES ORAL ROBERTS DIRECTIONS "Toward A New Brazil: A Cardinal And The People" The controversy surrounding the work of Cardinal Arns to improve the living and working conditions of his people is examined (A) I BIBLE ANSWERS ROMPER ROOM FIRST AMENDMENT. FIRST FREEDOMS Dr 8 Robert Biscoe. lawyer Witham Ball and Senator Ray Taylor discuss the freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment CC) MOVIE "Paradise Alley" ( 1978. Orama) Sylves- ter Stallone. Armand Assante. CZ) MOVIE "Something For The Boys" ( 1944, Musi- cal) Vivian Blaine, Perry Como. ( 1 hr , 25 min.) 6:05@ LOST IN SPACE 6:30 8 FOR OUR TIMES SERENDIPITY ROBERT SCHULLER DAYBREAK L.A. FAST FORWARD POINT OF VIEW PUBLIC PULSE CALIFORNIA PEOPLE MOVIE "The Survrvof'' ( 1981. Fantasy) Robert Powell. Jenny Agutter. (1 hr., 24 min.) CS) ED MCMAHON ANO COMPANY The Texas Cowgirls, Phyllts Diiier and Abbe Lane join Ed McMahon for a dancing and Singing variety special. ( 1 hr .. 5 min.) 0 MOVIE "The Late Show" (1 977, Mystery) Art Carney, Lily Tomlin. ( 1 hr. 35 min.) 6:59 Q fJ (I) @) fl) SPECIAL REPORT Regularly scheduled programming may be preempted by the scheduled launching of the space shuttle Columbia 7:00 tJ TODAY'S RELIGION THAT'S CAT LITTLE RASCALS rT IS WRITTEN KENNETH COPELAND fl) SUNDAY MASS SPECTRUM DAY OF DISCOVERY CARTOONS YOGA FOR HEAL TH AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY SPORTS CENTER 7:05 tm LIGHTER SIDE OF THE NEWS 7:308 FArTHWAYS B WHITNEY ANO THE ROBOT CAMPUS PROFILE: VIEWPOINT ON NUTRI- TION .. Nutritional Allergies" Guests Gloria Loring, Jo ce Virtue, Earl Mindell TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING THAT'S THE SPIRIT SEARCH JIMMY SWAGGART MISTER ROGERS (R) THE WORLD TOMOAROW • AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY MOVIE "Dead Pigeon On Beethoven Street" ( 1973, Adventure) Glenn Corbell, Christa Lang ( 1 hr. 30 min) 7:35@ MOVIE "t 776" ( 1972. Musical) Wiiham Daniels, Howard da SilVa. 8:001J SUNDAY MORNING D FIRST AMENDMENT, ARST FREEDOMS Dr B Robert Biscoe. lawyer William Ball and Senator Ray Taylor discuss the freedoms guaranteed In the First Amendment POPEYE AND FRIENDS PERSONAL DIMENSIONS LCT THERE BE LIGHT LLOYD OGILVIE MUSIC WORLD JERRY FALWELL ELECTAIC COMPANY (R) REXHUMBARO AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY MOVIE "The Wrong Arm Of The Law" (1963, Comedy) _Peter Sellers, Lionel Jeffries. (I) NCAA INSTRUCTIONAL SERIES ® MOVIE "The Great Muppet Caper" (1981, Adventure) Charles Grodin, Diana RIQQ. (2 hrs ) (I) MOVIE "Huckleberry Finn" ( 1914, Adventure) Jeff East Paul Winfield. ( 1 hr., 58 mll'I.) • 'ct'MOVIE "lhveders ~r~ ~~IV~.fP'iu~iM1 '"~ 1 ltl TASTE OF HORROR -Elvira, Mlsu-ess of the Dark, continues to bring her ca.Jes of horror and horrible tales to KHJ-TV (Ch. 9) each Sunday afternoon at 4. This week 's o ffering is "Tomb of Ligeia ," starring Vincent Price, of course. ence-F1ct1on) Puppets ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 8:30 II ODYSSEY Guests Frank G. Goble. founder and president of the Thomas Jefferson Research Cente1. Pasadena. James A Carlton. vice president ol the Character Education Program; Sun11a Ramaswamy. acclaimed Asian Indian classical dancer. TODA Y'S BLACK WOMAN THELAHAYES • MEETING TIME AT CALVARY REX HUMBARD FREDERICK K. PRICE ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) • KNOW YOUR BIBLE • AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY SPORTSWOMAN 9:00 D NEWS CONFERENCE PEOPLE 7 G ORAL ROBERTS ROBERT SCHULLER IT IS WRITTEN • ~~tA_t4NEoSl~~~~R) Q GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1973 Brtllsh Open" ( t hr) (%) MOVIE "The Immortal Bachelof" ( 1979, Romance) Monica Vittr, Giancarlo Giannini ( 1 hr , 35 min.) 9:30 8 Cl) FACE THE NATION fl) MEET THE PRESS NEW ZOO REVUE DAY OF DISCOVERY KENNETH COPELAND THE WORLD TOMORROW YOU ANO THE LAW MOVIE "Pardon Mon Allaire" (1977, Comedy) Jean Rochefor t, Anny Ouperery. CS) MOVIE ''Siar Trek -The Molion Picture" ( 1979. Sc1ence-Flctlon) Wrllram Shatner, Leonard ~Im~ (2 hrs., 12 min) 10:00U MOVIE "Money From Home'" (1953, Come-£t) Dean Maritn. Jerry Lewis. U AT ONE Guest wrrter and director Jesus Trevi- no (I hr.) U MOVIE "Marco" ( 1973. Musical) Zero Mosrel. Desi Arnaz Jr BASEBALL BUNCH SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN HERALD OF TRutH OUTDOOR LIFE REX HUMBARD THE LAWMAKERS NEWSCENTER WEEKLY YOU ANO THE LAW RACQUETBALL "Eklelon Champlonshtp" ( 1 hr.) CID MOVIE "The Far Frontier" (1948, West&l'n) Roy RQgers. Andy Devine. (2 hrs., 50 min.) llt MOVIE "Home Mollies" (1980. Comedy) Keith Gordon, Kirk Douglas. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 10:30 8 ®) KIDS A~E P£0PLE TOO Guests: Daniello Brlsebols, actor Doug Sheehan, gadget expert Stan Kann. drawing analyst Judith KurlanSky. (R) ( 1 ,, l>!,J~m hnr, •,r-•btv • (l.• , ~' tl1•1! .41'•11 'I'• ' I II ROBERT SCHULLER (!) BASEBALL New York Mets at Philadelphia PM- Mes (2 hrs .. 30 min.) I JERRY FALWELL OPEN MIND OUTDOOR LIFE YOU ANO THE LAW t 0:35@ THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 10: .. 5 (%) MOVIE "Siience Of The North'" 11981 , Adventure) Ellen Bursryn, Tom Skerrlll (1 hr 35 m1n1 11 :00 D fl) WIMBLEDON TENNIS Coverage ol early round matches (lrom Wimbledon, England) (2 hrs, 30m1n) (I) WESTERN OUTOOORSMAN m MOVIE "The Clones" ( 1974. Sc1ence-F1ct1on) Michael Greene. Gregory Sterr a fil) MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Fltckers" Arnte and his old flame Lelly team up 10 beguile a prospective backer. (Parl 5) o ( 1 hr ) m> GROWING YEA'RS (E) HORSESHOW JUMPING ··upperville Jumper Classic" (2 hrs) 11:05@ ON-DECK CIRCLE 11:15@ BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at C1nc1nnat1 ~eds (3 hrs) 11:301) WESTCHESTER GOLF CLASSIC Final round coverage of this $400.000 PGA Tour golf lourna· ment (hve from Westchester Country Club in Rye N.Y 1 · (2 hrs.) I®) THIS WEEK WITH DAVID BRINKLEY BASEBALL BUNCH TEARY COLE-WHITI AKER CHURCH IN THE HOME GROWING YEARS MOVIE "The Music Man" ( 1962, Musical) Rob- ert Preston, Shirley Jones 0 MOVIE "Stevie" ( 1978. Biography) Glenda Jackson. Trevor Howard. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) . \I··· 11JC\< >< >:\ 12:00 8 LOST IN SPACE I THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL SEARCH MOVIE "Lassie Come Home" ( 1943, Orama) Roddy McOowall, Edmund Gwenn. 9 LORD MOUNTBA TIEN: A MAN FOR THE CEN~ TURY In 1947, Mountbatten accepts the respons1- blllty of uniting India and assisting that country's transrlion from British rule to independence (Part ~(R) O (1 hr) GROWING YEARS MOVIE "I Sent A Letter To My Love" ( 1981 Romance) Srmone S1gnoret. Jean Rochelort (2 hrs .. 2 min.) 12:30 D DIRECTIONS (() MOMENTS IN TIME G MOVIE "Devil Doll" ( 1964, Horror) Bryant Halli day. Yvonne Romain. ~PERSPECTIVES GROWING YEARS MOVIE "Something For The Boys .. ( 1944, Musi cal) Vivian Blaine, Perry Como. ( 1 hr, 25 min.) 12: .. 5(1) PADRES PRE-OAME 1:008 THE MUNSTERS 8 DRAG RACING ''Cajun Nationals" ( 1 hr) (I) BASEBALL San Diego Padres at San Francisco Giants (2 hrs., 30 min.) Cf) GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Frank Robin son" Host: Tom Seave1 ®) ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK I AOAM-12 DANGER UXB "The Quiet Weekend" Susan returns home after spending the weekend with Brian to find an unexpected visitor. (Part 6) (A) Q ( 1 hr.) QB PROJECT UNIVERSE (E) LACROSSE "World Championship .. lrom Balt1· more. Maryland (2 hrs, 30 min.) (8) MOVIE "Darby O'Glll And The Little People'" ( 1959, Fantasy) Albert Sharpe. Sean Connery. (I hr . 35 min) 1:301J SPORTS SUNDAY 15-round WBC cru isewe1gh1 championship bout between Carlos Deleon and S. T. Gordon (live from Las Vegas. Nev). Cascade Run-Off Road Race (from Portland, Ore.). ( 1 hr .. 30 min) D ON CAMPUS "New Approach 10 Art" at Clare- mont Graduate School. WILD KINGDOM ADAM-12 I F-TROOP SPORTSWORLD lnte<natlonal Cup Welghtllftlng (from Tatabanya, Hungary) : lrlsh Sweeps Defby (from Dublin, Ireland) : Survival of the Fittest, Part 4, with men's river-bridge duel (from New Zealand) l hr, 30 min.) PROJECT UNIVERSE MOVIE "Les Girls" ( 1957. Musical) Gene Ketty, Mitzi Gaynor. ( 1 hr. 55 min.} 2:00 a SPECIAL OL VMPtCS Houston Oller Ear1 Campbell is featured In this fund-relalng event. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 8Gl~Lt~lU~~G •11 , •.• ~ • ~·vM ··J ,, IS .... co Q) f\,) ~------------------------------·......._._ l6 ~Sunday (continued) ~ D @) SPORtSBEA T -..Q 0: G MOVIE ''Dark Passage ( Hl4 /, Mystery) Hum phrey Bogart. Lauren Bacall Cf) THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER- IES m THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL «I) MOVIE "L1v1ng 11 Up" ( 1954, Comedy) Dean Marttn, Jerry Lewis @ PAT CARAOLL...ON THE ROAD WITH GER- TRUDE STEIN An 1ns1ght into the process of devel opmen1 ol "Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein Gertrude Stein." ( 1 hr ) I TRAINING DOGS THE WOODHOUSE WAY PROJECT UNIVERSE MOVIE "Paradise Alley" ( 1978. Drama) Sylves- ter Stallone. Armand Assante. MOVIE "Blow-Up" ( 1966, Mystery) David Hemmings, Vanessa Redgrave. (I hr . 50 min ) "f. CZ) MOVIE "The Gong Show Movie" ( 1980. Come dy) Chuck Bams. Robin Allman (I hr .. 38 min ) 2:15@CNN2 2:30 U GILLIGAN'S ISLAND D @) AMERICAN SPORTSMAN Johnny Ruther- ford, former Indianapolis "500" winner. completes an Atr Force pilot training program and participates 1n a mock dogfight, actor Martin Sheen observes the behavior of three trained African elephants as they are re-introduced to their Kenyan homeland (R) ( t hr.) I DODGER DUGOUT PRESENTE PROJECT UNIVERSE 2:35@ UNDE'RSE/' WORLD OF JACQUES COUS- TEAU 2:.S at DODGER PRE-GAME 3:001) INTERFACE 8 MOVIE "Buck Benny Aides Again" ( 1940, Com- edy) Jack Benny. Ellen Drew. (I) ~IC SEVAREJO'S CHRONICLE 81 BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Houston Astros (3 hrs.) @ GERTRUDE STEIN GERTRUDE STEIN GER- TRUDE STEIN Pat Carroll's one-woman perform- ance about Gertrude Stein's Ille from t903 to 1935 (2 hrs.) • WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT Highlights of a second elimination match will be broadcast from Spain. ( 1 hr ) Gf) SUGAR RAV LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES Pennsylvania vs. Rocky Mountain ( 1 hr ) G) PROJECT UNIVERSE (Hl GOTI A DANCE, GOTI A SING This retrospec- tive look at movie musicals includes per10fmances by Asta11e and Rogers. Shirley Temple, Gene Kelly, Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley and clips from .. Carousel,'' "The King And I." "West Side Story.:: .. Cabaret .. and "The Rocky Horror Picture Show. clJ h~~VIE "Oh God!" ( 1977, Comedy) George Burns. John Denver. 3:25(}) MOVIE "Blow Out" ( 1981, Suspense) John Travolta. Nancy Allen. { 1 hr .. 46 min.) 3:30 fJ NEWSMAKERS D OUTDOOR LIFE Featured: fishing and swimming In Panama. (2 hrs.) D ®) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Mario Andret11 and his son challenge the LeMans 24-hour Grand Prix of Endurance (from LeMans. France) , U S. Outdoor Track and Field Championships (from Knoxville. Tenn.). ( 1 hr., 30 min) I SERGEANT PRESTON OF THE YUKON AGRONSKV AND COMPANY HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS HORSE RACING WEEKLY AMERICAN DANCE MACHINE A talented troupe of young dancers /'oin Gwen Verdon in a musical salute to the best o Broadway 3:35@ NICE PEOPLE 4:00 II MOVIE "The Heist" ( 1972, Drama) Chrlsto- e_tler George, Elizabeth Ashley Cl) ST AA TREK fJ MOVIE .. Tomb Of Ugeia" ( 1965. Horror) Vin- cent Price. Ellzabeth Shepperd. (!) ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK ., MOVIE "King Richard And The Crusaders" (1954 Adventure) Rex Hamson, V1rg1n1a Mayo • WALL STREET WEEK "A Summer Rally?" • Guest Leon G Cooperman of Goldman. Sachs & Company. (R) GD MOVIE "The Gypsy Moths" ( 1969. Adventure) Bur1 Lancaster. DebOrah Kerr • HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS CC) MOVIE "The Wrong Arm Of The Law'' ( 1963, Comedy) Peter Sellers, Lionel Jellries CE) SPO~S CENTER (Hl MOVIE "The Survivor" ( 1981. Fantasy) Robert Powell. Jenny Aguller ( 1 hr .. 24 min ) (I) SHOAT PICKS 4:05 all WRESTLING i308 WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (A) .ID HUMANmES THROUGH THE ARTS Cl) ED MCMAHON ANO COMPANY The Texas v+r-•.• •.-...~.•• .~.Q,ls.~ •• 'f~~Y~~ •• 9,1111,{ .~ • .\11.~ ~_,JOI~. ,~d' - MAKING BELIEVE -Fred Rogers t.alks about make-believe to children during his visits to a day care center on "Mister Rogers Talks With Parents About Make-IJelieve" Sunday on PBS (Ch. 50 and Ch. 28). McMahon for a dancing and singing variety special { 1 hr .. 5 min.) g MOVIE "Gimme Sheller" (1970, Musical) Roll- ing Stones. Jefferson Airplane. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 5:00 U ST AR TREK D GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGENDS ''Frank Robin- son" Host· Tom Seaver IM•A•S•H STRAIGHT TALK NEWS AFFAIRS OF THE HEART: DAISY Georgina Hale stars in this adaptation of Henry James' no11ella. .. Daisy M~ler " ( 1 hr ) fD FIRING LINE "How Much Is Secrecy Hur1ing The U.S ?" Guest· Dr. Edward Teller of the Hoover lnslt- tute ( 1 hr) Ql9 HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS CE) SPORTS TALK "1982 NBA Draft" ( 1 hr . 30 min) CJ:) MOVIE .. Invaders From The Deep" (1981, Sc•· ence-Fict1on) Puppets. CO) THE MARVELOUS LAND OF OZ Some very familiar inhabitants of the land of Oz help a young bOy and his wooden friend In this filmed stage pro- duction by the Ch1ldren·s Thea1re Company and School. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 5:05 all NASHVILLE ALIVEI 5:16(}) MOVIE "Why Would I Lie?" (1980. Come· dy) Treat Williams. Lisa Eichhorn ( 1 hr . 45 min ) S:301J CBS NEWS l ~~~~~s WELCOME BACK. KOTIER MONEYMAKERS MOVIE "Pardon Mon Allaire" ( 1977. Comedy) Jean Rochefort. Anny Duperery (Hl SNEAK PREVIEW Host Leonard Harris looks at the movies. specials and sports events coming up on Home Box Office. L\'L~I\C; 6:00 8 DD NEWS e MOVIE "Don' I Drink The Waler" ( 1969, Come- dy) Jackie Gleason. Estelle Parsons. American tounsts behind the Iron Curtain are mistaken 101 spies when the11 daughter goes on a picture-taking lee (2 hrs.) CBS NEWS KOJAK ITIS WRITIEN CHARLIE'S ANGELS MOVIE "Bhowani Junction" ( 1956. Orama) Ava Gardner. Stewart Granger. An Anglo-Indian girl living 1n Pakistan experiences an Identity crisis as &he struggles 10 sort out her natlonal loyaltles (2 hrs) · e MOVIE "The Vakuza" ( 1975. Adventure) Rob- ert Mitchum. Brien Keith A former private detective allempts to penetrate the far Eastern undefwc>fld In order 10 rescue a war buddy's daughter. (2 hrs.) 9 THE WORLD OF JAMES JOYCE A documentary from trelal"ld eiuimln1ng Joycc·s-'t114 onshlp to Ire-........... -................................... _..... .................. .. land's people and history (2 hrs ) I LIFE AROUND US NBC NEWS . NOVA .. A Field Guide To Roger Trny Peterson" A portrait of the man whose best-selhng guidebooks on orrnthology have played a pivotaf role 1n turning bird watching into a mass sport is presented (R) 0 11111) (ff) MOVIE "On The Right Track" l 1981, Comedy) Gary Coleman Michael Lembeck A social worker tnes tu ltnd a normal home tor a 11a1n sratton shoeshine boy with a talent lor p1ck1ng the ponies 'PG ( t h1 37 mm ) (SJ MOVIE "Chu Chu And The Philly Flash" ( 198 1, Comedy) Alan Arkin. Carol Burnell An alcohohc former baseOdll player and a kooky street entertain- er become partners 1n a scheme lo make money by returning a lost suitcase 'PG' ( 1 hr • 40 min ) 0 MOVIE .. The Lale Show" ( 1977. Mystery) Art Carney. Lily Tomlin A seasoned private eye encounters blackmail and murder when he comes out of retirement to locate a cat belonging to an offbeat temate client ( 1 hr . 35 min ) 6:05@ WEEK IN REVIEW 6:30 D FIGHT BACK I THAT'S HOLLYWOOD ff)NEWS THE WORLD TOMORROW V.E.S .. INCORPORATED POLO "M1chetob International Gold Cup ( t hr., 30 min.) 8:-46 iTHE CHALICE 7:00 Cl) 60 MINUTES 8 FATHER MURPHY Father Joe Parker quits the priesthood and takes a 1ob at a frontier salOOn lR)D (1 hr.) D (!JJ MOVIE "The Double McGuf1in" ( 1979, Mys- tery) Ernest Borgrnne. George Kennedy A group of teen-agers become amateur secre1 agents to pro- tect the beautiful leader of a small country lrom lsass1ns 12 hrs.) PAUL HOGAN JIMMY SWAGGART ASCENT OF MAN VICTORY GARDEN MOVIE "Excalibur" ( 1981. Fantasy) Nigel Ter- ry. Nicol W1lhamson. The exploits of King Arthur bring power and death to lhe knights of the Round Table. 'A' (2 hrs, 20 min.) ©)MOVIE "Continental Divide" ( 1981. Romance) John Belushi, Blair Brown A Chicago newspaper columnis1 travels to the Rockies to escape some pohltcal heal and interview a reclusive naturalist 'PG' ( 1 hr . 43 min.) (%)MOVIE "Silence 01 The North" (1981. Adven- ture) Ellen Burstyn. Tom Skerritt. In 1919. a young woman's marnage to a 1rapper leads her to a life of hardship in the wilderness of northern Canada. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 35 min ) 7:05QZ)NEWS 7:30'11) PORTRAITS IN PASTELS ~MOVIE "The Music Man" ( 1962. Musical) Rob- ert Preston, Shirley Jones A last-talking salesman comes 10 a small town in Iowa to organize a boys' band and 1nadver1ently falls in love with an unmar- ried hbrarian. (2 hrs .. 30 min.l 8:00 fJ Cl) ARCHIE BUNKER S PLACE Archie tries to get a sex education class et Stephanie's school drop_£ed (R) II UD CHIPS Jon and Ponch are baffled by a gang of crooks who use lasers to disable their victims I) (1 hr) ENTERT AtNMENT THIS WEEK ITISWRITIEN MORECAMBE & WISE MOVIE "Lassie Come Home" (1943, Drama) Roddy McDowall, Edmund Gwenn. Sold by his poor owners. a collie travels 1000 miles to find them l ain. (2 hrs ) ALISTAIR COOKE'S AMERICA AFFAIRS OF THE HEART: DAISY Georgina Hale stars in this adaptation of Henry James' novella, "Daisy Miller ·· ( 1 hr.) Eli) NOVA "Locust· War Without End" Filmed 1n Europe and At11ca. some of man's latest attempts to rid himself of the locust are examined (R) Q ( 1 hr) '1l) MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Flickers" It looks as though Arnie's mo111e may never be completed ·- money runs oul and so does Its star (Part 6) Q ( 1 hr) CE) SPORTS CENTER CB) MOVIE .. The Great Muppet Caper" ( 1981. Adventure) Charles Grodin, Diana Rigg Kermit, Fozzie and Gonzo trace a fabulous stolen )ewel to London (2 hrs ) MOVIE .. Star Trek -The Motion Picture" ( 1979. Science-Fiction) Wiiiiam Shatner. Leonard Nimoy The former commander of the U SS Ef'lterprise reassembles his old crew and se1s 011 on a mission to find the mysttflous vessel responsible for the destruction of numerous Federation star- ships. 'G' (2 hrs .. 12 min) D MARVIN 1-iAMLISCH: THEY'RE PLAYING MY SONG Liza Minnelli. Johnny Mathis. Glaey' KrilQ.ht and ea.riv Stmon sin0 otQO of t.Ode'i1's g,,_ld.tlJI~ ~---------------------------............... -~ Sunday (continued) . including. "The Way We Were." ''What I Did For Love" and "Nobody Does II Better " 8:0511!) JERRY FALWELL 8:30 I) ()) ONE DAY AT A TIME Despite a d1sas· trous f1rs1 date with Mark Royer Barbara 1s unable to get him off her mind (Part 2) (Rl 0 THE WORLD TOMORROW (!) EVENING AT THE IMPROV 8:45 (%)CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE 9:00 f) ()) ALICE Mel is plunged into a stale of depression when he reaHzes that he has no heirs ~) m THREE EYES Three owners ot a detective agency are hired by an ex-gtrllnend of one ol the ~artners to locate her m1ssmg husband ( 1 hr ) 8 GLITTERING CROWNS A look at the royahly of Europe over lhe years including Tsar Nicholas II. Queen V1c1oria. Edward 1he VIII and Mrs. Simpson. Pnnce Charles and Princess Diana ( 1 hr ) U ®l MOVIE "Golden Rendezvous" ( 1977. Ora- ma) Richard Hams. David Janssen Passengers aboard an ocean liner catrying a cargo of gold are threatened by 1mpend1ng nuclear destruction (2 hrs.) I DR.CHO AGRONSKY AND COMPANY THE WORLD OF JAMES JOYCE A documentary from Ireland examining Joyce's rela11onsh1p to Ire- land's people and history (2 hrs.) fD MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Fltckers" It looks as though Arnie's movie may never be completed - mor.ey runs out and so does its star (Part 6) Q ( t hr.) G!) AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE "Oppenheimer" Alter fighting uns1.>ecessfully to have his security clearance reinstated. Oppenheimer returns to Princeton tor the last years of his life. (Part 7) Q ( 1 hr.) (() SPOATS ·TALK "1982 NBA Draft" {1 hr .. 30 min.) CID MOVIE "Dog Day Afternoon" ( 1975. Orama) Al Pacino. John Cazale A New York City bank robbery escalates tnto a near-circus when community act1v- 1Sts join in 10 stage an antt-pollce protest during the caper (2 hrs. 15 min.) II MOVIE "Atlantic City" ( t980. Orama) Burt Lancaster. Susan Sarandon. The estranged hus- band of an oyster bar waitress arrives with her preg- nant yoU1:iger Sister and some stolen herom. which he wants an aging hood to sell tor him. 'R' ( 1 hr . 44 min.) CZ) MOVIE "The Gong Show Movie" ( 1980. Come- dy) Chuck Barris, Robin Altman A TV host mus1 contend with a va11ety of obstacles, including net- work censors, to put together a collection of bizarre eels tor his show 'R' ( 1 hr . 38 min.) 9:05 (ll) OPEN UP 9:30 8 Cl) THE JEFFERSONS George. In the market for a snappy advertising jingle. learns he has to f11st cheer up the depressed Jingle writer. (R) D JACK VAN IMPE (f) MOVIE "The Young In Heart" ( 1938. Comedy) Janet Gaynor. Douglas Fairbanks Jr. A family of zany con artists are refo<rned by a weallhy old dow- ager ·who had originally been their next target (2 hrs.) m NEWS OJ MOVIE "Pick-Up Summer" (1981, Comedy) llTUESTED II A lllE COIPITEI llSllEU? A UF£ TIME OPPORTUNITY TO 8£ YOUR OWN 8088 BECOME PART OF A GROUND FLOOR MUL fl.-LEVEL MARKETING PLAN JUST STARTING IN U.8.A. oo you wish you had a dealership In the eerly 50'• and 60'a for a brand name TV or Rldlo?? What they were then to ..,ery tiouMhdd ... a home-computer Is going to be In the 80'1 ... Now you have a ground noor opJ>Ortunlty to be 1 dl11rlbutor, mlt'ketlng a natlonal brand home-computer. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE PLAN: •·NO COMPUTEA OR SALES EXPERIENCE NEEDED (TRAINING PROVIDED). ••WORK OUT OF YOUR RESIDENCE AND KEEP YOUR CURRENT JOB OR PROFESSION. ••MULTILEVEL COMMISSION PLAN. ••NO FRANCHISE FEE OR INVENTORY COST. ••TAX ADVANTAGES. NO FREE LUNCHES -The pilot for "Y.E.S., Inc.," a KCET-produced dramatic mini -series aimed a t improving the employability and c.areer aspirations of inner city minority youths. airs Sunday at 6:30 p.m. on Channel 28. The episode features (front from left) Ray Serna, Todd Hollowell, (center) Joe Green, (back from left) Cynthia Ann Valdez, Denise Nicholas-Hill and Tan Adams. Michael Zelniker. Cart Marotte. The fun-filled sum- mer vacation of two high school students culminates 1n a hotly conlested pinball compe11t1on 'R' ( 1 hr . 30 m1n.l_ 10:001) Cl) TRAPPER JOHN. M.D. Nurse Ripples' 1ob Is thrown into jeopardy when her alcoholic brother re-enters her life. (R) ( 1 hr ) II Im THE TEXAS RANGERS Two Texas Rangers use modern police techniques to capture a trio of lesc;e&}~~-(R) ( t hr.) THE WORD FOR TODAY WE DIG COAL: A PORTRAIT OF THREE WOM- EN The ltrst women coal miners· struggle to get thetr JObs and their day-to-day lives in the mines are doc- umented. (1 hr.) 6li.) FLAMBARDS "The Cold Light Of Day" William lands his f11st JOb as an airplane mechanic and Christtna goes to WOfk as a waitress (Pan 5) (R) D (1 hr.) DIVORCE MEDIATION A NON-COMBATIVE PROCESS COUNSELOR-ATTORNEY TEAM REASONABLE COST , FOR FURTHER INFO CALL 752-1064 Robert GlaHer, Attorney J•nn 01 .... r. MFCC J a m es L . Zimme1·man Certified Publlc Accountant Full range of personallzed professlonat services for small businesses &-individuals • IN~OME TAX PREPARATION I PLANNING • SYSTEMS DESION a INSTALLATION • COMPUTERIZED 'INANCIAL REPORTING (C) MOVIE "Separate Ways" ( 1980, Orama) Karen Bleck, Tony Lo Blanco. A young couple's failure 10 communicate neafly results 1n the destruction of thetr marriage. 'R' ( t hr .. 32 min.) CH) MOVIE "Stripes" ( 1981, COmedy) Biii Murray. Harold Ramis A New York cabbie looking tor exotemeni convinces his best friend to join him ln enhsltng in the U S Army 'R' { 1 hr • 20 min ) 10:05@ MOVIE "David And Lisa" ( 1962. Orama) Keir Dullea, Jarie1 Margolin An emo11onally dis- turbed girl 1n a special school leads a young boy oul of his own p11va1e darkness. (2 hrs ) 10:30 fJ LONE RANGER m JERRY FALWELL Cl) JIMMY SWAGGART CI) RACQUETBALL "Ektelon Champ1onsh1p" ( I hr) CID MOVIE "I Sent A Letter To My Love" ( 1981. Romance) Simone S1gnorel. Jean Rochefort A middle-aged woman who has spent most of her adult lite caring tor her invalid brother decides to wnte a teller 10 a newspaper lonely hearts column 'PG' (2 hrs . 2 min ) CZ) MOVIE "Blow Out" (1981, Suspense) John Travolta, Nancy Allen A sound 1echn1cian who works on horror ttlms becomes Involved in a murder mystery when he w11nesses an assassination 'R' ( 1 hr .. 45 mm.) 10:458 SUNDAY SPORTS PAGE 11 :00 I) Q 0 Cl)@) 0) NEWS I PACESETTERS COME LOVE THE CHILDREN Hosts Art Link· letter and Carol Lawrence focus on the hopes. dreams and survival of the world's children. ( 1 hr ) m MOVIE "Popi" ( 1969, Comedy) Alan Arkin, Rita Moreno A Puerto Rican widower plans to set his two sons adrift 1n the ocean ln hopes that they will find a better home (2 hrs .. 30 min.) @AFFAIRS OF THE HEART: DAISY Georgina Hale stars in this adaptation of Henry James' novella, "Daisy Miller." ( 1 hr.) • SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk- el review ··Annie," "Author, Author" and "Firefox.'' 0 MOVIE "Network" ( 1976, Orama) Faye Duna- way. Peter Finch. An aging television newsman, whose ra1ings are steadily slipping. Is turned Into a ranting prophet of the airwaves by a crafty female pro9!.amm1ng executive. 'R' (2 hrs.) 11: 15 6 CBS NEWS a;) MOVIE "Torso" ( 197 4, Mystery) Suzy Kendall, Tina Aumont. A murderer stalks a woman who may be able to identify him 'R' ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) CID MOVIE "Blow Out" (1981. Suspense) John Travolta. Nancy Allen A sound technician who works on horror fllms becomes involved in a murder myslery when he witnesses an assassination. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 11:301) SPORTS ANAL B 700 CLUB The growing drug problem In the mili- tary; how to avoid being victimized by your doctor !hr .. 30 min.) ABC NEWS MOVIE "The Midnight Man" ( 1974. Mystery) Burt Lancaster, Susan Clark. A college security guard relentlessly stalks the shadowy klller who murdered a campus co-ed. (2 hrs.) (f) LIFE OF RILEY 9 MOVIE "I Never Sang For My Father" ( 1970. Orama) Melvyn Douglas. Gene Hackman. A middle- aged man tries to communicate with his domineer- #EWPORT DATSU# Wants To Be Your #1 Datsun De1l1r In Or111e . Count,! See Ua TodaJ ••• We Ire Off1ri11 F111f11tic ~-June S1vi111! 1 \\ I I& '\1~~'"' N/!Wpn.r acorr or CLARK • Free 133Dover Dr. ~~ 17 ~ 0 - .. 11-1114 1·111-IUI (14 ltr.) l nhl1t 645-4212 sutte30 ' DATSUN J~~.~·~.~~~~~~~·-··~~.~.~~~;~.~~ .. ~~.r:a~-~-~~~~tie!Cbs=ICCl!Clt;~ji llllc•on•••u•1t••t.1o.n ..................... ".'•wpo .. rt ... 8•••.c.h11111111 ~~---00--vE __ sr_R_E_E_t_·_.N_E_w_POR ... _T_a_EA_c_H __ ,7 __ 14_) __ 833 ___ .1 •• 3~199~~. ·~ • -----------------------------.. N &umy (cootinued) • Q) O> 'R' ( 1 hr, 30 min.) C) MOVIE "Squeeze Play" (1981 , Comedy) Jim Hams, Jenni Hetrick. The girlfriends of softball play· ers decide to form their own team as a way of avei mg therr neglect. 'A' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) -Ing 80-year-old lathe< after hrs mother's death. (2 hrs.) I TALE&-Of THE UNEXPECTED MOVIE "Movie Movie" ( 1978, Comedy) Geotge C. Scott, Ell Wallach. 1930s film musicals and box- ing stories are remembered through "Baxter's Beauties Of 1933" and "Dynamite Hands." (R) (2 hrs.) CC> t.40V1E "Paradise Alley" ( 1978, Drama) Sylves- ter Stallone. Armand Assante Three scheming brorhers from the Hell's Kitchen section of New York City combine their traits of brains and brawn 1n their efforts 10 Cleate better lives for themselves 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 47 min.) CE) SPORTS CENTER 11:•51J THE ROCKFORD FILES O MOVIE "Movie Movie " ( 1978. Comedy) George C. Scott, Eh Wallach 1930s him musicals and box- ing stories are remembered through "Baxter's Beau11es Of 1933" and "Dynamite Hands." (R) (2 hrs) D MOVIE "Young Rebel" ( 1970, Adventure) Hors I Buchholz. G1nC\, Lollob11g1da. Based oo a novel by Bruno Franck A sensitive. young 1deallst Is sent 10 Spain by Pope Plus V to gain supper! against the Moors. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 11:60 CID MOVIE "Brubaker" (1980. Drama) Robert Redford, Yaphet Kono. A reform-minded warden uncovers widespread corruption when he enters hts newly assigned prison posing as an Inmate. 'R' (2 hrs .. 10 min.) 12:00(!) MOVIE "The Last Of The Ski Bums" ( 1969) Documentary. Ron Funk. Ed Ricks. A trio of champl· oo skiers make their way across slopes from Europe to Colorado. (2 hrs.) 41J FRANKIE HOW~D aJ THE WORLD OF JAMES JOYCE A documentary from Ireland examining Joyce's relationship to .Me-- land's people and history. (2 hrs ) 12:05@ MOYIE ''You Came Along" ( 1945. Drama) Robert Cummings. Lizabeth Scott. A soldier with an Incurable disease marries a government employee duri_!29 World War II. (2 hrs .. 5 min.) 12: 15 (.S) PAT COLLINS: THE HIP HYPNOTIST Volun- teers from the audience respond comically to hyp- nosis suggestions made to them by this entertainer ( 1 hr.) 12:30 m FRANKIE HOWERD CE) LACROSSE "Wo11d Championship" from Baltt· more. Maryland. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) . Cll MOVIE "The Valley" ( 1972. Orama) Bulle Ogier. Michael Gothard A wealthy woman travels 10 New Guinea 1n search of naltve art1tacrs for her Pans boutique. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 12:•5 IJ NAME OF THE GAME ([) MOVIE "Bring Me The Head Of Alfredo Garcia" ( 1974. Adventure) Warren Oates. Gig Young. A failing piano player sets out on a long and bloody trail 1n Mextco to retneve a valuable head and a $1O.000 reward. 'R' ( 1 hr , 52 min.) MOVING -"Alice," which stars Linda Lavin in the title role, is now seen Sunday at 9 p.m., but when the series returns in the falJ it win be moving tc Wednesday night at 9 p.m. on KNXT (Ch.2). 1:000 A BARE TOUCH OF MAGIC World-class magician Shimada. the smoke-eating Carrlzlnl and an exc1t1ng "execution" by guillotine as well as beautiful showgirls and dazzling magical feats are fe~rured. ( t hr.) 1: 15 CID MOVIE "The Return Of The Secaucus Sev- en" ( 1980. Orama) Mark Arnott. Gordon Clapp. The members of a group of college students active in the protest movement during the '60s gather for a weekend reunion. 'R' ( 1 hr., 46 min) 1:25 CJ:) MOVIE "The Sensuous Nurse" ( 1979. Com- edy) Ursula Andress. Ouiho Del Prete Greedy rela- tives hire a sensual "Florence N1ght1ngale" to take care of an aging count suffenng from a dehcate heart cond1t1on. 'R' ( 1 hr . 20 min ) 1:30® ABC NEWS m TO BE ANNOUNCED O)NEWS 1:•5 D AT ONE Guest. author Gordon Parks. ( 1 hr ) 2:00 CID MOVIE "Dead And Buned" ( 1981, Horror) James Farentlno, MelOdy Anderson. A small-town pcficeman 1nves1tgates a series of bizarre murders. 2:05 NEWS 2: 10 WORLD AT LARGE 2:15 NEWS 2:30 TODAY'S RELIGION ~MORNING STRETCH trs YOUR BUSINESS MOVIE "Something For The Boys" ( 1944, Musi· cal) V1v1an Blaine, Perry Como Army wives are g1v en a home by three cousins who renovate an old Southern plantation ( 1 hr . 25 min I 2:45 8 NEWS 2:50CC) MOVIE "I Love You. Ahce B Toklas" I 1968 Comedy) Peter Sellers, Leigh Taylor-Young A m1a- dle-aged lawyer. disenchanted with his present ltfe- styfe. starts a new life with a young hippie 'A' ( 1 hr . 33 mrn) 3:001J NEWSMAKERS i JOE FRANKLIN NEWS GOLF HIGHLIGHTS ·· 1971 Brtttsh Open" ( t hr } CS) ED MCMAHON AND COMPANY The Texas Cowgirls, Phyllis Diller and Abbe Lane JOln Ed McMahon for a dancing and singing variety special (1 hr .. 5 min I 3:308 INTERFACE 0 MOVIE "The Return Of The Secaucus Seven' (1980, Drama) Mark Arnott, Gordon Clapp The members of a group ol college students act1Ve 1n the protest movement during the '60s gather for a weekend reunion 'R' ( 1 hr .. 46 min.) 3:35 CID SNEAK PREVIEW Host Leonard Harris looks at the movies. specials and sports events coming up on Home Box Otflce. •:OO (!) JIMMY SWAGGART ([) SPORTS CENTER CZ) MOVIE "Dead Pigeon On Beethoven Street" ( 1973. Adventure) Glenn Corbell, Chnsta Lang A detective 1nvest1gates the operations ot an Interna- tional blackmail ring 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min) 4:05@ FUNTIME CID MOVIE "Dog Day Afternoon" ( 1975. Orama) Al Paclno. John Cazale. A New York City bank robbery escalates into a near-circus when community acttv· ists join in 10 sta8e an anti-police protest during the ~r. (2 hrs .. t mm.) (£)MOVIE "Chu Chu And The Philly Flash" ( 1981. Comedy) Alan Arkin. Carol Burnett. An alcoholic former baseball player and a kooky street entertain· er become partners 1n a scheme to make money by returning a lost suitcase 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 40 mm.) 4:30 (!) JIM BAKKER CJ:) MOVIE "The Inheritance" ( 1973, Orama) :A.nthony Quinn. Dominique Sanda. A conniving young woman curries fav0< with her father-in-law, a rich baker. after her husband Is disinherited 'R' ( 1 hr .. 42 min.) •:35@ I DREAM OF JEANNIE Actress Ana Alicia just changes soap By JERRY BUCK Aff T .... leaon Wrtt.r LOS ANGELES -In prune time soap operas it is power, not sex. that fuels the turmoil in a series. In the early episodes of CBS' "Falcon Crest," Angela Channing (played by Jane Wyman) was virtually unchallenged in her Napa Valley vineyard empire. Now she has a rival -if not a match -in the quest for , and wielding of, power. It is her grandson's new wife, Melissa Cumson. "Melissa ia a character who can threaten Angie and push her to the wall," says Ana Alicia, who joined the hJt aeries in January to play M elissa. "She is power oriented, manipulative, wild and free," Miss Alicia said. "She wants the power of owning the largest vineyard in the valley. She felt no attraction to Lance Cumson. Their marriage was merely a business arr angement because h e is Angie's heir." · M elissa was hoping to get her fingers into the Channing holc1ingB. Angie was hoping to gain the vineyards controlled by Melissa's family, so she pushed her -grand.Ion, played by Lorenzo Lamas. into the marriage. M elissa it pregnant, possibly from h« aflair with Cole Gioberti (played by Billy R. Moses). Cole ls the 9011 of Chase Gioberti, played by Robert Foxworth, Angie's nephew and another rival. "Angie doesn't know that it's not Lance's child," Mm Alicia said. "But Lance and Melissa have never slept together. They don't like each other." Another new character, Richard Channing. will ~added to thie show in the ~aU .. a JMr\\'· \tJ.reat to Angie's control of the vineyard. He will be the out-of -wedlock son of Angie's Conner husband, who died in the spring. The series Is the first for Miss Alicia, although she did spend l 1h years in the ABC daytime soap opera "Ryan's Hope." She starred in the miniseries ''Condominium" and "The Sacketts." She was born Ana Alicia Ortiz in Mexico. Her rather died when she was four and the family moved to the United States. She was raised in El Paso and won a full scholarship at Wellesley College. . "I intended to go to law school because that didn't seem as frightening as acting," she said. "But at the end of my first year at Wellesley, I got a job in a dinner theater in Tex.as. I switched to the Uruversity of T exas so I could continue to work in the theater." After graduation with a bachelor's degree in drama she was offered a scholarship to law school. Instead, she went to Los Angeles to see if she could get a job acting. She was immediately cast in the soap opera "Ryan's Hope" and sent to New York. Miss Alicia waa a contract player at Universal Studios and dld guest appearances on such series aa "B.J. and the Bear," "Lobo," "Quincy'' and "Buck Rogers." In the fall, she will be seen with John Schnelder and Catherine Hicla in the CBS movie "Happy EndingJ ... Miss Alida hopes to write a scnenplay based on her 82-year-old grandmother's life as a writer and singer in Mexico during the early part of the century. i•J.t'• a .wonderful lCJY• story J\ she aict1 ' • .. Ana .A.1k:M Jn prir:ne ~ t.>ower f?.lD v • • ''I • ,O(.~I • •r.•t. \. • • ~.:-1•·" •.,•!•,•~ f .t.I ;'\ ,, pW ,f ~')tr,-, 0'!111 .I It . •·' ---. -...- Monday 5:30 0 "Allan11c C11y .. ( 1960 Drama) Burl Lancas- ter. Susan Sarandon CZ) 'The Gong Show Movie" ( 1980 Comedy) Chuck Barris, Robin Altman. 6:00 ($) "Huckleberry Finn" ( 197 4, A<Jven1ure) Jeff East. P.Jul Winfield 6:05@ "Silting Pre11y· ( 1946. Comedy) Chfton Webb, Rober! Young 7:00(.t') "Pulp" ( 1972. Comedy) Michael Ca111e Mrckey Rooney (Z} "Fellini's Casanova" ( 1976 Adventure) Donald Sutherland. Tina Aumont 7;30lli) "The Black Marble" ( 1960. Orama) Robert Foxworlh. Paula Prentiss tID "On The Righi Track" ( 1981, Comedy) Gary Colern.1fl, Michael Lembeck 8:05@ "Running Mfln" ( 1963. Drama) lee Rem1c.k Alan Bates 8:30 0 "Over The Fdge" ( 1979 Orama) Michael Kramer Pamela Ludwig 9:00© Home From The Hill" ( 1960. Drama) Rob ert Mrlchum, George Peppard 9:45 (Z) "Blow Out· ( 1981 Suspense) John Travol· ta. Nancy Allen. 10:00(ID "The l ast Me1ro" ( l9. Drama) Catherine Deneuve. Gerard Depardreu D11ected by Francois Truflaut CS) "All The Fine Young Cannibals" ( 1960 Drama) Natalie Wood. Rober! Wagner 10:05@ "Carson City" ( 1952. Western) Randolph Scott. Raymond Massey 10:300 "No Nul<es" ( 1960. Musical) Jackson Browne, Crosby, Slrlls & Nash 11:30(C) "Monty Python And The Holy Grail" ( 1974, Comedy} Graham Chapman, John Cteese. 11:45(%) "Silence Of The North" ( 1981. Adventure) Ellen Burstyn. Tom Skem1t. . \F. J lJl:\< >< >:\ \I<)\' I 1-:s 12:006 "She'll Have To Go" ( 1962. Drama) Anna Karrna, Bob Monkhouse 0> "Good Morning, Miss Dove" ( 1955, Orama) Jennifer Jones. Roberl Stack Q) "Silver Crty" ( 1951, Adventure) Yvonne De Carlo. Edmond O'Brien CS) "Sliver Streak" ( 1976. Comedy) Gene Wilder Jill Clayburgh. 12:30® ''Zorro. The Gay Blade" (1981, Comedy) Geo_!ile Hamilton. Lauren Hut100 1:00(!) "House Of Dark Shadows" ( 1970, Horror) Joan Bennett Jonathan Frid. CC) "Don't Go Near The Water" (1957, Comedy) Glenn Ford, Gia Scala. 1:300 "Goin' Ape" ( 1961, Comedy) Tooy Danza. Jessica Walter (%)"Why Would I Lie?" (1980. Comedy) Treat Wil- liams. Lisa Eichhorn. 2:30® "My Champion" ( 1981, Drama) Yoko Shi- mada. Chris Mitchum. 3: 15(%) "The Gong Show Movie" ( 1980, Comedy) Chuck Barris, Robin Altman. 3:30(ID "On The Right Track" (1981. Comedy) Gary_ Coleman. Michael Lambeck. -4:000 "Guns 0 1 The Revolution" ( 1972, Drama) Ernest Borgnine. Nancy Grecco •:30 CC) "The Final Countdown" ( 1980. Sc1ence-Flc- tiooLKirk Douglas, Martin Sheen. 5:00(%) "Blow Oul" ( 1981. Suspense) John Travol- ra. Nancy Allen. 5:06 «!) "This Property Is Condemned" ( 1966. Ora· ma) Natalie Wood. Rober1 Redford. 5:30()) "Battleground" ( 1949, Adventure) Van Johnson. John Hodlak E \ . F :\ I :\( ; 8:008 8 8 NEWS I WONDER WOMAN CBS NEWS THE SAINT MOVIE "How Green Was My Valley" ( 194 1, Drama) Walter Pidgeon. Maureen O'Hara, A Welsh mining family faces personal end economic prob fems while planning for the future (2 hrs . 30 mln ) I ABC NEWS S.W.A.T. HAWAII FIVE-0 CANDtDA Blythe Danner s1ars In Shaw's com- mentary on love. marriage and fldelity ( 1 hr . 30 min} I NBCNEW8 HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS MOVIE \;'i)>vlit: ,,~ fmle'.~lt1na1~1 OtMW ...... M1Chae1 Krlrmcr. P"amela (ud'Wlg ~evPr 11 teen-age PEABODY AWARD WINNER -&Jward H errman stars as Civil War casualty whose pleas for peace fall on deaf ears in the television adaptation of M ark Twain 's story, "The Private History of a Campaign That Failed" M onday on K CET (Ch. 28) at 7:.W p.m. residents 01 an exclusive Cahforn1a communtty embark on a rampage ol harassment and destruc· tion when they fail to get their parents' attention at home PG' ( 1 hr. 35 mrn) 6:30 O ®> BASEBALL Regional coverage of St Louis Cardinals at Philadelphia PhillleS, Houston Astros at At1an1a Braves or Oakland A's at Kansas City Royals (2 hrs .. 30 min.) l fl)NEWS CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT AMERICAN GOVERNMENT MOVIE "Home From The Hill" ( 1960, Drama) Rober1 Mitchum, George Peppard A man's illegill· mate son saves his life (2 hrs .. 30 min ) CE) Pt<A FULL CONTACT KARATE From San Jose, California. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 7:001J CBS NEWS NBC NEWS KUNG FU P.M. MAGAZINE KOJAK M"A"S"H JOKER'S WILD 8') BUSINESS REPORT THE MUPPETS MOVIE''Eyes Of A Stranger" (1981, Suspense) Lauren Tewes, Jennifer Jason Leigh An. inquisitive TV reporter stalks a madman responsible for a series ol rape-murders. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) ©) MOVIE "Stripes" ( 1981. Comedy) Bill Murray. Harold Ramis A New York cabbie looking for excitement coovinces his bes! fnend to join him 1n enlistrng 1n the U.S. Army 'R' ( 1 hr , 20 min.) (%) MOVIE "Why Would I Lie?" (1980. Comedy) Treat Williams. Lisa Eichhorn. A compulsive liar upsets 1he status quo with his refusal to conform 'PG' ( 1 hr , 45 mm ) 7:20@ NEWS 7:301) 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: IOOk at Barter Systems Incorporated, a nattonal franchise with 25.000 clients, a proflle of physical filness king, Jack Lalanne THIS WAS AMERICA Q) TIC TAC DOUGH M0 A 0S•H SIGNATURE Guest. Frederick Forsyth MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT FAMILY FEUD • GREAT PERFORMANCES "The Private H1s1ory Of A Campaign That Failed" Pat Hingle stars In an adaptatioo of Mark Twain's flcllooalized remin1s· cence of his brief and tnglorlous career In the Con- federate m1lllla during the Civil War (A) ( 1 hr .. 30 min) (S) LAfffi.rAt-t HON ~ooowelaf\ bnl.and Jour eomlc cootestant$ who compete against one another ere fea1ure<l 1n this uncensored comedy game show. 8:00 1J PAIVA TE BENJAMIN Ben Jamin and Gianelli hide Hubble's sweethean when he comes to v1s11 (R) 0 0) UTILE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE Charles travels to Chicago 10 console his otd fnend lsarah Edwards when the man's young son Is killed 1n an accident (A) Q ( 1 hr) O MOVIE "Al long Lasl love" ( 1975. Mus1ca11 Burl Reynolds Cybill Shepherd During the '30s two couples engage 1n a round ol romantic adven- tures accented by the songs of Cole Porter (2 hrs ) (I) NEWS EIGHT PRIME TIME O MOVIE "Black Aeauty" ( 1946 Drama) Mona rrceman. Richard Denning Based on the story by Anna Sewell A proud and awesomt>ly beautiful horse expe11ences many diverse owners ( 1 hr 30 min) 0> P M MAGAZINE A housewife who writes 1on1ance novels. a member of the Kennedy Spact' Center's astronaut rescue team (!) MOVIE 'The Greatest Show On Farth ' ( 195~. Drama) Charlton Heston, Betty Hutton A c11cus owner dnd a irapeze star vie for center stage am1ds1 the exc111n9 pageantry ol the big top (2 hrs) @ MIXED BAG The Great Ame11can Ari Game" A multi faceted look al the art scene in New Yo1k fll) GREAT PERFORMANCES "The Privale History Of A Campaign Thal railed" Pat Hingle stars 1n an adaptation of Mark Twain's fic11onalized rem1n1s- cence ol his brief and 1nglor1ous career 1n the Con federate m1hlla during the C1v1I War (A) ( 1 hr 30 min) (lJ SPORTS CENTER CID MOVIE "High Rrsk" ( 1981 Adventure) J<1mes Brohn, Cleavon Lillie A trio ot greedy l11ends plot the robbery ol a million dollars from a South Ame11 can drug dealer 'R' ( 1 hr., 35 min.) CS) MOVIE "Silver Streak" ( 1976. Comedy) Gene Wilder. Jill Clayburgh A mild-mannered book editor accidentally becomes involved in a sinister art thief's bizarre plot du11ng a cross-country 1ra1n nde 'PG' (1 hr., 53 min) 0 MOVIE "No Nukes" ( 1980, Musical) Jackson Browne. Crosby. Stills & NaSh. Footage of a senes of anti-nuclear power concerts held 1n New York City during September. 1979. featuring the Doob1e Brothers. Carly Simon. James Taylor and Bruce Springsleen. 1s compiled in this documentary 'PG" (1 hr . 43 mrn ) 8:20 @ ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:30 t) WKRP IN CINCINNA Tl Bailey temporaril) allows Johnny rever 10 move rn with her (R) (!) IRONSIDE 0> SINGLE'S MAGAZINE An interview with actress Charlotte Rae. a Caflbbean cruise for singles, meel Comedienne Elayne Boozier. @ IN SEARCH OF SHAW A documen1ary on the writing of Shaw's biography by Michael Holroyd. (ID ROLLER SKA TE FEVER 8:50@ MOVIE "Dead End" ( 1937. Orama) Sylvra Sidney. Joel McCrea Youngsters in an East River slum fight to overcome their environmenl (2 hrs) 9:00 I) (I) M• A ·s·H Hawkeye. BJ and Charles suf· ler a heavy barrage of preferenhal treatment from the enlisted personnel when they are placed on the cam_2'.s promotion board. (A) D W MOVIE "M1dn1ght Lace" ( 1981. Suspense) Mary Crosby. Gary Frank. A San Francisco TV news reporler is dnven 10 the brink ot 1nsani1y when she 1s stalked by a mysterious. would-be assassin. (R) (2 hrs) fJ ®) BEST OF THE WEST A retlfed gunfighter takes a 1ob as a cook In the Square Deal Saloon. (R) 0> MERV GRIFFIN Guests Pam Dawber, Charles Heid, Billy Vera, Dr Robert Schuller ( 1 nr.) @ CANDIDA Blythe Danner stars in Shaw's com- mentary on love. marriage and fldelity ( 1 hr . 30 min.) m MOVIE "The Thlfd Man" ( 1949. Suspense) Joseph Collen, Orson Welles. A writer of pulp West- erns investigates the "accidental death" of hrs profi teermg boyhood f11end in lhe dark, corrupt world ol d1v1ded post-World War II Vienna (2 hrs.) CC) MOVIE "Big Wednesday" ( t978. Drama) Jan- Michaef Vincent. William Kati Three California boys enjoy the surl and sand until they begin 10 realize that there's more to hie than waxing down theh boards 'PG' (2 hrs .. 5 mm.) ([) LACROSSE "World Championship" from Balli· more. Maryland (2 hrs . 30 min ) CIJ MO\llE "Penitentiary" ( 1938, Drama) John Howard, Waller Coonolly A prose<:uror encounters a man whom he had coov1cted year.i earher ot man· slaughter charges ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) (m MOVIE "Atlanllc City" (1980. Drama) Burt Lancaster, Susan Serandon The estranged hus bend ol an oyster bar waitress arrives with her preg- nant younger sister and some stolen heroin, which he wants an aging hood to sell for him. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 44 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Dead PIQeon On Beethoven Street" ( 1973. Adventure) Glenn Corbett. Chrls1a Lang. A detee(i¥G vweSfi\}ate&-tHe ~pe'lletlOns-o• ~ il'ltet'r\a•• 11ona1 blackmail nng. •PO· ( 1 hr .• 30 mm ) 19 ... <O O> I\) I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I 1 I ' I I 1 I --------------------------------.. ~ IO N Monday (cOOtinued) CD (J) ,... 9:308 Cl) HOUSE CALLS Or. Solomon laces a mal- practice suit alter a person he put on a diet becomes senously ill (RJ G MOVIE "Butterflies Are Free" ( 1972. Drama) Goldie Hawn. Edward Alben Jr A young bhnd man gains new hope and Independence with help from a scatterbrained young actress. ( 1 hr . 30 min ) U PAULHOGAN (!) MOVIE "Gang War" ( 1958, Drama) Charles Bronson. Kent Taylor A Los Angeles high school teacher becomes a target for mob retaliation when he agrees to be a slar witness In a gangland murder case ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 0 YOU ASKED FOR IT fD FESTIVAL OF HANDS: ISSA'S TREASURE Jap- anese actress Tetsuko Kuroyanga91 performs a Haiku fairy tale with 1he National Theater of the Deal and the Deaf Theater of Japan (HJ MOVIE "Elvis" ( 1979. Biography) Kurt Russell. Season Hubley Elvis Presley rises from poverty and obscuoty to achieve tame and fortune as a super- star musical performer (2 hrs • 30 min ) 10;001J (I) CAGNEY & LACEY Cagney and Lacey are assigned to protect the hie of an outspoken ERA c11t1c (RJ 11 hr ) I UtDtENEWS BARNEY MILLER HANS BETHE: PROPHET OF ENERGY Nobel Prize-winning physicist Hans Bethe. an advocate of the peaceful use of nuclear power. is interviewed ( 1 hr.) CS) MOVIE "Le Sex Shop" ( 1973. Comedy) Juliet Berlo. Claude Bem. A bookstore proprietor finds Instant success when he stocks his establishment with sex manuals and marital aids. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) e MOVIE "The Return 01 The Secaucus Seven" ( 1980. Drama) Mark Arnott. Gordon Clapp. The members ol a group of college students active in the protest movement during the '60s gather for a weekend reunion. 'R' (I hr .. 46 min.) 10:300 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT II= TURE Guest: Frederick Forsyth. ~MOVIE "Fellini's Casanova" ( 1976. Adventure) Oonald Sutherland. Tina Aumont. The fantasies and frolics of the infamous lover are played out against the speclacle of 18th-century Venice. 'R' (2 hrs .. 46 min.} 10:50@ MOVIE "Captain Btackiack" ( 1952, Adven- ture) George Sanders, Patricia Roe A Mediter- ranean narcotics smuggler Is Inspired by a young g11l to chan_g_e his hfes_!i'le (2 hrs ) 11:00110 U (I) ®l 67 NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s ·H BENNY HILL MIXED BAG "The Great American Ar1 Game" A multi-faceted look at the art scene In New York. fm DICK CAVETT Guests· Honi Cote and the Copesehcs (Part 1 J (A) G'!) NISEI LEGACY The story of three Japanese- American brothers who have undergone heart sur ~y1stold. ~ MOVIE "Monty Python And The Holy Grall" (1974, Comedy) Graham Chapman. John Cleese King Arthur and his band of knights encounter giants. rlddlers and a ferocius rabbit In 1he11 search for the legendary cup ( 1 hr . 30 min ) ([) MOVIE "Firecracker" ( 1981, Adventure) Jillian Kessner. Darby Hinton A female martial arts 1each- e1 travels to the Onent 1n search ol her missing sis- ter 'A' ( t hr . 25 min ) ©) PLAYBOY ON THE AIR 11:30 IJ (I) QUINCY Quincy Investigates an alleged accidental drowning at a health spa (A) ( 1 hr., tO m1nl_ II GD WIMBLEDON UPDATE A report on develop- ments at the All-England Tennis Championships 1s J)resented. 8 ®) ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE MOVIE "Guns 01 The Revolution" l 1972, Dra ma) Ernest Borgn1ne. Nancy Grecco A Mexican pnest dedicated 10 the cause of 1ust1ce and human ihts tangles with a corrupt dictator (2 hrs.) THE JEFFERSONS LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE IN SEARCH OF SHAW A documentary on the w11t1ng of Shaw's biography by Michael Holroyd I CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTS CENTER SPECT ACULAA EVENING IN CANADA Political humorist Dave Broadfoot. the Company Royale Dancers and female Impressionist Craig Russell are featured in a fabulous evening of entertainment horn Toronto. 11:45 II fl) THE BEST OF CARSON Host Johnny Carson Guests Jack Klugman. David Lellerman. Carol Neblett. Tom Wolle. CR) 1~ .hr ) .. 1~.9P -.~'IM¥~IJPt-41.~T r~ ,v " tit I f1"•' t~• .rl•.A f',! f t ~· I '1 1 .~ T LIFE OF TERROR -Mary Cro6by stars as a television reporter bei.ng stalked by a m ysterious would-be assassin and Gary Frank portrays her husband in "MidnJ.sbt Lace" Monday at 9 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). 8 (11 MOVIE "Story Of A Love Story" ( 1973. Ora- ma) Alan Bates. Dominique Sanda. A British writer living In a villa near Paris becomes involved 1n an extramarital attalr. (2 hrs •. 15 min.) Cf) MOVIE "Carry On Cruising" ( 1966, Comedy) Sidney James, Kenneth Williams. A ship's captain on a Mediterranean-bound cruise finds that a group of madcaps wlll be filling in '°' his regular sta11 (2 hrs.) •MOVIE "trs A Wondertut Ute" ( 1947. Fantasy) James Stewan. Donna Reed A man's guardian angel diverts him from su1c1de and shows him what his hometown would be like 11 he were never born - hr . 30 min.) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE CANDIDA Blythe Danner stars in Shaw·s com- mentary on love. marriage and fidelity. ( 1 hr • 30 min.) ID UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR CID MOVIE "The last Metro" ( 1980, Drama) Calherine Deneuve. Gerard Depardieu. Directed by Francois Trullaut. During World War II. the proprie- tors of a small Paris theatre try to keep their estab- hshment open during the German occupation. 'PG' (g hrs . tO min.) CO) MOVIE "Cafe Express" (1981, Comedy) Nino Manfredi. Adolfo Cell. An expresso vendor 1s chased by autho11t1es as he attempts to raise money tor his son's operation by selllng his wares aboard the trains. l 1 hr • 29 min ) 0 MOVIE "Stripes" ( t981. Comedy) Biii Murray, Harold Ramis. A New York cabble looking for e~c1tement convinces his best friend to join him in enlisting 1n the U.S Army. 'R' ( 1 hr . 20 min ) 12:30 8 COUPLES The moving in of his girlfriend causes a young man 10 call oH the wedding «!)NEWS (() PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE From San Jose. California. ( I hr . 30 min.) CL) MOVIE: "Death Hunt" ( 1981. Adventure) Charles Bronson. lee Marvin In the 1930s, a Moun- tie and a frontier criminal wage an old battle as clVlll zation encroaches on the Canadian wilderness 'A' l! hr . 36 min ) (S) MOVIE "The Dogs Of War" ( 1980. Adventure) Christopher Walken. Tom Berenger Aller being tor- tured and deported by an African dictator. amerce- nary returns to lead a revolution 'A' ( 1 l'lr . 45 min ) 12:35© MOVIE 'Don't Go Near The Water" (1957. Comedy) Glenn Ford. Gia Scala World War II sailors 111 the South Pacific find that they need only a recreation llall to complete the1r paradise. ( t hr . 50 minl_ 12:406 (I) COLUMBO A gospel singer's wile is ktlled in an a11plAne crash shortly alter refusing to give her husbMd a larger share of their co11cert profits (A) (2 hrs . 5 m111 l t2:45D G) LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests· Alan King. Barbara Woodhouse. Chicago Mayor Jane Byrne. ( 1 hr l -" 12:50@ MOVIE "Huk" ( 195t>. .-dventure) George Montgomery Mono Freeman Altar his tether's mur- der by F11ip1no guerrillas. an American return& to the Island!' 10 -.~II h1'1 nt11n1at1arJ 4ncl,¥1t~ ~noe '' 1.-S' • ' .-. • ,. '· ,,..,., •• ,i(· .., ··"""" \.( upon the "huks," ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) 1:00 D GENE AUTRY Cl) MOVIE "Houdini" ( 1953. Biography) Tony Curtis. Janel Leigh. The Ille ol the world's grearesr esc~e artist 1s licrlonahzed. ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 1·15(.Z) MOVIE "Blow Out" ( 1981. Suspense) John Travolta. Nancy Allen. A sound technician whei works on horror films becomes Involved 1n a murder mysrery when he witnesses an assassination 'A' r 1 hr. 45 min.) 1:30 U GENE AUTRY Q) TO BE ANNOUNCED 1:46 0 Cl) NEWS 2:00(1) ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE Worlo Champion Boston Celhcs vs Dallas Cowboys of the t960's 0 MOVIE ·01ow Out" ( 198 t Suspense) Johr Travolla, Nancy Allen. A sound technician who works on horror lilrns becomes involved 1n a murder mystery when he witnesses an assassination A 11 hr. 45 min) 2:05(.f) NEWS 2:160 NEWS MOVIE "The Bla.=k Marble · ( 1980 Drama! Robert Foxworth. Paula Prentiss. Aller working Ort an emo11onally exhausting child-murder case a heavy-drinking pohce detective is teamed w11h a policewoman to find a malicious dognapper ·pG' {l hr . 53 min ) CS) MOVIE "Firecracker" ( 1981, Adventure} Jillian Kessner. Darby Hinton A female marlial arts teach-er travels to the Quent in search o f her missing sis· ter. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) 2:25 ~ MOVIE "Pulp" ( 1972. Comedy) Michael Caine. Mickey Rooney. A seedy writer is htred by an ex-film star to "ghostwrite" his barely printable autobiography ·PG' ( 1 hr.. 36 mm ) 2:30 Cf) MORNING STRETCH ~n,SPORTS TALK "1982 NBA Draft" I 1 hr . 30 2:40 WOALD AT LARGE 2:45 NEWS 3:00 JOE FRANKLIN @ NEWS 3:158 MOVIE "All The Way Home" (1963. Drama) Jean Simmons. Roben Preston. A young boy·s poignanl petcepllon of his father's dealh In an acc1- denl Is traced from Innocent bewllderment to final acceptance. ( 1 hr .• 45 min.) (%)MOVIE "Siience Of The North" (1981. Adven- ture) Ellen Burstyn. Tom Skerrltt. In 1919. a young woman's marriage to a trapper leads her to a hie of hardship in lhe wilderness of northern Canada. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 35 min ) 3:45 (5) MOVIE "Le Sex Shop" ( 1973, Comedy) Juliet Berto. Claude Berri A bookstore proprtelor finds instant success when he stocks his establish- ment with sex manuals and marllal aids 'A" ( 1 hr , 32m1r) 4:00(!) JIMMY SWAGGART CI) SPORTS CENTER 0 MARVIN HAMLISCH: THEY'RE PLAYING MY SONG Liza M1nnelh. Johnny Mathis, Gladys Knight and Carly Simon sing some of today's greatest hits including, "The Way We Were." "What I Did For Love" and "Nobody Does It Beller " 4:05@ FUNTIME CID MOVIE "My Champion" ( 198 t, Drama) Yoko Shimada. Chris Mitchum The true story of a female Japanese running champion is told ( 1 hr . 45 min ) 4:16~ MOVIE "Home From The Hiii" ( 1960, Ora- ma) Robert Mitchum. George Peppard A man's illeg111mate son saves his life (2 hrs , 30 min ) 4:30(.f) JIM BAKKER 4:35@ I DREAM OF JEANNIE Mary Pickford movie set HOLLYWOOD (AP) -The life of Mary Pickford will be told in the movie "America's Sweetheard" for CBS. John Gay will write the screenplay for producers Norman Felton and Stanley Rubin Charles "Buddy" Rogers, widower of the late film star, will serve as consultant to lhe producers during the filming. Miss Pickford. born Gladys Mary Smith in Canada, made her debut in the silent film "Her First Biscuits." By 1916 she was a superstar and had signed with Adolph Zukor for Sl 0,000 a week plus 50 percent of I.he profits. Miss Pickford died in 1979 at the age of 86 Sir John Gielgud will star as Pope Plus XII in the World War II thriller "The &arlel and the Black" !or CBS. Gregory Pe<:k stars in the three-hour movie as an American priest In the Vatican who organized a clandestine group that hid thousands of escaped prisoners or war from the Nuls. Peck will play Msgr. J lugh O'Flaherty in the lmle-known story. Jerry London is directing Crom ~,Oc.l ~~·'.& 5(11" .... y.. • ·' •• Tuesday :\I< >ll:\ I~<; :\I<)\' I t-:S 5:00 ''Why Would I Lie?" ( 1980. Comedy! Tre011 W1lhams. Lisa Eichhorn 6:00 0 "Zorro. The Gay Blade' \1981. Comedy) Ge~e Ham1l1on, Lauren Hullon 6:05(!!) ·A Woman's Secret" ( 1949 Drama) Mau reen O'Hara. Melvyn Douglas 6:30 CID "Heidi" ( 1979, Adventure) 6:4()(%) 'The Gong Show Movie" 11980. Comedy) Chuck Barris. Robin Altman 7·00~) "A Challenge For Robin Hood" ( 1968 Advenrure) Barrie Ingham. James Hayter "Revenge Of The Mysreron!) From Mars" ( 1981 Fanrasy) Puppels 8:00U1J "This Time Forever" ( 1980, Romance) Claire Pimpare Vincent Van Pa1ten 8:05@ "The War Lover' (1962 Drama) Sieve McOueen Robert Wagner 8: 15 (%) "Something For The Boys" ( 1944 Musical) V1v1an Blaine. Perry Como 9:00© "The Jazz Singer" ( 1980. Musical) Neil Dia~ mond. Laurence Olivier 9:40 .Zl "The Immortal Bachelor ( 1979 Romance) Monica V1111. Giancarlo Giannini. 10:0000 "Go11"l' Ape" (1981 Comedy) Tony Danza Jessica Walter CS) "Nor~an Is I hal You?" ( 1976. Comedy) Redd Foxx. Pearl Bailey 10:05@ "Stop, You're Killing Me" ( 1953. Comedy) Broderick Crawford, Claire Trevor 10:30 0 "Chu Chu And The Philly Flash" ( 1981 Comedy) Alan Arkin. Carol Burnett 11 :00 ct) "A Fistful Of Dynamite" (1972 Adventure) James Coburn. Rod Steiger 11 :20(4) The Gong Show Movie· (1980. Comedy) Chuck Sams. Robin Altman 11:30 H; "Saturday Ttie 14th" ( 1981. Comedy) Rich ard Ben1am1n Paula Prentiss 12:000 'The Bullf1ghtPrs" ( 1945, Comedy) laurel And Hardy 0) "House Of R.m oon' ( 1955 Drama) Rnbert Stac~ Rober! Ryan al '633 Squa<lron 11%4. Drama) Cl1lf Rot>erl- son. ueorye Ct1ak1ri~ (S) Zorro. The Gay Blade ( 198 t Comedy) Geol9e Ham111on. Lauren Hl1t1on 12:30 I:') 'D.irby O'G1ll Attd rhe l1t1IP PP.oplP ( 1959 Fantasy) Altier I Sharpe Sean Connery 12:45 T "Silence 01 The Norlh · ( 1981 Adven1ure) Ellen Bursryn Tom Skerru1 1·00 Night Gallery· l t969 Suspense) Joan Crawtord Barry Sullivan 1 :30 C · The Concer1 For Kampuchea t 1980 Mus•· call Pa111 MLCarlney. The Who 2:00 L · "D1sra11ce' t 1975. Drama) Paul Ben1am1n. James Woods 2:20 lZJ · Something For fhe Boys ( 1944 Musical) V1v1an Blaine. Perry Como 2'30lS "Revenge 01 The Mysterons From M<lrs U981. r;rnrasy) Puppets 0 Z;,;110 The Gay Blade' t t981. ComPdy) Geo_:ge Hamilton Lauren Hullon 3:00 rt~ ' A Challenge For Robin Hood" ( 1968 Adventure) Bame Ingham. James Hayter 3:35(%) 'The Immortal Bachelor" ( 1979. Romance) Monica V11t1. Giancarlo Glann1n1 4:00 0 "The Resurrectton Of Zachary Wheeler" (1971 Orama} Angle Dickinson. Bradford DlllmAn 0 "Continental Divide" ( 1981 Romance) John Belushi. Blair Brown 4:30 CID "Winds 0 1 Change" ( 1978) Animated. 5:15(%) "Silence Of The North'' (1981 Adventure) Ellen Burstyn. Tom Skemtt 5:30 © "The Wrong Arm Of The Law" ( 1963. Com· edy) Perer Sellers. Lionel Jellries 6:00fJ II 8 NEWS I WONDER WOMAN CBS NEWS THE SAINT ALL GOO'S CHILDREN Milltons of the world's children hve 1n a delicate balance between Ille and ldeal"e2ot'~sd despair ( 1 hr ) S.W.A.T, HAWAII FIVE-0 NBC NEWS HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS MOVIE "Skatetown US.A." ( t979, Comedy) Scott BaiO. Greg Bradford A handsome young skater fall& In love at tl\e 4<>eil rol~*O' l'lntct \tlhete he IS challenged by a street gang leader In 11 THE HUNTED -E:dward James Olmos portrays a fugitive in ''The Ballard of Greg orio Cortez," a docu.-drama based on an incident that took place in Texas in 1901. The play will be shown on K CET (Ch 28> Tuesday at 9 p.m . championship conte~1 'PG' ( t hr 34 min ) 0 MOVIE "On Tt1e Town" (1950, Musical) Gent: Kelly Frank Sinatra A 1110 of sailors ream up w11h a 1ax.1 dr""'' and an an1hropo1og1st to find a oerw111t11 girl whose µ1c1u1P is d1sptayed 1n the subwRy ( 1 hr 40 nun J 6:30 (1) m NEWS @) BARNEY MILLER fZl) HUMAN FACE OF CHINA Ont> Hllf'dred r11te1 ta1nme111:.· A traveling acroba11c troupp is i11ot1IPC.1 1llus1ta1111y the importance ol en1erta111mPnl n thP lives of lh1 Chinese people (R) '1!) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 7:00 0 CBS NEWS Q NBCNEWS Q KUNGFU U ABCNEWS CJ) P.M. MAGAZINE O KOJAK (!)GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS 'Bobby R1y4s ' Hosr Reggie JacKson @) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT m M0 A·s ·H d) JOKER'S WILD 181) BUSINESS REPORT THE MUPPET$ MOVIE "A race In The Crowd' t 1957. Drama) Andy Grillith Patricia Neal A derehcl goes lrom a 1a1t Ct>ll 111 na11onal recognition on the strenglh of his humor and musical talenl. (2 hrs , 5 rn1n ) (J. RUSH "f~1t Stage Lei!'' Canadian rockers Neil Peart. Ale ... L1feson and Geddy Lee •• belier known as Rush perlorm their htlS including "Llmeltght " 'Tom Sawyer" and "Closer To Thq,Hear1 .. ( t hr> CO) MOVIE "Saturday The 14th" (1981. Comedy) Richard Benjamin. Paula Prentiss A couple dlscov er lhat the house they've inherited is being occupied by vampires. ghosts and assorted monsrers 'PG' (1 hr 15 min) Cl) MOVIE "Something For The Boys" ( 1944. Musi cal) Vivian Blaine. Perry Como Army wives are giv- en a horne by lhree cousins who renovate an old Southern plantation ( 1 hr .. 25 min) 7·30 0 2 ON THE TOWN Featured a man who sells autographs for as much as $50,000, a man who tinas locations tor film productron compan1nes. a look at the Atari plant to see whar goes Into creating the Y•deo games B Cl) FAMILY FEUD EYE ON L.A. Featured the Nina Blanchard modeling agency. a look at professional extras. a t.!P to Palm Springs Cl) BASEBALL San Otego Padres at Los Angeles Dodgers (2 hrs . 30 min ) NEWARK AND REALITY YOU ASKED FOR IT M•A•s •H TIC TAC DOUGH StGNATURE Guest· Peter Boodanovlch. MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT' MONEVMAt<ERS ' • ' I WHAT ON EARTH Ofson Bean noe1a thrs f-n5t paced. fact-filled science series rn AEROBICISE: BEGINNER Get 1n shape. look good, and feel grear w11h this physical fitness pro· gram 7:35 G!) NEWS 8:00 fJ UNIVERSE Waller Cronkite reports on vari ous occurrences and pr1enomena in the world ot sc• enc.t! 0 m BRET MAVERICK Gu1h11e ts trted for murder in a moc;k 1r1al held alter hours at the Red Ox Salvun (R) ( 1 hr ) O MOVIE · Shalako" ( 1968. Western) Sean Con- nery l311g1t1e Bardo! A loner saves a group of a11s tocrats trorn Indian attack alter defea11ng the ~aclit:! c,h1el's son 1n a light (2 hrs ) U @) HAPPY DAYS Just as Joanie is ready to go steady. Chat..111 decides to play the field (R) o 0 MOVIE "Sammy Somebody" (1975 . 1'"rama Susan S11asberg Jan Sterhng A young ma11 becon1es 111vo1ved with the mob and soon rises 10 power but finds h1msell 1n trouble when he can't fullhll his obhgatrons (2 hrs I (!) BENNY HILL Q) P.M MAG.AZINE Arnold Schwarzenegger talks about. "Conan The Barba11an· . the h1s1ory of the Gerber Baby Food Company Ci) MOVIE 'Assault On A Queen" ( 1966 Adven- ture) Frank Sinatra. V1rna L1s1 A woman and her cohorts recond111on a German subma11ne to use in thelf robbery ot the Queen Mary (2 hrs ) @OUIZl<IDS El!) DANGER UXB 'Digging Out" The squad Is called out 10 deronate a bomb 1n an evacuated tactory (Part 7) (R) O ( 1 hr ) Ell) NOVA "Locust War Without End" Filmed tn curope and Africa. some of man's latest attempts to 11d himself of the locust are examined. (R) Q ( 1 hr ) Cf) SPORTS CENTER ® MOVIE "Goin' Ape" ( t 98 1. Comedy) Tony Danza Jessica Waller Three orangutans hold the purse s1r1ngs to a $5·m1llton 1nher11ance 'PG' ( 1 hr . 27 min) '..S. MOVIE Zorro The Gay Blade" ( 1981 Come dy) Georye Harn11ton, Lauren Hulton The heroic son of old Cahforn1a·s tamous 1us11ce fighter is 1nc;a- pac11a1ed by a 11ding 1n1ury forcing his topp1~h brother to don the cape ancJ mast.. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 13 min) 0 MOVIE Figures In A Landscape" ( 1970. Dia ma) RobNI Shdw, Malco1m McDowell In an un11ar11ed t.ountry two men llee the11 m1htary pur- sue•~ 1n thP hope 1ha1 they can reach 1he bo1dcr before t...JIJlure 'PG' ( 1 hr 50 min ) 8 30 6 THE TWO OF US Brentwood comes up w1tl a lilied Enghstiman to be Nan·s hOuseguest (R) 0 Im LAVERNE AND SHIRLEY Shirley convinc1··· Carn111 i: to Naik down the aisle with her (R) Q (!)MAUDE Q) ODO COUPLE ®DANCE "Romeo And Juhet" A filmed version ol the Bolshoi Ballet's 1954 µerlormance ol Prokol 1ev'• ·nomeo And Juhel " (2 hrs ) MOVIE "Fame · ( t980. Drama) Irene Cara. Bar ry Miller Severa1 g1lted studenrs at a New York h1yh c.chuot for the performing arts e><perience various setl.J,1c~s J11d successes of both personal and pro- fessional na1ures 'PG' (2 hrs. 14 min) (0) THE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION "No Time Fo1 Sergeanrs" AncJy Grtff1rh portrays a Georglll boy who. once inducted into the Army sets lhe n11h tary on its ear ( 1 hr ) l.Z) MOVIE 'The Gong Show Movie" ( 1980. Come· dy) Chuck Barns nobin Allman A TV host must conlend wllh a va11ety of obstacles. 1nctuding net work (.c11sors. to pul togerher a collection of bizarre acb tor his show 'A' ( 1 hr . 38 min ) 8:35 (1Z) MOVIE "1 he Dark Angel" ( 1935. Orama) rrederic Morch. Merle Oberon Two young English men bOlh in love with the same girl, go off to war (2 hrs. 5 min.) 9:00 fJ MOVIE 'White Mama" ( 1980. Drama) Bette Davis Ernest Harden Jr To make ends meet with out having 10 accept welfare payments. an aging widow takes 1n a streetwise youth as a boarder (R) {?hrs) U fl() CASSIE & CO. Cassie Investigates an insur· ance cJa1m when a boat is round adrift with no sign of 11s owner ( t hr ) fJ ~THREE'S COMPANY Jack wrestles with his conscience when he betrays a fellow chef (A) Q (!) RACING FROM YONKERS tD MERV GRIFFIN Guests· Peter Benchley, Jerry Van Dyke. Calamity Jane. Allison Arngrlm. ( 1 hr.) fD AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE "The True Story Of Gregorio Cortez" Edward James Olmos stars in an original play based on a folk ballad ebout a legend- ary gun battle between a Texas sheriff and a Mexl· can-American. O (2 hrs ) ID DANGER \JX8 'Digging Out" The squad Is called out to detonate a bOmb In an evacuated factory ~art 7) (R) O (1 hr.) PKA F\JLLCONT ACT KARA TE From San JoM. llfornia. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 9:308 0 TOO CLOSE FOR COMFOM Henry reacts to the news of .tackle's engagement In a 21 ... <D 00 l\J n ~ Tuesday (continued) 0> 9.!:!ite unexpected manner. (R) r (!) MOVIE ··rhe Falcon In Mexico·· ( 1944, Mys· ~ tery) Tom Conway, Mona Maris. The search for a "' cold -blooded killer takes the Falcon on a trail from ~ New York to Mexico, ( 1 hr., 30 min) ~ (t) MOVIE '·A Change 0 1 Seasons" ( 1980, Come- dy) Shirley MacLatne, Anthony Hopkins. A middle· aged couple 1ry out younger partners during a mountain vacation. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 42 min ) <ID WAIT UNTIL DARK Katharine Ross. Stacy Keach and Joshua Bryant star in-Frederick Knoll's suspense drama about a young blind woman terror· ized in tier Manhallan apartment by three men searching for hidden drugs. Taped at the Pepper- dtne College Theatre m Malibu. Calif (2 hrs ) ©.)PIPPIN Ben Vereen. Wilham Kall, Martha Raye and Ch1ta Rivera star 1n thts Tony Award-winning musical lhat traces a prince's search IOI' lulllllment Taped at Ontario's Hamilton Place. ( 1 hr . 50 min.) 10:000 61) FLAMINGO ROAD Michael Tyrone orders his bank to foreclose on the Weldon mill. and Lane and Sam Cunis are stranded together 1n the coun- t!}' {R) ( 1 hr ) uumm NEWs D @) HART TO HART Shortly before he ts mur- dered. a stamp collector leaves an apparently wor lhless stamp with the Harts (R) o ( 1 hr.) (I) THE ROOTS OF ROCK 'N' ROLL'"Rock Starts Rolling" Host Frankie Avalon Guests The Flamin- gos. The Chantels. Wolfman Jack. The Drifters, Lit· tie Anthony. Pat Boone. Conway Twitty, Danny and the Juniors. Carl Perkins. (Part t) ( 1 hr ) l1i) MOVIE "Julia" ( 1977, Drama) Jane Fonda, Vam•ssa Redgrave Writer Liiiian Hellman is drawn into the main rhrusr o f wartime resistance efforts when her closest childhood friend seeks her help. (2 hrs) (1) 33 BROMPTON PLACE (Part 3) ( 1 hr ) 0 MOVIE "Chu Chu And The Philly Flash" ( 19f\ 1 Comedy) Alan Arkin, Carol Burnett An alcoholic former baseball player and a kooky street entertain er become partners 1n a scheme to make money by returning a lost suitcase 'PG' ( t h1 40 min ) CL MOVIE Hussy · ( 1980) Helen Mtrren. John Shea ( 1 hr . 35 min ) 10.30Q) NEWS ®SIGNATURE Guest Per er Bogdanovich. ([) INSIDE BASEBALL 10:40@ BASEBALL Houston Astros at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs ) 11:008 0 U Cl)@) 6) NEWS Q SATURDAY NIGHT 0 YOU ASKED FOR IT (!)JOE FRANKLIN O)M•A•s•H Cl) BENNY HILL @OUIZKIDS Ell) WITH OSSIE AND RUBY ··conversations With Grace And James Boggs" The husband-and-wife wrrllng team discuss the11 recent book and offer their thoughts on Ille In America Q (I:) NASL WEEKLY CIJ MOVIE "Last Tango In Paris" ( 1973, Drama) Marlon Brando. Marfa Schneider. ·x· (2 hrs .. 9 min) . CS) MOVIE "Stripes" ( 1981, Comedy) Bill Murray. Harold Ramis. A New York cabbie looking for excitement convinces his best friend to Join him tn enllstlng rn the U.S. Army. 'A' ( 1 hr . 20 min ) 11:306 (I) ALICE Country music star Jerry Reed drops by the diner 10 v1Slt his old babysitter Flo. (R) D 8) WIMBLEDON UPDATE A report on develop- ments at the All-England Tennis Championships 1s eresented. I ®) ABC NEWS NIGHTUNE MOVIE "The Resurrection Of Zachary Wheeler" ( 1971. Orama) Angle Dtckinson. Bradford Dillman. A political figure is repaired after an automobile accident with parts from a "soma," a synlhellc I an bank. (2 hrs.) THE JEFFERSON$ LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE DANCE "Romeo And Juliet" A fllmed version of the Bolshoi Ballet's 1954 performance of Prokof· 1ev's "Romeo And Juliet " (2 hrs.) • DICK CAVITT Guests: Hanf Cole and the Copesetics (Part 2) (A) CC) MOVIE "The Jan Singer" ( 1980, MuslCal) Nell Diamond. Laurence Olivier. A New York cantor breaks with family tradition and sets out 10 find suc- cess as a pop music star. 'PG' ( t hr .. 55 min.) (I) SPORTS CENTER CH> MOVJe "Saturday The 14th" ( 1981, Comedy) Richard Sitnjamln, Paula Prentiss. A couple discov- er that the house they've Inherited is being occupied by vampires. ghosts and aSSOfted monsters. ·pa· ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) ).. (Q) MOVIE "l=rench Vibrations" ( 1979. Ufama) Maryllne Guillaume, Cris Martin Three women visit the same apartment In their search for fullflllment. u hr , 30 min.) g MOVIE "Stay As You Are" ( 1980, Romance) Marcello Mas1ro1annl, Nastassla t<lnS)(I. A matti.d. 3 THE HUNTERS Alan Vent (left) and James Gammon porcray members of a posse looking for a man who shot and killed a Texas lawman 1n "The Ballard of Gregorio Cortez" on K CET (f'!: . .!._8) ]'uesday al 9 p .m . middle-aged man embarks on an affair w11h a teen- age Jllrl who may be related to him ( 1 hr , 45 min ) 1 t.45 D m THE BEST OF CARSON Host Johnny Carson GuPsts Lrza Mmne111 Angie Dickinson Geu1ye Miller. Nedra Volz (A) ( 1 hr ) f ) MOVIE "The Immortal Bachelor" ( 1979, Romance) Monica V11t1. Grancarlo Giannini On trial for 1nu1dern1g her husband. a beaultful widow enthralli. the 1ury with her remembrances ol her pas· s1onate domes11c hie ( 1 hr . 35 mtn ) 12:00 Q ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT 0 @) FANTASY ISLAND r our young women return tu a 11me when hte was fun and games and a married couple lry 10 1ek1ndle the flame (R) ( 1 hr tO rn1n) C!l MOVIE "Carry On Screaming" ( 1967. Comedy) Gerald Thomas, Harry Corbett Three cops set OUI after rnons1ers and vampires who have taken up 1es1dence 1n a lonely house in lhe woods (2 hrs) m MOVIE "The White Cliffs Of Dover" ( 1944, Dra- ma) Irene Dunne, Peter Lawford. An American woman living in England awarts news of her son, who 1s lighting 1n World War II (2 hrs. 45 mrn ) «I) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE fJi) UNOERST ANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR 12:058 Cl) WKRP IN CINCINNATI Johnny Fever's daug!1te1 shows up unexpectedly al the s1a1ion. (A) 12:30 U COUPLES A man Is angered by his girl- lriend's extreme 1ealosy of other women. Cl) NEWS (!) BOXING "US.A. Junior Olympic Tournament Finals" from the U.S. Air Force Academy. (3 hrs.) 12:408 Cl) MCCLOUD A fellow detective accuses McCloud of lnterlertng with hts 1nvestigat1on of a loan shark. (R) (2 hrs .. 5 min ) 12:4511 GD LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LITTERMAN Guests survival expert Tom Brown Jr., Stan Fre- berg. photographer Annie Liebovltz. ( 1 hr.) CS) MOVIE "The French Woman" (1981, Drama) Franc<'lse Fabian. Dayle Haddon. A bordello being kept open by a government subsidy Is the scene of murder and political scandal when a VIP customer IS phot<>graphed at play. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 37 min) 12:50(8) MINSKY'S FOLLIES Phyllis Diller. Alp Taylor and Stubby Kaye join the Minsky Burlesque Troupe tor a revue featuring baggy-pants comedy. strip- tease and production numbers ( 1 hr.) 1:00 8 MOVIE "Edge Of Doom" ( 1950, Mystery) Dana Andrews. Farley Granger. A young man strug- gles against society, the church and his own Inner conflicts. (2 hrs.) . takes on an equally disturbed lover. 'R' ( 1 hr . 40 mln.l 1:20 CZ) MOVIE "Why Would I Lie?" ( 1980. Come- dy) Treat W1lllams. Lisa Eichhorn. A compulsive liar upsets the status quo wilh his refusal to conform 'PG' ( 1 hr . 45 min ) l:30(C) MOVIE "The Visitor" ( 1978. Horror) Mel Ferrer. John Huston. An ancient from a distant galaxy comes to Earth to destroy an evil 8-year old glfl who is destined 10 be the mother of a powerful malevolent race 'R' ( 1 hr . 36 min ) MOVIE "Goin' Ape" (1981. Comedy) Tony Danza. Jessica Walter Three orangutans hold the purse strmgs to a $5-million inheritance PG' ( 1 hr 27 min.) O MOVIE "Lipstick" ( 1976. Drama) Margaux Hemingway, Anne Bancrott A top fashion model 1s humiliated and frustrated by her unsuccessful attempts to sentence the man who raped her to prison 'R' ( 1 hr 30 mtn.) 1:40@ MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 1:45QO')NEWS 2:05 (!)NEWS 2:30 (!) MORNING ~TRS"CH 2:40 0 NEWS @ WORLD AT LARGE CS) MOVIE "The Hearse" ( t980, Horror) Trish V<in Devere Joseph Cotten A schoolteacher Illes to recover from a nervous breakdown at her late aunt's home. which rs tJes1eyed by demons ·pG· ( 1 hr 40 min) 2:45 8 NEWS m MOVIE "The Bridge Of San LUIS Rey' ( 1944 Drama) Lynn Bari, Francis Lederer Based on the story by Thornton Wilder r ive people topple to their deaths when a bridge collapses 1n Peru ( 1 hr 50 mtn) 3:00 Q MOVIE 'Ktlle1 Shark ( 19!>0. Adventure) Roddy McDowall. Laurette Luez A shark ooa1 !. taken out by a young man on a vacation ( 1 hr 10 min J Cf) JOE FRANt<LIN @ NEWS 0 MOVIE "Figures In Al and~ape' 11Q7Q D•a ma) nobert Shaw Malcolm McDowell In 11 11nnilmed country. two men flee their rn1l1tary 11111 '>1Jer~ in the hope that they can reach 1he bnro1>r belorn capture PG ( l hr oO min ) (.l) MOVIE "Silence 0 1 The Nor th" t 198 1 Adve1 lure) Ellen Burstyn. Tom Sl<emtt In 1919 a younq wom;in s marriage to a tr;:ipper leads her to a life of harosr11p 1n the wilderness f.JI northern Can11oa PG ( 1 hr. 35 mm) 3.10 lCl MOVIE "Ouadrvphe111.1· 11979. Drania) Phil Daniels M.Jrk Wingett Music.. by The Who A 811t1!>t youth rr.1ec1s the value~ ol his tan11ty for the free- dom · ol tt1e Mods. only to discover that this new social group is ever) more const11cting 'R' I 1 hr 55 min l 3: 15 8 MOVIE "Skim Money" ( 1975 Drama) Jaci.- 1e Cooper Geo1ge Gobel While trying to get stories. a reporter linds himself tn several odd s1hia11ons ( 1 hr. 45 min.) 3:20 f-0 SNEAK PREVIEW Host Leonard Hams looks at the movies. specials and sports events coming up on Home Box Office 3:30 CE) TO BE ANNOUNCED 3:50® MOVIE "Hog Wild" ( 1980, Comedy) Pat11 D' Arbanvtlle, Michael Biehn A high school campus becomes the staning point for wild pranks and htlar· 1ty when several clean-cut youngsters decide to take on a rowdy motorcycle gang 'PG' ( 1 hr . 27 min ) 4:00(!) JIMMY SWAGGART (I:) SPORTS CENTER 4:05@ FUNTIME 4:20(1) MOVIE "Skatetown US.A." ( 1979, Come· dy) Scott Baio. Greg Bradforrj. A handsome young skater falls 1n love at the focal roller-disco rrnk, where he ts challenged by a street gang leader In a cha~ionsh1p contest. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 34 min.) 4:30 U VOYAGE TO THE BOTIOM OF THE SEA (!) JIM BAt<KER I 4:35 0) MOVIE "Security Risk" ( 1954, Drama) John Ireland. Dorothy Malone. The FBI drops a net to trap enemy agents out 10 steal the nuclear secrets of a dead sc1ent1st. ( 1 hr .. 25 min ) @ I DREAM OF JEANNIE CZ> MOVIE "Hussy" ( 1980. Mystery) Helen Mirren. John Shea A nightclub hostess becomes 1nv01ved with a mysterious underworld associate who is threatened by her murderous ex-lover ( 1 hr .. 35 min ) Sharon Gless gets series • MOVIE "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance" ( 1962. Weatem) James Stewart John Wayne. A man rises to glory when he wrongly accepts the credit for gunning down a notorious outlaw. ( 1 hr.. HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Sharon Gless has been 30 min.) signed to star as Officer Chris Cagney in the CBS 1:108 MOVIE "The Touchables" (1968. Orama) police series "Cagney and Lacey." Judy Huxtable. Esther Anderson. A pop singing Idol Sh 11 ·.i... T Dal h la kidnapped by lour wanton fans ls hunted by a f>tack ' e wi star W1wi yne y, w o P ys 3 Officer Mary Beth Lacey. Misa Gleas replaces Meg wrestler's goon squad. ( 1 hr.. 0 min.) F .... ln th 1 g NEWS os...,r e ro e. 1:16([) MOVlE "The Passldn Of Anna" (1969. Dr• ~-Gless most recently starred In "House . ma) J ... lv UJ(r}la(lf'I. Bjbl ~n~._,,4~er r~~ ~ ~Jlh.W~ ~Ae~e~.:~ts!AA~ upldT"Pr4lr1nli;rrfge. an ~~m ~ - 5:000 "Blow-Up" (1966. Mystery) David Hemr11 in8s. Vanessa Redgrave 5: 1 ©"The Concert For Kampuchea" ( 1980. Musi- cal) Paul McCartney. The Who 6:05@ "The Fallen Sparrow" ( 1943, Drama) John Garfield, Maureen O'Hara 6:15CZ) "Chapter Two" ( 1979, Comedy) James Caan. Marsha Mason 7:00 [~ "White Water Sam" (Adventure) Ke11h Lar· sen 0 "Saturday The 14th'' ( 198 t, Comedy) Richard Ben_@_m1n. Paula Prentiss 8:00ltt) "Silver Streak" ( 1976, Comedy) Gene Wtld- er. Jill Clay burgh 8:05@ "Three For The Show" (1955. Musical) Bel- ly Grable. Jack Lemmon. 8:30('C) "The Magnificent Hustle" ( 1978. Adven- ture) George Hamilton. David Kyte. 0 "No Nukes'' ( 1980, Musical) Jackson Browne. Crosby. Stills & Nash (%) "Silence Of The North" ( 1981, Adventure) Ellen Burstyn. Tom Skerritt 10:00 ® ''The Great Muppet Caper" ( 1981. Adven· ture) Charles Grodin. Diana Rigg "Father 01 The Bride" ( 1950. Comedy) Spen- cer Tracy. Elizabeth Taylor. 10:05~ "The Story Of Wiii Rogers" (1952. B1ogra· phy Jane Wyman. Wiii Rogers Jr 10: 16 "Something For The Boys" ( 1944, Musical) V1v1an Blaine. Perry Como 10:30('C) "Morgan!" ( 1966, Comedy) Vanessa Redgrave. David Warner. 0 "Search And Destroy" 11:45(Z) "Chapter Two" ( 1979. Comedy) James Caan, Marsha Mason . \F' l lJl:\< >< >\: \I<)\· 11-:s 2:000 "No Kidding" (1961, Comedy) "Carry On" Gang tD "The President's Lady" ( 1953, Drama) Charl- ton Heston, Susan Hayward m> "Submarine Command" ( t 951. Drama) Wil- ham Holden. Nancy Olson. CS) "Chu Chu And The Philly Flash" ( 1981, Come- dy) Alan Arkin. Carol Burnett. 2:30 © "The Music Man" ( 1962. Musical) Robert Preston. Shirley Jones 0 "Gimme Shelter" ( 1970, Musical) Rolling Stones Jellerson Airplane. 1:00(!) "Nightmare Alley" ( 1947. Drama) Tyrone Power. Joan Blondell "The Survivor" (1981 , Fantasy) Roben Powell. Jen!!}' Agutter. 2:00 W "CoaS1 To Coast" ( 1980. Comedy) Dyan Cannon. Robert Blake 0 "No Nukes" ( 1980. Musical) Jackson Browne. Crosby, Stills & Nash "The Gong Show Movie" ( 1980. Comedy) Chuck Barns, Robin Altman "Your Classroom on Wheels" hlll•• tit• WHtl, a ••r• "" lthtr u ........ 4 •• ,. .. ., Tttal •Get your permit after 1 day of Driver's Ed. Free pick up for Behind the Wheel students only. '" lll••tr lrlttr El111fft1 ot11111 are: 1/22 1/1 1/21 1/11 1/21 ChOON yOtJr Miiion & cell ua -aeatlng ts llmlted. •Ofter pd onty on almuftaMOUt enrollment M50lll 511 3058 130 E. 11th St., Coet. MeN WHEN EAST MEETS WEST -Miko (Lauren Tom), a Japanese student at the Eastland School who adopts some American ways too quickly for h er father's liking. talks with schoolmate Blair (Lisa Whelchel) on "The Facts of Life" Wednesday at 9 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). 3:00 "On The Right Track" ( 1981, Comedy) Gary_Coteman, Michael Lembeck 3:30(CJ "White Water Sam" (Adventure) Kelth Lar- sen • CZ) "Silence Of The North" ( 1981. Adventure) Ellen Burstyn. Tom Skerrttl. 4:000 "Impulsion" (1972. Drama) Ateµrndro Rey. Kathe11ne Justice. CS) "The Shogun Warriors· Galk1ng" Animated. g "Goin' Ape" ( 1981 . Comedy) Tony Danza. Jes- sica Walter. 5:00(!) "The Breaking Point" { 1~50. Adventure) John Garfield. Phyllis Thaxter. CC) "Morgan!" ( 1966. Comedy) Vanessa RedJl!.ave. David Warner 5:15ll) ··something For The Boys" (1944, Mus1Lal) V1v1an Blaine. Perry Como 5:300 "Chapter Two" ( 1979. Comedy) James Caan. Marsha Mason. E\' E\: I\:(; 6:00 II D 8 NEWS I WONDER WOMAN THE SAINT HEADACHES? 50 Headache patients are needed for independent research program being conducted by the BACK PAIN CLINIC Patients wlll be treated at no cost. For Information call 631-7791 • • • • • 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ~ * PUBLIC llOTICE * '50 CASH REBA TE or 10°/o off our regular price 11 YO\I own • hOme con1tructe<1 bef«• 2122ns. l!Mttd tl'd --i by So. Cel. Gu Co .. YoU're tllolble for 1~ nnenc:1ng et low 8% Apr. 11nene1ng, on the purchaM of eoo aq n. °" more of R· 19 tneute11ot1 which wttl bring tM entire ~bte ettle trM up to R-19 Sttnd.,da. Thll money bedt offer It good on INWitlon purelltted ~ 419182 end 819/82 unltel eirtendtd. ll!Mlldtd, Of' r-*'ded by 1111• compeny Of'lor publlo notloe. ~ Cellf. Stat9 end t~ Adtrll tu credit• ~- .. E .. lf llllm" 541-11 ti @)ABC NEWS m s.W.A.T. m> HAWAII FIVE-0 fl) NBC NEWS ~ HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS CS) FOOTLIGHT FRENZV The award winning Low Moan Spectacular comedy troupe performs a h1lar1· ous revue of show business Ille ( I hr , 50 min ) 6:30@) BARNEY MILLER ® THE SONG WRITER'S: KANDER ANO EBB John Kander and Fred Ebb. creators ol "Flora The Red Menance,' "Cabaret" and "70 Girls 70." are featured ( 1 hr ) fZi) HUMAN FACE OF CHINA "Something For Everyone" A people's commune production team is the focus 01 this him explaining the workings of a i 1cat commune in China. (R) NEWS AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 6:45 iCHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE 7:00 CBS NEWS · C NEWS KUNG FU ABC NEWS KOJAK NINE ON NEW JERSEY ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M"A0 S•H JOKER'S WILD fl!> BUSINESS REPORT THEMUPPETS MOVIE "Birth Of The Beatles" ( 1979, Drama) Stephen Mackenna, Rod Culbertson. The story of John. Paul, Ringo and George from their obscure ~inning to their stardom ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) ([) MOVIE "On The Right Track" ( 1981. Comedy) Gary Coleman, Michael Lembeck. A social worker tries 10 find a normal home for a train station shoeshine boy with a talent tor picking the ponies 'PG' ( 1 hr . 37 min.) CID MOVIE "Silence Of The North" ( 1981, Adven- ture) Ellen Burstyn. Tom Skerritt. In 1919, a young woman's marriage to a trapper leads her to a Ille of hardship 1n rhe wildetness of northern Canada 'PG' U hr .. 35 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Chapter Two" ( 1979, Comedy) James Caan. Marsha Mason. Soon alter his wife's death. a writer finds himself reluctantly lalhng in love again 'PG' (2 hrs .. 4 min ) 7:30 f) 2 ON THE TOWN Featured· a segment of "Jukebox," an on-going feature on video tapes set to popular music; tour the Domain Chadon and Schramsberg winenes 1n Napa Valley. new ways to cope with migraine headaches B ti:) FAMILY FEUD EYE ON L.A. Featured: motorcycle riders who courl death In dangerous races. the ultimate l1mo- s1ne. an arhst who spec1a,l1zes in permanent makeup with tattoos Cl) (I) TIC TAC DOUGH I APPLE POLISHERS YOU ASKED FOR IT M•A0 S"H SIGNATURE Guest: Malcolm Mugge11dge fZi) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT I!) MAYPORT AND ALL THAT JAZZ Highlights of the jau festival held in the small fishing village of Mayport. Florida, are presented. ( 1 hr.) (E) RAOUETBALL "International Championships" security you can count on, energy savings you can count · 111 I CO:~:~~~fO l•t'l n FROM!Wl • C 1111$101 J;lt -, J •o~ •11•oowi ••o ooo•s [)J~f ~~l]m. I I -----' __ jil y • STRAP l HANOCAANI( HCCTIUC_ -llOl1ADfN Is O.ISt'Om ftft9d to tM exttr10r 0 YI>"' "°"" Pf'OVldlnv MCUfttY. "*"' uwtn11. ..,,., Pf'OC~ llnCI notlt Nduettofl. benefta Of IOl ... Wind ... dU!lt c:oncrot. =:.c: ·~ conttol ftdtrlll ... ... ~=~~';;63s.s17 AIM kl BMRONMINTAL 1111111111 ~ I SICUlllTY CO., INC • 2I01 I . IATIUA 1'Y. AIWtffM, CA 23 14 N Wrlnesday (continued) co 0> Wendell Talober vs. Don Thomas .-®WHAT ON EARTH Orson Bean hosts this !ast- ir> paced, tact-filled science series N 7:35@ NEWS ~ 8:001) MOVIE "Race For Your Ute, Charlie Brown" ~ ( 1977, Comedy) Animated. Voices or Duncan Wat- son. Greg Felton Based on a comic strip by Charles ~ Schulz Charlle Brown and the entire "Peanuts" :g gang head for summer camp where they become u.. involved in several Wiid adventures (R) ( t hr . 30 -min.) 8' D fm REAL PEOPLE Featured: a professional dog ...J walker. a man who built a full-scale repUca or a Vik- ~ Ing ship, a doctor who Is also a stand-up comedian. {R) ( 1 ht.) ,2 D MOVIE "Shenandoah" (1965, Drama) James a: Stewart, Doug McClure. A neutral farmer becomes involved 1n the Civil War after his daughter promises to marry a Confederate soldier. (2 hrs.) D ®l MOVIE "Midnight Offerings" (1981. Horror) Melissa Sue Anderson, Mary McDonough A horrify- ing contest develops between a young girl with psy- chic powers and a witch who destroys anyone she cannot dominate. (R) (2 hrs.) (I) THE ROOTS OF ROCK 'N' ROLL "The Teen Idols" Host: Paul Anka. Guests. Fabian. Nell Seda- ka, Frankie Avalon. Rick Nelson, Elton John. (Part 2}(1hr.) U MOVIE "Without Reservations" ( 1946, Com~ dy) Claudette Colbert. John Wayne. On her way to Hollywood. a novelist meets a Marine and his friend on the train. (2 hrs.) Cf) NASt SOCCER New York Cosmos vs. San Jose Earthquakes (2 hrs.) m P.M. MAGAZINE A 2-year-old bawler; a preach- er who has carried a wooden cross 4,000 miles. m MOVIE "Double Indemnity" ( 1973, Suspense) Richard Crenna. Samantha Egger. A woman plans to murder her husband and have it appear to be an accident in order to collect on his life insurance poli- ~ (1hr.30min.) lU COLLLLLECTING Featured: patent models; Net- suke --ritualjewelry. 9 MA YPORT AND All THAT JAZZ. Highlights of the Jazz festival held in the small fishing village of Mayport, Florida. are presented. ( 1 hr.) ([) SPORTS CENTER 00 MOVIE "The Survivor" ( 1981 , Fantasy) Robert Powell. Jenny Agutter. A pilot survives a catastroph- ic 747 crash unscratched and searches for the man responsible. ( 1 hr .. 24 min.) (I) BIZARRE "God's Press Secretary" 0 MOVIE "The Hollywood Knights" (1980, Come- dy) Robert Wuhl. Tony Danza. On Halloween eve In 1965. a rowdy high School gang wreaks havoc in Beverly Hills to avenge the closing of their hangovt by the local home owners association. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 39 8:~tb PRINCESS A troubled teen-ager attempts to deal with the divorce of her parents. ta WHEN I THINK OF RUSSIA Six exiled Russian artists and perl0<mers discuss their art in America and Russia. ( 1 hr.) · Ci) I HEARD rT THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE Writer James Baldwin returns to the South fOf a look back at the civil ri hts movement of the '50s and '60s and -JUNE SPECIAL SALE TBA T WOMAN WONDER -Lynda c.arter returns to television in the popular television series, "Wonder Woman," weeknighrs at 6 p.m. on KTLA (Ch. 5). how it has affec1ed American life today (I hr .. 30 min.) ()) LAFF-A-THON A comedian hOSt and tour comic contestants who compete against one another are featured in this uncensored comedy game show. 8:35@MOVIE "The Cowboy And The Lady" ( 1938, Western) Gary Cooper, Merle Oberon. A romancing ranch hand sweeps an heiress lrom the city off her feet. (2 hrs.) (Q)BUOOIES 9:00 D ID THE FACTS OF LIFE A Japanese student arouses her lather's ire when he visits her and finds that she is becoming too Americanized. (R) (I) M•A•s •H m MERV GRIFflN "Salute To 10th Anniversary Of Ms Magazine" Guests: Gloria Steinem. Jane Fon- da. Carole King, Loretta Sw1t. Lee Grant. ( 1 hr.) 9 I HEARD IT THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE Writer James Baldwin returns to the South fOf a look back at the civil rights movement of the '50s and '60s and how 1t has attected American life today. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CC) MOVIE "Cutter's Way" ( 198 1, Drama) John Heard. Jett Bridges. A maimed Vietnam vet and his best friend, a social dropout. focus their energies on solving a murder case. 'A' (1 hr .. 45 mfn.) (I) PROFESSIONAL RODEO From Mesquite, Tex- as. (2 hrs.) ________ a!U'Qf _______ _ CMS Newport Gas N' Wash Drive Thru FREE. • llON. • LAOIU' DAY • 112 "EO. PRICE • 11IE8.·flllN'SDAY •112REQ, f'NCE • nt>. • .... DET AA.• 112 AEQ. "'ICE • THUM.· FAE£ CAlt WASH W110 GAl. QAS fttJltCHAU • "'1. • lVPY 4111 CAlt f'RU • SAT.·"'UlftAAYWAX WIMQ. WASH • IUH.•f"EESl'ttAY WAXW1"£Q, WASH o ..... c ....... <"OM•UnCAI alPAltl ~OO.nAT,fOUC'Ml.FOt!CtQll a oo~unn Come In To Tiw Mobil StotJon At MIS W. PACIFIC co,u-r HWY. Af 9WUIQa 673-3561 --------.... ~~·--~-- (CJ MOVIE "Hour 0 1 The Wolf" ( 1968, Drama) Liv Ullmann, Max von Sydow. An artist's sarnty begins to crumble after he moves to a remote island w11h his pregnant mistress. ( 1 hr . 30 min ) CO) MOVIE "Zona. The Gay Blade" ( 1981 Come· dy) George Hamilton. Lauren Hutton. The heroic son of old California's famous justice fighter is 1nca pacllated by a ndlng ln1ury. f0<cing his topp1c,~ brother to don the cape and mask 'PG' ( 1 hr J 3 min.) (SJ A BARE TOUCH OF MAGIC World-class mc.;i c1an Shimada. the smoke-eating Camzin1 and ,m exciting "execution" by guillotine as well as beaut lul showgirls and dazzling magical feats are tea tured. ( 1 hr ) 9: 15 (Z) CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE 9:30 I) BAKER'S DOZEN Terry discovers that her dinner date with Mike is really a stake-out D 8 LOVE. SIDNEY Sidney 1s given lull conrrol ot an advertising agency's new account. (R) m LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE ta THE SONG WRITER'S: KANDER AND EBB John Kander and Fred Ebb. creators ol "Flora The Red Menance,' "Cabaret" and "70 Girls 70." are featured. ( 1 hr ) 00 MOVIE "On The Right Track" (1981, Comedy) Gary Coleman, Michael Lambeck. A social worker tries to find a normal home lor a 1ra1n s1a11or. shoeshine boy with a talent for picking the ponies 'PG' (1 hr, 37 min) 0 MOVIE "Goin' Ape" ( 1981, Comedy) Tony Danza. Jessica Walter. Three orangutans hold the purse strings to a $5-milhon inheritance 'PG' ( 1 ht 27 min.) CZ) MOVIE "The Valley" ( 1972, Drama) Bulle Ogier. Michael Gothard. A wealthy woman travels ro New Guinea 1n search of native artilacts for her Paris boutique. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 10:001J CBS REPORTS "The Parole Game" Jay McMullen reports on stare parole officers. their wards, and the purposes and problems of the parole ~stem. ( 1 hr.) u II) QUINCY An invesllgatloo Into a SUSPICtOUS lire leads Quincy into lhe company of a disturbed i romaniac. (R) ( 1 hr.) D•tl>NEWS t!m DYNASTY Alexis rekindles the lire Blake once felt for her. while Nick uses Blake's apparent 1nfldellty to romance Krystle and Fallon makes a decision about her pregnancy (R) ( 1 hr ) Cf) THE PERSUADERS G) NAACP '82 CONVENTION Highlights from the convention include Margaret Bush Wilson's keynole address and President Benjamin Hook's speech ( 1 hr.) (I) MOVIE "Nashville Girl" ( 1979, Drama) Monica Gayle, Roger Davis. A Kentucky farm girl with searches lor success in the country-music capital 'A' L1 hr .. 27 min.) 10:30m NEWS ta SIGNATURE Guest: Malcolm Mugger1dge. 9 NAACP '82 CONVENTION Highttghts from the convention Include Margaret Bush Wilson's keynote address and President Benjamin Hook's speech ( 1 hr.) 10:35@ BASEBALL Houston Astros at Allanra Braves {3 hrs.L t 1:00 8 DD Cl) 9 Cl) NEWS HEAD CHES~ YOU DESERV E TO FEE L GOOD CALL 645-5100 For eo., ...... ' c anlllltatlo,t WISTCUFF CHllOPIACTIC OFRCE Dr.I.._. A. .... 2043 W"tclff Dr .. Wle I 01 .. . .,.... .... ..... c: ....... 1191 ... .,...... Mo•t lnauranc:. ~ed ~-------------------------.... a ........... -~ \\ednesday (continued) BENNY HILL I SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s•H COLLLLLECTING Featured· palent models; Net- suke ·· ritual jewelry · 8i) JAZZ. AT THE MAINTENANCE SHOP "Bill Evans Trio (No 1) " Bill Evans. piano. Marc John- son. bass, Joe LaBarbera. drums (R) ( t hr ) CC) MOVIE "I Love You. Allee B. Toklas" ( 1968. Comedy) Peter Sellers, Leigh Taylor-Young. A mid· die-aged lawyer. disenchanted with his present life-- style. starts a new hie with a young h1pp1e. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 33 min.) ([) SPORTS FORUM (I) MOVIE "The Libertine" ( t968. Orama) Cathe- rine Spaak. Jean-Louis Trint1gnant. A woman dis- covers the secret apartment that her husband uses for extra-marital activities 'R' ( 1 hr .. 34 min.) ©)MOVIE "Excalibur" (t981. Fantasy) Nigel Ter- ry, Nicol Williamson. The exploits of King Arthur bnng power and death 10 the knights ol the Round Table. 'R' (2 hrs., 20 min.) 0 MOVIE "Salurday The 14th" (1981. Comedy) Richard Ben1am1n, Paula Prentiss. A couple discov- er that the house they've 1nhented is being occupied by vampires. ghoSls and assorted monsters 'PG' ( 1 hr . 15 min ) 11:301J ()) MOVIE "Fear Is The Key" ( 1973, Ora- ma) Barry Newman. Suzy Kendall. A fugitive from the µohce and a gang or thieves search tor the car- go of an airplane they shot down In the Gulf of Mexi- co. {A) (2 hrs .. 15 min ) D fll) WIMBLEDON UPDATE A report on develop- ments at the All-England Tennis Championships is presented I @) ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE MOVIE "Impulsion" (1972, Orama) Ale1andro Rey, Katherine Justice. A scandal erupts when members of the international jet set become involved 1n a murder case. (2 hrs.) I THE JEFFERSON$ LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE WHEN I THINK OF RUSSIA Six exiled Russian artists and performers discuss their art In America and Russia ( 1 hr.) ~DICK CAVETT Guest: Sugar Ray Leonard. (A) SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "High Risk" ( 1981, Adventure) James Brolin. Cleavon Little. A trio of greedy friends plot the robbery of a million dollars from a South Ameri- can drug dealer. 'R' (1 hr .. 35 min.) CS) MOVIE "Blow Out" (1981. Suspense) John Travolla. Nancy Allen. A sound technician who works on horror fllms bec6mes involved In a murder mystery when he witnesses an assassination 'R' ( l hr .. 45 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Siience Of The North" (1981. Adven- ture) Ellen Burstyn, Tom Skerrill. In 1919. a young woman's marriage to a trapper leads her to a Ille of hardship In the wilderness of northern Canada 'PG' (I hr., 35 mm.) 11:45 II Q) THE BEST OF CARSON Host: Johnny Carson Guests: Charlton Heston. Dorothy Stratton, Wally Mohrman. (A) ( 1 hr.) TAKATA NURSERY, Landscaping & Maintenance Expert Japanese Gardening Service *Monthly· Weekly *Yard Malnt .. Tree Trimming *Bonsal Pruning & General Clean-up *Commercial & Residential *20 Years Experience Expert Takata Landscaping Service *New or Rel and scape *Westem & Japanese Style *Specials: Waterfalls, Kol Fish Pond, Rock Arrangements *Landscape Design *Irrigation System & Drain System *Patio -Decking -Masonry 83().9900 ext. 58 'MARTIAL/NG ' THE ART -David Carradine has returned to the television screen in the role that made him famous. He can be seen weeknights at 7 p .m. in "Kung Fu" on KTLA (Ch. 5). 12:00 8 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT D ®' LOVE BOAT A ghost goes husband-hunting for his widow, and Gopher's sister develops an inter- est in Doc. (R) ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) (f) MOVIE "Demons Of The Dead" ( 1976, Horror) George Hilton, Edwige Fenech. Devil worshippers search fc.r a virgin to offer as sacrifice to their lord. {2 hrs.) m MOVIE "David And Bathsheba" ( 1952. Drama) Gregory Peck. Susan Hayward. David, the king of the Jews falls in love with Bathsheba. another man's wife (2 hrs., 40 min.) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR 12:30 D COUPLES Trust Is in question between this ~u~%S.t~ple. i§ THE SONG WRITER'S: KANDER AND EBB John Kander and Fred Ebb, creators of "Aora The Red Menance,' "Cabaret'' and "70 Girls 70," are featured. (1 hr.) ([) AUTO RACING "USAC Sprints" from Terre ED ~ BRAD IMPORT LW DOMESTIC -ANDE ~<;ON <; f\UTON\OTl\JE COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE FREE PICKUP-DELIVERY ~~~;.".::r :·12121 (714) 142-8175 (Formerly of Whitman's) LICENSED AESTHETICIAN • r \l-ro pea'! s25 v facials •MASSAGE (on Balboa 18land) MEN& WOMEN FOR INFORMATION 7 14 CAL.l..U~.IAUlWJN • .,..,.»]U)721.. Haute. Indiana. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) (I) MOVIE "Zulu Dawn" ( 1979. Drama) Burt Lan- caster, Peter O'Toote. The English wage a bitter war agains1 the Zulu nation In 19th-century Africa. 'PG' (2 hrs . 1 min) :2 0 - 0 MOVIE "Search And Destroy" (2 hrs.) 12:35 CC) MOVIE "The Music Man" (1962. Musical) ~ Robert Preston, Shirley Jones. A fast-talking sales-u:> man comes to a small town In Iowa to organize a 'Tl boys' band and inadvertently falls in love with an ~ unmarried librarian (2 hrs .. 30 min ) ai 12:45 0 6? LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN ';< Guests Steven Miller, Mr T .. Valrl Bromfield. (1 hr.) 1:00 9 MOVIE "Hold Back The Dawn" ( 1941, Ora- ma) Charles Boyer. Ohvla de Havilland To gain entry into the country, a refugee plans to marry a U.S. citizen and divorce her afterwards. (2 hrs ) (I) MOVIE "Three Violent People" ( 1956. West- ern) Charlton Heston. Anne Baxter. Two men and a woman become involved 1n a t11angle while fighting an unfair provisional government. ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) 1:05® MOVIE "Allanllc City" (1980, Drama) Burt Lancaster. Susan Sarandon. The estranged hus- band of an oyster bar waitress arrives with her preg- nant younger sister and some stolen heroin, which he wants an aging hood to sell for him. 'A' ( 1 hr , 44 min) 1: 10 0 MOVIE "Welcome To Arrow Beach" ( t977. Mystery) Laurence Haf\ley, Joanna Pettet. A young woman v1s111ng the Santa Barbara beach house of a pohte. soft-spoken older man discovers that her host has a darker side 10 his personality. ( 1 hr , 30 min) @)NEWS 1:16(%) MOVIE "Hussy" ( 1980, Mystery) Helen Mir- ren. John Shea. A nightclub hostess becomes involved w11h a mysterious underworld associate who is threatened by her murderous ex-lover. ( 1 hr .. 35 min) 1:20(l) MOVIE "Chu Chu And The Philly FlaSh" ( 1981, Comedy) Alan Arkin. Carol Burnell An alcoholic former baseball player and a kooky street entertainer become partners in a scheme to make ~~l~ey by returning a lost suitcase. 'PG' ( 1 hr. 40 1:35 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 1:45 DGD NEWS 2:05 NEWS 2:15 MOVIE "The Savage Bees" (1976, Suspense) Ben Johnson, Michael Parks. A horde of killer African bees invades New Orleans at Mardi Gras lime. (2 hrs.) 2:30(!) MORNING STRETCH 0 MOVIE "Home Movies" ( 1980. Comedy) Keith Gordon, Kirk Douglas. A young film student sutters from a badgering teacher and an attraction 10 his brother's fiancee. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 2:35@ WORLD AT LARGE 2:40 DNEWS m MOVIE "Arch Of Triumph" ( 1948. Orama) lngrld Bergman, Charles Boyer. An Austrian relvgee searches Pans for a Gestapo agent. (2 hrs . 20 min.l ~6000 MOVIE "Sliver Streak" (1976. Comedy) Gene Wilder. Jill Clayburgh A mild-mannered book editor accidentally becomes Involved In a sinister art thief's bizarre plot during a cross-country train ride. 'PG' (I hr .. 53 min.) 3:00 D MOVIE "Three Leg1oneers" ( 1937, Come- NE:JAPA~~ RE TAUR:~~ IA TRY OUR DAILY 'PEOAL •Enjo y Teri y aki TC"mpura • ushi ba r p~paretl by our famous Japanrl\C.' Chf'I • 0.-er • Winr • 1tkr ~gisCL ~ SUSHI· RESTAU RANT Open Thu,... thru Tues. 5 PM till Mldmght 3840 E. Coas1 Hwy • Corona del Mar, Ca (714) 673-3933 .- <O a> I\) -----------------~--~ !6 !Thursday C\I G> c :;, ., '.\I< >ll:\ I:\(; \I<)\' I l·:S 5:00 g "Squeeze Play" ( 1981. Comedy) Jim Harris. Jenni Hetnck. (%) "Something Fo1 The Boys" ( t944, Musical) Vivian Blaine. Petry Como 6:00 Cl) "The Shogun Wamors Ga1k1ng" Animated. 6:05@ "Lisbon" (1956. Adventure) Ray Milland. Claude Rains 6:30(.C) "A Face In The Crowd" ( 1957, Drama) Andy Griffith, Patricia Neal g "Simon" ( 1980, Comedy) Alan Arkin. Aus11n Pendleton (%) "Blow-Up" ( 1966, Mystery) David Hemmings, Vanessa Redgrave 7:00® "Far From The Madding C1owd" ( 1967. Ora- ma) Julie Christle, Terence Stamp. 8:00(1) "Huckleberry Fann" ( 1974, Adventure) Jeff East. Paul Wlnlield 8:05 Q.!) "The Crimson Pirate" ( 1952, Adventu1e) Burt Lancaste1. Nack Craval 8:30 0 "For Your Eyes Only" ( t981. Adventure) R()ger Moore, Topol. CZ) "Blow Out" (1981, Suspense) John Travolla. Nan9 Allen. 9:00(.C) "Return Of A Man Called Horse" ( 1976, Adventure) Richard Hams. Gate Sondergaard 10:00 CID "For Your Eyes Only" ( 1981. Adventure) R()ger Moore, Topol. (!) "Battleground'' ( 1949. Adventure) Van John· son. John Hod1ak. · 10:05@ "Caesar The Conquernr" ( 1960, Adventure) Cameron Mltchell. Dominique Witms 10:30(I) "Why Would I Lie?" ( t980, Comedy) Treat Williams. Lisa Eichhorn. 11:00 CC) "High Country" ( t 981, Orama) Timothy Bolloms, Linda Purl g "Gimme Shelter" ( 1970. Musical) Rolling Stones, Jellerson Airplane. .\F.llJl:\< >< ):\ \I< )\'I ES 12:000 "Scenes From A Murder" ( 1975, Mystery) Telly Savalas, Anne Heywood. Q) "The Purple Heart" ( 1944, Adventure) Farley Granger. Dana Andrews m> "Gentlemen Marry Brunettes" ( 1955. Musical) Jane Russell, Jeanne Crain "On The Right Track" ( 1981 Comedy) Gary Coleman. Michael Lambeck. 12: 15 CZ) "The Immortal Bachelor" ( 1979, Romance) Monica V1lll, Giancarlo Giannini 12:300 "The Late Show" ( 1977, Mystery) Art Car· ney, Lily Tomlin. 1:00(!) "The Snake Pat" ( 1948. Orama) Olivia de Havilland. Mark Stevens. ~"The Rules Of The Game" ( 1939. Drama) Mar- cel Dalio, Nora Gregor. · 1:30® "Zorro. The Gay Blade" ( 198 1, Comedy) Ge~e Hamilton. Lauren Hutton. 1:50(.Z) "Blow Out" (1981. Suspense) John Travol· ta. Nancy Allen 2:00(]J "Persona" ( 1966. Drama) Liv Ullmann. Bibi Andersson (!) "The Amazing Adventures Of Joe 90" An1mat· ed. 2:30 0 "The Kid From Not-So-Big" ( 1978, Come· dy) Jennifer McAllister. Robert Viharo 3:30CID "Saturday The 14th" ( 1981, Comedy) Rich· ard Benjamin. Paula Prentiss 3:.-0(%) "Siience Of The North" (1981. Adventure) Ellen Burstyn, Tom Skerritt. 4:00 fJ "BIOod On The Arrow" ( 1964, Western) Dale Robertson. Martha Hyer CS) "Huckleberry Finn" ( 1974, Adventure) Jell East. Paul Winfield 4:30 g "Simon" ( 1980. Comedy) Alan Arkan. Aus- tin Pendleton 5:00(.C) "Blow-Up" ( 1966, Mystery) David Hemm· lngs. Vanessa Redgrave 5:05@ "Victory At Sea" ( 1955. Adventure) Docu- mentary Narrated by Alexander Scourby 5: 15(%) "Why Would t Lie?" ( 1980, Comedy) Treat Williams, Lisa Eichhorn. 5:30@ "Fontamara" Michele Placido. Antonella Murgia. Cl) "On The Right Track" ( 1981, Comedy) Gary Coleman, Michael Lembeck L\l .'\I '\<; e:ooe a• NEWS I WoNOERWOMAN C88NEW8 THE8AINT ABC NEWS - 8.W.A. T. I '" ' I HAWAII FlVE-Q'JM~tA:fL 10 MA:lfiO I 00>-a& .. LOOKING FOR FAME -Gene Anthony Ray plays L eroy, a dance s tudent, on ''Fam e" Thursday ar 8 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4). The NBC series is based on a movie of the .same name. fmNBCNEWS 8!) HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS 6:30(1) fm NEWS @) BARNEY MILLER fl) HUMAN FACE OF CHINA "Son Of The Ocean" Viewers are taken oo a 11verboat 1ourney along one of the grandest hnks an China's network of water- ways ·-the Yangtze River. (R) I:) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 0 MOVIE "Homer" ( 1970. Drama) Don Scardino, Alex Nicol A small-town family experiences the var- ious social problems or late-'60s American youth ( 1 hr .• 30 man ) 7:00 8 CBS NEWS NBC NEWS. KUNG FU ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE KOJAK OJ) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD · Ii) BUSINESS REPORT THEMUPPETS MOVIE "The Rules Of The Game" ( 1939. Ora· ma) Marcel Dalio. Nora Gregor. French social and sexual mores separa te aristocrats and working· class people before World War I ( 1 hr., 50 min.) (I) MOVIE "Pretty Baby" ( 1979, Drama) Keith Carradine. Brooke Shields. A World War I photogra· pher decides to marry lhe adolescent daughter of a prostitute tn the "Red Light Dis111c1" of New 011eans. 'R' ( 1 hr. 49 min.) .. cm MOVIE "I Hate Blondes" ( 198 t, Comedy) Jean Rochefort, Enrico Montesano. The ghost writer for a successful novelist Inspires a pair of burglars to attempt to rob hls mansion. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (Z) MOVIE "The Immortal Bachelor" 1 ( 1979, Romance) Monica Villi, Giancarlo Giannini. On trial for murdering her husband, a beautiful widow enth1alls the 1ury with her remembrances ol her pas- siona1e domestic life ( 1 hr . 35 min ) 7:0S@NEWS 7:30 IJ 2 ON THE TOWN Featured· e company that builds armored cars; follow Slevie Wonder 10 a local high school where he talks with students about Mar- itn Lulher King. v1s1t a candy factory where custom: ers make their own: a look al some of Los Angeles brad~S I W FAMILY FEUD EYE ON LA. Featured· a search 10< 1he best roller coaster ln Los Angeles: a trip to lhe mountains for a ski-wear fashion show CB TIC TAC DOUGH MEET THE MAYORS YOU ASKED FOR IT M•A•s•H SIGNATURE Guest· Arthur Ashe MACNBL I LEHRER REPORT FAWL TV TOWERS 11 r1 i). t;\VOi;11.ff...A1~1 iT~ Olimo 1-..0 i)11 ~~t ;:,r1 tCJS~1t~l.CHeno1tf'~•'-Ol'!d•~ •~ ••orm mime 111 a series ot skelches. CS) AEROBICISE: BEGINNER TO INTERMEDIATE Get 1n shape. look good. and feel great with this physical fitness program 8:00 i) CJ) MAGNUM, P.I. Magnum is h11ed by a computer magnale to recover valuable codes (RJ ~ h~ FAME As a drama class pro1ec.1. Oo11s befriends a pre11y runaway and brmgs her to school (RI ( 1 hi l 0 MOVIE "They Call Me Trinity .. ( 1972 Western) Terence Hill. Bud Spencer Two brothers 101n Mor mons 1n their a1temp1 to dnve out a band of outlaws (2 hrs) · fJ @) DARKROOM A biker v1S11s a small-town fun. house and a young hJodlum tangles with a reputed WtlCh (R) ( 1 hi.) 0 MOVIE "Along Came A Spider" ( 1970 Suspense) Suzanne PJeshelle. Ed Nelson. A w1oow courts danger when she investigates the poss1b1hty of foul play in her husband's death (2 hrs) (!) BENNY HILL GJ P.M. MAGAZINE Sabrina teaches us the line arl of Belly Dancing. a look at some unusual bur valu able collections. II) MOVIE "High Noon" ( 1952, Western) Gary Cooper. Grace Kelly A murderer and his brothers allempl 10 even the score with the sheriff who sent him to prison (2 hrs ) @ BOTANIC MAN "White Death, New life" A look al how glacial activity has aided large-scale agricul· tural act1v1ty. m LAST CHANCE GARAGE Brad Sears v1s1ts lhe shop of an engine rebu1lder. I:) SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk· el review "Megaforce" and "Blade Runner " ([)SPORTS CENTER ® MOVIE "For Your Eyes Only" ( 1981 Adven· ture) Roger Moore. Topol. James Bond tracks a criminal who purloined a top secret B1111sh defense device. PG' (2 hrs .. S min.) CS) MOVIE "In God We Trust" ( 1980. Con1edy) Marty Feldman, Andy Kaufman A naive monk is sent out into the world to raise money for his 1mpov· e11shed monaslery 'PG' ( 1 hr . 37 min ) g MOVIE "Gunn" ( 1967, Mystery) Craig Stevens. Edward Asner. Private eye Peter Gunn 1s asked to Investigate a gangland murder (2 hrs ) 8:05@ ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:30 (!) RACING FROM YONKERS m oDocouPLE @ MOVIE "Fontamara" Michele Placido. Antonella Murgia A small Italian village struggles against las· clsm whlle one man leaves polltlcs behind for a bel· ter hie 1n Rome. (2 hrs.) fl) SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk· el review "Megalorce" and "Blade Runner." Ii) LAST CHANCE GARAGE Brad Sears offers advice on buying and applying car care products cm MOVIE "Continental Divide" ( 1981. Romance) John Belushi, Blair Brown. A Chicago newspaper columnist travels to the Rockies to escape some pollllcal heat and interview a reclusive natural1s1 'PG' ( 1 hr. 43 man.) 8:35@ MOVIE "Games" (1967, Suspense) S1mo~e Signoret. James Caan. An allluent young couple s bizarre diversions lead to murder when a mysteri· ous. middle-aged woman enters their lives (2 hrs . 5 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Blow Out" ( 1981. Suspense) John Travolla. Nancy Allen A sound 1ech~1c1an who works on horror films becomes lnvolVed 1n a ~u~der mystery when he witnesses an assassination R ( 1 hr . 45 mtn) 9:00 f) (J) MY OLD MAN A splnted reen-ager and her down-and-out horse trainer father lry 10 mak_e a new hie 1ogether after a 14-year separation. K11sty McNichol and Warren Oates star. (A) (2 hrs.) 0 G) DtFF'RENT STROKES Arnold goes on a hun ger strike to support an Indian clarm that a Orum· mond construction site Is ttte location of a sacred Indian burial ground. (R) D 1J @) BARNEY MILLER1farney's detectives le~rn that R1ker's Island prison has been discharging inmates early because of overcrowded cond1t1ons &J> fibv1E "The Tenth Victim" ( 1965. Fanlasy) Marcello Mastro1annl, Ursula Andress In a world where homicide Is legal. an actress 1s promised desirable possessions 11 she can kill 10 people (2 hrs.) • MERV GRIFFIN Guests: Debb e Reynolds. Rip Taylor. The~arberlans, Paula Kelly. ( 1 hr) • NUMEAO UNO American discus thrower Al Oerter. the only tr~ and llefd athlete to win gold medals at four successive Olymplads. Is profited. ID MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Flickers" II looks as though Arnie's movie may never be completed ·· money runs out and so doeslts star (Part 6) Q ( 1 hr.) ~ MOYIE "The Wandetars" ( 1979, Drama) Ken Wahl. L1rida Manz. The members of a tough 1960s street gftng In tbt Blon• d~t that the processes or growing up and telling In IOv& are much m?'e • f1it'f'CllrGcdlf;MPtrltftOtt.J~ ot•Nr1lb19S!Oley ve taken port In 'R'<fU hl'Jllff-f)l't' •rll vAw .... __ _ ·---.-.... Thursday (continued) CE) WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT Highlights or a second ellmlna11on match will be broadcast from Spain (2 hrs . 30 min I CO MOVIE "Atlan11c City" ( 1980. Drama) Burr Lancaster. Susan Sarandon. The estranged hus- band of an oyster bar waitress arrives with her preg nant younger sister and some stolen heroin, which he wants an aging hood to sell for him. 'R' ( 1 hr . 44 minJ_ 9:301J CJD OIFF'AENT STROKES Wllhs is tempted to "buL lnends with marl1uana. (R) O U QQ) POLICE SQUAD Detective Ofebin poses as a shopkeeper to bust a protection racket fl) UP ANO COMING "A little Romance" Francine faces the most dif11cutt decision of her life when she finds out she 1s pregnant. (Part 1) (R) O 10:00 D ti) Hill STREET BLUES A $50J)OO reward is offered tor informa1ion leading ro the arrest of a pubhc defender's murderer. and laRue. following his latest binge. 1s told ro find a new job. (R) ( 1 hr ) l um«m NEWS 0)20 /20 TO THE MANOR BORN THE LAWMAKERS Correspondenls Linda Wer- theimer and Cok1e Roberts 1oin Paul O\Jke tor an up- to-the-m1nute summary ol Congressional act1Vtttes. {I) 33 BROMPTON PLACE (Part 4) ( 1 hr) 0 MOVIE "Wollen" ( 1981, Suspense) Alben Fin- ney Diane Veno1a Police are laced with an unusual problem as New York City is invaded by a pack or d1sp1aced wolves. 'R' (1 hr .. 55 min.) 10: 15 MOVIE "History 0 1 The World --Part I" ( 198 t, Comedy) Mel Brooks. Madeline Kahn Man's 1llustr1ous history --lrom Neander1hal cave- men to the Spanish lnqu1sltlon --1s examined 'R' ( 1 hr . 33 min.) 10:30 d) NEWS I SIGNATURE Guest Arthur Ashe U~POMPEll MONEYMAKERS MOVIE "The Children" ( 1980. Horror) Martin Shakar. Gil Rogers A strange radioactive cloud turns a group of schoolchildren into murderous zom- bies with black hngerna1ls 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) (%) MOVIE "Blow-Up" ( 1966, Mystery) David Hemmings, Vanessa Redgrave When a young Lon- don photographer has some of his pictures blown up, he discovers what appears to be a murder (I hr . 48 min) 10:40@ MOVIE "My Fnend Irma" (1949, Comedy) Dean Martin. Jerry lewis A rather dlmw1rled wom- an becomes involved with two men (2 hrs . 10 min) 11:00 8 DU ())®> 61) NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED F~ IT JOE FRANKLIN M0 A0 S0 H BENNY HILL BOTANIC MAN "While Death, New Life" A look at how glacial achvtty has aided large-scale agrrcul- tural ac11v1ty ID DICK CAVETT Guest· mag1c1an Tony Slydini ~)TONY BROWN'S JOURNAL "The Other Battle" Tony Brown reviews black partic1pa11on 1n the mili- tary (R) CC) MOVIE "Htgh Country" ( 1961, Drama) Timothy Bottoms. Linda Purl An escaped convict and his handicapped girllnend flee to the mountains. 'PG' L! hr .. 32 min.) CL) MOVIE "Slave Of The C?nnibal God" ( 1978, Adventure) Ursula Andress. Stacy Keach. A group ol explorers in search of a long-lost treasure are confronted by Stone Age cannibals. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min) ()) PAT COLLINS: THE HIP HYPNOTIST Volun- teers from the audience respond comically to hyp- nosis suggestions made to them by this entertainer. ( 1 hr.) 11:3011 Cl) QUINCY Ou~ncy meets wllh tough oppo- sllon when he tries ro save the life of a high school football star. (R) ( 1 hr .. 10 min.) 1J GD WIMBLEDON UPOA TE A report on develop- ments at the All-England Tennis Championships 1s l sented. (IJ ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE MOVIE "Blood On The Arrow" ( 1964. Western) Dale Robertson. Martha Hyer A cavalry prisoner who had survived an Apache massacre tries to help a couple recover !heir chlld from the Indians. (2 hrs.) I THE JEFFEASONS LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE MOVIE "Fontamara" Michele Placido. Antonella Murgia A small Italian village struggles against fes- ciSITl while one man leaves pohtles behind for a bet- ter Ille In Rome (2 hrs.) • HUMAN FACE OF CHINA "Son Ot The Ocean" Viewers are taken on o riverboat journey along one • •.of Jtle.~ llt8 1allol'•,~1work.i0f1111ater• ways -the VlflQ&UJ111(911 (fltf' 111 u • ..i ·•1tAnt EYES FOR 007 -Roger Moore is James Bond. A gent 007 of the British Secret Service in "For Your Eyes Only," beginning in July on The Movie Chan nel. Moore can also be seen weeknights at 6 in "The Saint" on KHJ-TV (Ch. 9) '11) CAPTIONED ABC NEWS (I) SPORTS CENTER 11:450 fm THE BEST OF CARSON Host Johnny Carson Guests James Garner. Joe Garag1ola. Lar- ry Adler. (R) ( 1 hr ) 11:65® MOVIE "S O.B" ( t981, Comedy) Wilham Holden Julie Andrews A movie director who has 1ust hnished a mulll·mtlllon dollar turkey goes from attemp1ed suicide to a bizarrely inspired re-shooting of his epic. 'R' (2 hrs . 4 min.) 12:00 U ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT D @) VEGAS Dan competes w11h a gorgeous sleuth 10 capture the killer of three pnvate detec- tives. (R) ( 1 hr . 10 min ) (!) MOVIE "Wild Women 01 Wongo" ( 1965. Adventure) Pat Crowley, Ed Fury Men become enslaved by Amazon women and mus1 work for them (2 hrs.) a» MOVIE "Anna And The King Of Siem" ( t946. Drama) Irene Dunne. Rex Hamson A widow accepts a post in Siam as turor for the king's chil- dren. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR MOVIE "Sparrow" ( 1979, Mystery) Randy Her- man. Don Gordon. An amateur prlva1e detective sets out on a mission to hnd the murde1er of a popu- lar songwr1ter. ( 1 hr .. 26 min) (I) MOVIE "Le Sex Shop" ( 1973. Comedy) Juliet Berto. Claude Berri. A bookstore proprietor finds instant success when he stocl<s his establishment with sex manuals and marital aids 'A' ( 1 hr . 32 min) _ g MOVIE "The Lale Show" ( 1977. Mystery) Art Carney, Liiy Tomlin A seasoned private eye encounters blackmall and murder when he comes our of retirement to locate a cat belonging to an offbeat female client. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 12:30 '1 COUPLES A mother finds herself 1n between her boyfriend and her son ~NEWS TOP RANK BOXING MOVIE "Shanks" ( 1974. Comedy) Marcel Mar- ceau. Ts1lla Chelton A deaf-mule puppeteet uses a mad scientist's llfe-embulng formula to avenge the way his sister and brother-In-law had treated him 'PG' (1hr.35 min) (%)MOVIE "Hussy" ( 1960, Mystery) Helen Mlrren. John Shea. A nightclub hostess becomes Involved with a mys1erious underworld assocta1e who Is threatened by her rrn.Jrderous ex·lover ( 1 hr . 35 min.) 12:40 II (I) MCMILLAN & WIFE A cryptic message Is the only clue Mac has to finding the klller of a former~ colleague (A) ( l hr., 50 min.~ 12:45 0 G WIMBLEDON TENNIS Same-aay cover- age of the women's semifinal matches (from Wlm bledon. England). (2 hrs.) CC> MOVIE "A Face In The Crowd" ( 1957, Orama) ' ,. ·Andy M t1to,,1P1"lcla Neelt~'"'911d 9oet11f0m a rr'l'ol•Jlfl °" tu-ntboqet•~)tlonQ:>n tn.111'*"'~' his humor and musical talent (2 hrs .. 5 min ) 12:50® MOVIE "Island 0 1 love" (1963. Comedy) Robert Pres1on, Tony Randall After tricking a gang· ster 1n10 pu111ng up the money for a movie that flops, a writer and a prooucer head tor Greece where the producer falls in love with the gangster's niece (2 hrs . 10 mtn.) 1 ~00 U MOVIE "The Devil To Pay" l 1930, Comedy) Ronald Colman, Loretta Young A rakish young llb- ert1ne tastes the fast, free life ol a bachelor as long as he can before sert1ng down roots ( 1 hr.. 30 min) Q) MOVIE "Dear Dead Delilah" (1972. Mystery) Agnes Moorehead, Will Geer When a woman accepts a housekeeping job at an estate, she doesn't realize the terror that will follow, as lam1ly members searching ror a hidden treasure are sys- tematically murdered. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 1:100 MOV MOVIE "Roar Of The Crowd" (1953, Sc1ence-F1ct1on) Howard O\Jtt, Helene Stanley ®'NEWS 1:30(ID SPECTACULAR EVENING IN CANADA Pohltcal humorist Dave Broadfoot, rhe Company Royale Dancers and lemale impressionist Craig Rus- sell are featured 1n a labulous evening of entertain- ment from Toronto 2;00 (tt) GOn A DANCE. Gon A SING This retros- pective look a1 movie musicals includes perfOfmanc- es by Astaire and Rogers. Shirley Temple. Gene Kel- ly, Manlyn Monroe and Elvis Presley and clips lrom "Carousel." "The Ktng And I," "West Side Stor-y," "Cabarel' and "The Rocky Horror Picture Show • U hr ) 0 JOAN RIVERS COMEDY HOUR Adult puppe1eer Barclay Shaw and the Trop1cana Dancers are tea _ lured ( 1 tir ) 2:05 (!) NEWS 2: 15 (Z) MOVIE "Blow-Up" ( 1966. Mystery) David Hemmings. Vanessa Redgrave When a young Lon- don photographer has some ot his pictures blown up. he discovers what appears 10 be a murder ( t hr .. 48 mm.) 2:308 NEWS 8 MOVIE "The Unholy Garden" ( 1931, Mystery) Ronald Colman. Fay Wray A dapper Br1t1sh scoun- drel with a penchant lor adventure gets involved with crime and romance ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (!) MORNING STRETCH m MOVIE "Phllo Vance Returns" ( 1947. Mystery) William Wnghl, Terry Austin. Following the murders of a weallhy playboy and his fiancee. Philo Vance is pressed into service to 1nvest1gate ( 1 hr . 25 min ) g) MOVIE "Dracula's Castle" ( 1969, Horror) John Carradine. Otto Kruger. A vampire and his wife kid- nap young girls 1n order to drink their blood. ( 1 hr . 30 min) CS) MOVIE "In Goo We Trust" ( 1980. Comedy) Marty Feldman. Andy Kaufman. A naive monk is sent out into the world to raise money for his 1mpov- er1shed monastery. 'PG' ( l hr . 37 min) 2:-40 1 NEWS 2:45 G)NEWS 3:00 MOVIE "I Satled To Tah111 Wtlh An All-Girl Crew" C 1968. Comedy) Gardner McKay. Pat But tram A young man tries to prove his seaworthiness by sa11tng ro Tahiti without male help ( 1 hr . 55 min.) ~JOE FRANKLIN NEWS MOVIE "Return Of A Man Called Horse" ( 1976, Adventure) Richard Harris. Gale Sondergaard An English lord returns to America when he learns that the Indians who Initialed him into their tribe have los1 . their modest preserve to trappers. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 9m1n.) CE) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "t971 British Open" ( 1 hr.) 00 MOVIE "Far. From The Madding Crowd" (1967, Orama) Julie Christle, Terence Stamp. A wlllful young farm girl betters herself, bul destroys three men 1n the process. (2 hrs .. 50 min.) 0 MOVIE "For Your Eyes Only" (1981, Adven- ture) Roger Moore, Topot. James Bond tracks a criminal who purloined a top secret British defense device. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 5 min.) 3:560) MOVIE "Philo Vance's Gamble" ( 19•7. Mystery) Alan Curtis, Shella Ryan A keen-tlyed detective and his girlfriend set out to tackle a bat- lling mystery that nearly costs them their lives. ( 1 hr. 35 min.) '4:0011 RAT PATROL (!)JIMMY SWAGGART (I) SPORTS CENTER 4:05 all FUNTIME 4: 16 (%) MOVIE "The Gong Show Movie" ( 1960, Comedy) Chuck Barris, Robin Altman. A TV host musl contend wtth a variety of obstacles, locludlng ne1work censors. to put together a collectlon of bizarre acts 101 his show. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 38 min.) 4:30 8 VOYAGE TO THE BOTIOM OF THE SEA (!) JIM BAKKER CID PAT COLLINS: THE HIP HYPNOTIST Volun· teers from the audlenoe respond comically 10 hyp- noels suggestlOns made to them by thla enterta1nef (1hr) I A •t>i · 4:38al.l 1 DREAM OF JEANHIB>,"M~ 1tl\WAt1 t7 ..... tO co I\) I I I I I I I I , I I I l t8 ~Letters Q) ~ ~ Burke took job cP Fl LL 11-J Tl-IE Ml ~SING L.E'T'f€RS ttJ IH£ '1 IV WORDS" BELOW. Who was the host of 'Tattletales'? ~ in '12 O'clock 1-ligh' I IL.IE! I ~I IMIPIBIEI I I IRll IMI I ITll M I >. as STACK DECKED -My father and I botb :g remember Robert Lansing iJJ tbe role of General u. Sava~e on the TV version of "Twelve O'clock gi HJgb. ' But we caot't recall wbo replaced him. Was ....J It Chris Roblnsoo, now playing Rick Webber oo By W. WILSON CASEY "General Hospital"? ~ After he wrui sh ot down in action an 1965 at the § end of the Cirst season. Savage was replaced by his a: fonner junior officer. Joe Gallagher. Paul Burke played Gallagher, who quickly rose in the ranks from Captain to Colonel to fit his new starring role. Chris Robinson then joined the cast to protect Gallagher's rear as tail gunner Sandy Komansky. DEAN OF THE DEN -When I was a freshman iJJ blgb school ()970) all my friends watched "The Partridge Family,'' but I watched a sbow that ran orposite It and starred Andy Griffith as tbe dean o a posb prlva te .school. Now, of course, ao one bas ever beard of th.is series. Cao you belp? CBS tried to off-set the youthful popularity of "The Partridge Family" with "The Head.master, .. a half-hour ligh t drama starring Griffith as Andy Thompson. head of The Concord School It was about as successful with the general audience as 1t was with your classmates. SAINT MA TE -Please settle a dispute in our oeigbborbood. Dave Sasu St. James and one-time "Saturday Night Uve" producer Lorne Micllaels gotten married? If not, wbo did Susan St. James Sports Highlights From Page 5 (from Talabanya, Hungary). l11sh Sweeps Derby (from Dublin. Ireland) , Survival ot the F111es1. Part 4, w11h men's river-bridge duet (from New Zealand) ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 2:00 U @) SPORTSBEAT m THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 2:30 U @) AMERICAN SPORTSMAN Johnny Rutherford, former Indianapolis "500" winner. com pletes an Air Force pilot training program and parti· c1pa1es in a mock doglight. actor Marlin Sheen observes the behavior of three trained Alrlcan ele- phants as they are re·introduced to therr Kenyan homeland. (R) ( 1 hr ) m OOOOER DUGOUT 2:45 m DODGER PRE-GAME 3:00 CD BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Hous· ton Astros (3 hrs ) fl) WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT Hlghhghls of a second ellm1nat1on match will be broadcast from Spain. ( 1 hr ) fJD SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES Pennsylvania vs Rocky Mountain ( 1 hr ) 3:30 D OUTDOOR LIFE Featured ltshing and swim· minll!_n Panama. (2 hrs.) D @) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Mario Andrelll and his son challenge the LeMans 24-hour Grand Prix of Endurance (from LeMans. France); US Outdoor Track and Field Championships (from Knoxville. Tenn.) (1 hr . 30 min) (()HORSE RACING WEEKLY 4:00 i SPORTS CENTER 4:05 WRESTLING 5:00 GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "'Frank Rob· 1nson·· Host. Tom Seaver CE) SPORTS TALK "' 1982 NBA Draft" ( 1 hr • 30 min.) EVENING ILi IUI IGI I INIT1 1 -1-s !-Ol1 IKI IN~I I IO I Nl ··6~r;J~i-" ~ ~€AR£NU5€ Tf4E_ 6~~ fNt5 fWAJ .. t..ET18ZS You Fie.LED 11J II )~ ! lo S?Ell IHE N.W.€ Ck A fj\'y z j DRAMATIC ~tires ~ 1'..;;( I I I I I I I I I i 111111111~ f "7'1f~~,. ~99 -~9{'11;1 ~.i ~ ~zjtj) (\71 °3WIJ. °Ml71.J '713'1tf'b ttn9 Stlf'l5"'/ recently marry? This 90unds like a "SNL" sketch -"Name T h at Husband." If you h ad guessed current "Saturday Night Live" producer Dick Eberaole, you might have won yourself a chance to become Susan St. James' next husband. She and Ebe1"80le w ere married last year. Send your letters to Pepper O'Brien. United Feature Syndjc.ate, 200 Park Avenue, Room 602, New York, N. Y. 10166. Monday JUNE 28, 1982 EVENING 6:30 fJ ®J BASEBALL Regional coverage of SI Louis Cardinals al Philadelphia Phillies, Houston Aslros at Atlanta Braves or Oakland A's at Kansas City Royals (2 hrs., 30 mrn ) CE) PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE From San Jose. California. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 8:00(() SPORTS CENTER 9:00(.E) LACROSSE ·world Championship" rrom Baltimore, Maryland (2 hrs .. 30 mm.) 11:300 Im WIMBLEOON UPDATE A report on developments at lhe All-England Tennis Champion· ships is presented. (()SPORTS CENTER 12:30(.E) PKA FULL CONTACT KARATE From San Jose. California. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 2:00(£) ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE World Champion Boston Celtics vs. Dallas Cowboys ot lhe 1960's 2:30(£) SPORTS TALK " 1982 NBA Draft" (I hr . 30 minj_ 4:00 (£) SPORTS CENTER Tuesday JUNE 29, 1982 EVENING Copley New• aerwlce I . Who was the host of ··Tauletales." ::i husband-and-wife type game show? 2. When "Rock Concert" comes t.o mind, a certain ind1v1dual with the initials D.K as sponsor should also pop up Who was the person with the initials DK.? 3 With Rex Humbard, Oral Roberis. and Jerry Falwell as leaders. what topic of discussion lS present? 4. What does "CBS" stand for? 5 Name the stlver-haired actor Clut:S. Adam Ben .. Alpo. 6. On the CBS drama, "The White Shadow," what was the occupation of Reeves (Ken Howard)? ANSWERS: 1. Bert Convy t . Don Kirshner 3. Rellgloo 4. Columbia Broadcasting System 5. Lorne Greene I . Hlgb school basketball coach TV Teasers are available m the book, "TV Trivia QUJz." which includes more than 300 questions and may be ordered for $3 from Case Co .. 101 Lafayette St.. Spartanburg, SC 29303. Wednesday JUNE 30, 1982 EVENING 7:30 CE) RAQUETBALL "International Champion ships·· Wendell Talober vs. Don Thomas 8:00(f) NASL SOCCER New York Cosmos vs San Jose Earthquakes (2 hrs ) (!) SPORTS CENTER 9:00(£) PROFESSIONAL RODEO From Mesquite Texas (2 hrs) 10:35@ BASEBALL Houston Astros al Atlanta Braves (3 hrs) 11 :00 (E) SPORT'S FORUM 11:30 0 Q) WIMBLEDON UPDATE A report on developments at the All-England Tennis Champion· ships 1s presented. ([) SPORTS CENTER 12:30(£) AUTO RACING "USAC Sprints" from Terre Haule, Indiana. (2 hrs .. 30 mm.) 3:00(£) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS ·· 1970 B1111sh Open" (I hr) 4·00 SPORTS CENTER Thursday JULY 1, 1982 EVENING 7:00 (!) GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Bobby 8:30 RACING FROM YONKERS 8:00 ~SPORTS CENTER Rig~· Host. Reggie Jackson 9:00 NUMERO UNO American discus thrower Al 7:30 Cl) BASEBALL San Otego Padres al Los Ange· Oerter the only track and held athlete 10 win gold les Dodgers (2 hrs •. 30 mtn ) medals at lour successive Olympiads. is profiled. 6:30(() POLO "Mtchelob lniernallonal Gold Cup·· ( 1 8:00CE) SPORTS CENTER (E) WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT hr .. 30 min.) 9:00(!) RACING FROM YONKERS h h 1 h II b 8:00 (E) SPORTS CENTER (!) PKA FULL CONTACT KARA TE From San Jose. H1g hg ts ol a second elim1na1 on male wt e 9:00 ([)SPORTS TALK "t982 NBA Ora tr· ( 1 hr . 30 California. (1 hr . 30 min.) broadcast lrom Spain. 12 hrs . 30 min l minl_ 10:30(E) INSIDE BASEBALL 11:30 8 GD WIMBLEDON UPDATE A 1epor1 on 10:30CE.J RACQUETBALL "Ektelon Champ1onsh1p" !0:40 al) BASEBALL Houslon Astros at Atlanla developments al the All England Tennis Chomp1on ( 1 hr ) Braves (3 hrs ) ships is presented 10:451 SUNDAY SPORTS PAGE 11:00 CE) NASL WEEKLY ([)SPORTS CENTER 11:30 SPOATS FINAL 11:300 Cl) WIMBLEOON UPDATE A repor1 on 12:30(!) TOP RANK BOXING CE) SPORTS CENTER developments at the All·Engtand Tennis Champion· 12·45 8 GD WIMBLEDON TENNIS Same-day cover 12:30(() LACROSSE "World Championship" from ships ts presented age of the women's semltinal matches (from W1m Baltimore. Maryland. (2 hrs .• 30 m n.) (E) SPORTS CENTER bledon. England) . (2 hrs ) 3:00(1) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS"' 1971 British Open'' ( 1 12:30([) BOXING "U.S.A. Junior Olympic Tournament 3100(1) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS " 1971 British Open" (I hr.) Finals" from the U S Air FOfce Academy (3 hrs.) hr.) 4 :00 11no:J b~M~d a ~~~~6~~fEHT~ I :t11111114fftilo;;Oafl111111111r: ------------·---------- TV Puzzle 5 ACROSS t,8 Shown, plays Bobby 34 Martin or Jones on Dallas 36 Hot -of M'A'S'H 13 Taylor or Parsons 39 Actress Susan 14 Starred on Cassie & Co 40 Joan Van Ark rote 15 Mr Hunter's lnslgne 43 -and Abner 16 Let's Make a -45 -Got a Secret 17 Our cont 46 Plays W1llona 18 Miss Miies' sign-oil 48 Yoko 19 Actor Wallach 49 Nickel symbol 21 Beverly of opera lame 50 Mr O'Connell's 23 He and -sign-off 24 TV -51 ---Camera 25 Comedian Louis 53 -Little Time 26 Prime time 54 --of Two Ci•1es 27 Susannah or Dick 56 Rote for Pernell 30 -Magazine Roberts 32 Mr. Eastwood's 1ns1gne 58 -Gagnier on House 33 Miss Bancroft's Calls monogram 59 Miss Funicello DOWN 1 Fountain and Rose 2 Actress Elizabeth 3 Miss Tennltle's sign-off 4 Buttons or Barber 5 Aumont's Islands 6 Mo-·s Law 7 Dancer Gene 8 Rather and Tanner 9 Miss Merkel 10 Mr Granger's inslgne 11 Co-starred on Mann1>t 12 Saudi neighbor 20 Quincy co.star 22 John -Carre 23 Whitman. to pats 28 TV pioneer corp 29 Cliff on Dallas 30 Plays Barney 31 Kimono adjunct 34 Louie on Taxi 35 CBS logo 37 Mideast org 38 -Strip 39 Miss Shore 40 Neighbor of MD 41 Gillette or Loos 42 Live and - 44 Played Mary Richards 46 Miss Heatherton 47 Fed 50 -1n the Family 52 Roddy McDowall rote 55 Mr Paclno 57 JFK's WWII boat SOLUTION EMERGENCY ---------- DOCTORS OFFICE THE ATTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A convenient alternetlve to hosplt•I emergency rooms for: ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough, Professional & Personalized Care ADULTS AND CHILDREN No Appointme11t Needed • Immediate Attention Given WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTED OPEN: 7 DAYS A WEEK 385 DAYS A YEAR I A.M.-11 P.M. (714) 1e.2-e300 •M8RG•NCY DOCTORS OFFICE 4030 8'rch St.., Suite 107 Newport Beach 405 FWY Q Dove ~ Quall i ~ 5 15oFF your first visit ------with thl. coupon - See what we have to offer = :1111111111 cau;Jif D .1111111 ii RETURN WITH IJS ro... ;,lj ·IY;i~'~" GARY COOPER . ·.i FOR SAFETY ... SECURITY ... CONVENIENCE Automatic Garage Door Operators by Stanley LOWEST PRICES IN ORANGE COUNTV "We Are Never Undersold" STANLEY Mdl: 201 u tanley Digital "High Security" $149.00 Radio controls -three signals -- ~rq ~. ~I . I IRVINE STANLEY f'oay or Nighl Prompt. courteous - _conscientious service. Sala & Service .... <O CD P\) ' "'""'1r{lu'1i!nl:t.d~ a~!!; ~o~rl N! 312361'.l!m-··· ··~ 0 ~ Liza accuses Jesse ·.::: u. gi of attempted rape _, ~ By LYNDA HIRSCH .§ ALL MY CHILDREN: Whl'n JCSS4.:' runs out of gas C: and dwsn't brmg Angil' home until two m the morning, Angn•'s falher c.•nds lhl'ir relatronshrp Following a t'Onfruntauon w11h Liz.a , where he shoves her. Jesse rurJS off wh1•n he dtSt'OVers she ts WK'onsc.·1ous Coming to, Liza lymgly ()CCUS<.'S Jl'SSC of Jtt.emplt-d rape, 1neanwh1le. Jcsi.e has run off to Nc•w York Jenny call'> Opal from New York but ref~'S w return home Jenny meets agent Jackie Diamond. who says <\he <:an help Jc•nny with her modeling career. In prison. Ray plots revenge on Opal. Palmer gets Sloan to steal back the briefcase with $1 00.000 for Bentley. When Bentley goes to grab the case. Palmer holds a gun on Bentley, who then runs for his hfe. En<:a prepares to be named model of the yl"ar al the Gaba Awards. After Pam tells Sarah about her affatr with Mark, Sarah contacts Mark and warns she will have ht!! )Ob 1f he doem'l end the romance. Wanung to save his marriage. Mark tells Pammy the relationship 1s over and he mwt replace her in his play A heartbroken Pammy takes a stash of Sarah's sleeping palls. ANOTHER WORLD: After Denny's arrest for cmbculcmenl. a hurl Sally disappears Pete and Di find her hading near the tack room and she is united w1lh her family Alice confronts Denny. who promises he will plead guilty, throwing himself on the mert.-y of the <'Ourt. She tells ham never to rt>lum to Bay City and that Steve will ha ndle the divorce Harry reahz.es he has been wrong about St.eve. Locating Bun's stSter Alma, C«1lle assures her that she hates Blaine as much as Alma does, causing Alma to agree to come w Bay City. Quinn's former boyfriend Lyman Harris agrees to be her lawyer, while Steve asks her to stay on at the t'<>mpa.ny Mayor Stem is arrested by the FBI. AS THE WORLD TURNS: After admmmg they love one another, Barbara and Gunnar manage to dig themselves out of the prlSOn created by lngnd and Sven. They run to a barn where a jealous but jubilant Jane hnds them asleep in each other's arms Bob learns from Miranda that the name BiJan under microftJm tape IS Miranda's daughter. As Bob tells this to Tom and Margo, Mr. Big overhears. Miranda has kept Bllan m a French l'OT\Vent that refuses to teU anyone where she is. so Mr. Big, Margo and Tom start a separate search for the girl David is less than pleased when Dr. Forrest asks Ellen for a date. Annie's tesL'I show that she is able to bear children but Karen tampel"ll with the results, causing Annie and Dr. Blake to believe she can never conceive a child. Liz.a hears John ask Ariel to marry him and advises Ariel to say no. CAPITOL: Matt talks Wally into trying lo accept J ulie and Tyler's engagement. WaUy goes lO Julie and Tyler and says he's hurt but he understands. Both Julie and Tyler cannot believe that Wally truly feels this way Roger. a gigolo, continues to work for Danny Dinado m attempts to get Wally to continue hlll gambling. Thomas is obviously in love with Liz but she conlinu~ lo date both him and Jord1e. At the TV stud10 Philip Dane is sent the video tape of what looks like the murder of Shelly Granger. Trey lS upset since Philip got the tape prior to his' guest appeararx-e. and he is fearful 1t wW cause Sloane to question why Philip ran off Philip tells Mark Denning he wants off the secret conumllee Lawrence upset Shelly bel'<luse instead of accepting a one-way ticket to New York she lakes a job as a cocktail waitress. DA VS OF OUR LIVES: Returmng Crom Mexico. RQman and Marlen<\ become aware of how much they IN DAYTIME DRAMA -Mitch Litrofsky plays Tom Bergman on the NBC daytime soap opera. "Search for Tomorrow, " seen weekdays at 11:30 a.m . on KNBC (Ch. 4). r~a.lly love one another. When Kayla asks David about 1he1r future together he says that they do have a future and she's foolish for not understanding that Tony refUS<'S to a<.'('(>pl the truth that he and Renee are haJf-brolher ,cnd siswr. even when medical tests show that Stefano 1s m Cal'\ Re nee's father. SteCano insists that Tony aC\.'t'pt Rt.•nl.'<" as lus sister and holds a party to announce that lumce LS hl5 l'htld C:hns agr('(.'S to stay in Salem and work with Andt'rson Manufa<'turing. but wants no truck with Alex. After k1ss1ng Ali.'X, Mane realizes s he no longer loves him THE DOCTORS: Nola rvah:ws that she loves Tor. not B1Uy, and ~'OOS1ders instead of wedding liil!y she may lt•ad a nomadiC' hfe with Tor Nola tells Carolee that the baby she's ~arrying 1s Tor's, not Billy's. Billy and Tor are unaware that they both had a relationship with Nola and drown their love sorrows together at the Medicine Man. Short on cash, Natalie holds a festival to drum up business Matt decades that he wants to work more as a pracucmg physician than kl'E'ping hts attention on has chief of staff post. Crooks br eak into the Aldrich family crypt. EDGE OF NIGHT: Raven famta when she sees Guy and then conruse11 htm With J eCCerson Brown. When Make explatrJS to Raven she rouJd lose everything. she clamlS that she was never marned to Jefferson Brown. but was forced to say so Sky promises not to press charges against Raven If she admits that her first husband was JeHerson Brown. Jodie continues to have her ptC'ture painwd by Chad Damien IS reinstated to the pohce force after an anonymous phone call W poltt'e and thinks that Poppy was his anonymous savior. GENERAL HOSPITAL: With David dead, the SJ>t'll over Laura is broken Fired from her job, Jackie plarJS lo rush back lo New York but Luke and Scorpio managl' lo get her a JOb on the local newspaper. Luke Is given medal of valor for saving the l'OUntry of Mlllkuth. and Luke• decides to go on a t·amJJmg tnp. Gale agrees l-0 cvalual.I' Heather for the court while Dr. Katz is on lcaH• or absence. Furious when Joe breaks date with her to take Cvnthta back to msmutton, Heather taket Sruuy up on his desire to bed down. Edward advues Allin to bed down w1lh Monica in order to slOp the divorce. Following nn argument with Monaai, AJan does take he r tn bed Claudia and Rick discover a sponge uaed on Johnny JUSt before he had has "heart attack" and believe that medication on the sponge cuused \he ailment. Johnny and Amy break up JU.St as she gradualt'S from nursing ~·hool GUIDING LIGHT: Knowing Cam~ is working 1.-ite wllh Josh nt his suite, R06S stops m and discovers Came and· Josh .,n bt'(f Although Carne tries to fom anulht·r mental blackoul, Ross sees through It. Al the carnagt- house Carne tries to seem inn()(.•enl but Ross leaves her She's dehghwd to have given R~ grounds for d1vort'<' A Vl'ngeful Came nps her wedding gown to shr<'<h L.tlN on C:arru."s other personality takes effc><:t and a d1str{~-.t'll Sarah rushc-s over t.o her Sarah then tnsJSts that Hus.' rt•turn Ht• fmds Carne comatost' from swallowmg pills Jnd rushes her to thl' hospital Kl'lly 1s ordered lO ..... m h Carne aU night in her locked ward. As he turns his b.Jck. Carrie bashi>S him with a drt>SSCr draw<'r, kn01.·king hurl unc.·onst·1c,us S he es<:apt>s. rpturns home. l·nlc.·rs th• lito<lroorn .md stands over ~ with a pair or S('l~•r' Quint d1S<.'0Vt.•rs Nola in Londun and she tells hm1 sht• h,L, found a not1.-ll(1CJk whtC'h shows a suc.•r(•t barge.• bc•longinit tu the· an~ l••nt l'U lt Quint 1s so int'erei.t.t.J m Ju,lm realru·-. C...rrw h,c. thr t•atl'm'Ci to IA.'11 Ph1l1 p truth .1hout his par1·n1agt< ONE LIFE TO LI VE: Bo rt'turns llw uc.·1·<1 10 Muunhll I•> As:J and dec1dC"S u1 lc)Ok Cur ml"ntl•·r. 11! tu n.;1uri1l falht•r's family. Ev1:ryo11e 1s !!tunned wtwri J\,,, d1,·1dc.-s to give Moord1tf w Sadit.· lla ll for lwr E~pli...t t.'hurch Unaware of Jup1ter'i. ~bot.age· plan.,, Bu t..1kc.., 1h1 Soll•ramtte car for a test run As hf• '>IJl'<'CI!. luward •It• IOO-mtle ltm1t. lhe t·ar t'rasht>S. goc>S up in flam~ A..,., runs toward 1he car as ct blcrws up Jenny think.., K.i11111o1 c. vbsessed w1lh Marv M1m1 offerc.od a SCrt'<'n lt'Sl b\ .m llalwn filmmaker Edw111a agrees l<J write :,;cTl-t•npla\ fur Marc-o. Hl·rb furious when Donan has l>Jrryl O<N' • ari 1und Vilrtous plac.'CS in town to gel something on I lt•r h Kyle D1t·kin~n rcsc.•ut'!> Cassie from brawl m bcir RYAN'S HOPE: Holhs forces Ray mto a fa1111lv dinner and Kull says m front of Ray 1f she could haw a11y father in the world she would choose Hollis. To get Kim away from Hollis Ray offers to ny her. Pat and Jack to Vl•nicc. Kim accepts and then without telling Ray mv1t£.,, llolhs on the tnp Siobhan tells Joe his par• In thl• burning of the Crystal Palace was wrong, but 'ht• know\ lw bas changed Thts causes the enllrt' family to bl• an11rv with Joe and Siobhan. Roger apologt?.('S to Jam• but ·"'"' h(• feels she's ch~n Ox over him. Jane telb Ox l.cJ .:c·t Roger's pearls baC'k lx'<'ause she wants to retum them .ind end their relauorish1p SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Ordered by L11.J\ kidnappers. Travis shuts down Operation Sunburst AJ3 admits to Dane and Travis that she·s a double agl·n1 Travis, Dane and AJ3 pursue Liza's kidnappers an Europt.· Peter calls off his plot against Martin but the gamblers Ul.'<'1de to lure Maron an on their own large·stakE'S gam1 Brian lt'lls Suzy he never loved her and USE'S Knst~·n tu ma ke 1t look as if he as telling the truth instead or tryeng to prowct Suz.y £rom being trapped into caring for a bltnd man. Marlin confronts Ted about deceiving Brian and Suzy In his get-n ch caper but Ted shows l1t1le remo™' Tom upset when Kathy says she's leaving Hl"nderson for Washington TEXAS: Judith tells Grant thal Rena 1s harassing her and he warns Judith to leave his wife alone. Grant also tells Judith she need not rush to move out or the house. Stryker reveals to V1C'k1e that he has three children in South AmenC'a Nita informs Bally Joe she plans to work m New York. T.J . hires Jenny as has SC<.·retary To impress Lurleen 's Aunt MavLS she and Ruby throw a large party at the Spmdle Top Country Club and then hlre the Top of The World Club for another party. Unaware that they have been using stolen money. Lurleen and Rul.iy are stopped by pohl'<' Ashley agrees to move into the mansion wtlh Justin for Gregory's sake. Alicia plans to keep working al World 011 tn keep an eye on Rena. YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS: A fter being druggf'd by Pam. Carl ls arrested by pohl>t.' After she has told them Carl beat her up and then made h('r PllY over $3.000 protection money. the police find $3.700 hrddi>n ln Carl's home and refuse to believe it was a plant Carl lells Mnry he wants Patti to krnlW nothing of his proble~ until after her marriage. Although engaged to Andy. Jill 1s in love with John. When Carolyn offers to be his mistress Kf'vin says he is tired of being mampulaterl by women, that Includes Nickie and Carolyn Carl ts un('ertain that Mary believes his story that he was nnt on th<• lake 2823 east coast highway 675-10 I 0 fine statialery coraia del mar • ~(JO f .60~ . ...................... , .. , 'Days of Our Liyes' has Roman holiday · By LYNDA HIRSCH Q: I'd like to know about tbe actor wbo plays detective Roman Brady on "Days of Our Lives." He is wonderful. What's his name? Is be married or not and bas be ever appeared in prime time? - R.G.M., Warrington, Mo. A: Wayne Northrop 1s married. He and his wife ~ave no children. but have just adopted a seven- year-old dog. Wayne was seen as the chauffeur on "Dynasty," and he seems to be the hot actor on Days of Our Lives. Q: I would Uke to know wbat soap Genie Francis is on now. We keep cbanglng tbe cluulllel1, but can't seem to find ber. -M.S., Portland, Ore. A : Genie's not on any soap opera. The actress left "General Hospital'' with no great desire to do another soap, but I;; will see her in the CBS mini-series "Bare nee," where she will play Linda Evans' daughter. Q: Can you tell me if the little child wbo plays Alan Mtcbael Spaulding on "Golding Llgbt" Is tbe natural child of tbe woman who plays bls mother Hope? He looks just like her. -C.H., Richmond, Vt. A : No. Elvera Roussel has no children. The baby came from central casting and yes, he does look much like Elvera. By the way, that's what casting directors try to look for. Q: Jost wut to tell you tbat "Guiding Light" aot oaly outda11e1 all U1e re1t of the soap operas, bat It also oatcla1sea an tile television day or nigbt. "Guidi~ Light" 11 tile best tiling that ever uppen OD televlslon. How 11 It doing in tile ratln11, a tboagh It could be tbe bottom show and I'd still be waickiag It? -S.N., Mancle, Ind. A: "Guiding Light" is doing just fine in the ratings although it's not No. 1. lt is usually a respectable No. 5, and we think it will be moving up. However, the general daytime schedule changes TROUBLE IN PARADISE -The course of true Jove doesn't always run smoothly on the popular daytime drama ''Guiding Light," as exempfilied by popular actors Lisa Brown and Tom Nielsen, who portray Nola R eardon and Floyd Parker, the unmarried parents of baby K elly Louise, seen weekdays at 2 p .m . on KNXT (Ch. 2). in September, with "Guiding Light" and ''General Hospital" at 3 o'clock, but instead of "CHiPs" to contend with, they will have a psychological talk game show called "Fantasies" to be hosted by Peter Marshall. It ls another step in NBC's alternative programming .. ieuMalr.eu Qullt Shop ~ . 270lllAlt9C)ll&VD. <Nat To~·s, •Adlmtl 641-3112 Tetel>hone F.A.l.R. et (71 .. ) M2-o11t ·'902 Talbert Ave., Unit #5 Huntington Beech Bring this Advertisement with yoq. tor a free ....ion. you """' O!I tor• ... l!M!!t .,... 31 ~ 0 -Newsroom dress: 'chic' to 'casual' ... < From Page 3 r color, the shades of scarlet and powder blue i1' her t8 traditionally tailored suits. ~ "I spend an awful lot of money in order to have 5: a good selection (of clothes)," Ms. Allison told the 11> Cashion writ.er ':.< On the other hand, Channel 7's Ann Martm 2-" admitted she doesn't spend enou(ih money on her :::> wardrobe. Her Channel 7 comrade Christine Lund ~ sometimes "wears mappropriate sportswear on <.n camera," Ms. Jones conunents. _. But Ms. Lund defended her distaste for high ~ Cashion by saying. "I think it would be very wrong N for me to show u~n the air just like I walked off Rodeo Drive. I h e a personal aversion to doing that. Anyway, I ink fashion is beyond the grasp of most viewers, and I'm just like them." Good grief, Christine, don't let the viewers who went nuts over Connie Chung's buttons hear you saying that! And let's not leave the men out of this. After all, Channel 2's Jess Marlow wears "well-cut jackets and spiffy suits" that comR}ement the visual e legance of Connie C hung's a nd Marcia Brandwynne's apparel. Over on Channel 4, Ms. Jones tells us. John Schubeck's traditional navy suits and regimental ties go nicely with the classic suits favored by Cynthia Allison and" Tritia Toyota. Well, I for one feel much better informed now that I know how Connie and Cynthia and Tawny and the gang put their wardrobes together. I also know that Jess Marlow would never be caught dead ln my gravy-stained tie. It's someh ow comforting to know that international wars may come and go, cancer-causing foods may be found and denounced, inflation and unemployment may rise and fall, but the TV news teams will remain confidently color-coordinated. Oh, and one last thing: Love the turquoise earrings. Tawny. no matter what your bosses say. • • t~ - • I I~ .' ORIENTAL RUGS EXPERT ADVICE SAVES MONEY A REFRESHING APPROACH TO M ERCH ANDIS ING O RIENTAL RUGS We, dealers, as knowledgeable as we are. to make it easy on ourselves, buy new oriental rugs by the grade and quality by the square foot. Therefore, at SHAH "N SHAH ORIENTAL RUGS. in order to make ii easier: for the CLIENT we sell our new rugs by the square foot by the grade and quality listed on the rug tag and on your purchaae invoice. '2,S00.00 THE ADVANTAGES OF SQUARE FOOT PRICING B Y TllE QUA LIT Y AND GRADE: Sta.nda.rdJZaoon: Knowing what you are buying and acquiring your money's worth. Reputable dealers will mark the quality of the rug. 2 Facilitates easier comparison shopping, expedally if the sizes vary somewhat. 3. You CJJn compute the cost by the gride and quality and per square foot price 4. You end up with • better rug. or a similar rug, for less money. 5. In cases of misrep~ntarion, where the quality is not correctly marked you have legal rerourse for fraud, etc., here or elsewhere. ~~ 'JS.00 §tr. Ft. '360.00 YOUR RIGllT TO KNOW Regardless of where you buy your rug It 18 your right to receive the grade and the quality listed on ynur invoice. Here we do thiH without the client asking for 11 Buying .an oriental rug should be a happy and pleasant expenence We do ju&t that for you. And we sell our rugs for less. The countries that produc:e the1r rugs by grade and quality a.re as follows: Chuta, India, Pakistan and Rumarua. On new Iranian rugs the qua/iry may be determined by the knot count per square inch. ' '4,SOO Any work of art du play1 the 1piril 1hal made it. Thae l'U8JI a.re letlimony 10 the beauliful people'lhal produced lhem. CALL FOR A COMPLETE LIST OF OUB VARIOUS QUALlTIES & SQ. FT. PRICES SQ. FT. PRICES ARE LISTED IN OUR WINDOWS AT BOTH LDC\ TIONS .- w:'E T.4KE OLD RUGS AS TRADE-INS OR BUY THEM FOR CASH CX>Ml'tETB SUV/a. All-* d«te an our,...,._ by T1:l1RD GENDATION operu J. APPJt41SALB ol -or old "41' for~ by rlwU.,... end quality: Wit.I or wrlllift'L 2. c.nuw. ~ bbwlbw. ,.. Nia ,_,.i, bl8di.t:w ,_,.i, ,.._""16, .... .cc, He. We Alao 0uTy Wall To Wall Qrpt!fing, Ceramic Tile and Hardwood Flooring AC Cost+ Ia.. II Yoo C.n .Find Anylldq We Carry Ftw U.. El~wbere, Buy II. MAny Drpartmenr Sl«W and Ilfakn .re~~ OU&ls How IWJWne are lbse ~Are you t'Nlly ~ wbar you~ f4Yfn6 fort Shop them before eheir ..JN /or• ip«:/Cic ltiem and Ulttl '1>0p diem durfnl their' aJsfor~ FREE EDUCA TION1 Re6i•ter for • FrH Semintu on Orient"1 Rup 1l~eo b1 M0#!9 K.' Otuounjaa. DIN to Ille ou,."'8di1J6 •uCCH1 of ot1r Juae 1111' ~minar we wm be IMlldi• aaolber -pletue ull for Ume. Shah 'n Shah Oriental 9425 E. COAST HWY. ,. 2090 S. MAIN ST. CORONA DEL MAR r&nv.n ll.Mflold & N.m.u.) Rugs I SANTA ANA (&twNn lfdllWf!' Ir ~ -... 111111 CUil lllTllliTll llACll I f 1111111 IAlllY F RIOAV. JUNI ;>• •. 1'187 Ol~AN (..t I 'llJN I Y I A l If OH N IA 25 CENTS Take aspirin, bUt watch your stoinach Bv JOEL C. DON Orthe D.it1 '"°' atett The phy111c1on's adagt• a bout two aspirins may not Ix• tht! bt>st remedy for whatever a ils you. ac<.'Ording to a UC lrvane sc1cnt1i.t who has studat'<i \he popular pain killer for more than 12 years Dr. Kevin Ivey, UCl profossor or medH·1ne and <:htt:'f o f gastroenterology research at the VA Medical Ccntt.>r tn L ong 81•u1·h , has repo rted the 30 mtlhon Amt.•ri<.'ans who t.ak<.• the non-prescription drug on a daUy basts run a high e r risk of• d<'veloping a bleeding stomach which could lead to gastric ukers. "There potentially is a danger," he said. "But you have to put 1t an perspective. The nsk o f some th i ng Hc ri o u ~l y h'np!>('ning h1 rdutivcly small. "H you look at It from the point o f vie w of th e gastroenterologist, 50 ix•rc.-ent of the people who come.• in with maJOr (stomach) bleeding have an association with aspirin." Ivey said arthritic pauent.s who took at least e1~ht aspirms a day for a minimum of thr<>e month11 had a 2!) percent chance of getting an ukcr. But aspirin, which erode& the stomach's protective mucosal lining. has been shown to t.•ause damage in just about every user, he said., Using a fiber opuc lllBtrument ca lled an e ndoscop e, Ivey examined the stom ac h s o f research subjects 10 ml11ules after taking aspirin. He fount.I 20 per<.-ent damage to surfoc.oe cells l ining the s tom ach in a ll participants. But. h e noted, the body's natural repair mechanisms healed the stomach lining wathan a few hours. StiU, Ivey believes aspirin ts a good drug that can be takt>n imCt•ly af U8(•rs takt• udvantagl' of methods t.o rcdut.•c its t•orrosive i>fft.><:t on 1h1• st.omaeh Ht!. rt.'<:ommendattorL-. 111du•le tJktng asp irin c.•uu tt•u .v11h .t -ipN·aal c hC'ma·al lo pfl•Vt.•n1 absorption in the 11tomaeh, ust• of a homt·madt· bufforang solution and mgesuon of aspirin with u (See A PlRIN, Page AZ ) Furious bombardment unleashed Israel's goal: PLO destruction Jumbo jet takes plunge Lebanon ' Airliner lands saf.el y after 25,000-foot drop • • prell11er JAKARTA. Indonesia (AP) - A British Airways Jumbo Jet plunged 25,000 feet when four engines sputter'ed out an flames as the plane flC'w through ash cloudl' belching from the Galunggung volcano an West Java. officials said todav The pilot restarted two of the plane's e ngines during t h e harrowing dive and the Boeang 747 Limped here Thursday night where It made an emergency landing, air traffic controllers al t h e airport said All 239 passengers and 16 crcwmcmbers were reported sarc but scar<'CI from the ordeal. "It seemed to go on for an eternity Ever ybody was petrified," said passenger Gerry Middleton. a tor operator from Perth, Australia. He said passengers sat and prayed as tht! engmes belched flames and the cabin filled with acrid volcanic smoke b1Uow1ng from air vents. "( looked out to see the near engine on my side apparently on fire and the two engines on the other side seemed to be burning. too," Middleton said. "Then all the engines stopped and we went into a steep dive." The plane was on its way from London to P erth, fl ying south of Jakarta at an altitude of 37,000 feet, when it sudde nly hit tht• ash cloud and all four engines stalled. 15-lB employees Huntington cable · layoffs disclosed By ROBERT BARKER 01 the Deity Piiot Sttll Layoffs of 15 lO 18 Dackmson Pacific Cablesyst.ems workers an the televis1on company's design department wc·re disclosed an a letter this WC'l'k. County gets Fresno ranch murder trial FRESNO (AP) The• murder trial of a man chargC'd with murdermg a Fresno Cou"1ty rancher was moved to Orange County Thursday A change of venue for Skip White. 35. already had beC'n granted because of pre>-traal publicity Sup<.'nor Court Judge Dennis Caeton annoum·ed the trial site a f ter check ing the availability of outside counties Caeton then continued the Cas<' until July 29 to determine when the case can be heard in Orange County Superior Court. White 1s chargt.'<i with killing Rive rdale rancher J osC'ph Norbert Flores whose charred body was found an the trunk or his fire-gutted car m July, 1980. WORLD The company ope rates in HClntington Beach, Fou ntam Valley. W estminster and Stanton Officials say the system is now fully designed and that all the drafting work has been done except for apartment units where there are no c·ontracts. An explanation of the ·tayo{{s, which a pparently caused concern wi thin the Public Cabl e Television Authority. was made in a letter from David Edwards, vice president of Caltfornla Cablesystems Inc. to John Bateman, executive director of PCTA Califorrua Cablesysterns ts an affthate of Dickinson Pacific. Edwards said the reductions were overdue and had been delayed because there was a possibility of transferring the workers to other California Cablesystems companies. Edwards not ed th a t construction "has always been ahead of sc hedul e . Our performance compares most ravorably with that o f any system in California." He said in the letter, however, that because of high interest rates the company may not fi nish <.'Onstruction of the system in the fo ur cities until October of 1984 (See CABLE, Patte AZ) Let's take a month off .. T he whole world needs to take a month o((, suggests columnist Andy Rooney. Page A6. • STATE 'Messiah ' I ails to show A Pakistani leader touted as the Messiah has railed to appear as predicted. Page A4. Film stsr acquitted LOS ANGELFS (AP) -Pornographic film star John Holmet was found innocent today of four Laurel Canyon murders and one attempted murder last sum.mer . • aarhne and air trafftl' off1c1als said Passengers said at took the aew 12 minutes to level the plane orr al 12.000 feel after r(>Starting two of the enRmes. The volcano started e'rupung earher an the day, sending ash as rar as Jakarta, 125 mJles away fl was unclear why the plane's crew was not warned to keep dear, but offtc1als said later that the area was closed to aircraft. The Galunggung volcano has exploded 10 limes in two months, killing a t least 30 and leaving 60,000 homeless. The 9,154-foot mountain had been considered dormant s ince 1ts previous eruption in 1918. Video store appeal never materialized By PHIL SNEIDERMAN o(ln. Delly Pnot at.tt Fountain Valley residents. d1ssat1sCied by the Planning Commission's approval of a video store carrying X-rated films have reneged on their vow to appeal that dcc1s1on to the City Council. Over objection s from some res id e nts , th e Planning Commission on May 26 approved a conditional use permit for Star Home Video, 16040 Harbor Blvd .. by a 3~2 vote. AP Wlrepholo RAVAGED BY WAR -Apartment buildings in the Cornich Mazrea s uburb of West Beirut stand in rubble after Thursday's Israeli air attack on the residential neighborhood. Witnesses said the apparent target was the nearby headquarters of the pro-Palestinian leftist "Moorabitoun" militia. • resigns BEIRUT, Lebanon \AP) Israel's Jets and gunboats unlc.-a!.hc•d a rur1ous b o m b a rd m c· n t o f g u c r r 1 JI a posattom an west &>arut today a nd Dcft'nSl' M 1n1stc•r Ariel Sharon said the· PLO was on Its way to "<.'omplet.e d<:'Stru<:llon .. lsrach tanks also dosed m on tht.• Syrian garrison an Aley after taking strongholds on either s1dl' along thl• kL•y highway to Damasc u s, a nd Lc·banest:- tek·v1s1on said ;:;rach armor was on the move t\l'iff tht' Beirut airport Prime Manastcr Shafak Wauan resigned, charging that Israel's relentles.5 assault was "escalated blackmail that rC'nders me unable to exccUt(' the dutt('S of my o ffi c e .. H e handed his res1gna t1on to Pres1den t Eltas Sarkis at tht• Baabda palact.• Ci!> thl• lsraelt bombing set off hug(' fires m Wl'Sl Beirut Lebanon's top lefust leaders and Pales t ine L1be ra11on Organization ally Wahd Jumblatt also annount-cd has r(-sagnauon from the National Salvation Council which 1s trying to resolve the national crisis. Hl' told a news conference Israel's demands for an uncondauonal PLO surrc·nder were una<.'l'<'Ptable Jumblatt o;;11d the Palesttne L1bcr at1on Organ12at1on wa:. rPady fur an hl)norablc ~urre>ndt.>r. "but I don't thmk lsrael wall g1vt' 11 to them They (the lsraelis) JUSt want to kill them (the Palestinians) and kill them and kill the Lebanese with them .. The Chr1st1an Voice of <See ISRAELI, Page A2) Opposing residents, who said the sale and rent.al of X -rated films was morally objectionable and might bring an undesirable e leme nt to the n eighborhood, said they would appeal to the City Council But City Planner Don Contrama n said the appeal period expired last week. with none hied Debbie Klopfenstem . 16079 Mt. Prie to Circle, one of the leaders o f the protes t. said residents were rieterred in part by the $125 filing fee. Also, she said, some residents were led to believe such an appeal would be fruitless. Baby's sparked death? • cries S he added, however, that she has con veyed he r ob1ections regarding the store's X -rated materials in a letter to the City Council. Despite the expiration of the appeal period, the council has the right lo reconsider the Planning Commission's decision tf four or the {ave council members agree. COUNTY A homicide prosecutor has asserted that a 10 -wee k -old infant who died a year ago an Huntington Beach was subjected to ultimately Catal abuse by his young parents because he cried a lot. ln opening s t ate m e nts Thursday to a 9-woman, 3-man Orange County Superior Court jury. Deputy District Attorney Bryan Brown said that young J oey Green's incessant crying was thl· "basic reason" he was Big names at OC Fair .Big name entertainment will be heard nightly during the ''All American" Orange County Fair July 9-18 in Costa Mesa. Weekender. Walking to feed kids Eighty people are trudging downcoast Crom Santa Barbara to Tijuena to raise money for poor children in the Mexican city. Page Bl. TELEVISION Clothes make the anchor For thoee who broadcast newl on television, clothes make th~ man or woman. Pilot TV Log. a '\ beaten and violently shaken. His parents, Sidney Green. 24, and Cynthia Eva n s . 20. are charged with murder an Joey's death last June. Brown said that doctors who e xamined the baby after his death found that he had 12 separate brok e n bones throughout his body. including a broken collar bone. "This baby virtually had all of the long b ones in his body broken." the prosecutor said. INDEX A4 84-5 A5 82 CS,Dl-6 C6 C6 C7 A6 At Your Service Business California Cavalcade. Classlfled Comica Cro.word Death Notices Editorial Entertainment Home/Garden Horoec:ope Weekender 83 Bl SPORTS Brown said the breaks in Joey's bones caused him to be in pain and c ry consta ntly , gencraung more abuse. T he prosecutor said evidence would show that the baby died after being v1olcntly shaken by his fat.her on JunC' l , 1981. The attorney for Mass Evans. Donald Rubright, told the jury then' would be no evidcnc.-e to show tha t s he s hook Joey, although he said that she did spank and hit the child Intermission Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notices Sports Stock Markets Televialon ThNt.en Weather World Newa Weekender B2 Weekender 84 A3 B4,C7-8 Cl-4 Bl) TV Log Weekender A2 A3 Angels, Dodgers win big ones The Angels and Dodgers both wln crucial game:! against divisional foes. Page Cl. "' H/ff --~'\' \\t Continued stories CABLE LAYOFFS • • • rrovldlna revtinu ronllnUl'S to "11 II h () r I (Ir l' x fH' n l' Ii II n d lult·rt. .. t F'.dwnrd111 WIA!I not rcut'hl.'d for t·ommtin\. but Dougl111t Rook, gtin-.ral mnnoteor or Pl<'kinson P{teltlc, ~Id th1•n, had t~n "an lntt>rnol R11nw plan" tu finish consu·uc·tlon by the C'nd ()f l98J. Huntingto n Bt'och City Councilman Don MacAJllster. u represcnl.ilivt• of lhl· PCTA an organization whu:h oversees thl• supervision and l'onstrucllon of the cable telev1s1on company said lhert> would be no delays in Huntingum &•ad1 The cable ha!>n't reached llll' Huntington Harbour area but MacAJhstcr said tht-work should start soon MacAlhsu•r and &•n Nlt'l~·n. Fountain Valley's PCTA r~preat'ntutlvt•. 1110 nnoun~'f'o tht•y Drl' t>t.'(•klng u c·hol'\it-In tht' lK'hl'<iult• of puynwnt of revenues from thl' t~ompany to tho lour clUi'S. They are aski n ti t h1H the company make payrnenl.'I from sub:K·nption fees on a quart<-rly basis inslcud of yearly so cltlt•s cun muke gr~oter use of thf' morwy. P CT A ~f icia Is l'& r l 1t'r annuunt~ al revenue would s tart comi g to the cities by January 1983 However . that time was changed to 1~84 because of a bookket>ptng C'rror Huntington Beach City Council has called for an audit The PCTA has received about $400.000 from the teh.•v1s1on l'Ompany for startup ~ts That money must be repaid before.• th(• c1t1zens st.art getung revenue' ASPIRIN DANGERS. • • prescription drug that rl•duct•s acid sc<Tl'llons in the stomal'h. Enter1t·-1..·oated aspirin allows the drug to pas..'> thruugh tht• s t o m a c h . w 1 I h t' h l' m 1 l' a I breakdown 111 thl• 11\U.'Slinl·. A third teaspoon of baking s<x.la taken with two aspinns appears to have a buflcnng C'ffcct on the s to m ach. But lVl'Y clo{'sn't rN·ommend that nwthod for chronil' aspmn users. b<.:caust: of the possible dang{'rous rise m blood alkalinity C1mct1d1m•, a popular ukt.'r drug, can bc takc•n with asp1r1n t o l1m1t prOUUl'tlon uf hydrochloric <1l'1cl in tht• !>lOm •. l('h. he said Aspirin 1s ('SJX't'ially popular among patients sufh:nng from arthnt1s. rheumatic d1S('aSCS and gallstones And researchers currently are s tudying lls apparent preventive valuf' for h(·•1rt disc.•ase and stroke victims lv('y said aspirin substlluks such as Tylenol, the brand naml' of a<:l'taminophen. s hould bl· cons1dc•rf'd. But some doctor:; an• l'Ol1Cl·rned about reported toxic effc'<:l of Tylenol when t.akc•n in large doses "f think aspmn is a Vl'rJ good drug. I like it," he added. "Thl' m('s.,;;age I'm trying to get across 1s one should be more cautious Jnd thl're are other way~ o f taking 1t ." lvl•y's findings, part of an o ngomg research effort. wert' presl•nt<'d at a symposium -;ponsorc'Ci by the Intemauonal A.ssoc1at1on for the Study of Pain m Mainz-Frankfurt. Germany ISRAELI INVASION. • • Lebanon radio blared, "The battle for Beirut has begun!" a:; Israeli armor took thl' Syrian stronghold of Jamhour, six m1k'S west of A.Icy. and moved to hnk with other tanks that t•aptun-d Bhamdoun. three miles cast of Aley. Syna charged tht> !srat•hs used n erve gas 1n the battle for Bhamdoun, but lsrael denied 11. Sharon. visiting troops in Lebanon. told Israel radio, "The PLO 1s on its way to c·omplele destruction m Lebanon and in Beirut, if we will not leave them now," signaling Israel's rC'SOlve to keep up th<.' pressure on the guerrillas in west &1rul Sharon also said the Israelis had taken control of the Be1rut- Damascus highway from Syrian lor('es, denying resupply to the PLO in west Beirut. , "For the first lime since the Syrians invaded Lebanon six years ago. they lost their strategic control over Lebanon, and by that the PLO lost its main or maybe only ally ... the only one who could have saved it " The cutoff of Aley wiU shield Israeli ground forces besieging Lebanon's ~apital against harassment from their rear 1f they go into Yasser Arafat's west Beirut enclave to crush the PLO and its leadership. The Voice of Lebanon srud the command headquarters of the pro-Syrian ~a1qa guerrilla organization near Beirut's midc1ty race tra c k was devastated by Israeli jets. survey rejected Jo' u u 11 t u 1 n Va I k y ~<.'ho o I D111t1 ll'l 1ru1<h'(: h1.1w rltJl'<.'tt.'<i ., proposal lo •urvcy parents bdore opcninM u second middle i.chool (grudl'!I ll lX through eight) in 1983 Thi· distn1..·twidl' survey was suggl•titl-tl by some parents who oppust• tht• district's plans to l'onvcr1 thrN· kindergarten through c·i~hth gradl• sites into middll' i.t·hools o\ier the next thrc<.' yt•ara. But ot Thun;day night's board meeting, the trustees decided against th(• survey m a 3-2 vote. Trustet>s Carol Mohan and Jim WOl."St favored it, and trustees ChC'ryl Norton, Roger Belgen and Suzanne Moor1• upJ>OS(.'<i it MN>. Norton said ::.he ocheves the survl.'y. as sugg<.'Stecf. would -;olic·1t opin10ns on st'vcral issues. but would not be useful m the d1str1t:t 's 1mmL•d1ate middle :s<:hool planning She said the duanrt early next year will qul•s t1un parents of older studc•nLc; at Ma'iuda &hool. l•arrna1 kl'CI a:-tlH• n1:xt middle .<.l·hool, to ht•lµ dl·termine the l'XfX't'll'd Masuda t·nrolhnent for th1..• following tc•rm In a rL·latl.•d matter, the trustcc·s unanimously approved $14,600 in C'xpend1turcs to nmovate Talbert School, which will open as the firl>t of the three proposed middle S(:hoob this fall. The alt.crauons would mdudc installation of a woodshop. a home econom 1cs room and physical education l'hanging rooms Distnc·t off1c1als s<ml all renovation 1s expel·ted to be completed 1n timf' fur the September Opf'ning of school Japanese hit spy arrests TOK YO (AP) -Japanese press rc•ports have criticized the United Stat.C's' use of undercover FBI agents to nab employees of two of Japan's largest e lectronics firms 1n the "computerscam" industrial tc"Spionage case. The scandal, involving the Hitachi and Mitsubi sh i electronics giants. broke Tuesday when the FBI arrested seven Japanese and two Americans in California and issued warrants for 12 more Japanese. They were accused in an operation involving the pW"l"hase of computer secrets stolen from lntcrnauonal Business Machines Cor p . America's la rgest computer-maker Cooling trend due Coastal Hazy allernoon sunsnine today Highs 68 to 74 Considerable low ctoudlness tonight and Saturday Lows 54 to 62 High' Saturday 64 to 70. T emperatures Albany Albuque Amarllto Asheville Allanl8 Allentc Cly Au1hn Balli mote Biiiings B1tm1nghm Bismarck Boise NATION , HI l o Pre. 74 45 94 67 93 63 25 78 64 89 67 72 62 94 68 09 78 55 60 57 89 60 70 •7 87 60 06 78 59 97 79 70 55 ~"<>"• w .. , ••• S.....:• 100 ..CAA 1. s 0.01 Of c-.. c• Elsewbere from Po•nl Conception to the Mexican border and out 60 miles Light variable winds tn the ntgnt and morning hours. turning we51erly 8 to 15 knots lh•s evening end tO to 20 knoll Saturday allernoon Wtnd waves 1 10 2 feel tnls afternoon Southwest swell 1ncreuh·•g to 2 to 3 teet loday Moslly cloudy W1th only partial clearing during lall elternoon and evening hours today end Saturday Boston Brownsvtle S...rttngton Casoer Charllln SC Charlsln WV Charllte NC C11eyenne Chicago 72 53 28 84 78 Fronts Cc'o ...,. War~ ... Qcc,uoeo .,.. Sta!iorary •• 80 53 81 66 68 5'l 29 82 "'63 78 5• 75 51 88 70 01 89 55 103 77 U.S. C1ncinna11 Cteveiand Summary c1m1>1asc Columbus 86 69 76 49 Orlando Ptullldphla Phoenix PltlsburQh Piiand. Me Piiand. Ore Providence Raleigh Reno 73 •7 7• 52 86 6• 76 55 76 64 Strong thunderstorms end scattered tornadoes hit lh• cantral end western Plains, pounding the region with h••I. drenching rain and lllgh winds Tw o 12-year -olds died Thursday In Obef'lin Ken • alter being swept down a storm drain 81 lhey played In knee-deep water loltowlng a drenc111ng lhunderttorm The storm• hit western Texas end western Oklahoma. along wttn pans of Kan11&s, Nebraska Colorado and Wyoming Scaltertd thunderstorm• allo hit northern Michigan, th• Pac111c Northwest. lhe e11t«n Gull Coast llnd soutllern Atlantic reg10n1 Today's lorecut called lor 1c1t11r1d 1hower1 end thundetlhOwer• over tlte Peollic NorthwMI, Gr'81 Belin, no<1hern Rocklet. toutharn end central Plaln1. lower end mlddll MlulHlppl Valley. Florlde, end lrom the lower Gr11t lekn to New England Sunny 1llles -• predicted for Iha mld-At11nt1c cout llhd much ol 1111 Sou1hwMI Temperetures lfound the nation before dawn ranged lrom 44 In ()rand FO!kl. N D to 89 In PhOenlx. ArlZ California TM Nellonal Weathet Service predict• "'°'' nlghl and morning cloud lnets and reluolanl afternoon eunal'tlna Inland 11111 Mekend. Thi dnerl• mould ~ clear but breezy w ith IOCltll-terly wind• 10 26 mph. .. turday'e lllOht fhOuld range ffonl Ille mid 70. In lOt AllQMN MCI 11 beeCMI, ~ 7< 11\d IO In mountalnt. trom 92 to 10' In 1118 high cMMt1 tnd ~._ 100 #Id 10I In tll8 IOw cM8er1. Dal-Ft Wth Dayton Otnver Des Moines Detroit Owth Et Paso Fargo Flagat11tf GrHt Fallt Hartford Helena Honolulu Houston lndnaphs Jacksn MS Jacksnvlle Kans Cuy LH Vegas Uttle Rock louisv111e L.ubbocl! """1phls Miami Milwaukee Mpls-St P Nashville New Or1e1n1 New York Nortolk No Piette Oltla Clly Omaha 88 68 61 77 54 73 5• 02 89 69 17 57 75 44 100 82 72 41 17 <41 73 •7 78 51 74 50 01 87 7- 92 77 32 78 57 92 69 93 70 53 87 71 100 75 86 72 03 78 57 8A 63 90 73 84 75 82 6A 03 19 57 63 85 57 91 70 79 82 79 80 85 55 82 61 56 87 8A Sall Lake San "ntonlo Seattle Shreveport Sioux Falt• SI Ste Mar .. Spokane Syracuse Topeka rue son fulS8 Washlngln Wichita 81 46 01 117 63 94 75 88 58 89 69 83 7' 20 69 46 •7 88 62 73 51 85 87 99 68 77 68 03 80 64 7'\ 64 03 CALIFORNIA 'lakersfleld 91 68 3lytlle tOS E.urtkl 64 SJ •resno 89 GO t ancuter 8• 81 01 Angelel 7 1 60 Monl«ey 88 Needles 104 Paao Robin 78 52 Rid Btulf 83 8 t Redwood City 77 8 t Secramento 79 55 S.itnu 70 53 San Diego 7 1 85 San Ftancltco 85 5 7 li ...... .......-= ..... -su ....... R~f R_EP_DR_T Todey't locellon Huntington Blufl• Hunllno1on Pl« Sante Ana 1111...., .i.tty 40th St. Newport 22nd 81. Newport B1lb01 Wectoe Aoclipile. Legun1 Sllepy Hollow Thalle-Broot<• A•~:-· ,.4 4 4 t 4 4-5 4-5 4.5 2-3 8en Clttnente Pier TralllOtr {T-S"llM') ' 2~ Cotton'• POllnt 2._. Wt ft lhtpe lair fair Ir IO Oood good good poor Oood OOOd = I air 511 good 69 San11 Ba•ba1a Senta Maroa Slockton Thermal Uktlh Barstow BIQ B .. r Bishop long Be11ch Monrovia Ml Wiison Newpor1 Beach Ont er lo Palm Springs PRS&dena Slln Bernardino San Jose Santa Ana Senta Cruz Tah04! ve111y Sniog 68 51 71 80 57 101 82 100 72 77 40 84 61 75 61 79 56 79 80 66 61 78 55 101 69 76 56 81 59 76 59 72 61 66 60 71 41 A PSI ol 100 ti prlldlCllld for trte San Gabrlel end Pomone valleys. A PSI of 92 IS forecaat for Banning and metropolitan Los Angelo , 75 for tile Hemet- E111nore region end 58 for the low desert• A PSI of 42 IS p<lldlc111d for all 011111 ereu 1nclud1ng lnlend Orange County, 1111 high dftef1s. coast•I region• end 1111 Big Bear Llkl lfH Where 10 call (loll lr••I for l•t"t amog inlormellon Orange County (800) 445-3826 1.01 AngtlH County (800)' 242-4022 Alv9r11de and San BMnerdlno countlea (8001 387-4710 AOMO Episode Center: (800) 2•2·4&68 Tides TOOAY Second hlgll 2:27 p.m 4.3 8tc1ond low 7:2& p.m. 2.5 8AT\MOAY Flrtt nigh t· 15 1 m. 5.2 Ant low 8·27 a.m. 0.3 Second nlOh 3.21 p.m. ~5 s.eon<l low ue p.m. ~· Sun Mlt today 11 8 ot p m , rt-laturoey 11 5 43 Im ~ from POlnt C~tlon IO.,_~ bonier ewt exi-t ...... ¥8fiet>le wind• during the """' 1nd "'ornlno. t>eco"'lno ••alerly 11 10 10 20 kno11 ~ afternoon ..,ftfl • 2 to ,..,. Wlllll9l'.ty ..... fOMOllllllOW'S TIOH. Hlgll 3·H p.m OlrlC'nOn SOU"'""-Low I 27 • m Swell Moon rt-todey II 10:22 e.m .. Mt• 8t1urday at t 2 o t &n1. a - , ,,, , . , AP Wlrephoto HAIL TO DENVER Firc.•men Ron Packard (ll'l t) and Dort Ezell shovel hail al a D<•1wt·r tntt'rSl't'l10n Tht· ;wt•nm· W<•:-. closed lo traffic for about two hours because o{ high wall'I caused by hail-C'loggN.l drain:-., tht• result of a v1ull·n1 thunderstorm that dumped two 1nc.:ht·s of ram on suml· .in· ... ~ Would Californians convict Hinckley? By DAVID KUTZMANN 01 lh• 0•111 Piiot 81•11 If John Hinc·kll'Y Jr had ht·t•n tried in California for shooting PrC's1dcnt He;igan, 11 1s ·'vNy likely" lw would not haVl' lx·l·n found innon'nt by n:ason of insanity. thl• presidl'nt rif thl' Cal1forn 1;.i State• Bar '"tJ Thursday in NPwporl &·al'h Los A.ngt>ll'S attornl'Y Samul•I L Williams said th<1t thl· rulc•s 11f ev1dcn('e uSl>d m fl·dPral l'OUrl whl'rt' H1m·kll'V wa~ trit•d in Washington o· C . an• much different from California's in regard lo 1ru.amly taS<.'S EvC'n before' rcn·nt c·hangl'S enat'tE'd by voter-approv1·d Proposition 8, 1t would have lx't•n difficult for President Reagan's assailant to gain an msanlly-!>tyll· aequ1ttal Wtll1arns. in an inll•rv1c•w following his appearant'e bt.•forc.· Town Hall of California at the· NewportE'r Inn. said federal rule:. require the pr~ut1on to prov(• beyond a reasonable doubt that a defendant who pleads insanity 1s actually sane Jurors interviewed s<.>on aftN Hincklcy's verdict had ~id thev believed the defendant wa-b gwlty, but that the prOSl'<:Ullon had not conclus1vely shown him to be sane. In Californ1a, however, the burden is placed on the dcfonsc, Williams said. A man or woman who pleads not guilty by reason of msamty must prove the claim. rather than the prosecuuon having to show that the defendant 1s sane But the evide nce showing msaruty. Willtams said, need not be conc lusive beyond a reasonable doubt. Instead, the defense would have t.o prove Its insanity claim through a * * * prepond1•ram·1• of lhl' I'\ 1d1·111 ,. lhat 1::., thl' 111<1J<>r1ty of 1•v1d1 111·1 Thl· proSt"t'Ullon"· 1·;i-,1• mu'>t Ix fJfOVl•d "bl•yund ;, l't'ilSOll;Jhl1• doubt.'' thl' Los Angi·lt•s ,.11orn1·~ :.md stale bar prC's1tknt said Williams said ('.tldur111.1 ·, rt·gulat1ons aH' :1 111•11t n ·spons1blt· posll11m l•H ti ... lu l.1< Ill" And h1· pn d11 t1 d th.11 th• ft•dt•I id rull'S SOOll \~llltld 'h.1111-:1 IX'\'Jll'I' ol H1m·kh '·.., •" q11111.il 'I think then• 1::. httll· doubt th1·11• '~ t 11 ht• ci sub .... 1;1n1 1 a I 1 l l'\aluat1on of th1 fr·d• ral t ult• .... 1111 1n-.an1ty," he !><Ud Propo:.1twn B . .Jppro\ 1·d In votl'rb earhC'r 1n th•· month 11ghll•nc<l Cahforr11a.., rul1·-. •111 insanity deft•ns(·s Chief Deputy D1stnl'l A1t11rrw' Jaml'S Enright saJd th.it lwf11r1 · Propos111on 8. thl· l..i\\ .1l111v.1·d ,, <il·fendant lo t la1m thJt ,., l'l1 though he knew wh.11 lw \.\. "" dmng, he could cb1m 111111111 ·1111• bv insanity 1f a nw11t4il dltll':~ .... pusht•d htm forw<1rd With PropO!:>lltott H. Enril!hl -,;11d. the voters st1fl1 ·111·d 1 ht rull'S by el1minat1ng thl· ..,11-t·allt•d "1rresistibk 1mpulsC'" 1h•lt•11M and returnin g 10 prt•\'1uus Cal1forn1a law ol showing whether a defendant k1w\.I. wh.it he was doing ant! 1f h1· k1w"' ht• was violating th1· righh ot another contract settled • I l ur11111~tt111 lk·11d1 Union lhgh St huul 1>1 ... tr11·t II \lbll'l'' hav1• r<1l1l11·d 1·rn1t1:w~ M'ttll·menlJI with ull llti.,u 1t•t t>mpl11y~t: group• l'Xl'l'IJt lnwht·n, '1'1 w.11·1·'> .1pprnv\·d fi pt.•rt·enl p.1v 1..i1"4 ·.., 1111 tlw mur1.• than 600 tulll1111>· rli""1t11•d l·mployt'<'S, in.1n11g1·1111•111 IH ·r•;nnn<'I. workt•NI 111 ttw l l1111tmgton f~·urh Pupil s •. I \ II I ... 1\ ' ... ., l' I a t I ( "' ( th re e 1 11\rn"·l111-. .. 1 Jl'Vl'ltoloKlst and r 1· ... 01111 • 'l11 1·1.d1~ts) and '1111,1111111· lt·.ll'lw1 ~ ... nu worker.-; t'11 ... 1 • 11 th• 1.1l"t'!> whu.:h take , I I•·\ 1 11• "t '' 1, k 1-. , ... umull'(! at ~ I 111 111111 All Pllfl•"''' ti ...... ht'<'rl <h'<.'IJH'<i 111 "' J.!rtl1.111 .. rh ht 1w1·1·n the d1 ... 11 11 1 .111d tlu J>a,tr ll't illut.ators A'~"' 1 •• 111111 41, .u ht•r..) 1\ ht•.11111g 1>1 fort• d Stale !\It .11.1111111 -;, I \'If I of flC'l.'r IS ~ lwcl11lt d 111 \ t \\I \'k 1'111 t11 .... ll l\'l h.1, ol f1•r1.J J 5 JK•111 111 JIJY in• n.·aS(' Tt•achers .11 • ,1-.k111g fnr ;111 11 pt•rccnt pay 111< ''""' ,, f1glln that wa::. 1..·alled 111111 .. ii1 ,111 111d.1 v hv wh11ol board l'1 c· ... 1d1•111 Br 1.11t L.;k•· I .. 1k1 ,,1111 ,, Ii p1•111·n1 intTl'ast• 1" 1".1s1111.tlil1· "wht·n 11ne 11111 1th '" \\ h• 11· Wl' are <1nd ""hr n t h1 , 1·t•onmny 1s Lot ... of llt ·• 1pl• ,, 1' \;, k mg ' ut.-;," ht• sotd N o c a se s for judge afte r vote s \ N D I !-. lr U t A P J l\h11111111 ti .ludg• L1 "'1' \V1 111l·ll 1 still 111.1k111g :.t"i 77fi .1 \l'.ll hut Ill' ..... JUd~·· \\ 1th11\1l .. ('tlUl ll 1101)) I Ii .1 I .... t h I I , ..... ll It "f ~· l\lu11111p.tl C1111rt r 1.n1rn1111·1 ·, \ 1111 Th111....il.t\ to cit 11) 1 ., ....... , lo li1n1 A d,1\ he 1111 c• .111 .1µ1wllalt• fl·'"' I 11! ( )1.mg.· l'111111t\' Suµt•nor l'n\ltl JUdl!t'' l>\'lllUlfl ld \\''•fl/• 11 '"'"I< \ 11111 Ill\ f I Vt• 111 ..... dt•llll .lfll)I I I •lJltl. .... I If '>11111 l\lng p111st1lul1tH) \\'1·11/C 11 ~'I h.J ... bt.·1'1\ tr .... llll IJ'I""" ,11111 \111111-: 11on\llll1.l l:t~l ( 11 t I II\ .J J lll'\ 1n Orang(• ( '11u111 \ ~h11111 Ip.ti l '11url Hl· ..... ..._., ..,, 1111 fl•• d to irl d.1\'' 111 1-111 \\ 1 1111·!1'., n.mw "',t., lound nn I ht't h, ..... net l I •'tlll ',1rd VOUC'hl'n' , 11• l 111 1 1~1l1• • r;11d on .J S<1n IJ1q!o l .111 girl rirtK pnlY.'\'Utors ..... ud In th• 11 ' I \11\1 •. thl .ipJX';ils 1•11IJ.!1 ' ... 11d '\I l1nH 1p.d JudgC' ~ • I 1 111 ... r .1 n k I 1 n ,. r 1 c· d 1 r1 .m \\ • ·11t1f..! ,, 111r11r·, qu1..;llon for 1l.111t11.1ll•1tt on .111 l'>..,U<' At thl' tinlt Vr.111kl1n w,1;. 111 th1· JUry i 111>111 111 11 11 th1 Jlll'tir-. Lht•\' 111uld t.1k1• .1 d11111r·r lm .. 1k 1J1..,111t t 1\ t tu11w' £·:<1 M ilh•r ..... 11.t It• \\ill ...... k the llh 1)1..,tnet l 'mJtt 111 1\p111·•tl lo 11\1·rturn trw ,,,·,r-..tl vo\\111g ·1r lhl'v rdust· Ill d11 II "I "111 fll"IXl•('d In n·lrv tl11 ' ....... An .1ppoinll t· ol l rov F .. dmund B1ow11 .J t Wl·nwl 1 ha~ been 1:1\111 uni\ l'l\ll .1ml traffic· l'3.Se'S '111u l,1.,1· l""t•·mb••r A dl'fl·O.'><' .ittorn•·\ '...itcl W1·nrell will l•llHllllh to 'hov. up for work • Hinckley's trial cost 'millions' 4th of July f ete WASHINGTON (AP) ThC' full cost of prOS<.'Cutmg Johrti W H inckley Jr . may never be ~own. but could total into the millions of dollars. Se<:unty alone cost about $1 million. The jury's ruling that Hinckley was not guilty by reason of Insanity in the shooting of President Reagan and thrE'C others culminated 15 months of investigation and prosecution. Costly psychiatrists entering expert testimony. thousands of hours of tin'le invested by guards. lawyers, Investigators and others as well as food, housing and transportation rontributed to the final bill. The U.S. Marshal's office, which has had the duty of guarding Hinckley since the shooting, faced __2erhaps thf' largest slJ\8le bW, •989,450. Spokesman 8111 Dempsey explained that t h la included $875,320 ln general lK.'CUrity costs for Hinckley. In addition, he aaid, the added protection coeta for lhe trial ca~ to $13. 77~. and the cost oC 11que11terin8 lhe jury five days WU $3,930. set • Ill Huntington The 78th annuC1I Huntington Beach 4th of July parade will st.art at l p.m Independence day at 5th and Mam Streets. It will proceed up Main Street to Yorktown Avenue Rnd the Civic Center • The Ocean View School District recently held an industrial arts fair at the Huntington Center Mall. Winners of trophies for beginning students were Rick Bay1bore, Harbour View: R ichard Doyle, Westmont. Pam Garrick, Circle View: Bra d Gray, Harbour View • A "Medieval Fairt>" featuring costumes, mock combat, games, music and dan cing . will t1ke place Satu rday at Mlle Square Park tn Foun\ain Valley. Tbe Cettivltics. present.cd A C.'t'IC'brallun will follow the pJradl~ at SC'achfC Village. Latl'r Ir\ the evening. a fireworks show will be held al the Huntington Beach High School Stadium. Tickets are available at reduced rates through July 3 at city hall and Wendy Greene, Spring View. Winners of trophies for advanced woodwo rkinl !!tudent s were Crai g Anderson, Mesa View; Anna Bernhard, Circle View; Mark Butala, Circle View: Bonnie Dodge, Circle View, and Mike Recupero, Circle View by the Society for Creative Anachronism. will toke place from \0 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on the east side of the park ~ar th<' Intersection of Heil Avcnu<! a.nd Euclid Street. Thfl public may view the act1vll.ie! without charae- l Medlly found In SJ Valley By Tbe A11ocl1&ed Prt11 LOS OATOS Aerial apraylnti wu exPtK·t«! lo be1ln today over a nlne-1quare·mlle al't'a or C.llfomJa'a luah San J oaquin Valley, one day af tl'r o fortile MecU~rranean fruit fly waa anared In a Stockton trap. Thunldi.)"1 find, the first ever In Stockton and the flr11t In CaUtornla ln seven months, comes juat one wook before workt-1'11 phinned to end thu ital~'• <.'OSUy tmd <.'C.>ntroveraJal ntortal apruymg program. A medfly lnlt••t1.1tlon IHt yur sparkt'd boycotts on Calltornl1.1 produl-e, although no flies Wtirl' found tn any <.'Ornmerclal crops. The petit can lnfeat 2~6 varieties of frulta und vegetables and Is <.'ONiden'CI a major threat to thl' state's $14 billion fuming industry. 6un control measure on ballot SACRAMENTO -An Initiative that would ban r:iew handgun sales 1n May 1983 hu quaHf1ed for the November ballot, placing the g.un C?ntrol issue before California voters for the first llme, Secretary o( State March Fong Eu said Thursday She said the legnlly required random sample count of petHion signatures projected a total of 427,474 valid signatures of registered voters, more than 40,000 above the total needed to avoid a full signature count. 'Lemon' auto bill to governor SACRAMENTO -Sweeping aside conservatives' objE!CtJOns that it would hurt the marketplace, the California Legislature has sent Gov. Edmund Brown Jr a bill to protect car buyers stuck with "lemons." By a 28-4 vote Thursday. the Senate approved ABI 787 by Assemblywoman Sally Tanner, D-EJ Monte. A few hours later, while a huge bouquet of yellow helium balloons floated over a proud Ms. Tanner. the Assembly gave the bill final approval with a 56-6 rollcall on Senate amendments. Marine killed during maneuvers CAMP PENDLETON -A South Carolina Marine reservist was killed and two others injured when they were pinned between two amphibious assault vehicles during mock war maneuvers off the coast of Camp Pendleton Marine Base. "Although the men were pinned, it doesn't appear the amtracs actually came together." reserve Major Michael Moran said Thursday. Amtracs are tanK-llKe ven1c1es mat are able to noat and be driven on the beach with tractor treads. Killed in the early morning accident was Lance Cpl. Robert C. Jackson, 2 1, of Ladson. S .C .. a Marine Corps spokesman said. Spaee erew heading for linkup MOSCOW -French spaceman Jean-Loup Chretien and two Soviet colleagues dmed on creamed crab, pate and other tubed treats as they headed toward a rendezvous today with two other cosmonauts aboard the Salyut-7 orbiting space station . .. The ground control repor ts that the flight of the international crew is proceeding exactly according to the program," Radio Moscow reported in its lead item throughout hourly morning newscasts. Argentine chief vµws freedoms BUENOS AIRES, Argentina -President- designa te Gen. Reyn aldo Bignone, in an unprecedented meeting with Argentina's civilian political leaders, p romised to li ft a ban on political activity nexl month and hold elections by 1984. "l am satisfied," the retired army general said after the four-hour private meeting Thursday with the heads of 13 nationally recognized political parues. The leader of Argentina's second-largest party said Bignone's suggested election date was too late because his government could Call before tht>n. Vietnam denies attaek on ships TOKYO -Vietnam denied "as fabncation" U.S. State Department claims that Vietnamese fishing boats ftred on three American warships last Sunday m international waters. "The kind o f weapons with which Vietnamese fishing boats are equipped are intended for self-defense only and cannot be used to attack U.S. destroyers," the Vietnam News Agency said Thursday tn a broadcast monitored here. On Tuesday the Navy issued a statement m Washington saying the destroyers Turner Joy and Lyne McCormick and the cruiser Sterett were fired upon 70 miles off the southern Vietnamese coast "by a vessel believed to belong to the Socialist Republic of Vietnam." Columbia's countdown continues CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -The countdown for Sunday's fourth flight of the space shuttle resumed today after a planned 14-hour ho ld as workers girded for a big weekend of activny culminating wtth Columbia's blastoff.(~ photo, this page). Dunng the overnight hold, most members of the launch crew were sent home lo rest. A smaU contingent used the break lo pump liquid helium coolant into a top secret Defense Department payload in the shuttle's cargo bav. Assistant test conductor Bob Webster said the countdown has "been very smooth" since it began Tuesday Democrats baek Israeli invasion PHILADELPHIA -Democratic Party leaders today endorsed a statement supporting the Israeli invasion of Lebanon as providing an "oppo r tunity for the reun ific~tion and restoration of Lebanese sovereignty and independence." The document received the support of all the potential presidential candidates attendinR the Democratic Party midterm conference and will be offered as part of an overall foreign policy statement that will be presented to the delegates for ratification. "International terrorism has been dealt a severe blow and Soviet influence has been reduced," the statement said o f the Israeli invasion. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot CIH1lfled advertl1lng 714/642-SUS All other departments 642-4321 Raiding raccoons kil~ third crane MAIN OFFICE lJO Wul B•y SI , C.,,1• Me ... CA Thomas P. Haley Pu-.,,., CN9I l!:<pcut ..... Olllc:• M•ll •cklrH• Boa U60. c ... 1. MeM. CA '261' C01>Yr19111 ,.., o.-co.s1 Putlll•l>lnt c-v BARABCX>. Wis. -Raccoons ~:,~1=~~:;.~!Y~''!~~~ .C:.1!::;,::,1·~~~ raided the International Crane ~=~ •oe<l•'s>e""1u1onorc011V•l9ht_,., Foundation compound today and -D1tee10< °' -1""0 s.<ond c1 .. , "°"_SN..,••,.,, •• MeM. c.11..,,,.. killed a valuable crane for the Tom Murphlne IUPS ,......,, S..O.Criotlon1>vc•rr1•r " 7s"*'1111' tl1ird night in a row, authorities Edttor by m•ll S. 50 ,_,,.,.,. said. ~-Ho1•rwwM ~..... ...,. c;,.,. '°"" o.u, Pilot. *11" •"k"" (...,.. Unde•~rred by a new electric ._ ... ..., Motl.~ • .,, bl...., 1M -Pr .. s. I\ P<IOll\lled l>y 1fle Qt... ..:; 1Ctrou1o11on1 co.tt Pllbllllllnq com-,. S.P¥at• edltloft\ •r• fence, live traps and a patrol of Pl*!lt-MonNy throvtfl Friday tor Cott• -· l" ped · Ken Goddard N•wl*1 llH<tl. Hunt1t1t1on BH<h. "-t•ln va11e,, scientists, a raccoon s 1p mlo 01r~oro10pe<a1tont .,,,,,,.,~•-11.Soutt1Co.st A,..,. .. ......,... the facility's upper compound .Olli.n It PIAlll-SMut-0.YS elld SutlOatt rt.. Ray Mec:L"n 11tln<1pe1 "*'"'int p1-" at no wu1 eav !>1,..1. around 1 a.m. and killed one of Conlt-PO auitt0,caot.1NM,C•otorn1•'""· the t hree StaRley c r anes, 5~~0: VOL. 75, NO. 178 administrator Joan Fordha m "---~._..~,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ....... ' said. MO<wl•v·Fro41Y II vou oo "°' ~••• "°"' ,,_. 0y ~ :IO o "' can oetor• 1 0"' lll'd )'OUr t upy "'" ~ o ...... to S..unley • "Cl &.i"Clt y If'°" '*' ncll -r:'.r co,:r by • "' <*I ~ •m • l'OllrCOO-,•lloe We're Listening ••• Whtit do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below und your messa1e will be recorded, transcribed and deli vered lo the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour answering service may be used lo record let· ters to the editor on an)' topic. Mailbox contributors must Include their name and telephone number for verHlcalion No circulation calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind 642·6086 "*I Or1ng1 Cout DAILY PILOT /Friday, Juno 25, 1982 H/F Al LAST LAUNCH -Joseph W. Schmitt (·hecks the spacesuit that Astronaut Ken Mattingly will wear during Sunday's fligh t of the -~~( spa~e shuttle Columbia. Schmitt, a flight equipment speC'ialist, ts retiring after 22 years of ''suiting up1' astronauts. Probe reveals • toxic waste dumping in OC County environmental health officials revealed Thursday thal nearly seven million gallons of highly toxic mdustnal wastes may have been 1llegally dumped m Orange County tn 1981 The disclosure, sure to 1gntte fresh con troversy over the disposal of the dangerous materials. was made in a report to the county Board of Supervisors. P r epared by th e county Environmental H eal th Department, the study proposed that officials establish a new enforcement-style program that would prevent the i llegal dtsposal of the toxic substances. The report estimates that 100 million gallons of hazardous wastes are produced each year tn Orange County. Of that total, more than 6. 7 miU1on gallons of wastes were never taken to the proper dtSposal sites. the report says. Because of this. the report says. the poss1b1hty exists that illegal dumping has taken place "and should be carefully examined." Environmental health officials arrived at their conclusion on missing waste by totaling the amount of materials reported shipped by companies and comparing this to the records of dump sites on how much was received This showed that the !inns which produce the wastes reported shipping more of the toxic substances than the dump sites reported was delivered to them. The report. which took 21 months to prepare. indicated that 17.3 million gallons of waste were taken to licensed disposal faci11t1es. The rest of the wastes not catalogued as missing were chemically neutralized and poured into the sewer system El Toro site eyed _for jetport again The El Toro Marine Corps Atr Station has re-emerged as a potenual site for a new Southern California commercial Jel airport. rhe mthtarv oase was one of three sites recommended for future consideration Thursday by a search committee of the Southern Cc.hfornia Assoc1at1on of Governments. The two other sit.es were lhe Camp Pendleton Marine Base and a proposed $2 btllion-plus offshore airport in the Long Beach-Los Angeles harbor area. Together. the three locations will be considered by SCAG's executive committee with a final re<:ommendation expected by the end of summer, offtc1als said. lromcally, all three sites have been studied and rejected in the past. The El Toro proposal was dismissed in 1980 by SCAG airport planners as being too <.'OSllv as wdl as noisy. Military off1c1als alsr, have protested any proposPJ use .:>f their Oran1Ze County b2!:C. A fourth site unde r c.'Ons1deratton· had been in San Diego Canyon. But Federal Av1at1on Adm1n1stration rc•present.attves said there would be airspace confltcts with nearby airports such as Chino, Ontario Intc-rnat1onal and El Toro. Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather, a member of the airport r:ommitlee, was unsuccessful in kec·ping the Santiago Canyon alternative alive. "I'm pleased lhat (the commttlee) has made some recommendauon," she said. However. Mrs. Heather said she sttll wanted to see more choices kept tn the running. including sites tn Chino Hills and Bell Canyon NRC rejects delay of On of re start Low-power operation of San Onofre nuclear power plant's Unit 2 can begin early next month despite opposition from coastal residents and Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission denied an appeal late Thursday to postpone the start-up. upholding a decision by the Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeals Board. The appeals board on April 26 approved a license for the 1.100-megawatt addition to be operated at up to 5 percent of capacity, pending the NRC's issuance of a full power License Opponents of the plant said inadequate plans were made to protect the public m the event of a nuclear accident at the northern San Diego County facility. Also, they contend the plant could not withstand an earthquake Brown wrote the commission June 16 requesting a review of the seismic situation and other issues. Commissioners received · the letter late Wednesday, said NRC general counsel Leonard B1ckwttt. The ruling means the plant's operator. Southern California Edison Co., can start up the unit while arguments continue over whether the low-power license should be revoked The appeal of the license will still go through the NRC hearing process but the commission denied an appeal to postpone the startup. saying opponents "have nol made a strong showing that th('y are likely to prevail " during the hearings. SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE WALTERS "SEA HAVEN" Chestnut Color Subtle Tone on Tone Nylon W /Scotchgard s149s INSTALLED CAMELOT "ACCOLADE" Special Antron Plus Nylon Aquamarine s149s INST. LEES "HALLANDALE " Ultron Nylon 4 Colors: Dusty Brown. Woodrose. Twilight Bronze, French Blue s 1395 INST. WALTERS "FAIRCREST" Ultron Nylon Forest Green s139s INSTALLID LEES "GOOD FEELING" Antron Nylon 3 Colors Applewood, Tan, Ohvewood, Bronze. Brown s15so INST. APARTMENT CARPET Nylon Plush Brown st)9S INST. lnstall"d Prlc"s lnclud" NZX-3600 spong" rubb"r pad U'll! Hav~ 90 Day NO INTEREST TERMS . (O.A.C.f DEN'S •••••tee••······· ·installation e custom draperies· . I t • I J . I _...__~-·- Orange Co II DAILY PILOT /Frid y, June 25, 1982 H/F 85 NYSE OMPOSITE TRAN ~AC'TION ., OUOTIUIOlft INC~Uo• •••OHOlt , ....... •o••. MIOllrUT. l'ACl"I(, "'"" IOtTOll, OlflO" AltD Cl .. Clltll&fl "OC• lllC•ANeU ANO ••'4100 I\' TMI ltAIO AND IN\flNlf A uto layoffs decline DETRO IT (AP) l nddin1te layoffs among U .S autoworkers ,dropped lo 222,703 this week from ~23,355 last week whilC' temporary layoffs rose because of plant closings for inventory adjustments, the major U.S. cannakers say The de<:lme in indefinite Layorrs was largely due to callbacks at Amer ican Motors Corp. 's K enosha. Wis., plant where the 1983 Allian<.-e is being produced, the automakers said T hursday. The iemporary rolls swelled to 12,- 200 from 6,200 lut week because o( plant closings at Ford Motor Co. and Volkswagen of America Inc .. Midwest line d edicated WHITNEY CANYON, Wyo. (AP) -A $550 mllllon, 800-mile pipeline that will eventually tron.'lport up to a billion cubic feet of nAtural gaa a day to the Midwest }}38 been dedicated by build era. The •Pan will provide natural au to the M ldwest and -&hrouah existing pipelines -to the East CoUt. Texaco reports oil find • 01a1or SANTA BARBARA (AP) Texaco US A said 11 hu-. mud1· u mu.1or oil dlS('overy 12 miles wc.-st of l'rnnt l'm1<·1•utlon in th1· Snnta Barlxira C'hannl·I Two w1•ll11 huvl' been dnlled, Tc>C:ll'O 'Pok1·sw1mian Hub1•1 llJ W11lmms ~Id ThurMJay. with Liil' fll,l h•st1ng Jl Jbout 4,:.WO h,JI rt•ls J d.ty and tht• Sl'l'<Jrld Jl ,1bout 3.000 "It\ dl'fmill·ly IJVt·r whut you w11uld normally I llld," 'hl· "l.Ud f .,u11ds up for sto"k buys Ultnisystt•ms 1111·01 µ<n ut~·d of l rv1nt.: says It proJl'<.'t..o,; an mC'rea~· ln the• amount of funds av:.11la1Jle lrn pun:hasmg shJrt•s of Ultrasyst.ems common stock by 1L ... f<mploy<'<· Stock Ownership Plan du11ng the l1!>4·al y t.H l•ndtng Jan. 31, 1983. It 1s Jrtl1c1pated that the.· ESOP will huw betwc.>t>n $HIHl,UOO dnd $~100.000 ava1luble for pul'l·hasmg shan.>s of Uhr.isy-;tcrns o n the Opl'n markt•l. Fi rn1 seeking h elp over rumor l'INCINNATI (AP) Officials of Pnx:ter & C.11nbl1· Co hav1• ao,;kt>d funde1mentahs l Cht1suan m1mst1·rs to hl'Iµ thl'm quash a rumor Lhal the t•1..m1pany's tradc•m;,irk 1s a ,,ymbol of dt•vil wursh1p "Tht· lal'l.s art• that this IS a v1c1ous, unfuund<'d rumor, and I hopt.• w<.· c<in ht•lp s top It," s::ud lht· Hl•V. Don<ild E WslJrHun, t'Xl'l'UtlVt• director tJf th<.' N<1t10nal f'<'<i<·ratum 101 l.>t'C.'l•n<·v lit• IS IJJ1(• OI f IVl' imn1stt•rs to ISSUl' Skil<:mt:n~ tn support of P&G .'iAN/BA R ·ees record p rofit SAN/BAR Corporation of Irvine t'XfX'<.'ls salc-s and l'lltntngs LU reach n'C·ord lt•vt>b for fiscal 1982. Rob<:rt 0 Johnson. prc-s1<lt•nl, told lhl· New Y CJrk SrJt.wty of S<'<.·unty Analyst..<, For the fiscal yl'ar ending June :.w. r<.•venuc-s will ri~· Lo lx·lwt't.'n $25 and $26 rrulhon from $20.2 m1ll1on. Alll·r 1<1x 1nroml· should advance to betwren $L3 and $1.4 m1llwn, coquul to approximately 75 cents per share. from $689,000 or 49 cC'nts p<>r sharl' last year. This uwludt>s 3 prC' tax gam of $4:'17.000 on the sail• of propcrty SAN/BAR Corporation 1s <i supplier of clectrontC' L-qu1pment and components, microwave radio syswms. and wrv1ce to thP telecommunications industry. Mon ey n1arke t fund due An insured money market account with daily interest and daily access to funds will be mtroduced Tuesday by Orange Codnty Employet>S Credit Union, Santa Ana. lt may be the first insured money market account available at any financial m stitlJtion m the Los AngelC's-O range County area EECO expects to r eport loss EECO Inc of Santa Ana said it expl>cls to report a Joss for the second quarter and six ml>nlhs endC'd June 30 The compan y earned $142.000, C'<.jUal to ti per share'. for the quarter ended Mart·h :s I. EECO 1s a d1vers1fied l'lt'<:trontC"i t'Omp;:llly STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JON~ AVERAGES NEW YORll IAPI -S-lrlu<ld•y. puce :.no ne, c"•nQel of the rttteen tnOtt ac1tvie ~ to•1>. Slot~ E•chenge '''"•' •••O•no •••tton1111ty a1 mote than s 1 ,_.EW YOFo fA"• f •n.tf C>o""" JOnt'\ d¥0\ fOt f"'1r)O.t,.-lut\ 14 N l f (o•r> t Sto.IOO (1f1f'i\!>v\• 1 .t)6 ~ t-\t lnlf\tlHp IU~OOO ttlM 6"0 600 T "nay &Ml tOC1 M~\aP.ht ~.~ )00 01011.-1Fo \eA "lO G•n ~,.,, Ut -tOU E•·aon \ )J/ ~J l'orr>Mol liOI 100 Cll•<oru •"7 .00 RCA 09,100 East '""'~~ HO tOO C•roPwLt •4',JOO Co•8u)t~• \. <41U 100 AMERICAN LEADERS l• H II w II • " . 10. .. )l\o H. u• II ,, .. 10 1s"'s .... I , I "" . . '• ... NEW 10Rll CAI>) -s.i.1, TnUfld•~. l)rtC• •~n net Ch1nge ol the ten 1no11 1c.t111e Amtl"C•n Sloc:11 E.-:change ltwe1 tt•aing n•IM>O•*'• 11 more 1P'lan S' 0 .. , ... P t ' I e o o . '• "' .AA> JO .. ••3 100 11 • l1S SOQ 0 1 • 1-.. HOCKS JO •no 10 '"' I\ VII Opef\ Ht<I~ Low Clo.. °'I I" o9 ~It _, llOI )0 810 " 1 lo Jll '1 J7t II )t) I S Jll 00 • 0 lO 100 1" 10/ l'I 101 II 100 8J • 0 10 llS"O 118 38 lll •8 )" !fO 0 tt •\ St> lt,dU\i ,,.,,.. U ltl\ o) Stk WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YOIU( IAP J UI 1• A<J\l•fW•d Ot-,li"4H.1 Unt "d"9P0 fotetl •\\Ufl''i N•W" f'HQh\ Nf'W IOW 'lo IA• 1 Toa,.y "' -'" IM• 7• )S • S>S,400 t •9'2.600 I Oll 200 I ))9 200 Pre. d•Y !Olio .,. "l llH ?3 SS 1 • ) V,.tbAtm•" w,."*J k ftl•\t1 .. n GullC•" 11 lnfl B~"nol '1• 100 ,,,~ 1n eoo • '• Adw'.itnt,.d Jun i. fod.-'fl ,., ,., ,,.,.¥ Cl•V M , .. OrtltUt•d '"'<" Svm c,1.uttord -.ttvPh.t1"' ' r.~~rltnl • 1 lO 'OD 9\• ,. 100 )t I) JOO h 13.100 ... • Uf\c PMnq.i<I •.., Toi•' ,,,u-.. ''• Nf"""" n19f\\ ~ N,,1# IOW\ 113 '" ,, 19 l?J 7IS " 23 UPS AND DOWNS N(W YOA"' tAPt lht' lollow1rt9 11\t v-.ow\ tt'W Nrw Vo'" StO(.' E •f.."diftO" \tO< Iii ' -'nt1 w .. rtM\t'\. tn•t n••t Oonrt-WO th~ nhht """ 00'4ttn tM mo\t IM\.O on 0trr1tnt of '""~ rtt0_.,d'"'' 01 1tOlumit hH """'CMV N1> ~., w1T11•\ tl4'CltnQ Min"' \2 Att inc.! udf"<I N,., 1tnn Pf"Hffnt.-Qf" c. han~\ "'' U\P t1ttffttfllnt f\ bt'tW~\"n fty. tlr .. 1t1t'ly\ C' 10\tl\Q '-''' • •"d H1u1tdey •pr~• Niftn w U•11tl1•1h l;I ..-Ut tnthJ\f NI 1 C o•p I C NA t 1nl \ AO"m Milli\ & Fotorn•t t G••n~ f•t,.n' tf Po.,.1< ~ ll10 Q F 1l~wv "°'-'' 10 Suo,hN"n 11 S.wtn(.p n Fllmw,.y\ ll EAL wtO :~ ~·Nr~ ;,o,. " e .... ,.,.,. 11 RolmC0<1> 11 Me•sureo• 1~ OllECI J 'Ol>I N•""' ; ~~~~~cv ' ) E~Ot DIA 4 N•tSeml ~ Bwn ~re» 6 Wort4 Atrw I (;ult R•V< • C-..l•$IH011 •Metta ~<11 10 KC SIM Pl II 8n1Ptod 17 AMO I) Pt1190tno I• Sl0<9flr<ll H C>O<O• Co 16 A(tnCTr" 11 Prtmetm II SIOUVC OI " (OAllAl(p u .. ,. l .,. (no P<t .... 7 • l\*'• Up )1 4 "• Uo 21 t )'· uo ,. t , ilD 11 6 '• Uo H ~ J• • tl•· I'• ...... \•, "' u~ ••I •• Up U 0 l VD U) VP 11) '-Up 11 • UD ll l VP 10• VP 100 . .. .. 1\.. '·• tl• ~ H,. 11.... • "t .. , .-.. , ..... 1'• IS.,_ I 1 ,. ,, .. OOWHS ~·~' •... '~'· I •'-• -"* )~. .. ..... ,,. 11•. "" J"t '. .. "· u .... -, •• J"' 1, . .. , 14"' 11'1 I ,_,.. '"' ,.. .. ""' ... '''• .. ,.. ... ,.... I>. , .. '• Jl\t I~ VP '' VD 9J OD 'I Vo t • Up 11 VD 1 1 Ptl 0 11 13.1 Ott 101 011 IOJ Oil IOt Ott '' ()ii • s Ott ., Ott , • Off , • Ott '·' Otl 11 Ott " Ott • ' 0 11 • s Ott •• Ott • ) ()it •I Ott •I Ott •0 GOLD COINS NEW YORK ( ... ,., -Prlcu .... TINr.O~ ol OOld cotn1, comp.ind w4tfl Wtdn.Oty'a pric. l(Nf91'ffnd, I troy o~, $320.&0, off suo ..... IMf, 1 troy OL, 1320 50, off 13.50 flilnltoM ....... 1 a troy OL, 13t1.00, onA~:.f... * ---. .H02 lroy oa.. '303.60, Oft a. .H , &ourc. O..k•Perer1 I METALS HEW YORK tAPI -Soo• nonletrout met•t P<1Cff today Coppor fifi'>·72 cenlS a pound. US dl'!lln•Clon• Lo.cl 24·27 cents a pound Zlr>e 3~·37 CMll • pound, Oellver9d Tin S6 0647 Met••• WMk comoo1tte lb Alwntnum 75 77 Cel'ls a oouno NY Meteury S370 00 pe< llHIC Plallnum S249 00 Croy 01 N Y SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS London: mo<nlnQ ll••no: $304,00, oll 115.26 London! 1l19'noon n>clng '305.50. on $HO ,.erie: ettemoon llalng· $30\ H . off S& 59 l'rlfll!""1: $304 99, Off $7 0 I Zurlootl: I.al• ll>clng: $304.50. on le.50 bid; 9305.00 .. k8d. 14-cfJ a ~ only dlllly quot• 1305 so. off S4 eo ,......_. on1y 0911y quo•• '305 so. on ll.eo. SYMBOLS ) i: I I ' Cl H/F MllC NOTIU fltOn~IUIMH ~ITATIMIWf Tiie 1ol10•1no 11•111111 I• 1101110 b\1111141U .. HALllUJAH AHIWERING '""••u. HU Ott<l•n 01110 008, Oatlltlfl 0101111, CA aa~· 811110 w Nam. 847' Ivy Oaf , Hu11t1ngton ..Oh CA 014146 1 tllt bull• .... It CCNldUGled by att 111L11V1dull lung W Nam 11111 lllllltfl4M1t Wll fileO wtlh ti~ County Clwll 01 0111\Q* COunty on June la 111' f'111AI Pubhtlltll 011nga C.0111 Datly Pilot Jun• 11 211, Juty 2 11. t982 2833 u Mt.IC NOTICE PtOTmOUI IUllHHI NAMI tTAT11MtlNT The loltowtng pe<eon1 ••• 1101110 l>Ulll\HI U : Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Friday, June 28. 1982 MUC "°TIU '::.:.~~.. ~r\~=,.. 1 tt• l ollowlng Dll eon le CIOlno r111 I Cl P4tl0nt ate CIOlflO l>Ullf\Ut at Ollalntll .. , ANDY'S IU!'O RS 1011 OOAITLINI TAAVl!l, Hf ti•~•ll. 41rMt, COii• Mell 6A. Pt101nll1 1h•..:.1. 1'10, N1wpo11 oeo1g• l.•On tekh•I. 00 Oeacll. OA H6e;:i Su" Iii R•noh View Otr91e, •64 Oel>IMcik tn1ern1ttontJ Coro , 1 A11ll\alm Wiie, CA 112107 Callrornll oorpor1uon 11n "'''" '"" °""n•u 11 conduc11d t>y an Or . Cot ta M·au, CA 11200 111.i1v1dual Thie bUtlntH la wndUGted by a G..,, ~ l..cin S11mt1 oorporatton TIH• 11•1-t w" flied with Ille Otl·IMcl<. lnlem111onal C<>unty Cleft. OI 0111\gl County on Corp J1111tt '3 tH2 0.0,ge, Ot L• To111 , tamr fllrlllldenl IJUDllllllO Oreno• Co111 Dally Th•• 1t1tem.n1 ..... llled Wiit\ '"' 1)11o1 Ju1>• 2& July 2 9, to flla2 Co.inly Clerk ol Orange County on PWLIC NOTICE 27111-92 June U . 11112 ,, ... 7 !Nttle 6 Aa-lelta, Inc, "10 c;...,.put Df. •II Ntwl)O•I htcih, CA ll21JeO MOC NOTICC '•cmri&la IUt.INIH NAMllUTtWNl' '"' l'*OWlno l)llt.ot11 are dOln 9 butln-u ANVWHl!"I!· ANYTIM ll COUAllAI, 17092 Cowan 8trM t. lrvtn11 CA H1!• •·9'>Md Dellvet~ lervloe, tno., a C1tllc11111 oorporallon, t70811 Cowen'""'· lrVIM, CA 1127 , .. T hla 1>11•11 ... a II GOndUOled O'/ ti COri>01a11on 4 SP•lll O•llvt• 11 8tr111C;• ltlG M1rc1e1e1 I. Inman Sec:ty lhll 1111-11 WH hied With lhti Count~ Clelli ot Or1ngt Countr °' 1 June 23, tt82 '1noa41 Put>llaheCJ Orang• Co111 Dally Pllol. JuM 20. July 2 ll 18 1982 2783-82 MLIC NOTICE MUC NOl1C£ MUC NOTICE MOTiCi' °' ~AltY CW I Ull( TtlANen" f'ROPO .. D OflDtN~I ..... lteM1f1 U.0.0.) A propou d Oldl!U llC• II TO IT MAY OONOIMf• t cheduled IOI •dcpllon II lh• Not c• It 111r1by given 10 1111 r90Ul1t Clly COllnoH ~lino of July CttdllOft or NIWlllOAT llAOH II. IN2, oelng Otdlnll'ee 12·8, AIU, INC , 1 0 1Hrorn11 Corp0ralloo. adOl>llllU • ltve !*Cent IOGrnH tn ha111ler01, 1il!'IOM ou1lnee11C1dr-H iity IO• m1moert ol lh• City I• 2 tot WMI Ooffn ~rent, Newpo<t Oounoll elleotlve tne monH• or Ouoll, CA U&U. County ol DfiOIMHA. !Illa Or1noe. 8111• or C1Mlom11, lhat a Tne motion to gtv1 O•Ol111noe bulll l11n1ter 11 1bou1 10 be made 10 12·8 11111 reading C•Hleo by the R O Ill , INC " C1tllornla tollowtno roll call vole Council corpo1111on, T11nal••••· w110 .. M_.,,ber• -AVIS 8ch11 .. Hau, bUtlnM• lddta .. 19 clo Ala'• Flth H111100, Mer rtand Jo11n1on Matlill 9228 Su11HI lloulevard. N0e8 Nona AOSUH Nona Sult• t02, ~O• Anoelef County or l lle lull tot ol th• p1opo1.0 LOI Ano1111. Stafe ol C•lllCtnl• ordln..-m1y be IHd In Ille Clly 00001 Clefk 1 olf1ce at 77 Fair 011ve. Cotti lhe prope11y 10 t>e 1ran1ltr1ed It M ... ~•IMi ,, 7 toe WHI Oc;een Front, EILEEN p PHINNf.Y Newpo<t DNQI, County OI O•ano•. Clly CNWk Stele Cl Callfornla Cllr. QI Co111 MeH 8 •1d propttly te du cr1oe11 1n Publ •fled Orengt Co1111 Dally general a1 A~ Pt<IOl\11 Pro11e11y PllOI. Jur" 2S, 1912 ,_IC NOTICC MriTiOUi IU ... H NAiii IT A Tlilllwr ff1I I~ ,.eon, are doing buttneH ... 01'1.\Ttvl VIDIO SVITtMO 167U Plymouth '--t Hunth'IQI~ O.ech, C1Jllornl1 8284 JOlln And11rW1, 1117211 Plymouth Lin., HunllnQton 8ffctl, Callfornl1 ll2M1 Barry AnOl-, 20A$4 Cyp<- 811111, 81n11 Ana H•IDhl•. C1lll0tnl• 81707 p H OvN•er. 110 Emereld Bay l egvn1 .. ach. Ca11t0<nta 929& 1 Thlt bu.W-1 II cOf\ducttd Dy a Qenetal p11tn111n1p John Ancsrtw• Tiii• 1111-1 wll Iii.@ wrlll Ille County Clerk 01 01 •noe County on Junt IS, 19112 ''"Ill PuQlllhtd Orange Cont Delly P1101. June 10, 2$. July 2, o 111111 2370·82 ·--'ICTmc>UllU ..... NAM9 IT A Tl'.ltmNT Tiie tOflololllno PtttOM Ml lloin9 ooa111111 o OAOOICHUfllG T ANIMA~ ilOIPITAL, 14211 Orookhu11I StrHt Oard•n Orove. C111tor11t1 120•3 Sntu H1l1ng Cht n, 030 II Mtlfc;&CIO Avenu. Mon1111ey Pt1k. Cali10tr111 817 &4 ~ Shin Clltil 830 fl Mer~ Ave11111 Montt1ey P•1~ Calll0tnle 917r>4 rh11 w•m-,. ~CN•<Juc;teo Dy 1nd1vldu1la tHu1bllllCI A Wllel Jen Sr11n Chen Shiu Haiang C11c11 Thll t181tmanl WU llltd with 1111 Coumv C,.rk or Or•noe County on June 2, 1111" ,190211 Puo11a111111 O• .inutt Cont D11tty Piiot. J1111• 2&. Ju1y 2. o 10 1110 2119 82 f!K INDUSTRIES, ~50 W Ctowthar Avtnue. Pt11Cenllt. Calif 112870 NOTICE OF DEATH OF R UTH S. JONES AKA R UTH C. JONES AKA R UTH SC ll NITZLE I N JONES AND OF PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE Publletaed OranQ• Cout O•lly Poot. June 25, July 2, II, 10, 1982 218 .. ·82 tnd Halgnrn1111 ol IMNllOld ol that 27112·17 -----.. -----M-----•ffltu•ent bu1lnM1 known II Thi------------nuollC NOTICE " Rltr end IOClltd 11 2100 WHI n111111c NOTlCC ___ ruu ______ _ l't&IC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE "CTl'10UI IUll,..11 Ocon rront. Newport 8Hch. ____ r_"""--------IUMMA"Y OF Thi .:'io':no"~!':~. Oolll" County 01 Ora ng•. St•I• o r f'ICTITIOUI IUllN«H PftOf'OllD O"D*ANCI' FICTlllOtJI •u•••• IJrttll•n• lndualllH, Inc , • C111ro•nl1 corporation, 5SO W Crowtllet Avtnue, Ptac1n111. C1t11oml1 112870 NO. Al 13881. FICTITIOUI 1ue ... 1H To .111 ht>1n1, bcnrhcuines, HA• tTATIMINT bualneu u . ,..... • C11lllO<'nl1 NA .. ITATIUMNT A propo111d ore11n 1nc• 11 NAM« tTAffMINT 'RON TIER MANUFACTURING. T nt bu I k tr t n e 11 r w l II b t Tilt fOflowlnO PeflOl\I are cJOlnQ 1chedul1d IOr adoption ti Ille T ht lollowlng Pt••on ta doing coo&umm11te1 on 0t tlltr tlMI 16tfl bu~ 11 .I regular City Councu ~•no ol July bull"41M u ~~°"~i'::~e;!_,. Cotti Me1u. C11y olJuty t982.andctelmemtybe LAWVERS ASSURANC E Ill, 1902 Wing OrdlnllnU 02·0 (al Tl(RRA DEVlLOllM(NT C 0 mm 0 d 0 r • But In e., 8 llleO ti Wf:LLS FARGO BANK.NA. PROGAAM, OQ5 Town c.n.ttr Or 11m1ndtng Title I~ ol the Coll• C 0 M PA N Y I b I 1 I £ R RA c r~cJ1tors and conting~nl The f0410Wll\g ~· ••• dOlng c 1 t.'<.11tl1n. o f Ku th S. Jones 1>1.1•1ne~" C EA LIQUOR. 1043 North rt111 bullneu 11 <;Ofl(Jucted by • c0tpo1t1ton lkethar>e lnduatrle., Inc Dtvld W FlnebetQ Pretldenl th11 •latemenl "'" meo .. 1111 111e County Ct.ik ol Or1nge Cou111y on Jun• I, 11102 F1110f51S Publl1h1d Orenge CoaSI Oally Pilot, Jun11 •. 11, 18. 25. t982 24117-82 und Jll'rjon11 who may be c0111 IQhway, Laguna e.ac11, CA <•tht'fWlllt' lntNt'Sted 111 the 928St will &nd/M <'tit.DIC' Lombardo Entt1pll-, lr>e . 11 A p.muon has been filed C1111orn11 COfpcr111on 18321 Nl•ntl<: by Carol J Caz.ier in the ~~e~~·· ~•unllngton BHcfl. CA Super1C1r Court of Orange This bualf'HI Is c;ondui;tad by a County requl"SUng that Carol co1po11110n. Escrow D1p11tmen1, Re. Eacrow 000, Coeta M .... CA 92928 Me I I M U n I c IP I I Co II t CONSTRUCTION COMPANY (cl Mecntnu. Inc • Ntw Yot k No U3·31119, Suitt 1230. 880 Emlllo N Francl1co, Inc, 1 lneo<Pofttlng ttKlln+cal rev111on1 IO TIERRA MAN A 0 E M E NT ~~:1~~~~·~!°,:!~fl'IOUM Ro.cl. Newpott Center Drive, N1po11 Calllotnla t1w corporellon. 8116 lh• P•t~lng 11qu1ren1•n1t in COMPANY 20471 e Tony Cl'tavtS, Beech, Couniy 01 Or•noe. State of Town Cent« Or ireoo, Colll Meu, 1e11den1111 development• A 2047 t Gr11v11on•. Hu1111r,01on Thi• bullneH 11 conCJU\;111<1 by 11 C111l0tnl1 or by malt 10 Bo• 7200. CA 92820 m11orlty 01 in11 rev111ou1 11•0 Baecn. C11ll1orn11• 9)848 corPof•l'C::mmoo0te Bualne.. Newl)O•I e.ech. CA 1128e3 Thia bullneta la conOucled by e 11 • G t • • • r y I o • e • o I v e Tn1s bu•mttSt 11 conCJu<.111() by tn MeclllnH ll•c. Alf clalma ITIIAll be received et tnl1 c0tpot•llon, 1ncons111enc111 and 11mblgurllt1 1nd1v1dua1 J Cai1er be appointed as Inc Lombardo Enterprises, Richard J Niilhiln 1dCJr1H by lht 14th Clay of July Emlllo N Franclaco. 111c contained 111 lhfl c:um1nl pa1~1r1Q B lony Chav111 1982. unte11 the bulk 111n1ler •tao Emlllo Frenolaco r1ulatlona Hiia s1111emon1 .,.111 lllod w11n Ille perso nal representat ive to administer th!? estate o f v~ Prealdont o d Thts '1alement was lll.io wllll "1e 1nolud11 th• trantler 01 liquor Prelldenl he mouon to 01v11 r h1ance Cuun1y Cler~ of Ororige County on P\IJUC NOTICE: UNITl!O STATES BANl<AUPTCV Ruth s Jon es (under the John L lombaroo. Pres ThlS lltlllmtnl w"' ltled wllll lht County Clerk or Orange County on llcenH, In which out . •II cl•lma Thi• 111a1emen1 wet llled with 1M 82-8 first r1111d1ng c1111e<1 by 1he June 23 1982 County Cletk ol 01Ange County •Jfl mutt be rtc*ved p11or to IN! dale County Cieri. ot 0<111198 Coun1y oo ro11ow1ng toll call v.1111 Council F1l2062 June 22· 11182 Fl tl•M on w111c11 1111 llquo• license ra June 9, 1982 ~tembe1s AVE'S Scnaler Hall Pubhalled o .. snge Coast Dally tnrntl91red by the Departm41!11 of F111171 rleruog McF11r1end Johnson I Prlol Jun• 25 July? 9 16 1982 PubllalleO Orange CoHI 01 ly AICO/IOllC S.ve<~ Control Publlah•d Or111ge Coul Dell) NOES None ABSENT Nontt 2731·82 F1l2042 PllOI, June 26• July 2• II, 16• 1902 So 111 u known 10 the 1ran1leree, Pltot, June 1 t 18. 26 July 2. t9i!2 T ne lull text or the Pl opoHCI CO\Mf Independent Administration DISTillCT Of COLO"AOO of Estates A c t) The peullon CASE HO. 12.11153 June 2:1. tllS2 NOTICI! IS set for heanng Ill Dept.1 In ,. ore NET. Inc . OeblO< NCJ 3 at 700 C1v1c Center Publlsned Orenge Co111 Ollly 2780-82 111 bulllness n1mee and ldC11eaees 2526-112 0<d1n11~• may be reac in 1ne Coty PtEUC NOTICE NOTICE TO CUSTOMERS ANO Drtve. West, tn the City 0£ P1101 June 25, July I 9. 18. 1982 POBllC NOTICE uMld by Tran11eror for the wee •-------------Clerks Ollice 11 77 Fa11 D11vt! 2782·82 ------------yea1s tUl put, 11 e1111eren1 from the PWLIC NOTICE Costa Meu LEGAL NOTICE CREDITORS OF OTC NET. INC S A C ) ( · nom1.,. C ANO ro All OTHER PARTIES IN anta na, a 1 ornia on l"UUU\# NOTI E FICTITIOUI I0 .... 11 above are same and Nflwl)Ofl Beech EILEEN P PHINNr'r' N~ STATl•NT Ruz. Inc, 2106 Weal Ocean Fron!. FICTITIOUI IWllHESS Cny Cltlrk I NotK.e oa nereoy given 111111 1he City ol Irvine Police ()epanmenl will INTEREST July 21, 1982 at 9.30 am. K-oo871 C 0 M M E H C E M £ H T 0 F U" YOU OBJECT \.o the HOTICI! TO C"EDfTOU The fOflowlng peraon1 8te dolng N-por1 BHCll. CA NAlllE STATEMENT Coy ot Cu111a Motn 1>u11net1 ea. Dated May 25. 1987 The loltow1ng peraon1 are domg Pub1tsn11d Or11nge Coast Daily nold a public au<;liOn 01 unc1a1rne0 pro~ly arid <;ily surplus o•aperty on Saturday July 17 1982 ar 10 00 L~~·~~~'?s" ~~~BEVE~~~N that granting of the pellllon, you OF IULK TAANIFE" PINECREST, LIMITED. 185[.2 ltO.P. INC., bualneee u : P1101. June 25 1982 2793-82 am We will be ptac•no the ptoporly -------------------------on view on hlll hour prior 10 stanlng on Julle 3, 1982, the Honorable znn should e1th<:r appear at the (ltc.1101 .. 101 U.C.C.) MacArthur Blvd , Suite 440, lrvl11e, 1 CellfOfnle COfPQfl llon lPA, 9875 Bolu Avenu11, ~ h d Nolle• la nereby gaveri to the L Wt1nsh1e""· Judge or the United earing an state your creditors ot OANIEL LIAO end Calll. 92715 R .. Chend!M, Prta. Wflltmlmt1ar, Calllomla 92683 PWLIC NOTICE 1 he au c 11 o" T h • au c II o ri States District Court 101 Iha Otstrlct ObJec t1ons or £ile writlen 1NGR1D LI.AO. Tt1ni1erors. wlloea or Colorado. entered an Order obJeCtions Wtth the court buslneu eddrese 11 2180 Harbor granting the appllca11on ot lhe before thC' h earing Your Blvd .CltyolCosta Meu Countyot Securities lnvesto1 Protecllon Orenge. Siii• ol Calllotnla, th81 1 C0tpo1111on ( SIPC ) lor issuance appearance may be In person bulk 1ran1let It atx>ut 10 be made to D1vld K. Lamb, 5 St. TrOP<IQ:, Guy Ed1"9rd1, lec:ty. Lighting P11111lc1 Aaaoctetes. N-port BHch. Calif 92660 PubllShed Orange Coast Diiiy Inc., a Callf()fnla corporation. 9675 will IBK!l plac11 1n lht! C1v1c Center parking lot t 7200 Jam1>or1;e Road trvma Cahlom•a Mehrd10 Re111kh, 980 2 P1101, June 25. 1902 Bolsa .Avenue, W1111m1n1ler, CA FICTITIOUS 8U81HES8 NAME STATEMENT SurtC!rUI, Huntington Beacil, C1111 2786-02 92836 i2Mll. Thia bullness II conducted l>Y 8 Tne lollow1ng person' are dO•no busmess as Any questions regarding 1ne ouc11on call 75• 3126 o• 7$•·373-0 betwet!fl I! 00 0110 $ 00 MonOoty VILLAGE. 1801 E Collms Orange. uirougn Fr oav or a Protectt¥e Decree ad1ud1ce11ng or by your attcrney DWIGHT CHAO. Trenareree. wnose John Minar. 111552 Serren•>. nom1rc ..,..TICE 00tpora11on 111111 Park. Cam 92~7 l"UUL "" Li9hllng PIUflC$ GO FOR TH MOBILE HOME lh81 the customers ol OTC Net. Inc I F Y 0 U A R E A aodrln 11 14102 S1ws1on. City 01 (the "Oebtor") ere •n need or lhe CREDITOR o r a ronungent W1111mlnsle1. County 01 Orange, Thia buelneas II cionduc:ted Dy e NOTICE Of A$10ClllH. Inc Calrlornra 92867 Tttan~ you llmlled Pll1~1p PUeUC HEAA...O Lawrence W Horton Clol~e t Calow ell and L~nne Oagg~ll protecllo" attordeo by tne ed ( h d ased State ot c111rorn1e Securities Investor P101ec11on Act 01 er tlor 0 l e ece • you Tilt property to be ttanalerred 1a DavlO K l arno NOTICE IS ,tiEREBY GIVEN tner a Presi<lent Thll 1111emen1 wu tiled with ltot public nea11ng will be ne10 by the Tnas s111emen1 w11 tiled with Ille Margaret I Caldwell T ru1111es ol me p, ope•'" 011ice• 197Q ( StPA"I Glen E Keller Jr must £tie your Claim With the toclled 11 7100 Harbor Blvd . Ctly was appo1n1ee1 as T1us1ee 101 the rourt or present 11 tc the 01 Cott• M1u, County or Orenge. llqu1dallon ol the business 01 1n~ personal representative s1a11 ol Celllo1n11 County Cltfk ol Or•l198 Counly ~.,, City Council ol the Ctty ol Coste County Cletit or Orange County on June 1 t982 • Mesa on July S. 1982. 1n the Counctl June 9, 1982 Caldwell lnlllf Vavoa T rus1 oa1eo I Pubhsned OrangP C lil~I Ollll~ Februa•y 17, 1982 180 I E Colltn!'. Ptlot June 25 1982 Oeb1or ano Oavrs Graham 6 d b h Siio prope1ty is described In 1'1IOI .. Cnambe11 ol Ctly Hell, 77 Fair F1t1111 Publlahed 011nge Co111 Dally Dme. Coale Mase, el 6 30 pm .. 0< Publlaheo Or1nge Coast Cally Loi No 73. Orange (..alotorn1a 2789·82 92667 S1ubbs waseppo1n1aoas counsel to appo1nte Y t e court h f hs f h general as All 11ock In tredt, 1he TruSlee wit m our mont rom t e fi•turea. equipment and good wlll or Piiot June 4, It, 18, 25, 1982 11s soon the1ealler 81 p11ct1cabte. Pilot, June t 1, 18 ?5. July 2. 1982 This bullness 1s conoucred by an ----PUB--l -IC_NO_T_IC_E: __ _ tnd1vldual ------------- Customers ot lhe Oebtor who date of first i ssuance o f that Chicken Takeout business wish to evall themselves ot the letters as provided in Section known u PIONEER TAKEOUT •S3 prote<:Uon allorded lo them under 700 f h p ba Cod f and located at 2 180 Herbor Blvd , 2468·82 on 1ne lollowlng Items 2581-82 -----------·-REZONE PETITION R·82·05. ------------CIOl!Ml T Caldwell, NOTICE INVITING 8108 P\IJllC NOTICE Milton J Meehan, 2319 Margaret Trutlee NOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEN that PUBLIC NOTICE Tnls statement wat llled with 1118 sealed b10s 111111 be tecerve<l by the SIPA ate re"ulreo 10 Ille tne1r ctarms O t e ro le e o " c I f ""h ( City or Colle Mtaa. County oi w1111 the Trus1ae within (30) days a I orn10 1 e time or Otangt. Stete 01 Cel1f0tnle alter the d81e ot 1n1s Notice Such fihng clalJ'l'\S will not expire The bulk transltt w111 oe claims s11ou1d be flied with tM prior to rour months Crom conaumm1ted on or •II« the 16th Trustee II P 0 Bo~ 24087 Oel1V8' h d f h h dey ol July. 1902, 11 10 am. al Col0<8do 80222 Custome-claims t e ale O l e e aring ANNA M ROH ESCROWS. INC wlll be deemed ltled on1v wnen nouced above whOse address 11 111600 Mein St . rece111t0 by the Trustee YOU MAY EXAMINE Ste 200 Huntington Beech. CA In ordet to expedlle the the £ale k ept by the court. If LAST OATE TO FILE CLAIMS IS 11qu1da11on p1ocess tfle Trustee nnd you are interested tn the JULY 15. 1982 StPC a1e attempting to reach ('I So 111 •• 11 known 10 the agreements with other stock est.ate, you may 1 ea request Tren11eree, 111 business names eno brokerege llrms to ecoep1 a transfer wl th the court lo receive eddresaes uMO by 1he Transl8'0<s or the Oebtor't customer accounts s p t! c 1 a I no t ice o r t h e f0t the put rhrM ye1ra are the The Tru11ee and SIPA believe'"'' inventory of estate assets aarne. 11ny such 1rons1er will e11ec1 111e and of the petJUons accoun•-Dat6d. June 17, 1982 1elurn ol cus1omers securities 10 • ."" Dtnlll lleo 1ne11 control as quickly and and report s descri bed m 1ngtld u.o ell1c1en11y as P0'51ble Sect 1 on 12 0 0 . 5 o( the Tr_,__ Customers whose accoun1s are California Probate C.ode. ANNA M. "°" ESC"OWI, IMC. transl erred 10 ano1ner s tock M ... S 0 _ rt E 1-IUlft It. •200 br()!(erage lltm will be nolllled b) ara • n..papo • sq. Huntington Beech, CA 92648 that llrm Customers whose Atton:iey al Law Publl1h•d Orange Co111 Delly accounts are trensterreo to anothel HaJUl, Caller • Leff Piiot, June 25. 11182 hrm may. alt•• the completion or SSS s. Flower SL, t!•d Floor 2787-112 such transler. request that their Los ADfel ... , CA ffO? l ac<;ounl be translerred to any stocll ... P'tlll.IC NOTICE 1>roker1oe lirm of their chOlce (213) 4 S·totl IN OAOER TO FUllV PROTECT Published Orange Coast NOTlCI TO CONT9'ACfOA8 ~~~~R F~'i'~T~LA?~s~g~\~~ Dauy PiJot, June 25. 26. July Schoco~~:!1~~ o~~!n v iew T RU S T E E EV E N I F T H EI R 2, 1982. Scl'tool Dlttrk:I ACCOUNT IS TRANSFERRED 2796·82 Bid Otldllna; 2.00 o'clock p.m. ol Forms ror lhe 1111no or customers· lilt 14th day of July. 1982.. claims are being malled 10 P\IJUC NOTICE Placa ol Bid Receipt. Business customers ol the Oeblor as lheir 0 II Ice. t S 9 4 0 ' B" Street, addresses appear on the Oebtor s lt-GOIJ12 Huntington Beach. CA 92647 books ano records Customers wtio NOTICE OF 8UUC TAANS~R Pro1ec1 Identification Neme oo no1 recetvt such rorms withtn (Sec:e. 8101~107 U.C.C.) Ocean l/lew School District 59ven t71 days hom lhe dale ot this TO WHOM IT MAV CONCERN Remove and Replace Aspnalt Nol•ce may obtatn them by writing Notice " nereby given to lhe Palllng. Creal v-SchOOf. 18052 to tne trustee al the addtess shown Cr e d 1 tots o I O N E H 0 UR Lisa Lene. Hu111tngtnn Beedl, CA, Bb<MI CLEANERS, INC a C1lllorn111 OGean V141# School District FICTmOUI SUllNl!H NAMI! ITATl!JftNT Tile tollowlng person Is Clotng ouamess u MR SPARKLE, 2101 S PacAtlc •3, Santa Ana, CA 11270• Robert G Hotrnlg. 2101 S PIClllc •3. Santa An1. CA 92704 Thi• bual,_ Is conducted by an lndlvldual Robert G Hoerntg Thi• statement WH filed wtlh the County Clerk ol Orenge County on June 1!>, 11182 F1t1531 Published 011nge Coaet D.11lly Piiot. June 10. 25, July 2, 9, 1982 2638·82 POOLIC NOTICE FICTTT'IOUI IUIMH ..._ITATE•NT Thi lollowtng perton1 lfl doing bu"-11. ROBIN-ROBERTS PAINTIUG. 17172 Bolu Chica Rd • 17. Huntington 86ach, CA 112&49 Robin 08"'8, 17172 Bolte c•111c1 Rd. • 17. Huntington Beach. CA 928411 Robert Stubenberg, 17 172 Bolsa Chica Rd II 17, Huntl"tJ!on Beecil, CA 112&49. Thia buslnne le conducted by 1 general p1111nert11tp. Robln 01vl1 TN1 Slltetnenl WU flied with the County Cletk ol Orange Coun1v on June 9. 1902. F1t1f11 Publl•ll•d Ortn;e Co1st O•llY PllOt, June 11, 18, 25. July 2. 1982 2524-82 Cla.tms Dy broktt-<lealers 811her Corporation Transferors, wnose Pltce Plans are on File Business as cuSlomers or lor the complelton business address is 4722 83rranca ollle.e, Ocean VifNt scnoot Olstrlc'I l·------------------------ of open contractual commitments. Parkway. Irvine, County ot Orange. NOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEH 111a1 PWLIC NOTICE must be ltl8d wrlh lhe Truslee al the Stale of CalllOfnta, 9271• tnat 8 lhe abOve-named ScllOol OlstrlCt ol •·----------T-1-21-1-2-------·--abo~e address wnntn lhltlY (301 bulk lranster ls abOUI 10 be made 01angt County, Catllornta. acilng YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UN()IER A oays allet the dale ol 1h1s Noltce 10 CALIFORNIA CUSTOM CARE by and lh1oug11 tU Gove1nlng DEED OF TR ST 11 2.2 Broker·dealet claims will be deemed CLEANERS, INC a Cal1lo:n1a Soard. hereinafter. re!ereo lo as 8 U U d8lecl Apr • I d Co1pora110" Translerees, whose 'Otst lcl" wttl r-etve p 10 but 1101 19 1 nlese you l8ke aC1IOofl to 10 be llled on Y When rece1¥e by ' · ~ u · protect you• p1ope11y. 11 may be Hoe rrusaee. Claim torms may be bus1nes1 address is t8 t55 later than the above staled time. sold 81 8 public sate 11 ycxi n .. ild an obtelned by wtlling 1o tne Trustee al Leaaherwood Irvine Counly or sealed blda for the award of 8 e•planellon or lhe neture 01 the tne adO•MS snown abOve Orange, Sra1e 01 Ca111orn1a. 92715 contract 10< the 1bove protect Id "-The p1on.r1y lo De ltanslened IS Bid• shall~ r-111·""' an the place proceodlng against you. you shou All oth" c1ed1to1s 01 lhe .,.,b1or .--~ "" -""" contact a lawyer musl Ille rormal proors ol c;laam with localed at 2398• AMso Cree~ Road, 1den1tlled above. and shall be NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S S"LE 111e TruSlea a1 the address snown Suite A· 1 t and 27932 la Paz. Suite opened end publrcty reao aloud at T.S. No. HAC. No. TT above wttllon SI• 16) months alter 1ne J In Laguna Niguel County or lhl above sleted time and plaGe. On July 16. 1982. 11 10 00 am . d81e ot 1nas Notrce All sucn claims Orange. S1a1e of Callle<nta Eacn bid must oonl0tm and be H 0 M E R E c 0 N v E y A N c E will be deemed llltd only when Seid property Is dtscrtbed In respont1v• t o the contract COMP.\NV 11 duly appointed rec111ved by 1ne TtUstee gene<al as All SIOCk in trede. trade documtnll • 1 d d 1 I .. Id 1 m ts Eecn blO ... 111 ~ eccompan'-' 'rus •• un ar an pureu11n1 o No claim of af'IY klno wtll be names ease .. o mprove en • .... "" ""' Deed ol Trust. rll(Otded Ap111 30. allowed unleu hied w11h1n ~ ... (61 l1•1ures equipment and good will ot by lhe MCU<lty •tfe<ed lo •n tne 198 '· .. anat No 38370, tn book mon1ns alter the date 011n11J Notlf'e I hose cer 1a1n dry cleaning contr.ct clocumenl• Ind by the llat ,..038, pige 1502. 01 0 ,11caaa Please note thal 111e Truslee ano buslnetses known as l/ILLAGE ONE ol l)l'opoMd 1UbGonlrlC1ors R 11 c his counsel w111 only accept or HOUR CLEANERS, toc81ed •1 The DISTRICT r--...s the rlQlll R ecor~s •n ':'Q 0 rce ~11"~ ~n~ respono to w111ten 1nqurr1es or 23984 Aliso Creel!, Road. Suite 10 reject any and all bids 0< to wekle ,-Calll.,s ~ ranoe,_. oubn YR •Ae communications. A· I I, Laguna Niguel. County or ;;.ny lttegulerltlea or lnlormallOes In ° orn a. execu"" Y oy · AUTOMATIC STAY OF ACTIONS 01ange, State of Calllotnra, and any bids or In Iha bidding. Skullln and Linda M Sk yltln, AOAIHST THE DEBTOR ALISO CREEK ONE DAY ClEAN'EftS No Bidder may wllhdr1w his bid llusband end wile es jotnt Htnants NOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEN lhll and localed 81 27932 Ls Paz, Suite lot a perlOd ol f0t1y llv. (46) dl)'I WTOlll SGELE\TATB POUDBELRICFOARU(c;Tl0s~ J. Laguna Niguel, County ol Orange. alt~ the dat11111 l0t the ,,,_.Ing ol HI H ~ 1 " n as a resull ol the Issuance ol the Slale ol Cat1lorn1e bldvl• ..,,...... (payable II time ol sate In lawful Prnle<:tlvt Oecree, certain acls ano money ol the United Stllesl 81 the proeeedlngsegelnsttrieDebtorand The bulk transter will be A payment bond and a malnenttencetoSulle 102111 l87 1111 propany are elayed IS 1><ov1ded consummated on or alter the t4th per10<m1nce bonO wlll be requlrtO w Orengtthorpt, Plectntla. in 11 us c \362 day or July 11182 ano claims may ptlOr to execution ol lhe contr9G1 Celol0tnla 9267017141 524•2.;•so. an FIRST MEETING OF CREDITOR!> be ltleo al WELLS FARGO BANK The payment bond lhell be In the h 1 Cl I I eel I NOTICE as HEREBY GIVEN that N A Escrow Department, Re. lorm set forth In the conttect rlgndl, 111 •.~"?,ban 1.,1 ends conv1•1 1Y ~ Escrow No 643-3907. Suite 1230, docum1n11 a now"""' Y u et 58 < ....--.. the first nwiellng or customers and 660 N-""'' Center Orave. Newport Pttfounanc• Aetenllona: Tne or Trust In lhe property sltuuted In credlle<s wlll be held in Room 303• Beach c;;"'" or Orenna. Slate o1 Contr·~t~ to whOm the contract as tald County and Stale d89Crlbed as. 1845 Shttman Street. Denver ' . ..,_ -~ Lot t ol Tract No 414& In the COf0<ado80203on Juty20, t9112,at Cahl0tnta 92660.orbymalletPO 1w1rded may 1va11 fllmsen of lhe County 01 Orange, Slllle 01 1 30 pm. 81 wlltcn lime and plaoe Bo .. 7280 N1wport Beecll, CA prov111ons or Government Code Calll0tnla. 111 Pe< mip recorded In cut1omers eno creoltors may 92663 Section 4590 which allows oertaln book t 53 peg ea 21 end 22 ol allt!nd, examine rne Oebt0t. and All claims mull be receoveo a11111s sacurlllH 10 bl subttlluted for Mlscellaneoui Mep•. rac<•rda ot transact such Olhar business as addre11 by the 13tn Clay or July. mon1e1 wltllhald to ensure Orange County Eicc1p1 thret· may properly oome belore said 1982. unlets the bulk transfer also performance. 1 rt• 1 11 1 11 1 -it d includes the trensrer 01 liquor SIO IECURtn: Each bid shall be ou "9 0 11 m n ra 1• "'· gas en meeting 11cense. In which caM!. all claims accompenled by e i;erlllled or other hydrocirbon •ubs tences H!AAINO 0, saved °' sold from salt lllnd. u DlllNTE"ESTEDNllS musl be received prior 10 the dale Ceshllr's check p1y1ble 10 1he resarves In lhe Oeed from William E OF TIIUITl!E AND COUHBEL on which the llquo• 11cense rs Otstr1c1 0t a ssllslactory blO bond Slll1 & FrancM larks. rooorcltd TO THE TRUSTl'E lransterrec by the Department of In favor ol the OiatrlCI executed by Jan 25• 1955 In bOOk 292,A page NOTICE IS HEREBV GIVEN THAT Atconot1<: Beverage Control the blddtt u pr Incl pal and a 4113, oltiel8I r.c0tds July 19 1982 at 1 30 pm . 1n So tar es known 10 Ille se11at1c1ory surety company 81 The •••eet add•tll encl 01118, Courtroom B" 41h Floor 1945 trainsleree5 all bus!neu nemea anO surety. on an amount not teas th&n ... _ t•~ 11 1 the aodressas u~ by Tren11.,.ors IOf 10 ---cen1 ol maximum amount ol common ..... sagna """ any , 0 Sherman Street Denver Col0<ado .....,. •NJ Pfoperly described at:>ove ts 80203, has l>ffn set as the lime and 111' tnree Y•••• "" put. 11 dllferent the bid The check°' bid bond Shalt 1>Urportad to be I 731 Orchard place '°' lhe lltailn" befo•e th1! from 1111! above. are Sam• be given as • guarantee that the Ori Sa ta •na r.u1~ ... a 92707 • Aliso Cleaners. 25608 Alicll bldde< lhlll ••ecu•e tilt con111c1 II ve. n " • ...., ~·" Hon0teble flol1nCJ J Brvmblugtt, Ttt1 undetll9n1d T1 u1te• United State• Bankruptcy Judge, or Parkway, Laguna Hlll1, CA, AHIO It bl ewerded to l'tlm In conl0tm1ty dltclalmt eny lllblllly 10, any ob~ecttons. 11 anu. to the retention In Cteek OM-Hour Cltantts, 271132 with the conltKI doeumente ano t~~ ..,. f 1~ t._. ..,.,. ' LI Paz. RO , l11gvn1 N"'utt. CA; shell "'OYldt the turetv bond 0t ,....,.,.,..,,,... o '"' 1 '"""' wvvrMI of Ice ol Gian E Keller, Jr 11 Br 8 • P 19 , e C 11 ene":1• , 0 9 .. _,.1.,. 81 1,,_1fled within 5 d•"" and other c;ommon dMlgr11tton, II Trullet, 1nd Devit, Gtaham & """"' ,..... ,. any, lhown herein Stubbs u counMI 10 the Trualee. Atsoclated Rolld. Brea, CA: Canyon tiler not1nc111on of the 1werd of the Sitd 011 wlll be me de. bul upon the ground that they ere 1101 Cleaner•. 5566 Senta Ane Canyon contract to thl bidder Seid aecurlly without coventnl or w •r•anty. "ualllled or nol disinterested 81 Rd • Anoh11lm, CA, Hlfrlton'a Boal 1h11tr be forl•lled to the Dl•trlct 1 11_... ti 111 .... " Center 2327 So Main, Sante Ane, 1houtd the bidder to whom lhe HPt1119 or mp ""· t&Qert l'O "'· provided In Sec:tlOn 5(b)(8) of SIPA CA, Httrlton'• Merine, Inc. 2327 ContraGt 11 1w1rdt0 lall to execute poiaeuton. or ineumttrencH. (15 USC \78tlt(bH8lt Suen So Matn . Santi .Ana. C A : the Anreamenl ind "'OYl<le said l11cfudlng !tea. ch1r91u end objecHona mutt be Wed by July 14. • ,.. ••Ptrl-ol the TrvslM llld ol the 1882. with the Benkruptcy Court H1111lton • Merine. lne., Ciba San bond• wltllln 5 caletldar Clays ol tru111 crottd by Hid Deed ol 1046 Sllerm•n street. Denver, OteQo MlltlOe Cent«. 3711 Sl>OO• eward Tru11,1opaylhe~tlnlng !Hlncipel Colot1do 00203 \nd Trustee 9 Arana Blvd .. San Diego, CA, I.aka WAOI "ATlt: Thi Otetrle1 1111 eume of'"' note(•) aec:u,..., by Mid Coun .... L Rlc:lltrd Freest. po For•• One Hour ~. 24301 ot>talne<I from the Olrec:10t of 1118 o.ed of Trvet 10 wit· $'6.000 00 Bo• 195, Denver, Colotedo 00201 Mulfll/lda, E1 Toro. CA, MidWI)' One OlpArtment ol lnduetrlll A4il•tlon1 With lntet•I 1,..,_, ''°""' e-15-et DATED ~. Cotoredo. June Hour C...,,_., 3901 Mklwty Or .. 1111 general prevelllng r111 ol 11 21~ Ptr annum "P"avldtd In n. 1982 Sin Diego. CA, Plum Ona-Oay pe<dletn w~ In 111t locellty In H id notl(a) plus colt• and lllly Olen E K.,.., J CIMntra. 24322 Mulrlancll, El Toro. ....!Ch lhlt work ,, 10 bl perlonned •71• 2• wit" l Trust .. '°' 1114t r.. CA. S1oneorHk CIHnart, 4260 tor 1tct1 eratt 0t type 01 workmen ~~~~,.,; u~ ",;:r~ Llquldtllon of llle Barranca, Unit · P' • lrvln1. CA: needed to execute Ille contrl01 01 Truet llerltOfOf'I •~eculed and BullMM o1 OTC ,.,.,, Inc Trab\IOO c ... ,,.,. •. 25'31 TrabuQo TheH raltt are on Ille 11 lht OlltrlCt d d Publlalled Orin"• Co111t 0111.. Rd • El T0to. CA. Suite B. Vlllege olflce toc1t1d II 1111 Buatneu dettvarad 10 111• un •r ••one 8 PllOt. Jul'lt 25, 1982' ' Ont DIV CIMner.. 15436 Jeffrey Ottlee. OcMn vi... 5cnOOI Oietrlct wittten 0ec111rallon of dolault tlnd '7a..12 Rd , Irvin•, CA, Woodbrldg• Copltem1ybloblllnedonrequeet ~;~du:~:; ':!'d ~E~::: .-------------------------1 Cl••n•ni. 4722 Barranca Irvine, A copy ol thHI ratu 1h1ll b• 01 8 ° r 0 ";:"' •t• T CA potted et the job tit•. It lhlll be to etl M IJrldtr-,.nul ceuMd • • • • • • Urn your Oattd· June 11, 1882 mtndttory upon tM ContrlCIOf 10 Mid Notlc;e of Deliull ltlid EleGtton unusableS c.itl0<nle Cuttom Care wnotn tllt contrtet It twero.d, •nd lo Seit to be recro<dtd In tM county Into Cleentr'I. lno upon •J'IY tubc:ontrac:tor under /\Im whet• the reel prOPtf!Y 11• IOCated. a Clllfornl• oori> to pay not ten 1111n '"' 11ld Otll Junie ''· 1N2 usable Jawlld Jum1nl aptclfted lllH to i ll workmen HOME AECONllE'lANCt C•lh. C:.11 PrMldenl ~by them WI Ille t•tc'UtlOn CO W ... , ... 8Mll °' IM oonvlCI Dally Pl tot • ....,.n c:..... 0r. °"''.,,.. ~ ~!·2~~f1'1". ~~.~.~" O•llr "ru:1=~= COHI Dally --Piiot, Jufl4 25, tff1 Piiot, June U , Nit t . tN2 27 .... 2 ~70,..~ .. Mid Trutt .. 8y Hllln t.omt> ttdo . Mtll~leort4wy P\ibll•h.O Orange C OH i 01lly Plot, June 211. July 2, •• 1182 272t-e2 Drive. Newporl Beach, lot perm1se1on lo rezone property IOCateo al 22t1/t A¥0CICIO Sltelll lrom C2 10 R2 Envlronmenlal Oe1erm1na11on Negative Oeclaretton edopted 101 Gtner11 Plan amendmtnl GP-8 t-3A l'ICTITIOUS 8U81NEH ~;;~. ~~e;; of Oiange Counly on CC11y Clerk or 111e Cny o: lrvrne NAME ITATEMENT JACKSON KIDDER 6 SUCKLIHG alltornia lor lurn1sh111g at planl Th I II I ' • labor serVICes malern~IS, IOOIS bu11.!sso .~w ng person " doing AllDfntr• •I Lew equ1pmen1 supplies 11ansoor1a11on THE OFFICE PRO 1529 San Bulla 1414 Wiiia Faroo Bldg.. Jllllttes 8'10 all 0111er •lems and MO Newpon Cenlet Dr.. 18 ci1tt1e5 necessary 1nerefo1 as REZONE PETITION R·02-06. Ear1 Lull. tulhOrtad tgtnl 10< William C Hollman 22 Kllloe Court, N8WP0<1 Beach, lor permission 10 rezone proe>efly loctl.ci 11 244 Ogle Street from R2 to R3 Environmental Oeterm lna\lon N egallvt ;~~5Avenue Orange Ca1tlorn1a Newpot1 a..ch, Callfoml1 ~ Pr 0 v, 0 e 0 1 n 1 he c 0 n 1 r a c t CarOf l Verbrovgn 1529 Sin 0 C Flt605ll oocumen•~ 101 Culva1 Ortve Alto Avenue Orange Calllotnta Pubhshed range oast a1ly imgalton control conversion tC•P 92865 P1l•Jt, June 25. July 2 II 16, 1982 5 3 0 1 4 I I o g e I n 8 r w ' 1 " Thia bu51nea la c;onducted by an _ 2778-82 appurtenances 111e1e10 1n strtct lndlv1ou111 PWLIC NOTICE accoroance w•th 1ne SPt!C•ltca11ons Oeclar1toon Carol l Yarbrough -------------on tile at the oll1Ge or tne 011ect0< 01 This llBl8mlifll W81 llleo wtln tne NOTICE INVITINO SID8 Public WO!kS ' REZONE PETITION R·82·07, James H Gtegory, euthorlzed egent lor Norm• HerUOQ, 1605 White Oak Pleca, C0911 Meaa, '°' permission 10 rezone ptope<1y loctted 11 273 and 277 Monte Viste Avenue trom Rt to PDR-lO Env1ronm1ntal Dela•m fnat l on Negat ive County Cl&f'h ol Orange County on Notle4! IS hettby given 111et tne DATE OF OPENING BIOS Bids May 26, 1982 Board of TrulleH ol Ille Coast w111 1>e rece1veo a1 IM olhce ol 111e F1to2la3 Community College D1str1c1 of Coty Cieri. 01 ane (..11y ot Irvine Publlsned Orange Coast Dally Orange County. Callfornaa, will localed 111 17200 Jambo11;e Road Pilot. June 25, July 2. 9, 16, 1982 receive sealed bids up to 1 l 00 Irvine Cahlorn1a 9?713 uttlll 2 00 2767-82 am • Tuesday. July 6. 1982 111 the P rn on July 6 1982 al wh•th tome ------------------------Purchasing 011p111men1 dt said ano plate 0106 w111 be publicly P\a.IC NOTICE college district tocateo 11 1370 openeo and re1d a•ouo Bros snall Decltrallon RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY TO CONDEMN ptO(>eflY mMsunng 5 feet bY 80 lttl l0t ecquleltlon ol r1g111-ot-w1y f0t alley projecl soutn or 11111 Street be1-Stnte Ana and Tustin Avenun. Grlh1m Parcel No 7, toe.led 11 348 Ogle StrMI NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN ll'tet 11 Mid lime and piece. all lnleres1ed pettonl may •~r and 1111 heard by the City Councrt on th11 alorementlontd meners EILEEN P PHINNEV, Coty Cletk Publl1hed Oreno• Coast D11ly Piiot. June 25, 1982 2791-82 P\alC NOTICf NOTICE Of' IALE Of' REAL "'Of'E"TY AT l'tlfV A TE IALE Mo. A-113290 In the SuPe<lor Court 01 Ille State ot Calllornla. for the County of 01ange In the Maller ot th11 Estate o t J EROME CORNELIUS ROBINSON. Notice Is heteby given lhel the underslgneo wtll Miii at Private Sale 10 the highest and best bidder. subrect 10 conllrmellon ot seld Supe<IO< Court. on 0t alter the 3rd day o! July. 1982 al the oHICI ol Rodi. POflocll. Pettket. Galbrelth & Pl'tllllps A Law C0<por81lon, All John 0 Pettket, 8 II W 8th St , Suite 1600, lot Angeles. Ceille<nla. County OI l09 AngtleS. State OI ca111om11. Ill lhe •tghl. lllle and 1n1ere11 or said de<:••aeo 11 the time ct deeth and ell the right, title and lnlere11 th•I the ••tell ol said deceaaeo he• ecqutred by operation of law or otherWlae. other than 0t In edOlllon lo lhll ol said FK:TTTtoUs auu.11 NAME ITAT£•NT The lollowlng parson Is doing buel""8U: MICHAELS MAINTENANCE. 10092 Valley Forge. Huntington Beecft. CA 112648 MICllHI lH Rellng, 10092 I/alley FOfge, Huntington Btecll, CA 92848. Thia bUtlnese la conducled by 8ll Individual Mlchael l . A.ting This tlllemtnl "'U nttd wttl't Ille COunty Clerk ot Orange County on May 17. 11182 F111547 Publlsheel OranQe Coul Delly P110t, June 11 18 25 July 2. 1982 256S-82 PWLIC NOTICE FICmtoUa 8UllHE85 NAME STATEMENT Tne lollow1ng per110ns are Ooong bus1nt1SS H NEWPOl'IT CANVIS 501 29th S1ree1 Newpor1 Beach, Calllorrna 92665 w D Scnock Corpora11on, e Cal!lorn1a corporellon 3502 S Greenville Street Sanla Ana Calllornla 92704 This ousaness 1s conoucteo by a corporation w O Schoc~ Corp W D Scf!oc~ Prtst0en1 This statement was ltltO w1111 tne County Clerk or O••noe County on June 23, 1982 F1t2045 Publlstied 0 11noe Coast Dall~ Piiot June '25, July 2 9, 16, t982 2747·82 AC11ms Avenue Cosll Mesa, t>e Submitted 1n .ealeO tnv~ Cat1l0tnlt, 11 wtoicn lime said t><ds ma1ked on tne ou1st0e Boos to• wlll be publicly opantO end tttlld Culver 011ve l1119a11on Control I o r C 0 M P R E H E N S I V E Conversion TELEPROCESSING SOFTWARE LOCATION OF 1HE WORK The CONTROL PROGRAM -ONE· wo<k 10 oe pertormel) ne•eunde1 15 YEAR LEASE WITH ONE-YEAR located in tne Coty ot ll'1ne Coun1y RENEWAL OPTIONS of Orange on Culver 01tve meoran All bods ••• 10 be In accorOaf'C8 DESCRIPTION or WORK The wttn tne Bid F0tm tnslrucllon& and work to be perlormeo shall oncauoe Conditions and Spec:lllcaltons whlCh but nol b4! l1m1ted to upgr adtng are now 1n Ille end may be secured e,1s11ng 1trtga11on controt tn lhe olllGe ol lhe Putchastng A9en1 COMPLETION OF WORK Al or said cOlteve e1111r1e1 wor~ 15 10 be tompleted w1th1n Eecll bidder mv11 aubmll wtlh hes 1wen1y 1201 consecutive worl11ng blO 8 ca1111e1 5 cneck certified da¥S trom 1ne dale snec1t1eo on 1ne cneck or bidder s bond made Noltce 10 Proce..-0 payable to,,,. ordet ol the Coast AWARD OF CONTRACT Tne Community Coll8Q8 O.stnct Board Owrier res!!>••es lhl! 11g111 alta ot Trvt1ees In en amount no1 tess opening D•Os 10 re1ec1 1n, or al than ltve 1)8f"cenl (5%) of tne som boo~ 10 w.l••<' any •nlormalily •n a bod IS I gu1r1n1ee 11181 Ille blOder bod to ma~t a .. a1CIS 1n me tnletesl will enl•• into the proposed ot the Owne< an<l 10 retecl all otne Contrecf 11 lfle aeme 15 awarded to b•ds ntm I" IM evet11 of lellure 10 tnte< PROPOSlll GUARANTEE ANO 1n10 suc11 contraC1, the proc;eeos or B 0 ND S r act• b • d sh a 11 be the check will be lorteHed, 01 1n the accompanied ny ti c~rt1f1ed or ca!MI ol a bono tne lull sum lhereor cashier ~ check 01 oy • co1pora1e will be lorle11eCJ 10 said college S<Jrely bontl on me form llitntY>eO 01s1t1cl by lhe Owner as guarantee 111a1 lhe No b•dOe1 may w11fldraw his bid bidder will •I an awaro is maoe 10 lo• e period tor rorty·llve (45) days him on accoroance w11n lhe le•m• 01 alter 111e d•te set for lhe O(lenlng h•s b•d. 11•orT1p11y ~ecure Workmon s 1nereof Compf'n~a11on 1nsurancf" and Tne Boetd ol Trustees r--.es llab11itv insurance e•etute e 1ne pt1v11ege ol reiect•no eny anO alt con1rac1 m the requtred lorm ano bt<ls or to waive any 1rreguter111es <>< lurn15'l s.tlislaelory t>onOs lor the 1nl0<malllles 1n any bid 0, 1n tne la11n1u1 per1ormence ot tne con1rac1 blOdlng ano t0< 1ne payment ot c1e1ms ot Isl NORMAN E WATSON melet1al men eno laborers Secretary, lhereunCJe• Sa•CI check Ot brdoer s Board ol T rut lees bOnO snell t>e In an emoun1 or not Co1st Communuy less ma" ten 110) pe<cen1 ot lhe Coltegt Olslrlct amount ol the bod The Fe1lhlul Published Orange Coast Dally Per1ormance Oono snail t>e not less Piiot. June 18, 25. 1982 lllan one t\Ul1drll<l f 1001 percent of 2673-82 IM tolal amount or !he bid pr1Ge e111(eese0 et the ume 01 dealh, in P\llllC NOTICE PWLIC NOTICE and 10 all the ceraln teal property, -------------------------------------- named rn lhe contract Tne Laoor and Ma1e1lals Bond stt•ll bt not less 111an one hund1ed ( 100) percent ot lhe 101aJ amount 01 Ille bid pr1ee s11ua11d In Ille City of Newport P·101111 Beech, County ol Orange, Stile 01 NOTICE OF DEATH OF Calll0<n11, particularly CJeaerlbed as LINA VIOLA OASHNEfl lollowa. IO·Wll The Leasehold AHO OF PETITION TO Estate ol the l -. In end unelet ADMtHtST£R EITATl :nal cenean Lella With Option To CASE NUMliR A-113721 PurCl\asa dated January 1, 1971, by To 1111 fllltt. banellc;tarlet, e n Cl b • I w e. n T H E I R " I N E GredllOtS, contingent ete<lltOtS, Ind COMPANV, 1 Welt l/lrglnle parsons who may be otherwise corpor111on ... Leatof and Wllllem lnlettsled In the wtll or e11a1e ot 0 Slaggt . 111 and Peggy L. Stegga, LINA VIOLA DASHNER eka LIN/\ V hu1bend and wife a jo111t ttnanta DASHNER 11 Lusae, recorded on August 24. A petition llu been llled by Ruth 11171 In Book 9773. Pege 578 ol R. Jonea In the SupetlOt Courl ol Olflclal Rec0tds or Orel!Qt County. Orange Coun1y requesting Iha\ C11lllorn111 lur\her described as Ruth R Jones be eppoln1eo. es tollows A LEASEHOLD ESTATE IN personal represenlellve t o AND TO· PARCEL I lot 52 ol Trect edmln191er the Hiile ol the No 7148, In the City ol Newport decedent e.ach coun1y of Orenge, S1alt 01 The petition rf!<IUllSIS 1uth0<11y 10 Calll0tn11 ... ~ m1p rec0tcltd In administer the Htate under the book 27 t. P•o•• 5 111rough It Independent Admrnlstretlon 01 inclusive ot Ml-4lltMIOUa Maps, In Estates Acl A 11e1r1ng on lhe the olllOll ol lht county racordt< ol petition w•U be held on June 30. 111d county PARCEL 2 A n t982.at11301m.,1n0tp1nment3, ap p u r ten 1 n t non. ••cl u 11 ve toeeled ti 700 Civic Center Drive ..-nent '°' ••ees end IQfMI Wea1, City of Santa Ant througllOUI lot 15 of Mid Tract IF VOU OBJECT to the granting 7141 TOGETHER WITH all of the petition, you ettoul4 tOher l>Ylldlng1 encl Olhet lml)l'()Vlmlfllt tppetr II 1111 heerlllQ Ind 11111 on 11ld land. M ore commonly your obtectton1 or Ille written known 11. 312 Viet• Suerte. objec:llon• with the court before Ille Newport Beac:h. Cellloml1 82&80. lleerlng Your IPPl•rtnot m1y be in Any brokereoe commlnlon I• ptrton or by your anomey 1ubjoc:t to apl)l'OVal of the C0\111. IF YOU ARE A CREOffOR or • Also. the underllQntd r ... t\1111 lllt con II n Q en t c rt d II or o I I II• rlglll to refec:t any and tll bl<I• prior C-Md. you mu11 Ille your clalm to entry of an °'~ conllrmtng the With the C!ourt or Pf-' It 10 tilt .... peraonel l'IC)ftNntllllll llj)OOlnltO Ttrmt ol H I• 01111 In lawful by the court w4tllln four month• money ol th9 Unt11d 8t1IH on lrom I.hi date Of tint llluanoe of OOflllrmatlon of ..... Of P9't CM!\ ... ,.,.. ., provdtd In aec;lton 700.of and b1l1nc1 ev1e11notd t>y note 1111 Callfoml• Pn>bata Coda Tiie 118Cvrtd by Mongeoe or TNll o.eci '""' for filing alllm• wt• not lltplre on the P'Ol*'IY t0 IClld Ten per pt tor 10 lour MOnlha from 1hl d•te cent 01 emoun1 bid to be depotltecl ol the '*""fl t\Qttoecl •l>ove wttll bid YOU MAV EXAMINE the Illa kepi Bid• 0< otter• to bt 1n wtl1tno 111'41 by '"' eourt. II you •re • per.on Wiii be reoahlecl II Ille af0t'8Mld tnt«llltd In the aatala, you tfl#ri 111• otttot et any time .iter tlle ""' a raqueet w1111 the couri 10 r.aet~ puOltc.llOn htr«>t and befot• data ~11 nottce 01 the flll"Q Of lhl or aate. lnvelltory of Mtll• MMI• end Of the Delllcl 11111 22nd d•y of June. p1llt1on1. 1ocount1 and reports tM2. ci-itlbtd In eecllon 1200.5 ol thO lb...., et ...,_ ""' C:.fffom4a PfObetl Code. ., ..... ~ ~11111.~ .... o. ......... .... ,.tl110ner .... ........ ....... ..oet. .... ....,, a.LO. ..,.._a .... lCfUCIC. tMCM>tll a ALUM A Ll'IP C.,.. ... t ,.......,. .. ,...._., 11t •• -.. ·-1111 ............ .... Lw ~CA_.., IMt ..._, C.....• ... 11 P\lbll•hed Ora• Cont o.uy P111>tleMd Oranoe Coul 0.11~ PllOt. """' t•. u. Ntt t, 1ta Pllo4. "'-11, 11, ta, 1112 11-..2 H72-12 .... MUNtCIPAL COURT OF THE STATE OF CALlf'O"NIA °"ANGE COUNTY, HAAe<>fl JUDtCIAL OIST"i.ICT 410t Jll"bone ltvd. )Wwpon lhedl, CA l2tlO Plelntlfl: F K, tNC~ dbl TffE QAAMl!NT OIS"'ICT o.t.ndent FRAHCll IC. YOUNG. dbe OA"Ml!NT DllTRICT PLACENTIA, Md D041S 1 thl'OUQh 10. lncluttve. SUMMOICt ca.. No. A:Mll NOT1Cl1 \'ov han betfl euecl. Tiit covrt IMY deotd9 egtlne1 JOU wlthcMlt rour betftO lllMd unl•H rou r"flOftd •""'"' llO dare.. "9.ed tht lntonnatlon below. II you wlall lo leek the eo~ of an attorney 111 lhl• miller. you should do so ptomplly so 11111 your wr1ttan reeponM, II any may be !lied on time 4¥1801 Ueted fl• •ldo dem1nd1do. El tr f1J11n1I pu.de o.oidlr OOlltrl Ud, llrl audleincta I -.. Ud. reapottdl Mntro de ao dlaa. LN II Inf-*' que etg111. St Usted deue eollcller et c;onselo de un tbOQedo en "" 11unto. deberfa l'taoerlo lnmldla1amen11, de aa11 man8fa, eu reec>uMI• aacrtta. •I h1y 1tgun1, Pvtdt -•.alttrld• •!tempo. I TO THE OUENOANT A Civil oomplaln1 "" "-' Ned by '"' plalnllft .,,_t "°" n "°" wlal'I to deMrld thll lllwtult, you mutlt, Within 30 d1y1 attaf 11111 1ummon1 la Mt"9Cf on you. ftll wltll lfllt C!OUrl I W<itttn r~ to ,,... comOlalM Unlell you dO IO. )'Ollr d«~l1 wlll be entered on appllcaUon of the Afelnllff, and tl'tl• ooun may enter 1 Jilclgment llQHlll you for tri. relief dim""'*' rn Ille oornp111n1, wwNctl could r .. ult tn g1rnf11\111ent 01 waoe-. ttltlnQ Of money or PfilOtrtY 01 other rellef raqueated In 'II• comptlllnl. OATEO: AP!11 Ill, tN2 . J. P ... IOll,Clertl v L. Otmto. OIPillY Clft '· ::i::• 19 It, .,,... = ..... ............ -IM--.OA111tt (TM) ..... M 'ubllatled Or•"99 Coaa1 Delly flilot, J\IM 4, 11, 11, H , 1182 ~'10·'2 I namad 1n 1ne c.onl/ect The owne• reserv&S lhe r1gh1 10 re~l any bonO. 11 111 tne OQlniOn 01 1ne Engineer lhl! Surety's ac~nowledgmen1 is not '" tne l0tm 1ncluOeO 1n 1ne contract oocvrnenLs °' tn enolhe• fo1m tubst1n111ny IS oresGrtbed by law PREVAILING RATES OF WAGES lri ac;coidanc.a wllh the PtOvlllons of Sec11on 1773 Ol lhe Calllornla Let>Ot Code, 1he Owner fies determined 1ne gene•sl prevllhng rat1s of pet drem weoes on lhe •ocalllv In which 01e worl\ 1s to be performed 10 be that corotatneo •n the Southarn Calllo1ri1e MU ii!( Labof Agreement. a copy 01 wh1c11 ts on hie 1n the Otl+ce 01 1ne C11y c1 .. k of the City or Irvine and will bi! me<le avallebte to any 1n1eres1eo party upon request The contractor and any !ubcontraCl()t unOlll him 511811 P•Y not less 111en 111e spec1t11d preva111ng •ales ot weges to 111 wo-kmen emp10ylt01n Ille e~ecuoon ol lhe contract APPRENTICE The Contractor 1h•ll comply with ell th• requirement• ol sec11on 17715 01 lht Celltomla labOr Code ORAWINGS ANO SPECIFICATIONS· A full HI ol drawings and 1peclllcetton1 rs av•llable lor 1n1pect1on wltllout charge 11 the olfa ol the Director OI Public; Wene• ol the City ol INtnt Complete Mia ol .. Id Orerwlngs. ~fbltons •n<1 bid OOCumenll Piil' be pur4:haeed from th• Depe11men1 ol Public WO<lla. Cliy or lrvlna. 17200 J1mbor11 Ro•O lrvtna, C1t11orn11 112713 A non· 1tlun11abl• IH 01 15 00 wilt be ctrtrge<I for eec11 "' ol Clocutne<lla Or1w1ng1, 1pecllle1llon1 ind blO documenll wlll be malled, upon rtHl1>1 ol requnte. no Iller then 10 calendar d•ye prlO<' 10 the Clete •• IOI opt11lng t>IOI, IOt tn addlltor>al cnaroe 01 ss. oo. PROJECT AOMINISTRATION All qveatton1 relalt\le to tllle D'oi.ot prior 10 o~ntno bid• 111111 b• dlr ec1ed 10 Jim O'Conn•ll • Conat1uot1on Conire1t Admlnletra1or 764-3791 • OA'f!O June 23, 1112 ClTY Of IAVINI! llyNANCYC ~. CITY 01.CAlt Publlahed Orange Cout Oatty Piiot. June 2!1 6 30, 1~ llllCI CUii lllilll llAA /IEI ClllT f RIDA Y .llJNl J'• 1•1111 Ol~AN <i~ C:<JU N I Y c Al IFOnNIA 25 CENTS Take aspirin, but watch your stoniach Bv JOEL C. DON O(tlle Dellr 'Hot lte" The phyllk1an's a<.lagt' about two aspirins may not bt.• the ht-st remedy for whatl'wr atls you. a(.'(-ording to a UC lrvirw S(•1tmt1st who has studied th{' popular puin loller for more than 12 years Dr Kevan Ivey, UCI profc.ssor of medicanl' and ch1c•f of gastroenterology research at the VA Medical Center In Lont-: Beach. has reported the 30 milllon Americans who take the non-prescription drug on a daily basis run a higher risk of dc•wloping a bleeding stomach whac·h C.'Ould lead to gastric ulcers. "There potentially Is a danger," he said. "But you have to put 1t m perspective. The nsk of somcthang seriously hupix·rung Is relatively 11mnll. "lf you look at 1t from the point or view of the gast.rl.X'nterolog1st, 50 percent of the people who come in with major (atornach) bleeding have an assocaatlon with aspirin." Ivey said arthrauc patients who took at least e1~ht aspmns a day for a mlnlmum of three rnonths had a 25 percent chance of getting an ulcer. ' But aspirin , which erodes the stomach s protective mucoHl lining, has been ahown t.o cauae damage in just about every user, he said. Using a fiber optic instrument called an e ndoacope, I vey examined the s t omachs or rt'search subjects 10 mmutes art.er taking aspirin He found 4!0 ~rcent damage to surfacl' cells lining the stoma<:h an all participants. But, he noted , the body's n atural repair mechanisms healed the stomach lining within a few hours. Still~ Ivey believes aspmn 1s a good drug that can be taken saf1•ly 1C ust.>ri. ukt• advant..ij:(e of llll'lh1xl~ tu a•t.Jucl• IL-i l'Orros1ve cffl-'l'l on thl' t.1tom.1ch lits rt'<.'Omm1m.dations mdu•le taking aspirin t·oateo .v1th d !.pt·t·aal l'ht·m1t·al to pn·vent absorption m thl• !>tOmal·h, U~ of a homt·madl• buffl•rmg M>lut1on and ingestion of asp1rm wath a (See ASPIRIN. Page A2 ) Furious bombardment unleashed • Israel's goal: PLO destruction 'Poppa Bear' Vet er an officer Vic Sagan dead Deity Piiot Steff l"ttoto SUCCUM B S -Veteran Laguna Beach police sergeant Vic Sagan is dead at 56 from complications following an operation. Volcano ash knocks out • • 1et engines JAKARTA, lndonesia (AP) A Britis h Airways Jumbo Jet plunged 25,000 fN.•t whc•n four engines sputt<>rt•d out m flamC'S as the plane flew through ash clouds belching from the Galunggung volcano in West Java. officials !:aid today The pilot rl'Startcd two of the plane's engines during the harrowing dive and the Boeing 747 limped here Thursday night where it made an emergency landing, air traffit· c.'Ontrolll'rs at the airport said . All 23.9 passengers and 16 crewmembers were reported saf<' but scared from the ordeal "It ~med to go on for an eternity Everybody wa:, petrified," ~td passenger Gt•rry Middleton. WORLD Bv STEVE MITCHE LL O( the Oelty Piiot Steff Has gruff manner earned ham the ruckname "Poppa Bear," and his was a familiar face on the streets of Laguna Beach for more . than 35 years. Vic Sagan, a crusty police sergeant who could o ffer counseling to a sobbing runaway, then tum around and chew out a rookie cop, is dead at the age of 56. He died early this morning at Tustin Community Hospital of complications from a stomach operation. Funeral arrangements are pending. Sagan joined the Laguna Bea ch Police Department in September, 1946. after leaving the Marine Corps. Long-time friends said he used to spend h is weekends and leaves m Laguna Beach. visitmg the USO which was located near the Post Office building on Forest Avenue. George Pletts. who was a police sergeant when Sagan came aboard, recalls the rookie police officer as "a 21 ·year-old kid who never grew old." ''He was 21 years old when I retired." Pletts said. During his 35 years on the department. Sagan served 1n more capacities than any other officer. said Police Chief Neal PurcelJ. "H e held every p ossible assignment from parking patrol to a police scuba diving team we had in the 1950s," Purcell said. He was a pistol range master. training officer. detective bureau commander. patrol sergeant, and watch commander. And. until two years ago. the Dana Poant resident was a volunteer fireman at Doheny State Beach Park. John Zelko, a Laguna police lieutenant who retired from the department last year. recalls Sagan's early days on the local po lire force. "He joined the department about a month after me," Zelko said. "And when he got married a few months later. he brought his new bride to the police department on his wedding night to show her off.'' Zelko said he and several other (See SAGAN, Page A2) Let's take a month off The whole world needs to take a month off. suggests columnist Andy Rooney. Page A6. STATE 'Messiah ' fails to show A Pakistani leader touted as the Messiah has failed to appear as predicted. Page A4. Film star acquitted LOS ANGELES (AP) -P ornographic fllm star John Holmes was found innocent today of four Laurel Canyon murders and one attempted murder laat summer. Lebanon • prein1er • resigns BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) Is rael 's Jets and gunboats unlt•as hcd e1 furious bombardm('nt of guerrilla pos1t1ons m W('St &1rut today and Deft·n~c M 1 naster Ara e l Sharon said the PLO was on its way to "cumplrtl• destruction " Israeli tanks also clOS<'<i m on the Synan garrison m Aley after taking stronghold!> on <'lther side along the.· key highway to DamascU!>, and Lt•banC'se television S<.11d Israeli armor was on thl' mov(• near the Beirut airport Prime Minister Shaf1k Wazzan resigned, 1.·hargmg that Israel's relentles.c; assault was "escalated blackmail that renders me unable 10 execute the duties of my of(ice ·· He handed has resignation to President Elias Sarkss at the Baabda palace as the Israeli bombing set ore huge fares an west Beirut Lebanon·s top ldllst leaders and Palc~tane Liberation Organaz.ataon ally Walld Jumblatt also announc.'('d his rcs1gnat1on 1 from th<' National Salvation Council which 1s trying to resolve the nauonal (Tts1s. He told a news t·onfl•rence Israel's demands for an unconditional PLO surrender were unac.'C<'ptable 'YOUR MOVE' -Steve Jackman and his dog Brody rest at "Canyop Chess and Checkers" sculpture in Main Beach Park in Laguna Beach. The functional sculpture. made of o.ttr l'tlol Photo by Oeboreh Wechter antiqued tHe, was created by Marlo Bartels, a Laguna Beach artist. In addition to providing seating in the shade, the table includes a c h ess or checkers table. Jumblatl said tht:' Palestine Liberation Organazatwn was r c• a d v f o r a n h o n '> r a b ! c surn•ndt·r. "but I don·t thank lsrat•I will gav(· It to them. They (the lsrac•hs) JUSt want to kill them (the Palestinians) and kill them and kill the Lebanese with them ·· Laguna surf meet on? The• Chr1st1an Voice of Lebanon radio blared. "The battle for Betrut has begun!" as lsrae11 armor took the Syrian stronghold of Jamhour. six mJles west of Aley. and moved to lank with other tanks that c~ptured l3hamdoun. three males east of AlC'y Brooks Street match depends on the waves The oldest annual surfing contest in the world is staged m Laguna .Beach. say city officials. but. as m past years. at might not start on lame. The 28th Annual Brooks Street Pro-Am Surfing contest is officially set for this weekend. but the contest policy is to · postpone competition until the surf 1s up. Although today surf conditions showed signs of picking up. the br<'akers art' unprC'd1ctable. says COUNTY Ron Lutz, city recreation superv1sor. "But I'll go down to the beach at 7 a .m. Saturday witR a glass of orange juice and mill around with the surfers to see 1f waves pick up," he said. "If it stays bad. we'll postpone 1t and try again next Saturday," The contest is open to surfers who reside within the boundaries of the Laguna Beach Un1f1ed School Distril'l. h's held at the Big names at OC Fair H1g name e ntertainment wiU be heard nightly during the "AJl American" Orange County Fair July 9-18 an Costa Mesa. Weekender. Walking to feed kids Eighty people are trudging downcoast from Santa Barbara to Tijuana to raise money for poor children in the Mexican city. Page Bl. TELEVISION Clothes make the anchor For those who broadcast news on television, clothes make the man or woman. Pilot TV Log. \ beach across the highway from the Pottery Shack If the surf 1s poor this weekend, the contest goes into a w~k-by-week wait. Lutz said Signs are posted at the base of Brooks Street telling whether the meet is on or not. Syria charged the Israelis used nerve gas 1n th£· battle for Bhamdoun, but Israel dcrued it. Lutz says there are older surfing contests in the world, but none that have been held in more consecutive years without a break. Sharon, v1:-1ting troops an Lebanon. told· Israel radio, "The PLO is on its way to complete destruction an Lebanon and in Beirut, if we wall not lt'ave them now," signaling Israel's resolve to k{'ep up the pressure on the guerrillas an west Beirut. Sharon also said thE' Israelis had tak<'n control of thl' Beirut- ISee ISRAELI, Page AZ ) (See SURFING, P..a,.ge AZ) INDEX At Your Service A4 Business 84-5 California A5 Cavalcade B2 Classified C8.Dl-6 Comics C6 Crosaw ord C6 Death Notices C7 F.ditorial A6 Entertainment Weekender Home/Garden B3 Horoecope B2 SPORTS Intermission Ann Landen M.ovies Mutual Funds National News Public Notices Sports Stock Markets TelevilJon The.a ten Weather World News Weekender B2 Weekender 84 A3 .84,C7-8 Cl-4 85 TV Log Weekender A2 A3 Angels, Dodgers win big ones The Anfels and Dodgers both win crucial games agalnst divituonal foes. Page Cl. , /' ' ) -------~· :___· """ --=- OranQe Co11t OAILV PILOT/Friday, June 25, 1982 URFING MEET • • • , Bt>cuul<' tht> Wt't'kf'nd contmt ,dt•J>tmd» on unpn'Ci1ct.ablt' lldl'!I ,and 1urftng rnndatlons, thut :recor d hasn't bn1n easi l y 1t1chlev~. Luu uyti. I Th~ lon&est delay In tht• ~:ontest was in 1977, when It ww. postponed until mid-October. I And a ff'w yean; back, Lutz ~ys, the first heats of the oontest fartally started In August, but the ~urf turned sour fpr the rest of khe summer The !W('Ond heats ~ere postponed until the next rear, in June "But we started the contest ~hat August, so our consecutive lltring wash't broken," Lutz says. I SAG AN • • • officers lcx·ked Sagan an a cell and wouldn't release him untal 8 the next morning. "Some way to ~pl•na your wedding night. isn't at"" Zclkc1 said But what most offic'crs at the Laguna departme nt recall is thl' father image Sagan portrayed to fellow offi cer s and loca l bffenders "They called him 'Poppa Bear' because he was tough on the new kids." Zelko saad. "He'd yell at a "Most 8urftnK t•ontcsts hold t•orr\JWUllol\ on sdwduk'Ci d~11t.•:. regardlt'i..i of tht• l'Ondi\ion11, but wti want thl• bc~t iturf for the k.lds. "ll's u haa.o.le, but lt'a worth it." Lutz smd Last yt•or, more than 70 ml:'n, womt'n und children competed m various age divisions for troph1cs and pr12es valued up to $200 that were provided by l o c al mcn·hants. Lutz says if the surf picks up the contest will be held as schedult.'Ci Saturday mornmg at about 8 If not, it's ba<.·k to the fam1har "wait until next week " PATRICK KENNEDY new guy, then tum around, pat him on the back and say, 'Sorry l chewed you out'." lieorge Pletts recalls a t1m<' when Sagan arrested a 15-year-old prostitute at a local hotel and brought her to the 'itation "He took her m a corner and counSC'lcd her for hours." Plett.s said "He· was being a lather to her, JUSl a ... he was to everyone else. ASPIRIN DANG ERS. • • prescription drug that redu(:es acad secreuons in the stomach Enteric-coatcd aspirin allows the drug to pass through thl' s tomach. with chemical breakdown an the intestine A third teaspoon of baking soda taken with two aspirins appears to have a buffering effect on the s t o m ach But I vey doesn 't recommend tha t method for chronic aspirin users, because of the possible dangerous nse in blood alkalinity. Cimet1dane, a popular ulcer drug. can be taken with aspmn t o limit production of hydrochloric acid 1n the stomach. he said. Aspirin as especiaUy popular among patie nts suffering from arthritis. rhcumat1c diseases and galls t o n(•S. And researchers c urre ntly are studying its apparent preventive value for heart disease and stroke victuns. Ivey said aspirin substitutes such as Tylenol, the brand name uf ac·etaminophen, should be considered. But some doctors an• conc-ernt.od about reported tox1e effect of Tylenol when taken in large doses "I think aspirin 1s a very good drug; I Uke it," he added. "The message I'm trying to get across is one should be more cautious and there a re other ways of taking It." Ivey's findings. par t of an ongoing research effort, were presente d at a symp osium -;ponsored by the International Association for the Study of Pain m Mainz-Frankfurt. Germany. ISRAELI INVASION. • • Damascus highway from Synan force>, denying resupply to the PW in west Beirut "For the first time since the Syrians invaded Lebanon six years ago, th£.•y lost their strategic control over Lebanon, and by that the PLO lost ats mam or maybe only ally . the only one who could have saved it." The cutoff of Aley will shield Israeli ground forces besieging Lebanon's ~ap1tal against harassment from their rear if they go anto Vasser Arafat's west Beirut enclave to crush the PLO and its leadership. ' TOWE R F IRE VICT IMS County firemen and paramedics aid Villa Valencia employee Chris Watkangs, 2:5, of !::ian Juan C3p1strano after h e and two other employees suffered smoke inhalation while battling a fire that Deity PltOI Photo by Alc:l\erd l(oahl., broke out m an elevator shaft at the Laguna Hills retirement complex. At left 1s Connie Lockhar t, 62, of Huntington Beach . who aJso sutrered from smoke inhalation. Would Californians • convict Hinckley? By DAVID KUTZM ANN Of Iha Deity Pllol Sl•tf If John Hincklt•y Jr had been tried 111 California for shooting Preside nt Reag<tn. 1t 1s "v(•ry hkely" he would not havt· bc<.·n found tnnocenL by re ason of insanity, th(• president or the California State Bar said Thur,:;day in Newport &>at'h Los Angeles attorney Samuel L W11l1ams said that the rules of ev1d<'m'l' used 1n federal C'Ourt, where> Htnckll'Y was tried an Washington D~C ., a re much different from California's in regard to ansanlly cases. Even be fo1 e renmt changes enac tl'd by votrr-approve d Propos1llon 8. 1t would have been difficult for President Reagan's assailant to gaan an msanaty-style acqu1t1.al Wil Iiams. an an interview following has appearance before Town Hall of California at the Newportcr Inn. said federal rules rt-quire the pr05eCution to prove lx·yond a reasonable doubt that a d<'fondant who pleads insanity is actually sane Jurors interviewed soon afte r Hinl·kle y's verdict had said they b elieved the defendant was guilty, but that tne prosecution had not conclusively shown ham to be sane. In California, however, the burden is placed on the defense, Williams SBJd. A man or woman who pleads not guilty by reason o{ insanity must prove the claim, rather than the• prosecutton having to show that the defendant is sane But the evidence showing insanity. Williams said, need not be c onclu s ive beyond a reasonable doubt. Instead, the defonse would have to prove its insanity claim through a "preponderance o{ the evidence." that 1s, tht> majority of evidence. The prosecution's C<l!\C must be proved "beyond a reasonable doubt," the Los Angeles attorney and state bar president said. Williams said California's regulations are a "mo r e r~pansible position for us to be an Retirement conJplex hit by blaze A three-alarm fire at a Laguna Halls retirement complex this morning left six people injured. but was quickly brought under l'Ontrol The fire broke out i n an elevator machine room in the basement of the Villa Valencia. 24552 Paseo de Valencia at about 9 a.m .. county fire officials saad Residens of the.twm-towor complex were not evacualt•d from the eight-story buildings and the blaze was contained to the elevator shaft an Tower 2 Four employees o f the retireme n t compl e x who atte mpted to extinguish the flames before fire units arrived suffered smoke inhalation and were taken to Sadd lebac k Hospital for treatment. a f1rl' official said. They included Chris Watkins, 23, of San Juan Capastrano; Ed O'Day. 55, of Anaheim; Connie Lockhart, 62, of Hu ntin gton Beach and Salome Rentera, 28. whose address was unavailable Cooling trend due Bids sought fo r school bus ser vice Laguna Hills firefighter Andy Olivas suffered third degree burns to his right hand while battling the b l aze and an umdentifaed woman resident of 1he complex suffe red a h eart attack. Coastal Hazy alte•noon sunsr11ne tOOay Higl\$ 68 to 74 Considerable tow ctoud1neas tonight and Sa1urday Lows 54 to 82 Highs Salurday 6.4 to 70 Tempera ture~ NATION HI lo Pre. 74 45 94 67 93 63 25 78 64 89 67 72 62 94 68 09 78 55 60 57 89 60 70 47 87 60 06 78 59 97 79 70 55 72 53 28 l•A"""'' WHlrt • S.-w.e tOO NC .. A " s o.ol ot Com'""" T he school d1str1ct's fleet of a dozen buses as old, obsolete and as costing the district a bundle each year The Laguna Beach Unified &·hool Distract can't get parts for some of the aging yellow vehicles a few dating back 30 years - and even the newest bus is older than a sixth grader. .. _. .... 'Man saw murder; hiding' A w11nc'll." to lhc· murder of .Barklt·y r Hodg('li an a John Wayne Airport n••l4turant is in hiding and II\ foar or h11 ltff', tht< Orang e Cuu11t y D1ictr1<·t Attornt:y'i. off1c ... rt-vt'ull·d 1n c.'Ourt tvclu y The man, 1denUfied as Randy Snyde r . allegedly wos 1n Delaney's Restaurant tht• mght of thl' shooting, iutting with Hodgcs and Kc•llc•y Ru:-1s t.'ll Daniels, Hodges' cousin. According to reports, Hodges was shot orwe m the head &nd Danieb. of Lagunu &ach, was arrt•s t<'d u n murder l'harges. Snydl•r b o lte d from lhe restaunml • In Harbor MunH:lpal Court today, ;.m att.ornc:>y for murdt•r ~uspc'<:t Daniels r<'<.juc-sted that the d1~1r1l·t atlOrm•y provide him with an oddress for Snvder The d1s tr1('t attornl'Y urg'U ed that Snyde~ •~ an hiding, fearing for his l.Jfe Snyder was not charged in the June 8 anl01dent. "Who 1s he h1d1ng from '1" ask•·rl Mar'i h a ll Schu!mdn l.)ame ls' anorney "1'has doesn't • make· any St·nse." The district attorn1•y did not elaborate Judge Robert J Pohs said he will takt· up to two weeks t.o delibe rate whethe r Schulman should Ix• handed the witm-ss· addre~s Tra in k ills girl, 16., in Cle m e nte A 16-year-old Tustin girl killed hy a tra in 1n San Cleml'nte apparently fell anto 11.S path after she stumbled rrn the tracks. offic1aJs sa rd today Kim Thibault was pronoum:C'd dead a t r.1 1ss1on Comm un1t v Hospital an M1s.-.1on V1£'.)0 at ·1 a m Thursday, following tht• al'Cadcnt that 1x•t:urred at 11 .45 p m We-dnesday State beach off1c1<1I Jack Stowe said the girl and two fnc:nds were walking from the bc>ach inland to the s tall' park whl·n the accident OC'Curred "Thcy had alread y safel y crossed the tracks but then they saw the trai~ coming and ror som e reaso n s h e ran bat·k towards the tram and apparc•ntly stumbled on the tracks," Stowe said The Santa Fe frc•aght train was traveling southbound al about 41) mph and the girl was struck ()n the head as it passed. Stowe <;ays Hc say!. there 1s a pedestnan tunnel under the· trat·ks betwt-<•n the st.alt' beach a nd tht-inl<1nJ park. but anstt-ad o l using tl. th<· girl and her fr ll•nds had c:rOl->.-.(.'Cl the track.c; Elsewher e tr om P oin t Concep11on t o Che Mexican t>otder and out 60 miles l tghC variable wmds tn the ntghl and morning hours, turning woslerly 8 to 15 knols Chis evenll'g and 10 10 20 kl'OCI Saturday aflernoon Wind waves I to 2 feel this eflerl'oon. SouthweSI sw•ll 1ncrus1ng to 2 ro 3 (let tooey Mostly cloudy With only P•r1Mll clearing durtng late allernoon end eveni ng ho u rs t o day a nd Saturday Albany Albuqua Amanllo AShev1I .. AClanta Atlante Cly Austin Balltmore Biiiings Borm1nghm Bismarck Botse Boston Brownsvlle Burlington Casper Charlstn SC Cl\aflstn WV Charltte NC Cheyenne Chl<:lgO 84 78 80 53 8t 66 68 54 29 82 63 Fronts. Cc'o .,.. War,...,... Orlando 88 70 01 PMedphle 89 55 Santa Barbara 68 San1a Mana 71 51 The cost of replaci ng the fleet is prohibitive, given the district's financial plight. So trustees are seeking private contractors who migh t be inte reste d 1n providing bus service to the district's school children next year. opens July 10 78 54 Phoenl• 103 77 U.S. Clr>e1nn8lt Cleveland S ummary c1mbl8 sc Columti..1 75 5t 86 69 78 49 Plctst>urgh 73 47 Ptland Me 74 52 P11•nd. Or• 86 6• Strong thunderstorm• end 1catter•d tornadoes hit the central and western Plalns. pounding the region wilh nall, drenchlno rein and nigh wtncls Two 12 .year-olds died Ttwrsday in Obe<lln Kan , 111« being swept down e stOfm drllln 11 they pleyed In knee-deep water follow1ng a drenching thul'dersloun The Slorms hit -stern TeJC.es and west•rn Olclahoma, along W11h pans of Kal'sa.s. NebfHlc&, C olorado a nd Wyoming Scetlered lhun<1ers1orm1 &Ito hit norcharn Michigan. tha Pec111c Nort,,_t, the eastern Gull Coal! lllld soutnern AllenCic: regions Today's forecast called lor ecat 1erad showers end ch\lnde<~I 0"9f Iha P8Clflc Northwett, Greet Basin, f!Ofthem Rockies, 1oucharn and c:anlral Plalns, lower and mlddl a MIPIHIPPI Valley. FIOflde, and ftQITI the io-Grut Lale• 10 ,...... Engtlllld Sunny skies -• pradlctad for Che mld·Allanlic: c;oMI lllld much of the Sout,,...I. T•mperalurea around Iha netlon bafOfe dawn ranged from _... In Grend Fork1. N D .. to 89 In Pnoenlx, Ari? California The Netlonat W•tllar Sarvk:a ~lc:11 m«• nlg.hl a.nd morning clo udln•11 end raluc:11n1 1ftarnoon 1un1hln• lni.no thta wwlland The ~· lhoutd be ol ••r bul t>r•ezy with touthwaltarry wind• to 25 ,,,.,n. Saturd1y'1 hlQ/lt Mou6d rtllgt. ltom Iha mid 70. In Lot Anotlli9 llllCI at baaehae, bet-74 and 80 In fnOUftlaln&, from 92 to t02 In the 111gt1 daNr1 anc:t batwMt'I 100 and tOt In Iha low d&Nt1•. lotttr• ll'om POlnl Cona.ptlon to Iha Maxlctn bOtdtr can 1xpaot llOflt, vwlat>lt wtncs. dut'lng the n'911t end mOfnlng, becoming •H t trly 11 fO 10 20 knolt ..,,dty anamoon wtlh • 2 to J.-.C~twlll. Oat-Fe Wlh DaY1on Denver Des MOlnos Detro.I Dwth El Puo Fargo Flogstell Great Falls Hartford Helena Honolulu Houston lndnapl1s Jachsn MS Jac:l<snvlle Kana Ctrv la VtQas Little Roch loulsvllta Lubbodc Memphis Miami Miiwaukee Mpl•St P ....,, ...... ,.._O<INnt N9w York Nor10lll No. Plellt Okie Clly Omehe 88 68 61 77 54 73 54 02 89 69 77 57 75 44 tOO 62 72 ., 77 4t 73 47 78 5t 74 50 0 t 87 7. 92 77 32 78 57 92 69 93 70 53 87 71 100 75 86 72 03 78 57 8.4 63 llO 73 8" 75 82 6" 03 79 57 63 85 57 91 70 79 82 19 eo 85 55 82 81 5e 87 6" Provtdence 76 Aelelgh 76 Reno 81 Sall Lake 87 Sen Antonia 94 Sea ct le 86 Shreveport 89 Sioux Falls 83 SC Ste Merle 69 Spokane 88 Syracuse 73 Topelce 85 ruc:son 99 ru1sa 77 We,st11ngtn 80 Wichita 13 CALIFORNIA 3•kersflei<I 91 31ythe 105 EurtU 6" ... ~ 89 l anca1ter 84 Lot AtlQMt 71 Monterey 88 Naadl&I 104 Puo Roblee 78 Rad 81utl 83 Redwood Clty 71 Sac:tetMntO 79 SellnH 70 Sen D&eoo 71 San Fr111Cltc0 85 S5 64 46 63 7S S8 69 74 46 62 51 67 68 68 64 64 68 53 60 61 60 52 61 61 55 63 es 57,. 01 20 47 27 03 03 lti ...... ii:rii-.---~U..._. R~f R_IP_DR_T Taclay'1 Loc.hn Huntington Blull• HuntlngtOfl Pltr Santa Ana Mw Jetty 40ltl 8t ~ Und8t.~ , Balbol Wactot Roclcplla, lagun• Sleepy HOllOw Thall .. 1t00111 Sen Clemente Plat Tfaf..._ (T·l'trwt) ·i.~ 2-4 ' • 1 .. "45 ~ ...., 24 ·-lhepa falt lair "10 good good good poor OOod good good good A•araea Tatftp 62 511 511 59 511 511 &II eo eo 511 24 ltlr 511 2"" good 50 Cotton'• Polftl TOMOAROW'e TIDES Dlfacrtlon Soul~ H'911 3:21 p.m. Low t ·27 1 m Swell Stockton 80 57 Thermal 10t U~1an 82 Barstow 100 n Big Bear 17 40 81&hOP 84 61 Long Beach 75 61 Monrovia 79 58 Mt Wilson 79 60 Newp0<1 Beach 66 61 Ontar.o 78 SS Palm Spnnos 101 69 Pasadena 76 56 San 8ernar<11no 8 1 59 San Jose 16 59 Santa ,t.na 72 6 t Sanca Cruz 66 60 Tenoe Valley 71 .. , Snio{{ ,t. PSI of 100 11 ptlldlcled IOf the Sen Gabflal and Pomon• vllta)'s. A PSI o4 92 la IOl"&C&lt for Benning end metropolitan lo• Anga1a1. 76 for lht H1ma1- E1sll'ore region and 58 101 the low desercs. A PSI ol 42 II l)fedlCCed IOf all other ar•a1 Including 1'111nd Orange County. the hlQh deHfta. COUl•I regions Ind the Big Baar L•~e area Where 10 call (toll free) lor lares1 1mog lnformauon Orenge Coun1y (800) 446-3826 Loi Angeles County (8001' 242-•022 River t ld• and San Sftrnardlno COU'1tl8S' (800) 367-4710 ,t.OMD Episode Canter· (800) 242-.46M Tide TOOAY Saoond high 2:21 p.m 4.3 Second IOW 7!25 p,l'l'I 2.5 IATUM>AY Arif high 1'18 am. 5.2 Ftrac low 1.27 a.m. 0.3 Second nion • 3.28 p.m •.5 8acOfld iow 8. se 1> "" 2. • Sun Nit loday al I Ot p m , r,_ Satvt'day aa 5·•3 a.m. Moon r1 ... 100., al t0:22 am., Mt• aa1~ at t2!0 t • m The board authori~ed district o-fficials lo seek bads fro m companies who pr·ovade bus service in order lo determine whether that service would be c heaper than continuing to opera te the 70-pas senger dinosaurs currently in service. Clyde Lovelady. the district's bus iness manager, says the Laguna Be ach distract spends ·about $250 ,000 a year i n maintenance. ruel, employee salaries and management for the bus fleet. He said replacement of some of the buses, dating back to 1953. is unavoidable, addini;t the cost of a new bus "starts a t a r ound $60,000." And while Lovelady says he h as no idea w h a t p riva t e com pan ies m igh t ask to bus L aguna 's students, he has outlined alternative services to be included in bids by oontractors. Those include providing the same ser vice now enjoyed by students -home to school. school to home at different hours for each school. The bids will include estimates for busing children to and from tchool with all tchools •}lrtlng Jnd dismiain& at the same 11.me. And the dJatrict Wll\tl to know the cost per mile and hourly eo1t for field trips and other act!vitlea. The school boerd will ~ive th bids tometirne in August at which time they muat d ecide whttther to atick with the current fleet or contr11Ct for aervk~. The 16th Annual Sawdust Festival o{ Arts and Crafts at Laguna Beach opens on its familia r 2 ~-acre site off Laguna Canyon Reed -near Pacific Coast Highway on Saturday. July 10. This year's theme is "The Magic is Back" and nearly 200 a rti sts f r om L aguna communities will dis play artworks ranging from or iginal oils to lithographs and prints, jewelry. ceramics, clothing and stained glass. The festival is open from 10 •Here's a chance to learn water safety for both you and your child for those lazy pool and beach days coming up this aummer. ·Crown Valley Community Park Is offering an aquatldi program tbl• aummer that featuret twUnm1ng leaona for everyone from e months old to adult. T he weekd a y sessions, which run for two weeks, are • Crown Va l l ey Community Park ln ~ Nil\Mtl wOl offer an American ReCI en. approved advanced llfesavlna courae beainnJn1 July 5 ~ 10 a.m. till noon. The 2l·hou.n cou.rae wW be tau-t COllMCutlvely ln 10 two·hour «llHa union•. Enroll .. m~ be at 1Mlt l5 a.m. to 11 p.m . through Aug 29. A r tists can be viewed "throwing" pottery, blowing glass, and painting portraits. Traveling minstrels o{ magic, mime. song and comedy also pass through the grounds Admission is $1 for adults, 50 cents for s eniors and c·hildrcn under 12 free. Group rates for 20 o r more are available Parking and shuttle bus service is available, said a festival spokesman. For further information. call (213) 760-0042. available for $15 per person beg,nning June 28. Bein g offered between 9 a.m. and noo n , cl a sses ru n approximately one-half hour . Also o ffe red is an adult water exerclcie program that w i ll teac h easy water e xercises to to n e a n d strengthen muscles. AddHlonal In for ma tion may be obtained at 831-7254 or 831 -7275. years old and be able to swim 500 yards continuously. The clan will teach awimming strokes, dHp and 1 b a l)ow water reacuea. lW\&ICitltJon and pool u..fety. A •mall fee for mate..W. and ~bookl will be Jevkd. AddJ\lonal lnfom'9tlon can be ob\alned by telephanlnc 83J-72M. ~------'' .. llllllCUIT IDlll IDITIDI I fU O AY Jl•Nl I '• l'Jfl/ OHANCl CUUN I Y L AUt-UHNIA 25 CENlS Would state jury find Hinckley guilty? By DAVID KUTZMANN Of the D•llr "'°' 81•" If John Hinckley Jr. had bN!n tried In California for shooting President Reagan, it is "very likely" he would not have be<>n found innocent by reason o f insanity, the president of the California State Bar said Thursday an Newport Beac:h Los Angeles attorney Samuel L. Willi~ms said that the rules of evidence used m federal court. where Hinckley was trie d 1n WashinJ{ton D C , are muc h different from California's in regurd to insanity ca&ei. Jurors interviewed soon after Even before recent <:hanges Hlncklt'y'11 verdict had said they believed the defendant was e n acted by voter-approved 1 Proposition 8, it would have ~n gui ty. but that the prosecution difficult for President Reagan's had not conclusively shown ham to be sane. assailant to gain an insanity-style acquittal. Jn California. however, the burden LS plac.'ed on the defense, Williams, in an interview Williams said. following his appearance before Town HaU of California at the A man or woman who pleads Newporter Inn, said federal rules not guilty by reason of insanity require the prosecution to prove must prove the claim, rather than beyond a reasonable doubt that a the prosecullon having to show defendant who pleads insanity 1s that the defendant is sane. actualJy sane. But the evidence s howing ~~--=-~~~~~~~~~~~~- Insanity, Williams said, need not be conclusive beyond 1.1 reasonable doubt. Instead, the defense would have to prove l\8 insanity c laim through a "preponderance of the t>vldence," that is, the majority of evidence. The prosecution's case must be proved "beyond a reasonable doubt," the Los Angeles attorney and state bar president said. Wtlltams said California's regulations are a "more responsible posruon for us to be an." And he pred1c:ted that thl' federal rules soon would changl' because of Hinckley's uc:qutttal "I think thert• ts little doubt then• will bt• a s ubs t antial re- evaluation of the federal rulPs 1111 in.sanity," he said. Propositio n H. approved by voters earlier an the month, tightened California's rule:. on insanity defenses. Chief Deputy District AttornL') Jam,•s Enright satd that Ix-fort· Propos1uon 8. the law allowed a ddend..int lll da1111 that l·vcn though ht• knew what lw was doing, ht· l'ould d:11111 1111\l~·enl·e by mson11y If a 11w11t~I lllnt'tlb µusht'<I 111111 forward Wnh Propus1uu11 ti . En11ght .. u1d, tht· vuu•rs st1ffl0 n4!d the rull's by <.•hmmr.ung the so-called "1rn·i.1s t1hle 1mpuls<•" defense and r1•tur111ng tu pr1•v1ous Cal 1 forn1.1 l.1 w of showing whl'lht•r a d1•1t•11dant knt•w WhJl lw \\J.., d11111i.: Jrld 1f ht· krww ht.· WJ.., v1ulat 1ng 1h1· 11ghts of .111oth1 ·r * * * Hinckley trial PLO 'destruction' • seen Ill Lebanon costly WASHINGTON (AP> The full cost of proscculing John W Hinckley Jr . m ay n ever be lglown, but could total into the nullions of dollars. ~urity alone cost about $1 million Th e jury's ruling that H inckley was not guilty b y reason of 1nsan1ty m the shooting of President Reagan and three others culminated 15 months of investigation and prosecution .. Costly psychiatrists e ntering expert testimony. thousands of hours of time mvest<.'CI by guards, lawyers, investigators and others as well as food. hous ing and transportation contrabutc-d to the final bill. The U.S . Marshal's office. which has had the duty of guarding Hinc kley since the shootin~. faced perhaps the largest single bill, $989,450. Spokesman Btll Dempsey explained that this included $875.320 in general security costs for Hinckley In addition. he said, the added protection costs for the trial came to $13. 775. and the cost o f sequestering the JUry five days was $3.930. AP Wlrepholo • BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Israel's jets and gunboats unleashe<t a furi o u s bombardment o f gue rrilla positions in west Beirut today and Defense Minister Arie l Sharon said the PLO was on its way to "complete destruction." Israeli tanks also closed m on the Syrian garnson m Aley after taking strongholds on either side a long the ke y h 1ghway t o Damasc u s, and Lebanese television said lsraelt annor was on the move near the Beirut airport. Prime Minister Shafik Wau.an resigned, chargmg that Israel's City Center de~ign hits detail snag About 30 people who gathered at Irvine City HalJ today to give final instructions to architects designing a new City Center couldn't get down to specifics. Their problem was uncertamty over the number of acres to be made available for the plaza by the land-o wning Irvine Company. Spokesman John Russell of the Justice Departme nt said h1 .3 agency's major expense was fees to expert witnesses, which he estimated at "more than $300.- 000." The thr('e prosecutors m the case have total salaries an the neighborhood of $140.000. But Russell noted that they we re not hired JUSt for that case. so the government would have been paying them anyway and lhey would merely have been doing other work. RAV AGED BY WAR -Apartment buildings m the Comich Mazrea suburb of West Beirut stand in rubble after Thursday's Israeli air attack on the residential neighborhood. Witnesses said the apparent target was the n earby headquarters of the pro-Palestinian leftist "Moorabitoun'' militia. City officials have hoped the company would donate 25 acres at Jeffrey Road and Barranca Parkway in exchange for development rights for its proposed Village 12. But company s pokesmen n egotiating with the cit y suggested last week they might prefer to donate 15 acres and use another 10 acres for r etail development, accordmg to city officials. Hinckley also spent several months in the custody of the Federal Bureau of Prisons. and spokesman Mike Aun reported that the cost to that agency totaled $148.600 Witness to 1nurder fears for his life The problem has architect s perplexed . Kevin Ket ly of Caudill S cott Rowlett of Houston, Texas, told the group that designers will plan the 25-acre site as directed. Haig resigns; Schultz pick BULLETIN WASHIN~TON (AP) - President Reagan said today Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. is resigning as Secretary of State. Reagan said Haig will be succeeded by fonner Treasury Secretary George Schultz. He gave no reason for Haig's resignation and refused to take questions from reporters WORLD A witness to the murder of Barkley F_ Hodges in a John Wayne Airport restaurant is in hiding and in fear of his life, the Orange County Distri c t Attorney's office reveale d in court today. The man. identified as Randy Snyder, allegedly was in Delaney's Restaurant the night of the shooting, sitting with Hodges and Kelley Russell Daniels. Hodges' cousin_ According to reports, Hodges was shot once in the head and Daniels, of Laguna Beach, was arrested on murder charges. Snyder bolted from the restaurant. ln Harbor Municipal Court Let's take a month off The whole world needs to take a month off, suggests columnist Andy Rooney. Page A6. STATE 'Messiah' fails to show A Pakistani leader touted as the Messiah has failed to appear as predicted. Page A4_ Film star acquitted LOS ANGELES (AP) -Pornographic film ttar John Holmes wu found innocent today of four Laurel Canyon murden and one attempted murder last IW'Nlltt. today, an attorney for murder suspect Daniels requested that the district attorney provide him with an address for Snyder. The district attorney argued that Snyder is in hiding, fearing for his lHe. Snyder was not charged in the June 8 incident. "Who is he hiding from?'' asked Marshall Schulman, Daniels' attorney. "This doesn't make any sense." The district attorney did not elaborate. Judge Robert J. Polis said he will take up to two weeks to deliberate whether Schulman should be handed the witness' address COUNTY But, he added, if word arrives later that only 15 acres are available, "It will lead to an entirely new master plan." Paul Brady Jr .. assistant city manager, said city leaders will meet next week with Irvine Company President Peter Kremer to discuss what he called "some changes In direction we don't particularly care for ... in all candidness, we're getting some mixed signs from the company right now." He said results of that meeting would be forwarded to the architectural team. Big names at OC Fair Hig name entertainment will be heard nightly during the "All American" Orange County Fair July 9-18 In Costa Mesa. Weekender. Walking to feed kids Eighty people are trudging downcoast from Santa Barbara to Tijuana to raise money for poor children In the Mexican city. Page Bl. TELEVISION Clothes make the anchor For thoee who broadcast newa on television, clothes malice the man or woman.. Pilot TV Log; ) relentless assault was "esci.ll&«'Cl blackmail that renders me unabl<' to execute th<' duties of m y o ffi ce " H e handed his resignation to President Elias Sarkis at the Baabda p<tlan · as the Israeli bombing set off hug1· fires m west Beirut. Lebanon's top leftist ll•aJt•rs and Pales t i ne L1 berat1on Organization ally Wahd Jumblatl al'iO announced his res1gnauon from the Nallonal Salvation Council which 1s trying to resolve the national crisis. He told a nt•ws conference Israel's demands £or an unconditional PLO surrender were unacceptable Juniblatt '>.Jld tht· Palestlnt' Ld1l·rau11n Org<in1zatwn was r l' d d v ( o 1 ,1 n h o n o r a b 1 e surrt·ndl·r . "bul I don't think lsral·I will g1vt• II lo thl•rn Tht·y (tht· bn.ll'lt!>) JUSl ~ant to kill tht•m (thl• P.tlt'l>llnt<1ns) and kill tht•m w1J kill tht.• Lt-1..1..in< .. 'M' With tht•IYI" T h L C h 1 1 s t 1 <i n V 11 1 t t· o f LPbanon rodro blan•d, "The battle ror He1rut has begun'" ~ braC'lt armor took the Svnan stronghold of Jamhour -.1x '"miles Wl'St of Alc•y. a nd movt'CI to link with othc·r tanks that ('<tptured tSee ISRAELI. Page A2 I Toilet turmoil LB firemen fail Jn bowl bid When the guy walked into the Laguna Beach fire s tation carrying a toilet under his ann, Capt. Scott Lucas knew it wasn't going to be an ordinary citizen request. It wasn't. The man wanted to know 1f firefighters at Station One could help h1m remove a lacrosse ball lodged deep inside the toilet bowl. The man's plumber. who had removed the toilet after failing to dislodge the small rubber balJ. had suggt-ste d tht.• firt' departmt•nt's air l'Omprt·ssor might blow the• ball out It didn't N1•x1 f1rL•m e>n dirN a•d a hl•althy -;tn•am "f watl'r (:\00 pounds) from d fin· h<N. toward tht• smc1ll black sphl·n· Thal didn't work P1thN Saying he• d think of somt•th1n g t'lSl', Lht• v1s1tor thank<'CI ftr<•men for thl•lr t.'ffor ts And walkl'd out onto Forest Avenu<'. trnll't m tow Julllho jet plunges through volcano ash JAKARTA. Indonesia (AP) A British Airways jumbo Jet plunged 25,000 feet when four engines sputtered out in flames as the plane flew through ash c louds belc hing fro m th e Galunggung volcano in West Java, officials said today. The pilot restarted two of the plane's engines during the harrowing dive and the Boemg 747 limped here Thursday night where it made an emergen<·y landing, atr traffic controllers at the airport said . All 239 passengers and 16 crewmembers were reported safe but scared from the ordeal "It seemed to go on for an eternity . Every bod y was petrified," said passenger Gerry Middleton. a tor operator from Perth, Australia. H e said passengers sat and prayed as the enR:ines belched INDEX A4 B4-5 AS B2 C8.Dl-6 C6 C6 C7 A6 At Your Service Business Californla Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices Editorial Entertainment Home/Garden Horoecope Weekender B3 B2 SPORTS flames and the C'abin filled w11J1 acrid volcanic smokl' billowing from air venL.:; "I looked out to s<.~· the near engm<.' on'my side a pparC"ntly on fire and the two t'nganes on the other side s<.'l'mc-d to be burning. too." M1ddl<'ton said "Then all the engmes stopped and we went mlo a ~tct.•p dive " The plane wa~ on 11.s way from London to P1'rth. flying south of Jakarta dt an altitude of :n.ooo fL-et. when It suddenly hit the ash cloud and all four l'ngines stalled. airline and air traffic officials <;aid. Passt'ngers said 1t took the crew 12 minutes to level the plane off ill I 2,000 feet after restarling two of lht' cnRines. The vokanu startP<l c•rupting earlier an the day. sending ash as far as Jakarta. 125 mrks away_ In tennission Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notices Sports Stock Markets TeleviBfon Theatera Weather World News Weekender B2 Weekender B4 A3 B4.C7-8 Cl-4 B5 TV Log Weekender A2 A3 Angels, Dodgers win big ones The Angels and Dodgers both win crucial games against divisional foes. Page Cl. \ ' . . ~\ \\t Continued stories ISRAELI I NV AS ION. • • ahamdoun, thrc.'\.' mll~ll t.•a~t ut Altly. Syru1 charg~ thv l11raclla ufwd nc.•rve gas 1n the buttle for Bhnmdoun, but lsra£'1 uenled 1t Sharon, v11:11tlng troups I n Lebanon, told Israel radio "The PLO ls on its way to <.'O;,,plet(' destruction ln Lebanon and in Beirut, if we will not leave them now," signaling Israel's rcsolv1• to keep up the.• pressure on tht> ~uernUas in wt.~t Beirut Train kills girl, 16, in Cle m e nte A Hi-year old Tusun girl kilk>d by a tram in San Clt•me•nll· apparently fl'll m10 IL'> path aftt•r she stumblt.·d on t hl' tracks, officials said today Kim Thibault was pronouncNl dead at Mission Community Hospital in M1ss1on Vit.•jo at I a.m . Thursday. following lht• accident I hat ot:currcd at 11:45 p.m. Wcdnt•sday St.ate beach official Jack Stowe said the girl and two friends were walking from lh<• lx•ad1 inland to the· st.atl· park whc•n thl· accident ocx·urred. "They had· alrNdy safC'l y crOSS<'d the tracks but then th<'y saw the tram t'Ommg and for some reason she ran bark towards the tram and apparently stumbled on tht• tracks," Stow<• said. The Sant.a F't· freight tram w~ traveling southbound at abr''-lt -to mph and th<' girl was struck on the head as 1t pas&'Ci. Stowe says. He says thcrc> 1s a pedestrian tunnel under the tracks between the state beach and the inland park, but instead of using 1t. the girl and her friends had t•rosscd the trat·ks. ~haron 1tl:10 ~id the lJracllB had takt-n control of the• f¥lr11t - O&ma,,c;us highway from Syrian rorces, denying resupply to the PLO in west Beirut "~·or the.• fi rst Urnt• 11lnce the Syrwns inv;1dt-d Lebanon s ix years ago. they lost thC'1r stratcgk control over Lebanon, and by that the PLO lost its main or maybe only aJJy tht-only ont' who muld have savt-d It." Thl' cutoff of Aley will shil'ld Israeli ground fof'\.'eS bes1t.•gmg Lebanon's "ap1tal against harassment from their rear it they go mto Yasser Arafat's west Beirut enclave to crush the PLO ,md 11..s leadership. The Voice of Lebanon said the command headquarters of the pro-Syrian ~a1qa guerr1 Ila organ17.at1on nC'ar Beirut's m1dt·1Ly race Lrack was devasLalL'd by Israeli ,Jets. which joined gunboats in furious attacks on guerrilla-held neighborhoods and the paralyzed airport arcu. Tht' race track usetr. which huuses a small Syrian garrison, also was bombed, and w1tm .. -sses reported the blitz sent chunks of trucks and jet•ps fl ying into the :11r The U S Embassy and other tore1gn miSSJons were shuttl'rcd and thl'1r nationals evacuatC'd, and fC'ars mounted that despite Israeli pledges not to mvade west Beirut a ground assault might !.x.· nC'ar Is rael's army bar.·ed woman JOUrnalists from entt>rmg Lebanon, givmg no reason. Israel announced 16 of its soldiers died fighting Synan troops Thursday. the Jewish state's highest single toll in thrl'C days of fighting It pushed the lsraeh death toll to 252 smCC' the invasion began June 6. 8C'1rut pol1cc> say more than 10.000 Lebanese have been killed TOWER F IRE VICTIMS -County fi re m en and paramedics aid Villa Valencia employee Chris Walkings, :l~. ol San Juan Capistrano after he and two other employees suffered smok(' inhalation while battling a fire that Delly lttlot "'clto by fUcn.,d K oehl•r broke out in a n elevator shaft at the Laguna Hills retirement complex. At left is Connie Lockhart, 62, of Huntington Beach, who also suffered from smoke inhalation. No cases planned for Judge Wenzell SAN DJEGO tAP) - Mun1l'1µJl Judge LC'w1s Wenzell 1s sttll rn.iking $57.776 a year. but hc•'s J Judg<.· without a <.'Ourtroom. T h .1 t • ., t h l' 1 t.· s u 1 t o f a Mun1t·1p;.d Court C'omm1ttee's vott• Thursday to deny cases to h1rn A day before, an appellate pan<.'l or Orangt> County Superior Court Judges overturned Wt.·nzl'll's t·onv1ct1on on fivE> misdemeanor counts of solic1tmg prostitu lion Wenzell, 39, has been free on appeal smce being conVlcted last 0l't 9 by a Jury 1n Orange County Municipal Court He was sentcnt·ed to 58 days m jail. WenzelJ's name was found on checks and credit~ard vouchers seized i.n a police raid on a San Diego call-girl nng, prosecutors said. Retire.men I complex hit by blaze A three-alarm fire al a Laguna Hills retirement complex this morning le ft six people mJured, but was quickly brought under control. The fire broke o ut an an elevator mac.h.ine room m the basement of the VilJa Valencia. 24552 Paseo de Valencia at about 9 a.m., county fire officials said. Baby's • cries sparked death? In their 2-1 vote, the appeals judges said Munici pal Judge Selim Franklin e r red i n :rnswering a Juror's question for darihc:ation on a n issue. At the · time, Franklin was in the jury room to tell the jurors they could take a dinner break. Residens of the twin-tower complex were not evacu ated from the eight-story buildings and the blaze was contained to the elevator shaft in 11Pwer 2. Fo ur e mplo ye ~ o f the retir eme nt compl ex who attempted to extinguish t he names before fire uni ts arrived suffered smoke inhalation and were taken to Saddle back Hospital for tre atmen t, a fire official said. A homicide prosC'cutor has asserted that a 10-Wl'ek-old infant who died a year ago in Huntington Beach was subjected to ultimately fatal abuse by his young parents because he cried a lot. In opening statements Thursday to a 9-woman, 3-man Orange County Superior Court 1ury. Deputy Dtstr1ct Attorney Bryan Brown said that young Joey Green's incessant crying was the "basic reason" he was beaten and violently shaken. Has parents, Sidney Green. 24. and Cynthia Evans, 20. are charged with murder in Joey's death last June. Brown said that doctors who examined the baby after his death round that he had 12 sepa rat e broken bones throughout his body, including a broken collar bone. "Thls baby vtrtuaily had all or the long bones 1n his body broken,'' the prosecutor said. Bro wn said tht: breaks in Joey·~ bones t·ausecl him to be in pain and c ry constantly , genl.'raung more abuse. The proSt.'-·utor said evidence would show that the baby died aft.er being violently shaken by his fatht•r on June l, 1981 The attorney for MISS Evans. Donald Rubi 1ght, told the jury there would be no ev1dence to s how tha t she shook Joey, although he said that she did spank and hit the child. Cooling trend due Tem peratures Coas tal Hazy afternoon sunshine today Highs 68 10 74 Considerable tow cloodlness 1on1gh1 and Saturday Lows 54 to 62 Highs Sa1uroay 64 10 70 NATION HI lo Pre. 74 45 94 67 93 63 25 78 s. 89 67 72 62 94 68 09 78 55 60 57 89 60 70 H 87 60 06 78 59 97 79 70 55 72 53 28 District Attorney Ed Miller said he will ask the 4th Dislnct Court of Appeal to overturn the reversal, vowing "if they refuse to do it, we w1U proceed to retry the case." An appointee of Gov. Edmund Brown Jr .. Wenzell has been given only c1v1l and traffic cases since last December. A defense attorney said Wenzell w1Jl conunue to show up for work. County g e ts F resno ranch murde r trial FRESNO (AP) -The murder trial of a man charged with murdering a Fresn o Count y rancher was moved to Orange County Thursday. They included Chris Watkins. 23. of San Juan Capistrano; Ed O'Day, 55, of Anaheim: Conrue Lockhart, 62, of Huntington Beach -and Salome Rent.era. 28. whose ad~ was unavailable. Laguna Hills firefighter Andy Olivas s uffered third degree burns to his right hand while battling the blaze and an unidentified woman resident of the complex suffered a heart attack. Five e ng ines. two truck companies and a paramedic van responded to the blaze, which took just 20 minutes to control. No damage estimate was available at press time and firemen said they do not know what caused the blaze. OC Fair • proj ect delayed Plans for the $10 mlllton umphltheut.('r in Cost.a M~ were de-alt a •light 11etback Thursday after Orange County Fair Board membC'rs failed to rea('h an agrc-c·ment on a l'Onstruction dak' for tht.> long-awaited theater. "It's still u big mess," said John tturkl'. assistant f air board managt•r "It's not clear 1n t-veryont!'s mindi. as to what the sttuauon 1s." Burke• said that during a two h o u r m c• e• t 1 n g f a 1 1· b o a rd mcmlx>rs differed over som~ of I h l' p o 1 n t s 1 n t h e s 1 g n e d t·cms t rut·t 1on con tract bet ween NN.h•r landc·r Org:m1zat1on and C L Pc'<·k Construction of Irvine Ml•mb<•rs agn't'd to hold off any dt-c1s1on on a t•onstruc·uon datl· for tht• 15.000-seat theater on 1 hl· fairgrounds unul the Bu1ld1n~ u11d Grounds Comm1 lll'l' rnl•l•ts Tuc•sday. he s~ud Fair board president Burr W11l1a~ S<itd some• or the newer mt•mbc·rs wanted some minor ch a n ~ 1• s 1 n t h c• l' o n tract a g n•t•nw n t l'.tg11 l·d Monday. adding th<tt hl• lll'l1evcd t h e tlw<itt•I' w11uld gu ahPad. Ht<'k With'. Vll'l' prt's1dent of NC'dNlantkr. said thal he hopes to tx·gm t·1mstruct1on Wedncsffily tin d ha v l' t h l' am p h 1th l' ate r ''OmplC'll'd by May 15 W11liam' l><:l.d that h1· w<1uld supp<>rt dl·lay111g t·or1s!rUl'tJOn unlll lhl• Or;mgt• C.Uunty F ... 1r ends July 18 Groundbn·akmg was last July for lhl• tht•all'r that w~ t·xpc~·ted to be· <:umplC'lC'd by May. 1982, m lime for the· annual Orange County Fair But W1ttt• said financing problems fon:l.'d tht· Detro1t- based l'Ompany with 28 theate~ to dt•lav cons trul'tlOn of the amphathcatc•r During tht• past year the Orange Count) Fair Board and Nederlander hav<.· d1!><lgr('('(f over whC'ther their t·o ntracl agrt•t•rn<·nt callc•d for complellon of th<• amphitheater by June 30 or mL•re•ly a s1g1wd construction contra<'t Fair board members had not seen thC' signed construcuon contract until Thursday and wanted more 11mc to study it lx>fore agr<.'Cmg to a t'Onstruc·tton schedult'. said Burke The bowl-shaped theater dC'S1gned by the Newport Bcach- based Blurock Partnership calls for 7,000 pc·rmanent S('ats and s pace for 8 .000 additional spa:Lators on the grass. JDL group seized ARLETA. Calif. (AP) - Seven mc>mbers uf the militant J e-.y1sh Dt.'f ense Ll.'ague were arrestc>d for investigation of disturbing the peace and t·halll'nging a citiZl'n to fight when tht>y went to the home of a man they claimed might be link<'Cl t.o vandalism at a Jewish wmpl<'. police said Elsewhere lrom Point Conception to 111e Mex1cen t>orOer and ou1 60 miles Light ver1a1>1e winds 1n lhe nlgh1 and morning hours. turning wttterty 8 10 15 l!nots this eveo1ng and 10 to 20 knols Saturday al1ernoon Wind waves 1 to 2 reel lhts alternoon Southwest 1well 1ncreastng 10 2 10 3 teet today Mostly cloudy with only partlal cleating du11ng 1a1e 111ernoon and evening hours today and Saturday Alt>anv AlbuQue Ama,.110 Asheville Atlanta Allen1c Cty Auslln Balllmore Biiiings B1rm1nghm Bismarck Boise Boslon Brownsvlle Surhngton Casper Charllln SC Chartstn WV CMrllte NC Chey9'1ne Chicago Cinc1nnah 84 78 80 53 81 66 68 54 29 88 70 01 68 51 A change of venue for Skip White, 35, already had been granted because of pre-trial publicity. Superior Court Judge Dennis Caeton announced the trial sit e after checking the availability of outside counties. Caeton then continued the case unlll July 29 to determine when the case can be heard in Orange County Superior Court. 'rookie' Cleveland V S Summary Clmbta SC • • Columbus Slrong thunderatorms and Oal·FI Wlh scattered tornadoes hit lhe g:rv': ' cen1ra1 and western Plllns. pounding the region with hell. Des Maines drenching rein and high winds ~~1~1 Two 12-year -olds died ThurS<lay In Oberlin, Kan el1er ~~io~ao being swept down a storm drain Flagslall as they playe(I •n knee-oeep Greal Falls waler tollow1ng 11 Orenchlng Hartford thundera1orm The storms hll western Texu Hetena and western Oklahoma along Honolulu with par19 ol Kansas, NeDraskl r~stoi" Co Io rad o and Wyo m 1 n g , n nap is Sc11tered thunderstorms also hit Jackan MS northern Mlcn1g1n, the Peclllc Jackanvlle NMhwest, the eastern Gulf Coul Kens City and aouthern Allantlc regk>na. Lu Vegu Today'• lorecaat called for Llltle Roai a c a I I e r e d • h o w e r t 1 n d Louisville thundershowerl ova< thl PIClflc LubbOc:ll NMh-1. Oreal Baatn. nQl'lh41tn Memphl9 Rockies, southern and cenlral ~:~ml 11 Pl1ln1. low If and mlddle Mpl aSI ;' MISllSlippl Valley. FIOftda. and N--~ 11 .... from Ille IOwer Oreal L•k" 10 ..,,v "' New England Sunny ll<lel -• N-on.ans predicted tor the mld·Allanllc ~~;:'" eo-t and mucti of Iha Soutllwefl Tempera1ure1 around lhl No Ptalle nation t>elOfe dawn r8/l98(1 from Ott11 City 44 tn Graod For11a. N 0 to 89 In Omaha PhOenlx, Ariz California The Natlonal WNlher Servtc. predlcta mOfe night 1.nd mOfnlng c1 oudlna11 and reluctant 1l1trnoon 1un1hl118 Inland thla weellend. The deaerta should be olear bul bre ezy with aouth-lerly wind• 10 28 mptl 82 63 78 54 75 51 86 69 76 49 88 68 61 77 54 73 54 02 89 69 77 57 75 44 100 62 72 41 77 41 73 47 78 51 74 50 01 87 7. 92 77 32 78 57 92 69 93 70 53 87 71 100 75 ee 12 03 18 57 84 63 90 73 84 75 82 6.. 03 79 57 63 85 57 91 70 79 82 79 80 85 55 82 61 .se 87 84 S.1urd1y' a hlolU ahOUld '"'" from Iha mid 70. In Lot Anotlel Ind ., beacMI. ~ 14 end 80 In mount1ln1, from t2 to 102 In the nton o-i Ind ~ 100 Ind 108 1n 111e tow ~· Louttoft HIHltlnQtOll llultt HIHltlngton Pier lanta Ana Alver Jeeey ..otl't St. Newpon 22nd SI. Newpon , 8elt>ol WedQt RocllpHe. leguna 8i.'89Y ~ Tllt11 .. 8roott1 Ian Clenwfte Pllr Orlando Philadphla 89 Phoenix 103 Ptt1st>urgn 73 Ptlend, Me 74 Pllend. Ore 86 Prov1denee 76 Raleigh 76 Reno 8t Sal1 Lake 87 San Anlonlo 94 Seat11e 86 Shreveport 89 S1ou~ Falls 83 St S1e Marie 69 Spokane 88 Syracuse 73 Topeka 85 rucson 99 Tulsa 77 Wasn111qtn 80 WIChila 73 CALIFORNIA 3akeralli!4d 31ythe Eurella "'rnno l.MlCaSter LOI Angeles Monterey Needlel Paso Robles Red Blutt Red'#ood City Sacram.nto Salinas San °"'II<> San Fr1ncl1C10 91 105 64 89 84 71 83 104 78 83 77 79 70 71 85 Wave ........ lilt fair Ir to good good gOOd PoOr good good OOOo good ""'~ ' CT -llreet) 2-3 lalf 55 77 47 S2 64 55 64 46 01 83 75 S8 69 7• 46 ?0 47 62 !>I 67 68 27 OJ 03 68 64 64 68 53 60 61 60 52 81 6t 55 53 85 57 A1ter.19e Temp 82 58 58 511 511 59 58 80 80 511 611 511 8oetart ltQ!n Polnl COnotc>tlon to Ol8 ~..,, bof<I« cen ~ flaM, ..... ble llllnd9 dunng fhe nlgllt i nd morning, b90omlng •Htterly 11 10 10 20 ltnoh a.turd4ry 1"4mo0n with t 2 IO ~toot weetetty ........ conon•• ~°"" 2_. good TOM0""0W'8 TIOts· HIQn 3:H pm. tow 1:27 1 m Dnc11on '°"'"""'-' I well ' l .. Santa Baroara Santa Marta 71 Stoc;klon 80 57 fhermal 101 Ukiah 82 Bers low 100 72 810 Bear 77 40 Bisnop 84 61 Long Beacn 75 61 Monrov1e 79 56 Ml Wilson 79 60 Newport Beech 66 61 On1ar10 78 55 Polm Springs 101 69 P"saden11 76 56 San Bernar01no 81 59 San Jose 76 Sil Sonto Ano 1'Z 61 Santa Cruz 66 60 hnot> vall~y 71 41 A PSI ol 100 ta Pf9(1ic1ed IOf Ille San 01l>f1411 and Pomona valleys A PSI of 112 I• loreca11 tor Banning and melropolltan lot Angelo 75 101 tne Hemll· e1ainore r901on and 58 lor the low deNrla A PSI or 42 11 predlCte<I IOf aft olher areas Including Inland Orange Couniy. the high deM!1•. COHiii region• and the 81Q Bear Lakt ., .. wnar1 10 call (1011 rr1e1 ror laletl smog lnlormallon· Orange County (800) 445-3826 Loa Angelu County· (800)' 242·4022 RIVMllde 1nd Sen Bernardino counllff. (800) 367-4710 AOMO Episode Center· (800) 242-4888 Tides TOOAY Second nigh 2 27 p.m. 4.3 Second IOw 7:28 p.m. 2.6 IATUM>AY Fllll high 1 15 1 m 5 2 Arat low 8 27 • m 0.3 Second hlgn 3 21 p m U Setof>d low 8.H p.m 2.4 Bun Mt• tod•'I' " 8:08 p.m .. rl ... Saturday 11 5 ~ 1 m MOOft ttMt eoday at 10'U a.m , Mia Saturdef 11 12 01 1 m. White 1s charged with k111ing Riverdale ranc her Jose ph Norbert Flores whose c harred body was found in the trunk o! his fire-gutted car in July, 1980. 'Dukes' star f aces l a ws uit LOS ANGELES (AP) Warner Bros. and Licensing Corp. of America have filed a $117 milhon suit against John Schneider and Tom Wopat, the stars of "The Dukes of Hazzard," alleging libel, conspiracy to Libel and breach of contract. \he suit was filed rn Los Angeles County Superior Court against the actors, stars of the hit CBS series. They have declined to return to work for the new season and filed their own suit M ay 24 alleging they had not been paid a fair share of pro Clts fro m merchandising. That suit seeks $25 million in punitive damages and unspocified general damages. Salvador slowed SAN SALVADOR, .El S alvador (AP) -Leftist guerrlllaa declared a ban on travel in El Salvador, bombing and burnlni 25 vehlclea in the capital and on the nation '• hiahways ln what offlctala here see aa a rebel campaign to paralyu the eronomy and topple the aovemment. c Jaycee lauded A new member of the Irv ine Jaycees has been n omi nated to win the organization's national awards for first-year service. Steve Stms, 22, of Irvine will compete for the C. William Brownfield Award during a national convention on June • Baseball buffs can look forward to Irvine Day at Anaheim Stadium Sunday, July 11, when the Angels host the New York Yankees. Local organizations a r e coordinating a day at the ballpark for the 1 p .m. game and have tickets on sale for block seating. •Edward U11ery, a senior at lrvt:ne High School, has received an rrT scholarship to study next year at Califo rn ia Insti tute o f TechnolQSY in Pasadena. Ussery · ts the sori or Mae •The Tlpf Tides. a Southern Cal fornia sur f band, la 8Cbcduled to play for trvine *ll•aa!rt al a d~ July 2 In Turtl Rock Communlty Center. l SwmyhD.l Drive, lrvine. The dance , themed 28 in Phoenix, Ariz. Sims is currently serving the local chapter as chaplain and has recruited 10 new members since Joining in Novem ber 1980 F1vP persons will receive the award. The Irvine Chamber of Commerce, Irvine Skorts C lub a nd Irvine Board of Real tors are organitin~ the activity Those interested in uckets ran purchase them a t i5 each from the chamber office, 2801 McGaw Ave. Children aged 15 or less will receive free hot dogs at the game, orgamz.ers say and Marvln U11ery of Irvine. His fath er ia m a nager of industrial relations for ITT Cannon. The scholarship is one of 94 given this year to sons or daughters of ITT employees. "Surfin' Safari Summer," L'I scheduled Crom 8 p.m to m!~nlght. h 's for kida from 13 to 18 or lhoee who .,,.. 1t\lden1a in ?lh~l2th~ Admt Ion ls $3. ..- • 111181 ClllT I MIU 1111111 I lllDA Y. JUNt: 'J'-J l'l87 OHANG E. C OUN l Y L ALIF ORNIA 25 CENTS ,, Haig resig~s . as secretary of state I WAS HINGTON (AP).-Nixon's chief aide during the House press room. Nixon during the Watergate Reagan appeared in the White with gr:at regret regarding a President Reagan said today latter: stages of the Watergate Neither Haig nor Schultz was crisis. House press room momenta after member of our administration Secretary of State Alexander M. crisis and was commander of p re s e n t f o r t h e b r i e f A native of Philadelphia, Haig noon PDT t o make t his who has served this country for Haig Jr. Is resigning as Secretary NATO forees before becoming announcement. wwi in government service for 40 announcement: over 40 years and above and of State. Reagan's secretary of state . Haig was n om In a ted by years, most of it as a career Army ''Ladies and gentlemen, let me beyond the call of duty, who has Reagan said Haig will be News of the resignation came Reagan Dec. 16. 1980, more than officer . say first of all, f'm going to make served me so well and faithfully, succeeded by former Treasury with no warning. a month before the president Immediately before becoming an announcement very brief. whose wisdom and counsel I Secretary-George Schultz.. The White House notified took office and was confirmed by secretary of state, Haig was chief There will be no ... I will take have respected and admired for He gave no reason for Haig's news agencies barely a half hour the Senate Jan. 21 , the day after oper ating officer of United no questions on it. l understand all the tlrne our administration resignation and refused to take before the announcement that the inauguration, after extensive Technologies Corp. th at a press conference is has been here, but who now ia questions from rePorters. the president would make an hearings in which Haig was There was no immediate word sc heduled next week. resigning and 1 ea vi n g Haig was former President important statement in the White grilled about his association with on what Haig intends to do. ''It's an announcement I make (See HAIG, Page A2) Furious boinbardment unleash e d . Israel's goal: PLO destruction 'Excess ive' Reagan vetoes spending bill WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan vetoed a second emergency spending bill today. calling it an "extremely disappointing" but necessary task because the legislation was $1 billion more than he seeks. In a brief veto message, the president said the bill "contains excessive and unrequested budget authority totaling nearly $1 billion. For this reason, I cannot approve the legislation." Witness • to airport death hides A witness to the murder of Barkley F . Hodges in a John Wayne Airport restaurant is in hiding and in fear of his life. the Orange County Dis tri ct Attorney's office revealed in court tod~y. The man , identified as Randy Snyder, allegedly was in Delaney's Restaurant the night of the shooting. sitting with H odges and Kelley Russell Daniels, Hodges' cousin. According to reports, Hodges was shot once in the head and Daniels. of Laguna Beach, was arrested on murde r charges. Snyder bolted from the restaurant. In Harbor Municipal Court today, an attorney for murder suspect Daniels request.Ni that · the district attorney provide him with an address for Snyder. The d istrict attorney argued that Snyder is in hiding. fearing for his life. Snyder was not charged in the June 8 incident. "Who is he hiding from?" asked M arsh all Schulman. Daniels' attorney. "This doesn't make any sense." The district attorney did not elaborate. Judge Robert J . Polis said he will take up to two weeks to deliberate whether Sc hulman should be handed the witness' address. WORLD ·He repeated his oft-stated belief that the key to economic recovery is to bring interest rates down . "We can only do t hat by convincing skeptical markets that this government has the will to control federal spending and borrowing across the board," he said. "The American people need deeds, not just promises. to be convinced deficits will be reduced." c Reagan vetoed the legislation within minutes of receiving it from Congress. The measure, which would kee p several federal agencies o p e rating through the summer, was a slimmed-d own version of an earlier bill that Reagan vetoed Thursday because it contained $3 billion in aid to low-and middle-income families seeking to buy new homes. Only minutes after the Senate completed action on the revised version . deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes served notice that it, too, would be vetoed even though it omitted the housing subsidy. "We are going to draw a line in the dust and we are going to indicate the president will not tolerate this spending," Speakes said later. That made two vetoes in two days in this latest battle between Congress and the president. But unlike the first veto, there will be no attempt to override this veto. The House -which left Thursday for a two-week re<..'eSS -has waiting in the wings a fall-back spending bill which, presumably, will be acceptable to the president. That bill, passed Thursday but held at the desk, can be sent to the Senate next week to comple te congressional action. The House came surprisingly dose to overriding Reagan's veto Thursday, falling only 17 votes short of the necessary two-thirds margin. And once it failed. it quickly put together the second version. At one point, it appeared a spending bill shorn of the housing program would be acceptable to the president. Let's take a month Qff The w h ole world needs to take a month off, suggests columnist Andy Rooney. Page A6. STATE ·'Messiah' fails to show A Pakistani leader touted as the Messiah has failed to appear as predicted. Page A4. Film star acquitted LOS ANGELES (AP) -Pornographic film star John Holmes was found innocent today of four Laurel Can.yon murders and one attempted murder last summer. Lebanon • premier • resigns BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) Israel's jets and gunboats unlea s hed a furious bombardment of guerrilla positions in west Beirut today and Defense Minister Ariel Sharon said the PLO was on its • way ·to "complete destruction." Israeli tanks also closed in on the Syrian garrison in Aley after taking strongholds on either side along the k ey highway t o ,Damascus. and Lebanese television said lc;raeli armor was on the move near the Beirut a LI' port. Prime Minister Shaf1k Waz.zan resjgned, charging that Israel's relentless assault was "escalated blackmail that renders me unable to execute the duties of my office ." H e hand e d his resignation to President Elias Sarkis at the Baabda palace as the Israeli bombing set off huge fires in west Beirut. Lebanon's top leftist leaders and Palesti ne Liberation Organization aUy Walid Jumblatt also announced his resignation from the National Salvation Council which is trying to resolve the national crisis. He told a news conference Israel's demands for an uncond1t1onal PLO surrender were unacceptable 'YOUR MOVE' -Steve Jack.man and his dog Brody rest at "Can yon Chess and Checkers" scu lpture in Main Beach Park in Laguna Beach. The functional sculpture, made of Deity Piiot F'twto by Debofeh Wechtet antiqued tile, was created by Marlo Bartels, a Laguna Beach artist. In addition to providing seating in the shade, the table includes a chess or checkers table. Jumblatt said the Palestine Liberation Organization was ready f or an hon orab le surrender. "but I don't think Israel will give it to them. They (the Israelis) just want to kill them (the Palestinians) and kill them ... and kill the Lebanese with them." Jumbo jet takes plunge The C h ristian V o ice of Lebanon radio blared, "Th e battle for Beirut has begun!" as (sraeli armor took the Syrian stronghold of Jamhour, six miles West of Aley. and moved to link with other tanks that captured Bhamdoun, three miles east of Al~. Airline r lands safely after 25,000-foot drop JAKARTA. Indonesia (AP) - A British ,\irways jumbo jet plunged 25,000 feet when four engines sputtered out in flames as the plane flew through ash clouds b elching from the Galunggung volcano in West Java, officials said today. The pilot restarted two of the plane's engin es during the harrowing dive and the Boeing 747 limped here Thursday night where it made an e m ergency COUNTY landing, air traffic controllers at the airport said . All 239 passengers and 16 crew members were reported safe but scared from the ordeal. "It seemed to go on for an eternity . Everybody was petrified," said passenger Gerry Middleton. a tor operator from Perth, Australia. He said passengers sat and prayed as the engines belched flames and the cabin filled with Big names at OC Fair Big name entertainment will be heard nigh tly during the "All Ame rican" Orange County Fair July 9-18 in Costa Mesa. Weekender. Walking to feed kids Eighty people a re trudging downcoast from Santa Barbara to Tijuana to raise m oney for poor ch ildren in the M exican city. Page Bl. TELEVISION Clothes make the anchor For those who broadcast nows on television, clothes make the man or woman. Pilot TV Log. acrid volcanic smoke billowing from air vents. "I looked out to see the near engine on m y side apparently on fire and the two engines on the other side seemed to be burning. too," Middleton said. "Then all the engines stopped and we went into a steep dive." Syria charged the Israelis used nerve gas in the battle for Bhamdoun. but Israel denied it. The plane was on its way from London to Per th. flying south of Jakarta at an altitude of 37,000 feet, when it suddenly hit the ash . Shar"o n , visiting troops in Lebanon, told Israel radio. "The PLO is on its way to complete destruction in Lebanon and in Beirut, if we will not leave them now," signaling Israel's resolve to keep up the pressure on the guerrillas in west Beirut. INDEX . A4 84-5 A5 B2 C8,Dl-6 C6 C6 C7 A6 At Your Service Buslness California Cavalcade Classified Comica Crossword Death Notices Ed1aorial Entertainment Home/Garden Horoecope Weekender B3 B2 SPORTS Intermission Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds National News Public Notices Sports Stock Markets Televilion Thea~ra Weather World News Weekender 82 Weekender B4 A3 B4,C7-8 C l -4 B5 TV Log Weekender A2 A3 An.gels, Dodgers win big ones The Angels and Dodgers both wtn crucial games against divisional foes. Page Cl. ) ¥ LL C/N Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT lf'rld~, June 28, 1992 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAIG RESIGNS • • • government 11ervl~ aft.tr all thl1 frcat time and with are•t rearet, hAvc al't'eplA!d tht: retaianttlon ot S«·rcta.ry of StAat~ Al Hail. "I am nomlnatlna u hl1 aucceuor and he hu attepted Oeorse Shultz to replace him. That's the extent 'of the announcement. "Again as I say 1 do this with gre~At regret . "No quesuona." Shultz, ti l, 1s executive vke pres•d'!nt of Bechtel Corp., a huao ln~matlonal constrl(ctJon com~y bued on San FrW\Citco. A vct~ran of prevlou1 Republican admlnlatratlons, Shultz al10 ~u a Nixon administration secretary of labor. Sh"uttz 01\lce In San Francisco would aay only that he was in Europe on buslneu and would be !11 Washington on Saturday In refusing to answer questions, Reagan &81d he thought a press conference was scheduled next week. Would Californians • convict By DAVID KUTZMANN Of the Delly Pilot Statt Hinckley? where Hinckley was tried m Was hinRton D.C ., art\ mut·h different from California's 1n regard to insaruty cases. If John Hinckley Jr had ht-en tried in California for shooting President Reagan. 1t is "very likely" he would not have been fo und innocent by reason o f insanity, the president of the Califo rn1<A Stat e Bar S<Atd Thursday in Newport Beach. Los Angeles attorney Samuel Even before recent changes enacted by voter-approved Proposition 8. it would have been difficult for President Reagan's assailant to gain a n insanity-style acquittal. BIT OF NEWPORT TUMBLES -Former Newport Beach councilman Francis H orvath stands in doorway of old real estate office, surveying what's left of business h e opened in oenr Piiot l"hoto bJ P•trlck O'Donnell the early 1940s. Horvath suggested th<' demolished building, knocked down as part of a Balboa Boulevard widening project, marks the passing of an era. L. Williams said that the rules of evidence used in federal court, Andy Devine 's widow finds lost canine Williams, i n an interview following his appearance before Town Hall of California at the Newporter lnn, said federal rules require the prosecuuon to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a defendant who pleads msanity is actually sane. Weapons, masks discovered Gear believell used by Monday morning robbers found Happiness in the form of a 3-year-o ld . tall -wagging. chocolate-colored Labrado r retrieve r returned to the household of Mrs. Andy Devine this week. The actor's widow, a resident of Beacon Bay in Newport Beach. said "Osa" disappeared more than a week ago. leaving its collar and identification tags behind. Jurors interviewed soon after Hmckley's verdict had said they believed the defendant was guilty, but that the prosecution had not conclusively shown him to be sane. Jn California. h owever. the burden is placed on the defense, Wilhams said. A man or woman who pleads not guilty by reason of insanity must prove the claim. rather than the prosecution having to show that the defendant is sane. By STEVE MARBLE Of Ille Olllty P1tot St.ti Newport Beach police have turned up a car they contend contained guns. stocking masks and other d1sgu1ses used by the so-called M onday morning robbers. Police said the ve hicle was discovered parked in front of a Norwalk mot.cl The men susp<.oe ted of being the r obbers -Jimmy Bee Workman. 46. of Lon2 Beach a nd Vernon McCullough Womack, 43, of Laguna N 1gucl arraigned on multiple charges this week in Municipal Court w e r e robbery Harbor Both men are bemg held on $100,000 bail and have bee n ordered to return to court next week. . Newport otricers released some of the details of the investJgat1on they claim led to the arrest of the men today and marked the end of an eight-month string of restaurant robberies. Officers maintain the duo are She contacted neighbors. friends and a nimal control agencies without luck. But her luck chanRed when she n oticed a Daily Pilot But the evidence showing in.sanity, Williams said, need not be co nclusive beyond a reasonable doubt. Instead. the defense would have to prove its inrlanity claim through a "preponderance of the evidence," that is, the majority of evidence. Toilet turmoil das&fied ad askmg if anyone was missing a large brown dog. The!rosecution's case must be prove "beyond a reasonable doubt," the Los Angeles attorney and state bar president said. LB firemen fail in bowl bid Mrs. Devine took a chance, answered the ad and ended up in Huntmgtof') Beach where "Osa" was alive and well and staymg with a young woman. "I'm glad to have her home. she's my only companion," Mrs Devine said. "She's not doing any more visiting. I can guarantee that." Williams said California's regulations are a "more responsible position for us to be in ... And he predicted that the federal rules soon would change because of Hinckley's acquittal. . When the guy walked into the Laguna Beach fire station carrying a toilet under his arm, Capt. Scou Lucas knew it wasn't going to be an ordinary citizen request. 1t wasn't. The man wanted to know if f1N?fighters at Station One could Cooling trend due Teniperatures NATION Coastal Hazy erternoon sunshine loday Highs 68 10 74 Considerable low clouOlnees tonight and Saturday l ows 5'I to 62 Highs Saturday 84 10 70 Elsewhere f rom Potnf Conception 10 the Me~lc•n border and out 60 mites Light 11eri1ble wonda on the night and morning hOurs turning west«fy 8 to 15 knots th11 evening •nd 10 10 20 knots Salurday afternoon Wind wevea I to 2 feet lhla afternoon Southwest swell Increasing to 2 fo 3 feet toOey. Mostly cloudy With only partial clearing during tale afternoon and evening hou" t oday and Saturday Albany Alb11que Amarillo Asheville Allan II Atlante; Cly Auelln Baltimore Billings 8trmlnghm Bismarck BO!M Botton Brownevtte 8urhng1on CBll98f Charlstn SC Chertaln WV Cherttte NC Ch41yenne Chicago C1nc1nnat1 Ci.vetand V.S. S ummary g:i::,a~ Slrong thunderstorms and g:~c:nWth scattered tornadoea hll I~ Oenv« cenlral and western Pl•lna, Del Moines pounding the region wllh hall. Detroo drenching rein and high wind• Ouuth Two 1 2 • y ea r • o I d a d I e d El Paso Thursday In Oberlin. Ken • alt« Fargo t>elng swept down a storm drain Flagstatt 88 they played In knee-deep Graal Falls water following a dranc;hlng Heriford thunderstorm Helena The storms hit western Texas Honolulu end western Oklahoma. along Hooston with parts of Kansas. Nebraska, lndneplls co 1 or ado 11 n d W Y om Ing Jecksn MS Scattered thunderstorms alao hit Jeckanvlle northern Mlchlg•n. tile Pacific Kens City Nor1h-I. the eastern Gull COUI LBS V4t0as end soulhefn Allenlle region• Llltle Roell Today'• foreceat c•H•d lor LovtevllM scatte r ed 111owe r 1 end Lubboclc thYn<leranoweta over the Pedflc M~ Nor1~t. Gr"t Betln. nor1hlrn MIM!l Ro<:klea. southern snd c•ntr•I Miiwaukee Pl•ln1 lower •nd mlddl• Mpi.St p Mlnlsalppl VeUrt. Florlde. and N..,.,vllle from 1ti. lower GrNt Lek• to New Orteafla New England Sunny Mllel _. New y k predlcled for the mtd-Atl•nlle Norlol:' ooeet and much of tM SOuT"-t. T•mpera1urea arouno th• ~ .. ~:~• nation before dawn r•nged lrom Omaha 4' In Gr•nd Forke. N 0 , to H In Pfl()enlll, Ariz HI Lo Pre. 7" 45 94 67 93 63 .25 78 64 89 67 n 62 94 68 09 78 55 60 57 89 60 70 47 87 60 06 78 59 97 79 70 55 n 53 28 84 78 80 53 81 66 88 54 29 82 63 78 54 75 51 86 69 76 49 88 68 61 77 54 73 54 .02 89 69 77 57 75 44 100 82 72 41 77 41 73 47 78 51 ,. 50 01 87 7- 92 77 32 78 57 92 69 93 70 53 87 71 100 75 88 72 .03 711 57 114 93 90 73 84 75 112 8" 03 79 57 63 85 57 91 70 79 82 79 60 115 55 112 81 5e 87 a. The Forecaat For 8p.m . EDT R11n llml Snow(}J] l'illO'll' Weat"er S.-e 100 PICO 1.. s Oeol OI com-.. c• Showerai!ll Flurrl11f!i} Fronis· Cc•a ... War,,. ... Qcc.uaeo ..,.. S1at1()(1ary •• Orlando 88 70 Phltadphla 89 55 Phoenix 103 77 Pllltburgll 73 H P11and, M• 74 52 Piiand. Ore 88 64 ProYl<ler>Oe 76 SS Relelgh 76 64 Reno 81 48 Salt Lake 87 63 Sen Antonio 94 75 Seettla 88 58 Shreveporl 89 69 Sloull Falls 83 74 St Ste Merte 69 46 Spokane 88 62 Syracuse 73 51 Topeka 85 67 Tucson 99 68 Tulsa 71 68 Weshtngtn 80 64 Wichita 73 64 CALl,OANIA 3akerslleld 91 88 31y1he 105 Eur.ii a 84 53 Fresno 811 60 Lancuter 114 81 Loe AflOMM 71 60 Mont«ey 1111 Need In 104 PMO Rot>le9 711 52 R.o Bivn 83 8 1 Redwood City 77 81 Sacr9mento 79 55 Selinu 10 53 Sen Diego 71 115 Sen Fr9"CllCO 85 57 01 01 20 47 'l7 03 03 Santa Berb•ra 68 51 Sent• Marta 71 Stockton 80 57 The<mel 101 Ukl•h 82 Barstow 100 72 Big Be11r 77 40 Bishop 84 61 Long Beech 75 81 Monrovia 79 56 Mt Wilson 79 60 Newport Beech 86 81 Ontario 78 55 Palm Spring& io1 69 Pasadena 76 56 San Bernardino 81 59 San Jose 76 59 Santa Ano 72 61 Sonta Cruz 66 60 T ahOft Valley 71 41 S1110{{ A PSI of 100 II pre<lleted for IM San Gabrie4 and Pomon• 11a11eys. A PSI or 92 II fOfecast fOf Banning •nd rnetropolltan Loa Ang•ln . 75 lor the Hem•t· El11nore region end 511 for tti. tow df!Hftl A PSI of 42 ts predleted for all other ereas 1ncludlng Inland Orenge County, the high deMrla. c;oHl•I regtoot •nd th9 Big Bear Lake aree Where to call (toll fr .. I for 11tMI llTIOG tnrormatlon· California The NetlOn.i WMthef Swvloe Pf«llcl• more night •nd mom1no olovdln•n end r•luc:t•nl afl•rnoon tunehln• Inland llltt ..-end. The "-1t lhou6CI ti. c111r but b r•ezy with toulllwMt..-ty wlndt to H mpti. ' .. ' •::: SURf RIPORT Orange County· (8001 445-3828 Loa Angelea County (800)' 24,·4022 Rlv«•lde end San Bernerdlno c;ountlet (800) 387-4710 AOMO El)llOde Center (llOOI 242-4Me Saturdey'e hight lllould l'llnOI from the mid 70. In Loe MoetM Ind •t l>MOhM. ~ 741nd 90 In mountllM, from 112 tO 102 In t,,. l'tlgh dlllt1 •nd between too and IOt In 1111 IOw deMf It eo.twe trom Poln1 Oonceptloll to the Melcln bot'd« Cl8l'I ·~ ldll. v~ llW1lldl dllr1ftO tM nltlll •no morning, l>leomlng wllttrly 1t 10 to 20 knol• ~ llftemoor1 wttll • 2 to ..... ~ ..... .. ~¥:.-~ ... ~ ...................................... .. • TodQ't Aw~:-- 2-4 4 4 1 • •·8 4.5 4.5 24 ·-•hape lllf , .. , It to OOOd = PoOr good = ... , ... T.mp 112 59 59 511 511 511 59 eo eo 69 81 51 I well Tides TODAY Slcond lllQl't 2:~ p.m. 4.3 Slcond low 7:2& p.m . 2.5 IA'nlM>AY Flt'lt hlQl't 1• 16 1.m. 5.2 Flr11 IOw 8.27 a.m. 0.3 Sacond high S:21 p.m. U SeGond tow 8 M p.m. U Sun Nte todey •t f:Ot p m .. ,.... a.t\lfelly •• 6 ~ I.II\ MOOft ri.et IOCll'/ It 10:U a.m., Mii l•turOl'f •• 12 01 e.m: help him remove a lacrosse ball lodged d eep inside the toilet bowl. The man's plumber, who had removed the toilet after failing to dislodge the small rubber ball, had suggested the fire department's air compressor might blow the ball out. It didn'L Next fireme n directed a healthy stream of water (300 pounds) from a fire hose toward the small black sphere. That didn't work either. Saying he'd think of something e lse. the visitor thanked firemen for their efforts. And walked out onto Forest Avenue. toilet in tow. St. Andrew's Sanctuary plan okayed A hotly contested plan to erect an 85-foot-high sanctuary at a neighborhood church in Newport Beach was approved Thursday by ci ty planning commissioners Critics of the St.~Andrew's Presbyterian Church expansion project said they wiU appeal the a pproved plan to the City Council. Church members and residents of the Cliff Haven community have been at odds over the sanctuary, which will stand 85 feet with a 20 foot cross on top of that. Commissioners Allan Beek and Debra Allen voted against thE> high-nse plan. Legislature gets budget proposal SACRAMENTO (AP) -A nearly $26 billion state budget proposal -without a deficit - goes before all 120 legislators today, with a lengthy sta.ndoff likely between Assembly Democrats and Republicans. The 31 GOP legislators. upset that the proposal has a tiny school funding increase that hinges on the econo m y improving by Christmas. havt" promised only a bant-minimum tlve votet for the budget . Fireworks arrests HAYWARD (AP) -A Hayward couple have been arrested tor illegally poaesatna 96.000 firecrackers, 8.000 cherry bombs, black powder and other material uaed to make ftttworlu. Police Mid 41-year-old Ralph E. Sherrow and hia <tO-year-old wife Mary, were betnl held on $2&,000 bail responsible for 12 restaura nt holdups in Orange County and Long Beach. Detectives from Newport , Costa Mesa, Garden Grove, Orange and Long B each reportedly formed a special tctsk force in an attempt to track down the bandits. Police said after the gunmen had hit Newport restaurants m consecutive weeks. o ffice rs s tarted sta king out other restaurants in the beach city. Lronically, an officer had just arrived at the Five Crowns Restaurant in Corona del Mar moments before it was held up by the sought-after gunmen. Police said the crooks escaped before it was determined the restaurant had been hit. Officers later located an abandoned car on the Balboa Peninsula, believed to be lhe duo's getaway vehicle. Through further investigation and a tip from an informant, officers said they learned the identity of the robbers. Womack and Workmen w ere arrested Monday, separately. Police said they later found the abandoned car i n Norwalk. obtained a search permit and discovered three handguns and several masks in the vehicle. Womack has been charged with seven counts of armed robbery: Workman with eight counts. All of the charges stem from holdups in Orange County which include the Quiet Woman, Le Biarritz and the Five Crowns. Neither has been charged as yet with the restaurant robberies in Long Beach . A rummage and bake sale to benefit a school for children without _;>arents will be staged Satufday in the park.mg lot ot the Advanced Health Center in Newport Beach . Proceeds from the 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. fund raiser will go to •Newport Beach Mayor Jackie Heather was honored this week by members o( SUN (S~ak Up Newport) . Mrs. Heather was awarded lhe group's Sunshine Award for her c:ommunity leadenhip • Eric T. Stake, 21 of Costa Mesa has received a BS degree in engineering from the United States Afr Force Academy at Col orado J;prlngs, it was recently announced. • The Newport Beach Conven t.Ion and Vlsitora Bureau will •taae ltl annual • Lu Vep1 n.laht July 18 at the Newport Sheraton. 'llcketl are $17.50 per penon The 7 s).m. event is the OC Fair • project delayed Pt..an11 tor the $10 million amph1theai.er in C.oata Maa went df'ult u 1Ught setback Thuma)' after 0fange County F•lr Boar(! members fallt•d to reach an agreement on a.construction date for the long-awaited theater. "It's stilJ a big meas," said Johri' Burki:!, assistant foir boord' manager. "h '~ not dear In Pv~·ryom•'s minds as to what the: situation 1s." Bui kt" said that during a two hour meeting f air board· members differed over some of: the points i n the s igned! t·onstruct1on contract between! Nederlander Organization and: C L Peck Construction qt Irvine.: Members agreed to h old off any dt:"C1s1e1n on a construction dau: for the 15,000-seat theater: on thl· fairground-; until the: Bu1ld1ng and Grounds : Comm1ttt·c• mc•c.·ts Tuesday. he : sa~ . F air board president Burr : Williams said some· of the newer : mt•mbers wantC'd some minor : (·hangc·s 1n the co ntrac t : agrc:cmcn t s1gnl•d Mo nde1 y, i adding that hl· bchC'ved the ; tht•atl'r would gn ahead : R1C'k Witte, vice president of : Nt'<lerlandc•r, S<.11d that he hopes · to bt.•gm construc:llon Wednesday : a nd h ave tht• am ph1 theate r C'<>mpl~tcd by May 15. Williams said that he would support delaying c·on s trucuon until thC' Orangt• County F'a1r ends July 18 Groundbreaking was last July for the theau.·r that was expected to be completed by May. 1982, m time fClr thl-' annual Orange County Fair But Witte said f1nanc1ng problems for('ed the Detroit- based company with 28 theaters to delay construction of the amphitheater Dur1 ng the past year the Orange County Fair Board and Nederland"•r have d1sagrt'ixi over whctht·r thPtr co ntract :oigrt"Cm<'nt eallc-d for m mple tion of the amph1thN1ler by June 30 or merc•ly a s1gnt'<i construt·tiun contract Fair board ml'mbcrs had not scc·n the· :.1gncd construction c:on t rc.1t·t until Thursday a nd wantc•d more time to study it befon• ctgreemg to e1 <.-onstrucuon schedule. said Burke The.• bowl -shaped theater designed by the Newport Beach- based Blurock Partnership calls for 7,000 permanent seats and spacl' for 8 ,000 add1t1onal spe<·tators on the grass JDL group seized ARLETA. Calif (J\P ) - Seven members of the militant J c·w1sh Dt-fense League were arrl'sll'd for 1nvcst1gat1on of distu rbin g th e peace and challenging a c;1t1zen to fight when thl'y wt•nt to the home of a m a n the"y cla1mc·d might b e linked to vandalism at a Jewish temple. police said the Manava Bharati Heritage School, a non-profit, non- demonina tional organization <1eek1ng t o establ ish a res1denual school in Newport for parent!~ children. The Advanced H ealth Center Is located at 1300 Bristol St. North. on both the City Council and the Planning Com.mission. Past Sunshine winners have been Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson, Daily Pilot editor Tom Murphine and local journalist Burt Sims. The 1978 graduate of Estancia High School has received a commission as Second Lie utena nt and will continue this summer in a pilot training program in Columbus. Miss. vlal\ora bureau maln fundrailer of the year. Prbes, lncludina tripe to Lu Vf&M. Hou.ton and New York. Will be aw1rded. For more lnfonnatJon, call 644-8460. • I I ' J DRAlll l:IAIT NIT llACI I flUl 1111:0 FHIDAV JUNE '1'' l'lll'1 OHANCt COUNJY C ALIFOHNIA 25 CENlS Haig resigns as secretary of state WASHINGTON (AP) - President R eagan said today Secretary of State Alexander M. l;laig Jr. is resigning as Secretary of State. Reagan said Haig will be succeeded by former Treasury Secretary George Shultz. He gave no reason for Haig's resignation and refused to take questions from reporters. But Haig told Reagan that admlnlstrauon torelgn policy has strayed from his goals of ''consisten cy, c larl ty and steadiness of purpose." Haig was former President Nixon's chief aide during the latter stages of the Watergate crisis and was commander of NA TO forces before becomit\g Reagan's secretary of state. News of the resignation came with no warning. Neither Haig nor Schultz was present for the brief announcement. Haig was nominated by Reagan Dec. 16, 1980, more than a month before the president took office and was confirmed by the Senate Jan. 21, the day after the inauguration, after extensive hearings in which Haig was grilled about his association with Nixon durln& the Watergate crisis. A native of Philadelphia, Haig was in government service for 40 years, most of It as a career Army officer. Immediately before becoming secretary of state, Haig was chief opera ting officer of U oi ted Technologies Corp. There was no immediate word on what Haig intends to do. Reagan appeared in the White House press room momenta after noon PDT to make this •announcement: ''Ladies and gentlemen, let me say first of all. rm going to make an announcement very bdef. There will be no . . . I will take no questions on it. I understand that a press confere nce is scheduled next week. "It's an announcement 1 make with great regret regarding a member of our administration who has served this country for over 40 years and above and beyond the call of duty, who has served me so well and faithfully, whose wisdom and counsel I have respected and admired for all the time our administration has been here, but who now is r esigning and leaving (See HAIG, Page A2) Furious bombardment unleashed Israel's goal: PLO destruction I 'Excessl'11e' Reagan vetoes . spending bill WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan vetoed a seoond emergency spending bill today, calling it an "extremely disappointing" but necessary task because the legislation was $1 billion more than he seeks. In a brief veto message, the president said the bill "contains excessive and unrequested budget authority totaling nearly $1 billion. For this reason, l cannot approve the legislation " Witness • to airport death hides A witness to the murder o{ Barkley F. Hodges in a John Wayne Airport restaurant is in hiding and in fear of his life, the Orange County Distri ct Attorney's office revealed in court today. The man. identified as Randy Snyder, allegedly was in Delaney's Restaurant the night of the shooting, sitting with Hodges and Kelley Russell Daniels, Hodges' cousin. According to reports. Hodges was shot once in the head and Daniels, of Laguna Beach, was arrested on murder charges . Snyder bolted from th e restaurant. In Harbor Municipal Court today, an attorney for murder suspect Daniels requested that the district attorney provide him with an address for Snyder. The district attorney argued that Snyder is in hiding. fearing for his life. Snyder was not charged in the June 8 incident. "Who is he hiding from?'' asked Marshall Schulman. Daniels' attorney. "This doesn't make any sense." The district attorney did not elaborate. Judge Robert J . Polis said he will take up to two weeks to deliberate whether Schulman should be handed the witness' address. • WORLD -He repeated his oft-stated belief that the key to economic recovery is to bring interest rates down. "We can only do that by convincing skeptical markets that this government has the will to control federal spending and borrowing across the board," he said. "The American people need deeds, not just promises, to be convinced deficits will be reduced." Reagan vetoed the legislation within minutes of receiving it from Congress. The measure, which would keep several federal agencies operating through the summer, was a slimmed-down version of an earlier bill that Reagan vetoed Thursday because it cOntained $3 billion in aid to low-and middle-income families seeking to buy new homes. Only minutes after the ~ate completed action on the revised version, deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes served notice that it, too. would be vetoed even though it omitted the housing subsidy. "Wt! are going to draw a line in the dust and we are going to indicate the president will not tolerate this spending,'' Speakes said later. That made two vetoes in two days in this latest battle between Congress and the president. But unlike the first veto, there will be no attempt to override this veto. The House -which left Thursday for a two-week recess -has waiting in the wings a fall-back spending bill which, presumably, will be accept.able to the president. That bill, passed Thursday but held at the desk, can be sent to the Senate next wee k to complete congressional action. The House came surprisingly close to overriding Reagan's veto Thursday, falling only 17 votes short of the necessary two-thirds margin. Money supply o ff NEW YORK (AP) -The Federal Reserve reported this afternoon that the nation's money supply fell $2.3 billion for the latest reporting period. L e t 's take a month off The whole world needs to take a month off, suggests columnist Andy Rooney. Page A6'\ STATE 'Messiah ' fails to show A Pakistani leader touted as the Messiah has failed to appear as predicted. Page A4. Film star acquitted LOS ANGELl!'S (AP) -Pornographic film star John Holmes was found innocent tOday of four Laurel Canyon murders and one attA?mptA!d m-µrder last summer. I. Lebanon • pre1n1er • resigns BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Israel's invasion army struck s ledgehammer blows against Yasser Arafat's guerrillas in west Beirut and cut off his Syrian allies on the highway to the east today . Divebombing j e ts demolished apartment buildings, raising a pall of smoke that covered the entire capital. Voi ce of Lebanon radio claimed "the battle for Beirut has begun!'' Prime Minister Shafik Wazzan and top leftist leader Walid Jumblatt resigned their government posts, saying the Israelis were bent on total military victory over the Palestine Liberation Organization. Israeli Defense Minister Ariel Sharon said the PLO was on its way to "complete destruction." Arafat vowed in a broadcast that he and his guerrillas would "fight to the finish" as long as Israel keeps demanding unconditional surrendt!r. The PLO claimed it repulsed an Israeli seaborne attempt to land commandos near the evacuated U.S. and British emba.$ies. but there was no independent confirmation. 'YOUR MOVE' -Steve Jackman and his dog Brody rest at "Canyon Chess and Checkers" sculpture in Main Beach Park in Laguna Beach. The functional sculpture. made of Delly 11'11ot Ptloto bJ o.borM WICfltw antiqued tile, was cre4lted by Marlo Bartels, a Laguna Beach artist. In addition to providing seating in the shade, the table includes a chess or checkers table. Israel's fighter-bombers, diving in pairs, blitzed PLO strongholds in west Beirut, touching off huge fires, gunboats offshore kept up a relentless pounding and Israeli tanks tightened their ring of armor by advancing into the paralyzed Beirut airport and taking over the terminal building and runways. Jumbo jet takes plunge Hundreds of Americans and ottfer foreigners evacuated by ship Thursday from the port of Jounieh. 10 miles north of Beirut, and thousands of Lebanese have fled south from the capital to Israeli-occupied territory fearing an Israeli ground invasion is near. A irliner lands safely after 25,000-foot drop JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) - A British Airways jumbo jet plunged 25.000 feet when four engines sputtered out in flames as the plane flew through ash clouds belching from the Galunggung volcano in West Java, officials said today. The pilot restarted two of the plane's engjnes during the harrowing QK.oe and the Boeing 747 Limped here Thursday night where it made an emerge ncy COUNTY landing, air traffic controllers at the airport said . All 239 passengers and 16 crew members were reported safe but seated from the ordeal. "It seemed to go on for an eternity. Everybody was petrified," said passenger Gerry Middleton. a tor operator from Perth. Australia. He said passengers sat and prayed as the engines belched flames and the cabin filled with Big names at OC Fair Big name entertainment will be heard nightly during the "All American" Orange County Fair July 9-18 in Costa Mesa. Weekender. Walking to feed kids Eighty people are trudging downcoast from Santa Barbara to Tijuana to raise money for poor children 1n the Mexican city. Page Bl. TELEVISION I Clothes make the anchor For those who broadcast neWB on televls1on, clothes make the man or woman. Pilot TV Log. acrid volcanic smoke billowing from air vents. "I looked out to see the near engine on my side apparently on fire and the two engines on the other side seemed to be burning. too," Middleton said. "Then all the engines stopped and we went into a steep dive." The plane was on its way from London to Perth, flying south of Jakarta at an altitude of 37,000 feet, when it suddenly hit the ash . Western diplomatic sources said the Israelis deployed 560 tanks and 2,400 armored personnel carriers around Beirut, along with heavy artillery pieces and commandos believed special ly trained in urban warfare. The sources said the Israelis were weU prepared to move into the guerrilla enclave if they got the green light. INDEX . At Your Service A4 Business 84-5 California A5 Cavalcade B2 Cluaffled C8,Dl-6 C.ornica C6 Croeaword C6 Death Not.left C7 ~tori.al A6 1!'.bterta.inment Weekender Home/Garden . B3 Horo.cope 82 SPORTS lntennission Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds National NeW$ Public NoUces Sports Stock Markets Television Thea ten Weather World News Weekender B2 Weekender B4 A3 B4,C7-8 Cl-4 85 TVLog Weekender A2 A3 Angels, Dodgers win big ones The Angels and Dodgers both win crucial games against divislonal foes. Page Cl. Orange Ooaal DAIL V PILOT /Friday, June 28, 1982 N •• NY E COMPO ITE TRAN 'ACTION OUOTAT1011•U•CLu•• ••ao .. o• '~• ••• YO••. MIOWHT, '-'ClfllC. , ••• 1000 ... OITI OIT ... o (1 .. Cllll'•ATI uoo l.CMAM•U 1111011 .. •TIO l 'f Tiii llA\O AltO 111aTtllllf ... If\ Nel WI•\ Ntl Ill l Mt CIH• Cllt II • -CIOM (l\t ·~WIO I.It '4 11 t it " -h ::u,, ua , ] 'J"• ~ 1~f: '.~it ,,: •:~. ,!. ~ . m " "'", fi Utll . lilt\ N•I \I\ r jj 't'°' I t0 I,_. \'\ • t 1\41\ Cle.. C"9 H IOf 10 I I 11'1 '-l'lt .. ' • ltllo Ill ~= Ur •t' •ff ~~ ~ :~·~·": ·iii JI~· "' m:~~1"' \I ' ~t b~-~ <~n\I • ' fJt!."' ~~.'.a•: ,l!iE· ~ = t~ t m ¥ ~ !a~s/ 1 lZ g • lo Cll\lr 1 .. t 11 ~ HOllO Y I .. 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H!lflllllt .Ill! • W..• II. ll8t .. ~'= ::c.·:.: J ;a:·~ ~ l~ ,:i; i:. • 1·~:1 e,5 ~;~ =~-,J:' c:~ ~·s llt"" 11! • "' JP9+ m -"I It " ~•I •. -i: '"i'j I i!-= 1 ~: N~ :»~1'-~..... &1 t I · ii · • I '°* "" : I 17 iii:.• •YI u' ~.M 7 'II M +ta ... ~ ,{ lr;:,. • Dow Jones Final OFF 7.33 CLOSING 803.08 Texaco reports oil find • InaJor SANTA BAR.BARA (AP) -Texaco U.S.A. said ll has made a maJOr oil discovery 12 miles west of Point Com .. -eotion m the Santa Barbara Channel. Two wells have been drilled , Texaco spokeswoman Roberta Williams said Thursday. with the first testing at about 4,200 barrels a day and the second at about 3.000 "It's definitely over what you would normally find," she said. Funds up I or stock buys Ultrasystems Incorporated of Irvine says 1l projects an increase in the amount of funds available Cor purchasing shares of Ultrasystems common stock by its Employee Stock Ownership Plan durmg the fiscal year ending Jan 31. 1983. It is anticipated that the ESOP will have between $800,000 and $900.000 available for purchasing shares of Ultrasystems on the open market. Firm seeking help over rumor CINCINNATI (AP) -Officials of Procter & Gamble Co. have asked fundamentalist Chr1suan ministers to help them quash a rumor that the company's trademark is a symbol of devil worship. "The Cac::t.s are that this 1s a vicious, unfounded rumor, and I hope we can help stop it," sajd the Rev. Donald E. W1ldmon, executive d irector of the National Federation for Decency He is one of five ministers to issue statements in support of P&G SAN/B AR sees record pro fi ts SAN/BAR. Corporation of Irvine expects sales and earnings to reach record levels for fiscal 1982, Robert D. Johnson, president, told the New York Society of Security Analysts. For the fiscal year end.mg June 30, revenues will rise to between $25 and $26 million from $20.2 million. Afte r -tax income should advance to between $1.3 and $1.4 million, equal to approximately 75 cents per share, from $689.000 or 49 cents per share last year. This Includes a pre-ta>V gain of $437,000 on the sale of property. SAN/BAR Corporation is a supplier of electronic equipment and components, microwave radio systems, and service to the telecommunications industry Money m ark et fund due l\.n insured money market account with dally interest and daily access to funds wiU be introduced Tuesday by Orange County Employees Credit Union, Santa Ana. It may be the first insured money market act'Ount available at any fmanctal institution m the Los Angeles-Orange County area. EECO expects lo rep ort loss -EECO Inc. of Santa Ana said it expects to report a loss for the second quartc·r and six months ended June 30 The company earned $142,000, equal to 6 per share, for the quarter ended March 31 . EECO IS a diversified electronics company cents STOCKS IN THE SPORIGHT AM£RICAN l£ADERS UPS AND DOWNS Hamp ' Sa••nCJ> 1 SouthRoyl l 1ngrecfTK 4 Ron10n S S.v1n l.IOl>I • 51-VC pl 1 hlllllntl I UnPa<lt. Ml" t Oreyt...CO 10 Fotomal II Re<OQnEQ 12 TtKll Incl lJ ObECO' " 5'1911011 ' IS 01 .. rs lllr>O ,, Motlll Homt 11 Womtl'o II CMitP OIH It ,.LT Coro H-I Pllltbur'( t o.Melllltl .~ .. 4 .... (;O(ll • t OIM'll ~ ,~~ ... i r.i~ I if.-MOU t U l "WfQ 12 TNc:lltHY U C"lflMMO 14 fl>•lflU Plr !I V,.._ 'l!oel • c.nlrn0t1• 7 Wot""!' WW• 11 KtrTl*O s ,. l •IGIQ GOLD COINS Pct Vp ?1 S Up •I Up •• Vo '1 u o 67 Up •S Up St Vp H Up SI VO SI uo S7 Vp St Up U UP S.2 uo u VP )0 uo 4. uo •.! uo 4.1 l'(1 {ff ,,. ,.! 7,~ IOtf ti •• j,a 2!1 u Ofig;: u •• "' Ofl 41 Oft •• NIW YO,.K tAfll -''Iott l1l t T'hundll1 of ... ~ ~ """ Wtdt'I I I 9(1 prtga. ICl .... IW .... 1 lrOW OL, 1$~.llO, off "'°· _.. ..... 1 1rOW -... IUO.IO. off A.IO, ........ ,.... , .. ..., .. ..,., .... "".::.. -..--. .... " ·~ ...... ....... lcMw:~ NEW YORK IAPI· S.I••, J pm Prt<e :~~t~~O(t; ·~-~~~:'' .~",~ ::;:~~~IK>Nlly -~~· t~AI~ ~! • "16 ChltlOv 11 ••.ltOO 16'-Ev•r Jn B 90,200 •'• Wan9 B 81, 100 11 • GIBa• Ptl IUOO J Intl B""nol 0 100 S H•r•fY <ir II 400 > C.u11foro 11.100 21 1 OWG C0<0 .0 ~ 2' > 8rownF0< B ~ 31100 31 .. METALS ..... "' .... . '" \> NEW YORK (API -Spol nonlerro11a rne!•I prices loO•y Copper 66'~· 72 ce nts a po11nel, U.S ""'tnellons l Hd 2•·27 cent• a PQllnCI Zinc 35-37 cenll a l>C>Und, Dell-tel Tin $8.0647 Mettlt Weok eompoalt• lb AIUll'tl!Mlm 76-17 oonta a pounel. N V ale«:llfJ 1370 00 pet ltatl< Platlnllfft S24G 00 tr Dy 01 , N Y SILVER Hllllely & Harman. S!> 170 '* troy ~ I I i 1 I I 1 '