HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-02 - Orange Coast Pilot: BY STEVE MARBLE OflMDelr .......... . It wu 10 months ago that Newport Beach resident Donald B. Warner wu killed by a hit and '.run drivel'. ' Wamer was 26, a California • newcomer. He was crcming a atreet lem than two blocks from hia apanment when he was hit and left face down in the road. W Ith a asJs tan c e 'from witneeses, police tracked down the death car in less than 48 hours. They found it abandoned • 111111 CUii • 111 l J fl '( ll 11 y ; . 1 •111 ~I ln a Whittler ahopp~ center, lta windahleld ll}lUhed and blood aplattered on th& hood. Arretting the driver proved to be harder even thouah (>Ollce sald they knew who lt waa. Offlcera spent weeks talktn1 with the suape"cted driver'• friends, parent.a and attorney. A 21-year-old man named James S. Gibbs, a resident , of Orange, eventu,ally wu arrested. Following ''weeks of courtroom activity, Gibbs pleaded guilty to felony manalaughter aod hit and run charges. e Gibba wu aentenced to 210 daya in county jail, a aentence Deputy Dlatdct Attorney Michael Dow considered light compared to the at.ate pruon tertn he had IOUgbt. Dow tbouaht that was the end of h. Warner's parent.a thought tliat was the end of it. That wasn't the end of it. More than six weeks after Gibbs was sche<f ulea to begin, aetvlng his time, the case is -1111111111111 PINI 0111\NCt ( tllJN I ..,, I 1\1 IJ l)H N IA i~, Cl N JS headed back to c:oW'\. \. Gibbs, armed with a new attorney, LI tlated to go to court Frtday and araue that hia guilty plea •• well as the 210-day • tentence be tOlled out. Aooon1Jna to court documents, Gibb•' attorney -Jamea Merwin -aald his client'• flnt attorney failed to give hirh proper legal• advice and that Gibbs pl~aded guilty to thinp he shouldn't have. District Attorney Dow said if the plea is accepted, the case g~ back to square one with a jury trial likely. Attorney Merwin could net be reached for comment. The turn of events has left Dow, Warner's parents and friends angry. Dow said It took weeka to build the case and that aome witnesses have moved from the area. He said it may be impossible to track"some of them down. ''He should have been grateful for hla sentence," Dow said of Gibbs. "l think this waa a state prison case all the way." Warner's father,a resident of Maryland who haa sold his automobile dealership to pursue the case and reforms he believes are needed in hit-and-run laws, Is more surprised than angry. • He said he is a family and a church man and would have little difficulty forgiving the driver of the car that killed his son. He said all the driver has to do is ask. Unanimous SupreHJe Court ruling States win OK to ban kid pOrn San Juan adoptee Liberian boy • gets reprieve By STEVE MITCHELL O(tt. 0.-, ...... ..,, A San Juan Capistrano couple, whose adopted son faced deportation to his native Liberia next w eek , have won an extension of the deadline that will allow him to remain with his family eight more months. ·The Immigration and N.aturaliution Service th.is week extended the July 5 deadline for Sam Willet to Feb. 1, 1983, after the 26-year-old man and his (ft.her, Dave Willet. drove to Los Angeles to present a letter from I ~ Robert Bedharo ' •. "(t means Sam can stay in the Unit.ed States et least until next ·year, unlea there ii any adverae action on Badham'a private bill," Dave Willet said in a telephone biterview. I "We were really getting cloee f9 the line, and the family is really relieved," he said. Samuel, who was born in !.iberia, was adopted by the Willets more than a decade ago when the couple were working for the Peace Corps in that oountry. The adopted son spent seven years in Liberia and Kenya with the Willet family, then a two- year separation forced by the question of Sam's immigration when the Willets returned to the United States. . The family was reunited nearly two years ago when Samuel obtained a one-year student visa. But the U .S . government never officially reoogni2ed the adopdon,,.Aying Samuel Wal too old to be considered adopted neerly 11 years ago. Attempt• by Badham to introduce private bills to keep Samuel in America failed, and the House Subcommittee on lmmigration said it would not re-hear a special t.>ill authored by Badham. The extension Will give the subcommittee more time to reconsider Badham's latest private bill on behalf of the Willets. M eanwhile, Judiciary Committee Chairman Peter (See ADOPTEE, Page At) 'Dis«;ouraged' job seeiers at record WASHINGTON (AP) -The I nation's unemployment rate held attiady at 9.5 percent in June, but the number of Americans who I gave up looking for work because of the tight job market set a record, the Labor Department said today. Although the jobless rate wu unchanged from May, t h e number of people out •of work actually fell -from 10.5 million to 10.4 million. But 1.5 million people fell into the government's ''di9couraged worker" category -a statistic reported by the government every three months. The number of dJlcouraged workers rose by 160,000 from the first quarter. 11le California rate a.190 wa,, unchanged at 9.5 percent. The department's Bureau of Labor Statistics attributed the steady unemployment rate to the process of seasonal adjustment. by which it aj u sts raw unemployment data to act01P1t fos such routine, predictable variaUona as achoo) closinp and the weather. The jobless rate normally rises in June with the influx of school-age job-seekers, but because far fewer of these youths entered the labor force than expected the overall adjusted unemployment rate held steady. The adjwltment is deqned to insure that BeUOnal variations do not distort the impllcationa a (See JOBLESS. Pqe Al) TELEVISION ' . Variety shows dying out "Solid Gold" la only mu.ical-variety show left on television and it's not network. TV Log. NATION I J I Exception to Bill of Rights WASHINGTON (AP) - States may ban virtually all "kiddie pornography," the U.S. Supreme Court ruJed today. The justices thus carved out an exception to the constitutional guarantees of free speech and free expression. By a 9-0 vote on the last day of its 1981-82 tenn. the court reinstated a New York law that makes it a crime to "promote" sexual performances by children. FIREMEN AT WORK -Anon is believed the cause of a fire Thunday at 10 p.rn. that swept through the vacated Mlracle Mazda buildJnc at 2150 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa, causing $5,009 ....,,... ..... ,._.... damage. Fire fighters controlled the blaze in 10 minutes. The car dealer has moved to a new location and the building was 1eheduled to be demolished. - The state's highest court struck the law as unconstitutional. but today the Supreme Court. led by Justice Byron R. White, reversed the state court's ruling. "Here the nature of the harm to be oombatted requires that the state offense be limited to works that visually depict sexual conduct by children below a specified age," White wrote for the court. "The category of sexual conduct proscribed also must be suitably limited and described." Shuttle passes 'space junk' Soviet rocket booster part of orbiting graveyard CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -Columbia's astronauts had a close encounter today, passing just 7.7 miles below the orbiting remains of a junked Soviet rocket booster. The old casing is part of a whirling and growing space graveyard which may be a hazard to future spaceships. in good spirit.a as they wakened this morning on the shuttle's fourth and last test mission - which '1s to end Sunday at Edwards Air Force Base with a welcome from President Reagan. "Chariots of Fire" was ·the wakeup music beamed up by Mission Control. "Hope you got a good night's sleep," said Capcom Brewster Shaw. "Slept like a log." was Mattingly's reply. After breakfast, Hartsfield went f or a space jog on Columbia's treadmill. It "went kaput," in the words of Mission Control, and he had to fix it (See SPACE, Page At) The Constitution's First Amendment guarantees that government will not interfere with anyone's freedom of speech. But that protection is not absolute. Past Supreme Court decisions have created exceptions for obscen e or defamatory expression and for expressions (See PORN, Page A%) If there had been any threat of collision, Columbia would have taken evasive action. It wasn't necessary. Mission Control alerted astronauts Ken Mattingly and Henry Hartsfield to look for the booster as they passed 186 miles above the easte rn coast of Australia. They were out of contact at the time of encounter and when they next talked with the ground they gave no indication they had spotted anything. Valley adopts new drug law Passes regulation on paraphernalia display, sale Controllers said it would have appeared out their front window, passed over the shuttle and disappeared behind its tail. With both Columbia and stage traveling more than 17 ,000 miles an hour, the rendezvous was short and chance of sighting slim. Their paths cro1Sed at an e1timat.ed closing speed of 6,100 miles an hour. Mattingly and Hartsfield were COUNTY A strict new law regulating the display and sale of drug paraphernalia goes into effect in Fountain Valley July 29. And the strong protests forecast by a local record store owner failed to materialize when the City Council approved the new law Tuesday night. No member of the audience spoke on the paraphernalia law. Councilman Fred .,,on repeated the reae rvatilrila he voiced June 1 when ttfe propoeed ordinance first came up. He described a record-keeping provision of the ordinance as £RA light 'not over' Equal Rights Amendment supporters, rallying in Santa Ana after ERA's demi9e, vow to fight for decades if necessary for the measure. Page Bl. More Coast news inside Additional newa from Newport Beech, Fountain Valley. Laguna Beach, c.o.ta Meu and Irvine will be foundonP~eC3. • Golden year tor ~seant The P.,ean\ of the ...._.. and the F..Uval ot Arts at Laluna'• Irvine Bowl oelebnte theU' 60th annl\ierariel UU. YMI"• W ....... ·' . unneceaaary and unenforeeable, adding that it could have the city vulnerable to a legal chalJell${e. paraphernalia law aa originally proposed. Ken Ochetti of Newport Beach, who owns four Peer In addition to prohibiting the • Records shops, including one that sa 1 e o r d i a p la y o f d r u g carries paraphernalia, said today paraphernalia to minors, the he was unable to attend the Fountain Valley law requires any council meeting 10 protest the busineu selling such items to .. ~rd-keeping provision. reoord the name, address and age He said he will conault with of all adult paraphernalia other businea owners who aha.re 'customers, with such infonnation his concern to study the prospect open to police inspection. of opening a store carrying Voss' motion to delete the paraphernalia in Fountain Valley record-keeping provision wasrt't in order to prompt a court test of supported by any other coundJ the law. He has criticit.ed the member. The council then record-keeping provision as an unanimously approved the invasion of privacy. I INDEX At Your Service A4 Bus1nees. A6-7 Calif Ol'Jlia A5 Cavalcade A9 Clwfied Cl,C3-8 Qmlcs B2 en.word B2 Death Notioee C2 Editorial A8 lntertalnment Weekender Home/Gvden AlO .l:lonJKOpe A9 SPORTS • Intermilllon Week.ender Ann Landen I A9 Movi• Weekender Mutual Funda A8 Nadoaal Newa A3 Public NoUcel C2-3 Spena BU Stock Markeu A 1 THMl6on TV Loe Theeter'I Weekender W•ther A2 Wodd Newt A3 ~ill Iii,,. IO rebOud Aqela heed for 1taw1 CltJ for • crucial ............... -u. ,... of .... ,,, .,. ... In ,..,. ...... ' I Al • [d,i' Continued stories PORN RULING. • • dMmed to be •)flaheinl worde" or an tncltement to intmedlate lawlell ectlon. Expretelon .found to create a "clear and ~nt dancer" to 1ome important governmental Interest al.lo la not ~Ututionally proleeted. U'n de r a landmark ·1 9 7 3 Supreme Court decillon, called MUler va. Callfomia, matertab are legally obscene when the average p erson appl/lng comm\mity standards woul find them to }'appeal to the prurient intereat in aex, which portray sexual conduct in a patently offensive way, and which, when taken as a whole, do not have serious literary, •artistic, political or ecienti!ic value." But today's Supreme Court declaion alloWtJ states to ban even non-obecene materials.When they portray sexual conduct by . children. be banned u oblctne, doel not renect th• •tate'a pu\Jc:W.af and more cpmpellln1 lntereat in proeecuUJ\I thole who promot.e the aexual exploitation of children," White aald. Conareea and at.ate J.plat\&NI have been under_ preuure in recent Yffr1 to heJ&hten efforts to stem eexua1 explolSaUon of children. Juat lut ~k. an offldal of the General Accounting Office, the Investig ative arm o f Congre., told a Howie comrnltt.ee that c hild pornoaraphy haa decllned in recent years but that most law enforcement offidala believe the number of children involved has not dropped. Elderly duO shot, one dead A 7\-year-old woman ls <s.d and her h u1band ln critical oondltlon at a hOIDftal follawing a yet unexplaf ned double shooting late Thunday nlaht ln the front yard of a LaguN1 Hllla Lelaure World rmt~. Orange County SherHf's Department 1poke1man Lt. Wyatt Hart said an lnvestiption la under way to determine if the oue ahould be clulified • a murder and attempted IUidde or a aulclde and attempted auklde. Hart identified the woman as Ota Jewl Heatwole. She died of a single gunshot wound to the head, Hart said. Her husband , Delbert Heatwole, a1ao 71, remained in critical condition today at Saddleback Community Hospital wlth a gti.nshot wound to the head, Hart said. "The Miller standard, like all general definitions of what may The committee waa told that "much of the child pornography today ii produced and diauibuted undergro und through an infonnal but cloee-knlt network of pedophiles" -adults with an abnormal sexual desire for children. ADOPTEE STAYS ... Rodino has sent a letter to Meanwhile, Sam has given B a d ham i n d i ca t i n g the notice to his employers at a San immigration subcommittee is Juan Capistrano fas t food extreme l y busy with other restaurant because he feared he immigration legislation , forcing would be deported next Tuesday. ARGENTINA VIGIL -Relatives of some of Argentina's "desaparecidos," people who have disappeared between 1975.. and 1978, walk their weekly vigil in the Plaza de Mayo in l#=iiiO'iO' front of Government House in Buenos Aires. The walkers seek information about those missing since being detained by men who identified themselves as security forces. Two handguns were found by investigators in the front yard of the residence at 407 Calle Sonora Etaa. Investigators a1ao found a note indicating the couple was despondent. No details were released by investigators. Rodlno to postpone consideration "I don't know if they'll give of the private bill. . him his job back or noi." Dave That should \?liminate the Willet said. possibility of adverse action on ~- Badharri's bill before the new He said the new extension will February deadline, Willet said . enable Sam to take mo~ business Rodino suggested the family and accounting claaaes an th~ ~ seek administrative relief by at. ~ddleback Colleg4: tn Mission seeking refugee status for Sam. VteJO. But Dave Willet said he will have to con s ult Santa Ana attorney J im Cannon before pursuing that course. Cannon agreed to help the Willet family at no cost when he heard of Sam's plight. JOBLESS ... given month's unemployment rate will ha ve for th e performance of the economy. T h e labor force actually shrank by 475,000 last month. The number of people holding jobs declined by 353,000 and the number of people thrown out of work fell by 122,000, more than offsetting any tightness ln the labor market that would h,ave Nixon in Bulgaria SOFIA, Bulgaria (AP) - Fonner President Richard Nixon met Thursday with Bulgarian President and Communist Party c hief Todor Zhikov, the Bulgarian state news agency BTA reported. "The problem ia, Sam no longer hall a student visa, 10 we'll have to pay the $3,000 or 80 foreign student fee," Willet said. But the eight month extension is welcome. he said. otherwise dri ven the unemployment rate up further. The raw figure1 showed that the joble~ total Increased by more than 900,000, so that without the adjustment proceas the unemployment rate for the month would have been 9.8 percent. In advance of today's report, several private analysts said unemployment is certain to remain at post-war record level.a through t h e summer. The economists said they dolibted the 10 percent cut in income tax rates or the 7.4 percent boost in Social Security benefits that took effect Thursday would produce e nough of a•spurt in consumer spending to cut the unemployment toll Israel tells. civilians to flee Beirut By Tbe Associated Presa Screaming Israeli jets dropped flares and smoke cani.atera on west Beirut again today a nd troops blared waminp for the population to flee in an eeca.latlon of psychological warfare aimed at getting the guerrillas out. But civilians at.reamed back to the guerrilla enclave and the PLO warned a new underground would "strike merclleaaly" at Israel and its U.S. backers. Guerrillas feverish ly dug in for street battles throughout west Beirut. Scores of red earth barricades roee along the west Beirut beaches wilh truck- mounted a nti-aircraft guns stationed behind them. · Sandbagged positions manned by anti-tank gunners filled the main streets. Israel r adio said Israel's invasion army was "tighten!ng its encirclement" of Beirut' to show impatience with diplomatic efforts to get the guerrillas out. It did not elaborate and Israeli military sources said there was no change in the disJx.>Sition of Israeli forces around Be!rut. Fair skies Coastal Clmbla SC Cotvmbut Oel·FI Wltl Oay1on OenYet 0.. Molnel Light varlable w1n<I• -1 to o.trott eout'-1 1 to 3 ,..._ Fu. ~:C, _ Fairbank• U.S. Summary =·" GfNt Fella Shower• and 1hunder1torm• Hanfo.-d _. ecattered Thuradey from lhe Helene Northern Ptateeu to lhe northern HonolU!u Rocldee and ICl'OM the c:entr81 Houston Plain• Into th• mld-Mlu leelppl Ind~ Valley end pana of Arit-. Jedlan Sc1ttered cloud• dotted th• Jacaanvtle re1t of the central and KantClty aoutheHtern portion• of the Lu Vegu nation, •• well " pert• ol L.ltltl Rock ·Northern Cellfornle end th• Loulevlltl Pec:fflc Nortnw.t. Metnphlt EJeewhlre. It -mostly _,ny. Miami The NatJonel WN!Mr S«vlc:e • Mltwa.lkM forecHt for today called lor Mplt.-St.P ao•U•r•d thowera and NMhYllll thunderatOf'ITll along th• Gtilf New OtteMs GoHt, acrou the Ml1al11tppl New YO(k V9/fwf and the Pllllnl et.et• Into Not1oll the "°"'*" and oentret Aoc:tclel Okla City and part• ol th• Northern Ornlltlli "'-'-'· Or\ando Moatly tunny •kl•• were ~ predicted f or the southern PtloenlX Plat.., and from the QhlO Valley Ptttlbur'Qll through th• Appalachl•n• end Piiand, Me along the mld-Atllllltlc Coat end Piiand. Ore New Engleod. Provldenel California Southam Cllltfomla w111 be ftllf In coeetel -· bu1 with cooler t~ along COUt. Orange County can expect lllght 88 to 7 4, 1ow1 In 50L .,._, v9lleya wtll hew ... "" 70., !owl ,_ IO. Mount.in. can eacpect "Wll " to Te. loM ... to 5e. Northern d•Hr ta will have ahernoon and evenln9 wind• 16-H mph. Hllhe M to ..-. loM' Reno RlchmOnd Seit L.Mle San Antonio See1tle ShtllllPOrt Sioull ~­St Louie St P-T.,,,.,_ 8cM*lfll =:-Tuceon TulN w~ Wichita 88 75 92 76 81 73 77 78 95 ee 80 70 81 75 83 87 92 78 9t 97 79 89 91 76 90 17 74 81 87 91 79 n 90 74 SM 77 100 73 73 89 76 71 IO 79 SM 87 91 M 1t • a • Te 97 113 13 to 7f Fr1dav July 2 49 •HK#I t:emoeraeures 72 53 61 63 49 41 65 54 52 35 59 55 60 73 IO 53 71 75 .,,,,.,.,... w~-S,,..v<• 65 OAA US Drt>f Of Comme<t " :: Fronts: Cold ~ Watm .,. 0 1.i1KJ ... ·d ~ !-.L111on.lf\ •• 57 75 ao 51 78 65 87 64 71 ea ao 75 eo T3 48 63 69 se 52 ... 511 . 71 65 et 58 11 79 M 51 " 62 76 e2 71• 83 77 78 87 IO 82 85 95 71 t3 ... 95 81 84 73 72 87 83 80 74 61 68 78 71 70 70 77 ee .. 71 H N.- San Juan. P.R. Trtnlded Ver11CNZ Calgary Edmonton MontrNI 011ew1 ReglN CANADA 91 90 90 87 "' 74 79 • 72 72 75 73 n 57 80 5g 62 56 56 42 61 59 54 52 63 54 Toronto 50 .V~ 83 72 13 80 Lo 51 49 45 45 57 47 65 51 . 60 Winnipeg 56 ~ Extended S4 ~.weather 57 68 " 55 57 54 49 88 67 ee Suooay-T~ Low CicMl• In the night and morning hours In co11tal areH otherwlH fair. High• ranging from neiar 70 et IM b11ch11 to upper IOI Inland' V111eyt. Lowe ~ to a . Fair In mountain.,..."""_.......,... douda. <Mty WMl-'Y w4lldl 15 10 25 mph In afternoon hOurl. ~· leYll hlthl .-tly In the 708. Iowa In the 50I, .. '° ... '°""*"' deM91 hltN N to 10t. !owl M to 76. HottWn C..,_,nle wtt1 htft lnor•11ln9 1hower1. Central Cllklt'NI .. .,. '*11Y doudy CAU'ONIM s ..,... v.., ':.. ~ ~ ':, ':5 mog .........., 11 M lert:lldoe 11 n TM Alf Quality ~I ........ ""'"""· ..,_ 11 ea ...,,..,. 11 7t o.ecno. predlcta fOOd • Q1.1111ty .......,. ·14 47 1k1fOt1 66 10 todly In 111 .,.... .Of the lcMfl Temperaturel' Bit ..., 10 "4 cureoeo 11 7t o.-t Nt lellll. 111110P IO 42 O<.....,_a 71 13 Wh~• to call (toll ,,.., fOt gr.:,. ee7~ ea Guld•tO\IPe 80 75 ...... ~~· • 6 M KJntMon 80 77 Of • CICIO)~' ' Oufwer Qly 1t 51 w..n.i M 73 t.o:'rnt••H County: 11001 .. Le ..... a .. ....... 11 73 m...cm «> It FMno t2 17 MelCloo City 71 51 ....... Md ten lemeldlfto • 51 lMm ~ 17 40 .,.., • .,. .. 73 oouMlll: (IOO) M?-4710 67 IO AQMO ~ e,n..: (IOO) .. .. --~~-----------------:----;-----::~2=~= ... ===~----------76 IO ... 1 : ~ TJdes -·· ~ •re ·~ •• n • ! i .. ~i&L! T ~-T If.ii El~ I•"• I IW n • Ulll ..... Coast Publishing gets 'USA Today' The Orange Coast Publ.iahin8 Company ~ signed a contract with the Gannett Company to print Gannett's new national n e wspaper, "USA Today," Orange Coast's chief executive officer Thomas P . Haley announced today. G"annett's new paper will be printed on Or81lje Coast's press in Costa Mesa. USA Today's newa .and advertising content will be beamed here via satellite signals, Haley said. The Orange Coast Publishing Company publishes the Orange Coast Daily Pilot, Irvine Mirror a nd Mission Viejo Mirror newspapers. "Our contract with Gannett is simply a printing agreement," Haley explained. "The content of the Daily Pilot and our two Mirror ne~spapers remains wholly independent ·in news, editorial and advertising content and in distribution," Haley noted. The content of USA Today is wholly controlled by Gannett. The printing job for USA Today is scheduled to begin in the f i_rst quarter of 1983. GanA1!'tt's new paper will be published mornings, Monday through Friday, throughout the country. Haley said he believes Orange Coast Publishing Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Tim es Mirror Compan y, was selected by Gannett because of its central location in Southern California and the h igh color reproduction quality produced by the company's eight-unit Harris press. "We have the press capacity for corrunercial printing and the contract with Gannett is ideal in terms of being large volume on a recurring basis," the chief executive officer said. Gannett will be installing a satellite receiving dish on the Costa Mesa plant property, along wilh necessar y s pace-age hardware to beam pages for reproudction here. Similar inatallat.ions are being made across the country for printing of USA Today. Some are at Gannett n ewspape r properties and others, like the Oran ge Coa s t Publishing Company. are contract printers. "Our company should benefit to 1<>me degree from the very advanced technology." Haley said. No precise date for beginning· publication of USA Today in Southern California has been established. Terms o f the contract between Gannett and Orange Coast Publishing were not disc.loeed. Earlier , Gannett Presi~ent Allen H. Neuharth announced that USA Today would begin publication Sept. 15 with an edition se~ a five-state area around the Was~n, D.C., and Baltimore m .rkets . The newspaper will expand into similar market clusters around Atlanta on September 20, Minneapolis-St. Paul on September 27, and Pittsburgh on October 14. The single copy price will be 25 cents. Neuharth said during the first quarter of 1983, USA Today will expand into 10 additional areas across the nation. They are Los Angeles, C hicago, Denver. Detroit. Houston, Miami, New York, Philadelphia , San Francisco and Seattle. Dates for those market s tartups a nd entries into additional markets in 1984, will be announced later. Announces A Price Rollback On: The bodies were discove red about 11 p.m. by a security guard patrolling the private retirement community. Cosmonauts returned to earth today MOSCOW (AP) -French cosmonaut Jean-Loup Chretien returned to Earth after eight days in space today. landing in Soviet Kazakhstan with two Soviet c rewmates, Moscow television reported. Chretien, the first W estern European in space, landed in the Soyuz space capsule with Soviet space vete ran s Vladimir Dzhanibekov. the miss ion commander, and Alexander Ivanchenkov. Soviet television said the landing occurred at 6:21 p.m. Moscow time (7:21 a.m. PDT). about two minutes behind schedule. Television did not show the actual landing. Chretien and his crew mates spent a week ln orbit aboard the Salyut-7 space station during the mission. They performed a series of experiments designed by French scientists. Two other Soviet cosmonauts, Anatoly Berewvoy and Valentin Lebedev, who have been aboard the space station since May 14, will remain there for an undisclosed period of time. * * * From Page A1 SPACE. • • before continuing on his way. Meanwhile, Mattingly entered the ship's airlock and rehearsed putti rtg on the s pace s u it developed for walking outside the shuttle. The suit will be used for the first time <10 Columbia's next mission in November. selected 8e1es 198t~1~oRTS F~: 1972 p~1cES! I s950 R90ul1rly *15.50 REDUCED. TO . Just In time for the rumored 4th of July sunshine HOllE SPORlS &.TD • 2831 COAST HWY. CORONA DEl MAR 17W700 HOBIE SPORTS IRVINE 4701 IARRANCA PKV. IRVINE •••••• • \ i I I FREEWAY BLAZE -·Ventura County firemen douse mobile home fire which started when a 100-gallon tank separated from the vehicle on southbound 101 Freeway. None of the 12 vacationers from Phoenix were injured. Af# Wlreptlo4o The driver, Leroy Schellenbaum, 5 1, and family, were headed for Disneyland from a family reunion in Fresno. The freeway was closed for more than an hour. President supports Donovan Reagan to 'stand b y' his embattled Secretary of Labor { WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan calls 1t a closed case, but he doesn't have the gavel in the matter of Secretary of Labor Raymond J . Donovan. There's more to come. The Senate Labor Committee isn't finished with its inqwry into NEWS ANAlYBIS allegations against Donovan and the way they were handled at the time of his o riginal confirmation hearings 18 months ago. The report of s pec ial prosecutor Leon Silverman is not nearly so enthusiastic as Reagan suggested in saying that there was no cause for concern about Donovan's condu c t and associations before he came to the Cabinet. Donovan said he would be prepared to testify before the panel once the Silverman report had been filed. He said the report "c:onfirmed what l have told you a ll a long," that the allegations of organized crime ties during his da ys i n th e New Jersey construction business were false. Silverman concluded that there was insufficie nt ev1dence on which to base any prosecution of Donovan. But the problems that remain for Donovan. and for Reagan. aren't legal matters. It isn't even a question of fairness. It is a question of politics, which often is unfaJr. Afte r two days o f vague comments from spokesmen on the Donov¥ case , Reagan addressed it ·mself at his news conference ednesday night, and said he has no intention of Navy arch m emorial nixed WASHINGTON (AP) -The National Capital Planning Commission o n Thursday rejected plans to build a 112-foot arch as a Navy memorial o n Jltnnsylvania Avenue in the nation's capital. The commission said the arch was aesthetically unacceptable because it would dominate the area. making a change at the Labor Department. "Certainly I'm going to be sucking with him," Reagan said. " He asked for a special prosecutor, he asked to appear before a grand jury. The grand jury found nothing that caused them any concern or to take any action. The prosecutor brought in a report of a thousand pa~es and ha s found th e r e 1s no s ubstantiation for any of the allegations." Reagan said there is no reason why a man who has withstood that kind of investigation should beco m e a p olitical embarrassment. ''That case is close," he said. Silverman had said there were more than two dozen allegations that Donovan had contacts with organized crime figures while he was in the construction business in Secaucus, N.J .. that many came from more than one source, and that the sheer number "must occasion a raised eyebrow." "The s pecial proself'Utor concluded that. despite the distur bing numbe r of such allegations, a prosecution would not be warranted," his report said. · Re agan advisers had said earlier that Donovan's tenure w o uld depe nd o n the way Co n g r ess. particularly investigating senators, reacted to the report. Reagan did{l't wait to find out before declaring that his secretary of labor would stay. "If he st.a)'S on, there has to be an investigation," said Re- publican Sen. Dan Quayle of India na. Sen. Orrin Hatch , R- U ta h . c hairman of the investigating Labor Committee, and Sen. Edward M. Kennedy. D-Mass., the ranking minority member, have said only that they'r e still studying the 1.025-page report on Donovan. Reagan called his secretary a man unjus tly and unfairly assailed. The report found no credible evidence to the contrary. But the political proble m hasn't gone away. State high court to • review SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - California's "victims' bill of rights" will remain in force while the state Supreme Court decides whether it is constitutional The h igh court agreed to acce pt the con s titutio nal ch a lle nge to Proposition 8, adopted as law by voters during the June primary election. But the justices didn't halt the measure's implementation while they d e liberate -an action sought by those who oppose the initiative. The initiative's provisions include limits on plea-bargaining, incre ased sentences for some repeat crimes. admission of evidence from some illegal searches. the right of victims to testify at parole and sentencing hearings and a declaration of the right to safe public achools. lf Proposition 8 is upheld by Prop. 8 the high court, it would overturn the exclusionary law preventing use of illegally seized evidence. Opponents argue Proposition 8 violates several constitutional requirements. including a rule that initiatives can cover only one subject. Supporters disagree, saying the entire measure is re lated to a single subject: crime. Opponents had argued for a stay, saying there was statewide confusion over the measure and that judges had no guidance in applying its provisions. But Attorney General George Oeukmejian. who petitioned the high court to transfer the case from the Court of Appeal. has said that an appeal court ruling barring e nfo rce ment of Proposition 8 would •·pose a serious and disruptive threat to t he o rde rly operation of a c riminal justice system in California." ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIHllfled edveftl•'"9 714M2•5t71 All other ~rtment• 1542 ... 321 • Oeukmejian's petition said the case involves "issues of life and death'' and that no court can e njo in enforcement of a successful statewide initiative measure. Thom .. P. Hale¥ """"'* -CN9I 6-11"'9 °"'- Kay Schultz Yim ........ -~orol~ Tom M"'l)hlne ldllor Mike HWWIY DlrtciOt of Marbling ~) Ken Godd.,d lllreCIOf ol °'*- ~ac:LMn CNttM L009 ......_.._ hltr ......... ...., ..• _ .... . ' MAIN OFFlCE m w .. 1..., SI , Cotl• MeM, CA. Mall -S.: loa U.O. Cotte Mffe, CA ~ C°"yrloM 1"2 Or.,.. Coest PUllllllllftl C....-W. ' Ho-• .-n.1. lll119tr•llOflt, eclllorlel "'..._'or ... verOMmtnll ,., .. n mey M , __ .. ""'"*" -•••permission ot <OPY•ltlM-ner. VOL 71, NO. 18' But lawyer Stanley Friedman, representing the proposition's opponents -including State Bar President Robert Raven - argued that the rule prohibiting a n injunction against an approved initiative doesn't apply when the law is unconstitutional. Chief JW1tice Rose Bird and Justices Stanley Moak. Frank Richardson and Otto Kraua voted for Deukmejian'a motion \O transfer and ordered that opening briefs be filed ~fore July 12. We're Listening ••• WhJlt do )'OU lib 1bout the Dell)' POoU What don't )'OU like? Call the number below and you r meua1e wlll be recorded. tranw'tbtd and dell'vertd to the appro,rg&e .ciitor. The 11me.24·hour 1n1wertn, Mt~ltt may be uMd to rtcord ltt· tera to lhe ttlitor on any topic. Mll1bo1e contributor• m&.aat lnclude their name and ttlt phone nur1btr ror vertneauon. No etrcuh1llon calla, ptea11. , Tell ua wh1t'1 on your mind . Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Friday, July 2, 1982 8 Pjpeline delay flayed I Europe hits U.S. trade war with Soviets BONN. We.t Germany (AP)~ For more than a week, We.tern Euro~ r(u c:ritlciwd the U~ted Statt~• for still trying to d11lay conatrUction of a Soviet pipeline that offers three thinss Europeans want -more jobs, more trade with the Soviet Union and more natural gas. The way Europeans see it, American efforts to delay the pipeline to Western Europe won't il\.&rt the Soviets but could throw thousands o( people in Italy, West Germany and Great Britain out of work. European officials say that if they respect the American equipment and t echno logy embargo, they could wreck future trade relationships with the Soviets. "What there should not be and what there will not be . . . lS a trade war with the Soviet Union with wh1cn a new epoch of the Cold War could be introduced," Chancellor Helmut Schmidt said last week in reiterating that Europe will proceed with the project. Schmidt spoke after President R eagan a npo unced he was ext e nding a ban o n U .S . t echnology for the planneCi pipeline, which is expected to delive r some 21 billion cubic meters of gas to Western Europe when it begins operation in 1984. The American e mba r go was originally imposed to protest the Soviet-backed declaration of m a rtial l aw in P oland last December. The 3.400-mile pipeline wall s tart in western S iberia. go thro ugh the Ukraine and Czechoslovakia and end al the Wes t G e rman-Czech borde r wh e re at will feed into an exlaUng pipeline network. West G e rman y, France, Austria and Swnzerland have °c.'Ontracted to buy the g88, and the Dutch a nd Italia n s ar e negotlating. Th~ Reagan adm1mstrat1on has criticized the pipeline deal on the grounds that it would make Western Europe too dependent on Soviet energy resources and give the Russians more hard currency to purt·hase western technology. The Soviets say that despite Reagan's embargo, the pipeline will be built. What Weste rn Europeans may lose, however. are other benefits that go with delivering pipeline part.<> to the Russians -jobs and good trade rela tions. Reagan defended the ban at hls press conferenc.>e Wednesday. saying "we did what we thought should have been done to release the oppression of the people of Poland." He added, ·•we think there is a risk that they (Western Europeans) become dependent on the Soviet Union for energy." In Italy alone. 6.000 to 7.000 jobs are affected. The Italian firm of Nuovo Pignone, a umt of the state e ne rgy conglome rate Nazionale Idrocarburi. has the largest contract in Europe for constrUction on the pipeline. The company, whic h gets its parts Crom the American giant General ElectriC'. will lose a $70 mimon contract to assemble 59 gas turbines if 11 goes along w1tn the U.S. embargo. A d(.'(·1s1on has not yet been made. "The C'om pany h as o th e r contracts. But without a doubt. this one as a very big one and there's som e co n <.'e rn ." a company spokesman said Af# Wlrepllolo TUNABOAT SEIZED -The tunaboat United States is tied to the dock in Ensenada, Mexico, where it arrived after being seized by Mexican authorities off the Baja California coast. The vessel, which operates out of San Pedro. with a crew of 13, was seized for the second time in less than a year for allegedly fishing inside Mexico's 200-mile ''extended economic zone" without a license. WALTERS "SEA HAVEN" Chestnut Color Subtle Tone on Tone Nylon W /Scotchgard s 14•5 INSTALUD WALTliS "FAIRCREST" Ultron Nylon F0t•t Green . • 13•5 INSTALLID ' l.n West Germany, Reagan's d ec11io n h as hurt AEG Telefunken, which has been asking the government for help to ward off bankruptcy. The firm's turbine-making subsidiary, AEG-Kanls, had a $270 million contract to supply 47 turbines to the Soviet.a, but the company's chief e xecutive, Heiny Duerr, said last week that the deal would not go ahead because of Reagan's embargo. Duerr said the exist ence of AEG -K a n1 s and its 1,200 employees were threatened-by the embargo because the turbines contract had been about half of the C'Ompany's current orders. British companies ti o ld contracts worth about $344 million for the pipe line. High court says no to sexual bias _ WASHINGTON (AP) -A Mississippi school for women C'annot kick out its only male student. the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled By a 5-4 vote. the justices held Thursday that states cannot bar men from e nro lling an state- supported nursing schools. W r1t1ng fo r th e court's maJOrtty. Justice Sandra Day O'Connor said such prohibitions are a form of unronstitutional sexual bias. T oda y's decision upheld a federal appeals court ruling that allowed Joe Hogan to break a 97-year trad1tJon and become the first man enrolled in Mississippi University for Women. The school. known as M UW. is the nation's only state-supported university for women. "We hold that MUW's policy of denying males the nght to enroll for credit in its school of nursing violates the e qual protection guarantee of the 14th Ame ndment," Mrs . O 'Connor said. She discounted the a rgument by state officials that the nursing school'• fe m a le-only policy compensates ~or discrimination agai nst wome n a nd thus repre&ents a type of ·;educational affirmative action." "Rather than compensate for dlSCriminatory barriers faced by w omen . MUW 's poli cy o f excluding males from admission to the school of nursing tends to perpetuate the stereotyped view o f nursing as an exclusively woman's Job," Mrs . O'Connor said. Hogan, 27. was admitted to the Mississippi school after a ruling by the 5th U.S . Circuit Court of Appeals last year, but Mississippi Attorney Gene ral Bill Allain took the university's appeal to the Supreme Court. Joining Mrs. O 'Co nno r in securing Hogan's legal victory today were Justices Wilham J . Bre nna n . Byron R. White, Thurgood Marshall and John Paul Stevens. C h ief Justice Warre n E . Burger and Justices Harry A. Blackmun. Lewis F . Powell and William H. Rehnquist dissented. LEES "GOOD FEELING" Antron Nylon 3 Colors Ollvewood, Bronze, Brown. A~ .,_ ____________ ...,.p .... ~·\ .,~ . Oranpe Ooeat OAILV ltlLOTIFrlday. JUfy 2. 18'2 f.~ Check home pollution By PAT HOROWITZ Of .. ..., ........ DEAR" READERS: "Clean Your Room!" ta a 866-PIP book that provides the latest lnfonnaUon about a wide ranse of indoor pollutanta 11.6Ch u ubeat.ol and lead -where they occur, how they Interact wlth one anoth~r. their effecu on human health, and WMt can be done with them. The report Is written to be intelligible to non-scientist policymakers who must deal with the problem. For a copy of the report, aend a check for $15, made out to the State of California, to P.O. Box 310, Sacramento 95802. "Conawnerqean-lJp Kit," available for S3 from the above address, is a packet of 15 tact sheets on substances that can pollute the Indoor environment, written to aid the consumer in identifying and solving the problem. Health effects and practical 1u1geations for reducing exposure are provided. A body chart also is included which graphically displays each pollutant's effect on the body. Don't rush into exercise DEAR READERS: The first time you notice a visible lack of muscle tone in your body can be quite a shock. It may even prompt a frantic effort to begin an exercise program right away. The sensible first step to any exercise program is a thoro~h physical checkup, especially for anyone older than a.ge 30. U you get the OK ·from your doctor, consider getting some expert advice on the best way to begin an exercise program. The President's Council on Physic,al Fitness and Sports has an illustrated booklet called "An Introduction to Physical Fitnes,,." It can be requested by sending $1.75 to Consumer Infonnation Center, Dept. 217K, Pueblo, Colo. 81009. Furniture makers ch arged DEAR READERS: Lawsuits against the manufacturers of flip-top chairs and r«lining loungers that do not meet with California's flammability laws have been filed by the Department of Consumer Affairs and Sacramento County District Attorney's Office. Investigations conducted by th~e agencies discovered the use of non-flame- retardan t polyurethane foam in the manufactun' of many of the.e chain. A.a a nMauh of the lawauit the court has ordered the manufucturers to immediately reetraln from adverUlif\I the fllp-Wp chaira and loungen ualng the non-flame-retardant foam. The lawsuits further charge the rnanufact~ra wlth acta of false advertlaing and unfair business practices. The agencies advise that consumertt who have a flip-top chglr may be able to teU whether It Is in violation of state law by ~nzipping the fabric cover and examining the foam. Colort!d polyurethane foam is likely to have been treated with fire retardant, while whlte polyurethan~ foam probably la not treated. Check the law label for the manufacturer's name or registry !lumber. The following manufacturers, followed by their registry numbers and known retailers. are subject to the current order: -H . L. K. Corp., CA 21692, Macy's, Montgomery Ward, McMahlms and Easy Living Furniture; Shadow Interiors or Nite- N-Day Furniture, IND 778, Woolco; Plymouth Industries lnc .. CA 18687 or CA 18687 MA. Woolco; Eagle Products, CA 24630, Woolco; Starlite Industries CA 12413, Zody's; Omni Designs Inc. or DMF Ltd .. IND 110, Zody's, J .C. Penney and Akron (San Diego); Milton John Corp., IND 338 (III), Montgomery Ward; and Shelby Williams, Sears Roebuck (mail order). The Department of Consumer Affairs also advised that consumers who have a chair that does not comply wit.h the flammability law have the right under state warranty laws to return the chair as a defective product to the retailer from whom it was purchased for repair, replacement or refund. DCA notes that none of the retailers of this furniture appear to have had any knowledge of the flammability violations taking place. • "Got a problem? Then write to Pat Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, • 1 getting the answers and action you need co solve jnequities jn n • government and busjness. Mail your questions to Pat Horowitz.. At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, ~ 92626. As many letters as possible win be answered, but phone inquiries or letters not including the reader's full name, address and busjness hours' phone number cannot be considered. AS AMERICAN AS APPLE PIE! ~LIVE MUSIC~ SIX·PIECE DIXIELAND BAND FRIDAY&SATURDAY·MY 2&3 NOON 'TtL ' P.M. HOtDOGS·POPCORN j SOFTDRINKS COME AND ENJOY AN OLD FASHIONED FOURTH OF JULY ON .THE WATEAFROKT. • • • SAVE ¥655% l?ottery Shack's MIKASA ·SALE! Our entire collection of Mikasa stoneware, semi-porcelain. bone china and fine china is on sale, with savinizs up to 55% for 5 piece place settings and similar savings on all sets. Shack Price 12.50 15-o Savin s on all open stoc STONEWARE S pc. Mfr. Shack Place Setting Price Price Whole Wheat 21 .so 12.50 Firesong 27.50 12.50 Studio Kiln 21.50 12.50 Nocturne 26.50 16 .99 Amy 30.00 19. 99 Blue Daisies 30.00 19 .99 Firenze 37.75 22.99 Napoli 37.75 22.99 Venezia 37.75 22.99 Capistrano 35.75 22.99 Golden Sky 35.75 22.99 BlackTea 34.95 22.99 Cinnabar 35.75 22.99 BONE .CHINA S pc. Mfr. Shack Country Cabin, Stoneware 5 pc. Place Setting Mfr. Price 27.50 Shack Price 12.50 Place Setting Price Price ---------------------------------------' White Silk 59.95 39 .99 Something blue 69.95 46.99 F INE CHINA 5 pc. Place Setting BeLair Charisma Beige Gabriele Chateau ~ ¢0 Mfr. Shack Price Price 32.95 23.99 37.95 25 .99 44.95 30.99 SE MI-PORCELAIN 5 pc. Place Setting Mfr. Price Shack Price Renaissance White 25.25 17 .99 Black Pead 34 .95 26.99 Margaux 39.95 30.99 Michelle 39.95 30.99 Silk Flowers 44.95 34.99 Tango 49.95 37 .99 Mfr. Price Shack Price Windsor 11.95 3.95 Ascot 1 J.95 3.95 Chateau 14.95 7 .95 Normandy 14.95 7 .95 Berkshire 18.95 8.95 Cathedral 18.95 8.95 Westminster t8.95 8 .95 SALE ENDS JULY 31 ST. Why wait 2 weeks or longer for place settmgs, when you can set your table today. The Pottery Shack offers r,ou in stock availability and "take it home ____________ tod ___ a_y_' __ co~v.eru_·_e_n_ce ____________ _ The broadest se lection ot: ceramics in California. ut end to end would stretch from La una Beach to Catalina. A LAGUNA BEAC.H TRA.OmON SINCE 1936 Pottery Shack 1J1Z S. C0MT HWV., LAGUNA llACH (7M) 4M-1M ==~ lYtAM totrM r .. -~ Orangt COHt DAILY Pl .OT /Friday, July 2, 1982 Resolution calls for presidenti~l recognition of singer ate Smith A rNOluUon aak1IUl Prealdeee Rea111 to award tho 'Pretid nllal Medill ot Froodom to 11naer Kate Smltb hh ~m lnltCXiuccd In the! Hou.e. Rep. Robert A. Roe, D-N.J , aald Reagan could "give Amene¥ a arand }'ourth of July glh" by honorinar Miss Smith with th\' medal. Roe said Mw Smith ls the "p raonlfic.:auon ut American putrio&lam" and had Inspired the nalion durlna World War 11. Ht> Mild her rendition o( "God 8h Amc'rlcu" continues to "hdihtcn our national coN1ClouJness and lift lhl' Amorican aiplrl\." ~tafian Cui6ine R e6 lauranf s 10 10 P. m. Val~t Parking Be hind Newell Realty 494-3676 489 N. Coast Hwy. Laguna Beach 1982 PONTIACS T1000, J2000, 1000, &RAID PRIX I BOllEVILLE 11111/flCEI 8tabll.ahed a producllon ehow at the hotel, thus preventing Newton from performlnar at the hotel In which h~ 1hand ownc111hip. WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! drunken .. Tt\C . -year-old Mias Anton, •tar of the movie "Golden Girl" und th e shor'f"-llved "Cliffhangers" television seric.>s, entered the plea through her attorney. MIU Anton wu 1trrea~ June 3 after l'ruhlna a car owned by actor-l·omcdlan Dudley Moere into a JXArked vehicle A r ecord a uction price of $698,610 WWI paid for a painting by the French 1mpre11ionlst Camille Pl11arro at Sotheby's in In additJon, the judge finc.od thc- Beverly Hills resident $390 and restricted her to driving to and from work Cor 90 days. ·London. 8Preston~ WINTER:SUMMER n ANTI F'RIUE COOLANT 1 GALLON J~: 2i7J9 • IWTl OlllCl llOll -2 .00 NU!Ollt '"':;2:5 99 NUT• • Ill Olt e · 2• .. " iu m• •nm r• 1• ... It .er " -r• rtf~ ..,_ACTllO llllt lfJU 1' • 111 •1,lfl IQ l•t PU ...U <iiiifJa ARMOR ALL PROTECT ANT Protects' BHutlftes • VINYL • PLASTIC • RUBBER & LEATHER -~ FRIDAY, JULY 2nd rHRU MONDAY, JULY 5th a oz. son PASTE ~ .. kl .. LARGE SELECTION turtle wax· WE'RE DYNAMITE ·~'~j '~ TN''~ ' ~~~'""'--·~ . ,,) EXPLODES ON JULY 4th! After Sundown • 25( TACOS • 99c MARGARITAS • 99c KAMAKAZIES • 99c POPPERS 548-2224 3300 W. COAST HWY. NEWPORT BEACH NtWflT l!llfAHS • NOif ALOiA • CONCUITI • l!fUOIOUS Sl'Ol!TI • Clffi.Dl!fNI • AOUlt • OOCUMENTAl!lfl INCLUDING THESE TlTlES' The Wrong Man Tht Prin<t And The Showgirl Dial M For Murder lattlt Cry .. Saturday Night Live Witlt Richard Pryor SaJurclay Night livt With St1Y1 Martin fO,.N: M-F.10·1-aAT.10·1-IUN,12·1 I ".-A-~ VIDEO G~S ~*" · Uf 1011 Se•e111.,11111 S11ttl c .. 10 Meta, Cal1ler11le f7'11 IJl~o 1,141 t'I "°'., tJI 1U1 IJJlll;I •CIOH IJOM U.'1H'a I MINUTE WAX CAR POLISH '-.. ~·, Gets a T•rtft Waa f1111IM ln Lese Than 15 Mlnutn. 11 oz. 3.99 IDEAL WAY TO WASH CAR 12 oz. a::: 5J9 Removes dirt, · oa11 grease. and grime •n,.. -2 oo without the use ~ •u , , of soap. r•;: 3.99 2 l4S OLg .:~ 11 IU SAi• -Sl-.S ,.aiilllliill IM O il mt! IT 1111 ,_-* I U • -IC!ml lmli "'9"•111 •u11 ..n '° lllllJPl • ~s .._ ______ _ --===--SA VE •2.ao 100% Oil TANNED PRESTONE HEAVY DUTY turtle wax· CHAMOIS for AUTO I MOM£ COLOR BACK FINISH RESTORER Addi a L•r•r of Siiicones Md Coftdltlone,.. BRAKE FLUID for TodaJ'e Yeltlcle1 SAVE soc .DIESEL FUEL SYSTEM CLEANER for AUTO _. TltUCll 1 49 12 oz. • •1·511'-'-PRESTONE for COOLING SYSTEMS ~~~ ·SEALER & STOP LEAK • ANTl·RUST fer WATER PUMP •10 MINUTE RADJATOR FLUSH -=----~~-----12&m1S ggc UCll SAVE 1 4.49 "STAltUTE" SAVE 3oe GAS MISER Cl.£MS FOi EITH 10-.£5 ·RUBBING COMPOUND Cleans badly w11fhertd finishes. P.OLISHING COMPOUND ~l~~/Yc:~nn1 with HlM... 49 tinllhH 11-.a. • for MOST CARS FORDS -BUICK • OLDS CHEVROLET • CADILLAC and more LUBRICANT '°' All Mnl111 parts Loeb, Hl111es, j~l.49 Cfflj·i·'- Super Poly SI MONIZ for YOUR AUTO EASY ONE-ST£P Hl Y SEALANT CWNS, SHINES, WAT£1 RESIST ANT SUl • 14 OL PASTE or • 16 oz. LIQUID MOBIL HEAVY DUTY QT. CANS MOTOR OIL 30WUQMT Uf~ 5M.50 :..-: -1.50 -::.513.00 Pt. ....... ...,,01 Mobll _J ~ ~· Orange Coat DAILY PILOT/ffrld1Y, July a. 1912 Oil sale · deal off . Oil and gas drilling down fl\.lor Corp. leader• appear undauni.d by a recent declalon by the JC.rr·M~ C4rp. to pull out of an announced nee mnllon purchue of two Fluor oil lntere.ta. He 11ld nveral other corporation• ha ve 1hown contlnUll\I lnteNM ln b\.l)"ln& the two 1ublidlart• of St. Jo.. F.luor, however, Hid he wouldn't d11cloet the namet of other po11lble buyeu "for obvlo\.ll reuon1." SACRAMENTO (AP) -OU and au drilllnc appUcatloN fell 38 perwnt durinc the flrat aix montht of thll year compared to the aune period lut year, the It.ate reported. Fluor announced May 19 that Kerr-McGee w ould acqulr 9oqulna OU Corp. and Coqulrw Petroleum Inc. from Fluor'• St. Joe Minerall Corp. The two Coquina tub.tdlaritl were (ncluded when lrvine-bued Fluor bouaht St. Joe l.ut ye&!' fOC' Callfornla 011 and Ou S upervt.or M. G. Mefferd aald there were 2,493 appllcatlona d\.lJ'ina the first a1x monthl of 1981, whlch wu a record year, but only 1,~39 durina the aarne period of 1982. The deal. however, wa1 dependent on Kerr-McOee'1 ability to obtain finaoclna in 30 dar. • $2.2 bllllon.~tion offida.1.1 reportedly to •ll them beCau.e they didn't meet Fluor'• Investment strate-'ee· . Robert Fluor, chairman of the board, Issued a atl\}emenl from New York City sayina the •areement was off because It couldn't be completed "in a tlmel fashion." At the end of last year, Coqulna had reeervea of 3.5 mlWon barrela of oil, 79 bUUon cubic feet of natW'al au and 811,000 acres In undeveloped property, Fluor spokesmen said. In 1980, there were 1,619 appllcatioN during the first six rnontha. YOU SHOULD CONSmER AN INVESTMENT IN CAUFOBNIA REAL ESTATE Traweek Investment Fund No. 15, Ltd. The Apple "" fQ1!C' ~Juh living ATIENDA FREE SEMINAR • Learn about limited part· nerships and how real estate compares to other invest- ments-how leverage c.an work for you. • See a slide presentation on this specific offering. This limited partnership Is being formed to purchase THE APPLE. a 304 unit garden-style apartment complex In Huntington Beach. CA, one of the nation's fastest growing cities. • No rent control • 38 lJldJvlduat buildings • 11.6 acre site • Recreation building • Pool, sauna, jacuzzi OPEN TO THE PUBLIC -COME ANO BRING YOUR FRIENDS FOR FURTHER INFORMATION: Traweek Investment Fund 4 720 Lincoln Blvd Suite 200 Marina del Rey, CA 90291 Phone· (21 3) 822·9157. (415) 493- 6030. or for San Diego (714) 232-3001 .......................................... ~ .............................. . ! D I cannor anend bur please : ~ send me an Offering Circular : ; Name Tuesday, July 6th Mile Squa.re Golf Course 10401 Warner Ave. ~Address Sr ate Zip Fountain Valley 7:30 PM ! Home Phone Business Phone . .................. _ ............................................................... . MINIMUM INVESTMENT-$2,000 tnvesror~ 1n the p.tnne15h1p must h~11e d min· 1mum gron Income of \211111111 dnd d nel wonh of S20 000 01 o net IN<lrth of S 75 ll<Hl !nclu· "ve of penonal re•td~nc" furn1\h1n9• ond ou1omoblln) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED ZONE CHANGE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Orange County Planning Commission will hold a public hearing to consider a zone change to apply the GPI "General Plan Implementation" District to certain land In the Santa Ana Heights area. Date of Hearing: July 13, 1982 Time of Hearing : 1 :30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as possible Location: Plannlog Commission Hearing Room, Hall of Administration , 10 Civic Center Plaza (Corner of Broadway and Santa Ana Blvd.) Santa Ana Proposal: Z one Change Case No. 82-28 proposes appl icat i on of the GPI "General Plan Implementation" District to certain land In Santa Ana Heights area of the County of Orange. The GPI Combining District requires that prior to the establishment, operation, maintenance or expansion of uses permitted by the base district, a finding must be secured from the Planning Commission that the use Is consistent with the General Plan. Compliance with the Cal.lfornla Environmental Quality Act: It was determined that the proposed project wlll not have ta .. " significant adverse effect on the environment and therefore Negative Declaration No. 12P06006 was granted. All persons either favo(lng or opposing this proposal are Invited to present their views before the Plannlng Commlplon. For further Information, persona are Invited to call Steven Lohr In the Land Plannlng/Coa1tal Section at (714) 834-5380, or come Into the office located at 400 ' Ctvlo Genter Drive W•t, Room 218, 8inta Ana, Callfornla 12702. Plew reter to zc No. 12·21. . NE W PO S T William H . Waltrip , president of Pan Am, will quit July 15 to take over Purolator Inc. Seminar slated ,... The Newport Securities Corp. will sponaor a seminar July 27 at 7 p .m. o n 100 publicly tra d ed companies head - quartered in Orange County. 1 'l'he program will be h e ld at Newport Securities' otfice. 3151 Airway Av e ., Costa Mesa. For information, call 957-1081. Call 642-5678. Pu t • few words to work for ou. 111111u1m11111111 -The Wyle Llboratorl•• electronics marketlna aroup, Portla..nd, Ore. divlaion, haa been appointed u a franchl1e location by Beckman Jn1trumnl1, Incorporated. Wyle ll baaed In t.rvtne. Tlmea Mirror Cable Televl1loo of Irvine promot«l Jo.I Deuy to restonal vice pre.ldent. She had directed operations for 1y1tema aerving 1ub11Cribera In IOUth Orange County. General contractor David N. Cbrl1take1, a former 1tructural estimator for Culver Construction Co. of Santa Ana, has opened hla firm, Soutb Sbore Con1tructlon Co., specialists in Insurance claims, at 894 W. 18th S t., Costa Mesa. Warren, McVel&b & Griffin, Inc. announced that Maraaret E . Wiikinson has joined the firm u a conaultlng actuary ln lta Newport Beach office. She was aaalatant vice president with Tillinghast, Nelson & Warren in Hartford, Conn. Dale LeMaatera and Charles Tbomaa have been elected partners in the international accounting firm of Peat, Marwick, Mitchell & Co., Newport Beach off.ice.~ ' Tim othy P . Baldinger and Michael W. McGuire have been elected to the board of directors of Western lnteuta te Bancorp, Irvine-based finan cial holding company. Haidinger Is president of New West Ventures, a venture capital company in Newoort Beach. McGuire is president of Citizens Thrift & Loan Association of Irvine, a subsidiary of Western Interstate Bancorp. The Countryside Travel Trailer Resort in Apache Junction, Ariz .. was sold, according to Marcus & Mllllcbap, Inc., investment real estate brokers, Newport Beach. The property sold for $2. 7 million to a.- California syndicator. The pdncipals were represen~ JoluJ P . Earle and James W. Paldl of Marcus &r-Millichap. LPA Arc~ltectare and Planning, head- quartered ln Orange, won seven awards in fi~e categories at the Pacific Coast Huilders Conference Gold Nugget Award presentations in San Francisco. One of the awards was for Upper Newport Plau. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS Fraud calls eyed Be1lnnln1 Au1. l, Paci fi c Telephon e operators will make It tougher to get away with fraudulent phone calla. At that limt, they no longer will complete calla made from pay phonee ln which the c.aller bllll a third number -un1etl the cal.I can be verified and that the peraon usigned to that number will accept the char~. Division Manager Diane Dailacia said the change is being made to reduce losses from fraudulent calls made from coin phones. She said PacTe l 's losses from fraudulent bil ling totaled $7.6 million in California last year,· mostly from coin phones. More .than $800,- 000 of that came from Orange County. For several months operators have been telling callers charging calls to a third number that in the future they'd not be completing those calls unless the person assigned to the number would accept charges. Dailacis said operators will co ntinue to encourage callers to obtain "calling" cards (credit cards) from their local business offices. •• -AT 2nd oil strike off shore noted LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Atlantic Richfi~Jd Co. haa announced the 1ea>nd major oil •trike In thci ~ta Barbara Channel within a week, Ullq the flrwt ting exploration vHMl the 1tat.o hu allowed 1hM.ie the maasive 1969 oU blowout. The well two milee offshore Crom Coal OU Point was producing 4,138 barrel1 of oil dally, Arco spokesman Al Greenstein aald Wedneec:lay. Texaco Inc. said earlier ltl exploratory weU ln federal waien off Point Conception wu producing 4,200 barrela a day. MCI moves to Irvine complex MCI Telecommunications, lnc. signed a leaae and opUons that will total nearly 20,000 square feet during the lease term in the Irvine Company's Executive Park office complex at Main Street and MacArthur Boulevard in Irvine MCI recently moved into its Initial 10.000 square feet in the low-rise oftlce development from the compa.ny's f orme r facility In Santa Ana . Approximately 60 persons will be employed in the offices. · The broker representing MCI was Howard Wells of Coldwell Banker Commercial Real Estate, Newport Beach. The lease is valued in excess of $8~0.000, Deadline set for stock buys Enterprise NauonaJ Bank (in organization) has set ~Uft .. 6. as a d~adline for purchase of common stock in its 1.ruuaJ pubhc offering. The shares sell for $10 and a minimum purchase is 200 shares, according to an offering circular. The bank, to be located at 200 East Sandpointe in the Warmington Plaza, Santa Ana, is offering 500,000 shares or 575,000 if oversub6cribed. The organizational orfice is in Newport Beach. Timothy Peralta is president and chief executive officer. Fed panel meeting WASHINGTON (AP) -The Federal Reserve Board's policy-making ann, the Federal Open Market Committee, meets here to map policy for the rest of 1982 and to make tentative plans for its 1983 monetary stance. Its decisions will be disclosed later this month when Federal Reserve Board Chairman Paul Volcker appears before Congress. Brown signs housing m easure SACRAMENTO (AP).-' Gov. Edmund Brown J r. has signed legislation which would put a $200 million bond issue to subsidii.e low-mterest mortgages on the November ballot, the governor's office reported. The measure would finance an estimated 11,000 home mortgages annually. , The measure, AB3507 by Assemblyman Bruce Young, D-Cerritos, would authorize the California Housing Finance Agency, contracting with private lenders, to set up a fund to reduce mortgage rat.es for young families buying their fU'St home. AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (AP) • Sain Tl'lurt price and net ctl•tlll" ol tile ten mott 1C1lv• Amaric.tl Slocil ucllanga is-. tredlng na110nauy at mo.e 1han St NII Pa .... t JJt,)CI) ~ -'II DOW JONES AVERAGES WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK !API Jul I Thur• a 913 0 1 . .,. NEW YORK 11\PI Jul I u 19 0Dnw Plr I U1 • .a> "" Gr1UtOWTI IO' • .a> ll'I\ '\ Pf'•Y SownY-wtC 10.,ICID 2'1< • II. PltOl!r'od n to • .ai 7V. -1 ~'°" 9 "·IOD ~ o.ame Ho 7•.6Cll 1"\ 10royE1111 S4,7CD •" -''°' Wl"ll 8 U, ICD 11" '4 Cry1\alOll 4t,3CD 11 • '.\ UPS AND DOWNS Pel. I II I 1>.• I 'I" 1,1 I A ; .. .. p ff ;·t u f1 li b METALS Thur~ JXI ?It m , 2l "Y. 219 1)4 , .. 1 •• NEW YORK IAPI -SPol nonfenOUf ~t .. pr!Qff Thundey Copper 69· 72 cent a • pound. US dlalineUona Leed 2S.27 -··. "°""" ~ 35-37 '*"".pound, dell-ad Tin '6.1936 Melall WMll ~paella lb A~ U.·11 cents a poun4, N Y • ..... ~"" $370 00 per null "'9tlfwm 1266 00 Uoy oi . N Y SILVER Thur aday Handy 4 H11msn. 15 600 per troy ouncie. GOLD OU OTA TIONS Thur90•, 9Y The ._..._ ,,_ S..Ctad WO<ld gold pricee lodlly. Lo11da111 morning 111ln9 $311.76, o" 16 7~ letl4..i: alttfnoon ll•lnil 93 t0.25. ott 17.25 ...... .n.moon llalnQ PQl.76, Oii 11.17. ,~ 1311.75. olt 12.2$. • 1WtM: Lete lllllng $310 00, Oii M 25 '*' '31090-*' N•11'1 ' Hen111111: (only delly quot•I 1310 ti. Oii 17 25 .,..._. (Oflty ~ ~ 1310.H . oft 17 2S° ....... (onty detly QUOM) ~ tut "l&, ofl IU2 SYMBOLS _ ... -.. ..-. Orenge COMt DAILY PILOT/Frktey, July a. 1Ha , At last, good news 1 on highway funding Never, It aeema, ia there any good new1 on the Orange Coupty tranaportaUon front. All we hear ia th.a\ things are going to aet a lot wone before they get better. That tranaportation dollan are ICar'Ce. That more studies are needed. Thus, it is with some enthuM&am ,that we receive the latest word out of the state Transportation Commission -a body beyond the grasp of state Transportation Director Adriana Giantu.rco and h er anti-road construction ilk. The ~ion has endorsed a five-year, $10 billion statewide program -the so-called State Transportation Improvement Plan -that includes a whopping $218 million for Orange County p~jects. That's $133 million more t h an the 1981 five-year plan contained. Much of the increase is directly related to last year's pusage of Senate Bill 215, the measure that will boost the state's guoline tax from seven to nine eerits starting Jan. 1. It was a bill for which Orange County lobbied long and hard. What's the county getting in the next five years? For starters, the Corona del I . Mar Freeway, which now ends near Irvine Boulevard in Newport Beac h, ta to be extended-on through to M~ur Boulevard. Work ls scheduled to start sometime after next July l. All that remains to be cbmpleted la final design work by Caltrana. engineers. Also targeted for a major reconstruction is the beleagered Santa Ana Freeway-Costa Mesa Freeway interchal'\ge in Tustin - without question the county's most consistently congested spot. Other projec ts include realignment of the dangerous Big Bend curve on Laguna Canyon Road and widening of the t)eavily used artery from two to four lanes between the downtown area and El Toro Road. Many other improvements are on the list, too, ranging from $30 million in new overcrossings and lanes along the Santa Ana and San Diego Freeways to $46 million for a "starter" light-ran transit line in the central county. The approved plan represents considerable effort by local entities lik e th e Orange County Transportation Commission, Transportation Coalition and the co unty's Sacramento lo bbyist , Dennis Carpentec. For once, all the work has paid off. That's just the kind of news we like to hear. Social well are needs AQ exhaustive report has just been issued out of the American Enterprise Institute in Washington wherein economists h ave attempted to analyze how much private busi.ness and industry can absorb in the costs of social welfare progr~. In other w o rds, can the private sector relieve the governJnent of the costs of such programs? Eighteen qualified authors contributed to the 470-page examination of the question. The answer seemed to be that business and industry can help significantly but there is limitation to just how mu.ch burde n the private sector cal') assume. There has been considerable evidence right her e in Orange Coun ty that business and industry are aware of thei r soc ial respon sibility and s u ch participation is growing at the present time. Yet William J . Baroody, Jr., • president of the American Enterprise Institute, noted, "We are facing a conflict between our desire to help those in need and the limits on our resources for doing so. "We are not suggesting that responsibility for meeting human needs be shifted from government to the private sector. We are convinced that government has an essential role in meeting social needs. Government's role and scope, however, must change as sociaJ needs change." · In line with Mr. Baroody's r emar ks , the institute study faulted the Reagan administration for placing too much emphasis on elimination of fraud and abuse in social program and not e nough emphasis on seeking new ways to deliver services. The crux of the._ pro blem, institute leaders said, i,, how to delive r the same social services at less cost. "Anybody can deliver less for less," a spokesman noted. The point is well taken. Government leaders should take their lead from it in the social programs arena. Keep holiday safe, happy As the Fourth of July nears. fire departments throughout the county once more are gearing up for an all-out war against illegal fireworks that in th~ past have cawied so many injuries and 80 much property damage. Last year's campaign was a auccell of 10rta. The 1981 records lilt 80 fires caused by fireworks and 11 related injuries, compared with 93 fires and 17 injuries in 1980. Even that is 1ar too much. Thia year's goal is to reduce losses and injuries even more. And that means cooperation and good judgment on the part of holiday celebrants. -The principal danger, of course, is from such illegal explolive devices as bottle rockets, cherry bombs, M-80s and the like, ~ither home-made or imported from outBide the state. But even lefal fireworks can be hazardou1 l ml1handled. A limple sparkler can sravely injure a~chlld. Block parties and front-yard displays still are permitted in some areas. but they should always be under the supervision of responsible adults using only the legal fireworks approved by the state Fire Marshal and clearly labeled "Safe and Sane." Many communities, including Newport Beach, Laguna Beach and SU118et Beach now impoee a total ban on fireworks. The county prohibits their use on any county beach or park and in brush areas. -We believe the best coune is to take the youngsters to one of the supervised public displays. It will be much more spectacular and safely presented by experta. And don't forget to cloee the family pet in the hoUle or garage on Sunday. Even an animal that nonnally stays in its yard may try to escape if frigbt~ned by fittwodca nol8e, and eech year, lnevltably, aome don't make it beck home. . Follow the limple rules and have a ~e. happy holiday. . . . C>;1n1ons eX.WeiMcs In the apace •bOve .,.. thole of the Dally Piiot. Other vltw1 ex.' pr11Md on IN• "89 er• those of their authors and artl1ts. RHdtr comment 11 lnvlt· ... Mdretl The Delly Piiot, P.O. lox 1'60, Colt. Mesa, CA 92626. PNM (714) MZ-4321. · TtlotMi I'. Miiey ptubllnr ,.........~ .... """'' ldltor • .. ,..,. "'···· ....................... . . ' Equality of rights uniler the law Shall not be deniecf or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex. 'Killer bullets' defy shields WASHINGTON -Congressman Marlo Biaggi, who waa the moat decanted officer in the hiatory of the New York Police Department, has introduced legislation to prohibit the manufacture and ule of a new kind of handgun bullet designed with no other purpose than to pierce the standard bulletproof vest.a that policemen wear. Who could be against a law like that? The National Rifle Aasodation, that's who. ''There ia no such thing as a good or bad bullet," said a spokesman for the NRA. Someone should tell that ~ Florida State Highway patrolman Phillip Black, who was hit with a bullet coated with Teflon to help lt slide through standard police body armor. IT WOULDN'T matter, though. Patrolman Black wouldn't hear. The Teflon-coated bullet killed him aft.er he stopped two wanted criminals on a highway in Broward County. John Rixham, who wu mt by one of the bullets, can still hear. He's just disabled for life. He was a Federar Protection Service officer in Maryland when a Teflon-coated bullet w ent through his abdomen after piercing hia bulletproof vest. It was a good vest: In the same shootout at the fe deral inatalla.tion he was c harged with guarding, the vest had s10pped a normal lead pistol bullet. So what, aaya the NRA. There are higher principles involved. "Attempts to control cr1mJ.nal behavior by controlling an o bJect ~cannot have the desired effect, · said the auociatlon's official statement last month to the committee considering the ~ bill. the crime subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee. The desired effect is to protect law enforcement officers. Standard-issue ~ _____________________ :~~? 1'i .... llClllD 111111 police bulletproof vests are made of 18 'layers of something called Kevlar. They can stop lead bullets. But Teflon, developed for other reasons by DuPont, provides a slick chemical coating that enables an ordinary bullet to penetrate 72 layers of Kevlar. Thus the "killer bullets" -Teflon- coated -which are manufactured by North American Ordnance Co. of Pontiac, Mich. Similar bullets are also made in Czechoslovakia. Ironically, the killer bullets were developed for police Wle. The original idea was to develop a slug that could pierce the metal in cars. Officers would use the bullet ln car chases. That was t}\e theory. But police departments acroa ttie country rejected killer bullets. In the first place, they are dangerous -they pass through ao many kinds of mat.eriala that they ricochet too much. Second, they paas through people so easily that they may be of limited use in stopping a charging criminal. The bad guys, instead of being knocked down. it seems, would just keep corning. IN FACT, that's why several stat.es have banned killer bullets for uae ln hunting. They don't kill or stop animals, they just maim them. So, it seems the bullets are inhumane for animala but OK for U9e on cope. "These things have no uae other than killing police officer s wearing bulletproof vests.'' aaid Gerald Lynch, president of New York City's John Jay College of Criminal Justice. "It's ironic that the NRA is the only group opposing the banning of killer bullets, becaU!le so many policemen are NRA members." No, the re's no irony there . The National Rifle Association is not primarily an association of the law- abiding people who own guns and bullets. The NRA is really a lobbying group for the manufacturers of guns and bullets -any kinds of guns and bullets that can be sold for profit or death. Legal technicalities protect us too Instead of changing the law in regard to the plea of insanity by someone who has committed a serious crime, I'd rather see a law pulled providing the members of a jury with some privacy after they've handecf down a verdict. It would have been satisfying to all of us if John Hinckley Jr. had been found guilty of attempted murder, but it seems outrageous to me that members of the jury that found him innocent have been hounded by the prea U future juries know they're goinj to take abwie from the public if they hand down an honest but unpopular decision. they're going to hand down a dishonest but popular decision sometimes. What the public th.ink.a ought to happen to someone on trial ahouldn't have anything to do with a jury's verdict. l'D BA TE TO 8etVe on any jury that was oonsiderina a murder cue and I'd have particular)y d.ialiked being on the jury that had to dfdde what to do with John Hinckley Jr. Without havine attended the trial and without having read all the evidence, my feeling is that I'd have said he was guilty -but crazy. Unfortunately. that wasn't a choice the jury had. Under the law, if they judged that he was crazy, they had to return a verdict of "innocent.'' We're all outraged at the idea of someone trying to kill our President and ,~,, .-AllY-181-IU--·§t getting off on eome technicality, but it is thoee infuriating little legal technicalities that aeparated a civilized country like ours from some uncivilized ones I won't name. There are a doz.en countries that would have taken Hinckley's life within hours aft.er his aaaain.ation attempt. The idea of instant justice appeals to the lesaer instinct.I in all of us and we can be proud that our laws are better than our instincts in matters like this. Someone -I forgot who -said that tb judge the extent to which a country is 'Enough' is hard to define Speaking of Gandhi's "Day of Silence," aa I was not long ago, reminded me of an interview I heard eome years ago with David Low, the celebrated British cartoon.i.st. Low waa asked his "recipe for ~ppinell." He responded that the best ~ .. ~> the secret of happinem. But, along with Low, we al80 believe that "enough is necessary.'' And what is this "enough" that we first have to get? I suggest it is always "more.'' More pc•esiona, niore power, more status, more fame, more affection, more respect, more pleasure, more of whatever we deem euentlal to our well-being. "When 1 et enouah of this, .. we say to ounelves, I will atop." BUT NOBODY can finally decide oo what really II "enouah.'' Th.la la the peipetual human trap. And lt is u tNe of na~ aa of lndivtduala. ~ la no ·security tn the world, nothina suaran11eea our pi:• miona.-and the very condlden of We i...U In tbe future ii belnc jeopanlmd by OW' frantic •fforta to pt enou1h -enoqh warheads, enoUch bombt. ~ bMee, enou,h apytna •..W• and deUwry vehldel. What II happentaw in tht ~ la • IDlrOllJed No.ieclon -of wbat we dMN and" doil lndtwtuall; -~ ~ b.ml 1blt our ....i rmWn ln ou.r control, w~le wor d affaln .,. ~out ol .alrOL Of ......... IV! QendN .. thj ._._ ~ ..... fNt _..,, -~.. II a•1 I If jli!IW'- -we l!f!! :l:i" ••llOt M (f,~!:r• llZWf.:551 .. = ( civilized, look at its prison system. There is no question that the most civiliz.ee t societies treat their criminals the best and the most primitive societies treat them the worst. All of us who are outraged at the idea of John Hinckley Jr. going free in a short time should take some consolation in the fact that it is evidence of the high state of our civiliza tion. Orie of the most vivid pictures in my memory is of prisoners in those tiger cages in Vietnam. The prisoners. guilty perhaps of nothing except being against thoee in power, were put in cages so small that they could neither stand up nor lie down. They were left that way out in the hot sun for montha with bits of food shoved in at them once in a while. It wouldn't be hard for most of ua to take some satisfaction from dreaming of John Hinckley Jr. penned up that way. I say the hell with iot\n Hinckley. The judicial process that 9eelned to work for him was really working for us. What happens to Hinckley doesn't make a whole lot of difference. but what happens to our system of careful '1atioe does, and in this cue it wu carefully preserved even lf the outcome doesn't pleaae ua. FOR PEOPLE to be suggesting a change in our laws pertaining to insanity right now is wrong. If our laws need changing, I hope we waJt until the furor over the Hinckley verdict haa blown over. I saw five of the Hinckley juron interviewed on television. They weren't the smarteet people I've ever heard, but they seemed aincere and honest. Two ot them said they were ~ into their "not guilty" verdict. l suspect this kind of preaure la a part of the jury ~ and 1 don't think they aboU1d have revealed it. What happened in that jury rocm ahoWd have nRained in the mmdl of th<* 12 juron. No one eYel' Mid the jury l)'Stem WM tJw perf«t, DIM and ddy way of deddlQI anytblnc. It 11 jult the fai.rell way we'Ye eYW bMI\ Ible llO devile, and'10~~Itor1he law because we re upe!\wlth the HlnckJiey venUcl ... hoc.-belded NllCdcn that I tn.-t we'll pt owr. ~ ' DEAR ANN LANDERS: Another ugly scene, another fight. more yelling and screaming. But I'm helpless. Tell me, Ann, wMt keeps people together when they don't , love each other? Ow-marriage was bad from the start, but now it's awful. I don't love my h~band and I'm sure he knows it. I know he doesn't love me either. In fact he has someorie else. I used to think I was staying wjth him • for the kids, but how good is it for them to see us fight like cats and dogs? ~ially I could make it -he would pay child support. So, why do we stay together? What keeps two people like us under the same roof? If I knew the answer maybe I could leave, or' get HIM to leave. I'm still a young woman, but I feel li~e an old hag. Don't suggest counseling - we've tried it and it h asn't helped worth a damn. Please answer my question. -OLD BEFORE MY TIME TOP COMPETITORS -Five America n violinists who have reached the finals of the T chaikovsk y music competition pose in Moscow . They are (from left) Andres •ANN LANDERS •STAN DELAPLANE •HOROSCOPE ' . -' • ID had • • s1tuat1ons, DEAR O.B.T.: People wbo remain In belllab 1ltuatton1 are ofteo terrified of tbe unknown. Alto It takes a tremendous amout of pbyalcal enerlY to make drastic cbanaes. Can tlala be your problem? rve listed two po11lbllltle1. Tlae ~rd: You could be ma1ocbJ1tlc. \ DEAR ANN'LANDERS: Since I got my driver's lice.t\Se I have lost 20 pounds and decjded to go from brunette to redhead. My eyes are blue but ·I alw.ay1 had the feeling that green-eyed redheads. were the sexiest of women, so now I wear green contact lenses. If I should ge t stopped for a traffic violation and the officer looks at my license which says 140 J>04n<is, blue-eyed brunette, will I be in trouble? How can I prov~ I am me? -WORRIED tN WESTCHESTER DEAR WORRIED: Most officers don't AP~ Cardenes, 25, Bloomington, Ind.; Ke rry McDermott, 20, and Ralph Evans, 29, New York; Stephanie Ch~. 24, Westport. Conn .. and Timothy Baker, 29, New York. care about tbe color of the driver'• eyes or b.alr or welght. They J~at want to malle 11re tbe clrlver ba1 a Uceoae. If you ate truly worried about this, take another picture and get a new license. · -DEAR ANN LANDERS: We have three bright children, 10, 8 and 6 years of age. The only time they get to see their daddy is at suppertime. All three of th em are talkers. Last night my husband got mad because they were all asking him questions at once. ,He announced, "From now on there will be no talking at the table," Tonight they '¥ere silent -and sad. Please say something, Ann. -BOSTON B. DEAR B.B.: Your hu1band should be delighted that bis children want to ask him questions. I hope he wlll reconsider. It wou(d be a shame if be choked off that wonderful flow of communication. DEAR ANN LANDERS : You wondered in a recent colwnn if surgeons were the ones who requested that rock music be played during operations. As a n urse who has assisted in the 0 .R. for many years. I can tell you, yes. They say it relieves the tens.ion. As for me, it just makes me want to dance. \, ~ ANN WIDflS ' ii The first operation I ever observed blew my mind: The patient was on the table, cut ~ from stem to stem. It was all (could do to l' keep from passing out. Meanwhile, the doctors w ere discussing the'"'Kentucky Derby. This may sound callous, but surgeons cannot afford to become emotion ally involved with their patients -and they say music helps. Sign me -ANONYMOUS R.N. '3 .l r d r ) DEAR R.N.: Thanks for a report on tbe operating room by •someone who works ln one. Discover how to be date bait without falling hook, line and sinker . An11 Landers' booklet, "Dating Do's and Don'ts," will help you be more poised and sure of yourself on dates. Send 50 cents along with a long, starpped, self-addressed envelope with your re<fu~to Ann Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, m. 60611. G 'I r ry .:j J '.) 0 ·1 '1 Chinatown revisited ·~ ") t ,f SAN FRANCI$CO -A foggy night in Chinatown . We went to the Canton Tea House to give the ginger pork a vote of confidence. As anyone knows, there is NO place to park. How restaurants get business is a mystery. A chill .wind blew up Sacramento Street. Streetlamps had wreaths of mist. Ih dark alleys, the ghosts of tong hatchetmen stand silently, flat hats pulled down on their eyes. Canton Tea House is on Stockton and the customers are nearly all Chinese. It's noted for dim sum, the st~amed chewy buns filled with meat and vegetable'S. It's a good place for breakfast. Dim sum is at its best in the morning. In Hong Kong there are famous bird restaurants that serve dim sum and tea for bird walkers. PEOPLE WHO HA VE caged birds take them on morning walks. They say list.E;ning \ • ~. STAN DELAIUNE I~ ~ ,, AROUND THE WORtD to wild birds in the parks improves the singing of a cage bird. After the walk, the owner goes to the bird restaurant. It has ceiling hooks where ·d they hang the cages. The owner sits and ~ orders dim sum and tea. The birds test the Top Ten tunes they learned on the walk. ''Do, re, mi. fa, sol ... Chinatown, my Chinatown." The place was noisy. At dinner, Chinese like a LOT of noise. Instead of calling an order into the kitchen, a waiter goes clear across the room so he can shout to the kitchen. "KUNG PAO· C HICKEN! STEAM RICE! SALTED VEGETABLES!" s •y q ~ q Sagittarius: Timiiig on target I think that's what they yell, for that's w hat I ordered. "Take credij. cards?" I asked the cashier. "No," she said smiling. "Take cash." ') . ., d ra .. 1 Saturday, July 3 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Emphasis on . reunion, special communications, long- distance calls and plans for future travel. A friend: recently returned from a journey, e ncourages you to s prea d your wings. Aquarius, Scorpio, Leo persons figure prominently. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Focus on ability to analyze, to piece together bits of informa tion and to judge c haracter . IndiVidual who fla tters you for no apparent reason is seeking something for nothing. Check credit ratings, be extremely cautious about borrowing, lending or co-signing. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Lie low. go slow, do more listening than talking. If diplomatic, you learn valuable lesson that can be transformed into solid profit. Be aware of subtle 1egal nuances. Important domes~ic adjustment occurs and could restore harmony to family circle. CANCER: (June 21-July 22): Duties will be defined .. Accent on basic ~ues, techniques and special services. Focus also • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA I I on employment, diet, nutrition and health. Perceive people in realistic light -don't fall victim to ~If-deception. · LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Focus on perso.nal matnetism, responsibility, challenge and significant changes. Ronl.ance is activated, you are able to imprint style and to expand ar~as of influence. Cancer, Capricorn pel'IOns figure prominently. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Long- atandlng tramaction ta near completion. Focua on property, security, safety and relation• wit h olde r aut~ority fi~re. Genuine bar1ain ii available -Art-. Leo, Libra pemona aid II\' leal'Ch. You'll attract wide audience. LllRA (Sep&. 23-oct. 22): HJchlllht v.,.dty, onp.Ut)', lndependnee and abllity to set to hlWt .t mauen. a.ti of idlm tlldk!ated with OM cJolie to you. 8hcrt &rip may be n1ce111ry 'o compleCe -..-nt. Leo pla)'I 6mpol1ant role, ICOlWIO (~. P.NoY, 21)1 You an I able to grasp hidden meanings. Intuitive intellect is on target. Lunar emphasis also on pay ments, collections, location of lost articles. Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius persons figure prominently. Hunch proves accurate. Secret is revealed, it is necessary for you to be discreet. Aquarian figures prominently. I SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 211: AQUARIUS -(Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Some of your most favorable qualities surge to forefront. You could win a contest. Moon position highlights friendship, romance and fulfillment of desires. Member of opposite sex is interested in a permanent relationship. Elements of timing and luck ride with you. Lunar and numerical cycles coincide with added popularity, success through personal ap pear ances and valuabl~. ne w contacts. Judgment. intuition ring bell of accuracy. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Slow pace. Revie.w past lessons. Quiet period of meditation e nhances chance for success. You gain view of what occurs behind scenes. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Family member lends support. aids in achieving goal. Emphasis on standing in community. honor, prestige, promotion and ability to win your way through diplomacy. Purchase of luxury item or art object is likely to be part of scenario.• GOIEN ON lllDGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF East-West vulnerable. South deals. NORTH +JlO• 'V J 102 0 85 + 107643 WEST EAST +Q7 +862 'V Q83 'V 9754 o AQJ92 O HU• +K J 5 •Q9 . SOUTH +AK953 ~AKS 0 K3 •AU The bidding: S..tla W eet North Ea.- 1 • 1 o P ... P ... 2 . Pua a. PUI INT p ... · PUI P ... Openinr lead: ThrM of ~. Open line.a of communlca· tion between declarer and dummy u1ually make the play of tht hand 1lmpJtt. But t0mtUmet bavln1 t\'9n a lone t•t.r1 to OM ot t.ht othtr can pto•• fat.al, u lhl• hand 1Uu1t.ratn. lout.h'• openlns bW ahow· td a hand ot 1' or 1110rt PGinLa aacl "'1 dtlvlbu'lo". 'l'ht,..fter, tht bWcll11 pro- ct eded along natUJ'al linea. • South decided that ni ne tricks might be easier to make than ten. At the table we watched, West wisely chose not to lead a diamond. Serendipitously, he selected •·heart, although at first he wasn't happy about his choice when he found that he had given declarer a trick as well "' an entry to dummy! But watch what happened. l>eclarer used hta only op- portu nlty tQ take the spade fioesae. Weat won the queen and exit~d with a spade. Now declarer had on'ly eight tricks. and the only suit in which he e<>ulet ealabllah a ointh 'fU dubL Jn hope that aometblng JOOd might hap- pen In that. auit, declarer cuhed th• act of cluba and •xlted with 1 dub. Unfortuui.ly for South it ,,,.., E11t whowor, tlwt .-eood round of elubL Ht thil\4Jd to I diasnond. aDCI n .. trlcka In that 1ult ,...,, that. declarer ... ,...., ...... AL tht tlMr &able In it111 t .. m •tell, Ult eontract waa •Pin ......... ~·· Kert, t.Owtttr, WIM tt 94 wJU1 the queen or diamonds. won by the king. Since declarer had no quick entry to t he table, nor could he afford to force an entry by giving up a spade trick. he was lert with no alternat.ive except to bang out the ace and king of spades. The result was most gratifying. Five spade tricks, two hearts and a t.rick in each minor meant that the con- tract just made. Obeerve that, with a black· suit ,lead. such aa' a club, decla,.r should at.ill make his contract. When the JlUeen of spades drops. deelarer simp· ly takes hii five tricb in the suit. West is in trouble with bis discards, and if declarer reads the position proper ly, he can end play him for a ninth trick In one of the red auit.s. THAT'S NEW CHINATOWN: "Little Hong Kong" they call the bustling length of Stockton. People crowding food shops that sell won derful t h ings like chopped barbecued pigs' ears. Chinese fresh from Canton. The elderly lady with a pickup truck crammed with crates of live chickens. Tanks of live turtles. Windows full of takeout ribs and chicken w ings. Leathery Peking ducks, glistening w ith honey, hanging from hooks. "Chinese make a lot of noise to show the ir happiness," said Dr. Wong. He was a friend in Hong Kong. He took me to a Chinese tuner-al:- . It was moving down Queen's Road. First a brass band. Then a car with a blown-up picture of the deceased merchant. Then the widow supported on each side by two sons-in-law. Then daughters supported by one person. Then friends of the family. Behind them came the paid mourners. They carried big painted signs. Doc Wong translated for me: "Ah King was a great m erchant!" "Ah King was honored by everyone!" THE HIRED MOURNERS shouted ad lib praises -"All people will miss Ah King!" They shouted as loud as they could . They smiled and laughed and were very happy for being paid. The brass band played. "Doing the Lambeth Walk." It was the noisiest funeral I'd ever seen. There were car s in the procession tossing out spirit money with holes punched in them. "Any evil spirits following must work their way through every hole in the paper," said Doc Wong. He took me to a restaurant nearby for dim sum and tried to tell me more. It was ao noisy I missed half of it. POT s•on - BY ASHLEiGH BRILLIANT WE MUST MOVE WITH ·THE TIMES, AS ~N AS THE TIMl:S ""E SUAtl w~~Y~v MOVINe. ·q '•l ··:> ·,} '1} !;:> n 18 ·j( 6 ·' 1 T 6 1't 1t l'.) ') 9 !) 9 l Alt Orang• Cout DAILY PILOT/Prlday, July 2, 1882 ' IBffiillrn~~~mrn OC landscapers sweep awards El Toro company captures top beautification 'honor OraJ'\le Cout landacaplng flrma 1wept awatdt preeented by the California Landacape Cont.ractors A.>dat.lon, Long Beach-Orange County Chapter. Thirty-eight awards in 21 reSU).ar and four s~ cateaories were presented at the 24th annual ceremonies ln the Dlaneyland Hotel. Anaheim. · A record tot.al of 102 landacaplng projects entered in the competition represented nearly all communities in Orange County and the Loo& Beach area. The judging tour stretched north to Pasadena, aouth to San Juan Capistrano and from the coast eastward to Walnut. The Bill Vandergeeat Excel1ior Award - named In honor of past CLCA president Bill Vandergeest who died earller thi1 year ln a motorcycle accident -rep~nt.lng the year'• best landacaping project 1ubtnitted by a new CLCA member, waa presented to Carl's Landtcaplng, Laguna Niguel, for the Smith r~idence on the Nellie Gail Ranch ln Laguna Hills. Five major winners emerged with three awarcb apiece. In addition to the top award, Canyon Landscape Inc.. El Toro, picked 1,&p two more trophies. Other triple award winners are County Wide Landscaping, Garden Grove; Habco Landscape & Irrigation, El Toro; Lancaater Enterprises, Costa Mesa and Craig Pauley & Associates, Tustin. The Sweepstakes Award, representing the best 1 overall landacaping project of the year, wa.s won by Canyon Lan~ape Inc., El Toro, for the Andalusia model homes in Mission VJejo. The Presidents Award. for best overall residential project of the year. was presented to Southwinds Landscaping, Fountain Valley, for the Clark residence in Orange. Winning two awards eac:h we.re S. James Bevills Co., Capistrano Beach; Brooker Asaoclates, Anaheim· Comprehensive Landaca~ Desi~ Corp. Newport Beach; R.C. Landscaping, Irvine; Richard Cohen Landscaping, Mission Viejo; Southwinds Landacaplng, Fountain Valley; Total Landscape Care Inc., Orange and William Vandergeest Landscape ~ Inc., Santa Ana. The Judges Award, representing the best overall landscape maintenance projec't of the year, was won by Mission Landscape Services Inc., Costa Mesa, for Upper Newport Plaza, Newport Beach. ~-------------------------------------------, We lust Be Open 111 111 r~\ 4th of JulJ, 81c1u11 Picnics Start Here WE HIVE EYERnHll&! Corn wit h hu1k1, Cold Watermelon, Bing Cherriea, Grapea, 5 kinds of Melons, 5 kinds 1 Berriea, T 011ed Salads, Carrot Sticks and Many, M.any morel Full line Fireworks! OPEN DAILY 'Tll 8 r---·R•l•f:Mil-----, r-----((1JtJ;1z.ri]----,r-----((1lftl•hl----, 1 I fT'I MELON TIM I : fT'I IOUAaH TI• It NEW C"OP I I E : I GREEN II IMALL I 1 HONEY DEWS 11 SUMMER a PEACHES I I Y• RIPE, TOO 11 SQUASH II I l 25• :: 19• ll 39• Lb l I Lb. II Lb. II • I I l I I Umlt 10 1.1>9. II Umlt I 1.1>9. I , ______________ , ·--------------..JL. ______________ _, OUR SECOND BIG SQUASH SALEI r---·f(•l lf:l•T11-----, r-----tNtJ;NJJ----,r----i<•PI;liI.1l----, l rrs MELON TIME 11 fT'I SOUAaH TIME ICHOOL80Y I I DELICIOUS l I ITALIAN WAIH. ITATE I 1 CANTELOUPES · 11 ZUCCHINI RED APPLES I I VINE RIPE, TOO 11 X/FNCY I I 25$ II 4 59* I l Lb. :: 29* Lb Ute. : I Umlt 3 Melone I I Limit 10 Lk Umlt 12 L.bL I ·---------------' ·--------------..JL.----__________ _, A REAL BUY LOW PRICE, NOW .-----<<•lltl!.I.tJ-----.,-----cN1J:z.t1r---..... ----"ffil1J;N1t----~ I FOR HAMllURoDS I I I I I I Nlo90 am II .. RAM>H NOW ll JUtcv VALENCIA l 1 ONIONS 11 CARNATIONS 11 ORANGES 1 I II II ' .J I I 19c ll s141 Doz. II 25* l I Lb. II Limit 3 Do II Lb. I I Umlt 10 Ut•. ! ! MUM PL.ANTI :.. .._ 11 Limit I L.bL I '---------------··---------------ll ______________ ..J COUPONS EXPIRE THURS., JUL y • -' p .M. BOHOl!O FRUIT SHIPH .. f"O .. olO ...... """' r--::-~~~~-----..;;;;,;;;; vu ... ~ ··.or ... dPtOdt!Oe ~HOw- ....... O••• • Wlh ....... t• M 1601 Newport Blv MOIU: PHO HU MS-0032 MS-OOJ7 Ms.«ltJ Ms-oot4 ·~ ,_"""'......,) 645-0032 1 Ufflt'ff1' 161~~ .i.,._.• L--~~··••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Boutique Inc. Elegance in fashion Grand Opening Summer Sale Tuesday, July 6 10-6 V3 to Vi off LI Chantn • Wettdl" ...... 1044 lrvlnt Av• • Newport leach • 1714J 541e1J6S RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY .......... -4S.... ltJ2 ~IOI ILVD. COSTA MISA -54 .. 115'- If you don't smoke. I can ofter important savings on auto insurance. Clalm yOYr reward from: RASBITT ltStJtANCE 441 Otd Newpon Bml. NewponllMctl,Ca. 131-'7140 ,,, SWEEPSTAKES WINNER -The landscaping project for the Alidalusia model homes in Mission Viejo, designed by Canyon Landscape Inc. of El Toro, was judged the best We do all types of work: from "tune-ups" and seasonal color plantings to full scale construction projects that include pools, spas, masonry, concrete and irri- gation; from romantic coun- try gardens to Tropical hideaways By comblnin9 your Ideas and objectives with our exper- ience, special creative flair and ability to get the job done, we can guarantee the best results for you. .... in the annual competition, spdnsored by the California Landscape Contractors Association, Long Beach-Orange County Chapter. · Call 642-5678. Put • lew words to work lor ou. Nursery Special MARGUERITE DAISIES SAVE OVER 1/3 BIG SGAL. REO. 10.911 • White°' Yellow Varl•tl••· Huntington Center mall today thru July 5. Florist Special 8i1t~~· "lo* bud " ROSES Sfter•I Colofs TAKE HOME DOZENS! CLOSED SUN., JULY 4th. Ha1lis}ttts Nursery -Florist 2640 Harbor llvd .. Costa Mesa Ad 9ood 1h1ou9h July 6. 1182, whlle 14.tPPIY luta. LLOl'D•!i gardPn shop LLOYD'S FIRST ANNUAL POTTERY SALE * ALL RED CLAY llD MEXIClll POnERY 40% ,., :::0 * ILL U.S. POnERY -GlllEY POnERY I STOllEWIRE 20% "',:m ~1R PLANTS ~· 4" Pots Regularly d Priced 1.09 ••• &9°.~ _,._..... ••.u---~ HALF WHISKEY BARRELS SOLID OAK __ ..,. .. ~ .-., . -.-~- .)\'..\ II la I IC ; \ ...,......-. 11 .. 1 tr4 • '"'' "-~1 .... 11.11 IOW 12• ..... .,llntl..., ........ -·· 21 BAllDllll # 105 '15'J11~8 A special formulated mix ol grc>Ynd fir bark, Canadian sphagnum peat moss a nd horticultural sand For planting all Indoor & outdoor potted plants. Ready to use. 1,; 2 cu. ff. Rt1. I.II •..• 4• B11oni1 Richmonden1i1 IDEAL FOR SUN OR SHADE IN BLOOM ........ IDW 1• .... 11 ... ... 1• HANGING IASKIT ... 11i1 lloh•11tle11l1 IN BLOOM AU n-. ..-, WO l'OOll OM MNID. °""' eooo T-..i PNll • .... In ... ,._ .. --.......... o.raa.. .... 4 LLOVD'I NUMMY AND LANDICAPI CO., INC. IOll ,_..,. ...... lit IU Olll1 ..... CA..,, I (1'4) .,....,,., ' D1HyPllat • FAIOAY, JULY 2, 1882 ' COMICS SPORTS ~' ~,-. Danger gets under your skin OVERHEATED HOLIDAYS DEPT. -So now we're into that big three-day Fourth of July holiday. which wUl last until the 5th, and already the main thing we've been getting are warnings. About everything. The latest is that a Southern California tan can raise hob with your: health. · • Alas, the way the weather has been glumped over lately, getting a tan or a blister is the least of your beach problems. Keeping from pneumonia might be more of a fret. Yesterday was the first real time that numerous coastal residents have seen an y real rays from Old Sol in too many days to remember. Predictions of at least three more days of non-sunshine will do tittle to cheer the spirits of beach suntan-seekers. ~ IF THE SUN DOES , ~ f J peek thJ:,ough, then maybe · I"-' you can heed the warnings T_O_M_M_U_R_PH_l_N_I ~f,. of the dermatologists .. '~ ~ In a recent analysis of --------. --...io'..._.....,_ open-air frying, Dr. Roger C. Cornell, head of dermatology at Scripps Clinic and Research Foundation at La Jolla, declared thus: "Damage to the skin from the sun starts at day one. In addition to sunburn, the sun plays a direct role in many ~iseases affecting the skin." . 82 83 "NEVER SAY DIE" -Linda Mayeda of the American Association of Univer!!ity Women raises fist In air as crowd applauds speech vowing continued battle to put the Equal Lloyd ends Billie Jean 's D ·o I oen, Pltot Photo bf Gary Ambf- Righ ts Amendment into the U.S. Constitution. The ERA died. Wednesday. three states short of ratificat10n. The good doctor also warn~ that excessive sunshine can bring on premature skin wrinkles. ' That might be a good excuse for those of us who have added a couple of years to our skin recently. It's really difficult. however, to tell these kids who have grown up under the Southern California sun to stay ERA back~rs aren't giving up Ralliers one day after deadline vow renewed fight "Please don't leave me, Elmer. without my suntan oil out of it. They think it's natural to walk around in a fried condition. ~ THERE ACTUALLY WAS a su~hining \ay awhile back and my daughter got out among it on a surfboard for about 12 straight hours. She called me on the phone, complaining of sunburn. "I'm fried," she wailed. ''1'11 probably peel all in one chunk." Fearful, I examined the young woman a few hours later and couldn't see any difference in her skin tone from pre-fried. ''It's all in your head," I said. "That's fried too,'' she said. Dr. Cornell says that being out in the sun too much can also destroy the skin's elasticity. No more stretch. THJS IS NOT ONE of my problems of recent times. By DAVID KUTZMANN O(the OellJ Piiot Stefl Die-hard supporters of the Equal Rights Amendment pledged Thursday in Orange Col.lfity to work another 20 years If nkessary for ratification of the controversial women's rights measure. "Women and m e n in this country who believe in equal ju'Stice for all people will continue the struggle," National Organization for Women coordinator Connie Rendon told 200 women at a rally in Santa Ana's civic center. Despite a te nacious 10-year ,s truggle, the constitutional amendment known as ERA fell three states short o( winning ratification by a June 30 deadline. That was Wednesday. On Thursday, undaunted supporters vowed to fight for ratification of a law they say is necessary if women are to enjoy equal stature and opportunity in society. Iron1cally, ERA's backers in Orange County rallied in a plaza near Santa Ana City Hall where the flags of the 50 states snapped in the breeze, including banners for the 15 states which did not ratify ERA and the 5 which rescinded previous votes of approval. "We w e r e n 't defeated·/' Newport Beach resident Zoe Ann Ananda told the rally. "We were robbed. We didn't fail, we were raped.'' Ms. Ananda is one of several women who fasted in Illinois recently t o draw national attention to ERA before Wednesday's deadline, set by Congress in 1979 after a previous cut-off date had come and gone. Despite the failure to gain approval by the required 38 states. the Newport Beach bookstore owner said the majority of Americans support the constitutional amendme n t and it is necessary to continue fighting for women's rights. Many speakers expressed anger Thursday at what they called America's corporate power structure for standing in the way of ERA despite popular support. Orange County's ERA coaJition said it was pursuing strategies "to see that an ERA amendment is added to California's ·Constitution as an interim step to a new national amendment.'' The California Legislature had previously ratified the Equal Rights Amendment. An aide to Rep . J erry Patterson. D-Sa;pta Ana, told the gathering that Patterson would join with other members of the House of Representatives in re-i ntroducing ERA legislation ' before the 97th.Congress. That Is expected on July 14. "It is a national travesty that the Equal. Rights Amendment has not ye{ been ratified," Patterson to·ld the H ouse o f Representatives on Thursday An aide distributed printed copies of the lawmaker's re marks in the Congressional Record. Vanous C'1ly council members · from Orange County delivered personnel mt-ssages of support. The y i ncluded La Habra Councilwoman Dorothy Wedel and Fullerton Councilwoman Linda LeQuire. Grand Jury-sworn; Dana Inan foreman Amid little pomp and much humor one Orange County Grand Jury was sworn a nd another discharged in ceremonies Thursday in Santa Ana. For Superior Court Judge Luis Cardenas, it was an eventful proceeding. Outgoing juror Kathleen Barrish gave him a kiss. ''That's the first time I've kissed someone in open court," said Cardenas, reddening. The new I 9-member county governent watchdog panel was s worn immediately after certificates of appreciation were given to the outgoing jurors. The new panel will serve a one-year term ending next June 30. My skin has shown a remarkable ability to stretch across 'the seated girth and out front, just above the belt buckle. The good dermatologist also notes that if people just must get out under the rays a nd tum lobstercolored, the c hances of damage are l_ess if they use one of the new-fangled sun-blocking lotions. He says you'll still tan, a bit slower maybe. but you could avoid becoming poached. '• Gun range Changes to driving range "You get an A for effort,'' Cardenas told members of the 1981-82 panel. "You've been ah excellent grand jury." Cardenas told the outgoing jurors he hopes that in future years some members of one year's jury will be permitted to serve a second term to build continuity. Such a move was recommended by the 198 1-82 panel in an analysis of the jury system. Delly Ptlot Steff Photo FOREMAN -Lauren ''Skip" W. Leonard. a Fluor contracts engineer. is foreman of the 1982-83 Orange ColJ'A.lY Grand Jury, which was sworn Thursday in Santa Ana. ALONG OUR COASTLINE, there have been all kinds of fads over the years on what to use for suntan lotion. One that was in vogue a few years back was a mixture of iodine and olive oil. This concoction is really a mess. Spread that junk acr~ your old bod and you abruptly turned dark. Nobody could tell whether you were tanned, burned, or just fell into something. Projectiles shooting out from the Laguna Hills Gun CJub in Irvine will change .today from bullets to balls when the range reopens as a golf driving range. The change was made this summer to meet a 3-year-olCf Irvine Company policy to phase out gun clubs on its property because of increasing u rban . development. And the ease with which ' business owners Larry and ( Virginia Coffing transformed the ~ a cArth ur bri·dge 14-acre grounds has pleased just about everyone. Faced with a lease expiring in January, the ~. epla ceni en t due Coffings decided to find another ~ recr eational use for the land rather than simply shutting f Commuters w h o use the The existing bridge links down the gun club. +albert Avenue-MacArthur Fountain Valley with Costa They have~ signed a new Boulevard bridge across the Mesa. Those cities, along with lease with the company allowing fanta Ana Rivex-will have to use Santa Ana, are contributing them use of the property at 9601 Jn.alternate route because of a funds for constr.uction of Irvine Center Drive until 1991. ride• replacement project roadway &{>proachet to the new They alto won a So-ahead from Tuesday . bridge, according to county Irvine's r.oning administrator. e existing two Jane 30-foot officials. "I always wu a golfer and I e bridge ts being replaced never learned to ahoot a sun ln th a four-lane, 80-foot wide Construction is expected to last 14 years," said Mrs. Coffing. at a cost of $1.6 million. about 10 months. The range baa lpK"e for 60 , . -· golfers and will be open from 8 I A R • d h h . a .m. to 9:30 p.m. It will be one of a --I e ours c ang1ng I two driving unsea in the Saddleback Valley, with the r1 .Pf operation for the accordlnc to ~latrict General other at lrvine'I Rancho San County Transit Oiatric:t'• ~r James R.ichert. Joaquin Golf Count, en. aaid. IJW.A·84dt ~Mee will chanae The •rvice cutbeck, Re&ehe~ h • n r • m o d • li n I ti ~ kOnctay. aid, fa a ret\&Jt of niduced federal ~-It will f .. tu.re ef .. The new houn of ration tor and •tate fundlnc. He aid th "ahop. ftopr Dunn pro lho and a ,.._.. public i.:s; be 7 a.m. chan1• wUI affect about ttv pnoUae and ~ and tUna 6 ~ on weekdays and 10 ~t of the a,ooo people who peen, the Mid. onnce · Ill 4 p11n. on S.uant.ya. u. Dlal·A·1'* Meh day. naUve Ray ean.io WW be the Dlal·A·IUde 11 1 door'·to-door pro. --~ for .... whh lrvl~f.:::r' ·~-n • flexlble 1ch9dulit who are Jfllf'Y OfflGllll ., hll ,.....lhort~tn• firm an happJ wllh the conversion. The business is one of five gun clubs on company property that were-told in 1979 that thej.r leases would not be renewed \(or outdoor target and skeet shooting, he said. Company officials are talking with two of those clubs - Silverado and South Coast gun clubs -about installing bafflir!g that would prevent stray roundS from landing off the property, he said. Cardenas said, however, that other superior court judges are "reluctant" to accept the idea. "Maybe it will come in the future," he said. The incoming jurors wasted no time in getting down to business. They immediately adjourned to the jury chambers to watch a slide show on the grand jury system. Foreman of the 1982-83 panel is Lauren "Skip" Leonard, a 32-year-old Fluor Corp. contracts engineer who lives i n Dana Point. North Mesa residents upset builder didn't meet with them North Costa M esa h omeowners, whose ·1978 initiative once b loc ked development of 660 homea and at,-;.t 1 ment.a near South Coaat P • are upeet the developer failed to meet with them befOre submitting current plans. On June 18 Arn el Developmen\ Co. submitted propoeala to City Hall caWna for up to 210 condoin1niuma on eeven acnis and another 41 acree of c9mmercial development bolomded by South Cout Drive. Bear~Ht, the San Dleao FreeWay Sm-1.Aendro. ''I don know how all thLt pro1 without three·way mteUnp. a1c1 nave IAilhton. prttldent of \ht homeowntn lmoalat.lon. 11I1m ..,.. th.a• the bol.l'd -II d•ppo&n*9 \hit all our .ttona ao haw •ttoaa "°"'munlettlon ·' .. failed. I can't say it was on the part of the dty." City officials, homeownen and representative. from· Amel met last February following a rullna by the 4th District Court o1 Appeal in San Bernardlno :ieclarlng the initiative invalid. ~tahton said that he expected tram thoee ~ON \hat Amel would meet with them prior to •ubmimion of a plan. City olfldala aaid that Amel'• plan• w•r• submitted on the June 18 dMd.line nec.-...ry to ~uallfy for the 1eneral plan amendment~ Oct. ll. ''The developer appeared at :>ur CIOW\tar appuwnll,y ~t.hout havtn1 anr, mHUn1 wlth ~ .... ' llld dty pJ.t.rvwr . ar;i& I•, '1h WM not a plan •hal wa1 developed In. ODard&naUon with f\llf .' ~---lw ....... t.M members Tuesday to write their reaction to Arnel's plan. The homeowners association wlll meet in late July. ''T h ey're as k i ng for everything. Theyre ask!ni foe the moon," said Leighton in regard to the 43 acres of propo.ed commercial development. In addttto n to tb e condoralnium development, the plan includes 12 acree of two- tt.ory sarden offictl and 31 aerel of low and mld0rWr'6roc. UQina lh s.n DS•ao Freeway. The prehmlnary plan a1lo cUll for the rHU1nrnent of South Cout Drive about 200 ,_ to oonnect whh a ledJon ol dlil air.et alrudy completed near Ban 1,,eandro lload. N1arb1 horneownen hid ~ .,.. r1aUanm1nt away from U\elr property. • ,, I I. I I . • ~ Oollt DAILY PILOT"rtday, July 2, 1912 T•E F"MILt' ClaCtl "Al our quort•t:S w.,. captur.d by the space ~·" by Brad Anderson C•m--..,._ ... . "Yeah, he brought me my slippers ... but he ate one!" Gi\Kl'I ELD . ' THAT APPL.£ IS ALL VOO'RE. G£TTIN($ F'OR PINNER. GARFlfLP •Hi GEORGI by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) p • • I I I 0 TIJMBtE•EEDI -£, SHOE 0 1 hHr tell you'rt blllngu11?" DENNIS THE MEN..\Ct: Hank-Ketchum I IT WA& EK":*if 'l'EAP6 K:A>! 'IOU WAS THE DEPUTY D. A. IN ~LANO COUNTY ... AND YOU l'RIED ONE Of M< WY€> ON MUPDER ONE! ~ONYOU 1 by Jim Davis IU,,"92£ WE NlE. AT rm LE~·:- IS TI4AT SCULPTURE MAKING YOU CRY? by Tom K. Ryan by Ernie Bushmiller I 'M CRYJNG FOR THAT POOR SCULPTOR, WHO ~S NO TAL.ENT DOG c---..-.k by Gus Arriola by George Lemont RN'OAD~ He.~ HOW HE FU.LS. Orange Coa1t PAILY PILOT/Friday, July 2, 1982 ., lt LIO yd ·tops King, faces Navi-atilova ' WlMBJ..EDON, England (AP) -Top-M'eded Martina Navra\Jlova powered hl'r Wfl"J Into the women '• f inals of thu All -Enaland Tennl1 ChlmptonahJpe today, crU1hlna llth4eeded BetUna aunp. 6°2, 6-2. ln the other lmlitinal, defendlna champion Chria Evert Lloyd ouafed 1urpriaing Billie Jean Kini. 7-6. 2-6, 6-3. Lloyd and NavraUlova will meet in the finals S.turday. The Ciechoslovakian-born Navratilova, who became a U.S. citizen las\ year, is going after her thlrd Wimbledon singles crown. She alao captured the title in 1978 and 1979. The men , meanwhile, were completing their quarterfinal round. Defending champion John McEnroe faced J ohan Kriek, the fifth-seeded South African, while Tim Mayotte, the unranked .. Amerl(4n In hl1 aet'Ond year u a pro, oppolC!d No. 11 Bri'n Teacher, a she-year Wimbledon veteran. DUrlna Thuf"lday'• two-hour rain delay. the el&hth day In 10 that play has been dlarupted, the British BroadcaaUryJ Corp. 1howed paria of the 1973 battle in whJch Kln8 aucoeeafully defended her Wimbledon crown 1aaln1t the then-18-year-old upstart Evert. "That'• not fair to Chria," gialed KJng. Asked by their lntervle'!"er to dlacuu the nearly decade-old encounter, Lloyd &lghed, "Must we?" Of course there have been many others over the years. anp Lloyd has had the best of It, with a 16-7 lifetime record against King. , But Billie Jean, the ack11owledged "Queen of Wimbledon," has the edse on the grass at the All-England Club. ln addition to 1973, she defeated Lloyd in the semifinals en route to her last singles title In 197~. thouah In 1978 1he loet.to Lloyd In the quart.-.rflnala. "l would personally like to aee more of the matches of the '60.," Lloyd quipped. "ln fact, 1 want to aee Billie Jean play In the 160,." "No, no, no," tald King. The match between McF.nroe and Kriek was another replay. The two faced each other In the quarterfinal round here last year. with McEnroe a straight-set victor. But thll year, Kriek defeated McEnroe In the finals o f the U .S . Indoor championships at Memphis, Tenn. Another factor working ll{alnat McEnroe was the tough schedule he'• had to keep because of the Incessant rain delay• -either a singles and a doubles match or two doublet matcheti each day thia week. He was still on court, defending his doubles title with Peter Fleming, after 9 p.m. Thursday. The entry by Mayotte into the quarterfinal round wu gaJned at the experue of the lut BritoJ ln the tourney, Butter Mottram, who waa never In command Thuf"lday and feU 6-2. 7-~. 6-3. Mayotte'• aemlflnal opponent. Bnan Teacher. made the bracket by dlspotlng of Mata Wilander, the Swedish hero of the French Open, 6-4. 6-4. 6-:t_ , Another upaet Thul'lday wu engineered b:l 12th-seeded Mark !d.mon.son of Australia. who ' toppled third-seeded Vitas Gerulahis 7-6, 3-6, 6~4' 6-3. GerulaJtls, who had looked so sure-foo defeating power-server Roscoe Tanner a da earlier, was overcome by F.dmonllOn's strong servt and steady forehand. : • On Saturday. F.dmonson is to fa<."e Jimm~ l Connors, who breezed to a 6-1, 6-2. 7 -6 vktory ovef 1 sixth-seeded Gene Mayer on Thursday. I • Neither Connors nor McEnroe shows any sig1 I of faltering in their march toward a Center Court I showdown in the m~n·s finals Sunday • i I Drug reports keep spreading in sports Dodgers la test to be c ha r ged ' By 'he Auociattd Press San Diego Chargers running back Chuck Muncie admits he purchased cocaine at least twice from fonner New Orleans Saints teammate Mi ke S trac ha n . according to a New Orleans newspaper. Muncie was quoted as saying he bought cocaine from Strachan and paid him w ith personal checks now in ·the hands or fe deral inves tigato r s. The Times-Picayune, The St.ates-Item reported in a copyright story in today's editions. un1dent1flcd soun·es familiar I with a federal invest1gat1on as saying more than a doz.en present or fonner Saints bought the druR .j from Strachan or his employee. J ost.t l vn Bruno . who wa s conv1("tL'<i in March of cocaine 1 dealing. ; Strachan was ind1("ted May 21 t and again J une 6 on one count of consp1rat·y to d1sLr1bute cocaine · and 11 counts of d1stnbution. i - A~~loe SEMIFINALISTS -Billie Jean King and Chris Evert Lloyd walk onto center court at Wimbledon prior to their semifinal match today. Above, the 38-year-old King returns a shot. Evert Lloya defeated King in three sets and will meet Martina Navratilova in the championship match Saturday. MUNCIE, TRADED to S an Diego in 1980, said he spent about $200 a week on cocaine, some of which he shared with teammates, the newspaper said . He said he has since cut down his use of cocaine and plans to enter a detoxification center within a week because of drug and alcohol problems. In baseball, members of the Los An geles Dodgers say ~ aUegauons of drug abuse have I: bee n overstated and ( misinte r pr~tctl fo llowi ng a newspaper article claiming "a v'e rv ser ious problem" on baseball's dt>fending wo rld champions. · "'The big problem is refuting I something like this because it l. w1U be reprinted by everyone."" [ said first baseman Steve Garvey. r. "And the retraction is never t e n ough t o c larify the 1 misinterpret.allon.'' !. The new s paper qu oted Angels get a look at the new Tanana GARVEY'S REACTION stems t from an article in the Santa I Mon1t·a Evening Outlook. which I; quoted Don Newcom be. t h e~ c lub"s community relatio"s ~ director m Los Angeles. saying a<; ~ many as 80 percent of major h league players use some' Conn of f, "mind-altering substance." fi Former t eammate shuts them down on si x hits; KC n ext this eve~ing ARI:.INGTON. Texas (AP) ~ The Texas Rangers have been mired near the bottom of the American League West.em Division· standings since the season began. The Angels, on the other hand, are leading the division and have one of the best rec.'Ords in the majors. The Angels did not plan to lose twice during a three-game visit to Texas, but that is exactly what happened and all parties agree the reason was pitching. ''We come down here and get seven runs in three games -that's not typical of our ball club," said Angels" Manager Gene Mauch, whose team remains 2 \"1 games ahead of Kansas City despite Thursday night's 7-2 loss to the Rafl8ers. The Angels open a weekend series against the Royals tonight with Steve Renko (7-1) opposing Kansas City left. hander Vida Blue (4-5). "We had some awfully good pitching On TV tonight channel 5 at 5:30 against that team three nights in a row," said Texas Manager Don Zimmer. "This is the first series we haven't won in ... " Mauch paused. then resumed, "Well. I can't remember the last time we lost a three-game series. Historically. I'm told, the Angels have never done well down here." Victimizing the Angels Thursday night was ex-Angel Frank Tanana. 4-9. who struck out six. scattered six hits and walked one en route to his second complete game of the season. "l used every pitch I have and every speed I have and every ounce of control I have.'' Tanana said. "That's the new 'F.T.' -that's the way I have to pitch now." ""' Tanana enjoyed a big early cushion a.fter the Rangers batted around for five runs in the fourtJ-i inning. "If I could get a five-run fourth every time out it would be a lot easier.'' said Tanana. "Getting ahead of the other Soviets ' • Wln falls ·a bit short P oland o nly n eeds tie against Russians Su nd ay to a d vance MADRID, Spain (AP) -The Soviet Union has ousted Belgium from the World Cup soccer championships and now faces the ~ibility of being sent packing by Poland in a match that is bound to have political overtones. When the Soviets beat Belgium 1-0 in their Group A match Thursday, they fell at least two goals shot\ of what they needed for breathlhg room against the Poles. Now. anything less than victory ln Sunday's match will bump the Soviets from the tournament. Because of Imposition of martial law in Poland, which many Poles blame on the Soviet Union, the implications of the match will go beyond this tournament . The ouster o~lgiwn. which opened its World CUp campaign with a stunning 1-0 victory over defending champion Argentina, marked ~ sad end to a championship bld that had begun so promisingly. "We are obviously very depressed and unhappy," said Belgian Coach Guy Thys. "We had started the World Cup well by beating Argentina and we finished the first round by placing first ln our group." The second round continued today with two more key matches. Argentina, needing a victory to avoid certain ellminatlon. played tournament- .. I • THE RUGGED Poles, who trounced Belgium 3-0 ln a eecond-round match earlier this week. need : only a lie againlt the Soviets to advance to the • semif:inala .... SOCCER iii!i favorite Brazil in Barcelona, while European champion West Germany met host nation Spain in Madrid. The Russian offense against Belgium was plodding. with a goal by midfielder Khoren Oganesian provldln1 the only spark. Fan• in Barcelona jeered the lack of aat.ion. In another match Thunday, Northern 1reJand rallied for a 2-2 tie with Awcrta in a Group D leCOnd round match. BWj' Hamilton ICOred twice for Northern lre1and. The tie eliminated the : Austrians. 1 Northern Ireland, a team compc>eed largely of ' vetenlnl 9Dd y~~ who have failed to make the I. iJ'ade ln the~ FiM DMaon, continued ita bid ; to reach the amltlnala of the World Cup for the flnt"Ume. A victory over J'l'lftoe Sunday would put the lrlah, who have not aolM ·\hit fai in the tournament llnoe 19~. into the J'lna1 Four. Non.hem lreland, the CIC'ly w.eeded team to rellC!h the mt'Ond rowtd, 11 undef .. ted in four •trailht pmelti • "D &NOW UM lrilh quallde. -~ ~.~~~i:.'i= "A•'•l diem. JOU CMDOt-for • 1in1l• ' mament. ....... ~.~ ~ U. a& our ... fll'." ,, MEANWHILE, soccer official• Thursday called on the Federation of International Foo\bell Amodationa (FIFA) to clarify a controvenlal World Cup rule that could affect England'a 1chanoea of quallfytna for cup temifin&la. • FlF A Secretary General Sepp Blatter laid Thunday "t1ht th at the r u ling soccer body fonnally wowd announce lia rapon1e Wday. He lndicated. however, that the re1pon19 would not fulfill England's hopes for a favored position for advancement. Glen Kirt.on, the oUidal spoke.man for the J:ngland 1quad, aaid l'.l'l1and had llked J'IFA 10 declare what would happen lt teuDI ln Group 'B of the aecond round, in which Jr.ncland II pouped with Spain and Welt a.many, fin11bed tied on polnta and pl diffet'91'a. ~ appenntly had beliewd It would advance becau. lt wen all W. of ita ftn&..l'OW'Mt pinee to We1t a.-m.ny•1 two vk:tGNI and s,.m•1 one U1WQph. The OftidaJ WGJld Cup ..W., bonwr, Nfw only.'° &be,... found• .. clnnff ....... " ot u...-ftnllHna level ... factor deWminbtC ..,..., '°~-·-·h team early takes the starch out of their shorts and lets me be more aggressive." Rookie Dave Hostetler stroked four singles and BiUy Sample extended his hitting streak to 13 games Thursday night. In all, Texas battered three Angel pitchers for 13 hits. "We finally got Tanana some runs and he knew what to do with them," Zimmer said. The big Te xas fourth began with consecutive singles from Buddy Bell. Hostetler and John Grubb, Bell scoring on Grubb's hit. Jim Sundberg sacrificed before Lamar Johnson chased Hostetler home with a single. "This team 1s probably the ~ t•leanest team in the league and ~ t hat's saying something i n ~ today's world,'" said Dodger r outfielder Dusty Baker. Ne w co mbe. a refo rmed alcoholic. met for two hours with ~ team officials and players af ter ~ the newspaper report and tried I' to qualify his remarks at a news 1 : conference before the club's ; double-header with San Diego i: Wednesday night. "Whe n I"m talking about mind-alte rin g substances. I"m ' (See DR UG, Page BS) .. ....... . pme in A.rlinpJn, Tex.. FOU WU tryfnl to ltnteb • llnale into. doubae. Anlela -'? .. 2, vtllt Karml llty thia evenlria· I I I St~rling now says he"'won't move team • Frolll AP dl1patclae1 SAN DIEGO -The San Diego m Clippers announced. Thursday that "regardless of the o utcome of litigation" the National Basketball Association team plans to remain in San Diego. Glider take• up where he left off Iott O&Ner 1hot an 8-under-pe.r II 64 Thunday In the flnt round of the Weetem Open, exteodlni one of pro 1olf'1 all-time hot 1tre'ak1 a nd eetablllhtng a two-1hot lnd. Gilder Mt a Butler NaUonal COW"M record with h1.I 64 and the winner of fOW" tou.mammia ln teYen POA Tour 1eMOn1 now ll 27 1t.rok• under par for h1a lut . five tounda. He won at Wntchea~r with a 19-under-par 261 Jaat week , the lowest tournament total In the lut aeven yean. Gilder needed h11 record performance for a two-shot advantqe over PGA champion Larry Nel1on and non-wlMer Jllll Boro1 . . . Betta Da.nlel came off a eelf-lmpoeed exUe to carve out a two-1troke lead after the first round of the LPGA Peter JackllOn elude in Toronto. Daniel. winner of three tournaments this year and ninth C..:J money wlnnera, waa down on herself and up the last two toumamenta to return to er South Carolina home to aort out problems. She leads by two etrokee over Homa Stacy, B•tty bg ..-id Marine Floyd·DeArmu. - Laa Vega• wlll b• rloh atop for PGA ' Offlclal1 of th• Prof•11lonal • Oolfer1 Auoclatlon 11ld Thuraday their now•t event, th~ •1 million Lu Veaaa Pro-Am Golt Tourn ament, , could become the premier 1t0p on the PGA tour. Deane Beman, commlltloner of the tow', Mid the Inaugural event Sept. 12·18, 1983, would draw a field of 1,040 contettanll -2QO pt'OI and 832 amateurs -vylnic for a • t million purae . . : ... Pu t ch.amplON of the wcr Ftnai. ln DaUai and the Tournament of Ch.amplone at Fore.t HUJ. wtu be exempted from qualJfylna for theee eve nt•, World Champlon1hlp Tennl•haa announced . . . Forward Derrick Hord and cent.er Melvln Turpin ICOred 14 points each and led the Univeraity of Kentucky Wildcats to an 84-73 w ln over the nation al team of West Germany ln the fout-natlon Kirin World '82 basketball tournament in Nagoya, Japan . . . Mata Wllander, the 17-year-old phenom who stunned the tennis world by winning the French Open In June, has been selected Volvo Grand Prix Player of the MQ11th tor June. Televlalon, radio Followlf\a 6re lh te>p )poru evenll on TV tonlaht. &tlnp are: vi/vv excellent: vvv worth w11t.chlna: v v fair: v foraet It. ~ 5:30 p.m., Cbauel I . v v v v BASEBALL: Angelt at Kanu.a City. Anaouncen: Bob Starr, Ron Fairly and Joe Buttitta. The Angela brtng a 2 ~ -1ame advantaae into Royals Stadium for the at.art of th1a weekend'• crucial three-game eel. The Anpla ope~ the road trip by loelng two of three from Texas, while KC was ent.ertllinlng Oakland and al.lo dropping two ot three . OTHER TELEVISION 12:45 a.m. (4) -WIMBLEDON TENNJS -A preview of the finals, including hlghllghta of earlier matches (taped). RADIO BuebaU -Ahgela at Kansaa City, 5:30 p.m., KMPC, (710); Houston at Dodgers, 7:35 p.rn., KABC (790). J r The announcement did not say if the franchise plans to stay in San Diego put the 1982-83 season but General Manager Ted ----------------------------------------------------------___.-Podleski said. "We're golnf. to be here and I think we re going to be here for a long time." Three weeks ago, Clippers owner Donald T . Stetting had announced he planned to move the shaky franchise to L os Angeles where he had signed a five- year contract with the Loe Angeles Co l iseum Commission to play in th«; Loe Angeles Sports Arena. Podleski said Los Angeles fans who had purchased tickets on the possibility of the club e nding up there would have their money refunded. ~He added that Sterling came to the dedsion to stay in San Diego because "I think he felt it was time we got on with business. In fact, he said, 'let's not use words, let's use deeds." Quote of the day Alan King, the comedian, noticing that the New York Giants had signed a · place-k ic ker na med Eddie L,eopard : "They'll probably use him only in spots." Tigers moving up In East again Kirk Gibson's two-run, bases-II loaded double an the bottom of the ninth inning catapulted Detroit to a 5-4 victory over Boston Thursday night, moving the Tigers t>ack into third place in the American League East. Milt Wilcox, 6-4, was the winning pitcher, scattering .. .10 hits ,....._... __ Elsewhere in the AL, Gary Ward tripled and slammed a 420-foot home run, as Minnesota, behind the pitching of Pete Re dfern and rookie Jeff Little, whipped Chicago for the third straight time, 9-2 . . . Brace Bocbte slapped a run-scoring double to break a seventh-inning tie and help Seattle shade Toronto, 4-3, giving pitcher Gaylord Perry his 303rd lifetime victory . . . .Ken GrtUey had three Gl9SOH hits, including a run-~ triple in a five-run first inning, and MHte Morgan tamed heavy-hitting Milwaukee seven hits as New York topped the Brewers, 5- . . . Von Hayes continued his assault on Baltimore pitching with a three-run homer to pace Cleveland co a 6-2 triumph and three-game sweep over the Orioles . . . In one of two National League games, pitcher Mike Scott doobled twice and scored a run as New York nipped Montreal, 2-1 . . . Catcher Tony Peu rapped out three hits and drove in two runs to lead Pittsburgh past Chicago, 5-2. Baseball today On this date in baseball in 1941: New York Yankees cent.erfielder Joe DiMaggio cracked a three-run, fifth-inning homer off Boston's Heber Newsome to extend his hitting streak to 45 consecutive games, breaking Willie Keeler's major league record of 44 games set in 1897. On this date in 1933: In one of the greatest p itching performances of all time, New York Giant acrewballer Carl Hubbell hurled 18 shutout innings to defeat the St. Louis Cardinals, 1-0 in the first ~ame of a Polo Grounds doubleheader. · Exhibit & Sale Directly From Peru July 3 & 4; 10-8 pm Native Peruvian Folk Art • Weavlngs • Masks • Baskets • Much, Much • Carvings Morel • Dolls IBILL CLUB HOUll Ill W. ••••• •h•. •ei,CAl-•••••• ...... a.) ,,,., 62t-32t• This Week's Special 1981 CADILLAC ELDORADO l1All81TZ lncludft all 8'arrlta opuan., AM/rll IWno wtth ca11ette tape player and low mllll. (10YJ4H). '16,995 QWlllC Vetue Pi.-:don Slnifcw ~'A ....... "'a.. ...... ,..,,,.,, ... 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FOi MOST FOID ,RODUCTS s•• 19S4-73 6 Cylinder sn 1951-74 I Cylinder (bcept 460 engine, IAAVHICK 71·72 & 74, MUST ANG 73 w/302 engine, TORINO 61 w/302 engine c 1977-794Cylinder2.3l(140CID) 1 ~: MUST ANG & rlNTO before 6-27·n ) 1975-'79 6 Cylinder 1975-76 I Cylinder, FORD with 351, 400 CID & TORINO with 351M. & 400 CID. 19n-'71 I Cytinder 1 a• (Except 1971 T-l ird with 302 CID) Sn 1975-'76 I Cylinder (Except Full SIH 2211 FORD with 351, 400 CID & TORINO . with 351 M & 400 CID) 5n \ 10SAMP IAP10S 6m! } J_ Orange Oout DAIL v PILOT IFrtdaY. July 2. 1982 ... . Winfield heading lor court? U.S. rowers From Page 83 ... DRUG ABUSE • NZW YORK (AP) -&lh aldce In tho O.ve Wln1itld Found1tJon'1 1ui\ a&•lnat the Now York YankMI l"fffflrmed ThW'lday that they had been unable to reach an out-of-court settlement, and th Yank ... said they would jull u eoon 1te the 1ult ao to court. On May 24, the Winfield Foundation tor Underprlvile1ed Children, 11\c., of which the Yankeee outfielder la founder, filed auit atalnat the team. The foundation alleaed the club had a~ated an agreement in Winfield'• contract to donate lt300,000 per year for 10 yeara to the foundation. The foundation said It was owed $246,000 for the tint year and had not received any payments in 1982. Yankees owner Georae Steinbrenner said in a s~t.ement that the suit waa an apparent attempt to coerce the club, and, "Now It is backfiring on them. They know that we are people who a.re not coerced and we will not be." In a news conference at the foundation's h adquanen ln Fort Lee, N.J .• board member Larry Blumbera saJd lawytn for both tidee had aareed on a aettlement on May 18. He said \My had aareed that Stelnbrennctr would pay $&0,000 lmmedlat.ely and that a 1ehedule for the rest of tht payment would be 1et. Ed Broderick, a Yankeet vlce prealdent and 1eneral counael, aaid Thur1~~)' that while Steinbrenner had agreed on the '6(),000 payment, there never wu a echedule 1et for the rest of th.e payments. He &1lo said that the foundation had reneged on two promltet it had made to the Yankee.. • He aald that on May 4, George Blumbera, Larry's Lather and al.lo a foundation member, had agreed to add an outaide person to the board and "to provide ua with an acoountina of expenditurea." In return, he said the Yankeei prombed to supply the foundation with money "aa.requeeted." The Yankees have hinted In the put that they were not satJafied the foundation was run properly. enjoy success HEN LEY-ON-THAMES, Enaland (AP) -Defendtna champion Holy Spirit achool from A~n. N.H .. whkh won the Prlncela Ellubeth Cup last year, hunc on to win Thunday on the ftnt day of the Henley Royal l\eptta on the Thames River. With. three of lta crew atlll suffering from lnjuriet received in an auto accident only two weeka qo, the 1ehool wanted Ume to eue lta Way into the competition. Inatead, It found ii.elf in the ftnt rece qalnlt Emanuel, the En1li1h 1chool which gave the U.S. crew lta hardeet battle lut year. • • • lntarpretatJon ii that beer and wine are not dn.lf.1 and there ii a major difference. 1 talktn1 about alcohol: bHr, ChampelJ)e, wine,'' he said. ''And when you pt into the .,... of dn.lp, I'm tA1kina abou\ Valium. coke. martjuana.1 'm not talktnc about heroin. The bl11est problem In this country It alcohol." Leo Noonan, aporta editor ot the Evenlnc Outlook, who wrow the article, aald, "There waa nothinc taken out of cont.ext. I t dJdn't tape the Interview, but I I • have hlt pommenta in my no•." · OUTFIELDER RICK Monday N i..~ tar pi•A'--ho 1 a I d r h e b e 1 i e v e d t h e ewcom~, a 1 ~ucr w d d ,_,,.bo helped the Brooklymn Dodaen mlaun erttan Ing came 8 ut win the World Seriet1 in 1055, because "a layman interpreted an expert'• conunenta about a touah said he had been not mt.quoted ' II aubject and they didn't come out In the story. right." "If there la a problem, It needa [ "I've heard Don'• speeches 'to be dealt with and should not I about drua problems and the be swept under the rug. I never Ii' same quallftcatJona and specifics taid then w• a 8eQoua problem he uses In apee~hes weren't on the Dodger balldub or in the 1i included In the article. And m4 Dodger organization." I t--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~. 1: Cas~el captures King Olaf Cup Dowgard· .COOLANT I ANllFRIEZI GET A GALLON FREE! When you buy 2 gallons of Dowgard ~oolant/ Antifreeze. (Refund by moil-Not to excMd $4.50) SALE PRICE 3~LLON EFFECTIVE PRICE PER GALLON AFTER REBA TE 1!L~ 8 97 PAIR r.i ForMottGM 279 ,roducts-#PH1l, ,._..CH IWH25,PH30 ~ .49 TKH-CHEM FREON . .99EA R-1 2LIMIT12 ... or UNIFORM 25 DIA WER U·25(SHOWN) YOUR CHOICE 9?1 '°" lftOtt ~ cora. !mfwo,,.. coolfnt, Iner...-. horae _.wer I ... efficiency. A must fof olr cendl~ cort. ARCO GRAPHITE OTOROIL 10W-i0 .. 1 19 QUART BURGLAR A1.ARM HI-LOW ELECRONIC-· .·' SOUDSTATt 2297 / EACH . ----·~t. fief_, lffO.'IO 12 volt con (Hcept ~ 197t-vpGMl.4-1SI ...,._, 1971· • GM.,, 231, 260, 26S, 267. ten. JOS 1 Ti•s ..,._, tf'fa.up Chevette oftCI all -.Ml .,..-11• r-'tvildaMe ••chonve·I lXCH For matt 12 volt ~r prodwh wilt! reduction gear orwl &1Clf'l9rt with lwtlt.lf\ 22•s tolenoid or with tolenold mounted (hcept Import con.) (With reltulld•lil1 eadtonp.) fXCH .. Al Cassel of Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club it flying home from Europe today with one of yachting's most prized trophies in his custody. I . Cassel won the King Olaf Cup, also known u I : the king of Norway's "birthday cup.'' in a 5.5-meter regatta at Hanko. Norway. l !:. The massive trophy is valued at $20,000. Casael will keep it for one year until he defends. Cas&el won the regatta with two fint-place and one founh-place finish. The final race of the regatta waa canceled because of stormy weather. Cassel was sailing his new 5.5 meter Warrior ill. designed and built in Australia about 18 months ago. The boat was designed by Ben Bob Lexor of Australia. Crewing for Cassel were Rex Banks of Newport Beach and Gary Weisman of La Jolla. It was Cueel's first effort in the regatta which drew seven boau from four countries. Amoung the competitors was King Olaf hllmelf. Cassel has been active in the 5.5-meter class for a n\.unber of years. HB's Quinonez wins lOK I EAST LOS ANGELES -Huntingtoo Beech High's Gus Quinonez wu the lone Orange c.o..t area individual winner at the 15th annual Loi Angeles-Watt. Sununer Gamet at F.ut Loe An&elel College recently, winning the 10-kilometer run in 33:00.7. BEAUTIFUL. NEW MERCEDES BENZ TURBO SEDAN Claaslc White with Palomino Leather. Electric Sun Roof, Alloys , Stereo-Cassette. 3000-TURBO $30,652. Call Virginia (714) 645_.800 or (714) 645-1122. 79 MERCEDES WAGOfll Mint. 24,000 ml. One owner. $14,000 leas than a new wagon. Sun Roof, Stereo-Cassette, Alloys. Whtte with Brown lnterlof'. $20,895. Call Virginia (714) 645-4800 or (714) 645-1122. 1982 SIBARIS &L, IL, WllOIS I IUTS LARGI SILICnOll Wallah say - matching 11 lnl See our matching · sweetheart (Kuulpo) 1et1. Many exctustwty dellgned prints and d>lora. . I i . • ? J ' • ! • I i . I . " . . , « . . . Oranee Ooait DAIL y PILOT lf1rldav. ~uly a, 1082 \ PUBLIC AUCTION l!ITATI JIWILRY a PINI ltORCILAINI, CHINA,1 IRONZll, RU~ FURNITURI, llLYIR, OILI, Ito. FRll AOMISSIOH -P~UC ANO OE.AL.•M WEL.COM• Don't ml•• thl• Important aalel Fine China, Crystal, Porc:elaln1, Bronzea, European Furniture, 0111, Etc:. ~laom many fine pieces of antique and contemporary Jewelry lnc:ludlng fine watches, solltalre diamond rings, Mrrlng1, gold chain•. clutter diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald rings. SALE NIGHT Fri. 2nd, Sit. 3rd . Sun. 4th, 8:30 p.m. INSPECTION 2:00 P.M. • 5:00 P.M. Ii 7 • 8 P.M. Salt flshts ·Property of several prominent t:elsure World residents, together with Inventory of well-known L.A. Jewelry In flnanc:lal trouble. Also, out-of-pawn merchandise. TERMS: Visa • MuterCard Personal check -Cash. Some extended ttrma can be erra~. Pro,,.rty moved for convenience of sale to: 108 Tuatln Ave. (Corn•r Pac. Coaat Hwy. a Tuatln) NewportS.ach · Sale Conduct«I By Beach City Jewelry & Fine Arts l714l 645-2200 CONSIGNMEN'is A~CEPTED 'TlL 5 p.m. FRIDA y Softball tourney opens The Amateur SohbW.l A11oclaton'1 Southern California reslonal championahlpa besln \onisht anct continue throush Monday at three lo c atlona in the WeatminJter-HunUngton Beach area. The tourna/nent, hosted by the Weatminster Renesades and the Orange County Bat Busters, includes a women's major division a n d a wome n's "A" division. \Winners of the "A '' cAvision will represent Southern California in the ASA national. championships in Grand Junction . Colo., Aug. 27-29. . Winner of the women's major division will represent Southern California in the ASA national championships In Binghampton, N. V .. Aug. 13--19. Among the teams in the "A" division are the llllRll 11111 ft' omen·~ ~·urflnlf The MCond annual wom ChamplOnahtpt ll<e Ml fOf A <Ml •., w8orld Suri Sp0ri Compe1111on beg ug v-ar M0u1on Bay c.rt1w. Same Cler:~ F1td•fi· Aug 6 er l/\e Sa111f'IO competition <>Int w lh w1nd1ur11no ''""~• Sarurdey end s d aurtlng, H~ Car 8,::Sn ey compe1111on 1ncludu • llllom event ar SOian~~~~-'!."~ tna •nd ouls Plua Puree la $ 15 000 .......,,. erk ~ 45H294 i-Admll u+on '' Ir .. ell lhtee days ~ "'°'" nlorma11on ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Costa Mesa R oyals, P. Huntington Beach ,.,,... Football olllclal~ c linic Don't Settle for 5~ % on Your ,Passbook Savings or .· the Uncertain Yield of Money Market Funds. We are now paying a fixed rate of on your Investment of SS.000 (minimum) to S99,000 (max· imum) for your choice of 30 to 89 days. Your Investment Is fully secured by U.S. Government and/or U.S. Agency Securities. Absolutely No Brokerage fees. for further Information please g~e South Coast Bank a call at (714) 540-5300 and ask for Sue Patton. ext. 231 . The Sourh Co11~1 611nk Re111ll Repurch11se Agreemen t rrog ra m Is not a ~11lngs 11ccoun1 or i1depO'>tl11nc1 Is not Insured by the fDIC o r gu11r~meed by the U S Go11ernmen1 H11nc1llng lee tf the Sank Is requested to repurch11se prior to' mAlu111y • The 11bo11e r111 e IS for th e period or 6. 29 182 10 7 16 82 @ South Coast Bank The Bank for All le~sons. MAIN OfhCl 8QO 8i1k<'• SH<'<'I • Coir" ~ CA Q2626 • 17141 540 530-0 IOUNTAIN VAllO HAHCH 107b0 WAr~r Av<'nu<' • f oun1•ln V"ll<'v CA Q/ 708 GAIDIN GI OVl l lANCH I} 115 H,ubo• 8oul<'v11td • wrck n G<o v<' CA ''2641 saddleback college and THE SADDLEBACK COMPANY THEATRE llfesent Theatre for Children Second Season THE JUNIOR WING NORTH Campus, Irvine A MONTH OF ENTERTAINMENT FOR CHILDREN "A Doctor in · Spite of Himself" A styllshly funny, In fectious comedy by Mollere, crammed with the Joy of living. PtltfORMAHCE DAT£S My a.to: 14-17; 7:30 p.m. ariait My 10. 11. 17. 11: 2:30 Ntai'I , "Winging It" A showcase performance of songs, dances and acenea to deliver a delightful evening for an ages. ,POf~DATU 1411 23, 24; 7:30 p.m. art• THE FORUM THEATRE SADDLEBACK COLLEGE NORTH CAMPUS TICKETS: $4 general admission; .. $3 for chlldren 12 and under FOR RESERVATIONS CALL: 831-4656, Monday-Friday, 10-12 or J-3 Local. county. state . national and .inte rnational events come to your doorstep 1111· hi .._. tn the bright. light and lively 'I ~I • Rowdi es a n d the R ene gades of Westminster. Games will .be. played at Park West Park in Westminster, McFadden Park (off Beach B o ulevard and M c Fadden) and at Golden West Colle~e. Huntington Beach will pla y the Covina Mustangs tonight at 6 at · Golden West College. In other fir~t-rou~ "A" division games, Westminster will play the Sepulveda Jokers Wild Saturday at 9 a.m., also at Golden West. and the Costa Mesa Royals will tangle with the winner of a game between Inland Cities and the Orange County Sharks Saturday morning at 11 at Golden West. Six games were scheduled to be played tonight, four at GWC and two at Park West Park . • • • • • • Valvoline . PEAK .,,_"'~ anUfl'ffze&toolant ~ ~":::;,·~ \,.- ch•c• to UiiJ Unl11a1al 1"1111111 .. ~ ma•• • .,... _ _ t Mirror you hau• • enouah In your • Chrome~~_...... car's radiator. • fftd•h. JH1ht or ~ 98 • left h•n ... How ...... ~ ,..11on : . 6~' • 118 IOI 11 tootball ottic1als Cal Stal• fullatlon 1• h~~ 1 July 9_ 11 anO 1nck10e cllnlC which will bel pacilic 10 olllc••'• 1n11ruct10n by .. ""11 d chnlC 1s '"o unive<s•1Y 1'ctual •lie ol the t"ree;-!~ro'9 trom ine Fullertnn v1naoe apar1men1S o11ec1 Y Cam"''' 0 ~ ol n.iruC.1•01\ .--,. I 10 let tncluoes Hueil dy S90 T~ • d Fee 1o1 commuters •s and room anO boar NFL ne110 '•·l'~man Oil'" lnslfuclors inclu~e 11 Oa•tl "'"m~n~k• Lat<y w 1111ams Pac-10 ol oc;o11P mbe!lon and National Tnompson ano Jonn ,:, comm111ee member Jtm ffl(lerat•on or 0111c.1a1S iu (;hette<S llom J !>pm ruoay Julf Regisrrauon "''" be nel~lasses ., 11 oe t>l!•O a 1 oa1 9 1nstruc1t0n #111 tooow S di Sa::"~~~;'.'6~3~1;!,."C::.e ~~or~a1.on Over the lln~ Sou1tiern Calltorn1a Sollball 3 11 •ccepttng epp11ca11ori I on J 0•11r-1he-l1ne Huntington 8e9Ch 0,1 <Jr or lrs tn1rd annual .i.i1-; 11 as L IOUrnamenr set tor Tournamen1 wfll b4I held Scnoo1 beginning 81 9 30 a1 Ocean ll1ew H•qn teem. There will b9 rnen·a :;i Enrry '.~ •s S1e per The round-robin tourney d women s d•visrons gamea per learn Cell 12 1~uaran1ees at '"•s1 '°"' lnlor111e11on I 830 22Q8 lo• more • • • • • • • • • • ( Trailer~~: Ball ~: • • • • Chromi9 plated. • • • : 51s . • J'fl" •lam. . . . . ea. • • a"•Mm ........ 6!:.: • Tour Choice • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Pulls more air when you • need it most. creates less • drag on the engine at higher speeds. pays for itself 1n fuel savings By the • makers ot QUal1ty. heavy • duty cooling eQu1P<Tient for z I 8 4!11 ,. • your car. pickup or RV 4 #PT 1oa1, IOU, 1021, 1oa7 ............ - .. ~... • 4 •• #J117,Jlll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... #PT t•JJA, 1eJ6 ........... : . . . . . . . . . . . -. • .......... _. f•fU • .,. ... .,._ ,... ....... ""~ ..... . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . Import '11 U ••• Auto P•rt. ... ea.H•b COSTA MESA• Smrtll r.t Autl illlply NEWPORT BEACH• United Auto Pl1S 688 W. lilr At btll • 212 W. Co•f tllllfwaY • •• &4H363 ' IMI I Orange <;out DAtLY PILOT/Prlday, July a. 1882 --------------------------------------------,---......... ' • • • • t jt ' Weekend sports on TV, r&dio TELltVllJON 7 a.m. (4) -WIMBLEDON TENNIS -Finals of U\e women'• c:ompeUUon. 12:1G p.m. (4) -BASEBALL -Seattle at Ch1caao WhJt.e Sox. 2:30 p .m . (2) -SENIOR OLYMPICS - Competltlon lnchadea 1wlmmln1. wreatllng, decathlon and MJUna. S:30 p.m . (2) -GOLF -Third-round play at the West.em Open from Oak Brook. W. . 4 p.m. (7) -BOXING -Sugar Ray Leonard's Golden Gloves. 5 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - FlJta 11 of the North Amer lean Box ipg chlmplonahlipe from Laa Vegu. including the U.S . and Cuba (taped); al.lo, taped coverage of the U.S .-USSR track and field meet from In~polis. 5:30 p.m . (5) -BASEBALL -The Angels are at Kansas City in the second of a three-game set. RADIO Bueball -Angels at Kansas City, 5:35 p.m .. KMPC (710); Houston at Dodgers, 7:05 p.m .. KABC (790). S•nday ) TELEVISION 8 a.m. (4) -WIMBLEDON TENNIS -The men's final is featured. 8:15 a .m. (34) -.. WORLD CUP SOCCER France vs. Northern Irel&nd. 11:30 a.m. (5) -lfASUALL -The Angela at Kan.au City . Noon (34) -WOl\LD CUP SOCCER -RUIUI VI. Poland. 1 p.m. (2) -GOLF -Ftnal round play at the W•i.m Open from Oak Brook. W. 2 p.m. (4) SPORTSWORLD -Aaron Pryor (30-0) defendt his WBA junior-welterweight title against Aklo Kameda (17-0) ln ~ 1cheduled 16-round bout taped at Ci.nclnnaU. Al.lo, taped coveraae of the 69th Tour de France bicycle race. 3:30 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Taped coverage of the Firecracker 400 stock car race. Alao, I taJ)ed coverace of the North American Boxtf\g chlfrnplonahlps from Laa Veau. RADIO Baseball -Angela at Kansas City, 11:3~ a.m., KMPC (710); Houston at Dodgers, 1:05 p.m., K.ABC (790). Mand•y TELEVISION ... . 8:15 a.m. (34) -WORLD CUP SOCCER - Spain vs. England. Noon (34) -WORLD CUP SOCCER -Brazil VS. Italy. Speedway 'Fox Hunt' .set The annual "Fox HI.Int" at Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa, which allows all female speedway motorcycle fans free admission, is on t.tp tonight. 8. Gates open a t 6:30 with the first race starting at .. Tourney lures Magee UC Irvine's Kevin Magee. who was drafted th is we e k by the Phoenix Suns, and his ex-tetammate Raine r Wulf.-are among those scheduled to participate in a one -day beach basketball tournament in Newp o rt Bea c h Saturday. 'the eighth annual Casualty Cllmlc will be held at the 36th Street Park beginning at 8:30 a.m. and continuing until approximately 4 p.m. Tourney promoter Bob Small says 42 three-man te4ms will be chosen through a drawing prior to the tourney. Persons wishing to ,participate should arrive at least by 8 a.m. to be included in the drawing. There is no admilalon 1 charge to watch the '··double-elimination • tournament, which this : year is sponsored by : Vans athletic shoes. • • : Bike racing set Saturday Laguna Niguel is the site of the first of a aeries . of four women's bicycle · races to be held in the . next two weeks under · · the banner of the SELF Mag azi n e Cycli ng .Circuit , whi c h is expected to develop .into .a qualifier for the 1984 Olympic Trials. It's "Saturday, beginning at _;,10:30 a.m. · The Laguna Nif.~ii! >circuit is at Aliso · ;·Drive, near Alicia '·Parkway. The 2.7 mile : circuit race is a totaJ of ;·40.5 miles. : ~ !¥.T:.t ' •CDilMr& •• DM-YllMM,_ IATW-- 51 le 717.S7 a.-Tllfte ._. y-Door (Cell._. -y-AIM) COIYA-.A 641·1219 ,, .. ....,..IW. ; ..... YU> 495-0401 , Htnc:.....c c' -I II-... flowor. • ~ .....,,, . , , # := l1tiqu1 ~ Show/Sile ~: Dally thru Mon, July 5 ;; at the Huntington Center ~II. Featuring outstanding r: American and European ~ collections plus Heritage ;Pays entertainment. Beach ~· Blvd at 405 Fwy, H'.8. ,. } ,. ~ ~ ~: ~ :1 "' ;; l1sWer Fer ~ •.••. , •••••. ,, Huntington C.. ltudlnt Ind ..,. ClllUl ltatt .My I . Enrol '" the ""' WHIC~ 1 to• I 1 to I ; llt/lun 11 to •. I ' eau1Pl'£D FULLY .,, Z ''hem1 N.AP5-• 2.2-liter ·ssion gine I transm• . en :..AOti roanua . brakes • A--s~-·st front d1SC .a.1er-ass1 . g valve •po.-. d-senstn • erake 1oa . o steering • variable ~~ ignition 1i ansiston f ""'° t>atterY • r ce r~ Maintenan eetangle • drat>eam r . • ouadlights release hea d tailgate one han tedion . h • sion pro roster wit • corro I heater/def • B~d fan gers 3 defog • Side wtndoWh yentUatJon -M .. ttiroU9 · • Flu--· uch rnore . ~,.,, ··-~ 0 1982 lJS REAL VALUES Clam Dinner $2.89 Treat your taste to our tender . juicy clams, served with fresh cole slaw and golden f ryes. One taste and you'll love 'eml 3095 Harbor Blvd. In Costa Me11 Uu" W..th l>f ~n U••10 lwy. ,.,_horn f•d<o 14715 Jeffrey Rd. •• W1lnu1 Uvu nil '4nt• A1w I wy t Irvine on items from applE!s~uce to zippers . Dll.IJ p·llll' are advertised every day 1n the > 87 I . 1· ,. . ~ • • . . " li'AJOR LIAQUI ITANOINOI A-lean L ... ue WMMfll OIYlelOn W L ..... 08 4& 31 sea 41 32 M2 '"' 40 34 541 • 41 38 532 4~ 33 45 423 13 211 40 420 12 ... 21 56 273 24'-'i lMt.,nOWW. BollOll M..,._11 Detroit Beltlmoie ci. • .alnd N-Y0<k T0<on10 " 30 , 42 32 38 33 38 34 37 )5 34 37 33 41 Tllu...S.y'ea-.. leau 7. AneeM 2 Mlnn<MOtt 9 ChtcagO 2 SNlll• 4, T0<on10 3 Oe1r041 5. Botton 4 c~ a. B1111m0<e 2 New York 5 Milwtu~" 3 Only games sclledule(l flll'I 618 t S35 4'..\ 521 s 514 I 479 ··~ 4411 ti Tonlohl'o 0-Angela 1Renko 'I II 11 Kansas City (Blue •·51 New York (E11cllaon 4·7) 11 Cleveland (Wa111 0·51 Balllmore !Palmer 6-31 al Oelrolt (MO<rlf 8·91 Bo11on jloriei 4 41 11 Mtlwauk•• (McClure 6·21 Sea111e (Netaon 6-8) al Chicago (Koosman 1-31 T0<onto 10011 1-4) II Mlnnaeo•• (H1-.nt 3·61 Texas (Hough 6·51 al 01ktand (Kingman 0-4) Nallonal Lt-au. Wffletn OMa!Oft Allantt San Olego Dodgen W L 45 29 42 32 Sen Frenel500 C1nc•nnet1 HOUSIOl'I 4 I 37 35 42 31 44 31 " hale111 DMelofl 42 33 43 34 40 33 38 38 37 39 211 49 Phtled&lphia SI Louts Montretl PtllSDUrgh New Y0ti.. Chic:ago TI11nedly'1 kofM P11111>Urgn 5 Chocego 2 N-YOfk 2 Monlrlll I Oniy oames ac:heduled TOfllglll't 0-.. ll'ct. o• 601 Sllll 3 528 6 455 1 1·~ 413 14'' 413 14'> 580 S58 548 1 500 4'> 487 S'" 372 14''> Houston 1su11on 7-41 11 Oodgare IV Romo 0-11 Monlreal ILH 8·3 and Sc:l\llZ-1·4) el P11111>urgh 1Cendef1r11 3-• lnd MoSkau 1-3), 2 C1nc1nn111 1Se1ve1 f ·81 at Allanla (Camp 5-3) Phll1d&lph11 (Bystrom 2-01 al N-Y0<k (Swan 5·3) San Francisco (Fowl~•• 3·2 100 Gelt 2·8' el Sin Olego (Cur111 5.4 and LOiiar 7 ·21. 2 Chicago IRtpley 3-01 al SI Lou11 ILaP01n1 4·11 Pintea 5, C111M 2 P1lt1burgh 000 002 120-5 13 1 Chicago 200 000 000-2 4 I Baumoar1en E Romo 1111 and T Pent. Bird. CampDell 171 end J Davit. W-E. Romo s.2 L Campbell 1.4 A-10.413 Mall 2, l!•poe I N-YO<~ 002 000 000-2 7 l Monltul 100 000 000-1 II 1 M Scott. Orosc;o (8). Allen (9) t nd Sleernt , Sandereon end Cult<. W-M. Scott, 11-5 L-Senderton. M A-30.217. P:i-o golf Wfflwn Open (•I Oak ltootl, IN.) 8ob Gllde< 31-33-64 l..tlrty Nelaon 35·31-6e Jim Boorot 34-32-66 Jim Thorpe 35·32-87 Ed Oougllef'ly 36·31-87 ·Kerm11 2arley 34·34-68 Ba11y J.-:ktl Ben Cfenshew OM Oougtan Mlek Soll Ron Slreck Pll)'fWI St-"' Bob Tw1y Charles Coody Ed Sneed I T ................ e Boelon 000 030 100-4 10 I 0t1ron 001 200 002-5 ti 2 Tudo, B. S11nley (t }. CIH--(1 ) Ind Gedmen, WllQoa end Penilfl. W-Wllooll, &-4 L-8. Slanley. f.2. HR-8olton. Ev- (8). A-27,243 i lncllena OtWMI Cte..iand 010 101-8 a o B1lllm0<e ~ 000 000-2 1 O Barller. Splllne (8) Ind HHHy. 0 Martinez, Sloddlld I ) Ind Otmpaay w- Barller. 9-4 L-0 Mullner, 1·5. S- Splllne r (91 HR-Cleveland. Hay .. (Ill A-23,~~-I. .,__I MilwlUkM 000 001 020-3 7 0 New York 500 000 00•-5 11 o Hau. Au11u111ne (I). Slelon (8) end S1mmon1, Morgan and Wynegu. W-Morgan. 5 .4 L-Hau. 4 .5 HR - Milwaul<M. Simmons (IOI A-20, 1 II Top 10 ( ....... ,. .. Mtl, ~ML.aAOU. 0 M (II Hl"ol. Harrell, ~ano 71 2711 IO ti .351 Bonnell. Toron10 87 207 38 72 .3411 w W~ton. K-Clly 41 212 25 70 .330 Cooper, M.._.11 18 211 411 t2 327 E Murrey. 8altlmor9 Ill 202 32 81 .327 Hrl>ell, MinnMoie 113 2411 43 I I .l25 Mc;Ree. !<..-Clly 73 279 39 to .323 Grvt>b. T-SI 152 II 41 .322 Pamsh, OttrOll 52 175 33 56 .320 Wtllle. Kansas City 113 227 34 72 .317 ......... Thornton, Clev•l•nd, 111. Ogll•ll . M""IUllM. 19. G. ThOln•. Mllw"*•· Ill, Cooper, Mllw ... M, II , Hrt>e«. Ml,,,_a. 16 ........... McRae . K1ne11 City, 118, Tllornlon, c1 .. e1and, 83, Lurlnt kl, Chle1go, 58. Coope<. Mllweu!IM. 51, Oglhlt9. M1t..eutc11. 55 - ~(10~ VukOlllch. MllwlUkM. ~3; z.twt. ....... t-); Guidry. New Yorll. 8-3; Ceudlll, Sealllt. 7-3, S.rker, Cte.eland. M . lkima. CNc:ago, M : Gurt. Kansu C1h. 8-4. NATIONAL LIAGUS McGee. SI Louis T Pena. Pmat>urgh 041-. Montreal Frencon1. Monl•MI '--"-"' .,....,.. 8lllor. N9w York Knlghl. Houston Oewton. MonlrMI J . Thornp9on. Pgll Lacy, Piltet>urgh 0 M " H f'Ot. 43 141 17 48 340 113 238 25 11 .340 72 288 43 ... 321 44 131 14 42 321 M 220 40 70 318 52 1&4 20 52 .317 75 218 " 111 311 18 281 57 .. 313 70 259 48 " .313 53 1111 33 so .311 scores Olvld TllCn Lindy Miiier Al Oeiwger Lon Ni.llc>n Alie ~ ... Jim SlmOns Lennie Cltmenl• Jec:lc Newlon Jt. Relph Laodrum George Burns 33-35-68 &uce Lleltlle 3~·34-88 Bob Shearer 35-33-68 Oave Barr 35·3~-69 Tom Jenkins 36·33-69 Joiln COOk Tommy Valenllne Mike NICOlelle Chip Beck 3~-74 38-36-74 37-37-74 40-34-74 37-37-74 37-37-74 ~-74 37-37-74 36-38-74 36-38-74 36-37-75 38-37-75 38-37-75 38-37-75 39-36-75 39-36-75 41-34-75 38-37-75 37-38-75 37-38-75 ~-75 3~75 42-33-75 3&-37-75 38-37-75 39--36-75 38-37-75 311-36-75 42-33-75 311-37-79 3&-38-79 41-35-79 ~7t 3749-79 37-39-78 38-40-78 41-35-78 38-38-79 38-38-78 311-37-78 37-39-78 38-<I0-78 38-31-78 38-38-78 36-40-78 311-37-78 38-<I0-78 40-38-79 311-38-77 39-38-77 38-39-77 36-311-n 38-39-77 31~-11 4')-37-77 38-39-77 40-37-77 39-41-77 31~-11 43-3S-78 39-39-78 39-39-78 4 1-37-71 41-37-71 •-1me1eur Jeck Renner 34-35-69 Tom Wela~opl 38-33-69 Curlis S1ran11e 35·34-69 8111 Roge1s 36·33-69 Calvin Peete 37-33-70 Mark Pleil 31·39-70 Doug Tewell 36-3-4 -70 Keith Fe<gus 35-35-70 Morris H1l1lsky 35-36-71 (]II M0<g1n 35-36-71 Clarenc:e Rote 36-35-71 Soon Slmpaon 3S..3t-71 Andy Bean 36-35-71 Gery McC0<d 37-35-72 Dan Hl ll<k><aon 3&-3&-72 Jodie Mudd 36-3&-72 Mike Hollend 36-3&-72 Larry Ml2e 37 ·35-72 lln GlitSOn 37-35-72 M.,k C11Gavecchla 39·33-72 ~yn LOU 37-35-72 11.C. Snead 36-36-72 l d florl 35-37-72 Steve Benaon 33-40-73 Tom Purtze< 38-37-73 8ob Clampell 3S-38-73 Lanai Ten Broeck 38-37-73 Woody Blldtbum 37-38-73 Brad 8ryenl 36-37-73 Leonard Thompaon 38-35-73 lrllce Fleltl\er 35-38-73 Jiay Cudd 35-38-73 Vence Healner 37-36-73 Lon Hinkle 311-34-73 "°t>erl Thompson 38·35-73 till KralUrl 40·33-73 Jim King 38-37-73 l)oM Ad1m1 38·35-73 Alan Taple 36-37-73 Steve Melnyk 38-37-73 Willy Arm1trong 35·38-73 Jln1onlo C..de 38-35-73 &ob Murphy 36-37-73 Pon POOiey 311-34-73 Jeck FlfenZ 35-311-7' Mike Reid 3S-39-74 Mike Sullivan 37-37-7' Lou GraNln 40-34-74 ~urt 8yfvm 3&-3e-7 4 81 Sutlon 39-35-74 81tt Hll)'M 37 -3 7 -74 ~ Oen Pahl Marll McCumber Larty Ollbefl Joiln Mazza Jim Berber Greg Powe<a OltY Hallberg Oon Levin Oenlt W8tton H-ard Tlllllly ~Nonh Petlf JICObt«I Mike Gove Jiff Senders Gery Pinna Allen Miiier Hubert Gr.wi Terry Olelll ROQ4lf M 811bie Rod Nlchollt 8<.-0ougl ... Pt\H HaneocK Milt• &ennmn 0 A WtltM'lng John Schroeder Wayne~ Rex Caldlwell M8'11 O'Mffl'I 8ot>by Wadklna Eric Bellen Bot> Proben Roget Catvtn Larry Rinker Lanriy Wadklna H ... lrwln Jim eenonctno Gerry Hopkin• Jim Klely Joe Inman Blain MeAlllltlf Gibby Gllt>erl Lee ~Ider Frank Conn« Merk Lye Bobby Nicholl Victor Regaklo Mllta Buflle .. Frri Fuhr• p .. ., Ooetatttule Thom• Grey Jim Colbert U.S. poloists win over Hungary BELGRADE. Yugoelavia -Fonntt Newport "Harbor Hlih 1\ar Kevin Robenlon ICClftd three pl.a and P'epperdine'a Terry 8chroedu lidded two rnore Wedneeday co live c.he Unl&ed Sta• a '1-6 Y1ct.ory over Hungary ln the TA.8 Cup waw polo toumam1nt here. The U.S. 1qu1d, coached by Huntlh&ton Beech'• Monte Nltlkowtkl, WM adMMIW.S IO play Y~vta ln a llCCllld rou.nd pme todal.! The ~t II OM ltop of a D&rOpeen MU' f« the U.S. equed. Next t II the ~ Cup, ldwdWld I« .July f· 11 ln JMP"'• H&ll'IP'Y. leYwral .... np1nad '° ~ In the l .. a~•"' i. ~.,.. ... Wed'° •1 ... Of &he ll~ondllU.1 ...... llwWbe Mltotecl ,0 rtpreMnt 'h• U,I . ln cl\. World ~pa which wW be held lulJ IO-A&.11. I .. 9Nldnt'. ) • e--=·~ ... vw., , ...... ,... 1 J, Tl!olllPtOll, '\::"· .. Mlntw1 A......_~ ...... , .... u . T l(till\My, •er:·:~ t. w:1;_ew1. ~,,._ t 111 .. e.'• e'.'M:i'7, t11 't~· .. a; o. ,_01n1011. ;~'.1~t~;4; ~\~~09, tl toto, ~u-~~ lllHOll, HM1on, 1.l. v--..... .... .. .......,.... . flle IMdwl !of tltl'tlnll poemone •rt• IN _.. tllllllllioll Of WI blllollnt IOI Ille Nellot\11 1MeWt AIMl1t IMl!I. TIM Al>tt., 0.-will be ple)'M Tweoty ~Ill. Jvty 13 II MenlrMl't ~ ,IMlllfll, . CA'rctm I. Gary Ottter, Mol'tltMI, l,ltl,40t 2 Oer,.it ,Of1er, I I. I.Ollie. ~~106t. 3. T.,ty 11.eMtctY, IM DllGO, lt1,W4. 4. 8o Otu . 'hllectelp~ 341', .. a7. I. llllh •••-••. Plt.m'. "l: ""':.. Tf:n::i':1.111'~i:i:P:: 111,2t1, I . JoM 81M(nt. IMw VOlll, Iii. 6'5. •1AIT94U I. Pele l\c>M, f'tlll~. e&7.710 a. tlHe Clerwer. o.-1er1, eh,Ht. 3. Al Oii.er, Mo111ru l, U 0 ,2H . 4 Kellh HetnandN. 81. LOUii. 4.1.713 5. Ch•I• Ch1mllllU , All1n1e, 323, I I I I 0 1•e K1n11111•n..iL~!llf_ York, 211.UI. 7 Biii ~net.~· 270.12.2 e Oan O<-n. Clfteinnall, 142, tU MCOMOllAN I Menny TrlllO, PhlltMMIPN•, 6'9,6" 2. ttH• tu, Oa4een, tat.toe. 3 Joe MOIQ4111, Ian ''~· 902,1 19 4 PhU 0-, Houtlon, 490,942 5 TOMl!ly H.,r. 81. Louie, 291, ICM I Juan Bonilla. San Dle90. 280,713 7 Gi.r>n Hut>bard. Altanla. 213,155 I Ron 0-1.,, ClndllnaU 210.0511 t TMIMllAM 1 ....... Sclwnldl. PNl.o.1.-... 1,146,161. I. ""' c.,, ~ ........ 3 JoMny hnc;I\, Clndnnall. 452, 771. 4 llot> HOlna<. Allan••, 41$,078 5 1(911 Ol>efkleH, SI. Loul8. "2.811 I Rey Knlglll, ~on. 231.339 7 8111 MldlOCll, Plltt l>utgll. 211.291 8 Hubie &roou , New YOik, 113,6'2 aHOtlTITCW I 01 .. Concecx:ton. Clnclnn111. 679.215 2 Gwry Templeton, San Ol9gQ. 906.140 3 Oule Smllh. SI Louie. 561.23 7 4 Chrll Spet«. MonltMI, 441,200 &. Letty Sowa. Cll~. 21M.430 I. 9111 ,.lllMll, Dodtt«-. tol,lfl. 7 l••n OeJHUI, Phlladelphll, 186.390 8 C11to ~nolcle. 11ou110fl. 101. 113 OUUllLO I Andre Dawson. MontrMI. 756,374. 2 Tim Ralntt. Monlreal. 854.080 3 Oale Murphy, Atlanta. 1114, tlO. I. Dvety .... "· Oe4Jtere, 111,172. 5. 0-ge Foettf, New YOik, 481,485 I. ~e 0-0, ~ IH,IH. 7 Slx10 Lezo1no . Sen Diego. 4811,065. a. LOllnle Smith, SI. LOUIS, 448,320. II WITrf#I Crom••lle. MonlrMI, 424. 147 10. 0.0.ge Henclrlcll, SI LOUii, 411.9111 II. o. .. P11k.,, Plll11>Urgll. 418.555. 12. GllY Meddo1, Phlled-'Of\11. 325,394 13. Joie Cruz. HoualOIJ. 285,524. 14. GltY Mell'-'. Phllldelphla, 287.723 15 Ceeet Cedeno, Ctnclnnall. 2112.2112 11. Klfl LefldrHH, ~.211.IU. W'.¥hlllldon lltUHOA Y'I llllUl Tl ....... ~fleuM ........ Tim Meyolle (U S.) del Butt., Mollram (8'111in), 6-2, 7-5, &.3. Br11n T..cn.r IU.S I def Miii WMand« (Sweclet1~;:-'· 11-3. ........ ~ Mlrk Edmclndton (Au11rell1 def. Vllu O..ulellll (U.S.). 7-11. 3-11. M . f.3; Jimmy Connort (U 9.) def Gene Ma~ IU S.). 8-1. a.2, 7-1. MINI'• "'*-"-Rd 0.-... JOlln MeEmoe-Pet., Fl9fnlng (U.S.) del Ot'li<I Oowler! 1v.s .-NOuk• Odttor 11o11ger111. 8-'. 7-6; P1ul Mc~Pet., McN.,.,atl (Autlraffl ) def. Chris JOhna1one-Cr91Q Mtlltt IAUllrllla). f.2, f.4. Kew> C..rren (Soul!> Alt1Cl l·Sle•e Oenlon (U S ) def Si ndy Meyer 1u.s ~Ftew MeMllliln 1Sou111 Alrica). 1~ .... , • MINl't~~ Sherwood S1ew1r1-Fe1dl T119an (U.S.) def Mlrly Oav!s-Chtll Dunk (U.S.). 11-3. 6-4; Jollfl McEnroe-Peler Fleming (U.S I del Mareot H-tf·Joeo Sow• (8'Ull}, 11-7. 11-3, ..... 44-3-4-78 4.4-34-78 41-37-71 35-43-78 40-38-78 3s-t4-79 ~1-79 41-38-711 41-38-79 Lot' Ai.mllot THUtltOAV'I llHut. Tl (Und ........... .,.nlfflof .. _,,.,., fllllT llACl. 3$0 yerde Comark (TonktJ 7 IO ~ 20 2 eo l'ealu1e F1t>te (C•MQttl 8 20 4 20 .>el N Roekll (Ward) 2 40 Alto rececl Ret>elt!out Gii, Genuine Aeo, E••Y 01v1dend. P"or I 01akeoll. Eye Calct\lng, M11111 EHy 10, Sally Bug Time 17 75 82 EUCTA (2·41 Pllid $77 00 llCONO llACI . 400 y11d1 Saler! Woman (Pilkenton) 15 80 7 80 4 80 Smooth LOUIM iHllll a ao 4 40 Proud Dukey (Watdl 3 00 Aleo rac.d Rel>elt Vanaqua. L•tlle Tlfl, Lii Ladv Lo•e. R1g11me1, flnys Su f'11rway1 Requeet Jacklee Temp11t1on Time. 20 411 ntlllO eACl. 350 yards Ouplleate P04tcy IT re11ur•l3 ao 2 ao 2 ao •·0•1t1.noe Olwster (La<:keyl 3 40 3 40 •Ou.ly Dllpt (Tonlll) 3 40 3.40 • -c;oupled Alao reoed Ro1m1ng EH y Sh11 The Llmll, Sliver Sleev ... Reve<end Jim, Blazing lkil>l>lff. Twlfly And Wh1tly, Ol•les Legend Time 11 16 foutlllt llACI. 350 yt11dt Kuman Roedtunn« (Ackl15 IO 7 20 5.40 Call Me Rey (Pauline) 5 00 3.40 L-Boone (KntghH II 80 Aleo rececl Cl ... y Vaneque. fuy OoulMe Too. C11eflil CattllleOle Mighty Fllhy T 00 Em UP. Rat>td Rel>t>il. Al.u•e Bu-Tlt'rle 11'8 ta IUCTA 12~) p4lld $58 IO fwrTH MC«. 550 •t11d• Th"" ot VIClory 1Le1<v1 3 ao 3 oo 2 ao Aye Dire (Ad ... I .. 3 40 2 90 Che<Okell (Wll'd) '00 Also recea w1111 .Joe Bob. Se• To SM Trvckle Toee Time 27 07 llXTH "ACE. 350 rer.dt Cindys Strength (SlnDgh)30 90 13 40 II OC Slop And Go Lud<y (Crdze) S 00 2 80 Rock Solid (L-ey) 3 00 Atao rac;ed Real E11y Bars, Bar The Coectl. 1-1. Jod11 Soluuon. Sclnul110<, RuldOIO Ch11ge. Dudes Magic Frlde Time. 18. 10. D IXACTA (l-Sj (>lkl & 164.20 UYl!NTH "ACE. 350 varaa Tu Oh two IC<1eoer1 20 60 7 60 4.20 TIM( Iron Rulel (frydtyl 3 60 2 IO No Chance Al All (Pauhnel 2 80 AIM> rac;ed Euy Maneu•er C..,.. Im Fat•. Champagne Hon• Speed 01•1• Jiiter ON Time. 17 84 a Ill.ACTA (4·51 paid $54 ao EQlfTM llACI. 870 y1td1 Oh Oh Ole (Harl) 7 llO 3 80 2 40 Froely ~ g;,:::1 3 20 2 40 Sit OanCl9l60t I I !l 00 11cQNO uca. 1 rvtlonoa Lotty Dgte (McCerfon) t 80 • 20 2.80 lndlcl1 Oanc:et (Slt>ttle) 3 eo 2 60 Jtded Eneoun1., 10.1a11ou ... yeJ 2 40 Alto reced Force A•ey With Gold. Mtegle, Eaat.,n Bid. N1t1 Bouncer. C1111Po1, \.Ord Wlldomtr Ole Charmer. Dad'• M-111 Time 1 23 IZ DAILY ooueu 16.7) paid 1522 ao THIM> "AC~. II 1ur1ong1 LI Sllule IOrlegA) t 1 60 5 00 3 20 Jel P1tet1 (Sibille) 4 90 3 40 5"1111 Tu<lor (Mc:Catron) 4 20 Alto recea 8olcl w111,..,. Spec111Cut11 8". MIChelle'I 0<111ft, II Plledono Tlt'rle I 10 215 • II IXACTA (3~) PIHi S 131 09 FOU,.TH "ACE. One mile Oec111 .. °'""' (McC11ron1 Love Snow (CHllnedl) Roy11 Wtnd11orm (Llphem) Alto raced· Golden Ledy S.lle Return. Stnare Z 840 320 240 280 220 220 I Shall Tlmt 1 311 4/5 ti EUCTA 18-4) p11a S40 50 FIFTII "ACE. II'..\ lurtonot Roya Curle 1ve1enzueta1 6.80 4.00 3 20 Trtple Mach (Plncay) 5 20 4 40 Ewe Win 10e4•hou•wy•I 4 60 Alto reoed: Ouc:heu Tina. Flgurel'leed, F0<1unate "41W, S.)tkln, Blue COCkllOO Tome 1.17 116 SI IXACTA (5·11 paid $11500 aumt llACI. eon turtong• 1n1erw1 Rile (Haneenl 24 40 9 ao s ao F MNoll l(llOMeclge (Olhuyl 4 ao 3 20 Dllennined 8t>orl (OllYatff) 3 40 Aleo ~.: Nevonoa • S111. K,cl Two Ledy lold Olke. Pr1nc;1u Gu111mo .......... ./ltfty Lundi. Honey Don'I. Coo'1 IWJ¥. TllM: I :06 115. lnlJmt llACI. 6 lvr1onQ$ llWI O'Brltn IS'-*•1 24 20 I 20 6 oo Tern M ... (OINar") 7 00 4 80 AmlQI LI G ( PIMay) 5 60 Alie> r ececl. Mii ICUlous Kiie, Rerflwl\t>et Holly Bold And Wiiiing, R!'l l To1que SllUlthng Tlme I 09315 ti IXACTA (3-51 plld $361 00 12 PICK 1111 (7·3·6·5·5·3) peld S 108· 277 90 with one wln""'ll llc:kel (abc horMsl $2 Picll 81K comollllon plld SI ,031 20 w4th 35 Wln'11ng tlekelt (ll•e llorMIJ, $2 Piel< SI> ter11c11 contolallon p4lld S598.40 w1111 24 •inning tlclleta (IOU< "°'-· one ac•atc;hl EIGHTH llACL One mlll on 1ut1. G~ou· Oaltll (P1ncayl 4.IO 3.00 2 ao Aggrandl1emenl (t,ICClffon) 2 90 2 IO lldy TrtsP&n (VtlerUullf•) 3 00 Also raced; Chrlllmaa Bonue. Mey1n. Ret1n1d1. Min Pruknet• Time. 1,35 115. IMTM "ACE. ll'it tvrionge Acul)UllC1ure IPlnc:ey) 33 00 12 20 l .IO Truxton• Ooul>le (V...,,zuait ) 7.80 5 40 Ch••n-eoa (Slt>ille) 1 .oo Alto rececl: Varg1, Eml>efmalle. Cec>tlin 0r-1. Honc:llO No10<. Susi-. Morere Timi: 1.111 115. • IXACTA (4-1) peld $548,SO. Anencser-. 17,349 . I• "NALi Third Piece Selutday. July tO CnamP1ontmp Sund•~ July 11 WOl'td Cup tlendlntl ~AL TO' OAPh 1 0 0 3 0 2 1 0 0 I 0 2 0 2 0 0 4 0 ,. .... ~GMte ,_., Ru•t1• •• POiand Ot~p• W L T Of' OA '11 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 I 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ci-.. ,... ........ Tocley S~'" '" W"I German ...... , Spl;n •t England 0•°"' c W L T Of OAl't1 llaly 1 0 0 2 1 2 Blaltl 0 0 0 0 0 0 Argenhna 0 1 0 1 2 0 Game•~ Today Brattl ve Argenllnl Frtf\Ce N0<1hern lrelend Aut1111 Monday Otoup D W L T Of' OA l'ta I 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 1 2 2 1 0 1 , 2 3 1 ....... kllfte 0...... Sunday NolO'ltm ltetano "' Fr ln<lfl Tttunday'1 trenuctlon• fAtreAU Netleftll~ ATLANTA BRAVES -ANCllYeled T.,ry Htrper. outl-trom lhe dlsebled k11 Purct1 .. 1d lhe con tr 1c1 01 Bot> Porter. oulf11lder lrom Richmond ol lhe ln111net1ona1 LelQUe Ol>t>oned 11<111 Buller. ovlflelder. end Kan Smnh 11111 ba-.an· oulllelder, to Rochrnond. PITTSBURGH PIRATES -Plaoecl Will,. Mon1anez. 11111 b._,.,an. on watvlft 10< lhe purpase 01 gl•lng him ~It uncondl1ton11 , ...... FOOTeAU. IUlloMI ,oo!Mll "'"9 ... CINCINNA Tl BENGALS -Signed Rodney HOimen, ltghl end COUIOI COLORADO STATE -Named Rlc;h H1<1>at 111111an1 coach KANSAS Named Llrry Korktey , __ ICoech NEW MEXICO -Na,.,.,, Barl>trt Berry -a n.ld goo coecn NORTH TEXAS STATE -Signed Coney Nelson, hee<) IOOlo.11 C:OKh 10 a lhr_,.., conlrllC1 This limited warranty applies to all 1982 BMW's, and covers them against defects in materials or workmanship. There's even a 6-year limited warranty against rust perforation .* That's many months and thousands of miles beyond the avera~ automobile warranty. . The jJstiflcation for this is obV10Us: BMW's are engneered COOl)arably far beyond the average autcmobile. , In fact, as one automotive cntic observed, they are "some of the most exquisitely engineered motorcars the world has ever seen." As a result, extreme confidence isn't only defensible, rt's entirely warranted. c 1981 BMWol North Amenca."" T1't llMW "~ "'° IOF ........ '4 l~"OI a.,.r!IC ... ~~t, A.Cl ·s..,.,.. llMWON lt .. O• ~-- LET YQtJR LOCAL BMW otALlRS ARRANGE. A IHORQUGH !LSI ORI)'[ ALHAMBRA ..., ..... 1811 Wu t MllO Strett (213) 570·8444 AZUSA --. .. 791 EtstArrow ~~"''·~331 CANOGA PARK LA HABRA LOS ANGELES ..... _ ...-.... ._ ~~~ltd ~h B.ech fi1~~ ~~34fJ8 St (213) 346·3144 ~r{g~ GJOI M~V ~~ (714) 522·5333 818 Sot.llh Br"'1CJ ··~ 2 ' er11uer1tt Ooultvltd Pal llwJ'f (2 13) 246·6543 4&20I N0tlh (114) 831·2040 A Sttrr~ HRL e H (80& ~ • H (11~ 4':/'f.'/ld ..., •• _ l m :i i1 • ~~ A.Mounc'tmenu Car Pool W1•IN011r«t !Mt•PoulOd ~,~;... ;:;.\ti• SHYICES ..,......0o, ... .,, EMfll.DrMENT & ,., ... TIO# &t.oob lm.trwtlOft JOI> W•Alf'ii • H.tp• .. n1.o M' f' MERCHANDISE """'llW\ Aff'1a.N'n AtilttliOtl t:t:.':: Ma\l'f'l•h Catntn-' • f..qv.pmt'ftt tau lloc> n .. wvou F\lrwtwt Cat1C<Solt --c-. J~ry LivtM«• __ _, .. ...,.....,."""-' Mrwtlf•"""W~ Vii •Mrd M..ak1I fl\iltt1im.fnh Olrttt J'Urn" t.quop Pou ~•Of&aM S.-.1n.a M1rtuM• ~1n1Good• Si.«P Rnt11.1r•'" 9,., t:'~t0.lhf1 MHt'O BOATS & MARINE EQU,,MENT 0-ol UTIS, M£W AUTOS, USEI ~· .. .... c..11 .. c...tt Q9>-E.J aw-., • Friday, July 2, 1982 Looking fer a career in sales? See today's Help Wanted ads , classification 7100 . IHI llt•tt IHHI ltt IM l"-!!!'..'!f./~}! ....... !~!!!!.{~~'! ....... !~!!!!.{~~/:'}!. ...... !"fla'lf'..'!f.~! ....... ~!ff!!.~/:* ....... ············•••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• C. I lOll 81 I }.HI C..u --.. 1114 &.fi ._. 1114 , ll••~tl ......... I.~ .. ~!~~·······'······· 9!~!~~~ ........ !."!/~ •.• ~~~~ ••••.••••• ···• •••••. :-:::: ••••.•••••• :::.r • .r:.: ••••••• _ ••• ~m.~~· .. , .... ~!n.!~.:'e! ...... . !';!I.~! ••••••••••• !.~ ~'!rfl!-~ •• !.~! IMMEDIATE SAL. NlllllU MU I ::=.! LOOK! $'129 900 1 Prize West Bay blyCront. SllPI fur 2 boats, M&T IUP ' 11% lban only IM4.lmable na11t 3 0 daye. 2 br , $11g .ooo Ownr 651·&868 llUIPa.T ~2bdrm0ape Cod bMGh houM. Thie It a financing dream, "'(o quallfylng, a ~ down payment and 111 T D. 11 an euumable private AITD $435,000 remodeled l bdrm. 3 blth $1 ,200,000. , Spaoloul 2 etory, 3 TURTLEROCK • 4Br, EOUAI. HOU$IHO II bdrm, 2 ~11. fll'9Plece Sparkling clean tile entry to spacious 2\tBa. s car garage. o,,011ruN1T Y Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm. 3 ENllkM ltlf .. bedroom home. Open beem c .. -dlrun~ room ~hat overlooks formal living Broadmoor Pl 3, 1235, " ljlath, 3700 aq.fl. Sl.345.000. Otftnfront. hOme on nMrty one third llngt. lote Of lmpol1ed Ille h kitch 000. See Ihle one II you acre lot. Huge lamlly & much more. 1105,000 rm. eery en to prepare your wan1 a Turll9'ock Hom.. --------....., P1•ll1lttr'1 lttlott All real estate ad11er11Hd In this newspaper 11 subject to Iha Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 whlCh makH II Illegal, to adver11se "any preferen- ce. llmltatlon or dlscrlml· nation baaed on race, Ull IW l•ES room ownoolelng 20x40 INCLUDES THE L.ANOI gourmet meal to ~rve on dining patio 19441 Sierra Raton. - pool. Libera! owner If. lalMI .., Pn,. surro40d ed on thick green grll.$ that 833-1927 J-'rune Lido Nord blyfront.~ bdnn, 5 Vi bath. nancl"", 1 1511.600. lellttrt . squiahes under y our feet. Transferred •-w---,.--,--,H-1-i L g<> L.R .. 2 boat slips $1.~00.000. 111·71• *171-'flH* owner says .. ilell, I've go t to go!" Hurry ••• l~~···'-'-••••••••• lid lty OLDE LAGUNA CHARM 0 ea ' ft&a.. save thousands, call today! unique 2 bdrm flo or Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, furnished, patios. $420.000. Liiii ISLE UYFllllT color, rallglon, sax or .... agoon view from 6 bdrm, ~ bath, play room, national origin, or any dark rm, den, Boat slip. Now $1,000,000. Intention to make any •• such preference. llmll•· BAYSIDE COYE := lion or dlscrjmlnallon " Spectacular bayfront view 2 br. 2 ba up; 2 br , l:l This newspaper will not 2 ba dn. 2 boat sli,.. $1 .000,000 i ;rio llnowlngly accept any ,... 1100 advertising tor real ••· :=: tate which 11 In 11101at1on COROllADO CAYS MO or tha law 1100 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Coronado Island cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat ~ dock. Plarui avail. fled $370,000 w /tenns. ~ ElllllllS1 Advert!· = sers should check ~ their ads daily and noo report errors Im· JlllO :aoo :131» .MOO )US l5ClO ~ llolt med I ately. The DAILY PILOT as· sumes llablllty for the first incorrect insertion only. ::, .................... ... :: Ho111t1 /or S•lt to» •••••••••••••••••••••• !': ~1111.J I DOZ ~ ... , ••••.............. !: DISTRESS !!: SILE! •<loll l!O) UM 4'til - ... , -------- Outslandlng value In !hit trHeval home on cul·da· sac. Oversized 101. F' R. w/lrpc. Owner will esslst wllh financing A great b u y at $239 ,000 751-3191 C::. '-,f:I t ( I -t"" r >µ< Jµf ~~ l 1f " OILY 111,0001 Beeutlful 2 Bdrm 1 '~ bath upgraded condo with patio and communl· ty pool, plu• securlty gatel Only 10% down. Won't IHt, c•ll nowl 646-7171 tMiiil TEWCE VIEW BMt mOdel, Npt T9111ce. L r g 3 Bd rm 2 ''t Ba townhome w/lront toca- toon & striking view Lo- vely Bdrm suite & Iott Call lor llnanclng detells, Full price S'H~l .000. 751-3191 c::. ">l, fl _,..,, r>11, 1PI '. I <, ----- :::IJ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!.l.!~lJ ~NEW VIEW tOWN -= HOMES. 2 Maatar 8u1 .. : -tes. View of ocean l :.:.': night llgnts.' OUlet NM. _, Parka, open space1. S 126,800 dn. )(Int Fin. lfltl Hal Of Pat Bauer. Agtt. = 873-7300 ILIFFI OOIH Single story end unit, ~xpanded :• br, 3 ba on largest grcentx>lt, $250,000. PlllLM 3 bdrms. 21,<j baths condo near pool $145,000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 34 1 Boy\odP Dr•vt> N S o7':J l}lo l llJIT FIXER 4 IR, $104,100 Mu11 sell this weallend Great starter home or terrific lnvastmenl. lntaf· esting existing financing. Catt for details. 5"6-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS UNBELIEVABLE LIDO ISLE $257,500 BURR WHITE REALTOR. IMC. 67S-4630 O.•••roial + ltsl~. 2500 sq It. Existing anU· qua bualneu. Eltab. 10 yra. Ow,_ will finance. 4 nrT car.y 831·2242 1nEIT9DT llltlm STW.J Solid, In Cotta MaH Lovely lrg houH with re.nlal ., •••• _S50.000 dea. 9'>11 l forever vl9w. down to 13•~ loan Gross Oflty S359,900 Fae. Wiii mulllplle< of 11.0. Mana-trade down. C•U Direct gement history a,.ltabla, to Patt~ or Fi.cl T.-iora easy. Asking $225,000. A 831-126e or 1804102 :~~~g of Dottle Valan· 1 • • tJ~•~Ul ~~~.f' lsna1;~ r=•ltors, 675-6000 ITUL l ~ 3 Ill Fl.Ell In lrv''l•'• "Woodbridge eiita. 3 yr1 young . •11,IOO 10.1'S% flnanclng. On C\Jk»-NC. Fancecs ,..,. Oeftnltely the bell buy In yard Owner very an- Costa M..a 3 Bdrm fl. xlou1. Only S135.000. xer Big 11vtng room, Susan Trtvison's Mating . huge 101. Good area • 7~11100. • wtth a lltlle work. could be made Into 11 nice fa- mily home. Mu.t sell by the 41h. 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS ...... " knock• often When you 119' rHUlt~e~g10eJly Piiot CllHlfled Ada to r..ctl the Ol'Mge Cou1 "'811cet. Phone 642-M?S sn-.m GEORGE ELKINS CO RUllll 124- ·• Br, 2'h BL Ideal !amity home with ocean view. Community pool & pat11 . Assumable 10llo% loan, $275,000 644-4910 ~---- TAY I.Ol\ r 'O ~---- IM '11J '1U 1111 11117 t'1411 t'la:I ~ 1111 1'1111) mi CEYLOI CllARllllll Hiil' L Terrific neighbors & great lamily home looking for ruce family who appreciates quiet & sa{e street. 5 BR + oonus nn, pool, spa with privacy & lwib groun ds. Owner will ,ronsider Znd. -ll'DI ... ., .. "" ,,., 11• vu; Home, with P09ul11t 1100!' pian. Ooubla llraplace In famfly room and llvlng room. many, m&AY ex• tr•. lnelu~ hOme ww- ranty plan. 5"S-23i~ THE ~EAL ESTAT&:RS aei--=·=·=~=11=.=llSflll-=-=-=~n=--· t'IM t l)i mu ""' rMZ ,,.. f7I! 9TN tna Ha• bough! another home. Largest 4 Bdrm 2 Be single 1tory In Mesa dal Mar. Alaum• low lntarNl loan & owner wtM aaelst In financing re- mainder. Fill! prlee 1152. ... 900. 751-3191 ; T ~ \ [)11 h > \ \I \ I \1 I. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 BOHIZE I I I KA BL Y I' I I I T U T P Y ••• .. ,, Ill.NI llJHJ llOf CENTURY 21 plan, 1 bath, llv rm w/ 673-7300 ltttttr It. ••••••••••••:r••••••••• beamed celllnga. hard· Beautiful home on I level IPl1I l&llY 1-IPI lthl Star 141· 7434 wbuoodrnlnfcfloorfrp'ic'. lco16zy7.500109 I~~~~~~~~ Acre, 3 bdrm. 2 ba. llvlng ·-----------------room, formal dining. 210 GRANO CANAL Full Pr ca lt.,er1 Crttf 0.•4t Den. kltch, and nice ant· Llltle l .. and. Sharp 3 C.tnl ''' #•1 lOZJ TIE PllOE MISSION REALTY Sunken Liv rm w/"1 bat ry with Solar Brick at Bdrm 2 bath on th•,•••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ...... _. 494--0731 & rpc Din rm w/lge kltch entry. Automatic: '""rlnk· waler. OWC. SS76,000 11 .. -ff fur ft-. • ,.., & ook 3 bdr m pl t ..... UNIQUE HOMES -·-· II yoor IOOl<lng for a bar-OCEANFRONT Moblle n . u le< •ytlam lore and alt. Rita or Tom Boland Home+OUMt+lncome galn on a 2000 (NT) sq rt Homes, M veral $80,000 study, 3 comp ba 5 min autO'fllllge door. Beau· 675-6000 OWC lat I Flex. Term1 4Br home with formal Pv1 499·3816 from bch POOi. lennlt . tllully landtcaped and ~~~~~~~~~ 509 Acacia CdM nr bdl 1---------1 spa S 195,500 F0< ule completely lanced and .:: Spotlea VllC&nt Duplex dining, R.V accea. gor-GREAT EMERALD BAY by owner. crou lanced. Small C11••• ''' #u lOZJ Huge 5br/3ba+3br/3ba geould ~ famdlly r.m and bin-le LOCATION Mike 962~589 l raclor and all auach· •••••••••••••••••••••• 440K own/bkr 645-7048 1 • aun ry. ,..esuma Charming 5 bedroom. 41--------- ment1. 17 tree orchard. OPEN HOUSE 11·4 DAILY "iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii llnanclng. Owner 18 ready bath home within walklng llEllOfll Big garden area. Come 1615 Bayadere Terrace,,. to move. Muet Mii 1 .. 11 dl1tance to parka, beach SEAVIEW-elegant & see and compare. For Irvine Terrace Panora· u S122,000. Call 979-5370 and tennis Just listed at charming Hamton mOd· only S 14 1.000. mlc views, tee land, mini ,.( J#ft;,,,. $790,000. 644· 7020 al, tabulou• vi-•. decor, Call 916/671-2206 MR tale. 8S713.27~7.0008 · Riiey MM-, , • Lllll llW. ESTATE apa. pvt comm w/pool & ealty • .. . ~r 1annl1 facllltla1 $5 HI, ltw httr I lar4H .IUlllH nEll WALi Tt TIWI ooo Open HouH Sall You chooH Iha flnal trom this delightful unit. Sun 12·5. 1903 Yachl 1ooche1 and we pay. 2 bl~ denr Plan 2. Beaut. .... / u-m 1 Br, den, gar, close 10 Colina. 6-44-1017 2 m•tre, 4 BR, 3 ba land1caped by Rogere •-• •• ... _ h ~149 950 13~. In, 2 pt•. $20K dn Garden•; hu ape. ale. with th la 3 Bdrm 2ba "'8'" .,...ac • · ABS 0 LUT E LY MUST $185K Ownr/Agt alarm 1y1tem & pro f fLDllLI f11UL home In• "-'rable area l.acHI Ylllqt l .E SELL' Prime waterlront 75"-7855 decor Xlnt ASSUMABLE IMNM of Cotta M .... N-roof, 1 417-1711 condo, esauma S300K financing WMI coop with ,_ pelnt. ,_ carpet 1---------1 Call Owner to t 1PM lor broker. Call for 1p1>4, R-2 lot with 1 bdrm Need••,_ owner. Only £•'1,H• Billi 1050 datalls 673--0248 For Clalllfled Ad ACTION 675-2478 or 720-0521 houae at low lot value. $139,llOO. Ca.II 979'-5370 •• ••••••••••••••••••• l=jjjjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Plane for new duplex. ltst lt•H llJS 1• Call e Dally Piiot AD· VISOR 642-5678 Claulflad Ad• are the •newer to • IUCO•Hful garage or yard Mlel It'• a batter way to t .. I more peopMtl * FlfE llEIT * Choice 4br executive ranch sty le home in prime TURTLEROCK location! $1.200/mo r e nt all applies towards purchase in 6 mo. Large. low interest assumable loan, formal dining, frplc, and FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel. 7 141759-1501 or 7141752-7373. * 11.21% FtlWIOlll * llllM VIEW .. E Sensational MONACO M odel on FEE land with large assumable loan!! Featuring 3 BR. home warranty & LOW PRICE. Onl¥ $223,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newpor t Beach. 759·1501 or 752·7373. * 10/~ FllWIGlll* 10~ .... Brand n ew end unit featuring 2 m aster" suites, 2 car ga rage and numero us upgrades. O wne r wants to sell TODAY!! Bring c hec k bo ok and make offer Only $149.950. 2670 S an M igue l Dr., N ewport Beac h . 759-1501 o r 752-7373. •WNIT auc. lfflOI tilt ... ..,... lmt (114) llt-1111 (714) 112-llll IALlll llUll IUITII lllllTill Immaculate and adorable cottage that's very ldvable and livable at $272,500. Near all shopping, this 2 bdrm with great brick patio is the ''BEST BUY" on THE ISLAND. CALL 673-6900 , \.JA TERFRONT HOMES.1" IU \I I 1111' ""'-"-. M..-,., ..... ,.,..__..,., \t ... ._.. ...... $190,000. Co-ops trom S39,000 ... ti llarltf equity price Condos 2 bdrm hooee on 80' R-2 from S75.000 lull price lol with plane for 2nd Leisure World Resales unit. 1259.500. SMWllll 24221 Paaeo de Valencia ... tf lhry Lag Hilla 7141837-5500 1 ~ blocks to ocean. 2 YOU have • partner with bdrm, 2 bath houM on down payment on MW 3 R-2. FrplC, dbl garage. Bdrm., 3 Bath luxury ~!.'!r.!!.~~!~ .•. !.~! 1111•1 nan saL Al 12'/•% and get a gor. geous Condo with ocean view. 3 Br. 2\lt Ba. pool, spa, tennis. walk to be11ch $230,000 Call Delores TSL Propertlel 6"2· 1603 S279.500. condo In Costa Mesa Tlf y•• aaa• wa-y lf•-f•• A L L a m e n I I 1 a s . AA --OCEAN FRONT --r Mt s 1100/mo. All Interest Ct•m BY OWNEFf. XLNT LOC. W Liii RW. n tax daductlble. Own & 2 Bdrm and den home on FLEX FIN 6"0-7990 171-ln.t anJoy haH Interest In this Lido Isle ~th pier and •--... -•• -11-11-Y-IEW __ _ S145.000 .. tata. Chance boat 1llp"ior 101 value -.n "-it• ·-· l0'•.4 ol a lltatlmet 631-5055 on ly ESTATE MUST fllf $112,IOO -·-• SELL Call 540-115 I tor Beautiful Monaco, wall •••••••••••••••••••••• Open Houea Sat. 12•4· more lnf,ormatlon and localed In beautiful Har-.... , fleHthll A•sumabla 111. S60,000. t>or View Homes. Thi• 2 Seller will carry loan for 3900 sq. 11. remodeled BR and den Is the lowest quallfled buyer. Great home near MVCC. Gar-priced home In all ol lerma. 3 Bdrm 2 ba, den Cabana. workshop. Harbor View Excaflanl Maea Verda Hlghlande. 5 Bdrm .. 641-81 15 Agl. 1 d 11 .. ,11 ... _. ~.' ~;~, a=•~d~,~~: n_G_r ... ii ... ;-,,-----,-,-~-J --,-.-.-.. -WIH----,--r ~r~~~~ j', ~~. 0wnr~~~9;_~1 .... siooo"ilWI... ~: .. 2,::U~d~~~~i 5,i#;J.:1-t#!_ ,Jd! 3Br. 1S.. & 1Br, 18e In-By owoer. 2 br. 2 ba avall. Mull sell. Prln J:>r:i~n~ taw Nte, MWty rernoo. condo, end unit. High on I y 8 • 1·9 • 9 9 or led. flexible lenTll. S12fl, Hlumabla, owe S87, 6-46-7958. 900. Of 11y tee option. By 900. 859-1213 or Ive 1---.-.. ,---1-.-.LI ___ , It Ft4. LtHI ltrtl owner 6441-2768 meg ar •n -Take over low Int Int ADULT MOBILE HOME 1 B C d S74 750 ._ ...... •• ,.. " on the Bay. 1 3 Br home $117,500 Lt ... /1 -~--.,. "utiast•a p • R ~ r on o • If .., ~ lHI bdrm, (Ian, 1 ba S60.000. 3 Br Condo $180.000 N-3 Br. 3 a. .. Condoe. •••11••••••80•••·········,·,··• gd~,,;· f~r~a sS::.·ggg. ~ On Peninsula S..29,000 Newport School1. 80"• Watenron1 S995.000 flnanci"" at 12'11"•· 210 •• ' bdrm $25,000. 300 E. 17 .. 1771 181h. pj~ 0,_., 12•5 Seti VI-of the ocean and Cst Hwy Unit 113. N-· .,.. Sun. Dally 1-5: John Ellol w •I k to Iha sand p o r t Ba a ch Bk r . Agent 831-4509 or 213 /333 -36 4 6 & 675-33"7 673-31M>8 av.. 213/902-1298 1---------DISTREIS SILE •0 .. Wiii Good locallon 3 BR. 2 Take 0..,., pawments 01 patlol, stone fplC, entry ' HouN + 2 unit•. Prime kltc:hn, lllOYfl in, Clean. SI ,556 per month. Owe El '-'-S20"' be'~ Gr••t 1-m• Submll all S 130.000 Value approx '"""'· " ..,.. •P· ""' -S 195,000 3 bdrm. 2'1.r iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii pralsal. Xlnl Investment rauonable otrs. oppty o r tax sheller. S&S PROPERTIES bath townhouse Make S550 /m o n ag. wino 898-9824 or 827-4457. otter lmmed Call Ownr/ down . or break even uk t~ Anita Ag I 7 6 0 • 8 4 3 4 o ' w/200!. down. S 135,000. •---------1_9_79_·_33_7_6 _____ _ Wiii trade to r auto . IY IWllll Owner/agt, 548-4360 or lllT IELL 494-0395. Boise Landmark home. 4 JUST $117 ,900 buys bdrm, 2'n ba Dining super upgraded pool room. ltraplace. S220, home. No qualltylng: low 1_000_._8_•_2_-2_1_1_1_E_v_e_s __ lnt8'"t. Bkr 848--0709 /nU• l 044 Nice 2 sty 48'. dbt garage. ••••••••••••••••••• •• • $110 .000. OMC. Mur· l lfT tf chlnson Enterprlaes llAmU 1524131 Sllt,410 AIM•t 12~~ La. Extraordinary 4 bdrm, 3 Br, 2'nba, 1200 eq It, 2V. bath home In a condo. Frplc, oentral vac, chermlng plush setting. 2 car gar w/aklc. ()9nr No ••Ira overlooked, W/w cpl/ d~. $113,500 from foontaln to private In. S 1110/mo pymtl. Full trff-1hadad patio, thl1 'price $129,500. owner home hH everything. wlll carry 2nd. Bob Enjoy the 1ummer In' B r o o k 9 , R a a 1 t 0 r your own bit of pvadlae. 873-2282 dy, 875-6487 Cell tod~. <lENE CON· av •• R&IM~ NYlll l•H UU-OllT• htr 1.1 ACllEI O ut ol lhe lllght pallern . th i s cu11om home offers magnif i cent opportuniti es. Separate .guest home and private pool and spa . Owner wHI finance entire loan. The price Is $985,000. Willlll Colt, h• 714/7~1900 WATERFRONT $250.000 2 boat 1llp1, 2 Bdrma. 2 bath home Has to be Iha be'St buy In Newport Beach" 142-1200 j PETE J BARRETI ·,. REALTY Su JH• .. £~!!'.'.~! .... !.~!! 1e1111111u uu Elegant New England style cOYntry manor Lo- cated on a woodsy acra lot •Br 4ba. 3 frplca, goormal kitchen, axlen- slva oak paneling, d•· signer Ille. 3 car gar. are Just • lew of tha amen!· lies Seli.r Wiii l>uy down existing loan 10 11'11% - fantastic terms Call for more Info rmation and 8PQI IO ... Ott8fed at $750,000 Call 411-2712 -~ l~b • rutla ,,,, . •••...•..........••.. ltUTIP OlllTIY WILU Superb conatructlon. craltamanlhlp l decot'a- tl ng. An archll•ctural muterplece In preatl- gloua Lemon Helghta. 8000', 58', 8b9, " frplc, gym. wine caller. Room for horMI, tennia, etc. C all Alck A ld•r •tt• RHltorl O.velop•r 1or detella. 731·4444 or 731~115 .-11u22m lnoredlble beeu1,J Ofl 2'.t ect• Wltn ~ -penellng, atone OOlumne. Iron t•noe, t•t•• and ••Qulllte 1andeoeptn1. I 1.tH.000 • "''"""· l'llck Al..,..tt "-ltOl'I o. •• 1 ... n1~ t • I I 11, l ':. J. HARLEY ~GS IN -Like most other industries, motorcycle indu.stry w.s hit hard by the recession. One exception was Harley Davidson <>f Milwaukee. Harley's sales -=-= Qoun • .,,,~ ~----4ii'.3lilliF~-1::. ~,:..: .r;;_., TettM..;c oo~tf:r; ~ ATPMATIUU t:-.'1J~~~ P'M.U owuai~ .. ,,. I"~:;:::~,:7'.::~~J STATI Oii OALll'OMU to lie~ ~of-fll LAMY llllAUH t , tM1, ___, bv DIHNll "· ICMI TMI !tr 1"' ~~yt II •DM CH-"1 Ind~ A.NH CHAil IM COUITY # OMW oper t it1 a11d 1u1 tftl}loe _ (r.-v LAWl rehrOd A•rll u , IH t, u , ..... ef WUMal IL "()Ml'M, •1111•1110. e11d prem ""''oil>~ c=-...., D •., • l111tr~111t11t No. t4tll, look 0111111• lntlirance eooep1a.ie 1• 111.: IM>TICll y,_ .. ..,_==. l•O••· ,ag• UI of OlfloltJ NOTICI .. HIMIY OIYIH tNt put~ INI be"°' ....... ,' nie.-......,............ "9ootftOf0rlft09CcluntY,ltet•ot 011 or after July 11, ttlt, the Ille date of reoprd lnt of 1 ....,. ,_. ..,... MeNI ~ • Mt et pu01o IUOUOfl ~..i. JO ANNI l<LllHHIN1 oomeytnce. Tho edml11a110n df ' ' rw r.....-.,.. • .,....._. te .,_~~tot Ollfllln • Adniinlttral« of tl'le ...... °' U11e. r«.ordlnO of oon~. d •' ........... la I ~. lewtlll ll'IO!!lr Of Ult Uniltcl ....... WIU.IAM I(. NOM.tAN, ~. 11"'1 11111 "-'Mae ""'111 INI be-.••" It you ~ te .-tN: lldWle of * the froM elltr*'09 to tN old .ti ... et 1)(1¥eto Nie to the hlghlm 1111 ~ of tne put~ anct:1 ,, an 11tor11~ Iii till• matter, you CIH•!llll()oynty~loc9lld net blddtt, tUl>toot to OOflf'•lndon ....,ln.llCCOfdenotwtfh(MI._ ....,.. ~ ~ to tllel ~ 0 11 ••111•.c.Ana •:=\Id., e tw .. n by tlle ..._\It an.tlu.d IUP9'10t 1c1ollo• cuetomeri ln .aouil'oc_lf 1 NIC)Ol\M 0t , It fl"'I, mey be IYfWllOt9 "'· 1M !'I tne Oowt. 111 the rlgl'lt, title, inw.. Callfornla. . V• llltd on ........ • C1WoJ of llnll Ila. COunty of "'fl· IM et1ai. of Ille o.o.dent at Ille llldt ~ be llMlld end .. • u ~ A V I I 0 I U t t t .i It t I t .i t llale of Olllfotnle. ell t!QM, l"le llncl lime of tilt dllath end Ill rtaht. lltit, opel*6 et Ille offlcle of Ahoedle "'4,v' t :".z····· II hllHIHI ...... lo,., •• oon~ \0 anf no. Mid Ind lnt11tHI tho •••••• 11., by ~. 1010 ~ ~\191\Ue, l. .....,. U& • 1dtuill • Cl ty ol 'llnfa Ante, County ol operetlon of l•w or olherwlH, tulle t7 t2, Ian OleoO,'Ciiffomla.11 ........ U& .-....:• ...... °''""' ..... of Oallfomll. ... l'lgllt, llGqUl<ed other ltian Of In llddltlon to the hour Of 11 A.~ ... of ttlt ..,_ 1 "I •a..._ Lea II ...,., .... , n,... 11t1e lll1d lnterttt ~ lo and Ille\ of Ille cltoeOll\t at the llmt of C14ete. '· 1 • • ....,._' now lltld by It~ MIO OMO of hie CIMth, 11) lfld tctl~ ~ (... fhe prooerty tiettl!I deeOr-io.d i..,>t ti Uated o .... dolloltat el T.Wt, In tNt property elt"*9d lf'I ,Pl'Of,)9(tY IOOll41d In Ille COWlt~ 6f commqoly r.ete,,ed to H HYT.,111 conMjo de 1111 MOclll60 lft .. ,. 111<1 Coun\y 11\d •i.1e, ~ Orange, Slate ol Cellf61'nla, Tulare DrlYe, 10.~'1. Hwlllng\!'}. atun10. delierh h•c•r•o 11· • OMcflbtd .. follow.: lttOh, Callf«nl•. The unoeielOl-lmm.dllt""*'fe· de .. ,. Menetl. Loi 1H of Traol Ho . 8238, PAAOEl. t: Thal portion or Lot t , ... Wit the right lo reteot "'Y *" t• tu reepueMa o ~. ti hllY County of Oren9•. 8t•t• of of Tract No. 8&49, In tl'le CliY Of 111 bide.;, ', 119una. pued• "' regltlr•d• • Cellfornle, H 1hown on • mtp Huntington Buch, County of OATt:D, .Juftt 24, 1982. ; , 1,~ llempo. th•reor recorded In book 2211, Orenge, Stet• of CallfOt'ftle., .. per Jo Anne l<ltlnhln • t. TO THE AESPONOENT: The p • 9.. I t 0 9 I n 0 'II • I ". I meo recorded In Boole *· Pagtll JO ANNE l<LEINHaf ' •' petitioner hU filed t petition Ml1cell1naou1 Mapa. recotdt Of 30 to 33, ~of MllCtlltneOUe .. AdrnlnllllatOI •' oonc.tnlno '10UI awrleot If yOU 1111 Mid Orenge CoutllY, ·~with M11>1. In the office of the Coutlty ol1ho Etllw ot 10 Ille • rMl)Oft .. """flln 30 oeye., euemen1 1 ror •upport. end Rtco<Otr ol Mid County, lflOWn WILLIAM K ,..ORMAN, , ~, lh• d•I• 11111 lhli 1ummon1 11 Mtlltmtnl ~ Mid lol ad)OIM end defined M Unit No. 50 on tti.t o-ued l«Wd on )'OU, )'QUr default rney be tf'fO/ other lot In llbld trllOt, tooMfl« certain Condo1111n1um Plen end -.OAOSI a HOU.YWOOO enter. eel encl,,_ ooun may.,_. a with euemenu for ee\IH or cerllflc•I• (the "Condominium :r-=:-....,... t. ,.cantalnlftO lnjWletl.Ye or ~ whtr• 1uct1 ---PIM!" herein) ,_did • !Xhlt>lt .., AIM!...,.,_., .., ...,.,.._ other orders oonoer""'cl dMllon of con1truot1d In •ooord•nce with "B" 10 and 111corporeled by tOtO~ A.,.A ,_. 1112, have grown despite their high cost. This is a property. •POI.IHI 941ppon. child eppllcablemunldpelordlntncel. rerei>enc• In th•• certeln .... Dtee9.CAl2101 . ; FLH Elec• .... G lid Cl · • uatody. child M1ppof1, tttorney • YOU Al\! IN DEFAULT UNDER aupptemental d•cltratlon of Ta&.: (7~) Dt-11'2 ... ... e 8SSlC Belt Drl 'l/f! ..... coet•. 91\d Md! Olhtt relief .. A DEED OF TRUST DATED APRIL -1111. ~··· ~ltlon• Publlthtd Ortngt Cout D•I~· • m otorcycle. mty be 9rentad by Ille court. Thi 8, 1H 1 UNLESS YOU TAKE end rt1lrlctlon1 lor Hu11llngton Pltot. July t. 2. 8. 11112. • • earnllt!menl of weQM. ••lf'll of ACTION TO PROTECT YO UR Landmar1I AdUlt Community PhaM 27a&-e2 money Of property, or other court PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOU>AT A Ill (• portion of Tflct 854 ... -----------.Uth<>rUed pr-.cslnQ• may alto PU8LIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN rec:on:!ed on Januaty 19, 1978 In P'\8.IC NOTICE' t.ult EXPLANATION OF THE NATUAE ,Booll 11823, Page 12te, a4 eeq. of-----------DATED Augoat 12, tll8t OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST Of1tclal Recordt of lllld County,.. c .... 21m , L .. A, Btanch, YOU. YOU 8HOUlO CONTACT A lrorn Ume to time ~ (Ille NOTICI QC' TMl•TD'• SAU ... Clettl LAWVER. "Suppleme11111 Oecltrallon" T ... No. •t~A By ~"' Get•, The atrfft tddreu or other '*-In). "Y •3'11M-t "' Deputy common dHlgnetlon of the real PAf\Cel 2: An unoMOed 11ee1h ~cuno •Y: , ...... a • .,_ • • CINDY INlAUN properly dHorlbed •bove 11 lrll••• In eno to thOM portlone of NOTICa ; •. -N. .. ..._ tU purport t d to b a 1 et 2 5 Loi 1 of Trtc:1 No. 85411 lhOwn lllld YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A• ....... AAa, CA mot LNlhorwood, lrvlne, Calffofftla. Olflned M "Common ArN" (the DEED OF TRUST, DATED 8-17..St. 1 i :. Arthritis drug warning given Publlehed Ortnge CoHt Dtlly Sllld tale wlll be made, wltllOut "Common ArH" herein) on the UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO' , .. , Pilot. July 2. II, 18, 23. 11182. co-1ent Of warranty, ••Pf-Of Condominium Pllll. PROT'eCT YOUR PROPERTY, IT 2924-82 Implied, reg.,dlng Utle, pa11111'on . EXCEPT Ill oll, OU aod other MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE, I Oral/ex do~ages sh o uld b e cut to avoid k~dney damage I INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -Ell , , Lilly & Co. says it has warnf'd I ! l4Q,OOO physicians around the 1ation to reduce dosages for I I ?lderly patients or a new anti- 1 , trthritic drug, to lessen the Janger or kidney damage. The pharmaceutical rinn said .hat benoxaproren, sold under .he trade name Orarlex. had >een linked with liver problems ind 19dney failure in 12 elderly :>atients whose ludney functions uready were impaired. "The lette r to physicians is with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis," the cor:npany said. The problem can be avoided by starting elderly patients on a 300- to 400-milligram daily doee o f be noxaprofen, instead of the usual 600-milllgram daily doee, Lilly said. Benoxaprofen is given .as a pill taken once a day, the release said. two years, suggest that elderlv 1----.. ---.,.-Mft-Tll'r----1or anc:vmbtlllOll, to pay the unpaid hydrocarbon tuMtenoee end other If YOU NEED AN EXPLAlil1'TION.-, ti h kl " ,.uu..n. nv1~ prtnclpll tum of '62.581.37, pil'9 mlnetale lying below 500 f .. t lrom 0 F THE NAT UR I: 0 F TH I! pa ents w ose 'dney function lnter•t tllereon .. ptO\llded In the the turl~ of the i....o preml .... PROCEEOING AGAINST YOU. YOU .. may be leas than normal may FtCTmOUI .,..... Note MOUred by 11116 Deed of Tndt, together with Ille r1Gf11 to eitplOf• fOf SHOULD C~TACT A LAWYER. • experience aerious side effects at MANI •TAftMINT plu• .. or Ille dett oC the i.ltl and develop 11•cf drlll Into 111d On Friday, July 23, 1ae2 at 9:15• the full 600-mllllgram daily d...... ... ·-publlc1tlon of tlll• Notice ti\ through lhel portion of the leMed a.m .. LOS ANGELES TITLE ANO """" Th f"' tddltlOntl eetllneMd ernount of $4,-P<emiMI lying below Mid <1419th for TRUST DEEO COMPANY 11 duly recommended for normal -~ .... _:-ino pe1t0n 11 dolno 500.00 IOI edvwlola. W eny, undel' 011. gu 111d other hydrocerbon tppolnted TruatH under 1nd 1 ' patients." TH E p Ao FE 8 B 1 0 N,,,. L the i.rmt of M6d Oeed of True1, 111bsttne1t end otti. miner• eno puraulnt to Deed of Trust recorded IC '-,..._ enct -oC the to own ""odUCI 1111rec:t remove J• .... t7. tll81. u lnat. No. 2S213. In • Ralph Nade r 's Public Citium = ARE BUN!AU, 18033 8olea TnA!;.":'-.......--end t~ M,ne ''~ 11\d/or ~ 14 t4a. ~ 403, of OlllQel, Health Research Group asked No. 103• Huntington Bttch. The 8111..._y ~ Mid Deed inrouoh .,., 1t0f• -in Mid ~d• 1n the ottiu of the County Cellfomle 92$49. of TNllt hM ~ uacutad premllM below Mid depth eno to Recorder 01 Orange. County. the federal government to ban Byron P. Hender1on, 35112 and ~ to Mid Tt\19tee , 11011, trHt end procen the CaQlornll WILL SELL AT PUBLIC benoxaprofen as "an immediate Aqutflul DriY't, Huntington Bttdl, wrttten Oolda...,• of~ of the production trom u ld prem1.... A~TION TO HIGHEST BIODER haz"'rd to th" bl'c h 1th " CelHomla 92t49. obligellone _..,by Mid Deed ol without,'--· tl}e right 10 enter FOR CASH (pay•ble 11 time oe .... .. e pu I ea • Thie~ la conducted by'" Trull. tnd • wrlntn Notice ol upon, OWi, IClfON 6r othenw!M UM In lewful money of the United ,,. based on reports of deaths caused unlncorporettd uaoclatlon other DeflUlt enc1 a.c:uon to s.o. whiC:tl the eurf-01 the lelMd Pfaml-. s111•I 11 the lfont entrtnee to tl'le by k Id n e y fail Ur e in than a ~Htodt1ton Notloe llbld TIVll• hM c:IUMd to u renrved t>y the Slg nt l Old Or1n91 County CourthouM, benoxapro{en ll. ts · G _.._ VJ• be recorded on Mercn 3. 1982 .. Companlee, Inc., • COfJ>Of•tion. 1r1 located on S1n11 An• Btvd ..• 1 • pa en in reat ,,_ """"'"t -Ned with the 1n11rum1nt No. 82-073225 of the~ recorded Mwcn 23, be1Wterl Sycamore St .a. Bt<»dwer,. • ,_ Britain. county C1ert1 of °'enoa County on Ofllcl9I Record• of Mid County. 1972 1n Book 10050. Page 237. Sant• Anl, Caltfomla. a11 tight, UtJe . ·, T h e c 0 m p a n y 5 a i d June 9• tM2. Slid ..,. .. be conducted by Offic:lal RiacoflH. and Inter.., conveyed to end now ' ~. be P1t1ta Clllfornlt Pa.ling Ind Pllt>lierllng ALSO 'DCEPT excluel've r1ghll held by II under Mid Deed of Trusf ' noxaprofen has been one of its Publlthtd Orengo Coul Dally Comptny whoH addr•H ind tppurtenant to each unit In the 111 th• property altueted In uld : 1 1 ntended to h ighlight special ls.p eels o{ prescribing 1 •.. -nC ormation for Ora flex_, , , ncluding careful observations of 1 >atient.s in orde r to permit its "The drug has been taken by hundreds of thousands of patients in the United States, the United Kingdo m and other countries with encour aging results in the treatment of arthritis," Lilly said. "Recent medical reports Crom the United Kingdom, where the drug has been on the market for most popular new drugs, with Piiot, June 11. 18. 25, July ~~~2 phOnt number 11 1028 Not1h Lllk• PfOjec;t (at euc:n terme .,, defined Cow\ly and St•te dncribtd •~Loe' · ! 64 OOQ. · • f'"ed · '--" A\'91\U1, Suite 201, Patadenl.. C.. In the eupplemtntal deeltratlon) lor 5 of 1'r~ No. t89&. In the City ol I i afe and eCfective u se in the reatment of elderly patients • ..pre9COJ>Uona-tu ·In lne·-911114, telephone (213) Mt-4544. pasuulon encl occupancy o1 the Newport Beech, County of Orange, first 21 days after i ts U .S . "8.IC N0T1C( D.ATEO:.Nne2t, 11182. pat101. bek:onlH, 1talrway1 1NI Stell ol Calllornla, ••per map introduction May 10. '9CllTIOU9 ..... H 0 M E F E D E R A L I. n d ' "g • • h 0 w n 0 n t h. rtc:of'dtd In booil 11' pages 43. ..... • • :. NAlm ITA,_,,, SAVINGS Condominium Pltl\ aod deeign•led arid 45 of ... 19ce!laoeou• m19S. In The fOllowlnO per-. .,. doing ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION or to be Oellgneted .. Mt forth on the offloe of tne coumy rec:order of --~ M: OF SAN DIEGO, a the Condominium Plen or In tho Mid county . CAMP8ELL -PALOMAR II, CorJ>O<•lkln ... Tru•t• aupplemtntll declar•llOO' .. being The ltrHI •ddrns •od Giiier 27&'1 u Pu Rotd, l.llguNI N9*. BY' Lindt R. Wamer. tppurtenent to 1uch unit , eommon dtalgnatlon. II ArJY, ol tne Ca11fom1a 92e77. Allllltnt Vloe Preeidlnl reeptetl....iy. reel propfrty dl9Mbed . al>O..-II Robert M. Clmpbell, 2 Morrow PHoPubJlllyth2td90r!ng9e.2CoHt Otlly PARCEL. 3: All eaatn'lll\t lor the purpor1160~ Cto t>e: ·'I , --..._,,,. , ....... . . ,.x high schools planning • reunions ' 1 • d Six high schools, including three in Orange :ounty, are organizing 10-, 20-and 50-year eunions this s ummer . For further information call Sharon at Bay, Coron• dtf Mer, CeUfornl• t u · · '"· fi " · exclullve right lo pc>aMNlon at1d ornw .. ._. .... ·~...,.. · 99 09 92826. 2782-82 occupency of thoee portlonl of Ille BNeh. CllifOfnlt 92680. 1-55-8lrtdltr Pec:Hlc II. 1 CtlHotnia DI_ II' N()Tll'r' Common AIM of Lot 1 of Trtc:1 No. The un<let1lgnecl dlS<:lliml any 1 · I Corona d el Mar High School's Class of '72 will 1old a 10-year reunion o n July 31. For ticket nformation, call the Reunion Committee at ~6-7662. par1rltflhiP, 27811 u Pa. ,.UUl.l\o I !W. • 8 5 4 II d •• I 0 n " • d 0 n t h • Uebllity fl)( eny lnc:orrec:tMU ol 11W ., The Huntington Park High School Clus o{ •3i NIQull, Callfomlt 929n. NOTICa INVmNG..,. Condoml11lum Pltn u pttloa, 11rttt tddr ... end other common is Ol'ganizing a 50-year reunion. Class memben and ....,_ 1a oonduc:'9d 11y • OTICE balc:onlee. etairwaya and landing• deelgnatlon, 11 eny. anown herein. those with address infonna••on are ~ested to call gerw1ll ... .-,., ......... .,, ... ...,... . H 18 HEREBY GIVEN t"-1 8lld anown or deelgnated on lhe Said u11 w111 t>e m•de. but . .; u Robert M ;..__.,_. MtltcS ~CIC)OMll wlll O. received by Condominium Plan end/or In the wllllout covenant or warranty. .. 536-5157; or write to the 1932 Class union. 8516 · ....... .__ the City of Coetl Mela •1 '"' ~ l\ICIPltmtntal dadar8*111 .. beltlQ expr-or lmplltd. regwdlng ut1e., • Fl Thia ataMrMftl -flled-"" the of the City Cllr'k at IM City...-. 77 ~to Perce! 1 tllc>Ye. p~r11111ori. or tnQMftbrencn, lo •• R orence Ave ., #203 Downey. Calif. County atr11 °' Orlfl99 County on kit Ortwe. Cott•....._ Cellfo<llia. PARCEL 4: Non-uolutl\I• ~the remllnlng ~·""" '* May 2t. 1912. until the"°"' of t 1.:00 •·"'-on Jv/lt HHmettt• 1or pad••trlln' tlltf thi note(•) MC\Ked-by Wldl>a«tof"" The John Muir High School Class of '62 will ....... v-29, tN2. Ill wtllc:h '""'they wlQ t>e Yehlc:ultr lngrMt. .... tr.....i end Truet. with tnlerHt thereon ... 11 Tustin High School's Cla&'J of '72 will hold it.s .0 -year reunion on Aug. 7, at the Newporter, 'lewport Beach . For further information . call the 'I'u,,tin High \dministration Office. 730-7414. h old its 20-year reunion on Aug. 21 i.D...Pasadena. ......,.. .. "-opened publlc:ly _, reed ~ 11'1 pttve111tree1 ~ "'""· ec:roea orOYlded 1n Mid oott11), ~. ., .:< f h . f J 1 S ~~DfM the Counc:ll Chambers for 8lld ltvough Lota A ttlrough F of lfeny,undetthetermeolttilDeed _. .ror urt. er in onnation write oe heldon. -FURNIBlilNG ALL LABOR, Trtc:1 No. &5411 Lot A o1 Tr.a No ol Tn~•t. fua. c her9" end ~·'· P.O. Box 8611, Pasadena, or call (213) 449-5320. ,.O.,~t#n MATERIALS, EQUIPMENT 8188 asper m., recorded In~ ~ ol the Trustee encl of the ....... mu ,_ TAANSPORfATION AND SUCH 334' P•Q• 35 •t ••Q of trulta cr,ated by .. Id Deed of .• -, The Van Nuys High School Class of '52 will hold its 30-year reunion Sept. 25, at the Bel Air Bay Club. -· OTHER FACILITIES AS ~y BE ' . . T .... t 1222 ••221 -Publllfltd Orenge Cout Dally AEOIJIMD FOR THE RENOVATION Mltcellantoul M9'JI, irl the office of rust, 10-... : . ,...., . I I The Anaheim High School Class of '72 will lold its 10-year reunion July 10 at the Grand Hotel n Anaheim. Cost for the event, Which includes a tinner dance, is $55 per couple and $27 for singles. For further infonnation. call (213) 349.-8528, or write to Marion Holman Grey, 18944 Ballinger St., Northrid~e. PloC, June 1', 18, 25, J\J/1'12, 1Ma OF SLOPES AND P.l<ING LOT the County Recorder ol H id .., ~ruat~~nc:-~ ... °= ~ CONSTRUCTION A't SHIFFER County. end lot A of Trtc:1 No. "" ...,...,_, 1-----------1 73'1. u per map recorded In Book delivered to th• under119ned • DI-ti' flOTJC( PARK. 3143 BEAR STREET, 30 t Pt QI 22 et aeq of written Dlc:laretlon of o.taun aod. 1 ____ ,.._,,. ________ COST A MESA. CALIFORNIA. Ml~ M-In the otb of Otlntnd for Sale, end a wi;ttten NOTICE Oil A ... of pl-. ~leet'ona. end th• Count~ Recorder or Hid Nola oC Default and EJec:tton lo TRUSTtE'I tALE other contract doc:umentt may be County. which non·u~lualv• Sall The undersigned caiMd said I, ' T.t . ..._ 11111._7 ot>tt lned In the office ot the NMmenll th.ii be appurtenant 10 Nola ot Default end Election to · • On July 14, 11182 at t:OO o'cloek Oepertmenl of Lelaure Servlc:ea. 77 Parcel 1 eboYa: Lott A ltlrouah D of Sell to !>Cl recorded 11'1 lhe count)I .. I I p.m. ti the lront 1111>9 of the Old Flilf om.. Cotta M .... C.lffOfnll, TrlCt No. 85411 to be UMd ior the ""*e the rul p!'operly ii IOcltecS. "llTH lllTICIB DEATHS County Couttt>ou11. 211 W. Senta upon receipt of •nonretundtblelee perking ol vehlctea thtt era Neme, Sire et Addresa end II ~I . Ane Blvd .. Santi Ana. Calif. 92702 °1 se.oo. 11 bldderl•req~t plans permitted to pm within the adult Telephone Number or Trustee or , In the City of Senta Ana. Sllll of 1"'d tptdf\cellont IN mllled, the, commu!llly under the provialona of PlflOn conducting sale Is CHICAGO 1 ELSEWHERE Calllornlt , N-Lii• Mort919• & ~~~ ~~~ .. !?1·~-Pl'-~·on 1,,,_ Sec I Ion 8 , HI o f the Muter TITLE INSURANCE COMPAN'll. f H d lllVM1, Inc. u TrullM und« Ille ~· ""' .,, • .,., m...,. ...., Dectar1tlon recorded Fet>ruaty 28. 3255 Wlllhlre Blvd .. LOI AngeNS, I MARSH amilles. e passe away Deed ol Trust •ll*:Uled by Ralph A. PfopoNI form and In the manner 1973 1n Book 10576. Page 17 01 c1111. 900101213) 380-3940, I 1 FLOYD MARSH .beloved suddenly on June 29, 1982. B•rtholomew & Rot• M. pro¥1de~ In lh• contrect OfllclllRecordlo\uk:IC0ut1ty,111d O•te:June21,1982 I ' ather o f L ois Mars h Mr. Gisler was bor n in Bartholomew tiw 11 jt recorded documenu , end •h•ll b• LotsCandDoltraclNo.85oil9to LotAngeielTitletncl ~atheny and father-in-law Ventura County on March WOODLAN p HILLS BAKERSF1ELD (AP) -December 1a, 1911 ~doc:umlnt n. accom~enled by 1 certified or be UMd for the eitclut!Ye ptrklng Truet Deed Compeny • >f Kenneth Matheny. He I 4 • l 9 0 2 and ca me t 0 ( A p ) -A c t 0 r J a c k Mu.el Silva Golllarte, 90. 21864 In boo4I 14*2&. page 21 ,of car:: ~I( 1':: • bid ~ :: u .. of ownere of Condolt'llnlum IS Trustee I ~as preceded in death by his Huntington Beach, Ca. at an M•Jlwy, 49, who 1ta1Ted a.a who chauffeured General of ::>ttlcial Rec:ordl In the offiCe ol the ~t oft:; bid. ~yal>M to Io c • t • d In th• Ph••• 11 I ~~~~Y ovin8 wife Clara. a pioneer early age. He wu a retired an astronaut in the 1960s the Armles John J. Penhina Recorder of Or•n9• County, the City or eo.11 Mesi. ~~~t'"5~:~n-ax.clualv• AQ«lt i if,,.. __ M-·. Servi--will farmer. He was a member of CBS Comedy show. "lt'a to World War I battlefronts f:"lomla. by r_..,t°' dtftult ~ Th• Contr101or 111111, In the IUtll'*'t ~flenent to Pardlll 1 ey. Armand c. ~ '-'19.. ..... .. ~ About Time,. died Sund.a in Dod towing • payment or Pt ormence o perform1nc1 of the work\end bo (lht c 1 Sp 1 C ,, Publlehed Or111ge Cout Delly ! >e held on Saturday, July a. The Fint United ~thodist . y. an open ge . obll91llon• Hcur•d tltereby lmpto!lemtnt• conlorm to the • v• ctuslve or• , no• ;)" P$IOC • .illty 2 .•. 18, 1982 --~ I, ,982 at 1:30PM at Pierce Churc h of Huntington ' car, died Tuelday. includlng th• breech or defeull, Labor Cod• 'of th• Stet• or ~ detet"~ =-:"f~ , 2rlJ;.Hl'"L Jrothers Bell Broadway Beach. Native Sons of the LOS ANGELES (AP) ----~1oe1~;f'!1•-:0~°!':i~ scallfoml•f 11\d olher '-of tlle1 1n Section t9.02 (A) of lh~t 0et1eln I :ha~l. Interment private at Golden Weal #74, San ta Beary ~ 86. a motion FELTON. Del. (AP) _ 12-0eseee of 11116 Oflldel Records: tel• • Cellfornl• •PPlloab • 1upplement•I decltr1t1on of flta)C NOTIC£ •• Abb Pi ... _A Ca a member of ... __ .,,..,_ ...,,..._r who lnsisted F--.. a--·~ ..... , ....... _ ....... _ _,,_ fA , ...... tnereto. with Ille exception-only of -*Ill. COvenlltll. condition• "'IC,....... •• --.. I ... e roae ey erce "'.., .. w.., ..--~ ...-·--.--··--""''a .. ues ......._. ~ ;-i,. ~ llUGh \llWiltlofte • "'t'I be required end re1trlcllont fer Huntl.ngton r "'""' -- Brothers Bell B~oadway Santa Ana Lodge #794 on location ehooting In the ~r who never ~ ~ot the United Stat• """°"' under the IQ9dal statutea ""'**'' l.lndmartl AdUll Comlnunlty PllaM 1 HA• ITArn.NT ! \'lortuary directors. B.P .O. Elka since 1943 and a daya when moat movies popular 1uccua, died any coventnl or .,;,.nly ::.wtlll:llW:O::::""~t>!: (Trec:t 73-41), recorded on Flbnlery bu~~ persons ere doing I C harter Member of the were made in studioa, died Monday. expr.-ed0" ••'o .. °'-~~~ ~bytlltPfcMlloneottM !:·_!!780r=..t~~~ A-VENTURES. 4111 Mlbll'I St..-. GISLER Huntington Beach Lodge Tuesday. His )Ht m ovie. ~-... " ';, p;;;;.. ..... ~ Labor Code. Preference to labor co;;;i'y, H from time to llmt Suite 75, Huntington Beech. CA ALLEN T. GISLER, age # 1959 B.P.0 . Elb. Since bia "Tender .b the Night."' was llll..TON HEAD JS , ~..,bled-of T,,. ttlt etllll be£: only In the menner amended (lh• "Supp11rnen1a1 9~CTOR c ROBELET, 6872 I• lO , a member of one of reUrement h~ w•a a made in 1912. · S.C. (AP)-Bea G-_... ..._ . ..,.-~---to-..... T-.-..:..... .... PfcMdtdNo'""' low....:. ... .._ ..... _.__ Declaret1onfor'~l"hertln' ) ard ~-, r.r., .-.---·~ -•--• _, .,. con--.,,_ " P111lden11 Dr ive, Huntln91on ! • Huntington Beach Elke LONDON (AP) -Alldre and d1rec:tor of-U.S News lll'*9d 1n the County of <>renge ~~of~ enc1i.rnadl .....-it~ to Peroel 1 MARGARET A R08El.£T. '. •''. . ~. • )range County's founding vo unteer g ener at the a former managing editor uld OMd 1>f Truet In property 1 11 Midi :=lumlalled by PARCEL 8: A non-nelualve Beecfl. CA 92648 I Club. He will be .. dly T.USewlQ, 46, a Pou.h-and W Jd Report · 'guine tale encl Celffomlt end dtac:tibod In dal will\ ' ~ of •bowe (the vetilc:I• ator ... "" 8872 Preeldtnll OrlYe. Huntington I mll9ed by famil~and many born concert planlet, died died ~u.nda ma ' M : IN~=~· nofl .. llC:lutlva •cc:esa HMmtnt) 8"c:h, CA 934148. 1' I Saturda Y · A lelMhOIO lltllO .,,..,_. In and Eld! ...----....___. ....,. apeclftc:ally dttc:ribed 8lld Ml lorth Thia bullntA le conducted by 11n • •• 'AaFIC YllW friends and El . Beloved Y· ---"' to Lot 15 ot Trtc:1 •211 •per map -··~ __. ~ irl Section 19.02 (Al of tllal oerte1n lndMdull I MIMOtlAL ,AalC huabandofF1otealB.Gialer, PENNSAUKEN NJ NOOl'oedln&ooat54PllQM22WI --n:~~byl of supplemental decler111on ot lllotor C. Robelet ' Cemetery Mortuar\' beloved brother of Bertha TORONTO (AP) -11or (AP) Dr J 'y . . 23 of M~ Mapa In the •r City covenenu, condition• and ' Cha"""l-Crematory ~of w--·---. Ca .• Gone•llo, 63, • Soviet -.. 'rome ..... ofboftlltrecdt~ofllll6COIWltY. eo.ta ..... ~the r1ght lo re11tlcllon1 for Huntln ton • .. v a. ......... ..,, 4 7 , a pod I at r ls t who TM unpeld bllanct lll1d ... lmai9 r~ any "' a. L811dmartt Adult Co<Mluolty, Tille etaternant WU tiled llltth t11e • County Cieri! ol OrWlge Cour«y ~ • "\ June 3o. 1912. 3500 Pac1f1c \ltew Drove da kenberg of Norwalk. Ema-y dpher clerk whole underwent three heart ofooete. ·~enCI ed\lenoetM °"" P. PtllnMy ll(Trtc:1818'~dedonFtt>ru Newport Beach Ca. and Ann Fallon of lenMtional defection In l~ transplants In the 1970s, dJed of .Juftt 17, 1118219157.•77.87; Mid ~~Y ~ !::U 27, 1974"' IJ083, Page •1• 6'<4·2700 Do E G ' J f shat•___. ~"'-c...."'-t W_..___..~ amount wltl ~ untK d•I• ol • et eeq. of Offlclal l\ecordt of llbld F~--­PUbllahed Orange CoHI Delly Pllol. Juty 2. 9, 16, 23, 1982 McCOllMICll MOHUAlllS Laouna Beach •94·9415 LaQuna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano •95-1776 ·--- HodlOI LA WM-MT. CX.IYI Mof1uatV •Cemetery Cren.tory t62S Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 5'0-5S54 f wney, m eat 11 er o .... ~a ,.,. <:>UY..., spy """"..........,. ..... Publ thtd Or111g• CoHt Dilly county. u Jrom Um• 10 um Huntington Beach. Ca. and lint. died Monday. The '""' addrtu and Oilier Piiot, Juty 2. 10. 1982. 2etM2 emended (the "8uppl•m-nla An&one Gisler of SUveracio · --SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) -oomrnon d91101\at1on. 11 aoy, of tile Dtdaratlon for PlllM II" h«tln). Canyon . Ca. He is alao LOS ANGELES ~AP) ...:.. Aa11a E•tubef~ geemer rea1 P<'Of*'Y dtlc:l'lbtd aboYe 1a "8JC NOl1C( PARCEi. 7: Tt)oet survived by several nieoe9 Retired Rear Adm, ermu Wiiton, 8~. an artier and ='=~~:~morewey. '9C"'10U9Wll :='(.~1.,~c'!i~~Ofl~ FlC~~A~H •• ,•l and nephews. Friendl may S. R e I c la, 7 7 • w ho educator, died 'l'uaday. Th• underalgned TruitH ..,. ITAW uc:tu11ve yyltfno Ht•.'17'•nl) The followlng Ptt90l\I.,. doing ·• ... call at Pierce Brothen comm anded an an ti · ---dltcltlm,t a11y 1feblllly for any Tiit I04towlng ptt90n la ctolng ~ deto'tlbedo2 (ln<IEI Wld ~e~h Wt1neee ": ' • ·Sml the' Mort uary on submarine ta1k force CHICAGO (AP)-Waltetr ln00rt«1._ °'the w..t addf9M bullnaee • In Sec:tlo~ 1 •n , MICAOLU'TION. 1000 Quell .. Sunday. JulY 4, 1982 from attacked by J•Jl•nue E .''Ole"Olsea,M.arednid ::=:,,:::ndellgftdOn·" ~ ... =~dAa:.:r-"°'·.~=ior~~t =~•._20. Newport leach.CA ; 12:00 noon to ~:OOPM and kamilraie pilots ln the battle executive of the former New OAT!O June iT. '*· M ...... 800 ..,_ PARCEL 8: A nOll•UCl\t1lv• OEAARD GUYOO, t22t -. ... tram 8:00AM to 9:0CJPM on for Oldnllwa dUJinc World York Central Rallniad, died 81M11clely: ....., '*oducta. inc. N .. ,...._..9-dl. CA .-.s. .....-ot ~"*" 10 ,..,.. 1 eoeet ~Newport. 8eaoDh. CA ... r Monday. July 5, U82. Warll,diedMonc9-y. Thunday. fl'foflt8hatlno"9n ~...,.....lt~byM.OO..•aDei:ttlcelYdeacribedaNI ~ ...:·· Funeral eervlcea wlll be ----~~ nt Cone, Awt .. AzMta. lfldM•• ... fOrtft (n ~ a.CM ol ttlt DICK VINK. 19341 POft ~ conducted on Tue.day, July u!.~PA1. Fla. (AP) -NEW YORK fAP) ~~(2t'l~t3t3 ,,.11~·,~t;:o:.tllect_,,_ :!_....,~.,....,.,..,..,~~~=.-.El 6. 1982 at 2:00PM at the ..__ Waner, 61, wife of W a I 1 • 8 • 4 8 Hew Ufl ~ lrMlt .. Irle.. County a11t1 « ~ 0....-on l'ARC!L 9: A no11-uolu•lvo ~" "-'· Piiio AHO. CA MIOI. HuntJn1ton Beach Elka Tampa induatrl•llat Jim ~d r t ,r etmh •! 't __ : TNlltt • .u.t. tea. ......-.1 ~IO PltOll t lf\UCI! 8TEW-A,.T. ua, t• Lodfe #19U at 10840 Wa1'8-.dled ~y. ' .... U~ted rw:.s~~=. Addi' .. 37tl "-atlf Santa ~ebo¥1-~6ti:ICl~llltd ~.~CAtt"6. "" Talbert, Fountain 4/alley, --clMd S.turday. 'm~""' A~i!:.~ ~1~=-~ ;w :.::"~ ..,!,'.!'.:W:: ...':..'=='.,:,. condllcted" •· •"· Ca. With Rev . .\) Jarwen and BA81:L Swiia.rland (AP) 1y. "-llood tan.a . O.H. Quyod "' Rev. J\.ick Ertel and the -A•eJf' Pertmu•, 86, CHAPEL HILL N C PubueMd Orente CoMt O~ PAAICK 10: Anotl: ...._..,. 1'1111 et.atoment -flltd "'"" ... ~. Offictn of the lbUftc\on • sooa:o.fat, di.cl Monday. (AP) -&a .... a-... . "°'·Jul¥ 2, ..... ,... 2t .x mncr .......,~'=.:.. 9:1.: :\°='of Or1n99 County on -I Be# ~~ !!~~?· a~, Lodae H• ~-.. credited wlth Carmleh t l, 89, • tonne~ __ .,. ...._. ''* iirliriUGI-· n ltetlOll tU1 °'1'" ebo'oi• -.\. • ., •"'• .... •..--1 1 • ~Ttifta. AD....,._,t developlf\t evidence that d ean of women at the ,._ ,.,,..., ..._ ITAW ~to......, D ••llMft. l"UDllllMd Ort11ge CCNl#I w~ be.._ et W..unlnlt« ..,.lJ INft WM pNdmdned Un Ive ra I t"J o I North ~ ~ ..... ft M'9 UC:!!J~ ,ot11tft ~ "°'• Ntt t. t , te, ~. \-;..._ • Cemetery. T1tt~.Jaml~! t.o bKofn• an lna.llectual CaroUna. died s.i.urcs.y. Moh .. •• HI• ••••r •• t 11 '"1 'IN u Till 1T10 N ,AACl!L 1 t: 4 t1011·••..-.lve .-.• sugHt.a contr -uoo.e ..... betftl. _ ,........ .. ef ....._ 9' ~ Clf LA. r-M~ 400 ~ If ...,... 1 • made '9L\h_• 'u.11$.in ton ..___ OJ:NJ:SIO Ny (AP)_ ""c!t .. -.°"'o.efn. "' TV1U11 A!tlllt'. lt11t• '101 •U•• (tll• .:;;~11 Ill rJ W WJ11Cl . ;_ &em 1:1.a Lodlt 1 • • -•• r....~111'1. '.:=•;:~; .. oH • euUMi 'I :af;Ji-.r- 1 • Fund In .......i of .w.,, LAUR&L Md. (A"P) -The ~.1"ta "· u......... In ••• ""= 11111111.. t•> "'" v ·~·-'-••• • ,., ... Md -I .. -~ Olalar. Pie~ Bro•hah Cir .. ' T • 8 0111•.,' 10, ~~-II u t b h ck ::.= .... '.:,.::::• ... vz1•' foroaraUo•• io ' " I : J'fE.' •' '"• <Jlfl -.,0 ,!t "' --....i....o u-•·-~--cr.iltild wllh rnalllna the~,_, __ , ~ln1lw -~.... .. .--.a...-...CA .. t J' __ .._.,. "''··~ _. -:--, ___ ... Unt boto • IY pf lb • nation Mllaned '° an all• • ~ tO:tl utt H tot 011 •11 !H ee, ~ ,_,, 1111-. ..,,,.,, ••• r..r •••.• , ... •htte _ .. ,.u ••. dleol t;;_t1;. ~:~ ... ~·· l~.:: :'Rr·r.= ~· ~-,. ~. ...,.... '· . ~-... w......... .. ~ ' -.. 801TON l AP) -DT. IOI ' -•...,..,...., fllf •• •~1••11:_•• a TT~ ,,W-~'-1 • tr CllMm a"'•• ,.. ~ ...... 'It "I c ..--~ii o .. r:'u· ~!lfj .. , ,u a.11gh& ., ~f-wl:i_'r!'""' =t ~--• • ·~ .... , .. , .. ~~ ·~ . .... '"'""' a-... ,.. -.,., . ...-..... ..._. I ' ... ,..,.......... I ....... ~ w. • rel41 1 11H1,,.a14 a..e • 291"&-U Mt.IC NOTICl * ~ ............ , h b ""'~~~t.:.·~v= or ome uyers ~""'· NO. AU , • o!t.T::~~ ==-=-~.,:t~ A homebuyw'1 lnlonm~~ mtJUed Te Ill ...,._ ............ COWlll ..,_.,~CA•"•· ·~Keya to TOda)"1 J'tnancia1 .... , wt1l be Mid o,,_.Uore and oontln ent .::.=--11 ........., ~ a Jul,y 10, lrcm 9:30 Lm. to 11:30 at the~ Valley ':fW. ol ~o 8a..'I · •. ., ... D•llnty Ca:Dmunlty Park ln 1Al\ma Nlluel pereou "' --.. 1no. 8poNOnd by the SU. & Mariurt1nl Councdl ~-a::~ la ._.y, Mtr .. dH L. 11""111' ol the Bulld1nc IndUltty ~don, I nan-profit A ...UUcln a. been tlllt •Hllll'lll••,...-.. • fie educational orpniladcl\, thia 11ro1Hm wW covw by Ou'GI J. c..a.r-in t:"la, °=2 °' °""" OtuMr °" flnanclnt pro1r1m1 avall,ble ·at re1ldenu11 l"uperior Court of · ,._. communldm 11 w.11 • the ltruotw1na to 1111 an OoUnty ~that '11alllt\M Ora,. Ooeel Delly •JCilUnl home, J. Caller be appoln\ed Piiot, June•· Mi 1· •· 1';~:r., ' SpMldnc wt11 be ffarYei St.earn. vice pnlldent pfnooal ·Npneen\aUve of matbtlna and product development few the admlnl1ter th• Htate of MUC "1TICl Ml•lon Vie]o Company ln Ml.Con Viejo and ~~don ~ IUtnBM Danielle Kennedy, coowner a.nd coopera~ ot ot llita'-Ad) The pe\I TM ~ :::: ::. dollll Danny Kennedy Real l'.ltate of Mt.ion Viejo. la '" for ~ tn ..,._ • A eecond IMn1nar wW be held July 17 ln north No. :s a\ 700 CMc c.nw LAWVUll AllU .. ANCf Qranae Councy at the Brea CMc and Cultural Drtw, Weet, In tht Qty of ~ ~~ ~'°'· Center ln Brft. Santa Ana, Callfornla on i111Hlo N. 'rlllCMtoo, 111o .. • For lntonnation, call 857-2555. July 21. 1812 at e:ao a.m. Cll"Otnl• I•• OOfPot•llOn .... ---------- Seminar . offered byOCC 1Y YOO om to ~a:-°'· ttoO,eoeu....., Ml.IC llOllCl ....-ntiftl ol tht ,,.a"°"' you TNt ....... la~ ~. fllOm'IOUe ...... lhould e&thw a~ at -.ioiatk111. Ulm ITAW hearln1 and Ital• you lmllo N. ~. lno. Tha fo110w1ne l*'ON -doerlg obE\lona or file W1'1ti. ~tanoleoo ~= 'Al'ILY PA,.TNlM ob tlona with the cour Tllla ll•I•"*" w tied wilt\ tt'9 32371 oarlbb .. n Dflv•, Laouna be ore the hearlnc. Y'ou COuMy ~ M OrMge County on Ntouel. CA mn. a~ may be ln pe Junt t, 1Ma. '1tt'11 Johll ttw1n Holing end Pelticle 01" )'OW' attorney. ~ublletlecl Or Ooaat Dall) :~~= ~~ J~ I ' Y 0 U ARE A P1bt. "'-11, 1r.l:. .1111ty 2. 1Mt -11, lHt. 32371 C-.bbeM A eem.lnar that often CRl:Drl'OR or a cxinan,en ..HH-G O(tw~ ~· CA t2tn. instruction on how to credlt.or of the deoeued, Pml.IC NOTICE . ~~2S1 Ollbett •tart a part-time buslnel)I m\lltfUeyourdaimwtth StNtt, ·~ 11· will be presented at court or ....-nt It to & ... 711 A.,. E= = WA e.~W 1°"' personal repreaentatlve' NOTICE OF DEATH OF Thia~ ia ~ by• Oranae Coast College ln , appointed by the courtl & EN NET B EV GENE general partnerlhlp. Costa Meu. within four months from the! WILBE~1 Sil. AND OF JoM ~ Hot1nO Tit 1 e d "How to date of first luuance o PETITIOl"f TO ADMINIS-Thie 11~=1 ~ with Ille Develop a Second Source km.en M provided ln T E R E S T A T E N 0 . County Clelit o1 Orange Courlty on of Income," the 8e9lion la 100 of the Probate Code o A-114111. M 1. 18'2. slated July 1~ from 7 to California. The time fo To all hein, benefidariee, ........ -·cert.en 10 p.m. ln OCC'1 Fine fillnc clalml will not e credlton and continjent : ~=--........... Arts Hall 119. prior to four montha credltora .of KENN11TH "'' , 121 c.r,entt1 1 Ad:mi-1on 18 $5. the date of the hearln EUGENE wn.m:R. SR. and -~....., Semlnar lecturer is nodoed above. peraona who may be ....._,_ YOU MA y EXAMIN otherwi8e lnt.erested ~ the .....,.,. ...... CA ~ ,,... Richard Hart. a •peciallat the tile kept by the court. will and/or estate: Publl1Mcl Orange C~1t Oalty in buaiJM!t9 plannina and you are interested in th A peUUon haa been Wed Not, .1111ty 2, '· ,., 23. 1 .. 2 former ch.afrman Of the estate, you may tile a req by JUDITH K. FICKETT ln 2921-12 Orange County Chamber with the court to receive the Superior Court of of Commerce. 1peclal notic e of the Oranie County requeaUna PWl.IC NOTICE inventory of ·eatate aueu that JUDITH K. FICKETI' 1e.-PWlJC NOTICE and of the petidona, aooounCI be appointed .. personal 1'9ChliOU8 ...... PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE and reporu deacrlbed In repreeentative to administer Tha .:::,:TA~. dolnO HELO BY THE COSTA MESA Section 1200.5 of the the eatate of KENNETH buatnaetaa: penona PLANNING c~=a~ ... ~ California Probate Code. EUGENE WILBER, SR.. FRONTIER MANUFACTUNNG, ~ ~ e:ao p,,;. °" .. eoon Man s. Rafepen, E9e1. cx:>STA MESA. CA. (under 2955 ""'-1 A--. Coate ...... .. poea1bl. ~'on Moncley, Au.ne~ a1 i.w t h e I n d e p e n d e n t ~ = 0 re Bu 11" • 11 ~ 12. 1982. llallll, Cader 6 Ldf Admlnlltratlon of Eatate. Maclllnu. Inc .. a New York IP~~ng th• toll o;-lng W S. l'lewer St., ti ... Jl'loer Act). 'Ibe petldon la aet foe COJPC)fatlon, 950 ~Road, 1 z~n• !xc:ep11on Permit IM Alta ... CA Ml"11 heerin8 ln Ilept. No. 3 at 700 No111M0wn, PA lf.403 ZE-12-102 and tenttllve map of (Ill) 415-Mll Civic ~nter Drive West, Tiiis ::,:i-la cionduc:Wd by• tract T11123 tor A09er Oanlel Publlahed Oran1e Cout Santa Ana, CA 92702 on COIPQI ~e ...,_ Loc::atw1. author1liad aeant tor NII Daily POot, June 25, 26, July July 28, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. ~ tnc. ~~ :'5~ ~ ~ 2, 1912. IF YOU OBJECT to ~ Alcherd J. NalNn. with a ~ fl'om ...,_ eetbadl 2796-82 grandnc of the petition, you Tllla ..=.:..-::"111ec1 wlVI Iha requtremente, to allow th• ---"8.IC--llO-nct ____ aboWd either appear at the Collnty an °' 0r-. County on conettuction °' two OOlldollllMllTI --iiCmiOUi'iiiiiiii8-hearlna and atate your June 22.. 1M2. ~.end• tenUlltYa ~aot ..cnnoue • 11 •• obE' tiona or file written ,_ ~2~ oe;'ra':u:'~~· In an ,.': ..._ ITAW ob Uona with the court Publl•Md Otenge co .. t Deity :zone. EnWonrntntat °"'-IMIMlon; ~-'°':""9 ~ -dolnO be ore the hearinc. Your Piiot. June 25• Jvtt 2· 9· 1\;~ Ex.empt "OBIN·AOBEMI PAINTING, a~ may be in penon For IUt1Mt lololmMlon on the 17172 aolH Chica ,.d '17 •• __ .,,. ~ above appttcatlo"•· telephone ~ CA .... ' °" ~ ~. 'IJllW1. ~ nu1-. 754-4245 or call 11 IN ofllot °' tN ~ ~ ;,172 eo.a Qilcia I '! \) U A R S A .owa °" uu fltar"*'O ~·t Aoo1t1 200. n :.J.17, Hvlt1fn01on --... CA ~·:. CllD~ to..._ 11 ~":".t;.,~ F~u'=9...:.ci 0r:C~ Aobert 8t11be"b.,J: 17172 -..&to.,..wclillla.ubthe ~of ..... OI~ Plot..Nlty2, !Ma =-~.::.. 111, HYi•lllDI• ccut aw,..._ It to tM ::.;.· ... ~~T:':11 MUC 9IJllC( TNa ....._ 1a 001 d _,, ~ a penonal npr ... ntattve ...-......., ar.,... CA .-• '"""IOUe .,11 •• .....,.,......... appointed b7 the court 10:00 a.111. '"~ ... 1• U..ITAW Aolllr'I Oelltl within four -.a. trmn the day of Jiiiy 1tH. tfle tol6oWlno The tolowlll8 ...,... _ dollll ec!:,"c::-"':tltC::.~': date of fin! luuance of ~ro,r".....:.":b.VlnNo . .,.,..,_-= June t , 11'2. leUeft M pl'OYkled In~~ Mo1F1212"', CA Uc Jto. 1112.. INITIAL IMPM18K>N8-WEIT, P11t119 700 of the Probate .........., on ~ye#.. Ullknowri make. 300 P9dlc co.c C:: ·..,... J, Publlalled Oranoe Cout Dally California. The time for old AlmJ ~ 2"' ton weW INCi! ~~'. Patereo:":!85 "°'· .111119 11• W, 2&, .Nlty ~~ fillnC c1aimll will not expire VlnS::. ::00..":1~"°i:=: °' Marl"o Drive, Newport heoh, 1----------prior to four mont!w from edllf)'lng..., °'IN "'*llglied tot Ca1tomt9 12'a "8.IC llJT1C( the date of the hearing towlno and/or etorao• cllerge• Richard F. Kohl, 30S 25111 t -fiiCmwaiiiUiiiiiiM-DOticed above. togaCNt wit!\ c:oet9 o( ~ ..,_ Dme. Ceder ....... ..,_ PICliillOUS • H•M YOU MAY EXAMINE encl~°'..... 32:: ~ 11 OOllducl9d ~, U.. ITA,_.. .... _ "''-.. _.by ... _~·-If o.t9d ~2nd dey °' .Nlty. 1M2. _... W11•1t'n. TM loflowlltt pet90ft .. dolnO """UK"""~ \6JC ~.. ..tJ<. LIEN SALES ----... lllU .. • • yo~ are interested in the PublllMd Otanoe Cout Dally Aob9rt A. ~ HALLEUJAH ANSWERING estate, yoU may file a request Piiot, J4i'f 2, 1N2 TNI "1111.,.it ... tied wlttl lN UREAU. 1882 Gardan Orova with the oourt to receive 2n1-a2 CowtlY an al er-. Courlty ~ Oarderi OtO¥a. CA~. Junt t . 1"2. ~ w. Ham, 1471 tvy Cir., spec I a I notice of t he PlaJC NOTICE 'tettl'I on Beadl, CA 12Me. Inventory of estate aueta '"iiiiitiiiiii'OiAiAii;c;iiiiiwrl PublllMd Otenoe Coaat Dally Thia te ~eel ~·an and of the ..-l•lw aa::ounta ITAT'Dmlff Off AaAMll 01....-T Plot, June 11, 25, J4i'f 2, I~_ ,...._...,..., Off U. OP ACmtOUe .. _._ &lrlg w Ham and report1 described In IUH•M MAim ThlaetaWneni-flledwtt11tr1a Section 1200.5 of the Tha tollowlng pereon1 ha11• ty Clattc °' Orange County on CallfomJa Probete Code. abandoned the UM ol tha Ac:tlttoue ---------- 15• 1182. L SCOTJ' liRLJN, ~U=N CALIFORNIA ,_ A&WnwJ at i.w PublleNd Oranoe Cout Deity lUIZ Newpwt A.e .. #itl ALARM COMPANY, 102 Eucalyptue ·June 11· 25. JAi'f 2. 9~ TaUa, CA tHM LnT~t~ C:u:7t Name IUllllM um ----------Tel.: ('11') 711-IW referred 10 above wH ftted In The totlowlng pu1on ha1 .. ·-.,,. --... Orange County on 3-2.:M 1. Ale No. wlttidl8M'I M • oeneral !*"* lrom ..._ nu1.-F1715ea. the petlnenfltp opertting under the NC11'10Ue • n•• NIClt O'MAU.EY, Datllel s. en.. 102 E~ tlctltloue buelneu name ol IUlm ITA~ A....., at i.w Ln.. ea.ta ....... CA 92927. ~ PAINTERS. 35' eo.ca The --.. - -......... w Towa Cater Drl••. Tlmotlly .... Cna. 2035 Colage ..... Street, Coit• M•H, CA -• ..----• St., ea.ca Maaa, CA t.2121. 92827. 111111._• • #... Tllla bualrlaaa ... oonduc:Md ~a Th• flctt1tou• b11t1neu name LPA, HU lolu Avenue, C.&a Mesa, CA tuU general per1ntllfllP. .....,_,.for IN par111a111t111> w Ugflc::,F=--· Tel.: (7H) IU·tNt DaflMI 8. Cna flied on Jenuaty 11, 1M2 In tN •• • ooipoiatto11. N15 Pubu.hed Orange Cout Thlt ..._...,. -tied w4dl the County °' Orange. Aw, WM1m1M1.,, CA Daily Pl.lot, July 1. 2, 8, 1982 ='le~~ Or-. Courlty Oii ~ :,~,... of tha 2fH4-82 Publleti.d Orenge eo .. e Deity 3M ~ U.. SW. ----------I Piiot, .N1ty 2, t . 16, 23, 1N2 . Cotta ~ CA t2'27 ~........ "8JC '1TICE 2t2M2 ,_ "'-a c11111, tnc:. PIC1'mOUe aH•te f'laJC "°1lC( Publlllled 'Orange Coeat Dally !..-W. Hotton llMm ITA~ Plot. JAi'f 2, I, 1'. 23, 1MI TNI ~~ flll:!_~ h ~":.!.O:Wlllf .,_,.,le dcHng .r~11:.:rr. 2t07~ -"'-... --" .. Oii MA PAN<LE. 2101 s.,...., u. °' "°"'*" PWUC llOT1C( ' P11t ... #3,~Afla.CAt:mM. The ~~o" hu fltCTlnGUelUllBM PubllaMd Ofange eo..t Delly ......__._ ...... ~ Hoemia. ~1 8 · aba11de11ied tM i.-9f .,. flcttltol'8 --. ~AW-....-.. Jllfta 11, 11, ts, Jtt11t 2. 1m .. _ ••·--"""-CA .... CM. ~name: ,.,. ·~• .,.,_ -• 2"1~ Thia~ la OCll'ICIUclMd ~an IMPENAL DYNASTY, 413 S11C ~ LIOIJO". 1043 Hot1ll Aob9rt G ~ Stre91, ~ lleed\, CA t2te3. ........... ,. .. • • fllecf The FlctltlOUI 1111lne11 N1me Co.t HltlttWer. LllYM -·· ...... Thia......._,. -""" lN referred to abo¥• WH flted In tae&1. _ an °' Or-. County on Orenge County on Ftbruary t , Lombardo Eu..,._. tno .• • 5. 1"2. 1912. Celltomla oorporllllon 11321 Hlantlo ,__ MARIANO SALDANO, 2341. ~I.•. H11nt1n9ton ... 011, CA PubllMied 0ta1199 COU1 DWty CA .,_. Jurw 11, 21, JA;, 2. t , 1112 Warwlclk A~. Lo. Al\otlM. Thli . .,.,..,_ la ~ ~ a ---,.--lt-.,-fl ... IC(~-2111 .......... a .. 1 ~--conduc'9d by corporetlOll. lomb9rdo lnta ... --. MatWIO 8aldMo Inc. Tllla •••-It -,... wtt11"" ,.,._ John L. Lo11111erdo, ~°=a of °'*"' c-.ty Oii Tllla lllll 1 Nlil ... llld .. lie • · ,_ ~an o1 °'*"' ~ °" ~ OrarlOt C-1 Delly Jwnt • ... ,_ ..... oMt 2, '· 1t, 13, 1112 ....a ftulllltfled Of•llf9 eo.t Delly MIOllMI I.ff "•tint. 100t2 Plot .Mle II. oMt I, I. 11. ftll =,.... ......... , ..... CA ftlUC 9TIC( mMI TNa ............. fllad wltll 1flt TN1 1 ..,._ 11 Olfl t cte1 br °" ':.:I.'°"' Im.." .-JC MmC( C::..°' 0,.,.. County on ltllli;1tlll ITA ..,_ °" NU ' P1-TNI 1-::::'tt .... "'::. .. lie ~ -:;1119 ,.,_. ... dolllt ~ II IOMl7-,~wr.:::;: ...,......., °'9119& Co.t Delly ~a.II of~~.,. OOAITLINI T .. AVIL, HI '° ..... 1 -" ( ,.Mfl,e,te,U, "'2tt.IM2 Mlr1l,tla.. PW ~g:~~·· 12,G, Newport:-.. ~. t/A"'9=-•T~ fmlC llmCI ,......., Oran.-C.... D9IW ~ ............. 0.... a .. ~ rn... ~ N, l-~mrr.~==r--1 .... .,....1 , ...... :;::: g,-::~..::. A-.~~ ..... ~-== llMI n.i ~ II _,, ltl f .., e ./dJt :.\ ':.: ...... fte................... f9UC.. .... .. L.,....._ lft .......... lll ~I l1110k llltlerll VIII OrinM OOMt DAILY fttLOT "nMr· Juty I, 1111 Cl TUING IBAPE -The niew Boyt and Olrll Club at 29& &. Yale Loop In Irvine II MeMi of ~ ICbedW. and lhould be completed by tat.e October or Mrly November. oftldall ...., .............. aay. Annual tlO rectmation for partidpanta probably wW bea1n tn •September 1 before the SL~ mllllon club 11 flnl1hed by Gento1l Brothen General c.ontracton Inc. Benefits lost . .. 1n new contract But Lasuna city employees win guaranteed pay increases By PATRICI. J. KENNEDY ' or .. ..,,.. .... New contract.a for Laauna Beach city employees guarantee pay lncrea1e1 and lmproved benefita but many workers are bitter over beneflta they are losing. . The one-year contract11 approved by City Council ana groups repretentlng police, fire and city hall worken. give rai.aes between 4 percent and 5 .5 percent ln January. The pacts abo grant long-term diaabillty payment& to injured employees, and require the city to pay a portion of salary reductions for employee retirement plans. The city offered sever al contract options. but to get more money and better benefits the 160 city employees had to agree to a one-third reduction of paid sick leave -from 12 to 8 days. That they had to make that concession for the better contracts upsets some city workers. "It waa a case of finally deciding to take the money Jll1d run, but our employees are irritated and bitter that we had to give up that lick leave to get what we deserve anyway," aays Danell Adams, president of the LagWla Beach Police Employees Amociatlon. "We are lick and tired of beln& on the lower rungs of salaries in Orange County," she said, addins that it'• hard to keep experienced police officers in Laguna Beach becauae they often quit to work el.ewhere. Offlclah of a11ociatlon1 repreeenting fire department and munidpal workers alao regret the lick le.ve reduction, but they say the better contracts were worth It. ''The employees aren't overjoyed, but it's a tradeoff," says Rich Dewberry, secretary of the Laguna Beach Fireman's Association. "We had a choice to take a leseer pack.a!e (and keep the full sick leave),' he said. "In the private or public sector the employer always has the 'advantage (i n c o ntract otiationa) " ~ity Manager Ken Frank Aid the sick leave reductions are needed to "improve productivity" and reduce overtime pay 10 the city can afford to increue salaries and benefits. He says the new contracts will coat more than ..~.000. Frank described the two- month-long ne,otiationa aa "difficult sessions' but he says he believes the contracta are "fair to us and fair to the employets." Frank alao said Laguna Beach i.a now one of the few cities in California that gives employees lea than 12 days of paid sick leave. "But we're so ahort-•taffed that when someone geta sick we have to pay overtime,'' Frank said. He says enother pa.rt of his "oroductivitv packa~e" is to reassign po lice and f i r e department worke r s with minor injuries to "light duty" such as working a switchboard, rather than pay workman's compensation. Frank says it's too early to detennine if the pay raises will move city employees up the salary ladder in comparison to other Orange County cities. Workers in the fire and police departments will get 4 percent ra i s e s and an impro ved retirement pension formula. Other workers get a 5.5 peroent raise next year, he said. Valley picks Panel members Civic leaders selected for two advisory commissions Fountain Valley City Council memben have -1ect.ed familiar civic leaden to fill moat of the vacant aeata on the dty's two key advt.ory panell, \he Planning Commi81ion and the Parka and Recreation Commilmion. Three people who ran unsucce91fully for councU teats ln the April 13 elec:Uon were among the 19 applicanta for the advi9ory pasta, but none of the former candidates received a oommi9sion appointmenL For two-year term• on the Planning Commiaaion, which oversees development, zoning and sign ordinance matten, the council appolnted Len Santoro and Ellery Deaton. Santoro, 39, a real estate aJemnan and former president of the Greenbrook Homeowners Association, just concluded a one-year term as a Planning Commillion alt'.emate. Mn. Deaton, 35, aerved as a parka and recreation commiaioner in 1978 through 1980. She wu narrowly defeated in her campaign for a ooundl aeat ln 1980, then failed to receive reappointment to the parka oommiasion. Santoro was a unanimous wlection by the council. Mrs. Deaton won appointment with votes from councilmen Ben Niel9en, James Neal anti Ned Vos. Votes from the same three oouncilme.n alao gave Zita We111& a 1eat as a one-year alternate planning oom.mi.911ioner, with the power to vote whenever a regular oommiaioner is abeent. Mrs. Weaaa, 48, operates a email buainea in Huntington Beach. She aerved for five years u a Hunu.n.rton Beach Union High School District truatee, but wu defeated In a bid for re- elect:ioo lu\ November. Robert Edward•, who has aerved two, tw~year terms on the Park•' and Recreation Commission, was unartimoualy appointed to a third term. Edwards, 52, is a Douglas Aircraft engineer who hat lived in Fountain Valley for 13 years. James Albo, 58, wu appointed to the second parks commiaaion vacancy with votes from councilmen Nielaeo, Neal and Marvin Adler. On hi.a application, he deecribed himaelf aa a sales manager who .has lived in Fountain Valley for 11 years. The c ouncil made the following other appoi.ntmenta to city advisory commjtteea: -Traffic Advisory Committee: Richard Hollinger, Wallace Olaon and alternate Pete Pulluzi. -Housing and Community Development c.ommittee: James Dick, Hazel Courreges, Karen Polak. Karen Hancock and Dennia Kelly. -Handicapped Committee: Victor Caggiano, Noel Bell and Paul Bell. Newport council race begins " Four of seven seats up /or grabs on November ballot By STEVE MARBLE or-...,,.. ... The Newport Beach City Council election is more than four months down the told but the race already bu l1lrted to unfold. Four of the 1even council -ta, all divided by district. w11l be OD the Novembel' ballot and a fieht for power between pro-crowth and alow-1rowth forcea ia anticipated. Norm Loata, 11aht1nt superintendent ot the ~ M.a Unified School Dstrict. hM mnounced be w01 make a nm at the council -t now held by Don Straua Lo.ta. who nae. be will retire aoon, aay1 be believea In an ''Ol'Cbeicratld" plan fOt ~ but DOl fllDpllllt da\11:1 DI IDIOL Strau11, 1 former 1chool tn.-wbo .-YWd • 1-ta' bcm ln that role, uys he expects to make a ...-election bid. A vice pnllident for Beckman lnatrumenta, Strauaa reaiata labela but baa canailtently voted in the alow .rrowt.h camp. • I n C o r -o n a d e f M a r , photocJ'apher and former city p&ann1na oornmilsioner Bill AC'" la tnt1nl the water. He uys it'• likely he'll take a abot at the council aeat held by Paul HWD1D11. LUce Loata, Aaee •r he'a a middle-of-the-road type wbo ~·t belleYe in utaw urv. cmtalnly new!' been the darllna of either the no-a row the r a or the Jet' ... bWkl·lt·yito-M!aml-Beaeh crowd,'' A.-......... Hdmlnel, who ofwn aha,.. ainorlt7 vlewa wtth Stt•U81. di-. .,.., '8ir.tt1d ....... be'U .... • ~ tlllm. m. OOUDCll ~· .__ .... .., , .... • .,...... Iii CaraM dll .... would consider becoming candidates if the mayoc pul1a out of the nee. At th~• p_olnt, It appears nobody ia willing to take on Mrs. Heather in a head-to-head match. Finally, there's Evelyn Hart who ays she's leaning toward a re-electioo bid, but la not totally committed to a aecond term at thJa po(nL There have been br'09d hlnta that former plannln1 comm.18aioner Allan Beek will chalienp Councllwoman Hart. Beek, a leadln1 voice of the llow-crvwth camp, aaya he ham't ,_.. up hla IJllnd what he wtll do. l'WAJ for tbe city councll CCllltelt ~July 12 and~ Aul· 11. -~ CNMI, ., ... "!?m'i'-1 c-,. ~711101111, OA Lio Ne. .....,.. ...,.. ~ T-.. ~~ " ,..... ::S:.:· °'La Tene, E.., •-:,:: .. ':. .. ,= Dilerimination • D. ...... D ....... ~ ....... --,,.. Pill •• _.......... .,,., ..... 15!!a ~~. I . THI ~ ~. 1 .., OelM!r '*'-.. °"'119 a._ tft wlll .. #I \VA8Hllt0'1Q( (AP) -Tb9 '1.N4-•· •a11 •A"•· f:t.,A.,....,., °'*"" c ... ,.,... • .,-.., ,_ ~--. U ,I . lupr••• Court on II wt .... tt • O••U .. Y~ ,_... ..... \i:,,}!4 ,_ ..... 43.. If~ • 'flu~;7 ~,' : ... Jl'CMI ...... flW6Y clay," ........ whlri .... .-it hall poll*8l ,.... Mayor Jaelit• BeaJber, a .......... ~ ...... -__ ,_ to .fl'llll@1 • M I .City filing dates listed Me Aw, °""19, ~ ,. .:.. &. "lll•• 0r.-O:..-that ....... ., .... !-'tf!!!O... -=--·-······ ........ ....._ .. -)-~· ~ ~ ~ ~"' ~:i..°:te'I\£ ,,.,, .. w......-...... L,. ,... •:-r=:aaw-L-it=....... " ~~·:u:::.::a =~~ ..... t:.:-:: Htr-... ..... .,...,.. _ ,...._°'"' ~ [ o:•l!l~l!t-. ) --:.r.:•= :=..u: g 1.:::-.. ".!.! ,_..., ........... fl' ... 9! ,..... -:...:. r~'!!-. " iiiiii -sgtp .............. ........ ~•••aid~ Mil al r~tllllPWlt w «• ........ wry~ .... ~ ........ fffl lle11r=-ealJ H c•lllN1 •e11laer ...... ,. Tllere are IMNI.._ ....... , .. llllir • I I Orange ~t DAILY PtLOT/,,rid91, JWy I , 1112 MilC NOTICE MTmOUI ...... ' ""': NQ'!W M\'ri1oue WM NAMI ITA........,. ~ 1-. NAiii tTA~ Tiie foltowlng c>erten I• dolnt PtOWnOUI ., ..... dolnQ bu'"-u • NAMI ITATIM&NT P'U8llC N()TIC( bu~~ Plftonl.,.. WEST 'coAaT l!NVl"ON· Th• followlno P•flon I• doing FAY AVENUE 1.IMI TIO MENTAL, 2641 l!Jden, eo.11 M-, ClllllMN 11: l'IC~A~I PAATNIMHIP, 11182 MecArtl\Vr CA ·~~\Hit.IP C NIU 2.,. 0.A.Y. PAINTING, 1111& Cecl8' The folloWll'IO pertOll le doing 8ouleverd, Suite 140, Irvine, Eldell, C:0.11M .... AC~12.'lr. 1 Clf,,:sroi.:,..~1'lw~~2J:o butlf'leM 11. Cellfofnl112111 Thlt l>utll1eM 11 OMducMd by en ' MOH ENTERPRISES 17150 ''Y Annu• V•11turer1, I lndlvld al 1HU C•d•r Clrcl•. Poun11111 5.,, Mitto o-3• Fountllln v9'1ey. C!I Catllornla general partnerahtp, u Aoy C11nnmo v~. CA t270l'9 82708 117'2 MICArthur louieverd, Sun. Thia •t•t-1 WU fMed With Ille lndl~llnMI conducted by Ill MIGhlll 01vld Holley, 17160 1~~~~~5.o by 1 County Clerk of Or1nge County on Dlvld A Young Slln Ml1IO l>-3. Fountlln Valley, CA Hmlted ptr1nettl\lp JUM 30, 1982. Thi• 1111amen1 WU fli.d with Ille 12708. F A . LI m 11 e d P1aat CO<Ult)' Cletk of Orange Coun1y on Thi• bualnau 11 cOf\ducted by an Patlner9111: Y v •nu 1 PuDllen•o Or1rige Co1111 Otll) June 30. 1982, Individual. Fa A.,.,_ Venlunn Piiot, July 2. 9. HI. 23, 1982 ,, ... MlchMI D. HOiiey M~hMI A NICllOIU 2893·82 Publl1hed Orange Co .. I Dally Thi• 1111-t WU llled With Ille Gen«ll P~ner Piiot, Jun• 2, I . 18. 23. 1182 County Clerk 01 Orenge County on This atatement wu flied with the PUBUC NQllC( ~82 June 2, 1182. F1IOllO County Clerk of Orange COunty on Publl•h•d Orlllg• co .. I Dilly Mey 21. 1982. ,icnn:u..c:=..... P'tllJC NOTIC( Piiot, JuM t 1. 18. 26. July 2. 1982 Hwit.f a V-NA• ITATW•NT ..CTITIOUI .,.._ .. 2584-82 A~ et Uw The IOllowlng pereon1 .,. doing MAm ITA~ Wiii to do I, Dul In Ille meen11me como & ... • fantNllCI view lnYMtmenl properly In Turlleroc:k. 1 18.000 yr lnoome Open hM 811/Bun 1·6 1\ l>M~tott of 3 VIMy View. C11I• #11• ,ZZ4 3Br. 2Ba, nr M1gnoll1 & •••••••••••• •••• ••••• • Garfl•ld. new patnteo. OC·AENT ALS clean $700 mo Grdnr 1·5br'a 1200 to $2000 Incl 9154-5302 9S~5796 750-331<4 open 7-daye ' ' 11•• ':!1!.'!~.!'1.-.!L.1J.!~ • br & den. 2 ba. din. rm, trplo, prlv atrium, rec ctr. tennle. pool, pvt beach $1500. 769-14156 -------..,-----'*° P.irdllW on.. bullnMI aa; The lollowlng per~n le doing PUBLIC NOTICE ...... 1• 8ROOKHURST ANIMAi. ~ .. ; ,,0 . ha 1.-rf HOS PIT AL. 14281 8rookhurll J.V. EN'Tt"PAIS!S. S30t So. llarh1M' 111\l'lllOWlll ru 613-1711 Agl. Glut l~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~l 2 Covington 4-PlexM. lop toe:. Nr So. Cit Plua Ownr financing An11lou1 & reaoy for offer! !lgt 645·8100, ~9·1360 Yll LIOIY flW 3Br, 281, 1lngte story twnhM. w/1menltle1, nr beh, $775 mo 962-o607 Rant In Co111 Men'• lm•f 3z44 NEWEST gated 20 •••••••••••••••••••••• LAl<EPARK·3Br, 2 '1t8e lam nome Minutes to bell. Santa Ant Comm pool, •P•. lake boaung. tithing. 11nn11 2•412 Cuwall C1 $850 mo 831·3128 FICTITIOUI IUSINUI IMM, CA 92711 ,,-Sfr11I Gerden Grove, Cetllornla M91n. Senla AN. CA 12105 (P.O. NAME STATEMENT -92643 Boa 4022. IMM. CA 1211~22). The lolloWing persons are dOlng Publl•h•d Orang• COHI Dally Shiu H•l•ng Chen. 830 El Ab 8uunne ~1. 1430 buslneu ... Piiot, June t 1, 18. 25. July 2, IH2 M~O Avenu., Mon1erey Pll'k. So. La 8rH, LOI An9•IH , CA CREATIVE VIDEO SYSTEMS, 25ea-82 Cllllornla 11754 90011. 15722 Plymouth LIM, HunllOQIOn ------------1 Jin sn111 Chen. 830 El MafcadO Thi• bull-la corwklcted by .,, BHcll. Celllornl1 92647 PUJl.IC NOTICE AYWIUI. Monterey Patle, Calllornl1 lndlytdual. JoM Andrew•, 16722 Plymouth ------------1 11754 S. O.Aoeeet1 Lane. HullllnglOll Beach, Callloqil1 FICTITIOUI •UllMEIS Thia bulln... la eonducled by Thia lllJemeMI wu filed With lhl 92647 NAIH ITArt:•NT lnctlviduala (Hutballd & Wiie). Counly Clerk of Orange County on Barry Andrews. 20454 Cypress The tollowlng persons are doing Jen Shih Chen JuM 9, 1982. Straet, S1nt1 Ant Hel9hu, bualMSI ... Siik.i Hllang Chen '191171 c....,,,., Townhome VII.I.AGE LUIEl!I COMMUNITY 2 & 3 Br 3 Bdrm ~ached homes vacant 3 br 2 l>B. tam. IPPLI HLLIY 2'A Ba. 1600-1800 sq. '1. In e11c .... lent area Avail•· rm. atrium. lrplc. lge of pure luxury. Garages. "" y a r d S 8 6 O I m o ••• ~!'!. .....• !.'!!! Tu lttetter llUT O• IPU epu In every home . ble 1mm1dl a1ely 675.2500 Near new 4·PI••· 2 t>drm, with 3 Bdrm• •• 1347, meeter tulle, dining S800tmo on t yea! leaM. --------,--..,.- 2 l>atll HCh unit with 500. Owner wlll conalder rooms wood burning Five others to clloose #J11i1• Vi1i1 3Z61 flreplaoe. encloMd patio, exchange. fireplace•. micro-wave from. We're the ones to •••••••••••1•••••••••• garage, g:y,_ 1at. Poe. Mike Crow. Agt ovena. private p1t101 & cell tor leHes. HOME i:oR RENT 500. Biii Grundy, Rltr, ded Elegant llvlng only 1 ""'"' ~ yerd & gerege Kids & Calllornle 92707 J & D MAINTENANCE. 3 l2 Thlt alat-t wu llled with the Publlahed Ortn9e COH t Dally pH. Oullter, 116 Emerald Bey, Poppy StrMt. Coton• dll Mer. CA County Clerk of Or~ County on PUot, June 11, 18, 26, Jt*t 2, 1182 Laguna Blaoll, Cllllomle 92651 92825 June 22. 1982 252M2 "" ,, •• ••• '"'· .. ,.,,,. '""·•"•'"•' .... ,. [~ir-'brldg" 3 adrm s150 Fenced 675-8161. llH•l•I•, 0.1111, 15 mlnutea from Fuhlon 1 o~"'lflJ P411J welcome 545-2000. 1---------111111 Z400 Island. 7 minutes 10 S.C ~· Agent, no lee llPU •*••w•••E••u··.·.·,·:...!!_w••••*•• Plue or O.C A irport. SSl·JOOO M If i Jlff TIM• bual-,. conducted by • J E s s s EN c IN A s • 19 .. ,..,. general p1rtnersn1p MegnOll1, Co111 MN&. CA 92827 Puolleheel Or1nge Co11t Dally rtaJC NOTICE John Andrews DAVID COLBY NORTHRIOGE PtlOI. June 25, July 2, 9 16, 1982 . This 1111ament was llled~th the 312 Poppy StrMt, Corona del Mar, 2779-32 Coun1y Clerk or Orange C~ on CA 92825 June 15, 1182 This business is conoucted by NILIC NOTlCE F111a5 Pubtllhe<l Or1ng1 Coast Oaily Piiot. JUM 18. 25. July 2, I , 1982 2370-82 PUJl.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS llUSINtSI NA• ITATEMENT The fOllOWIOQ per1on1 are dOIOQ bullnetl 11 ROMAI R LANO OE\/EL· OPMENT I. L TO . 2990 Grace Uni. Cotti M .... Calltornia 92626 01vld P Beckett. Generel f'erllllf. 3274 Turlock om.. Costa M8'1. Catltornla 92626 Roger H Sheer•. Generet Partner. t 15 Repoaado. L• Habra. Calllornl• 90631 John P. Semmens, Limited Partner, 511 35111 Street. No B. Newport Beach, California 92663 This business 11 conducted by • limited putnershlp David P Bac:kltt · General Partner Thi• Slllement WU filed with the County Clerk or Orange County on June 15, 1962 F1115M Publlthe<l Ortnge Coast Delly Piiot. June 18. 25. Jul)' 2. 9. 1982 2678-112 PUJl.IC NOTICE gene.II per1ne<Sl\lp 01v1<1C N~ Th11 1t1tement wu lli.<l with t County Cletk of OraOQe County June 30, 1982. ,,12U7 Published Orange Coast Dell Piiot. July 2. I . 16, 23. 1982 2920-8 NOTICE OP TMllTH'I IAL.a i.-No.• T.l .. No • .,..... NEWPORT PACIFIC FUNDING, INC. •• duly 1ppolnted TruatH undtf the IOllOwlng dlaeffbed dMd of trust Wll.L SELi. -'T PUBl.IC -------------...AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST PU3l.IC NOTICE BIDDER FOR CASH (peyabl• at ------------rime ol Mii In lawful money or the FICTITIOUS IUSINEU Unlted SlllH) I M r'-hl. title end NAM£ STATEMENT "' Tlla Jollowlng peraoll 11 <101n lnterHI conveyed to Ind now nlld buiineas as t>Y n \lnd9r Mid De1<1 or Trwt In the DIRECT LINE MARKETING. Pfoe>klY hereinaft., cMecr1bed. 130 East 111n Street, Suite o. Cost TRUSTOR DEAN A Wll.SON Ind Mesa. CA 92627 KAROl. E. Wll.SON. llulband end MARGARET ANN ADAMS, 13 t wile u jotnt tenant• East t8th Street. Apl :: 14. Cost BENEFICIARY. Whitney Maygren. 1 tingle· men • to .,, undivided M111, CA 92627 7 48503%. Philip Eugene Cavl<llnl ThlS bualness Is con<lucted by an and JaMi Edn• cavadlnl husband 1n<11v1du11 • Margaret Ann Adams llld wife u jotnt tentnta •• to an Thll alatement was filed with 1 undivided 30.53893%; Carrol C 0 C Rol>WIOn. an ullm8'rlad man u to County lerk ot range ounty on an undivided I 68083%: Richard June 30, 1982 Frend.en and Elinor e. FrandMn, f112S2t hulband and Wife U Joint T enllnta Pubhth•d Or1ange C10111 Dally H 10 an undivided 41.t l618~: Piiot. July 2. 9, 8, 23. 982 Yofallda Bl•w•re and JH nerta 2919-82 .._.. • joint tanents. • 10.,.. -------------i undivided 10.47905%: till• ten11nt1 rtaJC NOTICl In common. FtCTYTIOUl .,_II Recorded Match 28. 1981 H .... ,._ 1T•-ln91r. No. 34506 In bOOk 13995, -.. ,_..., pege 1726 of Oflldal Record• In the NOTICE TO CONT1'ACTOflS Tiii lollowlng ~rton I• doing oftlcl of the Recorder of Orenoe CALLIHQ FOfl lll08 bual~O~ S BURGERS 1087 County; Mid deed of trual dleeribea School District: Ocean View Baller StrMI, Ccma Meea. CA. 1~~:::.1tot 1 01 Tr.ct Schoot Olltrlct.' Gaorga Leon Sallhal. 450 No 8445 u per map nlad In Book Bld Deadline: 2:00 o'clock p.m. of South Ranch View Clrcl•. •84. 353 pag9. 39 10 36 ~k.lllva of lhe 1<11h day of July. 1962. Anaheim Hiiia, CA 92807. ..1..:.... •• ~ .••• ..,.,. of. "~·n"' Place of Bid Receipt: BuslllelS Thi b al I onducted b "' --........ """' ''' o 111c1. 1 81 4 o "B .. street. • u neaa 1 0 Y an dncrlbed In parcel• u follows: Huntington Blach. CA 12847. lnCllYldual PARCEL 1. Project Identification Name GIOfge Leon Sakhel · Unit No. 58 H ahown and j I This ltatament ...... flied with lhe Olleflbed In Illa Condominium Pien Ocean View School 0 str c1· County Clerk ol Orange County on r9C(l(ded on Oc1ow 15, l975, In Remove end Repl1ce Asp11a11 June 23. 1982 Boole 11540. P-125 through 220 PIVIOQ. cr .. t \flew School. 18052 F1..,., lnc:lullwl OftldT Rac:otd• of Mid FtCTITIOU8 ---MAm ITAffmNT The lollo•ln9 peraon 11 doing buelnMI u: SPARKLE CLEANERS OF COSTA MESA. 356 A~ St #G·1, Cotti MeN, CA 92627. DIAM Baller, 355 Avocado St. #G·1, Cotti Meta. CA 12877. Thia bualnna 11 oonducted by an Individual. Of-Baker Thie 1111_,I WU fllad with Iha County Clertt of Orange County on Mey 12. 1N2. ,,... Publlth•d Orange CoHI Dally PllOt. June 11. 18. 25. Jut)' 2. 1982 2585-82 PtalC NOT1C£ FK:TmOUl.,._U NAMEITATlmtrr nie lotlowtng peraona we doing bull_ .. FAY AVENUE VENTURERS, 19762 MICAflhur 8oulevtrd, Sulla 140, lrvtne. Calltomla 92115. 8nlOI Coll Conklin . .k .. 19782 MacArthur 8outeverd, Suite 140, lrvlna. Clllfornl• 927115. Gregory C. Dlrlenz.o. 19782 MacArthur Boulevard, Sulla 140, lr-.tM, Cllltomle 12715. MlchH I A. NIChOlll. 19782 MacArthur Boulevard, Sult• 140. !MM, Calllomla 92716. RMdal J. w~. 19162 MacArthur Boulevard, Sult• 140. lrvtne. Callfornla 92715. Thia ~ .. conducted by • gan«al ptr1'*9hlp. Fl)' Awriue Ventuf«I MlctlMI A. Nlcltolaa Gerleral PW1MJ Tl\19 llAlt-1 -llled wtlll Iha County Clerk of Orange County on J\MM 2. 1982. ..._,v_ .. .......,. .. u. ,_,..,....DfM ...... P.O .... wn L1aa l.IN. HunttOQton Beach. CA. Publlsh•d Orange Coast Delly County, OQeanPl~·vPiewtenSc:t>OOla .,. onOllF;tL~ .... ,,~ Piiot, June 25. July 2. 9. 16. 1982 PARCE'1. 2 ,,_ ~ u "'-"" ·--2781-82 Publlahed Orange Co11t Dally lntM,CAIZ7U ottlce, ao.an view ScnOOI District An undivided one sllct)'·flrt1 25. 982 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1nat P\8.IC NOTICE (118111) lnterHt .. a tenallt Ill Piiot. June 11• 18• 5• July ~~2 Ille et>ov•nemed SChoot Olstrlct 01 common In lhl IN Inter•! In end to ------------Orange County, Catlfornla, ecllng T121tt the Common ArH of Mid Lot and by en<l through its Governing YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Tract H 8'ldl term II dlflnecl In Board. herelnaltet. relere<I to es DEED OF TRUST c:leted April 22, Article entitled "Dltflnl11or'11" of the ·0111r1cl'',wlllrecolveup10.butnot 1981. Untasa you talle action to Oeclaretlon of Covenant•. later than the abOve stated time, protect your prOl)e<ly. It may be Conditions and R11trlctlon1 sealed bids tor the award of a sold at a public 1111. If you need an r9C(l(dlcl on A\19"11 27, 1975, In c:o1WIC1 tor the 1bove project explanatlor'I of the llature ot the 8ool! 11415. Peoe 1555, Otflc:lal 81<11 snall be received 1n the piece proo.ed~alntt you, you snoui<I Record• ol n ld County (the 1d1ntlfled above, end shall be cont.ct • ··o.ctarmtlor'I"). opened encl publicly read aloud 11 NOTICE Tl'USTEE'S IALI PARCEi. 3. the above elated 11me and place T.I. No. HflC. No. 11 Non-uclualv• ••Hmellll tor Each bid musl conform and be On July 18. 1982. at 10:00 Lm.. a cc:••• I n g r • • • . •gr • • • • re1pon11va 10 11\e contract HOME RE CONVEYANCE encroachment. aupport end for documents COMPANY u duly appointed other purpoae. •II •• such Each bid Sllall be ac:companled Trull•• under and pursuent to e11emen11 are r ... rved tor Ille by the NCUrlty refered to In the OMd of Tnnt. recorded Aprll 30, ~ of or granted to awn.. In c:ontrec:t documents and by the llst 1981, u lnat No. 3e370, In boot! Iha Arllole of Iha Decleralloll of propoMd aubcontrac1ora. 14038. pege 1502, of Ofllclal entitled "~IL" Thi DISTRICT r~ the right Record• In Illa olla of the County YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNOER A to reject any and 111 bide or to wet,... Recorders ol Orange Counly. Slit• DEED OF TRUST DATED Mwctl 12, any 1rregularltles or lnlormalltlff In of Celltornle, axecuted by Roy A 1981 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION any bids or in tha bidding. Skull in and Linda M. Skullln, TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT No Bldde< may withdraw his bk! husband end wile u !<>Int tenant1 MAY BE SOl.O AT A PUBLIC SAl.E. tor e period of lor1y five (45) d1ya WILi. SELL AT PUBl.IC AUCTION IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION afler the d•t• .. , for the openlOQ OI TO HIGHEST BIOOEA FOR CASH 0 F TH ( HAT u RE 0 F THE bide. (payable at time of .... in lawful PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU A pay m 1 n t bond 1 ll d e money of the United Stat•) at Ille SHOULD CONTACT A LAWVER. performance bond will be required me.In entranoe lo Sulle 102 11 187 53 511 Pin• I.an•. Newport pt1« to e11ecut1on ol Ille contract. W Orangethorpe, Pt1celltll. e..c:h, CA The p1yment bond anal1 be In the Cllltomle 92670 (714) 524-2250. Ill "(H a etreet add<-. or common form Ht forth In the contract right, tl111 and lnter•t conveyed to detlgnatlon la ehown above. tlO documents. and now held by II under Mid Deed warranty 11 glvell •• to Ill ll'er1orftlanc:• "•11nllo"1: Tiii of Truat In Iha property lltuai.d In comptet-or 00ff9c:t,_)," Contractor to wl'tom Ille contraot Is Ul<l Counly and Stet• dau\bed u : The benafleilllf}' under Mid Del<I awarded mey 1vell hlmHCf of the I.Of t of Tr.ct No. 4146, In thl of Trul1. by l\Qon of• breech or provl1ion1 of Government Code County of Orellge, Stat• of defeult lft ,lfle obligations MCUred Sec:tlon 4590 wttlch enowa certain Clllfornle, u par map -ded In thereby. '*91ofor• ~Id Md aecurltlH to be subttlluted ror bootc 153 pagH 21 end 22 of Clellvered lo th• under1lgn1d I monl•• wl thheld to enaure Mlacellanaoua Mapa, records ol written Oeolaretlon of Defauh and performance. Oreng• County. Except lhrt•· Olrnarld tor Sele, and written notlc:ie 8IO 11:cu"m: Each bld snall bl fourth• ot 111 mlnerat1. oll. gu and of breech and ol alectlon to ceuM accompellled by a certlflad or other hydroctrbon 1ub1t1ncH th• underal9n1d to ••II 11ld CHiiier'• checle payable to the 11...0 or aOld from 1111 land, u property to Niltfy Mid obffgatloN, Olatrlct, or 1 .. ustactory bid bond r~ In the died from Wllllam E. and therHlt•r Ill• underetg11ad In l11110t of thl Olatrk:t exec:uted by Start & Fr~ Tne. reoorded ~ Mid notlc:ie of br..ch end of 1111 bidder 11 prlnolpal and • J1111 25. 1955 In book 2934 Pao' alectlorl to be Hllatactory surety company 11 493. oflk:tal rec:orda. Reeorded Jenuaty 21, 1982. u 111rety. In 1111 amount not 1111 than Th• 1lrffl tddreH and other lnltr. No. 82~25195 ot Mid C>mc:1a1 10 percent of mulmum amount ot common dellgnatlon. II eny, Of tlla ~ P\llt.IC NOTIC£ f'ICTl'TIOUI IM.I ...... NAMI!: ITATE•NT The lollowlng pt<IOOI are CIOlng butlneat u : SOUTH COAST BROACH COMPANY, 1711 Morvovta Str .. t. Cotti Meea, Calllomla 92627 John WHl•y Wllaon. 10469 Kl1math River. Fountain Valley. Calltornll 927ot This ~ la con<luc1ed by en lndlvldual. John W Wlleon Thi• ltll-1 -flted with lhl County CMrtl of Orange County on June 10, IH2 ,,..,.. Publlahed Orellge Co11t 01lly Piiot. JuM 18, 25, July 2. 9, 1982 2542-82 AC"l'lnoul ., ..... NAiil ITATl..wT Thi tollowlng per'9onl -doing bullneaa II! B IRTCHER 8U81NE8S CENTER · CORPORATE l"ALOMAR PHASE 11. 27111 I.I Paz Road. Laguna Nlgu9!. Ctillfofnla t2t77. C1mpb•ll·Palomar II . a C111torn11 ganerel p11tnerahtp, 2761 1 La Pu Road, Llgune Nlguel, Ca111om11 mn. • Thie buelr'9la .. oonducled by • llmlled pert'*9hlp. Campbell-PlllorMr II A Celltomla general pert'*9hlp, Oenerlll Partner l\obert M. CetnpW PartMJ Tl\lt ... ,_. ... llled wttll the County Qar1c of <>ranoe CoYnty on Mor 2t, 1"2. ....... v.. ... ..... .... ,_., ..... °"" ..... ,,0. ... 9'7 .,_.,O~tl1U ,,_ Pubtlalted Ofant• Co .. t D1Hy Piiot. "'-"· 11. 25. My 2, 1"2 2M7..f2 tlla bid. Tiie c:tllCk or bid bond ahell rMI property, dleaibld aboW la Said H I• wlll t>• made, but bl gl1r9n M • guarani• that thl purported 10 be: 1731 Orcherd without covenant or warranty, bidder 111111 ellecuta the contrac1 If Drive. Bania Ana. Callfornla 92707. ea.,,.e or lmplled. r9Qlltdlng ttti.. 11 '"IW9'ded to NM In contonnlty Tiie undarslgned Trull•• p~111111on. or anoumlltWloel, lo with the contract doc\Hnent• and dl1otalm1 any tfablllty for any pey the r~ pflnOlpel llUtn ot ahall provide Illa eurety bond or lnc:o<rec1,_. of thl atreet *'dr... IN not.Cl) aecuted by Nici Oeect ot bond• .. ec>eetflad wttllln 5 deys end 0111« common dnignallon, If Tf\111, wllll in.eat • In Mid not• 1tter notlbtlon of the Miid of lhl eny. ltlOWtl herein. provided, lldvancet. " !Illy. vndtf contract 10 Illa bklder. Slkl MCUrlty Said HI• Wiii b• mad•. DUI Ille ,_ of Mid Oeect Of TNl\1 a11a11 bl lorf91ted to the Of«rlc1 without covanant or warrenty, feel. ot\11 ... and ~ ot tlla 1hould the Dtddar 10 whom th• expr-or Implied. regarding tltta, T"*-and ot Ille trutU ONltld by Contraot It .,..did fall to •ecut• poueulon1 or ellcumbrancH. Nici Deed of Truel. tl'le .....,,..,, and prcMOI Mid l ncluClll'IO .... ch ergo and ....... _. .. 1*C1 on Mond9y, '9Cm'IOU9 .,HllH l>Otlde w1tt11n II cMndar deye of •JU*ltM ot Ille TNM99 end of the .JAJk1 11, 11'2 It t;OO P,ftl, at .._ ...... STA~ _.,d tru111 created by 11ald 0..0 of ~ A_._ ...,..,_ to tt11t T'tle to1oW1f11 ~ -doing WA• M~: Thi Olatrlcn NI Trwt. to pey tl\e ~ ortnclPlil C1vtc C4ftter Bulldt119, IOO IMt ~ • obtained lrOl'll Ille Olraclor of Ille IUll'll of the llOlt(e) aeowicl~MldMld ~ A---. "' ... Qty of 00,0lllTH MOllLE HOME o.pertmen1 Of lnCMlfllll "'Ntlonl Oeect of Tf\1111 to wlh 11 .00 ~ VIUAOI. 1I01 I. ~ ~ th• ganaral pr•v•lllno r•t• of wtt11 ._... "*-' tnwn tM1 At th• tlm• of lht Initial ~ 11te1 perctltl'll .... lr'I _,.. IOCllfty lr'I at a1• 111'9' 9IWM'I' M PfOIYldad Ill SM II' •-1 of ttila notiet, .,_.... OIOIU T. C 1ldw111 and wtliCll ll'tle work It to be performed Mid not.Ct) Plue co1t1 and any lfltOllfll of .. ""IMlld .....,_ of tM ....,_. t. Cllldwell. TIWt-of tM fOf Md\ Cfeft Of type of woniman .,_ Of l?M.H wlefl ..._.... olid .. llon '90W9d 11¥ tt11t lllCM c-... ~ V1llol Trwt, O.tld needed to •aeou111 IM contraot. The 11e1 ·~ uno. Mid DMcl duorlUO dHd ot truet and ~ 11. tM2, tlOt L COdlnt, n.. ,.._.,. Oii iie • tN Oletrtct Of Truet herltofMe ...,.... ll'ld .. tlmeted °"''i ...,. .... and 1..01 No. u , Or1n9t. Oallfornla Olfl~ IOctlad at tfl• lulll'IHI. dell•ered 10 th• wndetetened a a••tnHa larOl,IO.iS, To tltl1 ~ Office. Oollatl V... lol\ool Dllttlo1. llll'ltWI Dllclar"'°" Of IW8Uft ll'ld ,....,,. .. "" bid, )'Oii me, Tlllt ...... It~ by en CoplM "'-.,. .. ..,.. °" ,..... o..id fOr .. and • .,..,, -fl 14) • ., . lrldMcMI. A oopy et tlleff r~ altall tt. .._.., Noe10e 11' ~and....., DATID ~ tt, 1NI, Oto1ae T. ~. ,... .. IN '°' .... " lhll ... lo .... The W.-lllJll*' ...... Nl.W~ PACI"° TNl(llll 1MMt1ory "'°".,.. ~-10 Mid...._ ti~ lft(ll m.lon 'UNOING INC, TNI .... , ,_ w ._ w191 Die ...,. .. _... .. .....,,IM ..... I0 .. ,...,..111 .. ~ .... T,..._ ·m:.:··~ .. "'°"Mr ••II ••Ill•""* .... .. 1111 tr...m II........ ;.;~. IMva CC*ll'AKY. """' , to PIY l'l•I leH t!llll tfle H id '*-: ~·· ·f~ -.--.... I·--::::: •·::.:u:. =' .... _ ur: ~- -&:r,,."': ~Ail---"':~ :,~ ~~'='~ TU lllLTIJI '" Ju11 eut of Newport lt:tBuruu n .... 1r""' .!.'!r.!! ... ~! ........ . fll llYllTllUI 4 bdrm, 3 bath condo Blvd. & so ot San Otego lm&LI Blutts area condo • Br with bolt dock & Ilk• FrWOJ. Starting al HOO a 2' •ba. lrplC gar wlelec San Ctem.nte pride 01 YI-. 'I\ ln1erea1 $601<. month 63 t-5439, 2473 2, 3 at1d 4 bdrm• from opnr New cpts & paint 0-lhlp Modern Spa· A 1 sum e Io an Orenge Ave , Co111 $625 to Sl300 $975/mo 644-5512 nlall ltyle four unll )676-20 o M apartment 11ou1e with <714 4 __ es_a_._______ Westchll 'J BR 1•. 01. ocean. 111111 & gotl covrM l••tifl f•t•I Convenient 38r 2ba. lam, $900 mo Also Irv Terr . view. CIOM tO everylhlng. en , , Z100 2 I/pa, wl d, r ig, g11 4 BR 2'1t Be. s MOO mo only three yeera Old. ••••••!!!••••••••••••• 880, fence, dbl gar. Both lrestt & clean, no ahowa Ilk• NEWI Seller U . O&UFllllA w t r I g d n r S 8 7 5 , pets Avl now 646-2389 will help lln1nc1 & save Ot&Lm LIFllnU _s_5_6_·1_4_4_8 _____ 1 OC-RENTALS buyer thou11nds Of u-•H t-50r a S200 to $2000 dollar al II Setllllg price of Northern San Otego Cty , • • .. 1325.000 11 way below deslrabl• erea 4 5 ec lrlH11' WH41 7so-33t4 open 7·da~ current rapl1cement IYOC11dO """ E11cell 3 Br. 3 ea_ trplC, micro coall PRINCIPALS produc:tlon&1tnveetment deck , pool & tennl1 '1513CAMPU5Da·IRVh'E ONl.YI Call owner at Grove under proteselo· $825/mo. 646-1164 (714) 642-0138 nil mgmt 3.000 sq ft days, 645-9543 eves TlllfUlllCI ttome. elegantly decor•· ----------Lovely 3 bt, 2 1>a. fem IWPT IOI tfO ILM ted 3 Bdrm, 2'"' Balh. 2 br, 1 ba, W/0 llOOk~P. rm. crpts. drps. blllns !2.000 sq fl Ownertl glorlOus up11elr1 lludlo ger No pets $475 $950 m o 1 yr l se lnvHtor uter. Xlnt un· w/360 deg YI-Scemc: 2 1 7 8 D P 1 8 c • n I I a 673·5820 eves & wknds d•rlylllg fin Motivated wood deck, spa Com· 545-7983 WOODBRIDGE 2 br. 1 be Miier. plelely C:hllll llnk•d -O-h-ccon_o_o_S_1.-000-l_S_7_2_5-. -2 c 0 n d 0 . carport 771..0<115/646-8240 $200.000 In auumal>I• plus loll BR 2'1't ba A/C S615/mo. financing at approx Chrl1. 673-5489 951-4543 Birdie OFFICE SPACE FOR 10"/e. Reduced lrom LEASE In Cor ona del $437 ,000 to S398,000. Nice C1een 2 Br 1 Ba. fncd Exec home 4 Br 3 Be. Mar. on COUt Hwy. IP-Brocnura avaft. Contact· yard. enclsd gerage. fem rm , formal din rm. proJC 2,000 1q.lt. Xlnl Sara Pentz or Al Ogle. Child ok . no pell 2 lrplc:'a, ent fount, 1<01 tlgnage. ptol. decorated. 7 1 4 • 7 5 8 . 3 O 5 4 or S5501mo. plus eecurlty pond, covered outdoors Call for d•ltlll w••k· 714-758·3150. !lgenl 2544 Orange "0 " spa In bes1 part of days, 751-6191 Prlnc:ipal 548·2778 Turtlefock. For rental on Relocatable Bldg Approx. &U.lllM AIU wes1lllde 2 Br 1 Be lncd annual lease. access to 2500 aq. 11 wood pane-F p1tlo. enc:tsd garege, lennis & pools paid ting & complll• plum-Country Hlate In Bon· new cerpets, drapea. Gerdener & pool clee· bing. 752·206e. Mii. 20 acre producing pall\1. No pets. $495/mo nlng p1101s I 300 mo avocado gro..,., 3000 sq plus sec:urlty_ 648•5442, R • 1 · 1 r e q C a 1 I TU 111111 n hOml. 2 1rp1ca, 3 11r. 2 77G-5629. 114161s-.eao. b• & otnc:e + l1bor facl· +++ft.II+++ llll•• & rental hou.. 1 Br.' with s1ove. covered Turtlerocic Immaculate 4 USl/n.IW Quiet Mciuded area of parking, chlld & small pet br 2 l>I w/fam & dine rm, 2.g Mllllon dollar tu quality homes. $685.000 olc, $450/mo. 536-7979. atnum $925 675-9005. ahelttf. Write offa: w/owner f!nll\Clng. OH• ----------642·3 tS3 Flf11 Yur: red by Roberts & Co. SPECIAL 2br "EXTRAS'' 1---------- 36% Federal Call Joan. 1-758..0763 or LO gar, hk·up, yd, s415 DEC Hl/21& Olllt 15% or 100% Stele 1•758.()!36 CC-RENTALS 750-3314 Turtle Rocle. 3 patios. P ..__. II t rn kav with ----------1 A RE•1. FINO View, end Untl. 2400 SQ r..,...... •Y u -, " 11. trplc:, bar, bonu1 rm. c .. h flow of 16"t1 + · l••ldl 2br w/nlce Motlv1ted Seiter • Uml· •••••••••••••••••••••• patio, tndry. kldS $430 c:omm pool & tennis led Otter Certainly not QC.AENTAl.S 750.3314 s l100/mo 855-2882 for everyone PAINCI· !~~!!.~~!~!!'..... O.C BEST PALS ONl.Y Call ,. • 31•~ 673-6372 Bkr .,.,,. .., "" 4 br w/lrg ger. •• •••• •••••• • • • •• • • • • • spa & pOOI. btt-tns SS95 -----------11 Br Tretler. private, no OC·RENTAl.S 750·3314 pell , utlls paid ~50/mo. 1st plus Mc:U· Stand new beeut condo rlty.1542·0835, 499-1617. 2 muter suites. frptc. 2 cer gar 850-9778 days, ~1!~.'!~.~'.t •• /.l.~~ 960-6233 ev/wlends. S995 • 38r 2ba s 1500 • 4Br 2ba WOOdbrldge. 552·8484 WOOOBRIOOE 2 br c:on· do. end unit lrplc: .. 1·~ ba Avall now No pe1s $650. Mr Woodward, 833·2900 IUCH HOUSE (HMMO) By the month only BUT only S9001mo IC>t 2 Br 2 Ba walk 10 1>each Avail from June 20 ?Br l>oat OCk $500/wl< 1 Br. boat dck $400/wk .tACtH RULn PROP IU.UHllm 111-1173 ~-~--~----4 Br 3 Ba, beaut decor. lrg deck feb vu. guar· ded gat e H H $2700/mo 3 Br 3Ba vu pool, ten- n 1 s . 9ua1dad gate S1700tmo 2 Br 3 811 den. 1>1y1ront poss 00111 dock sec bldg, $1800/mo Bob or Dovie l<oop. agt. Re/ Mall 759-1221 OHICE ARU Harl>or View Homes 2 BR & den, 2 b1. wejl kept nome & yard. $1100 per mo Call Gerry egt 673-7761 or 760· 1397 H ' H&T SUP Lu• 3 Br 2·~ Ba condo. 1·~ blks 10 ocean Yrly 675-6775. 675-7060 Haroor View Home 3 Br 2 Ba lamll~ rm S 1000tmo Lease 6'14-6977 4 BR, n-deo, furn, Sec BR b I · 1 gate. prlv Bch., tennl1. 4 • 2 a. rec ac: s Ownr. 496·<1038 blk So Cst Plaza Sgts THnEHCI Broadmoor Plan 2, 3 Newport Terr condo 281 bdrm2ba.$900permo 2'> ba Frptc. pool. or lamlly Discuss pet !~!!.~!! .. !.'.~! ~:. ~-~~~,,. opt Call Kim Josephaon S7251mo 957-3177 955-6300 81g Canyoll. 0001 soa, Jasmine Creek 2 Br . den, ---------Univ Pie , 3 br. 2'h ba pool & spa on greenbelt. CONDO 3 br, 2'" ba, 2 twnhae. avail. 7 / 10, S 1800/mo Aste lor Carot 1ty. Frpl. patio. pool. nr gr"nbell, pool, lease tennis S895/mo Agt Fred 6 31·1266, 63 t-2711 71 4 /75 1 -2 160 . elrport $700 mo $845 . 6•4-7220. 714/755-6945 673-6270 dlyl 549-8755 3 Br nome lrplc, nice area, Harbor 11,1g1111n<1s Upgrades Inside, prvt yard. 1101 tub Nr schOOts $900 642-3356 Npl Hght• twnnse, 3 BA. 2 •·2-B_r_d_e_n __ T_u_r_tl_e_r_o_c_k , ••un D•ltnldH 1>1, lpc:. yo. Obie gar No condo AIC pool gar no ••••••••••• ••••••••••• -11 S695 542.5122 S8. 25 '955 1°338. ••UIJ "" ... . pet• . -•••••••••••. •••. •• •••• 3 BA 2'A Be E/Slde, En-3 Br. Woodbridge Condo. 3 BR 2 Ba Eallblulf. avl July 15 S 1200 mo 640-9019 -----:It( CdM/ Summer/ Furn. gllsh tuoor style w / $725/mo. Avail. mid July fanlaallc 58r home. 2 vaulted c:lgs. m111er sul· Call Robin at 497-2541 Your ad appear1 in cla11iried within houra. not w•k•- and can be cancelled j u1t H quickly when you pt the NeUI" you want. bike 10 beach. Avail 1e. e1c. $825 mo. Asl«for Wastcllll 3 Br 2l>a. new month ot Augu11. $3000 Biii, 631-1266 NPT BCHI Unlur11. IUIT WIOHlllHE cpt'g. lovely yerd $995 Daily Pilat cl•Hlfled •ds 142-5871 Beautlful & lge 2 Br In llllla 81lboa, 2 pat101. $1200/mo W11erlron1 HOIT* Inc 631·1400 For Claulfled f.d ACTION CaU a Dally Pllol AO-VISOR 642-5678 STARTING 1 "NEW BUSINESS? ACOOf •• .0 celllomle 1-.11,.. .. end ,,., .... ona c.de (lee. 1noo to 11Ht~ all ,., .. "' lleif'I t.llMH ~ . '= ... ftW -... ........... .. <:.-, ~ lftd tl•.e It 'pu .... 9Mil f0'9f dlMI lrt .I no...-MMftl .._ .,.. Ill lfNctl "" .......... " loulH. , ............... ,., .. , . .., ... •ftf ...... ..., ,,. ~"' ... .......................... ,...,. ,...., .. """ to .,." .. ...,..,,..,, ........... n. w. 't ""°' ........ .... ffflftt ...-,._....._ ........ Wo ................. "; .... ..-. ......... ..., ........ .,,.... ~iii.Ti&;.~ = . ,• .. ..,_.tr 1 ll1n•..,.· EASTSIOE-3Br, 28a, llke new. beau1ilul yd. $900 mo. Ind grdnr. 673-6706 Arbor Like twnhse. 2 gdnr. 6.46-6789 mutar BR. 2 Ba, din. rm, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii brktst nootc, trpt, retrlo II lllYlll a-. All upgrade•. Acron n; 2 br houH. new crp11, from Lal<• W/ovt Sch 3 BR 2 Ba. t1replaoe. 2 paint & drapes. No pet1. Poolt and tennis nearby c:er ger•o•. lge yerd no •notu 1 c:nnd OK Aval! Aug 1 $850/ mo/ $825 mo Raia. S450 /mo Call IM. 538.g231 ... ....,, Answer Ad •550 ,1--------1•1-1721 842~. 24 hrs. ffl. .. !~.~'.t •• !!.~! ~~~~~~~~~~ 2 t>drm, 2'h DI, air c:ond. PRIME HOME near E~ - tlreplac:e. dlshwuher, raid Bay Oc:un vu. 3BR. micro, prlv yard. All•· 2 ~. pv1 yCI. Walk to che<I dble ger S850 beh. S1300. 494-4674 1-4g&-0353 OCEAN VIEW E.alde epaclou• 3 Br l'Y• Classy 2 Br & study, 2 Ba. dbl garege, frplc. beth, 2 frplc:s, splrel c: a r p • t 1 . drape•. 11a1rcaM. $1500/per mo S800tmo. 760--0288 Charier Realty 496·8122 4 Br Bluffs condo w/pool Newly redec. !lvall Aug 1, S 1100/mo. 673-2422 or 213/629·6761 POOi. HOME. 3 Br. lam rm. den. remodeled, beaut patio $1400. Agl. 760-9333 or 403-9686 8 1utt1 condo 4 br, 2'1\ ba. E/Slde 2 br, 1 ba. den. lga ---,...---:--:---:::--1 $875 mo. yatd.$100utllapd. Rusty Prutlglou• High Or. Agt 644-1133 1 • 8 2 1 • g 0 0 0 , OQMn VU, Welk \0 bMCh, 213~51 X~88 SPECTACULAA remo· EAST 81.UFFS 48r. 2~Ba • •• .,,.. deled l\on'le. 3 Br 2\lt Be. lllTI rm, ,.,. ,.q. 2417 2 Br. cati>el• . .-.vlmo.. backward, fr pie. HC Bamboo, S 1300 mo. fenoad yard. water peld. , 2606 "C" Orang•. 1l1rm.10ed1ol Fr.door1 grdnr l llC:I. (~13) ~t20Call 1·5PM & akyllt••· S1500/mo. 345·4<4 27 or (1 14) 494·8741 or 4t...OS71 644-0801, open Sall lO. 3 br, 3 b• townl\Ol'M. 3 BR, patio w/epa. tlton Sun/ Mon 1·5 Frplc, mlefo, pello, dbl walk 10 beaoh. S2.000 Harbor V\ew Homee 4 Br. gar, pool & lennlt. 1676 mo. ""ly. 213·876-2255 31_. Ba. _,,.,,,. melds mo. i40-6760 ,. ......... COLLEGE PAAK AAEA Hlce 1 IBA 1 ba. s'rtplelltov•i :,a~a~a~~fu~ ~A~ 2 3 2 I f o r d h a m , pat o, Qlflge, lrg F•mlly Aoom, llah SUO/mo. 3 br. 2 bO, r•frlg. 524 SI. Arin•. pond with waterfall. !~ ... G8f .. yard. bit-Int. 1550, ~1463 wtcciy.. a1eoo1mo. 557·7'72 -eoo Sell Idle Items ~2-5011 1 Wrll, llfp ff. 1------..,--iw1nt AO tWc>? nNO~D. Near trtnep, ! .. ~~........ °'4:l·M7• and 011opplng HOO. 114-1931 Mk tor StUllrt ......... .... 1 •· a 1e. "•· a w .., .... ,...,.,Pod. ••a. Cftllcf ol(, .. IO • ...,..,., 01 MW11&. .. ... ... ... , .... ~,f.7A!~D!J lof a ~ dey ltd Ill tt\e .. , PUT --llUITllY 00 IT NOWI ... .., ..... Y04Jf 0.lly Piiot Setvtoe OhotQtY ReptHtntatlve 142·Mll, tit. 112 ~~~!~ ............. . Oflveweyt, Perking Lot R~lra, S..leoltlng. S&S A'Phll 131·41'1lle Dan Hellberg Gri ding & Pevlng Co. R .. /Coml. Lie. 397804 8'42-1720 A•t•••tln ......•.•••.•••••..... FINE SHINE AUTO DETAILING. Guer. Free PU/d ... 142·5448 Prof1111onal Auto Cl••· nlng. Waxing. POlllhlng. The O.tellers 840--6198. = . > • Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Friday, July 21 1812 Cl l.====~.~ .. ~.~.~.~ .. ~.~=.i~;.,,,~""="'~~.~ ... =itt:=fl~ .. ~; ,~{¥ •••..••••••• !~!!~•·············· 11!~9 .......... fllf!lfl.............. ,_.~·,om···!:::..~!·r; .. ••• ,.,,.. hMfM" ~'l.JMllD, MOWINO • CLlAN UPI HAULING 6 MOVINQ ~~INllete l'AINTIA NHot U IU 141-1111 P~t c;a:c., ew 1rnoooo1..--~11 ~Ackt'M>......,_ flflll, lrM 11t1m1t• on H11.1tlnQ . Landeoec»no l()Ojll Student wltructl. New I i.en up WOAtet ao Yft 1.11p, lnt1 H w '.;?......, ett "'a.fM41176-1401 '"' VW'f ,..., uo. itoato ,.,,. °' arntll lot>e. ,, .... r. ••t·tt07 Lewll 11a.1110 O.ve ... ~w E.llter. AeouetlO oeiunge. llll.Jtl.N JOH. -.nne«. Jr. I.lo ,...21. 113.0351 tud e..f·62t6 D1vt1 Pelnllno 147·1tH l•*'•ll•'••aal• ftH lfmH •rrl'f'Til•••••••••••••• (Mn. Contr. H2·t141 C'O • "'CT•IO N Mow, ed~, relit . •weec>. Heutlng 6 Q~ Cltln·uP, ••••"•••o,lo'71JTn ••• •••••••••~_I.!!•••••••• •---.t-=1...1...illlt ... _..._..a I _,. LI ,.L.. n IA 1prlne cl11n•up, haul ydl , gar-, job·tll", & •wf•'!fl llCTl!RIOR PAINTINO u.1r.,._a....a-...11,.., LOW AATU;;"frff lrlm• ._ ---• l'llU,.., "'·II. W ............. ret.. Chuo 8•2·2•7" bef " -..--.. I 1.. •• C t k P' -•..-.......-.. ' I II .I.I. a vv ""'" ._. .. " prop mo mt . " O• •• ••• ••••••••_•t!•• uaom w«. r .. Mt. 'r• •t ~ le. ming a remove ,• • • •• ....... • ... ,,.. Mt. 131·9072 Tom am. 831.0H5 1<111 I" t.0913 MAGICAL ILLUllOfQ ..... + fine Int. ' ..... . Pf7 e• dtlnU""'' trleh ....... u-~•tom OAfl*l\ry, deck• -~-~ • y l'OA ALL OCCASIONI Qull. WOfk. Ue. 33 1 fr ..... M1;Tn:a a petlot. OYellty work. UOf.dd • • ILlCT,.ICl.AN AetlCI Cln·upt , oer<11n H1ullng-11udent w/truotc Aefa, st ..... Hl-"1113 _n_lng __ ._a_1eve __ .. _7-4_2l_t __ , 831·2345 554•7017 lie. •3'0t01 f'r .... u. 'ne, oeb!Mte. 8mt )Obt1A14>1111 Lie. 11rv, mt lnt, tr .. trim Low retH . rt tll bl•. AALPH'S PAINTING _______ .,....,. __ _ IT\ltll. H .. Hll 84MIM/14~ 23310e.C·10. 641·6203 l'rM H t. 141-IOH Wiiiy Think you, Sttvt ...... !1. 1nt111C1 Re1t. rat... • •••• H. ••••••••••.••• JAY T"lil CAAi, compt. C.,_,,,.. 144•~,. fwt DKl!b. ......... ler4tHf 768-0121 e"iCKWOA~~·a~;tjo"b.: ..... l'r11nt. &38·HH ""Hl!NAY AOOl'tNO>' ..,..,, a 1tump ~ndlno .nr.-••• •"I••••••••••••• ,,_. Mt. "9ee. p(IOM. \ .... •etH fir .. llt Ken 839-&035 HAULING & DUMP Newport. Catie M111, l&M Painting & Tiit Shek...Shlng.....Cornp Lle'd, ll'lt. 8'0.·9 8 FENOl!S & OECKS Que.I. WOtk, LIO. 33711t. ~ M ' JOU. Alk fOf Aendy, ltvtne. Reta 875·3176 Fr .. tit lnt/1111t1taln1. Lie • 111232 548-82 t3 HERITAGE TRH SERV M~ Aoblnton Conet. 131·2345 ') f3Mltl LANOICAPI MAINT. ...1.1427 10 yra In oc. 8~ ,... REPAIRS 125 to 1185 Com"'9t• tr .. e•r•. 17 ~ 1878. 75'.otat General Contraotor ·MS.lMZ Comtn91'ICll t ~ a j '•• Prlek. t>loek, eonctllJ· on apte. Call 24 hre. Fr" HI 0111 ~lme. yr• 9XPI' Oen 552·5377 c.,.., ,.,.,,. Ind., comm'I, r... ~ lit. •lotoa mlnlgemenll , 831·904 •• ~~m.~::r ........ B~~~~-~~:::::~ 1·885·3411 COl'-Ct. WALT 770·2 25 ,.,,,, •• .;;r.-i••••t.••••••••••• Llc,333217. 557·1735 Ron'1 Gardening: II yre ROBltol'S CLEANING 040 Pelntlng: R"e rtlH, Hut>et Aooll~·all lypell. •••••••' .. •••••••••••• No 8tH m/"'° 81111'1'1PoO l!Jeclrlcat Contractor 11m1 ar11. Qu111ty 11 Swvlot • • thoroughly Flrepl1011-Plantto trM "'· Work guer. N-·reoo~·deeka Mott tubjee:ll. K· 14 Stain Sl*Ullat. l'Mt c.,,.. W-'wttill!f lnel .. Com"'., Rel. Lie r 111. r • t 11 M • n t f clean l\Oute. 54G-0167 BBQ'•Petloto-Veneer Oen (714) 8e2·04117 uc: .• 4 1 1ao2. 5411-81~ Oay ....... tummet $ tOwll Clry Fret •t. 839•1412 ••••••••••••••••••• • 3"217. Pti 667·1738 t1nC11c1p1 NB/CCIM ._. Reta. Fr .. •I. 548-0•14 Oeve (714) 064-3378 Mr. MOfgan. 64&·111711 Kit. Aemod .. cetemlc Ille. na.tm T.1,.C. nOUNll-1'111 h 'jJ ti Crpt1 lnatllll/rep&lrtcl cablnet1. Call now · Ir• 11111111 ILllTlll · s.rvtce. Low AaiN . Exptrt M•tonr~: Ou&111y llMrl•• •• ! ... ~~.~"··••••••• •PITll Tlflll• Flood Clemage. 8teem .. um1t1. 5'2--0811 We don't "*II you wait Afiilet (11fto1fill Toni 160~208/142"°405 worllmanelllp. rlllli llc .. r.-... A............. BUDGET RATES Apple II. HenC11 on ter• clng.554·8510, t73·15M ..,,,,111 uc. 370889. 131·7823 TrH trtm, gen. clnupt, ExpertlM Houttktte>lng prloea. Reta, 1161•4655 F1rthln~ lnt11rlor Ote~n Lo rriln. Sml job• OK. Lie, min at, but eppllcet1on1 Shempoo I 1tearn e~. •••••••••••••••••••••• ES cement WOflc. ,, .. "'· Wt furnlah VIKIUUm & ··~·f HANG NG/STRIPPI G Frie HI. Ina 641·7581 only. l tO hr. 5.411·5279 Color brlghtenera, wht •KATRINA'S: LIVE·IN R ID/COMM'UIND. Catt 548·1904 anytime. euwn-. •••••• ••••••••••••••• Vlu -MC Seott 645·8325 Clyt. ff'·ll100 IYll crpt1 • 10 Min. l>IMch. lltkprt, Cl1lly m&ICI WV, 20 yra. Do "lr a..\ wor1I Vanaeea 871 .... 831 • ABC MOVING • ASA PAPERHANGING ~!!!~!••••••••••••••• f I• lf--1-.. U••'. llv/dln. rma •1•· •""' ot1lc1 el11nlng. crpt Uo. 27'°"1· Al 146-lll28 • ...... '.'.................... Ouletl. Careful Service. 7 yr1 locel ••". Gutr. OB E SER CE -•• 1'1'K9 ".,. .,. • "'• ·o" elelnlng 835 2t11 • '-'" HOUSECLEANINO Fr .... umet .. 652-0410 k p I ..._.. M IL VI •1'••'A••••••••••••••• room S7.uv: couch .1 ; · • •••fg.( HOME IMPROVEMENT IS OUR BUSINESSI wor . r CH a tut 11 RHCrHnt/New eereent Typing Word Proe. Let· chr $5. Guer. tllm. pe1 lhJ/tl•f lftfl#I ••••···-···,·,·.· .. •• .. •••••• REPAIR-PLUMBING Jenice'• RIQOldy Ann •A·1 •Ylll* 18/roll, Alee 751·7027 NBICM only. 042·8552 te<I. rnum11, te<m J.I· od0<. Crpt r9PA1r. 15 yra ••••••• •••••••••••••• Carpentry, ei.o, 1111· Fr.. E1t 10 yr• 97•2111~ Top quellty S;pee1•• e•·• Cu atom 1··1llp1p1r~n •---1ir'il •--J.-P•r•.· MSS. lie Relll. exp. Do work my11ll. ARCHITECTURAL PLAHS Fr .. fftlmat11 945·8258 HI. No job too tmlll. ' . u-.. i 11 . 6 vr., .. ... ' -·· '' _,..., • .,. 11 7 35 Rel9. 53t..0101 FO"' BUILDING PER .. IT 645-2111 JOlll'I CIMnlng SetvlCI In endllng. 2 yrt exp utlaleetlon guerent . • ...................... _54 __ 1 _____ _ n ... ,,.., ~-Competitive"-'" For .. , Frank 776-07t4 SECRETARIES TO GO WI ' Cl l l!•nllc.tfffffl RetlC11nt11I •ddltlon• ' •••••• ;;:.-:"'········ EXPERT HANDYMAN HOU ... ·APll-Aent&I• No overt!~. 730-1353 I~ Your Olflcl O< Ourt ••• -!.~ ••• ~-!.!f ••••. •••••• •••••••••••••• .. ,.... " -STARVING COLLEGE •••• •• ~.~. ••••••• • ••• •• .,, :; '· remodel. Don 147..eeot CAPT·LINO-WOOO C··-ntry . "oo~ ·0~1::.:'lcet::::=:_.. _ __:5:::4::::0.:.·1:.:2::.8:..7 1'"'"";irnlii\iii:i.ri-r:n.~ru;--1""'"1 ' Etflct.111/Rell•ble "l ... th• Sun•"lne In" Cement·Muonry·Blocll n.-,JJ ln1t1lled/r1p1lred. Greg Plumblng, etc. 042 13 Gtnerel Houeeel .. nlng. STUDENTS' MOVING ED'S PLASTERING ln·hOUM Word Proe. Call Sunthlne Window Automoblle Air Cond. W11t..Cu11. worll. Lie. "::I.";'................. Uc. 3892680 t-240·3082 LOU'S HOME REPAIR Rllleble. ref1. 10 yr1 exp. CO. l .lc. T124•438. ALL TYPES INT/EXT No minimum 842--0969 Cleaning. ltd. 548-8853 Repair. 180 Welle Piece #38t057 Rob 547·2ea3 DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC ,,,, i Elee..C11pentry·Plumb. 982..05t0 111. 4 lntured. 841·8.427 Tt~turH P1tctllng CLERICAL SERVICES 200/, Monthly DI.count CM. Bonttlloe 548-52011 DrlvH , petlos, w1lk1. Fr.. yr~!!'!: Bn:; 5t2.~9211 •••••~•"-'•••••••••••• Pluter-Stucco-P1lnt Ou1llty Hou~nlng WATCH US GROWi FREE EST 845·8258 Bllllpg1Hyplng•FllH MR. SPARKLE. all wndwt, "' No job 100 email. ..... Qerden~ Willied Reu. prloes 875-4555 with I Pereonal Toucn PLASTER PATCHING PU/dll IVlll 842-8518 both •IClll. screens & ~}~~t!!!t........... 638·2007 Wiii tHlurN-Aeoulllc Mowing. glng, raking. B• Ila Beth 558-0158 f!}~J!~I.............. Rutuccoa. Int/ext. 30 $ • kll 1 1taek1. Honut. depen· Rellebll Mother will bl· C••fllflllt ,..,,,I Heno·Te~SIMI 1tud1 aw1ep~t5~~;e Htl· ••• ~ •• ~ •••••••••••• HOUSECLEANING Piii PllllTIH yra. Nett. Ptul 5411·2977 .I!!~ ••• !••••••••••••• dable. Gu1r no atreaka. bysll. hot meals. lg pl1y •••••••••••'•••••••••• lie. 3119944 1·532-5549 i-m-•_tff_. _4_____ DUMP JOBS By Seendlnevlllll Lady by Riche rel Sinor Lie. SERVICE & F\EPAIR AeH ptlc11. 540-5854 area. R111. 4 yr1 and up AEMOOEL/AOO-ONS DRYWALL TAPING TREES & Small Moving Jobe Exp' Cl 548·2 111 280844. 13 yra 01 heppy !!~!!~!~I............. Van Oppen1 Se<vlee Co 548·4523 y~ ~::,~~:Z.~ ~·:·2~~9 All Tu tur" & Aeoullk: Topped/removed Clean Call MIKE 848· t391 F/Stuelent w/houteelHn local evllom«L Ft4erie• Phl•Mll (7 14) 538-4666 ':laullled Ad1 are the 1n1wer to a 1ueceutul g111ge or ya1d 18111 11'1 • better way to tell more P90plel BABYSITTING $1. hr. II Free eet Kevin 675-9011 up, l1wn renov. 75t-3478 HAULING·GRAOING for llCIY In ellChge for Thenk you, 831·4410 Your full Mrv1oe plumber Tl'te lellest draw in lhl wks·2~ yrt. Mon-Fri FIRne Flnl1hedS CaRrpentry Find wllet~ou went In Went ACI H"'p? demolltlon. e111n-up. rtnt. Jlflny 879-3978 WANT ACTION? HJ·1410/140·Hl2 WC es_~, .... adOaC11 yTP 1lo1 8 AM· 8 PM . C . M . ernod. pee. endell .. .concrete & trM removal. las ... r.., A all odey 642-2995. Lie. 419587 720-1280 Deity Piiot llaelfteda. 842-5e78 Quick eerv. 842·7538 8141 Idle Item• 5'2-5e75 Clalllfed Ada 142-54178 642·5878. ...... U•l11•idw J .. ,, ••• ,. "" ...... AJ1UI•,.,, A111t••I• ,.,.,,.,.,, A,,,,.,.11 .~.'!!'!!! •• !~.~.!...... ··'-·················· ...................... .,.,,,, ••1s •••••••••••••••••3•:.•1•1• ~····,·-.:•:•:_•••;'l•l•I• U•l11•iliN U•l11•l1tw U•l11•i1iH O•l•r•ltiN • a..iL fr L L .... 1 R&mmate to shr 2Br apt. WHTlllllTH •• .'! ............. ~.". •• ..__1_ ~ • ~ S I t I 4ZIO 1 •• 111• t• lt111 431' Ollit1 l1•t•J 44 C1••11ti1J #tWNtl l11tA • • .,,.., .,..,. ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••• .. •••• .,. r..-ata, $160 mo. + 'It 1200 or 2400 ~.ft "'-· H B ore &/or lnelu11 .,,~ ......................... -..................... CHI• .... 3114 c .. 1. •n• ,,,4 ... ,;.,,.. .,,,..,, ..... Jiii ''"' -~r/2"1, hlly uiii: ~8-2902. 547-7616 luU olflce ~ ,,:,"; avall For IH ltarti;;g"';; Beaut. apac 4 Br. 3 a. THE •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• lt•rt 314 ···~~··•••;707•y;•9;_ space t4302 & 1430• '450 mo 847-995' Condo Incl MP quart.,•. S __ , 2 B t B •~25 Condo. 2 Br 2 BL SC •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 B Be. hr1, WklJ If •ttltt.IJ Amm11e w1n1ed to 1hr 4 B eh Bl d Bl n 2 au to m •I t c gar p-..oua r. •· -· Plue $535 mo ale end 2 Br. with gerege. bel· boa, newly deeoreted. r1tt1 lll·ltt4 .. tlyt BR twnhae 1n Nwpt $250 ea v "' SHOP Spece 15x22', $1300/mo. 760-9313. ''GOOD ~a~~·drly'h f:::. $p~7o~: unit.' Non ·s~oker 1, CO"Y· stove & dish· beaut. cond. Yrly. $800. s 3 d u I m 0 p 0 0 I & • e c r."""ge ·s;~vplpclncgend:rnt~~-$200 mo. Avl no w ,..8•9556 _8_4_2_·2_1_4_2 ______ , washer , $5so1 mo .1 _6_7_5_·0_9_8_8 ______ 1 pac. br con °· n v 833·6146 dys. 644·5249 7 14 ·4 9 1 ·25 7 2 o r .,.. Pk. Irvine. $300/wk evs Prime location. 979-8889 494•0059 IQlll llllE •Clean 2 Br MICArthur Flrepl1ce. pool. Cllth· 636•7979· A rare opponunuy to lea· Compl turn 11nen1. or 645·t260 --------- 1 oraeir LIFE'' washer, pvt p1t10 X LG ••oo lurn or unfurn 1 Br se at beaulltu l SEA aslle /Cl ~ •p'--& -R---1-llll-1..,.--0-,_-t ---------1 So ... e•I Prt,..._ ~ Vig., S.A. Tennis. pool, Gerelen 2 Br $560 ... ISLANO.Lovety "Blmlnl" w ' ryv,, • ""v• oomm11w "" u~. A1rpo'1 erea . EJlec: Sul· " ''' E Cl d "M .. spe s 8oo ACI 111 pool,sp1.18892Florfda_ more Comm p ools. own beth.NB $185 lits From22S-450 eq 11 Fer ltlh xpan e iramu · · u · 557·2841 842 2834 842 3172 Plan 2 Br Oen, 2'/o Ba. 1p11. tennis ens & VIEW 642·11247 51 ,,.., '""· 11 "eny •tras. Model 2 or 3 BR, 2'h YEA"·"OUNO FUN: 752·5822 O< 841 -t460 1---------1--·--· --·----i lull security plue every Sh1tron. agt. 552•2000 .--...., "" ~ Ft11t1l1 Y1ll•J baths. completely rtmo-Soelel Actlvltlee WeaUICle Lg 1 Br w/ 2 BR. retrlg, tncl. gar. conoeiveble amenity. For Female roommate want· Call 557-7010 2 bldgs. ofllce/atorege Clele<I. Panoramic ocean o 1 re e t or • Free cerporl. D/W. lndry. •v•ll $430. plus $250. sec. WHIFFLETREE lnlormallofl cell 7 14/ Hunllngton Bell eondo. 2 ed. non-smkr. 4 belrm Ole tor rent lull or part. 11s.880 & 2.880 Sq Fii & city lights views. Com· sun day 7•2. '400 mo. 640-a329, 648-0341 •ft 1.SOPM 1 & 2 Br. Dlacount on 644-5494. br, 1''• ba, pvt p00I, 1en· hM Steps 10 Newport 191h St .. c M . .Xlnt lront Eacellent corner 100 . munlty pools & tennl• Bruneh•BBQ's• 845-6825 2 BR 2 B•. ig. kltch, bltns. some model• POOi, Spa, 2 & n11 e111. $900/mo Av1U Beacll $205 pkJ1 ulll ofc loc. Avail lmmed parking lease all 0< part courts Guarded gall Partles•Plut ard $550mo 8313S37 Gym , Seun1 . etc . Penthouse. Br •Iott. July 15 toAug t5.Aug. 714·631·3574 540-1257 Annualteasewnh op11on area. 11900/mo. Donne much"'°'' 1 BR APT O/W, New Y · • 8'46·0619. oct1n view. ltnnlt, Ja· 15 lo Sept. 15. 548·7501 rot 10 shr Condo, houae. 10 renew FOUNTAIN Godsh1111844·6200 (F54). GftEAT palnt&epttanCIClrepee -"'-'· ________ ,----------! euiil $l395 /mo or988·1068 111 amenities 5285. TOP LOCATION. Hart:lor· VALLEY SCHOOL Ot· ?/:Macnab-Irvine 1 blk to t>eeeh, 4 Br 2 Ba, Jae .. yrly r11t1t1I $1100/pr mo. No pell. Cell agt: BUI 831-088" or 646-5096 2 Br. 2~ Be. mk:ro, dlth• washer . poo l. 1p1. $&50/mo Avail now 540-7799 Model 2 br. 2 ba. pano- ramic ~n View. eeeu- rtty condo. S tOOO mo Apply 10 purc11ase prlee II desired. 673-6776. c •• , •• ,., •• , f1.t1rai1t~ 34ZS ....................•. Resort-like edult tract nr SC Plze. Pool, grdnr. OluK 1Br. No pets. $475 & $35 U111 775-2580 Highly upgreeled & elean Reaort·hke eelull trect nr SC Plza Pool. grdnr Dix 1 br No pets S.-85 & S35 viii 775·2580. Highly upgraded & clean. ~r..'!!!!~!!.!!-.~i!~!!. C•nu ''I 1111 31ZZ •...............•..••. Ocean vl&w, beautifully lurn. townhouae. lrplc, pool & petlo. $895/mo 673-0598. C.111 .... 3114 ~····················· CASA DE ORO ALL UTILITIES PAID Compare before you ren1. Custom design features Pool, bbq, cov'rd garage. surroun· ded with plush lanelsea· ping No pets. 1 Br fUfn 1500 365 W Wlleon 642-1971 AICRIATION: C arport S375/mo. $-490. 2 BR. pool. unsul· 631-6000. -Pvt--N-w_p_t _h_o_m_e-.-4-br-.-3-1 662•2..,.9.966-8479 Beker Center, 3011·23 STRICT. PO Box 85 t0 Tenn Is • Free 551·2175 table lor children. 325J WlRlfallJ bl, playroom Stepe 10 2 ---------Harbor BICI. CM 580 & Fountain Velley Neomi Lesson• (pro & pro 2 Br. pool, gatege. 1525 17th. Pl. 648·5137 aft Chermlng 1 bdrm. n.wfy pvt beachel. Avell July Prof M . non-smllr. 28-35 t 2 5 0 • q . I l M gr WlelenCI 714/842·6651 1 h 0 P) • 2 H ••II h mo No pet1. 1395 "B" _1_1_a_m_. _______ , tteleeoreted Delightful 15 to Aug 15 Aug 15 10 1 0 1 h' N B h 0 me 645'8100• 549· 1366 Clut>e•Seune• w. Biker 041-0783. Lge 2 br. 2 b' redec. p1110 $650. Utllltlff PO Sept 15 $2100 mo S375tmo 63l·1286 Dia· 2nd floor walk-up olllcel, ITIRE/tmCI HyClromaaMge" PINE BLUFF APTS. Pool. Relrlg No pelt. • S1<1>1tlyGllH Older pref'd 548·7501or988·1065 _n_a_. _______ $125 & $165 montl'tly 300 to 900 eq It Dnlwn ~Vlngml~•Golf 2 lk 2 Ba. 1 cttlld ok, no I 4 1 !! . 8" 8. 7 3 1 9. • P(I01 & Rec Aoom ~---67_3_·_8_14_5 ___ , JULY 3 TO JULY 10 Ammte Sh C.M Condo Ullls pCI Crpts. drapea, Laguna 494-5688. ..,.., ~ 873--08'M • 1&28llf'1t10 APIS -2br 2"bl Wl dryer pa'htl l l ng CCIM '•'•llll'l/ll•t•/4$00 I I A u T IP u L. ~Petlo • .n.w. frpk:, 1 _________ , • r.are11n lanoscu•ll9 ~ Height•. 1 bdrm 110·32nd. NB. '300/wk • " · · ~ AP A" T .. I .. T. •• , ".,., r' tt0"9 NEW BREED APTS. apt $375 per mo. s•~ 11. 673-t573 ~_p~c9•9g26ar S295 Joan 75 • 1830 •••••••••••• • •••••• ••• .,...,.. 83--.;.10 • 01shwuht1J &880s C ••• .,.,.,. ..,. ..,....,. t•a-( NB. 3975 B11ch. 5600 IQ s In g I• I . 1 ' 2 ........ l-.. . BACH W/LOFT Frplc, • ,,,,, to ........ ' S""-Ill.,....,._"""" -N---,-B--h--d---11 or ..... MIA zone ....... F·-~ r-room ....,.. 1~...... ..,, ---· '"'~· ewpor e1e eon o. Shr "--·1. • br home w 300 r $250 ......,oomef • .. ,__, Ugt\I 8'11•. AJry a Btend g-,, & w•' , ......... er r.·1,-0 ~ No' lBr. 1Ba. new q>t, yrly, llPI 4, pool, apa. view, 1 1e""'a-.. 1 B k B 1 otc.. s:i t. a1 Agent~ 1.5032, & Un urnleh•Cl•No New. 2 Br. 2 &a. trple. 2 1 3..,. H 11 ·c •• t '~ blkato bch. $550 mo. pvl! s 1200/mo Ownr. rp pat o. ee ay per mo 1 otc .. 500 sq It Pets•Model1 Open eer gllag•· pool. ape. pee. "" am on. .... 675•201odya. 875•94000r 631•6866 are a . $220 ·250 . at S-400 per mo Clll. S750 up 2160 II. lndu· C11lly 9 to 6. From $7 5. 557-2380, i-64_5-_4_4_11_. _____ 1 STEPS to b11eh 2 br, 1-...u-1 •..1-642-1653 714-533·0200 ~~~~ ~'1'r~e ~8~8~u~4:: OIL.... 545-3115 WMltlde. 1 bdrm, •love, ---------t R r 'Cl ··so ..... _ --Ammt• to tnr 4 br home. L•••• ..... ... 1ng1~. ee~ .. 842-2834 • 5426-$436/mo 2 8t t Ba reft1g. No pell $350. 717 2 br wlplllo. Nr Beach & yr '1 • '· req · ..., Apt. llC" 4. 1 bffl !tom c M 1 ml from bell Jee. • ~· ""'' lw... apt bHmtd c~lllng "O" w. 18th IS3nd~an50apo116.~2·1S43,!953/r:'°7,;•" mo. 642·2127 t>eeeh Ger. quiet $400 W/0, Selec1 TV. VCR. ~!' ~~J~s1p1a{;t8;e'! l1•t1J1 WHtH 4100 1 ... -...... · ' 645-1928 "' • fY ~ OCEAN VU 2 br. t'h ba. wk 760-1962 trplc. Smllr OK. S300/mo ,.. n..-n leondry rm .. pool. Avail. Cl .. r 1 •e1 11 sp1ee In Hun1lngton ;te~·1n•e•d•••B•u•1•1•n•e•1•1••l•a•d•y• ....,... ..... ,... July.Calll0t>appt. Large 1 Br. advlt. near lm•1 3144 ec ... rp. gar "'us. EMERALD BAY. L19. +ehrullla Judl0<Gery. Beach Lease e e Tsl •• ... 2 1603 1 •• • •••• •••••••••• ••••• S555. 2218 Peclflc Ave, F S 1 642 6553 gl u1 r needs uni urn. 1 bdrm 880 lrvlne ... gmt .,.. • · ahopa. pool, 111 ut 1 pd. 1 BR. 1 ba b1eh condo C.M Bluffs are1. See ronl row peetaeu ar • · percent ownersh P n 60· garage or coach apart· (at 16th) $500/mo. 2 Br 1 Ba. up-1 8 8 4 M 0 n r 0 v 11 Sharp, end unit A/C. flrll then eall. 646-3826, white water view, pvt RMMTE w1nte<1 10 •hr 2 OOO IQ tt bldg close !0 menl. rear or private res (714) ., .. 5-11n.. ,_,unit, tnelld get-. 548..()336 AVI 644·8722. 642·8808 bdl 3Br &. den. 2'~be • BR & Clen Blul'1• llme. bHch No dn paym 1 Eastslele Cos1a Mesa '" ..,.. ,._.lo bl 1 -..-O/W. pool, ten, tac. beeehy Avail July, Aug. non-1mllr Must bl neat C 1 I I M r B r o o It s ....,... .....,,... pll . 1H I· ns, laundry Lg 2Br, 1'1oBI. no petl. nr 715. S450. 875·t•3• Bachelor apt, 'lo bill to Sept Agt 4g,....oo29 & rup. Greenblt. 1350 2141596•2105 Xlnt references Alter 1700 16th St. rm. OCC. So. Ctt Plue $485 6pm Mon·Fri 5•1·4070 (Dover at 16th) . TSL Mgmt. 542-1603 mo. 978·2 t27 la•HI ""j 314' $b2e7a5c/mho. al v9•211120n85o w. Y1t1li,. •••l•I• 4ZSO mo. 840·9272 lfflOE/•RT&IL ••'••••••••••••••••••• • -•••••••••••••••••••••• Share 3 bdrm condo. "~' (714) 642-5113 •Meaa Verde 2 Br. 1 B1. Etstslde 2Br 1b1. pool. IOUllFIHT IH Cli•,.ll 3111 OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br. pool. jac. racq ball Cts. 80¢/sq 11 Newly r elurbl1hed. laundry . $450, cell Mott elegant ept. blelg. •••••••••••••••••••••• Aval! now Weekly th<u Ttn Cts S300 845_8767 328 N Newport Av 1200 $495/mo No pell 833-7890. 848-1947 In Legun1 Beech. finest Adult, Studio. alove. re-summer 673-7573 sq tt, ground lloor Cell 833-8974 b h C t I 4351 Pete Jonnaon. 631-1266 YWU LWI , .. · 3 B 2 8 T E.11de cute egl apt. v1ul· ::~~g1~1!~~~bul~~s: Sfr5160g1,m~~e''in.$f9~~~:S~· Elkhorn at sun Valley .• !!!/!.~.!! .. .'.".!. •••• Cle 1 bd 1 blk f ...,rge ' •· own· ted eetllng1. pv1 p11lo. Idaho. beautltully fur· Storage garage tor rent an rm. rom houae In quiet complex. $425/mo. Joyoe Weitze, h • 11 e d P 0 0 1 · -,-.-.-J-.-,-.------I nlshed. Sunburst deluxe on alboa Peninsula bS600eachm. 0P. r71v80p.a1!!,o2. ger. 1., .... pool, garden Mt· 1131•1288, ant. sub .. garage. elevator .,, ..., .--.. $1150 & C J 3111 townhouse with garege, next to Fun Zone 10'/o • 1817n5-g ,. .. '.8117. 5. 645·3381. Condo, 2 br, 2 bl . VII•·-l3 .. 30MCll~Orly. 4"• 8083up .•••• ~.!!'!..!!!......... 3 Br & Iott. 2'i't B•. pool, 20'1o' 873-2943. 1......:======~-*IUITlftL * .,.,.. 4, •63. Fee: pool, ~ . " • . 3 belrm. 2 ba condo. 1 sauna & resoll prtv . fl. ---------4 deluxe ottlces. s1rlltgtc Temp eceommodatlon wanted· July 11 10 Aug IS Cornell Univ student working in Laguna Bch requires 1 b r apt or housesltllng, pref 10-15 min walking distance to dow n t o wn , $500·$700 /mo Refs avall Call A nswerACI =67 1, 642-.4300. 24 hrs Cuatom Cedar .design lBr, pool, gu/ water pd. lennia. $645/mo. Call Pat htalfrt8t htt4e 1 N t 1600 snlng, hiking, hOrMblcil Slngl• guege. Costa IOCatton on Beach Blvd 2Br. 2Ba, 1p1, petlo. refl req. 147 A ower St. 540.9497, Etegent 2 BR. den, 3 Ba. 1 <>,a9•4~~ ;3 1•8346 riding. Salmon River Men. $65/mo Storage HB. Front exposure. lge Reliable mature covple eplrel 11a1r1. skyllt11. No pe tt. $330 mo. woodburnlng fplc. pool, ---------1 boat rides. 11nnl1 & golf. only. 20th St. 631-0921 sign are•. 65c sq ft. wants ho"'e or apt for frplc. t 'le blka to bell. 645-8181 STUNNING large 2 Br. 2 $1500 111. 498·3529; IH•I 400I Call 1-2131 790.5521. IUIJtl lt•l•I 4400 Ownr 213-450-6555 m o of Aug or Sept Yrly 11300 mo. Utu lnel. 81. garden •Pl .. pool. 805-969·5328 •••••••••••••••••••••• "'" PRIME OFFICE SPACE Room to Sleep 3 ldults 673-9384 alt 8PM. Meta Verde 2 Br. 1 Ba $485/mo. 710 w 18th _________ ,RM lor rent Aug. ,,, ,,.,.1. ,, ,.,,. 43" ;;o·;q~·,;:;;~oo·~·~ CORONA DEL MAR Prefer Ocean View gerege, 11\. floor. no St. '"'•""' Pvt ba. Kit prtv Male or •••••••••••••••••••••• 11 .. 3975 Blreh • N.B. 67s.9510 2 t3-792·406t S.•li W•UI 1111 pelt. $475/mo. $475 1&2Br, $4 15-1475 ma. utll ... HfrHt rem. 548-8058 Agent 5"1-5032 10 ••• F•Eir ••••••••"•••••••••••• securjty. 1100 cleaning. ROOMllTE 1 n " Cute 1br/1 be duplex, 7 5 9 • 4 2 2 9. wk n 0 1 pd, e111n. quiet. pool. no 2Br 2b•. frplc, Cleek. Lux Nwpt Bch Apt, kit· l617 Wettclltt. N.B. want oompl. turn. Sips 6 10< 5-49·7329. pet•. ldHl ror wMklng w/d, lt300/mo yrly. CAii chen. lrg bdrm & be. fllDEllS lln1nel1I lnet 70001.f. l••••rt Otlter Simple. light space tor artist, 2nd lloor ok. In Coro n a Cle l M ar 64•-660• sum m • r . $ 2oo1w11 cple 548-7888 toll !fee 1~532·3972 Furn pool. IPI, gym. In-1 1 t 1 1 0 0 , A g e n 1 First clue • full l«Vlce Longterm. $600/mo. Specious 2 lk 2 B1. Cl• B ::I uk tor C7185 elds utlls. $325/mo plus Oldest & targeat egency. 541•5032 EXEC olflcea. lncluelea 1--------- 498-0785 luu . ntw e1rpet1. U I•• $100 Clep. Avl.7/1 Any· All e11en11 tcreeneel wtth ---------all amenities. From la•iHH/hrnl/ drapes. good 1ut1ld• .. U40 tBr •Pl. Areh Bueh time. 631-3820 photos & referenc;ee. $225/mo. 644·7189. ., •• , .... •aart•••I• 1oe111on. Metur• 1Clult1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Heigh!•. 1475 mo. Incl ---------c edit Cottnopollt •· •• n-only, S475/mo. Meneger Oefuxt poolllele, xtra t•r· utll. Contect Mike Rua-Exec hme N.B . pvt quar-r 1· •n Htrbor & Beker 2<\0 sq. fl ..... :••••••••••••••••• Ulll•mldH l47 E. t8th. SI. "4" g 1 2 b,. 2b1. b 11 n s, 1111 840·3225 ter1: 1 Br & be. prof M/F G~ T~:"r!.A~:.· . 111 llOOf, private entren-l•ll•lll •••••••••••••••••••••• dewhf, 1'h mllel beech. Studio S'430. 'It block 10 _o_v_e_r _40_._P_h_84_4_·_t90_5_ oe 1200/mo. 641·1324 ••• ".fr.!!~!l ... !.~~ lfJM ltla' JIM $530/mo. 2 Br 2 Be. Adults. no pelt. $500mo b h h I Beck Bay NB Prlv rm. ...,.,. 141-11n '•~... *'~'* •••••••••••••••••••••• Townttou-. cer portl, 538-8362 llC • neer I OPP ng, W"'8Mtr nl-1412 "' _..,......,........ swr-SWIMMING Pool Cheml· Yr~ 2 bdrm, t ba. Deelt, petlol. all blt·lne. lndry 1---------utllt paid. xlnt oe11n 1175 mo lnci utff. Young ~-Airport Area. uec 1111te eel serv•e• lie. Costa $400 Attractive turn 1 Br. ldry. No pell. $695 rm, emell pet ol<. Won't Beettelor. ll<WI & r11rl9. 5 v I •"'· 4 9 4 • 5 ' 1 0 • woman. Non·amkr .!~:"!..--. expends. elusy aurroun· Mesa 1r1a. No e11p. nee. Clen. Lg pello. ger. Ma· &75-0349 tettl bike lo beach, ulll1 Incl. 1_4_9_4·_2_7_97_. _____ 1 ___ 64_5-_5_5_5_9 ___ M/F lh1re 4 Br. hOUM In ./-..,_ dings. prof atmosphtrt, Will tt1ln. $50.000 full ture. quiet adult. No pet. Ill'"-· TSL Mgmt. 642·1003 $360. 980·8283 91 t •• ,,.. ••~1 Nice lurnl1hed room In Nawport Shor••· Nr / ._... ...,.... hes 120 to 250 aq f1 of· amount req'd. Will net • 21"' H • s10• -Alt 5 142 822t ..... ..,, • -Co' u~-c II .... b••~pool & tennll . !lees & Cltlk ..... _from $40,000.plul. Ctll COi· ,. ,.....,,... .. •-'---•-•••1 . . . 2 Br. 1 81. Ho pet1. qui.t ·•·•"••••••••••••••••• • • ...__ • ... er $350/mo. '4 utile. ..... r,..._..,. _. RMd 1 '455 NO FEEi Apt. • CoNlo 119m. 548-6629 285/mo lncluellng eont lect. Mon·Frl • Hk tor B1•lhflt• ••••••• ••••••••••••••• 1 841droom Duple)(, yard. .,... Y 4n2o;' A 121h rentale. VIiia Renta 543-43'&0. rm1, reeeptlon111, 1n1-R u Cl I . 9 • 6 P M • a ...... a. 31 .. 0 Sml bachelor yrty rental. g.11 11111g1. lmell pe1 okey. plul ClepOtlt • · 87,. ~.,12 Brok Avall lmmed. 10 non·tmk· ---------• werlng H rvlce 1011 of 408867.o11 t •• ~~ •••••••••••• ?. utll. pd, 201 E. a.Ibo• Bl. '400 540-7998 St. ........ er. drink ltm•I•. Furn bdrm. •m a am Ol'n ---------parklno. WP a Tix IVlll • M.l.'s FllEIT Sp1nlatt Eatate Uvlngl 811uUtul perll·llk• aur· rounellng1. Terr1e1d pool Sunken gu Dbq. 1parkllng rount1ln1. Spaclou1 room1. S•P•· rare dining 1r11. Walk·ln CIOMll. home llke kltett- en & cablnete. Wiik to Huntington Center. 1 Bdrm-tum. $506 2 Bdrm·fllrn from MOii 2 Bdrm Townhou• furn. • from 1875 No pell. 675-9582. 752~9~ Hice 2 br, rel• req. No Neat bMctl 2 er. 1'4 Ba.' Klteh & ldry Prlv $185 Working lldle1 ov., 40 *llLIU lfflOll* 833·P978 C•-• .... I•--•••• ..-•. $355/mo. 352 Vic-crpt1, drp1. blt·lnt. !~lo. mo 963·6421 willing to talk •bout fln. From 1 room to 3 room•.1---------i ••-•• ---...,._ _...._.. •5,.. ding end •"erlng a houM From $1 . 16 1 '""'· tt No $300/un: C•......,t1, Clranas. •••••••••••••••••••••• t0<1a. 645-lt81 .,,.. • .., gerage. • ""' · Nwpt Boh. 5 min. from ... ....... .. -..-... 3 bdrm 'ownhou ... pt. Cell 535-0921 b h N k •200 (Ne,..port uee). Call lelH required. ACIJ. Air· air 17301 Beach. H B COUNTRY CLUB LIVING HC · onam r • "T.L " at 642·7563 Svn-pc>rt., Inn. 2172 Dupont. 8•2·21134. 2'h ba, llrepllCI. encio-•••~"" mo 6 3 1 8 3 5 1 b •I Cal • •• 113"3223 1---------1 •, Shop 11 home It's H1v IN NEWPORT BEACH · • Cley thru Thur9d*" alter 8 I "'""· ~· led pallo. 1 blll l>Meh .,,,, 114 , t 11m 1pm -, -------- enCI lhope. Appllettlona •••••••••••••••••••••• with ctaulfleel 542-5878 A 10111 environment ---·--· ----p.m. • B Y ONT d 318 8 .. "immmmmi.iim•iliiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii-1 1p1rtment community on I fR 1ec1pt1 . • m lr· I 1,,_ Upper Bly. Privet• ..... _ ~Ill MtF non-•mkr to 1hare n guerlt•. Coron• del Mer. b . k t? I bh nd h Ith ••1tl1, .. rsu , Pfom. Pl. 2 Br. 2 Bl. -..~ ...--..... 873· '003 1173-7183 K ne un por cu OUll • •• ........ ••••••••••••••• tennll bly view 1375 r-•Nn• ..,..._. I B ............ -a ... t. t r-wtttl en • 8'>1. 8 tennlt eouf\1, 7 MM AM MITIL 54MJ29, 873-7a14. . Eue IUltH, full H rv .. _.._.,,. ""' ,....... A d f pooil. c:loM to bullneae, Wkly rentll1 now evaH. f\lm/untum.. greatly r• ¥· Ba. w• to bMct\, .. Wasn't he the mbassa or rom airport. Fulllon ltllnel. I t40 ' up. Color TV. M/F 10 lhr N.E. Hunting-duced. No .... 754..0274 ulll• P•ld, no kitchen. Au•tral1'a under Teddy Roosevelt? Convtnlent 1hop1 on Phone• In room. 2274 ton Bct't hH, petl OK. $300/mo. Cell Mon-Fri » 1111. UnturnllMd becM-Nawpor1 Blvd. CM. "2·5'75' llPT-AllNIT AIU. 5"41-932.2. f"'V"'\ tori. t 4 2 belrm •P1• end 11411-7«5 Pref. Prof over 40• tie.I 2 1200 or 800 elf. tot Pl' 2 Br. Apt. 1700/mo. Plue ~l f.J ~ town~!!'· •1000 bdrm, 2 ba. tum oc.n afl. Mo to mo. or ...... utlla. s.v.r:I~ and 1 B E A C H A R [ A tront condo. No Lagune. Mullen IWll1y. 540-2980 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MOBILE DOG GROOMING UNIT 111-tHI 720-11'8. If rou rt llOI SUit wllo (or wlltl) Ktnllfbun~ w». Bdrm unlit INturt llM I 4 2 6 mo , Sh Iron. llllTlrlL 1-... ----.---11-ff-ll-I C... ._. #If don'I f..i bid -you're ftOl llOllt KtMltlllnkPOtl rs C111lgn1r furniture and $77/wk 487~159 •INIT lllTll ...... ~m:! ........ 1--------- LA QUINT.A HERMOSA ••••••;:1;:••••••••••• Ont ol 14 d11hnchvtly d1llmnl ap1tlmtnl lloor Qilllt IOOMIOl'lll. Move In to-Emc>loYed t.m. 2 BA a Be With " ot , ..... ptlon LMH _... ... 18211 P klid L 1 blli ii Stt•tnd V111'&f 1n Hunl111Clon lt~n S.awind e11y °' rlM'Ye tor -"m· Kltc'*Wtt•MllCl-l'OOI ....i loc. Non-lfl'Mlr. U40 u ...... ' • - UtMlllelkMl of .. !! .... 3 • ..!· 8 _. 1 .. I .. a .. u... " I I I... ........ .... I ••• s t i N ....... Blvd ' Wllaon "" ..... ~ OOl\f. room. kltl:itl, phoM, OWrw ~ pet11W \0 ~..,..:-"'· ""'' "' Newly cteoor. <lei pd, •-Ct II a mu o o ... y per..,.-1 ... pro tsJIO.... mer montht. mar 'I eo.tw"M... 641 t75& .....--11 ~.,._. l word pro-11111 7500 ft of n•• ........... 1 •••1 encl oer. d•1tlr,-poo1, ~ r11e k1fld of •lltntlOfl '°' dtMnt A perlect turn11111d mOCI .. • open • • LADIES ONLY. 8-#tlM celling. Miii & mtlllfl •P•c• In Huntln9tonr-iiiiiiiiM;N;M:;--- -.._ bl>G. Adutll, no pett. bltftd of Mlurt Ind h lftC -nulled tfl t lorut With dally. ..... ._._,_ fAM Npt leedl l)rMlte hOme. MN, 1'111. eepeteltlY " 8t1cll. \.HH 0Ulf. e Q I J I a a ... 2.5071. blbbllftt b!oon tll4 QUlfl ponds. cooltd by Nlllrtl ••••••••• ":T:'r.:: •• :;n asaemo 941-6316 dHlrtd. Callt Judy, penllfll ownetll'llp Ill IO. u tt aun or 1 re, l'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil octlft bl"m. Add to lhtl ltn111s courta. aw11n• On JetnborM Ad 11 1,11t11ll1t I.I. • 7141180-0100, 000 eq It bldg doM 10 From 376. Poo!c, rec. 11 pools • '°' tl!CI 1 convt11ttAI loc1ho11 netr shollP"IC 8en Joequln Hllll Ad. summtr r•nl•I. tptrel HH/mo nHr OCC In bt1cl'I. No Cln pa~m·t. rm., 1911"1• 1"°1 II-•e•••• and tmployfllfCll Ind rou·o cot , pltet 1ny011t would 1'4-11M "*'· ~ Coe11 M .... Can eny· MIHIT .. S:,.1~~~7::.6'°" °" -~-~---11tM11 '"' "°lllt 1c.1111tti1nt__,ntport1> rrp1e P¥t .,.. n• t111t1 tlfM no-t1eo ...._... Oftl .,,_two btdl1111111 ont Ind t-o Nlh LIDO llAUT"UL 2 Ir. bMCh. ~. N .. 1f~ '•mile ll·U 10 11 .. ~.!'1.~ •.• 11.~ ...,='"~• '::[io .,.,.1111111ts tr0111 UIUt ~,~: /r~at~dult•. IA..-T •Nboartl 111· Yaho"c' 11, --------- tt11dto, ftOfl·aw/ • m .... ..__ ' ...__ __.... ewport 110 • I 40 a over• pukln9. o WI · w...-.. 11r.2k. .. """'"dc.O.iiOOo--7 An1w•t Ad 1171, :::. =' utll. • I =... = 111 H1Jn1 tori Yli!IQf UPS* wlfrplo, r1tr'91. ~-1• Mm\•: .. 1-400 l4 tn, I a... fllM t Ir. ~· "°""'°· rm .. I .. ••oo' Mt. ibii TO IHAM. Ni l-f&~ifliiAO~ JW.inrm..d'l.11'1 NIOO W .. Gn#I· "'9. If'°' .Ml. t41-*7 lft I Y~. 1 IW. -4. MM9; '-!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!f!!!!I , .. ~~} llr, t ba. • fr, Mr, t7Mtt1. lflM, ~1m w . ..-. --.. 11. r-ism H1Htt1111ton v1~1 ~ ... ir~· ... 11. c. "'~·.:O.'l~ Ito ~ 1 .,, ,_.. ,_,,,., iir •to""· M,,, • fl000 /lft0 llll'l"!t.j' t t;.i f1t• ,.._.. •·· ,.,._ '':-::J ..... _..... .. = ,... -. :::r .... te lll•Jt"• N . + 'tt Utll, ,rtflf 1 /lftO lllfttlt, 111•1 ,.,,..__ .. _,.. '9 W91' ,., f.... , .,, ........... ••rJllll •tr Ifft, ,.,. .,. ~-fill • ..... ,......, """.,......,......,. '''"·''IA'~"'·· ......... "',,1 ....... w. IHO r!r• 1-.,..not r~ • • OM l OftinQe OOllt DAILY P.ILOT "ttday, July I, 11U •t:1,.1.., ... fllnaW........ l*JMt!Jt ... M #Jlalll. •••• 1.(9 e-............ 1!1 lllll!Ptl ........ llM f!tl.ffPJ:t'9.. IM'JI._. i , ....... .,....... ..,...... .. ·-~ WIH, ......... m= -~ ..,,.., ......., ,..,, .. ~UeT H'-L !!":;:;. ~ fl-ILi. pd_~~~ ' n 1111111 ..... 1............... i:.1 !!!'t.ic:m ..... ~D. ... r,·· NCO! ......... k rfo rm r.; 14. I flflon1 ... I.... .... :..HOI oa ,,... • ' WMI e ..,_ °' ~ well ''""'~lltl 19 11.w4 .'1Ja' 9'*1111 ~. O ti '' !'..L. a w I • MiJ -.o.. . • M ...... 110 OWft fet -~ .... , ~ ptlvat lot ~ ' ' Malle apple, fHtlrtt, ~a f 1411 ,.._.. .,_ -------i ......,_ ..,._ AIM Ctll M....,, • __.,... 191¥119~4 "'' '" 11111 • llaM ~. Mulllloill l r"\ f':'I~ ~ ~ llUPl'V· 8of9 bed.~.._ Ill ....... tlh&.,...;n .. ir.g ... Mill lfl IO ~ ..... .,....,_. ...,, .... Y-r9WI ~ lo "°"-~ ~ ' ,a.,.·-+:-. I moe. ",.. '° OooO OOrtd. 1100. 41'1·2tl3 .... ,. Oolt 01ui.1 MIGGr'.1:; Oo"'''"' Hl•llP pfua If\ 10-4 , ..... u'"'"' ........... ,..,.,.... Al-alOft. ..... 1. I ·I.... ' ' ) ho"''· A , .. , lover. .... ~. -· II ~·~.:-,. 1u11ln111 oon111111n1 . Cl l1tr1Uon "'""'· .,...._ ~ OttttMI u r l 1 '~ 1I4 /II1 -o 1o1 l Wallrbld w/t!Mler 1 11• very 1., .. hOtM f4I. --·--·---- leo.Ql11 !~ ~ • ~~ l'atfllon llltfld 41ffl .. , -Im eAtA• IALI Ml NOW ".~ ... , .'l ........ ner, never u11d. 160, Oe\I M. AM fMdt 10 ..... 11' h ~.;n' ;"~ AlftbUHdor Travel Conv • !Ont W1n _. CUllWllD IT Cini ...... , °"' MellV ,_. • lolllftO H2·Hl7 from 4 to IOM orde r 1nln'9l1, your Q d o on Cl . 1 11 o. I "11 No. 1011, Dilly 'lloti ~=..=: 4IOO up. r.q'd. l•Olll. wor-.. llLOW • twnlly. 0.. lheel, AKO', Oak hutch, bookcue, oflol" ot oolore. LuLu 9~7 •••• •••••••••••••• 1o11 1110, eo.ti Mete. .-n111i .. I k,tna ~ .! ~11 J!' 1._Y'1 .. ~110. '.,,.,.,Qin· delle, eo1on1e1 •tvte ... 84047°' ~ wtincte. ._.. .__ ...._ LI. Um8 OA 11111 1 lo I Yf9. -.ar. Dlft!Oll• Jtfni9, , • .,;...,, "~ ;...,, 6-.a., ._ ~. QAMQI I ALI t,.. ,...._ 1600, wtti 1419. S40-740t LedlH Bike, wllh tool we buy :-;..~ ... te. .... lion IO llnlltl. M to t10 ?14-Ml-I044or~1" mm'le'U'.l1r.oo••••• t247 "IPUIUO AV. Doble pup, M .. At<C ch. brake 126. TWtn 1o... uMd "*1"'9 IQU!p. on ~'" 111 a tnd .._I...,. per tw. Mnt,..., J4ll& t l:non: 411 l'l•O• IP ~el!::;-:= IUfl-8AT/IUN ~ 1lred, 1>1llt ru11. 1ho11. ':rz:"dr'!:'.."'.':~i prlng & M1ttreH 121. conelonme "t 1 ,;0 w TD'•.._ 1Mt ltWOTO MOOlll UWV ttf\. ~ eo tom. · Na ;"''.C:.., . 4tt:>°& Phe>CowtPNO eQIJlpmtnl, 17"4111 drwr hi boy a 200. Call 511•1344 to '"· Allllng, wind aurtln9, AolK. laltllt NH/CM UCOf'TIJOANCIM Senta Ma CounWy Olub. Popoy CdM M lal. TV, ln~( Cent· AKO MIN. l'>OOO\.I 640-7409 WOOdbfldoe· wet• lltllnQ, MMll, turf A.I . lrolcer Id Aeellor9 OVT~!-_.i.._124 HM ... Jim WQIMt, L-• ' ' •· 1"9. v~. low-Ctlamp bloodllne, blacMI Beaulltul lnlre"ce Hell 011k1, furn .. ml10. An board, baoll p101&lng, 642·1111 146-0t11 ......_ ..............__ ea..... ••• C.,. lrMa 11ng ball, ciMet Mt, Ole>-F, 1'I'•1100, w/llhOft a Che>r, flthlnO OM'· 1-clothlng for all aaove WIDOW HAI IM tor TD'• -• -'°' 3-l1 INlt. ~i. ••••··~~;;............ tflH. 1011 ot oood•••· Pll*I· 911·1421 T:~ !i~:~~n~t='. rythlng goe9l 84&-3642 eporta. "4MllO. 1171 AE I A-•. 101( ..... Ho ......... Ip ,,.._ llw ealwy, lllcell • .,.,... Garage l ala • Lo .. o t a628 Fordham Sat July from France .• 500. OUITTll.ln ···-'---.... NewpOf18Nd CM • ...... _ ""' frlftl HM ... Itta. "4l4044 or llCH)l'I In Oooclleel lat/Sun 10-4. 3 11•6 AKC MIN. POODLE AV ---.. Credit Clleok, No ftefl· •••••••••••••••••o•";T pereon: l'laglftlp ·00nv 179 Albor It. (Hr 1tth l ' Champ bloodllne, blact( 9110·1850. now In progr ... at lat· l!leolttc 180 Wlih hood. ally, Dennllon I AMOO. ~lraller ~to Mi. Over 21. 8Mt IUl*f !of Hoapl .. 4M Fleoehlp Ad.~ MONO'tla), O.M. Naugah~dl OOUOh, Vin· I', 3 mot, 1260, w/lflatt Mitohed LR HI: aofi, Hm'e Contemporery lt0r1at>ll • ...,_ ueed. In 8'1S.7311 , 5000 lb cepedty wome n. Mre. ~amp , N.I. wau-=iia ••• • .1ag•. golf olub1, old a papen. H1·142t tovt1eat, ooflM a end Furniture. 1931 Newport box. 14t. M&-2<>14 .tt. OHltE.-ATEI Mutl Mii . 411-1216 146-0032 alt. 12 .. M. NY -•• -Qleu, brul pee, ootlec-8 lab4el, l200. 141-M17 81., C.M. 5'1-5819 • -~--·------ 3td TO Of 11uoo 12% c21 1•t Clue round trip CASHIER & hou....,.. rtlng .... ,-10 'If llCQHftU!ellOn. Mull ilblee. 2513 8anta Ana • llkle Terrlere Frano11c1n Ivy Pattern Ooll Club1. xlnl oond. 1tralght 4 year not.. ... I ck•I• ' (2)1•1 OIHI ...... Fltlme. ~ lo • ,_ Hll e verything from Aw. CM At<C. Ch . .,,. 587-2821 FLAT-TOP OE8K 8tonew.,., ..w:. fof •• compWt• 1'76. ooo °' beat ott.r. Irene l.IPQ'edel on any AIMI· pereon: Crown erd-~-~ 1:30 tu11:11me. Al~o :;n.:::-,..:..~,;,.~ l•••W. r.-ia-tr. It fff Nd 52-28,l 7tr;rs'· MO. 78 pct. 8300. 9715-2491 c... M1·7872 alter PM 661-4211 IGan AlrtlMI lllgllt bet. ware. 3107 E. COHI parl/I me l t-. 11~· .. __ ....... _ 81 .............. 4'...... ...................... •ft 8PM. OOL.F CLUM J ty 15 & Dec 1l SSOO Hwy CdM H u n I I n g 1 o n .. c II · .. ,. .. , _ _,, · Garage Sale: Furniture, Mixed Sprlrwer Spaniel CHEST OF DRAWERS Aaa......alf/ 0~ 562~8.' . • Ohlld ,c.re needed for,ln• 947-3~11 YARD SALE: Aloe Stag mleo.1o818l1Aoea.F.V. puppy'1, lfee lo good 44" high, 29" wide, 5 r-.r~b:':'MS::elt t.::: ...;,Wf.•1":00: ~~tea "'H•M/ -!ffm!•I tent In our home. ~eon Organlnr. ottlce pereon horn twn. lplder 'p1ani,: Euelld/ 81•1• Sat home. 142-30M dre-1, '30. 973·1673 ,100_ Fern Stand• 115_ '-'Ii...,, -with •uch exper. oall for mleo. dutee. !xpe· m1ny mlec. houMhold •u!!¥!!! ._ __ a. Twocheltotdtaw«e,can Magazine Rack 116, OOU'CLUISS I •• • ••••••••••••••• 551 '"'"1 rlence neoe111ry I ...... I ~ .._.._ ., -• ''Oki", a IWfft louln~ Liit• new with~ ._ .....,,. · teme. ,,_, , ... .,.... ... •••••• •••••••••••••• • be tlaclced. 3 dwr• ... much mo r 1 m I• o . , ....... 1150', 9..,.. 9• 50 •••••••••••••••••••••• ,,,...,, • 831..ec>OO. 2283 Alpubllc, O.M. Two Family Oarage Sale Hutky/ lamoyed edull • MO both. 873-1613 64""8«t. 483--0803 ~ .,.,. ~'! .. !~!f t.mwflM 1111 ·-IL/Pll'f W PART TIME MOVlNO OVT OF STATE You name h • -haw hi nMdt good hofne. rr. WJt IUIUT 1 llllUtl 0;;;·~·i;;;,i;;.. ;::in~~·~=~ Matu,. per.on !of dreet Terllllc b1ro11nat 811. (=w~,~~·~ 631-"32 aft tom 7~~ ,';,1 1'?6, 1:·;bl<;:~ :~.NW mii, ,;.,.. W ~r:~lslo';.~11 :;· Taught by theraplll. lhand. o-.Noon Oto. on :!':~-~o•t• Men. 9-5.353 BrQ9dway.CM. Oolderiweet.Sat. ... 5. MoW)g.Neeclllomeforall 1552·1821 548-1381 BEAufi·;l,-L .. 26~~-ACA 7 . ' CIUI alat11 July 8. Clll P.C . .H. &46-7431 3 F11m Oar Sall 81t July 3, bfacli "Magic". Lovable. KITCHEN SET POOL TABLE. Bruntwlck Color TV ..... 2 yr wrnty. l4-e33-<>203 Mary 873-1179 e¥et •RID llU PAIT Tm 10·4. 11541 Elm IC, CM • --IALI 2 yur ofd mile c at Table & 4 Ohalrt, $415. tull u . t " llale w/ball •148. Fr• d4111¥ery, PITI rAL .,.,...,, 7ftf l!x,.....'d or wlll train. 0,.., EVM' and/or. weekend•. (In alley). Wtrbd, OH/ 9Lota of goodlH 811. 875-48te. 492-1428 return. Xlnt conc:t. 1450. TV John'• 846-i7M Female Alcendancy lhru 'fm • .''!~ •• ~•••••••• oe.';;'lng plant ., ~tlble ldulll, OY9f bryer, tabl•, eteamer H~M, 8292 Bryent, Or. F~EE KITTENS Bdrm Mt: dble matt. & &44·t 12e or 955-1737 AM/FM Stereo & reoofd Enllghlenmenl •• -n Bkkpr, Eapr'd · Avall 4ff..t916 21· with outitendlng, •I· trunk•. bookt, Jewelry. FIUtfy mufU-color eprgt, drHur, nit• Pool tbl. AMF IOI> llne. pleyer In Oiied walnut on E)'e on L.A. .. now IYel/Wknda, c.it an 5:30. tractMI peraonalltlel lo ="· hOUMWtrH 6 2 FAMIL y SALE: Planll, Longhelrl. 816-eO« • I Ind. Ip rd. I 7 0 . 4118' •• ., •• beige f"1 top, c:ablnel, $45. 5152-5534 •cc .. ceptlng m~bere. Peggy. 54$-8913 lllTAL llWT, w1oork1•ilthcyaollut2h l•PgMH . tam., toye. blk ... mor.. F ,.......... .. ~-492-1428 ball return w/1cce1. ............._ ~·-~ : 71~~-• neaded for ple11anl, • 2• .5 • 8422 Rembranl H.B. Sat ree to vary""""",..,.,_, s 5 o o . 4 9 4 . 5 119 , --~.'}l..'f.~~ •••• !.C. buay, Hlab'd. group 142-43 1• Ext. )43. lOE Olm BMI•. Womane Bllte. 9-3 ~ ..... ~r~~?1X..! Ulll 111 UllPY 764-15ea Mr. Godfrey Fine eond. or of • • I * SEC'Y. practice. Exper. nee . Gun Ceblnet, Small r--4--.... ,._, ....,._ """..,. .,.. n.~ ..... ,.._ •2600 *· •~2-23ee • .........., l N c 940-22 ,..,..... Bookcaae, 2 Off lo• ~ eacellent with ctllldren or ~· -· """"' ' For Mle. antique qullta, ""' • ........ 141 WtamHlng phone volol. pt, tr. 11 Chalra, 1 Delk, etc. 1098 •••••••••••••••••••••• other dog Nit •750. 845-l9'5 185 6 up. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii One di'/ Mrvlce AtMrllve, high energy. ...... .......... .... Earn top P•'I taking Tulare, C.M. Men Multi Family 01r:y: Sa &46-4222....... ,,, w llfl &ea-e675 11" ... n UI OR recruiter w/M!C. lklMI d d f I • 1n1pahot1 In your lfN. Woode. 979.15749, 9.3 Toya, bll<e1, c Othe1, ••• !/!. ••• .'........... lalll1h. 1536-9832 aft 9 W Ill "91 for PrH. Nat. Search nH e or P •111nt, Amateur photogrephert Fri/Sat baby thlng1, furniture, THREE LITTLE KITTENS HUGE GARAGE SALE Artlll drawing table, metll ~~~~=~~~~ Flf M buty, Hlab'd . group nHded. Part/full time. . tkll, golf ballt. Fri/Sat One wt1houl I.all. 8 wl(1 Furn, clot"'-, !*nUnga, baM • .wood till IOI>, metal -!1!!.,.~ .... !~ m.71~°'=o practice. bf"· neo. NoexperlenoloreelllnQ GARAGE SALE Sat. t8125L•lhenrwood,lrv. old.54&-0041,851--0e55 booki, waaher/ dryer, alOOl,lemp.Whlte.Caah. TEXASINSTRUMENTS f()lJI) ADS ARf FREE Cal: Ml·llll Found: Yellow green parake11. Mesa Or & Sanla An1 Av1. C M. 845~79 Found: Sldewalk Fairview Rd. CM. Ml of keys. Pick up al CM POLICE DEPT. Men'• Wi llet found on Balbo1 Blvd, C111 to Identify. 78().9178 Found: Small Apricot Poodle. Female. 17th & Ollve, Hunt. Beach. 538-3321 liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Npl. Ctr. 840-122 required. Write to: Unf. 9-4pm. TV., "ble wllh 11 Deodar, SmoketrM. German Shep female, 811/Sun 8· 1PM, 18290 1961$70. 080. 980-0402 HOME COMPVTEA Dentel verul, P.O. Bo.• 1223• chllra, llwn ,,,_, lot• Couch, coff tbl & more. AXC reg. 10 moe. Needa s.nte c.notta. Ftn Vly er ... Celling Fan, ,_ New. '330. '"'"11 AdWrtlllng CO-OP ~DVERTISING CO-ORDINATOR FINANCIAL SEC'Y A Montebello, CL 9084() of mite. 751-6483 Sit only. 551·$M1 good hofM 7ff..IM4 •-"" ueed. with 4 T~ ~hta, Munt.t wide acrMn T.V. OFC COMMUNICATOR -... ..,. &A>& f 100 good conct S500 Roee Exp'd. A'9 you eeerctllng PLASTERING. Flnlth German Sl'leptwd Pup, 8 •••••••••••••••••••••• COl1 ~. -· or . 641-l . . for a progtetl!YI, quality pluterer • 9wlm poote. •tl• Wul9' 1111 J-1111-1111 mo. old. Free to good 90ARDtNG 1100 per mo. 552-07&e. '"5491 or1536-9"2 olllc• where your out· 497-3887 •••,.•••••••••••••••••• -:rr.tt:tt••••••••••••• ho m •. h •I I ho I I . Why P•Y more? Bick Magnetic Cuter · Camber Mt YWM ....... going peraonallty & IALll HARBOR AREA 873--8150. lay arH. Lg. llghted gauge. (Snip-On) 180. (COLORED) Never ueed, dental expert11e In p RI NT IN 0 • $$1S 110 to t 25 hr. Un· APPLIANCE ~ERVICE Affectionate 2 'I' old melt arena. 546-2636 9e2·9817 4 to 8pm. COii $900, Mii '5915 handllng tel1phoM, fl· Cameraperton/ atrlpper, dercover WHr horn• We NII recond .. guar. Dobermen Medi good 4" .... .,,. ltW Brake BIHdtr. (Grigg &45-1"5 PE:~l~f:'h=r.'I nanclat arrangemenll & IHd camer1per1on/ parties. &415-7744 appllancea. 549-3077 home. 551·21'2 Blan 4 wt\119 IOll, blue 0-300) w/adapt.,., $75, --------- patient c«lt.act la &C>Pr• stripper. for 55 yr old I •-•-11----..___., ew .... rider. ,..2·"817 from• .. pm. .. .... I •-...z--accounta In co-op eel• dated 6 r-ded? we printing co. Musi haYI 5 Salee -· M"r..-. l'ualt.n .., -1~ ._, ..,...... "" • ......, .. _._. gory. Able 10 co-ordln1le .,, •highly alcllted team, yrs exper In all ph .... ot WIY lll•llt Lii 957--8133 ...................... Good man'1 horM. Real AMOrted .u.. Reamers r..1--1 one-person co-op d•· happy 10 oner top 111ary d8111rm/atrlpplng opera-You can worti cloee to Freezer $200. wun.r & on.. or lrlde. se each cati &e2·98t7 •• ~':"'~•••••••••••• pirtment and work & excellent beneflll. Ilona. Top P•'I & bene-home In ourconwnlently dryer St25 H . Dl•h· •&-&-111 UI 84l-0473• "°"1502 from 4-8. pm .... ., 1111 hand-ln--hand with retell Ill• Cell 951 9500 La-I led Cl tatk>n Salel CK uo .. _ A"" 3 .. L.. . •••••••••••••••••••••• St800 If qualified. New-. • . oca rcu washer •100. 846-15648 BLA NA AHYOE ....,..out'/ 01"'0" ... yrang' 1.,....1 K~Oallln. Spring Tlg .. tener. (Beer SPORTS YAK OIN011HYOO Hiii 1t1ll. Excellent port Beach. 831·2490 guna Hiiia. Office. Plllme potltlont 63&-9832 aft. eprn n n " /mot mount growth opportunltlu . ...::.::.:.:..::.:.::::.:.:...:.::..:....;:....:..:......-1---=p-=TWf===-:::w.:::-=fl=--now avallible, 9AM·2PM Luge Olaplay Freazer. -840-3829 tOOI) S30. Call 9e2·9817 " or • · Call: &42-4321, Ext. 282 DENT. Aal1. Ortho. Npt. • or 4PM·9PM Dally. we S50 or tred1 for any· trom 4-Spm. 873--0e47 for 1ppolntmenl ind Bch. 4 day M·Th. Exper. Enjoy worlllng wilh kid•, P•'I hourly wigu plua thlng l 1548-8 448 or ~7a ~~~~~~~:= :: ~ ':!,:::C~r.21nH~a;~ 4 .. Joiner, mo'tor ind .,,., llNIM Interview. & RDA req. &42-2828 and wlett Iner.._..,. commllllon. PleaM call: &42-ee38. never ueed. worth $530, y;;~ ,1500 or btt ofr. ttand $150. r..1--1 ,.,, lnllc• ~ OomHllc Help, llv1·ln, =· :!~:r .!:~ 540-<>30 1 O.E. Refrigerator, lroat uc. 1248 del. Never 835-0377 &46-2377 •• ~:"'J-.e•••••••••-• lalfr r... heel<png, ohildcare. NB. hOw to become• trained leerlfln frM , very clH n. S225. uaed quffn az. worth • .a. u #t--J-•-1 Kirby v1cuum, needs s.ml I. 330 W. ~St •fl &PM.~ u1aa counulor. Cell for teleptlone ...... M hf 547-2918 $399, CHh only, $218 ......... _. -work & cerpet sham· Long •halt. Like new Cotta~.Ca.92828 Export m1nager: Expe r 2·5PM. 842·4321. Ext. pluabonutweekly.Need RelrigefalOf llke n-. 2 del. Uauelly home .•••••••••••••••••••••• poo'e r , new $715 . $500.541-9089 Equll Opf:ty E:np:yr· required. Mua11>e1bleto 343. EOE own traneport1tlon. call dOO<. Fro11 frM 1185. 754-7350 1211111111• 540.7409 WANTED: Onan or Equal complete export docu· RECEPTIONIST/TYPIST • Chllr11e 492·5872 893·90e0 * *' BUY** Blue/green tweed. MO. Weight Lou progr1m, 111 generltor, 3•,i, to 4t<W, Found: &eeut amokey giy ...nw mentalk>n, operate telex Perm-parMlme for busy lllllln 01111111 1536-9832 aft. !pm. natural producll. 30 '°'OU· 714-540-2e08 M. cet. nr Harbor!WlllOR Need money? Sure thing! & handle corrnponden· Nwpt ., .. exec eulll, • --WAI SJI Good ueed Furniture & -days for S30. 831·280t AVON 9' rubber bOlll, 11111 845-4840 ext 307 New marketing program. ce. Unlvemty degr" 1" h¥'/ phones. mutt type 111 ~2 aft -Appll OR 1 Wiii tell r 1,... -•o O.monatr1l0<• needed. economics. Knowledge 50WPM eccuratlly, mor· o cc 0 1 mpu 1 , · T" or SE~ You """-:'. _,, John Wayne Tennis Club new $500. Found: Sml Fem. Poodle, No lnvettment. For o f Mlddle t11tern nlng or •llernoon hr• aupv./mgmt. uper. ••-·-ESTAte~·;;·;j;;••L;b F1m11y,Memberahlp for 87s-eet& Eut C.M. r-.iUy groo-Interview 2:30-5:30PM. l1ngu1gea & culture . evall. $5.50 hr to llart, MCUtlty wonc. $1308 to Must .... OE ...,_ a -·-...,,_ Cert'd>dlemond Item•. ule. 1000 lncludH AVON Redcralt '8t. w/ med. Identify 548-1200 Mon-Fri. See Mrs. Prtd· Mutt be avail for foreign review In 30 dl)'I. Call $t591. To epp1y cont.act dryer. white. •100 for I• 1111 111-llH Restored llke nu .82 T· trantler fee. 845-0776. mtr. mount. $726. c:aafl Found: black F puppy, wt1l11 pawe. Vic. Nwpt Bl. & Prealdlo, C M. 979-0104 Found: cream & black F Germen Shep., vie. Gr1enbrook. F.V. 9e4-8080 Found: Smell F Collle mix, Yk:. Victoria & Nwpt Btvd. on Sund1y. Cell Van, S&S Aaplllll, 831~ 199. Found: Sct1n1uzer, Co· ron1 del Mir ., .. _ PIN- N Identity. 875-7428 lfl 6 gen. 130 E. 17th. St. trivel. s2o.OOO per yr. Cindy 833-9971 CoHI Community Col· ..t. Xlnl cond. tee-USS I -, .. ,. Bird. 12 011 painting•. Mink chocker stole with 546-022t Suite F. Coste Mela. Report to nearett Em· tege, 1370 Adems. CM. '"'" HIR POOL -• 21" C.. I & t h I h ploymenl Development Reetaurant 5S6·5947 i nd tubmll 1...., W L L 957-8133 "'" nugg• · mete ng cu mere BRITISH SHgull llghl· ART CENTER with ct1ent1 ~I-In Orange County LUNCH SERVER, full eppllc. by 4:30PM July 14 CU FT REFRIG. • 631·9278 PP. sweater $ t50 obo weight. 1100. ~- world-wide M9ka excep. reg 1 rd Ing time. Apply In peraon. 16_ E.0 .E.I M/F/H. $400. 831·5038 •ft. 2 New full.-llz• mattr ... *· Bride & Groom QOld wed· 750-5787 548-om llon11 peraon for cll•I· # 1343357-t83.117-014. Bob Burnt Re111urant, Electric dryer, 1ge cape-HS. New quffn tlze, ding band1. 18 cl QOld. Nlz:to 2058 8MM sound COMPLETE Si.II rig for lenglng position with Ad pd by Employ9<. 37 FUhlon leland, N.B. SERVICE St111on 11tend/ clfy, ueed & moe. Uk• $100. 150-5832 NeYlr ueed. Worth "50. movie earner• with~ Sibot type boll. 175, greet growth potentlat. F•SHION MODEL who helper. FuH l p/tlme, -new. $180, 858-1645 -Mlllng 1350, 85 ... te.45 lent $250. PlonMr SX 54a-0228 Part/time to ttan. Chan· " Rea1eurant Mr. Boll•. 2490 Fllrvlew 850 r-1¥9( $150. Prl· -........ -----,..-...,. ce 10 """' gniphlc artl, eNlc• to 11Upplemenl In-Ceptalna. Walter•. Rd, CM Kenmore dlatlw...., • -. a .. Olll lllTlll vate Eye burglar llarm, .,,. ,..., ,.,, photography, framlne . com• by working .. Wei~ Holt..... SEWI NG MACHINE OPE· Portable. $50. .. -... .,,.. new $75. 080. 645-5131 ·····'················ adverti.lng, dtrec:t mall receptlonltl In art gallry Codi Ill Walt RATORS. Ex-, ""'al,... 640-7409 let 1' ._ = 11 1tter llpm. t2 ft Alum Jon bo9t w/2 and gallerymenegernenl. pattltlme, call 844 4545· Bua~ 8ar1.:= minded, pl;;e ~et~~ HOVER UPRIGHT VAC Sofl 8 ft, =:: HP Johnson Ml,.. Greet Off ice aklll1 must be GALLERY leek• manager Coet• ..._. &42-ee52 Olal-a-matlc ~ drtYI, Excellent cond. S85 #adw Bay Boat l300. 873-4342 complemented with loWI with knowledge of 1rt, are needed for 1 new $70. 492-6428 64~20 Elegant 11 ct diamond bl1tnaal.I .-J of art. lnttlnctlYI good Madison Awnue polilh, bltlro reetaurant. Apply: SPARE TIME HELP NEE-2 compl. lull 112• Bdrm pendent appralHd II •••••••••••••••••••••• lute 111d nawteaa groo-lm.,.c;cable credentials. 9AM·t1AM, 333 Ba'/llde OED. Your own hrs, xlnt 18 OU fl refrlgef1lor, frOlt "''· MOO ea. Sol• & $78.000. uc $12,900. 8 PC ORUM SET ming. Rigid dreea code Mutt be metlculous, cul· Or Np! Bch opportunlllea. Up to lrM 'lltllcemaker. S200. lo¥HHI, H rthlonH , lllO dl1mond aapphlre Xlnt cond, le'1Jln cym· AltDn lnflal1ble llfeboal w/2 hp engine, mint cond. $795. 975-6429 demand• refined etegan-tured, luhlon contcloua. ·• _. · $1000/mo. Appl. Dennis 84~4 MOO both. All xlnt cond. neckl1ce 11 ct1 tot1I, bala. ICCeN, & cuea. Found: Sml tan rabbit. ce. Cell 8 44-4545, Flexlble houre, chance Sllea ~5-54t7 A..rlH Ill$ 552•5132 1118_ $7,600. &45-1985 lt200. 642-8878 6129. Coete Mela. 540--0808. for fln1ncl1I p1rtlclpa-11119 1._. p.,... •••••••••••••••••••••• King tin bed 1195, , A ,,_.,_ #11 In ......... 115' boat,°' ... CW« wood. rebl1 trtr. $250 or beat otr. 548-92t8 845-6579 AUTO MECHANIC Alfa t Io n · 8 4 4 • 4 5 4 5 • DI• NIU' & -=-:::::1•••••••••••• Found: Orange striped BMW Ferrafl p~' 540-0808. DU1U1111Q Exper prel'd, N-port Olll 1111111 dreuer l mirror w/2 Elgin Lithe, MCOnd ~ (Electrlc). Explorer II. long hair cat. very rec-qulllri.d onty' need ~ Pl'IUDING DEPT. Beach, ~:1~ ... n 11 ~ c'~.~:o1' retlon type. 12495. Good Cott $t~~t-=5ss95. t5' RUNABOVT 36 119. trlillr. $1000 873-0647 entty spayed. C.M. atea. ply. Relocatlon Houston, IHIEIEEPEI URIU ~- 557·78t4. Tex. Clll Fred AnderlOR, Mornlnga 8:15-11:45 Ell p 'd .• 40 hr. WHk, "*Ill&. HllTlmOtld organ, c:oucn. 548-9490 Of/In lruait.n, 7 -t . 7·2, 8AM·1PM. Dullea Incl. clHnlng must be 1bl1 to work 18 vr• or older IOf amall 111tq. dining Mt, trundle In Ill "" r..1-..1 ,,,5 34' Royal CR '74 TW del Litt•,_ $47,500 Found: White F Poodle. 1ppro11. 30 lb, vie. Crown Valley Pkwy. 499--289'8 714-842·1256. Aft July 2, hOUl8 & drllllng chlldren Sit. & Sun. Other hrt. to retell atote In CdM. Gift PUBLIC FURNITURE bed, dreu1ra, lrplc •• .'! ••• ~!'. •••••••••• ~':"-"u•••••••••••• cell 7t3-53t-0227 tot from IChc>ol. lrvlne. be 1rrang1d. Apply In wrap, milntininoe ol *AUCTION* ac:reeri & loge & mite. -·-2d .... CALCULATOR with tape 40" Royal CR New demo Tax dealt $155,000 Woodllide area.190/wk. peraon: Kerm Rimi k 548-2873. 1~ Parllglen & memory 50 B::,yk~1~JE,_R 0n:::~de ~-= ~:m ::::= Hardwll'e, 288e Hltbor ~t~~Jl;~r;~~~~~~ f:'I f~l--Cir, CM. ~71:.~~~Yt~-pet II. 54~9492 NORD YACHTS 873-3878 MOM'S MOVINGll Mutt find lovlng home for "Zacn", an adorable blactc & white M kitten. epptOll. t wl(1 old. IYel. Bl .. C. M. Tua. lhru Fri. New UMd rm Mta.1-~--Sl-m.-moi--n1-hics.--,-.• _C_O_l_N_CO_L_L_EC-Tl_O_N_ Secr111rl1I Deak, small 4~~olatt$h5e..w500•· T:_.~ ~· &42·2995 Housekeeper/Co<* for 1 ---dining rm, IMno rm fUr· bed. ':' rust/ greeri e 11 e cut1 v e O e 1 k 3 .,..,., · •· · ,...,, ,..., --------~ ... _ In c..,....... .,_.__ --·-nlture. r1lrlgeratora. "'-11, • . .....,. """'5 PAPER MONEY ' 213/896-2581 perton, "'"' • ... .,,...,, ~ RAAA 111,,. "'" • ....,....,... BASEBALL CARDS Ch1lr1. IBM Executive ---------IHllW lffW tpMklng. 873-1879. Cl•lllfil• r-PLUS LOTS MORE. 2 CUSTOM Mede OIW STAMPS Todd 1536-9832 Typewrlter. MOftf'oe CaJ· 11 ft ..... 53fr9832 aft. 8pm IHllW -· -needed by Hunllnt::.:n SAYI UYI UYI Door Chin• C1blnet1. culilor, Staclllng Trl'/I. Sparta flltllr '70 • treeh ~~~:~:, =b:.!~ 6~~ t~!~~b~·:.~~~~: T 1 I 1 p II o 1 1 ~o_c~~ Sal.,!; ~:.~re"r~~ ~~·:~k~~ ~ 7."5cir :.'A~;: ~"!:!!.'=' 40YI ~ .. ~~· J::~i:~· ~: :8.':!:~d•d. 133. Lost: QOld charm bracelet, 6128, LIQ. Bch FHI. Orde. OrNt .-it. value. Reward. 780-3848 Bank £ec:row or Savino• l•IM S1.710 to 12, 180. per Cuh. NO PERSONAL que 'II"' winder $150. •bouquet of 30 ~llful Check writer, Scale, 2 ---------1nd loan exnar pref'd. Mklg. Mgmt. MM775 mo. depending on upe-CHECKS PLr•<>EJ Food 1q Tl T bl Hellum balloone. L........, Aoor Pada. 848-8153. .., ....... 1111 ... -The ClaMlfled Advertl· rlenc1. Appfy: 20451 ~ Ant ue 11 top • • ., ... , -Require• good typing ...,.. elng Depertment of the Cra lmer Ln .. H.B. evlltable. 11'"'8 IUbjeel 21" wide 1275. Walnut IOf brldee l lvn for the 1tt.1 -1 Twn dal, gen .. radar. !ollla end~· ~ude Ofc. cleanlng, Npt. Bctl. Dally Piiot hu 811 ~ 9&4-8888 to pr...i.. CollM T1ble 31" long 4th of July. Beat• the •••••••••••••••••••••• SSB, dual VHF, depth SCRAM-l£TS ANSWERS NTACT ERS NEL F/llm• .d•Y•· P/llm• nlng for • raponelbll 11111111 AllTlll $125. 10· p1dded cor· "heck" out of ro111. GREEN Bing Mccaw. 4 finder. Ind IUIO pllot. (213) 932-4359 ...... US CrTIZtNSHIP e nth tlaatlc perton' TOPLESS MOOElS 2075~ Newpor18Nd CM n1oe boerd '10 Round 873""419. yr1. old. Hand 18fl'led. Lg. Mlcro-wtw, Avon, Lelff. 5870 Wlllhlre 81¥d. REQUIRED. Some p/ Mutt "ti...,. prev1ou1 1...,: S75 DAY • PAID DAILY 833-M26 148 1818 .,._., Foldlng Tible 110. INVALID Wallcer, chrome, blk. ~ lnd'd . Belt ol· co, Comp. fWllng -~ LOI Angelle. CA 90034! time nit• waxer ope· phone ..,_ experlenol no exp • neo • 926-2583 Cell 551·8~44 to•••-lllptHI, whHla, xlnt. fer. 841 9144 dys. and much more. New Zombie • Balky Putt~J,,.renzy .......... ,..... nlngt. Apply: 123 N. Including typing approx. I~ --Woodbridge. $50 &45-3998 ., __ ~I,.._ ,,,, pelntendcanve1.loella • ...._I I.Ml Ollve St., Orange. 45 -on IBM Sa4ec· llnf.... -QUITTING n,_...___ S•'-. ,._ ::9.f,UI lvhy equlp'd Ind In WlrJ ........ 1 5PM ~ t I -8"1 1 m •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• •••••••••••••••••• ---12.000 Full Family Marn-•••:RENTAL PIANOS•:•• good cond. Slip In ......_ They MY you are wt11t you Ni. If that's true, I'm supporting an ta.,,_.~ PIZZA. Equll Oppt'y Employer -·--·---· ----i r c . I ary P us co • Aatlnft "" COASTER BlKE now In PfoCI' .. at Bel-.._....._ I Joh W port, prin. only, by °"" ~ m61aion. 40 hr week with ••••'-•••••••••••••••• MEN'S, XI.NT COHO. a1m'1 Contemporary ,,_..,"Y " n eyne OPll\ plan, •15. mo. ner. 178,000 financing Bankl"" an ~ Sat. mor· ~-&42·2731 Furniture. 1931 Newport Tennl• Club for only FI a Id ,' P I an o' . . ._ 20 hnt..-. Expertence nlng eicellent company WESTMINSTER 81 C M 541-6511 '900. (714) 821·1503 714-038·2771 evall. 831-4231 Tri t rD pr9ferTed. Cell for appt, ~ Inducting midi· ABBEY Ol1mond Back chrome., __ .• _._.-----Sell with EASEi 8uyer meea _..,...wtel an I u.LU\ _8"-__ ._1_· _H_.e_. -------1 cal, denlal, llfe lnlUfM-ANTIQUE MAU blue llloy bllc• ~ to .... ....... II'• • BREEZE 'llllll 11 ..... effeollve ctualn.d Id. Found: 'Wtlfle M Poodle, med. 11, red collar, 8elf11t /F1lrvlew. 54f.51IO P"1 time l)Olltlon IV8I-Lllll ~ ce, credit union, •le. 11751 WeltmlfWler Aw. 1'11Ce. l250lbel. &42• 107 Brand naw bedroom, Cluallted Ada 842-5878 $1800. 995-5480 •fl S 142-6878 ~1:_ 1no':.'ce9:°4:.i = :=::"~•IOed·J•:Z !:; 8:rror lof~~c!; OA~~C:OVE ..,~~-... ,,,. ~~~9:571amp1 , e tc. --------- Found: Ena Fox Hound or IS-" Hound. Mlle t-3 yeare. 63e-4M t TuHday, Thureday & ____ S ,..~ ,.__. lntetlllew, 842-4321. ext. ---.... -.---Slt-m_.m_IOl_,. _ _,k__ l''IJ Saturd1y. Experience .,.,..... "'""" ....., .. ., 2n •••••••••••••••••••••• ... ettreee. Q a pr ............... ,,_,: aulhenllc Victorian. car· • 7.'~$2to(S50Qnu) _._.. ..... ,,........... --.141-4411. l1'..... Needlepol"t c hair, llW •1o/n. --. firm, 4 mo.. Kathy.~ UVe-ln Companion for.._ Pitt ud walnut. $300. Rectwood 2118 decking .. x . B 714-540-40el del1'/ led)' on Bel~'"-844-1851 4-20' tona: *°redwood 1-~_ ... 1_11 __ ...,...,_,..._ 11ffMI& f1fl UUP-. PW. 18M030 330 · ~ St. fene*lo. 0111 Jim or Ken Oek 8edrm ..t. 25" Color •••••••••••••••••••••• -co.ta Meaa. CA 92928 ..... _...... ,...._.__.. utlme n .. · 1491 TV • ft.It. Con LR Go Of Alcoholl9ml U·-I UM lll.,lhl ..... _.. _... an,. • ,... · conaole .1.,... • t1. 0on·1 1e1 ~ pu1 1196 Town c.nter Dr. Toe> leYoUI 1 9llt\lp GP9' S50 144-1851 C..nu I __ ~~~c':a:,:! you lo Mlf-iMltrUC11on. Coeta MeM. Ca. 12828 retor ior Tomoe Sw111 8ALE8 HANO-CROCHETED L.l--1 -coffee I end tbll. well ~~ ~ llwh ,.! ~ ~ automatlc:e. Od. future. Earn top pay by the Bed8')f98d, dble bed. ..~':"'~•••••••••••• unite. eeoant eofa bed. ...,.,._., ....... ,...., "" !?IQ lftoP In~ beact\. '300-MOO wtity. 170. 144-1881 Mlmaya M84 6. 2~: No Junlcl h0-1eeo The Moorlng1. With • BAR PERSON, full or off Avary ..Wwy. Cell 536-7811. AN tor 90mmF2.I . 210mmf4; i----------nallonelly recognized part·tlme, nlthtt or oro Precltlon 8w1Hi Jerry LM!e. FLOOR LA~P l PD prllm finder+ extrM. Selig 11ue coucf'I, Mkenew, ou=•::!.. ~= wtinde. 846-514' O.M. 114431.9331_ Call CNll a... GLAS~~:,· 1150· seas. &42-2490 L::.1t~~!ored . 1200. : be ~ .... m1e1 IElm Dubrd nu Tim PAY C.fl 11111-.--------tim. from -"· or lime ..... Pill.,.. ----.. ...................... .-a •• ,_ from your tamlty. Mor· ,,,.......... Outboard axper. only. ~unit...._ 1ualla ... •-144-11$1 Peralan Kitten•: Sliver. 0000COND.1 100. nlng , ..... Pfogrwnl L.ooalng kt add to our Stiooa Matltle, 17watl -• .,... C8N9d °'*'Y CMlr 0 FA . I 0 p 11 n. I . 142-t211 evallebte a l niur•nc• "'" • NV«al rnanlOU-------'----1 IN l.J\. rim. Cir· ~--n4n91.2073 aft I. -O"lld , .. , •. Ollentell nol ,_ .......... .... oulallon Dept. In ous 11~ ...._1961 ,,_~bid ...... ~ Hiii PIM.~ ....,... · door to doOf ,.,~ ...... !Um. for bdrm °' ? 2 M II II ceuary. ~ Ouelette ftltllM. ...,., tor Q.P. call ..... program au.,-8r bed ,. old bMU-hair 11111•!!~.t oall ofr dnlW unit. l'900fd c.t>. 11611. ~ Orenoe Selon. 200 H•wport 641 UH tHd hrly. wige -'*" .::, .,.,Y ~. 1 of 2PM-1PM. """°'21S4 wldrewer, booko. ... 4147 L.OftO .._.. llwd.. Canter Dr. Newport oommlelton. Hra. 4"'4 lo kind, '300. 144-1N1 F'ree kitten. bl!. wM. tan. d ••II ' o • b I n• t . Lonf_.__ ,_leacl'I _______ , ePM. Trllnlng 11 proYI.-:... ....,. "'-loen Fem. 12 wka. eu.. M•• 08111380. Caafl, .. 1411 •· "" .. T PAAT TIMI JCl9 IN dlcl. Polenllel to Hrn ~-~ vary c.... h-le• klngt. 117-3297 M0-040a TOWNI Grtat tor moon-t300 ..,. per ...._ '°' -on .. no ea. n • * * ......,.. a n lnterYtew, oell: P•Une, e190 lot orum ._ ..a ...... .... 1-I00-211·t141, .. ,_ c:Nlra. 144-M01. ~~~~~·~·;;: ~ ....... • .-Y 1204. dll1g' Of'oomlnO. ~ i------- ' _. 8 ... I ALUHMON for ClflK. .Die ~ '°' ..._ t11.-Jeouat • ..,,_., Looetl ' u ••II H tourl1l1. dreft'I "'°J, 1"(41• In AKC ,_~ PUPPl!.!1 ~......, ==-Nl/M~ Ootme114'el '''"".1._I tALI D• '"" ..... -------.--Oft~ ~~ ____ ........ ......, • .,.._...,__1 °'*.....,. llllllld, O.. 9" all IMfoNncllet w/ p • M _.. 1A1.a ACMTMV blftN. ~. °"91t• fill ed • ...,._., l'Ma, co"'• '4/M .. 1411. •..,.,,. .... •• '° .. Alt, .-; '°' '"'"'· liii ... ~MMOIOi~iiiii•l!E~:::;;:~;: 1111 ..... a OM 1. l'olOW ............. & _.. = ":&l:'nao':Z ,.,,., ........ "~:I 1 mMY ~ T-.............. ,,....ry, W •1 .,..,..... 1· NI.a:! Ut11na Ht • ''" ,_.I...,.., ... , ,.,...., .... l1111/Me11, tAM·8'M. °;\'~·;'liiiiia-.: .,:~J.. ·=il~i! ;a ~=t=:~,·:g· .. } llt.i ~ ......... t::::-:~~~~~~.;:ic:::.:°":.:.·· :liM::;::.:;.,ff;.:.:;;;.4 .. 1f' 'IP! -... -""" -.. Wtll7 :i1 I m111n11Mt......,• ,.,..,._ ......,., Ii. 0 800H YOU'LL BE SUIHO SIGNS AROUND TOWN CALLING A TTtNTIOH TO Sl1 ES! 11 llft I UllD ... NII• llLI (•Yn...._ ............... , 1. Piao• your ad In th• Dally Piiot Cla1111'11d '"1ton (lt'I belt to "'" 3 ~-.............. ).,,~ P9Y for,... lld In~ .... .,.. It t .. 9MI only dWge ~for 21 2. ca.. 'fOAll ,... ..,... ......... ( .. 10" M¥etodoll--lnto .. ~ ...... ,,.; far VO"' lld In ...... - .... CIM~two 11•17---,...f#~ t . Prtoe~--!I"'!*-... 4. H•ff:sten•r ot ;:1:.:9" Hna ~nlOk .,.., '*'-. -flW ...... blll). ··~------.. ~ ............. J Orange Oout DAIL y PILOT /Friday • .My 2, 1982 ~1· ...... MW..~...... ~ ............. ttl( ...... ,., ............ . ...... ,..I lll!ww flillfllJIM .. 11.ff ,,,,,,...~ ....... l!M MlXtnP. ..... 11.1 Allllr.-.: .... M( :~mm . .._., ~ ..... ""' ., .... ~ ·n ...,..._, ,..., , '1t llVtu.i =·-~= ;:r.:..~o.:..~ =--~.-..-:.~ . .,.,, ~F.mr. m:~··~~o~ • • t'tet ••n I 1 ,ooo. -1•:U~ row '*'"''· "° ruat. WNtt . 111· ......... M1·1'1H ~ ...... '*:'er.: IWie • N.000 OIO . .._..,. ~'fl~M---Xlftl ....... -1119--,"'6d~ tJ' .. rftl 9111. UO .... -110I -.. ::J::": ::.="=.: ''1 ,Of'IO t t HI, •Int ._ .--........ Mel Tll Ullllf tlfffl( l/M .,.., tonc1 .• -.nt ~. .,, MM11e. ML8Tlll llllii'iiiiitsi • • M ••• m.=-~ := tlWf, •n VW·•1IQ!:.o~ • of .... ll'IOdll. low fftllM- 111•lCMO ......... • • ..,. .-.o.. .Good ~'"aoutNm ·-··· .. 'llTmllDI 1S01 Qullll lv.t .. ~. ft9ruet. •Int. oond .... ~1. .. UI todlyl "'W...lllt •••••••••• ft1J1111t!t ...... IJ!f •. Ulllll I !ft == &.oededt ltOI ....... ...................... (INY ... ., .. ........... DovelOl.ill ... N~llACH '11 DMIUll ...........,, ~ 1"40IM~ ~ fflUll NIW'°"T llACH •11,IOOtfMIOI 't 'It ~I. 8 apd, AIO. 1um Oentury 11' "9aorter •'~--~~~~~ .... ...-• ... -......... lnrt, em/fm CH •, 11l ...... tre»et. • '""°' o ...... , c: ::,: w/c~)i01 "• 1• (f. lxtt 0 1-11 •~ '11 H I , 'l•llow. Orig . oond. Ooet SNOO, hit OAllUM ·re cuttw ~ .... MIOO, Oell *447' •01~~;ra~OY9 .:..oeo. lunda.,. 1·n 1-411 I&. · oond. All HIV. reo. H . H7to 010. i•1·•001 HOO Hnot llYd. * m'f ml, * .... WW ....... II' Jillif'9 Xlnt OOfld. a ••. .... 000 ...... 77, .. ' ••. COSTA MU.A • Mod91• tot ••I•. All ...._ ..._ .-. fOf ~ lft pwt•. Mate• 1t11 JMp OJI 14,000 ml. G wltll bamboo lnt•rlor. ... ___..._ .... , •70 IUG lrt. red w/rt4J •••1lll equipped with pluill fli~. 4'vlllt . llv•·•· off•'· t411·5131 •lt•r chrome IOOIC ... roll bar, Pollatlecl rime. """al ...---.. ..-AMl,_.CaN 1eoo ...-ll9IOuf lnter1of & fUll JIO-bOerd pr ~ fUll for tom. 8 C)'l, euto. Fl,.t U'°° . W ,IOO. Nt-AJll Claae6o, "':'' oond. • reblt ·.,._ '2 IOO. 'oeo. wart 1 wtch uwoot, 1 lat• mMet van. ('r,.) .,.,,_,_, 157-1817 S1~eat OMii Hwy. Mil ISO IL. 1tee • ..., 000. '31-1 2• Mike, .. 7·M1S wtldya 1• .... lltt wltll T-top. (701UOPI ..._~ . "" 1 ,,r,11,· 1 lllf ·u Chevy ve. 1~ ton etk ltMfl wtit intr. 1 toc>e. t= ..... ,. n•p .. 5 SEVILLE, low mneeo•. (132W"111eoXJ<w 1 JU9t ul•••lc •I' La p1trak• ••••li••••••••••••••••• • · • . -.... .,......, ' _. ~ ue, n•w eng an undtt IOw bllJe boolc. 1 ,. • " L • .,. b•d clean ••500/b•t OREVllll .. 2 ..._... ., .. '""" 1t•· ~ ~ ••••••••• r.-.~ '{ .. 1 d ••celltnt cond. 11,000 ne•d reltabl• J::'''I 10 ~ bey tloet, 4 C)'l, 1110 H•fle y Davldeon, ofr. a.&·5103 ••1 ......... frt .... • ff. '11 8000, • dr 1ecfan, '7' A-11, • IPd. "-• 13.000. Firm. own«. 971-1200, eft 8 lake trnell mont pmta. Orey.~. 11M111 Golden Annlvertery LI· '71 Ford F100:.000C eng, * ' ~""' auto., an • •••••••••••••••••••••• peffeo1 oond. IO mt ""* •ctr, AO, ...,_, e 1eeo. Jotlft IMlo680e p_, t7&4651 :':mc:.i ::'t~== ~m~ ~ .,.;'9uftd\. ,._,. mltecl '="· '•ct~ory llMP9r bO•. 11110. In-C:~V~:lt-4 IPd low _. •r•t Mtl ,...,._ ..i. ~ .....nt 1H7 VW ..,_(pert• CM 'to e.vllle DleMI wllee. 2 du•. All! ror "ou bottom cteenlne . P91nt cuetom; pAl!lt quite Me-5ttt 1eH111"'"-cc1 " W. C*.>MIPI ~you UI tSll, ew ..,....... onl'I)· "bit •n", plu• tone "''ue, 11tra ta nk. 842-000, Ht· tOOI "'· HMI\· era-1ua . ~~Mextru;~· '-... -ma LllllD "' ., -· ~.~our un--.. -trane~ m«9. 1385. 11•,1:. _ ....... ,. .. =::::! .,. ............ • a '"' -••••-• · 6284; -.ito .. 111/tf, bl•• ••lectlon. ••vlnga 1tt0 Mer09dte ~. 4 ~ .,.. .,,.,.._ _P_,_ot_o_Ll_M_. ----.... •t 11.000 °' B. . 84e.;1e 5 'Pd. bed **· •lereo. 1•~3'2111) • .i\d MNloel ctr. eurwt. xtnt oorid. PP. 'II ..... a. .. =-2~ :2·4300, Ad ·12 Sedan de v111e. 80,000 11. ,. Mn 15 ft Lymlll ~·· KAWASAKI .00 121(. ml 17800. 831-2095 !1 •• ~.=·,:•0 .. low lllYlllm ~ ~~· -....... ,,.. •. . ml. Mutt ... to ..,.,,... :'.~ •••••••••••••• r.-.10; P•rfect cond. 8ao.-t1, 11lnt cond. S750 080 For Partei •04 fJ Camino * .80 a20I; 11 IPd .. lo•· .,1_ I•-ilc:-iuoktt hata. AelV tH1 VW Vanegon L. AC. c11te. t 1100. 84e-97.. 72 Pinto, run• .oood , 1JOO Ml•70l2, 4M-S.._. MUST .el!LL. Sal & PMt 283 auto tow 8"'A~100. dedl (#BDV020) -21.,. u-~~ '72 280 C: Mint oorid. Low ~· OetuM Tl1M "** = AM/FM C.., xlnt --. good llrH. UM. CaK ·--·1111 Or-. 0..__ ·~ .... * .12 8.,.... ,. .....,. .... "".._...,.. ....... _...._ ""''"""· & ....,__·,.-, . S10,IOO. OM-4M2 ~ --840-7682. ~ ,_, , .... =:;:' nwr. u.. '"' '"'; v _,,_A. tV99 COSTA MISA ",..... ~ trlve. l ,,,,... "ii' •••••••••••••••••••••• ~..,.....,.__,,..,........___, ___ =-_.__ , ,.. amaha HO SPECIAL •97 Ford FllOO 2~ ton dedl (IUl-IE8081l0l) 1 , ....... 16NI07t . Wflttl Drlv•. uxur'I ~ ..... IQ •• ,...... '73 PINTO RUNAIOUT --19 ... 8 10 000 ml 11100 ''""' .._,. 20 IOO _, :t/. lrlt.nor & MOM! ·7• 8 .,...,_ .. ..... Rune, but nMda work ••••••••••••••••• •••• , . • . . Bobtail, 390 CID 9"Qlne -.......... • .... EPA let: " Upef ...,... .... aun· W• 1\11\'9 • QOOd ....,... ••OO. 8•5-5111 .,.., "8 •• P••c•" Harbor e78-&t5& encl. van plu1 tlltgate 208 W. 1tt, s.nta Ana toeded, •lnO 121, · 30 ..-. .o 11wy roof, am/tm, 'Pott wNt. on of NEW & USED ..__ Cnileaa, coutll Mllln01 •79 Honda CM 400 T. Uk• $4900/ oNer. 979-2000 Ofoeed sunay '77 HONDA CIVIC Otc 173-1 1' 1 (RO'/ or ~-·.ti• II paint 1111\:. lClnt oond. CW*91 ...., ..... _ .. _. ------ °' peblllna Holiday. 8'I newt Xlnt QU mileage. ext 132 or 551.steo et--·----.. * mT llU * LloJd); evH & wknd•, ttwuout. quick MleC IMtJM MO !lout, cla¥ or.-. Mag.. s1ooo Me--e1ee tar 4 pm -_.. Spllly llttle car. EnJoy 1~ WZH. ( IOC*"41) 12995. 720·06te eVft; •••••••••••••o••: .... -.: nlllcent ruxurlou• 53' . · .,,.1 t·••i 'ILlllT grNI gH mlleage. Im· '712'° D, apeed, am/fm llAIM llUT 041-4&01 WMkdaye. '80 Areblrd EIP'tt Kttell. Booklno now lor 1880 Suatkl. 750 CUetom. "' wui mec:ulate lnelde & out. c••:~tt•. el.ottlo •un-/lllllL ·es vw Bug Aecond. end. * lllT llU * ~~~m!~h or~.·2~·~:.n~ = ~:=.' J~~~~nt ~~kC~.·v,::·f~~ ~ 1~~1'!°:'i,f;~::'.~ ;~~~~':o~,~~2~r ~~~Bl~ O.M! tm'5 :r~1~U:.. ail! ~~ =· = 673•2810 '75 Monda 250 Elalnott WM +MORE. 11800. Of .,., emall monthly pm1t. No ' 5't.8023 1 846-7170 . . ... ti. auto. wtth 1111NY .,_,_ .. ~ .. -L I old contrect• to anume. 450 SLC. 19n. Rootbetr '72 BUS Z·bed. Jtlrlt. In & VO th t d II I .O' Viking for Charter Many extru. $350. off.,. ._ ............ _.. .. ,ng No back pmte. due. Atlt brown. VeryrteMn. Lo. -.Jla ._ 1111 out. S3,000 . 01y1: '04 CORY.AIR .Wr Monza Pow:, •av'': cg~•n•. Flehlny. dJv•np 'en-549.ot'T5/1173-1469Joe STEVEe.45-~ ~~ lor Rou 5'2·4'00, ded. S23,500. Ce ll 'r':m.-::1::-. •••••••••• 4 94 -8 029 , eve•: A/TxJnttlrttlmechl800 (1AEK008). Juat need ter ta n rnu · C •II '77 YanWI• XT500, xlnt ttl fer• y11 D"'tll 1 c D'~ ..... .1u. 550-1008 Proto LIM. 873-7339 •t DEALER IN U.S.A. 492-1919 ~ .. ?707818 •ta P M•'' rtllable p.,1v to make 682•27"· cond. $125. 6'2-8712 ....._iu..::> ....._,"-c; D1v 1n .,_.. ' S Fl ... Ch t ........... Ad ..... 9 ..___ Excellent cond. s2eoo. ""'-'-""'"' ,.........,,,, .... ~ 1970 Honde Civic:. Good • 1141 ~ '71 vw bug, rblt eng. 17K tmtlt monthly pmte. No C •·vno ar •re. '"""• ~ ,..,.,.... Daye 751·1505, Ev•• '4._1111 ... -,,..1...,_ condition, 51,000 mt. ...................... ml, AM/FM c:tM. 11050 '78 Monte c.no Landau. old contrtct• to ....-ne. Ing '°' ,Jutr 4th and Honda 176SL, lllnt cond., 840-901 I C.•rl 1111 BHt offer. Ca ll (71•) 'll • ..... '"' ~ Firm. 558-2010 Good tren1portellon. No Pact< pmta. due. AM IU~ of,a2. 4-t P«· 1850/ or beet offer .• 69 FORD VAN 0 cytlnder .•• r.:••••••••••••••••• 996-7068 am/fm 0 .... u •. Ell«*-1'1.../1\...C: $850 nnn. 540-9872 hm. lor Ro1e 842-••oo. ~:P~~ttL~:it!:'. 875-1421 3 on column, gd cond., '80 CAPRI '80 4 door Accord au1o lent cond, •&.000 ml. ~.J;=~ lllT SELLU 841-10111 e•t 189 dye 550-1008 Proto LIM. 714/87~28'0 '77 K•w11kl KZ1000, lo $1150 OBO. 840-8793 * •Ill SILL * loaded. Xtnt cond.'sesoci $3200. 772-7802 CtOSlDSUNDAn '79 R1bblt dll, 5 epd, 19&11 Nova, new paint, '78 GRANO PRIX, nice .. ,, •-zr "" ml. fairing, c.,go bo>t, •81 Chevy van, 7000 RS Pkg. Real t90f1Y.Plu• Fltm. •99-4321. #U 11H am/Im CMI, new llret, etaln ..... ban. exhau•t. c:ond. 13200 OBO. -$2100.770-1945 / grNtgumiie.g..f>tenty .79 5 •••••••••••••••••••••• l&Nn 1111 bltt, e xh , Bll•teln carb.F/E.&llr•.12200. 845-9240 •••••!::~::::·,·:,•••••• ,... __ 'llW roi;s'o~r=/:::oo;.~.~ ofextraa.•othermodel1 Accord 4 door. '77 MOBCenv.Xlntcond. •••••••••••••••••••••• thoc:tll,50mpg.13700. No. '79, 042~. Ad ·73 ORAN AM 4 dr, --& · •• --av-•1a~ ..... 1·1•2YOL) J"•t epetd. air cond .. reg . ..,xtra a~~•1•orle1. •2, S-....._..__.._.._, _....... 897·7943/5't-77'9 Jim Sitt., 2' hrt. off existing loan or 17. • .,.. v '"' gu 35000 1 $5900 '" "" • ~·~'V bucilet Hatt, coneole, BMutlflll eftlC>e, 7'A MP Secnftoel Mutt Miii eoo. 891--0322 need retlebl• party to 7 5 ·2 • 8 1 9 f1 ·d•Y1 : eoo OBO. 857-1759 U.DI• '89 vw conv, nu pot, nu n Chev)' Malibu ClaMlc:, AM / FM . s 1 • 2 0 0 • ~=--.~3e!~~~ 11~~· ~ =~78 w111 trade ttne 32• Jeffrtee ~t~~ ~om~I~ ~~,~~ 951-7523 _, wtcnde. ' ll Ill 111111 :~~~;~1~3~io' 0•b~~ : 1°/~o~ d;4 :~re ;~n2'; _114_a.--0_7ee_. ____ _ 5'7·71l23 ,79 Yamlll\t XS400-2F power bOat, good lor fl-to auume. No beck Honda.. Toyota, Dateun, OOIYEITIILE 111·ZMI 4tl-4Mt 075-750e 075-i835 fAu411iW HTI ehlng. diving, llv•·•· pmt1. due. f.tlc for Roee all make1, $199 does It. •••••••••••••••••••••• '4' S-..8wedlah lloop. Sporting bike, Ilka nu, board or !amity tun lor 842·4400, 556-1008 No 1st or lut, no depo-'epd-Maga-Stereo f~t• 1111 ·11 VW Ftttback, xlnt 1... ...... '78 T·Blrd Loeded. rNI $29,500. (11•1 552-3701 2800 ml, $791. &42--0955 late mode l van (714) Proto LIM. llt. No lie. '"· Dellvert 1 owner. nice 838YOK •• ••••••••••••••••••• cond ,_paint eunroof Excellent c:ond. $1500 lu>tury with 21tnf)(I, ate-°' <714> l21-1503 ·79 TS 185 Suzuki, 1ow •IM 2°'3 '74 C«Olle Wag. AIC Nu 1mllm cuaett~ at.,eo: reo reclln«s i.w tit .. seoo • · c.11 1111 any IMM, buye any ur paint, llrH. Xlnt cond new tire•. 11lnt engine. 831-1424 Mu~t H iii S3250/obo: SAllT l400 ml... . '75 Honda 1970 Ford Camper Van. •••••••••••••••••••••• over our cott All Savers $1850 080. 957-0440 •2200. "·'1 ..... 7117. ·75 Monza Town Couna, ~8-3834. Salta/ El~ 125 $350. Make 302 auto to ml grNt L ... lng 834-0189 • ...., ..-oare. 073--0647 ofler. 045·5131 alter c:ond s200o 557:4666 '74 COLT, 2 dr .. auto. 'II ter•a s,t.,. '74 VW 412 Wagon. Xlnt c:lean. 4 cyt, 4 spd, _A ___ V_H_,,..._ --- 8' Sabot wtllte w/ralnbow ec>m. · · xlnt runnln~condltlon, Honda '79 Civic. 4 epd. R•d with bltok/gr•y c:ond. ln/oot. $1950. Cati •1000· 9&4·3419 •• ~~~~ •• !••••••••••··~ ttrlpe, metchlng cu•t. .. •• wy, A•IH W,.IN ISIO good llr•. ,000 mt. ~6.000 ml .. t•s>e. Mich. cloth Interior. ' IP4*f. M5-95t0 Cfa.-Jn HZI Nill. ()an. paiddte. note-NI n, f ...................... $1,095 85 •2819 daya howroom c:ond. $3,f50 AM/FM c.•Ntte . Perl .72 Su .,.__. .. , .• :':~ ... •••••••••••••••• uon CUlhlOnt Incl N-. .,.,,,,.,,,,.. Ill WE PAY -Of belt orter. ~1· c:ood $5000 beet t 'F*' ._. 75 CORDOBA ...,. c:ood NABERS cond. sea.cs .... than 12 •••••'• .. •••••••••••••• E1ttblull. Buying New ·' f·•~~ · · °' 0 • 11900 · ,,.... · ., ti S750 7~ Chell Motor Home. 20 rt. lOP DOWll Datsu l1M Prelude. "-1 ,..,. I«. 7M--4751 trom8to5 M0-74e1 11t s1.ooo llku It. C" AOILL AruC mee. • ood co d 1at •1eOO •••••••••••••••••••••• ':I:••••••••••••••••••• PM · 831-7135 ~ ~ _ • g n · • '81Civic:,4 door, 5 epeed, '73 OPEL OT • 1978 Sc:lrocco 4 •""' 111 1---------i 17 Flberglaae 6tooe> tu• 042-1353 Fii ISEI •u•s .., 22K xlnt Mull Miii Or~. owner 30 000 ml. 75 Toyot• eoro111, AMI • ...,..., • C..tblatil H'I w/treller, >tint cono. . van • • · ' • FM cata. Good cond. var, orig own«. e8K ml. •••••••••••••••••••••• CLEARANCE $1~1 • 837·13;)8 20 Euc Motor Ho me WI··-$MOO. PP. 559-eo86 $ . 546-2379 $2200 080. 841-0989. $3,000. '94-2810 '75 MARK IV, whlle, Llps- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil $300 wk. Or dally rental. NITIAO/lllWll . ll 110111 ,,.,.,, 1141 '119 VW good condition tick Edition, cebrlolet 12' MO NTGOMERY 631-7705, 831-7022 2480 Harbor Blvd •••••••••••••••••;•••• 'It leflea 14111! blue ~I auto l 1eo0 tasid1u, lac t. mags. SALEI SAIL. FIG, t••k trim, fr.Um frnti 1111 COSTA MESA · ICCHI 2 llOI '74 Pantera OT&, lliwltl CIMn,runagrMt.Alplne rtnn.'83,"'323ah8PM b .. utllul . 1 3950 . • eloop rig, 11lnt cond ......... :if.............. ~-5 ~.St•«> bit!, 24,000 ml, cuetom am/Im redJo, tape. 875-2172 •.tored ln•lde. $1200. Sml trell«, fixer-upper. S06TOD xtraa. Andrew 996-2830. &42-<4378 J'"9 11111-~-------H-3-5-1 *100 You take awav •••1••1 •••••••••••••••••••••• .W• 076-5071 • . ,. -.--S3211 ,___, 1141 '79 Ceta ope, bla, •Int #1 Ythe IHler ••• ._.••••••••••••••••• 1911 CADILLAC ~~~~~~~~ 831·2250. WE •llV -·•·~••••••••••••••••• cond. Sunroof & .,.,90. ..__ ~ '72 DART SWINGER 2dr flllTWOOD Ouffletd RKtng Sabo!, nu Ten1 Traffer with a1ttl:hed -·· LUil l 1112 se<>oo. &40-6et1 II ....... __ ,,, 6c:yt AT , R&H. tadlals, Ullman Sall. M75. Call 2 dr tent. (8-r't). HOO. OLUI 01111 PlllEIT IOI I .,1_ •--~~:~' $1'00 OBO "A5Tlotl00f" '94-5907 or '97-1ta1 Cupboerdt, etove, llghte. UI TllOIS Tllll ltE•l!L !'!~ ........ !!.~! __, -·-1 _______ 1 llOUGHAM COUPI 10' Hobie Cal, yellow W/ Sip• 8. 918-208-4 .,.., '81 Dattun 510 Wgri. auto .~ 1978 Spitfire. Jdnt cond In -...... '"' Hfl (1CRR592) teq. ~ aalle. Lite lpm. .,._, llr, dlx ~grain & out. 1 -· IS,450. OVERSEAS DELIVERY •••••••••••••••••••••• $14,995 •2500 07M1•1 ..... ,.._ ,,,,,,.. II# pac:kage, HOO ml. A•-$289 76t-1131 EXPERTS '70 Flecta. gd. cond. Fee-,__ • · "· •,.::::;~,..=-'-king $7300 ofter. tory 1unrl, 1 o wnr. J-2•. fully equipped for ....... ..... ....... 84e-2780 J~u 1111 '~ m• tal.. $2.800/0BO. 960-911• crulat/ ttcie. Ell cond. Ml• 1ILI .. '78 B210. Excel cond. 49K u ................... F*' month plue 1&11 ••1·• ... ••• vw••••;:;;.•;:.•• """ '74 Mlveric:k, 13K ml on (114) ~18. Made from Ford~ ml, New lite•. ' •Pd. ftc 'll DI .a month cloted e nd ~ 'b It • n V. In q u Ire 13· Mllboat. nd• tom• boll wfftl IQPller, neede 35mpg, 12900. 983-9385 V12. Oflg. 38K ml. 2 plue ..... on 9'1P!'owd ere-comp t et e I y 1~:"'°'ef'd· 548-59". 1650. ~: =~..,. trtr, llghtaA:t:sT'.. -... 280Z. Good c:ond ..... ~ .. M~t..~~n~~: :t~~:a~ .. '°' ~~o=.!~~ ..... Aw. ... l '83 FALCON Weoon .. dr Top doll•,. for Sport• 000. A1t!,12.5038PM 07MIM7, 07~930 IU ........ chromed, with •o IDA e C)'I. 2nd owner, AMF C t /Ou .,. Cara, Buge , CamP«t, ..., r ... 1• 'll -· •. ,_ •r. a ~ar1n tr.... Utlllt'/ tr1r .. ,..,, Audi'• ..,_,.. ~..,. 11U Me Dove Street Weber cartJur«on. Po-•--..,95 845-7578 VflT'f good cond. 1350. Nd• aome ~ l40. Ask for U/C MGR '77 B210, 11tnt cond. 4 ••••••••••"!':!~........ NEWPORT BEACH ll•h•d centerline rime. Lo ml, good cond, ale, 75 Pinto Wag. Gd cond. 963-6272 geo.5M3 M .... tpd, AM/FM cHt w/ '09 K.,m1 nn Ohle con-I Cuttom Interior. n•w auto, 12400. 536-39N auto""''· st.,eo s1.ooo 11, •••• aa "IUIW... equ1I, $2700/blt olr. Y9rtlble, 1 owner, Ill rec., 712-1 II paint, 240 iouv.s. Muat llrm. 831-1279. 552·5252 • Boet tr1r :rc whit IOf 13' • 759 ""32 '" to a ppreclatel Se-•-a-•---1 l ntrod u~tor olte J. ~.., c:ompt. ,..torad, lmmac. •-'I •-.. Y r · boat. • 1 0 (frff. boet 18711 8eectl Blvd. $5000 firm. 497-45730. ·1• 60•, 4 dr, •unrool, Moul lnquirw'I only~ ••••• •••••••••••••••• '78 Coontry Squire Wa-=ERCATS at dttl•r w/tr1r). te0-55-43 HUNTINGTON BEACH '80 210. Excel cond. on (213)2•9-3"0 tm/fm, blue, good cond, ... Call '°' mor9 lflfo. laJd "" gon. 9 pa ... every lee---·-A•,. •~-: . ._~ 141.~ gm. Am/Fm casa. N.w $21111. 851·5002 wtcctys: Private party. ~ Gllll •••••••••••••••••••••• tory option, all records, --•• ~. r---------• tires. u2001bet orr. ,,,... 1111 552.9355 ..,.,.,,.mcta (71 ... ) 7•• .... SEE n ou1111nd1n11 cond . 111-1111 , ..... ...,,,. HM WlmD! 751...aoo °' 7eo-.3e411 ...................... ,.,... 1111 • ......... for the largest and beet $3195, 944.1489 or c:.~t:~~~-wi'':o~~I!~ -~~~~v~O:~ t::.m=~ol~~ ·~D::'~1·~~1~e=!7d.. ······;;;-TEI·········· 1:~~.~rH:.i:tfr':. ~ct~~,1~·0,~ :;;;;1 . IHS 040-1980, 951•1001 >vv4v lt!Op _,, 536-t832 Call ~,t__._:;..-;-re o , 1t n con . Kl'1 AM/FM ca••· 18,000. County today! •••••••••••••••••••••• ~, "'..,...,, S4 50o10 Bo 01by 951.21124 ~ 11TI IAll Y SABOT-Brian ThomMX ra-Allt ~dttuekl l~Rb· l·t~ 754-S..9 alt 6PM. Plllm/1111 '70 VW Camper Ven. $4915. 82,000 mt. 1 ow- ang r1g. fMt. tit equip. on "' ••• · · 1Sl31 Harbor B!Yd. Bubble top w/X1ra bed, •-ner. All whllt 840~902 $1,000. &40-7583 transmleek>n from $t05 TOYOTA·YOUO fiat f11J Garden Grove ,_ motor. rldlal tires, K 3 1 FIN ... FLYER demo & up. 554•1850 ,,,, .. ......._.... •••••••••••••••••••••• S..-lerM butane stove. 27 MPG. #tttmn HSI ..... ~ deal offersl A•I• lfnitt lutl c;:;;;._ • 111 us Le ... '-$4500. 859 Oak St .. CM. 1 .. n.-c--. ••••• .-_. ••• ••••••••••• 39CAL '781oaded. S91K '~n H• ,.., ..... u0J wttt-tu1 > '°'you• ~ 714 1ii1Jaa 1140-,.23· ';e2s 'H~ ~~ '11-.t 11111 Of beet offer · •••••••••••••••••••••• MllT114A~. • '79 CONVT. Wht/Wht. COSTA MESA 2 df, 0 c:yt, auto, ps, ale. NORD YACHT 873-8879 Cragar M9 , good c:ond. WI 11J '78 Turbo, tpeeteculal red Stored 2 yre. Only-1400 111_2111 ,..., defog, new radials, .,,. llJ,. =.r,09 C,: ~~ detlll9 USED CARS & TRUCKS *f•NT•SJIC* ""." .. & T1rg1, loeded, low ml-ml. lmmac. $8,950.1--------amlfm 1tereo, new ~ lf11 . COME IN OR CALL FOR " " .. ~~.~o,m: 1142-1003. 846-0247 WllJM flJI c:uatom ~2 ............ MA: ... The Ultlmate Car/RV flU llW. * fl•J·S * fAGUIYI 1919 vw convert. Xlnt •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~~~~~~!I .....,. Alarm. Ungobol(, TL C<>tmier-o.t.Mto ~sn" ECJINlol 1t1t•n.c111up.tM1-mc ·12 1.1 914, new tr.,,., cond. AM/FM caMtt•. •1mutm1 1: Sllpa tvlll day, wlc °'mo. 3000. Standby battery, OllYULIT "'" . ctutch, tlr .. a Targa top. p I p . s 6 4 0 0 0 a 0 . ·-LAlf •••19, IHI 046-055t llUhlng llght relay lnc:lu· 18211 BEACH BLVD. -OWflD '82 MAZDA RX7 GS AM/FM cue. Perl. In & •M-583&. W tp«;laKze In .._ ~·M~=~·r;.:·;.s. ded. '420 value, S250 Of f••J ~ ' Xl/g' 5 _...,. _. __ oof out. Incle. c:tt cvr. a e111 'l• .,._. 11.. • -.. WANT~O : 85' •llp o r best ottw. everything In.-HUNTINGTON BEACH '" --~~ s ........• t. -·t . rack. $5300. D•v•. • ........ lor the bu'"-e>tecu-AT, •!meet Ilk• new. 5tt< moorl•~ for Hllbo•t. duded, brand,_ In box Ml ... l, 141-1111 MMY TO Ct«)OS( FROM em/Im atereo, llloys. 497-5013 wltctys.. 545-07'215'0-461• llve & profeatlonal, mltea, youre lor $2,650 Npt. Bch. Joe, &44-0502 with S , .. , waffanty IXAMPU 1200 ml. • __...,. Larp 1111..... 080 840-51« 2 1 3 / a 5 • 9 2 1 o . T Doi 75 fl•T 124 Snow t~ condltlonl 78 924. <ttt< ml, tunf'oof; VW et Van, nine ,,......... II ... 111• A•~---u•-fl·•• 19IO CADILLAC ILDOIADO COUPI (602211) S}J,995 1979 CADILLAC 51DAN DIVILU (368670) s3995 1971 CADILLAC 51Vllll "ASTIOROO,., (308VPE) s3995 1911 CADILLAC ILDOIADO llAlllTZ (10FJ"58) $16,995 1979 CADILLAC $1VILLI "ILIGANTI" (179YBE) MUST SEE! Otter Good ThN Sunday, 1...a2 SLIP AV~MBLE. uP to 71 /&40-5e05 op If " S11,300Qtn..-&46-7841 st•eo c:aea., tllf. • apd, rebn eng, new redl.ia, & --aa 35'. CdM .,.._ $t/lt, 30' 4 · SPEER xtnt c:ood. Orig. paint & AM/FM ttareo c•••. 11•111 ..................... . :'":;:~. ~1Z~t.:ffl s!:C aW:2 ":.~Te.~ Paid eeaut1tu1 1-owner. ·92, ~:!!!.~~· :=: ~-:!!' · .~11 .. !!!v~~: ~.2!1~u7~17, .. •· ... II ""'1 ':!~~.°°';,Vut~'~;.7:, . NABERS ..... •·c low mllea wit .. air $0250. 075-2172 -· ~ w,.. ""' · ~~ .... S1 ... 1 ••r.• C ..,. ........ No. 479. 842-4300, ~d For Your Cert ......... 1122NJN).'' 499-2886 wltndl/9'11 'Tl ll•llll ..,.ge. ·"" ..,...,.. CADJLLA ,. WANTEO: 811p epace fOr Sitter, 24 hra. JIM• I .. ""'ru 77 IUZIA ILQ OPE LL Cel 26 6'111b0at. oeap. 43", 47" 11 38" 8* metel U.1111 ..... '!. $4495 '7s9 Ponche 921. toeded. NEW PAINT+ MOREi J\! More f8fnllae.,. g9tttng 2IOO HAltlOR Ill.VO. ~ ,..... 5 1Peec1 • Stereo upel' etereo tape, Im· ........... &44-5138 .. t..._ ,._.,,.~ .... _ .. t..._ COST .. ..-... retel ,_ ap.ce by _, car louvre 141. 1S 1·2133 2828 Harbor 8IY . AJH 8'2 rnec Auto Pe'a. 30K ml, _...., 2600 Harbot 81\id. ,,. -·.... ....., ,.,. .. ._ .. 28. A&an •M-N77 Coal• M... 540.5830 S2lll gold tan IHtll•r. $22. Ttade '/OU!" ofd """ '°' Cost.I Meta 540-9100 rew. It you • cam-540 1860 HAVE CASHll ...,., I# Wt Premium prtcea 77 FIAT 124 500. new goodlH with • • ::C,1,"~1'1."~~~~: • Need ~5-21' pwr boat ... _................. paid for eny uMd car ~wn 045-8532 Claaelfttd lld. 042·M18 Seit Idle n.m. 042~1 Ct••lflld Ad. e 11 p or moo' Ing . b*"8/ (foreign or domeetk:) ..X-llUU\ 802-2788 Cr..fn 1111 rn gooc1 condition. 5 apd, etereo. a mutt AM_.. .. ,.,, .. "" ... ,.,1 .,,, ·"" --------•••••••••••••••••••••• 9-Ut FWwtt .... be9Uty, lfke new.. ........-•••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• •••••••••• ••••• DICK MILLER M OTOP<, W.e ..... ... .. -. ttt "sl (1ACP511). ..... ,..., '-..... Sh&y ~ pk::ilCupe ' $ 1, l't . I t t • I I I coup••· • to choo1e 5495 • trH 1 1 ' I troml (000788) (Stk. ... .,.... ... ... A30t3). Prioee t&artlng .. • 1 r ·'11 # I 1 I, •r11,t111 Bright Red. s apd, ..,,.., ... ,,,, • ••••••••••••••••••••• 141-4111 14 W... ttereo, magt, rack. ,.., aherp. (# 1298). THEODORE ·•r.•· 1ttM11•11 .,,,, 111,. l#h "" ...................... ROBINS FORD 1Cf'>I t<A•ar~A ~l'O (()\'A ,,.£\A 641 0010 BOAT SLIPS AVA.JI.ABLE Newport 8'acn 28', .O' & •If c.cllllac Cou" 0. 52'. 042 ....... ._5'M VIiie Coftftftlbte. orlG so· ....,.&MelO ..._. ...... u .ooo . ....,..., I "''"""" 40' moome. f11t ·eo ptymoutt1. ..,, .... • , 7 .too .. k .. bOtll. Whit• vef\tet '"'· bOdy &41-1311 ~. l!9W ... ...,.. PD UP TO II fl e 1110 mo. ~1'6 - • I l'Mor, bllnery tM ..... o-Tlf, A ~l •allc . 11,000/bellt.~ I :.•8 llarbl11 Rhd (°o!lta )lt.,..1 ~ 0:00 AIM..... 1111 .••...............•... 71 lllA IPRa lleck e..lty -Ilk 1 ownr • mint • IU%AH $5995 79 FIAT 124 SPID .. . ... ., ....... , Comptr• HouM of Im- port• Olr901 ..... and 80 moa. eentlbla pymtt. 01•1 218 or 714: MER· C E D ES la 213 or 714/837~2333 SllM Automatic. •••r•o. rad!. We aold '*'• r none n ic er . DICt' Mill FR M()T'lll' " ,, (08SYS~- -$6595 . IO FIAT 124 SPl)[R If it't got wt.tis rou'll move H faster in a Daily Piiot 5 1pd, magi , fue l lnJectlon. Onl y 1i,ea1 mll ••· (1BZNHe1. ctassJfled $7295 ad.call Alm MMY lllEt M2·5'71and • ....,. • ._ra... afri91tdlY it t ~ M •Vlt.:Wfll Mtpyelltllm , .......... ........ " ,s 1906m~. +tax s149s1 mo ..... tax ' t \ . I NEW '82 MUSTANG 5.0 H.O. V8 engine, 4 speed overdrive trans .. AM-FM stereo cauette, T.R. performance suspension. power steering. air cond.. dual remote mirrors, traction loo rear axle, cast aluminum wheels, fog tamps and mo<et (Ser. 200795). (Stk. 1891). 15 Gls IN STOCK lllEDllTE DELIVERY CHOICE OF COLORS! -- PL11 FllEE FlllEWHI~ NEW . '83 RINGER Equipment lnclud" power brak•. heavy duty bettery, max. cooling, heavy duty Shocks and tinted gl .... (Ser. A75978). (Stk. T-1841). 56787 PLll FIEE FllEWllll .~K~i/ 'll OllYY ..u ...... B«ht seats, P/sunrool . & windows, air cond., '3991 crvise. Prices lo sett last! (S4a200) . ...-a ,_ IM S I Ml 'II ••Ull • z Dr ••• cond.. ,,,,. st., '1 &I bf.US. looU .... ""' CUI CM! (ZVS501). __ .... Jill NEW '82 EXP 2 Door model with an ec<>f'lOITllcal 4 cyt. engine, 4 speed trans.. front wheel drive, electric rear window defroster and styled wheels. (Ser. L~;A~!'.:(·s·6Si7 ... 24 Ml./24,111 MILE FNI OllCllllllElllE Plll REE EWI llEW '82 . ESC.ORT 2 Door Hatchblldc model with an economtc.I 4 cyt. engine, 4 speed OV«drlve trans .. power brak-. styled wheels, rack & pinion steering and W1rV economlcaJI (Ser. 142057). (Stk. 1857). (Ind. 1'9bat•). 55456 24 M./24,IM llLE FIU Cll 1111 CIYElllE PLll FIEE FlllEWllll t I •• ---.. ....,.._-----·-· a=;r-----. ,. ... -. ..... -......... . . .. .July 2, 1982• I I ii t,' I l I\ 11 ''. I 'I I .: 'I 11 . I I I lj' \ ',_i I I I I" 'l ! JI\ I '' .\! 1' ... , • Delly ..... ._....., Gery ....... Derek Jacoby, Mission Viejo, Kimberly ShirajU, Laguna Niguel, and Frank Wales, South Laguna, in "The Big Catch." The Masters. • • Pageant celebrates 50 years Fifty years ago artist John Hinchman organized an outdoor Laguna Beach art show, • hanging painting:s on trees and fences in an appeal foe tourists' money during the De~n. That effort was the J:>eginninjf for the Pageant of the ?ttaaters i n which people pose in re- enac1menfs of f amillar paintlnp. The pageant' and Festival of Arts at Laguna's Irvine Bowl and festival grounds marks it.a golden anniversary when it opens July 10. . The first living picture -an idea of Laguna artist Roy Ropp -waa presented in 1933 and admission to see the works of other local artist.a was 10 cents. INS IDE By JERRY HERTENSTEIN Of the Dally Pilot Staff Adinil8ion to this year's festival grounds is 50 cent.a to commemorate the 50th anniversary with Jll"OUnds opening at 10 a.m. each day through Aug. 29. The pageant is at 8:30 J?.m. each day but ls "aold out" for the 23rd straight year. This year there are l~ exhibitors with the same idea in mind as Hinchman had -attracting the tourist.a' dollar in what are ironically, difficu1'- t:imes fina.ndally. The festival and pageant, not held during the war years of 1942 through '45, today are big busineaa despite the fact moat of the hundreds of people involved are volunteers. The 1982 pageant, 9Cheduled in thE! 2,66i-.seat Irvine Bowl, has 24 reproductions of paintings, 9C'Ulpture or tapestry, scheduled each night. That means lot.a of work for ~len ~. pageant directoc, and his staff of profeaaionals. But it usually means loads of fun for the volunteers who poee nearly motionle91 for the 90 aeconds they are on Nile and foe tN:.e who aaaiat with wardrobe, makeup, betddrem and at.aalna· . ''Every year t.bere ia a new aet ol. problems,'' said Eytchiloo. who took a abort break during a recent showing of Uve exhibits for preas photqp'aphen and writers. · "We-have acme problema thil .Ye-that· we haven't worked out but we~ another auooe19,'' he laid in bia fourth ,_. .. di.rect.cll'. . He· laid thole who attend c.n expect a show that "retaim tndidon. hopefully ia • little briaht.er and fast.et. ti Amonc thole who a...-red to be ~ tbmmelves w• the Shldd fmlil1 of Newport a.dl -did Irv, mom Jen md ...... J-Me. Jan Shedd ii in -nm ,.. • a..ddnm director tbcMch abe Ml been WoridnC wtda the ~ '= = ad).wtlnl tM ~of ber S..~t,~lJ ' • t .... --· -~ -----. · C_, ____ ,,, __ •_•_u_•_l_n_•_•_• ____ )~--------------------------------~ I '~·s going 10 be a cross between a moga~ine show like 'Real People' and the nightly network news.· Cindy Rumaey, co-hmt and co-producer for new Orange O>unty c.able television show, does a stllndup with Derls Jeannette behind the camera. ................ .., ...... Derts Jeannette, ex«Uti~ producer for "Videovisions of Orange County," in editing room workitJg on new show. On screen is helicopter shots of Orange County area. On cable. • A Mission Viejo video production company is launching a monthly feature-news proeram on cable ·television that highlights Orange County. The first 30-rninute program will air Aug. 8 at 6:30 p.m. on Times-Mirroc cable television and other cable aystema that have a&J-eed to ahow the progJ'aDl, produced by Videovilion A.aciat.es. Deria Jeannette, a former photosrapber for the Los Angeles nine., ii executive producer of the program -''VideoviAona of Oranae County'' - and says it initially will be available to 140,000 cable subecriben in most areM of Oranae County. Jeannette says h1a show will do} with the "people, places and even~· of Orange County and each program will have between five and 10 aegmenta covering entertainment, sporta, businela, plus a aprink.ling of other topks. · The monthly procrama will be repeeted twice a month. on the fint and third &mday, he Mid. "It's ao1nC to be a cram betw~ a~ show like 'Bal People,' and the nlchtly wrtwork pews," Jeannette •ys. "We have a lot of fonner MWlpaper joumalilta working wtth ua and we're aoiftll to let eech ltol'y speak for ltaelf, but each wm be visually entenainlnc and IDOft in depCh than you set on ~news." . . . J~ •ya the pr'Op'IUn won't be hard hltdnl and IDWIUptive UJr.e "80 Minu1111," but Will ~t. ''lnondlle view of Oranae County tMt 1how1 why it hu a llf"J.yle dltferent than anyw-.e11e. ~'There are enouah interettlna, who&e,ome .tortea in the coun. ty ~t we dan't med to touch qoncrownW lteml that c:ouJd ,...i, in an :J:."'6" lawadt ~ 1.11 out of the water,'' be~ • • Show highlights people, places and events By PATRICK KENNEDY Of &hJ' Daily Pilot Statf infonned and we're going to have fun doing it," Jeannette says. Jeannette is part-owner of the Mmion Viejo video finn and says the company is footing the bill "Eventually, I'd like to see the shO'w for the first few cable programs with hopes of occuionally take an investigative look at issues, but getting commercial spoNOrship later. not Initially." "We're optimiatic that.we can get•~ for The first ahow will include interviews with Pat this lhow bean.me everyone~ wan ti ~t into the Haden, former Rama football quarterback and cable~ buaiuea We ~\hil is'the rtabt Rhodes acholar, Scott Moore, a Laguna Beach ptOll'UD in the riaht place at-d\e right time." watercolor artist featured in tb1I year's Pageant of Jeannette says \here is more of a market for h1a the Muten show in ~ Beach, and intervtewa program beca• or the dembe earlier this month of with leaders of the touiism busmels in the county. Ne~ the weekly new's program on KOCE, Future programs will include such non-Chaqnel 50 that exclusively covered Orange controversial subject.I as interviews with two Codftty ~-· county resident.I whoee names are tied to potato ~ " ''Since NeWICheck went oU the air, we'll be ~A: and pies -Laura Scudden and liWie t='dilll a medium the county doem't have -a ender, Jeannette saya. .. J----...-newa ~ .,..u_.~ ..... aays. -'Since Newscheck went off the . air, we' II be providing a medium the county doesn't have -a local news program.' 8"8dori K.OCE canceled NewaCheck beau.-of a combmaCiall ol ~ fundinl cU1a to public ~and ... o( COl)JOI-... a. ButJMbQltte~tbemon~V~of Otan1e County tiaUlally wlll be relatively 1nexJJen1iw to ...,,.._, cmtmc abOut tl0,000 a IRIJmD becawe It will Ol*"te on a nan·praftt a.. until It ~ on ltl feet. He ·~ Qnd7 Rwmey la co.atolt and ~ ..,,..._ _ _..._. 'Ill. RU1199Y, JI, formerly •~ • ...._. ..... lll'Clfllmi on CBS-TV tn umn.rhlr lbnbaD Klein. .... editlOr of the Orme CcM.mty llCUm of the Loa ,....... 11-. wD1 co-~daa~ .......... .,.. VicleoYtalon tes currently produc. COlponte video.,,..... for wrto. ~ bul \hil ii Im flnt J"'OdUcdon on cable ~. ,,,-·---------------····--"" --~~~~~~~~~~_,...~~~~--.~ Outofth•Hat ~~~,__~~~~~~~~~~~~~---- My E th er also had the greatest gains in his reputation as a magician during th e Gr e at Depression ... ' He.'s no illusion Harry Blackstone Jr. allows you to escape from· daily hassle By PATRICK KENNEDY Of the Daily Pilot Steff Harry B1ackatoDe Jr., the world- famous magician, says magic ia big busine9B the9e days becau.e, foe a few momenta, It helps headaches cauaed by the poor economy to disappear. "Magic is one of the ultima~ fonns of eecape and in bard times people find joy in a fantasy escape that can shock, amaze and amuse," saya Blackstone. Stopping off in Costa Me9a recently to viaif a 61end. B1adcstone talked of his audiences, bis craft. his equally famous magician father and his father's friend Harry Houdini. Blackstone, named Magician of the Year by the Society of American Magicians, among countleu other honors in his field, currentl~ is touring the East Coast but will perform before a 10ld-out crowd at Magic laland in Newport Beach on July 12. The 48-year-old Black.stone ia a masier illusionist and magfcian who uses wit. acting ability and special eff~ to direct the attention of his audie nce away from the hidde n secrets of his craft. In his shows, Blackstone creates a variety of magical illusions, feats of see ming me ntal te lepathy, and sleight-of-hand tricks. ~ include making elephant& or canaries disappear, levitating pianos. accura1ely stating the word that an audience member is thinking, and suddenly, slipping the shirt off an unsuspecting volunteer from the audience. Usually, the volunteer is helping in a rope trick or some other magic and ia surprised and bewildered to find himaelf suddenly shirtless, becau.e he never saw It coming. "I learned that trick in the back aeat of a '42 Ford when I was in high ICbool, •• Blackstone qulpa. .._ ........ . . .Henwvod. • ~teer from dN •udlelioe twhlch .. tbered •t l6ak 1.i.ntl ro .. Rl«bfone crMte IW ~. • pvt b9ck fOtletlw .-Jn alt«' ,.,.. ""' In ~ Harry Blacbt.one Jr., one of the world's best-known magicians, creates an illuaion at-Magic hland. Here he ''sa~" Dick 1ienwood of ~ta Mesa Jn two ... Blackstone •YI be tries to keep his aliowa aprinkled wtth humor. "I try to have as much laughter from the audience as pomible. "My show1 are light-hearted escapism and the joy of being an audience member is ~ to perceive things that are trying" to be hidden. It's a challenae tO t1'e a•~ to 90lve th.ls game and IOmetimes I give a glimp.e of a pomble 1<>lution (to a magical trick) but then sometimes I take it away and the mystery fantaay continues." Blackstone often plays before audiences numbering in the tbousanda and his illusions are often large-«ale, which he says ia eMier than the close-up magic such aa makinc coins and cigarettes disappear. 0 Peop1e realia that things don't really diaappeu and reappear, but when 1 wave my hand they aeem to. It'• the vilual mysteries that amaze people. ''The magician appean to rescind the natural laws of gravity and makes thinp levitate; the lawa of time a,.s apace and makes thinP. diaappeer and rappear; and he can mutilate by •wing aomeone in half and then ft8tore them whole, all with a wave of a hand." Blackatone aays t he audie nce t.clnation wtth such Wwions is the momentary escape from natural laws and the gravity of everyday problems. "Wouldn't lt be nice to think you could eolve the Falkland Ialanda and Lebanon cri8es with a wave of hand, lnatead of a puah of a button," 8ladaRone •YI· • He clalml U..t the world ol 11-ak 19 haviJll ill greatelt finanda1 SUltlCe9I in bl1tory and calla the 1980s the Benaillance of ~. "My father al9o hlld the greatest oinl in hll reputation • a fMlidan aurlna the Grat Depnmion ye.rs of the lbOa when people wanied an mcape from ~life," be •ya. l"lbe Mme ia trUe • " Blaclutone notes t at the n:aott popular contemporary filml allo ~ ..... fan.... He ~ Geora u... er.• of ~ effec:tl toe tlw "SW Wan'' fll.rn. and "Raiden ot CM Loli Ark" 11 one ol the .,_._ WUlianilll IDday . But .......... •YI hit abdity llO oornetly ......... woN ....... " ~ ii no lllullOft, lt'e limply IDIDlal illh,.tby he ..... And although he admits most of bl.a tridm are ,done by mecbanical means, be •ys that "80metimes they are and 101Detimes they aren't,'' obvioualy lJ\ ' · keeptna with the fOACic:'an's proper shroud of mywtery about bl.a craft. fl1s most popular trfCk. Blackatone aaya, is makinc a bird cage with a canarJ In it disappear while audience volunteen are standing le.a than one foot away from lt. Another popular mystery is his flo'\tlng light bulb which soars through the air above the heads of his audience and returns to him on stage. Unexplainable to mo8t onlookers, such event.I have been routine to Blackstone since he was a small boy watching b1a equally famous magician father. .. My father was a consummate "Mlld'n who was adept at both. up cJme magic.al tricks and lar1Je-acale WUllons," Blackstone aays. "Actually, it was a diaaervice for me being raised around magicians becau.e I aaw the mechanical means and it took away the wonderment." However, he says while an adult viai\in1 China y ea r.a later, h e dlacoveied the wonderment of an astounded audience member when he aaw Oriental magkians perfonning illwdom he'd never aeen and couldn't explain. Blackstone's father, alao known as Blackatone tb~ Magicia,n, at.arted perfonnb\11~1899 and retired in the early 196Cls. Hia aon tobk over the ahow and now tows with his magic worldwide. 81111::1&-me aays bis father lived in the "Golden Age" of~ during the early 19209 and 19308. One of hia father'• famou1 frlenda and contemporaries was the eecape artist Harry Houdini. Houdini waa renowned for h i• ct.ath-cWYina --~· but, although be tried·, iloudl~ never waa a polilhed ~ .......... aay.. "I rwNer Houdini but my filches-to&d me ol bll •ttemP"' at ~ a ma~·· Bleiti•tiane ...U.. ·'lfe Ul8d to .ay, ·&ny lbldlnt couldn't reach into Central Park wl\bout r~ tbe lea•••.' " ..... . Ii'• obvlo y not eu~ :t""'· 8o )II& bDw ... do • . .. Vfllf1 ..U." be IQI. ... . t , •' I,{ , I'(' f1 .... 11'11'1:11*1" ~\ ~··· '"'.'i~\1-;.;~~---;...;..ii;m.;...;..~~~.;_--;:....~~'-=----""--_;___:::....:::;!..~......,;.!.J;.. ..... -~.....-----• I ' I I \I I'( I __ . _ -·-__ _.------==:-:-:::.:::_=:: .. :-:-~.:"":.~-~-~•••s-•••11&••••&•••••••&111••••••••••• , r • ~ ·----------------( Table to 1ab,. ),_ ______________ _ I -MAXWELL'S BY THE SEA. 317 s. Pacif:k M 11 ' C'i a-t mpway, Huntin6fon BNcb. w.-2~~~~ ax we s :1::-from 8 a.JD. II> l &m. #W!D days. week.~ ~from $2.16 lo $8.16. Lunch from IZM·to 112.~. ~ nan.-tnm •.• lo UtJ.116. &.mdaY bruncb 110.96. ~ ~~= ~ICW va1n parlciiv. Mqr Take your time &&.. !. In thil fMt-s-ced h'-Wtle of a IOC'iety, it leelDI to en' io11) the fiood Wee fewer md fewer folb are wiJliq to put up 'J J with waltlnl In interminable llnee lor movies., .. ~ta and the latat sWoon chip-powered I vfdeo' .nm. jime~ of ciour.,-tM. aa.me. ~ St.even Spielberg '9 IOIDe.how related to the event. o Maxwell'a. which commands an expanaive ~ ocean·vieW frclm the fOot of the Hun= BNch Pier, ahould be added to your list of worth waitina for.· That's my way of warning dinera that reeervalionl are a D;'..i on Friday and Saturday eveninp. Ot.herwi8e you can expect en a~ wait of up to an hour or more for a table. (Oun wu 7~ minufa.) · . . But that's al8o my way of oornplimenting the By JOEL C. DON ot the Daily Pilot Staff restaurant for its easygoing, unhurried ambiance. We felt eDCOUJ'8&'ed to enjoy our meal, the view and the uncompromising elegance of this seafood establishment .. • Actually, we were to blame for fail.in& to make a reeervation. Our evening began up the highway at C.J. Fish & Co .. wbkh unveiled its newly installed g1ua windbreak foe its patio area. We wanned up "WON>EllPUL ••• BIUUIMIT ••• MEMOllABU ••• Bound to get parents and children hooked on movies all over again." -Joyce Hauser. Nn<:. MDIO '.•l: .,,, . •I -=:a.J. '1..-.l. - ------------~---- our palates on C.J .'s tempting happy hour hors d'oeuvres including crab 1ep aa well u deep-fried calamari, 8Callopa, salmon and zucchini. We thought we'd just wander on down the coast to Maxwell's, lince we were told half the teat.\ng i.a left unreeerved. It leemed. however. our half of the aeatin8 wu in high d emand that evening. Undaunted, we ventured into the bar area, where a jazz combo waa much appreciated for ~ most the ability to carry on a quiet conversation. The restaurant's plush deslgn pays respect to art deco, with its pleuing mix of burgundy and brown, ornate lighting, triangular aaltwater aquariums and tin oeil1Jl8. And there's a bit of history to the ai te. The building WU cohatructed in the late '30s as a federal project. F~ yean it was a dance hall called the Pavalon and featured many of the popular big bands of the era. Following a major fire, the dance hall WU turned,. into The Fiaherman restaurant which begat Maxwell'• about ai.x years ago. Though the menu i.a noted foe lta extensive aeafood listina -and many items fresh each day - Maxwell's otlers a splendid array of beef and fowl entrees. And one mustn't focget thoee wonderlul popovers, a tradition served by a wandering J.ua carrying the steaming bread in a large wicker basket. Entrees come with 80Up or salad, potato or rice and vegetables. And -popovers. We both decided to try Maxwell's homemade clam chowder, which was a bi1 on the pasty aide but offered a generous portion of the chewy mollusks. Our waiter a nnounced eight fresh fis h oUerings for the evening, and. I couldn't tum down the red snapper ($8.95). It was one of the freshest I've tasted and the vesetables -carrots and parsnips -were prepared al dente. But I was even more impresaed by my guest's choice of the advertised house specialty, titled Mulberry Street Seafood Feast ($15.95). This i.a a meal that should be reserved for the hefty afJ:tite. It is a bouillabaisse-style medley of a half-ter, crab, clams, a::allops and other seafood in a savory red sauce on a bed of linguini. It was definitely a meal for two, as we took nearly half of the feast home in a bow.er bag. Add a continual supply of rich popovers and we could barely think about the selection of tempting deseerts, featuring fresh fruit, homemade chocolate ~ and H.aagen-Da.zs ice cream. We .ettled for two espres808 and aome leisurely chitchat, gazing at fishermen trying their luck on the pier and swells pounding the beach. No wonder dineraJake ~elr time at Maxwell's. The.re's no rush to leeve. And the restaurant insured that there was no ahortage of popovers on our table. Orange County Fair to exhibit big plow In his new Wm "Meaaforce," director Hal Needham paintl the IQ08t J>eneyo)ent portrait of men at war Iii.Dee "Hopn'a Heroea." To the aoldJen of "Mepforce," a "phantom. army'' lavishly equipped by the Fk'fle World nations, military ak.innlsba are noihinC more than a grat opportunity to rai9e a little hell. Inste.d of mixing it up at the comer a1oon, the aood old boys of Megaforce prefer to parachute into a foreign nation,. rev up their ~ufpped motorcydes and atart tearing up the town. Thia aort of thing might have been funny if it had been played intentionally for laughs. perhaps as "Megafarce." But Needham unreela Ilia story as a relatively straightforward adventure, winding up with a mlndlea military picture lackiq even a trace of redeemlna 80cial value. Worf//! yet, it's not much fun to watcft. _.- A more appropriate title might be "Megaflop." "Megaflop." l>ireCtor Needham, of courae, ia the former stunt man who made milUona by putting hia buddy Burt Reynolds at the forefront of such silly diversions as "Smokey and the Bandit'" and last year's ''The Cannonball Run.'' Even Reynolds might have had aorne trouble wringing humor out of th.is tale, ln which the Megaforce aoldiers are enlisted to flush a gang of mercenaries acroea a border 90 they can be trapped by the army o. f a friendly nation. nie Mesaforoe troope are under the ~ of a cocky daredevil named A£e Hunter. AA Hunter, Barry Bostwick tries valiantly to 1nfU88 the hero with aome chari.ama and charm. but he's undone by a weak IClipt that gives him little with which to build a character. Maybe you could laugh it off when no one got hurt ln the enc:lie. car crashes cit Needham's earlier films. But thia time the oombatantl are using immeNe tanka, powerful ml•Us and laser bMma. Theee wapona inflict devutatlna ~perty damage, but amaz:ingly, not a drop of bloOa ia ahed on camera. camera. One mtght argue that there waa at least as much bloodeaa destruction ln "Supennan II." which waa loads of fun .• The difference is that the writers of "Supennan Il" knew that in comic book films, the battle lines between good and evil must be ~early drawn, and ~thing important -from a · darneel in distrel8 to the fate of the entire planet - must be at stake. In "Megaforce," nothing ia at stake. There are no hostages. No atomic bombs hidden In Waah.J.niton. 'The movie'~ politk::a are fuzzy, and a few revenge motives are left undeveloped. "Megaforce" la the kind of movie where the enemy commander (Henry Silva) d.rope into the good guys' camp, apparendy unarmed, to exchange hup with Hunter and to compliment him on bis unit'• nifty new jumpsuits. It's the type of movie wbeft Hunter responds to a friendly nation's snub by blowing up a grounded belicopter, even though he cannot lmOw whether anyone ia inlide. Thia ia a hero? It should be .,oted. that Needham's char8Cten live by the Good Book of Macho. Penis Khambatia, who waa gorgeous even without her hair in the first .. Star Trek" movie, b in "Mepforce'' mainly u window drelsing. She insist.a on aa:ompenytng the troopa on their mission and pa.es every milltary teat Hunter dreams up. But he atill retu.es to take her along. (The acriptwriters, and believe it or not there SCR presents scholarship awards The South Coast Repertory (SCR) baa preaented the M ark Croaa S ummer Acttnc ecr.ervatory Scholanblp to eilbt llC1ina ltUdenta. the oqanbatioft announced. Tile reclplenta were chOMn from the 34 partid119tlnC in the summer prol111tn....i dftl ~ coune aft.er audidom. They are: Krildna ~lincinl-ne.n eoa-un. Studio a~ ._,-l>Ddl -Le Minda; &mn Gardon, Oranae: Dll.a,J Pilrdo. Vena. AllO, Rian Rumutaen, Jllventde: Devid SundNn, ......,.Wr, and Jami Wb1i. RNw8'de. .C I At tlte Movie• )~---------------- 'Mega£ orce' War is opportunity to raise little hell By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of the Dally Pllol S&alf. were five involved ln th.is film, weren't even clever enough to arrange for her to stow away on the flight.) The only people who may enjoy "Megaforoe" are motorcycle fanatics and pyromaniacs who like to watch bujldings explode into flames. The rest of ua would be wtaer to aave our money and tune in an old episode of "Hogan's Heroes." ''A MOVIE YOU'VE .JUST ·GOT TO SEE!'' • -89EL SIE6BL GOOD MOaNING AllEBIC:A AK-TV 5 - .. ,. .. - :-------------~---....-\( Connn• Attraction•),_ ___________ ___;;;;.._.. ____ _ 00 0 ... >. Clll -'Happy Days' stars set at 'The Farm' :g Teen-age ~throb Soott Baio and lovely Erin ~ Moran, stars~ TV's "Happy Days," will share the ~ Good Time Theatre stage at Knott's Berry Farm ~ throughout the--July 4th weekend. ~ The two headliners will appear at 8 and 10 p.rn. i Saturday, Sunday and Monday at the park, 3: displaying their versatile entertainment skills. _ Besides the other park attractions such as the ..Q seventh annual edition of Knott's ice spectacular 0:: "Snoopy and all that Jazz," fireworks will light up the sky each ~ht at 9 p.m. and the weekend will be highlighted by an additional display at 11 p.m. Sunday. Operating hours for the July 4th weekend will be 9 to 1 a.m. Friday; 9 to 2 a.m. Saturday arid Sunday; and 9 a.m. to midnight Monday. Knott's Berry Farm is located at 8039 Beach Blvd., Buena Park. 'For additional park information call 952-9400. Erin Moran, Joanie, and Scott Baio, ChachJ, of "Happy Days" will appear at Knott's. -:-::========================================================~- ''Firefox· the movie is like Firefox the plane; weU designed, fast moving, fanciful and capable of stunt llights that verge on the ecstatic." -Richard Schickel -TIME • " 'Firefox'. A slick muscular thriller that combines espionage with science fiction ." -Roger Ebert -Chicago Sun Times "'Firefox' is one of Clint Eastwood's best movies. It's fun -with leaping. vaulting. shootwg. flying special effects." -Joel Siegel -Good Morning Am erica ARl..TV • CUNT EASTWOOCJ VAWJD¥ Clint t-:u~\\\IMKI ln' ... lt\•fo11.' Fk'CUll\r 1'1'1-low ••r 1'''il1 Mllll\'11 ·llo:rwnpl•~111•Ak" Lu11kL'I" • Wt•t1(ll•ll Wt>llll\Ull 8iL'l('d "" '"" "'"''' ti. c1·u1~ Thumul4 l'niduet•d •nc1 IMn>•·lt'd '" Clint Ea-.t~·ood Or1«t11ut n-· ~~llllP'"""' 11 .. 11.i•d\l\·'4~ by M111tt·lt•t• •IUl't'\' 1 Ao11il\itlid l'•*"' 1:JV I')_....,.._ "*JM*"! ~ "'"'' n., tt.11ouo111 th• J ·-· ··;.: ·: ";:~ 0 lk!::'.r-'; I . . {'-Ii, I Wf ,,. \_.:" '•I •• • ,1 ~ Collector ca r auction offers vintage stock By STEVE MARBLE « ... Deir,... ..... Last year it was Elvis Presley's Pantera that caused the stir in Newport Beach. The car wasn't hard to spot. It had a bullet hole near the steering wheel where the king of rock-n- roll had apparently vented his frustrations when the h.iiJl-powered machine wouldn't st.a.rt. A year later, it's again time for the annual Newport Beach Col1'ector Car Auction, a two-day extravaganza that begins Saturday (July 3) at the Marriott Hotel in Newport Center. And the people who brought the car collecting world such noted vehicles as W.C. Field's Cadillac Limousine and John Lennon's day-glo Bentley have several new entries this year. There's Pat Boone's 1969 R olls Royce convertible with a personalized license plate reading "Milky 1." Boone claims to have used the car to drive three of his daughters away from their weddings. There's the beat-up Chevrolet wagon that Richard Nixon used as a campaign car in the early 1950s. It comes complete with a tape recorder. And -how could 'ilnyone live without it - there's King Fahd's hot rod, a muscle machine ordered but never received by the Saudi Arabian leader. The auction is being held for the 10th straight year and will feature more than 400 vehicles, most of them considered "affordable" vehicles such as early-edition Mustangs, T -Birds and high- performance cars from the early 1960s. Rick Cole, the 28-year-old mastermind of the auction, says the Newport affair attracts serious collectors from all over the world. He says the Newpprt alSCtlon is the first leg of the car auction se880n and generally goes a long way in setting the pace for the year as well as the price. "It's usually part auction, part automobile museum and part revival," suggests Joe Molina, one of Cole's righthand men. Molina advbes that this year cars with big fins and lota of chrome seem to be the rage. "In the 60s," he explains, "the.ee 1950 cars looked 90rt of silly. Everyone saw them as a joke. But now they're examples of American art. Period pieces." Each car offered at the Newport auction ii wheeled onto a rotating turntable. Car ovmen pay a $200 fee to show off their vehicle and if it's llOld, the auction orpnl7.en take a 5 percent cut. Molina •ya Cole ii lntermed b) hookina up with charity IJ"OUP' ln Newport B'eech anit in .f\lture )'Mn turnin& profits from c.wtain vehicles CNf!r to the charitiea. . By TOM TITUS °' .... °""' ......... Among the most vivid memories of_ my early moviegoi.ng days ia watching the original "The Thing" with a couple of other 13-yeer-olda when James Ameaa first showed his feareome self -and one of my companions dove under his aeat in terror. Now, some 30 years later, director John Carpenter has taken the title of that movie and the bare bones of its plot and come up with a film that would make that kid's hair stand on end today. Yet with all its gratuitous gore, "The Thing" of 1982 still falls short of the sheer shock value of Christian Nyby's more modest epic from 1951. John Carpen~er does his own ~Thing, motivationally, when it reachee Ruaaell's final assault on the unknown enemy and his justification for what appear to be drastic actions. Opinions and theories are to88ed out like cold, bard facts in the heat of battle and are quickly accepted at face value. But rationale alwaya takes a back seat in a ~ horror movie -right back there with J c~rization. Thoee who go to eee '"The 'Thing" ct will be looking for the griallest, acariest effects 5_ they've ever experienced -and in that respect ~ "1be Thing" starta where "Alien" left off. You • know bloody well that this creature didn't beam ~ down on the same spaceship with "E.T." Ci ~ If you're looking tor a remake of that ~ comfortable old 1951 movie that introduced the c future Matt Dillon to the world, look elsewhere. '< John Carpenter's doing his own Thing. !" To begin with. they are two vastly different movies. The first was set in the Arctic, the second in Anta.rrtica -and that's not the only respect in which they are poles l'part. Carpenter could have called his flick "Terror at the South Pole" or any such alias and hardly anyone who saw "The Thing" 30 years ago (or even last night on the tube) would make the connection. The only links between the two versions are a big block of ice from which something has escaped · and a videotape of a group of scientists measuring a patch of ice where something alien has landed. The creature has made its escape before our heroes, a motley crew, encounter lt. CELEBRATE JULY 4TH WITH THE GREATEST STAR TREK ADVENTURE EVER. Carpenter's "Thing" is a multi-purpoee being that can mesh itself into a life form. human or animal, and virtually become that form (shades of "Invasion of the Body Snatchers"), and this aapect is the scariest of all When this happens to the band of about a dozen reeearchers at the South Pole, there is the added horror of not knowing which one or more of the crew is inhabited. When the transfonnations occur, the more squeamish moviegoers would be advised of to bring one of thoee paoer baJZS the airlines furnish. It's a gruesome spectacle -disembodies heads regenerating and forming spider-like appendages which in turn go on the offensive; an abdomen which suddenly turns into something approaching a bear trap. Things like that. Kurt RUllell. an old shipmate of Carpenter's ("Elvia.'' "Eecape From New Yock"), ta the honcho of a remarkably unlikable band of Antarctic inhabitanta who's Uligned hfmeelf the talk of ferreting out the unwelcome vf.titor. Ru.ell ls strong and l'elOW"Ceful. though he ~·ea about as much humanity and character as the othena, which ia to say virtually nil. You root foe them just becaull& it would be silly not to. • The acrJpt b~o~ea somewhat muddled. "AUTHOR, AUTHOR" "DIVA"<"> "'ON .QOL.DeN POND" ..... "CHARIOTI OF ,..,, Everybody, Everywhere ., la Cheering Al Pacino .... a. ... l'llllS ••mllllll&WI ... ial!lllU Al ... ~!mTHOll" DYAi CAlllOJl · 1U£SDAY WELD And The Kida. And So Will Y oul • llSllY . Al.All ... ~ "'"., .... Pmall ~ -WllQIR • ~!.~~ OintlMI~ AR11UI llllJ!lle::r-:-m:J • • --' _--~ ___l - N CIO O> ... . By JERRY D. MEAD N This is the final installment of a series of ''5 columns detailing winners from the 1982 Orange .., County Fair Commercial Wine Competition. Space ~ limitations have fo~ me to restrict discussion ~ almost exclusively to gold medal winners, which ;f really isn't fair to readers or the many excellent wines which earned silver and bronze awards. i Many of those wines might well be more to ~ your personal taste than the ones which earned the a> gold in the same category. All the results of th.ls J competition mean is the professional panel of judges > rated certain wines best. The difference between a _ gold and silver medal was llOl'netimes the difference !2 in a single judge's opinion, or a point, or fraction of ~ a point, in overall average scores. I would like to encourage readers once again to write for the flili''s ofliclal awards booklet which has a complete list of all winners. Send $2.50 to: OC Winners '82, P.O. Box 397, Garden Grove, CA 92642. Before getting on to more winners, it might be interesting to compare 101De statistics from th.ls year's judging with laat year's results. Total numbers of wines were up from 1,130 to 1,389, although it should be noted that leYef'al new categorieir were added in 1982. Namely MUICata, additional sparklina wines, Barbera, Charbono, Gamay and Gamay hujolaia. In 1981 a total of M .9 percent of the entrte. were awarded medals, while in 1982 only 32.1 percent of the entries received one ltaDdard of award or another. · In 1981, 112 gold medals wen awarded, or a total of 9.9 percent. In 1982, out of a Laraer number GO .. IT! "A~ Htt A Boxomoe Knockoutr . ._......,_ Final . wine awards . . ' of entrta. only 91 wines received gold medala, for a miady 7 .7 percent of the total. The percentace of silver meda1a dropped in 1982, •well. and only brome awards incre1red • Ace Hunter Is tlle Uftlm•te Super Herol reflected by percentage, and that a modest one percent increase. Why? There is no way to tell. Perhaps the judges were, e ven though they are mostly winemakers, reacting more stringently knowing the wines of this year cost considerably more than the wines of last year. 'Maybe the vintages involved were not quite so good, or, more likely, perhaps the judges failed to prefer the exact same wines, dividing their votes and scores among many wines instead of focusing on the few. Whatever, the results of the 1982 competition are among the most stingy in the judging's history, and makes the value of. each individual medal all the more dear. Rieslings w ere Judged in five different sweetness classes, ranging from bone-dry t.o the exotic, very sweet, late harvest styles that aell for aatronomkal prices. I'll talk only about the most popular sweetness level for Riesllngis, which is slightly sweet, or, to be precise, with residual sugar between .71 and three percent. In the low price range ($5.50 and under), a single gold to Veedercrest 1980 "Steltzner & Winery Lake Vineyards." In the medium price range ($5.51 to '8) five - wines were ·found worthy of the gold. and it la interesting to note that three of the five wines originated in Monterey County vineyards. J. Lohr 1981 Monterey ia a return t.o that winery'• standard of exoel.1ence fOf: Riel.Una, and Obester 1981 ' Monterey hu the clistinctfon of winning· the gold medal in two conaecutive vintages. Last year's winner from the 1980. vin .. See Mead on Wine, Page 9 _, .. ------------------1.( Mead on Wine )""'------------------: 0 From Page 8 aold out fast. The third Monterey gold med.al winner WU Ventan.a 1981. The other two golds were from small wineries, Sarah's Vineyard 1981 ~endocino "Victor Matheu Vineyard,.. and Haywood 1981 Sonoma Valley "F.arly Harvest." Haywood also won a gold last year for the preceding vintage. ' . The highest price range had no gold medalists an the same sugar range, but in the next sweeter ca~gory a gold went to Ballard Canyon 1981 Santa Ynez Valley "Reserve." Sauvignon (Fume) Blanc i.s another important white wine category, and consumers can cpooee Dining Delights HAPPY BOUR LAUNCHED AT WAREHOUSE The Warehouu Restaurant baa launched a ~bureled happy hour to belp people pt rftldy for tbe .....i. The pop1lar waterfront waf.erinl hole b.9 ~ Hour tram 4 p.m. to e p.m.., Monday. throucb ~. Mal-ta.18 are two for tbe price ot OD9 and .ii well drlnb. beer' and wine by tbe .,_. are R-=" charinc tbe W~ happy hour. For munchJnc, a~ menu ol pupua (HawaHan-atyle appetizers) ta offered. The9e Include oyst.en on the hall lhell, MCbc», quesact!O. the famous Warehou8e potato aldna, barbecued rit. and Burt'• prlic tnad. Tbett is Uw entertainment in tbe Warebowe Wharf Bar from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.. Nehtly. Currently It la "Jules and the Soya," Sundays t.broocb Tu.day., and "Johnny Anael," Wedneedaya through Saturdaya. A aourmet oyster' mr will IOOll open in the · ~ ol The Warehou.. Tbe add.re.a is 3450 Via Oportd In Lido Marina Vllla&e· Phone 873-4700. NAGW OPENS FOB LUNCH Now open for hmch la the N81ia Japanme Resti\.lrant located at 3840 E. Coeat Hiabway, in Cor-ona del Mar. The lunchean menu often lix different combmationa •well • appetben and demert and all Jtmches are eerved with Mi.o .oup, rice, and aunomono. Lunch la aerved from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and dinner and Sushi Bar from 6 p.m. All lt.emt are avallab~ for take out, and caierlnl is .i.o provided. Call 673-3933. 119 89CMT OI' _. -.-.-.-.-.-..-·"ROCKY'""..,. .. • ......... -. .... ftll llBll ·;;/u~.G J ....oclCY r tN> -nil •CMT 01' ....... .,_ .... ftllWO ............ --................ '" ... -- 1 ··"' t "1 ir·, • N 'L I 1111JI ., " , Final wine awards from O.C. Fair between a total of nine excellent wines that won gold medals in the three price ranges. -At the medium p~ level ($5.51 to $8.50) the ~ winning wines came from severa l different I appellations, showing that no one region has a lock :- on this interesting variety. ::s A gold to Napa Cella.ra 1981, from \he winery g. which won for its Chardonnay last year, and golds :- also to Stephens 1981 North Coast "Furne," Husch ~ 1980 Mendocino, Montevina 1981 Amador and 0: Parducd 1981 North Coast. ~ In the upper price range ($8.51 and up) gold to ~ HNW Cella.ra 1981 Napa and to Chateau-St. Jean c "Murphy Ranch" Furne Blanc. -<' !'> In the most reasonably priced class ($~50~ below) The Christian Bros. Napa Furne lYC'Uvee 809" Ls a bJrgain rve previously recommended, and another wine, available onl y in Southern California, that offers good value also earned a gold, Wine Warehouae 1979 Sonoma Counl-y. See Mead on Wine, Page 12 <O ~~~~~~~~~~~~~--=:.,__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~ ... .. 'if:'!.Af.!.. ~C£ it'~I~ ~l.J,!s'Alu CIMl_• __ CM_C,.. .... ,. ... c. ... _,. ..... ~..,.. --· .-a.1•.U lm'I ---·. - .,,.,.,•.I ANAHEIM Dl.'IV( IN • •4,. ' A"'' BUENA PARK 0 11 1vl ,,. -~ ... . -~ ... C..·"- """'"""' AUTMUN" .., -..,,_CA..,.:\' I W .,_, Clllt·ft- 1.T.,Tte~ ~ ..... •••oX".,.. -"OU'T\.Allr " «:.-·" ------ ---~ ..... O~ANGE l •li'VI IN An alien spaceship ••• For 100 ,000 years it lay buried in the Antarctic ice. Now, the alien creature inside has been set free . ~-.-. I~--·-....... ----_ ...... ___ ...._,,;;;;;;::;;...,o;=~ 4 '°---------------------------------------t~'------------------~L-------------------------------------i ~ 'George M' .., • ~ Ira Denmark in title role ~ . i at Sebastian's West Playhouse i By TOM . TITUS 1 "' ... .,.., ........ ~ The biographical musical _ c hronicling the careers of paat .2 superstars aeems to be an endangered ~ species. Either the demand is aying out or there just aren't that many large~-than -1ife subjects left to venerate. Certainl y there are few who assumed the stature of George M. Cohan, America's master showman of the first two decades of the 20th century. By the time he waa 41, Cohan had written over 500 aonp. created 1101De 41 musicals and plays and produced more than 130 Broadway productions. They said he ''owned Bl'oadway. •• The creators of "George M ," now aettled in for the summer at Sebutian'a West Dinner PlaybouR, didn't have to write a ~ for the ahow -they juat filled it with Cohan'• aonp. lt'a an evening of ahowtime, with an OOCMk>nal gllmi-e of Cohan the man behind the 1Cenee. All the big onea are there - "Yankee Doodle Dandy," "Give My Regards to Broadway," "You're a Grand Old 'Flag," ''Over There." And WHEN IN 90UTHERN~WllT Triumph George M. Coh1111 ................................. Ira Denm8'11 Jerl'y Cohen .... .... ...... .. ............ .... .. .. .. .. .. 8111 Rlchlf da Nellie Cohen .............................................. Mwy Oljle Jotle Cohen ............................ V-Vand«grlfl ::. ~·::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. ~~ ~ Fsy TemplMon ............................... P-y Hamilton E.H. HllfTll ............................................. o.tllel ~ =:,,;·~ .. ·:.:·::.:::::·.:·:::::.::::::::::.~ ~ the hard-driving perfonnance of Ira Denmark in the ttt..ae roae tm. 1n the blanks of the ICript 90mewhat ln an attempt to flesh out the hyperactive showman many of today'• generation probably never be.rd of. Denmark ia the ~ centerpiece of a cut that doUbles, triples and quadruples ln featured playeis and chorus rolet. Two top aupporting performances come from Bill Richards aa Cohan's tap-dancing· father and Cathy Piles aa George's leCOlld wile. Call 842-5171. Put a fe,. words to work for ou. "A movie of eoaring pleasures that you hope will ne~er end. To be seen . d . . d ____ .JI " agam an agam ..• an treu~. -Geae SAalit, NBC-TV Today Sltow E:r I THE ExrRA.·TfRRESTRIAL DlaliuJaed • • peddler, the evil queefl (IAena Driskoll) gives Snow White (Karen Smi th) a poisoned apple in the Young Collllervatoey production of "Snow White" at South~ Repert.ory. The most ben:ulean labor, however, SOUTH COAST Repertory's Young i • p e r f or med by d l r e c t o r -Conaervatory Players ahowed their choreolrapher John Spindler, who stuff last weekend in an enjoyable teta a demanding pllCe and keepe the musical adaptation of the classic fairy show ell= along with a multitude tale "Snow White" on SCR's Second of pro uct1on numbers. William Stage. Rafferty'• apecial lighting effect.a alao Written and directed by Diane are particularly effective. dePriest. with music and lyrics by "George M" is enjoying an open- ended run at Sebutian's, 140 Ave. P!co , San Clemente, w ith performances nightly except Mondays at varying CW1ain times. It's the ideal choice for summer entertainment. Diane King, the 45-minute show was treat for the mostly sub-teen audience and a fine showcase for the young student.a in SCR's clasaes. The youngsten acquitted See George ".M, Page 12 NOW ON STAGE DONALD O'CONNOR Umlteo Engaotmtnt thru August 7 •c-..---........ a- SHOWING--- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----'C ~hot,.Hoppenln• ~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~: 'Kid-SCRiption' .added by SCR . lS ... South Coasi Repertory Theater's Youilg c.omervatory (YC} h~ added a new program, a "Kid-SCRiptlon" season ticket series for 1982~83. Income from the new series will be uaed to def.ray aome of the technical support costs of coneervatory productions, said conservatory director Diane dePriest. · · The COJlServatory, for children 8 through 17, includes three separate programs: a summer worklhop for beginners, a SChOQl-year sequence of Saturday classes for first-year and second-year students and a performance course for studenta with thr ee or more years of conservatory experience. "Ideally,". said Ms. dePriest, "a child would begin in the summer workshop, then attend two years of classes in mime, v¥, improvisation, singing and acting, then graduate into the. perfQl'Dl8J1Ce class in his or her third year. •'1be YCP performances give the student& a goal to work toward," she added ... The children love to perform." M1. dePriest said SCR is commission ing orildnal plays foe the 1982-83 YCP ~n. This year's summer workshop, acheduled AJJg. 16 through 27 for children 8 through 14, is an introduction to all creative aspect& of the theater: acting, d.irecti.ng, writing and designing. Class size is limited. Instructors include members of SCR's resident acting company with special sernlna.rs led by SCR directors and designers. - J'The goal of YC is to develop the children's imaginations, creativity, spontaneity and confidence," Ms. dePriest said. "Whether the children pursue acting or not," she added, "we're satisfied to know that, the YC is educating future audiences who'll understand and appreciate the art of theater." Jack Anderson ll·l-IJ p·llal reveals in the · ~~ ~ .;.:tv ~ ll't:1::.'&i DAll.Y.4e11, Ml ~ DAll.Yitet. ... - ·Ex· For information about the conservatory program~. call SCB administrative offices at 957-2602. - - -'~ ', 'i,~.£--,T~~J_t_f f'-01 ~ ,AQMO , "AUTHOR. AUTHOR" DAILY 1:JI,_. .... 8:11, ... (N) §: All YC classes are held in the conservatory ~ facilities .at the SCR Fourth Step Theater Complex, ! 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Me5a. ,.. CD ::> ll/biltl"lllt:E OM Y 1:11, t:GI, 10:21 (Jlfllt,,. =-...... ::.:-- D MY l:al. M0 11 "THE SECRET OF NlllH". DAIL\' ·11111, 1:11 4111. ...... ..... , ~ ,, ::!. Q. ~ (.. c: '< !" ~ CD CD I\) ., J • ' r ~~ ~~-------------------------------------4~---~-"--n __ c.a_n_v_ .. ____ . ____ )~------------------------------------~ O> .... -· N ~ ::> .., Pageant celebrates 50th anniversary • , • p ... ~ ~ "C ~ From~l .t daughter who pc.e. • a dancer in a repl'Odudion of i Jules Cheret'a poeier, Bal Au Moulin Rouge. 1 Jeanne, 19, tint poled at age 10. Irv ii an ~ at Northrop Oxp., but at the ~ pageant uworu • for h1a wife. ''This is something -we all enjoy doing,'' he -.aid . .2 Sherri and 'tara Butterfield of Million Viejo Ci'.: are a mother-daughter team in the pageant for the . . tint time. Sherri ia wockin& in makeup and T~ 14, is one of aevet1 people poling in perhaps the meet impreutve work thia year -Buel Cathedral AntenMMt1um, a bu relief by Fulda. ·fCb;d abeolutely no experience befOl'e thia," said Mra. Butterfield, applytnc lipstick to Tara. "I just wanted to do 110methina that would be as opposite of my work (textbook writer, editor) aa I could find.'' Jay Smith of Laguna Beach works aa a department manaaer at a Fashion bland store in Newport Beech during the day but each night ~ other week through August plays the role of St. aeo.. in Fritz Prem' ivory IC:Ul~, St. George and the Dr-aon. (There are two .eta of cast. altemaUng weeks.) Smith. pomq bil fourth straight yes, ays he ii in the ~t for the "~tement and bappine91 it brines the public." Maria Mendes, makeup director, likes the worit beau.-"of the people you get to know. '1bia becomes a aocial network. it's pert of the network of Laguna Beach." She takes over for Dorothy Day, who is working her 27th pageant but this year aa COllllUltant. "I Uljd to put ·the paaeant down 'becau.e it WU so conaervatlve," aald Maria. "But it has a mysterious pull. I love workin& in the arta." That most likely would be the reply of many of the. exbibiton and pardtlpanta in 8till another Deir ...... .., ,...... D'IO'eia-.. Work ~ on bacbtage as preparations are made for the Pageant of the Masters. Dee Dee OylU.. (right), cost~ director and designer, instructs actors who will pose for Artist Scott Ma«e~ _,,.mtin/l, ''The Big Cttcb." Actors include Derek Jacoby, Kim8erly Shirkani and ~Wal• attraction"" of the festival, Ballet Pacifica~• ~:.tion of "Peter and the Wolf" in lhe l'orum • The ballet. can be aeen each day except Aue. 6 at 2 and 7 p.m. with 4 p.m. performances al80 achedu.led. Saturda~ and Sundaya. In addition, Ballet Pacitica mem will dance the "Festival of Natiom" ellCh Sunday at 5 p.m. from July 18 throuah Aua. 29. Faw-ol the "Peter and the Wolf" ~ in cmtume, dilplayed their dandn& talent. Jocelyn• VocloYae, 18 of Lacuna N~ plays a bird; Dan Berney, 29, of Capistrano Beach, is Peter; Roger Faubel, 33, of Laguna Beach, is the wolf and Lisa ~ 26, Laauna. the cat. Key Rebber Poote, a watercolorist who paints 80enes of European towns and rivers, had some of her work to show as did Andy Wing, an abstract artist who doea IOme mind-boggling work in drip paint using old wood and other materials. Although the pageant la aold out, tickets are often returned and can be purchaaed at the festival grounds box office beginning at noon each day. Returned tickets are sold only for that day's performance not for advanced ahowinp. Now lf all that art, living and ot.herwi8e, isn't ~ theft will a.l8o be the annual Sawdust Festival and Art-A-Fair, a abort walk north of the Feltival of Arts ground on l..q\ma Canyon Road. -1be Sawdust and Art-A-hir are each exhibita that formed after artlata were upset at not qualifylng for the juried Featfval of AIU. The Sawdu.i exhibit opens at 10 a.m.. each day with wtm ....... $1 and the An-A-Fair opens at 10 a.m., acfmJeion $1. • ' ... George M' From Page 10 thetmelvea well with Karen Smith making a aplendkl little heroine and Matthew Barrett nicely enacti.n8 her atauch ally. As for Deena Driakoll • the evil queen, she should hit the·BAg nme before too many more yean have ~ SCR'a Younc c.on.ervatory hu ~ ita prqp-am of theatrical instruction for chi1dren -from 8 .o· 17. For 1982-.83, the JJl'Oll'Ull wµl offer a aummer wodmbop for be81Jmen, a 9Chool-year eequmce of Saturday c1-ea for first and leCOl'ld year atudenta and a performance coune for experimced '°'"'..... . Further information on the Youn1 O.-V9flar7 ii available at the SCR adminiltratiw office, 957-2802 • . . . Mead on Wine Fromp._g WINE CALBND~· -A new t.ture. "'WiDt Cakiftclar," de9&cnecl to Mrve local a.... wlae ........ wW .......... in the ... future. WiM ~ ..-i .......... odMr apedal eYeQtl havlnl toao wtth tt.. wua...,.dan wJ eppredatm ol wine .. -.... ift tM tiahmm. lllMI lafa.111alioll (~ wbat. wbln. whmo ~ .... how ..... u. ,_ .. to ...... ti) .. Wiiie 0.Jrir, n. Wtelrtnds, P.O. 8Di: l-a..--. CA-. ------------------'(Currently Scr .. nl~ )\.. ... -------_-.:.;.-._ ---------------------------------_-~z;.·========~ ANNIE: Rated G, at.an Albert Finney, Carol Burnett and Aileen Quinn. The film ia hued on the popular musk:al. a Movies now showing ~zp:~~·~'::.!yGecqjoMoroder .. l CHARIOTS OF FIRE: Rated PG and atarri.nC 8mi Allong Orange Coast Crou and Ian Charleeon .. runners In the U12" ~ DEAD MEN DON'T WEAR PLAID: Rated PG, stan SteVe Martin in a spoof on the det.ective fllma of \he 40a and 50a. Intercut with the film are ··~" appeanncea ~ Bop.rt, Lana 'l'Umer, Veronica 1..alte, Bette Davia andl U Olymp&.d, whiO nm reces for d.Werent reeD"W butt .t manage to win iL-t the ume. ~ PG ratinc must be fan Burt Lancaster. This PG ratmc ia f~ adult humor. EVIl. UNDER THE SUN: Rated PG, -.n Peter U1t4nov. Jane Blrkin, Sylvia Miles, James MMOn and DiaOa Ria in .\Ptha Ou'iltie'a tale of murder and intricue. 1"he ~tine ii for adult situation&. DAS 800J': Rated R. ia a Gennan-nwde tale of the crew working in brutal conditions aboard a Nul submarine in World War 11. 'Iile film at.ara Jween Prochnow and Klaus Wennemann .. 'n\e R ratmc la for violence. -A. U'M'LE SEX: Rated R, stars Tim Mathmon, Kate c:ap.baw llnd Edward Henmann in the story o( a man who tries to be faithful but finds it hanl 'Iile R rating ii for adult atuationa. - ATLANnC CITY: Rated R, stars Burt Lancaster aa an aling, bottom-rung ex-gangst.er who pt8 one last chance to make a big buck w~ be happens upon a &arae IUDOWlt of cocaine, and one 1Mt chance at romance when he meet.a Suun t;ara.ndon, a card deeler. Louis Mal.le directed this bit of whlmay. written by John Cua.re. It'• fresh, funny, and allw. 'Iile R ratmc ii for vlolence and adult situations. BODY BEAT: Rated R, starring William Hurt u a bt.uudina. lovestruck a«omey and KathJeen Turner u the lemme fatale. Thia 1exy. devious mystery takes place in a fictJtioua Florida town IO hot that people ln cafea order Iced teas two at a time. Din9C1ed by lAwrence KMdan • ~ homage to film noir', the R raUnc comes from brief nudity, Mlty languaee and a eeneraI air of neaminea . if J Da1NG a EiTUTAilllEIT GUIDE jt I ''l-IONEST" ··HOnesr. 1 cannot te11 a lie. The seMc:e 1s good. the food Is better and the prices ore the best! Try the GOndel fOf b<eokfost. lunch Of dinner. You'll tind '21~• it to be a pleasant surpnse. rm sure! We hove mode a reputation in seiving the finest In food. 8\/elYfhlng trom Ffesh Vegetables to tJSOA Choice steaks. Also offenng Knotts Berry f.orm • Jorn. Fomet John Sousoge ita lofty themes: there i. no nudJty, no violence and very. .,, Utlle offemiw language. & CONAN Tit~ JSAKJSAIUAN: Rated R. atan Arnold -c.• Schwaneneger u the mu.c.J.e..bound Conan, a P9PJ1 warrior who leeb rev.enge ~ the other ptC.llW who c.. killed his mother and father. Din9C1ed by John Milius. ~ ~ R ratmc ia for violence and .ex. DEATllTRAP: Rated PG, stara Cbriatopber Reeve, .... Michael Caine and Dyan Cannon In a clever murder ; mu.tery about a washed up writer and a pcorniRng "' younc author who pena a greet mystery. The PO ratinc Ii for violence. • ENTER THE NINJA: Rated R, atan ~ George, Franco Nero and &.an,. George In .JA 'tale of See Currently, Page 14 / DIRECtEDBY Allan Hunt and 1cm Natuor SQuaw Bread. With 15 conlt'9nient locotlON to serve you. Hunlingfon Beoch Poctt1C Cooat ......... So c:A Pier THE SEC·RET'S OUT! Complete Dinners from $5.25 to $5.95 5 :00 PM · 7 :00 PM Daily Your choice of soup or salad and one of these entrees . . "Medley'• hu tumed Into a celebrity lvre (John Tl'8\'0lta. Kenny RogeB, Connie Stevenat ... an unusually good Mterle. • Rklloffl J. l'lnxlt"''"'" I.OS ANGEi.Ei ~INE •tto end to Innovative entreee. noatalglc entertainment et Medley'a. • undoubtedly the fln•t °' ~ to dining In the county." t.'" /(olhfow THE0 MOISTEA THROUGHOUT JUL YI BlLL Ml!DLEY PRESENTS ,.... GREG TOPP.ER SHOW Thut'I., FrL. Siil, Sun. even Inga No Cover Cherge F*-I DIMef Gweeta Alf Y111ttl ~~ DAll.Y PILOf I ' I : ., \ ,. ~, ,.,--------~r. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~C_~-~-u-rr-.-n~,,-y~S-cr-.-.-n....;...fn-.-~~--~---~~;.=;;__..~~~~~~~~~~--~ N martial arts and vengeance. 1'be R rating is for violence. ~ ::> E.T. THE EXTRA·TERRESTIUAL: Rated PG, start , Henry Thomaa, Dee Wallace, ~rt MacNaughton and : Drew Barrymore. This highly acclaimed edence-fantasy 'O film deals with a young boy who befriends a little IOlt ;£ alien from outer space. This family film has been touted as one of the best in years. · i FORBIDDEN WORLD: Rated R. is a science fiction horror story set in space. The R rating is for violence. 'O c a> ~ j THE FRENCH LIEtrrENANT'S WOMAN: Rated R1 ~ stan Meryl St.reep ln the role of the heartbroken and heartbreaking French Lieutenant's woman and Jeremy ~ lrons as the Vlctcrian gt>ntleman who gambles hia love Ci: and reputation on her. The modem dar film crew making "', a movie of ''The French Lieutenants Woman" has it.I • ., l' ... own romantic dramas and downfalls whlch are meant to ·.._ compare and contrast with the Victorian aequence. The R '·~ting is for adult situations. L_ OOJN' ALL THE WAY: Rated R, is about a steamy summer '))nd young people with ''only one thing on their minds." The R rating Is for adult situations and nudity. CANNERY BOW: Rated PG, 11.ar1 Nick Nolte and Debra Winger in a ~ film adaptation of John .~ , ~~Restaurant * * * DAl Y COCKTAl SPECIALS Plano Bar Thurs., Fri. & Sat Nights wtth· Betsy Thursday Night Men's Night Saturday Night L8dles' Night * Happy Hour 4 to 7 19Ul ...... st ............ At A-. 912-1341 Movies now showing along Orange Coast Steinbeck's stories "Canne ry · Row" and "Sweet Thursday." Shot on MGM sound stages, this movie has a ~eel, enchanted look and fine performances by Nolte, WU'IJrel' and Audra Lindley as the madame. Narrated by John Huston. TI:ie PG rating is for sexual adult situations. CAT PEOPLE: Rated R, stars Nastassia Kinski and Malcolm McDowell in a tale of love and the supernatural. GREASE Z: Rated PG, •tan Maxwell Caulfield, Miche lle Pfeiffer . Adrian Zmed and L oma Luft. Youthful talent and vita.lily provide <XXa.Slonal fun but this sequel is unevenly crafted. ' IF YOU COULD SEE WHAT I HEAR: Rated PG stars Man: Singer and Shari Harper. This movie ts based OI'\ the life of Tom Sullivan, sfoger~poeer, writer- director and athlete who was blind. Rating w for adult situations. POLTERGEIST: Rated PG, stars Jobeth Williams and Beatrice Straighl In a tale of the supernatural. The story is by Steven Spielberg; the direction by Tobe Hooper. The PG rating is for suspense .. ~ING: Rated PG, stars Jack Lemmon and Sissy Spacek as a man and his daughter-in-law who search for his missing son. The events are based on a true story in which a young American was apparently allowed to be killed in a Latin American country by forces friendly with the U.S . Government. The PG rating is for adult situations. ON GOWEN POND: Rated PG, stars Henry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn as an aging couple returning to live on Golden Pond. He's filled with anxieties about death; she's interminably cheerful. They bicker politely uQ.til the arrival of their daughter (Jane Fonda). her latest boyfriend, Billy (played brilliantly by Dabney Coleman) and hls 13-year-old boy. The PG rating is for language. . ONE FROM THE HEART: Rated R. takes place in a 30Wld stage re-creation of Las Vegas and tells lhe story of 24 hours in the lives of lwo lovers. The lilm was directed by Francis Coppola, written by Armyan Bernstein and Coppola, and stars Frederic Forrest, Teri Garr, Raul Julia and Nastassia Klnski. The R rating is for adult situations. See Currently, Page 15 IS NOW OPEN AT S:OO PM DAILY S"8·7f67 STEAKS • SEAFOOD • PRIME RIB ~iiiiiiii Serving the finest wiaes for your pleasure! 1~11 158ST.CLAlR1ATIWIDOLPlll COSTA MESA ONE aLOC& 80UTR Of' BAJlEll ~BL& WEST OP' BIUSTOL -----------(Currently Screenln• )~--------- Movies now showing along Orange Coast From Page 14 SOME KIND OF HERO: Rated R, atan Rlchard Pryor as a down and out Marine who can't make his life PORKY'S: Rated R, stars Kim Cattrall. Scott go as he wanta Jt IO. The R rating ia for language and Colornby and Alex Karras in a ta.le of boys growing up. adult situatlons. (l'be R ratlnl ia for nudity. ST AR TREK Ill: Rated PG, ata.ra William Shatner ROCKY W: Rated PG, stars Sylvester Stallone as and Leonard Nimoy In the conUnuJng quest to seek out the guts~ Rocky, who battles to defend his crown. The and explore st.range new worlds. The PG rating Is for PG ratirig ii for violence. acllon. Directed by Nicholas Meyer. SHOOT THE MOON: Reted R. 1tan1 Albert Finney as ~ge ~whole marriage to Faith (Diane Keaton) is on the . 'Ibey become involved with different people, and lor the first time in years, teem to involve themselves again. It's an accurate, movirlg account of a break-up, more intuitive and precise than most movies on divorce. ~their==· Sherry, Diana Hill is brilliant. Keaton gives the dnnance of a lifetime. The R rating la for adult aituationa. THE ROAD WARRIOR: Rated R. stan Mel Git.on as a eemi-hero who battles maraudina bandita in a post-end -of-the-world thriller. Directed by George Miller. The R rating ls for violence, whkh la abundant. VISITING HOURS: Rated R, ata.ra Lee Grant and William Sbatner in a tale about a horrible hospital. The R rating ia tor violence. [i.J D1NING ' EITDTAllM~T GUIDEE a ,,.9S Dlnn•T StJ•d•I Steaded Pork Chops or Fish Dimer Includes Soup Of Salad. Vegetable & Potato •oouble Bonus Veal Oscar S6.95 (Regular S9.9SJ JULY ONLY Uve Entertainment NfgMly Tues.--udles Night-Well Drtnb s 1.00 1670 NEWPORT BLVD. l'MLotfllt~ .. there or take home COST A MESA MZ-anJ 642-ISOtl .. _____ iiiii o_pe~· in oqr . New LOcation. Tuesday, Juty 13th for Lunch. Tuesday, July 20th for Dinner and Late Night Supper. 880 Newport Center Drive Newport BMCh Rnervationa (71•) 720-1800 For complete ad copy and art services advertiser• GU along the Orange Coast ' . rely On . . .. ottg :J\Pa.er· Giveebl~To ~~~iflft ·HaW · n fa.w1Lr' vac8&! Each Week For SIX Weeks A New Family Will Win A Vacation For 4 Persons! Register Eve~T,Y::;:=. haWAIWl Q€.(f€nt hot£l • 1 dllys/8 nights tor 4 persons (2 rooms) at the~ Hawaiian Regent on Wlill.lkl'1 908e'lic side ... Diamond Heed. • Round Trip elrfere WI spMlk>us Vb'td AJ,..,a Wide aoCty ~ from Loi Mo••·· to HonOluk.tt • Or.a ,..... .. Jolty Roger/ ...... locdona ' (TIJI"· Qfatu1tles and ground transcionation not ·~ ) Entry k>nna and complete rules are at your partlc:lpat· ing Jolly Roger. You must be 18 or older to enter. no purchae necessary. Odds of winning are determineej bv eech week's entries. New entry forms ueed tor each drawing. ao register often! Sweepstakes ends August 3, 1982. :.. . . . ...... ) "A MAN JOB ALL SEASONS," a hlnorical drama in the ~ ol. Henry VDI, a on Nae at the HunUnctmi Beech Play~ alain Scr.t at Yorktown Avenue In the Se.d{ff vw.e ~center. Curtain 11 a:.ao Fridays and S.turda~ July 10. Rwvatlone 847~. 6'n1E MUSIC MAN," the popular mulical about Ul ~-time can mm in Iowa. cantlnuee • a producdan ol the s.ddWMdc C-clmDa' 'lbea• at Seddlib.ck C.oi1J8e in Million Viejo.~ are tonlCht.. Saturday and Wecm.da.y ~ S.turdq of next week at 8 p.m.. with S.turday ma~ at 2 and ~ lhawinel at 3. Reeervatlone 831-4658. "TINTYPES.'' a IDUlical revue let at the tum of the century, cbm ita enpcesnent at South c.o.t ~.· 665 Town Center Drive, Calta Mea Curtain i..,.8" p.m. toniaht and Saturday, 7:30 Sunday witJvweekend matinees ~t 2:30. Re.ervatlone 9'7-4033:/ -: MIJSiC'1)--· .... .---..... _.-."_ ..... .;;,__~,l---' ...... · II -J ,' BIG BAND DANCE ~th music by 'nno 11cro and All the Kina'• Saxes ill Sunday at Catalina Island. Abo, July 17, a bla band dance with music by Alvino Bey and His Orchestra 19 ]>lanned. &.t service tor" the dance by Catalina Crwees departs San Pedro at 6:30 p.m., leaves Catalina at 1:4~ a.m. GOSPEL RECORDING ARTIST Fred Frank performs at 8 p.m. Wectne.day at 01apnan C.olJeae Memorial Hall Auditorium, 333 N. GIMlel.I. 0ranae. Admission $3. Information 997--6611. ORANGE COUNTY MASTER CHORALE is featured at <:oncert oo the Green SUQday at He.ritaae Park. Irvtne . .Pimlc, ooocert .... fireworks lfart at 6 p.m. TIME JOR RAG'l'IME caocert ii at 8 p.m. July 10 at V~ Ar1a Tbeet.er, MO S. flcuero-. Lo. AnceJes. Bridlti rock.er laltWhbtunb perfonna. Infcnnetian (213) 623-tHOO. JA'C/. AT THlt BOWL becins lu third teMOO af 8 p.m. Wednnday with Oscar Peter-son and. Herbie Hancock hMdllnlng. For bowl Information call (2~S) 67-MUSIC. . ~SINGLES-----' - PIOPLI! SA.MPl..O ii at I p.m.. July I at the lnD at the Park, lW S. Harbor BML C..U tM-5670. Wha~, s happening along· Orange Coast . . SHOWER OF STA.BS 1tarriq The Rltbi.oua Brothen ls at Anaheim Stadium Sunday. Includes flreworb lwr-lhow and a celebri~ 8Clltball pme pltUna TV l&ara aptrwt The J......._ Information 999-8tll0. - WOODY HERMAN AND THE YOUNG THtJNDERING Hl!RD perform at Dilneyland July 4th week. Allo. t.ow.e Mandnll and R.C. Bannon will perfolm. N'IZDLJ:POlNT SLIDE SHOW with needleldnt =.,Peter A.a. ii 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. July Io at N<----J\t Junction, 8088 Warner Aw.. HunUncton Beech. -DANCE------ FACULTY DANCE CONCERT t•iwtni Cal State Lone 8-cb f.aculty member Mary Jane El8enbers i8 at 8 e_.m. July 23 at Unlwnity Tb.t.er, CSULB. Information (213) 4t$-522e. ART LOGO NEW WORKS BY CALIJ'ORNIA AR'l18T DAVID AMICO are at Newport Harbor Art Mu.ewn July 18-Sep\. 12. • "NETWORK'S WORKS" a juried exhibition oondnuea at Mml Home Visual Ar1a <:omplex. 12732 Main St., Garden Grove. COSTA MESA AR'I1ST S1JJ: KRAUSE hM a G119- woma show at HafeenJN1k-G.ilerim, m ·N. 0- Hiabway, =a Beach, July 24-25. She will demamtrate and .......... A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment Center Albertson's • Bank of America• Bilbo Bagglns •Coco's/Reuben's • Dolphin Halr Fashlons •Edwards Cinema • Fuh'n Spluh •Hamburger Hamiel• Ice Capades •Mesa Verde Floris!• Mesa Verde Travel Mione'• • Music Market • Plecemakera • Pholography by Jeffrey • Southern California Oplical Spa Lady • Swensen'• Solid Gold: .. First date. • • Em mys. • • Orange County, Page 3 TV Teasers, Page 28 Geary's, -Page 31 • July 2 -July 8 • ()I{,\'\( ;1-. ( J l\S·1 ··~ \ H )S'l ' ( :( )\ ll'l .!·:·11. ·1·1J J :\'ISI( )~ \ 1:\( ;,\/,l\;I·: ABC news adds n:iorning report Steve Bell heads new pro.gram now ABC News is adding a full hour of news to its early morning programming. "ABC News This Morning," anchored by Steve Bell from Waahington. D.C., will ~ I debut Monday at 6 a .m . on KABC (Ch. 7), it 1 has been announce d by ABC Ne ws I Presi.dent Roone Arledge. The new program will precede ABC's top-rated ·~ Morning America." and will provide early-morning viewen with the latest news, sports, weather and business reports, updated each quarter-hour. It will represent the fourth expansion of ABC News programming in the past few yean, foJJowtnc the addition of "Nightllne0 and ''Viewpoint,'' and the ~hour 'll}bis Week With 0.vid Brinkley,. program. . In October, ABC News will begin a new one-hour news and information program airing after ''Nightline.'' . Bell will aJ8o continue to anchor the news on "Good Momtna America:" ~ job he hu held lince the propam tint went on the air in November, 1975. He joined ABC News in 1967 and baa reported from New York, Vietnam, Hong Kong and Washington, where he w• a White Houae Correspondent before becom1pg newa ancbol' for "Good Morning America.n ~e baa extenaive .experience CQVerlng politics and he played a major role in ABC'a 1980 election coverqe. "Alie Nm Thia Mominl'' will be divided into four quarter-hour eeamenta. eech rot.achlY one-third ne'WI; one-thi~d ...-. weather and ba"'" i and one-third rectonal and bldl,aNund repona. Thia format will allowABC ""W•• to otter 1oea1 ne.. durlnc the houn .. wen. The executive DnJducer' far "ABC it.w'I Thil ............ 1'ablrt E. :rr,e. Frye • ..., eacudw ~ far ... Gil UOood ~ Alwb!' Prior tlo ...... OVW'DeWI -"OOild ......... Almrtaa." De w • Mnlor ,roduc.r 6aMCI in London and worked on two hl.t1y acelalmed newa . •P"!'-''· He held Ude of executive tar "Aawlaa Biid •=v '.1119 ~ ....... '4 .............. ~-!'I'm." t N co O> ...- N >-:; .., >. ca i::i ..:: LL 8> ...J > ._ -.2 a: I have a pretty gocxl job. Ive never been out of work Ive received regular promotions. The only thing fve never been able to do is save money. · One day I overheard my secretary talking about how much she Ci saved buying US. Savings Bonds through the Payroll Savings Plan. I was astounded. ... Then I looked at my bankbook. I figured out how much my average yearly s~vings had been sirlce I'd been working. And I almost cned. At the rate I was going, in ten years ICI have about $2000 saved. Oh, some yeaa ICI save three or fOur bundre4 -. (nine hundred one year), but it didn't last long. Something would always come up and ICI take it out,and spend it. I always figured one of these days I'd bear down and build up a nest egg. .. . . ~ nothing else seemed to work, I decided to give the Pa}"roll Savings Plan a try. I should be able to save as much as my secretary. If it worked for her it should work for me. .. . . .. • It turned out to be very easy. They take a little ·out of each paycheck toward Bonds, sa thats a portion of your pay you re not tempted to spend. Not only is it easy but it's safe. The BondS are piling up and so is the interest. And, by the way, the interest is guaranteed. • · · I never thought much ah<>ut BOnds before but ifs hard to find a better return on such a small, initial outlav. When I ~et enough saved I may look into other · · ~ngs. But as for right now, it's the best, easiest wav I know of to save. Actually, its the only way that works . rorme. . · I started late, but betfer late than never. r~ ~---c ~~ I • menca. · Dlily'*1 MAIN OFFICE 330 w .. t B•r St., Cost. Meu, C•. ' Mall addr ... : Box 15'0, Cost. M ... , CL , 92129 Telephone: 142-4321 Provam information i.! provided by the network.s end stations and is subject to change without notice. c ___ ·_ln_d•_x ___ ) Orange COC!§t TV Antenna .............. Page 3 Sports Highl.ights . . . . . . . . .............. Page 5 Daytime Schedule ...................... Page 6 Even.ing Schedule . . . . .. .............. Page 8 utters ................................................ Page 28 . Word Game ....................................... Page 28 TV Puzzle ........... • ....... Page 29 Daytime Drama ........•...... : . . . . . Page 30 ( Chann•I• • ., KNXT (CBS)' ) 6121 W. Sunset Blvd .• Los Angeles, Ca. 8 KNBC CN}JC) 3000 W. Alameda Ave .. Burbank, Ca: • KTLA Clod.> , S800 W. Sunset Blvd .. Los Angeles, Ca. • KABC <ABCJ 4151 Pr06pect Ave.: Los Angeles. Ca. !8> KFMB cCBSJ . 7677 Engineer Rd .. San Diego. Ca. 0 KHJ·TV (lnd.) . 5515 Melrose Ave .. Los Angeles. Ca. . (10) KCST (ABC> 8330 Engineer Rd., San Diego, Ca. • KTI'V (lnd.) 5746 W. Sunset Blvd.1 Los Angeles, Ca. • KCOP·TV <Ind.) • 915 N. La Brea Ave., Los Angeles, Ca (24> CBS Cable 9 KCET <PBS> 4401 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. 9 KOCE (PBS> ' 15744 Golden West St., Huntington Beach <0> On·TV 1139 Grand Central Ave . Glendale. Ca: !Z> Z·TV 2939 Nebraska Ave .. Santa Monis:a. Ca. . (H> HBO Time·ufe Bldg., Rockefeller Center, N.Y .. N.V <C> Cinemax Tlme·Ufe Bldg., Rockefeller Cent.er, N.V .. N.V. G <WOR) N.Y .. N.Y, <171 (WfBS) AUanta. Ga. (E l ESPN CL> Selttl <S> Showtime 1 S > Spotlight !C> I Cable News Network I TV Antenna . 'Solid Gold' is bucking the tide By PBD. SNEIDERMAN o<tM Delf,... ..... Whatever happened to musical variety programs? Where are the sort of weekly television series once hosted by Ed Sullivan, Dean Martin. Carol Burnett. Andy Williams, Glen Campbell. Donny and Marie, Sonny and Cher -even the Captain and Tennille? On network television, at least, the musical variety show has Callen on hard times. The only weekly variety show remaining t hese days is "Barbara Mandrell and the Mandrell Sisters" on NBC, and even that pl'Oll"UD ia exJ)eded to leave the air by f.all. Though there will be occaeional speciala, the networks haven't included any musical variety series in their fall line-up1. The reasons are complex. Performers risk over-exposure and in Barbara Mandrell's cue sheer exhaustion from the pace of a weekly music series. Variety sh ow reruns also may be more difficult to sell to inde pendent stations aft.er a network run is completed. Above all, it's damed tough to put together a consistently good variety show with perfonners that appeal to a wide enough spectrum of viewers to assure good ratlnp. • As a result. the network variety show may be going the way of the dinosaur. One music program, however, offered in syndication, is bucking this trend and doing so with great success. That show is "Solid Gold," a weekJy presentation of top 10 hits, broken up by brief comedy and dance routines. According to Paramount Television, which bankrolls and distributes the 8eries (aeen locally at 5 p.m. and again at 10 p.m. Saturdays on KOOP Channel 13), "Solid Gold" is the nation's nwnber one one-hour first-run syndicated leries. "Solid Gold" is aired on more than 200 stations in the United States and 35 other nations. In content, the program mixes the glitter, -pace and polish of a traditional variety show with the energy and up-to-datedness of more teen-oriented rock concert type shows. · "Solid Gold's" A>roducera freely admit that the "top 10 countdown formula ii borrowed directly from the old aeries "Your Hit Parade," wbkh debuted on radio and was a popular television series in the 1950s. A main difference, however, is that "Solid Marilyn McCoo co-hosts "Solid Gold" on KOOP-TV (Ch. 13) Saturday at 5 p.m ... Gold" features the original artists performing their hits, while "Your Hit Parade," had the songs done by series regulars. (This format began falling apart when rock songs became increasingly popular in the late 50s and made the middle-of-the-road Hit Parade hosts look ridiculous singing them) . During the rnid-60s, rock music was performed by the original artists on such oolorful series as "Shindig" and "Hullabaloo," but neither program lasted more than a few years. By the early 70s, the networks began trying rock music out in a late night format such as ABC's "In Concert" and NBC's "Midnight Special." These shows are also gone. The n in 1979, several veteran music and variety producers put together a two-hour spec:if.l hosted by Glen Campbell and Dionne Waiwicl . The program presented the top hita of the year and was entitled "Solid Gold '79.'' Syndicated to stations through the country. the program was a hit itself and spawned the weekly aeries. Dionne Warwick eerved as host during the first season, with a different perfonner enllst.ed each week to assist her as guest co-host. After the first season. Miss Warwick was replaoed. "lt was a combination of factors." explains Bianca Pino, director of programming for Paramount Television Distribution. "The main reaeons were number one, we were trying to get a pennanent duo (to host the show), and number two. See Solkl Gold, Page 3~ VIDEO MOVIES . SPOKEN HERE •STAR WARS •ON GOLDIN POND •PAMILY PLOT . •PllVATI LISSONS ,,,.... . •7 PllCINJ SOLUTION •AallNCI Of MALICI •RAGTIMI I ,OOO's of ovles r Sale or Rent SH. th_e Video Experts at • • • Y!~~t.tmt.Krt:i• ~•A MISA • 64'~921 •TARZAN THI API MAN •OOLDflNGll •MAKING LOVE 3 ...... co Or> N ' --. --. ~---------~--~~~~-----~-----·-···----~-~--~--~ ~ ....... iilli ...................... ~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!! ~ - -~ a: ,, AMC-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP-UNAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 i SADDLEIACK IMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER IMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640.6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana --tJS.3171 CADILLAC MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9100 CHEVROLET .. CONNB.L CH~OLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER·PLYMalTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 H~rbor B lvct Costa Mesa · 642·00 I 0 -540-821 I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-5630 SANTAANA UNCOLN·MBlCURY 1301 N . Tustin Avenue Santa Ana-547-0511 MAZDA MIRACLE MADA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA - 601 S. An aheim Blvd. Anaheim -956-1820 PEUGEOT IEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -712·0900 PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSON. INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach-673-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. · Garden Grove-636-233-3 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Slvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOtOT A 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-855E· VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLi<SW AGEH 18711 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach / 842-2000 VOLVO EARLi Ill VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Q>sta Mesa -646-9303 Sports Highlights Friday JULY 2, 1982 EVENING 7:00(0) THE WAY IT WAS "Black Baseball" A hlsto- ry of the Negro baseball leagues 7:30(() WOMEN'S MARATHON "1982 Avon" from San Francisco. California ©) BASEBAU Houston Astros at Los Angeles Doidrs (3 hrs.} 7:40 KIN~'S KORNER 8:00 SPORTS CENTER 8:30 RACING FROM YONKERS 9:00 TOP RANK BOXING 11: 10 BASEBALL Ctncinnall Reds at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs.) 11:300 ti) WIMBLEDON UPDATE A report on de.velopments at the All-England Tennis Champion- ships 1s presented. Q SUPERBOWL OF MOTOCROSS "Challenge 0 1 A Champion" Kent Howerton is featured in this fast- moving look at the sport of motocross ([)SPORTS CENTER 12:30(£) W~D CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT Highlights of a second ehm1nat1on match will be broadcast lrom Spain. (2 his .. 30 min.) 12:-450 G) WIMBLEDON TENMS A review of the sem1ltnal matches and a preview of the finals are presented (from Wimbledon, England). (2 hrs.) 3:00(£) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS " 1972 British Open" ( 1 hr.) -4:00 (£) SPORTS CENTER JULY 3, 1982 MORNING 5:00([) RODEO "Schrade Pro Team Semi-Final" (2 5:~J ~ BASEBAU BUNCH 7:00 D fl) WIMBLEDON TENNIS Coverage of the women's Singles hnalS (from Wimbledon. E~nd) ([)SPORTS CENTER . 8:00 C1) WRESTLING (!) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1974 British Open" ( t hr.) 9:00 C1) NASL SOCCER KICKS CE) BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "197 1 Fighting Irish vs. USC" ( 1 hr.) 9:30. THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 10:00(£) WQRLD CUP SOCCat. TOURNAMENT .Highlights of a second eflmination match will be broadcast from Spain. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 10:301.NASL SOCCER KICKS 11:00 BMX MOTOCROSS AFTERNOON 12:000 m BASEBALL Regional coverage of Texas Rangers at Oakland A's: Seattle Marlne<s at Chica- go Whi6e Sox (3 hrs.) 12:30. \'JC BRADEN'S TENNts FOR THE FUTURE "The Backhand" Vic Braden analyzes the wid&- sp<ead fear of the baOkhand stroke and shows ~iewers how to mastef the moves and timing of this ·~ant stroke. (R) Q ([) ROOEO "Schrade Pro Team Semi-Anal" (2 hrs . 30 min.) 12:35QZ) WRESTLING 2:00 Cll THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL CJ) WRESTLING 2:30 9 SENIOR Ol YMPICS This annual competition features a group of middle-aged and elderly athletes competing in swimming. track and field and other athletic even~) 2:36 QZ) MOT l.LUSTRA TED 3:00 e SPOATS JOURNAL "The it Of Com- -CONTENDER -7hK:y Austin is among the top contenders in the Wimbledon tennis tournament. The women's singles will be telecast Saturday from Wimbledon, England on KNBC (Ch. 4) at 7 a.m. petition· A Celebration Of Sports" A review of the the milestone events and legendary figures ot Amer- ican sports 1s presented. ( 1 hr.) (!) RACING FROM BELMONJ ([) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS '' 1975 British Open" ( 1 hr.) 3:05 QJ) THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 3:30 8 ()) WESTERN OPEN Third-round coverage of this PGA Tour golf tournament (from Butler National Golf Club in Oak Brook, 111.). ( 1 hr . 30 m1n.J 3:35@ BASEBALL Ctnclnnah Reds at Atlanta Braves (3 hrs.) -4:008 SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES California vs. Louisiana ( 1 hr.) CE) SPORTS CENTER -4:30(1) BASEBAU Philadelphia Phillies at New York Mets (2 hrs .. 40 min.) 9 WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT H1ghhghts of a second elimination match· will be broadcast from Spain. ( 1 hr.) • 5:00 8 WORLD GAME'S I An intematlonal sports spectacular. with over 1,700 athletes from 60 coun- tries participating in various sporting events throughout the United States. (Part 4) ( 1 hr.) 8 W10E WOALO Of SPORTS North American Boxing Championships (from Las Vegas, Nev.); U.S -U S.S.R Track and F1eld Meet (from Indianap- olis. Ind.). ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (() BOXING Bobby Czyz vs. Manuel Melan from Totowa. New Jersey. (2 hrs.) ~;30 • BASEBALL California Angels at Kansas Cily Royals (3 hrs.) · aJ WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS North American Bo>clng Championships (from Las Vegas. Nev.): U.S.-U.S.S.R Track and Field Meet (from Indianap- olis. Ind.). ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) G) SPoATS AMERICA "$200,000 Congoleum Ten- nis Classic" Ivan Lendt vs. Vannick Noah ( 1 ht.) EVENING 8:30. SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY 7:00<1) TENNIS HIQHUOHTS "1981 Wimbledon" ( 1 hr.) 7: 10 (!) KINER'S KOANER 8:00(1) NASL 800CEA New York Cosmos vs. v;n- 5 couver Whitecaps (2 hrs ) ([)SPORTS CENTER 9:00 (£) WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT 3! Highlights of a second eliminallon match will be 2 broadcast from Spain. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) -i 9:05@ BASEBALL Cincinnati Reds at Atlanta < Braves (3 hrs ) r 11:30(()SPORTS CENTER $ 12:30(!) BOXING Bobby Czyz vs Manuel Melan from ,, Totowa. New Jersey ~ 2:30([) ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE Hall of 0: Fame Pitchers vs. New York Yankees of the 1950's ~ 3:00 CE) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1973 British O~" ( t hr.) '-c -< -4:00 CE) SPORTS CENTER 4:05@ PEACHTREE ROAD RACE Allanta's labu· "" lous Fourth of July footrace will be carried live as a _. held ol 25.000 runners take otl on the grueling 6 2 ~ mite course toward the finish hne m Piedmont Park "" ( 1 hr . 30 min ) Sunday JULY -4, 1982 MORNING 5:00 (EJ HORSESHOW JUMPING "Upperv1lle Jumper Classic" ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 6:30([) WOMEN'S MARATHON " 1982 Avon" from San Francisco. California 7:00CE) SPORTS CENTER 8:0011 fJD WIMBLEDON TENNIS Coverage of the men's singles finals (from Wimbledon. England)_ (EJ BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "1972 Fighting Irish vs. USC'' ( 1 hr ) 9:00 CE:) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1976 British Open" ( 1 hr ) 10:00 IJ BASEBALL BUNCH (f) OUTDOOR LIFE Character actor Dub Taylor and his grandson go q uail hunting near Albany. Georgia ( AUTO RACING "CART Budweiser -Cleveland 500" (4 hrs.) 10:30 (f) BASEBALL Philadelphia Phillies al New York Mets (2 hrs , 40 min ) 11:00(1) WESTERN OUTOOORSMAN 1 t :30'1 BASEBALL California Angels at Kansas City Royals (3 hrs.) AFTERNOON 1 :00 tJ Cl) WESTERN OPEN Final round coverage of this PGA Tour golf tournament (live from Butler National Golf Club tn Oak Brook. Ill.) (2 hrs.) 1: 10(1) KINER'$ KORNER 2:000 fD SPORTSWORLO 15-round WBA 1un1or welterweight championship boul between Aaron Pryor and Akio Kameda (from Cincinnati. Ohio). Survival of the Fittest. Part 5. with the aerial obsta- cle course for men (from New Zealand) : a preview of this year's Tour de France bicycle race; a review of the Wimbledon tennis tournament. (2 hrs.) (£) ALL·STAA SPORTS CHALLENGE Hall of Fame Pitchers vs. New York Yankees of the 1950's 2:308 9 AMERICAN SPORTSMAN In a scientiflc first. a great , white shark Is tagged and tracked down with sophisticated sonar equipment; actress Shelley Hack participates In the darting and tagging of a dangerous 500-pound Nepal tiger. (R) (1 hr.) (£)HORSE RAaNG WEB<L Y 2:35 aJ WREBTUNO 3:00 Cll BASE8ALLBUNCH e WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT Highlights of a second elimination match will be broadcast from Spain. ( 1 hr.) (()SPORTS CENTER 3:30 8 9 WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Same-day coverage of the Firecracker "-400" stock car race (from Daytona Beach, Fla.) ; the finals of the North American Boxing Championships (from Las Vegas» NevJ_. ( 1 tv., 30 min.) • 3:36(1l) BASEBM.L Cincinnati Reds at Atlanta Braves~.) • f:OO Cl) SOCCER Ft Lauderdale SJrikers vs Tulsa Roughnecks (2 hrs.) See Spona, Page Z8 .. ;Daytime • >-3 .., \I< >l{'\ I'\<, lJ' 5:00 e SUtlMER SEMESTER ~ 1~,,.J~~ (1 HR.) (WED) • THE PEKING OPERA (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (THU) S MOVIE (1 HR., '3 MIN.) (MON) MO\l1E (1 HR., 20 MIN.) (THU) ~ 5:06 a7J MY THREE SONS CC> MOVIE (FAI) ~ 5:15.MCME (1 HR.,20MIN.) (THU) 0:: (%)MOVIE (1tiR.,30 MIN.) (Wal) 5:20 CC> MOVIE (MON) 6:30 8 JUNTOS (MON. WED, FRI) FROM JUMP$TREET (TUE. THU) JIMMY SWAGGART DAVBAEAK LA. (FRI) BOOY TAU< (MON-THU) LET THERE et L1GHT (f!°RI) INTERNATIONAL HOUR (MON, TUE) TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING (WED) PUBLIC AFFAIRS (THU) NEWARK ANO REALITY (FRI) MEET THE MAYORS (MON, WED) NEW YOAK REPORT (TUE) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (THU) MAKING rT COUNT (MON-THU) MAYBERRY R.F.0. (THU, FRI) MOVIE (WED) TWO IN A BOX (WED) MOVIE (1 HR., 56 MIN.) (FRI) 5:361 TH.At GIRL 5:45 eA.M. WEATHER 5:50 ,NEWS 8:00 LA. MORNING HEAL TH AElO (MON-THU) HOT FUDGE OCEANUS (FRI) di ABC NEWS tHIS MORNING (MON-THU) MORNING NEWS COMMUNITY FEED8ACK (FRI) YOllrn ANO THE ISSUES (MON) MEET THE MAYOR (TUE) FRANKLY FEMALE (WED) rT CAN BE DONE (THU) STRAIGHT TALK JIMMY SWAGGART VILLA.AL~ AMERtCAN STORY MA THMATICS FOR MODERN LIVING (FRI) MATHEMATICS FOR MODERN LIVING (MON- THU) WRrT1NG FOR A REASON SPORTS FORUM (FRI) SPORTSWOMAN (MON, WED) INSIDE BA.SEBALL (TUE) G<l.F HIGHLIGHTS (THU) MOVIE 11 HR., 35 MIN..) (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., 20 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE 1HR.,15 MIN.) {TUE) SAMMY, THE WAY-OUT SEAL (WED) ~l,~ln8dR.\~ED~ MOVIE 11 ~ .• 40 MIN.'} ) MOVIE 1 HR., 48 MIN. FRI MOVIE 1 HA., 67 MIN. 8:06 Ul) MOVIE 8! 15 8 HEAL TH AELD (f'Rt) (%)MOVIE (2 HRS .. 5 MIN.) (MON) 8:30 8 CAP1' AIN KANGAROO EAAL.YTOOAY (MON-THU) 80'6 WOMAN (FRI) GALLERY (MON-THU) BODY TALK (FRI) -" rT CAN BE DONE (FRI) COMMUNITY FEEOBACK (MON) YOUTtiM«> THE ISSUES (TUE} OFF HANO (WED) fRANKl Y Fa.iALE~r~ ORE.AT SPACE CO EMERGENCY CAPTIONED ABC NEWS (TUE-FRI) PMIENTE~ alMYSW lfTAODUCNl BtOl.OGY ~~ HOA8E B<l.Y (MON) AU.~AR 8f»OftT8 ~ (TUE) ~iur:) :;Ji•. 1r:l)~ ~ I :.o,.U:-1.wa 1o~v THE FAOOZLE8 , ROMPERAOOM TOM ANO JERRY 8lJPEffiEAOE8 BU8eNf88 REPORT PA0JECT UNfVERSE MOYIE (FRI) MOONWALK (DOCUMENTARY) LAURENCE L~~ SAMMY. THEWAY-OUTSEAL (WED) MOVIE (2 HRS., 60 MIN.) (THU) HOUVWOOO (WED) HOT WHEELS (THU) HOTWHEB.8 (MON) = =·· 1 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE ~2 HRs .. 17 MIN.) (WED) 7:10(C) MOONWALK FUMENTARY) LAU- RENCE LUCKINBILL ) 7:30 G THERE '6 A WA MIGHTY MOUSE YOGA FOR HEAL TH MAGIC Of Oil PAINTING SNEAK PREVIEW (MON) BIGHORN (TUE) SHORT PtCKS (TUE) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (WED) . FOOT\..IGHT FRENZY (1 HR., 60 MIN.) (THU) INCAEDIBLE SOAP BOX DERBY (FRI) NEVER. NEVER LAND (MON) 8!00.STARTREK (MON) SUNUP SAN DIEGO JIMBA~ TIC TAC DOUGH BATTLE Of THE PLANETS MISTER ROGERS (MON. FRI) MISTER ROGERS (R) (TUE· THU) BODY BUOOIES MOV1E (MON-THU) WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT (MON. THU, FRI) I MOVIE 12 HRS., 8 MIN.\ (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., 37 MIN. (MON. TUE) MOVIE 2 HRS., 1 MIN. Fi) MOVIE 1 HR .• 15 MIN.) FRI) PETER. PAUL & MA (1 HR., 28 MIN.) ligg~ !1 ::: ;z ~~i ~~J>N. TUE) MOVIE (1 HR, 33 MIN. (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. ..S MIN. (TUE) 8:06Ul) MOVIE 8:30. LEA VE IT TO BEA VER (TUE-FRI) BULLSEYE SPIDER-MAN KROFT SUPERST AAS VILLA ALEGRE (R) Q OVER EASY MOVIE (FRI) CLOWN WHITE (MON) MARVIN HAMUSCH! THEY'RE PLAYING MY ~~)HR.,27MIN.) "MON) 8:45(%) MOVtE (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (THU) 9:00 8 Cl) ONE DAY AT A TIM~ (R) DIFF'~ STROKES (R) OZZIE AND HARRIET (TUE-FRI) STAR TREK (MON) A.M. LOS ANGEL~ JACK LALANNE ~~ALES I LOVE LUCY ROa.tPER AOOM SESAME STREET (R) Q DONAHUE VILLA ALEGRE~)~ AUTO A.ACING U£ Pt<A FULL AC KARA TE (WED) • MCME ( 1 HR., 43 MIN.) (THU) 9:1&(%)MOVIE (2HRS., 15MIN.) (WED) 9:80• Cl) ALICE (R) WttEEl. Of FOiAtUNE ~ fWLEMAN (TUE-FRI) ME~LA. MAICE AOOM'fOR DADDY UTTlE8T H080 B..ECTNC CC/WAlf't .(A) A8'0llD8E (MON. WU), mt) "'SJl HR. • .0 MIN.~(FRI) MOVE 1 HR..• Mk (WED> t•i=~l1MeN.) (F141) 1ct00 r.Ecv •WT i.F'aa.\~ no:=Mf'> 00fl9~ V.1.&. INCCIR ORATED l'N> !!'l~m~""*'~ (MOM-THU) Q MOVIE 1980) (THU) MOVIE 2 HRS .. 12 MIN., (FRI) MOVIE 1HR.,36 MIN.) ~oN, WED, THU) MOVIE 1 MR., 40 MIN.) lJE) MOVIE 1 HR., 50 MIN.) WED. FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., 30 MIN.~ (MON) MOVIE 1 HR., 35 MIN. (TUE) MOVIE 1 HR.. 40 MIN. (THU) MOVIE 2 HRS .• 6 MtN.) (TUE) MOVIE 2 HRS., 15 MIN.) (MON) • MOVIE 1HR.,27 MIN.) (TUE} 10:05 Ul) MOVIE 10:30. CHARLIE ROSE INOEPENDENT NETWORK NEWS TO BE ANNOUNCED (FRI) MOVIE (FRI) TOP RANK be>XING (FRI) LACROSSE (MON) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (WED) TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS (THU) MOV1u2 HRS.) (MON) MOVIE 1 HR., 48 MIN.) (THU) 11:008 TA LET.ALES (FRf) 8 THE YOUNG ANO THE RESTLESS (MON· THU) m WIMBLEDON TENNIS (FRI) THE DOCTORS (MON-THU) BONANZA {TU&FRI) ST AR TREK (MON) di FAMtl Y FEUD THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS BULLSEYE PrTFALL WOMEN'S PAGE ~ MARCUS WB.BY, M.D. . ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) (TUE-FRI) SPORTS AMERICA (MON) RICH.ARO SIMMONS (MON-THU) VEGETABLE SOUP (R) Q MOVIE (1HR.,30 MIN.) (THU) 11:301THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS (FRI) SEARCH FOR TOMORROW (MON-THU) RYAN'S HOPE Cf) MATCH GAME .NEWS MACNEJL I LEHRER REPORT (TUE-FRI) FAST FORWARD MOVIE (THU) HORSE.RACING WEEKLY (TUE) WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT (THU) l~~~;;z~~~ARK (1 HR ) MOVIE (1 HR .. 30 MIN.l (FRI) MOVIE (1HR.40 MIN. (WED) MOVIE ~HR, 60 MIN. (TUE} MOVIE 1 HR., 57 MIN. (WED) 1 1 :45 (%)CHA ES CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE (FRI) . \ l . I l . l { '\ ( >( >:\ 12:001TATTLETALES (MON-THU) DAYS Of OUR LIVES (MON-THU) TWILIGHT ZONE CTUE.fRI) STAR TREK (MON) 0 ALL MY CHILOAEN NEWS •• MOVIE BONAHZA DICK CAVETT (TUE_-FRI) PERSONAL ANANCE AND MONEY MANAGE· MENT (C)CASE Of MUKKINESE BATTLE HORN (1955) PETER 8ELLERS, SPtKE MULLIGAN. (WED. FRI) ~=JUMPING (TUE) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS (WED) TWO IN A BOX (TUE) GOTTA DANCE. GOTTA SING (1 HR.) (WED) HOLL YWOOO (FRI) ~HR., ~7MIN.! ~) MOVIE 1 HR., 53 MIN. ) MOYIE 1 HR., 40 MlN. HU) MOVIE 2 HAS., & MIN. FAI) ;t:,,m· (1HR..30 ..... , (MON) 12:30 AS nE WOAL.D T1JANS ZONE (TUE-FAI) OY8t fMY (TUE-ffl) VOUNC>MLAW :O'='.:ba. TOURNAMENT (TUE) WNf UNTI. DAM (2 HAS.=) MOVIE (2 HAIS.'.'t IO :lJ ) MOVll (2 HM.. 12 .... "111\ PAUL & (1 HR., 9 ..._) -~,..~~k.-~~ --~~--~~..,:__.;.. ________________________ ,;,..._ __________ ~------~ • I STAR TREK (MON) ®) ONE LIFE TO LIVE MOVIE (FRI) OUTER LIMITS (MON-THU) MATINEE AT THE BIJOU (~I) I EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (TUE· THU) SESAME STREET (R) Q SPOATS FORUM (FRI) (~) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS (MON) ( BOXING {WED) (HI MOVIE i1 HR., 30 MIN.) (WED) ) MOVIE 1 HR., 39 MIN.) (THU) 0 MOVIE 1 HR., 35 MIN.) (FRI) 1:050'.l)THE AOOAMS FAMILY 1:308 (I) CAPITOL ONEWS • @SIGNATURE (TUE·FRI) ; AFFAIRS OF THE HEART (MON) MOV1E ( 1980) (MON) MOVIE (TUE. THU) AUTO RACING (FRI) WOMEN'S MARA THON (TUE) 0 MOVIE ( 1 HR., 37 MIN.) (WED) (~) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 57 MIN,) (TUE) ( l) MOVIE ( 1 HR., '48 MIN,) (WED) 1:35@0ZZIE Af'4D HARRIET 2:00 8 (I) GUIDING LIGHT Q GI) DAYS OF OUR LIVES (FRI) Q GI) CHIPS (R) (MON~ THU) U JOHN DAVIDSON (TUE.f'RI) 8 ST AR TRa< (MON) I OJ) GENERAL HOSPfT AL IRONSIDE i MOVIE (MON-THU) OPEN LINE (TUE-FRI) UNCLE SAM MAGOO (MON) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE BOT ANtC MAN (FRI) MIXED BAG (TUE) QUIZ KIDS (WED) STYLE (THU) • EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMING (MON) I MISTER ROGERS (FRI) MISTER ROGERS (R) (MON-THU) BOXING (MON) ( INSIDE BASEBALL (TUE) SPOATSfOAUM (THU) MOV1E (SJ AEROBtCISE (MON, WED. FRI) CS) PETER, PAUL & MARY (1 HR., 28 MIN.) (TUE) ($) FOOTLIGHT FRENZV ( 1 HR., 50 MIN ) (THU) ; MOVIE (2 HRS., 12 MIN.) (MON) MOV1E (1 HR., 40 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (2 HRS .. 5 MIN.) (MON) 2:05~THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY 2: 10 MOVIE (1 HR., '48 MIN.) (FRI) 2:30 BEWITCHED (TUE-FRI) SUPERMAN MOVIE (FRI) ELIZABETH SWADOS (MON) THE POTTING SHED (TUE) DANCE (WED) IGOR STRAVINSKY (THU) RIGHTEOUS APPLE$ (FRI) MATINEE AT THE BIJOU (FRI) UNDERSTANOtNG HUMAN BEHAVIOA (MON· THU) SPORTSWOMAN (TUE) ( AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL (THU) (tf CONSUMER REPORTS PRESENTS (FRI) I MOVIE (2 HAS., 6 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE (2 HRS., 12 MIN.) (FRI) CLOWN WHITE (MON) THE FOLK MUSIC RElJNION·(1 HR .. 30 MIN.) (WED) 2:3S~HAZEL 2:45 MOV1E ( 1 HR , 33 MIN.) (THU) 3:00 BARNABY JONES (MON, WED-FRI) BARNEY MILLER (TUE) DONAHUE RICHARD SIMMONS (TUE-FRI) STAR TREK (MON) EDGE OF NIGHT MERV GRIFFIN CARTER COUNTRY HAWAII FIVE-0 (FRI) LAVERNE & SHIRLEY & COMPANY m THE WAL TONS I CARTOONS A NEW AWAKENING (FRI) OCEANUS (MON· THU) fJ) HOUR MAGAZINE '1!) AMERICAN STORY (MON-THU) CC) MOVIE (THU, FRI) ; CASTAWAY (MON, WED) WHO WANTS TO BE A HERO? (TUE) BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL (TUE) MOVIE u HR., 45 MIN.) (FRI) CID MOVIE. 1 HR., 37 MIN.) (TUE) I 00 VIDEO J KEBOX (THU) 0 MOVIE (1 HR., 40 MIN.) (FRI) 0 MOVIE (2 HRS., 1 MIN.) (THU) 3:05@ MY THREE SONS 3:30 8 CBS LIBRARY (TUE) I RICHARD SIMMONS (TUE-FRI) PEOPLE'S COURT WHArs HAPPENINGlll (FRI) I WHArS HAPPENINGll (MoN-THU) CHARLIE'S ANGELS THE SONG WRITERS (MON) THE SONG WRITER'S (THU) I FAST FORWARO (MON. 'Na>) mOM JUMPSTRE~ (TUE. THU) GROWING YEARS (MON-THU) THREE TALES DARK AND DANGEROUS ~ON) NOEL BUYS A SUIT (TUE) MOONWALK (DOCUMENT ARY) LAURENCE LUCKINBILL. (WED) I MOV1E ( 1 HR., 27 MIN.) (MON) ON LOCATION ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 40 MIN.) (MON) FALL LINE ( 1 HR.) (TUE) THE LITTLE ARK (WED) CZ) MOVIE ( 1 HR .. 27 MIN.) (TUE) CZ) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (WED) 3:350'.l) FATHER KNOWS BESt 4:00 fl BARNEY MIUER (MON. WED-FRI) I MARY TYLER MOORE COUPLES (TUE-FRI) STAR TREK (MON) NEWS (I) WELCOME BACK. KOTTER (MON, TUE. FRI) 1 (1) ~~;i•H {WED. THU) YOU ASKED FOA fT (FRI) ENTERTAINMENT TC>tillGHT (MON-THU) TOM ANO JERRY (~WED. FRI) DODGER DUGOUT (THU) CARTOONS THE NEW STORYTELLERS (TUE) Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities .. Serving All Faiths" I MISTER ROGERS (FRI) MISTER ROGERS (A) (MON-THU) LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE SESAME STREET (R) Q 0 MOVIE (TUE)-" :J ALL~T AR SPOATS CHALLENGE (FRI) ( INSIDE BASEBALL (MON) Ct NASL WEEKLY (TUE) · (EJ SPORTS FORUM (WED) (~) CFL FOOTBALL PREVIEW (THU) ($)MOVIE (2 HRS.) (WED) ($)MOVIE (1 HR, 15 MIN.) (THU) CZ) MOVIE (2 HRS.) (FRI) 4:05 [1) WINNERS (FRI) @ GREEN ACRES (MON· THU) 4: 15 m DODGER PRE-OAME (THU) -4 < (Z) CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE (i) (MON) 0> 4:306NEWS N I BOB NEWHART ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT (TUE·FRI) M:,A•s •H (MON, TUE, FRI) (I) BASEBALL (WED, TH~ (!) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT (FRI) (!) YOU ASKED FOR IT (MON. WED) (!) BASEBALL (TUE, THU) @) PEOPLE'S COURT (MON, WEC>-FRI) @) PEOPLE'S COURT (TUE) m BASEBALL (THU) @SIGNATURE fD SESAME STREET (A) Q ~THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES (FRI) MOVIE (WED) SPOATS CENTER ($)MOVIE (1 HR .. 58 MIN.) (TUE) 0 MOVIE (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (FRI) 0 MOV1E ( 1 HR., 40 MIN.) (MON) (Z) MOVIE ~HR., 45 MIN.) (MON) CZ) MOV1E 2 HRS .. 15 MIN.) (THU) 4:35@ BAS ALL (TUE. FR1) @ ANDY GRIFFITH (MON, WED, THU) 5:00 6 D 1J t1J) NEWS 1J HAPPY DAYS AGAIN (FRI) I ST AR TREK (MON) ST ARSKY ANO HUTCH (TUE-THU) NEWS (MON, TUE. FRI) BASEBALL (FRI) Cf) I, CLAUDIUS (MON) (f) CATHOLIC REL1£F SEAV1CES ~TELETHON i~~ BRADY BUNCH (MON-WED, FRI) FRED FLINTSTONE AND FRIENDS @ MIXED BAG (MON, FRI) I QUIZ KIDS (TUE) STYLE (WED) BOTANIC MAN (THU) I LIVE AT FIVE MOVIE (FRI) AMERICA: THE SECOND CENl\JRY (MON- THU) ~ MOONWALK (DOCUMENTARY) LAURENCE LUCKINBILL. (MON) MOVIE (THU) WOALD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT (MON, FRI) Pt<A FULL CONT ACT KARA TE (TUE) AUTO RACING (WED) SPORTS FORUM (THU) MUMBO, JUMBO rrs MAGIC ( 1 HR) (FRI) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 20 MIN.) (MON, THU) BtGHORN (TUE) ~larbor LaW11 · l\1ouQt Oli\e Men1orial Park· Mortuary· Mausoleums .= --Shipment-Cremation. Plans Available · '\ e 8 ---.------·-------···---·-·~----· !Friday \I< >H \ I "\( I \I< )\ 11 .S 5:06CC) "The Rules Of lhe Game" ( 1939. Orama) Marcel DallO, NOl'a Gregor 5:300 "Wotten" (1981, Suspense) Albert Finney. Diane VenOl'a. 6:0000 "Runaway Island" (Adventure) Miles Buchanan. Simone Buchanan Cl) "The Amazing Adventures 01 Joe 90" Animal· ed. (%) "HaPPY Birthday To Me" ( 1980. Honor) Melis· sa Sue Anderson. Glenn Ford. 8:05((l) ''Fite Over Africa" ( 1954. Adventure) Mau- reen O'Hara, Macdonald Carey 7:00CC) "Gulliver's Travels" ( 1977, Fantasy) Richard Harris. Catherine Schell. 8:00(8) "Raging Bull" (1980. Biography) Robert De Niro. Cathy Moriarty. CS) "Oliver Twist" ( t975, Adventure) ~nimated. g "Chu Chu And The Philly Flash" (1981, Come- ~ Alan Arkin. Carol Burnett. (Z) "Three Into Two Won't Go" ( 1969. Drama) Rod Steiger. Claire Bloom. 8:06@ "The Resunection 01 Zachary Wheeler" ( t97 t, Orama) Angie Dickinson. Bradford Dillman 8:30 CC) "Paradise Aney'' ( t 978. Orama) Sylvester Stallone. Armand Assante 9:30Ct "Monster Island" ( t98 t, Adventure) Terence Stamp, Peter Cushing 9:-45 (%) "The Americanization Of Emily" ( 1964. Comedy) James Gamer, Julie Andrews. , 10:0000 "Star Trek -The MollOO Picture" ( 1979. Science·Fiction) William Shatner. Leonard Nimoy. Cl) "Where The Spies Are" ( 1966. Suspense) David Niven. Francoise Oorleac 10:05@ "Look For The Silver Linmg" (1949. Musi· cal) June Haver. G<><don MacRae. 10:30 CC) "Rock 'N' Roll High School" ( 1979. Come· dy) P.J. Soles. Vincent Van Patten. 11:30e "Homer" ( 1970. Orama) Don Scardino. Alex Nicol. . \I· l lJ { '\t >< >\ \I< >\ I LS 12:009 "Nurse On Wheels" ( 1963, Comedy) Juliet Mills. Ronald Lewis. e "Phone Call From A Stranger" ( t952, Orama) Gary MerriH, Shelley Winters. e "The Bobo'' ( 1967. Comedy) Peter Sellers. Britt Ekland (%) "FOi' Your Eyes Only" ( t98 t, Adventure) Roger MOOl'e, Topol 12:30CC) "Home From The Hill" ( 1960. Orama) Rob- ert Mitchum. George Peppard. 1:00(1) "And Then There Were None" (t945, Mys· t~) Louis Hayward. Barry Fitzgerald. D "Gunn" (1967, Mystery) C<"aig Stevens. Edward Asner 2:00([) "9 To 5" ( t980, Comedy) Jane Fonda, Doi· ly Parton 2:10(%) "Happy Birthday To Me" (t980, Horror) Melissa Sue Anderson, Glenn Ford. 2:308 "fontamara" Michele Placido. Antonella Mur~. (J) "Star Tretl •• The Motion Picture" ( 1979, Sci- ence-Action) Wiiiiam Shatner, Leonard Nlmoy. 3:00(C) "Gulliver's Travels" ( 1977. Fantasy) Richard Harris, Catherine Schell. (8) "My Champion" (1981, Orama) Yoko Shima- da, Chris Mitchum. e "Cho Chu And The Philly Flash" ( t 981. Come- dy) Alan Arkin, Carol Burnell. 4:00e "Tamango" ( t958. Orama) Curt Jurgens, Dorothy Dandridge. (%) "The Ametlcanization Of Emily" ( 1964, Come- dy) James Garner. JtJlie Andrews 4:30e "The Lillle Dragons" ( 1981, Adventure) Sally_ Boyden. Chris Peterson. 5:00• "The Private Life Of Don Juan" ( 1934. Ad¥9ntU<e) Douglas Fairbanks Sr . Merle Oberon. (J) "OIMtr Twist" ( 1975. Adventure) Animated. 5:30(C) "Monty Python And The Holy Grail'' (1974. Comedy) G.taham Chapman, John Oeese. I \ I '\I '\(. aoosr&NEW8 THESAINT MCNEW& 8.W.A.T. HAWAIFM-o ~NEW8 ~ "FVleway ltllnd" (Adlfefllure) Miies l!IUt'ftAI~, Simone Buchanan. In 1830s Austrlllt. two ,.... ... I tlOepe tne ctutehll of e CONUpt ~· (1 ht ••• ,.,.) • MCMf "Monsl• tellnd" (1981, Actv.nture) FRIENDS AND LOVERS -Nita, played by Sissy Spacek, is a young diVOl'Cee trapped in her rural Texa.! lifestyle, until she meets Teddy (Eric Roberts), a boyis!J sailor passi.ng through town on leave, in the subtle bittersweet drama "Raggedy Man," debuting on Home Box Office Fn'day at 8 p.m . Terence Stamp. Peter Cushing. A wealthy, bored youth and his guardian are shipwrecked on a remote island populated by dangerous creatures. l! hr .. 40 min.) CZ) MOVIE "This Island Earth" ( 1955. Science-Fie· tion) Jeff Morrow. Faith Oomergue. A war between the worlds is foU'ght involving two American scien· fists. (1 hr .. 27 min.) 8:30 (J) e NEWS al BARNEY Mtl..LER t8 AFFAIRS ~ THE HEART: MARY AND LOUISA Henry James' story of a man who comes into the life of two women he had Jilted years before. ( t hr,) I LOS ANGElES WttK IN REVIEW • SUMCUISINE PETER, PAUL & MARY The popular folk lrio of the ear1y '60s per1orm many of their classic tunes as well as new materlal. ( t hr . 28 min.) 1:00 e CBS NEWS I == P.M. MAGAZINE A 150-year-old family-owned fireworks business: a s6nie.: weight-loss camp t0< adUlts. l=AJNMEHT TONIGHT M•A•s•H JOKSrSWILD • BU8INESS REPORT THEMUPPETS CASE~ MUKIONE8E BATTLE HORN (1955) PETER SELLERS, 8PtKE MULLIGAN. A rare and valuable Instrument IS stoten from a museum. · ([) MOVIE "Atlantic City" ( 1980, Orama) Burt La~aster, Susan Sarandon. The estranged hus· band of an oyster bar waitress arrives with her preg· nant younger sister and some stolen heroin, which he wants an aging hood to sell for him. 'R' ( t hr .. 44 mfn.) 1 I CD) 'THE WAY rT WAI "Black Baseball" A hlSIOf'Y of the Negro basebaH leagues. 7:ao• "TOO ~ FOR PNME TIME Pl.AVERS 8"tCW. This epecJal. teped live from the Roxy. ...,"' .. l.i.nfed )'OUng people entertalnlog edUlts Md cttian .iike. l eFNAYFEUO l'tE ON L.A. Fea!Uted: 1 showc@se of designer f81hiont: hOw to win at video gemea;la fepor1 on 1-~=- .mMTIMIE ou.t: Ff9d OeCordoYa. waa I LIHAEA MPORT WM.I. fnEE' WEB< "W .. $tr .. t Week's Mid- y ~· ~--"AocJc 'N' lltOI High School" (1979. ~l P.J. ~ Vincent '/'.n PalSen. A budd- fng eongwrtftr at Vince LombMcl High trlel to gel thit A9mol• to "°°'d her mue6c wtilt her..,..., arnbltloul friend ~ lht echool '*'1tl}t<>b. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 3 t min.) (!)WOMEN'S MARATHON "1982 Avon" lrom San Francisco. California ©) BASEBALL Houston Astros al Los AngeleS Dodgers (3 hrs ) (%) MOVIE "Hangar 18" ( 1980, Sc1ence-Fic11on) Darren McGav1n, Robert Vaughn. Researchers at a secret government 1ns1allat1on mvest1gate the cause of a satellite's sudden destructeon ·PG' ( 1 hr . 30 mini 7:35 NEWS 7:40 KINEFrS KORNER 8:00 Cl) THE DUKES Of HAZZARD Uncle Jesse's old friend Hecto1 returns lo town seeking revenge on Boss Hogg for stealing his land while he was in j'.)ltson. (R) ( 1 hr.) D LEWIS & CLARK Roscoe arranges a bhnd date for his niece with John. the club's bartender 8 «I BENSON Benson and his fellow tenants pre- pare a list of complaints to present to the owner of their apartment building, who turns out to be Clay· ton. (R) O G ENCORE NEWS "August 16. 1965" Highlights: racial noting In the Watts district of Los Angeles, Argentina contronts Israel for the kidnapping of Adolph Eichman: racial rioting in Chicago. Cl) BENNY HILL • MOVIE "Yankee Doodle Dandy" ( 1942, Musi· cal) James Cagney, Joan Leslie. B<><n Into a show business family, George M. Cohan carries his patn· OllC ideals Into his var1ous capacities as actor. pro- duce< and wnter of numerous songs that have become part ot America's musical heritage. (2 hrs., 30 min.) . e MOYIE ·•stagecoach" (1939. Western) John Wayne. Claire Trevor Passengers aboard a sta· • gecoach raided by Indians each react 10 the trau- matic eptSOde io a different way. (2 hrs.) QI MIXED BAG "Inside, OutSlde" Problems ol mde· pendent filmmakers in a closed market are consid· ered (Part 1) I G WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW LOOK ALIVE SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Raggedy Man" ( 198 t, Orama) Sissy Spacek. Eric Roberts. tn t944, a telephone operator in a small Texas town sacrifices her standing in the community when she has a short affair with a com- bat-bound sailor. 'PG' ( 1 hr. 35 min.) Cl) MOVIE "The Gong Show Movie" ( 1980, Come· dy) Chuck Barris. Robin Altman. A TV host must contend with a variety of obstacles. including net- work censors, to put together a collection of bizarre acts for his show. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 38 min.) Cl MOVIE "Galaxy Of Terror" (1981, Horror) Edward Albert. Erin M0<an. A spaceship crew encounters a coterie of trighfenlng alien creatures while looking for another vessel stranded on a fOI'· biddi~ ~net. 'R' ( t hr., 20 min.) 8:30 8 • CHICAGO STORY A small· time hood refuses to allow doctors to remove a bullet lodged m his spine and Gilland's niece bec0f'tle5 involved with !_Pimp. (R) ( t hr., 30 min.) • THE GREATEST JOURNEY Host-narrator Wil· liam Shatner chronictes man's exploration of space from Sputnik to the space lhu1tle. (1hr.,30 min.) 8 a:I MAKJNG A LMNG Maggie throws a big par· ty, supposedly In appreciation of her co-w()O(ers, but actually to promote a romance between hef brother and Dot. (R) I EflC SEV~S CHRONICLE RACING FAOM YON<EAS &a QI B 8, PIANIST The Russian piano virtu-oso gives a solo performance of Beethoven's "Son· ta 2 1," Mozart's "Fanta&y In D Minor." and Men· detsaohn'a "Variations" and "Splnnerlled." ( 1 hr.) • WALL STREET WEEK "Wall Street Week's Mid- Year Review" e VOTER'S PIPELINE A discussion ot Orange County's housing crisis, how It effect the children of the area. and a report on the construction of the ~ivately·fun(jed Orangewood Home. 1:35Gl.) MOYIE "Darby's Rangers" ( 1958. Adven· lure) JMleS Gamer. Etchika Choureau. The heroic American Rangets go into combat under the leeder- sj'llp of Colonel Derby In their invasion of Italy and North Atrica. (2 firs., 35 mln.) t:ooe (I) DALLAS Miss ~Hie plans the annual Ewtng befbecue to coincide with Jock's expected return. (R) ( 1 ht.) e 9 MOVIE "Oklahoma City Dolls" (t98t, Com- edy) SOMO Blakely, Ronne Blakely. A woman's football teem made up of factory workers deeides to v.oqui&h male chauvinism once and f<>< all (A) (2 tn.) I PAULHOGAN MAUDE llM>t FOR ALEXANDER THE GREAT "The Young Conqueror" The Greek city·states are stunned Into ~ as Alexander prepares IOI' w . NlcholltClaystars. (Pitt 2) (1 hr.) • JU'At• E LAW AHIJ YOU An txtmlNtiOI\ of V.,...... jultU .._. IMt our ~ peopte IYtundlt. (l:)t.IME "Pndllt Afltly" (19781 Dremt) 8y1Yt&-* &alllont. AlmMd A.... Thi.. llOhtmlng , I ' OQ~ ~~ SWEETSHOP SWEETSHOP ~ SANDWICHES (cominir ooon) ~ --' . l ~ 1 SHOP I . ............ -....... . -----~---- 10 fl. N lTieay .Uo"--.........-..-..- co brothers from the Hell's Kitchen sec11on of New ~ Y0<k City combine their trails of brains and brawn in their etforts to create better lives for themselves 'PG' ( 1 tv .. 47 min.) CE) TOP RANK BOXING , ([) MOVIE "Raggedy Man" (1981. Drama) SISSy Spacek. Eric Roberts. In 1944, a telephone operator 1n a small Texas town sacnfices her standing in the community when she has a snort affair with a com· bat-bound sailor. 'PG' (1 hr . 35 min.) o (Z) MOVIE "For Your Eyes Only" ( 1981, Adven-.3 ture) Roger Moore. Topol James Bond tracks a > criminal who purloined a top secret B11t1sh defense ..._ deYlce. 'PG' (2 hrs •. 5 min.) -9:30()) MOVIE "I Walked With A Zombie" ( 1943. !l Myst.fy) Frances Dee. Tom Conway A nurse goes 0:: to the West lndieS to treat the sick and ends up deeply Involved In Caribbean voodoo and zombies {1 hr .. 30 min.), 9 AFFAIRS Of THE HEART: MARY AND LOUISA Henry James' story of a man who comes into the life of two 't)IOmen he had jilted years before. ( 1 hr ) Ci) EUROPEAN JOURNAL Cl) MOVIE "Star Trek ·• The Motion Picture" ( 1979. Science·Flchon) William Shalner, Leonard N1moy. The former commander of the U.S.S. Enterprise reassembles his old crew and sets ofl on a m1ss1on to find the mysterious vessel responsible for the destruction of numerous Federation star- snips. 'G' (2 hrs.. 12 min.) 0 MOVIE "S O.B." (1981. Comedy) W1lltam Hof· den. Juhe Andrews A movie director who has JUSI lini~d a mulh·m1lhon dollar 1urkey goes from attempted suicide to a bizarrely inspired re-shooting of his epic. 'R' (2 hrs • 4 min ) 10:00 8 (I) DALLAS J.R . Bobby and Ray Hy ~o South America to find the crash s11e and lea rn the fate or Jock. (R) ( 1 hr.) D ID THE ASPHALT COWBOY The owner of a security guard business becomes involved 1n a plot to extort money from one of his wealthy clienrs (R) • g~= WEEK IN REVIEW . j~"1~ I ARING LINE ''How Much Is Secrecv ~ .-dt slt- U.S. ?"Guest: Or. Edward Tetlef' ~Rip Taylor and lute. ( 1 hr.) dl'.l11e&Que Troupe for a CID MINSKY'~ t:OLU s comedy, striptease and Stubby Kaye 1oin 1 hr.) I LOVE. AMERtCAN SlXLE. . • • . • • • ,. EMIL GIL ELS, PIANIST The Russia rt pi8!°'o. ~u-· oso gives a solo performance ot Beethoven s Son- ia 21 " Mozart's "Fantasy In D M1n0<." and Men- delsoohn's "Varlallons" and "Sp1nnerlled .. < 1 hr ) &a OtCK CAVETT Guest magician Frank Garcia J:..lSPORTS CENTER CT) MOVIE "The Return Of The Secaucus Seven" (1980. Orama) Mark Arnott. Gordon Clapp The members or a group of college students active in the protest movement during the '60s gather 101 a weekend reunion. 'R' ( 1 hr . 46 min.) (%) MOVIE "Happy Birthday To Me" ( 1980, Hor· ror) Mehssa Sue Anderson. Glenn Ford As murder t>egins chopping away at her circle or eht1s1 friends. a prep school senior worries that she may be the next victim .• or possibly the killer. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 48 11:~n· fl) THE BEST OF CARSON Host:. Joh. Carson Guests· Johnny and June Carter Cast> James Coburn. (A) ( 1 hr) ~·•lure) CS) MOVIE "The Dogs Of War" (19~0.,/being tor· Christopher Walken. Tom Beren~tator. amerce· lured and deported by an Af!jf."'R' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) nary returns to lead a re.vttONIGHT 12:00U ENTERTAINMf: Steve Forber! (R) I 0 FRIDA~fhango" ( 1958, Drama) Curt Jur- MO\{J(hy Dandridge A rulhless Dutch sea cap· geruo1es lo ward ofl a rebelhon by the oppressed .,iaves aboard his ship (2 hrs ) Cl) MOVIE "Chicago Deadline" ( 1949. Mystery) ,. Alan Ladd. Donna f;leed An anonymous dead girt CAUGHT IN THE WEB -Max Baer Jitrd provides a clue that leads a crusading reporter 10 a as a rugged ex-cop running a securitangled powerful mobster (2 hrs ) business, who becomes hopel~t. in "The •MOVIE "Hush. Hush. Sweet Charlotte" (1965. in a million-dollar blac~ (Ch. 4) Friday Horror) Bette Davis, Ot1v1a de Halriltand. A young woman's mind 1s alfecled when her married lover 1s Asphalt Cowboy, "-'oP __ • ---...__,~---found dead (2 hrs . 45 min ) at 10 p.m . • ~ SUMMARY Whtte I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE Ii) NA.,._~denl Mark Gibson reports on UfiH>ERSTANOtNG HUMAN BEHAVIOR H ~of the NAACP Convention. (1 hr.) 12:30U COUPLES Dr Brocklemanns answers ques- .JJ ~vtE "Home From The Hill" ( 1960. Drama) lions from his viewers. Robert Mitchum. George Peppard A man's illegili· m NEWS mare son saves his life. (2 hrs . 30 min.) 9 AFFAIRS OF THE HEART: MARY ANO LOUISA CH> MOVIE "Wollen" ( 1981. Suspense) Albert Fin· Henry James' story of a man who comes into the fife ney. Diane Venora Police are faced with an unusual ol lwo women he had jilted years before. ( 1 hr.) problem as New York City 1s Invaded by a pack of CE) WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT displaced wolves. 'R' ( t hr., 55 min.) Highlights of a second elimination match will be CiJ MOVIE "Three In The Attic" ( 1968. Comedy) t><oadcast from Spain (2 hrs. 30 min.) Yvelle Mimieux. Christopher Jones A trio ol co-eds @ MOVIE "Just A Gigolo" ( t98 t. Drama) David lock a woman-chaser In the attic and take turns t1r· Bowie. Kim Novak An aristocratic Prussian soldier ing him out. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) returns to Berlin after World War I 10 earn his living Guest: Fred DeCordova. 11: 1001) BAS'=BALL Cincinnati Reds at Atlanta as a male escort. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 30 min) '82 CONVENTION SUMMARY White Braves (3 hrs.) 12:.SD GD WIMBLEDON TENNIS A review of the revue leatUf'i product 10:30 conespoodent Mark Gibson reports on 11: 15 (Z) CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE ALM SCENE semifinal matches and a preview of the llnats are ~hllahtsofthe NAACP Convention. (1 hr.) , 11:308 (I) MOVIE "The Ulhmale Warrior" (1975. ~esented (from Wlmbledon. England). (2 hrs.) (OJ MOVIE "Billy Jack" ( t971, Orama) Tom Sc1ence-Flclion) Yul Brynner. Max von Sydow. The C1.J M0VtE "Payday" ( 1973. Drama) Alp Torn. Laughlin. Deio<es Taylor An ex-Green Beret half-deputy ol a commune that suMved a world plague Anna Capri. A country and western singer ruthlessly breed champions the cause or a freedom school tor 1n the 21st century is assigned to take his com· makes 'his way 10 stardom by manipulating and d1s- runaways on an Arizona Indian .eservation. (2 hrs.) mander"s pregnant daughter 10 a sate island (2 carcf~aroond him. (2 hrs) 1Ck35([)SE1.f.SEJMCE hrs .. 10m1n.) 12:508 INGATTHEIMPROV 11:00 8 8 8 (I) 9 e NEWS D GD WIMBLEDON UPOA TE A report on develop· 0 THE AOCKFORO ALES I SATURDAY NGHT ments at the All·England Tennis Championships IS 1:008 ST.AA TREK YOUASKEDfORrT i esented e MOVIE "Dementia 13" (1964, Horrbr) Wilham JOE FRANKLIN Q:I ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE Campbell, Luana Anders. A psychopath clinging lo BENNY HIU. SUPERBOWL Of MOTOCROSS "Challenge Of lhe me"'°')' of a dead sls'er 1s responsible, lor a MIXED BAG "lnSlde, Olltside" Problems of inde-A Champion" Kent Howerton is featured 1n this fast· series of a11e murders 1n an Irish castle ( 1 hr .. 30 pendent filmmakers in a closed market are consid-moving look at the sport of motocross min ) ered. (Pan 1) _ _ THE JEFFERSONS 00 WAIT UNTIL DARK Kathanne Ross, ==========::;:--~~~~~~;.::;:;::;;::;;;:~;:;:;~::;r;m--~~ ACUPUICTURE ~ . -...WIClll,1.1. AUTH0tt OP "ACUPUNCTUM a ICmNCr FonMr Chairman, eemlnar of Chlneee Acupuncutre Foundation PROFESSOR OF ACUPUNCTURE. GRADUATE: CHINA MEOfCAL COLLEGE WHO'S WHO IN CALIFORNIA, 13th ~ 545-Mal"" w.n ...... .,.., . ............. . c.... lnlL ...... a ~ ........ UllftAMA • 112..-~ .,,.. ..... ............ 0.. _ ............. ..... OIWI• DO YOU IEED TO "' , c Friday ( continlled) Keach and Joshua Btyant star 1n .,.redenck Knoll's suspense drama abOut a young blind woman terror- ized In her Mant'lattan apartment by three men searching for hidden drugs Taped at the Pepper- dtne College Theatre in Malibu. Ca hf (2 hrs.) 1:20(%) MOVIE ··Three Into Two Won't Go" ( 1969. Drama) Rod Steiger, Claire Bloom. The appearance of a promiscuous young woman upsets the settled existence of a middle-aged couple. ( 1 hr .. 33 min.) 1:30(1) MOVIE "Graduation Day" (1981, Mystery) Christopher George, Patch MacKenzie High school track athletes are being literally "cut lrom the team" ~an unknown killer. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) ..,, MOVIE "The Hollywood Knights" ( 1980, Come- dy) R<6berl Wuhl, Tony Danza On Halloween eve In 1965, a rowdy high school gang wreaks havoc In Beverly Hills to avenge the closing of their hangout by the local home owners association 'A' ( 1 hr . 39 m1n.J 1:35 CC) MOVIE "The Sensuous Nurse" ( 1979, Com- edy) Ursula Andress. O\J1ho Del Prete. Greedy rela- tives hire a sensual "Florence Nightingale" to take care of an aging count suffering from a delicate t :t;:lrt c=n 'A' (I hr . 20 min) 1:50 NEWS 2:00 ST AR TREK 2:06 NEWS 2: 10 MOVIE "The Last Day" ( 1975. Western) Richard Widmark. Robert Conrad. The villainous Dallon ganl1 is opposed by a relired gunman who takes up fums to defend his town (2 hrs.) all RAT PATROL 2:30• MOVIE "The Creature's Revenge" ( 1971, Horrorr Kent Taylor. Grant Williams An American doctor plots to transplant the brain 9f a Middle East- ern dictator. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 2:36(1) MOVIE "A Cry In The Night" ( 1956. Suspense) Edmond O'Brien, Brian Donlevy. A policeman's daughter is kidnapped by a mentally . deranged man when she discovers him watching her and her fiance on lovers' lane ( 1 hr., 25 min.) 2:40 QZ) WOALO AT LARGE 2:468.NEWS e MOVIE "Rodan" ( 1957. Science-Fiction) Kenji Sawara. Yumi Shirakawa Eacth is menaced by a number of awesome and deadly flying creatures from the Stone Age. ( 1 hr , 30 min.) 2:66(%) MOVIE "This Island Earth" ( 1955, Science- Fiction) Jeff Morrow. Faith Dome<gue A war belween the worlds is fought involving two Ameri- can scientists ( 1 hr • 27 min.) 3:00. MOVIE "It Conquered The W0<ld" ( 1956, Science-Fiction) Peter Graves, Beverly Garland. An ugly cave creature aided by a scientist Is bent on takl~~lfrol of the world. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ~ MOVIE "Monty Python And The. Holy Grail" ( 197 4, Comedy) Graham 'Chapman, John Cleese King Arthur and his band of knights encounter giants, riddlers and a ferocius rabbit in their search for the legendary cup. ( 1 hr., 30 min ) CJ) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1972 British Open" (1 hr.) CB) MOVIE "My Champion" (1981. Drama) Yoko Shimada, Chris Mitchum The true story of a female -!!J>anese running champion 1s told. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) • MOVIE "Raging Bull" ( 1980. Biography) Rob- ert De Niro. Cathy Moriarty. Boxing champion Jake La Motta's aptitude for violence brings him success in ttie ring but disrupts his personal life. 'A' (2 hrs .• 8 minJ_ • 3: 1S Cl) MOVIE ''The Gong Show MOVie" ( 1980. Comedy) Chuck Barris, Robin Altman. A TV host must contend with a variety of obstacles. Including network censors. to put togethef a collection of bizarre acts for his show. 'R' ( 1 hr . 38 min ) 4:00 (f) NEWS (I) SPORTS CENTER 4:06 Gl) VEGETABLE SOUP 4:16. MOVIE "The Phantom From 10,000 Leagues" (1956. Horror) Kent Taylor. Cathy Downs. When a fisherman's body bearing signs of radiation is discovered on a lonely beach, national security forcM begin to probe the matter further. ii.. (714) 760-6766 ,,.,.._ ·-·--r ._,... Saturday \I< >H :\ I '\( ~ 5:00 Cl) CHRS&TOPHER CLOSEUP (() ROOEO "Schrade Pro Team Sem1-F1nal" (2 h'sl 6:06 BASEBALL BUNCH 5:30 VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA (f) NEW~AND REAUTY 0 MOVIE "S.O B." (1981, Comedy) Wilham Hol- den, Jvllt Andrews. (2 hrs .. 4 min.) 6:36 al THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY 6:008 SUMMER SEMESTER l ~mxlRS TEEN TALK APPLE POLISHE.RS NEWSMAKERS FAMILYAFF~ WATCH YOUR MOUTH 6;06 QZ) WAA ANO PEACE 6:15(%) MOVIE "Hangar 18" ( 1980, Science-Fic- tion) Darren McGav1n. Robert Vaughn. ( 1 hr . 30 mini 6;20 NEWS 8:30 DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE THAT'S CAT PACE.8ETTERS VOICE OF AGRICUl TURE FAST FORWARD • DAVEY ANO GOLIATH rrs YOUR BUSINESS PUBLIC AFFAIRS NEWVOtcE CAPTIONED ABC NEWS OR. SNUGGLES MOVIE "On The Right Track" ( 1981, Comedy) Gary Coleman, Michael Lem beck. ( 1 hr • 37 min.) Cl) HOl'"WHEB..S A teenager's rejection results in disappointment which leads to a dangerous geme of one-up manship. 7:008 KI08WORlD Featured: an interview with Ted Lange or "The Love Boat": a report from Louisville. Kentucky, on 14-year-old Robin Howington. cham- • pion speed rollerskater and runner D m WIMBlEDON TENNIS Coverage of the wom- en's singles finals (from Wimbledon, England) . eeG BLUE MARBLE 9SUPEAFRIEH06 INTERHA TIONAL HOUR DAVEY ANO GOLIATH DOCTOR WHO TEENSCEHE CHECKING rT OUT YOGA FOR HEAL TH WRITING FOR A REASON SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Clown White" ( 1981, Orama) Mark Oil· Ion, Sot Rublnek. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 7:06 QZ) MOVIE "King Richard And The Crusadefs" ( 1954. Adventure) Rex Harrison, Virginia Mayo. 7:10.CC> MOVIE "Big Wednesday" (1978, Orama) Jan-Michael Vincent. Wlnlam Katt. 7:30• MR. MOON'S MAGIC CIRCUS "In Rabbit Tuse" OR. SHUGOl.ES 0 RICHtE RICH I SCOOBY 000 INTERNATIONAL HOUR DAVEY ANO GOLIA TH DOCTOR WHO CAUfOANIA PEOPLE vacE OF A<RCUl TURE BIG BLUE MAABLE WAtT1NG FOR A REASON MOVIE "The Apple Dumpling Gang" ( 1975. ~ Bill Bixby. Susan Clark. ( 1 hr . 40 min.) 8:QO 8 Cl) POPEYE e MOVIE "Mountain Rhytt\m" ( 1939. Western) Gene Autry. June Story. I REAL ESTA TE WEEK WRESTIJNG ~ MOVIE "Blondie's Anniversary" ( 1948, Com&- , .... ----.... (JI • 1.· 1t_ COMING UP WITH COMEDY -Erin Gray portrays the secretary to an electronic toy addict (Joel Higgins) but can't ma.Jee him face reality in the n ew comedy series "Silver Spoons," to be presented-&turdsys at 8:30 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4) this fall. ll Penny Singleton, Arthur Lake. SPEAKEASY RE80P WRITING FOR A REASON GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "197 4 British Open" ( t hr.) (%) MOVIE "The Magic Flute·· ( 1975, Musical) Josef Koslllnger, Irma Urrila. (2 hrs .. 15 min) 8:30 8 (I) TARZAN I LONE RANGER I al FONZ I HAPPY DAYS GANG BEANSPAOUTS "Movln' Around, Movin' Out" The Beansprouts explore new neighborhoods, and Ann helps her older sister face moving away from ~FOR A REASON CB) MOVIE "The Great Muppet Caper" ( t981, Adventure) Charles Grodin, Diana Rigg. (2 hrs.) Cl) MOYIE "Norman ... Is That Your ( 1976, Come- dy) Redd Foxx, Peart Bailey. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 9:001 LEAVE fT TO BEAVER LAVERNE & SHIRLEY Wl..O, Wl..O WORLD OF ANIMALS NA8l. SOCCER KICKS EANE8T ANGLEY NEWVOICE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT MOYIE "The Music Man" ( 1962, Musical) Rob- ert Preston, Shirley Jones. (I) BEST~ NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "1971 Flghtl~shvs. USC" (1 hr.) 9:30 8 CIJ BUGS BUNNY I ROAD RUNNER OZZIE ANO HAAAIET al HEATHCLIFF & MARMAOUt<E MUSIC WOALD THIS WEB< IN 8ASEBAU MONEYMAJ<ERS AMERICAN GOVERNMENT MOVIE "The Little Dragons" ( 1981, Adventure) • Salli'.... Boyden. Chris Peterson. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 9:35Ql) MOVIE "Home Before Dark" ( 1958. Drama) Jean Simmons, Rhonda Fleming. 10:ooe SHA NA NA I al THUNOAAR I GOLDIE GOLD MQV1E "Man In Outer Space" ( t964, Science- Ficlion} Lisa Gaye. Fernando Rey. (f) MOVIE " 1776" ( t972. Musical) Winiam Oanlels, Howard da Silve • • t&A TIONALL Y KNOWN AWAAO'WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER 9Ji~wi$.~:lwt ..• WILL CREA TE A DESIGN THAT \ REFLECTS YOUR TASTE AND LIFESTYLE! • Original O.tlgnlng • Cu1tom Remounting • R~styllng • o.t#QtW Collect/on of GOid end Platinum Jewelry • OIA~ONOS • PEARLS • ANE COlOAEO GEMSTONES . - I -_ ------::----. I!: safurday '(c.ontll'DC(f)' ' ":--· " ~ I CAA CARE CENTRAL • BOB JONES N LAST CHANCE GARAGE ~ AMERICAN GOVERNMENT ~ WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT Highlights of a sooond elimination match will be broadcast from Spain. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Silver Streak" ( 1976, Comedy) Gene Wilder. Jill ClaybUrgh. f 1 hr .. 53 min.) ~ 10:1301e-":=~~ TOP TEN > NASL SOCCER KICKS · ~ StGNtNG WITH CfNDY -AMENCAH GOVERNMENT .2 (%)MOVIE "FOf Your Eyes Only" (198 1. Adven· ii: tu.,,Roger Moore. Topol. (2 hrs. 5 min.) 11:00 TARZAN 8 WEEKEND SPECIAL "The Trouble W11h Miss Switch" Animated. A young boy and an old-fash- ioned witch diSCC>Vef that they have powers !hey 1--~~tJIRJ ~ANNICE ANO MONEY MANAGE· lllENT D MOVE "Gloria" ( 1980, Drama) Gena Row· lands. John Adames. (2 hrs .. 1 min.) 11:301 (I) BLACKSTAR I AMERICAN BANDSTAND WILD, WILD WEST ROOKIES MAGIC OF Otl PAINTING PERSONAL ANANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE- MENT CC) MOVIE "Echoes..Of A Summer'' ( 1976, Drama) Richard Harns, Jodie Fosler. . \l·. 1'1 .IC\( )( >'\ 12:008 (I) TROLLKINS 8 e BASEBAU Regional coverage of Texas Rangers at Oakland A's: Seallle Mariners a'I Chica· I White Sox (3 hrs.) LOST IN SPACE MOVIE "Damn Yankees" ( 1958, Musical) Tab Hunter. Gwen Verdon I QUILTING PERSONAL FINANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE- MENT · Cl) MOVIE "Clown White" ( 1981. Drama) Mark Oil· Ion. Sol Rubinek ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 12:308 (I) TOM AND JEMV I PORTRAIT OF A LEGEND MOVIE "More Than Magic" ( 1955. Western) Claylon Moore. Jay Sitverheels. I KID6WORLO AOAM-12 VIC BRADEN'S TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE "The Backhand" Vic Braden analyzes the wide- spread fear of the backhand stroke and shows viewers how to master the moves and timing of this important stroke. (R) Q • PERSON,\L ANANCE AND MONEY MANAGE· MENT CE) ROOEO "Schrade Pro Team Semi-Final" (2 hrs .. 30 min) 12:36@ WRESTLING 12:45(%) MOVIE "Heart Beat'' (1980, Drama) Nici< Nolte. Sissy Spacek. ( 1 hr., 50 m1r1 ) 1:00 8 (I) KWtcKY KOALA I THE MUNSTERS _. MOVIE "The Green Slime" ( 1969. Science-fie· tion) Robert Horton. Luciana Paluzzi. i MAUOE ENTERT AJNMENT THIS WEEK MOVIE "Thal Certain Feeling" ( 1956. Comedy) Bob Hope. Eva Marie Saint . • MISTER ROGERS TALKS WITH PARENTS ABOUT MAKE-BELIEVE Fred Rogers discusses how parents can en<X>Ufage lhqlr children's capacity for~ ~&ne;s. I SNEAK PREVIEW Host Leonard Harris looks at the movies. specials and spOftS event& coming up on Home Box. Office. (I) HOT WHEELS A teenager's rejection results In disappointment which leads 10 a dangerous game of one-up manship .• e PEAFECTL Y FRANK Ooris Leachman is tea· tured In this tonQ-•n6-dence revue honoring oom· POI!! Frank = d 1 hr,, ~min.) 1:aol'B I EllC 8EVAIBJ'8 QtAONIClE I NOIA "l.OOUlt War Wltt)ot.11 End" Filmed In Europe and Afrtca. eorne of men'a lateat attempt• to tid ...,_. of ttw kKlUM •• examined. (R) Q ( 1 tw.) IJ1i1iirn"°.,.o.,.J!~ .... E!i. (1e1e. °''""', .Mfl.. -~..._ ~ -----...-- - . er~·=·sn-::rxr= JOURNEY TO AMERICA -R ich ard Crenna stars as William Brewster in "M8yfl.ower: '!be Pilgrim's Adventure," a drama about the Mayflower journey to America Saturday at 9 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2). CHl MOVIE "The Last Me1ro" ( 1980,-.Drama) Catherine Oeoeuve. Gerard Depardieu Oireoted by FrancOis Truffau1. (2 hrs .. 10 min.) Cl) MOVIE "All The Fine Young Cannibals" ( 1960. Drama) Natalle Wood. Robert Wagner. (1 tu .. 50 min.j 2:00 8 2 WITH YOU I GILLIGAN'S ISLAND THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL MOVIE ''Noon Sunday" ( 1971. Suspense) Mark Leonard, Linda Avery. Cf) WRESTUNG 9 MOVIE "Cotter" ( 1972, Western) Don Murray, carol Lynley. e MOVIE "The Man Inside" ( 1976, Orama) James Franciscus. Stefanie Powers. I SIGNATURE Guest: Fred DeCordova. INTRODUCING BIOLE>GY 2~ B SENIOR OLYMPICS This annual competition features a group or middle-aged and elderly athletes competing in swimming, 1rack and field and other athletic events. ( 1 hr.) I GILLIGAN'S ISLAND RtCH MAN, POOR MAN: BOOK I Tom (Nick Nolte) and Rudy (Petef Strauss) Jordache battle for their parents' approval. Rudy Is pressured by his girlfriend (Susan Blakely) to leave their small town for New York. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (I) ST AR TREK tJI MIXED BAG "Inside. Outside" Problems of Inde- pendent filmmakers in a ciOsed market are consid- ered. (Part 1) • HANS BETHE: PROPHET OF ENERGY Nobel Prize~wlnnlng physicist Hans Bethe. an adYOcate of the peaceful use of nuolear power, Is ln1eMewed. ll_. hr.I • tNTROOUCING BIOLOGY 2:36 ~ MOTORWEEK ILLUSTRATED 2:45 CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE ALM SCENE 3:00 e SPORTS JOURNAL "The Spirit Of Com- pelitlon: A Celebration Of Sports" A revieW of the the milestone events and legendary figures of Am8f· ican sports is presen1ed. ( 1 hr.) • MOVIE "HOfse Feather•" ( 1932. Comedy) Marx Brothers. Thelma Todd. (!) RAOING FROM BELMONT -e MOV1E "Suun Slade" (1961. Drama) Troy Donahue. Connie StMtnS. II EMIL Gel.El.8. ~The Russian piano W1u~ oso gives a solo performance of BeethoYen's "Son- ia 2 1," Mozart's "Fantasy In D Mll'IOf," and Men- delssohn'• "Variations" and "Splnnerlled." ( 1 hf.) e INTAOOUCtNG lllOLOOY · (I) OOl.F HIOHUOHT8 "1975 8rltl$1'1 Open" (1 hr.) 1 CD MOV1E "VIP: My Brother'• Superman' ( 1 hf .. 30 min.) • MC1liE "No HUM$" (1880. Mulicll) Jeckton ~.Ct~. Sdle & Nllh. (1tw .. 43mln.) (I) MOVIE ''l* a..nd £.-'' ( 1166. &oeoce-Flc-uan Jlfl Morrow. F*'ft:p.· ( 1hr .. 27 min_._, ... ...-~ w~ .... .,.... ol 1h1s PGA 'Tour got( tournament (from Butfer National Golf Club In Oak Brook, Ill ) C 1 hr : 30 min.) (I) WILD KINGDOM • FESTIVAL OF HANDS: ISSA'S TREASURE Jap- anese actress Tetsuko Kuroyangagl performs a Haiku fairy tale with the National Theater o1 the Deaf and the Deaf Theater ol Japan Ci) FAST FORWARD CC) MOVIE "Pulp" ( 1972. Comedy) Michael Caine. Mickey Rooney Cl) MOVIE ··c nu Chu And The Philly Flash" ( 1981. - Comedy) Alan Arkin, Carol Burnell ( 1 hr . 40 m1nJ_ 3:35@ BASEBALL Cincinnati Reds ar Atlanta Braves (3 hrs ) 4:00 D EVERYWHERE 8 SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES California vs. Louisiana ( 1 hr.) I HEEHAW AGRONSKY AND COMPANY THE ROCKFORD FILES MOVIE "WUSA" ( 1970, Drama) Paul Newman. Joanne Woodward. @ AFFAIRS OF THE HEART: MARY ANO LOUISA Henry James' story of a man who comes Into rhe life of two women he had Jilted years before. ( 1 hr.) 89 QUE PASA, U.S.A.? "One Saturday Afternoon" Adela bolls three locks on the front door to 1hwart a tobbery while the thief breaks in through the kitch- en. I MARY TYLER MOORE FAST FORWARD SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "On The Right Track" ( 1981. Comedy) Gary_ Coleman. Michael Lembeck ( 1 hr., 37 min.) 4:30 UST AA TREK Cf) BASEBALL Ph1ladefph1a Phillies al New York Meis (2 hrs .. 40 min ) Iii WORLD OUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT Highlights of a second eliminatlon match will be broadcas1 from Spain. ( 1 hr.) ! BOB NEWHA~T FAST FORWARD -... CORLETTO ANO SON MOVIE "Happy Birthday To Me" ( 1980. Hor-- r0<) Melissa Sue Anderson. Glenn Ford ( t hr .. 48 min.) 5:001J WORLD GAMES I An 1nterna11ona1 sports spectacular, with over 1.700 alhleles lrom 60 coun- tries participating in various sporting events throughout the United Slates. (Part 4) ( l hr.) I FREE4ALL WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Nor1h American Boxing Championships (from Las Vegas. Nev ) : US ·U.S.S.R Track and Field Meet (from Indianap- olis. Ind.). ( t hr., 30 min.) IM•A•s•H GRIZZl Y ADAMS NEWS SOLID GOLD LADY FROM THE SEA Liv Ullmann stars 1n Hen- lrik l~vJt~n;.) FAST FORNARO BOXING Bobby Czyz vs. Manuel Mefan from Totowa. New Jersey (2 hrs.) CD MOVIE "McVicar" ( 1980, Drama) Roger Dalley. Adam Fa11h. CO) MOVIE "The Cat And The Canary" ( 1939, Comedy) Bob Hope, Paulette Goddard. D MOVIE "The Apple Dumpling Gang" ( 1975. Comedy) Bill Bixby, Susan Clark. ( 1 hr .. 40 min.J 6:308NEWS e 8ASEBAll cautornia Angels at Kansas City Royals (3 hrs.) (I) WELCOME BACK. KOTTER aJ WIOE WORLD OF SPORTS NOf1h Amer'lcan Boxing Chemplonships (from Las Vegas. Nev.){ U.S.·U.S.S.R. Track and Field Meet (lrdm Indianap- olis. Ind.). ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) • ONCE UPON A Cl.ASSIC "The Mill On The Floss" Alter Tulhver's death. Maggie and hef mother leave Dorlcote Mill and move '° with Uncle Deane. {fart 5) Q ' • SPORTS AMERICA "$200.000 Congoleum Ten- niS Classic" Ivan Lendl vs. Yannick Noah ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "The Music Man" ( 1962, Muslcal) Rob- ert Preston. Shirley Jones. Cl) MOVIE "Sllve< Strpak" ( 1976, Comedy) Gene Wllder. Jiii Cllyt>u<gh. ( 1 hr., 53 min.) I \ l " I '\1 , • Saturday ( contirrued) fD UP ANO COMING "A Little Romance" Francine faces the most d1tlicull decision of her Ille when she finds out she is pr~nant (Part 1) (R) Q CB) GOTT A OANC15, GOTT A SING This retrospec- ttve look at movie musicals includes performances by Astaire and Rogers. Shirley Temple. Gene Kelly, Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley and clips from "Carousel," "The King And I." "West Side Story." ... "Cabaret" and "The Rocky Horror Picture Show " (1 hr.) 6:301J D (I) tm NEWS I MARY TYLER MOORE GEMINI RISING A rodeo is seen through the i s of a young man on the brink of manhood. • SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY THE IMMIGRANT MOVIE "For Your Eyes Only" ( 1981, Adven- ture) Roger Moore. Topor James Bond tracks a criminal who purloined a top secret British defense device. ·PG' (2 hrs . 5 min) 6:35@ RAT PATROL 7:00 I.I (I) IN SEARCH OF ... I FAMILY FEUD BACK TO BASICS THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER-IES I PEOPLE'S COURT LAWRENCE WELK A LOOK AT LIV The actress talks about her art and hie. ( 1 hr.) • CHECKING rT OUT Featured: casting director Liz Keigley; the plight of steel industry workers; a 17-year-old disc jockey. Q GD THE MUPPET'S (I) TENNIS HIGHLIGHTS " 1981 Wimbledon" ( 1 hr.) (8) MOvtE "The Great Muppet Cape<" (1981, Adventure) Charles Grodin. Diana Rigg. Kermit. Fozzie and Gonzo trace a fabUlous stolen iewel to London (2 hrs.) CO MOvtE "The Terrorists" ( 1975. Orama) Sean Connery, Ian McShane A Scandinavian security chief battles wits with the members of an Interna- tional terrorist group who have kidnapped the pas- sengers on a skyjacked airplane. 'PG' (1 hr .. 28 min.) <m MOVIE "Oh Heavenly Dog" ( 1980, Comedy) Chevy Chase, Benji. White investigating a political sex scandal in London, a private detective is mur- WllerM' yo11 busy 1ttner~ takes you ... for buSWless or pleasure, before you &O -plal a stop to Pat Ma'ley's. f Of lJ yea-s row -Pat Mafley, fwnseJf, nl assoaates contme to present men's fashroos that enUe '" dr~ Of casual! Now we've exte!Ud to ladles' trutWs! We*'fSIMa ~ sale •rs tn the attic rm. Plus all a-otlld the store you'll fw1d in~ed collecttbles al(! gift item for any special gift! ~-~~. . --. --. . ~., OJ) EYE ON SAN DIEGO Featured· Leonard N1moy ralks about tlle dQp\ti of ~. Spock; .ct xflij tp Old -o Town: also a report on the potential de-sahnat1on. g: I PRESENTE - WEEKEND MAGAZINE ~ MA YPORT AND ALL THAT JAZ2. Highlights of < the 1au festival held 1n the small fishing village of. 01 Mayport. Florida. are presented fO CJ) THE FOLK MUSIC REUNION The Kingston Trio "Tl host a musical special featuring Judy Cotllns. The a: L1mehters, Glen Yarbrough. , Mary Travers. John 111 Sebastian. Tom Paxton, The Brothers Four and The ~ Fir~n Theater ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) c.. 8:00 U (I) WALT DISNEY "The Litt le Shepherd Dog ~ Of Catalina" A Shetland sheepdog is marooned on a small island off the coast of California. ( 1 hr.) N D fl) HERE'S BOOMER Two cops who can't seem ;D to get along with each other try to find a home for , m Boomer N D QJ) TODA Y'S FBI Ben searches for an assassin preying on foreign officials who have relocated to !he United States-(R) ( 1 hr ) 8 MOVIE "The Incredible Melting Man" ( 1977. Horror) Alex Rebar. Michael Alldredge. An astro- naut visits Saturn and returns with a unusual disease that causes his flesh to melt away. (2 hrs.) Cf) NASL SOCCER New York Cosmos vs. Van- couver Whitecaps (2 hrs.) LOLUPOP COP -Telly Savaletl is seen Saturday eve~ at 6 on KHJ-TV (Cb. 9) as the lollipop sucking police officer "Kojak:" 8J MOvtE "Yankee Doodle Dandy" ( 1942. Mu51- cal) James Cagney. Joan Leslie. Born Into a show business family, Gec>l'ge M. Cohan carries his patri- otic •deals into his various capacitieS as actor, pro- ducer and writer of numerous songs that have become part of America's musical heritage. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) e TH~ BAST ARD Phillipe. who has fled to the Col- onies and changed his name to Philip Kent. joins a band of revolutlooarieS. While fighting the Crown forces. he has a brutal confrontation with his half- brothef, commander of an English regiment in Bos- ton. (Part 2) (2 hrs.) dered and reincarnated as a scruffy dOg. 'PG' ( 1 tit .. 43 min.) g MARVIN HAMLISCH: THEY'RE PLAYING MY SONG Liza Minnelli, Johnny Mathis. Gladys Knight and Carly Simon sing some of today's greatest hits including; "The Way We Were," "What I Did For Love" and "Nobody Does It Better." 7:061NEWS 7:10 KINER'S KORNER 7:30 DANCE FEVER I LOOK AT US PEOPLFS COURT AGHTBACK YORK REPORT CH LADY FROM THE SEA Liv Ullmann stars In Hen- rik Ibsen's dfama. (2 hrs.) • MA YPORT ANO All THAT JAZ2 Highlights of the jazz festival held In the smaH fishing village of Mayport, Florida, are presented. ( 1 hr.) ID MOVIE "The Little Princess" ( 1939. Orama) Shirley Temple, Ricnard Greene. A little glr1 of the Victorian era goes from rags to riches. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Ct) MOVIE "Echoes Of A Summer" ( 1976, Orama) Richard Harris, Jodie Foster. A terminally ill 12-year- scon PENNFI SUMMER . JUNIOR //. . -~ TENNIS /=I ';;;'CLINICS For the sixth consecutive year the Newport Beach T ennls club Is ottering the Ted Winston-Scott Penner summer junior tennis Clin!Cf. Open 10 the pubic, the program Is deMgfled to lmprCM the t.nnll gerne of juniors from ag11 7-17. Cllnlc le11on1 ire offered It the beghlilerS, Intermediate and edvlOOed level. Court H wlll be llmlted to 8 t rudenta Ind will be grouped 'by 1ge 1nd eblllty. "'°"Wed "T...s Tllln SESSION DA TES IUN( 21 UY 9 UY 12 IUl.Y 30 AUG 2 AUG 10 CLASS TM:S 1 1111101111 101.11112 ••11110•111 10 111112 12t...sl7t !Orel-••• fUlD ltW M1D Ses1i11 I .1111 21 .ll Y I S.-1 UY 12 UY 29 IL .. PUftl Cl• 1la ...., .... fllvfsay 'Ip Ill 4 p"' 24 HOURS S80 FOi llOISTIATIOH OI ltrDIMA110N CAu. 644 0056 --~--· ·--·-----1 r•,•:3•5 ·:,3 •5 ... -•• ··-••• ·~-----·---· .... ---• ---·--· -------.... ·~ .................. , •. __ ..... ,. ··~"'*"• •9"'• ................................ -...................................... -.... : ' 0 Sunday \I< >l { '\ I '\( ~ 6:00. VOYAGE TO THE BQTIOM OF THE SEA (!) NINE ON NEW JERSEY ([) HORSESHOW JUMPING "Upperv1lle Jumper Classic" ( 1 hr , 30 min.) 6:20 I eAST OF THE WILD 5:30 DAY OF DISCOVERY 6:35 CARTOONS 6:<45 CHRISTOPHE~ CLOSEUP 5:59 8 Cl) @) 81 SPECIAL REPORT Regularly scheduled programming may be preempted by the scheduled landin~ of the space shuttle Columbia 6:00 U MUSIC AND THE SPOKEN WOAD I SUNDAY MORNING YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES ORAL ROBERTS DIRECTIONS The evolulion and current com- mercial dimensions ol the gospel music lnduslry ere examined (A) I BIBLE ANSWERS ROMPER ROOM MOVIE "Blow-Up" ( 1966. Mystery) David Hemmings. Vanessa Redgravp. CID MOVIE "Seems Like Otd Times" ( 1980. Come- dy) Goldie Hawn. Chevy Chase ( 1 hr .. 42 min) 6:05@ LOST IN SPACE 6: 15 (%) MOVIE "Three lnlo Two Won't Go" ( 1969. Drama) Rod Steiger. Claire Bloom ( 1 hr . 33 man ) 6:30 II FOA OUR TIMES SERENDIPITY ROBERT SCHULLER DAYBREAK LA. FAST FORWARD POINT OF VIEW PUBLIC PULSE CALIFORNIA PEOPLE AGRICULTURE U.S.A.. WOMEN'S MARATHON "1982 Avon" from San Francisco. California. Cl) MOVIE "On The Righi Track" ( 1981, Comedy) Gary_ Coleman, Michael Lembeck. ( 1 hr .. 37 min,) 7:00 U TOOA Y'S RELIGION THArS CAT LITTLE RASCALS rT IS WRfTTEN KEHNETH COPELAND ID SUNDAY MASS SPECTRUM DAY Of otSCOVERY CARTOONS YOGA FOR HEAL TH AME.RICA: THE SECOND CENTURY SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "Goin' Ape" ( 1981. Comedy) Tony Danza, Jessica Waller ( 1 hr., 27 man ) 7:06 QZ) LIGHTER SIDE OF THE NEWS 7:308 FAITHWAYS I WHITNEY ANO THE A080T CAMPUS PROALE: VIEWPOINT ON NUTRI- TION "Arteries And Chelalton" Guests Darleen Carr. Gayelord Hauser. James Julian I TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING THA rs THE SPIRIT SEARCH JIMMY SWAGGART MISTER ROGERS (R) THE WORLD TOMOAROW AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY 7:36(Jl) MOVIE "The Gallant Hours" (1960, Blogra- phy\iames Cagney. Dennis Weaver 8:00 SUNDAY MORNING II WIMBLEDON TENNIS Coverage of the men's singles finals (from Wimbledon. England) . POPEYE ANO FRIENDS PERSONAL DIMENSIONS LET THERE BE LIGHT LLOYD OGILVIE MUSICWORlO JERRY FALWE.U ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) AMERICA: THE SECONb CENTURY MOVJE "A Fistful Of Dynamite" ( 1972, Adllen- ture) James Coborn, Rod St~. (I) BEST OF NOTRE OAME FOOTBALL "1972 J ~hllng Irish vs. USC" ( 1 hr ) (HJ TWO tN A BOX The m me team of Robert Shields and Lorene Yarnell sing, danoe and perform mime In a senes of sketches. (%) MOVIE "Two English Glrls" (1971. Orama) Jeal\-,Plerre LMud. l()t(1 Markham ( 1 hr . -'5 min.) 8:30. TOOAY'8 BLACK WOMAN THE LAHAVES · MEETING TIME AT CALVAFN AEXHUMaAN> FAElllNCK K. PAICE ILIC11IOCOMPANY (R) NJBIC>.: THI .x>fC> CINTURV MOYIE "81t1.wdly Thi 14th" {1881, ~} MOVING -Merlin Olsen, Timothy Gibbs, Katherine Cannon and Moses Gunn will be re turn ing in n e w episodes of "Father Murphy" this fall. The popular show will be seen Tuesday at 8 p.m. on KNBC (Ch. 4) instead of Sunday as it is presently seen. Richard Benjamin. Paula Prentiss. ( 1 hr .. lS mfr;i.) CS) MOVIE "Oliver Twist" ( 1975. Adventure) Ani- mated. ( 1 hr . 15 min.) 0 HOTWHEELS 9:00 I PEOPLE 7 I . ORAL ROBERTS ROBERT SCHULLER IT IS WRITTEN SESAME STREET (A) Q YOU ANO THE LAW . GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1976 British Open" ( t hr) 0 THE LITTLE ARK 9:30 8 Cl) FACE THE NATION I NEW ,ZOO REVUE DAY Of OtSCOVERY KENNETH COPELAND THE WORLD TOMORROW YOU ANO THE LAW 10:00 8 MOVIE "In Harm's Way" ( 1965. Orama) John Wayne. Kirk Douglas. D MOVIE "Horse Feathers" (1932. Comedy) Marx Brothers. Thelma Todd. I BASEBALL BUNCH WONDER WOMAN • HERALD OF TRUTH OUTDOOR LIFE Character actor Out> Taylor and lhls ~U~i~~'Q" hunting near Albany, Georgia. THE LAWMAKERS YOU ANO THE LAW AUTO RACING "CART Budweiser --Cleveland 500" ( 4 hrs.) 00 CONSUMER REPORTS PRESENTS "The Not- For-Kids-Only Show'· Products of special Interest to children and adolscents are reviewed, Including comparisons or blue Jeans and ora":9es. CS) MOVIE "Zorro, The. Gey Blade' ( 1981. Come- dy) George Hamlllon, Lauren Hutton. ( 1 hr.. 33 min) {Z) MOVIE "The Phantom President" (1932. Com- edy) Geo<ge M. Cohan. Claudette Colbert. ( 1 hr., 20mln.) 10:06@ MOVIE "That Hamilloo woman" ( 194 1, Dra- ma) Laurence Olivier, Vivien Leigh. 10:30. 9 KI06 ARE PEOPLE T'OO Guests: Jamie Farr. Greg Hines, Robinson the Mag.lclan, sewthg whiz Aot>en Hyatt, cheerleadef Vicki Ponce. (A) ( 1 hr.) e ROBERT 8CHUL1.E'R (!) BASEBALL Philadelphia Phlltles at New VQrl( Me~~··· <40 min.) 1;~w CASE C1' MUKKINE8E BATTLE HORN (18M) llLLEAli IPll<£ MUlUGAN. A rare and valuable .lnltrument It lto61n from• ~. CB) MCM1 "AecPdv Men" < 1911, °'91M) 8illy Splcek, Eno Aollina: ( 1 hr .• 315 rNn.) 11:00(1) WESTERN OUTOOORSMAN e MOVIE "Susan Slade" (1961, Drama) Troy 3! Donahue. Connie Stevens. ~ e ~TERPIECE THEATRE "Flickers" It looks as -4 though Arnie's mO...ie may never be completed --< money runs out and so does its star. (Part 6) Q ( 1 r- hr.) 8 89 GROWING YEARS - CC) MOVIE "The Rules 01 The Game" ( 1939, Ora-~ ma) Marcel Dalio. Nora Gregor. a: D MOVIE "No Nukes" ( 1980, MOsical) Jackson ~ Browne, Crosby. S1ills & Nash. (1hr .. 43 min.) 11:30 8 BASEBALL California Angels at Kansas City ~ Royals (3 hrs.) -< 8 QI THIS WEEK WITH DAVID BRINKLEY "' (J) MOVIE "Oi!orderly Orderly" ( 1964, Comedy) ~ Jerry Lewis. Glend~ Farrell. co I TERRY COLE-WHITI AKER CD CHURCH IN THE HOME "' GROWING YEARS MOVIE "Barry Lyndon" ( 1975, Drama) Ryan O'Neal. Marisa Berenson (3 hrs .. 5 min,) . \l' l lJC\< >< f\. t2:008 SEARCH • MOVIE "Ave Masters Of Death'' ( 1979, Adven- ture) David Chieng. Ti Lung. e LORD MOUNTBA TIEN: A MAN FOA THE CEN- TURY Lord Mountbatten discusses the Independ- ence of India end Pakistan and the resulting violent prolests and massacre among the Hindus and the Muslims. (Part 7) (R) Q ( 1 hr ) 89 GROWING YEARS CS) F001UGHT FRENZV The award winning Low Moan Spectacular comedy troupe performs a hilari- ous revue of show business hie. ( 1 hr . 50 min.) 12:308 DIRECTIONS G MOVIE "Curse Of The Voodoo" ( 1965. Horror) Bryant Halliday, Dennis Price I NEWSMAKERS GROWING YEARS TO CLIMB A MOUNTAIN: JULY '· 1981 Eleven handicapped people, posseSSed by indomitable courage and devotion, dare to challenge 1-'.4 10 foot-high Mt. Rainier. ( 1 hr.) 12:36@ MOVIE "The Thief Of Bagdad" (1940, Fan- 1asy} Sabu. June Duprez. 1:0011 (I) WESTERN OPEN Final round coverage of lhis PGA Tour goll tournament (live from Butler Nahonal Golr Club in Oak Brook. Ill.) (2 hrs.) &MOVIE 0 MOVIE "Female Artillery" ( 1973. Drama) Dennis Weaver, Ida Lupino I ADAM-12 DANGER UXB 'Digging Out" The squad is called out to detonate a bomb in en evacuated factory $art 7) (R) Q (1 hr.) ~CT UNIVERSE MOVIE "The Jazi Singer" ( 1980, Musical) Neil Diamond, Laurence Olivier. II MOVIE "The Turning Point" ( 1977, Drama) Anne Bancroft. Shirley MacLalne ( t hr . 59 min.) 1: 10 (!) KINER'S KORNER 1 :30 (!) MAUDE I AOAM-12 PROJECT UNIVERSE MOVIE ''Saturday The 14th" ( 1981, Comedy) Richard Benjamin, Paula Prentiss. ( 1 hr .. 15 min) 2:00 II GD SPORTSWORLD 16·round WBA junior welterweight championship bout between Aaron Pryor and Aklo Kameda (from Cincinnati, Ohio): Survival of the Fittesl, Part 5, with 1he aerlal obsta- cle course for men (lrom New Zealand): a preview of this year's Tour de France bicycle race: e review of the Wimbledon tennis 1oumament. (2 hrs.) G MOVIE "The Fugitive Kind'' ( 1960, Orama) Marlon Brando, Anne Magnani. (f) THE HAAOY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER~ IES m MOVIE "The Man Inside" ( 1976. Drama) James Franciscus. Stefanie Powers. e MOVIE "The Iron Mistress" ( 1952. AdventureJ Alan Ladd, Virginia Mayo. QI LADY FROM THE SEA Liv Ullmann stars In Hen- rik Ibsen's drama. (2 hrs.) e GEMINI Rl8INQ A rodeo Is seen through the :.es ~~he brink of manhoOd. ~ All-8TAA SPORTS CHALLENGE Hall of Fame Pitchers vs. New Y0tk Yenkees of the 1950's Cl) MOVIE "Battleground" (19<49, Adventure) van Johnson. John Hociak (2 hrs.) 2:30 I Gll.LIQAN'818LANO • AMERICAN 8POfn8MAN In I sclentlflc first, a great whitt Shark Is tagged and tracked down with sophisllcated sonar equ1pmen1; ectr ... Shtlty Hack pert~~· .. In the dartlcio Ind taaaina Of • da~ 5001)0Und Ntpll tiger. (R) ( Hw. f I PROJECT UNMNE HOME AAaNQ WISCLV MOYIE "Fl\le Sumnw St0tlel" (197&) OOcu· ~d'W.7U:."*'.) 16 N Stinday (continued) co O> 2:•5 CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE.FILM SCENE 3:00 II INTERFACE N U MOVIE ' Thi> Old-Fashioned Way· ( 1934. Com· 3 edy) W C Fields Judith Allen ..., i BASEBALL, BUNCH >. SALLY STAUTHERS' WORLD OF LOVE as WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT :g H1ghhgh1s of a second elimination match will be ~ broadcast from Spain ( t hr ) • Qi) PROJECT UNIVERSE gi ct) MOVIE "The Concefl For Kampuchea·· t 1980 _J Musical) Pa11I McCartney. Th() Who ~ ( E) SPORTS CENTER . {H) TWO IN A BOX The mime learn of Robert o Shields And l orone Yarnell sing. dance and perlorm a: m1nie 1n a series ot sketche~ (l ) MOVIE "Kramer Vs. Kramer" ( t979. Drama) Duslin Hoffman. Meryl Slreep (Z, MOVIE "The Ame11canizat1on Ot [m1ly' I 1964. Comedy) James Garner. Julie Andrews. ( l hr , 57 mini 3:30 I) NEWSMAKERS fJ @) WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS Sarne-day cover· age ol lhe F11ecracker "400" stock. car race (from Daytona Beach Fla ) . the finals or the North Amen can Bo>.1ng Champ1onsh1pc; (lrom Las Vegas. Nev J ( t hr . 30 min ) Cl) SERGEANT PRESTON OF THE YUKON '1!) HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS CB~ MOVIE Zorro, The Gay Blade" ( t981, Come· dy) George Ham1llon. Lauren Hu11on ( t hr 33 m1nl_ 3:35@ BASEBALL C1ncinnat1 Reds at Allanla Braves (3 hrs) •:OO I) MOVIE 'Shoot·Oul' ( 197 1 Wes1ern) Gre· ~ry Peck. Pal Ou1nn U SUNDAY Locahon live.from the 4th of July Cel- ebration 1n El Segundo ( 1 hr . 30 min ) Cl) ST AR TREK . O MOVIE "The Incredible Melting Man" ( 1977 Sc1ence·f'.1c11on) Ale>< Rebar, Michael Aldredge (!) ENTEAT AINMENT THIS WEEK ID MOVIE "WUSA" ( 1970. Drama) Paul Newman. Joanne Woodward Q) THE REBELS The adventurous sequel lo "The Ba&lard" by John Jakes is set 1n 1775 as Philip Kent nsl<s his hie as a cap1a1n tn lhe Colonial Army during the Revolu11onary War (Par! 1) (2 hrs ) @ A uOOK AT LIV Aclress Liv Ullman talks about her an and life 11 hr ) fill WALL STREET WEEK "Wall $1ree1 Week's Mid Year Review" (A) ti) MOVIE "S111ke Up The Band" ( 1940, Musical) Judy Garland. Mickey Rooney• 1.1) HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS (E) NASL SOCCER Ft Lauderdale S111kers vs Tulsa Roughnecks (2 hrs ) ) WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Gues1 Andy Gr11l11h 0 MOVIE "Big Wednesday" ( 1978. Drama) Jan Michael Vincenl, William Kati (2 hrs .. 5 min ) 4:30 Ell) WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (R) 6l) HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS (CJ MOVIE "Blow·Up" ( 1966. Myslery) David Hemmings. Vanessa Redgrave (S) MOVIE 'Oliver Twist" ( 1975. Advenl111e) An1 maled (I hr . t5 min) 5:00 D ST AR TREK fJ GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Bobby Riggs" Host Reog1e Jackson ()) M•Al'S•H (!)STRAIGHT TALK @)NEWS @ AFFAIRS OF THE HEART "Mary And Louisa" Henry James' story of a man who comes into lhe IHe of lwo women he had )llled years before ( l hr l fl'i) FIRING LINE 'What Was Special Aboul 1980?" Guest historian Theodore H While. author of America lri Search Of llself The Making Of The President 1956-1980 " ( 1 hr ) ~ HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS (L) MOVIE "Tht> Hideaways" ( 1973. Comedy) Ingrid Bergman. Johnny Doran (01 MOVIE "The Apple Dumpltng Gang Rides ~am" ( 1979. Comedy) Tim Conway, Don Knolls (lJ MOVIE "For Your Eye& Only" ( 198 t. Advert- lurel_ Roger Moore. Topol (2 hrs 5 min l 6:30 tJ CBS NEWS l~~~~s WELCOME BACK. KOTTER MONEYMAKERS VIDEO JUKEBOX 8:009 8 8 NEWS 8 MOVIE "Give 'Em Hell, Harry" ( 1975. Drama) Jl)me& Whitmore The candor Md wtt of Harry $ rruman 1$ porlrayed 1n a ono-man nhow that reveal~ l ne public Md p11va1e charoc1er of the former u S ______ __..,resident. (2 hr&.) STUL IN SPACE -William Shatnercan be seen Sunday evenings at 5 on KTLA (Ch. 5) as Captain James Kirk, commander of the starship Enterprise on "Star Trek." Cl) CBS NEWS 0 AMERICA SCREAMS Vincent Prtce hosls this look at some of the most spectacular rollercoaslers 1n 1he U S ( 1 hr ) I IT IS WRITTEN THE ROCKFORD FILES BEACH BOYS 20TH ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL The great moments and lriumphs of the tegendary roe.I. and roll band include lootage ol their 1980 Wa~.h1nglon, D C concert and exclusive 1n1erv1ews w11h the group members Special guests Glen Campbell. Andy W1thams. Oaryll Dragon ( 1 hr ) Q) THE REBELS Aller being seriously wounded 1n b&tlle. Philip Kenl se111es down 10 c1v1han life as a p11n1er and a family man 1n his new-found coun1ry (Part ?) (2 hrs ) ® ELIZABETH SWADOS "Songs Of Innocence And Experience" A musical piece based on the poems of Wilham Blake following a young bay lrom innocence to e11~11ence ( 1 hr ) fl) LIFE AROUND US ti) NBC NEWS '11) NOVA "Locust War Without End" Filmed 1n furo~ and Africa some ol man's lalesl a11empts 10 rid h1msell.of the locust are exarmned (R) O f I hr ) .(E') AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL Essendon vs Hawthorn ( 1 hr 30 min ) (Hl MOVIE "Seems Like Old Times" ( 1980 Come dyl Goldie Hawn. Chevy Chase A soft-hearted taw- yer is torn between her ho~le~ eJC·husband turned·Oank rabbet and her up11gh1 present hus· band who tS runrn11g lor Caltfornia auorney general 'PG' ( 1 hr 42 min ) \$)MOVIE "On The Righi Track" (1981. Comedy) Gary Coleman. Michael Lembeck A soc1af worker 1ncs 10 find a normal home lor a 11a1n s1a11on shoeshine ooy wllh a 1alent for p1cknig lhe ponies. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 37 m1Q J 8:30 D FIGHT BACK THAT'S HOLLYWOOD fli)NEWS THE WORLD TOMORROW fl'i) MADE IN CHINA A beh1nd·lhe·scenes look is 1aken at the San Francisco premiere ot the 1980 fxh1b111011 of lhe People's Republic ol China leatur 1ng the besl ol China lrom 11s regal past lo 11s com· pelttng ptesent [¢) CINEMAX SHOAT FEATURE 0 MOVIE "Goin' A~" (1981, Comedy) Tony Danza. Joss1ca Waller Three orangutans hold the purse stt1ngs to a S&·milhon 1nherttance. 'PG' ( 1 hr . ?7 min) _ 8:35 'PEACHTREE ROAO RACE HIGHLIGHTS 7:00 Cl) 60 MINUTES II ANIMAL YMPICS Animated The ZOO Nel work covers the Olympic games at Pawprlnl Stad1 um, featuring noarly 100 animal newscasteJs and &tl'llOICS (R) ( 1 ht ) 8 9 CODE REO Danny 1s trapped m • blazing b1.11ld1ng with gang members responsible fc>f selling a sor1es of fires (Rl ( 1 tlr ) I PAUL HOGAN - JIMMY SWAGGART • AN A~ERICAN CELEBRATION: r..E u.e.s. REPIO Tht now 1ir. &ta and SJ)8ce muott.1m, tl'lt USS Intrepid, Is honored in New York harbor by thret mon •• Pres1denta r ord. C.'1er. And Reao-n _...----------'lr'T ;r. -· ·-..._-~---- @THE SONG WAITERS Featured' Larry Ken Bob· b1 Baird and Martha Wnghl ~rlorm some of Burton L a11e·s mos1 popula1 songs ( 1 hr I Ell) ASCENT OF MAN '11) VICTORY GARDEN <C) MOVIE 'Mel intock" ( 1963. Western) John Wayne Mallf PPfl 0 Hara A callle baron llJeS to 11.:ir1Clll' a grouµ ol d1sgrurit1ed Indians and cope with a licry de1P11111ned wife at the !>ame time (2 hrs ) L MOVIE No T1111e For Sergeants" ( 1958 Come· dy) Andy G11ff11h Nick Adam~ A Georgia larm boy 1nduc.1ed 1n10 thi> <.Nv1ce sels the m1hlary ~its ear by Ins refusal 10 Ct1r1fo1m 10 standards ( 1 hr I 10 1 TINTYPES Tiu., Oro,1dway revue pays t11bu1e 10 /.!.111e11c<1's gr.Jw111y µa111s 111 the era between lhe Gay N111et1es ano lhc .-rid ol World War I 11 hr 50 min) 7: 15 (ZJ CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCE'NE 7:30 0) THE MUPPETS '1!) PORTRAITS IN PASTELS IE) HORSE RACING WEEKLY 'Z) MOVIE "Thr Phrinrom Pres1Clen1" ( 1932 Com edy) GPorgp M Cohan. Claudette Colbert A pres1· den11al aspirant pays a look alike entertainer 10 f1ll 1ri tor him on hie; can1n:i1~11 c.irc:u11 I 1 hr . 20 n11n I 7:35@ NEWS 8:00 II (]) ARCHIE BUNKER'S PLACE Archie sabO rages S1ephar11P c; chance 10 go 10 her lirsl dance w11h a popular <..lassrna1e then has to find her a subslttute to rnake c:1me11ds (R) D m CHIPS ThP only w11ness who can 1dent1fy a . freeway bandit is a pathotog1c.al ltar (R) (I hr ) I ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK @) MOVIE 'A Whale For The. K1lhng" ( 1980 Drama) Perer Strauc;;s Richard Widmark A New Yorker stranded on the coast of Newfoundland tighls an en111e community 1n an allempt 10 prevent them from slaughtering a beached whale (A) O (3 hrs) 0 IT IS WRITTEN (!) MORECAMBE & WISE ID MOVIE 'The Man Inside" ( 1976. Drama) James Franc..1scus Stefanie Powers A Royal Cana· d1an Mounted Police undercover agent infrllrates a ma1or c11me syndicate in Toronlo (2 hrs ) Q) AUST AIR COOKE'S AMERICA (3 AFFAIRS OF THE HEART "Mary And Louisa" Henry James· slory of a man who comes into lhe hie of two wornen he had piled years belore. ( 1 hr.) ID NOVA "Aging The Methuselah Syndrome" An examm;i11on of the research being conducted on longevity and the aging process is presenled (A) Q_(thr) m MASTERPIECE THEATRE "Pride And Pre1u dice" When Mr Bmgtey moves into lhe netghbOr· hood Mrs Bennet considers him the rightful proper· ty of one of her live unmarried daughters (Part 1) (A) O ( 1 hr ) (l l SPORTS CENTER (HJ MOVIE · History 01 The World -Part I" ( 1981 Comedy) Mel Brooks. Madeline Kahn Man's 1flus1r1- ous history · from Neanderlhal cavemen to the Span1sn lnqu1c;111on· 1s examined 'A' ( I hr • ~3 min) (I.) MOVIE America. Arnenca' (2 hrs. 30 min) CS1 MOVIE Fame" ( 1980. Drama) Irene Cara. Bar· ry Miller Several gilled students al a New York high c;choot lor the performing arts e><pe11ence vanous c;;etbacks and Sl1ccesses of bolh personal and pro· fess1ona1 na1ures 'PG' (:>hrs. 14 min) 0 MOVIE ·star Trek • The Motion Picture" ( 1979 Sc1ence·f"1c11on) Wiiiiam Sha1ner. Leonard N1moy The lormer commander of lhe U S.S En1erp11se reassembles his old crew and sets off on a mission 10 find tho myslerious vessel respoos1ble for the destruclior1 ol numerous Federalion star- ships 'G' (2 hrs. 12 min.) 8:3011 Cl) ONE DAY AT A TIME Alex causes a "mysterious" lire to break out in his apartment (R) 0 THE WORLD TOMORROW Cf) EVENING AT THE IMPROV 8:35 (U) JERAY FALWELL 9:0011 Cl) ALICE Vera's teen-age hearrthrob enlers her hie again. then disappears leaving her 1n a bit ol trouble (RJ CJ ti) MOVIE "Terror Al Alcatraz" ( 1981, Come- dy) Tom Smothers. Dick Smothefs Two TV news· men try to find Al#Capone's buried rreasure and locale an otCI man who is setttng 011 bombs In San Francisco (2 hrs ) I WILD KINGDOM DA.CHO AGRONSKY ANDCOMPANY ELIZABETH SWAOOS "Songs 01 Innocence And Exper1ence" A muSical p1oce baSed on lhe poems of Wtlham Btal(e lolloWlng a young boy from innocence to ex~rlence ( 1 hf.) fll MASTEAPIECE Tt4EATRE ''Prldo And Preju dice" When Mr 81ng y moves lnto 1he nelghb<>f· hood, Mra Bennet considers him the rightful proper· '>' ol one ot het lmt unmerrltQ daughl41UI.-(Part 1) {fl) 0 (I hr) 9) HANS BETHE: PROPHET OF ENEAQY Nobot P(IZt•wlnnlng physlc1s1 Hw Bttht. 1n •ctvoeate or the P41acelul use of noct~at power. Is Interviewed ( 1 '"' l ., - Sunday ( contir~ued) CC) MOVIE "The High And The MJghty' (1954. Ora- ma) John Wayne. Claire Trevor An airplane with 22 passenyers aboard runs into danger en route 10 San Francisco (2 hrs. 20 min ) {_£) NASL SOCCER Ft LauderO..ile Strikers 11s Tulsa Rcx1ghnecks (2 hrs ) (0' MOVIE "For Your (yes Ortly · ( 1981 Adven- ture) Royer MoorP. Topal James Bond tracks a cr1m111a1 who purlo111ed a top secret B1111sh delense device 'PG (2 hrs 5 min ) lZ MOVIE Aa11y Lyndon' ( 1975 Orama) Ryan O'Neal Marisa Berenson A handsorne c;old1er finds action and romance tn the 18th century B1111sh army_ 'PG' (3 hrs. 5 min I 9:30 U Cl) THE JEFFERSON$ George take«> Ralph me doorman 0111 10 lunch on "Na11onr1I Doorman's Day" and sees Helen W1ll1s w11h another mJn (R) 1J WORLD OF SURVIVAL 0 JACK VAN IMPE Cf) MOVIE ·Ah W1ldernes~·· ( 1935 Comedy) Wall;ice Beery. Mickey Rooney A young t>Oy comes of aye 1n early 20th century Co11nec11cu1 (2 hrs ) (I) NEWS (H) MOVIE "Raggedy Man" ( 1981 Orama) Sissy Sµacek Enc Rober1s In 1944, a telephone operator in a small Texas tqwn sac11hces her standing 1n the community whe-n she has a short affair with a com- bat-bound sa11or 'PG' (1hr .35m1n) 9:35@ OPEN UP 10:001) Cl) TRAPPER JOHN, M.D. Stanley's beloved childhood nanny reunites him with a woman who is supposedly the mQJher he never knew (R) ( 1 hr ) l meNEWS THE WORD FOR TODAY THE SONG WRITERS Featured Larry Ken. Bob- bi Baird and Martha Wright perform some of Burton Lane's most popular songs ( 1 hr ) fD A CAPITOi. FOURTH WITH THE NATIONAL SYMPHONY Mst1Slav Rostropov1ch conducts th(; Na11onal Symphony Orchestra on the mall at the base of the U S Capitol 1n Washington, 0 C in a concert climaxed by "The Stars And Stripes Forev- er" and a hreworks display ( 1 hr ) ~ FLAMBARDS "Edge Qt The Cloud" Wilham gets 10 test fly his first plane to France and Christina 'is promoted to recepJ1onis1 at lhe hotel (Part 6) (q) Q (1 hr) 10:30 iJ LONE RANGER I SPORTS WRAP-UP JIMMY SWAGGART CHARLIE CHAPLIN: THE IMMIGRANT MOVIE "Zorro. The Gay Blade" (1981, Come- dy) Ge01ge Hamilton Lauren Hutton The her01c son of old California's famous 1ust1ce fighter is inca- pacitated by a riding in1ury. forcing his foppish brother to don the cape and mask 'PG' ( 1 hr . 33 min) 0 MOVIE "Wollen" ( 1981. Suspense) Albert Fin- ney. Diane Venora Police are faced with an unusual problem as New York City is invaded by a pack of displaced wolves. 'R' ( 1 hr . 55 min ) 10:35@ MOVIE "Mr Smith Ga.>s To Washington" ( 1939, Comedy) Jean Arthur. James Stewart An innocent. naive man unw1111ngly becomes a senator and gets 1nvot11ed with a controversial poht1c1an (2 hrs . 50 min) 10:"51 SUNDAY SPORTS PAGE 11:00 II fJ CJ)@)&) NEWS I PACESETTERS ALL GOO'S CHILDREN Millions ot the world's children ltve in a detica1e balance between life and death, hope and despair ( 1 hr) aJ JERRY FALWELL @AFFAIRS OF THE_ HEART "Mary And Louisa" Henry James' story of a man who comes into the hie ol lwo women he had 111ted years before ( 1 hr.) fl) SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene S1sk- el review "MegAtorce" and "Blade Runner " (A) SPORTSWOMAN MEN AT WORK: NO HOLDS BARRED 11: 15 9 CBS NEWS (0) MOVIE "Cheaper To Keep Her" ( 1980. Come- dy) Mac Davis. Tovah Feldshuh In order to meet his alimony payments. a recently divorced private deteclive tracks down delinquent husbands for a d1ll0rce lawyer. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 32 min) 11:301) SPORTS FINAL U 700 CLUB Guests: opthalmotog1st Delores Arnold. former rock 'n' roll en1ertalner Reggie Vin- son ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) I ABC NEWS WEEKEND SPORTS WRAP-UP LIFE OF RILEY MOVIE "ts Paris Burning?" ( 1966. Drama) Leslie Caron. Orson Welles Just prior to the ht>er- at1on. the occupying Nazis plan to burn Paris to cov- er !heir retreat (2 hrs ) (I) TALES Of THE UNEXPECTED &) MOVIE "Fast Charlie. The Moonbeam Rider" ( 1979. Adventure) David Carradine. Brenda Vac- caro A World War I veteran 1n nPed of cash enters a no-hold5.·b::irred transcontinental molorcycle race (RJ (:>hrs) (.CJ MOVIE "Hondo" ( 1954, Western) John Wayne, Geraldine Page A cavalry dispatch rider encounters a woman and her son, an Apache chief's blood b1other ( 1 hr., 25 mm.) SPORTS CENTER TWO IN A BOX The mime team ot Robert Shields and Lorene Yarnell sing. dance end perform mime m a seues of sketches. 11:4511 THE ROCKFORD FILES D MOVIE "Fast Charlie. The Moonbeam Rider" ( 1979. Adventure) David Carradine, Brenda Vac- caro A World War I veteran In need of cash enters a no-holds-barred transcontinental motorcycle race (fl) (2 hrs ) fJ MOVIE "Stand Up And Be Counted" ( t972. Comedy) Jacqueline Bisset. Stella Stevens The act10ns of a womer'l's llbber create problems 1n sev- eral relallonshlps (2 hrs ) 12:00()) STAR TREK (f) MOVIE "Floods Of Fear" ( 1959. Mystery) How- i)rd Keel. Anne Heywood. A convicted killer on the lam manages to become a hero, pr(>Ve his inno- cence and win romance during a disastrous flood. i hrs.) ' MISSION: IMPOSSlBLE MOVIE "Westward Ho" ( 1935, Weswn) John Wayne. Sheila Mannors. A cowboy learns lhat 1he leader of a gang whO murdered his parents Is his own brother ( 1 hr ) 9 ELIZABETH SWAOOS "Songs Of Innocence And Experience" A musical piece based on the poems ol W1111am Blake following a young bOy from innocence 10 experience ( 1 hr.) MOVIE "Zouo, The Gay Blade" ( 198 1, Come- dy) George Hamilton. Lauren Hutton The herOtC son ot old Calilorn1a's famous 1ustice fighter Is Inca- pacitated, by a riding 1n1ury. f<><clng his foppish Animal power -...--.----.-... The weightlifter I van Diseven tsky is one o f the fig ures featured in th e a nima t ed s p ec i a l , "Anim al y mpics," to be broadC8.St Sunday at 7 p.m . on KNBC (Ch. 4). broLher 10 don the cape and mask ·po· ( 1 hr . 33 rnm) (J.1 MOVIE "The Valley" ( 1972, Orama) Bulle Ogier. Michael Gothard A wealthy woman travels to New Guinea in search of native artifacts tor her Paris boutique ( 1 hr . 40 min ) 12:05 ($) FOOTLIGHT FRENZY The award winning Low Moan Spectacular comedy troupe performs a hilarious revue of show business hie ( 1 hr . 50 min 12: 15 ) CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE 12:30 AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL Essendon vs Hawthorn ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 0 MOVIE "Raging Bull" ( 1980, Biography) Rob· ert De Niro. Cathy Monarty Boxing champion Jake La Motta's aptitude tor violence brings him success 1n the ring but disrupts his personal lite 'A' (2 hrs , 8 min) (Z) MOVIE "Three Into Two Won't Go" ( 1969. Ora - ma) Rod Ste1ge1. Claire Bloom The appearance ot a promiscuous young woman upsets the settled existence ot a middle-aged couple ( 1 hr • 33 min ) 12:45 II NAME OF THE GAME CID MOVIE "The Concert For Kampuchea" ( 1980. Musical) Paul McCartney. The Who A hosl of rock performers. many of whom get together 1n an all- star rock orchestra, are featured in this record of a series of concerts held tor lhe benefit ol relief to war-ravaged Cambodia. ( 1 hr . 20 min ) 1:00 '8 TEEN SCENE @THE SONG WRITERS Featured· Larry Kert. Bob· b1 Baird and Martha Wright perform some of Burton Lane's most popular songs. ( 1 hr.) ~ MOVIE "Ouadrophenia" ( 1979. Drama) Phil Daniels Mark Wingell Music by The Who A Br111sh youth re1ec1s lhe values of his family tor the "free- dom" ot the Mods. only to discover that lh1s new social group is even more constricting 'R' ( 1 hr . 55 1 :;Sn~ MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 1:300 ABC NEWS fl) NEWS 1:40 MINSKY'S FOLLIES Phyllis Diller. Rip Taylor and Stubby Kaye 1om the ll:Ainsky Burlesque Troupe for a revue leatunng baggy-pants comedy. strip· tease and pr0duct1on numbers ( 1 hr ) 1:<&611 AT ONE Guest David Carradine ( 1 hr) 2:00(() NASL SOCCER Ft Lauderdale Strikers vs Tulsa Roughnecks (2 hrs) CSl MOVIE "Firecracker" ( 1981 . Adventure) J1111an Kessner Darby Hinton A female martial arts teach- er travels to the Quent 1n search of her m1ss1ng sis- ter 'R' (I hr • 25 min ) 2:06 (f) NEWS (%) MOVIE "The Magee Flute" ( 1975, Muslcal) Jo~el Kosthnger. lqna Urrlla A prince and his faith· .... -..,1vORCE MEDIATION---.l .. IEl*~aPmUcm:m:lm:Lml11C~1l~O:m:T:a:llCmaEa:1*mm:1111~-J-a•m•e•s-L•. ·Z-im-m•e•r·m-an-...... A NON·COM8ATIVE PROCESS Certified Publlc Accountant COUNSELOR-ATTORNEY TE.AM •so CASH REBATE or 100/o off our regular price REASON.ABLE COST FOR FURTHER IN~O If YoU OWl'I • holne con11ructtd ~ 2/22175, Meted end ~ "" So. Cel. Get Co .• ~·,. tllOIOlt tot '~ llMnGnt Ill low ~ •• ~. Otl ""~ Of toO eq. It. °' "'°'' Of R-111 lnMttlOll wtlldl wt1 llf1n9 "" .m1re llOCtttlblt 1t11C .,.. up to t11-1t ltendwda. Thlt lftOn9r Nell °"" le good Otl INulrt1lon ~ 1191_, 41tfl2 IM IN/12 Oft1tN ~. ~ f//T r98Clnded by "* compeny pttot pufJllc '*'-· 40% Cellf ...... encl 14% ,.., ..... cndlls "'"· ...... llTLIF 141~111 Fu11a n9eof personallz.~d proftssl~ services tor small businesses & Individuals • IN~ TAX "'~l'A9'ATION a PLANNING • SYITllll WllGN a INSTAUATICMt • COllPUTDIZEO '1NANCW. ~TING I I I J t I I I ' I 3 3 ) I I ~ 18 l • N ·~ (rontinued) ! ful companion set out to rescue a damsel in distress ~ from the clutches of an evil sorcerer. 'G' (2 hrs .. 15 ~ mini :1 2:16 NEWS ..., 2:30 TODA Y'S RELIGION ~ Cf) MORNING STRETCH ~ ® rrs YOUR BUSINESS -c 2:35 (8) MOVIE "High Risk" (1981, Adventure) u. James Brolln, Cleavon Lillie. A trio of greedy friends ...J~ plot the robbery ol a million dollars from a South American drug dealer 'A' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 2:"68 NEWS ~ D MOVIE "Big Wednesday" ( 1978. Ot'ama) Jan-§ Michael Vincent. William Katt. Three California boys enjoy the surf and sand until they begin to realize 0: that there's more to life than waxing down their boards. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 5 min.) 2:55(C) MOVIE "A Fistful Of Dynamite" (1972. Adventure) James Coburn, Rod Steiger. An Irish revolutionary and a Mexican thief who team up 10 rob banks somehow wind up being heroes of the Mexican revolution. (2 hrs. 20 min.) 3:00 U NEWSMAKERS ~~FRANKLIN 3:30 8 INTERFACE Cl) WACK'< WORLD OF JONATWAN WINTERS Guest: Andy Griffith 4:00 CJ) JIMMY SWAGGART (E) SPORTS CENTER (I) MOVIE "Fame" ( 1980. O<ama) Irene Cara. Bar- ry Miller. Several gifted students at a New York high school for the performing arts expenence vanous setbacks and successes of both personal And pro- fessional natures. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 14 min.) 4:05@ FUNTIME 4:10(8) MOVIE "Seems Like Old Times" (1980. Comedy) Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase. A sott·hear1- ed lawyer is torn between her hopeless ex-husband- turned-bank robber and her uptight present hus- band who is running for California attorney general. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 42 min.) 4:20(%) MOVIE "Happy Birthday To Me" ( 1980, Horror) Melissa Sue Anderson, Glenn Ford. As mur- der begins chopping away at her circle of elitist friends. a prep school senior worries that she may be the next victim ·· or possibly the killer 'A' ( 1 hr .. 48 min.) Gear y's 'than k y o us' bri ng criticism By LYNDA HIRSCH Thunderous a pplause from the Waldorf- Astoria as Tony Geary picked up an Emmy as best daytime actor for 1981, rushed to the stage and proceeded to thank three very special ladies in his professional life: Gloria Monty, "General Hospital" producer; Jacklyn Veman, who portrayed his sister Bobbie; and Genie Francis, who was, of courae, Laura. Some quarte.rs have come down on Tony, who literally can't seem to win for losing, for hia quick a nd loud thank-yous. The charges are unfaJr. During the entire show winners were chastiled off the air for tak:ina too much time to say thank you. One receiver Who gave an eloquent acceptance speech, which ran over the one-minute time limit by 20 aeconda, waa held ~naible openly for the axing of two on..air p.retentaUona. WeU, winni.na an Emmy is important, and lf a pen10n wants to take a little time to thank a few people, why not? Every other award show runs over, but not the Daytime Emn\ya. U they don't want them to run over, they should allot two hours for the show instead of an hour and a half. A. one winner proclaimed. "Thia la the greatest moment of my life. and all rm allowed to aay Is thank you." We say kudos for Tony'a llClOeptance and boo to thc9e who can't let a winner be. Kudos a.i.o for Stew BoolMar, talented husband of Dml8e Pence (KaUe, ''GWdina u,bt"), who cboreotP'aphed the dellabtful openina routine for the F.mn\ys. Fol~ow1ng the Emmy festivities Harriett ~ the l\&ktinc force behbad SoaPI Alive, and 12 Koch. the ,wdlnc ma.,w .I New York City, lhrew a party foe tbouaanda at Manhaltan'a MIOque. 1be -crowd included IUCh winners • I>cnch1 L~ <Op.I. .. All .. I!~.:MY o.ry °' "'Ow'al Bo.dtal"· nomlnea tike Dlrnel1 WUU.. ();,· .. AD M.y '"); n.,. 8beeba (Joe, ~ ~")· Jun. Mitd.11 ~· "AD _My OdldND">; ~ ..._ .. AD My~"); plul:ar.: 1UCb • •AD y auldnn'~ 001 wOGD9 TIME CHECK -Jon-Erik Hexum (right) plays Phineas IJbgg, a time cop who helps to straighten out history, and young Meeno Peluce plays the orphan Jeff, who leaves the world of 1982 to join Bogg on his uncharted odyssey through time in "Voyagers!," Sunday evenings at 7 p.m. this fall on · KNBC (Ch. 4). UPS AND DOWNS -Th.le love doesn'r alwaya run anoothly on CBS's popular daytime aenei, 'Gu/ding L16ht. ''Jerry ver Dom and Emmy Award w1nner Jane Elliott, Bo. and Oune Marler on tbe sbow, have tee11 their nuuTlage tom •J».11 becau.te of Olnie'• menW llJ..nea ''Gt.l.ldina Light" ia aeen ~daJ'S at 2 p.m. on KNXT (Ch. 2). Gillian Spencer Monique Juaed up the ~t a1ona with Petet-8ef1m.an (Cl11l, 0 All My OlllclNn") anCl Fnmk Bunyeon, ln white tie and tai.11 (Stew, .. ,.. the World Tuma"). A host ot. writers from the variow 90ap lhowl were there, • were oocn. ot. atan from "Texu," "Al &be World Turn., .. ~''*Ill· UDt' wl "~'1 Hope." ID t.d, the ..... ~o1.., ..... r..w.-. Jr. __ _..... ___ _ ABC parades its 'Stars of Tomor row' By JERRY BUCK lllT......,.Wrttw HOLLYWOOD -The ABC Television Ne twork, reaching back to the old days of Hollywood, unveiled its new young ta.lent program and presented its first "Stars of Tomorrow." ABC also pulled out all stops for an introduction Tuesday remi.n.l.lcent of all the h ype and hoopla Hollywood is famous for: The young "Stars of Tomorrow," whom ABC hopes to place in its prime-time series, daytime soap operas anq TV movies, were paraded before the press at Chasen's Restaurant, a favorite of the Hollywood establishment. There, amid microphones, flashing lights and a phalanx of camaramen , Gary L. Pudney, ABC's vice president in charge of talent, said, "ABC has established a valuable resource for the future." The 12 young aspiring actors we.re selected after a hunt that took ABC's talent scouts to New York, San .Franci8co, Chic.ago and Atlanta A talent search is not new, nor is it unique to ABC. A.BC set up its own program three years ago but this is the first time it. has fonnallz.ed It under a title or named any of its new talent "Stars of Tomorrow." It is similar to the contract player system that the motion picture studios maintained until recent years. F.arlier this year, Universal became the last to shut down its system when it ended its contract with actress Sharon Gless, who was the last one under contract. John James, a star of ABC's "Dynasty," who was diacovered two years ago, said, "This program gives actors an opportunity to grow and learn their craft In the medium of the future, television. ABC has picked up where the-old studios left off." John Crosby, ABC executive for casting, said, "All the8e young people have few or no credits, but they do have one thing in common and that is their s tar potential." Crosby said A.BC would pay each performer a retainer fee and encourage them to work as much as possible to gain experience and exposure. As if the awards and parties weren't enough. "Us" magazine sponsored a Soap Stars Against Leukemia benefit at the Sheraton Center. Over 500 fans showed up and got to talk to "Capitol" stars Connie Towers, Carolyn Jones, Ed Nelson and Marsha Clark (who did a comedy routine), and Frank Runyeon from "As the World Tums." And it was great. James Herran did an exotic strip and Tony Geary showed up to show his appreciation and egg the fans on. - ACCORDING TO HIGH SoURCES at CBS. Jane Eliot was not let go; her contract simply was not renewed. Are they playing with semantics? Not really. • When Jane came on the show a ~ago she insisted on only a &ix-month · pact. ter and Gamble and CB.5 agreed to that. Jane then decided she wanted to stay another six months only, agaln insisting no longer than that amount of time. According t.o P&G and CBS, they decided to take Jane at her word aa to how long she wanted to stay. They alao felt her storyline was over. Jane doesn't agree. and u we mentioned in anothe r column, neither did Doug Marland, who we understand was so angry over the issue he considered leaving "Guiding Light" as head writer. However, it has been pointed out that it was Jane who originally insisted on the six-montha.-<>nly contract, and each time she would stay no longer than thaL Would Jane have aareed to stay longer? You bet. But the people who do the h1riJ18 took Jane on. her original lix-montha-<>nly word. "Whatever the rea.>1\11 for Jane's departure, she was an Important part of the show, and lt la too bad that arranaementa could not have been made to stretch out her contract ODCl!. apin. Q: OW IM wrlten of "0.Yt ef O.r Lint" p.o die Mc man ud decide Mt te et1t Marteu on •• &o tM ........ ..UT -J.K., Youptewa, OIL A:. 'Ibe mall protest helped but ft had noOWw to do with Marlena'• twtn ..... belna the vlcttro ~ the Salem Stranal«. '11'8 ahow had aftedy been lhot lt'ben the ca1Ja cmlle~ , It WU 81Deel ~ tridt _and they lt off. It wm . t.dnatina that Ibey Ulld Hall'• real-lit. mnor twin to.-, tn. YtdbD -ot coune, AndNa w ._.,., ,...,.. on tht lhow • few ,..n ..,_ Monday .\ I< >I { \' I \'( ; .\I< >\. I LS 5:000 "No Nukes" ( 1980. Musical) Jackson Browne. Crosby: Stills & Nash. . 5:20~ "Hondo" ( 1954, Western) John Wayne. Geraldine Page 8:00(8) "Give Me Liberty" ( 1974. Adventure) Rob· ett Culp, Richard Kiley 8:06 @ "Our Very Own" ( 1950. Drama1 Ann Blyth, Far~ Granger 8; 15 CZ) "For Your Eyes Only" ( 1981. Adventure) Air Moore. Topol 8:30 "The Shogun Warriors Ga1king" Animated 8:00 "Agatha" ( 1979. Mystery) Ouslln Hollman, Vanessa Redgrave 00 "On The Right Track" ( 1981. Comedy) Gary Coleman. Michael Lembeck. 0 "Airplane•" ( 1980. Comedy) Robert Hays, Julie Ha~ty 9:05(1!) "Aide The Wild Suri" ( t964. Drama) Fabian, Shelley Fabares 9:30 (%) "This Island liarth" ( 1955. Science-Fiction) Jeff Morrow, Faith Domergue ):OO CC) "Inside Moves" (1980, Orama) John Sav- ~e. David Morse CHJ "Search And Destroy" ( 1981. Adventure) Perry King. Don Stroud (I) "Norman. ts That You?" ( 1976, Comedy) • Redd Foxx. Pearl Bailey ·(%) "The Magic Flu te" ( t975. Musical) Josef Kos- lli"9!.'. Irma Umla >:06 <!.Zl "Gunman's Walk" ( 1958. Western) Van Heflin. Tab Hunter ):300 "The Late Show" ( 1977. Mystery) Art Car- ney. Lily Tomlin 1:30(1) "Star Trek -The Motion PictU<e" ( 1979, Sctenc&-Fictlon) Wilham Shatner, Leonard Nimoy. \I l l .H :"< >< >:" .\I< )\ · 1 LS .ooa "The Man With A Cloak" (1951, Mystery) Joseph Cotten. Barbara Stanwyck e "Marshal Of Madrid" ( 1972. Mystery) Glenn Ford. Ed~arBuchanan e "Bright Leaf" ( 1950. Drama) Gary Cooper. Lauren Bacall · CC) "The Wrong Arm 01 The Law" ( 1963. Comedy) Peter Sellers. Lionel Jeffries 15(%) "Hangar 18" ( 1980, Sc1ence-F1c t1on) Dar- ren McGavin. Robert Vaughn. 30 CID "Tess" (1979. Orama) Nastass1a KtnSk1, Peter Firth. :30 ~ "Union C1ly" 'PG' ( 1 hr , 25 min) OO (f) "Tony Rome" ( 1967. Drama) Frank Sina- tra. Jill St John CD "Ordinary People" ( 1980. Orama) Mary Tyler Moore, Donald Sutherland. 0 "Star Trek --The Motion Picture" ( t979. Sci- ence-Fiction) William Shatner. Leonard N1moy Cl) "f;or Your Eyes Only'' ( 1981. Adventure) Roger Moore. T opol .30(8) "Goin' Ape" ( 1981, Comedy) Tony Danza, Jessica Walter (I) "The ShOQun Wamors Gaik1ng" Animated 'EWl'ORT DATSU# HOU ¥WOOD SAGA -Morgan Brittany and &I Winter star as Vivien .Leigh and Clark Gable, the two st.ars who won the covet.eel roles in "Gone With the Wind," in a repeat broadcast of "Moviola: The Scarlett O'Hara War" Monday at 9 p.m. on K.NBC (Ch. 4). 4:00 O "Border Incident' ( 1950. Drama) Ricardo Montalban, George Murphy. 4:30 0 "The Apple Dumpling Gang" ( 1975. Come· ~y) Bill Bixby. Susan Clark (l) "Two English Girls" ( 1971, Drama) Jean-Pierre Leaud. Kika Markham 5:00 CID "Give Me Liberty" ( 1974. Adventure) Rob- ert Culp. Richard Kiley 5:05@ "Father Goose" ( 1965. Comedy) Cary Grant, Leslie Caron 5:30 (I) "Where The Spies Are" ( 1966. Suspense) David Niven. Franc01se Dorleac 6:0011 D •NEWS D STARTREK ())CBS NEWS Q THESAINT Cf) MOVIE "The Man In The Gray Flannel Suit" ( 1956, Drama) Gregory Peck, Jennifer Jones A Madison Avenue executive searches his past and present for lhe meaning and purpose ol his exis- tence. (3 hrs ) I ABC NEWS S.W.A.T. THE SEEKERS Abraham Kent refuses to accept WALTER J. LEDERGERBER, M. 0 . ANNOUNCES THE OPENING OP HIS PRACTICE OF • GENERAL OTOLARYNGOLOGY EAR SURGERY AND FACIAL PLASTIC SURGERY AT U961 CALU! DI! LA MACiOAUNA SUIT! .CIO LACUNA HIU.S CALIPOkNtA 9l6H (114) 1)0·1)00 )llU COA$T HJOHYAY wm '' SOUTH LAGUNA KACH CAUl'O•NIA J2617 ('J••> .,,_nf4 . ----....--------l { . .-........ ______ _ Q 0 a ·0 att 'SSC, 0 $dC '°CSEC 0d ·0 a ·'t ''GOC 0 Stdrtttttt1,--·~· the respons1b1hly of the Kent dynasty and leaves .Boston to seek his lortune in the Northwest Territo-~ i (Parr 1) (2 hrs ) 0 NBC NEWS ~ - HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS ~ CC) MOVIE "The Hustler Of Muscle Beach" ( 1980. < Drama) Richard Hatch, Kay Lenz. A smallhme hus-I) lier contrives a scheme 10 turn a stow-witted ama-co teur into a world class body-building cha~on ( 1 "" hr .. 35 min) ~ 6:1301 c s EBALL ~ CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT c.... AMERICAN GOVERNMENT c SNEAK PREVIEW Host Leonard Harns looks at -<: the movies, specials and sports events coming up N on Home Box Office .... 0 MOVIE "Girls On The Beach" ( 1 hr , 30 min ) ~ Cl) MOVIE "The Americanization Of Emily" ( 1964, N Comedy) James Garner, Julie Andrews. Romance grows between a British war widow and a non-hero- ic officer assigned to provide his superiors with lhe luxuries of home. ( 1 hr., 57 min.) 7:0011 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS STAR TREK P.M. MAGAZINE A company that stages Old West stunt productions: a man who handcrafts flags and flagpoles I KOJAK M"A"S"H THE NEW STORYTELLERS Featured· Jackie Torrence from North Carolina tells the ghosl story. "Buried Ahve'."' I Cl) BUSINESS REPORT THE MUPPETS ELTON JOHN PLAYS CENTRAL PARK The popular rock superstar of the '70s performs many ol his smash hits tn an electrifying concert in the park i_! hr.) (]J MOVIE "The Purple Taxi'' ( 1979, Comedy) Fred Astaire. Chartorte Ramphng A 51mple lrrsh country doctor unw1lhngly takes on a new and rich clientele which hnds his old whiskey remedies unac· ceptable. 'A' ( 1 hr , 43 mm.) ©)MOVIE "The Mysterious Stranger" ( 1982, Fan- tasy) Chris Mal<epeace, Fred Gwynne. A day· dreaming Missouri boy fancies an encounter with an angel of dubious origin 1n medieval Austria ( 1 hf , 30min) 7:20@ NEWS 7:308 2 ON THE TOWN Featured· a v1s1t to Napa Valley. a report on the leuding Mondav1 brothers, both of whom have wineries: the mudbalhs at Cahs- ~; a family-run winery U THIS WAS AMERICA (J) TIC TAC DOUGH tDM0 A0 S0 H 9 StGNA TORE Guest Richard Allen fD MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT fl) FAMILY FEUD Ci) EVENING AT POPS "King Singers" John Wtl· Iiams and the Boston Pops Orchestra are Joined by lhe King Singers. six harmonizing young Englishmen whose repertoire ranges from Renaissance ballads to Randy Newman tunes. ( 1 hr.) (£)ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE 1978 Califor- nia Angels vs. New York Yankees World Series Stars CS) LAFF-A-THON A comedian host and four comic contestants who compete against one another are =i: -~-• ..,a --71\~ 111 llAIE 1111 Alln& Time: 7:00 P.M. -July 8, 1982 -Thursday Inspection: 5:30 P.M. to Sale Time · LOCATION: THE HOLIDAY INN, COST A MESA At 405 And Bristol across the Freeway Juat So. of South Coast Plaza Prtm.111y U.S. Coins -Owr 400 Lota Meny OokS .nd S..... ptec:es. TheN fine --.,. eY8l6abte '°' your lnepectlon Jutt prior to the euc:tlon. WE IECOllEI>: Buy .._ -._ ..t Geld c.. ...... be m..tl Con11onm..-it1 Encoureged-lnV.lfmtnt F,..~-C..: (714) --27114-7 P.11. ., Or Wrfte 1_o: EilDRIDD IUCTIDIS • . -.. --........ -- '~Monday (continued) ~ featured In this uncensored comedy game show. 8:008 Cl) PRIVATE BENJAMIN Judy's secret admirer mistakenly treats captain Lewis to a mid· ~ht serenade over the loudspeaker (R) N :?:-;:, -, > CD "O -c:: LL 8' ...I ·~ -.2 a: U tm LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE Carohne faces an agonizing decision when she agrees to help a ch1ldh~ fnend whose illness threatens !he Ille or her nellft>orn baby (R) Q ( t hr ) I STAR TREK MOVIE ··Assignment. Munich" ( 1972, Mystery) Richard Basehart. Roy Scheider The government Is assisted by a saloon owner in recovertng stolen gold during World War II. (2 hrs) • P.M. MAGAZINE A company that stages Old West stunt productions; ltnd true love through the mail. ti) THE SEEKERS After the degradation of Abra- ham. the Kent family looks upon Jarod as an out- cast, f0<c1ng him 10 flee Boston as his father had done a decade before him. (Part 2) (2 hrs.) @ MIXED BAG "Inside. Outside" A look at who's making it and dlstr1but1on in the in<;lependent film market. (Part 2) • EVENING AT POPS "King Singers" John Wil- liams and the Boston Pops Orchestra are 1oined b)' the King Singers. six harmonizing young Englishmen whose repertoire ranges from Renaissance ballads 10 Randy Newman tunes. ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "Boulevard Nights" ( 1979, Drema) Richard Yniguez. Danny De La Paz. A Chicano youth unexpectedly rebels against the standards and traditions ot his neighborhood gang In ordef to tultill his own desire to get married and help his trou- ble-plagued younger brother avoid self-destruction. 'A' ( 1 hr., 42 min.) (£)SPORTS CENTER 00 MOVIE "Wolfen" (1981, Suspense) Albert An- ney. Diane Venora. Police are laced with an unusual problem as New York City is invaded by a pack of displaced wolves. 'R' ( 1 hr . 55 min.) (O)ONVlEW Cl) MOVIE "Doctor Zhivago" ( 1965. Orama) Omar Sharif, Geraldine Chaplin Two lovers struggle amidst the spirit and passions of the Russian Revo- lution. (3 hrs . 20 min.) II MOVIE "Airplane!" (1980, Comedy) Robert Hays, Julie Hagerty. Afte< an airliner's crew falls to food poisoning, a nervous former war pilot 1£ pressed into service and must contend with on· board hysteria. a secretive control tower and cliche· filled memones. 'PG' ( 1 hr • 30 min ) 8:20@ ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:308 Cl) WKRP IN CINCINNATI The stall at WKRP is asked to join a union when the station's rating~ climb lo tOlh place. (R) GI SINGLE'S MAGAZINE An interview with ex-foot ball player Bubba Smith: a comic interlude with Maureen Murphy: "How To Kiss With Confidence." @ THE POTIING SHED A man unable to remem- ber why he was reiected by his family finds It dlftlcult to feel emotion. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) Gi) GREAT PERFORMANCES From Vienna's famed Musikverein, Leonard Bernstein conducts the Vien- na Philharmonic in Gustav Mahler's Symphony No 5. ( 1 hr . 30 min.) (%) MOVIE "For Your Eyes Only" ( 198 t, Adven- ture) Roger Moore. Topol. James Bond tracks a criminal who purl01ned a lop secret British defense device 'PG' (2 hrs . 5 min.) 8:50 (ll) MOVIE ··Damn The Defiant" ( 1962. Orama) Alec Guinness, Dirk Bogarde. During the campaign against Napoleon. a Brlttsh sailing vessel. the H.M S Defiant, becomes the scene ol en Internal power struggle between a captain and his lieuten- ant _J2 hrs., 5 min.) 9:009 Cl) M•A•s•H Whileo Hawkeye and 9.J. are laboring over a wounded. expectant cow. Hot Ups struggles to remove obstacles to an eagerly awaited f.!P to Tokyo (R) U e MOVIE "Moviola The Scarlett O'Hara War" ( 1980. Orama) Tony Curtis. Morgan Brittany Motion pl<:ture producer David 0 Selznick launches a massive search tor lhe aclress to portray the heroine of "Gone With The Wind:· (A) (2 hrs.) I STAR TREK 9 BEST Of THE WEST An eleetion for marshal is held and Sam '9SeS his jOb to Parker Tillman's hanO-plcked candidate. (A) Cf) PAUL HOGAN e MERV GRtfffN Guests: Jack Klugman. Thelma Houston, Leonid and Valentina Koslov. Jack Strauss. ( 1 hr.) • GREAT PERFORMANCES From Vienna' a tamed Muslk:ve<eln. Leonard Bemsteln condUets the Vien· na Phllhermoolc In Gustav Mahler's Symphony No. 5. (1 hr . 30 min.) {() AUTO RACING "CART Budweiser -Cleveland 500'' (S tn.) ([)MOYIE "A Kind 01 lOVing" ( 1982. Orama) Alan Aata, June Ritchie. A teritl of MCtet lowfl' meet- lt'QI mull• in • thotgun W9ddlreg ~ • dismal day· ~~y _tNlrrled ~ for a haplea couple. (2 hrs.) Clll THE OOlOIN AGE 0# TILIVlllON .. Requiem • ----~._..-. ----- RENOWNED MAl!'8l'IW -World famous conductor L«nard Bernstein conducta t.he Mahler Symphony No. 5 on "Grear PerfQrmances" Monday at 7:30 p.m . on KOCE (Ch. 50). For A Heavyweight" Originally produoed as part ol CBS's Playhouse 90 series, this teledrama starring Jack Palance grves a gllmpse into the shabby world of prize!!.ghtlng ( 1 hr , 30 min ) 9:30 8 Cl) HOUSE CALLS An emouonalty troubled . patient who thinks he has heart problems Insists on bringing In a group of specialists who agree with the ~tient's diagnosis. (R) 8 MOVIE "Blue Hawaii" ( 1962, MuSIC81) Elvis Presley, Angela Lansbury When a soldief returns to his Hawanan home, he takes a rob with a tounst bureau against the advtee ol his parents. ( t hr . 30 min.) (!) MOVIE "The Enchanted Cottage" ( t945, Ora· ma) Robert Young, Dorothy McGuire. Two unhappy people fall in love hoping 10 escape their loneliness l hr . 30 min.) YOU ASKED FOR rT MOVIE "The Kids Are Alright" ( 1979. Musical) The Who. Films of some of the rock band's perfor- mances, revealing their notorious proclivity for destroying their equipment and lhe wild antics of their drummer. the late Keith Moon. are interspersed with interviews of the group members 'PG' ( 1 hr , 46 min.L 10:00 B Cl) LOU GRANT Stortes on child pornogra- phy and a daring rescue attempt raise the issue of how far a reporter should go to get a story (R) ( 1 hr) l ammNEWS BARNEY MILLER THE NEW STORYTELLERS Featured· Jackie TOfrence from North Caroline tells the ghost story. ''Buried Ahve." Ii) C~SLER: ONCE UPON A TIME. •• ANO NOW Key ll.IJning potnls in the company's history. from Walter P Chrysler's takeover 1n 1923 10 Its current position 1n the world auto Industry under Lee lacoc- ca, are chronicled ( 1 hr ) CC) MOVIE "Agatha" (t979. Mystery) Dustin Hoff· man, Vanessa Redgrave In London in 1926, an American newspaper reporter meets and becomes tn'tlolved with famed mystery writer Agatha Chrlslie, who has lell her unfaithful husband 'PG' ( I hr . 40 min) CID MOVIE "For Your Eyes Only" (198 t. Adven- ture) Roger Moore, Topol. James Bond tracks a criminal who purloined a top secret British defense device. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 5 min) 10:30 OJ) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT I = TURE Guest Richard Allen FESTIVAL Of HANDS: THE ROAD TO COAOO- BA Chila Rivera appears with members of the National Theatre of the Deaf In a surrealistic journey based on the work or poet F Ga1cia Lorca (0) OAVID STBNBEAG IN CONCERT David Stein- burg performs In a concer1. taped at York University In Toronto with special guest John Candy. ( 1 hr.) tCU6 ~CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE ALM SCENE 10:66~ MOVIE "The Ugly Amtflcan'· (1963. Cb - ma) Merion Brando, 8)1 C>Qdl An Idealistic ambassador to e SoulheH I Asian republic It corr fronted with hostility In "" host nation. (2 hrt .. 35 11ilK'fM NEW8 I YOU ASKED FOR rT JOE FAANKU~ • M*A*S*H BENNY HILL MIXED BAG "Inside, Outside" A look at who's making 11 and dlstrtbut1on 1n the 1ndependen1 film market (Part 2) ~ otCK CAVETT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE MOVIE ··Maid In Sweden" ( 1 hr . 30 mtn ) MOVIE "This Island Earth" ( 1955. Sc1enoe-Fic· lion) Jell Morrow. Faith Domergue. A war between the worlds is loughl involving two Amencan scien- 11s1s ( 1 hr . 27 min ) 11:3011 Cll QUINCY 0Utncy IS SUSPICIOUS when a famous actress 1s allegedly killed by a pair of bur- ~rs. (R) ( 1 hr , 10 min ) U G> tONIGHT Guest host· David Brenner Guests Elizabeth Ashley, Ricardo Montalban, Al Jarreau ( 1 hr ) D o:I ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE 8 MOVIE "Border Incident' ( 1950. Drama) Rtear- do Montalban. George Murphy An 1mm1gra1ton agent is used as a decoy to trap traders allempting to smuggle slaves over the U S -Mexican border (2 hrs) I THE JEFFEASONS LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE THE POTIING SHED A man unable to remem- ber why he was rejected by his family ltnds II d1lftcult to feel emotion. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) I CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT CAPTIONED ABC NEWS MOVIE "Savage H31'Yest" ( t980, Adventure) Tom Skemll, Michelle Phillips. An Afncan drought dr111es wild animals into populated areas 'PG' ( t hr .. 25mln.) (]) MOVIE "Star Trek ·• The Motion Picture" ( 1979. Science-Fiction) William Shatner. Leonard Nimoy The former commander of the U.S.S. Enterprise reassembles his old crew and sets off on a m1sst0n to find the mysterious vessel responsible tor the destructt00 ot numerous Federation star- sh1ps. 'G' (2 hrs. 12 min.) D MOVIE "History Of The World -· Part I" ( 1981, Comedy) Mel Brooks, Madeline Kahn. Man's Illustri- ous history -from Neandef1hal cavemen to the Spanish lnqu1S111on --is examined. 'R' ( 1 hr., 33 min.j_ ... 11:45(C) MOVIE "Morgan!" ( 1966, Comedy) Vanes- sa Redgrave. David Warner A schizophrenic can't accept the fact that hiil ex-wile Is remarrying and attends her wedding dressed as a gorilla ( 1 hr . 40 mini 12:00 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT D MOVIE ··swan Song" ( t980. Drama) David Soul, Jill Eikenberry A former champion p1oless1on- al downhill skier makes one last bid tor success 1n a maior race. (R) (2 hrs., 15 mtn.) Cf) MOVIE "Stallon Wes1 " ( 1948. Mystery) Dick Powell. Jane Greer. An Army lntelllgence officer goes undercover 10 trap a gang ol deadly gold thieves (2 hrs) GI MOVIE "The Giant Claw·· ( 1957. Sc1ence-F1c· lion) Jeff Morrow, Mara Corday. Jet lighters are called In 10 destroy a mammoth. deadly bird that Is menacin_g the population. ( 1 hr . 30 min) I LOVE. AMERtCAN STYLE UNOERSTANotNG HUMAN BetAVIOR SPORTS CENTER 12:15® WAIT UNTIL DARK Kathanne Ross, Stacy Keach and Joshua Bryant star 1n Frederick Knott's suspense drama abollt a young blind woman terror- ized 1n her Manhallan apartment by three men searching for hidden drug.s. Taped.at the Pepper: dine Coll~e Theatre In Malibu, CaHI. (2 hrs.) 12:30D e LATE NlGHT WfTH OAVIO LETTERMAN Guests; Martin Mull, photojournalist Mikkel Aaland. comedienne Carol Le1ler (R) ( 1 hr ) ~COUPLES NEWS MOVIE "Times Square" (1980. Musical) Robin Johnson, Trini AtvaradO. Two unstable teen-age girls become rock 'n' roll bag ladies in the heart of New York City 'A' ( 1 hr., 39 min ) (.%) MOVIE "Happy Birthday To Me" ( 1980. Hor- ror) Melissa Sue Anderson. Glenn Ford. As murder begins chopp1no-away at he' circle of elitist friends. a prep school senior w0<ries that she may be the neicr victim -0< posstbty the killer. 'A' ( 1 hr . 48 m1nJ_ 12:.aa(I) COLUMBO A photographer O&rtles out a phony kidnapping scheme In order to rid himself of his domineering wife (R) (2 hrs .• 5 min.) 1:00 e GENE AUTRY • M0VtE .. Thunder In rhe East" ( t953, Adven- ture) Alan Ladd. Oebo<ah Kerr A blind girl allempts to help relieve tensions al18f a man ~s ~ns 10 a m&har&J~h. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) C11 THE tfEW STOAVTEUERS Featured: Jackie Torroooe from North Catollna tells the ghost story, "Burl.cl AllY9." Cl) HOA8E8HOW JUMPING ''Uppervllle Jumper Olasak:" (, ht .. 30 min.) t:IU ~tfi!#8 OVBNOHT. I if I I I I ' I I I • I I .. r • • • .. .., .., ·• 1 r ·1 ,,, Monday (continued) I PUBLIC AFFAlRS MISSK>N: IMPOSSIBLE MOvtE "The Children" ( 1980. Horror) Marlin Shakaf, Gil Rogers A strange radioactive cloud luins a group of schoolchildren Into murderous zom· bies with black fingernails. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) It MOVIE "lipstick" (1976, Orama) Margaux Hemingway. Anne Bancrolt A top fashion model is hum1hated and frustrated by her unsuccessful attempts to sentence the man who raped her to prison 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) 2:05 Cf) NEWS 2:158 NEWS (I) PAT COLLINS: THE HIP HYPNOTIST Volun· teers from the audience respond comicany to hyp- nosis suggesllons made to them by this entertainer. ( 1 hr.) 2:20 CID SNEAK PREVIEW Host Leonard Harris looks at the movies. specials and sports events coming up on Home Box Office. 2:30 Cf) MORNING STRETCH i?RAT PATROL {I) =EN'S MARATHON " 1982 Avon" from San Francisco. California CZ) MOVIE "Hangar 18" ( 1980, Science-Fiction) Darren McGavin, Robert Vaughn. Researchers at a secret government installation Investigate the cause of. a satellite's sudden destructt0n 'PG' ( t hr .. 30 mini 2:45 NEWS 2:60 ~V1E "Wollen" (1981. Suspense) Albert Finney. Diane Venora. Police are faced with an unu- sual. problem as New York City Is invaded by a pack of d~laced wolves. 'R' ( 1 hr . 55 min ) 3:00(!) JOE FRANKLIN all NEWS (!)GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1974 Brillsh Open" (1 hf.) D MOV1E "Girts On The Beach" ( 1 hr . 30 min ) 3:1~~ MOV1E (1980) "Union City" 'PG' ( 1 hr., 25 min.) 3:168 MOvtE "Mobile Two" ( 1975, Orama) Jackie Cooper, Julie Gregg A reformed alcoholic is hired by a top television station as a news reporter 1n orde< to restore his once·brilhanl reputation ( 1 hr 40 min.) · Cl> LAff·A·THON A comedian host and four comic contestants who compete against one another are featured in this uncensored comedy game show 4:00 Cf) JIMMY SWAGGART (£) SPORTS CENTER CJ) MOVIE "Doctor Zhrvago" ( 1965. Orama) Omar Sharif. Geraldine Chaplin. Two lovers struggle amidst the spirit and passions of the Russian Revo- lution. (3 hrs .. 20 min.) 4:~ all RJNTIME 4:10(%) ~E "Two English Girls" ( 1971, Orama) Jean-Pierre Leaud, Kika Markham. In pr&-Wortd War I Paris, two Welsh girls engage tn a romanttc triangle with a young Frenchman ( 1 hr., 45 min.) (;30(!) JIM bAKKER • MOVIE "The Kids Are Alright" ( 1979. Musical) The Who. Films of some of the r()ci( band's perfor- mances, revealing their notorious proclivity for destroying their equipment and the wlld antics of t~ ~rummer, the late Keith Moon. are interspersed With rnte<views of the group members. 'PG' (1 hr .. 46 min.) 4:36 (11) I DREAM OF JEANNIE 4:50(C) MOVIE "The Wrong Arm Of The Law" ( 1963. Comedy) Peter Sellers. Lionel Jeffries. The syndicate and the police bands together to stop a trio of thieves who pose as lawmen. ( 1 hr .. 3Q min.) Dana Wynter to star aa Queen Elizabeth II HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Dana Wynter will star • Queer\ Elizabeth II and Stewart Granger u Prince -Philip in ''Charles and Diana: A Royal Bomuw», '' a Hall of Fame pre9e0tation on CB.5. The movie ai.o It.an Catherine Oxf!Dbet'g as Ledy Diana Spencer. Christopher BaineB • Prince O:t.arS.. Olivia de Havilland • the Queen Mother md Ray Milland • Griffiths, Prince Chari.el' 99Cl'•tary. An ABC movie, ·~-and Diana: A Royal Low Story," la allo in ....,.n11on. David Robb will ponray Charla and Caroline SU. will pJ.ay Llldy Dfana. James Goldatone wil\ dlrec-t from a .-eenplay by John McOftevy. Burt~ Lon.I Andenon. Jtm Nabon anct Red BeaU)' atar in "8,and On It," a Yahl ProducUoo far Unlwnal end w__. Draa.- It wm be fibed on katkln ~ Aue· i ln Alabama, G.or1ta and North Carolin.a. Ha l ll1adhlm wl1 diNel ~ ......... )' he W'l'04e with Huctl WDaan. \I< >I { \ I \( • \ 1< >\ l l ·" 9:00® "Crossbar" (Orama) John Ireland. Brent Carver • D "Monster Island" (1981, Adventure) Terence Stamp. Peter CuShing. (%)"The Amerrcanizat1on Of Emily" ( 1964, Come- dy) James Garner, Julie Andrews. 8:051.11) "The Buster Keaton Story" ( 1957. B1ogra- phyLOonald O'Connor. Rhonda Fleming 6:30~ "Rock 'N' Roll High School" ( 1979. Come- dy) P.J. Soles, Vincent Van Patten 8:~(C) "Echoes Ot A Summer" ( 1976, Orama) Richard Hams, Jodie Foster. 00 "In God We Trust" ( 1980. Comedy) Marty Feldman, Andy Kaufman. II "The Kid From Not-So-Big" ( 1978. Comedy) Jenmfer McAlltSl8', ROber1 Vtharo. (}) "Happy Birthday To Me" ( 1980, Horror) Mells· sa Sue Anderson. Glenn Ford 8:06@ "Mr. Kingstreet's Wa(' ( 1971. Orama) John Saxon. Tipp! Hedfen. tO:OO~ "Barry Lyndon" ( 1975. Orama) Ryan O'Neat, Marisa Berens<>n- (8) "The Great Muppet Caper" ( 1981, Comedy) Charles Grodin. Diana Rigg. (I) "Royal Wedding" (1 §51. Musical) Fred Astaire. Jgne Powell D "FOf Your Eyes Only" ( 1981, Adventure) Roger Moore, Topol. (}) "This Island Earth" ( 1955. Science-Fiction) Jeff Morrow. Faith Oomergue. 10:05 all "Track Of The Cat" (1954. Adventure) Rot>- ert Mitchum, Tab Hunter 11:30(Z) "Heart Beat" ( 1980, Orama) Nick Nolte Sissy Spacek. ' .\l·· l Ll{ \( >< f\ \I<>\' I LS 12:00.8 "The Cape Canaveral Monsters:: ( 1960, Science-Fictton) Scot1 Peters, Linda Connell. • "Broken Lance" ( 1954, Western) Spencer Tra- ~· Richard Widmark llJ "Battling Bellhop" ( 1936. Orama) Bette Davis. Edward G Robinson. (() "In God We Trus1" ( 1980. Comedy) Marty Feldman. Andy Kaufman 12:3000 "Star Trek -The Motion Picture" ( 1979 Scie~e-Fict.~n) Wiiham Shatner, Leonard Nimoy. ' D Homer ( 1970. Orama) Don Scardino Alex ~ol • 1:30~ "Rock 'N' Roll High School" (1979, Come- C!Y_) P.J. Soles. Vincent Van Parten. CZ) "The Americanizallon Of Emily" ( 1964, Come- dy) James Garner. Juhe Andrews 2:00(f) "Crazy Joe" (1974, Orama) Peter Boyte. Paula Prentiss . CD ~·oarby O'Gill And The Little People" ( 1959. Fantasy) Albert Sharpe. Sean Connery. II "Monster Island" (1981. Adventure) Terence Sta!!),p. Peter Cushing. 3:00Clf) "In God We trust" ( 1980. Comedy) Marty Feldman. Andy Kaufman. 3:30 CZ) "This Island Earth" ( 1955, Science·Ficllon) Jeff M()(row, Faith Oomergue. 4:00CI "Green Fire" ( 1955, Adventure) Stewart Granger. Grace Kelly. ~ "f om Sawyer" ( 1973, Musical) Johnny Whitak- er. Celeste Holm. D "Rockshow" ( 1980. Musical) Paul McCartney and Wings. 4:30(1) "Huckleberry Finn" ( 1974, Adven1ure) Jeff- East. Paul Winfield. 5:00(%) "Hangar 18" ( 1980. Scieflce-Acllon) Dar- ren McGavin. Robert Vaughn 6:3000 "The Great Muppet Caper" ( 1981. Come- ~ Charles Grodin, Olana Rigg U "For Your Eyes Only'' ( 1981. Adventure) Roger MOOfe. Topol. l \ I '\I\( I e:oo•.•• MEWS ~WOMAN C88NEW8 THESAINT A8CNEW8 8.W.A.T. HAWAI~ N8CNEW8 HUMANITIEI THAOUGH n4E ARTS MOVE ''High COuntry'' ( 1981, Drema) Timothy Bottoms, Linda Pur1. An etcap9d convtd and NI handieaJ)ped girlfriend "-to the mountalnt. 'PO' i! hr , 32 min.) Cl) MOVIE "In God We Tf'Ult" (1880, Comedy) - M11ty -r:.idrnan, Arnty t<autm.n. A r*"9 "'°'* It atnt out Into the wOt'ld to r1i11 money for hit lmDQ¥~ WORW OF WISHES -Rick Nelson stars as a storytelling stranger and Stacy Gold co-stars as a habitual daydreamer in "A Tale of Four Wishes, " t.o be broadcast on "The CBS Library" series, Tuesday at 4:30 p.m . on KNXT (Ch. 2). ertshed monastery. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 37 mtn ) 6:30 (I) e NEWS III BARNEY MILtER • HUMAN FACE OF CHINA "It Is Always So In The W()(ld" A profile of urban family life. as typified by the Sun family of Pengpu New Village Is present- ed (R) ' G AMER1CAN GOVERNMENT ([) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1977 BritiSh Open" ·(1 hr.) 6.:.S(Z)CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE A LM SCENE 7:001J CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS KUNG FU ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A 6-year·old who has a bionic lha~I:.~:::~;;::~·w1fe" S8Mce. M*A•s•H JOKER'S WILD G BUSINESS REPORT THE MUPPE'rS MOVIE "A Doll's House" (1973, Orama) Jane Fonda. Edward Fox. Based on the play by Ibsen. Confronted by her husband's lmmorahty. a woman asserts her own identity. (2 hrs .. ) CO) THE WAY fT WAS "1964 Football Upset" USC vs. Notre Dame CZ) MOVIE "Happy Birthday To Me" ( 1980, Hor- ror) Melissa Sue Anderson, Glenn F()(d. As murder begins chopping away al her circle of elitist friends a prQP school senior worries that she may be th9 ~xt victim •• or possibly the killer. 'R' ( 1 hr., 48 mtni 1: 10 KINER'S KORNER 7:30 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a profile ot leg· eodary ukelele players: America's highest paid disc jockey; a colorlul history of the lei; a non-tourist luau; a helicopter ride. I • FMMLY FEUD EYE ON L A. Featured: a gun club In Beverly Hills where the wealthy learn to protect themselves· a team Of men Who write jingles tor comm8f'Clals; a fi of high divers. · TIC l AC DOUGH YOU ASKED FOR rr M'A•s•H • SIONA TUAE Guest: Quentin 'Crisp. MACNet. I LEHRER RE.PORT MONEVMAt<EAS RACQUETBALL "International ChamplonlNps" Sherman Greenfltld vs. Mike Y et1en (II) ~ MA TTER8 A fest-pa'*1 d0cument1ry ex.mines hOw to drastically cut food bills end ....,. ~~~Orto.es •t ~ 7:~.=-) 1:00. '(I) UNMR8E Walter CtonklW NPOf1e on ..,.,loul ocourttnC9I end phenomena In the world of ft·_,. ~'IBICK A ncMlllt hlr9I • gun-mlrt to DO aft•~,.,..._ (R) ( 1 ht.) • MCME ''Reilp The Wlid Wind" ( UM2. Adilelt- I I I I l I I I I I I I t .-I I J I ~-----·-------n ... e .. 9fiii-===::-:.-;;:;:;.;-=:.:-.:.:· ::-;:;:::·;-:.:.:·-=::;,;;:;;;;-;.;;--;;;;;-;;;;•;;;-:;;;;-;;·;;-;;.-;;;;;;;-;;;,;;-;;;;;;·;;.;;;;;;;;;~~;;,;.;;,;--;;;.;;;;-;;;;·;,,;;'";;-~-~-,;·;;;;;;;;;;;.;;;;;;~·;;;;;;;;:;;;;;.·;.;;-;.;;·;.;-;;.;.-.-·-;.•;,;·;.;•;.;;-;;-;,;;·-.·....;.· -· ---• .;;.;.;.;.~;;;;.;;;;;.;....-~----~- rr. • own. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.~ ~ J. l..-""".-..~7 CJ) MOVIE "The Dogs Of 8 War" ( 1980. Adven1 lure~ a; Christopher Walken. Tom erenger Alter be ng tor· ..-ture) John Wayne. Susan Hayward. An octopus 1ured and deported by an African dictator. amerce- N creates trouble for residents of the Florida Keys in nary returns to lead a revolution 'R' ( 1 hr . 45 min,) the 1860s. (2 hrs.) CZ) MOVIE "Heart Beat" ( 1980. Drama) Ntck 3' 8 (II HAPPY DAYS Al participates 1n a c1v1I rights Nolte. Sissy Spacek The lives of Beat generation .., \demonstration, and Fonzie insists on J<>1nin~ him legends Jack Kerouac and Carol and Neal Cassady >. {R) o are chronicled. exploring the growth ol their rela· ~ 8 MOVIE "U~p· ( 1969. Drama) R1ehard Brad· tt0nsh1p as they spend 20 restless years on the 't: fOfd. James Daly. A large university medical center move. 'R' ( 1 hr . 50 min ) LL is plagued with daily crtses tnclud1ng malpractice 11:10@ BASEBALL Chicago Cubs at Atlanta Braves ~ suits. (2 hrs.) (3 hrs) ...J (f) PAUL HOGAN 11:308 ())ALICE An earthquake prediction scares • P.M. MAGAZJNE A 6-year·old who has a bionic the e~loyees and customers at Mel's Diner (R) ~ hand; a woman who runs a "rent·a·w1fe" service II fl) TONIGHT Guest host David Brenner -e MOVIE "The Sea Chase" ( t955, Adventure) Guests Melissa Manchester. Paul Sorv1no. Robert .2 John Wayne. Lana Turner. Based on the novel by • Easton. ( 1 hr.) 0: Andrew Geer. A German captain commandeers a D (ti) ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE ship of fugitives during World War II (2 hrs.) 0 MOVIE "Green Fire" ( 1955. Adventure) Stew- 1 OUtZ KJOS art Granger. Grace Kelly A man sacrifices his new· DANGER UXB "Bad Company" Bnan is harass· lound wealth in a South American emerald mine tor ed by his senior officer and discovers the major has the sake of the woman he loves (2 hrs.) a very personal alC to grind. (Part 8) (R) Q ( t hr ) I THE JEFFERSONS G'i) NOVA "Aging: The Methuselah Syndrome'' An LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE examination of the research being conducted on DANCE "La Fill Mal Gardea" Michael Coleman longevity and 1he aging process is presented (R) and Lesley Collier star in Sir Frederic Ashton's 1960 Q_ ( 1 hr.) version of the 1789 ballet (2 hrs ) ~ MOVIE "Echoes Of A Summer" ( 1976. Drama) fJD HUMAN FACE OF CHINA "II Is Always So In Richard Harris, Jodie Foster. A terminally Ill 12·year· The World" A profile ot urban family lite. as typified old girl gives her illusion-filled father and her blindly by the Sun lam1ly of Pengpu New Village. is present- dettirmined mother the courage to accept her late ed (R) 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 39 min ) «!')CAPTIONED ABC NEWS CE) SPORTS CENTER (£) SPORTS CENTER (B)MOVIE "S.O.B " (t981.Comedy) W111iamHol· 11:35® MOVIE "Gas" (1981. Comedy) Donald den, Julie Andrews A movie director who has just Sutherland. Susan Anspach A radio DJ and a finished a multi·milhon dollar turkey goes from reporter try to elCpose an 011 magnate's plot to drive at1empted su1Cide lo a bizarrely inspired re-shooting up gas prices by contriving an od shonage 'R' ( 1 of his epte. 'R' (2 hrs . 4 min ) hr . 30 min ) CS) MOVIE "Serial" ( 1980. Comedy) Martin Mull. 12:008 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT Tuesday Weld. A happily married Marin County COU· THE HARDEST BUN -Timothy .BoUOlm D a FANTASY ISLAND A beautiful mermaid finds pie are spurred by their trendy neighbors into stars as John Balcer, a track star stricken out what human love 1s all about. and a young pilot elCploring alternative lifestyles 'R' ( 1 hr . 31 min ) with CJU>Cer, and Tamar Howard plays one goes back in time to World War II 10 see the father CJ MOVIE "Blood Beach" ( 1981. Horror) John of the children ro whom he is devoted in "A he never knew (R) ( 1 hr .. tO min) Saxon. Burt Young A pair of police officers have SJ.inlna Seaaon" KNXT (Cb 2) 7\lesda (f) MOVIE "Agent 8 3/4" ( 1965. Comedy) Dirk thetr hands full when they Investigate the cause of •....u"'"• on · Y Bogarde. Sylva Kosc1na. An unemployed writer joins beachgoers being suckea Into the sand. never to be at 9 p.m. B11tish Intelligence in order to carry out an assign· seen aQ!l_n. 'R' (1 hr . 30 min) 10:008 e FLAMINGO ROAD The corrupt Sheriff menl behind the Iron Curtain. (2 hrs.) 8:30 8 Cl) THE TWO OF US Cubby and Reggie ask Semple. up tor re-election. laces exposure by editor m MOVIE "The Mouse That Roared" ( 1959. Com· Brentwood for adv1ee abOUt the women 1n their lives Elmo Tyson. and Field becomes emo11onaHy edy) Peter Sellers. Jean Seberg When the Grand on his day off. (R) involved with a young reporter. (R) ( 1 hr ) Duchy ol Fenwick realizes its poor financial status. D t1J) LAVERNE & SHIRLEY Laverne and Shirley I l'J me NEWS its people decides lo go to war with the U.S. to try 10 dig up some d11t on a not·so·nice celebrity ({I HART TO HART The Harts' business associ· improve the economy. ( 1 hr . 45 min.) (R) o ate disappears during a working trip to an elCotic I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE i MAUOE European chateau (R) Q (I hr) UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVtOA , OOOCOUPLE • WITH OSSIE ANO RUBY "We Are Each Other" MOVIE "Amanda By Night" ( 1981, Drama) DANCE "La Fill Mal Gardea" Michael Coleman Ossj_e Davis. Ruby Dee and actress Bever-leigh Ban· Veronica Harl. Richard Bolla. A prostitute teams llp and Lesley Collier star 1n Sir Frederlc Ashton's 1960 field elCplore the essence of being black through the with a detecli\'e when one of her colleagues is mur· version of the t 789 ballet (2 hrs.) prose and poetry of 10 writers Q dered by client she set her up with. ( 1 hr . 25 min.) 8:36@ MOVIE "The New Interns" ( 1964, Drama) I!) MYSTERY "Malice Aforethought" Dr Edmund C) JOAN RIVERS COMEDY HOUR Adult puppeteer Michael Callan, Barbara Eden A foursome of new Bickletgh silently suffers the contempt openly dis· Barclay Shaw and the Tropicana Dancers are lea· interns ad1us1s 10 working at a large metropolitan played by his overbearing wile Juha. (Part 1) (R) tured. l! hr.) hosE!_lal. (2 hrs .. 35 min.) Q_ ( 1 hr ) 12:05 8 ()) WKRP IN CINCINNATI His fellow workers 9:00 a ()) MOVIE "A Shining Season" ( 1979, Ora· ~ MOVIE .. A Clockwork Orange" ( 1971, Science-show signs of 1ealousy when JOhnny Fever wins a ma) Timothy Bottoms. Allyn Ann McLerle. Despite Fiction) Malcolm McDowell, Patrick Magee. Direct· • broadcasting award (R) suffering from a fatal illness. a track star spends his ed by Stanley Kubrick. When police capture-the 12:25ct) MOVIE "Barry Lyndon" ( 1975. Orama) last year of lite guiding a losing girts' track team to leader ol a teen-age gang of rapists and murderers. Ryan O'Neal, Marisa Berenson A handsome soldier the11 first winning season. (R) (2 hrs.) the method of rehabilitating him proves even more finds action and romance in the 18th-century British D GD CASSIE & CO. Cassia becomes emotionally threatening to society. 'R' (2 hrs .. 17 min) arm.i'.:. 'PG' (3 hrs .. 5 min.) entangled with her former police boss while Invest!-CID MOVIE "History Olihe World --Part t" ( 1981. 12:30U GD LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN ~It~ lhe murder of a noted c11m1nal lawyer ( 1 hr ) Comedy) Mel Brooks, Madeline Kahn. Man's 1llustn-Guests blues Singer Wayne Cochran. comedian • O THREE'S COMPANY Mr Furley falls tor a ous history -from Neanderthal cavemen to the Richard Lewis. ( 1 hr ) wealthy lady who 1s playing up to him because of Spanish lnqu1s111on ·• is elCamlned. 'R' ( 1 hr • 33 I COUPLES her mistaken belief that ha Is the building owner. min,) NEWS i ) O / (J) 33 BROMPTON PLACE (Part 5) ( 1 hr.) WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT RACtNG FROM YONKERS 10:30 • NEW& Highlights of a second eUmina1100 match will be MERV GRtFFIN Guests Donna Milts, Maureen I SIGNATURE Guest: Quentin Crisp. broadcast from Spain. (2 hrs . 30 min ) Murphy. Michael Korda. The Chipmunks ( 1 hr.) FllGHT FROM EXTINCTION The plight ot the 12:A08 {I) MCCLOUD A nightclub singer becomes e MYSTERY "Malice Aforethought" Or. Edmund noble and majestic crane and the efforts of t~ involved In a scheme to frame McCtoud's boss for a Bicklelgh silently suffers the contempt openly dis· .Jnternallonal Crane Foundation to save them from murder (R) (2 hrs .. 5 min.) played by his overbearing wile Julia. (Part t) (R) elCtmction are e)(amined 12:"'5(.IJ MOVIE "Pick·Up Summer" ( 1981, Comedy) q ( 1 hr ) (E) INSIDE BASEBALL Michael Zetnlker. Gari Marotte The fun·fllled sum-CllD DANGER UXB "Bad Company" Brian-i(harass· cm MOVIE "High Risk" ( t981, Adventure) James mer vacatton of two high school students culminates ed by his sent<>r othcer and discovers the major hes Brolln. Cleavon L1tlla. A trio of greedy friends plot in a hotly contested pinball competition 'R' ( 1 hr . a v8fY personal alC to grind. (Part 8) (R) c;> ( 1 hr.) the robbery of a million dollars from a South Amerl· 30 min.) (E) PKA FULL CONTACT KARArE From New can drug dealer 'A' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) CJ) SPECTACULAR EVENING IN CANADA Polltlcal Orleans. Louisiana. (1 hr . 30 min.) g MOVIE "The Hollywood Knights" (1980. Come-humonsl Dave 8'oadfoot. the Company Aoyale ([)MOVIE "Together?" ( 198 t, Romance) Jacque-dy) Robert Wuhl, Tony Danza. On Halloween eve in Dancers and female impressionist Craig Russell are line Bisset, Maxlm1han Schell. A young woman tries \ 1965, a rowdy high school gang wreaks havoc In featured tn a fabulous evening of entertainment from~ to pursue a career despite the chauvinist allltwdet Beverly Hills to avenge the closlng of thelr hangout Toronto. • of her live-in lover. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) by the local home owners association. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 39 1:008 MOVIE "The Call Of The Wiid" ( 1976, (%) MOVIE "Two English Girls" ( 1971, Drama) mini Adven1ure) John Beck. Bernard Fresson. Basod on Jean-Pierre Leaud, Kika Markham In pre~WOOd 10:36 NO AEGRETS the story by Jack London. Two man pbssessed by JNar I Paris. two Welsh girts engage In a roman11c 11:00 D 8 ())(II e NEWS gold lever battle the elements 1n the frozen Klon-- trlangle with a young Frenchman. ( 1 hr .• 45 min.) SA'TUROAY NIGHT dike. (2 hrs.) 9:30. (II TOO CLOSE FOA COMFORT Jackie and YOU ASKED FOA IT • MOVIE "Fear Strikes Out" ( 19$1, Biography) Sara eltehange apartment• with European vlsltora JOE FRANKLIN Anthony Perkins. Karl Malden Boston Red So>c whose luggage Is stuffed with firearm&. (R) M* A*S*H player Junmy PlefMll suff«a a nefVOUS breakdown (I) MOYE "Red Ball EXJ)f ..... ( 1952, Orama) Jeff 8EHNV Hill when his lather's d<Nlng lnftoeoce and the preuures Chandler. Alex Nicol. SUpply trucks oourageoosty QUIZKI08 ol biQ league baseball get the better of him. (1 hr .. head through enemy lines to come to lhe aid of DICK CAVETT 30 mln.) front-tine tanks. (1hr •• 30 min.) DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE e MOYIE "S.O.B." ( 19811 Comedy) Wllllam Hol· Cl) A£AOINCl8E; BEGINNER TO tNTEAMEOIA TE NAIL WEBCLY den. Julie Andrews A .movie director who hU just Get ln lhape. look good. end feet great with lhlt MOVIE "Turkish ~ht" ( 1974, Ofem11) Rutger finished o mut1f-milllon dollar hJtkty gotl rtom ~~ fltnea program. H•utr. Monique Ven De -Ver. A young ICU!ptor mar· •l~od suicide to a bit rrtly inlplrtd rt•shootlng •HAMMER HOUSE ~ HOfW>A rln 1 woman Whose appehlt for fun matchet hit of hit epic. ·R' (2-hrs., 4 min.> • ------------~·--·------------------------·· .... :-. --~ ,--··-. •• 1 ·•' T . ,,. ....... Cl) MOVIE "The Amencanlza11on Of Emily" (1964, Comedy) James Garner. Juhe Andrews Romance grows between a British war widow and a non-hero- ic officer assigned to provide his superiors with the tuxunes of home ( 1 hr.. 5 7 min ) 1:108 MOVIE "The Carey Treatmenf' ( t97?. Mys- tery) James Coburn. Jennifer O'Neill A pathologist fights to clear a colleague ct>,..,~e~ with murder when the daughter of a n(\..,_, p~ys1c1an dies during an 1U=pera11on '' nr · 30 min.) 1.~~ ~"IE "Star Trek --The Matron Picture" · L~· Sctence-Fictron) Wtlllam Shatner. Leonard Nirnoy. The former commander of the U.S.S. Enterpnse reassembles his old crew and sets off on· a m1ss100 lo find the mysterious vessel responsible lor the destructton of numerous Federation S1ar- shtps 'G' (2 hrs , 12 min.) 1:308 GO NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT UO Cl) MOVIE "Graduation Day" ( 1981. Mystery) 'Christopher George, Patch MacKenzie High school track athletes are being hterally "cut from the team" by an unknown killer 'R' ( 1 hr . 25 min ) :45 at MOVIE "Compulsion" ( 1959. Drama) Orson Welles. Dean Stockwell. A defense lawyer pleads for the lives of two youths. Leopold and Loeb. who have committed murder for thrills (2 hrs . 30 min ) . 06iJ NEWS :10 RAT PATROL 30 MORNING STRETCH eNews .4'08NEWS (ll) WORLD AT LARGE 451NEWS .00 RAT PATROL i JOE FRANKLIN NEWS GOLF "HIGHLIGHTS "1975 British Open" ( 1 hr.) e MOVIE "Homer" ( 1970. Drama) Don Scardino. Alex Nicol. A small-town family experiences the var- ious social problems of late-'60s American youth. L1 hr .. 30 min ) CZ) MOVIE "The Magic Flute" (1975, Musical) Josef Kostlinger. Irma Urnla A prince and hrs faith- ful companion set out to rescue a damsel in distress from the clutches of an evil sorcerer. 'G' (2 hrs .. 15 min.) .16 II MOVIE "The Gun And The Nun" ( 197 t. Western) Peter Duel. Ben Murphy. A former detec- tive recalls his experiences with two Old West out- laws. Smtih and Jones. ( 1 hr .. 40 min ) .20(1) MOVIE "Senal" ( 1980. Comedy) Martin Mull, Tuesday Weld. A happily married Marin Coun- ly couple are spurred by their trendy neighbors into exploring alternative lifestyles 'R' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) 26 (B) MOVIE "S. 0 B " ( 198 1. Comedy) Wilham Holden, Julie Andrews A movie director who has ·ust finished a mulli1"illion dollar turkey goes from attempted sui<:1de to a bizarrely Inspired re-shooting 1ot his epic. 'R' (2 hrs :4 min.) c30e VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM Of THE SEA :4'0(C) MOVIE "Foxes"'(1980. Drama) Jodie Fos· ter, Sally Kellerman. Trye victims of broken homes and uncaring parents. four teen-age girts try to 1&00the their emotional wounds through drugs and sex 'R' ( 1 hr . 46 min.) · "Y Oii Classroom on Wheels" Bl Dlm's Te-re Drim& SChool feat.mi the 1912 FltEBltD ~ ... ~;,~.w .................. ..., •111 .................. ..., ... , .... '141 •o.t your permit after 1 day of Drlwr'I Ed. Free pick up for Behfnc:I the Wheel etudenta onty. Our next 4 day Driver Education c1 ...... July 28 -Space Is Umlted ~ ..... 6,... \I< >H '\ I '\< ~ \I< >\ 11 ·" 6:16(1) "Hangar 18" (1980. Scienoe-Flctlon) Dar· ren McGavin. Robert Vaughn. 6:30(C) "Rock 'N' Roll High School" (1979, Come- dy) P J Soles. Vincent Van Patten. ,,. 6:05@ "Once More. My Darhng'' (1949. Comedy) Lrlhan Randolph. Robert Montgomery. 7:00 D "Rockshow" ( 1980. Musted!) Paul Mccart· ~and Wings. CZ> "A Clockwork Orange" ( 1971, Science-Fiction) Malcolm McDowell. Pa,nck Matee. Directed by Stanley Kubnck • 7:30 Cl) "The Amazing Adventures 01 Joe 90" Anl· mated 8:00-(C) "The Rules Of The Game" ( 1939. Drama) Marcet Daho. Nora Gregor. CID "Gtona" ( 1980. Drama) Gena Row1a[lds. John Adames 8:05(!1) "Fort Dobbs", ( 1958. Western) Clint Walker. Virginia Mayo. 9: 15(2) "The Magic Flute" ( 1975, Musical} Josef Kosthnger, Irma Urrrla . 9:300 "Kramer Vs. Kramer" ( 1979. Drama) Dustin . Hottman. Meryi Streep. 10:00(C) "Leave Yesterday Behind" (1978. Drama) John Ritter. Carrie Fisher. "Raggedy Man" ( 1981, Drama) Sissy Spacek. Enc Roberts. CS) "Where The Spies Are" (1966, Suspense) Da111d Niven. Francoise Dorleac. • 10:05@ "No Time For Comedy" ( 1940. Comedy) James Stewart. Rosalind Russell. 11:300 "The Apple Dumpling GaAQ" ( 1975, Come- ~ 8111 Bixby. Susan Clark. lZ.J "The Amencanrzation Of Emily" ( 1964. Come- dy) James Garner. Julie Andrews. . \I·· l lJC\< >< >:\ \I< >\ IL~ 12:008 "Spooks Run Wild" (194 1. Comedy) Beta Lugosi. Ava Gardner. at "The Alamo" (Part 1) ( 1960, Western) John Wayne. Richard Widmark U) "The Rtse And Fall Of Leg~ Diamond" ( 1960, Drama) Ray Danton. Karen Steele. CS) "Silver Streak" ( 1976. Comedy) Gene Wilder, Jill Clayburgh. 12:30(.'C) "The High And The Mighty" "f 1954. Drama) John Wayne. Claire Trevor. 1:00® "SST· Disaster In The Sky" ( 1977, Sus~nse) Lome Greene. Burgess Meredith 1:30U "Simon" ( 1980, Comedy) Alan Arkin. Aus- tin Pendleton, CZ> "Happy Birlhday To Me" ( 1980. Horror) Melis- sa Sue Anderson. Glenn Ford. 2:00(f) "Sitting Target" ( 1972. Suspeflse) Oliver Reed. Jill St. John (JJ "The Man With Bogart's Face" ( 1980. Come- dy) Robert Sacchi. Olivia Hussey. 2:30CB) "For Your Eyes Only" (198 1. Advenlure) Roger Moore. Topot llTERESTED Ill I HllE CDIPUTER IUSllESS'l A LIFE TIME OPPORTUNITY TO • YOUR OWN 1M>aa .... ,.. ................................. . 411•trlllll•tor, ••rllleUnt o ••ti•"•' 1tu11d .......... , .... HIOHUOHTS OF THE "'-AN: ••HO COMPUT!A 0.. IALE8 IJCP!AtENCa NEEDED (TAAHNG ~ ••wOAK OUT OF YOUR ..... AND KEl!P YOUR CUAW ... OR PftOl'llllDN. ••MtJt. TllEVEL COID"lf* PLAN. ••HO FRANCHt91,_ ~ 009T . .. TAX ADVAKrNl!a. CLASSROOM STRUGGLE -"Creation vs. Evolution: Battle in the Classroom," which !Ji.rs Wednesday on PBS (KOCE, Ch. 50) and K CET (Ch. 28) is an overvie w of the conflic t betwe en c r eationis ts and evolutionists. Christian fundamentalists are demanding that "creation science" be taught in the classroom alongside evolution. 3:30(.Z) "Hangar 18" ( 1980. Sctence-Fictron) Dar- ren McGavln. Robert Vaughn 4':00 G "The Lasl Command" ( 1955, Adventure) Sterling Hayden. Anna Matia Alberghetti. CS) "The Apple Dumpling Gang Rides Again" ( 1979. Comedy) Tim Conway, Don Knotts 4:30(C) "Gulliver's Travels" ( 1977. Fantasy) Richard Hams. Catherine Schell 5:05 (ll) "The Far Country" ( t955. Adventure) James Stewart. Ruth Roman. 5:15(%) "The Phantom President" (1932. Comedy) Geo_!9e M. Cohan. Claudette Colbert 5:30U "Gunn" ( t967. Mystery) Craig Stevens. Edward Asner. F\l ~:\I:\<; 8:00988NEWS I WONDER WOMAN THE SAINT ABC NEWS IS.W.A.T. HAWAII FIVE-0 NBC NEWS HUMANmES THROUGH THE ARTS MOVIE "Burnt" ( 1970. Drama) Marlon Brando. Evaristo Marquez A small Portuguese island's struggle for independence rs exploited by a crafty 18th-century Bnttsh colon1St ( 1 hr , 50 min.) .... , .. -----...... . --------· .. ·----,-===---"---,---·--------·---------------. --· . i --··----.... -_..... ..., 14--------------------------~----------------~------------------------------- -· ... ~ ~ (cootinued) . ?! ®SAMMY. THE WAY=6Jr SEAL When two boys ,sneak an injured sea llon Into their home, pande-N mon1um ensues. (Part 1) ~ 8:309 &ARNEY MILLER .,; QI THE SONG WRITER'S Featured: a performance • of some of Charles Strouse's songs. including ~ "Annle," "Bva, Bye Birdie," "Applause" and ~ "Golden Boy.'' (1 hr.) ;E • HUMAN FACE OF CHINA "Mind, Body And • Spml" The unique Chinese national health care sys· ~ tem Integrates their 1rad111onal remedies with West· ~ i £~~:VERNMENT § Cl) THE PEKING OPERA Joanne Woodward hosts 0:: a Chinese extravaganza featuring singing. dancing. acrobatics. mime and martial arts ( 1 hr • 30 min.) 7:00 8 CBS NEWS I ~~ ABCN9'8 P.M.'MAGAZJNE Championship skydiving thrills; an Interview with Ed McMahon. KOJAK NINE ON NEW JERSEY ENTBIT AJNMENT TONIGHT l14•A•s•H ~SWILD e BU8tNESS REPORT THEMUPPETS SAMMY, THE WAY-OlJT SEAL When two boys sneak an 1njUred sea lion tnto their home. pande- montUm ensoes. (Part 2) ([)MOVIE "Deadly Games" ( 1981, Mystery) Sam Groom. O.Ck Butkus. A woman returns to her home- town to investigate her sister's mysteriouS death. 'R' 1! hr .. 35 min.) (Q) MOVIE "The Cat And The Canary" ( 1939. Comedy) Bob Hope, Paulette Goddard. In order to collect their inheritance, a family must spend the ~ht In a haunted house. ( 1 hr .. 14 min.) CZJ MOVIE "The Magic Flute" ( 1975, Musical) Josel Kostllnger, Irma Urrila. A prince and his faith· lul companion set out to rescue a damsel In distress from the clutches of an evil sorcerer. 'G' (2 hrs .. 15 mini 7:05 NEWS 7:30 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a visit to Gua- dalajara: an american colony at Chapala: a tequila factory: a paper mache artist. I .FAMILY FEUD EYE ON LA. Featured: unusual lingerie: a behind-the-scenes look at the hie of airline atte{ld- ants: a trip to Jet Propulsion Laboratory In Pasade- na. l lw~~~LfTY YOU ASKED FOR IT M•A•s•H SIGNA T\JRE Guest. Robert Altman. MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT HOLL YWOOO'S CHILDREN Roddy McDowell narrates a look at how the child stars of yesterday and today have coped with stardom and Its after· math. ( 1 hr.) . DHOtWHEELS 8:00 MR MERLIN Merlin the ma ician. now run- HUGE 4TH OF JULY SALE E11tylhlll 21% lff ning a garage. is ordered to train an apprentice In maQ!f. (R) 8 GD REAL PEOPLE Featured: a dog howling con· test: a devotee of pyramid power: a profile of syndi· cated disc jockey Dr. Demento: a midget car race lR) (I hr.) 9 MOVlE "Harper" ( 1966, Mystery) Pal.II New- man, Juhe Harris. A wealthy woman hlfet a priVate investigator 10 find her missing husbalnd. (2 hrs.) 8 0 THE GREATEST AMERICAN H~ Ralph's quest to use his super suit for good deeds invotves him with an elderly man, a lost little boy and a looter. (R) ( 1 hr.) Cl) CLOSE-UP D MOVIE "Winier Kill" (1974. Drama) Andy Grif- fith. Sheree Nor1h. A mountain community Is terror· lzed by a myste<1ous murderer. (2 hrs.) Cf) PAUL HOGAN m P.M. MAGAZINE A chlcken-<:ostumed comedian who performs at public events 1n San Diego: an interview with Ed McMahon. • MOVJE "None But The Brave" ( 1965, Orama) Frank Sinatra. Clint Walker. American and Japanese men stranded on a South Pacific island declare a truce that lasts until radio contact is resumed. (2 hrs.) 9 STYLE Featured: children's zoos: jewelry designed by Paloma Picasso: leather. 9 HALL Of FAME "Casey Stengel" Ct.lrles Durn· 1ng stars in a one-man performance as the legend· ary Casey Stengel, colorful and unpredictable man- ager of both the New York Yankees and the New York Mets. (R) • 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "two-Way Stretch" ( 1961. Comedy) Peter Sellers, Wilfred Hyde-White. A trio of prison inmates plan lo b<eak out. then break in again with a truckload of diamonds. ( t hr .. 30 min.) ([)SPORTS CENTER (8) YESTERYEAR. .. 1917 Dick Cavet1 hosts a pano- ramic overview ol the events and people that sh~ six ol the mosl important years in American history Cl) BIZARRE "T ·Shirt Goodnights" D MOVIE "Big Wednesday" (1978. Drama) Jan· Michael Vincent, William Katt. Three California boys enjoy the surl and sand ontH they beQin to realize WE HA VE A GOOD SELECTION OF NEW AND USED CARS FOB IMMEDIATE DELIVER FOR LEASE dR SALE- CONNEJJ, CHEVROLET S.""11f CotfG "'•torn ,.or•. 2828 Harbor Blvd., Co.ta Me88 1200 ~!;::...1 Sound of music Patti Morgan (Kaleena Kill) saws a way on a fiddle, while instructor It .. ~~k Perlman *! x P l-a ~ ri s t h e unportance oz ...,uaic to Laurie (Sw oo1u. Kurtz) and Sidda~h Shorr (Tony Ran ) Wednesday at 9:30 p .m . on KNBC (Ch. 4). thal there's more 10 life than waxing down their boards. 'PG' (2 hrs .. 5 min ) 8:051ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:15 1 A.M. 8:30 Cl) IN SECURITY An a11rac11ve divorcee •1s promoted to security chief of a department store. I IRONSIDE ODO COUPLE IGOR STRAVINSKY A three-part musical blogra· phy of the composer Igor Stravinsky dehneallng the three phases ol his creative career (Part 1) ( 1 hr.) E) CREATION VS. EVOLUTION: BATTLE IN THE CLASSROOM The "creahonist" approach 10 sci- ence educahon is examined. with a focus on the arguments. emotions and people involved 1n this crucial national ballle ( 1 hr ) THE FOLK MUSIC REUNION The Kingston Trio host a musical special featuring Judy Collins. The L1meliters. Glen Yarbrough. Mary Tra11ers. John Sebastian. Tom Paxton. The Brothers Four and The Flr~n Theater. ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 8:35 (JZJ MOVIE "Apache Uprising" ( 1966. Western) Rory Calhoun, Corinne Calver. An Indian upnsmg comphcates the plans of a corrupt stage-line olflclat for ~old heist (2 hrs.) 9:00U Cl) MOVIE "Scared Straight! Another Story" ( 1980, Orama) Cliff DeYoung. Stan Shaw. A 1uve- nile prot:Jallon officer becomes involved with a pro- gram run by hard-hne convicts to scare 1uven1le offenders into going straight. (R) (2 hrs.) D tm THE FACTS Of LIFE Too11e jeopardizes her school work and friendships in an attempt 10 meet a certain rock slar. (R) 8 0 THE FALL GUY Coll lakes over tor an in1ured movie stunl man lo tind out how and why the ace•· dent happened. (R) ( 1 hr.) m MERV GRIFFIN Guests: Dee Wallace. Kirstie Alley. Richard Taylor. Ltttle Ambassadors of S1nga· ~e. (1 hr.) • CREATION VS. EVOLUTION: BATTLE IN THE CLASSROOM The "creationist" approach to sci- ence education 1s examined. with a locus on the arguments. emohoos and people involved in this crucial national battle. ( 1 hr.) (() BOXING Bobby Czyz vs. Manuel Melan from Totowa, New Jer (2 hrs.) r ,-r;;; -----------------~ Wxlnesday (continued) (8) MOVIE "for Your Eyes Only" (1981, Adven- ture) Roger Moore. l opot James Bond tracks a crui11nal who purlomed a top secret B1111sh defense device 'PG' (2 hrs . 5 min ) (LJ ~OVIE .. ,O A1lhngton Place" (2 hrs.) ©l MOVIE .. Glona .. ( 1980. Orama) Gena Row- lands. John Adw1tes. A fvrmer gun moll becomes the prolector ol an orphaned 6-year-old Puerto Rican targeted by the underworld for the inf0<ma- 11on he car11es 1n a battered br~fcase 'PG' (2 hrs . 1 min.) . 9:30 D II> LOVE. SIDNEY V1ohn virtuoso ltzhak Perl- man off8fs to teach Paltl to play the fiddle (R) Cf) MOVIE "Horrors Of The Black Museum" ( 1959. Horror) Michael Gough, June Cunningham. A crime wrtter supplies himself with st<><y mateftal by getting his mesmen1ed ass1stan1 to commit ghastly mur· ders ( 1 hr . 30 min I 9 THE SONG WAITER'S Featured a performance of some of Charles Strouse's songs. including "Annie'' "Bye. Bye Birdie." "Applause" and "Golden Boy .. ( 1 hr.) CID HERSELF. INOIRA GAN()til India's Prime Minis· ter is seen at home. at work aM campaigning for ~r son in this rare glimpse into the life of one of the most powerful and controversial women 1n the world ( 1 hr) CC) MOVIE "A Change Of Seasons" (1980, Come· dy) Shirley Macla1ne. Anthony Hopkins. A middle· aged couple try ou1 younger partners during a mountain vacation 'R' ( 1 hr.. 42 min ) (%) MOVIE ··A CIOckwork Orange" (1971, Sc1ence- Fictlon) Malcolm McDowell, Patrick Magee. Direct· ed by Stanley Kubrick When police capture the leader of a teen-age gang of rapists and murderers. the method of rehabilita1ing hi~ proves even m0<e threatenirlQ to society. 'R' (2 hrs • 17 mm ) 10:008 CD QUINCY Quincy fights to enact a law that would require menially ill criminals to serve out thetr sentences after being declared sane (R) ( 1 hr ) •••• NEWS 8 (fl DYNASTY Krystle reads a scandal sheet arti· cle abOUt Blake and Alexis In Rome. and Fallon checks !nto a clinic (A) (I hr.) • HERSELF. INOtRJlllGANOHI India's Prime Minis- ter is seen at home. at work and campaigning for her son 1n thtS rare glimpse into the life of one of the most powerful and controversial women in the world ( 1 hr) Cl) MOVIE "Fairy Tales" ( 1978. Comedy) Don Sparks. Sy Richardson. A handsome prince experi- ences many encounlers as he 1ourneys through fairy land in search of !he woman who will bear his heir 'R' ll hr .. 20 min.) 10:30eNEWS I SIGNATURE Guest: Robert Altman. INSIOE BUSINESS TODAY "The Mary Kay Sto- ry" Host Dick Goldberg lalks with the richest self- made woman in America (A) 0 MOVIE "Kramer Vs. Kramer" ( 1979, Drama) Dustin Hoffman. Meryl S1reep. A man batlles with his ex-wife for custody of their young son aller she walks out on them. 'PG' (I hr .. 45 min.) 10:36@ MOVIE "Savage Pampas" ( 1967. Adven- ture) Robert Taylor, Ron Randell. An Army officer tries to keep his military unit intact alter a band of TAKATA NURSERY, l.andlcapfng & Maintenance Expert Japanese Gardenilc Service •Monthly-Weekly •Yard Malnt., Tree Trimming •Bonsal Pruning & General Clean-up •Commercial & Resldentlal •20 Years Experience E1pe;t Takata Landscapinc Service BACK AGAIN -Talented David Soul Oeft) and Paul Michael Glaser are back on the tube weekdays as "SUU'sky and Hutch, " a couple of hep undercover cops, on KTLA (Ch. 5) at 5 p.m. rebel Argenllman deSertefS and Indians ransacks lhe countr~ide. ( 1 hr .. 55 min.) 11:00ft 118 Cl) 0 GD NEWS JOE FRANKLIN M•A•s•H BENNY HILL I YOU~AJ, =rr STYLE Fealured children's zoos: jewelry l='t~l~ Picasso: leather OOCTOA IN THE HOUSE SPORTS FORUM MOVIE "The French Woman" ( 1981. Orama) Francoise Fabian. Dayle Haddon A bordello being kept opeo by a government subsidy is the scene of murd8f and political scandal when a VIP cusl omer is photographed al play. 'R' ( 1 hr., 37 min ) CO) MOVIE "Search And Destroy" ( 1981, Adven- ture) Pmry King. Don Stroud. A former South Viet- namese official seeks revenge agains1 the four Americans who abandoned him in an ambush dur- ing the war 'PG' (I hr .. 35 min ) 11:308 Cl) MOVIE "The Initiation Of Sarah" ( 1978. Horr0<} Kay Lenz. Shelley Winters. When a pretty co-ed is humiliated by a group of sorOl'ity slslers. she is urged to get even by 4nleashing hel' terrifying psychic powers. (2 hrs . 10 min) 8 GD TONIGHT Guest host David Brenner. Guest Connie Stevens. ( 1 hr.) ID ~· MAD IMPOllT Lui DOMHTIC flNDER<ON ~ F\UTON\OTNE COMPLETE AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE Fltll PICKUP·DILIYlltY ~.'=:":·am (11•) 142-1111 (Formerty of Whitman'•) LICENSED J\.ESTBETICIAN • t \li,.o r~=:ms25 . • M~SS~GE · ( .............. , ... &~ FOA INFOAMA'TION 714 CALL llNO IALDWIN ••• 876--0727 !JYJUl JJ11Y n) ·11;l~u f fy}/f " I (!I ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE MOVIE "The Last Command" ( 1955. Adven· ture) Sterhng Hayden, Anna Maria ~lberghettl. A band of Texans including Jim Bowie tlgh1s to lhe death tn their defense of the Alamo (2 hrs ) I THE JEFFERSONS LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE IGOR STRAVINSKY A three-part musical biogra- phy of the composer Igor Stravinsky delineating the lhree phases of his creative career. (Part 1) ( 1 hr.) fD HUMAN FACE OF CHINA "Mind, Body And Spmt" The umque Chinese national health care sys- tem 1nlegrates their traditional remedies with West· ern medicine (R) 8i)CAPTIONEOABCNEWS CC) MOVIE "The High And The Mighty" LJ954, Ora- ma) John Wayne. Claire Trevor. An airplane with 22 passengers aboard runs into danger en route to San Francisco. (2 hrs .. 20 min.) CE) SPORTS CENTER <ID MOVIE "Raggedy Man" (1981. Dfama) Sissy Spacek, Eric Roberts. In 1944, a telephone operator 1n a small Texas town sacrifices her sland1ng in the community when she has a short affair with a corn· bat-bound sailor 'PG' ( 1 hr , 35 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Silver Streak" ( 1976. Comedy) Gene Wilder. Jill Clayburgh A mild-mannered book edilor accidentally becomes involved 1n a sinister art thiefs bizarre plot dunng a cross-country train ride. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 53 min ) 12:00 IENTERT AINMENT TONIGHT 8 LOVE BOAT A flashy rock star lalls in love with a deaf passenger. and Doc helps a gambler win theheart ofh1sbr1de. (R) (1hr .. 10min.) . Cf) MOVIE "Desperate Journey" (1942. Adven- ture) Errol Flynn. Ronald Reagan. DurillQ World War II, a German girl aids the escape of American pilots from lhe Gestapo. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "Kiss The Girts And Make Them Ole" (1967, Adventure) Michael Connors. Dorothy Pro- vine. A scientist discovers a way 10 mass-sterilize men and sells his idea to the Chinese. (2 hrs.) I LOVE. AMERtCAN STYLE UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR MOVIE "Hangar 18" ( 1980. Science-Fiction) Darren McGav1n, Robert Vaughn. Researchers at a &eeret government Installation Investigate the cause of a satellite's sudden destruction. 'PG' ( 1 ht., 30 min) 12:3011 ID LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guest: Ron Howard ( 1 hr ) I COUPLES NEWS • MOVIE "High Tide At Noon" ( 1957, Dfama) Betta St. John. Flori! Robson. Whims of the sea determine lhe course of hearts on a lonely, weather- beaten island off the rugged Canadian coast. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 9 THE SONG WRfTER'S Featured: a performance of some of Cl\arles Strouse's songs, lncludlllQ "Anrue," "Bye. Bye Birdie," "Applause" and "Golden Bo . " (1 hr.) CE) AUTO fi'ActNG "CART Budweiser •· Cleveland 500" (3 hrs.) (L) STRIP TEASE D MOVIE "Simon" ( 1980, Comedy) Alan Arkin. Austin Pendleton Scientists at a bizarrely misdirect- ed think tank convince a bumbling college professor that he 1s an alien from outer space. 'PG' NEW JAPANESE RESTAURAN TRY OUR DAILY SPEOAL Enjoy Teriyalli • Tempun Shuh.i bar ,..epared by °"' flllllOU Japamaeee CJ.ef • Beer • Yiae • Saki ® JAPANESE ~gisa.. RESTAURANT 15 .... CD CD N • -- t6 !Thursday \I< >It\ I :\'( ; \I< >\' I LS 5:00 (%) "The Phantom President" ( t932. Comedy) Geo~e M Cohan. Claudette Colbert 5: 15 g "Galaxy Of Terror.. ( t 98 1. Horror) Edward Albert. Erin Moran 6:05@ "One M1nu1e Tfl lPro· ( 1952. Adventure) Anr. Blyth, Roberl M1tcfiurn 6:30(C) "Mad Wednet.day" ( 1947 Comedy) Harold Lloyd. Frances Ramsden CZ) "The Magic Flute" ( 1975 Musical) Josef Kos- thnger Irma Umla . 7·00(H ·Tess· ( 1979 Dr;irna) Nastass1a Kinsk1 Peter Firth 0 "Glorii:t .. ( 1980. Or;ima) Gena Rowlands, John Adames 8:00 (~ "Inside Moves" ( 1980 Drama) John Sav· age. David Morse 8:05 @ ChampagnP for Caesar' ( 1950 Comedy) Celeste Holm Ronald Colman 8:45 (Z) "Hnngar 18" ( t980 Sc1ence·F1c11on) Dar- ren McGavin. Roben Vaughn 9:000 "Continental Drv1dP" ( 1981, Romance) John Belushi, Blair Brown 10:00 CC) "Union City" ·po· ( 1 hr . ?5 min ) (Hl "Search And Des11oy" ( 1981. Advelllure) Perry King Don Stroud (SJ "Where The Boys Are ( t960. Comedy) Dolo res Hart. George Hamilton 10:05 @ "Fury 01 Hercules" ( t961. Adventure) Brad Hams. Alan Steele 10:30(%) .. Happy Birlhday To Me" ( 1980 Horror) Melissa Sue Anderson. Glenn Ford 11 :000 "Blood Beach" ( 198 t Horror) John Saxon Burt Young 11 :30 (~ .. Agatha" ( 1979 Mystery) Dustin Holltnan Vanessa Redgrave CID "Running Scared" ( t972. Adventure) Ken Wahl. John Saxon . \l· .. l lJl:\'< >< >:\' \I<)\' I LS 12:000 "Dakota Incident" ( 1956. Western) Dale Robertson. Linda Darnell m "The Alamo" (Part 2) ( 1960, Western) John Wayne. Richard W1dm,1rk 41) "Ten Seconds To Hell I 1959 Mystery) Jett Chandler. Jack Pa lance (_s) "Chu Chu And The Philly Flash" ( t981. Come· dy) Alan Arkin. Carol Burnett 12:300 "Big Wednesday" ( 1978. Drama) Jan- M1chael Vincent. Wilham Kall (%)"For Your Eyes Only" ( 1981 Adventure) Roger Moore. Topol 1:00® "The Norlt) Avenue Irregulars" ( 1979. Com· edy) Edward Herrmann, Barbara Hams 1:30(t) "Mad Wednesday" ( 1947. Comedy) Harold Lloyd. Frances Ramsden. 2:00(!) "Dark 01 The Sun" ( 1968. Adventure) Rod Taylor. Yvette M1mreux CD "Free Sp1r1r· (2 hrs ) 2:45(.Z) .. Three Into Two Won·t Go .. ( 1969. Orama) Rod Steiger. Claire Bloom 3:00 ~ .. A Challenge For Robin Hood" (1968. Adventure) Barrie Ingham. James Hayter 0 .. Glo11a .. ( 1980. Drama) Gena Rowlands. John Adames. 4':000 "Seconds" ( 1966. Suspense) Rock Hud- son. Will Geer CS) .. Ohver Twist .. ( 1975, Adventure) Animated. 4:30(?) "The Magic Flute" ( 1975, Musical) Josef Kosllinger. Irma Urrila 6:00~ "McUntoc1<1 .. (1963. Western) John Wayne. Maureen O'Hara. CID "Give Me Liberty .. ( t974. Adventure) Robert Culp. Richard Kiley g .. Going Ape!" ( 1981. Comedy) Tony Danza. Jessica Walter 5:05 QZ) .. The Bridges At Toko-Ri" ( 1954. Orama) William Holden. Grace Kelly. 5:30 9 "U tsu" (I) "Aoyafwedding" ( t951. Musical) Fred Astaire. Jane Powell I .\ I '\I'\<. BARROOM BUDDIES -Ted Danson (top left), is the owner, Shelley Long (top righ t). is the well-bred cocktail waitress, Rhea Perlman, is the wisecracking waitress, and Nicholas Colasanto is the absent-minded bartender, in "Cheers," a new series sche duled this fall on KNBC (Ch . 4) Thursday nights at 9:30. O)NEWS Ci) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT CH) BIGHORN A documentary trnces a band of wild Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep through four sea sons. O MOVIE "Five Su111mer Stones" ( 1975) Docu· mentary Slow motion sequences highhght this exam1na11on of the surling lifestyle filmed in South· ern Cahlorn1a and Hawa11 ( 1 hr , 30 min ) 7:00 8 CBS NEWS DNBCNEWS Q KUNG FU UABCNEWS Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE A new cosmehc dental tech- nique called tooth bonding. the lone survivor ot Alcatraz's bl00d1est breakout O KOJAK I ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT JOKER'S WILD ~ BUSINESS REPORT THEMUPPETS MOVIE "Paradise Alley" ( 1978. Drama) Sytves· ter Stallofle Armand Assante Three scheming brothers lrom the Heirs Kitchen sec1ton of New York City combine I heir traits of brains and brawn 1n their efforts to create better ltves for themselves. ·pG· ( 1 hr , 47 min) ~) MOVIE "The North Avenut! Irregulars .. ( 1979. Comedy) Edward Hetrmann. Barbara Harns The new m1n1Ster 1n a small town 0<gamzes a group of dotty women in his congregation to stop the flow of church funds to criminals ·o· (1 hr., 39 mm.) (jJ MOVIE "High Risk" ( 1976. Adventure) Victor· Buono. Ronne Troup. Six former circus pertormers alicrnnt to heist a priceless artifact from a Washing- ton O.C embal>3t ( : "r 40 min ) (Q) MOVIE "Gas" ( 1981. Comedy) Donclld Suther· land, Susan Anspach. A radio OJ and a repotter try to expose an oil magna1e·s plot to dnve up gas pric· es by contriving an oil shortage 'R' ( 1 hr . 30 min ) (Z) MOVIE .. For Your Eyes Only" ( 1981. Adven- ture) Roger Moore, Tol)ol James Bond tracks a criminal who purloined a top secret British defense device 'PG' (2 hrs .. S min ) 7: 101 KINER'S KORNER 7:16 NEWS 7:30 2 ON THE TOWN FNturedi a lody In San ~o. who has prepared a mountaintop landing sir p f<>< a UFO.: see What It's ~e to cross the U.S /Mexican border Wttgally; visit Joan Embery's prlvate anlmal coaec:tloo et the San Diego Zoo: take the-Tijuana Trolley from San Diego 10 Tl1uana. 8 800V WOflC8 ··rl'le E•" Or. Timothy Johnson examints the eer structure and the hearing proceas. e EYE OH LA. FMtutecl; mer1t1t aids that spice op your love hte; Los Angeles' obeessloo with being beautiful, daredeVll car rBcers who drive 'Borirai' CM. (I) e TIC TAC DOUGH '1lalllt M MAYQM ~ iA (J]) YOU ASKED FOR IT mM·A~s ·H @SIGNATURE Guest R 0 La111g ·m MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT OD FAMILY FEUD Ci) FAWLTY TOWERS ($1 AEROBICISE: BEGINNER TO INTERMEDIATE Get in i.hape, look good and feel great w11h this physical Illness program 8:00 i) Cl) MAGNUM, P.I. Magnum 15 hired oy ;:i world-class card player to be her bodyquard c.J11ri11q l a h1!F_·slakes poker game (RJ ( 1 nr ) Q W FAME Mrs SherwOOd d1'>COvers Iha! I aroy on n1<. own and decides 10 go e.:isy or n11ri (RI It I hr) O MOVIE .. Heaven Knows. Mr All1•,on" I 1957 1 Orama) Robert Mitchum, Deborah Kerr A Marine corporal and a nun find 1ha1 they're tl'le only ones on a Pac1l1c island u111tl the JapaneSE> ar11ve 12 hrs I f fJ [@ DARKROOM A Vietnam veteran gives his f son an army of toy soldiers thal come ro hie and a I slick hustler tangles w11h the magic of an old ca1un j wornan (R) ( 1 hr ) O MOVIE ··sweet Bird OJ YOlJlh .. 11q62. Orama) I Paul Newm,in. Geraldine Page To land a mo111e t co11t1dCI a corHJIJI young man 1at..es advantage ot a I forrner movie ,tdr who live'> 1n d h.:ize of narco11cs and alcohol (? hrs J I (!) YOU ASKED FOR IT m P.M. MAGAZINE A lll!W c.osmet1c dental tech- nique ci'llted IOOlh bonding, the tone survivor ol Alcatraz·s bloodiest breakout 41) MOVIE The l 1fe And Times 01 Judge Roy Bean · ( 19'2 Western) Paul Newman. Ava Gardner A i.rnallt1me outlaw takes over a Western town by dispensing his own form of 1us1tce and con· lisca11ng 1he property lor .. court costs" (2 hrs) - (S BOTANIC MAN .. Crackpot Jackpot" Or· David Bellamy contra!.IS the hves ol Mexican Indians with ~artmen1 dwellers 1n California W LAST CHANCE GARAGE Brao Sears talks about 1he causes of and cures for poor mileage and sluggish µerlormance Ci) SNEAK PREVIEWS RQger Ebert and Gene Sisk · el host an 1nlorma11ve look at what's new at the mov1P.S ( SPORTS CENTER S"' MOVIE The Hand ( 1981 Horror) Michael Caine. Andrea Marcov1cc1 A11arre 1nc1den1s and nighlmi'lres begin happening 1n a cartoon1srs hie 1 ,1fter he suiters the luss ol a hartd 'R' ( 1 hr . 44 min) . O MOVIE Continental 01v1de" ( 1981 Romance) John Belushi. Blair Brown A Chicago newspaper coh1mn1st travels to lhe Rockies to escape some poht1cal he;i1 and 1nterv1ew a reclusive nrilurahst ·pc· ( 1 hr . 43 min ) 8: 15@ ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:30(!) RACING FROM YONKERS m oDDCOUPLE @ MOVIE ·ugetsu .. Two men who l1nd torlune rn the spoils of war l1nd that 11 does not bnng happ1· ness (2 hrs.) f.ll) SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk· el host an 111format1ve look al what's new al lhe movies Ci) LAST CHANCE GARAGE Brad Sears discusses preventative maintenance 10) PAWN SHOP 8:400 rrs so NICE HAVING A WOLF AROUND THE HOUSE 8:45(1l) MOVIE •·A New Kind Of Love" ( 1963, Come· dy) P;iut Newman. Joanne Woodward. A buyer for a department store and a newspaperman fall In love alter meeting on a plane (2 hrs . 30 min.) 9:00 II Cl) SIMON & SIMON A wealthy Houston socia~te hires A.J. and Rick to find the hance who 111ted her at the altar {R) ( 1 hr.) 0 fl OIFF'RENT ST~OKES Mr. Drumn:iond agrees to let Kimberly go away for a ski weekend with a friend. unaware thal two boys will also be Sharing the room (R) O U ®) BARNEY MILLEA Wojo and Hams bring 1n a man who chained h1msell to a fence k> protest world cond1t1ons and the loss of his apartment cleaning deposit {A) O (!)MOVIE ·•Along The Great Divide" ( 1951, West- ern) Kirk Douglas. Virginia Mayo An escaped crlml- nal is caught and returned to lace justice (2 hrs ) • MERV ORIFAN "Crime" Guests Truman Capote. Alan Oershow1tz. Los Angeles Superior COUit Jud~ William Keene. Culver City Chief of Police Ted Cook ( t hr.) • 9 NUMERO UNO Finland's Velkko Hakulinen. the country's t>est Qfoss-country skier, is profiled fri) MASTEAAECE THb\TAE "Pride And Prejtr d1ee" When Mt. Biogley moves into the neighbor- hOOd. Mrs Bennet cooaldera him the rightful proper· ty of one of her live unmarried daughteJs. (Part 1) {B) Q ( 1 hr ) (.C) MOvtE .. lnsiQe Moves" ( 1980. Dl'ema) John Savage. David M0rse A newcomtr to the gr°'M) or regulars at an Oakland bar may hold the key to mal(inQ the l)lr1ender'a dreem of beOOmlng • pro basl(etbaNpiayttr a realify ~· (1 ~. ~3 min ) wWtOALGMlli.u. .CUP 8GCC&ll TOUANAMINT 1bursday (continued) Highhghts of a semifinal match will be broadcast from Spllln. (2 hrs., 30 mi[l.) CID MOVIE "Search And Destroy" ( 1981, Adven- ture) Perry King. Don Stroud. A former South Viet· namese official seeks revenge against the four Americans who abandoned him in an ambush dur- ~ the war 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) W MO\ltE "The Endless Summer" ( 1966, Adven- ture) Mike Hynson. Robert August. Two young Cali- fornia sorters travel around the world 1n search of the perfect wave. (2 hrs.) (Q) MOVIE "Kramer Vs. Kramer" ( 1979. Drama) Dustin Hollman. Meryl Streep. A man battles with his ex-wife for custOdy of their young son after she walks out on them. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 45 min ) 9: 15 (I) CHARLES CHAMPLIN ON THE FILM SCENE 9:30 D fD GIMME A BREAK Nell rushes home to Alabama to see her dying father. wtio still has not forgiven her for running away from home 16 years earlier. (R) 8 9 POLICE SQUAD Detecllve Dreb1n invesll· Q!tes the murder of a nightclub comic •UP ANO COMING "A Little Romance" Francine laces 1he most dllhcull decision of her Ille when she finds out She is pregnant. (Part 2) (R) Q (I) MOVIE "Three Into Two Won't Go" ( 1969. Ora· ma) ROd Steiger. Claire Bloom. The appearance of a promiscuous young woman upsets the setlled existence of a middle-aged couple ( 1 hr . 33 min ) 10:009 Cl> KNOTS LANDING In the aftermath of Sid's death, Karen works to heal family wounds and assumes the management of his business. (R) ( 1 hr.) D f.D HILL STREET BLUES Two 1uvenile gang members are interrupted dunng a store robbery and take hoStajgs. (R) ( 1 hr.) I R~120NEWS TO THE MANOR BORN THE LAWMAKERS Couespondents Linda Wer- theimer and Cokie Roberts 1oin Paul Duke tor an up- to-the-minute summary of Congressional ac11v111es Cl) Ba.ARRE "Dream Sequence" 0 MOVIE "The Lat.a Show" ( 1977, Mystery) Art Carney. Lily Tomlin A seasoned private eye encounters blackmail and murder when he comes out ot rellrement 10 locate a cal belonging 10 an offbeat female chent. ( 1 hr . 35 min ) 10:30. NEWS IStGNATURE Guest: R 0. Laing UP POMPEII MONEYMAKERS MINSKY'S FOLLIES Phyllis Diiier. Rip Taylor and Stubby Kaye )om the Minsky Burlesque Troupe for a revue leatunng baggy-pants comedy. striptease and ~uct1on numbers ( 1 hr ) CS) MOVIE "Fame" ( 1980. Orama) Irene Cara. Bar- ry Miller. Several gifted students at a New York high school for the perlorming arts experience vanous setbacks and successes of both personal and pro- fessional natures 'PG' (2 hrs .. 14 min ) 11:008 D 8 Cl> QJl &>NEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M•A•S•H BENNYHIU BOTANIC MAN "Crackpol Jackpot" Dr David Bellamy contrasts the lives of Mexican Indians with i rtment dwellers In Cahlomia OtCK CAVET:T DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE 'MOVIE ''Cutter's Way" ( 1981. Drama) John Heard. Jeff Bridges. A maimed Vietnam vet and his best lriend, a social dropout. locus their energies on solving a murder case. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) CD MOVIE "Summer Camp" ( 1979. Comedy) John C Mclaughlin. Matt Michaels The owner of a falling summer camp decides raise money by h04dlng a reonion for the now-matured alumnl 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min) CD) MOVIE "Angela (1977. Orama) Sophia Loren. John HUS1on. A woman discovers that the young man she Is romantically lnvollled with Is the son who was taken from her In infancy. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CZ> MOYIE "Two English Girls" ( 1971, OramaJ Jean-Pierre Leaud. Kika Markham. In pre-World War I Paris. two Welsh girls engage In a romanllc trla~le with a young Frenchman. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 11 :1~QZJ MOVIE "I Saw What You Old" (1i)65, SUspense) Joan Crawford. John Ireland. When two teen-899 girls alone for the weekend play an lnno- <*lt tetepholie prank. little do they know that the .,.ny they'11e reached le a killer who wants to repay the autpftM. ( 1 tv .. 35 min.) 11:aoe (I) QUINCY Quincy has to dear Or. Attln wn.tt he ruins an aut~ done on t nightclub °"'* ~· 10mln.) • -Gueet halt: Joen RMra. Guetts: Joen Colne, ""~·> !~~ .. (1111.~) Rock ------~=C"---Wll'~ ~ Witt ... ~ ... I\ THE LATEST NEWS -NBC N e ws correspondents Linda Ellerbee and Lloyd Dobyns are the co-anchors of "NBC News Overnight," the new hour-Jong newscast that will follow Ja_te night programs on KNBC (Ch. 4) at 1:30 a.m. help from a secret medical organization. a m1tldie- aged businessman recaptures the appearance of ( th (2 hrs.) THEJEFFERSONS LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MOVIE "Uge1su" Two men who l1nd lortune 1n the spoils of war find that 11 does not bring happi- ness (2 hrs.) fD CHINESE-AMERICANS: THE SECOND CENTU- RY A contrasting portrait of the older generation labor 1mm1grants and lhe new arrivals w11h different skills end higher expecta1ions 1s presented ~CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTS CENTER MOVIE "History OJ The World ·· Part I" (1981. Comedy) Mel Brooks. Madeline Kahn Man's 1llustri· ous history •• from Neander1hal cavemen to the Spanish lnqulSlllOn -is examlned 'A' ( 1 hr . 38 12:';)0nJa ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT it" IJ 5 VEGAS Dan tries to protect a RuSSlan defec· tor and his aircraft from a deadly 1r10 bent on their destruction. (R) ( t I')!. 10 min.) (!) MOVIE "The Limbo Line" ( 1967, Suspense) Craig Stevens. Kate O'Mara A Russian ballerina is used as a decoy by a Western spy who is trying to discover how the Russians are reclaiming their tral-- tors (2 hrs) m MOVIE "Gilda" ( 1946, Orama) Rita Hayw0f1h. Glenn Ford The wile of a South Ame<ican casino owner falls In love with her hosband's righl-hand man (2 hrs .• 15 min.) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE UNOEASTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR MOVIE "Girls On The Beach" ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 12:308 • LATE NIGHT Wl'TI-l'OAVIO LETTERMAN Gueits; former "Monkee" Peter Tork. polls1er IGeorJ,'L~tl~ Jr. (I hr.) NEWS TOP RANK BOXING From Atlantic City. New Jersey (2 hrs .. 30 min) CD MOVIE "No Nukes" ( 1980, Musical) Jackson Browne. Crosby. Stills & Nash. Footage of a setles of anti-nuclear power concerts he4d In New York City during September. 1979. teatutlng the Ooobie Brothers. Carly Simon. James Taylor and Bruce Springsteen. is complled In this documentary. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) 12:408 Cl) MCMILLAN & WIFE Mac and Sally SUS• peel a 9reedy nephew Of murdering the tote heir to Mildred s wealthy aunt's estate. (R) (2 hr1.) 12:46(1) MOVIE "Chu Chu And The PhMty 'Ftnh" ( 1981. Comed)') Alan Arkin. Carol 8Ul'nett. An alcot:!<>llc form.t basebd playet and a kooky street entertainer become perc ner-s In a 8CMmt to make money by returning a lost eult~. 'PG' (1 "'·· 40 mlnJ_ 12:60VJ MOVIE "Kansas•Qty Confidentlel" (1952, Myttery) JoM Payne. Preston Foat•. A gang of bank thlevet blue a trail from ~ City to ~ tral America l9a.tng only a pl9ytng oerd • • ctut10- thelt ~ .. t>outa. ( 1 hr .• 40 min.) 12:11~ MOYIE (1llO) "Union City'' 'PG' ( 1 hr., 26 minJ_ 1:00• MOVll "AIMlll e.twt'' (1911 . ...,.,....>') --.-- Susan Clark. John Forsythe. The Independent life- style and air explotts of the .famed aviatrix capture :!! pubhc 1mag1natt0n in the 1930s: (3 hrs .. 10 min.) - • MOVIE "They Saved Hitler's Brain" ~ 1964, Hor-~ ror) Walter Stocker. Audrey Caire. A handful of ;C! Third Reich loyalists wages a last-ditch effort 10 gain world supremacy by abducting a prominent Ameri· r can scientist as part of Jhelr nefarious plot. ( 1 hr.. ~ 30 min.) CZ> MOVIE "For Your Eyes Only" ( 1981, Adven· =t' lure) Roger M00<e. Topal. James Bond tracks a a: criminal who purloined a top secret British defense ~ device. 'PG' (2 hrs . 5 min.) ~ t7 1:06(8) MOVIE "Only When I Laugh" (1981. Ora· c ma) Marsha Mason. Kristy McNichol. A New York '< ac1ress returns from a drying-out clinic determined !'-> to renew her career. her romance with a playwright ... co CD N and hef relationship wi1h her 17-year-old daughter 'R' g hrs.) 1:108 MOVIE "The Man With The Golden Arm" ( 1956. Drama) Frank Sina1ra, Kim Novak. A drug addict struggles to kick his habit ( 1 hr. 30 min.) Oil NEWS ' 1:30 D GO NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT· 0 MOVIE "BloOd Beach" (1981, Horror) John Saxon. Burt Young A pair of police oHicers have thetr hands lull when they 1nves11gate the cause of beachgoers being sucked into the sand. never to be seen again 'R' ( 1hr .• 30 min.) 2:05 (!) NEWS 2:15a» MOVIE "Firsl Yank Into Tokyo" (1945. Adventure) Tom Neal. Barbara Hale In order to extract vllal a1om1c bomb secrets from a POW held by the Japanese. an American undergoes plastic sur~y to disguise his identity. ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 2:2Q·c.&J MOVIE "Nashville Girl" ( 1979. Ofama) Mon- ica Gayle. Roger Davis. A Kentucky farm girl searches for success 1n the country-music capital 'R' l1 hr .. 27 min.) 2:30 (!) MORNING STRETCH m MOVIE "BloOd Mania" ( 1970, Horror) Peter Carpenter. Mana Aragon. A greedy, spiteful girl who 1s anxious lo collect her deceased lather's money loses her physician boyfnend tn the process ( 1 hr . 30 min.) • I WORLD A. T LARGE NEWS MOVIE "Paradise Alley" ( 1978. Drama) Sylves- ter Stallone. Armand Assante Three scheming b1others from the Hell's Ki1chen sec11on ot New York City combine I heir traits of brains and brawn in their efforts to create better hves for themselves. 'PG' (1 hr . 47 min) 2:4081JNEWS 3:00 (J) JOE FRANKLIN @ NEWS (() GOLF HIGHLIGHTS "1976 British Open" ( t hr.) 0 GALLAGHER: MAD AS HELL Gallagher proves once again thal a stand-up comic is only as Junny as his props ·· this time the "Sledge-0-Matic" is featured. ( 1 hr ) 3:05 (8) MOVIE "Search And Destroy" ( t 981. Adventure) Perry King. Don Stroud. A former' South Vietnamese official seeks revenge against the lour Americans who abandoned him in an ambush dur- ing the war 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min ) 3:108 MOVIE "Pumping Iron" (1977) Document&· ry Arnold Schwarzenegger. Lou Ferrigno. Two phy- SIQue stars undergo rigorous training rlluals to pre- pare for competition in the World BodybUHding Championships. (1 hr .. 40 min.) • (%)MOVIE "Three Into Two Won't Go" ( 1969, OGa· ma) Rod Steiger. Claire Bloom The appearanee of a promiscuous young woman upsets the settled existence of a middle-aged couple. ( 1 hr .. 33 min.) 4:00 (!)JIMMY SWAGGART • MOVIE "Days Of Glory" ( 1944, Adventure) Tamara Toumanova. Gregory Peck. The valiant Russian Resistance during World War II tries to hold back the invading Naz.ls ( 1 ht . 30 min.) (()SPORTS CENTER (I) MOVIE "The Hand" ( 1981. HorrOI') Michael Caine. Andrea MarcovlCci. Bizarre lnadenta and nightmares begin happening in a cartoonist's Ille after he suffers the loss of I hand. 'R' ( 1 tw .. 44 min.) • MOVIE "Going A•pel" (1981, eom.dy) Tony Oenza. Jessica Walter. Three orangutlln9 hOld the purse strings 10 a $5-mllllon lnhel'ltanoe. 'PG' ( 1 t,r., •:~min~. e - •: 10 VOYAGE. TO THE 80TTOM OF THE 8EA •:30 JIM BAKKER CC) "McUntockl" ( 1883, WMtttn) John Wayne, .......,, O'Hara. A cattte baton triel to hendlt • group of diagruntled lndlana end cope wth · 1· dlttll'l* ltd Wife., the.,.. time. (2 tn.) •:• I DMMt OF JEN• ~40 MCMI ''Aurftna ~ (1912, A~ ftn) ~· JoM IMon. Two fOffMr Gii ... "'* Of COf~ to lrMlc»9 ~· ~·, • (1tw .. 3C>"*'·> 4:•<1> MCWll .. ...,, ~~~ ..... ''"°· Honort ....... Mclnon. Font --. • .,,_ _____ "-' --- • t8 ~ ( Letter• ) a> ~ Ruth Gordon wrote ~ . ~ numerous movies ~ '.g TRUm ABOUT RUTH -A friend tells me u.. tlaat actress Rada Gordo• used to be a very well ~ kllown screeawriter la die old days la Hollywood. -J Trae? Wbat movies did site write tbt I migbt ltave > seen? I-In collaborat.ion with her husband, Garson :§ Kanin, the now 86-year-old actress wrote \be a: screenplays for "A Double Life," starring Ronald Coleman, "The Marrying Kind," with Judy Holiday and two Spencer Tracy/Kate Hepburn vehicles, "Adam's Rib" and "Pat and Mike." Oirher own, s he penned "Over 21," "The Actr~·· and "Rosie." The Last two were screen adaptations of her own stage plays. FORSYTHE'S SAGA .._ Please tell me if actor Jobn Fonytbe, wbo LI DOW Blake Carrlagtoa oa "Dynasty," also was tbe voice of Cllarlle OD ''Cbarlle's Angels," wbicll is now belag rerun. Forsythe was the voice of Charlie before running herd over the Carrington empire. Obviously no matter what he does, the guy always seems to have too many women on his hands. JOEL'S NEW ROLE -I waa one of tbe few fans of "Best of tile West" and wu aorry to see it go. Wlll Joel RlgglD.s be dolag aay more TV work? Higgins is also employed this TV season. He'll play Ricky Schroeder's lmmature father in NBC's· new sit-<:0m "Silver Spoons" (Saturdays, 8:30-9 p.m..). Meeno Peluce, whom you'll ~ as .HI~' son on "West," is over at NBC, too, m thejr kiddie 'adventure series "Voyagers!" (Sundays, 7-8 p.m.). 'OUTER' SCOUT -I llave been e DJoylag "Tile Outer Limits" la renao1 and would Uke to know Sports Highlights From Page 5 5:00 II GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Bobby Riggs" Host: Reggie Jackson EVENING 6:00(!) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL Essendon vs. Hawthorn ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 6:361 PEACHTREE ROAD AACE HIGHLIGHTS 7:30 HORSE MONG WEEKL V 8:00 SPORTS CENTER 9:00 NA8l. SOCCER Ft. Lauderdale Strikers vs. Tutsa Roughnecks (2 hrs ) 10:~ SUHOAY 8POAT8 PAGE. 10:3018PORT8 WRAJ).UP 11:00 8POATSWOMAN 11 ;30 8PORT8 FJNAl ())WEEKEND SPORTS WRAP-UP (I) 8POAT8 CENTER 12:30(1) AU8TRAUAN AUlE8.FOOTBAU. Essendon vs. Hawthorn ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 2:00(() NASL·80CCER Ft. Lauderdale Strikers vs. Tulsa Roughnecks (2 hrs ) 4:00 (!) 8PORT8 CENTER JULYS, 1882 ~ • 1:00(1) GOLF HtGHUGHTS "1975 British Open" ( 1 hr.) 2:00(£) BOXING Bobby Czyz vs. Manuel Melan from Totowa1 New ~hra.) ":00 i INSIDE Bi ILL '=30 8POA'T8 CENTEA &.00 WOALD CUP 80CCER TOUANAMENT Hiaf'lliahta of a -=end elirftlnetlon mMCh w!ll be bro.dCaM from 6plin. (2 hrs., SO min.) &3De WOALD CUP 80CCE:R TOUNWiefT Highilght• of • 8'cond elln* •tlon mttcl\ • be txoedCMt from Speln1 ( 1 ht.) (-~~.V_o~rd~G_a~m-•~--~) FILL I~ Tl4E Ml~S4N~ t..€11~ fpJ i'He '' TV l.AJOl:WS" BELOW. Ull 1 I N~IB I I ISi ·101ul1<I I 18~1 BIEi IAI IGI I IOI I m # 11t> µf rlltbfUtE II IH I IN IDI I Avr,d" 'L'£~N6• ~ ~EARllAIJGE nlE. .. (.Ei'r~S You FILL.ED ltJ j l'O SPELL 'fHE IJAME ~A i TV/WOiie SrA~: g i s I I I I i • some bact,roand laformatlon on tbe sbow. Wbea did it air originally? On wltat claaanel? Wlao did tbe special effects? "The Outer Limits" controlled transmission (remember, "there is nothing wrong with your set ... "?) on TVs tuned in to· ABC for two seasons from 1963 to 1965. Leslie Stevens was the creator and dcecutive producer of the aci-fi clasmc. Joseph Stefano produced the show duriJl8 its first year and J3en Brady the s«ond. The special effects, including their great alien creatures, were created by a variety of designers and technicians. Send your letters to Pepper O'Brien, United Feature Syndicate, 200 Park Avenue, Room 602, New York, N. Y. 10166. 7:30(l) ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE 1978 Cal· rlomia Angels vs. New York Yankees World Series Stars 8:00 (!)SPORTS CENTER 8:00(!) AUTO RACING "CART Budweiser --Cleve- land 500" (3 hrs) .12;00 (!) SPORTS CENTER. f:OO{() HORSESHOW JUMPING "Upperville Jumper Classic" ( 1 hr .. 30 min,) 2:30([) WOMEN'S MARATHON "1982 Avon" from San Francisco, Callfornla. 3:00Cl) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS " 1974 British Open" ( 1 hr.) -4:00 CE) SPORTS CENTER JUl v e. 1982 EVENING 8:30(!) GOLF HIGHLIGHTS " 1977 British Open" ( 1 hr.) 7:00(0) THE WAY IT WAS "1964 Football Upset" USC vs. Notre Dame 7: 10 (!) KINEA'S KORNER 7:30(!) RACOUETBALL "International Champion· ships" Sherman Greenfield vs Mike Yellen CO) 8ASEBAU. Baltimore Orioles at California Al (3h<s.) 8:00 SPORTS CENTER 9:00 RAaNG FROM YONKEAS Cl) PKA RA..l CONTACT KARATE From New Orleans.= ht .• 30 min.) 10:30i IN8U ALL 11:00 NA8L y 11: 10 BA8EBAU Chlcego Cubs at Atlanta Braves (3hra.~ 11:30(1)T8~ 12:30(1) WOALO CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT Highlights of t Mc:ond elimination match wiH be brO.dC:aat from Speln. (2 In. 30 min.) 3:00 Cl) OOlf tlOMLJGMT8 '' 1975 British Open" ( 1 hf.) .. :oo (I) 8flORTI cena. ,,_.. __ _ (,~ __ r_v~'-•_o_•_•_r_• _____ ) Who was Joanie's very first date? By W. WIUON CASEY C°"'91 ""'9 .... 1. Who played as little Joanie's first date on the popular "Happy Days?" He was portrayed as a rruniature hood in the spit 'n' image of his Uncle Fonzie. 2. What did Granny (Irene Ryan) call her cure-all elixir that could put a belt into anr.one who drank it Crom the jug on "The Beverly Hillbillies?" 3. Ron Palillo starred as Horshack on the popular "Welcome Back, Kotter" with Gabriel Kaplan in the title role. What was Horshack's name on the show? 4. Name the series: Clues: Mel Brooks . . . The Robin Hood Legend goes on . . . Dick Gautier . . Friar Tuck . . . Maid Marian . . . Dick Van Patten ... Prince John ... Misty Rowe ... Little Jflhn . . . Henry Polic II. 5. What was the number of the PT boat that McHale (Ernest Borgnine) commanded on "McHale's Navy?" Other roles and stars included Joe Flynn as Binghampton, Tim Conway as Parker. 6. Name the series. Clues: Spencer Williams . . . The Kingf ish . . . Andy . . . Tim Moore . . . Amos ... Sapphire. ANSWERS: 1. OaDDy Butcb . %. GraDDy's rlleumatl:r. medicine 3. Arnold 4. Wbea Tlllag1 Were Rotten ~-PT 73 •· Amot 'a' Andy TV Teasers are available in the book. "TV Trivia Quiz," which includes more than 300 questions and may be ordered for $3 from Case Co., 101 Lafayette St., Spartanburg, SC 29303. Satisfaction guaranteed. 41:00 (£)SPORTS CENTER 9:00 ([) BOXING Bobby Czyz vs. Manuel Melen lrom Totowa, New Jersey (2 hrs) 11:30 SPORTS CENTER t 1 :00~ SPORTS FORUM 12:30 AUTO RACING "CART Budweiser --Cleve· land 500" (3 hrs ) 3:30(£) RACQUETBALL "tn1erna11onal Champion- ships" Sherman Greenfield vs Mike Yellen 4:00 (£) SPORTS CENTER Thursday JULYS, 1982 AFTERNOON ":00. DODGER DUGOUT {() Cfl FOOTBAl.l PREVIEW 4: 16. DOOGER PAE-GAME 4:30 ()) BASEBALL San Diego Padres at Philadet- ~hla Phillies (2 hrs .. 30 min.) (1) BASEBALL San Francisco Giants at New V()(k Mets (2 hrs.. 40 min.) e BASEBALL Los Angeles Dodgers at Montreat Expos (3 hrs.) {()SPORTS CENTER 5:00 {() SPORTS FORUM 5:30. WORLD CUP SOCCER TOURNAMENT Highlights of a second elimination match will be broadcast from Spain. ( t hr.) {()TOP RANK 80XING Middleweights Jerry Holly vs. Tony Nelson from Atlantic City. New Jersey. (2 hrs .• 30 min ) MNINO , ... 8:00 SPOAT8 CENTER 7: 101 KINER'8 t<OANER 8:30 AACING FAOM YONKERS • 9:00 NUMEAO UNO Anlancl's Ve.'kko Hakullnen. the country's btst crou-country sider. is PfOfiled. (I) WORLD CUP 80CCEA TOURNAMENT Highlights ol 1 &emHNI match will be broadeat "~-~· (2 hfl., 30 min ) . 11:90 Cl) lfl'Oft'f8 CENTER 12:90(1) TOPMHI< IOXING From AttantiC City, New ~-(2tn..30mln.) 3:00(1) GOlJl ~ .. t916'8rlt.lsh ()ptf'I" (1 hf.) Cl>MWl!la. ----------- :-~~-'V~P_u_z_z_I• ____ __.) ACROSS 1,6 Shown, plays Sonny on Bosom Buddies Role for Marllu Henner Louie on Taxi The Bridges at Toko- -Chaney Before Trutl'l-Consequences Miu Arden Actor Lloyd- Olck Van Patten role Alan ot B.B. Rob to Carl Played Dracula Frank on Good Times Played Popeye Doyle 1 Down Tarzan's new Jane 31 Leave-to Beaver 32 Bullish time 34 Ollie's pal 37 Played Ironside 38 Zsa Zea's sister 41 -since Eve 43 Prlnler's- 44 Plays Florence 48 Overwhelm 47 Miss Klr1t's sign.oft 48 -Miss Brooks 49 Crossword bird 51 Neighbor of VA 52 Birdie on Lobo 54 Plays Esterhaus 56 Law and- 57 Role for Ed Marinaro I DOWN 1 See 30 Across 2 Starred In The Helrfss 3 Out continent: abbr. 4 Nothing 5 In a bit 6 Actor Bruce- 7 .. -Got Sixpence" 8 Clock numerals 9 Starred In Masada 10 One of the Shearers 12 Shroyer's show 13 Martin' or Morton 19 The-of the Affair 21 Tony-Blanco 22 Prime time 24 Starred In Green Acres 26 Davia or Mldler 28 Lucille to Lucie 29 US soldiers 32 Role for O'Connor 33 Mor1t's planet 35 Miss Gardner 36 Starred as Harper 37 Phil Slivers role 38 Deserve 39 Miss Ralston's sign-off 40 Templeton or Waugh 42 "I Am Woman" singer 44 The Ghost and Mra.- 45 Plays James on Good Times 48 Charge It 50 Numero- 53 Mr. Dreyfuss' lnslgne 55 Ripples, e.g. EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE THEA TTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A con"nient alternative to ho•plt•l •m•l'fl•ncy room• for: ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough, Pr?fessional & Personalized Care ADULTS ANO CHILDREN No Appointment Needed • Immediate Attention Given WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTED OPEN: 1 DAYS A ft!K 385 DAYS A YEAR I A.M.·11 P.M. (71 •) 752-9300 •••RG•NCY DOCTORS Ol'l'IC• 4030 Birch St., Suite 107 Newport Beach 405 FWY. o.c. Airport -''l-~'ciFF 55 your flrat visit = -with ... cieupen -SH wh•t _.. h••• to otter • . -llllllllllrtliftlllllllllllft SO ~6 "cLAUOE HOftRlel..Y, •A COUNTR ( CMAR- N:Tr!R WHO TALKr!O J UST LIKE EDGAR eef'e!!N'S 'MOftTIMf" eN!!RO."' A LEN, NO&.E Ar<J r:r.PAr P\.AYEO ALL THE PARTS ON Tl"1t5 RADIO 5ttOW. TOClo"Y JUNE FOfV.Y'!> llOICf 15 ~~ON MANY TV oi.RTOON St10WS. THeMe ... '11r s SMILE TIME, TIME TO CHA8e YOUR OLUE9 AWAY.~ Distinctive Fashion Every Sunday 1 I I ·' I t ' I • I. , N ao O> - 0 c; Daytime 3 , >. • ~ Paminy ODs; taken ~to the hospital ~ -By LYNDA HIRSCH .2 0: ALL MY CHILDREN: Both Greg aod Angie are suspicious about Liza's accusations that Jeae tried to rape her. Learning Jenny la in New York, Jeae ded~ to go there abo. Sleazy modeling agent Jackie Diamond thinks Jenny bu a great future in X-rated movies, with naive Jenny unaware of the plans. Aft.er readina Pammy's goodbye letter, Mark ruahes to her apartment and gets the overdoeed Pammy to the hospital where she pulla throua_h. Palmer tells his temporary chauffeur Sloane that Oonna repulles him. Going to psychic. Opel la told she'll get together with a wealthy bearded man and usumes it'• Langley. Losing Model of the Year crown to Cheryl Tiegs. Erica plans to move to Hong Kong and wed Brandon but reconsiders when Lan offers her movie role. Meeting St.eve J acoby, Daisy la attracted. Seeing Benny with loan shark, F.telle decides their ma.rriagie is over. ANOTHER WORL~ Arriving in Bay Oty, Alma moves into apartment above Blaine'L Aware that Blaine put tpecial meanning to IOf\g "Sentimental Journey," CeciUe calls Blaine, plays the song and hangs up. Preparing to pose as cleani.ng lady, Alma gets key to Blaine's apartment and plans to leave objects which will cauae Blaine to doubt her sanity. Harry and Steve patch up differences. PI'A picketing Jamie's movie. Viet.or decides to make Cecille's character in the movie appear in bet\er light. causing Jamie to want to halt the projtc:t. Alice asks Sally to be her matron of honor. Bob upeet when he learns Quinn is dating Len. AS THE WORLD TURNS: Barbara and Gunnar return to Oakdale and are confronted by a jealous James. Gunnar prepares to leave town but changet hia mind whe.n he ,realizes James baa again been cruel to Barbara. Tom and Margo go to the French convent to get Dilan, but realize that Mr. Big and his female companion reached the convent first, m111querading u Tom and Margo. and have taken Bilan to the island of Dremu, so Tom and Margo he.cl there. Craig admUa to Dee that • K.attn got job with corporation through blaclanall. Brian M.cCall, Lisa's European friend, arrives in town and gets job at Chrla'1 law office. CAPITOL: Wally considen dropping out of school. Matt having painful shoulder problem. Shelley trying to upgrade her education. Joan views tape of Phil ln bed with Shelley and decides to ltand by him. Feeling Uzbeth has teated him. Jordy stop8 abort of rape, d\.aftPS her on ~ rwd, and ~ calla Thomu ror help. Myrna wamt Jordy he mutt &et Uzbetii bldt. After bein8 cautioned by Trey that she wm ruin all their plane to llDeaJ' Tyler unlell lhe bpicka out of the operation and does not try to harm Julie, Myrna feigns contritenem but intendl to go on whb her planl to destroy anyone ln her way, including J~. DAYS OP OUR LIVES: Ahbou1h reertul of the relat.lorwhip. Don grows clolet to the vulnerable ..Gwen. When Tony announces he'• leavtna Salem, s6,phano collapites, feign.ine heart attaick. Renee decides to oontinue livlnl at the mansion. When Liz ub Tony for a divorce, he l't!f'*9. Stephano OYerhee.n the conversation and ~ Alex IO k~ Liz ln line. ~ panlca when Marlena 1ay1 it'• time be left aanltarium. Nell glvea Lix ~tring. DOCTORS: Nola decides to Pin Tsir ln St. Croix. Mena Did by Lt. Paul Reed about theft at the Aldrich LIFE GOES ON -Beautiful Judith mar.er plays model Ariel Aldrin on the CBS daytime series, "As the World Turns," seen weekdays a~ 12:30 p.m. on K.NXT (Ch. 2). crypt. Mona urges Billy to obtain valuable necklace that was to be willed to her but has been in the crypt for years. Jeff berates Kit for her emotional involvement with • cr:ltically ill paUent. • EDGE OF NIGHT: With Jeffenon Brown'• body exhumed, a beck 1e:ar prova he la not Sky. Raven must turn ova her fortune and Sky hira a buainesl manager. It appean Gunther la not dead. After Poppy Is beaten, Damien vows to get Edd.le. Jodie le&ma she may be the martyr of Eden. GENERAL HOSPITAL: On camping trip, Luke keeps losing track of young lady. Laun geta job at ELQ and Edward insists she take apartment in one of hit buildl.np. Jeckie belieYet Demley la with the mob and plans to exp:. him. S\UI\ furious when she learns Alan ·and Monica alept-fotetber, but he swears It was only to get out of 1ar&e divorc:e aettlemeot. Scotty displeased when Alan and Monica'• divorce halted. Gail thinks Heather la making procre11, but Scotty doesn't buy It. · Scotty makes Hnther take sponge 1.-d to make Johnny .eem to have suffeftd heart attack yean back. Rick la then given phony tpenge althoulh piece ot the real ·•~ ii at the Sporta <:.enter. Amy, angry that Rick · thl.nb Packy'• in'!Olved ln Johnny'• troubles, buml the piece of 1ponge, thua lesvlna Heather • the only ~ with the key to the truth of Johnny'• former heart problem. Ruby bt!inc baJ'lll9ed by mys1erious penona. GUIDING UGBT: Moraan rushes to New York to be with Kelly, who l\IHered a concumion when hlt on the head by Carrie No. 2. With .o.ors ln hand, Carrie wages battle with both of her penonallties. The good Carrie wins and collapees in Ro.'1 arms. Later Carrie, In control of henielf, calls Jackie and admill that Carrie No. 2 lied abollt her leXUal. involvement with Jl.Wtin. An overjoyed Jackie calls Justin and decides t&-take Carter'• pnvate plane Crom the cottage to the Chicago airport, then connect and come home. Going to meet the plane at the Springfield airport, Justin ls astonished when Jackie does no• get off the Chicago plane, and later learns that both Jackie and Carter's private plane arR missing. Nola returns to Springfield \>ut cannot convince Floyd to drop custody swt for Kelly Louiae, so she hires Derek as her attorney. Quint, Nola and Gunther head to isolated Island off St. Croix in continuation of Quint's ~uest . ONE LIFE TO UYE: Asa n!9Cues Bo Crom burning race car, saving his life, but Bo has no intention of making peace with Asa. Georgine realizes the car exploded, not due to sabotage, but a Oaw in Solaramite, and drops her project, telling Bo she'll marry him, but he backs out, saying his !irst priority is to find the Ralston family. Jenny di9coven a tape in Peter's u.fe marked "Peter's confe91on," and plans to lilt.en to It. Vicki stunned when her 1tory exposing Darryl's report from San Carlos as a fraud ls publiahed in Clint's pa~ with her byline. Clint says that the newspaper war is good for both papers. Pat tuma down Tony'• marriage proposal because she says abe cannot live the adventurous life. Dorian learns that 1 Gary ThomM Is Marco's younger brother. Cusle being I pursued by Kyle and Gary. I RYAN'S HOPE: Rae stunned when she learns Kim's surprile guest is Hollia. She calls off the flight to Ven.ice for business meetings. Later on in the limo, Rae and Hollis fight, but the argument turns into a passionate klsa. With Jane baby-sJtting Ryan, Ox comes over. The night becomes passionate, with the duo unaware that Dee I bas slipped into the room and decides to tell all to Roger. I The mob is out to get Joe. Feeling that no one respects 1 him because Siobahn has reconciled with Joe, Johnny is I giving Maeve a hard time. Dee pretends to Kim that she I has tape recording that proves Kim was in on plot to t kidnap Arley; later Dee prepares to trap Kim mto filmed t admhlalon. I SEARCH FOR TOMORROW: Dane, Aja and Travis rush to France to try and find Liza, who may be on the f Orient Exprea. But they are unaware how cloee she 11 to I them. Having lost $2!>,000 gambling, Martin turns to 1 Stephanie for finanda.l help. Kristin grows cloeer to t Brian while he still feels bad over his rejection of Suzi. I Krlstm and Wendy go swimming and meet handsome f life~ Keith McNeil. Noticing Jenny's ill health, Stu 1 offers to nune her back to health. Stephanie goes on a 1 date with Ted. although she questions his reasons for 1 their renewed relationship. i I TEXAS: Ruby, Lurlene and Mavis spend the night 1 in jail for puain& s10len money. Stryker decides t.o 1 divorce Vicky and marry the woman in Cuem.avaca who 1 bore teVenl of hit cbildftn. After meeting Ginny, T .J.'s t mother decides she ia the woman for her son. Ashley, 1 J ustin and Gregory move into the new f!WWon. George 1 St. John has a doesier on J udith that indicates she wu 1 having an affair with a younger man when her marriage 1 to Grant first went on the rocks. Mark is interested in , Al1aon after Ruby becomes overly poaessive. YOUNG AND THE RESrl.ES& Paul goes to Stuart and bep him not to releale story on C-arl until after Patti'• wedding, with Stuart agreeing. Jill tells Lii she wants to marry Andy but has ~ get John out of her system. Tracy t.elll John she hu no desire to work for Gabot, and John, although disappointed, ii understandlng. Jack gives h.19 little black book to his photopaphtt. Jack's sister ltUnned when she dllcoven Jack ln uck with one of hia modela when he lhould be on way to hia nuptials with Patti. Carl guea to Walker and warna that once be is found innocent he will get even with Walker th.rough any legal means pomlble. Laurie decides to bed down with Victor In order to get key to his private papen concerning hls business dealingl. Ju.at • Laurie and Victor get into bed, Nikki arrives on the 1eene. Have a q~tion about YOW' favorite .,.p OI' ar»p surr Write to Lynda Hinch, clo Field N~wapa~r Syndk»te, P.O. Box 19620, IrvlM, CMJ.l. 12114. She will answer u many quertlolv • "1e can in her column, but the volume of mail males penonaJ replJes lmpolaibk. - ' Solid Gold' • • • From Page 3 we felt the appeal of the show was young and that we would like to try for a younger host." The producers Signed up Marilyn McCoo and Andy Gibb to host the current season. Mm McCoo was•a member of the Fifth Dimension during the group's "Up, Up-and Away" and "Age of AqlJ4rius" days; more recently she performed as a duo with her husband Billy Davis Jr. Andy Gibb, of course, is a young brother of the Bee Gees singing trio and had several hits in his own right. According to Paramount's Ms. Pino, the new host strategy worked. The program kept the viewers it had during the first season, and added new fans. The producers have tampered little, however, with the su~ful "Solid Gold" format. Like that old standby "American Bandstand," "Solid Gold" stays ClµTent by taping usually less than two weeks before broadcast. But unlike Dick Clark's program, "Solid Gold" uses professional dancers, not teen-age amateurs, to perform as the music is played. Also, the staging of perfonnances on "Solid Gold" is more lavish than on Clark's program. As a result, "Solid Gold" attracts teen audiences wi'thout making adults feel embarrassed to be watching. "Solid Gold" is sort of "American Bandstand" without· the Clearasil. · "Solid Gold's," fi;ght-member dance troupe (Sl)( women and two men) is one of the better reasons to watch the program. Under the direction of choreographer Kevin Carlisle, the d;mcers move aensuously to Cragments of each week's top hits. The skimpy, skintight costumes don't hurt the • effect either. Another fun segment is ·the weekly film clip in which people on the street are asked to lip-synch along to a current hit reoord. On the other hand, the lame comedy bits featuring Marty Cohen and Wayland flowers and Madame are a good time to slip off to the kitchen for a sandwich. Of late. the lion's share of the hosting chores has fallen to Miss McCoo, who has a very fine voice and projects warmth and frien~ Wayland Flowers and Madame appear on "Solid Gold," adding their own unique brand of humor and wit to the top-rated music/variety show. ·Pieanolriu -~~llt ··~p ~ · • /VEW' a.ASS SICN-lJPS llE:CINlllNC APllll.. IZllt • HA/VDJIADE QUILTS• CIFTS • AJllTIQUES • FABlllCS • DOLL•MAJC1tvC SVWUES De•--··-...... To-....r .... ~ 14 12 RICHARD C. AGNEW, M.D. ~rican Joarct of Obatetrict cl Gynocotogy ANNOUNCES mE OPENJNO '""" OF HIS NEW OFFICE 320 SUPERIOR •390 NEWPORT BBACH CA.UPORNJA 92663 Telephone (71•) 63J ·9000 51 :2 o .. And where is Andy Gibb? Well, midway through the current season. the young singer,began ~ missing his "Solid Gold" taping dates, despite the ,.- fact that he was earnin& in the neighborhood of c8 $20,000 per show. Industry talk has it that the - singer is brooding over the break-up of his romance ~ with "Dallas" star Victoria Principal. 0: "The reason be is not with the show anymore, ~ and the only reason he's not with the show any-::_ more, is that he didn't show up for work 5. consistently," Paramount's Ms. Pino says. "It was '< not at all because he wasn't popular." !'J .... She..said "Solid Gold" has been picked up for co another season, although the producer has not yet ~ decided who will serve as h06ts and comedians on the show. The program will continue to strive for a good mix of artists per show, ranging from middle of the road to new wave, from country to rock "oldies" performers. The fact that most "Solid Gold" artists only lip-synch to their hits apparently doesn't faz.e most viewers. Why is "Solid Gold" succeeding while traditional variety shows are fading from the 111twork schedules? Says Ms. Pino: "It's well done. It's splashy. It's got the dancers. It's got the h06ts. And it's got one thing that we have found through research that people watch the show for regardless of everything elae. "People watc h this show to watch the perf onners doing their own music. All the rest of the show is window dressing. U '65 .Liove Affair' is on the charts, people want to tune in 'Solid Gold' and see Paul Davis doing it. And they enjoy seeing it done on our stage, rather than seeing a promotional-film clip. "All the rest of it -the sets and the lighting and the directing and the hosts and the comedy and the dancers are all integral to the show and give it its personality. But it's possibly not the ma.in reason ·that people watch the show." ' I I •• I I I I -I I I I I I I .. I ~ I , I Al IARDEN IRIVE SUBARU ~ OF ~~KODAK FILM f:f{) . . • KODAK DISC, KODACOLO~ II, K~DACOLOR 400, '. KODACHROME 25, KOl)ACi'.tROME 64, BLACK AND Y_IHl~E VP-FX-PX-TX JUST llR IESl-lllMINI . . • I , I l ....._.__,.__._~~r;-~~[~~~~~;~~~~~~~~~ • lllTlllJll llKI I flllTlll llllll OHA N (~f C OlJN TY C ALIFORNIA 2!> CEN TS Child porn target Supreme Court reinstates New York law WASHINGTON (AP) - States ma~ ban virtually all "kiddie pornography," the U.S. Supreme Court ruled today. The justices thus carved out an exceptlon to the constitutional guarantees of free speech and free expressi0n. By a 9-0 vote on the last day of its 1981-82 term, the court ~instated a New York law that makes it a crime to "promote" sexual performances by children. The state's highest court struck the law as unconstitutional, but today the Supreme Court, led by Justice Byron R. White, reversed the st.ate court's ruling. "Here the nature of the harm to be combatted requires that the Agencies make ·do with cut-s By ROBERT BARKER OflM Oelfr "°' llaff • 1tate offenae be Vmited t.o works that visually depict sexual conduct by children below a specified age," White wrote for the court. "The category of sexual conduct proscribed also must be suitably limited and de.cribed." The Constitution's First' Amendment guarantees that government will not interfere with anyone's freedom of speech. But that protection is not absolute. Past Supreme Court decisions have created exceptions for obsce n e or defamato ry expression and for expressions d~med to be ''fighting words'' or an' incitement to immediate lawless action. Expression found to create a "clear and prnent danger" to 1ome important governmental Interest also is f\Ol constitutionally protected. Under a landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision, called Miller vs. California, materials are legally obscene when the av~rage person appl1lng community standards would find them to "appeal to the prurient interest in sex, which portr8y sexual conduct In a patently offensive way, and which, when taken as a whole, do not have serious literary, artistic. political or sc1enttfic value." But today's Supreme Court (See PORN, Page At) Old rocket booster Space shuttle has a close encounter FUN AT PARK -Girl exults at the joy of playing under parachute at Huntington Central Park. Fun took ~lace at picnic for disabled children and their families. It was Delly Not "'9to br CMtlM lurr sponsored by the Mar~h of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, the city of Huntington Beach and Kentucky Fried Chicken. Officials in Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley indicate they can make do this year despite reductions in money they're getting from the st.ate. But some warn that more unpleasant times probably lie ahead if the belt-tightening trend continues. CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. (AP) -Columbia's astronauts had a close encounter today, passing just 7.7 miles below the orbiting remains of a junked Soviet rocket booster. The old · casing is part of a whirling and growing space graveyard whifh may be a hazard to future spaceships. fourth and last test mission which 1s to end Sunday at Edwards Air Force Base with a welcome from President Rea~an. The weather forecast is good for touchdown. NASA wants a c rosswinds landing to test Columbia's handling. If winds are calm, as expected. the shuttle will avoid the wide--0pen lakebed runway and make its first landing on concret e .c hjd Touchdown is scheduled for 9:10 a.m. PIYf. • San Juan couple win Huntington Beac h city government will receive about $3 million less than normal because of the slash in motor vehicle in lieu fees , according to Administrative Services Director Ben Arguello. If there had been any lhreat of collis!on, Columbia would have taken evasive action. It wasn't necessary. Adopted son facing deportation given extension Mission Contr o l alerted astronauts Ken Mattingly and Henry Hartsfield to look for the booster as they passed 186 miles above the eastern coast of Australia. They were out of contact at the time of encounter and when th~y next talked with the ground they gave no indication they had spotled anything. "Chariots or Fire" was the wakeup music beamed up by Mission Control. By STEVE MITCHELL OftMDellyNotlt-" A San Juan Capistrano couple, whose adopted son faced deportation to his native Uberia next week, have won an eX1enll,on of the clMdl1ne that will .no. him tO remabl wftti hJS 1 family eight more months. The Immigration and Naturalization Service this week extended the July 5 deadline for Sam Willet to Feb. l, 1983, after the 26-year-old man and his father. Dave Willet, drove to Los Angeles t.o present a letter from Congressman Robert Badham. "It means Sam can stay in the United States at least until next year, unless there is any adverse action on Badharn's private bill," Dave Willet said in a telephone interview. "We were really getting close to the line, and. the family is really relieved," he la.id. Samuel, who was born in Liberia, was adopted by the Willets more than a decade ago when the couple were working for the Peace Corpa in that OOW\try. 1be adopted aon spent seven years in Liberia and Kenya With the Willet family, then a two- year aeparation forced by the question of Sam's immigration when the Willets returned to the United States. The family was reunited nearly two years ago when Ex-officials make pleas of innocence , Four former officers of an Orange County-based home improvement company have pleaded innocent to charges that they bilked investors out of more than $2.5 million. Following their arraignments Thursday in Central Orange County Municipal Court, Judge John Ryan allowed two of the defendants t.o go free on their own recognizance They were Everett "Skip" Doughty, 63, of Huntington Beach, a former vice president of V.B. Companies of Orange, and Andrea Lee Hacecky, 27. of Balboa Island, who worked in the firm's trust deed department. Bail was lowered from $150,- 000 to $50,000 for Robert Kappler, 37 , of Orange, identified by prosecutors as a former president of V.B. Judge Ryan, however, refused to lower bail for Hennan "Terry" Termohlen, 55, of Placentia, founder and chairman of V .B. A fifth defendant in the case, Harry John Fakier , 41, of Placentia, currently la ln federal prison in Northern California on an unrelated perjury conviction. All five defendants are each charged with 20 counts of grand theft by fraud and 20 counts of sales of unregistered aecu.rities. V.B. Company currently is in recelverahip as a result of civil action taken by the state Attorney General's Office. Additionally, some investors have initiated involuntary bankruptcy proceedinal against the firm. TELEVISION Variety shows dying out "Solld Gold" is only mualcal-variety show left on television and it's not network. TV Log. , NATION Bulletproof law opposedt Who could polltbly oppme a bl.D oudawm, bulleta deQned to penetrate law of ficen' bulletproof veaca? Seel>aae AB. Blul injure. UC proleMOr mxm.n (AP) -A un&wnety o1 CallfomJa ~ prcf I"' W ~ today whin a bomb exploded on the fourtll floor of th• eampu1 1n1lneerlft_I lnalld&q. Prof H1or Dlo1eno1 J . A.•••· II, .. llllia '° 8-rtak llGlp6tal wt.n .. .. • Samuel obtained a one-year student visa. But the U .S . government never officially reoogniz.ed the adoption, saying Samuel was too old to be considered adopted nearly 11 years ago.. Attempts by Bad ham to introduce private billa to keep Samuel in America falled, and the House Subcommittee on Immigration said It would not re-hear a special bill authored by Bad ham. The extension will give the subcommittee more time to reconsider Bad ham's la test private bill on be half o f the Willets. Meanwhile, Judi cia ry Committee Chairman Peter Rodino has sent a letter to Badham indicating the immigration subcommittee is extremely busy with o ther immigration legislation, forcing Rodino to postpone consideration of the private bill. That should eliminate the possibility of adverse action on Badham's bill before the new February deadline, Willet said. Rodino suggested the family seek administrative relief by seeking refugee status for Sam. But Dave Willet said he will have to consult Santa Ana attorney Jim Cannon before pursuing that course. Cannon agreed to help the Willet family at no cost when he heard of Sam's plight. Meanwhile, Sam has given notice to his employers at a San Juan Capistrano fast food restaurant because he feared he would be deported next Tuesday. "I don't know if they'll give him his job back or not," Dave Willet said. He said the new extension will enable Sam to take more business and accounting classes in the fall at Saddleback College in Mission Viejo. COUNTY He said the city is making up about $1 million deficit in the $51 million budget by tapping the city's re8erve fund. Officials say that reserves· are shrinking rapidly and the city might have to take such unpopular steps as ch.argllw fot traa~ collection, paramedic 9eMces and library U8e lf they are to keep spe~ ln balance. The Huntington Heach Union · High School l>istrict will lose approximately $2.4 million. The district, as well as others in West Orange County, will get 100 percent of last year's state money. · But missing will be the inflation allowance that amounts (See FIN~CE. Page AZ) Controllers said it would have appeered out their front witldow. paned over the shuttle and disappeared behind its tail. With both Columbia and stage traveling more than 17,000 miles an hour, the rendezvous was short and chance of sighting slim. Their paths crossed at an estimated closing speed of 6,100 miles an hour. Mattingly and Hartsfield were in good spirits as they wakened this morning on the shuttle's "Hope you got a good night's sleep," said Capcom Brewster Shaw. "Slept like a log," was Mattingly's reply. After breakfast, Harts field went for a space jog on CoJumbia's tread.mill. It "went kaput," in the words of Mission Control. and he had to fix it before continuing on his way. Meanwhile, Mattingly entered the ship's airlock and rehearsed putting on the s pace s u it developed for walking outside the shuttle. The astronauts then test-fired some of the craft's jets to see how well they operated after exposure to the cold shadows of space. Paddleehair venture f :=~:~_ ::::00 to .:~~~ •• ::.o~~' m~a~~~i::~:~:::~ activist who has wheeled himself arms," O'Hara said. ''T o be unable," said O'Hara. · coast-to-coast, across Death honest ... I don't want to do it O'Hara was placement director Valley and once towed a two-ton because I'm scared t.o death of for a truck drivers school before van expanded his range from the water, but something has to he was attacked by muggers who land to sea today with a get the attention of able-bodied left him partially paraly7.ed in paddleboat hooked up to his persons." 1974. wheelchair. The event is a fundraiser for O'Hara, who gives his age as Dan O'Hara of Walnut Creek, the n on -p r o f i t 0 ' H a r a "over 40, but under 50," cl'OS8ed hia Labrador retriever Charlie at Handicapped Aw a re n es s 25 st.ates in a solo wheelchair his aide, was to embark from Foundation. journey from San Franclaco to Hamilton Cove on Santa Catalina "What I hope to do by taking Washington D.C., where he was Island for a 31-mlle channel on th.is challenge is to raise funds greeted by then-President Cart.er croaing to the Queen Mary at for a recreation center in Walnut and a congressional welcoming L ong Beach, battling shifting Creek for disabled people," the committee. winds.and cross-currents. San Francisco man said. "It (the His only companion on the Uip He powers a 10-foot-wide propoeed center) will be the first to Long Beach will be Charlie, catamaran himself, with an of its kind, not only in California his Labrador retriever. O'Hara eight-blade paddle wheel hooked but in the nation. expe<:ts the northeast crossing to to his chair, to dramatize his ''It's important that everyone take 24 hours, landing around 11 belief that disabled people can do discover that handicapped people a.m. Saturday. anything. INDEX ERA fight 'not over' At Your Service Busillell A4 A6-7 A5 A9 Intennillion Weekender Ann Landers A9 Movies Weekender . F.qual Rtghu Amendment supporters, rallytni in Santa Ana after ERA'1 dembe, vow to fight for decades if necessary for the meature. Pase Bl. More Coast news inside Additional news from Ne'litport-ee.a\, Fountain Valley, Lquna.Beach, Colt.a Mesa and Irvine will be found on Page C3. . _ Golden year /or pageant The Papant of the MMe.en and Iha F..Uval of Ar11 at l.illl'ma'• lrvtne BOWi celebtate tMir 50th Anniwrmiliil du. y..... W..under. ' M~a now bl1 b•laetM Harry lllGlll&one Jr •• dW mljlsf• Of IM ,..,, • ,, ~ hM b1111 I lill btlll • W11l11 .. r • Callf omla Cavalcade Claulfied Comics Cro.woni Deeth NoUces ~t Cl,C3-8 82 82 C2 A8 Weekender Home/Gvden AlO H~ Ai S PORTS Mutual Funds A8 National News A3 Public Notte:. C24 Sports 83-3 Stock Marketa A'I Televllf.on TV Loe Thee ten Weekendiw W•ther A2 World News A3 \ Allp& bope lo reliouad • h .. d for ltiuu CUy fC)r 1 or'6Cl•I ..... .......... ,,,.,.,.,,, ......... •• • . . F INANCE PROBLEMS .. ~ to about 5 percent of tho dlttrlct'1 $64 million budaet. Superlntendent hank "Jake" Abbott said there lhould be no additional cuta throu1h the comina IChooJ year. Fifty.four teachers received layoff noUces this spring and school programs also were cut. Abbott said achool buildl.ngs will suffer if cuts conliJtue. lte said some achools soon will be in need of new roofs and othera need painting. He said half the custodians were laid off in previous years. Abbott said the district anticipated most of the cuts in state money but still is getting $1 50,000-$200,000 less than expected. tountain Valley City Manager Howard Stephens said his city actually received pleasant news from Sacramento in wake of the approval of the $25.2 billion state budget. He said the city expected to lose about $775,000 in motor vehicle fees. Instead, th e state withheld $511,000. He said the city will not have to dip into its interest-producing reserve funds to balance the budget. The city's $10.7 million budget provi des no increases for employee salaries, however. Superintende nt Lawrence Kemper said the Huntington Beach City (elementary) School District expects to lose about $870 000 1D lnftatlon allowance. "U there are no further cute, we'll be able to make it," he Mid. The diatrlct closed three 1choola lut year and c ut provama tull Wd off teachen becauae oftlghtenlna flnancet. It.a budget calls for spending $13 million in the 1982-83 year. Ocean Vlew School Dlatrict ln Hdntington Beach la getting about $700,000 leas t pan anticipated fro m the s tate, according to Superintendent Dale CooQan. "We're more fortunate than some of the other districts 'be<:ause we're not broke," he said. "We've been about a year , ahead in anticipating when the bottom would fall ou1." He said the district has a healthy amount in reeerve funds. It alao received $3.2 million when it sold surplus property at Beach .Boulevard and Warner Avenue. He said the district didn't lay off teachers this year but that state cutbacks may start hitting home next year. Meanwhile, the F ountain Valley School District is losing about $283,000 in the inflation allowance. The board of trustees will hold sessions soon to look into possible program c uts, according to Pamela Rice, directoc of business services. The district closed Bushard and Wardlow schools in June and savings of about $158,000 from each school are estimated. P ORN R ULING .. • decision allows states to ban even non-obscene materials when they portray sexual conduc t by children. Election· spending detailed CandldatH f or offloe in Hunttncton BNch d ty elect1ona 1pent about. $130,000 in the campalin that ended 1ut April. City Attorney Gail Hutton wu the bfUelt lndlvidual 1pender of the 18 candidatee in the dty. She reported on campal1n d.llcloeure papen that ahe apent $25,586 ln beattnc opponent Don Bonta by a maraln of nearly 2-1. Mn. Hutton 1pent men than five tlmel the '4,152 that Boni. reported 1pend.lna. She aot 7,727 vota and Bon.fa Ft 3,813. Councilman John Thoma1 reported •pending $21,515, of hia own money, and waa the ~ spend er among council candidata. Thomas waa elected, flnlabinC fourth with 4,190 votes. Don Mac Allister reported spending $19,538 and wu the second highest City Council spender. He w u elected with 4,539 votes. Bob Mandie, the highest vote- getter with 7,010 reported apendlng $8,243. Ruth Bailey, the second highest with 6,964 votes, spent $5 978. Other candidates: Dan Ma- haffey, spent $4,775, got 3,113 votes; Bud Belsito, spent $11,388. got 3,254 votes; Betty Clark, spent nothing, got 1,270 votes; hank Mlrja.hangir, spent $3,214, got l,106 votes; Mark Juerges, spent $4,600, got 526 votes. Others: . Michael Music, spent nothing, got 431 votes; Steve Schumacher, spent $3,092, got 2,907 votes; Jay Stout, spent $7.253, got 3,736 votes; William L . Stevena. spent nothing, got 288 votes; Edward Zechoche, spent $1 ,807, got 3,940 votes; John Valentine, spent $6,- 145, got 819 vot es; Dean Albright, spent $2,689, got 1,481 votes. "The Miller standard, like all general definitions of what may be banned as obscene, does not reflect the stat.e's particular and more compelling Interest in prosecuti~g those who promote the sex ual exploitatio n of children ," White said. Congress and state legislatures have been und er pressure in re<.-ent years to height.en efforta to stem sexual exploitation of children. Just last week, an official of the General Ac:coun.ting Office, the investigative arm of Congress, told a House committee that child pornogra phy has declined in recent years but that mait law enforcement officials believe the number of children involved has not dropped. The committee was told that "much of the child pornography today is produced and distributed under ground th~ough an infonnal but clol!le-knit network of pedophiles" -adulta with an abnor mal aexual desir e for children. Reagan to reduce T a iwan arms sale? R idge blaze intentional There was smoke and \here was fire on Lomas Ridge east of Orange Thursday. For good reason. The blaze was pu~posely set by the Orange County Fire Department as part of a program to reduce over'°'°wn chaparral in an area that bM not bu.nied since the devastating Pueo Grande fire of 1967. About 200 ea"ea were involved in the controlled bum -the tint planned by the fire department. Subsequent burns will b e conducted as weather conditions permit. WASHINGTON (AP) -In a bid to improve relations with C hina , t he R eaga n adminiltration is seriously con sidering a reduction and perhaps an eventual phase-out of anna sales to Taiwan, according to infonned aources. The proposals , which reportedl~ave been sent to President • are certain to touch off a eated battle in Congress between conservative sympathizers of Taiwan a nd advocates of close ties with China. ~\" .~ Brown1vlle 96 78 SS 52 48 75 51 65 53 51 !>8 so 65 53 74 55 Fair ·skies · RM!& Snow~ Showw•• fluniH~ Bulflllo . 71 Bu1llng1on ee Cuper 88 Cherllln SC 87 Coastal Cherlttn WV 77 Cllertlle NC 81 Light verlable wind• -t to ~ 75 Chicago 78 SOU1h-t I 10 3 tee! FeJr. ClnclnneU 79 Cle¥elend 72 U.S. S ummary Clmbla SC 88 Colurnbut 75 ~tW1h 92 Thund•rttormt conllnu•d Oeyton 75 acrou much Of th9 ioww MIMoull o.n ... 81 Velley end OWll th9 Plelot. wnile • 0.. MolnM 73 tornado -apotted In Mont-Detroit n and hell b•tt•r•d putt of Duluth 76 Colored<> end Sou1h OIJltotL BPMO 95 ShOWWa t• Thur9dey on perU Fergo llO Of Texaa. Iha PecHlc ~t Flegstelf 77 end the C*'ltrel Gulf Cout, wNl9 Or•IFlllls 81 1he rm of t~ netlon .,,joyed Hertford 75 .deer WMther. .....,,. 83 The torecatt called lor man Honolulu 87 lhunderllormt end ~ OW/( Houston 92 tll9 Plalns. «ha MIQlalc>pl V"-t, • lndnapllt 78 Arken1u. Florlde, the Ohio Jac:ken MS 91 Velley, and tll• Northweel, Jedltrwlle 97 lneludlng the Rodd ... Kana City 78 · Sunthlne wu ••s>eet4NI over lM Vega 119 th• Atlantlc coHt north ol Uttle Rock 91 .Florkle. end In the Souti-1. Loultville 78 T•mc:iratur•• eround '!!l Lubbock 88 netlon or• dewn ranged fr Memphlt 90 41 In BtadforCI, P9t1n .. to 83 In Mleml 86 Key w .. t, AL, end Phoenix. Alli. MllwllU!t• 74 Mpll-St.P 81 California NutMI .. 87 New Oflean• 91 New Yori! 77 The Natlon•I w .. 1her Service Nortolll 77 p1edlo1• felr elfernoon1 In moet · No. Piette 87 areu of Southern Cellloml• ~ Oki• Cl1)' 90 llloH perelttent .. rly morn Ilg Omehe 74 Cloud• dear Intend. Otl8nClo lM The Ower'9 Veltfrt end northern Phlledphla 77 mounteln• coulCI o-t M leol•:r. Phoenix 100 thunderttorm, and •out -~~ 7a _,.,,_. wlndt C,.tno 10 35 13 mph wlll relcl 1119 L ,._,,Ora • Setureley'• ~ "'°'*' ,.,_ PrO'MlliOe 71 from 73 In Los ~ Incl el ~-11 ~ • .,._ end 10 In 1t lllOUntllna. trom ea to ee In the 8all l.alle 79 ~ dlMrt llld ~ 100 llld ean~ lM In ,,.,. row dlMrta. ...... 87 A •m•ll-craft advltor~ ::l.-i= 81 eflwc1hioa ""°""' ~ .. Poln1~to8M St LcMI 7' lllend tor noft""9lt Wlltde from StP-T ..... • -15 IO 25 knoll -.... Nnftlnt 9 " ........ n tol._. == 13 lloeler'I from ll'olnt Cooc1plloi1 • eo 1M ....._,border cen ..-ToPIQ 75 lltflt, vwleble Wind• b:'c~~ end In IN~, --~11 1 t0 1lkno411 = llMrnoonl wltll a t• to ~ ...... ' 58 .40 63 .01 51 52 ee 86 38 Friday July 2 •HIOtl r: emoeraues ~ ·02 Fronts· Cold 9"'P Warm ... Oc t.h.d.-.1,.... ~l.tll()f>.t<\ •• 55 .02 --------------------74 .02 eo eo 71 78 10 .50 87 71 .82 82 85 .21 75 .04 eo 51 eo 87 74 eo 81 70 10 85 .07 78 55 78 .. :: .oa • .., .. .G2 55 18 58 15 • M .M 78 • N .35 51 1t 2.02 Tue.on 97 Tulse 93 Wuhingtn 83 Wlchlt• 90 CAU'ONU Beltertfleld 81 8lyttie M Eureka 82 Fr.-io 82 L.enca1er 83 La. AngNe 78 ~ 77 Monterey 82 NMdlaa 95 OekllinCI 83 Peeo Roblee 64 A-' 8lulf 73 Redwood Cl1Y Sa«emento 72 ~ 87 a., Diego 14 San Frflneleoo 81 Santa lattler• 71 ........ 10 81Cc*1on T1 TtwrMI M ..,.,,, .. ..... 70 ...... IO Catalna 72 Lail• Arrowti.cl 87 L0111 .... n MontO'M S7 Mt. Wlllon e5 Newport hid! 71 Onlatlo ... , .. .,...... M ,........ ., 1.ne.-c11no 13 San Joee M M 77 82 72 .03 70 51 59 55 83 57 53 64 58 54 50 64 54 82 34 42 .. 40 IO 62 42 .. 12 a IM 51 "' Rlf·llPllT =y I SM1e Ane 78 58 T llhoe V•ll•Y ee 49 Celgery Edmon Ion MontfMI ou-Regln• Toronto "~ Winnipeg CANADA Extended weath er HI 74 79 89 72 93 72 83 eo " 51 49 45 45 57 41 55 51 SOUTHERN C ALIFORNIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS -low clOudt In the nlgh1 end morning hourt In co .. tal eru• otherwlH fair. High• renglng from near 70 at 111• bH Ch .. 10 upper IOa lnlenct vlleyL I.OM 51 '° .. ,,,, In mountain ........ _...,.. f!WI I doudt.~~--· lo 21 ..... tn llftwnoOfl ..... Reeot1 .... hlgN moellr In .. 70.. lowt In .. IOI. Smog ,,, ........ BI RTHDAY BOY -Fransie Geringer (right) winds streamers around Mickey Hayes while celebrating Mickey's birthday at the Mala Mala game reserve in Tran'lvaal, South Africa. Both youngsten are victims o1 a rare aging disease which will cut their lives ahort. I srael tells ci vilians to flee Beirut By Tb~ Associated Pre11 Coach's firing mulled The lrvtne attorney tor the u Toro Hl1h School girl1' basketball coach fl.red bec&uae of aca&NUona that she stole money from a gym locker. says he believes the school district could be overruled in court becauae the elleged theft is unproved. On a 3-2 vote, iruat.ee11 of the Saddleback Unified School Dilt.aict decided this week apinlt r ehJrtng three-year coach and teacher Sharon Spencer becau.e of the charges made by coaches Debbie Moore and Sheri Ro.. The school b oard's split decision rejected the opinion of an administrative law judge who hurd six days of testimony on the charges earlier this year and then ruled the alleged th~h wasn't conclusively proved. The two dissen ting trustees sided with the opinion of law judge Marilyn L. Nelson. "Sharon wants her job back but a lawsuit could be ccstly·and time -con suming and this controversy has been hard on he r ,'' says attorney George Shaeffer. .. Screaming Israeli jets dropped flares and smoke canisters on west Beirut again today and troops blared warnings for the population to flee in an escalation of psychological warfare aimed al getting the guerrillas out. Trio f ro01 .Coast But civilians streamed back to the guerrilla enclave and the PLO warned a new underground would "str ike mercilessly" at Israel and its U.S. backers. Guerrillas feverishly dug in for street battles throughout west Beirut. Scores of red earth barricades rose along the west Beirut beach es with tr uck- mo unted anti-aircraft guns stationed behind them. Sandbaaged positions manned by anti-tank gunners filled the main streeta. Bandit hits Valley bank A lone gurunan held up the Security Pac ific Bank in Fountain Valley Thursday and escaped with ·an estimated $I ,000 in cash. Police said the holdup man, anned with a handgun, walked into the bank at about 1:30 p.[O. at Talbert Avenue and Magnolia Street and ordered the teller to give him money. Witnesses told police they saw him ).Yalk from the bank but didn t see him entering any getaway vehicle. join state parley T hree employees trom Coastline and Orange Coast colleges have been selected as delegates to the 56th annual conference of the California Schoo l Empl oyees Association. slated for Aug. 2-6 in Sacramento. The delegates a r e Pat Dyer, a chemist ry course assistant at Orange Coast's • A four-week program on home decoration will be of/ered Fridays, beginning July 9, at Golden W est College in Huntington Beach. The course will be taught by interior designer R ob Schiffner from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. in Fine Arts Room 21 1. Emphasis will be on low-rost • Ber t J . Gol db e rg , executive director of Jewish Family Service of Orange County, h as been named chairman of the agencies di vision for the 1982-83 United Way of West Orange County campaign. Goldberg will recruit a volunteer committee which Costa Mesa campus; Dwayne Moses, a graphic artist at Orange Coast and Debbi Taylor, a public mfonnation as sistant at Coastl ine's administrative offices in Fountain Valley. An estimate d 2 ,000 delegates and guests from more than 700 associat ion chapters will take part in the week-long event. decorating techniques. and participants will learn to use color. texture and design to enhance their home atmosphere. Registrat ion fee is $1 5. Enrollment is l imited . Enrollment information can be obtai n ed by ca ll i ng 891-3991. wiU give all agency personnel a nd volun t e e rs the oppor tunity to give to the annual fund effort that begins in mid-Sept.ember. The drive will encompass t h e commu nitie s o f Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley. Westminster. Seal Beach and Garden Grove. Announces A Price Rollback On: selected ruee1ES 1982 ~SHORTS WAL RICES! fOR 1972 p Regula~ly '15.50 REOUCEd ro $ 9 5 0 Just In time for the rumored 4th of July sunshine HOllE IPOAJ.I LTD. 2111 COAIT HWY.. CORONA DIL MAR 17"9700 - •' NATION •'End Of PATCO' announced By Tile A11oelated Preti W ASHINOTON -Almost a rear al~r calllna a 1trlke th~t 1-..d to thl' firing o 1 UOO air traffic controllott, the unlun which repretented \hem is filing for bankruptcy ond wtU Uquldat.e lt.s assets, according to eourcet. Gary F..ada. president of the Profeulonal Air Traffic Controllers Organlz.aUon, scheduled an afternoon news conference today to announce lhe decl1lon made recently by the union'• oecut.1\19 board. The tourcm, who uked not to bo ldendtled further, Hid the union wlll tell the U.S. Benk:rup&oy C.Ourt of the Dlatrict of Columbia that lt no lbnftr wants to try reoraanJztna under Chapter 11 of the bankruptcy laws. "That meana the end of PATCO," aald one airline lnduatry ottlclal acquainted with tho court pr<Xeedlnjl. •Higher tax package endorsed WASHINGTON -The Senate Finance Committee today approved a $98-blllJon grab· bag of tax increases affecting health -care expenses. cigarettes and telephone service while giving the government new weapons to stop tax cheaters. The bill, with more than two d ozen provisions that together represent one of the largest tax mere~ in history, was approved in near-record time -17 hours that ended just before 2 a.m. Senate action la expected lat.er this month, but the measure'• !ate in the House I.I um.-ertain. The tax increaae wu written In respon1e to a Senate directive aimed at redud.ni the federal deficit in hopu of cutUng chronl~ally hlgh Interest ratee. The bill would rat.e t.a>cee by about $21 billion during the 1983 budget year, which begins on Oct. 1, and about $98 billion during the 19S3-1985 period. •Satan 'rumors' trigger lawsuits CINCINNATI -Procter & Gamble Co., trying to halt rumors that.the company and its executives are involved in devil worship, has filed libel suits against three people, accusing them of spreading "false and malicious" stories. The giant Cincinnati-based cleaning and food products company also said Thursday it was considering additional lawsuits and "will follow up aggressively on leads of organizatiolll or individualA spreading the rumors." P&G said the rumors typically report that the company's "moon· and stars" trademark - used since 1851 to represent the man in the moon and the 13 original states -is a symbol of satanism. •Death penalty ruling made WASHINGTON -The U.S . S upreme Court ruled today that the death penalty cannot be imposed on "non-triggennan" murderers who never intended that anyone be killed during the course of a robbery. By a 5-4 vote, the high court said states may not condemn to death people who were involved WORLD in robberies resulting in deaths but who never intended to kill anyone and who took no part In the actual killings. The court ruled that the impo&ition of the death penalty in such c~umstances violates the constitutional ban on cruel and unusual punishment. •Wealthy sky pir~te goes to bank COLOMBO, Sri Lanka -A hi~ker with a fake bomb who swapped 100 hostages on an Italian jet for $300,000 and freedom in his Sri Lanka homeland was followed by admiring mobs today as he tried to deposit the booty in a bank. · Sri Lankan officials were honoring a pledge not to seize 33-year-old accused drug trafficker Sepala Ekanayaka, who had threatened to dynamite the Alitalia Boeing 747 in Bangkok, Thailand, unless he got $300,000 and was reunited with his estranged Italian w ife and 3 'I.I-year-old son. He freed the hostages after a 32-hour ordeal that ended Thursday when Italian authorities gave him the cash in $100 bills and flew his wife and eon to Bangkok. •Argentine chlel takes olllce BUENOS AlRES, Argentina -Araentina's new president, retired army Maj. Gen. Reynaldo Bignone, bas repeated his pledge to return the coun try to civilian rule within two years and has promised to alter the economic policies practiced by the six-year-old military regime. After taking office Thursday, Bignone appealed in a nationally broadcast speech for the STATE help of all Argentines during the courae of his tranaition adminiltration. 'n"9 54-year-old Bignone, considered an able administrator, replaced army Gen. Leopoldo Galtieri, who wu forced out by his fellow generals after Argentina's humiliating surrender to the British on June 14 In the Undeclared Falkland Wanda war. •Second shuttle ready for flight EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE - America's newest s pace shuttle. Challenger, waited alongside a Mojave desert lakebed today to join a space spectacular as its sister ship returns from space on the Fourth of July. Challenger was delivered to the National Ae ronautics and Space Administration Thursday, d elighting hundreds of spectators as it was towed slowly along city streets of nearby Lancaster and Palmdale en route to Rogers Dry Lake. Columbia, orbiting the Earth high overhead, is to land at the ~kebed Sunday. with President Reagan watching. •Boy, 7, taken from moth~r VENTURA -A 7-year-old boy, believed the youngest defendant in state history when he recently was tried on vandalism charges, has been taken from his mother after authorities learned that she has a h istory o f criminal convictions. acted Thursday after a prosector told him that the boy's mother, Nita Hogue, had been convicted of contributing to the delin.quency of a minor by suppl ying marijuana to children between the ages of 10 and 15. He also said she had once tried to abandon two of her children at the Ventura police station. Superior Court Jud~e Charles McGrath • $33 million remains in budget • SACRAMENTO -State Controller Ken 0Cory gives thanks to luck. "Herculean efforts" by state workers, and a loan from the Legislature Cor the $33 million balance ending fiscal 1981 -82. 1981-82 books are finally closed in September, leaving the state in the red. That in tum could jeopardize the delicate balance of the $25.2 blllJon budget for the 1982-83 ti.teal year that began Thuracl.ay. But Cory WQ01ed Thursday that such a tiny cash balance could evaporate by the time the ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomu P. Halev ""'*"'--~ &-OlllW ~Sctwltl VI09 ,.,....,.,,. woi.-or o1~ Tom Murplllne Nlor ~=--~I t(enOOddard ~ .. ~ ~acl.Mn a.tee Loot .............. ..,,.. .... ..., ............ CIHtHi.d •dverUslng 714J142-M71 All otll•r cMp8mnenl9 142-4321 llllAIN OFFICE DO WtM Bey St .• Celt• Mtw. CA. M.tll .--: 80. IMO, COiia Mew. CA._,. CGPY•ltM ,_, Or .... Coell "'*1"*'9 ~. No_,•*'". lll11tltretlont, 9C1Mttlal --.. Hr11MIMftb ,_,.In may 1119 ·~-......,, .-Clel llff'!'il ....... '-""'-· . . KCET public TV pr~sident resigns LOS ANGELF.S -The head of financially troubled public television station KCET has resigned as president and chief executive officer, c iting "declining resources" to the. medium. The 1\ation, wbkh has been embroiled In a atx-month flnandal crlalJ that fo~ the layoff of more than 70 workers. announced the resl1natlon of Jamet Loper on Thunday . We're Listening ••• .-Wh1l do you llke about I.he OallJ Pilot? Wh1l don't )'OU 0 llktT Call the number below and your ....... ,. wlll be recorded, transcribed and dtUvtrtd to the appropriate t4Uor 1'ht Hm•M·hour an1wertna ..,-.lee •11-. vlld to'"°"' lll· lert to lM tdllor on an)' toplc. MIU• eoMri._. "'-' ... ...., their n•mt i nd teftPhon• number ror nrttteau •• No c•rN1-- e1111. pl1111 T•ll ~ wh1t'1 on yow mlad Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Friday, July 2, 1982 ' DellJ Not l'tloto bJ LM (1118JM ROY AL GIFTS -Marilyn Spanton, a cook and sub-manager at Coeta Mesa's Tea and Sympathy restaurant. holds one of the baby gifts collected during a shower for the new prince of England. About 25 presents will head for the royal nursery next week. ~ Coast Publishing gets 'USA Today' The Orange Coast Publishing Gannett will be installing a Company has signed.a contract satellite receiving dish on the with the Gannett Company to Costa Mesa plant property, along print Gannett's new national with necessar y s p ace-ase newspaper, "USA Tod ay," hardware to beam pages for Orange Coast's chief executive reproudction here. officer Thom as P . Ha 1 e y S1m1lar installations are being announced today. made across the country for Gannett's new paper will be printing of USA Today. Some printed on Oran_ge Coast's press are at Gannett newspaper in Costa Mesa. USA Today's properties and others, like the news and advertising content Orange Coast Publishing will be beamed here via satellite Company. are contract printers. signals, Haley said. "Our company should benefit The Orange Coast Publishing to some degree from the very Company publishes the Orange advanced technology," Haley Coast Daily Pilot, Irvine Mirror said. and Mission Viejo Mirror No precise date for begiruUng newspapers. publication of USA Today in "Our contract with Gannett lA So uthern California has been simply a println§ agreement," est a blished . T e rms of the Haley explained.' The content of contract between Gannett and the Daily Pilot and our two Orange Coast Publishing were Mirror newspapers remains not disclosed. wholly inde pendent in news, Earlier, Gannett President editorial and advertising content Allen H. Neµharth announced and an distribution," Haley noted. that USA Today would begin The content of USA Today is publication Se pt. 15 with an wholly controlled by Gannett. edit.ion servin-'t a five-state area The printing job for USA around the Washington, D.C., and Today is scheduled to begin in Bal t i more ma r k e t s . The th e first quarter of 1983. news p aper will expand into Gannett's new paper will be similar market clusters around published mornings. Monday Atlanta o n September 20, through Friday, throughout the Minneapolis-St. Paul on country. September 27, and Pittsburgh on Haley said he believes Orange October 14. Coast Publishing Company, a The single copy price will be wholly own ed subsidiary of 25 cents. Times Mirror Company. was Ne uharth satd duri~ the first selected by Gannett because of US od ill its central location in Southern quarter of 1983, A ay w · California and the high color expand into 10 additional areas acros,, the nation. They are Los reproduction quality produced by Angeles, Chicago, Denver. the company's eight-unit Harris Detroit, Houston. Miami, New press. Y or k , P h I l ad e I p h i a . Sa n "We have the press capacity Francisco and Seattle. for commercial printing and the contract with Gannett is ideal in Dates for those marke t terms of being large volume on a start u p s a n d en tr i es i n to recurr ing basis," the chief additional markets an 1984, wiU executive officer said. be announced later . H/F Ex-cop held in beating A former Orange County 1herlff's deputy waa ord ered Thursday to at.and trial i n Superior Court on twin felony charges that he usaulted and aeriously Injured a jail priaoner lut March. Following a preliminary h earing in Central Orange County Municipal Court, Judge Samuel Taylor Jr. ordered that defendant Jamea Pienant.e, 48, stand trial on charges of assault with a deadly wea pon and assault by a peace officer under the color of authority. An-aigrunent proceedings were scheduled for July 9. The prosecution's main witness against Plersante was William Hinch, 34, of Norwalk, a fonner Orange County Jail inmate who t.estified Thursday that Piersant.e attac k ed him without provocation near a fourth-floor guard station, kicking him and beating him. Hinch was eventually taken to UC Irvine Medical Center, where doctors removed his r uptured spleen. Hinch stood up in court at one point T h ursday to sho w Judge Taylor the eight-inch scar across his abdomen from the su rgery. He said he was hospitalized 9 days. The witness said he was kicked in the head and stomach during the assault. He also said h e believed another deputy joined an the beating. Charges have only been hied against Piersant.e, however. Piersante, who s~t 15 years with the sheriff's department, was fired March 23, about three weeks after the incide nt occurred. His attorney. Ronald Brower, offered no defense Thursday but asserted that the evidence against his client was insufficient to order a trial. Piersante is free on his own recognizance. 'Discouraged' jobless at record high WASHINGTON (AP) -The nation's unemployment rate held steady at 9.5 percent in June, but the number of Americans who gave up looking for work because of the tight job market set a record, the Labor Department said today. Although the jobless rate was unc hanged from May , the number of people out of work actually fell -from 10.5 million to 10.4 million. But 1.5 million people fell into the government's .. discouraged worker" category -a statistic reported by the gove rnment every three months. The number of discouraged workers rose by 160,0QO from the first quarter. The California rate al.so was unchanged at 9.5 percent. The department's Bureau of Labor Statistics attributed the steady unemployment rate to the process of seasonal adjustment, by which it ajusts raw unemployment data to account for such routine, predictable ' variations as school closings and the weather. The jobless rate normally rises in June with the influx of s chool-age job-seekers. . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ WALTERS "SEA HAVEN" Chestnut Color Subtle Tone on Tone Nyton W /Scotchgard • 149 s INITALUO • WM.TBS "FAIRCREST" Ultron Nylon Foreet Green • 13•s INITALLID LIES "GOOD FEELING" Antron Nylon 3 Colors Ollvewood, Bronze, Brown. lnstall«I Prlt:ft mt:lu* NZX-3600 lpOlp tubMr plld NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS t UOf AflOtfl IMCl.UOI TIAOH O• '"' .... YO•• ........ ,' •&e•"C· , ••• ~TCHI. on•olT ..... ClllClllOl._TI "~" ac ........ ••• ••~' 1 o '" '"' ""'° &110 '""'"'' Weather hurts crops SACRAMENTO (AP) -Rain and cool weather are raising havoc with apricot, peach, plum and nectarine crops, the California Fann Bureau Federation report.a. 'the farm bureau also said Thursday that grape 1rowera are reporting aeven! mildew problems. Apricot.I, being h.frvetlted in the Weatley·Paneraon area. were knocked off the \l'eell by 'heavy raina. Stone fruit producen are worrying about the 1preMI of brown rot dUeue. But clear skies and good drying conditions dwina the MXt few days, combined with fungjddea. could liJNt tho ~. the farm but8u aaid. One distributor OK'd WASHINGTON (AP) -The U.S. Supmne Court IQI California can a1lOw Uquor oornpanlet to dliOOle a ~ ttaiewlde cliltrlbutor fOI' .-ch brand without YiolatJn1 anutnat ...... 1bt ru.linl ThUnday , whktl CDUJd Ulo atr. IAWI In H CMb; ..... and lhe D6lcrtft ot ColumtU, ••• ~ for Uquor dl1t&llen and major wholtHltr1, who _1J)o1aore4 th• Celi,__ a.wen am, Tht llw t. """"' .................... ~··-of llallmurt~ c. .................... . 1nu .... 11uuw,·~, 1 "'14""4 u w•W ''* &M .....!! ..... •un• "*"" .............. . H/F No ruling due on loan sh if ts Special to &be Dally PUot SAN FRANCISCO -The F'ederal Home Loan Bank Board aaya it does not plan to issue additional regulations or interpretive rulings concerning the U.S. Supreme Court ruling upholding the due-on-sale clause in mortgage contract s held by federally chartered savinap and loan associations. The opinion speaks for 1taelt, the board said Thursday. Homeowners who have auumed mortgages held by federally chartered associations and who have reason to question the assumability of their mortgalees should contact their lenders to determine the status of their contracts, or seek private counsel for advice. a statement said. Beam buys Biddle building Beam and A ssociates, an Ana heim-based investment company. pul'\:hased for $1.35 million the Biddle Building in Irvine in conjunction with Vest- Corp. of California A The 12,000-square-foot building ..,,_ acquired from land developer Scott Biddle and associateS and was leased to the The Biddle Group and Sunset Pacific Corp., an Orange Coun~y builder-developer. Project turns waste to fuel The city of San Diego has embarked on a program to turn municipal waste matenal Into methanol to fuel vehicles. A Fluor subsidiary has been awarded a contract to convert excess digester gas at the P oint Loma wastewater facility, into fuel-grade menthanol. Value of the contract is a pproximately $1.4 million. The first phase of the pro,iect, including design and engineering, is und!"r way at Fluor's advan~ technology d1vision, lrvine. ATD will also provide construction asslStance in the second phase. The plant, to produce 2.7 million gallons of methanol per year. is scheduled to come onstream in late 1984. ' Hauschild construction due Con struction begins soon on a two-stor y . 12,300-squar e foot buildfog at 7 Wrigley. Irvine, planned and designed by Architectural Team Three of Santa Ana for Hauschild Construction Company of El Toro. Costing $350,000, the building is to be occupied by early spring. 1983. Housing starts below 1981 Special to tbe Dally Pilot SAN FRANCISCO -The Bank o! America reports that housing starts m Cahfomta in May ~ere at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 56,000 units. This is up 24.4 percent &om April but down 47.7 percent from May 1981. . For the first five months of 1982, housing starts m California are 53.5 percent below the same period in 198 l. DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORK I AP> FIN I 0o ... .-.. h 0 ' '°' Th1noa,, Jut 1 AMERICAN LEADERS UPS ANO DOWNS MEW YORI( IAP) -'Ti.. foliowtng 1151 -'"' New Ye><k Stock ExchW191 *<IQ and werrWlll th.rt havt QOM VI) lf'e mot! and OOMI IM mo.e lllHO °" ~lftl of cllanQe •-nll"' d volu,,.. NO~ trednt btl-0 ¥e Incl· udllcl. Hitt Md _<., .. 191 clle~t ••t IM ..,._ bit-,,,. OAvlaul CIOSlnQ Ptlee end Thur.oai·~IGe .... _ ... , ~ Pct I 111.uyFSL l~ • ~ Up II ' 2 l<trrMtG \ 1'1'1'1 + "-UP ll.I 3 fv8"1'd I.Clot I~ • "' Up I.I • GA~ Co<p 11~ + ll Up I 3 J PSVO>I 1, ISj)I .. + ,... Up I ) l GA~O> pl 14 + I Up I 1 I SllwWn1 pl ...... + 4¥. Up I S I l!lect As-1'4 + th Up I• t Her1» Sc.... tt + 1\lt Up I 3 U ~ Ot'Q S" + '-Up I.I ptr 2•'-t I-Up I. I QI .,. ..... 214 Uo 1.0 ~ 'Jc'i: :t: : ~ ~ :J ~ Hit HtiMt t V.. t Yt Up S.9 "EPtrit M111 l '"' + Yi up s.• 11 t~rw tlAt + i.. Up s.t 11 2f'h + t'h Up U : ~· {l" : ~ t: s~ fl == 14Yt + ~ Up SJ " Ecru " 114 .. "' VP u D ot 22 + I.... Up SA = n".o.i ~ : I~ t: : : r:',l, 'H 1 ,t I ,4 •• ··~ •• ••• t·' H t~ STOCJ(S 0 n NI i...w CIMot 0.. J) Ind r,l 11 l lr '8 S>O.CM Cl ll 16' JO Tm )I' s-J'l l n 3u 4S 3>7 oo-3 S9 IS VII 101 47 >07. tl 106.H 10. •I I 01 •s s~ Jl•l• 111 1>1 111•1 313 n -1 n lndul •, 147,IOO Tren 1,1'1,lOO Ullll , ••. JOO u Sll1 & ote,JOO WHAT STOCKS DID NEW VORK IAPI Jul I ..... ., lllUrl o~, """_., 45t Otcl~ 913 t02 u.~ Gl ..., Tatel I•.-. llOI 1..:1 i.-w lll~ IS 1'I .... '°"'' se ~ W._. .. , AM(M ()0 NEW YORI( IAPI Jul 1 Pro rr,.,,, o~ ,.,,.,_., .. Otcl~ DI ll• U.cNft9ta ,,, l~ TGU•I•~ IOl 11• ........ ~ I I ..... _ n " ----- METALS NEW YORK {l\P) -Spot nonrerro1.11 !Mlll~loGlly. Cop,er 119-72 ~•nit 1 pouno, U a. oetllnl Uonl ~ 2S-2T -.tt • l)OutlCI ZJftC 35-37 oen11 • pGlinCS, ~ Tift M.2094 Metllt W-compoelte ID .. ........_ 7S-77 -.11 I pOund, N,Y, lllletcllfl "70.00 ~ llull ,...tt-s2aaoo ,,01 or. M.v . SILVER GOLD QUOT A TIONS IJ TM A....i.ted ~ s-1.0 ""°"° OOld llf'-tod•~· Lenllen1 morn I no ''~'"O' 1313.00, lllt 12.75 1....-..i1 en-ll•lnt 1)12 75, up auo. ....., .,..,.,_ --*' ao.""' tua. '..-..rt: 1316 IU, 11P IUl flllotllll llM ~ 13 IU6. 11P IUO .._ au.n__, NeHy a M._: (01111 d•ll\o q1101e) l3tt,1•.1111 U .to. .......... (on!Y Clllly quote) N tUI. 1o1P u.w ............... (only ...., ~' ....... tut.JI, 1111 •u~. SYMBOLS •• Orange Ooaat DAILY PILOT/Frld1y, July 2, 1882 H/F l • LIOyd tops King, ·races Navi-atilo:va WIMBl..IOON, Ent land (AP) -Detendtna champlon Chtll Evert Lloyd •tripped the maaM: from Blllle Jean Kina and Martina Navratilova powered her way put Bettina Bunp to reach the women's rtnala of the All-England Tennlt Championships today. Lloyd, ¢e tournament'• eecond seed, outlaated the 38-y~-old Kina, 7-6, 2-6, 6-3. Navratilova crushed Bunae. who was seeded 11th, 6-2, 6~2. 1 King, playing in her 104th match at the fabled gr .. court. tournament and aeekJna her seventh Wimbledon •ingles crown, fought gallantly. Sh~ won five stt;at~ht games to grab the second set , then fended off four match polnta before finally falling. Thrilll.Qs the Center Court audience, King , pulled off another of her two-week string of surprises, fending off the first mat.ch point just before a sudden rain shower interrupted play. The women, who had met 23 times previously with Lloyd holdtn{I 16 vlctoritt, r.tumed to the CO\,lrt after a 40-mlnute delay. Lloyd lmmedlately aalned her tea>nd match ~Int with a forehand PUJ!na ahot, but gave h n,ht back by drilling a backhand wide of the mark. Kina, who came to the All-Enaland Club aa the No. 12 .eed, ataved off a third match point, aelzed the advantage wtth a beautifully executed drop volley and eerved out the game to pull t.o within 3·6. ....l Kina then aet the Center uourt crowd abuu by taking the first two pointa from Lloyd in the next service game. But her younser opponent calmly re~iated by winning the next three pointa, angling a drop shot winner off of King's drop volley to gain her fourth match point. King pulled t.o deuce with a forehand volley, but Lloyd hit another sparkling passing shot for the ad point and toppled the 20~time Wimbledon I . champion with tho laat ol a handful ot well- dlsaulaed lobe from tho backhand aide. The two-hour victory marked the fifth consecutive year that Lloyd, a three-time Wimbledon ch.mplon, hu Rained the finale. King yielded juat two point. on her flnt two service games in the opening set, but was broken in the fifth game. However, ahe broke right back and the two exchanged aervlce to go to the tiebreaker. From 2-2, Lloyd tore off three atralght pointa and maintained that cushion to aet point, which came when King netted a smash. The Czechoslovakian-born Navratilova, who became a U.S. citizen last year, iB going after her third Wimbledon singles crown . She also captured the title in 1978 and 1979. Navratilova needed neither theatrics nor patience against Bunge, taking just more than one hour~ come through against the star of the West Gennan Federation Cup tNm who now lives in Coral Gables. Fla. Bunae held 1erve to open the mat.ch, only to have Navratilova string together the next live gamee en route to the opening-eel win. "I'm enjoying tennis more than e ver., Everything aeema to be gotna my way," said ' Navratilova. "I can't believe l've won ao easUy." : "I've only had to go to four gaJ'llft all once in ; thll championship. But I'm not worried about the ~ games bemg too easy," she continued. "lt I'm • pushed. rm sure I'll rise to it." Another upset Thursday was engineered by 12th-seeded Mark Edmonson of Australia, who toppled third-seeded Vitas Gerulaitls 7-6. 3-6. 6-4, 6-3. Gerutaitis, who had looked so sure-footed defeating power-server Roscoe Tanner a day earlier, was overcome by Edmonson's strong serve and steady forehand . Drug reports keep spreading in sports \ • Dodgers latest to be ch arged By Tlte Aasociated Press San Diego Chargers running back Chuck Muncie admits he purc)\ased cocaine at least twice from former New Orleans Saints teammate M ike Strac h a n , according to a New Orleans newspaper. Muncie was quoted as saying he bought cocaine from Strachan a nd paid him with personal ch ecks now in the hands of federal in vestigators , The Times-Picayune, The States-Item reported in a copyright story in today's editions. unidentified sources familiar with a federal investigation as saying more than a dozen present or former Saints bought the druR from Strachan or his employee. Joselyn Bruno. who was convicted in March of cocaine dealing, Strachan was indicted May 21 and again June 6 on one count of conspiracy to distribute cocaine and 11 counts of distribution. • AP Wl'9pftotoe SEMIFINALISTS -Billie Jean King and Chris Evert Lloyd walk onto center court at Wimbledon prior to their semifinal match today. Above, the 38-year-old King returns a shot. Evert Lloyd defeated King in three sets and will meet Martina Navratilova in the championship match Saturday. MUNCIE, TRADED to San Diego in 1980, said he spent about $200 a week on cocaine, some of which he shared with teammates, the newspaper said. He said he has since cut down his use of cocaine and plans to enter a detoxification center within a week because of drug and alcohol problems. ln baseball. members of the L os Angeles Dodgers say allegations of drug abuse have been ov e rstated and misinterpre ted following a newspaper article claiming "a verv serious problem '' o n baseball's defending world champions. The newspaper quoted ''The big problem is refuting , something like this because it will be reprinted by everyone," said first baseman Steve Garvey. "And the retraction is never enough t o c larify the misinterpretation." Angele get a look at the new Tanana GARVEY'S REACTION stems from an ~rticl e in the Santa Monica Evening Outlook, which quoted Don Newcombe, the club's community relations director in Los Angeles, saying as many as 80 percent of major league players use some form of "mind-altering substance." Former teammate shuts them down on si x hits; KC n ext this e vening ARLINGTON, Texas (~P) -The Texas Rangers have been mired near the bottom of the American League Western Division standings since the season began. The Angels, on the other hand. are leading the division and have one of the best records in the majors. The Angels open a weekend series against the Royals tonight with Steve Renko (7-1) opposing Kansas City left· hander Vida Blue (4-5). Victimizing the Angels Thursday night was ex-Angel Frank Tanana. 4-9. who struck out six, scattered six .hits and w a lked one en route to his second complete .game of the season. "We had some awfully good pitching On TV tonight "l used every pitch I have and every speed I have and every ounce of control I have," Tanana said. "That's the new 'F.T.' -that's the way I have to pitch now.'' The Angels did not plan to lose twice during a three-game visit to Texas, but that is exactly what happened and au parties agree the reason was pitching. channel 5 at 5:30 against that team three nights in a row," said Texas Manager Don Zimmer .. "We come down here and get seven runs in three games -that's not typical of our ball club," said Angels' Manager Gene Mal.,ICh, whose team remains 21h games ahead of Kansas City despite Thursday night's 7-2 loss to the Rangers. "This is the first series we haven't won in ... " Mauch paused, then resumed, "Well, I can't remember the last time we lost a three-game series. Historically, I'm told , the Angels have never done well down here." Tanana enjoyed a big early cushion aft.er the Rangers batted around for five runs in the fourth inning. "If I could get a five-run fourth every time out it would be a lot easier," said Tanana. "Oetting ahead of th~ other . . Soviets' win .falls a bit short ' . P o land only needs tie against Russian s Sun day to a d van ce MADRID, Spain (AP) -The Soviet Union has ousted Belgium from the World Cup soccer championships and now faces the possibility of being sent packing by Poland in a match that is bound to have political overtones. When the Sovieta beat .Belgium 1-0 in their Group A match Thuraday. they fell at least two goals short of what they needed for breathing room against the Poles. Now, anything less than victory ln Sunday's match will bump the Soviets from the tournament. Because of imposition of martial law in Poland, which many Poles blame on the Soviet Union, the implications of the match will go beyond this tournament. THE RUGGED Poles, who trounced Belgium 3-0 ln a aecond-round match earlier this week, need only a tie a,plnat the Soviet.a to advance to the semifinals. r • The Russian offense against Belgium was ploddini, with a goal by midfielder Khoren Oganeaia'1 ;providing the only spark. "Fans in BarQelooa )!ered the lack of action. . In~ mat.ch Thunday, Nortbem Ireland : rallied for a 2-2 tie with Austria in a Group D ' eecond rowld mat.ch. Bill_y Hamilton acored twice , for Northel'n Ireland. The tie eliminat ed the : AuatriaN. NOl'therQ Ireland, a team ~~ largely of i veteram abet players who have to make the • grade ln the Bncliah nm DlvWon, conUnued ita bid to rNCh th, eemWnaJa of the World Cup for the , flnt time. A victory over Fnnce Sunday would put the Irlah, who have not eome th!a far in the : toumamilnt llnc!e 1968, into the rtnal Four. Nortbem Ireland, the only w..cled team t.o • reech tht IKiOnd round, ii Undef•ted ln four ~tpnm. ' un U10W the ll1lh quaUdll -IOUclnl9, . wtllpoww. ~ and deWlnlnadon to Jtnaale · I to dw Ind,~ ..a 1NnOh Co1at9 Michel ltidalF· ' ••Apanet """'· you oannoi ,. ... for • 1ln1i. ·-" HOur ............ H ~ The ouster of Belgium, which opened its World Cup campaign with a stunning 1-0 victory over defending champion Argentina, marked a sad end to a championship bid that had begun so promisingly. "We are obvtously very depressed and unhappy," said Belgjan Coach Guy Thys. "We had started the World Cup well by beating Argentina and we finished the first round by placing first ln our group." The se<nnd round continued today with two more key matches. Argentina, needing a victory to avoid certain elimination, played tournament· SOCCER m. • favorite Brazil in Barcelona, while European champion West Germany met host nation Spain in Madrid. MEANWHI LE,' soccer officials Thurs:.fi called on the Federation of mternatlonal Foot A.seociations (FIFA) to clarify a controvenial Worlcj Cup rule that could affect En8land'• chancel of qualifying for cup semlfin.ala. FIFA Secretary General Sepp Blatter laid Thuraday night that the ruling aoccer body formally would announce ita reepo111e today. He indicated, however, that the reaponae would not fulfill England's hopes for a favored pollUon for advancement . Glen Kirton, the offidal tpOk.-nan for the bland aquad, said Ena1and bfd Mked l'IF A w declare what would happen lf temm in Group B of the leCOnd round ln which J:na1and " arouped with Spain and Wiit Germany, flnJIMd tied on polnta and pl difference. ~ tn,iand app&NnUy Nd a,.u.v.d it would edvanm becaUll It won. all Une of l• flnt-row\d pm. to Wiil Oennany'1 two Wtaf1ll and 8peln'1 one triumph. 1'w otfldal Warld Cup Niii. howtWr, ref., ~1. ~&hear. roud 11slr <,....."of the ....,. Dnlll\lnl lewl •• ,... ~ lldYMGll'lllftt eou....,.,.. I team early takes the starch out of their shorts and lets me be more aggressive." Rookie Dave Hostetler stroked four singles and BiU y Sample extended his hitting streak to 13 games Thursday night. In all, Texas battered three Angel pit.chers for 13 hits. "We finally got Tanana some runs and he knew what to do with them," Zimmer said. The big Texas fourth began with consecutive singles from Buddy Bell, Hostetler and Jol\n Grubb, Bell scoring ·on Grubb's hit. Jim Sundberg sacrificed before Lamar Johnson chased Hostetler home with a single. "This team is probably the cleanest team in the league and that's saying something in today's world," said Dodger outfielder Dusty Baker. Newcombe, a reformed alcoholic, met for two hours with team officials and players aft.er the newspaper report and tried to qualify his remarks at a news conference before the club's double-header with San Diego Wednesday night. "When I'm talking ab out mind-altering substances, I'm (See DRUG, Page 8 5) llllll lllal/ .. 11111 OH ANGE C O UN l Y C Al IFORNIA ~5 CENTS Child porn target Supreme Court reinstates New York law WASHINGTON <AP) - Statea mar ban virtually all "kiddie pornography," the U.S. Supreme Court ruled today. The ~uatioes thus carved out an exception to the constitutional guarantees of free speech and free expression. By a 9-0 vote on - the last day of its 1981-82 tenn, the L'Ourt reinstated a New York law that makes it a crime to "promote" sexual performances by children. • The state's highest court struck the law as unconstitutional, but today the Supreme Court, led by Justice Byron R. White, reversed the state court's ruling. "Here the nature of the harm to be combatted requires that the CRYSTAL COVE ON CANVAS -Laguna Beach artist Ralph Ashauer finishes his painting of Crystal Cove between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach, shown below. This is ~,...~..,,.....o~ his sixth painting of the &>ttage community and he says he enjoys the peace and quiet of his bluff top open air "studio." Columbia has 'close encounter' CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -Columbia's astronauts had a close encounter today, ~ng just 7. 7 miles below the orbiting remains of a junked Soviet rocket booster. The old casing is part of a whirling and growing space graveyard whkh may be a hazard to future spaceships. If there had been any threat of collision, Columbia would have taken evasive action. It wasn't necessary. Mission Control alerted astronauts Ken Mattingly and Henry Hartsfield to look for the booster as they passed 186 miles above the eastern coast of Australia. They were out of contact at the time of encounter and when they next talked with the ground they gave .no indication they had »potted anything. Controllers said it would have appeared out their front window, passed over the shuttle and disappea,red behind its tail. With both Columbia and stage traveling more than 17 ,000 miles an hour, the rendezvous was short and chance of sighting slim. (See SPACE, Page AZ) Laguna's Thurston principal retires Dave Lloyd prided himself on learning every student's name By PATRICK KENNEDY or-..~ ...... ..,, Dave Lloyd, 20-year principal of Thurston Intermediate School in Laguna Beach, who retired Thursday, says he learned the name of each pupil. And it wasn't easy memorizing 480 names a year. H e also remembers when Laguna was a small coastal town. and when times were challenging for educators because students reflected the "so-called hippie culture" of the 1960s and took drugs or revolted against tradition and authority. The 56-year-old fonner USC foot.ball player lives in San Clemente with hia wife, Nancy. --lie says for 20 years he had a stal}41ng bet that if he didn't know a student's name by the day before winter vacation, he'd buy the pupil an ice cream cone. He says the mental exe,rcise forced him to get to know atudents on a pel"90nal level. He saved money on ice cream bUls by 8&9Xiating a characteristic of a student's appearance with his name, he says. "One day. I saw a student who had a bit of facial hair and I asked him his name. He said it was Murray. So. I thought. Murray. furry. "The next day, I saw him and said, 'Hi, Harry'." His method w~'t foolproof, but it was fun. Llo ys. Lloyd came rom a Los Angeles School district to teach in Laguna Beach in 1959, when. he says, it was common for people to know almost everyone ebe i.n town by name. "lt waa really a neet little place ln those days and everybody knew everybody else," Lloyd recalla. "Although it's more congested now, r don't think Laguna has lost much of that flavor. "It's a beautiful place to work because most people are really concerned with what's gotn,( on TELEVISION Variety s'hows dying out "Solid Gold" ii.only musical-variety show left on television and it's not network. TV Log. NATION l;lulletprool l•w oppo11ed f Who could po.ably oppoee a bW outlawtnc bullet1 deli,ned to penetnw law offloen' bulleq>roOf v•ta? p·~· Blut mjww UC proleapr mm ,If <N.'> -A un1YW11'1 o1 c...utomaa ......... ,..,1111 F W ...... todaY Whla a bomb exploded •• Uae foutfi floor ol the ca1npu1 ••ll•oort~ ~ulWl•I· Profe1tor .::;I:."" 'J. A11r'nh11, .......... 11 Hatllll& ....... ... .... ....... " in the community." Lloyd doesn't hesitate to describe his former job as the "best in education.'' But during the tumultuous 1960s, he says times were trying for educators. "The kids here have always been great, but during that decade they reflected the so- called hippie culture and some got involved with drugs or revolted against tradition and challenged authority in schools." An outward sign o f the students' discontent was their clothing, Lloyd says, which included students coming to school shirtless or wearing outfits designed with printed obeceni ties. , He says adminis trators and teachers at his 9Chool took a "low profile" approach and "didn't overreact,' calling conlerences with parents on l y when necessary. Lloyd received a federal grant in 1968 that allowed students to (See LLOYD, Pace AZ) COUNTY ' RETIRING -Dave Lloyd had a knack for names ·and innovations while principal of Thurston Intermediate School. ERA light '{lot over' F.Qual Rights Amendment supporters, rallying in Santa Ana aft.er ERA'a demiae, vow to fight for decades if necessary for the measure. Page Bl. More Coast news inside Additional news from Newport Beach, Fountain Valley, Laauna Beach, Costa Meu and lrvlne will be found on !'"age C3. Golden year /or pageant 'nw Papant of the MMten and the r.tlval of Ant at lAluna'• Irvine Bowl celebnw their OOth anntWl'Mlill U. year. W11Under. state otfenae be limited to work& that isually depic t sexual conduct by children below a specified age," White wrote for the court. "The category of sexual conduct proscribed also muat be suitably limited and deecrlbed." The Constitution's Firs t Amendment guarantees that government will not interfere with anyone's freedom of speech. But that protectio n is not absolute. Past Supreme Court decisions have c reatect exceptions for obsce ne or defamato ry <'xpression and for expressions deemed to be "fighting words" or an incitement to immediate lawless action. Expresaion found to create a "clear and present danger" to some important governmental interest also is not constitutionally protected. Under a landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision, called Miller vs. California, materials are legally obscene when the average person applJing corrununity standards woul find them to "appeal to the prurient interest in sex, which portray sexual conduct in a patently offensive way. and which, when taken as a whole, do not have serious literary. artistic, politJcal or scientific value." But today's Supreme Court (See PORN, Page AZ) • The race 1s on Laguna 'governor ' party slated By STEVE MITCHELL O(fM Dellr Nol ..... Traditionally, Labor Day is the date candidates for state a nd federal offices begin campaigning in earnest for the November election. But in Laguna Beach, next Thursday is the kickoff date f.or what is expected to be a hotly contested and underhanded race for governor of Laguna. That 's when the fiv e candidates for the tongue-in- cheek post will meet to outline their campaign platfonns -or ''slab" as one candidate calls his. The purpose bf summer silliness ~ to raise funds for a Village Party. open to Laguna Beach residents only, to celebrate the end of the summer tourist influx. Until 1977, the city picked up the tab for the local party, but budget constraints put a halt to the festivities. N ow a "gro up of l oc al businessmen is attempting to revive the celebration, and they figure an election is the best way to raise the $7 .160 needed to host the Sept. 18 party at Main Beach Park. Candidates will solicit votes (at (See LAGUNA, Page AZ) Double shooting in· Leisure World A 71-year-old woman is dead and her husband in critical condition at a hospital following a yet unexplained double shooting late Thursday night in the front yard of a Laguna Hills Leisure World residence. Orange County Sheriff's Department spokesman Lt. Wyatt Hart said an investigation is under way to determine if the case should be classified as a murder and attempted suicide or a suJcide and attempted suicide. Hart identified the woman as Ofa Jewl Heatwole. She died of a single gunshot wound to the head, Hart said. Her husband , Delbert Heatwole, also 71, remained in critical condition today at Saddleback Community Hospital with a gunshot wound to the head, Hart said. Two handguns were found by investigators in the front yard of the residence at 407 Calle Sonora Etsa. Investigators also found a note indicating the couple was despondent. No details were released. by investigators. The bodies were discovered about 11 p.m. by a security guard patrolling the private retirement community. Bonth rips truck, hurts county man A La Habra man was seriously injured this morning when an explosion ripped through his pickup truck as he turned on the ignition to drive to work. The victim of the apparent car bombing was identified as Albert Robert Chapman Jr ., approximately 55 years old. Police said an explosive device was attached to the vehicle. They said they have yet to determine a motive for the bombing. The incident occurred at 7: 15 a.m. after Chapman had entered his Ford Ranchero parked in the INDEX At Your Service A4 Business A6-7 c.autornla A5 Cavalcade A9 Clasaitied Cl,C3-8 Comics B2 Cro.word B2 Death Notices C2 F.clttorial A8 Entertainment Weekender Home/Garden AlO ~ A9 SPORTS driveway of a residence at 2020 Madonna Lane. Cha.pman was struck with flying debris as the device detonated, police said. Despite his Injuries, Chapman was able to crawl from the truck to the front lawn. Moments later the car burst into fl~. police said. The fire consumed a second car parked in the driveway, police said. Chapman was taken to St. Jude Hospital, in Fullerton, where he was listed in serious but stable condition. Intermiasion Weekender Ann Landers A9 Movies Weekender Mutual Funds A6 National News AS ~blic Notices C2-3 Sports 83-8 Stock Market1 A7 Televialon TV Log Thea ten Weekender Weather A2 World News AS A.apla 6ope lo reliOud AnJ•ll h•ad for Kaw Cl•f for a crucial w11a. _.an the a..11 of a,_ Of dnllitl ln 'hul; ...... •, ,\.I L Oranoe Oout DAILY ltlLOT/ .. rfd'Y. Juty a. 1MI ue1 salaries frozen State budget has no provision ior raises UC Irvine miaht Joel ltl belt profe11on and I\ wllJ have trouble recrutun1 ntw onea blca..-of a faculty-staff l&1ary freeze, campUJ ottlcl.ala predlcied today. . The $1.185 blUlon flnal budaet allocation tor U\e U niveni \)' of Callfornla, 1laned by Gov. F.dmund G. Brown Jr. Thursday, bu no provla1ori for faculty or staff pay ral.aes. .. (think you'll find \he faculty here at Irvine are quite dJa~ by _that, .. aald Dr. J oHph ~. ua Acr.cllmk StNte chairman. ''The problem la you'll loee the beat people," McGul ... added. "It'• a very oompeUUve market In academia. Salary acalea have been a little bit low at UC, anyway. Now, they'll probably faU lower." The aalary ranae for the eoo facult~ membere at UCl Coet from '19,700 for an a11l1tant · 'Profeuor to $0,600 for full profeuora on ni,ne-month eontrecta with 1 few profe.ors 1ettln1 up to $61,500. Both faculty and at.aft at UCJ received 6 percent pay hikes lut year. . Bolsa Chica bill \ McGuire said, "The best people receive excellent offen elaewhere and I think theytll conalder them more seriously now. The temptation will be there to leave." held until August The aalary freeze coupled with a po11lble faculty exodus to Industry and other universities had been predicted b'y UC President David Saxon when he vi.sited Irvine a month ago. By ROBERT BARKE R Of IM Deir Net lteft The president of an Orange County environmental org aniz_at!on contend• that a atate Senate bill to take the Bolsa Chica coastal area out of the hands of the State Coastal Commiaaion is "a real turkey." Lorraine Faber, president of the Amigos de Bolsa Chica, asserted that the bill sponsored l>y state Sen. Paul Carpenter, 0-Cypress, has failed three times. And she predicts the result will be the same when the Assembly Energy and Natural Resources Committee is scheduled. to take it up again Aug. 10 after delaying action Tuesdav. "This is getting to be a real non-event," s he said. "It is obvious that Signal doesn't have enough votes to get it out of committee." Israel tells civilians to flee Beirut By Tbe A11oclated Press Screaming Israeli jets dropped flares and smoke canisters on west Beirut again today and troops blared warnings for the population to flee in an escalation of psychological warfare aimed at getting the guerrillas out. But civilians streamed back to the guerrilla enclave and the PLO warned a new underground would "strike mercilessly" at Israel and its U.S. backers. Guerrillas feverishly dug in for street battles throughout west. Beirut. Scores of r ed earth barricades rose along the west Beirut beaches with truck mounted anti-aircraft gun s stationed behind them. Sandbagged positions manned by anti-tank gunners filled the main streets. Coastal Light varl•ble winds -t 10 eouth-1 1 10 3 1"1. Felt V .S. S ummary Thunder1torm1 continued llCl'OA mudl ol the ~ Mleeourt v.,,., end over 111e Plains, wt.Me • tornado WM IPOtted In Montene end hell bettered perts ot Colortde> end SOuth Dekot&. S'-8 lel ~on per11 o1 Texu. the PICiflc NorthwMt end the centrel Gulf Cout, .,....... the rett ol the n111on enjoyed . olMI -"*. Tile lorecat1 celled for more thundere!OfTN end -'-9 ~ the "'9lnl. the MIMIMll>PI V,,,.,, • Arkin•••· Florld1, the Ohio V•ll•~. end tht Northwut. lnctudlrlg 1tle Rodd• 8UMlilnt WH expected OYef' tll• At11ntlc cout nor th ot ~ end In the SOuthwMt. Temptreturea eround the MtlOn bet«• CleWn ringed lfom 41 In 8'1dlord, Penn.. to 83 In ~ W•t. FIL, end Phoenix. Ariz. California ' Signal is the major landowner ol the 1,600 acres of Bolu Chica coastal land surrounded on three sides by Huntirigton Be.ch dty · limit.a and on the fourth by the Pacific Ocean. The A.sllembly committee waa slated Tuesday to consider an amen~ent to Carpenter's bill that ~uld penni{ devetQpment in bluff areas. The amendment was introduced last Tuesday to permit residential development on the northern mesa and development of a park on the southern bluff area. It would have left the central lowland area, the aourc:e of most of the controversy, to be decided by a committee comprised of representatives of the county, Signal, the Department of Fish and Game and the State Lands Commission. That panel would attempt to work out separate concerns and forward the compromiae to the Coastal Commission and the Legislature. That amendment was delayed Tu~y. Youth hangs self in jail CHINO (AP) --An 18-year-old Orange County man was found dead in his room at the Youth Training School today, an apparent suicide, the California Youth Authority said. Marco Anthony Gonzalez ot Santa Ana apparently hanged himself with a bathrobe saah from the rafter of his room, said information officer Art German. tte left no note. German said. Gonzalez was sent to the Youth Authority by Orange County Juvenile Court In Novembe r 1980 for oral copulation with a minor. He had been at the Chino facility about a year, German said. Both McGuire and UCI Chancellor Daniel Aldrich Jr. said today they don't expect a mass faculty exodus beca~ the economy is tight throughout the nation. "But," Aldrich said, "it'll cause difficulty in recruiting. Our only consolation ls that faculty salaries across the country aren't perhaps Increasing any more rapidly than our own. South county phones fixed after severing Telephone service to about 2, 500 Pacific Telephone Co. customers in the Mission Viejo-El Toro area was fully restored by 10 p.m. Thursday following an interruption that lasted more than 24 hours. Two undergr o und transmission cables were severed 12:30 p .m. Wednesday by a construction crew taking soil samples near the intersection of Via Fabricante and Alicia Parkway in Mission Viejo, according to S}eve Gould, a Pa c ifi c Telephone Co . spokesman. Repair Crews worked throughout Wednesday night, but were unable to complete repairs because water had seeped into the cables requiring that they be dried before being spliced, Gould said. ReJ?ining , the severed cables required more than 3 ,000 individual splices, he added. The service interruption affected both commercial and realdential customers, but aeemed to be centered in the Leisure World area, Gould said. Telephone exchanges that were out of service for varying amounts of time included 581, 586, 768, 770, 830, 837, 855, 859 and 951. Fair skies 96 78 71 55 68 52 88 43 87 75 n 51 81 65 75 53 78 51 79 58 72 50 68 85 75 53 92 74 75 55 81 54 .40 73 83 .01 77 51 78 62 95 68 eo 66 77 38 Friclav July 2 •Hloh ~ emoer-.es ....,. Snowrn;) ShA •••• Flurrini!!J ~~ ~ ·02 Fronts·Cold.-r Watm .., Ol l.hKh·ll ~ ~1ar.oo.,., •• 83 55 .02 87 74 .02 92 80 19 eo 91 71 97 78 78 70 .so 89 87 91 71 ,12 78 82 ea 86 .21 90 75 .04 88 80 74 51 81 eo 87 87 91 74 n 80 77 81 87 70 90 70 74 86 .07 94 78 n 56 lOO 78 73 .. T8 52 • 51 .02 75 5t 11 S7 78 .... 02 7t 55 94 78 87 58 81 75 84 ee n ee .94 .. 71 73 3t ea 53 .35 .. 51 15 71 2.02 TUC90n 97 Tulea 93 Wllhlngtn 83 Wlc:htt• 90 CA&IOlllllA Bakersfleld 17 Blythe 98 Eur•• 82 Fr-82 Lanellt« 83 ~c:.=-78 17 M0t1t1rey 82 ~ 95 Olkllnd 83 Peeo Aobtee 84 Red Bluff 73 RedwOOd City Seer-to 12 8lllnae 87 San Diego 74 Sin F1-lfldloo 81 Same Berber• 71 ........ 70 8todCton n TMrlNI 94 8er'llOW 88 l!llo ... 70 ~ 80 72 t..IK•Arr~ 87 LonolMcll n Mew~ 17 Mt. Wlltori i .....,....., Ontltlo ="• 81 Sift ..,,...dlllO 13 IMJote M 841 77 82 72 .03 70 51 58 55 83 57 53 84 58 64 so 64 54 82 34 42 14 40 '° 52 42 It aa 13 54 11 "' lllf 1111111 .... • Sent• Ant 78 5e l'w-v.,,., ee 49 c.IQlfY Edmonton MontrMI Ott .. Regine Toronto Vencouver Winnipeg CANADA Ex tended weather .. 74 79 I 69 72 S3 72 83 80 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS -L..ow c:loudt In tt1t Nahl end morning houre In coHl•I er•H otherwla• lelr. High• ringing from neer 70 et th• beech•• to upper 101 lnl1nd velleyt. I.OM 63 l!O A f* In lnCMltaln ..... "'"" ..... ...... c:toud9. CMty ~ ..... ,, to 25 mpt1 In afternoon '*""' ""°'1 19"91 hlglw moetiy In ... 109. 10W1 In tht IOI. DEAD AT 95 -Harry J. F.arly of South Laguna was .active i.n county, school and church organizations. S .. Lagunan H.J. Early dead at 95 Harry J. F.arly, a resident of South Laguna since 1957 and one time director of the federal Works Project Adminiatration in Louisiana, died of a heart attack Tuesday in Muncie, Ind. He was 95. Memorial services for F.arly, who was visiting his wlfe's relatives, are scheduled for 10:30 a.m. Wednesday at All Saints Episcopal Church in Beverly Hills. Graveside rites are set for 4 p.m. Wednesday at Pacific View Memorial Park in Corona del Mar. Early, born in Union, W. Va .. in 1897 and educated at academies in White Sulphur Springs, moved to New ()(leans in 1932 to head the WPA program desianed to give people jobs during the Depression. He later directed the WPA for seven southeastern states. He worked for American Cast Iron Pipe Co. in Birmingham, Ala ., In the 1920's and established the community chest for that dty. Early, active in the Episcopal church in Orange County, moved to Los Angeles in 1936 and worked in industrial real estate investment. He was a past member of the board of di.rectors of the Lyric Opera Association of Orange County and lel'Ved as a trustee of Harbor Day School in Corona del Mar. He served on the vestry of St. Mary'a Epi900pal Church in Laguna Beach and was a benefactor for construction of St. Margaret's Episcopal in San Clemente. Early was honored in 1977 for 55 years membership in the Wilshire District Kiwanis Club. He served as an officer for 30 years for All Saints Episcopal Church in Beverly Hills. Early is survived by his wife, \ LAGUNA GOVERNOR ... a penny eech) from dtllena, with half the prcctedl IOlna toward the pany and half toward the candidate's sponaorlng organl.za tlon. Tbunday'a kickoff party will be at the Boys Club on the Laguna Canyon frontage road, beiinntnR at 6 p.m. · A $1 donation (which goea toward the Village Part)I, of coune) provides the contributor with live muaic from the Buie Fours band, a no-host bar, and a chance to hear the candidates outlln'e their platfonna. Four c.and.ldates have already bc!en coen:ed into running, and organlzent expect to announce the name of a flflh hopef ui at Thunday'a kickoff party. To date, the candidates, and their spoJUOring organizations, Include Maggie Meggs, Chamber of Commerce: David Solomon, Top of tl}e World Neighborhood Aseociation: Don Ware, Sawdust Festival; and Francis "Doc" Blacketer, Village Laguna. TOWa Solomon already haa a head it.art. He hu 1ent out a mailer that llstl hit platfonn. For one thing, he'a actively puraulng an o rdinance that would Me property assetSl'l\e'nt.s baaed on the altitude of he>rnes above sea level. He a1lo wan ta to fill in Aliao Canyon with imported Colorado River water to make Lake A!Ulo, " la Lake Million Viejo. And he thlnJu there ahould be summer burro service from Park Avenue and Temple Hilla Drive to and from the .beach. U Solomon'• platform eounda like aomelhing you can support, or if -you're interested in bearing other proposals for Laguna Beach, attend Thursday's meeting. And bring money. Solomon says the only way a political contest should be run IS by allowing the citizenry to buy votes. That way, he says, special inte,-est groups can be flagrantly rewarded. LLOYD RETIRES ... develop their own "flexible" study schedules. He also instituted motivation incentives by rewarding good students and those actively involved in school programs with a five-day rafting trip on the Coloredo River when the term ended. 'The llexible schedule lasted seven years until student attitudet1, had swung to a more conservative and traditional view. "That program was needed then and it was succet1ful but today:s students are more interested in future careers and good grades. 'That's the way it shoula be," Lloyd says. Despite financial cutbacks, he says -the back-to-basics approach spells a bright future I.or public education in Laguna Beach. Lloyd played end on the USC football team from 1944 to 1947 ("We played both offense and defense in those days. There was no platooning.") And he describes himself as an "ex -jo c k " who e njoy s racquetball, snorkeling, scuba diving, sailing, bicycling and jogging. Although· a football knee injury causes nagging aches occasionally, Lloyd says he's retiring while he's still young enough to enjoy those athletic activities. During upcoming months he and his wife plan to spend time along the coast of Baja California. "As long as the parts hold together, I plan to stay active." Lloyd says. • PORN RULING. • • deci.$ion allows states to ban even non-obeoone materials when they portray sexual condu'ct b y children. "The Miller standard, like all general definitions of what may be banned as obecene, does not reflect the state's particular and more' compelling interest ln proeecuting those who promote the sexual exploitation of children," White said. · Congre8s and state legislatures have been under pressure in recent years to heighten efforts to stem sexual exploitation of children. Ju.st last week, an official of the General Accounting Office, the investigative arm o f Congress, told a House committee that child pornography has declined in recent years but that most law enforcement officials believe the number of children involved has not dropped. The committee was told that "much of the child pornography today ls produced and distributed underground through an informal but close-knit network of pedophiles" -adults with an abno rmal sexual desire for children. SPACE SHUTTLE. • • Ann. and daughter, Mrs. Wales Their paths c rossed at an C J b' · h di' If · ds Margaret Wallace, both of South o um ia s an mg. wm estimated closing speed of 6,100 are calm as ex""""'ted the shuttle Laguna; a son, Harry F.a.rly Jr. of · r~ • Palm Strings; a stepdaughter, miles an hour. l will avoid the wide-open lakebed Mattingly and Hartsfield were runway a nd make its firs t Lynn hisman Johnson of in good spirits as they wakened landing on concr e te.c hjd Laguna Niguel; sisters, Mrs. this morning on the shuttle's Touchdown ls scheduled for 9:10 Marshal Gladys Talbot of Sun fourth and last test ~ion -PIYI' City Center, F la . and C .W . a.m . · Lillian of East Dunedin, Fla.,· which is to end Sunday at "Chariots of Fire" was the Edwards Air Force Base with a k grandsons, Harry Wallace o f wa eup music beamed up by Orange and Justin John90n of welcome from President Rea~~· Mission Control. Laguna N i g u e 1 . a n d The weather forecast is good "Hope you got a good night's granddaughter, Dee Wallace of for touchdown. NASA wants a sleep, .. said Capcom Brewster Watsonville. c rosswinds landing to test Sha --~~~~~~~~~--~~~__:=--~~~--~....;.;;_w~·~~--~~~~~--~ I f Announces A Price Rollback On: ... • • • selected 1982L~1't!o~~~ WA RICES! FOR 1972 p Regulerly •1 s.so REDUCED TO • 9 5 0 Just In time for the rumored 4th of July sunshine HOBIE SPORTS LTD. 2131 COAST HWY. CORONA DIL MAR 17M100 ! ' • ' . 111111110111 OH AN GE COUN I Y C ALIFOR NIA 25 C ENTS Child porn target S upreme Court ·reinstates New York law WASHINGTON (AP) - States may ban virtually all "kiddie pornography," the U.S. Supreme Court ruled today. The justices thus carved out an exception to the constitutional guarantees of free speech and free expression. By a 9-0 vote on the last day of its ·1981-82 term, the court relnstated a New York law that makes it a crime to "promote" sexual performances by children. The state's highest court struck the law as uncomtitutional, but today the Supreme Court, led by Justice Byron R. White, reversed the state court's rulirig. "Here the nature of the harm to be combatted requires that the • state offense be limited to works that visually d e pic t sexual conduct by children below a specified age," White wrote for the court. "The category of sexual conduct proscribed also must be suitably limited and described." The Constituti o n's Firs t Amendment guarantees that government will not interfere with anyone's freedom of speech. But that protection is not absolute. Past Supreme Court declSions have c reated exceptions for obsce n e or d efamato r y expression and for expressions deemed to be "fighting words" or an incitement lo immedia te lawless action. Expression found to create a "clear and present dange r" l o som e important govemmfntal interest also is not constitutionally protected. Under a landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision, called Miller vs. California, materials are legally obscene when the ave rage p e r son ~pplJ1ng c.'Ommunity standards woul find them to "appeal to the prurient interest il\ sex, which portray sexual conduct 10 a pate ntly offensive way, and which, when taken as a whole, do not have serious literary, art1st1c, political or sc:ientific value " But today's Supreme Court (See PORN, Page A%) Deity Hot Photoe b:r P•trlck O'OonMll his sixth painting of the cotwge community and he says he enjoys the p<•ace and quiet of his bluff top open air "studio." Wiener joins council CRYSTAL COVE ON• CANVAS -Laguna Beach artist Ralph Ashauer finishes his painting of Crystal Cove between Corona del Mar and Laguna ~ach, shown below. This is Ple dges objec tivity after taking oath UCI faces freeze of salaries UC Irvine might lose its best professors and it will have trouble recruiting new ones because of a faculty-staff salary freeze, campus officials predicted today. The $1.185 billion final budget allocation for the University of California, signed by Gov. F.dmund G. Brown Jr. Thursday, has no provision foe faculty « staff pay raises. "I think you'll find the faculty here at Irvine are quJte dlaire.ed by that," said Dr .. Jose p h McGuire, UCI Academic Senate chairman. "The problem is you'll lose the best people," McGuire added. "It's a very competitive market in academia. Salary scales have been a little bit low at UC, anyway. Now, they'll probably fall lower." The salary range for the 600 faculty members at UCI goes from $19,700 for an assistant professor to $43,600 for full professors on nine -m o nth contracts with a fe w professors getting up to $51,500. Both faculty and staff at UCI received 6 percent pay hikes last year. Old rocket booster Space shuttle ·has a close encounter Controllers said it would have appeared out their front window. passed over the s huttle and disappeared behind its tail. Turtle Rock resident Barbara Wiener became an Irvine City Council m ember today amid promises that she'll not let political o r regional loyalties affect her Judgment. Then to illustrate her point, she announced three appointees: J anet Colclaser of Turtle Rock to the Planning Commission. Steven Kuhn of Woodbridge to the Transportation Commission and John Mundy of El Camino Real to the Community Services Commission Mrs. Wiener, 39, took her oath of office in a brief ceremony this morning attended by about 35 people in the council chambers at City Hall. She was elected to the council in the June 1.rimary after campaigning to unify what she saw as a community too often spllt by political phil090phy and village allegiances. She said today her decisions will be based on "what is best for the entire city." To her supporters in the audience, she said: "I plan to pay off the debt to those who worked so hard with the same kind of hard work.'' The s pecial s wearing -in ceremony was staged to make Mrs . Wiener a full -fledged counci l member before she travels next week to a League of California Cities conference in Monterey. She is the first new member to be elected since the city charter was modified to hold municipal electi ons in conjunction with the primary. Larry Agran was re- elected in June. Her first regularly scheduled public council meeting will be July 13. Mrs. Colclaser has lived in Turtle Rock since 1975. She is a o.w, Not ..... "'-to JOINS COUNCIL -Irvine's newest City Council member, Barbara Wiener, takes h er oath of office from City Manager William Woollett. She and incumbent Larry Agran W<'re elected last month. member of the Irvine Historical Society's Board of Directors and a director of the Stage Door Chapter of the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Kuhn 1s a lawyer with his office in Woodbridge . He 1s president of the Woodbridge Homeowners' Association and vice president of branch council of the new Irvine Boys and Girls Club. Mundy 1s vice president of CrousulJe Baking Co. of Orange and has served as a member of the city's SporL5 Committee since 1980. He ran unsuccessfully in 1981 . for a seat on the Irvine Unified School District board. McGuire said, "The best people receive excellept offers elsewhere and I think they'll consider them more seriously n ow. The temptation will be there to leave." The salary free7.e coupled with a possible faculty exodus to industry and other universities had been p r edicted by UC President DaYid Saxon when he visited Irvine a month SRO. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -Columbia's astronauts had a close encounter today, passing just 7.7 miles below the orbiting remains of a junked Soviet rocket booster. The old casing is part of a whirling and growing space graveyard which may be a hazard to future spaceships. With both Columbia and st.age traveling more than 17.000 miles an h our, the rendezvous was short and chance of sighting slim Their path s crossed al an estimated closing speed of 6.100 miles an hour. Fair amphitheater work urged Both McGuire and UCI Chancellor Daniel Aldrich Jr. said today they don't expect a mass faculty exodus because the economy is tight throughout the nation. "But," Aldrich said, ''it'U cause difficulty In recruiting. Our only consolation is that faculty salaries across the country aren't perhaps increasing any more rapidly than our own. U there had been any threat of collision, Columbia would have taken evasive action. It wasn't necessary. Mission Contr ol alerted astronauts Ken Mattingly and Henry Hartsfield to look for the booster as they passed 186 miles above the eastern coast of Australia. They were out of contact at the time of encounter and when they next talked with the ground they gave n o indication they had spotted anything. TELEVISION • . . Variety shows dying out "Solid Gold" is only musical-variety'show left on television and it's not network. TV Log. NATION Bulletproof law opposed'! Who could poMtbly ~ a bill O\&tlawtna bulleia ~ to penetrate law otftcen '<bulletproof vee\I? Pap~. . • Bla•I miww UC proleMOr Mattingly and Hartsfield were in good spirits as they wakened this morning on the shuttle's fourth and last test mission - which is to end Sunday at F.dwards Air Force Base with a welcome from President Reagan. The weather forecast is good for touchdown. NASA wants a c rosswinds la nding to test Columbia's handling. If winds are calm, as expected, the shuttle wiU avoid the wide-open lakebed (See SPACE, Page AZ) COUNTY By JODI CADENHE AD Of the DMIJ Piiot I t.ff A special tau-board committee has requested that con ' struction begin by A~. 2 on a $10 million amphitheater at the Orange County fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. • Rick Witte, vice president of Nederlander Organization, whkh has the state contract .to buHd and operate the 15,000-seat theater. had requested a June 30 construction date after delivering a signed construction contract last week. ERA light 'not over' Equal Rights Amendment supporters, rallying in Santa Ana after ERA's demise, vow to fig ht for decades if n~ry for the measure. Page Bl. More Coast n ews inside Additional news from Newport Beach, Fountain Valley, Laguna Beach, Coeta Mesa and Irvine will be found on Page C3. Golden year /or pageant The Pqeant of the Malien and the Fe.dval of Art.a at Lq\&M'• lrvjne Bowl t'elebrate their GC>th annfv•rurtea tht1 year. Wtekender. M••la now bl• llu•lneM = Blaclui&one Jr., the ~ Of &he yw, 1111 hll -.... .... bulinllj, w ......... But building and grounds committee membe rs sought a postponement from the theater company in order to complete the Orange County Fair which ends July 19. Under a 40-year contract with the state and the fair board, the theater company was supposed to have signed a construction contract Wednesday and begin constrction by Thursday. But during a rair b oard meeting last week members agreed to consider the movin#( of some plaques from the MemoriaJ INDEX At Your Service Business California Cavalcade Clasai1ied Comics ere.word Death Not.ices l:~t A4 A 6-7 A 6 A9 Cl,C3.S B2 8 2 C2 A8 W eek end er Home/G arden AlO HOl'OICOpe A9 • S PORTS • Gardens last year as construction. Groundbreaking was last July 11 for the facility expected to be open by last month, in time for the ahnual Orange County Fair. But Witte said a lack of financing forced the Detroit- based company with 28 theaters to delay construction of the Costa Mesa performing arts theater. During the meeting Tuesday the special fair committee agreed to split a percentage of the parking fees during the fair with Neaerlander and to allow the (See F AIR. Page AZ) Intermission W eekender Ann Landers A9 Movies Weekender Mutual Funds A6 ~t.ional News A 3 Public Notices C2·3 Sports 83.S Stock Marketa A 7 Televtaion TV Los Theeten Weekender Weather A2 World Newa A3 Anpl• hope lo rebo1111d ~111 head for Kawa Cor· for a truolal ... ....... Oft ........ ol a -ot .. ,. .. ln ,,.. ...... . ' , • • • • ' ( Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, July 2, 1982 ----------..... ------~--------------------..,..111!!------------------------------------------------- FAIR THEATER. . . theater compan~ to book auractlon1 durln1 the annual 1ummer fair. The_ membere turned down a requeat. however, from the company to waive a performance bond between tlie general contractor or C .L . Peck Construction of Ir vine and Nederlander. Witte contended that the bond guaranteeing comple tio n of conatructlon was unneceaaary ·and would coat the company $70,000. Joel Maakowitz. a deputy attorney general representing the fair board. advised members to demand the bond. "If we let this allde we'd be . . . exposing them (the fa i r b oard) to liability•" I The falr board will meet July 13 lO conlld« the action taken by the bulldlns and 1round1 committee. Still to be re solved la the $167 ,000 that Nederlander wu suppoeed to pay the falr board by today. 1 Clint Hooee, · chal~ of the building and punda committee, said that. payment wu t*1 to loans the fair board would have aollcited for $1.2 million In improvements to the .fairgrounda had the amphitheater been completed this year. So far the fair board haa spent $50 ,000 on architectural drawings for a parkina lot and upgrading of the 33 acre• surrounding the bowl-1haped theater with 7,000 permanent seats and s pace for 8 ,000 ad~tional spectators on the grass. SPACE SHUTTLE ... runway and m ake its first land i n g on con c r e t e . ch j d Touchdown is scheduled for 9:10 a.m. PDT. "Chariots of Fire" was the wakeup music beamed up by Mission Control. for the first time on Columbla's next misaion in November. Elderly duo , shot; I dead A. 71-year-old woman la dead and her hueband In critical co.ndJtlon at a hotpttal !ollowil'\I a yet-unexplained double lhoot.lna late ThW'lday night In the front yard of a Laguna Hills Lelau_re World residence. Orange County Sheriff's Oepar.tment spokeaman Lt. Wyatt Hart Mid an lnveetigation la under way to determine lf the cue lhould be cluellied p a m~ and attempted 1uklae or a tuldde and attempted suicide. Hart Identified the woman u Of• Jew) Heatwole. She died ot a 1ln1le 1unshot wound to the hMd, Hart aald. ker hueband , Delbert Heatwole, alto 71 , remained In critical condi tion today at Saddleback Community Hatpital with a ,unahot wound to the head, Kan Mid. Two handguns were found by lnveetlgatona In the front yard of the residence at 407 Calle Sonora Etaa. lnveetlgators alao found a note Indicating the couple wu desponde nt. No details were released by lnveatigatora. The bodlea were discovered about 11 p.m. by a security guard patrolling the private retirement. community. Bomb rips truck, hurts county Inan A La Habhl man was seriously injured this morning when an explosion rip):>ed through his pickup truck as he turned on the ignition to drive to work. motive for the bombing. The incident oocurred at 7:15 a .m. after Chapman had entered his Ford Ranchero parked i~ the drivewfy of a residence at 2020 Madonna Lane. "Hope you got a good night's sleep," said Capcom Brewst er Sb.aw. "Slept like a log," was Mattingly's reply. After breakfast, Hartsfield we nt for a space jog o n The astronauts then test-fired some of the craft's jets to see how. w e ll they operated after exposure to the cold shadows of space , and engineers on the ground detec ted h ydraulic temperatures "cooling up faster than we expected." To warm the hy draulics, Mission Control instructed them to turn that section to the su_n. ,.,...._... MEDICAL AID -Israeli medics from the invading forces give medical aid to two Lebanese children woundea during fighting between rightist militiamen and Druse gunmen in the Lebanese mountains. The victim of the apparent car bombing was identified as Albert K o b e r t C: ·h a p m a n l r . , approximately 55 years old. Police said an explosive device was attached to the vehicle. They said they ha_ve yet to determine a Chapma n was struck with flying debris as the device detonated, police said. Despi te his injuries. Chapman was able to crawl from the truck to the front la wn. Moments later the car burst into flames. police said. Columbia's treadmill. It "went kaput," in the words of Misfilon Control, and he had to fix it before continuing on his way. Meanwhile, Mattingly entered the ship's airlock and rehearsed putting o n the s p ace s uit devek>ped for walking ootside the shuttle. The suit will be used The pilots also operated the secr et Defense Departme nt in.slrUments. The Soviet r oc k e t was identified as the upper stage of a booster t h at h o isted the Intercosmos 14 scientific satellite into orbit Dec. 11, 1975. It is one of about 4,700 objects orbiting the F..arth. Israel tells civilians to flee Beirut By Tbe Associated Press PORN RULING. • • decision allows states to ban even non-obscene materials when they portray sexua l coud uc t by children. the sexual exploi talio n o f children," Whlte said. Screaming Israeli jets dropped flares and smoke canisters on west Beirut again today a nd troops blared warnings for the population to flee in an escalation of psychological warfare aimed at getting the guerrillas out. ''The MiUer standard, like all general definitions of what may b,e banned as obscene, does not reflect the state's particular and more compelling interest in prosecuting those who promote Congress and state legislatures have been under pressure;: in recent years to heighten efforts to stem sexual exploitation of children. ..,efust last week, an official of the General Accounting Office, the investigative arm o f Congreea, told a HOU8e committee that child pornography has declined in recent years but that most law enforcement officials believe the number of children involved hu not dropped. But civilians streamed back to the guerrilla e nclave and the PLO warned a new underground would "strike mercilessly" at Israel and its U.S . backers. Conductor 'drunk' Guerrillas feverishly dug in for street battles throughout west Beirut. S cores of r ed earth barricades rose along the west Be irut beaches with truck mounted anti-aircraft guns stationed behind them. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - The National Transportation Safety Board said Thursday a Southern Pacific conductor on the Amtrak train that caught fire Ju_ne 23 was "found intoxicated" and "taken out of service" the morning of the blaze that killed two people. The committee was told that "much of the child pornography today is produced and distributed underground through an infonna.l but close-knit network of pedophiles" -adults with an abnormal sexual desire for children. Sandbagged positions manned by anti-tank gunners tiffed the main streets. U.S . presidential envoy Philip C. Habib resumed talks with President Elias Sarkis and Prime Minister Shafik Wazzan at the presid ent ial palace outside Beirut. Brown1v11e Bult1lo Burlington Caapet Chat111n SC Coastal Char .. 1n WV Charltte NC Light varl1ble wind• _, to ~ llOUl~t I to 3 '"'· Fair. Cincinnati C...,..and U.S. Summary-g::-t!; Oal·f'I Wlh Oayton OenYer Thundentorm1 continued ac:tou much ol the ,_ Mlnouri Velley and CY<l9f 11141 Plelna, while a tornedo wea epotted In Mont- end hall bitter ed part• of COlofadO and South Oekota S'-" fell Thundey on pertt of Texea, tne Peclllc Nonttw.t tnd the central Gulf Coalt. whlle lhe r•t ot the nation enjoyed . Cleer -·her. The toreeut c8lled tor more thunderStorm• and "-' CY<l9f the PlalM. the MIMINlppl Valley. • Arken1u. Florlde, th• Ohio Velley, and th• Northwett, lncludlrlg lhe Rock•. Sunthlne wu expected over the Allentlc eoul north ol Flotlde, end In the Sout1-t. Temperttur•• around th• netlon befOI'• d1wn renged trom 41 In an1dlOl'd, Penn.. to 83 In Key w..t, Fie .. and Phoenht, Ariz. California On MO!Ms Oetrolt Outulh El Paao Fer go Aeos1att Great Flllls Hat110f'd Helen• Honolulu Hou1ton lndn"* Jacilan MS Jadllt!Vlle Kana City Lu Vegea little Rocio LOUlavllle Lubboc* Memphll Mleml Mllweuk" Mpl .. St.P NNl'!Vllle ,._ OrlMn• New Y01'11 The Natlonal weather Servlc4I Norfolk Pf«llet• fair 11twnoons In moat No. Pt11te .,_ of Southern CaHfomle onQ9 Olcl• City thOM pert111enl early morning Omeha Cloud• deaf Inland. Ori.ndO The Owenl Valley and ""'1hem Phlledphla mountalnl could get er1 l90lated Phoenix t11underatorm. •nd touth· PitQburgh ~ wlndt auettng to 3& Ptlend, Me ~,..rail• the o...tL ~.Ore Seturdey'• hlgtl9 llhoUld ,... PrcMOe!ICt "°"' 73 In Loe AngelM end .. ~ ~. betwMn f2 ... 70 In ...__ ~ 1rvm ee to te '" tn. Sift Uk• """ deMtt end between 100 end Sen Alltonlo 105 In the loW ~. 8eeC1te A emlll-orall advlaory 11 ~ eflect.l'le ttwOUOll Salur!MY II-om ltGull '* Pant COflOeCliOn to Sen ~ • St Louie , ....,,_ lof ~....,.from St P-Tampe 11 to H knota end .... ninrq 5 It ... Mette to l..... ..... Fair skies 96 78 71 55 68 52 86 48 87 75 77 51 81 85 75 53 78 51 79 58 72 50 68 BS 75 53 92 74 75 55 81 58 40 73 83 01 77 51 78 52 95 68 80 66 n 38 81 58 .02 75 51 83 55 .02 87 74 .02 92 80 78 eo 91 71 97 78 78 70 .50 89 87 ~~ ~~ .82 88 85 .21 90 75 .04 68 80 74 51 81 eo 87 87 91 74 77 90 n 91 87 70 TUC80n Tulia Wnhlngtn Wlehita 87 86 93 77 M 62 to 72 03 CAL.If~ I 8eker.netd 97 70 !Mythe " Eureke 82 51 Freeno 82 59 Lanc;atl• 93 515 Lot Angetee 79 83 Merysvitle 77 Monterey 82 .._,... 85 Oeldend 83 5 7 PNO ROblet 94 53 Red Blufl 73 84 RedwOOd City, 58 • secremento 72 54 90 70 74 e6 94 78 77 55 .07 Sellnea 87 SO 100 78 73 ~ n 52 •.• .o2 75 1141 11 57 7t 41 .o:I 1t 55 94 78 f7 5e t1 75 84 .. 19 M .IM " 78 7' H ., 5S .36 .. 51 15 71 2.0Z Set1 Otego 74 54 Sen Freneltco e t 54 Sent.• llatWa 71 8ente Merle 10 Stoeaton 77 Thennel 94 .... _ .. 82 Ilg a-70 34 ~ ~ :! La• Arfowtleed 87 40 Lone a.di 11 eo MonroWI 17 52 Mt. Wlleon 116 42 ~Beedl 71 H Ont.no 94 52 Palm Spring• ff A PeaedeM It 54 Sen Betnerdlno 83 51 SenJoM M "' CANADA HI Caigery Edmonton Montreal • OtllWI Regina TOl'onto Vencouver Wlnllll>flO Extended weather 74 79 89 72 83 72 83 80 lo 6 1 49 45 45 57 47 !55 St SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS -Low cloud• In the night and morning houra In COHiii areu other wlt• felr. Hight ranging from neer 70 11 the bHChH to upper SOt lnlend valleyt I.OWi sa to 93. ,.,, In mountain .,.... wWI v9'lellle lllafl cloudt. au.tr ~ ~ 15 to 215 ~ In .-moon llOur'L ~ ....... hlgtte rnoecty In tM 70t. IOwt In the 50t. The Alf Ouellty Maneoement Oletr1clt Pf9dlctl fCIOd • quellly today In .. .... of .,. South ~ All laalt\. ..... ll'Ofl' .... ~ 9,,,_,..;: t• .. ~.,.,_CM 9ICl*t TooeU lltfll, • .,...,.. wlMe == ... ,... .... ~~--------------­lild "' .. "'°"""°· ............. 10 '° 11 kllOtl Wll•r• 10 call (toll ''"' tor ,. .. ~ton: Orltl09 . CIOO) 44wt21 L.01 Ant•IH County: (100) t4t-4022 -Clllf1l'll ... llOOUe wlltt a 1• to 2..fOOf~ ..... IUlf RIPllT I ~ Ind ..,, 9lmerdlno oountlee: (IOO) H7_..7,0 AC*P ..,._.. ~ (IOOI Ml.._ ' The fire ronsumed a second car parked in the driveway, pohce said. Chapman was taken to St. Jude Hos pital. in Fullerton , where he was Listed m serious but stable rondation set on divorce Paul Graf dead at 86; rites slated Funeral services for Paul L. G raf, an influential figure in Orange County music circles, will be held Sunday. Mr. Graf died .l''ree seminars in various aspects of divorce are offered from 1 to 3 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays by the Women's Opportunities Center at UC Irvine. Legal aspects of divorce w i ll be pre se nt e d o n Thursday and on Aug. 5 by a ttorney Pat Henog who'll d isc u ss problems a n d procedures involved in dissolution of a marriage. Psychotherapist ~uaan Sbalit is t o discuss the psychological a nd practical adjustments to divorce at seminar J uly 20 . Financial adviser Frances • Jobanansl n will discuss budge ting, investing and saving on July 27. · The divorce seminars are an ongoing series with a ll sessions ·held at the center, 4211 Campus Drive, Irvine. Appointments can be made a nd more inform ation obtained by calling 833-7128. Wednesday at age 96. · The service will begin at 11 a.m. at the McAuley and Wallace Mortuary Chapel. 902 N. Harbor Blvd., F'uJlerton. Visitation hours are today from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday Crom 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mr. Graf was a member of the Orange Coun ty Ph ilharmonic Society and the Music Associates o f Cal State Fullerton: and was instrumental in establishing the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Police field weird calls A memo rial f und will be established in his name at the Center, his family announced. Born an American citizen in Prague, Czechoslovakia, Mr . G raf came to the United States in 1904. He was active in New York opera circles until he moved to California in 1936. He moved to Fullerton in 1968. The moon won;t be full untu. Tuesday. but try telling that to Irvine po lice o fficer s who arr ested two men Thursday night in connection with separate but loony burglary calls. A salent alarm sent four officers to the Arco service station at 14881 Sand Canyon R~d at 11 :05 p.m. They arrested Lance Robert Kerins, 20, of Irvine inside the station, said Lt. Bob Lennert. A window had been smashed. bu t the suspect didn't give officers any trouble, they said. He was taking care of the cuts on his feet from the broken glass. An hour later, Gary Wayne Pruett, 21 . o{ Anaheim was arrested on suspicion of burglary after he was caught inside Der Wienerschnitzel restaurant at J effre y R oad and Wa lnu t Avenue, said Lennert. A former employee, th e suspect apparently had used a key to enter the building. He told officers he had run out of toilet paper at home and planned to stock up from the fast food stand. Both suspects were booked into Orange County Jail. Nix on in Bulgaria SOFIA, Bulgaria (APl - Former President Richard Nixon met Thursd ay with Bulgarian President and Communist Party c hief T odor Z hik ov, the Bulgarian s tate news agency BTA reported. Announces A Price Rollback On: selected 881es 19B2L~1~oRJS WA 972 PRICES! 'FOR 1 Regularly •15.50 REDUCED TO •9 5 0 • • f Just In time for the narnor.ed 4th of July' aunahln,e HOllE SPORTS LTD. 2111 COAIT HWY. CORONA DIL MAR 17H700 I HOii IPORTS IRVINE •708 IARRANCA PKY. llVINI llMlll ClllA llU 1111111 <rnANGE COUN I y ( Al IFOnNIA 25 CENTS Child porn target Supreme Court reinstates New York law WASHINGTON (AP) - States mar ban virtually all "kiddie pornosraphy," the U.S. Supreme Court ruled today. The justices thua carved out an exception to the conatitutlonal guarantees of free speech and free expression. By a 9-0 vote on the last day of its 1981-82 term, the court reinstated a New York law that makes it a crime to "promote" sexual performances by ohlldren. The state's highest court struck the law as unconstitutional, but today the Supreme Coµrt, led by Justice Byron R. White, reversed the state court's ruling. "Here the nature of the harm to be rombatted requires that t.Pe CRYSTAL COVE ON CANVAS -Laguna Beach artist Ralph Ashauer finishes his painting of Crystal Cove between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach, shown below. This is 0.-, Not "'41toe 111 Petftdl O'OoMll his sixth painting of the cottage community and he says he enjoys the peace and quiet of his bluff top open air "studio." Fireworks ban eyed for Mesa UCI faces freeze of salaries UC Irvine might lose its best professor s and it will have trouble recruiting n e w ones because of a faculty-staff salary freeze, campus officiala predicted today. The $1.185 billion final budget allocation for the University of California, sign ed by Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. Thunday, has no provision for fa<..ulty or staff pay rai.9e!1. . "I think you'll find the faculty here at ltvine are qulte'dlitl t•!'i! by that," said Dr. Joseph McGuire, UCI Academic Senate chainnan. "The problem is you'll loee the best people," McGuire added. "It's a very competitive market in acade mia. Salary scales have been a little bit low at UC. anyway. Now. they'll probably fall lower." Fire officials in Costa Mesa are completing an eight-y.ear study of fireworks, sparking what could be the last year for dazzling though sometimes dangerous Fourth of July salutes in the city. A report by the Costa Mesa Fire Department to be presented to the City Council, shows that there were 14 fireworks related fires last year that caused $11 ,000 damage. Illegal fireworks were to blame for 12 of the fires. The City Council requested the report for conside ration of a possible ban of fireworks in the city. Newport Beach has banned all fireworks for the past 25 years. By this time last year there were four fireworks-related fires in the dty. There have been none so far this holiday. . Fire Marshal Tom Macduff said that he is t orn between tsannlng all fir e works and continuing to allow safe and sane ones because a total ban rould result in an increased use of illegal fireworks. The salary range for the 600 faculty members at UCI goes from $19, 700 for an assistant professor to $43,600 for full professors on n ine-m o nth contracts with a few professors getting up to $51,500. Old rocket booster The eight-year study of all fireworks in the city between June 26 and July 10 shows that Cosla Mesa averaged 9.7 fires from safe and sane fireworks, while the county average was 7 .3. Also, illegal fireworks resuJted in 5.5 fires in Costa Mesa and seven county-wide. Space shuttle has The city's loss from all fireworks-related blazes has been about $11 ,000 a year, while the county loss has been $36,000. Costa Mesa's property and damage loss wu below $1,000 for fi ve years since 1974. Both faculty and staff a l UCI received 6 percent pay hikes last year. a close encounter McGuire said, "The best people receive excellent offers elsewhere and I think they'll consider them more seriously now. The temptation will be there to leave." The salary freeze roupled with a possible faculty e xodus to industry and ·other universities had been predic ted by UC President David Saxon when he visited Irvine a month a11:0. Both McGuire and UCI Chancellor Daniel Aldrich Jr. said today they don't expect a mass faculty exodus because the economy is tight throughout the naUon. "But," Aldrich S!Ud, "it'll cause difficulty in recruiting. Our only consolation is that faC\.llty salaries acroes the country aren't perhaps increasing anv more rapidly than our own. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -Columbia's .astronauts had a close encounter today, passing just 7.7 miles below the orbiting remains of a junked Soviet rocket booster. The old casing is part of a whirling and growing space graveyard which may be a hazard to futu re spaceships. If there had been any threat of collision, Columbia would have taken evasive action. It wasn't necessary. Mission Control alerted astronauts Ken Mattingly and Henry Hartsfield to look for the booster as they passed 186 miles above the eastern coast of Australia. They were o ut of contact at the time of encounter and when they next talked with the ground they gave no indication they had spotted anything. TELEVISION '• Variety shows dying out "So.lid Gold" is only musical-variety show left on television and it's not network. TV Log. NATION Bulletproof law opJH>Bed'! Who could polllbly oppoee a blll outlawina bWletl ~ to penetnte law ofaoert' bulletproof veltl? P ... A8. Blut mjww UC Pf'Oleaor -•c.n CAP> -A unawrmcy o1 California elliLllNllU ,rll•• rr "'~ todaJ when a bomb 11plod1d oa &hi lourU9 floor o "" oanapu1 1n11ae1rl~: ltuUdln1. Prof111or Dloa.no1 J, Anill•tl•: II, ........ to "'-'"* ..... Ill ..... .......... • Controllers said it would have appeared out their front window, passed over the shuttle and disappeared behind its tail. With both Columbia and st.age traveling more than 17 ,000 mHes an hour. the rendezvous was short and chance of sighting slim. Their path s c r ossed at a n esUmated closing speed of 6.100 miles an hour. Mattingly and Hartsfie ld were in good spirits as they wakened this morning on the shuttle's fourth and last test mission - which ls to end Sunday at :Edwards Air Force Base with a welcome from President Reaj(an. The weather forecast is good for touchdown. NASA wants a c rosswinds landing to t est Columbia's handling. If winds are calm, as expected, the shuttle will avoid the wide-open lakebed (~SPACE, Page At) COUNTY "A lot of our fires are-bottle rockets that land on wood shake roofs," said Macduff. "Usually we put them out quickly and the loss is only $200. But, if someone isn't h ome. or the fire isn't reported quickly, there can be a lot of damage." Fire o ffic ial s are also concerned about the number of inju r ies that res ult from impro~r use of fi~works. Since 1974 five people m Costa Mesa have been injured. Fire officials will be watching Costa Mesa rooftops this Sunday from the sky. Last year police in helicopters spotted two roof fires. Macduff cautions those using fireworks to read the directions, set them off away from homes, don't let young children use even sparklers, and keep a bucket of water nearby. ERA fight 'not over' Equal Rights Ame ndment supporters, rallying in Santa Ana after ER.A's demise, vow to fight for decades if necessary for the measure. Page Bl. More Coast news inside Additional news from Newport Beech, Fountain Valley, Laauna Beach, Cotta Meu and Irvine will be fou.nd on P"a1e C3. Golden year /or paseanb The Papant of the MMtera and the Fettlval of AMI at Llcuna•• lrvtne Bowl celebrate their &0th annJvet'llUill thJa YNt. Weekender. · • state offenae be limlted to works that visually d e pic t sexual conduct by childre n below a sped fled age," White wrote for the court. "The categor y of sexual conduct proscribed also mu1t be suitably limited and deecribed." The Constitution's First Amendment guarantees that government will not inte rfere with anyone's freedom o r speech. But that pro tection 1s not absolute. Past Supreme Court decisions have created exceptions for o bsce n e or defamat ory expression and for expressions deemed to be "fighting words'' or an Incite me nt to immediate lawless acuon. Expression found to create a "clear and present danger" to some important governmental inlt'rest also 1s not constitutiona lJy protected. Under a landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision, called Miller vs. California, materials are legally obscene when the aver age person a ppl ying community standards would find them to "appeal to the prurient interest m sex, which portray sexual ·conduc t in a pa tently offensive way, and which, w hen taken as a whole, do not have serious literary, artistic, political or sc1enuftc value." But today's Supre"1e Court (See PORN, Page AZ) Ex-NB planner flayed over letter By STEVE MARBLE Of 1M Dellr Pttof lteff ln his waning moments as a N e wpo rt Be a c h pla nnin g commissione r, Allen Beek has launched himself on one final wave of controversy. Beek, who lost his commission seat last month, has caused a stir in Balboa by mailing out surveys, asking residents to answer 13 questions relat i ng to redevelopment. The questions. Beek explains in his cover letter:. are important because the City Council will decide the fate of redevelopment plans for the Balboa Fun Zone July 12. Beek voted against the fun zone pl.an as a conumss1oner. Some Balboa r esid e n ts responded quicker than Beek likely thought possible, calling the s urvey "slanted" and ob jecting to Beek using his commi ssion t itle on the questionnaire. "He haa no business at all putting his name on as planning commissioner." charges Jim "Buzz" Person, president of the Balb oa Impr ovement Association. "It's misleading and leads people to believe this is some sort of survey sent out by the city," says Person. "I don't think it should be given any credence at all " Mayor Jackie Heather echoed his com.ments, saying the survey already has left some Balboans confused . She claims the quest1 onna1re a ppears to be slanted toward Beek's own views on redevelopment. Beek officially lost his tale as planning commissioner June 24. The survey is dated June 24 although some Balboa residents claim 1t was postmarked later. City Attorney Mike Miller, noung he·s received several complaints, says there isn't much his office can do. He says 1f a forme r city comm1ss1o ner " continues to represent himself as som e thing he isn't , the city would put that person on notice to stop. Beek says he is using $2,000 out of his own pocket to bankroll the survey a nd will have a marketing firm in Orange compile the results . "I think it's Impartial," Beek says of the survey, which asks specific and slightly technical questions on building heights. floor area ratios and parking. ln the cover letter. Beek urges residents to "take 10 minutes to help plan the kind or city you want to li ve in." Person, a Balboa reside nt and businessman, says he's ron('('rned that Beek can "very easily stuff (See BEEK, Page At) Ex-officials make pleas of innocence F o ur forme r of£icers of an Orange County-based h o m e improvement company have pleaded innocent to charges that they bilked investors out of more than $2.5 million. Following their arraignments Thursd ay in Central Orange County Municipal Court, Judge John Ryan allowed two or the defendants to go free on their own recognizance They were Everett "Skip" Doughty, 63, o f Huntington Beach, a fonner vice president of V .B. Companies of Orange. and Andrea L ee Hacecky, 27, of Balboa Island, who worked in the firm's trust deed department. Bail was lowered from $1 50,- 000 to $50,000 for Robert Kapple r . 37 , of Orange, INDEX At Your Servire Business California Cavalcade Cluaified Comics ere.word Death Not.ices Editorial J:ntertalnment A4 A6-7 A5 A9 Cl,C3-8 82 8 2 C2 A8 W~tt Home/Garden AlO Horolc:ope A8 SPORTS ide ntified by prosecutors as a former preside nt of V.B . Judge Ryan , however, refused to lower bail for Herman "Terry" Termohlen. 55, of Placentia, founder and chairman of V .B. A fifth defe ndant in the case. Ha rr y J o hn 'F akie r . '11 , o f Placentia, currently is m federal prison in Northern Cahfornia on an unrelated perjury conviction. All fi ve defendants are each charged with 20 counts or grand theft by fraud and 20 counts of sales of unregistered securities. V.B. Company currently is in receivership as a result of civil actio n taken b y the s tate Attorney G e neral 's Office. Additionally. some investors h ave initiat ed i n voluntary bankruptcy proceedings against the firm. Intermission Weekender Ann Landers A9 Movies Weekender Mutual Funds A6 National News A3 Public Notices C2-3 Sports 83·8 Stock Marketa A 7 Televilion rJ .Loe ThMten Weekendtt. Weather A2 World Newa A3 Nip" ltope 10 rebound A"Jtll head for X.nNI Cltr for a crualal w•lun _.. • &he helll of • pill of clef•• in ~ ...... • 1 · I PORN RULING. • •• decrl.alon allbwa atatct to ban oven t;'Oll-obecene materlala when lhey portray aexual conduct b y children. "The MIUer standard, like all seneral definitions of what may be banned as obacene, does not 1 reflect the state's particular and more compelling Interest In proeecuting those who promote the sexual exploitation of children," White said. Congress and state legislatures have been under pressure in recent years to heighten efforts to stem sexual exploitation of children. Ju.t wt' week, an ofticla.1 of the General Accounting otflce, the lnveatlaatlve arm of Coflittll, told a Hou.e committee that chlld pornography has declined In recent years but that moat law enforcement offkiala believe the number of children involved has not dropped. The committee was told that "much of the child pornography today is produced and distributed unde rground thro ugh an informal but close-knit network of pedophiles" -adults with an abnormal sexual d e!jire for children. SPACE SHUTTLE. • • runway and make its first landing on co.nc r e te.c hjd Touchdown is scheduled for 9:10 a.m. PDT. "Chariots of Fire" was the wakeup music beamed up by Mission Control. ''Hope you got a good night's sleep." said Capcom Brewster Shaw. "Sle pt like a log," was Mattingly's reply. After breakfast. Hartsfie ld went for a space jog on Columbia's treadmill. It "went kaput," in the words of Mission Control, and he had to fix it before continuing on his way. Meanwhile, Mattingly entered the ship's airlock and rehearsed putting on the space s u i t developed for walking outside the shuttle. The suit will be..used for the first time on Columbia's next mission in November. The astronauts then test-fired some of the craft's jets to see how well they operated after exposure to the cold shadows of space, an(i e ngineers on the ground d etect ed h y draulic temperatures ''cooling up faster than we expected." To warm the hydraulics. Mission Control instructed the m to turn that section to the sun. The pilots also o perated the secr e t Defense Department instruments. The Sovi et rocket w as identified as the upper stage of a booster that h o i s t ed the lnt.ercosmos 14 scientific satellite into orbit Dec. 11, 1975. A 71-year·old woman la de.Q and her hu1ba~d In critical condition at a hotplt&l followlftl a yet.unexplained double llhootinc late Thunday ni1ht ln the front yard of a La£Una Hilla Leisure World residence. Orange County Sherlff'a Department spokesman Lt. Wyatt Hart aa.ld an lnvestiaation is under way to determine lt the caae should be clusifled u • murder and attempted autdde or a ~~lclde and attempted suicide. Hart Identified the woman u Ofa Jewl Heatwole. She died of a single gunshot wound to the head, Hart said. Her hus band , Delbert Heatwole, also 71, remained in c r itical condition todaiy at Saddleback Community Hospital with a gunshot wound to the head, Hart said. Two handguns were found by investigators in the front yard of the residence at 407 Calle Sonora Etsa. Investigators also found a note i ndicating the couple was despondent. No d etails were released by investigators. The bodies were discovered about 11 p.m. by a security guar~ patrolling the private retirement community. FIREMEN AT WORK -Arson is believed the cause of a fire Thursday at 10 p.m. that swept through the vacated Miracle Mazda building at 2150 Harbor Blvd .. Cost.a Mesa. causing $5,000 0.-, Net ..... ""°" damage. Fire fighters controlled the blaze in 10 minutes. The car dealer has moved to a new location and the building was scheduled to be demolished. Coastal Bllllngs eirmlnghm 81W11arck 8o4se Boston erownsvlle Fair today. A little cooler with 8uN1lo high• 117 to 75. Low cloud• tonight ~~tQn and S1turd1y with mo11ty cleartrog ..,._.... Saturd1y etternoon. Overnight Cherlatn SC lo-ol 55 to 62. Cooler on Ch11rlstn WV Saturd•y with hlghS 01 lie lo 73. Ch11ltt• NC El1awher e . fr om Point CheyenM Conception to the Mexk:an border 1 Chicago and out SO mlles: Small craft Cincinnati advisory over outer w1ter1 with Cleveland northwnt wind• ol 15 to 25 knot• Clmbla SC lllllth atronger gusts and 5 to 8 toot Columbul COfYlbined .... through Slturday. Oll·FI Wth Locally. llght _.lable wind• night Ol)lton and morning hou,. becoming Denver IOUth-t tO to 18 knot• during On Moines afternoon and evening hour•. Oe1roU Wind ••YM ol 2 to 3 IMt tt1l1 Duluth afternoon. sOuth-t .....,Is ot 1 El Paso to 2 t.et. Low cloud• with only F11go perllel clearlng S at urdey FlagstaN afternoon. Gru1 Falla Har110fd S . H411ena U.S. ummary Honolulu Houlton lndnapll1 JICkan MS Jackanvtle K-City Las Veg'9 Lltlle Rock Loulsvllle Lubbock IMmpln Miami Mlhil1u1tae Mplt-SI P Nulwllle N-OrlNna New Yant Noffolll Th11nderatorms continued ecrou much of lhe aoww Mlesour1 Veflttr/ and otlaf the Plelna. wtllle a 1omado ..,.. 190ttact In Montena and hall batlered par11 ol Col<l'acto and South Dekota. SllOWer• fell Thursoay on part• ol Texu. the PllClflc Nor1h-t and the central Gvll Cout. white the rwt of the nation enfoYacl clMr-ther. The IOfac:ut called '°' mOfe tlwndefllOfm• and tlhower1 over 'the Pllllnt. the MllSIUlppf Valley. Arkan"'· Florlda, th• Ohio valley. and the Norlhwut. lndudlng the Rodclet. 8unthlna wu •~eel o- tllt Atlanllc cout north ol FlcWkSe. tnd In the Southweat. Tam~!uru arou·nd the netlon ~ ranoact ltom 41 In 8'adtord. Penn .• to 83 In ~ W'91. Fl9.. ~ Ptlo9rlill. ML California • No Plall• <>Ille Qty OmaM Otlendo ~ PtttetlutOll Pt.i.ncl, Mt PllWld,Ore PrcMd9noe =::o" Slit Lei!• Sen AmonlO 8eet* ~~ Cooler days 83 55 .06 90 72 76 65 .08 69 52 66 75 59 96 78 71 !>5 68 52 86 •8 87 75 77 51 81 65 75 53 78 51 79 SS 72 50 88 65 76 53 92 7• 75 55 81 58 '° 73 63 .01 77 51 Front•: Cold.,. Warm WW Occluded w.' Slat•onerv •• 76 52 95 68 80 66 77 33 81 SS 75 St 83 55 87 74 92 80 78 60 91 71 97 76 78 70 89 87 91 71 78 62 68 65 90 75 88 80 7• 51 81 80 87 67 91 74 77 80 77 81 17 70 IO 70 74 15 t4 78 77 55 100 78 73 •8 73 52 " 59 75 59 81 57 78 •8 79 55 94 71 t7 M 91 75 "' ee ::it lOUIS 79 St P-Tempa 89 02 St St• Marie 73 s~-63 02 Syrecuse 88 .02 Topeka 75 Tucson 97 Tutu 93 Wuhlngtn 83 WIChita 90 .50 CALWOflHIA 112 Bakerslleld Blythe 21 EurM!a 04 Fraano lancuter Loe Angelft M1ryavllle Mont9rey N..ciles Oakland PMO Robiee Red 8lutl AedwOod City .rn Seer-to Salin" 8111 Diego • San Francleco $MUI S.befe Santa Matta .02 • Stoekton Thermal Barstow .02 Big....,. 8l9ho9 Catalina Lall• AnowhMd L.onO 8eactl MonrOllla 87 96 112 82 83 78 77 112 95 83 84 73 72 117 74 81 71 70 77 94 88 70 80 72 87 77 S7 66 94 78 39 53 35 51 71 2.02 lie 77 82 72 .03 70 51 59 55 83 57 53 M 58 54 so 84 54 112 34 •2 84 "° eo 62 lllf REPIRT ,, Mt. Wiiton 65 Newpott Beach 71 Ontario 84 Palm Springs 95 Puadena 11 San Be<nerdlno 83 San Joaa AA Tueac>n 97 Tutta 93 Wahington 83 Wlchll• 90 Extended weather 42 59 52 63 64 61 t;T llO 77 112 72 .03 SOUTHERN CALIFOANl1' COASTA L AND MOUNT1'1N ARE1'S -Low cloud• In the night and morning houri In coHtel a1••• ot herwlH fair. High I ringing lrom near 70 at tha bHchu to upper IOa Inland .... 1iey.. Lows 53 to 13. Felt 1n mountain .,... with ..,.,._.. hlah cloud•. Guety ....iy ...... lg to 25 mph In afternoon f\oun. Aeeof1 ....,.. hlghl tne*ly In the 70.. 10wS In Iha llOI. Smog The Ali Quality Man~t Olllrlct ptedlctti OOod air ~ todey In .. .... of ttMI '°""' CO.I Nr 8Mln. Where to cell (1011 tr") tor lat .. t 1m09 lnfonna110n: Orange COUr\tY-(IOO) 44WIH LOI ~nQtlH Co11nty: (100) 2•2-4022 ..._... and Ian lematdlno countM: (IOO) H7-47t0 AOMO IOleOde Cant.: (IOO) 2.42 ..... t I . ................ CONTROVERSY -Fonner Newport Beach planning commissioner Allen Beek has ruffled municipal feelings with his questionnaire on developrnen t. From Page A1 BEEK .. • • the ballot box" because residents are told they do not have to put t heir name on the r e turned survey. Beek says this won't happen because h e is using an independent company to give more "confidence" in the results. The. former commissioner also explains this is not the first time he has mailed out surveys. In fact, he says, he has spent all $4 ,800 h e ma d e a s a commissioner on questionnaires. Man guilty of sex rap A 50-year-old Newport Beach printer has been convicted in Orange County Superior Court on five felony charges alleging sexual misconduct with a pre- teenage girl. Defendant Byron Fritz was fou nd guilty after a jury deliberated for nearly four hours Wednesday and Thursday in Judge R ic hard B eacom 's courtroom. Sentencing proceedings were scheduled for July 29. Fritz could be sent to state prison for nearly 12 years. Arms buildup brought talks? SANTA BARBARA (AP) - President Reagan says the enonnous military buildup he ls embarking upon is the factor that "brought the Soviet Union to the negotiating table as quickly as they came." Before fl ying to his ranch 20 miles from here for a vacation. Reagan told broadcasters and edit.ors meeting Thursday in Los Angeles that his increase in defense spending also will keep the Soviets at the bargaining table. But he said a Soviet-endorsed freeze o n nuclear w e apons "would mak e this country d angerous ly v ulne r a ble t o nuclear blackmail." · Po&e and flnmen ln Newport Beach, whoee contract. expired thlt week, have been uked back to the barplnlJ\I table by the dt)1. Cont.ra.ct talk.a broke off lut month when both employees asaoclatlona refused to acce pt final offers from the city. The hitch isn't the amount of money the city has offered but how ll should b e d lvlded between actual salary and retirement benefits. Policemen now earn up to $2,180 a month and flreflghtera up to $1,993. City negotiators said they have offered sworn police officers a total compensation package of 10.5 percent with 7 .8 percent in direct salary boosts to all workers from off.leers to captains. Police, though, have suggested a different approach, one which calls for smaller pay hikes for most employees and a 4.5 percent l.ncreaae In retirement beneflta. The 4.5 percent increase means the city would be paying the entire cost of an employee's retirement package -sUghtJy more than 31 cents on every dollar. Police aaid their propoMJ wtll cott $43,000 leee than the city's own oiler. City negoUat.ol"I, thou1h, said the flaw in the pollce propoeal la that lf re\lttment premlwm, set by the state, go up. ao will the city's costs. The squabble betwee n firefighters and the city ia similar. F i remen are not dlaputing the aJz.e of the city's offer, slmply how the pie Is sliced. The city has offered firemen a cotal oompenaallon boott of 9.5 percent with 6.6 percent of that in pay hikes. The four other employee associations in Newport have agreed upon n e w one-year contract.. Lifeguards will get an Increase o f 10.5 percent, blue-collar workenl will get 15.5 percent, pro fessional and technical workers wiU get 10 percent while clerks and secretaries get 11 percent. In each case , the figure represents total compensation, both salary and fringe benefits Mesa and Newport weather fund cuts Costa Mesa and N e w port Beach emerged from the knife of s tate budg e t maker s in Sacramento p oorer , but relatively unscathed compared to other county cities. Costa Mesa ended up losin'g roughly Sl00,000 ln state mot.or vehicle fees while Newport lost about $90,000. Both <'i~les had anticipated Paul Graf dead at 86;' rites slated Funeral services for Paul L. Graf. an Influential figure in Orange County music circles. will be held Sunday. Mr. Graf died Wednesday at age 96. The service will begin at 11 a.m . at the McAuley >nd Wallace Mortuary Chapel. 902 N. Harbor Blvd .• Fullerton. Visitation hours are today from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mr. Graf was a member or the Orange County Philharmonic Society and the Music Associates of Cal State Fullerton~ a nd was instrumental in establishing the Orange County Perfonning Arts Center. A memorial fund will be established in his name at the Center, his family announced. Born an American cit.ii.en in Prague. Czechoslovak ia. Mr. Graf came to the United States in 1904. He was active in New York opera circles until he moved to California in 1936. He rQoved to Fullerton in 1968. losses m the mot.or vehicle fees when adopting 1982-83 city budget this week. Cost.a Mesa officials had predicted a los.'> of $1.1 million and Newport a loss of $1 .18 million As it turned o ut , t h e neikhboring cities weren't far off the mark. Cost.a Mesa lost $1.2 million and Newport lost $1 .27 million. Officials m both cities must hnd a way to deduct their losses from adopted budgets. Costa Mesa has adopted a $35.2 million budget that includes the hiring of four new employees. The budge t does not inC'lude antici pated pay hi kes for city workers. In Newport, city council members this week approved a $40.8 million budget that calls for no new employees and $3 million less spending than last year. Costa Mesa has a $6 million reserve m its operating budget while Newport has more than $14 million. Thug leaves beer behind A ski-masked gunman who held up a liquor store in Costa Mesa Thursday told the startled .. clerk she could keep the beer he paid for. Police said that the robber walked into Buck's Liquor Bann. 1089 W. Buker St. abou t 8:15 p.m. and bought a couple of beers before pulling a handgun on the 2 I -year-old clerk. ..Thank you.·· said the thief after receiving about $400 "You can keep the beer.'' The susp ect, wearing a motorcycle helmet. sun glasses and a brown ski mask. fled on foot. Announces A Price Rollback On: selected ueetES 198t~1HoRT5 WA RICES! FOR 1972 P Aegul•rly *15.50 REDUCED TO s 9 5 0 I • Just In time for the rumored· 4th of July sunshine HOBIE SPORTS IRVINE . 4701 IMMNCA PKV I IRYINE llNlll • I I .. \llll\N <,f10UNTY (AllJOnNIA l'.,CENT S Child porn target Supreme Court reinstates New York law WASHINGTON (AP) - States may ban virtually all "kiddie pornography," the U.S. Supreme Court ruled today. The justices thus carved out an exceptlon to the constitutional guarantees of free speech and free expression. By a 9-0 vote on the last day of it.II 1981-82 term. the court reinstated a New York law that makes it a crime to "promote" sexual performances by children. The state's highest court struck the law as unconstitutional. but today the Supreme Court, led by Justice Byron R. White, reversed the: state court's ruling. "Here the nature of the harm to be combatted requires tha t the CRYSTAL COVE ON CANVAS -Laguna Beach artist Ralph Ashauer finishes his painting of Crystal Cove between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach, shown below. This is 0..., Not""*" by Petrick O-oo-.11 his sixth painting of the cottage community and he says he enjoys the peace and quiet of his bluff top open air "studio." Fireworks ban eyed for Mesa VCI faces freeze of salaries UC Irvine might lose its best professors and it will have trouble r ecruiting new o nes because of a faculty-staff salary freeze, campus officiaJs predicted today. The $1.185 billion final budget allocation for the University of California, s igned by Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. Thunday, has no provision for faculty or staff pay raises. "I think Nou'll find the faculty here at Irvine are quite diave9eed by that," said Dr. Joseph McGuire, UCJ Academic Senate chalrman. "The problem is you'll lose the beat people," McGu ire added1 "It's a very competitive market in academia. Salary scales have been a little bit low at UC, anyway. Now. they'll probably fall lower." Fire officials m Costa Mesa are completing an eight-year stud y of fireworks, sparking what could be the last year for dazzling though sometimes dange rous Fourth of July salutes in the city. A report by the Costa Mesa Fire Department to be presented to the City Council, shows that there were 14 fireworks related fires last year that caused $11,000 damage. Illegal fireworks were to blame for 12 of the fires. The City Council requested the report for consideration o( a possible ban of fireworks in the ci ty. Newport Beach has banned all fireworks for the past 25 yea.rs. By this time last year there were four fireworks~related fires in the city. There have been none ao far thia holiday. . Fire Marshal Tom Macduff said that he is torn between banning all firewo rks and continuing to allow safe and sane ones because a total ban could result in an increased use of illegal fireworks. The salary range for the 600 Old ro1a•r~t boost~ faculty members at UCI goes ia.;ft.'111[;' 'll[;'r The eight-year study of all fireworks in the city between June 26 and July 10 shows that Costa Mesa averaged 9.7 fires from safe and sane fireworks, while the county average was 7 .3 . Also, illegal fireworks resulted in 5.5 fires m Costa Mesa and seven county-wide. from $19,700 for an assistant professor to $43.600 for full Space shuttle has professors on nin e -month contracts with a few professors gening up to $51.500. T h e cit y 's loss from a ll fireworks-re lated blazes has been about $11,000 a year, whjle the county loss has been $36,000. Cos t a Mesa's property a nd damage loss was below $1 .000 for five years since 1974. Both faculty and staff at UCI I ;;.ved 5 percentpayhikeslast a c ose encounter McGuire said , "The best people receive excellent offers elsewhere and I think they'll consider them more seriously now. The temptation will be there to leave." The salary freeze coupled with a possible faculty exodus to industry and other universities h ad b een predicted by UC President David Saxon when he visited Irvine a month aJlo. Both McGuire and UC! Chancellor Daniel Aldrich Jr. said today they don't expect a mass facu1ty exodus because the economy is tight throughout the nation. "But," Aldrich said, "it'll cause difficulty in recruiting. Our only COMOlation is that faculty salaries acroes the country aren't perhaps increasing anv more rapidly than our own. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -Columbia's astronauts had a close encounte r today. passing just 7. 7 miles below the orbiting remains of a junked Soviet rocket booster. The old casing is part of a whirling and growing spare graveyard which may b e a hazard to future spaceships. If there had been any threat of collision, Columbia wouJd have taken evasive action. It wasn't necessary. Mission Control alerted astronauta Ken Mattingly and Henry Hartsfield to look for the booster as they passed 186 miles above t h e eastern coast o f Australia. They were out of contact at the time of encounter and when they next talked with th e ground they gave •no indication they had spotted anything. TELEVISION \ \ . Variety shows dying out "Solid Gold" iJ only musical-variety show left on television and it's not network. TV Log. NATION ~oney supply down NEW YORK (AP) -The nation'• money supply (M-1) wu down $2.2 billion for the ltt.elt reporting pert~. the Federal ReMrve reported thll afternoon. BIMI injww UC ~eaor gpxa .r;y (AP) -A Unlwnity of California ·~ i*CllE&I W ~ taday W~ a bomb exploded on tbe fourth floor ol the campu1 •n1laeerln_J build&"'. Profe11or Dlo1eno1 J . ~1kGI, a. Wll tlllilii to....,.. 8-tal wtwe ................ Controllers said it would have appeared out their front window, passed over t he s huttle and disappeared behind its tail. With both Columbia and stage traveling more than 17.000 miles an hour, the rendezvous was short and cll_ance of sighting slim. Their paths crossed a t a n estimated closing speed of 6, 100 miles an hour. Mattingly and Hartsfield were in good spirits as they wakened this morning on the shuttle's fourth and last test mission - which Is t o end Sunday at F.dwards Air Force Base with a welcome from President Reagan. The weather forecast is good for touchdown. NASA wants a crosswinds landing to test Columbia's handling. If winds are calm, as expected, the shuttle will avoid the wide-open lakebed (See SPACE, Page At) COUNTY "A Jot of our fires are bottle rockets that land on wood shake roofs.'' said Macduff. "Usually we put them out quickly and the loss is only $200. But, if someone isn't home, or the fire isn't reported quickly. there can be a lot of damage.'' Fire o ff ici a l s are also concerned about the number of inju ries that r esult from improper use of fireworks. Since, 1974 five people in Costa Mesa have been injured. Fire oWcials will be watching Costa Mesa rooftops this Sunday from the sky. Last year poLioe in helicopters spotted two roof fires. Macduff cautions those using fireworks to read the directions. set them off away from homes, don't let young children use even sparklers, and keep a bucket of water nearby. ERA fight 'not over' Equal Rights Amendment supporters, rallying i.n Santa Ana after ERA's demise, vow to fight for decades if necessary for the measure. Page Bl. More Coast news inside Additional news from Newport Beach, Fountain Valley, Laguna Beach. Calta Mesa and Irvine will be found on Page C3. Golden year (or paseants Th Pa,eant 6f the Muten and ~ F•Uval of Anl ~t Laauna'• lrvlne Bowl celebrate their 60th annlvetUriea thll year. WNkender. , , state offense be limited to works that visuallx depict sexual conduct by cnildre n below a specified age," White wrote for the Court. "Th e category o! sexual conduct proscribed also must be su itably limited and described." The Con stitution 's First Amendme nt guarantees that government will not interfere with anyone's freedom of speech. But that p r otectio n is not absolute. Past Supreme Court dedsions have created exception s for obsce n e or defamato r y expression and for express.ions deemed to be "fighting words" or an 1nc1tement to immediate lawless action. Expression found to create a "clear and present danger" to som e im p ortant governmental ant.crest also is not constitutionally protected. Under a landmark 1973 Supreme Court decision, called Miller vs. California, materials are legally obsl'cne when the average person applJing community standards woul find them to "appeal to the prurient interest in sex. which portray sexual condut·t in a patently offensive way, and which, when taken as a whole, do not have serious Lite rary. arustk, poLiucal or sc1enuf1c value" But today's S upreme Court CS« PORN, Page A2 ) Ex-NB planner flayed over letter By STEVE MARBLE Of the OeltJ Ptlol St.ff In hlS waning moments as a Newport Beach planning commissioner, Alle n Beek has launched himself on one final wave of controversy. Beek, who lost his commission seat last month, has caused a stir in Balboa by mailing out surveys, asking residents to answer 13 questions r e lating t o redevelopment. The questions, Beek explains in his cover letter, are important because the City Council will decide the fate of redevelopment plans for the Balboa Fun Zone July 12. Beek voted against the fun wne plan as a commissioner. 'Some Ba I boa residents responded quicker than Beek likely thought possible. calling the survey "slanted" and objecting to Beek u sing his commission title on th e questionnaire. "He has no business at all putting his name on as planning commissione r ," charges Jim "Buzz" Person, president of the Balboa Improvement Association. "It's misleading and leads people to believe this 1s some sort of survey sent out by the city," says Person. "l don't think it should be g1vE>n any credence at aJI." Mayor Jackie Heather a-hoed his comments, saying the s urvey already has left some Balboans co nfused . She claims \he questionnaire a ppear s to be slanted toward Beek's own views on redevelopment. Beek offlc1ally lost his Utle as planmng comm1SSioner June 24 . The survey 1s dated June 24 although some Balboa residents claim it was postmarked later. City Attorney Mih Miller. noting he's received several complaints. says there isn't much his office can do. He says 1f a former city commission er ~'Onllnues to represent himself as something he isn't, the city would put that person on notice to stop. Beek says he 1s using $2.000 out of his own pocket to bankroll the sur vey and will have a marketing firm in Orange compile the results. "l thmk it's impartial.'' Beek says of the survey. which asks s pecifi c a nd slightly technical questions on building heights, floor area ratios and parking. In the cover letter, Beek urges residents to "take 10 mmutes to help plan the kind of C'1ty you want lo live m." Person. a Balboa resident and businessman. says he's concerned that Beek can "very easily stuff (See BEEK, Page At> Ex-officials 01ake • pleas of innocence Four former officers o r an Orange County -based home i mprovem ent company have pleaded innocent to charges that they bilked investors out of more than $2.5 million. Following their arraignments Thursday in Central Orange County Municipal Court, Judge John Ryan allowed two of the defendants to go free on their own recognizance They we re Eve rett ''Skip" Doughty. 63, of Huntington Beach. a former vice president of V.B. Companies of Orange. and Andrea Lee Haceck y, 27, of Balboa Island, who worked in the firm's trust deed department. Bail was lowered from $150,- 000 to $50,000 for Robert K appler . 37 , of Orange, INDEX At Your Service Business California Cavalcade Cl.usified Comics Croes word Death Notices F.ditortal Entertainment A4 A6-7 A5 A9 Cl,C3-8 B2 B2 C2 AS Weekender Home/Garden AlO Hol'OICOpe A9 SPORTS identified by prosecutors as a former president of V.B. Judge Ryan. however. refused to lower bail for Herman "Terry" Termohlen, 55. of Placentia. founder and chairman of V.B. A fifth defendant in the case, Harry John Fak1er. 41 . o f Placentia, currently is in federal prison in Northern CaJifom1a on an unrelated perjury conviction. All five defendants are each charged with 20 counts of grand theft by fraud and 20 counts of sales of unregistered securities. V.B. Company currently is in receivership as a result of civil action taken by the s tate Attorney General's Office. Additionally, some investors h ave initiated invol untary bankruptcy proceedings against the firm Intennis&on Weekender Ann Landers A9 Movies Weekender Mutual Funds A6 Natio~ News A3 Public Notices C2-3 Sports 83-8 Stock Markets A7 Televlaion TV Log '!bee ten Weekender. w .. ther A2 World News A3 'I I Al N stories PORN RULING • •• • deciaion alloW. atatea to ban even non·oblcene materials when they portra y aexual conduc t by ~hUdren. ''The Miller standard, like all general deflnJUons of what mlly be banned as obscene, does not reflect the state's particular and more compellini Interest in proeecuting those who promote the sexual exploitation o t children," White said. Congress and state legislatures have been under pressure in recent years to heighten efforts to stem sexual exploitation of children. J Wit lut week, an offlclal or the General A~unt.lng Office, the ln veallgative arm of Congreta, tOld a Houae commlttee tha t c hild pornography haa declined In recent years but that most law enforcement offlclala believe the number of children involved ha.a not dropped. The committee was told that ·•much of the child pornography today is produced and distributed underground t hrough an informaJ but close-knit network of pedophiles" -adults with an abnormal sexual desire for children. SPACE SH UTTLE. • • runway and make Its first I and ing on concrete.c hjd Touchdown is scheduled for 9: 10 a.m. PDT. "Char iots of Fire" was the wakeup music beamed up by Mission Control. "Hope you got a good night's sleep,,, said Capcom Brewster Shaw. "~l ep t l ike a l og," was Mattmgly's reply. After breakfast, Hartsfield went f or a space j og on Columbia's treadmill. It "went kaput," in the words of Mission Control, and he had to fix it before continuing on his way. Meanwhile. Mattingly entered the ship's airlock and rE>hearsed putting on the s pace s uit developed for walking outside the shuttle. The suit will be used for the first time on Columbia's next mission in November. The astronauts then test-fired some of the craft's jets to see how well they operated a ft er exposure to the cold shadows of space, a nd engineers on the ground detected hydra ulic temperatures "cooling up faster than we expected." To warm the hydraulics, Missio n Control instructed them to turn that section to the sun. The pilots also operated the secret Defense De partment instruments. The Soviet r oc k e t was identified as the upper stage of a booste r that h oisted the Intercosmos 14 scientific satellite mto orbit Dec. 11. 1975. • A 71-year·old woffiJJl la dead and her hueband in critlcal condition at a hospital following • yet-unexplained double shooting late Thurwclay night In the front yard of a Laguna Hills Leisure World residence. Orange County Sheriff's Department spokesman Lt. Wyatt Hart said an investigation la under way to determine if the cue ehould be clauifled u a murder and attempted suicide or a ~ukide and attempted eulcide. Hart Identified the woman as Ofa Jewl Heatwole. She died of a single gunshot wound to the head, Hart said. H er husband , Delbert Heatwole, also 71, remained in critical condition today at Saddleback Community Hospital with a gunshot wound to the head. Hart said. Two handguns were found by investigators in the front yard of the residence at 407 Calle Sonora Etsa~ Investigators also found a note indicating the couple was d espondent . No details were released by investigators. The bodies were discovered about 11 p.m. by a security guard patrolling the private retirement community. F IREMEN AT WORK -Arson is believed the cause of a fire Thursday at 10 p .m. mat swept through the vacated Miracle Maz.da building at 2150 Harbor Blvd .. Cost.a Mesa, causing $5,000 D..,Net ltaft~ damage. Fire fighters controlled the blaze in 10 minutes. The car dealer has moved to a new location and the building was scheduled to be demolished. Cool er days Bllllnge 83 55 ,06 Blrmlnghm 90 72 Blamarck 76 65 .08 BolM 69 52 .86 C t l 801100 75 59 08S 8 Brownsvlle 96 78 Fair today. A lltlle &.., with Buffalo 71 55 highs 87 to 75. Low Cloud• tonight Burlington 68 52 end Saturday with mo.tly clearing C81per 86 •8 S•tufday afternoon Overnight Cherlatn SC 87 75 lows of 55 to 82 Cool•t on Cherlstn WV 77 51 S1turd1y with hlgha of 86 to 73 Chtrllle NC 81 65 E lte w h e r•, I rom Pol n t Cheyenne 75 53 Conception to the Mexican border , Chicago 76 51 and out 80 mllu: Smell crefl ClnClnnatl 79 S8 9CIYllory ~ outer w•tera wtth Cleve48"d 72 so nortn..t wtnC11 of 15 10 25 knots Ctmbla SC 88 65 with atronger Q\1911 iand 5 10 8 1001 Columbus 75 53 combined -through Seturdey 011-FI Wlh 92 7t Locally. light varleble wlnC11 night 01)'1on 75 SS end morning hour• b•comlng o.nver 81 58 .40 Na-w .. -s..-. 'IO.V.. vs Oeol ol c-u 90Uthwat 10 10 18 knota during Des M 0<nes 73 63 01 11t11rnoon end •venlng houri 0.lroil n SI Front1: Cokl ..., WaJT'l't 99 Wind waves of 2 10 3 fwt ,,.,. Oululh 76 S2 •flernoon Sout"-1 swell• ol 1 El Paao 9S 68 to 2 feet. Low ctood• with onty Fergo 80 86 partial clearl ng Seturday Flegrtall 77 38 1flarnoon. Great Fells 81 S8 02 H1ttf0<d 75 51 U S S Helena 83 SS .02 • . ummary ~=~ ~~ ~ 02 Thunder1torm1 cont inued lnelnaplls 78 60 JllCl<en MS 91 71 J11Ck1nvlle 97 76 Kana City 78 70 .SO :SI LOU19 St P-Tampa St SI• Mane Spohne SyrlCUM Tex>e111 Tuct0n Tuba Washing In Wlchlta 79 6e 94 89 78 73 39 83 53 35 &8 51 75 71 2 02 97 &6 93 77 83 82 90 72 03 ll«OM much of the !owe< MlllO<Jrl Vllley end otlef Ille Plalna. while a 1omedo wa1 1POlltld In Montane and hlll bettered part1 of COiorado and South Dakota. Lii Vegas 89 67 CALl'OIUttA Litt!• Rock 91 7 1 .82 B•kertfleld Shower• fell Thured•y on P•r1• or Tex ... tile Paclflc NO<lh-1 end 1he oentrel Gull Coaat, wnlle Ille '"' of tile nation enjoyed ciear weather. Tile forecaat called for more 1huneler1torm1 and anowere over the Pllln•. the Mlululppl Velley, Arkan111. Florida. the 01110 Valley. and th• Northweat. lncludlog I he Rockies. 8un1hlne wH expected o- lh• Atlantic COHI north ol ~and In the Sou1"'"9!. Temperature• around tlle Mtton before dawn fanged trom 4 i In er.dford, P9nn.. to 83 In ~ W•I. Ra.. ~"'-Ill, ML LoulavUle 7 8 62 Blyth• Lubbock 88 65 .2 t Eurelea Memphis 90 75 04 Freeno Miami 86 80 Lenculllf Mllw1u~ee 74 51 LOI Angete9 Mpll ·St.P 81 80 Mary9Yille NashYill• 87 87 Monterey New Orl .. ns 91 74 Needlel New Y()(ll 77 80 Oakland NorfOlk 17 81 PMO Ro~ No. Platt• 87 70 Reel Bluff a.la City 90 70 ReClwoocl City Omaha 74 65 .07 s.cr-10 Ol1endo 94 71 Salfnu Pnlledonta n 55 San Oleoo • Phoenix 100 78 S11n Ffanc:lllCo PlttabufGh 73 48 Santa l*bare Pttancl, Me 73 52 Sa11t1 Matla Ptllnd. Ore 89 59 .02 • Stockton California ;o;:ice ~~ g~ · == 87 70 98 82 51 82 59 83 55 711 83 77 82 95 83 57 84 53 73 84 se 72 54 87 60 74 84 81 54 71 • 70 n 94 88 82 70 34 Ml WillOn Newport Beech Ont1tlo Palm SpflnQI Pue<1en1 San Bernardino San JOH Tuc9orl Tul11 W81hlngton Wichita 65 •2 71 59 84 52 9S 83 81 54 83 51 M r;7 97 bO 93 71 83 12 90 72 .03 Extended weather SOUTHERN CALIFORN IA COASTAL ANO M OUNTAIN AREAS -Low cloud• In the night 1nd morning houri In coutal areH 01herwl1e lalr. High• r anging from near 70 al th• bH chH to up~r 101 Inland valleyt. lowt 53 10 83~F Jn mountain .,... wlttl ~ c:loudt. <MtY ~ a to 26 mph In aflemoon hOllrl. ~ leY9I hight moetly In IM 70.. fOwl In the &Oa. Smog IO 42 72 ... W ..._.... 78 48 .02 8lg Beat The NetloMI Mttler S.W. Sift Lake 7Q 55 Bl predlcl9 fair attemoone In moet •·-•-t--'-1110C> The Air 0111111y Man~1 .,... Of ~ e.Mfornll one. ...., -· """' Q4 76 Catlllne Olatnct Pfeclcla fOOd .,, Ql*lty 87 '° 77 IO 17 152 ttloM ~9'1t early morn"'A S..ttle 87 5e Lake Arrowhead lod~ In all .,. ... ol tlle Soucf1 .. ;;•ifti.nct. ""' ~ t 1 75 Long 8eech CO.I Air IMln • The ~~*I and not'ttlwn ~" t11t "' 841 Monrovia Where to call (1011 lrM ) ror lllOUl!talna -11'1 i.oittM ~~~--~---------------lltM1 11'noQ lnfOflNllon: tllunderetorm. and eouth· .-----, °':'TiCOl#'l'Y:{I00)44WUt ~~~ •• •• ·\=·:_ •. 1 1 U 0 lf REPliT i~; .. ;:;= ........ ~ 2 and 70 In AOMO lplliode Center: (IOO) ~. trom 11 to N 1n tt1e au ...... 11W1__,MCI~100 llftd --------- tOl In· -.,...,,.. ~ '~! A:::: Tides Temperaturd ..... I:':.-'t:if S ~ !!&ar .. 1~,w : ••• l ' • 0.-,Net lUff ....... CONTROVERSY -Fonner Newport Beach planning commission er Allen Beek has ruffled municipal feelings with his questionnaire o n development. From Page A1 BEEK. • • Police .00 firemen in Newport Beach. whoee contract.I expired thle week, have been uked back to the barpinlJ1i table by the clty. Contract t.alka broke oft last month when both employees aasoclatlons refused to accept flnal offers from the city. The hitch im't the amount of money the city has offered but how It ehould be divide d between actual ealary and retlrement benefit.I. Pollcemen now earn up to $2,180 a month and flreo,hten up to $1,993. Clty negotiators said they have offered sworn police officers a total compensation package of 10.5 percent with 7.8 percent ln direct salary boosu to all workers from officers to ~t.aina. Police, though, have suggested a different approach. one which calls for amaller pay hikee for moet employees and a 4.5 percent lncreaae in retirement benefits. The 4.5 percent increase means the city would be paying the entire cost of an employee's retirement package -slightly more than 31 cents on every dollar. Police aa1d their propc:ul wW coet MS,000 lete than the city'• own otter. City neaoliaton, thol.IJh, eaid the flaw In the police proposal ia that If retirement premiums. set by the et.ate, So up, eo wlll the city's caate. The equabble b e twe e n flreflahtera and the city is el m i lar. Firemen are n o t dl.eputing the eize of the city's offer. elmply how the pie ls sliced. The city has offered flremen a total compensation boost of 9.5 percent with 6.6 percent of that in pay hikes. The four other employee a11ociation1 In Ne wport have agreed upon new o ne -year contract.I. Lifeguards wW get an increase of 10.5 percent, blue-collar workers will get 15.5 percent, professiona l and technical workers will get 10 percent while clerks and secretaries get 11 percent. In e ac h case. the figure represents total compensation . both salary and fringe benefits. the ballot box" because residents are told they do not have to put t heir name on the retur ned survey. Beek says this won't happen because h e i s u s ing an independent company to give more "confidence" in the results. The former commissioner also explains this is not the first time he has mailed out surveys. In fact, he says. he has spent all $4.800 h e mad e as a commissioner on questionnaires. Mesa and Newport weather fund cuts Man guilty of sex rap A 50-year-old Newport Beach printer has been convicted in Orange County Superior Court on five felony charges alleging sexual misconduct with a pre- teenage girl. Defendant Byron Fritz was found guilty after a jury deliberated for nearly four hours Wednesday and Thursday in J u dge Ri c hard Beacom 's courtroom. Sentencing proceedings were scheduled for July 29. Fritz could be sent to st.ate prison for nearly 12 years. Arms buildup brought talks?. SANT A BARBARA (AP) - President R e agan says the enormous military buildup he is embarking upon is the factor that "brought the Soviet Union to the negotiating table as quickly as they came." Before flying to his ranch 20 miles from here for a vacation. Reagan told broadcasters and editors meeting Thursday in Los Angeles that h is increase in defense spending also will keep the Soviets at the bargaining table. But he said a Soviet-endorsed freeze on nuclear weapons "wou ld make this cou n try dangerously vulnerable to nuclear blackmail." Costa Mesa and Newport Beach emerged from the knife of state budget m a k e r s in Sacra ment o poorer , but relatively unscathed compared to other county cities. Costa Mesa ended up losing roughly $100,000. in state motor vehicle fees while Newport lost about $90,000. Both C'i~ies had anticipated Paul Graf dead at 96; rites slated· Funeral services for Paul L. Graf, an influential figure in Orange County music circles, will be held Sunday. Mr. Graf died Wednesday at age 96. The service will begin at 11 a.m. at the McAuley and Wallace Mortuary Chapel, 902 N. Harbor Blvd .. Fullerton. Visitation hours are today from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m . and Saturday from 9 a.m . to 9 p.m. Mr. Graf was a member of the Orange County Philha rmonic Society and the Music Associates of Cal State Fullerton\ and was instrumental in establishing the Orange County P erforming Arts Center. A memor ial fund will be established in his name at the Center. his family announced. Born an American citizen in Prague, Czechoslovakia, Mr. Graf came to the United States in 1904. He was active in New York opera circles until he moved to California in 1936. He moved to Fullerton in 1968. Announces A Price Rollback On: Regularly 115.50 REDUCID T.O losses an the motor vehicle fees when adopting 1982-83 city budget this week. Costa Mesa officials had predicted a loss of $1.1 million and Newport a loss of $1.18 million. A s it turned out, the ne1ghbonng cities weren't fa r off the mark. Costa Mesa lost $1.2 million and Newport lost $1.27 million Offsc1als in both cities must find a way to deduct their losses from adopted budgets. Costa Mesa has adopted a $35.2 million budget that includes the hiring of four new employees. The budget does not includ e anticipated pay hikes for city workers. In Newport, city counci l members this week approved a $40.8 mill.Jon budget that calls for no new employees and $3 million less spending than last year. Costa Mesa has a $6 million reserve m 1ts operating budget while Newport has more than S14 million Thug leaves beer behind A ski-mas ked gunman who held up a liquor store in Costa Mesa Thursday told the startled clerk she could keep the beer he paid for Police said that the robber walked into Buck's Liquor Binn, 1089 W. B..iker St. about 8:15 p.m. and bought a couple of beers before pulling a handgun on the 21-year-old clerk. "Thank you." said the thief after receiving about $400. "You can keep the beer." The s us pect, wearing a motorcycle helmet. sun glasses and a brown ski mask . fled on foot. Just In time for t he rumored 4th of July sunshine HOBIE SPORTS LTD. 2131 COAIT HWY. CORONA DIL MAR 17M700 I , Orange Coa-t DAILY PILOT /Friday, July 2, 1982 N A7 NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTION e\IOlATtOllll INCLUOl 1IAOH 0 .. , .. , .... \10 .. 1. #IOWHT. ••<••IC ••••• t ono .. , DI HOlf ..... (INCIN•Afl n ocir •u ............. ., •• ,.. n , ... UH AllD INtTllUf • 1,, '• ~ . .... Dow ·Jones Final CLOllNO 781.11 OFF 6.28 on Special to &be Dally Pilot SAN FRANCISCO -The Federal Home Loan Bank Board says it does not plan lO issue additional regulations or interpretive rulings concerning the U.S . Supreme Court ruling upholding the due-on-sale clause in mor tgage contracts held by fed e raJly chartered savings and loan associations. The opinion speaks for itself, the board said Tt\ursday. Homeowners who have assumed mortgages held by federally chartered associauons and who have reason to question the assumability of their mortgages should contact their lenders lO determine the status of their contraclS, or seek pnvate counsel for advke, a statement said. B eam buys Biddle building B1·am and Associates, an Anaheim -based investment company, purchased for $1 35 million the Biddle Building in Irvine in conjunction with Vest- Corp. of California The 12.000-square-foot building was acquired from land developer Scott Biddle and associates and was leased lO the The Biddle Group and Sunset Pacific Corp .. an Orange County builder-developer Pi:oject turns waste to I uel The city of San Diego has embarked on a program to turn municipal waste material inlQ methanol to fuel vehicles. A Fluor subsidiary has been awarded a contract to convert excess digester gas a l the Point Loma wastewater facility. into fuel-grade menthanol. VaJue of the contract is approximately $1.4 m1lhon. The first phase of the project, including design and engineering, 1s under way a t Fluor's advanced technology division, Irvine. ATD will also provide construction assistance 10 the ~'Ond phase. The plant, lO produce 2 7 million gallons of methanol per year, is scheduled to come onstream tn late 1984. Hauschild construction due Construction begins soon o n a two-sto ry , 12,300-square foot building at 7 Wrigley. Irvine, planned and designed by Arch1te<.-tural Team Three of Santa Ana for Hauschild Construction Company of EJ Toro. Costing $350,000, the building 1S to be oc."t:up1ed by early spring, 1983. Housing starts b elow 1 981 Special to &be Dally Piiot SAN FRANCISCO -The Bank of Arnenca reports that housing starts in California in May were at a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 56.000 units. This is up 24 4 percent rtom April but down 47 7 pen:ent from May 1981 For the first five months of 1982. housing starts m California are 53.5 percent below the same period in 198 1. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS ..__ t EQUllUe M 2 World Alrw J TollKomCP • OMG tnc SH~ 6 SI I Tor 1 HmeHnl< • Oki.OE pl 10 CCI Corl> ti H...,.. MnQ a~~~· 14 M<lfllftvOll U Wlteo!Cft Sir 16 OWL1 1 17pf 11 ll:enMtG s t• Tutl Ind .. E.ll'lfffll .. ' JO MllollC." 21 L "'"' AA tt UHC Rot ~ V•E" SOI h Clll,._,'t u OllOL1 lrlf l"cl. Ull cU Up i..1 Up I• J Up ti I Up IOA Up I.I Up I S Up •• Up 1.0 Up I.• Up I .I Up 1.0 Up •.• Up 61 Up •·S Ull •• Up S.t Up s .. Up S.• U• J..• Up S.J "' u U• U Up S.J Uo •t METALS NEW YORK. (API -Soot nonlorroua mol81 OflCOt today Cop••• 89-72 conu • pound, U 8 c1ott1no11ooa Lood 2$-27 conta • pound Z1M 3~7 con11 o OOUNI. clollYerOd Tift '6.209• Mo•ll• w-comc>OOll• Ill A~ 7$-77 conll o pound, NY "'°"'"" 1370.00 por "* Plot._ ttet 00 1rov ot , N V. SILVER GOLD QUOT A TIONS er The AMMIMM "'-s.i.c1.ci wotld gold prec. lodey Lo11do11: 11101n1ng llxlng 1313.00. up U .76. ._.......,, af101noon flxl119: 1312.1&. up U .IO. ..... ,,_ lllllnQ '309.30, up .. 6S ,~ 13111 02, up 13 27 ZWWll i.to ftlllnO' 13 !US, up '2 50 llilCI 131211•• IUlld' & Hor111011: Conl, dell, QVOW) 1312 75, 'IP U 10 .,•r--•ON't ~ QUOto) 1312.B. llP .. ......,. c~ dOlly ~' ~ $Ut"9, UC> 12 as SYMBOLS