HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-27 - Orange Coast PilotDRANCI CDAIT YOUR HIMITDWN DAllY PAPER SUNL>A 'V .IUNf .• l 1'111.' OflA N G[COUNTY C J\l lr<HlNIA '>OC rNTS Hail pelts Columbia, countdown CAPE CANAVER AL, Fla. (AP) -A aevere thunderstorm peppered the space shuttle Colu mbia with pea-sized hail Saturday on the eve of its final test flight, ~bbing 400 dimples into the ships heat-resistant tiles. Workers repaired th e damage and officials said launch would be on time at 8 a.m. PIYr today. Astronauts Ken Mattingly and SUNDAY SPECIAL Hank Hartsfield went to bed while the damage asaesament was going on. F.arlier, a viaitJng congressman said they were "loose as a gooae," and ready to go. N A SA s p okesman Hugh Harris said 400 small holes were found in the tiles. He said they were filled and smoothed over with the same adhesive used for Diverse, deadly spacecraft cargo ready for orbits By J OEL C. DON Of the oe11y ~lot Sten The space shuttle's fourth mission ushers in a new era for the nation's first reusable spacecraft and possibly the cutting edge of a new arms race. The seven-day flight of the Columbia, set to blast off from Cape Canaveral, Fla. at 8 o'clock this morning, will be the final test flight of the orbiter's systems and structural performance. Its fifth mission has been designated "operational'' with the shuttle serving as a space ferry for commun1cat1ons satellites and other commercial interests. But the fourth mission, piloted by astronauts Thomas "Ken" Mattingly II and H e nry Hartsfield, Jr. marks the shuttle as a miJitary as weU as civilian space v~hicle. For the first time, the space BEST BEAUTY -Debra Moffett, who was Miss Anaheim, is th e new Miss California and will compete in the Miss America pageant in September. shuttle will carry a secr et milithy device in its cargo bay. Contents of the Department of Defense experimental package virtually have been revealed via unclassified technical papers, congressional testimony a n d news media reports. The not-so-top-secret military cargo has been reported to be special infrared and ul~aviolet sen sors designed to spot the fmng of enemy missiles as weU detect satellites in space. The Pentagon experiments. which eventually will be applied to new satelUte technology. also include a n avigational space se xtant to per mit military satellites to operate without the aid of ground control. Though Defense Department discussion on uses of the shuttle dates to the early '70s, scientists and space e n thusiasts are concerned about the increasing milita r y interest in the spacecraft. "This is the beginning of a classic example of an anns race," said UC Irvine physicist Riley Newman. "One of the big dangers is no matter what you do or w hat is going to work, oth er (world) powers are going to say, 'Look, big things are going on here. we'd better get busy too."' The space shuttle was designed as a multi-purpose vehicle. each craft designed to last about 100 missions. Its cargo bay measures 60 x 15 feet and can deploy or retrieve satellites with a 50-foot mechanical arm. As a space tug, the shuttle can ferry into orbit a planned space telescope, deep-space probes and building materials for manned s pace stations and other structures. It is also hoped that the shuttle will launch new space-bound industries to produce special or new products in the weightless environment of space. But the shuttle can also serve the high-technology needs of the military, which envisions space as perhaps the final frontier for (See PAYLOADS, Page A2) attaching the tiles to the vehicles and that the work waa done around midnight, two hours before fueling was to starl. Scaffolds were erected for the task and a aervice tower was moved back around the shuttle for inspecting areas not easily visible lrom the launch pad. The work was during a planned 8-bour hold and did not affect the count.down, which had been the smoothest of any flight to date. Lightning struck the service tower during the midaftemoon stonn and alarms were triggered on the pad area. Firemen were dlspat.ched but found no fire. The spacecraft, mounted on the back of a huge fuel tank, had been protected on the pad by t he service tower until It was moved away e(U'ly Saturday. On Its fourth trip Into space the shuttle is slated to add 2.8 million miles to the 5.2 million logged earlier. "On time tomorrow,'' a top NASA official predicted earlier Saturday. The ship has never launched on time -it was an hour late last March and days MAKING A SPL ASH -John Wagner vied with 19-23-year-olds as the 28th a,nnual Brooks Street pro-am contest was run surprisingly on Delly Piiot Photo b)' Cfl•rlee Sterr time Saturday. Tradi t ion a lly the world 's longest running surfing competition is delayed a week or two until the surf's up. Reagan, Shultz confer Officials e mphasi ze nominee is 'te am player' .WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan and his key aides con ferred Saturday at Camp David with a surprised George P . Shultz, while top administration officials described the new secretary of state as a "team p layer " in contrast to Alexander M. Haig Jr. After a 2 ~-hour meeting with Reagan in the shade of a pine tree, Shultz came to Washington and told reporters, "l can work simpatico for him a nd with bis administration." The secretary of state- designate said he saw the job "as an opportunity to do what I can to advance the cause of peace, freedom and justice in a world so troubled and so anxious to hope for a good future." With three top Reagan aides - two from California -watching nearby. Shultz approached a stand of microph o n es as h e stepped ou t of a presidential helicopter that carried him from Camp David to the Pentagon. A3 if to accentuate his role as part of the Reagan team. he said "my name is George Shultz. I'm from California." late on the two 1981 fllghts. t \ Mattingly and Hartsfield flew ! practice landings Saturday and t attended flight briefings. Theirl families visited them during the: day The fliers were to be~• awakened this morning at 5:30 a.m. (2:30 a.m. PIYr and climb into Columbia's cockpit at 8:5 I (5:50 PIYI') a.m. , Israel tightens noose I I I r , BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) Israeli warplanes attacked a Synan missile battery Saturda1 in the first battle action reported since announcement of the latest U .S.-arranged cease-fire. An armored column closed m on the B e irut airport as Israel s trengthened its siege around Palestinian guerrillas in west Beirut. Jets screamed overhead on r econnaissance missions a nd L e banese army units were ordered to report to their unita immediately, tnd1caung their entry into west Beirut might be imminent. · Hundreds o f r e fugees fled south and north m search o! sanctuar y PLO chief Yasse~ Arafat toured his devastated enclave and expressed skepticism that the U .S.-m ediated tr uce, announced F'r1day night, would hold. ''Every two or three days, they (the Israelis) d eclare a cease-fire, only to break it shortly afterward." he said. Th~ Israeli nuhtary command said its warplanes returnecl safely to base aft.er destroying a new SAM-6 mLSS1le battery Syria had moved into the Bekaa Valley in eastern Lebanon. No casualties wert> reported. lsraeJ has insisted that Syria cannot bring in ne w missile batteries. The military command did not say whe n the one attacked early Saturday had been set up. Arafat also reJ01ced over the resignation of Secretary of Sta" Alexander M. Haig Jr., calling hun the "pillar m the Reagan admm1stration on which (Israeli Defense Minister Ariel) Sharon relied in his scorc hed -eartn strategy in Lebanon." • '·Ameri can c1vil1 za lion~ American human rights, here we are,'' Arafat cried as he toured bombed-out neighborhoods. Meo and women dashed out of their demolished houses to hug and kiss the stubble-bearded leader of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Haig personality was undoing Only four hours earlier. Shultz arrived at Dulles lntemationaJ Airport from London and was whisked to t he presidential ret reat for a meeting with Reagan and some of the top aides with whom Haig had battled. Senior political sources in Jerusalem said Israel's invasion army had to move quickly against the PLO guerrillas - perhaps in 24 to 48 hours -irt case the Reagan administration adopts a tougher Line toward the Jewish state a fte r Haig's resignation. But Israeli television reported the U.S. State Department sent Israel a message that Haig 'a departure would not mean a change in U.S. poUcy. WASHINGTON (AP) -The resignation of Secretary of State Alexander M . Haig Jr. was brought on by what he felt were con stant challen ges to his authority, including second- gµessing and sniping. by other members of the administration, his aides say. Haig's fights made headlines and were a source of considerable unpleasantness to President Reagan, w ho tried unsuccessfully to stop the f euding that STATE eventually led to Haig 's resignation Friday. At the end. it wasn't lost on the Wh ite House that Haig fought with almost everybody, including Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger. U.N . .Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick , former national security adviser Richard Allen, present naUonal security adviser William Clark , others in the Cabinet and key members of the White House staff. He was by no means the "team No more m ed/lies found LOS GATOS, Calif. (AP) -The thousands of new Mediterranean fruit fly traps set out after last week's discovery of a fertile fly in the San Joaquin Va lley h ave yielded no addition al me dflies, agriculture officials said Saturday. Budget signing delayed SACRAMENTO (AP) -The $25.2 bllllon state budget approved by the Legislature won 't go to the governor a t least untll M onday because of a lut-minute Allembly deal datgned to give .choola an extra ~ million. I Plane collision Jdll8 three SAN JOSE (AP) -Two ll1l&l1 planet collided u they prepared to land et San Jme M unicipal Airport Saturday, killl.na three men apd 1trawm, debril over • wide aree, oftTctaI. uld. player" that his successor, George P . S h u ltz, has been described as. Despite his troubles, however, Haig may have been more s u ccessful than any other secretary of state llilpce Henry Kissinger In Influencing the course of American foreign policy a nd pu tting the State Department back at the pinnacle of the decision-making process. The battles ofte n got more (See HAIG'S, Page At ) NATION There he m et w i th t he presiden t , n ation al security adviser William Clark, with whom Haig had had differences, presidential counselor Edwin Meese Ill, and White House chief of staff James A. Baker ill. The three aides flew with Shultz for a working lunch on a terrace outside Aspen Lodge, Reagan's cabin. Shultz said he had known the 'Reagan recession' mocked · PHILADELPHIAJAP) -Democrats called Saturday for an early .$.-Soviet summit on arms control and mocked the "Reagan rec~ssion" by suggesting Republicans ask voters it they're better off now th.an during the G reat Depress.ion. Marie Osmond marries SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -Marie Osmond. wearing a glittering dress made of 35 yarda of silk taffeta, married a co1lege student and former buketbell la Satw'da . "' COUNTY Money set1 Jiuay signal You can l'9llCb out and move your money via • telephone lwitd\ •rvlce that enabJee investors to mow money ~ m utual funcll tn ra1poaee -to market condlUON. Pece Dl. GEORGE SH ULTZ pr esident since Reagan was governor of California in the late 1960s. "I know him weU and he knows me." He praised Haig, with whom he planned to talk later in the day, for his "long and dedicated and distingu ished services," which "stan ds as a shining example to aU citizens." . INDEX Bridge D8 Classified E2-6, Fl -6 Consumer Close-up 0 3 Croaword D8 Death Notices E2 Editorial Page A6 Entertainment 06-8 Features El Finance Dl-5 Ro&rt Gardner A6 HotOICOpe El SPORTS The state-run television said this apparently was meant to reassure Israel and deter it from any last-minute offensive before the State Department changeover. Analysts said the Israelis probably would overrun th e airport before storming into the adjacent Palestinian camp of BoW'j eJ-Barajneh in case Israel decides to move in on the PLO' nerve cent.er. Ann Landers El Mailbox A6 Movies 06-8 S ports 81-5 Stock Markets 04-5 Style Cl -6 Television A7 Theaters 06-8 Travel C6 Weather A2 Kins battles baclc Billie J ean King foug ht rain to keep h er Wimbledon hopes alive. Al so advancing were •tendina-champlon_.John M~. Jimmy Connors and Wendy 1\ambull. Pap Bl. • ----------------------------------~~----------------~~------------~f•.------------~--...------.r f \ ·-t" • .. Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, June 27, 1882 AIG 'S TEMPER. • • :tentlon th&&n th achlevementa. bile 10n1e aiquabblea were over llcy, H.ala al.lo provoked flghta or apparently trivial thlnga, ludlna whether others got the It ho wanted for himself. Haig alao had a tendency to go bllc with his dlsagreementa, has hl.s complaint to Congress t year that Vice President rge Bush waa picked to head · management team. aig's attempt to maintain and pand hls authority at every n were legend . He w aa widely tici7.ed, and ridiculed, for his atc menl on n ationw ide evision that he was in charge ler the shooting of t h e ·ident in March 1981. e o n ce objected t h at einbergc r was usin g a vernment ai r craft with ndows for the passsengers, ile the plane he was using n't have them. Once, he even layed a trip · to Argen tina ed at settling the Falklands s is until he was given an plane with windows in the nger section. hese antics, known as "turf bettlOI" in Wuhlnaton, udd.Jned Hat1'1 aupportera In the State 0epa11ment. They ft lt he w u a ood on p o licy, bu t h ia penonaUty interfered wlth hia a bllity to carry lt out. Haig cited policy dlfferences ln his letter of resignation Friday. "In recent montha," he wrote to Reagan, ''It haa become clear to me that the foreign policy on which we embarked together was shifting Crom that careful coune which we had laid out.'' In retrospect, however, Haig had strong Influence in setting the course of American foreign policy. On his first day in office, Haig raised eyebrows when he said Reagan had told him he would be "the vicar of American foreign policy." responsible for t he formula ti on, conduct and articulation of U.S. foreign policy to the country and the world. In a boast that wou ld be typical of his 18 months in office, Haig then said, "I want you to know that I intend to carry out t h at man date w h ile I am secretary of state.'' oncert stabbing • • 1ct11Ds recover ,;rwo persons stabbed Friday d ~png a performance by rock s1tiger Oziy Osbourn e al the JAiine Meadows Amphitheater wt.>re treated for their wounds at lqfal hospitals and released , lr'ttnl' pohce said Saturday. 'Thl' two, 22-year-old C,ttr11.topher Sar t ain o f SV,pulvcda and 21-'Year-old Jrtfncs Gilbertson of Santa Ana. w;tre s ta bbed in separate incidents during the concert. ,$arta1n, the mosl seriously 11IJu red. was attacked by a n urlknown assaila,nt, apparently without provocation, Lt. Sam 1\ll<•vato said He sustained 10 l.1cerauons to the face and neck .it fa. six of which required 'tt tk.-hes at M1SS1on Communj(y I l°tpital. Allevato said. Gilbert.son was stabbed once in the chest by a white male with long blond hair in a dispute over a seat, according to Allevato. He was t reat ed at Saddlebac k Community Hospital. The assailant was not captured. Police also took into cust.odv several intoxicated persons who could not care for themselves, arrested another person for assault and battery m a minor incident, arrested several minors for possessi on of a lcoholic beverages and arrested another person off the amphitheater grounds for possessjon of cocaine, Allevato said. Three noise complaints from nearby Laguna Hills also were recorded. '~7 murder rap on NB man dis1nis~ed T UCSON . Ariz. (AP) -A 11 rst dt•grec mu rder charge ·~·unst a 38-year-old Newport \(•ach man m the strangulation laying of a 9-year-old Tucson tiny I 5 y<·a r s ago has b een d1-.m1s..-;<'CJ Pima County Superior C.Ourt I u ci~<' G Thomas Mee h a n 111 dered James Crummel freed .. fter IJcoputy C.Ounty Attorney Kt•n Peasley said the "state t .innot m good faith prosecute" on the bas1~ of testimony given hv the state's key witness. The witness, Steve Shimer, 37, testified during the first day of a prehminary hearing that he and Crummel were "former lovers" who hved in a trailer near the home of the vic tim. Frankie C la wson , when the boy was killed. But S h imer repeatedly said, "I can't remember," and "I draw a blank," when testifying about Crummel's activities on the night of Feb. 6, 1967, when the slaying occurred. t Highs Southern desen hlgM 105 10 110. lows In 701. Coastal Sca11 ered 1llowera over northwetl C1lllornl1. V1rl1bl1 cloud• o,,... Northern end Central Clllfomla. ~ -lntettor. Northwest w1n<1s 10 to 18 knol• ----------woJh 3 10 5 loot seu through IOnlght Elsewmtr• llghl varleble wind• through tonight 1Xcep1 soulhwes1 10 west 10 10 18 kllOll afternoon and evening . Soulhwetl swells dec:reeslng lo 1 10 2 •eel Conald1rable low cloudiness except mostly cleerlng llftemoon Extended weather Tuaday-Thurtdly -Fair with IOme lite nlghl end .. r1y morning clou01 along lhe COU1. Hlghl 11 bMc:'-88 to 13 Ind 82 to 92 In ----------lnlln<I 1reaa. ERA fast , put emphasis on courage By STEVE MARBLE Oft"41 D.U~llOI l ie" The ual Rights Amendment la dead and the unger 11trlkers In Illinois have gone home. One of them, fornlnlst Zoe Ann Ananda, is back in her Newport Beach bookstore. She's angry and she's bitter and she's still fight mg. Her fa«' ts drawn, she's thin and she's weak after not eating for 37 days. But she says she'd do It all again. "I didn't believe the fast would have an effect," she says. "We were up against a corporate male agenda that believes women are expendable and aren't worth anythln~. "ln the future," she went on, "we wont ask, we'll take. We'll vote th ose g uys out of power. We'll elect feminists. We'll change the e ntire face of this country. "We're gomg to drive you suckers out," she said. S he means it. The fast m the Illinois capital, wtuch drew national atten tion. ended last Thursday after lawmakers in Illinois and Florida all but sounded the death knell for ERA. The 10-year fight for the constitutional amendment runs out next Wednesday. It appears it w ill die, three states short of ratification. But Ms. Ananda believes the fast wasn't • in vain. "It showed women are \VOTth it. I~ told women of this time in history that there's more courage on the outside of fear. Fear is the greatest e nemy." But in the next breath she charged, "This country didn't even have the decency to respect a 37-day fast." She admits the fast., which united a group of women from across the country In a lobby of the statehouse in Springfield, was a media event. "You bet it was a media event. I love the media They get the word out. It was events Like this that ended the war in Vietnam." She says feminists across the country will pick u p the broken pieces of the ERA charge and go on and be stronger for it. Dally Piiot Photo by O.borah Wacht« REFLECTING ON EFFORT -Dismayed tha t "this country didn't even have the decency to respect a 37-day fast" for passage of the Equal Rights Amendment, Zoe Ann Ananda believes the fast sh owed women "there's more courage on the outside of fear." She C'launs the women's movement has great political power and a larger political warchest than the Democratic party in California. The lllino1s Casters started off in a Methodist church , sleeping on floors and tables After the first week, th e women tried to switch their lodging spot to another church Ms. Ananda says they were turned away by one church after another. this group of independent, leadership- m inded women and making them live together." things her brother dews." ShC' says sh(• will lt'<:turt• .ind write· a book on the fast. She says shl· wants p<'<lplc to remembt-r who the hun_ger stnk<•rs were. She says seeing1 television commercials for food drove her crazy. The group ended up at a Ramada Inn. A support group picked up the $8,600 tab. "I'd never eaten at a McDonalds in my life but after watching television for a week I began to think I was gomg to die 1f I d1dn't eat an Egg McMuffm It was crazy. "I knew thl' movemf'nt would takt• a long lime We're not talking abc)ut a gas tax b1U we'rC' talking about L·hangmg th<· £aC't· of th1!> planet, «hanging instttut10ns. t'hur<:hes and families She pau.s<>d and stared out :J window of hl'r Cannery Village boukst•m "When l quit smoking I went crazy," she explains now. "but when I stopped eating I just kept feeling clearer and clearer . It wasn't hard. What was hard was taking "It wasn't hard. It was a c:elebration. The hard part is what got us into this. The hard part is going home and telling your daughter that she can't have the same "Sure," sht• said, "I knt·w It wa.s going to be pretty uphill." From Page A 1 P AYLOADS OF FUT URE SH UTTLES MO RE TECHNICAL expl01ting the latest if\ modem weaponry Killer satellites that destroy enemy spare satellites have made headlines. And there has ~n discussion of mounting powerful lasers on space platforms to knock o ut sate llites or s hoot down ballistic missiles. But N ewman and other scientists have said physical laws virtually prohibit laser weapons in space. • Ill 70s Still. UCI science histor ian Karl Hufbauer noted NAS A early on has depended on the mihtary's financial support to get the space shuttle o ff the ground In addition, the s hut t le program will see more military projec ts with the current admin is tra ti on· s d e f e nse- building posture. "It's the proper thing to do, .. astronaut and retired Air Force Col. H artsfield t old th e Associated Press o f hi s parucipallon in the first military experiments in space. "The shuttle is a national asset. The military can derive a great benefit from it." Historian Hufbauer pointed out the military has tapped scientific developments since the time of Greek mathematician and inventor Archimedes. Closer ties between science and the military were established during the 18th century, when astronomers and chemists helped advance artille ry a n d other weaponry. "l would say there is no special problem with the shuttle being used as a military vehicle," he said. . ,1 H owever, he added. "It's possible that this is the cutting Nige of a new area of the arms race. If that is the c~. then this 1s something we should be t'Oncerned about." While debate wiU no doubt conunue on the m1btary thrust mto the U.S . space program. the astronauts of the fourth shuttle flight also wiU conduct a series of indus trial, bio logica l and sc1enufic experiments. One pac kage a board the Columbia will try to demonstrate tha t vi rtuall y pur e pharmaceutical products can be manufactured in zero gravity. The exp eriment, ca lle d a continuous flow ele<:trophoresis syst e m , is a joint venture between the McDonnell Douglas Corp .. NASA and Johnson & Johnson. The astronauts also wtll make tiny pla s ti c s ph e r es o f polystyrene latex that can be used as carriers of radioactive material to fight can cerous tumors. · Amy Kus..ske of Long Beach r('(·c·1ved perm1~1on from NASA nfflt·1als to study th<' lipoprot.ein ll'V<'b 1n 1h1· bl<tod of the astronau~ m an inv1•:-t1gat1on of the' relat1onsh1p 11f cl1c•t and l•xcrcise in spatt• Karla Hauerspc•rger of North Carolina will look into chromium metabolism. which 1s Linked lO the way the bodv uses insulin to controi carbohydrates in the blood The astronauts w ill take blood samples during the m1ss1on and record their ind1v1dual eating habits and exerc1S<" programs. Nine experimen ts will be contained in a fivc-cubk-foot container known as a Getaway Special. NASA 's program permitting just about anyone to fly an experiment aboard the shuttle for a $500 fee. The Getaway package includes the manufactur<' of a metal alloy of bismuth and tm that can 't be made on F.arth. studies of plant g rowth and research on the effccts of zero gravity on the genetic makeup of brint• shrimp and fruit fl1t..'S U.S. S ummar yS Tl'tun<lert1orm1 extended from nwg n0<thea11em ,.._ Mnk:o ecrost Th• ..-1r Ou1t1ty Man1gement 'ldltOnl' Wall"e< Se'lllCI t 00 "-OAA .J s Oeo• ol Com"'"'' "But wittrevery shuttle flight now there wiU be a big battle between the scientists and the military on what's going to go up.'' The Natio nal Bureau o f Standards is interested in using the beads for setting calibration s t a ndard&o in m edica l a nd scientific equipment. In an o ther ex p eri ment program, motion pictures a nd data will be taken from lightrnng and thunderstorms to aid weather forecasters in predicting the onslaught of severe stonns. Columbia 1s sch<'dult'd to land at Edwards Air Fort't' Base on I nde p e nd e n ce Day with President Reagan among the on- si t.e greeters. Hie Tell•• P1nh1ndle 10 Nebraska Otmtcr "'9dlctecl unMllthlul elr on S11urday quality tor ~ 1od1y In the Fronta·Cotd .,. Warm .,.. Marbla-1lze h1i111ones ran 11 RiveraJde-San Bernardino and Amarillo. Texas during • alorm San G1br..._Pornona Veheya end mat atlO p.o<luoed gusty wind, unMllthful for -*1"'9 people llnd • flaah flood witch WH alMWhete In the South Cout Air poated o,,... the Texu Panhendle Buln. - Into nMlll cen1ra1 Teu1 '* Iha A Pot1ut1111 Standerd 11\deit of 11orm1 produced lcx:elly heavy 220 w11 lore c e tt for 1111 rllln Rlveftld•San 8-rn1rdlno ar .. The Nallonll WNlher Servi<» Ind 2 10 tor Ille Si n Gebrlel-rtc>Oned 1 7 lnchel of r11n It Pomone Velle)'a. Amarillo wllllln 1 matter of houre, A PSI ot 125 WM predicted IOf with aom1 arH• getting up to 3 tilt metroe><>1111n ., ... 188 tor the Inches. 8 1n Fernendo-81nt• Clarlte For t odly, anowera i n d V1lley1, 150 tor tll• Hemet- lhunderetorm• wtr• lorec&1 t Elatnore region, 1nd 125 tor lrom the ceolrel 1nc:1 ~ Banning. Atllllllc Coeat ICfOH the UP9« GOOO llf qu&lfty WU lorecut Ohio Velley, T•nn••-Valley '°'the low dMer1 wftll •PSI Ol 92 and eaatern h1ll of th• Gull llld 42 for the high dwlft. Col.at Widely tc9tt.,ed ~ Th• PSI tor fnland Orenge -• 1orecae1 °"" the wwtem County .,,, .. •JCP«tect to r..c11 75 Gull COHI to •Hlern THH. and Ille COUtal .... 50 ~:~~:~:d·~~~n~~?,1~~~1111!:,'~ Wllert to c111 (toll lrH ) for lat•t tmoQ lntorm1tlon: 1oreea1t from _.,.,n Montene Orenge County: (IOO) 446-3829 oarou the nort11«n Pldflo CoMt. lo1 Angel11 County: 1800 1 ----------242-4022 California 80\/11\tm CelllOfnll cen 1~ 1111r 1kl .. todey i nd Mondey, RIYerltdt Ind Sen Bernardino ciountt•: (8001387-47tO T emperatures Alben)' Albuque Anchon1ge Atlanta Allanto Cty Austin Baftlrnott 8lrmlnghm Bl-at 6olM Solton Chlcego Clncllnnetl Cle¥elencl Clmble 8C Columbul 011-FI Wiii Oeyton Oel'IYW Ott MOlnM O..r011 72 80 98 59 87 51 87 88 73 85 97 15 ee ee 87 119 78 45 93 80 81 118 et 52 84 84 77 511 88 87 84 57 113 73 83 112 76 50 80 85 74 80 ••cei>t '°' IOw doude end too 1lono co111 e1rly tod1y, EJll.,,..... low C1loUdl ~ lanhlr lroltnd '°""""' OOOl9f on IURf REPORT c:oeet Mondey , Oreno• County c1n Hpect lllllht •ound 10 11 ~ ao lnllind l°"' 5~ 10 eo lfti.nd ~ wll llew hlQfl9 In eoe. 10W1 ,_,. eo M<lllftleln Nolle 75 to 86, IOwl 4llOH. Nof1'llf1I e1e1er1 hWlt n 10 tU , 1Dw1 In IOa 11114 low 70... ... .... Mt 1 ' I , ,. ~ .... -Dir I aw t IW I aw I aw Oulu th El P110 Falrb1nk1 Kane City las Vegaa Ullle Rock lOUllvllll Memphll M11mt Milwaukee Mpla-St.P N11h11llle N-OrlNnt N-Y<><k Phoenix Pit It burgh Seattle Shr~ Siouli .... St LOUii St P • 'T IMT\l)e Sc>Ollene Syrac:uN Topel<1 TUCIOtl TUIM Walhlngtn Wk:hlll CALIPORNIA _ A~lt IJ•l'-Y e.11 .. lleld Ba11t-~mont a.er 81Vtl'1' Ii C.tdn• ==a.een Orllerto Pllm ~ A9CI llulf Aed.ood City 8ecf .,,,.,,,0 aettn .. 88 38 104 ee 84 57 84 85 103 72 85 118 87 85 89 73 87 78 58 80 711 63 88 87 88 72 ee 10 108 78 12 ~ ee 57 90 " 79 50 84 88 88 74 92 511 10 81 83 85 102 ... ae 89 89 71 118 tM ts 12 .. 70 ,°' 10 t3 52 11 ,. IOI n 70 M .. .. 7t eo ea .. 108 .. .. ~ 12 Q .. 67 13 M .... Alice Walter's rites Tuesday Allee H. Walter, 69, a longtime resident of B alboa Peninsula, died Friday at Hoag Memorial Hospital. Born in Tomah, Wisc., Miss Wa\ter waa an official for many YNl"S at the California Instit ute of Technology in P88adena. She was a graduate of UCLA. She was a m e mbe r of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club. the Balboa Bay Club, Ironwood Country Club In Palm Desert and the Va11ey Hunt Club, Pasade na . She Jeavea a lilt.er, lienrietta Barnet of Balbo9 Peninaula. She allo la IW'\l1ved by Albert and Alph a Th o mpao n o f San Frand.lco. A m emorial service wlll be ht ld Tue.day at 1 p.m.. at Pacific Vie w Mortuary. ln lle u of flower-. contributions m•y be mad e to •h e Alice Walter Schol.anh.lp Fund. t In separate projects, two high school students wilJ study the effects of weightlessness on body metabolism. In addition, NASA plans to s howcase the Challenger, the second spacecraft in the shuttle fleet.)~ the Air Force base. Challenger's first mission is set for early 1983. Quarterly meal Trio saves coin s f or mon ths Three diners got their two bits worth -900 times over - Saturday night. Rita Toeti of Newport Beach, Pam Arpin ot Santa Ana and Betty Bon.lske ot Lclsure World, have been tavlng thelr ql.W'Wtrs sin ce Nov e mber after thoy decided to aplw-p on dinner a\ Ambl'Olla Restaurant in New por\ Beach .• The tab w• expected to be •22$. Ma. Arpin sa1<l Alter deddinc to take the fllna late 1Mt )'eM', the thttoe u vei unUl they hid enouch money for , it in late April, she aaJd. 'They then called the restaurant and asked if it would violate protocol to bring in "a coffee can full of quarters. "The manager said he dldn•t • mind taking quarters at all. He IMUd we'd be very well taken CAil'@ of," ahe said. T h.o ufh the three d\n out together fnquenlly, Ma. Arpin ufd lhey*ve never apent ao much o.n a meal There wu no n!port late S aturday on how they'd enjoyed their ln~nL ~ Strategy's succeeding Youngest trustee easer to track educational development By GLENN SCOTT Of ttl. ~ ,..., ..... Voters know her aa Ellzabc:-th Dorn Park<,r: Bualne1swoman, educ4o1tor, hom ·maker. Now they can add political strate~st. This latest designation wasn t on the ballot during re<.-ent elections as were the first three. But considering the 22-year-old Irvine resident outpoUed three other candidates and finished with 31 pereent of the votes to win a seat on the Orange County Board of Education, perhaps it should have been. Aside from efCorts o f volunteers, she figures she won the election because she mcluded her maiden name (Dorn) on the ballot, was listed ahead of the other woman candidate and correctly predicted that voters wouldn't know much about her race before stepping mto votmg booths. "Unfortunately, most people who vote for the office don't know much about the role," she admitte d during a r ecent intervie w . Therefore, she tried to show in her ballot designation that she knew business, was involved in educauon and, as a homemaker, was JUSt plain folk. It worked, and she clajmed no one was more surprised than she because the o ther woman candidate, Man Frank, shared many similar views. had won more lo c al new s pap e r endorsements and had served on the Saddleback Valley Unified School District board. o.n, Piiot ll•ft Plloto NEWLY ELECTE D - Elizabeth Parker will become the youngest trustee ever on the Orange County Board of F.ciucation on July 8. "Truthfully, 1 had e xpected her to wm," said Ms. Parker. But Ms. Frank's name was the last listed on the ballot That is considered a liability, especially m races where impatient voters don't recogn1ze any candidates. And s he was n't l 1s ted as a bus inesswo man , educator. homemaker. Ms Parke r and hus band Stephen have lived in the village of Northwood for one year. She'9 an Orange Coast native and daughter of Alfred M. Down, a pedlatrlclan and allt"rgl1t who has practiced In Co.ta Mesa the past 20 years. She assists her husband in his restaurant catering enterprise (businesswoman). teac hes physical fitness four days a week In a local private spa (educator) and spends her meager fret: time In wifely pursuits (homemaker). She has other accompllsh- m en ts as well. A UCLA graduate, she said she served as a student representative on several collegiate policy-making panels and is awaHing word on enrolling this Call in a master's program in business admirustration. with an emphasis on education. When she takes oHice on July 8, she will become the youngest trustee ever to join the county board since 1t was started in 1956. The board's duties involve overseeing district operations of its 19 schools (ranging from special education to <:,lasses at Juvenile Hall), stewarding its $40 million annual budget and acting as a high c ourt to settle controversies over inter-district attendance or expulsions. It's the kind of experience Ms. Parker says she wants. although she d<X'Sn't plan on pushmg any pet pro.iects right away. "This is right up my alley and just what r want to stay in - educational developme nt," she said Better add one more term to her list: Amb1t1ous. Joust another competition ? 15th century battles rougher than 20th century football By STEVE TRIPOLI Of the D•lly Piiot 81eH I entered the Middle Ages Saturday, and came out a little worse for wear. It's ruce to be back m 1982 again I was a guest of the Barony of Gyldenholt, the official name of the Orange County chapter of ;· ) ... ~. I .. , . ~\ ....... \ :J:r --..., . . , , .,..:: l ~ "" •. the Society for Creative Anachronism. Crea ti ve anachronism? It may sound funny, but there's a scholarly purpose to it all. The TRIPOLI international society is dedicated to the study and re-creation of the Middle Ages. Saturday's event was the barony's annuaJ tournament at Mile Square Park in Fountain Valley. There were colorful pavilions, period costumes, displays of art and music. but the highlight was the tournament -complete with armored fighters vying for the title Champion of Gyldenholt in what looks like the closest thing to medieval combat short of bloodshed. I didn't participate, but the Baron of Gyldenholt himself (assistant Orange County District Attorney Mark Sevigny) showed me some of the ins and outs on the sidelines. oe11, Piiot 'Pttoto bJ Ch1111M Sten DOWN BUT NOT OUT -Sir Armand de Sevigny has the advantage ove r Dougan MacDougal in medieval mat.ch at Mile Square Park. Combatants must kneel once their legs are "wounded " in battle. It's there that I took my licks. First, he placed a leather cap on my head, an armored helmet over it, a shield on my right arm and a wooden sword in my left hand, just so I could get the feel of them. Then h e told me he'd demonstrate what a "moderate'' blow with the sword feels like, if I wanted him to. He assured me that he'd felt many similar ones, and worse, in more than 1,200 indiv1duaJ combats over the past 11 years. I agreed. His sword crashed into the side of my helmet about a second later. I managed to comment on the blow about a second after that, but I really don't remember what I said. I was just glad that the 15-po und helmet hid the drunken expression I must have been wearing as my head spun. For the remainder of my stay, I was content to walk t he grounds of the tournament in a borrowed set of the baron's chain mail, acting like I knew what waa iolna on. It mu.st have been apparent to insiders that I was a newcomer, however. I realized later that I hadn't even bent a knee as I passed the pavilion in which the king of the entire Southern California section sat. The chain mall and accessories accomplished the baron's intention of showing me how uncomfortable they could be, however, though they did not approach the approximately 90 pounds of armor and other dress he wore for battle. He had devoted about 350 hours to constructing the chain mail link- by-link. he sajd, Despite the earnestness of the heavy blows landed in battle (many much harder than I'd absorbed). few people sustain even minor injuries in combat, Sevigny sajd. In his 1,200-odd battles, plua some 250 larger engagements and wars . he has onl y seen participants sustain two broken fingers. two broken ribe and a broken arm. Much •fer than modem football, he added. Even women are allowid to do ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ClaHlfled advertlalng 7141&42-M71 All other department• 142-4321 T'homu P. Haley l'\IClllller -CNoll ~ Ofllow Kay Schultz Y*PY-.. 11'111 Dlrecior of Adlllnlline Tom Murphlne ldllor MMce Harwy DINC!lol Ill ~ CC--l Ken OoddJrd ~-~ ~Meet.Mn ~ CU..Looe ....... t .. MAIN OfflCf DIW"I 1141\'$t.,C0t1• MeM, CA. Mell •Mrw•: llox IMO, Ce111e MeM, CA. 91162' c .... r ....... a...,.. Ceett ,..,.,.,,.. °"""9fty, ,.. ___ a.111vt1retl0fl~ HMore.1 ... _... .. .. ""'' .. --~ mey lie ~ ... ...... -lel ~.tC~tlgM_,, battle, if they are willing to undergo the six months of training all would-be warriors must face. Society members are careful to observe au the protocols of the age in their events. Barons and knights. kings and queens aU are shown the proper deference, representatives of the different baronies (representing different parts of the southwestern United States Saturday) congregate in their own pavilions, musicians play, heralds announce, squires fetch and everyone appears to have a good time. "You grow with it," said Sevigny's wife, Jill, known Saturday as the Baroness of Gyldenholt. "First you'll get involved with the history. then maybe costuming, then music. Pretty !loon you're up to here ln everything." Aside ftom learning the leS80n.s of history, memben also gain "an appreciation of modem Ilfe," added the Baroneu. "It '1 nice to wear these costumea and th1.np, but then it'• al.so nice to go h«ne aftttWard and throw them ln the wuh.lns machine." ... Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday. June 27. 1982 Sea lion • survives surgery Sparkle the sea lion's chances tor survival appeared much brighter late Saturday after her jaw, broken by a bullet fired by an unknown human, was repaired. Doctors who performed the surgery In Laguna Beach determined the cause of the break when they saw clear entry and exit wounds. The jaw was s h o rtened slightly, repaired and wU"ed shut. Sparkie was then returned to the custody of the Laguna-based Friends of the Sea Lion for convalescence The surgery was a turning point in a five-day saga since the wounded sea lion was first djscovered on the Newport Beach jetty by 12-year-old Lorelei Buehner, of Newport Beach. For two days Miss Buehner kept a dawn-to-dusk vigil over the suffering arumal on the jetty, while FSL volunteers figured how to retrieve Sparkje without harming her or would-be rescuers. Lorelei and others on the watch discovered that Sparkje, despite an open, useless jaw, could nevertheless shovel fish that floated to her into her mouth and down her throat. 41 So they stuffed fish with med1cat1on on a regular schedule and fed Spark1e two full meals a day. Meanwhile, the FSL tried unsuccessfully to borrow an inflatable boat. Officials ruled out a rescue on the jetty as possibly fatally stressful to Sparkie and dangerous to rescuers, and said solid-hulled boats might have been smashed on the rocks. O•llJ Piiot Photo bJ Cheri9e Stan POST-OPERATION Jo hn Cunningham. director of Friends of Sea Lions. waits for S parkae to awake from anesthetic aft.er jawbone surgery Saturday. Finally, the U.S. Coast Guard stepped in Thursday with such a boat, JUSt when officials were about to give up and destroy the animal. Veterinarian Dr. John Harrul, who often donates his services to FSL, determined that an orthopedic specialist would be needed. Dr. Robert Rooks, a veterinarian, who practices in Santa Ana, agreed to help FSL Dir ec tor J o hn Cunningh a m and o ther volunteers were having little s u ccess hiding the pained expressions on their faces as they w atched the drowsy sea lion awaken from surgery Saturday. A s ked why anyone would shoot a sea lion, Cunrungham said "They JUSt don't understand. and some people JUSt like to shoot thmgs." Cunningham said Sparkie will be kept m a pen for about four weeks while the jaw sets. FLY FREE TOA CARIBB_ CRUISE THAT'S UNLIKE OTHER. PRICES START FROM $1,255. The sparkling blue Car- 1hhcan. You've alway<. wanted to RO there. You may even have gone hefnre. But once you ~cc hm' attr.1ct1vc a Sitm<H 10. 11. or 14 da, crtm e 1:., you'll wane tn cru1~c with us t hi5 summer. fly free and save. S1tm,1r not only flies you free round trip to Florida. but if you take 3rJ anJ 4th passengers in your cabin, they'll fly free too. What's more. they'll ave on cruise fares since 3rd anJ 4th herth prices start at $440 for children a11d $880 for adults on a I 0-day Caribbean cruise. Now you can afford to brinR the family or travel with close friends. 10, 11 and 14 leisurely days. . Sirmar's longer l 0, 11 and 14-day cruise~ travel e~n deeper into the Caribbean, to t. Thomas and beyond. Our I 0 and 11 -day cruises take you to uch fascinating ports ns Bnti'>h Antigua, FrcnLh Mamn14uc or Out<. h C uracao Our 14-J..iy c ruise~ give you even rnllrc 1if the Car- 1hhc.rn -mLluJmg a <.a mpltnJ.! of ~'11th Amt>rn .. 1 anJ ,in cxl'lt· ing trnm 1t through the great Gatun Locks of the Panama Canal. Cruise in luxury. Aboard the luxurious Liberrnn-registcred T.S.S FairwinJ. you'll find spaciousness .1pparcnt everywhere . warm Italian ambiance, irresist1hle cntertainm~nt , flne continental cuisine , anJ pampered 24~hour service. No other cruise line can give you an experience so rewarding. Especially since prices for our I 0-day cruise start at only $1 . 2 5 5 per person, double l'>ecupancy . The S1cmar Ex~ence 1s sold exclusively by professional travel agents. Consult yours today. THE SITMAR EXPERIENCE ., • . ' I I 1 I 1 I 'I ---· 'A4 Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/8und1y, June 21, 1982 15 profs study Nigeria, oil Oran• Cout Collep anthropol<>i)' profe.ort Or. Dwayne L. Morry and Theo N: · Mabry are apendlna alx week1 In Ni1orla u put o f a aovemment-lpol'UIOred 1tudy trl~. Merry, a membe>r of OCC 1 1taff 1ln<.-e 1961), wW foc:ua h1I 1tudy on Nlprlan marrlaae and family Ute and klnahlp 1y1tem1. Ma. Mabry, an OCC proftllOr alnce un1, wW look at Inter-cultural relatlona. and \he lmp&iet of oU upon Nl&erian life. Fifteen profe90r1 from throuahout Southern California will examine Nigeria'• anthropology, IOdololfY, aeoaraphy. art, and literature. "We will come back to our classrooms having developed a broader underetandlng of the country. We will then share our expertiae wli.h our studenta and our communJty," Dr. Merry says. California'• Inttirculturol D•partmtH\l of International Rel1tlon1. Merry Ja a lcadtna expert on thl' Middle F..aat. He hu worked many excavatlona thort', and lived for one year with a tribe of camel nomad. in the Huhemlte KJ.nadom of Jordan. He 111\c'r devc!loped an award-winning lnatructlonal televlalon aertea U tled "Dlmenalona In Culture.." Ml. Mabry haa spent much Ume in Europe, atudytng early Greek and Roman clvili~tlona. She abo received a grant to study In lndla two years ago, and calla that "the 1lngle most rewarding experience of my Ufe -to date." BOUND FOR AFRICA -Theo Mabry and Dr. Dwayne Merry are participating in governmental study of Nigerian culture. The educators will meet with Nigerian colleli\let. 1overnmental personnel, and experts in African and Nigerian affairs during the trip administered by the University of Southern "Nigeria la a faaclnatln& olace." lhe says. "It ia sl!jhtly small~r than C41lfornia, Nevada and Arizona combined, yet la the 12th most populous COllJltry In the world, with 89 million people. "The United States lmporta a tremendous amount oi oil from that nation, yet we know little about it." Nature made them delectable. e're making them affordable. I n celehration of our new Country Store opening late July in Anaheim , Berrenda Me~~ Farms has got a great deal for you. Yo u'll sa\·e $4.00 on any four-pound can of great tasti ng, fa rm -fresh almonds you buy. Choose from six delicious varieties at only $8.95 each: whole natural, crunchy roasted, salted and unsalted, barbecue, hickory smoked, even cheese. All o f the m high quality and delicious and picked ri ght on our farm -just what you'd expect from the world's largest grower of alm onds. So stop by o ur new store opening late-July -it's easy to find, with lots o f parking available - or stop hy the store closest to you. But hurry, while prices are down -down at the farm . ~Mesa . ry Store. The world's largest grower of almonOs. -----------------~ acctpl MasterCard and Vtsa lrYlne·110odbrldae Center On Damlnca P..ukwllr off Cutvc:r (714 ) ~~1·6175 4•lb can Million Vkfo ~ On~rlt."Vel (71 .. ) 4~ 2093 -- Dettr Not l'ftoto t.r Nchetd Koetii.r WHAT'S IN NAME? -Dennis and Don Durban are on the trail of their ancestor Sir Benjamin D'Urban, a British general and former governor of Jamaica. }aHJaica trip traces roots By PATRICK J. KENNEDY 01 tho D•llr Piiot Sl•tt Don and Dennis Durban, 17-year-old twins from Laguna Niguel, plan to spend part of their summer vacation searching for artifacts of the1r ancestral roots. But the Dana Hills High SchOCll seniors won't be cooped up in museums or archives. Their destination is the Caribbean island of Jamaica, and they also plan to have plenty of fun under tropical skies The Durbans believe their family as descended from Sar Be nJam1n D 'Urban (1777-1849). A Bnush general an the Napoleonic Wars, he was later krughted and made governor of numerous Briush colonies. mcludmg some Caribbean islands, parts of South Afnca. British Guiana. and Montreal Don Durban says D'Urban's sister Sophie moved to America in the 1830s and dropped the apostrophe from the name. Last summer. the Durbans were guests at a memorial dedicauon of a monument to U'Urban at a military cemetery in Montreal where he is buried. Next summer, the youths say they plan to visit South Africa to see the village of Durbanville and the seaport of Durban. But this summer, the youths and their parents are planning on visiting a few Caribbean islands and checking with historical societies and museums. . "Our parents aren't as involved in it as we are but they think it's good that we're interested in our ancestry," says Don Durban. He and his brother first became interested in D'Urban a few years ago when they noticed that several cities on the map of South Afnca had their relatively rare surname. He says they wrote to the chamber of commerce in Durban. South Africa. The chamber's public information officer sent historical pamphlets and offered t.o take them on a tour if they visited. "It was really a surprising response," Don said. "The guy sounded typ1caUy English: you know, he called us 'chaps' and saad we could talk over tea. He also told us we should be really proud of our ancestor. "It's exciting to be able to v1s1t places and be more than a typicaJ tourist." NEW 1982 SUBARU FROM Oelu>e ~J .§o~t~ ~/:~~{6582 82 including tax and noense. $8945 52 deterred tJayment price Including all carrying charges tor torty-f 1ght months. Annual Percentage Rate 19 2 BIG·SILICTIOlll llOW! a. magnon subaru Harbor at Fair Costa M esa 549-1457 IMPOTENCE PROSTATE PROBLEMS llCI Piii TRY ACUPUNCTURE (PERIPHERAL NERVE STIMULATION ) The problems are physical physiological as well as psychological Recommended by the top medical authority on the subject I Holl st le Approaches Body Rejuvenation Natural Heallngs ' T.SHO~K,CA:ACUPUNCTURE AND REJUVENATION CTRS 19929 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach (714) 538-4070 OFFllE I., W., F., SUIDAY ' 1 I ·1 .... -. ' . Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Sunday, June 27, 1982 CdM man I battling asbestos Corona df-1 Mar l'ftident Kon K MC!dy 11 waalng • one-man battle 1t•inat tflti wie and tht- handllna o f wat..,r pipe• that conwn .. bet&toe fiber. Claims pipes harm drinking water, trimmings a ri k to neighborhood for Councilman Paul Hummel, voted down the request. SEJiling class, camp's • • reg1strat1on Tht• OranMt-County Murlrw Institute has announced It hi ex t ending deadlines f or regtatenng for summer counet1 extended l'U nln)untty t·o lle gt·11 In th«J truvelmg uc.'f•un camp. His concern waa helah~nl'd thlt month when the City o( Newport &ach •tarted installing the aa~tue-ooncret.e pi~s In hi» neighborhood, Kennedy, who serves on the city's environmen tal quality t'ommittee, says h e's worried about health risks both from the use of the pipe and from cuttings workmen leave behind. a1beato1-concrete water pipe• hav been Wied In Newport - and many other Orange cout cities -for 30 years and research lndica~ the pipe pretent.s no health risk. However. city officia ls did order work crews lnst.alUng the pipe In old Corona del Mar to make several changes in how the links or pipe are handled. Nolan says workmen abo have been r~uestt.'<i to sweep up the shavings after each c ut to prevent the fibers from being scattered thro ugh the neighborhood. Kennedy says that's fine and dandy but doeen't address his real con<.-em . "Asbestos is dynamite," he charges. "In this day and age to be usmg asbestos pipes for our drinking water is plain nuts." Kennedy, who has sought help from th e policl', the firl", dt-partme nt, the Air Quality Management 011trlct and state Occupational Safety and Health Act forces, says he won't give up his asbestoll cruaade. "There ls tremendous debate in professional circles about asbestos and for the city to issue a blanket statement that asbestos is okay, doesn't make sense." City officials say the pipes Kennedy ls worrying over are roughly 20 percent asbestos They say the pipes are smooth and that it's v1rtuaUr, imposs1ble for any "measurable · amount of asbestos to work its way into the water svstem. CounK.'S an which Sp<l('C 1 11t11l avijilable include i;all training, three days before the m~t. the travel i ng ocean ca mp for youngsters 9 to 13 and two "mommy (or daddy) and mt•" sessions for children 4 to 9. The cou r ses fl'aturc expciriences sut'h as an overnight cruise on the brigatme "Pilgrim" 1n the basil' sailing c:ourst., an extended overnight onboard the bng m the three-day couSt.> and the cooperation of Santa Ana, Fullerton and Golden West Also available arc Camilr, weekends onboard the "Pilgrim ' for parents and the ir children. Weeklong sessions range from $45 J>t!r student to $125 for the trnvcling ocean camp. Ovem1fht Sf>SSions range from $60 to 96 per person while daily cruises ana $7 and $12. Weekend parentl 1-hild classes arc $25 per pair. Registration for all prograrrd will cont in ue througli Wednesday. • He claims each time one of the pipes is cut, tiny asbestos fibers are left behind. Public Works Director Be n Nolan says workers have been told to use plastic fittings at the end of each pipe to reduce the number of cuts that have to be ma Last week Kennedy asked the City Council to halt the pipe project until his asbestos concerns are resolved. The un ·1. exceot AddationaJ information may be obtained through the ms utute at 496-2274 or 83 1-3850 . T he 1nsutute is located at 35502 Del Ci ty o fficials s ugg es t Kenn e dy 's fre ttings are u n founded . The sav the { A Robinsons Sale WALLACE STERLING SILVER SPECTACULAR ONLY 7 MORE DAYS TO SAVE ON FAMOUS QUALITY STERLING 4·PC. PLACE SETIINGS AT OUR LOWEST PRICES OF THE SEASON - $139-$169 From now through July 3 you can acquire l ine s terltng for as little Select your favorite from our six classic pallerns-you can buy dS as $50 a month for a service lor eight-a rare o pportunity to own the many settings as you w ish to begin your silver service or add to yow silverware you've always yearned for at an unbelievably low cost. present set Some patterns may require special order (Please allow Sterling flatware is the ultimate touch of luxury for your formal 4 to 6 weeks tor s pecial o rder delivery) Bui don't delay our ofter is tn table-a shining reflection of the quality and good taste you want for effect for 7 more days only, so hurry 1n to Robinson s Silver Ftcitwnre> your home And our famous Wallace sterling is metic ulously c rafted 181 To order. or for Sliver Club information. call toll·free and perfectly balanced to give you a 1tlet1me o f beauty and service 1·800·345·8501 WALLACE STERLING PATIERNS urande BarOQuP Roseoo1n1 Sir Chr1<;10phPr Grana Victorian Romance ol the Sea Golden Aegean Weave 4 pc place se111ng olace knife place fork salaa fork. teaspoon Now $139. Now $149. Now '169. 16·oc service lor 4 lour 4 pc place selllngs Now $556 M onthly payment $2$ Now '596 M onthly payment $30 Now '676 Monthly payment $30 ·The Silver Club Pla n is available only for purchases of $200 or more 32 pc service lor 6 e1gh1 4 oc p1ace se1t1ngs Now $1,112 M onthly payment $50 Now '1,192 Monthly payment $55 --- Now '1,352 Monthly payment $60 46 (lC serv1CP tor 12 iwelve 4 pc place se•tings N ow $1,668 M onthly payment $75 Now $1,788 Monthly payment $80 --- Now '2,028 M onthly payment $90 JOIN OUR SILVER CLUI: UP TO 24 MONTHS TO PAY. NO FINANCE CHAROEt Here's an example ot hOw the plan worl<s· a service for 8 (eight 4·oc ptace selling&) 1n the Grande BarOQue pattern is SI, 112 plus 6°/t sales tu ol $66.72, for a total of $1 178 72 Your payments will be S50 tor 23 months with a final payment of $28 72 (Subject lo credit approval.) tNO FINANCE CHARGE If required monthly payments are made by the b1ll1ng date The amount of the minimum monthly payment required rs the greater of S25 or \/24th ot the highest new balance owing at any time rounded to the next highest whOfe dOllar A FINANCE CHARGE may be imposed 11 1equ11ed monthly payments ere not paid : When due and may be imposed un111 the account is no tonger In default We charge the greater ol a minimum FINANCE CHARGE ol S0c as permitted by law, or a FINANCE CHARGE. ti imposed W1fl be computed al a perlOdic rate 01 t 6'1• per month (19 2'fe ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE) on Average Daily Balances ol St,000 or less and 11/e per monll'I (ANNUAL PERCENTAGE RATE OF 12•1o) on lhat porttOn ot the Average Dally Balances over $1,000 FINANCE CHARGES will be computed on the Average Dally Balance Which Is cletermtned by totaling the balance outstanding tor each day'C1uring the monthly bllllng period and dividing that total by the number of days In the monthly b1lllng perlOd The balance outstanding lor each day is determined by subtracting any payments af'ldlor credits during that day lrom the previous day's outstandlno balance The Sliver Club Plan 1s available only for purchesea of S200 or more ROBINSON'S COMPUTERIZED WEDDING GIFT REGISTRY MAKE AN APPOINTMENT WITH OUR CONSULTANT AT YOUR NEAREST ROBINSON'S. WEU RECORD YOUR GIFT PREFIRENCES IN MRY STORE VIA THE ONLY COMPUTllUZ!D'SERVICE IN SOUTHERN CAUFORNI t • I \ t I I f t I I l I l t j t f I : i I • • I i I : I ! I I I I I I l J Orange Coaat OAILV PILOT/Sunday, June 27, 1ge2 Budget refiners must consider untouchables After months of pnrtisan bickering and backbiting, name- ca 11 i ng from both ends of Pennsylvania Avenue, spec1al- interest pressure and the near- disintegration of party control, Congress has finally upproved a fiscal 1983 budget outline. It w as approved not out or a sense of consensus and mature d elibera tion -but out of a sense of exhaustion and frustration. After months of confus10n, the occasion was worthy of some cheer, as the stock market rise shows. But the action gives httle assurance that Congress has gotten the needed handle on the swollen federal budget. The product that emerged from the chaos contains a goal to keep the deficit at $103.9 billion, through deeper cuts in domestic programs, a token reduction in mi li tary spending and tax increases of nearly $100 billion over three years. Passage of the $769.8 billion budget resolution doesn't mean Congress will adhere to it. The r esolutio n merel y provides guidelines to the committees that largely decide which programs will receive what amount of d olla r s and whic h federal revenues will be increased to gene rate additional income. Those committees will be in a pressure cooker as they prepare spending plans to take eff t>e t Oct. l. Special interests will want mor{' money for pet programs. OthPr lobbies will fight proposed tax in c reases that damage the ir interests. President Reagan won't hear of any talk to roll back a 10 percent income tax cut set for July 1983 . Hawks and doves will demand ei ther in creases or reductio ns in the Pentagon's budget, te ntatively set to increase 14 percent to $214 billion. Congress will need to attempt statesmanship for a change and resist pressures that would boost the deficit to even scarier levels And previously "untouch able" programs will h ave to fa ce scrutiny soon with a goal o f sensitive a n d equ it able adjustments in these programs . Also, the need to in crease our d e fense s d oesn 't mean the Pentagon budge t should get away with only s uperficial review. Reforms to simplify and broaden the income tax base a nd eliminate inequitable looph~es must be considered. In short. reducing the growth of the federal establishment and aiding a desperately needed eco n o mic recovery means Congress will need to pay more attention to the national interest and less to narrow. polt lie a l interests, something we have yet to see this year. Resolve pipe problems A ruckus over the expanded u se of plastic pipe_ in plumbing installation s n ow involves the petro-che mical industry, p lumbers unions, environme ntalists. housing officials and the state Legisla ture. A t present plastic pipe is principally used for waste, drain and vent pipes· in buildings not more than two stories high. A new edition of the Uniform Building Code sought to expand that use to include multi-story buildings and the use of plastic pipe for indoor plumbing carrying drinking water. The California Department of Consumer Affairs promptly filed a lawsuit to block publication of the document until an e nvironme ntal impact report can be completed. The state Supreme Court has agreed that the new code should not be distributed pending an appeal of the suit. The several areas of dispute include: -Charges that some types of plastic pipe l.'arry cancer-causing substances that could leech into drinking water supplies. -Charges that much of the piping is h ighly flammable and emits toxic smoke when burned. -C h arges that some of the resins and gl u es used in its installation contain cancer-causing substances. Be ca use p las ttc p 1 pe is relatively easy to install. it has been suggested that opposition to its use is largely a ''labor issue" promulgated by plumbers. They d en y this and insist their concerns are health-related. In an effort to resolve the debate, Assembl yman Louis Papan. D -Millbrae, w ith the support o f Sen. William Campbell, R -Ha cienda H eigh t s , h as introduced a bill that would limit any extension of the use of plastic pipe until a s tate-supe rvised environmental impact report, to be funded by the petro-chemical industry, is completed. Testing would be done for cancer-causing chemicals in water pipes as well as the flammability and toxic smoke level of drain and vent pipes. The m easur e, wh ich has passed the Assembly and now moves to the Sen ate, further specifies that if the report is not complete d by early 1984. the existing restrictions on the use of plastic pipe will remain in effe<:t. Industry opponents of the bill, who are launching a heavy lobbying effort to defeat it, object principal ly to this deadltne provision. If it 1s unreasonable, 1t should be within the power of the Legislature to modif)( it. But, since serious questions have been rai ~e d , it seems imperative that th e tests be made with all due speed. We do not neec a repeat of the asbestos dilemmc. which now fin ds school districts faced with the costly task o f having to rip out cancer-causing asbestos used for insulation and sound control. This time, let's answer the questions first. Congressmen as busy as. • • Certain me m bers o f the House of Re presentatives certainly have n't done anything to polish their public image by a recent trend toward organizing themselves into insect colonies. During the protracted battle over the federal budget the citizenry h ea rd con gressmen ref erred to as boll weevils, gypsy moths, yellow jackets a nd the like. Certainly we oppose the notion that our lawmakers should all be painted either black, white or in between in sweeps of the same brush. But the nicknames seem to be doing that for them. There is nothing wrong with u si ng s h o rth a nd names t o dist inguish among congressional blocs. but why on earth must the so lons u se th e names of destructive bugs? Take, for example, the Boll Weevils. This is a group of 40 to 50 Southern Democrats who tend to ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat vote conservative. What is a bo!J weevil? Any cotton farmer from Mississippi or Alabama would tell you a boll weevil can destroy a crop faster than high interest rates or low prices. There is another b loc, the Gypsy Moths, w hich includes about 25 Northern Republicans who tend to vote moderate or liberal. Any nurseryman knows a gypsy moth infes tation can defoliate broadleaf trees almost as effectively as a forest fire. This trend could be taken to extremes. Californfans could find their congressmen dubbed the Medflies, while Arirona's solons might be tagged the Scorpions, Iowa's the Corn Borers and so fort h . Freshme n congressmen might have to put up with being called the Larvae. Con~men ought to get out of the insect blocs and work a little harder at preserving their individuality as lawmakers. Thomas P. H~l•Y . Pub II sher Thomas A. Mtlrplllne Editor B•rbara Krelbtch Editorial PAge Editor • The real message of Prop.8 To the E<htor: Your editor ial on Pro pos1t1on 8 described its problems well, but missed the point entirely. The voters were presented a choice of turning down Proposition 8, thereby sendmg a message to the legislators and the courts that the MAILBOX public condones their soft-on-crime attitudes, or approving Proposition 8. ordering those august bodies to change their ways. Overwhelming approval has given a clear mandate to the courts to put the question of its constitutionality on a fast track. before c hanging the court's modus operandi. S HOULD T H E courts declare Proposition 8 unconst1tuuonal, then at as up to the legislators to amend current laws and/or provide new legislation that meet constitutional requarements and the mandate of the voters. To do anything less f launts op;:..vsiuon to the public intent. To place exlra and unnecessary burdens on the taxpayer would wreak tnJUSlice upon every law-abiding citizen or this state It would seem that some of those opposed to Proposition 8 now want to punish the public for approving at It should not happen and 1t wilJ not af the will of the people is honored by our lawmakers and the judiciary. J.W. REJD R eview history To the Editor: On June 17 in your newspaper there was an excellent letter by Rodney Funk titled "Good Intentions Don't Prevent Wars." The wording was precise and it gave a powerful message that should be remembered as long as we want our nation to survive. May I comment further? He mentioned Neville Chamberlain. England's Prime Minister at the time Hitler was building his enormous war machine. Chambe rlain couldn't (or wouldn't) believe a war was coming. He even had Hitler sign an ''agreement" guaranteeing peace in our lifetime. It wasn't one of England's "Finest Hours" MOST YOUNG PEOPLE don't read and don't care to read the editorials of Gardner's Column today and the htstory or yesterday. And 99 out or 100 of them probably have never heard of Chamberlain and his patheuc idealism to prevent World War II Also, today many history teachers, mostly young ones, ar£' so fanatically involv<'d in "peace at any price" 1t is almo::.t 1mposs1ble to carry on a logical d1st·us~1on with them Blind to the reahtws of hf<.'. they believe and teach that 1f we throw away our arms. our enemit-s will do the same, finally then ean we hve in peace forever. Pt•rhaps one way to enlighten these young. naive people of today with an education of pre-WW [] is to run those same Chamberlain waving "useless paper·· documentaries aga in on Ll'lt'VISion. However, with the liberals and the sc.•nsauonahsts controlling the press and telev1s1on, I doubt if this wiU happen. It would go against Sen. Kennedy's nuclear disarmament policy, it would make the Republicans look logical in building up our armed forces; and 1t would certainly help prevent World War LII by endorsing a ··peace through strength" program. OON WILLIAMS 'Gr eat A m erican s' To the Editor: This ts tomorrow's world and this 1s a Dear John letter, depending on how you look at 1t. 1 have never met state Sen. John G Schmitz. but I have been told by many who hav<' that he's a great guy. One thing about this man is that he has guts (a must for any U.S. Marine). He calls 'em as he sees 'em. the devil take the hindmost even 1f it's John Schmitz and any finger pointing that he may have done was right on target Although I make no daim to the clairvoyant nor do I walk with the spint as did LBJ, I share with Schmitz that feeling that the PLO will become stronger despite Israel's most recent aggression for there·s more here than meets the eye There was another great guy who not • LfUtr\ l•orn ,,.4)0f'(\-r..-•tl(omt ff'lt ftQl'\I loconotnY l•I '"''to h t \.CM(.f or t h m1""11tt t10.1 •# ,,.Ui'.,..., uu..-, ot JOO ..,Ord\ Of It'\\ wilt bf 91vtn prtftrf n• I Alt ltltfr'\ mu\t 1n lud.-\1QtWh.1rt •no m••lt"9 •ddt •. t>ut M~S m•y ~ .w1thnf'IO on rttql.H"\I 1f \Utftt •f'nt rt •• " 1\ •pp.trtnl Pof\ry •• u not cw pub41\h"' l tUf't\ m.,., ™ l•••phOnltd to Ml .oe. N•mt •nG pnotW number of tht t antf•l>utor mu\C t.i 91vM lor ;f l tl•t •l•on pufOO\e\ long ago had his prnbll'ms. probably the fmt'St president this n:.iuo11 l'ver had - Ra l·hard M N ax o n T(·n years ago Watergatc·. a hill of beans but to satisfy the l'go of a fl·w (mainly the press) a mount.am was madt• out of a mule hill Schmatz. and Nixon sht.tre the sam e problem Wl' JUst wt•n· not ready for th<•m WAHHJ..:N C ALTHOFF Plant clo ·ure To thl' Eclnor Tht•rt:' arC' in realitv onlv two t'(:onumac iSSUl'S, tht• tTl'at1on ·uf wealth and the d1str1but1on of wt·alth Th<' creation of wealth ts iJ d1ff1t:ult pron·ss It involves carc>ful planning . ass umption o f r e aso nt.t bl c• ris k s. and con s tant adJustmt·nt of act1v1t1es to adapt to changing circumstance's Om·e wealth has been created. ats d1 strihut1on 1s negotiable, principally among those who are respons1bll• for ats t'xast.em·e Plant closure legaslauon is an attempt to ncgouatl' a dastributaon of wealth which does not exLSt Plant closures and other maJOr reductions of productive actJv1t1es are efh.'<:l<'d because businesses cannot carry out their business act1v1ues as plann<'d Penalties for reduction of operation s wh1t·h w o uld increase comrmtments of company owners dunng eme rgency periods would serve to increas e their ris k or failure a nd seriously inhibit the· prospects for success of many otherwise· promising ('Ompan1es. PLANT CLOSURE l<'g1 sla t1on runs t'OUnt.t'r to the• JOb rrc><itaon pn.JCt'SS in Cahforma's l'<:onomy It <1dds s1gmf1cant risk ti) busint•ss al't1v11 y in Kt•neral and providl'S an 1mnwd1ate incentive for c ompanit'S to lut·a te th e ir firm s elsewhere. To t•nhancc the economic environment <ind create> the wealth required to support new employment, California should establish an economic climate which encourages business people to risk their tlITle. effort. and resources here to develop new sources or revenue Distr1but1on of wealth as a critical issue, but its importance an our troubled economic environment 1s secondary to the creation of wealth California needs to concentrate on establishing new high-growth industncs and regenerating the economv overal I rather than on punishing th()S(' businesses which have failed KENNETH B TINGEY Ultimate hamburger: Hold the patty By ROBERT GARDNER Robert Gardner is a semi-retired ;urisl, frequent emcee and senior body surfing enthusiast along the OrangC' Coast. Opce th ere w e re lo ts or local hamburgers. You could travel all over the country and find different tasting hamburgers in different localities. Then fast food chain operations became popular and we are reduced to five or six. The same thing happened to beer. You could travel around the country and drink beer from all the local breweries. It all tasted different. Then the big boys bought up all the breweries and no matter where you go all beer tastes the same; thin and insipid. On ce each town had its prime hamburger joint. l think at one time the unquestioned No. 1 was Russell's in Long Beach. People drove to Russell's from all over Southern California -gas was only 20 cents a gallon -for a Russell's hamburger. The hamburgers were so juicy that the goop ran down your elbow as you ate. Santa An.a had Scotty's, Fullerton had the Brown Mug. Balboa hnd Gus'. Every p~ you went, there were d11UncUve twnburaen. AND WHAT DO we have now? Forty billion Blg Macs. Of cou.ne I happen to ltke Blg Maca. My aranddau1Mer Saman\ha. who ii develol>lna into a atub~rn~ opinionated girl l lke her mother, hates them. When I suggest one, she $toes into a very dramatic a nd authentic paroxysm of retching. S he likes Carl's Jr. All or this is an introduction to my story or the ultimate hamburger. It happened in Balboa sometime in the early 30s and involved Finney Finster who owned the Green Dragon. One year Finney put in a h-.mburger grill facing the sidewalk. This was before all the silly rules we now have where evcrythlna haa to be enclQlled. One buay Sunday, Finn<?y wu ha.nc:ll.ini the grll1 and I wu hand.ling the oounter. A IMUP of 12 people came up. Each ordered a hamburger, each wanted bia or hen differen~ "I want rnlne with rtillb, and mustard, but no tomato." "I want mine with lettut't' and onion but no relish" and so on. Only one man went all the way He wanted his with ever ything ·lettuce, tomato, pickle, relish, onion. mayonnaise, catsup. mustard and our special house dressing, which was Kraft's Thousand Island dressing. Finney spread the buns out and put in hamburger patties, wrapped them in paper napkins and handed them out. The big man paid the bill -$1.20. They all went down the street toward the Pavilion. l guess they were going out on the Balboa for the tnp around the bay. AS THEY LEFT, I noticed Finney looking at the grill in a perplexed manner. There in the comer was one lonely hamburger patty still frying. Finney ~rt of grinned and aaid he gueMe<i he had forgotten to put in one of the hamburgers and h e even remembered which one -the one that had everythl.ng on It. We leaned out and watched the party walk past the drugstore and past Soto's munching on the ir hamburgers . We waited for the big guy to open his up alter a couple of bites and then come back demandlng hls hamburger patty. No way. Re was ao happy with hi~ hamburger wtth everything on It wt we never saw hlm aaaln. Now that WU \he ultlmate hainbur~r. J • • J J '1 1>4'. OHNSTOPHP Cl.oll\JP l:GO. MUie ANO THl WOKINWOAO D YOUTH ANO THI! 118\JU l :'PE~~ ~~ING ''T-ard A New Brazil A Card1na1 And The People" The c:on1rove11y wrround- lng Iha w0tl< of Cardinal Arna lo Improve lh• living and working conditions 01 hll people l1 •••mined (A) QI) FIRST AMENDMENT, RAST FRE£OOM8 Or 9 Roberl BllCOe. law- ye< Wllllam Ball and Sena- tor Ray Taylor dlsc;uss Ille lrffdomS guaranllltl(! In lhe First Amendment (C)MOVIE • • • "Paradise Alley I 1978) Sylvell9' Stallone A.rmnnd Assan1e Three acnemlng brolhllf5 from the Hell's Kitchen secllon of New York Clly combine their 1ra11s 01 brains and btewn 1n lheir ell0tl1 10 <:~ale beller lives for ltiemselves PG (%)MOVIE * * l't "Some1111ng For The Boys" t 19U) Vivian Blalna. Petry Como Army w111es ore given a home by 1hree cousins who renovate an old Soulhe<n planllllon l:30 8 fOf\ OVA TIME8 I SEAENDIPITY A08EAT SCHULLER D DAY8MAI< LA. 8 FAST FOflNIAAO GI CALIFOAHtA PEOPLE ®) PIJ8UC PUl.96 (ttJMOVIE * * ·~ "The Survivor" ( 1981) Aoberl PoweM, Jen- ny Agultet A !>'IOI survives a catastrophic 747 crash unsc:ratched and searches IOI lhe man responSlble ED MCMAHON ANO COMPANY The Texas Cowgirls. Phyllis Otllet and Abl>t! Lane 1oln Ed McMahon 101 a dancing and singing var1- e1y spee1a1 @MOVIE * * * * The Liiie Show ( 11H7) Art Cerney, Liiy Tomhn A seasoned pro- vale eye encounters black- m111 and murd9' when he comes out of retirement 10 locate a cat belongoOQ lo an orfbeal female c11en1 e:se D D Cl) 01l ~ 8l'EC&AL REPORT' Regularly scne<lule<I pr O· grammlng may be 1><eemp1ect by lhe sc;hod- uled launching 01 the spece Shullle Columbia 7l00 tJ TODAY'S AEUOION 8 THATSCAT 8 UTTU AASCA.1.8 fJ rT IS WRITTEN 0 KENNETH COPELAND GI OAYC:WOISCOVEAY ti) CARTOONS flll YOGA FOR HEAL TM '1'!) AMERICA: TME SECOND camJAY ®J SPECTRUM al SUNDAY MASS 7;30 tJ FAITHWAYS 0 WHITNEY ANO THE A080T fJ CAMPUS PROf'ILE: VIEWPOINT Ofl Hl/TAfTIOH "Nutrlllonal Allergies· Guests Glorl1 Loring. -Joyce Vlftue. Earl Mindell. GI JIMMY SWAGGART fD MISTEA AOOEA8 IA) '1'!) AM£AICA: THE 8ECOHC> CENTURY Cl) TV..e L<>Ot<S AT LEAAN1HO @l SEARCH Qt THE WORLD TOMORAOW (%)MOVIE * • "Dead Pigeon On BeethoYen S1raet" ( 1973) Glenn Corbell, Christi Lang. A detective lnvesll- getes 11\11 operations ot an lnternatlon111 blackmail r(ng. 'PG' UC> 8 SUNDAY MOANIHO 8 FIRST AMENDMENT, ANT F'MEDOMS Or. B Robert B•llGOll. law- yer William Ball and Sen•- lor Ray Taylor discuss lhe freedoms guaranteed In IM First An14'(1dment 8 POPEYE ANO FFUEH08 Iii PEASONAL OIMEHSIOHS 8 UOYO OGILVIE flil Eu:cTAIC COMPANY IA) 'Ii) AMENCA: THE 88X>NO camJRY MYSTERY -George Kennedy stars in "The Double McGuffin" aboul a group of teen-agers who become amateur Secret Service agents tonight at 7 on KABC (7)., • * Huckleberry Finn" (197411 Jell EHi, Paul Win· held A young bOy ano a runaw•y slave become Involved In 8 terlM 01 1dven1ures wtille fleeing down the Mo~IUIPPI River on a ran 'G @MOVIE * * "Invaders From l he ()Mp" (198 I) Puppel5 The World Aquanau1 secumy patrol end comba1 crall Sl10Qrty btllles en army of 1qull1C aliens who are determined to take over IMplenet 1:30 D ODYSSEY Guests Frank G Goble founder .nd 1>1Mtden1 of the Thomas Jellerson ~arch Cenler. Pas•d• na. James A C111ton. vlCe P<esidenl of the CharactM EdueetlOn Program, Sunlla Rameswamy. 1cc111med Asoan Indian cluslcel dancer fJ TOOAY'S SLACK WOMAN 0 MEETING TIME AT CALVAff'f GI FREDERIC!< I<. PRICE flll El.£CTAIC COMPANY (A) '1'!) AMERICA: THE 8ECOHD CamJAY Cl) THE LA.HAYES Q! KHOW YOUR 818Lel a:OO 0 NEWS CONF£AENCE fJ PEOPLE7 0 Cl) ORAL R08E"1S tJll SESAME STREET (R) i> YOU ANO THE LAW ®J rT 18 WAITT£H ,l)MOV1E * • •,. "Tiie Immortal Bechel0t" (1979) Monica Vitti. G1ance1to G1eMlnl On trlel l0t murdering her rwsband. • belulllul wld· ow en111r1Jls lhe IU'Y with her remembr•noes or ,_ pUSlonate domestic hie IUO I) Cl) FACE THE NATION II~ MEET THE PRESS fJ NEW ZOO REVUE 0 DAY OF Ol8COVERY GI TliEWOALO TOMORROW '1'!) YOU ANO THE LAW QD KEHHETM COf'ELAHO (O MOVIE * * * "Pardon Mon All1ore" ( 19 71) Jean Rochef0t1. Anny 0uper9"( A hapf)lly m11rrled man contemplates 1nl1dellty al1er seeing 8 beaulllul model on a parking garage 'PG' S)MOVIE • * "~ "Star Trek -The Motion Ptcture" ( 1979) WIHlem Shatner Leonard Nlmoy The l0tmer com- mander of 01e U S S EolerP<iM rnsseml>leS hlS old c:r-end Mii off on • mission to find the mysterl ous Y9SMI rnponalble for Iha desllUC1 IOn OI nu mer. ous Fede<at•on starSl\lps 'G' 10:00 tJ MOVIE • • • "Money From ~ome" j 19S3l Dean Mar· Ion .le<ry L-S D ATOHE Guat writer and dlrec1or Jesus T rev1no 8 MOVIE * • "Marco" ( 1973) Z9'o Moatel, Desi Arnaz Jr. Tiie adventures of the 13111· century exptorer .,, must· ~·e<~eateo fJ BAS!BALL BUNCH 0 HSW.O OF TRUTH ., AEX HUMBARD Qi) THE LAWMAKERS '1'!) YOU ANO THE LAW Cl) 8IX MIUION DOLL.AR MAN ~ NEWSCE.NTEA WEEKLY (R'}MOVIE '1'!) YOU ANO THI!! LAW a OUTDOOR LIFE 10:46 (2 I MOVIE • * S1111nce 0 1 The North ( 198 t) Ellt>n Burs tyn Tom S~emll In 1919 1 yOUOQ woman • m1111r1t9e to a 1rapper te11os her to a Ille ot hardship In Ille wll- dttrness 01 nor1h11111 Cana· d11 ·po· 11:00 D ~WIMBLEDON TENNIS co.erage ol e1rty round malches (from Wimbledon England) Q) MOVIE • • •, 'TM Clones I 19741 MICheel GrtWlne Grt!QO'V s ... r. tD MASTERPIECE TliEATAE Fllcic8fs ' Arma olnO htt old flame Lally team up 10 beguile a prospecllve backer (Pan 5) Q '1'!) GAOWINO YEARS (I) WEST£AN OVTOOOASMAN 11:30 tJ WESTCHESTER OOlF CL.ASSIC Final round cover30e of lhls S~OO 000 PGA Tour golf 1ou1namen1 flove from Was1ctoes1ar Coul'l"I Club In Rye, N Y) fJ@) THIS WEEX WITH DAVID BRtNl<LEY 0 TERRY COLE· WHITTAl<ER CD CHURCH IN THE HOME '1'!) GROWING YEARS BASEBALL BUNCH C MOW: ••• ·~ The MUSIC Men ( 1962) Robert Preston Srtorley Jones A lasl-talk· ong salesman comas 10 • small town on IOwa to orga- ntH • boys t>and and 1n1dV9'tently fells 1n love wllh In unmatrled hbr•n- an @MOVIE * * • 'Ste•oe ( 11118) Glenda Jaekaon. TrevOf Howard Eceentrle BrillSh poetau Stevie Smllh IS prohle<I 'PG ~ 12:00 8 LOST IN SPACE 0 8EAAC11 GI MOVIE * *., 'Lass•e Com~ Home (1943) Roddy M'Oowatl Edmund Gwenn Sold by hos poor owners, a colhe lra•els 1000 moles to llnd lllem 1!9.••n W LOAD MOUNTBATTEN: A MAN FOR THE CefT\JAY tn 19417, Mountbatten accepts the reapanslblllty of unillng India and osllst• Ing that country's trenll· lion trom Brllls/I rule to lna.pendenc:. (Pert 8) (RI Q '1'!) OAOWINO YEARS "Heredity And Environ men1" (I) TMIS WEEK IN BASEBALL ($)MOVIE * • • .. , Sent A Leiter To My l ove (1981) Simone Signore!, Jean Rochefort. A mlddle-egecl women who has spent most of h9' edult Illa C811ng for her Invalid brothef daeldld lo write a letter to a n.wspe per lonely hNrts column PG 12:30 fJ Dff'ECTIONS 0 MOVIE * • * "Devil Doll" ( t'IG4) Bryant Halliday Yvonne Romain "1!) OROWINO YEARS 'Prenatal Devetoomenl (J) MOMENTS IN TIME @) PERSPECTIVU Il l MOVIE l ~~::u.UOKf ,. MXHUMMAO MOYtE * * •;, "The Far Frontier" ( f948) Roy Rogers, Andy Devine Roy goat 1lte< 1 91ng r1epon•lbl• ror tmugollng alien• ICrOSS the l>Order 0 MOVIE * * "Home M ovlH" ( 1980) Keith GOfdOn, Kirk OouglH . A young ntm SIU· dent eullen from e l>9d0eMll IMCh« Ind an 81trectlon to hie bfotMr • ~.·PO' * • ·~ "Something For The Boys ( t944) VMen Blllne, Perry Como Army wiVM .,. given • llOme by three C()USlf\S wt\() rlnOVlte In old Soulhe<n pl1n1at1on 12:41 (I) ,AOAQ PM-GAME 1:00 0 TH€ MUNSTERS Liiy It hired u 1 lllShlOn model * * * "The Wrong Arm 0 1 The L.nr" ( 1"3) Peter Sellera. Lion.t Jettrlel The tyndleli. Ind the pollc:a '*"" IQ991W to 11oe> 1 lrlO Ol 1 ....... wtlo poM u llwmen. {B)MOVll ._... "The 0t .. 1 Mupe>el C:.S-" 11911) Charlff Orodlri, ~ Rigg. Ker· ll'lft, FOGie end Gonzo ttece a llbulow 9te>Mn ~toLonoon. CJ).W. tO-.ao . 0 KID8 AM NOfl\.ETOO GUMtt: Oenlelle 8rlM l>OI•. 1c:tor Doug ShHh1n, gedg9t ••'*1 Sten t<enn, dflwlnQ enelyll J11dlt" l("'*""'y (A) I ~~ ONNMIND CHANNQ LISTINGS • K N XT IC.BS> • K N BC tN8C) e KTLA (Ind.I .KA8C (A8CI • ICrM D tC9S) • KHJ TV (Ind l e KCST IABCI e KTT'V (Ind t • ICC.OP. TV (Ind. I e 1<cn tPB,1 e OC fNIJ o 0n rv 1 l IV 11 H90 1~1 (Clnem.,r) 1tJ IWORI NY .N V 01 IWTBSl l IESPNI $1 IShowttmt) • Scio111on1 • ICM>lt Htws Ntl""'llrk ) 8 DRAG RAC1HO "Ca)Un NatlONlll" • AOAM-12 • OAHQfA UXll "The Oulet Wffkend" SYNn retum1 hOl'ne aft., apen(llng the WNlcend with 8'11111 10 llnd an uneitJ*:I• 9d vltltor (Plllt I) (R) Q Ii> PftOJECT UNIVIM! (I) ... IUAU. Sen Citgo Pld<el M Sen Frll)(;llOO GIMll 0 IHTERTAMtlHT f"'9WllK lf111rvle-wtth Rot>ert Young. Er ic Ellrade. 0enn11 WM~. Aobby a.neon tnd """''*" Of ®~aeon ***~ "l)wby O'Glll l#'ld Tilt !Alie~ .. (1HQt Alb«l Shwpe, S... Col\. Mr). An old """ ~-­ wtlo 11 ·~ to lo. flit )o«I .. I~ INll'l lllPtUN9 lflelllng of tht~ _, ~ '*" 10 .,. ,..,. ..... QI w•~~v tl•tound \'90 Ctll• IHwelOfll c:11ernl)lo11enro DOUI l)atwlfn C1'101 Del.Ion end S T Oorclon 111119 frOITI i. .. \leg .. , Nev ), Oa.teadl "un•Oll fload ~ Wom POl'tl1nd, Ore I 8 ONCAMPUa 'NP ApprOkll 10 An at Ct11emon1 Qraduate Sc:nool D ~Tf'OO' An ~ llrlll•h m1110t 111llt9t 11 fort Courage lo lee<:h the cavalry!T\4111 new Wlyt 10 fight lndW\A II) AOAM-12 Reed Q0411 und41r,Over Ind gall 1*1> from e 0008· 1ddletlld 1111ger to ..,,,,h • orug ring ~ PROJECT UNIVERS! 0t SPOflTSWON.O lnlerneltonll Cup WllQhl· 11111ng ll•om T 111beny1 Hungery) hl•fl Sw..ipa Derby (loom Ouhl111 Ila· l111dl, Survlvul Ill ""' Ml· 11111 Pan 41, wllh mon ~riv er brodge duel (from New Zealand) 0MOVIE • • • lo• G1rl1 ( 1957) Geno l<etty M11z1 G1y1101 An Ame1 lean mua1oa1 show fills lhe Europeon corcull When complocatlons orise 2:00 0 SP£C1AL OLYMPICS Houston Oiler Earl G•mp- bell 11 tellured on lhoa. lunO·r111s1ng e•ent 0 OtLUOAH'S ISL.ANO The c .. 1aways overhear lhe voices of gu11os1c" threatening 1111111 h•e> fJ f\-o> SPORTSBEA T 0 MOVIE * • ~ Oao~ POSSllll*' ( 1947) Humphruy BQOer1 Lauren Bacell A man e5'ai)ft5 lrom Sau Ouenton lo provb h1m56ll 111noccn1 of murderong his w11& Cl) THIS WEEI< IN 8ASEBALL Cl) MOVIE * • * loving II Up' ( 19541 Ot>an Morton Jerry Lowrs A rallr0di1 wo1~11r gel~ A lroo 1r1p to the c11y Olltlt II 0()(;10r SdyS hi' 5 ~ulferong lrom r1d1ahoro tD TAAININO OOOS THE WOOOtiOUSE WAY Pupp1e5 Barbara WOOd- house believes there is r10 reason for a puppy 'ever 10 dirty on 11111 11ouse or be a nu1sanGe 10 anyone '1'!) ~OJECT UNIVERSE C MOVIE • • • Paradise Alley 119781 Sylvestao <;1allone Armand Assante Th•t'fl sc:hemong brotncr~ from tht< Hell's Kitchen sochon of New York City combine 111eor 1ra11s ol brains and br&wn on tlleu ellorlS to t reato beller hves ''" lhemsetvos 'PG $MOVIE • •', Blow-Up 119&61 Oav10 Hemming~ vanusso Rooorave When A young London pholographer has "°"'6 or hos piclure~ blO"'n up he d•seovers ..,hot 11pped•5 lo t>e a murder Z MOVIE * •, The Gong Snuw Movie · ( 1980) Chuck Berns Robin Allm1n A Tl/ noat muSI conl&nd wilh a v111ety OI ob5lec1a s ontlu<l•OQ network cens"'s 10 put 1oge111er e colleeloon OI bllarre acts tor hos show 'R' 2:30 0 OILUOAN'S ISL.ANO fJ ®.J AMERICAN SPORTSMAN JOllnny Rutheoford IOrme< tno1anapot1s 500 winner completes an Alt Force p1101 1ra1n1ng program and per11c1pates on 11 mock dogfight. a"of Marlon Sheen observes lhe betlavlOr of three lr<\lnf'O AlrtC.lln elephant!> " lhPy dfft re-1n1rochJCt-d tn the11 Kenyan 11om~and IRl CD OOOGER DUGOUT EE PRESEHTE Economic Strenglh Ttirough Unity Hogl'lllgtils ol Iha second a,,nu11 coo- ventoon or Iha • Un11ad Slates Hispanic Ch1mt>er of Commerce are presenl- e<l '1'!) PROJECT UNIVERSE 2.:'5 GI OOOGER PRE-OAME 3:00 tJ INTE.AFACE 8 MOVIE * * ·~ Buck Benn~ Rodes Age1n t 19401 Jae~ Benny. Ellen Drew A pseudo·cow- bOy can't seem to avooo trouble GI BASEBALL I.Os Angeles Dodgers ut Houston Astros flll WOALOCVP SOCCER TOURNAMENT Hlghllghll ol a SftCond ellmlnatlon me1ch will ~ broadcast from Spa•,, '1'!) PROJECT UNIVERSE Q!SUGARRAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES Pennsylvania va Rocky Moun101n (H GOTTA DANCE, OOTTASING n11s ratrospectove look al movie musocAIS one-Judas performances oy A~IAirf' Ind Rogers. Shirley Tem- ple. Gene Kelly M&rllyn Monroe and Elvis Presley and clips lrom "C11rouse1." "The King And I. "West Side StOI)'." 'C1berol" and The Rocky H0ttor Picture Show 1:26 (?) MOVIE * • •.; "Btow Out ( 198 tl John Tr1vo1ta. Nnncy Allen A iound laehnlelan Who worl<• on hotrOI tllm1 ~ Involved In a tlMJ<der rnyllf"Y ~ he wll-en a.nuelne· lion 'A' wo z= Featured. llthlng end twlrtlnWlg In Ptnama 8 tIJ WU WOALO Of ~ MttlO Andmlt end hit eon Challenge the LotMena 24· l!Our Otand Ptla Of Ef\Clur· 1nce (from Let.one. Prence): U S Outdoor Traoa Ind Fleld Ch-. plon1lllP1 (trom Kno•lllllt. Tetill) ·~· ~THfiAATS "~ OIM1 FOi a.tr' CJ) llMIANT' fWT'OH M THI r~~ w.a•• A IMentlld ttoupe Of )OllllO dllnOll'I tolll 0.., Verdon Ill I tfllAllcllj ealutll to Ille .... of 9t09dWef. ... MCM9 ••'4 ''Trle ........ ,.,, Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, June 27, 1ge2 TUBE TOPPERS K NBC (4) 7 00 "Father Murphy." Father Joe Parker qult.s the! priesthood Atyl Ulkt~ u job in a frontier aaJoon. KNXT (:l). KNBC (4), KA.BC (7) 8:00 Schf'duled launch of the space shuttle KTI .A (5) 9:00 ''Glittering Crowns." A look 11t 1-:uroix·on royalty over the yearn. KAOC (7) !:.1:00 "Golden Rttn<Jczvous." On·un ltnl•r's pas.scngt•rs ar(• threatenC'd h y 1nq.n·nd1n~ nuclear dt•s trucl1on . Hkh:uct Harris, David Janss<•n star Chrostophet George [11111 t>elh Ashley Cl SPORTSWORLD M•w t c1,,.t&Jt1Utton In th• 1fltti,.~ll<r••I (;up W1N9ht11t11no ,,,.,, .. ,,,.,. "'~'" 11 pt,1 •• t •f•b•"'" tfu.ng•'l' IM ffl\I\ 1tlfWf.)a (>f-fOy IA~J "' r1ut•'"' ••td u • ., meo • ''"ft' l•fl-.J\IJt 11uei ' ••'l'vl l 1•t fh,_, J.114"1 0 MOVIE * * ·· romb 0 1 1 •u1111· t 1Yb'>) V1nc.,n1 Prtlu r Iota· be1h •;t1eopt"c1 Q) MOVIE • • • K•ng Ro<.hdlO And Tho Cru!>.IClt'tS I t9!>41 RI!• H•1t1:10ro Vu goma Mayo tt) WALL STREET WEEK A Summer Al.Illy? Gu11al Leon G <..o<.t1>"'m11n of GolOmJn Saens & Go;n pony (Rt '1'!) HUMANITIES T~ROUOH THE ARTS r1tn1 :-0111 Cenlury lilt)" • y 18 STAR TREK Y,. MOVIE • • T ht' Gyp!>y Mnm~ I 1 •b'll t;url I ·1"• u~IM OH1cirat1 l\err H MOVIE • * 1 , Tti" Su1v1vo1 11'18 IJ AulJl'of Powell JfJn 11y AQumor A p~OI survovl'S J w 1 .. s11npn1c 747 cr.l>h un\l..ratt..hed ana S('3•Ct\85 loo 111e mJn 11Kpans1bl~ S SHORT PICKS 41:30 flll WASHINGTON WEEI< IN REVIEW (R) '1'!) HUMANrTIES THROUGH THE ARTS r11m fl'\p Ovnam•r 1110 ~I Of $ ED MCMAHON ANO COMPANY l n11 Te xas Cowgtr I~. Phy1111 Doner ano Abtlt' Lane 1oon Ed Mcl.Aahon lo• a danLong t1nd smgonq •~ro e1y spe<.•al @ MOVIE • • • '> Gimme Shelter 119701 Rolling Stones. Jel- lerson Aorplane Th•s doc:u- mentary of the Rolling Stones 1969 American tour includes SGenes 01 the r10llng and murd9' a1 an A1temon1 Speedway he. COn<.('fl 5:00 0 STAR TREK fJ GREATEST SPORTS LEO ENOS Frotn~ Robon.o" Hosl Tum Seaver tD nRINGUNE How Muri •~ Sncrecy Hurl1n11 The US ., Gue\I Or (rtward Tllil<•• o.>I lhe Hoov1·1 '"s111u1" '1'!) HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS I 1111 NOi JU'I 1 h<> c;r.,.11 r .. , 111t 8 M"A"S"H no NEWS 0 THE MARVELOUS LANO OF OZ ',umtt \f't•ry larrottrH rt1'1Utllt ·"'' nl Ill!! laf\O or 01 no•lp ·• 10tJn~ 011y and n., wooo ._.n_ tr.~tJ 1n Uh~ Mmeo SlllQH prO<Juctron hy lht' Cn1IOrPn s lhealre Com p.iny and School 5:t5 Z MOVIE * • • Why Would I L1e1 119801 T•<'at Williams Lisa f"hhorn A compu11"0 har upSfllS the status quo with hos retusal 10 conl0tm PG 5:30 tJ CBS NEWS 0 NBC NEWS fJ ~) A8C NEWS '1'!) MONEYMAKERS Diagram Of I 1nanc1al tndependl'nce 1 ~ WELCOME BACI<. KOTTER C MOVIE • • • Pardon Mon All&Ht' I 1977) Jp&n RoctoelO<I Anny 0uPt'•8f~ A h8pp1ty marr't!d man contemplates 1nlidt<l1ty all~ seeing a t><lllulolul model on a parking gar11ge ·PQ H SNEAK PREVIEW Hn~I lt!Onll•d Hartl~ 1()()1\' ~I 1he movie~ ~poc101j JIU! SfW\•tt e•l'nt~ com1no ufl on Home Box Qll•ce EVE NINO e:oo tJ D D N£WB 8 MOVIE • * • Don't Ot1nk The Water ( 1969) JICltle Glea- 1on. Estall• P;ireona Q KO.WC G) MOVIE • • ~ "Bh0wan1 Junction ( 10561 Ava Garoner. St- llt1 GrenQer Cl) MOW * • * The Y1k11u' ( t976) Robert Mllallum, Bllan Ktlllh. fD LIFI! AAOUHD VS G M<NA "A Aeld Gulde To ~ Tort Pelet$0tl ' A P«1•-" of ,,.,. INltl wtlo.e beet. Hlltno 1111ldetx>0.1 on omltflOloVY ha\19 playM • ph10111 ro .. In turnlno bird watching Into • mut tpe<t ~~)Q (il ~NO!l.S NIONIWI MOVll! *"' "Oii TIM Ato"t frecll" ( 10&1) 0 1ry Col•m •n, Mle"HI Lembtdl A eodel -1ttt ''* to find • nor· mal l\ofM IOf I lrllln Ila. lion tlllOMNne l)lOy With • 1ei.n1 tor ~lflO the ~·pa· Cl)M<MI ••14 "Chu Chu And TM PtllllY ~ .. (11;111 Alen Arkin (;111ol l:lurneu An alcohoht former baaeball player uno a kooky street an11r1111ner becornu part ners on a scheme 10 mako montiy by re1urn1ng 1 toil SullL&M PG @MOVIE • • • • Tiit! Lale Show p977) Ao I Carney. Liiy Tomlin A seasoned p11 vB1e tiye encounters blac~ m&JI und murder when he comes out ol ret1remen1 10 1oca1e a C<ll belonging 10 an olfooa1 female client 9:30 0 FIOHT BACK .. 0 THATSHOLLYWOOO "S/>ec1a1 Effects· tt) Y.E.S , INCOAPORA TEO ! QtNews 8:46 0 THE CHALICE 7:00 tJ 80 MINUTES 0 Q1J FATHER MURPHY Father Joe Parke• Quoi. lhe proe1thood and taku• 11 1ob ul ti l1on11or satoor• IRI ) fJ n-0 MOVIE • • I he Ooubfe McGul hn ( 19791 Ernest Borg nine George Kenno<ly 0 PAUL HOGAN EE ASCENT OF MAN The Drove For Power" Or Bronows~o e.pla1ns ton .... lhe 1ndus111al advar>ees of 11111 18th century are J> !>•gmllciJnl 10 man s con· ~· cit power as were lhe cultural ideas of 11111 Aen:io~sance '1'!) VICTORY GARDEN 0 MOVIE • * Con11nent<1I Oovoll<' ( 1981) John Belu!>ll• Bldor Brow11 A C..h11;a90 newspaper cOlumnost travels to the Rock•O• to escape some po111ico1 heal and orllervoew a re<lu.,llP noturalosl PG Z MOVIE * • Silence 01 Tho North (1981) Ellen Burs· tyn Tom Skemtt In 19t9. a young woman's marnage 10 a ll8flP8f lead1 hot to o hie 01 h11dsh1p In lhl wll· dernest of northern Cana· da PG 7:30 '1'!) PORTI\AITS IN PASTELS Summer Shadow IC MOVIE • • • '• The Music Man" ( 19621 Robert Pra1ton. Shirley Joues. A fast-lalk· on9 satesman comes to a sm•ll town In IOWI IO orga· noie a boys oand and 1nadverient1y falls In love wllh 1n unmarroed hbrero- an 8:00 tJ ([) AACHIE BUHKER'S PL.ACE Arch>!' 1rlf'S 10 get a se~ educa11on class a1 S1cptoen1e s school dropped tH) CI U~CHIPS Jon end Ponch are baffled by a 9an9 01 crooks who uslJ laser~ 10 disable lhetr V!ClomS (R) 0 ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK Interviews with Rober! Young. Erle ESlreda. Oennos Weaver Robby Benson and memben of REO Speeowagon 0 rT 18 WRITTEN CD MOVIE • •·· Lassie Come Home 1 19~3) Roddy McOowAll, Edmund Gwenn Sold by hos POOr owntirs a colhe travels IOOO molt>s to find them age1n Q) ALISTAIR COOl<E'S AMERICA 'flle Huddled Masses" Tho S"h.oe ol Ll~riy'a t>eekonong torCh ovt'lf-• e llOOd of 1mmogrenl1 and theor dreams tD NOVA Locust War W11roou1 End" Fiimed on Europe and Africa, •ome ol man s 1111 esl 1111emp1s to rod himself ol the locust are e'am1nt'd (R)') '1'!) MASTERPIECE niEATRE r1tckers II looks IS though Arnoe s movie may never be completed •• money 1Uns out and so doea Its Siar. (Pert 6) O H)MOVIE • * • "The Greet Muppel C•~· (1981) Charles Grodin. O.ana RIOo Ker· m11, Foute and Oonzo trace 1 fabulous stolen jewtll 10 LondOll lSl MOYtE **'~ "Stir Trell -The Mo11on Pi<:ture" ( 11179) WIUl.tm Shetner, Leonard Nlrnoy. The tortNr COin· m•ndfl• or the U S.S EnltrPrlM rH tMmblU hi• old r;r.-Ind MIS off on a mission to find the my11etl- oua ,....... reeoonelble '°' 11\e °"1t\1Ctlon of nu<Nt· OU1 Fedefltlon at8'1lhlpe ·G· • MNMN HAMLl90H! TMIY'IW PL.AVINO MY toNO • 1.lU Mlnnelll, Johnny Malfllt. Qtadyl Kn19ht ltld Catty Simon lllng eomt of 1od1y'1 grH IHI 11111 ~ .. Tiie WtY W• W.e," .. W119t t Old f!.or LOYe" and "Not>ody 0oee tteettet." uo•(I) OHl~YATA NM l)llrplle e dlMttlOlll M t dtte wlltl ~--1'\oyw .... btra 11 unable to 1J111 111191 oft '""mind. ,,.,.. 2)(") • 1*WOflJ> TOMOMOW tM (l) OHAN.a ()t4AWLIN ON THI~ ICIHI t:CIO 8 ()) AUCC Met II plunged Into ...... Of dej>leteOon wtletl h• fMll-11\al ht "•• llO htlll (A) 8 8 nNlrtU Thr• °"""'' of e oelee live agency 11a hired by 111 ex girlfriend 01 one or Iha penner• to IOC:•t• nar m1u1ng hu1b1nd 0 OUTTENNO CAOWNe A 100k 11 lh11 rw11111y ol Eutope over Iha yeatt Including l111 NIGllOIH II O~n VICl0111. Edwa<CI the VIII and M11 S1mpaM Prince Chell•• •nd P1111 coaa Olena D O MOVIE * * '> Golden Htlnoez VOUI fl9771 Aotha<d Harfil Oav10 Januo11 Pauengers abonro uro • 0<.aen llneo c.arryong a car go ol gold are lhre111ened by 1mpend1ng nu~lear d .. lluchon 0 DA.CHO Q) AOAONSl<Y ANO COMPANY Ol) MASTERPIECE THEATRE "FhCk8'1 II look~ ,1. 111ough Arnie • mo••e m.i) never be comf)leteo money runs ou1 .ino i.o doe' Ill 11A• (P1>r I 6). ,J '1'!) AMERICAN PLAYHOUSE • Oppenheimer All111 l1ghllnQ unsuecegsrully 10 have his securoty clear 1;r1<..- re1n51a1ed Oppenheimer r81urn1 10 Pronce1on too the lail years or hos Ille (Part 7)1;> (0)MOVIE * • • * Dog Day Alter noon I 197SJ Al PuCoho Jofln Co.llllt! A N"w 'fork Co ly bank robbery asca1111es into a n1,•3r circus when community llCllVISI~ 101n Ill 10 11.1ge un anll-pohce pro1e·11 <luo "''' the caJM)r @MOVIE * • • · Aflan••r c.;111 ( 1980) Buri L3nC3Slf'• Susan Sarandcin T "" estrlln!,leO 11usbano ol m oyshir bor wallrns,'1 11rr '""' woln her P•f!91181ll you11y11r SJslttr c;na somt.. 1SotOIP11 f\elt')ln which he wdnt4> Jfl aginq llOOd 10 y.11 lor him R Z MOVIE • ,., The Cong Show Movie 11980) Chut k Bar111 Robin Allma11 A f\/ 11os1 must contend w11n ,, variety ot 01:1s1ac1ou 1nclud1ng network cen'oO" to put 1oge111e1 a colle<;hor• of bizarre acts loo hos Show 'A ~30 tJ Cl) THE JEFFERSONS George, in the market IOr a snappy edvert1s1ng 11ng1~ learns he has 10 f11s1 cheer up the deP<Hsed 1'"9\e wrller (R) 0 JACf( VAN IMPE t8 NEWS 10;'()0 II (I) TRAPPER JOHN, M.O. Nurta Ripples 1ob •S tlltown Into J410pardy when toer 1leo11ohc brother •• enters,.,., hie tRl 0 Q) THE TEXAS RANGERS lwo Texas Rangers uso modern police 1ochn1ques 10 c•pture • 1110 of esqipecl convicts tRI emm News 0 TMEWOROFOR TODAY fD WE OIO COAL: A PORTRAIT OF THREE WOMEN The t1n1 women coal mm ers Sltuggle 10 gt'I ll11''o1 1obs and 1he11 day lo d •v lives 1n the mines attf d()(; umanled '1'!) FLAMBAROS "The Cold logM Of Dav W•lloam lands 111~ lorst 1ori as an airplane mechJrnc and Ctorostona goes 10 woo~ as a waitress (Parl ~I tRt ~ M0\11E • • "Separate Wovs ( 1980) 1<aren Black, Tony Lo Blanco A young cou pie s fl•lure to commun1 cate nea(fy re5ults on the destrue1oon or their mar rlage R M0\11E * * • "Stripes (19811 Boll Murr•y. Harold Ramos A N-YOll< cabl>le look•nq 10< eKcllernent con •• nc.o~ hos besl lroend lo 1010 horn tn enhshng on the u S Army 'R 10:30 0 LONE RANGER 0) JEAAY FALWELL Cl) JIMMY SWAGGART ($)MOVIE • • * ·I Sent A le118f l o My love (1981) Somonft S1gnore1. Jean Roctoel0tt A mlddle-aged woman who htts spent most of '"" a<lull lite carong ror nnr Invalid brOlher d~•des 10 wrote 11 letter In a new~po per lonely hearts cotumn PG Z MOVIE • *'" Blow Out' p9811 John Travolta. Noncy Aften A sound tochnlc111n wflo w0tlls on hou0< ru;ns becomes lnvotved In a murder mystery wf>9o1 lie wll1141Qft an an11ss1ne lton 'R 10;'8 8 IUNOAY S~RTS PA.OE 11:00 •a• Cl>®> a ..ws I PACE.HTI"EA& COME LOY! THE CHM..DM.H ~I• Ar1 llnl<letter ,..a carot lawfence locue on Iha hOjlet, drums end tuMal Of lhe world'• ctlll· dren • MOVll • • • • "Popi" ( t969) Allf'I Min, Alt.a MortnO A ,ueno Aleen w1oower Plfllt to Mt 1111 two eon• lldl11t In 11\11 ooe1n In h0991 th•t ,,.,..,. wtn find • 1>ett1t ~ -~PMVllWS fi'ooer Ebe<1 and °"'8 tlllllll re¥1-"Annie. "Author, AutllOr" ena Hflttfo• ti .MO'M *. *. "Natwor1t" (1879) • Faye Dunew1y, Ptt•t ~nctl NI eg4ng ,...,,.., ~ wtl<* reUnogoa -llaoldily ~ .. tu1Md Into • t•~tlnt ~ oj Ille lllrW-"' ,. arlflV _. Cl(OO'im-NIO.._,,....,..", ., tt:tl!:.NIM • ··~ "llOW Ou!" (1081) John Tra¥oll•. Heney A.Hen A eound leGMlcllan whO work• on t!Orror 111m1 beCOIM8 tnvo4v9d '" • mur o.r rnyttet)' when na wllna•-an ......in•· uon R lt:IC> II ,,ORTIH~L 9 700CllJ8 TIWI orowino drug P,oblam 10 '"" nlilltery, hOw to IVOIO belnQ ~IMlled by yOUt doclOI fJ AICNEWS g) TAL.£8 CW THI UHIXPECTl!O Hl)ac~ · A m1dm1n 11board • eommerclel lllQhl holo• 111e 11-roeaa hOt- tftOll on Ille or-·• IOtlet •nd oemand1 • '"''°"" a11d e p1111chu11 (f) MOVIE ... I. Th• Midnight Man .. ( 1974) Burl LlllCHllf, Su111n Clark t!J MOVIE ••• ' ., Neve< S•no FOi M~ Flt,,., ( 1970) M04vyn OOUglH G11fl8 HIC!lman (.)'l!MOVIE • • • r Movie Movl•" j 19781 G80lge C 8GOl1 EH W.;11,ILh 19305 lolm mutl· c111s ,.,.d boxorllJ stOfoes are rttmembered through B11••t1• s Be•utoes 0 1 1!133 end ·oynam1t1 Hands,· fR) C MOVIE • • • P8rldlfH! Alley" f 19781 Sylvtmer Stallone. Armand Assantt> Ttirae scheming brothers from the Hell 1 Kotthen sectlOn of New Yori( Coty comb1n1 their tia11s of Drams an<I brawl' 1n lheor ellorts to creale bet~r loves for lhemselvM PG 11:'6 tJ THE AOCKFOAO FILES D MOVIE * • '> MO•le MO•le 119781 Georoe c Sco11, Eh W1Jll1t~h 1930> lolm mull· <.als and hO••ng storoes are remt'mbeoed through Ba.ti'! s Beaultes 01 193J and Oynam11e Hands tRI 0 MOVIE • • 'l'oung Reoer 11970) Hors! BuchhOll, Gina Lol- lolmgoda Bai.ed on a novel bf Bruno Franc~ A sen11 11ve YOU"ll odeahst 15 sent to SpJon hy Pope Pou& V to gdon ><1ppor1 aga1ns1 lhe Moors I 1:50 H MOVIE • * • • B•ubal<e• ( 1980) Rot1e11 Redlord. Yaphe1 1<0110 A relorm-mondecl wwrC:H'."n uncovers w1de- l>Pre<1d 'Ofruphon wtien he enlers hos newly asstgrl9d proso,, posing as on 1nmott-, R' t2:00 Cl) FRANKIE HOWEAO t2.115 $ PAT COLUHS: TME HIP HYPNOTIST Volurtlt.-e<l> lrom the l udo· e~ respond comoe&lly to hypnosis 1ugga111ona. madt> to them by lhlS antl'rt11ner 12:30 Q) FRANKIE HOWSIO Z MOVIE • * • The Valley t t972) Bulle 0g.., M~ Got- hard A weallhy woman 1rav..cs to New Guinea 1n saarch 01 ,,a11ve arlllacts lor 1181 Paros boutique 12:45 0 NAME OF THE GAME Jell Dillon and Peggy Max wPll discover Ille COtoupl- 1119 power ot money Whteh os ollared as a oeward IOf e losl ctoold . 1:00 0 A BARE TOUCH OF MAGIC World c.iasr, magician Sh• madu 1ne smoke-eall"ll Ca"'''ru an<J an elfc1t1ng Pa.~ut1or by 9u1llot1ne a> .... 11 <J~ beautolul \he> .... gorls and dauhng magital lt•a1s ari; rea1ured 1.15 S MOVIE • • • Thi' Re1urn Or The Sec .. uc.u~ Seven r 19801 Mark Arno11 Gordon Clapp The-members of 1 group ol college studenls llCll•e on me protest move- menl duron9 lhe 60s ()ather ror a weekend reunion R 1:215 C MOVIE • • T ht Sensuous Nursl' I 19791 Ursula Andress Ouoho Del Prete Greedy r!'lal oves hore e •ensval Florence Nlghlon· q11le to lake care of •n ag•ng count suflero"ll lrom ~ oe1tc.&te toearl condition R 1-30 m TO BE ANNOUNCED @ A9C NEWS 09)NEWS 1 415 0 ATONE Guesl avtho• Gordon Perks 2:00 H MOVIE • Dead And Burled" ( 19811 James Farentono. MelO<ly Anllerson A sma"- 1own policeman mvest1- 11al<'~ o series of blierre murde,. R @MOVIE * • Squeeze Pl1y 11'!81 I hm H•"'s Jenni 1te111c.~ I lie gorllriends or soft ball players deode 10 lotm 1ne11 own leam 84 • way ot "venglng their neQll!CI 'fl 2:151) NEWS 2:30 II TODAY'S A£UO~ (%)MOVIE ....... Something For The Boys' (19414) Vivien Blaine, Prury Como A.rmy wives ere given a home by '"'" coulln• wflO ,..,.a.r11e an old Solllham plantation llAIG HIWI 2:50 cc.> MOVll ••*'""I Love You, Allee B. loltlu" I t9&8) .,.ter Sell.,., Le igh Ta.yl.9"' YOunQ A middle--~ 141w-~. dl~hanled wlln 1111 pr~ Ulellyle, etlf1t e -• .. with•~~ plll 'A' tlOO. NIWtMAKIM (I) ID MCMAHON AND COMPAH'f Tiie Tt•U Oowglrll. l>1lylllt Diiier Ind Abbe l-join Ed MQMafloll lot • oanctno _, *'OlnO van-*'" ~ 1:101 ==·ACE * • • "The "91um Of ttw s--&.wn" (19'0) M1r11 Arnotl, Oorelol\ ~ The ,.,..,,.. Of e O"OUP of ~ ltudlMI ~Ill """*" ,,.,.. m..,1 durlno lll• 'to. 911'* for • ..-enci ~'"' :. --~-~------------"-----------...:...--=....;...--'---------------------·--------------- • I I t I ~ I 'I ~~-M-•~·------•~w~•~==--•~•?F~+~•~•....,.••¥4_..4~,.._...__.."-"~.-._..._...,.._.,..,_.._..~-:-~~~~~~---~---~~~.,....,..~-,-~~~~...._,......~r---~~~-.-•~~--....~~ • Al Orange Coa1t DAILY PlLOT/Sunday, June 27, 1982 A Touch of Class ... For Very Littl e Cash ... VOLVO Starlinll al DL 2 Door Sedan, 4 cyl., 4 speed with overdrive, remote control mirror, cloth Interior, quartz clock, tinted glass, lull interior carpeting Including trunk, power assisted brakes and steer ing. (215282) (Stk. 1763)" 29 Volvos in Stock • t46 More in Transit DIESELS • TURB OS • DL'S • GL'S • EXAMPLE: 1982 VOL VO DIESEL SALE INVOICE+ 5% EXAMPLE: GL 4 DSA 4 DOOR SEDAN GL SDA STATION WAGON Sunroof au1omalic. pwr windows. Invoice '13,067.80 + 5% 653.39 Your Sale Price '13,721.19 You Save '1.699.61 1860 7187761 FROM SUGGESTED RETAIL Invoice '13,477.80 + 5% 673.89 Your Sale Price '14, 151 69 You Save '1.782.11 t 18'1~ t32U } fAOM SUGGESTED RETAIL '0111< ••P 6130182 AM ptiees plus, ••. llC . ooc -00 -0...0 CftNlll & ""bieCI 10 PllO< .... Nol .. PICfu•.O mm~mm HUNTING? WE CAN mo Before you buy, compare our savings, selections & service. HONDA / SALES & SERVICE 285 0 HARBOR BLVO.,COSTA MESA ·540·9640 ................. ______ _, liRAND OPENING SPECIAL 1982 Subaru DL 5 Passenger Wagon White -Automatic Trans. -(Ser. 7033) ONLY$ Mo. and 12 cents per month plus tax & license. Cap Cost-$6895; Residual-$3275; 48 month open end lease on approved credit. Cap reduction $2000; Total Down-$2295. ~ I DlllJ Piiat SUNDAY, JUN! 27, 1902 FOR THE RECORD B3 Dodgers top Astros behind Cey, Garvey. See story. Page 82 Baylor's ·homer stuns Royals Quisenberry suffers the defeat in 12 innings, 6-5 By CURT SEEDEN 0( the Dall~ l'tlot lt11f On a night when Angel reliever Andy H&MJer provided a pleasant surprise by pitching 611 innings of one-hit shutout ball. the biggest surprise was d ished up by K a n&-as Ci t y reliever Dan Quisenberry. With just three outs separating the former Cos ta Mesa High and Orange Coast College s tandout from his 21st save of the season, Quisenberry was rocked by Don Baylor's two-run homer in the bottom of the 12th inning Saturday 'night to give the Angels a dramatic come-from- behind 6-5 victory at Anaheim Stadium. A crowd of 56.794 fans -some lured by the giving away of 25.000 thermal tankards, others by lhe presence of the top two teams in the American League West -saw Quisenberry go down to defeat for the third time this season . The Royals had snapped a 4-4 tie in the top of the 12th inning when J erry Martin and Tom Poquette singled. and catcher Jamie Quirk followed with an RBI single off Ke n Forsch of all people. Forsch, making his first relief appearance since Sept. 9, 1979, turned out to be the winning pitcher, even though his performance waan't anything close to Hassler's. "You can talk from now until dawn and you won't say enou~h about the job Andy Hassler did tonight," beamed Angel Manager Gene Ma uch . "The man was absolutely magnmcent." After Royals' starter Vida Blue departed with a 4-3 lead through six Innings, 1t fi&tJred Royals' Manager Dick Howser would autorrilucaUy go to Quisenberry, who had figured in 25 of the Royals' victories this year. The victory gives the Angels a 1111 game lead over the Royals once again and assures them of remaining in first place even if the Royals' win this afternoon. And Baylor for one. thinks Saturday night's emotional victory gives the Angels a big advantage. Instead, Howser went with one Mike Armstrong to protect the lead, and the big rigpt- hander did a pretty good job of silencing the h\lge crowd unul the ninth inning when the Angels put their sacrifice offense into effect "We can win tomorrow just on the enthusiasm m the clubhouse. It's a high you really look forward to," Baylor said afterward. "It was a situation where they put pressure on me to get the tying run. It was the last thing on my mine -a home run to win the game. I was just thinking about getting a hit and tying it up." That offense calls for the leadoff man to get on base -preferably near the bottom of the lineup where those buntin' boys, Tim Folt and &b Boone await. Sacrifice bunts are their forte, and after Fred Lynn drew a walk from Armstrong to lead off the ninth, Foli followed with the sacrifice -automatic. That was Mauch's thinking when he had Bobby Gnch bunting to sacrifice Rod Carew over to second after Carew had opened the 12th with a single. Up came Boone, who promptly blooped a single to center to send the game into extra innings for the second night m a row "['ve got to bunt in that situation," Grich said. "I expected it aU the way." Meanwhile, Hassler glided through near- perfect work after the Royals touched starter S teve (See ANGELS, Page 8 3) Only $ will tell future for new football league Like the USMC, the USFL can use a few good men. The last time the tranquility o f professional football was disturbed a few good men came forth to sign up with the WFL. Unhappily, the World Football League was soon_late and lamented and the few good men were left holding the satchel, not to mention the firms which •had supplied goods and services. The United States Football League arrives mouthing a very similar platform to that of the WFL. The function of the USFL will be to rescue this nation from its current depths of depression created and nourish!!d by too little professional football in the course of the year. The USFL will play its games in the spring and summer months when the football filberts of thls country are at their most dangerous peak of emotional 1Ntabllity. While one might not care td risk a personal bob on the success of the US FL, it is possible to conclude the venture may have a trifle more going for it than the WFL. SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER It is also noted that several people from the cable televLSion industry are involved in the USFL and this, in itself, may be the key to the outcome of the entire project Cable TV or pay TV -it has several names -is o r probably the most interesting aspect of the sporting world In this day and age. No one seems sure exactly the form it will take when It finaUy bursts Upol\ the air waves for real, but there seems to be complete agreement that the potential of the thing is suffic\ent to boggle the mind. For instance, a piece of dialogue buried in the avalanche of testimony at the recent ant.J-trust trial involving the Oakland Raiders and the Los Angeles Coliseum vs. the National Football League. Raiders owner Al Davis was discussing the cable TV possibilities of the Raiders playing in the LA Coliseum. 0 0 D•lly Piiot St•tf Photo There is, for the sake of discussion, a television contract. ABC has signed a document with the league agreeing to teleivise 20 USFL games, including the championship on J uly 4. The package calls for only $20 m1Uion. a sum 12 inexperienced, incompetent and indiscreet owners can squander in a week . but it is a desirable sort of beginnjng,. The figures mentioned were two million homes at $10 per game. That is 20 m1lhon doUars a game but for an area with the population of Southe r n Caljfom1a, it IS by no means out of the (See TUCKER, Page 83) MAKES IT LOOK EASY -Fount.am VaUey High product J oel Seay has been catching Matt Stevens' passes for four years. He'll try once more Monday night at the 23rd Orange County All-star football game at Orange Coast College. lot for this You could Seay a • receiver Fountain Valley High's Harvard-bound star one of South's big weapons AP WlrtP"°to By ROGER CARLSON Of Ille Diiiy Piiot llatf South Coach Bob Lester of El Modena High touched on some of his players recently who wiU be competing in the 23rd Orange County All-star game. When he came to Joel Seay, his starting wide receiver at Orange Coast College Monday. he mockingly grumbled and said: Princeton. Yale -this is an athlete capable of 22.5 yards for every catch he makes. as Lester put it. "With a marvelous sel of hands," and one with a grade point average of 3.9. "He's going to be the vice pr esident of something very soon." says his high school coach, Fountain Valley H1gh's Mike Milner. EASY WINNER -Vitas Gerulaitis shows backhand form during Saturday's second-round match against New Zealand's Bruce Derklin. Gerulailis won in straight sets, 7 -5, 6-2, 6-3 "He got a B in chemistry. I don't Like dummies running around at split end." Lester knows -so does Notre Dame. H a rvard . Air Force, Seay caught 46 passes for 1,035 yards and scored six touchdown, during his senior season -his fou rth year as Matt Stevens' favorite target. Billie Jean still reigns at Wiinbledon Sh e saves three match points in advancing; Gerulaitis sweeps into third round WlMBLEOON, England (AP) -Billie Jean King was still mistress of Wimbledon Saturday at 38 years old, saving three match points and battling back to beat an ~ponent 15 years her ~or at the All- England Tennis Championships. The six-time Wimbledon champion, the oldest woman pla)'er in the tournament, defeated Tanya Harford of South Africa 5--7, 7-6, 6-3 ln an up-and-down match played in four ltagel between rain showers. For the fifth time ln lix da)'I, rain dttrupted the tournament, which ended the U"t week some 150 matc hes behind echedule. Offidals planned to inUe up lost time by at.vting eady and using all 17 cou.rta of the All·En&J.and Club through the 9eCOl'ld week. They lt1ll hope to f.inlah wtth the men's flnal on July 4. The third round of the women'• •Inale._/ w• completed, but rnott than 40 men were 9till waU.lna to play thelr aecond-round matchea. · Vit.. Oerulaltia, the No. 3 eeed, slammed ldl way put Bruce Derlln of New Zealand 7-6, 6-2, 8-3. Johan Kriek of South Africa, ...w tiftl'\, twice came from behind to owwc.oea .. Peter IDter of West Gcmany 4-e. 8t~6-0,M. Botfme1 a 18-yeu-old Cal.Lf omlan, w on a long match against ~io Motta of Brazil 6-4, 6-4, 1-6, 5-7, 6-3 and qualified to play defending champion John McEnroe in the next round. McEnroe and his main rival J immy Connon had already reached the third round. It is 19 years since King was first frustrated by the rain on Wimbledon's Center Court. In 1963. when she reached On TV today channel 4 at 11 the final for the first time as BUI.le Jean Moffitt, the tennil was washed out on the Saturda_,Y final and she lott to Maraaret Smith (later Court) two da)'l later. Thia time the rain kept inten"Upting the match. and It may have coet her the flrat set. Rain fell as ahe served to aave the set at 5-6. She asked for the match to be ltopped, but the umpire told her to play OIJ. Klng brob off play once to wipe her glUM11 but the lolt tM pme and the •L At 4-5 In the eecond let, Kin8 trailed Jovt --40 on htr eervtce and wu on Ch brink of being ellmina~. But ahe toucht beck with some of the strokes that made her the Wimbledon champion ln the '60s -volleys that often moved at an unexpected angle and had the South African going the wrong way. The set went to a tiebreaker. King won It 7-5. and from then on she was in com- m and. She broke service for a 5-3 lead with cunning short returns, and dropped only two points in five terVlce games. "I can't recall the previous time I have been ao clOIM! to defeat and won,,'' she said. "When I was down 4-5 and Jove-40, I told myaeU, 'You have been here 21 rears. IO use that experience and hang on." Seeded \>layeni ~aching the last 32 of the women a aiJlalee, aloJ'\i with K.lng, were No. 6 Wendy Turnbull of Australia. No. 11 Bettina Bunge of the United Statee and No . 15 Virginia ftmtci of Romani.a. Turnbull beat Pat Medrado of Brasil 6-2, 6-4. Bunae wu l~adlng 6-3, 2-1 when her opponent, Marjorie Blackwood of Canada, puUed out with a · pulled thigh muscle. RUJicl edpd S.blna Simmonds of Italy 6·7, 7-6, 7-5 ln a Ione clOle duel which attraicted a bl& crowd tr0und a court at the tar end of the IJO'.lftdl • Hank Pfister ousted Stan Smith, the 1972 champton1 8-4, 1-e, 1·6. Bul Smith enjoyed his ahare If ato'i from the put. The two were starters on the freshman and sophomore teams (combined the record was 19-1 ). then two years on the varsity. "Joel's the kind of kid who will make a coach look awfully good," continues Lester. ''He's thinking all the time." Lester. who never goes longer t han two minutes without touching on the lighter side, adds: "Personally I don't like them when they're that smart. "Sometimes it looks like he's kind of studying me. like a Neanderthal man." Seay· is a game-breaker. The All-Sun set League star's big plays against Servile and Edison last year were two of the more memorable feats of the year. Down by a 14-13 count after Servite scored with 50 seconds left.. Stevens went to Seay and a teaping catch, within h eavy traffic at the 10, highlighted the 50-yard touchdown play with 29 seconds left and a 20-14 victory. ON THE OPENING kickoff in the showdown with EdOOn, Seay rambled 98 ya rds f or a touchdown, providlnf the Barona with tremendous momentum, although Edison rallied for a 24-13 victory. The 5-11, 165-pound Seay will be doing hia catching within the anonymity of the Harvard freshman equad in the fall, but after that, his penonal echedule calla for three yM.l"I of slarUng duty for the Crtrnlon. Freshmen are not el.ii1ble to compete on the varsity in the Ivy Le_,ue. "I expect to start as a sophomore," says Seay, who points out that the two top receivers at Harvard ln the fall will be lel\lora. IN RETROSPECT, Seey'1 two bla pla)'I are bi&. but there II abo th• overall picture of btinc on the recdvtna ~nd of Stevena' aerial for four Y.ears. and the after game proceedings ··our coaches never took any bull." says Seay. "We had a lot of pride a nd d1sc1pline and we always got the compliments for it." On the TD catch against Servlte, he says, "I'll remember that a l ways. Coach (Ron ) Smeltzer will remembe r that. too. he'U be after us for that." Smeltzer is the coach for the North in Monday's game, which begins at 8 o'clock. NOTRE DAME Coach Gerry Faust talked Seay into paying the Irish a visit before he made his final decision (since a 3.96 gpa opens every door ln the world), but he decided on Harvard. "It (Notre Dame) was impressive," says Seay, "but I turned it down. I'll be majoring in political science and law at Harvard." The transition of operating a F o untain Valley, passing combination within the El Modena High offenae has been smooth. "It took St.evens five minutes to get our whole S)'ltem down," says Lester. "He's band·ln-hand with Joel. Our offenaes are Vfll"J similar.'' "THEY'RE LEnlNG u.a do our own stuff," adda Seay. "M long u it works the coeches don't worry." With four yea.rt of catching Stevena' puses. the two have just about got the science of mind-readtna down pat. Fountain Valley's offen.1e, at least the pa11lng aide of It, will be a rtajor focal point of the South'• attack, with Stevena, 8".y, tJaht end Oreg Bolin and center' Dale Crane involved. And cha.noet are, when th big play II in fONS, Seay ,.U be ~nder the m.lcroecol'f· ·w I .. .. . . .. -...... .. Orange CoH• DAIL v PILOT /Sunday, Jun• 27, 1982 Steve Scott runs a 'Dream Mile' From AP dl1patcbea OSLO, Norway -Steve &'Ott of the Unite d States, one of three runners to record mile limes in the all-time top 10 Saturday. equalled the third fastest mile ever in w1nnjng the "Dream Mlle" at the annual Bislett Games in 3 minutes, 48.53 seconds. Scott, a product of UC Irvine, also shaved more than a second off his own American best of 3:49.68. He set that mark when he fi n ish ed third behind Steve Oveu of Britain a nd s p a1 n 's Jose Luis Gonzalez in last year's "Dream Mile," bettering Jim Ryun's 1968 time of 3:51.1. W orld r ecord-holder Sebastian Coe of Britain also -. ran a 3:48.53 in 1981. Sydney Maree, the black aeon South African-born runner, who now represents the U.S., was a close second in 3:48.95, just 12-hundredths of a second slower than career his best, set in 1981, and equalling the sixth fastest mile ever recorded, by Coe. Britain's Dave Morecroft finished third in 3:49.34, which is the ninth best time ever, while John Walker of New Zealand was fourth for the second straight year, clocking a 3:49.50, a tenth of a second slow er than his best time. Quote of the day Bob Griese, announcing his decision to leave the Miami Dolphin coaching staff and enter private business: .. If you want to drop off the face of the earth, just be an assistant coach." Gilder ties mark with double eagle Bob Glider scored an incredible n double eagle on the final hole to finish off a 5-under-par 65 and tie an Fisk, White Sox overpower Seattle Carlton Fl111t'1 thr run hunwr, onu ot flvt' Ch lt·aau hum~ run1, Ii h1J(hllJ(htf'd A fnur run thlrd lnnJna "' tl'W Whitt• 8ox n1.1u11dt'd $(•41Ult'. 13 a Saturday nl&hl. Ftak'a aixlh homer oC thu ycw- ltl'Orc'<i Grt'I Lu1ln1kl and Harold Baine-, who had 1lnj1l~. 1md acaw the White Sox 7-0 lt•ud tu1 BrlU Buro1, 8·3, coulA!d to thl1 victory . El1cwht1rt• ln the Amt'ric•n Lt1aau u , Ken Orlffey'1 11ucrlflct• fl y with the bases loadf'd und non uut "' the bottom ot tlw 17th Inning gave the Nt•w York Yankes a 4-3 victory uvcw Cleveland In a game• that ended at 10 mlnul.C!s uh.cir I a.m. In New York , Juhn Cutlno stroked u twu-out single In the ninth lnntn1i1 '4> ' Fiil< snap a tie and give Mhlllt'llOW a 4 -3 triumph In Toro11to Ben Ogilvie homered a nd brokt' un e1ghth-inn1ng ue with a two-run ~ln11lt· 111 Milwaukee held on to edge Boston, 11 10 a(tt•r squandering a s1x-run lead De nnl1 Martinet hurled a seven-hitter us Baltimore• defeated Detroit 4-1. the Tigers' 12th dcfoat 111 t:i feruTies Rookie Dave Hostetler and Billy mple pounded two-run homers powenng exas w a 5 2 win over Oakland Seaver silences Atlanta's bats Tom Seaver hurled a three-hitter Ii over eight innings as Ctnt'innat1 handed the National League West- leadmg Atlanta Braves a 2-1 setback Saturday night at Riverfront Stadium. Seaver, 4-8, surrendered a run on two hits in the fi rst inning, then retired the next 12 batters in a row before a fourth -inning wa lk to Claudell Washington, who was gunned down trying to steal . . . Elsewhere m the National League, Broderick Perkins looped a two-out single m the 15th inning to drive in Garry Templ eton from third base and give San Diego a 7-6 victory over San Francisco . Pittsburgh capitalized on a throwing error m the seventh 1nnmg to score two unearned runs and SEAVER Willie Stargell capped an eight-run outburst the followmg mrung with a two-run pinch double as the Pirat.es blasted Montreal, 14-5 . . . Mike Schmidt slammed a two-run home r in the eighth inrung to break a tie and power Philadelphia to a 7-4 victory over New York and a sweep of their double-header. Marty Bystrom scattered nine hits in a route- going performance in the first gruTie as the Phillies won, 4-3, their second twin bill sweep in as many nights over the Mets ... St. Louis took two from Chic.'ago, 4-1 and 2-1. In the first gruTie. Keith He rnandez singled in the lead r1:1n and in the nightcap, Jim Kaat allowed four hits in six innings in his first start of the season. TRAPPED -Dodger pitcher Dave Stewart prepares to tag out Houston base-runner Tony Scott in a rundown after an attempted squeeze AP Wlreohoto play by the Astros went awry. Oodgers won to even St.'ries. 4-1. Cey, Garvey team in 4-1 Dodger win H OUSTON (AP) -Steve Garvey and Ron Cey have taken much of the blame for the Los Angeles Dodge.rs' problems this season, but they would have to g et a lot of cred it for the Dodgers' victory Saturday. Cey had a single a nd two doubles, and Garvey added a pair of singles in a 4-1 triumph over the Houston Astros. "I picked up my swing and the team has picked up also," said Garvey. "The lack of production has been partially my fault. but it's not fair to point fingers at Ron and me in a team s1tuat1on We don't want to take credit for the wins or blame for the losses " In addition to Cey and Garvey, pitchers Dave Stewart and Steve Howe also got some credit in Orange County successful • in opener LOS ANGELES -O range Coast area stars had a big hand in Saturday afternoon's o pening win by Orange County oyer the Metropolitan North team in the US A Develo pment League basketball gaml· at Cal St.ate Los Angeles. all-time PGA Tour scoring record in Saturday's third round of the Westchester Classic in Harrison, N.Y. Gilder's fantastic shot -he holed out with a fairway wood -for a score of "2" on the par-5 finishing hole enabled him to complete three rounds at 192. 18 shots under par, t ying the tour's all-time scoring record for the first 54 holes of a tournament, set by Mike Soucbak in the 1954 Texas Open . . . Sandra Haynle popped three birdies in the first !iVe holes to lead by one stroke a fter three rounds of the LPGA Rochester International at Pittsford, N.Y. . . . Bob Goalby continued his blistering pace in an international senior tournament, setting a course record with an 8-under-par 64 and grabbing a five-8troke lead over Gene Littler. Bulls expected to hire Westhead "I think tha t you can trace back and find that when I'm hot, the team res ponds well and becomes hot also," Cey said. On TV today channel 11 at 3 Jl'ff 1 lugh<.-s (20 points) from Fountain Vallc·y High was the l<.>adin g scorer for Orange County. wh1L·h postro a 99-85 victory Orange County meets the MC'lropolit.an South squad at 2·30 today at Cal State LA. Brigadoon takes Bermuda Trophy HAMILTON, Bennuda -The ~ 57-foot sloop Brigadoon, skippered by Bob Martin, Newport R.I. was the overall winner of the Newport to Bennuda race in the Measured Handicap System (MHS). Winner in the International Offshore Rule measureme nt system was Richard B. Nye, Greenwitch, Conn. in the sloop Carina. Brigadoon wms the overall Bennuda race Trophy, and Carina qualified for the Elizabeth Cup. Brigadoon didn't have the best corrected time, but there probably won't be a call for a rule change, according to Reid Young Royal Bermuda Yacht Club vice commodore. "I think you might find that when this 1s all over, Brigadoon might have won under IOR.", said Young. "You're talking about oranges and apples really," he added. The last of the 177 boats in the 635-mile race crossed t he finish line Friday. Paul Westhead, the fonner coach • of the L os Angeles Lakers, is expected to be named head coach of the Chicago Bulls. according to published reports Both the Chicago Sun-Times and Chicago Tnbune said m today's editions that the Bulls will make the announcement at a Monday news conference . . Fonner World Boxing Council 1Jghtwe1ght champion Cornelius Bou-Edwa rds placed himself in line for another title shot Saturday by taking a hard- fough t unanimous JO-round decision ove r Roberto E lizondo . . Meanwhile, Leroy Haley upset defending champion Saoul Mamby of New York on a 15 -r o und majority decision to take the WBC 1un1or welterweigh t title in Highland He ights, WESTHEAO Ohio . . Sam Zurich and Ne lson Burton Jr. won two games to get to the title match and then defeated top-seeded Jim Winklepleck and Dave Husted to capture the Professional Bowlers Association Doubles Classic in Las Vegas ... David P earson took the pole position for today·~ Coca Cola 200 late model sportsman stock cai race at the North Carolina Motor Speedway. Downey duels Heffern today Tim Downey will make hlS third trip to the finals in as many years in the open men's si ngles championshjp match today of the Irvine Open tennis tournament Downey, who has been beaten the last two years m the finals, will be playing Corona del Mar tennis coach David Heffern in their 10:30 match at the Irvine Racquet Club. Downey elimina ted John Kline in three sets Saturday at UC Irvine, 6-4. 2-6, 6-4, while Heffern had a bit of a n easier time in ousting L awrence Davidson, 6-2, 6-3. Jill Beck w i ll meet Cathy O'Meara in the open women's finals at 9 o'clock. Beck defeated Michelle Mras, 6-2, 7-5, while Costa Mesa's O'Meara was a surprise winner over UCI's Maria Myers, 6-3, 4-6, 6-4. beating t heir fonne r teammate. Houston's Don Sutton Stewart, 3-4, limited Houston to four hits m 5 2-3 innings. and Howe, who earned his sixth save. gave up only one hit the rest of the way The Dodgers jumped to a 1-0 lead off Sutton, 7-4. in the fourth when Steve Garvey singled. stole second and came home on Ron Cey's second double of the game. Los Angeles upped the score to 3-0 in the sixth. Garvey and Cey singled with none out. Mike Sciosc1a advanced the runners with a sacrifice. and Bill Russell was intentionally walked to load the bases. Stewart drove in Garvey when he forced Russell al second. After Steve Sax drew a base on balls to reload the bases, K en Landreaux's single drove in Cey. Houston got a run back in the bottom of the sixth when Terry Puhl walked and moved up on a wild pitc h by Stewart. then scored when Jose Cruz singled, chasing Stewart. Meanwhile. Ken Bardsley, a product of Costa Mesa High. had 11 fu"St-half points to help the winners earn a 46-46 halftime deadlock Edison's 'n1chard Chang, held to JUSt four hrst-half points. got hot m the second half and added 11 to his total as Orange County pulled away. Newport yacht on quick pace There are six Southern California yachts -including one from Newport Beach -in the 23-boat si ngle-handed race from San Francisco to Hanalei, Hawaii The race started a week ago from inside the Golden Gate Bridge. Only report to reach here was from Mike Kane who a pparently is leading the fleet in his 53-foot trimaran, Crusader. ~~.~ BANG UP JULY 4th W4 ~ HEADQUARTERS FOR YOUR PARTY OR PICNIC ~ ("'ma t.:IY.~J. CELEBRATION .... ~.:~~'f}J ... ""' ... U.S. Fl•s• on St•ff•. Red, White It Blue crepe etrHmere. 12 vd•· 95' 166 vde. '4.50 AelowAe Nepklne •• 16/85' Pl•tH ••••• 8/85' Hot/Cold Cup• ••••• 8/95' From 39~ Uncles .. ., Top H•t 1 1.29 Skimmer ( FOllm) 11. 75 B.D. HOWES and SON nNI J&W!LUS POil THllU O£N!llATIONS 3412 VIA LIDO, NEWPORT BEACH 675-2731 ' LOI AHOIJ.U • l'AIM>O«A • l'AUll 8MHG8 l'tlMk.l llACH • IAN fflAHCllCO • HAWAI • . .. ... . --·· ......... _ - Folf Out • Drop clow9' 41" a 17'.' AMertcan Fl•I· '4.25 ~WMIRiilC9~iQ:"::~~~ws10 ~,} Amatca'efnortteOne·StopP.-tvA,__ce•a ~QUll'lflHBon..,...,.. • , . . . . Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Sunday, June 27. 1982 Bl ~ . . . " MAJ~ LIAQU& aTANDIHQI Am•rlcan L .. g"4t ~ Kan ... Ctty c~ SMUle Oakland Teat MlnneM>la eo.100 MllwevkM Baltimore O.trott New York CleYeland T0ton10 w .. 1.,11 Olvltoloft W L "3 29 40 29 39 JO 37 38 31 43 29 39 18 54 IEHl•rn Dlwlelon 42 27 39 30 :f7 31 36 JI 33 34 33 35 32 38 l'cL O• S97 - $80 ··~ !165 2'n 507 8'" 419 13 400 13'" 2SO 2& &Oii 565 3 544 4'> 537 !> 493 8 48S e .. 457 10'> ...... cs.,·· k0<'9• A~ 8. Klll\MS City 5 ( 12 1nn1ng1J MlnnNOI• 4 T0tonto 3 Mtlw8Uk.. 11 Botton 10 8alllmor• 4 O.trOtl 1 TeaH S O•kland 2 N•w York 4 CMtvel•no 3 ( 17 1nn1nge) Chicago 13. S..llle 3 Tocley'e 0- Kan ... City (811'Cll 2· 1) II Alie-I• (GoUz, 0-1) MlnnHota (Wllllem1 2·5) et Toronto (Clancy 7-31 C ...... el\d (Sou1naen 6-61 el New York (Etic:lllOf't 4-91 ' Mllwau'H {McCluce S-21 a1 Bo11on (Tor-4~1 De1ro11 (Morrla 8·7) 11 8alllmor• (Pal,,.., $-3) O akland (Kingman 0 -31 al Texa1 (Hon9ycU11 2· 71. n ~o {Trout 5 5) at ~a!lle (NellOn >8~ n Nellonel Leegue Weelern DMt foft Allan la San O<ago Dode.,• San Franc11eo Cincinnati Hout1on w L Pct. oa 42 28 600 39 30 565 2'' 38 35 521 S' • 32 4 I 438 11 ' 31 40 437 ll't 30 41 423 12'> St Loula MontrH l PhlllOelphta Ptllallutgh New Yori! Ch~o IEMlefn Dlwlelon 42 31 38 31 39 32 33 3• 35 37 27 46 S75 551 2 549 2 493 6 486 II 1 J70 15 &elwclay'• Scot .. Dodge,. 4, ttovetOll 1 SI LOUii 4-2. C~ 1· 1 Sen~ 7 Slf> Frenc:itc0 6 I IS 1Mtng1) Phllao.tphta 4-7 New York 3.4 Cincinnati 2. A1lan11 1 Pllllt>urh 14, Monlreel S Todey'1 Oemea DodO<lf9 (Romo 0· 1) at Houston (Ruhle 4·41 New York !Swen 5·21 at PhllaOelPhtG (Krukow 6·51 Pltllllurgh (Candelaria 3-31 el Mon1r .. 1 (Palmer 2· ll Allanll ICemp >JI at C1nc1nnall (Soto 7 41 SI LOUii !Slupe< 2·0) al Ch1eago (R.pt•y 2-0) San 0..00 (Lollar 5-21 al Sen Franc1oico IG•le 2·71 AMERICAN LEAGUE Angela e, Roy•I• S IC4HIAI CITY •I> , " ... W WollOf't,11 5 0 0 1 U Wlhgl,H 4 1 2 0 Bratt.3b 3 1 1 o MCR9".dh 5 I I J Alkena, ID 5 0 0 0 Manin.rt 5 1 1 o Geronm.cl 3 O O O Cncpcn,ph I O O o Poquellt.11 1 0 I 0 Ovlrk c 5 1 2 1 Pry0f,2D 5 0 1 0 CAUF~H14 •I> , h bl Oo,,.n1ng 11 6 I I 0 Carew,1D 4 1 1 0 Grien,2D 4 0 2 1 Ba-y1o<.dh II 1 2 2 OeCncs.3b S 0 I 0 Fie Jcksn,rt 4 1 1 0 R Cltk,rl 0 0 0 0 Lynn cl 4 2 I 2 Fott.sa 4 0 I 0 800MC 40 11 WillngCH 0 0 0 0 Frgsn c 1 O O 0 Total~ 42 S II 5 To111a •2 6 11 II Seo<• by lnnlftg• Kan ... Clty 000 310 000 001 5 Cam0<nle 100 002 001 002 -6 One out ""'e<1 Wlnntno run .cor.O LOB Kansas Coty 5. Catolorn1a 9 2B·Oo-.cl'lng Ovlrk HA·McAae 1121. Lynn (4), Baylor (101 SB-U Wa•hlng1on. Groch S- Foh, Oncn Kanau Cllr Blue Arms Hong HOOO ....... ,,, ...... JI 10 Ml""IU'M 001 )40 0:11 ti ti 0 lo.too 00 I 140 202 10 10 2 Hau, 8ernard IOJ. F1nge11 (7) anl.I 81mmon1. TU40t, B S1antey (01 Clear (81 end Geo man W Flngera, 4-6 l Clear, 8 3 HR Mllw8UkM, Coooet ( 14), Ogllvla ( 181, C Moore (31. 8011on Ivana (Cl) VaalrtaMa~I (10) A-33,3112 lll•nte" a. A'• a 0 41\ll lod 000 00 I 0 10 2 4 0 lea at 20 t 000 20• 5 9 0 Keough Auoyo Ill an(! M Heam Hough Comer (61 eno SundtHltg w Hougn. 11-5 L Keough 6-10 S Comer !51 HA feAat Hotltllaf ( 101 B Ball (81 Sample (4) A 30128 Orlolff 4, Tle.,e I 0.lrotl 000 000 001 I 1 1 B1111m0<e 000 012 OOA-• 1 1 Wiicox and Fahey, O Mer11n er and Oemptty w-o Matllnat, 8 4 L WilcO• 6 4 HA 9alttmore Aoenlcke (15) A 31 859 YanlleH 4, lndtena I Ctvtn<l 100 200 000 000 OOl100 ,J 11 0 NY 00002000100000001 4 10 I Walla. Splllner 17), Whllaon ( 121. OlyM ( 11) •r'ld Banoo, Righetti, Fraile< (4). Rewley (8). GoHag• (91. L1Rocne I 121 and w1negar w LaRoche. 2·1 l-Whllton 1 I HA New YOt'lo.. Nelll<la (51 A-211175 White loa 13, Morlnete 3 Ct>~o 124 200 040 13 15 1 Seellle 001 200 000 3 8 I Burnt Escarrega (81, Solomon 191 end F11k Hill, Perry 8 Clark (31. Ana .. -. (8) and Bulling W-Burna. 8·3 L-P .. ry, 5·7 HR Ctncago Bernu&1d 111 V Law ( 11. F•lk (61. Kemp (7) Hlllralon 131 A 30 9!>0 c ..... Boone Foll Oownono G11c:11 Lynn BaylOf Re Jack$(11l Ao JICkllOfl O.C1nces Be111que1 Clark Ftt<guton Wlllong ~urleson Kellen&• Hasster Al ff Renko Ootu Wiii laM Forscn Sancnez "'I'°" M0teno C0t1>e11 fol al! Ang•l ev•r-e•• BATTINO AB A H Hll Aal Pel. 238 39 75 1 19 315 207 14 61 I l8 295 234 30 87 2 31 288 284 45 80 10 28 2111 232 JO &I 8 36 280 23• •2 6S 4 36 280 284 33 76 10 46 268 228 33 57 15 J7 2!>0 32 3 8 I 4 2!>0 261 J:I ES 8 4 I 249 69 9 17 0 6 246 4~ I> •O I 2 238 H3902220 93 10 17 0 s 183 45 • 7 0 ? 156 13 2 0 0 0 000 PITCHING IP H BB SO W·l EllA 341» 22 14 20 I 0 I 56 4 2'' 32 19 35 3 2 2 7 4 89 85 2 I 39 7 • 1 2 9J 12 9 5 9 0 I 3 00 75 7 t 28 42 4 I 3 12 106 • 100 26 J8 8·J 3 13 116 103 26 32 7 6 3 18 36'' 31 16 21 3·0 l 19 74' 69 JO 41 6-3 J 74 49 , 55 23 22 3. 7 4 74 46 51 21 27 185•8 670 616 227 316 43-29 3 30 NATIONAL LEAGUE Dodger• 4, A1lro1 1 LOS ANGELES •b r h bl Saa 2D 3 0 I 0 unaro.cf 5 o 2 1 Baker II 5 0 0 0 Monday rf • o 1 o Roe•11ek.fl I I 0 0 Gatvey 111. 4 2 2 0 Cey 31> 3 I 3 1 Soosc;oe C 4 0 I I AvsM!lll 2000 S1-1r1 p 3 0 0 I S Howe p 1 0 0 0 101111 35 • 10 4 HOUSTON ob r h 1>1 Thon ss • 0 0 0 Puhl.II 3 1 0 0 Knoght ID 4 D I 0 J Cruz.II 4 0 I ' Ashby c 4 0 0 0 Game< 2b 4 0 2 0 T Scott ct J 0 I 0 A Howe.31>2 0 0 0 Sullon p 2 0 0 0 L•Corle p 0 0 0 0 Kn~y.pn I 'J 0 0 Caouzelo p D D 0 O To1a1, 31 I 5 I Sc0te by lnnlngo LOS l'.ng84U 000 102 100 NOUllOn 000 00 1 000 1 E·SCIOllCla Athlly LOB-Los Angelea 13 HouSlon 5 2B-Cey 2 SB Su 2 Garvey Landreau• T Scon. Roenicke S-Sc1oac1a Garvey Lot Ang .... S1e ... art IW 3-41 S Howe (5 61 "°"''°" IPHAEllHIO 51> 0 I I 2 J 3 • 0 0 0 1 Sullon (L.7·41 6 1 10 • 4 5 8 LaCone ', 0 0 0 0 0 Cappvl29110 2 0 0 0 I 1 H9P -CaPou.uello (Saal WP Stewart PB A.shDy T 2 53 A -25 1117 FIRST GAME C.,dlnela 4, Cvbe I St LOUIS 011 000 002 4 6 0 Choeaoo O 10 000 000 1 8 1 LaPotnl, Suiter 191 and Port11r 1l1rd W He<nand11z t9) ano J O•••S W-L.aP01n1 4 I L B1rd 4-8 S-S1.1t1e• (16) SECOND GAME ' PlllllT OAMI """"" ....... . New Yoo o 10 110 000 3 8 1 l'111taoelp111a O 11 110 00• • 10 1 111 JOI-L••cll ( 11 and ll1Hrr11 8yalrom a111.1 v1ro11 w lhalrom 2 O l na Jooet . 9 7 111'1 Phlladeljlllla Mellllewt ( 101 llCOHO OAMI Pl\ltllea 7, ... ,. 4 New YO<k 000 000 1:)0 4 7 O Pntta<lelf>llla 011 020 03a 1 t O M Scott Oro•eo IOI Allen 1•1 ano St...,111, Chrltlentorl MC••w (8) and• 00-.i W MCOrew 1.0 l Ati.n 7 4 HR· PNl~a "4allt-• (II). $chmlOI (71 A 45613 Pedrea 7, Giant• 1 S1111 OloQO 001 130 000 000 00 I 1 18 0 San Fran 000 ~oa o to ooo ooo 11 14 1 Curt11. Or•~t<lo.y (8J Chllfer (8). LUCH (fl) O.Leon (t), Show ( t4) 11110 llwlaher, r o""tkea. Breining (6), Batt (7), Minton (II). ~•,,.Jle ( 121 1110 Brenty, May W Show O 3 l Lavelle 4,3 HR 5,.,, Diego. Swttha1 (II P.,ktnto 11), Templeton {3). S111 r llllC.19'0, 81 .. lly (2) L0Mu1ar (21 A 8.llt2 119do 2, 9ttv .. 1 Allama 100 000 000 I 3 2 C•nc1nnau 001 001 OOa 7 12 o Dayley Btoruetan (71 ano POco•oba Seave1 Hume t91 1na Vat\ Gorder W !"~:' s:;a l 0•YNl1 I 4 8 Hume ( 161 PlrelH H , IE1po1 5 P11111>urgn 400 000 280 14 t9 o Mon1real 030 010 010 6 8 J Moskau Neemann (I), E Romo (3) S'vrty (1) T~k1.1lve (81 lind1 Pena, Lea, Fryman 17), S Smttn 181 Schalledor 18) and l;urh" Gulden W [ Romo 4 I l lee 8 3 HA Monlreal, Oliver 2 1121 A 34 29J Top 10 1a .. .o on 115 at bet•) AMEllllCAH L,IEAQUIE (Thro..gh Frldar'• oa,...•I 0 Aa Ill H Pel Herr•h Clevel•nd 66 257 58 95 370 &onnell. fo•onlo 62 187 37 86 JSJ w Wilson K1tnses City u 1(11 23 6!> 340 McRae Kanaa1 Coy 68 258 38 87 33 7 Hrl>ell, Minnesota 57 226 311 76 336 COOl>9f. Mtlwavk.,. 62 254 40 83 327 Yaslremal\I, Boaton 56 198 25 64 323 Herndon. 0.11011 87 255 42 82 322 WMe, t<ansaa Clly 83 227 34 72 ,317 Carew. Angela 8• 234 36 74 J 16 Home lluno Thorn1on, Cleveland 18 Og11v1e MllwaukM 17, G fllomas Mllw111.1kee IS Ae. J9Ctcaon. Ang.la, 15; Hrllell Mtnno1ao1a 15 Rvne Balled In McRae Kenua Clly 83. rnorn1on Cleveland 611 lvzlntkl Clllcago 52 Cooper MltwaukM. 49 Oglmt Mllwllvkff •9 Olis KanMs Clly 49 Hrt>el( Mln~ta 49 Pllcl\tng (9 D01Cl1lona) Vukov1ch Miiwaukee, 9 2 OutOry, New Vori. 8·2, Z.hn, Angela, 1-J: 01.1ra. Kansas C•I) 8-3 Clancy Toron10 7-3, Burn$ Cn1cago 7 ·3 Caudill, S<1at11e 7 3, t1oy1 C:hoc;&go, 10 5 NATIONAL LUQUE 0 All A H Pel. Mc<..ee SI lOUli 3g 12'1 18 43 333 J Tnompsoo Pill 65 240 4S 79 329 T Pena P1'D•9n 59 224 n 72 321 Fr.incona Montru l 44 131 14 42 321 Otovt>t MnntrHI J>8 2SJ 41 81 J20 Cedeno C1ncmna11 61 225 29 71 316 J Ray PolltC>UrQn 67 27J 4 I 86 J15 Oa,.son. Mon11ea1 67 277 5!> 87 114 Sailor NeN Y0tk '>O 160 20 50 313 landr•au•. Dodg•n ~9 204 )4 (J) .)09 Home Aune Murphy Allonlo 2 I Kingman New York 17 J Tnompson P1t1sbu1gn 15 Cati"' Mu111real 1 • B•k•t. Dodgare, 13, Clorlo. San Franr1~co 13 Aune 8ell9d In Murphy A11ar.io '>8 011ve1 MonlrMI !>2 J Thompson P111s1>urgh 48 Gverrero, Doogan. 41, ~•ngmJn N~"" Yorio. • 7 Mallllew• Pn1111o~on,~ 47 Pitching (I O.Clolona) R(IQett Moolteal 9 ·' f a<tK.h SI LOOIS 8 l 0 ROtHMon Pott~llu•gl 7 J l tlJ Montreat b·J Snow s .. n 0'9110 6-J Aeuu , Dodger•. •··5; So10 C•n"nMI 7 • Sulloo Houston 7 • WMloheetet Cln•lo (al Hartl-, N.Y.) Uob Olleler t4 Q-U-1g1 fOffl 1111• 16-64-U-198 P••er Jac:ol>Mn ot 62· 70 200 Jim Col-I 6&-66-68-20:1 WIYfW Levi 7HM7 202 DOii POOiey 8t-ee-41-20~ o.otg• llumt 71·87·68 204 Biii '4099<1 89...ff·e7-20:1 Mark Lye U •N -71-206 Ray ,IOy<I H · 71-96-208 M"k Pleil 70-7().8e 206 l .. EIOllf &9·70-67-206 t1eo Ao~t 87·72-87-20Cl JIQk R"'lner 811·811•88 208 JC S11ead 87-70-119-208 PA Welbrtng 87·88·71-208 B•UC.• Dowlin 12··8~68-207 Tom Jen~tnt 71-89-87 -207 Mark McNully 119·8Mll 207 Jim S1mon1 1111-611-89-207 Oeve EleheltHltg., 115-73-89-207 Cu1ll1 Sllange 70-87-70-207 OouQ Tewell 67-70-70-207 Merk Hayet 68-89-70-207 K9fmtl Z.,ley 68-68·71-207 T1tn 81mpaon 11-89-68-208 .j .. ry Pale 72·68·68-208 Bau Crenthaw 68·12·88-208 Leonard Tt>ompton 119-71-68-208 Jay Cudd 811-72-87-208 Scoll Wallo.Ina 70-89-611-208 Huber! GrMtt 68·88·72-208 Bot> C:at1wooo 71·68-7 1-208 TotTI Shaw 70-69-69-208 Payne S1ewe11 6g·7M59-209 01Yld fhO<e 71·69·89-209 SoDlly W1dlo.1na 72-69-68-209 Clerenc. ROH 68-71-70-209 0111 Gleaton 66-72-71-209 Craig SlaOler 71-87-71-209 O•rv M<:Coro 72-88-7 1 -m Re• Cel<l ..... I 69·68··12-209 Mtke Hiii 68·70-71-209 Ch&!IH Cooo &7-71·71-209 Lenny Wtdk1n1 66-74-70-210 Aten repte 70-70..70-140 Jtm Albu• 72-69-6g-210 Lll'Ce Ten Broec;k &9-70-71-210 Lindy Miiier 68-71-71--210 Vtc:tor A90alado 72-66-70-210 Boll Murphy 72-67-71 -210 Allen Miiier 70.70.11-211 Larry Rinker 15-65-71 -211 Bruce Oougtata 7 1-70-70-211 Oon Levin 119·72-70-2 It Boll Sneerer 71-70-70-211 Jay H••• 69-70-72-211 rran• Conner 99.70.12-211 Btll lttHlton 70-M-73-211 Oil Morge<> 69-70-72-211 Howard Twllly 71-88-72-2 I I Lorry Ziegler 68-73-71-212 Hal Sullon 68·73-71-212 JOO•e Mudd 69-72-71 -212 Cht Cht ROOllguez 70-69-73-212 Q>ip eeci. 65-72-75-212 Boll r .. ay 73-68-72-213 Geo<go Cadle 70-70-73-213 Sc;o11 Sompton 70-70-73-213 Lyn LOU 66-74-74 -214 Lori Nl81Mn 70-71-74-21!1 Rochealer lnternallonal (al PlllofOld, IL Y.) Sandia Haynie 72-66-69-209 Nancy Lopez 70-70-70-210 JoAnne Carner 67-68-75-210 Pal BraOtey 68·72·72-212 HOllls S1acy 69-13-71-213 Shelley Hamlin 7J·70-71-214 Pally ShMhan 71·7:!·72-215 PelU Rouo 72-88-7S-215 Calhy MorM 74-70-72-216 BerDare Batrow 70-74-72-216 Setty ltltte 69-72-75-216 Lynn Adame 74-72·72-218 Jan S1ephent0n 73-72·73-218 Connie Chillemi 74-69-75-218 Ahce Rllzmen 71-75-73-219 Me11y Oockerton 72-73-74-219 Janel Cole• 71·74·7•-219 Callly Reynotos 72-71-76-219 Carole Chatbonnt"' 74-7!1·70-219 Donna Whole 7>7•·71 -220 M1r'ldy "'400te 7J-74-73-220 ruov Clatk 73-73-7•-220 Sandra SP\follCll 12·73-75-220 l•nda Hunt 7J-72-75-220 SenOre P-70-7S-7S-220 Beverley O•v•• C-68-77-75-220 Rot><n W .. ton 73·72·76-221 Janel Ala" 7> 72· 75-222 Cllflord Ann Creed 73·75·7'-2'1 Play Better Golf with JACK NICKLAUS -OPERL'Y USED, IM~GINATION IS A Powe:R~UL GOLFING \NERPON. THE. MORE.. POSITIVE. YOU AP.E ~e>OUT THE SWING you NE::ED Amy AIOoll Penny Pv11 .... 111\0fl "81nh-I Kall1y Mc1M11li.n Donna Ca00<1I PMl Gletren ,,,.,_ t•Mtlon Ctftcly Llnooln '""llyn 11111 ICQA Am•I•,,, CMmplon•hlpe letlall1 ~) Tlllt4'!MllM._.M ~.,. 911119'1 PloJI 0 111*1 Mll'h Voget llob ~befoe< 9111 Vi.le LM 0.vlt C»n Oullol• Jon Ardell Jim 'mpey Allon Ouhefl Miii• Heney Weyne CaH Oreg Lane Oavld Boeley JOM Petiet Jr 0..ek GOIOateln 0u11y Weldon Cary voeai.. l arryCOOk OeVICI Miiier Fra11C1a Crlnell• Ken eon ... 1 E.t nle Oonulel Gary KIAlln Gteg Twl(>ga 1>ou9 ThOmpeon Marc S1even1 Oeve Hollby Guy Haf11•10llr Mlchftel Lo110 Chrltlophe< Wooo Jell LM 7) ... ·70-111 7t-71-et 212 10·71-1~ 214 72-7s.et-214 1111•77·71 Z1' 76-89·73 211 74-76-11-216 7'·75-72-218 73·72·74-2111 09.73.77 -219 70-76-78-220 73-76-72-220 73-78-71-220 72-78-70 220 78-74-71 221 72-75-7•-2?1 71-77-73-221 78-73-73 227 75-74-73 222 73-74-76-723 73-75-76 22• 77-71°76 ?24 72-76-76-22• 73-75-78 224 72-77-75 224 7>73-77-226 119-80-76-226 73-7S·78-226 78· 71-77 -228 73-77. 77-227 73-78-79-228 70-7843 221 WlmbMdon -·· a.c:onc1 ~nd ""''" 8ull., Mollram (Brllaln) del Ille Ameya (US). 8--1. $-7, 8-4, 6·•. Vl1at Oetulalll1 (US I def BrVQe Oertln (N-z .. 1andl. 7-5, 6-2, 6-3: Paul McNamM 1Au11rella) def Boll Lutz (US), S-1. 1-&, 6-3, 7-8. Johan Krlel\ (South AlrlCI ) Oef Peter Eller (WHI G11<manyl. 4-8. 6-3. 3·8, 8-0. 6-4, lloYd Bourne (U S I def CNllO Mona t8razll), 6-4, S·• 1·6, li-7, 6·3, Kevin Curren (Soulh 41r1Ca) O•I Bernard Botl68v (Belgium). 6-4 6-3 6·2. Larry Stelank• (US I oet Eric Fromm (US I 6-3 4-6, 6-4. 7-tl Hank Pfi.1 .. (US ) del Sien Smllh (U S ), 8-4, 7 6 7·8. Q>rtt lewt• 1N-zea1ano1 oe1 Tom OulliklO<l (U S ). 7-9 7-8, 7-8 w-·• l.conc:t Round 81"9tM J-Preyer (U s I 091 Man~•· Mafffv• (BulOar\I) 8-3 S-3 Kale Latham (U S I clel Barbara H1Hquta1 (US 1. 7-6. S-3. l<elhy Jordan (US ) O•I Nancy Yeargin (U S I 6·3 6-• Yvoone v .. muk (SOUlh AlriCel def Sharon Walth (U S /· 6·J , 8·3, Pam TeeguarOen (U.S ) Oa Barbara Jordan !U 5 ). ti·•. 6-4. Andree Temesvtrl (Hungary) <Ill Renata Tomanove ICrecho1love~ll). •-8, 11·3 7-S Corrine Venter (Frenoe) dal Wendy White (US I. 6-7 7-6. 7-5 Women'• Third lllovnd B"'91M BM ... Jean King (Us I Oel Tanya Hertora (South Africa), s;1 7-6. 6-3. Bellina B1.1nge (U S I d•f M11tjor1e Bleckwooo (CenaO•l 11-3 2· 1 (retired>. Wendy Turnbull (Avetraloa) O•t P11 Medraoo (BtuJI), 6-2. 6-4 Vorgon<a Avzlc:t (Romania) def Sabina Simmonds tllaly) 8-7. 7-8. 7·5. Zina GA!rtton CU SI def L1.1e1a Romanov (Romania) 6.() 6-• lrvlne Open (al UC lrvlne) 01*' Men'• 81"91N Setrtlnnal• Tim Oow1'9)I def John Kline, 6-4, 2·6, 6-4, Davia Heffern def, Lawrence Oavldton, 5-2, 5.3 01*' w ........ •• Sl091M Bamlflnala Jtn Beck ae1 MICheH• Mra1, 6-2, 7·S, Cllhy O Meara def Marla Myer• 6-3, 4 6. 6-4 0-....... OoutMe N1991 Armstrong-JOhn Washer 091 Bla.ne Pellon-Tom Downey 6-3 6-4 Joeh B•aobury-Phll HWftlllon del Ml~• Sr-Jell KvyOllf 7 .5 2·6, 6-2 °'*' ltllll.0 DoutMe Janice Metcalf·Oan Henton oef Jiii Wet11-Ronn1a Menceo. 6-0, 6-4 Meroa MY-.•·E•IC Our.de def J~I Beck.Jim H•rOllf. 1 II 4·6 11-1 I Toti 10 Ml1-e H ...... the b9tt lllnee -•-Oeel .,, l/\e • •lie • un I 3 4 7 H Sellu llen Cve O•NI lllilaln Itel i 3 41 40 Steve °"911. OrMI "11WI 1181 33 48»CoetNI (1181 81eve ~II U II , 11117 4 3 •8 eo 0-..11 11eo• ~ 3 48 83 Sydney MerH 8ou1h Alrit:A 1081 8 3 48 95 Coe. 1970 llt•t Mar ... 1982 1 3 40 7~. 0••11 1981 8 3 40 34, Oav•d Moo•<roll, Q1 .. 1 8111a1n 1982 1111~ 9 3 49 40 .IOhn Walke; New l aaland, 10 J 411 4~ Mtlie 81111 K•oya 10 I Pro bowling f>BA Dovblea Cl111lc (al L .. Vegae) Fine! llound Sam Zuroch·Netson 8u11on ael J1rn Wlli~lePkoCk Oave Huslea 227 200 IZU<<tl tnO Bvrton SOM $22 OOOJ 01t..r lllH vlla lur1c11 Burton oet M1io.e S1e1111>acn-B1ll Sp1gnet 7 I 1 209 Zutoch e..,r1on <let &ob Hand'"" '"'"n l lkt 220 203 World Cup SECOND AOUMO Croup A Group 8 Soam Poland Rut>... e..111..,m Englanct Wt-st G~tmlny G'QVP C lt.11~ Btdl,I Atg.-nH"• Gtoup D ~rdnce Austt10 Nv'1tli&rn lt-'l•n\J Mond•f• CamH Pofand vs. Be1g1tJm •u\t"n .,., F1ar1t.e Cosmos TOfOnlO Montreat Choe.aoo NASL 1lendlnge E11tern Dlwlt lon W l 01' QA 8P P1._ 1) 3 38 23 36 112 I I 8 36 24 28 94 10 7 30 2J 24 82 4 12 25 38 13 47 Southern Dl•l•lon Fort Laud8'081e 13 7 43 40 40 116 •O 28 82 J7 JI 75 JS 24 66 Tampa Sa, 9 t 1 32 Tulll 8 10 35 Jeel<SOfW1lle 7 I 1 24 w .. 1em DMalon V•ncouvet I I 6 34 29 27 99 San JOM 10 8 J2 32 25 83 Sen Diego 6 9 ie 29 13 67 Sea11Je 7 10 31 27 27 87 Porlland 7 10 22 18 18 S6 E<1mon1on 5 11 19 3• 16 •2 Si• po1n1s are awarded l0t a 1egul8lion or overhme v1c1ory Four poor11s 101 8 111001ou1 YtClory One DOMl.IS pQlnl tor every goat ac:oreo w11h a muim<.om 01 1hree oer game NO bOnUS pomt IS 8W&rde<J tor Ovetl"'r'I• Of thOOIOUI goal5 Selvtdep'a k0<aa Monlreal 3 ChlCIOO 2 ~ort Lauderdalt 3 San Joee 2 vancou-S Tampa Bay 2 Seallle 4 TulM I San Diego J. Jaclttonvollll O Portland 2 T0<on10 I T od•f'• Game Edmonlon at Co..._ THE MORE CLEARLY YOU HAVE. IMAGINED A PARTICULAR SHOT IN YOUR MIND'S EYEi., THE. MOP.E POSITIVE.LY YOU WILL IOENTIFY T H E SWING NECESSARY TO E.')(ECUTE IT. E.XTE..NO YOUP.. Quisenberry (l 4-J) Calttomla Renko Hut I .. FOfteh(W 7 -6) IP HA EA BB 80 6 73333 3"' 2 1 I 2 • :•, 0 0 0 0 1 •, 2 2 2 0 0 4'' 5 4 4 I 2 e•.i, 1 o o 2 & I'> 3 1 I 0 I Cerdln•I• 2. CulM 1 St LO<Jt• 011 000 000-2 4 2 Cllocago 100 000 000 1 7 I Kaai, Batr 171. Suue< t81 and Tenace L• Sm1111 W Hernanoei 181 and J Oavts M0teland (91 W-Kaal. 2-1 l-L• Smrlh 1·3 S-SVllll< rm A-29 357 TO MA~E 1.....-e e:,e:"T'TE.R YOU~ CHAN CE. 01== EX EC UT ING IT. MINO f=ULLY AHEAO OF YOUP.. MUSCLE. S E.VEN WHEN PRACTICING. HBP-Dy Hauler A-56 •g4 I Wtlson) T 3 32 Journey At Sea triumphs INGELWOOD (AP) -H eavily favored Journey At Sea breezed to a five-length victory over one-eyed Cassa.Jena in the $83,350 Silver Screen Handicap Saturday before a crowd of 30,687 at Hollywood Park. J ourney at Sea, ridden by Chris Mc.Carron and carrying highweight of 122 pounds. covered 1 ~ miles in the stakes record time of 1:46 4-5. Dr. D. YOUNG RHIE announces the opening of his ACUPUNCTURE CLINIC at 1755 Orange Ave. Costa Mesa 631-6202 ............. By appointment $99 DOWll DIUYl•I lllY llEW POllTIAC T-1 ODD, J200D, or 8000 THIS WEEIEllD! LMGI llUCllOMI -a. magnon pontiac ".,...,. fif ••• , ce.tii .... Sa9~.300 PAIO ADVERTISEMENT DIETING PROMOTES OBESITY f I MITRA MAGBULEH, Ph.D., M.P.H. DAN ICIAKHAM. M.D. Whot 111 rhP worll thnl ht'xt oescnbes those who repealctll.v enjl<IJ(t' 10 an lll'trv1ty with nun effective and nrten harmful result11'> lrrnlinnill YN. we find it diffkuh t11 lub•·I ni< 1rrall11n•d the hehnvwr 11f m1ll1nn!1 of Amencnn~ "'hn 11rt' cun~tunl h d1et1n)o( w1th11ul mut h SU!'l't'"s Perhap11 tht>y t•n1t111ee 1n th1• seemm1ely 1ll111e1ral oct1v1L) (lnl\ because tlw1r hope" ore kP11t ahve by the diet establishment. whost' 1nlerest 111 s '" keepmlf the pubhc m the dark as tr, the scienllfir furl.II a bout d1rtmjl end we11eht 10111. Well. the t<t't'fl't i1 out' Shocldfl6 Stati1ttic11 Jn n recent s)'mposium el tJCLA. top speciali8ts revealed to a l&rjie 11atherlng or h~allh profe881onal1 the shnc'king rtalitv behind the weia ht loas mania. More than 95 pe~ent o! the peoplt> who ico on various diets either fail to losr much weirht or regain their weight, uaually is exce11 or what was lost. The incidrnce uf obe&tt)' ha1 increased over the la11t dt'<'ade-. Furthermore. ohesity i11 now developinit at younger ages. It a.em• that C.H. Hollenberit was ju9tified in romporinit thr achievements of the heolth profe1t1ion1 1n treating obesity to that of 11 football team thot ha1 loat every 11me It h411 ever pis.ye<! 01' ae someone else hu put It: "The American public hH bHn d1etin1 for 26 yeor11-and h~.J&ine.d & pounds." Where art wt *olng wron.1? Why ,,. the nutt\tlonally eound di.ta:r;.f11d diete." 1hot11 pUl1, , ..... uni txU'Ci ... and p ay~hol o1lcal 1lmmlck• makln1 ua.1~n rather than ION wel1M? Mol'.-and mon l'\'1dent" 1h111 tl1t't1njl pr11mute11 11h1'>•ll' h.o• ltt"en pr11dun•d 111 rr•1·1•n1 .1n1mal l'Xlll'rtm1•nt>' 1111d PpHIPmmlol(ic-re11t•11rch ut ou r n11t111n'i< lo•!lrlllll( Unt\'l.'r1<1l11•" l-11r ••xflmplt'. 11n r xpn1mr•nt 111n1lu1 l"d at thf' l1n1vt•n11tv of "''"' 1>n~1n clrmonstrated thut "lwn r.11 .. "'h11 h h.1cl l11i<l :.!Cl 111·rt 1•nl 11f tht•lr hod\' 1At•111hl 11n ;\ .. 111r' .111011 <l1l'I "t'T!' rt>turn1·cl 111 tlwrr pn• dll'I f~dm11. tht'V 11aml'd almost 20 t1mt•s mor'" u r1Rhl thon cnntrnl ral!i on u R1m1lnr fr,,><J 1ntok1·1 Mo11t of u11 who huv(• lost and regained wv11o1ht on v:m•1us dit>ts a re fom1liur w1lh this painful reality. Surh evidence ia only nnw confirminit the rPvolut1on- ury ob8ervatinn modi.' by Dr. Don R Kirkhum sevnTal yeor11 81(0 /)1t•/rn~ actually prnm ntl'll nbl'111tv' Uieters Take HART Dr K1rkhnm, u Nowpnrt Beach physician, who is curTl'ntly Med ice I Director or the 111\RT Institute. is a graduate uf New YMk College of Medicine, hH rtctived many awards for h11 arhlevement.1 in the medico! profe11ion. Ht . waa bestowed the A!'l'\erican Medical A111oc10· tlon Achievement Award, The l.ARoche Award. \he Deon'a Award, and he if' listed 1n "Who'1 Who lnter_11ationol," "Who'• Who in the Weal" anti "Who'11 Who In the United tatee " In hit uttn111vf' rhnicol xperience with overwelaht patient~. Dr. Kirkham noted eevc>rlll yrora ago that the convenlJonal red1ac.lnr method• (plll1, ahota, variou1 dltt.e, acupuncture~ •tc.), which he pr4*:rihed ror h)a (!Uft\tl'OUI patient., l'IOt only falltd t.o a chitva pennanmt "i1llt lOM hut t•v••n 11ppeured tu exacerhatl' their we111ht pmhlem11 11 e f1Uh11t>q ut·ntly began to i1tudy the. t'•WM'R of this paradox1,•al 1111ua1111n. Aftn mun• th11n 11 lh11u1oand hour1o 111>ent 1n 11hs1•n1n1t tho• h11hnv111r of normul ancl t1\t1rwe11<ht person1- .111ti ,1flt'f rxt1·nSl\'I' Tl.'M'ltrr h into tlll' d1ffen·nt't"• belwC'en fnt anti thin metaholil'm. ht• d1>veloped a no diet weight lmu, proicram which ha11 bel'n a11tom11h micly suct•et11ful in bnn111nic about perml\nenl Wl'l l{ht 10!>8. 0 &op Dietinll Once ond for All At the HART lnstitut..,, Ur. Kirkham and his en-worker. l>r. Mitra Mllgbuleh. who has condurted ronsidera ble re· uarch on food and alcohol addiction, convince their overwti11ht pntitnl3 to alc)p dieting once and for all by opla1n1nJ to them thot when wt d1et-l.t!., cut down on our ro00 intnlte and rut only the amount &nd t)'pt'll or food prt1cribed by n 11vtn dortor or w(liRhl loaa plan. wt' i ncruee our metabohc efnc1ency. Our budlta manage to functwn very well with tht tew colonc• th•y ret'tlive on a liven diet, Md th.:y t top burnin1r tht' 1tortd fat Jn other words, wt htt a platHU and ato p lo•ln1 wrilhl. Munwhile, 1ince diet& ar.- mfl nt to be lfOne on and off of, almoal everyone evtnlually rtveri. to normal utin1 or ovtrHtina: and we end up pullln1 on all th• la.t wel1h1.- pl1.11 mo,._~uM O\lr bOdi .. heve adaJ>ted t.o lht low caloric Intake and cannot uH th• enra c•lorl" con1umtd when we 10 off the diet. - J-'urthermure. dit•I proj(rams p1•rpetuate Fa r Mrnta/1tv hy rein foTci nl( thl' obese person's preucrupatinn with fond S hC' 111 told when, wh11t and h11w much to eat, 1111 w1·ll 11s wh1rh foods ure OK t11p11e11ut11n Hyd1s11llowin1e •Pr-torn foo<li-. rltel plans set thernst'l\'ei< up for failur1> When .1 pn1mn 1s on 11 diet. s he •s m111eroble and is alway11 lookmi forward to the di!)' s he ran tal normally al(ain. The "forbidden fru1t" rfh<:l is probably the main cause of the pain fol bml(es most dieters expenen<"e m thl'ir we1J(hl Imo: t•rforts. Moltill1 Peace With Food Ura. Kirkham and Magbuleh alao point our that diet plan1 do very lillll' to change Fat Metaholitm ond often enhance t.hia procet11 f1tl1her by r~ucina tht ~raon'11 Lean Body Mui (muscle ctlls) and 1nereaalna the fac.-depoaitinl( tnz.ymes. >.. a ruult, f'ven if the overwtlJht person i1 11uccea1ful in loeina weil(ht rapidly under thtM plana1 11/he will moat liktly rl'ifu1n th e lost welJht, 11ometime1 in excen of what waa ori1in1Ally taken off. PuUil!J it •Imply, Di1t1D0Not Wor•. That Is wh>; lhe.y tell their patimt.a t.o 11top dlelinf •nd commtnt't tn est norm.al y aa • t.hlo ~non would. Sometlmea It la dlmcult lo conv1n~ the petl~nta that they do not need to diet. Thit dlfnculty 1rieea becaoM thia idea 11 complet.ly ln oppoe1Uon to 'vcrythin1 -. 11" taqht t.o believe. One~ thla 11 qnrcome, padml.I are aatiafted peycho' IOf\tali, t..~ally ~d W..wi.Ale •• tht) u.a-ln to follow th~ M.'. ditt PfQlfam al thf HART Jl\Mihtt.. Th&. fltdqM aM comprehensive pru l{ram enrnmpesses all the major osperts of s urces8rul weight loss 1 t' • nutntion, physical nrtivit:v. manal(emrnt or inner foelinl(s ond soc1ol environ· mtnt Ry attendin11 Ill weekly sessions of mslruct1on at the HART I n11t1tuli', thP pertrci- pants learn how to make peace with food\ how to rhange their fot metaoolism 1nto a thin metahohsm, how to sofely enioy foods hy applym1 the prtnciple. or thin behavior a nd how to ochieve best resulta throuah individually-tailored , ahort• durnllon physical nctivitie11. At the HART lnetitute'1 Weight Reduction Center, the objective ie to t.real the cauaea1 rather than the 1ymptom .. '01 the overweight problem; •nd t.he emphasis is put on the pauenl'a metaboli11m. In thie way. one. the wei1ht ia loat, it i.a loat permanently. R.apid wf'i1ht lou u dl1co ura1ed bec auae mountin1 evl~n~ au11•t.a that thOM who man11e t.o loee weiaht (t'1tdU11lly, but wtt.hout much 1ufferinr and deprivation, are IT\UCh more tll«eeoeful in kMpin1 th4' uoeea poW\dl off. Once the p•tien!.41 on the HART P'l'Ol'Atn re.lice t.b•t dletinJ 11 inational, they bqin lo enJoy tooda that th~ had forrotten we.N •o d1lidou1. For them, tht wu l1 over at laat.- lhey can have their cab, •t It. and 1Ull W.. Mlfhll ...... , lf you wlah more lnfonnatao.- about the HART ~-. ciNI <7l ~t 7~2«»&l. Thi HART ln•~ut.a 1nc. 11 l~t.acl at. '1IO c~~=::.:~~ _...,..... __ .. _ • Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, June 27, 1982 Turner Americans take lead Networks, • Vie 0' hea in ond • uperstation want to By T~t At10C'lale4 P'"' CoU~8 footblll'1 fll'lt lWO·nc.,twork te"-'On hu1 run lnto trouble, 2 ~ month• ooforu I.he optmlng kickoff Tho probl m Involves T\'d Turner and hit. cable-ielovlaion contract with thl' NCAA. ABC and lt.t Atlanta affiliate, WSB. are angry over Turn r'I planl to broadca.at NCAA football un WfBS. hit Atlanta-bated "1uper station," acoordln~ to knowledgeable IOW'Cell. It i.I unclear what effect the matter might hav~ on I.hi.I fall'• TV football slate. ABC and CBS, which share the four-year, $283.5 million network contract for college football, and Turner have announced the backbone of tht.>ir respec tive SPORTS ON TV schedules, and the sources s tressed that this skirmish could not scuttle the multimillion-dollar deal. But, the case underscores the growing compeution between I.he television networks, which have controlled home viewing sports viewing for decades, and the cable industry, which is taking an increasingly large bite of the TV sports pie. WTBS IS THE anchor of the network Turner put together when he paid an esumated $17 million for the cable rights earlier this year. It will bounce its signal off a satellite for d1stribut1on to cabk• systems nationwide. At the same time, however, Lhe games will be going through I.he air -Cree -to all Atlanta households. WfBS is a UHF station, broadcasting on Channel 17. · That's what has WSB and A.BC upset They feel that such over-the-air telecasts violate the network's exclusivity contract with the NCAA. There's another part to the Turner-ABC battle Both ABC and CBS have priority to any game on the NCAA schedule, with right of first refusal alternating under a system of "control dates." WTBS SAYS it plans to carry the Boston College-Texas A&M game, the first contest for the Aggies under Coach Jackie Sherrill. as its first telecast Sept. 4. But, the game is scheduled for Sept 11. an ABC control date, and there's a possibility the network will ch0Cl5e the BC-A&M game for its national telecast. The sources said ABC plans to formally notify the NCAA of its displeasure with the situation and ask that a solution be found. Officials at the NCAA and WfBS were out of their offices when telephone calls soltciung comment were made. Danville Station wins Maturity Danville Station, purchased by owner Edward Allred for a reported $125,000 last April, looked to be one of the biggest bargains of I.he year on Saturday night at Los Alamitos as jockey Ralph Pauline guided the mare to a handy triumph in the $172,300 Vessels Maturity. Trained by Bruce Hawkin.son, Danville Station had established the fastest qualifying mark to the Vessels Maturity with a 21.62 second win in her trial. ln Saturday's finals, the daughter of Born Fighter needed just a 21.71 second time in the 440-yard contest to beat longshot Rockete Elaine by three-quarters of a length. Rockete Elaine was considered the least likely of the four-horse contingent of trainer Gordon Steinmiller m the Matunty. but the Luke Myles ridden mare surprised all with a hearty runner-up effort in front of third-place finisher Senator Sage Shawnee Hoo, the leading member of the• Steinmiller group and the slight 2-1 favorite, acwd up in the gates and finished ninth. Danville Station paid $6.60, $4.80 and $3.40. Rocket Elaine re turned $34.80 and $9.20, with Senator Sage paying $4.20. The $2 exact.a was worth $444.20. Danville Station picked up $77,535 for her Vessels Maturity win accomplished before 11 ,306 onlookers and she also earned a berth in the 1982 Champion Of Champions at Los Alamitos. Today's TV, radio TELEVISION 11 a.m. (4) -WIMBLEDON TENNIS - F.arly-round coverage. taped. 11 :30 a.m. (2) -GOC.F Final-round play in the Westchester Classic at Rye. N.Y. 1:30 p.m (2) -CBS SPORTS SUNDAY Carlos DeLeon (31-1-1) defends his WBC cruiserweight title against S. T . Gordon (21-5) in a live telecast from Cleveland. Also, taped coverage of the Cascade Run-Of! Road Race. 2 p.m. (4) -SPECIAL OLYMPICS Coveragc> of the two-day Special Olympics held at UCLA (taped). 3 p.m . ( 11) -BASEBALL Dodgers at Houston. 3:30 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -Mario Andrellt and his son Michael are among the drivers in the 24 Hours of Le Mans Grand Prix endurance race, taped at Le Mans, France Also, taped coverage of the U.S. Outdoor Track and Field championships. 4 p.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLO -Men's competition in the International Cup Weightlifting Championship, taped at Tatabanya. Hungary; the Irish Sweeps Derby. taped at Dublin; and the men's river bridge duel in "Survival of the Fittest." RADIO Baseball -Dodgen at Houston. 3:05 p.m., KA.BC (790); ~ City at Angels, 1 p.m., KMPC (710). MONDA Y'S TELEVISION 8 a.m. (34) -WORLD CUP SOCCER Auttrla vs. France. 11:45 a.m. (34) -WORLD CUP SOCCER - Belgium vs. Poland. 6:30 p.m. (7) -Major League baseball (taped). Fountain Valley wins in OT John Muon'• goal at the 4:02 mark of overtime pve the Fountain Valley Flames a ~-4 triumph over the Irvin~ ~la Saturday night in American Speed9occer Aaaoc.taUon play at the Loe Caballero8 Racq~ and Sportt Club. Jn ewn1nl their mark at 2·2, the FWnn got a pair of aoell from Gordon Green and one api«"e l.rcim BOb C4ntftru. Andy McBride tallied three tlrr'8I for lrvlM. allo 2·2. -. rt C holtt N(.,ftA f oolball at tourn y Volz leap to record in pole vault ABC apok1•'(ffil'n dedlm-d to l'ornrrwnt *** TELl!:VISION IS FULL o f rllt'll'<irt<: t:un<t·~. but rc.·w rtval lhl' a11cent or 27 y .. ur-old s,·11 n McMunu11 Just 'J.1)t years ofter jolru~ NBC Sporu. we 11 pr odut•tlon nss1stant, Mc Mon us th lie week Wu¥ nawed vil'e pr<'s1dent for pro~ram planning and dl'velopment. He moves up Crom manager of event." fur SportsWorld, the network's weelumd sport.'I anthology Despite his relatively young age, McManus estimates that he's spent 18 years in TV bt>ginnlng as an aide to his father, ABC's Jim Mi: Kay *** EXPECT VIN SCULLY to be leavmg CBS Vf.'ry soon. Sources say Scully has told the network he d()(>Sn't want to do football thlS fall. That means that, wh<.'n hlS contract with CBS expires later this year, thl• veteran voice of the Los Angeles Dodgers will be a network free agent NBC has been hot on Scully's trail If he makl'S the move, &:ully would join both thl• network ge nerally rerogmzed as havmg the best baseball coverag<.' and a stable o f highly regarded announcers that includes Dick Enberg, Bob Costas, Charlie Jones and Jay Randolph. 1.33 Ea HAK l-:HSFIELD Mork Hh1kt•ly, i:t, Temple City, l4lkt'tl u 111w •troke lead Into the final rtiund or the 83rd Southern Culltornio Golf Aasn. Amateur Chumploruihip today at Stockdale C.C after posting a one-under- par 70 Saturday. Pulling within a stroke or the leader Saturday was Paul O'Shea, 24. Newport Beach, who had a 69 to go with rounds of 72 and 71 on Friday for a 212 total. Mitch Voges, 32, Northrldge, co-leader after the first two rounds, slipped into a two-way tie for third place with Rob Ge1berger, l8, Santa Barbara. Voges had a 73 to go with rounds of 70 and 71 for a 214, and Ge1berger, son of PGA Tour star Al Geiberger, carded a 69 with earlier rounds or 72 and 73. Twd for fifth place at 217 are Lee David. 37, Newport Beach and Bill Viele, 39, Hemet. Davis, who won the championship in 1975, had a 73 on Saturday, and Viele checked in with a 71. A ••Hable Oflly w ..... -, -Wlneeart •old OUUHAM, NC. (AP) Rc·l'ord performunce11 by pole vuulter D11v1..• Volz and high jumiwr Colt>en S<Jmmur paced a lc•UJTI of Amer1~n truc:k and rleld ~rformcra to a gfwable lead in an 1ntemation.al triangular meet at Duke Univel'Slty Saturday Volz, a junior at lndianu U n1verslty, cleared 18 -9 1;, o n his first try to break an American record set by Dan Ripley and Billy Olson one week ago. Sommer, a former student at Arirona State, jumped 6-6 to break a mark or 6-5 'Aj set last year by Pam Spencer of Los Angeles Naturite Track Club. The United States holds a 54-40 lead over the West German team, and a 61 -28 edge over the Pan-African squad in men's competition. The American women claimed a 61-34 lead over West Germany in the meet , which concludes today. The Pan-African team fi elded no women. As the small t·rowd of H,000 began to file out of Wallace Wade Stadium, Volz attempted a world mark of 19-1112, but failed in all K mart· Fruit Drink Mixes 1.SL E&J Varietals Brawny• Paper Towels Fruit ouncn lf·mon.1oe grapt• or chl'rry •lavor 24 Ol • Sol(' •N<_,, #I 1.79 Fin< ; .ii.to•n d wonPs lrom 11\f> w•nt> cellars ot f 1 nP!.l & Jvho ,.1110 I Ladies' Fashion Cotton Pants < t••>O~· • lrnm .; w•OC' nlPchon at c.,1100 Pt10t~ 1f\ 't•lP<'t h t ~ Tne e<:onomv lowr:I wolh sclub strength thrt.-c ottcmpt.K ut the.• height "My legs art• tired today A littlt' t·ulf mJury I had earlier thlil wt>t>k •lowt'<l rrw down," Volz 11t11d '''l'tw hot W\'l•tht.>r dra.ined me. 1 was rc1dly txhllu11tcd by the llllW I 9-11 'l Cl.lllW up " Mcanwh1ll', C~lvln Smith won hts lawst battle with Curl Lcwus 1n the lOO -mt'ter dash, while Americans captured four other c•vents to dominatt.· ea rly mmpt'tiuon Smith , a Junior at the University of Alabama, ran a wind-aided 10.03 seconds t.o nip Lewis by two-hundredths of a second. Innocent Egbun1ke of Nigeria finished third at 10.32 and Theophtle Nkounkou of Congo was fourth at 10.43. In their last meetmg, one week ago at the USA meet at Knoxville, Tenn., Lewis defeated Snuth by five-hundredths of a S(.'Cond, despite the fact Lewis waved to the <:rowd 10 meters from the f1msh line, allowing S mith to clest• the gap. ''Calvin's a good s printe r." Lewis said after acceptmg his second-place trophy. Northern• Bathroom Tissue Strong sofl S1rot1• Faco<JI 11•ia"1y l•\<;ue<, 3 900u1R1oq • ~ 97 Homemade Meatballs with Mushroom Gravy ~) Men's Orlon TM Crew Socks Boys' Superman• Sandals W•tn wt •l'P"<l DOlillOl·' & qravy ~f'a ... nno>rt "'qPtabh• roll & tl"l!c·r UJti1l Save al ~ ~~ K marl ;:;-"~ .......... .,_,,,.., ..... ............... ....... .._ "AL"9-.Jt "AU..-- 1.58 1.37 .. Whoppers· Malted Milk Balls Terry Kitchen Towels f •outw Pd ~ 1 l 01 ' f'itth Dd•uou~ r runrll 11.tll~ C hePry 111couaor1 ''""O"~ Polyo~tericollon .._.,.,.,.. ~~--~~~~°"2 :~54' Plua F El I 43EOCh ,,., .. . , .... GJltU .,, ... . ,. ... • 7 rr>ullt$tpec2 trAOcJ rtb\ • le wttNH freo<:l oesion • AllOldOt>IO boO\ ply Treodwoor Roting 80 hi 2•.000 Mile!. Acryhclstrr't<.h nylon 'ocks F11s 10-11 l >11pt)t•I JlPt) t ~ \ 4.97 K mart· Elastic Leg Diapers Snug t1111n9 d•~posabte diapers Yolll choice ol T O<Jdlers or l" tra ab'>Ofbenl Vinyl T strap !.andal Pa<:Jded so<.~ au1ll bvcktr with malchong gore c;.,, ' ti') 7.97 12 Advantage• Golf Balls (~1'11 distance Tough to cut ~u•lyn· ovr• Sunctov· h1esdoy . .. . . j .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunday, June 27, 1982 Bl From Page 81 TU KER. • • Los Alamitos, Hollywood Park results U.S. cyclists win meet quettlon. f or lhc re\.~·nl Holnw11·Cooney thing, ON TV 1lgnl'd up 180, 000 prlvutc reaiden<...:s ul $1 6 per copy tor a couple of hours ot viewtna ll the critical level of Laverne and Shirley. The USFL rould gain all the aro und It would need ln the event of a strlkl' of the National Football League , which seems almoet a shoo-It\. At least It has the principa l Ing redient inasmuch as both sides want all the money. With no NFL competition, the USFL would be in a position to deftly extend it.a initial season closer into autumn and take advantage of exposure to a population which would by now be beside itself with football starvation. The bottom line. of course, is the financial structure of the operation. If there Is e nough money in the sock, the USFL can play football forever without selling a single admission ucket or ever climbing in bed with a television network. The opposite was the case of the WFL and it quite naturally expired. 3.99 50'x5/e"* Plastic Garden Hose lot Altlmlt .. IAnMDAY'I Ml•U\.TI (41ffl of """"'' -~.,"°'" mMlfnt) '"'" lllACI. ,~ yarcl1 lllg Laeou-Dane. (Adair) 13 80 8 20 41 20 Awagawan (1100il1) O 00 :S 410 Gem. Strategy tCarC101a) 2 80 AlllC> rao.CI lu Charger Too, T\ny Cryllal. Flying WIN OallClar, Cry Woll. &paolaoutar Bid, Pueblo 1 rac;er, t<ll .. llekt Tim. ,,. " SI IXACTA (7· II palO Ml.00 llCOMO ltACI. 350 yttOt . Fortun• Rock•• (Hart) 6.00 :s.eo 3.20 Aaoean Jal fMllohetll 23.eo 141.00 Rab A Jet (Cardoza) 10 20 Al10 raced Sound S~tal. Tidy ClaH Cnunky Ga111n1. Moon Su.la, My Euy Syn, Sn1wnat•ll•. Unlll Now Time 111 08 THlltD ltACI. 550 yardl longtell (A1mu111n) 141 00 5 &0 41 00 wn11u., S1r1p (Fryd1y) 4 40 3 00 Shecl<y Boone (Brook1l 3.20 Al10 raced Krypton Rocket. Mr Collu Lark, Flaming Count. Or1ngou11ng Don. Ktuamlslet Time 27.34 1'0Ultll4 It.ACE. 350 yard1 Top lntenllona (Cerdou) 4 20 KlulSIH l euny (Myl4Ja) Fast Reorlnl (H1rtl Time 111 02 S2 IXACTA (7·2) paid S IS 80 FIFTH It.ACE. 350 yarda 3 00 2.60 41 20 3.00 3 60 Moons Olene (Aamuuen) 5 80 4.00 3.00 Oeonye Dusty Deck fMltchell) 5 00 3 40 Castle& In Thi Air (Cardon ) 3 00 Alao raced. Mls1 P.,rle<, Ms Crlmaon Bal141. Sublime Secret. c11 .. 1ah Can, Paasem Tru. Sprint N E•1¥. Wicked Frauleln Time· t7 98, 6.77 Empire 60"x 11 " Chlldrens Pool •tXTH ltACI . ..I~ YMdl Ar,,..., Jort tlatd) OllMlO tlu11141 (Adair I Ima 'HI Jal (l'lyd•fl flme 11 H 27 80 8 410 lj 00 3 410 U O too ea IXACTA (9 0) paid IN 00 MVINTH flACl. 350 yarda Soul Wll.al (Hal1) 12.80 41 40 a 80 onc.nao (hid) 280 UO Golla Oull (CardoH) 2.40 Aleo rlCld Gamblln Jamie, Gama EHort. Clllcl< H~. Moon Fut l.eo, Millea wuard TlrM! 1'03 ea IXACT A (&-2) paid $311 00 llOHTH lllACI. 360 y1rd1 OOO<I FMtUrM (fty<11y) 10 llO 7 00 41 41() Kiie Salle (Adair) II 40 4 <IO Eaey S.nda (Hart) :S 00 Time 17.13. 12 IXACTA (6-9) paid $75.80. 12 PICK Ill! (2·7·5·9·0·8) paid $16,Qe.4 llO wtth thr .. winning ttcllata (II• h~I $2 P1Ck Six conlOllllon peld 5470 eo with 32 winning t!Qkatt (live hOf-). NIHTI4 "AOI . 440 r,1101 Oenvttte Stet Ion t Paul ne) e eo 41 eo 3 410 Rock•t• Elaina (Mytea) 34 eo 9 20 Sen•t0< s-oe (Han) • 20 AllO llC4t0 Et Ea 11. My Honey Al\O Spietl, Htu Tru Rebel, Queen For CUii, Sound l/enture, Shawnee Hoo, lnkye OellQht Time 2171 S2 EUCTA (1-71 paid $40 20 Tl!NTH ltACE. )50 yarc:I• OeH<t Rock•t (Herll s ao 3 eo 2 eo Sharp N Ery (C11dou} 6.20 J to Liiiie Petr; fAdllrl • 20 Also raced TtnH Rib. lza l/anequ• Ce1m1t1no, Wond•• 8011 Scr•mllng Joe M1rt1n 8oy. Ooc l uzby Time ti UI S2 EXACT A (2· 101 peld $311.80 AttandallCe' 11,308. HoOrwood '•tit IATUlllOAV't lllllULT8 (41111 of .._., tt10f01.111hbrad meet1119) i't1t•T lllACI. lurtonga ArnONn fHawleyl 13 40 I 41() 41 00 Jtr.1 lurka (Ptncay) 4.80 :S to The Method (CMlanade) I 40 Al10 t1cad Don'• Dancer, !lleverl>, Ou•llltcallon, PradlltMlllon, Oeeuvllla Oawn. Samlnola Kid, Jack Th• Bear. Cradll Squ .. a , P'rlnoa Petrone Time 1 22 216 llCONO "ACI 1 turlO<l()e Cllarga< Oreg (McCarron) 4 20 3 20 2 llO Blua Jaeter (Guerra) 12.20 1 &O ~ll••aeur tlloh1m) 8 110 Atao r t c•d l a nyo, Summar Creek, Amazing Eagi. "°" Koox, Jeck Bird, NevaJo Ack Ack. Coun Two, Undercover Men, Johannesbefg Time 1 22 4115 12 DAIL V DOUBLE U1·2) paid $32 80 THtltD ltACE. 6'11 lurtonga Summer Sanor (Hawley) 5 20 2 llO 2 410 tmmanent lnu• (Guerr•) 3.110 3 20 Proleuor Greene (Aragon) 5 llO Aleo raced Ourloo Oea100, H1wall1n S11>d, Ho Choy. J O Muon Br11chlld Time t 18 4/6 16 IXACTA (8·9) paid l<'O 00 '0UltT" ltACI. 1 lurlonO•· Time To bpk>d• (Plncay) 3 80 2.20 2 20 OkubO (McCarron) 2 410 2 410 Shuhy (Valenzuela) 3 20 Al10 raced Guarantee, Cnapet Creek, Some l ute Time t. 19 215 S5 Ell.ACTA (2·6) paid $19.00 FIFTH lt.ACI. One mile on lurl Glrlama (McCarron) 5 80 3 410 3 00 Oooo (Valenzuela) 8.80 5 410 El Pancho Angel (Upham) 5 20 Aleo raced· Cracking Form. Mailer &Ufoeon. e..u Solell Jotao Biiiy Jr PrlOf App1oval lll!lt 1 35 4116 M IXACTA t3·11 1>1ld t 1:\11 50 ttXT" ltACI &';\ tvrtonoa eooy Talk (MoCwron) 18 20 8 20 4 oo Known To Win (McHargua) 10 40 1 60 ~ullng Otplol!lat (Caatanlld•I 41 llO AlllC> raoao l ltuya lay, Oenoolda, Ledy Bold Dike, 8agelltnora. Son C.aenca Ttl!ll 1 04 215 tlVUf'" ltACI. 1¥. milet Of' turf Adu1n1 (Plerc;a) 12 II() 5 00 M1dem0111lle tvor (Hawley) 3 20 Pink Satlr (CHtanada) 3 80 300 II 20 Aleo raGad Brllltnl, r.111 Froid• Alhuana Hearth Time 2 t5 316 ts lllACTA (3-8) paid 195 00 12 PICK l tll (2·6-2-3·6·3) paid $2,686 40 wllh 11 wlnnlno ttcketa (11~ horsea) S:> Pick SI• con1ola1ton paid 140 00 wl1h t,7 t7 winning tlckell (five hOflll) '2 Piek Si• acratch cont olatlon pe1d 199 60 wtth 296 winning tlckelt (lour hOrtea, one scratch) EIGHTH ltACI. 1'\ mll11 Journey At See fMcCa•ron) 3 <40 2 60 2 60 cu .. Hltl• IPlneayl • 3 20 3 410 Guechen (Guarrl) 5 20 Alto reolld· SwOfd Blade. Atoardl, OO·Wfft Co111 Native, Indian o .. C1eet1u1. 011141 Clly Led DO Flnlahed fourth. <llaqu•lllled end pla<:ed l htlh Time 1 48 4115 NINTlt RACE. One mll4J on turl Nlgtll League (Mccarron) 6 60 BronzeadOf (Castaned•I Wentazee t8teck) . 1 Also raced v1ca11oner PleHe Snow Wa"'°'· Kundallnl, 0..Karo Time 1.35 115 le EXACT.A f2·5) paid $168 50 Attendance 30,687 480 400 780 5 80 6 20 Le Monl VOJENS, Denmark (AP) -• U .S . motorcycle rider1 took an ~arty lead on the dirt t.rack to win Saturd ay nl1ht'1 Inter- continental fin.ala for speedway motorcycle teams. qualifylna w1th Denmark for the World Team Cha mpions hlp• at London's White City Stadium in August. Led by world champion Bruce PenhaU and Shawn Moran, the U.S . team finished 16 heats with 34 points. England's team capt.ai.n, Kenny Carter, rode for 12 individual points but failed to push his favored team i'\to second against Denmark 's home -tra c k adv ant.age The Danes, weakened by the absence of Tommy Kundsen, finished with 28 followed by Eng land. 25. and Swede n, a distant four th with nine points. Organizers had protected the 300-me te r track from pouring ram earlier in the day. But the sloes finally cleared enough to attract 10.000 to watch the four - team semifinal. ---------------------- 19.97 3.33 Breeze Box• Fan 50 Plastic Trash Liners Slu•t1v plC1sl•c on<;trucl•O" w1lh hrass cou· piing!> 'I 0 A summer 11ec11 '°' lhe young'>tt'r'> "' your home Slu•Oy r19od pool 20 Fan wllh 3 speeds Fr>aluong !> hlaCle ro1or and safely gnll Strong plc1~hc trasr1 co1n l1n1>rs "'''" ;>O JO gal Ion capacity With 11cs 2.57 Kelloggs • Amend 2 Cubic IPel v1,gctablr Jnt1 Gami•n P1a1111nq Mi< Pt1n1 and P•ant Supptt•1 Not Available Commerce Jrd and f <1'Vfa1 Wtstttn and lm~nat 1.17 Assorted Color Pack Plants Ready to plant 6 Hearty plants 1n each loam pack Add color to your garden A - B . -"\. ' I ) . ·\..:..'._, . . . PoolSuppllee Not Avail. All K maria 5.97-24.93 l. 4-l.B's: Dry Chlorine 10.98 B. Floating CMorlnltor tue C. 35'x1'h" Vacuum Hou 24.93 D. Leaf Skimmer (not pichncl)--5.97 'N+t\h1 ·f'll 1.97 4 Eveready "AA" Batteries Long I.le Al~o11tne baneues 10< all uses ICMTC::j KMC t31 IG 13" ~~:.. Color Portable T elevislon Auto Color control and l1nP tun1nq ml'mory system With car phone 1ac1o. 14.97 Credit Card Calculator Calculate>< wilh handy clock. ancl alarm Bal· 1011ea included a"' 1 ,,, N' r1A.1~ 1 ~I . 1.18 Carpet Fresh TM Deodorizer Powt1er 1J1 or1orr1C'r V'"' U~(' With ,, Yl!Cuum cleaner Aelreshcs ur 1th •uq 11n•I room t t nr · .,. .. ,..,, ORDER TWO PAI N TS OF EACH WHEN YOU BRIN G YOUR ROLL or PAINT ~ILM IN AND SAVE' Flrtt print regular price plu1 developing , 2N0Prlnt 9 ¢ onty EACH 2 DAYS OILY JACKPOT -Costa Mesa's Jack Kennedy shows off a pair of silver salmon caught on the "Helena" out of Da vey's Locker in Newport Harbor. Taken near the Newport Pier . the salmon on the right weighed in at 25 pounds. From Page 81 ANGELS WIN. • • Renko for three runs in the fourth and another in the fifth. The biggest blow was Hal McRae's three-run homer over the center-field rence which erased a l·O Angel edge. Hassler came into the game after Renko had aJ.Jlowed five hits, and by the time the 11th inning rolled around, the Royals only had six. He ftnally departed in the 11th when he hit Willie Wilson with one out and walked Washington and Brett. Fortunately for the Angels, he got Wilson trying to steal before issuing the base on balls. That brought on Forsch, who got McRae to hit into a force play to end the Royals' threat. And even though he allowed Kansas City to take the lead in the top of the 12th, he wound up with his seventh win of the season against six losses with a little bit of help from Baylor. The third-largest crowd at Anaheim Stadium to see the Angels this year watched Royals' starter Vida Blue pitch six frustrating innings, allowing only a run in the first on Bria n Downing's double and Grich's RBI single. and Fred Lynn's two-run homer in the sixth. * * * ANGEL Nona -Rall! pitcher Oovg Corbett, w00 •AP«lenoed numbness In hit right (pttdllng) ell>ow In Friday nlOflt's game, will lllrow on tfle llde41Mt loday prior 10 Iha HrtH final•. Pttytlolan• gava Corbell a 111orougll axamlnallon and a Clean blll of '-Ith aher X.f'lyt _.. lllken, blll no txplanttlon •• 10 wtlll cauted Illa narve lrrllallon • . • Cenl., llaklet Amee Otte WU pulled from lhe Royal•' alarllng lineup eutfering !tom a mu9Clt llraln In lhe abdomen ..• Rallavar Den .-.-, WhO lllraw 20 mlnlltea of b11tlng practice F-ridey nlallt. It axpacfad to throw ~ before today'• game ,, ... -tlgttMe to COl!lt olf Iha dlaabled 1111 IHI Tllurtday lllM C1re•'• elghlh·lnnln9 home nm Friday ntohl WU the flrll ptncti-hft homef Of hit ~ . . It IN!Y be -prttlrlo to -thllt the Angele atlN l9ld IM Arn«lcan Laaoue In team earned f'\111 •-• wttll • 3.30 marlt. b\/t would you bellaY9 * * * S Hiii• 11 second In lhe league w it h a 3 .4 5 ERA7 . Followlno today'•'J•m•( top player• from tti. Unit Slat• and Japan Witt battle In tna nrs1 Q11N ot th• 11111 ann.ial Japtn·USA Colleglala BaMbah St<'tat. The _.... WIR ~~-*It al Oodglr Stlidlunl for game two . fen ,,..,. ago Satu«ley, the Angela fell vtctl"" of a no-1'1111., by eo.ton't l.t ..._ In a 2~ o.fMt. And, °" "'-H , 1810, Iha Angelt oompleted en around· Iha-horn trtpte pley 11 KlnMt City Oii a QrOUl!d blll b¥ .._ Otta. CMoo lMa 1t809td on Wrtt, _, 10 MCond kw a ,.,... to a..., • ..,,.. and the lhrOw to ""' to M1 CowM ntpptd °"9.. •. 9'wt IC ... wtio wM NI b¥ • tint ~ on tht '* of Taxaa· ,,... ...-. In '* !let cMlna. wlll ll'M todly'a ~etarf . ...,_ ~ Deft Oofb (()..1) wlll ...,, Meed 1ga1n11 the Royals' 941111 .._..In the 1~5 cont•'· 8.88 11.94 1.78 97 ~ Randle pulls disappearing act l 100 Ft. Extenalon Cord 4-Ft. Fluoreecent Light Fixture 2.5 oz.• B•n' Deodorant Shampoo •nd Conditioner Hffvy.OUty COtd IOt lnOoot'/outdoor UM 3· lntludo• two 40-wan fluorttcenl tubes. chain, R•ler "' uneoen1eo rOlt on •nll-9tftpilanl Super ric;h 1111111poo and condlhonor, en Wine groundOd Orlnge. rtlle¢lor. E11y lo a ... mtlle. 1Ftoi. l\anctd with vltamtn1 0 6 E 18·FI. Ot. SUN.-MON ., JUNE 27·28. 1982 PEa ~c:::m .--. SEATTLE (AP) -The Seattle Mariners have asked waivers on veteran utility infielder Lenny Randle, who waa dealanated for assignment Tuesday. "We had heard nothlJ\I from him," Nld Dan O'Bnen., the Marinen' prelldent. "We even called hla agent. ln the end, we had no cboice. •t Randle, 33, had the option of becom1nc a tree 11ent or aotna down to S.Jt Lak• City, the Mariners' Triple A farm club in the Pldfic Coeat 1..eque. .. •• DON'T MISS OUR MONTH•IND, JUNE CLEARANCE 1974 OPEL MANTA SPORT COUPE Auto trans . radio & heater. exceptionally clean and new paint Must see to appreciate• (265KLL) 5 2299 1981 ISUZU 11LS" COUPE 5 speed transmission. AM-FM radio, alt the factory equipment, just over 11,000 miles. custom wheels & tires. (tCOA945) •5799 1174 Y.W. SIPEll IEOLE "SllWAIEI" 4 speed. stereo cassette. sunroof & more• Completely reconditioned with new gold metalllc paint & saddle brown interior. Don't get the bug 1111 you see this one! (729405) 1171 PEUIEOT "514" DIESEL 4 speed trans .. AM-FM cassette. power steering, power brekes. power windows. sunroof & m0<el Very cleanl (049TZU) A real steal at only 54799 1971 TOYOTA "E-5" URITOP Rare 5 speed model for outstanding economy with stereo cassette. custom exl erlor trim & morel (677RLF). Great graduation gltt for only 5 2999 1111 llOllA ACCORD Popular 5 speed mOdel wtth air conditioning. AM-FM stereo and root rack. Spotle11 beige tlnlsh wtth matching Interior. (914Zm. •5999 1111 IWDA "121" COIPE Automatic trans., air cond .. AM-FM stereo, alloy Wheels, custom trim package & morel Exceptional car In every respect with only 15.000 miles ( 18JZ435) 5 6499 1111 TIYITI OOllOLU 2 Hiii The ultimate In economy with a 4 speed trans , AM-FM Slereo, exterior trim package. & more. Spotless brown metallic llnlsh with beige Interior ( 1 CT P811 ). Just 15,000 mites for only 5 5399 1111 MlllA AOllU .... sou 5 Speed, Bir coNS., powet 8t8e(lng, power brakes. stereo cassette & more• ( 1AOU363) The ultlmate In economy with a louch of luilury at a bargain price of just 1110 TIYOTI 4 10011 CIESlllA The ulllmate Toyota Sedan with auto . full power. a1r cond .• Jlua tilt wheel. -:ru1se control. AM·fi. stereo & more! Under 22.000 miles! Spotless met brown ext8'10f with beige velour interior (580ZVT). 5 8599 TOYOTA 1966 Harbor BIVd. .-.. SPECIAL GREEll RIBBOll BUYS These late model, low mileage cars all carry Earle Ike's exclusive 2 year 24,- 000 mile warranty. You can't losel BEST BUYS IN ORANGE COUNTY! e1111 OllEYmE UTOlllOI OPE. s3999 Economlcal 4 speed with air cond .. r11d10, tilt wheel. root rack. custom Interior. exterior trim package & morel Excepllonal Inside & out! (507XJX). e 1111 IOllE OULLEllEll SNllT COIPE Auto. trans., air cond., full power, tilt wheel. stereo tape, alloy wheels & more. Sterllng allver over charcoal tu-tone with low low miles. (18JK724). Don't miss thi. one at just e1111 TOYOTA CELIOI LflUCI 5 speed transmlaalon, 81r conditioning, AM~M etereo, rear Window shade & MOrel You've got to '" this two tone beeutyl (687WPL). '5399 •5999 e 1111 TOYOTA COllOIA LlnllCI Hard to find "Luxury Edition" with automatic overdrive trans., air cond .. ~ steering & brakes, tilt wneel, cruise control. stereo cassette & morel (tBUL483) 1979 VOLVO "244 DL" Auto. trans . air cond • power ateerlng, power brakes & very clean Light blue finish with dark blue interior. Don't miss this onel (187XWB) 56499 1171 Fiii YO OUTUI I P&SIEllll Equipment includes power ltMfing, radio. power brakes, Interior decor and completely original Inside and out! (219WOA) 5 3699 1110 TOYOTA TERCEL SUll ROOF 4 speed, stereo cassette. alloy wheels. custom Interior & exterior trim The ulttmate In economy & fun to drivel ( 1AOS832) 5 4699 SIPU SllROOF Au1omatlc trans .. air cond., full power, AM-FM stereo, tilt wheel, cruise control. power door locks, alloy Wheels & morel Rare black metallic finish with Bordeaux Interior. (499ZTI). 5 8999 1979 TOYOTA CELICl "LIFTBlCK" 5 speed. air cond . AM-FM stereo. alloy wheels, rear shade & r'lore Low miles & spotless 1n every respect. (413WRA) 5 5999 1171 TOYDTI SIPlll Automatic trans .. lull power, air cond., etereo tape. tllt wheel, cruise control, alloy wheels & morel Just over 27.000 mtlea on this metalllc brown beauty. See It tOdayl {8S.XJW). 5 6999 1977 TOYOTA CELICl "LIFTBlCK" Auto trans .• air cond stereo tape power brakes & more. (987SEWI A rare find & extra clean lor only 5 4799 1171 OIM "OllP IOllUZI LOlllEI Automatic transmlaalon. air cond .. power steermg & brakes, tilt Wheel, SIX-PAC camper and low miles! Must see to appreciate! (1G34888). "IL" PIOUIE Popular 5 speed W1th air cond., lull power. cruise control, leather seats, power mirrors. stereo cassette with equalizer & power boost, alloy wheels & rally tires Just over 8.000 miles.( 100K384) 511,999 1981 MAZDA 11GLC " Popular front wheel drive 5 speed. fully tactory eQu•PPed plus e1tterior tnm package 8 more' Just over 10.000 miles 11BWY6051 Take a look at only 5 4999 1111 11111 cmc °CYCC" LlmACI Economical 5 speed with air cond., stereo cassette. exterior trim package & m ore {726ZLF) An outstanding buy at only 1111 Y.W. UlllT 2 11111 lllTClllCI Popular 4 speed fuel lnjecied mOdel with a stereo cassette, custom interior and more. (793SYZ). Low miles A steal lor Just <714) 646-9303 (714) 540-9467 ~~ -------------~ - I ,. • • • • ' ' I . ,. . ' . . .. . . , ' ' IUJllfDAY, JUNE 1'7, 1982 A toast to the president: Carol South, Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerc:e Mollie Parnis offers slim look for fall • • • C4 Aloe vera as beauty aid . ·. · . C2 '• --- • Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Juno 27, 1982 Aloe vera big boost to beauty aid business By VIDA DEAN D.itr,........., ..... Rooently a friend and I were chattlns about akin care product.It 1md di tfcrent Unes of makeup when lhe aaked me what. I knew about aloe vera. I aald I know It'• In a lot or producta and I've heard It'• very good as a treatment tor bums. Alt.er I left her, I began to think about aloe vera. What did 1 really know about it, what was it? .VD~ Included painful muacle •puma A.l&o, it wu very bluer to the wtu. Tho aloe mucilage. raw from tho Creah plant la Wied externally aa an analgesic for bums, ecrapee, 1unburn and Insect bit.es and to promote healing of t10rea ca~ by theftC occurrences. A university team, aaya Dr. Weiner's book, has found that aJoe is a moet l'ffective agent to wie In treatment of mmor rudiation bums, and, because It Is a soothing liquid, the aloe juice is uacd in many cosmetics. So Its versatility seems to know no end. Valtny durtna her villt to Newport Beach for the grand openins of her facial salon. At that time she told me about her new book and the chapter that she Included deecriblng ingredient.I to be found In C<l8metics. She lists aloe WI "IOOthlng, healing, natural sun screen, burn re generator that drawa lnfecllon at the akln surface and IB a sedative for nervous skin." , Going through my library, I found a book on herbs, Dr. Michael Wt•iner's guide to Herb Medicine. I discove red there are about 180 species of these succulents in different sizes and forms of aloe. Most have spiny edges. rock garden. Their first use as medicine came in 333 B.C. when Alexander the Great heard of thi.a plant and aent a corn.rni&5ion to the island of Socotra (Zanzibar) to check out the plant and to return At one drug store, I found a complete line of skin care products, cleansers, fresheners, llO&Pfl and aloe gel Aloe vcra seems to be ever ywhere for everything. T here is a television corrunerclal - girls dancing and singing 'We've got aloe vera' - promoting a hair removal lotion. They promise smoother and softer legs if you use their product. You can find the plants at garden ahopa and grow it in your kitch en so you may have immediate access ln case of burns, so frequent ln a busy kitchen. I have never tried it for bum treatment, but friends tell me it really works. When my friend asked me about aloe vet'a, she also wondered where I got m,Y ideas for my column. Maybe I shouldn't tell her, but sometimes the idea comes from something I see, read or problems I have and sometimes 1t is aa simple as a casual question during a chat with a friend. The aloe's home originally was the African desert, according to the book, and so they will grow well in direct sunlight and, due to their stiffness and radial synunetry. they fit well in a with samlles. The wee from the aloe leaves were used Qll a purga ve or cathartic. It was mixed with fennel to offset undesirable side effecta which Earller this year. I interviewed Christi!le SCR auction to offer more than 350 items If you like to buy at bargain prices or if you love to travel and enjoy good food and entertairunent. the place for you on July 10 is the fourth annual variety s how and auction at South Coa st Repertory. The old -fash ioned them e for this fund-raiser as a t.akeoff from the season's final production, "Tintypes." The c.-elebration begins at 6:30 p.m. with a gourmet dinner catered by Pe nnington. Outside the the ater a giant hot-air balloon will dominate the food serving a rea which will be decorated with colorful balloons and a barbe rshop quartet will entertain With SO flgS reflecting the era of 1900-1920. Following dinner, more than 350 items, valued in excess of $70,000 will go on the auction block. Mel Giller will conduct a live auction inside on center stage, explained even t s general ~hairman, Jane Martin. A silent auction will be staged in the lobby, and a flea market sale will be held on Second Stage. Martin said. Going to the highest bidders will be s uch prizes as trips and vacation packages to far away romantic places including a 28-day cruise through the Mediterranean and Caribbean Seas which has been donated by Royal Cruise Lines. Fre nc h Airlines, UTA h as provided a vacation in Tahiti, and hopeful travelers may bid for a 21 -day tour of nine European countries courtesy of Trafalgar Tours. F ARA WAY PLACES --Successful bidders at the SCR July 10 auction will be heading for faraway places. Jane Martin, standing, and her assistant chairwoman Diane Diehl display posters to publicize the travel opportunities. Over 70.000 items will go on the block. Other bid items include trips to Chicago, Phoenix, Palm Springs and San Francisco and the use of vacation condominiwns in Mammoth, Snowmass, Colo., Palm Desert. Ojai, San Luis Obispo, Coto de Caza and the Winners Circle Beach and Tennis Club. Robinsons CHANEL'S PALE NEW PASTELS ADD JUST A TOUCH OF GLOWING COLOR TO YOUR GOLDEN SUMMER SKIN · Les Nalurels ·· pink and peach from Paris. 1s Chanel's newest color direction Sheer washes of color lor your ltps Transparent tints for your nails Exclusive new Ouadra color I collect1ons tor your eyes in gleaming. burnished shades French Pink or Peach lipstick. $9.50 Lip Gloss $10. Nail enamels. $7.50 Ouadra Shadow w11h 4 colors. $30. Also d1·:.cover Te1nt Sport/Protective Color Creme Just a few amazing drops will protect your skin against the sun. add a glow of color and give you all the moisture you need for the dav $16.50 Robinson's Cosmetics 197 To order. call 1011 tree 1·800·345-8501 Also to be auctioned off are tickets to Angel , Dodger a nd Rams games, numerous dinners. brunch with Dr. and Mrs . R o he n Schuller along with reserved seating a t the C r yst a l Cathedral, luggage, cases of wine and aerobic dance lessons At the flea market, you might pack up a tie donated by Johnny Carson, a . ReRRie Jackson autographed baseball. a Disneyland VIP hosted tour, lunch with Denver Pyle, a day on the set of "The Dukes of Hazzard" or a private tour for eight or the Playboy Mansion plus theater props and costumes. An hour of music and laughter is promised by Director John-David Keller, when actors in SCR's resident company presents its variety show. "A special treat this year will be the appearance o f SC R 's Y o ung Conservatory Players who ~ill be making their SCR mainstage debut," Keller said. "We expect 525 to attend the event," Martin said, "and we expect to improve on last year's achievement by 40 percent and we even ho~ to surpass this year's goal of $60,000 for the SC'.R 1981 -82 annual fund." Martin is first vice president of the governing board and is in charge of ways and means for the guilds. She is a member of the Irvine Guild. Assisting Martin has been Diane Diehl, assistant general chairman for the a uction. "The response from individuals, businesses and corporations has been very tmpressive." Diehl said. "People are very enthusiastic about supporting the kind of theater and community service that SCR is presenting." Diehl also is a member of the Irvine Guild. Others working on the committees of the Fnends of SCR Guilds are Barbara Bryant, Joyce Justice. Janyce Hustwit, Be lly Taylor. Ruth Goulet, Barbara Murray, Kay McDonald, Marlene Hermes, Judy Dobbs, She rene Ross, Sharley Lampert, Doris Pascale. Daphne Walker, Ed Parr, Mia Terry, Mary Dell Lucas, Catherine Thyeb, No reen Peschke. Katnv Stuart. Patty Gaunt. Dot Clock and Barbara Slote. Working with the guilds are the SCR board of trustees and FACES, a support group of young professionals. Tic k e ts , catal og s a nd further information can be obtained by calling SCR. "Ticket deadline is June 30," said Martin. "Dress for the evening is just dressy, not too forma l and not too casual," she added. Officers installations held by women's group Mrs. James Gilmore has been installed as president of the Costa Mesa Women's Club. Serving with her will be Mmes. Gilbert Starkenburg, D. L. Albrecht and Arthur Bussler, vic.'e presidents; H. Earl Scott and John R. Thompson, secretaries and Viola Munsey, treasurer. The club will resume meetings an September. Taking over the gavel as president of the Affiliates of Laguna Beach Museum of Art is Trudy Farrington. Her board includes Arnita Albright. Beverly Tuttle, Susie Eisenhart, Landa Toney, Hazel Castle and Mary Jane Yohe. Other organizations installing new officers include the Patrons of Golden West College and the Orange County Chapter of USC's T own and Gown Juruor Auxiliary. , (~-YOU CAN NOW CHARO£ YOtm ROBINSON!& PUACttASES ON THE AMERICAN EXPRi189 CARO~ Will A8 YOUR AOllNION'I CAEOIT CMo.------L-~ . . • r "_.,...,._,_,. ••••• Carol wears a striped chiffon Oscar de la Renta creation. Harem pajamas and tunic top is covered with flowing caftan. A woven silk cord belt accents the bright stripes of fuchsia, red and green. Price of the four pieces is $1315. An outfit well suited for Carol's role as a businesswoman and president of Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce. The Benton Limited three-piece suit of moss rose and natural linen is priced at $660. Orange Coast lady of fashion: Carol South They say if you want a job done you ask a busy person. The Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commerce must have had this in mind when electing Carol South its 75th president. She has been a member of the orgaruzation for more than seven years and during that time has filled many positions inclucling executive vice president last year. And stepping into the role of president is not a new undertakmg for her . She was president of the Women's Division of the chamber in 1979 and 1980 after having served as vice president in 1978 and on its executive board for three years. In 1981 South was chairman of the Silver Anchor awards and chauman of the Wimbledon, West Tennis Tournament. She is an active member on the vital government.al affairs committee, the Captains Club, the membership committee and the Commodores Club. Besides her work with the chamber. she is first vice pres.1dent of the Cabaret Chapter of the Orange County Music Center. a Charter 100 executive board and charter member of the organization of women in achieveme nt; a member of SUN (Speak Up Newport); a member of the International GraphoanaJysis Society: a member of John Wayne Tennis and Balboa Bay clubs and was recently elected to the board of South Orange County Voluntary Action Center. And it's not all work and no play for South -her hobbies include tennis, handwriting analysis, sailing and gourmet cooking. South is a native of Carlsbad, N.M .. who moved from Pasadena to Orange County m 1972. She resided in Newport Beach for more than six years before buymg her present home m lrvine. The chamber's president is manager of commercial and institutional marketing for Albert C. Martin and Asscc , a firm of planners, architects and engineers, in Irvine. Previously she was associated with the KoU Co., ColdweU Banker Commercial Brokerage and Cannell and Chaffin. South studied at New Mexico University and holds a Certified Master Graphoanalyst with the International Graphoanalysis Society In the world today women make so many contributions in all areas that it's hardly newsworthy to mention -but South is the first female president in the chamber's 75 years of existence. Chamber member Tim Parker said, "The personal involvement Carol has brought to the office is genuine. Her interest and concern for others' opinions are making her a sut'CeSSfuJ president." COVER -Carol South, president of the Newport Harbor Area Chamber o f Commerce, wears an Alfred Bosa.nd gown from Neirrl8n Marcus' Couture Salon. Silver bugle beads and pearls fully trim the blouson bodice of the $2. 795 peach chiffon creation designed with a Fortuny pleated skirt. Carol was photographed at Balboa Bay Club by Daily Pilot photographer Pat.rick O'Donnell. a very special boutique for children at W estport Square J69E 17th St ,Costa Me111.642~714 specializin8 in fashions for the youn8er members of the family. St FLORENCE EISEMAN ~ BETII TERRELL ¥°'FISCHEL ~ ABSOABA ~ PETIT BA TEAU FELTMAN BROS. ~ SYLVIA WHITE o-e~ogable $Mlp~!aq ~pellcace The cyclamen tie adds a dash of color to the white of the blouse Carol wears with the black wool and rayon St. John Knit suit. This suit will go from the office to a cocktail party or dinner. Perfect for California wearing, and why not? The St. John Knits come from Irvine just as Carol does. The suit is priced at $485. cordially invites you to attend a STENDHAL • PARIS special skin care and makeup seminar Tuesday • June 29 Our experts will help you select the best Regime for your own skin -plus the newest colors! You will learn to create your own very special look. Space Is llmlted at this unique event! Please call to make your appointment by phoning 714-540-3233, Ext. 363 There is a 1 15.00 tee applicable to any purchase from the Stendhal Collection. South Coast Plaza 3333 Bristol Street -Costs Mesa C3 ~'Honeymoon Capital ' hot . hit by ·sudden crush By ED McCULLOUGH •1uol1tld ,,_,. Wl'ttlf NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. -June is the tradlUonal wedding month, but \Our ~mot.era arld hotel managers ln the 'Honeymoon Capital of the World" didn't get a sudden crush of brfdea and grooms ln can trailing tin cans. That probably never happens in Niagara Falls, despite the city's nickname and reputation. The newlywed market was pretty brisk once, though . Now, it's almost ignored. But a plan is now finally being developed to capitalize on the city's worldwide reputation. "We're planning a nationwide contest to find the oldest couple who had their honeymoon in Niagara Falls," said Paul Verciglio, president of the Hotel and Motel Association. The prize is free trip to Niagara Falls. "We have given honeymooners a great deal of thought recently." Verciglio said. "We plan to r e- establish Niagara Falls as the honeymoon capital of the world." John Oliver, director of tourism at the Convention and Visitors Bureau, said that Niagara Falls is not actively sold as a honeymoon destination. "We all offer a h oneymoon package, but it's a small part of our business." added Norma Andersen, dlrector of sales and marketing at the historic Hotel Niagara. This lack of promotion is surprising, co nsidering the city's close identification with newlyweds. The most recent issue of Modem Bride magazine ranked Niagara Falls with the U.S. Virgin Islands and Me>0co and called it "the most famous honeymoon spot on earth." To city officials and businessmen, however. a newlywed la .!wt another tourist, and brides and brfdesrooma are a lot harder to attract than bowlers and bridge players. Conventions are what the city wants . Last year 128 ,000 conventioneers came and 16 5 conventions pledged to come in the near future. "AB Niagara Falls sita today, most advertising money is geared to the general public -tourists," Verclglio said. "l don't think any of the hotels ever really did anything to attract honeymooners. It was a natural evolution because of the falls." "Several years ago, somebody did a very rough survey," Oliver said. "Somewhere between 5 and 7 percent" of all tourists -about 5 million last year, from dozens of countries -were honeymooners. Travelers have flocked to Niagara Falls since the 1830s, when a railroad spur linked it with nearby Lockport and the Erie Canal. Those were the days when the city was a summer spa for the wealthy, who came fo r its restaurants, rambling inns and Turkish baths with water pumped in fresh from the cataracts. "It was a chance to get away quickly and very comfortably," said city historian Donald Loker, who noted that picnickers came by trolley from as far away as Cleveland and Rochester. "Pleasure travel did not truly come in until the railroads." How Niagara Fall s became identified with honeymooners is unknown. Loker said, though it's "good speculation" that newlyweds represented a distinct group among the wealthy and the day-trippers who were the early travelers. A child's art exhibit due by Laguna Niguel Women's C lub A children's art corner will be sponsored Sunday, July 4, by the LAGUNA NIGUEL WOMAN 'S CLUB at the community celebration at Crown Valley Community Park. Children may draw impressions of the Fourth of July and in return, receive a flag and have their pic ture displayed. NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS is hosting a luncheon June 30 for members of the OASIS Club in the community room of their Corona del Mar branch, 3021 Pacific Coast Highway . For information, call 759-9471 . SIGMA KAPPA SORORITY officers Carmen Smith and Shari Garay. of the West Orange County Alumnae. are attending the sorority's national convention in Kentucky. NEWCOMERS ' CLUB OF NEWPORT BEACH will tour the Norton Simon Museum of Art in Pasadena July 8. For transportation arrange ments. call 720-0639 or 765-1683 OLDER WOMEN'S LEAGUE chapter is being organized in South Orange County to help women with their problems and their needs. The fledgling group will meet July 8 at 4 p.m. at the South Orange County YWCA. F o r inform ation . ca ll 838-6247 fitness& fashion Richard Ouellette Announces the Grand Opening of His New Fitness and Fashion Phenomenon on June 27th It's called That's Some Body. and our team of fitness experts are going to help you bend and stretch that body into the greatest shape ever. And to emphasize your That's Some Body look. we've gathered a unique and colorful collection of designer bodywear and acttve- wear. Plus a special Uneof condi- tioning products. It's a total fltness and fashion con- cept designed to create and maln- taln the klnd-0f healthful vitality and beauty that turns heads. SO you can be that special some- body. Reception from 5 to 7 p.m. Near the Bullocks Wllshlre corridor. Seventy-seven Fashion Island. Newport Beach. Coltfornla 92660 (71 4) 6-44-BODV Hours: Mon .. Wed .. Fri. 6:30-8: Tue1 .• Thun. 7-8: Sat 8 30-5 , / Or1ngt Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, June 27, 1982 Mollie Th• Executive Jelly Bean Jar. We'hove on elegant Jelly bean Jar for YOll' favorite V.l.P .. Hondcut Waterford crystal. 7" high. $118.50 Parnis: The fall collection for 1 9 8 2 will focus strongly on slim look Plan Now For Your July 4th Celebration Let us help you with: Tables Chairs Canopies Barbeques 5 gal. thermovats Beer Kart and much more 1151 Baker S tr eel The Mollie Pa.mis silhouette for fall 1982 is slim. The evening cloth es, still slim, though spiral flounces or big pouts of taffeta or satin m ay b e added, are dramatically beautiful. Silk crepe dresses are soft in i nteresting colorings and pr in ts. Waistlines are varied. Ultrasuede suits are part of the 1982 collection designed by George Sa.men. The fabtjc is practical and one that so many sop~twated women Jove. Satin cocktail suits re flect the nostalgic look. Mollie Parnis adores b eaded evening jackets and regards them as her signature each year. RICHARD C. AGNEW. M.D. American Board of Obste trics & Gynocology ---Cojfa r/!/eja, Cafi/ornia 92626 ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OF HIS NEW OFFICE 1 320 SUPERIOR •390 NEWPORT BEACH CALIFORNI A 92663 We've got your style at the Garage ... Quiksilver, Moul, and Offshofe. Telephone (714) 63 1-9000 -------------------- &~~[; 56 FASHION IS~ND · ~RT BEACH · (714) ~103~ -P9': • -.. .,. .... ---:· -,,. -------·--·-·•......-__. ..... -........... -------·--·-··-ft~ .......... tt d'C • M ..... t ................. • 0 "tn*•~W ~' $ M ...., ........ *'-lllli---·---· ............. -- ... ----~ • I Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, June 27, 1982 ·ca BY VIDA DEAN or ... .,.,... ... " Did you happen to eee that plane puWng a banner and clrcllns above Balboa Bay Club lut week? That was a salute to Dora and Ned Hill w'ho were In the clubhouse below celebratlns their 50th weddlns anniversary. Their children hosted the reception, and about 300 friends called to congratulate them. "There were 18 Hills at the party, Including all aeven of our grandchildren and three of our great-grandchildren," Mra. HW aaid. Hoet.lng their parenta were sons, Tom and flank, along with their wives, Jean and Joan, and -.lao Barbara HW, who was wile to their late son, Kim, who died in 1974. Dora Owens and Edgar Hill w ere married on .June 18, 1932 in the Chi Omega House at Hillsdale College In Michigan where shb was a teacher. Following the marriage, they lived in Los Angeles until moving to Lido Isle in 1940 where he •tabllshed a ship building company. During their 42 years in Orange County, they have been influential members o{ many Qrgani:iations and have made outstanding contributions to the lives of many people. Hill helped start Mariner's Bank, and with John Wayne, helped form the 552 Club, a support group for Hoag Memorial Hospital. He is a charter roember of ~ Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Commeree commodore Club, served as president of the chamber and was a founder of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Dora Hill became active in St. Andrews and led the drive to establish Hoag. She was president of the Orange County Chapter of the Florence Crittent.On Services, but probably is best known as the first woman to serve as mayor of Newport Beach. SUPPER WITH SINATRA? -That experience is awaiting the patrons of the South Coast Foundation for the Developmentally Disabled following the Frank Sinatra benefit Sept. 25 at Irvine Meadows Amphitheater. First patrons were announced at a cocktail party last week hosted by Tim Strader of the Koll Company. These are Rolla Thorsdale, Strader, Lance Blue of Commerce Bank, Dick Allen of Servatron, Mamie Reed, Mike Gering of Gering Law offices, Larry Hoffman, Lloyd Massey of Birtcher Pacific, Bob Rau of Parker Hannifin, Terrence Melton, Margaret Fluor and Danilo Cacciamatta of Peat, Marwick. Mitchell and Co. Another patron cocktail party will be hosted August 21 by Chanteclalr Restaurant. The black tie supper is sponsored by Heritage &nk which has contributed $20,000 toward the affair. Additional information on patron/corporate sponsor packages may be obtained by calling the foundation office at 645-7791. NEW DIRECTORS FOR NEW DrRECTIONS: -Mark F.c:fwards, Anne Nutt, Joy Pool, John Sauer, Janet Smith, Bud Willis and Vida Dean were welcomed as new members of the board of New Directions for women at a dinner held at the BalbQa &y Club. Hills celebrate 5q years of wedded bliss HAPP Y COUPLE -Golden balloons were flying to mark the golden wedding a nniversary of Dora and Ned Hill, 1 celebrated at Balboa .8ay Club. To greet more than 300 well-wishers, Mrs. Hill wore a blue gray dress and a lei of miniature orchids. Retiring president Sue Schaar announced continuing board members and the offices they will hold for the cominJl vear. Dot Clock will serve as president with Dorothy Hardcastle, recording secretary; Cecilia Nott, corresponding secretary; Jim Nicol, treasurer; Grant NcNiff, fund-raising chairman and Sally Coombe, public relations chairman. Others continuing are Carolyn Johnsrud, &bette Kelly, Bev Langston and Les Thomas along with Schaar. New board member Anne Nutt will serve as vice president. Retiring board members are Sam Cunningham, Linda Krucker, Diane Lawson, Bart Por\;er and Carole Tomlinson. Guests had the opportunity to view a new slide presentation on New Directions whic' is a residential facility in Costa Mesa which nouses alcoholic women in their recovery program. Janie Arnold, executive director for the facility, established in 1977 by the Junior League of Newport Harbor, said the slide presentation is available to organizations for use as program material. Guests included members of the-Dolphins, Women's Auxiliary for New Directions (WAND) and Las Socias, groups that help support the non-profit facility. New Directions operates without the support of any government funding, depending instead upon foundations, corporations and individuals who contribute money for its support. CELEBRATING -Three of the 18 Hills attending Ned and Dora's golden party were, from left, Hank, Barbara and Tom Hill. CONTI NUES SERVING -Cecilia Nott with husband Bruce at the New Directions dinner at Balboa Bay Club. The continuing board member will serve as corresponding secretary . ... . NEW DIRECTIONS -Sue Schaar, standing, has retired as president of the New Directions board and passed her dutie5 along to Dot Clock. With the former and the present is Grant McNiff, fund -raising chairman. TAGGED -Jim Nicol has been tagged • for treasurer of New Directions and he is , · being name-tagged by J Muriel Zink as Russ Zink watches. Sl8ft Photoe Anthony•• S"9e Service • Bank of America • Chari• Bar Jewetera •Crown Hardware • Dr. Lou Elder• The Hair Handler• Salon •Halliday'• Men'• Clothing • Hickory far'!'• • Humpty OUfftPtY • La Galleria • Market BUket • M• Amiee Teena • Nancy Dunn Antiques • Newport Balboa Savtnga • Paper Unlimited • Sav-On Drug• • Stcnkeeper • Veta'a Intimate Apparel • Weetcllff CleaMrt • Weatcllft Corners • Westcllff Shoes • Xavter'a Florllt ' .. li:i~ ............................................... 1111119 ............ _.. ....................................................................................... -... ........ -......-...--..--.-..-..--.... .-..-... ............. __ ..,._~ ....... - f \ • Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, June 27, 1982 TRAVEL Computer camps will be youngsters' rage for summer By CYNTHIA ROBERTS A tt'ae1• ,_ Wrht HARRIS BURG, Pa. -Cumpcr 's cht~klisl. Sneaken , pockut knife, compass, backpack. blut• jean.a, computer chlp11 and rloppy discs. Computer chips and floppy dillCS? Abeolutely, becau.ee the summer of '82 will see thowiands of younp1ers across the nation in special computer camps, which are popping up like ao many pockoi calculators during a math quiz. From California to Cape Cod, Wiscon sin to Texas, camp directors are teaming up computer programs with slng-alon gs, weenie roasts and mountain hikes. And this kind of high-tech camping doesn't come cheap. Two-week sessions at residential camps range from $650 to nearly $800 Cor computer classes and a variety of activities. including sailing and bicycling. For the budget-conscious. there are computer day camps and summer programs at many of the nation's colleges, high schools and science centers. Arthu r Michaels of Computer Camps International says he has had more than 8,000 inquiries from across the nation and 17 countries about his camps in Wisconsin, Texas and New England. "It's not Just a United States phenomena. It's sweeping the world:" said Michaels, who's planning to expand from 300 campers last year to 3,000 this season. In hot competition Cor those Pac-Man champs and computer wizards is Atari Inc. A newcomer to camping, the compu ter game king is opening camps in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, California and Wisco n sin. The company also is consid e r ing underwriting day camps for inner city youngsters at the Capital Children's Museum in Washington, D.C. National Computer Camps in Connecticut is the UNIV AC of computer camping -it was the first and destined to be copied Mik e Fla ks, administrative director, was running specialty sports camps five years ago when an acquaintance suggested there s h ould be a summer place for non-jocks. "When we first started, I'd say we really got the eggheads," Flaks said. "You know, the kids with horn-rimmed glasses. Now we're attracting the all-around kid. not just a math or computer genius." Computer camps accept young people from ages 9 to 18. About 70 percent of the applicants are boys, but directors say more girls are applying each year. Instructors are coUege computer majors or high school and university teachers. The camps use a variety of home computers from firms such as Texas Instruments, Commooore, Atari, IBM and Apple. "It's really an offshoot of the education market, whkh we've been into since the very beginning," said Apple spokesman Stan De Vaughn. The finn has donated close to $1 million in computers to schools across the United States. Two OCC tr ips set Tw o ove r night backpacking trips are planned by the Orange Coa s t Co ll ege's Community Service Office, with Don Baud. a biolo g y a nd ecology instructor. leading both. The San Jacinto area is the destina tion of a trek scheduled J uly 10 and 1 1. while back- pack ers on t he July 31-Aug. 1 trip will go in t o the Cucamon ga wilderness. - School children work with computers at camp. hoping to lure young consumers who will remember Apple when the family shops Cor a home computer. Each camp strives for distinction. Marist College Computer Camp in New York offers tours of West Point's com puter cen ter an d an IBM plant, while Computer Camp Inc .. based in Santa Barbara. delights campers with R2D2-type robots. At Compute r Camps In te r nation al, all youngsters get a dose of computer ethks. Director Michaels decided to add a session on t:opyright laws and ethics after he paid $300 for a computer list that showed the mc.'Omes of the parents of prospective campers. "I began to think about 1t: What right does some computer have to hold au that mfonnation?" Michaels said. "Computers have the capability of robbing us of some of our individuality and rights." Some camps structure computer classes and let campers experiment in their free time. Another holds three-hour sessions in the morning, "then we virtually lock the doors and kick 'em outside." said a camp spokeswoman For in formation call the office at 556-5527. Catching up w ith lost luggage ~DoN·T MISS THE BOAT~ LAST CHANCE TO CRUISE THE MEXICAN RIVIERA ON THll •RAND NlrW CARNIVAL CRUISI! LINI! TROPICALE FORT WORTH (AP) -In the early 1930s, the president o f th e n American Airways was plagued for a time with complaints by travelers over lost luggage. Dl 1 ht' "I 'un Ships" .,.._-nCTOBER 24 & NOVEMBER ~ ....... EXCLUSIVE SPACE AVAILABLE In one of the m ost dramatic changes in the history of Las Vegas gaming, w e've re-set virtually a ll of our slots to the m ost frequent pay-offs available in southern Nevada All types. All denominations. Except the giant jackpot m achines. Simply stated, it m ea ns you can win more and play long er at the Frontier. So come stay with usandwear a winning smile. See the # l show in Las Vegas Slegfded • Roy Superstars of M agic in "Beyond Belief'' PRDITIBR LIS VIDAS Call now tor reservations-toll tree (800) 634-6966 ofie· ~ . '· ., . Th e execut i ve summoned his managers f rom throug h ou t t he country to a meeting and arranged to have their baggage lost in transit. "We had a lot more efficiency afte r that,'' the p r e s id e n t w as quoted. ----from s995ooper peraon---... 5384 WALNUT AVE., IAVINE, C A. Sflde ll'r...W.tton ·Get aU the extraS at an extra-low price! J ·: ', . • ·., 1" I• My Ith 1 P·'"· 551-B y By RIVP July 2-5, 1982 Price includes deluxe accommodations, breakfast and lunch dally. JuJy4th guests can enjoy our famous Sunday Brunch and our pool·side barbecue picnic plus a day long variety of contests. games and activities for all ages. $27 .so• per person/per night For Information and Reservation• call (602) 948-7111. or Toll Free (800) 228-9290 •e.ud on double occupancy. advance reMrvatlons required. subject to space 111allable Tax and gratulflu not Included. Not appllcable to gTOUPf ,----- ' FareCoden& .............. Extra #l . Un.lttd's famous Royal Hawallan Sttvtce. You'll savor authenuc Polynesian dehcac1es Sip exotic dnnks Watch a great first-run movie or relax with stereo-all in sumptuous Royal Hawaiian style Extra #2. Un.ltech con"ftl.ltoi Advance Quit-In. When you Oy United. you can reserve both your fa11orite seats and aJI your round-U1p boarding passes -in advance -with just a single call Extra # 3. The moat DOOltop wklebodJcs aotns. Only United has 7-747k. Monday thru Friday, and 8 on Saturday and Sunday to take you off to the excitement of Honoluiu In widebody comfort. Extra #4. The easy way to .w ttt«Vadou. Call your favorite 11-avel Agent Or call United anytime. anywhere. And If at the last moment your plans change.Just pick up the phone to get your new reservations-H's that easy Extra #S. Yoe11 tet HawaU dlrotltb tht eytt ot the people who bow btr bat. The people of United. They're our biggett extra of all. Because nobody can bring all the maatc and wonder of the Islands right on board the way we do In the friendly sides. 'lbur hosts-many of them nauve Hawaiians-share It all with you on your way to "our IJule comer of the world:' UnJtedl Hawaii Sale fare hu no resU1ctton1 and ts good on all Coech seats on any da~ any ntaf\t, thN Dec. 31, 1982. There ts a ali&f'lt seatonal 1urch.arge applied dur1na the Chrlst:mu Holiday per10d. ~rdeta.lla. C*IJ yOUr 'lftvel Asent or United, today. • I! I ) Market Anal~•i• Dilly Piiat Ouw Jonwa JO lndulll•l\11 JtHHI ~I J0+14,48 SUNDAY, JUNE 27, 1982 H1gl\ 'H'il ENTERTAINMENT 06-8 low 1 . CIOHd IO . BRIDGE 08 120- =~-1111 CROSSWORD 08 M T W T f Fewer hang-ups for investors? 'Simple f ormula o f Telephon e Switch . Newsletter listed as one of the b est By ROBERT BARKER Of tM D..., Not lleff Dick Fabian is an investment ad viser w ho doesn't concern himself w i th stock market intricacies, unemployment rates or prime rate fluctuations. He keeps things simple and he avoids makin g predictions like a plague. "I refuse to make those long- range predictions. Others do that and they back themselves into a comer. They hate to admit they are wrong and they misinterpret everyth in g to justify their pred1cUon ." Fabian, along with wife Marie, son Douglas, a co-editor, and daughter Mary Jane, put out the "T~l phone S w itch Newsletter" wh ·ch is design ed to advise su scribers when to transfer their money between equity mutual funds and money market mutual funds in order to make the most money. He said his for mula is 100 percent mechanical and Is not i nf lue n ce d by major developme nt.s. "What aome of the others are saying Is all bull. They don't know what they're doing. "I don 't care whether it's World War II or if the prime rate is soaring. "Well, I really do worry about bombs falling from the skies and people losing their jobs because the prime rate is going up to 371h ." Detecting forgery • 1s an art Pro fessiona ls' ad vice to a ppraiser s h e lps collectors, too By BARRY EBERLING Of the Delly Pllol Steff "More than 90 percent of all African objects that I appraise are either contemporary or fake," says Barry A. K.itnick, of Gallery K. Inc .. a specialist in African and Oceanic art. Ki tnick was one of four forgery experts speaking at an American Society of Appraisers (ASA) seminar who depicted a market in which David Horowitz would have a field day Although Kitnick's audience was per so n al appraisers attending the ASA's convention last week at Newport's Marriott Hotel, w hat he said applies to collectors as well: Be careful. but age is a difficult factor to determine. "Tests give only the age of the wood," he said. "A guy had an object Carbon 14-dated at 700 years old. I knew the person who carved it." Kitnic k po10ted to a mask which he had paid an African Villager to carve in 1969. The carver had Qfllficially aged the stylistically per fect piece by covering it w ith dirt and wear patterns. He held up three fake African masks and said similar objects are sold in auction ho~ for $1,500 to $10,000. iden ti fying African objects. Personal research doesn't help. "A friend who is a neurosurgeon was going to buy some African art and asked me if I could recommend some good books," he said. "I gave hun a few. then said, 'By the way, do you know any good books on neurosurgery? I want to do your job."' The only recourse a collector has is to buy from reputable dealers who will refund money if an object is found to be fake, according to K.itwick. But those kinds of events, he asserted, would n't have any influence on his investment formula. The Fabians' newsletter is published monthly and costs $97 a year. Financial experts said In Money Magazine recently it has one of the best overall records of a number of investment newsletters. Fabian uses three technical indicators to show people how to determ i ne whethe r the probabilities call for an up market or a down market. The indicators are the Dow Jones Industrial average, the Dow Jones Transportation average and a table for the specific equity mutual fund that is intended to be used. For each of the indicators, Fabian includes week -end closing figures plus a 39-week average of those figures. Fabian says investments in a money market fund should be switched to an equity fund when both Dow Jones week-end averages pass above their 39-week average, or when the current price of the equity mutual fund passes above its most recently computed 39-week average price along with either of th e Dow Jones averages finishing above their 39-week average. Stock s of Ora nge Co unty ~ firms are listed on D2. National m arket action is summarized on D4-5. _.. Dally Piiot Photo by o.bofefl Wechlet Authentic African objects are o n es used by people for ceremonial or living purposes, he said. Most predate World War II. So what can appraisers and buyers do? Not much, accord ing to K.itnick, who claims that there are only five to 10 people in the United States who are experts at Jackie S ilverman. an appraisal specialist in contemporary prints and graph ics, spoke more optimistically. "The best way to tell if a piece is real is through literature, or. if more rece11t, Money is transferred from an equity mutual fund to a money market mutual fund when the equity mutual fund falls below its most recently comp uted average wtule either or both the CO-EDITORS CALCULATE -Dick Fabian and son Douglas advise newsletter subscribers when to transfer invest- ments within mutual funds to make the most money. (See APPRAISER, Page D3) (See NEWSLETTER, Page D2) ; ·. NEIGHBORHOOD GETS A LIFT -When Orange Coast College psychology instructor Charles Lee took possession of this modular home by Fleetwood Co. of Riverside, it arrived by truck that fit snugly into the driveway. After Ron Gosnell cut off the wheels, th e 874-square-foot structure was lifted over tne presen t house on Lee's property in Cost.a Mesa and positioned atop a two-car garage and porch. The two-bath, two-bedroom house came complete with stove, refrigerator, carpeting, drapes and oak trim. I --~--··~-------~--~------------------------__,__,_._.._. __________________ _....,__....-~.,._..,_._,. __ _..r-.,.-,~ •• Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, June 27, 1982 ORANGE GOIST ITOCll ' •I 111 II b· II ,.,, l't Ji IJ ·' v. (11 1 1 rt• fl• ,. lt <ct ,, Here are the stock market activities of publicly traded Orange County firms for the week ended Friday, June 25 . Data provi ded by Newport Securities Corp. t Alt•"• Mtd•·o O tu t'u•' :::: :~ .,, , .. ,. ... ,. ... \ ,,..,. '• . &ao,t eA t\ . , .. ,. '"'' .. ' ' "-••r IAl l ,,, h -.v .. ~••PG"' '' hi"" "'"'"'.,.,, ALIU ALI . ..,. •n Nu '".'' tJ 11 rtu , r,,o "'L H er'd•'""tt P4 tu110• ,._ •1i1ll lor1 In.,. 'lUl,.05 I '.•I I l.Truat l ('°tU> •t t'lft~ I• 1 • .Ct r\ "•"~"•" 14 C•rh " Cnrp 11 C"ou.p•¥• 10 J,,;lttl•"I• lani. It rtt•••n ,.," J rn1u,.bt • \av 1 ·o•Y'' "· '"' J\ "'•Dr• "'•"" l~ C(!lw\n•' '"' C n~•A" rl•Cl '11 ~., • ..., •• ,. '\ ~·· .,. "0f'li ·~•o '"" C"lYr• ~US!' ~,.,. DUN 'f ' I\. 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('i;,,f.,ned Ir t"'•""' '• 1 .... .,,~ ·" .,. •••• , " •ourc•• b•l l•••d t.o O• ,..11101., lllwt •u~h •oowr•ey '"d tt .. tln••s .,.. not 111•rent••'3 ano we ... port .se .. wr~t1•t •t\J .,,~ fHllW•• HDtll'~P~~~·•u•• no l U olllty ror eny ln100'-lr•C'l•• o,. ..antl••lln•u -or th• d•h P\ID.l•h•d h•r•. 1;~p+h·1 l\v An1 h11r•v"'l)IBV.• .. , , . II , .. I, I~ I I . " l 1Af\!f ... .. , •I .. . ~ I' ··~ ., • ••• l,f'J I , ·•. ·• .c. .. ., ®EWSLETTER TELLS INVESTORS WHEN TO DIAL TO SWITCH FUNDS • • • Dow Jones averages fall below their average. Fabian says the mo s t importa nt aspect o f h is investment plan is to know the current trend of the gene ral market. ( He says the 39-week average is pnmarily a momentum index or a1 moving average. •1 Fabian says that negative forces are currently holding sway and that according to his formula investments have been in the money market funds since last July. The theory is that they are earnlng money through interest while the value of other mutual funds may be falling. Fabian, 57, said the telephone switch investment program was Staff learns n ~f owners hip made pos.s1ble in 1975. He said. that when ·money market funds were developed with i n the mutual fund company. shareholders of equity tyP.e funds were give n the privilege to switch between the equity type fund and the money fund and back again by making a telephone call. "Most people didn't know that Most companies encourage employees to attend l i!rt•t.•r -related classes o utside of w ork, thus nlturnmg wath improved job skills . .,, But the e lectronics firm of Odet1cs, Inc .. ..Upplier of sophisticated tape recorders for the Space S huttle and other world space programs, glk-s one step further. With its own training class called "Industry 101 " a~ ats Anaheim headquarte rs, Ode lics offers 1 rra ployees w ith thoughts of someday owning their own bu5'ness' tips on how to avoid common Big enough to be safe ... stakes that may lead to failure. "[ndustry 101 is a unique training tool. It is . agned for supervisors and is really applicable to ybody who wants to learn about a company and many operations," said Joel Slutzky, Odetics a rd chairman and chief executive officer. Nies was started by employees who left one pany to start anothe r. And if one of our ployees wants to try it, he or she should be t"Ouraged to do 1t right." How safe? -$26 million strong ·Locally owned ·Profitable in 1981 ·Administering over $150 million for other fina ncial institutions this exists. There's no commission so who is going to tell them anything about at?" "Yo u can d o this al l b y yourself . Yo u don't need a stockbroker or an investment adviser for any of it." He says that a pplying his formula to the telephone switch investment plan had met its goal o f providing 20 percen t o f Moderated by Slutzky. the class is taught or >IP-played" hy employees wath expertise· in such 11 u:s as bank financing, procurement procedures. h ·mg/firing. contracts, forecasting and marketing. According to S lutzky, who believes the concept c· be ;ipphed lo academia, educators from Katella 11 gh School were invited to attend the course as p· t of Odetacs' active efforts to bridge the gap I tween business and education. Small enough We make a market in Carl Karcher Enterprises Common Stock For more information. please contact Paul Bowinkel or Raymond Crandal (714 't-644-7040 -Kidder, Peabo dy I l ,~~~~.:~.":.R/·O·R'A T£D olO Ncwporl <.cnll'r Dnve, Newport reach, <..A 02000 -OvN oO ,1Jd111onJI otf IC!'"> worldwide- PART NERSHI P OPPORTUNITY . ....._.._,., .. It ...,.,,., elopment of new revolutionary 1ppllcallon of aerodynamics 1sea to proved• much greater 11fety. comf0t1 and economy oramlc vcew for 111 pessengere wllh deluxe aeata and 1n1erior uslneaa forms or the private owner Who wanta everything In a e range of S 126.000-S200.000 DEVELOPMENT GOAL SPECIFICATIONS pasaenger• · 111 11on1 ta arge 1a111tQfY • full 111nd· p room 00 fbs be00'9• ompartmlf\I 6 mph t111A-off ~ed 00 mpn CrlM llO ~ed 600 m1i. range • ~ 1111 tak•olf d11tance • 1~ 11reeter gllde r1Uo • 20-.. lo •oci.. OtHter fuel 1fflc;l1ncy CIO fnllf pl\N F Ulldi"9 w ea,.., 1<111eo11-no Yeti.,&."-c.nter 111•11 t tOO 101 Co<wll'l>Oll c.,.,., 01111• lit VIQH. HtvlOt 9Gt00 C7021 7374'U to be neighborIY. How neighborly? ·The simplest, saft\st IRA 15070 for 18 months ·Our Ready Money Accoun}n. -the interest-bearing checking account ·A Small-Savers account, the big hitter's envy! ·A non-stop welcome San M arino Savi ngs 200 Weit Coast Hiahway Newport Be4ch, CA 92663 645 -6133 c om po unded growth f o r investors. Fabian says the plan 1s simple, provides instant liquidity, has no sales commissions and investors can handle their accounts in less than an hour a week. "You never predict what the market is going to do. Just let the market tell you. One day at a time." Fabian ha.-. b1!t'n hcenst'd with th e Security Ex c hange Comm 1ss1on sinn• I !170 when he b t-g a n h a nd ling m a naged accounts by trading no-load mutual funds ln 1976 he wrote an mvC'S tment manual "How to Be Yo ur O wn Inves tment Counselor Through the Use of T e lephone S witc h Mutual Funds." I Traveling? Check security of cards SAN l''RANCISC..X> If ymJ && rt• 6'" \t Ing ready lo t(o on v61(•1.clcm, don't think only about home ~en1ri ly while you're awuy, t.'Ot\Sldt•r th~ lk.'<'Urity of your credit cards as well. "O ur ex perience with customers indicates you are mon• likely to have your credit cards lost or stolen while traveling," said Barry Wolfgram, a Crocker Bank vice president who manages the retail side of the bank's credit card operation About 30 percent of lost or stolen credit cards are lakcn ptor<'\mt lOOk mon• th n than four daya and 4 J)t'l\.'\mt took more than a month to report th IOll. "You may be liable tor more than $50 If you fall to report the card as missing," said Wolfgram. -Never leave <.'redit <.'arda In your car, hotel room or office. Be wntchful of your purse or wallet when you are in crowds. -Check your credit card after you make a purchase to maku sure it's yours, and save all re<:eipts so you can check your purchases against your bill. This is especially criti<:al when your CONSUMER CLOSE-UP directly Crom the cardholders, while another Z6 percent are taken from their home, car or place of business. A cardholder's liability for charges on lost or stolen cards 1s limited to $50 if the ca rd's disappearance is r eported promptly. Yet any fraudulent activity ultimately ends up being paid by the consumer in higher costs for credi l. "For every $100 you charge on a credit card, roughly 45 cents goes to pay for past fraudulent transactions," said Wolfgram. "By safeguarding your credit cards, you can help keep the cost of credit from increasing." MasterCard and Visa reported that in 1981 the combined amount lost to credit card fraud reached a staggering $40 million worldwide. card is taken to a c.-entral location to imprint the receipt. "A gas station attendant or waiter may imprint more than one receipt," said Wolfgram. "A few days later that person can fill in amounts and withdraw the balancing amount of cash. "This means the cash register w1U balance and the fraudulent transaction can go unnoticed unless you check your receipts against your credit card bill each month." -Before you sign a credit card receipt, check to make sure the amounts listed and the addition are correct. ''If you notice an error, call It to the salesperson's attention and see that the receipt 1s torn up." From Page 0 1 ELECTRONIC E NLARGEMENTS -Pacific Telephone's Bonnie Sardo uses a magnifying glass to inspect solid-state components. Left to right, they are a photodetector that converts light pulses into electrical signals (used in lightwave communicatio ns, due to reach Orange County within three years); a "magnetic bu bble" board for storing 272,000 Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, June 27, 1982 Di bits of data; an early-day transistor. inve nted by Bell Laboratories scienusts; a memory chip for storing up to 64,000 bits of information; and an "electret" microphone, used in PacTel's e lectronic automatic dialer phone. Electronic circuitry h e lps to keep the cost of providing telecommunicat1ons d own . Survey shows . work-sharing popularity up 1 SACRAMENTO (AP) -Em· . ployers, workers and union• ltke a program that lets all employees work fewer houra and collect partial unemploym ent insurance, rather than have tome · I.aid off altogether on full joblem pay. The s tate Emp loyment Development Department said a survey . showed the program,• started m 1978, was favored by : 86 percent of e mployers who : participated, 90 percent of workers. and 85 percent of union officials. The department said that 3, 173 , employers and 111,933 worken : have used the plan, with big boosts in numbers during the recent hard times. The average worker worked four days instead of five and maintamed 92 percent of full- ti me income when partial unemployment benefits were added to reduced wages , the department said. It said the employers saved an average of $16 per worker per ' week over the alternative of laying off workers on full joblesa · pay. ln most c a ses, t he department said , the workers maintain fringe benefits. The partial jobless benefits can be paid for up to 20 weeks during a 52-week period. lf the 20 weeks are exhausted, a worker who iA laid off LS eligible for adjusted unemployment insurance. Here's how to safeguard your credit cards. -Keep a list of your credit card numbers, expiration dates and phone numbers to call if cards are lost or stolen. Make sure that list is kept separately from your credit cards. APPRAISERS HELP COLLECTORS SPOT FAKE ARTWORK . • • -Check your credit cards periodically to make sure you have au of them. -Report lost or stolen credit cards by phone immediately, follow up with a letter and notify the police in the ci ty where the loss occurred. "Don't assume the card will not be found," said Wolfgram. "About a quarter of those stolen are recovered, mostly due to alert merchants who check cards before allowing transactions." While 65 percent of the cardho ld e r s in a recent MasterCard study reported the loss or theft of a card either the same day or the following day. 19 ~"!.!!:! Alt ~ SOtAI WA 111 HIA TINO &ATMIOOM llM008JHO s. .( 1•1•51 S--Time Stent'" v""' ~ fCell Sl0t• --v.,... Ar .. I COSTA MISA 641·1289 U 26 New,_, ........ MISSION V1IJO 495-0401 2'922 Comfn• CoplotNM , .... Dloee ......... .t.owy ... ...., .. S1»t:l•I I Special .ltllt 23-ble 29 Kryptopterus bicflhis: $1.79 Looking a1 "" 1s 11~e loo~1ng at pohshed eiass My body •s slfndtr. my sptM v1s1blf alon& my lateral hne My internal org•ns (Onta1ned in a Slim sat under my head I am a fasctnalln& 1dd1l1on lo lhe aquarium and I am on salt at Aouahc Tropicals undtt the name "Glass Cat for only SI 79 VIS4' • ISIO W. Blk«•Cosl'I Mtu t-l9 •COO* lbf1Mr & Blk« Help Prevent llr1tt Defects - The Natlon't Number One ChldHeatlh Problem. luppoftthe MalChof print records." But, for non-experts, the best way is to get in touch with an expert. "If someone's gomg to pay $1, 000 for an artwork and doesn't know if the dealer 1s reputable, they should get a second opinion Crom an appraiser or dealer.'' she said. Like K.itwick, she had some collecting horror stories. She told about a San Diego client who called he r wanting to know if a Rockwell print of a baseball game was genuine. Given the title and print number. she <.'aUed the three places where Rockwell published prints. They said that he had never done such a work. ''Then I called the Rockwell lnstitute in Massachusetts," Ms. TRS-80 48K 2·0tak Model III S2295 W• 12415.00 tn C.t. RSC·7 lde•I for ... • Flnanclal Pl•nn!ne Silverman continued, "and when I described the print. I was told that I must be from Southern Cali Cornia. · "l was told that they had already contat·ted the Orange County sheriff. Someone had rushed off offset prints and signed them Rockwell." She also told how an insurance company hired her to determine if a client's Toulouse-Lautrec print was genuine. The print of a caped man had been appraised at $18,550 by an ar t gallery before it had been stolen. Having only seen a photo of the print, Silverman used the book reference which the art gallery had used whi c h mentioned the print's theme but not the size. Ms. Silverman was unaware of • Tlme Management ', .... " ... : -:l . : : ---• Word Proceulng • ~lectronlc Ftllng a Toulouse-Lautrec pnnt of this style that was so small. She finally went to UCLA and got a catalog of the a rtist's museum in France. which solved the mystery. "A man who Toulouse-Lautrec had done a p oster for had commissioned smaller versions of it and passed the m out," Silverman said. "They were like the 8 x 10 glossies of his day, a trinket." Ronald Damma nn of the Stendahl Galleries revealed that ih collecting Pre-Columbian art, his specialty, "faking started in the rrud-l 6th century, but the most mtens1ve faking has taken place Since the 1940s." He mentioned severaJ ways to identify forgeries: -Examine the surface of the object. If a pre-Columbian statue has been buried up to 500 years, there s h ould be calcium or magnesium dePoS1ts on 1t. -Look at general style "Most good fakers are also good artisans. and they 'll add something that was not there origmally.'' Dammann said. -Analyze clay a nd ornaments. If they were fired under high temperatures, they are fake . Restorations pose a problem. "I've seen a head with a whole new body built ar ound 1t." Dammann said. A simple safeguard 1s to examine the object under sunlight for different colon; of clay. ln tougher cases. a black11ght will often reveal where new clay has been added. Also, if restoral object is submerged m water, it w1U dry at different rates if there 1s a difference in clay porosity. The Onental art field is also fraught with frauds. according to Wanda Hosford, an Orientalia a ppraisal expert from San Rafael. "Forgencs have been going on for 2,000 years. so the odds are against us," she said. "The biggest problem is a lack of continuity in the history of pieces because o r the many wars m China. You've got to rely on certain personal info which you accumulate over a long period of time." She recommends comparing artworks with those in museums. A double tax break for Californians only. No U.S. incom e taxes. No state income tax es . TAX-FREE Federal taxes. Sta te taxes. The more you make, the more they take. But, now you can keep i t all. 11.94%* When you invest in the Ca l ifornia Payable monthly erie of the Municipal Investmen t Tru~t Fund, you keep every thing you earn. Nobody takes a penny of it. Not the tate. Not the IRS. It's completely tax·free*. And the current yield are attractive. 11 . 9..J.f'f -and that's after all sales charges and expenses. And there's no management fee. We think that you 'JI agree that th e California Series of the Municipal In vestment Trust Fund scores high on all counts. 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Features two built· In disk drives-expand anrlme. Other TRs-80 Model lUs start at Just 1899-see them IN today • I fOUNDll'IOH llad1e lhaek A OIVISION OF TANDY COAPOAATION SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK STORE, COMPUTER CENTER OR PARTICIPATING DEALER Bound for New Horizons : I .• I \ Orange Cout DAILY PILOTl8und1y, June 2?, 1182 NYSE COMPO ITE TRAN ACTION : ltO•UIOMlltC\.UH HAOUOIUtll•IWYO .. •tDWH• ,,C.,IC PIW IOtfot OITIOIT .... O Clll(JllllUl .. C)(I it(ll&ltOU ••D ''"°"'°" , ... u•o HO'"'""'" .. .. I •• )\, ... ) '" I . ... , .. .. . , I , .. .. I , ·~-----------------------------------------~-------~----~ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, June 27 1982 AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE ouout10• .. t1i(~UOI lUl>UON IMI NIW •O•ll MtOWIU ,,,.,.( .... 10\tON 01no116110 (IN(llUIUl UOU I lCMAMOI\ &110 HllO• flO n 1111 10\0 U•O INUINU ,, ( ,. ... . .. .. ... . \0 • td J -. n U'• 40I I ... I l , J ..... II II ,. ..... . 11 10 a 9 , ,.. ,... ,.. . 1" t I It 01 • It 4 \ I•• ) '• •I II "'" !I l ... • • • .. 10 J , • l I fl ,.. J l 1 HI Y I l 'o •JOO ... ... Jo 11 \ • , s I JO n , atl , 111, ' .. ~. ,,. !• ll • ?l • '' ,,, s" ~ '• \0 • "-._ ~ tit , ... '"" 1110 n .. u u , • ~J 1 • 1"-i I • \ 11 .. 11 . 11 ·.1 ,, • • ) • 1 • JI • 1'-9 , !IJI J 7'. l tu IJ • II 11 t 1 ,: 0 ' 1 Jf\ ll o 1'., I• • ,, n u . n. ' ) • s • \ • q II II ti OJ\ •• • i. I•"' ' ''' u • to • " • n 1J. n . n. 18 J I) • I) 1" ... • • ..... :I tJI 10 l'l\rt 10, tl I • \ \ .,. 10' 0 •• 10 111 th 11 ""'• " , . I\ I\ .. .. .. . .. 11 .. .. 10 • • !JI, • .. ' ll' .. • • 11 di! ,, • 11 I , .. ,, .... 16 I a 1 .... 1 .. I • , 0 \4. I ' J e.. • , 0 ."' ...... .... ~ L.•• 'l ~'"' Hit H .~ law \.<OU ( .... H .~ I • '"'' ''• :t.: ,, . I ' IH, !l 11 .. ,, .. J 0 ' I II 11 II II I " . I • .. .... '• .. . "•' ,, t)o-. V• wM f • \'• f\A o ¥••~~· •• \'rbtr I y,1 I "' . v v l\f f\) \ JI '1 I I• VIA t. 'ltt II I \ VIM\ft \t ' I I 't/""4 t "' t • Vfl!,,'I I \ IU I l Vftfll>t t\ ) t \' 4!ft"I •• 1 • v .,. ( ~ ~::- • I/ wt " ~. ~ ':~r, f ." Mot>t • I ~· ) .. , ,, ,. -"' ) H lie I I w w DI ,.,.. ...., .... l•• LJ\t ( .... t~ • 1, 't • • • • : : .~ • ·t~'i. ·~: '\~ . ~ 't .. ~ .. It._· •• • 1. , .. ·~ ''t ·,:: 'f!: -; :: ·:.... ·~ 'f~; l\ot '! •I I .\' , .... • J\o I t ·~. -. • 'I •fl, ~j N ~ • IJ 1 • 'J d • • .. v •• 1• it .. l • •• .... l'-,, .. 1l ... .... I I• ,, .. II It II 10 • Jl•· 1 • • •O 1-. 11 ' " ,, ...... .. . l • '· .. I .. • I ,.; I I' . .. .. 111 .. l 1' t I .. t . I' .. It • I ~ I I I I I I I I I ' I ( "" I \ • . , "' l .. II l• I( " \ ,, " • ~ ,. r. I •• Orang• Coa11 DAILY PILOT/Sunday, June 27, 1982 'Dukes' right out of kabuki By Jl!:RR Y BUCK A~ T96evl•loft Wftt•r LOS ANta,;L~~ Ir you've never thoujlhl 11! "Thl' Dukl'li of Huu.urd" wi rcacmhlll\f( 11umur1.1I warriors in lhe JaP,!!m•iw ktlbukl thf'lltt'r, Denver Pyl~ has. 'They got th(' ldt•o from the kabuki," aay11 Pyle, who staNI as Unl'le Jessie In the CBS hit ~rit'li. "It's very rituallzed. It has the same heroes, the same villains, the same challenge." True, In ever y episode it's Bo und Luke Duke (pluyed by J ohn Schnelder and Tom Wopat) vs. the corrupt Boss Hogg and the incompetenl S heriff ROS<.'Oe P. Coltrane. And, true, every plot is the same. But it seems more like a live-action version of tbe Roadrunner and Wiley Coyote cartoons. The kabuki might be too high falutin' for Bo and Luke lo acc.•ept, or evl'n for Uncle Jessie, the only character m the show who seems lo have a Lick or sense. Neverlhel~. that's the way Pyle, who is also a writer and director, S<.'<'S 1t. He recalls that when Paul Newman shot him m slow motion m "The Ldt-llandcd Gun" it was taken from Kurosawa's "St.-ven Scimurai." That m ovie also wa'l Westernized mlo "The Magnif1<.-ent Seven" "The ·Dukes' 1s also rnualized," says Pyle. who directs l'Very fourth episode. "The same thing has lx><·n handled more subtly by other producers. Eve ry 'Gunsmokc' was the same for 20 years, but I defy you to say where the sameness is. But it frightens me when I Set> the same slory every Friday night. They say, listen, there are only seven plots. Sure, but out of those seven plots came ·Ah, Wilderness,' 'Macbeth' and 20 year!i of 'Gunsmoke.' I Now it is free to become one of us. think 'Duk1•11' J1•f1n1tt•lv hu11 too 111u1·h samenl'IS.'f. 1 think 1t'11 hurtJn411 till' 11huw " The (uturt• of "Tho DukMl of H111uarJ" wu thrown Into doubt m Muy wlwn Schnt>lder and Wopat aiud tht•y wt•re quitting the show tmd f1h.-d i.ull against Warner Bros. They allegl'<i thl'y were not receiving their 11hure of pro fits fro m men.•handisJng tht>ir Ukenesst•11 on games. books, loys and other 1 tems. Pyle, 62, the sage wh1tc-huired, wh1te- bearded patriarch of 'Dukes,' has spent much of his r~nt career playing loveable old roots, but to many people he will always be best remembered as the lawman who gunned down Warren Beatty a11d Faye Dunaway in "Bonnie and Clyde" He says, "l became thl' v11la1n of the show People threw things at thl' scret'n They really hated me.'' Pyle says he's part of a big family on the set -until he puts on his dirl'<·tmg cap "I push hard when I'm d1rcct1ng," he says "The other actors can't separate their buddy the ac·tor from th<• d1rl'<'lor But we still have fun when 1 d1rc.•<:t " He recalls that he got into d1rcctmg ~ a result of several appcaran<.'t.'S on "Death Valley Days." prcxiul'Cd by his good friend, Bob Stabler. "I had a birthday party with funny gifts," he says. "I got a lot of weth that chattered. Bob gave me a stack of 'Death Valley' scripts. He said pac·k one out and you can direct it. That's how I got started. After that I directed all of tht• shows with Robert Taylor as the host." He also directed a numbt>r of shows when he was on "The Doris Day Show." Later, in addition to numerous guest appt.•uram•1•11 on "(;un.'imukt'." Ill' uh10 wrotl• st.•verul show11 fo1 th1.11 m•ru'N with Juy Simm.., "l'vt• never dlrt'<·ted u pll'tun• hut I 'd 11un' llkl' to," he says "The• lroublC' 111 1t'11 hkl' geltinl( 11t.urk>d aguln You'vt> i Ol to COffil' 1n with your c:ans of C1lm undl•r your arm and start hustling. I'm too rll'h to think of domg that. J might pul my own money into a picture." Pyle is also tht> founder and owm.•r of a sucC'essful school that tru1ns optital technidans. He was born In a small ranth town 1n Colorado and was namt.'d Dl.'nvt.•r lx'<'C.lUSt' his parents liked thl' naml· of that t.·1ty . Ht• attended Colorudo Stall' UnivNi.11y, worked 1n the Texas and Oklahoma Oil fnelds, tht:n movl>d to Los An~c·lt•:i and b«ame a page at NBC. He quit that )OU to .)Om the Navy m World War II, but wa.-; wounded at Guadakanal and g1vl•n u medical discharge m 194 2 Pylt• spends much of his spar1: tlmt• on his boat. He says, "I grew up wht.•re you nl•ver saw water I h1tchh1ked hC're m 1939 and the first thing J did was go straight to the• 0<.-ean. I fell m love with the wawr right there. 1 was m Newport &>ach, but some guy told me it was Hollywood I didn't know the difft•ren<.'l' "( like to c:ook on tht• bo<it I :ifX'(.'tauw m gourmet cooking ou t of the can You t.•an take a certain frozen potato soup, drop m some fresh oysters and turn 1t into the lx•st oyster stew in the ~orld ." Pyle is restoring an old schooner, and after the intervtt'W ht' returned to work overhauling a pump in the engine room Ace Hunter Is the Ultimate Super Herol fiil [D(iiiii!""~· 1tt•M°'u11m1D1 ~ ..... · ..... , O NJ •'""" ''" ''"'"" t« 111 u.. f\ft. rn.1um oilll""'""'' ~""' ,.,~,,,..,(.of" .,,..,,,,.,rt, f4'•. •• Ja•'lffVtl 14li"'w\,'l ..... A.\•,... 0 ••• , ... ,., ·• "'" " (>Jf· .,,...,1,}" .• ,, ...... .., ... ·lift 9'r ""'' ... lM11•, ...... ""' ~ .. .,.. .f I ,11-.ec1 ''\~ •,. 11410•\t.\l(llll'I h• '"11,i Ii \•~it•Jt '"" • ,,,. • .,. ·~\.•A• ..a. O!ll•J. ...... h t "'• I '\1 •'I \ ... 1,JA A I( .. '" tt••,.A•""""-f lt<l'lllf' If" .. .,,..,, ' ,..... ....... .. l\t.f 4 .#, ,,,_.,,.,~ .... •t " ..... "•'°' I y,,,..,~111t • ., "r• r, "'"',...,.. \\ol, fllll w~ '"" .,.....,. U f' ,._ • ""' 4 ' .,, I ' 1A ~•Ill fit ......... .. -"t11M1'"•'•Y1""-0<11.1•~ ~•ll"-#·'t" ••••N"""'•••t '""-..... ~ >l'f'li R _-..:.,.. 0 ,_... .. , ----Ck:--;"; "i!."/J:&!\:"' ....... ~ a 61).0U KARVIS! "tRte A• AIBIRI S RUDOY PROOUCllOI A HAI ~HOHAM llllil WRY BOSIWICl WICHAll BICl PIRSIS lffAMBAllA 'Ml6AIORU • SOOll't IDWAllO MUI HAR I GIORGI IURIH ;'If Him SllVA is • .,,~1 MIPt" JIRROID IMMll 9~'°* 11 "-•ioai MltHAll BUlllR hrar"Yt,.Ol!lc!1 RAYllOIO CHOW B1st1oe1 rM1 ROBIRI S lACHllR Sa_,." JAlllS WMlllAllR ~ AIBIRI S RUDOY & HAI l!IOHAM & A.affl llORGU "*'I )I AIBIRI S RUDOY ~•re~ 11 HAI IHOHAM "PG"ii11 UuCl""CI SUID SllO 0 "'--'? ... -· ..-, ... -·-· .. ,. -~ ~ EDWARDS '!." WISTBRDOll •• CITY CUITll! ... CllllMA .... ,...,.," .......... ' __ . ..._, I A --EDWA RDS ' I \9Cll\llMA(fl'il!R .... .,.M ••t Atll•Mt c.,,.1¥""' .,,, 'u' ~ht before }OOr e~ and beyond your wildest dreams. AUROAA ett'ofnf\ A DON BlUTH PRODUCTION o1 THE SECRET Of NIMH "'''""""! '"' -ocn of HERMIONE BAf)()ELEY JOHN CAAAADINE DOM DelUISE EllV.B€TH Hi4.llT/v\AN DEl!EI( JACOBI AllTI1Ull ....V.lET PAUL SHENAR PETER STRAUSS BwO on '"' n<M1 Mll'i rQl!>f!Y IV'IO 1 HC AA rs OI MMH O¥ lloOtrt c o 9'•<" Mu'llC blf l'!oQKlion l~C\11~ 0.<tCI"") ...,,,"IMO'\ l•tcul~ "'°<lucM J£111lY GOlOSMITH MEL GRlfflN JOHN POMEROY Gl<JrY GOlDMAN RICH lllVINE JM-\ES l STEWART PloOuctci br DON BLUTH Gl<JrY GOl!A'M.N JOHN POMEROY Otttctro ov DON BLUTH D_ • , ~~(l~I~~ llrttd ltW ~ ~•/SClolrlt..: t>oo1. Colet"" ltclln<Olot • 1 Ut\f!W,..,ro "' t'. C IW1. ~lid l'lll9Alll~~ U.WArtlltl ~WA STARTS PRIDAl' AT THESE SPECIALLY SELECTED THMTll!S COSTA MllA El TORO UIYINl ORANGE WHTMIHTH Edwatds 8t1stol Edwlrels Saddkl~k Edwards Woodbridge AMC Otanoe Mall UA Mall (714) 540 7444 (7t4) 511 5880 (7t4) 551 0655 (7t4) 637 0340 (7t4) 193 0546 COSTA MflA Edw11ds Clnetnl Center(7t4) 979 4U1 ORANGE UA Cny Crntma(7 U) 634 3911 [!!§ ,~~ll•llD ,0,. Tlflt INOAOIMMT I ) M\" if ' !lt''t 'I~ \ "~'"' ... hi,_,..,., " AA v ,. ... 11 fl I y AL PACINO "AUTHOR ! AUTHu 1 ! " DYAN CANNON IESDAY WELD \ E\t·n hoch. EH·rn~ lwrc· 1-. Chc•c-ri1.1g \I P~H'ino \1 111 Thi· "itk \1HI ~ .. \\ill \ uu'. BOB OISHY · Al 11 ' KING as Kreplich Music by OM. GRUSIN PnJJttr~ b'i IRWIN Wl~KllR JA1 . ~r'.nen ~~ tl.~~~~1z. 01re(;ta1 by ARTHUR HILUR W-GJ:~~.~~.~~·~!::- I • _...... Hl·WAYJ! ~ DRIWlllt CITYCEnTER ~ ........... •• -r • 191 3693 ~ I ' Orang Cooat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, June 27, 1982 07 Lucy 'hatching' Broadway musical By JAY SllARB UTT A#Otef'la Wrlt411' NEW YOt\K Lut•y Simon. 'lstn of (\1rly, daughter uf ll publtsher, nw«· uf u vt-w11111 .)<1:u crlUc, alts at thP piano In ht•r 11unny high .. 1.x.iw Central Park apurtmi:nt, n1)udling with ~om<• chords. "This i11 llkl' my first child, like havmt( u baby." sh e says. smiling. "And l'm sull very pregnant. When I give bll'th io at, lt'U be . . Wow!" Translation: S he's hatd11ng a Broadway musical. her first both as u composer und a c-o- produ('er. She's wriHAm 20 songs for it so far, and lf all goes well tht• show wall open herl' m March 1983. Thl• show 1s "Prairie." a family muskal set in the 1880s It's bast>d on the Laura Ingalls Wilder pionet>r-lHe novl'ls that gave NBC and America the Jong -running "Little House on the Prairie" scrws "I've always been attracted lo family things," says Miss Simon, raised an a lamily o{ books and musk , with her older sister, Joanna, going into opera. and the youngest, U.rly. the family superstar in pop mUSK'. "When we were kids," Lucy says. "we all went to Broadway mus1cals. grew up hstcnmg to the great show tunes, listening t o Rodger:. and Hammerstein. st>eing 'South Pac1f1t·' and 'Carousel.' "'A great way to grow up And I thank it's very important that therl' be things both children and their parents can be uttracted to at the same time Things that cornbtnP an t•xpc.•rient·t• for thPm. "Well, that's what I'm hoping wall happen with 'Prairw.' Thal 1t becomes that kind of fa.m1ly expericncl· m the theater." Miss Simon, an attracllvt'. sandy -haired woman with a dir('Ct, pleasant manner. has her own family, a son, a daughter and a husband, David Levine" a psychiatrist and a "Pratrtl'" producer. Al>'" ... '"' ""',.--• ,. ....... ,,.. .. , c-h1''" Carly, going solo. hit gold and stardom m 1971 with "That's the Way I've Always Heard It Should thank only 1ny rt•lottvl'S bought them," she auys, t(nnnin~ "Of l'OUrM'. I thank thl·n"11 a l(fl•ul probll'm wh1•n mu· 'lhllng muk1'H 1t In a flC'lci · Wlu 11 .1n11tlw1 01w ~·oim•' 111t11 th.1l fwht, tlwr1· JU11t 1::.11'l 1111y roorn" So. 11lw "·'Y'" bhi.· IT\O.'itly qull pc•r f111 m111g to l.w u waft· .111d mottwr Sht• kq,H h1.·r hund in with an O<X'u::.u1mtl 1x·rf11rmanl't'o lor fun. and pnxhK'\'d two a('da1rnt'<l "111 1 larmonv" albumi. tor kids, n.ocords feuturtng h1•1 sti.lt•r an·d sud1 0Lh1•r roi:k Lights as Bruc1..• Springsll'l.•n and Billy ,Jod. "Wh1•n I clt'<'ldt·d tlwn· wasn't unv room" for anulht•1 Smmn :.uµt·rswr. ::.hl· say:., "1t al·tually was u gn•at rl'l1l'f thtit I n•ally J1dn'l huvc· lo di) that " But M1~ Simon. who~· husbund µlc:1ys trumpet. began gc-uang tht• urge: to muk1• rnu:.11· agum as twr kid~ gn·w oldl•r Which 1::. wlwt It'll to ··Prnirlt'.°0 whos<· book and I NOW SHOWING-- /UIAHllM lo9t llJ bU6 BRIA M1•• 61,. f~m ~lg \))0 COSIA MESA UA C11\t10• ~40 u~~1'-4 COSIA MISA En • .,oa. ti"t'"• l tnlt' 'JI~ 4141 fl !ORO ORAJjCf S;dd••b41I ~II ~HffD O"•Q• Mtll bJ/ OHO IOUNIAIN ValllY ORANG! taw110. lo••ll•• Yelloy 819 1~00 S1td1•m DI 639 8110 IMYINI ORANGE w,,,_,~110~t ~~I U8~~ UA C.1r tint"'• til4 3911 lyrtc.11 ore liy Jm·qutoi. Lc·vv .. 1 1m1tnhulor to a aomewhat mon• w111 Idly 111u1111.1I "till 1111 th1.• boardl here, "Oh1 C'nlC'uttc11" • Aboul two y1·un, .it(u, .. ht· '><•Y"· 11hl' Wt•nt to a family fncml, ir :.how husant'b.' UJ<t•nt, and dN:larl'd, "Wt•ll, lwrt· f am, n •udy to do a Hrotulway show " A ... ..a 1•0111µ<>:.1·1 . nut .1 f>t•rformt•r Thi· a~t·nt. how1•vt•r IJ<>lilt•, w.11; a bit lx•mused, she ret·ulb "lit• told nw. 'I know you'rE' a very gifted wr1ll'r But frankly. 1f you hav1•n't done anything on Broudwuy. H's uumj.{ t11 hi· v1·ry hnrd to sell you · ··so I wulk1 .. d out of h1~ ol fin· th111k1ng about wtuit 1 wanll'd to uo 'l'twn, a liuht bulb w<•nt off in my head -'Little llouS(• un thl· Prairie.' And I turned around and w..ilkt><.I flKhl h<il k llllu ht~ office with that 111 rnand .. ~EWHEP.E IH THC OAP.Km REACHES Of THE UNIVERSE. A OATTLE IS AOOUT TO OEGIH fOP. SOME IT Will OC THEIP. rlP.ST MISSfOtol fOP. OTHERS IT Will OE THC LAST BROADWAY BOUND -Luci Simon sits a t the piano in her New York apartm ent where she is writing music and co-prcxiucing her first Broadway musical called "Prairie." Be.'' Lucy's success was more modl'St with a couple ••••••••••••••••••••••• of soft-rock albums. KURT RUSSELL IN JOHN CARPENTER'S "THE THING" DAILY 1:00, 3:15, 5:45 8:00, 10: 15 (RI ·~•t•t ....... ., <••Ck...,. .... " KURT RUSSELL IN JOHN CARPENTER'S "THE THING" DAILY 1:30, 3:.45, 8:00 8:15, 10:30 (R) lfll .. AOC"I "''I•\ AL PACINO "AUTHOR, AUTHOR" .......... ~ .,.. .. , DAILY 1~, 3:00 5:15, 7:30, 10:00 An111' · .. ~·~ DAIL V 2:00, 5:00 1:00, 10:30 (PG) DAILY 1:30, S:AS 8:00, 1:15, 11>.AO (PG) EMOVI 111•-llMAOllllUTTO-I MT_ ..... YAUOAftAT-- 10m"' -I ntACK "STAR TREK II OOl.•Y ITlf'IO HAARlSON) THE WRATH OF "They're FOAD KHAN" 1..01 here " a; .,..,._ ITICNOW9WMAT ~Ulf,,.,.. OAllY' 12:15 k 411U YOU • 2!30, 4: ... 7;00 POLTERGElST t;tt. ,..:SAT PN. 1:00, 1:1', 1C>M 12:00. 2:JD H:JO ,.... . IAT .-SUN. 1:JO, l:AS 1:00, 7:aG, 10:00 . ..... ,.,,.. .. • OlTIZIM 91.IO AHYTIMI '/)~IU fTHI ST ARK DAILY 2!11, 4:30 7-111.I I ~ ~-. )I I • .' .T. "They re<.-civcd a lot of cnucal a1.x:laim, "DEAD MEN DON'T WEAA PLAID" !POJ DAIL V 1:15, 8:15, 10:15 ~m DAILY 4:00, 1:00 llff6R (PG> FtlRCE DAIL V 1:00, S.-00, 5:00 7:00, 9:00 a FRI., SAT. 11:00 DOLBY STEREO FRI. 1:00, 8:15, 10:30 SAT-SUH. 1:30, 3:'5, l:OO 1:15, 10:30 cdwards LIDO CINEMA .. f w .. •,Rf Bl\10 Al VIA llDO 673 -8350 .. fWP<•R' Bf A(H MAN HAS M~ HIS MATCH HAR~SONFORO .., a-v. 11u11""" o 1e1 FRI. 7:15, t;30 ·SAT/SUN. 12:30, 2:45 5:00, 7:15, ... "THE ~ ROAD WARRIOR" ~ ·FRI. 7:00, 10:40 FRI. 8:50 SAT/SUN. 1:19, 9:00, 8:50 IAT/8UN. 3:10. 7:00. 10-.AO cdw,1rd.-, SA ODLE= BACK PLAZA fl ff•Rli At ROU\Flf l(J 581 -5880 11 !ORO I • .. , ..... , DAILY 2:00 4:30, 7:00. .... (91'Q) POL TIRQEIST <a). DJ d!ii• ·~ DAil. Y 1:00, 3:00 9:00. 7:00. t:OO IAMY 901TWICK IN "MEGA· FORCE" DAa. Y 1:-, l:IO •• ,. ti19 11•(N) "QRIAIE II" DAILY 4.-00, t:IO (N) DAILY 12:15, 1:25, 4:45, 7:10, 9125 KURTAUllEll IN JOHN CAM'IN'nA'I "THE THING" OAll Y 1l:IO, 2:S5 4:al .-. l:tO .._,, .. 1P ....... .. _. -·-0 HANKY PANKY" DAILY 2:00. 1:11, 10'.a DAILY 1:00, 1:00 ~-"""" CLNT EASTV.000 .... _ ......... ...... -.J --· DALY 1: 1 :.:11 ,,, .. ti ,,., "BL&ltl! RUNNii" DALY1~11.UO ...,, .... ,. (tt) r 9:00, 7:00 IAMY IOlrMCte IN 0 MIGA· FORCE" DML Y 1:.IO, 1:10 ..... Ne. ... (N) • GO FOR IT! "A Heavyweight Hit! A Boxoffice Knockout!" ROCKY III l llU COSTA llllS& MISSION Yl(JO OllANG( ilA M· ,,.,. t••l't•Jt ,,.,, ',. '.-.. 'ff .. ll(Jot f)Hffo0 •Qn .n .. , b" J\O• M 10 L'" 1; un IUlH PARR •HUllllllCTOtl l l ACH •OAU Cll W!STlllllNSllll Pl(1fo1 , ;J ••• I •d••l1 ~l4iQfflll'I r.it•t"M ll'•fi')ll"I' •ll•4•d (..n..m~ Wr I ''"' e., 4D o ''"' ~·e 018~ ~ 1• ?~\' ~q, 391' •coau llllSA UtilN.t IUCll ,,,~.,., M. "•0 /Ut ..O•&.IMI ACt°ll"ftO IJO-fH!lttMG&.Gfttllltt) *Pr~<.. '""'on 35mmQ0[..,...••~ lltU "''''"' • l • ~ COSU M(U .. . .. ll TOllO a ti "it ~----------~ MIHtO••UJO . ··~ " " . l6 ...... . .. UM JUH CtPtSfUllO .. , • j Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, June 27, 1982 GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Q, M)' partDt'f h.. •Ome •Ort ul bromldeo fur eveory ur C'Hlun. Ont1 of hh1 favorhH rrop• up aftu I have ju.m~d to 1ame and hl', with a 1uod hand, pa .. H and we mak.- •lam. ltt1 th11n look• al n\fl with a 1hod1t1d ·upre11lon and u y11: "Rut partnu, you made a 'drop-dead' bid." 11 ther.i •uch a thins. and have I bt1en b lddlns thl1 badly for all the11t• )'t'ar"? -J. Camp· bell, Dou Ka ton, fla. t1'hja qut'•tiun hu been awarded thc-w11t1kly prin.I A. -It only t h1• pn.~on who hud inv1·nl1•J that ll'rm had folio"' \'tl 111' ""' n adv1rt>! ·1 h1•n• .1r1• \ 1•n h•"' 111'ilanr1") "' ht•rc• .1 d rtll• dr.111' hid 111• • 11r ... tnd rn1 ... 1pply1n..: th.11 .1dv11•1· ha' ru'l 11111111111' ul p11111l' 11\ l'r th1• ,\ t'.1r .... l'ht· uni) 11nu· that l(,lnh l111h mu .. t h1· p.1 ... wJ art> on tho"' han1h "'ht-rt-ont' pl.1yl'r ha~ l11111tcd hi'i hand ,111d I ht• 11th1·r. know in)( .ilnw-.t '"""'ti) "'h.H has purl rll'r hold-.. elt>rl <> to bid Kllmt' 1'1•rha~:. th1• mo.,t typ1ral ra.;1• of th1!> '' whc·rc opl'nt'r h,.., bid on1· or two no trump and rt'spondl'f lt•aps lo g<1m1· cJ1r<'<•tly. e1th<>r in a suit or no trump. Tht> onl)~ excusl' for opener biddinl{ al(ain is that hl' miscounted his point s 1n lht• rir<;t plau· .ind ha~ now l1>rat1·d an t•xtra .ict'! A not her ra-.t· 1~ where om· p.1rtn<•r h<i' prc<•mptt•d und tlw other r;u,1·' lo Kame Hut hl'r<' 11 IS nnt I h~· re:.punder·, ,11·11on that t' th1• drop dt•ad hid the prut•mptor. by h111 llr'it b11J. '" barrnd Crom /IC' l 1111{ lll(lllll. 'ilOCll ht• hill ulrudy d1·11<:r1bt•J h1~ hand 111·rur11ll'ly Many pl11yN't Kt•t con(u ud with I ht• followrng 111lu11llu11: South North I v I + 4 • Oh, th<> numbt•r of times I hav(' hN1rd North accuse South of hav111K made a bid that h11d to ht' passtid! Wh11t ullt'r non:.en:.e. Just exam1nl' the logtc of the i.1tuation. North's one ~pade response can btt made on as lt'w as ti·7 points. Knowinl( thal, South ha' jumped to l(<lmtt. evt'n though his part nt'r might havt' been bidding on a relatively weak four rurd :.uit. Therefore. South mu:.t have a hand worth about 20 point:. and excellent ..,upport for North's suit. If North has a full Opt'ning bid, tht'rc is no u cust' for his pa .. sing. There :.hould he a slum on the hand. Q. -I have come up with a 1reat Improvement io 11<or· log contract brid1e. How do I 10 about havio1 It accepted and publlciied? Everyooe who haa tried It acree1 with me that it makea for a more interesting 1ame. -R. Hig· gioa, Waltham. MaH. A. -The American Contract Bridge League at 2200 Democrat Rd.. Memphis, Tenn. 38116. represents the World Bridge Federation in thll1 p11rl 111 tht· wurhl llul 1lun ·i h11ltl your hrt•u th wu1ting for fonw 111111 fu rturw Ov1•r tht' Yt'llr~ th..r1• h11v1· ht•t'n hunilrNl"' •>I 'l\ll{l(t"•l 1·il t'httngt:s 1n l>rt1l)(l' 111·11ri111(, but almo11t nurw ha v1· h1·1•11 11c1·1•plt•rl. lly and larl(t'. t hi· ~1·ori111e i.'I "' llurnld \'lllldt•r bill dt>viwd ll in I ~•~5. l'hat " µt•rh11pi1 th1• l(rt•alt·~l lr1hut1• thnl 1•an h1· pi11d to hi111 Q.1-As South. vul111•r,1hl1" you hold: +952 '\:?63 0 10764 +AQ52 The bidding has proce~dt•d: South W e11t North E .. t Pa11 I + Obie PaH 2 + Pa11 3 Pan ? Whnt t1C'Uon do you tak1"! Q.2-Both vulnt>rublc, u' South you hold. + AQ1054 )6 J KQ962 +J6 The bidding ha~ procc1•dt·d North E11t 'outh W H t 1 '\:? Pua I + P1118 2 + PaH 2 / P11111 2 'V' Pau ? Whal action du you takc'! Q.3 -Neither vulnt'rablt', a., South you hold: +AKS IV 854 0 K10965 +AK The bidding has proceed~d: South Weit North Eul 1 NT P111 3 ~ P111 ? What do you btd now'! Look for ani.wt'r:. on Monda). TDDAT'S CIDSSIDID PUZZLE ACROSS 76 Encourage 1 Persian 78 Regal res• poet dences 5 Pou tree 8 1 Menu words 10 Plant of 82 Indigo plant the cashew 84 Overacted lamoly 88 Lie In 15 H1I amt>ush 19 Concealed 89 Common Como form suffix 20 Oegrac:Je 91 The sweet· 21 Protein sop i1C1d 91 Make 22 Oete~ter amends 24 Wiseman 94 Instant - 25 tnse<:1 egg 96 Rolltop 26 Park1119 98 Hole m one area 99 Roman 28 Het>rew household 1e11er gods 29 Sky blue 101 Office copy 30 Deposit 103 Bottle plug 31 S•bertan 105 Canadian river insurgent 32 Lustrous 106 Gone by fabric 109 Of ume 34 Oeum 111 The Ram 35 CIOckeO 112 Blue SUll°S 36 Overwhelm bane 38 Motors 113 Goll score 40 Wheel track 116 So1ourn 42 Special sort 118 Radiate ol plastic 120 Actor Asner 46 Notion 12 I Restrain 47 Mideast 122 Sunllsh land genus 156 Ustenef's hold theae "loan" truths . .. 157 One ol 38 Noble. Ger theGat>ors 39 Arat>lan 158 Coat lold capital 159 Orchestral 41 Chaldean instrument City 180 Matriculate 42 Song refrain 162 Greek 43 Cavalryman phys1c1an 44 Biblical 164 Growing OUI town 165 Well Fr 45 Nallveot 166 R818eS Sul 167 The 1mpofo 46 Caviar 168 Galahad 48 Spiders and others nests 50 Marsn DOWN 51Les Eta ts- 1 East Indian 52 Toadllah vine S3 Verve 2 Great 55 Brlatly Comb lorm S6Fem 3 Oneol the frulldots Waughs 57 Down 4 Overly Pref. optimistic 60 Maacuflne 5 Hiawatha s 61 Music lranspOrl tor Ravi 6 Jewish Shanker month 63 Goddess 7 Hamelin ot youth pest 66Command 8 Boni Lat 67 Plano- 9Wh1le like lnatru· sturgeon ment measure 98 lmltaled 100 "- kleane Nacht· mus1k" 102 Colomblan Indian t04 Arris: Fr 106 Tucked 1n 101 French novelist 108 Norse god 1 to Defeat Slang 112 Votcanlc over11ow 113 Horseback game 114Ahmel 115 Afraid: Scot 117 Ike's command 119 Salad flah 121 Hindu glanl 122 Chart 124 Tramples· 2 words 126-Lisa 127 Expungers 128 Mix 129 Colonizes 131 Print measura 133 Come forth 134 -pro- o_. oa.1~ 17 JO 6dystf ''"" su rsv-pl ) "" "AUTHOR, AUTHOR" "BAMBI" <G> "ON GOLDEN POND" Plu1 "CHARIOTS OF FIRE" r lUXURY THEAlRES ~ lat Two M1llm Showl1uOMlYS2.tllU11ltttOtlltrwlMllMH S 113r•U·X•111tl6l6s•12sss/~'7!,) * l FOR FUnl EXCITEmEnTI V111tOur... * IZOOZ:HS 11110010#0 n TOmm / .'~TM nte WMTH Tf\EK.ll -K>W't Im • ••••W ~ • "'I S"l>Wf •• 12 00 Z:lO t .oo 7 lO O 00 In 70mm Clint l:U IWOOd HARRISON FORD. llL1Dll 11Ulf,,.,, m •~1ra.•lo',h" 11"' •·1 • •fiiOCKY 111 m f.'IJ'&,•~ot fi,~Ra1' 10 '' u * OPEN 7:3 NIGHTLY Children Under 12 free Unless Noted WH~ N lN SOU 1 <tt riN CAL lf~NlA VISIT 11,; •• NfVRAllAL STuoeoe .... -~~~ Triumph ••A movit-o f soaring plea ures tha t ~·ou hopt• will never end. To be se en agaan a n d again ... and treasured .~' -Gene S ha/it .• 'VBC-Tl Today how ET. THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL A STEVEN SPIELBERG FJLM ET Tif E EXTRA· TERJlESTlUAL L>l'f: '-'ALI.AU PETER COYOTE HENRY TIIOMAS AS EUJOTr Ml''llC BY JOHN WIWAM~ '.l'RJTrEN BY MELISSA MATHISON PRODl'CEO BY STEVEN SPIELBERG & KATHLEEN KENNEDY DIRECTED BY !ITEVEN PIELBERG A l!NIVERSAL PICJl.'RE jurW,t"a.l'~t•kon~< ''n•W4"#Wll~I ~~~!!. N~ IM~l~ CITY CEnTER t) •. "l ·.,. t •.twf lo! •, ,, t-ll ...... U TOllO l ""'·' ,, oOd •b•<• OllUGf llA C•ly C·ht'm• l>J4 391 I a 1 COSTA MESA "Kl ~llHO fOwJld~ Soulh Cui"l l'l.ll• • ORANGl • WlSTMINIHR 1 S•6 71 11 t• 11• l• I~,,,, I fill[ f<• .. ~•0> C1"M1• We\I ~41 )9)S lllU •COSTA MESA ORANGE 8•f A f>tdl4 (dAJ1d• ( W ,.mi I 1 ~?Q SJJ<t Hh It JI WESTMlllSTEll l'f'( 111 ,. Vf h J':I ~ 1 Jb'~ I I HO.,.,,., •ccu~uo 10• h41~ t "-UA"• -..u. * 35mm Cil '"• .. '"""a I •BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Performances before 5.00 PM (Exeepl Special Eng1gements 11nd Holidays) lA MlllACJA MAll o "411000 01 llo1ee1ona LA MIRADA WAlK·IN 994·2400 "ANNIE" <Po) 12'111,1> ... lM .......... "AUTHOR! AUTHOR" (PO) ~~~~~~~~ "POLTERGEIST" (POI .-. "' "2t. ,,.., ·- "GREASE 2" 1Po1 ••""--·-··• LAKEWOOD CENTER WAll<·IN "ROCKY Ill" (PO) IN 10MM OOl?Y STEREO 12:91, --, ...... " 11 "ST AR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN" TIIMM 00l.8Y STEREO (PG) , .. »:-. ., ...... - LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALK·tN Faculty At Del M10 21J/6S4·9211 "MEGAFORCE" '"°' 11>46, HO, I II. ,,_, f:'$ lAGUNA "ST AA TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN" 70MM DOl8\' STEllEO (PO) 11U >>t.~>6,tM,,_ "ROCKY Ill" (POI 1~ t.AO ~ , ......... ,, ,, Foculry 0 1 Co ndlewood 213/531·9580 "DEAD MEN DOH'T WEAA ~D" <l'Ot >.oo,••- "AATHUA" tl'OI 1 '00., t,:M, '* "POAl<\''8''<111 ,2:.>0, a..•.'*· n 11 "RICHARD PRYOR LIVE ON THE IUNIET STRIP" (Ill UO •-- "MEGAFORCE" '"°1 '.JO. U6 t.06, tz. tO;AG "GREASE 2" (POI 12 >O 2 M, i-21i, 7"6, 1Ct10 SO. COAST WALK·IN Soutl\ Coo11 Htwoy ot l roodwoy 494-1514 ''THE THING" 1111 2:11 .,.., ,. 9"" "ROCKY Ill" (POI Fiii otlt.V ._,., _ - ,.. ... t '9.9::9 • .a PACIFIC THEATRES ORIVE-IN SWAP ME£TS \tlflC_. •OlJI IUCt;\ \"'90 Ifill O•• U HARBOR 8tVD DRIV( IH & ORAHGE ORfVl·IN a u1 ro l "-'" ruao.n a \u110•• ••If 'll''"'" 1 .... o•u., •"-0•11• suo.u• IMPORTAN r NOTI C£' CHllOREN UNOER 12 FREE' Halloor ll>d """" Mon Im f n I 00 • Sal Suri IWdl r• ' 00 ro~~ " sooi.o • • • •., •• ~ ~ • • Sl'f.MH• i ""•"' •• 11.\T ....,~ (""'""°" .CCl\;Olh flOSIT'O< -IMICt AM !'Ollfl8U •AU OHf f< DRM-"'S S30 ()It •Ill MOO ANAHEIM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ''•••or Ol at le mon SI 879·9150 "FIREFOX"'"°' -"OUnAND" <II> C. "'if f1 SOUNO 49 Decline 123 Redacts 10 Devilish 68 Tumor fund la 125 Sagacity 69 Dennis and 138 Dlecourege .-------------------------------------------------------------------.... ,~ ~~~~--~~~ ~~-~ "BLADE RUNNER" (Ill I "MEGAFORCE" '"°' 5• Winged 11 Hesitation 55 Snow 128 Rescue syllable other• t 38 Greek letter runner Var 129 Dieter's dish 12Wlth,ln 71 Poatponed 139 Trademark 56 Picturesque 130 Indicate Berl!n ..... 140Soak 58 Nephrlc 132 Knot in 13 Med scl\OOI 73 Goes by 141 Baby bed 59 Country wood sut>J boat 142Wht1eant road 133 Slcillan 14 Conceal 7 4 E.etlmates 143 Wrinkle 60 Blackbird landmark 15 Break 75 Saltpeter 145 Writing on 61 Righi· 134 Remove 16Caucaaua 77 Complete the wall hand page 135 Conclude tribe 78 Goll score 147 Kiin 62 BlbltCBI 137 Blood 17 Egyptian 79 Overwhelm 149 Hindu name problem sun god 80 Racing QUMll 64 Palm tree 139 Wager 18 Rene'a circuit 1~0 Armadlllo 65 Literary 140 Beautl-father 83 French 151 Otd soldiers no I es c1an's 19 Deadly artlcle 152 Engllah 66 Fects concern serpent 85 Youngster "eel" 67 Biiiiards 144 Oz aunt 23 "Denget" 88 Helm 155 Luzon shot 146 Fall flower color poallloo native 70 Roman road 147 Correlatlve 27 Boundry. 87 -Moines 157 Guido's 72 Junior 148 Crossbeam Comb. form 90 NFL acore high note :3 Farm 153 Bird llfe 32 Large knife 92 Ell 161 Oral pauae structure 154 Atternoon 33 Presenll 95 ~ady: Ola.I 163 Actor 74 Routine pany 37 "-97 Hebr-Pacino SEE CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR AN9Wff'8 • a 9 OS a CLINT EASTWOOD < 'llm E1L-.twood 1~·Ftrcrox· 1 "' "'"' 1•, .. 1 .. ,., l·i 111 \111111·:--.. "1•n11h1\ >1\ AIE·x Lui-kt•r & Wt·rHlull Wellman 11,., o1 '" ''" ,. ... 1 '" < '1 uli.t Th11mu<c 1·n~lu1 1·1t "1111 111n, 1 .. 11 t)\ Cli nt Eastwond '•• 11111• 11111•N •• •u1~· .. 1 .11 .1. '"""" '"' 1" ~tuurl<·1• .Jurre '"''"" r.•irl" t, .,.,. ,.,,, 111.•u• .. oo~,"~"° ~d,, ,,_ '""ru'"' '"·~ ... ~-··.~~o ~=--- (~ ·.~,\.~~·.·, .. ~ <..-:>'I~• I ''"' ~ aasen2u ...... -"BODY HEAT" 1111 J "VISITING HOURS" <'11 CINI ft S.OUHO C ~I '' ~Wil 8U(NA PARK BUENA PARK ORIYE·IN ltl'\COI" Ave Wetl of C"nott 821·4070 8U[NA PARK LINCOLN DRIVE·IN l•"COll\ ~., ••• ,. Of Cnort 821·4070 11.1:1:iwm11 Son Ooego lfW'I OI l•oo•nuttl ($0) 962·2~11 WISIMINSll 11 HI-WAY 39 DRIYE·IN "ANNIE" <"°l ...... "POPEYE",...,, CINI fl SOUHO l "AUTHUR! ~THURI" (l'OI I "THE CANNONBALL RUN" Ctlll II MIUllO '"°' I ll< HA 811A LA HABRA OAIVE IN .......... " ............. , __ _ 171-1162 (lflAN,,f ORANGE DRIVE·IN ~.. I Ai~ 41 'M•~ M I SSION DRIV f ·IN 0 ' "'·' 0..4 "'" j + • WA QNEQ [IC/l\lf IN "E.T., THE EXTRA· TEARESTAIAl" (l'OI rlw "FINAL ASllOMMENT" ll'O! "ROCKY 111" 1ro1 -"CLASH OF THE TIT ANS" 1~01 "THE THING" 1111 t't.119 'CAT PEOPLE" <•1 C•Nl fl SOUND lleocn 8"0 So OI <nl•O.n G•o-<t f<Hwo• 891·3693 "FIREFOX""'°' "'" "OUTLAND" 1•1 llff fl SOIJNO "POL TEA~IST" (l'OI "SEA WOl.VEr 1ro1 Cll<f fl SOU'IO "BLADE RUNNER" <•1 -"BODY HEAT"~1 \o,,to Ano t,...., t Sto•e C OlleQe 558·7022 "HM~ll THe WW.ATM= l{HAN" 1N1 "VICt°"Y" 4"J Dally Piiat ClASSlfllD Raccoons do not make good pets for children DEAR ANN LANDERS: May I respond to the young lad who want<.>d to know 1f rat'COC>ns make good pets? As a wologist who speciallies in small American mammals, my knowledgl' and expcrient~ ~uld be helpful. I Alth oug h th e raccoon r esembles an overweight, domestic house cat, ll 1s actually most ,.::losely related to the bear famil y . They an• hocturnal. which 1s fme if their keepers hkc to stay \Jp and roam around between midnight and 5 a m Until the age of one, raC(.'OOns are lovabk treatures -although they enjoy tearing fabric and even soft woods When they reach sexual malurity n ANN LANDERS z ( 13 to 15 months old), they become very aggressive and unpredictable. If the keeper 1s w11lmg to spend the money to have the ra<.'l·oon sexually neutered, declawed and dl'fan~ed. the animal may be kept with relative . Leo: Clash proves stimulating ... Monday, June 28, 1982 ARIES (March 21 April 19): You reaeh defimll' conclusions con<:ern ing project, relationship Contract could be involved Focus also on publu.: relations, new starts symbohung break with past. Marital status is seriously considered. Leo is m picture TAURUS (April 20 -Ma y 20): Aet·ent moderation, .)Ob gets done 1( diplomatic enough to gain cooperation of co-workers. You'll regajn sense • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA of direction. Cancer. Capncom , Aquarius person figure prominently. Answers come vaa intuitive flash GEMINI (May 2 1-June 20): Favorable moon aspect co1nc1des with physical attractaon, s peculative ventures. creative excitement and expansion of personal horizons. Social invitation comes as surpnse -check schedule, keep promises made to children. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Focus on rules. regulations, property rights. leases and professional appraisals. Some restrictions. delays arc ne<.-essary and wiU eventually prove beneficial Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo persons play important roles. LEO (July 23-Aug 22): Clash of ideas proves stimulating -hsten . lc·am and test your own views. Accent on short trips, relatives and investigation of motives. Members of opposite sex "send signals" Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius natives play significant roles. incom<· potential and thC' location of needed matl'rwl Family <.'Onfab revolves around monPy and how to obtain more of it Taurus, Libra. Scorpio p<•1-som. play key roles LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): What begins as s trictly an ideal wall actually be transformed mto a reality. Emphasis on m1liat1ve, corrt"Ct timing, vahd hunches and ab1hty to sense when something o f importance is to occur . Technique can now be ix•rfected. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): What occurs bE·hind scenl's is more· 1mp~.>rt.ant than might be anticipated Older individ ual may attetnpt to delegate• r<'spons1biltty in 1rrespons1ble manner Prot('(.'t your own inten.•sts, show that you are not without aJhcs. Watch Capricorn' SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22-Dec 21):0p<:'n lines of communication -people you respect w1U now seek your advice. Focus on desires, business income. romance and completion of important assignment You'll have opportunity to sense pulse of public. Make most of it! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Focus on t·u reer, special projects, new approaches and e'Ontacts with creative. exciting people. Maintain independent stance. Superior is im pressed. will make room for you lO advance. Aries, Leo natives play kc•y rolc.-s. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Long-distance commumcatton aids in sohdifying plan. Family member d1scuSS<.'S travel, education. philosophy and sp1ratual values Be receptive, but remain flexible. open -minded. Another Aquarian figures in unusual scenario. PISCES (Feb. I 9-March 20): Discuss costs. financial projections with one who would become your aSSO<:aate. Make inquanes, give fuU rl'in to an tellcclUal curiosity Someon e may have' you targeted as source of "something for nothing " Be aware•' VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22): Important domestic adjustment occurs: focus on investments. payments, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY 1..,-..m 41"4 S.-.• 1922 H,AJIOR ILVO. COST A MESA -541· I 156- VIA tOOt-to-Door Bus Stmct rthfrt Posslllt -lfP schollstic stand1td -T11cNnt lhl 4 R'• r11dhf (.nth phonics) wrlttlt. lrllwnftk, r11t/Nu. A Private School of Distinction Founded in 1942 In Fountain Valley 16835 Brookhurst (714) 962-3312 ThruJune26 Chicken Dinner Special $2.69 You get the best part of the chicken. Four Chicken Planks«L.strlps of whole. whitemeat chicken breast, dipped in our special better-served with fresh cole slaw and golden fryes. 3095 Harbor Bfvd. In Cost• MtY }USt South of San Otego Fwy. Across rrom Ftdeo safl•ty 111 a humtin l'nvmmnwnt Ht• will bt• :m DEAR B.G. IN G.B.: I do not know what the :l<'l'ept.able cu~c· pet. but hl• l':m ncvc•r bt.· retuml-d to Cambridge liquid dlt!l is, bul J can tell you that no thl' wild or allowed to lx• with otht•r rat'(•oons person should be on ANY diet without first I do NOT rc'L"Ommend kt•t.>pmg 1•vt•n u neutt.•n'<.i. checking It out with a physician. declawed and defanged rat't.'OOn around children. I know of several llquid diets tha t have caused They can inflict as rnut·h damuge on u child as a a great many probJem11 -such as serious 1kln large dog. If angert•d. thl'Y go for thl• head and face. rashes, fainting spells, respiratory trouble and the While a ra<.'Coon may havt> !>prt·1al appl'al, I loss of hair and fingernails. str()ngly suggl'st that a eh1ld opt for a dog or a 1.:at .. --------------------- The humam• !>Oell'lll>S, pounds and SPCA.o; have a large number of caL-. and dogs that cunnCJt survtV(' w ithout human loVl' and attention AN ANIMAL LOVER IN I lOUSTO.N DEAR LOVER: Thank you for an e nlightening essay on "The Raccoon as a Pet." I lea rned a lot from it . DEAR ANN LANDERS Aftn re.idmg the lt•tter from .. Statul·squ(' 1n Chicago," the 5-foot-11 -tn<:h young woman who was made lo feel hkt:> a freak wht·n shl' wl•nt shopping !or shcx·s (:.ht> wore a size 11 ). I had tu wnw my story 1 am just under 5 ft'l'l tall .md will bt• 30 yt.1ars old m a few months My shoe size 1s 4. I can't tell you how em barrassing 1t is wht•n I shop for shc.x•s lO be told. "Try the l'hrldrt•n's dt•partment " If they don't have my s1w (and they usually do not), they ce1n say so without making me· ft-el l1kl· a fool -TEENY TOOTSIES IN ELMIRA DEAR TEENY: The re are some good shoe companies tha t specialize in bard-to-get sizes. They have catalogues and you can send for the s hoes of your choice. Phone the shoe departments of Sears and Montgome r y Ward's for more information. DEAR ANN LANDERS. Please fmd out for ml• tf my daughtt•r is in dangl•r of harming hl•rself physically Sh<· 1:. on thl' Cambridge' liquid dl(.'t and losing a pound "' d.1y What an· thl· stdl• l'ffl-<:ts'? The girl is vC'ry much ovc>rwt•ight and fl'<·ls good about this loss. She has promasl'd to do as you say BG. IN GREAT BEND AClf PlJNCTlJBE f 'ur FACE-LIFTS AS SEEN O N 'I'\' C H . I:' MAKES YOU FEEL BETTER LOW COST ANO IT IS SAFE! At ... 11 For '\1i~raint•s, Ha('k l'uin. "mokin~. \'( e i~ht Control, l>Ppr1·..,~i1111 Shook's Aeu11uneturp I 9921J B1•rw h nrnl.. H .B. omr .. '1-\l'-F-~un. ( 7 1 1) 536-4070 ------- a short I on long-lasting • • osa1c 1e NOW UNTIL JULY 3rd SAVE 25°/o ON BEAUTIFUL MOSAIC TILE! N ow during our short-lasti ng sale. Color Tile offers you a lifetime of savings o n long-lasting mosaic tile. Versatile mosaics add glamour to walls. floors and counters. The fired-on glaze withstands everyday wear and abrasions and en- sures long-lasting good looks. Pre-mounted on mesh sheets for easy, preGise do-it- SAVE 25% ON SPECIALLY SELECTED PATTERNS NO-WAX SELF-STICK VINYL TILES Glazed ceramic is shiny bright and permanently tough. Flexlble 100% vlnyl 'with effortless. no-wax care and Ideal for wet bars. kitchens and baths 99¢ self-stick backing lor easy installation 77¢ ::;:.~v.;ATTlllN sale ~~~~:;; ~~:~:T· PATTIANI sale IQ REG. 1.49 ~: REG. 89C n: ECONOMY FLOOR TILE At Color Tiie, our trained personnel give you FREE Neutral tones blend with any color scheme. Great for expert advice on do-it-yourself installation and ur d kl h decorating, PLUS we'll loan you special tools. We'll ~r ~~;oo.na an tc Sena.ale 191/2 ¢ cheerfully refund your money on any unused tile and AOAT1NI f'ATTlllN unuaed rolls of wallpaper Come to Color Tile fo r REO. 23$ IQ. FT. savings. selection and service everyday! SANTA ANA 2801 So. Brist~ St. (NtwSlctr'IW.Sl) 557-1324 898-3388 547-7781 Mon.-Frl. l ·I , Sat. 1-1, Sun. 10-5 WI Wtl.I. II CLOllO JULY •WI IW""'""'° """ OUALm • pt1110ttAUno lllMCI • l&tJWACT'tOM OUAAANnlO • f'AnuHt MAl ¥All't ... IOMI .'°"°' .. 11 I ---.----------. .. . p • 1 El Orang• Coaat DAILY PILOT /Sunday, June 27. 1982 b ClASSlfllD Dally Pilat Looking for a career in sales? See today's Help Want ed ads , classification 7100 . I • I s J IN /11 S1J1 IHou1f1 lot Sll1 H011111111111 IHou111 lot 11/1 H01111111 l1J1 Ho1111 /01 $1J1 811111 lot "' • Hou111 lot • • • ~~~!!. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. . . .. . . . . . ... .•. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........•...•........ .. "'"'' .. ' ... ' ..... · 1 · ............. 0 .......................... 'o'z' C0 I I OOZ G1a1r1J I DOZ 0101111 I 002 C1n111J I DOZ 01at11l 1001 G1111r•l l OOZ Dla11•J l DOZ C11t111/ l 0 • !~~~~ ... •• .......... I·..................... . ............... • ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .................... . B111n /11 $111 HH111 lot $1/1 ··•····•····••··••·•·• •......••.•..•••••••.. ~~'!.~ ••••••••• !.~f ~!.".~~~{ .•......• !.~~' •.•••••............•.•...•................•• ....... • • ...... •• ••• •• ,.. e w v, e w r ow N MOHl PROPHn MAMMOTH LAKES BLUFFS * EASTBLUf f 120,000 IWI f t~OMES. 2 MU hlt Sul· Smog.free Trebuco Cyn I Beaul tl BR 3ba condo 041 llPLEl I ,.. View of ocun & 2 lOO 1q fl hom• & sep Lo 1111 .. aum•ble loan ~ .. ·: NEWPORT CREST llAUTY BHulllul townhomt In one of the more dHlre· bit areu of Newport B•ach Hug• room • 1hruou1. Tas1atulfy dtco· r1teo Welk lo the b.ach Seifer 11 highly mouvehKI and will n90ou11e Won 1 WHTOLIFP AHrac111;e two bedroom. two bath condo Flr•- p11ce End unit Ground floor Walk lo shop• Just reduced S l0,000 Call m• IOd ty I can night flghl• Oul•t Area rentabte guell Q"' I Sl69,000 714/93tt-tt670 'JUST LISTED. Spt'l't,wul:u ·I Bt fam rm, 2 thow all 3 unn1 F111)u I Pe1ka, open 1pace1. Ouellty lhruou1 HI u ---I Ov loua financing Xtnl 1oc1 1125,800 dn x1n1 Fin sum fin No quel P1P New In town? CIHtllftd f1n•pl • .1t1.· ..... Lu~~ l t'\'l·I IHllllt' crs1z.1• II 0 n TI m Rn 0 n. I Hof or Pal Bauer Agll I s I 1 5 K ' ' 0 % (1 n can halp you meel many 1111 Wt th l.1ri.t1· pool YOU ow• Tiil U•D. J C KIE Gil LIS 573.1300 581 0983 of your neec11 842-5e78 Only $:s:rn.noo C'wnp.llt A ~ , OPH 1-4 IU ltllls R EALTOH I IUUTIFll IJfl:• l•:.1 .... tblutt 5 81 honw "f ''. '"~"". r:t•ttcl3 New $129,500 131·1100 •••• 11 % FINANCING ASSUME FHA LOAN and OWC . J BR 2 sty garden homl" Pool. tennis, bikt> to beach $93,500. SECLUDED ~~1; ,~~110·"00 a31 ... ,a 3 FOR THE PRIOE OF 1 ln1trest only. 15 yrs tc quaflfled buyers COUNTRY VILLA llUFFS HYFROIT :s Br :! 1 • hath. highly up~radt'<l $lh5JHJO OPH 1-5 2619 Vista Or1a4a HD HIT. Bluff:! Hr .!. Ii.1th, vw'°", I li·vC'I IPI• IH. 1·1 H IALHl OOYll *IAYHHT* $140.000 Two 2 Bdrm and one 3 Bdrm sepe· IOlT SLIP I rate hOuae Properly IS RHllOH lOned R-5. high density Prive II beach. Ille & Cuy says you can build E c heery comloneblel units Very desirable home. 3 large bedrooms properly Priced lo self & den. 2 b11lh1. flreplacel now Calf !>46·2313 end much morel Will ti!~-n ¥~d; ~~w~b 11Ng~un°eEr~? 5§ a Agent 673·9187 or s15.1060. s569.ooot CHllUllllQ FAMILY HOIE LIVE IN NEWPORT! Lovely 4 Bdrm 2 balh home. b i g room• Beauutut Monteoo mod lhruoul Many, many ex· 4 Bdrm 2 ba1h wilh den. tr es S1one hreplace. EJtceuenl terms. a must plush carpets, new Sola· to seer Well priced all r1um Ille. Woo<J paMtlng $259.900. c an !or de-newly painted Asking llff•I 646-7171 I $142.500. 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS OOIPAIY HST SELL I f#i$t!¢!W11 Eastltl•ft "~" Plait I 3 BR 2 '\ ba, lre111lan ding form.r model New cpu Only $249,900 I Gorgeous Open Sall Sun I. Saa4oasll1 M1111 I Popular HB develop ment. only 2 yrs new 4 BR 3 B• plus IOI! ol am11n1hes High assuma· bfti loan 011 Otdo Great 3 BR 2 ' ba. 2 car garage. Owner will carry w/mlnlmum down S 115. 000 HI 4-P111 ... U 10,000 Excellent vnlU w / garages t BR HOUSE on R·~ lot 1n Weslmlnsler $67.500 20 Prim• Tow11house ••ill HB. e~cell financing S 1. UN IQUE BACK BAY home on cul de sal· 3 BR dark rm. lge stone fpk. A!.suml' loan & owe. $140,000 EASTSIDE CHARMER 3 BR 2 Ba, spa home. Huge Cam rm, deck w/spa, 4 car gar. Beaut. decor & lndscpng. Lgt> assumable, OWC $\97,500. 631·1011 Ul·3310 HST IUY II TURTUlltCl Redl-<?med in foreclosure. $30,000 below market. Lovely 3 bdrm. den family room c.:ondo. Assumable Isl $247,500 3 USTSIDE 0.1. DUPLEXES Good assumable loans 24:36 Orange· - $ lti5,000. 2475 Orang<' $175,500 1584 Santa Ana -$165.000 MARSMA RHDICl 144-tolO OPPORTHITY soo ooo Anxious corporaUon -------•J offering VA lerms on 1hls vacant 2 Bdrm home on lrg comer 101 Incredibly priced el only $83,500 751-3191 C:::. '>El E CT ""'f"" PHOPEHT IE:C, knoclls oflen when you More Ava11i1ble I I use 1esv11-gemng Da11y 86 For Class1f1ed Ad Pilol Classtlled Ads lo 6111 C1ora. Bkr 759·93 More 1am111es are gellln~ ACTION reach the Orange Coa5' I the camping bug IM Calf '> market year II you have o cam Da11y P11ol Phone 642.5678 The taste5' draw In lhe per 1hal s nol ge111ngl AD-VISOR West a Detty P1to1 used sell '' now w1H1 • ------~ _c_1as_s1t1e_11_A_d 6_42_·~-~6~ J c1as~111ed ~d-_ _ _6_4_"·_56_7_e_ PERCHED HIGH on top 1he w ·st of thl· h1gh<'Sl nd~W m the North Tustin Hills, this t•ha1 r11111g und dl'l1ght!ul esl<lle might well tx· a n •al-ltf{· story book ...,<'tllng 111 which to lave happily ever L1ftt•r1 It as a masterp1e<.'I' in it's authl'ntll'llY of an t•ra m European history known for grat·1uu-; and l'<lll'lfortable hvmg. &:duded on a fon·st-l1kt.· hrll, 1•vt>ry window has a spectacular view of halls <ind root tops .ind :J b1ll1on clly lights! A darly spa·wde for someonl' fortunate l'nough to own this int'Omparablt.• home Lind st:lling Almost 5000 sq ft ~f laving sp;.ice an· on a rnagnifal·ent full acre just minutes from most freeways. South Coast Plaza and John Wayne airport. Asking price $1, HJ5,000 with eXl'<'pllonal 1>wn<.·r ass1slc'<i financing Exchanges t'Ons1dcred. o, .. House Su114ar fro• 1 to l ••· 11211 Rest,.oir Roal, M1r1h Tusth1 (from Newport Av(:. drive on Foothtll 11110 th<: halls to Skyltnti; follow h·ft on Skyhm• to tk~·rvmr) RICI ALDERmE Realtor /Developer 731 -4444 or 731-6116 OlhN m<1gmfwcnt l'xecutivl· est.ates rrom $1,295,006 to $1.990,0011 ~----~~~ FllOI lFFOlllllLE. • • • • • • • • TO lFFLUEIT. ? OPEN SATURDAY 1-5 P.111. 209 19th St., Bal. Penin ................... $319,000 117 Marine Ave .. Bal. Is ................... $272,500 102 Blue Lagoon, Lag. Bch ............. $545,000 2331 Cliff Dr .. Newport Hgts ............ $649.500 502 "I" St .. Penin. Pt. .. ............... $438,000 2137 E. Ocean, Pen in. Pt. ............... $305,900 607 Bayside Dr .. Promontory Bay $1,200.0001 108 Turquoise. Bal. Is. . ................... $675,000 408-408'h Poinsettia, CdM ............... $272,000 NEWPORT IS. BAYFROllT An affordable price on the water with pier/slip for 30' boat. En1oy outdoor living with large patio & deck. Adaptable residence can be duplex or home. OWC large 2nd T.D. $495.000. Fee CUSSIC COTIAIE-WlTH Just in trme to enjoy for summer on Grand Canal. Balboa Island. Remodeled and ready to occupy this 2 bedroom. 2 bath home. Private patio with fountain plus patio on water Warmth and charm, gourmet kitchen, stained glass and sundeck Can be added onto. $595.000 fee. docks for 2 boats. 673-6900. PIH/SLIP FOii 80' IDlT Dramatic executive hOrT\e on Promontory bay. Formal Irv.rm. all with vrews of water. Huge master suite with fireplace + 3 more bedrooms, 3 ba. Custom tile & oak cabinets In kitchen. Upstairs sitting rm. Gorgeous & spacious patio for entertaining & boat watching $1 ,200,000. 631-1400. LIDO ISLE DUllTIC Spiral stairs and professional decor throughout this spacious 4 bed. 4 ba. home, perfect for the family. Existing assumable loans of $392,000 -q effective 12.3% interest. Sales price $649,500. fee. 631 -1400. llYSHORES FRESH I FREllCH A perfect traditional country French 3 bed. 3 ba. wih large country kitchen. Brick patios & all amenities for outdoor living. OWC first T D. please see and submit. $325.000. BEAUTIFUL BACK BAY-VU, VU In a prrvate wooded alcove corner In Newport. Custom 4 bed. 3 ba .. formal din. rm., fam rm., 3 fireplaces. wet bar, VU living rm .. recreation rm. w/wet bar. Private pool & spa. Spacious & luxurlous w/hlgh beamed ceilings in liv.rm. OWC all at 10.15% APR for 30 years, with reasonable down payment. $579.000 fee. LIDO ISLE CLASSIC Totally remodeled and decorated 2-story in the best Mediterranean flavor. Open, bright 4 bed .. 4 ba. 2 patios for enter1alnlng. Stained glass. open beams. OW flnance with low cash down payment $445,000 fee. 631-1400. OCUIFllOIT COllDI YU LAGUNA In a private community with 3 levels of ocean VIEW. Luxury 3 bedroom. Gteat summer/winter rental, OW help flnanc Asking $5•5,000. 631-1400. OCEHFRDllT IEWPORT CAPE COD Appealing eastern charm with all the warmth of bygone days. 50 ft on best beach. Open beams. fireplace and much more $850,000 fee Call 631-1400. LITILE ISUllD DUPLEX~ORIER PRICE REDUCED TO $535,000! OW exchange this dream home of 3 bed. -' rental unit & mard's quarters. Steps to water & beach. FLEXIBLE TERMS ... OW listen! 673-6900. It's colorfully coordinated & lovely. llYSllE COYE llYFllOIT Prime Sea Diamond plan on one level with 2 bedrooms. 2 baths plus den. Fresh neutral decor. Private beach, bay view. pool and spa. Security gates. Boat slip available. Fee land. $775.000. llLIOl IS. llUSTIC llEllCTIOll Immaculate and adorable cottage that's very livable and loveable at $272.500. Near all shopping this 2 bed. with brick patio is BEST BUY ON THE ISLAND! 673-6900. TERRIFIC llYESTIEIT -3 llOIEll Beautifully maintained triplex In prime & convenient Costa Mesa location. 102x 102 ft. lot and quality built with front yards & garages. $248,500. 631-1400. Bl YFRONT -50' IOlT SLIP Sunrise to sunset & night VIEW from this gracious & elegant WATERFRONT home. Spacious living room. formal din.rm., gourmet kitchen w/breakfast area. French doors to brick patio & colorful garden. any extras & decorator amenit ies. Large mas ter suite + 3 fam. bedrooms. $1 ,750,000. fee. 631-1400. HlRIOR IUDliE -llEDUOED $201,~00I ANXIOUS SELLERS ARE READY TO CONSIDER ALL OFFERS! 180 deg. VIEW OF BAY, OCEAN & NIGHT LIGHTS. Quality details throughout this formal home with 4 bedrooms. library, formal din.rm., immense family rm., glamorous master suite + other fine features. $1 ,995,000. fee. Submit. IEWPORT TOWINDME -MCI Spacious & lowest priced 3 bed, 2'1e ba. In a waterfront community with your own boat dock. Greenbelt views & patio In a private area. Good assumable financing. $320,000. fee, . . . . . WOOi, IUSS, FOllEYEll YU . Classic contemporary with redwood extenor Smooth design and flowing floor plan 3 bed w/large fam. rm. Pool srze Jot. Spa. sauna plus glass enclosed decks. $695,000. AFFORlllLE COSTA MESA Perfect 3 bed., 2 ba. home on large Jot. New carpet & paint. OW help finance. Onve by 2260 Federal, & call ror details. $114,000. DUPLEX COM -CHARMER Just 3 blocks to beach. Front house has plank lloor s & wood burning !'place, w /two bedrooms. There's a newer 3 bed. unit over a 4-car garage rn rear. both in immaculate condition Reasonably priced at $272,000 FOREVER VIEW -REDUCED! Terrific location & large home with forever view for only $649,500 on fee land. OW exchange for smaller home or income units rn this area Large 2-story 3 bed. + large fam. rm., din rm + 3 car garage. Assumable loan Terms flexible OW lease/ option or rent by the month, furnished for summer. Call for details. Lllll ISLE/WAllTS UCHAllE Owner needs to relocate. Wi ll trade for commercial. industrial or home In Beverly Hills. Beautiful 5 bed. w/pier/slip for boat up to 50'. On a gate guarded island, asking $1 ,600.000 OHOISIU -0011011 IEL 11111 Two condos with soaring 26' open beams, solar glass, and over 3000 sq ft. Interesting levels. generous size rooms include 3 bdrms plus open Iott, many amenities. Reduced to $295.000. CLIFFUYEI -Clllllllll -S241,&00 Spacious 4 bdrm home with family rm and dining room. Master suite with Roman tub. OW help finance this property on a fine street. Drive by 421 Pirate Rd. (off Cliff Dr.) and call. FllTlSTIC IALIOl ISL. llPLU French doors, bay windows and 3 car parking with this valuable property. Sold furnished. 2 Bdrms in each unit. Large assumable loans. Submit. $479.000, 631-1400. IUITIFUL 011 WATEIU Impeccable quality and good taste in this warm and open family home on the water. Classic interior with 2 bedrooms plus den and large landscaped patio with spa, fountain and fire ring. Your own boat slip for 45' boat right out your own door. Owner will help finance for qualified buyer. $618,000 on fee land. Submit termsl 631-1400. . IEWPOIT CllEIT -12'9,000 Spacious tri-level with private entry to home with 4 bdrms, family and living rooms and walk to beach. Owner will carry AITD. Fee, 631-1400. mnTllUOI Sharp beach home. Highly upgraded . Remodeled kHchen Nice use of wood. lnslde and out. A reasonable price for this 3 Bdrm 2ba home. Outstanding financing. Owner will help. Submit. $209,000. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. ale • Rentals. Property r-tMagement 2-436 W. Coast Hwy. N«>Wport Boch 63 1-1400 • I Rt?<lUti.-d $17 5 ,11110 OPH 1·4 2011 Vista 411 Ort llUfFS c·11 .... t11111 :s nr .!. I.lath, lg gn't'nbdl lh•du11·d to $1~1H,OIJO I OPH 1-5 521 AH C•••o HELEN B. DOWD REALTORS, IMC. 644-0134 To placf' your me!.~dq1· t>etore lhe reading public phone Daily Pilot C1ase1htod 642·!>618 tor Cta!>s11ted Ad AC TION Call a U<11ly P1101 AD VISOR 1;42·5678 NEWPORT BAYFRONT ESTATE with 10' on •••port lay. Sw11pi11, ,a11ora•ic view from the Pavillit1 tt tht 1W1111taiu. hth111tic erchitutunl 1tah•1nt throuchout thil 3-slory resi41ac1 plus 4th floor obserutio• tower. Tht quality ind cuttu111nshi• In this 4i1111f114 structure offer s,acious rooms and privacy, in add ition to 11111rou1 idoor ad outdoor balconies, patios aid courty1rd entry. This ma111ific111t villa 1ff1n two wines for priule fiwi•&· This i11cludH 8 bedrooms and 6 bathro11as, a for111al 4111i11 room, 2 kitchens, fer•al ' llwi111 room, larc• f1111ily room 11d 11111ch •ort. A separate, self-ct1tai111d 11111ter suite. Laree •ier and float will aoc:e1111104ate boat. A d1l1il1d brochure will Ill auilablt u•o• 11qu11t. U ,&50,000 fee 1114. A4joi1i111 1u11t apart11Ht, plus l oar carac• available for SlH,000 on • st•aratt 451100 ft. lot. BlYFRONT GRAND HD SPACIOUS Mahi b1yfro11t location, ,a11ora•ic view f11111 this ner 4000 sq. ft. 11si4111c1. Pier fer hf• H ' 1achts. Lare• ad ''"' I llr, maid's qtrs a 5'h ba, rer1041lt4 kitch11, du n4 111uter suite with •l•w I fireplace . OWO TD at 12'A i11t fer 4 rears with $400,000 cash. S 1,H0,000 ftt lad. LINDA ISLE/RED. $300,000 Submit offers! low 4ow11 ., .. t H4 OW uchH&• for l1rc1 yacht or 111ttl witll 11111111. •ow 0111 of the low11t •ricd ho911S 011 Linda lslt with over 4000 ••· ff., 5 bdrm, 5 ba 111d pier I •Ii• for I arc• yacht plus side ties. $1 ,295,000. DUPLEX BY BUCH , NEWPORT Walk to beach. Clubhouse. T11111is . Swi1t111i11 ,ools. 2 bn, 2 bl each. Ftt. owe 1211,000 u 1 -1 coo. EXTRAORDINARY BlYFRONT DUPLEX! l••onlblt · tt 411•lic1t1 t14ar i• •ew•or1 H WATER. Graa4iose ,roperty Oii 11citi1& SOITll IUFRDU. heh 111it hs l11t111st111 lnels to 111j1y ''""' Vis fro• 4 btd 3Vc h . 411. I fa•. r11s., + 2 tirt•laoH I 2 baloHiH. OW h•I• flH•ct to •ualifi14 hyer. REHCED T01 $1 ,H0,000 113-1100. OCEANFRONT-CAPE COD-NEWPORT a,, .. 11111 easter• char• witll all ltat war•th et bJ&tH days. 50' H best lteaoll. ''"' H•••· flrt•lac1 114 1111011 ••rt. SH0,000. Ftt. 01-1400. CUSTOM NEAR BElCH-EXCHAM&EI Mlchly unra4t4 -2 flrt•lacts I sllrli1hts. a,.uli111 2-story w/2 ltd. f ... rM. OW 11ch1111 fer c•••trcial •r•,."1 er will h•I• ti11a11ce $310,000. 173-1100 GOLF COURSE VIEW/IRVINE Ptpul1r "A" 1111411, oH bt4r1111 ,1111 4111, •lorewau, oo••aclor, 111irrer14 war4rebt, 2 ,allH, atlaohd caract, S 141,000 call for tl1Hol11. NEWPORT FIXER O•l-4t-ue, urrude4 lty trus. Ot•ftrtaltl1 3 btl, 2 lta, with flrt•IHt I• eeutrr llltoll u ad 11•111 rt••· 1111,00I. H01 hlrlllll. llllAOIUTE 011 1011 STllEn Oent11 .. llt tt •• .,.rt I 18'tfflll• '--I• ,atlt wltll lfltJ HOHS ft 4ttHllf4 1aract. Twt '"1. + , ..... ••• IHll .. ff, ., ... ,, 212 •• , .. 11 •• C.1t1 ........ . ftr flHHJq, $112,100. O• WITH-FORMAL I WIE Lar1Mt tf tftt Hitt 111 ,re1t11.... Lile Pe1l1 ...... ttllfltL a,,r11. 2100 ... ft. ""' ...... """ ' •... , ., .... ,. .... ...,, ........ M4 ... ( ....... w .. ., ... , .. " ........ .. •••tat11 IMt .a, n ....... ...., .............. ftfU ....... .... ..... Urp ........ ......... WATERFRONT HOM • "< IU,\l 11111' """""' ........ '""'"" . -· I I ' -----------------------------m NT SHO BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT a'M AS INTERESTED A S ANYe.QDY EL$E: IN ALL THrL THl"JGS N 0 DECE"-IT PERSON WOULD SE Chinese trying to he civilized P.EKlNG (AP) -"Excuse me, comrade, but you just spat on the floor." said a medical worker to a startled passenger at the Peking railway station The worker cleaned up the mess with missionary zeal and delivered a h orruly on h ygiene. The passenger vowed never to spit in public - a nationwide habit that China was trying to break during March -"aociallst ethics month." More than 20,000 medical workers were in the stteets to explain hygiene, gtve free exams, take blood pres- sure and urge s pitters to use spittoons. In Shanghai, a w oman c ustom er recently complained her won ton was not cooked enough and asked the cook to boil 1t longer "Just eat 1t -if you get diarrhea, I'll take responsibility," the cook snapped. "Anyway, it won't kill you." The customer expla ined, "What kind of atti· tude is that?" T he cook charged from behind her stove, pulled the c ustomer's hair, scratched h er forehead and punched h er in the nose. The cook was later "dealt with," by police and her superiors, ne..w reports said. The press trumpeted the case, and other clerk-customer sluggings during "socialist ethics month." No sriuing and good manners are o nly two aspects o a nationwide campaign -every March forever more -to promo te cleanliness, courtesy and decorum. March has become an orgy of good deeds and a holy crusade against social evils: Traffic jams, por- nography, dirty latrines, too many cover girls, booing audiences and people who ridicule humble streetsweepers. "Strive to be a c1vil1zed person," "don't spit," "observe the five beauties and four stresses," say banners in Peking. China, once renowned for courtesy and exqui- site manners, has been plagued of late by rudeness, rowdiness and cynicism. The greatest offenders are the younger generation, tainted by the anti- auth oritarianism of t he 1966-76 Cultural Revolu- tion. Then, merit badges w ere given for revolutio- nary rudeness because good manners w ere regar- ded as servile and bourgeois. And some people were so accustomed to the ''iron rice bowl" -guaranteed wages -that they saw no reason to be considerate. ICIS DUTTON and Marion Makley of Costa FRANCES N DUTTON, Mesa. Ca Services will be Resident of Newport Beach held on Monday. June 28, Born in Los Angeles on 1982 at l:OOPM at Harbor October 24, 1905. Passed Lawn Memorial Chapel with away June 25th, 1982. Wife Rev. Andy Anderson of the of the late Dr. Bnghan W Prince of Peace Lutheran Bennett and the late John Church officiating. Service Ellis Dutton. Survived by under the direction of loving daughter. Marilyn Harbor Lawn-Mount Ohve Cleary and husband Patrick. Mortuary of Costa Mesa-Allio leaves 3 grandchildren, 540-5554. Kevin Cleary, KeUie Berry and Kristi Ashen and siswr P\El.IC NOTICE Helen Willis. Memorial ser vices Wednesday June 30th at Pacific View Memorial Park Chapel. Corona del Mar Donations made to: Amyotro ph1c Lateral Sclerosis Foundation. SCHAB LEIN DONALD RAYMOND SCHABLEIN. a resident of Costa Mesa. Ca. Passed away on June 24, 1982. Sul'Vlvecl by hia son Donald of Yu<.'Ca Valley, Ca .. brothers Robert of Costa Mesa. Ca. and John of Washington , sisters Evelyn Foy, Mildred Jordon FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT The following persons are do1ng business es. J 0 MC VALE CO , 2720 So Br11101. Sulle 212 Sante Ana. CA 9270• Arlhur J Valentine. 2212 Windward Ln Newport Beach CA 92660 Scoll McCall 251<4 Alder Ln . Coate MeN. CA 92827 This bullnMa Is conducted by a general partne<shlp. Arthur J. V1len1lne Thia 1111-1 was niect wUh the County Clerk or Orenge County on May 24, 1982 f1to01'2 Publlahed Orenge CoHt Dally Piiot, June 8. 13. 20, 27.1982 247~82 Ml.JC NOTICE FICTTTIOUI 8UIMH NAME ITATEIElfT The lollowlng ~raon la e101"g bu•neMaa: KNOTS FOR POTS. 2234 Orange Ave , Costa Mesa, CA 92821 Carolyn Ja"e ThomH , 223• -:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;::::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;:::;;~Orange Ava .. Coate Men. CA , 92827. ~ NICI llOTHllS Thia bu1lnett la conduC1ed by an lndlvldual SMITHS' MOltTUAaY Carotyn Jane Thomu 627 Ma in St Thia a111tement was llled wtth the Huntington Beach County Clerk of Orange Couri.ty on 536·6539 June 11, 1982. f111304 Publl1hed Or1nge Cout Dally Pilot, June 13. 20. 27. July 4, t982 2591·8~ "°" nou• WH ...._ITAftMIMT The ~ OtnOffl lie doing bullMla. RlDOIWAY LIMlflO ,Al'ITHU•IHI,, 17 Corporate ltla&a. ~ IMctl. Ca HMO N8WPOl1 Homa Loan inc <• Calllornle corpotttlon), NtwpO•I 9Mch, ca t2MO Thie ~ le OOnOUCltd by • "mlled oar1""9hlp N WPOAT HOME LOAN, INC Cort Kloke, Pr ... ldellt l<athlltll H-.p, A .. 1. vio. Prttto.,.1 thlt ttetamtnt wit nltd with 11141 County Cl9tl( of Orange Coun1y on June <I, 1982 '1IO"Ta Publl1hed Orange COHI Dilly Piiot June 8, 13, 20, 27, 1982 2491-82 MLIC NOTICE PICTITIOUa •uatNlll NAMI ITATIMINT The following 1>1<ton1 ere Clotng bualne1111 PULLMAN AVENUE INVESTMENT COMPANY 1303 Avocedo, Su11a 220, Newport Beech Ca 92860 Donald w Sh1w. 1303 Avocado, Suitt 220 Newport Beach. Ce 92680 Millon end Pel Go1t11e1> Ttutt 1303 Avocado Ave Suite 220 Newport Beach. Ca 92660 This buainesa ta conduc111d by • general par1nar1h1p Donald W Shaw ThlS sta1emen1 wu Iliad with tnll County Cte•k or O•ange Cou111y on Juno 9 1982 LAYMAN. JONES a DYE LAWYERS . 1 Corporal• Plaaa Newport Beech, Ca. l2teO F191173 Published Oran911 Co a91 Dally Pilot June t3. 20 21 July • 198~ 2603-82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUSINEIB NAM( STATEMENT The following persons ere doing business u . "CRENE O'OA, t9 t2 Galaxy 01 Newport Beach, Ca 92660 G1n1111e B11r1on. 1000 Blrksh11e Ln Newpon Beach. Ca 92660 Yvonne Shen, 1912 Galoy Or Newport Beach Ce 92660 Ginette Barton rh1s 5tatement wes llled with 1he County Cletk of Orange County ori June 9 1982 Flll1111 Published 01ange Coast Dally Pilot June 13 20 27 July 4 t9112 2605 8:1 NtUC NOTIC£ " ..... PICTITIOUI 8U._H NAM1 ll'ATIMINT the lollowlno ~raon I• d.olno bull,_ .. 001.DllN 81ATE ILOOOITOCK AQ!NCY, 121 Cabrlllo. Cotlt• M .... Cell! 9~i1 Jim 9uftla 12' C1bllll0. Coal• M .... Call.I 112827 Tl'll1 b'*'-11 con<IU01ed by 8" Ind Mou al J 8url(e lhlt tllt-1 WU flied with the County Cll<ll of Orll/108 County Otl May ,4, 1982 '1IOOM Publl•hed Orange CoHt Dally Piiot. June 8, 13, 20, 27, 1982 24fl0.82 POOllC NOTICE K-00883 NOTICE OF DEATH OF EUGENIA L. LESTER ANO OF PET I TION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A-113984. To all hetrs, bener1c1..uit.>t1, l'rl'd1tors and contingent cr~d1tors of EUGENrA L LESTEH and persons who may be otherw1Se inlt!rested tn 1he will and/or estall': A pct1hon has lx-c11 tiled by JOHN B LESTER. JR 1n the Supl•rtor Court of Orange CountL rt-questing tha1 JOHN B ESTER, JR bl' appoin1ed ais personal reli'r~ntallve to adminisLer the t>Stat.e of EUGENIA L LESTEH , BALBOA IS LAND. l"ALIF' (undN t h t· I n J c p t· n d t n t AcJman1stre1t1u11 of Estates Al·t) Tht-pcllllon 1s St'l for ht•ar mg In DcpL No. J at 700 Civil' Cc•nter Drive West, Santa Ana, Cahf. 9:!701 on July 21. 198:.t at 9:30 a.m lF YOU OBJECT LO tht granttng uf the petition, you should e1lhC'r appear at the hearing and s tate your objections or file written ob1ect1ons with the court beofore the hearing. Your appearanl'e may be 1n person or by your attorney IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a l'Ontmgent creditor of the da'eaSt'd, you must file your cla1m with the l'<>Urt or pn:'St'nt ti to the P\El.IC NOTICE pt-rsonal representative appv1nted by Lh(• court FICTITIOUS IUSIHE88 w1th111 four months from the NAME ITATEMEHT date• of first issuance of The following pe1aon II dot"g c-. business as letters as provided in .:x"Ction TOP TUNE 13. 602 E 17th St 700 of the Probate Code of Santa Ane, CA 92707 Cali forn1a The time for Betty Lou Hardll'IQ, 1922 Perl< f I t · U t · Skytlne Rd .. Santi Ana CA 92705 1 mg <' aims WI no expire Thi• buain•s 11 conducted by an prior W four months from indlllklual l he dale IJ f the hearing Betty Lou Ha!dlng nuttl't-d abovt'. Thia atetement was flied with the YOU MA y EXAMINE County Clerk of Otenge County on lh" file kPpl by the murt. If June 9. 1982 ~ 1'111117• you arc• interested in the Publlahed Orange Cont Dally estate, you may file a request · Pllo1, June 13, 20. 27. Jury•. 1982 with the court to receive 2602·82 -----------:.pt'1·1al notice o f the PtllllC NOTICE ftCTITIOUI IWllNt:H NAME ITATEMENT The following perton II doing bus! ........ PROFESSIONAL PARK · 5. 881 Oova< Drive, Sulle 15 Nawpo1t Beach, Clllfomle 92683. J. H Richey, 707 El Mlrador. Fulle<1on. C11U0<nla 92635 Thi• bull~ 11 conducted by • limited par1nerShlp J H Richey This stetemant waa Iii.cl with the Cou"1y Cletk or Or•noe County on June 9 1982 inventory of estate assets and of the pclltmns, accountS and reports desC"ribed in Section I :lOO ~ o f the Californrn Pr9bate Code. WALKER ,• WRIGHT , TYLER & WARD Attoniey at Law 626 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 804 Los Angeles, CA 90017 6?9-3571 PublishC'd Orange Coast Dally Pilot, Junt· 26. 27. July 3. 1982 F1111'1 Pu1>111hed orange Co&1t Dally _________ 2_!!0_5_-_82 Pilot, June 13, 20. 27. July 4, 1982 2600·82 P\El.IC NOTICE K-4038.5 FICTmous BUllNHI NAfl"E 8TATEMENT The lollowlng PerSOfls are doing business as: INTERAMERICAN COLLINS STREEl PARTNERSHIP 3151 Airway Avenue G-3. Coata Mesa California 92626 lnterarnerlca" Bullelera Partnerehlp, Pertnershlp, 11 Calllorn111 Limited Partnership, 3151 Airway Avenue. G·3. Coste Mesa Callforn111 92628 lntererlcan Builder• Par1nerahlp, 11 Gefitll'al Pertnerahlp, 315 I Airway Avenue , 0-3 Costft Me111 , California 92628 North Amer1cen Housing Inc , a Cel1torn1a corporatlo" 3 t5 t Airway Avenue. G-3 Coste Mesa Calllornla 92628 Thlt bualnesa Is conducted by a llrnlled partner1hlp North Amencan Houaing. Inc Frank Bauman Pr-.oent This slat-I wu flied wtth Ille County Clat'k of Orange County on June 2. 1982. f1toe07 PuDll1hed Or1nge Coul Dally Pilot, June 8, 13, 20. 27, 1982 2488-82 Plait NOTICE POOLIC NOTICE ~----------K-00680 NOTICE OF DEATH OF ED ITH EL I ZABETH CASSIDY, AKA EDITH E. CASSIDY AND OF PETITION T O AD· MINISTER ESTATE NO . A·l 13977. Tu all heirs. b<'neflc1anes. l.'r~d1ton. and conttngent t rl'd1t ors of EDITH ELIZABETH CASSIDY. aka EDITH E CASSIDY and persons who may be otherwise intr·rested in lhe w1 II and/or <."St.ate: A pcl1uon has been filed by NANCY ANNE DEAN m the Superior Court of Orange County request.mg that NANCY ANNE DEAN be appointed as personal repr("SCntauve to adml1l1Ster 1h e est ate of EDITH ELIZABETH CASSIDY. aka EDITH E. CASSIDY, CITY OF COSTA MESA, CALIF (under the Independent Aclnurusttallon of E.'it.ales Act) The petition 1s sct for hearing tn Dept. A<:TTTIOUI IUllNHI No 3 at 700 Civic Center NAME STATEMENT A ftl& totlOwlng per11<>ns are doing Drive West, Santa na, bullneu es: Calif. 92701 un July 21. 1982 A) PARRA DISTRIBUTORS B) at 9:JO a.m PARA OISTR1BUTORS. C) PARRA IF YOU OBJECT w the WHO LESALE 0) PARA f h w H 0 LE s ALE. E, p ARR A granting () t e pell lion, you M A 1 Lo Ro E R . r 1 PA R A should either appear at the MAILOROER. 0) PARRA MAIL. H) hearing and state your PARA MAIL, ii PARRA LABS, JJ objections or file written PARA LA BS . I() PARRA Obje<'t1ons With th(' court CHE M ICALS LI PARA ,ACIRC YllW MIMOllAL P'AllK Cerretery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1l1c View Drive Newport Beach 6'4-2700 CHEMICALS. M) PARRA . PARA before lhe hearing. Your flt&.IC NOTICE 2813 Nawporl Blvd Newport appenranw may be in person ______ ........; ___ ___. Be11ch, CA 92683 or b~ your attorney. McCOb«:S MOltTUAl•S Laguna Beach '494·9•15 Laguna Hilla 76&-0933 San Juan Cep•strano •95·1176 ~ L.AWK--MT, OUYI Mortuaty • Cematery Cre"'I tory 1625 Gisler Ave . Costa M.U ~555'& ,..c:••or.-. m.LKO.ADWAY MOtt\'UA.IY 110 8 roadw1ty eo.i.Meu &t?-9150 , '1CTTTIOUI au ... aa EOE Corpotallon, a CAlllorn11 I y O U A R E A N.-ITATE..wf ~•lion, 2813 N-pon Blvd . Tha lollowlng perao" 11 doing N-pon Beach, CA 92ee3 C REDITOR or a l'Ontingent ~ u : EOE Coti>otatlon creditor of the deceased, you PROFESSIONAL PARK . 3, 881 Ru .... , Ev1111 musl ftlc your claim with the Dover Drive. Newport Beach, PrMidenl court or present 1t to the Callfomla 92M3 Thia 11.i-1 wu Ill«! with Ille J1me1 A. Hotehklu, 2&42 EM1 County a.ti o1 Oriinge County on personal representative Ad-. Orange. C..lfMnl• 92M7 May 10. 1982 appointed by the court Tllla buel-II conducted by • La• omc.. of within four months {rom the llml1td Plf1'*"'1C> MlcMel C. Oeft"O date of first Issuance of Jemee A Hotc:hklN 4040 MMA.ttllw llvd., •u11e * letters as proV1ded in Section Tlllt 11...,,_,1 wu llltd with Ille "· o. ha .-rt 700 of the Probate Code of Coun~ C1el1I of Orange County on Newport 8aeoti. CA l2MO Junet. 1982. P:1n112 California The t ime for ~1• Put>llthed Or•"G• Cotti Oallw ft''·ng claims will not expire Publlllhld 011111: CoHt Dally Piiot. June 8. 13, 20. 21. 1982 ' u P 1• -J•"" • ....... pnor to four months from llot, June ... ~v. • _, 2e0142 2489""2 the date of the hearing PtllJC ~ noticed above. Nil.IC NOTIC( YOU MAY EXAMINE PICTITIOUI iUWH ~~=:r· the file kept by lhe COW't. lf NA• ITATIMIHT TJ\41 IOllowMIJ '*'°"'.,. dOlng you are intpre8ted In the Tht lollowl"g perao" 11 doing ~ u: estate, you may file a request DvtlMMU: (A) XCEL JANITORIAL with the court to re<'elve NIWPORT ORAPHICS, 350 E. SERVICE. (8) MOP& ANO RA08 t'Tth t i., Ste. 116, Cotta Mae. Ca. CL£ANIHQ UfMCf!, &56 P.il#lno ape c I a I n O t I c Cl o f th e 92627 n102. Cotta Miii, c. tHH Inventory of e•l3te aneta Ml<T Enterprtua, Inc. fa L-ranoa Emll Boucfltf, ta& and of the pcllldona, accounlol c1111or"la corporauon), 22872 Peu1at1no #T102. Coate M91, ea. and report• dcicr1bed In MOtltal\lo Rd , Laguna Nlguel, Ca. 925at Ht71 • ..r eckla Ly"n Singer, HI Section 1200 .~ o f the Thia butlMM 11 ~ac1 by• Pa..tlarlno nto2. Coe!• Meta. c.. C&Ufonua Probate Code. COl'POfllllOn Heat ilTBUR J. Ill.A VA Ml(T ENTE"""tSU INC Tiiie ~ 11 oondUctld by I An.rH)' al 1,;aw =T~ geMrtl -=~-lHI W. la&ella Av • S&lce J T,. ....._,, .. filed wttft ,,. n. .... ..,.. ... .., Wftl\ .,. ~·~i:wc.ur. 11u1 Cour\1. =Of 0r.,... Coutlty on CounlY °""' ot °'""' COU11CY Oft (7 H) IM June • 1 t , ~..,. Nit "· tM2. Pub11ahed OranJt Cout P11Dfl1Mct °''""Coat Dtiily flllblltMf Otante Oo:~ Dally PlJoc. Jww 18, 27, July l"llOI .... I~. 20, 11 • .Mt~~ "'°'.a.. .. 12, 2Cf, 11. ,.. S, 1982, 14Jt.aa 280ot-&2 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 .2 • 5 6 7 8 Orange Co11t OAILY PILOT/Sunday, June 27, lG82 E3 ' ...... ,., "'' ·1 ~~!~!!.{'!.~/! ....... • .. ~'!tf!.{'!.~!. ...•.. ~~'!!!!.{'!.~'.~ •••.•• ····l••·············· ~~~'!. ......... !.~f '11.'!.~{ ••• ~·····'· ... ~ ¥!!'.~~~{ ••••••••• !.~! ~ ... ~~~{ ......... !.~~ Y'J J Piil 11111 IUI T•I 011 I OPEN HOUSE SHOW'CASE"' ULllRRT ~.~llef t w~a'~' :~yr::. TIUY 11·1 Ill Vou~lt wt111 • mOft. 616 Vl Lid So d $387.~92 Completely ramoClalao lhly P•r'"'"' or Ua• a o u 1o.uc11en w/rww cabin.ta Pllmo Call now to ... 240 Via EboU, Lido Ialet $4~.000 & app11anoee p1u1 mlcfo, the cozy country ltttchen 224 Vla Lorea Lido Iale $42~.000 rteeMad llghti"O· no wu wlth rock nr~ace and 222 V'fi p I, ' Lid •-t ,389,000 !loo+'• S~loue light & cuetom cabln•tt 1110. ua 6l crrno, o "' e • alry tam rm 3 er 3 Ba. 000 ~ M orena, RAnc ho S .J . $149,000 ~ool & epa. No quell Oon'I dal1y 321 K l.rlilf R<l, CU ff Have n $682,600 1"0· ,AM1Jrnot seuoo at 0~~f1t~T~~;bL· 36 Canyon laland Bl c n $266.000 4 f9V. 1141'600 VOLPE TOllY812.~ TWO 559-9400 2 Winged Foot Bii Cyn S97~.000 1mm1cu1 a1e " 9r, t •.; EXTllEIE TO AY 1·J home w/oonc. orlvt, PQOI . e mo•. naw oopp11 YALUEI 105 Via San Remo $59~.000 plumbing, ga1 t•ltnelon· Wlrn i 5% invutmeni TOIAY 1·1 perfect •hop ""· and a11uma u ltllng fl"an. 131 V111 Undine, Lido lisle $~39,7~0 1•bulout curb appeal c•rio and HllM wlll carryr 207 Via Mentone, Lido Isle $~95.000 ~;~2~.5~1 ~~;~~,.·~ ~n~·.~: ,::-'por~ 22 l Via Ithaca, Lido Isle $335,000 3 Bdrm 2 bath 11mlly 1911 Court St, Bal Perun $399,000 TMRH home Only 123UOO 10 Wild Goocie, Nwpt Crst $189,500 Oon'I datay Call "owt &46-7171 A1 call 011n1 todaJ I ~25 Vta Lado sJ~: ' l-I $2, 700,000 OIANAJ6~~NP L rELl{AWlq 809 Via Lido Soud $1 ,300,000 ~~~5;59~·;94~00~~~IJ""'llil~-~-~-~-~-~-!!-~ 506 E. Oceanfront, Penin. $525.000 ~ IAlllAI• Ill& Ylll( TOIH 2·1 OISTIM 113 Via Ravenna, Ltdo Isle $349.500 A•I POOLI Taatefully decorated, im- 2277 Pai:1f1c Ave, C.M. $125,800 Coete Meaa 4 Bdrm . 2 maCYlat• "~'-.,..home. bath ramlly poot home £litre lrg pool, •1>8 RV $125,800 AUUme loan end Miier acceu 3 cer garage TOIAY 2-1 wtll carry with 10'1, down! Walk 10 counlry club. 115 V W · L d ls] $495 000 A bargeln 81 s 13•.900 I Excell auurnable llnan-ia auers, 1 o e • Call now 646_ 7 171 clng avellable. Full Pf'IQe 118 Via Quito, Lido Isle $639,000 · $395,000. 7~1.3 1g1 C:::. ~f l H I TOIH J-1 Z04 Via Eboli, Lido lsle 212 Via Eboli, Lido Isle 121 Via Firenze, Lido Isle 224 Via Genoa, Lido Isle 1063 Dover Dr., C liff Hvn 266 l Bas.5wood, E-blulf $595.500 $498,500 tiiiiiiiiiiRiieiiiiaiiil E.•.taiiiitiiiierii11iiaiiii1g~-1 $695,000 O"ORTHfTY 1;.-;_-.-_-.-.-.-.-.-. -. -. -t"' I 'HC >Pf H 11( ,, $675,000 23 Aires Ct, Nwpt Crst 501 St. Andrews, N.B . $149,500 $232,000 $275,000 $169,500 Lido Realty 673-7300 111/ E1t•t• . .••.•................ EOUAL HOUSING OPPORTUN ITY P11llll1htr'1 l1tlot1 HllORl1 Advertl· sers should check their ads dally and report errors im- m ed I ate I y . The DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. All reel es1111e advertllMld --------In this newspaper 19 Ctat11/ 1002 aub~ect to the Feder et •••••• •••••••••• •••••• Fair Hooalng Act of 1968 UPPER whtcl1 makta It Illegal to advertise "'"Y preferen· IACI IAYI ce, limitation or dlterlml· na1lon btaed on race, color, rtllglon. 1e11 or "llllOnt l origin, or any Intention to make eny euch preference, llmlt1- 11on or dlterlmlnlltlon." Thia n-•P•P9' wlll "ot knowlngly accepl any aovart11lng for real H· 111e which Is In vlolellon of the lew Great location plua •-ping vi-or B•Ck Bayl This custom bullt 4 Bdrm 2 bath pool home 111 a super buy 111 only $209,900 with tarms avellable Cell today, 648-7171 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS §VoW...§VeW... More value for DIMES -In the famous Dally Piiot DIMES-A-LINE ADS Advertise llema up to S50 In v•lue Jn OlmH·A·Llne ads every Seturday In the Dally Piiot. Bring your ad with cHh to any of our three convenient ortl~es or mall your copy with • check or money order for the correc1 1mount. 20c ~r llne , S1 .00 minimum. Sorty, no llveatock, produce or plants and no commerciel •ds ere allowed. Each Item mutt be priced with no Item over S50. Dlmet·A-Un• eds mey be pieced at the Co•t• -.. .. otnc. ' until 3 p.m. Frid•y. '::~:.~· s~ \\.~ lA-11' t.~s· -ro.io C\Ar • _,,..... • !:'ct."'1:.!' ~er~ ....... -· ,,.,,, .._,"' ~ ..... ~ ...... - I PURNGS I' I 11 I I I· BE PIEL I 1· I I I WAELIH I I I' I' I .... .... l PANECM I i,........p..I ...;.J;,.'...;l_.'...;l.,._I,..._, Th• human "'-In 11 a _ . _ . wonderful thlnQ. It 8'ans ~-:::~::::'.~:::::!:: working the moment~·,. I L E S A M y f born Ind ,__ a1oPI ~tit ~:.._1,:. _-:_,;....: -~';;.i~'-Jo-; -~'.-_,-4 ~ ~:?. IO tet up knocks olta" whim you use resull-geWng Dally Pilot Classlllod Ads to reach the Orange Coast market. Phone 642·5678 To place your message before lhe reading public, phone Oally Pllor Clessllled, 642-5678 11.\IC BOU U I·:\ I.TY COR091l DEL MAR Money making rentaJ units, south of the hwy Earning $1450 per month with a waiting list. Motivated selJer has rcduct.-d the price to JUSt $229.000 and will assist with the financing! Pf Ell 1910 FLOAT Family sire Dover Shores bayfront home with private· dock and 60 feet on the bay. 4 bdrms., formal dining nn. & d en Large bays1de brick patio ideal for entertaining . At $985,000 L .H. this rs an CJutstanding b'1yfront va lue Shown by appointment. 00El91FROIT One of the finest oceanfront locations on the Coast Overlooks private cove a nd magnificent rock fonnations. Builder's own custom home with 4 bdrms formal djning nn. and den For the connoissuer there's a bwlt in wme vault, for the hobb1est there's a S<'parat.e work shop, the hortJ<:ulturest has a hot house and for the e nvironmentalist there's solar h ea ting -there's something for ever yone. $2,900, 000 LOW DOW91 * 30 YEARS A most unus ual opportunity 1n these days o f variable rate mortgages and balloon payments. You can buy this well locate d "Bluffs" with JUSt 10% down LO a 30 year loan• 4 bdrms .. 3 baths, s pacious throughout. $279.500 L H lllOllLE HOllE Located in ont' of the few 5 Star parks in the Newport Mesa area. 2 bdnn. 2 bath double wide Lancer in pnme end locatmn with lots of privacy In cludes attached sunporth and 2 car t'arport $42,000 L.H. LAND HAlllOR ISU•D 40 feet on the bay with pnvate pier and dock. Assumable low interest 1st TD. $1,915,000. SA• JUA91 CAPISTRA•O 5.5 acres with a sp«tacuJar vtew just minutes from town in area. of expens ive h o m es. $695,000 w tth creative owner hnandng. Horses OK. COllOH DEL IAR 2 view R -l lots in a quiet area away from summer t'rowds. Next to $2. 000,000 + hou se under construction $595,000 each 75% financing available. R-3 WI IEll•UlllO 7.3 acres in a h ot apartment area near state hospital and approved for condos. $2.100,000 N>USTRIAL BLDG. , .. ,. ...... Cleen 16,300 81Q. ft. tilt up bulldin,a on prime comer lot ln South Sarna AM. & qualtty tenants Including aeUer who will atay or move. $1, 040,000 teller will fl.na.nce. • ... .. I ••II ... Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, June 27, 1982 3 IDRIS, 2'h lath + h111ily room Fully equippl'<I custom k1l('h<•n mdud<•s sub-zero rcfng .. J <>n Air rang<'. d1shwa.,ht•r & trash compactor Water vu•w from all rooms indudmg mastt•r lx·droom Slip for 35 ft boat All for $825.000 indud1ng land Perhaps the lowest you will find Com1· b:v Sunday lx•t wt-t•n 1 and 4 101 NORTH HYFROMT, l1llloa Island VIEW TO CATALINA & BEYOND A smashmg forever view or bay & ocean • ron.>ver youn Just m tu~ to cl<llie escrow & move m Ln ume for 11ehool ThlS great ram1ly home. which rouldn t bt- betwr located to walk to all schools has 4 Bdrm; 3 &ths, ram1ly room & super large garuge with gamt- room Come see the many ameruu~-s this house has to orrer It ca.n be yours with an 8' • assumable loan & generous owner r1nancmg United Brokers 759-0120 PRIDE HUNTINGTON BEACH (2) 4-plexes, 2 blks to sand, Spanish style 2 bdrm townhouses. Condo potential. Garages. $275K ea w/25% dn . Prine . only. B e low bank appraisal. 1-870-9227. BALBOA ISLAND COM 'L AND PENTHOUSE • Bankruptcy Listed at $350.000 • What wall you gtv<.' for approx l:i50 <;q ft • Of Com'l spae<'. 2 car gar plus • I 2 spac·C's. Abt 1200 Sq rt . 1. bdr/2 ba • Apt .. 480 sq ft dt>t·k '.' 81ll1C'/ Agt • 2 131876-14:!7 or 714/6n-1241 HUGE COUNTRY 'MANOR NEWE GAIL RANCH Owner mu1t .ell thl1 exciting country manor of almott 9000 ICl fl on 1.39 view llCl"9. You c:ontrol t.hele 1or1eous 20 rooms with \he touch of• flnpr! Financlnc very flexible, owner very frantic . Call S . Trtvilion Of' M. Kill for • demonttrallon. ne.uoo. CUSTOM HOME WITH CHARACTER Thrc~ Bdrm. :! 1. ba and Dc•n Front & Rt•.ir Hakon1<•s llandsomt' stone wood and :-.tuti.o t•xtt·rwr Dbll' glass windows. 1. H1v1·r Rlll·k f1rC'plan·s . lntPrior gn•at for ent1•r ta1nrng Luminous t·c·1l1nK l l.111dc raftt-d u.1k parqu1·t har Many t•\.tr,1.., For I urtht•r 1nformat11111 L'all 67:1 fi571:! MESA VERDE $120,000 Wtth $57 000 down . OR $130.000 with S:l:.!,1100 down' APPRAISED AT $140,000 4 bdrm 2 bath. xln t rloor plan. nit<' yard Submit offt>rs Ownt•r Will Carry MUST SELL!! • Steve, llkr, (213) 927-1001 /(213) 169-3016 JASMINE CREEK Pm·t· .,l;isht•d on this ran.• Plan 4 Model an pr(•..,ug10us J,1.,m1ne Crl'l'k Call for dl't.a1b on th..., hug<· two story. :1 bedroom hornt• Tennis. pl)ol. gucirdt·d gatt• Ft·e land $:172.500 ASSOCIATED REAL TORS STEVE WILLE 581 -1100 CARLSBAD: DELUXE WATERFRONT COM DO S:i.000 Down. Own<'r will carry 131 ;% ~Ull'I Adult proj<-cl on Bird Sanetuar~ 2 llugP b<>clrrn~ .ind 1. full hath.., :.! units. ::.H)I) up $l:W.OOU, ;;;\()ti dov.n $1:.!~.000 W1ll t.1k<· noll·s. t·ars. as Down R & H I nv't ( 7 H) 75:.! :!1Y7 5 BEDROOMS & FAMILY ROOM POOL, SPA BEAUTIFUL TWO STORY HOME Approx one mile to Beech. Priced below Mark.et at J22U,900, 151' down plus Owner Financt.nc. CALL NOW FOR DETAILS • NEW VICTORIAN Ant1qut• lover's d n •om homt• 4.500 Ml ft of .1uthc•nttt qualuy All Mah pant'llng and trim lmportt•d t·t•1llng moldings and dome's Ant14ut· mantels Superb Ne>wport I !arbor v1c•ws f rum U02 King!> Road $8Y5,000 Opc.•n ht1u~t :! to 5 Sat Sun Phonl' fi 1~1 tt5:i:l, ti:~ 1 7ti:!4 ENCHANTING! Is the only way to describe this spacious 4 bdrm home with very private back yard Recently remodeled kitche n with n e w applJan ces mcludmg trash compactor. Superb financing with $10,800 down. Sacrif1 cl' $108,000 WALKER & LEE REAL ESTATE 9032 Adams Ave., Huntington Beach 963-5671 or 556-7035 OWNER FINANCING • OCElll VIEW Custom Home Capistrano Beach Palisades 3 Bdrm 21. Baths Form Ong. Fam Rms. $260,000 -10% Down -Low lnt. No Points Lavish Master Su1te-Ot'Ck w/ocean vu 2 Fm•places-Wt•l Bar-Abundant Storage Ceramic Tile K11.ehen Floor and Entry Top Grade Apphances-F1xtures-Cabmets PH: 496-2854, 496-3784 NEWPORT BEACH Thr(•c• b<-droom, three and one-half bath, ltvmg room. dmmg room. family room. dl•n. prt\'dtt' gatl'CI slrt'l't :moo sq ft s:\~0.000 $:!00,0tlll I~"!. Firs t at S2589 pc·r mo S 100.000 low mtc•rt•st 2nd bv sellt>r N1t·1· Vll'w :~n N<·wport Glc>nn Ct. 642-0430 for d1n>t·t111ns CdM JIWll OPIN SUN. 1°5 47'4 <Mtlan4 Cameo Hl1hland1 brltht and 1parklln1 S bedroom & den home wlt.h lat,. pool·li• yard . Private bHohH & low l nterHl auumable loana. •220.000. llllf ..... ....... " l!MIM 0 s . 1441 Galaxy Drive Dover Shores 4 Bdrm 1..~m. For mJI Dining Room. 2 F1n·placP~. :1 car g;11 <1ge plus l.irge Hohb~ Hoom P ool s 11t•cl lot. b1•auttfull\ landS<:ap<'<i Owrwr will a-.s1-;l .11 t 1n<1m·tng Onl' $4211.000 • Open Sot Sun 1-5 Nelson Robinson:Reoltor 548-5647 WIDE OPEN SPACES 0004 24tJU sq t t Custom. Nt·ar Nt·\\ hou~< 4 bdrms. 4 bat hs. loL" of t•\tr,1-. T..i:-.tl'lulh d('(:oratc•d · recid.\ to lllll\ l Ill $:>:!!1.fl(J(j Exn•lll•nl ftnannng Opc·n Sat Sun I ;> OthC'r trmc·s by appt :.!:.!:! t'or<.11 rl;11t10;, bl;ind ll7:> H9:.! 1 dll\ limp Desert Island Cntry Clb Rancho Mirage. Sunrise, S unset panoramic views of mtns. lakes & desert flr from this smashing 3 bdrm, Penthse. Prof dee & furn by one of the desert's leading interior dcs1gn.ers. this lux res offers spaciousness galore. oversized patios, golf. tennis clbhse dm & superb sec. $750.000. Furn. Lobland-Waring Realty Susan M oor e. Realtor-A ssoc. (714) 340-4641. 346-9477. 200 FT . NEWPORT BA YFRONT BOAT ON THE BAY. PLAY ON T HE OCEAN Spac1ou" opc>n & "unny all \'It'"' home w panoramtt• d(~:ks on hug<· prime Island Point, + doc:kmg & prkg galore-. + you own tht• land. + ownt•r f1nanc1ng. all for $965.000. Opt·n Sat• Sun I -~ 4028 C hanne l Place, Newport Island. N B 673-0202 * IASTl&.UFF * 11.21'5 flnandnc available when you take over ull\ln1 loan on the ele11nt 4 Br executive home that bu bMr\ U1Mlllvely prepared fcw entmalntns. One ot t.w hamie In .,... on ra LAND. WM.K• a Lii IW Ill A Tl H10 ._ Mlluel Dr., Ne,.;;' IMch 7tf·1l01 • , ... , 7J ------------ ~~ ..•....... }.~f ~~ .....•... !.~ ~~---+: OLW -YACAIT -CME.AP Assumable loans all under 14%, 2 Bdrms, family room. earth tone decor and greenbelt location. Snazzy at only $I 39,900. A lasting of Katie Roberts. Open Sun 1-5 pm, 4 Melody Lane. LOWEST PRICE PROYEll View home w1U go at non-view price 1{ buyer has cash. Leasehold and priced accordingly. 4 Bdrm in HV Hills. Interesting view. Only $295,000. A listing of Dottie Valentine Open Sun 1-5 pm, 978 Sandcast1e UlllOll VIEW HIH llLLSllE Newer Monaco model with pi:z.zaz and $20,000 pm.-e reduction. Mexican pavers, mirrored wardrobes. patio overhang. Out of stole owners wall help finance. $229,000 A hsling of R1to Boland. Open Sun. 1-5 pm. 2307 Port Carlisle. REALTORS , 675-6000 2443 EHi Cou l Hlghw•11. Coron• ~I Mu STEAL THIS VIEW-VIEW OUTSTANDING VICW Properl)' on Ct.Irr DRl'VJ N11wporl H•lllhla Bot opportunhy In l h• area REDUCED I00,000 and .. u.r uy1 SUBMIT OFFERS Expanal~ 4 Bdr. tAM RM POOL lwfne Juat elUl\IUna! CALL TODAY for LO\\t DOWN 1nlormaUon. RAE RODGERS Re/Mil 631 ·1266 Rr\tOfN II Al Rf Al fSTATf SE RVIC£S UCI U Y HH,000 Warm country atmosphere with stable for 2 horses. Gourmet kitchen, lg dining area. Paneled family room, 2 lg BR's. ExceUent financing. OPEN SUN 1-5. 2221 MF.SA DRIVE. ULUA llUll H 10,000 This lovely duplex is located on a corner oversized lot. 3 BR's in front, separate gst rm & large 2 BR Apt. 3 car garage with additional parlung for 3 cars. See this first' OPEN SUN 1-5. 108 RUBY. COltDU IEL llAA UJl,100 Remark.able value, location, quality & tenl\S! 3 BR + Fam Rm. AlJ Professionally decorated . Thousands of $ in quality carpets, tiles, shutters & designer papers. Owner INSISTED ON BEST. Take advantage! OPEN SUN 1-5. 19 WHITE WATER REFRFSHMENTS. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 * 1214 3 FINANCING• HARBOR VIEW HOME Gorgeous MONTEGO model featuring 4 br, parquet entry, & FEE land. Priced at $279.000 with large assumable loan & seller assisted financing!~ 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501or 752-7373. *TURN A FROG• Into a handsome prince. Spacious 3 br, 2 ba home on large corner lot needs help. St!Uer anxious. Sacrifice $1 10.900 963-5671 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035 •5 3 DOWN• Brand new townhomes near Huntington Harbor. Two and three bedroom models with two baths. Builder will finance al 12.9% and pay buyers nonrecurring closing costs. Prices start at $105,990. CalJ for complete details. 963-5671 . 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$727/MO.• Buys this channmg 3 br townhome w/only $8,500 dwn. Bicycle to the beach from superb location. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •DEMOLISHED HOME -CHEAP• 963-5671 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$12,000 DOWN• Highly desirable single story end-unit decorated m sumptuous earthtones. Two car garage with electric opener. G reat assumable lst Trust Deed of $68.807 at 11.25% payable $795/month. 963-567 l. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •ABANDONED• Artist's chalet w/panorarruc ocean view all the way to Cat.alma. Sacrifice price $15,000 below market 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$999/MO• ls all you pay for this 3 br, 11A ba cutie with secluded patio. $10,800 dwn and it's yours!! 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Hunt.ington Beach. 556-7035. •MESA VERDE• Affordable living with superb financing available. Spacious home mettculously maintained. Only $13,500 down. Asking $135,000. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$20,000 DN• Spacious family home with soaring cathedral ceilings and bright and airy country kJtchen With 4 large brs. 2 ba's and a family room. u·s a bargain at $154,900 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035 •$9,600 DOWN• Buys this big 4 br pool home. Over 2000 sq. ft. Loara Schools. Asking $159,900. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •FREE MONEY* Owner desperate, w1ll finance home at :zero interest for 5 years Beautifully decorated home in mint condition. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •OWNIR DESPERATEll• Must sell this cozy custom home near the ocean in "Old Town" Huntington Beach. The soa.rlni cathedral ceilings with 5 skylights and the romantic bay window add grace and charm not normally found at this price. Secluded patio/courtyard with low maintenance yard compJete the picture. Sacrlfice for $171.~00. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556·7035. NEWPORT IEACH Office 2170 San Mlgutl Drive N1wpon leach, CA 12110 (714) 751-1501 Orange Coast OAILY PILOT /Sunday, June 2'7, 1982 ...... ,., ,,,. "'"" ,., ,,,, ...•........•..•...•.•....•.•.....•......... 9!.~~~~{ ......... !.~. 9!.t.!~~~ ......... !.~I II~ LllTllll IY llZlllE llllllll 11, 111,000 The absolutt-best BAY Jo'RONT Buy vn the market. Totally custombed four bedroom executive home with dock that will accommodatt> three boots. Seller U> extremely motivated and fll!x1ble with tenns. 1321,000 Charming Peninsula Point Cottage. Three bedroom with great £inancmg and Seller wiU consider LOW OOWN and addiuonaJ seller finanting 1231,000 Unbelievable price for this delightful thre£-bedroom WestcltfC area POOL home Seller extremely anxious and wiU also consider a lC'ase/option purchaM?. U21,000 McLain Bag Canyon condo LOW DOWN Two bedroom. den formal dining room and much. much more. P opular Pinehurst model . Security gated, community pool, spa and tennis. 1211,000 Superb buy SeUer will Lease/Option and lease at $950.00 per month. McLain Big Canyon condo. Three bedroom, 2 story 2 'fl bath in move in condition. Amenities plus Call today for infonnat1on and showing on these excellent listings. SIZAllE SHIUll H2-12H 171-3441 k•OHHAHLIUI On The Bluff Overlooking Bay & Occu n . Custom-Built Hom(• Archite ct urally Designed . Mugnlricent Views. Beautiful Woods Handsome Appointment.!l. Abundant Closet & Storage Spact-160 l''t Frontage On Ocean Blvd. Call For More Information Cathryn Tenntllt•'"' Lb1uns. PHIOITOIY UY Custom BAylront FEE LANU Parquet Firs, New Cpt.<t, 3 BRs + Conv. Den. 3 \i'.t Ba. Separate D.R. Huge F.R. W/We t Bar, Kiu•hen W I Pantry. Srkfst Room. Sauna. 3-Car Garage. Wood Deck. Bay, Dock Owner Wall Carry Lrg 2nd. $1,400, 000. Marilyn Tw1t.cheU's Lasting Ill OAIYOI Owner ls Getting Dcsperatt· Spectacular Golf Coul"S(' View. ThlS Listing Offers Privacy, 3 Lrg Bdrms, 3 Ba, F .R , 3-Car Garagt· & Lovely Gardens. En.JOY Entcrt.amang In This Dramatic Home. Pricl'<.l Al $725,000 Trudy Stubblefield's Listing. SUYIEW Exclus1vt-Gate Guarded Arc•a Spl!ctacular View. With Or W /O Furniture. 3 BR + F.R Beautiful Condition. Owner Will ConsidN Exchange, Desert Property Only $450,000. A Twitchell-Tnv1son Listing. COSTA IHA Custom 3 Bdrm + Fam. Room Formal Dining. Prof. Decorated. Lovely Patio W/BBQ. Pool & Spa. If The Price Fits, There Are Few Homc-s In Beach Area Any Beller. Only $229,000. John Ross' Lasting. (!) ·---·-·-·· 759-9100 #2 Cotpo1 ... ,.._ .. ...,... c..- •IASTBLUFF• 11.21 % Financing available when you takeover existing loan on the elegant 4 Br executive home that has been extensively prepared for entertaining. One of few homes in area on FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •WESTCLIFF HIGHLANDS• Sensat1onaUy remodeled & decorated 4 Br home featuring swimming pool. bonus room, skylit~. lush private courtyard. fplc & assumable financing. Only $299,000 on FEE land 2670 San Miguel Dr . NC'wport Beach 759-1501 or 752-7373. •FREE RENT• Choice 4br executive ranch style home in prime TURTLEROCK location! $1,200/mo rent all applies towards purchase in 6 months to 1 year. Large. low intL•rest assumable loan, formal dining, frplc, and FEE LAND 2670 San Muzuel. 714/759-l501 or 7141752-7373. • 11.25 3 FINANCING• HARBOR VIEW HOME Sensational MONACO Model on FEE land with large ru€umable loan!' Featuring 3 BR, home warranty & LOW PRICE. Only $223.950. 2670 San M11lUel Dr .. Newoort Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. • 10 ~ 3 FINANCING• 103 FINANCING Brand end unit reaturing 2 master suites, 2 car garage and numerous upgrades. Owner wants to sell TODAY!! Bring check book and make offer. Only $149,950. 2670 San Mi~uel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •PRESTIGE COMMUNITY• Gorgeous 3 br, 2'h ba, 2 story home in JASMINE CREEK. Featuring guard gate, pools, tennis, clubhouse. Secluded location Wlth custom upgrades including stained glass windows & carved doors. Flexible financing tailored to your needs. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •BACK BAY AREA• •$135,000• 3 Br house on fee land featuring hardwood floors & shingle room with 11% assumable 1st T.D. Priced for immediate sale!!! 3670 San Miguel 759-150 I or 752-7373 On brand new townhome! Featuring privacy, 2 instr suite & de/loft overlooking liv rm. Only $123.950. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752· 7373. •PRICE REDUCED• 8.753 ASSUMABLE LOAN On this charming townhome in UNIVERSITY PARK TERRACE. Freshly painted & ready for occupancy. Only $129,950 on FEE land. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •9% flNANCING ••••• When you takeover existing 1st Trust Deed on thls absolutely beautiful Plan 4 in HERITAGE PARK. Th.is former model features 3 Br 2'7i Ba & extensive upgrading. Only $151,500!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759·1501 or 752-7373. , •PllCI RIDUCTION• WOODIRIDGI LANDING Btfl plan 1 featuring 3 br • .formal dining. Located acros& street Crom Lake 2. Priced al' $244,900 on FEE land. Owner usisted financing available. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach._ 769-1~1 or 752-7373. HUNTINGTON BEACH OFFICE 9032 Adam• AVI. Huntington ltoch, CA 12948 (714)5H-7035 ·~ Pll .... LNATill -llWNIT UY Thls i. not just o Lido Bayfront, It's 80' plus an adjoining private beach, acros.'i the: channel from the former John Wayne F.at.ate. Pier & llllp for large yacht Exrepuonal blend of traditional & contemporary dt>sign. Just 1,1nder 8000 sq. fot't. AU wood vaulted C"eiling & solid beams throughout 4 BR ancludmg a lg master suite w /study and wonderful patio for bay viewing Guest suite, maid's quarters, and auxiliary BR. Plus a 4 car garage. WE ARE PROUD TO OFFER THE ESTATE AT SIX MILLION SIX HUNDRED ................ LYNNE VALENTINE /DONA CH I CHESTER 644-6200/642-8235 (F36) UYFHIT UOLHIYI One of Newports most exciting locations is the setting for this beautiful contemporary waterfront home. Three BR including grand maste r suite w/11brary Extens1v<• use of stone & marble, mitred windows & skylights enhanl'(' the magmtude of this exceptional home pier & slip-securny. $4,750,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (F37) Ill CUYU CISTOI -IEW tfFEllllC Quality m every detail highlaghts this magnificently located 5 BR country french estate. Spacious rooms for formal & informal l'nt.ertaining include dining room, tavern room Sec urity & pool. $2,650.000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (F38) COLLllS ISLE ESTATE Outstanding bayfront resident•e, panoramic view of 4 islands & peninsula. Designed for entertaining including; Billiard rm, fam rm w/sit-down bar. 5 BR 8 BA, elevator to magnificent terrace on the roof. Slips for 3 boats. $4.300.000 incl . land Cathy Schweickert 642-8235 (F39) TNI IEST OF SPYliUSS The finest ocean & bay view from this beautiful Southport model. Custom pool, spa & much more. 5BR. 4 i,~ Ba Owner transferred & eager to sell Wall assist w/fmancing. Submit all offers. $995.000. Myrna Boom 551-8700. (F40) FIHST IUFHIT IPPHTlllTY Outstanding financing! A 60' fee lot with a newer custom home, 4 bedrooms, 4 1,-i baths, h uge master s uite. Room for two power boats Lo 55' Most rooms overlook the bay and night light views. Outstanding low interest bank and owner financing available. $1.200.000 George Grupe 644-6200. (F41) PAIHAllC OCUI VIEW Cameo Shores! So. of PCH 3 BR + lovely fam rm. See Catalana, sailboats & sunsets, Just reduced to $695.000 Fee land! Darlene Herman 752-1414 (F42) HIH Tit: lllllETI One of the lowest priced Deauv11les in Big Canyon This 4 BR home is light, airy & in A-1 cond1t1on. The beauti fu i pool , spa & lg . entertainment patio are perfect for those warm summer days ahead. $649.500. F.asy to see, so call Tom Allinson o r Terry Hanes 642-8235. (F43) unn UHIHTOI" Beautiful upgraded "Kensington·· with loft. Wood, super carpeting. stained glass, brick spa in entry, you name it, this house has it. Assumable loan + owne r will carry Priced al $625.000 Darlene Herman 752-1414 (F44) LIH ISWI IELllE NO•E Lovely bright 5 BR formal dining rm, fam rm, wet baJ'\ sunny patio! TastefuUy decorated. Assumable lst. T.D. Priced nght at $465.000 Bent M1t.cheU 642-8235 (F45) taYllE TUIACI FU Llll Charming imm aculate ho me, extra wide lot . S hutters thru-out. Heated pool. Separate badminton ct. Prof. landscaped, automatic sprinklers & Malibu l gts front & back. Walk to Balboa Island. $375,000 Ray Davies. 551-8700 (F46) USTILlff IUITY Never before on the market. Original OW'IWr has ne wly r e mode led thta beauUful lg. 4 BR resJdenoe t.o take advantage of the site & gorgeous view. A real pleasure to see! $310,000 LH Coby Ward 642-8235 (F47) .., •• .,.. .. wm,.., ThJI S BR h om~ offers • 1~clous light & airy feelina w /18 bedroom• & plenty of •t.orace· The yard ls ~ prlYlt.e wltj pool, BBQ & cabana. Good financing ii available. $249,$00. Bill Wedmore O~l-6700 (1'48) I ~'"'. I ' Et Or1ng• Cout DAILY PILOT/lund• • June 21, 1982 ~'.~!ff.~!.'.'! •....•• «~ff ff.!~~~'.' •••••.• ~!'.~{ •.••••••• }.~. ,,.~~~··········'·"' \\ I :, 1 I 1 \ ~YLOR CO. l\l'.1\I lt>l\S ·.11111· l ~J.l l i ... WMLI '" Ull 1'.4 1ma11n 1&11111 YllW llUI -IHI URI Quiet, park-like setting. Rm for paddle tenms and pool. CrcMl for orchard. Cul de sac st. 3 bdrma. fam rm, $379,500 including land. A.-sk about a 1 % intereat loan on this home HLHIH .,YHWLLll" SlH,000 Elegant 4 bdrm & family rm. The perfect plan Cor large or small family, young or not so young. Lge master suite on ground floor. Beaut. pool and very private patios. Best buy in Big Canyon. Vacant. See anytime. 644-4910. IOYE UP IT UOllAlllH Sell first? or Buy first? That 1s always the question Why not both in one transaction. We can offer you an unusual opporluni ly to exchange your presenl home. paid for or nol, as the down payment on an outstanding Big Canyon home on the golf cou rse. Why not call us now. 644-4910 TWO ILOCIS TO IEWPORT HHOll 111111 Charming 4 Br. & largt! family room. Brick fireplace. country kitchen, quiet r esidential area. L ong term se ller financing. $229,000 including land. 421-Htll PL. SIT /Sii 1·1 PRICE REDICEI 124,000 4 Br. 2 \l'l Ba. ideal family home with ocean view Community pool & park. Assumable 10 h% loan. $275,0-00. WESLEY I. TARIR 00., RULTIRI 2111 Sa1 .lt~1i1 111111 Rt1tl IEWNRT CEml, I.I. 144-4110 FORECLOHRI Owner desperate' 4 br, 3 ba. pool, spa. Laguna Niguel Was $349,SOC but now NAME YOUR PAICEI 675-9797 Agl a LHll'J Ct1tlt1 1 owner La Jolla Area Will sell exchange tor Newpor1 or Laguna pro· party or carry 10"/o pa· per Call Brandon Agt 720-1404 Close to Balboa Ferry. shops, restaurant. $91.000 down. 3 bdrm, 2 bath u pstair s, 2 bdrm, 2 bath downstairs. 4 yrs . old, ln beautiful condition with good rental income . Asking prlce $625,000. * 10t. HWI * * UYOUIT AIU Pllfl * Huge executive ranch-styl home featuring 4 br's. family room, formal dining on cul-de-sac w room for R.V.'s. Only $235,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr. 7141759-1501 r 7141752-7373 * lllA IEL 1111 * Assumable financing. Spacious Br r anch style home Featurin family room, cenlral air cond. private location. Close to aU. OnJ $136,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr. New por t Beach. 759 -1501 o 752-7373 * HWNIT llYIEU * 3 br. 21/J ba. family condo loca on greenbelt!! Assoc includes pool tennis & clubhouse. 2670 Sa Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach 759-1501 or 752· 7373. IEWPOIT IUCll tFFICE 2110 Sa1 111111 lrlwt (ll•) lH-1I01 (114) ll2-lal "-•f'!.1!!.h!! ••••.•• ~'.!ff!.!'.'.!.'.'.' ••••••• !'.!!!!.!'.'.!.'.'.' ••••••• ¥.'.!ff!.('.'./!.'!. •••••• !'.,ff!.!~!'.'.' ....... !'.!!!!.{~!'.'! •.••••• "'-'!11. ......... /.'.ff t!.~'.~~ ......... !.'.fl 11/m.Jllffl. .. .JIM ~ ••• ,,. ,,,, ftn!.~.~!!.'ftt .. !.~~ f!!!!~tt.-W·!.~~f .. :.r.m••••••••••••• e,,.m1MY ..... , Court ord., Nie ot Har· PlllDIU ... " la .. htll Bank appra(Md IMDK. b0t View Hiiie $ bdrm. 1•11 W. UY IHI UT 1 I 2 bdrm, 1 be. Prloe Now U•e ,ooo. lulld11 2'i'I bath wl bHutlful Prl•a w l a. ... f SU f 2 L.-.• ' HH,000. Oood llnln· quite 4 br, 3'"' be 8•) oc.an view a nlQlll tight -" oay -Y ronl. 1pa or -ta. clng ,,,.,_ cutlom Open Sun vl•w Only 13 i9,800 remocs.l.ct 3 bdrm. 3 .,_lh 11.200,000. , &•4·1211 I 2·5. 2220 Wet.,flont Of 8r0ker 851·1111 Open Oce & -A Dal w B 12 b 2 Own/bkr/btdr 873·t1•8 hOUH 8at190n 970 bath 3 Jeny vlewt. Marine l'CIOm, 4 bdnn. 3 .,.. 11116' ,,_. .,. ;~,:. d.:iy din ~m Senctc.uti. DfN9 • 700 1q.h . •t.38$,000, OeMnfront. 111 .......... hi Llghl l tir1 tit Only C.11111 lift nil IHI __. lllllTlf Tllll 121a.ooo. o9Wc 12% •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Ull llLI .... un1urp1111d quality, Call e.48·4220. Tit Y1I LIM •• INI Ill 1·1 •uperbly dHIQn~ wllh Prt.rne Lido Nord .,_yfront. !I bdrm. lH'\ beth. "old wor1d" charm. 8olld Cfn•• ''' lft,t Jiil IJ MACNAB L.ce 1...R • 2 boat alli:-11,500,000. oallb flOOf'I, ~fleabllnele, ••••h•••u•• •••••••• ..me, roo.. r•p ao•. .., .... LIT IRVINE muoh mor•. 3 Bdrm• In· With 3 er. iv. 8•. trplo. kemodllll!C.I 3 bdrm. 2 bath + tarae rec. nn eluding maat., .ult•. 3 By Own« MM5ee ~Al TV beam ~1Una1. futru.Md, palloa. M20.000 bathe, lamlly rm., tormll -~-----~I I dlnlno room Ind l•ro• •FULL OCEAN VU • ... _ ... -.--LlllA llLI UYPlllT rool deck. le.47,800. 12% loan. Jumlna Crk l..ajoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark nn, den, Boat 11Up Now 11,000,000 IAYSIDE COYE Spectacular bayfront view :.! br, 2 ba up. 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat sllpe $1.800,000. COROllDO CAYS Coronado Island cust. bayfront lot 85' boat dock Plans avail R<'d $370,000 w/tenns. ILIFFS COllO Single story end unit, expanded, uwaded 3 br, 3 ba on largest greenbelt. $2~.000. Pllll LllO 3 bdmu.:!1 l ba&hi; l'Ondo near pool $145,000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\ode D"~" N 8 n7S 6161 lll-4IOO ()wnar/egt. S.0·1615 1a1r,:,.,.1, 1001 IY IWIER Cdll •••••••••••••••••••••• NEW 3Br Condo. 2300 BEACHFRONT Unit, 3 br. IQ n. 1 ba. '598,000. Open Sun 1.5 873·5'410, ISrOkll 818 Merigold. RWY Ptl 011111 On• family or 2 C41n use theae 2 1lngl9 unite rn 1119 heart ol the P•nlnaula Point. Gr•at locellon near ~echet. 1ennl1 and boating '339,000 142-HOO - IPll IAILY 1·IPI 210 GRAND CANAL $315,000. 8•0-4521 PHITlll IPHUll momnlHE Popular •Bdrm Trad•· wlnda mdl. $495,000. Owner may ••change or leue option Mike Crow. Agent. 845-3 t16 Ill OHtU OUlllO I A parlecl house, vary naer beech Beautlful garden. 2 11ory, 3300 sq ft. 4 Br. $400,000 pOHl· 1 ble financing. Any rea- sonable otter wllast es- crow. $595,000 Opwl Fri tl'lru Sun 1 to 5 11 233 Poinsettia. Own.r 873-4271 .. u1•• , •• R .. ,. '" .. ' '"" Llttl• l1l1nd. Sharp 3 l'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • .,. et.5 •••••••••••••••••••••• Bdrm 2 bath on tnel• An11lous owner will con· water owe. $575,000. H"IE alder all olfera. ti TIE NllT UNIQUE HOMES IN IAVINE TERRACE •Wiii finance sale 3 Bdrm 3 bath. formal Alta or Tom Boland 3 BA 2 BA. $225,000. •Wiii lease option dining, large patio w/gu 675-6000 1425 BONNIE DOONE • lmmedlete occupancy BBQ Dbl garage, room OPEN DAILY 1-5 •Now prlc•d •t $999 tor boat or AV Great '40-1111 000 financing. c1oae 10 1ennl1 tnl ltlSI SH. 12-4 ~ Oflll~H!WJ & ~nttl1uy 1-1 · ~~::r:.at~as!~: Voaiii:' M"""C u~ 1121 E ...... It.ti. standard alzed lot. Ow· I Lit~ ~ 142·1200 ner will oerry financing. PACIFIC &OMM'N -@)Iara va1cc · 631 -3444 , : 0 ' rnltor JullC~~r~~l~Ls~Xd en ' 611 1062 need• to be sold. 2·38r I~~~~~~~~ oornef lot 12·~ dwn 111 Turn to tocl1y'1 clualfltd 1..: & 2nd auumeble. Aenu for th• b•tt buye. Find what you went In Hev• eomethlng to 1111? $1800 mo Call Johr S.2·5616 Dally Piiot Claaallleda. Clualfled ada do It well. 762-03•2 M·F Prln only Lingo RIAl&TAn IAIE YOll PUii TO llYE llW Into this freshly painted 4 BR, i BA home in Greentree. Ideally located perfect for family living. Low association fees with au the amenities. Priced below the market & with assistance from th e o wn er t o h elp with financing $162.000 Mary Welsh 855-4343 NAHOll VIEW NOIH Mona<."<> wath add1uonal room One story 3 BR pl u s den on lg corn er lot Beautiful condition. Lg patio w /r oo m f o r p oo l G o od f 1n a ne1ng. $206,000 L .H . Barbara Callihan 642-8235 (F33) IEW LOW PRICE Room for special pro.)CCts on a sup<.'r second floor cleared for action. 3 BR & huge famjly kitchen JUSt made for active people who want to live in The Colon y. $1 59,900 Coby Ward 642-8235 (F34) PRICE REllCTID• FA•TASTIC FllHCIH For this 2 BR. 2 117 BA, formal dining area & patio. Only 11·1 years old located nea r Harbor High School & within walking distanc.•e of shopping. $14 2.000 Fee la nd. Donna Godshall 644 -6200 (F35) ORAHE SOHRE COHOS Six brand new easts1de condos 3 BR. 3 baths, ready to move m Seller will help w/financing. Priced from $139,950. Tanya Harbour 551-8700 (F49) NOW AVAILABLE IN NEWPORT BEACH RARE OFFERIH Over a year and one half has passed since a home like this model has been offered for· sale on the Woodbridge Lake. The view never stops from this h ighly upgraded Woodside in prestigious gated Arbor Lake. This 3 BR + home sets right on the lake with water on 3 sides. Show like a model Mirrored dining & living room wall s, w et bar in den & wallpaper throughout. Fantastic financing. Offered at $339,900. TRADE THIS EASTBLUFF HOME FOR SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO! Mature trees and lush landscaping enhance this already magnificent home with privacy, warmth and a 3 bedroom floor plan. Seller relocating. will be flexible. $259,000. Call 844-7020. JUST OFF BALBOA BLVD. Priced below market for quick sale. this ocean view R2 residence has good Income potential. Right near the beach with 2 levels. garage. carport. 4 Bdrms & low Interest assumable financing. $225,000. Call 644-7020. ANNIVERSARY EST ATES This rambling ranch home Is ideal for first time buyers or investors. Needs a little TLC but well worth it! Large lot Is ideal for gardens or pool. Be creative on the financing. $163,000. Call Joanna Hendrie at 644-7020. ELEGANT LIVING IN HARBOR RIDGE Move up to the top with this custom home with over 5700 square feet. Endless features include a marble floored ent ry. a marble fireplace, oak library, master suite with Jacuzzi tub and steam shower. 3 additional bedrooms, a four car garage, insulated wine room. full security system. 4 fireplaces and a whole lot more. $1 ,895,000. Call Ed Eacano or Judy Jord•n at 844-7020. Open Sunday 2-5. MOTIVATED SELLER LOOKING FOR OFFERS! This commercial income property within walking distance of the Hwy. in Corona del Mar has two units with parking in rear. Terms available. $750,000. Call Jim Sellers at 644-7020. GOOD INCOME DUPLEX IN CORONA DEL MAR This contemporary Income property within walking distance of the beach has assumable financing, new carpets. new paint and an Ideal owners unit. $395.000. Call 844-7020. FOR 1.,EASE IN EXCLUSIVE HARBOR RIDGE Get set to enjoy the fabulous ocean and city light views that come with this 3 bedroom, 2'/t bath home awash in neutral earthtones. As a resident of this gate-guarded community you can take advantage of the tennis, pools and unique lifestyle that typifies Newport Beach. For lease at $2000 per month. C1ll Ed Eacano or David Hlrachler at 844-7020. SELLER WILL CARRY WITH 20-SOo/o DOWN This Newport Beach leasehold duplex Is just a few steps to the beach. Live In one, rent the other. Flexible seller offers good low Interest financing $225.000. Call David Hlrachler at 144-7020. JUST LISTED IN HARBOR RIDGE "Lucer ne" m odel In exclusive gate-guar ded community conveniently located near the Harbor, Newport Center, airport and Irvine center. Ideal tor entertaining with 3 bedrooms, 31/t baths, 3050 square feet , view decks, 3 flreplaoes, family room and panoramic views of the Harbor. Catalina and twlnkUng lights of the city by night. O/W/C AITD of $519,000 at 12.75% for term agreeable to buyer. $850.000. A•k for Ed Eacano at ...... 7020. Open Sunday 2-5. LEASEHOLD RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Located just a half block to the beach, this duplex has two bedroom units renting at $400/month. With 20-25% down. owner will carry for five years. $235,000. Call David Hlrachler at 644·7020. CASABLANCA MODEL IN HARBOR RIDGE This gate-guardeQ community Is the setting tor this 4 bedroom 21 /, bath hon:'e with. deck. professional landscaping, courtyard entry, high ceilings. fireplace and skylight. $357,000 assumable at 12. 75%. $585,000. Call Judy Jordan or Ed Eacano et 144-7020. Open Sunday 2-5. ~EA VIEW GATE-GUARDED COMMUNITY HOME This well cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath home has Impressive city l~ght and Cat~lina sunset views plus good assumable and seller financing avatlable. $495,000. Cell Judy Jordan or Ed Eacano et 644-7020. Open Sunday 2-5. GREAT PRICE AND TEAMS IN HARBOR RIDGE Panoramic views of the ocean. city lights and mountains greatly enhance this "Devonshire" model with 4 bedrooms 31h baths two fireplaces. two large decks. an atrium and $330,000 assumable low Interest financing. $695,000. Call Ed Eacano or Judy Jordan •• 644-7020. SPYGLASS ELEGANCE Exciting mountain and city light views Illuminate this 3+ Bdrm home with family room, 2 Baths. contemporary styling, 2 patios. courtyard, wetbar, fireplace, breakfast nook & much. much morel $495,000. C•ll Halll• Strock •I 644-7020. Open Sunday 2•5. GREAT NEWPORT OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX Make this income property your new summer home with ideal rental units. With 20% down. owner will carry at 12'11. U you desire units could easily become a maid's quarters or guest house. Just steps to the beach with 2 fireplaces. patio and double garage. possibilities are almost endless. $475,000 Fee. Cell Stephanie Burn1 et 644·7020. THE COVE OVERLOOKING BALBOA ISLAND This elegant gate-guarded Bayfront condo with 2 bedrooms den and 21h baths features an additional fireplace, vaulted ce1i1ngs, hardwood floors. wet bar, pool, private beach and stalned glass $825,000 with assumable fln&,,clng. Call 944-1020. Open Sunday 2-5. EXQUISITE WHITEW .\ TER VIEW HOME This contemporary NewPort Crest ~ndo Is within easy walking distance to beach and shopping. Motivated seller wlll aulat buyer to purchase this 3 bedroom home with 'beam celllng11 country kitchen and many other upgrades. $275,000. Can Joenna Hendrie at 144-1020. OVER 50 LINGO OPEN HOUSES THIS SUNDAY FROM 2-5, CALL ·US FOR THE ADDRESSES AND DIRECTIONS. LINGO REAL ESTATE Newport Beach -844-7020 Gilda Fisher 855-4343 IELOW URln 2 Br. condo in Mesa Verde with excellent terms. Price reduced to $94,000 Call Anne McCasland 631 -1266 MESA YEllE This beautiful 4 Br. 3 Ba. home is located on a quiet cul-de-sac close to the park. "Call for owner financing information, ask for Anne McCasland 631-1266 111 ESTATE Spacious 4800 sq. ft of elegance with pool. spa & view. PALACE PERFECT THRU OUT Fee land plus TERMS. Will trade for units. Call direct to Patrick Tenore 631-1266 or 760-8702 PRICE IS lllllT Owner says "price was right", but reduce to sell. Sharp & clean Mesa Verde 4 bdr .. Enticing spa in secluded setung. Reduced to $205 ,000 . J A CK I E HANDLEMAN 631 -1266 11uTma Best value in Costa Mesa · NEW, LOW INTEREST FINANCING avail. on this well-cared-for 3 bdr .. fam. rm. home. Priced to sell at $115,500. J ACK IE H ANDLEMAN 631 -1266 HUOlllllPAW'IA Fabulous, contemporary wood & glass custom home on ~ acre view lot. Featured are 4 bdrs., lg. fam. living areas, gym & recreation rooms, pool/epa & paddle tennis crt. • the NNet tool Priced at $695,000. J ACKIE liANDLEMAN 831-1266 1 lft plua ,AM ftM or DIN 1724 Weatcllfl Or II 12, Weetcllff, NB 63 1·7300 $95,000 Sun 1·5 2 81DAOOM 414 Narcissus, CdM 673·57181646·72 15 $179.000Sun 11·6 * * 633 Lido Park Dr (F7). Npt Bch 760 1900 $495,000 Sun 2·5 117 Marine Ave, Balboa Island. NB 673·6900 $272,500 Sat/Sun 1.5 #3 Lago Sud, lrvlne 752· 1609 $159.000 Sat/Sun 2-5 2013 Miramar, Balboa Peninsula 675·6376 $295,000 Sat/Sun 12-6 316 Jasmine, Corona del Mar 673-5354 $279,500 Sun 1·5 313 Onyx, Balboa Island 673-4062 Sun 12-4 * * 225 Grand Canal, Balboa Island, NB 673-6900 $595,000 Sun 1-4 2137 E. Ocean, Penln Point. NB 631-1400 $305,900 Sun 1-5 2 BA plu1 FAM RM or OEN ;;3 Aue Fontainebleau, Big Cyn, NB 759-9100 $415,000 Sun 1·5 2034 Vista Cajon. Newport Beach 759-122 1 $295.000 Open Sun 1.5 •4381 Margarita, Greentree. lrvlne 559-9400 $ 138,000 Open Sun 1-5 397 Bayview Terrace. Costa Mesa 963-6767 $200.000 Sun 12-4 4521 Tremont. Cameo Shores, CdM 644-9060 $495.000 Sal/Sun 1-5 •30 Aue Fontaine Bleau, Big Cyn, NB 644-9060 $495,000 Sun 1-5 213 Iris, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2215 Pacific Drive, Corona del Mar 644-6200 $925,000 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 1706 Miramar. Peninsula Pt, NB 642-5200 $300,000 Sun 1-5 1123 W. Bay, Balboa Peninsula. NB 645-4220 $295.000 Sat/Sun 11-4 * 19 Curl Dr, Jasmine Crk. vu. CdM 640-1515 $438,000 Sal/Sun 12-5 2 BA plua FAM RM or OEN & LOFT 2221 Mesa Dr, Back Bay, CM 644-9060 $335.000 Sun 1-5 3 BEDROOM * *408 E. Oceanlront, Bal Penin. NB 673-5410 $598.000 Sun 12-3 * *301 No. Star ln (Dover Shrs), NB 642-5200 $525,000 LIH Sun 1-5 1525 Ocean. Balboa Pen1n Pt 642-5200 $465 ,000 Sun 1-5 **34 l5 Ocean Blvd, Corona del Mar 760-1900 $1.250.000 Sun 1-5 # 1 Rue Fontambleau, Big Canyon, NB 760-1900 $500,000 Sun 1-5 1126 E Balboa Blvd. Pen1n, Balboa 759-9100 $1,295.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 408 Avocado Ave, Corona del Mar 675-4225 $585,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2331 Cllff Drive, Newport Heights. NB 631-1400 $649.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 62 Drakes Bay. Corona del Mar 640-9760 $495,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 5 12 Rockford Pl, Cameo Hinds. CdM 631-7300 $199,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 315 Iris, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $299.000 3225 Dakota St, Costa Mesa Sun 1·5 545-9904 $139.900 Sun 1-4 703 St. James Pl. Cliff Haven, NB 642-8235 $300,000 Sat/Sun 12·6 616 Marigold, CdM 640-4521 $385.000 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 *427 Catalina, Nwpt Hts, N B 644-7211 $267,500 Sun. 1-5 * *210 Grand Canal, Balboa Island 675-6000 $575.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 60 1 Gary Place, Newport Heights. NB 645-6269 $199,000 Sun 1-5 842 West Wilson, Costa Mesa 551 -2100 $109,500 Sun 1-5 11 26 E Balboa Blvd, Penm. Balboa 759-9 100 $1,295,000 Sun 1-5 1586 Myrtlewood, Mesa Verde. CM 540-4087 $1 23.900 Sun 1-5 1860 Port Wheeler, Nwpt Bch 631-1266 $269,000 Sun 1-5 2307 Port Carlisle (HVHms) NB 675-6000 $229,000 Sun 1-5 *4381 Margarita, Greentree. Irvine 559-9400 $138.000 Open Sun 1-5 314 Marigold, Corona del Mar 631-1400 $669.000 Sun 1-5 4827 Bruce Crescent. Lido Sande, NB 631-1400 $209.000 Sun 1-5 1511 Kings Road. Newport Heights, NB 673-6900 $599.000 Sun 1-5 466 Broadway, Costa Mesa 673-5354 $155,000 2718 W. Camden Pl, Santa Ana Sun 1·5 963-6767 S 106,000 Sun 3-5:30 112 Onyx, Balboa Island 551-8700 $639,000 Sun 1.5 900 Joann, Costa Mesa 540-1151 $110,000 Sun 1-5 158 1 Mlnorca, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $136,900 Sun 1·5 3 BR plu• QUIST 2801 Wlverly, Bayahorea, NB 549--8547 1535,000 L/H Sun 1·5 2211 Waterfront, Corol'la del Mar 64~4235 *'495,000 Sun 12·5 I • Dlul 'Ml Ml or Dmf, 17 l.I Aoc::MAt. Hafbor Aldt91 NI 780-9)33 •1000 8un 1·8 -. ...... - Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/Sunday, June 27, 1982 DIRECTORY k .. , !Mt "-dy directory •IHI y• !Mt w..-9" ·~,to~ All IN 19CtKofl• lltted Nlow •r• fttcribtJ t.. ,,....tr .... lty .......... .... ill ... ~, DAtL Y ,tLOT W AHT ADS. htrM• •howl1t9 °""' '""''" for •• w ,..... -llf"9td .. Met well ... ..._...._ Ml tM• ,.._ .. ,11 ,...,., e11d SIMCMy. * 19 Crest Circle, Corona del Mar 631-0884 $225.000 Sun 1-5 * 1087 Glen Circle, Weatelde, Costa Mesa 759-9100 $229,000 Sun 1-5 * •542 Harbor Island Dr. Promon Bay, NB 759-9100 $1 ,400,000 Sun 1-5 *2009 Yacht Defender, Seavlew, NB 759-9 100 $450,000 Sun 1-5 53 1 Traverse, Coste Mesa 979-2390 $159,900 Sun 1-5 1337 Susse11. Lane, Newport (Weatclltt) 645-7408 $269,500 Sun 1·4 876 Presidio. Mesa del Mar, CM 759-1501 $136,000 Sun 1-5 10101 Cliff Dr, Huntington Bch 963-6767 $157,900 Sun 1-4 452 Broadway (E/Slde) CM 646-3369 $197 .500 Sun 1-5 13 Canyon Island Dr, Big Cyn, NB 640-5560 $335,000 Sun 1-5 230 1 Are Ila. Newport Beach 642-8235 $185.000 6 Jetty (Jasmine Ck) CdM 675-6000 $385,000 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 602 Kings Rd. Newport Beach 645-8532 $895,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1425 Bonnie Doone (Irv Terr). CdM 640-6161 $225,000 Dally 1-5 261 1 Circle Dr, Bayshores, NB 645-6218 $299,500 L/H 1903 Yacht Colina, Newport Beach Sun 1-4 644-10 17 $5 19,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 *318 Signal Ad, Clltt Haven, NB 631-7300 $279,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 101 North Bay1ront, Balboa Island $815,000 Sun 1-4 2 I 1 Opal. Balboa Island, NB 675-4000 $647,500 Sun 12-4 2626 Riverside (Eastslde), CM 642-6368 $132,500 Sal /Sun 1-5 1607 Cornwall (Westclf). NB 642-5200 $289,500 Sun 1-5 •2009 Yacht Defender. Seavlew, NB· 759-9100 $450,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **542 Harbor Island Dr, Promon Bay, NB 759-9100 $1,400,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1087 Glen Circle. Westside, Costa Mesa 759-9100 $229.000 Sun 1-5 * •38 Balboa Coves, Newport Beach 675-7060 $569.000 Sun 1-5 201 1 Paloma, E/Slde. Costa Mesa 646-9498 $ 199,500 Dally 1-5 1837 Commodore, Baycrest. NB 631-7300 $335,000 Sun 1-5 130 I Dolphin Terr, Irv Terr, CdM 631-7300 $1.050,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • 1016 Dover Or, Wes1clltt. NB 631-7300 $255,000 Sun 1-5 2403 Vista Nobleza. Bluffs, NB 644-9060 $280,000 Fee Sun 2-5 11 Rustling Wind, Trtlrk, Irv 644-9060 $247,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 19 White Water, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $379,500 Sun 1-5 ••748 Via Udo Nord. Lido Isle, NB 64 4-9060 $1.995.000 Sun 1-5 1930 Port Bnstol, HV Homes. NB 631-7300 $268,500 Sun 1-5 1524 Santanella Terr, Irv Terr, CdM 63 1-7300 $395,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1472 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores, NB 642-2510 $739,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 47 14 Cortland, Cameo Hinds, CdM 673-5354 $220.000 Sun 1-5 1721 Kings Rd, Clltthvn, NB 759-1501 $675,000 Sat 12-5; Sun 1-5 292 1 Jacaranda (Mesa Verde). CM 75 1-3191 $134,500 Sun 1-4 25 Rustling Wind, Trtlrk, Irv 759-1501 $280,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2609 Raquela (Eastblutt). NB 759-9386 $249,900 Sat/Sun 1:30-5 1515 Cumberland (Westclltt), NB 540-1151 $240.000 Sat/Sun 1-4 •3043 Samoa (Mesa Verde), CM 540-1151 $145,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3048 Commodore Rd. Newport Beach 631-0680 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 BEDROOM 222 Coral. Balboa Island 675-6921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 20382 Greystone Ln, Huntington Bch 963-6767 $165,000 Sa 1-5/Su 2-e *2436 Holiday, NB 631-1266 $299.900 Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 1024 E Balboa Blvd, Penln Pt, NB 631·1400 $1,760,000 Sun 1-6 **2804 w. Oceanfront, Belboa Penln, NB 631-1400 $725,000 Sun 1-5 105 Via Ravenna, Lido tale, NB 631-1400 $446,000 Sun 1-6 2127 lndlan Spring• Ln, Baek Bay, NB tJ31-1400 $579,600 Sun 1-5 20 Welllngton, Ntwport 8Moh 759-8060 $585,000 Sun 1..s 325 Creeoent Bay Drive. North L.lgun1 8444200 $835,000 Sun 1:30-8 2701 Canary, Cotta Meu ~2313 '219,800 1514 MyrtWiood. OoMe M.- .... ,. 1141,IOO 4 IR plua 'AM FM or DEN 114 Via Ensueno , Mariners Point, San Clemente 759-9100 $876,000 Sun 1-5 #4 Narbonne, Harbor Ridge, NB 631-1400 $2,200,000 Sun 1-4 * 1860 Capri Circle, Mesa Verde, CM 631-1266 $695,000 Sun 2.5 *2406 Francisco, Newport Beach 646-7 414 Sunday 1-5 *2779 Tern Cr (Mesa Verde). CM 75 1-3191 $229,000 Sun 1-5 * 1878 Maul Cr (Mesa Verde), CM 75 1-3191 $395,000 Sun 1-5 1255 Somerset, Bay Crest. NB 63 1-7370 $395,000 Sun 1-5 ~424 Francisco, Newport Beech 759-1501 $235.000 Sun 1-5 1924 Port Weybridge, HVH, NB 769-1501 $279,000 Sun 1-5 * 1459 Galaxy Or, Dover ~hores. NB 642-8235 $465,000 L/H Sun. 1·5 440 Mendoza Terr, Corona Hinds, CdM 644-7211 $495,000 Fee Sun 1-5 2705 Cardinal (Mesa Verde), CM 645-0303 $189,900 Sun 2-5 1124 Dana {Pl828 del 601). CM 645.-0303 $285,000 Sun 1-4 •2020 Calvert (Mesa Verde). CM 645-0303 $190,000 Sun 1-4 *1776 Panay (Mesa Verde), CM 645-0303 $350,000 Sun 1-4 1671 Orchard (E.astslde), CM 642-6368 $149,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 114VlaEnsueno,MarlnersPt. $.Clemente Clemente 759-9100 $875,000 Sun 1-5 26 Rue Grand Ducal (Big Cyn). NB 642-5200 $725,000 Sun 1·5 233 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar 673-4271 $595,000 Set/Sun 1-5 #1 St. Tropez, Harbor Ridge. NB 760-1900 $850,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 9 Monaco, Harbor Ridge, Npt Bch 760-1900 $850,000 Sun 1-5 1132 Ebbtlde. Harbor View Hills. NB 760-1900 $750,000 Sun 2-5 2708 Lighthouse Ln (HVHls), CdM 675-6000 $465,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 **607 Bayside Dr. Promontory Bay, NB NB - 631-1400 $1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1749 Port Hemley Cir, HVH, NB 644-9060 $395,500 Sun 1-5 **2616 Bayshore Or, Newport Beach • 6.44-9060 Fee Sun 2-5 1251 Surfllne Way, HV Hills, CdM 644-49 10 $299,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2811 Lorenzo. Mesa del Mar. CM 631-7370 Sat/Sun 1-5 427 16th Pl, E-Slde, CM 644-4910 $229,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 *2236 Aralia, E-Blutt, NB 644-9060 $294,500 Sun 1-5 111 East Bay, Bay Penln, NB 631-7300 $549.500 Sal/Sun 1-5 #21 Stlllwater, Turtlerock, Irv 644-9060 $349,000 Sun 1-5 * 1906 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores. NB 631-7300 $600,000 Lse Sun 1-5 23 Rocky Knoll, Irvine 631-7300 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **1008 W. Bay, Bal Penln, NB 644-9060 $.950,000 Sun 2-5 * 19« Flamingo Or, Mesa Verde, CM 631-7300 $279,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •11 Carmel Bay Dr, Spyglass. CdM 631-7300 $625,000 Sun 1-5 1441 Galaxy Or, Dover Shores, NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1007 Tiller Way, HVH, CdM 64"4-9060 $369,000 Sun 1-5 •3801 Topside Ln, HVH. CdM 644-9060 $385,000 Sun 1-5 877 Sandcastle Dr, HVH, CdM 644-9060 $395,000 Fee Sun 1-5 #7 Creetitslde, Tr11rk, Irvine 644-72 11 $315,000 Sun. 1-5 «O Mendoza Terr. Corona Hinds, CdM 644-7211 $495,000 Sun. 1·5 210 Vil San Remo, Lido ISie. N.B. 875-3048 673-2558 Sun. 1-5 3202 Delaware Place, Mesa Verde, CM &46-9258 $139,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 *4128 Roict>ury Rd, Cameo Shor .. , CdM &75-5930 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 18 Cherry Hiiia Ln, Big Cyn, NB 644-9060 $1,395,<f<>O Sun 1-6 *1901 Galat .. (Irv Terr), CdM 873-7761 $705,000 FM Sun MS *1412 8an11ago, Newport S..Ch 831 ·1288 1375,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **1817 Bayside, Oorona del Mar 644-8200 t1 .~ta,ooo Sat/Sun 1·6 1823 Por1 CMtow Hbr Vu ttom.. NB '71-1110 tnl,000, tun 1·5 , I llDftOOM * *4028 Channel Pl. Nwpt ltland, NB 673-0202 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 29112 Carob. Eastblutf, NB 646-1044 $264,500 Sun 1·5 219 Via Udo Soud. Lido Isle, NB 760-1900 $2.25 million Sun 2·5 * 1608 Galaxy (Dover Shores) 631-1266 Sat & Sun * •708 Via Lido Nord, Lido Isle, NB 675-6161 $1 ,500,000 Sun 1.5 * 17 Muir Beach Circle, Bal Isle 673-1633 $2,400,000 Sat/Sun 1.4 17 18 West Hall Ave, So C.Plza, SA 851-9020 $1 19,900 Sun 1-5.30 5 BR plua FAM RM or DEN *3 Muir Beach Circle, Spyglass, CdM 642-8236 $2,295,000 Sun 1-5 336 Cherry Tree Lane, Newport Beach 548·8633 $225,000 Sun 12·4 35 Aldgellne Drive, Harbor Ridge. NB 760-1900 $2,650,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1211 Clift (Cllffhaven), NB 642-5200 $385,000 Sun 1·5 1448 Galaxy Dr, Dover Shores, NB 675-2373 $1 ,400,000 Sun 2-5 * *2500 Bayshore Dr. Bayshores. NB 63 1-7300 $1.650,000 Sun 1·5 1034 Sandcastle Or, HV Hiiis, CdM 63 1-7300 $330,000 Lse Sal/Sun 1-5 442 Begonia, Corona del Mar 644-6200 $569,500 Sat/Su\ 1·5 5 Poinl Loma (Spyglass). CdM 675-6000 $925,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 e BR plu• FAM RM or OEN 32 Mission Bay Drive, Spyglass. CdM 760-1900 $615.000 Sun 2-5 * * 115 Harbor Island Ad, Hrbr Is Rd, NB 631-7300 $1 ,500,000 Set/Sun 1·5 7 BR plu1 FAM RM or DEN 1760 Port Manlelgh Hbr Vu Homes 644-4337 $450,000 • By appt CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 3 1537 Los Rios. San Juan Clemente 963-6767 $97,500 Sun 1-5 101 Sholz Plaza (122) Versailles. NB 548-9955 $239,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2525 E. Ocean Blvd Corona del Mar 640-5560 $499,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 BR plua DEN 209-19th Street. Balboa Penln. NB 631-1400 $3 19,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 3 BEDROOM 551 Vista Grande, Bluffs. NB 759-9100 $222,500 *412 Carlotta, Blutfs. NB 759-9100 $195,000 102 Blue Lagoon. Laguna Beach Sat 1-5 Sun 1-5 631-1400 $545,000 Sal/Sun 1.5 ~4 Esplanade, Bluffs, Newport Beach 640-0020 $272,000 Fee Sat/Sun 1·5 *412 Carlotta. Blutts, NB 759-9100 $195,000 Sun 1-5 2424 Vista Hoger. The Bluffs. NB 631-1400 $179,500 Sun 1-5 15 Landfall Ct. Newport Beach 644-7020 $275,000 Sun 2-5 3 BR plua OEN # 7 Aue Vlllars, Big Canyon. NB 759-9100 $725,000 Sun 1-5 •2642 Vista Ornade, Blutts. NB 759-9100 $229.500 Sun 1-5 tt7 Rue Villars, Big Cyn, NB 759-9100 $725,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •2642 Vlsla Ornada. Blutts. NB 759-9100 $229,500 Sun 1-5 2645 Vista Ornada, Bluffs. NB 6-40-0020 $315,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 3 BEDROOM * 157 Yorktown lane, Monticello, CM 646-8396 Sat/Sun 1-5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 300 E. Coast Hwy #24, Newport Bch 675-4010 Sat/Sun 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 BR plus 1 BR 315 Iris, Corona deJ Mar 644·9060 $299,000 Sun 1-5 2 -2 BEDROOM 2001 Kings Road, CllHhaven, NB 673-6900 $399.500 Sun 1-5 3 BA plua 2 BA 408-408',+ Poinsettia. Corona del Mar 631 ·1400 $272,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2 • 3 91DROOM 430'h Begonia. Corona def Mar 676-2500 Sunday 1·4 BAYFRONT LOT FOR SALE ••1006 w. Bay, Bal Penln, NB M'4·9060 $860,000 Sun 2-5 PROPERTY FOR LEASE HOUSES FOR LEASE • llDftOOM 1412 Serenade Tetreoe. Irv Terr. CdM 769·9100 11.400 Mo. Sun. 1.5 HOU81i FOR RENT IM plue 'Ml Ml ot DSM • 2919 Jecentnda, Cotta MtiM 5'1-8017 ltOO mo. letllun 12_. Fl ,,,.,., ,,, ,.,, ..••..••..........•.•• '"''"'" 1·1 1IO .. ,. tOUI YI. UH LWll/IPTIH IPPOITllITT • bt<lroom tncludlng 2 MAtlt• IUllH. 3''\ ba IQf tamlly rm. 2 11ptet . ru111< wood beam cell'• · all 1" • walk to private beacl' toullon Tne ~ec:t fa mlly nome in tne per1e<:t n•ton1>ornooc $'495,00C with PERFECT llnar1c1r19 Fff land UO Mt141H Terr. OerHa .,, .. , .. ,. .... 1211 mm S231,0!JO So of PCH ~ Br. 2 Be home Loe Dack yard l)reat 1erms Call Della 631 1266 ag1 DREAM CASTLE Featured In numerous magazines and Preview ot Fine Homes Tn1s 4 beo room mas1erp1ece emulates 1110 arcnllec lure or a fine 15tn cent- ury castle Great old COM loca11on ,.,,tn wnne water view Superbly nandcrafted tnroughou1 New on market S9 t0 000 lee Call Ron Slater A gent AE 1 M AX 759 1221 Cdfll CONDO 3 Bdrm 3 Dains. super l>ly localed Communtly pool. Jacuu1 ano tennis Call Biii. 63 t -0884 6'16-5096 ~ FOREVER VIEW BAYFRONT "CHANNEL REEF" ZIZI OoHI II (F&) o, .. Te4ay (1·5) Seldom ollered •n tnis landmark tocatton buil- ding Very spacious 2 bdrm 2 bath with swee· p1no panorama ot New pon Bay & blue Pactrtc Assoc pool spacious sundecks & boat slips Appro-$3001< of assom loans otlereo at S•99 000 i!la~tmn5 & l£ L1., i!\rjltu rn Ring 640· 5560 Anytime Eastblulf Prof Bldg llST SELL LOWEST priced home In CdM 1791( tor 2BA 1BA 11)11> dwn & owr wtcarry mos1 of balance at to rate Call tor snowing at 673-5718 or 646-72 16 or come 1c open nouse Sun 1t·6 414 Nart1ssos CdM OPH HOUSE Sat. I Sue. 1 to 5 408 Avocado Ave Blwn Walertront & Pa c111c A most unusua location & house · w•df tot $585.000 Ownr/Agt 675-4225 DUPLEX·3 br, 2 ba. fplc each. many upgrades Ideal owner unit. as sume S2601<, consider trade Open Sun 1.4 430111 Begonia. 675-250( Owner/Bkr P-HTIIE SPYCUSS ElfCITIYE MOME Popular 4 Bdrm Trade· winds model $495.000 Owne• may exchange 01 lease op11on M i ke Cro w A gt 645-3176 210 DecrH Yiew Country atmosphere. Cit) conveniences CustorT home of wooo1 glass 3Br. 28a. lam rm. spa $475,000-lee Ownr/bkr 760-0795 C1111 11111 JOZ4 ············•········· E/SllE COSTA IHI Bread & buner duplex S 125.000 Attractive fl. nanclng Ouoef neighbor· hood Ml~e Crow Agt 645-3176 * IEU YEllDE * MUST SELL 4BAl2BA APPRAISED $140K NOW S 120K w/571( dn OR S 130K w/32K dn owe Bk,213;27·6001 10 NWllU HOON + 2 unite. Prime E/slde. HOK 1)910w ap· pralNJ. Xll'lt lnv.stment oppty or tu thtlter. S,50/mo . neg. wi no down, or brtak evon WI~ down. S 135,000. Wiii trade for aut o Ownetl egt, &4a.43«> Of •94-0385. THIS SPECTACULAR trl- lovol • Bdrm nr So. CoH t Plaza "" OYOI)' upgrade tile roof end ~. Mutt Mii: t*" now E!Ar 8'8-0709 ...... 1n.- '" fA8TllO! oVTaTA~ DINa 3 •• Femlty Alfl HoN onl't • ~ Olcl P~ICIO TO lllL 11 ~~U.Jof LOW M l "®OlM \ d Fl Orange Co11t OAI L Y PILOT /Sunday, June 27, 1982 «ttttt .W. ~1!. ••• • . • l.~•m. ~ ~'1.... ... !<~!!!!.!~ !tl!.. •.• . • «~'!!! .~~ .~''·...... '.'.'.,!!! .!'.~ !.'.'!..... •• '.'.~'!!!.!'.'. !.'.'.'....... !'.'.~!!!.!~'.!.'.'.'....... ";::1;,f .. " "" '1~.'t."11.1'.'l.tt..... 9!~.'!. ~'!:.{ !!.'1.11 ..... fr.H.ll!tt ...... 1.~ f111,.«P-t.1 •• 1 .1.m !m.t .......... .11.t1 ~'...,·"''-!{ .. J.':'.f !t.'P.!!.~!! .. 1.~1 !.1.rrr.!!.~!~ ... J.Ojf !'!!P.!t.~1~ ... !.0jf N;.;;;;·9~;;, .. o;·;,;: !!mff.rtmm..... 'N' ,,,,,, JUST l\EMoDaLED llW 111 UWI ftlte W•t•r "" lllPfl • YllW bolror\1 l'ark Min' 122.000 CS.rtttcl1tl0n d• lx1i,.I! !!!!f I I 114. 0 •• t I ;~~1t'b~~·o;~~00~:~1:4;~ 110 1011 3 bdrm, .. b11, Lagun• 3 Br 2~ba, tnd unit on RARE BLUFFS OPPORTUNITIES ~f.':!. ~r~o:~~~·· fir• ::·1~~J.0~ 0~,.~, gi:rt~ ~~;:~:··~·~:~·;:. •••• 2 18 I tquar• f H t Of Niguel cuttom bit hom•. , .. l111d. 20% down, OW• Lowest priced Fec.1 Condo. Nearly new 3 158.600. Aleo 2 br .. 2 Old, dllUMt 3 Br. 2 B• Arn . Oon view. T'r9d4 1,...0 and butter dul)le•. I, llH l ·I townl'lom• llvlng bring• Sul* vHIW t1om en1111 nt r wlll carry lln1nc1no to le S091i fin ncln g 1,-li % ba .. dOYbll wide. oomlf er .. k tvt n w/178.000 for? 714-4 .... 3144 •~u.ooo Attractlv• 11• :lor. 101. & 18r, 1Ba I~ you 111 11'\1 comlon• 01 llvlngarea. ftorm.tdlnlng 11111 your budq11, Br, tint e story. tl 8 at · lot 139,000. 9111 Grundy down. •384 .SOO SP. nan Quiet nelo hbor law eulta, n11Wly remod... 11ng1e family llvlng wltl'I rm, HI> tamlly rm & •it· 111111 lltktth 304 PAplan.-dt-$272,000 875·01Cl1 ~Cl~S~1_:-4~8~t!;6·~----l·--~~~--- hood Mike Crow, Agl lad, lle1tlbl1 tarmt 111111. all th• advant1gH ol tr1 gem.I 1unroom. 01. aatl Anttlaftt 0 $ / $ I ~ ll"lf ... -It Wl~t EA8T81DE TRIPLEX 2 TIAll 048·S 170 llOO Or try IN option By 1ownhomt llvlng. Four ltrtd ti S.75,000. Witt lll·O••• pt•n llt un • ., •bd' 1,':9 d•ll Ool"'htlul dupt.JC CIOM to owner 114&·21&8 roomy bedroom•, formal tr•d• tor ofo bldO or ,.,,. "' rm, ,. be. • ' bdrm Spenlah l'IOUN plu1 "' MCSA VllROE dining. tamlly ioom, fire-commarctal. Call for de· Large tot Smt pet OK. 2 1·bdrm apte. $18.000 ~!~c~.8~1Cr:i~~t.~4::~~ SANTA ANA MOTS 4Br. 281. two• lam rm 6 r« rm. frplc, pool, big yd 1 25.000 dwn o w e . 13%. 114 2 ,500 657-7993 H•rbor/Bak•r Lo-.i 3 place In llvtno room wet tall•. Grav•tlt R E 1 Prlottl Rttl1tt•l JUST LISTED · FRONT ROW VIEW Nr Shopping. Low ren1. ~=~rty 1o~~':.·oi't'o~'t. room. counlty kttcn.n. bor, lnCIOHd prl'v•t• 454-96611. to 1325.000 Cotom pool Low .. •t prl'""' "E" Plan 3 Br. Fum. $25.000 841-21154 llrtpi•""', d"''~·-gar--l.3r prlc• In area 1123, ..... ... .. v 1·303-887·2887 Owntr _... ...... ,. ..,,.... 900 S25 an . OWC re· patio with dteklng and wkt fllfll JOSI ~=~ ~a~!~~rru~. ~~ $187,000 A.awn ln.s • submit on dn I a•111 Miii• __ 2_&_0_l_d_et_U_n_1_11 __ , Ownlf' wanll arger l>fO- m 111n1no $114 ,000 •• gerd1n •reo and mortl •••••••••••••••••••••• Comm-.. -·• Dd, NB 2645 Vista Ornado '31~.000 24'•64' GREENBRIER petty. only 1289,500. , u m • 1 1 1 2 % Fobutoue llnenclng .. no "'"" n "' HOME: L LR 0 R Cllh flow 2.2 Acres Zo-l"J IZOO 1346.3265,540 •4087 Qu1111y1ng 1183 000 PARI PUGE 831·0&80 Open Sat/Sun l·~ · g• · · in m. ntd .a1 Condo•. Tut1ln ~ • ESTATt UU Op1in Sun 1-5, 15811 Don't dtlay, oall Olana VERSAILLES I br upgr•-Call A,at 640-0020/760-9678 kit optnt RIO Fam Rm, SIM. Agt 975-0679 today 569·9400 EITITEI D w•IDar. 2 B . 2 BA. Light --~-----1 Myrtlewood. DIANA PIETENPOL· ded condo see. pool. int .. young adlte wel· PtslttYt Oaala Fltw VOLPE • Ill, 2t.1 IA, clubhH, $74K. 1et, H · come 139,SOO. 640·5937 4•Plex, new unite, land· king S122K. 20'\f, dwn BETTER THAN owe 760·9388 lllH roP euv . euv IT LIVE AT BEACH! 1BR •caped. fully oecuplod. 111,IOO Thlt 3 Bdrm home must be sold. CASH TALl<S MODEL Bost prlc1d duplex on Nwpt Bch trlr 115,000 on 1111 management. HAS EVERYTHING WESTOLIFF the Pentnaula • & 3 $3000 dn. 1375 pay• au 12% financing & wlll car· ~~~~~~~!!!! A PETE BARRE TI ··. REALTY lflRH11 Pttl Prltttl Tt ltlll S1ll•r very wllllng to 11 1let on the financing IOI this lovtly 3 bt<Sroom home. H11 aup1v m / bedroom, tccenled with sunken tub and atrium Family room with tlra- plact. Loll of used brick and • POOL! Assumable loan at 13.25% avallable. Call and get 11'1e tact11 FHA /VA 0 1( Call --------· ~~t~1es':if I~~:~ Lovely 3 Bdrm, 2 ba plut Bdrm w/2 bethl tooh. 530·5924 dy, 531-8476 i'etfla~n D~:r~~r~~·~ ~ 20 min. to ofc/dan, 2 lrplcs, llght & Garage, l/p'1, ell built-ev /hi 1 G--" 1na. Only 7 yra old Top ---------1 area. For detail• 0111 l••l lit•I• !i40· t 15 t lor more de· tall&. ~HERITAGE • • REALTORS S 109,500. Call 979-2390 lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiirllliil Saorlfloel Ttr•s Tt ltlll Assume the outstanding loan at 9''•"'•BL A and lhls 3 bedroom home. Famlly room. living room and llraplaoe. Masses of space In yard BBQ on the patio. Just reduced by thousands! All lhls and Just a walk lo the beach Now priced at S 109,500. Call 979·2390 MR. IEWPORT Ill Gharr111ng 4 Br & large family room. Brick fire· place. country kitchen. quiet residential area l.ong term seller tlnan· elng. $229.000 Inc land COLLHE Pl FIXER ~I Br . 2 Ba. price redu· c ed $5000 to S 114,500. Ortve by 253 Hanover 1 hen cell Lao Hanna, 844-4810 lr11t Fl11aoi11I 1 ,, .... 10.18-X. lt .. l Seller very anxious for quick sale on lhls super clean 4 bedroom ranch slyte home. Sits on largeliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii corner lot wllh RV ac-EMERALD IAY cess. Covered patio and AWARD WINNER attractively landscaped. Ocean views 3 bdrm, 4 $124.950 Call 979-2390 t>a, kif wtconven1ences. 1'11·2310 tam rm. lge garden, pa· 3707 s. BRISTOL 110, formal din rm. lge llv SANTA ANA rm Ou lel cul-de-sac Tarbell, HL\IJ'()HS ~---------1 FLEXIBLE FlllAll· Clll& on this Immaculate 3 Br home with e11.,ctosed pa- 110, family rm. sprlnkJers and more. Ownat an- 1tlous. $129,500 Call 979-5370 .\.l>ILI tlJ,,"11 REALTY & INVESTMENTS 1;8 12,000 By owner 673-4411 VACANT ~UST SELL t16r. 2' )BB. 2 tOO sq It 10 1•rs new Nr So Csl Plaza, 10%-1s•1. own Asking $ t85,000 Make otter Bkr 768-4008 CNfCI THIS lllllE OFFER ON NO PAYMENTS OR I NTEREST ON PUA· (;HASE MONEY TO UN· l IL DEC 1. 1982 f;hari.> E Side 3Br . t V.Ba, rrplc, new cpt & pa1rit Assume low Int. Isl TD Seller will asslsl wffinenc1n g $129,900, 25% dwn 2268 Cornell 1 his is allordable hou- IUCIOUI LIVlll s 1 n g 0 w n e r I A g t In this 4 Bdrm home with 549-2042 add .. oo family rm. Many 2 .. 3 __ B_d_r_m __ 3_B_a_l_h-ne_w_ extras Including new conOo on park .Child oli carpet. Large assui:nable With lease option Go loan and owner will as· from tenarit 10 owner slst. $135.000. Call for 380 w Wilson 631-5055 more Info 979-5370 or 642-2000 .\·{>I LI tlh .. If PEAL'"• 1Jt.;vEST ME..,fS Sl,000 IOWI Assume 9'11"1. loan, ow- ner will help fin 3 br. lg. yard. $99.500 646-8082 l1111/L111t o,t111 By owner Corner condo w /scen1c view. central vacuum. A/C. EA C b alconles patio, dbl ga- mge w1w0tkbench & ca· 1>1ne1s 2 mstr suites. 2'n ba A ssume 12 9%. Terms 642-2574 ~-~-----~ or luJ BHti111to11 New 3 Br. 3 Ba. Condos. Ji.atb I 040 Newport Schoots 80°/c •••••••••••••• • • •• • • • • • financing at 12'n% 2 to BY OWNER 4 BR 4 Ba 16th. Pl. Open 12-5 Sat1 hme. appro~ 2900 sq.It. Sun. Dally 1-5 John Eliot N r M ead owlark Goll Agent 631·4509 or C•:iurse $236.000 terms 673-3968 eves we will guarantee 10 buy 9.53 b11ck al same price In 3 y1 s. 846-0450 OPll HI. 1-1 ' TIRTLllOOI ILll PlllPIOTIOI Newport C•nter airy w Oh ce Is. """ shape and a low usu PIUOlt FOR 7141720-1517 w••f-~ IHI 1210.000 with S 160,000 u1umable loan with flex. DOYER SHORES mabl• 101111. Only "$296. 01101 •••( "'' .. •t 12•t.,fl•ed rate & down. $289,600. Open AllU -CUITIM 000. -**lmSTllll** •••••••••••••••••••••• luliy amortized. Sun 1·4, 1337 Sussex. 0 1 1 AOllEI MEL FUCHS . 71 L onoe6~82~81x2 60, Looking for dup10. , '-ti ,..._ A flawlese 4 bdrm 1lngle No polnll or qualllylng. Lane. 645-7408 Ytr , corner 101 • . 4.ple• and up. Free Info, rn t -·r story on an Ideal tow 770•03.a7 P ti I O ~ Out of the flight PaYlllH R11ltor ON• llE agt. 760•7089 Wiii take over yoor pay· traffic atree1 In model Owner/Agent rtt I HI Hwt p 111 tern , th 111 111·1120 ---------1 ment1 on a 2 or 3 Bdrm home condition. Protea-~~~~~-~~~! VERSAILLES. 1 bdrm, custom home offers IATIH• 1·1 IAIE Al OFFER home, wlll aleo con1ldlf slonally landscaped . -fully furn. Security arid m 11 gn1 1 1 c en I ON THE BAY FRONT 7 untts. all 1 Brdm's 10_ 11 duplp or trlplex with hi epnl d•ymcaon'smugnaltryagpeo.021 IJ.{•!J!!' •• ~{•J! •••• !.'.'.? rlneet roeawtlnoen w'a1c1111c11a1ersry 21n1dv. o PP or I u n 111 es IHT HY 31 00 E 2CBoas12BHwyl 112,4, cated In Hemet Asaume owl ner115u4n2113.3P77rln. only r c' m ' NOME OWIHIMIP1 · r · Sepa rat e guest ovely r, 8 • rpc, s111,000 1n1oans.0Wner 1~p~e~a~se~.~~-~~~~ spa and tennis. Only 5 528·1968. 523·2830 P. home and private UITILIFf A C. $109,000 Bkr will consider any raHo-I~ yrs old. Transferred Ow· S2600 to $3800 lnv&1t· Wiiiiams p 0 0 1 and 9 pa 5 Br Owner wlll carry 675·-4010 nor will help 1tn1nce. An ment gives you home 5254,500. Perteet family nable otter Asking ll•l•ll exciting new offering. ownership and all tait Owner wlll finance house. 644_1742 OCEANFRONT Mobile 1180,000. 631·7370 •••••••••••••••••••••• compelltlvely priced at advant ageal we have OPEi lllDAY 1-8 entire loan The IEWPO•T IMO•fl Homes. several. $80.000. $315,000, equity share programs llURLY IEW 11 price Is $985,000 " " Pvt. 499·3816 HHHt l•r•itiH l OllEHlllE on 3 & 4 Bdrm hOmes IEWPOllT HEllHTS W 1111 a 11 Cott , WITERHOIT GALL •••_1211 avail now. Call Don at Extensive 1980 remodel lroktr 4 Br Family Ro om. IEWPOllT IHOM TRADJ T 10:\AL REAi.TY .........••...•••.•••• ,,, ... ,,,,., "" . ....•................ •• Rushton Realtors . $250.000 Lease o• Lea· 768-1300 has left no stud! untur-l 14/ll0-1900 s e 0 p t I on Le as e Bel Air Home. Light Interiors. 2 bdrm. 1 bath. tront k•tctien. Expanded llv, dining area. Young adults welcome $24.500 3Br 2ba, single carport. /Jn NIL[L llAILEY & ASSOCIATES Trllk 18971 Antioch, lkbx, 4 Br. 2 Ba. D.R.. F.R. vu of Univ. 1200.000 150. 000 down, $150,000 A.l.T.D. 12% Int only for 5 yrs. Agent 54 1·5032 WOODBRIDGE • Char· ming twntise. 3Br. 1'.,..Ba. trplc. patio, $121,000. $15.000 dwn. Assume Ln . ownrl agt 759-1067 WOODllllHE TOWlllOHE 2 Br 2 Ba. large patio. Under market at $139, 900. Corbin A ssoc. 759·0226 2BRl 2BA WOODBRIDGE Sgl lam Sacrifice 3 pymts lale. Help! 857-2-425 WOODIRID&E TOWNHOUSE 2 Br 2ba. lge patio. Un· der marl(el al $139,900. Corlti1 Aueclattt 711-0221 l Ill OF SllllllRIL.l 11Hr410 E-traordlnary 4 bdrm, 211. bath home In a charming plush setting. No eAtra overlooked. lrom fountain to private tree-shaded patio. this home has everything Enjoy the summer In your own bit of paradise. Call today. GENE CON- LEY, bkf 559-9400 011tst11tll1c Flaa1ola1 Norlhwood POOL HOME 4 Bdrm, 3ba, 3 car gar Agl Barbaram , 2 ba. Xlnt assum In. $184.900. 11ed . New trad ttonal $l500/mo. 673-4642 style oak floors, new IEWPO•T c•EST Quiet adlta pref No pets Yrly lse Avall Sept 15, 675-4338 rool wires, plumbing n n 4-UNITS, master suite. i\ltcher>. Former model 3 Br plus. BEACH AREA. 2 br dbl. $34,500. Low lees. 5 Star TOP LOCATION 645-8100 or 549-1366 .., ... HOME PLUS IUEST etc etc. makes this $229,500. Assume llnan-,.,,;.,.,. 3101 beaulltully localeO 38R clng plus Owner will car- 2ba pool home a rare ---------ry. 646-9813 ----------1 ...•.................. Park, C.M. Mike Crow. l•lallll•J WINTER Rental, avt. 9112. Guest quarters, teenaoe unit. or separate home/ office with ocean and bay view. Swimming pool arid bubbling spa add another facet to this custom 4 Bdrm Jewel of a "one of a krn<f". Priced FORECLOSURE· Tierra del Sol Realtor al $267.500 with an as-Hedda M1rosl 646-1044 agt. 645·3176 I• --------lfl•rl. ZIOO 2 br, 1 ba, ctn Lndry & Co•••rti•I ••••• ..,.;;#"............ gar $500 673-5615 sumable 1st T.O. POOL HOIE 421 Catallaa, 1,t Mts 1921 Santiago FORECLOllRE NEWPORT HEIGHT S CONDO 2 bdrm. 2 ba. pool and laundry. 10•1. dn. No qualifying. Long .• !.~?.!!'J. •••.•• !.~fJ.! Cos~a~!~·~:J:~hma f~!!~.!!!!~ •••••• !.~~! 144· 1211 Open Sal/Sun 1·5 APPLE VALUY Way. leased to 1 Br Trailer. private. no home Stop by and see ~ this and much more. OPEi SUIDlY 1·11 t i ' · 1211 Cllff lrlwt. • , • 642-6200 j PETE J BARRETI '-,. REALTY AISOUfTE ITElLI Lovely lrg 3 Br hOuse wf den. spa & forever vu. Only $359,900 Fee. Call DIRECT lo Patrick or Fred Tenore . agl 631·1266 or 760-8702 BIYSHORES o, .. s .. 11., 1-11 2101 ••• .,,, 3 BA. den, spa Plus Guest Cottage. Seller asslsled linen. 1141-1147 IEWPORT IElCll OMLY 1124,110 ftt with easy financing. 2 Br 2'n ba condo. Communl· WESTOLIFF ty poot and spa. Pvt pa- Except1onai new listing. tlo. Seller very lleitlble. Custom built by wall f44· l211 this large 3 Bdrm 2'n '' • llnown builder Enl<>y the --many custom features In ba(h family room nome. I with raised hearth fire-~ place, fo rmal dining room and living room w/ vaulted ceilings. 3 car garage. Private easy· care yard. Call Shlrley OPEi SUHAY 1·1 1101 c., ... 11 842-1200 j PETE ' BARRETI ··· REALTY OCEAll VIEW 11101 udtr ••rttt 3 Br plus retreat 3 ba, excellent financing Onl't $229.000. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY John Marshall Agt 631-2242 Plays Real Estate 113-1100 term financing Call Brandon Agt. 720-1404 Tu Slttlttr "OIRVETTt WY" P e t s . u t I I s p a I d . C $450/mo. 1st plus secu· Near new 4-ptex, 2 bdrm, Have others. huck it 642_0835 499•1617 2 bath each unit with Splller 631-t266 r Y • owe 11 Hart.er VI•• Lowest priced Portollnc 3 Br Homa, lrplc, spa. 2 4 BR, 3'n Ba, bonus rm. patios. $199,000 Bkr. dining rm. family rm. tee 1_7_52_._s_1_1_t._6_4_5_·6_2_6_9_. _ fireplace, e~closed patio. t r: •. BHli•1to• garage, 9\,_ lst. Pos. • ~l.F.:(:\.'9: S. i 3140 cesh flow. Now $159.&•Qjf t"\ ..... ~! ............. .. 500. Biii Grundy, Rltr, tl!•-•••11 Nr Beach & Atlanta. 3 bt. 675-6161. •-I II J z·8oo 111) b8 Condo av&ll July SIPER 1:1!!!.~~~!!;..' ••••••• "... 1, Sn5. 964-7346 evs land. $319,900 Good WANIA TllAlf IOWl1 as sumable llnanclng HAVE . Sharp 4 BR 2'h Call Laraine Shaw, agt ba Palermo In HVHomes 759-9088 on tee land S225K equi-F~:X1:v11lN::111 •1r a~~E!IL!!EA!!o1es. f!l.".~~-~!!.~t . .!!.~! Sacr $99.000 QMC 111 4 BR. new dee. furn. Sec San Clemente pride of w/'lr dn. Also 3 adj. view gate. pnv Bch , tennis. IWPT ILUFFS FEE ty. & only $870 PITI. WANT • Ocean vu home. In NB/CdM Agls wel- come. Bruce Blomgren-Agt. 760-9333/760-0297 ownership. Modern Spa-1011 75K & 85K Ownr 496-4038 nlsh s t yle lour unit S · A · apartment house with alvlone E 74 t·6316 N1tt111Jlt IHd 3111 ocean hUls & golf course II I • O. t •• •• I";•••••••••••••••• view clo&e to everything ••• ,,., Ill 1 Furn 2 BR, t ba. blk to L~e 4 br, remod. Oak firs. new apples & llJC· lures. Comm. pool. Fee land. $299,000. Call Pett Johnson. 631-1266. !iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii · ' ••1111 2400 bch, yrly Adlts. no pets only three years old, •••••••••••••••••••••• s650 673_6390 shows Ilka NEW! Seller Palm Springs Condo 1 Br. ---· ------ IEW LISTllll l••••rt's ltat luJ Gresl 4 or 5 Bdrm Large Family room Model condition Pool/spa/pal lo Many extras. hurry! 2406 Francisco. NB Open Sunday 1-4 REALTORS 646-7414 CANAL FRONT. 2 blocks beac h. $275 .000 in· eludes land. 840·8208 Dockside R.E. IEWPOllT 1112,000 "IEWHllT llOllE OF tHlll" NEW MEOIT CUSTOM will help finance & save t Ba. spill level. sleeps 4, Wtltollff hHwtfH buyer thousa nds o f completely furnished 5 Bdrm Fotmal dining To, •• ''"'"' Pool & Wfnecellar Fertwor Yltw $2,400,000 dollars!ll Seiling price Of Located wind free south rm, bonus den. Poot & $325.000 Is way below end Beautiful grounds, lge encl. ya1d. Summer current replacement pool spa, tennis. Perteet or lease $2400 pe.-mo. C O IS t I P R I N C I P A L S weekender & renlable In A g t 8 3 3 • 2 6 S O o r ONL Yt Call owner at seeson $87 .500 Call 673-8849 (714) 6-42-0138. 646-3317 or 631-4465 ---------Open Sat/Sun 1-4 17 Muir Beach Circle BY OWNER 640·9405 673-1633 Rapidly developing area -111 IEAll WEu on Newport Blvd In Costa Mesa 66:it300 lot 4 Seasons of Fun. Invest with Income o w e Mo· in our mountain play- tlvatao to sell. ground while we're still In OITSTAllDHIQ Realonomlcs 675-6700 8 buyers markel. Write Newport Crest Condo., er call tor brochure & 3Br. 3Ba, mslr suite wi llWPT ICH OFC ILll maps. You-finish hOmes sitting rm. ocn view. f2.000 sq II. Owner/ from $10 PS<l • 35 mod· completely remodeled. I Investor user Xtnl un-els or your plans. will Incl new paint In & out. derly1ng II" Motivated bulld anywhere. Sun- cpts. Jenn-Air stove wl seller shine Real Estate, Better radar. Italian me. Mexl-771-0415/546-8240 Homes & Gardens. Box can Pavers. Also has 6083, Big Sear Lake. shutters, wet bar. mlrro-IALIOA Ill.AID 92315. 7141866-4651 red drs . huge btt1n 221 llAIUIE AYE WE AllHWllEll bookcase, lrplc, skylltes, Commercial bldg In busy Lake fronl /Hamlltalr 4 oversized tub & Inside· location Owner may also bdrm, 3 ba $675,000 outside BBOs. Finest consider trade tor small o w e. 714.846-3278 800111 U•l•r•i•iH .••.••................ c,,,,,.1 3Z02 .................•.••• N PT I Summ8' /Furn Panoramic ocean views 36r, lam rm. Drive by 233 1 C111f Dr Cati !or detaJls. $2500/mo CdM/505 Narcissus 2 story 3Br. wood/glus N e w & superb 51500/mo NPT BCH/ Un1urn Beautllul/lge 2Br VIiia Balbo a , 2 patios. $1200/mo. Waterfront Homes Inc. 631-1400 544-9179 evaa and ~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil wknds. i WOODBRIDGE, 2 BR 2 Ba. condo, $991<. GoOd fin 857-5227 H~ ltloob off ud. Drive by 221 33rd SI. and you will buy II. 2Br + bach Priced to sell now Biii Kennedy 631·1266 Buy now w ith LOW DOWN or LEASE OP· TION 3 Br °'n, 2'.li Ba, has location & seclusion. PRICED BELOW MARK· ET Call roday con<So In !he Crest. A Balboa Island house. Cttlll• ''' M•r 3Zl2 real value at $249,000. $395.000. Lora Vance PALM IESERT •••• ••••• •••• • ••••• • •• Owner dy/eve 645-0209 Rltrs, 673-4062 Monterey c.c 2 br, 2 ba Comtonable 4 br lamlly WATERFRONT TRIPLEX OUIEAY VILL.llE condo on the Fairway. home. pvt beach. Pe1 ok. OOEUFllOIT $400,000 Total Price! Best buy on oceanfront. ON LIDO ISLE western el(posure. Lo· $ 1500 7 6 0 · 1 9' 3 . Comme-clal bldg. prime t I s t 59 6 7 5 3095 $1 ,250,000 street. perfec1 for retail. was prce In area '--·-------- Assume VA l oan $69 000 at $642 PITI mo Full price $98.500 3 bdrm. !amlly room, den Free· dom Home. Agl RITA 540-6149 23r. on \he beach sand, f!l.'!'!~.!!!.'.t .• !.".4.~ xlnt loc. $325.000 cash+ ----------- assumable $75K, 10•1. TD. Owner 640-7990. IEWPOllT 112lr100 "601 LIDO" office. or 7 St90.000. 500 3brl 2ba. 1000 sq It, 2 car Wa1ertrorit High rise 673.3777 Agt Oot of C•••I• gar, 6 blks from water. condo Sale or summer/ ' $850 ALSO Sig Canyon, yrly renl. I co.lo•i•i•••I •• !.'1!~!'1. •••••• ~~~¥ $995 Agt 642-1183 DESPERATE OWIERI Beautlfui Park Bristo Condo . Low dow" S5-$10K. Low payment. $1000/mo. Low prlc $88K. 646-0686. ocen view fro m all Prtce slashed lor quick rooms $23 0 .000 sale 3 bd. 2 be, lrg llv, 9.S0· 1484 deluxe kitchen, breakfast 110 DOWN !! View of the ocean and walk 10 ttle sand 2 1 3 I 3 3 3 • 3 8 4 6, & 213/902·1298 area plus guest apt No nh end Walk 10 beach. Owner help fi- nance. $259.500. Peg Allen Rltr. 494-7578. SALE OR THIE 'Great Ocean view, walk f.2000 Dtwn • l~"X. to private beach. 3 bdrm, 2 Br Townhouse, end 3 ba . Family room unit. patio. communily Owner/Ag! 673-2936, pool & klddy yard. Low _6_4_2_-1_1_8_3 ____ _ d1>Wn or take over SHA OCEANFRONT Moblle lcian F P $102.500. Homes. several. $80,000. Agent 662· 1700 Pvt 499-3816 I IAYFROIT Lovely 1 story hOme on 60' ot wa1er In Dover Shores. Pier and floe\ and lattice covered bay- side patio 3 Bdrm, with excellent price. OPEi SllllY 1-1 ao 1 ••· St•r La. 642-6200 j PETE J BARRETI ... REALTY PENINSULA DUPLEX 206 44th St. Xlnt llnan SALE BY OWNER NEWPORT CREST 1st ti•• hJtr The lowest priced home In New port C rest Tw o bedrooms, 2 baths. formal dining room. wet bar. step down 'llvlng room • all this !or only S 165,000 W i iiia• Ooh, lroktr 110-1800 Ph 673-6454 for details 1----------1 WATERFllOIT Older beach houM with rantastlc future. On canal with pier and dock. Per- teet for a couple who are looking for few l&rge rooms. with a place for s boat Prlcep al just $425.000 Includes land 842-1200 DB VERSAILLES 2 Br 2ba, balcony. aecu- rlty, underground par- king and all amenities. $239.000. Good flnan· ctno Call owner, MIBS Laura. 548-9955. Open Sat/Sun 1·5. call from gate. 101 Sholz Plaza. EHOUTIYE NOME 5 Bdrm 2'n Ba Only $225,000 Appraised $245.000. Open House 6·27-82, 12-4PM, 338 Cherry Tree Lene. Call an)'llme Tony 5-48-8633 ~~~~~~~~~ Remodeled 3 Br. 2'n ea .;.. In Bay1horea. $299,500, L.H. S 189K fee conver· 1lon Atnewel 1991. 2611 Clrole Or. 645-8218 VIEW CONDO only 3 years old. Adult security Terms. Call lor appl Agl 7141752•5710 fOff•llOll•I 1100 OupleK, Rancho Mirage. JASMINE CREEK 3Br, •• •0 ••••••••••••••••• C· 1 property. $80.000. den, 2 trplcs. end unll. Tucson, Arizona: 25,000 Two separate units. 2 Br. Guarded community. RAE RODGERS IEWPHT HITS VIEW CLIFF DRIVE FtrtYtr YI•• 4 Bdrm. 2ba. lge fee tot $545K. prln only Agent. 675-1211 alter 7 pm. Owner wlll llnance pur-NO DOWN, no qualllylng, chase at 10°1. Interest & have 2 houses. $725,000 wlll consider trade-down each. 620-9089 ( 714) for NPT or Costa Mesa 1501 & 1511 Miramar St. residence. This beautllul home features 4 Bdrms, SH Cll•••lf 1016 2 Ba, 2 frpfcs & spa with • •••• ••••• •• •• ••• •• ••. numerous amenities and 111 offered at $395,000. For further Information. contact: Cun Herber1s II 631-1266. Open house Sun. 1·4. 218 La Jolla, OCEAI VIEW 1211 Ill 4 yrs old. 3 bdrm/2 ba 2050 sq It. Walk to bch Pool·slze backyard Assumable loans. OWC Streloht note or 11.6"/o AITO. pymta $1900/mo. 661·9362 owner/agt ~i·011d~~·~9~;e~~;~,' 1200 SQ 11 each. By Ow-Pool & tennis $1550, Broker 714/492-4692. ner. Great financing Agl. 760-9333 Ocean view. Dana Harbor on Blulls, 2Br. 2Ba. poor, spa. low down. $225.000. 893-3151 t-328-5555. 3-4()-1646 OHLITT CIHTlllOTIOI VIEW! VIEW! Three bedroom. two bath home, Corona del Mar $995 mo. Yrly lease. 760-0189 Thruout In this Leucadia 4Br, 2¥•Ba home w/ l•~o•• P11Mrt. 2000 numerous amenities. As •••••••••••'",;;;'•••••• a discriminating buyer C••I• lt•U 3121 14 lllTI COSTA MEU you must see. Only •••••••••••••••••••0 • Eastslde, all large 2 Br. $325.000 w/assumable Westsl<Se 2 Br. 1 Ba. lncd pool, Income $7 t .000. 1st. Call Todayl Corilla Petlo, enclsd garage, Price $775,000. Drive by ~ c M t 111 n Re a 11 y new carpets. drapea. 149 E. Bay then call 1·7 53· 8155 . e ves paln1. No pets. $495/mo B r o k e r t o w n e r 9'42·5461 plus security. 548-54<l2, 642·0282. INCOME PROPERTY _7_7_0_·5_62_9_. ____ _ .20,000 Dow" Older Traner Pl\ With SUPER MESA VcRDE 3 Duplex & 2 1-eFI Hses Br 2 Ba frplc, $775/mo. Two 3 bdrm houaes on 1 Plus storage Bldg. 6'44-6998. No petl. lot, E/Slda C.M. Musi S 100 M Bee mo t sell. No Qualllylng. A · u n '4Br. 268. lam rm. lg fnod steal at $150,000. Realty bk yd, close to 1chl1, S.•I• h• lOIO Call 1gent, 540-3(186. 1•11•·&45-3134 $850 mo. 111. latt + OPEi HOUSE •••••••••••••••••••••• ___ .;;;._ _____ , ._ .&. .. , $200 sec. dep. 65& Cove Curious? Open hoose Sat llTITAlllll amt -•r.n, 1 ' nll, St. Apply 11 660 Cow 1218 Devon Lane. Weal-& Sun Assume $65 900 ,,....., 1100 S C cliff. Sunday 12-4. 3 Br. 2 11wy, · Int 2 br 2· ba Hunt. B<:h, 4 units, Co-•••••••••••••••••••••• , __ t._. _.M_. _____ _ Ba. XLNT TEAMS. Agt. cond~ ramlly section, So. vinglon style. $239.000. It O&llFtlllll Mesa V111de 4 BR, 2 81, 760-8520, Cst VIiias No.113_ 187. Only $26,000 dn. At· ,,.: nw Uf•ITWI • lam rm, $850. AgVownt. sume 11% 11t. Call now. .wn ~ ".,. 751-6191: SM-1413 900. Upgrades. ex1ras b k r . 9 6 3 . 8 o o o 0 , Nor1hern San Diego Cty .• r--------- BIG CANYON lncl. Wiii carry 2nd. 966-0208. asll for Jim. detlrable area. 4.5 ac. 1 Br with s'ove, covered 641-1664 avocado estate. Exe.II. parking. chlld & small pet TOWMllOME a Ir, Dt1, Patl• HH,000 OPll TotAY 1·8 #11 a.., ....... . Mclain "August Plan··. Truly outatandlng In evary reapact, Tradltlo· nal eleganc. In French moll!. Cu atom decor, ma1alve ptlvate (ground level) patio With eeparai. lldt entry, aec urlt.y 1y1t1m, muoh, much mora. Over $200,000 In aeauMabll nneneino. 1l1.i 1d11111 1 \: l 111. S 12 000 DOWll 5 BR 2~a, near S.C. Plra, Owner wlll help finance. H11rry • w on 't last. ad 1-9020 agt. Lii• ~!)! ·"'!~ ...... !.'!!f 'llmlltll m .••Hm 3 Br 2'11 b o, former model wl ac>a.. Fum. op- tional. Aseume ex11tlng loin. OWC high 2nd. Int. r1t11 btlow mkt. $400, 000. 4"-1288 Agl, w .. 1111 .. ,., '"' •••••••••••••••••••••• 29,, Ila. RIO, lg IC!'"- LEVERAGE .. Covlnoton 4 Ple11 nr S.C Plaza. Make your down p1yment by the month. Notes & trades OK. A•· king s2111.ooo. . ......... .... ............. 111-1424 production & Investment. ok, $450/mo. 536-7979. Grove under proleaslo-us-•H nal mgmt. 3.000 sq. It , .. hOme, elegantly decor•· Cheertul 2 br, g11t, end. led. 3 Bdrm, 2'1t Bllh, yard, w/w cptg. & drpe. glorlou• upatelra studio 1475 mo. 873-4388 w/360 deg. view. Scenic Cozy 2 Br. Cott-oe. fron' wood deck, spa. Com-& back yard. 1575 plus pletely cl'laln Ji nked. utlla. 631-9252 . 1200.000 In Hlumable 552·3600. fln1nclng al approx. -------,----15--U-n-lti-.-C-.-M-,-'40-.-000....,...-dn-I t0%. Reduced from SPECIAL 2br "EXTRAS" equal• 'A o f txlttlng 1437,000 to SSH .000. Lg gar. hk-up. yd, $475 pannerlhlp. $18,000 d• Brochur• avell. Con1act: OC-RENTAL.8 ~50-3314 preclallOn deduC11on for 8-:e Ptntl or Al Ogle, A REAL FINO 1982. No ~ ... coet1. 7 1 4 • 1 5 8 • 3 0 5 4 0 ' 2br wlnlce 831-4818 7 14· 7ge.3180. Aoent. patio, lndry, kldt $430 CORONA def MAA OPLX Prlnot~at OC·AENTALS 750-33t 4 3br ... Own« may • Jal ,,,,,,. o.c. 9EST •!~ I , l 1 ' l ' r'"'<l , , 11. · .· " °'"" •11,"· I I th~1 ,II ; '• rl tll "< Md PQl'ah, tnOd yd, 194, 000, low dwn. owe. 9&M>073 onanoe. '341.500. Mike ~ .,, 4 br w11r9 o- Crow. agt, 648-lf78 ••=•~•••••••••• IP• & pool, bit-INS.. eo.ta Meu TrtPMJt. Eut· WAIT • ., ltll OC.A!NTALS rao-ss1.a --------1 lllM. Good lnoome encl oonCIO or hcl!M. Trade lnlnd rww beaut, COl'Mio. --------1•~ IHc6 IOfl io.rt1. 3 Br OWIW'I untt. f'1itbroolc lovoly 48r 2 mMtef ""'91, frpfo, I •• -• .,...: ••••••••••••• :-1 yr• Old. 12311000. IClt 2\1rl>a. IQ fem rm. Pf"-Ollf gar. aso.etta ~ ~2860, 87:M849 t1oe .,... StrMm, oaka, H0-8233 evMnda. NEWLY LISTED WAHOR VllW HOMIS OPIN SUN l·S 1123 POIT CARLO 'MochtJ P«tect Mon teao" 4 bdrm, amlly room formal dlnl.na. Many ppadn . Beautllul carderu. A1k &Out nnllen\ fln~n1. UH,000 JOANN AKl:RMAN. COAITM MIA NOF•"'9 61M110 ., .. , ... --------~ -- •WNIT IUll ::.' t~~~5~~·c:~:. POOL·M"a Vtrdo, ~ Rare N.8. dplx, •HO, owe. Ce>ntlder 1 .. 111 1~8:.ooden, wt~,.~7 ooo. sso.ooo chWI, IQ• oP•· o.n.. MH~ res., •1 •• •· .... -· • aurnabll tn at 11' °""' ...;Of:..:..,.:.::..;.'::'°:.;1 ____ ~ _14_--=-====---nw Wiii carry bllenot at 11-'~ tor 6 Vrt. ~· ~ ftt9, M . 1.--1 ..... I& Ar ... OCfl \'lellW, Tttdl 11' ........ 4 H It IOI only lor9 '14·4"414• """"'9'1"'" • Oftl9V ltt .71~ :, "·'· '"· .. m •. ..., ~""' .. .,.,, .. ..,,...-pl•"• -.it. • plUt ··"· ''" ~·· •"''" ' ... ...._ ___ , ~~ .... -~~ ••••. •I'• ....... -,,a G ,a;w::.= !:rla , Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Sunday, June 27, 1982 F8 !Mm.~ .. ~m.fMo/MA'.1.. ~.~tA'.1 .. «'.'!m.¥#!!1!.'A'!. •• ~h.~!~ A'i'f'"r ." "r:""l!w ,,.,,.,.,, !f!ffl'!!.~~!t!1.!~ ''·~!IJ!.!!.~.~ ~.'t.lf!ff ...... 1.~ •'i.."":IM ..... f11,u1 ...,. ~Mf •---' a.-& llfl &.11t 1.a..., 1111 .... ,.~.t .............. ~:~!~ ................ f~/P!~~!!'........ 8MCh front a..c.i lay. "MMTe wan1ed tow 3 .. -..... Ml) _. • ._ •• ·••••••••••••• .~1 o•'lt7i'il ':lfn". • :T •••• tt<ll •••••••••••• [!,,,,. M ••H • t' IN lummef r4N1t1t, ' Ir 2 bf home In UIW Petk •• •••••••••••••••••••••• Charming beH h rront W~1t;lllf•3 '"·;·.-·~~ Cute t br/ tbl dupl11 :::,ti,..... '"'':J' I• ••f ·~ LA•& Jiff 81-Furnllhed AIM> Apt llH ol lrvlM F1n1, non. 1 It, '"' ba, otue tre>lc. 2 OO·A!NTAlS 1t01n•. 1P1Ct1eu1ar \liew, seoo , r · com1>1 turn s1p1 e roi ............. ac·;,··• ..,,I 1141 ••• ....-•• "::Or."........ 3 Br 2 B• to Auguet ttnkr Mu11 ~ neet a 01r gar, POOi. jaO, llJt wl 1·6bt'• 1200 to UOOO brlek 11011rt Yll'CI entry 4 4 OR '2·~ :!801~:00 :,~· aumrne r t200/wk \~'-~'!,3~<;;' IP• 11n:· •••••••••••••••••••••• 1802 Oley, 2 Ill'. I ti..~ 10th Aleo 1Y1ll fr0tn I.•· rltC)Ollllb+e P"1 POOi a thin blktng dletane. 10 160-.»" Ol)en 1·d1ya If 3'-' la large IMng rm Both fr•th i ctein, no Long11rm, 1800/mo I Chllo 0'1c 152.5122 0, Bec;tl 1.426 mo POOi, fflO, cpta, drg•· pelnl No l>or Oey month 10 month leo C0tnm t.nnla & l>OOI b • 1 oh I I 0 O I mo . 4 Dr 3 8a Femtly rm & dining rm,~ room. !)ell Avt now 840•2,.9 494. 785 841 14eo H une, 1ennt1, down. pet• 184 81$..()~9 873·38115 2 bike -•Y 1360 rno 11~2311 Of 841·1239 Bon111 '"'· 3cer1areg1, ~~ ob::~~~y":~,':: Btufft ., .. condo 4 Br ~-.. town 840·2181 8pec. 3 8R 2 Ba. fplo, git, BALBOA ISLAND Call Aoay, 1 40-3854 OC·Al!NTAl.8 3100 aq It Sii 5tmo IOr 1pp1 7f4/9~5·2473 2'tba, lrplc, g•1 w/eteo ...,...t•••ll 1 1a, 2 1a. I II. Deluxe 2 Br 21• Condo bMCh 2 bike, $800 yny Sipe 4, '300twk. Aug 8 _d_•...-Y1_on_1y ...... ____ _ 1-501'1 UOO to 12000 140.0203 ''' 8 wkdya 8·& ~nr New cpl1 & paint Ua/•n/d" Newly d•cor Ou pd, AdVlll. MC. glle, ,,,,._ No peta. 84S-1el2 on t78.0078 Shit• 2 BA apt, L~f\1 760.3314 °'*' 1·<1•Y• 3 b 1~ b d k · 1975/mo •44.6512 •••••••••••••••••••••• encl g1r, dwahr, pool, ntll••· 1150/mo. Helen N""...., ooe.n "" l>OOI '· ' 1 · IPI . eun ec PRIME HOM! ,,.er Em• " bbg AdUlll . no P•I•. 847-2663. 213/5t2·1831 Small BllC!helor, Newpon J.r.le'nnli, 1270 a ctec>' llW ,...... & ~ore W•lk IO ec:n~·· flld B•y Oe11n VII 3BR SPACIOUS 3 Ot. 2 I>• ••• ................... 142·6073. eYM. HelQhll. '300/mo. Ulll• v ... ,, .. ···'"' 4110 •;, el4IC 21-35 yt'I , Clll 3 Br, IV.bl , PIUI llre per ' beech No Ill IC 2 bl, pvt yd Welk 10 condo, lrplc, bit Int, 2 3 bdrm IOwnhOUH 1pt. Pllld. Pnvete )'ltd. Cl ll •••••••••••••••• •••••• lie I 978e Ill mt0 pl1C41. 2 Cir ger, POOi, Kid• OK But l hl•I bch $1300 494-~874 Cir g11' pool•. new d• 2'i'I 01. lltaplllOI, t nQ 2 I r. •Ith gar•l•· b•I· alt 8 . 849-3702 OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br __ • ______ _ 110. •II wUhln biking di•· 1 7 1&/mo. 99 0-l8lO cor V1c1nt 1850/mo H d Piiio I btk beach lle8li8"8 ~~~Y.;.~'.01~60~~:~ 1 MILE TO BEACH Av•ll no-:73w7 .. 87k31y lhtll M/F to lhr N.E Hunting- !• n O • I o b • I C h CLOSE TO BEACH 2 Br CleH~2EAB~ ~E:ivvou, 2 042· 1155 Ind 1hop1. Appllclllona lP&•TlllTI 038_7979 UNFURN. APT, N.8. 1umm8' u • ton Bch hM, pete OK SllOO/mo 876·231 I or with Olt&QI, toll, lrplc, bttth.' 2 lrplci, iplrat CC-RENTALS llCCI Pled. 318-8 Mir• n 642·2357 PALM SPAINQS 1182-57511 548-223g bit Ina, eun deck a, 1_5br'a $:200 10 $2000 g111r1t1 Corona dot Mar B11ullfully l1od1c1p1d S•OO lvrn 01 unlum 1 Br. PRIVACY? F rmmte wintld t<»ahr 3 II 0•1 ', $876tmo 5311 78711 c'lelrCHIA$l600/per mo 750 331 7 d 873.7Hl3 garden BPll Pool & Spe pool, 1p1. 189112 Ftorld1. Large 2Br lb•, 1 hOUM New 3 BR 2 BA homH, br, 2 bl h~·ee, , 2 .. ,.. llaner ealt; 4118·8122 • 4 open • Dy• Covered parking No 842-2034, 842-3172 from beach. Mini oce•n ~ JV Tiii L.o.,, PI W 3 Br with o•r•o•. etove 4 or 493-8086 Ou11n t 2 Br I Be 514 ii.111 YU S750 yrly, 875-7907 pool, "''· bbq, 1t1reo. Nie. C.M ., .. Wknd1 " . dl1hw11he1. child & amell IEAOH HOUSE Ju m 1 n e. S 6 5 O yr I y . Bachelor s4oo $850 mo. Pvt 2 Ba. pet o •ti Y me Id •er Ft om or alt 8pm, 848-1358 Rent In Co111 Meu • P II o k ' S 8 5 0 I mo Pre111g1011a High Or (IUMMR) 875-4912 Broker 2 Br 111, B1. S625 OK, lrplo, i orou from I Br ept. 4 bike lo bey S 125 night I blk .. _~,. c•o reap non. NEWEST g ated 20 53a,71179 oceanvu.walktobeech, T 161 E.18111 642-0858 bch 638-8113 548·1288 P1lmSprlng1Reeor1 •m"r"" ..... Pk't'nfi 1300 mo Town11om1 VILLAGE SPECTACULAR remo. By ttl& month only BU N1111Shoreclllf2 Br lerge Ranllll, 2131078-8208 " COMMUNITY 2 & 3 Br. Hou1e on 8 hlll 38, ,..,8, oelltd home 3 Br 2'i'I Be. only $900/mo tor 2 Br 2 ext decka, 2 car port, l ~4r• Ote4t 3 BR 2 B1. 1707 W. Bal-L111 mo S 00 NC allO 2'-1 Be 1600· 1800 •q It garage, tncd, yd · kids 4 backyerd, lrptc, sec Ba, wllk lo beach Av•ll frplc. rafrlge, pool Oc· IMlll, OOGIPllOYI .,_75. 4117•3690 boa, newly decorated, UIAl/llAWlll wkly 875-7025 01 pure luxury Oar1g11, P•I• OK s750 mo Bkr alerm, toads 01 Fr door5 from Jur\e 20 cup1ncy July 3rd 1425/mo 2 Br, 1 Be beaut. cond. Yrly S800 New 2 Br 2 Ba Condo, epu In every home • 931 4320 & a1<ylltru $1500/mo $795/mo 676 2444, 1 11 1 075..()988 I Prtncevllle ere1 Fur· muter suits, dining 494-8741 01 494·6577 2Br. boot dck 1500/wk 673-4442 ~~ 'pef~k 0~0~~rr.~~ !1 B••ll•1tt• Wettclllf ••Ira tge 1 br, nll hed. fully equipped. O•rl•ll l•1Ital1310 room•. wood burning H ti I B h I lhl• prlcel B•tMll 1141. completely red9cor111d. tennis, golt pool Se>eel•I ••••'••••••••••••••••• tlreplac11 micro-wave 8a 'Z ta 1Br boot dC:k $400/wk :c e,~' ::'' with ~tcnen TSL Mgmt 642· 1803 •••••••••••••••••••••• Piiio & l>OOI 645-8152 Summer Of Fett rites t>y D•n1 Pt garaoa. front drl· ~;~:·.:.:~~~e~·~~!v~ •• !!~! .. !..'. ••••• }.~~~ ffl.~'!f.~Jl.~!L .!.~~~ JAODH llHLTY rag: S400o r,~~11o~g•· Ftreptace, pool, pYl patio sr~r~~e>~t~~~ ... ~~~:. LIM IAYHllT . i ~1~~:73~;2~,Y month ~~~8o~~o:!e.'.:.4'6acn ded Eleg1n1 llvlng only 3 er. 381• w/boat docll 3 Br 2 Ba huge back PllOP MAHIEME•T DUPLE)( LO I BR W/2 BA & dlhW$her X lg 1&2 Br from bell $475 mo 3 bf, 2 ba, nndy t>each Single, nr Lagunas Main 15 minutes from Fuhlon Sl 4 50 IT10 yard ocean view 2 "d lll·llll $600 ROOM W/FULL gatden epta on E/alde 982-41114 (213) 282-7733 MAUl·Kllll1 IBr. luit. $30 Beach Cenlar ol 1own l11and,7mlnute110SC 8401731 11001 s950 vriyormon-8 11 1 3 b 1 BA S250 BOTH INC lrom $460 5572841 /rri 3144 per day Oen 11 tew . S85mo 494·30U Plan or O C Alrpon /m•f 3Zl4 1 h 1 Y97Avu 11 n ° w ~~o~. go reen~e11·~1~~ci UTIL 675-4803 Spacious 2 Br 1 Ba S425 •••• -!! ... ••••••••••••• lia J•u 673 6210 675 9838 ---------Juat east ol Newporl •••••••••••••••••••••• 760·1 7 mo Agt 54•.013• Orengetrea 1br condo, "~·'1t•••• Jl<rl . or • Storie garage tor rent 81vd. & so of Sen Diego LEASfSll Spectacular ocn & mtn __ _.;;. _______ 1 end unit, 1/c, ow , l>OOI. ••• • •• ........... • •• ~ ~ Lerge 2Br, 2b•. beamed 3 Br I'"< Ba S 4 7 5 '" • '"' • 1 ' eves on 1tbo1 Peninsula Frwy Starting II $900 a vt-home in Monarch 4 Br 3 Ba, besut decor cells, O/W, 2 catports. L aundry lie • pool tennis, Jee AveU July 5 3 bdrm, 2 ba condo, 1 ne•t 10 Fun Zone 10'1\ x month 631·5439. 2473 3 Bdrm detached homes Terrace 3Br, 3Ba, SI, lrg deck. tab vu, guar-no Pell S675/mo 548•9556 s476 675-1434 ttory No pets. $600. 20'Jr' 873-2943 Orange Ave • Costa tn excellent area Avella· 050 mo Call owner de d g a 1 e H H 569·9285 bet. 7pm "ILU ot•IO"A 499-4721. 731-8346 ,,.,,,,II lt111 43 Mesa b 1 8 1 mm8 d 181 81 Y 499 4252 a es $2700/mo 2 81. 2 1>1. walk 10 bell ' " ' Woodbridge Condo 2 br • ••••••••••••••• ...... • 01/ltl lt•l•l 4400 ---------·I S800tmo on I year lease • v Spacloua E Side Apt a 2 ba, 1 uear new In .1ttn1 l••I• Aa1 3110 • ••• • • ••• • • • ••• • • • ••• • 5 Br 3 Ba. Mesa def Mar Five others to cnoose 4 Br 2"• ea femll" nome Frpt O/W, WtO. sun· Encl oar. patio, dahwsnr area o~elr•ble upper •••••••••• .. ••••••••.. ROOMMATE 520 sq 11 SI 00 per sq , 3 81 3Ba. vu. pool, ten· deck t·2 Adlts Lse & •• I 'ti ' M C .. 11h Vllfan 2 BR 2 • NB lrgyard$925/mo Bob or trom We're lhe ones to large yard , washer stove mos u, ree endunll All Woodbridge a"' ur -.e • II , 3975 Birch , n 1 s, Ou a r cl e d g a I e $750 1st & last, no ""ts N 1 Ba ground llr end uni• FINDERS "'"32 S 1 OOtmo Avl. 7115 640-7842 I BR. I peroon S.-35 & $850 New appllc. Im med OCC· Oo•I• """"· 759 • "" r 101 j-'""· "'"• '"''mo 7 l'V 0 pe s. amenities Near park, • • I Agent 54 t·.,., Convenient 3Br 2b1 a. tam, fni W,H\cJflrltJg~ Agent 495 · 59 eo 1 BR, 2 persone $475 g~ll I :::~· AV b umeo: py. $625 mo Eva/wknda, Oldest 6 targ111 agency 1617 Weatcll11, NB Want 2 l/ps, wl d, r o. gas R I New 2Br condo. nr coun· 2 Br 3 Ba, den, baylront. COltl 11111 3124 2 BR Starting 81 S5tO 551_0324 9_6. 213-377-1221 All cllents screened with llnanclal Inst 7000s f BBQ, lance, dbl gar. C<l l!j try club Pool/J ae POSS boat dock, sec •••••••••••••••••••••• 2323 Elden Ave CM photos & rel1renoe1 1st . floor A gen I wt r I g d 111 $ 8 7 5, ~-1 .. 1000 S695/mo Rink 955-2700 bldg, $1800/mQ Bob or New carpets, drapes, 842·7805 £ Ill i 3141 Wntala1t11 3111 Credit•: Cosmopotttan 541-5032 556-1448 ·;, ' dy or 759-1268 eve & Dovie Koop, 1101. Re/ paint. Adult. large 2 Br. I .fl.S.'!~ ••.•• '. •.•••••.. •••••••••••••••••••••• Good Morning America. •~2011.or.inr• "~""'"'"'' wknds Max 759·1221 Ba upstairs Westside. •Clean 2 Br MacArthur IOUIFlm •Clun Studio. utlt pd, Ths l'omorrow Show UITSllE llEITALS 01811wa.sher, stove, close Vtg .. S.A Tennis, pool, retrlge, gar. Avall $275. * 'h 011 * 10 all new 4 b & d n 2 ba din rm Blulls 3 Br 2 Ba pool, $600 Ad 11 Moat al""ant •Pl. bldg. Prtvacv Slngle only lrltta•y Wtt41 r e • · 10 shopping. transpor1a· s Pa " u s In Legu~; Beach. flnnt 752•582,2 cllenlS who need • place WESTCLIFF BLl>G. 3 Br 3 Ba. trplc. micro, 2 ' 3 =~g54,gt~~trom ~1~1.c·,tf~~v19.8~~:i: ~~~ ~l~s~ ~o s~n~~·o'7°~8o4 lion. $425/mo 1st. last & 752•5822 or 641'1480 iocalton tn town, brellh· ---------IEWPHT 141·1HI deck. pool & tennis beach $1500 759 -1465 760-8384 sec 545-4156. West side L g IBr w / 11klngvl-1,all bullt-1na, $8 7 Si mo 6"6· 1 164 ~ ---2 Br 2 Ba lwnhs. gar. No cerpor1. OIW. lndry. avail hea t ad po o I . IH•• 4000 NEWPORT BEACH LO•l'll• """' ltfl ! ""' •"1' •••rt.I l•I days, ;~;s;:.;ves ~ R.;J'or !'.~'!~~E ~tt· REN?~~! !!!!!~!~!.'!! ..•.. !.~~~ ~=~~ ~~ 11~3~8~1ace "I" 17~~ ,~::. ::r •61:~·:,:: ~~~~~~~e!:;3:~~-E=d;:n~·~:~~~;~~r,~~ ROOMM .. TE SER-v 3Br, 111-.ea E Side nome l°'1 1 -<., 3 Bdrm. S750 Fenced Lar,..,. 3 Br 2 Ba Town-Close lo OCC Avail 711 S285. " i..r, 2Br. tBa RIO, lg scree· ,,_ s450 546 7214 Oc luded 1 Mov1n~? Avoid deposits wlfrptc. lg llv rm, lam rm, yard & garage. Kids & ned porch lncd yd, s625 house tn quiet complex. ___ . --·-----ean front, MC a-673-75'44 , 11 1 1 .1 .... c-....., ./c....,.. .. ,_.,.., ./ .... ... ./u ... ... ./ , ........... .,..... .1 ......... _ 1 -.... .... new c:pt & paint S830 831·8600 pets welcome 545-2000 mo 191 & last-sec large pool, garden Set· 1 BR APT O/W, New rge 2 Br 3 81 In Old .... 1 vng expenses mo. 2268 Cor ne ll .J Agent, no tee 955•0073 11ng $675 645-3381. paint & cpts and drapes med. viii• on clllf ovet· Pleasant rm In nome w/ 833T~~e?~'os1~u~. NB ---------....:. 549-2042 675·5949 Car P 0 rt S 4 0 0 1m0 took Ing ocean. Steps 10 yard. Kit prlv, East CM. , Call M1 Ho•ard 645 ·6101 11 I I " 3z~a C ~ · · privet• b11ch Leaded Pref mlddte-agecs man IS1·1112 E side 2 br lncd d 2 cor z C ,.lrNI l•t• "~ •••••1•111•1 1 WI\ Free Rent 2 br, 2 ba 851·2 175 •200 "'•e "'998 ----------4 • • Y • ~5 3 AM"15T\..·IRVl'4E ···~'°;•••••••••••••••• U. I · "II 3~zo -------windows, 3 lrptc'1, bel· ~ .,... ...., gar w/opnr stv & relrlg "" •a• IOAT SLIP • •1•11• ' ~ condo. SC Praia, new 2 Br pool garage $525 med celllnga, menyl----------Npt Ben Wes1c1111 $250 •IELID IFflOEI* w/grdnr $685 960·6419 Tur1lerock 4 BR 2 Ba • ••••••••••••• .. ••••••• crpl drps rr·g Pools · treee $2950/mo. vrly CdM lg. furn., PYI ent · 1 Mature female 10. •nare Lux 3 Br 2') Ba condo, Reso ... ·llke adult tract nr ' ' · mo No pets l395 "B" , 11 & b th R 11 / ••1 & I " carport lndru Busllne 6·0·5629 P• o a • r g .., • wl seme lovely 2br 2ba 2 br, 1 ba, W/0 hook-up, atrium, n-cpl pa "1 1·~ blks to ocean Yrly SC Ptu Pool, grdnr N 0 n s;,, k,; S 5 4 5 W Beker 641·0763 ~ cro Gar pr kg Non-lrg 1 r pool 63 1 • 5469 gar No pets $475 Fplc, guden, Fam rm. 675-6775, 675-7060 Olux IBr No peta $475 642.2142 2 BR 1 ea. cpts, drps, Ooei•frt•f Ote4t smkr $350 759-1363 ' 21780Place n11a 1 dtne rm. pool, tennis & $35 uttl 775-2560 bltns. no peta s425 Fem rmmle, 2 BA apt From 1 room 10 3 room5 From SI 16 a sq. 11 No tease required Adi Air· porier Inn 2172 Dupont Clll AM 833-3223 545.7993 $ 9 7 5 6 7 5. 9 0 0 5. Beaultfully upgraded 3 br Highty upgraded & c:tean So Cat Villas 1 br, pool, 2272 Maple 631-2927 Elegant 2 BR, den, 3 Ba. Rm In large hOUH, lndry pr1v ba $295 ptus 'It viii 842·3153 1h ba condo Frplc. Pll· spa ptus amemHes s450. ---------wSoodt50b 0 ur1n,1 1 ng .~99_.3poo529t.. lee. ktlchen. Costa Mesa 996-2001, 642·9702 3 Br I 81 "Back Bey" 110, olec gar opnr, pool, A F I "ti 673 5446 IHTllT Ill • S210/mo 957.3955 BAYFRONT $675. 111 & 1111 plus TURTLEROCK CONDO parll. Jee. sauna $745 .r..~'!'!!~!! .. ~!!'.!!'. •• --· -------1 1430mo. 2 Br 1 Ba """'· ,_e_o_5·_9_6_9-_53_28 ____ ---------S 150, "'lier & grdnr pd 2Br, belul view. perfect mo. Linda 772-7317 I /L-. I I ~ 31_ 2Br, 18a, kids OK nice ... ~ ,-F V nuge room, ba, pool, Kids ok 546-0659 cond. $800 955-3247 al1 • -I••• llfV area $475 mo 951.5444 laundry rm . eastalde NICE 2 Br lb•, 1rlplex, utll provided. $275 mon- M/F snare 4 Br house In Prime office 673· 1003 Newport Shore s Nr co1111 Me1e 250 sl suite beach, pool & 11nnli $175mo Utll 1ncld. 779 $350 /mo '"-Ullls w 19th St 851-8928 548~340 5PM Npt Bch condo 3 Bd 2 Ba • • • • • • • ••• •• • •• •• • • •• • Cati for appf patio gar r9ttlg 1850 lh 964 5693 E/Slde 3 br, den, lrplc. , $700/mo 63l·1266 RO.: Beauttlul newer 4Br Island ~~8~1~4~abla Espanol TSL Mgmt. 642-1603 520 St Anna, 536-1453 --·---· ------country kit .. 1ea1141• $850 DEERFIELD 3 br. 2 It ba, bert Milliken. agt Mme. all bltns, patios & .:::.:.:.:..:::.:.:.....,.... _____ , ~-;;:--:':"::::::--:;::::;:--;:;:: wkdya Full houae/pOOI prlv. Near No pets 642-0260 F.R .. twnhae End unit, dbl garage. avall July 1 MacArthur VIiiage 2 BR. 2 1 Br. garage. vard. No _ __;;________ OCC. $250/mo. dbl gar. lg p1tlo, a/c, HARBOR VIEW HMS Furn/Unlvrn Nr North Ba, ground fir, end unit. pets $425/mo 367 B Oirtr11 ... 1 5<19-3674 By Airport, 3 br. 2'i'I ba. p at io , 2 car gar $700/mo. 673·8270 days lmmed. occupy. $795 Beaut. Monaco, close to Bev 845·8787 New apptlc, lmmed OCC· Hamilton, 641·0763 IH•fn•t lease. Agt. 552·5384 e~er.y1hlng $1025/mo SOUTH BAY FRONT py. $625 mo Evs/ 2 BR garden apt. New 28r 2ba, frplc, deck, llPEll GLW 644•6610 0• 673•317<1 S1300/mo Yrly teue. Wknds, 213-377-1221 paint. No pets. $440/mo. w/d, $1300/mo. yrly. Cell E·stde, 2 t>drm plusllpc Ger. Lg 101. Pets otc $700 mo Joyce Weitze 631· 1266 WDllllllllE Harbor View Home 3 Br 2 Pref 2·3 adults to share 2 BR 2 Ba. near new, UP· _S_4_6_·9_9_5_o_____ 1011 tree 1·800-532-3972 Ba. tamlly rrn $1000/mo Rare opportunity Hurryl per, $575 mo. $200 dep. PINE BLUFF APTS. ask for C-7188 Large 3 Bdrm 2'i'I Bath LeaH. 644-6977 M 11 r y L ew Is . a O t . No pet s Avl July 7. 2 er. 2 Be 1 chlld 011. no Townhouse, Living. di-759·1221 or 631 ·5~3 549.3355 l1tr11eeu lo•••· n 1 n g . r 11 m I I y rm Newpor1 Terr condo. 281 ---------• pets. Patio, vt-frplc, fr..t MESA VllllE/ •••• S850/mo. 111 & last plus 2 '~ ba. Frplc, poot c,,.,,, ''' 1111 31ZZ Adult only 1 br. utlls pd. jacuzzi. gar . gas •love ••• deposit 40 Alderwood. $725/mo 957-3177 •••••••••••••••••••••• No pets 5330 mo Call $580 631-6107 2 Br. 2 Ba, lrplc, deck, 2Br .nd Unit lwnh•A. bl· 857-0 134 call M·I alt B C t I bdrm Incl uut, gar CIOH 101 appt 645-7072 L'nht Brite, Airy 4 Brand w/d, 1 1300/mo yrly. Cell ""' 5PM lg anyon poo spa, to shops, quiet. red'd "' B toll tree 1-800-532-.3972 fins, gu. nr pool, no tennis $895/mo Ag1 838 7447 2 Br Condo. pool, garage. New 2 Br 2 II frptc:, 2 ui. for C..7168. p11s. S525tmo 1649A Patio ttome. 2 BR, den, Fred 6 3 1 • 1 2 8 6 • No pets East Costa car garage. poor. spa 1---------- low• St Sal/Sun Eves tplc, central air, $725 631·2711 IC11t• lf11• 31Z4 Mesa $575 546-028I From $795 557·2360 .• .,...,, ll•1i 3111 549-1783· Vogef Pacific 640-6161 •••••••••••••••••••••• 545.31 t5 ··-·•'"••••••••••••••••• lrg 4 Bd 3 Ba. comm cas• or ORO IBr, POOi. gas/ water pd,--------NO FEEi ~pt. & Condo Lovely modern 2Br $800. 2 Bd ptua den Oeer1ield p o o I Pe I 1 o . 8 B 0 • ti; rats req. 147 Flower St 1 S425·S<l35/mo 2 Br I Ba renlaJL VIiie Rentalt. 1010 W Wllaon cell 9.4 twnhm $750/mo. Cati $1195/mo Agt Fred ALL UTILITIES PAID No p ets s330 mo apt beamed c:etl lng, 875-4912 8(ok8' pm, 2131689-4384 Charley 559·9400 Agt 63I·1266 631·2711 645•81g 1 launory rm. pool Avail Compare before you July Call for appt Dix condo Sl ,0001$725 2 Woodbridge 3 Br 2·~ Ba 3 Br home lrplc. nice r ent Cullom design Mesa Vlfde 2 Br 1 Ba TSL Mgmt 642·1603 plus ton BR 2'"' be A/C !amity room. dining area. Harbor Hlghlands features Pool, bbq, garage. 111 floor, no ---'------- Chris 873·54811 room. 2 cer garage. pa. Upgrades mstde. prvl cov'rd garage. surround· pe!S $<17 5/mo $475 $500/mo 2 Br I Ba. UP· Specious 38r. 1\',Ba. dbl 110. all amenities lnclu· yard. hot tub Nr scnoots ed wtth plush lendsca-security, SlOO ~nlng per unit, enctsd gerege, garage. lrplc, cpta, drpa, ded S795/mo Avail July $900. 642-3356 ping No pell 7 5 9 • 4 2 2 9 . ,.. 11 n d s patio, all blHns. laundry 1750 mo. wl gudener 8th Asll t<>f3Carot home Lido Isle 4 er 4 Ba 1 Br turn SSOO 549.7329 ~si.. Mgmt 642 _ 1803 646-2718 or 842-3287 5 5 2. 0 4 0 , o II I ce custom $1500/mo 365 W. Wiison 642-1971 East side 1 Br Natural ----''------- 768·2999. 951.28os r•stSllE New Condo 2-3 Bdrm 3 R11•tia1toa wOOd celling & cabinets. "-" Bath. Chlld. pet ok Rent Orangetree Patio Home 2 2 Br 1 Ba Newport lf•d 3140 $385. Please call 3-5. $625mo 2 Br. I '"' 81 dnoewtab11u8y 61a31~~50c5a151 l~r, :!',;,2~~: s;~11~1~~~ ~~~: ~ne~f~~~.· 0opl2n c~:~~~ •••••••••••••••••••••• _e_5_1_-_95_2_2 ______ 1 ~~~.n=1~~~~1~·:,a;~~11c;!; t I 1 2 br duplex. Nwpt Hts, no k w 1 642-2000 or come by comm poo s enn s. oak lloors spilt level H.l.'1 FINEST pets. SSOO/mo. Open o ont astl 380 W Wiison sauna . oerctse rm $875/mo 434 Catalina Sat/Sun 12-4. 326 Ogle _T_S_L_M..:g:..m_1 __ 6_4_2_·_160_3 $700. Allall, 552·9185 N B 5 4 8 . 4 3 6 0 Spanish Estate Llvlngl 2 Br 2 Ba lrplc. 2 car 63 5475 94 0395 Beaulllut park-Ilka sur· 2 b r. 1 ba lrl-plax . D p . I JIZI garage w/opener pool, Exec home 4 Br 3 Be 1" '4 • roundlnga Terraced $500/ F d di UI Ila S 5 ram rm formal din rm E 8 UFFS 38 d 11 mo ence Y •• ••• •••• ••• •• •• •• , ••• spa. Child Ok 79 · . · .. L r en, v. poor Sunken gas t>bq. pallo new palnl & 2 bdrm, 1 be, ocean vu 557-2360or545·3115 2 lrplcs, ent fount, Kol din rm. tam rm. 2't.Be spar kling fount ains drapes.1'..,ml.tobeach. returblshed. Inca Ullt pond, covered outdoors newly decorated, no Spacious rooms. Sepa- spa In beat part or pets Reis req Open hse rate dining area Walk·ln 673-6921 $<185 mo No pets. 24851 Eastatde charmer, 1 BA 1 Ba, recent remod,' tge yard 130 Megnolte $550 mo 549-8124 Tunlerock For rental on Sal/Sun SAM·? ,241 7 ctoaelS. nome llke kllCh· Spacious 2 Br 2 Be de-Salvo. 631-7220 annual leue. acceu to Bamboo St en & cabinets. Walk to I u x e. n ew carp• ts. B • t tennis & pools paid ---------H c drapes. good easlslde ••11•1 •• Gardener & root ctea· 3 BA 2 Be EaSlbluff. avt untlngton enter •-·· 31~0 1 Bdrm·furn, $505 locellon Mature adults -,. ' nlng paid I 1300 mo July 15 $1200 mo 2 Bdrm .. tvrn from S605 ont $475/mo Manager •••••••••••••••••••••• PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS COUNTRY CLUB LIVING IN NEWPORT BEACH A 10111 environment apartment commulll1)' on the Upper Bay. Prlv111 clubhoute end health spa, 8 lennll courts, 7 pools. cloae lo boatneu, airport, Fashion lalend. Convenient ahopa on site Unturnlahed bache- lors, 1 & 2 bdrm apt1 and townhouses. $540 . 1 1000 Several bactielora and 1 Bdrm unite feature fine designer furniture end ecceaaorlea Move In to- day or r...,...,. for eum- mer monlh1. Smartly furnished model1 open deity. Nice clean 2 Br 1 Ba fncd yard. enclad garage. Chlld o le no pet1 $575/mo ptue security 2546 Orange "E" 548-2778 A er • s 1 e q Cat I 640-9019 2 Bdrm Townhou--furn 14j E 18111 SI .. 4.. Deluxe poolslde, xtre ltr· 714/675 6804 ---------~ ge 2br, 2ba, bllns. On Jamboree Ad 11 ----·------Spectacular view. lmmac from S875 E/Slde CM 3 BR I BA. dswhr. 1'/, miles beach. San Joequln Hiiia Ad. Tfllnffl001 5 bdrm, ''°" ba, 3 ttory gar, 26 17 8 , Elden . Adults, no pets S500mo .~ .. •1100 L Al 3 ... 2 b r 3700 sq 11. Oen, gourmet No i>ell $595/mo 631-1755. 536-8362 , -----------ov ... y "'· 1· am kllchen. Ca1nedra1 Cel· Ulllltles Freel ·- 2 New Ams, bath, trplc, kit prl11, prof fem. non-amkr C.M. 556-1831 IJ.'.'!J!,.'!!!!!!. •• !.I.~ Shr 3Br nae. $260 mo IUITIHL llWPHT OEITEll IUUll Mlm $520 move-In Apply 250 Wklw rentals now avell Ceder St .. N.B art 5PM With uae or receptton, , cont. room, kttch, phone, $105 & up. Color TV. Pro I M I F 2 5 • 3 3 secre1arl1I & word pro- Phones In room 2274 nonsmkr, Slrllght. no cesslng Miii & message Newport Blvd. CM pets. lo shr 2br, 2'"<ba ..,.., avail MPeratety 11 646-7445 new condo.C M Dave B destred Call Judy, 631-4391, 957-5731 7141760-0100 B E A C H A R E A 1n1 a REIT om IEWNar 1uc1 $771 k Working ladl11 over 40 Executive oflioe In Can-W willing to talk 1boul l1n-nary VIiiage, $450/mo t<ttctllnette-Mlld·Poot ding and Sharing • llOUM Broker 675-4912 Nwpt Btvd & Wllaon (Newport area) Cell --------- Coal• Men 5'48-9755 ''T.L" at 642·7563 Sun· S Laguna, Co8S1 Hwy al day lhru ThurSday af1er 8 3 Arch B1y. 500 sq It. l•-11 l1•l1/1 4100 pm w/good l'twy vlslblllty ••••• •••••• ••• •• • ••••• -'---------491 ·235, ••eofffiltr I.I. 25+ working re&p female ---------..,. 10 shr 2Br 2ba, 1meni· •t4tN1 OfftH Summer rental. Spiral Ilea Dys 645·0110, eves Lab spoce, 7,000 sq It alllrs. lkyllghls, 830-77t0 Karen Neer Hoeg Hospllal lrplc, Pv1 spa. 1•.; blks ---------·I Ideal for a small small beech. Weekly 855-1743 Bay back 11lew. E·t>lufl. business. 645_2111 1000 pvt IQ. II entire lat ---------BEACON BAY FOR AUG. floor , Incl den, 2 br. lull DESIGNERS, architects. Huge 4Br '1ome. Steps to bath 759-0444 eve graphic: arltsts: furnished pvt bch & Balboa. Vaca· ---------olllces 10 share, Incl 1ton w/all the tux Avall Christian lady wlll shr du· July 21·Aug 21 $4000 plex apt w/congenlal warehouse Newport fOf mo. Call Robin (Agt) mld·ege fem. c M Re111. __ B_ea_c_n_6_4_2-s_2_2_2 __ _ 646-7276 645-1062 art 8:30pm II Tiii WlTO M/F 10 shara Prom Pt 2 Dix. exec. suite, 2,012 IQ Br 2 Ba tennis, bay tt N_po,, Arches Ma- view, $375 548-6729 11na Bldg 642.,..644 -8-a-tb_o_a_T_w_n_h_1e_:_2_B_r11_wo_r_k~,_67_~_1_e_1_4 _hom_e __ :--,-,-,-IT-=-ll-1-VAU.--El-- t'ilb1, Nloely tum .. llpa Reap. non·tmklng tern lo Prime office taclllty loca· 6. Weekly or mo. SM 11 shr sunny 2Br 2be CdM 1ed dlrecuy acroa1 trom 310 E. Bay. Sel/Sun Of •Pl w/same Pvt bch Civic Center. euy IC· 3 Br 2b•. tam rm, lormel rm. crpts, drps, bttlna, ting L A Sep 0 R. 2 Nlc. 1 Br encl gar. adults. WlllFFLmH Luxury VIiie Belboe eon. dining. alarm syllem, ~:355082m0 o I lr kl~e fpcs Outdoor Jae S2800 LA OUINTA HERMOSA no pets, relrl g, e tec 1 4 2 Br Oltcount onp doool,2$B8r"_1/bmo•· .5 135227"8s/53f. new cpts & paint Avall • eves w n 5 mo lnciudlng gardener 18211 Parkside Ln, I Olk range. $350. 642·5964 some models. Pool, Spe, ...:.. ___ ..,.., ____ ..., __ Summer monthly rental. 8/1. Refs req s97s In-WOODBRIDGE 2 br, I ba 71 4·673-2102 W of Beech. 3 blks S of s415/mo 1 Br 1 B• un· Gym, S 1 u n a . a 1 c Westclllf x1r1 lrg 1 Br. July or Aug on quiet call Wkdy eves $312/mo 760·2615, cess 10 frwys. lteitlble 2131790..()602 675-7837 av/wknds office suites trom ctud l ng gardener con do , c a rport ---------Edlnge 8460619 C .......... , ..... ldecoreled Selbo• Penln . 2 BR. Resp mature mile leeka BPI 10 •hare In Npt Sch ar e•. have lurnllure 235-1430 sq. ti F<>f ad· dlllon11 Info c.11 545-6445 , 615/mo 951•4543 Bir· Miiiion S tiouH tor rent r1 .. 7_ ..... 1 lurn, sm llving rm, newly • om.,... -1 r compt furn home. Reas die 1501&1511MlramarSt 1 ____ • __ •_•_• ___ redecoreted.newcarpet,2er. , • ..,Ba, S375 mo+ Patlo &C>OOt.845-&l52 Cp ls p ref, no pets Du• 1•1•1 3ZZI $1600 mo, Isl & last Quiet Junior & 1 Brs d/w, ale. oaa & •eter $375 dep. Cp11. drpa, nr 1 Br Veraalllea Penlhae 675-5538, 837-7949 M/F Shere smashing 3 Br 300 sq h 2 office 1ulle •••••••••••••••••u•u Exec nome 4 Br 3 Ba. 620-9089 (714) From ,375 Poot, rec paid, balcony, carport. Beach Blvd. & McFad-on court. $5 40 /mo. ---------2 Ba Huntington Beach '300/mo Upper dplx, 2br, lrplc. tar rm format din rm POOi & P•rl)' room, ale-den. No pets. 893.,..894 213/867-3292 bu1. For rent mo. or July rum home neer beech wltn Mark 873..eec>e. l .Y.M.1 ... 141-1020 642·6"'56 carport, S525 $300 sac 2 ,;pie's ent foun1 Koi RIGHT ON PCHll rm · sauna. enclsd ga. valor & laundry room. 2131387.5900 2Br hae. hot tub, nice profeutonal male. S3ll01----------542·3597, 730-7165 ' · 2brl lba. Beaut. cond rage. 17301 Keetaon off 979_1911 2 Br 2 Ba+ Oen Town-1 __________ view. Laguna Beach. tnclda hOuse cteenlng & IEWHllT PElllllU 4 BR 2ba, lanced yard, ~~~d, 1~ov:~~ ~u~~:i°~~ $700/mo Agt 642· I 18::! __ s11_1er __ 8_42_·_7_8_48 ___ 28 2B 1 d 1 house. tennis & sp1, nr LIDO BEAUTIFUL 2 Br. $850 mo. 494-6242 Ta· g a rd en a r E v e s g4o eq rt. prime exec. gardener. S800/mo. Cell Tunlarock. For rental on Seawlnd 5 Br view, poot1 L••••• ,..,, 3111 r, a, upstera. px, beech. 2202 He8S Cir l rptc, p1110. •dulu Ilene. 714/1163-8723 o ffice apace Mar k 847 -8804 eves annual leaH, acc:ass to 1enn1 •. S 1 5 O o I mo .. '· •• • S • •••• • ..... ••• ~~~1~ 0 :•;,0;:1•~·n ~13~~ _9_60_-3 __ 74_5 _______ s_1_o_50_. _97_5_-e_3_59_. ___ , _OC.:.:.::EA.:.:.:.N_F_A_O_N_T_Ol_x_4_B_r_, I ·M-/F_o_v_er~2-0_t_o_a_h_r_J __ b_r1 1 _6_7_3_-8&06 __ ._. -----El • 3.,,.2 iennla & pools paid 6<14-4084 alt 5PM. COZY fUOIO , non-Open Sun 12·3 $495 2 Br. 2 Ba Apt. avell. now. Wutctlff area 2 Br. 2 Be. 2Ba, 2 car g1r, avall •Pl. N.8 .. 2 bike beach. NEWPORT BEACH •II• -Gardener & pool clea· llT10ker S4i o mo. Incl mo 760-9 119 Patio, smell uard. •Ingle upt;>u wl frplc, refrlge, 7/1-7/10, 8/7-8/2 1. S250. 207A Collon. "Tum 1(-." Office ........ •••••••••••••••••••••• ntng paid/$ 1300 mo 40' boat sllp, beaut. Eve-utH, 494-7718 , S ----------1 _, ..,.., 3 BR 2 ba trp1c 1 _...., I s gar1g1, dishwasher. drape1, pool. 600/mo, 875-7386, 53~17 (Ed). "Brtnch" olllce $75. • · · en..,..,.. A e I s re q Ca 11 n ng tar Ln home •----------1•JFllO.,. "302 OLOSE TO IUCH vrd, patio, gerdenar. 7 75 680 $3976 ""'r mo. Bkr coop Jl1WN1I llHi 3161 • "' water paid 1 chlld ok, no 645-v S A Semln1r meeting rooma S895. 855·9431 1416 • 4 Helen C;llee 673-3883 •••0'"••••••••••••••••• 10' le1t IH• P5 •5•2s000. SAS 2 5 I mf o 1·,-B-R_a_p_t_, -,-t0-ve-.-r-.-,r1g-, ~=~\1;;~P~7~~~-Roommate needed H.B hourly Typing. melllng, I 11 II 3234 Orangelree Condo I Br & T E Summer's here . enjoy 111 4 • gent, no ee parkng on Pentnaule. 11700 call for appt. Vo-S280mo. Laslle 964-7734 phones. Call for tnlo !'~!.~!~!..~~ .. 9.'...... lolt Avail lmmed. S550 Ill CAIYDI COHO H 2Br. own parking. wlk to Sparkling clean 2 Br. 2 $400 Cell 075-0912 5PM get Pacific 040·6161 2 rmmle'a nMOed to ahr 1 _7_5_2·_6_40_8_. ____ _ Ho •• E FOR RENT m 0 . 0 r I urn s 5 9 5 . 3 Br 2'"' Ba. lull got! bch $950 mo (min I 3BA h •A E Side c •• u m Be tight & airy encl gar B I Bel"-· 11,_ 2 Br, a...,,.a 6. ou.,.. · ..... O.O. HIPHT •• 3 Bd,m. $825 FencAd 551-2760 course view. prime loce mo J Avllt July 1 ' • · ••t •st•• """' "" ....,.. ,...,.. mo 631 1093 ., -d • Kid ~& t Ion. s po I I es a ''liOOD · pvt patio. S525/mo. Dee, 1350/wll tn June. Augu11 ~vv · • 130 eq. rt. full llMce yar .. garage. • Oorgeou1 2 story Wood· Sl250/Lease. 644-7424 875 -0652 968·6608 •••~••••••••••!.~~! J<IS0/'#1\. 075-2910. MOTHER W /toddler executive olfloe tvlllt lm- peta welcoma 545-2000. bridge det townhouse Bt<A 5525/mo 2 Br 2 B1. (iiii!!i&iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~;.;-;.;,;~;;~;.;;; Charml e.ach Conage. WOUid llke 10 ehr hOuM m • d . Corn • r of Agenl. no '" 0 or O e o u a 2 a Io r Y ---------LI FE'' Townhou .... car pons. K b k t? 3 Br. ;\!, V. blOck from Of ept. Up 10 '300 mo Jemboree/MacArlhur. HOME FOR RENT townh11: 28r, 2V.b1, Beautllul Ne.,..port Cr11t patio•. ell bll·lne. lndry enne UD pOr b11ch. Ptrklng. Cell 844-1879 BeauUfully dlcoreted 3 Bdrm $750. Fenced frplc, welbar. encl v•rd, Condo 4ABr. Femlly Rm. rm, amell pet Ok Won't Isn't that the horse that won 673-5410. Bkr CdM 2 bf, 2 ba twnllM with b•Y window• yerd & garege. Kid• 4 bttlna. 2 car gar No peta. Dining m. pool, •P•. YEAR.ttOUNO "1Nl 11111 •v•ll. 10 shr. F only. 1 _7_5_2ti-2;i56t;;7n. iiiiiWiml -peti wetcom• 545•2000 non·amtcr See to epp~ 11nn11 s12001mo yeer1y Soc111 Ao11v11 ru TSL Mgmt 842-1603 The Trlple Crown In '72? oar11ng 18', 1 blk fr0tn 1 Agenl.nolM cl11e SIOO . o f c 646-0686. Olrector •Free SCP bell. w/gar. Sips 4. 26-30len,reep nonemtcr, WlllWYD 8 5 5 . 1 7 7 1 • ho m • -W-N-tc_ll_H_3_Br __ 2b-1-.-new-Sund •'I 2 Br. 1 bl. . lfM. f'V"""\ ~ J<ISO/llwtc, 780-1H2 l>OOI."' ~-$300 mo, 1200 or 2400 eq. fl 0. Spacious 4 bf, 2 ba, frplc, 731 7330 Bnmctt•BBO'•• FIJll rec. fee's S600 mo. -....-I I\..../ ,.::/-: ...V •;, U1lls. Connie IM1-tf11 tux a office or a tore •Ohool1 for chlldren In • . cpl'g, lovely yerd. 1995 Perll••Plu1 S500 H e. 8/ 1. Daya: If you're not ture who (Of' Wh•t) Fl.Im. Cute 1& w/petlo. 1 ...-~. 780.ee59 wtmd •1>•c• 14302 6 14304 the lr1e1. 17115 mo New '--so 1H1j 3Z41 gdnr. ~6-87811 mueh more :e:;2:_~7:•1inb1Mf. Kennebunkporl wu, don't IMI bed -you're blk from buoh, ger Chrtetlan I'm •hr 28r. B .. ch Blvd. Btwn 2 p1tn1 t. crpt. See 811 Of ::7................... Q" 1 AT not alone. K.,,nebunleport 11 one of 14 8u~er toe. 1800/mo. 1...a. Condo H !MM F~ CMc cente, v11- Sun 12 • 3 pm. lOU e OCEANFRONT Moot11 N llYllE HI. RIC" I AT I 0 N ! dlst lncilvely different apartment noorplans at Ju yl Aug, l 4SOt mo bMut gmda ' .,00. ll0° leg• Shopptt1g c.n1..-F11aon AYI 4112·8435 HomM-Adlte onty.SlOOO 3 BR 2 Ba, nrlC)lece. 2 Tenn l ••Frae H1vesometlllng you wen1 SeiwtndVltl1QelnHun1lngtone..ch Sept 15 to June 30. S2 75 + s2&5 d i p . Prlmel0catlon.87t4819 evea M.f' to I 1500 mo Agt cer garage, toe y ard L1110111 (pro & Pl'O :~ ::1,c~'*cf!~ ~~~ SeeWlnd VIiiage i• 1 result or totalfy 78()..lH2 832·2509 · or IM~tno. •••U..IM 490-3318. S825 mo •hop)-~ HHlth 042•5678. per1onlll1ed profenlon11 ~nnlng. The kind Ct•AY Condo, l>OOl•lde, Fnonemkr26-30,3bf,2'.4 3 oflloe 850 eq ti eutl9 ,._l JU11 ·3-B-,t-p-.-,1o-.-,-1pe-.-th0f1-l•atter, Clube•Stut1a• of •ttentlon you d~. A perl.at blend of ldleoent CIUbl'IOu-. mile ba duptu Jn CdM , evell .. or 40<MOO eq " ••••••••••••••• •••••• • w1tk 10 beech. s2.ooo ta. tllt HydromlMIQe• nature •lld tMno -neatled In • for-t wlttt to btildl. 2 Ir. 2 Ba. xtra a 2 2 o / m 0 J u 1 y t • dealgnecl 10 Mt. cm.. 3br/2k W•lk 10 o.ati. mo. yrty. 213.-78-22&5 ~~~~~~~~ ~~ blbbllng br()()t(1 and Quiel ponde, cooled by =: ~t"1w~:'P~ t4().0980 ' ::.'*c.~~lc.E. Jc: ~~~'IO f O~ 4 bf. 3'A be, lemtty room, 3 Br. 2 8• houM wttll I I A u T I ' u L n1tural ocean breen1. Add to lhel tennta 12 A. s 4 a.• 4 4 8 o r Out« M to etw ll'Yfnl 2 br Weith, 8f1o.4200. IHH ur.uu ' bef lovely oc .. n vi••· f1mttyrm.rrpto,lrg yerd. APARTMINTl1 C01.1rt1,ewlmmlngPQ01 .. aepeWldi 03.0IOS. S•la 11311. •Pt wtnmel nonemkr, E..o. Sul tern ' I 19 O 0 t mo ( 2 13) micro. xlnt locietlon, 91n g t e1 '1 I a 2 eon,,.,,'-"1 tocatl~ nor lhoppll nQ and 000. ttrr.m ti•:i + ~ u1111 ~ ~2';. • ..,. n" · •31.•"19 cloN to beech/ IChoote. •~r--·• u-•·.._.. emplnvtftAftt •nd you ~ got e p IC4t anyone ll1 ..... •• rrorn ii[ _..., eq. . m1 Veterdo: 39, 1~ be. .. ""' 112001mo. ea1~41111 i"u;;tu',~1111~;;;~ ·wOUid~oudly can hom.. (lYen Del M• Pnme Aaoe a.. ,.., ft P., ~. n. Matry .. , ... att bl11ne, n-p11n1 In/ OCl!AN VIEW p 111 Mod•I• Op1n Kennebunk I} Ont ind two bedroom~ eon. lept..atd. tbrv tOth. 2 nMll• ~ to tnr Cell M1·'70t0 out. 2 oet gar.1.. lg ,_r l•o a IA 2!.t b• Cleek• 4N~'::"..."v~I~~~: e1:11y t to I . • d end two 111'1 el)WIJMnta from NUI 00 leeuflful t • or...,.._, Hr film•· LlfUnlt flme.1....;..;...._;.._..;..~--~-Calf t18-6r•1 lt400 4 "'4l20 11100/mo, t7'-U22" 0: .......... organize ~ nd c:t=. :~~ ~ ':i"':. #Ji;:: ~'°'t:-8 . .rx: =j 2 '" '°" be pe110... gar, MOCSefn Vo 1t13be, P8l'lo-213/t2t416t • • WJ eon ,.11"' ... 4IM ote ioe. Avall '"'''"' Yorltlown VIOH , HOO. ·~~ 1~tf1:::-:'1 ""' l'OOL HOMI. s Ir, tem ..... \'our 1d l1 111 Huntt on VIII-II~ • ·1-N0---t.-1i-.T_..,.. ....... __ HMOM '"'·den, r emodeled, .......... uc.pru.d •tlhln ....... :.~ri.!,';:bo~ '!:.;~r.':'~,~ WIW .... ._JM -Condo. I Hrm, lb•, t>eavl patio. l tlOO. Aat ............ 1.. 1 tp1Clfk LIM -1 "*"'• *" ;:nitMMI. 'Mlf'tlftllf, Wt11t=111M ...... w1 •........ " 1 ... oct•n vtew, pvt 11011, TI0,.3N Mo IMM ,•-., , ........ _ .. """*' ~ --..._ • ...,,., WI'• .... fool, lttlJ'll MO gait, -~-----.......-,. ,.... .. ,.... """ I M, IJ!J! J4/lttt, .._. --,,_ 1 : :£ ..,, • • "'"'" ttloo, '"'"·Udo"" ..,,,.,11:" • 1"' 111~ ,.,.,,.,. r.l.~ril'.--.":.::'. ,,.. , .... .,.:. ~...... . i:.· 1:. ,•.• o o ., .•• , , • y ::·.r~ =-tl .. ,. •t~ ~·:;:1~ 1~11 • ., •PM! ... uy _ ... ~ '=" l ~ "::' ," -"'"' iqt '"'iToO I •i." i;,; •111111\tr'rt ~~· ii· ' ~I. IMI I "iltl~ &. AL;,; G~· ·~tt• ...... , .. , ..... "· .. .. (Oo¥1r .. ,,..., I~,.,, .. ~ •"' II'! .,~..,~ ftf fl ,•.!•,• , AMI '~===IN!:'~ .... ~''-l~~=:lb~'~';··~t; .. ~·~··~·;1;•du1~--~ .. ~-!!!l~-1!~:::!!!!!!!1!~~~=~!.1==~=·11~·:1::l~!:~~!::=:J;!~~~·~ .. ~ ~·:':.' -~ -...... , "''""' t \ \ ---------·----- Orange 00111 OAILV PILOT/Sunday, June 27, t982 ~~.'!~!!~!,.!!~!!~ • · I f!!!~~r.•J. • • •. • .. • • •• • ~r!.'. .. ~-A •• • • •• • • ••• • I ~~~!A••••••••••••.· I ¥.~~!!{'!!,,.••••••••• Remod·Add'n•·Aepe1re ~ • .,~, Reu .. ,11 um• are• 0..,,1117 at Local Sludent wllrucll 100111no to hou .. 111 tht1 COMM'L/Rl!SID ~ , .. llKll'ldn Ron'• Oardentng 8 yn HAULINO & MOVINO RNJ)onetbi. cpl. mid 30'• r~~1!~1. ...••........ PAINT!R N[l:DS WORKI 30 yre eJCp, ln11 l!!x18' Aoou1oe ctlttnge ~~!~f. ............. . R!PAIR8 U 6 10 1 115 Free M l Call anytime, WALT 170-2125 ~~~~ .••.••.•..... Motl tubjtoe1e, I(. 14 Oey-aummer I 10wlt Mr Morgan, 8411-61'1'6 Vwy ,... Lie 390260 . tum~ Wt II Cllt lor Jack H Bennett, Jr Oulllr Wetli plant1, hou... ttc 0 111 r e•• , .... Ma n11 Lewie 875·8180 Dtvl• Ptlnllng 847·51881-H-ubef--Roo-·-nng--•-ll_l_Y'* __ TUTOR INO Spt nleh . 0.,, Con1r 6112·11142 \') m ·1211 l(en Meven, 7&0·8078, Bond~ & tn•ut~ ~ "~·lMZ '''' avail l tnOI CIPt NBICdM Hiwllng & qulek clMll·up, 676·11388 y01. geraoae. lob·•llH . & EXTERIOR PAINTING New·rtcOYWodeek• French & !ngliah. Mary Cullom work FtM et t Lie. •• 11802 5-49-9734 Jene &40-1042 rnome ' l ie. 41otOI ---------1 • 1 ••-•• I ltl Rellable, mature lady w/ HI· T rea Saf'Vlc:ea hvy cln· prop m~mt Rtok c11 .... 1n ••• n• ei.c111cet Contt.OIOf ,.,. •tekl hOUIHltllng ••• r.-.-..-1. • • •••• •••••• Lie. 3~888 Remodel, Ind., Comm, Rot I.lo po111ton. 1·4311·111122 ev1 up1. r~tlr ti<~ ydt , reg 631.08811, rll &31 01163 mt lnt. 831·1198 Haullng-etudant w/lruck R .. 1 + line Int. & atat. ntng Sieve 647·4281 '·'!.'!~1. ...•..•.•••••• r~~{·.t.f!!!!!! ••..•.. DO IT NOWI ht fer l1dra Your Dally PllCI Service Directory FE!NC[S a Dl!OKS add n1, cabinet•. 333211 Ph 657· t 738 Mark Robtneon Con1t 0<48·858816411-'1644 since 11178. 1114.0111111 1--,------llUIMTH ILIOTlllO C"BtN.,....S·REMOOEL 144 ll•lttlCl•lt•t4. Wt oon t m11et you watt " "• Free eat. Rea•. price• Lie. 370889. 1131·7823 Skyllta1 • Gratnn1e Qual. work Lie. 337189 Wlndow1 831·2346 r\C:StOICOMM'L/IND. 1148-49011 20 yr• Do my own work 144'1t·IHICl•llt•t4• Ltc 278041 Al 848·812! FrM M t RtH prlc.a ff!r..'.1!!!!!~ ••••••.. Rtp16"n1ttlvt No Steam/No Shampoo IU·Mll, ta1. IU Stain Spec;tat111 Fast Ouat. work. Lia 337 USO F1Hl•• 631·2345 •••••• 41\ •••••••••••••• WOOi FHOIH '""•• Ll••··••1 TrM trim, t'"· clnupa, Cem9'\t WOI Fr ...... Call 1549· 1804 anytime. Complete lawn care. cl11n-up1, trM tervloa, 1prtnkters. 831·71570 Exp'O Gtrd111141" trM trim, tprlnkler repair, lawn•. ctn-up. 7151·31592 I.ow rata 1, rellabte Tha nk you . Steve ng...1028 HAULING & DUMP JOBS A1k for Rondy, 841·8427 ~~~!!!!~!!~r ........ ROBIN'S CLEANINO Service -• thoroughly ~~!.~~~~!~f ......... . Aenovallng·Sprlnkl•r• New ltwnt-Clean up Dav• tl•2·4863 Bud 5•9·52611 ~~f!!!~,! ........... . MAGICAL ILLUSIONS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Rel• Steve 988-8463 RALPH'S PAINTING Intl ••• Re .. ratea. Rel. FrN est, 538·11898 B&M Painting A Tiie Free 1111 lnt/tJCI a ettlnt. 10 yrs In OC. Spec '8ta on 11pta C•ll 24 nra, 1-995-3488 Oolltcl Cullom Painting by Jim Rea.lcomni'I Xlnt rels 631·5607 111. flpm VJOHN HENRY co.v Word PrOC*'aino/TYf>lno. Roofing for Fine Home• dooumenta, computer Lie 415232. 548-8213 procau with 1palllng correction R1 vt1ton1. IHijJ.,ll•• 1111, eu y. Many type •• • • • ••• • • •" • •• • •• • •• 11ylee, high quality. '"" BUDGET RATES •on•b l t N otary Lo min Smt )Ob• 01<. Lie. 7111· 1314 FrN H t, In• 841-7581 --------- llrH•I Pref. TJJllll ••••• • • • •• • ••• • • • • • • • • by Execx.tt~v• S.Ct'y on MOBILE SERI/ICE IBM Stlectrlc Stalllllc.I. dry FrM aat 8311·1582 G8"tret Con1111c1or rree est1mate1 84!1·8258 ,.a. Crpts lnatelllrepatred Ind., comm'I, res ~!r.:.~~. ••• • ••• . • • ••• FtOO<I damage. Steam Lie 333217 55 7 • 1736 !!!~!.f~!!!!~I. ••••••• !'.'.~!I!~~ ............ ctHn houte s.40·0857 T L C HouMkffPlng . !~~!~!r ............. . r~~'.'~~ ............ . Re.creen•IN-acr_,1 corre1pondence, re· NBICM ooty 6-'2·115112 f)Oftl. •tc D.i Serv avail Call Pam llS3-0453 1Hnt1rl1l ltm1•1 T Dftvewaya, Parking Lot ctno 554-8510. 973-8588 "-•••lit Rapat11, s .. tc0tt1ng Shampoo & eteam cleen • • ••• • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • S&S Alphlt 831·4 199LIC Color brlgh1tnar1, wht *KA TRINA ·s LIVE-IN Oen Hallberg Grading crp11 • tO min bleach nskpn, dally meld serv & Paving Co RestComt Hiil, llV/dln rms $16; avg olllct cteanlng, crpt Lie 397804 842-1no room 17 50. couch s 10, cleanino 835·2116 chr $5 Guar eltm pet D ill/ S i 1 A1t1••tlrt Odor Crpl repair 15 yrs .! .••• ~I •• !!!.!.! ..... ••••••••••••••••••• ••• ll•P Oo work mys ell ARCHrTECTUAAL PL.ANS l'rOfHllOnal Auto Cite· Raia 531.0101 FOR BUILDING PERMIT nlng. Waictno. Pollsntng Resld11n11111 add1t1ons & The O.te1lara 640-5199 EXCEL CARPET CARE remOdel Don 847 8606 ~!!~'!!!I •.•••••••.. Over 5 yr1 edueallonal program Incl Weekday1. 754-1352 eves Jac:k Butttngton Owner/operator Carpet, upnot, area rug cleaning. Work guar Free Est 645·1771 Mature lady w/own I yr f !~~~!(.~~~!!!!! ..... old would like l o sit Cement-Masonry-Block anottoer cnlld. rny homa, Walls·Cusl. work. I.le. 642-4205 #381057 Rob 547·2683 IHHH•l•t. Drives, patios, wallls. Free • •••••• •'" •• •• • • ••• • • • est No JOb loo am all PtJrtll T111ltt 535.2501 Smoooothed !40·4479 ----------------1 Ctili c.,, f /Q ltMllH,tr • • ••• • • • ••• • • ••• • • •••• !'!'!!!~!~ ............. · I DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Repa11s new & Old 11 yrs exp Bud 552-9582 Wall le•lures·Acouallc Hang-Tape-Steel studs Lie 38994 4 1-532 • 5541:1 DRYWALL TAPING All 1 ex1ures & Acous11t Free est t<evln 675·9088 rl1drit1l ••••••••••............ CAPT ·LINO.WOOD tnatallad/ref)lllr.0 Greg Lie 3692680 1·240-308' ¥!!!! ... ~·~ •...•.•••... Gardtnlno Wanted Mowing edging. reklng sw.iep1ng Ftllll 111111 mates 645·5737 TREES roppedtremoved Ctean uµ. lawn renov 751-3476 MOWING CLEAN UPS tioullng -Landscaping F1~ est 642-9907 'v10w t!Og~. rake, sweep, 6f.Hlnll clean-up, haul Chu1.k 642·2873 bet g aon Resld Cln-up5, garden se1v. rne1n1 tree trim FrH est 641 t096 Wiiiy Total Y11rd Care by THE GRASSHOPPER Personal-Dependable Dominic 642-4851 HOME IMPROVEMENT SeNtoe Low Ratti REPAIR·PLUMBING Toni 850-0208/S.2·0406 C8'pentty. elec, tile Free Exper11M HouHlleeptng "' No fob too 1mall. We turnleh vacuum & Oallat S.5·2811 1upplles EXPERT HANDYMAN Vaneau 971-4838 C11rpent!) • Roofing HOUSECLEANING Plumbing. etc 642-6013 IS OUR BUSINESS• FLAT RATE·OAY or•~ Janice's Raggedy Ann Eat 10 yrs 675·251 4 All MISC JOBS. Joan's Cleenong SMVlce INT tEXT • PROMPT INSTALLATIONS Houses-Apts-Renlots CHET 645-4757 Oflloes 540-1287 General Housec1ean1ng ~~~!~·-'·············· Reliable, refs 10 yrs e~p 982-0510 alt 4 DUMP JOBS Snelley's Houteeleanlng & Small Moving Jobs Exp'd-Rellabte-Refa Call MIKE 646·1391 • •662·2649•. DUMP JOBS Ouallty Houae<:leanlng & Small Moving Jobs with a Personal Toucn Call MIKE 646-1391 Beth 556·0156 PROF SERVICE WAITEI Hauling • yard cleanup Hses to clean 634-4468 Quick & clean. Free est 673-0548 HOUSECLEANING HAULING-GRADING By. Scandinavian Lady FULL CHARGE Wiii d Mature, tovtng cnlldcare sml bus. acc'I tn m Rel's & fenced yard. nome All phases Bkk1ng Near OMV 6<12· 1107 lhru trial bat 548·5793 f!~.'!~.f}~!,.~!~!!~! .. ELECTRICIAN Priced right, free es11ma1e on large or small jobs Loe 3116621 673-0359 Ja,HHt 8ar•1111 demolltlon. ctean-up F'rN est l\en 839-5035 Concrete & tree removal Exp d 548 2171 Laun couple, 'eager to please. thorough. Ma- ture honest. exp d LO· Thinking Of • new home REMOOELIADD-ONS for spring? Set ~Ile many & Carpentry l.lc'd 25 lltllngs In today• cta .. t-yrs exp. lrwtn 548-2719 fled columns. 642-5878 Fone Finished CBlpentry Shop at homt. 11'1 eu y Remod Spec Randell with clualfled 642-5678 Lie • 19587 120. 1260 LIC D ELECTRICIAN Oual work-Reas rotes Free as1 631-5072 Tom LANDSCAPE MAINT Commericot & propefl) managements. 631-6046 ELECTRICIAN Buyer meet• Mllef·wlth an Sml 1obs/Repa1rs Loe I ellect1ve ct11111fled td 233108-C-10 5.48-5203 _64_2_·5_6_7_8 ____ _ Quick serv 642·7638 Are you planning a move? cal Incl w indows Classified ads will point _e_7_3_·7_2_2_7 _____ _ you 1n th.i "grit dorect1on SCRUB-A·DUB to t•nd the nome vou Free est Very retoabte need 6•2-5678 631·50161548-8490 BRICKWORK Small fobs Newport, Co11a Mesa, I rrvtne Reta 875·3175 Brick. block. concrete llucco, very rest lie Bob 548·7860/536-9908 F1reptac.t·Pl11n111ra Farlhtng tnt8'1or Design HANGING/STRIPPING Visa-MC ~on 8-45-9325 ASA PAPERHANGING 7 yrs 10<:41 tllP Guar work . Pr tees attrt at $8troo Atec 751-7027 BBQ S·P8tlOS·Veneet Custom wallp11per tng, Reis Free ell 8-46.0464 sat11lectlon guarBl'lteed. Expert MHonry Ouallly For est Frenk 775--0714 workmanship. 1ea11a11c j 1llltlr /J•uir I prices Reta 55t·4555 •••••• :t.~.T.•••••••••• ED'S PLASTERING !!!!J!f ••• ••. ••• •, •. •. ALL TYPES INT /EXT Textures Patcnlng *A·1 MOYIH* FREE EST 645-8258 Top quallty Spectal care In handling. 25 yrs exp I PLASTER PATCHING Competitive Rates Ras1uccos lnt/ot 30 1 No overllma 730· 1353 yrs. Neel. Paul 5"45-2977 STARVING COLLEGE J1f1i•111lit• STUDENTS MOVING • •••-.••••••• •••• ••• •• co Lia. r 124-438 BONTEKOE REFAIG. Insured 641-8427 & AIR CONO Marine. WATCH us GROWi auto, comm'I. 548-5208 ~!!!~ .~!!!!!'! .• . . . . • • ~'.'!~!!!~1/.~~r.i! ... PIANO lessons. your A4''11·lttl1•·llt•e4. home New epproac n Free est. Rau price.. S6 1leason Lanny Ouat work. Lie. 337169 557-7838 631·2~5 l•i•li•1. .......... ,, •• 11 ••••• • • • •• • • • •• •• • ••• ••• • • Free est. Reas. prices FIH PAUITIH ouat wor11 Lie. 337189 by Aocnaro Srnor Uc 631-23-'5 280644 13 yrs ol llapoy local customers Tnank you 631,.410 SELL Idle Items wl1n a Dally Piiot Ctasstrled AO • ••••••••••••••••••••• yplng Word Proc. Let· SECRET ARIES TO GO ter1. resumes, term P•· Your Office or Oure pera, MSS, tlC Rt .. E111Ctent1Reltabtt 548-7135 In-noose Word Proc No minimum 642-0969 ~!!~!'!f ............. . S•rldllll I WELDING: No jOb too • .... • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • amatl V&ty reaaonable SERVICE & REPAIR Call G-at 845--0e75 Van Oppen1 Service Co (7 141 838·4666 ~!-!~~!.~{~~!!!I .••.. rJ/tt Let tile Sunahtne In" • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • Call Sunthlne Window Custom Ceramic Tiie Ctunlng, Lid 548-8853 Prompt C&ll Chuck. evs 2cw. Montnly Ol1COUnt 642-6584/675 1408 dyli MR SPARKLE all wndwa, CERAMIC·LINOLEUM both Sides, screens & Tiie Free ea11ma1e1 track• Honest, depen· Reas. Bob 675-5651 dable Guar no streaks. ., • • Reae prices 540·5654 1rH llll'YICI ...................... ---------LOW RA TES· Tree trim· m ing & removal, all cleanups & trash hauling Free est Marit nez 554-7017 JAY TREE CARE. compl serv & Slump grinding L1c'O, 1n1 640-9308 HERITAGE TREE SERV Complete lrM care 17 yrs axper Dan 552·5377 People wno need People Tnar s wha1 tne DAILY PILOT SERVICE DIRECTORY is all about• For Ad Action Cal a Daiy Piot AD-VISOR 642·5678 Buying and H lllng at • reuonabte prlce·1h•t'• I what cta111fled ts all abOUt. 642-5678 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If it doesn'.t sell, we'll run it another 3 3 3DAYS LINES days FREE. One item per ad, must be priced . Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Hon-retundMl!e. £11r1llnH11.00) CLASSIFIEDs642-5678 9!!~~~.~!~!~!.. . .!.~~ ~!.a.W!.!!~~!!t..!.~~ A.;;:.~':.i:1•'•1 l f~!!J.r.·.~~~ ... .!!~ '!.~11.!!!!.'.-!. •••• ?.~~ '!.~1..Jff.'!.'.'!. •••• ?.'.~ '!.•.11..'l!!~'.'!. •••• ?.'.~I ¥.-~~c~ii~~;;;c/i's~9 IJ.11.11.."!!!.~'!. •••• !.~~ IJ.tt.11 •• "!!~'.~ •••• !.'.~ llEWNllT IUOll Looking for unlurn 3 br Found blue Parakeet. vie f /C lt,r. ft '20,400 * ADM ASS IST. NKIN IEIT&l. IHtrll Otflot MEllOAL llITT apt or condo w/enctosed •• !~~~~l~~!'.t ..... 1 Clay & 15tn St .C M on tnru trlat balance W/smlllng phone voice BA G I ESOROW CLflllS ReGPI ortho ollc E.xpr Must enjoy phone con· ,,..,., lentlH. ~~r~~e, 1°rN 3 matellloc A. .... ,,,.,,.,, s100 1 June 23 642-2379 Sto'r ••• ,. '°° Assertive, ntgn energy TELLER/HW ACCTS. ~os:llons a8evall~bttte'_a 1 nee x\nt wage & bnfls tact, working with cuslo-1 4 114 u n s o smo ng, •••••••••••••••••••••• • ' OR recruiter wl a«. skllla Immediate lull time ope· un lngton ac o ""e Nwpt Sch 640-0121 mers and detail work Ill ta I• drinking or partying BUSINESS Found Black fem small T/60, variety for Pres Nat Search nlng for personable in-Bank Escrow or Savings Pad vacation Sid< pay· 900 s/I ·amenities Need tor ~Pl 1st, '82 OPPORTUNITY dog Bear St ott ramp. Accomplished Personnel Firm Money open. dtv w11n 2 yrs S&L ex· and loan exper prel'd. DENTAL Chatrslde AsSt en~ health t~surance' IH-2110 Rent gutranteecf by pa-I CM 557· 7095 Servlcet, Inc 7141633•1030 per No weekends Requires good typing Npl Ben 4 oay wk Exp Full time Apply In person rents Local !amity. Plea· (@ -3300 trvlne, 0 101, NB skttts and figure aptitude or prof scnoot training F B ROE 'S Approx 450 sq 11. Zoned Mcall (714)851-6829 c::::cl Lost Parrot, green RE· 545-9971 -100% Free AUTOMOTIVE t=or conllderatlon, call CONTACT PERSONNEL pref'd 646-3535 ~~~T ~J~TR"'oL ~96 C-2 Crpl. Pvt bath. A/C --WARD Call 641-19• 1 or pun 714 951 8081 (213) 932-4359 $200 mo 130 E 11tn St. Wanted housesltllng or 548•4354 AOCIT/SmY 1t•im•11&1 · · 5670 Wllsnlre Blvd h•tal bet. s... Randolph. Costa Meae Suite F, C M 548-1168 economy dueling, mid· Part time, approx 6 nrs -" 24102 Et To10 RO Los Annates CA 90036 Entnuslestle, elllctent & 546-5570 aged F gfld student MOBILE Found Orange Ing hal1 oa Sala negollable j Dealership or foreign ..-· / iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 2nd hOO' walk·up otllces NB area, can be long DOG. GROOMING UNIT cat. nr Mtrlners Library H YH y ;~ h 1 C 1 u b · auto parts uperlence Laguna Hiiis OalHtrala Ft4tral ~rg:;~~kw ~11pt11e5x~ IEIEUL. tfFICI $125 & $165 monthly term, mtd Aug All 10pm H 1-0215 548· 1036 846·4453 prefened Call Glen for COMPARE BENEFITS Snl1p t lHI 5"6·3000 Temporary help needed ~~sn ~I ~~p;s. ~r~~'· or wtmd. (213) 434-3714 MONEY BACK -SDI Govt Found Fem Short Hair ICCl•ITAIT an appointm«\t Equal Oppt'y Employer DENT Aast Ortno Npl to conlltf't flies to mlcro- 752-1830 tu retund to all Calll German Point er vie RIY OAIYH Anlllelm Savings oilers· IHllEEHI Ben 4 day M·Th. l:Jlper film Could lead to per----------l•li .. 11/lnnt/ r-tdents wno worked tn Adam• & Brooknurst. Ole manager, construe· llOLU ROYCE I manent position. Cati -•-f f'l v~ H B 847 7366 lion exper req'd Job Ne.....,.,rt Beach pro...,rty & RDA req 642·2626 wnARW ••••t• 11179. Send SASE to SOI • cosll'1 & flft•nclal tnru p UI gw Top Ouarllle salaries I .. ,.._ .--Jim, 5-'9-8909 1 Ole . 300 .,. 11 at $250 ••••.•••••••••••••••••• T PO B ·-d "~flt mgmt co Data Input 1 -.. I ax Retund, 0 11 Found sml blk & gray M & L end resume to· 1.0.ICCC an .,,..,...., 11 th thl II I I per mo. 1 olc., 500 sq 11 •ll•ff• 11064, C.M 92626 dog w/collar, Mesa Oel po Bor. """". L""una ru m~~ tyy nai nc a Female. Jr stzt (7) me-Home Health Companion, at $400 per mo Call n. .. rt•.Jtr SOOS M c M 549 I026 """" -.. -Company paid medical, stmts 'Vh mot vated dtum Work In durgn 714·633·0200 • •• ;(G ••• • •• ~ •• • ••••• ELHUT I ACCURATE ar' • -Niguel 92677 HTO MEOMHIO prescription drugs, dent-I sell-starter. Acotg Deg. olllGe of si>or11weer Im· ~.":~':~~ ':f: e1~1 ~~~ Ul•IRllUT Answering & mall ser-1Fou"d Sm Put1-Coc1Cer Wheel allgnmenl and al & Ille msurance prel'd Some exper porter Fii modellng, OFFICE SPACE tor tease, Ftull & told Gross In-v i ce $20 per mo mlr.(?t. gray/brown , ACCOUNTANT brake lie nee Own nano nelpful Send resume to: quality control & clerical supPOrllve family CdM ~Wfi~~x/·~n:!·~1 ~grv~ come $4000/mo Full 714-633-0203 shaggy 22nd/ Irvine tools Apply ·Income ia• oreperetoon 1 Box 927• Dally Pilot, PO duties Katnerl ne, ::4':'011~etary open areas Plus r•cept lon price S6000 C .M . FATE 646·1929 NEWPORT 11nanc1a1 & estele plan-Box 1560. CSosta Mesa. 979-4944 --------- v 640·8754 TIRE CENTER CA 92626·0 60 MOTEL room Prol decorateO. FOUND Lnua apso, EstabllsheO Newport 3000 E. Coast Hwy CdM n1ng IOl•T SIOP " Xlnt 1ocallon At tile 405 SWIMMING Poot cnem1. Female Ascendancy tnru male. v1c Bullocks pkg Beacn real estate Invest-IOOllEEPl•I Enllghtenmenr as seen 1 s c Pl 1 & d I 1 BABYSITTER 11 Portable •avlng• In Fwy & Harbor Blvd exll, I cal service tic. Costa on E"e on LA 15 now ot o 8 I az a men eve op men p 1me • ~ ~. - Costa Mesa. For more Mesaarea.Noer.p.nec. ' 213-431·4174 firm Mus1havem1ntmum Mon & Wed , 9.4 My vestment p lan now accept ing members 3 years •vperl•nce Pr•-home. 642-9905 paying 18% lnlerest plus' Into call weel\deys, Wiii train $50.000 lull Call 714_533.0200 3 0 Vft v • ~ 751-6191 amount req'd. Wiii net r!f!!!'.'.~'••••••••!..t I er re a I es I a I e I BABYSITTERS • Musi be company contribution. 0 FF ICE SPACE F 0 A $40,000 plus Call col-Let Go Of Atcollollsml construction Prep8le II-20 Own trans State llc'd 1 M F r I L t STI nenatat statement s & LEASE In Corona Oel ec1, on-rt., ask or • lldllll OJ Don't let alcoholism pull audit work papers. Ex-& bonded aQency Cher- Mar. on Coast Hwy, ap· A u d I • 9 • 6 P M , • lhtrOI SCI you to sell-destruction 11 kl 1 lotte 645-3746 prox 2,000 sq.It Xlnl "°8•887•0111 One day service Let go & live a Ille of ~~n=n~a7a~ c~~~~!: --------- stgnage. prof decorated Chemical License Call 111-0111 sobriety with lhe netp 01 rate with experience Call lor details week· SERVICE BUSINESS Tne Moorings Wltn a days, 751-6191 "Sparkle water treat-SCRAM-LETS nallonally recognized menl ayatem" for Res· outpallenl treatment Col1a Meu 200 sq 11 to tdenllal Poole wtll net progrem, you never need 2600 IQ. It 4~ per sq 140.000 ptui 1 15.000 ANSWERS to be hospllsllza<I, miss ft. & up. Call Reelono· down plus equlpmt. Will time from work. or time mlcl Corp. 875-8700 train. no exp nee Call Sprung • Pebble from your family Mor- lllU•ll l••t•l 4450 Mr Johnson. pereon 10 Awnlte -Encamp ntng & evening programs •••••• •••••••••••••••• person collect 111 Calllor-Measly -Kettle avattabte & lnsur1nce CdM Retell store on Cout Hwy, 1850 1<1 11 or 1600 sq It Avail July 15. 673-3658 alt 6PM C I I C SPEAK on PUBLIC approved nta hem ca orp.. Th b TllE llOOlllllS 408-867-0111. Mon ·Fri e nu men rain la a 9AM·5PM wonderlut tiling It slarls 1653 E Lincoln. Orenge working tile moment 4647 Long 8&ac:h Blvd., TAii iT OYEI UI you're born and never Long Beech Please send resume Howard. Howard & Bar- nard, Inc . P 0 . Boll 8430, Newport Beach 92680. BANKING SAVINGS REP Part Time ·Up 10 39 paid days oll -Company wide PO•tlnga 01 1111 job openings ANAHEIM SAVINGS BANKING TELLER Part· Tl•• Early AM shift. No exp. E11perlence necessary nee. 25-45 Woman pre- 81 .. O,,ert111itJ I'd Apply In person With growing company Dlpplly Donuts, 1854 Newport area Newport Bl. CM __ l_1_4_11_c_1_._2_w __ DRIVERS 25 yrs of ege Gd driving reco1d 494-1087 Candy Salesman expe- r 1 enc e. w ant ed for Orange County Full or iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Part time. Write P.O Box 10757. Costa Mesa, 92627 01'1'&11 Dining room. lull time. experienced only S7 hr for private country club Call after 3 pm Inter· views Wed lhru Sun Phone 64"-5404. CASHIER & housewares sates, F/Ume. Apply In person Crown Hard- DRIVER TRAINER 112.ca •• 111.u .... ,., Swllcnboaro Operator only a1 luxury Laguna Beacn hotel Full time, even i ng 511111 . 3PM-11PM 5ee Margie to apply, 497.4477 EOE HOUSECLEANERS Flex. hrs, PT /FT. Own trans. Exp'd 5-40-0857 llCllE Pit • S 1,200 plus/mo Own boS$, mkt. mgmt. Lv number. 64~776 11m•tt• 1U01 981 to 4966 sq. 11. Retell/ Office In Beach Blvd. Shopping Center End apace avt llabte Low rent. Call G-Kermln, Bu1tneu Propertlea ITAaT llAltM tllll stops untll It's time fo1 Oill 1.ao0-422· llll 41 yr old Balboa Penln· you 10 get UP and SPEAK iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii • u ta Bakery re ta I If _i_n_P_U_B_L_IC_. ____ _ ACOlllTill OURI The Jolly Roger. Inc. has an entry level position avalleble In our Sates & Cash Accounting Dept. tor • person wno has 11- m I 1 e d exper but Is ambltloua & witting to learn 1 yr. exper. pre- ferred. Dullea Include auditing Cl1 sates reports, some filing. mall proces· sing & general cterlcal work. Excell. benefits & working conditions with a growing co. Columbia Savtngs, • leader In uvtngs and loens. ts seeking a parl time Teller 10 assist our savings end cllecklng customers. and to pro- vide ctenoe In a bank or savings and loan ls re· quired ware, 3107 E Coast We are currenlly Inter Hwy, CdM viewing lor a Tetter ---------(pan-time) wno wan1s 1 Cnlldcare Need mature be part ol our growih woman, 3 days a week Corporate neadquerters for statewide llnanctat We are seeking an In· servtoes firm In Fashion dlvidual to t'81n achool Island To run Inventory bus drtvera. Selecletl oper811on, ehlpplng, rec- appllcant muet have elvlng, euppty Ofdertng, scnool bus driver certttt-Inventory controls & cate, driver/ trainer In· special projects. Ex.pt!'. structor ctrtlllcate and r:q'd. 0<40-0123 Calllornla Highway Pa-~~~~~~~~~ Bro ke rage Co 7141762·8011. c .. aatl•I ••• ,.i. 4415 •...•.•.....•........• If PICE H .. ., wnotesale buslneu Lo· Lfll I f•H' S300 ca1ed on the corner next • • • • •• •• • •••••• • • • • • • • 10 the Pavilion 301 Mein St, Balboa. 2600 sq 11. Complelely equipped. A fine lease. Priced 10 sell. For tnlormatlon call. MEL FUCHS P-'VILION REALTOR tl ... 1120 FOUND ADS ARE FREE Linda & Vicki's PlllTO MOIELI HOOllTS/IHOEH OUTCALL 24 HRS. 819-0207 Call: U2-HTI In ,_ bldg on Coast Smell business owners or Hwy, South Leguna Ap· buyers, do you nead prox 600 1q. It Excet-l\etp? Expert advice on ~~~~~~~~~ *** Atlantis Parlor Open 24 nra 1 day 7 days 11 week Jacuul, Sauna Locals as well •• tourt111. Banl<Amerlcard. M11ter Charge, American Ex· pre11, Dinars All wal- lent prtvete parking money, bu.ineu opel'a· - behind bldg. $525 mo. t1on1, etc. Get going, Turner Aaaoc. 4114-1177 oon1ullatlon, S75. Ed, l.ott· Cat, Tabby fem. H.B. ofc &/or lndull 1Pact avail. For IN 11artlng al $450 mo. 847·1195-4 lfm/tmll 300 aq ft. Foot traffic, Ontwn i..gvna 494-5888 Church In Colt• M .... nr '05 ' 511 ...... 350. (7111-6525) 714-754-0531 "Ja9mlne ... vie Shore· Cliff•. CdM. 760·8057 evs SANOWICH SHOP. 8-LOii 3/82 Blk tong haired come 7 14/6 46-3 433. & Wine ..... 19 ~ C81, $100 Rew11d Called 2112 Harbor Bl CM o w n er' 5 4 8. 9 2'9 9, "Meatball". 1173-8972 ---------Your Car Reflects You 11-45-2453, 97g...1919 LOST: Smtll yellow taun-Cullom Wax & Ottall #Me9,. Uu HIJ dry bUkt1 Ml of clothee Reas • Tony 547-8241 •••• • •·. •• •• •••• •••... F141 trorn car In Coflege 1----------P11Yan Min I 10,000 & u p T om IM2·llt14 Part< ttea. Cotta Mesa COEDS • Would love to REWARD! PtHlt call parly with you. Call Sue 641·2818. or t<alhy anytime 953-9363 SHO P Space . 115x22', l..ott: Gold charm bre<»-1--------- $200 m o . Avt. now. "='' ,,.., let. UnulUal charms, fa-8ucce11fut, attracttvt 7 1 • • -4 9 1 • 2 5 7 2 o r I JIJI mlly jewelry, rew81'd mlddt.aged man, alngle, '84-0069 •••••••••••••••••••••., 5116-57117, 540-3288 ~lty Of IOrtt, long ---------1 &4HO T 0 11tllotlt nott llme Newport Btacfi WnflUI ._MJ.11# dut In 1 yr 111% ln1. Wiii .... ., "8tleh la rtakltnl now Maka 1he ........... -:::-... r.... ''" for $3 418. Ag1. (2) malt. r.m. LOST 6/22 ':.Light ledy" PO Box H.B. 39'75 Bltctl. MOO IQ. 780-8702 vtc: Woodbridge Reward 1~45 ~1 ~CA ft. or leH. MIA aona. 867_.1114 · 92fl&3 Agent s..1"'°'2. 1.1. sarna ·------- 1150 up. 2180 f1. tndu· ~ ... IH. LOet Malt German Shep. •-'nmnt ~ ...... ,...._ 1eoa1 A.-s 1 1 • 2nd 14 mo. BtkltenJ. n•m• •• ~i".-••••••••••••• •u-............ n 11 • "BUiiet" • 100 MWlld JHI "•"' 1na dOtldO Circle #I Hunt· TD'• nee 11Mt •oe.21&4 .•••••••••••••••••••••• ington, 9MClll. 142·213-4. Aobt. lttller NH/OM Ce>mput« System, Marta· T 11 e pr 10 • I• r 19 h tr lltl. lrok• Id 'leettore 09men1 Conlrollef, Ix· 1000·110!)JMJ_ft. call'°' 9'2·2171 IMl-Ol11 Found ,,,... bllt ' Whit• per h p• Prgm MIC .... tn-a.lt WIOOW HAI ... '°' TO'• puppy. Ftme6t lltww a Madi. O.l .C. ns.. M•· f'I L.otna, 10K Up, No wHte. ""'*'Y mix puppy PICt -*O PfoO llM M. ... _ .... cr .. lt CMck, Ho 'en· Melt tlNw & wt\t hulky Acct a/ p,' llr Cell aft ~ ....... ~..... •• -..y, DeMleoll ' Aeeoc. ,,. ~· ,.,,.... ~ .,.,.. 1.wm . ..,,....=:'&~ 11S:n11 ~= ,~~,,.,.,'"'1: lu•I• .. Tllllt .. ,.., • ..._..11iy "91N'.~ .... ~tocro ,m-.11\ "" ... .., ~ ~ ... "9M....... ...... ....... her ,_..,.. Wll -... :l:=~t-'~ 't:.ol'\~= or.;==-~ =£C,.. I, J .. • THE JOLLY ROGER, INC. 17042 Giiiette Ave .. lrvlne, CA 92714 714·546-0331 Located In our beaulllul Anahei m olllce, l hl1 position offers an excel· tent salary, pleaun1 work environment and free parking. For an Interview appointment. please call PtfSonnel et 776-7101 between 10am and Noon Colu•lti• Sawin1s aa• Lt .. Astttlatlt1 910 8. Broolchur11 Thinking of a new nom• Anaheim, CA 112804 tor aprtng? See tht many ~at Oppty 1111lngt In today'1 cluai· ~~~Em~ptoy9f~~~M~/~F~~ fled column•. 1"42-5&78 -- BANKING COMMERCIAL LOAN OFFICER • 5 yea.rs heavy commercial loan experience. • Banking bac:Jcvound required • Located in elegant Newport !l.nancla1 center. • Excellent salary. outstanding benefits & profit aharlng. MAIL RF.sUME TO: Jamet Gavin, Sr. V.P. Amerialn State Bank P.O. Box 148~, Newport Belch, CA 92863 1:.0.!. M/J' Selected lndlvldua should have a min. of 1 yr recent experience In au ph11ea of commerctal banking teller lrensaa ttons Ou1 success In the lnOu stry e1tow1 us to provtoe highly competitive 1111 end baneflta Including Mtdloat, Dental, paid vac1tton tnd more. INTERVIEWING BY APPOINTMENT ONLY my nome. Permanent 631-3523 1ro1 first etd cerllltcate. Im etlff Position ts lull-time, 10 I OlERIOll/PUT TIME montns per year S,..lalltt Parton With EXPERIEN· CE In ln1tallat1on & ~ ratlonal matnttnanClt of larger systems. Fulltlmt. ptl'menent. Salary baled on experience trvlne- b ued company. Wiii take 1ppllcat1ons from 8 30am·2 30pm Catt 788-4751 Looking lor lntereetlng Apptlcatlona are being work? 'Typing, no sllor-acceplad d11t1y Pteue tnand. 8·Noon Ole. on apply In person af Room P.C.H. 846-7431 131 or cell OLHI nPIST to 1SS11t olc managtf' In dally duties Typing 40·45wpm, 1nswt rlng phones. & flltng. 25 llra. per >Ml, $3.50-$4.50 hr besed on exper Req's gd. t ransport a tton GrMt locatlon & wortllng conds C a ll. Jim , 673-4302 OlllP9Tll IPO~ IT H you are lootltng for a perm .. p/ltme oppiy fOf H•UMIO 10251 Yorktown Ave Hunt1ng1on BMeh, CA 92Me 71~9 5 llrt per dey wt would E tJ n........ nit Hiit 10 tleer from you. Wt qu E,;n"" .u y MllTal&L Of<:. cteanlng. Npt. 8ch F/tlme day1. P/tlma eVM U.S. CITIZENSHIP REQUIRED. S ome p/ time nl1 e waxer OP•· nlng1 Apply: 123 N Ollva St .. Orang• 1·5PM. Mon-f'r1. JOB HORll art • CPA of c. who ~~~~~~~~~ need• an oper11or tor .:: 43 op•nlngt wit" pey our mlnkompuler. Mut1 F/C Blckpg, typilt tor PA atwtlng 81 up to be •bit to lypt & UM Ofc:. In ... B. Muet be .. 104ley by touctl. Acclg. par. F/Urna. 636-3793 aft ex per. helpful but not ISPM raQ'd. located nr. 405 -,....,--.... ---.,.--1 FWy In Hunt 8Mct\, Call $1,200 btwn 8AM & 12Noon. II Yl)ll ~ wor1h 118, 714·89 t.0263 par 'I'· & can prove ft, p., heve an eltoell. ~1Y '°' Month Q.. you. Mutt b• Ible 10 VlttrltlfW 8roilef °' .-uta. Apply prtj)are flnenc111 •ltl• ~..-n 2:30 & -4:30 at men11, payroll & ••IH ..,....,.. a,.., Tri• Paredtu Cat•. ta• retum1 & wotk wt· ""'::t:I... 800·0 Newpor1 C•n1tt lhout to"'""9 loOltl'-' ...,.._._.. over your lftOulder. w. · ......,. Dr., N.I . ,. ~ In Hvftt. Id\, I DD 11111 .... OANCIM nr. 40I ~. c.111 lltlfn, II .. lltllll ... "11•.... ~~,~Jot •1· ...... ., """"* ... 1\11 & ,.,, ..... ...... ..... ~ WM1ed' .. l"Yfttl lftd Mfllftt •t. ,, •• 1111 ltr• Mtntnu1m 'rel•· r1111N1Mt ..,....lflet'• !!!!~~~~~'~!! =--=...'=I = ='n' ..• ,. • IN. /ltWI tel ... 19 "'-"' OIM tW .. ......,.,.;. tll01 W. Mao ,,,.. Wlltt !" Mt ffl -' ... ,_ .... ..... .... 111i, AIWlllM .... CJlllllR fl ti,.--. .. -· I l*.~~ .... TJ.ff P!Jl..'11.'!l. •••• l '. ~.,fA~ .... !.1• J 01arnt~m an 1111111• ct M•lnleMl\o• Man with ~ In pllunblftO, 11eo1rlo11 & 01rp1n•rr work '~ Uma, Moft..'r . f •aOAM·4PM. ltltr~ • oo.-1\"*llUrtll 'illllll ••• pari.tio. hnd , .. uma to Ad • 1oot QlllY Pilot, P.O. 80• 1ieo. Co11a MeM,tH2t ................ -roP lbOUI l 111\IP ~ ratOf f0t l 0tn01 4wlN IUtOmlllc• Od lutura, orowlno ttiop In L.eouna Ntoual ott Avary Pltwy. Mforo Pr1c111on 8wlu. 714·1~ 1.9331. Call Chrle O\lbreull SR . DATA BASE ADMINISTRATOR Lt•d the development and ln1tal11tlon of a larae scale data man•aemont 1y1tem required tor lntearatA!!d logiltk• 1upport ot mUlw-y 1yatema. Requlree 11gnJCic.ant oxpcritm~ In dat.abue and file structure deslif\, Information r('trleval techniques. and fonnal development and mainttonanc:e of data management 11y tcms. Protlclency with COBOL, VAX, DBMS, a nd DATATRIEVE ls preferred. ExpoeurC! to military sy11t~ms and standards la dt11lrablti. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Send ~ume and !talary history to MANAG!MENT Kurth Krause, Director of Software and .Marketino Systems Engineering Ultrasystem • Defense and Spa~ Systems Group, 2400 Mana•ement Michelson Dr .• Irvine. CA 92115. • U.S. Clllzenan(p required Trainee Equal Oppc)ftunlty Emplo ter M/F $1200 Per M~lh To Start .,, ....... ,, ... , .. ........ .................. 114-ffl..IZH 1111101•• G.l.C U ha• Imm. ope· nlng tor a manaoer ot apeelal MrvlcH. Involves PlllT .... Tralnaa for ahtpplng & raoalvlng. Flllme New· port Stationers, Inc 557-9212 Mr Emmon1 P.T111 ULH En)Oy working with kids, and wi.11 lncrealed ear· nlng1, ullllze your out· going paraonallty, learn how to become a trained sales counselor Call 2·5PM. 1142·4321. E111 343 EOE marl(etlng. snare dfat11. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii savings plans, loans, etc Reoant oollege grad pre- leNed. Call 556·3110 tor appt. MARKETING YH• nOPLE SUMMER.OR CAREER $1150 Pe)Montn IMMEDIATE POSITIONS AVAILABLE IN v MMtttf11 Maac••Ht ......... ., .. ., .. , V"hl'9try .. DPHIHOE II MME FlELIS l14-114-14la •4 b1't tr OllT Medlcal assistant prel II· mlted X·Ray Cenllk:atlon or CRT. Good pay with ena"°' tor rapid adv:in- eement. Call 752·8300 Or. Levin or Judy MEDICAL. Fltlme, front olc. position. Mlaslon VleJo. Req's. medical se- cretar1a1 exper. lnc;ludlng Insurance bllltng. 495-1080 IUIH lllH Conv • long term care exp req'd EJlc,ell. wor· king conds & benefits. F/llme. 7·3:30, 3·11:30. 714-642-8044 or apply In person· 466 Flagshlp Rd .. NB PT/TI• 1-10 llrt/tfk Meture peraon for order dHk, 1yplng, bookkee· ping. Relerencee req Costa MHa. 114~911 HAL ESTATE Ill.El We have 1111 opening tor two -ll·dreaed, lntelll· gent saleaparsona to work In the Newport Harbor area In coommer· clal sales and/or res· ldentlal tales In the more atnuent areas. LEO HANNA SR VICE PRESIDENT Wttl1y I . Tayttr Ce. Realtors 644-4910 (,..-'""!!d)~--) ) aus $US S 10 to 125 hr Un- de r cover Wear home parties 645-1744 SALESLADY PIT Tna MOie Hole, Udo vu; 20 yra. exp req. 673-41156 SALES LIST JOI! Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Hunti~ Blach, Fountain Vally & Newport Beach • •ooc11 ..... • s ... ,, • . . , ... ,,, .. , ---- ~~~ ...... ~!! HAMOfll AAIA APPUANCI HRVICI We Mii reoond., guw, ~lancet. S4t.3017 HOTP.OINT lleotrlc range, IO''. H9'Wlt Clold. llllt MW l1N. 6Tl--tati • Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, June 27, 1982 Fl ... y " Orange Oout DAILV PIL0Tt 8unday, June 27, 1912 ~!~1.(f~ •••••. ~.~~'!..It'!~!!~ ••.•.••• !'!!1.!,l!!e'!!. .•••.. ~!'r.1.'M!!!!I. •••••. ~'!~.~ .......... !.~!! ~.'ml'9!.~ ••. l.t~f !f .............. l.~~f r.·~!~ .......... 1.~!! ~!.'!!1. '!!r.!.'!!. •••••• ~ ... '!!1. '!!!!. ......••.• Y!!~ ............ 1!.~I ~4'! .•••••••••• 1.~~f • ,,,.~ .... !!ff . !le. • •••••• !!ff "•" ,.,., 1.m ~.'.'!!.!fH!!i ••.• 11.. •'18 31' IOAAAB L~~;·· f\lllV tq\jlp. •• A • .fmrm1ft.tf.ff WI PIY While wlM1W.t 1tnpe ' Ml-3Ht UTI IOOY WOflll< & on '''', 9araged 11no• pllnllup lo '°" on your TOP DOWI "'lit 110 HI' Maru 10' INIPll. wltrallar, bOdY thop eat. &$f.t8:Ja 'U NIYllTllll '8 1 MGA ,.cl oonort. '72 Volvo 1•111 Wagon Like ~ 79 Omni • cir, 'IO .... tlll l,t IJt rabll eng, new clulcll; 2•.000 ml, 30 mpg, 4 lff,IOO n1101 TLC. 1176. Aft. FINI SHINI AUTO POR 1111 01111 Xlnl Avnnl119 Condition. ooocs conoJ ! 1HO. 12200. 973.3979 94~803 Rad with blaok::::J '3 ooo pp 49•-871& •pd, 1pprelMd at 140)0, cloth hllatlOr. • ' Mil 14000 832·31•2 #uJi 111• ·n MO TO ~leer, 11lnt AMtllM 011Htt1 Perl Aittl UIH 7?0AAT SWINOtfll 2c11 .... : •••••••••••••••• ':' condition Yellow/ 111'1. cond 15,000 or bait of· •••••"•••••••••••••••• ecyl AT R&H. radlall, NIWl'Ofllf YACHT 8')m ~OYl1 661·3142 Ol!TAILINO Ouar AUi Ill ... -:~,~=I UIDT 1400 ,r .. PU/dal. 842-1448 NITI&t/llUlt 811!1/ oar• tl'13"-0l47 All Chevy truck part1 YI 24IO Harlk>r 81VO ltft ..... lnlHf ton to dtuat Rbll COltA MISA l!•oalllnt oondlllon With &If ... ftlll lallMat tranemlealon rrom I 15& Mt.UOI Newport Mooring No ISW, brand new. oompl 6 up. 55'·18&0 Ml· 1411 mon111ty tea IH.600 wtcantar bOttd 6 rud· -C-rag_a_r _M-1111-1.-gooo--COl\d------------1 2 1 S I 3 4 S • 9 4 7 I . clar 1700 1·821·.0..2 150 pr. Call ror detail• WI llY _eo_oi_4_M-_l3_19 ____ , n · A LllN v e111 011 140·87ot en 8PM OLW 0111 '78 z. I UtO, air, llerao, lo .......... . ml. 11000 & take over pyfl'lte 976-0748 ... us f:J 25' Skip~ cabin CNlaar. 11oop Npl 1trp 810 Toyoll duel whlll• & r•· a111 t•IOll fully equlp'd 119,800 $13,980 PP 548-5553. diet tire•. $116. Vari. S&S "" n 213 -4 33°8 7 14 , 714·8•&-0021 JHt1, IJ/I' AIPhl H. 83 1-4199 -W,...00d-aon--0u-.-,....,c-.-,h-ld-r-11-.1 l>Hk1 I010 tlblfgl.... 15', 0 /8, 80 ..................... . hp l!vlnruda. ori trall11 hwJtrt MartH 11100 Mu11 1811 thl• Sllp1 avail da~. wk or mo ~and H0-5543 84&-0651 * ...... , '°' Alt C11>tn, llb1rgla11. twin dilMI trawler, Prof dtieor 189,500 NEWPORT YACHT EXCHANGE 875-1800 Side tie up to 20' pow« boat 811 1111 1 120 875-5e24 WANTED Doell apece lor 13' boll Bal 1111nd/ Pavlllon 1r11 prel'd 661-5798 ...... 23' IMP, xlnt. weekender 34' Slip lor rent, Hunting- & loaded lor llahlng too. ton Htirbour. Private Man'/ O trll, Vanaom area. $225 mo, 848-3033 trlr. 12,500. 538·8574 NEWPORT Mooring. gd. 30' Cabin Cruleer, twin 1ngln1 with allp. Muet Nlll 927-7331, 927-0014. PROPANE Cerburallon Sy1tem $850 546·2828 4 Like New Vogue Tlr11 S25 1aeh 53 1-3374. The Ulllmal e Car/RV Alarm. Ungobo• Sll11d· by t>euery. ttllh1no 11gh1 r.iay Included 1•20 111 lue, $250 or bell Olllf everything lneluded brand n-In bO• with ~ year w 1 rr e n1y 213 /785 ·9210 , 714/646-5605 A1111 l•t 8•11 ··-··················· CONMl:ll CHEVROLET 'I\." I l.111 •. 1 II ol 111'.l\\H ,\ SU-1 200 '73 240Z emltm .• , C, ~0• YOUI • auto, magi, runt .lood· NlltT MAIDA 12800 548-9435 "" 1Y & '711 Oataun 280Z 2 plu1 2 4 . • n "' apd, gd cond $4500. fAC&ITYI Ct ll 640-1992 .... UYll . 1411 MW II usu 11(11 ~I Ull '80 Oat 210 Wagon LO Top dollare for Sporle mileage. Ewcel cond ' _7_9_R_X_7_A-ut-o-. -.,-,,-,-ad-l-1-11. Care. Bugs, Camper• AM/FM Cllt 5 •Pd . I I d 38 000 I 914'• Audi'• · m" con , m . A~ !or UIC MOR '4796, 645-5738 pvt ply 497.3930 ---------· JIM llldtlt 0.1,,,,,. ITJI so FU<7 S0950 YILllW&lll •••• ••••. •••••• ••••••• ReaatewS•IMB lActK 187 18711 Beach Blvd. 1irw II LOIW 443 1Y .M HUNTINGTON BEACH n• 845-2963 The em u l"g. unique 142·2000 1port1 car ol the '80'•· WEHH YOll UITIO I lllTIH UH Mu1t clear Inventory lm- medlately $19,995. Ask for Mr. O'Brien. Dir (71•1 883·8833 o r (71 4 ) '82 MAZDA RX7 GS 5 spd. air. 1unroof, am/Im a11reo. elloys 1200 ml Show room condl $ 11.900 Owner 8'46· 7541 $HOO 844·7577 ,.r 788-471511rom 8 10 5 AllC IHS orig ownr s 1400 OBO #II f7f -, P_M ________ •••• ••••••••••• ••••••• 538·7111 ••••••••••••••••• ••••• eo Taroal • 14,000 ml, '72 AMC Hornet 2 dr .. ---------'70 M0 8: w 111•1 AMI FM atarao, 111111, den, recent valve fOb. '7<4 Swtno-r am/fm cua, ' brlkll and auto 1ran1 11c. pa. pb, 11396. 5 epMd mint cond. 142·31155 r·btt ,.'_,11bla, •~ -~i 648-2371, 54'-1078 .. 536-0094 l!VM $4800/olr 942-3S55 ..._ ..,... """' t r a n 1 p o r I a I I o n '"' IHO I 1500/bll 7141496·4903 •••••••••••••••••••••• '71 ••• DO•Y!llTllLE 4 !pd., M1g1, Stereo. Blk Pin Stripe. (838YOK) 14111 80 Cellca, 19,000 ml, rid, 111n1 cond Take ov.r 111. S200 mo 5•0·1080 ·n Calla. 1111back. 13500 831·8131 wkcly1 9·& or 497.394g t 111/wknd 68 Aambl.,. 4 Ot. blO Je-80 FIES'T A Gl'lll. 18K ml, veUn V8 eng NHI Clll· loc ownr 14,900 110 Running . need• ___ 8_7_3-_2_2eo __ _ 1om1 work. $195 542·5812 DICK MILLER T!!~!!I~ ••...•.•. !.~!! ~~/!!. ........... !.~!. ·54 Falcon. exc1pt1onal COnd ht per eng Magt, radl•l8 11c, ttc :n mpg, $2400 1nv111ed SI SOO llrm 643-0221 MOTOR S l 'I {I tf.11110·1 A,,. S.wl 1 A11.1 11'l; .'I I/ '58 TR•·A. eummer lun V8/2800 Capri & 4 IC>d F11t. fun & aeon $3.~oo 0 80 493-9595 ·79 TR7, runs good. 44, 000 ml. clean. n-llru , '1!L ........... !.~~f _s_3_2_00_9_a_3_-1_m ___ _ '74 OPEL MANTA rune 'II lfftflrt S1110 good, need• paint S 1, HO 141-HH 000. &48-0731 a11 5pm. --------- SEE US lor th• rargetl and bell 80 Ford F11rmon1, 4 Cit, Hl•cllon or new and auto, 11<, AM/FM $4800 ulld Bolek• tn Otanoe 968•6719 ~: k' f!~!!!~ .......... !.~! ltll lllll JY $4995 82,000 ml 1 Ow I ner All Whllt 840-8002 ~!~~~~ .•....... !.~~~ 111 lft Or~C-tv 2925 Harbor Blvd ·71 Opel GT rea1orable, needs body work & up· l'lol Reliable 1ranap. good MPG, S 1000/ofr 1-498·9183 1111 YW SEDll COS'TA MESA 1961 Merc11ry, white. o4 dr nettds aome work row away Sl50. 642·8155 Co mp I 81 8 I y 919 2500 relurblshldlll N-1778 ---------1 Chrla Crall t949 deli. location to 35' w1111nt. 23' Weekender. Loaded lor fishing, many eir.tras $19,500. 538-8574 run-about. orig relln. $9, WANTED· Slip apace lor 950 873-9184, wk da Cal 25 Sailboat Despe- AM/PM rate! Need space by July JMPOATANT NO'TICE TO READERS ANO ADVERTISERS The price of ttema acl· ·.----------. 886-8185 80 Mazda 826 cpe. 5 spd, r!!A!!!.. ...••.. !.~~~ Fill 11Z5 ;~2~·~~}127~· belga. Peugeol 604 1978 De· •••••••• • ••••• • •. •• •• • luxe, fully eQUlpped )(Int mo1ors, completely chromed, wilh 40 tD/I Weber carbUretor1 Po- llal'led cenlerllne rim• Custom 1n1erlor. new 'lC APOLLO 350 eng . pb, pa. atr Good body & llres Runa good s 1050 548--0558 ... c •••• 1310 Runs OK 631-4940 ~!!!~~'-....... .!.~~! 65 Mus11n11 6 cy• good car good P'''" $2900 673-0;j'.\f* 3 1 Fl N N Fly EA demo _2_8_. _A_lan_4_9_4_-9_8_7_7 ___ , lors In the vel'llcll clasll ~ITT vertlsed by vehlCll dea I ~ ~ ·75 Flal 124. 2 door cou-"""''' 1131 co"d AIC. suntf lo ml pe Mini cond Mutt see! •••••••••••••••••• •••. $8500/obo 873-2•28 paint. 240 IOU\19(5 Mu11 C•,ilJH ffl Hie, tax deal otteral SHORE MOORING 39 CAL '78 loaded, S99K Balboa Island, best S Or beat otter B a y I o c S 7 5 0 0 NORD YACHT 673-8878 844 ... 003 fled advert11ing columns M TS does not Include an~ _ uooo or be•1 o fhtr OlllMliE r111ci1 nso 6.cs-5&01 or 5.c&-2•63 COUllTI'S ••••• ii1i"lii"io····· see •o appteclatel se.. • •• • •• • ••• •• ••• • ••• • •• r1ou1 1nqu1rers only plea-CDITEIPUTl•I 69 Must11ng Festt>ack Hes a11 cond power t>rake$, power "eertng Grear shope New rool. new paint $ 1500 appllcable taw ... llcenee 1 .... ------. , se Call IOI more tnlo. CUllUC? 34' Royal CR ·74 TW dsl Like new $47.500 BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE Newport Beach 20'. 40' & 52'. 642-4844, 9·5PM transler lees. llnanct 3100 w Coast Hwy. charges. lees lor air pol• Newport Beach WEEKEND SPECIALS EXCLUSIVE Lealher Interior. new .'SERATI palnl, $1500 11ereo, 18" Prlvale party Please calt (l 14) 781-C211 We speclallze tn teases ror the buslne1SS exe<:u· u11e & protasslonal lullon control devfcf 642-9405 40' Royal CR New demo Tali deall S 165,000 cer1illce1lon1 or deale1 ---------1 documentary prepare· llon charges unless Htghasl cash Immediate!~ tor your vetilcle Do· mestlc or lorelgn 551-8285 polished alloys, new DHLERSMIPI blueprinted engine. con-cours winner, bes! oiler '65 VW Bug. Recond. eng, clean. sharp. Must sell $1"450/0 BO. 547-18.45 lar1t ltleotlH Of••• 1112 Oalllllao1 645·0758 ---Ol41•ollil1 99SS N O R D Y A CHTS 873-8878 ,,.,.,,. lhe advertiser ... ,,1 $~ ' Olherwlse specllled b~ -,5-.-b-0-1-t.-g-la_sa_o-ve_r_w_ood_, •• !.t. ••• • • •• • • • ~~ A.tifHI/ rebll trlr. $250 or besl 14' Ski Boat w/75HP *FANTASTIC* * FIATS * olr. 5-48-9218 Evlnruda. and tr alter Cl111Jt1 ISZ( s 1700 5.48-330• •••••••••••••••••••••• 22' Cuttyhunlc, llberglasa, ---------• MDIEL "l"sl eenter conaole. offshore 76 SLEEKCRAFT 21', Shay replleas, pltkups 4 lllhefman (llke • Maxo) tunnel, 460 Ford, Blue-coupes 4 10 choose Set up lor oulbrd, (no print balanced . new 1rom1 (0067681 (Srk PttE-OMl:D ~!.1.'!1.!,l!W.'!....... FIAT SPIO£RS ' Xl/9's C.•11'1 f101 MANY TO CHOOSC FROM •••••••••••••••••••••· ruwu eng.) Tandem big wl'll B • s 1 e Its S 5 , 9 0 0 A3093). Prices starting al 75 FIAT 124 SPIDER S..Ulltul •·-low ""'"••I~ a11 eonc1 jl 12NJNI ga1van1Jed 1r1r $11.000 s13.3110 o•LY II 1111 l"ve1t14, Desperate ---------• ' 62 Honda Civics 4 dr S 137 47 plus 1ax per mo Closed and 48 mo lease ALL SAVERS. mull sell $4 995 631-3065 714-534-0189 $4295 '!!!."."-!!~'.~!~........ . 77 FIAT 124 SPIDER --1-.-,-,-.-,-.-.-,-,-,--Ain,.JI '110 A•d1 110i s •Pd • ••er•o • mutt 10. Trtr, s500 673-0647 F~;·5~j;·;,;·w1il.rr~d~~ .·;;·;~·;t·;00t_5~·;·d·r~ l>Nu•v ''"" -11AcPm1 15' RUNABOUT partner wanted lo lhare IUIO, PB. AC. Sl1r1. FM, $4995 35 hp. traller. 11000 ·75 Turbo 310. All 400 n-radials, very cleen 873-0647 gear, wl400A auto pllot. $1 450 544-2168 DME. new paint. 223 gal 1975 Brlcklln, gu11,,,.1ng ll 78 FIAT 124 SPIDER 2 1· Glu tton 165 Mere fuel To be baaed 11 doors. t ownr )(Int cond ' l•lll 10001 ••'Oh• A.a s""" ,,.,.., ~. Crullllf 110 Outttendlng close to Nwpt Sch as 714-530-9659 Gorgeous black. sun-roe~,.., tl\atp t•tmt tor tithing and skiing. poaslble. 'Ir share $42, roof, loeded Low miles. $5895 Low eng. hrs Clean, fully 500 + 'It all Hpenaes OI IHtHll•••I take over bank lease equipped, lull canvas, will sell compl. lor S80. Yditlll ISJt S313 per mo 760-1313 ~~L~&0-8325 s 8 1 2 5 . _ooo_._a_a_rv.;..._s_13_-_83_•_1 __ , 7;·c;~d~·;·c~·,;;;;;j;~ da 79 FIAT 124 SPIDER iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil c .. ,.,,, l•I• bubble lop, refrlg, cl'lem llfW 1112 "u1om111Q .... ..,. racil We ookl fl•I toilel, mus I sell. $4900 ••••• • • •••••••••• ••••• "-· n0<>e ntc. (063YS"I H'~:m MINI-CAB-OVER Camper ~;~~~541 : dye, e vs .:rru:.~ $6295 21oncr~:der~tybrtd·g~ 548-6762 or 830·1022 ~.~!!!.!'!!!!! .. !.~~~ '' .. 8.~ F. ~ •• g41n~.~~R., 1dportt11,her wltransom ll1l11nH 11111 114 76 GMC Jimmy 4 whl dr ~3.ttt ;;,....,.. j;BzN1eO)' ~·· Twl b d F W C clean tl'lru-out $895. m Ir . kew m 1d11e1 ph. bow •••••••••••••••••••••• Lift kit, new eno. shocke, . · $]495 Pan , awor • gear. 1978 PUCH Very good tires. wench. stereo, CB, outrlggart . bait tanke, cond. $325 Incle owner's & more $4800 673-3770 •uES t•YtCE lie. Brand n-electro-manual. 494.,.861 ._,LUS. ll"t ANO M'NY MOR£.I nlct Incl VHF, AOF, Lo-----------< '70 Ford 4 wnl dr Good " ran. tuto pilot, 2 latho-JAWA MOPED cond. $1200/bst olr 831 -2040 495-4949 We believe we have the me1era. 1cno1 meier. C· ooo~.~~~~2 S175 75 1·0970 WILEIACI l•W sharpest & lowest priced tamp, etc. Very last, long ·75 1n1n·1 Scout 2 x 2 New 28'&02 Marguerite Pkwy Fiats in So. Cahf. range for Olvlng or fl. '79 MOTOBECANE. •Int trans. n-brakes. $2500 Mission l/lejo All Ythtelfl Gumnteed shlng Take over P•Y· cond Turn slgnalt. or offer (Avery Ewll off 1·51 manta of $372. mo. + m a g s , e t c $ 4 5 O 7 1 4 f 8 • 5 -4 5 3 3 , Open Su"days S 15,000 cuh tor my 968-0723 2131821-3422 equity or good trlr boal --------~ --------- or !Ina car. 645-9190. lllllltTtlll/ Ft•tb JS6~ kHllll fl S •••••••••••••••••••••• 32' Jeflrlat, runt good. •••••••••••••••••••••• '76 Luv. 4 spd slick. 46, loolla good. very sound, Hmon11~13sT9590. 700 total 000 ml, ~ln l cond ..... $2850/bsl o1r 957-0440 wltll survey Asking 675-0255 1550 0 494 -2043, --------~ 1981 Toyota SR5 short 497-3511 '78 XR75. xlnt condition, bed, new clutch. new 42' Matthews. Twn Dal. recent tune-up S275 tires. ne""' paint. 1Cln1 Brlstol. $59,500. Pvt PIY 752-6413 cond $5000 840-8709 2131896-2561 _a_tt_s_P_M _____ _ 24' 1979 Sklpfack. open. many extras, like new. $13.995, 557-1566 'IO llOHA ex too 1966 Rancl'lero. good Fairing. lrunkcase 7.400 cond • eng recent ly mlles. Owner desperate overhauled Musi see 10 $25001 b eat/ nowt apprec. $600 641·5080 25 11 1972 Bayllner, 559-9299 76 Toyot a Longbed. cabln-Mercruleer mtr ~~~~~~~~~ campr shell, AM/FM, 4 675-8032 '71 KAWASAKI 500 s p d . l( I n I C o n d 17' Hawaiian Trl·Hull Needs work muSI sell S3700tofr. 536-4542 Deep V. 355 Olds Jel, f ast . S 3 0 0 0 B 0 -.7-8-T_o_y-. -P.-U-.-L-Bed--S-R-·5 concours cond. $7500. 5'49-t953 Shell. air. am/Im can ____ 87_3-_I0_5_8 ____ K_A_W_A_S_A_K_l_K_M_l_OO_S_t_r .. ~t S3,000 561-0<483 CREVIER • '78 3201: euto . sn/rt, (#438VCK) • 79 5281; 4 spd., low mis I• 140YCC) * ·79 5281, auto . snl rt. ("'5342615) • '79 633cs1, auto . low mis . ("5535418) * 80 3201, 5 spd . loa· dedt (:rBOV020) • '82 3201; 5 spd , loa- ded' (itEBD910) • 131-3111 208 W. 1st Sanla Ana Closed Sunday CHOICE INVENTORY VOLUME SALES I DICK MILLER MOTORS 120 W W.1r1ier Av~ Sanla A11J ~~? 2137 g,.,, 11Z1 ....•....•......••.... Mt•IA Hmllt We can hllpl Before you buy, check our unbeala· ble selecllon, savings and aervlcel UlllYERSITI SALES I IEIYICE 2850 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 540-9140 1976 Honda CMc Good condllion, 57.000 mt. Besl oller Cell (714) 998-7068 We'll deliver anywhere In the worldl Come In &. see US II IEACH llPOllTS 848 Dove Street NEWPORT BEACH 1&2-0900 lt1tt1i11 •••• 1140 ......•.•.•......••••. ..... ,,.,.,. 111111 Mtrodta to• H• HJfhlll tlstt Compare House ol Im· ports Direct lease and 60 mos sensible pym1s Dial 213 or 7 14, MER· CEDES Is 213 or 714/637-2333 Haven't you walled long enough 10 own a Mer· ceoes Benr? Don't 111 this oppanunlly pass you by act now• We have a lanlasllc s81ecllon ol models & colors avalla· ble .Ill SLEMOH llPllTS 1301 Quall Streer NEWPORT BEACH IU-HOO I 197 t 3.5 coupe, 71,000 mll6s Sliver w/blk tntr $22 000 Fronk , 494-3361 1110 410 IL Xlnl cond 2 tops Black wflh bamboo Interior Poitshed rims Firm at $32.500 831-8325 MBZ 280 S.E 1969 4 dr sedan While w/green lntr Asking $4500. call 493·7402 MBZ 230 SL, 1965 Blue/ whl lnlr 2 tops. good cond $ 12,500. 751-2402 80 3000, 20,200 mt, lully loaded, esklng 122.500. Ole 973-214 1 (Roy or Lloyd!. aves & wknds. 1·676-3298 89 MBZ 2200. g ood cond . sunrl, sell $3.500 or trade. 714-554-8142 1974 SLC like new Must sell 831-3689 82 3000 Turbo Mer- cedes. 3 mos. new. 19" than 3,000 ml All u tras. Make reaaoneble offer Call Mon-Fri • 8·30-5. 731-5844, eves 988-1029 1987 Grand Banks 42, or 'Trell. Xlnl, onty 1000 Ford P/U lH85753 brltlOI, r adar . cruise miles. MUST SACF\IFtCE $l .COO Shell. CB. Lrg reedy, 2 boat owner $400 646-3197 wheels. 490 Costa Meta Asking S98K B k r , --------~ S C & 74 HATCHBACK. good ,, cond. 4 spd, 80,000 ml. Y s 1995'. 875-7386 67 Merced•• Benz 200. 4 IOI lcllllEll llW 8'48-4005. 1980 Harley Davidson, t .M. Gorden Anniversary LI· --------- mlted Edition Factory r.•.~! ••••. •••• ... !.~~~ IHn, l••I custom: $850 paint Job. Like new ·79 Chevy 'h ton, Ci•tlll H5 Many, many extras; lots air, PS. PB. redlo s.ceoo. Sales-Servlce-LeaSlng ••• ••• •• • •• ••• •• •••••. ot chrome & gold plating. 848-0798 850 N Beach Blvd. July 4th Weekend, Marl· $7.000 or B.O. 648-1854 ---------1 La Habra ner 40 Ketch, $500 for ----------1·79 Chevy Van Nomad. 122 HH cyl 4 speed Nice d•· pendeble cer $2750. 213/592-.3932 '12 AOCIH C II Only SOOO ml. $8800 Incl tu Aulo. ale. crul11 lmmec cono. 731-8830 'II laroell" 220I SEDAN. $2850 M ust '80 4 door Accord, auto, s e 11 Make O 11 er . loaded. Xlnt cond. $6800 891-9355 Firm 499-4321 --------- 0111 l·Hl-2221 MEISTER PORSCHE/ AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd ·75 VW Bus. 7 pas11r1ger. 1tln1 cond1llon $3150. 891-9355 7 1 SUPER Beetle, gd cond $1,800 545-8713 ••• 11 Steak! NABERS C1\0llJJ1\l: I •)II • '"'"' •••·•·•·•·•······•···• OLDSlllOllLE 'll CUTUSS HPREIE lllOHHI COIPEI Loadedl Econom1ca1 die- sel e!lgtne' Handsome• t865YJEI Garden Grove 79 RABBIT Osl 23K mt HLY 112151 MOWAllD Chowrelet Dove1Qu111 Sts NEWPORT BEACH S.ltt-Senloe Loaded!! Must sea to appr ec1a1e 640-0646 Le11l11 '79 Seville, xlnl cond, 133-0IH 714 131-2333 177 Air, s1ereo cass. Gd brown/brown, many ex· cond. 60,000 ml. $2950. tr3S. al low blue book '78 Turbo. spec1acular red _1_2_0_.0_5_2_5_____ pr Ice • S I 0 . 5 0 O Targa, loaded, low ml-1 '70 vw Camper Van. 675-3909, 497-3320 70 Otd'i 98 Or1g1nal Ow- leage, Tom 642· 1603, Bubble top w/xlra bed, ---------ner. great motor good 642-6487 new motor. st-• belt•" THE URIEST shape $695 631 2108, """' ""' Noon 10 3 or au 6PM '60 Super 90 factory rims tires. bulane stove 27 SELECTIOM $4800 ' MPG 54500. 859 Oak of late model. low m1lea· 'll C11tl1u Su,ro•t 646-5264 I St · CM 646-l 423 g• Cadillacs In Sou1hern Ale am/Im •In! cond .79 924 49K mi sunroof 79 CONVT Whl l W1'11 Cahlornla• See us today• 54000 lirm 857-2356 stereo' cass . air: 4 spd: Slored 2 yrs. Only 1400 llAIERS 72 Olos Cutlass runs •In! cond Orig patnt & m1 lmmac $8.950 CAllLUC very good Aini 1ransp owner All serv rec 848-0247 ca1 $900101r 558·9339 •a 00 836-0880 ---------• 2600 Harbor Blvd ..,.c wlldys, 'l2 SUHR ltmE COSTA MESA Otdsmob•l8 88 Royale 499-2885 wkndstevs Lo miles Sl'lo'l\lroom 1978 49 000 miles Air '76 rurbo Carrera Loa· cond Runs perfect! AM/ 540-1860 cruise. 29mpg Looks ded 6 000 orig ml $27 FM 8 trk S2 595 otter. lan1as11c , runs superb 500 'obo 857·6S55 . 559.5010 ' '79 ELDO dsl. $9,775.1 $3550 or best Mr W1I· Xlnl. mpg A-1 cond Iiams 548-7245 '12 CAlltOLn 'l4 TMIH 11100 Loaded 8 trk & cass I -- $7695 1-970..79•9 5.c5-01321540 • .c614 ster 645-7253 I !!r!!!~!~ ........ !.~~~ '78 Porsche 924. xlnt 72 CAMPER wl RV aw-1980 Fleetwood, lo mt. 69 Plymout/I 8 cyl, runs cono Loaded $9500 I nlng. AM/FM casa, n-Io ad e d . S 1 O. 9 9 5 $300, new ball & gr b•ks 770-7369, 768-8083 llres, brks. bait. runs 544-9736 640 86_6_5 __ _ 79 Porscl'll 928. loaded greal $3100 633-6653 ·79 CdV d Elegance Al· 1011ti1c 1965 Super stereo tape, Im-'65 BUS Lotsa extras mOSI new Mtcl'I II res • • • • ••• • ••••• • • • ••• • •• mac Auto P6's 30K ml Super Clean. Runs greal Service rcda avall Xlnl '78 PONTIAC PHOENIX gold 1an leather S22. $2200 963-5148 cond Loaded w/e11tras lo mt, S2695 549·8651 500 $7900 545.5445 Mon-Fu 9·5 '82 VW runs well. sun rool ------------------645-8532 Pirelli P7 Tires Porsche front tires, brand new, never been mounted, 205/50 VR 15, $200 each 2131785-9210 7141546-5605 '80 911 SC. Targa Ugl'l1 gold, tan leatl'ler, loaded 20.000 ml. 5 yr/50,000 ml warranty $27 .000 752-0892 ()( 644-9449 78 930 Turbo, very clean, recent repaint to lectory colors, 43K mt . eng re- build by Andtal Racing 11 23K ml P· 7's. BBS whls. manual 1urbo boosl. 935 cam, Titanium rings A FINE PORSCHE' $40, $695 76 SEVILLE '77 Firebird Formula V8, 548-1487 Orig owner Brown onl s1tverl red. au10. eir. 1111. brown, clean, 100K PI W PIS P/B Pllox, '7 1 VW Squarebaclc BX· mllet AMIFM St cass lo m1. cellenl condlhon 673-7713 sh a 1 p . mus 1 sec $1695 548-1487 ---------714-642·9223 ---------1'80 Seville Dtesel, lncld ----'II YW 111 leather. 2 tone blue. xtra 7 3 GR AN AM 4 d r New motor, AM/~M caa-tank Lido Isle 675-46<46 bucket seau. console 91118. Good condition. C . ,.,.11 AM I FM S 1 2 0 0 '1700 ,.,,, 77 8'&8-0768 549-7374, 540-9439 .·;;c-;;;;~·321."i;0.·;.5~ -,-.-.-,,-,-.-,.-,-.,-,--9-9_1_0 vw 69 van. runs good. auto, casseue •Int cond • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • •• • • • • • rebll eng. new rad111s, S1500/olr 642-3392 evs 69 T Bird never M au AM/FM s1ereo cass orig Nol e~en e scratcl'I moving must sell As'. C•1r,./1t llZll air 10 mt lmPf'tt8ble kl s23oo 730-8278 ••• • • ••• • •••••• ••• • ••• 11'1ruoul S24SO/bSI Call ng SEE US FIRST! Mr Jarhes 54t 7;>4~ 'll SCUIOOOD We have a good selec· -~-9914 NEW PAINT+ MOREi lion ol NEW & USED .!!.~ ................ . $3900 644·5836 Chevrolets' 75 Vega Wagon runs 1a11 000 Gary 673-8347 V W EN GIN E 4 0 HP COHMRL ~HEVROUT needs some worlo' 5600 OBO 545·0982 --,8-2-,-0-R-S_C_H_E __ , (12000c) runs fine. 6 volt, lllS Bug. Bus. Gl'lla. $250 .X'>C I l.1tt•1r HI 111 •11sr.\\1~_ .... , ClllllOLET . .c94.2.co1 Super Sha1p Bright Red with Black Trim & Top Everything New. Muat See This Beauty 73K (13564ME) $91&0 DICK MILLER MOTORS ! lO W Warner Ave Santa Ana 'l'll'·ll3Z '79 Convertible Bug, red, xlnt cond AM/FM tape 546-1200 28,000 m l, reg gaa ·73 Mallbu 4Dr 30 000 $85001 best offer PP 0 , 1 g m 1. s' 1 9 o o 497 -3249 645-4199. 645·4203 '69 Volk swagen Van. ·74~. Monie Carlo Lan- good cond. New block. dau orig ownr xln1 orig owner $3,000 OBO cond. clean & lu11 J58 cyl 557-1060 eng, euto, PIS, P/B, air 68 VW Bug, sunrr. AMI Musi see. Mirrors. AM/ FM, $2250. Good condl· FM stereo. sprt rims, tlo". rr.ad rad w/Whl. nu trans. .411101 Ustd N1\Bl::llS <:, \l)ILL. \C CLEARANCE SALE! 3'11 d 673 5340 71 TRIUMPH 650 Tiger. blue Vil/blue Int, lo ml 0......, .Sunday ya. • very clean. orig cond. Windows & removebte """ S950 544-2188 bench sea1. $6500 _D_IA_l_l_E_C_l_U_m __ 'S-79 3000, 4 dr sedan, IHHll f1SS '77 SI. Wegon, xlnl cond., petfect cond. to ml, musl •••••••• ••••. •••••. ••• 499-2986 nu mulller $2400 551-1080 '72 Sunroof Bug, rebuilt, ' ----------i year guarantee. pertect '79 EL Camino. V8. auto paint. l nl $2500 . AIC, PIS, PI B, sunrl 861-3982 Lid. new tires, brks & 1981 CADILLAC ELDORADO BIARRITZ 110FJ458) ~1!,.~~!L ..... ~~ '66 SUZUKI 125 _•_9_3-_7•_0_2 _____ 1 OLIHT am/Im ater Musi sell seel Flnenclng avail. Oya •IW $3000, 673-2259 546-6355, IVS 673-5494 ·11 Flick•, beautltul crul· Needs work, S50 71 CHEV VAN "'· ton. ..... cu1tom bit. dll eng. ____ 64_4-_55_8_5 __ -t 350 turbo. New urn & lots of xtru Mutt ... ,o '76 CB 750 Honda 1o ml., WH + MORE. $1800 or apprec. Appralaed at 1st sold '79 X1n1 cond otter $38,000. 011per118 to S 1300 STEVE 645·6508 H ll. $28,000/baat ofr 631.,.940 845-2581 or 673-9301 A•l11 W,.tH ISH ---------1•e1 KAW 550. 2000 ml.•/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• WAITED! Sales-Servla.-Leaslng lOYCARVER !\. lli ll l1Ct ·Re\ 1\.Y '" ...... ..,, .. ~·\1¥1• •'1 ,,,.,. ...,w .. ~·-~ .. '"""' •..idd 1980 Prelude. 5 apd, iwn- roof. 8oM 1402 AM/FM 3001 -1111 CUHl!e 58.000 ml. Gd Exceptionally clean. cond $6250 720-0525 $9500/ofr New tires · 7 9 Accord 4 door 5 645-9849 Racing Sabot. Very last, fairing, kerk1r, ell parts Pump. Ullman Sell. Good 111cepl frame. 962-5900. co nd . 1 550/olr 548-352g KAWASAKI 400 12K ml xlnl cond $750 OBO MUST SELL, Sat & PM1 HB 536-7781 L a t e mode I T o yo I as , iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Volvos, Pickups & Vans 1peed. efr cond., reg. >'leel Selle or rlak lree g11. 35,000 ml $5900. lease. Lillie cash neldld. 1 5 2 • 8 1 g 1 d 1 y s ; Edgar 658-0571 961-7523 eves/ wknds. -9-0-M_B_Z_4_50_S_L_. -,0-,-d-ed-• '81 Accord LX, AMI FM 30K ml, all eva reds c111s. AC, 19,000 ml, xlnt Ivory/ten leather. Imme· Ill.Ill 20 FatHt 20 looter around. Super racing record -,7-4-BS-A_500_B ___ 50_v_1c_t_o_r, Main, 2 lib•, tplnnek8", Clauic, orlQ equip, wlnt lr1r. Our IMmo boat.~ oond. $800 831-2310 duced 10 19.500. Balmer, dlr. 875-3282 '75 HONDA 350.)(L, Bala UDO 14, nda. repair Best oflar. Sean by eppt ready, trlclt equip 1500 831-2310 7tc>-8088 '78 Suzuki 3 70-D Like Call us today! Earle Ike TOYOT A·YOl YO .... ..__ .. , c ......... "u .. tJt)., U 0.'461 1982 BMW 633CSI, 1000 miles. All options plus 3001 , BOS, P7's, red w/ ten lntr Rare & pertecl. Gr a nd Garage , 831-3698. '80 BMW 6331, Loaded $22 ,000 Uk for Warner. cond $7499. 497-2580. cu I a 1 e S 3 3 . o o O 752-0892 or 644-9449 559-4221, 840..7990 Drive your d\'eam car WI ltY J1••1t 11' TODAYlt Oorgeou1 '12 la111H Lt Car so ft OllMH ,,.. E.x Socket Saatt, Rally Mags. Deluxe Trim, Reck & Pinion St-Ing. Front Wheel Drive, Lu•ury Interior &. MOREi EPA Eat: 30 city, 40 hwy $4989 (ser111 •009341) HAHi CO&IT &110/JllP/lllUILT 2524 Herbor Blvd, C M 549-8023 645-7770 '74 Aen1ull R-12, 4 apeld, 4 door. e tc. 11ereo s 1700. 548-8739. ~!!!!.~!I!!. ..... !.~~! '72 BUS. Xlnt. eng. Fold abell $8,000. 536"8574 away bed. besl oller. ·77 Malibu Classic. 4 or s16 ,995 Tim 640-5278 alr, gd cond $22501 of-~ I 1112 ter 675-1835 1981 CADILLAC • .'.!!••••••••••••••••• '75 El Camino. pl s. ale. FLEETWOOD ATIEITIOI :;:!g2~' make offer· "ASTROROOf" VOL YO BUYERS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii._ i1tou(~~A'A~2c1 OU Pl '65 CORVAIR No Speclal Invitation 11111, no ho1 doga or sodas. no clowns, no circus, no Red Tag Spe- clals, no balloons! Needa work $600 OBO. $14 995 545-9438 or 842-4336 , '72 MALIBU LAGUNA Excellent cond 1111. & int., engine not running Ju11 p+enty of good old _s_soo __ . _64_2_·_48_5_3 ___ -i fashioned, solid value 327 Chevy V8327 engitll deal• ALL THE TIME. with 350 Irena. shill kif. month In and month out. HI performance MUST WHY? BECAUSE WE SEE lt.000 OBO 1980 CADILLAC ELDORADO COUPI (602277) $1 3,995 Sabot, Phoanht, racing new. muat 111 to apprec:. rigging, new Ulman aall. $800. 831-2310 USED CARS &. TRUCKS '79 BMW 5281. brn. e11-••'•••••••••••••• .... • creme w/811'1\boo Int • COME IN OR CALL FOR captlonal cones. Loeded We wlll buy any l 978 thru AM/FM ca11, air, crulae, •) DEAUlfiN U.S~A. ,.u •-• .. •• 1 11.900. 875·8753 1981 Jaguar! Call CllVe utes ALL Ru. Hird & TRV HAROEAI 842-4853 Coma In lodty 1nd ... '84 CORVAIR 4dr Monu our courtaoua protea-A/T xlnt llre1/mech $600 elonal 111~ to pick 0 B 0 S e I & P M ' a 1979 CADILLAC COUll'E DIVILU (1 13YOH) 1850.1714) 840·5~. '74 Honda CT90 trail bike. 15' SAILBOAT, n11d1 2200 mllee.1226· eoma work, gl'MI lrallaf. H0-3435 1300. Mull 1111 this ••tw B•n, l.11/ lllllelelf\d. 980-5543 l••tllt.1 .. , llH 19" 1975 HOBIE CAT w/ •••••:f•'-•••••••••••••• lrlllf. xlnt ClOnd 115$0 '73 25', lullr equipped 080 4~ 12 Slpa 8. 111 contained . 5.48-5747 20' T°"*'<I C.tamaran ---------1 & trallar, extra geer. RV door wttn tcrllfl• '2200. (213)784-e805 134 lllMdtr 37 NB ~8-1230 >tam FINnclnO S6t8\,o rr.o.n ,, • ..i 111' ~-Perty•ii.:4820 •••••••7•••••••••••••• ---------171 Oold•n Faloon, 24', auot. comp41111y rtgoad rufly 1111 cont'd. Twn for MlllnO oed" lub & ehower, roll MOO. "40-211t up ""'"°· 11pe 1. Ilka .,_. lleut. twedlltl elOop '*' In l out. UMd V9fY tit IGO, (114) 112470; Nt1le. Muet Mii. llTIO. orfi, .... ,.1• oao. 21~1100 a l 8"' l tt, t1t00 Ot VI F"Y nlot ~tll WllH I ........ '°"" '*'*'°· ... f Ill ..... ·.....,.till '" ~,.,. """' ... .... .. .... ,..11•••11d '". ·-M• .-1..-,..,... I ..... N · = Tllllfrl,.!Mt.I. &l,~·.U.W. T~ltt~, 9"lt. "'' ~. .. ...... ----"------- .... _ at Bauer Mo l ot1 at ~ ~CARVER Cormler·O.Llllo "·tr•• 11·•0 97$-2500 or llOP by tor • eott top -una act. . IOtCE 01fY1 ,,. •· REDUCED from 18,500 Clln 78•1••0·.·,:7,•n•;•1o··w••g•n•.·,·u•1•0 qHu1cbk apBpr111du1, e1c 2112,5 to s u .ooo. Thi• w11· 1821 1 BEA H BLVD -" er or v . n 01 I 1 876-0852 HUNTINGTON BEACH Irena. air. dlx wood grain Meet We want your Ja· kend only ~:,...~~~.,.. 141 .... l, Ml·Hl1 pack1g1, 8100 ml. Al· guarl 1978 M82 dal Sadan, •• UOSHWNOATS klno 17300. 648-2788 auto, aunrl, 11lnt cond. ·77 Jaguar 2 dO()( n .ooo 840-7499 •-L--1-rll Top Dolar '7 1 240Z, high parlor· Xtnt oond -------• ...,. · •1 m•nca ang, catm bOdy 213/438-4433 82 Marcadae 3108EC •••••••••••••••••••••• Paid w or le & Int , Im rn a c "New Coupe,'' utral Ill· Salla-SaMoa-i..tllng thrvout. Must ... to ao--'11 tf2 DI ver. blue leather. aun· Ufll 111• ForYautCarl prec.l8500.&41·7505 V12.orig 36Kml.2C>IU• root '51.900 (419) ..... , ..... I Ml .74 IS210, need• angina 2. Milo, wire wtlll, air. 866--5400 Ohio. U1·IMI aMNt ,._, .. ..._=1 Wor1c •~75 O&O. AM/l'M . Mini Cond. #f f·•~• -----1173-49•7. 676-4930 .... • 282& Hafbof BIY • 681•1191 ....................... ,...,, 111f ,.~ ••--J.1U111 I" Vt• ....._.bly have Iha bait ·•'·•••••••.-•••••••• ....,..,. -540-5830 '78 280Z. 6 IPd. amttm ••••••••••• .. •••••1~.. 11!Wion or u11d MO 79 Celtca. AM/1M, 9lec Premium prloea c ue, •Ir, 1unrt, wire '73 Jl!HS(!N Hat!Y • ..00 conv1rtlbla1 '."' Ora"9' aunrf, 31,000 ml, AC. peld lor any uMd car w1111 . brown. 17400, ChlV. & HO ttMt. Too County "'4l4Udlnt 1 tt e good oond . U too . (foreign or domMtlO) 840·9011 mueh to Pet. l tl"tl\ llQel MQI, whit• (3l1NTPI. M2·1241 In QOOd GOndltlOn. '711210. boel cones. 4SK 6 fun to dr!Y9 14-'00 1 t 7 7 M 0 I la I u t -.7-1-Cel-lot-runa--good---• ... UI "'-ti m. I. Hew t lr11, 4 1pd, , OIO. 4tWMI \:1~H~, 111:..:: 11111, .011111011 & -,"::. Sfl'l'PI• UtOO, fU.tH6 1'1 JINllH lnt~or. (Oti Vlifl), r.?, MGI l,.00/btt _.. ""°*' evee. ~1 "' "'"d •'1"!.i a...11nuarmmMO .,. ~ w A/C NII 'IO Oettun IOOIX. ~ , ~ ... lw ....... ..,._ :)i t•lnl, &;:·11n1 ·~· tt,000 fl'I, .... ..,_ l l l . 1 t 1 W I llMO MP.....O .... ,.. l·1r.ji•lflf, I N' au ff.M (OHWWK), e"~ -:,..,:l"JIJ ,~, ;·r ,mr.,.,,,,, ...... -}!IJ. I CIHtlf*I A•j!!"' t ,,. • . I. I AM/PM li\' MOI -.... • .. ....., ... ~I ""' N'# u · I fi:"...L~tJ!!iJ tf Jlft II iT.ioll ,.. m· j v~ ... .. ... t • your New voivo. Plenty _5_3_8_· 1_1_8_1 _____ -1 to ohoo11 from, moll ClllTl/ll Ill tnOd.ta and COfOra. new ··•'·••••••••••••••••• boatload now hara for '87 NEWPORT, •Int trtn- your lnllPIGllon. tport 1580. 4~85 nDW&Y ll.lllJ C.thtaNI II 111m1 •m ....................... . '82 Oont11*1tftl ~ .. .. YILYI 10.000 m•. uo.ooo. 10120 Qerdan orove Hl·4221, Cl40·7tt0 81¥d. _w_omer ______ _ Oarden Qrove ''15 MAAI( IV, wtllta. UPI· l 1..11• a 111 licit ldlUon. 01brlolet .-~ 1endau, fact. magi. .,1,..,. .............. ., .... 11tu1 u1eo. "' -l?Mt•t ....... .....,. s9g95 1971 CADILLAC COU,. DIVJLLI (254011) S6995 1·~\\\.\\ 4S~o!l5 • fj2)[E~!NJ~ featurirtq ~ . cJd@@@@J @09 -((:~@tr~O@®~llil ~g ~'( C'-41 ATRIC MELt 54 ~ G"cllvtz.., ~AVE 't'ou EYER TRIED WHISTLING? . 11-21 NANCY IUNDAY, JUNI 17, 1tH • H CINll PS'<CHIATRIC t4ELP NEXT 9 E)(ITS '{OURS 15 A PROBLEM OF SEL~-ESTEEM , .. YOU NEED TO FEEL 6000 ABOUT YOURSELF p Ylll HllETDll DlllY PIPll I UNDERSTAND •• .I KNOW WHERE VOU'RE COMING FROM •. T~E NEXT TIME \(OU WALK: DOWN T~E STREET, TRV WHISTLING .•• IT'LL HELP YOV FEEL 6000 ABOUT VOUR5ELF, AND ABOUT EVERY60D'r" AROVND YOU ••. I TMl~KMAY6E I·NEED ANOTHER 5U66E5TION ..• THE t)Oct'oR IS~ By Ernie Bushmiller .--~~~~~~~--- 1 ALMOST FORGOT--- I HAVE TO GET HOME iN TIME TO SEE MY FAVORITE TELEVISION FIRST l WANT TO SEE THE GREEN MONSTER PROGRAM . . . . . . \ ... \ SHOWS I HAVE GONE S~OPPING-­ TAKE YOUR BATH AS SOON AS YOU COME IN ~~- \ OH, DEAR---l'LL MISS MV SHOWS ~....---,_.' -- AND, AFTER"'fFfAT, COMES THE OGRE FROM MARS w• 0 A 0 _ LE. GARFIELD ® J> > [> HAVIN0 LEFT D. B. ALONE WHIL..E HE MADE A PHONE CAU..., DENNIS PA&SMOR.E. RETURNS TO FIND HE~ At350Reeo IN Ht5 FL.OWE~! ;:r:=J---..__.,=-=-~--... ----~----------··- CJON1" ~ DARE LAOGM. I MAT£ IT WMEN eoM£0N£ MAe A LAOGM A'T MV E)(PEN6E i WAH HA HA HA/ (/) (7 I ct • I I @ By Hank Ketcham ,__ ______ --.P...,..----~ AN1 WHGN THE HAND~ ARe STRAIGHT UR ITS LUNCH TIME! YEAH ... 'CALSe I.WAS ~XPeCTI N' HIM10 GJVf;Me ~THIN1 E3 1GGE:R. '-'LIDGE PARKER I CAN TEL.L. THAT I 'VE NEVER. SEEN SUCH THEY LOVE YOU! BEAUTY IN ONE PLACE, DENNIS.' I WANT YOU TO FEEL. YOU CAN COME OUT HERE WHENEVER YOU 00T SOME TIME I 'D TO SPARE .' LIKE THAT! -flf'~J..P /~~V'f_~~ ~~ •' I 5TARTED TO TEL.L YOU ... ONE OF MY ~6 I6 HAVIN0 A LITIL.E PROBLEM, D. r>, ! Hl9 NAME IS L-UKE. ... AND HE'S A VERY 5EN01ilVE YOUNC? MAN , I J J I ! ,;-:,: . --. . . .. r t Fl6URE IF I'M GOIN& ro . HAVE A BAND , WE MtGMi Ao t w~ DO rr RIG~T ! NOl>J Fl~T I WE u.. RB.EASE AN AL..BOM · DE-516NED 10 RDGKE.i US TO 1HE iOP Of: 1HE CJ4Afrr5 ... MOONM GREAT' 1-hJH) '1<1TTY? No MoRE CLASSES --NOTH IN' lo Do Bur PLAY ALL SUMMER . -· ' . - ·1 i . : . . ' f-rHE COMPETITION! /~AT CONSTANT STRIVING r~T T~E TOP GRADE oN-:rH ' ~ST! w- DOCTOR SMOCK . .. -... . . , ... , , ... WHICH WE'll R>u.ouJ 1HE.N WE'U. 00 A UP WrTH A C.ONCEPi UVE AL.BUM , A A~UM ABOUT COPIN6 GREA"TE.51 H110 AL.SOM WI~ 1Mf. 81,,-ERS«>JE.E.T / AND FINAL.kq A l8ACK LIFE. OF A ~CK STAR . 10 1HE R0010 I AL.BUM ! WHY, ~'M A POCl"OR.' . i---1-r's N01"' Nice -ro FOOL. , f_: MO'THE!R Met'ICINB! ,, : t -· ,,. f .... ,,._ _, ... I .... I -· ..,._:~·. l .. ' ' . !'M MAPPING our A cA~~ PlA\1 r-0~ fYY..> 'Al~·GOrTAR ' BAND ! 'THANKS! AND 11.fEN 1HE FOl..."-OWIN6 CAJE£K .•. 1 EVEN MISSED IT DURING SCH OOL ... By George Lemont SUF<e:t...Y, 'T'HA-r sHout...D ee oev1oos .' "MO-r"HeR .MSDICI NE: If ?~~ ~-·-- M e L-e y• -e " . (, i. I .. ,..,,,.. " ... ..,,._....,I ... \ ... -... VA-rs £1A PAY CH~IS COUJM~S SIGNEP QA l?f:CL.JUtA1101\l O' Ul\IPEPEl\ll?fNCE! AND NOW LET'S c;,o-ro MIKE MA.JORE> IN ENGLAND ••• l~ITWAS~~ 1..INCOLN A'.>NE PA'f. FOR A ~EPORT ON TME WIM0LE~N "TENNIS IOU~NAMENT/ I ---·-· ..., -nME: FOR E'EWV-IHe1 PRE:CIOUS1 SO'S ¥0U'LL-JI: Hf:AL1W{ FQR PA 4th OF JUL-'( l\l~XT Wft:K! I I J f l ! VA p1gES IS FALLIN' INiA PLACE. IHI& 16 M IKE MAJORS REPORTING" LIVE' r:~OM WIM6LEDON. ENGLANO, WHERE WE'RE TALKING W~ SOME Ot: 'THE 1oP TENNIS PROS A00UT THI: FACT ™AT FIVE·TIME CHIWP'ON ' BJORN ~J<G 15N1T COMPETING HERE TMIS YEAR/ HE'(. JUST A 5ECOND. .. LE"f"'S NOT ~e 1l2Q HASTY'.' I MEAN, AFTEQ ~' RUU:S#lE RUL£5! WE'RE i'ALt<ING ABOUT: • IAAOl110N Ht:~Ei ••. / •' ' CAN YOU TaUIT YOUa IYIH T1ttre .,. •t IMtt 9'• .. ._. .... "' .................... "' .... '°""' ........ .... '4tlctly CH "'9 flM tllt11tt Qectl IMwtn wltll tlleM llletew. 111•,•lllP t f ~""'I ,.~ 9 6"tH •W t f u&!! f 'll.l•J4lllf, ,, .. If•!> , 6"1n 1w ,, dt•1• WjJ i ( ""'"'"' •I ..... , l ~1111 ,, ~·M I .. ~·•1110 • • 2850 '&!;1 Vi'rg Po..rfch.si ~ -------------byH1IKaufm1n------------ • HAL'S PALS! Our Hile My ten~ clan will ,.._ ltt l11t ,.,,,, .... In two ., .. n . JNuld I to' DNr P•li Ttwlt'1 "'°'' "''"' tJ reul'llM ..., ,.., -.,., CMlld skip I TON ___ _ '-TON __ _ J __ TON--' . ___ TON ..,. s , ____ TON .. TONSOFFUN WOltOTHT You wlll be 11TONl1h· td et Nw "'V It 11 to complete the word test above. Obwve thlt the 11,,,. letters - TON -1ppe1r II\ NCl'I word. All of the words have Mven letters. 0.thes lndlc1t1 miss· 1"9 l•tttrt. DeflftttMNt t. lltf,,.ntweltftt. 2.Mlklnt•"""*· J. SyntftYnt't .,,..1te. 4. Commott fHftfttf'I. J . Ortedy .. ..,. At I tltrllf, the 1naWlf' to the flr1t definition II TON· NAGE. T1kt It from there. tu1t one. e Murky Mith I Thole wN "'*" tNtr twCll IOOlil Ilk• Mvent •~ ftltlr thr"' look Ilk•_....., woul4 lncrMtl the sum of 2J Ind st bV Nw mucM ....... ~ ..... , ... e KNOW LUCKI lwt •t ............ ltt fOOCI IM N49tudl,tfyeucatt11. Tt ..... 1'411 _luck.I. Tt lpflt ult1 _ llfdl, t. '9 ,.. ... , t ,._.."' ... ,, -·~· e Roll C•lll Cell thlt rqtt f11t; Mverel tlme1: Sllm Stm.,el Sllnn. CrOOliltd Cr1lg COClk. Tiny Tl,,. Tll\klf· '°"·-.Sky Polly Preeeo". I~ •rlftM Blue. ~ .15 t:S ~ ! 2~ )JI ~ f Ill I J 1.1011"10 f -· '"' t wA,,..1u• f ..,, ... . t .tlevuo l I ,, ....... . OPIN HOUlll WMt CH Y• ...... CQtptet1 .... Jlcftlc scene· 1bove? To find out •dd tines from t. to 2, l , etc. -· ~ ~ ______________________ __, • ' Ill~ . 111 1 ~ ------..... OVER AND OUTI Md the following ~Of"I NlflY to ~·· the terewell seen. •bov•: t-lted. 2-Lt. blue. >-Yellow • ._ Lt. brewn. I-Flesh • ._Dk. ''""· 7-Dk. blu.. I-Lt . .-n. SPEllBINDER ICOH 1t ....... tw V1M1 ell• ....... ...... ..,41 ....... """ ..-. ..... ~-+--------....... ..,.: IM,.MATIC THI• tWe t ........ Ndt f., 141 worcn " few lltttrl ., mer. ----r---.. fCM.iM......,ltM..._1. ,,., .................... . .....,.,, .... ~ ...... -• e ~ Sy rA6AN 4 bO A"E~O. NORMAN, "'T ME A fL.'I &All.! .. '"ll.l:i.. ...... l'L\.. SE.'f' \ WON 11' ORor tf 1"\~ fl!W!'ll~ ~M 1tME 1 GORDO J F ISH 60TTA J1 SWIM ) ) CA,AJIT HELP 1 J LOVIAJ OAT J SHOE ... -- @ ! i ! i { • Ill l i ~ ' \ 'f£~~ ,·~~ 8££~ Oftot'PI N~ n. ~ &ALL~ 8ElA\J6f. M'f (;,t.,O\IE t~N' r -.-,,,.,.,.... S«oKEN \N if.'f ... tM2 Ul\lted f eature SY'ld!Cllle. tnc E311<DS GOTTA ~ FL~ j I ' • ,,.z.1 ft • • I I ~\J96tNU OIL INTO 'fO\)R 6\..0\le; MAKE~ rr RE.AL. ~os=-1 ANO fL.£~'8LE. ! By Gus Arriola } 6-tVATS ec>TTA 6TOPAS } ~ THEY auzz av by MacNelly •• ------~~~----~~~~~~---------------------------.-... June 27. 1982 FOR SENATOR DAVID f. DUREN· BERGER (R .• MJnn.J Why do you obtect to the propoNd nJne. digit ZIP code? -G.W.M., Albert Lea, Minn. • A nine-digit ZIP code is far more diffi- cult to remember. But worse, It puts all the burden of an efficient mall dehvery system on private busin~ and individ- uals. They1l have to go to the expense of converting their address lists to the new New cock doan't odd zip to mall. style for llttJe or no return. Even the Post- master General admits that the longer ZIP code will neither cut costs nor improve service. And the success of the nine-digit ZIP code depends on equipment which was chosen in 1978 and won't be imple- mented until 1986. The technology will be out of date before the machines are completely Installed. FOR ERIN GRAY, star of Sixpoclc /ta a on.time Army ... apWn what Ide Wiii Ub on base. -N.1., Tyler, Ta •The days can be boring, but traveling is an added benefit. I loved living In Germany, visiting Switzerland. Women on base were friendly and Interested in shar- ing recipes and household problems. Some were con- tent just betng Army wives, but that kind of life was nO( enough for me. FOR DICK ClARK, host of Amerlc4n Bandstand What changee haw you nodced In the youth ol America in recent ~? -K.G., Glendale, Calf. •Today's young people are growing old too soon. They have lost the youthful idealism of years gone by and are now very much a "what's In It for mer' gene- ration. They have ~ded Idealism for materialism. I believe their change In attitude reflects what they see and hear In the media. FOR BARBARA NICHOLS, president. American Nunes' Aseodatlon Aze operating-room nurM1 spedaDy trained? Do they get paid mon? -F.E.. Beckley, W. Va. • Queltflcatlons and requirements for nurstng person- nel differ among hospitals. Normally, operating-room nurses receive special training; as do doctors who are specialists. Salaries vary widely and depend on educa- tion , experience and different hospitals. THSTI YOURSELF FROM 11iE .. ASK" EDITOR CONFESSION: Before becoming an actor, San Connay -cWTently star- ring In ~ng Is Right -earned his daily bread as a plumber's apprentice. "Being a movie star in those days." he recalled, "was always a pipe dream ...... c~ 1RY: Anthony J.F. O'Reilly. chairman of the Ireland Fund, touched on the sit- uation In Ireland by quoting British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli who said. around 1876: "Every time we find an , Started off in "sinking" career. answer to the Irish question, the Irish change the question." He added, with a straight face: "Being Irish is a disad- vant.age -until one considers the alternative.". . . COMPUMENT: lf Al Pactno was feeling his age a whUe back, he had every reason to. He was gtven not one surprise birthday party (for year number 42) by his fellow cast members In the Off Broadway play American Buffalo, but two. Showing his heart's In the right place -or perhaps because he was still in the party mood -he respdnded by throwing another party for all of his two-time hosts .... Actress Pia Zadora made points across the ocean when she reviewed the male populaHon and anno unced : "l think English fellows are the sexiest in the world . They've got savoir faire, and they're also very hand- some." ... COUTURIER: Do you know what ruins a beautiful coif and a stunning cocktail dress? A timepiece, frowns de.signer Fontayne: "When you're out for a glamorous evening on the town you'll probably be with an escort who wears a watch, so you don't need to weigh yourself down with one." Loosely translated, that means whether the man Is a husband or beau, the woman should be watching him, not her watch. Or, lad don't bother to check the time -it flies when you're oro having fun. . . COWARDS: The cabble who took Evan Frances Agnew, editor of 1001 Home Ideas, to the recent star-studded Broadway opening of Nine (a Broadway play based on Federico Felllnfa film 81/2) gushed, "I'd know you anywhere." Ms. Agnew ltt up like a Christmas tree -she had no Idea her fame from the magazine was so far flung. Upon reaching the theater, the driver said, .. Sign this please, otherwise my wife won't beUeve I met Ginger Rogers.~· Too much of a coward to own up, the embarrassed editor forged "Ginger Rogers" and fled. PRO R.pnMntattw PauJ Flndley (R .• fll.), member. Agriculture Committee PRO Ano con CON George w. s.one. pmldent, ~ Farmm Union •Dairy price supports must be reduCed. While I think we need a support program, It's clearly out of control. Jn 1978 the Government bought less than 1 percent of the milk produced, and It was dis- tributed through school lunch and other programs. Last year, the Government bought almOlt 10 ~t of the miJk produced at a cost of bdbons. Our IChool·lunch ~arm cannot abtort> nearly that much. W. mutt reduce surplus production. Should Federal Price Supporta for Dairy Produd8 Be Reduced? • A reduction In dairy supports is the best way to assure future shor- tages of dairy product5. The clir- rent program Is ln trouble only because the recession Is slashing consumer buying, because of food-stamp program cuts (14 per- cent of food stamps are used for dairy Items) and because dairy im- ports add $300 mdllon a year to program costs. A dairy program need not be costly If It gives producas the tools to tailor production to market demand. Cl M.2 FAMILY WEEKLY. All l1gttt1 '"9MCS. Q ·rlL MarlLom Ma om LIGHTs Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Who really carries the big stick, and who calls the strikes? The answe1S may surprise you. THE he men who own major-league baseball teams are able to speak with easy authority on such sub}ect.s. as the San Clemente estate of former Presi- dent Richard Nixon, the agonizing battle between Big ~ and Chicken McNuggets and the various problerQS of Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer. When the discussion moves to base- ball. though, their conve:rsatk>n i$ not always as illuminating. George Argyros, a California land developer who bought the old Western White House, ls pr1nctpaJ owner of the Seattle Martnen; Ray Kroc bosses McDonald's and the San Diego Padres; Gene Autry. the old stn9ng cowboy who aooned about the rein- deer with the shiny honker, is president and board chairman of the Callfomla Angels. Among the other 23 owners are people capable of building a ship (George Steinbfenner, New York Yankees), racing that ship (Ted Turner, Atlanta Braves) and reporttug on the race (The Chicago Tribune Company, Chi- cago Cubs). Let's face It, baseball owners 12n be most useful fellows away from the diamond. Very few, speclflallly CaMn Grtfftth of the Min- nesota Twins and Peter O'Malley of the Los Ange- les Dodgers, earn their prlncipaJ Income from base- baD. O'Malley's father, Walter, was the man who moved the Dodgers from Brooklyn to Los Angeles, opening the Golden West. to ma)or-league baseball and filling his pockets along the way. Slncc he made a greet deal of money -drawing almost three million customers annually to Dodger Sta- 4 • PAMILY WEEKLY, JllM %7. t8l2 The powers that be (from bottom le/t): O'MaJlev, Mtfler. Wllltams, Kuhn and Stein~nner. dium -the other owners tended to pay attention to O'Malley. By happy coincidence, tMt was precisely what the Dodgers' owner had In mind. O'Malley, until Just before his death three years llg(>, was said to be the single most powerlul force In baseball. He enjoyed dealing behind the scenes, Influencing decisions by the various baseball com- missioners, Including the cunent officeholder, Bowie Kuhn. "When Walter O'MaDey sends out for a cup of coffee," columnist Red Smith once wrote, "tt's Bowie Kuhn who says, 'One lump or two?' " Some of today's owners are taking a lead from O'MaUey. After spending recent years In the dark squabbling among themselves, they. are finally bllnklng In the day11ght and have begun to join the ranks of baseball's most powerful, wh1ch include, among othen, the superagents -such as Dick Moss and Tom Rekh. Here's a look at five of the dominant players tn the sport's power game. Team owners aside for a minute, the most In- fluential man in baseball over the last decade has been Marvin Miller, executive director of the Players Association, the ballplayers' union. When he moved his desk from the steelworkers' union In 1966, the minimum saJaiy for players was $7,000. He wanted to ral9e that, he said, to $12,000. He Intended to earn for players the right to dilcut1 their working conditions rather than accept the unJlateral dedsions by management. That day has amved -and In a big way. Mlller, 65, spearheaded the fight against the reserve clause that bound a player to his team. A system of salary arbitration was the ftrst step. And then In 1976 came free agency. entitling players to place themselves In the open market. The minimum sal- ary now Is $33,500, and the million-dollar contract Is a familiar head.IJne. Durtng last sea90n's 50-day strike, forced by owners who were anxious to win back much of what they h&d given away, Miller warned what might happen if the strike ran past the season's end. He suggested that the players might fonn a league of their own, composed of free agents. Young pJayers, not yet eligible for free agency, and players with long-term contracts could use the courts to allow them to )oln a new league. Wou.ld he have tried to pull It off? Well, keep In mind that this Is the man some owners call Com· mlSsloner MJller. Among the new breed of owners making thetr presenc.e fett 115 the 44-year-old O'Malley. His tough style reminds some people of his old man, but Roger Kahn, author of The Bovs of Summer and observer of the O'Malley clan for more than 30 years, notes, "You can't compare them. Peter's on the board of the Los Angeles Phllharmonk:. Walter thought Brahms was the plural of brahm." At ba5eball' s annual winter meetings last December, nine of the 26 club owners 5'gned a letter urging Bowle Kuhn's dismissal. The palace revolt was squek:hed by O'Malley, whose continued su,p- port of Kuhn wetghed heavily with the ~ of owners. He II cunendy co-chairman ol batebell's Rellructurlng Commln .. , which wtD decide Kuhn'• future after his teVen-year contract e:xpi'es next year. Kuhn wants to stick around. "fm oet1aln}y avall-- ab&e for another tmn," Is how he puts ti . His an- nual salary, paJd by the owners, ls Mid to be $250,000: his wvn..appo1ntcd of&c:. " 16 ltOrin (conllnlHld on pqgw 6) llAmAll (conun~d from pogc 41 above Manhattan's Rockefeller Center, convenient to all subway lines. During hts 13 years as Comml.s- stoner, annual attendance zoomed from 23 million to 43 mlllion. But dur- Ing the strike, Kuhn was virtually In- visible, a hired hand who wouldn't ex- ert has Influence, publicly or privately, to tone down the owners' demands. A decisive Commls5toner might have headed off the strike. That cost Kuhn support. How can he keep his job? By taking up jogging, he quips. since it's constantly reported that "the owners are chasing the Commlssloner." A relative newcomer among the power brokers is Edward Bennett WU- •ro find out just where you stand on all your family insurance, check with State Farm: State Farm agent Terry Cropp, Tucson, Arizona. "Today's changing economy is affecting a lot of people's insurance protection. That's why families and individuals alike feel so reassured when they get the State Fann Family Insurance Checkup. It doesn't cost anything. Whether you're insured with State Fann or not. we'll re view all your coverages and needs. Life, health, home and car. Get the Family Insurance Checkup. You'll be glad when you know where you stand. too." Check your Yellow Pages now for the State Fann Agent near you and set up an appointment for the Family Insurance Checkup today. Like a good neighbor, State Fann is there. ... n n : F.\W:OI r.-!St:RAN(F. COMrANr£S tloJnlt' \Mii<°": illoloJllWlllllll, lr..o Iiams, 62, the attorney who bought the Baltlmore Orioles two years ago. During the strlke's fll'St week, Wil- liams, Steinbrenner and Texas Rangers' owner Eddie ChUes urged Kuhn to produce a quick resolution. To no avail. But Willlams's perfor- mance was Impressive. Chiles. who began calling him "'tearless leader." said, .. He (Williams) would modernize baseball if they allowed him to have an Influential position. But there's a k>t of folks who do not think baseball should be modernized." Those folks are losing money. Kuhn says 15 teams finished in the red last year. Then again, the players have never been healthier: 198l's average salary was $185,000. George Steinbrenner, 52 on July 4, dreams of power. Hls outspoken ap- proach alternately dazzles and fright- ens his peers. Some owners follow his lead because he has shown them. as did Walter O'Malley. how to succeed. "If It weren't fo r G eorg e Steinbrenner's brains and luck." says Mets general manager Frank Cashen, "the lesson of this fTee-agent period would be: 'Don't spend wUdly. It's not worth it. More teams crap out than win.' It's o nly Stelnbrenner's example that, year after year. convinces other owners he has the right Idea." But even Steinbrenner can't win them aJJ, by George. Doyle Alex- ander. a $400.000·a-year pitcher for the Yankees, was responsible for an early season confro ntration between Miller and Steinbrenner. Alexander was o n the mound during a five-run Inning that led to a Yankee loss against lowly Seattle. WeU. nobody likes to lose. Alexander proved as much when he returned to the dugout and angrily punched a wall, breaking the knuckle on the little finger of his pitching hand. The Yankees placed him on the disabled list and thought about fining him for his rash act. Alexander, who said he was acting on his own, decided to "fine" himself by foregoing a month's salary, estimated between $30,000 and $65.000. The Yankees were delighted. Mlller's reaction was Immediate. "A player on the disabled list must be paid his salary, .. he pointed out. Sud- denly Alexander saw the light. He re- tracted his voluntary offer. The Yankees, moving back to Plan A. an- nounced they would 6ne the pitcher. Alexander's offer to forego at least $30. 000 Instead became a fine of ap- proximately $10,000. Score one for Miller's vigtlance. So much for the question of who has the power. Clearly. the owners are still searching for their Marvin 1191 Miller. ... I • fAMll.Y WUKLY, .111111121. t.a Ad,,.niMmeM Aoven1aamenl New "Willpower Diet Tablet" That Can Make You Skinny in 45 Days ... Even If You Cheat!!! OR DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK! Have you ever rried to lose weight? Then you know chat it cakes a miracle to really over· come a weight problem. And you've probably cried everything from "starvation programs and painful exercises to weight reduction clinics" with linle or no results. If you are tired of che yo-yo effect and con· cemed about your weight you may be in· ter~ted in a new "will power diet tablet'' now being offered to the public by The Health Energetic Corporatio n. This unique tablet was specifi cally developed b y a group of leading numtionists solely for the purpose of helping people who have tned other methods without success but are very serious about losing weight. le should not be used by people who only need to lose 5 or 6 pounds or those who are not high ly motivated . Jc contains a blend of ingredients that, when taken as directed, can supercharge your energy level and, at the same time, decrease your hunger. Why can these "willpower diet tablets" help you succeed when so many ocher systems have failed you? Because, in a world full of gimmicks, it's a major breakthrough. A weight loss plan that works on your hunger biologically and psychologically. This powerful comblnatton of tablets is being sold with a weight reduction program protected by U.S. copyright law. Together, these elements are so effective that the com· pany refuses to advertise the results! "Why should 11" says Leo Daboub, Presi· dent ~The Health En~ic Corp. "If I start telling P'OPle how they can lose up to 7 pounds in the first 48 hours and then con· tinue to blast off their excess body. fat faster, even if they were running 14 miles every day, nobody would ~Jievc me anyway!" Therefore, instead of making dramatic claims or empty promises like thi5, Mr. Daboub is offering a legally binding iron-clad guarantee. The guarantee is simple. Here is the way it works. lf you order the product and use It as directed for a trial period of 45,days, you must be 100% satisfied with your rapid weigh t loss or you are entitled to a refund of DOUBLE your ennre purchase price. There are no ex· ceptions. This guarantee is iron-dad and legally binding, regardless of your current weight level or how long you have been oveTWeight. All that is required 1s chat you follow the si mple instructio ns and give the product an honest chance ro work for the full rrial period. However, because of the nature of chis special offer, we can only guarantee delivery to the readers of chis publication who respond within the next 10-days. After that, o rders will be filed on a "first come first served" basts as long as supplies la st. Here is something else you should know. Even though The Energetic Weight Reduc- tion tablets are quire powerful and effective, they are 100% safe . T hey can be taken over pro longed periods of time. As a matter of fact, chis 1s one of the very few diet aids chat a U.S. governmem panel of medical and scientific experts approved as an active ingredient for appetite control and weight loss. Besides, it is not required to have a warning on che label! But, more important, Energetic Weight Reduction h as worked won ders for overweight people ... people who had given up all hope of ever losing weight. And lt can work for you too-as you watch the body of your dreams emerge. Now, with our program, you can: • Burn away a maximum amount of fat in record time • Look fantastic in clothes you only dreamed of wearing bd'ore. • Improve your self-image and self-confidence. • Feel more energe~ic than ever as you dramatic.ally transform your body. • Put an end to gnawing hunger pangs. CA UTION: As your weighc begins to plummet down, you should us e your good judgmenc and noc lee yourself become too th in. It 1s very 1mpor tanr to eat propef'ly. Before scartrng any weight loss program you should consult your physician co be sure you are in normal healch. Now then, as you might imagine, chis is o ne diet tablet th at does not come cheap. The pnce is $19.95, (California residents muse add 6% ($1.20) fo r a cotal payment of $21.15). However, 1f you are serious about losing weight, you should remember chat this is the only diet product on the market that is backed by a DOUBLE your money back guarantee! No on e else offers this guctrancee. Weight Watchers doesn't; Schick doesn't; nor does Gloria Marshall, Lindora, Nucri-Systems, or any other group, plan, book, or program ... But we at The Health Energetic Corporation do, because we know our pro- gram can work for you! le is easy ro order. All you have to do is write your name and address, and the words "Willpower Tablets" on a piece of paper and send it with your payment to: The Health Energetic Corp. Dept. A-51 1011 Brioso Dr. #107 Costa Mesa, CA 92627 That's aU there is co it. Your order wilJ be ~nt promptly by return mail. By the way ... lf you prefer, you can dial, toll free, (800) 854-6917 (Calif. residents call (714) 548-2271) and charge your o rder to your credit card. Just give the girl who answeTS the number and expiration date of your card and tell her the name of the publica~ion OT new~ paper where you read the ad. P.S ... lf you're planning a visit co the Los An~les attt., feel free to purchase your tablets direct, rfaht over t he count~r, at our address above. I_ When Puck left Ma Malson , he wasn't biting the hand that had fed him-just expanding his talents. imes may be tough, but you always have to eat. Or so thought a handful of young Callfomta chefs who've decided to tackle the unemployment statistics for people In their age bracket and make It big. Not in mo~. or television, or the theater. But In the restaurant business, where the young and hungry succeed or fall miserably in a matter of months. At 32, Wolfgang Puck wasn't an ungrateful pmt- ner In Ma Maison, the chicest parking-Jot cafe In the entire United St.ates. While most affluent Southern Californians waited In line just to get the bistro's unlisted phone number, though, Puck was making a neat escape through the restaurant's back door. He didn't really sneak out on Patrick Terratl, owner of Ma Maison, and little has changed at the Me~se Avenue eatery since Puck's departure. Instead, something new has been added to Sunset Strip. Wolfgang Puck has opened his own restaurant. When almost home free In the rich-and-famous category, Puck decided to walk away from the as- By Suzy Kalter paragus vinaigrette at Ma Malson and tackle his own place. "Patrick would always own the majority of Ma Maison," he says with a shrug of his boyish &ame. "I knew it would be better to move on and find my own place. I could have stayed and made maybe $100,000, $200,000 a yer. And I might still be there at 50. A person needs to change to keep challenge In his life, to keep from being bored. Maybe five years from now ru open a Chinese restaurant." Puck began his transition from partner to pa- trlan::h about two years ago. At age 30 he put his (conUnwd on POf19 JOJ FAMILY WEEl<LY, June 27, 192 •II TH• RllSTAURANT WARI (continued from poge 9J entire $2,000 savings down as deposit on a defunct and dilapidated Russian restau· rant that loomed over Sunset Strip. He bided his time, wrote a cookbook -Wolf- gang Puck'• Modem French Cook1ng for the American Klkhen -and continued on at both Ma Malson and Ma Cuisine, the cooking school that he and Patrick own next door to Ma Malson. His goal: to raise half a million doUars without ever discussing the project with any of the customers who patronized Ma Matson. "I didn't want Patrick to ever think l used him or Ma Malson in any way," Puck explalns. One of hls first prospective partners chose the name ~ for the new restau· , rant. (It means smaU string In Italian .) The partner lat~ fell out of the deal, but the name stayed on. When P uck amassed $550,000 from Investors and the refinancing of his home. Spago was born. A restau· 711.(jr., AeA ·, s,, .... 5'/M.d ~?... .Jl.llceof2Uma 6 chopped anchovy ftlleta I c.blup a Oft chopped. tr .. h mntoa 3 chopped ehaDo4I 3 tableepoone o&M oU Sak and freehly ground ~ per 1 lb. fr-" tuM S ~ bvttu lettuce 1 C11Ql1DW, pee .. ..-ct and chopped 1 .YOCedo. peeW and ... 2 hard-boded ._., chopped I c:.kry heut. chc19P9C1 6 mm--. peeled. Meded and .nc.d Y, cap IDWW'd vlnalgntte l. To make marinade: ln a salad bowl, combine lime juice. an· chovles. tanagon, shallot1, olive oil. salt and pepper. Mix wen. 2. Cut tuna Into 1/•·lnch·thlek strips. Mm1nate for 1 hour. 3. Break up two huds of lettuce and combine with cucumber. avocado. eggs, ulery heart and tomatoes. Mix well with vtnal· g'ette. Arrange remaining let· tuce leaves on a platter. Form a dome wtth the 11egetabla and top w1th tuna. ~. 6 10 • FAMILY WUXlY, June 27, !tit rant that h adn't been touched in 30 yean gave way to a stucco and wood- frame eatery wtth an open kitchen and a view over the Strtp. and the boy who orlgl- naUy aspired to be an archi· tect o r pastry chef found himself wtth an architect and a pastry chef In hls employ. Puck entered hotel school at age 14, and graduated "Trade up to Polaris Vac-Sweep and tnake a dean $50." Robin Whyte, Alamo, CA ~ow's ,·our <:hancc to trade in v·our old-f.lshi oned pool de:iner for Po laris Vac-Sweep. Amcrk:l°s 1 1 automatic ckancr. 8(:causc now rou can gt·t ;a 550 cash trade·in direct from Polaris for your prc~cnt h<>osh:r pump sweep ck:mcr. A cleaner pool. in just three hours or less. ScncJ for the independent test report w hich proved Polaris cl"ns three times tx:ttcr than tht: popular !>"\\'ccp-rype cleaner, In both con· crclc and vinyl liner pools. In only half the thnt' Yo u'll sec a big difference In enc~· savings. coo The o nly automalic cleaner that vacuums and sweeps the bottom and sides of your pool. Polaris utillzcs two spedal re usable vacuum ba~ -one for ka\'c:~ & rocks -one for siAml -to suit rour pool's din con<litions. even witho ut a bottom drain. You \\OUldn't dc:an a ho use by only sweeping -whr compromiS<'. on Cleaner, faster, automatically, even under a solar blanket. A pool cover o r solar blanket keeps energ~ In, but it docsn·t kn:p dirt out. T he Polaris Vac-Swccp ma) remain under cover for occasional cleaning to eliminate permanC'nt staining. Truly automatic cleaning also means you'll SJ)(:nd ks.<1 time taking cart• o f your ~I Take it from R1)bln Whyte who took advantagC' of o ur HO trade In: .. My Polarbl did ln 3 houn. what my Pool Swcc:p• cimldn"t do in 3 yt:an." :ro find out how you can trade up to Polarl., anu makc: a dc:an S50. sec your neart"St Polari.' Vat··Swccp dc:alcr for thc: h~cx.:hurc: "·ith spedJk <lc:tail:.. o r send In the n mpon ~lo~·. --------------------, I Take: this au to your local contractor or store: I I for more: information O r, maiJ coupon today I · I tu Polaris Vac-Swccp. P.O. Box 1149. San I Marcos. CA 92069 for a free copv of the I 1 1 lndcpcndent laboratory test rep0rt, a C'Opy of I Nancy P. Brunnlng·s "S~·imming for FltneM,'' I I and SSO trade·up information. I I Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Address I ~City I your pooP utc Zip I .L.; • ·-----------------~,~~!"! Happy pool ownas h2vc made us • 1. • P,,.11 ~ .. ttf' I• I rqtblCfl!J U J<IC'· mu~ or Arn<<o0n l'r11J1M.1 Inc In the French style: Michael's menu Includes pigeon with Joie graslnrospberry ulnegarsauc.e . wnh an interest in the food area at 17. He bounced around the South of France. working his way up from a one·star restaurant In Dijon to a famous three·star restau· rant. before becoming night chef at the famed Paris res· taurant Maxim's. A stint with a tiny Madison Avenue French cafe didn't please him (he disliked the menu), so Puck headed for Indianapolis and eventuaUy moved to L.A. Aher a year there. he connected with Terrail who'd opened the now famous Ma Matson In 1972. Ma Malson was an almost instant smash. Initially. the restaurant took in $18,000 a month, so things were tight, (continued on pa~ 12) l cup e.h ltoc.k 1 cup heavy cream Y, lb. frah Kallope tn lb. frnh puta noodlH (thin 1ha,.) Soil. goldm cavtar (bi.ck ceviar mllV be aubetttut-6) 1 bunch fr•h t.anqon and bMd Salt and pepper 1. In large saure' pan. reduce fish stock to V• cup of volume. 2. Add aeam and cook to 113 of volume. S. ln an 8-qt. stock pot, heat 7 qts. wat~ and 1 tablespoon salt 4. On a charcoal grill, cook scallops until medium rare. 5. When rcallops are done. drop pasta In bolbng water and cook until al dentc. Add pasta Immediately to cream sauce 6. Seaton to taste and place pasta and sauce on plates. Gar· nlsh With caviar. fresh herbs and grilled tc:alJope. ~. 4 I I I ·I Camping hos long been one of North America's favor- ite pastimes. American and Canadian comping families, like yours. hove come to depend on the fomlllor red and black KOA sign. It means clean restrooms with hot showers. Friendly hosts. And, best of all, family fun at a price you con afford. Want more? You've got itl Level sites for your •• KO• KampgrounclA pool. Gome rooms and playgrounds. Dump stations and· advance reservations. Throughout the U.S. and Canada, Kompgrounds of America hos more ttion 700 campgrounds to help you get the best value for your comping dollar. For o free, 108-page, 1982 KOA Handbook and Directory, stop at any KOA Kamp- ground, or send $1 .00 to KOA Directory, P.O. R.V. Grassy tent sites. Convenience store. Laundry tocllltles. Utlllty hookups. Swimming clean, friendly,& fun Box 30558, Biiiings. Montono 59114-0558. I . ~one Needs alitde Comfort 9 The temperature was hot and the competition hotter. Now's the time to serve up the cool, refreshing taste of Southern Comfort and orange juice. We call this thlrst-queqching combination "O.J. Comfort:' Your guests 'will call it delicious! To ordtt yow -of ua 11 OUD« ffithbe.11 pua. lend a cbcdt or~. on1a (or Sl6.95 (plm S 1 .00 lhippina and bandlilll) or your Vita °' MMt.crCard immbc:r to SoudMm Comfon, 1220 Nord! Pria R-S, $(. Lomo M0 6Jl32. To t.-d yow order.~ Vie.a or Mutcr-Canl wt a.II toll~ I~ (m Milloun: 1..314-~. Void when problbiud by law. OJ. Comfort Pour 2 OWK\'S ofSoud1'.·m Comfort over ice in a tall glass, add oran~ juice. stir gently and enjoy. -·· -·. \ THa RUTAURANT WARS (continued from poge 10) l ,, I :I La Anga ownen Tom Normtnton and Jeff FlekU (eeaUd left) with staff. The n!!Uiews are something to sm/)e about. but soon It began grossing $40,000 a month. By the end of the stx years Puck worked there, Ma Malson brought ln $250,000 a month. And though Puck was on gravy street, he decided to vacate. "Spago is a totally new concept from Ma Maison," Puck claims. "You can have good quality food and an ex- cttlng menu without spend- ing $50 to $60 a person." The Spago menu features pizza, pasta, lobster-filled One of Puck'• prwpedlve partnas chl'Wtmed Spago. He jelJ out of the deal, but the name atuclc. ravioli and a host of desserts that make you gJad the en- tree Is small (compared with Arnerk:an-slze servings, that Is). Dinner for two averages about $50. Reservations are booked three weeks in advance. and 500n the lunch crowd also may be able to enjoy Spago, If Puck continues with plans to open for lunchtime. Lunch has always been a big part of the business at Michael's, a Santa Monka restaurant that became a suc- am immediately after open- ing In 1979. "It was never really a mat- ter of knowing tf we would make It or not. I knew the quality was 10 great that peo- ple had to be crazy not to like 12 • FAMILY WUIU.V, June 17. 1112 tt." says 29-year-old owner Michael McCarty. "I've always done the same thing and been suocessful with It." McCarty, a well-bred rich kid, kicked around Paris studying fine cuisine. He opened a restaurant on the De St. Louis wtth friends before returning to the University of Colorado to graduate. For one year he was part owner of My Friends restaurant, in Den- ver. A move to M&ibu where his parents 'owned a home foUowed, and soon after Mc· Carty started Michaers in a renovated old house a few bb:ks from the beach. Mc- Carty's personal coUection of artwork graces the walls and his own sculpture sits In the garden he designed himself (to save money). He also built the furnishings, devel- oped the restaurant's com- puter billing system himself and e:stabBshed the menu before turning the kitchen over to a chef. Now he stays out front In hJs preppy chino suit and escorts celebrities to their coveted tables upstairs, downstairs or In the garden. (Dinner for two -about $75.) The $250,CXX> he rUed from friends and relatives to open the restaurant has k>ng since been repaid. McCarty will soon test hlmself with the ultimate challenge: He's planning to open ln New York Ctty. New Yori< City wasn't ew:Jl on the itinerary for chef Patrick Jamon, 28. who came dlrec:tly from France's Le Vlvarols to the Padftc Coast H'9hway location of I I Les Anges, a hot new French restaurant that opened about the same time as Spago. Les Anges is one of those small. special dining places that doesn't appear to be in business to make money. or to become the wall-to-wall carpet of weU-dressed people craning their necks to see who just walked in the door. Les Anges serves about 50 to 80 guests each night, all are seated on gray velvet ban· quettes with pastel pillows. The specialties of the house range from seafood (sweet sea urchin souffie) to grilled loin of veal with sorrel-and· tomato sauce served with California tree mushrooms Dinner for two is about $75 Any doubts that Les Anges owners Jeff Fields and Tom Norminton might have had about the populanty of ,Lu~·~ s.1. •• "" ~~ ~-~ t 4 (8-o~.·•lHI aalmon fillet• 1 ahallot. chop~ 111 c:up dry white wine 'II cup hHvy crHm 2 tablespoon• buner 1 tablapoon Dijon mllltard 1 tablespoon ca~• Salt, pepper, lemon Ju.Ice 1. In hot sklllet. brown salmon In 1 tablespoon buner. turn when first sides are brown Reduce heat to moderate and cook 3 more minutes. don't overcook Remove fillets to warm place 2. In t,z teaspoon buner. saute shallot until clear Add wme and Simmer unnl hqu1d 1s reduced to 'I• volume 3. Add heavy cream and boil until reduced to 1 2 of ongmal 1.10lume Stir m 2 tablespoons buner. Keep hot but don't boil 4. Add mustard and capers 5. Pour sauce over salmon and season with salt. pepper and lemon Juice Seru~s 4 Les Anges were dispelled within the first month after opening. Los Angeles maga· zine. the L.A. Herold Ex· omlner, The L.A. Times and Trauel & Leisure magazine all raved about the restaurant and called it the equal of L.A. 's fanciest French 1"911 restaurants . l&J Suzy Kolter. o reporter /or People I mogcume. write• fnq~ntly for FAMILY WEEKLY FAMILY WEEKLY J-27, ltl2 • 13 LEARN HOW A CHANGE IN YOUR LOOKS CAN CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Knowing you look beautiful make you feel more alive, more importan t, more self -confident It changes the way the world sees you, and the way you see the world. Mary Kay's professional Beauty Cbnsultant can help you discover what an extraordinary woman you really are She'll give you a beauty show ri ght in your own home. She11 instruct you, encourage you, guide you . You11 leam that good skin is the basis of beauty, and that it's so simpre to have when you know how to care for it You'IJ leam that makeup isn't a cover-up It's a ski ll that can bring the beauty you have insi de, outside . You'll learn what Mary Kay has always known. That you can be all that ~ou want to be. From thenon, life will be beautifu . ·THATS THE BEAUlYOF MARY Quick, Why ls Vin Scully Like Woody Allen? There's more to it than both men are redheads who love baseball. hen Vin Scully first )oined the Dodgers In 1950. radio" an- nouncer Red Barber gave him a few pointers. '"Always get to the park earfy. Do your home- work. And be accurate,' he tokl me." Scully recalls. Scully followed Barber's advice through eight World Series, 10 aD·stzir games, 11 no- httters, two perfect games and even Hank Aaron's 715th home run (hJt against Dodger pitcher Al Downing). He covered wins and losses -nearly 5,500 Dodger games -remaining objedive. con- centrating on accuracy and honesty. And for thls, he's become an undisputed all-time Dodger hero. without ever having scored a run or thrown a pitch. and make a catch .. mmmm, that's quite a day." For the most part, Scully's days with the Dodgers have been good ones. His favorites indude the 1955 World Series, the first and onJy champloruh.ip for the borough of Brooklyn, he points out. And then the day Los Angeles (the Dodgers had packed up Scully Along wtth the bats ancf helmets when they moved to L.A. after the 1957 season) beat the Milwaukee Braves to advance to the 1959 World Series against the Chicago White Sox. Back then, he coined his "We go to Chicago" line, which has become the most-quoted phrase In Dodger~ history. "At times I'll hear him and I'll say 'I wish I could use a phrase Uke that.' He really writes poetry as he watches a game," says Dick Enberg, former Angels announcer and now an NBC sportscaster. Maybe the words come easier to Scully bec.ause he reUshes his work "The Dodgers tuive been and are a great part of my life ," Scully says. "It's really a love affair that's just continued." On both sides. Neither players nor management are reserved In their praise for Scully. "Vin is simply the best at what he does. And that Is announcing a Versall~ Vin: Scully (center) oot1e1S a football game : He copped the Pioneer Broodcasllng Award for a}('·~ and TV people are." Scully's award will sit between I mentor Red Barber's and Mel Allen's. , Plainly, Scully de5el'Ves just about any honor the Hall of Fame or the Dodgers could invent. In a sport where age and injudes foroe players to come and go. Scully emerges as constant as the ~me Itself. After graduating from Fordham and serving nearly two years In the Navy, the 23-year-old Scuny was signed to a one-month contract by then-ownet Branch Rickey. ScuDy left CBS where he'd worked briefly as a staff announcer. Now he covers both pro football and golf for CBS televlsion in addition to his Dodger duties. And whether broadcasting baseball or calling an N.F.C. Championship game, Scully's talents are rarely criticized. Perhaps the only serious onslaught came last summer. One game before the two- month baseball strike, Scully and Jerry Doggett. his broadcasting partner since 1956 and the Ed McMahon of baseball announcen. failed to men- tion that It could be their last broadcast for awhile A Los An~ sports columnist ripped ScuDy for not letting ilSteners in on the facts. He hinted that perhaps his re.lationshlp with the Dodgers was too But ob)ectlvlty and accuracy alone haven't ele- vated Scully to the status of hero. Players and fans a.ppMlud Scully for something Barber didn't teach him -a downhome, easy style. His lucid voice is stutter-proof and lined with honey, surprisingly precise for even a 32-year veteran of the Dr?dgers communication networi<, a system that streiches from San Luis Obispo to Phoenix. touching aD the radios In between. But a Scully broadcast offers something more. perhaps even a glimpse at the man himself. "Someone wrote that my style is no styk!,'' Scully explains. "That's probably true. By that I mean It's just me. rm the same on the air as off the air." game as If he were pain· ting a verbal picture," says ftrst baseman Steve Gar- vey. The bolds of porodae: In 1956 Scully and Brooklyn Dodger capt.oln Pee Wee R~ cal)()IUd In Honolulu while en route to Japan. There's no getting around It -Scully's likeable. A family man with simple values, pleasant looks. Though he's 54, his hair's still aubum; he retains a posture which seems straight out of a Boy Scout handbook. His words sound like those of a low-key nqjlbor, the f.avorttie on the biod<. At times his tJroactam border on penonel oonwrllldonl -he swaps stories with his listeners the way older men do while 5lttlng In someone's kitchen on summer nights. '1'here's a foul ball behind the plate and Into the stands. And a fe.Dow with a glove makes a catch and gives It to the youngster next to him . If you bring a glove to the ball pMk and get a chance like that, that's one thing," he offers. "But bl1ng a gjove By Gene Sapakofl t• • FAMILY WEEKLY, JUM 2'7, 1812 The Dodgers even erected a street sign In Vero Beach' Aa.' ragged "Vin SCully Way,'' which runs through the same spring-training complex as thoroughfares for Sandy Koufax. JacJde Robmon, Roy C•mpanella and Duke Snider. ScuDy wlJt, as of Aug. 1, share one more honor wtth these Dodgers: a plaque In the Hall of Fame In Coopers- town, N.Y. "Let's qualify that," says Scully. "I don't tee my.If going Into the Hall of Fame. l think of It as gotng into a sec;tk>n where radio along with Jim Brown and George Alen. round aports coverage. j I ~ close: a aitidsm tometimes made of team-paid announcers. "Maybe I was wrong," Scully says, '1>ut first of all, there was no conspiracy. Nobody told me what to do. I thought peop&e were fed up \Alith It. Fed up with rumors. And I d;dn't have any facts . If It was going to happen. It was going to hap- pen. Nothing 1 could say would change It." If he could change anything about his life. however. It would be the tniveJ. "I don't mind getting on an air- plane," he says. ..The thing that bothers me is a 10-day or a two-week road trip. rm separated from my fami- ly and my wtfe's got all those responsl- biltties." S cuDy's first wife, Joan, died In 1972. He remarried almost two years later. Now he and wife Sandi have three children from Vin's fnt marriage (Michael, 22; Kevin, 18, and Erin, 13). two &om Sandi's [Todd, 18, and Kelly. 13) and one of their own -Katherine Ann, 7. h's no secret that Scully yearns to spend more hours \Alith his family. An- nouncing games hasn't gotten old -It's just that time's now become an lmpoctanl commodity to Scully. "J remember telling somebody once that the most precious thing you have is time. And yet, what happens when you're In besebaJI and you're on a two-week road b1p? You spend a ma- )ortty of time killlng time. And rm lmh. I think of death. h weighs heavily on me." (Clearly a sentiment of Allen's -Woody -not Mel.) An esty 1e:tiement, ~. doesn't appeal to ScuDy. (longtime com- panion Jeny Doggett, foe one, would mill 5culy teid>ly. He q~ recently, "Vinnie says It's about time we get our china pattern." And Scully remains conscientious about work, ar- riving at the ball park two to three hows before games to ta& with players, to pour over statistics and pns guides, just as Barber instructed. "My overwhelming fee.ling Is total gratitude. I come from a 6fth-6oor walk-up apartment [near the George Washington Bridge in New York}," Scully adds ... J 9feW up in the streets. rm so fortunate to be doing this." Apparently, Scully's listeners ra. feel fortunate , too. ILi ( t ( a a1 C( .. , a ~ ~ sh a he Irr '°. PAIRS for ONLY aid NO IRONING EVER/ You'll Live in Them! Remembet' Seenucker, the coolest looking, coolest wearing, SNPPiest Summer Fa5hion imaginable? Now ha'e it is, ~I new and improved for 1982 in beaut.ifuJly imde, beautifully fit udies Summer Slacks from Haband, the mail order people in Paterson, New Jersey. YOUR COOLEST SUMMER I New Haband Seerwcker is better than ever! 100% Polyester DoubleKnits never wrinkle, never rumple, never need ironing I They have a gentle natural built-i n H-<+t<../J so they never pull, never bind, never look too tight. Yet they fit to perfection, st.av crisp and smooth and eyecatching, even after a long, hard day I SO PLEASE HURRY! Right now I've got ~t y0 ,, f' _-;-:- goOd suppliiS of All sizes -Average, Petite, and '!'!'% No./ron ~ Tall You can chOOl9 traditional Seersucker Blue ·~enerous u? Perma~nt ~ and White, or the lintier new fashion colon, all F!t ! • see;su r·~ornfortab/e fNSh and cool And pleasing to the eye.But~, Lighter!• Ge c er is Cooler an whtNr m.y•,.. f10M tlwy're f/OM, and no m<N9 w.r again Waist Blways /!tie elastic no·rot.d n thilprK:.I At 2 pUsforjmt Sl9.9S, this yearyoaw Stripes make its/• ~rsucke 'I GOTT A baw Seenllckat Ute tlUs coupoa cl order today! and Taller ! • ~ look SJimm:r 5 Spring Shades and I NO IRONING: EVERI : I I I now at the PEA#( rsucker is . OFFASHtON1 ISDl H.t>Md for Her 266 N. 9th St •• Peter80n. NJ 07630 I ~ Yts ! Send pairs for which r •Ute I A..-.iage I ~: I cnclo~ S plus S 1.50 towards 5 0 .. 5"3' 5·3·~ 57·.510·· 1 postage and handling. We Have All These Sizes. I Or. ch1rge it to: OVISA O MASTERCARD Miues. 8-10 ·12·14·16-18-20 I Acct. 1 Womeu.• 34·36-384042 I Exp. Date: __J__J_ -I ~: (f U/IOft rettipc I tlo not clwou to wear tMm, I ca11 rdunl tJw 11'd:. wilAi" .10 dayt for fall refvN1 of"'-' ro111jtt.aJtR. MA-A6' Street --------Apt. I --- Cltv-------------- -r--.;;i;ia--, I -+-....;...._---i I I I 1 I >---+--+----i I c-t--~---i I I ~-------1 Si.te Zlp 3 '°' 29.50 4 '°' 31.25 I 5 .,.,. '°' 41.00 -----------------------------------~ Ouchi I.earning to Handle Ctiticlsm Tham people ~ to teD the story of the ad.or who was un- meduly booed when he ftn. !shed the "To be or not to be" solloquy In Hamlet. "It's no use boo- ing me," he said to the audience, "I didn~t wrtte this stuff." Thanks to his oversized ego, this actor was immune to attidsm. Most ol us, however. do potentially uaefu1 Information." a-.~ .... ~temenel ... When a sodologi5t asked peop&e what they said to themselves when they \Alen? attidzed I most reported such statements as .. , can't take this," or .. She doesn't like me," or .. Do I have an answer for thatf' Slgnlftcandy, not one of those "self-statements" has anything to do with the actual content of the a1tidsm that provoked 11. Try to respond wtth postttve self· statements such as, 1 should listen carefuUy so I won't repeat the error," or 'What she Is saying may be ~I, so I should ny relaxed." Tab time to apprUM the alddun. A student who was told once that his term paper was "sloppy'' assumed that meant he'd fall the course. When he asked the teacher to be more specific, she offered positive suggestions for Improvement. The le. son? And out what the -crttic ls really trying to tell you. ~k;;!<~~~ Aak your.al how lm· ii -~:.-~ -portant the a1tidun It. IJ-L (k-:1:::_ '1IL If you decide a remark is not have such big egos and, as a mere nit-picking, you can safely lg· result, attidsm usually leaves us feel-nore It; If you feel it ls Important, the tng angry, hurt or rejected. more likely It is you w!ll do something Yet while it Is never pleasant to be about it. a1tk:lzed, there are ways of accepting AM.. the aourcc ol crttk:lam. If a and appraising attk:lsm so that It be-friend who can't play tennis any better comes helpful rather than hurtful. than you oitidzes your backhand, his "Most people have been told to take comment probably carries ltttJe validity alddsan 'constructtve)y, "' says psy-(some people are just crttical by na· cho&ogist Dr. Hendrie We!slnger. "But ture). If the tennis pro says the same all too often that means making be· thing, it's wise to pay heed . Judge the ~ you aren't upset, or even falsely cr1tic's motives. Does he or she want 9eeming to agree wtth your attic. Ac· to Impress you? Intimidate you? Or cepdng attk:lsm ln a positive way help you? should mean learning how to u.se It as Gauge the anodonal dlmate. If a catalysl for personal growth." the person attlclzing you is under Here are 5IOn'le suggestjons that can stress, chances are h• words are not hq> you to proftt from atticism: aimed at you but are a byproduct of Redelne the wont. Most people his own tensions. tend to think of critidsm as an attack Are ~ frequently attldzlld by but it Is often almp)y an ob;ective com· dt&ient peop&e tor the umc fall. ment. an allellnleOt of~ as well lng? If so, it's a strong sign the as demerits. Learn to see valid aid-criticism Is valid. dim as a communication tool I hat can If you think aitici5m Is worth acting improve your lklDs and enhance per· on, do ao produc::ttve.ly. That means eonel growth. "Crmdsm," says Wets.-not only accepting It calmty. but alto Inger, "ts simply a 90W'Oe of new _,d recognizing that tt may be time to change the a1ticlzled behavior. What's Important la to oonvert a attk:al com- ment to a bencftda.I two-way ,... exchange ci Information. ILi NOW ONLY -......_ $995 FOR ~~E 7DAYS ONLY! Drawing ol tfle Deslgner"s Ongtnal Conception of the Solid 14K Gold Ring Solid 14K Gold Genuine Diamond Ringl A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Poole'sFifthAvenue.oneofthenation·s1eadlngjewelryhouseshascreated "the 1mPoss1ble dream"-a Solid 14 Karat Gold Genuine Diamond Ring to retail for less than $10.00 Insiders 1n the jewelry business know that such a ring as this one has. through the years. retailed in jewelry stores for $30 ... $40 ... even $50 in some cities. The fluctuating price of gold is the key. Now that gold prices are down. in cooperation with leading gold suppliers. gem imoorters and fine jewelry craftsmen. Poole ·scan offer this Solid 14 Karat Gold Diamond Ring for only $9.95, plusS 1.50 first c lass postage and special handling for each rino ordered. But you must order within the next 7 days: this otter may be withdrawn after that and your remittance returned. Each ring is made of Solid 14 Karat Gold, and the Stone 1s ouaranteed to be a genuine t 7-faceted .. 25 pt Diamond. Our Certificate of Authenticity. signed by a graduate Gemologist accompanies your purchase. SPECIAL OFFER TO LOVERS OF OTHER PRECIOUS GEMSTONES If ordering within the deadline. you may, if you wish. select a geAuine fully faceted and ooilshed Emerald, Ruby or Sapphire for setting In your Gold Ring. Wholesalers and jewelry stores must include resale numbers with purchase. ~----------------------------------------------------Pnnk' f tft h AV\'""'' POOLE'S FIFTI4 AVENUE, Dept. QR-63 '. ~' .. .. .. . . . . .. . . ·-' . . . .. 89 Fifttl Avenue. New Yori\. New York 10003 I am respcndlng within tl'le deadline. Pletie send me the followlng rtng(al at 19.95 plus s 1 50 first class ~tage and sr:>ecial handling each I understand th1t ii I am not t()()'t satisfied with my purchase I may retum II at anytime with- in 90 days tor full refund. leas pcstaoJJ and handling cl'largea. of course. # 1660A 14K Solid Gold Diamond Ring Qty _Ring Size_ •1660814KS01tdGoldEmeraldR1ng Oty._RingSize_ 1f 1660C 14K Solid Gold Ruby Ring Qty._ Ring Siz.e _ w 1660D 14K Solid Gold Sapphire Ring Qty._ Ring Size_ I enclose s 0 Check 0 MO 0 Cash or charge to my 0 VISA 0 MasterCard Account#-------------- Exp dat.._ ______ _ " Nam•-----------------------j Addrea.11..-----------------APt ,. ____ f 0 City State City ____ _ L-•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~·-••••••••••••••J PRIMI! TIME NEAR·lllSSl!S Now that the 1V networks have announced their fall lineups (and they actually look a little more promising than usual) let's reveal some of the more offbeat shows we al- most Qot. (Not that the new season doesn't have its e:cx:entri· cities. Witness the new al-black venlon of The Odd Couple.) Accordlng to advertising's Dancer ~ Sample, g Inc. , here are a few of the other pilots the networks were considering (and which, of COW5e, could ap- pear at some future date) < \ ABC has Rooster. starrlng lilllputlan PauJ Willlams and Herculean Pat McCormlck as two detectives making a lot of gumshoe-size jokes; and ~Dare You, with Sha Na Na's J o hn "Bowser" Bauman searching the land for willing pranksters. CBS still has Althy Rich, featuring a wealthy land baron who Is frozen after death. His wlll stipulates that his famUy must live together In harmony for five yean in order to in· hertt his fortune . Also . there's Small and Frye, the story of two detectives, one of whom has the disrupting habit of shrinking to about six Inches In height And from NBC there's Kangaroos In the Kitchen, the tale of a woman who runs an animal talent agency and keeps a chimp. llama and wombat in her apartment. For some reason. her husband seems to object. SPACE CADEI S Some 20 students at the University of Colorado. Boulder, are getting spaced out these days. But don't wony. Mom, It has nothing to do with drugs. They are In charge of the Solar Mesosphere. Explorer, the only NASA-sponsored satellite not under1he agen- cy's drect oontrol. Launched la.st October, the sateUtte Is also the only one spedfl- cally studying the effects of both nature and man on the oz.One, f:h.:_ atrnotpherlc layer that shields us from the sun's deadliest rays. One student and one profe.or man the fbght- control center seven days a week, 24 hours a day .. Twenty-one times daily, the sotelltte passes over one of 12 antennae stations around the WOtld . It Is dur- ing these 10-mlnute Inter· vals that the students send messages to the satelUte and oollect all Its data. Missions operations manager Elaine Hansen told us It's been easy to find w1lllng students for the job, which payt $27 .SO for the typical ftve-hour shift. 11 • l'"AMILY WffKLY, J""' 21, ttl2 SPOOFING l'OR DOLLARS DTl!R AND KEY IN, P' ••SE ff you're sick of walt· lng rooms In which the latest magazine is a copy of nme with Charles Undbergh on the cover, a Phoenix doctor has come up with a cure. Prows PHll.s in a patient. In his office waiting room. osleopath Dr. Stephen Protas has in- stalled a minicomputer called PHIL (for Patient Health Information Recently such strange Llne) Patients wander over ("They thmk it's a video game," books as Cots Reuenge: he told us) and can punch in and choose from among 10 More than 101 Uses for health topics. from hypertension to famUy planning. A ques· Dead People; Cats Re· tion ls flashed on the screen and you have several seconds uenge II; Dissoluing Rubik's to type In the right answer. If you're correct. PHIL says so Cube. The Ultimate Solu· and why. If not, it will give tlon · and How to Make more information until you Lo~ to a Cot have appeared, all the work of one Philip do guess correctly and then Lief. move on to the next ques-Who L5 this lJef fellow and why is he getting rich when tlon. young, would-be SauJ Bellows are starving? Uef. 36. told us Protas, who spent about he's been pack-$2.500 for the setup, says aging books for he did It partially to attract 10 years and that patients to his new practice, spoofing trendy but also as a way of getting best sellers was a across lnfonnation impor· natural. "The tant for preventive other side was medicine. "Patients just just crying out for throw a brochure away attention." he unless they have that partl· notes He ad-cular dlsease,h he notes m i ts . tho ugh , "And by then it's too late " A touch of Liefs cat·ty humor. that he act\lally o wns a cat and, yes, even a cube. RDIARRIAGm: THE EX PACTOR ("I keep it hidden in a drawer.") Lief and several of his zany oolleagues hole up In a roon1 somewhere BIRTHDAYS One of the keys to a sue-and don't come out until cessfuJ remarriage may be they have enough material (AD Cancer) Sw.day Bob Keeshan 55. Monday -Gilda Radner 36. Tues- day -Slim Pickens 63. ~ -Lena Horne 65; Buddy Rich 65. Thun.- day -O&via de Havilland 66: Leslie Caron 51: Karen Black 40; Dan Aykroyd 30: seeing your a -spouse -to f!U a book. ("Fattgue Is an but not too much. excellent modvator. ") Temple University psy-Lief has two new books chologist W. Glenn Cling-just out: The Burbank Diet, Jamie Farr 46. Friday - Dan Rowan 60. Saturday -Tom Stoppard 45. empeel asked 40 remarried a spoof of various fad diets, couples (married less than plus a catchall volume that's three years) about the1r going to be tough to top: I overaU satisfaction in their Hcu Cubes. Cats, Pac· ......... 1,··j· new marriages and the Mon and You, Too. degree of agreement with their spouses in eight areas, from finances to sex. Couples who saw their ex-spouses (usually about the children) one to three dmes a month reported happier new marriages than those who saw thetr exes either once a week or more. or on- ly o nce or twice every stx months. .~ -~ -: l . ' Bob K.-hM. L4!Da Home AoulYn Abrew~ Pltrlee Aidcrolt. ~ Euttrn Mgr. Richard I( Carroll. FoocfEdf,l~M[f:' Har.wn: ~. 1ro11 Mar., ~wrence M. Finn. ltOI'. llo AHi. Editor, II., Pett:I . St V()fl I ~.ry En fl tsarrt • 'A....-.J!Cll, ~ I'~~ ma=~· .P .. M~arlcetPr::~ Vllla~Ph<>to ''°'· VICt'Ofla Ir. t , nlev. I • rtlttl M 1r9c1or. Roehtld v,1cS11~11: 11. ,.~ '°' "[)'E . '"'efCA" .. ', Alt tor. Perwa. , ,. Ir Mar., , . ti ' Ihle ; . Mgl., 1.)'d Jtnow ~ltor.. r'~trtt>u"P. l(f.~ lonJ: \tP.,~n11, ~!~ ~ , Nomien • * lef'vlC9\_ J Y.P·Mfa & Olt ot ~tatlona, itt ' ~nH.lon·Ma~i'. BlciMircr 11 · Mwuo kAobtr1a . n at ~,,. · • ~. CMtt IMIMf, nn· ! M ~ P."Y'· ~~.n ~~~ ... Mon.tt m11rro. ri~· ~~~~· fY'Poor~~~ Roet. nicer: 111rner "· VPu<M Man~ ~Id $, Wroe; '.}t: n. A~~ rt>ara l!t::IS; .. ~ e =·. ~ wtu. ~tiol'i.r.~ EnngN. T,,. N••~ M9{1tllrte .,, l ••ltlgro;i .-.... ~ ""'* N. r. ioon Pr·~~ ,,.nd~ Viet Pr"kttnt and Genl. Mot. Jonlt,..n TllOmptOn Executive EdltOf, Arthur Cooc>tr Chairman El'Nflt\19, Monon Ftri ~~~,J.~':&'l• ~. ~~~1: 99% tar free. .. ,,. Spice up your wardrobe with genuine Polly PC'ppC'rs ... A soft-steppin' treat for your busy feet. The finest of leathers, spritzed with air-vent "polka dots" ... Looks great, and helps feet "keep their cool" all day long! Supple, sturdy, velvety-soft ... made to stand up to lots of walk-about wear. Oxford wedgie has 11':" covered heel, cushiony crepe sole ... Lace-tie adjusts for perfect fit across instep. J\:o need to pay outrageous priceslor real leather- Get your comfortable Polly Peppers for only $16.95! Three Great Colors! Caramel, Black, White- They team up with everything! Womm's Sizes: 5, 51f2, 6, 61/l, 7, 7 1/2, 8, 8 12, 9, 91/2, 10, 11. Widths: B, C, D , E, EE, EEE. f IR~T EDITION~~ H1nowr, PA 17331 r-----SATISFACTION GUARANTEED-MAIL TOOAY1·----, FIRST EDITIONS, Dept. JM-3773 340 Popler St .. Henover, PA 17331 Yes! Pluse rush my Genuine Leather "Polly Peppers" es 1nd1· cetld below. on Full Money Back Guerentee. How m1my prs.~ Style No. Color Size Width M2847608 Ca rem el M284778B Sieck M284786B White C" GREAT BUY! One p11rr only $16.95 plus $1 .90 shop. & hdl11. • SAVE EVEN MORE! Any 2 pe1rs for just $31.95 plus $3.50 ship. & hdlg. -Enclosed Is (check or money order) CHARO£ IT: = Amerrcen E•press Dine~ Club VISA 0 Carte Blanche -M1SterCerd Acct. No. Exp. Dete ----- ADDRESS-----------------~ CITY STATE ZIP ____ _ !J Cheek here •nd H nd 50c for y .. r', 1ut>1cr1pt1on to our full color cat•lc>s of shoe v•lues for men and women (Z21994210 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~----------~H.H.l.ln~lff2----------~