HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-06-30 - Orange Coast Pilot•• ,. DUNll CDUT Wl: DNI SUA Y .JUN[ Jll l'HI:) •• ------------- YIUR HlllTDll lllllY PIPER OHANGE COUNTY CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS ID • • county investment scam :·3 held By DAVID KUTZMANN Ofllle Delly Pllol lleft Three former officers of an Orange County-based investment company were 1eheduled to be arraigned today on felony ch a rges alleging that they ' cheated investors out of an ' estimated $2.5 rrullion in 1981. -Due in Central Orange County Municipal Court this morning were Everett "Skip" Doughty, 65, of Huntingto n Beac h ; Herman "Terry" Tennohlen, 55, of Pla~-entia, and Rolx>rt Kappler, 37, of Orange. The three were arrested fH their homes Monday night by investigators with the. Orange Police Department's MaJOr Fraud Detail. They were booked In to Orange County Jml A fourth suspect named Ill a 40-count romplaint filed Tuesday was 1dent1fied as Andrea u"'{> Hace<:ky, 27, of Balboa Island. She was scheduled to surrc>ndcr today Lo police invc~t1gators A fifth suspect named in the complaint. Barry John Fak1er, 41, o{ Plocentia, currently 1s in federal prison on an unrelated perjury ronv1c:tion According to Deputy District Attorney Robert Molko, the five peop.Je were oUicers o r employees of the V B. Companies of Orangt•, a trust d eed investment firm , from M ay through !A"'t.'t>mber of 1981. They wt•n• each charged Tuesday wnh ~O t'Ounu. of grand Guerrillas to leave Beirut theft by fraud and 20 counts of sales of unregistered securities. Molko said Termohlen, who has been previoualy convicted for securlllea violations In Orange County, was chairman of the board for R. Laurie Inc .. the holding corporation for V.B. Kappler was identified as a former president of V.B. while Doughty served as vice president of the.company and head of its investment divlBion. Molko said Fakier was the last known prettident of V . .ti. while Miss Hacecky worked in the trust deed department Ac cordi ng to fraud investigators, V .B. was involved in high-volume sales ot home improvement items sucA as carpets and drapes. The {'Ompany also aold home security devices such as window bars. Molko said that the company obtained trust deeds on its customers' homes in the amount of the purct}ase contracts. The firm then offered these trust deeds to investors with the promise of high interest rates and security. The money from lnvestol"I waa to be held in a trust account until fully secured by the trust deeda. However, Molko said, aoon after a San Diego Superior Court Judge issued a preliminary injunction against the company and appointed a receiver in 1981, worried investors began calling to complain that they had never received the trust deeds for their already invested money. U.S. aiding evacuation of PLO Space shuttle systems tests termed success CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla (AP) -. Columbia 's c r ew rigorously tested the space shuttl-e's na vigational and thermal systems today as part of the ship's last shakedown cruise. But the astronauts seemed most California's school bus curbs upheld WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. Suc:ume Court upheld today a fornla law aimed at curbing mandatory school bu.sing designed to achieve racial integration in Los Angeles. But the court struck a Washington state law barring busing plans voluntarily adopted by local school boards to promote racial integration. By an 8-1 vote in the Los Angeles case, the high court agreed that a s tate law can restrict California courts lo ordering busing only when there i s a violation of federal constilutional rights. That means California state courts can order busing only when there is evidence of intentional discrimination. The state law upheld today, known as Proposition 1, bars stale courts from o rdering busing, for example. when segregation results from housing patterns o r ot h er economic factors . Mandatory busing already has e nded in Los Angeles. the nation's second- largest school district. But by a 5-4 vote in the other case, the justices agreed with lower courts that a Washington law known as lnitiauve 350 was lmpennissibly drawn up with fiictal criteria m mind. ' The Washington state law was iiesigned to curb busing plans "'°1untarily adopted in Seattle ~ two other cities. ~ PROP. l , Page AZ) .- ... . . .. WORLD pleased when they sUf"prised everyone by f1x1ng an experiment bu1ll by nme Utah coUege students. With the shuttle's belly baked m the sun to dry out any soggy tiles, Ken Mattingly and Henry Hartsfield turned their attention to the Get Away Special tests that had defied repair efforts since launch Sunday. Using fresh instructions from the Space Center in Houston, they tried again today. Officials had all but give n up hope and the students were dlS8ppointed but under standing. A flight director said there was littlt> hope. But the fix worked and the instruments -to determine the biological and physlcaJ effects or weightlessness on various plants. animals and materials -started up. "Sounds to me like we owe somebody down there a great big cheer," said Mattingly "That was a very clean schrme." Capcom Roy Bridgc>s said, "That's really ~real news. You're going to make a lot of folks happy down here." Eight students from Utah State University and one from Weber State spent three years preparing the tests. A benefactor spent $10,000 reserving the cargo space. ln midmorning the astronauts relayed their first live telev1s1on show, taking M1SS1on Control on a photographic tour of America's Gulf Coast -Crom Mississippi through Florida and out over the Bahamas. Above Cape Canaveral. Mattingly. sigh ling a shull le runway near the launch pad, said: "It stands out like an arrow." The astronauts awoke today shortly after midnight (PDT) and were serenaded about 30 minutes later with stirnng martial music. Ground controllers then played tape recordings made by Judy H artsfil'ld . wife o f Columbia pilot Henry Hartsfield. (See SPACE, Page AZl Hoppe 'rates' the wars . .; -- For capsule reviews of ongoing hit wars, see Art Hoppe on Page A 11. TELEVISION Parole system examined The parole! system II doing what It can, but soclcty11 ail.men~ are too pervulve, 1uae1t1 "CBS RoPQrta: Th Palole Game•• tontaht. P.igc A 12. 'Casner and Lacey' recovers ,,.., ........ RELEASED -An Indian woman is helped from a hijacked jetliner today after being released by a Sri Lankan hijacker who commandeered the jet between New Delhi, India, and Bangkok, Thailand. The hijacker is asking $300,000 ransom for the rest of the hostages. Hijacker's wife seeks niercy Sky pirate demands $300,000 for hostages' freedom BANGKOK. Thailand (AP) - The estrangt•d Italian wife of a Sri Lankan h1J3cker begged him today LO fr~ aU 256 host.ages aboard an Aht.alia jt>t he has threatened lo dynamite, Sri Lanka's ambassador to Thailand said The hijacker, identified by the Italian Embassy as 33-ycar-old Sepala Ekanayaka, seized the Boeing 747 with 260 people aboard on a flight from New Delhi to Bangkok today. claiming he wore a necklace of dynamite. He released four captives hours after the plane parked al Bangkok's airport Thai offtc1als said Ek.anayak.a demanded his wife bring his son from Italy and asked a $300,000 ransom for the hostages, who reportedl y included an · Australian official and his wife. Sri Lankan ambassador Miss H. Abeysekcra said the hijacker's wife appealed to him in a taped telephone conversation with the Italian ambassador to Thailand. The Lape was played mto the COUNTY plane's cockpit, Miss Abeysekera said. "Give up!" she said the wife pleaded. "This is not the way to do 1l if you love your baby." Before the hijacker heard his wife's appeal, he released an Indian woman and her child, an Italian man and an eld erly Japanese man suffering an acute intestinal hemorrhage, airport officials said. Australian officials said among those aboard was Peter Francis Peking duck bill OK'd in Assembly SACRAMENTO (AP) -The Chinese delicacy Peking duck could still be hung in restaurants and shop windows if the governor signs a bill exempting it from certain health regulations. With a few snickers but no debate, the California Assembly voted 54-0 Tuesday for final passage o f AB2603 by Assemblyman Art Torres, D-Loe Angeles. CdM Freeway finish near? The unfiniShed Corona del Mar Freeway may be finished in the foreseeable future. Pase Bl. 'Music Man' at Saddleback ''The Musk Man'' is entertaining at Saddleback College. but where's the bta finish? Page B7. Claire Trevor in comeback Clulrf" Trevor hu dt'dded to leave Newport Beach and Ii. painful memorl~ and la retNml"I actJna after ~ln6' ml·raUN!d . P a 88. Pit• In 1h 1k y In 1 bl1Joon .. we MUC. Nilint ' dlntrt P Cl. Cox, Ne w South Wales state mi nis te r for transport and highways, and his wife, who were returning home from a four-day visit to Italy. Thailand's Communication Minister Amom Silppaarcha told reporters that Italian ambassador Francesco Ripande ll i pleaded with the hijacker's wife to come to Thailand. The Italian Foreign Ministry identified her as Anna Aldovrandi, a teacher living in San Cesario, north of Bologna, with her son, Free. Officials at Rome's Leonardo da Vinci airport said they understood she and her son were planning to leave for Bangkok later today. The hijacked plane's pilot, Capt. Giorgio Amoroso, is in radi o co nta ct with the authorities. He told them he saw tubes and wires sticking out of the hijacker's shirt but that the situation was calm. Reporters saw at least 50 Thai police with Ught machine guns and M-16 rifles ringing the seized plane. INDEX At Your Service A4 Business Ba.-5 California A5 Cavalcade All Classified 05-8 Comics B2 Crouword B2 Death Notices D5 FAltorial AlO Enter1&lnment 87-8 Food Cl-12 Art Hoppe All HOl'OllC.'Ope All Israel presses deadline By The Associated Press U.S. and Lebanese mediators raced today to arrange evacuation of Yasser Arafat's trapped guerrillas from besieged west Beirut and stop Israeli invaders from storming the Palestinian enclave, Lebanon state radio said The Palestine Liberation O r gan ization leadership has agreed to leave Beirut, said former Lebanese Prime Minister Saeb Salam, a key intermediary. "The big question is where and when," he told Western reporters 15 minutes after a closed-door meeting with PLO leaders. Saudi Arabia denied reports that it was offering to airlift the guenillas to countries of their choice. The well-informed Beirut newspaper An Nahar said thal instead special American envoy Philip C. Habib offered a U.S. guarantee of safe conduct for the PLO leaders if they left by bus for Syria, under International Red C~ escort. The PLO previously rejected a similar bus-evacuation plan proposed by Israel. The mediation efforts by Habib. Salam and acting Lebanese Prime Minister Shafik Waz:z.an came after Israel's Prime Minister Menach em Begin on Tuesday seemed to give the guerrillas a 48-hour deadline to surrender and warned civilians in west Beirut to "get out. get out!" Begin srud his forces outside the PLO's last retreat would wait "another day, two days" before ' routing the 8,000 cornered guerrillas by force, completing the pr ime objective of their 25-day invasion. Today, an official Israeb SOW't.'e said Begin's seeming deadline should not be taken too literally, "but it is a matter of days." The Israeli prime minister declared before Israel's parliament, the Knesset. on Tuesday: "Under no conditions will we let them stay in Beirut. They will leave Beirut. Nothing will help them. They will leave." The An Nahar newspaper said today Begin's government refused demands by the PLO to give the guerrillas a face-saving retreat. Those demands called for (See ISRAELI, Page A%) Intennilllon B7 Ann Landers All Movies B7-8 Mutual FUnds B4 National Newa A3 P ublic Notices B&-a~ Sporta D1·4 Stock Markee. ~ Televlllon A12 Th.eeten 87-8 Weather A2 World Newt A3 I a Oranoe Oout OAILV ftH..OT/WMMldlY1 June*>, 1MI r ~\ · -,E~C~M~( ... ln ... duc_od_E_n-vi-ro-nm_o_n_t_-_:_-_-_-_-_-_--:i~~-.-~-e-C_r_La-1-1-e-n-e-r---- ~ ~~ Contamination Monitor) ~ ...,, •• ,,,-.. Contlliued stories Second shuttle • • • PACE SHUTTLE. und hla two dau1hter1, Judy Lynn und Kt't'ly Warren. Mn. llurt.tftl'ld wt~ht>d her hwiband a happy 4!l'llh wedd i ng a nn1 vt•r 11ury, whic h they C'elcbratc-today "Good mornans . happy annivcrtio r~." sh(l 11ald. "Th~ Hfto(f was Just spectacular. You looked good. I saw some video yesterday. Evcrythlng's quiet on 1he home front .. Take care und we'll see you on Sunday. 1 love you." Columbia's heat-resistant tiln, which on previous flights created concern by f'1ling off, were a problem this time because 300 to 400 of them were damaged and absorbed water during a launch· eve thunderstorm. (n space. that water turns to lee and when the ship re· ntcra the •tmosphere, the tee! would fluh to •learn. poulbly coUJtna the tiles to flake off, eltpOStna lh~ hull to the heat. NASA hoped to avoid t1ny problem by po11ltlonlng the shutUe with its belly toward the sun for 10 hours Sunday to dry o ut th e tiles. But when ,temperature readings Tuesday \ndicated they might still contain moisture, tha spacecraCt was put back in the posi tio n again overnight. The repeated experiments and system checks bei(l.g canied out are part of this final practice flight to certify the craft for satellite-hoisting missions the next time up. PROP. 1 UPHELD. • • In the Cahforn1a case, Justice Lewis F Powell wrote for the l'OUrl: "Propos1t1on 1 does not mhibit 1.-nforcement of any federal law or constitutional requirement. Quite the contrary, by its plain language, the proposition seeks only to embrace the requirements of the federal Constitution with l'eSpf"ct to mandator y school assignments and transportation. "It would be quite paradoxical to conclude that by adopting the federal constitutional standard, the voters of the state thereby had violated it," Powell wrote State vote r s adopted Proposition 1 in November 1979 But the court took a different view of the Washington law, adopted by state voters in 1978. "Despite 1ts facial neutrality, there is little doubt that the initiative was eCCectively drawn for racial purposes," Justice Harry A Blackrnun wrote for the court. "Neither t h e 101tia t1 ve's sponsors, nor the d istrict court, nor the court of appeals had any difficulty perceiving the racial nature of the issue settled by Initiative 350," Blackmun added. The d ecis io n in the Los Angeles case is a symbolic victory for the Reagan administration, which told the high court that it found lhe law constitutional. The other decision, however, amounts Lo a setback for the administration, which told the nine justices it deemed that measure constitutional. Earlier, the Cart.er administration argued an lo w er courts that the Washington s tate Jaw was unconstitutional. Neither the California law nor the Washington state measure mentions race in its text. ISRAELI INV AS ION. • • a three-mile rollback of Israeli forces fro m B e irut, a PLO military presen ce under the Lebanese army and a PLO political office to function in the Leba n ese capital after the guerrillas withdraw. Lebanese sources have said the PLO wants guarantees that the 500,000 P a lestinian civilians living in Lebanon will not be expelled. In his speech to the Knesset, Begin ridiculed the PLO demand for an Israeli rollback, and Salam sajd today the Israelis rejected the idea of allowing a symbolic Palestinian military presence to remain in Lebanon. Begin did offer one con<."eS&on -the Israelis would allow the departing guerrillas to retain their personal weapons. AB Begin spoke Tuesday, hundreds of I sraelis outside the KnessPt demonstrated for and agains\,. Israel's invasion of Lebanon,. Wazzan's heavily guarded motorcade was seen driving past dozens of the PLO'a earthen barricades in west Beirut to reach the Israeli-ringed presidentml palace in suburban Baabda five miles east for tal.lm with pol.lee and anny commanders. Palace aouroes said Waszan 's ta 1 k a d ea lt w i t h a r• p i d deployment of Lebanese army and security forces into west Beirut to supervise a gue rrilla pullout and return to Palestinian campus in ~ capital's aouthem fringe as the first st.age to a political settlement. IECM ~""""'"·11~-pill"" Deftlopment Flight Instrumentation AP "" WtrepMllo POKING AROUND -Diagram demonstrates the radius reached by the 800-pound contamination monitor or IECM at the end of the space shuttle's mechanical arm. Catalina H1oorings to get new bids SACRAMENTO (AP) -The state Lands Commission will consider new bids from three companies seekmg the l5-year lease on 736 boat moorings at Santa Catalina Island because of disse n s io n among the three commissioners over granting it to the company that has held it for more than 30 years. The Santa Catalina Island Co. won another 15-year lease after new btds were solici&ed last year, when t~e commission decided the state could make more money than the $19,000 annual fee the company had been paying. It then agreed to pay a minimum $125,000 annually and won renewal, but two of the three commissioners said they would have preferred to choose Catalina Marine Services Inc., a subsidiary of Pioneer Take Out Corp. Catrnar. as the subsidiary is called, offered the st.ate more money than the island rompany, which owns most of the is land and has support from the newly created Santa Catalina Is land Conservancy But Ca tma r 's p roposa l included increased mooring fees and operational changes so broad they would have required a new environment.al impact statement. The only variable. in the new bids, the commiss ion said Tuesday, is how much the three companies will pay the state. The lease-holder will be required to provide the same services now oCCered; mooring rents wiU be set by _the commission The island compan y and conservancy own the moorings and adpcent land for housing, so a new operator would have to spend about Sl.7 million to build duplicate facilities. • • meets public PALMDALE (AP) -The Columbia geta a shmy new sister 11hip tod ay as a second s pa<:e shuttle joins the fle~t that's destined to keep Amer icans busy In apace for decades. The Nauonal Aeronautics and S pace Administration was officially receiving title to th~ 11huttle, dubbed Challenger. at brief ce.remo n ies n ear an assembly hangar not far from this desert town. The ship, due to challenge space for the first time next January, got its first taste of sunshine when the giant doors of Rock well International's Building 294 were rolled O(X'n Challenger begins its first JCIUrney, at a lumbering 3 mph or so, before dawn Thursday. Towed by a powerful tractor, the completed ship will wind down the streets of Palmdale and neighboring Lancaster on a 38-mile trip to Edwards Air Force Base and the dry lakebed whe r e Columbia is to land Sunday. Columbia will circle the Earth about four times during Challenger's trip. Columbia made the same slow trip in March 1979, its 78-foot wings spanning the street and sending technicians racing ahead to dismantle curbside light posts as the b ig ship inched past crowds, pizza parlors and grocery stores. NASA hopes to add the new shuttle to the Fourth of July fesuv1ties at Rogers Dry Lake, where President Reagan IS to watch Columbia's touchdown Plans call for Challenger, bolted atop a jumbo jetliner, to take off for the Ke nnedy Space Center laurn:h complex in Florida withm hours of Columbia's landmg. Yet another shuttle, t h e Discovery, is already taking shape in the desert hangar, said Sue Cornela, spokeswoman for Rockwell, the prime contractor. Parts of each shuttle are built by subcontractors around the country, then ~nt to Bulldmg 2114 for ltsS(.'mbly. When a new shuttle leaves thia birthplace of spacl•s hi p11 . o nly the great enginC'S art> miHsing. Those are 1nstaJlcd in 1''lorida. The crew t'Ompartmcnt.8 and tail assembly are b eing put together and wired at Rockwell's facility at Downey. D1sClovery 1s scheduled for delivery In September 1983 and 1lS first orbital flight lS to come lhe year after. The last of the planned ships, Atlantis. u; to emerge from the Palmdale hangar m December 1984 • Actors face B e lus h{ quiz L OS ANGELES (AP) Police· may questio n actors Robert De Niro a nd R obin Williams tn connt!<.·t1on with a new probe mto comedian John Belushi's drug-rcldtc'(j death. Almost four months after he was found dead tn a luxury bungalow, polic:e were ordered Tuesday to open a homicide invest1gat1on foll owing a published interview quoting a woman as saying she injected Belushi with a lethal dose of heroin and cocaine . Al AJbergate, a spokesman for the district a ttorney's office, said police were ordered lo begin mtC'rrogaung potential w1lnesses. possibly mc:lud1ng De Niro and Williams $75,000 stole n SILVERTON, Colo. (AP) - Thieves made oH with $75,000 an n early pure gold a fte r they planted two 16-inch st1d<s o r dynam ite at a mall and turned in a bomb threat. UC Irvine names • vice chancellor William J . Lillyman has been appointed vice chancellor of UC Irvine. He will assume the post July I. Dr. LiUyman served as dean of UCI's School o f Humanities bef ore b eing named vice chancellor of academic affairs a year ago. Clouds persist Sea monster hauled in NEW DELHI. India (AP) - Thousands of people are flocking to view a f1ve-t.on sea creature hauled ashore at a beach near Pudupet, 1,200 milt'S south of New Delhi, the Press Trust of India reported. He wiU take the place of Dr. James M. McGaugh, who has ser ved a s executive vice chancellor. McGaugh wiU return to fu l l -time t eaching a nd research in the School o f Biological Sciences. Coastal Llghl varlabi. wlnd1 _, to 1outhwesl to to 15 knoll atlernoon end evening. South-I 1wetl1 2 to .t teat l'er1ty cloudy af1ernoon. V.S. Summary R11n and 111un<1er11orm1, - violent, -• scatUl<ed TUMCI~ lrom the nor1hem third ol the Atl&nllc Coalt KrOIS t"8 U9CM1< Ohio Vahey Stormi were etao 1c1ttered over tlle Tenneuee V1ttey. central Gulf Coast end from norlhe<n LOUlslan• ln10 lldjolnlng states Thunderatorm• et10 renged trom Lake M ichigan ecroaa nMhern llllnOls. I nd-• ~ely sca11ered over lhe norlllern Plains. Rein and thunderahowert covered p1r11 of Neveda an~ Central Cetlloml• Hellsle>rlff as blQ u gr"'91rutt fell 1round Helena, Mont. damlQlno aircraft. roola, windowt end crops Fo< 1oday, tcaltllfed rain was torecast over Neved1 and weatern Ullh, from Oregon ocroea Montane. through -fem North Oekote and much of Soulh Oakote. Ca lifornia Southern Celltornl• wltl be Olr11y CIOudy thil afternoon and 1on1gnt wllh low cloudlneo returning Thunld~ ~. Orange County hight In I"-low 10., lows 5S 10 IO lfttand valleyt cen hpeol hight ,_ 10. 10w1 -eo MOUllt..., hlgha 56 to 84, Iowa 44 10 52. W•t to aouthweel wind• tS-30 mph In 6-rta. "°"'*r\ a-t hlglla 74 lo 84. Iowa in oua Southern ci-t hlgha M to M . '°""' Mto74. . Nonhem and c.ntral Callfornle c•n t•~I ac11ttrtd 9how•r• wl tll t ome thundtretorm1 11noertno In 81trre and 81n Joequlfl l/lllley c-..ino tonlgllt emperalure9' NATllC* • Cheyenne Chl<:.tgo Cloolnnatl Clev .. and Clmbla SC Columbus Oal-Ft Wth Oeyton Denver 0.. Maines 0.1rOlt Oululh EtPuo Felrbanka Fatgo Aagstell Gr .. I Flllla Har110fd Heleoa Honolulu Houslon lndnepll Jadl.n JadlllWlle ~na Cuy Lal v.-Ultle Roel< Louitvllle Memphll M"-4.lkM Mpl....Sl.P NMll\lllle New OtlMna New Yorit NorfOlk Oki• Clly Oman• Orlendo Phlladphla Phoentlt Piiia burgh P11tln<I, Me P11and. Ore Provtdencie Reno Rlcbmond Sall Leite San Antonio S..111• Shrell9p0rt Sioux Falla SI l.oull St P-Tampe 8poll-8~ Topelle T~ TlllN WuNngtn Wlcfltta 85 70 IM 78 88 81 94 82 82 81 82 65 103 72 72 77 75 75 78 87 92 8' 8' 96 93 93 90 8' 89 63 76 aa 92 77 89 92 88 94 8' 108 77 80 78 76 57 91 93 88 73 82 73 ti 19 73 72 D3 87 95 QJ 93 54 Rain 1m1 Snow rn Showers. Flwriesl!:!} 59 69 68 72 68 7t 68 63 71 66 47 73 57 43 44 57 87 59 73 78 159 74 74 Fronts: Cotd ...,.. Wann .., Occluded.,... Slahorlary •• 87 74 Lake ArrowtlMd 1._ Laneuter 69 Long Beacf\ 77 Los AncMin ~ Monra.iia 57 MonleOello 71 Monterey 73 Ml. WlllOn 72 Needles 73 Newpof'1 Beach 6& Oakland 10 Ontatlo 74 Pelm Sf>rlnga 72 Pasadena Puo Robles 82 R1-'llde 67 Red Bluff 55 RedWO«I Ctty 61 Secramen10 ;~ Sellnu 74 San Bemardlno IM San Gabriel 78 Sen Otego Sen Franctaco 58 Sen JoM 70 Santa Ana : Sant• 8etbar• 7a Santa Ctuz ,, Sant• Merle 58 s.nu MoNea : 8toc:kton gs T.,_ Valley 71 ·Thatmal 78 Torri1nee 65 78 45 71 57 71 153 10 63 78 112 78 82 es 56 58 45 t01 79 89 82 71 57 72 S9 98 72 71 60 70 58 74 S8 10 s8 71 58 73 50 82 55 74 57 81 82 73 8S 87 55 117 55 71 81 96 57 M 80 72 57 89 58 7S 57 68 « 99 75 73 80 Lo 70 11 7Q Mllfl<ll Mexico City Monterrey Na118u San Juen PR Trinidad Yerac:ruz C11gary Edm0<1ton Montreet Onawa Reglnl Toronto Vancouver Winnipeg CA NAO A Extended weather 99 n 100 90 91 88 88 S7 71 75 69 10 78 74 89 Fr1<11y-SUnday; Fair With some lale nlgl'tl and Hrty morning tow CIOudt ,_, lhe C:OUI. Hight In Ille OOUllil II'-ranging from tow 70. ,_, ~ lo upper 801 Inland Ve~. LOWt 57 to 93. Smog TM Air Ou11t1y Menagement Olllrl<:I p<edlc11 good air quallt)' IOdly In Ill .,... of the Soutll Coatl Air Balin ... 03 IMI M 59 118 90 &4 90 118 90 90 9t 48 Wllert to c:all {loll lrH) for 79 la1"1 1NnOg lnlorrnellon: 73 ~ange County· 1800) 4415-3t28 81 Loa Angelt1 County. (800)0 72 242-4022 77 RI...... end Ian knatdlno 11 counu .. : 1aoo1 3'7-4710 78 AOMO !ol~ Cent« (IOO) 79 242·411M • It took 500 fishermen to land the "freak sea crealure, with ears, eyes and mouth resembling those of an elephant" and "a tail-like projection" measuring about 29.5 feet long by 16.4 feet wide, the news agency said. It gave no further explanation for what the beast was and did not attribute the report. Government fisheries officials were called to the remote beach on the &y of Bengal near the southern tip of India to identity the creature, the agency said. The university has dropped the title of e xecutive v ice chancellor, though Lillyman will have responsibility over all the previous officeholder's duties including coordina t ion o f academic affairs, business and adminis tra tive services and student affairs. Lillyman came to UCI in 1972 to head the Departme nt of German. A native of Australia, he received his bachelor's degree from the University of Sydney and his doctOrate from Stanford. ELEVATED -William J. Lillyman is the ne w vice chancellor at UC Irvine. He has taught at Stanford and UC Santa Cruz. SAN\U STEREO MINI CASSETTE PLAYER "Do to the response of last weeks ad, this Is held over untll July 5th" A • Headphones .. ,. • Stop I eiect · • F Fwd • Rew/ Review • Play • Shoulder Strap Hook • Tape select/ tone switch @SANYO Sale $39.88 (SM prloee VoOd thN TUM., July 6, 19821 ICloMd Sun .. July 4ttl -~ July 5ttl) CROW• HARDWARE All ator" ~ r ~ W•tcllftPlue 102'4 lrvlnt Ave. Nftport leech "42·1133 eor .... .,..., 1107 I . COllt Hwy. '1J.llOO , ' l --------· ··------..----r r , ' APWl~to RIVER CLAIMS FIVE A Tacom a, Wash., Eskridge, was swept out of t h e car but woman an d her four children drowned wh en managed to struggle to· shore. H e was their car plunged into the swollen Colora do hospitalized for shock. All but one of the bodies River in DeBeque Canyon, near Grand have been recovered, three of them pulled Junction. The c h ildren's fathe r, Artist L . from the family car. ~~~~~~~~~~--=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Haig may have political future Specific r easons for his r esign a tion from State still unclear WASHINGTON (AP) - Pe rhaps Alexande r M. Haig Jr. does have a political future, as Richard M Nixon suggests. The departing secr etary of state has (lirted with the idea before, exploring a possible pres1dent1al bid an 1980. Two years ea rl ier , there was speculation he might run for the Senate. Haag hasn't discussed his plans, but elective politics might make sense for a man who found frustration at the pinnacle of appointive politics. A resagnauon on principle can be a n asset in a candidate's resume. A res1gnat1on on pique as not, and there was some of that in Haig's departure. He resigned with a general indictment of the administration's foreign policy NllS ANAlYBIS l"Ourse, but there a lso w ere reports that he felt slighted over such items as travel and hotel arrangements during President Reagan's European tour. He had threatened to resign before. more than o n ce, to enforce the demand that his be the one voice President Reagan heard and heeded on foreign policy . Ha s feuds with administration r ivals were Washington legend, and every top figure seemed to be on his list of rivals. Every administration has tales of in-house friction among pol.icy-makers. But at one time or another, Haig was said to have High court rules o·n anti-bias law WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. Supreme Court has made it more difficult for black workers to hold private employers liable under a key Cederal civil rights law for alleged discrimination involving union hiring halls. By a 7-2 vote, Tuesday, the court ruled that blacks and other m ino r i t ies must prove "intentionaJ discrimination" to invoke an '1866 anti-bias law. The court's decision also said the employers must directly take part i n such intentio n al discrimination t o b e h e ld responsible. T he 1866 law gives blacks and oth er minorities the right to enter into contracts and enjoy similar legal benefits. The law is separate from other. better-known federal anti-bias laws, s uc h as those aimed specifical l y at employment discrimination or violations of rights by state and local officials. Today's ruling is a victory for about 1,400 eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware engineering trade contractors, who had been ord~red to help pay to remedy past discrimination in a union hiring hall People wishing to work for the rontractors had to get their jobs through the hiring haU. Writing for the court, Justice William H. Rehnquist said the contractors and others who take part in similar hiring operations can be held liable only for "intentional discrimination" or "purposeful discrimination" aimed at blac ks and oth e r minorities under the 1866 law Rehnquist also noted that in today's case, the contractors under federal labor law could not take part directly in the union's hiring ha ll o pe rations. Thus, there was no basis for imposing liability on them . Today's controversy s tems from a 1971 lawsuit by 12 blacks over an exclusive hiring hall run by Local 542 of the International Union of Operating Engineers. Filed on behalf of about 1,000 blacks who sought work through the union hiring hall, the suit charged that minorities wer e purposely denied entry into the operating engineers craft because of racial bias. A federal trial court judge ruled that Local 542 and the Operating Engi n eer s J oint Apprenticeship and Training Committee o f Philadelphia . Eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware purposely discrim- inated against blacks. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CleHlfled advertising 714~2-5t78 All other departments 642 ... 321 Thomas P. Haley PublltlW end CllW becultve Olllof< Kay Schull~ YIC9........,.,,, -Olr9Ct0f Of A"-1~ Tom Murphlne ldllor Mike Hervey Ohcto. of MIA .. tno (C:Wcueoonl Ken Goddard ~°'°'* .. _ Rey Maclean ~·Gier Ch.,._ Loot .......... EdltOt MAIN OFFICE lJO WHI 8ey St • Coot• M .... CA Mell edd,..H: 8H U60. COlle ~ ... CA. nt7' (OOJ•l91>1 ,.., 0r-. Co.II ll'uotlshl"9 c_., Hon"" stories, lll~••llo,,. edlt0<lel ,,,_, 0< ect-vertlwmenb herein ,,,., M reprOCl..cOCI wit"°"' Sl)K lel permkslon of <OllY' '911t _,_, The c .. -Coett Delly ll'liot. with whleh Is <....,.. bin.cl IM _,,,_,,, Is published by IM Or-Co.st l'IA>llsN"9 com.,.,,v. Se-•t• Hitt~ •r• Pvbll•--..Uy lfl""'9fl F•ldey for C•te Mrle. i'kwPOrt 8-:h. H""t"'9ton lkech. F-telft V•lloy. trvlne. ~ a..ch, SoulflCOHI Asl"91e ............ edlllOll Is P\lllllsl>ed S.t.,rdeys ~ SUnde~. The Pllnc 1,.1 putllltfllnt ptent " et JJO wut ••v sc-1. l'.O 80• IMO. C•te MHA, Ce11'9nll• ~ .. VOL. 75. NO. 111 been c rossways with a lmost everyone who had, or sought, a voice in the broadly defined area of foreign policy. Whatever the last straw was, and Haig hasn't said publicly, it hardly could have come at a worse time. The Maddie East is in turmoil, the Falkland Islands war has L atin American policy in disrepair, and the United States is just entering strategic anns reduction talks with the Soviet Umon. Those pressures can onJy be heightened by the fact, or the impression, of an administration in disarray . That as the impression H aig bequeathed Reagan. His r esignation alone would have done that; the image was unde rscored by Halg's parting shot, in his letter of resignation to the president: "We agreed that consuitency, clarity and steadiness of purpose were essential to success . . . In recent months , it has become clear to me that the fo reign policy on which we embarked together was shifting from that careful course which we had laid out." Two years ago, candidate Ronald Reagan was denouncing the foreign poucy of President Jimmy Carter as w eak and inco n sistent . "Instead of steadin ess, we h ave had vacillatio n ," Reagan said of Carter in 1980. The edges w e ren't as rough in H aig's resignation letter, but some of the words were the same. In that same campaign year, Secretary of State Cyrus Vance resigned on principle, because he had opposed what proved to be a futile attempt at military rescue of the American hostages then held by Iran. He left with words of pride and praise for Carter's overall foreign policy course. ''You would not be well served m the coming weeks by a secretary of state who could not offer you the public backing you need on an issue a nd decision ot such extraordinary importance -no matter how firm l remain in my support on other issues. as l do, or how loyal l am to you as our leader ," Vance told Carter. Vance was specific in his dissent, gene ral in his praise. In Haig's case, the complaint was general, although there may be specifics to come Members of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee have suggested that he shouJd be called to testify there on exactly what he thinks is wrong. "He is no t finishe d as a political force and a political leader in the broader sense," said N ixon, who acceler ated Haig's Army career and then signed him on as White House chief of staff during the final period of Watergate. "l don't think we've h eard the las t of Secretary Hai ." ~t remains to be heard now ls the bill of particulars behind Haig's dissatisfac tion with Reagan foreign policy. We're Listening ••• What do you like about \he Daily Pilot" What don't you like" Cnll the numbtr bC!low and your mHHlt will be rtcorded. transcribed and dellvtrcd to the 1ppropriate editor. The •ame 24-hour an11wertn1 tervlct may be uted to record let h'n to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors mutt Include their name and tf'lephone numbfr for venflcatlon No circulation calla, pl AH Tt11l u1 whi.t '1 on your mind Orange Coall DAILY PILOT/WednHday, June 30, 1982 s Al Recruiting meets goals Armed services filling quotas rapidly WAS HINGTON (Af>) -With the help of the recession and higher pay, the armed services are filling their recruiting quow at the quickest pace sJnce the draft ended nine years ago. The Air Force reach ed this year'• g oal o f 68,000 n ew volunteers ln May, more than four months before the end of fiacal 1982. Marlne Corps officials report that their 1982 objective of 38,700 recruita may have been met this month. Al. of May 31, about 95 percent of the target had been met. The Army, which has had tne most trouble f inding n e w enlistees. expects to complete its 1982 recruiting in early J uly with 115,600 new soldiers in uniform. even ex ceed e d -th eir authorized strength since tht• draft expired in mid-1973. This year has bc.>en even better, manpower offkutls report, with the Clow of recrulls cresting well before the end of the fiscal year. AB a result. the officials say, th ey ha ve b e en ablt• to concentrate o n si gning up recruits, especia lly high ·S<.·hool graduates, for fiSl·al 1983, which starts Oct I Defense officials like to ca te s u c h fac tors as h e ft y pay increases over the past two years, as well as improved educational benefits. But if pressed they wall acknowledge that the recession has had a lot to do with the upturn in recruiting. Pentagon spokesman Henry Catto acknowledRed last month that "clearly the LX'Onomy as part of tht• reason" for thls trend. Wtth the numbers coming t•as1<•r, the search for higher- quality voluntef'rs is having some 'iUl'Ct"SS In May. the Pentagon reported that 79 pcreen~ of all volunteers wen· high !l("hool graduates and that 88 percent of the recruita scored in the average or h igher· than-avt•ragt• levels. Despite elation over the recru1ung successes scored by all services, there as uns poke n t'Oncern about what will happen when the e<.'Onomy rebounds and .)Obs become more plenuful in the c1v1han sector. Even the l'SCalation of mahtary pay an thf:' past two years may l ose llS t·ffect ave n ess an recru1t1ng. It appear.i as though Congres.s wall only raise military salaries by about 4 percent an the t'Omtng year The Navy probably could have done as well as the other services, officials said, but it chooses to set montly quotas to till its annual recruiting needs. According to the lat.est figures from the Navy Recruiting Command, the service so far has made 88 percent of its 1982 objective of 95,300 recruits. After hitting bottom in flscal 1979, when none of the services made the quota, recruiting began climbing in 1980, the final year of the Carter administration. U.S. questions cluster hoinb use President Reagan, a nxious to avoid a return to the politically touchy draft, said .. an im portant m ilestone an the history of America's all-volunteer armed forces" was reached in fiscal 1981, when all the services reported success in both quantity and quality of recruits. That was the firs t year an which the services met -and WASHINGTON (AP) Cluster bombs havt• b£-en t'Ontroversial at least sinc.'C 1965 when Bnush clergyman L. J ohn Collins denounced American US<· of what he called "this ten 1bll' weapon" in the Vietnam War. At that time, the P entagon replied to Col lans' protest by · denying that cluster bombs wt-re more t err ible than o ther weapons, and saying they were used "whenever conditions favor AP Wlrephoto RETURNING HOME A Lebanese woman and her two children r eturn to their devastated home in the coastal city of Damour, some 10 miles south of Beirut. Damour s uffered extensive damage w h en Israeli forces stormed northwar d to the outskirts of the Lebanese capital. their apphcauon " Among other thi n gs, U .S . m1l1tarv offacaals said then t hat clust<:r bombs were highly efft'l'ttve an silencang No rth Vietnamese anti-<11rcraft guns and surfan·-to-<11r missiles by w1p1ng out their crews with clouds of st.eel balls and high- veloc1ty fragments. Controversy over the use of clustc:r bombs was revived an 1978 following reports that the Israelis used s uc h Ameracan - made weapons m their invasion of Lebanon that year. The is.sue has been raised again in the current Israeli attack into Lebanon. D ean Fischer, Sta t e Department s pokesman. sajd that the U.S . government has asked for an ex pla nation fr om the Israeli government after Israeli M aj G e n Aharon Yar iv acknowledged that his forces had explod ed such weapons again, des pite what Fischer called ''certain r~lractions." F'tscher said those restrictions wen~ classified. In April 1978. then -Defe nse Secretary Harold Brown told Congress that "'Israel did have an agreement to limit its use of cluster bombs," and spoke of Israeli "reassurances that such agreements w1U be observed." P entagon officials say the United States has sold th e l sraelas two types o f cluster bombs, wh1l'h are designed for u se against ta nks and more thinl y s kinned military equipme nt. but no t as anu- personnel wc·apons. However. they conceded that "bomblets·· hurled from cluster bomb canisters would kill or maim anyone who stood an the way. According to Pentagon officials, cluster bombs are also produced by Britain. Wes t Germany, France and Australia lt as not known 1f thC' Israelis have ever received s upplies of s uc h weapo n s from a n y of those countries. .------------------------------------------ Gem Talk By JC HUMPHRIES Cullf1ttl Gt>rnoloRllt. A GS SUN-RIPENED? The Hindus thoughr so Centuries ago, th e Hindus thought colorless or white sapphires were just r ubies tha t hadn't "ripened" yet. They believed that the ruby got Its deep red color from the sun, and named It "Gem of the Sun." In thelr ancient agricultural society, where people's lives depended on the sun's ripening raya, this attitude about gemttOnet is understandable. Actually, aapphlres are entirely different stones which happen to occur geologlcaUy In the same general areu th.at produce rubies: the hot. steamy Burma, nwtand, Sri Lank.a and Africa. Bolh ltonea, the ruby and the Mpphlre, depend not upon the 1un, but upon 1eolo1lc formation• and lnteraclioru that take place over many eenturiee. A top-quallty ruby la now som.Umee worth more than a diamond on a carat-by-carat b11l1. Wlth the erntr,.,-,ot of mlored stone& .. very cMllnbl• commodU.I• '° co1*1on and tO °"* who Jove 10 wear b.uUhd Je.wtirY, the n.iby it Uvt.nc up '° the hllh opWon whkih the andtnt Kindl.II pi.ced on lhll ''Oem of I.he Sun " A. $220.00 B. S•23.50 C. SS.0.00 0. $850.00 J. C..JJump~rUid j.u1t1f.l'd MEMHfll AMl!AICAN QCM SOCIETY @ tlOt NEWPC>fn Bl.VD., COITA MEIA '."'(? 81NCI 1148 ·I J 1 Starch .blockers untested ly PAT HOROWITZ or .. Ollllf,... ... DEAR PAT: Cu yo1 flad Ht If 1&a.relri blecller plll1 wo"' •• adverU1td'? 0.e IOO m1. &a.lrilet l• Aid to coatrol die 1tWutloa of die a.moat of 1&a.relri eq1lvaleat to , • ., eotatoet, two n,. of nee, two CIPI of 1papetd, or fov 1Ueet of bread -'" 1&a.relri ealorl". TlteH ,,..•eta claim a pros.la from kJdaey beu1 t.lock1 tlle dl1e1tloa of dietary 1tareb bf bl.ckla1 tlrie 1tarca.-d11eatla1 eaayme, alpba amylaH. TbH pill• are q•lte =ve ud I'd lite to kuw U dltere l1 uy te U11c evlde11ce tllat tlley are effeetlve la we1Pt coatrel before I buy uy. L.E., Cotta Men Unlveralty of California Exten aion nutrition apeclalilt Dr. Helene Swenerton report• that no actentific atudiea demonstrating in humans the effectJveneea of at.arch bloclcen or their safety have thua far been located. Only anecdotal references to "tall" with humans by advocates of the products could be found without data or In!onnation on experimental methods uaed. Dr. Swener1on a.1ao aaya that the Food and Drug Admin.Lstration (FDA) has advised her that contrary to statments made by prunoters and enthuaiasta, the products do not have FDA clearance. Preeently' the "starch blockera" are being marketed as a food supplement ("natural protein") rather than a drug, therrby circumventing FDA drug regulations that required proof of safety or effectiveness for weight control. It appears that present evidence indicates that "starc h blockers" are only a very expensive source of protein. At 33-36 cents per tablet, each containing 600 mg. protein concentrate, 20 grams of protein -one-third the adult male requirement -costs more than $13! Their salety and effectiven~ for weight con trol in humans has yet to be verilied. Pet policies vary DEAR PAT: Can vacationers take tbelr pet• • u Amtrak traia? l.R., Costa Men Amtrak prohibits pets from traveling in private train compartments. Dogs. cats and bi.rd.a must travel" in the baagage car, and the pet owner is responsible for feeding and watering. Peta are not allowed to travel alone. Vacationers traveling by bus or ocean liner should plan to leave their pets at home. Ships and buaes cannot accommodate animals other than seeing eye dogs. Most airlines allow one or two small dop or cata in each pamenger aection, but they must remain in a travel carrier under the seat. Birds and large animals, except .eeing eye dop, must be placed in the baggage compartment. Always check with the airline i n advance for individual carriers' regulations reprd1na pell. Alao, be sure you have a valid rabies vaccination certificate and hMlth certlficate The,_ dalllt at. ... Only s· ceiling to bl&des! Quoizel qua- lity, GE Motor and optional li!jlt kits. 211" One llght kit and cane blades at no extr• charge from your veterinarian. Lawa governing anirna.1a differ, not only ln foreign countrte1 but al.lo tn each of the ~O 1t.ate1. To be admitted, your an.lmal must meet the health requirementa of each an!!a you plan to vlalt. Guardsmen can't be fired DEAR PAT: I bave Natloul G11ard duty '''' aammer. Cu my bo11 fire me for tbl1 1lace I doa't ban vacaUoa time comla1? L.H., Foaatahl Valley No. The Veterana' Reemployment Rights Act protecta NaUonal Guard and military reserve members agal.nat lou of their jobs and other employment benefits because of m.ijitary duty. Both private and public aector employers and workers are covered by the law, but It does not apply to temporary workers. To perform military training, workers who are National Guard members or ~rvist.s must request a leave of absence from their employer. The employer must grant it. The Labor Department suggests workers request leave as far in advance as possible so the employer can plan adequately. Workers cannot be discharged or denied any other bene fits or advantages of e mployment because of their reserve obligation . This may mean the reservist may be entitled to make up lost overtime and may not be denied a promotion solely because reserve duty affects the work schedule. .l!nlployees must return to work at the start of the next regularly 9Cheduled shift after expiration of the last calendar day necessary to travel home from training or after they have had reasonable time to rest. Employers are not required to pay for a worker's time lost because of military training, and the employer .may not demand to know exactly when the reservist will return to work. The Labor Department suggests, however, that the employee should try to give the employer the approximate beginning and concluding dates of the training and the approximate travel time involved. . A~ditional information about employers' obligations and workers' rights under the Veterans' Reemployment Rights Act is available from the Labor Department's Labor Management Services Administration by writing to 300 N. Los Angeles St .. Los Angeles 90012, or by phoning (213) 688-4975. • "Got a problem "! 'l"hen write to Pat Horowitz. Pat will cut red t8pe, getting the answers and action you n eed to solve inequities Jn n government and business. Mail your que6tions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange c.o.a.st Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Carta Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters a.t possible will be IU18Wered, but phone inquiries or letters not includi.n.g t.he reader's full name, addreBS and business hours' phone number cannot be OOll&idered. I ~ Ra.etllo.e Crafted elegance and quality Hand decorated. hand blown glass One ci Quotzel's most popular fixtures wer N-o.Jy 220" SAVE LIKE NEVER BEFORE WITH OUR MID-YEAR SALE FEATUR·ING . . OUOIZEL tJPt •Lecy Delicate white flora on hand blown aystal glass .. that's Selin Lia by Qudziel - £.,i ' ., • I I ... .....,. . ii .. I • fl!! • Eegant Brue look 33~ high with polished "Old English .. base Hand pleated shade '111 QUOIZCL QUALITY Visit our showroom and receive a 2~ watt night light by Ouolzel , ... FANTASTIC SAVINGS ON ALL OUOIZEL LIGHTING To assure. the most varied selections of all sale items, It's desirable to visit our showroom at your earliest convenience. ~ We are Southern Calltornla's most complete selection of fighting at competitive prices. 222 Victoria St. Costa Meu (Acron from Nurseryland Nurseryl 646·1717/646-1194 Hunyt hie lndt .My 11, 1912 Smoking, SIDS BALTIMORE (AP) Ciaarette smok ing during fregnancy le on e of several actors that significantly Increases the rlsk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, a medical researcher said at a confer ence on the mysterious fatal dlaeaae. "Cigarette smok.lng does a lot of things. It reducee oxygen delivery to the !etua, it reduces blood now from the uterua to the placenta," aa.ld Dr. Richard L. Naeye, a pathologist at Pennsylvania State Un1veraity'1 Hershey Medic.al Center. "If a mother smo kes during pregnancy, lt lncreues the risk of SIDS by 50 percent." Besides smoking, Naeye said anemia and drops In blood pressure are pre-natal factors that can significantly increase the risk of SIDS. Premature birth also increases the risk of SIDS, he added. Nationwide, two of every 1,000 itlfants fall victim to SIDS, which usually occurs when babies mysteriously stop breathing. Little is known about SIDS - also known as crib death -but many researchers theorire that the disease is actually a variety of disorders that are triggered by different factors. But Naeye, speaking at the three-day International Research Conference on the disease. said the four factors he studied affected the development of breathing tn infants. "These are all factors that reduce the oxygen delivery. This deficiency of oxygen is damaging key structures in the brain stem," he said. "SIDS is not a genetic disorder, it's an environmental disorder." SIDS victims appear to have an insufficiently d eveloped breathing mechanism either in the lungs, the nervous system, or the brain elem, where breathing is controlled, Naeye said. Naeye based his reeearch on a study of 116 victims taken from a pool of 60,000 births. CLOCK-RADIO -Sanyo is marketing a battery-operated watch late next month that will include a headset with AM radio. The digital watch and radio will retail for $54.95. Flicks were blue. • • Faces red after viewing on church TV YANKTON. S .D. (AP) -Zylstra Communications Corp. Yankton cable t e levision parent company of Yankton w at c hers w ho tu n e d t o a Cable TV. religious network got a peek at Reddy said the programming movies with a decided.ly.different switch has occurred on about five m~ge -skin flicks. Thursday nights since May 18 A fluke in the satellite system and has prompted more kudos caused programs on the Eternal than complaints. Word Televi~ion Network, a "Most of the people who called primarily Catholic religiou s in to comment wanted t h e network, to be followed by blue service," Reddy said. movies courtesy of EROS. a EWTN shares the s ame network or iented to adult transponder with the adult entertainment. network, but that's where the "If someone was sitting down similarities end. EWTN is offered watching the EWTN on TV and free in the Yankton area. EROS happened to fall asleep and wake costs extra and isn't even offered up at 11 o'clock, they were in for by Yankton Cable TV, which has the shock of their life," said Dick a policy against sexually explicit Reddy, operations manager for shows. Commodore VIC·20 Computer Super Avenger"' Juplt•r Allen11• Lond•r"" V1de0 game ano hOme computer 1n one Features full·SIZ8 computer keybOOrd ex· pandable memory capability ou1lt 1n BASIC comPUt•no language P1ovs car· tridge games. also works with discs and cassettes Vtc·20' • Tne wonder Com puter of the 1980 s On sole at K mart • 22. 97 t°tt':;1ce Computer •om• Coffrtdg•• Fosc1notlng and chOllenglng space games for the tomnv . • • I ·j i . i , Or.nge Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Wedneaday, June 30, 1982 AP Wlrepholo DISCO DUO -Anita Bryant, 42, dances at a local Atlanta disco with The Rev. Russ McGraw, an evangelist to the gay movement. Miss Bryant currently lives in Selma, Alabama. McGraw said Miss Bryant has always had a loving attitude toward homosexuals, but "I think it's being more public now." Blind singer Ronnie Milsap to re turn to his birthplace Ronnie Mllsap's success has carried him Car from the small town whe re he was born. But M ilsap, 39 a nd blind since birth. says he's determined not to forget his heritage. Milsap w as born in th e mountain town of Robbinsville. N.C .. and at age Comedian George Kirby will return to show business this weekend after a f1ve- year absence. including more than three years in prison on a drug conviction. The comeback will begin with a four-day. seven-show stint at Marla's Memory Lane Supper Club m Los Angeles. Kirby was arrested in 1977 after sever a l cocain e and her o in deals with an undercover officer working for Nevada and federal agencies. "I'm not bitter," Kirby said. ShJgechlyo Izumi, who Is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's oldes t living perso n , celebrated his 1l7th birthday at his h ome in southe rn Japan. He was born June 29, 1865. a few months after the end of the Civil War in the United Stat.es and in the final years of Japan's feudal period. 6 entered the state School for the Blind in Raleigh. On Oct. 22. Milsap is t'Oming back to North Carolina's capital to perform at the state fair ''Man, I can't tell you how muc h I look fo rward to coming back; it just knocks me out." he said. Izumi attributes his long life to "orderly living" - rising early each morning. taking a walk and eating simple food. A Miami movie company has b e en c harged with fraudulent l y e nticing investors into films of musical performances by stars such as D o lly P a rton, M e lissa Manchester, Wayne Newton and the Eagles. The suit, filed by Flonda Comptroller Gerald Lewis in Dade County Circuit Court, named Running Productions Inc., Dana McCann and Joel Jousoa. They were charged with defrauding at least seven Invest.ors of $200,000 in violation of state securities laws. Lewis said the scheme took place unbeknowns t to the entertainers. Two men and their daugh ters who set out from 0-·t.Door lb S«Yicf ,,,_, f onl>lf -#fttl 1cholntk 1tlltdMd -Tt"'*'t fhl ' R'1 r11dint (with phonkl) wntnt. Mtlmltk, r11tlnm. A Private School of Distinction Founded In 1942 M1tlnc on Mt1morlal Day co Cr<* the Atlantic In a 38-toot eallboat arrlv•d In Cork, Ireland, 1 relatJv .ays. P eter Scllela, ot Thorndike. and hl1 dauahter, Barbara, and Skip Pendle t on , of Belfast, MalnJ. and h is daughter, Sally, dropped 1nch or off the lriah coast niSht after 24 days at aea, accordlna to Schein'• wife, Chrystal. Mra. Schei n said h er husband told her the four had mlBerable weather, battlins col d rain and 50 mph headwinds. Bechtel Group Inc .. pare nt company of one of the world's biggest construction and reaource development companies, announced that S t ephe n D . Bech te l Jr. replaced George P . Sbuhz, nommated as U.S. secretary of st.ate, as Bechtel president. Bechtel Group lnc. is the principal company of Bechtel P ower Cor p .. B ec hte l Petroleum Inc .. Bechtel Civil & Minerals In<.·. and Bechtel Investments Inc. Calls of "encor e" came from the crowd at the Wagga Wagga football club in Australia after piano player David Scott ended more than seven weeks at the keyboard. Scott, 33. who has become something of a folk hero in the New South Wales town, good-hurnoredly ignored the teasing and headed home for bed. The piano player, who normally ente rtains patrons in the club bar, set a record by playing 50 days and 18 hours. or 1.218 hours. The previous record was set by Roger Lavern in London in 1978, according to the Guinness Book of World Records. LOOKALIKE -Wayne Sellers, 17, of A tlanta. Ga., b ea rs an uncanny resemblance to actor J ohn Schneider of the "Dukes of Hazzard .'' Sellers was in Burbank at an opel\ casting call hoping to land a role in th~ series. In Fountain Valley 16835 Brookhurst (714) 962-3312 200 Marine Ave. 673-0330 PEPSI COLA 12 Oz. 6 Pak MICHEL OB BEER 12 oz. Bottles 6 Pak PRICES GOOD 711-717 KAMCHATKA VODKA 1.75 I. MARTINI & ROSSI ASTI SPUNMONTI 750 ML. Jt9 WE DELIVER -CHARGE ACCOUNTS AVAILABLE MOET & CHANDON WHITE STAR CHAMPAGNE 750 ML 1299 E101ll11t Fr11h l11t I Prttl101 D1111tttn11h PIATURINQ1 * U.l.D.A. Prime IHf * U.l.D.A. Ulmb a Pork * Z.OlcJ C•Hfornl• Grown Prrer1/,•rt1 * Pull Dellolt-n leotlon I ,.., ......... •CMAIUS • VIN ROSI'. SEC •IUICIUNDY •IHllE ANDRE CHAMPAGNES •PINK ·DRY ·COLD DUCK YOUR CHOICE! 7~ML ~$4 CANADIAN DEW WHISKY IO flltOOf SCORESBY SCOTCH ...... ·m•u· s11 1.75 LT. 12.f'U s3 12 OL CANS ' .,_... ' ... ----- AD PRICES PREVAIL: Wed . June 30th thru Sat July 3rcl CELLA ·LAMBRUSCO •BIANCO YOUR CHOICE! L ~ s4 750 ML r----r----t GORDON'S GIN BACARDI RUM ~,.:0:.,.1 1.75 LT. 050 JIM BEAM BOURBON ::KEYus~11 COUNT VASYA ~~ 1.75LT.s7 GALLO FRENCH COLOMBAID or CHENIN BLANC l.SLT. s3 u. ' l Orange Ooatt OAILV PILO'TIWtdn•td•y. Jun• 30. 1082 He's still complaining But Bob Mitchum keeps working Hollywood • By BOB THOMAS A.._.tM..._.W"* CULVER CITY Robert MllL·hum was in hl:c cuttomary mood: iirouchy. "They loet a whole day's work In the lab," ht' arumbled. "Green specks all over the film, would you believe it? That mearu I've aot to do the wholt· thin& over again, and It was some heavy stuff (1everal expletives deleted)." Mitchum was making his first television movie ("and It will probably be m~ last"). It'a called "So Little Caute for Caroline, • and Mel Ferrer IS produclna for CBS and Lorimar, playing a role as well. The othe r day the company was playing catch-up on the previous day's loss of film. The locale: a seedy Culver Caty motel, where Mitchum waa Involved with a pivotal scene with Angie Dickinson. A noted survivor of the Hollywood wars, Robert Mitchum remains little changed at 64. The same craggy face with heavy-lidded eyes. The same powerful physique (well. maybe a bit augmented in the mid-section). The same what-am-1-doing-hefe? attitude. "I don't understand television work schedules," he complained. "You work from early morning till late in the evening, always under time presure. It's insane." • Then why is he doing it? Producer Ferrer said he lured Mitchum on the basis of the Eric Bercovic1 novel, "So Little Cause for Caroline," an updated private eye caper. Both live in Montecito, south of Santa Barbara, and Ferrer dropped the book at Mitchum's house one weeke nd. Mitchum called the next day and said, "Yes." tf Mitchum has a song of complaint about the TV movie, he can do a whole symphony about "The Winds of War." the 16-hour epic based on the Herman Wouk novel of World War II. "I spent 15-16 months on that thing. and it near killed me," he commented. "Whe n I left here for Europe, I had a 104-degree temperature from the Thai flu. We were s hooting in Zagreb and the director, Dan Curtis, asked, 'Why is his suit so shiny?' It was shiny because I was sweaung right through it and the sweat had froz.en. "Then I caught the latest flu in Yugoslavta. People were dying from it." If the flu didn't ge t him, the location food might have, Mitchum continued. "The standard fare was wheat and barley soup, which you could have planted a telephone pole in. The woman who did the catenng kept announcing we were having 'weal (veal) soup.' One day 1t was a strange red liquid with a piece of mystery meat floating in it. The next 'weal soup' was a quart of water with a dash of detergent. "For this they were charging the company $8 a day. When I was on a Georgia chain gang, the lunches cost 38 cents, a nd they were a helluva lot better.'' As soon as he finishes "Carol.me," Mitchum as due in Scranton. Pa., to start "The Championship ZiIDhalist naIDed to JFK Center WA S HINGTON (AP) -Actor Efre m Zimba.list Jr. has been appointed to the board of trustees of the John F . Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts by his friend, President Reagan. ' Zimabalist. who starred for nine years in the ABC television series, ''The F .B.I .. " succeeds former Kennedy aide LeMoyne Billings. The board term will expire in 1988. The president named a nother fnend, industrialist Justin Dart. to a federal post. Dart. a m e mb e r o f th e president's so-called kitc hen cabinet and chairman of the executive committee of Dart & Z:tMeALIST Kraft Inc .. was nominated to the board of directors of the Communications Satellite Corporation for a term expiring in 1985. His appointment is subject to confirmation by the Senate. Stoal"on," with Ja•on Miller directing the film vt>"*lon of his Pulltzn Prize play. Miu:hum wlll play \he bwiketblall ro1wh, with Martin Sht'f•n, Bru<.~ Dern, Paul Sorvino and StAcy Keach M his former players. Aln:ady Mitchum u1 romplalning: "I've got t0 carry the whole thing on my shoulders. All those words to learn!" lt makes you wonder. lf Mitchum finds the movie business so vexing, why doesn't he quit? "Hah! That's whal my kids keep rusklng me. SURVIVOR Actor Ro be rt MitC'hum is making his fi rst TV movie and probably hts last. And then it just happeru thilt they need some help with their m ortgage payment~ So Dad keeps working." Pool party • tonic WEST BEND, Wis. (AP) -A loca l tavernkeeper, looking a head to the hot days of BEAUTIFUL NEW MERCEDES BENZ TURBO SEDAN Classlc White with Palomino Leather. Electric Sun Roof , Al loys , Stereo-Cassette. 3000-TURBO $30,652. Call Virginia (714) 645-4800 or (714) 645-1122 . '79 MERCEDES WAGON Mint. 24,000 ml. One owner. $14,000 less than a new wagon. Sun Roof, Stereo-Cassette, Alloys. White with Brown Interior. $20,895. Call Virginia (714) 645-4800 or (714) 645-1122. s ummer, wan ts city ~:;:;:;:;::::::::i::i::i::i:=:=:=::::~ pennassion to max what • he claims would be the world's largest gin-and- to n ic -ser ved in a swimming pool. Franz "Bink " S teinbat.•h, co-owner of The Bankery bar and restaurant, proposes to mix the b e hemoth beverage in a 5.000-gallon plastic pool outside his ,busmess Aug. 15. Stei nba c h t o ld cou n c ilme n that h e would pour about 2,500 gallons of the dn nk into a pool 4 feet deep and 15 feet in diameter. Ice wall take up about half the volume, he said H e said h e expects abou t 800 people to attend the event. "The scam 1s we'r e going to sell T-shirts that say, 'l helped make the world 's bigge s t gin-and-tonic'." he said. Police Chief James S k idm o r e s aid th ~ anticipated crowd would require a t least two off - duty police ofCicers, but Steinbac h has vol - unteered to pay the fee. A counc il licen s ing committee as scheduled to consider the proposal Monday . After that, a pprova l of the full c oun c il w o uld be required. AF officer graduates Second Lt. Ryan C Ratcliffe, son of Lois M Rat c liff e o f 3030 Clubhouse Road. Cost.a Mesa, has g raduate d from Air Force pilo t training. and received silver wings at Willi~ Air Force Base. Ariz. He wiU fly the B-52 at l Mather Air Force Base. I Calaf., with the 44 l s t Bombardme nt Squad-I ron. 1 COMFORT COMPARISON You t.m hu\ ,., JiJl*n tumfrKt.•t JU'I ,\houl 1•M.\A.h•·h· hot t""°' t."" 11 ,utnf)dh 'Ch'-"<k rh. dtHt·wr..,~' tr( Iii• q~111ld\ mtl 1h., uumh1•t r1j ••ill!<,·~ uf lllt.' dtMrU flll it th• ·ft· '" fh..• '1.rnf1u1,•1 '' ~• Ln·~ •'lll11"'_Jh' (.! llw c.fU·t •f\. ·I lh• ttUlt""T '"""' l!k.l<.Jf1<.li lJ -.l~·lllv1 th" IKkllllJ I> 1Jlldfn111,,•tl n••I !ft 11,.11' f111 '-'""'" ~ 1A.ht1h11' \flt.,I C"·tll ~. ' •• '"''!\ In •MJ '"'h.1111111 ,+ •• 11 ,, •• H ltl(f't tt•lh,11 Scandl• Down' Comfortua. Compau• ual You won'I find a bettu comfort4'r buy any\Wh"''"'. COlOIA DEL llAI 2756 E. Coast Hwy. 720-0373 LAClUIA BEACH 1590 S. Coan Hwy. 497.3391 A.RT POSTERS Poster Special of the Week HLEGS" by DOJC llow $15.00 Rec. 21.00 --------------·@ Laguna Art & Frame 497-5552 {\•t'-Stfkr S- ee1ebrates 1 Year Anniversary 25% OFF ALL DRY CLEANING JULY ht Thru JULY 12th Pict-u, 01/ir•fJ • Laundry • Hand Finish 1000 N. COAST HIGHWAY •A Rmx«d Family At 1 llf SERVICE '"' l Tl l 494-4044 Have a Fourth of July Pi:u.a Party! Delivered to your door in time for the lirework1/ COSTA ME A HlJNTINGTO BEACH ITdi _. .,..._ ...... u4 H•ll 646-7136 847-1214 ,...... ........... ----------~---~ 350 IV. Coast Hwy., Lapaa Beach '-i Block North of The Cortage 30~ OFF WIDE LOUVER SHUITERS ALL SIZES - 5 FT. SUDER DOOR INSTALLED n., (1nt•h •nd f1tW ~u1hns. Jt'r th..-'huu,• ,..,, ... • 'l .. u."' loot. ptV •tll .... proud of ~ ltt'flUl'r n.u.tu"•· ""') , '.,.,,, .,,.,.11.t1nn both ,u..,.n,,.,..,. ht •nun, 2 "'" ,,.,,. '399=· ~IT \UOut. R•1 171>1. '1:99 '"" II fT. ~U/Jfll, II-a I /Olli. 'ilH 1.., t.rr- CALIFORNIA SHUTTERS 1 ,,,ow.; rono t>H i.TOI' I) CJ"ff; 01' Uf If F1' I: 11&4( Tlflll Ot141'WC. l, TfHM> .\~ Dlf.W ,.,. 1111'91 "'".... '., ........ Im· HWI .. i I • Ufft I "• Tiit '- OHN om' """ ll'Ml•U .. Joffi-ey moving to LA LOS ANGELES (AP) -Lo• Angclc.'11 It aulnf to gN a world clilS8 ballet t•ompuny rdm lhe lillOll' plUl'll It goto hu.'iebull k'l•m New Yurk City Thl· JoflN.•y Bullet of Nt>w York City 1111nounced It wll m<>Ve Its base to the Lo~ Angeles Music Ct-ntn in July, 1983 ocqulr·t> 11 world clau dill)(~ company of Cirwt quollly thJ&t la conal.at.ent with tht.• utht"t tc pt rfo rming here.'' aald Sydney PNcrscn. chief executive olltt.w of Gt:ty Getty Oil and the head o f the Mu1lc Center'• tea r c h t.'C1rnm1ttee for a ballet company. "WL· wt•re looking for another base, nnd b y happy coan c·1di•nt:e , L os Angclt"i. was looking Cm a wurld class dunC'c orgunlzut1on," 1w1d Philip Semark, presidl·nt o f the ba llet company Tht> Music Center had been looking for a rt's1dent balll'l t'Ompany nine months "This was a unique opportunity to Pct('rst.'n said th e committee Interviewed several companies before settling upon the Joffrey. With federal funding drying up for the arts, many ballet company darec:tors wall be looking at the Joffrey arrangement as a possible promise for a better future. The Music Cente r guaran~ $1 malhon lo the com pany for each of the flt'St two years. 4z14Ckia. ~ J.\SCN • APRICOT SCRUBBLE 6 00 Wash & Scrub 6 oz. TUBE 1 -~:::::::...::::::- • APRICOT CLEANSING CREAM .... 4.00 2 oz.1.99 PIERCED Earrings • • 'h DOMUI 2.95 ,., H oubigant CHANTILLY Eau de Cologne llber ales the romantic you' 7.75oz. 3.75 Eylure FOi BEAUTIFUL NAILS Perfect ready·to·wear art11ic1 al nails in minutes' ~~o4.50 MEDICATED CREAM The Beauty Cream for freckles. brown age spots or skin dtscotorations oz. 3. 79 I ..-' ' -f.,> lun.· Nail~ Helena Rubinstein NUDIT ·-~~ MAXfACTOR . COLORFAST· •BRUSH OH • ,,. C HAIR REMOVER '-;;;JI Jil 4 1~ oz. 4.00 ~ '-I ()II •CREAM BWCH I 1% ... 4.25 Mtyrellire· Magic Mascara ~Ml.49 Brush/Blush LONG-WTINC Lipstick 3.35 COLORFAST LONG-US TING Nail Enamel When the look's2 65 oot to last 1/2 oz. • ~~ CANOE For today's man sure of himself and strong, yet sensitive enough for his woman. ~-7-2.19 ~ .. 7.50 Manicure uu .. .... ...:. ·::toe -::e.oo I' l r . ,. . . . .. • • • t • ,, .,. .I ' Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/WednHday, June 30, 1982 ____________________________________________________________________________ ..;.. ________ __ AT NO ACTION - Former justice Paul Halvonik and his wife will face no diacipllnary action for their use of marijuana. Ex-jurist off hook on pot SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The California Supreme Court has agreed with the State Bar that former Court of Appeal Justice Paul Halvonik and his attorney wife should not be subject to any discipline for their involvement with marijuana. The court notified the Halvoniks that their cases hav e been terminated. The Halvoniks originally were charged with cultivation or marijuana at their home. He pleaded no contest and Mrs . Halvo nik pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of misdemeanor possession. They were given suspended six month sentences and placed on two years probation. Halvonik , who contended the plants belonged to his wife, resigned. The high co urt instructed the State Bar In 1980 to determine whether the conviction involved "moral turpitude or other conduct warranting diacipline" and if so what discipline should be impo6ed. The State Bar found the fa c ts and circumstances of which t h 'e c o u p l e w e r e convicted did not involve moral turpitude or other misconduct calling for discipline. The tribunal, the letter said, decided further proceedi ngs in the matter are unwarranted and that the letter would serve to terminate the matter. Mesan • retains • • pos1t1on Costa Mesa resident Jack Scott will serve a aecond term as chairman of the board of directors of the American Heart Association's Orange County Chapter. · Dr. Scott is president of Cypress College. Dr. Melvin Tonkon assumed presidency of the local chapter. He is a practicing cardiologist and internist in Anaheim. Other officers elected at the chapter's annual meeting were Dr. Donald aperling, first vice president; Samuel B. Goldstein, vice chalnnan; David Chonette, Horace H ertz and Frank Villal obos. vice reside nts; Donna he, secretary, and obert Citron, chief Sblland.al officer. Housing talk set Stephen E. Carlton, an · MtOmey and executive ....... ot the CaJJ.fomla llou1tn1 Council, Inc. Will 1p1ak to \ht Jmdtute ot RMI Itta .. MttlJ mnt on July 14 II I p.m. at the South Co11t Pl111 Hotel In c.ea,..., •or tnformaUon, call Tll·IOIO or 711·1117. GM niodels have proble:ms, but 735,000 won't be recalled DETROIT (AP) -General Moton Corp. Mys It hu no plans to tell up to 733.000 car OWMl'I thilt 1981 OM models they bouaht may have a faulty pollution control •)'Item that can ~use lom of power and problema with 1\IU1.lng. OM publicly acknowledaed the catalytic converter problem and .a.Id It notified car dealera, but ZEE PAPER TOWELS 2·"-y PEPSI COLA ltt:G .... Df(l' 12 ez. CMS PING PONG ·1 PISTOL ' New rapid fire action sa lely shoots ping pong balls nMJ added It would waJt for vehicle owners who have problems to brins can ln for repairs. GM &a)'I .the repain are made under warranty and notification la not nec e11ary, a federal Environmental Protection Agency official .a.Id. But Bill Sessa. preea secretary for the eeven-member Calltomia Air LIQUID DETERGENT LAURA SCUDDER'S'I POTATO CHIPS .. Au't. n ...... 71h oz. TWIN-PU u. fte.ourcea Board In Sacramento, said "our concern ii that people need \0 know in advance they have warranty protection for this kind of thing. "It people don't know, the)' may pay unneceeaarily for a repair job. Oc they might be tempted to take it somewhere where the emluiona AJAX CLEANSER COORS BEER U ei. CANS *4 2 Sil PAKS PU LONG-LIFE 1y1tem will be disconnected or bypu.ed." The nation's No. 1 automaker said lt would replace the feulty devicetl at no charse. GM denied the problem could c.ause "sudden loss of power," as reported ln Automotive Ne wa, an Industry journal. GM has told the EPA It replaced COPPERTONE SUNTAN PRODUCTS ·3 #2 OAllll T....u.G Otl ' 114 SUNTAN lOTIOtl 8 01, fA. IA THEltlOS SUNPACKER ·'-"--(1177ll/10) • ~ (#771J,'OI) •11 .. 600 convertera in June lut yew, 7,600 ln December, and expected to replace 11,000 in January, the la.rt month for which fi1ures were available. The coet wu $200 Mch. "We have no lndlcation that all 78~.000 cars will suffer from thJ. problem," GM apokemnan Harold Jackaon said . COLGATE TOOTHPASTE lt(GtJW (7 N.) W ton (1.4 •z.) NON· STICK FRY PAN *I YOUI CHOICE! IA. •3 HQ or FlltEPUC£ SOFT WHITE ~~~ MATCHES ........ LIGHT BULBS 40, 60, 75 or 100 WATTS WE HOMCMt YOUlt CltEDfT! •r.m: . ...,_ .,.. ... 1r u . IOl Of' 90 !1 "PUYFVN" _l!!l...__ ~"fu1E ot£cASTCARS (#Y,·11) or "MINI-MATE" •1 POCKET GAll£S (•TSll) ~ ONLY 4 DAYS LEFT OF THIS BIG SALE! WEDNESDAY, JUNE 30th THRU SATURDAY, JULY 3rd ~ CHOICE m. v.. LC.D. QUUTZ ,1, !"!~~~~s~ay selection 10 choose from MEN'S or LADIES' u. BABY_RUTH MUGGlTS '1 BUTIERFINGER CllPS ••• IA. ZEE •1 NPU...... ' , • .,.! MEN'S & BOYS' UNDERWEAR MEJl'S TEE ·SHIRTS EM'S BRIEFS YS' TEE ·SHIRTS YS'BRIEFS 1 -•H·IL J.f'AI( ·s 1-""L·XL J.PAK •4 •M-Lrn J.PAll •4 1-""L·U J.PAI( •3 ·saoXER SHORTS -»All 'I ....,., --.......... . •Wiii -a-. ..... .. VIDAL SASSOON•3 HAIR CARE ' wa.oo. ,__ml 2 6 • UTIA '8ITU IN.~ • FOR ll.-n.. C-. 1Z el!! VASELINE INTENSIVE CARE LOTION Au't.f....i. BUFFERIN or •21 EXCEDRIN • TULETS IOTIU Of 100 M. Al Or1ngt Oo11t DAILY PILOT/Wedn11d1y, Junt 30, 1982 ., ,,,.. ' ti' I • ie I r , Oklahoma town bankrupt . ! $200,000 judgment doe Wapanucka in : OKLAHOMA C.:lTY (AP) A town lh11l't1 beon around ever since Oklahoma joint.>d the Union la filing Cor bankruptcy, hoping that a federal judge will reduce a $200,000 judgment the city can't afford to pay. "It is sad," said R. Charles White, mayor of Wapanucka, a town o f 474 ranchers and pensioners about 75 miles southeast of Oklahoma City. "We made It a long time. Ever since statehood (in 1907)." Two m o n ths ago, the Wapanucka City Council voted to go under when a judge ordered that it had to pay $200,000 to the owners of a well the city condemned to replace Its ruined water supply. "That kind of money ts not here," White said m a telephone mterv1ew from his home. "We haven't got anythmg down here but a litlle cattle farmmg." Attorney Don Wyau of nearby Ada, who mailed the bankruptcy papers, said Wapanucka's entire gross income is about $4,000 a debt Wl'rl' portlom•d tu the r<'11idcnt.s "110mc of them would haVl' bt.'<!n unubll' to pay und would havl' IOtit their pro~rty " Many of the town's n•1>Jd<mts hvt.> on welfare, he said The town's troubll•i. bt•gan when two truckers hauling <:rude oil r an their rigs 1 n to the W a p a n u c k a r e il l' r v o i r , contaminating the wat<•r supply m March 1979. ;I'he counc1l hm'Cl a lawy<-•r lo sue the trucking l'Ompany. but the attorney never re:.ponded to motions filed by th<· company's counsel S1m•e he took ovc•r the Wapanucka bankruptt·y two mopths ago, Wyatt said, he also has reactivated that case. After losing its water supply, Wapanucka trucked Wotl•r into town with civil defense.• tankt·rs until official.a found an artetlan well m•W'by. The (•ourta gave the town permjasion to rondl'mn the property but warned oftlclal1 they mlaht haw to pay dam.ages to thl' property ownen1 Wyatt aald an appraiaer estimated the owners' damage at $5,000. The city put up a $5,000 bond. borrow<.-d money from the Farmers' Home Administration for waier pipes, and ran water back into town. When the case went to court, a jury awarded the owners of the well a whopping $84,000 and the judge in the case added mterest and l<•gal fl'es t o make the judgmi>nl $112.000. Wyatt said . lntt'rest on the judgmen t has since pushed the amount past $200.000 Yosemite camps full for 4th '• • '1 month YOS EMITE NATIONAL PARK (Al') -All campsllt•s 111 Yosemite Valley have• bt•en reserved for tht' July 4 wcckt·nd. Superi ntenden t Rob<· rt 0 B10new1cs announc:ed during the holiday weekend on a f1rst-comc. first-served basis at these locations: Wawona '"·ampground on State Route 41 , Bridalvl•1l Creek campground on Glae1er Potnl Road, Crane Flat Jnd H odgdon Me a dows l'ampgrounds on State Route 120 and at campgrounds along Tioga Road except for Tenaya Lake which is closed by snow. WORLD COOP SOCCER ? -These athletic roosters, pets of Denise and Valerie Dean of Camarillo, get their kicks playing soccer in Plenty Of Free Parking OPEN 7 DAYS 8 til 6 A~ Wlreptioto their backyard. The roosters started chasing the baJl during family soccer matches and now the're really into fowl play. CALL 497 -4403 240 BROADWAY, LAGUNA BEACH COMPLETE PLUMBING-ELECTRICAL-GLASS DEPTS. "The town 1s totally insolvent If 1t has to pay that bill," he said. "Under their current finances, I don't see how they could meet an interest payment, much less the principal." Wyatt sajd if the city's legal In fact, all camps1w~ tn the valley have bN•n r<·s crved through Aug. 16. SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA 557-6161 LOWER LEVEL CAROUSEL MALL VITAMINS BULK PRODUCTS A LACER EMERGEll-C 35 Pkt. REG. 9.95 THOMPSON MEGA 80 MULTIVITAMIN AND MUL TIMINERAL SUPPLEMENT 60 Tabs REG. 11 .95 THOMPSON STRESS COMPLEX 8-COMPLEX WITH 500 mg VIATMIN C SUPPLEMENT 60 Tabs REG. 7.45 THOMPSON Piii 500 1119 90 Tabs REG. 4.45 l.25 5.95 4.25 2.45 DYEll 70 ITEIS TO CHOOSE Flllll BANANA CHIPS 1.35 .•. CAMPUS MIX 1.99 , •. CAROB COATED 1.45 , .. MALT BALLS PIONEER 1.89 , •. TRAIL MIX speci1I Of Th• Week Mill Creek KERATIN SHAMPOO ==---1• THOMPSON 11 ft. ti. 1.50 SPR lNG & SUMMER DRESSES LANZ and POPPY Sundresses 1/3 · 1/2 OFF! 1/3 · 1/2 OFF Dresses from Samuel Blue. Cotton prints, rayon crepes and poly ./georgettes. Ong. $72. $102. NOW $41. · $55.85. JACKETS Lanz short sleeve jackets 1n linen and p ique Orig $30. 532 NOW $19.85. SPRING & SUMMER SLEEPWE~R 1/3 OFF the entire stock of LANZ OF SALZBURG Women's and Children's Sleepwear. Grannies. sleep· shirts, rompers and robes. Womer 's Orig. S15 · $46 NOW $10.85 · $30.85. Children's O rig. 514. $21 . NOW 510.85 · $14.85. SWIMWEAR 1/3 1/2 OFF the entire stock of swimwear and terry cover·ups Oriq S 18 S44 NOW S9. S22 ACCESSORIES · 1/3 OFF! Straw Hats Orig. $8. $23 NOW $5.85 · $16,85. Straw Bqs Orig. $12. $27. NOW $7.85 · $20.85. Ntwporl F.uhron hJ&11d 644...f4l l ''Mr. £1/ior'•· South Cour PIH• 551~080 LANZ SHOE SALON 1/4 . 1/2 OFF an 11sorttd co11ec11on of Spring & Summer Footw11r. &.ilecttd 1tyl11in1v1il1bl• 1lzt1. C-500 WITH ROSE HIPS 90 Tabs REG . 3.95 2.25 GROCERIES HAIN COLD PROCESSED Ml YOllllAISE 24 oz. REG. 1.95 HAIN YOGURT CHIPS •SESAME• WHEAT GERM 4 oz. REG .. 99 GAYELORD HAUSER VEGIT SEASONING 2 oz. REG. 1.69 S&W VEGETABLE JUICE COCKTAIL 12 Fl. Oz. REG .. 35 KNUDSEN APPLE-CRAii BERRY JUICE. 32 oz. REG. 2.15 ' 1.47 .74 1.29 .29 1.55 PRODUCE CllTILOUPE .25~ OUOUllElll .2&~ _/ ITALIAN • 31 .. ·-··· CONDITIONER LUNCH COUNTER • BREAKFAST SPECIAL • FRHCH TOAST, IACOI •CHOICE OF BEVERAGE• COFFEE, DECAF, TEA, MILK 1.45 • LUllCH SPECIAL • WAIST WATCHERS - YOUR CHOICE OF: Ground Beef Pattie or Our Special Wieners 2.25 Includes. Mound of Cottage Cheese and your choice of Mixed Green Salad, Fruit, J>otato, or Kidney Bean Salad. HEALTH & BEAUTY AIDS RICH LIFE ALOE VERA GEL 64 Fl. Oz. REG. 11.50 l.15 TOMS llATURAL TOOTHPASTE. l .J& • FENNEL • SPEARMINT NET WT. 5 oz. REG. 2.50 ALTA-DENA Ill LIW MIYllY 'ti UL. llLI PllOll OUTIFIEI UW 1.1a l ••• OllTIPIU -PIT lllMlllZD 1.11 LIW PIT •• .... , .Tl 11L1 ...... lffllTm 1'111 tllLf 1M DI VOR C I NG - Singer Helen Reddy, 39, whose 1972 hit "I Am Woman'' became the unofficial song for thewomen's libera- tion movement, has filed for divorce. Contest • winner 'import' Miss California is an import. In her home state of Texas , Debra Sue Maffett was crowned Miss Hous to n , Miss Beaumont a nd M 1ss Humble . But the 5 -foot-7, 110-pound blonde was a three-time • loser for Miss Texas, the title she coveted for its promise o f a bigger banner: Miss Amerca. ' A shot at becoming Miss ·california wasn't what brought her West 11 months ago. she maintains . But the woman who moved to Anaheim in search of a singing career -"In the entertainment industry, Southern California is where it's at" -won the title Saturday in Santa Cruz. Some residents of Anaheim groused when Miss Maffett was chosen Miss Anaheim in March. After all, she lived in Stu dio City, a Los Angeles suburb, and her only time in Anaheim came during modeling jobs and occasional stays at a friend's apartment. She e nte red the Super summer reh-es.hen in the 12-oz. cOOJ LADIES' $UNDRESSES, SHlnS AND ROMPERS REG. 4.99 TO 9.99 31<>4 J49 Orang• Co111 DAILY PILOT/Wednetdly, June 30, 1982 199-==- REG. 2.49 / COORS BEER 6-PACK Rich and ro~nt lode. 12-oz. cons. Stock up! CHILDREN'S SHORT sns, ROMPERS, SUNSUITS, SUNDRESSES REG. 3.49 TO 4.99 2~~ 374 MEN'S KNIT TOPS, SHORTS AND JACKETS RIG. 3.99 TO lS.99 29: 11 99 • Anaheim pagea nt __ .._ __ __,. because Studio City doesn't have ohe. And now that Anaheim has a winner, people don't seem to be begrudging her the $500 cash prize, the diamond-and-gold necklace, the trips to Las Vegas and the San Diego Zoo that came with the Anaheim crown. The state champion- s hip brought her an additional $5,000 scholarship, a fur coat, a cruise to Mexico and a $20,000 wardrobe for the Atlantic City contest. Tho m as Cutting , executive director of the Miss California pageant, said competition in California previously has been comparatively light because "the Southern states groom girls at a very earl y age. The pageant contestants are far more polished." But Miss Maffe tt found that "more girls here are involved with the arts. The talent was awesome." Unlike mos t beauty contestants, she appears unafraid t o venture controversial opinions. At 25, she had one good year left before she would have been over the hill in M~ America circles -and next year. the age limit will drop to 24. M iss Maffett said she'll urge pageant officials to allow the older girls their chance. V~OSTER' lf\Q/GRANT OUR ENTIRE STOCK OR FOSTER GRANT ~ OR OCULENS BEACH BUM SANDALS SUNGLASSES FOR MEN & WOMEN · Stunning wlection of fa-feoturef springy 4-loyer, 2" shion eyeweor in o wide tricolor sole. tapered toe orroy of frame 1tyles and nylon sueded strop. \ and lenses. Super sole! ' REG. 3. 99 ...., •• AW'Y ·s:· .... ·-· . ~ .,..._ .. ~~ ..,., ..... ,,.. INSULATED 1.9 LITER AIR JUG REG. S.99 399 Polyvrethone insulation, pour spout, plostic liner & metal e.IClerior. TAYLOR CALIFORNIA CELLARS 459 WINES YOU• REG. 7 .39 CMOICf I I . 1 ' . " .. Orange Ooett DAIL y f'ILOT /Wedneedey, June oo. i .. I Assumable loan ruling will have wide impact The 1:.1 .S. Supreme Court decision this week on due·on -sale clauses in assumable mortgages was a victory for the federally chartered savings and loan f inns and a setback for homeowners. The statements from S&L spokesmen that the d ecision augurs welJ for homebuyers have to be greeted with a certain amount of skepticism. The decision, like most the high court is called on to make. involves a tradeoff. We can appreciate the financial fix that the savings and loan industry faces as it is obliged to pay out high interest to savers while collecting low interest from the holders of loans granted years ago. But perhaps we are even closer to the situation joltin g home buyers and sellers. We have supported the loan assumptions as a tradeoff favoring a greater personal need than the financial situation affecting the S&Ls. The high court d isagreed. Where do the buyers. sellers and real estate industry go from here? The ruling affects only loans originated by federally chartered S&Ls. So far, the loans of the state-chartered S&Ls, the banks and mortgage companies still can be assumed. But it should be noted there are moves afoot to try to change some of that. If there is any good news for the consumers, it is at least that they now know where they tand rrhere had been conflicting federal and state regula tions muddying the picture. lt ls possible that some houses not put on the market pending the decision now will be put up for sale. But it will mean that the new owners will fa<.>e a higher, possibly much higher, loan cost. For example. a 9 percent loan that formerly might have been assumed might now go for 13 or 14 percent, somewhere between the old rate and the market's 17 percent. The decision also makes more valuable an assumable loan from a state-chartered S&L as an owner puts a house on the market. And it is expected to speed the process of state-chartered S&Ls seeking federal charters. Less clear is the status of 700 cases in an Ora n ge County superior court where the federal loans h ad been assumed, subject to the decision. The S&Ls say that the ruling will mean a larger pool of funds to lend and some hint that it could help bring down interest rates. But it is diffic ult not to be skeptical about stateme-nts o n interest rates from anyone in the public·or private sector. We will monit or circumstances over the next three months in the federally chartered S&Ls to determine the impact of the court decision. Courts must stay open In recent times there has bee n a disturbing tendency to close courtrooms to the public and press during certain controversial trials. In another important ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court has reaffirmed the principle of open trials by striking down as a violation of the First Amendment a Massachusetts law requiring that the public a nd press be excluded when a young rape victim is testifying in a criminal trial. On the surface, that might appear a valid exclusion. But. as Justice William J . Brennan Jr. asser ted in th e 6-3 opinion, "Public access to criminal trials permits the public to participate in and serve as a check upon the judicial process -an essential com ponent in our structure of self-goverrunent. The ruling most certainly does not mean that most youthful rape victims will be required to testify in public. It authorizes trial judges to rule that the "welfare of the minor victim" can o nly be protected by shielding his or her testimony from public view. Factors that may be weighed by the judge include the victim's age; psychological maturity and understanding; the nature of the crime; the desires of the victim; and the interests of parents and relatives. This would seem to allow a responsible judge adequate room to order courtroom closure on a case-by-case basis. In fact, th e ruling w ould apply only to the 10 percent o f all criminal cases that go to trial. The remaining 90 percent end in the pre-trial stage where the court has given judges even broader powers to exclude the public and press. The ruling simply means that states do not have the r ight to mandate c losed trials as was attempted in the Massachusetts law and in other state laws that now require closure of divorce trials and paternity cases. Open trials are an essential part of democratic government. And responsible judges will sec that their courtrooms are closed only when they perceive a genuine risk of damage to the participants. . . Opinions expressed in the spac:e abOve are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authors and art 1sts. Reader comment is invit· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa MeS<t, CA 92626. Phone (7 14) 642·4321. L.M. Boy d/ S oda m y th Q. Didn't people once think 90da water was intoxicating A. That they did. So strong was the belief, in fact, that some towns outlawed the sale of soda drinks on Sunday. Evanston, Ill., was one such. So the owner of a drug store there sold an ice cream soda without the aod.a and called it a Sunday. When people objected to the sabbath name, he changed it to sundae. Incidentally, you can tell the aame story about towns in Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana, and elsewhere. Israeli Prime Mlnis1er Menachem Begin says the big blue telephone on his desk is for calls t o God. Not expensive, he says. They're local. Q. Which 1.11e the more hair dryers in gymnasium locker rooms, the boya • or the frla? A. Its even now. according to the researchers. What the astronauts least like to eat In outer space, they report, la a pKk.aaed serving of cold potatoes. Q. What sort of additivH do the clp.rette-maken put in our dprett.es to improve the taste, moisten the OR ANGE COAST DailJPilat "*'.,.,. .,..,, .. , ti '"' ,,.., ., "' "'"' •• , '' · '"''..,. 4-•t ,.,, • ...-.1e ... I"" {a .. Mn.I (,A •t•Jt tobacco and slow down the burning? A. Cocoa, licorice, fruit juices. In newspapers, it's usually the headline write rs in the sports departments who write the cleverest heads. Such was the consensus in a nationwide poll of city editors. Q. Is there a real Juan Valdez, like the guy on TV who su pposedly symbolizes Colombia's 200,000 coffee growers? A. Possibly. But the TV character is played by an adman in Colombia's Medellin, an industrial city. And the original actor was a Puerto Rican who lived in New York. Not everybody yet realizes that more colleges now have varsity soccer teams than football teams. Q. Why are rhinestones called by that name? A. The fint were made near the Rhine River ln Gennany. • Q . What's the longest anybody ever threw a boomerang that came back'' A. 123 yards. One Al Gerhardt of Downtn1ton, Pa .. reportedly set a record wlth that throw. Thoma1 P. Ha tt y Publl.ntr Tltomat A. ftWrpfltlte Editor l•rNra Krt lblch ldftorl•I Pa91 l!dltor Indian· health 'priorities' WASHINGTON -Bureaucrats in Washington are often s uspected of putting their own comfort above the welfare of those who depend on the government for basic survival needs. But it's a rare occast0n wht-n one of them wall admit it. I'm dismayed to report that offtdaJs at the Office of Management and BudgC't and the Health and Human Services Deparunent have d~:1ded to use hosp1taJ <.'Onstruction funds to make sure that employees of the Indian Health Servac:'f' get their promtsed salary increases. ''IT'S A MATTER of priorities, and salaries are a higher priority than the construction of hospitals," OMB budget examiner Barbara K1vimae told my reporter Esther Pessin Herc's the shocking s1tuauon: The mandated pay raises for LHS bureaucrats will result sn an $18 5 million def1c1t in the agency's budget. Casting about for some way to plug the gap. OMB and HHS officials hit upon $11 6 million earmarked for construction of medical facilities on five Indian reservations in the West Three clinics in Oklahoma and New Mexico wall be axed from the IHS budget if the attempt LO rechannel the money into salary increases is successful. In addition, master plans for desperately needed hospitals on the Gila R iver Reservation in Arizona and the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota w1U never get off the drawing board. The 9.500 Pama and Maricopa Indians at Gila River sufCer the highest incidence of diabetes sn the world. Kidney disf:'ase, d1ret·tly linked to diabetes, 1s rampant on the reservation. Sacaton Hospital, the 40-year-old Rovcrnment fac1laty on the reservation, G. -JA-Cl-.A-ID-IR-SO-N -~ doesn't begin to meet the Indians' needs. "It's no more than a first-aid station," said Susan Harpt, legislative liaison for the Native American Rights Fund. The hospital 1s operating at one-third capacity. There arc only six doctors to handle 30,000 or more outpatient visits a year, plus all the inpatient care. There are no facilities at Sacaton to treat diabetes. There isn't even a dialysis machine available for pallents suHering from the kidney disease that often results from inadequately treated diabetes. "We could probably prevent diabetes if we had a good hospital on t he reservat ion," said an IHS urut director. But diabelic Indians often go blind or require amputation because of the disease. The hoc;pital 1s "both physically and operationally obsolete," :.tl'l'Ordmg to an IHS report. The obi.tNm-i, ward waci recently closed, and for niaJOr mechcal care, thC' Indians must go 40 mil1-s to the IHS hospital tn Phoc·n1x AT ROSEBUD, tn South l);ikota. 8,000 S 1 o u x I 1 v e 1 n a b J t • c t po v e r t y , unemploymr>nt stands at 8:l ~·r(•t•nt The Indians have ~n waiting lO yr>ars for a new hospital to replace th<' existing 70·year-old facalny, part of which was condemned an 1978 a!> ··un:.afc and structurally unsound " The Rosf•bud Hosp1ldl mc><.'Ll> only 30 1.o 40 percent of th<.• Indians· needs ,J Seriously 111 patients Jrl' flown out to Rapid City. Denver or Minneapolis. and when winter storms pn·vc·nt flights out, : "we treat tht>m ht•n• Jnd pray a lot." • as one off1c1al put It The Indians' need 1s clearly dc-sperate. : Yet money that would ht•lp them is going instead for burcaut·raLc,' pny raises,·:: 1f the fat.cats in Washington have their ::~ w a y P r e s 1 d e n t R c• a g a n t a k e s : unremitting heat for the somC'l1mes dire · •• effects of his adm1mstrat1on's budget :: cuts As the lHS case shows. though, it's · ' often some fat:eless bureaucrats who .-: J decide where to make the c·uts. •• I Footnote: Congressional approval is . needed before the hospital c'Onstruction funds can be used for salaries OMB and I HHS off1c1ab said they fully expect the ~ lawmakers to sancuon the move Getting s tarted I S • · 1 I the real problem lt isn't working that's so hard, it's getting ready t.o work lt isn't being up we all dislike in the morning. it's gettmg up Once I get started at almost any pb. I'm usually happy I can plug away at any dull job for hours 'and get some satisfaction from doing 1t. The trouble 1s that sometimes l'U put off doing that job for months because it's so tough to get started. IT DOESN'T SEEM to matter what the job is. For me it can be getting at writing. getting at mowing the lawn, getting at deaning out the trunk of the car. Last weekend I was thinking of building a small shed out back to keep the garden tools in. I sat in the living room trying to figure out how much lumber to buy and then I got thinking about exactly where I'd put the first 2·by-4. That's where the whole job bogged down. If I had just bought the wood and put the fir.it 2-by-4 almost anywhere, I'd have made a start, but I never did. It's a good thing I wasn't hired to design the Golden Gate Bridge. I'd never have figured out where to put that first piece of steel to make it possible to get across aD that water. I think perhaps there is some complex thing going on in our brains that keeps us from getting started on a lot of pbs No matter how often we do something. we always forget how long it took us to do 1t last tame and how hard it was Even though we forget in our conscious mind. there 1s some subconscious part of our brain that rl'members. This is what keeps us from getting at things. We may I~'' -AND-Y-RO-ONf-Y -~ not know, but our subconscious knows that the job is going to be harder than we think. It tries to keep us Crom rushing into it in a hurry. There is obviously some kind of war going on between different elements of our brain. If I consciously remembered how unpleasant or difficult something was the last ttme I did it, I'd never do it again. The wonderful thing about memor y is that it's just great at forgetting. Every Friday afternoon in summer I drive 150 miles to a pleasant summer house we have in the country. I always look forward LO being there and I always forget how much I hate getting there. My subconscious remembers. It keeps me fiddling around the office Vo c al c ritics dooID c ause s Though rs at Large: -If ordinary people refuse to speak out against injustices, we may be sure that the malcontents will do so -and then many a good cause is discredited when it is seen that only the habitual critics are vocal. -One of the main problems of civilization l8 that we continue to uk IYlllY 01111 ounelvea. "How can 'this be done better?" rather than, "la thla worth dotnJ at all?" (A.I Chesterton oblel'Ved. "U a lhJ.1'I lsl't worth doina. lt lsl't worth dotnt weU.") -Itta lona • there n1N 1 capedty tor lhame. i>wre niatl a ~dal few •oodneu; and wha• ti mott alarmln1 about modem IOC'lety ii not OM nwnt of wicadnem but the dlmJNIMd _.of ahalnt -from IOnWtt\lnt • trMaJ • UtLtrln& co • pave • per)try. -Whit we d.l8'nlil • '11Uu•rfftl generalities'' when other people utter them tum into "basic principles" when they l§ue from our mouths. -All me n are in favor of less ~ovemment when they have something to lose by it, but support stronger government when they have 90mething to gain by It: It Is profit more than principle that determines our political phlloeophy. -Science is at bottom a humanl.atic dilc:ipllne -for the end of .cience Is the di.aint.erested pursuit of the truth for its own sake, no matter where it leads. which l• the most moral goal that mankind can haw. -Two peimna who can't ~ on what ls ..-nw.n.dy fwmy can't agree on what la Importantly aerlou1; an d lnterlocltln& .-of humor are the lnd.lspmuble prereqw.tw of a aound pennanent relalJonlhlp. -Our oentnl pn>blmn 11 a ..,.-la both -xtremely almple and nHrly Insoluble: war muat be abollahed or mankind wtll be abolt.htd; but thl1 d'-JuncUon It 10 f-.rfuUy clMr &hat It II little wondM lhlt lhia .,...t mapi~y of plOple at.oluLtly dtny &he ni&Uty of U\11111 al~Uwt. Friday afternoons, putting off leaving The drive can take anywhere from three to four hours. depending on the traffic. and I hate.' 1t so much that sometimes l spend two of those four hours contemplating selling the place. The followinR Friday, 1 can't waJt lD leave the office for the country again but my subconscious puts 11 off It keeps me from getung started because it remembers the drive One of the jobs my subconscious is best at putting me off getting at 1s painting. My subconscious is absolutely right. I probably shouldn't start it even though I enjoy it once I get going. Once again, my subconscious remembers what I forget. I look at a door or a fence or a room and I say to myself, "I ought to give that a coat of paint. It'll take two quarts of paint. I'll need some turpentine and a new brush. No sense foohng with those old brushes." MY SUBCONSCIOUS sometimes puts me off the paint job for months but eventually, agamst ilc; better judgment, I buy the paint, the turpentme and the brush I put my old clothes on. get a screwdriver to remove the top of the paint can and then I look more carefully at the room. Now I began to see what my subconscious saw all aJong. There are many things I have to do before I start to paint 1 have to move everything out of the room, I have to replace a piece of the baseboard that is broken and I have to scrape and sand the places where the paint is peeling. And I better go back to the hardware store to get some spackle to fiU the cracks in the ceiling. While I'm there, I'll pick up some undercoater for the new piece of baseboard and the spackJed cracks. It is quite probable that it is this wonderfully intellige nt subconscious part of our brain that makes us want to stay in bed another hour every morning. We want to get up. It knows that just as soon as we get up, the trouble will start all over again. ClDllY Cll Inatead of trying to turn Soulhern Callfornla lnto her old home town. Adriana Otanturco should ao b9c:k ta Be.ton &nd en~ tho t'Ommuter Lralna. A.M. Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Wednetday, June 30, 1982 Al J • •ANN LANDERS •ART HO PPE •HOROSCOPE Recipient should acknowledge · arrival of gift DEAR ANN LANDERS: HerC''ii a suggestion tor th06e fools who have grown IOUr On Sifl-gjvlng because the r<..'Cipient failed to acknowledge that he or she received same. When a gift is mailPd (or delivered. If it's local), a letter should bt: S('nt that very day saying: "Congratulations. A gift WiiS i:;enl to you today (specify date ). The post oftice Informed me that 1t should take approximately X number of days (or weeks) .to arrive. I would apprec i ate your acknowledging receipt and condition." · This is about as diplomatic as you can get without interfering with the person's God -given right. to be forgetful o r incon siderate . Any effort to extract embarrassment, as you suggested. with a follow-up phone call or le tter inquiring as to whether or not the gift was re<:eived doesn't say much for the giver. A gift is not a gift if it has strings attached. Sure, it's nice to be thanked, but it's not really a gift if something is expected in return. I believe it is JX>ltY to become indignant w he n people faH to live up t o your expectations. "Expectations" i.s the world's No. l aoclal disease. When will man learn to apply expectations only to himself and good will to others? If one insists on having strings attached to his gift, he might just as weU be honest about it and stamp on the gift, in huge red letters. ''PLEASE HANDLE WITH CARE -SOCIAL OBLIGATION ENCLOSED." I'm signing this -NOT SO FOOLISH IN NEW YORK DEAR FOOLISH: Your notion that expecting an acknowledgment of a gift Is attacking a string to It ls bullfeatbers. Moreover, I djdn't know that God bad given r.eople the right to be forge tful and nconsiderate. It seems to me that a gift-giver Is entitled to know whe the r the gift was received. Where I come from we call it be ing a mensch. Gifts do go astray, you know. They are stolen, misdirected and just plain lost. To assume that every lift reaches Its deatlnatlon 11 1tupld and unreall1Uc. Maybe I am abnormal, but when I 1eod a gift I would Uke some a11uraace that It wa1 received. It'• tou&b eoouab tbe1e day1 to p~ for thin&• without puttlDg out money for ft• tbat never sot there. our 1ug1eatlon that a letter be sent on the day the alft 11 delivered or malled ls tacky. The un1poken me11age ls, 0 You are a 1lob a.ad wlll probably not acknowledge gift, so I am puttlJlg you on the spot." My 1ugge.tlon that the gift-giver telephone after eight weeks of sHeoce la lnflnitely more clvllli ed. DEAR ANN LANDERS : My sweetheart, 27 years old, is the most important person in my life. He used to smoke three packs of cigarettes a day. The doctor told him he had to stop. He did -six weeks ago -but now he has started to take snuff. He puts it under his lip, says it's a great substitute and has killed his craving for cigarettes. If snuff harmless, as he says? I am suspicious. After all, it IS tobacco. Please a AllN LANDllS '·~ .~ answer in the paper Very little has been written about this. fiORFOLK WORRY DEAR WORRY: Your sweetheart may have traded lung cancer for cancer of the mouth and throat. Snuff users also risk heart disease and high blood pressure. No physician I have talked to recommends it. Oln drugs be a fmmd m time of stress? If you keep your head together can they be of help? Ann Landt•rs' all-new booklet. ''The Lowdown on Dop<'." separates the fact from ihe fiction. Gee JI today. For each booklet ordered, send $2, plus a long. self-addressed, stamped envelope (J7 cen ts postage) cu Ann Landers, P 0. Box I 1995. ChJcago, 111. 60611 Reviews star wars HATCHED IN CAPTIVITY -Bald eagle eaglets (21h weeks old in photo) were hatched in captivity at the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center in Laurel, Md., in an oper ation run by u~ veterinarian James Carpenter. The bald eagle, designated the national symbol 200 years ago, has been slowly disappearing and efforts are being made to save them in various ways. For the benefit of inquV-ing readers, here are encapsulated reviews of the wars now playing in the international theater: AFGHANISTAN -<••>Based on the earlier war. "Vietnam," this Russian production descends into a turgid , meandering scenario that serves primarily as a vehicle for rambling, i n e ffectual monologues by various world leaders. A cast of u nknowns strives to enliven t h e proceedings, but the combat is sporadic and inconclusive at best. Like many lesser Russian efforts, this war seems to display a total lack of direction. CAMBODIA -<*>of interest only to Asian scholars, this interminable slaughte r appears to be derived from the ancient Dravidian "bhodishiva" fables of reincarnation. Here, the central figure is one Pol Pot, a villain of monstrous proportions who starves, tortures and executes millions of his countrymen o nly to be reborn following the invasion of his nauon by Communist Vietnam as a democracy-loving freedom fighter. Why and how are never made c lear. (In Khmer with Polis h subtitles.) FALKLANDS -<* * * *> This delightful Victorian period piece will appeal Aquarius: Popularity • 1ncreasee Thursday, July 1 ARIES (March 21 -April 19): Steer clear of involvement with individuals concerned with get-rich-quick scheme. Suck to familiar ground. Be aware of security, safety and take conservative course. Be a comparison shopper where interest rates enter picture. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Go s low, maintain low profile. make inquiries and be positive of legal rights. permissions. Social activity cou ld lead to valuable contacts. Restrictions do not equate with defeat. Delay will eventually boomerang in your favor. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Study Taurus message. Check details. be aware of small print and don't lose track of main objective. One who shares basic interests will suggest an alliance. Be receptive but hold off on fi nal commitment. • HOIOSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA I CANCER (June 21-July 22): Imprint style, shake off lethargy. get ideas on paper ahd conununicate with member of opposite sex. Focus also on children, speculation , change. possibility of travel and variety of opportunities. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Major domestic adjustment indicated; you'll have chance to rebu ild on a more solid base. Take time to be diplomatic. You win through persuasion, not force. Taurus. Libra, Scorpio persons figure prominently. Gift is on the way. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Define terms, check with relatives, verify directions and take special care in traffic. Aura of oonfuaion might exist in connection with projected trip. Cancer. Pisces and another Virgo play significant roles. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Make this a power-play day. Lunar and numerical cycles point to lnaeued income, more authority and a ~fuJ tnv tment. You'll have added rnpon1lbllity, rreater chance tor reward. You'U bo n o 1louch in IOVP depertmen\, either. IOORPIO (Oct. 2S-Nov. 21): CycJ at ~ you r-.ch men ppoplo, pin PlaudJta Md wlll be fUrUn1 with fame. J\Mlpneni. 'nluhlon hit mark of accuracy circumstances tum in your favor, accolades are received from peers and superiors. favorable. You'll be very s uccessful in dealing with women. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21 }: AQ U ARI US (Jan . 20-F e b . 18 ). Popularity increase$, career gets boost and you might be ~sked to travel. Gemini. Sagittarius natives play key roles. Social invitation leads to an important meeting. You'll make new start, you'll also get to heart of matters with member of opposite sex. Clandestine conference leads to valuable contacts. Show that you can be discreet. PISCES (Feb. 19 -M arch 20): CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan . 19): Family loyalty becomes major con sideration in making business or career decision. Cancer, Taurus and another Capricorn figure in scenano Public response to your efforts is Restrictions are removed; you'll be free to experiment, travel and publish. Lines of communication open, language and distance cease to be barriers. Spiritual revelation also highlights scenario. Keep eye on Scorpio. GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Neither vulnerable. South deals. NORTH • K 10 ~A 10 52 0 A543 • A97 WEST EAST •J •9753 cv>Q974 '7 KJ 83 0 K J 8 0 Vold + J 10843 + K Q652 SOUTH •AQ8642 '7 6 O Ql097 62 +Vold The bidding: I South Wut Nord1 Ea1t 4 • p.,. 4 NT PaH 5 • Pa11 PH1 Pau Ope ning lead: Jack of +. Expertt make fewer. but more 1pectacular. ml1tak1es than do average player•. To , prove our point. here'a an ex ample from t.hia year'• England ve. WalH e n count.tr. All wt can tell you about the aucUon 11 that South*• five 1p1de rebid 1howed a minimum four 1p1d• optnln1 bld. P1rhap1 North had '"" 1orn1 of hi• parUtr'• prHmpta btfort, but If 01\e or I"' put,,.,, ""' to open four spades, it would !ake more than wild horses to keep us out or slam. The play did not measure up to usual expert standards. West led a club and declarer ruffed. A spade Lo the king retched Lhe jack from West. Declarer continued with the ten of spades. Now he elected to try to cash the ace or diamonds before gelling back to his hand to draw the last two trumps. That proved fat.al. East ruffed the ace of diamonds and returned a club. Declarer still had to lose two diamond tricks ror down one. Actually, the hand is cold for twelve tricks as tht cards lie. Declarer did nothing wrong in the play t.o the first three tricks. But then he should have crossed back t.o hie hand with a club ruff to draw the laat two trumps. taking care to stuff two hearts from dummy. All that ia needed now to en1ure the re111t or the trick•. aave one. 11 a 11fety play In dlamond1. Declarer lead• tht te n or dlemond1 and, If Weit rollow1 wllh a low card. dtdarer run• tht ltn. On tht actual dl1trlbutlon. £a1L fall• to follow . and It 11 a 1lmplt matter lo continue wl&h a dla moecl lO Litt a and "'"' eoa cede a diamond trick. West's return, either a c:lub or a heart, is won by dummy's ac:e, and there is still a dia mond on the table to allow declarer to gel back to his hand and run the diamonds What if the ten of diamonds loses lo an honor in the East hand'! Then the ac:e will pick up the remaining honor and declarer makes the rest of the tricks. And if West shows out on the first diamond. declarer rises with the ace and returns a dia mond toward the queen. No matter what. the defenders un come to only one dia mond trick. lhbber brid1• clab1 Uiroqhout tJte COUl.l'J' GH die fotLMleal brl4p ...... t. o. dter u.. .... ~ .. ro• dH't? Chari.. G•r .. ·1 "fHr•DHI lrfd1e" wfll &Melt , •• Ute 1&.rat. ........ f.actlc• •• &Ma laat·pKed IC' u..,...u.~w .. &.1.e .... ,.,. ... ..... .. ,... , ... ..,, .............. . MM ti. fa &. --0. .... ... DHI," .. ,. •• tilth ...,...,.,, P.O. I•• ht, Nww ... , N.J. OTMt. Nike ..... ,.,...._ a. New• ............ ART HOPPE THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER more to aging war buffs than to the computer-oriented younger generation, although guest appea rances b y s uch attractions as the French Exocet provide a modern touch. The highly original script captivates viewers with a marvelously comic beginning a nd then plunges them into frighte ning scen es of crnema v erite. Violence. howeve r. is kept to a relative minimum and Anglophiles. particularly, will love the happy ending. IRAN-IRAQ -( * *) This overly long Persian epic desperately demands extensive and ruthless editing. It is ~ved from being a total disaster solely by the superb work of Ayatollah Khome ini, one of the great villainous characters of this or any other war. It ends with the Ayatollah triumphing over the lraqi invaders and posing an awesome threat to the enllre Middle East, 1f not the world. Watch for the sequel, coming soon. IRE LAND -( *) This seemingly endless. re petitive conflict offers more violence than Clint Eastwood has been through in a lifetime. The theme. which borrows heavily from the Theater of the Absurd. appears to center on whether one should eat wine-dipped wafers in church. Of inte rest solely to Boston politicians and two-fisted bartenders. LEBANON <***)This blockbuster was produced by Menachem Begin and directed by Ariel Sharon. two of the toughest war makers in the business. Fe aturing s pectacular photography of exploding buildings and homeless refugees. Lebanon offers enough armed might to warm th~ heart of a ny war fan. The maps alone are a strategist's delight. Numerous interesting characterizat10ns heighten the production. (Yasser Arafat 1s outstanding as a trapped guerrilla leader vowing to fight to the death.) The grim slaughter of innocent civilians is relieved , (ortunately, by an occasional humorous line as when Begin tells American reporters in Washington: ''Israel did not invade Lebanon." EL SALVADOR -<*> This initially promising little war bogs down with a confus ing scenario which leaves the audience unable to tell who are the good guys. In a direct steal from "Cambodia," gun-slinging Roberto D'Aubuisson, who threatens to "ex terminate" his political enemies with death squads. wins an election and becomes a democracy-loving freedom fighter. Shades of Pol Pot! WORLD WAR Ill -(Too Late For Review) This sequel to WWI and WW Il. a joint U .S .-Sovie t production, is being heralded as the ultimate in wars. Featuring a cast of billions, World Warm will offer an apocalyptic vision of the end of all life on earth. (Running time: one minute, 30 seconds.) Don't miss it. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT I l'la~ ~mal l roles ~l\ m.a.tt~ pe.opl~'s live5, bu.t tn ~own I pla~ a pra.nc.l~l ~ par,, ~ 1 j I ~·· Orange Ooa1t DAILY PIL.OT/WednMday. June~. 1111 \\ l·.l>M·:stM \' -EVENM;- a.-oo I, •• 1, .. '° ""HIDINT "UOAN "11111 CONl'l9'1NCI e.-oo I a • HIW8 ~WOMAN Wondef Wom1111 rn.e11 • 12-yHr-olO glrl trom llllOI'* world w11n a1>41C1al powwa .,1(1 conv1neea he< 10 atey In thl• WOtld 10 keep 11 .. 1. from enemy ~··· tlJ THI 8AIHT SlmOo ent9'a ll'le wotld 01 lnltrnetlonel HOlon•g• wn.n • civil ..,.vent gets trlelted Into tmuggllng Meritt documenl• to EHi G«rn811y G» 8.W.A.T. • HAWAII AVE.Q A redlcal Chinese 11uaen1 I• touna deed jull as ~Garren hp obtained evidence ol hta connection with a llPY ring C!) HUMANmEB THROUGH THE ARTS "Or•m•· Nucleus 01 A Sto Cl) FOOTUOHT FRENZY The award w1nn1no Low Moan Spectecular comedy troupe performa a hilarious revue or show business Ille .. ._, fll HUMAN FACE OF CHINA "Something For Every· one .. A peoples commune PfOductlon IN.m IS 1ne locus or th•s him expte1n1no tne workings or a typl(al commune In China (A) m> AMERICAN OOVEJIHMEHT "Fede<allsm The Dtv1slon Of Power Between Tne Nlllon And Tiie States .. ('[DJ BAAHEY Mill.ER Cnano becomes depressed all., ahoottng two bani! robbers ano Bar· ney's wife mekea a c;tll- zen'a arrest or 111 8-year. old boy. Q!NEWS 8;46 (%) CHARl.£8 CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE 1:00 II C88 NEWS D ~NEWS "l(IJNO RJ Caine finds • brother 1n an old Indian who d1e1 lorg1v- 1ng all 1ne Wounded K~. 8 A8CNEW8 0 l<OJAK KOjal< hunts tor the man respons1ble for • rip.oft"' Sf Olen MCUtll IM and Ille ITIYfdef of three vletlms G» M•A•S•H Sudden symptom• ol IH- ness In Ho1 Lipa and In COi Potter's levorlre mere cause concern In the 4077th. I JOl<EA'8 W1lD e BU8ff'88 MJIORT III EHTERTAIHMEHT TOHIGHT An onlervteW wtlh Kim Flelds (I! THE MUPPET'S Guest· Judy Cotllns ~MOVIE Ir* "Birth Of TM Bea. Ills" ( 1979) Stephen M9cilenne, Rod Culbe<t· .son The story of JOlln PllUI. Ringo Ind Geo<ge from !heir obscure t>egon n1ng to t!Mllr stardom (O)MOVIE • • "Siience Ot The North" (1981) EJlefl Burs· tyn, Tom Skamtt In 1919 •young wom1n·1 marr19941 lo • t,.ppet lead1 '* to a Nle of hetdlhlp In the wol· dernesa of nor1'*n C.vi• da. 'PG' (%)MOVIE • • • .. Chapter T•o" ( 1979) James c .. n. Mar. Iha Muon. Soon ellet hit wile's death. a writer finds h'"-11 relUGlentty llllklQ In loYe again 'PO' 7:IO 8 2 ON TltE TOWN Faetured· a Mgmenl or "Juktltlox," an ~ IMture on video 1apes Mt PERFORMANCE -Jazz musician Dawe Gi lles pie is among featured artists in "Mayport and All That Jazz" tonight at 7:30 on KOCE (50) and at 8 on KCET (28) co popular mualc. tour the Oomeln Ch1oon and Sehr ems1>«g w1""' lea 1n Nape Valley, new way. 10 cope with mlg1al1111 n.ted· M:"lll 0 OJ) f'AMIL Y FEUD 0 EYEONL.A. Featu•ed motorcycle 110· atS who coutl death 1n oangerous races. IM ultl· male l•mo••ne. an ar11s1 who spec1a111.s In j)41fma n8"1 makeup wllh 1e11oos 0) M•A•s•H Col Pc.tier's m11re Sophie mys111rlously d1sap1)1111r1 lrom h« corr al and H1wk · tyll Ind B J lry lo help I young Korean who ls ttylng 10 e11Qld conscrlf)tlOn 1n10 Ille wmy Cl) TIC TAC DOUGH fl:) MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT '1!) MAYPORT ANO All THAT JAZZ Highlights or the jau tesll· VII held In lhe small flllllng viii~ or Mayport, Florlde. a1epr-•e0 (f§) YOU A8KEO FOR FT Fealuted France's Wine Swim men H) WHAT OH EARTH Orson Bean hosts tn1s tast·peced. tacHlfled SCI· ence Minos 8:001) MOVIE * •'11 "Race ror You• Life, Cnar11e Brown ( 1977) Ani- mated VOIC•• OI Ouocar Walson Greg F•llon Baaed on a comic strip b) Cllarln Schull Cll8111t Btown and the enllrf .. P..,,uta" gang head '°' summer camp w11«1 the) becotM Involved In-• , wild ad...,,tur ... (A) D Cl! AEAl PEOPLE Featured • PfofMalonal dog walker; I tNf'I wllo bulh I flll..9Cale repllca of • Villlng Wllp, a Ooctor wllo la alto • 11Ml<klp oomedl· an (A) -~ • • • "Shenandoah" f 1965) Jem" S•-••I, Doug McClut1 A neutral lettn« ~ ~ 1n 1"41 Clvll W11 aller Illa daugnr..-prom•-to mar- ry • Conleder ate SOidier 8 9 MOVIE • • '" M1dnignr Olla .. 1ng1" (1981) Melisse Sue An<Hlfson. Mary McOo- nougn A hou ltylng contest aevetopt between a youno gltl wlln PSyChlC powetll ond a wtlct> WhO desHoys anyone She cannot dom•· nete (AJ 0 MOVIE • • ''> W1lh0UI Rese<va· hons· f 19461 Claudelle Colbert, .lohn Wayne On ,,.,, way ro Holl.,....OO<l a noveosr tru1e1s 1 Ma11ne 8110 hit lt!Md on the train CD P M MAGAZINE A 2 ·yeat-old bowl«, e pr aacller who has c;arrleO a WOOden CfOSS 4,00() mllet Cl) MOVlf. • * ·~ 'Double Indemnity" ( 1973) Alehard Crenna. Samantha Eooa•. A wom· an plant 10 mu•der her husband and he11e It a~t IO be an llCGldenl In order 10 COl*t on Ill• Nie 1n-llnC4! po11cy fll MAYPOM' AHO All TMAT JAZZ. HIQhlfQhta of the jazz real!- ' ,. viii held tn tt\e email fishing vlHage of Meyporl, FIOfldl •••P<-•ed CJ) THE ROOTS OF AOCK 'N'AOU. "lne Teen ldola" Holl Paul Anka Guests: Feb1an. Nall Sedeka. Frenhl• A11•10n. Rick Nellon, Elton Jonn (Pan 2) CHJMOVIE • • ·~ 'Tna Survivor (1981) Aob41rl PO .... I, Jen- ny Agurrer A pilot aurv1ves a catastropllte H7 crash un1Gr1tched 1nd MllCllU tor the' man reaoonslble ((l B&ZAARE "GOd'a Presa S.c:rellry" O MOVIE • * "The Hollywood Knignta" ( 1980) Aob«r Wuhl. Tony Danza On Hll· loWMn 1M1 In 1965, ll rowdy high scnoot gang wreeka navoc In Beverly Hiiia 10 ev41"ge the closlng 01 tllelr hangout by IM 1oca1 home owoer s IMOCI· •tlOn 'A" 8!30 • l"fUNCE88 A ttoubted 11en-1ger attempts to ""' with the otvoroe of '* parents '1!) I HEARD FT THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE Writer James Blldwln returns to Ille South lot a 10<»< back 8' the civil rights movement of the ·501 end '60t and llOw 11 nas aftec1· ed AtM<leao hie today (_$) lAFF-A-THON A comedian hoer and lour comic cont .. tanta who compete agaln11 one eootner are featured lo thl1 uncensored comedy game lhow. ·=-(Q) 8UODIES HO 0 8 ntE FACTS Of UF£ A Japanese 1tuden1 at-her fath«'s '"' wftetl h4t vii/II her and finds that Alie It becomlog too Alnerlcenlzed (A) • MEW OIWF'IN "Salute To 101h Annlvef· Mry Of Ma Magailne .. Gueeta GIOfla Steinem, J-Fonda CWoll KklQ, Lorett• SWll, lei Grenl. •i HEAN>rT~ THE OAAJIE'VINE Writer J•mea 81ldwln ••turns to the South lot a look back 11 th• clvll rlghll movement of ''"' '50t eod 601 and h-It n.. atteca- ed AmtflC80 Ille tOd.,. Cl) M•A•a•H (C'MOYIE • " • "Cutter's Way' (1981) J<>M Heatd Jett BtldO" A maimed Vttl· nem vel and n11 belt lrleno. a eoc1a1 dropout. locus their energtn on IQl\lfng e murdet caae 'A' (O)MOV1E • • •.i, "Zorro, Tiie Gey Blade' 1198 I I George Hamilton. Lauren Hutton Ttl4I herOIC son of old c.11· torn11·• famous justtc. flghttl< II incapac:lleted by • rldklQ tnjury, forcklQ hit foWl!lh brother to don 1he cape and mull. 'PG' (I) A 11.AAE TOUCH Of MAOK: CHANNEL USTINGS Wofid-claaa magician Shi- mada. the tm<* ... llng carrtzW ana an •11ci11oQ ..... ecullon" by gufllotlne •• w111 a• beeullful lhowglrl1 and daullng maglUI feet• are ... lured t: 15 (%) CHAAl.£8 CHAMPUN ON THE F1l..M 8C1NE 0 l(N)(T (C BSI 0 l(NBC INBCI 0 KTLA l lnd I 8 KABC I ABCI 0 ICFM B !C ASI 0 l<HJ TV llnd I a;)KCST (ABCl CD I( TTV (Inn 1 Ii) KCOP TV llnd t gi KCEl IPBSI IIilKOCE 1PBS1 0 On T\/ l T \I " 11flo • c ( 1ru n·,.• • t 1WOfi1 ~•'T 11 iWT A\1 r ir<,r>1111 S Vluwt1,•\t·1 0 '>iu1111111,1 8 ll11tll• Nrw'w Nd-w-nr~t e:ao II BAl<IA'& DOZEH T.,ry dlacown that '* dinner date 'lllrith Miki II rMlty a stake-out D Cl! LOVE. 8IONEY SldMy It g!Vtf'I lun cont• 04 ot .,, advertltlng agency·, new ec:count. (A) ., LOY£, AMENCAN 8TYl.i 'Nothln' But Tiie Ttulh'' Corle decides that She •"<I Paul must be totally truth· rut with .acn 011>« (lf)MOVIE '""Oft Tiie Nvht T1~" ltH 11 Q1ry Cot1"11n, a.tk:lulll l •mblclr A aoclal worll11 lllN to find a llOf· mal hOn\I lot I 11111\ 118 lion "'-llfne bOy WfOI I tall11t l0t Picking th• ..-~· I* "Golt>' A~" (1M1) Ton~ Oat1H, Jeee.lc,a Wll let Ttne Ofll'O\.tlllll hol<I Ille l)Ur8I 1t1lf'I01 to a 15. m1111o11 i!lhlthanoe 'PO' (J)MCMI ••• "Thi \/llley" ( 1912) Outle Ogier, Midi ... Qot. hatd A WNlthy women trl\1111 tO New OuiON In -ell °' netlVI "1ftll011 tor h4tr P11ta bOutlQue I0:008 CM~ "Thi Parole o.,,... .. J1y M()Mullen rcic>ort• on •t•t• parot1 OlllClrt, th•lr wlfd•. and the purpoMt and problem• of the petOll ~·"" U Cl!OUINCY Aft 1n.,..1ioa11on ltlto • 911'" pleiout '"• '"°' Oulocy loto th4t coml>atly 01 • dlt· turbed ;omenlac (A) l lov!.~ Aluls reltlndlll th• fir• Blake OMe fall IOI '*, ... He NICk UleS 8l•ke'1 epp11en1 lnlldellly to romanc:41 Krv-tle and Fii· ton meku • dae11loo abOut lier pregnal'IC)' (Al I!) MMC" '82 ~NTIOH Hlghtlghta ftom the con- vention Include Marg.,er Bu•h Wll1on'1 keynote add••n and President Benjamin Hook's 1peech ())MOVIE I* .. NU/'lvllle Gl<I .. p g7g) Montct G1y18. Ao08t Dav· 11 A K111tucky farm girl 'lllrith MllChet tor SUOCUI In the country-musle capl· rel. 'R' 10:301 NEWS NMCP ''2 CONVBmOH Hlghllghlt lrOM 1118 con· venrion lnctvae Margaret Buth Wllaon·a keynote addren and Prealdenr Benjamin Hook's ao-;h 11:00 IJ DD Cl) l!JJ all NEWI • 8ATUAOAY NIGHT Host· Mary Kay Place Guest Wlflle Neltor1. l.'J YOU ASKEO FOR rT FN.tu•ed .. Japan·a Humen Bombs" and "Exciullve. O••nd C1rcu1 Ot Ma.cow .. fD M •A•a•H • The 4077111 finds a llttle buod141 ot joy on ltt door- step Cl) IEHNY HIU Benny pr8Mfltt his own venlorl of • pop 1 .. uvai 8!) JAZZ AT THE MAIHTENANCE SHOP "8111 E118111 Trio (No II 8111 Evan1, piano: Marc JoMlon, baal. Joe l.aBar. b41ra, drums (A) (C)MOVIE * * • •.i, "I Love You, Allee B Tc>kla•" ( 19&8) Petti< Sellara, Leigh hytor- YOUtlQ A ml<ldle-eged law- ~. d~hAll'llad wtrn his or-1 NfMlyta st8r1a 8 new tile with • YOUtlQ hip- pie 'A' (DJ MOVIE * • • "Excalibur" ( 1g9 I) Nigel Terry. Nlool Wiiiiam- son Tiie •~plolta or King Anhur bring power ana death to the knights ol Ille Round Table 'A' -~ * * "Saturday The lotth" (1981) Rich.VO 84lnjemln, P81ifa Prtf'ltlas A eouple dltlOOllef that the nouse they've inl\eflted 11 being occupied by 1t1mplre1, ghosts and lllOflad mon- 11ers PG' 11::30 II CJ) MOVIE * * ·~ .. F_ ta Tiie Key' ( 1973) Barry Newmao Suzy Kendllf A lugrhve lrom the potioe and a gang of thlevea _,en ror 1ne C6rgo of an airplane they ehOI down In the Gull OI Me~loo (A) D 8 WIMBLEOOH UPDATE A rac>on on ~11 11 me AJl-.England T tnflts Charnpl<>nlhlpl I• Pf-I· ed. 0 9 ABCNEWI NIOHT1.NE 0 MOYIE * • "lmpultlon" ( 1g72) A.lelendro Rey, Katherine Ju9Ucto A ecaodllf erupts when rntmberl ol Ille lnteroatlonal jet aer b«lorne lmlolY9d In 1 mur. dercue fD THEM+IW Someone ffOM 0.0.ge'a put thrNlant him with blade mall. ., LOVE. AMENOAH STYLE "Love And The Good Samattten" Freddy gets ~ed wt111e nxlng • leaky pipe for the woman neal door • OK*CAVETT Guetr Sugar Ray Leonard (R) (HJ MOV1E • • * "Hloh Altlt" (198 I) JetMS Brolln, CleaVOl'I Lit· lie A trio of grwdy lrleoda plot the robbery ot a mH· lion aottara trOM a South ' TUBE TOPPERS KNXT (2), KNBC (4). KABC (7),KFMB (8). K CST ( 10) 6 :00 -"Presiden t R~aaan's Presa Conf,.renc.-e." KOCE (~0) 7 :30, KCET (28) 8:00 "Mayport and All that Jau." Jau fcatlval performaru.'e at Mayport, f eaturlng Dlzzie Gtllesple, the Phil Wood.a Quarter and Marcus Roberta. Photo, left. ~ (7) 8:00 -"Midnight Oftering.s." Mt.•Uua Sue Anderaon, Mary McDonough •tar in story about a con teet between a young girl with psychlc powens and a witch. KNXT (2) 10:00 -"The Parole Game." Report on parole officers, their wards and the purposes and problems of the parole system. Review below. American d•uo d .. ler 'A' (.l)MOVie * • ...., "Blow Our .. (1981) John Travoll•. N1ncy Allerl A IOUlld lachnlCIM wno work• on horror film• becc~ lnvo!Yed In a mufd« rnyatery Wiien lie Wll-Ill IM&ull'la· tlon 'R' lZ)MOVE * • Sll1nc• 0 1 The NOl'111" p g8 I I Eller> But•· l)'fl, Tom Skerrltl In 1111g. • young woman'• meul1gt to 1 trapl)e( !Nd• lier to • Ille ol hardlhlp In the Wil· der"neea of nor111etn Cen.s da 'PG' 11:46 D 1B ~ 8E8T Of' CAMON Holl Johnny C•••on Guetll ChetllOl'I HHton, Dorothy Stretton. Wally MOllrmen (A) 12:00 8 l!NTERTAIHMEHT TONQHT An il'lttf'Vlew with Kim Fi.ia. 8 9 l.OVE90AT A gll<>el QOM hutbaod· hunting for Illa widow, and Gopher'1 1111,, develope 8fl lolWHt lo o0c (Al CD MOVIE * * * '.~ "0111ld A11d Ba1hahebe" ( 1952) Grego- ry Pack. SuMl'I Hayward Oavlcl, 111e king of the,,_. laNa In love with Bath.n.. ba. another men'• wtt. ., LOW, AMElllCAH 8'TYLE "Love AnO Tiie King .. An old Army bu<ldy drape 111 on Bob Cur1ll, flllthtul hu.- band and office drudge • UNDEMTANOIHO HUMAN BEHA"'°" "Con1clouaneu Ana 5*p" '"° • COUPL.E8 Trua1 la 111 question Dlt-lhl• young cou- ple. ·= "S-c:ll And 0estrO¥" 1~~MOVIE * • * ....... The Mueic Mao .. ( 1H2) Aober1 PrM1on, Shirley ~ A IMl·lllfll· Ing NleM\8t1 cornM IO a smell 1own In Iowa 10 org• 1'1121 • DOyl' band and lnad"*1ently 11111• lo love with an unmarried Nt>tarl- an. 12:.e a a I.ATE NIOHT WITH DAVIO l..ETT'EAMAH GUN1a St-Miller, Mr T .. Vlllr1 &ornti.io 1:00 8 ~ ••• ·~ "Hold Back The Oewn.. ( 11141) Cn111es Boyer, Oll\118 de Havilland To gain entry 11110 the couolry, • •etugee plan1 ro marry I U S. ClliZIO end divorce her •11-•rds g) MOVIE * • 11\ "Tli<M VIOient Peo- ple" ( 1956) C'1arllon H.._ ton, Anne 8aJlter Two men and • womao boc<>m41 Involved in a tnangle whlle to0nrlng 811 unl1l1 provl- alonal government 1;05 CID MOVIE • • •·~ "Allenuc City' ( 11180) Burt LancHter, Sutan Sarendon The ••ranoeo nuaband ot en oyster bar walrr ... arrives with her pregnent youoger elater and aome atolel'I heroin, which lie W81111 en -01ng hoOd to Mlt tor him. 'A' 1:10 8 MOVE ••~ .. Welcome To Arrow 8-:tt" ( 11177) l.llUflr>Ct Hwvey. Joaona Pe1111 A young WOfl\8t'I lllelllng I he Santa Berber• b11cn hou• ol 1 potlll, llOfl·•OO- klO ota.r men dlacover• lh•t ,,., hOlt .,., • datkttr •ta. to hi• ~'°"•Illy 1:1•~= * * "HUN)' .. (1g801 Halen Mlnen. JOlln Shea A nlghlclub hoarua becomet lnvQlved woth a myatarloua underworld Naocia11 wllo la threat- ened by hel murderous ex. lover 1:20(1)MOW * * ·~ "Chu Cnu Alld The PttlHy Flath" ( 1981) Ala11 Atkll'I, CatOI Burnell An alcotloilc tormer bueball pl•yer and • hOOl<y stteel enten~ become P•.rt· ,_, In 1 ac:,neme to make money by returning a 1011 IUltCllM 'PO' 1:461 D Cl! NEWS 2:15 MOVIE • • * "The S1vege 8-" I 1978) Ban Jonnson. MIChMI Perks A horde or k!I* African bMa lnVadea New on.ans at Mardi Gtas time 2:*>0 MO~ * * "Home Movies' I 1980) Keith Gordon, Kirk Oouglu A young film alu· dent suiters from a bedgetiflo 1aac11er and an artracil()n 10 NI brother I /lane. PG' U)== • •~ "'Arcn Of lnumpn .. ( 11148) lngtld Bergman, Cllarln Boyer. All AUltrl1n refugee Matches Paris fOf a 0..1epo ageor 2:IO CID MOVIE * • it "Sliver Streak" (1978) 0-Wlldef JIH Clayburgh A m lld· mant'llf.0 book editor 1ccldenrally bacom1s l11volvld In • tlr>lat., an , thief'• blUrre plot durlno • croaa.()ountry train ride 'PG' ~-MOW! "Th<M LegtoM..-1" ( 1g37) • Aober1 Atm1trong The ata<y ot a Sfbertan taok town aller Wond War I (S) A MM TOUCH Of MNMC Worlek;f ... tneglclan Shi- mada. the emo11-11ng Canilinl and an exciting "execution.. by guillotine •• will •• beautlful sho...otrll and dazzling megleal leela ate rMturad (Z)MOVIE * * • "Tiie \/alley'' ( 111721 8"111 Ogltlf'. Mtc:nael Gor- nard A -lthy woman travels to New Guinea 1n eea.rch ol nettve artifacts for ner Perla bou11que. 3:10~MOV1E • • "Separara Ways" (1960) Karen Blacll. Tony Lo Blaoco A young COU• pie's tallute 1o commvn•· care '-'Y r-.111 In the Oestructlorl of lhtM• mar- rlege 'R' ._'00 (l) IMZAME .. God'a Prna S.Cre1ary .. 0 HAMMER HOUSE OF HOAAOA .. Chaflll Boy" A man u- • cursed Afr1C411n ste1ue11e to put • se>ell on some frllnda "'* a group picture, not 1u1ng Into conlldera- tlon th4t feet he II In rne pnoto. 4:JO 8 YOVAGe TO THE 90TTOM Of THE NA .. The Mummy" (l)MOYll! • • "Naahvllle Girl .. ( 19711) Monica Gayla. Roger Dav· Ill A Kentuc*(y 18'm gttl with -m.. tor 84JCCeSS JOHN DARLING In llWI 00\ll'llfy•"-ic CJlpi ..... ,.. ... (Al lltO'M • * • "ll1rt1ng Over" ( 111711) Burt Aey1'0ld1, JIH Cl•';t>uiOh All., montne of TV Olnnara ar>O bllflO dat•. 1 d~C41d meoa line wrl1et think• ne· • IOUllO 1"'8 lo,.. wllt11 • ICllOOllllClllf 11118'1 Iii• Ute Ill' 4:90 (C) MOV1I I • * "M0tga11I" (IOU) V1•1t• .. r~grave Devit.I Warn• T hur•da11'• Dnyt l mf-itlovltt• -MORNHG - l:30 {CJ •I* .. A Face In The Crowo" 11957) Ancy Grlf Nth, PattlCI• Neal A de!el ICI goea from • JAii cell 10 n•llonll reco0n1tion on 111e •lrengtll of 1111 hum0t end m1111ea111Jent D a • • "Simon' ( 1980) Alan Arllln, Au1rln Pendl•· Ion Sclel'lllsta 81 a bluite• ty ml&dlracred think tank convince • bumbling COi· lege PfOIMIOr lhlt lie It en alien from ouret •pace PG' ( 2) * • '.-\ 'Btow-Up ( 19681 David Hemmings \laneaaa Aedg11ve When • youno LondOl'I pnotogra- ~ hH aome ot his pic. IUtM blown up lie dlM:OV· 11<1 llWhll appears to be a mutder 7:00(ti) * •• • Far From Tne Meddlng Crowo ) 1967) Julie Cht1111e, Te•ence Stamp A willful youno term girl ballers hetaelf but dettroys thtee men In the process l:OO (S) * • .. Huc*(lebetry Finn" 11974) JeH Eaar. Paut Wlnllel<I A young boy and a runaway slave become 1nvotvea In a _,.. of adventures while fleeing down Ille M1aa1sa1p. pl Arvet on a tall 'G' 140 g * * •.i, "For You• Eyes Only" (1981) Roget Moore T opol James 8ond 11 ack s a c11m1na1 who purloined a rop Merel 8r1rtsn oalense ~.·PG· (%) •• ·~"'Blow Out ( 1g91) J<>M TtevOlla, NM· cy Aller> A sound techfll clan Who works on horror lllm1 becomes involved In a murder mystery wnen he wit-en asaa.s..na- tlon 'A' lt:OO CC) • • • · Returo 01 A Mao Called Harle .. ( 11176) Aicllaro Harris, Gale Son· Oergurd An Eogtial1 lord return• ro America whtl'I he learns that Ille Indiana who lnlllllled him Into tne4r l•tbe heve 1011 their modear preserve to ttappera 'PO' 10:00 CB) ••~"For Your Eyet Only" ( 198 t) A<>g9t M00te. Topol. J-Bond trllClts a crlmlt* wllo purloined • lop aacret 8r1tlsh def41"M deYIG4I 'PG' Cl)••• ··eamegrouncf' ( 19ot9) Van JOhnlOll, Jonn Hodlak American SOidiers of the IOlst Airborne Div•· liOfl engage 1n the French campalon and Ille 88111e ol ,,,. Bulge 10';30 (?) * II ft "Why Would I l 18?" (19801 Trea1 Wil- liama, L•58 EICl'lhorn A cornputl/Ve llar upsets the status quo with nla 1e1uaa1 to conform 'PG' 11:00 ('C} * * "High Country .. {19811 Timothy Bo11om1 Linda Purl An escaQeO convlel and n1s haodl· capped gttUrlend flee to Ille mountains 'PG g * * * 'h .. Gimme Sne4· let"' ( 19701 Aot11ng Stones. Jelt11<son tf\lrplane. This documentary of the Rotting Stones' 1969 Amtflcan tour l11Cludes _,_ ot 1ne rlOtlng and mur-der et 811 Altamont SpeedWey tree ~ 12:00 0 * • '!\ .. ScenM From A Murdtl< .. ( 1975) T*'ly Seva- IH. Anne Heywood A youog acvesa wltoesses the murder of ner tover and 11 then pursuecl aod ..... orlHd by lhe killer fD * * * "Tiie P\.irple Haerr.. ( 194'1 Farley GrA098f, Dana Andr_. The J9'*18M hold trlll lor e ight American fllera Oii~ WWII mlllCNt ••• ~ ''GMll.._, _..,ry 8'11Mtt.... ( 11115) Ja11a A11u1ll, JH n11e Ctein r-1110w ~ ~, ... In ,.., .. •llempt to 11889 ~ frO<tl lflle1ferlng wllll tllelr cat-• <I> • ·~ 0n rr1e lllight Traci!" (1HI) Gwy COie- man, Mich ... Lllflbectl A llOQlal WOtk9' 111at 10 llnd a ootmll ~ tor a tfltn ••••IOtl lhOellllne boy wlll1 • •al<Mt tor pk:ktng 111e ponlee 'PO' 1a: 11 (%) * • ~ ,,,. '"""°" .. 8111!h4tlor ( 1117111 Monie. V1111, OtancwlO 01enn1n1 On 1r111 tor mutderlng ner h1•1band, I o.au11ru1 WIG ow antht1U1 1"41 jury With her rem9'nbra~ of fl8f peulOf)Ala domtllle NII 12;30 0 • * * * ' Tiie Liie s now· 119111 All C11nay. Liiy l omlln A ... '°'*' private eye 1ncounte<1 bl•ckm•ll ano murder wtien ne c°"'" our of ••llrement to toceta a cal belonglno 10 1n ottbear female client 1:00 (CJ * • • '"T1141 Ru'" Of Tiie Game" ( 11139) Marcel Dalio. Nora Gregor French tocial end Mxuet mor• Mll>8•11e ar1a1ocre1a and work1ng-cla11 people before Wottd Wll I 1~ lt4l • • '" 'Zorro. Tiie Gay Blade 1•981) George Hamilton Ulur8" Hutton The ne101c '°" 01 old C•ll· to1n1e·a lamou1 Juttlce fighter IS lncapKltilad by a ndlng tn)Ury. forcing his loppiah bror'* to oon lhe c~anomUk 'PO 1:60(l_)••''> 81ow0ut' (198 II Jonn lrevOll•. Nan· cy Allen A 10Und tect1n1· clan wtio work• on horror lllm& 1>ecome1 lnvotve<I on a murdet mystery wh8" he wllnes&es an ataattlna· lion 'A' 2:00 (I) * it "T'"' Amazing AOven1u1es Of Joe 90 • Anima1e0 Th4t son of en alectronocs ••Pert becomes • spacial agent tor lhe World tntelllgtflC8 Network aa • result of his lather's lateat invention 2:$0 0 * * "The Kid From Not-So-&g ' f 19781 Jeo- nller McAlh11e1 Aoben Vonaro A 12-year·old gitl llnds heraell 10 Ind ou1 ol trouble wlllle runntog 1ne lown MWl!>apot 3:30 (R) • • .. Salurdey Tne 14th" ( 198 I ) AIC:hatd Ben· 1am1n, Paula P1en11ss A couple dllCOvllt lh81 the nouse rnev'ri 1nner1ted Is being OCCupted by vam- p1rea. gnosrs end ISIOttea monsters PG 3:40 (lJ • • Silence 01 Tne NOt1h .. (19811 Ellen Burs- lyn, Tom Skernll In 1919. a young women 5 ma111ege to a 1tapper teed& he< 10 ~ Ille ol hardtnlp In the wd- derness or nonh41rn Cana- da 'PG' •;OO iJ * ~ 8IOOd On The AtrOW 11964) 0818 Aober1son M8r1ha Hyer A uvalry ~ wllO l\ad suMYed en Apache mas- aac18'1•ies to help 1 couple tecover their child from Ille lndla111 (SJ * * "Huckleberry Fino f 19741 Jeff Eut, Paul Wtnlteld A youno boy and 1 runaway aleva l>«OtTWI involved In • ter'8I of aovenrures -le nt.ng 0owo Ille MtlSJSSIP· pi Rl..,., on • tell 'G 4:300 *••"Simon '(1980) Alen Arktn, Austin Pendle-'°" Scientlata er a buarre- ly mlsdirKled lhlnlt tenlc GOf'lv1nce 1 bumbling COi· lege processor that he 1s an •hen lrom ou111< spaoe 'PG' 6:00 ~ * • '; ''81ow·UP (t9661 OaVld Hemmlnos Vaoessa Aedgra,.. Wnen a young London photogra- pher ha5 some or n1s PtC· tures blown up. he dl'ICOV· ws what all(>eats to be a murder 5: 15 (%) • • * Why Would I Lie?" (1980) TrMI Wrl- liams. Lisa Eic:nno.-n A compuls.ve llat UPMla the .11erus quo W1tn h11 1etusa1 to conform 'PG' &:30 lS) *'A "On The Righi Track " (1981) Gary Cole- man. M1ehae4 Lembed< A social worker lrlee 10 lino • normal hOnl8 I<>< • lreln station ano.tnlne boy w.1n • lalenl for plc;lcrng the ponies 'PG' by Armstrong & Batiuk WHEN 'r't>U i::"ll-E THe:M ,T~E.Y L.E/\VE 100 CLEAN A WOUND/ 'Parole Game' examines problems of systefil By FRED ROTHENBERG I# T....,...._ Writ« , NEW' YORK -Network dramas and local new8CaSts are fixated on crime and the courtroom, but television's Interest wanes when the Criminal le&.vea prison and returns to society. "CBS Reports: The Parole Game" tonight focuses on that chapter of the story. It's a chapter that CBS Entertainment coveN'd a bit with the short-run sitcom, "Report to Murphy," and the TV movie. "Parolo." But the other network.a i,nored the 1ubject A.ocordlna to CBS News, 75 p<>rcent of the rwtion•s parolC!Cll don't return to jail. From that $Uatk, it would m the 6.000 it.ate perolo o,flara are dolnt an effective job 1c pll'\I ex. convicU •U'al&ht. But are they? The polnt of vt.w of tonfaht'• docwnon1.ary, at 10 an channel 2 ii that the parot. tyt"1'1.\ la dOlna •ha' lt can, but 1Driety'11Jlmenta aro l.00 rvulve Jae Anderson lllhl .. _, r1V1al1 ~n the IJ l'i .. I for law enforcement officials who must act as psychiatrists, sociologists and astrol~t.s for their parolees. Does the parole officer show faith in the parolee, hoping to straighten out his life? But if the ex-con is left on the street, will he enda.naer the llve11 of othera? One parolee needed ahi.-ta to match h.la pe.nt3, IO he 1tole four of them. The p.i·.ol'" nfflcer takes a chance: ••1 want you to join th AA (AlcohoUc:s Anonymou.) proaram \!\at I live you M"Xl week and I want you to try and turn your life around." CBS does well c:apu.uina the responatbll1tiC111 ind rl10111 of parole oWcera, Ulu1tr1tln1 how mustve peC,k, cw ovwk>ldl and bwoeauc:raUc bun1lln1 LNMr bwdlna.. TM ~ la upeottd to do too much: flnd Jobi for &he uneducaUld. help &he addkWd and menially W, and chan.-1U.lludll ol ~. frwtn.S ritmlna&I Unton=ly lhe clocwntn"'1 newr 11u I di tN ol JM P9-l'.Orufioln to wp their Job mocJvaUona In Ntw Yo for ~. U..y iwd rnucer1 or llw °"""'' U..y thlmlflv. rejf!cta, or was parole work their first choice? The hour beings with a gritty look at parole officers chasing an abeconder, aomeone who has violated parole and is hiding. The officers aN:? not the matinee idols associated with prime-time detective ahowt. Their 1hir18 are hanging out. One I.a baldlna. Guns drawn, they barge lnto a ratty apartment ln the early rnomina. A """'1lan inside a-lee. A.a the man la led away, he 11ya: "Tell Jeric I love hlm." Producer-reporter Jay McMullen, wbo narrates the dooument.ary, explatna that Ufta 11:-..ondn-attacbd a crippled man, It.ripped h1m lnto h1a whoelchalt and smothered hJm &o doth Wlth a plllow. Ht left with the viO\lm'a wallet and watch. Prilonel1I AN btlnl ~ beck onto lM IUW\I ,_..., btfcn many ol thfn1 AN rMdy tor cMUan Ute. TtMft'• Un\lted room tn priaw, tM l\ltf"llll_Af\l\UAl eo.t of mal.n"1nln& a Nie pNontl' 11 ·~m;,d crowdN oourI calt ndart art ,.,.Aif~t = ~warf9,~,::"= • which decide whether prisoners are safe bets for release. CBS goes inside one parole board heering for a fascinating glimpee lnto the review process. The convicts plead their own caaes. without lawyers. The ded.lion to release a!\:.ara very atbltnry. bued on how the ptiaoner 1 conducts hlmlelf and .eena to Nve developed a ocm..dft)('e (OT his t»havior. ln one 1eene, the memben of the New York Parole Board dtaagree over one man'I ~ of impruonment., and iheir dtfr•rtna suaesUona reRmble the blddin1 on "Let'• Mak• a DMl." One complal.nt la that parole bo&tdl arm•t atven enouah lnConnatJon to make their ded~ CBS~ the oouna and proeea.non don't have releeae cue and •nc.tndnc data, but never·~ why tlwy w<>Wdn'\. • In all, It'• 1 .u,hlly a t"'9hot hour, whlic* mllht MVfl flowed more llnOOlhly by wur-a IOIM lndJYldUAl CUN IMtp by f\ep. HOW9Wr, \htri'a tUU lftOUlh tnt.trt1U~nfonnaUon from 1 law·lftd· onStf.,.. that Uml TY...,_., fow.t •"1 ~ ">••plol . 'I I THICUITAllTHICOUNTY .. . Dilly Piiat WEDNESDAY, JUN~ 30, tG82 COMICS STOCKS ENTERTAINMENT 82 85 87-8 Claire Trevor has moved from Newport Beach to New York and back into the spotlig ht. Page BB. D ~ D J • ~\ -a''' CdM Freeway roadblock falls Wanted: Sunny, uncrowded 4th HERE, THERE, EVERYWHERE: The citizenry is now gearing up for the Fourth if they don't take the fifth. Some will take both . Firew orks have now gone on sale. Except where they're illegal to shoot or even to hold. Sunset Beach in ou r coastal region is the exception. I t's legaf to peddle pyrotechnics in Sunset Beach but illegal to set them off there. A c urious combination of law. r...'\ _ You can buy 'em and TOM MORPHINE ~~ shoot 'em both m Costa ,~ M esa, F ountain Valley, _________ ,.. _ _..._ · Huntington Beach, Irvine and San Clemente along the coast. You can't do either legally in Laguna Beach, Newport Beach or Seal Beach. , OUT IN ORANGE COUNTY non-city territories. the law gets even more complicated. You can shoot legal fireworks in unincorporated te rriory where it's deemed safe. It is deemed not safe on county beaches, in parks or m areas where fire hazard closures are in effect. Independence Day surely h as become complicated m the 1980s. * * * One safe way to go for the holidays would be to try the fireworks at eith er Knott's Berry Farm or Disneyland . Satellite photo of U.S. cloud cover with ua shown at tunny star Both dis plays com e o r c hestrated with mus i cal accompaniments. * * * The Magic Kingdom also has its Main Street Electrical Parade in full s wing. Try this quiz: How tall is t he Blue Fairy float in the parade? Answer : Fifteen feet tall. Okay, how tall is the mushroom Alice rides? Answer: Fifteen feet tall. Conclusion: Disneyland has a thing about 15-foot tallness, right? Wrong . T he American Eagle that ends the parade is 17 feet taU. You couldn't have lived without all that information, could you'? * * * KNOTT'S BERRY FARM is also featu ring the most spectacular ice show you'll ever place eyeballs upon at th e farm's Good Time Theater . By now you may get the notion I'm trying to suggest everybody celebrate the Fourth o f July somewhere other than on the coastline. Why, I'd n ever do a thing like that. * * * Intelligence has come to this corner via J acci Laue r, public relations type, that t he Newporter Inn is no longer called the Newporter Inn bu t is simply The Newporter. period. You s~pect this clarification came m y way because of recent discu~ion of The Newporter's role in the late an d lamented Watergate biz. It was the Newporte r Inn then. It might be a slice of history The Newporter would just as soon forget anyway, whether it's inn or not in. * * * Headline spotted in o ne of our county's fair inland periodicals: "Industry anxiously awaiting recovery." You 're left hoping they're d oing something besides just waiting. * * * AND FINALLY: The magic wire photo machine here in the newspaper office that sends weather pictures from satellites just sent us a n advisory. It declared, "Cloud cover delayed." Let's hope that wasn't some lame excuse but rather. a prediction for the upcoming holiday. Treasure Islanders to press challenge Delplte a aetback in Orange County Superior Court, the Trea1ure Ialand Tenanta ~don plana to continue it.a lepl challenge of a proposed dri»-&hare r'e90rt howl In South IAcuna· "We're not d~ by the dec:Won," ueoclation preeldent SUie ~ Mid of Superior Court Judie Thomu Crotby'1 Nini \0 deny• wrh of manda&e halUftl lhe projlct 'the ~SI poup had ~t ~ OQUn onier '*-'--,, tlllmed lhf 1nYlronm1WU1l lmJllOf ,..pon lot U. pt'r) Wll ll\la.quta., etpeclally as it related to the question of replacing the low- ren t Treaaure Ialand mobile home park with the 440-unlt hotel. There are 266 exiatina mobUe home 1ite1 on tho Treuure laland property for which the hote l development la planned. B11hop uJd hi. group wlll 100n nwet whh It.a attorney to dlacula an appeal of Cto1by'1 Mcialon. AddlUonally, h• 11id, there aro aUll 11111 ~h1ll•n'1M 1h11d In luJ)lrlo1 Court whtr• varlou• o•her up10&1 of th• ho11I dtwk>pnwnt wm quettloned Bristol-Jamboree tang le nears end as commission OKs $10 billion plan By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of the Dlllly Piiot ltan lf you are among the motorlata who sit artd stew m the dally snarl at the Bristol Street· Jamboree B ou l eva rd intersection, take note. The wait is almost over . The final roadbl ock to extension of the C<>rona del Mar Freeway (State Route 73) from its current terminus at frvine Boulevard has been removed by t h e s tate Transportation Commission. In adopting a five-year, $10 billion ma ster plan for trans por tation projects, the comrrussion virtually assured that work on the freeway extension will begin sometime in the fiscal year beginning J uly l , 1983. The project to extend the fr eeway to Ma cA rthur Boulevard i.s estimated to cost $14 million. With the exception of final design work, all atudies on the freeway extension have been completed. And Ron Cole of the Orange County Transportation Commission says Caltrans should have no problem in completing design studies in the upcoming year. Construction of the freeway extensio n , transportation planners say, will go a long way toward relieving congestion along Bristol Street North and Bristol Street South. Those two one-way routes now link the exisung Corona del Mar Freeway with Mac Arthur. one o f the principal routes to the t'Oast. The freeway extension was among several Orange County proposals acce pted by state transportation t•ommissioners in Optional classes to increase fees By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of the Dally Pttot Staff Ca lifo rnia's community colleges -including seven in O r a nge Cou nty -will be required to charge additional fees or eliminate some recreational and personal development classes unde r the 1982-83 funding package a pproved by state legislators. Lawmakers ar e still con - tinuing t de bate last-minute funding proposals Cor the state's kindergarten through 12th grade schools. But Charles Klein, spokesman for the California CommunHy College system in Sacramento, said the Senate and th e Assembly have agreed on an allocation for community colleges, and the m easure is expected to be approved by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. Kle in said the state's 106 conununity colleges will receive nearly the same sum as last year -about $1.l billion -with no additional funds to cover such 1 growth or inflation factors as rising utility costs and employee pay increases. In addition, Klein said, the colleges will have to save $30 million by reclassifying some hobby, recreation or person al development classes, which now receive state funding to a pay- the1r-own-way fee basis. Colleges wiU have to find other means to make up for increasing operating expenses, he said. "There 1s no question that the districts tha t are hard-pressed will have to lay off part-time instructors," Klein said. "Maybe in some districts, they'll have to lay o ff full-time teachers as well." ''This budge t really spells r etr e nc hment," add e d Lee Myers, a legislative advocate employed by Orange County's C.community colleges. "We're not going to be able to offer the same programs or access to education. "The Coast and Saddleback districts wtll both be hit hard by the course reclassification." The Coast Distr ict includes Orange Coast, Golden West and Coastline colle ges . The Saddleback District has campuses in Mission Viejo and Irvine. "We have a very serious task ahead of us," admJtted Correllan Thompson, the Coast Diatrict's executive vice chancellor for bus mess. T h ompson wil l m eet in Sacramento with community college officials later this week to discuss impact of the budget. He predjcted that the same number of personal intereat courses may be offered during the coming year, but that they will be canceled if too few students enroll to make the classes financially viable. Saddleback spokesman Bill Sc hreiber said the grea\_f1t disappointment to hia college wu the legislatort' elimination for the second con.ecutive year of a new $6 .1 millio n clasaroom building for the Mi.ton Viejo oampua. "It'• a matter of conductint clall4"a in temporary bulldin11 that an literally f.allina ape.rt," ht Mid. Schrctlbtr Hid Saddleback off lcla 11 an tlcl pa t•d \he reclMal f lcaUon mandate and ll't alNady lrtmmlna their coul'M olf~ or chanjtnl &hetn \0 a ,.. ' TtJ• communll1 ooll•I• fundmce1: '°' JH1·~ "'* not Im '"''*' r ... , wh&oh hav• Onl bHn OppOHd by officials at the two-year colleges. State lawmak'e r s, d id, however, ins truct community colleg e officials t o begin preparing a tuition fee plan that could be put into effect in the fall of 1983 if the state's financial problems continue. approving the statewide package. Others include: -A ma.)Or realignment or tht' county's worst bottltmeck -the lnterehange of the Santa Ana and Costa Mesa freeways an Tustin. Commissioners set aside $50 million for that project, scheduled to begm in the fiscal year beginning July I. 1986. -Overcrossin g and la nd improvements along the Sant.a Ana and San Diego freeways. While exact projects have not been detailed, $30 million for the work was budgeted. "' -Realignment and widening of Laguna Canyon Road in the area or "81g Bend," a tight curve be tween El Toro Road and downtown Laguna Beach. T he $3.2 million pro)E.'Ct 1s scheduled for construction m the fisca l year beginning July I, 1985 -Right of way acqu1s1tion to pe rmit w1den1ng of Laguna Canyon Road from two to four lanes between Canyon Acres Drive and El Toro Road. The commission granted $465,000 for land purchase. ln all. $87 mLll1on was !>et aside for new highway improvemen t projeets over the next five years. In add1t1on, the rommiss1on budgeted $46 million for mass transit p rojects. Of that $6 m11Jion will go toward acquisition of old Pacific Electric Railway right of way between Stanton and Santa Ana. while $40 milhon is earmarked for work on a light rail line along that route. Al so 1:ons1de r ed v e ry s1gnif1cant by local transportation 0H1ciab 1s the fact the state t'Ornm1ss1on has given priority to widerung and rehabilitation of the Santa Ana Freeway Exactly how much work 1s to be done on the route is not known pending studies being l'Ond u cted by the county trans portat10n commission and t he Orange County Transit Dist n et Local transportation officials did not get ever yth ing they wanted from the st.ate, however. Deleted were improveme nts between Pacifit· Coast Highway and 32nd Street along Newport Boulevard m Newport Beach and a proposal for metering on-ramps and constrUl'llOn of a uxiliar y lanes on the~ Mesa Freeway b<.·twecn thl' San Du:-go and R1 vers1de freeways. But local o ff1 c1als w e r e nonetheless pleased with the l'Ornmi~1on's ac·uon. pointing out the county will r<'<'t'1ve a total of $218 million for transportation projects over the next five years. The c-ounty will reap m1lhons 1n new transportation dollars due to passage last year by the state Legislature of Senate 8111 215 It permils an increase m the state's gasoline tax from sevl.'n to nine cents ht-ginning Jan. 1 Gasoline tax revenue 1s a major financing m mponent for hig hway construction Another primary source of funds IS the federaJ government. DallJ Piiot Photoe bJ P•lrlcll O'Donnell HEROIC DIMENSIONS -After Jan S hedd adjusts his headgear a nd Dee Dee Chalhs positions his foot, J ay Smith of Laguna Beach practices his pose fn the theatrical copy of Fritz Preiss' ivory sculpture. "St. Georgc and the Dragon" for the F estival of Arts P ageant of the Masters. This year's a staging will run nightly from July 10 to Aug. 29 in Irvine Bowl in Laguna Beach. ·I Orangt CoHI DAIL y PILOT /Wtdntedav. Junt 30, 1882 . .. . · .· THt: •·\~IL'' ('lll<TS by 811 Keane Rlfi fi t:ORfiE by V1rg1I Partch (VIP) ::::=-:; ---::::---. - - 11This pot isn't ony good. It hos a hole in it.11 "G1org1, we've got to come to an und1ral1ndlng." by Brad Anderson "You want to go for a walk now?" Jl"DGE P \RKER ;;;;iitm•D~C:~HHEE~~~~!:;~H£E·s5GG()Ollrl"AAS5EEiE~ WHAT S HE WANT I CON"l YOU SAY THIS 0Ul'5 0 0 iHAT HE V\ON'f TO 5EE HER ~ : KNOW NAME 15 fJAM LEAVE UNTIL HE CX>Eb' e>Llf DRIVER ? WHAT'~ THE'T RE IN HE ~T 1 ,___... THE SAME G.\R•·n :1.o oi::i::1c£ i 0<£iHEI<' I 'P GET OUT OF 8£.~ TO ~ · ~AVE 8R£AKFA~~ 1.:~:.;..M..;..;.;.PA~V~~-------~·-~,_,C1112.-F_,...,.,......,1ne ,.00~ '9l"LLINS MY Wo~D · · I SEE: 1 C,AN1T PUT OFF GETTING YES 1 THIN!< WE C,AN AAVE You SCEING 20/20 WITl-4 iHESf; · N,~W <1LASSES ~· AtN LONGER. r ACROSS member 1 To --46 Snattes 5 Supponers 48 Prollfi 9 MallCUS 52 School 14 Figures sub,ects 15 Aewrilt 56 Null 16 LHMf'I 57 Burnong 17 HofM 58 Food list 18 Sof1 drlflk 59 Plant part 19 Dtkolan 60 Ranted 20 Thtdcneu 61 Winglike unit 62 ExhOft 21 HuOson 8ay 63 Comptn11t reg.on 64 Robust 12 word• 65 S Alrlt¥! 73con~uoua 25 au.tiec City' DOWN ~ Ant~ I Jo/In Ou111cy 2 7 Golf tll04 TUEIOArl PUZZLE IOlYED --~--- ~ ONICe atlC> 32 Otl1t1IAtlnl1t 3$8etwnt 1 "Aw -13 Trantl'Nt 4C A~llM :It Errnf 37 P1ttnl 3f IO#d 31A~I .a Dlnltll ,,....,.. • t I AlflCltl "'°"" ........ "' U GIMICt,.. ......... .. ,. J -C041tl 21 ()eptfld 45 Sift 4 Atttll 21 Altlltct 47 Vifago S f"111tllUI 24 AIMii ntllYI 41 UltllMlt 8 £990UM f1 CllQUll 41 Mutlc 7 Afr"811 "* H WOik« ,_. I T OC1 KIOI 30 Ut< ri* Ml V .... I TOlllllO 21 Wtlllele •t ~ i>t~ nw • .....,..., Nee tO 0. • ~ "'3Hur.... U Ck• ""'91 14 WIR!ff U D*MI tltlAI.._ MHur~ N JIM., LM II HllMM• .... ,..... _,..... .. ...... by Jim Davis 8 Ui IT'$ NOi WORTH THE TRIP / ' Ill • •• Pt;A~l'TS Tl' '98LE" t;t:os ~eRE'Lt..1-'e AN AMiJUSH OF A WELL-S FARG'O SIAGECOACH Al"lOO P.M.10MORROW.. ' suo•: ~ ~IZIEND LAARV 10~1' ME UIS CAMP UAP A NICK.AAV£- 1ll~ CA~~~ WEfll CAl.UO OOL£T~ OR. ~fll'!NG ... I '\.\:\('\ WHAT ARE YOU HAVING FOR LUNCH, NANCY? WHAf '6 WHl"TE I PUFF<) At.ID SKIS? BRABBLE Gf;"r' 'E:M WH I 1..e: i"H E: Y L.ASI-6ANG! ''Mf:DICINE: IS MY l..IFE:" 1-.SH IR IS I O Nt....Y FOUR- F IF 'f'Y.' ------,~. -- by Charles M Schulz ---------, TO THE /\\AN u.'~\1 INV£N TEr r~E ROUF ! by Tom K Hyan nlf: O?KH WI U.. l'e "Tlif: USUAL. eREE:l\l A11Jt7 ~U..OW COLOR (t<JR 1HOSf OF '{OU WHO fWJ.'( WI~ 10 COORC71NA"Tl: -,t)l)R WAR PAINI!) I by Jeff MacNelly IN THE BATHTUB by Kevin Fagan l'M ff.Rfl.16L'4 ~flt rt '5 50 OARK IN "1'111~ 1~"fRE., I CAN'f *'A P\.U~E. OON'1 A~K ME: 1'0 G£-r \JV roR. AtNf~IN& 1.-llt4'7~ FARLEYS Go\~&iO SLEEP IN 1r\e:GARASE J ANO HfflE. A SR'Tl11N 1HE ~1tG 1 ELSE.~0-4! by George Lemont :! KNOW. :! eouGHI SIX OF 'f:M Ye:s·n~RDAY ... -------------. -------------------------------~ Fluor company • promotions set Fluor Engineers Inc .. 1rnnounced t-><t<:utlve promoUona and ~h1nae1 within tht• n<'wly (ormt'd IU~duary or tht> Fluor Corp. or Irvine. Ol:an K Allen. former vlc'f' president and a ·ncral mfrnMfll•r-Southurn California diviaion. Irvin . was promotc.>d to eroup vice president. Ref)Ol"tlng to Alll•n are Fluor Europe Ltd., Fluor EngiMCn South Afri<.'a (Pty) Ltd .. and Fluo r Arabia, Ltd. Replacing Allen is Mark Ousbabek, former head of adviint'Cd technology division, Irvine. Emil Parente. senior vice president-sales, succeeds Dusbabek as vice prns1dent and general manager. ATD. Vin<.-e L. Kontny, Conner managing director or Fluor Australia Pty Ltd., was promoted to group vice president w ith responsibility for Houston division, Fluor Ocean Services Inc, and Panca Perint1s Indonesia, a joint venture or Fluor and a group of Indonesian compantPS headquartered in J akarta. Kontny 1s succeeded in Australia by former deputy managing director Jack Melbourne. Robert E. Harrigan, senior vice president-sales, was promoted to group vice president-marketing. His predecessor, Group Vice President Hugh K. Coble. assumes operational responsibilities for the Southern California division , advanced technology d ivision. Fluor Australia and Fluor Mining & Metals Inc. Group Vice President John A Davis. formerly in charge of U.S. e ngineering operations, 1s responsible for Fluor Power Services lnc .. Fluor Canada Ltd. and Fluor's Venezuelan operations. William F Gulley. senior vice president-sales. promoted to semor vice president-marketing. with responsibilities for the United States and Canada. Douglas D. Templeman, vice president-affiliate marketing. was promoted to senior vice president· international marketing. Jack C. Martin, vice president and managing director of Fluor (Great Britain) London division becomes senior vice president. Far East sales, lrvine Gordon L .• Dibble replaces Martin at the London d1vis1on. Dibble was vice president and managing direc tor o f Fluor Nederland B. V. Haarlem. Sig von Kutzleben succeeds Dibble as head of Fluor Nederland. C. Cole Williams, vice president-operations, Fluor Canada, has been promoted to president or that subsidiary. replacing Lyman 0 . Calkins.. who retired. Dennis G &mhart, manager-sales in New York. was promoted to vice president. Europe and Africa Sales, London . He re places J ames R. Byron, who returns to Irvine to become Vlce president, advanced technology and government sales. Businesswomen elect president Lucy Egle tt, associate vice preside nt for investments with Dean Witter Reynolds, lnc .. has been elected preside nt of the Orange County chapter of Women in Business. Other officers are: -First Vice President -Rella Rizzuti; Rizzuti Hollander. Inc., Tustin. -Second Vice President -Joy Glanstein, Conriecllcut Mutual L1Ce Ins .. Orange. -Chief Financial Officer -Barbara Jenkins. Imperial Thrift & Loan Association, Fullerton. -Secretary -Dee Gaynor Crowell, Weedon & Co .. Laguna Hills. Inves tment lectures set A three-part lecture series that examines investment opportunities m gold. silver. currencies and precious gems will be presented at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa. The series meets suc:cess1ve Tuesday evenings. beginning July 13. from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. Jn occ·s Fine Arts Hall 119. Registra tion fee is $5. Series lecturer 1s Rick O'Fallon. a private collector or U.S . gold and silver coins. as well as paper currencies. P ersons may register in OCC's Community Service OUice, located in the college's Administration Building. For information. phone 556-5880. Stone M ill Business Park • ·rour Professional Florist 2915 Red Hill Avenue A· 108 Costa Mesa 641-0810 orano-Cott• Mn• '1 '1 I Uttll Avt 2000 HlfOC>r llVO 111t1H1·1100 171tt6'1·11tl _.,...,.~~"-· • Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/WednHday, June 30, 1982 CREAM OF THE CROP -Televi s ion pe r sonalities J .J . Walker a nd H eathe r Locklear. left, toast California's new dairy princess, Karen Sarratt. 20. of Laton. Zellner offers partnerships Zellner Communities, Inc .. of I rvine, announced formation of Secured Properties Ltd.-1. a public offering of limited partnership interests. Early this year. Donald Zellner. chairman of the board a nd president, announced establishme nt of Southwestern Bancorp .. a holding company that wilJ operate Savers Thrift and Loan Assn. m the Leisure World area. Secured Properties 1s being formed by ZeUner and two Zellner Communities vice presidents, Gary J . Morehead and Gary J . Schneider. The thret> collectively wiU serve ac; the general partnl'r This July, you'll dbcover your paycheck will be bigger be· cause of a I O"tt federal tax l 'U L. But that'~ not the only tax break you can e njor You can invest in Bank of Amt~rica\ Tax Frec:Timt· Dcp<)sit -the DC BUllNEBB Home Savina• of Amerlca will opon 1t1 Orana branch at 17g N TuMlin Ave. with A July 6 l 0 parade of a tan. Schedult,>d to partlclpatt-1.1re dlml'cr Arthur Duncan, announcer George f'enneman, the dan<-e team of Bobby Bur1e11 and Elaine Nlverton, lhe Lennon Slaters and aC'tor Bob Cumming•. The Marin~ & OHahort-division of Paul· Munroe, Or ange. received a contract from Peterson Builde rs. Inc. of S turgeon Bay. Wis. to provide the steenng gear system for three ARS-50 class search and rescue vessels under construction there for thl! Nuvy Frederick/Weaver & Company, Santa Ana promoted Terl luenmann of Huntington Beach to executive search <.'Onsultant. Marilyn Rowe or Huntington Beach has been named produc tion manager for Bower Communicat ions, Inc . Los Alamitos. S he was production ,- manager at F.astland Advertising m Santa Ana. Robert M. Patte r son o f Newport B each h as been promoted to assistant vice presiden t of Flrst Amer ican Title Insurance Company, San ta Ana. ~ATTERSON Bill Poon of Fountam Valley has been promoted to general manager. fuel produc ts division, for the Parker Hannifin Corp., Ae rospace Group. Irvine. Two county businesses have been honored for performance by U-HAUL loteroational. They are Kenlta U-Cart, 23171 Orange Avenue. El Toro. and Costa Mesa Moving Cent e r, 2680 Newport Boulevard Carpet Barn, 1812 Newport Boulevard, Cost.a Mesa. has been appointed an authorized Armstrong Carpet Studio lllOWI IHINMINM A permanent lC'as ing off1c-e was opened at Koll Center lrvlne following customer ante rior modifications. Oc:cupylng the facility at 2300 Michelson Drive are exclusive leasing agl'nt.ll J. Harold Street, Mike- McCullough and Mike Dorsey of Grubb & Elita' commercial brokerage d1v1s1.>n. Burton G. Tregub, also spent 17 years w ith Xerox Corporation, has been named chief executive o ffi cer of l nfodetics Corporation, an affiliate o r Odetics. Inc , Anaheim. He al5o wiU be vice chairman of the board of directors. Boiell & Jacobs Public Relations or Newport Beach has been a ppointed lo handle a pubhc relations/promotional effort for a one-ho ur public televis ion special called "To TREou• Hear" produced in cooperation with KOCE-TV (Hunting ton Beach) to air this fall. Frank Sorrentino of Santa Ana has been named vice preside nt in charge of operauons for Post.al Instant Press. D. W. McDermott has been named president and chief financial offi('(!r of E l Camino Bancorp, Anaheim. He 1s a former president or El Camino Bank and recently had been in banking in his home town of Aberdeen. S .D. He rejoined El Camino bank this year as senior vice president of 1ts Fullerton office free Time Dep<>sit compare~ to other investments. Plu~. rourTax FrceTime lkpo~it can help qualify you for checking [rce of monthly charges. with our Comhined Balance Service. The safety of California's o ther great (ax break. leading bank. Tux Free incom e every month Only Bank of America's Tax Free for one year up to $2000. Time Deposit offers you the safety Bank of America's Tax FrecTime of California's largest financial Deposit lets couples filing institution. But, rt:memher, an in· joint returns earn up to S2000 vestment this good can't last forever. interest, free from federal income By law, Tax Free Time Depo its must tax!· That means you can get be opened by December 31, 1982. s 166 tax free monthly income So consider switching for ayear. .. (Andindividuals FREE FROft FEDERAL TAX someofyourfundsto Banlc may earn up to SlOOO tax free.) of America's Tax Free Time Deposit now. Ca.II or stop by any Bank Compare that to what your you a higher after tax yield than many of America branch, and ask how you savings earn n ow other good investments, even 6-Month can take advantage of "the other great Because the intcre t you l'arn is frl'l' Money Market accounts. Come in to tax hreak." fro m federal taxes. our one year Tax any Rank of A.mcrica branch and we'll Free Time Deposit may actually give: show you dollar for dollar how our Thx ' BANKOFAMERICA • riu1 U4'mption tu~ lur Ntl) "11hJri1w1I plu• ~11N11nllal In t en:" Jll'f'UIC) ~on minimum lkp>ooh. ll'll1t t}fk' nf lnww~n• ha• 1& mnlmum llftlllnl' udui.tun ot •lllOCI for ~llru rc·tl1rm, 1000 for tntJl\kJual rt·tum "H.l11t'\J on l-C>UPh''-~"111,. JI l ll') 11 Nit' .&HtOlilhlt• onJm'k' Ii. IYHl lk~tllll ilmount nt't'\k'll IO cm1 lOCKl I• rt<t.h14'l'J II )OU n.•td"1 lnfl'~M fli1)1llC'OI• k• rr~·ntl A 111llfC11ur 'lh I not• Thfk0 l~'1'411tll ( '"" YI 1.n hranth .~ I~ I ·------·---·------------------------------~-----~ . ' Orenge Coul DAILY PILOTIWedne1day, June 30, 1982 MUTUAL FUND OVER THE COUNT ER NASO LISTINGS lil~_W'l'OflllC IAl'l \. .. IHI •IO Hl I.I-llt N\., lllw ... 61) •It '""' ....... r. C..(l!f!"'ltl 9t, ,,.,1111 ... k t 111,~ I t0 I U :~~ .... ~ 1~. ~' u UI t~;;:..I .:11 ~l :~~. ,rn 1.1~ ~I~ " wtli.\ c ... 11(...., .... ,.,,._,., ..... l\'Y ,. t u NI •II•\. I~ t r• HIYll 11 •I• Oyl\f I 11 Hl JI' G"" II t0 ti Ml INIH• •I .... 1(11 HIMoin II U It 0t ,_,Milo 11 " Nl JP ln(t • t) I U '9 oe<vt!Oe• N llet 11 :: 11 I I lllf\;\1 ) ,. NI.. J•nv\ I I) Nl (911141 ..... """ tnM II .. .0 IMem •w NI.. JOM -ao .. ,. 1-t•WI ~Ill "" t .,_ Nl hi 111,..tlOh IOt'ld t2 i. IS lt v.111e1 ., '**" h••I '• 1• 21 11 II ~1111 "" 'I" U 'O Grwtll I '• '1' lo lw , .. ~ ..., Oo ., » NI.. l\CO ,, 'JO "'Chi I IJ I , Cll¥9tl ..,...,. (."9\llWI ii 0. Nl "'''" •JO •" 1 •• 11• I 1' '00 h\I Col011l•f ll"'10• 111\0t>' 111 • l) K•11fMI\ ., Nl •ttt I 00 NL I..,,. • .. 10 .. N•t~t• • U S 21 Kt m-"""°' •~•'" ._ ltOI NL Cltwtl\ •'O IM Opl11 I " ... ln<om •" I .. 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P•OQ" • lO I 10 N•uw 11 6' .. , Intl un.v•ll 5tFrm GI 1 l6 Nl P1r.r 101• NL N Er• 11 .. NL 51Frm 81 4 9' NL Nl Na 106d N Hor11 11 09 NL StStr"I l11v l\alH <"4•001 Classic, classy Autos Classified Adv e rtis ing in the DAILY PILOT NIWS Ill 916 HilntO ... NL IOST• 1 .. 1'5 MIFF""'" hf're I 03 I O HI Yid 9 SJ NL In¥ Siil. 17 n It 11 Fund I 11 1 1' 1• Fro 1 3S NL E•<ll IS 11 NL I Prevl°"' d<lv • Pro Servt<H Fe<ll ll 1• NL QUOlf' If it 's got wheels, you'll move it f aster in a Dail y Pi lot classified ad.Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad· viser w ill help you t urn your wheels into cash. If vou don't smoke. I can offer important savings on auto insurance. C!alm your reward from: RAB81TI INStJtANCE 441 Old Newpon Bl'Yd. Newport BMc:h, Ca. 131-n.40 S,,.clal bit JO • ~ 6, 1982 Pl••ybn scalart: .99 I 1111 superb, COlleous. elf&ant, slJtely, tllust11ous and above an humble It 1s d1fhcult to find words t!tat. desc11bf mr w11!1 my Iona ttow1n& tins, Ifill manner and d1stinctive m1r•m1s Without 6oubt. I am a most m11n1hc1nt addition to your aquarium. Diop by A.quatte T roPtCals, m11vel at my beauty and ta•r me home while I am on sale undei the name. ··S11m An&rl" lor only 99. VIS4' • ISIO W. S.er•Cosla Mtu S49·13'1•C.-lbrt>or 'Baker Better t han a money fund. Better than a "sweep." Ready Access Checking ............... • High money-market interest on the full balance. • Rate guaranteed fo r six months; no da ily fluctuations. • Full balance insured to $100,000 by the FSLIC. Arc 1111111111rt'tl money lund1' too n~ky for you? Do you prefer to /..11111'· the intcre~t rate you 'II earn for the full term of your investment. rather than worrying about daily fluctuations? If ,o, we understand your concerns That·, why we developed R1'111/1 A1c1•.1.1. the fully insured money-market check mg account that PilY' ii fixed high rate of mterest ... that allow:-use of your fund~ at any time thal give~ you a free lnternr CheckinK PLUS™ account. providing accc"s to more th an seventy 24-HOUR TELLERS and to our unique TELE-PAY • .;crvice th at lets you pay many bills by telephone To get this exclusive combinat ion of high interest and unsurpassed rnnvenienc.:c. deposit $5 .000 IO open your Read\' Acass account. t Then. you can :.tan wnring check' 1mmcd1a1cly 1f you want. s1> the full $5.000 1:.n 't 1ied up for long Vi~11 any office tor detail' -more than 10010 '\erve you throughoul California -or call rhe Financial Linc Annu1I Rlitl'• 13.669o/o rn •nnum Annu1l Elfttthr \"lrld•• 14 .34 1 % For information, caJI FINANCIAL LINE (714) 231-4023 Dirtt"t or Collttt 8 a.m. till ~ p.m., wttkda)' Monday unell 7 p.m. For rales only, call th~ 24-hour RATE LINE (800) 552·8855 Tltt Str#lfftlt ID Soar ... A C'tfflury of Sur nu'" MofftJ Manaf""'"' ... Sltft Si nu IR8.t ... ,11 •• , ............... ...,. ... 1 .. - At Last, A New Bank That Ttulg S~ializes in Business, Professional and Executive Banking You've heard it before -banks claiming to be "Business Banks" that we ren't any different than the typical, retail. take any customer, bank. And what do you get? Long lines. indif- ferent service, and no true differentiation between business customers and anyone else who happens to walk in the door. Liberty National Bank is truly a Business Bank. We do dif- fe rentiate and you will see the difference. "Taking Banking To Business''"' is the motto of Liberty National Bank and we do exactly that. First, our bank services and programs are all designed from a business person's point of view. We've taken the tradit ional attitudes and services offered by most banks and redesigned them to work more effectively in today's business world. Second. we will literally bring the bank to you. at your place of business. Our Account Officers will meet with you in your office and will arrange for you to conduct your banking busi- ness from you r office. Our Business Courier Service, Armored Car Service, Telephone Transfer Service and post- age paid Bank-by-Mail Se rvice all wo rk to give you easy access to your bank without having to leave your office. Call Mr. Gene Lesher, S.V.P. and Business Development Man- ager, for an Account Officer to come to your business. Or. if you prefer, call to arrange fo r an appointment at our head- quarters. You 'II see what a difference it makes when your bank is truly a business specialist. Ll6ertg National Banlt One Pacific Plaza, 7777 Center Avenue • Hur'\tinQton Beach. California 92647 Stroftfl/((J/IJ/ locot«I "'°' lh• inl"1«1ion ol llltoch Boulaord and I~ .'Wm Dltf!O Ftww<zy • Telephone 71 4/8gs.29'l9 Mtmbtr FDIC and P«lmll Rtsmtt ~ ISlnldnC Houn ,\pfolnlmml lloun 11;30 • m • 8 00 p m. Mond.'Y f'rld.ty 'lnnlktlnft tta-in io110 a m • 4 · r m a4t Ttll'J'Wlv toooam • pm.rt .,........., ...... Eut·U.'l)(tef U ltoun A Dey ,~,..,,,,...,..., ..._UM Tutt n. Humlwt -4 rJ lW•m ·lllOO pm '-' l pm,•I OOpm ,w.e.,,.. ------________ . _____ ....... ______ ..._;...._-..; ___ ._ .......... __ .......... _... .... ___________ ..__ ...... __________ _ NYSE (~OMPOSITE TRAN ACTION ~ CIVOt UtOM' IN(LUOI f l A OU ON f Ml NIW YOI • Ml OW UT PA( I I' It, PIW eOtfO" 0 1 111101 f A"O (tN(lt,.U t1 lTOU OC•AltlOU &!CO ll"°ltflO IY fMI MAtO ANO lltlUlllC9' ~In N•I \ele\ N•' \At" Ntl \tfl"-Htf '\•I•\ N•I "'l "'" tio .. Cnt ,. a.""' ttoM c 1>q P C'"'' (1,. .. t l>tl "'C "O• (1~ .. l "9 "r ""' <•••' l "Q tvq Pf I ., = 'I H•l111,.. a J .. 0 ,,.. ¥•1\uf ... I .. ,.... l'iedAVl ,. I ., 11'. •• lubP•C. I toll \ u ,.... '• ' , I I ' 1. Hfr(ljl• I» ,,, 1• .. ~ .... JO • •"' ..... 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' " ~ '" .,.. ., -_ "~ ~ ..,....~ ~ • '• P•IPlrl IJ llld l \o SollPt< J,60 l 1'I J0>o \lo Wt•n pl I 1t I 10... v, !!!,.J .-1,s ~ 1 Js~' ~ O.IE pl 7 O . llCI o •, GrYmm I 40 ft u s 79'• •> l•L•ncl I ID 10 lli 17,,. • 1~ P•ytN .. t •> I~+ °" SoRv pf t.60 S 21 \'I Welit!O 10 nJ .... ... ;;tj,lfj I ;o , .,. GIS'1'-~ DetE pl I . !ttO •l"-. .. C•Ym "''IO I .... , II. 1.•P~ IOI>" Ill " ..... ,. PavCWI n to .. JU 11"-. "' SoVnCo I,.., tu dUI<> "" WtllM' 16 10 u JI'> .. .. 9toTllf :n t a.41• I... "' OE piF I IS 1 : ,. ... :: &Gr,',~w:~~ • ~I? ~ .. ~ a . ~ LLL.-0°:~· ! H l)S 1 JO~~ '11:.~ .. :::~n I~ ~1 :: .. ,:::·: ,.,, ~~~ '.~ 1f m ~~. :"' =w=.~~y• ~ ~ ,•, ,1,1 ril •• ~ •• ~ 911~l 1 1o0 1 ~ 2J~ "" g~ :t ·'! \ ;:i: ,., GlllfOlt i .O • 11; ~~.. ,,, Lu;;,i • 1; t 1,. , •• ;; 111 ~:;:rn, °"' f •r,: 0,:::. ~ Soumr._ ,OJe , " s". w.~i\ • ... • io u~. ~ llerr,~JJ!.2jq1"•,f1~ ~--' ~,· gO~E,~1~11?: .. fllU 7JO• :,,r'•·~ .. Go"11's'1Ru'1 1~ '161~ llJl~1' ._ t~l~~ t~': J~ m: 1/1 PenCn1>1S71 .. 1• _.,,, ~~r': .~U 1~ ,:~ ~ :r:r:::~. ~:Oft ... ~ '' "" --• • ' -' ,. 11 11 ) • 10 t: ~~~yfl tw; 2) ,:~! ,:'° i,., SwBWI l 1 ?Cl 6 1• U • ""' W•tctT gt 0. n ''"' 1'i e -HR l.'2 • ..j " Del pr 2. I .. \. OllSV plS.OI t?O >' • "• LY "'' ----SwFlllli IO I 13 It..... WllAI•&. '°' • ·~· 1.• I U6 JS Ot•t.r I IO ,, 12 ...... ~!!1S1Vu~· •. ·~ 111·! ?!.:'." ,v. ~., ....... 16 1• •••• 11·· ' PtPL U:J s 1'2 ""' Swtl"-.UI It J2 '"' ii> WAI• pl ,,. U\it .. = t 40 • tal4 1~ OIGlor .. 1 .. • .... _ .... vv •v --~" ,....i ..,... -~:: ~ PP•aPPLL OI •"'l00 '!!,! 3'1!'9-t"° ~~~~"I!! tit J~ 1't~-. "' WCNA 7• I Ill• t\'> • 111 ID 1 If. ~-. \-, o+Glo pl 2 u • -• "' OllU"' J 71 • .,.,,_ "' M A I '° I• s... ...... • ~ pl ..,., -~'" "' ' .. .. Otel~ I ., I) )3 S2~ I Gllllll n ,, lS ) '"'" M I ll ti JI ,.,, Pt PL pf t llO ""° . ·"" Swt,., I .. I ., 11"-WWUP .. ,,,!.. 1 Cl ,s !! ~ •• ~ mi-t. • 1 • "'' 14 ' ' GYll.on ~" .. '"'• ..., ~MOr .. 10 U2 •"-'"' PeP&. twt.CI rlO ""' ,._1,. ... ._ jt"' a.. ..,.. ,, ·~ -W ll 40 I tit ~ + .. Olat l 10 11 '1 1''"' \> --M--u _ M0r,.. .. 111 H• • Pt PL :r.> 7$ 10 1'\to .... -' n .. WnVn DI• .0 I tJ J r. . " ,...,_ \\ Oltn1S t 1 .. 16/tl tl ... +7 ft '"-.. • ._ $oerry I ., • 911 loo 111 -lloo u. ·-..... n ··· .. O,..id IO I• ... ~ ..,. HMW u " "-• .. ~ MuV• -., •• '---, .~'· 1., P•PL .,, 00 •""-lllo Scwl~ 1» s II H"e .... WUn CIPll.. •• ., .__ -~ gjftl • 11--• ~ -• ~ I • "> PePL pr t1 Ii IS'"+ 1 t WVTI rt M I 11 .... ... "'... dDO t0 IM "" •v 'l ' ... HltT -t ,s 1~' "'-<tNf SO tt 11 IJ"' P Pl, e •t Sq\1¥ 1.. tit lO" ~ W.110 I • S ... U"'• .. ... prlll , ~ Ol no n IOlt, ,. 10 ..... HKllW , ... o • u.. Mact• I IO t7 Jn . ~ p· ... L ~IO ' ;, SQutOI> 121614 tol ,. ..... w .. tY< IJO 1 l;tO 10'"1 •" s •• Kaiser awarded drilling pact Kal!M!r St.eel C:O has been awarded a contract tO build the base for a Se<.'Ond deep wau:r oil drillinl pl11tform to be localed nine miles off HuntingtOn Bc>a1.:h. The platform .)SCkN will be· Installed ot. the Beta field where a previous platform was inswJled m 1980 in i65 fl'Ct of water Shell Cal1forn1a Production , Inc, California produc tion subs1d1ary of Shell Oil Co , 1a1d the 20,000-ton steel platform JBCket (base section) w11J be assembled b y K aiser 1n Vallejo, with majo r prefabrication work being done m Napa and Fontana. Approximately 500 worke rs will be dire<.-tly employed at the peak of fabrication and assembly. Kull sells Grove tract A 1.4-acre parcel at 17272 Garden Grove Boulevard in Garden Grove has been sold by The Koll Company of Newport Beach to the Dale M Kellogg Trust of Newport Beach for $1.6 million. The Newport BeaC'h office of Grubb & Ellis Commercial Brokerage Company represented both parties. Bromar, food broker. is the tenant an the 20,044-square-foot fa(•tllty . T-bill rates increase By The Associated Pren For th e fifth straight week. investors have demanded a higher interest rate tor money they loan the government, dnvmg U.S . Treasury short-term borrowing costs to the highest levels since mad· February. The Treasury borrowed $9 billion in the sale of three· and six-month bills Monday. nd by week's end will have raised $17 billion. Financial economists expect the Treasury wW go on a borrowing binge in the second half of the year, seeking an estimated $90 billion tO $100 billion over the next six months and as much as $50 billion more In the first three months of next year. The average discount rate on the six·month Treasury bills auctioned Monday was 13.419 percent, up Crom 13.031 pe~nt a week earlier and t.he highest since the Feb. 16 level of 14.36 percent. Three-month bills were auctioned al an average discount rate of 13.269 percent. Hospital strengthened Greatwest Hospitals Inc. of Sant.a Ana announced it negotiated bank lines aggregating $40 million. This strengthening of the company's hnancial resources follow& a public offering of common st.ock last February and pramanly was to fund GHI's $30 million capital improvement and expansion program STOCKS IN .THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (API -Sa!M Tuesday, f)(lee UPS ANO DOWNS NEW YORI( (API T,,., IOllOwtnq h•I •nows '"" Nt>w Vor• Sloo E>e-. \IOC:k\ ano wan•nh t~t "•vc QOn1P uo '"" most """ aown '"" mo\! l>.l...O on P'"'""' Ol chtnqe r~rdt•n ot •Olumo tor r-.y No \KUtllles 1r.01nq btlow •I ••• ln•t. uded Ntl end por<.,,tao-cll•"9f• ••• tM dlllrre"'• l>tlWttn '"" prevloys cto\lnQ price and luesda~~f'IOe I 0••= L•~ll''> ,'"j, u:•lll t > AmAQf'O ' 1' , • "-Up ti l ) s..11.rrc;p I'• 1 Up " s t An«ornc> n 11'-1'1 Up It• s H•ll Fr9nl. /l'"e ,, • Vo " • • r11,.,..y SOpl S 1 Up II I 1 C•llllnMnQ ti>"' • t Up 10 I t C•••' Eq 17'> l'o VP 10 • • 1'• ~ I._• Jri. 1f s1~ F~ .. ptM(Mrn ti '. 111>Up 10 t g ~i~~ m: : r: ~~ H I) WyrllllH ... '-Up '• U F~tr1M11r 11 I Vp t I U Act.am Mill•i ,,,, Vr VO l.J •• SUfl\/\Non •• ,., • "' vo a.J II N•I OiSllll ?le, • '"' Up I 7 :: ~~?:'C::c~ ~;; ':.; ~: ~.i 10 ConAQ•a 1l'. • I.. Up I 6 71 •wrco Inc 11 111 VP 7 l ,, Cmllu Q ... • .. Up l I 1) C•r1er W•ll l11 • • ... UO 1 I 1• l TV Cp Pll "" .. Up 71 n or""'°"' 00~~$ • ... up • , ~-""'" ChQ Pct I M""'ord 1211 1 Oft IJ.I 1 tn.sltco ptA tt1. 1"" Olf n s 3 ~YCol I ISor IS'• l~• ()fl 11 I • e .. uy Pho )'-VI Off ti I s F~'" ' 16\, ... Ofl •• • C1'r~ler WI 1.._ '• Oii t 1 I O\AeP ptO 7' I'"' Olf e • I MGM-UA f'll •I... YJ Off I ) • PenololnCI ... .. °" ., , 10 S.YI RIE1I 6"' \'> 011 1.J 11 P .. ybOy En ... .. Olf •.1 a ~~~~ n 1 :: ~ g:: :·: I• SIP.t<Cp S\', Ill Off t .• IS Welno<O I._ 111 011 •. I t• NOC>l•Alll 11\. ~ Off • C 17 FllMll<' CP t '°' Ott S • It M\lf'lfon:I DI t \-, Oii S ' 1' ScleAll 1"' "-Off SI JO O.t•Term •"' " Olf I ) tt SoulllROyt ?O~-. I... Olf S 1 11 Otllone 0 .... '-Oft SA u "'*"'-' ... .. Off St t• tttPw • 01P1 ''" I'll Off I I 2S '"'' Ker\' .... "'~· COLO COINS DOW JONES AVERAGES N €W YOllKIAPt Fo,..I Dow J-. -tor T~y J""" H STOCIC.S °"9" ".... .... ,_ a. lO Ind II I 113 Iii 00 IDS 11 117 71 • 0 1t JO l•n Jtt O'I n1 ,. >U •s >II 11 1 " IS Utt lott:i IOI 11 IOS'1 lot ... OU U !.Ill 31S ll 111 11 113 tM 31S 11 0 GI '"°"' •,OJ0,500 ,,.,.. 1,15',«IO VIII• 1,CMl,JOll •S Slk • nt.100 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK IAPI Jyn 1' AdlllMIC«J Oe<llnto urw:......, Tot•t t......s N•w '"QhS New I~ foci.., . ., 101 .. , 1 ... I• $) NEW VORM. (API J,.. 19 Advancecl Oec11....i Unch.t"9f(I Tol•l 1\.~\ N~w t\19fl\ N~w lOW\ METALS I "<la' 11 I ,.. Ill Ill s ,. Pr•v ~r, , .. Ill '°' ' ll NEW YORK tAP) -S POI nonletl'out metal prleft Tuesday Copper 66'1>-72 c e 'lll a poynd US desttnattons Le.cl 2S·27 "Alnlt a pound Zinc 35..J 7 cent• 1 poynd oe11-ec1 Tin $6.2863 M•tal1 W-compoellt lb Allolftll!Nm 7S-77 centt a pound, NY MerC"'J $370 00 f)e< ftuk l'l•llnum S2•0 00 ttoy 01. • N Y SILVER TUEIOA\' H•n<ly & M11men. $5 610 pet 1r0y - GOLD QUOTATIONS •r TM A~led ,._ S9iec1eo world gold pr!Oes Tuetd•y l o noon: morning li"l"O S310 1S "' S7 00 London· •lternoon ll•lng S309 00, u1 SS 25 Pen.: afternoon ltatn; $309 00. 11(1 i5 2! f r ..... ""1: $3 I I H . \JI) 16 IHI l vnd\: l•I• llatn; $310 2 • 11(1 '6 00 l:llc '31075 Ullecl He11dr a """'•11: lonty $309 00. up $S 25 ....,....,,., (only d.ily ~•I $)09. SS 25 .,,....._., lonly Otlly OUOI•) t&llfalf S32• •5 UP $S 5 I SYMBOLS .... 1i 10 -.,. OltMort llGb. u 71 '-H•llF8I1011 ... 11'Al •7"' Mll•P·CI I Ue 1'1 II ·-l'eftwrt"'i!. ",,_ ...... s1••11. -• I I ''"' w .... ,.,, I.JOU,.. u .... , 1.-. • '19 ,... OI_., I JO II I"«! -• " Haltlln I eo I 1111 ,..... "' =•Cl .. ti .. "" ~ =OI ' . IOU .,.. .... ••'-• • , ti ,. .... W.yr"' t., I u..... ... ~ 1. 111J ,_. ~· .,,, ~vnln • >'-H•mrP I .. S 14 J•t,., • "' ~· -I Cl 10 , -•,, "' • tBlll'M tO t 41 ft " ~ ._-'It M'-•• -.. t .. -... •101••• t--•• H•••• 1 t le .. ti' ~ •• •-,.__ n I~· ,•ti ''~. ~ IE "" 'mf =.. ..,.,,,,, ,.., • ,.... ., ,, ,,,_ • ' ...._ 10 ,., ...... ---· -.. ~\AM 11 • '~ VJ ._,.. .... ... te1' ·-• ~ wi.etF I ., • 111 """.I"' HfW Y()lllK CAPI ~ ..,. lal• MQnclrf °' ~ l,lf, 111! :; IOt ~ .... la 1:"' ~ =:t.!...' ~ !: :;~• t: ~llll .... l.llll a: .s "• 1,'r'. ... f_.ejKlr"IGel 1·2 I ~ Ml '-, ~ IN! J.! • I 11 41'-• ~ wMll' p1•.l1 ! !f • \to , OOld COlnt, ~ wl1'1 ,ridly't ptlOe ; 11.;' "', 21'1~·.-. '1·~.~ 1 r;'"' ~ H•MH 60 .. ,,..., •• ,;;;,,ti ,~. 11 ,,... ...... ,... ·m "'" ... dOO!I ,; 4 10 'l"" '"' Wllet"r t • it"''"" II .,, ... ,, ... _... ... I. '• • IZ ==~J : ~ ';: n~ v: MfrH't11 Ht . "''°f, .... ~ ~~7!r'.m«:,, m 1·.:t ~ ~CP .:·: r,1111~ : :r'r: I.~:.~~ ~I~ ~ I ~.t~oi .. :;::.•·llP:u: -''u1 ,,.. ....... ~ ... r •• ::, ·,::: ~.· 1-t ~=~~r..i ~~~ u 'rt.· .. ==~ .. ~:r,.:·t' "'It!;· .. t:~~=w: ·r:' '1' :~·~·" ~"'j'I~ .... · 't·.) m1;~· s l •. ~•,....f:;•~oi. . .;t.oo.• ~ I '°' ,,.,, I Ge I .. .i. • '°' Ht rrllt ill • 12 Ullo =:, " liO t 'J\; ' I• 1 '!I! 4 tt t 1-. .,_ .. l ,,,., •• .,. "" ;.owl' ' ~; • ~-~" 1•' ~ "'"" • • ••, • "" ' ll ft r:: i '11if " • w :.!: 'I iii ' ~ : .,.,., .. "' "-~ ·''°"'" " . • • tf ... ~ = 'I , J · .. lfftll n t .. ' ,1 t: "" =i ,I 'f. -f ' ' I "' • ... , •, • .. ' e -tt 11 ' II 1 • llltil ' I I '-l H~""ll'r'' n ... : ~ ... •, ,., ~··... .... I I· l I I ' •• MLIC NOna rtOTlflOUI IUllNIH ltAMI ITATIMINT I I\• hWuwlnQ paraon la UOln11 t•u.it!Mt H l'ON1 OllH ARC CCIMllANY 111110 ll•111lulf11t AYenue t.0111 M... I altlurnle VJOlt l\11r t J Plehl 10,, ... v .. tl\.,.11111 t;c.•1• M .. a l:.elllurnl• llilltll fhl• b1111nea1 II uOnOVCleCI Dy "' 111111.i,tull Kull J Pl•tll I hla •l•t•m•11I WI• llle<I ""Un !Me l vw11J 'lt1~ 111 t.>•1111u1 Coun1v 011 Jun• II 1118~ f11tM2 1>111>11111eo Ooano• l.0 .. 1 O•llY hlu1 11111• JO Julv "/ 11 21. 1g112 280 1 82 PWIC NOTICE .... n417 FICTITIOUS I UllNf.H NAME I TATI MI NT lit• IOllOwlng Pe< •uni •re doing bu~l11tn u JUOY s. 1 t8 N EucllCl A11011e1m C•llfornta 112110 t Jullv • An•naim, Inc • C•l1hlrnl• corpo1 a11on, • 16 ,.. Euclhl, Anantlm, C1111to1r>I• 97801 Thia 11ualne11 It conducted by • U>tP<>rnllon Judy • AMllelm, Inc; Lowren1ie lttael PtMldenl Thia ll•tament WH llled wun tn• Counry Cler• or Ottn(lll County on June 21 1962 f tt1llO Puo11111ed Orange Coast O•llY P1101 Ju11w 23, 30, July 7, ••. 11182 2736·82 Orenge Oout OAtL.V PIL.OT/WednHd1y, June SO. 1112 MffiiOUiw.MH NAMI IUftMINT 1111 toltowlng peAOr11 •rw dotng twlln"' •• M l'l'llDIAN PAOIPIC. 10tH lllr<:.nlllOO<l Hun11ng1oi1 ltlKlh CA 12141 8C01 I Ll!!O ABARI A, 10 tH Dlronwood, tiun11ng1on D .. Otl. CA 112048 JOSl'HINL!. lll ABAATA tO 182 011ehwood Huntington tlelM!h C.A 92648 Thi• buahle .... Cor>duclad by • llmlled 111rtne1thlp Sooll Leo Ab•n• Tn11 11atemen1 w .. lllt\l w11n tne County Ci.111 01 Orenge County on June ~ '· tg8a • ,,,,,,. PuDllth•d Orange COlll D•llY Piiot June 30, July 1 , 14 21, 11182 28116·82 l'tmlC NOTICE MNIMN "Clll'IOUS IUllHHI NAMI ITATIMCNT Tr1e lollowtng otttonl are doing bu11neu at 0 & T MACHINERY AN O SUPPLY, 1701 E L•mberl Road. un11 C. l • H•bta California 90831 O & T lntere111. • Celllornl• corpor111on. 1101 E L•mberl Ao•d, Unit C L• H•bra. C11noml• 90831 rn11 bualneH 11 conducted by • corporation 0 & T lr>letMll Oonatd A L891Ch, Pt1llldent T1111 atatement wu filed with tne County Clllfk ol Oreno• County on June 21, 1962 •IOT~iti-H NA~TWMINT file lollOwtno penon1 .,. 001n11 llu .......... COAST OUION ITUOIO t r)3 MOotOvle A\191\ut, Voll 0 Colle MHa, CA ueu RICHARD l BRANS TNSR HaO Club Houae ROt O, Coll• ....... CA 02020 JOHN A CUKRA&, 18184 M•Pl••OOd Ctrcte, Huntington 6..on CA 0~848 T!1it bUtlnMt II OUll<lllCled by I gener•I partneranlp R L Branttner Jonn A CukrH Thlt 1181-1 WH med With the County C141lk or Ot1nge C01Jnty on Jun• 18, t982 ,,,1.,.. P111>ll1h•d Orange COHI Dall~ PllOI June 23. 30. Juty 1 14, t9112 2720·82 NM.IC NOTICE I( .... ,ICTTTIOUI IUllHIH NA• I TATl•NT The l~loW\ng pereon1 .,., doing butlneN u 0 ANO G UNION 78, 10975 EuClld StrHt. Four>taln Velley. Celllornl• 9:1708 Gery ROber1 Rull, 3790 Atpe11 Lane, Chino, c.llforr>I• 01710 Gary R•y Clevenger. 17UI E. Saflo1d Street. Gard•n Grove. Catllomi. 112704 Tiii• buelneu I• condUCled by e general pet1nereNp. Gary R. RUii gic NOTICC MllC NOflCE PUBLIC NOTICE P\lll.IC NOTIC( l'UBUC NOTICE MOT101IMvmtlO1101 "CTITiOUI IUllNIH YOU A"I IN Dl,AULT UNDI" A NOTICI 0, T"UITll't 'ALI STATIMIHT Of' UANDOfliliiiiff MOTICI 18 lltRl!!ISY QIV£N 11111 NAMI ITATIMINT DllO O' TflUIT DATID MAflCH Of' Ull Of' ,IOTITIOUI 1Hlecl bide will be rteelvell by !tie Tttit tollowlng per1on1 11e llOlt1g Jt, tHO, UNLlll YOU TAICI T.I N.1 Ml)t SUl lNISI .... Olly Cletk of Ill• City of lntlne bu.irteH.. AC TION T'O '"OTICT VOUfl NOTICE f8 i.rRflY OIVlN !NII Th• fOllOwlttg D•••Ollt h•ve CelllOrtlll '°' furn11n1ng all 11ler1t MfOITfllllANI AN IMPORTS , .. O,llllTY, IT MAY •• SOLO AT A Ol1 We<111etd•y JUiy, 19112 11900 lllr81"'°'''° '"'""Of Ille f1Glillou1 lebOr HrvlcH materl•lt 10011 10611 Se11 t;o~• l •ne LOii• Mn• PUILIC IALI. " YOU HllO AH I o'CIOCll • 111 of H id O•y. 111 Ille tl>Om (Iv.in ... ,..,me equlpmenl, IUPPllH 1•1111•11orte11on CA 112021 111,LANl'TION 0, THI NATUllll .. , u lde '°' ~O<lducillng lrutlN't CLASISIC PROOlJC I IONS. ullflllH 11111 •II Olh•r ll•m• •Iii.I J 0 H N De "' 0 8 1 11 l N t II 0' THI ,lllOCllOINO AQAINIT' ~•le•. within "'' ottlc;e1 ot Al!Al 204D PIACel'\111 Cotti "'"'· CA f1ClllllH neceuery therel11r u CHACONAS 2060 SH Co--. LAr>e, YOU, '(OU SHOULD CONTACT A FSTAlf SCC.UHITIES SERVICE 92827 p, 0 v Ide d In I h . c 0 n I,. Cl I <;uete MeM (;A 02827 LAWYl!lll. IOC•led •I 1020 Nom i 8rO•dwey. Oety All<NI Lync:h. 1&38 lfylne doc;umen u I Or c.;u111e1 011ve MAHOARE T c CHACONAS. NOTICI 0, Suite 2oe "' lhe Cny Of s ... ,. An•. A•• ,.._Poll 8eKll CA •:ioeo 1m11et1on control conver11on 1C1P 20bll S•• Co.-. Lene. Coet• MH• TlllUITll'I SALi County ol Orenge 8 tale o l NMmberlA JOllnt011.2&tOo1e & l 0 • I 4 I Io O • 111 • t N I I 11 CA 028n T.I Ho. :M1&4 Calllurnl11, H duly eppofnted Al.II 0, Coeh' Mffe, CA 021121 11ppur11nenCH theretu, In llrlCI Tiii• bUllrlHI II GOMUOl-0 by NOTICf 16 HfArBY OIVI N lltul on TrutlM under •nd purtuant 10 th• Willlem It ~·•Ir 171131 S•l'I eccord•nc:• with 11'1• tpec;lllCatlona hu•D•rtd and wtl• Wedr•Nll•v Jyly 21 10112 •I 1100 power ol u l• GOnletred In that Hoque Hu111H1g1on B••Ch, CA on Ille 111 111e olflc.e ol Iha 01rec10t ol M11gare1 C Ch41c:OnH u clock "m ut t•ld d•V m lh• room teftaln 0-1 of fr1Jtl e~eculed by 1128'7 P\.tbllc;Wort.t rh1111e1er11•11t wH llle<I Wlth tne w t Hldll 101 conlluctmg lruatMI RALPH CA,..lLAY •r><I HELEN O •ry C V10e111n1c: I TI$ DATE 0 ' OPE NINO 8108 llOt County Ci.rk ot Orenoe County Ori &•IN. Wlllltn Ille OlllC" ot AEAL CAN l LAY. hUt b•nd and wlle Warrfttl SI . Ar•ere•Ot , CA 02603 wlll be lllC!9!11td et H•t ollk;e of tne June 21, t\182 ESTATE SECURtTll!S SERVICE. 1ec;o10ed June t11, t981 111 600-Oery A lyr>c;ll City Clerk Of the City ol Irvine '111N1 1oe11eo '' 2020 North Broedw1y, 14 t07 of ONlctal Record• c>I "'d th11 t181eme111 w•• filed wun lM l~te<l et 11200 J•mborH Roe<I. Publlan•u Or•noe COHI D•llY 8111te 206 In tne City of San11 An•. Coonty, •I pege 709 Recordtlf't County C1e<11 01 Or anoe Covuly on l1vlne. C•llloml• 92713, ur1t11 2 00 Piiot, Jun• 23. 30. July 7 14, 11182 County o l Orenoe Slit• of lnt1rumen1 No 201e8 by reuoo of June I• 1982 pm on July II, 19112 •I whlc;n time 27111·82 Cellloml• SAN MAAINO SAVINGS f breecn or deltull Ir> p1ymel'lt OI ,91IAI •nd place blOt wlll be publicly ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION I per form•noe ol the obl111•11on1 Publltlle<I 018nge tou t Dally ooeoed 111d read 11lovd Bid• an•ll MllC NOTICE ca11 torn1e c:orporat1011. u duly H eured 1ner•by 1ncluOl110 tn•t P1101 Jun" t6 23 30. July 7, 11192 be tubmllled In M•ll<I env<11tooe1 'ICTTTIOUI IWllMlll •OOOlll ted T1u11u unde• dl\d brHch or del•ull, NOllCe or whleh 2~2 mer~ed or> the outtlde, "Blda IOI pureu•nl to th• power of u111 wu recotded M•1ch 8. 11192. u Culver 01lve l,,lg•1101> Control NA• ITATIMIWT conteu ed In tnal t er1e111 <>Nil 01 Recorder t 1n11rumen t N o PUBLIC NOTICE Conve<tton Tilt following Petton 1• OOlng Trull executed by CY NIHIA e 92--07e90• WILL SELL .AT PUBLICl---------"'"""..,.--- LOCATION OF THE WORK The but!,,_ u : PELLETIER, a m•rtleO womer>. AUCtlON TO THE HIGHEST FICTITIOUI IUllNtSS work lo be ,,.,101med lle<eun<1er It IRVI NE S 0, T WA RE recordeO Aptll 4, 1980, In Book BIOOER FOR CASH, lawful money NAME STATEM!HT IOC:ltld In the City or lrvlne, Co1.1111y CONSULflNQ. 102 0 l!lrlN . MIN t3502 ot Olllcl•I Floc0td1 ol u ld ol the United StalH or • CHhle•'• Th• rollowrng pertont ''' doing of Ore119e. on Culver Drive madl•n CO\lt1. Irvine. c.Hfornle 92718 County. •I p1ge 19113 Record•• • cneck drawr> on • a111e or r>etionel llu••n1in H DESCRIPTION OF WORI( The Qllbert Dylan Gllok, l02 0 lnttrument No $718 Dy rtHOll ot • D•r>k e 11811 or lederel c:redll l A 6 BAU LAUNORAMATIC. work 10 be perlortrted lh•ll lr>elude BtlM. M ... Coun. lrvlne, C•lllOfnl• btMCll "' deleull In P•ymenl or un;on, Of •••••• or leder111Nvlng•JI2 t !. S Ananeim Boute1o.,o, ou1 not o. llmlled to upg1•dlng 112715 pttlormanG• of ll'te Obl1g111on• and loan H IOCl•llOn domlclled In Anane;m C•lllorniA H itting lrtlg•uon cor>trol Tille bulllnet• le conducttd Oy Ill'\ H oured 1nereby 1nc1uo1ng I hat 1h1111a111. 111 p1yabl11" the time ol Don•IO W Hawkin•. r.oo 9 COM PLETION OF WORK All lndMOull braacll 01 delaull, Notice ot whlOll .. le, ell right, tllle •r>O lntetetl held BairiOli Lon11 8.,.cn Clllilornia wo rk. 11 to b• completed within Giibert Dylan Glloll wu tetC>fded M1>rch 23. 1982 u by 11 ... Truetee, In 1h11 real 908t5 twer>ty (20) oonH cu11111 worlllnO Thie •t•t-1 wu llled w1th lhe Recorde r • l1>1l•ument No p1openy 1111uaie 1n Mid Cour>ty end M••o11r•t A l1ewkin• 5808 d•yt from the <Ille ac>eclli.d In lhe County Clerk of Orange County on 82· 100333 Will SELL AT PUBLIC Stale deecrlbed u IOllowt Barr IOt Long Buch Calltomla NOllCietoProcee<I June1 19112 A UCTION TO THE HIGHEST Lot 2.20I Tr8C1 ,..o 3380,lntlte ll08t5 AWARD OF CONTRACT the '1-1 BIDDER FOR CASH, lawful money Clly Of Coela M•aa. County of Thtt bu1mt1H 11 ~on<lucted by Owner ••••r•H Ille rlgnt, •lier Pubtltned O"ng• COHI Oelly of lhe Unltea S111ea. or • cll.•h•e•'• Ore~. St•t• 01 C11.111omia. u pet ind111tduals (HutDond & Wiie) opening l>ldt, 10 rejec;I any 01 •II Piiot. June 9. 18. 2 · 30. l982 cneck dr•wr> on e atate or n•tton•I map recorded 111 BOOk 133. Pages Donald W Hawkin• Tnt• 1t•tement wu "lea wttn th• County Clerk of Ortno-Cour>ty on May 10, 11182 Ftt1t10 ,.,.,40 P\lll.IC NOTICE Pubh1ne<1 Or•nge COHI Delly p bll h d 0 c o 11 blda, to waive any IQIOfmellty In • 2,n.a2 b•nk a 11ete 01 led., al credit 34 to 39. M1~1aneou1 M•P•. 1n Tr111 state~•11 was !tied wtln '"' 01<1. to meke ewardt ln lhe '"'""' union or ••••••or teelet1I H•1ng1 Ille omoe or tlle Countv Recorder of Counly Chttk, or Orange County on Pllo1, June 23, 30. July 7 14, t982 u • • range OHi • Y __ f_l_C_T_IT-10_U_l_l_U_8_1_N_E_S_S__ 2714-82 Piiot, J11ne 9, 16, 23, 30, 1982 of tl>e Owner •nd 10 r11ect ell 01ner PUBLIC NOTICE ano 101111 HIOC:tatlon dom1c1llt<I In Hid County June 28 11182 f112)47 Publtsheo Orang• Coo•I O•llY P1101 June 30 July 7 I 4 2 t 11182 2906·112 bids. NOTICE OF TlllU8Tll'I 8AL! 11\18 91ale. •II payablll 81 tne llme Of rne stteel address 01 OlhtH NAMf STATEMENT 2533-82 PROPOSAL GUAAANTEE ANO Loen No 40002000 Hie, all right. 111111 11110 lntereSI held common dHlgnellon of the real Tno IOllowlng peraont are doing busl11ea1 aa. ORIOINAL OON JOSE NO 2. 428 E 17th S11ea1. Costa MeH Californ1• 92627 Don Jose Aestaur•nt Inc • a Calltornla corpora1101>, 9093 E Adams Hunt11>g1on B eacn. Ca11rorn11 926•6 rn11 business 1s conducted by a corporellon INC OON JOSE RESTAURANT Joe Morjoaeph, P11111den1 962·791 I Tllll 8tAlement WU flied wltn the County Cler~ of Or8"ge County on June 14, 1982 F1'1.U Published Orange <.;oast Dally P1101. Jur>e 16, 23 30. July 7, 1982 261•·82 POOLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSMH HAMf IT.ATUHNT Tne 1011ow1ng persona are dolr>g Duslr>eH u . TYPE·A -GRAPHIX, 3176 Pullman, Sune 111, Costa Me" Calilo1n11 112626 Jon Sharnborg & Associatet (Jon C Snunborg-ownan, • Arborglen, Irvine. Calllornla 927 t' Tllla bu1h1ess •• conducted by '" tn<llVtdUll Jon C Snemborg Thl5 sta1emeo1 w" Ille<! wtth 1ne County Cle<k of Orenge County on June 28, 1982 f 1ll»llO Publlsneo Orange Cout O•llY P1lo1 June 30. July 7 II. 21, 1982 2800-82 PUBLIC NOTICE MN l24t7 MNt24t7 flCT"10VI IUllNEU ftCTlTIOUI IUll .. ESS NAMl STATWMENT NAME STATEMENT Thi rouow1ng persons 11e doing The loltowir>g pettonl are doing business es· Ouslr>eas .,. JUDY S, 276 Westminster Mall JUO'l''S, 2136 BtM Mell, Bree. Celltorr>I• 9262 I We1s1m1nsler. ca111orn11 92683 Judy'a Brea, Inc. • Clllilornla Judy·s Westminster Inc a Calilorr>ta corpor atton 276 eo<pc;rallon, 2136 Brea Mall. &ea. Westminster M all, wes1mln11er , Celllornia 9262 I California 92683 This business IS conducted by 11 cor l>Of'A llOr> Tn1s nusiness 11 co11duc:t"° by • Judy's BtN Inc corpora hon JUOy s w e11m1ns1a1 inc: Lawrence ltrMI, Preardent Lawrer>ce ltrael Tllll 1111etn801 WU tiled With the President Thts s1a1omen1 was Ille<! w•lh the County Clerk of Orenge Cou1>1y on County Clark of Orange County on June 2t. 1982 Ju11e 2 t 1962. F1t1m F191174 Publlthed Or•nge Cont Oally ?ublrshed Orange Coast 011ly Pllol. Jur>e 23, 30, Juty 7, II, 1982 Piiot. June 23. "o, Julv 7 1•. 1982 ___________ 2_1_'_3_.a_2 2742·82 P\alC NOTICE STATEMENT Of AIANC>ONMENT OF USE Of FICTTTIOUS BUSINESS NAME The lollowlr>g petSor> h•• aoanoonad the ute of the F1et111oua Busmess Name IRON SPUR. I 1086 Garden Grove Boulevard Garden Grove. Calll0<nla 92640 The r1c1lttous Butlness Name r elerred 10 above we1 llleO '" Orange County on May 12. 1982 Mark Van Ornum. 4791 My,. ol.venue. Cypress. Callfoml• 90830 This butlness was cor>ducted by ar> 111dM<1uaJ Mark Van Omum f'tlll.IC NOTICE '1CTTTI04JI .,... .. N._ STATlllmMT Tne lollowlng ~rton 11 doing bullneee u : ARC .ANIMAL HOSPITAL SALES ANO FINANCE. 2792 Walnut Avenue, Tutlln, ~ 9~ J-E. Rich. D V.M.. 1753 Port M•nlelgh. Newport BHCh, Calllomla 92800 Thi• bu-'-le coMucteCI by Ill individual Jamee E. Rich, o.v u This ttatemeot w81 lllecl w1th the County Clerk of Ofanga County on Jur>e 28. 1982 F112M1 Publl•hed 0 ""08 CoHI Dally Pilot June 30, July 7 "'· 21. 1982 :><Wl"i-112 PUBLIC NOTICE ... tt41'7 ,tCTITIOUS IUllNHS NAME ITATl!MINT The lollowlng pe11ons ••• dolnj; bUtlr>eU U JUDY'S, 2850 N Main StrM I Santa Ar>• CeMlornle 92701 Juay s Santa An•. Inc • t Calllornla corporation, 28SO N Main Street. S•nte An•. Calllorr>ll 92701 Tltls butlr>eas le conducted by • corpor •tlOn Judy'1 Sen11 Ana, lr>C Lawrel'<le lttael, Prealder>t Tnls Slaternertt WU filed W111l Ille County Ci.rk of Or•"O' County on Jur>e 21 1982 F111171 Pubhaneo Or•nge Co11t 0•11)' Pllol, June 23, 30. July 7, 14, 1982 27,0-62 P\8.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS twSIHHS NAME 8T A TEMl!NT The following per•on la Oolng bualneae H FANTASTIC VOYAGE. 3161 Windsor Court. Costa Mes•. C•tllorn1a 92626 Nan G OeMeyar, 3'81 Wlr>dsor Court Costa Men. Celllo1n11 ~828 Thia buSlness ts conduC1ed by an ln<llY1dual Nan G O.Meyet Thll stetement Wll flied With the County Clerk of Oranoe County on June 21. 1982 F191tol Pubt11ne<1 Orange Coast O•lly PllOt, June 23, 30. July 7. I'. 1982 2701-82 BONDS Eacn b id •hall be Tl No'n122~ by 11 as Tru11ee on 1na1 real property u he<eln•l>Ove desc11be<I accomp•r>lea by a c:ttllfled or II. 1 M B ·E ·R L 'y E s c Row propetiy situate In Hid County and 11 purported 10 be 293S Jev• Road caahle1'1 cnec;k or by ' co1potale CORPORATION u duty appointed Stale. detcrlt>ed as lollowa LOI 8 ol Coete Mesa. Cali!Ofnla . P\8.IC NOTICE turety DOnd on tne torm furnished Truetee under lhe rollowlng Block 540. 1n the Coron• ae1 Mar The unde11 1gne<1 nereby br. 1ne Owner H guar•ntee lhat the lleecrlbe<I deod ol trutt WILL SELL Tract, a& per rnap recorded In Book dleclalma all llablllly tor anv flCTmOUS UUStN€11 Dddet will. If an award la mada to AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE 3 pages 41lllld42 OI Mltcellaneous lnc;orrectneu In Hid s1ree1 addre$1 NAME ST.ATU.NT htm in ac;c;ordance with Ille term• ot HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH Maps, In the othc;e of 1ha Cour>ty or other common oesignet•on Tne I01low1ng peraone are dorno hi• bid. J)fomptty sec:ura Workmen's (payable 81 time 01 ..,. In lawtul Recorder of Hid Countv Saia stle will t>a made w11nout bustness as Comper>tallon ln•urance and money 01 the United StatH) all The s11e11t •<1<11ess Or 01ner w8H8nty exp1eu or implied. AL ASK A MAN S lleblllly 1n1ut1nce execute • rtgnt lltle and rntereal conveyeO 10 common <IH•gnallon ot lh• real regarding 111111. poueu1on. 01 ENTERPRISES. a Solana, lr111ne. conlr•CI In 1ne required form and and ~ow neld by 11 under Hid Deed properly heielnabo•e <1e~cr1bed Is encumbt1nces. 10 satltly 1n1 Cet1lorn1a 92716 lurnllh Htl1fac1ory bonds for tn• 01 Trull In ine property herelneltet purporu10 to De S06 M.rlgold prlnc;lpal balar>oe ol 1ne Note Of Z Clark B1111>son, 33S S El lallhlul petform•nc:e of 1ne contract described Av1r1ue, Coron• del Mar. Clllfor1>1a other obligation aec:ured by '41<1 Molino Avenue No s. Puad1ma. arrd tor the payment 01 clalmt of TRUSTOR WILLIAM J CLARK Th• un<leralgneo hereby <11 .. laJms Oeed of rrun with 1n1e1ee1 and Calllorn1a 91101 meterl•I men •n<1 lebo1•t1 and LISA B CL.AAK, nusband and •II llat>11t1y tor eny 1ncor1ec1nttS 1n otnar s11m1 u p1ov1<1ed tnerein. Wenay Sue Wylie 6102 W 1nereunder Said c;heek or bidder• wife u 10 an 1indlvlded a percent 1110 st real •ddreu or otner plus •<I••~•. 11 llf>y, under the Ocean Frol'I Newport Beacn. t>Ond tn•ll t>e Ir> an amount of not lntetHI •nd JAMES A CARTER common <1es1gn111on terms 1he16'>I ar>d Interest on auch Ca111orn1a 92683 lea• th•n ten (IOI percent or tha and SHARON A. CARTER, nutband Said sale wlll b• mad11 w1tr1ou1 •dvar>cet, MO plus tees. chargers Henry E Ruuebeck 10S36 •mount ot the bid The Faithful .,,0 wile u joint tenante, H 10 1,, warranty eap1eu or 1mplle<I tr>d eapensea 011ne Truatee and of All S1ree1, Suntana Calllornla Perlormanoe Bond tll•ll l>a not 1e1a undivided 91 percent lntereal. all 81 regard11>g lltle po~seu1on 01 ll>e lruats created by said Oeecl of Tn11 busrnesJ IS con<1ucled by a than one hundred (100) percent of 1tnant11n common encumD,.nces to satrsfy 1he frust Tne total •mount ol aalo geoeral partnersn1p the total •mour>t ol th• bid prloe BENEFICIARY LLB co 8 prmetpat balance ot lne Note 01 ob1tg1t1on. tncludlng t1ator>abl~ Z Clar~ Branson 1>1med in 1ne contract The Labor per1ne1Slllp 0111111 Obliga11on secured by said eatimeted te••. ct1a1gea sr>O This S1a1emen1 was l1led Wiii\ the and Malerlala Bond shall oe 1>01 less Recorded April 6 t98 I as instr Deed ot Trust, with 1n1e1est and expenses of the Trustee, •• 1ne time County Clerk ot Orange County on lh•n one nundred ( 1001 perceot of No 6108 in l>OOk 14009. page t90S 01ner i.ums as provtoed 1nere1n or 1n1t111 publlcauoo ot tn•• No11ce, 1s Jur>e t• 1982 the totef amour>t ol tne b•d prlc;e 01 Olflclal Records in the otttee of plus advances 11 any. under 1ne S7 t. 19• 23 f 111 ... n•med In ll>e c:oolrac:I tne Recorder of Orange County 1e1ms 1net110f and "1teres1 on such Oate<l June t t, 1962 Publl&lled Orange COatl Daily Tne owner reservea Ille rignt 10 NICI deed 01 truat detetlbea the •dvances. and plus tees, c:llarget SM Marino Sav1ng1 P1101 June 16 23. 30. July 1 1962 reject ar>y bond. II. In 1na oplr>lon of lollowlr>g properly and e~penses ol the Trus1ee and ot and Loan AS50Clallon 2504-8;> t n e Eng 1 nee r , I he Sure 1 y s Loi 46 01 Tract 38 t3 cuy of the trus1s creeled DY said Deed ol a Calllorn1a corporelloo I · acknowledgment 11 M l In the form ,..ewport B .. cn as showr> 0,, a map TruSI The 101al amount ol sa10 u Trullee PIJ8UC NOTIC[ included In the contrect documents recorded '" 9oo11 162 Paoes 11 obhga11on 1ne1u<11ng 1easonabty By Real Eatlle or 1n anotner form aubsllnllafly n 12 13 14 IS 16 17. 18 I nd 19 es11ma1e<1 tees. charges and Seeutttloa S.rv1ee FtCTITIOUI BUSINESS pteKrlbed by law Inclusive 01 mlscelleneovt meps, e"penses ot tne T1ustee at 1ne 1tme a ce111orn11 corpor•11on NAME STATEMENT PREVAILING RATES OF WAGES records 01 Orallge Counly, ot1n111a1pub1tca11onot1n1sN011ce is Its Agent The lollow1ng persons a1e <I01ng In aecordance with tne provision• ol Callt0trnia S4•.999 55 By O J Morger I ous1ness as Section 1773 of the Callrornla Labor YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A OAT ED Jur>e 25. 1982 llS PrUtdent P 0 L 111. 0 LS KY NEWLIN Code. lhe Own« nu determined DEED OF TRUST DATED MARCH SAN MARINO SAVINGS 2020 North BroaOway CONSTRUCTION 2707 Aurora No ll'le ~al orevtlllng 1atea of per 3t 1991 UNLESS YOU TAKE & LOAN ASSOCIATION Sulle 206 I Santa Ana Callforn1a 92701 diem wages 11> 1ne 1oc;al1ty In wn1c:n ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR a Cahlornt• corpor•tton, S8"ta Ana, CA 92706 John C PollkolH y 2230 1ne work 11 to De perlormed to be PROPERTY IT MAY BE SOLO AT A as Tru11ee, I (711) 953-6810 1 Rutgers No C Cos1 a Mesa that con1a1neo Ir> the Soulhe1n PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN By REAL ESTATE Publlaned 011nge Cou1 Oa11y Cahtorn1a 92627 Clllfornla Master Labor AgrMment, EXPL.ANATIO,.. OF THE NATURE SECURITIES SERVICE. Piiot, Jur>e 16. 23 30 1962 W1111sm L Newhn 2707 AurOfa a copy ol wnk:h 11 or> Ille In lite OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST a Ca1tforn111 eorPorafton 2822-62 No I Sanl8 Ana Cah10tn1a 92704 Otllc;e of the City Cle<k Of Ille City OI YOU YOU SHOULD CO ... TACT A 115 Agent Tn1s OuStn8'1S IS conouc:ted bv a any lnte11111eo party upon reque11 2 0 2 2 s 0 115 Pret1d1n1 John Polikolskv T ne contr•c t or and any • 1 ·•I easnore ri~e 2020 Norlh8roadway FICTITIOUSBUSIHESS I Th1ssta1efN!nt W11Sflle<l wt1ntne lrvlr>e end will De made •11ailable lo LAWYER By O J Morge<, l PUBLIC NOTICE I gene1a1 pa11nersh1p C1 d I sh II Newport ee.c:h, CA 92663. S 1 206 NAME STATE,.ENT County Clerk of Oran~ County on PtaJC NOTICE ~"o~c::·~~ ~ :~ ~~: r; p.:' fr:~ "(II a l ltMI eddress OI' c;ommon s~~~. Ana CA 92706 Tne lollowmg persons are <101ng June 28 1982 preva1llng rates ol w•ges to •II deslgnallor> II shown •bove. no Tel (71') 9S3-66 t0 business as F1~ FtCTTTIOUl IU ... U workmen empioyeoln lhe exec;utlon w•rr1n ty 11 g iven aa 1? IU Pubhs.heel orange CoHt Delly Piiot VIA LIDO ONE HOUR PHOTO I Publlshed Orange Coast 0811J .•' ..,._ ITA~NT or the contract completenesa or corree1neu) The J e 30 J I 7 14 1982 3641 v11 Lido, Newport Beacn, P1101 June 30. July 7. 1', :i'I 1981 The followlr>g peraon 11 doing APPRENTICE The Comractor beneficiary under Hid Deed ol un u Y ' · 2787_82 Calllornle 92663 n98-82' • bull-u : enall complV w lln 8 11 lhe Trvll, by reason of• breech or S•mon Kuywan Chol 2930 ------------- SHARE BUILDERS. 3-472. San iequlremenlt or 5eclloo 1777 5 01 default In Ille obligation• Meuteo fltmlC NOTICE Joaquin D11v' Burbanl\ Calolor1>1a PUBLIC NOTICE Marino, Cott• Mete, C•llfornl• thereby, n«ttolore executed ar>d 91so• 92t2.0 the Cellloml• LaDOr coae dlll••••d to lhe ur>de••lgned • K1 Hwang Chol 2930 Joaquin I Sheri Boy9f, 3-472 Sen Mllflno, OR Aw 1,.. GS 11 NO written O.Cllrat1on ol Ooraull and MN 112497 01111e. Buroenk Cellfornta 91504 Co•t• Men, Calllornla 92828 SPECIFICATIONS· A lull set of Demand tor S•la, ar>d wrltteo notlee FICTITIOUS BU81NEl8 Thos business rs conduc1eo tly an Thia bull,,_ i. condueie by an drawings •r>d spec11,1c111ona Is or breacn •nd of e1ec11on to cauH NAME STAnMENT in<11v1ou111 lndlvldual •valllble lor 1~apec1 on wDtllnout the ur>dlltlgned 10 sell slid The rooowing oe<sons are do<ng Simon Kuywan Cnol S'-I Boyet chatge 81 111' 0 '°' 01 tne rector P<operty to sa11sry M IO obllg1t1on1 bus1neM as Tn1s sta1emen1 was !tied with tne Tl>ls •t•l-t wu llled wttn Ille olComPublk: wor111 of tfne Cldltydof ~ and there•lter the undersigned JUDY S 62• M1ss1on v1e10 County Clark or Orange Coun1y on County Cilfk of o,.noe County on piete "'' 0 aa ,._ .. ..,,, cauled u ld notice of btH ch and ol Mall. M 1u1on V1a10 ca111orn1a June 28, t982 June 21• 1962. apeclf!Ullone and bid doc:umenll e1ec11on 10 be recorded March S. 92691 F192332 PuDhshed Orange Coast Daily PtlOI June JO July 7 I 4 2 t 1982 Flt1110 may ba purch•aed from the lll&2. H lr>llr No 82-077877 In JuOy's Los Angeles. Inc . a Department ol Public: WQfl<S, City ol bool.. page , or "Id Cellforn1a corporat•on 62• M1111ron Orange Cout D•llY Piiot. June frvlr>e, t7200 J•mboree ~oed Ollicial Rec;ords vieio Mall MIS$1011 v1e10 Clllllornl8 2799-82 FICTITIOUS 9USINHS NAME ST A TEMENT Th• tollow1ng person IS doing b1J9"1653 .. MANEUVERS I 10¥ G1rdet1 Grove Boulevard Gucfer> Gro•" C•lllom1a 926•0 Marl< Van Ornu"l, • 791 J.Ayt1 A11ionue, CyorMs Cahtorr>I• 90630 Tn1s bus•nMS 15 conduc:ted by ~ tndlvtdual Marlo. Van Omum Thos s1111emen1 waa tiled w11n 11\e County Cle<k or Orar>oe Coun1y on -------------! relund•ble ••• or $5 00 wlll be wllnoul covenant or warrantv. This b1JS1ness is con<luC1eo t:>y a PUBLIC NOTICE June 14 t982 23, 30, July 1, ti , 19112 2692_82 ltYtne, Cauto1n1a 92713 A r>on-Satd u 1e wlll b e made bu1 9269t I T CE P\alC NOTICE cnarged tor each set ol documenta express or implied, r11g1rdlng 1111e. corporation -------------flltul ____ PUB __ l_l_C_N0 __ 1 ____ 1 ___ F_IC_TTTIOU ___ 1 __ -.,-.-, .... -S-S---I Oraw11>g1. apec1 lllc1llona and bid possHtlon or encumbrances, to Judy s Los Angeles Inc FINC!MITEIOSUT8•TBEU~IENNETSS This statement was llled w•tll Ille· Count) Cieri< of Orange County on June 14 tjl82 f1914M Pubhshed Orange Coast D111y PtlOI June 16 23 30 Juty 7 1982 2645-82 Pubhshed Orange Coast D•lly FICTITIOUS BUSINESS .., .. ,_ documents wl I be m•ll•<I. upon P•Y lhe remelmr>g prlnc;1p11 sum ol Lawrence Israel. " .. - Ptlol June 16. 23 30. July 7, 1982 NAME STATtMEJfT NAME STATtlitlENT receipt OI requests. no 1•1et lh8" IO the no1ecs1 secured by said Deed of Prn1<1en1 T"8 following person '' 001ng 26'•-82 The rollowlng persor> 15 doing Tne 1011ow1ng person " doing calendar O•Y9 P<•ot 10 the ~11• set Trust. With ,,,,.,.,, as 1n said note Tn1s statement was hied with tllr business u I -------------t busor>eu •s buSlness H tor opening bids. for Ill tddlllonai provided, advances. 11 '"Y· under County Clark 01 Orange County on PASTRANO S RESTAURANT PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ALEE DA SURF suiTS. 22 1 BEACH ELECTRONICS. 160'2 charge ot SS 00 tne 1eim1 or said Deed or Trust. June 21 1982 19535-37 B98ch 01110 Huntington FICTITIOUS BUSINESS Main Streel, Hur>llngtor> Beech, Beacn Blvd , Uhlt "A''. Huntington PROJECT ADMINISTRATION All charges and expenses of the F1t187S Besen CA 92646 • FICTITIOU8 BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Callloim• 926"8 Beach. CA 92647 quesllons retallve lo lh•s pro1ec1 Trustee and ol lhe truals c1ea1e<l by Pubhslle<I Orange Coast Oa1ly R 0 BE AT E 0 WAR 0 NAME STATEMENT MIS Lo.a Jeanelle Brown, 308 Matk Al•n Rodgers. 2011 t Pt101 to open11>g 01as shalt be IMlt<I Deed ol Tru5l Polol June 23 30 July 1 l • 1982 PAS TR.ANO 33561 M ar1tnsp11o,e The tollow•09 persons are do.ng Tne 1011ow1r>g oet1on1 are dotng Rot:•n HOO<l Costa Mesa California Moontlde Cir Huntington Beecf\ Ol rected to Jim 0 Cor>nell Said sale will oa n el<I 0 ,, 27•1 62 Or1\fe l agur>a N1gue1 CA 92677 1 business as t>usir>esa as 92927 CA 926'6 CO n SI' u CI' On Con I r a CI S 982 2 00 -------------Tilts business is conducted b" an GARY S GlASS SERVICE. PHASE II PROMOTIONS, 200S Thia busrneM 19 conducted by an This bullMSs Is cooducted by an Admlr>IS1r81or 754·3791 ~h::,'sd!~ 1~~Y c~~p~an :~enue PUBLIC NOTICE inoi111dual ' '1609 t Arc:aoia M•SS•on Vteto W Balboa Blvd Suite 605, lndlVldual lndlY1dual OATEO June 23 1982 enlrence lo tne c1v1c Center -------------Robert E Pastrano California 92691 Newporr Beach Celllorn1a 92663 LOIS J Browr> M•rk A Rodger• CITY OF IRVINE B 110 300 EHi cn1pm.in C-1710 TlllS slatemenl WU filed with the Gary Alan rooey 2609 ' Pnue II Promoltons, Inc • This atetem-t -as fl~ with the This statement wu flied w1111 1ne By ,..,.,..CY C ROWLAND • u in~ h c1 1 o NOTICE OF SALE OF County Clerk ol Ora..,.. County on Arceoe Mission Vte1o Calllornll " -· -..,.. " " CITY CLERK "venue, n luot ty o rer>ge PERSONAL PROPUITY .. ,,_ 92691 2005 w Balboa Blvd Sun• SOS, June 28 1962 June 11. 1982 Publlthed Orange Coast Dally publleatlon 01 lhla notice, tne 10181 AT l"ftlYATl 9All f192111 Susen Anne ToDey. 26091 1nco1 i:r,1 ate<I state ot Calllornll Cour>ly Clef~ or O•enge Coonty 00 County Clerk of Otanoe County on A 1 1 he 11m 11 of 1 n • In 111a1 June 25. 11182 l Newpor1 Beach. Calllornla 92663 Fttz:Ma f191W Piiot. June 2S & 30, 1962 amovm of lh• unpaid oelar>ce 011ne No. A-104158 Publ1sned Or•nge Coast Dally Arcada Mtsalon V•ejo, Celltornla This bualnMs It conducted by a Publltl\ed Orange Cout Delly Publllhld Orenge Coast D•llY 2790-32 obligation M<:ured by tne above In the Superior Court 01 ine Slate Pilo1. June 30, July 7 14, 2 t. 1962 92:~ t bu 1 d C1ed b an c;o1pora11on. Piiot, June 30. July 1 14, 21. 11182 Piiot, June 16, 23, 30, Juty 7, 1982 ----Dll-.,.-,-,.NO--T-IC_E ____ <111c11Ded Oaed ol flu at end of Callto1n11 for the County of 2867-82 is srness s con u Y Phase II Promotions. Inc 2608-82 2588-82 r-UU&.n. Httmated co•IS. eaoentes. and Orange •l'dllltdual Silvato1e Pugliese Jr ll<l•anoet 11 5135.98111 In the M•Het of tne Estate of PUBllC NOTlCE ! Susan Anrte Tobey President P\alC NOTICE P\8..IC NOTICE "::~o:'T~~.:e"::' To determine fl\e openlno bid, LUCY RICHARDSON aka LUCY I t---F-ICT_l_T_ 10 _U_S_B_U_8_ 1 H_E_8_5__ Tn1s statemenl was llled witn tne Coluhnl'1u sc1~~~eool 'o~=~gtell~owu~:!, 'o~ MN l24t1 The foll owing Pet•on Is dolr>g you m11y cell (71') g37 ·~966 RICHARDSON. ~ea:ed lh tn NAME BT A TE ME NT ~oun~ 1 C~e;~2 ol Orange County ~· , ., FICTITIOUS IWSfHEU FICTIT10Ut IUllMSS bull,,... u · 011te June t5, 11162 Notice IS here Y g ven at e une . f111113 June 21. 1982 N•~ ST'"'""•NT ........ ST•-.-..-B & O CONSTRUCTION, 300I l(IMBER LY ESCROW ur>dersigned wlll aell al Private u le. Tne lollowrng person 1s doing F111... "'"'"' "'"' ",._ ,.,,._.., CORP to tne highest and best b•<lder. ous1ness es Publlsned Orange Coeat Oaily Pubhsneo Oranje Coast O•lly The loflowlno pertoM are dolno The followlno perton1 are doing Redhill Ave , BldQ 5, Suite 108. es Hid TrvllM subject 10 cor>ll1m•t101> o t u ld F 0 UR S EA S 0 N S P1101 June ?3 30 July 7 1•. 1982 J 3 30 7 I, 1"'82 butlneae u . bvtlneSI u Cott• M .... CA 9~828 S I C t o 01 aller !Me 15th ... NUF•CTURER. 851 Weal 18th 2887-~2 Pilot une 2 · · 111Y • ~. " MANCHESTER BOOI( CLUB JUDY'S, 3333 Brtttol, Colle BOBBY DEAN DANIEL, 12S2t 8 Y T 0 SE RV ICE upet or our' n "'"' " 2885-112 2654 South Grand Avenue, S•r>te Meaa, Calltornla 112828 Dale Street. Gardar> Grove. CA COMPANY d11y of July 1962. al lhe office ol S1reat, Colla MeS11. Ca111orr>le An•. CA 11270S Judy'• Coll• Meta, inc .. • 926"1 • •gent ~~':,s~~~.~~UA~~~~j,1~~ .. ~~1 9262:mll O.Coste< 7602 Appleby PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE MN t14t7 FICTITIOUI BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Glouc;es1or Publl¥tlng Co .. lr>c;.. Califorr>I• corporation, 3333 BnllOI, • Thlt.,ttness Is conducted by '" By Cindy Schoonover, C I e Cit Co n1 ol Los An. Otlve Huntington Beach Celllorr>l11 IC-oot111 • C•llfo1r>I• corporation. 31311 Costa M .... Cehfornl• 92826 1ndMdual AISlll•nt Secretary u Y r r. u 1 Y 90230 1j 92646 OflANQ( COUNTY ~:~.~'~"~.c: ;J:1$ Sar> Ju• n Thlt bu11nesa la condUCled by• rn11 1111::=nP!~':' ftled with tile g;::.y ~~~n~e;~668 ~:~·~jg~:~'~,~;~~ ~~~~~eSI or sa~d Tn1s busineu II conducted by en =~~;!Lt1 ;~r:yTP~= T •• d _ ... b coipot•tlon , C 1 C Cl 0 C 17 t4) 83s.8288 deceased at 1he ume ol rtea1n an<l 1ndlvldual 1 ~une H~ .. -·. CeH"--'--The lollowlng persons are doing bu~11>69S 85 n11 bu ... r>eu IS con Ullh•u y • Judy a 0111 Meu , nil ounty erk of rar>oe aunty or> 1 1 d 1 1 ,..1 that E 1 OeC _,, .,.. ,.,...,,. 9-" corooratlon Lawrence ltraet. June 21. 11182 Publl•neo Orange Cont 011lly all the rlgnt. 1 t e an n er..,.. mi oster PLAINTI FS CHUCK KEN,..EY JUDY S. No 2S Fasnlon Squore. lmperl•I & Beacn La Habra Cahlomle 9083 t Co Inc GIOUGHtor Publlthlng President f1t1... P•IOI, Jur>e 23, 30. •I'd Juty 7. 1982 lhe estate OI sa•<I dece~5f' "" Tll1$ statement was llleoc With lhe and DARRYL Zl~RO db• KENNEY Th11 1111e--1 wu filed with tile Publl1hed Orenje CoHt 01lly 2697-82 11equired by ooerahon ° aw or County Clerk of Orange ounty on REAL ESTATE Juov s La Habra, Inc . e Catol orr>le corporation. No 2S Fas111on Square. Imperial & Beech Le Hobre. Calllomte 90631 rn1~ business ts conduoled by • C0fpot811on Judy's le H•Dra, Inc Lawrence 11111111. Pre11<1en1 This statement was flied with lhe Lounty Clerk ot Orange County on June 2 t 1982 F1t1m Pubh111ed Orange Coast Dally Piiot, June 23. 30, July 7, 1•. t982 2739·82 PUBUC NOTICE flCTITlOUI IUSINl!H NAME STATEMl!NT The lollowlr>g pe11on 11 dolr>g butlMSSH M ISSION ENTERPRISES. 11122·~ Newport Blvd • 138. Cotti Mesa. CA 92627. BETTY BOMBOY, 369 R•IC•IT'I Pt • Cott• Met&. CA 112627 Thll l>ulllMM ii conduc:ted by an lndMduat e.tly Bombay Tlllt 11a1_,1 w•t nted with lhe CovntY Clill1c of Orange County or> June I•. t992 ,,.,., Pubflthed Orange CoH t Oefly PllOt, June 18, 23. 30. July 7, 11112 2tt3-42 "8..IC NOTICE M G Atmlttong, PrM This atatemeot wu flied with the County Cl~rk ot Orar>ge County on June 21 , 1962 F1t1171 Pubt11ne<1 01•nge Coatt Delly Piiot. June 23. 30. July 7, 14, 1902 273S-82 PUBLIC NOTICE FICTmOUI eua...-s NAME ST A TtMENT The 1011owtno peraon1 are doing bullness a.s J ANO R CLEANING SERVICE, 237 I I C•lle Ht>glt, Ml1tton Viejo, Celllotnle 92811 I Anthony Jonr> Sho•I, 1459 t S-lln Avenue. Irvine, Cellfornla 92714 ROH Daza. 23711 Catie Haoar. MIUIOll Viejo. Ctlllomi. 928111 Thll buelness II c;onducted by I llmlted partnerlhlp Andy J. Snoet Thll lt81-I WH filed with the County Cltfk or Oreooe Cour>ty on June ti, 19112. ,,,,..7 Publlened Orar>ge CoHI 0 •11)' Piiot, June Ill, 23, 30. Juty 7. t9112 2596-82 MUC NOTICE AeTIT10UI.,..... ..__.,.~ ni. fOltoWlng .,.,._, • .,. dOinO t>ue/Mle ., 8U""" PUIUIHtNQ OlllOU,, "''moue .,._,, 3304t c 1111 Avlador. Ian Ju•n MAm ITATIMIMT CllC)le1tlft0, c.llfomla 92t70 Th• lollowtne P•Aon I• dOlllO IU"''" PUILIC.ATIONI •• t>ua!Mlt -~ ClllfOfnl• COFPCl'•llOll, ~ C... (A) MIMI IT Ctl: (I ) MIMl1_3_te Avlador, l 1n J111n Otpl1lr1no, 8app111t1, lal.,.,. ltllnel. CA hw2. Otltt0tlll4I t2t11 Mer~ Giiien O 'l<l•ff1, au Thlt ..,..,_ 111 oordlllGIM e.y • Saoofln, lllbOI i.llnd. CA t2N2 00f1*11tloft, f hll bulllWt .. ~.-Dy "' hffttr !ll!ObtlOnl tndfYlcNlll, ,,.,. Ololtl, Mery Q. O'IC.lllfl ..,__., T!Mt ~t .. fllllo wlttl tM TNt .. .....,.. ... llled wtfl llw C.,,,f't ~ .. 0rlf'lt ~'" ~ Qin ,,, °' .. Cwttr .. 1vM 14 ltll ' .lwlw r, INI Puallltl .. Offntt ooefji . '\ltfltMf O'"'r Ot~~ ,.. ~ , •. u . '°' Mt . rMI ,..., """" •. ,, • . ·~ " ,,_,, -------------otnarwise 01ner then or In a<10111on June 28 1982 County Clerk of Ofarige County on Piiot. June 23. 30 uly 7, 1', 1982 PUBLIC NOTICE 10 11191 01 said deceesed 111 llte ume flll235t 0 E FEN 0 AN TS CY NTHIA June 2 I, 1982. 2702-92 of deoth. Ir> and to all the Gertaln PuOltshed Orange CoHI Dally ANDERSON KERRYSANO~~SON f1t1m -------------NOTICE OF PUILIC AUCTION personal property situated 1n San P1101. June 30. July 7 14 21 t962 tr>d DOES I thrOUQh • tnc .. ve Publlsned 01e1>ge Cont Dell) PUBllC NOTICE 0 f PE Ill S 0 N .AL P II 0 PERT Y Juar> Cepl9tr1no County of Orang• 2797-82 SUMMONI P11ot,June23.30.Ju!y7. II. 1982 llllMAININO O N V A C ATED Stele of Callfornoa, P•ll•Cularly -------------I ONFIRSTAllllENOEOC~A""y 2738-82 FICTITIOUS IUSINESI f>REMtlH Of fOflME9' TENANT described aa follows to wit PUBLIC NOTICE CASE NVM9EJll 2'7n ' -------------NAME 8TATIMl!NT (CC1•) 1972 Roll•Way Mobile Home NOTICEI You h•Ye bMn IUld. P\alC NOTICE The tollowlng '*'°"' llf4' doing NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tna1 Uc No JP4769. Ser. No S445U; FICTITIOUS 8U81NE88 T"9 court m•r decide ....... t reu . bualneae H : on July 17. 1982, at 10 00 A.M., at JP•170. Ser No S4•SX NAME STATEMENT without rour beln<i Metd ul'lfieM l'ICTTTIOUS IUl*lH NAME STATEMENT EXECUTIVE SWEETS 3 tS t511l 6700 W•met Avenue. In Hunllngton Te""'s 01 sale cash In lawlul TM 1011ow1ng person is doing rou rffpond wlthl" '°day .. ~ Street. •2. Huntlr>gton Beach. CA Beach Orange County, lhe money of the UnH•d St•tes on business as the lnfomtel'°" below. The lollowlr>g perton 11 doing butlneu aa. 92619 underslgr>ed wlll sell al public: c:onllrmallon of sale or part caSh POINTS TO CONSIDER •S W 11 you wtsn 10 sttel< Ille edvroe 01 Batbat• J Javortlly, 315 !Sin au01ton the personal property lelt and balance evldar>ceo by note Yale LOOP. lr111ne , Callforn11192714 •n e1torney •n 11115 mailer you Street, •2. Huntington Beacn. CA by lenanl L1111y Robrnson Said secured by Mortgage or Trusl Dead Mary Cetnertne Bleeker 45 W snould <lo so promptly so tnat your 926"8 property cor>1iats of housenotd 00 tha progeny so ao1<1 Twenty-live Yale Loop lrvlne, Calllorn1a 927 14 wrlllen responte. II any, may be PERSONAL PAINTING ANO DECORATING, 18S82 Goldenwnt St1eel. Hunllngtoo Bffch 92647 Robert E. O•Yl t , 16582 Goldenwul Street. Hur>tlr>gton Belch. CeJllOfr>la 92847 JoHphlne E Je11ot1ky, 3973 lvrnllure •nd ...,.,.nil al1ects S•ld 1 01 e o ftl bid to b• This bua1fte•• Is conduc:t ..... by an flied on lime Edlnbu1gnOrlve,Younnetown.Ohlo ,....~ percen mu,. " " -""' AYISOI U 1 t e d he e l de · ·9 eucllon will be made pureuant to depoliled wtlh bid 11\dl\lldual u s 11 the provllllOn• t:>I S.Cllon 1986 Of Bid• Of otte" 10 be In writing and Mary Catherine Bleeker d•mendedo, El trlbu"•1 puede Thlt bu.ineat 11 conduc:ted by en lndlvtduel. Thi• bu1tnen 1• c;ondUC1ed by • the Civil Coae wtll be received at the aforesaid Tnia steteman1 was flied with tile OK""' OOfllre Ud. •In •41dl•ncll • Oeoet'll partBrrerabhlp J J k Dated June 24, 1982 olllce at '"Y time alter 1ne first County Cl•rk ot Orange County on ~IO -~."'. LHUd:.'eeponde1......__.~!! Robert Davit 11 "' · •vou Y .. PPLE •p•RT''ENTS -.... ,. "'"'......,,_, ..--Thia ttalemenl wu flied wllh the ., " "' ,.. publlcatlon hereof ar>d f:lelore dale June 26. 1962 LendlOfO of sale Ftnisl ,.._, Thi• ll•tement WU flied with,,,. County Clerk ot Ofanoa County on County Cltfk ol o,.noe County on 8700 WaT<* Avttr'Ut. Dated this •th day of Juue. 11182 Publl1hed Orang• CoHt Dally ~I Usted on•• ao11c1ter •t June 21• t9ll2 Hunllnglon Beech Wllll•m o . Alehardeon Piiot, June 30. July 7 t', 21, 1982 conllejo de un abOgtdo en wi. June II, 1982 F1l 1tol Publtaned Orar>ge CoHI O•lly Jamee M RICnerdeon 2602·62 • 1u n 1 0 • d ' b • r I 8 ha c; 81 IO f1t1..a Publfened 01eng• Cout Cally Piiot June 30, July 7. 11162 ua<:ulore of Int Estate lnmedlatamente. de Mii ml"!'fil, Publl•hed Orange COHI Dally Piiot. June 23. 30, July 7. 14, 1982 21a6-62 01 Mid 0-0.r>I P\J8lJC NOTICE su respuesta aecrlta. Ii hay·~ Piiot. June Ill. 23. 30. July 7. 1982 2733-92 DUITSMAN • HUOt411. INC. puede .... 19<1illtedl. tlemj)O 28"&-82. f'tlll.IC N()TIC( lllOGElll O. OUITMAN FICTITIOUS IUllNHS I TO THE DEFENDANTS A cMI llOt WMt 8leveon Aftftue No. 210 NAM• STATE.MINT oompltlnl hu ~ ftled by the rtatC NOT1CE l'tCTmOUI .,..... ..,... l'TATl*NT flCTITIOUI IU..,_H NlllC NOTICE The fot1owtt1g per•on I• doing NAMI ITATIMINT ~ u: The tollowlng par•on 11 doing OELUXe PHOTOGRAPHY. Ou'"'-M . 1141 l<*trl'll)' IAM. eo.t.e ""-• A·OEPENOAILE CLEANING Callf0fnl1 t21M COMPANY, 278 A~o 18104, "U•Mll ChlrlM Ponef, ,1,. CO.ta~. OA 02827 Klllat"a)' L1ne. COlll Meu. ThOtnH Arthur 8Hllt , nt Clllfornle t2t2t Avoc;edo 1810., Coett Meta. C.A Thie butlMM i. oonouctect by an 12827 1nOMCk1a1 Tlllt ~ It COl'lduG1ed by en l'lllaMll C, '°'* 11\dlvldual. Thie ~I ... filed w1t11 the Tnom• A. IMllt Countr Olltll of Ottnoe County on 1'111 •t•temeiu "' tllld with Int June?, !Ma. ~tr Olltli ol °'"""' Ool#llY on ,_,. JUfll 14, 1M2. ~ub111t1tc1 011"r cottt o.i1y '~ ,...., June 1, 11. t , to, IHI l'vllllall~ 011n1• Ooell DtllY 141 .. 11 ...,., JUN IS. ti, IO, M !1. ttlf •1MI ACTITIOUI 9UllHlll C""'9r City, CllllOl'flle tonO Tne IOllOWl"O oereon• '"' dOlng plalrnlftl agalr>el you If you wlah to NA.Ml ITATIMIWT (211) ,,........ bVlineN ... defend tn11 11W9Yit. you mull, wtJhlll Tile toUowlng peraon• "' dojng Anomeyi for la:ecutCH't NO a LE ' AS O CI A o OS, 30 d1)'1 •fl•r th la •11mmont It OUlllMU It Publlt h•d Orange CoH t Di lly INC /U.S A ~ NewpOf1 Cetltet t«wd on you, ftl4I with tl'llt court I 8111lneu Opport11nlty World Piiot .Iv 23 24 ~ tH2 Olive. Suite 950, "'-potl &Mell, wttnen rtlC)OllM tO tht ~ 1223 E 17th Str•. S.01• AM. • M • • • 211115-82 CA 11aeeo UlllMa you Oo '°· 'fOIK ~ -Cellf0tnle 92701 NOBLE 6 .ASOCIAOOS. SA. de be enlere<I on ~tlon of tM Alohard E. AC>be111, Hiii Vitti -------------C V • • Me11loo 001p o,.t1on, plalnllll, end lhl• court m.y lnltt • Oel Valle • .An•h•lm, Callfornl• Ml.IC NOTICE Con1tJ1uyentM 908. Meidoo, 0 F Judgment llQ8inll rou for Ille , ... t2I07 I 11150 o.tnanded Iii the ~&, wflldt Wlttlt/'11 H l'OJl. 1 1 I Avoc;edo ,ICTITIOU• IUIMIS Tiii• bullMtl .. OOftOueltO by • COUICI , .. ult In get nlehm•nl ol Cfeet .... H.t>fl . CellfOfnla 90631 .... STATl:•NT c;otj)Otatlon Wiget. l•lllllO OI moNY or~ Thi• bualneu 1, conducted ti~ • Th• lollowl"O Dfrton II 001n9 NOBLl & .ASOCIAOOS. or other reOal requHt1d In t11e ~Ill partnenhlp. 1>1,111~~ ~iALTOAI. 2192 W•lnut S A di C.V comr,alnt Wlttltm Fo-A¥9ftU8 tuiun. c..ittornl• ll2NO fct-d J. NOble. O n:o ~u H , tH2 Thi• et11tmen1 wu n1ec1 Wtlll the J•m .. e Rich, nu l'ort ,~ .. :,~~ ~ "*' wtth tM 'l::.u' HA"9'11, Counry Clerll ol Orlnfe Collnty on M 111I•I0". H. w p 0 II ... c II. "-·-iy ....._.. of o,-County on .... c Oelavtr. JuM2t. 1M2 't CMllOMltHNO """''23.._,. _.,.... ~ 1'1i1>Utlltd Or,nge 0.H I, ~~ Tlllt l>ull-I• coneluc;tecl lly an .l\IM • IHI. ,,_,, ~ a·Oll l'lol June t3, IO, Juty I, t&t.J!Q lnOMclua:,.,,,.. I AlOll IMY, 0"'4'fi=:.I & NIYI A&..-Ctflell~• ·-··· ""'~"~""' ~ .• ~=-~ ~ ,,_.. I u DI 1 I I , 0 A ti t 9' '";!:o-=:t~'ce:=-:"! 'v•lt t llt • Ott~t • Ot .. I .,,., ..... , l'ilolt ~ b , IO, NI'( J, ''-J = ,..,.., """' IO, """ '· , •••• I . '"'ll ... M Ottlll' OH•t 0•11• I ' ., I ltCM I lf'lllt, .NM IO, Mr 7, 14 11 People •ti along tht Or1ng1 Co11t rely on the 111~ 'Jllijf 642-4121 . • ' . '1 I .I Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /WednHday, June 30, 1982 87 . 'Music Man' lacks big finish at Saddleback I ~'=~ One of the m oll eftectlve a..,.cta of a muaJcal on 11.age - and cerwnly ono a.a upbeat u "The Mu.lie Man" i• thu Bia Finlah, that 1p1uhy, fla•hy flnall' . ..,,. MUalC ....... A mutlGal llY ~Ith WIMfOI\, dU.Oltcl bY Or111d11i Olehl, muelc 11111 vooll elreOIOt Jelltty P1111reon, OhOrtOOt•Pll•d by Palll Hubler' .. , ONIOll by Wiiiy Hunton. pt-Itel by Ille l•ldltback Oompeny Theetar WHne•d•y• through Seturday• 11 I, latlolfdlyl 11 2 Ind Sundeyt 11 3 unlll July I I II S1ddlebeck COlleQe ill Mleelon VlejO. RIMfVlllont 631-48$1. THI CAIT H.,Old HUI st-Elmor• Mattan Ptroo Su• An,,. GenMneon Mayor Shinn Doyle McKinney M11oettu1 WUhl>Yrn Rklhlrd Doyle Mre Peroo .. Marth• Mc:Fllfland Eui.lle Mac;Kecknle Shinn .. Vallfll Wlnltw"op P1100 Tommy Dtllas iw-11 Shinn Ett..I Tolfetmi.t OllaOle Cowell Nnaryllis Conduct Of School bolld Timothy RH<I••. MoHroy MIChMI 8atnt(I Laoc:. Macdonakl LIN MICdonalcl LM Chlldr ... Don F0tmaneck Amy Somen John Clllldr ... Pe<ry Cert«. Sumner Allin. Doug Sc:o11 that leaves you walkmg out of the theater hummmg the score from the show. Thl1 ta precl1tly what la lac:ktn1 In the Saddleback Company Theater'• othtrw.iH fln• production ot Mertdhh Wilt.on'• durable slice of early Am r lcana. Ahor a 2 ~·hour buildup, tht> ahow end.I not with a ban&. but with a wh.lmper. Director Crandall Dfohl, for reuona of his own, hN decided not to capitalize on the emotional Utt ie~ra~ by thti flnaJ lt'ene ln which Profeaor Harold Hlll'1 boya' band materialJr.es to the delight of ita uncritical parents. lt'a a curious choice given the r.est and plu.u of the bal~ of the S.ddleback production. t Also playing ln a lower key is Steve Elmore, the moll conservative Harold Hill In this comer's 20-year memory. He's effective and charming, but no "spellbinder," as he's constantly labeled. And he'll never be criticized for overplaying a c haracter n ormally painted somewhat larger than life. Conversely , Sue Anne G e rshe nson is excellent as Marian the dubious librarian eventually won over by the visiting ron man. She packs a lot INTERMllllDN of character Into a pell~ packaa and her vocalizing, parUcu4arly o n th• melodic "My W hite KnlJrht," lt-aupurb. Tne bumbllna, malaprop- prone mayor 11 nicely "nact.ed by Doyle McKinney, while South Coast Repe rto r y s talwartit Martha McFarland and Richard Doyle turn In splendid rendition.• of Marian's feisty mother and Hill 's ebullie nt sid e kick, respectively. Other notable performances come from Valerie Mcilroy as the mayor's haughty wife, Michael Barnett as the lisping young Winthrop and Don Formaneck as the vengeful anvil sal esman . L ance and L isa Macdonald make a fine team as the show's young lovers. "The Music Man," with most of 1ts 76 trombones intact. contmues through thts week and next in the main auditorium of Saddleback College m Mission V1eJ0 as the first increment of the Company Theater's fifth season. Clam Dinner $2.89 Treat your taste to our tender, juicy clams. served with fresh cole slaw and golden fryes. One taste and you'll love 'em! 3095 Harbor Blvd. In Costa Mesa \111\I ~lh OI '°'" IJlt'KO IW'f '""'' llom r .. <1<., 14715 leflrey Rd °""" >,ty 1 .. , I lt\ltn(.' ! I i I C> 1982 LJS l'tllllC NOTICE l'tllllC f«JTICE l'tllllC NOTICE PtlJLIC NOTIC£ NOTICE Otf NO~ M IHERtf,'I IA&i TllUI TH'I IALE LEGAL NOTICI ~AIN AWICUI .UltNlll T.I . No. SS* APt'IJCAT10N TO OftQANlZE A NATIONAL aAHt( AN(, etc., Plalntlfl ye. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. ll'lal on JUNE 22. 1ta JOHN O. llODEFFlll, etc., Wednnday. Joly 21. 1982, at 9:00 APPUCATION ACClPT'ID '°" FlUNQ ON ....... , o'clOCk 1.rn. of said day, In tne room JUNE 1, tm No. 31-25-41 Ml aside tor conducting Trustee's THE COW'T"OL~ll M THE CUNtlNCY By virtue of an ••ecullon lstued Selaa, wilhln the olflces of REAL WA.....OTOH, DtlntlCT M COt.UMIMA , Ap<U 28, 1982 by lhe Suc>«lor ESTATE SECURITIES SERVICE, All'PUCATION ()Uf1, County of Orange, State of IOcaled II 2020 North Broedw1y, WE. THE UNDERSIGNED, Intending 10 Ofl)lnlze Ind ooe<•le • aldomll. upon. judgment ent•ed SY!t• 208. In the Clty of Slllla An•. Nlllon•I Bank In IGCOfdatl09 wilh Ille ptO\llelonl of Ille Nltlonal Bank Ac1, 1 tavor of Mount1ln Avenue County or Or1nge, Stale o f as tmended, 10 h«~ l'Mllla 9P911Callon to the Comptroller of the u"'-Pwk, • llmlled pertnerwhip C•llfor.U., BELl TRUST DEEDS, Cunency fOf' penniAIOn lo 0tgMl:ie Nici National Bink, 11\d propoee u I )UOgmenl credllor(I) and~ INC ... Celltomle corporlllon. IS follow9: )HN D RODEFFER lndiVlduelly duly appointed Trustee under and 1. Thll the main office of uld NatlONll Bink be located in lhe \ltCinlty "d d ba OCEAN FLOORS H pur1u1n1 to the power or u le ol Brootd1urst St.reel end AO-A__,. In IM City of Huntlnglon Btedl, dgment debtor(•). showing 1 net cont.Ted In that c:er11in Deed 01 Orange County. Calltomte VlllCI of $22,377.02 IC1ually due Tt\dl aacuted by Jlllll l Murr1y, 2. TN1, In Ofdlr of 1><elerenc». Nld N1tlonel Senk heve one of lhe l lllid judgment on lhe d•t• of Ille an urwnan1ed women and Betllgene lollowlng trtlea -nee o( Mid Hec\lllon, I hew R Wiiey •• widow .. IOln• tenants. a-ch City Bank, N1tl0nal AllOcilllOn vied upon tit the right. lille llld rlCOfdld June 19, 1981, In Book Beach City Nlllonal Banll 1.-..t of uld judgment debtor(•) 14108 of Otllclal Recotdt of said 3 Thal ,,.,. 10111 cepltlllzlllon 10 be reoeiveo by NICI N10on•l Bank Comma July 22 1.1 th" aiory of a different sort of peddler, Arthur M11lcr'1 "0.•1i1th of u Salcaman " 7:30, with weekend maunHS at 2:30 in the SCR theater. 6~~ Town Ccnt<•r Drive. Cosw Mt...a Rt...ervatloruc 9~7 4033. * TWO LO C AL STAGE Lynda Oiwald and Dina Fayer head the cast of "The Bad Seed" at the Newport Theater Arts Center, 2501 C.:ll ff Drive, Newport Beach, where dOl'lang performancel4 will be gtvl'n l<'ridlly and Saturday at A p.rn . ReservatlonB 675-3143. productions draw tht>lr curu1lntt this weekend when "Tint~' calls il u run at South t Repertory und "The Sad Seed" concl udt'11 at tht• N~wport Theater Arts Center. J ohn-David Keller 1s directing ''Tintypes," a five-character musical celebratlng America at the tum of the century. The ah ow runs ton ight through Saturday at 8 p.m., Sunday at Continuing their respective engagements along the coast are: -"George M" at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhou~·. 140 Ave Paco, San Clemtmtt> (492-9950). sitteus r1nlirnite o TM Iris Pearce ~ OWNER/DIRECTOR Educators Who Care For ChUdren-Homes-Pets-Efderfy C.11 '°' Uter•ture-Ucented, aonded, Insured Newport AIH (714) 840-8118 Servlnc ftewport Bch .. Corona dtl Mar, Costa Mesa i* BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Perlormancea before 5:00 PM (Except Speclel Engagementa end Holidays) I A MlllA!IA MAii Muodo OI lo••C•OM LA MIRADA WALK·IN 994·2•00 "ANNIE" 111'01 _ ..... ..,..,, ....... "POL TERGEl8T" (ll'Ol __ ... ,,...,_ "GREASE 2" tl'Ol ta, ue. --... LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IN "ROCKY Ill" (ll'Ol IN 70MM OOUY ITtlllO ___ , ........... , .. "STAR TREK II: II THE WRATH OF KHAN" 70MM DOL9V ITl!lllO (11'0)1 t-------- LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAltc '" "MEOAFORCE" cPOt ___ ,__ l AGUNA "AUTHOR! AUTHOR" --.... ,.., ....... (ll'Q) "IT AR TRIK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN" 'l'OllilM DOUIY ITU!aO (ll'Q) ._ .. .._ __ _ "ROCKY Ill'' (11'01 tt:a, Mao ..., ..., •te. u:t4 Foculty 01 Condlewood 213/531·9510 t:..o".!~ ,r:i. "flUCHAllD l'ttVOll LIVI ON THiil aUNllT IT'lllf"' (Ill --- "MEGAFOftCE" tl>Ot ----.- "GREASE 2" (ll'Ol --.-Nao ... SO. COAST WALk·IN Soutll Cooll Hlwoy ot lkooowoy 494-1514 "THE THING" (Ill "'"_,..,_ "ROCKY Ill" ll'Ol __ ., ........ -............. - the PfOC>«'IY In the County of County, et paoa 263, Recorder's lor the snares 193Ued by It be lllocaled u loltowl: ~ r•nge. State ot C1111orn11, 1,,.1rumen1 No 29811, by reason ot Capital lt.500.000.00 'll'!~!!J!!~~!!~B~!!!!!!!e~~~,~a 1 )tcrlbed 11 lollow1 Lot 19 ot • breecn or defeult In f>ltYIT'M'I or Surplus ... 11.500.000.00 • ac1 9350 In the County of Orange, performance of the obllget•ona Total CapllllluHon . '3,000,000.00 llt• of Callfornl1 H per mep secured thereby, 1nclud1no that Number of an11es 10 be 1u1horl1ed S 480,000.00 c»rded In Book 391, PllQ9I 35 10 breech Of deftull. Notice of Wl'llCl'I Number of snares 10 be tNUe<J ... • ... .. • • S 300,000.00 • 7 of mlscell•n•ou1 m1p1, •• w• recorded November 30, 1981. P11 vllue per snare S 5.00 •cord ad In the office ol the In Book 14305 ol Officlll Records or Sale P11Ce per snare . , S 10.00 1corder of Or1ng1 County. 11ld County, al page 1252. 4 That J-B Macdon1ld of 1820 East First Sireet. 5th Fk>or, ~lllprnl1. Recotder'• Instrument No. 32026. Santa Ana, Call1ornla. 92705, act aa IOle 1nd exclualve agent lo repr-1 Property Is more commonly WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION and appear IOt the underllgned before the Comptrotler ol the Currency, 1own as 3 Rlmroclc i..ne. Irvine, TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR and 10 receive 111 correspondenla end document•. In respect ol this Jllfornla. · CASH. lewful money of the United appllcatloo. 1 Togelhef with all the tlngular the Stlles. or a cllhler's check drawn IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undertlgned heve hereun10 aet our ·nementa. h.,edllarnenll •nd on • stale or nallonal bank. • atale hands on tne date aet fOf'th 1b0ve. ' >PUrtenances thereunto belOllQlng or lederll credit unl0t1, °' a state or Each Organlzet'• "-.net City In anywise appertaining. lederll tavlngs Ind loan assoclallon of,.. .... _ In Caflfom&I "MINIMUM BID IN EXCESS OF domiciled In this 1111e, Ill pay1ble II John 0. App Ugunl Hiiia ~78,000.00 WILL BE REQUIRED." the time of sale. all right, title and Paul A. C111e1 N4wl>Of1 Beec:ti Tiie Property 111111 not be aotd for lnf9ft1St held by II, as Trustee, In Donel<! J. Hendrickson Orange bkl ot less than ninety percent that rHI property lllulte in Aid Rlcl'lard A. Jurctlen Hun11ng10t1 BMCh 0%) ol apprllsed value, unleal County and Stale. desGrlbed ea Robert M. SIOln Newpor1 8Mdl och bid IS IUbsequenlly lppt'CMld follOws Loi 49, T rac;1 2873, .. pet JarMt J. Wllwet Newpor1 8eact'I 1 the court. mal) recorded on bool< 88. pages 22 WIHlwn A. Mllhewa Newport Beactl NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that & 23 of Mllcellaneous Maps Genev1 M. Mlllocll Newl>Of1 8eectl t THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1982, 11 Thi tlrlel addreu or other Mlrtln J. Morrlt lfWle l:OO o'<:loell Lm 11 M•ln Lobby. common desognallon of Ille rHI Oan P Rieth Santi Ana :>u/1houM, 700 CMc Cenler Dnve Pfop«ly 11 her111nabo'tle a..crlbed Orin 0. Terry Hun11ng1on Beacfl est. City of Santa An1. County of It purported to be 913 Darrell PubMthed Orange Coal Deity PilOI. June 23, 30, 1982 range, State of C111torn11. I wlH Mii StrM1 Cotta Mesi, CellforntL • 2750-32 ~ auct.lon to 1.ne hlgheel The un6ettlgned hereby dltclalms adlr, lor CMh In lewfl.tl mon.y of all liebiMty for any lnco<rec'tness in e United St•I•. 111 the right, tltle uld 11r1et addreu or other ,d lnlerHI ot nld )udg"\ent common cteslgnatlOn. 1 eblor(•) In the above detalbed S1id H ie wlll be made .without operty, or to mucti ch«eof 11 may w1rr1n1,,, etpreu or implied, 1 n•oe111ry 10 aetlsfy 11ld reg•rdlng 1111e, poueulon, or 1ecuttofl, with ICCN8d 1n11< .. 1 end 1ncumbr1nces, 10 111111y the lltl. prlnclpel bllance of 1ne Nole 0t Dated •I Senta An1. Celllorrn•. Diiler obllQallon secured by talc! 1111 24, 1982. Deed of fruit, with Interest end BRAD PATES, Sherltf-Coronei other 1um1 u provided therein; COuntf ol Orange. Calltornl• plus ldvancea, II any, under Ille By K. Brown. Seroean1 1errn1 thefeot and ln1ere11 on audl UNT a ,....TUWNCP ldvl/IQM. eno plus f .... "1a.roea ......... Attomey llld exper!M8 of the Trustee and of !O NewpcN1 Cettter on.., the 1ru111 creattcl by 111<1 Deed of t.11te. 211 Tru". Th• total amount of H id .......,. haofl, CA ateo obllgetlon, Including re11on1bly Publ!thed Or•nge Coul Delly (llllmlled fen, c llerg11 ind IOl,,June 30, July 7, 14, t982 expenaes of the Truttee. 11 the time 2902·82 of lnltlel publlc:alion of this Nollee, is 139,774.33. -----------OATEO June 24, 1982 P\alC NOTICE BELL TRUST DEEDS, INC a C1lllorn1a corpor111on ... Dll'7 IS TruttM , FtCTITIOU&'IMlt*IH By: REAL ESTATE • NAMa aTAn•NT SECURITIES SERVICE. f"9 lollo'#lng peraon1 •e doing 1 Clllfornl• corporation, ~-· Ill~ JUOY'S, &420 LI Pllma, Buena By D J Morger, ltlt. Calitornla llOe20 111 President lludy'1 Bu•n• Park, Inc , • 2020 North Broedw1y, elllornla corporellon. 8420 LI Sult• 208 1lma. 8uene Perk, C1ltlornl1 Santi Ana. CA 92708 0620 Tel .. (714)953-61110 Tl'lla ~ le conducted by a Publltlled Ortng1 Cout Dally Pllol OtPClf~ June 30. -Mt 7, 14, 1982. Ndy'e 8uene Patlc, Inc 27U-82 Lewr .. , ...... Pr...,. ~ .... ~ ·-Med "'"' tlle OU!ICY aan of Orenge County on ""'u. 1882. IC .... ..CTTTIOUI .,.._ .. MAim ITATlmNT The followll IV1* IOl'll .,. doing bU..__ '1"111 Pld>lleMcl Orange eo .. 1 Dally Mo(. June 23. JO. -Mt 1, t4, 1812 2737-12 INITIAL L. INCORPORATED. 17111 lllyperlt Clrcl•. SulJ• 0 , -----------11rvtne. CA 92114. fWUC M)TIC( Oet Off YOur Hlgll Hone, Inc., "°"''°"' ..,..... • C1111or1111 co1por1t1on, 11e1s ..... ITA..-T lltr,r.-Clrclt, lvltt D. INIM. CA TH t1Mlowtn9 pttr1on I• dolnt 92-n!:• ~la conduated tty a --:LT:a•t C0,,11 IHOll', OOll)Oflllono.. Off Your :t ':' w.. ,, .......... ~Me. Moree. Inc. MINO HAHNA ;OM C.... A Cellfotnta oor 111ot1 ,,.._IM'*'*' cA tma. r,.. L• '--,,.., a.or. TMI . ...._II oondl.CtM "Y.,. 11'111t11err1tt11 ... ftled With Ult ....... Mr-M CounlY c.ti "Ortllfl ~ Oii -C*'' :-:... """ .. .iu-, •• , .. ,. ,'"'9 =· .,_fl Of'Mle OU"V Ill ftv ........ Offlltt Ofefl ,..., .111M n . •· .-r. t• ~Iii~~ ''-· NIUC NOTIC£ FK:tTnOUI 9Ul .. N ..,...STAna.NT The tolowtng P«90n1 1te OOlng ~--DIAMOND RIDGE VENTURE. 202e Ou.it Strwt. Newpol1 SMdl, calttomla 92teO STEARNS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC .. 1 Celllornle corporellon, 2028 Quill StrHI, Newport a.en. Calttomle 92&e0 RFS DEVE LO PMEN T CORPORATION, • Calllornl • corpor1t1on, 1746 Or1ngewood Avenue, Orange, C•llfoml1 92&ea Tlllt butlnMS ,, conducted by • general parln«ll'llp .. STEARNS DEVEL- OPMENT CO. H9dy Mllc:Nll, AN111'"1 Vice Prealdlnl 1 nis statement w11 flied with the County Clerk of 0<11nge County Ot1 June t4, 1982 ,19Ma Publl1h~ Or1nge Co11t D•lly Piiot. -"-t8, 23, 30, July 7, t982 H49-82 MUC M>TICE FK:TIT'IOUa ..,... .. NAmaTA~ The 10flowln9 '*'°"· .,. OOlng ~ .. : DILLY'S, 185411 Bol11 Clllcl Street, Suite t O t1 . Huntington Beech. Cellfornle 920411 OIU Y'S RESTAUAANTS, INC., a C1tllornl1 corpo11tlon, 1'581 Bot11 Chic• StrHI, Sult• 101, HUntlngton Beech. c.llomla t2'4t J ACK 81l08EAG Mt.IC NOTICE ITATE•NT M AaAM>a..NT MUllM FK:TITIOUI _, ..... NAME Th• following p•rsons have ablndoMd Ille UM of the nctltlOus t>Ytin.an- H/B/W PARTNERS. Two Corpor•I• Plaza. Suite 250, Newport Beach. C.rlfo<nla 92860 Th• Flolltlout Bu1ln•n N1me r1ferred to 1bove waa tlled In Or1ng41 County 0t1 March 5, 1980 . HUGHES INVESTM ENTS, • Qlfl«ll partnerthlp, Two Corporate Pliau, 8ul1• ~50. Newport &each, C111fornl1 926eo Herv11d c. W1ken, 230 W•t Wlllarta, ArCldle, Cellfornla 9100fl JoM K. Waken, 1120 Falleft LHI Road. Arc1dl1, C1llforn1e 91C>Oe D1nl•I R Buflchlng.,, 880 Oxford Ro1d, Si n M 1tlno, Celltornla 91108 Thi• butil'IU w11 conducted by • generll pet1Mfel\lp. HUGHES INVESTMENTS By Wllllam W. Hughel. Jr .. Panner Thll 1111-t WU llled wl1n Ille County Cltttl of Orange County on June 21, 1982 HU,.TIDUI\ MLU!R. CMUOM MMDe&.IY ... .,.. .-~ ............. .....-....-.c....,...._ ,,,_ Publillled Orang• Co11t Delly Piiot, "'-23, '°· JvlloJ 1, 14., 1ff2 2r4W2 AHOCIATES, INC., I C1lllornl1 '1CT1"n0Ua ..,_.. corporetton, 141721 CerouHI, ...._ aTA~MT HUnllng1on Beeoll, CallfoMll 11214t The f011owtng ~· .,. doing fhlll bUlfMll .. oonduc1ecl by • bualt'llM ... genarll '*''*:'"4P· (1) OAll,OANIA NAILS (~1 INC OfLLY. RUTAUAANT8, NAIL DYNA.ITV, 114' Newpor ,rMll WOOi-, I 8'Yd., Coe•• ,....., c.llfom'-'*" Preeldent _, Ttmmy RM W#go, tl01 W. Thll ltltemlnt .,.. fllld with the MaoArtllur loultvarct.z No. Ill. OounlY Ollrtl Of 0renoe ~ on l ent• Ana, Oallfofnla t;,i704 ...,,,.. 14 1..,. Olvld ~"" weroo. 1~w. " " 0 D 1:.1 IC I M D A L L 6 MIOMtM' IMS,1 Ho, ,... lema ~~ Ma. c.llfofnll tll104 ~ \I .... :::::. ..... ~ ..... ll~by .. = ._.,_ 11~ TllM!Y RM Wettl ••ptJ!!! leuet Oellf1r11l1 Tl'lll tlll-'I Wll lllei wMll tM ...... I =if~ofOfll\tl~M ,.,........ °'_,... ~',:.; "'_.. .. Or~ o..'!§ Nef, .AIN tt. n, •• _, '9Jr. I ll'llM, -ft,., Nflr ), •• IMPORTANT NOTIC(' CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE ! ...,._ _. W.-.... tin Fri. 1-00 • Sii .. Sa, ....._,, HO CINf.JI $OU!jO • YOUll AM CNI llAOC> IS YOUll ~VI tf t«l AM CNI 111.00 WITH IGHITOI ~USOllY l'llS/T10N -WIG Alll l'OllTAIU I•~ CM.f1 ~S QI ON AM MOO ANAHEIM ANAHEIM DRIVE-IN '••••Oy 91 OI le "'Oll SI 179·9150 "FIREFOX" cfOOt -"OUTl.AND" 1111 Cllll rl SOUllO -----.---- "BLADE RUNNER"''" -"BODY HEAT" 1111 Clllf Ii SO\lhO SUINA PAl!K BUENA PARK DRIVE IN ltncOln A .. W•OI Ol Cno" 121-4070 9JI "<A ~Alll LINCOLN DRIVE ·IN ltf"COln .......... Of Cnotl 121·•070 .,._.t '.IM1"4Jll lrl HI-WAY 39 ORIV( IN "MEGAFORCE" <HI -•'VJ&mNG HOURI" 1111 Citlt 11 ~0 Ml.T., TM! llCTllA· ~ TtMaaTiltAL" !NI "ROCKY HI".,.., -"CLASH OF THE mANl"CNt "THI! TfflNG" 1111 'Ult •CAT PIOPLE" 1111 Cnc( " SOUllO leoch 11'10 $0 Of G<ndtll °'°"' ;,.,...,, 191·3693 "ANNll" ,...> "FIREFOX" IN> - - "POPIYI!" INI "OUTlAND" (Ill _____ c ... 111t--••_110U11 __ 0 ___ _.., ____ c1_11E_11 sou"o "AUTHOAI AUTHORI" -"THE CANNOMALL ftUN"I ()II( II IOl/llO l ... l . t A U A.'-llA LA HABRA OrllVI IN _ ....... _,._ ........... 171-1162 iJAN~ .1 ORANGE 0111\lf IH ,.. '"• I I I .. MISSION l•lllVI IN . .- "ll'Ol n"::!11r· (1'el "llA WO\.VH"'"I Ctllt '' SOUllO "al.ADI ftUHNlft" llll -''80DY HIAT"t•> "HAii TMK Ii TMI WRATNZ KMMf" INI "YfCTOttY'° ... , • . running niahtly ~>u.'t'pt Mondayt throuah the 1ummer at varytna curuun tlm ~. "Sugar" At the Harlequin Oin nt-r Play house, 3~03 S . Harbor Blvd ., San ta Ana (970-55 11 ). on stage nightly exl-ept Monday al varying times throuRh Sept ~ -A Man for All Sea1ont" at the Hunt in gton Beac h P layhouu•, Molrl S treet at Yorkwwn Avenue In the Seacliff Village shopping center (847-4465), ploying Fridays and Saturdays at 0:30 through July 10. I . I I , .. .. Orange Ooa•t DAILY PILOT/Wednnd•v. Jun• 30, 1012 Trevor: Triumph over tragedy Actre s leaves Newport after death of husband and son By 808 THOMAS A-i.194 ""9 Wrll9' HOL.LYWOOU C:lair1• 1'ruvor &ropl'<i for the name or '"' actor she ont-e co-starred with, f&ilt.'<i , and explained: "After the llkles opened up and fell on me, I tried to eliminate a lot of memories that were painful. The result h; that I can't remember anything. My dpctor tells me that ls only natural, and I wlU start remembering again. I guess it's nature's way of helping people recover from tragedy." The sultr y -voiced ac tress referred to the double blows she suffered three years ago: her son, Charles Bren, died in the crash of a PSA jet and a small plane at San Diego; her husband for 30 years, producer Milton Bren, died after a long illness. She has returned to acting for tho fl rat lime In a d ecade, appearing with Sally F ield, Jurlea D.ian and Jeff Br1dg1-s In u l:omcdy-{antasy, "Kiss Me Goodbye." 1'he film is being made at 20th <.:entury-P'ox, which evokes a flood of w e ll -remembered memories for Miss Trevor. ''Next April it will be 50 years since I s.igned a contract with Fox. I came out from New York for a five--year contract, and I told my mother, 'I can't sign for five years: that's half my life!' But the contract had six-month options, and I figured the studio wouldn't pick them aU up. "The studio did. For h ve years I did nothing but B pictures, six and eight a year on 18-day schedules. I was loaned for 'Dead End,' a day and a half's work • th a t wot mt> IHI A<:a d c my nom lnut1on . You'<J think thut Fox would tbkt< nollt~ I Wt'nt right buck to B picture.." Her first film after leaving Fox was "Stqecooch,'' which fret.>d her from B pictures forever. She became on e oC Hollywood's busiest actresses, winning an Oscar for "Key Largo" in 1948 and an Emmy for "Dodsworth" In 1956. Ten years ago, she began slow ing down her career , preferring the boating life al Newport Beach. Alter los1 ng he r son and husband, Miss Trevor reahzed she had to leave Newport "T oo many memories," s he explained. "Besides, ll's strictly the country-club, yacht-club life, and that's no plare for a single woman. I thought about coming ba<:k to Beverly Hills, but that's Three 111ov1es soar with fans 'E.T.' claims record; 'Rocky III,' 'Trek II' popular HOLLYWOOD (AP) -"E.T .. the Extraterrestrial." "Rocky Ill," and "Star Trek II" are making the most money over the. long haul so far qi the summer box office cont.est, according to figures released by the studios. Universal Pictures claimed a new 14-day industry record for "E .T ." with $44,809,658 in theater grosses, topping the record of $42.6 million set by "Superman II" last summer. "E.T.,''0 added $13.383,704 last weekend in 1,215 theaters. "Rocky III" indicated it could go the distance by addi11g_ $5,- 092,684 on 1.232 screens for its three-day weekend total. The 31-day total: $64,192,584. Jets-Sharks clash "Star Trek U: The Wrath of Khan" collected $4,546,175 over the weeke nd in 1,285 houses, racking up a 24-day amount of $50,075,734. ''Bl ade Runn er." an apocalyptic view of Los Angeles in the 2 1s t century, ope ned Friday in 1,295 theaters a nd collected a respectable three-day sum of $6.150.002. brings real cops Less Impressive was J ohn Carpenter's remake of "Tile Thing," with an opening three days o f $3, l 07 ,897 in 840 theaters MIDDLETON TOWNSHIP, N .J . (AP) -A fight in a supermarket parking lot involving about 40 young men prompted residents nearby to eall police -and the participants should be proud. The brawl between two "gangs" was part a rehearsal by the RoyaJe Theater Guild for a presentation of "West Side Story" at the Monmouth County Arts Center. Residents of the Luftman Towers, a se ni or citizens' complex overlooking the parking lot of an Acme Market where the fight was staged, called poUce and reported the apparent trouble. Three patrolmen responded and were quickly told by director David J.V. Meenan the fight w as simply a rehearsal for the rwnble scene of the musical about two young lovers. "Three police cars came screeching in. Everybody stopped fighting right away," Meenan said Thursday. ''I explained we were doing a rumble. Then they started laughing." ' "It was pretty authentic," said Patrolman Michael Rodino. While dLSappointing, the $40 million musical "Annie'' held a fairly steady pace of $4,539,983 in 1,102 theaters over the weekend. Steven Spielberg's other summer movie, "Poltergeist," continued steady with $4 ,103,235 in 911 h o uses for a 24 -d ay collection of $31 ,328,050. Clint F..astwood continued to find favor m 891 theaters with $5,126.097 for a three-day total b y has new "Firefox." The 10-day amount was $1 7,729,701. NOW PLAYING 1MA COITA •U •UIOll flUO OUllG( ~":;?; ~~~"' ~~.';; 1U01 r1111 •..r•T• llAal OOM.U -·----.!..~-~.'!!ft --· ·-------. ~\':To~;~"' WllJM*ITUI IG••n~•Wn• ... )9)\ NOW PLAYING ~l4'COlll0r ........... dl"""""911W1C-c.--. (IUJ111 4010 111411410318 6341\\l •COIJA IKIA lAllUllA IUal l.,.. .... S.tval Sou!•~ ~•o ,... 494 '~" 70MM SIXTRACI< Cl)IOOlll"STWDI" PRESENTATION .-wOllt ltAell f t-MO\ ~t ~ 14• 0160 ..... ~ l)• 1~~) tOU.1&.HI HHlf ililr" ~ l't I !41!;, 4 ... •• !'l 11.•q 1\0() cos•• wa• ••U.O. ftfJO Id•,... • t l.# l4•M6'.~Y•.a\ll• 'IO I ··~b17'0 u , ............ ~. !lt 1 \00 •Ut•t•ltU ,..Ii ..,,._ ""'0'0 -........... (>.-... l'flfl)'lt .,,o UIJllMCAr!IJ- 61111.11 ~. '#/" :..:... 0r ..... ~ L.A..... ·~J•)•!I W1.tv••Drw•~nt110 CITY CfnTER f'~ II• JHt CITV CENI Ill OllANO{ • Ult7U Trl••flh 0 A mo•ie of 1c>aring ple&euret that you hope will never e nd. To be &een again and a1ain .. · and 1rea1ured." -Gnw EI "AUTHOR, AUTHOR" "IAMBI" <G> "ON QOU>IN 'ONO" ,... ttOHMIOTI Oft • no plat't' for ii smgh.• woman, l'ltht•r "My 110n Pt:k•r suggestt>d that I , movl' to New York lk pomli'<'.1 oul [ would be bc.•twt•(m him Peter w or k s Cor a Texas investing t.'<>mpany m Paris and my son Donald, who is a very s ul·cess(ul builder i n Cal1!orn1a. l'vt< always loved New York, it's where I came Crom. "It has worked out beauufully. I've gotten in touch With au my old friends, and I've made new frtends as well. One is Claudl'tte Colbert, whom I knew slightly m Hollywood and now I know weU I'm invited out to dinner every night sometimes I have to dedme and eat from a trav in front of the TV. · "New York is ideal for a single w o man . 'T h ere 1s a l ways something to do, and you can go out to dinner with a wom an friend without the problems you would have here." He r f n cnds have noted a new serenity since Claire's move to New York S he did become rucrted by a ra-ent photo l0aption in a New York newspaper: "It said 'Claire 'Trevor, stilJ radiant at 73.' How dare they! I was 72 last March. I've never lied about my age." llWlr~o COMEBACK -Claire Trevor, 72, is returning to movies for the first time in a decade, appearing in "Kiss Me Goodbye" with Sally Field and James Caan. ~- I £.. {\•~·Stcl<r S-~.~ EXPANDING TO Corona def Mar Mondays & Thursdays Effective July 1st Excellent L•undry I 3 LIUS '12°0 Superior Dry Oeaning Hand Finish • One D~y Service Free Pick-up and De livery leuth Of MacArthur 494-4044 . @"i ~ ~@lLlr~lffi@~a®tr It l..1111i.·, what "·ar1·' \'1111 . PG . . _. . \''·"'-,· ~ , NOW.PLAYING ll TOllO £ d .. a•Os SadcN!bd• • ~81 S880 •OllHGl (hnge ,,.d 637 03•0 BlllA •COST A M(SA OllAMGE B•ed "'•" (Owa•O\ C.,ema Pat•lot O••tlljr [)1.,r '" ~19~33'1 ~46 310? t7UJ~S8 10?? DllAMtll UA C•lt C.,em• 634 3911 • WlSTMlllSHll (O-..•rOs C•nem.i Wt•J 891 393S WCSTMINSHll Ii• w .•• 39 O• ,, 11141891 Jbq] CLINT EAST\/\/000 , Theres only one Five Crowns. ~I' \.~~"; @)~r;;;. ~ 6' ~al Q;)Qi ~ ~-rm. ~ Fine dining. lMJLY~ 't\01 lA~T CDA<;T HIC.t l\\'i" CORON1\ DEi ~IAR l \ 1-1-1 1 7r-0 0." I Now it is free to become one of us. LUXU RY THEATRES 1st Twt M1tilttt Showi11csOlllYSZ.SU11lusOt!lmriMMICtd 113GU4•Ilall6t6s~ 2sssf ~~y ) S * FOR FUOI EXCITEffiEnTI V1s1tOur... * ARCADE of GAMES* ;;, ~'!'~·.- ;:... AltDil m 12:00 21 >J S: IS 1:00 10:10 n 70mm HARRISON FORD. llL1DI! llUlf,_,, m t~1r11lo',,~· 2'411'11 ' J D1ily Pilat Wtdnetde~. June 30, 11112 OUT OF THE KITCHEN MEAD ON WINE SLIM GOURMET SUPERMARKET SHOPPER C2 C4 C7 C9 ·Some like it haute I Picnicking, food-to-go reach new heights By CAROL MOORE Of lhe o.tty ..i1o1 Steff A manager at the L o ndon Hilton once impishly rated her "levels of decadence" such as having strawberries drizzled .w ith honey for breakfast in bed. Returning aboard British ,Airways, I savored clotted cream w ith raspberry preserves and curra nt scones at 37,000 feet, ce rtainly a n e w h igh in pampering. "Doubly decadent" is the way .Sharon Wrightson, co-owner of Showley-Wrightson Source for Fine Foods in Newport Beach, . describes a chocolate mousse cake that's a specialty of the house. "It just flies out o f here," agrees her pa rtner Gran t Showley. The same could be said for their $40 champagne picnics-for- two they create including two p ates with mustard and cornichons, two cheeses of your choice, two sliced meats,. two salad s, the best fresh fruit available, pastries, a bottle of the bubbly with two glasses plus the basket and plaid cloth. Their cuisine for outdoors 1s reaching new heights -on hot air balloon trips out of Perris - but no champagne. "One glass at those altitudes is like five or six down here," Showley explains. Otherwise, he attributes the rise in picnicking to "a lot of romanti c i sm in th ese commumtles. Taking along fine foods to an evening jazz or rock concert or a weekend at Catalina makes a date more special. "We've taken ·a jug of want', a loaf of bread and thou' to the extreme, and people appreciate ll for adult birthdays and X-rated anniversaries." The two Irv ine residents combined their 20 year s of cookboo k a nd r estaur ant consulting and opened the ir charcuterie -gourm et food delicate~n -in the far corner of the EastbJuff Shopping Center last November. "It's s uch fun e ncouraging people to eat adventurously." says Ms. Wrightson. "When they get as excited about food as we are, w e can provide the 'something differe nt' they crave. "Our picnics and orders to go are like catering cold dinners for two so we like to be aware of our customers' tastes. That way they can take their favorite foods to their favorite places." The $10 b eac h , $1 5 charcuterie, $25 ultimate and $40 cha m pagne picnics mu~t be ordered a day or two an advance. "We choose the cheeses at their optimum for color. texture and aten Photo by ChertM lt•rr GOURMET ON THE GRASS -Grant Shawley and Sharon Wright.son pre pare for a picnic, one way cooks can declare inde pendence from the kitchen on the Fourth o( July. flavor: one that's decadently rich and the other would be firmer with more b1 te," says Ms . ,Wnghtson._ "Plus we 1.·an tailor the menu, adding pasta for substance in cooler weather. Even the tart Cilfings can set a mood: chocolate f or com f o rt, lemon {o r excitement or ncot ta-almond for the more innovative " That attention to color and freshness applies especially to their salads which are featured in the July issue o f O r a nge County Home and Ga rde n magazine . The selt-1.·t1on va r iously includes seafood with pasta or chicken with herbed mayonnaise and peach chutney or blends of mar inated artichoke hearts, green peppers, tomatoes, mushrooms, cauliflower, green beans and olives Recogn1 z1ng the h ea lth- consciousness of their clientele, S h owley -Wraghtson k eep seafood at the 'top of their monthly menu of three daily e ntrees-to-go. For instance, t h ere's scallops sauteed with brandy; trout baked with crab soufflt' stuffing; sole vinaigrette or snapper wllh lemon and green peppercorn sauc.-e. "We're terrified of bec.'Oming a restaurant." admits Showley, "because too many today a re s ho rt-sighted and a llow such waste with prt>-cleaned, pre - breaded and pre-cooked entrees. "We want to have fun with the freshness of food and convince people that they can be well fed without feehng stuffed. That's o n e reason we don't ma k e sandwiches. "Our purveyors welcome our ch allenges We buy al l the rabbits, pheasant and ducks for our pates. Then sm<.-e we cook from scratch, we package and sell our by-products such as clarified butter, dem1glaces. pasta sauces and liver in aspic for fellow gourmets and hostess gifts." Another aspect of a charcutene 1s the desperation caJI. ''We get our thrills when a panicked hostess ~ks how we can help her serve dinner for 12 in two hours or a corporate secretary gives us a day's notice to prepare a luncheon for a visiting Fortune 100 president in the executive suite. ''That's the true test of take- out food because in many cases the entrees 'invade' a home or other personal environment and must be memorably good to delight the guests and match the surroundings " Grapes go along for the ride ... Cl 2 Get away from it . all with a movable· feast Brimming picnic baskets in a1J shapes and sizes add to a summe r of fun at baseball games, outdoor concerts, trips to the country or outings at the beach. Indoors or out. hot or cold, fried chicken is often the all- A m e r i ca n picnic favor ite. Complemented with a refreshing cold soup, fresh fruit and crisp French bread, it makes a perfect warm-weather picnic. Picnic C hicken joins Dilly C u cumbe r Soup as the two delicious leading characters in a balanced picnic meal with a slightly sophisticated accent. The chicke n is first dipped in a milk batter, seasoned with tarragon, paprika, dry mustard and a dash of onion powder, then fried to a golden brown. The milk ad~ its nutritious goodness to the spicy batter, a light- iextured coating that keeps the chicken moist ,llnd tender. . Dilly Cucumber Soup can be prepared in just minutes while the c hicken is brow ning. Chopped gree n o n ion and C:ucumber are sauteed, blended with a dill-seuoned roux and chicken broth then pureed in a food proceeeor or blender. Milk and a hint of lemon juke are then ,tirred in and the mixture is chilled before .erving. Carry the IOUp to the picnic in a g1ul cannlni Jar and brlna alona thin cucumber slices ana frelh dill to garnish each serving. Sieamed artichokes marinated .In ,an oU and vinegar drellina, ,Frenc:h bread and frah fruit add to an elep.nt picnic. Another 1ophl1tlcated ldea .wlwe from an American ma.Jn dilh lavorite: puta. The MWtll ... for ..-.hett.1, l'MCal'Ol\J and p11i1 1helll la ln oooJ and tem,un1 11 t1d1 equa 11 y flf~ at home or on 1 p6mlo, • Chllltd 11J1d1, packed In .,_. .. cion...,.,., l1w1ya .,. ....... on • hot •1 " \ht ....... Of ~"""'· AAd tor· d11 ri , look &o anothe r family f avori t e, chocolate, baked into an easily portable form such as no-bake squares to take the heat off the cook. Since everything tastes better o utdoors, make the summer ho l idays an occasion {or a movable feast. PICNIC CHICKEN l 1h cups flour . l t easpoon tarrago n , crumbled 1 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon paprika ~ teaspoon dry mustard ~ teaspoon onion powder l ~ cups milk 3 pounds frying chicke n pieces, skinned Oil Combi n e f l our with seasonings; blend in milk, Dip chicken pieces in milk batter. Brown chicken in skillet in hot oil, lower heat and cook slowly until cooked through, about 30 miJtutes. Serve hot or cold. Makes 4 to 6 llel'Vings. DILLY CUCUMBER SOUP 1h cup chopped green onions 2 peeled, seeded, chopped cucumbers 3 tablespoons butter ~ teasp oon each salt, pepper, and dJU weed l 10-ounce can ch icken broth 2 cups milk l teaspoon lemon juice Saute onion and cucumbers in butter until cucumbers soften; about 4 mJnutea. Stir In flour and aeaaonlng1. Blend In c hicken broth; cook 2 m inute• until thickened . Proceu In food proceuor or blender until snoot.hi at.Ir In milk and lomon juk'e. \.:)\All Maket 6 eervlnaa. ANTIPASTO IPAOHSTrl IALAD l \4 CUpl ml)'onnaUMt ~ oup 1raa..d P•rmeHn chatll ~ Np thoppld pana.'/ FUN fN THE SUN -A aophtatJcat.ed fried chicken flavored wtth dry muttard and herbl l1 jolnl'd by artichoke. and a cool cucumber salad for a tasty outdoor .meal . IA teupoon dried ore11no Inv• W ttHpoon drted b11ll l av• \.11 &easpoon pepper l clov. 1arllo, minced or p....-d , 4 oync11 lhln 1p11h1ul, td, drahwd 4 oune11 11laml, cut In IA ·lnch cubtt 1 can (8 ount.W) arUchokt hearu, draJned, quanered I cup 1l&old mUlhrooml 1 oup Wnly llUced IUOChW In Iara• bowl 1Ur to11thtr m1yonna1N, P1nMNn t h .... , panley' orepno, bllU, pepper and 11rllc untlJ amooth. Add 1p11heUI, Hlaml, arUchoke ~ muehrooml and IUIDChlnJ; to11 to coat well. Cov1r1 rtlriltra.. It ... 2 houn OI' unur w.u muw, ,......_, '° ~= '" ln1ul1"4td et0n\aln.,. .... , ........ PAST A SALAD NICOISE 1 ~ cups mayonnaise 2 tablespoons Dijon-style mustard l teaspaon dried tarragon leaves • 'h teaspoon salt Ye teaspoon pepper 2 cups small pasta shells, cooked, drained l package (9 ounces) frozen cut green beans, cooked, drained (l 'h cups) lean (7 ounces) tuna, drained, flaked 1A cup coarsely chopped red onion In large bowl stir together mayonnaise, mustard, tarragon, salt and pepper until smooth. Add pasta, green beans, tuna and onion; toss to coat well. Cover; refrigerate at least 2 hours or until well chilled. Transport to picnic in insulated container .. Makes about 6 cups. CHOCOLATE CEREAL BARS l ~ cups quick -cooking oatmeal 1 ~ cups crisp rice cereal l cup raisins l c up miniatur e marahmallows ~ cup light com syrup er honey ~cup packed brown lupl' ~ teuJ>901l ult 1 cup crunchy peanut butter ~ cup butter or~ It\ cup wwweetened oocm 2 teupoonl vanilla Combine oatmeal, crlap rice cereal, ra1llns and manhmallowl in larp bowl; eet -'de. Combine Ucht corn l)'NP or honey, brown 1u1ar and u l t In medium 11ucepan; place over mecliwn heat, 1ltrrtn1 conatantly unUl nxun oomel to I full boil. 8Ur In pllMUt butw and but• or mai1llriM u.nUl snooth; t•DOW from h11t. ltlr tn coooe aftd YanWI u.nUl W9U blinded • ..., onr oereal ml•ture ·~·~ '>lend Wtll. Prw Into .., t ·lnch ~ ~ ... Qll 2·lnoh bY , .. .,_ ..,.. n a... ('I ·---1317CM ~ 0 Orange Ooalt DAILY PILOT/Wtdneedav. June 30, 1982 ----------------------~---!Save • I I I I I .......................... : I ~· ~· .t=.-: I 054980 I ==-t20t I ------------------------------- ore cluck for .your~ uck. Save time and money by ignoririg good advice By MARY JANE SCARCELLO o.w, ..ttMt ,.. •• .., upen the magaune and there il ls -another nagging article about what YOU can do to cut CXJX•Nt.>s around the old family manse. Thi! uuthor. a t.'Ompul.aive type who probably 1leep11 only three hours a night and ha.a saved atring since birth, assures you that only a Uttle sacrifice (eight houn of sleep, for instance) can save you hundred• of dollars each year In household monJes. There's onJy one catch: you have to recyle everything. making breadcrumbl out of stale loaf ends, mulch from every little potato peeling, soap chips from the slJvers left in the shower and endl~ batches of banana bread from all the spotty bunches accumulating on the kitchen counter. What fun. ·OUT Of THI llTCHll But wait -it can become a game. the relentless author assures readers, with family members en tering into the spirit of the occasion and conung up with saving ideas of their own. Soon. the entire house will be filled with happy people cutting corners a nd scrimping like Ebeneezer Scrooge before the ghosts came for a visit. For most people, the greatest saving comes an not reading the story in the first place and avoidmg ugly yelJow build-up of guilt around the edges of the psyche. lnstead, here is a list of ways to economize around the house for l ess -than-compulsive families: -Quit vacuuming the rugs. Electricity saved s hould be jus t e nough to run the d ishwasher . -Invite guests to a potluck dinner al your house and provide the ice. -Slice pies and cakes into paper-thin wedges with a straight razor. -Refuse to k'Nb th kitchen floor or wash wlndowa becaU11e of thr wawr 1hort.age, no matter what the weather report aaya. -Train ''hlldrM to believe that fruit with brown apots tB good for them. macaroni tastes better than ateak and moldy bread la filled with penicillin. -Send mashed potato aandwlchea In lunch boxes. -Train family pets to eat left.oven. There'• no reason why doga and cats can't learn to enjoy bean sprouts, broccoli and salad like the rest of ua. -Quit cooking and convince the family that eating raw food and fasting are the only true ways to health, beauty and longevity. For most of us, saving pennies just means finding a sale, redeeming a coupon or grabbing the can before the grocer can mark a higher price on it . Sometimes it's fun to make an item usually bought ln a can, package or bottle, and it even can squeeze a few pennies back into the budget. Coffee liqueur. selling in Caney bottles with fancy names and fancy prices, tS a good example. Make some during a lull in summer activities, let it age in the back of the pantry for a few months and give it away in small batches dunng the winter holidays. Just remember not to keep tasting it all fall, or there won't be any left for gifts. COFFEE LIQUEUR 1 'II cups packed brown sugar 1 cup granulated sugar •;; cup instant coffee powder 3 cups vodka 1/i vanilla bean, split. or 2 tablespoons vanilla Combine the sugars with 2 cups of water. Bring to a boil and boil 5 minutes. Gradually add coffee, stirring in with a wire whisk: cool. Pour into a taJJ bottle. jar or lug (a 1 'h IH.er wine bottle will hold it all). Add vodka and varulla and mix thoroughly. -----I --• ~~ ·-----Put the whole family, including the canary. on a diet. Cover and let stand at least 2 w eeks, although a month or two is best. Remove vanilla bean. if used. Good as aft.er-dinner liqueur, used in desserts or poured over ice cream. Makes about 5 cups. 1 $r:99 'l.99ii . ~$,.49IHll<I' : ::.~~::.:~.~··~~ 1 · .... ,~· ... , ..... ,,~I ...... ""''"'"'«•f!: : Beef, p Ork price rise predicte d ::::> s1"g1e ser~1ngs or coleslaw mulled I brown Ke"tu~ky f ried Cllicken. with I loaoeo w11h hfleen pieces ol 1u1cy. 11 while consumer demand fourth quarter of 1981 and 42 cents in the 0 potatoes and gravy ano a roll \ . tour rOfls. a large cote slaw. a large goioen brown 1<en1ucky Frieo Chicken O WASHINGTON (AP) may average $66 to $70 fourth. u · ,. mashed potatoes and a medium gravy z _ p 0 u 1 try and e gg may improve. L1m11 1 .. 0 ?tier) 11t• ou•cl\JSl Cout>On gooo' I I L1m11 1 .. 0 olle•s Dt• ourcnue CO<Jt>Oll gooo I H · h · h through the last half of Egg productio n Is Ollly 10, comt><Nt>Ofl w111teto•·~ 01oers lltllil two olttu Pf! pu•clliSe CO<JOOll gooo only 1°' como.n•l•Oll wniietO"k 0t6•n producers can exp ect og prices, w IC this year ted d line bo Customer ~rs •II •Oo<•t•ote u •es II• Otlty IOI comotNllOll •1111•1•11-orders Cusromer Plys ''' •001tu1>1t u tu lU improved fin a n c i a I averaged about $50 per · expec to ec a Ut OflerexpiresJuly11,1982 I C00u":,:;;,.;~~~~ I OfferexpiresJuly 11,1112 I r et urns during the 100 pounds in July-Thus, a ssuming a 1 pe r cent from year- Pr1m m.iy ~"Y it w 11c1D1ttn9 1ou1oom .,, remainder of 1982, partly September of la.st year, continued slump in the earlier levels, with the CO<Jt>On gooo only on Sou111trn I P11c:es INY v11y ., D1fl1C•011lllO !OclllOlls I Prices mly ""Y •• Olfl'c•01t1nf, lot1110111 I because of higher priees may average $55 to $59 inflation rate and rising New York market price C•11101n11 wnerr you see 1ne mtm· CoupoJI gooo only 1n Soullltfn taJ1IOfn11 whe1r ~:'': ~ ,:~i:,~~11,':; ~1;,::i~~~·Y for pork and beef, says in the third quarter of c 0 n s u me r d em a n d , f o r c a r t o n e d e g gs t1trsn111 sn l ol lhr K1nhic1ty you see 1ne membership sul or 111t ICtntucky f 1982 and $53 to $57 in averaging 75 to 79 cents Frieo c~ick1n Assoc .. 111111 , 9 Ft..o C/Mcklfl AssoclltlOll • 9 '"° Cnicken Assoc:1111011 t h e A g r i c u 1 t u r e bro i 1 e r prices a r e d ---• --COUPON -• -----Department. the fourth , the report expected to edge above a oren in the second Furthe r , the d e -said. year-earlier levels in the ha 1 f of this Ye a r . .... , ky Fr• d Chi k partment's Econ o m ic Choice steer prices, second hall -47 to 51 compared to 71 cents last en ..... c 18 c en. ~~~e:~c~ fse;~i~el ~~i~ ~~i~ra~~~a~eu~~bfa'!~ ccomwehn~1~:1to:4~7~ce~n~tse:l~n~ yea:;all 642-5678. production may show summe r before falling .,...."""" Put a tnrworda onJy a mcxiest increase back to around $60 in the the third quarter of 1981 to work for ou. ~-----------------------------------~ : 20C SAVE 20C on your next purchase of any . 20C 1 4-pack of Good Humor. Cookie Sandwiches. 11, (or any other great-tasting Good Humor product) ~ I r re,. c.11--. , ... _ .--.. ,_ .. ,.. ..... .i ,._, _, ... 1 ......... _... 0 ,., -j,.A ...-c-.-....... -........... ., ........ .-.................... _...... :» I '"'z _.. ,f{fl{"'-.,. ..._...., ............. ~ .., ..... ~ .... ..,, , .. _,..,..,.Nlnlt• m Good '· · ... ·'\· ·..<:.New.<renmtnMa--c...---....... _ ... _,.,...,.., • .,.,._.. n I Oo. ! -.."\~~.;hi' r_,. .. .,, ... _ .... _ ... ,_ ....... ,._....,,.,..,,.,,___ CO H • ~ ......... ., .. aillfl9.,,.,..,_.._ ..... _........,.~.., •• ,..., ... ,...,,..... :> umor ' I' ..--us ... -... ·-· n._ ............ -.... -..... -.. ,........ :P I 0 ......,..._. ... '91.., .. fl .. rto•,,..•-~w ..,...,W C..... ... -..... U lJ I .... .,....,.,.....,,.-.c .. at ...... .,...,.,.,.,..,.._ .. fMu11t _ _,..,..,... z I a:WJ C...........c:M .., t.a .._.,,10 c• ....._.. r11e1 • w .-.... ,._.,...,ti wfht•• met • ,.,. '--' " .,_.... ............ ~, ... , ... ,, ........... , ....... ......,, .. ,.,.... .. .... .. \o' I g 4 ChoOOlate _,...,..,._..,,_., ..... _ , ... ,.,..,,,, ... .,, • ._..,_,.....,..,.,.,. :t ,--, ............... ~ .............. 11,,.... .. 11.~wt ........ ., •••• tt"91t ... .,. I "' .. ,.. ............. -a.... .................. ""., .. ' • ., .... c..-.t• ...... -...... . • ._ .... ,... .... .,..._. ... , .. u.~..,Gtlll-.•US A .. 1ut .. nw-.. ... '-'1•Aict ,..,, I lt __ U_.._ .............................. '*"*'-t ... ICWI .................... , Coupon expires ..... ____ .. __ .. .,..._,,_.._.,..,,_.,._.., I August )I. 1982 __ ,__.,,,__.,. __ -.. --c:..--l l()C ... IU088'-TllllH~ ... -.-,.- L; __ / Cf!tts{apes 1 §real sandwiches to come. • And you can go cookies with these four scrumptious varieties. ------------------------------~ SAVE 200 on your next purchaa of any 200 4 pack of Good Humor.Cookie Sandwiches. (or iny other ~~t-wting Good H\mor product) ' , ' l ,----~----- ~SAYE~ ~S • ,,.. redeem these "111111 .,. coupons ,. at any store ~ . , selling these ' products ------------·------ I I I I Butter·Aa\lored Thins Here'1 e cracker •pecially for spreads, dips or chene. ES'COOL OO'Ctt'C I 1120 This package-fl>; can save you money... I Time after Time Goldf .. h8 Thin• Mighty delicious! Downright ideal for dipping or hors d'<>euVTff Goldfiah• Tiny Crackera Tiny fi1hy shapea with big, big navor One bite and you're hooked. Snack Stick• Seen at the tastiest pertle11 Perfect for scooping up dips Perfect by lhemHlvn too C~J.,.H IUl\'11 ... TAM. OM C°""°"4 TOY~ 0 ·-------- Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Wedneaday, Juno 30, 1982 cs --------------- Helps fix loose spots. 23'100 l.07543 SAVEIOCon- H1rnst Dnian . from ~ Hidde!:'~~!!!!?Y Ranch ·~~ !!:! lt1 lttt· lM \l ... K ,,., Mr •ultu'1U'd 111 •I"•¥ tJtrnl .. ,. f-=Jir"'f'f-'"' ,A thu •IUP"' \'\• •!ii Q r••mh.if.,. 1'\Ail k• •hi....< val...-.,+u• 7c *'" "-ndh~ """iJ•nlil Owl "11l.1 •'-'!he· '''""l.llftl' "-" .~nrfW\J .,_ 111o1lh th-tt-rm~ 11t tftu, 14kt (/) 'rt. ,1~ muil ptt M ) wk-l l4t lho ·~MP'" """'61 ,.._.ht ft'pt•~utW IU1ntkn~ •• ... •lfl""'\I Thu '""" "k-M.IN l111tt L•~ r--' "'°""~"' ... ~!I" pnJ._I •N "'" C)OWt u:w: ,,,,,.hfwt~\ "~~ n-_ .~ Uf1><oft lu ~-11'11• u iuptfl! '' u~ul) ••~•h.twd •4' lhr r11:l••Wf ioh_.,_ .,._ ~t.I .... _._ llf'IM-.-.v'"""tl'WI p,anfw,fi,f-• "' •lillt,..,.. .i ... a.. ••then I"-pit'l '"""It l'«>tJ.tnl'•.._UW'f ·~ ~nt ..... ~·~ o"''" ~It~~_,,~"'"" -.1....-.-Mt...-... 1ht,. ipn, 1111 T'htCloh•• Cump.M'lt IJittirf .,...J ..twn. pi"'81tt«d t..W 1o11 rtq1.U1td1vttt 1 .......... ~ 1.1 .. \...-" ~ J12Q ut I< Tu mtrorm lh&J '-~,. _..,,., .t to TUE C'UJtKJX (U'4Po\'\ PU llOA 100 CU'lftJ"I KJ\\A ~11;,. C<Jl. l'V" ( ~Pll!~.S J-Ill l'ISJ 44b00 l.OJ.bb., --------------- Offer uplrea Aucuat 31. 1982 • STORE COUPON 53000 U4800 ----..----------- $J50coUPON REFUND 'v'Vc II send you $ t 50 1n Wyler s couJX>"!. (1hrpe 5CJc coupo11s) each good on any o;11e t.ao or live 1 01 packages 1us1 lo• 1ry1ng Wylers S•mply send us lh1s offic1al refuna cert•t• cate and a proof ol purchase (loun<.J 011 t11e back of any Wyler s package) from one Wy ler s can or ftve 1 Qt packages Save15¢ on Genuine MR.C0FFEE ' Filters· Please rush rr>P rny lhreP Wyler s coupons $ 1 50 101a1 I have enr ;;,see1 lhe proper p•oot(sl ot purcha~c Mell To: WYLER'S $1 .50 REFUND P.O. Box 9110 Cllnton, Iowa 52736 ....... c;.., __ _ St.le ,., ___ _ '"'"\1fl.f:.t ~.,·001J•11, ... ~,•· ~.,,~.,. ft-tl'fP'tellittOllW ~'\l\f. '°""" ,.,.. 'Ct''""'""''° (11•'·••'""""'"•4'0*1))''"9 l lf\.f ..... ""'' '•~ , Q• t001tu 0'1r 1 QOOC o ii US. """'° •"lif'f rnl'cC.1tid Al'Ott t ~~'fotOtOC.P'\\o""O- To 0..1.. F()t H<ll oouoon yov acc~ot as OU' AuthOnzed age<'I W<! w" Dey yo.. 15< 1>1\11 7c 11ano nq a"O .. al\Ca "'°"'°"" ro<J and yo..1 CUSlome< ..... c:omc>4.e<! wtll> the term~ of 1n1t offer Coupon is 9')0d Oflly °" Mr Coflee l'•lrers and any Oltle< use c:onsllllit• rraua Void whtra ptOMl•lecl tu eel Of restr!Cled by i.tw VOJ• cuttoiner must oey lllly .- ,., Of'-' -10 1 covr:ion P9f P<oducl Ces11 •M>e t.2011'1 o4 1 C9'!• Good on'Y " u s " Re deem Dy ma.•.ng to Ml Col tee P 0 9o1 R ?!)gfJ Et Pao Teoas 7997~ Olfe• ecp.res Dec J 1 t 982 sliiis~°" ....... ,,.OdDrGumll Tllll ICltctt•n Gallia .. ••• ----- ' J Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Wednnday, June 30, 1882 ~ondavi denies Krug Winery sale rumors Br JSAl\Y D. MEAD ftUMOI\ DISPELLED -The.-. la no lnlth to the rumor th•t famlly- owned Chulea Krug Winery of N•I* Valley la up for ule. To quote Pet•r M ondavl. prHldent of Krus. "l have two eon.a!" Comins from an Italian, that'• •bout u at.rona a denial u you can get. Almost every major winery has fallen victim to a similar rumor. Sebutlani, for ex.ample, hu been sold dozens of limes, if you believe the rumors, yet ia still firmly In control of the family. If there Is still any queatlon in anyone's mind. Peter also said, "We.aren't even talking to anyone and don't want to talk to anyone. There is absolutely no truth to the rumor, whatsoever." rm really glad this one turned out the way it did. Too many family- owned wineries have gone to corporations in the last few years. BEST BUY -Get ready to call your favorite retailer, or, if necessary, the winery direct. This wine is worth tracking down. CARNERO& CREEK RED TABLE WINE ($4 or less) This non-vintage wi~ from the premium Napa Valley producer is "dyn-o-rnite." The label tells you nothing, not even the alcohol content, but the wine is primarily' a blend of Zinfandels from Amador and Yolo counties. The aroma i.s intense with berries and cherries, the color is rich and dark and the flavors are unb elievably complex for a wine of so little pedigree and such a reasonable pri ce Drinkable now with hearty fare, but there is considerable potential for improvement with cellaring. It's tough to Sleeker • swine WASHINGTON (AP) -The svelte American hog is an eye-stopper in swine fashion circles with a longer, leaner look th.at is getting rave notices from m eat packers and consumers. ''This sleek, late-model hog has more muscle and less fat than its predecessors of the Late 1960s," says the Agriculture Department. "More important, it delivers more pork to the pouhd: ham, loin, picnic shoulder and Boston butt." Cqnsumen; years ago started turning up their noees at fat-laden slabs of bacon and thickly larded chops and ham slices. Animal scientists helped develop new genetic patterns and feeding metho d s. Farmers responded with modifications. The change h.as been so dramatic that USDA is considering revisions in grade standards for hog can:asees. Thoee have not been updated since 1968. Five grades are used -No. l, 2, 3, 4 and Utility. The leanest, best yielding carcasses are indicated by the smallest numbers. Utility, the lowest category. refers to "un acceptable lean quality, an oily carcass or a belly too thin for bacon production." The meat still is fit for human consumption , howeve. , and usually ends up as ground or canned pork. According to a new report by the department's Economic Research Service, ~n 1969 only 8 out of 100 slaughtered hog ca.rc.uee8 qualWed foe-U.S. No. 1, the leanest, meatleat .,..., By 1980, 72 out of l oo quallfied. BaHd on a uudy tnvolvinl thouaanda of ho1 carc111e1 at 1lau1hter planta, hert .,.. IOfM mHIUNmentl which lhow how hOll han btmn• 1or\pt' and IMner: -In lMlt &he •wrtll U .a. No. l CU'Cllll WM IOA lniWI _IGIW and had • ....,., ~ °' ua ii'' •1 1110, lh• w• ll,O lnohet' ... tht '-"'"" 1.11 find wlnet of thla atature at auch a baraatn price, and I 1u1pect the addition of a vlnt.aae date and a varietal designation w ould •t least double the price. Caae purc h~aea very stronaily ~nded. Goldwyn, black-bearded wine wrlwr or tht• ~l Coast, la hard ut work t>n 1m updated wnlon of hlM i natantl y Cam ous ''Vlntase Odd.a Chart.,.," which should be even better thla time around because he's asking a number of o th er profeealonal.a to provide input aa to the beat yean. A dozen palatoa arc always better than one. The new chart should be out before the end of the year. MIADDN WINI ll'l~llon, 1 finally rni.&de It t.o dinner at famoua C h ez Panlsae I n Berkeley. Alu! I found ll ordinary, overpriced, and the wine hat wasn't that exciting. The duck was tough, though admittedly n ot overcooked, and sad to say a green bean appetizer wu Lhe most e xciting item on the night 's menu . Nasturtium petals floating In the soup failed to impress me. I 'll g1vtt It another try, 1 promise, In case it WM an off nlalht or an ore menu . r loved the friend l y, personal service, but wLSh I had gone to Na1'1M11's. Thtw.• who mt&Sed a pr~v1ou1 announcement should know they can write fur th11 year'5 complete results f rorn the annual Oraofe · Co unt y Fa r Commercia l Wlae Comptlltloo. Ov .. r 400 award-winning wines Crom dorens of categories are Usted, and the offlctal awards bookl et Is available for $2.50 w: OC Winners '82, P.O. Box 397, Garden Grove, CA 92642. U you can't find the wine. write for retailer Information to: Carneroe Creek, 1285 Dealy Lane, Na1>a, CA 94~58. BEST VINTAGE CHART -C raig Celebrate the 4th with a lower food total. At Lucky, you'll find everything you need to get your 4th of July off to a glowing start. Instead of limiting your savings by offering a few dozen limited "holiday specials," Lucky offers lower prices on thousands of food items for a lower food total! Shoppers recently compared Lucky with the supermarket of their choice. First, they purchased their own list of items at Lucky. Then. they compared prices at the other store on the same or comparable items. Their findings prove discount prices add up to lower food totals. (Oocumentalton on tile ) FRESH MEAT FRESH 97 ~~~D BEEF ll> • ~ NOt Excttel '°" Fat FRYING CHICKEN W1'0lf IOCly, SOutnem CrlClt " BONELESS 189 ROUND STEAK FUii Cut IOnOeO 8"f Lb WHOLE BEEF BRISKET IOMlftl IOncled '"'· 7·t I.DI. I Id .I I I 1· .I I 111 M, ~~ ~·· IOU II 2.49 !.t.tl'!.~~ '"~·~ . .. 2.19 ~K ·~0 ~· .. 1.49 In the meantlmt!, the current chart can still be had by sending $I to: Vintage Odds (;hart, P .O . Box n44 , San l''randaco. CA 94 120 G t' I'm an y u n d ma n y m ore r egions ar~ lnduded, and It lis prtntL'<i on a three-fold ca1cJ that wall fit easily In pocket or punie. The thing that makes thia chart so special la its many dimensions. Thia is not a one-region chart. The wines of California, New York, l''rance, Italy, FIRST IMPRESSION -After years of reading ra ve reviews a n d hearing one person after another brag about the cuisi n e and wine ~ Joanne Olsen Saved s4_79 ''I have shopped at Lucky for years. '' Lucky's total· $90.37 The total at the other market on the same or comparable items· $95.16 Joanne saved $4 79 at Lucky Test ta~en June 14 1982 • CANNED & PACKAGED rPOTATO 89 £~~~S 1•;, 01 ea9 • Twin Paek s varieties r HARVEST DAY 3 5 BUNS HO! OOQ and 8 Cf Plcg • H~mburger - Judy Woolery Saved s14.31 ''I could not believe Lucky:s low prices. '' Lucky's total: $117.46 The total at the other market on the same or comparable items. $131.77 Judy saved $14 31 at Lucky Test la~en June 14 t982 CANNED & PACKAGED HARVEST DAY 57 ~~~EB~~2. r DEL MONTE 99 CATSUP !7018t1 • Chez Panlsse, by the way, I.a another of thoee fixed price, fixed mt•nu establuhments, so 1t wasn't a matter of orde ring the wrong thing. There wasn't any choke. ANOTHER CHANCE Rich & Aarah Haase Saved s4_99 ''Prices on almost every item are less at Lucky. '' Lucky's total: $65.27. The total at the other market on the same or comparable items: $70.26. Rich and Aarah saved $4 99 at Lucky. Test 1oen June t4 t982 DAIRY & FROZEN ICE CREAM 129 SQUARES H¥v~t oav fU41 Gal cm J FUvori; HOMOGENIZED 193 MILK l.ac:IV Ltt c;a11on 8!1 LADY LEE 89 DRINKS FnMt Puncn Or3"9f c;a1 ec1 • "'rnpe Sharon Joplin Saved ss.40 ''All of the prices are lower at Lucky.'' Lucky's total· $66 32 The total at the other market on the same or comparable items. S72 72 Sharon saved $6 40 at Lucky Test ta~en June 14 1982 HOUSEHOLD & PET r CHARCOAL 349 ~!~UETS?O UI 8~ r;~~~! TOWELS ""•n •• 69 r ~ .. ~TEO NAPKl~c• .. G .69 r VIUA PAPER Pl.A~~~ .... , 1. 9 5 1',L.10~!.~~~~UID 2 29 4 . ~--~-u olC.., • r ~~:~~f~~-KERS ••ouo.1.09 l~~!~I JO•Orn~2.69 r~~~~~TTI SAUCE w 01 , ... 91 ~_e~~~-G~~.~.~.~~.~~~~•<••. 78 r.~A111~•01CUPS 69 ~· . "'" .. c . r ~INUM FOIL .... OQ. 1.29 ! ~~~~~~~~ . ltOztAG • 5 9 l ~~~ R~~~~~ . . . •001) ... 5 7 l ~~ ROA~TEO.PEA~~~1. 99 l 8.8.0. SAUCE ~ ....... llV~~ nm tn 1.09 l~~~~.~~~~. ~~.~~~~.••OJ '°.1.49 r~~~~!~ ~~l<E~°'"' 1.35 r~~~~,.~. .. . . ... °' ~.65 I!f~'!,~~~E~ ..... ••orn~.58 r~~~~.~~~~ .... or~.75 =lffblOpln sunc:i.v hOuN on July 4tn Ind t A.M to 1 P.M. MOndlY. JU4V 5th r ~~~?.~!~S 89 r~~~.~ot~i:~2_NADE!10l( .... 37 • ¥&91111'•' 1 .oz 1AG • !~~JUICE 1 39 r~.~~ JUICE .-01 m 1.75 .. or 1n • ' DAIRY & FROZEN NON FAT MILK LOW FAT MILK .-w . ~IC*fft 1.61 CA«OOtTl 1.88 LADY LEE BUTTER 1 81 • , • , • • • • • • • • tlOI Cl• • COLO·N·SOFT ••oz n• .69 r~~A.~~ ...... ooi -e.99 r~~!!EAT PfE~ uuo• .29 !~~~SON'~~~~~~ .o. 2.69 r~~~~.~~.~~~ .. -1.09 •10l t•••99 IOOl 1-"• 79 LIQUOR & WINE r ~T!_~!N!S'° ..o.un 2.65 lfv~~~ ~1.~.es •lltt "' 2.59 r~~A~!~!1 .... "°'"!\ 4.99 :w..=.~o:; :;:::w~ r:r-«I .. "ff<""'' ::.~i=:~=--._...._. DELICATESSEN ITEMS rBALLPARK 149 ~~~~~s 1607 Pkg rLADYLEE 89 ~~NKS ,6 oz Plcg • PHODUCE ITEM S COLDEN BANANAS """"~·. FRESH MUSHROOMS ~····· .... SWEET RED ONIONS U•M ...... FRISH CANT Al.OUPI ...., ....... . 11 .19 901 OIC .69 ll •19 . 11.19 fl Key•uye ' ,,.,, ,.,,. .w,,, .. ICty lily• M 1tt1111 _,it•• ... elf llltlf Mtyfl~ fteffilllt ,,, ... t• I rtt11tl tf 111111111"114,.,. ·"'~"" ,,.,.. •• ~., tllffl~ ff ...... ,~,.~ .... YIN11 """ """" ...... ., ·~ -.. .,., llfllf ... tf\llf ------------. ' Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /Wednetday, June 30, 1982 Cl Barbecue makes impressive meal C-Onlp..n,Y'• (.'Omlna und you 'd llkt-lo u·rvt• aomc-thina lmpreuiw to1 dinner. But whf'n ift'OI 1ummt!r W l'atho 1 bcickorua, you don't want to apend u lot of lime in the kltcht>n preparing, either. Wh t to do? Have a barbecue If you don't think o{ a barbecued dish as a wry e l egant e ntree, you have n't tried Stuffed Teriyaki Steaks. Boneless beef sirloin steaks are marinated in a re ady-to-use teriyak1 barbecue marinade and sauce, the n wrapped around green onions and grilled. Your guests will be intrigued with the bundles o{ beef a nd the colorful onions neatly nestled inside. While the presentation is e ye appealing and the flavor disttnctively delicious, it takes hardly any more time to prepare than a simple broiled steak. The teriyaki marinade comes right Crom the bottle so there's nothing to mix and measure. And you're guaranteed a perfect ble nding of Uavors from the sauce each time. If Stuffed Teriyak1 Steaks seem attractively Oriental, that's because this dish is an Americanized version of the Japanese Negi-maki, in which thin slices of beef wrapped around onion bundles are grilled or pan-fried and sliced into bite-size pieces, the better to ea t with chopsticks. In fact , today 's teriyaki sauce it.self has evolved from Japan but with Western influence, b egin ning when Japanese immigrants to Hawaii first adapted the classic mixture to newly developed Polynesian tastes. They introduced fres h ginger, bro wn sugar and green onions to the sauce. Teriyak1 sauce c ontinued to move w e's t ward to t h e mainland United States where it is now widely used as a marmaung and basting sauce for all kinds of barbecues. Today's teriyaki sauce formulatio n maintains naturally brewed soy sauce for the base. with wine, sugar, herbs and Compute r bogged WEST DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -Super- market customers bagged a bonanza of bargains when a store's CO!llputerized price- reading system broke down. The system, which interprets prices by scanning black-striped apll·~• for rtu vor t1nh1m"-tmen t. The menu for your t> •Y. l'leian t b• rb<4l'ut< al 0 will ut• llt\ International blend of Ea.st and West when you serve the steak rolls with an American plc n k favorite. t'Orn on the t'Ob, and o lettuce and tomato salad. ·For a cooling drink to complement the meal. pour frosty-cold glasses of Sangria. ke cream or a selec tio n o f fresh summer fruits make a delightful und easy - finish . With bottled tcr1yak1 sauce always ready, you can have delectable, Oriental-style barbecues almost instantly Just marinate the cut of meat of your choice in the sauce and gnU it for a tasty entree. No matte r wh e n company's coming, you can put t ogether a s upe rb m ea l without sacrifi<:ing outdoor fun and e njoy m <'nt al l summer long STUFFED TERIY AKI STEAKS 2 boneless b eef sirloin steaks, eech cut 11z inc h thic k (abo ut 1 pound each) 1h c up bottled ter1yaki barbec u e marinade and sauce 6 green onions and tops P o und each stea k STUFFED STEAK -Teriyaki flavors boneless beef sirloin eve nly t o 1~ -1 n l' h easy ent~ to serve summer dinner guests. Lh~kn~. Spread ~eaks~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ out in large pan; pour in I teriyaki sauce and turn steaks over lO coat each piece . M ari n a t e 15 minutes; tum steaks over occasionally. Meanwhile. place onions in shallow pan. Pour enough boiling water over onio ns to cover ; dram immediately and cool. Remove steaks from marinade; s pread out flat. Place 3 green onio ns le ngthwise in center o{ each steak. RoU steaks. lengthwise, jelly- ro 11 fa s h io n arou nd o n ions; secure with string or wooden picks. Place rolls on grill 4 to 6 inches from coals. Cook 10 to 12 minutes (for rare), o r t o desired degree of doneness , turning r olls ove r frequently. T o serve, cut rolls c r osswise i nto 3-inch pieces, removing string or picks. Makes 6 to 8 servings. PtellC l'llTICE FICTITIOUS IUllNESS NAM£ 8TAT£MENT The ronowong person 1s doing bu!liness as. 0CS PRODUCT SALES 1623 B N 0 Oonn ell W ay Orange Car110<n1a 92667 Raymond C Jenkins. t5752 Grey Oaks Street. Westminster. California 92683 Thos bus;ness is conducted by an lnd1v1dua1 Raymond C Jenkins Tiits stalement was hied With the Counry Clerk of Orar>ge Counly on June 21. 1982. '191188 Published Orengo Coasl Dallyl Pilot. June 23, 30. July 7. 14, 1982 2684-82 UN-BUN YOUR HOLIDAY FUN. WITH A HONEY OF A HAM. lnuead of burgers or dogs, serve dehciow Hooey Baked Ha111 ibis founb of July. You'll ban 111on 11111e for fuo aod relanuoo becau.w we've dooe aU rbe work. Each ham IS 11elK1cd from grain· fed pork. Theo our fa111ilys special curing cru1H a 11niq!M! floor tba1 bu noer varied in over SO yc:an. Nexr we pariendy bake and aaioke each ba111 / ' •. I for up to ~ bouu. But we doa't atop • / rherc. Our family's M<rct glue 11eala \\ ~ io all 1be goodneu, aod our uoiq!M! . / spiral slicing maltes 11erviog timple. ~ _ •. All you bave'ro do is call, order aod • ~~ ~, pick up. Wba1 could be easier I Ye also ~.-.... '~ '"" ~ have a large sel~c1ioa o( pany rray1, salads ~~ and cbec:sc:. We Do Catering GIFT CERTIFICATE RE~~~~~0cc3cAA~ior~ME 111/llY IANll llAM --•L MU-J100£ Coo1n•q1way•(114J07J 0000 '~-· .... 11~c,,.,,.,.,,,Ho 9tOOO'V\\ A18ooD0001 •fl1'l>Ol~ 7401 lL .,., _ ... ,ow .. Plo10Nor•~•l~lllO'tl"O"OWOy (A1 (1 l0tOll000)•(1W)&37 Ja22 .,,,,..,.. lfA•-IOQIJQa.oc~~ (A1Gofoelone1110DQllPl't1)0(1W)M& Ml~ ""11if-IA'IO,.. '"""' ( AC•OU h()t'r lovo•aol()lc>nge)•( TIA) 007 OOoO fllllllMI mA• -11 o3<I Hwy "(POl'\Cno Moiogel>lozo I• ( 114) l40 3304' ,,,,.,_ -~770A11ono•o<1 ••• C"'i<otomonSlloooono Cen••'l•< 114)686 068• A.lSO~l ...... ,u l••ttNOOO N(S1(0Vil"iA 11.()Ql""°'""INOOO Wt\hh lv,.,A(;f , ... s.-ot."" .. ,...,,.,,. ~· w<X>Ol•""°"'lt "'-00'..oc:>Gl S•"'-J(Xf s.>iNvv• .. 1 P•io •1' 4..0\AAD4GO 0-.. fAS•l 11 Ah t '••U SAYE ON IMPERIAi:. ANY WAY YOU SPREAD IT: ~-------------------~ II~ STORE COUPON I 92't9l 2 5'['('['[ I IMGnl 1 MCICACIU I :.V: ~ . I MAICIAltlNI. ~margarine I ~--------------L----~ I IO!VUJ ,_ .. __ ,.....,t!lttau•-al-plw•T' I .-Af I ...,..,,_,.....,,,,._....,.._. ... ,, ......... -I ..v rot-IM<h....,C-tl'l ... I~ C..-loo•~711' '°""""""""-. I to Q.ISIOllO t ... ,_ .. """' OOI!"" ll"ldod!W ~ i;..., I '""""'" -•11111 I.A ...,_~ ........... ~-... (Aflljl~""'~""' ~ I v I • c... '°,.... IJPIU1GI 1111t •~ 11. 1111 1..;----.,----------------'-=;;..---•U~· I llOOfPO..MCICAOI ~ I Of DIRWI••• WT ····==~ I UCIMT ~ I I ~._.~ I 11115 284009 I STORECOUPON 1IO ~------------~------~ 12 codes on product labels, P\8.IC M>TICE failed at about lOp.m .at i~-,-te-TTTIOU--,-,-u-1_1N_E_1_1 _____ ~-----~--~--------~~-~-------~L-~=======================================================--- the Hy-Vee Foods store NAME STATEMENT i n t h i s De s M 0 i n e s The tollowtng pe<'sona are doing bualness u : suburb. (•l PACE SEITER (bl PACE Most items no longer SETT£R PAVILION (C) COMPANY'S carry individual price ~~6'.,1=,er~~~8Str .. i.eo.ta tags. So to avoid making Schlnner4" Inc • 1 California customers wait while the corporation. 3333 Br11101 Street. Costa M8M, Callf0<nl1 92628. price of each item was Thia bullnen 11 conducted by a checked, store manager corporation. D ll Dev 1 h Schlnner9f't Inc arre ore et t em John F. Scfllnnerer. set their own. Pr~t Clerks asked shoppers This siatement wu ni.cs wuh the to estimate the total price 'J:7. ~~. of Ofange County on of their purchases. After F110111 some h aggling, clerks Published Orange Coas1 Dally Pilot, 9 18, 23 30, 1982 and customers agreed on 2536-82 total bills. One customer ~---------es~ted he paid $18 for 1----Pllll __ IC_M>_T_ICE __ _ $59 worth of groceries. A store s pokesman said Friday it was unknown how much money was lost in the do-it-yourself pricing, which lasted about l 'h hours. "We couldn't do it for a long time," assistan t manager Brice Dykstra said. "We can't give groceries away." FtCTITIOUI IUl ... HI NAME ITATEMENT The following pertons are doing alneu aa: BACK BAY l'ISH CO, 408 13th Street, Apt. B. Huntington Beacll. alllornla 92648 David Alan Rann. 406 13111 Slree1. Apt. B. Huntington Beaoh. Calftornla 92648 Robert Daniel Rann, 21782 Brookhurat, No. 8, Hunllnglon BMch. Calll0<nla 92&46. Thll bualOMI la conducted by I generll pertnenhlp Robert 0 Renn Thia 1tat«1*1t WM tlled wllh tha County C*t( of Orange County on -_::::::::::::::::::::jJune 1, 1N2. "~ Publl•h•d Orange Coaal Dally Ml.JC NOTIC£ -~,.~IC'"'tm~IOUl----_,...--....... 1-1--Piiot, Jvne 9. 16, 23. 30. 1982. .._ ITA~ 2476-62 Tiit tollowtno pe1aon 11 doing PWt.IC NOTICE ~::CADILLAC M081LI! ...,. ---MlCHANIX, 241 Fttclltf ltrMl, r-T1TIOUI --11 l-1, COlte ...... Celltomle 12626 NAm ITAts•NT Ha rry Arllwr L .. 11 213 N. nie 10llawlll9 C*M>M are dolnCI ~·· Lek• llllnott, C1ttfornta bu'"::TN .. tTAHT AAOAOI ANO tnlO IOI CAIAM lllAALOA '11 Miiin I Tiiie ~ le ~ by • lottt. Huntington iucll, OA .,.,...... pen..... '*' nJ. =-~ ....... __ _ "obart ,om1ra1111.1. llHO ~ C*rtc ,.::::,_'--· -,...-o. Tan~ CA tl:1H .IUlle 1. , ..... --OCIUflty"' Merk "''"'· IOU7 lunHt • ' ,,._ lo!M'Nd, LOI ~ta_•1 OA '"tllltfl9t Ora• Otltl D.ity ~II =.:Ip ~~tld by I ...... JIN I, tt. n , IO, INI ~ '°"*r:i ....... fllit ....... ... Willi ltll ·--------....... ---.1~ ~ of Or1nt1 OUIMV tfl C•I ... • fl, Nltt f4, '"' ,.,, .... ..,,. ,..:.~·,.~,r.11 n:fl • GIVES YOU EVEN U BARGAINED FOR. ------------BUYTWOGETONE F•. To get your free roll of Brawny, fill in this certificato a nd send it to us with the lumberjack from the front of two Brnwny packages. Then we'll send you a coupon good for one j umbo roll. _ -' Mall to:" Free Brawny Offm." P.O. Box~&, Kankakee, Ill. 60902. - I I I I I I I Ne mo , ~,7'p~tP~1~w~p~rl~n~tu~1~t1~111~1---~----~~~.r-~-~-- AddreM--------- City --· When you buy Brawny paper towels, you're getting the biggest sheet money can buy. And now when .YO" buy two PACkanl ~ BraWl'\Vi we'lf live jou one tree. Juat Mncl ua thl1 certlftcate and the ham- berlack f'rom the t'ront cl two Bra~ s-.k•~ • and -.•n Mnd ~. ooupon pod ror oneJUJl'bo roll. 8o look tar Brilw~. It~• blaer bUpJn than fYtf' bttort. I • ' ... ..,. __ _ • Orangt Coatt DAIL V PILOT /Wedn11d1y. June 30, 1082 • Fishy dish is a good catc h When th lntr"pll..t cet ry l1 tt-ndtir. Stir In Ba11tt' 1111h ~l·m•rou11l y 1hy1111-. t-rumbll'Ci fl1horm1n aooa ott l\Uttlr\6i mix. ruiain." and with HI ~pt-f ruit JUll'I' I ll·aspoon i-1ll &mlC'd wllh rod itnd rt,~l dtn. Mol1lcm with \I\ ~·up m I x t u r c· H u k 1• • '• tt•uspoon pt>p~·r to do battle fo r tho frapofrult juice. Stutr uncov\•n •d , i n u 4 00 :.? w bll'Spoons t.'orn twtining mHl and l'Omca I ah Io oat• I y w Ith dt•gr1•1• UVl'n 45 tu ~O :u.ard \ ho~lrtumphantwhha 1tuH1ng; c lose w ith nilnut\'11, ba11t1 n~ 11.1 c ups oru n(<c beautiful, plump fl1h, kl•wtirs. Line a baklng frequt>nily JUll"t' th~ occaalon dt1tirvti1 p • n w I t h d o u bl o Yll'ld: ti to ti IK'rvlngll 111 large 1k illet me lt 1pc.-clal attention whh a thicknt.'&S of foil. Buttc'r butter; aautc cucum~ni preaentatlon th&\ doc1 foll. Arrange sl iced 3 mlnute11. Add thym<" Juati~ to It. e&rro\.S, celery and onion CUCUMBERS Mil and ptipper; blend Few entrees make a In pan. PJa<.-e fish on top FLORIDA well. Dissolve cornst.arch more dramatic appear-of veget.ablet. ln a small 3 tablespoorui butwr in orange juice. Stir into an ce than a who 1 e saucepan i'nelt remaining or margarine skillet; blend weU. Cook , baked flah -and baking 1.4 cup butle r ; add 6 m e d l um -s i t C' s tirring const.antly, until ls the b e st way t o r e ma in ing l 1h cups cuc umbt!rs, peel('d and mixture b o ll s a nd capture that fresh-out-grapefruit juice and bay sliced thickens. DRAMATIC -A who le ba k e d f18h , freshly caught for dinner, makes an impre s siv e presentation. of -the -water taste . leaf. Simmer 5 minutes. I teaspoon drh.'<.! leaf Yield : 1:1 servings. Fisherman's Delight 1s ,-~~~~~~~~~~~~~..;._~~~~~~~~~~~....;;;,_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ easy to pre pare and makes a feast for all to enjoy. A subtly aeasoned and simple stuffing combines cornbread with celer y and parsley. T hen it's m oisten e d w i t h grapefruit juice, dotted with raisins and finally teased with dill weed for exuberant flavor When the fish is baked on a bed of sliced onions, carrots and celery, it not only adds flavor but helps ret.ain the s hape of the fis h for au to admire. Basting the cat.ch with grapefruit juice makes it succulent and moist and adds a glistening appeal. Cuc umbers Florida s t a r s that popular vegetable, sauteed gently and steamed in a slightly thickened sauce with an orange juice base. The cucumbers have a crisp-tender texture and d e licate llavor tha t makes them a marvelous accompaniment to a fish dinner. FISHERMAN'S DELIGHT 4 to 5 pound striped bass. cleaned 'h teaspoon saJ t 114 teaspoon pepper :Y. cup butter o r margarine, divided 112 cup choppe d celery 1h c up c h o ppe d parsley l package (8 ounces) cornbread stuffing mix 'h cup raisins 1 teaspoon dried dill weed l ~ cups grapefruit juice, divided 2 cups sliced carrots 2 cups sliced celery 2 large onions, sliced 1 bay leaf Wash fis h . S prinkle inside and out with salt and pepper. ln a large, s killet m e lt 1 1 c 1.4p butter; saute chopped celery and parsley until Don 't hold the m ayo The famous Chocolate Mayonnaise cake in which real mayonnaise s ubstitute s f o r s hortening, now has a quick and easy cousin. This new fine-"textured creamy chocolate cake is mad e in a s nap by combining mix with real mayonnaise. CHOCOLATE MAYONNAISE CAKE 1 pac kage (18 'h ounces) devil's chocolate cake mix 3 eggs 1 cup water 'h cup mayonnaise Grease and fl o ur 12-cup fluted baking pan. In large bowl with mixer at low speed beat together cake mix, eggs. water and r e al m ayonna i se until blended. With mixer at medium speed beat 2 m inutes . P o ur into prepared pan. Bake in 350-degree oven 40 to 45 minutes or until cake tester inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pan 20 minutes. Remove from pan and cool on wire rack. Sprinkle with confection ers sugar if desired. Makes 10 to 12 servings. T o M ake Wi t lt Cllo c olate Cake Mix Wltll P •ddlDI ID Mil:: Follow recipe f or Chocolate Mayonnaise Cake increaalna r eal mayonna!le to l cup. T• Bekt ID O ther Paa a: J n 13 ·by·9·by·2·lnch bekina pt.I'.!. baU 36 to 40 mlnuta Cool "'ran or =:..r:t.~~~ IO II mtnu• Cool In p1n so m&nu-..; remcm ,,_ PM and ODOI on wire reok1, rro1& 11 ..... PRICES EFFECTIVE 1 DAYS 8 A.M. THURS • JUI Y \ THllU WED . JULY 7 1982 heltlly Ground. Ooe1 Nol bceed 22'Mt fol LEAN GROUND BEEF LB 1.79 Freshly G1ound, Doei Nol Eaceed 15% Fot 1.99 EXTRA LEAN GROUND BEEF 18 Whole Frying, Southern, Fom1ly Pock .79 CHICKEN DRUMS LB Whole Frying, Southe•n, Fomtly Poclt CHICKEN THIGHS .... . l8 .89 BONILlll BllF FAMILY STEAK c~~~~.1.99 ....................... >00 FOAM ICI CHiii ZORIS SANDALS •• , \ ...... l .. 0 COPPERTONE )0 •.O .. JO.,_. BEACH TOWEL c 11),. 35MM l<ODACOLOR -·· TIME ZERO SINGLE PACK SWEET ... 79 3 .3• S.99 2 ••• 6.69 HONEYDEW MELONS 19L! (»Inch BOITOllFl•NI 12-or Conto.ner CALFAMI LIMON ADI 2().22 01. Pepp•ron•, Sout09• CELESTE LARGE PIZZA 6 Eor. GrH n (i;o nl NIBBLERS COB CORN 12·Pk Chilly. Tropi<ol GREAT AMERICAN POPS 19 Ol lotfe CELESTE CHEESE PIZZA 1.fb. Whole Fr~ EA 3.99 .39 2.99 I. 19 1.29 2.29 8AMQUIT 2 9 CHICKIM ............ .5 GROUND BEEF DOES NOT EXCEED 30% FAT U S 0 A 01o•c• SHI &oneln 1 1.99 Bo• M lo Me10 IB 3 .29 CHUCK CLOD ROAST IB BONELESS HAMS Fo•let Forms <, . ., "•'1 ~. Pol\~" FRESH GAME HENS LB 1.09 HILLSHIRE SAUSAGE IB 2.49 Fosier form• .89 Rudys Form I lb fA 2 .19 FRESH ROASTERS lB PORK SAUSAGE ROLLS Hughti or El lloncho, Gr A ~·•• 1 ..,., & Co,po• .79 R11dy's form 12·or EA 1.89 FRESH HEN TURKEYS l8 PORK SAUSAGE PA HIES Pocilt< F1lleh FRESH RED SNAPPER ............................ La. 1.49 Frozen Poc1f1c Frozen Jumbo Alo1kon lB 2.59 SWORDFISH STEAKS l8 4.99 DUNGENESS CRABS FrHh Heot ond Eo1 2·01 Eoch MONTEREY SQUID .... LB .89 STUFFED CLAMS 4 '0<'1 HUGHES PICNIC BUNS FREE WITH THE PURCHASE OF A 12 PACK OF PEPSI WITH COUPON 28 0 1 S & W BAKED BEANS ............... 99 1 O·oz Aul Vor1et1es NABISCO SNACK CRACKERS .99 .45 1.26 .99 .99 15 25· \ S 5·oi . Gorbonzo, IC1dney S & W BEANS .. .C6-01. Fresh Pock & Processed VLASIC DILL PICKLES 12"·)(75' iloll· REYNOLDS WRAP 10-01. Aul Vorielt•l HEINZ RELISH ''·or l1m11 2 .49 1.39 1.39 .• 59 6·Plc , 10 0 1 White, Whea t 1i> Pme Sole INTERNATIONAL PIT A BREAD ?J.pr Ant Vor1eties CHRIS'·& PITT'S BBQ SAUCE 6·or Eatro lo•g• SAN FERNANDO OLIVES 7 ~ 8 ot , Twin Pock BELL BRAND CHIPS HllNI KITCHUP 1.49 23·or Spo1ltl1ng M1nerol PIRR•R -Wl-;:v--1'.!..r..,s 8 3 WARR . e ANTALOUPES ...-=-......... BROILED EEL SEAWEED DRIED GOURD STRIPS LARGE RIPE 9!. f()()OS rif rH£ fJf4&£trr . .. OU-_ l'llOOUC, °'" 2.91 1.19 .as M )'OIO C~vito z,_, Soy fla-3 ,..,, ""11 RAMEN NOODLES l.S·oz. FRllH AGI ~~~~~~~·D'"$E~~EED 79 13 1b Socl e l'!CG KOKUHO RICE .63 1.61 7.•9 FREE PICNIC BUNS . WITH THIS COUPON OPEN JULY 4 '" & 5 ... PlfASf CMfC~ Y0vR IOC•I STOllf FOii M0ll0AY SMOPPINC, HOUllS PAC FtC PALISADES STOllf ONLY .,.. . H c.cst::> "".• .... o•e ... -' '" .. tio•mel Cure 8 1 BONELESS HAMS Armou,.Boneleu TURKE Y ROASTS l•ttle J11on fom1ly Pock 20 8 Ot CORN DOGS U S D A 0 ,01ce 8oneleu STEWING BEEF WHOLE IB 3.39 18 1.69 EA 2.19 18 2 .19 FRYER LEGS , ... " LB •• 69 fAMllY PACK SOVT"tU• CHIC~tl'' 1so....i~ AMERICAN CREAM 750-,,.J I-OM.~ PLAIN LABEL RUM FRESH ..99 3.79 BELL PEPPERS 39Bc E• Fo ney ITAUAll aQUAIH ..... LL .29 I ............ .. Ttteat e .. 11• Ha. RISVOLO'S POIAIO IALAD ... 9-01 ,....,, & Quill AVOCADO DIP -~ .1.39 ...... 19 ..... '?Qi!Ni&-i.lif.iiii":-·-n •• ... --11 lfJM ' I I ~ I 1 J I I I r. I J l l fl ----~--~~---~--------------_..._.. __ _.. __ ..._ ________________ .....,. __ _... ______________ ....,... Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/Wedneaday, J~me 30, 1982 C7 Salads without mayonnaise lift calorie load By BARBARA aprlnkle with pa prika ult (or to tuto) tom atoes, pc:wlcd and Combine 1nairedlen ta 2 tabl~poona a1iL'ed GIBBONS before aorvln9. Makea Pinch of J>"pper llll ~111111 cub«! Covtir 8nd rc trlgontt! 1calll o n 1 o r minced M 1 d e t1 h t aci r v lnf•· P i n c h o f r e d • 2 ta b lf'11 p vu n s seve ral h ou ra. M.a kca chlv acaron an pollito a pprox im a t e l y 00 cal cmne pepper m i n ced c h lvea, or eigh t 1ervln a1 . 3~ ~cup bottled low- u:ad1• •;e u a uaJl y calorlot each. Put 1 hr e dd e d MEDJTEilJUNEAN garlic, finely chopped acall lons (or m inced c:alorit.'fteach calorie lullan·ttyle -.Lad c a 0 r e -ca v Y · 0 t COLONY COLESLAW vepublee ln a bia plut.lc MACARONI SALAD ~ cup elder vinegar oruon) dreaJ.na becauae at.arch~foodaare 1 m e d i u m h ti ad bas. Stir rem aln l n a 4 c upa tender -Y4 cup oUve liquid 2 t 11b l tt 1poo n s Com61ne lnsredlente fattening -t cy aren't. cabbage, ahredded lngredlt>nta together and cooked elbow macaroni, (fr<>rn jar of ollvet) minced freth par1dey ITALL\N ln an ln.aulated container. T he caforle culprit 1• 3 cam>ta, shredded add to the baa. Cloee bas drained 2 table11poon.a olive l table1poon fresh TWO-BEAN By aerving Ume, aeveral mayo nnalae . At l OO 3 tablcspo ns low -U,htly and afWce up, to 16 mediwn atutfed oU (or halt·teaapoon dried) SALAD TO GO houra later , the bean• calories a tablespoon, lt'i. calorie mayonnaiw coat vegeta bles. (If a green olives, thlnly slJoed Combine Ingredients. thyme leaves 10-ou nce pack age will be tha w e d and one of the moetfatt.enlng 3 ublespoons plain a w eeter coleala w i s W c u p 1 J t ce d Chill severul h o urs . l tablespoon dryred froz.enk.Jtchen-cutgreen marinated . Or, defrost ln~enta there la. f __. l 111 I d M k · h l i win" L. •• l~t~ L.-low-fat yogurt pre en-.., U8l! plneapp e sea o n a o r m n cl' • es etg se r v ngs, " ~ana beana tlnt, then combine en, 00 1'-"IWIW can uc: 2 tea1p oon1 cider yOl\lf'\. Or aweeten the chives 120 calories each. 1 tablespoon red I 0-ounce pack age w l t h r e m a 1 n 1 n 8 excess ve Y caloric If vinegar cofe1daw to taate wlth 1 tableapoon fresh wine vinegar froie n k itc h en-c u t ingredients. Refrigerate mayonnalae ia the ma.In ~ t e a s p oo n sugar aubatitute.) Makes (or half-teaspoon dried) F RENCH MARINATE D 1 tablespoon oli ve oil yellow wax beans several hours. Makes six ~;~!· collection of prepared mustard six aervtn,., 65 calories oregano leaves TOMATOES l tablespoon olive 14 cup rrunced red se r vings, 70 calor ies marinated make-ahead .~~-~~t_ea_s~p_oo~n_c_e_le_r~y~e_ac~h-·~~~~~~~~~-O~p_t_lo_n_a_l_:_l~c-lo_v_e~~~4~-v~i -n_e~--r_i ~p-e~-liq_u_l_d_(_fro_m~ja~r -of_o_l_iv_es_)~-be-l_J ~pe-p~pe'--r~~~~~-e-ac_h_.~~~~~~~ salads are jus t what bi k i n i w e are r s a r e looking for: light on the mayonnaise calories or none at all. POTATO SALAD 4 c up s par e d , cooked, diced potbtoes ~ cup shredded raw carrot ~ cup thinly sliced scallions ~ c up mi n c ed celery 3 tablespoons dill pickle relish o/4 cup plain low-fat yogurt 4 tablespoons low - fat mayonnaise 1 teaspoon prepared mustard S eason e d salt . pepper, to taste Dash of hot pepper sauce Op t i o n al : 1 tablespoon dill seeds or chopped fresh dillweed Optional: Paprika Combin e ingredients, except paprika, if using. Mix lightly. Chill several hours . If d es ir e d , Italian flavors If your family favors the flavor s o f Italian cuisine, they're sure to c h e e r P o rk S t e aks Italiano. The m ea t y bla d e steaks cook to tendem~ in a tomato sauce spiced with Italian seasoning and basil. For f u rthe r fla vor interest , each s tea k is topped with mozzarella c h eese a nd a green pepper ring. P ork ste aks a r e an e xcellent ch oice for keeping family meals within a limite d food budget. Alwa ys a bargain in fine flavor and good nutrition, the steaks are even a better buy when purchased on sale. PORK STEAK ITALIANO 4 pork blade steaks. cut o/4 inch thick 3 tablespoons lard or drippings Vi teaspoon salt 1A teaspoon pepper V. teaspoon Italian seasoning V. teaspoon basil 1 can (8 ounces) tomato sauce V. cup water 4 slices moizarella cheese 4 green pepper rings Brown steaks in lard or d rippings. Pour off drippings. Sprinkle salt, pepper. Italian seasoning and basil over steaks . Combine and add tomato sauce and water. Cover Ughtly and cook slowly 30 minutes. Place a slice of mou.arella cheese and a green pepper ring on each steak. Cover tightly and continue cook ing slowly 30 m inutes or until done. 4 to 6 serv- ings. Salad contest at fair July 15 A aa1ad contest will be ht>ld OD July 15 in the Gourmet Gall~f the Home Arta at the Orange County air in Costa Mesa. C at e g o rl t>s f o r vegetable, fruit and meat or flab salads will be judged, and e n tra nts ahould brina tnared.lents and utenaila for making the aalld by 1:30 p.m. No e n try f ee ii required. but coot.e.tan ta will be Umlled to the •J*le available. Salada Wt11 be prepared at the fa l r a nd mu1t b e accompanied with the rtclp• w ritten on a 1-by.5-lnch mrd. lud1ln1 wlll be o n ~anc e , taate, Md orfClnality. '!be winner wW receive ~ 11lver chip-ind-dip dl•h t ~I th r i bbon• IWU'MCI thrvuah third ~· C1ll U l ·P AlR to r W...Uan.. Join in. Ral .Storewi hs 4th of July eCelebration! Northwest Sweet Cherries per lb. .67 Approx 5 lb. Chub Ralphs Ground Umitl pkgs. Beef , ., per customer per lb. \~e[)~ 89 (lb.> -~,...,~·ti • Ralphs 18 Slice Spread American Cheese Save 30 with Coupon 19 RaJphS·PIOin·Hambwger 0 1 =:~og r:,~~ • c:~~n Umit One Item and One Coupon per Cwtomer Coupon Etlecitve July I Uuu July 7.1982 Double Coupon Present this coupon along with any one Manufacturers' 'cents oll" coupon and get double the savings when you purchase the item Not to include "retailer" "lree" or grocery purchase coupons or exceed the value of the item Excludes llQuor tobacco and dairy produc1s limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 Double Coupons Per Customer Coupon effective July 1 thru July 7, 1982 Double Coupon Present this coupon along with any one Manufacturers' "cents off" coupon and get double lhe savings when you purchase the item Not to include "retailer ·. "free' or .. grocery purchase coupons or exceed the value of the 1tern E~cludes llQuor. tobacco and da1rv orcsucts limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and limit 3 Double Coupons Per Customer Coupon effective July 1 thru July 7, 1982 Double Coupon Presen t this coupon along with any one Manufacturers' "Cents off' coupon and get double the savings when you purchase the item Not to include · reta1le(', .. free· or ·grocery purcnase • coupons or ex ceed the value of the 11em Excludes liquor. tobacco and dairy products Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 3 Double Coupons Per Customer Coupon effective July 1 thru July 7, 1982 r.iiiiii1 Ad ult O ilt~ $Tickets 6E~0~··B ea;~!~.2§, UNLIMITED TICKETS Child's $ 00 11~!~ Only At fJi~hs! .:~:!§ Awailabl• now through August 29, 1982 They're the b est kind o1 tickets you can buy ~ unlimited usage • to give you all the tun. all the rides. all the gOOd times of Knott's Berry Fann from the time you arrive in the morning, W the time you leave at night ~1 Cl • Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Wednt•day, June 30, 1982 Suave Conditioners 4th of July Film Developing Deals e <I> U Rinses BALSAM & PROTEIN I CLEAN HAIR, FULL BODY, FINISHING RINSE s•.OZ IZE*posure 15 E*posure Dfse Z4E•posure 36E*posure si.qq '3.Z9 '3.89 s5.qq Suave Shampoo BABY, BALSAM & PROTEIN. CLEAN HAIR, CONDITIONING. DANDRUFF CONTROL, FULL BODY, STRAWBERRY ... oz 110·126·135 OR DISC FILM ONLY · C-41 PROCESSING . ASA 400 ADD 40' FOR 12 EXPOSURES OR 50' FOR 24 AND 36 EXPOSURES AT ALL PARTICIPATING STORES ONLY. Kodak Kodaeolor II C!JO C!JO CU6 CU6 CQ5 Fdm Talle An Aetive Interest In The Sun? Skin Care Products For All Your Needs From Hawaiian Tropic & Coppertone HAWAIIAN TROPIC DARK TANNING Lotion HAWAIIAN TROPIC DARK TANNING Oil HAWAJIAN TROPIC DARK TANNING WISUNSCREEN Oil. 8-0Z •4.39 TROPICAL BLEND Suntan LOtion 8-0Z •3.99 TROPICAL BLEND ·suntan Oil 8-0Z •3.99 COPPERTONE Suntan Oil 4.oz s3.I9 COPPERTONE Suntan Lotion 4-0z s3.I9 COPPERTONE LITE Tanning Oil •OZ •3.z9 COPPERTONE LITE Tanning Lotion •-OZ •3.z9 COPPERTONE Sh·ade Lotion 4-0Z •3.59 Q.T. TANNING Lotion 4-0%•3.69 PJllCB• BFPBCTIVB .JULY 11t TBllOVGB 7th, 1913 .,,_. ...... "' •••• Ca•• , ......... ., ............................ ,. ... , •••• fl .................... , ...................... , • .. :· . . ' ·: . '· \~ ' .. •, ,\J I I I .1 l --------------- Oronge Coaat DAILY PILCJ T /Wednesday, June 30, 1982 Ct Coupo·ns: Save big on food for furry friends By MARTIN SLOANE &v.-ral rt•adt1n hAw Hked why m y Smart Shoppina Award hu not aone tu 1hoppt1r1 who h•vo achlt"v.,d big aav""'8 on pet foods. No, l have n othing a aialnat pet1. We h1avt- two <*'» ln our homt- Tlger and l'ickJea. Do l ~coupons and refunda to save money on pet food? Does Purina make Cat Chow? Of counte I do. Fortunately for pet owners, pet foods are highly competitive. Just walk down the pet-food aisle and you will nottce all o f the specially marked packages. Bonnie Petrenko of West Dundee, Ul.. saw Tender Vittles on sale for $1.38 a box. The regular price at her store is $1.68. She had a 20-cent coupon and a "By One. Get One Free" coupon, so she was able to get three boxes fo r o nly $2.56. When she got home, she found an offer of a Cree box of Tende r Vittles in return for the proofs of purchase from the three boxes that she had just bought. ''Instead of $1.68 a box, l only paid 64 cents each and my cats are eating very well," she says. Melissa Rydz.ewski of Orlando, Fla., has a big dog with a big appetite. She buys at least 25 pounds of dog food every time she goes shopping. "I found five coupons for $1.50 off on any sire of Jim Dandy T ende r Moist dog food ," she reports. "I bought five 10-pound bags, which were marked $4.29 each. "My store doubled my coupons, which made my total just $6.45 for 50 pounds of dog food . Since I usually pay $7 to $8 for 25 pounds, I think I did pretty well." Mary Ll oy d of Marlboro, N.Y., says that cat food and coupons seem to go together. She had three 40 -cent coupons, each good on three cans of Purina cat food. She also had three "Buy Two, G et One Free" coupons. Her store doubled the 40-cent coupons, so she bought a total of 18 cans for only $~88. "They cost me only about 14 cents each, and I saved $3.42," she says. "And to top it off, each can had a 25-cent coupon on the label!" These and other smart shoppers whos e e xperiences appear in this column receive a copy of my refunding magazine, The National Supermarket Shopper. Write to me in care of this newspaper. CLIP •N• FILE REFUNDS Cer e•la, Breakfast Prodact1, Baby Products (File 1) Clip out this file and keep it with s imilar cash-off coupons - beverage refund offers with beverage coupons, for example. Start collecting the needed proofs of purchase while looking for the required refund forms at the s up erma rk et. in newspapers and magazines, and when trading with friends. Offers may not be available in all areas of the country. Allow 10 weeks to receive each refund. This offer doesn't require a form: KELLO GG'S RAISINS, RICE & RYE Saucer Offer. P.O. Box 5022, Kalamazoo, Mich. 49003. Receive a Raisins, Rice & Rye saucer. Send two proof-of-purchase aeaJa from side panels of Kellog's Raisins, Rice & Rye. Expires Aug. 31. 1982. These offers require forms: BABY WET ONES Diapet" Offer. Receive $1. $2, $3 or $5 in diaper coupons and $1 ln Baby Wet Onet coupona. Send the required retund form and Unlvenal Product Code tYmboll from Baby Wet OnH wlth paper t.bell or 1peclal proof - ot-~ tokenl tJOm a.by W.t O.W without --w.Ja. Send tour ~ ol. pu:ren.t for ts In ... OOUponl, U fOf' ti In dl1per c:oupona. t for P ln ~_ptr pan1 or 12 f« P In t1per coupon1. The •ymbol or wkc>n from the and tha 1peclflt'd proof1 llP Juck11, S•1.cur Smot"k11 , H1·n ·1vt> u $~ rdund 40-ahool pock116J~ 1.uunta 1>f purchue from three 11111111 IHIPPIR Sugar Jo'ro1lt'c.l Flukc•a, St>n<i the r t•qu1re•d llioneproof;lhf'11ymbol of th~ following four I I Su1eor Corn P op11, rt•fund form und fl v1• or lokt•n from the• prodUl'U : D lap11rcma Banum1 l''rostl'd Flakt's Un1wnwJ Product Cocjl· 120-ah\.-'t't package coun'» Baby Wl&llh ClotM (On<' number). At.o lnclude $1 from two Big G Ft&mlly or Fruit Loops. Thi.a offer symbols from any of th\· u th~ proof1. Explrt'I pink cap), Dlapareno tor p o atage ond Pack wrappt'nJ. Explrc'll is llmlh•<I to one tree f o ll owl n~ Qu u k1•r Sept. 30, 1982. Baby Powder (the handling. Expires Sept. July 31, 1982 Safari Hut per famJly l't.'reals: Llf~ Cerl'ttl, DlAPARENE-BAYER Universal Product Code 30, 1982 KELLOGG'S Safari The• hut can ulao be Cinnomon Flavor Llft- Glcnbrouk BMby Book number), 8 •ye r GENERAL MILLS Hut Offer. Receive the obtainc'CI for two proofs Cereb , Cap's Crunt'h , Offtir.RecelvetheBetter Children's Chewable INC . Rucelve a St Safuri Hut. Send lhe and$1595.Thiso!fer1s Cap'n Crunt•h's Crum.•h Homt•s and G arde n a A.splrln (two panels thot r e fund . Se nd th t: requlr~d refund Corm void ln Wiscon s in . Berries Cereal. Cup'n '·N e• w Ba by Book ," con t a In the UPC required rdund form and 30 11pecial sa(ari Exptrf$ Sept 30, 1982. Crunt'h's Pt.>anut Buttc-r worth $3.50. Send the symbol), any other baby and the Universal proof-of-purchase 11eals Q U AKER Great Cen•al . Quaker Corn required refund Corm pr oduc t (th e UPC Product Code symbols from Kellogg's Apple Grocery Giveaway Bran Cereal, Quaker 100 ---'-----------------------------------------------=---------------..:.;:::;-----:.....:..._ ______ ___,:__ ______ -..:..~--- I l Ot · ~ ©uh v\Aeot <Jhot v\Aode % tlomous! I Pl•rl•c11l Na1ural Cerf-al. Ont• 01 th,. proofs mwu bt• from Quaker 100 P t•r t•cnl N1ttural or Quok~r Corn Bran Q•r(•ol Exp1rt'11 Ol:t. 31, t9A2 Ht•n•'as a n•Cund (<.>rm to wrlle (or: Gillt>ttt' Razor Refund Offer, P 0 Bc1x 9224, St. Paul, Mann 55192 This $1 to $2 offer explrt>tl Dec 31, 1982. of another all-n~ Stater Bros. Market: 9S'7 :!:"..::! ~ fT!~s:i::::-::~ .. i c••c••l'•OfD-:C-:.C:-_.. ,.:.~ ~-;::: .. 111 r:;~~-:..::-~.!. .. ...:::,~, ' ~,,a-' ,, ,,_ ..! ltlNUTI ltAIO LEMONADE CRYSTALS .. •1.11 .. •2.n .. '2.H .. •a• ,.•2.11 <~_,,.1,., TWt <,;f""inf'fJ -·--................ --.-. "'"' 'l."u • ...... ~··'1.JI .. -~11 .71 Ill"' LNIOI UIO KINGSFORD CHARCOAL llertll -· c.Wi~ Calf•·-· Ml..,11* .. ..,.... Mflltl I* ...... ' .... u ... 1' •• 45' . ... st ... 35' PllC(.S mttTM 1 00. MYS w.._... ,.,,..,_ ... ,""" -~ ....... 41 • ...,...... ... ~t,Jl#f\.......,. . -. . -,. "' i1 2 s 6' LllJSAY OLIVES ~"W& IMIUTZ CEREAi. ~~~·~ Ill TISStl ="· ~ LARGE SWEET VINE RIPE Cantalou~ MINUTE MAIO ORANGE JUICE ggc <it ( COlllllll .~ "" :TOWllS - s151 ~·-. MATCHLITt ! •>IX • e CHARCOAL ._.1.05 9 YLASIC Olli PICKLES =~\''" 7J,es/1 ;:p1t0duref l'OJATO AHO MACARONI SCHIRMER'S SALAD I! _ 69<! J I $6.15 ···~ $1.19! LARGE FANCY (WASHINGTON) SINGS Cherries ciCiiiiERI 19~ iliC'JiiiEI 59~. iiiiiil'AI 25~ iiiiiili~UfO. 19~ . riiri;rrf~ 29~ Rib ..... ,----------------- •• ••.. CBee11. 1Wft\(l ~ .& -S ~( uO/I &ETTY CAOCKE~ 990 Potato Buds... . . 13.7&-0Z CHAii & Pim 23-0Z •1 )a 770 Barbecue Sauce944l ~fAAL .,..LLI CUIUl •1 50 Wheatl• 1.oz • Titie&MAL , "~z 92.06 "IOil'-AI' Of! LIGHT ll'Ol ATO CHIN • , 'S 9 ... ~ ...... tQI .... 9t · n ~uJr vUt>ot ffiot viUod . .,,,.,_, '1.9 •.• w., •. ,,U .. ~.,. ... U •••M•u ..... '1• ....... '1• ..... u .......... ·-1..~U ......... 49~ IUTTEl\MU.J( &AKING Mlit Blsqulck - AlOUL.All lllOTATO alll'S,1.AYI Of! Ruin ... AMllllCAH llAUTY Ml.AO 011 Bibo Roni l'~NI. OOl'H OIL. OUAATlM ............ lltTCW~ Hein• ~oz •I.23 uor •I.69 IJQl 47•' 1.oi 89~ .. 41 •s.19 l ' . I I ' •• Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/W9dnMd1y, June 30, 1982 New taste for favorite Bulg ur tea m with n ectarines I or a lad Florida · wins labeling battle Saluh havl• beon knuwn \o man ror l'tm\urlC!tl In the day11 of Shakt>apeue, hi111 play11 11how that "aalll't" wk!l already a l'Ommon dh1h A "sweet lady" wull l'omplimt>nted wht>n likened to a "ullat." Nectarlnt.. att-plckf'd nt><:t.urlne•, dkt.'<.I maturt\ but 1llll firm, In II\ <' u p c hop pt• ll TALLAHASSEE. F41 Jo' Io r 1 du " r a pt' fr u t t order to make th t' t't"lt•ry (AP) Florida cttrua oroduc"" JOUtnl'y to marktil. i . c up c h o pp 1• d grow~n have won their "Th111 111 a new lega.t ( r y OU r g r o c e r ' 11 gl'rt'n pepper {I g h l l 0 Ila m p t he dt-velopment for a state nl-t't.urlnl'» are not as rlpt" ~, c up c hopped ''Flurida Suruhlne Tree" tu require use of the state 1111youwouldlike,1Umply parsley o n •latt .. produced name or symbol in plu c:c thl•m at room Le ttuce grupdrult products. cu nn e1·t ion with temperature in a loosely In largl' bowl combine much to the chagrin of µ1 umot1onal purposes," In the Eut. sal•d• make up a large part ot the diet. Tabbouleh is a M iddle Eastern salad made with bulgur. a cra<.·ked wheat used as a staple in the area. closed papH bag o r water and bouillon; stir food packagers suyw i"loyd Abrams. a ripening bowl for a few In bulgur. Set uide l C'CHl1>l 1tut1onal lawyer days. hour. Meanwhile. 1n Now both aides ar e from Ne w York who Ripe nectarines will sma ll bowl whisk girding for a battle over repn.'St.•nted Krah Inc. in y ie ld lo gentle palm together oil, lemon juice, lltate-of-origin logos on an u n success ( u I pressure. Ripe nectarines mint flakes and salt: set Florida oranges. t'h:Jllcn~e Lo the l''lorida should be stored in the aside. Add nectarines, l'rev1ously, the U S ~n.1p«•fruit rult• refrigerator until ready celer y, green pepper and Supreme Court let stand The Florida Citrus Bulgur is deUcious and nutritious, especially when cooked in chicken broth. This traditional tabbouleh adds the touch of fresh nectarines for yet another nutritious addition. to eat. Return them to pars le y t o bulgur a state rule r equiring Commission adopted the room temperature before m Ix tu r e . Add o 1 I that retatl containers of labeling rule in 1977, use i n order to best m ixture; t oss l ightly 100 percent Florida 8 a Y ing 1 n ·s t ate capture their subtle until thoroughly mixed. grape fruit products grapefruit containers flavor. C hill several hours to packed in the state carry must be marked with the If you're a salad fan blend flavora. Arrange a state label. word "Florida" or the One nectarine contains 4 5 p ercen t of the Recomme nded Daily Allowance of vitamin A. Nectarines are also rich in vitamins B and C, minerals a nd needed dietary fiber. (and who isn't during lettuce on 6 serving "f'lor1da S unshine la S Florida Citrus rrowers T .. I l __ ... warm summer days that p tes. poem nectarine ree ogo -a sty l«=U call for light, crunch y mixture, div id Ing contend place-o -origin picture of a citrus tree - foods), try something a equally, onto lettuce. TABBOULEH -An old F.astern dish takes on a fresh flavor with labeling is in the best surrounded by the words l ittle differt>nt -a Makes 6 servings. nectarines. interest of the state "A Product o f the tradition a I , zesty 1 ----------------------------------------.-::b.::.e.::.:ca:,:u~s::..:e:.....'..i~t _:w'.:..::i l~l_b~o~o~s~t~ Florida Sunshine Tree." t abb ouleh, spiced up with wholesome and delicious nectarines. NECTARINE TABBOULEH ~ cup boilmg water 1 teaspoon instant chicken bouillon 'A c up bulgur (cracked wheat) l1E A SAFEWAY 4th OFJULYCOOKOU Nutritious nectarines are available from late May, when the smaller semi-freestones and freestones become available, through the summer when the larger c l ingsto n es start becoming available. By the end of September, fresh nectarines are usually in short supply. 3 tablesp oo n s vegetable oil 2 'h tablespoons Ir::=::=::: To select fr esh nectarines, look for those without any green on the stem end which have a c reamy bac kground color. lemon juice ~ teaspoon dehydrated mint flakes, crumbled 1.n teaspoon salt l pound (about 4 medium) fr es h . MICROWAVE CDDIHHi f ~ecipd SWEET-SOUR RIBLETS 15 V. -ounce can pineapple chunks Uuice pack) 3 tablespoons packed brown sugar l tablespoon cornstarch 114 teaspoon salt VJ cup cold water 2 tablespoons vinegar J tablespoon soy sauce l green pepper, cut in 1-inch pieces 2 ~ pounds pork spareribs, sawed in hal! crosswise Drain pineapple. reserving 1h cup juice. In 4-cup glass measure, combine brown sugar, cornstarch, and salt. Blend in the reserved ju.ice, cold water. vinegar, and soy sauce. Cook at HIGH for 3 minutes or tiU thicken~ and bubbly, stirring 3 times. S tir in green pe pper and pineapple. Set aside. Cut meat into 2-rib sections; season with salt and pepper. Place in 13x9x2-inch baking dish. Cook, covered, at MEDIUM HIGH for 15 minutes. Drain; turn and rearrange ribs. Pour pineapple mixture over ribs. Cook covered, at MEDIUM HIGH for 15 to 20 minutes or till tender, giving dish half turn after 10 minutes. Makes 6 servings. Quick tips for clever cook s In a 1-quart casserole, mix l can ( 12 o unce) whole kernel corn, drai- ned, with V. cup ch op - ped celery. Add salt, pepper, and chili or cur- ry powder to taste. Co- ver; microwave on high 2 minutes; stir. Arrange 1 medium tomato, cut into eighths, in a circle on top and sprinkle with IA cup chopped walnuts. Cover; microwave about 2 mi- nutes until hot. Top with ~ cup shredded Monte- rey Jack cheese. Cover ; l et s tand I minute . Makes 4 servings. Home economists sug- gest this dt-licious stretch for a can of tuna: add diced apple, chopped ce- lery and walnuts using a mounts to suit your taste prefere nce. Bind with mayonnaise. Adjust taste with a spoonful or two of c hutney and a dash each curry powder and salt. Serve as salad or sandwich filling. Or herring snacks with pumper- nickle, barbecued cod with bagels ... Pick your own tasty combinations at your grocer's deli. Look for Lascco seafoods and Old World deli reads Fresh Beef Brisket s.;.:r. ~1otv Bottom Sirloin Steak 51::TL~"Y Beef Cube Steak =~ Short Ribs 511C1P1~111y ~ s2s• Ill s2s• 10 5f 8 ~~~::i Fresh Butterf ish Fresh Silver Salmon Roast Shrimp Meat ~1oc1~..,, Honeydew Melons Dellcleu• Tteal .. 19c ' I ~ ;: Crensh Melons ':-29c Crisp Fresh Spinach Casaba Melons J:.:. Sharlyn or Persian Melons Sweet Cantaloupe ::: bunCft 35' lb 49' IO 59c 111 39' ------.. 'Olll llYGa WI MY· FILM llVILOPllG ... .. 59° Premium Ground Beef £.!:'~ fat 1.. '199 Farmer John Sausage ~c-v • '189 Variety Pack Meats = '~r 'f' Chopped Ham 5t:::V ~ '1511 D Fresh Salmon Steaks SIMrlirlghl Fresh Shark Fillets •C::.-,.!:' Breaded Fish Cakes ~.;:. Sw .. I ond Jvlcy ...... .....,.., -· Ruby Grapefruit '::.':' Romaine Lettuce Fer Sllldl Blooming Mums Grapefruit Juice Fr:;;.*b -O•lons II> 13•• • '2" • 99' Ill 29' 8ijl!Cf1 45' 6 I~~13" NII '1" 4.t1tl(ljl Scorch Ivy 1 I · .. cr.IJ>./J'\'-'f•oaen c 6·01:. Can ~ Cragmont Beverages 6 'l:l99' :-£ Homestyle Bread w~~•s :z=t,Heinz Ketchup ~ 'f' ~ Mini Pita Bread t•le'•.,on .. ~ Grapefruit JuiceP,.!°:s!:':"""° ·~ 69' =: Fr~nch Rolls Soui~c!.v~,~~.tll c 2 ·Van Camp's "°'~L:?r r,ans 3~ '100 :? ! ·Apple Pie w~~~,. 74 01 79< LOOI' 2~.o: 89' P~Q 99< ot & 21 ~I $199 S.1' Hot Dog or Hamburger Buns , ............. ,..... .............. ,"Met ... '-s wltti tlM .-ce... et •r et the ,.._ ... 6 ,.els _. tt.e c...-Itel.wt r-----·Ul'nil OOVPO•·-----, I ft.II_,..,_. IR 1 ,_._hell I Pepsi Cola, Coke, I 11n. ~· ---... • a. DSC ..... ,,... l D , Ml D I Jft .-U-1 • ..U. 11 .... o... II Dl1 "&a. I r epper, n. ew 1 ~.._... 1 Fresca, T ala •199 I·,.,.. ..o--.,.., •, • .... 7.., f ·-..... •ba ·-,.., ........... , k !·.......... .,,_ ····--· ..... ~ & ,;:J:. ;:=-~ ::::-... a. •LC Oo1o l • ~ u.M Cons 1 • · " · · · • I ~---------------~------· •Mushrooms own S4 2 t:. 1100 t: 2 ·Lucerne Fruit Dnnks GAll)n 89' Stems & PMas • NuMade Mayonnaise 32., '129 Jll ::: Lucerne Yogurt ()),lift $1 19 •Ripe Pitted Olives r~ ,., 99c Su• Whipping Cream Lucerne Pont 5129 ' &~~-1~! 1i.m112 ,.......,,. o... i.-• n 2sr HEALTH & BEAUTY Safeway Aspirin Tablets eon" s1111 of 2UO Safeway Dental Floss 100 s 135 V1tcll :!:::£,. Gilbey's Gin "'~' 11s s9ee lift! Polly Brush heh s13g ::=t' Yago Sant'Gria ~~99' Professional Vent Brush [.actl '239 ==t· Summit Wines ~ • s41111 ltlll Make-Up Remover r,,, 0tt 48 s2•9 Count .·· . . . ·, ... ·- ,. . I -------------------------------------~----------....-...-......--............. ~ --. -- Or1nge Coett DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday, June 30. 1982 Cl I Orange Count Fair offers demonstrations ORANGE COUNTY Fair will o ff ~r d,n\on1U•tlon1 by cooktn1 oxperu In a variety of field.a throu"h tho run of the fair July 9 to 18. On July 9, Ca r yl Ounulea wl II teac h microwave cookina at 1.30 p.m .. and Laurie Ennen will follow at 3:30 p.m. with Scandinavian t'OOking. On July 10 Julia n Tovar of El Torito will prepare Mexican entrees and hors d 'oeuvrea at 1:30 p .m . Dolores Hoffman will demonstrate Chinese hoTs d'oeuvres at 3:30 p.m.. and Mark· Daukas will demonstrate Ice carving' at 5:30 p.m. On Jul y 11 B i ll Seeburg will show cuts and !preparation of fresh pork at l :30 p.m.. and Corliss Rose follows at 3 :30 p .m . with instruction in making French c ro issants a t n ome. Mark Daukas will demonstrate ice carving at 5:30 p.m. On July 12 , Ann Bryan will present sourdough cookery at 1:30, and Char l es Finne gan will share techniques of artistic cake decorating at 3:30 p.m . On July 13. a lemon pie and orange cake contest will begin at 1:30 p.m . followed by Sharyl H e avin s howin g shortcuts . to meals using frozen bread dough at 4 p.m . Op July 14 Jewel Shelton will show how to make candy mints at l :30 p .m .. and Laurie Ennen will instruct in making pasta at 3:30 p.m. On July 15 a sala d contest will begin at 1:30 p.m. followed by more recipe; with frozen bread a t 4 p .m . by Shery l Heavin. On July 1 6 Vince Parris will t eac h preparation of pie crust, including appl e dumplings. Englis h pastries and empanad1tas at 1:30 p.m. Cindy Ritter will follow at 3:30 p.m. with recipes u s in g avocados. On July 17 Vince Parris will offer Sunirner snacks NEW YORK (AP) - Ice c r eam cones. hot dogs, marshmallows and soda are typical summer fare for many children. But these foods may make their be havior not-so-typipli if they are among the almost 9 million children who cannot tolerate too much sugar in their diets, warns Dr. Jerome Vogel, medical director of the New York Institute for Child Development. . "Nua-ition plays a d e f i rl"i t e r o 1 e I n behavior," says Vogel. "and a diet high in sugar a nd r e f i n ed ca rbo - h ydrates can ca use o ve rac t ive behavior. restless.ness a nd irritabllity. The sibling rivalry that ofte n dewelops into full-scale wars durin'g those long car ri~ to the beach may not be due to cramped quarters but to the milkshakes, french fries and cand y bars eaten along the way." The negative effects of t oo muc h sugar o n behavior have been doc umented , V oge l reports, in a research atudy by the NYICD. a non-profit facility that diagnoeee and treats the 11hy1ical cau ses of teaming diabilities and hyperactivity. Of 265 childreo tested, 74 percent were unable to properly handle refined carb<'hydrates and 1bowed not only behavior prt>blemt, but leamlna dlfflcultiea aa , well, VOfll •>"o Even thouah moat rou\lnos are roraotten durinl &he hot wmmer days, don't let chJldNn maM • routine ot junk· rooc1...-.voee1~. He ..... hOIMlnide lemoned• and Iced herMI ._. lM'"4 .ot OYWlf IWl&la• .. --~=~-= r::'..J•,,;bu11n1 It•"' ..,.._bin. aummer\lme de11ert1 OaUery localed an &he lncludln1 wat rmolon falrsrounda. c1rvtna1. 1\nwberry rhubarb tart. and trifle. · COAST Hardware in On July 18, the final Laauna Bu.ch wW offer day of th fair, Charla a clau ln prepartna • LaP'ort ot Mr. Stox quick. NY and .elelant reatau rant will o ffer dinner party at 6':30 p.m. ideas ln "nu va cuclna" o n Ju 1 y 16 . Beu y at 1:30 p.m. Roy Pina<> Moulton will ahow how will follow at 3;30 P·~· to go from ahopplna to with French omeleta and dlnneJ' ln an hour and a sauces, and Mark Daukas half with a menu of hot w ill d e mo n11trate Ice brie with nuts, cold beet carving at 5:30 p.m. and c ucumber soup, Demonstrations will be scampi with pernod, held in the Gourmet p asta prlmavera and \:~? LOW Price ~ sweet Juicv Yellow Meat Peaches ~.101sn~ or ere en };\onions bu .• ~.19 ~ 15' 011 lilt:>l!I 2 12 ~ oxydol 4 :::-' Kl'aft SWISS Or Ameriun Cheese 1 89 ~ Slices 1::0~· ~ £181111 WITH £llll 1trawb4)rrle1 Romanoff. Fee ta •20. Suaan Shack w lll teach a clNa In preparln& • Japanete picnic lunch at 11 a.m . on July 20. She w i ll show 1tude nt1 Japanne food specialties and how to arrange them ln traditional lacquered boxes. Fee is $20. C all the store at 497-4403 for enrollftlent and lnfomuatlon. BROEK·MOORE In Laauna Niguel wlU offer a Lunch and Learn class at 12:05 o n July l 2 M e nu will be a Szechwan noodle salad. Students can see a demonstration, obtain a recipe and enjoy lunch. Fee ls $5.50. Ann Dreyer will off& &a dou In Clxlnti an Introduce atudenta tc.> Italian picnic at 7 pat.ea at 7 p.m. on July toh laht. Menu will 15. Me nu will Include l n cl u de k I w l w Ith brandied chicken liver Proeclutto, rolled breut pat .. with r u C'umb<'r of veal, tortolllno salad rings and cruck~rv. pule and orange shell.a filled mui11on du Roy with with orange cream. Fee .... rad 1 s h r o 1 ~a a 11 d la SlB.50. watercress and paw en Patty GillClllun wall croute with c..-orn1t'hons teach a class in malong and Dijon mwstard with fresh fruit desserts at 7 tarraaon and breads. Fee p.m. on July 8. Desserts is $15. will range from cherry Dolores Hoffman will pie to Italian and French offer Mexican fiesta food fruit i.arts. Fee is $18.50. at 7 p.m. on July 23. The Ro y Ping o w ill fes t ive burfet will include traditional "finger food.a" for a •mall l'OCkta.il party or a large tcathermg. Fee 111 $20. Ca ll th e 11 \o re at 41J5.0445 for re111tratlon and mfonnation. F ASSERO 'S lnter- na uonal Cookware 1n Corona del Mar wtll offor a class in Clune. t·u1sin e at 7 ton ight. Mada m e Wo ng will uutruct. and fee Is $25. Ca ll 673-23 4 3 for informal.Ion th of Jul Sale! AtEEluter Of FCUnQln cc;c~ v.Mrl P\Jl"C1'a Of WHILE SUPPLY LASTS Fam11v Paci( wnoie Fryin9 ~Chicken 79 uu. Legs . . . 1b. . .• ovarter POrk Loin s11ceo into Pork 1 58 ~Chops .. 1b. • u s o A cnoice Be~ LarQe Mearv End Market Basket Hamt:>ur9er She~ Or Whole 41 1 19 ~ Diiis . . .:1 · • Hot Colden cntcken on1v Fresh Bal<eO ~ Fried 15.pcS 99'(¥7 French ~ Chlckenb•rr•i • ~ Bread . uw Rlb 2 28 ~01w Steak . . . •b. • 1 •· 89 ••• IO•f e u s.O.A. cnoice Beef wnote or POlnt Cut uSDil Boneless 1 7 9 ~ ~.lflP.wt~v uu. Squeeze Margarine 't.~ .89 ~ C0111'°4N ~ Tomato sauce .... ,~ .43 ~ iaw~o.111100r IN. Rea Kidney Beans 1J~~ .45 ~ u• i.l IN. Oven Baked Beans ~ • 8J ~"· ~ co1om~1an COffee 1A 2.52 m Sif ic11onl" . . . . 2 ;£1 1. oo C.000 Al \!Otft W•I" A MOC JOO()\ Of4' IQRft ~ COit ~ -¥0nl Ot Potato Salad .... 1~:i \c!otcv Brisket .. ab. • ~ '*Cl'fSt~Of ~ Spanish Peanuts ,~1 .49 ~ .. tfW IN. cool Whip .. . . .. ~ ... 8 5 lX fUdgs1c1es ...... ,~ 1 ~ ~ Ot .. Ot.. 2 ~ POpSkles . .. .. ~ 1. ~L'"~.r!.., ..,..... °' \.nlutti Wint .... 'I 2. 99 m &l'cT'Smuooltr f t I t '4 f 99 .t • II Otano• 00 .. 1 DAILY PILOTIWldneeday, June 30, 1882 Grapes go for convenience Wllh i\.rMncana mol't' Swl111 and Cheddar 8 ouncea Cheddar atyle muuard and and mou nulrlllon t·h~ 111.t'lpt cand apln.ch cht-..oee, cut lnto julienne pecked brown 1u1ar. 1 l'Ol'\ltlloua. h la l't'Allurina lt>awe. St-rved wlth a 1lrip1 tcaapoon aoaaoned a.It to kno w that QrapcHI Muittr.ard Drt11lna1 the Muttard ll'ffN and ~ leupoon pepper: make aatiafylna nalural l-Omblnutlon ot Clavol"I is Arranse 1plnttd\, m ix well. Stir In 2 an.cu. !'limply oullU.ndlng. -rape• and rheeaee on tablespoona allced green They are naturally individual 1ervlng plat.ea o ni o n and 4 11lce1 sweet, refrtlthlntJIY juicy. CHEESE AND o r platt e r . Spoo n crumbled crlap. cooked and a wholt' c upful ORAPE SALAD Muetard Dreaalna over bacon (optional), contains only about 107 6 c ups 11 g ht I y salad. Makee 4 eervlnp. Refrigerate, covered, caloriet. Orape. are al.lo packed tom spinach Mustard Dre11ID1: several hours or low ln eocllwn, making 2 cups grapes C o m b i n e ~ c u p o v e r n I g h t . M i x them a good choke for 6 ou n ces Swlsa vegetable oil, ~ cup thorouglily before low-80dlum dleta. cheese, cut into julienne c I d e r v I n e g a r , 2 aerving. Makes about 1 PORTABLE -Grapes add natural aweetneu to a salad for meala at home or on a picnic. Be.cause of their strl teas oons each Dijon-cup. convenient ''packaging," .-------------------------------- table grapes make perfect portable snacks. There's no chopping or peeling, as they come •already bite size. Tuck bunches of grapes into a biking backpack for instant refreshment. Grapes carried to picnics are sreat for all- day nibbling, and grapes always are a ni ce surprise in lunch boxes. In addition to their great snacking appeal, •table grapes are well- suited to summer salads, adding unique flavor and crisp, juicy taste. Here is an entree salad which combines green or red seedless grapes, Stuff a ' pepper If you have reached a dead end in your search for new ideas for economical family meals, change directions and consider all the delicious and creative thinRs you can do with grouna pork. There are many routes you can take with this budget-stretcher. Simply shape ground pork into patties and se rve burger-style, or feature it in m eat l oaves, meatballs and casseroles. For an economy en tree with special appeal, try ground pork, as a savory stuffing for green pepper shells. SAVORY STUFFED PEPPERS pork l 'h pounds ground l teaspoon salt ~ teaspoon pepper 1 can (10~ ounces) cream of celery soup 1 can (7 ounces) whole k e rnel corn , drained 1 medium onion , finely chopped 3 larg e green peppers 6 tomato slices Salt Parmesan cheese Lightly brown ground pork in large frying-pan; pol,lr off drippi ngs . Sprinkle salt and pepper over meat. Add celery so4p: com and onion and cobk slowl y 10 lo 12 minute s. stirri ng occasionally. Cut green pepp e r s in half lengthwise and remove membrane and seeds; cook in boiling salted water for 2 minutes; i n vert and drain thoroughly. Fill peppe. halves with m eat mixture and place on rack in roasting pan. Bake in a moderate oven (350 degrees) for 15 minutes. Sprinkle salt on b oth sides of tomato '. '~ -,,,, , .. :· HOURS: Sunday, 4th of July All Stores, Open 9 ti 4. )Monday, All Stores Open Reg. Hours STRAWBERRIES FRESH/ FRESH/ OUR STRAWBERRIES ARE HAND-PICKED AND DELIVERED FRESH DAILY TO ALL THREE /RV/NE RANCH FARMERS MARKETS STORES/ YOUR CHOICE PRICES GOOD THAU JULY 6, 1982 . 4th of July favorite with all the family! ectar.ineS1arge 59clb extra large 69t lb ·CORN on the CO Golden, first-of-the season, local corn- on-the-cob! Hand picked, packed in ice and delivered within hours every day to each Irvine Ranch Farmers Market SWORDFISH STEAKS Reg. 7.98 lb. $49~8 sweet Bermuda variety Yellow Onions __ 51bs1°0 sweet Italian variety · Red Onions ______ 31b s1°0 White or Red Rose 835011 $ O Potatoes~0"'-~----31b 1° SUMMER FRUIT VARIETIES, SIZES. EXPERIENCE THE UNIQUENESS IN FLAVOR! • ROYAL JUMBO APRICOTS • FRESH FIGS • RASPBERRIES • GRAPES, all varieties • BLUEBERRIES •PLUMS, several varieties •VAST ASSORTMENT OF MELONS MEATS Lean Ground BEEF PATTIES 5 lb. box -Reg. 9.45 $84:. DELI Cheese of the Week, Imported from Norway • JARLESBERG Ct&SE, Reg. 3.98 lb. 3.29 lb 1 slices and place on top of stuffed p e ppe r s . Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese and bake 15 minutes l o nger . 6 • Knudsen 16 oz. SOllt CREAM, 89 C reg.1.09 ' Charlle's Pride • RARE ROAST BEEF, Reg. 5.39 lb ... 4.49 lb. • MACARONI SALAD, Reg. 1.19 lb. . .... 98 lb. (Freshly made on our premises) , 1ervings. Competition for bakers Amateur bakers and candymakers are invited to enter the baked foods 'nd confections ~petition at the Los I Angeles County Fair Sept. 9 through 26 in Pomona. Entries cloee Aug. 1. and an entry fee of 00 eenta per clasa 1a c:harged. with a llmit of one entry p er claaa . Award - ~ entries will be on dtaplay durlna the ,f.air, Two deaaert contnta requlrlnl no entry fee are the aucwnn fe.tival pumpkin pie on Sept. l~ and the upaide-down cake on Sept. 22. Jl'.nllW wW be Judpi on tHt• and overall app•ar•n~, with all pm~tan&I ~Mnt a ~~~· Mon lnf! lion on "'....,. .. llftllable by wrltlna_ Jlom• Art1 P•P'·• J.,01 ~n1•l11 CaUM1 Nt. P.O ... Ir~. •••on•. ca111. • Good Stuff f3akery-8 pack HAMBlltGER BUNS or HOT DOG BUNS 99c Reg. 1.49 . • Hansen's-all flavor• 195 NATURAL SODAS •. 8/12 oz. Can". Reg. 2.29 Alta Dena Catering 1,9 . ~ ICE CREAM 84 OL Reg. 2.,35 • ALL BEEF HEBREW NATIONAL OR VIENNA FRANKS • OUR OWN FRESH MADE SALADS No preservatives added . . . with the "JUST MADE FLAVOR" • BAR·B·QUED CHICKEN, Whole or just the breasts . -Ii i t1\~ • ·~'1 ==~=~~ Kai 500 mg-100 tabs 52s t.:.J[il~~, ~,LtRIJJ~h~M!..!.ilk=..l'-..,_~:..w ......... ~ .... .:r....,,...129 SPIUl.INA :~ • Homemade, rv ne anc ar et _"'"""' ~ 100' Natll'al APPLE STRll>EL 1u1r °' '-..S •· 445 l'llornpeOn, ~-~,......139 Nullfe-Reg. 7.25 KAISER ROLLS, pkg. e 18 oz. ptcg. smuss uma .. TRC-1000 ma 100 t1b1 43? 2~9 COITA •UINSWPORT IRYINS TWTIN 2t11 !Ntl!e-..,.,. t4002 lltyfofd "°9d 91 tltA ~-.nu. IOllthof ..... Dftve IMl.IAnl~ et!MN~ t.IM404 ......., UMl10 ·-··~ ..... ~........ . ,_ .. ,,,_ • NO DI.ALIA 8AL!8 • LIMIT RIGHTS AEIMVEO 1 , ,t r---·-----------------~------·------------.....----------------------------------------- .. .. , 11~11~ 1111111 Wl!ON!SOAV, JUN! 30, 1082 ClASSlfll D 06 Magee forced to prove himself . again I'll be ready, UCI star says after Suns draft him 39th By JOHN SEV ANO 0( '" Delly ...... "•" Kevm Magee. who spent four years as a collegian trylng to prove hia worth as a player, found himself In the unenviable position of having to prove his value all over again following Tuesday's National Basketball Association draft. Magee, who played two years at Saddleback College and two at UC Irvine and is the only two-time All- American out of Orange County. figured to be a cinch first round selection. B u l t h e h i 'g h n u m b e r o f underclassmen who declared their eligibility -nine altogether; eight of whom were chosen in the first round - combined with a reported poor showing by Magee at an NBA sponsored All-star camp in Chicago two weeks ago. apparently pushed Magee out of top contention. other, well. let's just say he had his sights set pretty high. "I'm kinda hurt because of the way 1t went," Magee admitted, as he watched the draft on the USA cable network at a friend's house. "But I h!we to forget about it. "I'll be ready. Being No. 39 makes no difference to me. I'm glad to be a part of the Phoenix Suns. Like everyone else, I would have liked to haye been drafted in the first round ... but I have no control over that. "I'm juat going to have to go in and prove that I can do it all over again ... at least l have to prove it one more ume." · Magee was not alone on draft day With him were his attorney Dennis Harwood, UCl Coach Bill Mulligan, UCI assist.ant c.-oach Herb Livsey, a female friend, and a handful of reporters. rumored to be extremely interested In the power forward, Magee just got a pained expression in his face and said, "Damn, that's crazy." And, aft.er the Cirst round ended, he added: "I can't believe l'm ~oing to get drafted in the second round.• The second round. itself, wasn't as much of shocker as were some of the players drafted ahead o f the All - American. When Fresno State's Rod Higgins, to a lesser degree, was picked No. 31 overaU by the Chicago Bulls, and UC Santa Barbara's Richard Anderson. to a greater degree, was the 32nd pick by San Diego. Mulligan almost went into a rage. It was shortly after that Harwood excused himself to go to the bathroom and Mulligan disgustedly asked: "Are you going to vomit?" Magee was eventually picked seven players after Anderson, but that didn!t cool Mulligan any. "I think it's a really good thm~ thAt he's going to Phoenix. but I tntnl< tnc NBA IS screwed -and stupid " Magee's numbers would !>t>' m to support Mulligan's claim. During hts tw1.. years at UCI. the 6 -8 , 2,30-pounder averaged 26.3 pomi. a game <And 12.3 r ebounds. He set Cive sing!( game records and seven single-season .narks. not to mention leading the Antcatf'rs. a virtual unknown until his arnval, to a two-year ra'Ord of 40-17 and into the NIT playoffs this past season !or the fi rst time in the school's history. Magee was also the first coUegian m htStory to finish among th(• top 10 two years running in points scored. rebounds and field goal percentage And, just to take Magee's assets a bit further, in two games against Anderson this year he scored 55 points and grabbed 17 rebounds to 26 points and 19 rebounds by his t'OUnlerpart. : HURT -UCI's Kevin Magee says he's hurt after not being selected in the first round of Finally, on the 39th selection, the No. 16 pick of the second round, Magee went to the Phoenix Suns. Obviously. the 6-8 power forward was disappointed. On the one hand he was happy to go to the Suns, a contender in the NBA's Pacific Division. But on the Harwood , Livsey, Magee and, in particular Mulligan, were stunned as one name after another was read off during the first round. When Milwaukee. who had the No. 20 pick, and Philadelphia, with No. 22. both passed on Magee when each was ''How many other teams used three guys to guard Anderson ... or Higgins?" asked Mulligan disgustedly, who saw his cente r triple-teamed virtually his entire collegiate career. "Marty Blake (the NBA's chief super scout) really hurt him," said Mulligan. "I can't believe one guy could hurt Kevin so much." Blake, who supphes each NBA team (See MAGEE. Page 02) f Tuesday's NBA cirafi. ' S·he 'wins' the challenge CdM wonian conquers 100-niile race --barely By ROGER CARLSON O(tt>e OMIJ PUot St.ti . There were 166 runners separating them at the finish line -first pl.ace as opposed to 168th, and m length of time it was a matter of 13 hours, 10 minutes and 10 seconds. But when you're running 100 miles, just finishing the challenge is a victory. Ask Newport Beach's Jim King. who won. Or Corona del Mar's Marcia Martyn. who also won (the challenge). King, m his £1rst-ever try at the Western States 100, beginning at Squaw Valley in Northern Ca lifornia and finishing in Auburn. won the event in 16 hours. 17 minutes and 7 seconds. The following day (Sunday) Mrs. Martyn finished. sprinting the final 440 to the accolades of the gathered crowd. She finished 66 seconds ahead of the last women's entry. Her time: 29 hours. 27 minutes, 17 seconds, a little more than a half hour under the required 30 hours to make it official. With that bit of work behind her, Mrs. Martyn's thoughts turn to such endeavors as qualifying for the New York Marathon (requiring a drop of a personal best of 3: 18.50 to 3: 15.0) and running Pikes Peak -both ways. A triathlon m Hawaii isn't out of the question. either. for this 43-year-old mother of three sons, wife of a Newport Beach doctor, Newport-Mesa School District teacher and resident of Corona del Mar. AP~ MORAL SUPPORT -Oakland second baseman Davey Lopes looks like he's getting &t>me advice from shortstop Frf>tl Stanley Tuesday night during an unsu~ful double play attempt. The A's wound up losing to the Kansas City Royals 7-2. "The only diUerence between myself and King was that I saw the sun rise twice, he only saw it once," says the 113-pound Martyn. The realization of running 100 miles over terram that would give a mule a tough time has evolved over a span of just four years. Five Rams using • cocaine That's probably the average in National Football League Nobody came in on the noon balloon from Saskatoon and asked me. but . • There are five members of the Los Angeles Rams who uae cocaine on a regular basis which may be a reuonabh: guess at the average around the National Football League. • Rams coach Ray Malavasi says the recent stories on drug use in the NFL have "no place on the tporta pages" . . . but the society and real estate pee-have no interest. • George Allen of the Chicago franchise in the ' new United Stat.es Football League aays that In three yean, hla team will be competitive with any tam in the NFL . . . Another club in Chicago, the Bean, have been trying for 20 . years to become , competitive with teams in the NFL. . • NBC SIGNED VIN SCULLY away from CBS but the latter'• week waa not a total la. . . . CBS i. WM able to ICOte bia with the qnm, of Jlmmy U\e ' Greek. whkh ahowa how much tho reet of ua know aboul nan.n1nl a naUonal TV n.t\work. • Ron Cey of U\e Dodatn hail alwaya lndlclted he ..... \he nldmame "P~" but he ta pen o1 a ann ""WtP!' tn Yldto ..,.,_ pramotlcn ........ ~Pvww.'' • mem~._. •• .... :Ctn ~ ... ti .......... &heJ w.wdn'\ Wlftl ln the clubhcue. • • '"'9 a.n a.., Pldrt1 will fold up Uke a chNp1Ul"1111 SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER • Not everyone finds the NFL drug exposes to be deplorable . . . Every time there is a drug story dealing with the NFL. the foundera of the United Statel Football League stand up and cheer. • THE TOT AL PAYROLL of Jerry BU91' indoor soccer team won't approach the aa1a.ry ol Mqic John.10n. • Former Dodger West Parker, now a broadcatt.er and actor 11y1, ''th e trouble with bueball today la '1at you pay • IUY a million dollan or more and he bealna to Id Uke a auy beln,a paid • rrillllon doll.an or more." • The Ru.Un Olympic c.ommtttM •YI It wan11 parantlill Lhe 80Ylet a\hl.eW at the 1984 OlympMi pm. ln IA Alwl* will be -.t. from ~Md Crimi ln the .u.t:i ... Oen, w. all....,, lM • U ~ i'MUL.:•' 104J.t ~ t.o make ho\81 ca1J1. mow ftl'lll ID the Fii ooww. • DODOll MANAOIHl Tom 1'Hord1 11 ''" IUD, Pap DI) "It was 40 days before my 40th birthday that I thought I'd better get m shape," she says. So. she ran a mile, then 10 days later ran a 7-mile race . Since then she has run Pikes Peak t"'(ice and a l'ouple of Boston Marathons (within 21 marathons in all). among other races The Western States 100 requires that anyone who can finish the race must do it under 30 hours, and for a while, it appeared Mrs. Martyn might not make it. Beginning at 5 a.m., the first 60 m iles must be run without assistance, and if you're not at that point by 10:30 p.m., you're in trouble. No one in the eight-year hjstory of the race had finished who could not get through the first 60 miles by 10:15 -just over 17 hours since the start. "I knew the whole time I was goin• make 1t," she says, "but it tooll' me longer than I expected to run 60 miles and I was getting nervous." She got some help at that point, since runners are able to have a friend assist in carrying some of the luggage required (water. coat. food). The trail is marked only by yellow ribboM and it's easy to Appre~iate the defense --Mauch ARLINGTON. Texas (AP) - When the score in a baseball game is 2-1. the first inclination is to assume it was a pitcher's duel. But in Tuesday night's 2-1 victory by the Angels over Texas, that's only half the story. True, Geoff Zahn and Doug Corbett combined on a seven- h it t er against T exas, with Corbett retiring the last seven hitters in a row. Also true that Texas starter Doc Medich went the distance, scattered seven hits and, by his own account, enjoyed one of his strongest outings of the year. But all parties agreed that the Angels' defense, particularly the infield. played a very large part in the victory. "I just throw the pitches and try to keep the ball in play," said Corbett. "The other guys do the work. They're super defensive b&l1 players." Angels' Manager ~ne Mauch chimed In eagerly. "If you don't appreciate the plays thoee l(Uya made, you don't appreciate bueball.'' he said \Oith • anlle. Third bueman Ooua DeCtnces made three fine 1top1 on poton\lal extra·baae hits and 1hort1top Tim Foll made a lff ptna •tab ol Buddy Bell'• line dr'lW to 1\lfle a potenUaJ &npt rally ln Lhe fif l.h. Maud\, '°"'"' current blllbA1l Ilana Mid they can "pkic It. .. "r don't know how lhOH = balll .. '° tou ~ ~). bul &hey .... ~ p&aya," Mauch .ad. ''Thll Tea. , ... ANOW, Pap DI, get lost. She was lost twice during darkness and nearly panicked. Of the 100 miles. only two miles in the 75-mile range are on pavement, along with the final mile as you leave the American River Trail. It begins with 30 miles of snow, continues with rugged up and down, rocky terrain. and as Mrs. Martyn says. "It's a course that shows no mercy ... relentless. "l had no idea 1t would be th;il tough." There are seven medical aid stations o n the wa y and contestants are checked (pulse rate and blood pressure) at each junction. Her personal health was never threatened, she says, and adds: ''l know my limits. "I was running almost dead last the whole way. I hadn't , planned it that way, but I only had one hpur's sleep the night before and three hours sleep the night before that (a combination of a mother's concerns about her brood and a competitor's anticipation of the rare). Nevertheless. she was there at 3 a.m . at the check stand and started with the pack at 5. (See CDM, Page 04) WINNER -Corona del Mar's Marcia Martyn wasn't the first to cross the finish line but she has to feel like a winner after completing a recent 100-mile race in- Northern California Billie Jean • in • seID1s after beating Austin Navratilova, Lloyt! breeze to victories From AP dispatches WIMBLEDON -Remarkable Billie Jean King gained the women's singles semifinals of the All -England tennis championships here today with a . 3-6, 6-4, 6-2 victory o.ver third- seeded Tracy Austin. Meanwhile, Johan Kriek and Gene Mayer won fourth round· matcbes in men's singles. Kriek, the South Arrican who is seeded fifth, ousted Nick Saviano of Plantation, Fla., 6-2. 6-3. 7-5. And Mayer, sixth aeeded from Woodmere. N.Y., toppled Steve Denton of Driscoll. Tex., 6-3, 6-4. 6-4. King, seeded 12th, WU the first woman to gain the semifinal round. Top-seeded Martina Navratilova beat Jo Anne Ruaell, 6-3. 6-4 while defending vharnpion Chris Evert Lloyd downed Barbara Pottet, 6-2, 6-1. Kina will meet Evert-Lloyd ThunClay. Meanwhile. in men's matches Tuesday, third-seeded Vltaa Gerulaitla staved off an u~t bid by Tomas Smid or Czechollovakia and faced Roecoe TaMer today. Gerula1U. outluted Tomu, a clay coun 1pecial.lli, e-7, a.a, 6-3, 6·4, 6·2 to advance to lho round..Of·l6. SmJd CAJ>lured the ftnl ... l ~ 8.S. uAI IOON • J pt home, I ju.It Y9ll at my Ul1er rat a oouDlt of houn." O«UJ.IJU.. Lhe No,' ..... ..... .,. hJI ~ 'ru.dly, ttferftnl t.o how he NUftw Wt ...... of I t&lhl fNtd\ "I (NI I whcM &ot bttt.tr ." ' But the stress was almost certain to increase today when Gerulaitis faced Tanner, the only man to have bagged a net -it collapsed from tne sheer power of a serve -at this year's tournament . ''I've beaten Roscoe four out of five times, but this is his best surface." said Gerulaitis, "and he usually gets himself worked up at Wimbledon." Beca use of a backlog of matches created by last week's persistent rain. the men's singles slate for today was packed. Defend ing champion John McEnroe faced fellow American Hank Pfister to lead a host of seeds eyeing a quarterfinal berth. And No. 2 Jimmy Connors battled Australian Paul McNarnee. LLOYD STORMED beck from a first-set tiebreaker la. to No. IS Virginia Rw.ici of Romania to post a 6-7. 8-3. 6· l triumph Tuesday. "Women's tenna Is no longer as predictable as It was," said Lloyd, despite turning back · Ruz.id for the 2 lat tJme ln as many meet.lop ... It WU • te.Ung match for me, fltneu-wlte." TOOArlMN.TI ....... lNM ..... ....., Min TMCllW lU.I I 4lf ...._. ..... IMICll\l c....._~~4-t.MW .iofl•" ic, •• t'"tr:.W .. !f,::r •• , N•• l..w.(U.U•"M,f -.....,1u11• ...,.~ru..1 ... ~.~p ..... .... ....:. 'ru't1 ... t.'Oli-..T~--~ 1u:ta. ,..,.. tu~11.':.f:P'= ,,_,AMI J I t .. Orange Colet DAILY PILOT /Wtdnelday, June 30, lUH ever put down the work of these Artists L.aaW\a BMch U~h '• ArUata are the ~ o·llmc CIF ch1&mplon1 In volleyball --enCI ld rtna thtlr rf<.'Cnt exploit.a at UC Davia at th• n.h.-.>d Si.tee \loUC1yb&ll A.uoclallon'• qualltylnc umament for the natJonala don't bet .. &lnat 4 em to make It three In e row. It may IC('m ridlc:uloua but It'• a tact that the rtJ11ta became rllt,'(f prtor to the quaUfytng tourney Ute of. " t'Oupfo of putdown remarks by the potltJon. Suf18ettlns a putdown f or the Artlats is uivalent to a paSH to th1> Funny Farm. You just n't put down things lik1> Corona uel Mar tennis, guna Beach volleyball, Edison or Fountain aUuy (Marina, too) football, Lakewood baseball !· . you get the idea, rlght? Well, to the deUaht of ~una Beach Coach Ashen, it seems 110meone at Palisades High gges~ they made a mistake in entering the ualifylng meet because Laguna Beach wasn't bringing all of its stars from the '82 CIF pionship outfit. .. . • All the Artists were bnnging was what was obably their 1983 lmeup to the 17-and-under vision. Palisades, the Los Angeles cit)> kingpin with all its '82 starters, proceeded to get a first hand look · Tuz, UC l 's Whie ldon · among NBA pick s From AP dl1patcbe1 North Carolina's James Worthy m was the firs t, and Indiana's now paralyzed Landon Turner was the last. The NBA held its annual rollegiate draft Tuesday, and names like Worthy. Terry Cummings and Dominique Wilkins were prominently being talked about. But m between and among the 230 players drafted over ten rounds, are some names familiar to Orange Coast area basketball followers. While Kevin Magee was drafted in lhe second round lzy the Phoenix Suns, two of his teammates at UC Irvine , ) were also impressive enough 1 in the minds of two NBA r teams to join the elite group. • WHIE.DOM Portland went aft e r : Ant.eat.er forward Grant Taylor. ch006ing him as the 2 l 7th player selected in the final round. Four picks later, UCI's Randy Whieldon was chosen , by Portland. ; The San Diego Clippers went after fonner j Corona del Mar High and University of Colorado •1 forward Jacques Tuz. Tuz was the 163rd player selected overaJI. j The PCAA was well-represented in the ·draft. with Fresno State's Rod Higgins being : picked by Chicago and UC Santa Barbara center · •Richard Anderson being chosen by San Diego. : Bo~ were picked in the second round before l Magee. : Long Beach Stat.e's three-year guard Craig : Hodges was drafted by San Diego as the second . player to go in the third round, while 49er ; teammate Dino Gregory was chosen in the ·fourth round by the Washington Bullets. Donald Mason, the most valuable player of · the PCAA tournament last season with Fresno, . was picked by the Philadelphia 76ers in the fifth round, No. 114 overall. University of the Pacific's t Matt Waldron, a 6-7 forward, was picked in the , seventh round by Golden State. Quote of the day Pete Rose, after collecting hia 3,772nd career hit: "For me to try to get 4,000 hits is one of those things I need to keep me going. I t hink this is the difference in ball players today, they have multi-year rontracts and nothing to prod them." • Italy scores World Cup upset victory • its first victory of the World Cup · 1 MADRID, Spain -Italy scored ~ ; finals Tuesday with a 2-1 upset over " defending champion Argentina and moved within one victory of reaching the semifinals. • ln Tuesday's other game, England and West · Germany tied 0-0 -a result that greatly boosted 'host Spain's chances of advancing from Group B to the semifinals. Spain, which meets West Germany Friday, : needs only one victory and a lie to reach the fin.al : four. . ~ All the World Cup teams are idle today. · I Second-round play continues Thunda)', when l the Soviet Union meets Belgium at .Barcelona 1 and Northern Ireland meets Austria at Madrid. 1 Argentina now faces an extremely difficult I task in reaching the semifinals. The 1978 champions would need a victory over three-time champion Brazil, and a Brazilian victory over Italy, in order to have a chance of advancing on goal difference from Group C. Argentine Coach C-esar Luis Menotti was shocked. 1 "I expected to win and 1 waa surely not f thinking before the game that we could loee," Menotti aald. I ROGER CARLSON at the '83 Artist.I on the way to a 16-13, 9-16, 1~·10 loa to Laeuna. . Laguna Beach went on to defeat Santa Monica ln the semifinals, 16-14, 10-15, 15-11, then won n 15·6 Ue-breakor against University, (Los Angeles) considered No. 2 in the clty to Pallsadeit. "There waa aome btg talk before we played how they (Palisades) weren't going to come because we didn't have a starting team," says Ashen. "It really put us down.''· So. the putdown s (Adam Johnson, Leif Hanaon, George Carey, Scott Fortune, Mike Carlton and Steve Blue) proceeded to put Palisades down, for good. La~ Be.ch is bypassing the naUonala, using the qualifying meet more a.s a qualifying meet for the starting lineup of the 83 squad, opting for some of the summer's other brightapota. . Moral of this one is euy. The only way you Red Sox homers topple Detroit Dwight Evans, Jim Rice and Rick MUler homered to back the four-hit pitching Iii of Dennis Eckersley, and the Bost.on Red Sox d efeated Detroit 4-2 in American League action Tuesday night. Rice's shot was his 10th of the year and came in th e eighth inning Elsewhere, Willie Aikens and George Brett drove in two runs apiece, and rook ie outfielder Steve Hammond, in only his second big-league game, \ • doubled and scored to lead Kansas City to a 7-2 victory over e rror -prone Oakland Gary Ward drove in f our runs and Ro n Washington added three RBI to pace M innesota's 12-5 d rubbing of the Chicago White Sox . . . Job.n Denny and Tom Brennan combined on a four-hitter, and Andre ftlCE Thornton drove in two runs with a homer and a double to spark Cleveland to a 9 -2 t riumph over Baltimore Ben Ogllvle's two-run single highlighted a six-r:un fifth mning and Cecil Cooper drove in three runs with two homers to lead Milwaukee to an 11-4 romp over the New York Yankees . . . Seattle parlayed two Toronto errors into four runs en route to a 4-2 triumph . . . Total attendance in the American League has passed the 10 million mark at the earliest point in its 82-year history. the league announced. Hendrick's seven RBI paces Cardinals George Hendrick drove m seven runs with a grand slam home run and a double Iii Tuesday night as the St. Louts Cardinals crushed Philadelphia 15-3 to regain first place in the National League F.ast. Keltb Hernandez had a double and three-run homer for the Cardinals In other games, Glenn Habbard'1 run-scoring single with one out in the 11th 11\Jling gave the Atlanta Braves a 6-5 comeback victory over Houston after the Ast.ros opened a 5-0 lead Rookie left. hander Atlee Hammaker • pitched a four-hitter for his first major league shut.out and San Francisco scored a · ~ decision over Cincinnalt Hammaker struck out four and did not walk a batter . . . Ron Gardenhire hit a two-run homer in the seventh HENDfttek inning, the first in his major league career, to rally the New York Mets to a 5-4 triumph over Montreal . . . Dave Parker belted a run-scoring double and Lee Lacy added a two-run single in the eighth as Pittsburgh scored a 3-1 win over the Chicago Cubs . . . Montreal outfielder Tim Rainea failed to appear for Tuesday night's game with the Mets and is s uffering from the intestinal flu, a team spokesman said. Clippers may give up on Los Angeles The San Diego Clippers, under legal attack from several fronts, have apparently • decided to abandon plans to move to Los Angeles for the 1982-83 National Basketball Association season, a dub official said Tuesday. Ted Podeltld, general manager of the Clippers. wd a p~ conference is scheduled for Thuraday . . . The live gate at the June 11 heavywelaht championship fight between Larry Rolm ee and Gerr y Cooaey generated $7 ,293,600, Caesars P.alace officials ~Y· .. Champion Dwlg bt Braxton and Mattbew Saad Mabammad will reportedly meet Aug. 7 for the WBC light heavyweight title . . . Canadian boxer Trevor Berb fok has agreed to a rematch with former WBA heavyweight champion Jobn Tate ... R oger Stafford and Miiton McCrory, the two top- ranked welterweight OOQtenden, have signed to fight July 10 in Phoenix with the winner earning a sh ot at Suiar Ray Leonard'• world title. Television, radio 'fELEVISION: No events acheduJed RADIO: Bueball -Angela at Texas, 5:35 p.m ., KMPC (710); San Diego at Dodgen. 5:05 p.m ., KA8C (790). • THURSDAY'S TELEVISION 8:15 a .m. (34) -WORLD CUP SOCCER - Northern Ittlahd vs. Austria. Noon -(34) WORLD CUP SOCCER Rwsla vs. &Jgiwn. • •• • • Donald SterUna lhoWd put ln a call to Oakland wbtft the city la ln &he 1pot11 bu.llnem. • Wrwtllnc ... n>U.r derby ..• and now .•. world cup IOCCtl. • If )'OU l'Hll)' want to know if athlet. are dlflf'l'lftt now lh&n to )'Mn ..,, Mk 1 vet.wan Lrabwr. • 1'hl·IU&,. who mid UbiJd Iii beMidtul'' MYW llW How~ < U wtlhoul hll .., • .....,. _,.,c. , btut LquJ'Ul ~ach voUeyball la to lull the AttJ1ta into a atMte of happln , you juat don't jab aleeplng dop with 1harp alJcka. ployc..od." That didn't ma~rlall%4", but lt'a evident the Pilollf arc golnti to oo at Anaheim Sta<hum en muee to n•c just how well Loi Angell'11' pt-rennla l kingpins mewsure up to Edlaon. • • • FOUNTAIN VALLEY HIGH'S voUeybaU team • • quall!led Cor the natJonala, to bo held July 8-10 at UC Santa Barbara, but the Barona havr had to drop out, and an all·•tar team of IOrt.I may bf> taking Its place, PROVO UTAH TRANSFER Bruce Tollner Manna Cooch ~nm Reed, who ls headed for George Mason Unlvendty in the fall (that's what he says). wlll be handling the team, which Lncludc..>s UCLA-bound Andy Klussmann. Chris Fisher and Mark Cox of Marina, Fountain Valley's John Kosty Costa Mesa's Paul Coenen and Mark Arnold and Huntington Beach's Greg Klecker appears to be on schedule at Fountain Valier High, where he has bc-t•n inserted as the Barona No. 1 quarterback , according to football coach Mike Milner. "He has been with us for three days and he's looking very good," Milner said during a South all-star practice last week Tollnf'r, the son of USC assistant '-'OOCh Ted Tollner, gives te Barons a leglumate shot at Marina and Edison in the Sunset race. Westminster, too, is considered a legitimate contender at thla atage. .t • • EDISON HIGH TANGLES with Bannmg's • • • Pilots at Anaheim Stadium Sept. 25 and the schools are anticipating a turnout In the 40,000 range. T~at fl_gure ap~rs, on the surface, to really be stre~hmg 1t, but Its. not Edison backers who are beatmg the drums, Its Banning. "They (Banning Coach Chris Ferragamo) wanted to start selling uckets to the game before graduation (June 17),'' says Edlson Athletic Director Lyman Clower. "They thought they could put the money mt.o a T-bill and see 1t mature before the game was CHECKING AROUND -Fountain Valley swimmer Amy Clark h811 ix>f.n named All-American by the National lntcf'S(:holasut Sw1mmmg Coaches Association of Amc-r1 r~ Shf''" a ll)ll-vard breast strokes spec1alts1 ServltA:> High is without 1 baseball coach f ullvv. .11g lue rb1fSHdl1vn ul Jobo Tryon, who quit to enter private hu~·..,es.c; ThP Shrine Football game at the Rose Bowl July 17 will be t.elevtSed live on Channel 11 (it's usually shown a day lat.er, on tape). FUMI NG -UCI Coach Bill Mulligan watched in disbelief as his star player K evin Magee was picked 39th in the NBA draft. Forwards top Lake r picks From AP dispatches IN GLEW OOD -Once University of North Carolina forwa r d James Worthy was safely the official No. 1 draft pick, the Los Angeles Lakers went o n to draft five o ther forwards. two guards and a center Tuesday. Tallest of the Laker picks is Craig McCormick, a 6-10 center from West.em Kentucky. In order, the NBA champi()ns drafted Worthy. Willie Jones: a forward from Vanderbilt; Mike Hac kett , a forward from Jacksonville, McCormick; Howard McNeil, a forward from Seton Hall; Lyndon Rose, a guard from Hou ston; Maurice Williams, a forward from USC; Micah Blunt, a forward from Tulane, and Tim Byrne, a guard from Rutgers. The Lake rs passed on the l 0th and final round of the draft. Worthy. who led North Carolina t o the N CAA championship this spring, was the first player taken in the draft. The Lakers didn't have another selection until the third round, when they picked Jones, the 54th choice overall, and Hackett, the 67th player taken. From Page 01 MAGEE UP SET ... 41 with a lengthy and detailed scouting list just prior to the draft, saw Magee play twice, according to Mulligan. Once was against Arizona State (i n the Milwaukee Classic) and the other time was at the NBA All-star camp in Chicago. "He just didn't think Kevin could play," said Mulligan of Blake. "Yet at the end of the season the ASU players put M-.ee on their All-opponent team. "What reaJJy gets me IS that I invited every pro team t.o come Kind words but hardly comforung to the PCAA's two- time Player of the Year. "I know I can do it," said Magee. "All I need is a chance to show what l can do." "How many guys have ever done what he has?" asked Mulligan to no one m particular as he shook his head. "AU we can do 1s wau and prove I'm right (about going higher). "He's risen to every occasion before." and watch Kevin in practice and From Page 01 only two teams showed (Detroit and Dallas), a lthough (Lakers ANGELS • Special ConsuJtant) Jerry West • was really nice to us. • "Dallas even visi led us for an entire day and debated whether to draft him fourth (overall)." Harwood sai d Magee's placement in the ·draft would probably cost his client some money but not as much ai. pt>0ple thought . .. , think 1l hurt Kevin bu• CJft.er you get past the top 10 players it drops dramatically,'' Harwood explained. "Last year 's second round picks made between $100.000-$125.000 a year (the top 10 ge t betwee n $300,000- $500,000). I think it was a good pick as far as making the team." Mulligan agreed. "U there's a plus," he saJd, "it's t hat he's going to a good organization and a team he can make." The Suns, who firushed third in the NBA's Pacific Division, 11 games behind the Lakers and six in back of second-place Seattle, never re.µJy had a true power- forward to speak of last year .. Coach· John MacLeod started with Truck Robinson at the spot and three players later ended the season with center Alvin Adams starting there. "Magee was penciled in as a potential first round pick," said Phoenix General' Manager Jerry Cola ngelo. "Every year there seem s to b e a· player who inexplicably slips down on the draft. This year that worked to our advantage." St. J o hn 's University basketball coach Lou Camesecca, who served as one of the USA netw(U'k's con:unentators at the draft. had t his to say when Magee was selected: ";Here's a guy that goes No. 39 and he could very well l::!e the Rookie of the Year next year." infield IS not exactly Astroturf and those hard grounders can make you look bad. But DeCinces and· Folt -they can JUSt pick it and pick 1t " Medich , 5-7, bemoaned the Rangers' inability to solve Zahn, Corbett and the Angel infield. "Every p11.<.·her on this team has had games when they didn't get any runs," Medich said, "But l would like to have had more than one. That was the best I've fell on the mound this year. I wish we could have tied it up and played some more." This 1s the earliest m a season that Zahn, 9-3, has ever posted hlS ntnth Wtn. "I'm excited," he said, "but I've learned from past history that if I take ume to stop and get really excited, I'll be 9-9 all of a sudden " Texas scored tls run in the third inning George Wright walked, advanced on the first of the evening's three Doug Flynn singles and scored on a single by Billy Sample. The Angels lted it with a two.out rally in the fourth. Don Baylor singled and scored on Fred L ynn's double. T he Angels scored the winner in the fifth. L'<.'Cinces led off with a double, went to third on a Tim Foli sacrifice and trotted home on Bob Boone's single. Corbett's statistics this season are not impressive. He has a 5.48 earned run average and his record is 1-6. But Tuesday night, he retired seven straight Texas batters - six on ground balls. ''l was overworked," Corbett said of his early-season troubles. "I asked them (Angels coaches) to give me a rest from time to time." 0181la Arena awlmwHr llnll• faahlon and tunctlon. ••• OIA911 ' llO:ll lfelllle I llllclt w " .. ,.. ...... Mens Team Many styles to chooM lrom. startJng •t - $9." Ladies Team Wide variety avallabe starting at - $27.50 Newport F•shlon Sult Stretch lycra with Super•Flybeck style Purple/Royal/Green $35." ------------------.....---.... --.....-------._......_.,..,,.._,._..,._....~,-··,.__-----------~---~--~ -~-..-------.- ... ' Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Wedneaday. June 30, 1982 DI . r.======================;;;======~=============-=-- li1ftft "PROTEGOR Ill" 11/JJ!i 10 AMP • AUT<MIA T1C DUAL BAnERY ISOLATOR ,ROVl>iS TW• HTTUY ,IOTECTION AT A IUDGET ,lKE 1488 FOR60R 12 VOLT SYSTEMS GITA 4a MONnt 60 MONTH UMft'ID UMlllD WMUNTY WUUNTY 9:3':~ 44~ O•tst•dint l'erform••• •f •low, low ,nc.. ~~':&~~ 78 SERIES SUPER TIRE •SUPER VALUE CORNELL ~700" ALL SEASON CORNELL ''300'' 2+2 GLASS BELTED RADIAL POLYESTER CORD TIRES 2 MaGlASS ETS + 2 POl.YESTa CORDS TVIEUSS IUCIWAU $ 99 ~~~ TUIELESS WHmwALLS 99 ~ SPECIAL ~ COSTA MESA FULLERTON 2948 IRllTOL If, 10. or SAN DllQO rwv. PHONl1 041·1631 lHO s. HA1tao1t II.VO. PliON[ 170.0700 10912 KATlLl.A N/[. KATfl.1.A 6 [UCLID l'HONE16H·Ol63 FREE Refund by mail from Oowgard when you buy 2 gallons Of Dow9•rtl· COOLAIT & AITl-FIEEZE auv 2 GALS. t71• fOlOND' ....... ..... STOP LEAi TltfA TS RUHU SfAlS & GASKETS TO ST<>' Oil lfAICS POWER ST&RING FlUID H!ll•S STO, lEAICS & SOUfAlS , .. 99' CIMlc• ~ " I• ' -----------. --. -. -------~-----------------"':""'l ... --------_._......,_~_...._-----~---...... -.... ---- Orange Oout DAILV PILOT/Wtdnttd.-y, June 30. 1882 Padres stage wild comeback • LOS ANO!LES (AP) A~'ON!lni to Ban Olqo c.t.cht!r T rry Kenru..'Cly, "Jerry Rc."um j\.&I\ killed ua for elaht lnnJng. " The koy wordJ UMd by Kennedy were "ei&ht tnnJnp." Ulttl th\' t·hanticup a lut und he jOt one 1ns1dt-, hut ht•lt high I ((llL' ht> wantl'<i It lowf't It'll rt.•nlly i;oml•thmg to get o hll llkc:- thut." S t tVl' Curvey 11 t a rtcd the gume , molntalnlntJ his playlni streak (1 ,021 games) but Ith aftt!r two lnrung• to nune hls puUed rtaht hamatrins He struck out In hll lone appearance at the plate. Fontcir aiot Joo Pittman to ground out. acc.>rln(I K ennedy, and h,. iiot M11rl o !Urnlrei to pop out. But when he walked GQM Rk hards, who had robbt:d Ron Ccy of "n extru ~hit to end the elihth, Forster was repluce!d by Tom Nledenfuer Thal'a bccau1c In \ho ninth lnnlni 1'u09day night, tho Padtts, realricted to only alx hita tor elaht lnnlnga by Reuss, auddenly broke lOOM for five n.uu to take a ~-4 lead over Loi Angclts. For eight Innings, Los Angeles Manatier Tom Lasordo had the feeling h~ was go1na to get exactly what he n~ed. a complete gaml" "I wanted \he right-hander (Nlt.'<fcn!ut"r) lO pitch to the right-handed batter (Luis S.U,.iar)," reWJOned Lasorda. But Williams aent Broderick Perkins to hit for S.Uazar, and Perkin.a dl'livcred with a sln_,1~ that scored Wiggins, who was running for Bevacqua, and the 11<."0re was ued. The Doctaert manajed to Uti the game In the bottom of th ninth, but they left the balet lotded, and In the top of th~ 10th two-run single by Al.an Wlgatns gave the tlls bullpen ace, Steve Howe, had worked lhree games in a row and six ot thl" p~lou.s nine games, and, furthermore, the Dodgers and Padret are .chedu,led to play a doubleheader tonight. Garry Temple t0n':1 mfll'ld single then brought home Rlchard11 with thL• go-ahead run. Padrea a 7 -5 victory. "We've been coming back like that all sea.son," said San Diego Manager Dick Williams, ''but it's the first time we've done The Dodgers got even In lhl' hottom of the ninth when Mike MarshalJ, who earlwr had hit his first muJor leugue homer, doubled and 11COred on a slngle by Bill Rumell. it against LA." . . It's not the first Ume Wiggins, a one-urrle Dodger farmhand, has seen Steve Shirley. the rookie left-hander who pitched the "No way I'm going to use Howe," Lasorda said before the game. TURNAROUND -Dodger pitcher Jerry Reuss carried a 4-0 lead into the ninth inning only to see San Diego pull out a 7-5 victory in 10 innings Tuesday night. ~ . . .. . MAJOR LEAGUE IT AHDINGI American leegue WMtefn Ohlelorl .,..... Kansas C11y Chicago S..ltlt Oakland TeKH Mlnneeot• w l Pct. 08 45 29 608 " 31 569 3 .a 'l2 SS6 4 39 36 520 8'" :12 45 416 14'~ 27 40 403 14'" 12 66 253 2a•.-. !aatem 01¥1eleft Boston MllwMJkee 81lUITIOle Oetrol1 Cleveland N-Y0<k T0<0<1IO 44 28 611 4 1 31 569 3 36 32 543 s 36 33 522 8'" 35 35 500 8 33 36 476 9'" 33 39 •Sii 11 TWMCM}''t kof• A~ 2 THUi Sealtlt 4. T0<onto 1 CleYllano 9 8alt1m0<e 2 8ot1on •. Oe1ro11 2 MtlwlMJl<ee I I. New YO<I< 4 Kansat Clly 7. Oal<l•nd 2 MIM05011 12 CMcego s Todrl't 0-... ,,...,... fFcnctl >..&) 11 fHM (Ml~\. ~SI, n Seettlt fBfllltlt ~I el TOfonlo (StleC> M ). n Ctevelend (Sutclllle 5·31 11 8eltlm°'• (Flanagan 6·5). n Bot ton (Hurll 2·2) el ~roll (Petry 6-5), n Mllw&Uk" 1lerc11 S-51 •I New Y(ltl( (Jolln ~1n 0 1kllnd (K1oug11 6-1) 11 K1n1u City (Sptmortt 7-4) n ClllCago (Hoyt 10-5) 11 Minn.ate (C..Ollo 2·5). n Nettonel LNGue ......... OMNioft Atlente San [);ego Ooclpr9 Sen ·Fr 11ncf11CO Ctnelnnatl Houlton W L ~ 09 •4 29 803 41 31 569 2\lt 40 36 .526 S'lt 34 42 447 11'" 31 43 419 131.-. 3 1 •3 419 IJ'A !Mt«n ~ SI LOUla 43 33 566 PhllaaelpNa 4 1 33 554 I Montreal 39 32 549 1'" New Y<><" 36 38 .u e Plllsburgh 34 36 486 8 cniceoo 29 47 382 1• T.....S.,'t_ .. San [);ego 7, Doc19H• 110 Inning.I) P1tttt>utOll. 3. Clltcago 1 New YO<l< S, Montreel 4 St LOUlt 15, Pllll9delpN1 3 At1en11 6, Hous1on S (I I lnnlngtl Sen FrlltlGllCo 3, Clnclnnell 0 roe..·• e-San Diego (ElGIMliberO-6-8 •n<I Cuntt 6-4) al ~ (W91ctt 7.5 and S•-911 3-4). n Pllltburgll (Robtn•on 7·31 II Clllc1oc. (Smllh 1-31 New Vorl< (Falc;one 4·4) al Montreel (GutllcltlOfl 4-7). n SI. Louie (ForKl'l 8·31 al Phtlart•fPllll (CM•tentOfl 3-4). n Houtfon (Knepper 2·81 II Aflanll (Nlel<•O 6-2). n Clnc:lnn1tl (a...ny S-Sl II San kll<>fltOO (lasi<ey 6-5). n AMERICAN LEAGUE Anoete 2. Rengen 1 CALll'OftJllA TEXAS llbr h bl lltlrhbl Wilfong II 2 0 0 0 $~ II 2 0 I 1 Beruquz II I 0 0 0 Men1IM cl 4 0 0 0 Car-lb 4 0 0 0 B &ell lb 4 0 I 0 8ayl0t dh 4 1 2 0 Holletlr lb 4 0 0 0 ReJcllMl rl 3 0 0 O Sundbrg c • 0 2 0 A C111r11 rl 0 0 0 0 LJl'lrllln dtt 2 0 0 0 Lynn ct 4 0 2 1 Gr11bb pl'I 1 0 0 0 Grld'I 2b 3 0 0 0 Rlc:hrd1 2b 4 0 0 0 OeC~ 3b 4 1 2 0 G Wngttl rl 2 1 0 0 FoMH 2000 Aynnp 3030 eoonec 2011 Tote11 ~II 2 1 2 l otala 30 1 7 1 k0te .,, lfWftfe Calllornle 000 , 10 000-2 TPU 001 000 000 1 OP-Calllornla 2 Tu11 2 L08 C.ill0tnla 6. Taxu 11 28-Lynn, 0.C~ $-Foll 2, Wttlong Clllllomla Zahn (W .9-3) Corbett CS.9) Te!Ud '" "" '" .. 10 &'-~ 7 1 I 4 I 2•, 0 0 0 0 0 ~2t~S.l'-1$,7411 9 7 2 2 3 I " ......... r..,.2 80tton 20t 000 010-4 7 I Oelrolt 000 010 100-2 4 C Ec~ereley and Gedm•n. Uldur l lld Pern.11 W-Ec:l<enley M L-Uf<'ur, 1•3 HR-Boaton. EvMI {?). Miiier (31, RIOe (IOI Oe4ttl4t, Hebner 2 (5) A-32,897 ........... 4.81w.n.,.1 Selllt. 003 001 000-4 7 0 TOfonlo 000 too 000-t 7 2 B«tnllte<. Stanton (71 end S-; Clancy end MerUMT w11111 w -eenn11t ... 7.4 l -c;..,,...,,. 7-4 HA-Toronto, 8erfltld (8) A-13,097 10th, however. True to his word, he didn't, even when the .Padres knocked out Reuaa ln the ninth. The Dodgers went on to load the bases. "I've batted against him when we were both in the Pacific Coast League," said Wiggins, who entered the game in the ninth inning as a pinch runner. "I had a pretty fair idea what he might throw. He Dave F.dwarda' pinch homer started the rally, Slxto Le7.cano and Kennedy followed with singles and then Kurt Bevacqua doubled to cut the Dodger lead to 4-2. And whe n Terry Forster took over, there were Padres at second and third But winner Luis DeLeon, 3-2, got Dusty Baker, who had hit hts 14th home run in the third inning, to foul out fol' the third out. Shirley, 0:1 , the n gave up three successive hits. NATIONAL LEAGUE l'ed,..7,~5 I A)I ~00 LOI AMGaLH Mlrhbl abrlllll AIChrda,H 4 t 2 0 Sa. 2b S 0 1 0 Oel torl.p 0 0 0 0 Landr•.Ci • I 1 0 Selu11 .3b 4 0 1 0 8&1\er ,II S 1 1 2 Perklnl,lb I 0 I I G-rer.11 5 0 0 0 Tmplln.tt S 0 2 1 Cey,3b S I 3 0 AuJona,et 3 0 0 0 Gerv•y, lb 1 0 0 0 Ofevcily,p 0 0 0 0 Mar.,.I, lb 4 2 2 t Eowrds.cl 2 1 1 t SciOtc:l• c 5 o 1 t Lezceno,rf s 2 3 o Ru•Mlt,u 4 O 2 1 T Ker>ndy,cS 2 2 0 Reuss p 3 0 I 0 &e•acq, lb 4 O 1 1 ForatH.P O O O O Wlgglna,11 I 1 1 2 Ni.dntr.p 0 0 0 0 Plttmn.2b 6 0 0 1 Mon<Jy,pn O O 0 0 Monlf.c,p 1 0 I 0 Sllifley,p 0 0 0 0 Clliller,p O 0 0 0 M Rmrt.3b 4 0 0 0 TOlalt « 7 15 7 TottJ1 41 S 12 S ac .. ..,_.... San [);ego 000 000 DOS 2-7 Loa AnQe!M 012 100 001 0-5 E-Templtton. LOB-San Diego II, Loa Angele• 8 2B-Sclotc11, Cly, Lnceno S.-.ICQU•. Mersllltll. T Kennedy HR-8.V.er II''· M.,.,... 111. Eow11oa 111 SB-Su . Cey t.anar-.x ..,. CM..-• MonlellltGO 2 Chllfer 3 Dr•~Y 3 Deleon cw 3·212 Loe ~ H 3 8 0 3 " E" Nao I 1 0 7 3 3 0 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 I 2 ReuN 8 10 4 • o 6 0 , F0<sl• .... 0 1 1 1 Nledenlller ·.11 2 U 0 0 Shirley (L,0-1. 1 3 2 2 2 0 ~ pttched 10 4 ~11 .... In lfl• 9tn H8P-8y Deleon (L1ndrH 1u 1. PB- Scloeela T-3.20 A-47.361 ..., ... ,,.c..., ~gtl 000 000 030-3 9 0 ~ 000 000 001-1 10 0 RhOdell end T. ,..,..; Jenkins, Hefnandc (8). c.moo.tt (9) end Oe<lle. W-Rrloden, M. L-Jenkina, S.9 A-22. 109 C.....11. ........ S1 Lo.a 120 034 140-t5 17 I ~ 100 000 002-3 9 1 Anclllflr. Lahti (8) end Portet, 8rumme< Ruth-, Monge tSI, Attemlreno (6), Ferm« (8). L~ (I I end Olaz. R_,t W-AnOui-t. )'.s. L-Rulllnn. 11·6 HR-St LOUii H¥nenderr (3). Hendrc:l< ( 12) A-23 ISO •-•·•-s Houlton 201 002 ooo oo-s e o Atlanta 000 002 300 01-6 12 0 J Ni...ro, Roberge (7) CeP1X1ttello 17), Motllll (7). LeCOSI ( 10) 8n0 A$hby Walk r1r1boel(y (81. BeOfoaler> C 101 Ind 8eneolct W-8ecltot1an 4-1 L LM;OS8. 3.3 HR- Hw110<1 I non (11 A 10 •83 ..... s, hpoe • ~York 000 003 200 5 II I Montreol ~ 020 000-4 10 f Puleo, leach C61 and Stearns Rogor1 Burris C61 Rearoon f8) ano Carter W L•actt I 0 l 8ums 3·10 liR-MonltHI Oh•er t 131 New York Gardenllue I II A-~ 194 Giant• 3, R<Mh O Cincinnati 000 000 000-0 • 2 San Franc:1.co 010 002 OOx-3 1 0 8 Snorley Prtc:e (6) Ketn 1111 and Van Gordner Hamm1ker end 8renty W H1mmakftr 5.4 L B $h1rley 2·S A-4.39• Top 10 (a.MCI ... tJS ...... , AMUltCAN LaAGOe Q Al II H ,ct. H1,,111, CMn<I ee 27 t 57 lie 354 8onnelf. l0<on10 65 IH 37 117 338 ~. Mlwlc.. 86 272 47 91 3358 Hrbell, MlllneeOte 111 :.141 42 79 32 McRae. Kena Clly 72 275 39 90 327 w Wllton, Kana. City •& 208 25 68 327 Grubb. Teua 49 14$ 1• 47 324 E Murrey. Ball 59 195 32 62 318 WMe 1{111au Cfty 63 22 7 34 72 3 17 8re11. Kll\au City 67 M2 SI 83 317 Home ...... Thornton, C1evtl1tnd. 19, Ogltvlt MHwtukM. 19. G ThomM. Mllw-M. 18 ~. 1,01weu11 .. 18. Hrbek, Minn.ec>ll, 18 "_....., ... McR1a, K1nu1 City. 88; Thornton. Ctevell"d. 82, LuZl"akl. Clllc;190. H . C-MllwllUkM, 5$, ~. Mllwtuk .. , 65 Pltelll"' (10 OeclMM) Vu41CWICt\, Mii-•, 11-3; z.ftft. ........ 941 Ou!d<y. New Yorll. 8-3. Butnt. CNc;eoo. &-3. Ceudllt. S..tt ... 7-3, Hay1, Cf'llc:allO. 10-S, O MMliMI,. 8altlmofa, a-.. '*11er, CleYelend. 8-4. Gurt. l(ANM City. 9-4 NATIONAL UA<Wt! Q Ae II H Pct .• ~. SI Lou!• 42 140 t7 47 :Ile Pen1, P!lltburgtt 61 230 23 78 330 lltOmPfll. Plltllbutgtl 68 249 48 8 I 325 fr~. Mnlrl « 131 14 42 321 OltYer, Mntn 70 281 42 a3 318 l.Mldf...,., °"9W" a 214 • • .J1e l(nlgl'lt, HO\llfCll 74 286 311 90 315 o.w.on. Monve-1 ea 281 s1 aa 313 ..... N9w .,.,,. 50 180 20 50 313 .J "-'f. "".wvtt 10 28s • t ea 309 ..... -.... Murpny. Allenll. 21. Kingman. New YOt11. 11: J l~. Pltteourgn, 16; Catler, Montreel, 14; ....,, ~ M • "-a.tMi ... Murl)f'ly, Allenll . 6'; 0--. Monl ..... , 511; 0--.. .,._.,.. ... 8.DIAz. PhllecMIPNI. 49. Mltt.'-9. ~ 48. ~. Pll~. 48: l(......oy, Sen OieoO• 41, Ci..,., 81111 Frenc:ICO, 41. ,......(11 0........) A---. Monlr ...... 3; l'OtllCll. 8t U>ullo. 8-3, b . Roelnton, Plll.Mlllrgtl, 7-3, ..._, ~.._Soto, ~I. 7-4: Sullon, .._,on, 7-4; V........, ~ ,.,._ -(_ > . aotTON I Darren Tiiiis. Cleveland St cent.. ~ Tony Guy, Kan"*' 9u11d 3 Perry Mott K1nu1 guard 4 Greg Stewar1 Tul11. 1orw1ro !I WIHIM'I Brown. St Pe1er·1 guard 6 John Sch-It Rldvnono, gua1d 1 Pn~ Coll1n1. WHI VHQlntl IOtward 8 ECI $p11gga, Georgetown, lorw•rO 9 Ptn•~oll Glannl~ll, Hellanlc, gu"10 10 Lendon lurner, lndt1na, IO<Wlfd CHICAGO I •·OvlnOn Diiiey Sen Fr1nc1M:O gu110 2 Ricky Fraztar. Mtuourt torw1•d 2 wen-8ry1111. San FranctM:O. cen1.. 2 RoO Hlggtnl. F '""° St • lon ... rd 3 Tyron. Adema, Kanuu St , guard 4 Chuck Alek1l1111. Connec11cu1. ~enter S Rubin J1ckson, Oklahom• Cuy guard 6 B B F0111-1, ,,...Ml&·Reno gua1d 1 Cl\uck Ve•derb•r. KentuGky, forward 8 Mlkt Burnt, ,,.._Mla·l..a• Vegn, IO<Ward II Skip Otllltd. O•P1ul 9u1rO 10 Tony BrlllO Campbell, canrer CLE\llLAHO 1 •·JOlln 8aglty. 8oe1on Coll.ae, gul «I 2 David MagW.y Kana .. lorwarcJ 3 Mlkt Wilton Marqu8111 gu110 4 R•ggre Hlllln.,., South Al•-tonoaro $ terry Wll1I• TeAtls·El Peto forward 6 Vtnc• Reynolot. South ftortO• rorward 7 A•rnlY AIMKI Kansas St lorw11d 8 Monty Kn1gr11 Virginia Commonwullh, guard II l 011y Hatley. Sou11> Alab•m•. torwatd fO Ou• •nd Welker. MarlOn ttnd I College. guero DAlLAI 1 8lll Garnell Wyoming IOl"'8'd 2 Nn pick 3 Corny l hompson Connec1tcu1 ror,.,•rd • Rudy w ood• l••U A&M lorwlltd S Keo Arnold, Iowa, guard 6 Wayne Waggoner N0<thweatern Lou1s1an., guerd 1 &ob G•Mly. North,.Mf8'n, lorward 8 K .. lh Peterson ArklnHS, IO<Watd 9 Ralph McPne;son T••U ·Ar11ng1on torward 10 Albert Culton Ta•at·Athngton. IO'Wl!O DENVUI 1 1 Rob Wtlilam. Hou110n, guard 2 No p<ck 3 Aoylln B0<1d, Maryland, IO<Wl •d • Allord furner Soutnwett lou•stana, guard 5 BIH Dully. Santa Clerf, guard 8 C..nrtt Brual North C1rolln1 torwatd 7 Jab 8attOw Nor1h C11ohn1 forward 8 Ooonte S~ar Al1bama·Birm1ngl'lam '°""110 9 Oean Surs UCLA forward tO Mt~e Phttllpt N1agare guerd OfTllOfT 1 •·Cllll Levingston. Wichita S111e rorworo 1 Arct>.y Piere;• Rice gu110 2 No pick 3 No piClc • Welker Ru.-1. w .. 1ern MICf'llOan torw110 5 Jofln E behng Flood• Southern. forward 6 Gary Holm•• Mlnnn oll. lorwerd 7 Deen Marquardt Marquelll, lorw1rd 8 Brian Nyanhull Marquena. ceoter 0. Kevtn Smith MICl'llQan St guard 10 Oavtd Couttherd Yor~ IClnMll~ guard GOLDEN ITATE 1 L .. 1er ConNr Oregon S111e gufllO 2 Der• Smith LOUISVIiie lorwltd 2 W1yne S~ton. Loyola Ion.ltd 3 Cttrl9 EngM!r Wyoming, IOIWard 4 Ken Stanc-41 V1t91n1a Common,.e11111 fO<W11ro 5 Albert Irving. AIC0<n Stitt. tOtWard 6 OavlO VMlll. St Mary• guatd 7 Malt Waldron, PaclflC, lortwltd II M1t1'. King Florida Soutne<n, lorwerd 9 NICI< MOfker> Ten-guatd 10 R•ndy WNelOOn. UC l"'tne. guard MOUITON 1 Terry Tefgle, 8eytor, guard 2 Jell TeylOf. T•Ht tech, guard 3 Chuci. Nevill No<lh C111olina St , cente< ~ Andre Gaody, G41orge ~non t0<w•rd 5 Jett Schneoder Vtr91ntti' Tec;ll gul•O 6 Don Wtllon Norlhen lern LOU1t11na. lonorard 7 M1~• Hetmt Wike Fore1I 9uard 8 Oen Ca~lfldr•lto Seton Hell, guard 9 Pau 10 Pu1 INOIANA 1 •.Clari. Kellogo 01110 Stale lorward 2 Guy Morgllll wve F0<.,1. lorwaro 2 Jou Sleuont"' P0<llan<1 l0<ward 3 No P<C~ 4 Jalt Jon•• v1r9on1a guard $ Fl•ch OIBenedf!llO, Wl8CO"S•n·Ea.i Ctatre '°"""'o 6 .Min Clark St JOHP"" guard 7 8rad le&f, E•1n1v1He, tortworO 8 Donalo R- Bradlty, lorwaro 9 M1~0 SGearc:e, Purdue rorwltd 10 <;ra1g Summlll, Wisconsin· S1ou1 guerd KAHIAI CrTY 1 • L.Satte ThO<ftl>son rexes. center t Brooke S1eppe. Georg•• Teen. guard 2 NO plC;k 3 Jim JOllnstone, Wake F0<ell, center 4 Mll(t Sauno.fl, UCLA. lorwa1d 6 Kllll Stmp1on. Grambling guard 6 _&on,no Wrtglll, LoullYille, IOIWlrO 7 Per'Y·~r199. llUnole. ouerd 8 Ed Nelly Kat>Ht SI fonollfd 9 Jacil M~ Neb•Ultl, ouard 10 Aol>8r1 E.ltM. iowl St, IO<Ward LOI ANOn.11 1 •·James w orthy, North Carolin•. rorwerd. 2 Wlllle .Jonet. V11nde1bllt, lorwtl'd 3. Mike Hecllell, JIC'llllO<tvlllt. IOIWlld 4 Craig M cCormlc• Western Kentucky can••• S How1rd Mc:N•ll. Seton Hell. fcwwa1d 8 lyn<Jon ROM Houslon guatd 7 M1urlce w 111111mt, Southern C11lilornl11 lono81d II Mrcatt 81unt. Tut-. lorwerd II Tim 8ytnt, Autgen, guerd. 10. Pa ... MllWAUKH 1 Paul PtesMy, TulM guero-torwa1d 2 Fred RobetU. 8r1Qttem Young forward 3 No pick 4 Wry Beck. Middle T_... SI , lonwlrd 5 No pick 6 Tony C11r w1"on1ln-E11u Cfflrt. guerd 1 Bobby Austin, Cincinnati, guard 8 Bryan Leonard. llHnott, forwero. 9 Rob¥! T11e 1da110 Slate, guerd 10 Sob Collen. W1ec;on11n-E1u Cltlfe, IO<Werd NIWJl"RY 1 Erle AoyO. Georgetown gu11d I Eddie Plltlllpt, Alabaml, forwlfd 2 NO plek 3 Jimmy Black, North C1101tna. guud 4 Jemee Griffin. llHnoll, IO<Wlrd • (82). Tony Brown. Arllansea torwaro S Chn1 Giles Afebama-8 1rm1ng11em forward 6 Mel Oani.t. Furman. guard 7 Tony Anderton. UCL~ guarO 8 Otis J~l<son. Mempl'll<J SI gutrd 9 Gary Jottn1on. Oral Robertt. gu11d 10 Sean fUOlly, MIUIM ll>PI gua1d ..... Y()flt( I Trenl Tucker Mlnnoaote, gu1•d 2 Scoll Hatttngs, Arkanse1, cent.. 2 Vince r1ylor. Duk•. guerd 3 Oan CalOwell, W11lllngton. torw1rd 3 C•llO Tucker • 1-. QWlld. 4 N«m Ancllturn. Allbltlll· Blrmtngh1m. l0<werd 5 Aeron Howard v111..-11, torwttd e Mille Kanielllll, Oeyt0<1. lonoard 7, Pnff Seymore, Can<llvt, guwd 8 Mlk• Burn•. Nevld•·L.11 VegH. tO<W•rd 9 Scott MefW.. Soulh C.,Oli,,. SI , guerd 10 John l-d.~lrd. 1 Matk McNemeta, CaKtomla c-nter 2 MllCMll Anoerton. Bfedley. lonlrerd 2 Rlltt 8ofloetle, T~l\....ooe-. oent•· torw•rd 3 Oele SototnOn, VlrQ(fll' Tech 101wud 4 Bruce Aikin•. Ouquhn• rorwtrd. 5 Ooneld M11on, Fr11no St . ~ 0 ......... ~ !Owl. tor-d 1 k .. 1?1 Hiiiard, So\11"-1 M'-1. gverd 8 Oonekl ...... ~-••.• Ql>lfd ' ~ MtllOI\, ~ Stalf, fOIWllrd 10 ll"'Cly ..,.,..,,, Orex ... =.x 1 OtVld Thlrdklll, 8rtdie,. ICHWtrO 2 K.wl MtQM. UC lfVIM, 10<•,..rd 3 ChatlM '1ttlMI\, ~. tonwvd 4 Aoty Whlte loutll .---. tCHWerd 6 MIMrl Mt;Cr1lfY Mllaoutl, OUMd I Jelle leltt111y, H~ 11111mo"•· cenl•r 7 Pllll Ward, Nor111 Cetolln•·CherlOlt.. q\1111'0 I Ille' l lrod. o:zro·n (1<1-1. 9u1r1. • 1(1n 1.~111. w Oii, ,.,...,. 10 Olla WHll~. ldlllO ..... ~ 1 ~ L,ftllf, ~It ....,. I UlftOll TllWlll', "-MlldltOn, foiwlrl I Aullt ~II. JHlllOn 11111, .. llllf t. ,..... t, AAIMt!\I, ,.,.,..,.. • ,,.. ...... r:.::~lt••~"""' I I '*" . ..,...,.. t IM I lfl "' ~ J fl!ff'f IC , I • .. ... , Wiii ..,_., ·~" t, 0 11rt111 f ..,-., • UG .. SAH ANT OHIO I No PIC~ 2 011••• Aoolnson, Allll>•m•· 81rmtngham. gua1d 3 Wllllfl ~Oer>. South F101101 totwero 4 Tonv Gr1er Sou111 Florrda gu•rd $ C11ren~e Sw1nne9an T •••• I ec:ll '°'""9fd 6 Joun• Pena. N- Me•IGO Stile. fO<WalO 7 De Lonie faylor North T eus S• guerd 8 Chrlt F1gg1. MONetM SI , l0<ward 9 liarry 0 Brien St Mery'1. ouard 10 KOtll'l Wlllle McMurray· Ta.as torw1rd UN OtEQO 1 • r.,.rv Cumm•ng• OePeut to<waro 2 lltcna10 AnOe1son UC San•• Berber•. center J Cra10 H()(lget Long Bu ch St guard 4 Oerlua Ctemona, Loyola, gvatd S Gery Cl'fOI. Tenl\eHll8 QUMrd 6 Eric Marbury, Ge0tg11. guerd 1 Eddie HU0'1" Cotor100 Slit• gulrd 8 JICQUH Tu1 Colo< Mio torw11d 9 John HeQWoocl. S111 1'11ncllco torwerd 10 Daryl S1ovall. Cre19hton. ouard IEATTU 1 No p.ek 2 No ptCk 3 Jottn tietQ. Oregon. lorward ' Ken Owenl. ldeno 9u1rd ~ Aoo Camp Southern 1111no1s forward e Bobby POiis North C1r011nA· Chartolle ton•e•d 7 Allen R•ynorn Nortne<n ltttnois forward 8 Steve Burke. Wuh1ng1on. OUlld 9 Peu 10 P»• UTAH 1 ._ Oom1rnque Wtlk1n1. Georgia, 1orw1rd 2 No sec0<1d••ound pick 3 1•91. Slt•e TtumbO BttQhllm Young IO<warO 3 Jeuy Eaw.,. LOU-l•liffl guero 4 Miik Elton UCLA cenler s Mike McKay Connectl(UI oua•O·IOrwarO 6 Alvin JacktOfl, Soulhe<n guard 7 fhed Gar~ Mrcntg811, torwetO 8 Atek Can1ptlelt M1dOle Tenneuee, guard 9 Atley ClaflOa. Long lsl1110. lorwero 10 Michael Edwa1ds. N-on.ens. QUlld WA•HINOTON I No "'°' 2 8'y1n W11rrck. SI JOMC>f'I' guard 2 Owlglll Anderson USC. OUlfd 2 Mtke Grl>tOfl Soull'I Carollna·Sparlat>burg l0<ward 3 Molle Leigey, Upt1la. forward 4 Omo Gregory, l0<1g &each SI , lorwerd S Clarenu Oiclk8fl0fl Hawltil 11uerd S Jerry 01v11. Oetre>ll. to,....ard 8 9'J'on W1M1ams tdano State fOfward 7 Wendell Glbton Soutn Cero1tn1 Sp1rtanburg l0twero 8 ><en Luck Dela••••. guero 9 J-Terry H-aro center 10 Donald S1nCl11r Norm Ca1olln1 Cen1111, ouerd. LOI Alamltoe T\IEIOAY'I ltEIUl Tl 150th of 11-nlglll ~ .. _,.,,.) FtAIT llACE. 350 y1rd1 Ftre1>11ll leaoer (Tre1eure)25 60 9 60 7 00 Oht Three Doubt"' •Aam•is.-.1 • 60 3 00 Ryons Hope 1 Lackey I 3 20 Alto raced Soul Ot a Cn1mp Milo Known Smoo111 Champ Bold Hano Roelle• Song r rutv Shea Cham"'°" Suoa• lime 17 9$ t2 EUCTA (4 SJ Pltd Sl3SOO IECOHO RACE. 3SO y81Cls My A9'y 0.Sllny 1Armtltng)20.40 11 llO e 80 Ltltte Tiny Gtr1 I"-) 18 40 10 00 Reneon ~be4 (Mylel) 4 40 Also raGe<I Detraction feature l eacJet fa1tiers °'""e SllQM ~Illy C•• Silk Toy M1~s Cnola Gay Tn1t A1ng ot r1ro Time 18 03 THIAO RACE. 400 v1ros Reb$ PoQy (H&t11 12 40 s •o • 40 JelwrtQhl (Cardozat l f\O 2 60 ~end• 1Cr~I 3 60 "''° Ulced Erin5 luck, Loise M ISS tl0<1ey, liayM Venture, SmootPl Selec-1100 f •P I oes. Roy' B• 11 win Policy Time 20 22 'OURTH llACI •OD verds H••I Baille (Lackey) 6 00 3 80 2 80 819 llCll (Hatt) 6 20 4 00 Roger Young (Tonk•I 2 20 Alto r ac.ed Bentley Aces. Power 8rOller. ~ Kif~. T1<1y1 Betl Snot, Cr,artott., 8119 Fancy Soo C0t1c;ec>t Luc:l<yvttl9 Time 2007 92 lllACTA ll>-71P•ld$3040 Flf'n4 "ACE. 870 yard1 SnNky Me COeiomb•I 5 '° 3 40 2 80 Eu Anvil Ann (P1ullne) 4.80 3 60 Ski lll1 (Armstrong) S 20 Alto '"'*' Goer Put. Pleaoys TrllCkle, Joml>Ot Aoe. 5., lo•• Gem. e.111t Moun1111n lime 46 65 SIJ:TH llACE. 400 yard& Lad• Sl>O'lt Gori CCerooza)S.80 3.80 3.00 Klmela {Fryday) 18 tlO l•.llO Jungt. Pl1y (PMJlinel •.DO Alto rac:ecl Fllf Brlln<ly. StteW\lennell w onderful Rocket. Eerthque~• Joale Ttohlen "" MIU Love Lltl<, Rout lime 20 •O 12 U ACT A (S.2) plkl $144 80 HVEMTI4 llAC:I 350 y11dt Slulll'I Sb (Fry01y) 14 00 7 80 3 20 Tontr.-'l (My\19) 9 80 4 80 ~·1 Jet (H9111 2 '° Al90 rac:eO Ooll La Fame, file NOr..,...,, Cool Kr-. RouledM Reli9I Time· 1791 1:1 EUCTA C1·2) peld S1~.20 llOK"04 llAOE. 3SO yerdt Hug Tiny (laclleyl S 40 3 40 2 80 Ft1ture Tlllf CC•MOt'I S 20 3 80 Avdra Oo (Tonka) S 20 Alto ri ced Native Tu , Tiny Troll Flaming Killy. Cute Fenny. ROl>enalnt. MIN EHy Slil Tome 17MI 12 IXACTA (7 3) l)lld sis 00 a l'ICK lNX (3+.-S-1°7) CHiid 14.890 willl lour winning llCl<tll (811 ttorwff) S!l PICI< St• con1011t1on paid 174 80 wit" 165 winning tic;llell (llY• horeeel. NINTH llACI. 440 yltdl Bob v en Moon (grM(lt"l 28 80 t 0 40 8 80 Hemp BM (81<d'I 3 20 2 80 Plenty of Noolllno (Hlt1) S 20 Alto r~ C.IGll L~. Fllglll Cloht,l'I!! K!ply VIiie, Bred In lhe Pvrplt. ~ ..,._., IMue Poot. Za&oo Time 22 20 a lltACTA (4·7) pelO s1e1 eo A118f\dlft0t -8. f78 World Cup (at -,.in) SICONO llOIJMO T-.daJ'• k«ff west Germany o, England 0 llaty 2. Argen11n1 I thureday'o Ga"'" Ru.Sl• vt BelglUM NO<thern lre4•n<I VI Autttte ,,Id.,·• 0-. S1>41111 v1 w .. 1 a.rmany Brull va Ar~tln• lulldaft Qamea Rullia vs Potlllld Northern tre4and •• Franc• MondtJ't Clam" Spain vs E"91an<1 Br111I "5 lilly IEM"tHAL& Thu1Mlay, Julr I Winner Group A •t Winner Group C at ·eer,•lon• Winner Group B vs Wiil,..,, Group 0 al St v1tte FINAU Tttird Place Sllurday, July 10 Champ1onal11p -S11n<1oy July 11 World Cup •••ndl1t9• Oroup A P011nd e.lglum Russia W L T QI' GA l'tt •00302 0 I 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a-Refftalnlng Thutaday Russt• V'S e.lglum 9-dey Rut"• ~ Poland GllOUP I W L ~QFOAf'tl Englond West Gt1<many SPl •n 0 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Spain•• Spain vs a-llemalnl119 Frtdap w .. 1 Germ1ny lillond•r England GllOUPC W LT OFGAP1t I 0 0 2 I 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 I 2 0 0-Remaining 'rtd•r 8r IU~ •• Arll""l•n• Monday BtlUll vs llll'f GllOVP 0 W LT Qf QAPft Franoe I O O I 0 2 A11Slrt8 0 1 0 0 t 0 N0<thern trellll\O 0 0 (I 0 0 0 ~flemalnlng Thvftday NOfthem lrelend "' AuSlne lundaJ Nor1,,.,n lretend "s France Wimbledon TIMIOAY'8 M IULTI llleft'• ~ ~ SlftvlM SI-Denton IU S I def Scttelk van der ~ (Soutll Alrlel). 6-7 7.5 U , 8-4 13· T I Tim M1yotte (U S ) def Sa-111 Menon tlndll), 8-4, 6-2, 3-6, 7-S, s1e11n S1mon1son (S""8denl def Leo Pllln (FlntlnO). 6-3 6-4. 9.7 7.5 llleft 't Thk'd Round ''"''" Jon1n Kriek (Soulll AlrlC•I def Peter Rennen (US.) 4-G. 6-3. 6-4. 6-1. ~ Tanner (US.) def Vll•Y Amrtttej (lndll). 8-4. 8-4. ~. ~. 6-3 HMk Pltlle< IU S I def John Alt~ (Autlrellal. 6-4. 5-7, 6-4. S-7. 6-2, SI-Denton (US I Oel Cllrtt L_.a (,,._ ZMll/ld). 1-fi. 7-S, 6·7. 7·5. Mllrk Edmondton (Auatr1Ha) def R1metl'I KtltMM (lndla), 6-3. 1·6, 8-1, 8-4, 0- Meyeir (US) def Larry Sttlenlrl (US I. 7-6. 6-3, e-o. Midi Savlll'IO cu s.1 del O.vl<I Cert., (Au11rett1). fl·'· 6-4. 8·4, 8u11er Monrom (8ri111n) det Chile Jollnttone (AullrMll). 8-1, 8-3, 6-2. Vttu Gerulellls (U,S.) def TomH Smid (Ctec:hoalovakta). 8-7, 3-8, 6-3, 8-4, 6-2; AuaMll Simpton C,,,_ ZMlendl def. Mflleot .._., (&rail!) 3-6, S.7, 6-3, 7-41. 6-S, Mall WMllf'de< (S_.,.,.) del StanlSl<w elmer (Clecnot10v•k11). 6-3 .......... ·-·· Thltd floufld ........ Canov Reynold• (U S I dt1I Pam TMQUlrdefl (US). S· 7, &-3. a-6 ·-·· ,owtll fleWld SlnOlae Merlina Nl•rllllOVI (U s ) det Z1n1 Qamton (US ) 8-3 6-2, Anne Smtih (US} del Andrtl Jaeger (U.8 ), 6·• 6·2. 8111ifl Jun King (U S ) del Wendy Turnbull (Autt•lll•a). 11·2. 6-3, 81rbert Poll•• tU S I O•I Pem Shriver (U 5 ). 6-2. 6-4. Trecy Autlln (U S I def Cl"udll Kollda (West <Hnnanyl. ~ 6-3, JoAnnt RuiMM tU S I def Syt\111 Henlke (W"t O..~I. 6-4. 6-7 6-3. Chrll Evert LIOyd (U S I Ofll Virginia AuVQI IRolnlftll l. 6-7, &-3. f .1 From Pag~D1 COM e. e complc:to with 32 ouncca ol wal<'r. high ~nt'rgy candy and a ll~ht plk'k . "l .ctually galnt.id two pounda bc;cawio of thrMt or four peanut butter CMllldwlch(!S," aays the ~-~ Mn. Martyn. "I thought l would be able to du n In 2f or 28 hours. 90 I l'Ould <'njoy ll more. but ll WWI nothing but hills " Why did she run? "It's the greatt14t expt>rknc · I've ev{'r 'tad . she says. "lt'11 no often you can 11('(! th{' snow, Call 1n the river twice, see two morning :sun rises and a sunset." Would she do tt again? "I'm thinking about It. [{ you finish In under 24 hou!'ll you get the si lver buc kl e . But I understand manl who go back the set.'Ond year ail w finish. \\ ··When I finished , my first reaction was 'no way, 1 won't try ll again." But ... Wuh only two days separaung her from the terrain of Northern California's w1ldem~ and the green belt of Corona de! Mar, she's already running again. The Westem States 100 had 286 entrfes this year and l 78 finished, but uf those who didn't make it, Mrs. Martyn says they had nothing to be ashamed of. "It takes a lot of guts to toe the line," she says. And, when she doesn't have something hke Pikes Peak or the Western St.ates 100 to prepare for. she's always got her kids to pick on . Seventeen-year-old David, a gradua1e of Corona del Mar High and headed for the University of Anzona, got beat by his mother an a 5-k run, and 14-year-old Craig and I I-year-old Keith are hard pressed m running with her. Her h usband. David Martyn, is somewhat retired from running because of a disc problem, but did run the final eight miles with his \ wife at the Western St.ates 100. Also lending ~1Stance were Huntington Beach friends Bob and SaJly Crawford As for other Orange Coast area performers. Corona del Mar's Sandy Wade ll was 86th 1n 23:43.17 and Huntington Beach's Don Pyc1or was 126th in 27·43.39 Of the 26 women who started, 17 finished. "On a degree of difficulty It makes the Hawa11 tnathlon look like a waJk tn the park." says her husband It amounted to about a 17-minutc mile pac.-c for her, a 10-minute mile pace for Kmg It was King's first try and the first lime anyone won the race m his fu'St shot. "I bet he could better 16 hours n ext year, Mrs Martyn says about Kmg. Celtics pick Landon las t NEW YORK (AP) -Former Indiana University star Landon Turner, who ts paralyzed as the result of an auto accident last summer. was the final selecuon in Tuesday's National Basketball Association draft The Boston C.elucs made the 6-10 Turner the 225th player picked m the draft, about 6 1141 hours after the proceedings had begun with Los Angeles Lakers drafting North Carolina's James Worthy When Coach BiU Fitch's pick was relayed "with pride" from the C.eltics office by telephone, a murmur went through the remnants of more than 4.000 fans who had witnessed the draft at Madison Square Garden's Felt Forum. ''Landon Turner reminded Coach Bill Fitch and I of a C.eltic-type player, and we felt he would have been a very fine professional basketball player," said Boston Ge neral Manager Red Auerbach. "We would have been honored to have him be part of the Boston Celtics and felt this is one way to show how we felt about him.'' Adell and Rita Turner of Indianapolis said they had no knowledge of their son's selection until late Tuesday, when a local radio sportscaster called. "I was Oabbergasted. Landon was, too," said 'l\amer's father. "Landon just started calling all his friends to tell them. "He was saying that he'd have been a No. 1 draft pick if he hadn't had the accident," he added. Righetti may face Fi dry ch PAWfUCKET, Rt (AP) - Pitcher Dive Rt&»eu.1, .ent down by th New York Y&r:\ketw laat Sundal_. could face for mer De&l'Oit Tlp.r Mark fidryeh. who II U'Ytna to come beck. wblft &he C4lum6u1 CUppera mHl lh• Paw&ucktl Rt d Sox In 1n Intern1tlon1l L111u• 11me '"=='la. .... '° pltoh -the~._.,.,. .. hllw • whla. .. ...... oNch .... 11111 ............ . ...... 1wOUWM1 11111 11111:11 IEAl. OORIS MARJE BEAL., a roald.nt ot Nawport Peach, ca. P-...d away on June 26, 1982 Sho ill 1W'Vlvtid by her nophew ~hard Frelhetm Service• will be held on Thunict.y, July 1, 1802 at thti H arb or L aw n Memorial Chapel. Ul26 Olaler. C.0.ta M .... C.. Prtvat.Cl lntemwnl to follow. Servku under the dlrecllon of Ball.I Berpron Smit h & Tuthill Wt>11eUll Chapel Mortuary of Coe\& MHM. 846-8371. GEHRING C A T HER I NE WARD GEHRI NG, r e11dent o( New port Beach, Ca. area tor the paat 10 months aft er m oving her e from Costa Riaa. She LS survived b)I her h usband Robert. 10n Richard W. o f Newport Beach, Ca .. d auahter C. Jane C. o f lreland and Elizabeth W. of New pe>rt Beach, Ca , brother T h om as L W ickstrom of Huntington Beach, Ca., sister Marlon O tte r of Los Angeles, Ca. Private serv1<.-es w ere held under the direction of Balu Be'J'eron Smith & Tuthill Westc!Jff Chapel M ortuary of Co6ta M esa. 646-9371 BURDICK VlONA BURDICK, a resident of Co6ta Mesa, Ca. Passed away on June 26. 1982. She is survi ved by her husband William J Radney, 4 nephews. C. Ray Mitchell or O r a n ge. Ca., Geor ge M ac L ean and C .W M acLean and B laine M acL.ean all of Whittier, Ca and numerous grand nieces and nep hews. M rs Burd ick worked for many years as Secretary or Gener al Ser vices for the Cit y of New port Beach. She was a past presiden t or the A.mencan Legion Auxiliary. a member of Moose A uxlllary of Costa M esa, Ca and the Oasis Club of Corona del M ar, Ca. Funeral services were held on W ednesday. June 30, 1982 at l :OOPM at Pierce Bro t hers Bell Broadway Chapel with Rev. Bruce Kurrie officiating I nterment at Rose Hills memonal Park , Whittier, Ca. Pierce Brothers Bell Broadway M ortuary directors SILVERS ALETA <TRESSIE) A SILVERS, passed aw ay on J une 29. 1982 She 1s survived by her husband E ugene, children Donn a Pease and Charles F Silvers. sisters LaVae Leabo. Sybil Leabo and M idget Snyder, b r other Turmon d Leabo Graveside services will be held on Thursday, July l. 1982 at l l :OOAM at Harbor L a wn M o u nt Ol i ve M emorial Park with Rev. F ather Joseph McEn eany off1c1allng Services under t h e direct ion o r Harbor Lawn-M ou n t Olive M or tuary of Costa Mesa ~0-55~. MYERS ANNA MYERS, resident of Costa Mesa. Ca. Passed aw ay on June 20, 1982 Surv i ved by her grandchildren. Tom Myers. M ichael M yers and Patricia M yers Memorial services wiU be held on Friday, July 2. 1982 at 5.30PM at St Joach1ms Catholic Church GISLER ALLEN T . GISLER age 80, a resident of Huntington Beach, Ca. Passed away suddenly on June 29, 1982 Funeral services are pending at Pierce Brothers Smuhs' M ortuary 536-6539. Neptune ociet y CAEMA TIOH llOfllAl AT SEA 646-7431 Our liter ature tells the complete story of our society. c..1 .... _ _.._ ~-c-. f'4ClffC ¥11W MIMOl14L P'Altlf Ce~terv Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3.500 Pac1f1c View Drive NewDOrt Beach 644-2700 McCCMlMta MOUUAlllS Laauna Beach 494-9415 Laauna Hills 768·0933 San Juan Capistrano 495·1776 HAaoll UW ....... MT. OLl¥l Mortuary• C.,meterv Cremalory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 54-0-5554 ,_ClllOTHtH l&L 1104DW41' MOITUAIY t 10 Broadway Co11a Men &42·91~ 1M.n1M•Ho" SMTM & TUTNtU WllTC:LW CH4f'I\ 42"! 17th St Cotti Mtaa 848-0371 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 18 Ofenge CoHt DAIL V PILOT /Wednesday, June 30, 1982 DI ClASSIFllD The marketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642 -5678 Real Estate-the cotnRlete Orange Coast Market Place CLASSIFIED INDEX IHI Alltt ....•..•••.•.......... .,.,., ftr 1411 N111t1 ftt s,11 lle11t1 /11 S1l1 .,,,., /11 lal1 ····•·······•·•·••···· ..••..•••.•••..•..........••••.•..•......... •••••····•••··•·····•· ~~!~~{ •...•.••• !.~f I P! ... ~~~{ ••..••... .'.~!I !J!!~~~{ •......... 1.o.f l f ~~'.-~~!.'I~ .. ! I.ff •UYHllT* MAT lllP SIH,000 WOWI LOWHl priced bayfront ho~ ON BAL- BOA coves Large ~ bdrm. 3 bath, double llraplaee, covered patio ptue much morel Wiii AITO or 1rade lor EHt· bluff -Bayah()(et 0< 7??11 111 ti ... HUii YI. uar Lun1emt1 .,.,,. /., I• ,.,,, " i ······•··············· •................••... ~!~.!!!~ ...... !.~~j!~!.ffr.! .. !.IJ! II IOWIU YOa ilN . ibv ff HOVM + 2 unlll Prima BH t prtcad d1JPl•M on E/eld•. $201< below ~ tha Panlnaut•. 4 l 3 prateal )(lnl ln1191tment Bdtm w/2 betha •teh oppty or lu ehalttt Garage. l/p'e, •II built· S550JmO neg wi no 1n1 Only 7 yr• old Top down, 01 or••" 1van th•~ •nd a tow uau-w/20% down $136,000 mable loan. Only 1296, Te Ptxt Y11r A~. C1ll PllllllUIHll 642·5678 HOUSlS fOI SAL£ ~ ... , ... ........ ., .... .. ._. f>tNhtiila C t tHMFtM a.atlill l'oroft• 4tl Mer ('a.ta MH• °""• Pu.nt t:i"r .... f'°""'MA\:ailf> H~Mlf\C'<W\ tk•th .,., .. . ... "" .. ,.. ..... t..1vn• •""' 1Atu.n N11wt11I AhU., A \ltt)6 s ••. ~ twath ~ Mme••• '-' Jw•ft r ... " .. •nt• ~Ila AM ~ .111 .. 0 'euth LIC"-AI At •l"un.Utf Mobtlt fiOmt'I ~.1. REAL ESTATE Attuc•rw ~1 .. .litNnf'l'WftO fOir '•If tlrttth Pfop.rr\y lki.t1ftn't Prct~M> Ctmcl•t) 1.00 l.rya.t• r=~~~~l .. ~r~~:' ~· f)vpl4'\0 l ftlb \y,,. HOt.i~lo W~b".-4 l~Prot-rf1 lnd\Mtritl P•OiPtrt)' l.i'Jlt fut 'M.I• ~ubt•• Urnt Tr1t t'f'-' Mownu' n,.,,,, t<oor1 ~::;~( !::nl''~~oo lM of SUI• ~titt-P lbNlliih J •rrn• f,ro1ro Rut £..atatt E•tt.•ftU ttul U11t• ~ afttf'd IENTALS ......... f'll ..... 11«1 Hc.iMt L•fwfll•t~d Hou\n hi1r.-Uf l.ftf (Oftd¥m1"'-""'' FwtiJ~ C~uwwm.alnf T°'nl'MN"" '"'" To. f\hov"tu l nl lNPl•u• Furn O\tt;tt.11n l'n' """ , ... ,. Aph l.Afwft Apb t\t,n Of l "' koom• Room 6i tl.v.trd llOttol\ M04.tb Out"l U«l'""'' """'m.' Jih·-hl~ \'.r•t.on lhnt•ll MH•hh lo ~•rP· C._,•lf' fOf RPn• Ofhtt """'' lkwnH• RrnleJ lndt.Blr••I RPntal ~~·.r...,..,..,t"d \il•U' k•Al•ll BUSINESS, INVEST· M£NT, FINANCE ~~::~: ~:'~· ::::!1!:: ~~':'~ r "'•1•0Lo.tn liCOIW) \\ tftiltd• Mon1•1n Tfl l ANNOUNCEMENTS, l'EISONALS & LOST & FOUND A~f'trw~ C•' POOi Littal '(1111t u, Loot • ~ ....... ., f>'1\0n•h· Stw11t flt.it•• TruH• SERVICES SH•tt• f,.t"1ot) £MrtOYMENT & "f"HflON Sff'IOOh lnllrWCl116A Job v..-..~t· tWfp '4'•M..0 M 6 • MEICHANOISE AM~~ APf>lt•Nn 4W\Kli" ::u.~.hl•n•h· C•n.t•t> • tqwpm.n\ C~t\ Doc• nttto Yov f'VrPMltiWC c.,. ...... ,t: ....... ...,.._..,.Good• ,,...~,)' U111Ht.ocll MMhlMf'J M1Ktll•~~ Ml\t'f"llal'W'OIU ,..,nlfd Mw,1ul lnitrumtnu. ()lfto '""' • .._ .. "'. ,, .. ,,..,,.... .. .,. .. ,., y...,,nc Medunih Spor1U\I Gooch Slott 1'f',t•uran1 8u ~~ •.r..,,_, tt1F•.Sluf'O BOATS & MARINE EQU,,MENT C,4"-nH•I bu10 ~llnt Srr' 10 &.au Marine-t.qv1_. ltoah Po-t' bh """' t'hat1f't ~us.11 llo•u 'llrPo Doth llooh ""'"'a. si,, 8oe4• Slou1t TUNSPOITATION A•tt,.t\ C •MPfr' ~•If Rtl" UMnr l •r' ~==-.. =·Sc-tn• Motor .. m, !\.Ill~ Rtn~ Tt••ln' TU\'tl y, .. ,.,,.,.. l'1thh AYIO S-.t•lt'f ... rO lUTOM081l( ~t'._,.1 Art\"l.W' (.'l•U" \ Kt•trtlhOfl V.-hu 1,., Scwrth R .. 1 t' Rod' •W",., .. 10rn•• ''""''-' ,.,,. Autwl..-.e.tu'c '\Mlf'l ""•ttttd AUTOS, IMPORTED (;fMl•I ,\11.;ftotnro ,...,, "'"""" ..... , .. , ~MW \ ,p,, °"'-loll O•l"•n .. ,,, .. ,, .... 1 U"""t" J .. .: ... 1 J,.....,. .. ~•t"'4nttt_,~,. ...... ""'"''"' \t11wt• \hn"'~"'" '"'"' ..... lCl.tt '"'"' P . .r~h • t'rv1r1..-.•I t'Uf'tt#W' KtnJwll M"'I• ""'tH' ftO\,, ).u h ,. .... ;.,,o.r111 TO) wt• rt+vmOPI \.v-!'•'*•••n Vt;.1'~ AUTOS, NEW c • ..-ner•• ~,. ... """"' \ •IJ•ll•• l •m•ru AUTOS, USED t1w''°'" -.. ... , .... , """'" l°O..HfffU•I ~:@t\tU• l'w_., ~i· ..... "•' '-"'• Mt,mC't JllHCVf') Mw.t\•"t Qlolo...,..1. Plot• .. ,,_~ ........ """"""•Mtd v.,. '?t.,.... .. llUJ lb 1001 1011 llW .... Illa ::.:J 1640 IOI' I0411 IOOQ loe.1 ""'' 109 IOl• 11111 llllO IUM UM ...... tlfllJ lllO. lM Ult -W) ~ "2l :WO EQUAL HOUtlNO Ol'l'OllTUNITV Ptllll1l11tr'1 ••tltt1 All real Htata advertllad In lhl• newepapar ti tubJaot to Iha Federal F•lr Hou1lng Act of 1968 whtch make• It Illegal to advartlM "any preteran-c.. llmllauon or dlaertmt- na tton baaed on race, color. religion, se11 or national origin, or any Intention 10 make any such preterenoa. llm1t1- llon or dllCllmlnallon " Thia newspaper wlll not l\nowtngly accept any advertising tor teal H · lite which Is In vlotatlon ot the law. HHU1 Adverti- sers should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m e d I ate I y . The DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. Pm.e Wett Bay bly!ront. Sllii-for 2 boli11. remodeled 3 bdnn. 3 bath $1.200.000. Ocean & jetty v1ew~e l'QOffl. 4 l>(Jnn. 3 bath, 3700 ~fl. $l,38MOO. Ocftnfront . Liii llLE llllEI Prime Lido Nord bayfront 5 bdnn, 5 i,, bath Lge LR . 2 boal sllpi1 $1,500.000 Rt'modeled 3 bdnn, 2 bath + large ra· nn beam ce1hngs. fumuhed, patios $420.000 Lllll llLE UYFllllT .... agoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 balh, playroom. dark rm, den, Boat slip. Now $1,000,000. llYSIDE CDY£ Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up, 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat slips $1.000.000 COROHDO CAYS Coronado Island cust. bayfronl lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. fled. $370,000 w/terms. ILIFFI OllH Single swry end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba nn largesl greenbelt, $250,000 Piii UH 3 bdrms, 2Yi baths condo near pool. $145.000.1 ........ , Pr••· llHHtn *111·7110* TWIUITHllml tntan1m 4 bOrme Including 2 MUia< aullaa. 3'!\ b•. lg lamlly rm, 2 frple1. ruatlc wood beam <*1'1 -Ill In I wal• to privet• belch looauon. Tha perfect fa- mlly homa In Ille perlec1 tamlly nalght>orhood. $495,000 with PERFECT llnanclng HC·ll11 /Jn N'L[L OAILLY ti. A55UCIAT[5 Wiii lrlda lor IUIO QOO Ownar/egt, 548-4360 or MEL FUCHS 494-0395. PHlllH .. ...., JUST St 17.900 buy1 llM1Jt eupar upgraded pool h<>M41 No qu•llfytng. low lntereet Bkr 848-0709 NICe 2 aty 4Br, dbl gar •. S 1 t0.000 OMC Mur- chinson Enterprt1a1 752-673 I Ayn rd w Inn Ing II o or I "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii plan, 1urrounded by no-I• ...... 12"',. La • HYll ._El lllU-ont• thing but a park S30.000 down, financing availa- ble Located In Seablufll $148.500 A 1t1tlng of Ceth)' Cary tJ~l()Ul 1 1()~(§ HIOH IN IAVINE TERRACE 3 BR 2 BA. $225,000 1425 BONNIE DOONE OPEN DAILY 1·5 H0-1111 Realtors. 675-6000 :?QC\ ==~~~VOGEL 3 Br . 2' ... bl, 1200 IQ ft, condo. Frplc, oentra.t vac. 2 cat gar w/alec opnr W/w cpl/ drp1 $93,500 In. $ t 1 10/mo pymll Full price $129,500 Owner will carry 2nd Bob Br oo ks. Rea ltor 673-2282 dy, 675-'>487 ev LUSE/tnlll lffr 1.1 AOIEI Out of the flight pattern, t h la custom home otters magnlllcenl opportun'1 lea. Separat e guell home and private pool and apa . Owner wlll finance en11re loan The price Is $985.000. UNBELIEVABLE LIDO ISLE $257,500 PACIFIC 2 Bdrm house, n< New- port Hll Vacant. c .. an. R2 S 10.000 down - $1000 mo Carey 011 OUIMH 631-2242 • HPLU TRIPLEX NEAR Atsume loan 3Bdrm. 2 BEACH ANO SHOPS bllh owner·a unit wl1h Counlry house wllh 3 Mbn Cote. Brall" 114/760-1900 spoclous l BR rental, bedrooms and 2 two 1--------- bolh with lofted beem bedroom back unl1s Prttffcitn 0H4t ~ ................. , BILL CR UN DY, REALTOR BURR WHITE REALTOR. INC. 67>4610 oett1, fireplaces and an eacn wtlh laundry room VERSAILLES. 1 bdrm, hones1-10-gosh swim-Showa true prtde 01 ow-tully rurn Securlly and ming pool on one ot Co-nersh1p wllh fireplace. recreallon faclllliea. 11"1· rona del Mar's prellletl sundecks and garages. lnl. Owner will carry 2nd. 341 Soy\•d" Or .... t~ 8 67S 6161 lilOO :i"' R1•11• for S.11 ~ .............••..••.•. Ht» Glotl•l 1 OOZ usu •••••••••••••••••••••• t_M ·~ U)) °"' IOI» tt}(l •lW l>!Al ..... - 4 IDRI Find out •boul the high $ 104,100 u rning real estale aai.a Unbelievable price for career opportunities wtth T~E REAL ESTATERS. this huge home The Licensing school fees price has be9fl reduced below markel end will compte1ely retundabte 10 sell 10 Ille flrsi person school ol your choice. who looka. Perteet for Extensive eales training tnveslmenl or great la· For Information, call mlly home Call now, t--7-5..,..1-..,6_19_1_--:---- won'l lasl. 5<46-2313 3 Lutry C.•tltl THE REAL ESTATB:RS VILUliE CllEH Dramatic trl-tevel 3 Bdr townhome wtwetbar. lrplc. patio, tennte couns. Assumat>le loan Full price $131,900 1 owner La JOiia Area Wiii aell, ewchange lor N-por1 or Laguna pro- perty or carry 10% pa- per Call Brandon Agt 720-140.C UIMI YI llLLI 1,-. tmlllEIT <clQ{ 751-3191 rooo C:<,£1H I ...,., PR< JP{ RT tl •, strM ls. Walk to beach 15"· down or trade tor 526-1968. 523-2830 p --O-.-.-.-.-r-t-ll-1,..---t $315,000 T 0 's $245,000 Wiiiiams OWSIC ll1114tHI --1"-1211 6u~;0.UL ESTATI ICED VIEW ,.,..1my ....... ,.. 2500 sq 11. Existing anu-SHI _.... --.A.et --que buslneas. Ealab 10 El r1 f 1032 •-tr__. Behind magnificent cob-yrs Owner will ttn81\ce. ~ .... 1 • 6 !. 0 • 0 •• 0 •• 8 •• 0 .W •• 1 ••••• 3 Br plus re1reat, 3 ba, blellone courlyard & Cerey 63 1_22,2 _ e•cet .. nl flnanc:Jng Only huge iron gates. 8000 11 $229.000 on full ac. 5Br, 8ba. 5 --.-E-W--l-l_$_l _ll-1i--10PEN HOUSE 11-4 DAILY By owner 2 br. 2 ba OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY frplcs. more more Wiit 1615 Bayadara Tarrae.. condo, and unit High John Marshall Agt Just completed, will Ouple11. 8alboa Penln-Irvine Terrace. Panora-assumable. owe $67. 631-2242 decoraie to suit. Sl.450, sula Two 3-Br unlls 1 m•c views, tee land. mini 900 859-1213 or Ive --,-0-0_L_ll_O_l_E __ 000 Submit. Rick Aide-b I k I r o m b e a c h m59 relte 731.,..44 Raa.11()(/ Summer/winter renlals eatale. $1,250.000. Alley 1---------1 Developer Min vacancy factor Realty 673-7478 BHtiaftH + GUEST APT $389.000. A Olon-Mana'--J-AS-.-•• -f-C_ll_E_H__ J.ati 10f0 ONE-OF-A-KIND 4 BR. EICELLEllT listing. 759•9100 2 br, den. Plen 2. Baaul. G••0•0·d•i;;;~1~·n .. J.BA·.·; lam rm, + btll pool I d d b A entertaining area Sepa-FllE" an scape Y ogara petloa. stone fplC. entry Gardens. haa apa. ale, kltenn. move In clean. rate guest apt w/kg az Located In good eraa or alarm system & prol Great tMms Submit all BA & lovely llv rm. w/lptc;. Coste Mass 3 Bdrm, decor. Xlnt ASSUMABLE reason1ble ofrs. Only $335,000. Agl huge tot. Saller htghty lUILITE STOLi financing Wiii coop wltn S&S PROPERTIES 646-•380 or 64S-4765 motivated. Catt for de-Lovely 3 Br house with broker Call for appl , 898•9824 or 827-'4457, talla, 546-2313 den, spa & torever view l-6-75_-_24_7_8_o_r_7_2_0_-0_5_2_1_. -ask for Anita '"ll:?t -kt-~!I Only $359,900 Fee w 111 •SI IM IT y I I II /rriat 1044 ($. -liJ;A'L ~ ~~~="~~r F7~' r:::~ TllMS. ........ • • .......... .. __ -------_ Home+Guaat Qtrs+ln-Trtlk 18971 Antioch, lkb~. N EW VIEW TO WN -come 4 Br 2 Ba D.R .. F.R vu of Univ $200.000 $50. HOMES. 2 Maller Sul-OWC ITD. 000 down, $150,000 Brand New Homes & Condos. no money down whlle they taal (7 141 5-46-9522 Agl. •..WrYit•.._.. o.,.., ..... UU llTUIE ~~ ------C=H--1 ..... 11_1_1_111-~ Quiet, park-llke setting. Rm tor padd .. tennla and pool. Greal tor orChard Cut de sec ti. 3 bdrma, lam rm. 137g,500 lnclu· ding land. Aal\ about a 1% loan on this hOme 144-4110 tes View of ocean & Flexible T8'ms A 1 T.O l2% lnl only tor 5 night llghts. Quiet Area. 509 Acacia Jog to Beach 5 503 Perks. open apaces. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Spouess Vacanl Duplex yrs Agent 41• 2 3 BR, 2 BA. Spa. Aaal· mable loan. S239.500. Fee Owner will carry wllh 20°1• dn. by own«. $125,800 dn Xlnl Fin AM_..._ Huge 5 Br I 3 Be & 2BR/2BA WOODBRIDGE Hal Of Pat Bauer. Agts. .,._ 3Br/3Ba Sgl lam Sacrifice 3 FllllLY llOIE ~ -- lTAYLOH co '. Lovely 4 Bdrm 2 bath home. b i g rooms 673-7300 lllSI IWltll $440K Ownr/Bllr p y mt s I ate He Ip 1 Charm on a huge IOI 645-7048 857-20•5 ONE OF A KIND 979-3923 ---- lhruoul. Many. many ••-~~~~~~~~~ tras Stone t1reptaca, I-- plush carpets, n-Sola-Have you ra•d today' a rlum tile. WOOd paneling, Ctanlflad Ads? II not, newly palnled. Asking you're mlaalng the best CadlHaca to Go-Carte Whatever the Fad Roll 'em off Iha market With a Cluattled Ad Cell Now1 642-5878 across the street from C•il• #t1• JOZ4 BY OWNER Turtle Rock UNEQUALED VALUE Newport Beach Room •••••••••••••••••••••• Glen 3BR, 2BA. renl S l. S495,000. 644.-8725 ror horses behind 000 monlhly, purchase custom ranch home MEU YfllE S250,000. 645-9555 ISSllllLE $ 142.500. 5•8-2313 bergalnl In town! ~iiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii--..~I THE REAL ES TATS: RS Good financing. Owner -..... l•E anxious. You wlll love ,..._ Brand New Home• & lnlS one!! $299,000. ASSUMABLE FINAN-Condos. no money down CING. Sharp 3 Bdrm whlle they lasl (71 •) Take •dvantmge now or "mull sell" altuatlon -wlll carry 2nd. 3 br. ltonl row view Btutts condo Prof decorated 8-uti- ful cond. Wiii coop w/ broktll' Open Set & Sun 653 Vist a B onita . 675-2478 or 720-0521. IRE YOU FISSY'1 Then thla neat & Clean 3 Bdrm homa la just for you. Excell. llnanclng with 11 lull assumable 1s1 T 0 al 9•1,•h Full price s 139,900 75 1-3191 C: C,{:1 H . T ...,., PH< )P~ t~ T il <., 4 11111 2 IA XLIT FllUOlll tuu Great 4 Bdrm 2 bath "lll home tn Coata Mesa ;:00 Property Is being refur- me blshed and. 1n eKcellent ::~ price. Sell8' wlll uatat In 11.-i 1he financing. 548-2313 ~ THE REAL ESTATERS at. If IWY OHIUllLUI Well pOced end well lo- cated rental units Juat a lew blocks from Iha beach. Currently earning t 1450 per mo with a w•lllng 1191 Motivated ·:;~ saner has reduced the "'"' price lo $229,000 and :;~ wlll esslll with creative 111:.0 financing vu; ... .,. .1 ... .,lta: ,.,,, .,,~ '111. RFSIOfNllAI Rf Al fSIAll SlRVICES OIHU IEL Mlll Utt,000 Excellent close ~ the ocean location. Spacious 2 ~R home with a 2 room guest/rental. Extra wide R-2 lot Owner financing with 25% down. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 1umFIL •• WITER! l•,.oolMt •••llty lttt1 cH41 tlltt I• ftllh • .,. attt1 .,.. f•llJ ........... nter. Ol11tlt lttttrler wfftll 2 Wr••• , .. , 4ff ••• larct ,......... ··"· ..... ., .. feHt1I• IH ftre ri91. f Hr en .... atl, fer •I' ._,, rlcltt ttt JHr ... IHf • .... , will lltl• f111He fer , .. 11t1e4 ...,.,, 1111,000 ............... .. ttr•tl H1· 1COO. WA H Rf RO!'\T liOMI ~."' Ill \I 11111 ~ fUt... f N•t If•~ ,,.,_..,. ~ ... h ••5 .... ,.. .. ~ '~p A.I._.. h la,.4 873-4900 IHI plus ramlly with remode-546-9522 Agt. lad kitchen, 2 yards tor entertaining Asking $145,000 Call 540-1 15 I tor an appolntmenl 10 Lido Realty 673-7300 see ~HERITAGE . • REALTORS E. lllE 11·2 =iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 3Br, 1Ba, & tBr, 1Ba In-• law suite. newly remOCS. 10~,-. FHWICtH 10,-. HWI Brand new en<I unit fea- turing 2 maaier suites. 2 c.r garage and nume· rous upgradaa. Owner wants 10 sell TODAVll Bring check book and make oflar Only $149, 950 2670 San Mtguel Or., Newport Beach 759-1501 or 752-7373 ~ WalkerG Lee led, f1e11ible tMms. $129, 900. Or try lse option By owner 6'16-2768 n . •EWPHT II Charming 4 Br & large family room Brick tlre- ptace, country kitchen, quiet resldenllal area Long term seller llnan- clng. $229,000 Inc. land CILLEIE Pl FtlEll 3 Br . 2 B•, price redu- ced $5000 lo $114,500 Drive by 2S3 H81love< Then call Lao Hanna. 144-'910 TAYLOR co: 2-3 Bdrm. 3 Bath new condo on park. Child ok. With lease oollon Go from tenant 10 owner 380 w Wiison 631-505!5 or 6.42-2000. FLEXllLE Flllll· Clll Ol'I ttila 1mmecut1te 3 Br 'home wllh enclosed pa-l~~~·~l~1~·~l~H~O~~~l 11o, ramlly rm. sprtnklerl 1: and more Owner an-..1.NI lllm lllf xtous $129.500 Catt •••••••••••••••••••••• 979.5370 tn• IAIU 1· ... 210 GRANO CANAL \ f : ·I l I t i I:. 11 I• f ;, ' ' \ •t I ..... , ~t ' little lal•nd Sb•rp 3 ------~~-I Bdrm 2 bath on the ... -• - FIXER UPPER with a llllle lmaglnallon 1h1s 4 bdrm , 2'1, be could be a dream home GOOd location Vanderblll Model In Parl\ Homa.. $209,900. ~I.~~~. ~t.~ ••• !.~f OLDE LAGUNA CH,t.RM Unique 2 bdrm lloor plan. 1 t>ath, llv rm w/ beamed celllnga. hard-wooo noora & cozy log burning frplc. $167,500 Full Price. MISSION REAL TY 494-0731 IAYVIEW CllH Under Market $24,000 down and owner will carry $215,000" 1ow1 •• 1 Bdrm plus den or 2 bdrm Ron say. Agt S4&-teo1 H IAlllll llUll One of the trvty great Estates of H11t>or tslmnd -The Martha's Vlnayatd of Newport Beach. A llghthooae mansion bullt ol river roek -elate roof Hand hewn l\oofs -car- ved doa<s -antique llx- 1 urea Lawns & aendy beach. Dock for a tg y•cht S7,000.000 Bllr· bera Aune 642-8235 (F52) '!/'!:Macnab· lrvtne OCEANFRONT Moblle ...... _ ...... _ Homes. Mve<al. $80.000. -------'"'"'.'.'".,....,.. Pvt. 499-3816 '••"• 1111 ----.. '.'.'.'.'1"."'.l---~-::-1 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~l.~~~ .... !! .... J.... nEIOI N'N"f lest •••H Ins t~lbla bMuty on 2th Co-ops from S39.ooo KnJ• wltn marble, o8lc equity price. Condo• paneling, stone columna, from $75,000 full prlOe Iron fence, g1ta1 •nd Latsura WOl'ld Resalas o qu11t1e landacaplng. 24221 Puao de Valencia S 1 ,295,000 -eubm lt. Lag Hiiie 714/837-5500 Rick Alderette Realtor/ Devalopef. 731 .... 4 ,....,., Jtuj "" '!!~!!.~!!!~.'! ..... • .-•• ~;;; •••••••••••••• lleltllt ~ ~ l•Wt II# $400,000 Total Prtcal ;.;;;;rt·~··o;•A;; Betl buy on ooeenftont. b ayl ront Park. Mi nt xlnt toe. $:125,000 casti + d •7• d"'' ......._ ..... H1um•bla S75K, 10% :"808 ~ ~i.;9' '" ::: ,, ,)i,·1•m11111 Sca\\.<ilµ-~t.~'E>· .... .... watttr ow e. $575,000. ·--· ... _ UNIQUE HOMES In this 4 Bdrm homa with All• or Tom Boland add-on lamtty rm. Many TO. 0-. 840-7990. $58,sOo. Alao 2. bf., 2 ba., double wide. oor'* ant1111LJ lot 130,000. Biii Grundy '"'" llarhur lll\l''ll11l'lll l'n -----....,..., aAY .. '°"""" w1:1~~~~~~~ =~ ·~ .. ::r _: :: ~~~~§~ -._ "' '"'"' ,_ 11mple _,,. E~;,..· ~ ................. ~---~~~-.. WW I S AYlNH I =: I I I I' I S If It 's got whffts :! you'll move it I • o H Y a I 1 , : fa1ter In a -.... ,, ...... ,-,--.,.---4 :: Dally Piiot I = cla11iffed I L ( L R 0 1 ... 1 Thi Ill In my llOIMl-n ,, ..,, ad. Clll • I I I' I .,. t0 bad, tM 1al.l 11"'8 1 ... 676-«>00 aJt trH Including naw car~ Leroa aNWnabi. .... ,,.,.,.,. 1111 ................•..... io.n end owner win u -llet. S 136,000. Call IOI' mOf41 lt'llO 010.-~10 AOUL T MOBILE HOME _t_7_H_1_8_1·----- PAAK on th• Bay. t ............... bdrm. den, I b• M0.000; 2 bdm'I, 1'At be. adlt9, 3 bf , 2 ba se&,llOQ, 2 I -·-0-. •mt -,....; bdrm turn. $46,000. 2 .... .,.... ..,., "' ,._. ""'· bdrm IU,000. 300 E. Nr. lhooolno. Low '9nt. N•llU. PlllT Ott Hwy Unit 1 t3, Hew· _'2_6_·000 __ 1414_,..'··..,2984~.._,..,,..-on~h:1lp'. lxcellenl Po t I 8 I I e h . 8 k r . l.IVE AT llACHI 1IA \ t >I/. / 1l F ti eon<11tton. s ldrm, auper ------::o-':':"""-t tr&-33-41 Nwp1 9oh '"' a1s.ooo new kltonan and b•tha, 'LMlt/L ... .,.... --------l3000 ctn, 1315 P«Yt ... patio. 13&t.ooo. 11u fl-".., •ITllll Ill.I 530-692' dy. 631-1471 nanclng, Hew 3 9, 3 la Coftdoe. Take O¥el peymentt al ., N-port $ohool1. '°" 11,&oe per '"°""" Owe _O_O_l_A_N_,_A_O_N_T_M_o_b_ll_• 11n8"Clng al 11~ 210 11'°,000. Vllue lll)pn)L "°"'91. ........ llOOOO. 11111. Pl. Open ll·I ltt/ I 1H ,OOO. a bdtl'll, 2\.t PY\. 41e-M1t • , '' .. .. 2 • ._..71 •ftd .__.__....._.__..__. lflell I ""' a little old lady l it• --• ...--------.''"O on • perk blncll knlt1lno l.ttti. MIM Mun.t Nt on a I f rlendly I 5 I " L U C ,-. ='·.:!.0 ';1.J•:e.,.: ad·vlsor wlll t---,11"1"''"'1--.,l',..,.l -y-I .., e c-.... "'" dwd.lt _... d111y ,not c1ae11111d help you turn --. . · · f9ll l:..'l:i..':. =. ;:J:;:,: aun, ~ 1•1. JoM f1lot ballt townltouM. Mall• -liiiiiiiiiii-• • '"0 t oflet• lllWMd. Ctll 0-.V I :~ ;!;_ • u or A 11 1 t 0 • I ' I 4 o r ..,~rftiiiiiir-l-•-n.u--1-•·----1 ;;,;;;;;;;;;...._ ___ ___, ~o?.,!"!!1~ flftMLM• A PETE BARRETT RlAL!Y MCt!On ~ Miii MUf• ........._, =··~i_ = ":'.; r:.:'ci;r I • 5'',~t=lf,ultiii ~ I' r r !' r r I r.'(.,Tt,,,':-111~ ! !f#[,.ii' tmoc I I I I I I I ~· •iii,eoo .• ..,, I ~•w1101.r HllOHTI ClaHlll•d A•• •r• Ht• be ~ '""· OWN/ GONDO ......... ~ tnewet lo I \ICOtt!f11I Alt ~ •· W11•1 ,... Md= '°" .., ... °' ~· ..... ".. • .... ,... dn. ... ~ hit., Wly le ttjj lf\Orl .;;..;...;...;.-.;.;. _____ l ltrM lf"l"f f!f, 010 • ~~o:J'IJ,$/p\',11.g -~~~~~~~~~~~'·!!!••!:U!:!!m~ .. ~S!!d~I •!,.!•!!"!•!•!•1!!11!.,!H!!H -~--------...,,J---~~~::::::a::::::a===-~ WWW Aft Otill .., ... .,. lfllMIM . , ... , ... • " t ,, ... '' ••P P V t V4""" •F!U a # c .. • • op 0 4 I a o 4 "1 DI Real Estate DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Seti your no-long1<-needed Item• for c11h. If It doean'.t sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads Call today for full detalla. Noft•refuMeMf, •• ,,. ~ ,,,., 3 3DAYS INES CLAS81FIED8642•5678 OLLAR& 01•1r J.,/ l•t•I• 81•111 U•lu•ldll N11111 UalJnddH B1•111 Ualatal1'" 'H111fl Ual1tal1•11 A,arl•••I• A111t•Hl1 • • •• ·: •••• • • •• • • • • • • •• 1 • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • ••• • •• • U•l•t•l•AN U•I• •I AN ,,,,, ... ,, ••• ,,,, ,, s.,,, 4300 011/tf ... ,,, 4100 0.1.,.1.1" ··•••••••••·•••••••··· ····•••••····•••······ ··•··••·•·····•·•····· ..•••••.••••...........•.....•.••...••...... C•;•"'!'I llOO f!!!~.' •• ~!!!f!!.}.~~~ !t~~!~~J~!!~./.~~f •••• ~...f!!~••••••••••• J ASMINE CREEK 3Br, HOME FOR RENT Turrur JZfO T•1ll• 3110 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• ! •• t ... •••••••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• • ••• • • ••• • •• • ••• •• ,,,.,, ,,,,., JIOI " ,,, •11~ •••••..••••••••..••••• ~!!!~.~!!~ •••.•. ;' ••• ? ••••••••••.•.•.•.•••. • 1 1111 a HIT oun s L•guna, Cou1 Hwy lit llfWNrl '"~" Jiii Working l&Ol@a over 40 3 A•Cl'I B•Y 500 1q. ~I ••••'r••••••••••••••••• w1lltng lo telk DDOUI lln wlgooo l'lwy vl11blll1y ~ Vrly 2 bdrm. 1 bl Deck. Flieplaot o ool dl•h ldry No pelt 18116 wllhlt, p~ 01110 JC LO A,,U VAllff den, 2 rrplce, end unit 3 9drm. $780. Fenot d Guerded community yl rd & g1rag1 Kid• & CALL IT HOME .A'," •• T Olrlll 8M lhlrlng I hOuMI 4111 2351 INewpo11 aree) Cell ------Tu lltielter Pool & ttnnle S 1850, pe11 ..,..come 545-2000 Ne&r new 4.p11x. 2 bdrm, Agt 780-9333 Agent. no 111 2 bll h tlCh unit with lllAOIUTI 11re111ece. enclosed p1110, C11t1 11111 3114 Hull•fl•• --o•rege. 9v.-111 Poe. •••••••••••••••••••••• lfati '140 i & 2 Bedroo ms, lmmedl ately cn h llow Now $159, •IW TOWlltlHI •••••••••••••••••••••• a va llable . Optional 1 year lease. 500 Biii Grundy. Rllr. 2 Br, 2'1t bl, plul lrple, 2 OC·RENTALS Deluxe livlng at 675-6161 cer gar, pool, lac. all wl· 1·5br'1'200 10 12000 thin Diking 01111nce 10 750-"1" oPI" 7-d•Y• TIE lllllllWlll HPH b • ae h $ 8 o O I m o TU IHELTH 875•2311 or 548•2239 3br/2ba. Walk 10 t>eacll Beautiful Park like setting. Walk to FOil lllVHTHlll oc-RENTALS ~~n~'::plng.~ 0~.h~~~ shopping. Close to freeways. Pool, san ciementa pride 01 1·5br'e s200 10 s2000 l ease. 964-6223 b et fireside lounge. sauna. Gas Included ownership Modern Spa· 750-3314 ooen 7-d•Y• 9em. t o cool, heat and c ook w ith. All 076-03•9 Oer d en 2 er S580 IO' IHI IHk T L II 8•2·7563 Sun· Summe• t h.,e enfoY 111 Clo.y lhru Tnuraday alle< 8 f!!~~-~!!."!!! •. !.~~~ _6_6_7_·_21_4_1 ____ _ N11r 8horeclltt 2 Br lerg. 2 BA, relrlg, encl g1r fl{t deck•. 2 Clf pon. ..30 plue S250 H C trplc, rtlrlge, pool. Oo· ~6-034 1 atl I 30PM 2B1 own parhlng wlk 10 P m cupa ncy July 3rd $79 5/mo 8 75-2444, 673-4442. Bachelor Apt 1 room wllh ~. Ba. W1tk to beach, all utll1 paid, no kllohen. $300/mo Cell Mon-Fri 5•9·9322 1>ch 1960 mo 1m1n I Uey bee~ view E·blufl mo I Avail July 1 1000 pv1 •o 11 en11re ISi 675-0852 lloor Incl den 2 Dr. lull "490 2 BR, poot, untul A7.,'; opporlunlly 10 ,.. b11lh 159 0444 eve leble for cnlldr~ 32&J s E 1 17 h Pl &•& 5137 11 •e 11 betulllul A Quiel M lo thr Irvine 2 br 111 · • 1 ISLAND lovely ··a1m1nl I IPI w/eeme norumkr em Plan 2 Br Oen, 2'/t Be 11relg111. S28S + > ullls Lge 2 br. 2 be. redec lull eecurll y plu• every 857 096 Pool Relrlg No pell concelveble amanny For I ------ S 4 1 5 8 '4 6 . 7 3 1 9 1nforma11on c all 7 14/ 2 rrnrn1ea wanled 10 shr 873-0884 8<14-54114 3Br furn S Laguna l'lme 111ah style to ur un11 -1-rw--1-1-Wl--,-1.-1-1-1·2-B-R-,,-,..-b-.-.-P-.-11-0.-ga-r-.' extras are here and you too w lll want op1rtment house wllh Vorklow VIiia S600 t o Convenient studio, $475, BAY TIMBERS PenlhouH, 2 Br & a 1011 ocean, hlll• & goll course 3 Br, 2'11bl , p1u1 fire-960 ,.065n 1· · IE" So 01 Hwy, clean. hide· Spacious 1 Br frplc pool ocean view 11nn1• 1e Fl a beamed ce11 sun· OIW.k uen vu $275 par- aon plu• '~ u111 499-4884 view. CIOH 10 everything, piece, 2 car git , pool, __ -________ , UQALL IT Ill 1w1y kllchen Pvt pello, & more cu 111 S 13IiS1 mo only t hree years 010 , l•c. all wllhln biking di•· House on e hlll3Br, ,.,.,Be, Santa Ana Fwy & Newport Av, e xit. pool, lndry 752·5065 or 646-9883 631-6000 MMMfE Wenled 10 shr 3 shows like NEWI Seller 1 • n c I IO b ••Ch garage, tned. yd. kid• & 6"8-3178 --------tir nome 1n Univ Park will help finance & eave $900/mo 875-2311 or pets 01< 1750 mo Bkr left o n Walnut to 1322 S.E Walnut NEW BREED APTS Lux Nwpt Ben Apl kll area of 1rv1r1e Fem. non· buyer lhousands ol 548-2239 631..,.320 Oall l"2·lllO 2 Br Apl $700/mo Plus BACH WILOFT Frplc, chen lrg bOrm II De •m"• Muj'I oe neat & d II 111 S 111 1 1 ----------' • u111a rec room. pool. 1acuu1 Furn pool ape gym '" •eapona•Dle Pvl pool & 0 ars • ng pr ca 0 IE OIE IF UEOm"E •llE 120 1148 & d cld• 111 S325t 1 $325.000 Is ~av "'-tow ., ----------• I gas w11er pal No u '· mo Pus Jilt Comm tfinn1s •poor ~ ' "" O ~M.4fa~.£.M.4M..i c S 100 a t 7 "' 0 current replacement TIE LI lY FEW South Hun1 Beach. 'Ii C I # 3124 pets 393 H1mll1on, M ap Av /1 Any· l Olks away S350 mo cost! PRINCI PALS Renl In Co111 Mesa's mile to lh• surt. 4 Br £ I .!!.~ ... !!~••••••••••• 645-441 1 lime 631·382° Call Aozy 640-3654 ONLY! Cell owner al N EW EST g a t ed 20 oluafamlly,pool &ap1 .fl.~'!~.,,.'.'.t .. !J.~~.~!.'!r.!!.~f!~ ... !.~~~ •Clean3br nrSCPl~I. H•ali·•il•• Si•Jaia _dayso111y (7 14) 6<12·0136. Town home VILLAG E Vecanl. New pelnl. Sub· SA Gar, pool, 1p1 $780. COMMUNITY 2 & 3 Br. mil on children & p1t1. NCREOIBLE Old Medi· POOL HOME. 3 Br. him Chlld ok 752·5822 or IHC 3140 Clfillllatl Jl111MIF to shr NE Hunt1ng- •WPT ION OfO ILDI 2,;, Ba. 1600•1800 •o. fl Straight 11181 or lease te rrenean V i tia on rm, den. remooaled, 6,.1•1460 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• •••••••••••••••• ton Bch l'lse pets Ok 300 IQ 11 2 office tu•te $300/mO Mark 673·6608 IEWPOAT PHllllU 940 sq 11 prime exec olllca IPICI Merh 673-6606 NEWPORT BEACH "Turn Key" Office $3110 Br ancn office S 75 Seminar m1111lng room~ hOurly Typing, m1111ng. pnones Call for Info 752·6•08 ------A1rpor1 area • Exec Su•· 1es From 225·•50 sq It S 1 per SQ 11 Meny xtru Call 557-7010 o re for rent lull 0t part 191h SI C M Xtn1 lron1 ore loc Av111 1mmao 540· 1287 TOP LOCATION, Harbor Baker Cenlar, 3011-23 Harbor Bid CM 580 & 1250 sq 11 M gr 645-8100. 5•9· 1366 12,000 sq 11 Owner/ of pure luxury Garagae, wllh opllon. Sll60/mo oceanfront, leaded win-oeeul patio St•OO. Agl. ----------Ooluu poolalde, 1ma lar· J bdrm. 2 ba condo, 1 982-5759 Investor u'" Xlnt un-spas In ever y home . Own.r/Agl'11. Cell lor ~~~~.n::~~v~r='."~·b~ 760·9333 1H.2 "'·a "'· ge 2br , 2ba. bltns. S10:~9~~f1e1~3~~f46 LIDO ISLE $375/mo •• IEWPOllT IUCI derlylng fin Motivated master suite. dlnlng 1_•_P_P_1._7_80_·8_0_•_1 ____ gar .. pvt. beach cove Blulla condo ' br, 2'~ ba, Newly decor Gu po, dswhr, 1'11 mll••s baech · • ut•I non-smoker IHIOA1. SllTE seller rooms, wood burning 3Br. 2Ba. nr Megnolll & 12.950, per mo Yrly. $875 mo encl gar. Owehr. pool, ~~~~~~.;;o pets 500mo Ai1rt•t•ll F9tal••H Carol 575.9449 Pre•ler ltoatlea. 771-041515•6-62"() flreplecea. micro-wave Garlleld. new p1lnt1d, 71•-840-5629 Agt 6"•· 1133 bbg Adultt, no peta or V11/91a 3900 f Rmmte wanteo 10 shr CartlH 114111. 0 FF ICE SP • c E F o ovens, Orlvate palloe & c""'an $700 mo Grdnr 1----------B B 3 B 6"2•5073 WlllFFLE.TA££ " R "' £ B.'ll 3ZSO eeul spec 4 r. a. • • •• • • •• ••• ••• ••••• •• • lam11y type atmosphere 900 Sii • amenit•-s E SE C yaros,gardener provl· Incl 96"·5302, 963·5796 ••••• I I C $e..&Wf110 ..., ta~ on ~oas~r~wyna. ~P-el ded Elegani living only ----------•·••'••••••••••••••••••• ondo incl aep ouer1ers, lleSliBJIU ~o!e2m00Brels01ic0o0~n1Spo8n s;111 " E C M home 642·9835 U3·2HO 15 m1nutea from FHhlon 3Br. 2Ba. slngle story ACANT 2 br & den egl. • u 10m a 1 1 c g 8 r VILLAGE 3 o h h ------pr OK 2,000 SQ It Xln1 Island. 7 minutes 10 S C 1wnhse, wl emenlllee. nr SI ory condo 1 n qui el S 1300/mo. 760-9313. Gym Sauna e I c 0 rm Ml 9 are w/ stu· 2nd 11001 walk·uo offices stonaoe. prot oecoraled Plaza or 0 C Alrporl bch. $775 mo 962-0607 •dull araa. Newly dec'd APARTIIEITS 646-0619 New 1&2 bdrm lullury dent5 nr OCC $200 plus S 125 & S 165 monthly. Call IOI' d111111s week· Just east ol Newporl • 1"• be, air, bltna, lrlge, IAYFROIT Beaulllully landscaped 2Br, l'n Ba, $375 mo + apts In 14 plans 1 Bdrm I 548-8465 U11ls pd CrplS Orapes, days. 751·6191 Blvd. & ao of San Diego B•al,.11•• w/d. cpta, drpe. 2 car JQt leat ltok garden epts Pool & Spa $375 dap Cpts, drps, nr I lrom $515 2 bdrm from Resp lem non-smkr prel I Pane I I 1 n g Co M I z Frwy. Staf11ng 11 $900 a B•r'-u JZ4Z encl gar Cov'd pallo. Summe1·a here · enJoy 111 Covered parking No Beach Blvd & McFad· S570 Townhouse from share 3 bdrm hse Avail 752-1830 .'!!~!'!!.~!!t!!!t ••• ~ month 831-5439, 2473 '•••••••••••••••••••••• no pela. $650 mo. Agt 2Br, own parking, wlk to pets den No pets 893.4994 s540 +pools. l enn1a 1mmed $230 631·0135. ----0-.-.1-"'-1--- GllTS WAITEI Orang e Ave , Coau 3Br. 3Ba, w/boat <Jock 586·6137 bch $950 mo (min 1 Bachelor s4oo waterfalls, ponds! Gas 975-0700 usa "" • Mesa. S1•50 mo. mo I Avail July 1 2 Br 1.,, Ba 5525 $400 furn or unlurn 1 Br for cool\1ng & heollng 1-----------1 1 ofc 300 IQ ti at $250 rra<le 101 NB ocean· ----------I 840-173! 3 br. 2 ba adult lwnl'ISe. 675•0652 t61 E 181h 642•0856 pool. spa. 18992 Florida paid From San 01ego Pre• Prof over 40 beau 2 per mo 1 ore 500 sq 11 lronl home Own er Convenient 3Br 2ba, lam, view, nr pool, nr shop-~=:::-;:;;::::-;:;::=:--:;-;;::-iilllillliiicllil ... llliiliillliiiiiitl 8•2·2834. 842·3172 Frwy d11ve North on1 bdrm. 2 oa furn Ocean al $400 per mo Call $800,000 3711 Sea· 2 I/pa. wtd. rig. gas /maf JJ44 ping & fwye_ 1 ot hll'lld Harbor View Homes 4 Br -------------------• Beech to McFadden 10 1 lroni condo No Laguna I 11•~3~200 shore 673·6578 BBQ, fence, dbl g ar. •••••••••••••••••••••• over 35. $650 497.3973 J'h Ba separate milds 111£1. OCCIPAIOYI Bachelor slove & relrig 5 Se aw 1 n d vi 11 age S 4 2 5 mo Sh a r on --------- EAST SIDE TRIPLEX 2 w lr /gdnr $875 . LEASESll £ 11. I 3ZSZ ouarlers, beaulllul oak $425/mo 2 Br. 1 Ba blkstobeach ut11s1nc1 1714)893-5198 497-4159 Leasealtlh1 bdrm Spanish house plus 556· 14•8 3 Bdrm detached homes • !l.~'!~ .. !I!.! •.• ••••. parquet floor· L R & D R a pis Plllos, carports _s_3_50 __ 9_60_·_8_2_6_3 ____ IH•I 4000 Employed fem 2 BR. 2 Ba Owner desires partner lo 2 I-bdrm aplS. $18,000 USTSllE In eKcellent area Avail• 4 br & den, 2 ba, din rm, lrg Famlly Room fish Sm pal ok Won't last at 2 Br. 1 Ba No pets. Quiel •••••••••••••••••••••• gd loc Non·smkr S2•0 lease 7500 II or new yearly gross Sep mete-b l e l mmed l e l e ly frplc. prlv elrium. rec pond with walerlall lhl1or1ce• 11ee. RaaOy nowl $455 EastS1de C M. Furn prov 963·6216 I space in Huniington red $195 000 OWC lrlffaay Wee4s $800/moon I year lease cir. tennis pool. pvt $l600/mo 557-7372 TSL Mgmt 642·1603 plusdepos11 •25·A12th room and bath Reing LADIES ONLY Beaulllul Beacn Lease guar a 1 303·887-2887 Owner 3 Br 3 Ba lrplc, micro. Five others lo choose beach S 1500 759· 1•65 Co•d••i•ia•I Spacious 2 Br 1 Be s425 St $285 percent ownership in 60. deck. Pool • !Anni s. from. We're lhe ones to I 673 754• Npt Beach private home 000 sq U Olag close to Costa Mesa Triplex. East· 5825/mo 8°46~11 64 call for leUM #/Hit• V/111 381 Vafar•i1•H 34ZS 3 Br I '• Ba S•75 Near oeach 2 Br 1 •~ Ba . .. S325mo 646-5355 Deacn No dn p1ym·1 :i•da Good income and 3 ~ •••••••••••'/•••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Laundry lac ·pool crpls, drp1, bit-Ins, lrplc.j Rm 1n large house. lndryl 27+ nonsmkr 10 sh• 3 br Ca 11 Mr Br oo ks 108n1 3 Br owner's unit days, 545•95.c eves. \\bocfbrldge HOME FOR RENT Resort-like adult lract nr S•8·9556 enclsd garage S595tmo lac. kitchen, Costa Mesa twnhSe, $300 ... , ut•I• _2_1_4_1_59_6_·_2_10_5 ___ _ 7 yrs old $235,000, agl 2 br. 1 be, WIO hook-up, 3 Bdrm. $750. Fenced SC P•za. Pool, grdnr 1----------1 Call 536 0921 s2101mo 957 3955 ~ Re Ir • DI 16 N t 5•75 •Clean 2 Br MacAf1hur • • S42_·2_8~~:_~~3-·~~3_5 __ ,0FFICE SPACE lor lease, 833-2650. 673·8849 gar No pe u . $475. i 1J y•rd & garage. Kids o UK r. o pa s .. 2 17 8 0 P I e c en II a SSI·"""" pels welcome. 5•5·2000. & $35 ul ll 775·2580. Vig , S.A. Tennis, pool, Christian home k1I prlv. $225/mo neor OCC in approx 2.000 sq II ol pvt ESTATE SALE 545.7993 ""'"' Agent. no fee Highly upgraded & clean l spa $600 A dults. quiet Slra1g111 male Nr Costa Mesa Call any-01t1ces General work =::--:;:;-:-::-:;::-:;:-:;--;;-::-=:--:;-l-~m~•B~1!!r'.!r!!•n!!.!r:!•...!P~~!.!"~' ... ·'!!r!.•l!!!nr 752-5622 or 641·1•60 beech $275 +urns. Lag time 850.9160 areas plus recepllon E/Slde C M Property, 3 New Condo 2·3 Bdrm. 3 • l1w•rl lf1d 3211 Bell 499-2286 I room Prol decorated units $125.000 (disc. Bath Child, pet ok. Rent IEITW ... *'"; ................ • • Westside Lg I Br w f Female 18·25 10 11ve Xlnl toca11on At the 405 30KI Xlni opply Rualy. now buy lallf. Cell for 2, 3 end" bdrme from Blutl1 area condo. 4 Br Ar._rl•••ll f•rallllH carpor1, 0/W, lndry, avail Lido Isle M. $350/mo I aDoard 57 Yacht in Fwy & Harbor Blvd exit, non·rllr 1·821·9006 or det alle 831-6055 or $625 lo S1300 2'hbl. frplc. gar wl elec C• ••··~·•••••••••;1•1•• 7·2 1"00 mo 6"5-6625 • Stcu111y G11t1 summer or $300/mo yrly Newoor1 Beach Call Costa Mesa F0t mQfe (213) 9•4-0351 X3486 642 2000 b opnr New cpts & paint 1111 ,.,,. ~ 4 1 b 1 d f • P~1 • Aec Room Incl clubhse tennis • Or come y $"75/mo. "'••5512 ····c·A··s·A···o·E··a··R·a····· "stove. gar n ry ac w .. A n swer Ad : 5 7 6 1n l o Clll weekdays If OH Ilia, lhllrl, 380 W Wllaon. • .,._.. Close to OCC Avail 711 • 1 & 2 811 P1110 Apts beach ullls 675·2055 642-4300 24 hrs. 751·6191 R1101I 2400 Nice ciean 2 Br 1 Ba. fned 91 c ,., ... 1 • ALL UTILITIES PAID x m P•• Quar· Roommete to shr 2Br apl 0 FF ICE S P ACE F 0 R W I II'' 3 B.., 1., b 1"50 5•8-72 " • liaroen lanoscaP•l\9 E ec h e NB •ff I ------- •••••••••••••••••••••• yard encl1d gerege. $900 mo. Alao Irv. Terr. 1 BR APT 0 /W, New • Oisnwulle•s l B80 s ters 1 Br & ba. prof M/F lemala, $160 mo + •, LEASE In Corona oar UKEAAAOWllW Child ok , no Piii. 4 BR 2'1t Ba,S1•oomo Compare before you palnr&cots anddrapes •JootoBucn &Snops over 40 Pn644·l905 ulll 548-2902 547-7616 Mar onCoa11Hwy ap- Lake rron1/Hamll1a1r 4 $550/mo plus aecurlty. Both Iran & clean. no renl Custom desig n Ca rport $375/mo Back Bay NB Prtv rm , pro>< 2.000 sq 11 Xlnt bOrm. 3 be $675,000 254" Oran ge "D' '. pets Avl now 646-2389 lea lures Pool. bbQ, 851·2175 $175 mo 1nc1 u111 Young 9!!!1.~~J!!.~'.".~!.~~~I s1gnage, prof decorated owe 714·848-3278 548·2778 QC-RENTALS cov'rd garage, surroun· 2 Br. pool. garage 5525 woman Non·smkr Single. nr Laguna's Main! Call tor details week· R r. We1111de 2 Br. 1 Ba. lncd 1·5br'I S200 lo $2000 ded wllh plush landsca· mo. No pets. 1395 "B" i....:al 3144 646-5559 BeAch Cenier of town oays 751•6191 ••c•fl, II••, palio enct•d 'h 750-3314 O"'"" 7-day• Ping No pets. W B k 641 0763 ••• S6S mo •94 3044 I GroFll 1100 new c1rpe11, ~~~·p~:: 't5,~ CAM""Dl:JRV!1'£ ,._.. 1 Br furn. $500 __ e_e_r __ • ---i •••••••••••••••••••••• H111J1 lloltl• 4100 .. . OFFIOE/HTAIL •• •• • •• ••• •• ••• •••••• • -··---IEACH HOUSE 365 W Wiison 6"2· 1971 llSTAIT Ill Woodbridge Condo 2 br. •• ••• ·'··· ••••• ••• • • •• Storage garage for rent 80¢/SQ It Sa Cll',.•1u paint. No pels S•ll5/mo Patio home, 2 BR, den. 2 ba 1 year ne In lnl S"•URl IOTEL 328 N New""'t •v 1200 " "' 1 1 5 6 5 2 (Sllllll) S430mo. 2 Br 1 Ba pool. • w x "" on Bat boa Peninsula """ "' ' Pus aecur ly " • 44 · fplc, central •Ir. $725. 5400 Attrec1lva furn. 1 Br, area Destrable upper Wkly rentals now avail nei.1 1o Fun zone 10•, x, sq It, ground floor Call QIALITY LIFESTYLE 770-5629 Vogel Pacific 6•0-8181 By the monll'I only BUT den Lg patio. gar Ma-laundry rm · eas1Slde end unu All Woodbridge s 1•0 & up Color TV 20'• 673-2943 Pele Johnson. 631·1266. Northern San O.ego Cty .. Cozy 2 Br Cottage, front 2 Bd plus den. Deerfield only $900/mo fOf 2 Br 2 lure. quiet 1dul1 No pal. Call for •PPI amenllles Near park. Phones 1n room 22H I I des111ble area "5 ac & back yard SS75 plus l wnhm S750tmo Call Ba, walk lo beech Aval!. 1·213·•54-5104 _T_S_L_M...;g_m_1 __ 6"_2_._160_3-1 pool & more $650 mo Newpor1 Blvd CM Olli" IHl•l 4400 avocado ea1a1e Excell 1 1 6 3 1 9 2 5 2 C from June 20 1----------. 1 Br gar11"e vard No Ca 11 Joe Ry bus 646-7445 •••• •••••••••••••••••• PrOducuon & Investment ~52' 3s500 • • harley 559-94oo Agt BHll•1I•• pets S•2S/m~ 367 B 551-0324 9·6 520 SQ It S1 00 per sq Grove under prolesslo· --·-------TIRn!AIOI 2Br, boat dck $500/wh l11d 3140 Hamlllon. 641·0783 8 [AC H AR [A fl 3975 Btrch NB -- nal mgml 3,000 SQ ti SPECIAL 2br "EXTRAS • Lovely 3 br, 2 ba, tam •••••••••••••••••••••• ----------<f!l.".'!~.~'.•.cj. .. }.~~~ I Agen1S•1·5032 Costa Mesa 200 sq fl lo nome. elegantly oecora-Lg gar. 11k·UP. yd, S•7S rm. crpls. drp1, blllns, 1Br. boat dck S•OOtwk 2 BR garden apt New OOUIF $77 / k I '617 w 111 NB W 2600 SQ II 40¢ per SQ. nio11ous upstetrs studio 546-9950 Most el""Bnt apl Oldg financial inst OOs 1 mies Corp 675·6700 10d 3 Bdrm, 2·~ Bath. OC·RENTALS 750-3314 1 $9 50 mo 1 yr 1111 JACOU llULTY H.l.'s flllEST paint No pets S•40/mo RHT W eSlc• 70 an1 1 11 & up Call Raalono· • A REAL FINO 673-5820 eves & wilnds PflOP IWIEMEIT SpanlSh E11ate Uvlngl 1 L -• B h K11chenet1e·Mald-Poo1 1 s 1 r 1 o or Age n 1 w/360 deg view Scenic 2br w/nlce 0 0 Beautiful perk-Ilka sur-PINE BLUFF APTS n aguna eac finest Nwp1 Blvd & Wiison 541 -5032 4 de1u1e ollices, strategic wood deck, spa. Com· patio, lndry. kids 5430 1 w DBRIOGE 2 Dr, I bl lll-lllJ roundlngs Terraced 2 Br 2 Ba 1 child Ok, no location In town, breath· Costa Mesa 546·9755 1oca1101'l on Beach Blvd otetely chain linked. DC-RENTALS 750 ,..31• con d o , c a rpor t , 1 s k b p 1 1 1 1 taklngvtews.allbullHns, ---------HB F 1 1 $200.000 In assum1ble __ ..,, .. S615/mo 4 Br 3 Ba, beaut decor. ~~~kllun~ e~o~~~al~~· fa~'~ul a~~;, v;:S s~~vce he a I e d Po o I , Sa••tr R11111J1 4200 sign ~~:a ex~~~u•:Q f1e ltnanc.lng a1 approx. OC BEST 951-4543 Birdie lrg deck. lab vu, guar-Spacious rooms Sepa-ss80 631_6107 sub ·garage, elav1to1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Ownr 2l3-"50~555 10•1, Reduced from 4 br w/lrg gar, -T-1-1 --11-1---1-1-4-1 d$2e700d g a 11 • H H rale dining eraa Wall\·ln ----------1 Lease only $850 & up l•tofaoular l,I, $437 .000 l o $398,000. spa & pool, bll·lns $595 ~~ 2~": ..;,,i:,m:~~,! ~m /mo. cloaeta. home like kltCh· Light Brlla. Airy & Brand 330 CUN Dr 494-8083 Summer rental Spiral ./ PRIME OFFICE SPACE Brochure avail Con1ac1. OC-RENTALS 750-331• · New 2 B1 2 Ba frplc, 2 O ._ O _. stalls. s1cyt1ghls. ./"" c __ ., CORONA OEL MAR Sara Pentz or Al Ogle elrlum. $975. 675-9005. 3 Br 3Ba. vu. pool, len-en & cabinets Walk 10 car garage. pool, spa Ot81neat •••• lrplc, PY1 spa 1'~ blks ./_,..,...... _... 675-9510 7 I 4 • 7 5 8. 3 0 5" o; Brano new beaut condo 6"2·3153. n 11 , g u., de d 0 e 1 e Hunllnglon Center. From $7115 55 7 ·2360. Eleglllll 2 BR. den. 3 Ba beach Weekly 855-1743 ./ r....... 1 II. Ffl"tt 714•758•3150 Agent. 2 maatlf aultee, lrplc, 2 -W--0-1-11-1-2-.-.-111--H-1 $1700/mo 2 Bd1 Brmd•_m1u·rfnur,nro'mS50S605 5 545.3115 woodburnlng fplc, pool, /,,,..._._ .... , iu p 1 car gar 8S0.9778 days, -$1500 lse •99·3529, Summer monll'lly rental, ,/ • ...,, --· I .. C t rinc pat 960-6233 evlwknds Turtle Rock 3 palloe, 2 Bdrm Townhouse furn S..25·S•35tmo 2 Br 1 Ba 605-969·5328 Julw or Aug on ou•el / :~ ..,·,--••II•" •• er R J • I d I 2400 2 Br 3 Ba, den, b1y1ron1, I $675 d I , ~ -~ First CIHS . lull SBIVIC& ti •lllll 4 BR. 2 ba, rec l•c'a 1 vew, en unt, eq pou boal dock. sec rom apt . beame eel 1ng. C Balboa Pan1n 2 BR, EXEC offices Includes • • ••oo S C ti. frplc. bar, bonue rm, bldg, $1600/mo Bob or laundry rm , pool Avail NI E 2 Br Iba. trlplex, compl rum home Reas •Xt ••1.• -blk o SI. Plau. Sgle. comm pool & 1ennl1 0 I I< 1 R I No pets. July Call '°' •PPI pallo. gar. refrlg. $650 Cpls pre I. no pets I a ll amentl les From ···wai·i ii0iiilt•• $~s'o8~~ P°u1r~~~!! ~:~. s 11001ino 855-2882 · M~~.~59~f~·1 •g • • ut11ioes Freet TSL Mgm• 642-1603 520 s1 Anns 536-1453 675•5638, 837.7949 __________ ,_s_2_2_5_1_m_o_s.._4._1_1_8_9 __ Lake Arrowhead home. pou. 960-6638 Deertleld 3Br 2'hba, fi r, "I' lllT SLIP LA QUINTA HERMOSA S500tmo. 2 Br 1 Ba. UP· wkdys OCEAN FRONT Dix 4Br, •HLIXE OFFICES* Harbor & Baker 2•0 sq h Hamlltalr 1oc .• ror 40-50' , lwnhse end unll. dbl gar, e per unit, enclsd gar..,,e. 1 Br apt. Arch Bea ch 2B 2 I From 1room10 3 rooms ht floor, private enlran· CONDO 3 br 2/t bl 2 Lu.: 3 Br 2'h Be condo 1821 1 Perkslde Ln,1 blk -• s a, car gar . avai ce $200/mo 6•1·132• sport fishing boat Call F I , I . pallo, Ale. $795, lae Agt l'h . blk t V I . W ol Beach, 3 blks S. ot patio, all blHn1, laundry Hu1e111ghcl'o'n1a4c71 5.,lmkeo R1u",c_1 711. 7 11 O, 817 . 814' 1 From S 1 16 a sq II No wkdya 752· 7691 sty rp ' pallo, poo . nr 552·5384 c o ocean. r y. rm ..., 875· 7386. 535·6017 (Ed) lease required. Adi Air· a 1rpor1 S 7 00 mo 1----------1 675-6775. 675-7080 Edinger TSL Mgm1 6•2·1603 sell 640-3225 por1er Inn 2172 Dupont •IEWPORT* Rtil £11111 673-8270 day• WOODBRIDGE 2 br con-_H_A_R_B_O_R_V-IEW--H-M-S-.-14l-H41 IAYFROleT ca11 AM. 833-3223 w. _.. --do, end unit, frplc., 1'h 1----------1 USTSIDE lltrnorl l11t• 3119 Airoorl Area, exec suite exp1nds, classy surroun- dings prof atmosphere, haS 120 10 250 sq 11 Of· ti<:es & desk spece from 265/mo Including conl rms rec1pt1on1s1. ena· werlng service, lolS of parking. WP & TIK avall 833·9976 ••t... "~ Npt Hghll 1wnhM , 3 BR. 2 ba Avail now No pelt Beeul. Monaco, CIOM 10 Quiet Junior & 1 Brs $625 2 B 1,~ B ••••"•··•••••••••••••• " bdrm, 4 bath. sandy •••••••••••••••••••••• ba. fpc, yd Obie gar No S650. Mr Woodward. everything. S 1025/mo. From S375 Pool, rec mo r e NO FEEi Aot & Condo beach. dock $60000 Prnatt Party Wiii take over your P•Y· men11 on a 2 Of 3 Bdrm home. Will 9190 consider e duplex or lrlplex wtltl owners unll Prln only please. 542-3371 ................••••.. Hoa111 Fa1ai1•H ..•...••••.•••..••.... pell $695 6•2·5722 833-2900 6••·6610 or 673-3174 rm . 11un1. enclad ge· To w n 11 o us e renlaJs. VIiia Rentals. August Biii Grundy, Rllr :-----:---".":"'"-1.....:...:...:...=...:...:... _____ I Hert>O< vi-Home 3. Br 2 rege 17301 Keelaon otl 6"2· l603 675..,.912 Broker 675-6161 Lease or teu e option Univ Pk. 3 br . 2'h b e .... lamllyrm.•lOOO/mo Siiier 642-7846. 2 B 2 Be t nhs a N Beau 4 bdrm, family lwn hae , av all 7110. .,. • Pl~•. 1912 "'wall~ r;.1.? Large 2 Br house furn room, fireplace. 2 ba. 3 greenbell, pool, 11119 Leue 6"•-6977. llirnorl lf•tA 3111 $"75 831_3671 Short walk lo beach pat1oe Beau yd Nr s $ 8 ,. 5 6 4 4 • 7 2 2 0 Big Canyon, pool, apa, ••••"•••• .. •••••• .... • ----------1 Avell Ju11s1 10 Sept Cst Plaza. $900 mo 549-8755 ' tennis S895/m o. Agl Large 3 B1 2 Ba Town-15t h IO O O I mo 5 4 8 • 5 S 8 5 . H e I d e 1----------1 F r 8 d 6 3 1• 1 2 6 6 . THE house In Quiel compleK, COUNTRY CLUB LIVING 760-9•44 or 645-6749 979-2390 f~l.~'!~.~.•.e_t . ./.~~~ 631-2111 \~~~e ~~~1s g:~~~~3~e~: A1~~,~~~~~Tr~~~CeHn l 3 ~lb fre• ~oh, OtlM 3 BR 2'11 Ba E/Slde, En· PRIME HOME near Erne-3 Br home, frplc, nice ''GOOD 6 59 9 ape 1 1 11 s,ao. Hlr/na, '""l gllsh l udor 91yle w t raid Bay. Ooean vu. JBR, 75-4 . r men commun 'I on area. Harbor Hlghl&nda ---------1 lhe Upper Bay Private f11r1, Wkly or 1t11th y vaulted clga, master aul· 2 be. pvt yd. Walk to Upgrades Inside, prvl 1Br, pool, g11/ water pO, clubhouse anO health le. elc S825 mo A1k for bch S 1300. •9•-4674 yard. hOl lub. Nr school• refs reo 147 Flo-r SI spa, 8 tennis courts. 7 rates lll-1014 tfttlJ1 Biii, 631.t288 OCEAN VIEW $900 6•2·3356. LIFE'' No Piii $330 mo. pools, close to business Spec 3 br conoo. Univ Corl• lllll 31z4 EASTSIDE-3Br, 2Ba, like Classy 2 Br & etudy, 2 3 BR 2 Be Eastblutt. evl _6_4_5_-_6_16_1 ______ , airport, Fafnion Island Pk. Irvine $300/wk •••••••••••••••••••••• new. beautiful yd. $900 beth. 2 trplct , aplral July 15. s1200 mo Yl!AR·"OUND f'UN: Mesa v .. da 2 Br t Ba Conventenl shops on Compl turn linens, 1 Br Trailer, prlvale, no mo Incl grOnr 673·6706 11atrcase $1500/per mo 840-9019 Social Ac tlvltle1 garage. tst floor, no Sile Unfurnished bache-washer/ dryer, spices & pell. utll• paid 2 Br. 1720 Orlnge Ave. Cher1er Flea11y 498-8122 Olrecl or •Free pelS S•75/mo. S•76 lors,1&2bdrmap1eand more Comm poole. $.450/mo 111 p1u1 NW· Pretlf older couple. Call or •93·86&6 Sle'Mnd 5 Br. view. pool/ S u n d 1 y / eec:urlty. S 100 c ... nlng townhouaea spn. tennis eris & VIEW rlly 6•2.0835, 499-1617. Price Alty S..0-3209 1-P-r-,-,-1-10-1-0-u-s_H_l_g_h_O_r_.I ~~!'~! •8• 8$tl155P~~/ m o Brunch•BBO'a• 7 5 9 4 2 2 II . w k n d 1 S5•0 ·S1000 Sharron, ag1. 552-2000 ...., • ._ • .., P1r11et•Plus 5•9·7329 Sevet11 bacllelOfl 1nd 1 LI•••• .. .,. 3141 2 br houee. new crp11, ooeen V\I, walk 10 beech. mucn mOfe. ----------1 Bdrm units l11ture II~ Huntington Bch condo, 2 ••'••••••••••••••••••• pelnt & drapea No pelt SPECTACULAR remO· W"lclll1 3 Br 2ba. ,_ Q" 1 AT Eaateldt 1 Br Natural dtelgner furniture and br. 1"• ba, pv1 pool, ten· 4 BR, new dee, furn. Sec no •lnglee. 1 chllO OK: deled home. 3 8f 2'A Ba, col'g, lovely yard. $995 111 1 c It 1 A T 1 0 H ; wood celling & ceblneta. acoe .. orl ... Move In lo-nls eris. $900/mo Aval! ~ate, prlv Boh., tennis. Reis. 1450/mo. Call backyerd. lrplc, eec. gdnr, 848·6789 T 1 nn 11 • Fr e 1 S3-S5 Plaue call 3·5, day or reaerva IOf aum-July 15 to Aug. 15, AuO BAYFRONT Prime office 673· 1003 Exec eulles. full serv lurn/unlurn . greatly re- duced No Isa 75•·0274 IPT-llAPOllT HU. " 1200 or 600 1/f, 90¢ per $300/up Carpets. dt<lpes, sl l Mo to mo °' lease air 17301 Beach, H.B Mullan Aeelty 5•0·2960 _8_4_2_·_28_3_4 _____ _ IEWPORT IEICM IHiHn l1•t•I 44SI Executive office In Can· I • •tiiiriliiil tUU .. • nary VIiiage, $450/mo BrOklf 675-•912 981 to 4966 SQ It Relell/ Oll1ce 1n Beach Blvd Mttltra Otfloe Shopping Cen1er End Lab space, 7,000 SQ 11 spice avelleble Low • Neer Hoag Hospllal rent Call Gene Kermtn, Ideal for a small small Business Prop1rt1 11 buslnus 6"5·2111 B r o k a r • g • C o DESIGNERS, archllec1s. graphic arlisla· fumlehed offices 10 share, Incl. werehouse Newport Beach. 6•2·6222 7t4/752·6011 wnr 498-4038 A n 1 w 1 r Ad • 6 5 0 1lerm. loede of Fr. doore Leuone ~pro & r;o 851-9522 mer monlhl. Smarlly HI 10 Sept 15. S..8-7501 II ,, a. •i~• 642 4300 24 h ' & ekylltee. S1500/mo. h ---------• lu lih-.. d 1 or 966·1068 •• '.'!r.!! ••• ~!!' ... ;' .. '!! . ' re. 494-3741 or •94-e577 II IRYlll AYI. ~lu~:.~~un~• ea th Nice 1 Br encl ?er, edull•. d:,~y. ""' mo es open PV1 Nwpl hOme, " br, 3 H TIE WATIA rurn 2 BR. 1 b1, blk to 4Br twnhee/condo, dbl CEANFRONT Mobile 3 BR 2 Ba. fireplace, 2 Hydroma~• ~aon/.~~5~e6;~~S9~~c be, p11yroom. Steps to 2 Olx axac. eulle, 2.01 2 9<I lt1Hat41n Owne< desires par1nef 10 leeH 7500 11 of new sp ace In Hunllngldn B11ch LtlHe guer I percent owner1hfp In 80, 000 sq II bldg CIOM to beech No dn peym'I C e ll M r B roo k• 214/596-2106 bch, yrly. Adlte, no pets I ger. S700 mo Murctlln· Hom ... Adl11 only $1000 cer garage, lge y•rd, Swtmml""•Oolf S"'30/mo 2 Br 2 Ba On Jemboree Rd et pvt beaches. Avail. July 11 Newpor1 Arches Ma· 1850 073-e390 1 on En It r P r I It I t S 1 "'00 ' A 1825 mo. ' "-l·Ang a':....... " San Jo1quln Hiiie Rd. 15 lo Aug 1"' Aug 15 10 • _rl_n_a_B_ld_g;;..·_84_2_·4_6"_• __ 752-8731 ° " m 0 g 1 · •----"' •• ' -'»"' Townhou.... etr """•· '" · ·-• ....._,lff h ........ I 499-3111 -•• Au T., u L .,..... • •• 1100 Sepl 15 $2100 mo. fltlTAlll nun 1.,. Hwnwt '2 bdrm, 2~ ba. elr oond. ~---· -----• •••11.t.. A" A" TM• HT I t p11lo1, all bll·ln1, lndry • 5•8· 7501 or 968-toea 5 Bdrm Formal dlnl, llrepl1c1. dlehwuher. BR. pello w/epa. lh<w1 ~~~.._..~~~·~·~~ S I n g I e e • 1 & 2 rm, tmall pet Oil Won'I UDO BEAUTIFUL 2 Br ---------• Prime offtoe lecillty toe.. C...ltfJ.J rm, ~ den. POOi micro prlv yerd Alli-welk to beach. 12,000 = ~roome•Fumllhed 11111 rrplc, p111 0 , 1dul11 V111tl1a IH/'114110 t~i:''c!:~~.~=y'r~ IHtll1 4411 ~= l:~~ ~= ct1ed d~~rsr mo. yrty3 . 21w 7e-2255 sbu:.!:: c':t~~~-'p Unfutn l•1"•do•No TSL ::r~'.·6•2·:;~·11903 $1050 e75-6359 IOCEANFAc,.~N·2 .. i:r&; CtH 10 lrwye, flulbl• .............. ,.1 Ag t I 3 3 . 2 8 5 o or br, .,., be, blmlly room. yerd, 91ycr111. • t200 ele•Mode e ptn ----------11802 Cit y, 2 br, 1 ba, new Avail. now. Wtellly lhfv o "I c • • u It e a fro m in ~ bl<lo Otl Coeat~ 81~68-49 E tide ~· 3 9' 1V.. 1,0,"o•olyo ~o ea n 1v21'1 w3 '1 per month Call Pele dally I lo e. Lak11110,reBT1Ann/CI• Cpoollub cp11, drpe, p aint No eummer. 873-7873. 231 &·1 430 eq ti FOi Id· Hwv. South L19unL AP· • Bl, dbl ger11g1, lrplc, mo Johneon, 831·1200 Oii.WOO~ uoper r, · · "'"II SS•O e7&-0349 d tlOflaltnto cell .. ...,. M •-~-' d 431 5919 a 9 Jae .. 11una, tennte ell, ....... · l•l•lt II IAUI f,H I y I I prox. _,, eq. ..,......, • • ,.,., D•l1ra{dH c 1 r P 1 t • • r 1 0 • • • i---·--------1 egenl •a ..... A-rec rm. nr So. Coael mell 6ecilelor, N__. ••••••••••••••••-•••• u' ... •1t"'n· le nt privet• per1tln9 •••., •••. •••• ••• •••••• l800/mo. 180-02M OCEAN VI.,,.. ......;'----------1 ---.... -• I .. _hind .. ,,.g *'""IS mo .... 4 Br llutt. condo w/pool. a.. Plua, 1550 lnol. ulll Helghta. 1300/rno UUI• ., .,.. ""' , "6 • ,_,,al 'llJ EISlda 2 br, 1 ba. den. IOI Elle 3 BA 2~ be d«lke N~ radee. ..A. vall A•"" 1, .......... 90f· 1939 paid Privett yatd. Call llOOlllTE l~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ Turner AllOCl. 494· I 117 •••••••••••••••••••••• d •100 utll pd A t •1400 499~120 ... ...,.,. ..... / .. , aft e • 841-3702. 11 Nl'llCH/Unlum. Y". •oe' uay._ ________ 111 trno. 01~2•22 Of 1 Bedroom OuPfell. yerd,i----------i FllDllS ..,.TlllYY H.8.oto &/or lnduetepece 8HUtlfUI I IOI 21r In J j~9!,.~,:~ )(J!ta toe ,.,. 1 ba. trll*tl. 21J/12t•6161 880 ltvlne r:oo•· Miili pet ollly. Large 29r 1ba, 1 hOUM knooke often when you avtll P'Of 1 .. ell1'11ng II \11111 l1lboa. 2 011101. patio, \"101, ltov1/ (It 18th) 640-7991 ''°"' bMCtl. Mini OOMll Oldelt a 1woeet aoency. u11 reault-oettfflo Delly '450 mo. '"""64 •12001mo. 2 ., CM1)141, l<QO/f'ftC)., relrlg. 14 ••• Annt. ~~ 84&-1104 -N-....... -2-.. -•• -, ... -.--. -...... -YU •• .,60 yriy, 176-7807 A.II ., .. '°'eened with Pilot CIH•lfl•d ~ •• 10 -1 ... N,f/ luntlMf/Ullfufn. lanced yatd, w1i.r peld MIO, 6Mo14U Wkctye. ...../... p;,, Wl/:0 m .;t;. IA I la. ,707 W. a. !>f\Olot I 1ef•9llC*. reeofl 11\e Ofange Coeet .,_ "anofemlt OOMll ~. UH 'O" Orlnt•· 00 1eth It. 10t1t MM1t1 ooa, newly d~orete4, Credf11, OolrlloooHtan !Mttle1. ~rwn~-:...~ '*' 39', fem rm, d,.... by ~1IO 0.. 1-PM. You don't Ned a OU" t 1ftA.-,.. 1 ...... ~ l>eeUt d y llOO Good MOtnlnO Anlerlce, "'°"914t•M7t 1~1o.ffDr111\d al fOf "draw IHI" Wft•flsU ""'"" ., VU! OOftclO • lrt 2 ... IO con Tiie Tomorrow lflOW ~~~!!~~!!!!!!!!I '"Oft ....... , ....... ..... NIOO/fN Make your lflOJPJnt ... '"809 M .. tn ,.. 11•> ... a.111 ..... ..,, "'° ., •. encti--"-'"°"--'----.. : M1 ,. r.; •no 1"0 ~ I ftO ,=w=...mi=~zr~,·~=~·~=111c=d:~~~*~~~i....~u~·~~~~·:~:.~'= oa1=·~~ro4~..,~ ,~~~~·~u.=1=et11::z::=J.:::::::::::::::tl.:=======:b~t.~~~1·,~,~ra~o="=·=·"'=o=•=·='·::L•~:_~1.~1.~~~d~'·~h,~'·~·~~,:1~.:J~·~·u.~·J~i~·~-~~~·~·~·~·~"'~M~~!:..,~=~.,,.=-~·~"""=~c.,~~~I·~~~~~·~:.~·~'~·~·~··~·,~·~:;, ' I .. • f O~ang1 Co11t DAIL y PILOT /WednHd•v. Jun• 30, 1982 ~)~"':~"' 1.l,.~·t.;11 :1 i ~.., .~ )~"'~ '": ),;~ltJ1 1 ). f· I;·) ·-ff n · 87 .....•••••..••....••. ~.flll. .•..•.••... ;..,.~ .•............ riff!.~ ••..•.. ~'!411!1, ••••.••••••. !'1..!~!~ •... ~ ... ~ ............... f!f~!!f.(~J. ••••••• f~!fl! ........... . ....... lfMl•lt LIC'O OAYOAM OflYWALLIAOOUI TIC CAPT·LINO.WOOO l!.)(Pl"T HANDYMAN G•nt111 .. l'luH olu nlnQ. •A·l ..VIII• 1!0'8 PLAITERINO Hll'VIOl l A!l'Alll' , ... _,, .. lnf111t1 ' older, ?l)()• -llt1, ""' I old. 11 1n11t11tes/rte>41lrtd G190 011~1,y • Aooflno ll'ell1ble, rt le 10 yra ••P l ot> QVallty. IPICl•l Ci r• ALL TYPES INT/1.XT \Ian O.,.,.ne htvlce Co. eu.tom wpent;y, ... l :IO. ,... .., 1·5US yra • ..,. lud H2·118H Lio 3t t2MO 1•240-~82 Plumbing, •IC M2·to 13 H 2-0510 •It 4 In handling. 25 yra ••P TexturM Palehl~ 1114) 831-4eet a l*IM. ~ _,., &. ......... "--fl Wiii tllllW'-Aoouello •r4f.JH • JI CQnlpellllW "Ratea l'AH l!ST 548-'2 fll1 Lio. tl'tlOI01. 't• •ti-r:;-.-;o.;n:c .~•o• Heng-Tape.lllll lludl o ••••••ill .. •••••••••• •• ~!.!A.............. Quality HouMOlllnlng HQ overllm1. 730·1353 PL.ASTI R PATCHING •••••• .. •••• .. •••••••• matt1 ..... N11 "IMOOIUA~NS LIO. Sltt44 1·632·8&41 Q111Clenl1l9 Wtnled 01,JMP JOBS with a Ptreonal l'oucll STAll'VING COLL!Ol RHlucooe Int/Ht 30 p~.."!ti'om, c°!!""c ... '!.!lle, _ ~ & Cttpentry. Uod. 21 MowlnQ, eogtng, raking, l Small Movtna JoDt hlh 5H-Ol68 STUO£NTS MOVING yra Melt Peul 545·2977 .,.... .., ·-••• . t.. Yf'I up, Ir.win 541-1111 DRYWALL TAPING 1w11plng FrH .. II· Clll MIKI 14~1311 wa..... CO Lio. T 1"4·43• l/1a&.'-r, 042· 584/175-1408 dya 0 "" •• el••••••••••••• All Te1tl\KM l ACOUlllc 046-5131 -•• 4 " /H11 'INCl!S l OIOKS lltn1 '1nlltled Carptntry. ,,.. M l Kevin 876-toH mllM. HAULING-OAAOINB H ... lo clH n 834·44&8 lnaured 841-8427 ••••••" ••••••••••••• CIAAMIC·LINOLIUM Mark Robtnton Con11. AemQd, 8pte. ll'andall Tllll demotlllon, olu n-up WATCH US GROWi Ft4triH PlellMu Tiie Fr" N llrn1t• II~ 117t. 154..ot&t Lio. 418511 120-1290 ""'""' Concrt t•' trw r9m0Yal. Wiii Cltan ~r hOIM f()t l•lall• YQ4Jt lull MtVlee plumw AMI Bob 875-.6t51 CAllNtTS·ReMooeL coMM'L1R1s10. ii."icr"~i"ciAi;.:·;;tc•;ci J~:!'=~1~:n Oulck ""' 842-1838 '°'0 tor &· houre. Pt ........... ,.............. Hl·IOO/UO·llH f1H '-"'" Skylltu • Orn l'lllU ~ocl·Aeld'n .. Repalre right, Ir .. H tlm•t• on HAULING a MOVING, call 84 .. 7837 ,, •• PAllTlll ..................... . Wlndowt Very rN1. I.IC, 3002&0 lllge °' i mall jobl. Local Student wltruck SCAUB·A·OUB by Richard Sinor Lie El Ill 141·1121 LOW RATES-Tr .. ltlm· 54a.4909 Jactt H Dennett, Jr. Lie 398821 S?3-03&9 MOWING · CLUN UPS Lewie t7Ml80 FrM nt Ve<y rell1ble 280&44 13 y11 ol happy 14 llr ';/ .a..•Mr eto ming ~ r em onl, 111 Gen COnlr 662·t 142 Haullng ·Land~.. 831·50181548·8•90 local cu1tomere • ,.... clHnup1 & Ira.ah "*'ling. Clfl!!. lwY/n &onded I lnaured LIC'O El.lCTRICIAN Free •t. 842·'90r Haullng & Quick ole1n·uP. FISI denl /h 1 Thank you. 631·4<1 10 •1aHllilff.l1r..J1 Fr u u t Marl I nn 0N~ si~iN~0Sh~;~· I J hftull I IH .. ~:l:i~~;~':! Mow. edge, r1ke, •WNP. ~dr'o opar~~~~t>-ll~~c ! for ~1dy I~.~~~::~~ PAINTER NEEDS a4•····htl •••· ••••4• _5_54_·7_o_1_7 ____ _ ~~~~~~~~~ S11ln S~lal. Fut • • 1prlng clean-up, haul .... , ,,.... rle '"31..ot63 ren1 Jenny 879-3979 WOAKI 30 yrs •KP Int/ ••• , •••••• JAY TREE CARE comp!. ;; F Lie 30$888 Rernocltl EL£CTR"'l"'N Chuck 842·2873 bat 8 "" ...,.,""• u E ' '1 FrH aat AHt f:rlcee. & I ' I di •·ifA ·'t d"' rM M l . 839-1•82 1· dd'na, ~·-~ ........ ,. • "",. £ ' I .,.,, Acouauc cell nga. 0 1 ~ LIO 37169 aerv 1 ump grin ng. -., ·' " -"",., Sml Job1/Rep1lra. Lie. am. H1ullng-atud1n1 wi t ruck. •• Ill• If. UI wor.. 30 •• ......... ••••• ••••• Crpta lne11ll/repalred 848·8580/845·•84• 233108.C· 10 &48·5203 L I • I bl ....... "'·· • ••••••••• 0 1vl• Painting 847 ·6188 631·2345 Llc'd, In• 640·8 8 OrlVW.I YI Perking Loi Flood d·-~· s1~-RH ld Cln-up1 garden ow re 1 ' r e 11 t ~ovttlng~lnklete EXTERIOR PAINTING HEAITAOE TREE SER\/. R I ·.1. b 0 _.. _.. a .... , 11aa1 .. -• ___ ,. • Th1nk you , Stev e I 1·1 •P• re, oH erg ,.. crng 6154·8&1 973-85M -n ·-... --•• rw ~ Hrv. m1ln1. trM trlm1 758..0128 N-lewn !Mn up Cuatom work Free 111 H ••I. Complete ''" care. 17 ding ' Fr" 111. ~. pric.t. 1 ••• • Fr" .. ,. 041·109e W\Hy Div• 842-4853 Re11. + fine Int & i tal· •••••• •••••••··~··••• yrs ex~ 01n $52·6377 & Pavtn~ Rll/Coml. Shampao & l lH m clean. Oual. work. Lio. 337189. a."''" J I 4 HAULINO l DUMP Bud 8411·6285 nlng Steve 547-4281 REPAIRS S25 lo •185 Ue. 391 842·1120 ~~,t~' b;1gn:,,~~·r~~1 931.2345 • 1 ~'11'::* Fr~:.~MKen~3=35 JOBS.t.fJ...ohRandy, #1•ltlla1 RALPH'S PAtNTING I Fr~~rT ~;~.~'fi~m1. '!.'.'.'!~!. •••••••••••.• blMltln Hi ll, l~/dln rma' $ 15: .... 0. G-al Con1raetOI' ~ '4S.n.z ' ........... •• •••• • •••• Int/ext Aeaa r11ea Most aubjecll, K· 14 • • • I d ·1 1.. LANDSCAPE MAINT. Bnl-.IH•I• MAGICAL ILLUSIONS . Huber Aoollng·all lype1 o $ IOwk • •F•••e•;••••••• 1•0•••• room S?.50, couch s10: n .. comm • rn . • ...... •lotol . ..., I. 0 Rel Free 111. 536·11898 N-·recover-deck• •y·eve-aummer OETIN :1HLllNN~.AG~•••. chr 15. Gu1r. l llm. pet Lie. 333217, 557·1138 E....,.trlcal ContrectOI' Commer~ & property ••••••••••••• •••••••• F A ALL OCCASIONS Mr Morgln. 645-5 178 " UI -...... managemente. 831·8048 ROBIN'S CLEANINO Rife Steve Slee-6483 B&M Palnllrig & Tile lie. •4118-02 546-9734 FrM PU/def 642·5449 odor. COrpt repair. 15 yre C11,_ WHflWflkJa• 1"4 .. Comm. Rea. Lie S~ • I thOr. oughly ., FrH ell. 1n1/1x1 & 11a1ns v JOHN HENRY CO _, rr•/1• lfm tl exp o work myaelf. •••••••••••••••••••<ii• 333217. Ph 557.1739 Ron'• Gerd1nlng: 8 yre 1 h 54"0•57 ,.,,..n 1o yrs In oc Spec rate .1r •• "ill••••••••••••••• Profenlonel Au10 CIH · A•la. 531..010 I Kit, Remod., ceramic Ille. ume u11. Quality 11 c H n OUN . "" " ••••••"'•• •••••••••• • • · Rooting for Fine Hom•• Typing Word Proe Lit· nlng, Waxing, Polllhlng. EXCEL CARPET CARE ceblneta. Call now • tr" Ullml ILIOTllO re 11 r 111 a. M 1 Int/ T.L C. HouHkMplng BRICKWORK· Smelt )oba ~~991.J!88Cc~I~: hr 1' Lie 415232 548-6213 11<1. resumn. te1m pe- The Oet1ller1 640-5199. Jeck BufflngtOl"I .. 1. 842-0881 We don't mike you wall l1ndac1pe NB/CdM. S9nllee. Low Ratel Newpon, Cotta M ... , O&O Pal II . A fll,t/Hti•• Piii. M SS. etc. Aeu Automobile Air Cond. O'l!rftlr/operetOf "-anti" Uc. 370689 831·7823 075-9388. Toni 850..0208/842·0405 Irvine. Ael1. 875-3175 ri ng. ee• 111es, i··•••••••••A··••••••• 548-7135 Repair. 180 Well• Plaoe Carpel, uphol • ., .. ruo ~ ••••• ~............. AESIO/COMM'L/INO. IYUI L ~....... EKpetllM HouHkMplng Brick. block, concrete. Ire; "'11'f4~r~6~~~·87 BUDGET 'RATES w· ' C).11. l CM.Bon19koe548·5208 cle1nlng.Work gu1r •KATRINA'S· LIVE·IN 20yra.OOmy ownwOl'k. •• 11.__,, I waturnlshvaeuum & ttucco.veryreu lie 0 an (7141964 3378 Lomln Sml joba OK Uc •• ~~.!! .. ";\~~-~f ••••• ,1_ Fr" Eal 645-1771 hll<pra. dally maid ..,..,. • Lie 278041 Al 648·8120 Tr" trim, oeri clnupa, aupplles Bob 548-7650/536·9906 ave • Free est. Int 64l-758l 'lei the SunSlllne In" La...111 .. f. 111 1 1 cement work. Fr" tit. 97 838 llNtl•• Call Sunahlne Window :::"'...'.~ ............... c •• ,.,1c..c11t1 °, __ Cll c •en ng. crpt .. , ... ,.. Call 549· 1804 anytime. Vanessa 1•4 Flreplac••·Plan1ers •• r.-••• A ............. SetH•• Cleaning, Lid 548-8853 Wiii babyalt, 2 dl )ll I ••••••• , .............. c ... nng. 835-2ll6 11 • A HOUSECLEANING BBO'a-Palloa-VenHr Farthing Interior Oealgn ..................... . week tranaportatton Cement Muonry BIOcit ft.. l l ·-.......... ···,······ ... ••••••• Comp l ete lawn c are, IS OUR BUSINESSI AelS FrM H I 646..()484 HANGING/STRIPPING MOBILE SERVICE 20% Monlhly Olacounl · w11..CU -L 1nl t •f -mtn clean-ups. 1r.. Mrvlce. Aescreent/New ae1eens nMded. 548-7802 l SI worll. le. •••••• • •••••••••••••• Fr" esllmltll 845·8258 aprlnk ......... 63 1·7570 Janice's Aeggedy Ann Expert Mu onry Ou a Illy Vlla·MC SCOH 645·9325 NBICM only 642·9552 l.4A SPARKLE all wndw1. •--LL •381057 Rob 547-2683 ARCHITECTURAL PLANS ..... E I 10 675 2514 1 --;;-;:;-;;-;;;-;;c;c.:;;;:;;-;:;;:;;;::;;;---i-::.::.~::..::::::!_..'.:'.:.~~ both sides. screens & -·"·'•1. • yra. • workmanahlp, reelletlc ASA PAPERHANGING • •••••••• r.·. •••••••••• Ortve1, patios. walks. FrM AFOR1dBUl1LD1ING P1 ERMIT& Have you reed today·• ••• ,.,..,. Join's Cleaning Servtc;e prices. Reis 55 1-4555 7 yra ioul up Guar S1e11t1111l S1mtll !racks HonHI. depen· ,."'II T-,:." NI No job 100 amaJI. ea en1 • add Ilona Classllled Ads? 11 not. ••••• ,;-; •••• ••••• ••••, ~ P • • •••• •• • ••••••••••••• dable Gu•r no strelkt. Smooool .. _. •7,. 538-2807 remodel. Don 847-8606 you re mining the beat HOME IMPA0 VEM91T Hou-·APll·Flefltala #1ria( w$8~r"u Arlce7s5 s~a0r217 11 SECRETARIES TO GO ReH pnces 540-5654 ,_, '" ., b al s In townl REPAIR·PLOMBING Olllcea, 540· l257 ••••• • • •• ••••• • •••• •• ro tee 1• Your Olllce or Our1 ·,N•w In town? Cl11atf19d March 10 your phone to arg n Carpentry, etec:, Ille. Free ·ABC MOVING • Cuti om wellpeperlng, Elflc1enl/Aellable Cluelfled Adi, your on .. can help you meet many pl1ce a fesl·•cllng ctn-Shop 1t home. 11'1 •HY etl. No Job 100 amall Have eomethlng lo N II? Quick. Cereful Service. aalislacllon guarenteed, In-house Word Proc 1t09 lhopplng centw. 1 of )IOUf needa. 642~78 silled ed. 642-5678 with cluelfted 842·5e18 011111 845·2811 Cla11lfled ada do It well. Free esllmlles 552·04 10 For eat· Frank 775·0714 No minimum 642-0969 Trade your old stuff tor new goodi es with a Classified ad 642-5078 I ~!'.'!!~.~!~,.~!! lffl! .,.!!.~~ .... !.~!! f!e.t!!l!'!~! .......... ¥.'.'l..tf ~~ •••• !.~!f ¥.!.'I..'!!!~'/. •••• !.'."! '!!.'I.. Vf~t.J!. •••• !.'."! '!!.'I. .Vf !~.'.'!. •••• ?.'.'!~ 1!.'.'1. .Vf!!'.1.'!. .... 1.1.~ 1!!.'1 •• Vf!!1.'!. •••• !.'.~ ~11.1!!!'.~'!. ..••.. 1.~{~ N.B. 3975 Bitch. seoo lq. Losl 3182. Blk long haired ki .. 111 MIOIAllC P.TIME SAUi I SALES SERVICE SleUon attend/ I .. , IPPLIAICH II. or 1111. MIA zone. c.11, SIOO R-&d Called l I fl 1005 Banking h•tal Oblnl~t Ant. Outboard uper only EnJoy working with kids, It yeur IWll IHI hMer1peBro."1sull2~90p/1';1a~;v~ Les 957-8133 Agent 541·5032. "Meatball". 873-8972 ••• !'.'.~! .. !~••••••••• TELLER needed tor pleaunl. Sh k •• 1 675 3263 arid wish lncreaeed ear ~ 5• • •v~ bu1y Hllb'd group oc ... ar ,,., • • Tired of ma .. ong onlv 2 Y. Rd. CM ELEC range. microwave. $150 Up. 21'"0 11. lndu· •--.. ,, s,·-•-a..11.. -.. ~. ......... • · nlngs utilize your out· 1 1 11n e el le • ---------v --..-• ---••-•••-prectlce E11per nee M I I 'llo .. ttfl · g v ng 0 " P asure ·-se11·clean oven Show strlal • Office. 1808 I A+-{2) mile. fem LOST 8122 Apple II. Hand• on 181'· Pert 1lme polltlon aval· Npl Ctr. 840•1122 I~ 01 •It• 01 going personality. learn I parties? Sundown Appa-SEWING MACHINE OPE- dondo Clrcle #E Hunl · vie Woodbridge. Reward. mlnal .... bua 1ppllcallon1 lable In our South Coast P/llme. exp! lor G.P. call how to become a trained rel pays 30'1. plusl Call AA TORS E~per. quallly prize. s975 847•5839 lngtOl"I. ~ch. 842·263-4 657•4894 · Ol'lly ~10 hr. 545-5279 Plaza office. Wiii work DENT. Asal Ortho. Npl . 645-4456 sales counselor Call now and star! earning minded, piece ratas Freezer $200 Washer & ... ,-'· •utN ~·-dys, 964-8180 -· TuHdly. Thursday & Bch 4 day M·Th Eliper iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 2·5PM 8'4 2-4321. E.111 fant851tc money right Costa Mese 642-9652 dryer S 125 ea Olah· ~ "'' ,..,.. Found Red Cock~ Sp•· S1turday. Eitperlence & ROA req 842-2826 lllllH AllH 3~3 EOE 1 away! 675·4273 SPARE TIME HELP NEE· washer S 100 646-584 A··.·,·1n"••d•••B•u•1•1•n•e•a•s••L•1•d•: nlel, M .. 8125· Banning/ Pr .. latal &ereltlff preferred. Cont•C1: Oomestlc Help. llv•·ln, C 1 ll11'l ESTATE S"ES OED Y h 1 I , B h d HB 962 4282 T ht b l h I 1 Kllhy A.mb gau onv • ong term care u u. Sales . our own rs. ll n Retr1gera1or. like ,_, 2 n •• d. Unfurn 1 bdrm UI 81 • • • aug Y erap 1 · ur -• h·-'-png, ~hlldc1re. NB 'd E 11 I ti U t Cius lar1 J 1y 9 Call 714-540-4066 ....,. ~ up req xce wor· We have en opening for BUILDING & oppor unr es P o door Frost tree $165. garage or coach ap1rt· Found PrHCrlptlon Glas-M 67 '77~ · ... HI,. ,--a• 111 6PM, 548·3803 Icing conda & benefits two -11-drened, 1n11111-$1000/mo Appl Dennis 893·9060 ment. rear ol privater... 111. 22nd. St. Buch. •ry 3-l --If • •--F/llme, 7.3 30, 3·1130. genl salespersons 10 645-5417 --------- Eut1lde Coll• MHa. Newport. C•" 845·433V. Jd1 w .. t" 1015 llYllllS. LtAI In•••,.,... 714·642·8044 or apply In k I lh N 1 PLUMBING DEPT 14 cu fl Whlrlpool relrlg ~ :..a::F~~c~•;.to~~r F~nd: A~~era:hp~~· ei:.;~;~·e;~·r~d·••A·::1i ~~1T=.':r.'.~2°:28 ~~~;'!roenn·~r~~~~ ~~!. ~~~.s~~ 466 F1ag1hl~ f1~~~1~1•a:~d~~~~: E• p'd .. 40 hr wee~. STAf:.~·:~~~:-· s~2~00~~0A.stw1he:r;2~6C3w1~-~50~~318n~ ewpor • " r evet/wkn41. cen att 5.30. Equal Opety Employer port Beach Mo r1g1ge ldenllal sales In the more mus1 be able to work Leading temporary em· .. llan1/larnt/ llua~• ••...•.....•..•••••.•. Jetty erea. Cell 10 Iden· Peggy. 545-8913 • -• --Firm Muat be depend•· 1 allluenl aiees Sal & Sun Other hrs 10 ploymenl service Mekong W•IRLPOOl w•••EI Illy 548-3 133 bl• and have a rell1ble Nurs ng LEO HANNA be arranged Apply 1'1 lasl·Paced promotable .... Founo Adult Calleo Cat h t elleet T,,a.t Banking car LYl'S SA. VICE PRESIDENT p erson . Kerm Rima lndrvlduals who are able $35 646-0953 Vic Myrtle SI L1guna Oellree lo do typing In 675-4918 tor 3· 11 Mlltl. Compe11 ••• ,., •• T1"'1r a •. I HBlerdcwaMre. 2666 HarbOr 10 Interlace wllh execu· New l<enmore relrlgere· "-··h. 49•·7346 her home. Wiii pick up I FILE CLERK live salary. E.tlc;,tl bene· '' ti I II I 1 Th S150 &.•111•/hr SOOS .,.,..... with re11 dlatance. Ne-• NAiil... lits. 642-8044 1/t apply Ir Realtors 644-4910 ' ves 8 a eve 5 • tor · •••~"••••••;'•••••••• FOUND: U\ese Apso, Wht gollable retff. CUSTOMER Leading loca.I pest con· peraon Flagship Conv SALES Ideal candldl le wlll be 646-0953 ... u... SWIMMING POOi Chem!-fem, Ylo. M1gnolla & HI-CALL: 833-0423 trol Co. needs termite Hosp!' 468 Flagship Ad. RECEPTIONIST/TYPIST ., Earn lop pay by !he calling on clients and/or 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii cal H rvlc• lie Coat• mlllon. HB. 538-7921 HS KPA /C omp1nlon repair technlclen for NB. P.,m.part-llme for buay beach. S300·S800 wkly. backing up lnstde per· 'tlHYEll YAO S21 Mel9 erM. No exp. nee:. SERVICE steady job. Entry 1eve1 ---------Nwpl erea exec aulle, Call 536-7511 A1k lor sonnel. Temporary hetp 536-9832 f1 epm Wiii train. $50.000 lull Found: Cat, Tortolle lhelt -it1 llve In po1. to lady. potltlon. We train Cer· Organizer. olllce peraon hvy phones. must !ype Jerry Lane background a plus. but ~~~~~a~.~~~ amount recfd Wiii nel color. Adlt. Blk hN col· 21U17·3849 an 6PM penter e.11per nee. Cell for misc. du1e1 Expe· 50WP"'4 accurately, mor-not nee Base S8l8JY plus = $40,000 plua. Call col· lar NB845-0778 Med Se c .. PI T. Ex p. •EntryleY9tpoeltlon Charley Thurs 9 •12 r le nce n ec essa ry nlng or afternoon hrs SALES 1neeri11ves llyou leelyou 1ec1, Mon-Fri.. aak tor Found: Male Blk Lat>. 2 10 Tmaebr, 70wpm. Wiii do •E•perlence preferred 979-6021 83 1·6000. avail. S5.50 hr lo llart. SSSS $10 10 S25 hr Uri· have the quallllcallons & ~!m!!! ......... ,.~~ A ud 1 • 9 -8 PM • 3 mo. Mr Wtitmtnater Int bNI. eee-5953. but nol necffMIY· PART TIME ,..,,_ In 30 days. Call d ercover Wear home would be Interested In 408.a87-0111 Miit 991.aeaa TNdlw, now mother of I ~train mol1v11ed llTtL Mature person for dreN Cindy 833-9971 parties. 645-7744 IOlntng OU• team. please 26" Blue 10 speed blcy· Cle, $60 Xlnt condition 731·2133 BUSINESS LOST: Gold rope ct\aln would love to b1by111. ~ltlV• ulary and Swl1chb~ard OEerator •ho P . Cos II M • s • Restaurant Sales Person. mature. Pl ~~~~:.·~ 11.~~ 1~~~;ne OPPORTUNITY breoelet w/-llll htert ,. .. 2 ......... ~.. only al uxury 1guna 645-1665. LUNCH SEAVER, f ull time. HB gilt shop, Dual bicycle car rack, S10. -•· .,.. ...... v., ...,,...... Beach "otel. Full time. ---------time Appl~ In person. 963·6900 c:hltm. Senllmentt6 ~ -..,-.----~---1-,-.-i •Medical, dental, p1ld e v e n I n g 1 h I I I , PART TIME, general ofc, Bob Burnt Aeallurant. --------- lue. REWARO. Vic. P'tlO. ~ .., .. ,_ 1190&11on .tc 3PM t IPM See Margie 25·30 hra per wk De· 37 Fashion latand. N.B. SALESPERSON for chll· Eitpei prel'd Newport I01 a1 Npt. Ctr. 5$$-1244 ••• ··.···s··e'c'"."y'_•••••• . . • to ~pp ly.' 497 -4477. pendable peraon 18 or dren·s shop Exp'd In Beech, fu1l t1me. For lnlervleW ptione· E o E older Mual be avell lhru retail only Full/ P·llme 957·0300 Ital• Slta1 PtrsH Xln1 condition 731·2133 Loelbledl&wtllte&nttzu. W/tmlllng ~ votce. •"'s100' · • · Ocl 5 48-5 574 from Restaurant p It M ... "•2 •71 • MOBILE CdM beach tronl. RE-AIMrtlve hlgti et1ergy _.. ~ 1 1 •PM. EOE C t 1 'W II •I 9 arc ...... ~ . ., '" STOCI llRL 000 GROOMING UNIT WARD. Call 873-7373 or OR recruli• w/e«. aklltt MICl\MI Grimier H:!:,~ In. En~lt~ -Wal~e:a::: H:sr:'!.s SALESPERSON/BUYER 18 yrs or older lor small GIRLS' STINGRAY Xlnl cond.S30 642-4616 FOLD-UP BIKE Great tor vac•lionl Xln1 con<I S50 642-4016 111-0HI 557·8872. tor PrH. NII SHroh Ll~:t·G%l~pv. speaking. 873·1879. PlllT TllE Coci<tall Wallresse' ror golf shop. prlve1e retell store In CdM Gill ---------Found: Yellow green Firm. Money open. Co no Evet end/or weetcends. Bus & Bartenders club. 30·35 hrs wkly, Incl wrap. maintenance. ol Smalt bu9inea ownera or puakH I . MHI Or &. 7141833·1:>30 •MP/Exp. · 1· mgr. Reapontlble edulta. over -sorM weekends Hourly stock appHrance etc~ .IC •lufn Clault ~;'ti:;, Y~•~ ~! .. n~~79A nt Ave. C M. At.fRICAN ~~~;g~ 2 r:;;: :1~. 21, with outsiandlng. at· ~~:tr~S:::'ur~~t. ~P';,; ':9•i~7t, ~o~':ii~~~!.n. ~~~sJ'~r~' ~~41760-885" B~st' olfer · 642-333S money, bu"-opera· .,........., AdYertltlng Chinese &. Eng. Sil. tracthre peraonaJlllH to I ·1·.i· tlone, etc Oet i olng, Found: Sidewalk Fairview SJ•TE BANK $1,800/mo.SendrMUme work with youth (ages 9AM·l lAM. 333 Btyalde SALES SECRETARY TtltplHH UY. Salta •I •l•I. · Co"'""'latlon , $7 E"', .,, .. C f P CO-QP n 10 KTA Co , 7382 Bolaa I0· 14> Call 2 •5 PM . Or · Npt Ben. 30 hrs per week. 8 30 to For 1oc11 sports & per-1111'111/1 1115 ,.,. .. , " ""• M. M l o keys. lck 500 ..._.... Center Or 642-4321. Ext. 343. EOE " F 11 I d •• • 714-184-4531 up 11 CM POLICE DEPT ADVERTISING ·~,...... " A11•. Wealmln11er. Ca. ~. o ow ea s. set ap. forming eris publlce· ••••••••••••••••••• Newport 8Mctl. Ca. 92683 PBX Ans aerv. Exper. p olntm ents. h ea vy tlons 557.9910 tlOW 38c/n, 1m11111T PAITlll M1n'a Wallet lound on ,11 ~~~E.~O~.E~·~M~/~F~~~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil pref'd. Of'Wl11 lra1n. Fash. •s•a•.-~------111 phorie. llght typing Need Redwood 2•6 dec"lng Wanted. Sllerll Of active. B1lbo1 Blvd. Cell to CO NATQR 1: lal 8«·7050 ._ org1nized & outgoing Ttr•lt• ll1,1lr 4-20' long. also red~ BBQ rib•. s10.ooo. ldenllly. 760·917e -QRDI BAR PERSON, lull or llYllTllY Classified person Balboa Pentn-Leading 1oca1 pest cori· 1enc1ng can Jim or Ken 1·524·790811·n6-1130 Found Small Apricot Ellperlenced n-apaper p•rl·llm•. nlghtl or OMlllUTH PlllTH••-EI _sula. 673-0760 trol Co needs'lermlle enylome. 775-1491 Poodle. Female. 17th & person IO handle key wknds. 646-5544 C.M. Corporate hNdqulrters _... T • I • p h 0 n • 9'11 repair technician for FuM aervlee g1rdenlng & 011 .,., H unt Beach . accounts In co-<>e> c.11e-BEST PART TIME JOB IN lor 11a1ewld• lln1nc111 Earn lop pay taking " steady 1ob Entry le11el C1t1 1035 landl(;aplng, all equip.. 536-3321 gory Able lo co-ordinate T I servlcea firm In Faahlon sn1p1ho11 In your area $ I WMY COM MITE! position We I rain Car· • • ••••• •• •••• .. ••••••• roule, etc Beal oiler. on•·Pfirton co-op d•· . OWNt Greil OI' moon· leli nd. To run Inventory Amateur photographers I IS I You can work close 10 pen I er ex per nee Cail Persian Kit) ens: Sliver, _5_4_9_·_11_7_4 ______ 1Found: Beaut amokey gry part ment and wo rk hghteral operation, shlpplng. rec· needed Pan/lull time. The Classllled Advertl· home lri our convenlenuv._ Charley Thurs 9.12 C71~1A76·1 •2t0o73P a~1 5n e 5 O • 1111• ..., M. cat, nr Hatbor/Wllson hand-ln..tiand with retell eMng, supply ordering, No experience or .. 111n9 sing Department 01 the located Clrculallon SeleS 979-6021 .. •• E;tibllahed. Term• ne-_64_5-4_840 __ •_•_1_30_7 __ --t 11111 111ff Excellent Work In our fun. cuuil. Invent ory controll & required Write to Uni· Dally Piiot has an ope-Olfloe. P/torne posillons --------,,_ , 1040 gotlable. Phil 845-S080 Found: Srnl Fern. Poodle, gr owth opportunltlea. r.replt~~,:1:1:,ffloeproumo~ apeclal projlel•. Exper. veraal. P.O. Box 1223, nlng lor a responalble, now available. 9AM·2PM S7T500PALYESS MP?IODE0L~1LY -::'-~••••••••••••••••• Call: 642-4321, Exl. 282 rea'd. 640..0123 Montebello, CL 90640 ent huslas11c peraon. or 4PM·9PM Dally We • " " Pets "A" people. Boar· AM =· ?~,r~~'~ lor ippolnlmenl ind lion Clerk lor the 1re1's ~~~~~~~~~ Musi have previous 1ete-pay hourly wages plus no e11p •nee • 826·2583 ding & Grooming. Poodle #i ,. &Ma SOZ$ Interview. finest newap1per. Only = .J&llTRIAL P L ASTERING. Finish pho,,. salea experience commission Please can· TRAVEL Agent. eKper'd pups tor sale. 957-8589 •• !'!!f •••••••••••••••• Found: bl1ck F puppy, tr~• Oead tr~o·:·~~! :Jo:n~ Of B h pleatere< • swim pools. Including typing approx. 540-0301 Min 1 yr Sabre agency AKC Reg'd puppies, PllYAn llllY White pawa. YIC. Nwpl Bl. I Pll... 1"h......,ue11'•ml Local Coate c. cleaning, Npt. c 497·3667 45 wpm on IBM Salee-•All""/11 LI I Eucurove Travel Serv &. pres I d I 0 . c M •• " F/llm• d•y•. P/l lm•1 iiPimmmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Irle Salery plut com· -" • .,.. I I 833 9406 SALE PRICED plus 15% S 10.000 & up. T om 979.0104 330 . Bey SI. M111 Office. evff. U.S. CITIZENS~IP 11 mlu ion. 40 hr week wtlh J apeneu /Amerlcan rvne. • oll an merch1ndlH w/ 642-9914 Coat• M..., CL 9202e Mon-Fri. 5:30-9:30PM REOUIREO. Som• p l • an occaslonal Sat mor· Fluent In bOlh 1angu1ges. G S I this ad. Parker's Pets, #q,,.,,. frail Found: creem & black F Eaual O<M>tv EmDlvr. Sit. 9:30· 1:30 lime nit• waxer ope.1 • Daily Pilot nlng. Excellent comp1ny Typing, SIH. S4 50 hr .!!!!.~ •• ~.~~••••••••• NB. 640.0Q90 ;;:.,,, , 0 German Shep .• vie . $84.00 for ""' WHk; nlnga. Apply: 123 N classif1'eds benellls Including 'medl· C all M r Y amazaki C11t• .... German Shorthair Point· •••••••~•••••••••!.~¥ G reen b r ook , F \/.AUTOMOTIVE t hen share I n pert· Ol tve St . Orenge.. c11. dental, Ille lnsuran· 714/842..041 1 •••••••••••••••••••••• A"'C d I h 1164..eo&o neflhlp't profits. Cell att 1 5PM •• F I WOrk for "'I Gara~e Sale • Lola of ers " · ua c imp U eamn p.am · , ,..Of'-r . • Cl , ere., 1 Union. llC s•o11n b k d 6 It S • -Found: Small F Cottle mix, -:...... llU 6:00PM Oppty for advancement. ~ ARY Goo lesl Sal/Sun 10·4 c 0 r • w · ....... h , .... vie. Vletorll A Nwpt Blvd, VVWlllH 842·5878 e>ct 3l2 JQITllW. • YOU. call Cell for appointment for Full/time po11t1on 10 1111 879 ArbOr SI. (Nr 1!11h & 7 l4/ST l·<l863 Specializing In 111 & 2nd on Sunday. Call \/in, 011lerahlp or foreign BOOKKEEPER. wint•d. 5 day Wiik required 642-5678 1n1e<vl-. 842.,.321, el(! Immediate opening Ty· Monrovia). C.M German ShaPhe<d puppy. TO'a tlnc9 1949 S&S AIC>hall, 831_..199 1uto parle e1tperl1nce 11 lee.It 5 yra ••per Keep Retired couple ldNI. E.tl· • for quick 277 ping. llght bookkeeping w••OtllE W,( AKC Ch1mplon S200 Robt. Sattler NH/CM p1el~red. c an Gi.n for ...-a1 '-'g~ up 10 trlil perlence requited. Muat • Ca Sh safes. trait Otat t & phones. Computer ew. "" 769·0265 R.E. Broker 8d Ae11tor1 Found: a.rm1n Shorthair 1n appointment. b;j·714:S. 1:-1843 be bond1ble. C1ll for t-• Pl•·t parlance helpful Call tor 10 yr accumulallon. Musi ., • •tuS 842·2171 545-0611 F. Unlveralty & lrvlne. llf •&a-• · eppt, 898-2691 H.8. A "' .. appt. 760-1041 sell everything lr om 1IH II 11• .- NB. 542·3482. 87M100 -·-caa-11119ell -330 Bay St. an11que1 10 misc. h1hld •••••••#•••••••••••••• WIDOW HAS S$S IOI' TO'• RIW lltol 1"'"91111' .IAll'TlllAL Hew eometNng you want Co111 Mesa, CA 92620 ffiit your 1dvertlllng met· Items. Thur• & Fri. 9-6. 1 black klUen & 1 <:allco. RE Loan•. tOK Up No ,,,,..,h $3H All UW 1 to 3 yra. ew.pr. Demoll· 20 hf1/WM1c. exr,:ienoe to NII? Claalln.d ad• do EQual Oppty Emptyr. eage where the readera 17•6 Anaheim SI. !l60box_951r2a61n•d . 2 mos. .it;7' Denn;;; & Aaaoe~ Let Go Of Aleohollaml 140 1444 per hr. Brl~·r· Juiy 8 preferred. 111 or IPPI. II well. 542-&e78. • .• -• .,.. Cr-'lt Ch~" No Pen •••••••••••••••••••••• tlon to nn"" .. •• 10 •10 c J-~~~~~~~~J~~~~~~~~~~e~~~-~~~~ .. ~-~~:;:;:;;=i'-1 you 10 sell-destruction. " -Santi An• country Club. Journe ym1n1Skllled :i."ji"""•••• .... 'ioio 3rd TO ol 112,500 12% IObrllty vrllh the help of brake lie nee Own hend experlerloe In plumblng, l ~ ) ~ HARBOR AREA 2 M. 6 mos. ch1mpagne cockapoo pupplH w/ a h o ts Ador1ble. 8«·2586 87~7311 Don't let alcoholtsm pull am·-·-thl'u 9th, 9em 10 3pm. _9_9_a._2_69_l_._H_.B_. __ ·_~ [@ #111111"1f DESPERATE! Mu1t H ll Lei go & 11 .... a llfe of WhH I alignment end Sea Jim wooa. Malnten1nc1 Ma'\ with ~ '1 ~ ~ ."II..~'!.~ ........•.. alralght 4 YM1 note. S!I. The Moorlnga. Wiii\ 1 toola. Ap~ ......, • AIM electrlct l & c1rpen1ry ( ) .....:. ~ I 'Lt' J:J m:= APPLIANCE SERVICE ~-':P~~1 11r-n11lon111y recognized TINAEE CPE~TER • .,. ..... llp TrM-wotk. Full time. Mon·Frl. •-'• we sell recond .. guer H"Ou.":!y"1.Sa•mo'w!!,t81duov111nFg. b ..... ,.,,; ,,,,...,,/ ,,,,, ',.,., •.•••.......•..•.••..• , ........ ,.,. 11# ...•....•............. IUUll I MIMl'fl AneW9rlno & mall Hr· vi c e . 1 2 0 per mo . 714~203 ......... , '" ......... One d4'r MrYloe ...... ., fffl.l.t!M! .•. e!! FOlll> ADS ME fR£E Cat .. ..,. progrem, you never need 3000 E. Coest Hwy CdM IN commenavrll• with ex· ..i~ ,. -need• good home. 10 be hoepltallzed, mitt Over 25. Bell Milted '°' P9flence. Send reaum• 'J II.-., ; ~ Refrigerator $350 Ges •-•53m6-illi9m83ii2iliial1iiai6pmiiiillll• outp1t1en1 tr111menl "" 7:30AM·•PM. S1lary llTED ~ -i ... -.-eppllancea 549-3077 -,_ time from worll. or llme AUTO MECHANIC. Alfi . women. Mr1. C1mp, 10 Ad "1009, Dally Piiot, ~ ~ Ir-:.' S1011• $250 3 years old. • l~om&your lamlly. Mor· :~~ie~.,;~1~· ~ac::~1_54_5-003 __ 2_•_f1_._1_2_._c_.M_. _ P.O. Bo1C 1580, Co111 ~1 ~~iJ• • .. _t aoo _.~.. 497-4956 Free 1o good home. cut• n no evening progrern1 P"' Relocation HOUiton CASHIER & houM'l!rlfH M111. 112628. -• L 01 1 F eezer while long haired kitten 1Y1ll1ble & lnaurence T~~. Call Fred Anderton: ..-. F/tlme. Apply In --1 .-... --.-.OllT--Al-Y--i I $;%e or ~~.:~ 1~1 any: 7 .tea. 549-63112 appr0¥ed. 7.1 7·2 ••M .1P•• pereon: Crown Herd· ..._ -f ) --I 5 •• 6 •46 Tll IHWI 11..:842-125v[. 7.2. e';.i ware, 3107 E. Cout Exper1eneed, ftmlly lew. ' ( (05 ) ' .._ 1 ~~~8 ... .,. .. 0' s~~·~,f ~ta.~~ !:~ ~&:c~ 11~531-0221 11wy. CdM ::_~r ~'v.conec.n'": ~ ' I I •" 5. ',_. ee,rc:ti .. lllYllTTll Child cair. Mlded for In-.,... 5-41-44' 1. l. l • ..,. :, DPlllllll MOY!"". Need horn. for .. ~... tant In °"" home. Pereon ~ • ~ I · ..,""" .. -' •••--··• W 1..-.411·lltl Sunday attemoona. rnuet wl,h iuch exper. call Live.In Companion tor el· ..,.. _ _...., bleck "M:f.IC". LovetMI. L~'.Y.fl's .~.·~~2;~~m~, f::~~~ :;;;;: CNewspaper(; ... ~ l \ :::~~E::-y~-~-:-~-~-:-~:n-~-~:-n:.a-··-:-~:-;-· a. '""''"' ""' ....., TYP Of r•tor for Tomoe SwlM • -~ 00110 1339 95, ---------~/~. 8:0~~~~=.-s::'11c~1-~-~-·H_:_:_~_7_43_1_c_._~_ r='':~O~·~u::~ arr1ers for routes ~=t;!~~6 t~:::: ~.fP.! ••• .,. ••• 1111.f llM211 ~.~~3~· Chet· ex!!'~'!~. Ory Mt: :!c1.:': s w1:: 1'n ~-nt·1ngton Beach, ===~~rs!:::: •M-18 .. clalinlnO pWit 714-131·1331 C.it Chr11 J1U fAdmlrall &LACK NAUQAHYOI * • * ._.. ...W ••1M& Dubreull u .s cu. It rettto wl ~~~~~!2!eft.~=!!~ ~-n-.!= Po~~!-:= it°=:'~~~ M~' Fountain Valley & Newport Beach =~~:t:.'" i n c1 oor. KING INN•"'"""°~ J~t'r.!n~oca1a =''C'ow~a!!.'; :Ci· .ld!OOI '~ lflflM lark· ~ou2411UOt.te ~":.":!':"J:: u will 11 1ourl ate. and loen ••P« p,.l'd. d • ..W&36 -a. Otl'lwllV ou24M H o. 1141 dt l. N111er e.nt!Anleflcetd, M .. ,., !-:.":: oood 'C mfll llWf, "" W"t 1 OOI "" 0uetlltir/" UHd quMtt n , worttl Chltft:,.,Amt rlcall h · CONT&_,.,. epmuaL llHd•d tor ,Pl•U•n•. ---... ,,...... .. , p • • l l H , •• .,.. Oftl~ ..... P'MI "''* .. All wtl ,.,.,,· NMONHI b 11111» d 1r o p ~· ".~: from " •· dfl . U1u11 I~ lion .. oorn .. 11<t/U l·t4H : (11~1• u1y.I I . u .... T•.... Q a l 1ttllt fftltrO/ 1"6:nl0 ' 2112 H.,_ a CM M70 -... ptH!,!O~f~ neo. lt.n ~ l'tlW _..,on ..... ~ O'f9ft MIO ... -------- IM ...... ~IDCllll NP'-· oura;fd,_..14, lal110n Of._. lope I **~** YfNf 0. ""'9"11 Yeu ..... ...... Ill to 14..IO • "" _. =l'I A'•\.IAHOll ... ..::.. • ~TW• a Jl'loll4, ......._ I Liii -• '" • MIMI ,._.. .., •• ,.Y911 --·• •o:c7~ ·~ • ..... ~, • & ..-. • ...,..,.... ~•w -llnMlllt Ofteft lllflOf\ Jtu W II Ito ,,._,.ote. 10 . _ "' I 'wl Ill ooeoe . _,. ..,.. .. -• -.. '"""°"'o"'~"~ """"· • -.•raarv • • 1,..., U.V.'J'~ u1yt11u. i:.,~~~·~ '"•°''"", ., ~l~ .. f::1N"Q. ~e::t:·:=.= ~II -m.•mn... ~ ..... """Cell .. ,_..,.,.,.... f.'.! """"'~"· 011111'1•• ~ ••• ¥fle-.Oelli " .... ,.....,., .. ;! -ya.. lllt ,., •.tl::.•"11~~, ... =···· ~;;i2: ,,."' .E.:.rt:•= .! •• a:, .... ,':"·-=· .. ~:= _ -i_ii """'=t~B&ll!ll!!!!~!!!!!!!!~L!:::========::::=:!!!:!!~=LJdil!l;;.~;.,,;~-~-~~;;:;~.=:t. f ) , f I • .. .. I •• trnl1'" ........ ~ ~ .. , .. lr.Mf.~tHfl!tf ~.ft« ...... l!ff !Jn-I 111,. ~.'.'!!.ll!'!l. ... l.1.-.. ~ ... '!11.!,~ .... '!! ...... ~l.'!!1.IJll!!!!I. ••••.• A •• '."'··"·ht..,w .,,.," ,,_, -.;\i41i1 meitr ... Mt, ••• iNYiM'iiMi' MK. x ,,...,"', c... .. so. .. ,.,. HITll m •.. ~fe!!H •••..... r.-:t T Doi ':T ... ,,.. • f.1IO .,,_._ ... ,,,, ... ,,,,;·'··-:m .. ,,;;r, &;in~m'······;;;,· lllo ~:;..u;•n •1•·· :::~·t'.l:"~ Cu= :tio0···~-~~. attaoh ...... .... ..... ...L .. ,,,,, op ar ~·~~~·;;;w~~. ~~: Mii·~·;·t~Mi1~·:., :-;or. ••••••••••••• I .. :rr.-n;iiiiv1l.t1r• .. .... 11·110 w1111 l ttUleld •-..1-.... ..., lwtt Ill• 1tllt. Prl· Shay re9flou, pick~ l Paid trll'•. air. dht wood ai••n udan Wiii!• :Jl.'••n ·74 A41nautt "· 12, 4 llPd· CMo OWnet lto.n on II ... II. .. ~~·:.:.":~ ,i:t J.ij 'm':r.:r ••••••••• :7-"";:' 114 ftr ...... 11te. ~,~u!t•~o6e~~1j"j:,•k• ,,or Your cart f~~~ao:7 n~o :,•,::· ~n~;.7~no 14 . ca11 :4ta:~ •tlfeo 11860 ~--~••n, tOOK ...... Ht-nll 1'2·1170. 8M-04IO w~ ~~~Mty '"·~·a-111~ A30t:.U7i,iillng II ,, ...... I... 141 2788 MBZ 230 SL. tM& 81ut/ 173-7713 • I... • ... --... --uMd apot11ng equip on u ... , •.•• ,.~ '71 240Z. high Pttlor-Wht lntr 2 1op1, OOOd 11111 ·-11H '18 sov Very t;ltlln Runt 1 ~':c.MTeo. •MOO MM I to RO' long, Ht pet n. oonatg nment Snow Compl111 SABOT r11dy 2121H11bof ii manoe eng, oelm body cond 11).600, 761·~402 ••••••-::1.·.····•••••••• gooCS'8rn/t1n, 14000, UIO l11·130~HH 719·t4t1 en~lme. Skiing, wind •urllng. 101&11 1160 CoetaMM• 640· 0 work l Int , t mmac '82 3000 Turbo Mer· •tDCAllRINU.S.A. 918·20211 l#Ofk , COIN COLLIOTION wattt tlcMng, tennlt. turf 140-7171 Of 073·Ut4 Premium prlCN ll'lruout Mull ... to ap. c.dll, 3 moe new, .... 07&-&7'4 PAPER MON!Y board, baok p1oklng, 17' Fl'*'OlaM Sloop p1ld for 1ny uMd Cit PtlC 18500 541•750& thin 3,000 ml All l lllru. ~ --1-.-.. -.-----2 l.tme oreen velvet c.hre, 111n1 oondlllon 1 tto or belt Olllf bO l ll 962-411311 WAU ABED Super llngll w/2 Ml• of 1~11. n1all pad. •16 576· 1263 Large Pllll OIHI OrNMI Mirror $36. 831-3218 B11ullful aola bed w/ matching c hr Co•t $1500. S1crlllc1 $490. &45-1985 Sole 8 tt. EKcellent cond. $115 545-8020 ' 20 Executive 01k Detk• (good for home uH), toveuat. c;helr. collae llbl• •nd •nd .. ~ •• 2 drwr flt• CIMS. Wiii d• cor. Sell 81 group or In· dlvldually. SM Saturoay II Thi AHi E•lllers: 2855 E. Coal! Hwy, CdM BASEBALL CAADt ototlllng for •11 •bove w/treller, xlnt cone! 1 (foreign or dOITIHtlcl '75 8210. beet cond. 49K Make retaonabl• otter. , .... STAMPS Todd Ml·H32 :.::!rt':~;:~!: 1779 11600, '37·1"1 In OOod condlt1011. ml, New llru, 4 1pd, Call Mon-Fri. 8'30·5. • :;~1~;~· ~:~d~~~~lo'o .. Ill SM UI Flr•tl 35mpg. 12800, 883·11365 731-5844, IVIS eaa. 1029 'W ~· •• "4 .......... ·~·11 "nd~ 1~ .... ~ ~· , Compl .,. .. c a w / I .-. ... ,. -~ -.,_ ., .... .,., --••1 1913 CllNlo Autlln HM· '87 Ben 200 "' ,,.. " 1" ....,.,..... owner 979·7200. a 8 1nt111na, puah-up, •II ... ~................. ..... Hfl l4ty M rk Ill 17 000 c I '77 2eoz Good cond 14, M•rce<lff 1 • 4 'IOSIO )IJNOAYS PM 875-0551 1xlr11, perl101, $100. HouMIUI Of tleOtnt turnl· ...................... JJI ~. ',,. <'" •• 000. Alter 2 PM Cyl. 4 •P••d. Nie• d•· _ •• ________ , ________ _ 9'8·8110 lure l painting•. trade ...,.,. ....... 2.:oe18n • rl uOI) 831-5038 p1nd1bl1 car. $2750 .... ,. 1111 '18 E1eQ1n11, black ' Ill· a U for travel trlr, bol t or Stipe 1v111 day, wk or mo. '77 B210, xlnt cond, 4 2131692•3932 •••••••••••••••••••••• v1r, trlp com~ter, loa· I L. &elAIHll motorhome. e.45·1986 &4e.0551 1984 Porecha 358SC, ipd, AM/FM cu• w/ '711 300D. • or aadan SalH·8ervice•Lo&1lng ded. ct11n1 •Int oond. Compl SH. 861·8110 , S 10.000. Call Jim Mon· equel, $2700/bet olr perftol oond, 10 mt, mull IAlllllAOI $9500. 1175-3559 any- 011 palnllng • algned. ffc..Wlf, WANT@O : 85 •11P or Fri (801) 286-8890. 759-9032 ... 1 Fin1nclng evall. Oya SllAlll time s .. 1e1pe, 32K42 w/gold Ii/Fl lttlff 1111 mooring for Hllbol\, 89 :!ll88 11,11 U.11 flhd 548-0355, e111 573.5494 111 2040 411 •••t --------& baroqu• frame $160 •••••• :!'............... fllpl. Bch. Jot, 844-0502 . C1dlll1c; Coupe Oe r.,,,,, \I··~ .•. ~,) 11.1:10 '79 280ZX OL pkg. air, • • c ••• ,. Hit 845 1985 BEAUTIFUL U " RCA Sid 111 1 20. VIiie ConvertlQle, orig lo aded wllo mt, blk, •OOD 1978 •••••••••••••••••••••• • · Color TV aale. 2 yr wr11ty bo'at. 9uP11 °1111 po1w20" owne< 12,000. 068-4851 Hlgheet cuh tmmeo1111"' $8400. 85 1-9168 " • f1nl1 1111 ·ee C1maro, new detail 11 ., Excepllonally clean ••'·-·••••••••••••••••• paint emlfm 8 trk LIVI Ullltll S148 Fr11 dell~. 875·552• '50 Plymouth, very nice for your vahlcle. Do-'71 1200. run• great, good $9500/ofr New ttrea. 78 C1Uc1 AM/FM. •lee $3000 · 8&8-<>746 aft. 8 ' Str1d aomeon1 you love TV John'• 845-17811 whlta v1lvt1 Int. body meetlc o r f ore i gn urea, 33mpg, $896. Call 5•5·9849 •unrl, 38,000 ml, AC, I t>Ouquet ol 30 bllullful 17" RCA XL 100 Color TV NEWPORT M?°'lng, gd. xlnt, new 1tart1r, gene-'6Sl·8285 844·11414 goo d cond SS 100 '72 CAMAAO Helium balloon• Lovely wl atand. xlnt c;ond. tocallon to 35 whdnt 23 rator, ~uery but need• '74 450SL • Mull aelll 682-1247 Auto. run• grNt for brlOM & tun tor the S 150 Lynn work W11lclnder. ~ed for wort.. A c t ae et c Allfl faMttft '78 Longb1d P U. mag O o rgeou1 creme w/1----------1 11250 &82·27N •th of July Bllta the 558_6133, •ti 8 & wttnd• llahlng, m1ny extru 11.000/belt 499 •892 ••••·"•··'•'•••••••••• whit, 1unroor, $3000 bamboO Int Uaee ALL 'ID Oerella a,-o,. "heck" out of ro111. 645-2028, $18,SOO. 635-8574 A•'J 1101 573·1487. 575·1943 gu Mosl popular year, Red with bl1ck /gr1y C••~l•I lfll 673-44 t9 SLIP AVAILABLE, up to IJ#Wll bt11 •••·~8·;Au•o·~"...~s·•••• l'.''•I ll''!I hi mileage 116,SOO/ cloth 1ntetlor. 4 1peed •••1••E•E··,··,··,··,·····n••••• Atari VIOeo Compultr 35' ccs·· S" .. ' 1s·~o ilVV\I •• II OBO 675..()852 AM/FM CHHlll P1tl BUTCHER Blk cutting tbl S CX2600• S120 .., ., ..• 1,., 30' " T I O blnk Isa Deya •••••••••••••••••••••• ystern "'· min Chlr09. Call Peggy •••••••••••••••••••••• 750-83•5 eve 994.8955 '76 Flat t24· 2 door cou· 1980 Mercectes 280E, 4 cond $5,000 or best OI· We have a good Nleo-Aack, •hell, drawer. 4117-3070 Rick or Carrie 7141965-2413 00 CAAT, llbergtu. Indy pe Mint cond Mull Mel dr. wnrl, xlnl cond PP ter 788-•751lrom8 to 5 \Ion of NEW a USED :4h7oi~:r111 1250 wkdys &-5. body, 3hp, garne show lllW 1111 84&-5601 or S•i-24~ $19,500 85t-t919 dye l-P_M _______ -1 Chevrolttal ·· 12" NW TY 121 prlH S690 947-5939 •••••••••••••••••••••• ' 855-6420 eves/ wknds '76 Toyota Corolla, AM/ (blwn 12 & 2PM) Or, call ~days. 751-6191 POOL TABLE, good con-WANTED: Slip apace for f: L I • '74 Fiii 128. MW 11r11. & dllton. complete S400. Zenith. S38-9532 alt 8 Cal 25 Sallboal Dea~ Htd Sfl • f f I~:.. muffler, 1011 ol xtr11 '72 250 c· Mtnt cond Low FM cue Good cond .. ,,, S400 , •. Sofa & --------TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 26 Alan •9•·8&77 bed, new clutch, new '• , ••• ,. •1z1 857-5076 •to 0.11 .. 14'001 COtfMcU CHEVROLET :>I.!> II .• • t • 11 · 2 compl lull sl21 Bdrm 548-4210 r1t1I Need apace by July ;98~ .. ;;;;t:•5;.5·~~·;r~ ~ • $1000/ bat olr 645-7316 mlles, $6500 S2200 OBO 64 l-6989 lovesell 41rthton11 WITlfll HOME COMPUTER ~ · • New. 1330 &44_7711 BOAT SLIPS \lre1, new paint, xlnl •••••••••••••••••••••• JISI 1144 Clean, run1 great Alplne s400 both All xlnt cond. HllPAtml AVAILABLE cond $5000 840-8709 llOlllA HITlllt •••••••••••••••••••••• 1m/lm radio. lape -------~;:.. 552-5132 •ti 6. OEIAlllOI Newpor1 Beach 25'. 40' & ah 6PM wa can help! Before you '77 M OB Conv Xlnl cond &42-•378 '75 Vega Hatctlback ale · t... I \ \1 t !141>-I 200 Solld cherry bdrm HI Very large horsa $45. i..11, ll•tl•I 52' 642-4844, 9-5PM '75 FORD Courier, runli buy. check our unbeata· E•tra accessories $2. ·79 Cetlca cpe black xtn1 35,000 miles. new 'urea: (box sprgs. matt) SllOO. Cats $8. Also made to ~·!l•••I I030 HAVE CASHll great. gd. mlleage SWS·IERYIOE Die aetec llon, savings 800 OBO 857-17.59 cond. Sunroof & stereo mint cond $1750 or bell k M 11 tc•hc 11 heomu 1 •. e.h11':~d2apn•~ order anlmals, your •••• •1 ··.·,····.·,•••••• Need 25.29• pwr boat $2.5001 OBO 6-46-1397 LUll•I an~ aervtcel 1•alll• 1141 $6000 640-669t offer 848-6153 " "' ... choice of colors. Lulu •11 I s 11 p or moo r 1 no alt 5 831-2040 495.4949 UIHYEISln •••••••••••••••••••••• ·75 El Camino pl • ale 631-5038 840·8709 &Yeti/ wknds. Long shell. Like new 662-2788 .... lE1•0• llW saiEs ' s•RYIOE ·74 Pantera GTS. silver/ V1lk•••t'" 1110 $2200 or m~ke o'fl•r' $500. 546-9089 1972 Chevy Luv. WllheU. -" " -s; blk 24 ooo ml custom •• • • •••• •••••• ••••••• K~~~.!I!~ :'~l~r':r5'w7~ LaOles Bike. with fool WHt H·H Ill• wltlt new paint, mega. AM/FM 28402 Marguerite Pkwy 2850 Harbor Blvd. .Ktras. A 0 ndrew 9.98-2830. 1188 YW SEDAM 1-ii9 i 79 i ·i 4 ioi 27iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii brake $25. Twin Bolls· i..11 11f/ffl IHO It I a1areo casaette. cuslom Mission VleJo COSTA MESA c 0 m P 1• 1e 1 y 11 night 1tanos $50, couch prlng & Mattress $25. •••••'•••••••••••••••• I ere •••er water., rear bumper. Iota ol (Avery Elli! off 1·5) 640 9840 Pt I 1111 v '65 COAVAIA Needs work $600 OBO. 545-9438 or 642-4336 S50, Chr S20. 964·5302 Cati 551·8344 to see. PlMIC SILE 1 l•ftrHI•• 11 IHI xtras, must see. $2,800. Open Sundays • .... A!!............... relurbishedlll New 1776 ROLL TOP DESK & OAK Woodbridge. LOST MY SLIP ter• ltafl, lalf AH• Judy 642-0452 '77 HONDA CIVIC lUIE A 1112 ~n~~~asd, ~~l~p41~1i';jX CHAIR $220. 549-8810 Desks, furn • misc An-24' Otake Cabin Cruiser w • r A II # I l I , Chevy L'!11 Pickup '76 &' * llHT Sill * PEUQEOT 505 S Wet>er carburetors. Po· _or_96_2_~_8_9_1 _Lee ____ chor, llahlng oear. Eve-12000 F/P Hl-UOO H Ian. Runs good. $2200 • Spiffy 111118 car. Enjoy TURIO DIESEL llshed centerline rims 72 MALIBU LAGUNA MEDITERRANEAN BED· _ry_1h_log_g_oes __ 1 _s•_5_·_36_4_2_ 1948-Wood-Chrysler 493-5019 Cuslom Interior . new Excellent cond ext & 130 oreal gas mileage. Im-paint, 240 louvers Musi Int . engine not running ROOM SET -KIO size. Newport Beach Alhletlc Value S6000 ftl•IMllllll• '76 Datsun longbed. Royal macu111a Inside & out. $289 see 10 appreciatel 81• $600 642-4653 Gd con d S 2 7 5 Club Membership In-•••••'-••••••••••••••• blue w/cmpr ah ell (1BC8080) Just need re----------1142-4541 elude• transfer fees Ed 53•-&94o llilltilH Ilk" 1140 Spoke rims $2750/0BO II able party to make rlous Inquirers only plee-327 Chevy V8327 engine -0-o-rg_e_o_u_s_L_a_d_l_at_O_e_s_k S t35 760-1861 Avon lnllatable Ille boat ••• • ••••••• ••••••••••• 497 ·5613 wkOy1 8-5 CREVIER small monthly pmll. No p se Call tor more Info with 350 trans Shill kit Mahogany wood w/2 hp engine, mint JAWA MOPED * '78 3201; auto an/rt, Old contracta to asaume. 48 ;0r;:~~1~1~~!~~nd Private party Please call H1 performance MUST s125 646-5355 anu~!'1:~GprogBur~~"!1 ~~~ cond $795. 675-54211 GOOD CONO $175 1978 Jeep ~5 1•.000 ml, (#438VCK) No back pmta due. Alk lease on approved ere-(714) 181·0218 SEE $1,000 OBO Beautllol M1ho g1ny Bookcase $ 150 646-5355 Hammond organ, couch, antq dlntng set, trundle bed, Oressers. lrplc screen & logs & misc 548-2873 1863 Parkglen Cir. CM Klng-11 mamess & box sprg, never uMd, qullled. firm. $246 546-62•2 Chrome sp es. rOll bar. * '79 5281; 4 spd low lor Rose 842·4400. dlt c d 1 6'12·4653 sam·s C ontemporary ·77 MAKO 23' tnboerO. 6 cyl, auto First $2400 556 1008 p LIM ome In an ask or '60 BUG xlnt transporta-1--------- Furnllure 1931 Newport Fast . llshlng & harbor ·79 MOTOBECANE. xlnl 957-1577 mls.,{•l 480YCC) • rOIO . details• toon S1,200or bHl oller '64 COAVAIA 4dr Monie Bl ,C M.548·5518 cr uisi ng $9000 cond Turnatgn1l1 , * 79 52 l.auto .sn/tf, t976 HondaCMc GOOd IUCHIMPOllTS 6•1-2093 An xtnttlres/mech$600 546-2560 m. g •• 81 c $ 4 0 0 . 71 Ford F100, 400cc eng, (:<5342615) COnd•llOn 57 .000 mt 8•8 Dove Street '72 BUS co 0 B 0 s 8 I & p M .• Franctacan Ivy Pattern 968-0723 aleepe< bo•. $1650. In· • '79 633csl, auto low BHt oller Call 17,..1 NEWPORT BEACH N . XLNT NO 538-7781 Stoneware, service for 8, 25' Sl\lpjack cabin crul-. quire 546-5999 mis . ("5535418) 996_7068 I ew Paint, sunroof, --------- 78 pea $300 675-2497 fully equlp'd. St9,500 Puch Mo-Ped. •Int cond * '80 3201. 5 spd loa-752 0100 custom whla, 11ereo '77 CAPRICE 111 6PM 2 1 3 . 4 ~ 3 . 6 7 t 4 . S380 'It TIYITA L ... tEI dedl <•BDV0201 80 4 door Accord euto. • tape, new '8dla1s. $2000 Cfflan. I08ded. $3000. 714-846-0021 760·1881 S spd, bed llner, stereo, • '82 320!. 5 apd . loa-loaded Xtn1 cond S6500 .74 504. 4 dr. sunrool. J J 966-84701754-8870 638-4579 SCRAM-LETS 14' Gregor. hvy duly '79 PEUGEOT $7500 631-2065 dedl {"•E:!>9.1101) 1 Firm 499-4321 am/Im, blue. gOOd cono. '67 vw new reblt ang c•nnl11 llZS model, 25 hp Suzuki 0000 cond. Runs great V••• IS10 ••·• Honda, Toyota, Datsun, $2199 851-5002 wkdys. under wrnly, 2 new ra· ••• -,.-••••••••••••••••• ANSWERS eng .. runs great. Incl. 3 S250 642-3338 •••••••••••• •••••••••• 208 W 1st. Santa Ana all makes. s 199 does It 552-9355 evs/wknds dlals. AM/FM tape deck, '74 IMPERIAL. LeBaron Vaniah . Hobby chairs, rod hOlders. Olrl, 179 PIOI 1111 ·~~ ;he;ti~·~IN~:~,· Closeo Sunday No 181 or last. no Oe~ Po11tb l 1SO 44,000 ml wrnty, sunrl. e~K. ~~'fo. ~ul,~4~cuulp!dn. & hvy duly trailer w. 2 u w . CHOICE INVENTORY sit No lie t11 Delivers •••••••••••••••••••••• st<• rac k. good cond "I .,.. Oriti • Muacle spires_ Perfect tor Beja Look a & runs .111n\ $350 Windows & removable VOLUME SALES any lease. buys any car 1 lll"' Ill SC $2400 551-3887 L e at n er 1 n I S 8 0 0 2 CUSTOM Made Gt&1s CLOUDS $1500 firm. 573.9234 5•0·3438 bench seal $6500 & o~er our cost All Savers • . 968-9905 ~~?~,11~~~~~. ~~~1~W· ~h:o•~a~. ~~ \1:,7~1~:~ 23' IMP, xtnt. weekendet '79 COMMANDER 493•7402 Leasing 634·0189 ~=1~!~;;5~~~~~~. n1~~ 5~p~P~ ~~ ~~,:~Y :~ C1n1llt ff31 wide S•50 & $300. Anll· was there I saw a llllle & toeded for fishing loo Aune great. Or~ owner '71 CHEV. VAN -l"• Ion, '12 lOOORI 4 DR 1 polished alloys. new Ir as 9 6 6 -2 0 2 9 w .•••••••••••••••••••••• qui yarn winder $150. otd lady anting on a park ~l~.nl1:.~~s53~-~~~~m s2oo •0•7804 ~~ f~R~Sl~~ 0~ I 0 8 M 0 L l REM Only 5000 ml S8800 Incl ~~uu~~r:1~e:er~n~~~~,~~~: 675-5764 7iuir~:~· :v:~·c~~~= 1-524-790811· 776-1130 Antique Tiit top Table bench knitting CLOUDS. ---------1 MUST SELL! Be~tllul otter IMW tilt Auto. al e. cru1Se ·72 BUS Xlnt. eng Fold Mesa. 8-5 WeekOays 21" wide $275. ~alnut Twin Bed $45. 1 Custom 30' Cabin Crulaar. twin Sliver Pu ch m o ped, STEVE 6.45-6506 Sales-Service-Leasing lmmac c~d 73 1·8630 I away bed. must sell. Dest ---------~f~~e 11~b~=d~~d 1g~ro Table Mo del Stereo eng1;; 7 ~~~ sllp Must S250 830 9462 eves 'll f rll Y 850 N Beach Blvd J. l1JO C1ll 1·111-2221 oller 640-5276 ~!. •••.••••.• !.~~~ nice. board $10. Round i'~·.:~n~ ~\=~~· ss,1; selll . 1, 92_7-0014. .. ·, ,/ Excellent ~ond ·:2600 Lii Habra .!/.~~---············ MEISTER '74 THING '72 DART SWINGER 2dr Metil Folding Table $t0 mu c h m 0 r. m 11 c • 15· boat, glass 011er wood, ... 1llltTt e11 0 751 850·5 E · 122·Hl3 Sacr111ce Must sell 6cyl AT. A&H. radials, ~~~~1~:e3H to see 548•6448. 493:;,803 ~~~ltJ~~g2~~so or oes1 ••• Sf.'.'.!~~· ••••••• !.1.!¥ S:J.;611 • · ves o~n Sunday PORSCHE/AUDI St.500 540-4614 ~;~.7~~r S1400 OBO 'lt I -LI DID '66 FORD VA 6 I ORllll oe1m•s 13631 Harbor Blvd '81 Rabbit s 5 apd, A/C, --------- OUITIING Business Sale ll•llt•I •2' Matthews. Twn Dal 1•11-N cytnder. Garden Grove Snrl. am/Im cass . .111 ffl' IHO now In progress at Bal· la1lt••••l1 IOl3 Bristol $59.500 Pvt ply SW Stroker shock&, air ~r~t;8 ~:;~~·3$1450., OLllll Sales·S.nioe cond Cost $8800 Sell •••••••••••••••••••••• sam's Contemporary •••••••••••••••••••••• 2131696-2561 forka. ~lnl $399 Musi, _________ , & $5750 OBO 54 1-4001 '78 Flesll. gd cond Fae· Furniture 1931 Newpor1 Sliver Flute wllh CllH sell 644-5410, 6<14-2338 'II FORI ya11 •711 Le1si11 eves & wknds 1ory sunrl , 1 ownr $130 cill 842 70l8 Ranger Bass boat, com-----------! -• 7 4 63 233 S2.800/0 BO 960-9114 Bl .. C.M 548-5518 548-sOJO, 6o46-8lS7 · ~lttlon ready. every••· '10 llllA llHL Rabi! eng .. new tires HO 1 6-3 70 BUG Brt rid w/nu 1--------- ••_. ..... ,,fl... 8 PC OAu·· SET !.'.,'; ~2a311610 -$6,950 $350. 675-1428 long body 548-1274 Sales-Servlce-Le•SI"" '78 T I sells, AM/FM cass. 1800 74 Maverlell, 13K ml on •• .... • ... """'"" ·.. urbo, spectacu ar red rebll s2 500 OBO r b I t e n g I n q u 1 re Brano new beOroom, l(lnt cond, Zelgln cym-1960 Herley oavldaon, '8 1 Chevy Van, 7000 l'Y""1V CARVER Targa. loaded. tow mt· Mlk en~7 SS 3 548-5999 $650 tb 78 tes. lampa. et c bela, aoc:.a. & ~. II' Ire• IHI 1111 Golden Annlv1r11ry u-miles, brown, auto , p/s, l'L../I leage Tom: 642·11103. e. 4 • 1 wkdys --------- 9 -9457 $1200 e.42-6e78 Twn dsl, gen . radar. mlled Edition Factory TOP of $226/mo 0< pay R_l.l.Sl()ill:·~f\ 642-6467 9 - 5 £i•t•I• fHS Cu.tom $850 Paint Job off eJustlnLloan of S7 -.. ,,,, 198 1 vw V•n'""on L, •c. ••• •••••••••••• • ••• • •• Mauress Simmons kg sz SSB, dual VHF, depth · • ":' •. ~:;~ ·~ "':·..:, ~ '72 1 7 9 t4, new trans. ...,, " . Beautyrest, firm. 4 mos. Olliff !'8nlt.n I finder. and auto pilot Many, meny extrH, tots 600 891-<> 2 ....... llllllllil• ciulctl, tires & Targa top auto. AM/FM cut. xlnt 1111 IUlll Y xlnl cond $290 ($500 nu' Ls.1-nl ••s Micro-wave. Avon. L--of ctlrome & gold plating A•I• WulH fSIO c.'I.,; 1115 AM/FM cass Perf In & cond $10.800 559-4942 $4995 82,000 ml I OW· 540-0117 N·:~8·~,,~··0•1•k••H··.·m·1·1·1o"n• co. Comp. flllhing aet-up $7.000 or B 0 646-1554 •••••••••••••••••••••• •• ••••••••••••••••••• HI US r.t out !nets_ car cvr. & ski •IST SlOlllflOEt ner All Whtie 840-8902 v-and much more New KAWASAKI 400 12K ml WE PAY '80 CAPRI •0 • 'fOUI • ' r ack $5300 Dave M lfSI OskBedrmsel 25"Col0< Oreltl ng table and p1Jn1 --"'c-~v•• "'-·111 wtnl cond 1750 OBO * IHT IELl * '41fMAtDA • 97 ·75 Super Beetle. lun-.. 11t•n TV S 95 C ·I "7 O .,..., -· ~ """' ft 4 ·5613 wkdys. roof. am/Im. sport whla, ••••••~•••••••••••••• console 1 on· e q u I P m • 0 fully equlp'O and In very MUST SELL. Sat & PMa TOP DOLLAR AS Pkg Real SPorty plus n• IT & _____ :...._ __ _ temporary solalloveHal 559-6565 ' gOOd cond Slip In New· HB 538-7781 greet gas mileage Plenty wm •.. 1171 Penche 11 lS paint like new, xlnt cond 'U Ollln 11200 ~:,~! :e~:dn ,:,~~'!!~ Desk. Fiiing Cabinets. etc port. prln only. by ow-FOR USED ClllS ol extraa, • ottler models '" large Xlnt cond Aebll ~h;~~I ~~o~~~ke~:'. 2 dr, 6 cyt, auto, ps, aic. unlls Elegant 5018 bed Lll(e new . must sell No ner. $78,000 financing 1~~~ YZ12S, Hires $675 AW ll&lll• available (762YOL) Just PACllTTI eng $13.995 OBO 641_4801 weeMdays rear defog, n-radials, NoJunkl 850_1860 raas o ffer refused avail 631-0231 fl.42•28111 .-... al/Sl••Rt need rell1ble party to llll lA&Oll CISIU!U~llll4 265-1096 em/Im stereo , new Wkdys 768-4812: eves & 5.8 .. Montgomery Pram. ,.._,.,. -make small monthly 'll Penclle 31511 '65 VW Bug. Recond. eng. custom paint. Bollfl 1060 wknd 495·2517 w/oars. s2so. '82 SUZUKI 2480 Harbor Blvd pmts No Old contracts clean. sh!lrp. Must sell 538-9832 •••••••••••••••••••••• IBM "C" Standerd 673•1711 OS 450L. ltmos remll-COSTA MESA 10 assume No beck lfetctdfl Ital 1140 Rebll engine Less than $1375 836-5912 eves !~~~~~~~~~ BOARDING $100 per mo Typewrttar. $200 ning on werr S 1900. Opn 141-4100 pmts. due. Ask tor Rose ••••••••••• ••••••••••• ~~~c~I n~~~stbe~~lrt~' Vo/ro 111Z 01'1•••il1 llSS ~:: :r~~.mLo;.ei,g~~~~ 549-9492 'C~::' ffSO y1:;:~~·::~-~;:CIAL ' 141·Hll ~~~~4L~t0 • 555 • I 00 8 =~.~ '~~~·:.:, $5.000 OBO 494-6875 ···;;;·y;j;~·i;~j;;··• .... L.iaiiiLE·:7i• .. arena. 545.e535 Cr~i~~Aun~~~·~.1~1°,ft~~ :.5;;·'F:;;~~~~·H•;t;~; 1978. 10.000 ml s1100 WE llf O•llH 11ZO te 1 HW 7:o~k1 :e!'i~. TC:~~1~·w~11~: I• lr111• 0.Htyl CITUll llPRDIE • Jf 111tr ty,. ltlll Must a e 11 S 3 O O Crut~. coastal sailing, 675•8656 CLUI OAIS •••••••••••••••••••••• 11 ..... 111 tlstt P7's, •Int cond., all xtras. lllHlllAI lllPf! Blaze 4 while SO•, blue 549.9492 or Catalina Holiday. By '79 Honda CM 400 T Like All TIUGIS Comp:r~ .. House 01 Im-_s_2_1_.9_50_._6_7_S..._6_2_0_3__ SIUS, IEHIOE Loade<ll Economlcal die-eyes Needs exper rldlf hour day °' w11k Mag n~1 '"nl g11 ltea e All LUllH set en~tnel Handaomel a _ _.. man's h~·-. Reas C•LCULATOA ...... ,h tana · • v -"' m g por1s "'r-1 tea.a and 60 • I 11$5 """ ~...., g memory 50.-· "" nlllcent luxurious 53' $1000 848-6186 "'~ -Al••• I (865YJ ) otters or trade. Ketch. Boolllng now for ----------"' moa sen11bla pymlS •••••••••••••••••••••• OVERSEAS DELIVERY llLY •tHIJ 646-0473. 640-1502 5.49-9492 July 41h weekend & llllll ••II, lllf1 Diet 21 3 or 7 1ol, MER-IEW EXPERTS • S 1 IJ C E 0 E S 1 s 2 1 3 o r llWAlll llteYrelet !'.•!!!~~!~.¥!.'!.~!~~ !!!! ............. !.'.'.! 6~r'~~~ of '82. Agetlt .!~~~.·.!!!~f! ..... I.~ 7141637-2333 '12 RIH•lt Lt Car URU llE Oove/Ouail Sts. •mmiliiilililmmlilillt GREEN Bing McCaw 4 Chev Motor Home 20 11. Haven't you waited tong 3o to choose from YllYI NEWPORT BEACH th11 SIAI Rll yrs old Hind lamed Lg ... ,,,~JI IOfO good conO tat 11800 enough to own a Mer-Immediate Delivery 1968 Harb0< Blvd IU-0111 Blue/green tweed. $40 blk ~ tncl'd. Best of-•••• • •••••••• ••••• ••• llkH 6<12-1353 cedH Benz? Don't 1e1 (Serial No. 009341> COSTA MESA 536•9832 att 6pm rer 64 1-9544 oys *UM 1•* 1--. -------1 1111 lml this apportunlty pass you $4111 1 .... i•o• •.aA 1 .... 1 ~~~~~~~~~1 -----....:...-· ___ , 2 sets ol salls. trlr. many 28 Exec Motor Home Top dollart for Sports by act nowt we have a OJlllll( CIUT --• • --- 79 Cutlass Sup Brom * •ITllU * = Pi••" I ~fUI IOIO spare parts Xlnt cond $300 wk Or dilly rentel Cars. Bu~a. Campers. 1---------11n111t1c; selectlon ct Jfftfln 1010 •••••••••••• ••••••••• Kept tnatde $2000 831•7785• 53t-7022 914'1. Audra 80 Oat 210 Wagon Lo models & colors avalla· AMO/.IUP/REllHLT •••••• -,. ••••••• ••••••• • RENTAL PIANOS. 549·2711 dys, 85()..~ 'lr•ll•n ,, ... , 1111 A&k for U/C MGR mileage Excel cond ble 2524 Harbor Blvd . C.M ESTATE ,.. Oam Lib Open plan. S15 mo ·~ 6PM ., ... ....... AM /F •• cass. 5 spd 549-8023 64"'-7770 Cerl'd 011mond Items FI e I O • • P I a no •. _________ , •••••••"•••••••••••••• • -s 79 "" .111 llEllHI " Restored like nu 82 T· 714-538-2771 SAILBOAT, 25' Cluelc Sml trailer, llHr-upper YllllWAIO 4 5• 54~736 PYI ply lllPllTS Cadutaca to G<H;ana Bird. 12 011 painting• Wurlllze< spinet piano w/ Ludera. w/sllp In Npt. =j~-~·2~ou take 1w1y 18711 Beach 81vd. Merell to your phone to 1301 Quall StrMt WhateYef the Fed 2 t .. Chain & nugget bench. 1tlnl cond $600. Bch. $30001 OBO. See 11 -----------1 HUNTINGTON BEACH place 1 fut-acting claa-NEWPORT BEACH ROii 'em off the marke1 831·9276 pp ,_s_•8_·_53_t3 ______ , ~183~5~2~~88 M. r In •• r!~H·~ .. ~'!!!'l..!.~~' ___ N_l_·HOO _____ ,_ .. _fled_llCl_._ .. _2_.se_1 ___ -::----•::-:•-·-··-'-----1-__:~::'='h:..:~.::OWl:.:C:.:llUl...:8-4::::~~.:-58::.:.~.::.:_ c.:.i~NT ACTION? SELL Idle lt•m• with . Seti idle llems 6•2·"''"78 ---·-WI Int A•l•l .,. "'° A•lfl ,,. 1100 .... , •• .,,., 1100 Id Ada 8-42-6878 Delly Piiot Clualfled Ad. "" ••••• 1nlll I-YHll UITIO •••••"•••••••••••••••• •••••"•••••••••••••••• ~ •••• 'I.':~••••••••••••• • Tl UYI l llllUlfll U 1 11E IW (Of Yard .... , !eta ....... etc.) 1. Piece your ad In the Dally Piiot Cl...m.d aec::tlon (It'• best to run 3 day. for maximum elq)OIUre). If you P•Y for your act In actvence we'U run It 3 deya 1nd only charge you tor 21 2. Get your FREE 011age S... algna (Ill you have to do It come In to the Oalty Piiot & pay for your Id In ldvanot - M wtM give you two 11 x 17 Slgna - FREE of ch11ge). 3. Price MCh piece ~f merchtndlM. 4. H•v• plenty ot onano• on n1na 1(nloket11 dlmea, quarter•. h•lvn, OM a"d five dollar blll1). e. "4QX. ,,.... fUn, Ind count your mOMV at the end of tM day. ..... ,...,, cu.1aaMt ~ ....... ,. I .. Made from Ford Courier box with 1opper, needs I umu OAllS llghl• & reg1111r11lon 538-9832 A111 I.me., 1.rfl I Att11,.tl11 HOO .........•........•... U TE BODY WORK & p1tnllup lo 50'1t off your body shop .. ,. 536-9832 ~W4 i 31oo·w . Coast Hwy. Newport Btactl ' S..2-9405 All Chevy truck p1r11: 'A Ion lo dllUI Abll. trenamlaalon from $1115 ----------! ,up. 5S4-1860 WAITED! Cregar Mega. good cond L1t1 model Toyot11. S80 pr. Call tor dtlalll Volvos, Plcllupa & Vll)I. 840-8709 1tt IPM. Cell ue todey1 Toyota dual wtllfl• & ,.. dial tlr11, $95. '/en, S&S Alphalt, 831-4189 43", 47" x 38" Ille metal cer touwe 149, 181·2133 ............. c .... .._ "• .... >H•U .. t4U ..... USED CAM & TAUCl(S COME IN OA CALL FOA nnamuua. Connttr·OeUllo MYllLIT 11211 llACH ILVO. HUNTINGTON HACH .. , .... ,, .....,..1 To .-..z:i:ce- .... puillt. oS::.". WICAN m1111m Before you buy1 compare °" 11vtn111 selections Ir service. ' • A•IOI U1H ..... ~ •......•......•• ••itt 1110 ............•.....•... SEE US tor the largest end bell selec tion of new and used Buick• In Orenge County today! ~ a t In Or~ C-.ty 2925 Harbor Blvd. COSTA MESA 979-2600 3 Modets for sale. All equipped wi th plulh velour Interior & full po- werl 1 with 1Unroof, I with T -top. (7D2UGP) (132WFT) (650XKW) Jus1 need rell1bt1 party to take 1m111 monthly pmta. No old conlrecta lo u- sume. No back pmt1 due . Ask for A o 1e 842-•400, 555-1008 Proto U M. '70 OIOs 98. Orlglnal Ow- ner, great motor. good Sha~ $895 631·2108, Noon to 3 or att 5PM. 1972 Delta 68 Auna good. $ 700 960-9438. C1,lll1t HIS P•allM IHI . .••...••..•...........•..••.•.••••.••••..•• OllTllPUTIH '80 FlreblrO Elptlt O&llWO' * llUT 1111 * WI apeciallH In leeaes Clnay )'91 .... y. 8fown for the b\Jwlneaa IXICU· with gold ~ bucket tlvl & prof""°'11I. -11. auto. with MMy I ....... leli'lffM V8 lhl l dlllVlfa greet -• p o w • r & 1 c o n • If In 1112 ( 1AEKOH ). Ju1l need ....... rellabl• p1rty to make ..... l.._.I 1ma11 mon1t1ty pmte. No N . . Old conttKta to ........... No bade pmt• due. Alie CrA~LL ~~ t or ROH 8 42·4400 , l\fj n 5*1ooe Pr* VM. 1<00 H."'"" ~,, . ( 1'-1.1 "'"' ""° ''100 '78 GRANO PAI)(, nice cond. 13200 oeo . 146-92441 79 ELCO dll. lt0478. Xlnt. "11 P'lret>lrd Fonnuila VI. mpg A·1 OOncl. l.Oaded. llllYW/ red, IUtO, lilr, tit, I trk & CUI ater P/W, P/9, P/8. P llOI, e.5-7153 AMlfM St.~ lo ml. Tl. I &a1111t I ti e r p ' "' V 11 e e C ..,. r 1.....u .. zu . llUltllll 'Tl Tr8M Am alW wlblll of ltit9 lflOClll, tow mi1M-"'*°"' Int., dK l'flt, AJO, QI Oacllllw "' lout'*" ::tJ"' ~ ~ c.t11om1e1 ... "' todeyt _. ~11M1u IURI PM. . ••Lii 1.------":.-r~t" .... , .. 111111 CIAIT lllTllCTll llACI I 11111111 llllll WEDNESDAY, JUNE JO. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS ·Columbia flying 'flawless mission' CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -Columbia w~ flying an almost flawlc::;.s mission nearly halfway through its final shakedown cruise today, and a NASA flight director said the shuttle is ready for operational ' assignments on its next mtSSlon. : The astronauts, Ken Matungly and Henry Hartsfield, working a heavy test load, seemed most • pleased when they surprised everyone by fixing ari experiment built by nine Utah college studenl.s. "h was on~ small switch for NASA and a giant turn-on for th e m ," sa id capsule communicator Mlc:hael Coates, with the students nearby at Mission Control In Ho uston. "They really appreciate your outstanding work." Fl1Rhl director H aro ld Draughon w11" asked It the shuttle system Is ready to go operational "Yes. very much so," he said. "This flight has b een most benign as hr as sys t ems performance than any of the shuttle flights to date We have no significant problems." Columbia's belly was baking m the sun to dry out tiles made s oggy by a pre -launch Guerrillas to leave Beirut thunderstorm las t Saturday Draughon reported the procedure worked and "data shows the water problem has been removed." ln between naviga tion , <.'Ommunications and other tests, Mattingly and Hartsfield turned their attention to the Get Away Special tests that had defied repair e ffo rts si n ce launrh Sunday. • • Using fre11h instructions from the Space Center In Houston, they tried agam today. Officials had all but given up hope and the titudenl!J were disappointed but understand ing A flight director said there was little hope. But the hx worked and the instruments -to det.ermine th!:! biological and physical effects of weightlessness on various plant.'!, animals and materiab -started up "SouncJs to me like we owe somebody down there a great big c·heer." .!>uid Mattingly. "That was a very clean scheme.'' Capcom Roy Bridges said, "That's really ~reat news You're going to make a lot of folks happy down hen'." U.S. aiding evacuation of PLO 'Due on sale' County viewing mortgage rule By DAVID KUTZMANN 0( lhe Dtilr Piiot Slefl About 700 California cases - mostly foreclosure actions and lawsuits to prevent foreclosures -remain in temporary legal limbo in Orange County until the U.S . Supreme Court's landmark "due-on-sale" mortgage ruling is fully analyzed However. a lawyer who represents more than a dozen savings and loans said that an effort would be made to settle the legal actions out.side of court. The jurist who. has control of the cases. Orange Count y Superior Court Judgt? Leonard Goldstein, said Tuesday that the high court's ruting "Is undoubtedly going to have considerable impact" on the pending litigation. But, Goldstein said, he needs to analyze the ruling before knowing for s ure what that impact will be. Waiting on the Newport Beach jurist's calendar are foreclosure gctions f r om throu ghou t California . Goldstein is the designated judge i.n the at.ate to handle so-called "coordinated" or similar due-on-sale lawsuiu. These are legal actions where. attorneys said , these are "primary and similar" questions at issue. Some of t h e cases in • Goldstein's hands date back several years. The Superior Court judge said that he had expected this week's ruling for quite a while and had postponed rulings on the pending laws uits until a decision was rendered. The 6-2 decision which the Supreme Court handed down Monday upheld the right o f federally chartered savings and loans to demand fuU payment of a mortgage when a piece of property is sold. The lawsuits in Goldstein's court resulted, i.n many instances, whe n savings and l oan institutions called in their low- interest loans for full payment following a home purchase. The S&Le believed that full-payment provisions were enforceable, a posit ion sustained by the Supreme Court. Foreclosure proceedings resulted in those cases where the homeowners balked at the request. Predictably, savings and loan companies with federal charters lauded the Supreme Court's ruling as a boost for the slumping housing industry an California. Unaffected by the ruling were savings and loans with state charters. Los Angeles attorney Terry e>.-y l"llOt aleft Photo ON HOLD -J udge Leonard Goldstein is delaying action on foreclosure cases until the impact of t he Supreme Court ruling is analyzed. Fralich, whose firm represents about 15 S&Ls in the foreclosure lawsuits, said Tuesday that he had read the Supreme Court ruling and felt al resolved many of the cases in his cJients' favor. "The d ecision is very far reaching and very broad,'' Fralich said. Rather than force a trial on the suits, however. he said his firm would make an effort to settle the cases "without going back into court." In most cases, FraUch saad, the suits were filed against the savings and loans to prevent foreclosures relating to due-on- saJe provisions. The S&Ls, he said, filed counter actions. Coastal Illeasure delayed By ROBERT BARKER Of llW Olllly PUot lleft The president of an Orange Cou nty enviro nm en tal organization said today that a state Senate bill to take the Bol.sa Chica coast.al area out of the hands of the State Coastal Commission is "a real turkey." Lorraine Faber, president of the Amigos de Bolsa Chica, asserted that the bill sponsored by state Sen. Paul Carpenter, 0 -Cypress, has failed three times. And she predicts the result will be the same when the Assembly Energy and Natural Resources Committee 1s scheduled to take it up again Aug. 10 after delaying action Tuesday. "This is getting to be a real non-event," she said. "It is obvious that Signal doesn't have enough votes to get it out of committee.'' Signal is the major landowner of the 1,600 acres of Bol.sa Chica coastal land surrounded on three sides by Huntington Beach city limJts and on the fourth by the Pacific Ocean. The Assembly committee was slated Tuesday to consider an amendment to Carpenter's bill that would penrut development in bluH areas. Valley adopts new drug law The amendment was introduced last Tuesday to permit residential development on the northern mesa and development of a park on the southern bluff area. It would have left the central lowland area, the source of most of the controversy, to ~ decided by a committee comprised of representatives of the county, Signal. the Department of Fish and Game and the State Lands Commission. Passes regulation on paraphernalia dis play., sale A strict new law regulaung the displ ay and sale of drug paraphernalia goes into effect in Fountain Valley July 29. And the s trong protests forecast by a local record store owner failed to materialize when the City Council approved the new law Tuesday night. No member of the audience spoke on the paraphernalia law. Councilman Fred Voss r'epeated the reservations he vo1ced June l when the proposed o rdinance first came up. He <ieacribed a record-keeping provision of the ordinance as \.U\Decessar)' and unenforceable. ~ding that it could have the city vµlnerable to a legal challenRe WORLD In addition to prohibiting the sa le o r displa y of drug paraphernalia to minors. the Fountain Valley law requires any business selling such items to record the name, addres.5 and age o f all adult paraphernalia customers, with such information open to police inspection. Voss' motion to delete the record-keeping provision wasn't supported by any other council member. The council then Train de raile d HOOANSVTLLE. Ga. (AP) - Thirty cars of a freight train derailed on a trestle Tuesday rught. spilling several thousands of gallons of chemicals Hoppe 'rates' the wars For capsule reviews of ongoing hit wars, see Art Hoppe on Page Al 1. TELEVISION Parole system examined The parole system la dolns wha\ it can, but aoclety'a ailment.a are too rrvNlve, 1\.lUettl "CBS Raporta: The Parole Oa.nw' tonl&ht. Pqe Al2. 'Capey and Lacey' recovers L08 ANOELm (AP) -"~y and Lacey," which -.med d•tJned tor lhe televtllon 1Crap heap lalt ~':ic flnllhed MCOnd ln the TV ra&!!lll Cor the pM ·WI ::_~"I to I.he A.C. Nltlltn O>. ~lr ha MondlY 1111"' oompiaNon, 11M·A·l·H," pa..cl h..,,..., unanimously approved the paraphernalia law as onginally proposea. Ken Ochetti of Newport Beach, who owns four Peer Records shops, incJuding one that carries paraphernalia. said today he was unable to attend the council meeting to protest the record-keeping provision. He said he will consult with other business owners who share his concern to study the prospect of opening a store carrying paraphernalia In Fountain Valley in order to prompt a court test of the law. He has criticized the record-keeping provision as an invasion of privacy. COUNTY That panel would attempt to work out separate concerns and forward the compromise to the Coastal Commission and the Legislature. That amendment was delayed Tuesday. Last summer the Assembly committee failed to act on an earlier version of the bill. "The track record of the biU indicates that it's going down the tubes," said Mrs. Faber. "l noted again Tuesday that Carpenter (the sponsor) was not (See BOLSA, Page A%) CdM Freeway finish near? The unfinished Corona del Mar Freeway may be finished in the foreseeable future. Pase Bl. 'Music Man ' at Saddleback "Thc Mustc M1tn'' is entertaining at Saddleback College, but where's the big finish? P~ge 87. Claire Trevor in comeback ClaJI"@ Trevor hu decided to leave Newport Beach and Ill painful memorlea, and ii resuming Kl.Ing aftor belna teml-ret.lnd Paae 88. PJe Jn lhe 1k y A fOWTM\ ~ '1\ I blUoon II tNt haU't NJilne ltW ldwn~ °""II CoMt d!nm. P ... Cl. WH ETMORE DIES -James E. Whetmore, former 14-year state legislator representing northern Orange County. died early tpday at A naheim M e morial Hos pital. Mr. Whetmore had suffe red from a lingering heart ailment. He most recently lav~d in Capistrano Beach. 138 released from plane by hijac ker BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) - An accused drug trafficker said to be wearing a necklace of dynamite freed 138 of his 256 host.ages from an Alit.alia jumbo jet today a{ter learning that has estrimged wife and son were on their way to Bangkok from Rome as he demanded. negotiators.said. They .said he talked to his wife while she was flying en route from the Italian capital. The woman and boy were expected to arrive 1n Ban gkok early Thursday. Those released in Bangkok included all the women aboard the aircraft, and all men under 19 and over 50. All were reported in good cond1t1on . Identities were not immediately known . but of£ic1als said earlier the hostages included two Australian provincial officials and possibly an American The hijacker. identified as Sepala Ekanayaka. 33, of Sri Lanka. also demanded $300,000 and told authorities he had six accomplices aboard the jet. But the capt.am said he spotted only one air pirate when the plane was commandeered today INDEX At Your Service A4 Business BJ-5 California AS Cavalcade All Classified D~-8 Comics B2 Crossword 82 Death Notices 05 Editorial A l O Entertainment 87 ~8 Food Cl-12 Art Hoppe All Hol'OIC.'Ope All Israel presses deadline By The Associated Press U.S. and Lebanese mediators raced today to a rr ange evacuation of Vasser Arafat's trapped guerrillas from besieged west Beirut and stop Israeli invaders from storming the Palestinian enclave. Lebanon st.ate radio said The Palestine L ibe ration Organization leadership has agreed to leave Beirut , said former Lebanese Prime M1ruster Saeb SaJam. a key intermediary. "The big question is where and when." he told West.em reporters 15 minutes after a closed-door meeting with PLO leaders. Saudi Arabia denied reports that it was offering to airlift the guerrillas to countries of their choice. The well-informed Beirut newspaper An Nahar said th.at instead special Amencan envoy Philip C Habib off~red a U.S . guarantee of safe conduct for the PLO leaders if they left by bus for Syria, under International Red Cr~ escort. The PLO previously rejected a similar bus-evacuation plan proposed by lsrael. The mediation efforts by Habib, Salam and a cti n g Lebanese Prime Minister Shafik Wazzan came after Israel's Prime Manister Menachem Begin on Tuesday seemed to give the guerrillas a 48-hour deadhne to surrender and warned civilians in west Beirut to "get out, get out!" Begin saad has forct>S outside the PLO's last retreat would wait "another day. two days" before routing the 8.000 cornered guerrillas by force : completing the prime objective of their 25-day invasion Today. an olf1c1al Israeli source said Begin's seeming deadline should not be taken too li1erally, "but it is a matter of days." The Israeli prime minister declared before Israel's parliament , lhe Knesset. on Tuesday: "Under no conditions wall we let them stay in Beirut. They will leave Beirut. Nothing will help them. They will leave." The An Nahar newspaper said today Begin's government refused demands by the PLO to give the guerrillas a face-saving retreat. Those demands called for a three-male rollback of Israeli f o rces from Beirut, a PLO military presence under the Lebanese army and a PLO (See ISRAELI, Page At) lntennission 87 Ann Landers All Movies B7-8 Mutual F\rnds B4 National News A3 Public Notices B6-8.D5 Sports 0 1-4 Stock M.rkets .85 Television A12 Theaters 87-8 Weather A2 WoTld NeW1 A3 ••ee up1e1 •I p UC lrvfno'• Kevin M.,.. and hll coech, BUl Mu111pn, were both UPlf\ and IUrprilld f1Y•r lhe NBA drafl In which M .... w11n'l Chcmn untU lhe ~ round. P DI , Al Hlf' Or1noe Cout DAILV PILOT/Wednllday, Junt 30. 1982 ~' -Tr_a_n-s1-.t-V_a_ll_e_y_a_p_p_r_o_v_e_s _h_u_d_g_e_t \\t Continued stories BOLSA CHICA. • • ill lhe hetirln~ I think h''' c.·mb.lrralilf'd and 11 staying away bt.-cawie he knows he ha. 11 reaJ turkey." Wayne Clark, public relations counael tor Signal, said the rl'a.eon tor the delay ls to Jet the bill "work out lta pr()Cess in the Coastal Conuniasion. "U they (the Legislature) don't li ke what they (the Coastal CommissiQn) did, they can change It," he said. "We're confident that we have the votes in the committee or we wouJdn't be goln.g back Aug. 10," Clark said. The next tchl'<iull-d stop for the Bobaa Chica la .cheduled to take place at the end of July when the Coastal Comml11lon C.'OrW ·nes ln Marina del Rey. The Coastal CommlllSJon staff has urged the denial of a development plan drawn by county olflcials because or a dispute over the sl'te of the wetlands. concerns abou t an 1,800-allp boat marma, and the pro,ected 1065 of access to the Bolsa Chica State Beach because of a proposed 700-foot wide navigable channel. ISRAELI. INVASION ... political office to function in the Lebanes e l'apital after the guerrillas withdraw. Lebanese sources have said the PLO wants guarantees that the 500,000 Palestinian c 1vi11ans living m Lebanon w1U not be expelled. In hts speech to the Knesset, Begin ridiculed the PLO demand for an Israeli rollback, and Salam said today the Israelis rejected the idea of allowing a symbolic PaJestinian military presence to remain in Lebanon. Begin did offer one concession -the lsraehs would allow the departing guerrillas to retain their personal weapons. As Begin spoke Tuesday, hundreds of Israe lis outside the Knesset demonstrated for and against Israel's invasion of Lebanon. Wazzan's heavify guarded motorcade was seen driving past dozens o{ the PLO's earthe n barricades in west Beirut to reach the Israeli-ringed presidential palace in suburban Baabda five miles east for talks with police and anny commanders. Palace sources said Wazzan's talks dealt with a rapid Sea monster hauled in NEW DELHI, India (AP) - Thousands of people are flocking to view a five-ton sea creature hauled ashore at a beach near Pudupet, 1,200 miles south of New Delhi. the Press Trust of lnd1a reported. 1\ Jook 500 fishermen to land the "freak sea creature. with ears, eyes and mouth resembling those of an elephant" and "a tail-like projection" measuring about 29.5 feet long by 16.4 feet wide, the news agenc·y said. It gave no further explanation for what the beast was and did not attribute the report. deployment of Lebanese army and security forces into west Beir ut to supervise a guerrilla pullout and return to Palesunian campus in the capital's southern fringe as the first stage to a political settlement Habib, who arranged the cease-fire that went into etrect Friday, conferred with Wauan by wlephone from the home of U.S. Ambassador Robt>rt Dillon, st.ate radio said. On Tuesday Begin u.rged civilian residents In the shattered western sector of the Lebanese capital to flee, as I sraeli warplanes for the third day running showered besieged neighborhoods with leaflets wamjng of a possible invasion. Pickup truck hits Valley policeman A Fountain Valley police sergeant was knocked down by a pickup truck but got up and arrested the driver after a chase in his patrol car, police said today. Police said the incident began shortly after midnight today, when Sgt. Norm Satterfield made a routine traffic violation on Harbor Boulevard. In his report, Satterfield said the driver deliberately turned !nto him as he approached the truck. He was struck in the leg and knocked down. . Satterfield got up and chased the pickup truck in his patrol car into Santa Ana where he arrested the driver listed as Marcel J . Traham. 33, of Sant.a Ana. Traham 1s being held 1n Orange County Jail on charges of assault with a deadly weapon (his truck.) surtax backed Legtslation thut woulu rx·rm1t Oranaie County votc.•r11 to determine the law or u propotK.'<i I pe~nt IUlleis 11urtax w finant'l' transpor:t.auon pro)e<'ts hru; won un endorst>mw1t, albeit 11haky, from the Count y Board of Supervisors. In a 3 to I vote, with ont- member absent on v~u.:~Hlon. county supervisors declued support Tuesday Cor As.'>E?mbly Bill 3283, authored by Assemblyman Richard llob1nson, D-Sant.a Ana In Its present form, the bill would permit thti county Transportatton Commission to pJa,·e before voters a ballot measure that would boost the sales tax rate from 6 pcr<.•t>nt to 7 percent. Add1t1onal rl'venue derived from the sales surtax -an estimated $150 rrullion per year -would be used to finance transportation improvements m Orange County. Supervisors Ralph Clark, Thomas Riley and Roger Stanton voted to support the bill which is now pendmg before the Senate Transportation Committee. Supervisor Bruce Nestande, expressjng what he termed "very strong feelings" cast the sole dissenting vote. Nestande said 1t would be wrong to give a non-ele<.:ted body -the transportation comm1ss1on -taxing authority And h e s ugge s t ed that earmarking sales t.ax revenue for a single purpose might restrict the county in future years from seeking sa!E.-s tax increases for a variety of programs Actors face Belushi. quiz LOS ANGELES (AP) Police may question actors Robert De Nirc.'> and Robin Williams in connection with a new probe into comedian John Belushi's drug-related death. Almost Cour months after he was found dead an a luxury bungalow, police were ordered Tuesday to ope n a homicide 1nvestigat1on following a published interview quoting a woman as saying she injected Belushi with a lethal dose qf heroin and cocame. Al Albergat..e, a spokesman for the district attorney's office, said polil'e were ordered to begin interrogating potential witnesses, possibly including De Niro and Williams. Clouds persist Coastal f>M11el clearing of clouds this altetnoon wtlh highs of 67 10 lhe low 70t. Cloudy late 1onlght wilh 1ow1 of 55 10 80 Con11nued cloudy Tllureday morning wllh clearing by alletnoon Highs Triurlday 88 lo 75 Elaew1>ere. from f>olnl Concepllon to th• Mexican bofder and OYI 60 mites. Light, v11rlable wind• nlghl and mornlng hours becoming west to aou1hwet1 10 10 18 knots In the 1111e alltmoon and evening hours IOday and Thur"SdftY. Wind waves ol 2 10 • leel Southwest swell I 10 3 Ifft f>arlly cloudy tOday. beGomlllQ mostly c,loudy IOt'llghl and Thursday with pert1111 clearlr19 Thursday allemoon U.S. Summary La<g9 h811 mld high wlnOs hit Mon11n11 and Ille cen1ra1 high plalna IOdly. wtiltt a lornedo was sighted In norlheH1 Colorado S c a I I a r e d t'h o we ra a n d thund«'l1orm1 left over Iha lower anCI northef'n pltlns and In Iha Ohio Vetley Skies -e clear over the upper ind ·~ MIUlltlppl Valley, lhe upper Greet Lalles. lhe SOU1h11<n p4aln1 and Ille Flofld11 penlnsu18- Tha National Wealhet ServlGe s><edk:la acan~eo ~' Ind lhunderSlorma In Iha SouthMSI and trom the non,,.,n and c:en1ral plateau actON the nor1hem llnc:I e»nlral RocklM 10 the -•ern plaln1 Tamper111ure1 around Iha nation aarty !Oday ranged from 42 In Dululh. Minn., 10 93 In Ptloent•, Artz. California Allantc Cly Austin Ba111mora Billings Bi•mlllQhm Blsm111cl( BolM Boston B<owns'llkl Buttalo Burhnglon Cuoet Ch1111s1n SC C"-'lstn WV Chatllle NC Cl>eyenne ChleaOO Cincinnati Clmbla SC Colvmboe Dal-A Wlh Dayton Oenver Olis Moines DetrOll Duluth EIPbO Fargo Flags1a11 G<NI Fans Hartford Helen• Honolulu Houaton lndnepll1 JllCl!sn MS Jacl(tnvlle Kane Clly Las Vegas Loul1\/1lr. LubbOdl Memphi. Ml8tnl MllWaullee Mpll.St.P N Ith I/Ille New0r1Mnl New Yor11 Nortoftl No. J>lall• Okla City ~ OflandO Pttlladphlt PhOenl~ Pl111buf'Qh f>lland, ~. f>lltn<S. Or• f>rOYldtnee ~ AIOt>ft'IOftd Sanl.Ak• 7 I 65 50 93 77 89 66 63 59 85 10 o~ 70 •9 75 55 17 67 .8• 96 81 78 60 .03 66 60 .43 88 53 90 7• 79 66 1.00 86 69 02 85 5'I 05 70 50 02 8• 69 88 70 81 82 94 75 82 63 .42 93 58 81 62 .05 82 ,59 04 65 37 103 76 72 46 77 S<I 75 56 .02 75 62 45 78 58 87 75 92 80 84 65 9• 71 02 96 77 93 69 93 r~ 84 71 03 91 66 89 78 81 80 64 50 08 76 55 89 72 92 73 74 67 •9 89 73 9• 87 75 92 72 84 60 .27 1M 74· 84 86 .81 97 17 77 51 .?I! 83 5e 1.76 78 61 78 86 ,27 00 68 ."4 81 51 .18 91 72 93 61 San Antonio 96 Seattle 73 Shrtvepo<t 89 SIOUa Falls 73 SI. LOUIS 91 St F>-Tampa 88 SI Ste Mlllle 72 Spokane 73 SyrlCuM 72 TOl)eke 93 Tucson 98 Tulsa 95 wa~ngln 91 Wl<lhlla 93 CALll'OANIA Bak-field 82 Blylhe 102 Eure ... 85 Frl)Sn() 17 Lln<:atll!< 71 Los Angeles 70 Marytvilkl 74 Monlerey 85 N..cllM 101 Oalllan<I 71 PMO Robles 70 Red 911111 70 R.clwood Clly 71 Stcra!Nnlo 73 Salina. 62 Sen Diego 73 9tn Franca.co 87 Santa Barbera 66 S.n11 Mena 72 Stockton 75 Th«mel 99 Ulllth 73 Baratow 82 8IQ e..i 89 ,. 56 •O 74 02 59 08 611 79 40 59 05 58 73 73 13 75 73 39 65 63 55 04 58 16 54 60 59 02 56 53 01 52 31 63 65 53 ee .., Allin~ Snow cm Showen. FlurTinl!!) Bl shoe> 78 Ca1a11na 71 Lake Arrowtiead 78 Long Beach 71 Monrovia 78 Ml Wltaon 58 Newl>0<1 Beach 69 OntatlO 72 f>alm Springe 98 f>aaadena 71 San 8efn1rdlno 74 San JOM 87 Sanle An11 71 Sanla Cruz 6• Tahoe Vallev 58 Extended weather 62 55 45 63 62 45 62 59 72 60 57 55 13 81 60 -13 44 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS -F1lr with eome late nlghl and early morning low Clouds Miii lhe COii!. Hight In lhe coa1ttl .,... ranging from low 70. near ~to upper' 80. Inland valleyl, Lowa 67 lo 83. Smog The Air Qu1llly Managemen1 011trl<ll Pfedkll1 good llf quallty IOd•y In all .,... of the South CO.ti Alt e.tln The N•llon11 w .. 111« Serv1c41 p,..Cllct• continued night end morning Clouc:llMM, followed by I WIOltly 1unny and w1rmer tll.,noon Tl'lur1day. Northern d-f'1• and the Owen1 V•ll•y could o•t 11ol1ted 1hower1 tonlgflt HfclN lhould ranoe "°"' 73 In Loi ~ to J'f et beectl9, """""' 85 Wld 72 In rnoum.lna, trom 1'5 10 ta 1n the high d9alr1 Md In the low .. In lhe low ~. ..... lfOlll l'Olnt Conception to ... MeidCen '*°" c:an ·~ llclflt, Ylflal'llf wfncll 10fll9'!1 lfld Whart 10 c;all (toll lrte) lor -.-.-... --.-.--.----,-U--R-f--R-l_P_D_R_T __ :~?~: ' counu ... (8001 H1'-41't0 AOMD Epltodf C«ller •t.•·•aiilll ... •=----------2•2-4eee 'tllurtaty mornlngJ b1com1no ~al f(j to ,. kt!Otl a........ by ahttttOOn wllll t tovtll._.. ~ !!'!!... ·-.... """*'I I to I,_ ;. ~ ~··1 TemperalurM' ..Jw'ri: _.noNMI '4 "' ~ ~ ,.."~ =' ii.,~~~~~.'-- A"' ... ----------------T~ Tides 12 12 12 u I~ ri ., .. , .. 1 111 1 "" , ••• '""· ..... Package provides no funds for salary hikes By PHlL SNEIDERMAN 01 the Ollty ..i1o1 llllft The Fountain Valley City Counc:ll has approved a $10 7 million budget tor riscal 1982-83 thut retains the city'a basic St'rvk'l'S but provldt>s no lncreases for employee salari~. The• city's contraC'ts wHh its four employee associations expire in November. City Manager Howard Stephens has asked the COW'IC'il to place a measure on the fall general election ballot asking local voters to approve a special one-lJme la>< to help pay polic.:e and firefight.er salaries. Stephens s ad the 1982-83 budget calls or expenditures appr · ely equal lo the amount spent by the city during the fiscal year ending today. "I~ ~ffect, we're absorbing the add1t1onal costs ca used by inflation," he said. Lail yt:or, the dty wa8 ~ull'tld to cut back on aervloot such .. Strt'et a~plng and t.ret' trlmmtna In order tu balance lt.-. budget Stephens said no cornparabh: cutbacks are planned during the comlng year, although the C'ity's police crime lab has be~n ~hmll\ated. He said some funds were saved by consolidating city positions through attrition. but no employee layoffs are planned during the coming year. The t.·1ty manag~ said Fountain Valley received pleasant news from Sacramento in the budget tentatively approved by state lawmakers. He said the city budget was written with the expectation that Fountain Valley would lose $775,000 in motor vehicle fees Instead, the state withheld onJy S~l l,000. ~Wit' of the $264,000 windf•ll, the city wUJ not hBve to dip Into lta lnt.erest- prod ucl ng r<-aerve rund11 to balance the budget, St('phcn1 &aid "I hale tb say I'm relJeved that we're losing $:>11,000," the cH.y manager said "But it t.'OUld have been a lot worse." Afler approving the budget unanimously Tuesday night, the caty council scheduled a public hearing July 20 to discuss Stephens' request for a ballot measure on public safety salaries. The ci ty manager said Fountain Valley spends $3 rrullion to $4 million annually on police and firefighter salaries. The ballot measure would ask for a tax on local property owners tc offset some of this expense. Tax hills to tell The amount of the proposed tax will not be detennined until the July 20 heanng. Any such tax must be approved by two- th1rds of the city's voters and would not be collected until the 1983-84 fiscal year peril of floods In June 1981, vowrs in the city o{ Stanton approved a s1m1lar public safety tax by a margin of 49 votes beyond the necessary two-thirds, according to Stanton City finance director Jim Antoniono. Property owners soon wiU be advised via tax bills of flood dangers along the Santa Ana River and the availability of federal insurance that could cover potential losses. The mass mailing of the flood-related information was ordered Tuesday by the Orange County Board of Supervisors at the suggestion of Supervisor Roger Stanton. County atdes were given 60 day s to develop a n implementation plan f o r inserting the' mformauon in tax bills. Al Stanton's urging, the board also ordl•red the co unt y Env1ronml'ntal Management Agency to budget funds during the fiscal y«.•ar starting Thursday for a warning system that would alert offlc1als and residents wht>n flooding along river-area lowlands 1s imminent. The board's action follows a county Grand Jury report that l'O ncludt.-d aggressive action must bt-taken to make residents awar<' of the potential flood hazards along the r1vt'r The Santa Ana River. which or1gmatl'S m thl• San Bernardino Moun1ams, runs through San Bernardin o . Riverside and Orange counties Ix-fore emptying into the Pa<:1 f1c Ocean 1n Huntington Beach. The river as dry exrept during the winter rainy season. The U S Army Corps o f Engineers has conl'luded in studies that billions of dollars m damage could occur 1n Huntington Bcal·h , fl)unta1 n Valley and WC'St C-Osta Mesa and several inland communities 1( flood protection IS not improved The l'Orps is promotmg a plan that would lessen the likelihood of a major flood. That plan calls for increas ing the height of Prado Dam near Corona and improveme nts along the river channel in Orange County. The COSl of the so-called All Boy, 13, killed LIHUE. Hawa11 (AP) -A 13-year-old Corona boy was killed when he feU l50 feet over a scenic waterfall on Kauai Island, police said. Wyn Thomas was walking with his family in a rocky area above Wailua Falls when he slipped while crossing a stream Rive r pro tE.dlon plan ranges from $654 million to $1 billion, dep e nding o n whether construction of a new dam near Mentone in San Bernardino County is included. The Mentone dam proposal has gt.•nerated strong opposition James Neal was ctty manager , of Stanton al the time that tax was proposed. Neal, now retired from the Stanton post, w as elected to the Fountain Valley City Council in April. Prograill for teen • writers at GWC A four -week program aimed at teaching teen-age writers how to get their work published will be <.'Onducted Tuesdays and Thursdays. July 6 through 29. at Golden West College in Huntington Beach. Classes will be taught from 10 a.m. to noon m Health Science Room 117 The •A series of campfire programs starts Saturday night at 9 o'clock at the Bolsa Chica State Beach. The free program, a slide show and lecture on sharks by park rangers Vale r ie • Four student memlx-rs of the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) dub at Fountain Valley High School won various honors in rc'C't'nt dub competitions. During the organization 's state finals , B arr y J . Abrahams finished second in Accounting II and in firs t place as "Mr. FBLA." Mark Kane placed first in the program is for ages 14 to I 7 Part1cjpants will learn how co prepare a professional manuscript and how to select publishers who wall consider their work. Each student will prepare a 1.000-word short Mory for publicauons. The registration foe IS $30. Information on the c-ourse can be obtaint'd by calling 891-3991. Meyer and Tom Nixon, w1U be offered at the n e w campfire center near the main lifeguard tower. Programs will be held on Saturday nights throughout lhC' summer Business Law compC'l1t1on These two will repre'Sent California in the club's national compe t1uons in Indiana during July. Al a regional rompeuuon held in La Palma during April. Fountain Valley High students Lisa Y. Lee finished second in the "Miss FBLA" contest. and Lluda Hoogstad placed fifth in the Office Procedures con test ------ • Jane Pidd has been selected to head the Leisure World division of the 1982-83 Unjted Way of West Orange County. She will be responsible for the recruiting of a steering committee. SAN~ STEREO MINI CASSETTE PLAYER • • Rew/Review • Play • Shoulder Strap Hook • Tape select I tone switch QsANVO Sale $39.88 (Sete pm. good tnru 1'un .. JVIV 5. 1982) (CloMd Sun .. JvlV 4th -Open July 5th) ._,.CROW• HARDWARE AH StOf• °'*' 1 Dayt WMtollff Plaza 1024 Irvine Ave. Newport IMoh 842·1133 Cerone ..... 1071,C....~. ., .... W•ollft Tiii •:oo Th\we. . Harbor View Centw 1814 San MC Or . Newport h 8441170 AMh•lln ~. '"'° ..,,.. ~ ~ ~. (It ~.) • -----• w 0 t ... • d. --~ ----- H/F Orange Co11t DAILY f>ILOTIW•dne1d1y, Jun• 30, 1982 He's still complaining But Mitchum keeps working in Hollywood • By BOB THOMAS A1u1l1•1th-Wr"- CULVER CITY Robert Mitchum wa. ln his cuatomary moud: grouchy. "Thtiy lost a whole day's work m the iab," he grumblt:d. "Green 8pt'Cks all over the film, would you believe it? That mearui I've got to do thl• whole thing over aguin, and It was some heuvy stuff (several expletives delctt.>d)." Mitchum was making his first television movie ("and It wilJ probably be my last"), Jt's called "So Little Cause for Caroline," and Mel Ferrer iB producing for CBS and Lonmar, playing a role as well. The other day the company was play ing catch-up on the previous day's loss or film. The locale: a seedy Culver City motel, where Mitchum was involved with a pivotal S<:enl' with Angie Dickinson. A noted survivor of the Hollywood wars, Robert Mitchum re mains little changed at 64. The same craggy face with heavy-lidded eyes. The same powerful physique (w ell, maybe a bit augmented in the nud-secuon). T he same what-am-I-doing-here? attitude. "l don't understand telev1s1on work schedules," he complained. "You work from early morning till late in the evening, always under time presure. It's insane.'' Then why is he doing it? Producer Ferrer said he lured Mitchum on the basis of the Eric Berrovici novel, "So Little Cause for Caroline," an updated private eye caper. Both live in Montecito, south of Santa Barbara, and Ferrer dropped the book at Mitchum's house one weekend. Mit.chum called the next day and said, "Yes." If Mitchum has a song of complaint about the TV movie, he can do a whole symphony about "The Winds of War," the 16-hour epic based on the Herman Wouk novel of World War II. "I spent 15-16 months on that thmg, and it near killed me," he c:omme ntl'<i. "When I left here for Europe, I had a 104-degree temperature from the Thai Clu. We were shooting in Zagreb and the director, Dan CurtlS, asked, 'Why is his suit so shiny?' It was shmy because l was sweatmg right through it and the sweat had frozen. "Then I caught th<.> lat.est flu m Yugoslavia. People were dying from 1t." If the flu didn't get him, the locatJon food might have, Mitchum continued. "The standard fare was wheat and barley soup, which you could have planted a telephone pole in. The woman who did the catering kept announcing we were having 'weal (veal) soup.' One day it was a strange red liquid with a piece of mystery meat floating in it. The next 'weal soup' was a quart of water with a dash of detergent. "For this they were charging the company $8 a day. When I was on a Georgia chain gang, the lunches cost 38 cents, and they were a helluva lot better.'' As soon as he finishes "Caroline,'' Mitchum is due in Scranton, Pa .. to start "The Championship Zimhalist named to JFK Center WASHING TON (AP) -Actor Efrem Zimbalist Jr. has been appointed to the board of trustees of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts by his friend, President Reagan. ' ZimabaJist, who starred for nine years in the ABC television Se4tl<>n," with Juon Miller dlrecttna tht' film version of hie Pullttur Prlie play. Mitchum will play the basketball coach. with Martin Sheen, Bruce Dem, Paul Sorvino and Stacy Keach as hla former playt!ra. Already Mitchum la t'Omplaming: "I've got to carry the whole thing on my 1houlders. All those words to learn!" ll makes you wonder . If Mitchum finds the movie business so vexing, why doesn't he quit? "Hah! That's what my kids keep ask.ing me. SURVIVOR Actor R obert Mitc hum is ma king his first TV movie a nd probably his last. And then it just happens that they need some help w ith their mortgage payme nts. So bad k eeps working." Pool party • tonic WEST BEND, Wis . (AP) -A l oc al tavernkeeper, looking ahead to the hot days of BEAUTIFUL NEW MERCEDES BENZ TURBO SEDAN Classlc White with Palomino Leather. Electrlc Sun Roof . Alloys. Stereo-Cassette. 3000-TURBO $30,652. Call Virginia (714) 645-4800 or (714) 645-1122. '79 MERCEDES WAGON Mint 24,000 ml. One owner. $14,000 less than a new wagon. Sun Roof, Stereo-Cassette, Alloys. White with Brown Interior. $20,895. Call Virginia (71 4) 645-4800 or (714) 645-1122. s umme r , wan ts city ~~=~~~===:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:i:~~ permission to mix what • he clamlS would be the world's largest gin-and- to n i c -ser ved in a swimming pool. Franz "Bink " Steinbach, co-owner of The B1nkery bar and restaurant, proposes to m ix the behemot h b e v"e r a g e 1 n a 5,000-gallon plastu: pool outside his busm~ Aug 15. Ste inba c h told councilmen that h e would pour about 2,500 gallons of the drink into a pool 4 feet deep and 15 feet m diameter. lee will take up about half the volume, he said. He said h e expN ·ts about 800 people to attend lhe event ' "T he scam is wt"re gomg to sell T -shirts that say, 'I helped make the w or ld 's biggest gin-and-tonic'," he said. COMFORT COMPARISON You f 1m t 'j\ d ~1'1 t:o01ftJrt. r IU\t cV-.,ul ""\""h• 11 t 1,1 } • ....._ L•""' I "'"Jh"" ( ,,,, ~ rtw <lilfor<'nu• 6! II"· qu ,',t1,, utd ltK.· numr._., t"1f 4ql t tJf lf\-.· kNi.H fill rJ th, /4 of dtt (Omfnf1t1t (r\ !I l.11q•• '10UUl~h1) ~ 1ht' 4•h1ltn; ,,f ttw 11v1t·r tfr\.t•' lhrk1IUJ) i! "°l '-tti.•r ttw IM.kn .. J "' llli•U'1nh·1•J (U 1t f, lt·,t~ f11f ~ \oll.twrh.•r \iOli '·'"I~ I ruupdt- l rtu\C.{ Jt'\hM ti\ \.hVdt 11 ~• • 4 lt•> 'f 11ft1111 !>candle Down' Comforter•. Compare u•I You won't find" befl•r comforter buv anvwhere. P olice C hie f James CORONA DEL MAI ~·> 1.or111 uou' Skidm o r e said th e 2756 £.Coa.tHwy. i.v~,,. .. anticipated crowd would 720-0373 require at least two of£-LAGUIA IEACH andia d uty police officers, but Shops '" S t e inbac h has v o l -l590S.Coa.tHwy. unteered to pay the ree. ~=~49~?~-3~3~t~l======~~~~~~~~ A council licensing II committee 1s schcdult'd to consider the proposal Mo nday After t h at, approval or the full co u ncil would be rc.oquired. ART POSTERS I series. "The F.B.l.," succeeds former Kennedy aide LeMoyne 81llmgs. The board tenn will S expire in 1988. AF officer graduates Second Lt. Ryan C . Rat.clifCe, son of Lois M. Rat c liffe o f 3030 Clubhouse Road, Costa Mesa, has graduated from Air Force pilo t training, and received silver wings at Williams! Air Force Base. Artz. ; The president named another I friend, mdustnahst Justin Dart, ! , to a federal post. Dart, a memb e r o f the president's so-called kitchen cabine t and chairman of the executive committee of Dart & ZIMtlALllT Kraft Inc .. was nominated to the board of directors of the Co1TUT1unicalions Satellite Corporation for a te rm expiring in 1985. His a ppointment is su bject to confirmation by the Senate. He will fly the B-52 atl Mather Air Force Base, i Calif., with the 44 lst Bombardment Squad- ron. ............................................ ~~ {\•~St11()?-~ Celebrates 1 Year Anniversary 25% OFF ALL DRY CLEANING JULY ht Thru JULY 12th 'ick-Up D•lirery • Laundry • Hand Fini1h 1000 N. COAST HIGHWAY 1 HY nmcE tPEI 1 Tl l 494-4044 Have a Fourth of July Pi~za Party/ Deliver«/ to your door In time for tho f/rtJwnrk I TAM A IT.at •T ... 1• 6'6·7136 HUNTINGTON 8 .A<;rt .._. .. 1tt4 tltU 8 7·121 I U Poster Special of the Week HLEGS" by DOJC low s 15.00 R•c· 2&.00 Laguna Art & Frame 497-5552 350 N. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach 't 8/odc Norlh of Thr Cottage 30'6 OFF WIDE LOUVER SHUTTERS ALL SIZES - 5 FT. SLIDER DOOR INSTALLED o IT \I IDfR, R., 1761, '-199 1 ... 1 8 IT (LJ0£/f, lf•i 11011, 'tiff'"" CALIFORNIA SHUTTERS .,._ ............ , .. __ jl,. Joffrey riioving to LA LOS ANG ELES (AP) -Los Angeles LI golng to get a world-daa ballet <.'Ompany from the aamc place It got a basebltll t.cum -New York City The Joftrey Ballet of New York City announced It wU move Its base to the Los Angeles Mu.sic Center in July, 1983. "We were looklng for anothM base. and by happy coincidence, Los Angeles was looking for a world class dance organization," said Philip Semark, president of the ballt't company. The Music Center had been looking for a resident ballet company nrne months "This was a unique opportunity to IK.~l.'lr\• u world clw dance company uf flr»t quullty that la conaiatent with tht• othert1 performing here," aa1d Sydnl'y Petersen, c hief executive offa.w of Gety Getty Oil and the head o f the Music Center's search committee for a ballet company. P e terse n said the committee 1nterv1ewl'<.l several companies before settling upon the Joffrey. With ft'dcral funding drying up for the arts, ma n y ballet company dm><:tors wall be looking at the Joffrey arrangC'ml•nt as a po!.lllible promise for a b<'ttcr future Thl• Music Cenll'r guaranteed $1 n11ll1on to thl• company for each of the first two years. PRICES PREVAIL WEDNESDAY. JUNE 30th thru SA TUROAY. JULY 3rd Laay.1 Ckice_ ~ ~ .J SOLID ANTI-PERSPIRANT DEODORANT loz.1.99 PIERCED Earrings • • RAT 1.99 .. ~DOMED 2.95 PW. J\SCN • APRICOT SCRUBBLE 6 0 0 _!ash " Scrub 6 oz. TUBE • -~s=:::.::::: •APRICOT CLEANSING CREAM H oubigant CHANTILLY Eau de Cologne Liberates the romantic your 7.15oz. 3.75 Eylure FOi BEAunFUL NAILS Perfect. ready-to-wear art1frc1al nails rn minutes' MEDICATED CREAM The Beauty Cream lor freckles brown age spots or skin discolor at1ons 2 ... 3.79 .... 4.00 I -I I E,) lun.· Nail~ MAX FACTOR COLORFAST LONG·WTING Lipstick 3.35 COLORFAST LONG-US TING Nail Enamel .. ~ .... ~. l~ oz. 4.25 When the look's2 6 got 10 last 5 1/2 oz. • Mlyrellire Magic Mascara ~~ CANOE ~ml.49 Brush/Blush .Y _NWDll 2.19 Mani Cure ·e:toe For today's man sure of himself and strono. yet sens1t1ve enough for his woman :: .. 7.50 ... .... 9 00 '''•• . ' --~~-~-----~ -~------' NYSE (~OMPOSITE TRAN "ACTIONS OUOlA flOIO l!'iCl.UOI fllAOU ON '"' NIW TOI• M10WUT ""C"IC l'IW IOUON OUIOtf ANO (IN(INNA fl ITOO 111( .. A .. 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BlkHPw 1 '40 • 1' 1~' \'I OetE pl 1 3' 11000 41'" '"' H•rnllll l'Ot 11 ll 11 • • 1• Ma"~F 21 1 ' '" Pllliln I 70 u llO IS-'"' Syl>ron I 01 ' 4t 11'''" .. Wl•E pl I 'II "'° M' • Bl•lrJn 1 t • le ' 1 ' DE plF 11S I 111• '" H•rr8k 7.10 • 11 13'~ " MasCp l S. 37 II~ 1'> Pt•nRk IS 1! • .., • '°' SyD<n pt140 1 JO••• ,, WIKPI. ? It t 21 tt"1 Bick HA I., t SU 7t~o ' "' OE pl8 11S I tt•t HH•trr~•0 I •206 t 6Jlt '••'"' .... ' .. !°!~'t tncE '~J? • tl~ .!:,: .t PIAnlrn 1 .. J 1 ""°' V. Sy"'"' t 10 10 llM )II'>, \ii WIKPS I .. I >7 ""' • ~ 8tw8 1 IO 1 '" JS DE O'I. • ' ,.,, -~ \U -...,.. Pt•vbert 12 IOS ...... ~ SYKO \ ll 11 10'· •• Wil(o 'ID ' 11 "'" .... a.8 _;1no 11 !!! •7 tl~I I~• I.. OE rK 4 11 10 1~ Hat1SM I 1A • al 7011 • ... Mattel Ill 6 )It 1t1., PIH~ I....., t .. -... _ T-T _ Wolv¥t \ 4f • to 121,, "° ... MC ... ~ 21~ ...... , -7 -It 14\, HatlH - 9 ltl n.. .. M•ltl WI 14 ,,... .... ~. ...... .. -• ~~ ... -llDU.. ' .... ~ •• ·-H.11~,~ ••• ,, ....... ~-,,~,~ ~ ... , ..... 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I ' Af 1 t i..-.. · · • °"e • i-1 •••• 11'-• u111on I.ID t • )2.. ... ~ .. 11 I »e SJ IYll ... PSHH ptl 7J ~ llYll • ,... =lrf.: t -to-•t~+.., t~ . -,_, '" " -• • '" "SNH -.tl I 11\o --• '" "" -rJOO ... \o Hi•~11• 17 140 J~• '-Mella '' • -" ,.., • • If • " t -.. .,, e pl ov . • -• -" • t U' ..._ ~~HI llf1 IS 2'11. • ... ·~'"· ,. if ;-Ou~~~~ IS ~ ?! " =~I.~.~ "I ,~.... w ::~;JI.~ 14 ~ .6 : ,;;; n;'NM t to t WO lt • "" -c-c -0\14\.t '-'O • ,,. n.... ~ ....,,,.,, ... " ,,, ..... ~ M!f~!t!i 'U 1,1,~ ~~ .... =1¥11!.1G,,,t~ ..... 1 :::.·. "" !l IM I·!' ' ..J !S,~. ~ E ..... , 10 •. ''°' ..... . -HOftlM ..... • 11 ,... • .. Mt Ml.. .... -.. ..-... r.·· .. S t-P '" • .. '" I H-11 f~ t llOC •''-• i. MU Ml )"'° 1" Ii' tf4 It •--.. I J 10 i;7h plpf ": '• :i: n ~ Hoe;'U 1.2' I 106 lt\4 :.._ Met! Ill I a.t I 1 I) loo ,. p14,i tCI '.' .• IC»IA flO • 111' t,._ loo "°'"= _,.,. It 11t '°"' • .,. MOC el ! 01• 7 t 171111 ,. lift. d t \lo • 'A 01/f t7t . t i .... ; ~PfKt'IOfl tlf .. M "'1•171 Jt .. ~=n1• J 17' 10 " pl7, :! 11 _,.,.. r."I' ti~ I• 04 •-J -....._ \4 M 1 ... Slttl 0 I' GP!! I f'illl-.. ,.1~t~ I ~ !~ _·,111 _11_ 1 :: .'." H.t.e.illn ,J: ff ;;;-4 HO I H 1E' Ii. ,.. Gjlil'P.41 " +1"' ... • -• .. • I ,._ . II'"' I 10 1 u 1 -" "'*k• 14 , .. .,. i I I -= ~.. QG ' JI , f• ""....... M I 6iJ • II ' '"'. ~ M It. '. h I ..,, • "' ,..,.. It • II ·-.. , I .. ~ "' ... 1 , ., ... -... Mlfl!IOt ! .. • • ,.\lo ,.. ~.,,, ~ .1~ ~ ..... ,., ,. t " e-=~ f !! ': 'ifl• ~: : t~ ... \. la J ti• kt· .. ' ·~.. • "' I I -... .,_,--:s. Pill ' "'. Mir M ff._. l<t ;;:;;,Ill, .. 4 44 ''"" ~ • ~ ... i. ~ ..... ,. Mllll •• t l"t "' !lvttth •• ' J' S> loll -" I .'f I ' '.:· =:~ ,. • "" ~ "" J • ''-· .. ~1 1 :~ ~ 1l • "l~j ~I:!~ fl Si.!l.~r:: : I g; ~ ~ ·~~--~ ~~:~ Oil shale costs increase 2 GRANO JUNcnoN. Colo. (AP) - The coat of Union Oil Co.'_a pioneer oil shale project In west.em Colorado has rlaen by $70 million over 1n ltlal est.imatc?t, th~ corporation'• board of dl.recton NI been told. However, J1mes Clon1 n1er, maJ\119rofadm.lnlatndveeervlcs1t Union'• project office In Ound Junction, •ld Tue.day that the flaure r•fl•ot1 a coat lncrean th•t "11 rwmarkable for thla type Ind me or projlct It 2 H/F .. WASHlNGTON (Al') A govcmmunt Index deetgned to show future U,S. economic tr~ndt roee In May, the Commerce Department reported today. h was the third straight monthly gain and another 11gn tht· ret·es.~1on mny be ending. Tht! 0.3 percent m<'rease m the Index of Leading (nc.hcatol'll followed the sharp I .3 pen-ent increase in Aµr11. Today's report also revised the figure fur March 1.0 a 0.2 pc'rt'ent IOC'rease instead Of the 0.5 percent decline earher reported. card s pay for products Southern California Gas Co. has announced that customers can use Mastercard and VISA credit cards to purchase energy conservation products which the company sells. . The utility stressed that the credit car~s will be ac:c.-epted only for the purchase of conservation items. not for payment of monthly gas bills. The two bank cards can be used to buy such products as water heater msulation blankets, solar swtmmmg pool rovers. flow-restr1ctor showerheads and sink aerators and gaskets. Savings & Loan to m e r ge Seaside Savings and Loan Assn. of Mission Viejo and Escondido Savings and Loan have agreed to merge with Sun Savings, subject to approval by regulatory authoriues and shareholders. . The new assoc1at1on would be called Sun SaVlngs & Loan and have as.sets of $45 million Seaside. formed less than two years ago. has assets or $7.2 m1lhon. The stock or Sun Savings. based in University City. has been trading m the $19-$20 range Orftc1als expect t.o have six oCfu:es in operation by December NB firm develops shops Construction is under way on 30,700 square feet o{ convenience s hops in El Monte planned a nd designed by Architectural Team Three of Sama Ana for Hopkins Development o{ Newport Beach. Dividend increased The board of directors of Morehouse Industries Inc. of Fullerton increased the annual cash dividend to LO cents per share The previous rate was 7 cents per share. The dividend 1s payable Aug. 20 to shareholders of record Aug. 2. . . . . Morehouse is a supplier of high-speed dispe~on andparticle reduction systems for the chemical processing t.ndustry Bechte l plans announced SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Bechtel G roup lnc., the worldwide construction and engineering rompany. has decided to build a $100 million o~fice buil~an~ m an area of Oakland that the city is Lrymg to rev1taht.e. DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YOAKIAPl Flntl Dow J-. ........ tor T-.O JV11 7' $TOCK-' °"'"" ".... Lew c-0. lO Ind tit 1311140t0S11llJ71, OJI 20 ,,,, J" °' 111" Jti •s >•• 21-1.11 IS Ult 10t '3 107 l.l IOS" tO. .... 0 U tS SI• J•S•• J1t 1) JtJ04Jt$11-o.oc •nous • D ,SGO T1•n 1,15t,t00 Uh IS 1,041.- .S St• • 711,11111 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YOAIC IAPI lun 7' AMERICAN LEADERS Toou 091 701 .. , I ... ,. Na-t M""'ord ul'~ I.•~•,.,. .c';?,. 1~ ... , .... ' ,, .... , .... 711,. • 2~ s ·~ ·~· · n~ • ,,,.._ y • p • " l>tl. Up 11 t Up 17 • Up U S Up 11 • Up 11 4 Up II.I UP 10,1 Up 10. up 10 ''0 Fr-IMcMtn t .... U o I 0 J )t'\oo • 1"1 Up t) 11~ + ,.., Up t S ,.._ • .. Up '·' 11 • I Up '1 t "1 , VI UP I l •lft • ~ Up I J Jl'n • , .. Up 12 ll"" • 1"> UP I I 10"1 -Up • 1,1 1llo'8 , .. Up I.• n • l\l't Up 7.l ... , .. Up I.I 11~. , ~ up 11 """ \o VP I l 13w '" uo •·• 11"' • "' Ull • t OOWNi lce\I CllQ 11V) , P(.t. t lllMICO plA ) PSv(.ol 7,ISpl ""' -t"' O lolo -t\o Off 1tl ()fl 1 s Off U.1 ()fr II.I ; r.;:?i1r:i • c...-,. ... W1 1 O...P ptO I MGM-t.J• En1 • "'-'1111 10 Saul" Al Eal 11 Pl~ En IJ Sll\lff Co I) GIWllHool> n u SIPetQI IS W"'--.. ..... 4nl 11 F.i.w .. Cl> ··-pf 1t '<ltAll to Oel•Term t I $0\llll..,.,I 11 Ott_ Gp U ,OilllfMI ,. '"""' •.otPI ts '"" _,,, GOLD COINS , .. -.... t•"-, .. 1-. ... ,. -'"' ..... -"' ... .. ... "' ... ... .,... ... .... .. ,y, -"' 1"' "' ""' .. . .... . "' IJI'\ -.. .... ... J0"1 l lN .... ... ..... ... "" -... ..... -"' Off ... Ofl L1 Oft ... Oft 1S Off 1S Off 7.l Off u Off .., g:: ~ g:: :1 °" H Oft s.• OH JI Of! l 7 ()fl p Oft u E t: Of lflWY~IA~-...._ .... ,..,.._ .,.. OOllM. ~ wlltt ~.,,.. ............. t troy-.. AJ t.11,up~OO ........... I f10¥• .• ~U•,~MOO ............ It,,..., .. 00, 119 . •oo ..... , ... ,.. ·-·· UOt llOJ oa uuoo . ..-.... u .. .... r.i-....... H NEW YOlllC C'IPI Jun " AOY...Cto ~tll,,.., UM_.., Tot•l •s~ Ne., h!QM N•w tO'W'l METALS Tooay 211 "' 11) 111 s 14 NEW Y ,.,., .. 1)1 ORK (AP) -Sl)OI nonl•rrov• lea lod•y c.,.,. dM11n , &9-72 ctnl• • pound, U 8 .tlona. ~2 W7<*\tl a pound J:lftC T1n $4 I ... ~7 _,,, • pound. - 936--W-~ltl ~ 15-n oet!U • pound, NY _., '3 70 00 pet "- ....._ 1249 00 troy oz • N Y SILVER Hllfldy & H•rmen, '6 940 pet troy ounce. GOLD QUOTATIONS "The" ..•.... ,...... SeleCI td "'°"° gold prlctit lo08Y' 1.-do n : motnlng fixing 13 1' 00. up ssoo l Sl50 ...... t ,, ...... ; •"""°°" na1n9 '3H.&O. up .n..-11,..,._ $St7.U , uP U t4 .......,., '314 00, UC> U .02 lwtdl: •1e ll111fto UllH. uP MOO bid 1311!1.7& "'"d' '311 so. ~·.,..,.,., (only d•lly Quoit ) up MM>. ~ ~ (only deity~ 1317.50, up $8.50. .......... (only d811y ~I I~ UllM9' 1333.38. SYMB OLS d·.._ UflleM .,. ~terly ., or dttiQl\81 I0110wtn9 .. Ahle> llOCI\ di OKtat~ •·Deel« llJllt Ut'I j °'*'" "'"''"'·- ll•N9w 1f f'/IOtll •teell Ill call\ .. ~ •-h· ""° Cid lttveo ••r1t1t1 ,. I ' ..... .__. lf!loletl 2 2 2 2 a s ii ·- j 11111 Piiat WEON!SOAV, JUNE 30, 1982 H/F ClASSlfllD 06 Magee forced to prove himself again I 'll be r e ady, UCI s tar s a ys after S uns draft h im 39th By JOHN SEV ANO ottt.OllM)oNol ltaff Kevin Magee, who spent four years as a collegian trying to prove hts worth as a player, found himsell in the unenviable position of having to prove his value all over again following Tuesday's other, well, let's just say he had h is sights set pretty high. "I'm kinda hurt because of the way It went," Magee admitted, as he watched the draft on the USA cable network at a friend's house. "But I have to forget about it. rumored to be extremely mterested m tho power forward, Magee JUSt got a pained expression in his face and said, "Damn, that's crazy" ''l think it's a really good lhtnJ( thAt he's going t.o Phoenix, but I 1ri1nK tn1! NBA 1s screwl.>d -and stupid · M a~ee's numbers would 't' 111 l•1 support Mulhgan's claim . During h1x tw1 years at UCI , the 6-8 , 230-µounciN averaged 26 3 points a game' .m et ''l 3 r l'bounds. He set five s in~'· 1-{amt- records and seven smgle-sc·ason narl.,.s. not to mention leading the Ant1·:tlt•r... a virtual unknown until his arrival. to a two-year record of 40-17 and into the NIT playoffs this past season for the fi rst tame m the school's history National Basketball Association draft. Magee, who played two years at Saddleback College and two at UC Irvine and is the only two-time All- Arnerican out of Orange County, figured to be a cinch first round selection. "I'll be ready. Being No. 39 makes no difference to me. I'm glad to be a part of the Phoenix Suns. Like everyone else, I would have liked to have been drafted in the first round . . . but I have no control over that. And, after the first round ended. he added: "I can't believe I'm going to get drafted in the second round." The second round, it.self. wasn't as much of shocker as were some of the players drafted ah ead of the All- Arnerican. But the high number of underclassmen who declared their eligibility -nine altogether, eight of whom were chosen in the first round - combined with a reported poor showing by Magee at an NBA sponsored All-star camp in C hicago two weeks ago, apparently pushed Magee out of top contention. "I'm just going to have to go an and prove that I can do 1t all over again . at least I have to prove at one more time." Magee was not alone on draft day. When Fresno State's Rod Higgins, to a lesser degree, was packed No. 31 overall by the Chicago Bulls, a nd UC Santa Barbara's Richard Anderson, to a great.er degree, was the 32nd pick by San Diego, Mulligan almost went into a rage It was shortl y after that Harwood exl'used himself w go to the bathroom and Mulligan disgustedly asked: "Arl' you going to vomit?" Magee was also the fi rst collegian an history to finish among the top 10 two years running in pomts S<:orc-d. rebounds and held goal pen:entage Finally, on the 39th selection, the No. 16 pick of the second round, Magee went to the Phoenix Suns. With him were his attorney Dennis Harwood, UCI Coach Bill Mulligan, UCI assistant coach Herb Livsey, a female friend, and a handful of reporters. Harwood, Livsey, Magee and, in particular Mulligan, were stunned as one name after. another was read off during the first round. Magee was eventually picked seven players after Anderson. but that didn!t cool Mulligan any. And, JUSl to take Magee's assets a bit further. in two games against And~rson this yt'ar he scored 55 points and grablx-d 17 rebounds to 26 points a nd 19 rebounds by his counterpart "Marty Blake (the NBA's chief super Sl'OUt) really hurl him," said Mulligan. "I can't believe one guy m uld hurt Kevin so much " HURT -UCl's Kevin Magee says h e's hurt after not being selected in the first round of Tuesday's NBA draft. Obviously, the 6-8 power forward was disappointed. On the one hand he was happy to go to the Suns, a t'Ontender in the NBA's Pacific Divtsion. But on the When Milwaukee, who had the No. 20 pick . and Philadelphia, with No. 22. both passed on Magee when each was "How many other teams used three guys to guard Anderson ... or Higgins?" asked Mulligan disgustedJy, who saw his center triple-teamed virtually his entire collegiate career. Blake. who supplies l:'ach NBA team (See MAGEE. Page 02) She 'wins' the challenge CdM woman conquers 100-mile race --barel y By ROGER CARLSON Of tM DeMy Pllol Ii.ff . There were 166 runners separating them at the finish line -first place as opposed to 168th, and in length of time it was a matter of 13 hours, 10 minutes and 10 seconds. But when you're running 100 miles, just finishing the challenge is a victory. Ask Newport Beach's J im King, who won. Or Corona del Mar's Marcia Martyn, who also won (the challenge). King, in his first-ever try at the Western States 100, beginning al Squaw Valley in Northern Cal ifornia and finishing in Auburn, won the event in 16 hours, 17 minutes and 7 seconds. The following day (Sunday) Mrs. Martyn finished, sprinting the final 440 to the accolades of the gathered crowd. She finished 66 seconds ahead of the last women's entry. Her time: 29 hours, 27 minutes, 17 seconds, a little more than a half hour under the required 30 hours to make it official. With that bit of work behind her, Mrs. Martyn's thoughts tum to such endeavors as qualifying for the New York Marathon (requiring a drop of a personal best of 3:18.50 to 3:15.0) and running P ikes P e ak -both ways. A triathlon in Hawaii isn't out of the question, either. for this 43-year-old mother of three sons, wife of a Newport Beach doctor. Newport-Mesa School District teacher and resident of Corona del Mar. _,~o MORAL SUPPORT -Oakland second baseman Davey Lopes looks Uke he's getting some advice from shortstop FrPd Stanley Tuesday night during an unsuccessful double play attempt. The A's wound up losing to the Kansas City Royals 7- "The only difference between myself and King was that I saw the sun rise twice. he only saw it once," says the 11 3-pound Martyn. The realization of running 100 miles over terrain that would give a mule a tough time has evolved over a span of just four years. Five Rams using ;.--. cocaine That's prob ably the average in Nation al Football League Nobody came in on the noon balloon from Saskatoon and asked me. but ... • There are five members of the Los Angeles ,.Ra.ml who use cocaine on a regular wis which may be a reasonable guess at the average around the National Football League. • Rams coach Ray Malavasi says the recent stories on drug use in the NFL have "no place on the sports pages" . . . but the society and real estate pages have no interest. • George Allen of the Chicago franchise in the .new United States Football League says that in three years, his team will be competitive with any ,team in the NFL . . . Another club in Chicago, the :Bean, have been trying for 20 yean to beoocne 'bOmpetitive with teams in the NFL. . • NBC SIGNED VIN SCULL V away from CBS :but the latter't week was not a total lam . . . CBS :wu able to eoore big with the algning of Jimmy the :Greek. whkh 1how1 how much the rc!lt of ua know ~bout ruMlna • national TV network. ' •Ron Cey of the Dodaen hl8 alway. lndlcated . ht 6Ukel the nick.name 11PfnCUln" but he II part ot a ftnn ~ lri video pnw promotlona entitled .. ~n Power." • la la al ~ Bullie Blvlli 1bou& Z ln c~. 0 tf lMy w.... 1*11- .they WOUidn't want ln UM ctubhoule." • • 'nWt Ian Ditto Pld,.. wtll told up Ub 1 dMlp NllQlle, f SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER • Not everyone finds the NFL drug expo9eS to ~ deplorable . . . Every time there ls a drug story dealing with Lhe NFL. the founden of the United States Football League stand up and cheer. • THE TOTAL PAYROLL of Jerry Buss' Indoor .IOC'Cer team won't approach the salary of M.,ic Johnaon. • Former Dodger West Parker, now a broadcaater and actor says, "the trouble with bueball today la that you pay a IUY a million dollan or more and he ~glN to act llko • IUY belna paid a million dollara or more." • TM Ru.tan Olympic CommJttee Myt It wane. auaraniae. th• Soviet athlet.et at the 1984 Olympic pnw ln LOI Anplel wlU be •fe from IJmOl •nd mme tn the 1t.reet1 . • . O..S, we all want that. • U you NtJJl,;ant your doctor &o make howe c:aU1. mow !'MUil to tlwt IOlf ODUIW. •Dodier m1n11er Tom Luorda 11 (ht I UD, Pa11 DI> "It was 40 days before my 40th birthday that r thought I'd better get in shape," she says. So, she ran a miJe, then 10 days later ran a 7-mile race . Since then she has run Pikes Peak twice and a couple of Boston Marathons (within 21 marathons an all), among other races. The Wester n S t ates I 00 requires that anyone who can finish the race must do at under 30 hours. and for a while, it appeared Mrs. Martyn rrught not make it. Beginning at 5 a.m .. the first 60 miles must be run without ~istance, and if you're not at that point by 10:30 p.m., you're in trouble. No one in the eight-year history of the race had finished who could not get through the first 60 miles by 10: 15 -just over 17 hours since the s tart. "I knew the whole time I was going to make at," she says, ''but it took m e longer than I expected to run 60 males and l was getting nervous." She got some help at that point, since runners are able to have a friend assist in carryi ng some of the luggage required (water, coat. food). The trail is marked only by yellow ribbons and it's easy to Appreciate the defense --Mauch ARLINGTON, Tex.as (AP) - When the score in a baseball game is 2-1. the first inclination is to assume it was a pitcher's duel. But in Tuesday night's 2-1 victory by the Angels over Texas, that's only half the story. True, Geoff Zahn and Doug Corbett combined on a seven - hi tter against Texas, w i th Corbett retiring the last seven hitters in a row. Also true that Texas starter Doc Medich went the distance. scattered seven hits and, by his own account, enjoyed one of his strongest outings of the year But all parties agreed that the Angels' defense, particularly the infield, played a very large part in the victory. "I just throw the pitches and try to keep the ball in play," said Corbett. "The other guys do the work. They're super defensive ball playen." Angels' Manager Gi!ne Mauch chimed in eagerly. "If you don't appreciate the playa those guys made, you don't appreciate baseball," he said with a smile. 'third baseman Doug DeClnces made three fine stops on potential extra-baae hits end shortatop Tim Foll made a luptna stab of Buddy Bell'• Uno d rive to 1Ufle a potentJal Ranpr rally ln the tilth . Mauch, ~nc current blleblU alana. ujd they n "pkk IL" ••r doft'l kftow how lhoH lf'OUNI balll look I.a you IUrt (reponert), lNt '~ .,. ~ pla11,'' M1t.a:h Mid. '"Thlt T.w f IH ANOILl1 P111 DI) • get lost. She was lost twice during da rkness and nearly panicked. Of the 100 miles, only two miles in the 75-mile range are on pavement. aJong with the finaJ mile as you leave the American River Trail. It begins with 30 miles of snow, continues with rugged up and down, rocky terrain. and as Mrs Martyn says. "It's a course that s h ows no m e r cy relentless. "l had no idea it would be that tough." There are seven medical aid stations on the way and contestants are checked (pulse rate and blood pressure) at each junction. Her personal heaJth was never threatened, she says, and adds: "I know my limits. "I was running almost dead last the whole way I hadn't planned at that way, but I only had one hour's sleep the night before and three hours sleep the night before that (a combination of a mother's concerns about her b r ood and a com p e t 1 tor 's anticipation of the race). Nevertheless, she was there at 3 a.m. at the check stand and s tarted with the pack at 5. (See CDM, Page 04) WINNER -Corona del Mar's Marcia Ma rtyn wasn 't the first to cross the finish line but she has to feel like a winner after completing a recent 100-mile race in Northe rn California. Billie Jean • 1n • seUJ1s after beating A us tin Navr a tilova, Mc~nroe, Con nors win WlMBLEOON. England (AP) -Billie J ean King, the self- proclaimed "Old Lady" of tennis, upset third-seeded Tracy Austin today to move into the semifinals of the All -England Tennis Championships at Wimbledon. King, the sentimental £avorite who has w o n a record 20 Wimbledon c h ampionships, including six singles titles, used her serve-and-volley tactics and experience to oust Austin 3-6. 6-4, 6-2. The 38-year-old native of Long Beach . who first played this grass courts championship 21 years ago, will face defendlng champion Chris Evert Lloyd in the serrufinals. Lloyd, seeded second, advanc ed by stopping 10th-seeded Barbara Potter, 6-2, 6-1. Also moving into the semifinals was top-seeded Martina Navratilova, who eliminated unseeded JoAnne Russell. 6-3, 6-4. On the men's side, the top three seeds -defending champion John McEnroe, Jimmy Connors and Vita.a Gerulaitla - all moved into the quarterfinala, but fourth-seeded Sandy Maye r w11 upset by Tim Mayotte of Sprinafleld, M .... 3-6, 6-7, 6·4, 6-2, 6-4 ln a tnlrd- round _match. For JW\11 who had f'8ICMd the quarwflnall at Wllnba.don for tM l9U\ c.tme ln 19 tNli It Wll her Urtt vlc&or)' over Lht l:i'Hr•old Au1Un of Rollln1 TM oldel\ pla'Jflf 10 fYW reech tht 1l1J1ln 1tmllln1Jt u Wtmblldon, K.1n1. __.No, ti thts year, voUeyed crisply and covered the court tenaciously. She changed tactics several umes during the match in an attempt to prevent Austin from {anding the rhythm essential to her baseline game. King lost her opening service. but immediately broke back. The two then exchanged service to 3-3. when Aus tin cashed in two double-fauJts by King for a break and a 4-3 advantage. Austin earned another break Ill the ninth game to win the opening set. But King. playing in the 103rd singles match of her dl.at.inguished career at the All- England Club, shook o ff the years and five previous losses to Austin by storming to a quick 5-2 lead In the second set with breaks in the first and seventh games. * TOOAY'I MIUUa ....... Tillnl~ ...... Brian TMCNt (US I def Stefen Slmontean ISwtdenl. 7 ... 4-6, 8-3 . ._3 ,...._.,,~~ ....... JOlllll Krllk ISoulll Alrln ) del Nici! S1Yllno IU.S). 11-2. W . 7·6 Oef\I MllY9t cu.s 1 c111 Stew 0en1on 1u.s 1. 6-3, M , 8-4. JOlln McEnroe CU S I dtl Henk ltllellf IUl>.M.1-4.M M1t1l ldmoncl-IAultrlll•I def. AU1e111 llmc>IOn (New 2Ml•nd). ...... 7 .. 1-e. Tim Ml)'Olll (U.I .) del •lftdV Ml)'llt (U.I ,, M , .. 7. 1-4. t-t, M Vlt11 o.utel\le (U I I Mf ~ T-- (U 1.1. W~ Jlitfrfrtl/ CU I I ..,, ltllll Mot.__ ,....., ... ,. .... fol. 1-1 ...:: ;;,. 'r:r, rc!,f ~ tUll.· .. I, 1Uh1 ... ~~1 ~..,~~ ..,_ 1 IWft IU I •"' ..,..,. ,..,., N l.H·t~ ,.:.::1(11,Ttr':J• IU t I ... JeAMt j ............ -...... 111111 CIAIT lAlllA UHl •ll ClllT WEDNESDAY. JUNE 30. 1982 OflANGE COUN f Y CAL IFOHNIA 25 CENTS 1 ;Irvine Cove North • pro1ect gets nod · lrvlne Company official» say they'll "probably go alons" with a formula that will see th.e .company pay $385,752 toward affordable houslng in Laguna Beac h before they build a :48-home project Ln Irvine Cove North. Ci ty Council m embers approved an environmental .report for the project, as well as .gradinR plans and a tentative tract map for the 25-acre parcel across <.:Oast Highway inland of lrvme Cove. The approvals were tied to a commitment on the pvt of the company to provide ln-Ueu fees for affordable housing ouUde of the subdivision. The Irvine Company argued affordable uni ts could not feasibly be located within the proposed gated t-ommunity, cltlng the $1 million price tag for the homes, as well as aaaodaUon fees or more than $1,700 per year per household But Laguna Beach has n o inclusionary provision or formula for a ssessing in lieu fees for affordable housing. The council went along with a city proposal that is based on past action by the state Coastal Comnuss1on regarding proJeets in ·Guerrillas to leave Beirut Laguna Beach. That formula is based on the averaging of ln-lieu fees paid und e r previous tentative tracts. The assessment, according to June Catalano, the city's d irector of community development, is a little more than $8 ,000 per proposed unit. The $385,752 in-lieu fee must be paid before the final tract map la r ecorded, M s . Cata la n r explained. Jerry Collins, a spokesman for the Irvine Company, said the city's formula "i.a greater than what we think la reasonable. "But it's a !alt acrompli, so the probability is, we'll go along with lt." Collins said the company had expected the city to u se a for mula similar to the one proposed for Laguna's Sycamore Hills development project on El Toro Road near Leisure World. The city is attempting to sell 62 acres for development of up to 400 townhomes, with 50 of thoee units set aside for affordable senior housing. He predicts it will be six month s before the first state Coastal Com.mission hearing is held on the Irvine Cove North ,projeet. aidillg • evacuat10.n of PLO 'Due on sale' County viewing mortgage rule By bAVID KUTZMANN Of the Delly Pttot Steff About 700 California cases - mostly foreclosure actions and lawsµits to prevent foreclosures -remain in temporary legal limbo in Orange County until the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark "due -on-saJe" mortgage ruling is fully analyzed. However , a lawyer who represents more than a dozen E DITORIAL COMMENT -AIO savings ¥td loans said that an effort wouJd be made to settle ihe legal actions outside of court. The jurist who has control of the cases, Orange County Superior Court Judge Leonard Goldstein , said Tuesday that the high co urt 's ruling "i s undoubtedly going to have considerable Impact" on the peoding litigation. But, Goldstein said, he needs to a nalyze the ruling before knowing for sure what that impact will be. Waiting on the Newport Beach jurist's calendar are foreclosure actions from th r o ughout' CalHornaa. Goldstein is the designated judge in the state to handle so-called "coordinated" or similar due-on -sale lawsuits. These are legal actions where, attorneys said. these are "primary and sinular" questions at issue. *** Some of th e cases in Goldstein 's hands date back several years. The Superior Court Judge said that he had expected this week's ruling for quite a whale and had postponed rulings on the pending lawsuits u n til a dec1s1on was rendered. The 6-2 decision which the Supreme Court handed down Mo nday uph eld the right of federally chartered savings and loans to demand fuU payment'of a mortgage when a piece of property is sold. The lawsuits an Goldstein's court resulted, in many instances, when savi ng s and loan institutions called in their low- interest loans for full payment following a home purchase. The S&Ls believed that full-payment provisions were enforceable, a position s u stained by the Supreme Court. Foreclosure proceedings resulted in those cases w here the homeowners balked at the request. Predictably. savings and loan companies with federal charters lauded the Supre m e Court's rulmg as a boost for the slumping housing industry in California. Unaffected by the ruling were savings and loans with state charters. Los Angeles attorney Terry *** D-"Y Not ltalf "*o ON HOLD -Judge Leonard Goldstein is delaying action on foreclosure cases until the impact of the Supreme Court ruling is analyzed. Fralich, w hose firm represents about 15 S&Ls in the foreclosure lawsuits. sa.Jd Tuesday that he had read the S upreme Court ruling and felt it resolved many of the cases in his clien ts' favor. "Th e decision is very far r e aching and very broad ," Fralich said . Rather than force a trial on the suits. however, he said his firm would make an effort to settle the cases "without going back into court." ln most cases, Fralach said, the sutts were /iled against the savings and loans to prev en t foreclosures relating to due-on- sale provisions. The S&Ls, he said, filed counter actions. *** Israel presse.s deadline By The Associated Press U,S. and Lebanese mediators raced t oday to arrange evacuation of Yasser Arafat's trapped guerrillas from besieged west Beirut and stop ls raeli invaders from storming the Palestinian enclave, Lebanon state radio said. The Pales tine Liberation O rganization leadership has agreed to leave Be irut, said former Leban~ Prime Minister Saeb Salam, a key intermediary. "The big question ls where and when," he told Western reporters 15 minutes after a closed-door meeting with PLO leaders. ::>audi Arabia denied reports that it was offering to airlift the guerrillas to countries of their choice. The well-informed Beirut newspaper An Nahar said that instead special American envoy Philip C. Habib offered a U.S . guarantee of safe conduct for the PLO leaders if they left by bua for Syria, under International Red Cross escort. The PLO previously rejected a . si milar bus-evacuation pla n proposed by Israel. T h e mediation efforts by Habib, Sal am and a cting Lebanese Prime Minister Shafik Waz.zan came after Israel's Prime Minister .Menachem Begin on Tuesday seemed to give the guerrillas a 48-hour deadline to surrender and warned civ11ia~ an west Beirut to "get out, get out!" County realtors eye ruling &>gin said his forces outside the PLO's last retreat would wait "another day, two days" before routing the 8,000 cornered guerrillas by force, completing the prime objective of their 25-day invasion. A ssumable loan decision could h elp hom ebuyers Today, an official Israeli source said Begin 's seeming deadline should not be taken too literally, "but it is a matter of days." B y JEFF ADLER 0( the 0.., Piiot ltltff Orange County realtors ~·t expecting any s urge in home sales In the wake of Monday's landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision affecting assumable home loans, but they are hopeful the d ecisio n will h elp homebuyers in the 1011~ run. . The president of the nation's largest realty company, Century !l, headquartered ln Irvine, said be iB "hopeful" that the decision "1ill mean lenders will be able lo "offer more mortgage funds to consumers and at lower rates." WORLD Richard Loughlin added, "This decision will clearly have an impact on the housing market. but this impact is in no w ay devastating." Century 21 's Orange County regional manager. Dave Dawson, said he expected the De la Cuesta decision to have no immediate impact on the depressed state of the county's housing industry, however. Dawson said that the decision, whic h upheld the right of federally chartered savings and loans to demand full payment of a mortgage when a property iS' Hoppe 'r~tes' the wars For capsule reviews of ongoing hit wars. see Art Hoppe on Page A 11. TELEVISION Parole system examined The parole system ii doing what it can, but sodaty'a ailmen t.a are too pervaaive, 1uggest1 "CBS Reporta: The Parole Game" tonJaht. Page A12. 'Capey and Lacey' recovers LOS ANGELr.s {A.P) -··eaaney and Laoey," which IMmed d11ul')td for the lalevtalon 10T•P heap Jut y•r1 IJnilhed Mt'Ond In lhe TV raU~ for tho Mil ,W_feK, lm>rdina IO &he A..C. Nia• CO. Only I" Monda1 ....,.t oompenJon, ''M·A·l·H," ~ hi;htr. ' sold. could stimulate sales, but probably not soon. "ln the short run, it wiU be a difficult market for r eallors, buyers and sellers for the next month or so," said Dawson. "But if federal lenders can lower interest rates the consumer will be better off in the long run " ln fact, the president of the California A ssociatiorf o f Realtors, Sebastiano Sterpa, ch a lle nged le.nders today to lower their interest rates in the wake of the decision. "We would like to challenge (See REALTORS, Page A%) COUNTY The Israeli p rime minister d eclared bef ore I s rael 's parliament, the Knesset, on Tuesday: "Under no conditions will we let them stay in Beirut. They will leave Beirut. Nothing will help them. They will leave.'' T he An Nahar newspaper said today Begin's government refused demands by the PLO to give the guerrillas a face-saving retreat. Those demands called for a three-mile rollback of Israeli forces from Beirut. CdM Freeway finiJh n ear? The unfinished Corona del Mar Freeway may be finished In the foreseeable future. Pa.se ~l. 'Music Man ' at Saddleback "Th~ Music Man" is entertaining at Saddleback College, but where's the bis tin.lah? Page 87. Pie Jn lhe 1ky A ~ p6c:Nc1 in 1 balloon II I.NI haute NJ.i&nt tor ldwnUU"OW 0...,. Coll\ dlnere. P ... Ol. 1 ' D..., l'tlot ltltff '11oto LAGUNA PROCESSION -About 300 devotees participated in a sankirtan -taking the temple to the people -aJong Laguna's streets Tuesday. The throng, led byKnshnas carrying replicas of thesect's deities. demonstrated dances and chants at Main Beach Park. Krishnas celebrate on Laguna streets More than 500 members and friends of the Hare Krishna faith · met in Laguna Beach Tuesday lo honor spiritual maste r Srila Rameswar Swami during a day- long celebration in the sect's temple and on the streets. The Manaraj presided over festivities in s ide the 5,000-square -foot temple, including an 18-course meal of coconut and apple chutney, deep fried savories, homemade nectar fruit juices and a variety of vegetable dishes and dessert... The Maharaj initiated 25 new stud e nts who will become teachers of the Hare Krishna religion, and about 300 devotees participated in a procession - called a sankirtan -along Laguna streets and the Main Beach Park boardwalk. INDEX At Your Service A4 Busin~ B3-5 California A5 Cavalcade All Classified 05-8 Comics 82 Crossword B2 ~•th Notices D5 &Utorial AlO F.ntertainment I 87~ Food Cl-12 Art Hoppe All HorolCOpe All SPORTS "It was a celebration honoring one of our spir itual masters," explained Michael Grant, a Los Angeles Krishna devotee. "Th e sankirtan (taking the temple to the people) took an hour and a half and we had a de monstration of dancing and chanting at the beach," he said. WearinlJ saffron robes, many with their foreheads adorned with a smear of tilak -clay from the birthplace of Krishna -the followers chanted and danced behind devo~ carrying replicas of the Krishna deities. The cele bration was an o pportunity for the Laguna Beac h sect to show off its renovated temple, a replica of Bengal architecture, its inner walls decorated with colorful Bengal paintings. Intermission B7 Ann Landers All Movies B7-8 Mutual F unds 84 National News A3 Public Notices 86-8.~ S~rta 01-4 Stock Markets & Televtalon Al2 Theaters 87-8 Weather A2 World Newa A3 \ 1 1 r Al L Or1ng1 Ooa1t DAIL V PILOT IWIGnt1d1y, June 30, 1082 ~\ \\t Continued stories REAL TORS' REACTION. • • them now lo find a morisaa ln.1trumcnt that la viable," Sttirpa Nld. "1'hey havl' been clalmina that the reaaon rate. have nol been 2 percentqe point.a lower la the Wellenkamp decision. Now l would like t o !lee them loan money at 14 percent." Wellenkamp, decided by the California Supreme Court In 1978, barred S&Ls from demanding payment 0 1 mortgages when homes ate sold. Echoing Sterpa'a challenge, Dawaon said he believes reallon are waiting to see whe ther savings and loan institutions "will now be cooperative at renegotiating ne~ loans at below the market rate." H e said most real e11tute brokers ar~ not excited by the decision, but have "ta~n a positive approach lo It." In the long run, the De la Cuesta decision, according to Dawson, will be remembered because 1t signaled a return to long-term mortgages, albeit ones with variable rather than fixed rates. He added he believes sooner or later, Congress or some other authority will act tq bring regulations governing mortgages into line so that th e "due-on-sale" provisions apply tc state as well as federal lenders. Sparkie's recovery under close watch S parkie t-he sea lion , who underwent surgery last weekend for a bullet-shattered jaw, is not improving as well as the vets at the Laguna Beach Friends of the Sea Lion compound had hoped. "She's holding her own ," said Bill Ford, administrative officer for the an imal organization, "but she's not improving noticeably." Sparkie, the victim of a high velocity bulle t that ripped Agents hold transient in Reagan threat Secret Service agents in Los Angeles refused today to provide any details about the arrest of a Laguna Beach transient accused of threatening the life of President Reagan. Jam es Ta nner, 29, was arrested by Laguna Beach pol.ice at the south end of Main Beach Park Monday after officers were asked by the Secret Service to be on the lookout for the man. Tanner was booked into Laguna Beach Jail and later turned over to agent Chuck Brewster, who transported the suspect to the Los Angeles office of the federal agency. He faces c harges of th r eatening the life of a president. A DPS helicopter then flew Witherby to Flagstaff hospital. where he underwent surgery for massive head injuries through her lOwer jaw, has a mouth tu11 0 1 s teel pins ano clamps following an operation performed Saturday by veterinarians Robert Rooks and John Hamil. Since then. she's been on a die t or chopped herring. "She had two blenders full of herring this morrung," ford said today . "Sort of a herring smoothie." Frie nds o f the Sea Lion volunteers plan lo release three recovered sea lions and three harbor seals sometime today, t~en transfer Sparkie to the large outdoor pool. The sea lion is cur rently housed inside a barn-Ji k e structure with a plastic loddie pool -a situation Ford says is not conducive to her recovery. For one thing, the steel pins in her jaw are wreaking havoc on the vinyl pool. "We can't afford to go through a pool a day," Ford said. The sea lion has ripped the kiddie pool to shreds, spilling water all over her "recovery room." "We're hoping a transfer to the larger pool, outdoors in the sun and fresh air. will turn things around for Spa.due," Ford said. "U she reacts to it well, we'll have a better prognosi!. But as of today, she's not improving all that well." Once she's in the larger pool volunteers hope to slip whole herring -spiked with vitamins -past her mouth in the hopes sh e grabs for them. If she doesn't, then it's back to the smelly smoothies. -STEVE MITCHELL Coach's firing mulled By PATRICK J. KENNEDY Of the Dtll~ ltllot ... tt Tht-Irvine M\.Orney for the El T o ro High Sl·hoo l girls ' basketball coach fired bt"cause of accu!l.Btlon.~ thul she stole money from a gym lol·ker, says he bclleveli thf' Hehvol dlstrkt <.'Ould be overruled In court because the alleged theft Is unproved on a 3-2 vote. trustees of the Saddlebat"k Unified School District de<:id<.-d Monday agalnst rehiring three-year coach and teacher Sharon Spen<-er because o{ the charges made by roaches Debbie Moore and S heri Ross. The school board's s plit dectsion rejected the opmion of an administrative law judge who hl'ard six days of testlITlony on the charges earlier this year and then ruled the alleged thd t wasn't <:ondus1vcly proved. The l wo d ISSl'n ting tr us tees sided with the opinion of law judge Marilyn L. Nelson. "Sharon wants her job back but a lawsuit could be costly and tim t'·Co n s um i ng and this <.'Ontroversy has bee11 hard on her," sa ys atto rney George Shat'ffer. Shaeffer says they'll make a dec1s1on wht'ther to sue the school board next week after they receive the official transcripts of the trustees' action. 138 released from plane by hijacker BANGKOK. T hailand (AP) - An accused drug trafficker said t o be wearing a n ecklace o{ dynamite freed 138 of his 256 hostages from an Alitalia jumbo jet today after learning that his estrangt'Cl wife and son were on their way to Bangkok from Rome as he demanded. negotiators said. They said he talked to his wife while she w.;is Clyin~ en route from the Italian capital. The woman and boy were expected to arrive 1n Bangkok early Thursday l'hose released in Bangkok included all the women aboard the aircraft. and all men under 19 and over 50 All were reported in good cond1t1on Identities were not 1mmcd1ately known , but officials said rarher the hostages included two Aus tra lian provincial offlc1als and possibly an Amencan Clouds persist Coastal Partial cleerlog of cloud• lhll atternOOfl wl1h hloha of 87 10 1he low 70a Cloudy l•te tonlohl With tows ol 55 10 60 Conllnu•d cloudy Thursday morntno with clearing by allernoon Highs ThurMl•Y 68 10 75 Atlante Cty AUtlln BalUmore BllllllQ.S BlrmlnQhm Bismarck Bo4M Boston Brownsvlte Butl•lo Burliogton Caaper Charls1n SC Cl'lllrlttn WV Ch•rl11e NC Cr.eyenne ChleagO Ctr>Qnnatl 71 65 so 93 77 89 66 68 59 85 70 0<1 70 49 75 55 77 67 .8-4 96 81 78 60 03 66 60 "3 88 53 90 7<1 79 66 100 86 69 02 85 5<I 05 70 so .02 8<I 69 E lsewhere . from Point Conception 10 lhe Mexican l>O<<Mf and out 80 m41e9· LIOhl, variable wlnela nlOlll •n<I mornlno hours becomino we11 to south-1 10 to 18 knoll In llWI late •ttemoon and evenlog hov" today and Thura<lllY Wtnel w•ves ot 2 10 4 teet Sovt"-t swell t to 3 feet P•rll\I elovdy lo<l•Y. t>ecomtng mo911Y cloudy tontohl and Thurlel•y wllh P•rtl•I CMlllflnQ Tllurlelmy •Mernoon t,;lmblll SC COlumbut Oal-Ft Wlh Oeyton 88 70 81 62 9• 75 Fronts: Cold..-. Watm 99 U.S. Summary urge hall and high wlnela hit Mon1•n1t end th• cenH•I high plalns 10011y, while a 1om•do wu slOhled In northeHI Color•do. Scett•red s how •re and thunelefatorms fllll over the io- an<I northern pl1ln1 •nd In the Ohio V1lley. Skies were clear o....,. the uppe( •nel lower Ml1alsal1>9I V•lley, lhe upper Gre•t Luee, the eoutttern plains anst 1he Florid• penlnau111 TIWI N•ttoo•I WHttwlr Ser'Y!Ca predlcia auttered Showerll end lhunelarstorma fn Itta Souttwlaat end from the northe<n end oentr•I pletHU llCfOll the northern end central Aoollla lo th• -1atn pttlna. Temper•1ur•• around lh• r>aJIOn 9lr!y IO<lmy rangecl frwtl 42 In Duk11h. Minn .. IO t3 In Ptlolnbl. Ml. California The Hation.i w .. tner SeMoe pr,cllct1 conllno.1ed night •nd mqrnl"9 cloudlnea. tollow9d by • mOtll)' aunny •nd wermar •llernoon Thur•d•V Northern de .. rtt tnd tM Owen• v11i.y could o•t ltOllled 1howar1 ·~I. Hlgll• lhOuld r~ lrom 1) WI Lot AAOllll to 7 Ill 0Mefle9, .,._,IS llld 1 mountain•. fr~ 78 to U 1n 11'4 !"Oh dtlMl1 llnCI In ttwl low toe 1n IN IOw o.n ..... Oes MOlneS Oetroll Ouluth El Puo Fergo Fleo•t•tt G< .. I F•llt Hertford Holena Honolulu Houston lnelnepllt J9Ckan MS Jackanvlla Kans Clly Las V90u LOUISVIiie Lubbock Memphle Miami Miiwaukee Mpls·SI P N .. hville Haw Or1Nnt Haw York Nor1olk No Plana Oki. City Omen. Oftando PMadPfll9 Pfloenl• Plttt«>urgh Piiand. Me Piiand. ON PrOYldence =:" AlchmOnd 8alt l.lk• I •' , 82 63 42 93 58 81 62 05 82 ' 59 .O<I 65 37 103 76 72 <18 n 5<I 75 56 .02 75 62 .45 78 58 87 75 92 80 84 65 94 71 02 San AntoniO $Qlll9 Shr~ SIOu• Fahs $1. Loult St P-Tampa St Ste Marie Spoune SyrllCUM Topeka Tucson Tul .. Washlno1n Wtchi111 96 73 89 73 91 as 72 73 72 93 98 95 91 93 98 77 93 69 93 r tt. CALIFOflNIA 82 8<1 71 .03 Beker1f1eld 91 66 Blythe 89 78 Eureka 87 80 Fresno 6.4 SO 08 Lancaster 76 55 Lo• .Anoe•es 89 72 Merytvlll• 92 73 Monterey 74 67 49 Needles 89 73 Oeklan<I 9<I 87 .76 p-Roblet 92 72 Red 8tuff IM 80 .27 ~ City 9<I 74 a.er-to ,,.. ea .a 1 S8llnM 9 7 87 Sall OleoO 77 57 n San Fr8f'CllCO S3 58 1 76 • Sant• 8arben 78 81 S•nt• Man• 78 66 .27 Stockton • 90 68 .!><! TMt'lnel 81 51 18 Ukleh 91 72 Bartlow 93 81 Bio Bear 102 85 n 71 70 ,, 65 101 71 70 70 71 73 82 73 87 66 72 76 99 73 82 88 • 7<1 56 <IO 74 02 59 08 68 79 .. 0 59 05 56 73 73 13 75 73 .39 85 63 55 04 58 16 54 60 59 02 58 53 01 52 31 83 55 53 66 <17 I URf RIPORT oe.rt• llcMlWI lfOm ltolnt Conc.puon 10 IN MeltiCen bor0. 0M expect tWft, V#llble wtndt lonltf\I end •::;; lllC&~ .. SZiiiiiil ... a-. ............................ -- T1'111r•d1y morning, becoming ··--.,..-eoutiw..t II fO to 11 llnotl -.-• by 1fttn1oon wltll 1 _,,..,.., HWl':1:' Pier IWll f\Mnt t to t ,..., t:-1, = .>eny Tempera1ure6 =:-.,. '*II~ MA"°'\. Le "9 =ltOOri 1a to " . ..,~,.., i :: " ,,......, {T...,_I • T~'ITIOll • ., .,....., """" 1 ,., ....... , .... ,. 82 12 12 12 ea 12 ., 12 :; Hill''? .. 111\.I Ltw tl4 '"'· hll ' Bishop 78 C•t•llna 71 L•k• Arrowh41ael 78 LOOO Beech 71 Monrovia 78 Ml Wilson 58 N-POll Beucti 89 Ontario 72 P•lm Sprlnos 98 P.sadena 71 San Bernardino 74 San JOMI 67 Santa An• 71 Sente Cruz 64 Tahoe Valley 58 Extended weatl1er 62 55 •5 63 62 .. 5 62 59 72 60 57 55 13 81 80 13 ... SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL .ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS -Fair with soma late night •nd early mornlno low CIOUdl ,_,,the cout Hight 1(1 the COHiii .,... renotng ITom low 70t ,_, bMctle9 to upper 601 Inland "alley9 Lows 5 7 10 83 nwg The Air Quall1y M•n•gemenl Olatrlcl predlcta good etr qualily 1o<l•Y In all •reu of tile South Coall All Betln Wh•r• 10 0111 (toll tree) tor lllMI 9mOg lfllO<matlon: ,Orange County. (800) 44W82e I 01 ""o•IH County: (9001 242-<1022 Atverlld1 •no Seo Bernardino ooun1'"· (9001387.,.710 AOMO Epleode Centtt (IOOI 2•2-<IM8 Tides TOOAY leGond tow 11:6t 1.m. leoond hlol'I t $ 1 11 m. lHUllllOAY ,ltll IOw I 44 I "'' 0 • fir 744•m ~· !ft II ~I ' "'· l.t 111111 , ,, • "' "' lllfl "'9 ...., M I OI , !ft., ,...~ ...... "'' . ~,,...., .. 1.n'"'• .... ,,....,, ...... "' IECM (Induced Envtronmont----- Contamination Monitor) lllJI' Development Flight Instrumentation AP AP Wlrephoto POKING AROUND Diagram demonstrates .the radius reached by the 800-pound contamination monitor or IECM at the end of the space shuttle's mechanical arm. • Transit surtax backed Lt•gtidutlon that would permit O r angl' Count y vo t ers to det.ermln\• tlw fate of a propc.ised 1 pen:ent llftl\'11 11urt.ax to finance transportation pru.)(.~·ts has won an l'ndonu.•mt•nt, albeit shaky, Crom the County Board of Supervisors. fn a 3 to 1 vote, with onl' member absent o n va(•ation, county s upe rvisors d eclared support Tuesday for Assembly Bill 3283 , a uth ored by Asst>mblyman Richard Robinson, 0 -SanUI Ana ln 11S present form, the bill would permit the county Transportation Commission to place before voters a ballo t mc•asurc that would boost the !>dk-s t.ax ralt• from 6 percent t.o 7 pc•r('enl Add1ttonal revenue derived from 1 he sales surtax -an t~t1mawd $150 million per year would be used to finance transportation improvements in Orange• County Su pervisors Ralph Clark, Thomas Rik•y and Roger Stanton voted to support the bill which is now pending before the Senate Transportation Committee. Astronauts repair college experiment CAPE CA NAVERAL, Fla (AP) -Columbia was fl ying an almost flawless mtSSion nearly halfway through its fin al shakedown cru1St! today, and a NASA flight director said the shuttle 1s ready for operational assignments on its next mission. Su perv1sor Bruce Nestande, expressing what hl• termed "very go strong frt·ltngs" cast the sole d1~nung vctc The astrona uts. Ken Mattingly and Henry Hartsfield. worlong a heavy test load. seemed m ost pleased whe n they surprised everyont' by f ixi n g a n experiment built by nine Utah college students. "lt was one small sw1t.<:h for NASA and a giant turn-on for t h e m . · ' s a i d ·c a p s u 1 e communicator Michae l .Coates, with the students nearby a t M1 ss1on Control in Houston . ''They really appreciate your outstanding work." Fli~ht direnor H arold Draugho n was asked 1f the WHETMORE DIES -J ames E. Whetmore, form~r 14-year state legislator representing northern Orange County. died early today at Anaheim M e m o ria l H os pital. Mr. Whetmore had suffe red from a lingering heart ailment. HP most r ece ntl y Jived in Capistrano Beach. • Ill An old-fashioned Fourth of July celebration wiU be held on the nation's birthday at the C r o wn Valley Community Park in Laguna Niguel. The day-long event begms with five and IO ktlomet.er runs, with runners stepping o {f at 7 and 8 a .m . respectively. Signups are at 6:30 a.m. A Laguna Niguel Chamber • The Summer Moulton Afterschool ARTS program (S.M. ARTS). featuring programs in music, art, math and language arts fo r children up to sixth grade, begins Jul~ 12 in Laguna Nigue l. Regis tration forms are • A backpacking trip in the Sierra range is planned from July 6 to 12 for Laguna Beach youngsters from ages 13 to 18. The trip is sponsored by the Boys Club of Laguna Beach. A second wildern ess f Registration continues through the summer for some classes offered by the Laguna Beach recreation department. Tennis classes, swimming. aerob~cs. jazzercise and Nestande said 1t would be wrong to give a non-elected body the transporwt1un commission wxmg authority , of Comm e rce panca ke breakfast. a sky d 1ying exh1b1tion, food booths, mag1c1ans, games, swimming, and free balloons are just part of the day's act1v1 t1es. Live e nt ertai nme nt , ranging from bluegrass music to jazz rock bands and a 30-piece ensemble will be presented. And a pyrotechnics d isplay beg1ns at dusk. available at the Dana Niguel Library and the Moulton Eleme ntary School of fice, 29851 Highlands, Laguna ?(iguel , For registration information , call 661 -0107 or 661-0838. adventure. this time a horseback trap into Yosemite, 1s planned for youths and their pare nts July 19 to 25 Cost of that trip is $225. For r eserva ti o n s or information, call the club at 494-2535. creative wntmg are among some of the offerings. For m fonnation, drop by the recreation department at 5 15 Forest Ave., o r call 497-3311. SANYO STEREO MINI CASSE I IE PLAYER "Do to the response of last weeks ad, this Is held over until July 5th" l\ • Headphones ~ • Stop/ eiect • • F Fwd • Rew/ Review • Play • Shoul~er Strap Hook • Tape select I tone switch 0SANYO Sale $39.88 (Sale priCal good thru Tuet .. July 5, 1982) (CIOMd Sun., July 41h -Open July 5th) @ID CROWM HARDWARE All 810fM OC*'I 7 Deye WMtollft Plan 102~ lrvlnt Avt. N.w,ort Belch 642·11H Corona del .._ 51011. Cout Hwy. 111-llOO --. -. -~ --. . . . . --. . • llAICI CIAIT IRlll IDITlll WEONESOAY. JUNE JO 1962 onANGE COUNTY . C ALlfOHNIA 25 CENTS ·Columbia flying 'flawless Inission' C APE CANAVER AL, Fla. (AP) -Columbia was flying an almost flawless mission nearly halfway through its final ahakedown cruise today, and a NASA flight director said the 1huttle is ready for operational assignmen ts on its next mwion. The astronauts, Ken Mattingly and Henry Hartsfield, working a heavy lest load, seemed most pleased when they surprised eve r yone by fixing an experiment built by nine Utah college students "ll was one small switch for NASA and a giant turn-on for them," said capsule communicator Michael Coates, with the students nearby at Mission Control in Houston. "They really appreciate your outstanding work." Fli ght director Harold Draughon was asked tf the s huttle system IS ready to go opera uonal. "Yes, very much so," he said. "This f light has been most benign as far as systems performance than any of the shuttle flights lO date. We have no significant problems." Columbia's belly was baking In the! sun to dry out ules mtde soggy by a pre -launch thunderstorm last Saturday. Dra u g h o n re p orted th e procedu re worked and ''data shows the woter problem has been removed." In between navigation , communications and other tests. Mattingly and Hartsfield turned their attention to the Get A way Special tests that had defied repair efforts since launch Sunday Guerrillas to .leave Beirut Usina fresh instructions from the Space Center in Houston, they tried again today. Officials had alJ but given up hope and the students were disappointed but under s tanding . A flight director said there was li ttle hope. But the fix worked and tne instruments -to determine the biological and physical effects of weightlessness on various plants, animals and materials -started ·up. "Sounds to me hke we owe somebody down there a great big cheer," said Mattingly "That was a very clean schemt' " Capcom Roy Bridges said, "That's really Rreat news. You're going to make a lot of folks happy down here." Eight students from Utah State University and one from Weber State spent thr<.'<' years preparing the tests. A benefactor spent $10,000 reserving the t·argo space. In midmorning the a->tronauts relayed their first hvc t<.•lcvision show, taking Mission Control on a photographic tour of America\ Gulf Coast from M1SSissipp1 through Florida and out over the Bahamas Above Cape Canaveral, Mattingly, sighting a sh u ttle runway near the launch pad, said. "It stands out like an arrow." The astronauts awoke today s hortly after midnight (PDT) and were serenaded about 30 mmut.es lc1tcr with stirring martial music. Ground co ntrollers then played tape recordings made by Judy HarLs f Id , wale of Columbia pilot Henry Hartsfield. ·u.s. aiding evacuation of PLO 'Due on sale' County viewing mortgage rule By DAVID KUTZMANN ofltt. 011lly Piiot St11tl About 700 Cal.Jfornia cases - mostly foreclosure actions and lawsuits to prevent foreclosures -remain in temporary legal hmbo in Orange County until the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark "due-on-sale" mortgage ruJmg is fully analyz.ed. However, a lawyer who represents-more than a dozen EDITORIAL COMMENT -AIO savings and loans said that an effort would be made to settle the legal acuons ou tside of court. The jurist who has control of t he cases, O r a n ge Cou n t y Su perior Court Judge Leonard Goldstein, said Tuesday that \he h ig h court's ru l ing "is undou btedly going to have considerable impact" on the pending litigation. But, Goldstein said. he needs to ana lyze the ruling before knowing for sure what that impact wilJ be Waiting on the Newport Beach jurist's calendar are foreclosure act ions from throughout CaliCornia. Goldstein is the designated judge in the state to handle so-called "coordinated" or similar due-on-sale lawsuits These are legal actions where, attorneys said, t h ese are "primary and similar" questions at issue. * * * Some of the cas~s in Goldstein's hands date back several years. The Superior Court 1udge said that he had expected this week's ruling for quite a while and had postponed rulings on the pending lawsuits until a decision was rendered. The 6-2 decision which the S upreme Court handed d own Monday upheld t h e r ight of federally chartered savinp and loans to demand full payment of a mo rtgage when a piece of property is sold. The lawsuits in Goldstein's court resulted, in many 1nStances. w he n savin g s and loa n institutions called in their low- interest loans for full payment following a home purchase. The S&Ls believed that full-payment provisions were enforceable, a position sustai ned by the Supreme Court. Foreclosure proceedings resulted in those cases where the homeowners balked at the request. Predictably, savings and loan companies with federal charters lauded the Supreme Court 's ruling as a boost for the slumping housing industry m California. Unaffected by the ruling were savings and loans w1lh state charters. Los Angeles attorney Terry *** Delly f'llot ltefl Photo ON HOLD -Judge Leonard Goldstein ls delaying action on foreclosure cases un til the impact of the Supreme Court ruling ls analyzed. Fralich, whose firm represents about 15 S&Ls in the foreclosure lawsuits, said Tuesday that he had read the Supreme Cour t ruling and felt it resolved many o( the cases in his clie nts' favor. "T he decision is ver y far reaching and very broad," Fralich said. Rather than force a trial on the suits, however, he said his flnn would make an effort to settle the cases "without going back into court." In most cases, Fralich said, the suits were filed agains t the savings and loans to prevent foreclosures relating to due-on- sale provisions. The S&Ls, he said, filed count.er actions. *** Israel presses deadline By The Associated Press U S . and Lebanese mediators raced today to a r ra n ge evacuation of Yasser Arafat's trapped guerrillas from besieged west Beirut and stop Israeli invaders from storming the Palestinian enclave, Lebanon state radio said. The Palestine Liberation Organ ization lead ership h as agreed lo leave Beirut . said former Lebanese Prime Minister Saeb Salam. a key mtennediary. "The big question is where and w hen," he told Western reporters 15 minutes after a closed-door meeting with PLO leaders. ::)audi Arabia denied reports that 1t was offering to airlift the guernllas to countries of their choice. The well-mfonned Beirut newspaper An Nahar said that instead special American envoy Philip C. Habib offered a U.S. guarantee of safe cond uct for the PLO leaders if they left by bus for Syria , under International Red Cross es<.'Ort. T he PLO previously rejected a si m ilar bus-evacuation p la n proposed by Israel. The med1at1on efforts by Habib. Salam and a c llng Lebanese Prime Mm1ster Shaf1k Wazzan came after Israel's Prime Minister Menachem Begin on Tue:5day seemed lo give tht• guernllas a 48-hour deadline to surrender and warned civiltans in west Beirut to "get out. gel out!" County realtors eye ruling Begin said his forces outside the PLO's last retreat wouJd wait "another day. two days" before routing the 8.000 cornered guerriUas by forre, completing t he prime objective of their 25-day invasic;m Assumable loan decision could help homebuyers Today, an official Israeli source said Begin's seeming deadline should not be taken too LiteraJly, "but it is a matter of days." By JEFF ADLER Of !he Dlllly l"lklt l lllft Orange County realtors aren't expecting any surge in home sales in the wake of Monday's landmark U.S . Supreme Court dt!clsion affecting assumable home loans, but they are hopeful t'h e deci sion wil l help ~buyer-3 in the Ion~ run. The president of the nation's largest realty company, Centulj' 21, headquartered in Irvine, said ~ is "hopeful" that the decision WORLD will mean lenders w ill be able to "offer more mortgage funds to consumers and at lower rates." Richard Loughlin added, "This d ecision will clearly have a n impact on the housing market, but th.is impact is in no way devastating." Century 21 's Orange County regional manager, Dave Dawson. said he expected the De la Cuesta decision to have no immediate impact on the depressed state of the county's housmg industry. however. Hoppe 'ra tes' the wars ·- For capsule reviews of ongoing hit wars, see Art Hoppe on Page A 11. TELEVISION Parole system examined The ~le ayatem ls doing what it can. bu t aoclety'a ali.menta ere too ~rvulve, augeata "CBS Reporta: The Parole Game' tonJaht. Pace Al2. 'Casner and Lacey' recovers LOS ANOELf.8 (AP) -11C.1noy and Lacey,'' which 1GOmec:I d•Uned for ltt• wlevlafon 1Cr1p hup IMt y11r rtnllhld ~ ln lhe TV r•U!'IJI ror the PMt w .. ~1 ~1"' to the A.C. NJ.lien c.o. ~·~tu Mondlr '"'"' oam,.a1pn, 11M·A.a·H.'' pMaW ,...._, Dawson said that the decision, which upheld the right of federally chartered savings and loans to demand full payment of a mortgage when a property is sold, could stimulate sales, but probably not soon. "In the short run, it will be a difficult market for realtors. buyers and sellers for the next month or so," said Dawson. "But if federal lenders can lower interest rates the consumer will be better off in the long run." (See REALTORS, Page A2) COUNTY The Israeli prime m iniste r declared bef ore I s r ae l 's parl iament, the Knesset, on Tuesday: "Under no conditions will we let them stay in Beirut. They will leave Beirut. Nothing w ill help them. They will leave." The An Nahar newspaper said today Begin's government refused demands by the PLO to give the guerrillas a face-savrn~ retreat. CdM Freeway finish near? The unfinished Corona del Mar Freeway may be finished in the foreseeable future. Pa_se Bl. 'Music Man' at Saddleback "T he Music Man" is entertaining at Saddleback College, but whe re's the big finish? P age B7. Fourth time the charm Debra Sue Maffett won the Mtaa Anaheim and Mia Calif ornla llllos after l01ing th~ time. ln Mlll Tcxu peg anta. Paae A9. Pie Jn the 1ky A prmet ~In• baUoon 11 true hlu.. ne lot ldwnu.arCM ~ C.O.t dinNI. P Cl, l O•llJ PHot Photo by fllchard KoeNllf OUTER SPACE? -What looks like a scene from a futu:istic movie actually is the ''bubble" at William R. Mason Reg1~mal Park in Irvine with kids playing inside. The use of a star filter makes the sun look like a star. Hijacker frees 138 captives in Bangkok BANGKOK. Thailand (AP) - An accused drug trafficker said to be wearing a neck lace of dynamite freed 138 of hJS 256 hostages from an Alitalia jumbo jet today after learning that his estranged wife and son were on their way to Bangkok from Rome as he demanded. negotiators said. \T hey said he talked to his wife while she was flyinli( en route from the Italian capital. The woman and boy were expected lO arrive 1n Bangkok early Thursday. Those released in Bangkok INDEX At Your Service A4 Business 83-5 California AS Cavalcade AJI Classified D~-8 Comics B2 Crossword B2 Death Notices D5 Editorial AlO Entertainment B7-8 Food c 1.12 Art Hoppe All Hol"CJllCOpe All SPORTS included all the women aboard the aircraft. &nd all men under 19 and over 50. All were reported in good condition. Identities were not immediately know n, but officials said ear lier the hostages included two A u stralian provincial officials and possibly an American. The hijacker. identified as Sepala Eka nayaka , 33, of S ri Lanka, also demanded $300,000 and told authorities he had six accomplices aboard the jet. But the captain said he spotted only one air pirate. Intermission B7 Ann Landers All Movies 87-8 Mutual Funds B4 National News A3 P ublic Notices 86-8,05 Sporta Dl-4 Stock Markets B5 Television Al2 Theat.en B7-8 Weather A2 World News AS . , ' •• pl p UC lrvtno'1 Kevln Mqlt and hll ~. IUl MuUltln, wn b»h us-t •nd ~ "" lhl NIA draf\ 1n • wh h M w.n'• ~Oholtn unul IM llllOftd f'Wnd, hit DI. . ~· Ortnge Oo11t DAILY PIL.OT/Wtdnetd1y, Jun• 30. ieea ------~----------------------------------------------------------------""''\' \\\-t. Continued stories REAL TORS' REACTION. • • In fact, tho president of thl' California Auoclatlon o f Realtors, SL·buj tlano Sterpa, 1.:hallengcd lenders today to lower their lnteretit rates In the wake of the dt.~:tslon. "We would like t-0 challenge them now to find a mortgage iruatrument that is viuble," Sterpa said. "They have been claiming that the reason rates have not been 2 peroentage points lower Is the Wellenkamp decision. Now I would like to see them loan money at 14 percent." dcmandtna payment of mortg111gea when homea arc sold. Echoing Sterpa'a challenae, Daw.on IA.Id h believes rcaltora are waitlni to aee wh~ther savings and loan institutions "will now be cooperative at renegollating new loans at below the market rate." He said most real estate brokers are not excl ted by the decision, but have ''tak en a positive approach to It." Coach's firing mulled By PATRICK J. KENNEDY Of the Dill4J ,Uol llett The lrvln<J attorney for the El Toro H i gh Sl·h oo l girls ' basketball coach fired because of accusations that she stole money from o gym locker, says he believes the 5Chool district could be overrull'd in l'Ourt lx.l(•ausc the alleged theft 18 unproVl'd Wellenkamp, decided by the California Supreme Court in 1978. barred S&Ls fr om ln the long run. the De la Cuesta decision, according to Dawson. will be remembered because it signaled a return to long-term mortgages, albeit ones with variable rather than fixed rates. On o 3-2 vote. trustees of the Saddleback Un ified School Districl de<-1ded Monday against reh1r1ng three-year coach and teacher Sharon Spencer because of the charges made by coaches ' Debbie Moore and Sheri Ross. County settles debt w-ith • • un1vers1ty Orange County supervisors have ordered a final, $7.6 million payment \o the Unjversily "f California that is supposed to put to rest a longstanding dispute over medical care for indigents at the UC Irvine Medical Center in Orange. How ever, Tuesday's actio n was taken over the opposition of Supervisor Roser Stanton. who claimed the· county might be paying $5 million too much to the uruversity to resolve the dispute Shoplifter sought after knife assault Irvine police are trying to track down a man who pulled a knife on clerks in a local grocery store Tuesday afternoon after they detain~d ,him on suspicion-of shoplifting. The suspect, in his 20s, was carrying two bottles of liquor to his car in the parking lot when the clerks stopl'ecJ him at 3:50 p.m . and led him inside to an office at Ralphs. 14400 Culver Drive, according to Lt. Bob Lennert. He stopped on a stairway, pulled out a four-inch buck knife and s las h ed at one of the workers, missing him, officers· said. The suspect then ran to his car and drove away, they said. Workers. however, recorded the car's license plate and police were searching today for the registered owner. ove r past b1ll1ngs and disagreements over a contract governing indigent care. ln sum, the county is paying $13. 75 m il lion to end the disputes. Stanton was one of two s upervisors who had been handling the indigent care ISSUe before Supervisor Bruce Nest a nde, chairman of the county board, took command of negotiations leading to the settlement. Y e t to be tackled b y supervisors is a replacement contract that representatives of both parties say will be easier to administer and will prevent future disputes. By law. the county 1s financially responsible for peraona defined as indigent - those who do not qualify for other forms of assistance, such as Medi-Cal. The county has f~Jfilled its obligation b y contracting with the medical cent.er for medical services. County studying TV arraignment Orange County supervisors have called for a study on how closed-circuit television might be used in arraigning criminal defendants h eld at Orange County Jail. Such a system would eliminate the need to transfer the inmates to the county's five munkipa..I courts for in-person arraignme nt1 thereby reducing prisoner transportation costs, county officials said. The sc hool board's s plit decision rejected the opinion C'f an administrative law judge whc• heard six days of testimony <in the charges earlier this year and then ruled the alleged th~{t wasn't c:onclusively proved. The two dissenting trustees sided with the opinion of law judge M ... rilyn L Nelson "Sharon wants her pb back but a lawsuit could be costly and time -con suming a nd this controversy has been hard on her," says a ttorney George Shaeffer Shaeffer says they'll make a dec1s1on whether to sue the sch ool board next week after they r eceive the o ffi c ial transcripts of the trustt.>es''action. He says he has a "great case"' against the school board because the law Judge's opinion favored his client and because. he says, it was never clearly establish ed how muc h money w as taken from the locker. Ms. Spen<.~r wasn't charged with a crime b y polic e authorities. Coaches Moore and R oss contend that Ms Spencer got mto Ms Moore's locker on Jan 14 and took $139 of student funds from t1ckl'l sales to a powder puff athletic event. Ms. Moore testified before the administrative law judge earlier this year that she found what she believes was the missing money m Ms. Spent.-er's car an her purSe She testified she recognized a one dollar bill that had letters scrawled across it. Following the accusauons, Ms. Spencer was notified by the distric t tn Marc h that sh e wouldn't be rehired for her fourth year an the 1982-83 tenn. which would have made her a permanent, tenured employee. Clouds persist Coastal Partlll c;tear1ng ol CIOuds lnll afternoon with ~111 ot 67 10 th41 low 70s Cloudy lat• tonight wllh Iowa o t 55 to 80. Continued cloudy Thursday morning w1lh clearing by eflernoon. Hlgha Thursday 68 to 75 Elsewnere, t rom Point Conception to the M e xican bordet end out 60 moles· light, variable winds night end momong hours becoming w•SI t o southwdt 10 to 18 knot• In the late aflernoon and •venlng hoors tOday end Thursday Wind waves ot 2 to 4 feet Southwest 1well 1 10 3 feet Partty cloudy today, t>eCOming mostly ctoudy tonight and Thursday wtlh pat11al c:IMT1ng Thurld•y ahernoon U.S. Summary i.aroe halt and high winds nit Monta1111 end 1he centrel high ptaina tOdey, while• 10.-nado wu llghled in northeast Cotoreoo Sc•tt•red 1hower1 en d thunderstorma hllf over the io- end northern ptalna and In the Ohio Veliey. Skies -e clear over Iha uppet and loww MiulaalWf ven.y, tn. ~ OrHI Lek ... IM southe<n pf.tins and the Florid• penlnlUI• The Naltonal Weather Service ~lets scattered ahowers 11nd thunderstorms In lhe SoutheHI end from the nortll«n and central plat.au ec<oas the northern end e11ntr81 Rocklea 10 Iha western plelna T•mP•ratur•• eround lh• netlon -1)1 todey r•no-d lrom 42 In Dululll1 Mltln • to 95 In l'tloerlbt. Ntz. California Allantc Cly Ausun B•ltlmo•e B1lllng1 8irmlnghm B•arnarck Boise Bolton &ownaYlle BuHalO Burhngton Caper Charlatn SC Charlstn WV Charllte NC Cheyttnne GolCegO Cincinnati c.;1mbla SC Cotum~s Oal·Ft Wlh O•YI°') Oenve< 0.. Moines Detrott Duluth El Puo Fargo FlegS1alt OrHI Fella Heriford Helen• Honolulu Hou.ton lndnapila J.ck1n MS JKklnvlle Ka.n1 Clly LH VegH LoulSville Lubt>ock Mttmphis Ml1m1 M1twaullee Mpls-St P Nashville New Or1eens ~York Nol1otll No. Plllll• Okie City °"1Mle on.odo =r.- Pltt1burQh Ptlend, M. P\len<I, ar. Pr~ Aelelgtl A9l\o RICMIOnd 8ell ....... 71 65 so 93 77 89 66 6rf 59 85 70 <M 70 •9 75 55 77 67 84 96 81 78 60 03 66 60 43 88 53 90 7'. 79 66 100 86 69 85 5• 70 so a. 69 88 70 81 62 9• 75 02 05 02 82 63 42 93 S8 81 62 05 82 S9 04 65 37 103 76 72 46 77 S4 75 56 02 75 82 45 78 S8 87 75 92 80 84 65 94 71 02 96 n 93 69 93 T~ 84 71 03 91 66 89 78 87 80 84 so 08 76 55 89 72 92 73 74 67 .49 89 73 IM 87 .75 92 72 84 eo .27 1M 74 14 ee ·"t 97 87 ~ ~1:~· 78 81 78 88 ,, 90... 88 .M 81 51 .t8 81 72 '3 81 1 -we-Senoo• NOAA lJ S Oec>t OI C-u Fronts: Cold .,.. Wwm .,. Occluded._... SlallOt'laf'Y •• Sen AnlonlO 96 Selllle 73 Shreveport 89 Sioux Falls 73 SI. Louis 91 St P·Tampe 88 SI Ste Marie 72 Spolc-73 SyrllClUM 72 Topel!• 93 Tucson 98 TulM 95 Walhingtn 91 Wichita 93 CALIFOflNIA Bak11<1liekl 82 Blylhe t02 Eur~a 65 Fresno 77 La11CU18' 7t Lot Angeles 70 Maryavllle 74 Monterey 65 NeedlM 101 Oakland 71 PuoRob ... 70 Red Bluff 70 ~Clty 71 S•cn1nen10 73 Sellnu 82 Sen ONtgo 73 !8f1 FrllllCllCO 87 Santa e.rt>er1 66 Senta M811a 72 Stoellton 75 Thermel 99 Uklall 73 8-rttOW 82 8iQ e..r 89 74 58 40 7• 02 59 08 68 79 40 59 OS 56 73 73 13 75 73 39 65 83 55 04 58 16 54 80 59 .02 58 53 01 52 31 83 55 53 68 47 BIShOP Calallne lak• Arrowhead Long Beac~ Monrovia Mt WlllOn Newport Beach Ontario Palm Sprtngs Pu.d11na San Bern.,.dlnO San Jose · Sente Ana Santa Cruz Tahoe Vali•v 78 62 71 55 78 45 71 63 78 62 58 45 89 82 72 59 98 72 71 60 74 57 87 55 71 81 84 60 58 44 Extended wea ther SOUTHERN CAL IFORNIA COASTAL AND MOUNTAIN AREAS -Fair with eome late night and ••rly morning low c;IOud• neer lM OOMI. Hlghl In IM c:outel .,_ r"'91n9 from IOw 70. MW bMCNe 10 U9C* 80t lnlend Vlllleys Lows 57 to 83. Smog Th• Air Ouailly Manege~nt Olatrlcl pt9<11Gla good alt qu.llly todey In •" 8IMS ol the Sou1h Co.at Alf Batln Wh••• lo call (loll lrH) tor n,. Nellonel WMthef Servloe pr•dlcla cont111ued night end morning~ fOllowed bye moally •unny end warmer afternoon Thvrtdly Not1"9rn d••erta end 111• Ow9nt Vtll•y could e•t ltol•t•d •l'low•r• tontcll'lt. H\Olll etlould fl/lgjl ltom 73 II\ Loe A191iM IO 7~ et ~ ~ to end 72 In lllO\lnlalnl, 1rOt11 75 lo ti In IN f"9h cleMrl end In tN low IOI In IM low d1Mt1t ----------------------11tHt tmOQ 1ntorm1tlon . • • Or•• Covnty: (IOOI 445-3128 SURF RIPDRT LOI Ano••H County· (100) .... ·we.. ~=1::.::--.,...,.. ffOl'll l'oln1 Conception 10 the ~ llOfcMt Olll "'*1 l!Gfll. vwlel* wind• 10nllflt ltlCI Tl111red1y morning, becomln11 , ...........__ --~et fO to 11 knott _. ., an.,110011 Wftll I '°""""'' t:'C':::, JM .... ,.... ltol...._ -. ... ......,, 'Y Temperatu,.. • == .. ...,,il~" ,......7'·=· =-·==a:··''°" ~ .., .,...._., ' ..... ·if· = ...... '-:" .~~ F= 12 l •J ft. •r u '"'"· ff 6''" I ,..,... • ' fl i t' ft I ft r: ' " Ht. , .. "'" LR' , ... , ........ Tides . TOOAY =:low llfflll'I "'""" • u p "' IDAY rifll IOW J ·~ I"' ~. I ~ 41"" j low 11 • II m. :r. ,~., \' 11111 ..... • '""' ~ ........ ' ':, ':l'rJ , .. ~ .... ,_ ~ .. "" Transit tax hacking • WIDS WHETMORE DIES -James E Whelmore, former 14-year state legislator representing no rthern Orange County, died early today at Anaheim M e m orial H ospital Ex-sol on Whetmore dead at 69 By PATRICK J . KENNEDY 01 th• Dally Pilot l tatt ~gudation that would permit OrongL' County vo\L·r • to dotcrmlne the fate of o propaM.'(l I percent aaJt-s au.Ux to (lnant'(' transportation project.I haa won an endorsement, albeit shaky, Crom the County B oard of Supervisors. In a 3 to l vow. with one member absent on vacatio n , t:ounty superv1sor11 declarl'd support Tuesday for Assembly Bill 32"1. authored by Assemblyman Richard Robinson, D-Santa Ana. In its present form, the bill w o uld perm i t the co unty Transportation Commission to place before vote rs a ballol measure that would boost th~· sales tax rate from 6 percent to 7 percent. Additional revenue derived Crom the sales surtax -an estimated $150 m1lhon per year -would be used to finance transportation improvements 1n Orange County. Sup.-rvlsor~ Rulph Clork. 'l'homwc Rll,•y and Rol(('r Swnton voted to supµort th1• bill which lt now ~ndina before the &mate TransportaUon Commltt~" Supervisor Brue(' Nt'stande, expressing what he termed "very strong feeling•'' cast th~ aole dtssenting vote. Nestande said 1t would be wrong to gwe a non-elected body the transportation commission -taxmg authority. And he suggested that earmarking sales tax revenue for a single purpose might restrict the county In ruture years from seeking sales tax increases for a variety of progr~. Clark sa id N es tande misunderstood the bill. He 113id the btU would not give taxiog authority to the transportation comrrnssion. but mere ly permit an election for voters to decide iJ the transportation sales surtax is supported by the county's voters. James E. Whe tmore , 69, former state l egislato r representing northern Orange County, died early today from a heart ailment al Anaheim Memorial Hospital. Mr. Wbetmore, a Republican, served in the Assembly from 1962 to 1966 and in the Sen.ate from 1966 to 1976. He also was an accomplished musician. leader of his own orchestra and actively involved an cultural and communi t y organizauons in Orange Coun ty. Novotney to head Alderwood School F or the past month, Mr. Whetmore had been undergoing medical care for a heart ailment. Memorial services are pending. He is survived by his wife, Catherine, tw o sons. three daughters and one grandson Most recently, Mr. Whetmore lived in Capistrano Beach. Born in Ohio on March 9, 1913, Mr. Whetmore was brought up in Texas until the age of 10. He moved to Orange County in the late 1950s and became involved in Republican pobtics. Mr Whe tmo r e -passed the California Bar Exam in 1960 and two years late r was elected Assembly man o f the 70th District During hts 14 years as state legislator, Mr. Whetmore was c h airman o f num erous committees mcluding the Senate Committee on Elections and Reapportionment a nd the ·sub- comm1 ttee o n Heal th Ca re Services. He also authored a "Bible" bill that allowed religious materials to be used m public schools and the Tidelands Oil bill whic h returns portJons of oil revenu~ to the beach of origm to pay for beach upkeep. He was also a member of the California Comm1ss1on on Aging. and the Board of Governors of the National Society of State LegLSlators. An organist and pianist. Mr Whetmore formed the Whetmore Orchestra Agency. playing mus ic for private functions in Southern California Active m community work, Mr. Whetmore was involved in Orange County branches of nume rou s organiza tion s including the United Fund, YMCA, Boys Club and Boy Scouts. Patr icia N o vouey, principal of Los Naranjos Elementary School in lrvme -since it opened in 1975, has been named new pnncipal of Alderwood Bas ics Plus School. Dr Novotney was named to the post by Stanley Corey, superintendent of the Irvine Unified School District. She replaces Marilyn Boulanger, •Th e hi s t ory of qutltmaking will be the s ubjec t o f a s pec i a l presentation at 7:30 p.m . Thursday, July 8 at the lrvme Historical Society's Museum. Joan Littlefield, instructor for Coastline Community College, will discuss the folk •UC Irvine will offer an outpatient tr~atmenl program for hyperactive children this summer. T he program, sponsored by the Department of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at the UC l College of Medicine. inv o lve s behavior modtf1cat1on, med icatio n assessment, social skills and •A new $19,600 state grant has been awarded to the lrvme Unified School Di.strict for a pilot project aimed at preve n t ing e motional , b e havioral o r learn i ng problems for young children. The grant from the State Mental Health Department will allow the district to offer individual coun seling for children in kindergarten through third grade at two who leCt to b eco m e superi ntendent of the Anderson Valley School District m Mendocino County Dr. Novotney was principal 1n Huntington Beac h and Fountain Valley school districts before moving to Irvine to take over Los Naranjos. Corey said screening wiU begin immediately to fill the opening at Los Naranjos. art and related matters such as wa s hing and s toring antique quilts. The presentation 1s timed to highlight a d isplay of historic quilts that will be featur ed a t the museum through July and August. The museum is at 5 Rancho San Joaquin in lrvine. parental training programs and follow-up 9ervices The four -week program begins June 28 and referrals may be made b y school personne l, m ental health professionals, phys1c1ans and parents For m o re information on the program. call Dr J ames Swanson m the Department of Psychiatry al 634-6893. e lem e ntary sc h oo l s . Stonecreek and Vista Verde. The program patte rned after a s imilar setup in Rochester, N.Y ., will get under way this fall, said W illia m B e nn . dis tric t director of gwdance projects. Th e g ran t was made possible by state legislation s p onsored by M aria n Bergeson, R-Newport Beach. whose 74th Assembly District includes Irvine this year. SANVO STEREO MINI CASSETTE PLAYER • Rew/ Review • Play • Shoulder Strap Hook ~ • Tape 1elect /tone switch @SANYO Sale $39.88 (Sale prtcet OOod thru Tue.., July 5. 1982) (CtOMd Sun .• July 4th -01*\ July 5th) .•• CR•W• HARDWARE All Stort9 ooen 7 Dari WMtcllft Plau 1024' lrvtne Ave . Newport 8Mch 642·11$3 OorORldel .. 11071, eo.t Hwy. 111-llOO • ; ..................... 111111 ClllT Ill MIU IDITlll WEDNESDAY . JlJNE JO. 1981 ORANGE COUNl Y C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS . rFair panel pushes amphitheater start • . By JODI CADENHE AD Of .... DetlJ ,.., l taft But building and grounds committee members sought a postponement from the theater company in order to complete the Orange County F~ir which ends July 19. A speclal fair board comm!ttee Tueaday requested that conatructiop begin by Aug. 2 on a $10 mJUlon amphitJieater at the Orange County fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Rick Witte, vice president of Nederlander Organiz.atlon, which · has the state contract to build and operate the 15,000-seat theater, had requested a June 30 construction date after delivering a signed construction contract last week. 'Due on sale' Under a 40-year contract with tile state and the falr board, the theater company was supposed to have signed a conoruction contract today and begun constructJon by Thursday. But during a fair board meeting last w eek fT\embe rs agreed to consider the movin$( of ;County viewing mortgage rule • By DAVID KUTZMANN "primary and similar" questions O(the Dally Piiot Staff. . at issue. About 700 Cahfomia . cases -Some of the cases 1 n most!~ foreclosure actions and Goldstein's hands date back Lawsuits to prevent foreclosures several years. -rer:nam in temporary ~egal The Superior Court judge said hmbo m Orange Cou~ty until the that he had expected this week's ~.S. Su pre~~ Courts land.mark ruling for quite a while and had due-on-sale mortgage rulmg is postponed rulings on the pend1r.g fully analyzed 1 · · 1 d · · H 1 h awsu1ts unu a ec1s1on was owe v e r. a a w ye r w o rendered. represents more than a dozen The 6.;i decision which the EDITORIAL COMMENT -AlO Supreme Court handed down Monday upheld/the right of ~vings and loans said that an federally charter~ savings and effort would be made to settle loans to demand full payment of the legal actions outside of court. a mortgage when a piece of The jurist who has t'Ontrol of property is sold. the cases, Orange County The lawsuits in Goldstein s Superior Court Judge Leonard court resulted, in many instances, Goldstein, said Tuesday that the w he n s a vi n gs a n d 1 o a n high co u rt · s r u I i n & ' 'is institutions called in their low- u ndoub ted ly going to have interest loans for full payment considerable impact" on the following a home purchase. The pending litigation. S&Ls believed that full-payment But, Goldstein said, he needs provisions were enforceable, a t9 analyze the ruling before p osition sustained by the Knowing for sure what that Supreme Court. impact will be. F o r ectosure p r oceedings Waiting on the Newport Beach resulted in thoee cases where the junst's calendar are for~losure hom eow ners balked at the act i on s f r om t h r o u g ho u t request. California. Goldstein Is the Predictably. savings and loan designated judge in the state to rompanies with federal charters handle so-called "coordinated" or lauded the Supreme Court's similar due-on-sale lawsuits. ruling as a boost for the slumping These are legal actions where. housing industry in California. attorneys said , these are (See MORTGAGE, Page A2) *** *** Mortgage decision aids homehuyers? By JE FF ADLER Of IM Dally ftMot l laff Orange County realtors aren't expecting any surge in home sales in the wake of Monday's landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision affecting assumable home loans, but they are hopeful the de c ision will help holnebuyers in the long run. 'I'he president of the nation's largest realty company, Century 21. headquartered in Irvine, said he is "hopeful" that the decision will mean lenders w1U be able to "offer more mortgage funds to cdnsumers and at lower rates." Richard Loughlin added, "This •lsion will clearly have an ~ on the housmg market, ~t this impact is in no way ~astating." ··Century 2l's Orange County ~onal manager. Dave Dawson, ~ he expected the De la Cuesta ~ion to have no immediate .... WORLD impact on the depressed st.ate of the county's housing industry. however. Dawson said that the decision. which upheld the right of federally chartered savings and loans to demand full payment of a mortgage when a property is sold, could stimulate sales, but probably not soon. "In the short run, It will be a difficult market for realtors. buyers and sellers for the next month or so," said Dawson. "But if federal lenders can lower interest rates the consumer will be better off in the long run." In fact, the president of the California Association of Realtors, Sebastiano Sterpa, challe nged lenders today to lower their interest rates in the wake of the decision. "We would like to challenge (See R EALTORS, Page A2) Hoppe 'rates' the wars For capsule reviews of ongoing hit wars, see Art Hoppe on Page Al 1. TELEVISION Parole system examined The ~role l)'I~ is doing what It can. but aociety's ailments An! too ~Ive, suggests "CBS Reporta: The Parolr Game" tonlaht. Paa~ Al2. 'Casner and Lacey' recovers LOS ANGELES (AP) -0 C,pe.y and Lacey," which tHmed dClltJned for the wlevtlion tcrap heep lM1. year f Jnllhed MOond ln '1wt TV ratl!'P for the PM w .. ic. l«'Ofdlna '° the A.C. Nlollen co. Only Ill Monday nfah& oompi..uon. 11 M·A·l-H," ~ hJlhtr. some plaques from the Memorial Gardens last year as construction. Groundbreaklng was laat July 11 for the facility expected to be open by last month, In time for the annual Orange County Fair. But Witte said a lack of financing forced the Detroit· based company with 28 theaters to delay construction of the-Costa Mesa performing arts theater. During the meeting Tuesday the special fair committee agreed to split a percentage of the parking fees during the fair with Nederlander and to allow the theater company to boo k attractions during the annual summer fair. The members turned down a request, however, from the company to waive a perfonnance bond between the general co ntractor or C .L . Peck Construction of Irvine and Nederlander. Witte contended that the bond guaranteeing completion of construction was unnecessary and would cost the company $70,000. Joel Mas kowitz, a deputy altorney general representing the fair board, adVlSed m<'mbeni to demand the bond "If we let this slide we'd be . . exposing them (the fair board) to liability ... The fair board will meet July 13 to conalder the action taken by the bu lid 1ng and grounds committee. Still to be resolved is the $157,000 that Nederlander was supposed to pay the fair board by today. Clint Hoose, chauman of the buiJding and grounds committee, said that payment was tied to loa.llll the fair board would have solicited for $1.2 million in improvements to the fairgrounds had the amphitheater been t'ompleted this year SO far the fair board has spent $~0.000 on archit ec tural drawings for a parking lot and upgrading o f th e 33 acres surrounding the bowl-shaped theater with 7,000 permanent seats and space for 8,000 additional spectators on the grass. Lease boosts held Irvine ConJpany cuts hikes by half Dally Ptlot Staff fthOto ON HOLD -Judge Leonard Goldstein is delaying action on foreclosure cases until the impact of the Supreme Court ruling is analyzed. Ex-solon Whetmore dead at 69 • By PATRICK J. KENNEDY Ot the OeltJ l'llot Staff James E . Whelmore. 69, former state legislator representing northern Orange County, died early today from a heart ailment at Anaheim Memorial Hospital. Mr. Whetmo~e. a Republican. served in the Assembly from 1962 to 1966 and in the Senate from 1966 to 1976. He also was an accomplished musician, leader of his own orchestra and acttvely involved i n cultural and community organizations m Orange County. For the past month, Mr. Whetmore had been undergoing medical care for a heart ailment. Memorial serv1ces are pending. He is survived by his wife, Catherine, two sons, three daughters and one grandson. By STEVE MARBLE 0 1 lhe Deft)' '"*°' ltaff The Irvine Company announced today it wilJ reduce by nearly half the number of Newport Beach residents hit with land lease increases this year. Company officials said because of "inconsistencies" in certain leases. residents in Cameo Highlands will get an extra year before being socked with higher yearly lease payments. The move afCects 31 families in the Corona del Mar community. It also trims the number of leaseholders who will have leases readjusted this year to 30. WHETMORE DIES -James E. Whetmore, former 14-year st.ate legislator representing norther n Orange County, died early today at Anaheim Me morial Hos pi ta I . Affected residents own their homes but lease the land under them from the Irvine Company . Land leases a re readjusted periodica lly to reflect the increased value of land It is this process that has brought howls from some residents. who claim they'll be hit with more than a 1,000 percent lease payment increase. The Irvine Company said the declslon to give Cameo Highlands residents the year-long extension was initiated by itself, not by pressure from the Committee of 4000, which represents some affected residents. Company off1c1als also said homeowners in Cameo Highlands who have paid all or part of their adjusted lease fee wiJJ be gjven refunds. The reason for the extension. company officials saJd, is because there are two different readjustment dates shown in the Cameo Highlands leases. Rat.her than seek a court mterpret.auon. company leaders said it was easier to offer the o ne-)'ear extension. Residents of Cameo Shores will be given an identical one· year extension i.n 1983 for the same reasons. the company said. Israelis waiting U.S. 01ediaiors aid evacuation of PLO By The Associated Press U.S. and Lebanese media.tors raced today to arrange evacuation of Vasser Arafat's trapped guerrillas from besieged west Beirut and s top Israeli invaders from storming the Palestinian enclave, Lebanon state radio said. The Palestine Liberation Organization leadership has agreed to leave Beirut, said former Lebanese Prime Minister Saeb Salam, a key intermediary. "The big question is where and when." he told Western reporters 15 minutes after a closed-door meeting with PLO leaders. :::>audi Arabia denied reports that it was offering to airlift thf' guerrillas Lo countries of their • • choice. The well-informed Beirut newapaper An Nahar saJd that instead special American envoy Philip C. Habib offered a U.S. guarantee of sale conduct for the PLO leaders if they left by bus for Syria. under International Red Cross escort. The PLO previously rejected a similar bus-evacu ation plan proposed ~y lsrael. The mediation efforts by Habib. Salam a nd acting Lebanese Pnme Minister Shafik Wazzan came after Israel's Prime Minister Menachem Begin on Tuesday seemed to give the guerrillas a 48-hour deadline to surrender and warned civilians (See ISRAELI. P age A!) Moot recently, Mr. Whetmore lived in Capistrano Beach Born in Ohio on March 9, 1913. Shuttle IDISSIOD 'flawless' Mr. Whetmore was brought up in Texas until the age of 10. He moved to Orange County in the late 1950s and became involved in Republican politics. Mr. Whetmore passed the California Bar Exam in 1960 and two years later was elected Assemblyman of the 70th District. Operational assignments n ext for Columbia after t ests During his 14 years as state legislator, Mr. Whetmore was c h airman o f numero us committees including the Senate Committee on Elections and Reapportionment and the sub· committee on H ealth Care Services. He also authored a "Bible" bill that allowed religious materials to be used in public COUNTY CAPE C ANAVERAL. Fla . (AP) -Columbia was flymg an almost flawless mission nearly halfway through its final shakedown cruise today, and a NASA rnght director said the shuttle is ready for operational assignments on its next mission. The astronauts, Ken Mattingly and Henry Hartsfield, working a heavy test load, seem ed most pleased whe n they surprised everyo n e by fixing an expenment built by nine Utah college students. "lt was one small switch for NASA and a giant turn-on for them ... sa id ca p su le CdM Freeway finish near? The unfinished Corona del Mar Freeway may be finished in the foreseeable future. P~e Bl. 'Music Man' at Saddleback "The Music Man" is entertaining at Saddleback College. but where's the big finiah? Page 87. Fourth time the charm l)(?bra S ue Maffett won the Mias Anahelm and Mill California titl 1fter loeina thrff times In Mlla Texas paacanta. Pig A9. Pie in the 1ky A pnnet pcm.lo ln I balloon la tnM hau~ aulaine tor ldwnwrou. °""II Collt dtrwn. PIP Cl. communicator Michae l Coates. with the students nearby a t Mission Control in Houston. "They really appreciate your outstanding work." Flight director Harold Draughon was as ked if the shuttle system is ready to go operational. "Yes, very much so," he said "This flight h as been most benign a s far as systems performance than an:-r of the shuttle flights to date. We have no significant problems." Columbia's belly was baking in the sun to dry out tiles made soggy by a pr e -laun c h INDEX At Your Service A4 Business 83-5 California AS Cavalcade All Classified 05 .. a Comics B2 Crossword 82 Death Notices 05 F.ditorial AlO Entertainment 87-8 Food Cl-12 Ar\ Hop~ All Hoiolcope All thunderstorm last Saturday. Draughon reported the procedure worked and "data shows the water problem has been removed." In between navigation. cornmumcations and other tests. Mattingly and Hartsfie ld turned their attention to the Get Away Special tests that had defied repair efforts since launch Sunday Using fresh instruct.ions from the Space Center in Houston, they tried again today. Officials had all but given up hope and the students were disappointed but understanding. lntenn.Ulston 87 Ann Landers All Movies 87-8 Mutual Funds B4 National News •AS Public Notlces 86-8,1>5 Sports Dl-4 S tock Markets ~ Television Al2 Thea ten 87-8 Wat.her AJ. World News A 3 I Al OIN Orang• Ooe•t DAILY PILOT/Wldnttday, Jun• 30, 1082 ------------~--------------------------------------..... ---------------------------~\ \\t Continued stories REALTORS ' REACTION. • • them now to find a mort11aae lnatrumenl that la viable," Sttirpa said. c "They have been claJming that the reaaon ratee have not boon 2 percentage polnta lower Is the Welle nkamp d ecision . Now 1 would like to see them loan money at 14 percent." Wellenkamp, decided by the California Supreme Court In 1978 , barre d S&Ls fr o m demanding pa y ment of m~tgages when h omes are sold l!:choing Sterpa's challenge, Dawson said he believes realtors are waiting to see whether s avings and loa n ins titutions "will now be cooperative at *** renegoUotlng new loazu 1o1t below the market rat~.' He said moat real estate brokers are not excited by \he decision , b'ut have ''taken a positive approach to It." ln the long run, the De la Cuesta decision, according to Dawson, will be remembered because it signaled a return to long-term mortgages. albeit ones with variable rather than fixed rates. He added he believes sooner or later, Congress or some other authority will act t o bring regulations governing mortgages i n to l i n e so that t he "due-on-sale" provisions apply to state as well as federal lenders. *·* * MORTGAGE RULING ... Unaffected by the ruling were savings and loans with sta te charters. Los Angeles attorney Terry Fralich, whose firm represents about 15 S&Ls in the foreclosure lawsuits, said Tuesday that he h ad read the Supreme Court ruling and felt it resolved many of the cases in his clients' favor. "The decisio n 1s very Car reaching a nd ver y broad .'' Fralich said. Rather than force a trial on the suits, however, he said his firm would make an effort to settle the cases "without going back into court ." ln most cases, Frahch said, the suits wer e filed agains t the savings and loans to prevent foreclosures relating to due-on- sale provisions. The S&Ls, he said, filed rounter actions. ISRAELI INV AS ION. • • in west Beirut to ''get out, 1Zet out!" Begin said his forces outside the PLO's last retreat would wait "another day. two days" before routing t h e 8.000 cornered guerrillas by force. completing the prime objective of their 25-day invasion. Today, an official Israeli source said Begin's seem ing d eadline should not be taken too lite rally, "but it is a matter of days.'' The Israe li prime ministe r dec:lared before Israel's parliame nt. the K nesset, on Tuesday: "Undt'r no conditions wiU we let them stay in Beirut. They will lea ve Beirut. Nothing will help them. They will leave." Ln his speech to the Knesset, Begin ridiculed the PLO demand for an Israeli rollback, and Salam said today the Israelis rejected the idea of allowing a symbol 1c Palestinian military presence to remain in Lebanon. Begin did offer one concession -the Israelis would allow the de parting guerrillas to retain their personal weapons. As Begin spoke Tuesday, hundreds of Israelis o utside the Knesset demonstrated for a nd against Israel's invasion of Lebanon . Wazzan's heavily g uarded motorcade was seen driving past dozen s of the PLO's earthen barricades in west Beirut to reach the Israe li-ringed presidential palace in suburban Baabda five miles east for talks with polit't.' and army commanders. Coach's firing mulled By PATRICK J. KENNEDY 01 the 0.-, , ... t It•" The Irvine attomoy for the El Toro High School girls' basketball cooch fired bt.-cause or accusatlon11 that she stole money from a gym lo<:ke r , says he believes the 11ehool district <..'Ould be overruled in c:ourt because the alleged theft is unproved. On a 3-2 vote, trustees o{ the 3addleback U n if ied School District decided Monday against rehiring three-year coach and teacher Sharon Spencer because of the charges made by coaches Debbie Moore and S he ri Ross. The sch oo l board's spl it decision rejected the opinion of an administrative law judge w ho heard six days of testimony on the charges earlier this year and then ruled the alleged tht!!t wasn't t-onclus1vely proved. The two dissenting trustees sided with the opimon of law judge Marilyn L. Nelson. "Sharon wants her job back but a lawsuit could be costly and time -con su m ing and thi s controversy has been hard on her .'' says attorney George Shaeffer. Shaeffer says they'll make a decision whether to sue the school board next week a fter they r eceive t he o~fic.ial transcripts of the trustees action. County OKs payment of d e bt to UC Orange County supervisors have ordered a final. $7.6 million payment to th e University of California that is supposed to put to rest a longstanding dispute over medical care for indigents at the UC lrvme Medical Cent.er in Orange. However. Tuesday's action was taken over the opposition of Supervisor Roger Stanton, who claimed the county might be paying $5 million too much to the university to resolve the dispute o ve r pa k t bil ling s and disagreements ove r a contract governing indigent care. In sum, the county is paying $13.75 m illio n to end t h e disputes. The An Nahar ne wspaper said today Begi n 's government refused demands by the PLO to give the guerrillas a face-savinJZ retreat. Those demands called for a three-mile rollback of Israeli forces from Beirut, a PLO military presence unde r the Lebanes~ a rm y and a PLO political office to function in the Lebanese capital a fte r the guerrillas withdraw. Lebanese sources have said the PLO wants guarantees that the 500.000 Palestinian civiltans living m Lebanon will not be expelled. Palace sources said Wazzan's talk s dealt with a rapid deployment of Lebanese army and security forces into west Beirut to supervise a guerrilla pullout and return to Palestinian campus in the capital's southern fringe as the first stage to a political settlement. Habib, who arranged the cease-fire that went into effect Friday. conferred with Wazz.an by telephone from the home of U.S. Ambassador Robert Dillon. Stan ton was one of two s upervisor s wh9 had been handling the indigent care issue before Super v iso r Bruce Nestande, c hairman of the county baud. took command of n eg otiatio ns leading to the settlement. Clouds persist Coastal Partial clearlng ot Clouds this ehernooo with highs of 87 10 lhe low 70s. Cloudy late tonight with tow• ol SS 10 60 Conl lnued cloudy Thuredey morning wtll'I clearing by afternoon Hlgl'I• Thursday 611 to 75 Elsewhere. tr o m Polnl Concepllon to lhe M exican border and out 60 mites Lighl, varlabte wind• night and morning hours bec oming wea l 10 SOU1hweSI 10 IO 18 knoll In Ille late atternoon eno even\119 hovrw 1oday and Thursday Wind wives of 2 to 4 teal Sou1hwest awell t 10 3 1"1 Penly clOUdy 1oaay. t>ecomlng mostly ctoudy loolgtll end Thurad1y with partial ctearlog Tttursday 1hamoon U.S. Summary urge hall and h~ wind• NI Montana 1nd Iha cantr1I high p!tlins 1oe1ay. wfllla 1 tornado wu elghl•<I In northeatl Colorado. Sc1ll•ra<1 showers 1nd tttunderatorms fall over Ille lowe< and no<1hern plalns and In Ille Ohio Valley. Sklet _., cle&r over the upper and low. MIHlHlppl Valley, the upper G1'911 LlkM. Ille tou1hem pl1in1 •(Id the Florida peninaula. The t4atlonal Weather Se<Yioe pre<11cts 11Calle1ed al'lowers 1nd thunderat0<m1 In the Southeltt and from lhe ne><lhern and c:entral pletuu ecroaa lhe n0<1hern and oentr1f Rocklet to the -ltrn plain• T•mparatura• 1round Iha nation ew1y tod1y renoad from 42 1n OUlut._ Minn • 10 ~ In Ptloenllc. ..Vii. California TM NallOnal Waathef S«vlo9 pradlctl contlnu•d night and ITIOfnlng doud"*9. followed by • mollly aunny and w1rmar afternoon Thurad1y Norlll•ff'I Allenlc Cty Austin Baltimore Billings Blrmlngl'lm Bismarck Boise 0os1on Brownsvlle Butta lo Burlinglon Casper Charlsln SC Chatlstn WV Charllle NC Cheyenne Cl'llcltgo Cincinnati Clmbia SC Columbu1 Oll·F1 Wth Da)'1on 0enYll< Oes Maines Oe1rOl1 Oululh El Paso Fargo Fl901tall Great FIJll Hart lord Helena Honolulu Hou II on lndnaplls Jac;kan MS Jtld< envtlt Kana Clly LH Vegas Loul1vllle Lut>b<>CI< Memphis Miami Miiwaukee Mpla·SI P Nul'lvtlle New °''""' New Yor'll NorlOllt 71 65 50 93 77 89 66 68 59 85 70 .04 70 49 75 55 77 67 84 96 81 78 60 03 66 60 43 88 53 90 74 79 68 100 88 69 85 54 70 so 84 69 88 70 81 62 94 75 02 OS 02 82 63 42 93 ~ 81 62 05 82 \ 59 .04 6S 37 103 76 72 46 77 54 7S S6 02 75 62 4S 78 58 87 75 92 80 84 65 94 71 .02 96 77 93 69 9J '" 84 71 .03 91 86 89 78 87 80 64 50 08 76 55 89 72 92 73 74 67 49 89 73 94 87 .75 92 12 I 8'I 60 .27 94 74 S4 66 .81 97 87 77 57 29 • 63 56 1 78 78 81 78 .. ~7 eo ea ~ 81 61 If 91 72 San Antonio 96 SeaUla 73 Shrev'9ort 811 SIOUJt Fells 73 St Louis 91 St P-Tampa 88 St Sta Marie 72 Spotiane 73 SyrllCUM 72 T()99ka 93 Tue.on 98 Tulu 95 Waahlngtn 91 Wichita 93 CALIFOAHIA eakersllel<I 82 Blythe 102 Eureka 65 Fresno 77 Lancas1er 71 LOI Anget41S 70 MarylYllte 74 Monte<-r 66 Needles 101 Oakland 71 PMO flotllM 70 ~Bluff 70 Redwood City 71 Sa« amen to 73 Sallnaa 82 ti,:~ 73 87 Sant• Baftllw• Ml Sanla Mat\11 72 Stoc:llton 75 Thenn8I " Ulclah 73 Baral ow 82 BIQ her 89 74 56 74 59 68 79 40 59 56 73 73 75 73 65 63 55 58 54 60 59 58 53 52 63 55 53 se 47 40 02 08 05 .13 .39 04 16 02 01 31 Bl Shop Catalina Lake ArrOWhee<l Long Beach Monrovia Ml Wiison Newport eaach Ontario Palm Springs Pasadena San Bernardino San Jose Santa Ana Sante Cruz T11hoe Vallev 78 62 71 55 78 45 71 63 78 62 58 45 69 62 72 59 98 72 71 60 74 57 67 55 71 61 64 60 58 A4 Extended weather SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS -Fair with aome lite ntghl 1nd a11ly morning low clouda ,_ the c:out. Hlvhl In Ille ooallll •-rmnolng trom tow 70. -t>Mct"9 to ~ 80s Inland va~ Lowa 57 to 63. Smog The Air Qu1llty M1nagament ' oi.1rlel predieta good air QUallty today In all llrlU of the !louth Coul Air 8uln -ti Ind 11\9 0-a '/....., could g•t 11ol11•d 1hower1 tonigllt. Hll)N ~ ranc19 trom 71 Ill u. Mgelle to 18 11 bMdlM. b9tWMll t5 and n 1n mount.llM. ll'om 78 to 15 In me hlOh deeWt Ind In the IOw OOt In the ... ., 81 No. "'-ti• Olde Clly Omaha OMndo Ptlbdphla Phoenlll Pltlaburgh POend. Me Pli.ncl. Of'• Pf 0¥ldilnee Allelgh Atrlo ~ lel't UM Where 10 call (toll It") for __ ,,_-------~----~------lalMI tm0Q lnl-tlon: Ot'ange County: 1800) 4454828,· ...,,., toat ... tram Polnl eonc.tton to llM M91t~ bofder can·~ llaftt, ~ wlf'ldt lonlllll lllCI r'hur.=:.::n11111, bHOfftlllt • u.........._ -..t at fO to 11 la!Oti '-- IJy lfl~ wlltl I MU1"'"9! .,... t'llMlr!t t to I ..... Temperalur#. ~ .. ll~ .. =-~- ,,.....,. , ..... II u H •• .. 11 llft I Lf9 II •t '"' I .... Loa J.ngalH County: (100) 242..o22 Alvettldt al'ld Sen ..,,_dlno counll•· (IOO) H7.,.1t0 AOMO !411aod9 Center. (IOOI 242-4MI RELEASED -An Indian woman is helped from a hijacked jetliner today after being released by a Sri Lanka n hijacker wh~ commandeered the jet between Ne w Delhi, APWlr~o India , and Bangkok, Thailand. The hijacke r is asking $300,000 ra nsom for th"' rest of the hostages. McDonald • services Hijacker frees 138 captives in Bangkok conducted Private funeral services were held this week for Corona del Mar r esiden t and former department store executive Carter McDonald, who died last Friday at the age of 72. Mr. McDonald served as a Vice president of the J.W. Robinson's department store chain, working at the same time as manager of the Robin.son's at Fashion Island in Newport Beach. He reured m 1975. He was the first president of the Fashion Island Merchants A ssoc:1at1o n and a c h a rter member of the Newport Center Kiwanis Club. A native of North Dakota, Mr. McDonald worked for several midwest department store chains before coming to California. He was an offiloer in the U.S Navy during World War ll. BANGKOK , Thailand (AP) - An accused drug trafficker said to be wearing a necklace of dynamite freed 138 of his 256 hostages from an Alitalla jumbo jet today after learning that his estranged wife and son were on their way to Bangkok from Rome as he demanded, negotiators said. •They said he talked to his wife while she was flyin~ en route from the Italian cap1 tal. The woman and boy were expected to arrive in B angk o k ea r l y Thursday. Those released in Bangkok included all the• women aboard the airl-raft. and all men under 19 and owr 50 All were reported in good c:ond1t1on ldcnulles were not 1mml•d1atc•ly known, but officials said l•arlicr the hostages 1nclud t•d tw o Aus tralian provinnal ofrtc1als and possibly an American. Tht• h1Ja('ker, 1dent1f1ed as Sepala Ekanayaka. 33, of Sri Lanka, olso demanded $300.000 and told authorities he had six aCl'Ompht'C'S aboard the ,et. But the captain said he spotted on!y onC' air pirate He is survived by his wife, Marian ; son s J ames Carter McDonald, of Corona del Mar. and Robert Craig McDonald. of Garden Grove; a daugher. Linda McDonald Daniel of Seattle. and one grandson. seeking housing The family suggests me monal contributions be made to the American Cancer Society County s tudying TV arraignment Orange County supervisors have called for a study on how closed-circuit tel.evision might be used i n arraigning criminal defendants held at Orange County Jail. Such a system would eliminate the need to transfer the inmates to· the county's five municipal courts for in-person arraignment, the reby reducing prison er transportation costs, county officials said. Tuna boat seized SAN DIEGO (AP) -Mexican authorities seized an American tun a boat they c laimed was fishing in a restricted zone, and are holding the boat in ensenada pending a decision by Mexico on whether to press charges, U.S . State Department officials said T hirty host families are being sought to h o u se students from France who .. will be visiting the Newport Beach-Costa M esa area as part of a student "summer homestay'' program. The students, ages 15 to 18. will be m this rountry from July 31 to Aug. 28 studying American lan guage a nd c ulture while Jiving with American familiies. Stude nts are matc hed to families according to family background , interests and • Corona del Mar resident T. Duncan Stewart has been named grand marshal of the annual Independence Day bike parade through Mariners Park in Newport Beach. The festivities will be held • Susan Chaffee of Costa Mesa has bee n named a Pacific U ni ver sity Grey Gown for being among the high ranking scholarships of ages. They will be attending classes in l a n g uage develop~lnt and American culture iJ°ir days a week and going on planned excursions on other days. Host families are invited to go along on these trips The homestay program is sponsored by the Americ:an lnternauonal Institute and roucallonal organ1zat1ons. Inte r ested ·families can contact Roy Hinald1, Program Coord inator, at 540-6468 or 730-7546. Monday. begmning at 10:15 a.m with the El Toro Marine Co rps Co l or GU'a rd . Refreshments will be provide d For further program in for mation. call 640-2271 the junior class this past year, the university has announced. MlSS Chaffee is a physical education and health major. SAN~ STEREO MINI CASSE I TE PLAYER @SANYO • • • Rew/ Review • Play • Shoulder Strap Hook • Tape select/ tone switch Sale $39.88 (Sale Pfleet gOOd thni Tuee., July 5. 1982) (CloMd Sun~ July 4th -OP«\ July 5th) •&'• CROWM HARDWARE Allltor.~7~ WMtollftPlala 102~ lrvtne Ave . Newport IMah 141·1133 C...dllfller 11011.0....~. 17 .. HOO I 111111 CIAIT 'lllPllT IUa I fllll ITll:U WE ONE SDA V. JUNE 30. '982 ORAN GE. COUN t Y. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS rFair panel pushes amphitheater start By JODI CADENHEAD • Of .... °"" ......... A 1peclal fair board oommittee Tuesday requested that conatn.icuon be8iJl by Aus. 2 on a .flO mlWon amphitheater at the Orange County fairgrounds In Costa Mete. Rick Witte, vice president of Nederlander Organization, wruch has the state contract to build and operate the 15,000-seat theater, had requested a June 30 construction dat.e aft.er delivering a signed construction contract last week. 'Due on s ale' But building and grounds committee members sought a poetponement from the theater company ln order to complete the Orange County Fair which encb July 19. Under a 40-year contract with the state and the falr board, the theater company was suppoeed to have signed a construction contract today and begun construction by Thuraday. But during a fair board meeting last week members agreed to consider the moving of ;County viewing morigage rule • By DAVID KUTZMANN oft~ Dellf Piiot ltafl About 700 California cases - mostly foreclosure actions and lawsuits to prevent foreclosures -remain in temporary legal limbo in Orange County until the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark "due-on-sale" mortgage ruling is fully analyzed. Howeve r . a lawyer who represents more than a do2e11 EDITORIAL COMMENT -AIO ,.savings and loans said that an effort would be made to settle the legal actions outside of court. fhe jurist who has control of the cases, Ora nge County Superior Court Judge' Leonard Goldstein, said Tuesday that the h 'igh court's ruling "is undoubtedly going to have considerable' impact" Ol) the pending litigation. But, Goldstein said, he needs t9 analyze the ruling before knowing for sure what that impact will be. Waiting on the Newport Beach jurist's calendar are foreclosure actions from throu&hout California. Goldstein is the <tesiEted judge in the state to hari e so-called "coordinated" or simi due-on-sale lawsuits. . These are legal action1 where, attorneys said, these are *** "primary and similar" questions at issue. S o m e of the cases in Goldstein's hands date back several years. The Superior Court judge said that he had expected this week's ruling for quite a while and had postponed rulings on the pendir.g lawsu:ts until a decision was rendered. The 6-2 decision which the Supreme Court handed down Monday upheld the right of federally chartered savings and loans to demand fuU payme nt of a mortgage whe n a piece of property is sold. The lawsuits in Goldstein's court resuJied, in many instances, when savings and loan institutions called in their low. interest loans for full payment following a home purchase. The S&lA believed that full-payment proviaiona were enforceable, a position s u stained by the Supreme Court. Foreclosure proceedings resulted ln thoee cues where the homeowners balked at the request. Predictably, savings and loan companies with federal charters lauded the Supreme Court's ruling as a boost for the slumping housing industry in California. (See MORTGAGE, Page A%) *** Mortgage decision aids homebuyers? By JEFF ADLER Of !tie D.tly "'kit 8t8fl Orange County realtors aren't expecting any s urge in home sales in the wake of Monday's landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision affecting assumable home loans, but they are hopeful the de c is io n will h e lp homebuyers in the long run. The president of the nation's largest realty company, Century 21. headquartered in Irvine, said he is "hopeful" that the decision will mean lenders will be able to "offer more mortgage funds to consumers and at lower rates." Richard Loughlm added. "This bcislon will clearly '1ave an {ol_pact on the housing market, 6,lt this impact is in no way a,,vastating." ;.;oentury 21 's Orange County t#onal manager, Dave Dawson, SiOcf he expected the De la Cuesta ~ion to have no immediate ::· WORLD impact on the depressed state of the county's housing industry. however. Dawson said that the decision. which upheld t he right of federally chartered savings and loans to demand full payment of a mortgage when a property is sold, could stimulate sales, but probably not soon. "In the short run, it will be a difficult market for realtors, buyers and selletS> for the next month or so," said Dawson. "But if federal lenders can lower interest rat.es the consumer will be better off in the long run." In fact, the president of the California Association of Realtors. Sebastiano Sterpa. challe nged lende rs today to lower their interest rates in the wake of the decision. ''We would like to challenge (See REALTORS, Page A2 ) Hoppe 'rates' the wa rs t Fol' capsule reviews of ongoing hit wars, see Art Hoppe on Page A 11. TELEVISION Parole system examined Th~ parole ayatem is dolrll what ll can, but aociety'a ailment.a are too pervasive, 11Agaeet1 "CBS Report.a: The Parole Oame'' ton.ljhl Paae A12. 'Cagney and Lacey'' .recovers LOS ANOZJ.,18 (AP) -··~y and Llcey:• which IMmed deltJned for the televWDn ICl'ap hffp lMt =k Unllhed *10nd ln lhe TV r•U!\11 for tho PIM-:.~ :L~i"I \0 \ha A.C. Nlel.ten CO. ~lf ltl Mondi)' rup' oam~ "M·A·l·H," pa-ct ru,hlf, • tome plaque. Crom the Memorial Gardens last year as construction. Groundbreaking wu lut July 11 for the facility expected to ~ open by hut month, ln time for the annual Orange County Fair. But Witte said a lac k of financing forced the Detroit· based company with 28 theaters to delay construction ot the Costa Mesa performing arta theater. During the meeting Tuesday the special fair committee agreed to split a percentage of the parking fees during the fair with Nederlander and to allow the theater company to book attractions during the annual summer fair. The members turned down a request, however , from the company to waive a performance bond between the general contractor o r C .L . Pec k Construction of Irvine and Nederlander. Witte cont.ended that the bond guaranteeing completion o f construction was unnecessary and would cost the company $70,000. Joel Maskowitz. a deputy ' Lease attorney general representing lhe fair boa.rd, adviled members to demand the bond. "ll we let this alide we'd be . . exposing the m (the fa i r board) t o liability." The fair board will meet July 13 to consider the action taken by the building and grounds oommittee. Still to be resolved is the $157,000 that Nederlander was 11upposed to pay the fair board by today. Clint Hoose. chainnan of the building and grounm committee, said that payment wu tied to loans the lalr board would have solicited for $1.2 million In Improvements to the Ca.irgrounm had the amphitheater been completed thi.a year. So far the fair board haa spent $50,000 on architec tural drawings for a parking lot and upgrad ing of the 33 acres sur rounding the bowl-shaped theater with 7 ,000 permanent seats and space for 8,000 additional spectators on Lhe grass. hikes held • Irvin e Co. cites 'inconsisten cies' Dellr Piiot atalf ,.holo ON HOLD -Judge Leonard Goldstein is delaying action on foreclosure cases until the impact of the Supreme Court ruling is analyzed. E x -solon .Whetmore dead at 69 • By PATRICK J. KENNEDY o< .... Deir Net ..... James E . Whetmore, 69, former state legislator re presenting northern Orange County. died early today Crom a h ear t ailment at Anaheim Memorial Hospital. Mr. Whebnore, a Republican, served in the Asse mbly from 1962 to 1966 and in the Senate from 1966 to 1976. He also was an accomplished musician. leader of his own orchestra and actively involved in c ultural and community organizations in Orange County. For the past month, Mr. Whetmore had been unde rgoing medical care for a heart ailment. Memorial services arc pending. He is survived by his w ife. Catherine , two sons. three daughters and one grandson. By STEVE MARBLE Of tM 1>.itr Not It.ff I The Irv ine Co mpan y announced today it wiU reduce by nearly half the number of Newport Be ach residents hit w ith land lease increases this year. Company omcials said because • of "inconsistencies". in certain leases. resid e nts in Cameo Highlands will get an extra year before being socked with higher yearly lease payments. Tne move affects 31 families in the Corona del Mar community. It also trims the number of leaseholders who will have leases readjusted this year to 30. WHETMORE DIES -James E. Whetmore, former 14-year state legislator representing no rthern Orange County, died early today at Anaheim Me m o rial H ospital. Affected residents own their homes but lease the land under them from the Irvine Company . Land leases are r eadjuste d pe ri odically to r eflect the increased value of land. It is this process that h as bro ught h o wls from some residents, who claim they'll be hit with mor e than a l.000 percent lease payment increase. The Irvine Company said the decision to give Cameo Highlands residents the year-long extension was initiated by itself. not by pressure from the Committee of 4000, whic h represents some affected residents. Compan y officials also said homeowners lil Cameo Highlands who have paid all or part of their adjusted lease fee will be given refunds. The reason for the extension, company officials said, is because there are t wo different readjustme nt dates shown in the Cameo Highlands leases. Rather than seek a court interpretation, company leaders said it was easier to o ffer the one-year extension. Residents of Cameo Shores will be given an identical one· year extension in 1983 for the same reasons. the company said lsraells waltlng U.S. mediators aid evacuation of PLO By The A11ociated Press U.S . and Lebanese mediators ra ced t oday to arrange evacuation of Yal?ier Arafat's trapped guerrillas<lf'fom besieged ~est Beirut and stop Israeli invade rs fro m storming the Palestinian enclave. Lebanon state radio said. The Palestine Liberation Organizatio n leadership h as agreed to leave Be irut. said former Lebanese Prime Minister Saeb Salam, a key intermediary. "The big question is where and when." he told West.em reporters 15 minutes after a closed-door meeting with PLO leaders. ~audi Arabia de nied reports that it was offering to airlift the guerrillas to countries of their • • choice. The weU-mformed Beirut newspaper An Nahar said that instead special American envoy Philip C. Habib offered a U.S . guarantee of safe conduct for the PLO leaders if they left by bus for Syria. under International Red Cross escort. The PLO previously rejected a sim ilar bus-eva c uation plan proposed by lsi:ael. T he mediation e fforts by Habib, Sa lam a nd acting Lebanese Prime Mimster Shafik Wazzan came after Israel's Prime M1111ster Menach em Begin on Tuesday seemed to give the guerrillas a 48-hour deadline to surrender and warned civilians (Stt ISRAELI, Page At) Most recently. Mr. Whetmore lived in Capistrano Beach. Born in Ohio on March 9, 1913, Mr. Whetmore was brought up in Texas until the age of 10. Shuttle m1ss1on 'flawless' He moved to Orange County in the late 1950s and became involved in Republican politics. Mr. Whe tmore passed the California Bar Exam in 1960 and two years later was elected Asse mbl yman of the 70th District. Op eration al assignments next for Columbia after tests During his 14 years as state legislator, Mr. Whetmore was c hairman o f num ero us committees including the Senate Committee on Elections and Reapportionment and the sub- committee on Health Care Services. He also authored a "Bible" bill that allowed religious materials to be used in public. COUNTY CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -Columbia was flying an almost flawless mission nearly halfway through its final shakedown cruise today. and a NASA flight director said the shuttle is ready for operational assi1J1ments on its next mission. The astronauts, Ken Mattingly and Henry Hartsfield, working a heavy test load. seemed most1 pleased when they surprised eve ry o n e by f ixi ng an experiment built by nine Utah college students. "It was one small switch for NASA and a giant tum-on for t h e m ," s aid ca p s ule CdM Freeway finish near? The unfinished Corona del Mar Freeway may be finished in the foreseeable future. P~e Bl. 'Music Man ' at Saddleback ' "The Music Man" is entertaining at $a4dleback College, but where's the bl& finish? Page 87. . Fourth lim e the charm Debra Sue Maff eu won the MJ.aa Anaheim and Mias Calif ornla titles af ~r lotJna three Umea ln Miii Taxu paaeanta. Pap A9. Pie In the 1lcy A pnnet ~ 1n I tialloon II true hauM auaMM '°' ldven&WOUI ~ CoMt d!nm. P• Cl. .. communicator Michael Coates, with the students nearby at Mission Control in Houston. "They really appreciate your outstanding work." Fligh t director Haro ld Draughon was asked if the shuttle system is ready to go operational. "Yes, very much so," he said . "This flight has been mos t b e nign as far as systems performance than any o f the shuttle flights to date. We have no significant problems." Columbia's belly was baking in the sun to dry out tiles made soggy by a p r e -launcb INDEX At Your Service A4 Business 83-5 California AS Cavalcade All Cl~ified 05-8 Comics 82 Crosaword-B2 thunderstorm last Saturday. Draughon repo rted the procedure worked and "data shows the water Pf'{>blem has been removed." In b e t ween n avigation, communications and other tests, Mattingly and Hartsfield turned their attention to the Get Away S pecial tes ts that had defied r e pair efforts s ince launc h Sunday. Using fresh instructions from the Space Center in Houston, they tried again tdday. Officials had all but given up hope and the students were disappointed but understanding Intennission 87 Ann Landers All Movies .87-8 Mutual Funds B4 National News A3 Public Notioes 86-8,~ Sporta Dl-4 Death Notices 05 , S\Oek Markets B5 Editorlal AlO Te~on A12 Entcrtainrnent 87-8 ThM~ 87-8 Food Cl-12 Weather A2 .. An Hoppe All World News A3 Hor...-ope All ' A• OIN °'IM9 Cout DAILY f'IL.PT~•v. JUne 30, 1812 I ~~ -C-oa~c-B~,------------------.-------------- \\t Continued stories firing REALTORS' REACTION. • • tht•m now to find " mortgage lrutrumenl that 11 vu1blt," Sterpa &aid. "They havtt boon claiming that th~ reil80n rates have not been 2 percentage points lower is tht> Wellenkamp decision. Now I w ould like to sec them 101.1n money at 14 pe~nt.". Wellenkamp, decided by the California Supreme Court In 1978, barre d S&Ls from demanding payment of m~tgages when homes are sold. l!:choing Sterpa's chaUenge, Dawson saJd he believes realtors are walling to see whether savings and loan institutions "will now be cooperative at *** rt4ne.ioUaUng new loaNl ut below thl' m11rkot rate Hu Hid most real eatote / brokers are not excited by the dccialon , but have "taken a positive approach to It." In the long run, the De la Cuesta decision, accordlns to Dawson, will be remembered because it signaled a return to long-tenn mortgages. albeit ones with variable rather than flxed rates. He added he believes sooner or later, Congress or some other authority will act t o bring regulations governing mortgages into line so that the "due-on-sale" provisions apply to state JlS well as federal lenders. *** MORTGAGE RULING· ... Unaffected by the ruling were savings and loans with s tate charters Los Angeles attorney Terry Fralich, whose firm represents about 15 S&Ls in the fcreclosure lawsuits. said Tuesday that he had read the Supreme Court ruling and felt 1t resolved many of the cases in his clients' favor. "The decision is very far reaching a nd ver y broad," Fralich said. Rather than force a trial on the suits, however, he said his hrm would make an effort t.o settle the cases "without going back into rourl." In most cases, Fralit:h said, the suits were hied against the savings and loans to prevent foreclosures relating to due-on- sale provisions. The S&Ls, he said, filed counter actions. ISRAELI INV AS ION. • • in west Beirut to "get out. ~et out!" Begrn said his forces outside the PLO's last retreat would wail "another day. two days" before r outing tt>e 8 ,000 cornered guerrillas by force, rompleung the prime objective of their 25-day invasion. Today, an official Israell soun.-e said ijegin's seeming deadline should not be taken too literally, "but 1t 1s a matter of days." The Israeli prime minister d ecla r ed before I s ra el's parliament. the Knesset. on Tuesday. "Under no rondiuons will we le t them stay in Beirut. They will leave Bcirul. Nothing will help them. They will leave." The An Nahar newspaper said today Begin's government refused demands by the PLO to give the guerrillas a face-savmiz retreat. Those demands called for a three-mile rollback of Israeli forces from Beirut. a PLO military presence under the Lebanese army and a PLO political office to function in the Lebanese capital after the guerrillas withdraw. Lebanese sources have said the PLO wants guarantees that the 500 000 Palestinian civilians livi~g in Lebanon will not be expelled. In his speech t.o the Kn~t. Begin ridiculed the PLO demand for an Israeli rollback, and Salam said today the Israelis reje<-ted the idea of allowing a symbolic Palestmian military presence to remain in Lebanon. Begin did offer one concessmn -the Israelis would allow the departing guerrillas lo re tain their personal weapons. As Begin spoke Tuesday. hundreds of Israelis outside the Knesset demonstrated for and against Israel's invasion of Lebanon. Wazzan's heavily guarded motorcade was seen driving past dozens of the PLO's earthen barricades in west Beirut to reach the Israeli-ringed pr esidential palace in suburban Baabda five miles east for talks with police and army commanders Palace sources said Wazzan's talks dealt with a rapid deployment of Lebanese army and secur:ity forces into w~st Beirut to supervise a guerrilla pullout and re turn to Palestinian campus in the capital's southern fringe as the first stage to a political settlement. Habib, who arranged the cease-fire that went into effect Friday, conferred with Wazzan by telephone from the home of U.S . Ambassador Robert Dillon. mulled By PATRICK J. KENNEDY Of lhe OllllJ "'°t ltaft The Irvine attorney for uw El Toro High School girls' basketball conch fired because of accusatlon.<J that sht: stole money Crom a gym lot:ker, says he bellevt>S the school district could be overruled m court because the alleged theft is unproved. On a 3-2 vote, trustees of the Saddlebat:k Unified Schoo l Distrkt decided Monday against rehiring three-year coach and teacher Sharon Spent-er because of the charges made by coaches Debbie Moore and Sheri Ross. The school b oard's split decision rejected the opinion of an admini.<>trative Jaw judge who heard six days of testimony <.m the charges earlier this year and then ruled the alleged tht!(t wasn't conclusively proved. The two dissenting trustees sided wtth the opinion of law judge ManJyn L. Nelson. "Sharon wants her job back but a Lawsuit could be costly and time -con sumi ng and this controversy has been hard on her," says attorney George Shaeffer. Shaeffer says they'll make a decision whether to sue the school board next week after they r eceive the official transcripts of the trustees' action. County OKs payment of debt to UC Orange County supervisors have ordered a final, $7 .6 million payment to the University of California that is supposed to put to rest a longstanding dispute over medical care for indigents at the UC lrvine Medical Center in Orange. However, Tuesday's action was taken over the opposition of Supervisor Roger Stanton, who claimed the county might be paying $5 million too much to the university to resolve the dispute ove r past billings, and disagreements over a contr act governing Indigent care. ln sum, the county is paying $13.75 million to end the disputes. Stanton was one of two s upervisbrs who had been handling the indigent care issue beCore Supervisor Bruce Nestande, chairman of the county board. took command of negotiations leading to t he settlement: Clouds • persist • Coastal Partial clearing 01 c10uo1 lhls. aflernoon with highs of 67 10 lhe low 70s Cloudy late tonight with lows ol 55 10 60 Continued cloudy Thursday morning with cleerlng by alternoon Highs Thursday 68 fO 75. Elsewhere. fr om Poinf Concepl1on to the Mea1can bOfder and out 60 miles llglll, variable winds nlghl and m0<nlng houri becoming wesl lo south-II 10 to 18 knoll In Ille late al1ernoon and eY9f'llng houra tod•Y and Thursday Wind waVM of 2 to 4 leel Sout,,_1 awell 1 10 3 feet Partly c1oudy today. t>«:omlng mostly cloudy tonight and Thur.day wflh portlal c1e1rlng Thursday aflernoon. U.S. S ummary urge llall aod h19h wind• M Mon1a1111 and the central high plain• I Oday. wtille 8 tOfnadO WU slghled in notlheesl Coloredo. Scallered shower• a nd lhvnderstorrne fell over Ille lc>wet end northltn plalns and 1n ttoe Ohio Valley Skin were clear ova< the uppe< 1nd lower Minlssippl veii.y, the upper Gr .. I Lakel. lhe IOU!hern plail\I end lhe Florid• peninsula. The Nauonel Weather Se<W:e pr~• ecette<ed •howerl llnd lhunderlt0<m1 on lhe Southeast and from Ille nOfth ... n and central platelll.I acrosa ttoe northen'I and oentrel Rock... to tile western plelna. Temper1ture1 1round lh• nation ~ today ranged from 42 In Duluth, Minn .• to 93 In Phoenl11. ""12. California · The Netlonel WMtllef SerViQe prtdlct1 continued nlghl 1nd mornHlQ CloudlnMI, followed by I m ottly tunny 1nd warmer tlternoon Thurtdey Northtrn d ... rl• end the e>w.nt v1111y ,ould gel leolated 1howers tonlOfll. HrgN 111ou1<1 r1f191 from 73 1n l.09 Mgelll lo 71 II bMchlt, .-85 end 12 In mounlalnl, ttom 71 10 85 In u. hlOh dM«1 end Ill the '°"' '°' In the low ~ "°"' ~ Coftolpllon \0 IN ~"°-" border C# llC'*1 IGtflt, vwleblt ,..,_ tonllM and TI11111d1y mo1n1na. becPllllng ...i-eouttwweet at fO to ti llnote DY atttt11oon wllh a tOUt.,_... .... "'"'*'Cl I to J !Wt, ' Atlante C1y Auston Balllmo<e Billings Blrmlnghm Blsmarek 801M Botlon erownavlle Bu1te10 BurhnglOn Ca_si>« cner111n SC <:n8'1stn WV Charllle NC Cheyenne Chicago Cincinnati ~lmbll SC Columbus Dal-Fl Wth 01y1on Oenve< On MOines O.tro11 Duluth El Paso Fargo flagst•lf Greet FaMs Hartl<H'd Helena Honolulu Houaton lndnapht JllClc an MS Jecllsnv11e Kans City Las Veg111 Loul1vlll~ LubbOOk MemphlS Miami Miiwaukee Mpl1-St P Nalllvllle New Orleans New Yo<k N«folk No Platte Ol!le City Omlha Oflfindo PhP1dphle Phoenl• PllllblKgh Piiand, Me P\land. Ore Pr~ Raleigh Reno Richmond Sall Lall• 71 65 50 93 77 89 66 68 59 85 70 04 70 49 75 55 77 67 84 96 81 78 60 03 86 60 •3 88 53 90 74 79 ..,.66 1 00 86 69 02 85 5• 05 70 50 .02 84 69 88 70 to.al<>~• w .. ,~., Se.., c• 81 62 'o'"' Los c.ot O' eorr ..... :e 9-4 75 Fronls:Cc'c .. Warr 99 82 63 42 93 58 81 62 05 Sen Antonio 96 7• Bishop 78 82 82 \ 59 .04 Seattle 73 56 40 Catalina 71 55 65 37 Shreveport 89 74 02 Lake Arrowhead 78 45 103 76 Sioux F1Ma 73 59 08 Long Beach 71 83 72 46 St Louil 91 68 MonrOYi• 78 62 17 54 St P-Tempa as 79 Mt Wilson 58 •5 ' 75 56 02 S1 Sle Mette 72 •O ~a.ch 69 82 75 82 •5 Spok-73 59 05 Ontario 72 59 78 58 Syracuse 72 56 Palm Sprtngt 98 72 87 75 Topeka 93 :~ Pasadena 71 80 92 80 Tucson 98 13 San Bernerdlno 7• 57 84 65 Tulsa 95 75 San JoM 67 55 9-4 71 02 Wutllngtn 91 73 39 San1a An• 71 81 96 77 Wlchila 93 65 Sent• Cruz 64 80 93 69 CAl lf'OAHIA TahOe Vellev .58 •4 93 T£ 8• 71 .,03 Bak ... sfleld 82 63 91 86 Blythe 102 Ex tended 89 78 Eureka 85 SS 04 87 80 Fresno 11 58 16 84 50 08 Lancaster 71 54 weather 76 55 Los Angeles 70 60 89 72 Marysville 74 65 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 92 73 Monterey 74 87 49 Need~ 101 COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN 89 73 Oekla 71 59 AREAS -Fair wlth tome late 94 67 75 Puo RoC>IM 70 02 night 1nd e1rly morning low 92 72 Red Bluff 70 clouds ~r the COUI. Hlglls In 84 eo .27 AedWOOCI City 71 se 11w1 coa11a1 .,... ranging from 94 74 s.cr-10 73 S3 01 low 701 nMt bMCllM to uciper 84 66 .In Saunas 62 52 31 80s Inland valleys. LOwt 57 lo e3. 97 87 San Diego 73 83 77 57 .29 • Sltl Francltco 67 55 Smog 83 56 1.76 Sant• Barbar• ee 53 78 61 Slol• Maria 72 76 ee .27 Slo<*ton 75 Th• Air Quality M1n1gemant ea ea .64 Thefmel 99 041trlot predlcll OOod air quallt~ 61 51 11 \Jlllah 73 1oc:t1y In ell ereu of the S0\11 91 72 e.ra1ow 82 66 C:O..t Alt BM!n. ta 61 8IQ Beer 69 47 Where to c:all (loll lrMI t'ot ..... ,~kin: Or.-ige • (IOO) 44&-31H. IURf REPIRT LOI Ano•••• Cou11ty: (100) 2A2-A022 RIYWtldt Ind Sen e.matdlno 00\111= (IOO) 3e7-4710 AOM ~ c.nter. (900) -242 ...... ·~ ~-;T Tides t4 "· 24 n. ·-· "' t·I ft. 0-' "· O•t n. 0-Ht , ... "' ti '2 ., u u ., " •• ~ , ... l.M & """ •••• '"" l .... RELEASED -An Indian woman is helped from a hijacked jetliner today after being released by a Sri Lankan hijacke r wh? commandeered the 'jet between New Delhi. AP Wlr9t1Mto lndia, and Bangkok, Thailand. The hijackt'r is asking $300,000 ransom for the rest of the hostages. McDonald services .. conducted - Hijacker frees 138 captives in Bangkok Private funeral services were held this week for Corona del Mar resident and former department s tore executive Carter McDonald, who died last Friday at the age of 72. Mr. McDonald served as a vice president of the J.W. Robinson's de partment store chain. working al the same time as manager oC the Robinson's at Fashion Island in Newport Beach. He retired in 1975. He was the first president of the Fashion Island Merchants Assoc1at1on and a Charter member of the Newport Center Kiwanis Club. A native of North Dakota, Mr. McDonald worked for several m1dwest department store chains before ooming to California. He was an offiL-er in the U.S. Navy during World War ll He is survived by his wife. BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) An accused drug trafficker said to be w earing a necklact> or dynamite freed 138 or his 256 hostages from an Alttal1a jumbo jet today after learning that his estranged wife and son were on their way to &ngkok from Rome as he demanded, negouators said. They said he talked w his wire while she was flying-en route from the Italian capital. The woman and boy were expected to arrive in Bangko k ea rly Thursday. Those released in Bangkok included all tht• women aboard the aircraft. and all men under 19 and over 50. All were reported in good cond1uon. ldenuues were not immediately known, but officials said earlil'r the hostages included two Australian provincial orr1cials and possibly an American The hijacker, 1denl1f1ed as Sepala Ekanayaka, 3:3, of Sri Lanka, also demanded $300.000 clild told authorities he had six accomplices aboard the Jel. But the captam said he spotted on.ly one air pirate Marian; sons James Carter McDonald, or Corona de! Mar. and Robert Craig McDonald, oC Garden Grove; a daugher, Linda McDonald Daniel of Seattle. and one grandson. seeking housing The family suggests memorial contributions be made to the American Cancer Society County study ing TV arraignment 01 ange County supervisor s have called for a study on how closed-circuit television might be used in arraigning criminal defendants held at Orange County Jail. Such a system would eliminate the need to transfer the inmates to the county's five municipal courts for in-person arraignment, thereby reducing prison er tran ~portation costs. county officials said. Tuna boat seized SAN DIEGO (AP) -Mexican authorities seized an American tuna boat they claimed was fishing in a restricted zone, and are holding the boat m Ensenada pending a decision by Mexico on whether to press charges, U.S. State Department officials said. Thirty host families are being sought to house students from France who will be visiting the Newport Beach -Costa Mesa area as part of a student "summer homestay" program. The students, 1ges 15 to 18, will be in this country from July 31 to Aug. 28 s tudying American language and culture while living with American familiies. Students are matched to families according to family background, interests and • Corona del Mar resident T. Duncan Stewart has been named grand marshal of lhe annual Independence Day bike parade through Mariners Park in Newport Beach. The festivities wilJ be held • Soun Cha ffee of Costa Mesa has been named a Pacific University Grey Gown for being among the high ranking scholarships of ages. They w11J be attending c la sses in language development and American culture four days a week and going on planned excursions on other days. Host families are invited to go along on these trips. The homestay program is sponsored by the Ame rican lnternau onal Ins titute and educational organizations. Interested families can oontact Roy Rinaldi, Program Coordinator. at 540-6468 or 730-7546. Monday. beginning at 10:15 a.m. with the El Toro Marine Corps Color Guard . Refreshments will be provided . For further program information. call 640-2271 the JUnior class lhJs past year, the university has announced. Miss Chaffee is a physical education and health major. SAtM:> STEREO MINI CASSETTE PLAYER "Do to the response of last weeks ad, tt;!ls fs held over until July 5t h" J\ • Headphones ,/ ~ • Stop/ eiect • F Fwd • Rew/ Review • Play • Shoulder Strap Hook • Tape select/ tone switch ~SANYO Sale $39.88 (Sale prtc:fl good thru Tua .• July 5, 1982} (Ctoaed Sun., July 4th -Open July Stt1) ••CROW• HARDWARE All St~ GI*' 1 [)eye W•tcllH Plua 1024 lrvlne Aw.. Newport BMoh ,,,... 842·1133 eorone .. ..., 1101 1. ewe~. 111-MOO .J l 1. '' I I 1! , 1 ~ , Orange Coaat DAILY PILOTtWednelday, June 30, 1982 N NYSE (~OMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS OuOl•Ul()tl' INCl.UOI T••ou OH, ... HIW YO .. ,, MIDWIU .... c .. 11C ...... •o•tOH, OllllOlf ,UIO CllllCIHHAfl UO(• liKCMAHOU ANO •ll'OlltlO IY Tiii ... ,0 .. ID IHUINU Dow Jones Final OFF .29 CLOSING 811 .92 May index up for 3rd month WASHINGTON (AP) -A government index designed to show future U.S . economic trends rose in May, the Commerce Department reported today. It was the third straight monthly gain and another sign the recession may be ending. The 0.3 perc:ent increase in the Index of Leading Indicators followed the sharp 1.3 percent increase in April. Today's report also revl.Sed the figure for March to a 0.2 percent increase instead of the 0.5 percent decline earlier reported. Card s pay for products Southern California Gas Co. has announced that customers can u.<1e Mastercard and VISA credit carda to purchase energy conservation products which the company sells. The utility stressed that the credit cards will be accepted only for the purchase of conservation items, not for payment of monthJy gas bills. The two bank cards can be used to buy such products as water heater insulation blankets, solar swimming pool covers, flow-restrict.or showerheads and sink aerators and gaskets. Savings & Loans to m er ge Seaside Savings and Loan Assn. of Mission Viejo and Escondido Savings and Loan have agreed to merge with Sun Savings. subject to approvaJ by regulatory authorities and shareholders. The new association would be called Sun Savings & Loan and have assets of $45 million. Seaside, formed less than two years ago, has assets of $7.2 million. The stock of Sun Savings, based in University City, has been trading in the $19-$20 range. Officials expect to have six offices in operation by De<'ember. NB firm develops shops Construction is under way on 30,700 square feet of convenie nce shops in El Monte planned and designed by Architectural Team Three of Sant.a Ana for Hopkins Development of Newport Beach. Dividend increased ... The board of directors of Morehouse Industries Inc. of Fullerton increased the annual cash dividend to 10 cents per share. The previous rate was 7 cents per share. The dividend is payable Aug. 20 to shareholders of record Aug. 2. Morehouse is a supplier of high-!lpeed dispersion andparticle reductfon systems for the chemical processing industry. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK CAPl SAl•s,) p.m l>'IC• dn<I ''" <"-'nQO Of 1~ '"'""'" most a<C•~ N•w YO<k Sin<~ E•<l><tr>Qt' """"'· trading N\tonaUv cl1 more ,,,,n \1 tc; mert &19,000 111.... • v. Eari(on ~ au 900 >llft ''• s.arsROt'b l'M,JOO ,q..,_ •, Clfl•sS•t~ 11>1>.SOO SS • \., US $1""1 7S8,JOO 191 I IBM ffU;600 •1 'l't Hallllurtn 547,400 ""-OlamSllm 511,000 21~ 'lo Ho~p11Cp 4q1,000 l<I 'lo BurrOhs 04,SOO Ju. + V1 cto•mp 1n1 ~s.eoo 12v. • v. ~~..CO 463.700 H ... l•x Ul1I OS,600 21.\'. ''" SMll011 •SS, 100 ,.,,, __..._ Co•BrO<s1 \ .t.tS.'fOO 1s•1. .. Pt. UPS AND DOWNS NEW YORK !AP) T"" IOllowlnQ lilt sN>ws the New York Stock Exe,,.. stocks encl warrdnts 1"411 "41V. llOf>e uP IM ..-1 .,,,, -n IN ~t -on percent of c~ ·-•dleu of YOtunw tor Wed. ~: ~r~ ~~!.'1.:'::~r:.~~ dlffen,.,.:e bet-the pn•iou• ctoslnQ prlco "'"° 1ao.v·s ict' price Nemt Lest .cl>Q Pct. I A,,._ Cp 8 l'I VP 12.l 2 GullUldCo 22•• • 2 UP '' l llocklnt plB u•,. • •'-Up • I 4 FlowGefll 9-... Up I.I S SIQCl6.nln i ,..._ ' I\~ VP I J 6 O•ltlerm 6"' • '• Up 111 1 Webb OelE ... • \!> Up 7.9 : ~= D;&,i ~~ • :: ~: ~ ~ 10 PelrlckPlr 7\lt \!> Up 7.S II HHston Q> I'"' Y, Up 1.4 12 Munford tl1'1 I'> Up 7.0 ll LevllrFrn 15... "' VP •.I 14 B.rlley f'!'<O • V. Up t-7 IS l TV Cp pll It ... Up 6.7 16 FstMlu Cp a•i, + '" Up ,,J 11 PKSClen \ 101-t • ... Up 6.3 19 NW111Plpe pt 19•, t 1''11 Up 6 1 19 Ktll09Q Co 26''" • 1\'t Up 6 I 10 Talt.ry Ind 4"1t .. '• Up 6.t 11 lllPw • Ollr>I 15"1 • •• so 6,0 22 Mol\•"<O II • ... Up 6 0 1J LLCCorp 1"• • 'tt Up S' 2• Ma•c-Gro n 211. • ,,. UP S' " R""'°" oowlH'\ • ,,. Up u 1 Shel~I~ La~.,., C~ 2 Ptf'OOlnG 4\lt I{) 3 IA ... ~rl 12\lo -'"' • AmAQt'O l 2"-\lo S Gii~ 1148 ""' 1~ t:;!~L~11 : ~ ' UnEI 1,4111/11 ~ -,.a\'t t Oat... lt\lt 1-. '10 AlltnGo 12"' ~ It El~ J\<i -"' I' Wlet)otdl !.Ir J.\lo -""' ta PSEG 1.4CIPf t i» -"' U l~tl 89'~ I~ -I U SIOltaVc; pl 1-ll. v, 16 CMI-Incl 10 '-11 Wuflll,., ...... -"' I Ufl,.l'I>. Min 7~ -~ "~' ,..... '"' :ro PSEG • llPI _. '"' 2i .,_ ff\( -;"» -~ IJ I~~~n 1~ -:? 2• Ciar. E.4_ 21t.I. -I U !llPw A,topf U'11 -tti "s.1 ... c. • -~ GOLD COINS Pel. Oft tt.S Ott 10.1 Oft 10.S Oft 10.0 Oil '·' Oii u Off 7,2 Oii 1.1 Of1 "' Ott •.• Off t .l (WI U gr, ::l Ofl • , Off u Olf s.1 Ofl S-' g;: ti Off .. Off ... 8:: •. , Off ti cm '-t NEW YOM (Alt) -"'*9 • f~ ot ' OOld GON, OOftlCNAd llltlfl Moftd~I .,,..., ",...,...., , trOy ... ~l.?11 ..... ~ ""!'l. 1 VO,.._, Ullt.n1_1f. Moo. ,.T--•...., ,_,.,er-..~•·""' '"'''" , .. lftw11, .ttot 1ro1 •• • """""' .. fl. AMERICAN LEADERS METALS NEW YORI( \API -Spot nonlerroue melal pr~ todey Copp er 69· 72 cents e pound. US destinations Le.cl 25·27 <*llS a pounO. Zlne 35-37 centt • pound, Oel!Wfed. Tin S6. 1936 Motets wo.ic comPOS!te lb. Aluml"""' 75-77 oenll o p(IUO(I, N.V. __,,. '370.00 per fte911. Platinum $249.00 troy oz.. N.Y SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS ., The •-w..it "-Selec190 world 9ol<I prlcM today: I . .. . • . .. ;; '• _..: " ' }. it ' \ .: ..