HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-03 - Orange Coast PilotSI\ T UJIOA Y JUl Y I !'Ill:? OHANC.t COlJN I Y ( Al II OJINIA 25 CENTS i -Return to prison erpbitters MacDonald . . By ROBERT BARKER or-. Deir ~...,. Dr. Jeffrey MacDonald of Hunttnaton Harbour has angrily chargea from prison that the reinstatement last March of JUa conviction for the murders orhis wife and two small daughters is .,absurd and prepost.en>us." "I loet my family, was Calsely accused and found innocent. Then I was convicted without being able to defend myself - and l alt ln jail while the courts ~games and the murderers go Shuttle :crew-set ··to land CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla. (AP) -Space shuttle Columbia zipped past a piece of Soviet apace garbage in the blink of an eye Friday, and astronauts Ken Mattingly and Henry Hartsfield began to clean up their ship for a Sunday landing on a California desert. They complained mildly of being too blSSy. The touchdown, at 9:10 a.m. Pacific time, may be Columbia's flrst on a concrete runway. Late Friday, a second heater failed in the shuttle's power generation system, but officials said it was not a major concern becau se there are backup methods of making the system work. The heaters control the pressure of extremely cold liquid hydrogen which flows to the 1 spacecraft fuel cells, or power 1 generators. The re are four hydrogen tanks and each one has two heaters. Three days ago, when a he~t.er failed in tank four, Mission Control swit.ched to the backup heater in that tank. On Friday, a heater went out in tank two, and, again, a baokup h ea'ter was switched on. Officials said the power system would continue to work normally even if the backup heaters went out in both tanks. Fire aid agency can't find victims "Can you figure It out?" lOlacDonald is the SS-year-old leading figure in one of the moet publicized criminal trlala In recent history. He declined to be lnterviewed lnslde the Federal Correttlonal Institute at Terminal Ialand, but he offered comments in a brief letter t.o the Daily Pilot. MacDonald' was a captain in the Anny Medical Corps in 1970 and was assigned to the Green Berets, the special forces unit, at Fort Bragg, N.C .. when military police rushed to h1a home Feb. 17, 1970. They found the doctor's wife, Colette,' 24, and the oouple'a two c hildren, Kimberly, 6, and Krlatin, 3, bludgeoned to death .• MacDonald h ad suffered numerous knife wounds. He told police hla home had been Invaded by four drug- crazed "hippies" but hla account fell under ausplclon. He was arrested by military police and charized with murder, but subeequentf y was cleared of any wronadoln&. ln· 1975, five years after the murders, a federal grand jury indicted MacDonald on murder charges. The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals diamllaed the charges after ruling that MacDonald had been denied a speedy trial. But ·the Supreme Court ln 1978 ruled that such a dedalon couldn't be made-before an actual trial. MacDonald then stood trial and in August 1979 was ANAHEIM (AP) -About two-thirds of the money collected by a religious organization to help refugees of a disastrous fire that ravaged a square mile of this community is not being spent beca\..ISf the agency eannot find the victims, officials say. S HAR ES SPECIAL DAY -Sylvia Hollingsworth, of Irvine, who celebrates her 0.-, Noe PtMlto bJ hlrWI O'DeftMI birthday Sunday as the Unites States observes its 206th, wears her favorite colors. Birthday's ·glorious "We're motivated and we've got all this money that people have donated, yet we're unable to get it into the hands of the victims," said Wayne Kempe, Orange County director of Lutheran Social Services. "It's a very frustrating situation." She's a ·Yankee Doodle Dandy born on the Fourth of July The problem. Kempe said , sterns from privacy laws that prohibit the Federal Emereency M anagement Agency and American Red C r oss from releasing the names and new addrelaes of some 1,500 people left homeless by the April 21 holocaust. The Lutheran agency raised · Ul,800 from churches of all denominations and from private donors, but it has spent only about $10,000 to h elp 125 homeless persons. NATION By SANDIE JOY oftMOelJ .... lutf Sylvia Hollingsworth hums and sings a lot, particularly around the Fourth of July. She has good reason; she's a true Yankee Doodle Dandy born on the Fourth of July -and 'proud of It. "It's the best day in the world to ~ born," the Irvine resident declared. "U I had a choice, I'd pick it." Unashamedly patriotic, she added, "I've lived all over the world, and this ls the best country to be born In. Her favorite song, she ae,\d, is "It's a Grand Old Flag" with ''I'm a Yankee Doodle Dandy'' a Starch blocker firm to sue WASHINGTON (AP)'= manufacturer of "starch blocker" weiaht control laid Friday it ii suing the Food and Prag · tion to pnmmt the agency from defining ita product aa a dnag. 'Mr. Kind's' camera brinp joy In CbJcqo, "Mr. Kind'• brl&htena many daya by ~pbina people and llvtna them the pict\lree. P.,.111. . cloee second. Those are the ones she hums and sings. Her flag fervor is such that the~'s no mistaking her houae; the Stan and Stripes always are flying out front. She's received lots ot flap as birthday gifts over the years but lamented he r collection is down to three -a 50-star, 48-star and Bicentennial version -becau.e movers lost the rest. She'• al80 parti~ularly fond of fireworks. "I always get my fireworks, and everything always comes WTapped ln red, while and blue," she said. "It's ;at neat. I'm crazy about it all." Her late husband once gave WORLD . her a huge box of fireworks which the family eet off in the backyard, ahe recalled. Other years, she's attended public fireworks displays. This year, she expects to see San Diego's Mission Bay pyrotechnic spect.acular. A Seattle, Wash., native, she recalled the annual Fourth of July hydroplane races there . "Our hoU8e overlooked the lake, and they'd have ~lebrationa all da long." §he alao admits to ha · a mostly red, wh1te and~ue wardrobe and notes he r son, Roger, was born on another national h oliday, Lincoln's birthday, Feb. 12. ~pain, U.S. sign aid pact MADRID, Spain (AP) -The United Statee and Spain aigned a deteme ~t Friday that U.S. olfidala Mid tlvea Spain more dwn $2 billion ln aid ln exchance fOf' five men yean of American mWW)' pr~. , AJw'en~ne lOBBes 645 BUENOS AIIUIS, Arpntina (,AP) -Araentina 101t 84& men killed or mlulna ln the 14.day undeclared war wlth Britain over the Falkland l8land9. accordint to ~ rel1111d Frklay. SPORTS convicted and sentenced to life ln prlaon. - He again raised the speedy- trial iaue and the 4th Circuit Court <>Vertumed his conviction. In the interim, he had spent a year ln priaon. . But last March the Supreme Court, by a 6-3 vote, ruled that MacDonald wasn't denied a speedy trial and he was sent back to priaon. MacDonald now writes from prison: "The army found me innocent in 1970' (ln cont.rut to 'lack of evidence for a court marUal' that the proeecutor keepe ~peatina now, 12 years lat.er). "I won an appeal ln 1976 - overturned by the U.S . Supreme Court. I won an appeal ln 1980 - overturned by the same Supreme Court. "The major reason my appeal even was overturned had nothing to do with my cue. It is becauae (Chief) Justice (Warren) (See DOCTOR, Page At> PLO disarm deal struck By tbe Associated Pre11 PLO chief Y asser Arafat and Lebanese Prime Minister Shafik Wan.an reached an agreement Friday on disarming the estimated 8 ,000 guerrillas trapped by the Israelis in west Beirut and moving them to an undisclosed A rab state, the Lebanese state radio reported. There was n o imme diate comment from Israel, but the agreement appeared to violate conditions Israel has laid down. Earlier Friday, Israeli jets dropped flares and smoke cannisters on west Beirut for the second day. Israeli troops with bullhorns urged civilians to flee, and Lebanon's top Christian militia leader warned that the area faces "total obliteration" unless the guerrillas get out. The Lebanon-PLO deal would allow the Palestine Liberation Organization to maintain two 250-man battalions in Lebanon -one in an unspecified northern region and one in the east.em Bekaa Valley -until all Israel and Syrian forces leave the country, the report said. It also calls for Israel's lnvasion force to P.ull back "several kilometers ' from Beirut while the guerrillas leave the besieged ca pital , accordi ng to the broadcast . The PLO security chief. Salah Khalaf, was quoted earlier as saying Israel must pull back six miles. "We are moving halfway toward a solution, which will be a Lebanese-Palestinian solution, not an Israeli one,'' said Arafat's political adviser, Hani al-Hassan. after a meeting with Wazzan. Prime Minis ter Me nachem Begin of Israel said Tuesday that his government would not pull its forces back from Beirut. Defense Minister Ariel Sharon told a news conference in east Beirut Friday that Israel "will not accept a situation in which any of the terrorists will stay in Lebanon ." OC property values rise 14. 6 percent The value of taxable property in Orange County rose 14.6 percent during fiscal 1981 -82. according to figures released Friday afternoon by county Assessor Bradley Jacobs. "It means the econom y of Orange County is moving right along. despite the obituaries that have been written," J acobs said. "Orange County is doing better than California and California is doing better than the nation.'' "New businesses are opening, people are building things, people are transferring (buying and selling) things," the assessor said. T he value o f all taxable property -from high rise buildings to low rise speedboats -w as placed by Jacobs at $67 .9 billion -$8.6 billion more than one year ago. The biggest percentage jump was in the category of "other person alty" -items such as desks, hand tools and other movable fixtures -owned by businesses. Values for land and mineral rights were up 11.3 percent, while the value of improvements to property in cr eased 14. 3 percent. The value o( pe.rsonal property shot uf 20.3 percent. The overal 14.6 percent increase this year compares to 16.2 percent one year ago and 9.2 percent two years ago. This year's rite is considerably shy of the 19.7 percent increase posted in 1977. INDEX Classified C3-6 Comics B8 Comment B6 Cro9Word B8 Death Notices C3 EntertainmeJ)t Cl-2 Moviee Cl-2 Public Notices 84,10,11 COUN1·y There a.re three ways property values are permitted to i.ncrea9e since passage of tax-cutting Proposition 13 in 1978. The value of property that has not sold s ince 1975 is perm itted t o increase 2 p ercent per year. Property that is sold is revalued to the sales price. New value is also added to the roll by new construction. The assessor's office is mailing v aluation notices to property owners. Coastal Orange County residents can expect to receive notices next week, Jacobs said. Property owners who do not receive valuation notices should contact the assessor's office. Valuations assigned by the assesso r 's o ffic e c an b e challenged. The protest period runs through Sept. 15. There are about 725.000 separate taxable units of property this year, compared to 709,000 one year ago, Jacobs said. Following is a listing of Orange Coast cities, their gross taxable values and the percentage increase from fi.acal 1981 -82: -Costa Mesa, $2.97 billion, up 16.8 percent. -Fountain Valley. $1.45 billion, up 10.7 percent. -Huntington Beach , $5.5 billion, up 8 percent. -Irvine. $5. l billion, up 18.5 percent _._ Laguna Beach, $1.01 billion, up 11 percent. -Newport Beach, $5.24 billion, up 15.4 percent. Religion B9 Sporta Bl-4 Television 812 Theaters . Cl·2 Trivia C2 Weather Al Youth 87 I r . I . I I I I. Oranoe Oout DAIL y PILOT /a.tufd•y, Juty •• 1111 DOCTOR BITTER ... U\e preaident and othen and WM pbo'°lfaphed dotna lt. ArmcfiWr : piloi"i .1 I fantasy soars ; • LONO BEACH (AP) -A parachute, strapped hlmlelf lnto the chair and had his friends let • • him up slowly -presumably for : a 1hort fU&ht. : Burcet" ta intent on dee~ cue la.di ln \he CQW'tl and my caae would, In the ir oplnlona, open up more caaea for the appeal• proceaa," Mac~nald • writee in h1a letter. Bernard L. Seaal, Macl>diWd'a chief a\torney, said there were many ,other defendanta who like MacDonald claimed they had not received a speedy trial. He u.ld had the court not overturned MacDonald's conviction, It would have opened the door to other a ppeala C88ell. "I waan't even allowed to defend my.elf (the Judae did not allow 1even witnee1e1, lncludtna an Army lnveaUaator ~nd a NaahvWe, T~ .• dty polk:eman to testify 1n front of the Jury - all ol whom would have -helped to prove I am Innocent and Stoeckly and the group she bu named committed three murdera 1n my houae)." truck driver rtged 4~ weather balloona to a lawn chair and went on a 46-minute ride Friday that carried him up to 16,000 feet before he got cold, started ahoot.ina the balloons with a BB' gun and craahed into a power "But aa aoon aa the ropes were · out of their handl, the lut tether · securing the chair to the JP'OUnd ; , broke and I shot up," Walt.en : ! said. I -' 1n his letter to the Dally Pilot, MacDonald al.lo had aome angry comments to make about the handling of the confeaaion of Helena Stoeckly who told others that she witnessed the alayings of the MacDonald family. MacDonald wrote: "Helena Stoeckly has confessed to being at the murders and assault upon me. She has taken a polygraph several times and each indicates she was part of the group that killed m y family. "The pro8eCutor is aware of this and Is actively trying to suppress this information to keep· his proaecution of me lntact. Attorney Segal said that closing arguments ln MacDonald's appeal ended in Richmond, Va., early in June and he expects a decision on the appeal aometime in September. Segal, a law profesaor at the Golden Gate Law School in San Francisco, said he argued vociferously that the trial jury should have been allowed to near the Stoeckly confession. He al.so said he argued that psychiatric evidence should have been accepted that he said showed that MacDonald had a sound, healthy emotional outlook with healthy outlets. line, oUiclala said. 111 know lt sounds strange, but It's true," Long Beach police Lt. Rod Mickelson aald after he atopped laughing,. ''The guy just fwect up the ballona with helium, •tra.pped on a parachute, grabbed a BB gun ancf took off." The Federal-Aviation Ad.ministration waa lees amuaed. Regional safety inspector Neal Savoy aald the flying lawnchair WU a potted by pilots from TWA and Delta jetliners at 16,000 feet above sea level. "We know he broke aome part of the Federal Aviation Act, and aa 900ll as we decide which part It ia, 90me type of charge will be filed," Savoy said. "U he had a pilot's licenae, we'd suspend that. But he doesn't." Police said Larry Walters, 33, North Hollywood, went to his girlfriend's house in San Pedro Thursday night. inflated 45 six- foot-tall weather balloons with helium and attached them to an aluminum lawnchair tethered to Minutea later, he waa calling for help over a CB radio he haCl witAhim. "Thia guy broke into our ~ channel with a mayday," said 1 • Doug Dixon of an Orange County citlren's band radio club. "He said ·he h ad s hot up like an elevator to 16,000 feet and was getting numb before he started shooting out some of the balloons. He sounded worried but he wasn't panicked." Ho weve r, after puncturing several of the balloons, Walters' pistol fell overboa rd and the c hai r drifte d d o wnward, controlled only by gallon jugs of water attached to the sides as ballast. The chair ultimately became entangled in a power line, briefly blacking out a small area in Long Beach. Walters was uninjured. "The system is berse rk . (John) Hinckley la judged insane (he may ~ell be) but he assaulted Segal said th e psychiatric evidence is vital because the crime w as so "hideous and frightening" that it had to be committed by l_naane people. Three cycle riders UP UP AND AWAY -Truck driver Larry WaUe.rs was snug in his Sears lawnchair, but looked a bit worried when 45 helium-filled weather balloons started pulling him up-...ard faster than he had counted on Friday. the ground, Friday morning, with half a dozen friends holding the tethers, Walters donned a "Since I was 13 years old, I've dreamed of going up into the clear blue sky in a weather balloon," Walters said. "By the grace of God, I fulfilled my dream. But I wouldn't do this again for anything. " I hurt in accidents Traffic accidents got an early jump on the holiday weekend Friday as two persons on bicycles and another on a moped were injured in separate accidents along the Orange Coast. A 28 -year-old man sustained a broken leg in a collision with a car in Newport Beach, police in that city said. Gary Ballnger, address not listed, was the driver of a moped that collided with a car as the car exited the Bayside Plaza shopping center on Bayside Drive, police said. No tainted tomatoes found in OC All three bikers were expected to live, though one was injured seriously. Lang Hurst, 12, a visitor from G e rmany, was reported in serious condition in the intensive care unit at F ountain Valley Community Hospital after his bike was struck at 17th Street a nd Irvine Avenue in Costa Mesa. The accident occurred at about 12:30 p.m .• police said. The driver of ttfe car , aocording to police, was Evelyn Leftwich, 68, of Midway City. The accident was still under investigation late Friday. Spot checks were conducted at Orange County retail grocery outlets Friday for a brand of canned peeled tomatoes that may be tainted with botulism toxin .. David Sanders, 34, of ~ Beach waa treated and released at Saddleback Community H09pital after a bicycle he waa riding waa struck from behind on Laguna Canyon Road at about 2:45 p.m., Irvine Police said. No cans bearing the suspected packing code had been found by 5 p.m ., according to Robert Merryman, e nvironmental health director for Orange County government's Health Care Agew:y. . The aeen:h for ~ ~ cans of Pro~~ao Peeled Tomatoes with bearinc the pecking code XPPJS over a line reading Dl92B wu launched after a Stockton re.ident who ate aome of the product becmne ill Officer Bob Baumgardner said the yoath, who is visiting grandparents in Costa Mesa, sustained a fractured skull, multiple rib fractures and lacerations to the skull in the accident. The driver of the car , 32-year-old Thomas Anderson of Laguna Beach, was not cited, Baumgardner said. Horace White, 47, of Loa Angeles. driver of the car that struck Sanders, WU arrested and charged with felony drunken driving as a result of the accident, police said. The tomatoea were pKked for Progre.o by Tilley-Lewis Foods of Stockton , the state Department of Health Services said. Highs near 70 . A.in L\il SnoWmJ Albany ';'8 ~ .....;.;;a;.;,~~~:;;;.;;r.-__,r--....,.-Sl_'"_io_w_•.==-A-umes.,,..~&i==i•I Albuque 82 56 r Coastal =~ ;~ : Allantc Cty 82 62 Over the outer watera, Auatln IMS n north-' wtncta t2 to 22 knots e.n1more eo 68 wtth 5 to 7-loOt combined -8lnnlnQhm eo 72 from Pt. Conception to Sen 8lefnerck 79 65 Nicolea latend. South of Sen 9o1ee n 5t Nlcolel lllend to Sen Clemente Bolton 80 57 191end, .-t to eout"-t wind• 8 8utfllo 74 56 to 15 knota. Over the Inner Buttngton 74 52 waten. mostly eouth to eout'-' CNt11tn SC 83 75 wlnda 5 to 10 knota mornln8 Ctwla1n wv 82 51 becOm1ng WMt to eout'-1 1 Qlerltte NC 12 65 10 15 knota efternoon end ~ 80 53 evening. Sou1'-I ...... 1 10 3 ~ 73 51 feet. foreeut: Low cloudlM91 Clndnnetl 81 58 HOM u :i Dcot ~ eo-nor,., with pertlel c;1eer1ng afternoon. ~ 78 50 --------------------Clmble SC 89 65 FronlS: Ccitd .-. W;ym .... Ocx:luctN.I ~ S tatKlfldl'f •• ---------------,----Columbul 78 53 ----------.... ---------------------------Iv c!° s • -;,i()el..Ft W1h ~~ 74 $......,_ 66 .L:J. ummar7 ,o.vton .. ss .....-- Oen¥er M 58 S~ 75 Shower• end thunderatormt o. ~ 75 83 Toptllta 90 -• tcltlered on FtlcNy from Detroit 78 51 1'.uceon " eMtem NebrMka through Iowa Duluth 78 55 TulM 83 end C*ltr91 llllnoll. and along IN El Peeo " 88 WMhlngtn 16 border of Mlnneeot• end the Felrbenka 71 4e Wlc:Htl 92 52 51 71 e5 n 82 72 OUota F•go 79 et CMIOMllA ~ llleo cWl'9IOP91f ~ 74 36 .. Lo OYer Flol1da Ind centrll Alablllna. Of9et F• 74 51 88kertfleld 84 88 with pertty cloudy eklel reported Hartford 75 51 8erstow IMS 82 .,...,.. av. the 8outMMt. Helena 78 55 8-umont S7 52 Cl0ud9 llleo _. OYet the nooh Honolulu 87 73 91g a.. s2 37 Atlfll'ltle IUI• through IN '-Howton 83 90 Blthop 87 50 Ohio Valley end the IOUlhern lnclnlpll9 78 80 Blythe 102 88 PAM All Aeepulco Ber'badol Booot• Cureeeo Guadeloupe HIVMI Mezatlfll'I MeltlCO Ctty Monterrey Na.au 8fll'I Juen, P.R. Trtnldld Vwa Cruz .. LA» 94 79 88 79 83 50• • 82 79 80 n 88 77 81 75 7S 54 M 77 90 73 81 78 82 75 88 n Plelnl. h -moetly tunnY from JedlMI 1M 71 c.tlllne 72 58 Southern c.itfomle. through,,,. Jedi.,.,.. 91 78 cui-Oty 81 82 Extended IOUttlem Ind <*!1'81 Rodllet find · K-Qty 87 70 F,_ 88 51 plltt of the High Plelnl. ~. LAI Vegee N 64 Like Anown-l 71 40 wttll -rllln, -· OY9f the Uttte Rodi 92 71 Uncelt• 64 5't Peclflc ~. ~ 18 ea Long 8Mc:fl 80 82 weather Scattered 1hower1 en d ~ 83 !! Loe~ 80 83 thUndertilOl IN _. fot9CMI IOI' MWn1 S7 -Monroll1e II 51 today from th• ~reel LakH Mllweuk• 78 51 Mt. WlllOn et 53 ttwougtl .,_Ohio V..,, ttte m6d-Mp9-St.P 82 80 Heedlel 100 72 Atllntlo ...._ and Into ~ ....,.,.,.. 92 fJ7 .....,_, 8Mc:fl 70 eo .... Engllrld. .... OrteMI 93 74 ~ et 67 ~ llleo wwe In lllonl kif New Yoril 80 80 Ontmrto 86 51 ttia norttlsn Pedllc COIM end Notto1c 83 11 ,...... Spttnga N 87 th• northern Plat .. u. Mo1t1y oecaa c.y t1 70 P•• f • a 58 UW1Y ._ wwe tor-=-tor tM OmiJfla 16 16 Pelo ...._ 86 52 IOUlt*'n ,...._, ""'°""' 111UC111 of Ol1erldo t1 n ,._.. .,.. 14 eo th• AocklH e11d tll• central PhladOtiola n 56 Redwood City 70 57 ....... ~ doudy ... wlttl a Ptloatlbt 104 78 ~ 79 54 Chm'ICI of ... ..,.._, ... ~ 11 441 ..._ 1a a ~kif .. ~ PUlnd. Me 19 N 'Ian ...,_dlnO It 54 ---------•'Ptlend, Ore 17 61 Ian QeiDttel 13 53 Mondey-Wedneadey: In Iha coeetel .,..., low doudt nlQtlt end inornlng houra. ot!MrwT" IW. HlaN renalna from upper '°' et the beedl9I to the upper 70e Inland~~ 53 to .. : In mountain ., ... , IOflM loW doudt along ... lower OOIMlt .,.. OUlefWe '*· Allof1 ..... lllgtw moetty Ill IN 70a. Lowl In Iha 409 Ind llCll. Smog Calilornia Pr~ 76 54 Sen '*'° 76 64 Reno 7'I 48 Ian l'FWICllloo 13 54 The AM au.tty ~t Natti111CMld 12 ·Ill Ian Jaee 78 N D1et11c1t ,,... ~ w '°""*" CelfOmla will have a.ft !AM 83 53 ..... lllttJ 78 61 qy111y for _... .,__ todllY: IN ... OOlllllll IOW CllolldlMll, Sen Antonio 16 7S ..,_ ..,_. 72 N 111 tM ANei 16de 1en ..,_ dlfto, w1111 a~~ todllY end ._... M 81 ..,... Mefte 71 82 area and len G1brlel and ~ aftemOOn lufldeY, ltu:iett t3 71· ..... Morlloa 72 61 POfnOftl vellep, IM OOod air• ._,..'"~=-County tode)' ~... r, : ==. ~ . n . = t.: ::.~ ....... •to 11.lo.IRtoll.lknMr ltP·Tempe It 11 YlllM 102 It ~-...... ~. 1111111 • to 10. ltMdlttl IM9ll of 1IO 11 lof90alt lrllllll ~ G9ll............. ------,., ... Nwei" .. d. lari llrMldlllO In 1" ..... = tawe 'Ill SO.. ... A NI .. 1a .......... ._ 11~.;.~ ... ;r::~"' lllf 11 .. 11 ~~";::,:::-.: 41 .:.. ............. n· ' • lr9. ti It rorHHI ler Ute lea ,_ Ill ,.,.... ._.. l'er11a11fe •Ml IMta a..tf• """ ':':Ii~ .. .. vall•r•. ,, ,., -~ -"'*~:.=-= ... 1 ;' .... , =-1. ·1 &; __ .,,.~ri!:i ... ::, ~·w• ~ ~·lijt~ .,I 'ff .. ~"': ~ .. ~Llll ..... ,1 ' 'I I ' I air on space line By JERRY HE RTENSTEIN or ... .,..,,......,. American Telephone and Telegraph la to\4~ the war Americans can "reach out and touch' Columbia Mtronauta Ken Mattingly and Henry W. Hartsfield. They are only a phone Can away. Or ao AT&T would have you believe. Pre-launch presa releaaes listed a number, 1-900-410-6272, that claimed communication could be heard between the pilot and commander orbiting 161 nautical miles above earth. and m1-ion control at 'National Aeronautics and Space Administration Johnson Spece Center in Houston. Don't count on it. That number was dialed 10 times between Thursday and Friday .. ,_ .... , .. _ _,,rm-• mornings at a dollar for the first iilinute, 35 cents for each additional 60 81!C01lda. Only once waa Commander Mattingly heard. Two words. "OK, fine." That was at 11:24 a.m. Friday -a response to a voice from . Houston contrOJ saying "nozzle opportunities at hight are preferable but we would like to get the daytime ones as well." The communique broke into a tape of a "9 a.m . NASA broadcast news service" briefly explaining the day's work -"Mattingly donning a spacesuit in the airlock area of the ship, the astronauts photographing l.hrhblirul acti vit . " ~.""""-./ ~ ~e announcement repeated each minute. · Three calls produced nothing but a beep at 10 second lntervals. That's $1.50 worth of beeps. Maybe it was E.T. Anyone who called a t 10:22 p.m . Thursday learned that a "change of shift p~ ' conference at 1:30 a.m. CIYf Friday was being canceled due to lack of interest." Jackie McGowan, a public infonnation officer at the space center, a nswered an inquiry as to best time to call to hear Mattingly and Hartsfield. "There are no set times, no set dialogue. There hasnt't been very much talk," she said. "T .K . (Mattingly) is very business-like. Their schedule has not been heavy." . She said times to avoid calling are sleep periods. The astronauts will "got to bed" at 2:40 p.m. today, she said. They are scheduled to land the Columbia at F.ciwards Air Force Base at 9:09 a.m., Sunday. "We've had 800.000 calls (11,000 from Orange County) as of 10 a.m. (Friday), Ms. McGowan said. "We haven't gotten one complaint." Just don't run up the phone bill. You can listen for 2.5 hours before being a utomatically disconnected, according to a spok~an for Pacific Telephone. I , STRAWBERRIES 1 GAL 1 GAL BEGONIAS 2 GALaOSES s1.98 4" ~69 REG. 13.50 REG. 11.1 9 5 GAL MULTIPLE BIRCH TREE s10·98REG. '17.50 5 GAL DMRF EUGENIA sg.98 REG. '13.98 14" MEXICAN \l\SO POT s5.99 REG. '8.50 s1.98 I REG. '3.50 1 GAL IMPATIENS s1.98 REG. '3.50 REG. '3.50 2 GAL OLEANDER s5.98 REG . '8.98 PATENT s5.98 REG. '9.98 NON PATENT s4.98 REG. '7.50 EURYOPS DAISY A PERENNIAL wmt GREAT FOILAGE AHO IRIGHT YEU.OW FLOWERI 1 GAL s1.98 5GAL REG. 13.50 $7.fAJ .~~ 5 LB. QRTHO 2·WAY ROSE FOOD s5.99 REG. '7.49 . ~ ~: iii .. NA.TION Antl·porn ruling cheered By 'he Auoela&M PN11 Proaecuton acl'QU the nation Friday applauded a Supreme c.ou.rt l'_U:llnc that 81VM the atat.et authority to.ban child ~phy, which one deecribed aa "an tnlectioua blJCht ln our midst, II But 101ne civil libertariaN and joumallatl aaw lt u a further erodln8 of constitutional · guarantees of freedom of speech and freedom of the pre91. The Supreme Court relnatated an anti· ~phy law ln New York that h.cl been a.c1uid uncomtituuonal by a Joww COW1 on . irounda that lt violated nni Ammdment rt,hta. "It 1ooka like eomebody'1 finally tettiJ:aa IOme ...... Mid Hamilton County proeecutor Simon Leta Jr., ln Cinclnnatt, a pom-filht.er who took Hua\ler maguine publiaher Larry nynt to trial ln 197~ and then aw the obeoen.lty conviction overturned on appeal. . 3 salons sex lnqulry targets WASHINGTON -Allegations that aome members of Congreta may have aexually preyed upon the teen-age pages they employ cent.er on perhaps three members of the House, an FBI spokesman said Friday. Spokesman Roger Young alao said that so far, the FBI has not been able tooorroborate the allegations. "The specific allegations involve a number substantially lees than six," said Young. "Maybe half that." F.arlier, sources had said the allegations were again.t six congressmen -reportedly including an ln!luential Deroocrat. But YOW\I said: "[t'• less than six, II The11e 80W'Cel, who declined to be Identified, said both Democrats and Republicans are subjects of the allegations. And they indicate, but will not flatly confirm, that 90me reports mention a member who, though not part of the House leadership, has some authority in Congress. Money supply shrinks NEW YORK -The nation's basic money supply contracted substantially for the second straight week, the Federal Reserve said Friday, but economists we.re divided over .whether the drop would soon lead to a decline in lnterest rates. "This is good news," said Thomas D. Thomson, senior vice president of Crocker National Bank ln San Francisco "It indicates the money markets next week will breath a sigh of relief and short rates will come down some.'' The Fed said the basic money measure, Ml, fell in the week ended June 23 to a seasonally adjusted average of $449.9 billion. 400-500 holiday deaths feared By Tbe A11ociated Pre11 Thousands of motorists took to the nation's highways Friday at the start of the July 4 holiday weekend, and the National Safety Council urged them to buckle up and keep their drinking down. The council estimated that between 400 and 500 people may die in traffic accidents on U.S . roads during the three-day weekend. WORLD T he h ..,liday period extends from 6 p .m. Friday to midnight Monday. The Safety Council estimates that 450 people could be expected to be killed in traffic during a three-day non-holiday period at th.Us time of the year. The council said lives could be saved if passengers wear seat belts during their tripe, and urged parents to put their children In safety seats. French spaceman back on Earth MOSCOW -The first Western European to fly in space returned jubilantly to Earth on Friday, ma.king a soft landing on the steps of Soviet Kazakhstan along with two Soviet crew mates. "Beautiful! More than Beautiful!" said Jean-Loup Chretien, a 43-year-old French test pilot, momenta after emerging from the Soyuz capsule, clenching his fist in a victory salute Chr etien landed with Soviet spa ce veterans Vladimir Dzhanibekov, the mi.ion commander, and Alexander lvanchenko. Soviet televi&ion broadcast film of the touchdown about four h ours later. PLO blasts cluster bomb use BEIRUT, Lebanon -The Palestine Liberation Organization on Friday denounced Israel's use of cluster bomt:. in its invasion of Lebanon and urged President ~ to send investigators here to see the damage caused by such American-made weapons. A PLO colonel, identified only by the first name of Abdel Raz:zak. told a news STATE conference the Israelis used cluster bombs last month in civilian are.as of Beirut and ln Palestinian camps and PLO-controlled towns in South Lebanon. An Israeli major general, Aharon Yariv, has acknowledged that his forces had used cluster bombs in the four-week-old Israeli lnvasion of Lebanon. Edwards easier than ff'hlte Sands EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif - Ground crews waiting to handle the shuttle Sunday expect smooth sailing compared to their harried tut-minute effort last March at the makeshift spaceport in windy New Mexico. "It's a heck of a lot easier out here," said Charles Baker, head technician for sbutUe ground operations. "Everyth.ing'a already set up. You know where everything'• at -and it's not underneath all the white stuff." The blowing dust of White Sands Missile Range created a major problem for National Aeronautics and Space Administration crews. Paralytic paddles channel -..AV ALON -Dan O'Hara, who has wheiled himself across the country and through Death Valley, hitched hi.a chair to a boat paddle Friday and began a 31-mile channel croasing from Santa Catalina Wand to the mainland. construction supervisor Roger Porterfield who obeerved the departure from a condomipium construction office. ~Hara,whowupartiallyparalyzedina robbery eight yeen ago, is powering the boat himaelf throuah an eight-blade ~dle wheel hooked up to hla chair. His 801e paaeenger for the estimated 24-bour voyage to the Queen Mary in Long Beach wu hi.a black Labrador retriever, Charlie. A small flotilla of boats carrying reporters, cameramen, tourists and well- wiahen accompanied O'H.ara's 10-foot-wide catamaran as it left Hamilton Cove, said ORANCE COAST D1HyPilat ThOmll p. Hlllev ,_......., ... a...~ Olllcer =~ ... Dlr9les Of~ '°"' MurpNnl .... =-~ ec..Goddlrd ...., .. a.-- ~ ==~ CIH.-.cl ...,,._ .. 714.tl42-1171 All olttef d1p1rtments MMU1 MAIN OflACe mw ... ..,ti., C .... Mtla,CA • ........... : .. ,.,c:.111-..,CA. .. C..,fllM ,.. Or ... c.... hMI•• ~. ... _ ....... Millllr ..... ...,.., ............ ,,,.,...,,,.,,.. _. ,,.., M '"' I ICM ......... 11111Clel,_qlll1111f c~-. . . Shark lurks off SF beach SAN FRANCISCO -A 12-foot white ab.ark killed a baby: aea lion at the San Frandlco Bay area'• moat popular beach Friday, prompting off lclala to warn 9wtmmen to 1tay out of the water. Up to 80,000 vildtian expected for the l'ourth of July weieand wW be ...... lty hdlrd .... al 8Un1on Beac:t'i but Vtlll be ~Uw~t? laid. Waft L'8Nnlng ••• Whal do )'OU llllt about UM Dail' Piii&? What don't you Ullt' Call UM nu111btr btlow Md ,.. ..... wUI bt '"°''"· trawriMd and dlflvend to IM......,.... ... ..,. n. ............ , ........... :::Fu ..... ,....,.. Ill· &ere .............. , ...... ll ton •Ull ...... ~Ir w Md tel•,.._ ••W~ ¥lft .... No tlrtu&.U. ..... 1 ..... 1 I t M•""''••,..-... . WONDROUS WHEELS -You know you're getting old when the cars you uaed to drive are now being sold as classics. Thia 1948 Chevy plus singer Pat Boone's 1969 Rolls-Royce and a Richard Nixon campaign car from the 1950s OellJ ,... ,,.... ., LAe ,..,... will be among 400 up for bid today and Sunday in the Newport Beach Collector Car Auction at the Marrio,s.t Hotel in Newport Center. Get a better notion of ocean Creatures appear part-time at Doheny Beach park tidepool By STEVE MITCHELL ofdleD.iey ..... llaft For an interpretive center, it's awfully small. But the rangers at Doheny State Beach Park h ave jampack ed the bedroom-size facility Cull of life. Marine life. The man-made fiberglass "Ude pool" at the center of the exhibit contains a squishy sea hare, keyhole limpets, turban shellfish, two giant trito~. three kinds of starfish , sea an.emones and even a spiny sea urchin. And visitors to the tiny 150-square foot center at the entrance to the state park can pick up anything they want from the pool. U they dare. "That sea urchin won't hurt you if you handle it carefully," instructs park ranger Peter Yarbrough, as a young visitor gingerly touched the spiny creature. That goes for the sea hare, too. although its purple , slug-like body isn't the most delightful touching experience. SPINY SPECIMEN -·Lauren Haas, 4, and her brother Zachery, 6, of Dana Point, hand.le a spiny sea urchin that lives in a fiberglass "tidepool" at the new interpretive center open daily at Doheny State Beach Park. Jerry J . Spansail. supervlsini ranger at Doheny State Beach Park, c redits rangers Ted Ehrheart and Yarbrough for construc tio n of the indoors tidepool and the aquariums that line one wall of the interpretive center. ''They put a lot of volunteer time into iMtalling salt water pumps, collecting marine We and putting ln the aquariums," he ~d. The $6,000 or so used to build the center came mostly from the park department's volunteer enhancement fund. The center, which opened in April, also features loane d exhibits, Including an abalone shell collection and a shark's jaw. The salt water aquariums contain all forms of sea creatures, including a small leopard shark. a rock lobster and an octopus that spend.a most of its time hiding under a.rock, away from the view of the 12 to 300 daily visitors to the center. LA detectives in Canada for Belushi probe LOS ANGELES (AP) - Police from Los Angeles were in Canada on Friday to question a woman quoted by a tabloid as saying she administered drugs to comedian l ohn Belushi the night he died, authorities said. "I can tell you we have two detectives in Toronto today," said police Cmdr. William Booth. "Obvi.ously the purpose i.s t.~ lnterv1ew Cathy Evelyn Smith. Detectives Hank Petroski and ~ce A . Addison , who left Thursday for Canada, were aided in efforts to locate Ms. Smith by Toronto police. said Los Angeles Lt. :Edward Hocking. A renewed investigation into Belushi's death from an overdoee of druo on March 5 was ordered Tuesday after the National Enquirer published an interview with Ms. Smith. 4th OF JULY BARBECUE SPECIALS Ha•r.Y Cooker Kettle arD.que ~222• 22\\'' Red w/adJu1table Height Cooking Orm SALE '59" Crown Rig. 64.99 (limited~) ••••• • •••• l~ I I ; j • Rock 1w Job Coe1ar wUl perfonn tont1ht for a Hlect, non-paytn1 aucUence: the youth of Fort Wayne wlM> helped ball qut ~ bt)Mptred dty.dwina A flood thia ~I The part,>.; la ~ Fon Wayne nood Feet '82 and dty officlala hope hat of U\e 20,000 volunteers who turned ~t ln March to work can make " today to play. Couaar, who •tarted life as John Mtllencan)D in Seymour, Ind., has a hit llncle. ,-,Hurts So Good," and an album that allo la dolna well. He la donalln& his time and that of his band. check1, dncended on three Saudl Arabian 1helk1 noted for their e>CU'avagant apend~blta. The latest clalm came from a Fon Laud~rdale, J'la., taxi company, whlch ••id Sllelk Mo,ammt4 Al· F111I owet $158,884 for two monthl of llmoua1ne and cab eervioe. Since their arrival ln Florida ·two years aao. the Saudis have purchued mansion1, 1howered charhlea and development projects with huae auiai and aone on milUon-dollar thoppin& Actor Patric~ McGoolaaD was arrested for investigation of drunken driving after being stopped while drivinl erratically in Los Angeles on Pacific Coast Highway, P<>Uce said. McGoohan, 54, was rel~ased · after poellng $1,000 bail. sprees. S pokeamfJl for t h e 1helk1 attributed 90l'De of the problema to the • Moslem practice of remainlna inactive during the juat-concluded,holy period of Ramadan, and the upheaval surroundtna the recent death of Saudi McGoohan starred In the 1960s televiaion series "Secret Agent." the 1968.-89 television mystery adventure ''The Prisoner" and the 1976 motion picture "Silver Streak." Comedian George Carlin, who suffered a heart attack on May 4, will undergo a surgical heart procedure in mid-July, his manager said. "The doctors will let' us know Wednesday whether George need s oomplete bypass surgery or whether he needs an angioplast." manager Jerry Hamza said. Carlin, 45, resting at his home in Los Angeles, suffered his second heart attack in four years while attending a baseball game at Dodger Stadium on May 4. A wave of disgruntled creditors, oomplainlng of unpaid bills and bad King Kbale"i. . Deen Honl of Salina, Kan., was e lec t ed president of the U .S . Jayceettes, the 59 ,000-member auxiliary of the Jaycees, at the group's convention in Phoenix. He's a diminutive man of advanced years, but still as determined as when he ordered a defendant bound and gagged during the tumultuous Chicago 7 trial. U.S . District Judge J ullua Hoffman is alone now and being forced into retirement. "I'm in good health, even though I'm an oldster," the 86-year-old Hoffman said after the federal court announced its executive committee decided he will receive no more cases. Hoffman still has 150 lawsuits on his docket and what will happen to them is uncertain. I:>().,-AL Ti C:Ulilflllll: Royal IJhampain• Brunell •7 .95 10:30 to 2:30 673-3322 Newport lie.ch TALE ai the WHALE .Ch1mpqn1 Buffet Brunch '8.95 .. Featuring lgg1 8enedlct '•"'-Men11 AIM s..v.d Sunday Brunch 64.75 $5.SO With a.om,.."9 RlllY ·-• Tll WATllFlllT . , ...... .. Fffturint Huewa loncheret 675-CM74 2311 w. "'"'°" llYd • IUNDAY llUNCH 11 UA. te I P.M. COMl'UM9fTUY CDaCT Al. , ... ,~ Bandits clarnDier for seafood haul VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (AP) -Hijackers have pulled off a big haul that netted them 150,000 clams. As In seafood. FBI spokesman Jim Waters said three hijackers forced the drivers of a tractor-trailer to load the sacks of clams lnto another truck. He said the bandits would have to dispose of the clams quickly because "they go bad fast." A co-owner of R&R Shellfish, which owns the tractor-trailer, said the load 91 about 150,000 little neck, top neck, cherrywtone and chowder bivalves was worth more than $18,000. "You're talking about a load that was gotng out for the Fourth of July bakes. Time was of the essence. It's like stealing Christ.mas tree Ughta the week before Christmas," said the co-owner, who asked not to be identified. Buffet By The B•y CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH '9.95 ( $4. tS """" 12) Satwday 11 t o 2:30 SunMy 10 to 2:30 Uii\HM{fl.lji Oft TIMI W ....... _. M Udo_..... V-... ............. ALL YOU CAI EAT . Sunday C~arnpagn• Brunch 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. , '6.95 ...... '4.95 QIMna WASHINGTON <:J. -"S~h ~.. the cu.t daAmed to eou.ntar th• calorln of plua and ~. lhoqld come off the market \Intl) eomeone prove. they work and ant ufe, •YI the Food and Drug Admtn1tt.r•tlon. ,The FDA aald lt uked the more than 100 manufacturera and dlttributon of the arowtng dlet fad to ltOp marketing the ptlla until their afety and efft!lc1ivene11 ~proved. ••it the companie11 fail to comply within 30 daya., the FD~ will then CIOnllider regulatory ectiona against the producu and companies," the agency ..id. The products are being ~rtUled and aold nationwide under d07.ena· of brand names wlth el.alma that they block or impede the dige1tlon of starch. Each tablet ii auppoeed to elimlnate about 400 1tarch calories when taken immediately before eattnc. By ltOpSlina the at.c>rption of the.e carbohydra• aay the clalma. people can eat pllta. potatoes and bread without fear of p.1nlnc weight. The FDA laid It II concerned about the utety of Jona·tenn uae of the produCta and about the effects of blocking an e11ent1al nutrient such as carbohydrates. The bean-derived_ product• are claulfied as dru'ga, not food supplements as aome makers uaert, under provisions of the Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act, the agency said. The marketera in the multi - million-dollar lnduatry were asked by letter to submit ~ntific information on ef&:.ey and eafety, and data on the tableta' compmltion and distribution. Bruce Brown, an FDA spokesman, .. , Mid actl.oN the agency could lnclude ~ lnvenE aelzurea and aeeklnl court ln Om' against maklna ana •Wna products. ' Uaera of the "at.arch blocken" have cotJtplalned to the FDA of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and 1tomach pains. Brown said the agency asked field offices to lnveatigate reporta of five hospital emereency room admi.tou and other health problems poaaibly auocia~ with the producta . "Starch blockers" are prepar~d moat often from raw kidney beans an~ossibly other unknow11 ln tents, the agency said. he FDA said manufacturers have refused its requests for information about the exact composition of the products and for data to support claims about w e ight control or reduction. Scientists have been tesearching these bean producls for years and say they one day may prove useful if\ balanced, dietary programs. ·: Proponents claim substances fr<>h'l the beans Interfere with the action of an enzyme that digests starch. This enables unused starch to move through the digestive tract and out of the body, they say. Opponents of the pills say they also inhibit an enzyme called trypsin, which helps break down protein for the body to use. And they point out that some of the blocked carbohydrates help reduce levels of cholesterol and other Cats that contribute to heart disease. OPEN AIR PATIO DINING a11 •• ,., •• ,,,,.;," ''·'' 10 e.m. to 3 p.m. SATUaDAY 994 IRIAKfAST I A.M. to 11 A.M. 1100 Oeas1 llwJ. 548-2224 11.,.rt l11cll Sunday Brunch & Jam Session DINNER & JAZZ NIGHTLY 675-7760 .. · CANJIERV Sunday Brunch From 9 e.m. 875-S'm .... , .......... ...., ....... D1p9rt1 10 a .m. & 12:30 leaervation1 Required 675-7522 1111 UIAFrm An. ••NIT 1111# ~··························· I ORIENTAL CHAMPAGNE : : BRUNCH :' • • 11 :30 To 2:00 : I I : •7.511 : ~ •..•..•....• ~ ••...........• New fire door ' costly for HB . h'1 1olna to cm( the CJty of Huntlnlton Beach $3, 700 to buy a new door at the lix-y ar-old Warner Avenue Fire Station. The preae'nt door la falling apart, having fallen vicUm to salt air drifting ln from the Pacific Ocean about 1,000 yards away. ' Youths held in break-in Four juveniles were caught in the act of looting a fireworks at.and Friday, police said. The door hasn't failed In an e meraency yet, but It doe1n't open or cloee properly, 11ys Chief Ray P icard. He aald the tire engine has been confined to the station but only on a routine call. He said more than $~.000 haa been spent on repairs in the last two years and another $1,600 thla year. It will cost yet another $1,300 to restore It once again, he told City Co'ilncil membe r s who approved the expenditure for a new door this week. Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 3, 1982 Al NEWS The break-in occurred at about . 3 a.m . and the youngsters had put about $500 in fireworks in their van before being detected, police said. Th e 2 4 -f oo t -w i d e by 16-foot-high steel and aluminum door is the d uplicate of the door put m previously a t the Magnolla S treel Fire Station. It still is working fine. But the location makes the difference, acrordin~ to P icard. ON THE BEACH -With the coopera tion o{ some late- blooming sunshine, this is the way the Fourth of J uJy weekend is expected to look on beaches up a nd down the Orange Coast. After a n ~:werdose of June Gloom. local sun worsh ipers are more eager than ever to lget a start on their tans. from all over California is rounded up eac h day The theft took place at the ·fireworks stand at El Capitan 'Avenue and Santa Monica Circle in Fountain Valley. The Magnolia -station is farther from the ocean and faces away from sea breezes. Dana boat repair firm I wins ~0-year lease T he Orange County Board o f Supervisors and the boat repair firm at Dana Point Harbor have come to terms on a 30-year lease that includes improvements totaling $516,000. Citing the company's record of excellent service to its customers, the board approved the long-tenn lease with Anchor Marine Company. Under terms of the lease, rent to '\he county w i ll be based o n a i>ercentage of the firm's gross income. 'l'he minimum annual rent will be $15,000, according to lease terms. Improvements slated for the facility includ e con s tru c t io n o f a • ,.,000-square-foot building that will house a ship's chandJery, boat repair facilities and a sales room for boats and othe r marine equipment. Also included in the $5 19,900 improvement package are waterside improvements such as a boat lift and display docks for boats. Anchor Marine also has the option to comple te future improvements such as the construction of additional b u ildings to hou se boat r e pa ir facill ties. In comme nting o n the lea se, S upervisor Tom Riley. w hose 5th S u perv isorial District takes in the Dana Harbor area . said the boat repair facility "complements the many marine-oriented services available to the' boating public at the harbor." Anchor Marine signed a lease to operate al Dana Point Harbor in 1977. The firm has continued to operate there on a month-to-month basis until it exercised a 1980 option to sign for a 30-year term. ;Teachers file grievance ~=!-. falter raise rescinded Saddleback Community College .tnstructors have filed a grievance -aamst the school board for rescinding -4-10 percent pay raise for the 1982-83 term. .. Citing st.ate funding cuts, the seven t (ustees o f th e Sad dl e bac k CommunHy C o ll e g e Dis tri ct unanimously suspended the pay raises ·'Wednesd ay . P art of a three-year ·c,uitract agreement made in l.980, the ·raises would have been e ffective ·Thursday. •• The S addle back district, with .-~puses in Mission Viejo and Irvine. :)las more than 30,000 students and 1s ;bne of the fastest growing districts in •:the st.ate. It borders southern Orange •.€ounty, including Laguna Beach , San • .~emente, Dana Point and Irvine. ~: · Alvln Brightbill, president of the .$eddleback Faculty Association. says .ff the district rejects the grievance, his :lll80ctation will file an unfair labor ~j,ractice complaint with the Public • .J!mployment Relations Board. .•• U that fails. Brightbill says, his ·~ation will file a civil suit against ;the school board. H e says his :Ulloclation represents about' 235 full- :lline and 940 part-time instruc tors. H e s a ys the d is p ute is over interpreta tio n of a clause in the • ihtte-year contract which allows the ;;tt'ustees to s u s p e nd th e f in a l .;JO-percent raise if the state doesn't ~de adequate funding. In the recently-adopted state :;&udget, about $30 million is being cut '.from funding for California's 70 (eommunity colle ges. T h e p ay .. ~· " :world Airways ~£ f the hook; i::. ebt postponed inc r eases would have cost th e Saddle&ck d istrict about $1.3 million. District officials project a total $34.7 million budget in 1982-83. Brightbill says the distric t is violating the contract by spending $700,000 to construct buildings at the Mission Viejo c~pus and $900,000 to purchase 20 acres to expand the Irvine campus. "The cont ract says the sala r y increase g e t s firs t priority o n d i scr e t io n a r y e xpe nd i tures," Brightbill says. In our opinion the school board is spending money on expansion rather than salaries." Under the three-year contracts, Saddleback teachers we r e given annual raises of 9 percent in 1980-8 1 and 9.5 percent in 198 1-82, BrightpiU says. Currently, he says. the annual pay range fo r full-time instructors is between $18,000 and $41 ,000. The yearly salaries of part-time instructors are tied to the full-time rate. based on the number of teaching hours, with an annual pay ceiling of $21,0PO. he says. Prognosis poor for injured sea 1ion Sparky, the young male sea lion who underwent surgery for a gunshot wound to his jaw, has been unable to eat on its own and was reported ln weakened condition Friday in Laguna Beach. "The prognosis is not good, the big problem being his ability to eat," wa J ohn Cunningham, volunteer director of the Friends of the Sea Lion Center in Laguna. Cunningham aald Sparky haa been subsiatinf on a force-fed 11herring smoothie' diet conmtlna of berrinc and vitamins pU.reed tn a blender. The force-feeding waa lmtituted after Sparky proved unable to down whole herring on b.ia own. "He'• generally debilitated to the point where lt takes a lot of energy for him to get the food down, more than la in the nutrients," Cunninlh.am aid. The 2-year-old IN lion WM broucht to the non-profit center after he wu ,potted floetinc al.molt ~ on the Newport Beech jetty June 24. Sparky' a jaw Md been ahatieNd by, a tlllh·velodty bullet. In an op.radon 111& Saturday,~ WWtwy :a.,~~~-:= Ind .... bnold the , ...... ~ ~ wtth ........ illDw ..... . -...; . Oa Wetlae1d1r, ·114rll a1 .... , ... ,,_ . _., .......... !'.!l!. ••1 ,,; ... L;;;;.: ""'&· :i·--· ........ ~ ':"~~ . in the Daily Pilat SATURDAY , JULY 3rd (10 AM to 6 PM) SUNDAY, JULY 4th (12 NOO N to 5 PM) MONDAY, JULY 5th (10AM to 6 PM) I This weekend only, Plummer·s makes 21 your lucky number! That's right! In a sale ryot to be repeated this year. Plummer·s special 21..flour sale gives you.a whopping 10% off our already low, low ware- house prices on absolutely any Item In any Of our sl>c stores! This 10% ·Off coupon gives you huge savings on our beautifully crafted Scandinavian dining sets, bedroom ensembles, patio/outdoor furniture, bookcases, wall units, desks. bars, occasional tables and chairs, lamps-and the list goes on! This is the same high quality merchandise you expect from Plummer·s. but tor 21 hours only, you can make out like a bandit! Get IUCl<Y this ·r weekend! come to v,1 Plummer·s gangbusters sale! % off t I \ "' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/8aturday. July 3, 1eea Film due She uses boys' point of view By BOB THOMAS , ................ ,..., BURBANK -This ~ear's moll • luccetaful screen writ.er may well be "a no-nontense, horse· lovln& Tulaan named S.E. Hinton. A film hued on a Hinton book is bel.ni released by Disney thla summer. another has been comple~ !>y Francia Coppola. who Is atarUng yet another one • this month. Who ls S.E. Hintoo? If you're-under 26, you probably know already. First of all, ·Hinton is a she -first names Susan Eloise. She has written only four books, but they have enjoyed immense popularity wlth the young generation. more than 10 million sold. She wa.s visiting the Disney studios the other day. along with Matt Dillon, who stars in all three films based on her novels. The first is "Tex," due this month. The first Coppola film is "The Outsiders." The new one is "Rumblefish," for which Ms. Hinton co-authored the screen play. Hinton wears friuy hair, sloppy clothes and no makeup and exhibits an Oklahoman indepen<l,ence. Her age? "I'm old enough not to tell." Make it early 30s. She explained why she uses initials on her books: "I always write my books from a boy's point of view. That's what I am most comfortable with, since I grew up as a tomboy and really didn't understand girls' way of thinking. "I realized I could reach a larger audience by not putting my full name on my books. Girls will read books about boys, but boys will not read girls' books." She was born and reared in Tulsa and wrote "The Outsiders" while a student at Will Rogers High School, drawing characters from the boys she knew. The book was successfully published, providing for her education at the University of Tulsa, where she met her husband, David lnhofe. Her second book: "That Was Then, This Is Now," which has been optioned by Martin Sheen. The popularity of her books brought offers from Hollywood. which she declined. She even said no to Disney when the studio wanted to film "Tex." ''I didn't think 1t was Disney material, since it contained sex, drugs and violence," she said. "I told my agent I didn't want them to make 'Tex Meets the Love Bug.' But then Tom Wilhite (Disney production chief) appeared on my doorstep. He told me that Disney was tryi ng to change its image, and the picture would be a hard PG." Hinton relented, especially after learning that her 13-year-old hor5e, Toyota. would be perfect as Dillon's steed in 1'he film. "For years l had been turning down film offers for 'The Outsiders.' " she said. "I'm not one of those authors who want to see their books made into movies. Then 1 saw 'The Black Stallion' and I told my husband, 'Th05e are the people I'd like to have film m y books.' Shortly a fterward, Zoetrope called." To Hinton's surprise, Coppola wanted her on the set at aU times during the Tulsa filming of "The Outsiders" -"UsuaJly directors don't want the- author around," she said. She collaborated with Coppola and a computer on the script of ''Rumblefish." She explained: "Francts loves gadgets, and he is s urro unded by, e lectro nic gear in his headquarters, an old school in the crummy part oC Tulsa. He fed my book into a computer and it spit out the dialogue. From that we wrote the script - in 2 'h days!" BEAUTIFUL NEW MERCEDES BENZ TURBO SEDAN · Classlc White with Palomino leather. Elecirlc Sun Roof , Alloys , Stereo-Cassette . 3000· TURBO $30,652. Call Virginia (7 14) 645-4800 or (714) 645-1122. '79 MERCEDES WAGON Mint. 24,000 ml. One owner. $14,000 less than a new wagon. Sun Roof, Stereo-Cassette, Alloys. Whrte with Brown Interior. $20,895. Call Virginia (714) 645-4800 or (714) 645-1122. Exhibit & Sale Directly From Peru July 3 & 4; 10-8 pm llative Peruvian Folk Art • Weavlngs • Masks • Baskets • Much, Much • Carvings More! • Dolls IBILL CLUB HOUll Stl W .... ..._ •lwd. .. ,..._, CA (o• ... ..._ ••••••la) (714) 621-3214 OPENING -Savers Thrift & Loan Assn. is holding its grand opening ac~ from Taj Mahal building in Leisure World area of Laguna Hills. Address is 24012 Calle de la Plata. Bad timing did ERA • ID Misguided political strategy also blamed LOS A. ..1ELl'S (AP) -Bad widespread support with a Umln, and mll(uided political btttery of relatively 001'\k•rvative atrat.qy contributed heavily to ar"umeni.. the f&llure of the Equal Rlsht1 'The National Ame rican Am~ndment campalan. 1everal Woman'• Suffrage Association use women'• studies expert• uaed oonaervatlve arauments like aay.' 'Women wW keep us out of war.' 1'The ERA movement came on or 'Mothers who have the vote the tall end of a period of aoclal will keep Informed. so they'll be acUvlam and ran headlona into a \ better at tralnlpg their sons as major sh I ft tow a rd future leadefS of society'.'' Ms. conserva tlsm,' · 1al d Tom O'Leary-Archer said. Jablonsky, history lnatructor and Mark Kann, associate professor associate director of USC's of political science who studies Program for the Study o f feminist and anti-feminis t Women and Men ln Society. theory, s aid the s uffrage "Moel of the state ratJflcationa movem e nt s ucceeded in came between 1972 and 1974," obtaining the vote because it was Jablonsky added. able to convince men in power Lynn O'Leary-Archer, an that they had something to gain instructor specializing in by s upporting the women 's American social history and cause, while the ERA movemer:it women's history, noted that the was unable to do so. women's surfrage movement In In fact , Jablonsky said, the this country also grew out of a feminist movement of the early surge of liberalism from the 1970s was seen as , having an progressive reform movement anti-male bias. between 1890 and 1920. ''The finger-pointing and the Ms. O'Leary-Archer noted that use o f rhetoric Ji k e 'ma le suffrage advocates drew chauvinism'mayhaverousedthe aplrit or women aupportera, but It backfired politically," Jablonsky aaid ''That opened the door to I c•• ·b )'·caac dllcuulon, encouraging the opposltlon to raise far-fetc hed iuuea like unisex bathroom8," Jablonaky said. ''ERA supporters let the amendment get nickeled and d imed to death," he added, "They should have stuck to the main Issue -that rreedom1 li berty and baste human righ~ should not be· denied to anyone by accident of birth. lt'a a question of what's right, fair and just." . K a nn 11a1d modern-day' femm1sts should have emulated f orebeare r s , who l inked universal suffrage to the values o ( th e De c laration o f lndepenqenc:c "To win mass support and to avoid 1solat1 on ," Kann said, "feminists should be seen as defend ing old trad1uons in new ways.'' .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ ''l . . .··:· ~ We're Blasting High Prices ~ _,,......__, SAYE 01 FRllllllRE, IE, llnll, WHIRLPOOL, Ill, RCA, so1Y ••• 10111. s1v11·as 11 EVERY DEPARTIEIT ••• QUANTITIES LIMITED • • 1st COME -1st SERVED NEW 1982 GENERAL ELECTRIC , RCA 25" DlllOllL e XL 100 ._ ELECTRONIC TUNING IOW OILY $499 95 RCA XL-100 25" .._.. • 17 cu. ft. REFER . • Frost Free • Adiustable Shelves • En ... gy Sov8t' GE REFRIGERATOR SONY 28" DIAGONAL SPICE SIYlll 13.I 01. ft. • 3 Full Width Shelves • 2 Ice Trays • Only 28" Wide ONLY $399 95 • Remote Control • Cable Ready • Matrix Sound OIEK~~ llSOHIT PllOEI I 11 lll • SOflY TV's OUR ENTIRE SELECTION OF TV,. VIDEO & APPLIANCES ON SALE NOW HURRY, LIMITED TO STOCK ON HAND, NO DEALERS PLEASE! Ill VOi Ill/ 111111111 ll"llAIMlt•-- •SufMf 1ri9ht Picture •Cable Ready •Two 10 Watt Amps RCA 9" DtAGOM. COLOR / r .. ~! .. 111 L=::_J~ eO.Ctnnk T"*'I •C* Trte ., •2&111 SONY BETAMAX ~I I -W COMICS TELEVISION 88 812 American sprinters shine but U.S. trails dual meet with Russia. 82. 0 The Main Event Aerobic dancer has Chargers huffing By ROGER CARLSON or ... ~,......,. It'• a ecene rtaht out ot the movie "Main Event," the Barbra 'Streland vehicle whJch opens wtth the bumPI and lri.nda to the dllco beat. There, at the center of attention, la leotard-clad Ruth Stonehouae, going through her aerobic dancina routine, t.rytna to put her clua in shape. The clw, however, lan't comprlaed of we~j comcious femalell, it's the 1982 Edlaon High foot team. THE UTHE NATIVE of Britain, hal1 the aiz.e of the average Edi9on football player, ii knocking them dead during her one-hour, non-atop aesalona to the varloua beats of up-tempo musk:. "I tried it once," says Ed1aon conditioning coach Rick Purnell. "and it juat kicked my butt. "The flexibility and cardiov8'1CUlar results are a.mazing and she just puts every one of these guys down." I Tilat WM evident. When the session was over, 70 bodies dragged themselves out the door, aft.er applauding her performance and/or the end of it. THE CHARGERS ARE GOING through these morning drilla twice a week and attendance is more than l()() percent. Even former Edison stars, such as USC's Duaine Jackson. are involved. "This is great," said the soaking wet Jackson. Asked i1 such a program exists at use. he said, "No, and I'm not going to tell 'em." Tilat's the general attitude of everyone. They know how much it can help, but they're not exactly eager, either, to ask for more punishll)ent. The game of football should be easy pickings after this. "BEFORE WE BEGAN some thought it was sissy," says the attractive instructor, "but they found out it's a lot of hard work. There are no protests. whlch tend to be especially beneficial for football players, who spend countless hours in the weight room, building muacles. The moves and stretches tend to balance things put. "It's so good," says Workman, "the Rams are paying their players to come in for the drilla. "A MINUTE BEFORE the first one a lot of our players didn't want to do it, but aft.er it was done, they knew it was worthwhile. "But they don't like to think about it. Aft.er the second session she just took over, kicking their Before we began, some thought it was sissy. But they I ound out it's a lot of hard work. -Ruth StonetlouM fannies and yelling 'at them. She knows how to gauge it, too, increasing things." ' "Nothing's left untapped," says Purnell, "especially the stomach. I'll tell you this, they don't question her. She's a stud." The Costa Mesa resident was found by Edison at the Huntington Beach Athletic Club, where several of tl}.e players lift in the weight room during evenings. "It's hard work," she says, "but it's not like the military. We have fun, as long as they sweat. "Yes, I yell, too. I have to make sure they don't get away with anything." It's one series of movements aft.er another, in relentless fashion, with a few of the athletes staying within reasonable range of her, m06t trying hard, but dragging badly. Then she goes into a backward arch, a virtual half circle in silhouette form, and the men are definitely separated from the teacher. SHOWING THE WAY -Aerobic dancer Ruth Stonehouse puts F.ciison High's 1982 varsity football team through a one-hour, non-stop ritual that has therp wondering D9ly ,... ....... ~Gery AIMro. where the term "fairer sex" originated. The exercises are designed for flexibility, in addition to cardiovascular assets. "It's new, but by the end of five weeks they shouid be pretty good." Bill Workman, the Chargers' head coach', initiated the program aft.er learning of the Ba.rm' involvement with aerobic dancing, movements Because of the physical exertion it's not uncommon for someone to suddenly leave because of becoming ill. While some of the players laughed when the (See AEROBIC, Page BZ) King • IS dead, but grudgingly McEnroe rallies to advance; Mayotte captures marathon WIMBLEDON, England (AP) -Chris Evert Lloya and John McEnroe, the d efending Wimbledon champions, survived tough and difficult matches Friday, but the comeback trail ended for 38-year-old Billie Jean King. Lloyd overcame King 7-6, ·2-6, 6-3 in a claasic battle of tennis tactics to r each he r eighth Wimbledon final. 1.. McEnroe's c rown wobbled more than once, but he came th.rough 4-6, 6-2. 7-4, 6-3 against hard-serving J ohan Kriek of South Africa to gain the semi- finals The champion trailed in both the third and fourth sets. Sutton shuts off Dodgers LOS ANGELES (AP) -Don Sutton admits it's a special treat when ever he r e turnsi to Los Angeles, where he pitched for 15 seasons before moving to Houston last year as a free agent. "lt'a exciting coming back here," Sutton said aft.er pitching Houston to a 4-1 victory over the Dodgers. "The highest and the lowest moments of my career . have been in this ballpark. "I really felt good in the eighth inning, but complete games are not u important to me as they U9ed to be," he said, finding no fault with the decision to come out after giving up a run in the ninth. "Unless I really feel like I am in command, I don't mind at all turning it over to someone who's fresh. '"nle bell was really moving tonight.. I had good location. but I'm not goina to intimidate or blow anybody away anymore with my pitches." Sutton scattered six hits in 8 \Ii Innings and Luis Pujols knocked in two runs, one with a homer, for the Aatros. 'nM! 37-year-old Sutton. 8-4, ltrudt out five and walked two beliare aivma up Ron Cey'a RBI • lbwle with one out in the ninth. 'ftle n,bt-hander gained his fin& victory lince May 21 with reW help from Frank LaCorte, wbo eemed bla fint aave. I lloUlton took a 1-0 leed in the Um lnntn1 a1aln1t Vicente Remo, 0-2. Wlth one out. TerTy PuJal WM hit by a pitch, tbln home aft 1UCC1mve ...._ ~t 8ftd Jcm CNS. .......... '° lwl off ..,. JI"'" hll ..., homer o( ... ~ "': =-.:..~ 1:J ~ ...... .,Art'Wlwa..a • 'ha\Oa nened hl1 oarHr ....... , .... ,... ... t .... But the hero of the day was unseeded Tim Mayotte, a 21-year-old professional from Springfield, ~. who out.luted fellow American Brian Teacher 6-7, 7-6, 7-5, 3-6, 6-1 in a 3-hour, 47-minute duel. Martina Navratilova, the No. l women 's seed. h ad the day's On TV today channel 4 at 7 a.m. easiest road, roaring past Bettina Bunge 6-2, 6-2. Lloyd and Navratilova will meet in today's women's Cinal. The men's semifinals will pit McEnroe against Mayotte and second-seeded Jimmy Connors against Australian M ark F.dmondson. The men's final is scheduled for Sunday. Lloyd and King enthralled the Cent.er Court crowd with l lh hours of skillful tennis, culled from a total of more than 30 years of Wimbledon experience between them. King, six times Wimbledon singles champion between 1966 and 1975 , continued her astonishing comeback by holding her rival to one set all. AT TIMES, Billie J ean's volleying reminded the fans of her commanding net play in the '60s, when s h e was the undisputed best women's player in the world. . In the end, Lloyd's younger legs and coolness under pressure saw her th.rough. But It was a tough struggle. "l am proud of the effort I put in," King said afterward, "but I don't like the end result." / take a 30-40 lead and match point. On the next point, she hit a backhand return that mimed the line by perhaps two inches. Tilat made it deuce -and suddenly it began raining heavily. "I would not have gone for such a shot if I had known what was going to happen," Lloyd said lat.er. "I would simply have tried to get it back into the court." They waited in the locker room for a half-hour before the court was fit for play again. Then Billie Jean saved two more match points and won the game to pull up to 3-5 and stay alive a little longer. BUT THAT was the end of the magic act displayed by King at Wimbledon this Lear. At deuce in the next game, loyd passed her with a backhand. and then the champion hoisted a magnificent lob that hit on the baseline aa Billie Jean, caught at the net, could only watch. McEnroe struggled to find his touch against Kriek and drew a warning from the umpire for the third time in the current tournament. It happened after the fifth game of the first set, when McEnroe double-faulted three ' times and dropped his service. He walked to the side of the court and banged the chair with his racket. He was warned under the code of conduct rules for "abuae of racket." ., ......... Under gray skies, the two great stars exchanged patches of brilliance. At 2-5 in the final set, with King aerving, Lloyd rifled a forehand return down the line to At times Kriek, 24, the No. 5 aeed, threatened to 8COre an upeet wlth his booming 1erve1 and cleverly angled volleys. He won the tint eet.. 1081 the second and broke McEnroe's service early in both the third and fourth eeta. However, McEnroe pulled his game together on the big points. TOPSY-TURVY -Johan Kriek uaes the hand-stand method to get him8elf up after he had taken a fall during his Wimbledon match Friday against John McEnroe. Kriek was beaten in four aeta. Defending champs, hosts both ousted Brazil nears final round of World Cup; West Gerriany still needs help MADRID. Spain (AP) -Brazil' tro\IDCed Argentina 3-1 Friday to oust the defendinal champions from the World Cup aoccer finaJa, and bolt Spain alto W• ellmlnated followina a 2-1 setback at &he handl of West Germany. Zioo, in ~t form,~ one I08l and -"ted on the other two • three-time champtona Brun outclaueci tu South AmlriaY\ ~hrivala. DleF MaradonA, ~dna'• m1WoNa1rt forw.rd. ,... .. off,. ..... the tnd of &119 .nh ln a.Olbw'1 emta IWUum. Tbe ........ -· ,, ... -, .. .., -for the di-=" who lal& tine 01 .. --·-............ .... 9NlllDOW..._,.._~ ... dh~ §:. 'llMI .. .... ... ... .,r;r ... -· ••• ma...c --'round, West Germany, having vanqulahed Spain with a nerwm pertonnanee before a sellout crowd of 90,000 In Madrid's Santiaao Bemabeu Stadium, now mus& rely on the Spaniard• not to fold aaatnat r.n.Jand Monday. a l'nPM def•ta u.. 8pen&ar'Cll b1 two aoaJa, It will advanae tD the ll!IDl&aU fram Group B. Toumunenl favortte Brull. wb.lcb hM mnd 11 pll ln lfa four .............. ~"· m....talned bll pl ....... nwlllt by putUnc U'9 ... _ ....... a; .. lath mlnu•. -die Clowd ., 44.000 ........ lfntrll • -1111Dmi _.. In h _.,....,, .. ...... lltUp i .... ,. ..... CfNa ......... , ... <t• 11111 , ... , ....... 111 ,aw oa .a. llli -.... , ...... ' Maradona, fruatrated ln ecortna, wu expel.led ln the '87th minute tor ldddnl IU&ltltute Batista. Two minutea later, Ramon Diu aaond a corwolation .,.i f<W the Arlantinea. Brasil Coach Tele S-antana, who dmc:ribed the_... on S.dlla and 7Jco M ~" met, "'We haw a very pd ~ of beinC workl cbunpionl." Zleo, who 1uffered a blow ju1t ~· hllrilb& .................... tD be tit '° ,.,. -hlll9nl. '1& hurt • Joe. but tM .......... hm ... .. , .... ~OK. ..... .... C... i..m M•aal, the Ar11nd11 ..-; .,.... ... ..,~-.... ~ ., ... ., ............. ,, ... . G1t'_ • ..., ... M ...... ,, I" • Oer•••• are •II• lur•••••. :::::cit.:.';:: DJ' 1 a.19111 • Angels duIDped by KC KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) - A4 baseball records go, it's never gained the notoriety of, say, J oe DiMaggio's 56-game hitting streak. But it has stood for more than 60 years and Kansas City's John Wathan, who 9COred twice in the On TV today channel 5 at 5:30 Royals' 7-2 victory over the Angels Friday night, is glad to be closing in on it. Wathan stole his 26th base of the season, moving him within four of the major-league record for catchers established in 1916 by Ray Schalk of the Chicago White Sox. "It "ill be nice to get it and hav~ something to remember when I leave the game," said Wathan. "Sut with the emphasis nowadays on speed, I guaran~ it won't last as long as the old one." Kansas City Manager Dick Howser gave Wathan the green light this season. something he never had before. "That h elps, that h e lps a whole lot," said Wathan, who de pends o n guile more than speed. But Wathan is n ot clamoring for a ticket w the Hall of Fame if and when he sets the rerord. "I'll be doing it for the catchers of the world. Flor years and years we've had a bad rap as dumpy guys who can't run. Maybe rn give all catchers somethln8 to be proud of." Amos Otis drove in three runs u the Royala allced the Anaela' lead in the American Le.,.ue West to 1 ~ pm-. Winning pitcher Vida Blue, 5-5, worked aix inninp and pve up seven hits. Loser Steve Renko, 7-2, walked the flnt three Kanau Oty ~\Wn and did not retire a belt.er before Amly H-1er relieved him with the &yall IMdln& 3--0. With WlWe wu.on. Wathan and ~ Breu on bMe With walks, Oils drtlled a two--run alnale, then Hal McRae ICGnd Brett with another 1in1le. Wat.ban bunied eafely with two ou& &n the llCODCI, lk9U walked and Watban mnd aft a double by Olla. ,.. Whi• ....... ln \Ile flf\h and IOOl'ed OD U .1.. w~ .. Dall ,._... .... .....,I atlawhli••••laClllFlilrlrll9 llllllft.11111-. ..... Dlaa111 _. wt.ea Hr~• U. ..................... •rr•r •• ••11&• .Jaak10a'1 •. , .•. • -Orange COMt DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July G, , .. a . La Habra bowler rolls a 900 series : j ' ·rrom AP .. 1petcH1 Glenn Allhon , a former I profetllon.al bowler, rolled a perfect · 90Q Thuraday nisht which could JI bffome an unaurpaaaable world record. Allison , e 4 , bowled three c:on.teCUtive 300 games, knocking down every pin 36 atrai&ht t,imee, in a league oompetition at the La Habra 300 Bowl. "I was nervous," Alliaon ad.mltted of his final roll. "I've had 41 perfect games but never put three together in a row for 900." Neither officially has anyone else. The record of 886 was set in 1939 by the late Allie Bra ndt of Loc kport , N . Y . who ha ~ 297-289-300---886. Allison's record is yet to be verified. A team from.the American Bowling Congress was en 1 I route to check that the lanes and oth er requirements met full specifications. Alliaon is no newcomer to, bowling having f won four ABC titles and five events in the . Professional Bowlers Association, saying he retired "because I wu just too old." , . • ~ His perfect set came in what is known as the Anchor Girl Mixed Trio league in which ~o ' men and a woman compete on a team. "We won the match but I -really don't know how we are in the standinRS," said Allison who currently is co-owner of a liquor store. Allison has been bowling 41 years and said he continued after retiring from the profeeaional circuit "because I like the sport and I like to bowl." f He is a member of bowling's Hall of Fame I and cannot recall anyone having 900 in any sanctioned league. At 5-7 and 165 pounds, Alison is a right- hander who throws a hook shot at the 10 pins. "I've been bowling in this same league for years because I like it," said the veteran who lives in nearby Whittier,. "I hope the ABC approves the record, but I don't know. We'll wait and see." t Quote of the day • "I'm a household name, but not a hqusehold word." -Paal Hoasebolder, 23-year-old Cincinnati outfielder whose batting average plummeted to .182 last week. Wlnfle1d'• homere llnk tndlane Den WlatltW hit eolo hOtM NN ln • the fil'lt and ninth tnn1np and Ro1tr Erlckloa 1alned hl• tint vkiory ln a New York unifonn u the Yankeet defeated tho Cleveland Indiana 3-1 Friday niaht ln American Leaauo baaeball action. llriCklon, acquired from Mlnnf.lota on May 12 ~~ ~t OM l'Wl in&~ f.nnlnaa and Dav• LaRocb, a .. , ... Fraajer and Rld1 0 .... 1, pro~ the lNd • • . ElHwhe,.. OormH TM111a1 drove ln four l'UN wtth a pa.Ir of homers and Cffl) CoOper cracked a irrand alam, powertna MUwaul<ee to a 14·6 trtumPh over Bolton . . . Willie Uptllaw hit hts 11th home run of the aeuon, and Alf redo Grtffla got his 1 firat game·winnins RBI to WINNLD help Toronto down Minneeota 9-4. The Blue Jaya rallied for two runa in the 1eventh and four more 1n the ninth to record the vic't.ory . . . Eddie M•rr•y and Cal Rlpkea Jr. homered to beck the alx-hit pltchinl of Jim Palmer. Tippy Marti.HI and T{m S&oldanl and rally Baltimof'e to a 6-4 deda1on over Detroit ... ctaarlle HMp fired a two-hitter, Billy Sample homered on the fint pitch, and Texas went on to a 7-0 whitewash of Oak.land ... Rain prevented the Chicago White Sox and Seattle Mariners from completing their game which was tied at 4-4 through 4 ~ innings. Swan, Mets outlast Phlladelphla Craig Swan pitched 5 ~ innings Ii of no-hit ball, and Mook.le Willoa and Ruaty Staub each drove in a pair of runs to power the New York Mets to an 8-4 victory over Philadelphia Friday night at Shea Stadium . . . Elaewhe~ in the National League, Dick Davia' three-run homer powered Pittabur~ to a 7-2 victory over the struggling Montreal Expos and a sweep of their double- header. In the first game, TODY Pena hit a three-run homer to pace the Pirates to a 6 -3 win, as Pittsburgh extended its winning skein to five games . . . BOb Horner drove in two runs with a single and home run as Atlanta beat Cincinnati, 6-4, in a game in which Reds' pitcher Tom Seaver moved ••6 into fifth place on the all-time strikeout list with 3,119 . . . Ryne Sandberg'• growuier llCOl'ed Larry Bowa from third hue in the seventh inning, u Chicago nipped St. Lou.is.. 4-3 ... Joe Morpn'a three-run homer capped a four-run ninth innina which led San Frandaco to an 8-4 victory over San Diego in the opener of a double-header. The Pad.res, however, rallied to earn a aplit by takins the nightcap, 3-2. San Diego actually loat ground to flnt-place AUanta'm the We:at.em Division, falling 3 ~ games off the torrid pace eet by the Braves. I Baeeball today On th1a ~te ln bueball ln 1978: San Francl1co flnt b1Hman Willie McCovey became the 12th player Ln major teaaue hlatory to hit &00 careet home CUN, but h1I mileetone ahot off Ati.nta'• Jaml Eut.erly went for naught u the Gianta lott to tho Braves, 10-~. On thll date in 1962: LOI ~lee Dodpra flreballer Sandy Koufax hurled the flrat of hla four career no-hltterw, blanlc.lna tht New York Meta on 13 atrikeouU, ~-0. On thla date in 1949: New Y otk Yanke.9 centerflelder Joe DlMaalo comoleted a one-man ... u1t on the BOiton Red Sox in hls fint aeries after btlna aJdellned all 1eUOn with a bone •P\\r in hf.a heel. Over·Ultee 1amea, J oltin' J/>e had. a .4e5 average with four home rW\I and nine RBI u the Y anka awept the Red Sox at Fen way Park, 15-4, 9-7 and 6-2. On thla date ln 1908: At the age of 41, Bolton'• Cy Young hurled the ihlrd and laat no-hitter of h1a 22-year major. league career, blanking the New Yotk highlanders, 8-0. Glider hanging on to sllm lead Bob Glider withstood a late l!I charge by veteran Tom Wel1kopt Frida)', shooting a one-under-par 71 for a one-shot fead midway through · the Western Open Golf Tournament ln Oak Brook, ID. Gilder's streak of five ~tive rounds in the 60s ended, but he ltil1 posted a 36-hole toi.J of 135, breaking the midpoint record since the Western Open moved to Butler National ln 1974. Weiskopf used three atralgbt birdies, starting at 15, for a 67 to take over aole ~on of second place with a total of 136 . . . Sandra Poat conquered the fickle winds that gusted acroae St. George's Golf and Country Club in Toronto to grab a three-stroke lead a.fter two rounds of the Peter Jackson Classic. The veteran Canadian, shooting a 3-under 69, put together her two belt rounds of the year and was at.139, 5-under after 36 holes. First-round leader Betla Daalel, veteran Sandra Ha ynie, Hollla Stacy and Dale Epellag were all tied for aecond at 142. Garden State Bowl suffers demise The Garden State Bowl, one of • many postseason college football contests, is being discontinued after four years, the sponsoring New Jersey Sports & Exposition Authority announced Friday. "We have notified the NCAA that we no longer plan to sporuior the Garden State Bowl," Robert E Malcaby ID, chief executive officer of .the sports authority, said . . . Veteran road racer Danny ODgala drove a Lola T-600 to the pole position for the International Sports Association _Paul Revere 250 at Daytona International Speedway . . . Geolf Bodine drove a Pontiac Grand Prix to the pole position for Sunday's Firecracker 400 ... Rae Scarboroagb, a former major-league pitc~er and special assignment scout for the Milwaukee Brewers died Thurad$y night at the age of 64. From P•A• 81 AEROBIC. DANCER .. tubject WU flnt brou&ht Up by the Ed1aan c::mchea, thoee wbb were aware of the pros:ram at the athletic club had a dJfferent reaporwe. '"nMsy just eakt, 4<>t\, no' aaya Workman. "Thev knew it wasn't goUl& to be any pk:nlc. ,rBut lheY do their belt to atay wtth Mr-. Our kid.I work and they know why lt'1 lmportan&. "We'll flnd out wt;iether we pI.y bettet" or danice better. Hopefully, both." Purnell 11yt \be Char1en may MO three thnm a week during C:ondJtJonina week in Auguat. and poalibly IOme 11U1ht" day-after-the-game routines duriJlB the le&IOI\ • Stonehou.e got into acoblc dancing • couple of years ago after an auto ilCCldent. .. I ~· out of ahape," she MYI, "and eomeone brought me to a health club and introduced me to it. · 111 became addicted to it. I'm 20 pounds Ughtet now and I do the routine eight times in five daya, but never on Sunday. t relax on Sunday. "People who run 10 miles a day struggle wi~ this." So, the Chargers continue their bump and grind routine. And although she ~ total respect from the team, it looks like a two-way street. "lt'a going to help, they're getting stronger," ~~e says. "I want to see all of thelr games this year. Cup followers mean business MADRID, Spain (AP) -Safet Susie left Yugoslavia for the World Cup three weeks ago as a national hero. But when the Yugoslavians were eliminated from soccer's world championshipe, angry fans . coverged on his home in Sarajevo and destroyed his car. When the players returned to Belgrade, they were jeered by the handful of aoccer fans who showed up at the airport, instead of being hailed for weathering the arduous qualifying route that made Yugoslavia one of the elite 24 teams in the finals. "I didn't know what was happening to me," Susie, a forward, said in horror as he walked into the airport terminal. As of Sunday, only four teams will remain in Spain fort.his week's semifinal matches. It's a good bet that the other 20 will be agonizing over what went wrong. In this World Cup, a star shines only until he is beaten. It's a lesson learned not only by the Yugoslavs, but by many of the World Cup loeers. "I am returning to Lima to face the music," said Peru Coach Elba de Padua Lima, whose contract ran out when Poland thrashed Peru 5-1 in a first-round game and sent the South Americans to their worst World Cup finish in 52 years. The leading Austrian daily newspape~. Kronerueitung, said striker Hans Krankl and his teammates had "fallen into disgrace," despite a hard-fought 2-2 draw in the second ~ Tueeday with gutsy Northern Ireland. The tie bumped Austria from the tournament. Sprinters highlight U.S. showing in dual meet Carlos Cas7.ely, who missed a penalty kick in Chile's first-round match against Austria and did not play up to expectations througho ut the tournament, was worried by reports from home that his family had been threatened. But Russians take a slight advantage after first day of competition in Indianapolis The Kuwait team. which opened with a draw against Czechoslovakia but then slumped to a 4-1 defeat against France. escaped criticism at home. But Kuwait's head coach, Carlos Alberto Parreira of Brazil, was criticized widely in the Kuwaiti press. One newspaper even suggested that his tactics "had brought disgrace on the nation." INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -Sprint.en Darrell Robinson. Carl Lewis and Evelyn Am.ford led a !barge of American winners Friday night in . the United States-Soviet Union dual track and field neet, but the Russians with the help of two protesta 'leld the lead. · In addition to the individual victories by the 1printers. the Americans got a national record from :heir women's 400-meter relay team, a brilliant mchor leg from Calvin Smith in qarrowly :apturing the men 's 400-relay, and s tandout >trformances by shot putter Dave Laut and ).000-meter runner Doug Padilla. However, after 18 events in the two-day :ompetition at Indiana University's new $6 million nck and field stadium, the Russians held a 99-89 . ,ead in the combined men's and women's point 1tandinga. The Russians' advanta.ge after 10 men's eventa NU 54-50 and the Soviets led 45-39 after ~gbt o\>'omen'a events. The remaining 18 eventa will be '\eld today. Robinson , the youn~st member of the \merlcan· men's team at 18( was the aurprille TRACK AND FIELD winner in the 400 in 45.36 eeoonds, a meet record. The old mark of 45.54 was aet last. year by countryman Cliff Wiley. o Wiley wu scheduled to defend his title, but at the last minute, he was withdrawn -without explanation -L in favor of Tony Darden. It was a costly substitution. Darden finished second to Robinson. a high school senior from Tacoma, Wash., but he was diaquallfied for running five steps out of his lane rounding the final turn. The diaqualificati.on resulted in a swing of five points, as the Soviet runners were moved from third and fourth to second and third. Scoring was on a6-3-2-l basil in the individual events, while the relays were acored 5-2. . The Americana benefitted from a similar incident in the women's 3,000 as runner-up Nina Yepeyeva was diaqualified for interfering in the home stretch. l I ! Lawsuit filed against Kuhn, owners That moved Americans Jan Merrill and Francie Larrieu-Smith to second and third, respectively, behind Tatyana Poulonyakoya, the winner in '8:44.50. Lewis, the brilliant sprinter from Willingboro, N.J . and the University of Houston, got the American men off to a flying start by winning the 100 in 10.09, breaking the meet record of 10.15, set by Steve Riddick of the United States in 1976. Even the Belgians, who made it to the second round after upsetting defending champion Argentina, did not escape criticism at home when they bowed out last week. LBYC sailor wins Smith later came back and staged the best finish of the competition. He rallied from 5-10 meters back on the final leg of the men's 400 relay and nipped Nikolay Sidorov with a tremendous FORT WORTH, Texas -John Shadden of lean at the tape. Long Beach Yacht Club won the U.S. Youth The winning time of 38.54 broke the meet Sailing Championship sailed out of the Fort Worth record of 38.56 aet ):>y the American team in 1976. Boat Club on Lake Worth Friday. The Russians, witll Sidorov tumb~~~11:=ross the It was the second straight U.S . title for the finish line, were clocked in 38.56, eq g the old 19-year-old Long Beach sailor who went on to win meet mark. the World Youth Championship last year. Shadden and his crew, Mike Goyan, were Ashford, the world's top-ranked women's sailing in Laser n sloops. They posted finishes of sprinter. kicked off the meet by winning the lOO in 1-1-1-4 for eight points under the Olympic 8COri.ng 11.18, another meet record. In breaking the mark of system. Second in Luer Ila was the team of 11.22 she set in 1978, Ashford led the only Zachary Orlov and Mark Wastoran, New York City, American women's sweep, as Florence Griffith was 35.7 points, and third wae Doug McLean and the runner-up in 11.35. Hideaki Doi, Del Rer.!eacht Club, with 43.4 points. The only national record set was by the Winner in the r single-handed class was 1 NEW YORK (AP) -A lawsuit baa been launched ! 19ainst baseball commissioner 1 Bowie Kuhn and the 26 major- league team owners in an effort by ball players to obtain a ab.are of the profits from licensing a.eleviaion rights. the playen names. pictures and performances on television for the commercial advantage of the commissioner and the ownen co nstituted "unlawful misappropriation of the plaintiffs' valu able property righta." American women's 400-meter relay team, as Alice Vince Kirby, Kings Point., N.)'., 36.4 points; second Brown, Florence Griffith, Randy Givens and Diane was Brian Ledbetter, San Diego, 52 points; and commercial or trade value in Williams blazed to a 42.47 clocking. third was Louis Verloop, Miami, ~.7 points. their names, pictures a nd ._:.===-==:....::::...:.....=:...:..:.....::.:..::.:~------------------------ The action was filed Thursday ln U.S. District Court by Steve Rogers, a Montreal Expos '!pitcher, and pitcher Steve Renko , and catcher Bob Boone of the i Angela. • The complaint said the sale of I broedcuting rights without the I layers' COJ'l8ent and the u.e of "Of the tens of thousands of highly skilled baseball ptayent in the United Stat.es, only the best -fewer than 700 -are skilled enough to play each year in E'lther the American or National league." the suit aaid. ''As a result, plainti!f:a poeee91 property righta of substantial performing ability, since they are known as major attractions to millions of professional baseball fana," it aaid. The players want the court to declare that the ownel"I may not aell their performances to television without their consent a nd that t o do so violates copyright Uiw and their civil rights. They sought an injunction and damages, amount not specified, to be determined at a trial. ... fta. AU Unlike shoes, you can't buy new feet ,1,15 ~ VIWe when they wear out. That's why NIKE makes shoes for individuals. Shoes for the road, the trails and models for both. For feet that are flat or arched, rigid or flexible . Whether you chum out 125 miles a week or rup a good ten. So tie one on. And avoid a run-in with your leet. 1 .,. . I Orange Ooat DAILY PILOTIS•turdey, Juty 3, 1982 Ill . Los Al, Hollypark · resul~S Bulletln Board Pou.mt Mca. 400 yerda. Bar 8o Min (Hert) UO 8ooa1e F-(CtMQer) Tao Mt Not (Mitchell) Time; 20.22. II DACTA (l-1) peld 142.40 3.40 2.80 8.00 3.40 4.40 ,.,_. flACI. 170 ywde. Bobby on on ICWIMel 10.80 uo 6.oo Jutta Hot Shot (~) 11.10 8.20 JoMgo (Mylet) 6.80 Tlmt: 45.N . .. XTH flACL 400 ywdl. ~ ( ......................... . ... T MC& I Mlonea· Z.C.tocw-(MoCenon) 1.20 6.40 4.80 ,...._ l'OWer (H-) 6.40 4.00 Wtncty't ~ (TOJO) 1.40 A*> l'lllDed: Ulll9 Roen, Mou. TO'I, '41' ~. IUt9' And Run, OMimoncl l•t o-t Lynn'a Fency, TOY Tin-TlrN. 1:10 116. - .MCOMD AAC8. 8 luf'lonOI. HUCJlbtiY (Outrre) 8.00 4.40 3:20 Minda• l!Mnt (Plncay) 4.00 3.00 My ~ King (OllV111'•) 2.80 Al9o raoad: l'ectl Champion, Lott Knight. Lane•• VIHn, Propoeltlon B .• O'l.orcaJn, Jumpeelt Authof'hy, He'N K11chutn. &ettle h Out, Word For Word. Time; 1:J.O 115. II DAIL 'I DOUka (IM) pllld 148.20. THIN> "ACL 8 lurlongt. l'llgO-•t (Aregon) 6.20 3.40 2.80 Son Anoe!M (Mc:Cetron) 5.00 3.20 King'• Plot (Guerra) 2.40 Alto re~ed: Wln~11>1r. Alota Royalty, For!une Roed, <¥1>11 t T~. C..'t Kale, King Wertodl. PrecSonVnete. Staker't Tercel, No Mo u Tuma. Tlme: 1:10. • IXACTA (1-2) paid $78.00. FOURTH flACI. 5'Ai lurlonQa. Betita'• Mika (Olivar•) 4.00 4.80 3.20 One Eyed Romeo (Velenzuela) 9.20 5.80 ""'"Mal. 1 1111...,, .• 1 AMThe~I~ ,..UI Ito 1.10 Vtlwl Ina ~I• 1 , t• U0 I .to lnat1n1 (MIMI LIO A. 110 r11eed. L-alt•, ltrawberry ltlotl. lptly Co6oeM. M'° ..._ Theme, MIMlnO In ActlOI\ .• T7i~•fl . .. •1w1111111..._ l«ltTM MC& t t/M ....._ EIWOY Of OrMOt {Vlllnm) 11 40 UO 3 10 Etn•t !. (OeWlO''tH)W) 4.00 t .IO The Haout (~ UO Allo r.oed: OcMdefl ~. OtilM)t With Oan, Crlmaon All, Mulm Oorky, HI• Hollneu, 111011 H 81\Hlly, T.V Plye r llllmlnetdll. • Time; 1:43 415. ' llYINTM M CI. e lul10ftOt, 8-uttf\ll 0 .... CMoearron) HO 2.20 2.20 Warr-tna (ltleokl · 4.IO •.00 Mita 0yn .. 11c <V~> e.oo Alto r.a.ct; The Way w. W••· Pallealr T41iePtlty, RIM 0. Pit, Fleet Olga, Hatl\le Gill'. T""-: f:oe 111. • IXACTA (1-8) P110133.00. II fltCtc 1tX <M-7~1) pe1c1 l2..1.32UO with S8 wlnntne tldr.111 (llJI ,_...,. ,, PIQi Shi CONOlatlon peld 139.20 Witt\ 712 Wining tlek•t• (five llor ... ). 12 Ptetc II• tcratcli CONO!etlon oeld '83.20 wttll Mt winning tlck•t• (lour llOfMI. one ICrltoh). lfOHTH M CI. 1 1118 mt• on tur1. Multl (Llpllam) 21.eo 8.80 4,20 Amr8'>QUt <McCarron) 2.80 2.40 Pare Led (toro) 2.80 Alto tic.cl: Charge ACCOYnt. AnA ... ""' Never~. .,.... • Time; 1·41 2/5. • UACTA (1·2) paid $145:00. NINTH """· 1 1/ 18 mllM. Okie River (Orttfll) 12.20 7.00 5.80 DHUVille Dawn (Llpllam) e.oo 3.80 L.B.'a Prtnoe (Plncay) •.40 \ Jett 0 Ludt (CerdoU) 8.00 .i.tcn Roer (TOflllt) Did N Run (CfNger) Time: 20.17. 4.80 3.20 540 4.00 3.00 Oen\letnen 8leOe (Bleck) 3.80 Alto rececl: Lonely SM. LuclledOf, St9rllng Sliva. Riyal, O.l>onalr Hero. Rudy JamH. Adroit. Cornltll Warrior. Plotavlll• Aleo raced: Hiii To All>ert, Tlnle AdYocilte, What'• VOYr Beg. E.'t fredHlon. Dodging Along. Fleet Stone, Tiiieman. Cllllf Oummo. Time t.42 4/5. M EXACTA (11.J) paid $184.00. Today's TV, radio II UACTA (5-7) peld $48.20. Time: 1:04 3/5. Attendance: 20,222. -TELEVISION HVENTH ".ACI . 350 yard•. 7 a .m. (4) -WIMBLE DON TENNIS -Finals Fun Diii (Tr-rel 3.eo 2.eo 2.20 A ( g b h of the women's competi~on. ::i~e~:,ard> 3·40 ~:: rea earn ra S OnOrS 12:15 p.m . (4) -BASEBALL -Seattle at Alto receci: Mr x cn.ge. P-Em Chicago White Sox. ' Streell:er. MIN AIOf• .Jee. eo.mo.i.. The California Juniors, a girls team went undefeated 2:30 p.m . (2) -SENIOR OLYMPICS -Time: 17 .89. a I XACTA 11-e1 pe1cu12.80. 17-and-under girls women's while the Balboa Bay Club's Competition includes swimming, w reatling, tlOKTM "ACL 350 ylrda. volleyball club team, captured 19-and-under men's team also decathlon and sailing. ~ Cut N Aun (W.,.dk 27.40 14.20 11.40 the U.S. volleyball association was victorious. 3:30 p.m . (2) -GOLF -Third-round play at :=a0S:Tnf~J~1 •trono> 8·80 ::: Jun ior Olympics w estern All will now compete in the the Western Open f~ Oak Brook, Ill. Alto receci: ';:;raun Runner. aey N•~ regional champio nship last national championships at UC 4 p.m. (7) -BOXING -Sugar Ray Leonard's Too,Hotel~KldetwOfne,KlptAnget. weekend at UC Davis. Santa Barbara July 8-10. Golden Gloves. ~~~'fr'::,"'u.1 eono.m. _) Recently formed, the team is Members of the California 5 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - ll E.XACTA (2-3)peld$200.20. made up mostly of area high Juniors team include Leslie Finals of th e North American Boxin g a f'M:K atX 134-1-6-1-21 f!"'..!22,03&.40 school girls and is coached by Devereaux (El Toro High), Lori championships from Las Vegaa, lncludlng the U.S . s:!"c!:ot~~~~~\~ with Ji~~ Steve George, a former Orange Zeno (La Quinta High), Connie and Cuba (taped): also, taped coverage of the tlcl!•t• (llw ~). Coast College and USC coach Watson (Westminster High), Lisa U.S.-USSR track and field meet from Indianapolis. ...,.... .-.c~ 870 ~d•. who will be the assistant under Greenberg (Corona del Mar 5:30 p.m. (5) -BASEBALL -The Angels are Mt Kitka (Hert) 6.40 3.00 2.40 Dale Flickinger at Arizona State High) and Brooke Hahner at K.a.n.sas City in the second of a three-game set. Travelln Show (Ctaeoerl 2·80 2·80 in the fall (Esperanza High). RADIO Mr Stacy Bot> (Armttrong) 3.eo · Alto raced: Renell Action. Run Native Rut1, Two other area teams also won Devereaux was -selected co-Baseball -Angels at Kansas City. 5:35 p.m., Eay Fuhlon, Frier Bob. titles. The Orange County most valuable player of the KMPC (710): Houston at Dodgers, 7:05 p.m., KABC ~'7h~~'i1_., peld Sl4.00. VoUeyball Club's 15-and-under tourney. (790) . Plumer wins 1,500 race Hatfield fifth at junior m eet From AP dh_paccltes LOS ANGELES -University High product Polly Plumer breezed to a 4:23.33 in the 1,500-meter race Thursday and a victory Thuraday at, tht; U.S. Junior Women's track and field champlonsh1ps at UCLA. Plumer, running for the Coast Athletics, was one of several Orange Cout.-area women who turned in impressive performances at the meet in UCLA's Drake Stadium. · Mission Viejo High graduate Jacque Norton, the state wbmen's high school diacus champion. uiok second place in that event with a 154-9 heave. Fountain Valley High's Sharon Hatfield picked up a pair of fifth-place finishes.. Hatfield ran a 14.57 TRACK AND FIELD . m in the 100 hurdles and then managed an 18-4¥. in the long jump. Like Plumer, Hatfield competes for Coast Athletics. Lisa Fegraus, a Laguna Beach High product, recorded a 5-7 in •the high jump, good enough for fifth place. Top mark of the meet was turned in by Gayle Kellon of Southern California Cheetahs, who set an American junior. record in the 400-meter hurdles with a 58.22 mark. That broke the old record of 58.31 set by Sandra Farmer In 1979. Kellon is a junior at Walnut High School. There was only one other record set at the meet. The Southern California Cheetahs were timed in 3:39.l in the mile relay. The first two finishers in each event will compet e in the Pan American Junior C);wnpionah.ips at Barquisimeto, Venezuela July 31-'Aug. 1. Natalie Kaaiawahia, a junior at Fullerton High School. won her second straight national jtmior championship ln the shot put with a 51-3 effort. Cindy Johnlon, a senior from Chandler, Ariz., who copetes for Coast Athletics, won the d.iacua with a 174-0 effort. Christian wins Huntington Beach'• Alan Christian waa the big Winner "l'riday night. capturing the tcratch main event at speedway motoreycle Rdng at Cotta Mesa'• Oranae County~· The n1ee1 drew a IW'pliatQCly 1arp turnout of 8,112 fana .. But aot the early teed in the ICJ'atch main, but ChrUUan took the outside and dueled Best. The lead d\aDl9d handa three tlmm before Christian finally went aheld I« keeps d uring the four-laR rece. . In other eveQta, StetUna Copr of Rtvetllde -the hmdkap mein wtnner. Meanwhile, Wtll Harper from Oran1•1 fomMrly 1 mococroee rider, took the thfrd dlvWon llllliD .wnt, a rookit nee. U.S. nearing tropliies . ~~~~~~~~~~.-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Antique Show Huntington Center mall today thru July 5. !;'i:t Na ClOMDCrlOf-IOlM WAT9 NIA~ MTlllOOM 'IMOOll INO S. I< 11101 hrvlce 1-91-.. v,,.,, Door (Cell Stor• _, Your A-) COSTA MISA 641-1289 ' u,......,..., ...... MISStON VllJO 495-0401 2"22 C...... C1.hh•• ,_ ... ......, ... ,_,,Phy.) 4181~ TEii PLYWOOD 4181~ PEClll PLYWOOD • 4181~ BIRCH PLYWOOD Fiber Board Core Reg. 32.00 Reg. 30.QO Reg. 40.00 SALE $1495 SALE $2595 Antique i81~ . SALE !~~!£~!!~1 !~!!!lllY PLYWOOD 4~~~0 $2995 at the Huntington Center 11••••••••••••••••••••••••••11 mall. Featuring outstanding, American and European1 collections plus Heritage! ays entertainment. Beach Blvd at 405 Fwy, H.B. R11i1ter For Summer Sohool Huntington Center student and adult classes start July 6. Enroll In the mall weekdays 1 to 4 & 7 to 8: Set/Sun 12 to 5.,. ,....,,1t11 ., .......... ......... .,_;., -JO • ..., •• 1112 4181~ WALllUT PLYWOOD Character GracM lumber C.. ( 41l1!h BIRCH PLYWOOD Ven.., Core Reg. 90.00 Reg. 37.00 SALE $4995 $2195 HOME ·VIDEO v Jltlll Avl11'QRE v CAMERAS v FILM RENTAL v TELEVI SION v ACCESSORIES L/rnlt«J to Stock on Hlllld BIG SCRE ~---~ T.V.'S s47a YESI ~CW,::.,AD 24 DELUXE PIECES AU 24 PIECES S 14.95 lllZlll 24 PllCE NITULE YCI IFFEI OPEii TO PUBLIC WllElllSE llSTlllmll CEITEI BUY WHERE THE BUYERS BUY PllUC In .cktftJon to our giant retail ...... E dlvlaton, Weber'• World .a.o -I IV IUPPllM other Cellf. retaNera Wttt1 RCA producta •t publilhed w..-.houM ~· For a LIMITED TIME thla dept. wtll be pPEN TO PUBLIC. ~In Now-WHY l'AY llOM1 •VIDEO RECORDERS • BIG SCREEN • ~IDEO CAMERAS • TELEVISIONS IN or1n99 Oout ~L v tttLOT flaturd1y, JuN 3, 1112 p...;;..;... ____ ...;.• ________________ ~ ,Jllll....._ ____ ...;.;.;.... ______________ ....,. ...... ____________________ ....,,,~----------------------------...., ~ . ' ., ... MAIOfl LIAOU. 8TANDIN08 AM1rtMnL.eilw ......... DMllilA W L M .. 416 32 .114 -42 3t .5" nt .-0 34 .141 , ... 41 3t .532 • 30 40 .421 11o,t " 40 .4111 13 t1 17 .tee 24o,t ....... ~ .... 31 41 32 at :w ,. :M 37 at " 37 34 41 ,...,..._... ~Clty7=2 NewYorll $, I 8elllmor9 11 4 .......... 14, eo.ton 11 Toronto t, Mlnneeotl 4 9Mtlll .. ONcego, ppd niln T .... 1. o.kWwl o .687 -.573 1 .5.M 4 .621 41'4 .507 11 .41ae '"' .453 10 ,.., .. o-.. ...... (Ooltt 1·1) at KeneM City (Oufe M ),n S..ltll ,,,._.. 3-8) •• ClliceoO (Ump 6-3) Tu11 (Honeycutt 41-7) al 0 1kl1nd (Langford e.11 Naw Vorel (Jolln 5·111 •I Clevela nd (Sorenlln 7 .. ), n Boaton (Rainey 4-2) at Mllw1uk•• (VllOkovtch ~). Toronto (Clency 7-41) et MlnnHole (O'Connot o-t~ n 8elltmorw (Dlvla 0-1) 11 OWolt (Ujdut 1-3), n ~~ W L ....._. 4e 211 .613 -43 33 .see 3\t 41 30 .5111 7 311 43 .4511 12 32 .... .421 14\t 3, 415 .408 15'h ...... ~ Pllllldelphia 412 34 SI. Louie 43 85 MonWel .-0 85 Pl111burgll 38 311 New Vorit 38 311 Clllcego 30 48 Fftdef'e ..... Houlton 4. ~ l PmlburQll 6-7. MontrMI 3-2 Allanea I, ClndnMll 4 .553 -.551 -. 533 lit . 614 3 .41M ••.t .31() 13'4 New York 8, PNllldelpllla 4 ~ 4, S1. LOUla 3 Sin Frencleco 8-2, Sin Oieoo 4-3 T .......... ~ Houaton (Rullle 5·5) at l'\elf1er1 '· (V~1CM) Clnc*lnell (Soto 7-4) at Adenta (M-7 .. 1 Montreal (Palmer 3· 1) at Pl1t1burgh (s.mi.nto 2·~1 PNledllpNI (KNk-7-11) at New Vor\ c.ion... e.n Cllago (Flitt 0-21 et St. lOUla (Andu)llr 7-51 Sin Frenciaoo (Mertln $-4) II S... Diego (Wellh 5-3) AMERICAN LaAOU. cAUt::Z:-1• ~cm .. '..... .. ' .... Downing If 5 0 0 0 W.Wlloll If 41 1 2 II CetllW fb 5 0 1 0 WllNn o a 2-1 0 Or1c:tl 211 4 0 1 0 '"" If) 2 1 0 0 Beytot dll 4 1 2 t <>111 ot a 1 a a OeCncl3b 2 I 1 0 McRMdtl I l I 2 AeJdlan " 4 0 1 0 "*-lb 41 0 0 0 Lynn Cl • 0 1 0 Mar11n rt 6 0 1 1 Foll• 4 0 0 0 Whlte2tl 5 t 1 0 Boone c 4 0 2 0 U.WIMn • 3 0 1 1 Totlla 36 2 ll 1 Totlla M 7 12 7 Celltornla ._. .., -=r 002 000-2 Kenaa City 310 011 01x-7 E-Alk-. OP-Calltornla 1, ~City I. LO B-Callfornla II, Ke11a11 City 13. 28 -0tte. Qrlcti. W. Wllaon, White, OeClnc8I, Re.~. McR• HR-Beytot (12). S8-W.Wlleon, W•lllen, C....... PH1t11t•10 IWllto tl.7·2i O 2 3 3 3 0 H_... 3 31150 Sandie ~4 2220 AMI 2'h 3 I I 0 1 K-CMJ Blue (W.5-5) e 1 z 1 , 3 Annettong (S.2) 3 2 0 0 0 0 Renlco pitched to five beltere In Ille 1a1. HINier pltchacl to '°"' betlere In Ille 4111. T-2:51. A-29,809. ~:r;:r·· ;.r A " ...... ...., HI te 1 1' .111 111 141 ... l ...... aGI IO M 11 It .IM MI070 Ill .... Ml 411 M • 11 .Hi *M .. IR IO .UO n1 11 " • ;1 .in 'lt\OIO 1 e .tta IO I 13 1 41 .HQ 17' M 7a e 48 .Ill m ,, 11 11 ar .a4t at a • 1 8 .n1 .. 3 10 0 2 ,20I " 10 17 0 Ii . 177 41 4 1 0 2 .1M ,, 2 o o o .ooo t,6'0,.. 714 ., 117 .271 .~IOW..t. PA 3°"' H It 20 1.0 U7 It 12 e 15 1.1 u1 113 107 32 31 w 3.03 1aa" 110 2t ,. 1.. a.s41 4'~ H 20 at ~ t. 17 It 87 24 H 7•t U41 1~ 11 211 413 .. a :us 42~ 41 2' 28 S.O U1 7e " 30 42 w 8.81 417111 51 17 30 1 .. S.32 71~ 8641 240 332 4W2 3.37 ............... , New York 100 001 001-3 6 0 ~ 000 001 000-1 • 0 Erlcklon, L1Rooh1 (t), Frul•r (7). 0--(ti end Wyneger; Wlllt1, WllltlOll (t ), Ofynn (8) and Hu .. y. 81ndo. w-~ldc~. 5-7. L-We11a, o.t. 8-0oeetcM (14). HR-New York. Wlnlleld 2 (If). A-31,735. , OfWle .. """ 4 BeltlmOre o 10 OS 1 000-5 1 2 Detroit oot 200 000-4 I O 1'91met. T. Martinez (Ill. Stoeklerd (81 end Nolen, OempHy; Morrie, Lopez (5). P. ~ (Ill. Toblk (I) end Pam.II. W-Pllmer. 7-3. L-P. IJndiwwood. 3-5. 8- Sloddlfd (7). HR-8altlmo1e, E. Murrey ( 11). Rlpke n (ll); 0111011. P1rrt1h ( 10). A-211.477. .._.'4, ........ Boaton 013 010 000-5 a 2 Mllwauk• 205 021 40ll-14 17 1 Torrez. Surgmaler (5) end Allen1on; McClute end Slmmona. W-Mc:Clute, 7·2. l -Torru, .. 6. HR-8oeton. Sl.,,..ton Ct ). Evene (ll): Mllw11.1kM. Simmon• (11). 0 . Tl'loma 2 (21). COOC* (17). A-28.~57 .... ,,.,. t. TWIM 41 Toronio 100 110 204-11 1' t Mlnneeotl 000 112 000-4 7 0 Gott. 0. Murrey (I ). J. Mct..augnUn (I ) and 8. MartlMl. Whlll; ~. R.. O.Yltl (7), Utt .. (Ill and L.aHtner. W-0. Mum1y, 4-3. L-Heven•. '"'· 8-J . McLauglllln \3). HR-Toronto, MONlly (4), Up1haw ( I); 1AlnnHol1, R. Johnaon (8). Wud (11). A-7,503 . ........ 7.A'lt TUii 200 010 202-7 14 0 Olklend 000 000 000-0 2 I Hough end Sundberg; Ktngmen. B McLaughlin (5). AftayO (Tl and Newman. W-Hough. 7.5, L-Klngman. 0.6. HA-T-Semple (61. PerrWI (2). A-12.71ll NAT10NAL LEAGUE Aetroe .. Dodaer9 1 HOUeTOM LOS~· •' llllit Ill r ltM Thon• 500 0 8u2b 4 000 Puhlrt 2100 l.Mldruel300 0 KnlgM 1b 3 0 1 0 laker II 41 1 3 0 J.Cna If 41 0 1 1 au.-" 3 0 0 0 Oenw2tl411 10~311 40 11 A."-Sb 3 l 1 1 ~ 1b 3 0 I 0 T.looft cf 41 0 1 0 A.,,.,. p 0 0 0 0 "'** 0 41 1 2 2 S.81*t9y p 0 0 0 0 Mtonp 41000 Mondypfl 1 000 l..ICertep 0000 ..... 0 sooo "°9ftdl pfl 1 0 0 0 ........ 1010 V."°"'9p I 00 0 ()rtapfl 1 000 ,.,..,p 0000 .... 111, 000 T4*1111 a 4 1 4 TlMll at 1 I 1 ........ .... .. ~ 000 002-4 Loe....... 000 000 001-1 1-til---. 011'-H-tOll 1. lOt- Houllorl I, Loe Atlgl6ee I. HA-P\ltOll (2). a.-A.How. ........ Sutton (W, M ) Lacon.($, 1) •H"Ul•IO 1~ e 1 1 2 5 lo\ 0 0 0 0 1 Lei ....... V.ltomo ((.G-.21 5 3 2 2 1 FClr1ller 2 0 0 0 3 A.Pwwl I\\ 4 2 2 0 S.StllMy ¥. O O O 0 1 H8P-8y V ROITIO (Plfhl). T-2.411 A-43,364. .,_,,..4 Clncinnetl 010 120 000-4 11 2 Allam• 000 303 OOx-6 II 0 s.-. Kem (I) and Ven Oofd«: Camp, Oeyt9y (5). lledtolian (71. Ollrtler (Ill Ind Benedict. W-Deyiey, 4-41. L-SMver. 4-8 S-Oerber (13). -H"-Clnelnnett. Or1-en (lit, Atlaf\ta. Homer (14~ A-32,709. NlJC fl)11C[ ,...,QMll ............... 1111 Frenolloo 000 013 004-1 10 0 San °"00 300 000 010-41 7 1 'OW!k•i. ~ (5), Minton (t ) end Mey, Ventble: 1;Uttle. C""'-(81. ~ LIL l.llClll (t) Md T. Kennedy. W-, N . L-Qfevecky O·I. Hit-Sen Franclaco, Evan• (Ht, Clerk ( 14}. Mo19a11 (II); Ian· oi.oo. Au. Jonte (10). NCOND.._ ,..... ....... 8an Frencleco 01 f 000 000-t I 0 Sen Oleoo 000 000 3011-3 5 0 Cl•, laWll .. m and 8tenly; I.oiler. u- 1•1 and T. K91'tnedy. W-1.0ller, 1·2. L-I.a ....... 41-4. 8-LUOM (11). HR-San °"00• T. K4ltlMdy (t ). A-2f, 120, CllM41,C..._I CtilceQo 20 I 000 100-4 t 1 SI. Louie 001 110 000-3 11 0 Rlpkly. Kllwo ($), Tldf-(7) ltld J. OeY!t; L.aJ>olnt, K-(11. KMI ()'). 8eH (t) and Port.... W-Kta"90. 1-4. L-t..aPolnt, •·2. S-Tldrow (1). A-27.3111 . Top 10 ( ................ , ... NCANLaAOW Q A8 It Hflet. Bonnell, T0tonto lie 2t2 311 75 .3'4 Hwre11. c~ 12 283 eo " .Ho W.WlllOn, Kana Cty 50 21e 2t 7t .333 McRal, Ken1 Cty 7 4 282 40 ll3 .330 Coopet, MllwllUllM Iii 215 411 113 .326 On.obi!, T.... s2 114 11 50 .326 Hrbek. Mlnneao11 64 283 44 12 .U 41 Patnall, Detroit 53 179 34 58 .324 E.Murrey, Beltlmor. 62 207 33 f7 .U 4 Yount, Mllweuk• 70 263 41t ti .322 .......... G. Thomll, MllWll.lkM, 21; ThOrnton, Clavelend. Ill; Ogllvle. Miiwaukee. Ill; COOC*. Mllwauk•. 17; Hrbell. MIMMOla. "· .._ .......... McRH , Kanua Clly, 70; Tllornton. Cleveland. '3; Cooper, MllwaukH, 111. lUilnelll. Clllcego. 51: OgNvle. MllWllUk•. 55. ......... ,,.~, VllkOYlcll, MllwlUlt ... t-3; ,.. ~ t ·l1 Cluldr)'. New York, 1·3; Pelmar, BellJnM>te. 7-3: CaldM. a..n ... 7-3: Bltll.,, CleWlland, M ; 8urn1. Chlc:lgo. t-4; Oura . K-Clly,M . MA T10NAL LaACMl9 QMltHPet. M<lGM,StLou 44 145 17 50 .345 T. Pena, Pitta 64 2.42 2f 83 .343 o.-. Montr 74 2711 43 " .322 Francona. Montt 44 131 141 42 .321 IWtor, N.Y. 52 164 20 52 .317 Frencona,Monlt '4 131 14 42 .321 Bellor. N.V. 62 164 20 52 .317 KnlgM.Hou.tn 711 2111 • 1 lit .316 ~11,Dodien 65 223 40 70 .314 O.waon.Montr 61 211 57 61 .313 Lecv.P111a ~ 164 34 51 .311 J,Thl'npan,PIUI 72 te7 50 83 .311 .......... Murphy, Allll'lta, 22; Kingman. New Yono, 17: Carter. MontrMI. 1': J . Ttlompaon. Plltaburgll, 11; .... ~ ti. ............ Murphy, AltMla, M; Olhw. MonlrMI. 641: ~ Sen ,,enc:ilaeo, 153; T. Kemed)'. Sen Dlt90, 52; Mettllewe. Pflll•delpflta, 50: ..... ~- ........ (.0.........) Loller .... oi.oo.~· Mclnlrl9. W:O.~. .a.a:~ . 8an Oleoc. 7·8: Forach, t. L~la. t-4; Sunon. lioueton. M : ..._, ~ M; Solo, Cincinnati. 7-4. TOUNt=~ (CMllirtet •> (et On "9• ._...LL) ,,...,.. ..... RotMnwoo<1 8. ac-w1ew AmJricen 2 T..,-1~ Fountain Vf/W/ Nortll ve. s..vi-, 10 a.m. WwtrniMter American VII. W811mlnl1er NatJone1. 1 p.m. Hunllngton Vf//lrrf .,,._ 11o1 ... 4 p.m. .....,..ca..... Stanton va. Fountain Valle y North· ~winner. 1 p.m. T_.,..0-0ceenvlew Nallonal v1. Wealmln11er Netlonal-W•tmlntte Amenc:an winner. 5:30 • ......,..a... Founlaln Valley Soulh vt. Huntington v-:r,;:-~:·!:°.,:. pll)'9CI Thutedey. July 8 and Friday. July ll •t 5:30; Cttemplonahlp gatnl i. Salu•day, .My 10 al I p.m PtllJC fl)11C[ ,SE; 9'1111 I, A'9111tlM t Wwl ~I, lt>elft 1 ..... . ._ ~ ¥1. l'olend-Nofl"9tn ~ w, ,,..,.. ................ =::~ llllllPIMN.I """*'· """' • Winner Q{oup A Ye. Wlllnet Group C al l•otlone. Wlnlw Otoup I va. Win,.., Cl•OllP O at h¥1Me, ff.w.I Tlllt<I Pl--8alurdey, July 10 o~-~.Jvty11 Wcwtd Cup •tendlnt• c:-r AT W GA ,,_ 100102 I o 0 I 0 t 020040 ....,..ca-. "-la ~ ll'Olend ~IT Of' 4A "8 1 0 I 2 1 3 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 0 ......... o- Spaln ... El\OIMd ~c, w 4A,.. eruit 1 o o 3 1 2 llely 100 2 I 2 Atoen1111a o 2 o 2 6 o ........ o-81uJI va. 11.iy ~DT W GA ll'te Frenoe 1 0 O 1 o 2 Ncwlllem l•elend 0 0 1 2 2 1 Auellll 0 I 1 2 3 I ...,..o-Nor1 .... n lt.i..nd ¥1. Fr.,_ Coemoe Toronto Mont,... ChlC4llgo NAl&.e~ ...... Dtwleleii W L Of' GA ... f'ta f4 4 413 2' 411 123 11 8 37 te 211'· 96 1 I 7 33 26 2f 61 6 12 27 31 25 65 ~~ '°" l.lllderd• 13 e 413 42 40 110 21 82 31 75 t1 75 Tampe Bay II 12 32 44 TutM t 10 36 37 J~ 8 11 28 36 ....... DlwWen 11 8 38 M 28 112 11 6 34 211 27 19 8 10 33 28 211 15 8 10 30 32 25 68 7 11 22 It 18 5e Edmonton 11 12 21 37 18 50 T..,-10- Edmonlon 11 Chle8DQ Toronto 11 Montr_,, n San JoM at s..11 ... n C-.atVtncouYlt,n ,._..,..MIULTe ...... 0www ............... John McEnroe (U,8.) def. Johan Kriek (Soutll Afrtca). 4-t . 11·2. 7·5. 11·3; Tim Meyolle (U.S.) clef. 8ttan TMCtler (U.8.), 6-7, , ... 3-t, 6-1. ...... ll*d ...... 0.-... M8'11 £dmoud1011·Klm Wer.lcll (AUllralie) def. Syd Bell (Auetnlle).Auaeell 8lmpeon (..._ t...lend~ M .J-:4. 1a.10. ..... a.._ .... ~ Kevin Cunen (8outh Alncll)-81-Denton (U.S.) def. J olln Lloyd (lrlleln)-Olck Stodlton (V.a.~ 7..,, 1..e; ...._ ~• Paul McN1mH (Auetrall1) def. M.,k ~ Wllf'Wldl (AUltr ... ), &-3. ...... ._ ................. Martine Nevrelltove (U.S.) ~. a.tune !lunge (U.8.), 6-t, &-2; Clw1e E-1 Lloyd (U.8.} clef. a. ,,_, KlrlQ (U.S.). 7 ... 2 ... w . ._..Qwl ....... O........ l(dly Jotdlln..Mnl Smith {U.S.) def. bl9e ~~~7-5. Kdly Jotden-AMe Sl'tllltl (U,8 .1 del. Aoele c ..... (U.8.>-W9tldy Turnbull (Auatt ... ). 1·2. 2·6, t-4; Martina Navralllov•·P•m Sllrlver (U.8 .) def. Set11na lunge ~{)-Qeudle KOflde tweet O«meny). w . ,.,..~ ..... 0.-... s ..... o.n.on.JoAnne ,_.... (U.8.) def. FrlU ~AndrM lAMd (U.8.), dMluh. ................... .,...... 8-OentorwoAnne ,__(U.S.) del. COiin oa..d•aell (8rttaln)-Roe '*benlt /South AITICal. default; Owen Oevldeot1 (AIMlr~ .... KlrlO (U.8.) *'· Rey ~enyal.loyd~~~ (Auetrella) def • ....., ~ a.. (U.S.),. M .e-1. ~ ...... -..o.-... Chris Jotinalone·P•m Whylecron (Aualralla) def. Frew MoMlllen (South Afrlel>-Betty Stow (NMIMiWldl), 6-3, 7-6. NI.IC ll)T1C( 77·73-150 73-77-150 71·79-150 711--72-150 72-78-150 7S-75-150 75-75-150 77-73-150 72-78-150 74-76-150 77-73-150 76-74-150 77-74-151 77-74-151 78-73-151 75-76-151 7S-78-151 7&-75-151 j~j:=:~~' 76-78-152 75-77-162 74-79-153 76-75-1S3 75-78-163 13-80-1S3 77-79-IS3 76-78-154 79-75--154 75-711-154 80-74-154 75-79-154 75-7ll-15"4 79-75-154 83-71-1~ 77-77-15-4 114-70-154 78-71-155 77-78-155 80-75-155 76-79-155 76-e0-155 63-72-1!•5 78-77-155 74-81-155 74-82-156 78-78-156 79-77-156 76-81-156 LNA .......... t (lll'f--.) llllclr1 P014 7~ llt ..,.. Haynl9 7i.71-1411 ltltl ~ .,.,._ 141 Diii I 70-12-14 Holli~ .... n -1412 ~ .... 12.11-1411 Jen 'F· '°"'._ 1., Donni 70.7'-1413 J-,...._, .... M. floyO-o.Afl'Nlll et-16-14141 Doc O..melll 12·7t-'"" lelly 1.IU.. 7f.1f-1'4 JIM! OolM 7:Ms-146 hlll IOlomon 7S·12-t4t Ab MllW 12·7'-141 hlW KlnO 11•71-141 JoAtlneC1rnet 74·11-141 G8H Hlt1t1 71-71-1441 Donna Willie 74·72-1 ... .. Nancy Wlllte T&-71-14t Lewi Huxhold 7 I· 76-14t Robin Welt~ 71·15-14t NlllO)' LOI* 74-72-14t P111y 811M1\111 72·74-14t Mlfdelt Willilrl• 75-74-147 8hlfon • .,, .. , 73.74-147 Ju<ly Rankin 1•·13-1•7 Pal 8fldkly 73-74-1417 VIGlll Tabor 71·17-14t 8W!Ote Ptln141< 14-74-14' L.otl O.,l>acll 72· 78-14t Joyo. K&rmlel'llll 16-73-14' Cindy LlneoM 12·71-1'4 SMiiey Hemlln 7G-71-141 TM<-H.Won 71·7'-1'11 Kethy WhllwO<th 75,74-1418 SUiit e.t111nO 77·72-1411 Clthy MOtM 11·72-1411 SUi1e McAHllt" 75-74-1411 Kallly Poetlewlllt 74-75-1411 Petty Ha~ 75-74-1411 Alio. Ritzman 77·73-150 Cetlly ~not<11 77-73-150 C. Ann Cr_, 77-73-150 Ju<ly Clltle 7 5-7 5-150 Senclra $pUZ.ICll 74·7'-150 SIMI 8e(IOlec:clnt 74·7'-150 Vicki F .. gon 75-75-150 8etbatl Mo•,_. 7~·77-151 Bedty PNraon 75-76-151 Lynn Adema 74-77-151 Julle PyM 76-75-151 Kethy Manin T •·ll0-15 1 Lynn Stroney 12·7ll-161 M. Spen¢41r-Dovhn 17-74-151 DlanM Olliey 74·77-151 Sytvta F.,don 76-78-152 Penny Putz 72-80-152 Connie Cnmem1 71~1-162 Metly Olelletaon 7 4· 78-152 Alexandra Reinhatdt 77-75-152 ElllM Hand 17-76-IS3 eev.ny Oav1 .. Coope< 7 4· 7ll-153 Metthe Han-. 77·78-153 S.-ly Huke 7ll·74-153 Linda Hunl 77-76-153 CllM<lne Ovggat1 76-76-153 Amy Alcott 76·77-153 U.l.~meet (at ............ ) '""'' In flllleten llllEN 100-1 Cati Lewla IU S.). 10 09, 400-I. Oerrall Roblnaon (U s l. 45.36. 5.000-I Doug Padllt1 (U.S.). 13 33 30, 10,000-1. Tomas Turb (USSR). 26.58 27 ; 110 riurdle•-1 Alaksandr Puchkov (USSR), 13. 78; 400 retey-1. Untied StatM (Wright. Miiiet. Cook. Smllhl. 38.5-4. TJ-1. G«>nldly Yal)'\llcevlch (USSR). 55.9•1.; PV-1 Billy Ol1on (U.S ). 16·3 JT-1. Oalnlt Kula (USSR). 290..0. SP-1 Dave Llul tU.::I >. 71·6'h WOMEN 100-1 Evelyn Asllford (U.S >. 11.111; 400-1 Elena Korban (USSRi, S0.78. 3,000-1 Tatyana Pozdonylkova (USSRi. O 44 50. 400 relay-I United States (Brown, Orlllflh, Given a, W1lllam1), 42.47. 100 hurdlea-1. MAIOIA Merchult liJSSR). 12.99, W-I Catol lewis (US ). 21·8'1•, HJ-l c-. Somme< tU S.). 6-2~"· OT -1 Galina Savlnkova (USSR), 227~. FrtdeJ'e tr.Mectlone IAtlaAU. Amertc:M~ CHICAGO WHITE SOX -Oetlgnatad Eddie Solomon. pllehet, f0t ...,._I •nd called up Rlchatd Barnes. pllcher. from Edmonton of the Paclllc Coast League NdoMIL.MgW PITISBURGH PIRATES -SlgM<I Tom Mohl. catehe<-c>ullleld.,, and aaslgM<I t\lm to Btlldenton of the Gutt Cout league. FOOT11AU National Footbell Laegue CHICAGO BEARS -StoM<I Rk:l<y Young and 8rad Webb. llne&ec ker•: lerry Delwiche. pun11r: and Oen Pensick. defenlive ltneman Na.med Brian McCISl<ey •Mlatanl ''"'* NEW ORLEANS SAINTS -S1gnect Rodney Lewis, COf!*baclc. NEW YORK JETS -Signed M•-" .i...ve. ltnel>edler 111<1 Roeky Kiever. running beci< 8ICh to • _ ... of one-ye1r con1rec:tt toCCEll lilllfor tndo« SocC« LM11ue WICHITA WINGS -SogM<I cun 8'own. ~. ACTTT'IOUS IOl•N l'tennout WM FICTITIOUe .,.._.. l'ICTITIOUS wa1 l'ICTmOUI .,_.. PIC'ftTlOUI W.. ITAT'llmNT CW Al~Ol..wf ACTmOUI llUSfNIH NAm ftAT'DmNT um ITATUmNT MAim STAT'llmNT um ITATlmll'T ..... ITATllmll'T ..... SfAT'llm:WT °' u. °' .... ITATE•NT The loltowlng ~ ere doing Tiie lottowtno l)«IOn I• doing The tollowlng peraon 11 doing Tiie lollowlng peraon 11 doing Tiie following a>«•on 11 doing The folowlng per90nl -doing '1CTIUOUI WM NMm The following pereona .,.e doing ~ 8I: bw1nM1 ae: ~ u : ~ u: bu81,_ u : ~ • The lollo•lng pereon llH ell b\Jsl,_ as: UNU'M~o.1.1~°o:!.:'.~.I,.E~:. LAGUNA TATTOO. 1158 So .. SEA PRODUCTIO NS . 4 0 HARBOR INN. 341611 VI• BIKE 'N z. 21551 Brook~ M.S.J . JANITORIAL ANO endoned the UM of the tlctlttou• KENTHl-PROTIRES,lTD .. 711 """' """ Pacific CoHt Highway. Laguna Harbor lalend Road, Newport Opono. Newport BeeGll, Celtfomle St.. 185. Huntington Bllic:ti. CL MAINTENANCE, 3301 Sp. Beer lluetneee neme: Weel 17th Street. Suite A-2. Coste Newport Beectl, CA 92ee0. BMdl, Ca. 92851 Beedl, C.iltomle 92960 112ee0 92&4e Street, #45A, Sent• Ana, CA SWALLOW'S NEST, 3458 Via M .... Caltfoml• 112$27 LYNDIA I.EE TODOROFF. P•ltlcl• A. Pavlik, 1949 Matt OttGOIY Earl. 140 Hllt'tlOr l..ydle Ruell•. 1338StOMMIOd ~ Meiry ~. 21561 92704. Opono, Newport Beech, Celllomle KENT TIRE COMPANY .• 33214 8luelltl °""9. Dene Point, CA Contlnentel. Coet• MeM. Ce. 92627 tetand Road, t.ewport 8Hch, Ct., San Pedro, Callfomle t0732 Brookhural 81 .. #86. Hunllngton SHERYL ANN MINOA. 3301 92il80 CalllOf'nl• corporetlon. 711 West 92829. Thl1 ~ le conduc:ted by II\ C.iltomle 92ee0 Thie buel-le ~eel by an 8Mc:fl, C.. 92&48 So. 8-Strwt. #46A, Santa Ana. Tiie Flctltloua 8u1lnes1 Nerne 17th Street. Svl1e A·2, Colle M .... LOIS JUNE FLOOD, 20102 lndMdual. Thie~ le conducted by en lndMdual. M1rle Chrletlne ZlnMr. 1H CA 92704. referre d to ebove WH flled In Cellfomle 92827 Jeffwloo, Perrte. CA 92370. Petrlde A. Pevllk lndlvldual Lydie Rucller P9r~. tNIM, C.. 92715 RAY JOHNSON, 3301 So. 8-Orange County on Mardi 11, 1882. This bualneas la conducted by e Thll ~ le conducted by 1 Thll etatllTlent...,.. llled with Ille Matt E#( Thlt etetemenl wu nled with the Thie buell'IMI le oondUct9d by II\ StrHt, #45A, S1nte Ana, CA Lydie Rucller. 13311 Stonewood llmlled pert:nerlhlp. gen1rel pertnenhlp. ty Clerk ol Orange County on Tht9 etalerNl'll -flied with the County CWk ol Orange ~ on unincorporated UIOCtetlon 0111« tt704. Ct .. San Pedro. Celtfomla 90732 Kenl Hl•Pro nres. I.Id . Lole J. Flood 10. 1982. Coun1Y Clerk ol Orange County on June 241, 1t82. tti.ln. pennenNp. IRA 1.EW MINOR. 423 E . Tlllll bl.leln.a ,. conducted by In • llmlled pet1nershlp Thie ltelemenl -flled wtth the ,.,.. "'-24. 1982. P111U1 Mlrgerel ?I.-Clarton OrM. c.r.on, CA 90746. lndMdual. By: Kent Tire Company Coun1Y Clertl of Orange Coun1y on Publl1hed Orange Co11t Delly P1t11• Publlehed Orange Coaat Delly Thll 1tatemen1 WM llled wt1tl !tie MARY ANN MINOR, 423 E . l.ydle Rucker a CeUfomle c«poretlOll tune lO. 1982· llol June 12. 1g, 28, July 3. Publl1hed Orange CoH1 Delly Piiot, June 28, July 3, 10, 17, 1te2 County Cllrtl of Orange Counfy on Clarton Ol'M, Cereon, CA 90745. Thll ltlternenl WU flied with the (General Pertner) ,.,_ 537-82 ....... ,Ju .... ~ .... 3 10 11 1982 2756-a2 June 10. 11112. Sheryl A. Minor County Clerk of o..,. County on Alex.ender David Kent. Put1ll1hed Otenge Cout Delly ~...,... ne ''" _, • • 275142 ,,.,.. Tllll .. ...,,.,.., -flied tilth the June 24, 1982. Pl'Mldent Piiot, June 12. 111, 29. Juty 3. 1te2. 1----.. -181--IC-------1 ----.---.,.---TIC(----Publllfled Orange CoH t Delly County C11ric of 0rMoe ~ on ff~ This 1tet.,,_.1 wq flied with the 2544-82 • nu1--. .,._.,. Mr\TM"r ____ ,. _ _,,, __ ""------Piiot June 12, 1t, 29, July 3, 1882 Junt 17. 1982. Publl1hed Orange CoHt Delly County Clerk of Orange County Oii __ .,. _ 1--=l'9C=m=IOUl=~•=u:::1::1::•:: .. =--1 ,._ nui--. l'ICnnout IUI.... 253842 ,.,_ Piiot, June 29. July 3, 10. 17, 1982 June 241, 19112. ,._ nu1--. MAim ITAT'llmNT N.u. aTATUmNT Publlllled Orange CoHt Oat~ 2157-82 P1tt1tt --folto ........ ---·-11 dol"" -----•• The following per1on I• dOfnn ------------Piiot, June lt, 2t, Juiy 3, 10, 1M Publlshed Orange Coesl Delly PtCmlOUI lllll... ~ _ ......... -·~· ... rUMamiiMiiiiT ~ ee: • "8JC fl)TIC( M81-12 PUlllC fl)TlC[ Piiot, June 26. July 3, 10, 17, 19S2 MAim ITA~ MAO NA.CHEM 0 I 8 T A I· TM fo11ow1ng pareon1 -doing S 0 UT H C 0 AST VALET ------------~=~--!·-------~---2754-82 The followtng penon II dOlng BUT I NO 5t51 Ken brook ~ u : PARKING, 400 Merrimac Wey, l'ICTmOUa ..,_.. rtllJC fl)TlC( l'tCTTT10U9 IU ... a8 ~ -Huntlngton'1eaot1 Cttlbnla tM ULMER SAILS, so 1 28th Colt• ....... C•. 9282S ..... ITATl..wr ...-nATEmNT PACIFIC WEST CONCRETE JernH M Holloway SH 1 Street, Newpott a..cn, CA 92M3. Sleven 8rlee, 400 Merrimac The fOltowtng l*'IOf18 ere doing AC'ftTlOUI ....... The lottowtng ~· Ire doing PtllJC fl>TIC( S AWING, 177 I F Alv•t1ld •. Ken brook, Huntlnnton i .. 011. Salle by Sdlocll Inc., I Cali-Wlf'/, Coe!• Meee, Ce. 92e2:8 bullnale -..... ITA~ ~ --rmioua IU ..... N9wPOr1 BMcdl, CA t2913. c.lltomt• 92648 • 'ornl• corporation, 50 l 29tll Thi• bualneea la conduc1ed by an VII.LAGE 8 UI LDl!R8, 3251 The fotlowlng per90l1I .,. doing M a M ENGINEERING AND r"" . MARION JEAH LAA8EH, 18402 Tllil ~le conduc:ted by In ltr.t, Newpott 8eac:h, CA 92913. Individual Laguna Cenyon Rd., Sulla E· 1. ~a: DRAFTING SERVICES. 17651 NAME ITAftmNT ComuW A__.,~. CA indlvlduel TIM~ 11 conducted by a Steve 8riee LIQune Beech. C.. 92$61 THE NEWPORT ECONOMICS Britteny Lane, Huntington 8MCh The following perlOl18 -doing Tiiiie "'*'-II oonduct«I by In ~ M. Ho11ow8y oorporetton. Tiiie 1111-lt -flied \11111111he Aollert ThomH C1rey. 4541 GROUP. INC., 1900 ~ 81nlet. Oa1tfom1e 92647 ' bu.ir-•: lnCIMdulll. Thie ....,_.,. -ftled wft'1 the Sall by Sdloclt County CWk ot Orange County on Canyon Act.-Dr .. l.lillUM lhach. 8ult• 425. N•woort BHCh, C•. MM!• 8omlto 17851 entt.ny EAS. 1650 Plltl Newport, No. M J ~ "--ty ,.~ ... Or ,.,_....., w o ·~ ........... •-10, 1....... Ca. tff61 t:2t80 •. i.-. Hunt....,.on &..ch. Celtfomla ~211,.Newport Beech, Cetltornle c.: ~ofol~ ~-~ '!: """"' 241'.'fea'." enge --_:: TNe etet.Mnf :;'ii:d ';tt'h the ,,...,. '""" ,mta C ~ ~ t.oge..:5 g'>· . In 1 e rl U t (, ACP f,r,a I 1 rt 92647 .... • "Aietwd A Ertc:Qon 1e50 Partit .U. i' ..,_.,. --._ ....._,., r --c-ity 011tk of Orange County on ,ublllhed Orange COHt Delly ,n:t1 wy., gvl\• • 8• Crur.'0100,:l::.)1,o~· O:ve :.~~ ...... ~ch•tte 8or1r,!!!:;, ~1. Newpott, No. 315, ~ 8Moll, .... 1. tM2. Publ .. Md Orange Coett Dally "'-2'4. 1"2. Piiot June 12. 19, "· July ~~~.. ...........__ .......... .--. • ... ,._,, ~I H\#1 ...... ,,_..._._ t2eeO ,__ ......... _ -........ 10 17 ,.-.. ir-... T'* --It --by• lvl 1 425, Newport hecll, Ca. Ce11fom1e Wft47' __.,,"',,,. PUblleMd Of~ CoN I Daffy ,.._,, _..,.,.., _, •· ' ' ...c ·--.,.,.., .. ~--· ttt90 Ttoll ""*-le conduct9d by 8 Klnn«h A. Ertdl~. 4026 Via PloC.,,... ,., ae. NII a. 1!:J8'f1_..:.·' mM2 ,.~ ... °'~. ~. 17, = c:::= -~ ""°"* Owwy tNT!MTATI APPRAISAi. .,.,... pertner'lhlp. Mwtna. No.~· M811ne Oil ~. "'"'.._ ....,, ,.... nu•~ MIOllMI oaan i.ooe ~TION M•• '°"* Ctltfornla toHt PWUC llJ11C[ l71M2 E Thie .. ...,.,,.,,. -ftlld wltll lhe Wlllm v. ~. TIMI........,, -ttlld with the Thlt ~le condUCWCI by . f'ICTtJr--• •-.,. _ " -·~ eoun~ Cllttc of Orll!OI County on ~ COunlY Olltk Of °'"""""' County on QMer'll Pllf1nenhlp . ..,...nATW' ..--_,_ TM ••P"enoc-.,. doiflO M9y t), ltl2. T'* 11•11M1ot -Mid wllll Jutle 14. tta. -·.,... Tllll ~IA. ~IO!l with IM Tiie folOwlrlt l*tolll .. dolrlQ HCHiiOUI..... llullrl98l M: ·-tM ~ Olrtt of °""IJe ~ Pwm County a.rte ot ~~on ..... eTAW bl.lelneM M: ' ..... ITA1'WJ -~ IMPORTIJ.TD,. .... Pu:-°':ir. ... ~· Deity Oft..._ 11. 1MI. PvtlUlhed Orange Co81t Delly June ~4 1"2 The fotlowlftl P«IOft le dolflt MIU DHIGN INNOVATION8, Tiie fotto.tng perton le ctolne Vie 0.,011e Drive, Huntington Plat 12, 19, • ,,_, s~-:a ,., •lltl-4 ~ eo::~ Not, Jutle 2t, JVft "3, 10. 1!·,~!8! ' ,__ ~ •: t05 -.... .... Plaoa, Coeta ............... et: , leech. Ce. tae47' '"' -....,.. • --Pubtilhecl () Coe I 081"' COMPl.IH HIAI. TH, 201 CA aeat. MCA OOMPNN, 1081 ...,._ ~ ,._. llllMP, Ilea lllat ~ 11, ti. S. '°a.!,-rane; 1 " Newpor1 INvd., Colta .,...., Ce. J.e. ALL.AID, IOIJ Medl1rllil OrW No. 15, Aot. #47, Hurltlnl'Oft Via Ceron• Drive, Ht!nll119to11 -----------·• -------.... ...,.--1-11_ ftalC fl)JIC( Piiot. June H , July • lO, 1~;.::i _,,.. "9oe. COM1 MeM. CA lttll. . ..... Ca. 9*1 IMd\, C.. 92147 P'lm&JC 11J11CE •-Mt - 1..-..n MIOtl ... l ladtce. '11 OHUlll AlLflllO , IOI . Ai>elul Karim Allnle. 7011 lilMorl lUOlfle ... ,,. 11121''ii~=iii~==~~1---.._~~~-~·~~---LWIOftle.,,_,....,_,'-'ll,Ca. = .... ,_., COiia Mamo OA ~No. ti,~. 141, Vie o.one Ot .. ~ ii.l'di, .... • 9lledl, Ca. -..1 Ca. ... ,. Tfllll ~II WMllded by.,, lllll ....,_ 11 ooncMMd ~en Tllll It ..,•a• ~WI TNI ..._II 00! .... ~en ........ ' .......... .,,....,... ~~·-). ..._, M. lltdlOtt J,I , /l/l#d ~~Mm Dor.-,_. ... ._ Tfllll •1•11 W !led wMI IN "'9 ......... W .. """'.. Tllll ......... W lled .. tlle Ttlll ~.....,.m .. -...... ~~~::~~I a..~ .. Or-..~· -CowllY Cllrti "Or-. c...,"' CllMI "Or-. 0-.. .. Oounlw . ._,. " OHllll9 ~. 11 .. ti, ....... "'... 1.1•. .... ''· ... . '111U1S.f Or ... 0.... ~ ,_.,,_, Or_flW ~· ~ 0....,.. o..t""= , ......... Orente 01£ ,... ... 11. 1t, ~ -· ........... ~ti....... ...... 1t, ... Mt~ tO~ ...... 11, ''· ... Nit AL VAl.i.U•I on Items from 1ppl11auce to zippers mlllil .._. 1r.11dvert111d 1v1rv d•V In th• ~I rlllll ,., ....... . LOOKALIKES -Dick Holappa wears a coonskin hat, complete with small glasses to match his, as he works in trading post at recent festival in Wind Lake, Wis. Most French shun nudity on beaches PARIS (AP) -Ninety-two percent of the French say they have never gone nude on a beach, 7 percent say they have and 1 percent have "no comment," a Louis Harris poll sid. The poll, published by the newspaper Le Matin, also said 86 percent favored nudity on beaches but 73 percent added the provision that sun worshippers should be confined to special areas. T he poll was carried out June 18-23 among 1,000 people aged 18 and above across the nation. SU MME~ Our July prices will blow your mind . All spring merchandise will go out with a bang. We're even exp loding the prices on some of the new fall goods. Pop in and see our low low prices in our brand new store. Sale begins today. July 3 A>lo ~ Ralph Ln1nm ... ~_... .• .. Due-on-sale ruling supported C.dlUac Fairview chJel ••r• S&La will be 11ren6fbe~ed WWWn D. foote, presjCS.nt of Brokers are aotna to be teverety Cadillac '81rvlew Komet W•t, rt1trlct~ In put==ether 1upport1 the U.S . ~ha..P..reme cnaUve ~ . on·Hlt clauae1 for federally step t.oWard hel the •vtno The company la a joint venture of Cadillac Fairview and twoJ c..&itom1a dewlopen, Foote and Daniel D. IAne. Cow1'1 ct.dlion to Uphold du. "But 1n the =vWw1 UU. ii a chart~r•d aavln11 and loan and loan UIOda bring ihe1r G EAST LANSING, Mich. (AP) ~lation1. mort1a1e portfollot back to a rSDDY gefS -O.ph• fean about \he eeting "The uvlng1 and loan politlve mode," Foote added. habltl of American youth, ieen-lnduatry, which wu founded to "That'• eventually goln1 to f f a I e r I a r en • t b. c 0 m I n g 1upport home ownership, 1hould mean a moderation of mortgage po SU p po r ''Nltahollca" and thOM who eat be atrengthened lmmeuurably ratea," Foote added. ''Thia 11 an aalty anackl like p_otato chips and by thl.s declalon. And what'• Sood Important 1tep toward allowtna KOU 8 TON (AP) -An popcorn aren t sacrificing for the aavinp and, loana hu to the free marketplace to aet ltl 82-year-<Ud areat-arandmother nutrition, a food acienti.at aaya. be, ln the lone Nn, ~ for the own interest rates.'' llCCU.ed of gro~ marijuana ln home resale market,' he aald. · Foote half headed Cadillac her vegetable garden aay1 local "Conaumptlon of varying "It'• aotna to be difficult for Fairview Homes Weat alnce it.a resldenta are rootina for her. amountl of salted snack foods the resale fnduatry to swallow Inception ln 1977. The Newport-''Boy, lf the people had a vote \ daily nutrie nt Intake of "becaute lt'1 going to mean that 13,000 units In proceu In Clark after a state dlatrict judge had little Impact on the averaae this 1hort·term," Foote aald, baaed developer has In eXct!IS of on this, I'd be out," aald Laura I adole1cent1,'' Mary Zabik of fewer mortgaaea are assumable. California. set an Au.r. 23 trial date . Michigan State Univer1tty'1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~· Department of Food Science and , Human Nutrition laid. l · Ma. Zabik and Karen Morgan I of the University of Missouri sampled food records over seven days for 480 youths aged 13-18. They said most teen-agers ate a I popcorn, com chips, tortilla chips, / moderate amount of potato chips, ~ ~6 pretiela and other such salty t l sn~~~~ average amount of these an l!I! ' snacks consumed per week by the entire sample population was 2.1 ounces," Ms. Zabik said. She said that equals two to !our s mall packages of the snacks, and consumption of such snacks doesn't eliminate nutrition from the youths' diets. "The data show that teen- agers consuming moderate quantities of salted snack foods had higher average intake levels of nutrients than individuals who did not consume any salted snack foods.'' she said. The two r esearchers said, howeve r , that they aren't suggesting teen-agers' diets are completely sound nutritionally. They found all the you th in the study, whether they ate snacks or not. had slightly low levels of iron, calcium, magnesium. zinc and vitamin B·6. l1tiqu1 Show Huntington Center mall Boutique Inc. Elegance in fashion Grand Opening Summer Sale Tuesday, July 6 , 10-6 V3 to V2 off La Chanth • Westcliff Plaza I 044 Irvine Ave • Newport Beach • (71 4) 548-8365 today thru July 5. l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!==:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~=====~ 1(1 South Coast Plaza 3333 Bristol Costa Mesa, California 714 I 641-0353 • "A. PUBLIC AUCTION ESTATE JEWELRY A FINE PORCELAINS, CHINA, BRONZES, RUGS, FURNITURE, SILVER, OILS, Etc. FREE ADMISSION -PUBLIC AND DEALERS WELCOME Don't miss this Important salel Fine China. Crystal, Porcelains, Bronzee, European Furniture, Olis, Etc. Altom many fine pieces of antique and contemporary Jewelry Including fine watct)es, solitaire diamond rtnga~ earring•. gold chains, clu1ter dtamond, ruby, sapphire. and 9"\![ald rtnga. SALE Nl6HT Fri. 2nd, Sat. 3rd. s.... 4th, 1:30 p.m. <. .. IGPECTIOM 2:00 , .M. • 5:00 , .M. I 7 • I P.M. We fllht1 Property of MYetal prominent Letaure World rettdent1, together wtth Inventory of well-known L.A. jewefry In ftnancial trouble. Alt(), out-of·pt!Wn merChandlM. ·.e • <to I .. Orange Oout DAlL.Y PILO'rllaturdey, July I , ~882 OOOOfilJ~~QJU Race a wild card ~ fa;ll election • ID By THOMAS D. ELIAS The polla all aay that California this fall will make ~eles Mayor Tom Bradley the tint J'ected 'black governor in U.S. hJJtory. But Bradley lan't believing it yet. He knowa how far off the mark aurveys can be -including those that predicted Lt. Gov. Mike Curb would be hia autumn opponent. Bradley hlmaelt was victimized ln 1969 when he began to coast ln hia campaign for mayor after pollstera unanimously said he'd beat Clllf DlllA fDCUI Sam Yorty. He loet that year and he's never coasted ~am. Nor has he lost. Thia fall, he s aware of the major threat to his candidacy -the same kind of law-and-order pitch Yorty used to win in 1969. That failed in 1973, but Bradley backers are worried about the subtle racial overtones of a hlw-and- order theme. MOST LIKELY, that will be a major thrust of Republican George Deukmejian's campaign this fall. ''Crime is the single most important issue in California today," one key Deukmejian aide wrote in a 1979 memo to his boss. "It is your issue." Deukmejian used his position as attorney general and his record as co- author of a death-penalty bill and other anti-crime legislation in his primary campaign. In the closing days of that campaign, he also demonstrated a firm instinl=t for hitting his opponent's jugular. In Curb's case. the weakness was his failure to vote in the early 1970s and his inconsistent responses to questioning about his draft status in the 1960s. Deukmejian-hammered at those points even after late polls showed him losing by an 8 percent margin. No opponent has ever uncovered such weaknesses in Tom Bradley. But Yorty demonstrated in 1969 that a campaign based on race might be effective among voters unfamiliar with Bradley. Bradley's backers don't believe such an approach can work in Southern California, where his nine years as mayor have given Bradley a solid image as an unflappable, dignified, unthreatening !igure. But he is not nearly so well known in other parts .of the st.ate. And Bradley, like any Democrat, knows he must carry both Northern California and the city of Los Angeles in order to win. "THAT'S WHY WE campaigned hard in the primary even though there was no real threat to us from within the party," says Thomas Sullivan, Bradley's longtime press secretary and speechwriter. "The more people see of him, the less impact any such appeal can have. That's also why we spent about $1 million on media during the primary, most of It outside L.A.'' Bradley himself says "I learned a lot from 1969. I never take anything for granted. But anyone who tries to use race against me will lose. Si.nee I've been mayor. no major city In America baa enjoyed areater ethnJo harmony than Loe Angelee." Still, Bradley be1an the runoff election by 1tfH1lng hla 21-year background u a policeman ln his victory apeech on the primary elect.ion n!tht. "We've dealt with rtdam before," aaya Sullivan, recalling Bradley's three campaigns against Yorty and one again.st Alan RobbiN, a comervative Democrat.le state senator and anti-school busing activiat. ''We know we have to defuae the issue. Against Curb, we were aure It would be about hls only issue. Deukmejian will stick more to real issues. But we want any opponent to know that we won't allow anyone to get away with that sort of appeal. We will make our opposition respect ua." Nevertheless, Bradley's race remains the one great wild card In the fall election. LAST YEAR, Congress bought Ronaid Reagan's budget-cutting, tax-cutting plan and predicted a $38 billion deficit for the current fi.9ca.I year, which began Oct. l , 1981. Now , the Reagan administration is predicting an actual deficit of $100 billion, which would be the largest on record. Other forecasts put the total red ink as high as $114 billion. As for the 1983 budget, many forecasters think the reai deficit will be in the neighborhood of $150 billion, assuming interest rates come down, the economy returns to heaith and Congress enacts 90me of its planned savings. But if the economy remains weak or grows sicker , the deficit could swell above $175 billion, possibly beyond $200 billion. One reason for the poor deficit estimates seems to be that politicians can't help but put on rosy glasses when it comes to predicting the economy's future course and their own ability to hold down government spending. Public spending up WASHINGTON (AP) -Spending by the federal, state and local governments this year will total $1,184.4 billion -about $5,138 for each man. woman and child in the nation -a private nonprofit study group said last week.' The Tax Foundation estimated that total 1982 spending by all governments in the United States will rise $109.2 billion from 1981, below the increases of $116.5 billion last year and $126.3 billion in 1980. Last year government spending amounted to $4,709 for each man woman and child in the country, the foundation said. By contrast, it said, per capita government spending was only $466 in 1950, $847 in 1960 and $1,643 in 1970. According tQ the study, 1982 spending by the federal gQvemment will total $777.l billion, up $67.9 billion from 1981 compared with a $92 billion increase last year. . But spending by state and local governments, which rose only $24.5 billion in 1981, will jump $39.5 billion to a total of $407.3 billion this year, largely because they are getting less federal assistance, the foundation said. • .. "l1w door WD5 open; mind if I '°'"" In?" Researcher ~eighs diet Remarks are reprinted from the UC Clip Sheet. a biweekly news service provided by the University of California. BERKELEY -Preoccupation with food and d ieting is common among people of all sizes, not just among !at people, says a medical anthropologist at UC Berkeley. She said that the San ·Francisco Bay Area dieters she has studied were fat, average or thin, but not necessarily in reiation to the calories they ate. In restricting their eating, the dieters appeared to share the idea that fatness means a loss of self-control -considered the 'ultimate morai failure in our culture and "perhaps the most frightening of all fears," she noted. BY CONTRAST, her study of Western Samoans revealed that being fat in that c ulture rarely provoked a moral evaluation. U it did, she found, the evaluation was favorable. Her studies, she said, led her to question whether the health effects of overweight are universal or present only in societies where weight prejudice exists. Margaret Mackenzie has discussed her research and theories on fatneu as a sociopolitical issue in a soon -to-be- published manuscript titled "Fear of Fat." Now a research fellow in the Alcohol Research Project at UC Berkeley's School of Public Heaith, she said that her investigation into fatness is the first attempt to define the condition in anthropological terms. To do that. she anaiyzed \he values and beliefs underlying attitudes toward weight among San Francisco Bay Area dieters. HER RESEARCH showed that among dieters, average and even anorectic women (underweight from severely restrained eating) shared the values of overweight dieters. "For both the fat and the anorectic - as well as for many people of various sizes in between -the amount of fat on their bodles was an index to them of the amount of control they felt they had secured, not only over eating and their weight. but over other aspects of their lives." she said. Mackenzie traced the Bay Area's links to the notions of self-control and discipline in New England Protestant traditions, which permeate Euro- American culture. The links, she said, began in the late 18th century with fur trade, continued with the migration of "Yankee peddlen" during the Gold Rush. and is sustained today by in'tellectual and culturai ties between universities on the F.ast and West coasts. In addition. she noted, the Bay Area has adopted in recent decades "alternate cultures,'' such as Buddhism and yoga, which advocate spiritual and bodily health through self-rontrol. She concluded that in the Bay Area in particular, "the mastery of the .elf that obsession comes from advanced F.astern pracllces and the P rotestant tradition e levates self-discipline to nearly sacred· status. "To be fat in such a context is to be exposed to risks of social ostracism in some social circles and to suffer prejudice m many aspects of life." Mac k e n zie's st udy o f Weste rn Samoans an 1976 s uggested that attributing self-control to body fat is not a universal practice. In the Western Samoan village of Lalomalava, social relationships take priority over individual behavior, she said. The villagers did not give body weight a great deal of meaning; it had nothing to do with personai discipline or control. What symboHc meaning it did have. she explained. was associated with relationships between people. A FAT PASTOR, for example, meant that the village was supporting him well. And women tended to gain weight and social status as the y aged or bore children. When Mackenzie compared health data from Western Samoan a nd American women. she discovered that whereas Samoan women were three times fatter than their Ame rican counterparts, they had only one percent more hypertension. These findings suggest to Mackenzie that "the stress associated with shame and discrimination may have more to do with the pathology attributed to fatness in our society than with the mechanical fact of the fat itself." :I Youngsters have their problems, too I WASHINGTON (AP) -Rep. Jc:.ph McDade, R-Pa., probably gets no more or no less mail than most of his 434 Houae colleaguea, but some of it has been unusually demanding lately. For instance. constituent Amy Johnson augested McDade do more for the little eeople: "Can )'OU make a rule to tell the big kida on the bua to quit picking on ua and quit wrltlng on the seat?" ahe petitioned. Mellsaal Cari.on, on the other hand, told her ~: "( am worrMld about tun!ll Becau. I caMO\ aet any more fruit bani I want you to do tomethlng about Ulla!" You can't fool the kJdl at mo.bu.rt Elementary School in T\op County, PL, wt.th rbttaric and brGmldla. They know GllCU.y whAt ....... dlllD. ana wt.a& Ibey •l*l thl&r ............ '° do abou:t lt. The poup of ,.,_.-Gld Ind .. ,.,-old ........... ..,....., ...... . WTtle M1C.dr • IM .. lhe1 ,.., ,.... ...... ,,:·· ,,.. Ml .... 2 ---...... °' .. ...... ' "My name la Benjunl.n Randlle ... I am worried about the taxes. I want you to lower the taxea to one hundred doll.an." "My name ia Juanita Seely ... I am worried about eome people wrote on the wall M'onday 11(8hl. Some p>d penon called the POlioe. I want you to •top lt. WW you p'-'e try to do it?" "My name ii Lennie Y odK . . • I am wonied about the polluUon and people who throw out their prba8e ln other people'• yarda. I am tlek of it 10 pleue do lomethlnc about it." "My name ts Holly Bu1lett ... I am worried about the telephone bWI. Ia there anythlna c.on,n. csn do about It .-..r· "My name Is 8UUe-Jo Bick ... I am worried about people wnunc on the wall With paint. WDl yOu ,._ ...... ,,,... .. ytns don't write an the ..u.T'' MoDIMM, .t.o puc w of _, lilt· ......... ~ -· ,. •••• In &M~1 _d1Ml ..... dlt1ctldw Mt~;~~s:::=:.: • interpretation of responBeS ta nece11ary,'' McDade aald. "My tabuJatlon of the prebleml dted Is .. follows; wee., five; p<?Uution and litttting, three; prices. two; Jobet two; graffiti, two; crime, two; fires, two; bullies, one; telephone bil.la, one; and other, one. Then there waa the letter f rom Christine Kreser. whom McDade 1urely will want to cultivate. u a future voter: "I am not worried about anyt.hina. I think you are dolna terrmc." ORANCll COAIT ~-.. - llllH Wheel alo~g road to success F.ntries for the drawtna contest came rolling In this week, and once again Uncle Len enjoyed teeing what good w ork his friend.a can do. Of courae, Uncle Len had a b&cycle when he w as youna. too, and took great pride ln keeping It clean and polished. Unfortunately, he also liked to shpw off a little. One day while he was riding with no hands, the front tire hit a rock and Uncle Len hit the pavement. Both the bike and Uncle Len ended up with t cr a pes and bumps they hadn't planned on, but he always tried to be more careful after that. But it's not true that Uncle Len had training wheels on his bike until he graduated from high achool. This week's winners certainly did a good job of showing how bicycles have changed over the years. F irst place a nd $5 go to Cathe rine Cowden of Newport Beach (who forgot to enclose an age -an Uncle Len No-No, Catherine). She drew a n old - fashioned version with the huge front wheel. Uncle Len never could under stand how people used to ride those bikes. Second place and $2 go to Eric Sands, 10, of Laguna Beach. His off-r oad vehicle looks like it could climb straight up the side of a mountain. Honorable mentions for other interesting vehkles go to Misty Sulley, 8, and Ian Schnoebelen (who forgot to include an age) of Corona del Mar; J eff Cairns, 11, Jason Cairns, 13, and Jarred Cairns, 14, of Huntington Beach, and Scott Borack, 12, of Costa Mesa. A special thank you goes to Brooke Johnson, 10, of Newport B each whose g reat d oggie drawing arrived too late last wee k for the judging, even though it was mailed in plenty of time. Some of you may have noticed that torqorrow is the 4th of July, which means picnics, fun and fireworks to celebrate America's birthday. Even though fireworks are against the law in many cities, special displays will be sc'heduled for public vie wing, and almost everyone gets into the spirit. Black ink doesn't do justice to the pretty colors in fireworks, but Uncle Len would like his friends to draw their favorites for next week's contest. Draw sparklers, fountains, firecrackers --., . • • • ' --c------ First Place: Catherine Cowden of Newport Beach (}l\~~~~ ~~ @(j @~$ ~@~@ a.ICI Second Place: Eric Sands of Laguna Beach or the big aerial variety shot off in stadiums and parks. Remember to enter on a sheet of white ·paper cut 4 in ch es square . Include your name, address and age and send it to Uncle Len, Daily Pilot, P .O. Box 1560, Ca.ta Mesa, Calif. 92626. Have a safe and happy holiday weekend, and next week we'U s t i ll have fireworks left in pictures. Young gorilla 'like a baby' / MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) After pediatrician J ohn Hill makes his daily hospital visits, he stops off to see one moce patient, a hairy little tyke who "loves to be held." "This is my first gorilla," Hill saip. "But it's just part of the rounds, like going to one more hospital." Kwashi Is a lowland gorilla. Born May 16, he has become a star attraction at the Memphis Zoo. Since gorilla births in captivity are rare, zoo officials asked Hill for help. "We wanted to be sure that the baby had the best care he could get. T here's really not much difference between gorilla babies and human babies," said Dr. M i k e Douglas , the zoo veterinarian. Kwashi's mother , Beta, has had two other offspring in captivity but both died. Dfl of tlte Weelrl Douglas said his 4-year--0ld aon is one of Hill's patients. "If he's good enough for my little boy, he's good enough for the gorilla.'' Douglas said of the doctor. The infan t mortality rate for gorillas is high. 40 percent to 50 percent, in the w ild and in c aptivity , Douglas said . But a gorilla born In captivity faces the adde d dange r o f infection from his mother's body wastes. Because of that fear , Hill and Douglas took Kwashi from his mother about 12 hours after his birth and placed him in a n incubator. "He loves to be held," Hill said. "You've got to reallie that their feet never touch the ground for six months or so. He sleeps In an incubator, but pe'd rather sleep in someone's lap." He's being raised by human beings who watch over him ~ hours a day, feeding him with a baby bottle. He wean disposable diapers. His crowing • • WIDS again ROGUE RIVER, Ore. (AP) - Crow'n Joe, a 3-year-oJd, ted- eyed bantam, belted O\.U 65 cock-a-doodJe--dool In 30 minui.e to wtn the ~ River National Roaster CroW Contett for the -c:ond ltraiaht year. A crowd of about 400 tan. turned out under what muter of ceremoniel J'rolty Schmidt called ''()neon IWWh1ne'' -I tw.ciy, cold ctrmle -to root for thel.r t.vorUe fowl. . In che IOth annual event. 82 l'OCllWrt from • far away M a.nu a.a. Calif .. mw.d and oedded ~ \heir .,.. wh118 dwll' OWftll'I __. __ \Mm from ........... The ...._ -who MrMd hie , •• ,.., ............... JC. Kwal, • .,.,.., ... l llO -.... b6rd ......................... , . ...... ...... Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 3, 1982 ROLL OUT THE BARREL -There's nothmg like a warm summer day for a playful swim, so this polar bear at the Cologne Zoo in West ,., ........... Germany takes advantage of the weather and nearby water for a cooling romp with a beer barrel. Fireworks spark fascination Four th of July tradition kindled by John Adams By LILAS WILTSHlRE .~ ..... a.me. .. A soft pop, a flash, a quick whine through the night air and suddenly the sky erupts in a brilliant cascade of color and glitter. sparkles and shimmers. A loud report close behind vibrates through the earth . The fireworks have begun. Wha t keeps on -lookers mesmerized an unnatural postures, heads tilted back and eyes alert. lest even one never-to-be-repeated display be missed? Some say it is the link with childhood -the fascination of lighting a sparkler and writing against the sky, st.reams of light lingering for a moment after the sparkler has died out. Or perhaps it is a sense of dange r , however remote or subliminal. touching man's deeply-rooted fear and fascination wi\h fire. The artistically inclined allude to aesthetics. but most would agree it is just plain run. · One expert theorized that fireworks originated in ancient China or India where saltpeter (nitrate of potash ) was used as an agent for curing meat. Particles of the substance, accidentally falling into a campfire, might have mixed with charcoal, the resulting Clare setting off the first experlmentlS. Flakes of iron from striking flint would have provided glitter, just as iron filings do today; and the addition of sulfur yielded black powder -good old-fashloned gun powder. Placing this mixture In bamboo tubes was an easy next step, and with the boost of rocketry, the basics of the pyrotechnic industry were launched for centuries to come. European pyrotechnic activity was first mentioned in the 4th century by the Roman statesman Claudius. He described one display "which ran about . . without burning or. charring and which fonned by twisting and tunung globes of fire." Later, as the science of inorganic chemistry developed in Europe. new formulas and chemicals were tested that added more dazzle to popular hreworks shows. In the 1800s. chlorates and other metal salts introduced color to displays, while magnesium and aluminum added brilliance to aerial and ground confections. In the Colonies. John Adams seems to have fathered the idea that the nation's Fourth of July celebrations should feature fireworks displays. In a le lter to his wife Abigail on July 3, 1776, Adams advocated the use of "pomp and parade . . bonfires and illuminations . . . from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forevermore." In time, Independence Day fireworks came to be regarded as such an inalienable right that, when the first .. safe and sane" July 4 campaigns began in the early 1900s, refonners found it necessary to win a good word from national leaders to avoid being considered disloyal and unpatriotic. lirand displays ~aned dunng the Depression years, then sputtered along on a routine but not particularly spectacular course until the 1970s when, during the Bice ntennial celebrations, fi reworks boomed loudly and flared stylishly once again. Fireworks reached another peak along with patriotic sentiment when, in 1981, Americans held h06tage in Iran returned home during the January inaugural fes tivities. Within 10 days, three fireworks spectaculars rocketed over the National Mall. Answers appear (ap1lde down) below qull world scope (10 point• tor Hell qu..tlon ..,.,Hred conKlly) 1 Many 1housands of Leban~ citizens recent- ly fled .. l ..• their nation's capital city, as Israeli troops continued to bittle 11ainst Palestinian guerrillas and Syrian forces there. l Israel's Prime Minister Menachem Begin (C HOOSE ONE: opposes. supporu) propos.als for an international force to JNtrol southern Lebanon, which lies directly north of his country. 3 In a 1urprlsin1 move the stale of .. l . announced it will shue S1,000 in windfall oil profits with each citizen who h;;as lived there for six months or more. a·Wyomin1 b-Texas c-Alnk;;a 4 The Supreme Courl ruled that stale in- stllutlons (CHOOSE ONE: ue, ue not) required to provide training for mentally retarded patlenu. S lr1n appeared to be 1he victor In its 21-month ~r wtf)h nel1hborln1 Iraq, 1her thal coun- tr?t'Pruldent citied on h is troops to withdraw. Most Ar1b nations suppor1ed !CHOOSE ONE: lr1n, Iraq) In the PtnlanCult conflict. newsname (10 polntl ff you cen Identity ltllt IMBOn In I.he -1 As chllrm.n of the Federal Reserve System, I have been the tarset of recent criticisms thlt continued hllh lntetftt rates ire bloddntthe netlon's economic recovery. Some aovernmtnt offlclals have threatened to lmpoM 1ttlcter controk on my Independent qency. who .m n nmtchwords ,.,...... ....... _,...,....., 1~•1mum 1-mlnlmum I • news picture (10 polnta If you en11.,.r I.hit quntlon c~Uy) After hearing two months of 1estimony in a Washlnston D.C. courtroom and sever1I days of deliber;;atlon, 1 jury found John Hinckley, Jr., accused of 1rying 10 kill President Rea1an, fesally inune. Hinckley !CHOOSE ONE: will, will not) be r~ulred to serve 1 prison sentence alter he I~ treated at a mental Institution. peoplewatd1/spor!tlidd (2 po(nt1 lor H ell quetllort 1n1-.ct correcu,1 1 Princess Diana and Prince Charles received con1ratulatlons from around the world on the birth of their first child, a son, who is now second in line to the British throne. What 11 the last name of the British royal coupler J Kenneth Gibson won re-election to 1 fourth consecutive tenn 11 mayor of .. l .• althouth he has been chal'led with llJetal activities. a-Columbus, Ohio ~Buffalo, New York b--N~1rlt, New Jeney J The second r°"nd of cocnpetltlon bepn In "5plln for the World Cup toeeef title. What country Is the defendlnt WOttd Cup IOCt'ef c+iamplonf 4 With hit l,7711t Cll'Mt hit, l'ttlladelphi1 l'ttlllhn tint bueman ,_ Rote, 41, Neendy lied Henry A11on tot MCOnd piece on the all·tJme 1Njor le.tcue carMr hit list. Who holdt the recofd 11 bueblll's all·tlrne hit leldert s Controversy contlnu .. to surround tht p'ractlce ot tan btllotl"I !of membtn of..,. majof le11ue All-$w teamL TN. year'• All--Sttr Gemt It tc:htduted to bt played In •. l .. on Jut, 13th. •·Toronto b-Stattle c-Montreal I. • OrMOI Cout DAILY PILOT/llturdly, Juty 3, 1H2 T•B FAlllLl' c1act1 by Bil Keane by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) PUNl!TI f ~ ''PET COLUMN " AIRfQ.\LES, BOXERS, 60t.PEN RE TRI EYERS ... 6~AT DAHE5, IRISH SETTERS, LA85 ... -------NO 8EA6LE5 ... 6000 ! by Charle• M. Schulz 1rs At.WAYS NICE TO KNOW MV'RE NOT SELLING YOO MIND YOOR 8ACK ·f ~lJM•tE•IEDI I 1lE51Hl9 WARNINS' Me;~10 ,_...---~----- 1 A ft>C_~(ANt7'1H"1rV rr 11\tTO -rMe ·~ FOR'f, wlU.. '/OU,~ l'tff'Ai..o? by Tom K. Ryan "I llte thtm better on TV 'cause yoo con turn the IOUnd down." "Com• on, Georgt. Quit clowning." t i Mt\RMt\DtKE t by Brad Anderson DENNIS THE MENi\CE Hank Ketchym .c I ! _J .. I ; f :. "Come onl TV says you're supposed to love this kind of dog foodl" lt;DGE P t\RKER GIMME FOOP. LOT~ OF rr. · ANO RIGHT NOW MOON Ml:tLIN8 lsK·TSi( ... DR IN KIN~ AND DRIVING DON'TMIX· ... "' PUZZLI IOLVID I by Harold Le Ooux MY eoY v-.()VND UP WITH lWENlY iO l.IFE ' HE'l-l. ~ OUT IN A COUPLE YEM& I UKE I /lt4.WAY6 e>AV, YOU WIN eoME. YOU L06E eot.E' WHAT'U. VOU HAVE, &AM f by Jim Davis TWO AOJE.CTIVE.S NEVER OOEP TO Of SCRIBE A CAT ARE: •wtf>HV"ANP ~wAC:,MV" by Ferd & Tom Johnson ~~- ~ , ----• ... -...... MATTEROF FACT, DRl~lc'I~ AND WAlk'IN<i DoN1TTEAM UPTooGOoD/ EITHER. ... ---- SORRY, PETE---! CAN'T GIVE YOU ANY MONEY TOOAY---TIMES ARE TOUGH GORDO Ft:NK\' 1tlNKERBEAN Mt"°" S'ftLL O.f1*1 ~MA.a OQMU, ll>lMO'f? " . . ' , r by Ernie Bush m1ller YESTERDAY SOMEBODY PICKED MY POCKET by Gus Arriola WA.JTl PLEA5e f .I'M SfJ«'l 1 • QWJ... OOJJlf PR.OP Met . by Tom Bat1uk 1fiEN AFIER rf'5 ALL OVER. I WE. LIKE 10 60 ·MOME AND WAilH 1HE REPW5 C>J OUR BETAMAX ! WEU. ... 1'4 l IJA'I , \ (,\J£.S~ ~ I 5 ... ·' .. I I I • ! I I I ... Orange Ooul DAH.Y PtLOTl81turd1y, July a, 19H .,,, ... ......, THREE GENERATIONS -David Eisenhower (le ft) and his father, J ohn Eisenh ower, stand by a portrait of John's father, Uwight D. Eisenhower. John has just published a book about military events leading up to D-Day. World War II strategy told By WES GALLAGHER Few the Auocleled p,... Early in World War H, the United States and Great Britain considered sacrificing 180,000 men in a premature landing in German-held France. First scheduled in 1942, then ln 1943, Opera- tion Sledgehammer was strongly pushed by the American command to take pressure off the Rus- sian front, according to a history by John S. D. Eisenhower, son of general and president Dwight D. Eisenhower. The book, e ntitled ''Allies: Pearl Harbor to D-Day," was published recently by Double$y to coincide with the 38th anniversary of the invasion. British Prime Minister Winston Churchill fi- nally vetoed S ledgehammer, saying the British, with limited manpower, could not stand such losses. An early raid against Dieppe by C.anadian and British forces cost the cross-channel attackers 50 percent casualties. showing how ill-prepared the Allies really were. "Allies" is replete with the constant fights between American a nd British planners over World War ll strategy. Mixed in are portrait.a of prima donnas at war. Churchill followed his dictum that war was too important to be left to generals. He flew to battlefronts, relieved generals, suggested doz.ens of different strategies and new weapons. He did not hesitate to throw out plans of his war staff and substitute his own. Sir Alan Brooke. British chief of staff, ex- pressed the fear that some day Churchill would fly Montgomery was "indomitable in defeat and insufferable in victory." oU somewhere and take charge of a battle. Brooke longed for President Franklin D. Roosevelt's ap- proach. The president for the most part left running the war to Gen. George Marshall, his chief of staff. Brooke wrote that Marshall "had a much 1 easier time of it with Roosevelt -he frequently j did not see him for a month or six weeks. I was J fortunate if I did not see Churchill for six hours." ' With Sledgehammer on the shelf, Eisenhower 4 writes, Roosevelt for the first and only time in the C war took a direct hand in strategy. He ordered his J joint chiefs to support a plan (Torch) to land Allied f 1 troops in North Africa. which was held by the French. The operation was a success. l "The decision to execute Torch rather than Sledgehammer represented the great decision ~f the European war, the one instance where Roose- velt's instincts forced him to override the judgment of George Marshall," Eisenhower writes. Marshall emerges in "Allies" as one of the great war leaders, but was angered by the decision to abandon Sledgehammer and threatened to shift American emphasis to the war in the Pacific. Rooeevelt retorted that this was a bluff -a "red herring tantamount to take one's dolls and dishes home." But the president and Marshall rarely disa- greed. Both agreed early that Europe must have priority over the Pacific, Germany was the major opponent and it was essential to save England and keep Russia in the war. Disagreements were many and varied amang the American joint chiefs and their British count- erparts. F.isenhower records. Brooke'• conde9Cen- dinj manner an,gered the Americana and Brooke and Manhall at first considered each other u "none too bright." Adm. Ernest King. America's naval chief, who was noted lor his short temper, a1.mmt yanked Brooke out or his chalr when be c:rtt.id.zed the American conduct of the war ln the Pacific. Prickly penionalitie. and large egos abound in "Allies." The Americana had Gen. George Patton, who kept FUenhower in hot water wlth hi.I blunt atatementl and who cauted a furor by alapplna a 1hell-1hocked American aoldJer ln Sldly. . The Brltiah had Brooke and Oen. Bernard Law Mon'41omery, the brlWant dmt-rt war c:ommahder whom Churchill once deecrtbed • lndomhable ln defeat and ln1ufferablo ln vtnory. Con~ and -.emper_ament. were common on &he polltlcaJ l6de It f\'8t\ lewlla. m..W.W. NCOrda haw Oen. Chari. de OeuDe clrOY9 boCh BooelWh and ChutthlU up lhe wall. TtM book recounta how ~ tt..s to handle Mm durinC lhe c.-bllMI ~ In lNI wtth MW. ...,_, ..-Wll Wll hlDDY to '-w Di OM&lle .. ctM.whllJ wl .... lrttlili -,,... ...... ........ ~ tlD .......... ,.,..... a.. .. '*""'° ..U.. 'Kai-th* to Rt! DI lwh, • sliops' (ight SACRAMENTO (AP) -Owneu ot ''head ahopt" are drcu1-dl'\I an lnltlatlve to 1top local 1ove.rnment1 from bannint drug para- phemalla salee. Secretary of State March Fong Eu aald the 1po1UOn have un,tll Nov. 15 to collect 346, ll 9 aisnatures of regiat.ered voters to qualify the measure for the 1984 ballot. Shelters NOTICI °' Al't'UOATION "°TITIOUI .,_ .. 4 ( Ml.IC NOTtC( I TO MU. .... ITATI,..,, 0 n y At.CONOUC MV"'AOll TIM loHowlng pe<eon It fOln To wnom II M~Coftotln °'*'m1~1lNTIAL MARKlllNO: f H I PIZZA. INC It IPC>¥110 10 CONClPTI, 411 N1tc....,_ AY91!U9 .. Or rle ch lhe Oeper tmtnt OI AICO l'IOllC CorOf\t cs.I Mtr CA t2125 t leY9feot Control !or "41 " On.... lllOll!!AT I McflAALAMO, <11r, a-& wine (Pub ht "·' 10"" N11c;1MU1 A-. Corona Clel .,..,, 9leollollo bfter19" el 1H32 a..cll CA t2t2& WASKINGroN (AP) lllYd,. Hum1no1on 9Mcll, CA tff47 r1111 ~ .. oondUCl'4ICI w .,.., -People dazzled by the Publl•lwtd Ortnge CoHI Dally un1ncor1><>rtted 1noc:l•llon otl\lf• t1al Piiot, Jul)' 3, 1H2. ll'len I 0"1111fl/llp ' poten of tax aheltent 2e32.u R-Ob4ift s Mc,ar1el'd , 1uch u thOIO owned by -----------th•• '"....,.." w .. 111ec1 wlll'I ,.,., A t tor n • y G • n e r a 1 fltBl.IC NOTICE ~:,:11J~ 1~k Of Or•not cou111y Oii: William French Smith NOT1C1 Of' •v•1ua1Tv ,,._. : ahould remember that Of' ANNUAL "'~T Publl•h•O Or•""' Coa11 OAlly, a1mUar kinda. Of ...i--'· are. . Not.Ice It heftby flvtn lhil the POOi, July 3. 10 17, 24, tH2 • _.. Form HO·Pfl, Rt1urn ol Prlv111 ~31·82! alm01\ exclutlvely for flounc1tt1011 01 the W11tet H Lono • the weelthy. Chlrltabl• Foundation .• prlv•I• POOLIC NOTICE • M h 1 lound1llon. for 111• yeu ended -----------Olt • e ten, which Mwcn 31, 19112 " •vallabl• II th• flCTITIOUI •V•••H ,.nerally a1m to provide Fouod•llon'• pr1ne1pe1 olllc• for NAMI ITATIMINT ; a quick tax deduction lntpecllon aurlng ,,ullr bu11n1.. Th• following P•rton 11 <101no• ~·from 9:00 t .m. o 5 00 p m by bullnHt u that W WJer than the Ill)' dllzen whO r911111911 11 wtlhln FUTURE CONNECTIONS. 967? lJ).ltlaJ caah inVetllntnt, 110 dlyl ell tr <1111 or Ih le T-.111.aov1 Avenue. Founllln Valley, f onl publloallon Tl'le Found111011·1 CA 92708 . pay of y for people in P<lnoic* Olllc;I It IOClled II 410 JAMES ROBERT ANNETTA, the 5 0-p er Ce n1 la X f>Wta, Newport Beech, CellfOlnll '622 Turli.dove AvenU41 Foun111n' bracket. Th• prtnc:lpel meneger of lh• Veney CA 92708 ""'--t means, typically, Foundation It Al._., 0 L<l'lQ This bv11neu 11 conjlll(led by an .uw Publl1h1<1 Oreng• Co111 Oelly 1n<11vt<1u11 The initiative would impose criminal penalties for knowing violation of a..-• a !aw requiring stores thal sell drug paraphernalia to keep it in a separate room from which minors couples with gross P11o1.Ju1y3.1982 J•mfl•~ An~tt• lncome in the $120,000 29•~82 Th11 1111emen1 wu lttecl wllh Ille .,,Wlr.,.._. are excluded. A violation of that law is grounds for revocation of a business license, but carries no criminal sanctions. The initiative would impose penalties ranging from $250 Cor a first offense to $1,000 for the third, and hold off license revocation until the fourth. But the proposal's main effect would be to overturn current local o rdinances, and ban U..ture ones, that would prohibit or regulate the sale or di.splay of drug paraphernalia. The initiative is sponsored by rive memb e r s of the California Progressive Business Association of Sac ramento. r epre- senting legal sellers of drug paraphernalia Texas' export: Hot air BROW.NSVILLE, Texas (AP) -T exas this summer is hot -in mor e ways than one. And an artist and a businessman say if you can't stand the heat, sell it. So starti n g n ext month, $4 .95 wiU buy a can of hot air from thl Lone Star State. The product will be called "Texas Canned Heat," and the entre- ,preneurs behind it hope to market it nationwide. "Texas has really got a lot of appeal right now and anything with Texas on it is a good seller. Texas is just real hot." said Don Breeden, who designed the can's label. He and importer Harry McNalr Jr. came up with the idea. The air is canned by the Texas Citrus Ex- c hange in Harlingen and is on sale locally. II will be shown to retailers and wholesalers at the World Trade Cent.er in Dallas on July 2. $33,900 penalty in frauds LOS ANGELES (AP) -National Camera and Audio Exchange Inc. of Santa Monica has agreed to pay $33 .900 in penalties and $25,000 for investigative costs to settle c harge s I t defrauded consumers. Prosecutors Louis K. Ito and Sarah Shirley charged the company advertised low-priced camera a nd audio equipment, \h e n persuaded customers to buy higher-priced gooda by con tend lng the cheaper merchandise wu poor quality or out of ttock. The civil ault also contended the atorti :'~=.c.=: Canon camera equJpment the\ ICtUally w11 made by another ciompan.y, and dJdn't •Y 1tock1 of 1dverU1ed '""" wera llmlr.l . luper.l.or Court Commllltaner •nranct MOW'Oft Jr. •Hiw.d dw llUllmm& ~ dw ftnn •ftd prHlden& D1v&d M_erj, Th• 1t1pul1&ed i ......... , tltdui11 ......... bf ...... t SLOW AND EASY -Judy Woodford can't hope to keep up with auto traffic in Belfair, Wash., but says people seem to enjoy seeing her rustic riding gear, pulled by her Welsh pony, Star. Next to Judy is her Cairn terrier, Cannen. range and single pertons Ml.IC NOTICE ~=13 c\~:2 °' 0•11>ge County on t earning more than --"°-. -TlC_E_l_N_VfT_ING-ltO--,--Pubhsheo o11no e coe~:'=,.. $60,000. NoTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhll Ptlol Juty 3 10 17 2• 1982 8 m i\ h ' S W f d e 1 y -led propo .. 11 IOI lurntlhlng ell 2930'82 ••bor, mate11e11. equipment. publlclied t.ax ahehen trensportellon end such 01111• ---Dl-.,-l-IC_NO_T_l_CE __ _ are in oil and d•• "'"'111...... flCill\111 .. mey be requ1r.a lor ____ n_'° ______ _ o-...,.&.UM"6 HARBOR BOULEVARD DRAINAGE His investment or about SYSTEM AT ADAMS AVENUE. FICTITIOUS IUSIHUS ----------------------$60,000 I• deai,ned to VILLAGE WAY , ANO BAKER NAME STATEMENT d d STREET, will be received by tho Ctt• The lollow1ng persons are d<><nQ R J: pro u ce a e uction • bus•ness as ' Oman Ce S th t1Jnel tha 1....... or Cotta Mesa at lhe Olhce or tne OMNIOUCT SYSTEMS co. an ree t .... &e -Clly Clerk, 77 Fatr Duve. Coale t8612 Maupoaa Onve Villa Perk ., Including a flrat-year Mese. Cauforn1a. unlll the riour ol CA 92667 live· fantasy writeoff of $4 for each $1 11:00 11 m ·July 20· 1982· 81 wh1Ch E c e CORP. 8 Ca111orn111' inves•-..a. time they Will be openect publicly corpora11011 18614' Martpo'sa Drive """-' and read aloud In the Council Vtlla Park CA 92667 ' It would be almost Chamber•. Seel.O proposals 1111111 fht5 bu11neu 11 conaucred by a im........,'ble for a typical beer the 1111e or the ..,ork and the corporaoon ...,_... nall'll ol the btd<ler but no olller · E c e Corp taxpayer With average dltttngulth•ng m1rks Any bl<I EC 8rumt9\.I Prff -----------! recelve<I altet the scll.OuleO c1011no This stetement was 111ea wtlh the DENVER (AP) -Their pulses racing, their CDNIUllR time for th• r-pt or bt<ls shell be county cierk 01 Oranoe Coumy on eyes aglow and their imaginations primed by returned 10 tilt bl<Jder unoc>en.O 11 June 30 1982 aheH be lilt sole rHPQnliblhly of lhe F1925M • written words of love, more than 250 romance novel bidder 10 -'""his b•d 11 r-1ved Pubhshea Orange 00151 oeuy readers found their way to a posh hotel to be In proper tlmfl P1101 J-.fy 3 10 11 2~ 1982 ha i t g e t a A set of plens. Specie! Prov•arons 8-2 rewarded for all those ppy endings. n c 0 m e 0 en0 e<Jdlttons 10 Gene<al Prov• .. ons 29" 11 In the Grand Ballroom of the Fairmont Hotel, com Pa r a b 1 e la X 10 the Stander<! Spec1f1eetions mey PUBLIC NOTICE the women -and a handful of men -took their d e d u c t i o n f r o m a be ob111nec1 •• 111e OllK:e or 111c Cny ----------- bl • t Engineer 77 Felr 011ve Cos11 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS places under crystal chandeliers, and amidst the compara e investmen · M • s • . c • 11 r o, n 1 • u Pon NAME STATEMENT daisies and pink linens that were part of the latest Disclosure of the nonrefun<leble P•Yf'*lt 01 s1200 Tnc 1011owing oer~on 11 ao•ng Harlequin Romance readers' party. she I te rs owned by An aodmonll ctierge or S3 oo w111 be bus1neu as S · h mfili · d maOe tf hen<lte<I by mall P1ens IRVINE CARPET CARE 58 "It's a perfect fantasy -just like the books," mlt • a Onalre, an spec:lllcellons an<I 01ner contract Brookm<>unl Irvine CA 92714 said Jackie Schmier of Loveland. President Reagan's aocurnents mey e1eo be eHmtneO FR£OGEORGECAPPELLO sa d f f th h et the OftlOe or Ill• Ctty Cler~ of lhl Brookmont lrv•ne CA 9271• • One of 28 nullion women who read all or part e ense 0 em, as City or Cost• Mesa Plans end fh1s b-.s.ne~5 ,5 conaucte<J 1>y an of the 18 titles poured out by the Canadian-based again focused attention Spec1flellt!Of'ls will not ~ me11ed 1nd1v1d-.al Publisher each month, she was delighted to be on investments i n unless the •<ld•1100•1 S3 oo cnarge 'dance d . la lllc:lo<le<I with paymenll among the lucky 250. tax-avo1 evices. Each bid shell be mede on me Fre<I Georoe CappeHo This 51a1eml!rll was l1le<I Wllh Ille Counly Clerk or Oren9e County on July I t98:> The few men scattered about the ballroom Most shelters are Pr<>?<>seJ f01m. Sheela P-1 thrOUQll I k 1 P-8 provided 1n the conlrecl Ft8205 P-.bhahe<I Orange Coasl Daily Pilot July 3. 10 t 7. 24. 1982 292!>·82 were al guests of luc y readers -the 250 of more comp ex arrangements, aocuments. 8 na sna11 be than 1,500 Colorado readers who had won their often involving limited 1ccompenied by a cerlllled or Places at the party through a drawing. partnersh~ and loans eu111er·a ct\eek or • bl<I bona for . . not less then 10•1. or the aniount ot 1-----------There is "a closet 2 percent" of Harlequin which In 1v1duals are the bid. ma<le payebte 10 the c11v or NILIC NOTICE readers who are male, confided consumer relations not liable to repa~. Costa Mese. No P•0P0•81 shall be 1 .. POATa .. r NOTICE d Ka h Or ""h ll h d h B h is im l r.onSldeted unless eocompanted by ,.. "" irector t erine r. ' 1 e le us t ey rea t e ut ere s P e such caahter's check cash or IF YOUR PROPERTY IS IN books to find out what women want.'' one -rejected by the bidder's bona. · · FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU The Harlequl·n readers' n.>r1ies have 1..--n held Intern a I Revenue No bid shell be cons1defe<1 untess ARE BEHIND IN vouR PAVMENTS ~ I"""~ u.x . . II ls mede on 1 blenk form furntthe<I IT MAY SE SOLO WITHOUT AN'( m mote than 20 cities since the first one in San Servlce -which shows by the City or Coste Mesa ano is COURT ACTION ana you may have Diego three years ago, the year that Harlequin how a shelter works for ma<le in eccoraance with the the legal nghl to bring your acc.out11 books had thei'r 30th anru'versary. a wealthy investor and provisions 01 the Propose• 1n 0000 s1and1no by pay1no an 01 requirement• you' pas1 due poymen1s plu~ "We were unsure anyone would come, and why it won't work for Eech bldOer must be 11eense<1 as perm111ed costs and expenses thousands turned out," Ms. Orr recalled. . someone of average req111re0 by l•w w11111n three months rrom the dete The City Council or th• Cny or lht5 notice 01 dele-.tt wes recoroeo This party included a guest appearance by means. Costa Mae r--.81 the r1o111 10 This amount is S801193 as of Mey Canadian author Sheila Strutt, free books and A promoter sells a reiect •ny 01 e11 bids t9 •982 an<1w111tnet-un1~y°"' lunch, and a pitch to would-be authors by Fred shipment of Bibles for 11,:ti;,~!;.,~1~1 •;::;,;:n~;~;·:~ =.°;:;~e~o;;:,• ,:;':,'.,:~ Kerner, a company vice president. $5,000 "wholesale" and 1780 1nc1u11v1. of 1n1 C•trlorn•• oor •1on 01 your eccount. •••n Ohly a quarter of the 200 or so Harlequin assures the buyer that if Ubo< Code. 1111 PfeYatllnQ 111e ano thOllgh ruu paym41n1 wu oem&nde<I writers are North Americans, he said lat.er, and the they are held for a year, ~or~~=·~~.r~Y 11:: ~~t:' mus• pay 1119 _,nt steteo company ne«ls to find more American authors they can be donated to With tilt c11y c1er1c 01 se1<1 C11y ana Al er three months 1rom 111e aate among the 1,000 unsolicited manuscripts received in charily and valued at shell l0tleH penell•ff prescr1be<1 or rt•cordauon of '"" document ,. . ,. thettfn for noocompl1anc;e ot lhe (wl'IOC h oate of rec:or<lat!Of'I appeani Toronto each month. $15,000 retail. That said Cocle hete<>nl unleU 111e obhga11on bet"9 A writer producing four "basic" novels each ~ would produce a $15,000 EILEEN P PHINNEY •0tec~ upon pe<m11S • •onoer · · · K 'd d d i { h City Clerk of the 1)8(10<1 you have only the legal ught year can make a s1x-f1gure income, emer S8J • tax e uct on or t e City 01 Cost• Mesa 10 st()() the 1orec.1osore by paying Each author is a best-seller, he added, because the buyer. Published Oren9e Coest 0111y 111e •inure amount demenoed by company sells a million of every title A typical four-member P1101. July 3. 9. 1982 your crc1<11•0t · . 2950·82 To 11n<1 out the amount you musl At less than $2 a book, the romance novel family with income of pey. 01 10 a11an<;11 '°' peyment 10 industry appears tn be recession-proof Harlequin $120,000 a year could Pt&.IC NOTICE stop '"" rorectosure . or '' your · · l · ' · i his sh 1 propoo<ty 1s In l0teclosure lor any offic1a s say. and readers say they hke the way that mvest n t tax e ter K-00683 othe• reeson con1ec1 PCM Ae•llY mon£'y problems are absent from their heroines' and cut its tax bill by NOTICE OF DEATH OF ana Management, agenr '°'Walnut lives $10 862 _ a saving of EUGENIA L LESTER AND Maintenance Anoc1at1on, 23726 · ., 1 $ · B1r1c~r Drive El Toro CA 92630 ''The men are always wealthy, explained $2.17 for each l spent 0 F PETIT I 0 N T 0 1e1 11"17681261 Sheri Ahman of For t Collins. "The girls might not on the "wholesal e" ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. 11 you have 1ny q~t1001. you have tons of money, but they're not starving." " Bibles. A-113tH. . ~~~~:~mce~~~~c~g!n~yw~~c~' ~~~ For working women like Ms. Ahman and But a $40,000 family To. all hel.TS, benef~aries. have insured your 1oen houesewife-mothers like Betty Kimball the could make the same cred.'tors and contingent Remember YOU MAY LOSE . . . . . . · . creditors of EUGENIA L. LEGAL RIGHTS tF YOU DO NOT s1mphc1ty of life lns1de a Harlequm sells the books, investment and reduce LESTER and peraons who TAKE PROMPT ACTION they said. ita tax bill by only $3,457 may be otherwise lnterested NOTICE IS jiEREBY GIVEN lh•t "It' Ii ht " 'd M Kimball h has L.~ l f • 1 5 4 3 . . ovrsuont 10 Arllele IV Sec1tons ,_. s g . sa1 rs. . w 0 tm~ -a oss 0 • • • Ill the Wlll and/or estate: of the Oec:l•r•llOO of Covenenll children under 6. "Everybody ne«ls an escape and, What.ever the charitable A petition has been flied Co11<1111ona ena Res1r1ci1on•' with one of these, you can have it and yet come benefit of such an by JOHN B. LESTER. JR. rn recoraeo Aug..st 16. 1911 '" eat>11 right back to reality when one of the kids screams. investment, it offers the Superior Court of =dsP~:O:~~y.~aJ~=: Then, aft.er you take care of reality, you can slip nothing as a tax shelter Orange Countl requesting • breach or th• obl1oa11on or right back into the story." for this family. that JO~ 8. ESTER, JR. peym•n• of uHssmenls hes be appointed as personal ooeurreo Noltee of seld b<Hoh eno representative to administer hen wu hie<! IOI reo0td on Merell Bucking rodeo racket 23 . 1982 es Oocumen1 No the estate of EUGENIA L. 82-10037• or pJO Offoal Records L E s T E R • 8 A L e 0 A No Pl)'mtnl OI PNI <11'9 emounta ISLAND, CALIF. (under has occ:ured Therefore. tile Walnut t h e I n d e p e n d e n l Me1n1enenc1 Assoct11ron does · · · f Es l'lerlby 11«1 IO tell Of C811M 10 be Adm1mstrat1on o tales IOl<I the fot1<>w1no <19SQf\bld reel Square dance callers also get tips Act). The petition is set for property to ut11ty the obllgellon hearing in Dept. No. 3 at 700 PARCEL 1 By JOYCE L. KENNEDY DEAR JOYCE: I'd like information about rodeo riding. -P.M .• Houston, Texas Prizes of up to $250,000 may make the rough and tumble game of rodeo riding and roping worth the broken bones and bruises if you're a winner. Rodeo news and names of rodeo schools can be found in "Prorodeo Sports News," published by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association. You can obtain a copy by sending 50 cents In stamps plus a large. self-addressed mailing label to me at Box 1560, Costa Mesa 92626. Ask for "Rodeo." DEAR JOYCE: l love 1quare danclDg . and woa.Jd like to become 1 caller. Wllere ca l cake cla11e1? -K.E .• CllJcal'O, m. Although the square dance floor may be a site of frequent confusion, lt'a a great place to have fun for dancera and caller allke. U you'd like a \wo-page liat of 9e1uare dance callina 1ehoola, aend a 1tamped, 1elf-add.relaed, lona white 4!."velope plua 50 cent.a ln cotna to Bob CJ1800CS, 462 N. Robertaon Blvd., Lot A.nplea, 90048. OBAR JOYCE: WM&'1 die •tlook ,., ltllebmltlll' -B.I ., Utde AM, ~ CllllRI Civic Center Drive West Unit S8 •• shown ano • <letcrlbld In 11\e Condominium Plan Santa Ana, Calif. 92701 on recorded on August 16, 1977 In July 21 , 1982 at 9:30 a.m book 12339. pegea 872 to 709 IF YOU OBJECT to the lnckl•tve. or Olhclet Rec01d• of uJd bl k d '""""'tin.g of the petition. you cP~RnCfYEL 2 ~lpment. Artist-ac smiths fin °·-· " .. . h tha rod d ti should either appear at the An undlvioual one etghly-nlnth jo m I ops t P uoe ecora ve hearing and state your 11189thl 1n11rest .. • tenant 1n wrought Iron. objeelione or file wri lten common 1n the fee interest In and 10 For a lilt of blacksmithing achools, obi'eetions with the court the Common Aree of Lo• 1 of Traci f h Ameri F · , . 9643. as per M•p Ille<! In bOOk 406, courtesy o t e can amer s be ore the hearing. Your P•oe 13 •n<I t-' of Mlsc;ellaMOU$ Association, send • stamped, self-appearance may be In person Meps. records of said County. u addressed lo"&;hit.e envefo~oe to me or by your attorney. such '"m Is <1ef1ned In tilt Anlcie t Bo 1560, ta M 92 26 "-k IF YOU ARE A enlllla<I Oeltnlllons" of Ille a X , esa . n3 CREDITOR 01c;lera11on or Covenents, for "Blaclamlth." ---, or a contl.ngen,t Conditions end Restriction• DE• n JOYCE· Pl ..ea 11 creditor of the deceued, you recorded 1n boolc 12339. P-oe 810 ~ · eaae u.a.acau to mustfileyourclalmwiththe of Of r1c1 e1 Record• (th• teleGtlltl. COW'\ or present it to the "01011re 1 Ion "), 1nd eny -R.B., K.lam1tll Fall•, Ore. perso nal representative ~=0dment1 or •nnuallont appointed by the court The record vested OWi* o1 ,,.. •• Soil acientiata are ac:ratchlng to find W\tbin fwr months from the property ITIOfl eommonty known • jobs. A graduate dearee plus a ate of first l11uance of 20 Herll•g•. 1rv1n1. c1111ornt• I• .\ background ln lab raearch or field letters as provided in SecUon .i.o'Iiet::' 24, 1N2. i work can help .,,,.. C'Olnpete. 700 of ~ Probate Code of STATE Of clllFORNtA )M '11 f b .1k-l "C l Callforn1a. The tlme for A ree oo et, areera n lil.lnc c:1aimt will not expire cown OF ORANGE 1 Agronomy, Crop Science, Soll prior to lour montbt from Welnut M1 1n 11 nenc• Sdence,'' d.nbee job opportuniU. t.b• date -f the hearln1 ~1~~ Stone and lilt.a coUeaa and univenitift with ftotitCed above. LEl! ~ BAANOti. suitable coww work. You can obtain YOU MAY EXAMINE OnC<Nttty ~ ·~1 • a free copy, cou.rtay of the American the ftle kept by the court. U ~\ ':~iry~ ":' !:. .... ; Sodety of AcronomY· by Mndina a you are tntereated ln the tor Mid 81111. per~ ___., ~ , g:tcard reqUtel\ to roe at Box 1f60 ..uite. you may me • req~ ... R. Stone, 1cnown '° ,.. '° -. . ': ""2 .. 26 k f ••So : lth the court to rec.lve Alet. hcrlltty of tN ~· • • •t• ~·•• • v • At or h apeelal notlc• of tht U.tlleOl.IMCllMwjthlll~.·· .. 1 Sdence. lnwntory of "c..te aaa•i; =~ : 1~':,t'::::.. WfW>• .,. • DEA& JOY CS: I'• • cltJ '•J and ot the petJtJorw, 8CCOUn'-=of ,,. -..or•llOrl _:;. • : ll&enl ... ii .... lrJ........ and report• deecrlbed In . and IClllnarlttau· '° ,... -J.J,. laJdmen, Mtt. lhcUon uoo .& of the~':.~~--:-:".:··;, --lifomla Probate Code. l'MAwl0ta,_,_.,.._.,.,., .,. Try • eummer Job on • paW1ry w s1a, wa10BT at~ ;.~j farm: atw ~ °"' lb9 Pr'dftl • WAAD _: ~ 11eM .., ...., I\ order you may clfflde 1 eoll•I• • It 'e.. .... ... ,...., •"'90fl . r 1 -111nanw A , ~· •1 ~not con\lol ch• ru•11re C •a M.._ Kt c.11r, .=.1££ ::=:..,! J:.rrr.J1111 u IUOI) tor la U. ._, "* ... ""--. •· ftlWf lilOI \ Orang• Cout DAILY PILOT/8aturdly, July 3, 1882 ••• ............ "MR. JUND" -Irving Cohn, 84, spends Sundays at Chicago hospitals taking pictures of people and giving them to them. "lt makes them happy and I like to see them smile," he says. ' . .He spreads happiness 'Mr. Kind' takes pictures for patients CHICAGO (AP) -They call him Mr. Kind, and he's a master at ~thing a furrowed brow. "I no longer can play golf and tennis, or dance. because or fallen arches. And I'm only 84!" says Irving Cohn. "So my outlet now is spreading happiness by snapping 'pktures. There's a lot of unhappy people out there." Cohn, who works six days a week at a jewelry store he founded , spe nds Sundays at hospitals with his Polaroid camera. "I'll see a man sitting dejectedly in a wheelchair and I'll take his picture and give it to him," said Cohn, long a camera buff. "He'll start smiling. Other patients will want their pictures taken and I'm glad to oblige . It makes them happy and 1 like to see people smile." Cohn never c harges for the elctures and says he spends about $40 every weekend on film. "I started trying to s pread happiness six months ago when I went to a hospital for a checkup." he said. "l took pictures of people looking unhappy and they smiled. Then the receptionist wanted one, and a patient waiting for an X -ray asked for one. Before I knew it, I had a new career. What could be more rewarding than making s0rnebodl'. happy even for juat a moment? "I saw a_ f!Ulll leavin.g the hospital in a wheelchair and he didn't look too happy. I took h is picture and gave it to him and said, 'Now go home and don't come back.' He went away smiling. "It's amazing how people will bnghten up and smile when I come along with m y camera," said Cohn. Cohn rec~ntl y founded the Making Other People Happy Club. When he learns of a kindness, he hands out a certificate honoring the benefactor. "I've got 65 members so far." he said. "J ust the other day I saw a man helping a blind girl across the street. I took him to my office, gave him a b illfo ld a nd a MOPH certificate." Whe n C o h n isn 't visiting hospital he drops in at restaurants. "Kids a nd their parents interest me," he said. "If the kids are eating nice at the table, I go up and give them a Mickey Mouse toy -I buy them by the gross -and take the family's picture. So it costs me $30 or $40. It would cost me that much anyway if I took someone out for dinner." Cohn has photographed many customers in the jewelry s;.tore. "They like to have a memento of the day the y c hoose th ei r enga'4ement or wedding ring," he said. 'Some come in so tense. And a picture calms them down." Then, of course, Cohn can get down to talking business. rt&IC NOTICE lt-tffll TillUS~ ~ I NOTICE OF· DEATH OF YOU ARE IN DEFAULT under • EDITH ELIZABETH DHd 01 Truat dated 3124178 CASSIDY, AKA EDITH E. -ded 4nn8. 1n 8ooll 12&21. C A S S I D y A N D O F P1ge 508, Otflct11 Record• ot P E T I T I 0 N T 0 A D -0renge County, Cllll0tnlL F1CTITIOU8 IUSl•H NA• STATa-..T MINISTER EST ATE NO. Un._ you 1111e 1e1ion to protect I A .... ,, your property. 11 wtll be IOld II • I ·11• · public ute. If you need "' . . . llq)l-tlon of the nature of the To all het.r5, beneficiaries, procHdlng1 1g1tnst you. you creditors and contingent Should contact 1 lawyer c re d i t O r S O ( ED f T H NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tlla1 ELIZABETH CASSIDY , J\*'f 27. 11N12. 11 11:00 A.M .. at ,ka EDITH E. CASSIDbY ~"olg:~~· C~M0:~~~8~0°~:.~ and Pf'.rsons who m.ay e Gerry, Sult• 208. S1n11 An•. otherwise interested In the Cllllornla 92705. ORANGE COAST I will and/or estate: HOLDING COMPANY. aa Truatee, I . tellphonl numb« (714) 557-0842. n11 toffowlng persons 111• doing ~IS. THE ELEGANT DET All . 34 Acacil Tr .. Lane. trvlfle, CA 92715. ROB McCALLISTIOR, 34 AcKil Tree. Irvin\, CA 927 tS. OON ANGL E. 762 Tuatln Avenue. Coat• M .... CA 1126&3. Tiiis bullf'llal la conducted by a glr*ll p1<tnersri1p. Rot> McCalhster Thia Slit-I WU l111d wlln Ille County CWk ot Or1nge Counly on June 10. t982 ,1S1251 Publl1h1d Orange Co111 Dell~ Pilol. Ju,,. 12, 19, 26. July 3. 1982 /2s-.s-82 MUC NOTICE Ill 1• 111111 Birt ha MOAG MnlOMAL NOUITAL .IUNt Mr Md Mre. ~ McWtlln•. lfvlne, ow• Mr. Ind Mn 01vl d lull er, Hun11n91on IWbour. boy Mr. 11'1<1 Mr9. JoMph KOfocDlej, Hunllngton IMctl boy Mr. Ind Mre. Gery P1ulton. Hlintlnoton leecft, gitl Mr. Ind Ml'I. Ntvel ~1111'1111. eo.tl ...... boY Mr. Md Mra. ltlM ~. IMM, boy Mr. Ind Mrl. Cllllrneft Shlpl\erd, lfW\t, Oltl Mr. 11'1<1 Mr•. ~ltd Colllldln•. Colle ... .._. gift Mr. 1nd Mre. leo 01.Ckmtytr, ltvlne, (twine) boy llllCI Gitt Mr. Ind Mra. Tltfenol W1tklntotl. Huntington BMet\, boy ..... Mr. and Mre. Cert HOCMW, IMne, boy Mr. Ind Mf'I. Steven LOtOI, Cotti ~.girl Mr. end Mre. Robert V1ugll1n, Coton• dll Mw. girt Mr. Ind Mra. Joe P9'), Huntington BMctl, boY Mr Ind Mre. Ml .. k Olgun. lrvlnl, boy Mr. 1nd Mrl. Wiibur Foller. Huntington 8-: l'" Mr. end Mre Tllomu Wiibourn. Coell Miii, glrl Mr Ind Mre. CllytOn Sc;llw111u. Coton• dll Mer, girl Mr. end Mre. Robert Grunow. Newpon Blkll, gl(l Mr end Mre. Mlchael CrOOd•ce. Huntington 81: frl Mr. end Mrl. Rlellerd Viii.I. Irvine. girl M r a n d M r • Ru d o l p h Loewenstein. 1mne. girt Mr end Mrs Josepll Zezulkl , Huntington Beac:h, girt ' Mr. end Mra. Deen BlerbOwer, Huntington Beach, girt Mr and Mrs . Scott F ord. H1Jnllng1on 8"c:ll, boy ,,_, Mr I nd Mra Thomas Teng, Cot11 Mesa.girl Mr. end Mr1 Denni• a.an, Cofone dll Mer, boy JllM-1 Mr. and Mr1. Richard Macklin. Newport 8"c:ll, bOy Mr and Mra Steven Anglo. Fountain Valley. girt Mr I nd Mrs Michael McGewiey. Coet1 MIU, girl Mr end Mre. Stephen lsakeen. lrvtne, boy Mr. end Mre. Henry Smith. Colla Mesa, girt Mr. 111d Mrs Ronald Grouman, Irvine. girl Mr and Mrs Dan Bond. Fountain Valley, girl Mr. I nd Mrs. J«ry MCMCOYllCll. Hunllngton Beacll. boy aT. J08EN4 HOSll'fTAL ,.., 'D Mr and Mrs. HIOk Tll•Ylf. Costa Mes.. girl Mey30 Curlis Coward and Tine Dleiz, Santa Ana. girt ....... Mr end Mrs. D1vid Cunnlngllem. Huntington Beech. boy Mr and ~rs. Mlct\MI Wendling. HIJl'ltlngtoo Beacb..-gltl W£STPH MEDtCAl. CENTE" ...... 1 Mr. end Mrs. Jolln D'Onolrlo, Huntington ee: ¥1rl Mr. end Mra. D1vld G1lb1um. Newpor1 Bleetl, boY ,,_, Mr end Mrl CllriSC<JC)her MlchMI. lrvlhe. boy STATaMPfT Of' wrntDRAWAl. ~· . Mr. Ind Mrs o.nlel Wllcln. C0tt1 M-.boy ......oee CCUll'"f't' "°""~ Mr. end Mr~t~frty Tolber t, Coeta ....... ~.,,, Mt. Ind Mre. 0.Vld Lullt, !Nini, girt ..., ti Mr 1nd Mfl. Gery 9cllonfeldt. IMnl, glrl Mr Ind ton..,.:,, .. W.t>et•. lmne, bO¥ Mr. end Mr~~on l!lllmenn, South Laguna, oll1 Mr. end Mre. "Robert Leonerd, South Lligunl, boy Mr. end Mr~~"'"' Junkin, Legun1 BIMtl. bOy Coastal firemen elevated Four Orange Coast men and six otben who w o rk in Irvine are among 24 Orange C ounty firefighters promoted to ranks o f captain and engineer. Larry Drake, 36, and Gary Wuchner, 32, both of Huntington Beach, are new captains and John Hall. 31, of Huntington Beach and Bill Nelson, 34. of Fountain Valley are engineers in the department. Drake and Wuchner are both paramedics who worked for the Fountain Valley Fi.re Department before transferring to the county fore~ las t year. Also named captain was Scott Nelson, 37. of San Juan Capistrano, who works at the fire station at John Wayne Airport. Other firefighters stationed in Irvine who were promoted t o. engineer are John Allen, 33, of Canyon 1..ake: Pat Antrim, 22, of Silverado Canyon; Clay Chaisson, 35, of Santa Ana; Dan Hanson, 24, of Los Alamitos. and Steven McHale, 24, of Orange. IJflOM P~ flCTITIOUS --SI ONMTINQ....,.,. N.u. STATDmNT F1CTTTIOU8 .,.._.. ..... The following pereons -doing Tiii lollowtng p1r1on "" bualnMI •= Witlldrewn u 1 generll pertner f\'om EVERGREEN PLANT CARE. Ille p1rtneranlp oper1ttng under the 21022 Man.aa Clrcle. Huntington llc11t1ou1 bu1tne1• n1m1 of Beacll, CA 92848. CANYON CflEST NOOE VENTURE Cllrl11ophtr O. Horn, 21022 It 26301 Cebot Road, su1 .. 112. MlnHU ClrCll. Hunllnglon L.agune Hilla. CA 92653 8Mc;J\, CA 112646. Tiie flclltlotJa bull,,... n1me Linn•• Ann Horn, 21022 Sl•l-1 for Ille partnerehlp -M-Clrde. Huntlng1on 911ch, flied on April 23. 1982 In thl County CA 9264&. ol Orange. FILE NO: F16I007. Thia bu9inMt ii conduc11d by Thi luH n1m1 Ind lddr-of en lndlYIOuel the p1raon withdrawi ng l a· Linnea Ann Horn c H AR L Es D. DA Ly • 4 I 0 0 This allllmlnt ....... flied won ,,,. MacArlllur Boulevard. Newport County Clettt ol Orenge County on Beacll. CA 92863. Mey 28. 1982 Cnar111 0. Daly P\Jbli.hld Orange COU1 Delly PllOI June 1g, :le, July 3. 10, 1982 ,190m Publllhecl Orenge Coa1 Delly Pil01. June :ze, .My 3, 10. 11. 1982 A petition has been filed w111 1811 11 public auc11on, 10 Ille by NANCY ANNE DEAN in lllgf!elt bidder tor ca111. 1n lawful the Superior Court of money ol tll• United SlltH, ~II ec...a •-tc NOTll'r Oran~e County requesting payable II thl time of .. 11. Ill that flCTITIOUS IU ... H PllllJC NOTICE r-'""" 2e48-82 277742 tha ANCY i."~E DEAN certlln rell proper1y lltueted In Ille NAm ITAT'EmNT ftC'nT10U8 .,._ .. t 1\.1,J, City of Newport Bllc:ll, County ol Tiii lollowlng Pilreon la doing NOTICI Of' TRU~S SAU um STA.,....,. be appointed as persona) Orenge. State of C1tllor nta. bUll,.... as· T.S • ..._ 114147 repre9entative to administer deecflbld .. followr. Lot 15, except TEENA'S BIG N' l ll KIDS. On July 7. 1982 II 1:00 o'doctl ~ '°":"'° penonl -dol the estate 0 ( ED ITH lhl Not1'-llr'ly 1 toot thereof and 30100 Town Cini• Ortve. Leoun• p M at lhl Front flepe of the Old QUALITY FIRE PROTECTIO I ELIZABETH CASSIDY. rn'S::"f:~':.0f7~~~8t:! Nlguel,CA92tn. County Courlhoole, 211 w Sanui SERVICE. P.O. Box 9057, 1121 C SSID BYONG DAL AHN. 18 167 AnlBlvd.,SantaAna.Cel".92702, Stonecreea,FountelnVtlley,C aka EDITH E. A Y, City of N9wpot1 Blectl. County ot LMogatoo Street. Fountain Vllley. In thl City of S.,,ta Ana. Slit• of 92708. crrY OF COSTA MESA, Orange. Stet• or Clllt0tnla. aa per CA 92708. Calllornt1. N-Life Mortg1ge & BARRY LEE COOPER, 1121 CAL IF . ( u n ~ ~ r t ~ e :: :~::!ii~ ~!s:~,! 1,J,::~ Is conducted by en =tot'~ ~x=: by~'': StonecreH, Fountlln Valley. C Independent Ad.ministrabon omc. of Ille County Recorder of Byong Dll Ahn Ba r I h 0 I 0 m. w & R 0.. M . 92708• of btat.es Act). The petition county Tiiie et•t-t waa m.o wltn the Bertllolomew hw •• Jt recorded S JOHN EDWARD KEEFE. 186 la let for hearing ln l»pt. The 11r1et 1ddre11 or otller County Clerti of Orenge County on ~I>« 16, 1981 • dOcurnenl ugarlotf. Founteln Velley, C No. S at 700 Civic Center common dellonltlon of thl said June 10. tg12. ,,.tt., no. 111423 In t>oott 14291 pege 400 92::!· ~ 11 conducted by Drive West Santa Ana rM1 property Ta: 2M Sixty~ Publlall1d Or1ng1 Co11t Dally of Otftdal Ricord• In IM atllce 01 general pertnll'lhlp. Calif. 92701 o;, July 21, 1982 St=~ 8::"~":"'tt!i1 Piiot. June 19, 26. July 3, 102=~ b':.f::'C: r~ "'.,-dlfc::;''r~ Thi•~~-~ with t at 9:30 a.m. covenant or werrer~~:t:"dlng the p1ym1nl or p1r1orm1nc1 of County Clerlt of Orange County on IF You 0 ... ....,,,... •~ ... _ title, paeuulon, or anoes -----------obllg1tlon111 11cur1d tlld1,r1by June 17• 1982. SN6'A..~ "" uoc 10111111y .. ot>llgatlont MC:Uf'9d by PUBUC NOTICE Including I 1 breech Of • ault, ,,._ Model 83 15 MAGNAVOX VCR Soft touch function controls. Mechanical tuning. t day /1 event timer. Transition editing. Remote pause. Special - MCICMI UIS STAR REMOTE Model RB4266 Enjoy the ultimate in stat&-<>f-the-art tect1nology with this 19" diagonal Star Touch-Tune Color TV. There's aJso a 10 channel favorite station feature. on screen time and channel display, high resolution filter and an audio output jack Factory programmed to receive 105 channels. s599ss FREE DELIVERY #5230 Star Remote 5 89995 This 25" star features an all new 19 button Infrared remote control that not only allOws random access to 105 channels, but push button controls for alternate channels, HI-A sound, and recall func;tlons. Enjoy this lightweight. easy-to-<:arry 12" diagonal Black & White TV. 100% Solid State chassis. preset VHF fine tuning. s goo Model OBP1 0 1 Big Set performance in a compact 13" diagonal size. This portable Color TV features Automatic Fine Tuning and 100% Solid State chassis. s29900 IJ'IU'tin8 of lhe petition. you end pureuant lo the po.-of .... notlOe of wtllcll -,_did Mlf. Publlltlld Oruge co111 Delly ~~a~"lhe~~'"~~~°' ~-.. s'".~~~12~r~::'~·~~:~1:~~~~.~~~:3~·~1;~~1~~;·u~~~==~=:::~:=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M h.aring and state your tru11 d1ted March 24, 1971, MAME tTATDmWT """" .....,,.. "' _, 2912-12 ~ by JON JARVIS, 1 llngte Thi f011oW1ng Plr90nl -doing Offlciel Aecordl. wlll Mii II publtc objections or file written man, 11 Tru1tor1, to NEWPOAT bull-•= auction to lhl ~ blddll' for I objections with the court EQUITY FUNDS. INC .. • Trvetee. THE EASTER PIZZA co .. cath In lllWfUI money of 1111 United f before the hearing. Your to ROBERT J. COSTAREllA, M.D .. 11M4t Slln'1 Lune Rd., 1rvtM, CA StllH, w~ covenant or ·~may be ln penon ~iusV!~ t~LRA ~03~t.~ JA 9271.:EEHA MARIA SMITHl_f9441 ~:m· •. po, .. °:,'f':':'! ~ or y your attorney. PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION. Sien• Lune Ad .. IMnl. CA wzT15. encutnbfll'IC9I, for thl purpoll of IF Y 0 U ARE A EMPLOYEE BENEFIT TRUST. LYNNE C. GRAHAM. ,131 peylng obllgatlona aecured by Mid ~. '*lOf'dld •n na. 1n T ......._...... t..ane ..__ 8Mctl Deed of Trull, the Inter.et oonveyecS CBEDrr<>R or a ron~nt Book 12628. Paoe 60e (1no Re· c':92"N4.a • ,__,......, ' 10 Mid Trust" by Mid Deed ot creditor of the deceued, you ~ded 4/2tn8 In Book 12&4g, Tiiie ~ 11 condlletld by 1 Truet tn property 111uated In the fil _,_,_ Ith the PIOt 1081 Orat191County) Offlcllt generll part"*"'lp· County of Or1ng1, Stet• of must e youruaun w A,1cord1° of Or1ng1 Oounty, "'-" Mlrll smn11 Callfoml1 ll\d oeeet1bed M: OOW't or prellenl It to the Cllltof'nM. Thie"'""*"' -fllld wttll the A IMMtlold 11\911 Int-' In peraonal representative Nodoi of OefaUlt Ind a.c11on 10 County Qlrtl of Orange County on Ind to Lot 15 of Trld No. 426t, • appointed by the court Sell ti-e 6-lbed r111 proper1y M9Y 20 1962 per m1p recorded In loolt 154 wtth.in four monthl from the under 11td 011d of Trull w11 • · ,_ P90ll 22 end 23 of MiloelelllOUI f r900rdld en Mardi 2', 1112 .. Publlahld Orenoe Coaet Dally Mape, In 1M oflloe of Ille County date of first IHuance o .,..,_.No. 12-1ooaa. Olllaltll PllOt. June 1g, 2e, J~ 3, 12i.,,!."!.; ~~~~ _._..1 ~•provided ln Section Reoord1 of Orange County, ,_..., ....... _. --... .., -·-• C10011off the1 ProbaTh se1Codefof ~ar.~1n~ ::'·1f.~~~.=~..: a orn. a . . e t me or wlltl tn. Wl1tMn ICJC)llCetlon IMOe to emount will tnct .... untll dete of filing claims will ~-explrefrom 1 h. Tr u at ••. b., I II. .. m. P\aJC MJ'f1C( ..... prim' to lout ipoftuw a.11111c111ry. Tl\1 1lreet addr ... and otllef the date of t'he bearlna On ..--29. 1m. wNdl 11 ttie Mtn90Ul IUH... OOftWftOll dlllgndoft. • """· or !fie dlee of 1t11 1n1t111 ib1c11Uo11 of tNe MAm ITATW M ~ dleOllled MIOft 11 I naClced above. Notice ol hl1~ttlfioOo•lnO Thi ....... I**"" It dOlt'IO ~10blr;IOltMnlnW11.Y, YOU MAY EXAMINE ~llu~==~ ~:-:.01N~9 OHIVROH °1:.·::-a~·o~'"rru1tu tbe file apt by the court. If ~ MCU9CI by IN .,_ SERVIOl ClNTER, 1MCl1 IMatl dl1Glalma an~ lleelllllt~ for lllY ,.a an lrlterMted In the .......,. iwooertY to be edit. anc1 l!Nd. ~ IMct\, ea....., 1110et•tot11811 of tfll ..,_ lddlW ....... you 1M1 ftle a request reUOftebl~. ••flflltted OOltl, Jam11 'ilctor lopea, t 1t7 tn0 °'* oomMOn fHISIMton, It wtdr the court to ~Ye .. po1110. 111d eduuu. H1dl111 Rl¥er Clrolo, '011111•111 ttrt. "'°*'' lllrtM. .-1vefJ· '"""'lid tMMllot Of V"'-';, Ca. ta10I Deted; Jwne 1tl, .... .... clel notice ~f tbe ---.C.,.1;,:oc;,00;.,.,.. t1. lWl~lloondlloteelt.yan ...... ,.we.Pner.1 .....,_.,of •tew -u •:bO:~ooeea. ..... ~-*>: ~. ~. 11t111 W.-.nttOfl ,.._., _.. oe the pllltaon.,.........,. ~ • .o.: rotat. s11.nuo. -*-v. L4'* Apt. •c. 1.o1 AnOellt. c.t. eoo11 _. repore. d.-crlbH ln _,,.,~ ::": -::-..:::= ~ ~ 0:0. --~: 12~=1~ UM Mor1IMM _, Sec\lOP 1200.& Of tbe Mo.llfTMU~a•U•llton .11#1917, tlU, ""*'· lllC~I .. Qllt,-18"11 ClllbNa Pwobltil c.o.t.. 0.~ ,, ,... Cllf. , l""l ......... No. ...... ,, .... of "'"II.Md Ol'aflfO C.... DellY PUOltlMf OtMfe OoaM Dejfy .iii~~~l.!811.A~ VA ar....o , "'°' Mle tt. IL Mt I , '°-=-.NM tt,-. Mr i. ,_ ..... &Mla ........ J caJt:lrl COMT HO&.DtNO ... 11l+F' ~--:: .J§.-=.T.~ _ .... ~~--~~--~~~~ ....... ~i--~~~ ....... John A. Krajian D.D.S. \ * Lab On Premises * X-Ray s, Diagnosis, Cleaning for S25 Dental Plans, Medi-Cal and Insurance Accepted Senior Citizens Discount CREDIT~TEACAAD-VISA ....,. ••• 0r9"gt Oout OAILV PILOT/leturdmy, JUI)' 3, 1ff2 .. • YOVMll TO THI r-OPTHlllA .... * "l .0.8." ( 191 t) Wll• "'"' Hold111, Jull• ~. A tnOlllt d"9ct0t wM ,... jutt llflltflld • lllUftlomilllon dOlllt 11.11key o-lrom •ltln!pi.ct .,.._ Clldl to a blllffely lntplrld .. ,~=~ TlefTAU< 'NAY AnNft t WATCH YOUR MOUTH l ~Nl'AN NmWIMN<IM SONG-DANO: MAN -James Cagney lights up the ecreen Cn his Oscar-winning performance In "Yankee Doodle Dandy" tonight at 8 on KTTV (11 ). ' l;tt MOW * • "Heno-r t8" (I MO) Otnen McGavln, Robert Veughn, RelllrChera 11 1 Mae! o-nmertt IMlll· lallon lnv11t1g1t1 Iha ~ of • 11111111•'• f<KI· den deltructlori. 'PG' l:tolNIWI I:*» OUl'TY'I TM!HOUR ID ~l!:o PU9lJC AFFAIRS NEWVOtet! CAPTlOHED ABC Hr#I Cl) VOCE Olf AOAICUlTUAE 9 rra YOUR IKJIMNUI l ~NUOGlf.8 ·~ "On The Righi Trecic" (11181) Gary Coleman. MICl\MI Leml>lcll A SOClll wortcer trlea to find a nor- mal home for 1 lrilln Ila· tlon lllQjlahlne boy with 1 lllertt for plcll.lng the ponlla. 'PG' CJ) HOT WHUL8 A tffn1ger'1 rejection rewlll In dltappolntmenr which lead• to a ~­ ous DI""' Of one-up mart· ahlp. t :OO . IODeWOM.O FNtur9d· an Interview with Ted Lange of '"The Love Boat", 1 rapo•t from LoulavlU1, K1rttlieky. on 14-yeer-old Robin Howlng- IOn. dlaonplon IPlld rOl- llrS111l• 11\0 runner. a a WIMlll.EDON TENNll Coverege of the women's linglea lif'llla (from Wom. bledon, England). I WG BUJE MAA8l.E 9 8UPEAF'AIENDS I DAVEY AHO OOUATH TUNBCEHE -~rTOUT I VOQA FOR HEAL TH W1IWTIHG FOR A MAIOH (I) MIRNA T10NAl HOWi (l)MOVll **"Clown White" (198tl Mark Oitlort. Sol ~blnell An ••Plf1 mime if'ltroduces a young dell boy to the WC>tld of Mll-eapr*Ulon 1!10 ~MOVIE * * "Big WednHd1y" ( 1979) Jan-MlchMI Vin· eertt. William Kall ThrM Celllornla boys enioy the aur1 Ind llnd UrttN they be gin to re11111 that there'• m<><e 10 life than waaing Oown lhelf t>oa1ds 'PG' 1:80 9 MR. MOON'S MAGIC aACUI "In Rabb<1 TuM" I DA. 8NUOOLE8 9 NCt4'E AICt4 I IOOOllVDOO I DAVEY ANO OOUATH CAlEOfNA P£OPlE VOICE~ AGM::tJLTUM I -8UJE MAMlE WNTINOFOAA MASON Cir INTEAHATIONA&. HOUR .MOVIE * • "The Appia Dumpling Gang" ( 1975) Biii Blxb~. S-Clan. A catdlharp lgt-to Ilka poa1M1iot1 of -Vllulb61 ptop.ty l0t I friend. lllld la rlther IUrPfiMd to learn thll llwll O<phlna are Included In the ONI. ·a· aoo I ~ PC>PIYE • • "Mountain Rhythm" ( 1939) Gene Autry, Jurie Story. Aomanoe and tong .,. o.n.·1 comrao.. °" the trail. I =--DTATE WIEI< • * "Blondie'• Annlver· awy" ( 19'8) Penny Single- ton, At1hu< t.1k1 ·==EAIY hoods, Ind Ann hllPI hit Oldet Sitler lace moYll\Q away from home (RI I!) WNT1NO FOR A AlAION ®MOW * * * '"The GrNt MuPPel C1per" (198 t) ChtrlH Grodin. Diana Rigg Ket· mil, Fozz1e and G0rt10 trace I l1bulou1 stolen Jewel lo London (S)MOVll * • "Norman 11 Thlt You?" ( 1976) Redd Fou. Pear1 Balley A dlllraught lalher le determined 10 reform his gay ton 'PG' 9:001 LEAV!rTTO IEAVER 9 lAVEAHEI lttlRL£Y 1J Wll.O, WILO WON..O Ol"AHMAL.a • EANQT ANGLEV Ill NEWVOICE '9 AMMCAN OOV£AHMEHT (C)MOVIE * * * '" • The Mulie Man·· I 1982) Roben Preston. Shtrley Jones A last·lllk· •no 111eaman comet 10 a 9'"111 !own In Iowa to orge. nlre a t>oya' band and ·~ltllly tllla '" IOve wtth an unm1rri1<1 llt>rerl- an .. ao 9 (I) llUG8 8UNHV I AOAO AlJNNEft 9 OZZIE ANO HAMIET 8 !!I HIATHClff I MMMAOU<E • THl8 W&.I( IH &-If.MU 9 MOHIEYMAKEM 6i) AMENCAH GOVEANMENT l.'tMOVIE * * "The Little Oregon. I 198 I) Siiiy Boydltl. Chris P1t1t10<1. A gang Of kldl tr~ In ll.1r111 fHC\11 one of their frietlda wflltl lhl It kidnapped 'PG' 10:00 9 IHA NA NA 8 9 THUNDAM I QOl.DIE OOl.D G MOW * * "Miii "' Out• Spece" ( 1964) Lill ()eye. Fernan- do Rev. • CAA CARE CENTAAL I llOllJONES l.MTCHAHC( GAMOE '9 AMENCAH ~ (l)MOVI€ * * * "Sliver S1r .. k " (1978) G-Wilder, JIU Clayburgh A mlld· mannered book eollor accidentally become• lnvo!ved In a tln•tlet art true! a buarre plot dU<ing 1 croH·COUntry treln r•de 'PG' 10:30 D AMERICll.'8 TOP TEH Q) WE'RE MOVIN' • NA8l 800CEA IOCK8 • 8IONINO wrTH a NOV 61:) AMEACAN OOVEANMENT <HH l) MOVIE *. ... "For Your Eye• Only' 11981) Roger Moore. T opol J 1me1 BOl'ld Ir ICk I a criminal who purloined • loP MCret Brot1Sh dllet1M dev~. 'PG' 11!00 8 TAAZAH •a W&KENO 8P£CW.. "The Trouble With Miu Switch" Animated A young boy Ind 111 old· lutlloned wttcil dlecovet that they hive~· they nevw apPfeclelld. (P1t1 1) (R) • 80UI.. TIWN I llMX MOTOCA018 COOKJHO MfJOCAH ., PER80NAL F1HAHCE AND MONEY MN«OBtEHT OMOVIE * * • ·~ "Gloria" ( 1990) Gerti Rowlanda. John Adamet A l0tmet gun moll l>ecomea the protac- IO< of an Otphlned a.,,..,. old Puerto Alc4ln targeted by Ille IJf\detworkl lor thtt information hi canlea '" 1 bittered l>tllfcue. •PO' • WNT1NO FOR A MMON (%)MOVIE * • * "The M llQlc: Flute" I 19751 JoMI Ko.tllnget, Irma Urrill. A ~ ltld hll lllthful companion ... out to r-I demMI lrt dl9treet ~ the du1CfMe Olanftllaor-. ·a· tt:ao I (I) kACQT~ 9 ~ llANDeTAHO MO. Cl) TANAH I LOHI _.... •• f!ONZ/~ M't8MN8 ·~ ''*'ill' ArOUl\d, Movln' Out" ~ ._,..,,out• ..,,..,. -Nloflbot: l =::-owur MAGIC CW Oil. jtMmNQ ID 'INDHAi~ ANDMOHIV WM.NKITNT CC>MOVll * •'A "EOholl Of A Sum- mer" ( 1978) Richard Merrit, Jodie Foster. A ter• mtnelly ... 12-~-old git! oi-,.., 111~11"-d '"'* Ind her bllnd"' CHAllll. LISTINGS • 1 ., e KNXT ICISI t e llCNK CNKI e ecr u l&M.> 9C.MCCAK) • 1Cf'M8 Call e .UU.TV 11•.J •KCST CAKI (JI) On·TV (J) l ·TV II> "'° II:> CCINm111 t (J) (W01t) NV., H.Y. OJ IWTN> ~ llUN) ~ '"-''""> dllermlned mo1ha• the courage 10 accep1 her 1111 'PG' S1111le M1t1nera at Chicago Whlll So• 11 L08T IN SPACE "Thi Ral1" • MOVIE * * * "Damn Yank-" (1958) Tab Hunter. Q..,. Verdon With • 111111 help trom th<t devil. en aging baseball ran becomn a Cllltnplonanip baltpla~ 9 QUILTING "CfazyOuUta" 61:) PIMOHAL FINANCE AHO MONEY MANAGEMENT 'Fln4nc1111n111tut10rta" (&)MOVIE * * "CIOwn WMe" (1981) Mark O.llon. SOI Rublnell. An ••Plf'I mime lnlroduces • young <1111 boy to lhl world of Mlf-expreulon 12:30 I (() TOM AHO JEAAV l'Ofl'TMIT MA llOEND IJ MOVll • • "More Than Mlglc" (1955) Clayton Moore, Jay Sllverh1ll1. The Lone Ranget Ind Tonio go 11ter an llullve outlaw band. • ADAM-ti Bendltt ullng INr gM Ind • unique ncape route rob 8'I llmOred truck at I UV· •.!!lJ• A<\CI loan bank S VIC MADEH'S TIHNll FOR THE FVTIJAE "The Backhand" Voe Br•· din lftllyzM the wldl- tptead '-of the b-· hand ttroke ltld allow• vlewert how to muter the mov• lllld 11mw,g pl th,. lmi>ortant stroke. (R)Q • P£MONM. "1NANOE AND MONEY ....._ .. ¥1W "Perton11 ~edll" 12:46 ~~ • * ., "HNrl Beat" ( 1980) NICI< Nolte. Siqy S~ The 11vet 01 8111 oener •· !Jon llQlnda Jacit Kerouac Ind Carol and Niii C-· dy 111 chtonlclld, eaplor- '1'111 the growth of their .... uonlhtp aa they IPllld 20 rHllMI ye.are on the move.'R' t:OO I (I) l(Wla(V KOALA THIMUNSTtM Allet a peraoolllty Qlah at hOme, Grlllldpa decidll hi 11 unloved Ind runs 1way 8 MOVIE • *'A "The Green SUme" ( 1969) Robert Hor Ion, Luellna PllUUI ., ~ • * 'Thal Cen1tn FM!- ing" I t95e) Bob Hope. Eva Marie Saini. • MeSTP AOGER8 TAU<8 WITH PAAE.NTI A80VT MAKE..eEllEVE Fred Rogan dllallMI how paren11 can lf'ICC¥.lr· age 1"911 Chlldr9ft'• ~ ty IOt lmaolnetlort ltld playfutMaa. • wrAOOUQNQ 9IOU)QY 9 BITPTAINMEHT THISWIEI< Interview• with Tom Wopat, ~d Slmmone. K Im Fields, Ben Oazz.ara lllld Ooltle W•t CIDIHIMC~ Ho.I Leonerd Herrla iool.a •• the movlll. IC*>illl Ind 9'>0'11 _,., coming up on H-Bo• Office. Cl) HOT WHm..I A lffneger's rejection rewll• In dlllppolntmertt wNch lead• to 1 danget- ou• geme of one-up man- ahip g ~LY ""4HI( Clor11 LllChmen It ,.._ luted lrt this tong-end- dance revue honoring compoeer Frertk L-. t:ao I Cl) ao MlNUTll ~~ • t«NA "Locuat: Wer Wllhout Eoo" fllmlCI In Eutooe and Alrlca, -of men'1 let· ·•t 1n1m911 10 rid hlrnNlf Ol lhl locult •• lllll'lllned. (A)Q ·~ M>l.CIOV (C)MOVie • • "ING WedPlllClllY" j tt11) Jen..Mldlell Vlllo c.ent, Wlflllm Kiit. TllfM ~ ~ arltoy IN -1 lllCI .-Id unttl t~ "°'" to ,..,,,. tll•t ,,_..., more IO .,_ !NII -Int CIOwn ... ~. 'N ' ®MCMI * • • • ''Tiit Lall w.tro" (IMO)~~. Gerlt• °"*""'· Olf9ct. ... ~ ,,,.... t'nMM. ~ W.-. W• •. 9le _____ , ....... .... ..... "' ...... ..., ~" l'MOI ,_.. W9M,~W .... A f'•··~ fltl hl'ft I ,... .... ...,f .... IMf. --~.-ICM ... , ..... YOU ::,:-nw ... __ ~ .. 11171) Merk Le1111rd. Ll11d1 AllWY. lnlWllllllonel ,.,.,°'. .... pill\ I DOltt1c* ........ netlo!\. • MCMI •• "Tiit Man lfltlOe" 111111 ~ ,,ll\Cleoul, ,....,. '°"" e INTMIDI ION llOl.OCIV Cl> THll W'llK .. .. _w. QI MCMI **.,. "COCtet" (11121 Don Murray.' CltOI Ly11ley. A11 unlleopy lncflao Clown ., ... fo ,. ... lll>llah hlmaett In hit hometown ro11oww,g 1 tr~Wldent. l:tO • Ol.-YWICI Tllll 1MUt1 ~Ill~ ,_tu,... a 9'0U9 ot mlO- ~ Ind lld«ly •lh· i.t• competing In •wlm· m""'. lfacil lfld l1eld Ind Olhtt lllllttlC .,,.,. ••. • C»..UCWrl ~ Gllllgln pule the SlllPI* on • tortuoue cralh diet. 8 NCHMAH.~ MAH: 90<>K I Tom (Nlelt Nolte) 911d Rudy (P.ier Streuu) Jordec;hl blttle 10< thllf paren11· ippf0\111. Rudy " Pf•· Wied by hie gtrllrlend ISu1111 Blakely) to lffwi their ltnl U 1-n f0t ,.._ York ·HAHi~ ~()Ir l!Hl"°V Nobel PriZe-wlnnlnQ phyai· clst H-Bllhl. •n 1dvo- ca11 of the peecelul uM of nuclHt ~. la klter- vlewed. G INTAOOUCINO BIOLOGY Cl) 8TARTNJ< ~"(%)CHAN.a CH.WP\JH ON THa l'll.M ec.NE S.-00 G 8 IPORTI~ "Thi Spirit 01 Cotnpeu. Hon· A Cellt>rlllon 0 1 Spot11" A ,...,..._ ot the lhe rnllMtone even11 and llQ- 911dary flgurH of Ametlc4ln -~-led * * *'/\ "H0tM Feathera" ( 1932) Men Broth1t1. Thelma Todd Grouc;ho llkll OVlf II prllldlnt Of • college. • MOVIE **'A "Sunn Sl1d1" ( 1961) Troy Oonehue. Con· n11 St-. When her d1Ughter g1v11 blrth to an tlleglllmate cNld. 1 woman POMI -· th• Intent'• mother untll a crl1la H~!N truth. ID INTAOOUCINO M>lOQV ct wow * * * "No Null.N " ( 1980) Jacuon Browne. Croaby. StUta & Nun Footage of 1 ..,In of anti·rtueleat pow. er COtlClrU lllld In New V Ofk CITy durlrtg s.p1ern- ber. 1979, IMturlng the Ooobll Brotherl, Carly Simon. J-Taylor lllld er._ Spong1t_,, 11 com- ~ In thll documertllrf 'PG' (Z)MOYIE • * '/\ "TIW i.lwld Eann" ( 1955) Jet! M«row. Fiith Domergue. A Wll ~ Iha WOt1da It fought llwolv· lllQ holO AITllf'icM ICien- t i.ta a::ao e Cl) WllTDN <>NH Third·rOUrtd covwage 01 thia PGA Tour Oolf tOU<ne- IMnl (from Buti. ,...tlonW Qoll Club In 0... Brooll 111). • • f'UTlYAl cw HNc>e: ll&A'I TMAIUN J~ actr-TetlOlco Kuroy'"OIQI perlorm1 a Haiku fairy tall with the Natlonal 0-1• of the Deaf and the DMf TMlter olJapen 61:) FAST F<Jf/f'#Al'/O "Convivial Mac'*-" Thi relatlonahlp ~._ men and Iha euy ~atlon of Illa complell mactllnw Is llllmioed a::> wow * *..., "Pulp" ( 1972) MlchMI Caine, Mickey Rooney A Nedy Wflter le hired by en H·lllm lllr to "Qt>ostwrlte" his ba.-.ly ptlnlabll au10blogteofly. 'PG' (l)MOVIE * * '/\ "Chu Chu And The Philly. Flalh" (1981) Alan Arkirt. c.,o1 BurlWlt. A.ti llloohollc former b-b911 player and • koolcy llreet entlfU!Nr t>ec:orne pert. ""' In • IClllrne to mike money by t.iurnlng 1 loel 8Ult-'PG' •:00 1 ~ ~MV laoNAN>'9 GOUJIN GLCWD C.iifomte va. LO<blana DHaHAW G~ll: Ronrt11 Mc~. J11nnl1 Selley. Sh1b Wf10Wy. Jerry Pete. G) MOVIE * ·~ "WUSA" (1970) Paul N-m•n. Joanrte Woodward An afcollollc OllC jockey llrtda hlmMlf • p1wn In a raactloriary pojltkllll plot and _.... Ntlon. • QUI 'A.IA. U.a.A.1 "e>n. Salutdl)' Mtemoon" Adela ~ 1tw11 !Odle on the front door to lhwllf1 1 robbery wtlill IN tiw.t b<llQ In lllrOllOfl tlle kltotlll\. • 'MTPOMWMD "~l"Alooll 11 hOw modem~ .. Clfllllelllg ... ..., tf "***-•Pl'-Md. a nt1 AOOMJ10N> ..... Angel ... .,. ~·Otd Into '*"o belt men tt ,... ~ ...... M1)1«M lO be '*' Of Meel'• ~tO~lll ...,,,..,, ~ In • ,.... ......... 8 llWW TV\.M MOOfW ®MOVll ·~ "Oii The """1 Tr•" C'H'> Gery CNltla11, ...... ~ ........ eecnv CIM.J ·~TVCIM.t •ICC.IT•,... ........ . ..... ..... . ,~ .... ~, dlU ._ • .,_.._.. ................ t.r;.. . ..,.._ trlill to ""' I ~ .................... ................ .................. .r..-.. ••-.r•n.-¥ t \ KNXT (2) 8:00 -.. The Little Shepherd Doc of C..talJ.na.'' A Shetland aheepdcw ta marooned on the ialand ln thia Dta\ey adventure. KTTV (11 ) 8:00 -"Yankee Doodle Dandy ." Acad emy Award-9.tinntn1 p erforma n ce of J amea Ca1ne y H song-and-dance man George M . Cohan. See photo, l~t. KNXT (2) 9:00 -"Mayflower : T he Pilgrlml'. Adventure." Anthony Hopkina, Richard Cre nna 1tar in 1tory a bout courage of ldea.llatic colonilta who croea the AtlanUc in the Mayflower. KNBC (4) 9:00 -"The Nuhville Palace." Cha rley Prid~. Terri G ibbs gueat on country western variety show. Hlghlighlt OI I MConcl ellmlnlllon match wt11 bl bfoadc111 lrom Spain. ID 'AIT l'OMVAAO "Thi tnlormet.lon Flow" A IOOlc 11 the new tlCllnlquee being dlYllOpld to quk*ly lllld lffldlntty M0¥1 VIII qUet'tlltlll of lnf0tm1tlon la pr-led. !=..~ * • 1/\ "Hippy BttlhOey To Me" I 1990) Mell-Sue Anderton, Glertrt Ford. At murder begin• chopping away II her ClrCll of 1111111 friends. 1 !><IP achoo! Mn· IOt worrlel that 11\1 m1y ~ Iha ne111 YIC:tlm -°' poea1. ~the killer. 'R' 6:00 II WON.a GAMU I An 1n11rn1tlonll 1pon1 •Pectacular. with ov•r 1,700 •thllt• from eo countrlea pet11dpatlng In verlou.a IPOrtirtg eventa throughout lh1 United StalH . (Plrl 4) G l'NE•AU • W..WON..O~ 8PORT8 North Ametlcan Boaw,g Chlmpionthle» (from Lii Vegas, Nev.), U.S .· USSR Trecic and Fllld Melt ffrom lndlanapolla, Ind). 8 OCZLV ADAMS • IOl.IO GOLD Hoatt: Marilyn McCoo, Rex Smith Guea11. Thi Gap Bend. Thi Oltnond1. Ray Pancer Jr . Franltle Vllh & Thi FOU< S...0...a. Mat11n MuM, The Wal· ........ G ,MT '<>M¥AAO "New Petapectlvea" Mod- ...-n technology nu permll· led UI IO..._ the UNwtM •• Including ltomt, the IYr• f-of Mitt lllld the r"'cll of Saturn •• from new and different perapecllvN (I) M•A•l•H o NlWI at LAWMNCE WEU< "Great Gr11t1my·Wif'lnlng Songs" ©:>wow * * * '/\ "Thi Cat And The Canary" (t939) Bob HQ91, Paull11• Goddard In Otdlt IO COiiect I.heir '"'-ilance. 1 fatnlly mu11 llPlnd the ·~haunted houae. * * "The Appia Oumpllng Gang" ( 1975) 8111 IMaby, Suaan CWtr A cardlhlrp •-10 , .... poe-lion oj -VWueble ptopet'ly b • lr1end, and la ••U>er aurprised 10 lelrn lh1t ttvee ~.,.Included 1n tt1edlll ·o· 8:80 0 NIWI • M IUAU. Cellf0trtl1 Angell •I Ken- ... City Roy1111 • OtaUPONA ClAlllC "Thi Miil On The floss" Alter T ulllwtr'• death, Maggie ltld her mother laewi Oorlcote MIN Ind -in Wfth Uncle o.an. (Plt15)Q ID INIOATI AMENCA "S200.000 Congoleum Tennl1 Claulc" Ivan Lertdl YS Y lnrtldl Nolh (I) WILCOME Ma<. KOTTlll 9 WIDE WOlll.D CW IPOfn'I North Amerlun Boalng ~(fromL• VegH, Nev.); U.S .· U S.S.R. Tracie Ind Field Meet (from lndianlC)Olis, Ind.). (C)wow * * *~ "Thi MullC Men" I 196:1) Rol>lt't Pr .. ton, Stwtey JonH A taoa1-talk· tno ~ comea to • lmllt town lrt lowe to orga- nln • boya' bind 9nd lnedllerlently flllla In IO\le with en Urtmatrlld Ubf1tl- 1t1. CJ)MOVIE • *' • "Silver Streak" 11918) a-Wlldlt, Jill C11ybur9ll. A mild• mannered booil ldllor 1cold1nt1lly b ecomes lnYolV9d In I llrtilter 1r1 thW• bizarre plot dwlng 1 croa-«1ur1try train ride 'PG' PICturt lflow." t:ao I • Cl> a H1W1 MAln'~MOOM Mary hN dllCO~ aome lnoflmlllllllng -•bout an Old friend who It 8"11· Ing r...ieo11on to Con- , ... CNMN NllNO A r~ II -through thl 1)111 ot 1 yourig man on the brlllll or meMoocl • IOOOM MADI IN GIMWtt ~=·teMANT * * ~ "'°' V-EYoM Only" (1911) Roger Moo.-e, Topol ~ Bortd tract<a • etlminll who IMl'1olned • top Metil Brltllh delltlM device 'PG' 7!00 8 IN llAACH CW ... "Spirit Volcet' I F.t.Mll. V F1UO MC« TO llA&IC8 THe HAN>V 80V8 I HANCVDMW MYITIJW:I The Hltdya UM the .... Ch '°' the loll cMllutlon or Allantla u a COY9t for lriveatlgll""' 1 drug rw,g. • l.AWMGWIU< "GrN I Orimmy-Wlnnlng Sonoa" • a.aclNQ IT OUT FMtured: cast""' director Lil Kelgley; IN plight o1 lleel lnduatry worltera. a 17-year-old dllC jockey Q (I) IH llAACH CW ... "Wiiia Of Jencno" 9 PEOPl.E'9 COURT 8 ™E MUPKT8 Gue.I: Oyen Cannon ®MOVll * * * "the GrNt Mu1)911 C1per" jlHt) Cllartea GrOClln, [)!.,.. Rigg. Ker- mit. Fott11 lllld Gonzo lrace • labulOU• llolen tew1110London (l))MOVIE * • "Oh .._nly Dog" 11990) C'-V Cl\aM, S....jl While inveat,.atong • polllo- cal Ma acan411 In LOrtdon • 'pr111111 delective 1a mur: dated end r~n•tld .. • acrutty d<JO. ·pa· D MAAVIH HAMUICH: T'Hn'N 'LAVINQ MY 80HG Lill Mlnnelll. Johnny Mathis. Qlldyt Knlghl end Carty Simon Sing 10M1 01 tod1y'1 9re11111 hit• lnclUdlng: "Thi Way We W1t1," "What I Old For LCN9" and ''Nobody Ooea II Bitter." 1:ao 9 ~ FEVtR Celet>rlly judgea Oiclc, Pit, Net1. Jimmy end Vincent Van P111en ~t Terry GrlQOtY I G LOOKATUI 8 PIOP\£1 COURT • "8IHT'E "Hl1panlc1 And M1rtt11 ~lh" A look la tallen 11 the care HtSpanlea recelV9 In mertlll hllllh lnatltu· tlonl G) MAYPORT ANO ALL THAT JAZZ. Hlghllghll of Iha /In fffU· VII held In Ille smell flsning vtllage of Mayport, Florida, lr'IPf-lld Cl) AQHTMQ( 9 lYE ON IAH DmO F111ured. Leot11td Nlmoy talk• •boul lhe dlllh of Mr Spocto, • visit to Old T OWt'I, Also a f'IC)Ot1 Ort I hi pot1rttlll dl·11lin1tlort. aiW&l<INO MAGAZINf CS) THE FOU< MU1tC ~ The Ktngston T rlo hoal a mullCll tplciel f111urlrtg Judy Co!Un1. Thi Lime!· 1111<1, Glen Yerbrough. Mary Travera. JOhn Set>u- Uan, Tom P1111on, Thi Brothers fOUf Ind The Fl~nThNter 8:00 9 Cl) WALT DllHEY "Thi lJWa Shepherd Dog Of Catlll"'8" A Shellend ~ la 1nlf00nld on a ..., ISiand oH the - ol Catlfornll ........ ~ Two copa who ~·1 - to oat 11<JnO with Heh olher try to llnd • home for eoon.... 8 9 TOOAV'I NI a....-~ for en-. 11r1 preying on forllgfl ofl>- clal• who have •elocatld to the Urtlt.id Stet• (R) • MCMI. "Thi lrtctldlbte Meltw,g Men.. c 1977) Alex "-bar. MlchH I Alldrld~. An _r_,t villtl Selurn Md ,.._ wltl'j • UillUIUel die. .... thel -Illa fllltl to '""1 .-y. .MCMI •••• "Vanll11 Doodle Oeftcty" (1M2) .--ceo- ~. Jolrl ......, 9om lllto I lflo. bl--. ~. ~ ... COflell -- "" pettlotto ....... Into 1111 ¥1tlOVI OIPMlt... II ICtot, ,,....., ......... ., l"'"'9tout '°"" .... ... ,,. Mooflle "" of .,.,... ......... ..... r n. ... ., ..................... to It.~ .... ...... Illa .............. Kin(, ........... ,,,....,... ..... ........... ... Of.-..... , ... hie I """' -· 171 : .. "" .........,...,, ....... ..... .......... ,.. .................. &~·-Ml. ..... ..... .... .. ....... _.,. ,, ....... ll'ept~ .... • lllOVtl ***\t ''TM Llttlrt ~ ...... ,,.,.,~T .... ............. "'-'-· " ... ... ..,. Of Ult ~ .,. s-.. ::t• lo tlcNa ··~"&--.Of ,."­ lllt r" ( l t1t) "lollu d H1trll. Jodie ,_..,_ A ... mlnelly • 11~-oid ..,. o•-'* •~fltlM llllllf 1114 ,.., *411)' dttttll'llMd l'llOtM( .,.. OOW"Ot IO eocept ,_ , ... '"O' .MOVll ••i. "'°' v-r~ Only'' (IN 1) AoOlf Mo0f9, TOPOI. Jll'llll 8ond ttlOlll a cr"'*'el Mio ~ 1 l09 tlCflt ltlllell dtf9rllt Clellloe. 'It() • f'M D ·~YAU.rt Wanda Teytor lllcllt her ~ OILI, then ......... S1e111·1 aid 111 o-tt1nO him 0.011.jR) • IULTAHI OP 101A ..... ..,,tel ~ """* wllh Dillne Roll. Sttyje Won· dlr ...... Ind 0.111. and the Commocsor.. with • •tatlO llmuk:u t Oft KA.CE 103 9 FM l :'I CD) IOAT 1HOW (%) OtCAN.U CHAM~ OH THI A&.M 1C8Hr t:OO 8 (I) MAYP\.OWEt TMl ""°"*''' AOWNTUM Thi dltermln•tlort and courage of a group of ideeHallc coloniett .,. put to the 1111 .. they croae the Atlantic on the May- "-: Anthony H°'*lna llld Flich•rd Crertne 1111. (RI a a THr NAIHVllll PALACE Holla Tammy Wy"*'ll and George Jonea GuHta Minnie Pearl, Chatley Pride. T errl Glbt>a jR) D 9 LOW80AT G<>C>f* "-ta his old col· leg• roommate, an embltterld pl1n111 agr- to perform OrtCll MOfe. and 1 man prettndw,g to ~ crazy falls t0< 1 l>Nutllul dOC1or (R)Q -~ PLAYHOUll "Thi True Story Of Oreoo- rlo Cortez" Edward J- Olmoe at.,.. lrt '" otlglnll play baeld on • folk blH9d •bout •legendary gurt bit· u. ~a Tuu 9herllf lllld • ,,...ocan-Ametlc:ln OO MOVIE *** "SOB "{tNt)Wll- lltm Holden. Julie Andr-. A mo\111 Oltector wtlo hu jull liflllhld • mulll-mHllon dOll11 turkey l10el from attempted IUl- clde to 1 l>lzatrely lnaplred , .. MOc>llng of his epic. 'R' [O)MOVIE * * '-" "Thi HllUrtlw,g Of Julla" (1977) Mia F11r-. K-Dullea. Aller recovw- lng from 911 emotJonal en.- Sis. • woman PUIChlMe 1 hOUM 11111 IP99at• to t>a haurtted 'R' ($)MOVIE * * "Thi Hlllld" {198 1) MlehMI Caine. Andr .. Mereovlcc:i. Blurre lrtd- dent a and nightmare• blgltl happertlrtg In I Cat• toonl11'1 Ille 11ter hi autfwt the loN OI I hand. 'R' (%)MOVIE *.'A "Helt1 11111" ( 19801 Nick Nohe. Stuy ~­ Thi,;.,.. of Beat o«w•· tlon legend• Jldl Kerouac and Carol and Neal c ..... dy .,. Chronlded, •llPk>r. Ing the growth of theit rela- tlon9Np u they IPlrld 20 rMllMs y1ar1 on the mow.'R' • •..ao ID MATINH AT THE -..OU F1a1ure0 "The Lall Mlle" 11932). 1 dell~-drama Jtlrri"Q Prwtori Foatet, • canoon; end Chlp!et 4 ol "Thi Phantom Empire" lt~SI (R) 10:00 a a N8C MAOAZJNE I ~A.IV lllAM> A young couple try IO get money OU1 of • •tinvY .,,... liortalfe. I nd I woman ,._., lhl leOlndary "Fly- ~--,,. ........... °' ..... .. , ........ ...,., ......... . ·~ -' "Gel'•,,_.......,,. ~--• * • "f. 0 1.0llWOtll Or ...... ftt1f) ....... .........,.... ........ OlrMtM •t ll111l•Y ~WMll,.... .... ..................... ... ..,_..,,...... -,_.,.,., .,.. ....... °' ,..... .... It """ prlMI ~ _.. 1'Wl•"'*'t to ~.·w 1•••nt1~ ..... •• IA,,_...v NICIH'T I.NI Hoel: lllubltll Alllteit. Owtila: Det)f Hll Md JoM o.. .. ,,_, 1:.-- • * "W•I Qf The 0Md9'' ( 1833) JOflrt Wayne, Gibby .....,.... 9 ~ • * * .. ,.,_.. To M,n- ,_... (1971) V~I SNmo- dl . Nobu McCarthy. ())MCMI * * "~Girl" (1979) Monica Gayle, Roger Dev· 11 A K1rttucaiy farm ov1 wltll -"-f()t - tn the eountry-m1111e c:ap1. Ill 'R' 11M 8 MCMI **•'A "H-Thi W•t WM Won" (1M3) J- Stewl rt. Johrt Wayne. Three g1n1rellon1 01 pl-a pettlclpete In WMtern Ill~ In the 19th century 11:f0 (CJ MOVIE * "A C?lenoe Of Seuona" ( 1980) Shirley Mac:LMne, Anlhot>y Hoc>itlnl A Mid· ~IOld Couple ~ry out YOUrtO« partner• during 1 mountain yacauon R' 1~· IUJIJEAH HITWON< 1t=ao8 MOW * • * "Thi Prealclent' a An11y11" (1967) Jl tnff Coburn. Godfrey Cem- btldge . (I) MOW * * "Weatward Ho" I 1935) JOhn Wayne, Shella Mennora. D MOYie * * "Sunday Lovera" ( 198 1) Gene Wilder. Roger Moore. Four mlddi...IOld m9ll in dltterent eourttrtes era ~ .. they pur- -their -OUI Id,,.,,. IU<•.'R' 1:00 D ~ COHCaT • MOVIE ••• \t "Hello, Dolly!" 11970) Batbta Str"-'cl. Walter Matthau I :::.a AT THE M'9'0V MOVIE * * * "Thi Re1utn Of Thi s.c.ucus S-" 11980) M1rk Arnoll. Gordon Clepp. Thi metnb«t of 1 gtOUp ol college llUdenll lci-on the pro1111 ,,,.,,,._ mint during the 'fl01 gllher '°' a _.. .... d reunion 'R' t: t6 (fD MOYIE * * ~ "The Survivor" (198 t) Robert Powel, Jen. riy Aguttet A pilot wnri- a c:alMtrophic; 747 crMll UNCll !dlld 9nd -c11ea f0t 1M man rllC)Ollllble CZ)MOVll * ·~ "Happy Birthdey To Me" ( 1980) ,,....... Sue Ander11on. Gletwl Ford. ,.,. mUtder l>lgitl• ~ awey 11 her circle of elltlst lrllnda, • prep IChOol _,_ io<" worriea 11111 .,_ mey ~ tt>e neat YIC:tlm -or poal- i the killlt 'R' 1:ao ~IHOW MOYIE ** "Torture Chamber Of Or. Sadism" 11969) Chtit- t~ L•. Le.a Batlcer A ...,,hy woman It kid· napped by a WM:lled count who hOlda her captive In a dungeon OI horrors 1;40 Ct) MOViE **'A "Pulp" (1972) Mlc:tlffl Cllne. Mldt1y Rcion.y A Midy Mii• Is hired by an 1a ·lllm star to .. ghoe"""111" hie barely prlnllble IUloblography 'PG' 11 =-,,,.,,·" (R) Q * ** "1779" (111721 WU. Hern DMlela. Howard da Sliva. Ametica't IC>Urtd"'cl latti.a drew up • lorrnel ded•1tlon 11.iw,g their freedom from Engt9lld =1=~ t:IO • ..wa MOYie • SOUOOOLO Hosts: Merltyn McCoo. R•• Smith. Gueata: The Gap Bancl. TN Oamonda. · Ray Perker Jr . kankle Vllll I The Four 5*uont, Martin Mull, The Wal· ,,_, (C)MOW * • • "Cutter'• Wey" ( t981) JOhn HMrd. Jeff Brldgeoa. A mllmld VIII· """ vet Ind 1111 beet friend, • aodll dropout, focus lheit ._gtea Ort aolvlng • murdlt cue .,.. '~•= * * *°" "Gtorla" (tNO) Gena Rd\Nland•. Joh n Ad-A lonner gurt moll becomea the protec- tor OI 111 Otpf\aned t-Y911. old Puerto Alclll ...,,.._ by '"' undll WOl1d lot "" lnfononltloh hi CltT'lll 111 • NMred~'PO' t1••••C1>1t1• NIWI • INTIMM._fT TMllWm< Intervie ws •1111 To m Wopa\, Alohet'cl 8'mmonl, IClm "'91da, Ben ~ Md Dot* W•I. .MCMI ••'t "WUSA" 111701 Paul .,.._, JOIMI WooR:a .. An 900flOlll Ciiio ,..., ,... ,.._.. I ,...,111 .~ .,....,...,., ....... ftlllloft. ·--••• ........... AlrCOM-''"'"'" 11111) '4•MM ---.--~ I •••••nm -· .,,. ""-" -...-.o.. ...._,., .. o II> ... . .... .,., , ..... _..,,..,,._.,....._ --. ....... ... . ............. . __ ... _ .....,.. * * • •,i, '-SO PrOUdly We Hiii" ( 1943) CllU<letll Col· 11«1. Paulette Godderd. 1:41 CH> MOVll * * * * "Thi l.Mt Metro" (IMO) C.11'-lnl Oenluv9, Get ltd Oeperdieu. Olf9c:t. Id by Francoia Truffeut Ourirtg WOt1d W• tt. the ptopriltora of a Imel P.,., lhlelre lf)' to kllP thlit "llblittwnent aper\ dwing the °"""" occupation 'PG' (l)MOVIE ...... "Chu Chu And Thi PNlly Flun" (1N 1) Al111 Arlllr'I. Cllol eu.n.n. A.ti lllcOhotlc '°""" blMblll ~ Ind • llOOlly .. ,... entertelner become pert· nere ln • ~ to mike money by returning • loll wttcue.'PO' t:CIO . MOVll ··~ "The Blue v .... (1115 1) Jane Wyma n, Chliftel l.llqtton. A lonely 'l'Ol'"O -fll* -Ion Ind ~ In '* cer-11 a c:N!Oren'a llWte. .. \ Orange Coat DAILY PILOT /Saturday, July 3, 1882 Cl ElllRTllNllll/CllBSlf Ill 'Doll's Life' post-Ibsen musical By JACKIE HYMAN A1111l1tM"-Wrlt« LOS ANGELES -A' few yean ~o. director Harold Prince opened 'Evita" in Loe Angeles - t o n o n e-too-promlatna reviews -then took it on to glory In New YQrk. It returned to Loa Angeles 'to run for two years. Now he's back with a new muaic&l, "A Doll's Life," with book and lyrics by the veteran team of Betty Comden and Adolph Green ("Slngin' ln the Rain," "Bells Are Ringing," "On t he Twen tieth Century") and muslc by Larry Grossman ("Minnie's Boys"). 1t runs through Sept. 4 at the Ahmanson Theater of the Los Angeles Music Center. ope ns for previews Sept. 13 at New York's Mark Hellinger Theater and has its official Broadway opening Oct. 3. Prince. whose hits include "Fiddler on the Roof" and "A Little Night Music," said he was pleased but cautio us when Comden and Green came to him w ith the idea of writing a musical about what happens to Nora after she walks out on her husband at the end of Ibsen's "A Doll's House." "This idea I just loved. but I DIRECTOR ~ Harold Prince hopes to do for "A Doll's Life" what he did for "Evita." said we have to be very care ful because a good idea is not enough." said P r ince, a n energetic man who manages to stay in focus even while juggling a stageful of actors. ''People don't know the play as much as you think they do." he added. "We tried to do 1t so you STARTS FRIDAY IR) •COSTA•U .... • ... , ... ,(1 t .... ..,Gt~ 'i•6 )tQ1 ,_.,Ur..,...Ur~lrl tOwMf\~¥fl"~ 't\I 1011 1t1 Hn • OllAllll llU ,,_TU JVIC.C. .. M~ '1ic!k'"'W)VJ9()""tM 01 Ol•O H I 1AU dkln'i. have to have eeen the play." In "A Doll's House.'' Nora bellna .. ,.n eaaer-to--pleue wife who aeta ln trouble try1na to protect her hu1b'lnd -.na ii rejected by him. Althouah he cl\anaet1 hia mind, l\'I too late: She can't go back to Uvtn, the way she hu, and lnatead walks out on him and her child.ren. The new mualcal follows Nora -played by Betay J01lyn -as 1he takes two steps forward and one step back In her relationships with men -George Hearn, Peter Gallagher and Edmund Lyndeck -and gradually comes to terms with herself. The '&how is structured as a play-within-a-play: Actor s retiearsing "A Doll's House" carry it further, occasionally commenting as they go. · Reviews have been m ixed. Variety called it "a breathtaking visual treat with a sensible book and score. With improvements it might become one of the great tuners of all tim~ The L os Af'l'w.~ Times disagreed, calling it "the worst thing that has happened to h is (Ibsen's) play since the Gennans demanded a happy ending back in the 188-0s." Ever ybody, Everywheft Is Chttfilt Al P1cilo And Tht Kids. And So WI You! -·-..on 111-fO••O<~· y , ''"0 flAUU• '" \)~ ., .. -u•c..,c-.. 6]A Jtl1 ·-ar~ "A MOVIE Y~U'VE JUST GOT TO SEE!" Now it is free to become one of us. -IOIEL SIEGEL GOOD MORNING l\MIERICI\ l\BC·TV That'1 qulte a ranse of responee, but Prince takes it ln stride. "I let thlnp be lnfluential providi1'1 I aaree with them. ''Everybody advlles you.'' he said. "Reviewers are exactly the same as people sittina in the audJence. Some are qualified and some aren't. I just listen to whatever advice seems sensible. You could get it from strangers as you're golng up the aisle, and you frequently do." He's spending several weeks fine-tuning the show, to focus more on the actors and to deepen Nora's c harac ter. In some instances, he's even throwing ou t scenery -"I love the scenery but there's too much of it." "A Doll's Life.'' though viewed as feminist, is "also about men not taking on the roles and doing what is e xpected o f them," Prince said. ., ......... What's next after Nora? Prince said he'll be directing ''Madame Butterfly" tor the Chicago Lyric Opera and then "Turandot" for the Viennese St.ate Opera, both to be filmed for television. It's a safe bet his productions of those clas.1ics will come out strictly the way he visualizes them, regardless of what critics or anyone ebe may aay. SHALL WE DANCE? -Two of Hollywood's most famous hoofers, Ginger Rogers and Fred Astaire, take a few steps into the past (represented by the picture behind them) ditring a luncheon on the UCLA campus. The festivities were in celebration of the donation of RKO archives (including many Rogers-Astaire movies) to the university. - _:t-C,;~·'t."'-1gx . ...._ __ .__ ... _ __,.ft,IT-- Al 'ACIMO "AUTHOR, AUTHOR" DAil Y 1:t0, l:45 1:00, 1:15, 10:40 (f'Q) """'9 • t TMCK "8T M ntlK I D0&.8Y eTWMO HARRISON) THI WRATH OP •'The • FORD be y ?i9 ID ~ KHAN" CNI IT -~-T llUUW1 KAiia 'YOU ' 0 . POl.TEAGEJST DALY 11:11. t:lO ......... 111.... .... ,.., t:JO IAT4UN.,-. • __ 111l. __ B I AT/SUN 1:11 4:19, 7:15 10:00t-_1:i45-:::'., -:::>:AS_, _s-M"'=, _7:41_, t:_=-__ ~~,._ ~ llfElllf/'D6a J)a11lt~:: ;~~ DAILY 1-. .-, 1:00 ~ !":""i 1:00, l:OO DAILY ..,_, 1r:eo DOLaY Sl°a:MO Fftl. l:S, t:11. ~ SAT-SUM. 1:JO, Ma, 1:00 t:11.-.. 1 dw,1rd'> LIDO CINEMA "4f .-W P ~~~~1~fl1 .:,'.;~: I 1[1(l 67 3-8350 MAN HAS MADE HIS MAlCH HARRISON FORD -~ 11Ulflfll1f 0 Ill FRI. 7:15, ... A SffvaN .,.LHllllG ~TIOH POLTIAoelST OM.Yi 1*> ........ 1'IJI fNI SAT/SUM. 12:l0, 2:AI s.oo. 1:15, l';JO ...... DAllY 1:00,MO 1:00. 1'llO. l:OO "THE SECRET OF NIMH" DAil Y tt:Ja, t:lO ..... e:a. .. 10:10 CO) ICU..T M1aMU. Now ltl. ..... co • I ,. ' Cl Orange 00..t DAILY PILOT/8aturdey. Juty 3, 1082 For the lOt.h Ume llnc. \he col'-Amn be8an nearly nine yean taa1. 1'4 Schmerler Nlana • oham~ -but. with lllU• brMt.hlna room, l1nce h• Tracy GodfNy by a ecant hilt·polnt. ta tJee Ed with Max n-a1e~ fOI' t.he motl Trivia Bowl victotlot ln the Dilly Ptlot'• quarterly competJtJon. Since Max drop* out of action a tew bowls 119, Ed could fcqe 1nt.o Ow fe>Nfront by wtnnlna Trivia Bowl XXVll, which bealna \oday. But t.hen, Max could be blek -and IO could Barbara Del1ado and Tom Feterabt'M, who 1plJt the trivial trophy three way. In Trivia Bowl XX. TRIVIA BOWL XXVI FINAL STANDINGS 1. Ed Sohmefler Ito> 128... •. Heney Prlof (I) .,, 2 Traicy Godfr~ ( 10) 121 8. 'TM DlonyUni (3 ... ) 4214 3 wmtlow l.MClh (8) 127... 10. John ~ (3) 39 4. OWr I~ Hiii Otng (10) 121 11. Nett w.,,.., (2) -37 11. Cobra II 191. 1oe... 12. 'TM ..,,, Feet• (1) 38 ... e WenlWOtth C. Tltmore(I) ,~.,. • no entry r~ -half of 7 'TM Oroup (5) ...... !Mt ICcn 9Wll'ded. Those three may have rested their wits long enough. • Onward and upward, t.hen, to Trivia Bowl xxvn .. which will stretch .{rom July through September. If you've ever wanted to join the rompetition, this is the perfect time. Your first 10 questions: 1. Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? 2. Isaiah Leopold set the world on fire as whom? "'3. On,.TV's "Sesame Street," what is t.he name of Big Bird's tedd~ bear? 4. The Empire St.ate Building rest.s on the Conner site of what other famous landmark? 5. What movie actress was known as the "queen of technicolor?" 6. The phrase "Sorry for you, she has no sister" 1s from a . song referring, specifically, to whom? 7. \Identify the Texas college which named its football team after an illustrious graduate. Then name the graduate. Beatty voted best ROME (AP) -Warren Beatty has been voted best foreign producer by It.aly's film industry and co-star Diane Keaton was named best foreign actress for her work in Beatty's movie "Reds." Beatty said he flew to Rome tot.hank Vittorio Storaro. the photography direct.or of "Reds," who won an Academy Award earlier this year. ._.,,__.. "' ......, .., • Olll'llllalflOI co ..c ·~·-~ ........... a~ NOW SHOWING AllANflM fOUITAll YAUIY DAAHf loft llZ 8448 lAl-0. f..,.,.,. 'Nlty U9·1$00 S ...... • 011398110 lafA lllVlll OllAHl M.t .... ,. 1'1611 519 Sll9 -llf~ S5 I DISS UA Dfy C....... 634·391 I COSTA MISA (811n OllAHf tmeMO c .. ,., 111 4141 Oo .... ltWI 631 0340 n TOU ~ s11 s110 'MAGICAL "Steven Spielberg's Magical Miracle Movie is in a class by it$ beautiful self." A STEVEN 51'1ELBHG FILM ET. WHl MllSUa UA C-.. ltJ..~6 -Time THE EXTRA·l'ERRESTRIAL A snvt:N SPIUMJIG FILM ET TltE EXT1lA nllE$TIW. OU 11/AUACE P£nJl covon Kf.NSY TltONAS AS EUJOTT MUSIC BY JOHN 'IFIWAMS 1ll1UTnN BY MEUSSA MAllilSON ...aoucEO BY STEVEN Sl'IUMJIG a KAlliWN KENNEDY Ollt£CTED IY STWEN SPIEUUG A UNIVHSAI. PIC'l\JU , • .,.. ............ A ........ t .. ! ~Al)~~~!· IPOJ-MW •1 (XJfiiiiiJr-1• -.., ... -•• ..,..,.__,liJtvl&W::;rlt4i ( LUXURY THEATRES ) ... , .... ClfY CltNflll( O"ANC;I • NO HG 8. Marttn HoWnphead ll a h.lah-powered chartcter from what 1?.lay! 9. In the movie 'The Wlnnlna Team," Ronald Reaaan wu beaned on the baaepath. How did he reach bue lnlt.lally and what wu t.he effect of t.he ~"1 have no mind. I'm the village idiot,'' quipped an act.or from an Oecar-winnlng movie whlcn alto produced two acting awarda. Name both the actor and the flick for full credit. Laa& Weell'a Anawera 1. Anouk fJmee (name change) 2. For Better or For Worte (Farley the dog) 3. FlutJ Gordon (Steve Holland) 4. A at.ant panda (Ruth Harkness) 5. John Wayne (most leadi,ng roles) 6. "The King and I" (musiCal quote) 7. Ken Norton (declared champion) 8. "Cabaret" (Ernst Ludwig) 9. (a) "The Dueling Cavalier," (b) "The Dancing Cavalier" (Gene Kelly movies) ~ 10. Judy Holliday in "Born Yesterday" (movie quo~) · (Send your answers to TRIVIA, c/o the Deily Pilot, Box 1560, Costa Mesa 92626. All entries must be received by Wednesday, otherwise half the player's last score will be awarded) MOVIE RATINGS FOR MRENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE Tiie .,..._"' "', ... "' • 10 -~ """"'"' ..,, • .....,. o1 I ...... -/ol .. -tOt,,,.•C- NWOr'IDEllPtlL ••• IHllWArtlT ...... EfllOllAIH.Z ••• Boun,d to get parents and children hooked on movies all over again." -Joye~ HauK r. ,,llC RADIO ll(.-:JltA -A DON 8UJTM PIOOUCTION ; T"4E S(C~ 1 Of NIMH tulv"'I" <llO"nn ~ a...oollEY JOHN UIMAOIN£ DOM Oc\.~ llliJ'a IH HMllW'-N ()(ll(k JA(()l!I Nll><OI! f#,1( I PAUl S><fNAP P( l(Q ~1-...US\ ......,,., .... ,, <..,,,,. ...,.,.,.,....,.,._ '·•"""'' ·~· ...... """""'.... o*F'\,ol 1l•f' ,~ .(llr'f(j()\()SMJI"' Mll G/11111"' r~ 1~ ..., ,. 1 ... .,, "'"·~ r ,o..... POM£IOOI' ~Gel°'""'" "'" llV!"I JllMlS l ~'£"""'~' • ,,.. ..... DON llVI.. GM\' GO\i:-Mt• IC>"" P()Mf oO't • • • 00-• ll UTH -,_.,~"'L(•~-· \,-.........,_._ •u• •• ' • ~ ,,.._, •• 110"' o ~ •v .. ~ • ._..,._ ·~~ DO!--...,... ........... W':;M/LJA a ·-/'1't~'iYU!U ··~~ NOW PIAYlrKi ~Ta... --M IT-TU ""-....... [ .. _ --.. c..... St-0o..... ,. ... \ ...... JI °'"' .. )40 ,... ~~· 0.)) 6Jt 1110 "' Jttl c:eaTA •u --wuT•1an• l ... •flC....~• AN(!)_.... UAC..,C-UA .... tit 41" UI OHO 6H ttn 19) 0~46 u ·-l .. •f\ ~ .. !>et UAO 1-0~ ........ u ....... ,0-................ ,1 " 'Firefox.' a slick muscular thriller that combines espionage with science fiction." ROCER EBERT CHICACO • UN TIMF.S "Sure.fire all the way! A pulse·quickener from every point of view; subject, acrion, flight. patriotism. and danger unlimited." ARCHER WINSTEN NEW YORK POST • Cllnl Eutwt,.id In 'f\"•1011·· E.'i\'t'lllfw l'"M'.h.ct•r Prill M•llt't< Ht-n"'"'*' II\ Alvi< lA~kl'r &< 1.1.\•ndcll W1•llnl11111 , l'roo®c..-d •ntl Otl\'t>\<"117' Cllnt lAJ14Wl•"I 11r1111w1 11..,... ••'"'P"'°" •"'-' .... 11a 1"'"' ).h11111l'· .Jllm· ~'(11111 llw "'"'l't II,\ Crwl11 Thomu • l""-'Wooff° C.\•orlll I~""'-'"' ootr-110 .. -~··~~~=~ " mos ..... .,.. -"·•1 ... ,,. A ,/' ,"' I ~~ I ' ' ,. GOINQ FOR IT -Ball9(>ns, energy and dance spill into New York's Time Square as members GOFORm "A Heavyweight Hit! A Boxoffice Knockout!" ·aocKYm NOW PLAYING lllU COIT A MUI MIUIOI tlUO OllAllll ~ W:~;; ~,~~~~,, :jf ,,',W,:O ~~a:ro~t•"' IUfU ,AM •NUllTlllGTOl lllACll •OllAllll WUT-TU Poe~ linc;mn l)o,.• o. CO...,cK -'"9''"' C.-. C.-.. lo.-CINtM Wts1 flU)l7HOIO 1114)1'10381 6l4 7S5J _.....Hl393S • "f:!:!:.~ ~~~Cll ,...,, _____ , s•o uu 49• 1su •Pntsented on 3&NlllX)l .... -I Ace Hunter Is the Ultimate Super Herol . CELEBRATE JULY 4TH WITH TIE GREATEST STAR TREK ADVENTIJRE EVER. , A'WMll'HOTO o! the TV series "Fame" do a number for the cami!ras. *BARGAIN MATINllllS * Monday thru Saturday All Perform•ncH before 5:00 PM (Except Speclll Engagements end Holld1ya1 IA Ml~Al •A M Aii M 11000 01 to1•cron1 LA MIRADA WALK ·IN 994'·24'00 "ANNIE" tf'OI _ .... _ ..... "POLTERGEIST" tPO> ·---..... - "THE llCRET OF NIMH" ·-aa.--.---,., LAKEWOOD C ENTER WALi< IN "ROCKY HI" !POI .. ,_ oot.aY ITIMO ___ ,_ ........ .. "AUTHORI AUTHOR., ___ ,_ ....... _ (PO) "STU TMK II: THE WRATH Off KHAN" ,..... DOUY STIMO (f'O) -·-.--- "ROCKY Ill" '"°' ___ , ...... ., .. faculty 01 Condt-OO<I 213/H1·9llO I "ntE SECRET Off NIMH" ------1•1 "ITAR TREK U: -"li'\t.•:.,:r THE WRATH OF KHAN" I , ... ___ _ ,..... oot.aY aTEMO (PG);, ::::~~I~ (II) .-.-.--.-:J'1""'"""'·'A"1!i_._ LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAIM IN ~AIDelNno 21J/6U.t211 -wow H000" 1•1 I ........ p,,,;::, '&..SON",., ---' I "MEOAFORCE" !NI ~---- WGllEAN r 10) --"'Ufl9All COW90Y" IN> ---· --Soulll Coalf Hlway J otltaadway 494-1514 "THE THING" 1111 __ ,__ "ROCKY 111"..tN> --·------... -- PACIFIC THlATllES DlllYE·lll SWU MEETS '"'"'. f_ llltl,-$11 ... , ....... HAlllOll l lVD DlllVE·lll 6 OllA.NGf DlllVE·ll I•• IW J I'll U hlflloO & ,_, r11u ·-•-""-•• ,,_ • ANAHllM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ,,_...,.,ti OI le..._ SI 179·9150 "f'..-FOX"ll'OI -"tffOAfOflCE" ''°' Ctllt " SOIJ!jQ ---~-- "BLADE RUNNER" flll -"BODY HEAT"1111 Ctllf " SOUOIO 8UfNA PAl1W BUENA PARK ORIVf.IN llftCOln A" Weit Ol lno" 121-4070 P.L I~ A ~ A"1l LINCOLN DRIVE·IN LH'tCOlf'I Aw• .... ot l nott 12h•070 ''·'''!!•"• Soft 00-.o Jrwy o• ~1 (So) •AUT*"'l AUTHURr IN> -Wll41: C~AU. ltUN" !NI Cllllft~ ~ T ~ THR IXTRA· TlflMSTNM. • !POI "ROCKY Ill"'"' -"CLASH OF THE TfTAN8"1H1 . "THE THING" !Ill -'CAT NOPLE., (Ill ff2·2 .. 1 Cito( ,. SO\l'ICI ... ,___Got_;_,1_~_._;3_0I __ ] MANNll"tNI -~Yl"l"I ~ •CMT CW ...... 1•1 -"TMS MVATI avatl" tN1 C..fi- ............ LA HABRA r11.1v1 '" ........ -...... -...... 9'tt 171-1162 --....... I .... l'OX"?el -I "OUTLAND""" Clllf " SOUllO --- ORANGE OPIVf IN MftlO Al\O f rwy •sto .. co,.... 111·7022 .. ,) Orange Ooatt DAIL V PILOT /SaturdaV, July 3. 1882 iiOJ'IL1=::-TO=~ , ..... ., ... u.o.c . ...,..,.,.,.,.0.-1 Notice .. '** """" tllal • bulk 1r1n1flf, tnoludlng an 11oohollo ._... llcenM, la lbOut IO be mlldt ol th•I oart1ln nlghlolub h•lntH llnown H WHlll<IY .-1v1" IAl.OON encl loc.atld •t Hoa Wuner Avenue, City 01 Huntington leech. County ol Ofll'!Of, Ital• of Cellfornla. Neme of Tratlafwor and uo.n-. ~t•ourlly number and lldclr ... at« RAYMONO H. I MITH, 800. Seo. No.: '4t-30-S190, 6902 Wern« A~. ~ttnotOll IMch, Cllltornt1. N1mM , •octet Mc:urlty num~ end ~ eddreM of lnttnded Treneftreta. lnCluOlno zip oooe. ere: CHAftl.ES W. OAREH88UAO, Soc . .. o. No.: 672-22-2240, 18017 Aedwood StrMI Fountain l/llley, OA.; JIMMY w. MCOEE. Soc. a.c. Mo.: 43• .. '46t, 18097 Redwood Sttett. Founllln v~. CA 92708. T Olal oonelderallon to be paid fof "" property deecflbed, In genetel. H 111 ttOOll In lfade, ll•turH . ..,ipm.nt end QOOd wlM together w11t1 1M 11oenM Ta 1170,000.00. (1) P.,eonal CMcll -115,000.00, 12) Demand Not• to be replac«I by ouh through u crow -$156,· 000.00. Kind o4 lleenM to oe translet•ed and numb« ere: On-Sale Genetel UQuor ~ No · 4&-48516 the H ie end 1raneter will b• oonaimmeted 1t 10:00 a.m on or etlet the 3'd day ol August. 1982, II the eec<-deparlment of BETTS ESCROW ENTERPRISES. INC • at 505 N. Tue1ln A..-. SuHe 160. Senta Ana, C1llrornle. · All othe< bu1lneu name• and eddr-uMd by the Tren1ler0< wtthln the past th1M yeara ao rer 11 .., ..,...,.,. I• known to the Tran11trM .,.. HARD TIMES ON RANGE -weeks shutdown this summer have begun 1 a yo ff a, and ~-partlu •o••• that the Trains carry iron ore from U .$. Steel because steel production has fallen u n em p 1 o y men t among range oon9iderat1on '°' the tranate< of 111e bullneaa and the llc4lnM 11 to be Corp. mine in northern Minnesota to almost 50 percent from year-ago workers will hit 70 percent this p•ld alter the Depertment ot Proces&ng plant. The plant is on five levels. Minnesota taconite m ines summer. Alc:ohollc Beverage Control hH __; ___ _.:::...:_ ____ ~------------------------------------------I approved the pro~ transfer. Z-28s recalled for water leaks DETROIT (AP) -General Motors Corp. is recalling about 10,000 new Camaro Z-28 models because o( water leaks into the engine that could stall the vehicle or cause engine damage. Ralph Kramer, a Chevrolet Division spokesman, said letters were sent to Z-28 owners starting about three weeks ago and that dealers are receiving new air systems to solve the problem. The recall. which was not publicized, involves cars built in January through March at GM assembly plants in Norwood. Ohio. and Van Nuys, Calif. The recalled cars are equipped with an DEATH IDTICIS FRANK., JR. Greene was a Human R E A R A D M I RA L Resource Specialist and NICHOLAS J. FRANK JR., counaelo'l for 33 yean.. ahe a 20 year resident of Corona owned. drilled and leued oil del Mar, Ca .. died June 30, tielda In Oklahama for 2~ 1982 during heart surgery at yeara, editor of Geolo1y the U.S. Naval Hospital, San Papers and pubUcationa for 7 Diego, Ca. He was 74. yeen . She .,..tu.ated Ma • Admiral Frank graduated Minln1 Enslneer from from the Naval Academy at Miuourt School of Mines Annapolia in 1929 and and Minerals at Rolla, served in the Nayy for 30 MilM>wi In 1911, beinC the y e a r s . F o 11 o w i n g h I s only woman In a cl.ua of SO reu.rement he was asaodated graduatee.. Mn. Greene a1lo with Ford Aeronutronics for played a trumpet in her several yean. He leaves his youth. In 1979 she tteeiv-1 widow Helen, a daughter the Orange County Engineer Mrs. George Cody of Palo of the Year Award. Private Alto, Ca .. a aon Nicholas m aervices under the direction o f Camarillo a nd 6 of Harbor Lawn-Mount grandchildren, Ann, Sara. 0 Ii v e Mortu a r y and and James Cody and Dana, Memorial Park. S40-55S4. Susanne and Nicholas. Memorial donations may be NEWMAN sent to the Assistance GEORG I A E . S . League of Newport Beach or NEWMAN. r esident of to the Naval Regional Newport Beach, Ca. Passed Medical Center, San Diego, away on June 30, 1982 al the . Checks should bear the age o( 89. She is survived by notation: Cardiac Surgery a nlece Bobbie Llttlefleld of edical Library in the Newport Beach, Ca. Mrs. ame of Rear Admiral Newman wu a resident o( (Frank. Newport Beach. Ca. for 15 years, before that she lived in Reno, Nevada for 45 years. She was a member of the American Legion Awd.liary of Reno, Nevada and a member of the Costa Mesa Women'• Club and the Newport Harbor Senior Citizens Clb. Private Wnily aervioes and Interment were held. Pierce Brothers Bell Broadway M ortuar y directors. GREENE EV A H. GREENE. age 98, resident of Orange County, ~assed away on June 28, µ_982. S he is survived by 1 ughter Phoebe Simpeon of awaii, granddaugh ter eorgene Simpson of enver, Colorado and 3 t-granddaughters, Deva, 'e, and EUen. She was receded In death by a 110n vid Hirdle.r Greene. Mrs. BENTHAM optional high-performance, 305-cubic-inch V-8 cross-fire engine. Under certain conditions, water can leak into the air breather system through louvers in the hood designed to let in air. GM sa1d. It also was disclosed that GM received about 20 complaints from owners of the 1982 Camaro Z-28s about high-pressure buildup in fuel tanks. In one case, the fuel cap flew 25 feet. "Th e complaints have been related to hot- weather driving," Chevrolet Motor Division spokesman James Williams said. "The bulk of the complaints have been out of the Southeast and Southwest." HllllCDPI I By SYD~ OMARR Sanday, Jaly 4 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Emphasis on communication, travel, education and the gaining or greater historical perspective. Lively discussions dominate. Holiday spirit prevails and you'll be in contact with brlght, somewhat a rgumentative individuals. TAUR US (April 20-May 20): Be k ind t o individual who admits you were right concerning recent dispute. U gracious. you gain ally. Questions of money arise and you could be offered a barter proposi lion. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): See places, people as they exist, not merely as you wish they might be. Emphasis on special documents. review of holiday meaning and a new understanding of historic figures. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): One who relies upon your judgment may ask you to accept added responsibility. Be cautious -motives the opposite of noble could be involved. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Oratory is part of scenario; you play key role in holiday entertainment. debates. Personal magnetism soars. members of opposite sex are fascinated. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Be ready for new start in new direction. You review persona! and historic past. You are inspired to gain greater independence. Leo, Aries, Aquarius persons figure prominently. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Follow through on first impressions. Clash of ideas proves stimulating. Visiting relative offers sound rounsel regarding security, i>roperty and safety d evices. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Forces tend to be scattered -leave details for another time. Perceive picture as a whole -grasp meanings. implications of this holiday. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec . 21): Your position is stronger than originally anti~pated. Recent rebuilding process pays dividends. EXchange of ideas with Aquarian proves fruitful. Board's manners rapped SAN DIEGO (AP) - The San Diego County Grand Jury has issued a report sharply critical of the Board of Supervisors, saying supervisors a re caustic, arrogant and disrespectful to the public and county employees. "The arrofant, disrespectfu and supercilious attitudes often displayed by board members is r e pre- hensible," t h e jury said in its report. Of the seve n recommendations made by the grand jury, one was that board members "conduct themselves with the dignity inherent in their oCfice. ''This kind of display s h ould and can be controlled by proper leadership, if not by the chairman, then by other board members. "It is certainly not necessary to add to the unpleasantness by personal and pointless atta c ks on cou nt y personnel by members of the board," the jury report said. State leads • in drivers SACRAMENTO (AP) -California, with less than 2 4 milli o n population in the 1980 census, has more than 16 million licensed drivers -far more than any other state. The Department of Motor Vehicles reported that the number o f licensed drivers topped 16 million last year for the first time: On Dec. 0.ted June 29, 1982 Raymond H Smith Trenaferor Chanee W. Darenaburg Jimmy w. McGee Tranaletee Publl1hed Or1nge Coast Dally P1to1, July 3. 1982 2942-82 !'ta.IC NOTICE FtCTmOUt .USMH NAMt! STATEJffNT The following peraon Is doing busl,_.U JRA SYSTEMS CO . 9622 Turtledo... Avenue, Fount.in l/elley, CA 92708 JAMES ROBERT ANNETTA. 9622 Turtledo... Avenue, Fountain I/~, CA 92708. Thia busl,,... II cond'uctecl by an lndlviduel James R. Mnett• This atatement wu hied with 1t-e County Clerk or Or9ngt1 County on July 23. 1982 F1t203I Publi1hed Orange Coast Delly Pilot. July 3. 10, 17, 24. 1982 2940-82 PlB.IC NOTICE ACTITIOUt .USINESS NA.Ml ST A TaMENT The following e>-traon 11 doing t>usW-ea. K P.K. INVESTMENT. t 102 South El Camino Real. San Clemente, CA 92672. KENT A. KOEPSELL, t61 w .. t Alenandro. Sen Clemente. CA 92672. This bu~ 1-c:onducted by a gene.el pat1ner9hlp Kent A. Koepae41 ™' ltat.ement WU flied with lhe County Cler1I or Orange County on July t. 1982. F11257J Publl•h•d Otange Coast Delly Piiot. July 3, 10, 17. 24, 1982. 2~7-82 PtalC NOTICE FICmlOOS8UIMH MAMIE tTATIHIEHT The ro!lowlng ~-ate doing business u : HARVEY M ILI TARY COMPONENTS. 140 McCormick AY«IUe, Cotta Meta, CA 92626 COMPONENTS PLUS. INC , a New York cotporellon, 40 Ose• Avenue, Heuppauge. New York t 1787 Tl'lls tiuslness IS conducted by a CC)(l)Of etlon p, .. Components Plus, Inc. Allred Stoddart, I/Ice This 1tatement was flied with the County Clerk or Orange County on June 25. 1982. F112253 C.T. C~TION SYSTEM 1'3S ., ..... ., New Yorti, N.Y. 10011 Att: ~ G. W--., Published Orange Cout Delly Piiot, July 3. 10, 17, 24. 1982 2948-82 PlB.JC NOTICE ft9TICE OF APPLICATION TOUlL ALCOHOLIC Kvt!JtAGH 7-2-a To mhom It May Concern. PARLORS NO. 2 INC 19 apj)lylng to th• Depar1men1 ot Alcoholic Bewfege Control lo< "41" On Sale S-& Wine (Pub. Eat. Pl.) to Mil aloOhollc beverages et 410 E. 17th Sl!MI, eo.la MeM. CA 92$27 . Published Orange Cout Dally Piiot. July 3, 1982. 6 1 ClABBIFllD 4 ·2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I CLASSIFIED 'INDEX T1PlaY•M.Cal 642·5671 lllUSts FH SAU lmffSS,lMYUT· MUU. ftMAllC( SEIYIC(S -...~M"• DirH'ton EMPlOYM£11T & m,UAJIOll WNJob J llo~tf-..rhofl Joo Vl•ni...t• IM-lv"'•ntH It 6 J" M£RCHAllDISE ::;,::. .. AutllOft ::u.:: N a.tnteh "'"•1ntrh 6: t;4'~Plln«"t ::. .. Ooc> rt .. \O \o.it ='\;rMwt ;,,.,, S.I• ---c-s. lf'l*tir) '°'YHlOC'~ ~Hfwftlrt) "Qif't'll.....w• "11«1t•ne-ow• V. •MH 'SwJJtal tllllrwmtnt• )(ft« •• ..,,, • ll:qwp ,.... ~':: ... ~~:~·, l:!':.;::'!nc a., r': ·rldM> ... ,. Stu.o IOATS & MUlllE EOUl,..EllT c-.i &o.t• M llM :Wn •C't 8uMl M•rnw Equ1' 9HU Po•«r Bo•U """ ('hArtf't ~ .... S.11 bu'91• Oorh 1 .. 1.,11/l•mt/ r;.,." o.-.wr•I 11111 Allt' 11<1. .. l"•d.ttl•f AUTOS. MEI AUTOS. USED ... c.m .. rc. l"M\tol ... l.lv)•l4't eo .. , CuftU•t Rl•I (.:w,f'Uir -fi:1.•• ""'~· lmpcr1•I L.o<aln Mll•fnr' .. ll'fC'Wr) ::.:-::l .. P.-Ply....,..lh ..-. .. ~rO.rd "'~·· .,.,, ... "'* 1.,;•n1/hmt/ Fi•Utl -- " .. .... ... ltl ... ••It •ia - !lllOI --·· •u 11911 -WO _, ->Ul ---_, ~ IMl -..., -""51 --""'70 ""'' . •.•...•...••........• ............•........• 1.11.,,, l•1un1 ... "1r.!!!~!r ... !.I!! •.. '!l~!~!r ... "-!~ O.M, 11.&0llll lllP Full M<Vlce gardening & Estebhahed. Terms n•· lendacaplng, alt equip., go1l1ble Phil 64S-S080 route, etc. BHI offer. AM 549-1174 '~::.' S@~~~-"r.,~s· :: -----1-4 l>y QAT L ~ 9 ,.,~11 s~~~°islfllltS IN I' I' I' 1· r r I 6 ~~·~N~!?t~' tmm I I I I I I I SCUll-UTI btwrt ill ............ STAR GA'ZEKfl¥>._ 1-----..----Br CL.\Y ~ POLL\N ~ :7c.~~', ~~ ~ ~ To d~"tlOD rncuo9• •o' F, 1dc., '"°" #twch (Ol'•f'~ "'9 ,0 ,...nett\ ol """° Zod« t><tl• >II" 101• " .. 1)f~ t)t .... ", ... ,,o., ...... .,,,, ,,_ ... ,._ "'-.... n-.. ., .. ..... ,._ 1'"-0f•M 11=:-..-:;:..:.;;..~ ,, ,. •he~• ..... •Got "°" .... .. .... ...... ,.., ... JI ,.,..,. "°' ,. ..... ..... ..--··-., ..... ._ ... 41ltpen• .. -. ...... ., .. ..... ... .. .,~, ..,,,,. ,.__.. \t • .....,...,. ... ~ Ulk.,., ..... ~···· .. _ )1, ...... ~1f lflot .. w-,..,_ ....... rAClftC YllW MIMDllA1 rdl Cemetery M ortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1ltc View Drive Newpart Beach 6'<6·2700 WILFRED BF;NTHAM. age 76, resident of Laguna Beach, Ca. Paa Ca., forme!'ly of Oldham, Eng1a.nd. Died July 1, 1982 at South Cout Hospital. Cremetion by the Neptune Society. Ame. will be a:auered at tea. Memorial tervices to be held at 6:00PM on Wednaday, July 7, 1982 at St. Mary's Church, Park Ave., Laguna Beech. In lieu of flowers the family requeata any donatlona be made to the W i If red Bentham Memorial Fund at St. Mary'a Church. t.acwui Beach. Survived by h1a wife nnn~. aona Roy and J\oler, C ~PRICORN (Det. 22-Jan. 19): Major restrictions are removed . You'll have greater mobility and eventual st.ability. Focus on reading, writing and discoveries concerning American heroes. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Accommodate needs of family member who desires to partlcipate in holiday festivities. Highlight diplomacy, consideration and loyalty. Focus also on sentiment, favorable news roncernlng career and a "romantic interlude." 31, 1981. it stood at 16,-mi-e2 0 4 6 , 3 0 0 . T h a t 1---------=;;;..;;..;.-=-i c L A s s I F I E D MtCotlMICll MOITUAllH Laouna Beach 494·9415 Laquna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-t776 MAllOI L.AWM-MT. OUYI Mortuary • Cenwtery Creme tory 1625 G1slet Ave Costa Mesa $40-5554 ,_ClllOT..aS -.LllOAOWAY MOllTVdY 1t0 Btoactwev C:O.taM9ta 142·~150 IAl.Tl ... ON ...,,. & TUTN&L Wlf1W'r1W.• eo...-.. 1464311 PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Check source material; you'll be asked questions. Participation In community project is favored. Prestige~ as you oUer creative interpretation of eventa in 1776. dautJltert Marion. Marlene. D ks h Wi nifred and Betty,, 7 'FUD uef f WO 0DrS 1randtont and 3 ·l!' lf*Dddaughten from USA. MOUNT CLEMENS, Mich. (AP) -A d.iatrict England and Fraooe. Navy scraps tender Dixie SAN DJ.JX]() (AP) - The Navy'• oldett llCtive ahip WM decommlllkJned and la delUned for dw ecrap heap. After 42 yeau of MJLvlce, th• Cletlroyer under Dlxh wu off lclally reUred In CMwti'°"'91 ll the ~ ltr••t Naval ltaUon hire. juctce i8 handinl out two-hour jail tenna to dnmken driven arrested for the fint time. "l don't think thia la a tevere .,.nahy," Macomb County District Judae William H. Carmen .ad. "But. for first,.time olftnden eepedllly, J lhirK thia wW act ... deWTent.'' The two-hour aentence1 are aerved on weeanda. Cannon mo 8'WI drunbn driven $300 to f&OO fines and UwtrucUonl to,....._. foe' Alcohol HJahway Safety ~ Repeat offmdan flCI 90 .. y llnt.entm, he illd. 'Collector' jailed represented a gain of 377,300 in a year. Texas, with a 1980 population of 14.23 million, ranks a distant second in number of licensed drivers with 9.29 million. New York, population 17.56 million, ~ third with 9.24 million Ucented driven. Fourth comes Florida.. population 9.74 million, with 7 .27 lic ensed drivers, followed· by a shade over 7 milllon each {or Pennsylvania, population 11.87 million; Ohlo, popu.latlon 10.8 mUllon, a nd Illlnolt, population 11.82 mUllon. Busineu dean named Dr . Mohamed J: . MoulCata of Cyprwt b.. .,_. aDDOin..S diMn of Uw lchOol ol ...._ Admtnt1ua,ton at Cal ... .. ~ .... Dr, Mou1tafa 11 the .... o1 ..... ..,. pultlllW la •a ... ,,.. ..... ......... aa~ 1111 u11Ua1 ............ I Starting a New Bualn••• Acccordl ng to C•llfOfnte hatMta •nf Profettk>ne Code (S.C. 1 noo to 17UO> all persona do&ftl butlMH under a ftcllMJoue NIM mutt flle • •••••ment wlttt ttt• Couftty Clerk end tt•~ It pWl!lfted four tlM•t In a newaptipet •¥Int tM ar•• In wttlctt ttte bu9'neM .. ~ T II e atateMent It ,..,"" '9f ... aM •• ""8•eetr "' "°'"""' , ... , ........... "·"'·. Meet lt•nll• rt-ulr• ,,... ....... •" ..................... The DAIU "LOT ,,. .......... '"'"··---···· "'" ....... ....., te""t eN ........... I ~ ... , ""'" .. "'' Ota•t• Otw1t1, a. ....... ---mw ... .., . .,; ...... , 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 Dor ·1 c;t ~ b ~pherv e~eu tan~ (t.(f\ni~ - Use ,,,,,,,., At/ service when placing your ad .. , a Daily Pilot ad number will appear in your classified ad . we take your messages 24 hours a day . . . you cal I in at your convenience during office hours and get the responses to your ad ... this service is only $5.00 week. For more Inform•· tlon and to place your ad call M2·5'78. \ i C4 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH IAVDI StH your n040n0tt-n11dtd twme tor Cllh. If It dotln~t 1111, we'U run It w• 3 dayt FREE. Onl Hem per Id, mull be pftold. ~' no rul eetate or commtrelll ldl. Cill today tor ful dttllll . ..... l'I .... •+..,11-•t! ffil!.l.P.Ml .... P.M fmffl.W........ .. ~1..'!.•.-.~ .... 1.{ff «*-~~ .... !.{!f '1/r.!!M'!l ••••• IJ.ff !!11.~ .... !J.. 1!11.!!P.!!I ..... !.~! "'1.1.l!'!l. .... T.'.!f lluM flound: 8ohn1u1tr, Co• lffr ... ...aa...... llrl AUTO MIOHANIC, Alfl, lllPUTlll Gentrll Ottloe. 10 hrt 0r.-..11w. Off1o1 _,... -------IPAAI! TIMI! Hl!L.' NEE· •••••••••••••••••••••• rona ..._. .... ..-..., PIM· .... ,.. IMW ,..,rwt Por'ICIM. '/T .. ol .-· ,....._., ..... -• -flJ DIO. YOVI own llra. Jtlnt ...,._ _. ,.._ --~IOlted ettnMltlve jfl.d • 1 to I yn. -.. o.mOll-"'"""''• HnO t9f "'IM· dwt ... a.,._ r-,_ '" .. Identity. 875-7428 aft well groom•d 91,1 to ::.'~:,, =.,:; tlOn to flnllll, II to 110 ttn. *11. <>ell, I.A. '''"°' naouury. Olllllfll4 PAIT,.... :~~~~1 ~:;i. ~~1: ' • .0.ffl!~!r ....... f 8 mo4ef prlv•t•IY tot In· ,. .. c.11 'red Ano.ton = tw .. ~~ ~· awooo. T I ... Oopottunltl .. avall•l>I• t.45-5417 Wl...,MIN<t Pool Ohtml· Found: Oren91 atrlped dlvldu11 3·4 lire per 7.( 7-2. tAM·1PM: ,;1,A~aCount!Club· 0...1N,0.'t..,,.11_, on ... ,_ PAATTI.,. I I It• I I I wfth the L..A. T1mM Clr-1-------- 081 Hrvloe lie. Oo•t• long hair cat, ~ry reo· wMk 8trtoUy PtNeM end 71• ·~2 1aaa •1t J•"" a " · "...,. .._ -Matw. -tor dl'9la e1111t1on Dept. In 011r "* Ill&. M .. _.. ... No txp. '*· tntfy apayed. O.M. erea. In good t11te. Utmott ca11 na:p;.(;2'21 ... , ' See Jim Wood. kin. out Of ltlll end ellott. ooita Meu. ..... doOr to doOr ~ 18 y,. or older fOI' amall Wiii treln. t50,000 lull 557·781•. dlteretlon UllHtd. • AIHll! .. I llOUMW•ru OVtt1W )Otle llOW av• t.45-1MI. The 01 .... fled AdV«tl· ..... pr..,n. OultM· , ..... ltOI'• In CdM. Gift ernount req'd. Wiii ,,.1 GtMt pey .. fleltlb6t twa. llAllYSITT!R nHd•d, ....., l'/tlffte. AW'/ 111 table. UO.OOOtoN0.000 ~"9 ~tor the tHd llrly. ••t• pl11e wrep, maintenance of a40,000 plut. Cell col-MOM'S MOVINGll ~photo Ind dttllled wHkend I or tome peraon: Crown Hard· :O,~:..~ cf;;~I : ,,., • Delly Piiot Mt "'·ope-comm1111on. Hra. •PM to ttock appeer.nce etc. Itel, Mon-Fr~. ~1kp tor Mu1t llnd lovlng home .,•acr~pOtlon, 1 Oto llloxP.llAd "'"-142 HH wart, 3107 I . Co11t 0'40 • Of ~ IMl"'lor ~ende. nlna fOr a reeporialble, d·~~.· PTio~e~tnlgal letoperoevrnl· C.UT Jim et 7F14178()..8850 Au d I • " .. v M • for "Zech''. en edorable ... o. • • 't ot, • Hwy, M . ........... .. • • _.., OYer enfhutl•ttlc Petton. .., " uea. thru rt. 408-M7~111 black & Whit• M kllltn. Box 1.580, Coat• Mete. •Dl!!ll/PUT-21. wttl\ out•Mdlng. It· Mutt tltrVt ~ ... fSOO plua.,., welt!. FOf iiHIWdii BUSINESS epprol(. 8 wlcl old. OA t282e Benltiflv --·--treotlve ""'°'*''"' to "'°"' ..... ....,_ an Interview. call: OPPORTUNITY S3&-H32 aft. 8pm AIHllTAIT l.ootllh\iior lntetM. Ung PI T, 11,200 plva/mo. work with youth l•t•• lnolud4ne ~approx. 1·100·262·tt41, HI "11 llltm _ LmA I wml'I Orange COM! S.vlngl la wont? ng, no lhor-Own bot1/butlnet1. 10·1'). Cati 2·1PM. 45 wpm on teM hltc-1204. need•d by Huntington PHOTO MOOEL.8 aeelllng Aocountant With tMnd. .. Otc. Oii Mlttg. Mgmt • ..Wnt ... ~,. b1. ""·toe me. Salary plut COM• ... ,...,, 8Mdl City School Diii. . C:C L.o.t:lold charm brecelet, ESCORTS/DA~AS SIL. nper. Strong ..... P.C.H. 841-7431 PllT Tm mlal60n. ~ tw ..-wtttt '°' t~ •• S.-hr 11 mo polltlon. Selery --~~~ • .' Jr:!i ~~ ::i:!· OUTCAL.L. 24 HAS are neo. for potl11on •Gild .., Mi SAUL Newepaw ,,_.,.0110n. en ooaelonal Sat. mor-p1u1 ~ weeec1y. Need ~.7 ~~ !!0etS: Reward. 780-3848 HMJtl wfllch reporta dw.etly to bpel''d Of Wiii treln. Dry 20 "'91~:.....ElrOerlence Mon· 'r I , ~Excellent·• ........... ~corr:~ own trenaportatlon C•H rlence. Apply: 20•51 --------1~~~~~~~~~1 the Controller. Cell: alearllng plant pref9rred • ...it for llPPt. 5:30,~0,M, lat. .._ CtlMle •t2-5e72 Cr e Im er l n ., H B Found; white M POOdle, 1..: Vlctcle. 764-1801 4"-1H5 IH-2ttt. H.I , t;aC>-1: Oel, dental, Nte .,,_ "4-68a8 MOBILE med. n . red co lier. 111"1 UH E.O.E. •-at -uy .... 40 to M.-1 c•. credit union. etc. a.TUY (Ult) i------,_...,..-000 GROOMING UNIT B 1 1f 81 t /Fa Irv It w . 1•;1•1~~·c.;;·,•;•0•u•n•d••t•,•1p• ORANGE COAST SA· lllTAI. UIPJ. ..~~...!..., ._ Then ,.,....,....., INre Ooo~ * •dvenoerr~.: li•1tltlf' ........... TOPLESS MOOEUI 111-0HI 5"9-5180 tlck•I• & (2)11t Cl•H VINOS nHd•d for plH11nt. i:l:' ri::·o,-;,;;,:;; ol ptofltt . Mutt "'"' Cai for~.... ,., ~~5.:~ ;../~~~:~ ." •-•-PAITlll Found. Eng Foll Hound or upgrld .. on eny A!Mf· HOO Ad=, Coate tb~:liic .. ~t~~·:er~r:::. ~!"°9 ... '· .. ~1 .. A :..·~CMc11. Centw ~ ..e·, ::::: ~· ~1.ein. IN IRVINE AREA ,..1lll!!l llDO Wented. Siient or active. yeara. 538-•881 July 15 & Dec:. 15. 1500. pt. Ctr. 640-1122 attW.. ,., .,..,,...., ... organliatlonel capeblll· Leern • aklll & get v•· •-• Bealell Hound. Mele 1-3 lcen Alrll,_ lllghl bet. --_. "" ... l'i...... High level offtce tklll9 & n•--- BBQ rlbl. I 10,000. Ceil 552..()408 .... ........ 11...-a-.1 -..t-1..1.. a...a ............... eft• tPM. .... Ilea ~. Requlr• lueble eKperlenoe In the 1·52"-780811-778-1130 Found Shepherd mlll, trl-· lmtW OlDll ----·· Top lti)'OUt I MtuP ope-t.42-897t .ct 311 NO • ll9Y St. minimum 120 wpm anor-Army RHerve. Alter ._...,1, colored male & lemtle. -•I 1 P •ltlont a llabl• et nHded for ,Pdl!•Hnt, retor for Tornoa 8wlll Oolta MIM, OA t HH thand. 10 wpm typing treln....,, aerve one ...,. , .... _,_ Shepherd. blk & ten -r.•f!•• 0 ve buay, ••tab · group eutometlc1. Gd. fuh.lre. lall9I OoPlY !molYr t111n1 .• Good i>«aonellty ""' PAITlllf ro•le. Cocker mix puppy, ;.:-;.::,1··,............. Hunt1ngt011 8wh olfloe. prectloe. Ellptr. nee. growing anop In L.aguna .......... & pnone voice, eblllty to ~=~d w~~c:, ~~~~h Y~~r~ •-t tan & whl. mile. 2 lemll• tK•_, Bank &ctow or Se\llng1 Npt. Ctr. '40-1122 llllguel ott A_,, f>M-.. tern top pay tlllln9 1 1 _ .. ~ PX -H• Shellie•. Alao e1ta & kit· laitt•lllU THS end lo•n Hper pral'd. ·-, S -, •ntlPtfl°" 1n 'lfJAJ/f .,.., SAL.1!8 unct on u .. .,.,. prnaure. Earn eKtra money. . Retell atore 1narl1llzlng RaqulrH good typing Dental • Micro Preclalon wlH, Ameteur ~--tern 'Uclay by the •t ..... 2 )'NII execullve retirement beneftta. Call In the flneal In 18th cen-Anlmel Sheller 6•<1·365e ,, ....... AereMtt '"' needed. art/lull time. beaeh. · $800 wllly. ..--tens. Newport Beech •••••••••••••••••••••• lkllla 8_ .. f~r• ~tllude FINANCIAL SEC y & 714-831-9331. Call Chrla ...,._.-. level ellperltnce. Word todey· tury furniture lncludlng T h I CONTACT ERS NNEL. OFC COMMUNICATOR OUbreull No 9"'*'1enoe Of Mlllng Call SH-7511. Atk for prOOMling &/or ec::coun-Tuatln 731-0<181 reproduct1on1, colltotl· Found ahort h1lrad c~ ~~~ ~~~re.P C~ti (213) 932-"359 f"P'd. Are::; MWCh\~ .,..... required. Wrfte to: Uni-.-ry LAM. 'eon'no ~~~5=· Sent• An• 5"2·•783 bltl, artlcl• ol heritage orange rem oat, vie M 873 1779 5870 Wllahlre Blvd. or• progr ve, que ., 0 verUI, P.O. loll 1223. t.ac rtne, · USAR Ctr. 552·3173 & exqulalt• h1ndcretted Ad•m• & Fairview Rd. ery .. eYM Loa Angelel, CA 90038 olllce where your out-utbotrd ••par. only. Montebello, Ca. tol40 IALIS SERVICE Stetlon attend/ plecet. Corona det Mar/ CM. 5<18-8772 JMI WutM 1111 Oallftrlll fMerll going peraonallty & Shock Merine, 875-3283 • SW 110 to $25 hr. Un-helper. Full & pl llme.'" TIAYR Alln Newport Beech prime •••••••••••••••••••••• dental expertl•• In IEllOIL 11/T P .. I ... TING dtrcover Weer home Mr. Botta, 2•"" Fe1-~~ Incentive company .... · Found Black/ White Bkk E 'd .. 11 •....a-. I U.. hendllng telephone, fl.. " .... """ ........ king Trevel Agent w/ loc:etlon Wrlll tor more epolled puppy In lront ol pr. llpr · ,.va ., -·.::!_• Cemete~/ atrlpper, partlel. 146-774" Rd, CM lnlo: ABFR, P.O. Box Norm's RHtaurent on eves/Wl<nd1, call aft 5:30. "'qval v.,..t•y Employer nencl•I arrangement• & Cert. or regll. ellg. Ellclo-1 d / ---------i heavy retell & group ex-11335, Sente Ane, CA Beech/ Hell. 9,.._8923 Peggy. 545-8913 pellenl contact 11 eppr• t11ungn·l..,owtt.C.hcgerr~ ~ H camer1per1on 8AL.E8PERSON lor chll· SEWING MACHINE OPE· P'flenoe. Computer u -92711. enytlme. ~. Banking cleted & r-arded? We ., v_,,.., ,..,.,.w atrlpper, lot 55 ~ drlll'l'I llloc>. Exp'd. In AATORS Exper, qu1llly parlance required. ........... ~!.'l..'!~'!!. .... !.l.! ere e hlghly lkllled team. reaplralory therapy com-pttntlng CO. Mutt 5 retail only. Full/ P-llme. minded, p iece rete1. Nwpt/CM eree. Oline, _ .. _._ Found· YO wnlle F lhort· *SEC'Y. fillERS h8P9'f to ofter IQP aalery peny. Quellty patient Yf'I nper '"all pt\MM of Peth• Maren.. 6"2~714 Coela MeM 8'2-te52' 540-7855. Went• bualnett ol your heired eel w/collar, & excellent benellt1. cere, tteohlng & prof. dartirm/atttpplng ~ ;;.:::;:::;:::;:::;:::;:::::::::;l.;i;;;;;~;_;~~;;l;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;11~-own lor minimum coll? Tustin & 2111. 645-0681 W/smlllng phone volcl. Full/Pert lime poalllon• SHIOO II queJJfled. New-rel1Uon1. All Ametlcen Ilona. Top pey I ~ Cell en ••pert .. guarani· AISef'tlve, high energy. •v•ll•bl• In our South port e.ach. 831-2480 app .. renct. cnerecter, 1111. Cell H1-t500 L.8'o Md prom In 30 deya. FOUND. Sm kitten. Grey. OR r~uller w/..:.. lklfl1 Co•ll Plue office. Ex· ~amoktr. Xlnl Ulery, gune Hiiia. Complete HI-up plul mele Vic. Hbr. Vu Hfll1, for Pre1. Net. Surcll perlenol prefarred. Con· DENT A111. Ortno. Npt. co. vehlcle, benellta . ...;;.------.-at---- bu1lne11 con1u11en1. CdM. 759~«0 Arm. Money open. tact: Bdl. 4 dey M-Th. Exper. PI•••• c •I I '·•--- 850--0219 Found· 8Mu grey lhort 71"1833.-1030 K;~'z_~ & ROA req. t.42-2828 800-542-&3e0. :::C,)Oy .:'t~e:::'/!:: #tiff r 1 heir kitten Loving & llUfllll& fDllAL IEmlT 911101L IPflWJIT nlnga. =J'!"'r ou1-.,,,.,n, ,.. "OJI playful. 759-0440 Advenlllng ••-• I 1 ••• General dentlll -.nted, Learn medlcal 1111111 6 going ty, IMtn ""'' ~· co OP -·-.._ • )Ip. r 11 n c. d In • 11 ..,,,, In lhe Army Rea-now lo beCofM a trained •••••••••••••••••••••• 111....J1 fJU • 895 Town Center Dr. Call 11lt1 counaelor. Cell I.I. IATTlll •••••••••••••••••••••• Coe1• Mete .• c.. e212e ph-. Ellcellent pay+ .,.... neer nome. •o-2-•PM. 9~2 ••21. Ellt. ~ .. I Let Go Of Alconollaml 'DVERTISING "--percentage. 648-2411 dey: <> .. -.. • ff, Ooo'I let elcotlollsm pull ft Equ! '??'ty Emf)loyer Tu1tln 731~1 3-43. EOE Spec! • no In 111 & 2nd rou to Mll·d••lr0011on. CO-ORDINATOR ----Ellport meneger: Ellper Senta Ane 5"2-"783 -RE_C_E_PT_IOH_IS_T_fTY_P$ __ T_-TD I llnoe 1949 11 go & llve 1 Ille ol BAR PERSON, lull or required. Mull bll eble to USAA Ctr. 552-3'7' Robt. Sattler NH/CM sobriety with the help ol ., _ ___..., __ .. -ne,_ pert-time. ~I nu or complete export docu· ~pt .,.~tn;:.':' *"~:. R.E. Broker Bd Reeltor1 The ••oorlngi. With 1 ""',....._,..,.., .. __ .,.. ,..... ~ .... n .. 1 ..... • c ,. mentetlon, operate ,.,.x 11t4 ttf1tt - &42-2171 645-06l 1 netlo';;elly recognized ~111fn ~· c!: '"" u • ....,...., ..... ~/~!,:;'~"': Nwpt M.D. --~~no ~\v~ac:c:UrM'":;.:::.. WIDOW HAS SSS tor TO's outpatient tre1tmen1 gory. •bte to eo-ordln•t• IUm economlc1. Knowlfdg• -oettc;..--Admlntetrttor. ntng or afternoon '"' -~.. ,... -M•k• •PPll. po1tlng, s l50 RE L.oena. 10K Up. No progr1m, you Mver ,......., one-peraon co-op dt· Pnltlfoltll WH o I MI d d I e E • 1 t • r n ,19 1v1 . 5. hr to eten, Credit Check, No Pen· lo be hospltallz:ed. ml11 partment end work lenguegea & culture. llghltyplnwlg.Muslbe•b 1'9Vlew In 30 dayt. C .. 11 1 k ti Loolclng o add 10 our to work thout aupervt.. ,.....,... ..... ,..,,,1 elty. Oennleon & A11oc:. me rom wor • or me h81ld-ln-hend with retell atelf _ Mvtrat manlcu-Mutt be avell lor foreign lion. 6"8-3918 i ""'iii"'iii'i....,...,.iiiiii"i'iiiiiiiii 673-7311 from your l1mlly. Mor· ules etall. Ellcellent rlat1. Cllentel• not n• travel. 120.000 per yr. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii DESPERATEI Mutt Hll nlng & evening progrema growth opportunlUH. ceaury. Rich Ouellene Report to neerHt Em· evelleble & Insurance Cell·. ·~2~321. Ext. 282 ployment Development 3rd TD of Sl2,500 12% ed ""' Stlon. 200 Newport atrelght 4 year note. S9. epprTlovr ---·-• lor eppolntment end C enter Dr. Newport Dept. In Orange County Conv -long term cert ooo or belt otter. Irene __.._ Interview. Beach r e g • r d I n g exp. req'd. Excell. wor- efter 8PM 558-4211 1853 E. Lfnc:oln, Orange ..... Oent #13•3357-183.117-014. king oonds. & bllneflt1. 111111 Ulll Relteurent Captelnt. We1ter1. Wellr ...... Hott ..... Codctall Walt,.._ Bua & Bartenden 4647 Long Beach Blvd., lallJ Pllef 1111.UDll Ad pd by Employer. F/tllM, 7-3:30. 3-11:30. Aunana••ll/ Long Beac:ll s Pert time. Travel Agency FASHION MODEL who 714-8<12-«)« or epply In .,. nMd9d fOt a MW lllMUll/ Call l·IM-422-1111 eo.t!3° ~ ~ ;2828 •JtPerience required. At· ._., 10 1c.1pplernent In-par1on: 488 Flag1hlp blltro ,....,,.,,., At>f*r; Equel Oppty Emp!Y!. trectlve ,.._port Center/ com• by working u •Rd~ .. ~N~B~~~~~~ 9AM·11AM, 3a3 8ey8'de '-t I 1HM * * • • __ _ Fuhlon 111and olllce. rec.ptlonlat In art gellerf :: Dr .. Np•· Bc:h. ;::·,·,··-;::.::.·····,·,·,,·· lff11tls Puler ART CENTER with cffenta ~~~!..0~1 pertttlme. can 114+.4~5. Nurllno ~~-~~~~~~~ = .... :."l!'!:••••••••• Open 2• hr1 •day world-wide IMk• axcep-._...,....., GAU.ERV Mekt ~ LYl'I a... 7 dey1 •week Ilona! peraon for ct111-Your ad eppeera in with knowledge of ert, for 3-11 lhlfl. CompeU-BtlDMG & Pl.lllltG DEPT. FOUND ADS ARE FREE Cal: 142-Hll Jecuzz.I. Seune. Locel1 lenglng po1ltlon with claHifled within Mlldlaon AY9r1Ue pollah. tlYe Ulery. ExClll. ~ 81 well u tourl111. gr .. t growth potentlel. lmpecc:eble Cfedentlela. flta. 8"2~ or 8PPIY In BenkA!Mflcard, Muter Part/lime to atert. C1lan-houra. noc. w•k•-Muit be metlculous, cut-peraon: Fle91t1lp Conv. Cherge. Amarlcen Ell· ce to learn grephlc erta, and Qft be tured, falllon conac:louS. Hoapt., 481 F\aglfllp Rd., pre11, Diner•. All w•I· photogrepl'ly. fremlng, ca ncel'-d ;uet H Fl .. lbl• noure. cl'lan~1_N_.B_. ______ _ com• 714/845-3433. adver1l1lng. direct mell '-I .. _ lor llnancl1I pertlclpe-N .. -•ng 2112 H bor Bl CM quica y wncn you ..... er and geilery menagament. I I o n . 6 4 4 • 4 5 4 5 , n llfllYllll Yovr Cet Reftect• You Office •11111• mull be .. t the ,..ulte you ~8· 3-1':30 tull/tlme. Al10 Custom w111 & Oetell complemented with love w ent. R 1 R ..... Tony 5"7~241 ol '"· Instinctive good Dally P1·1at Mort temllles .,. getting N parl/llme 11 • . ~~~~~~~~!1---------1 taste and ftew1els groo-the cemptng "bug" thl1 H u n t I n g Io fl B ch . :: COEDS -Would love to ming. Rigid dr ... cod• yeer. II you hlMI a cam-_&4_7-_3_51_5 ____ _ Found: White F POOdlt, party with you. Cell Sue demands refined etegan-per lhet'1 not getting approx. 30 lb, vie. Cr , or Kathy anyt ime. ce . Cell 6•4-4545, claaaltled ads uMd, Mii II now with• Shop •t home. lt'a Hly Velley Pkwy. <199-2898 953-9383 S.W-0808. Clualfled Ad. with clualfled t.42-8178 Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-Line our famous DIMES-A-LINE Ex p'd., 40 llr. WMll, muat be able to work s.t. & Sun. °"* ""' 10 be errenged. Appfy In peraon: Ker m Rime Hetctwwe, 2988 Herbor Bl .. C. M. Heve you reed today'• CltMlfled Acta? u not. you're mlNlnO the beet bar~·.,, town! ) ) Newspaper Carriers for routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • Good Eca nings • Super Trips CALL CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT • Great Prbes llilyPilat 642-4321 DIMES-A-LINE ADS MOST BE PLACED BY 3 p .m. ON FRIDAY. FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS, 642-5678, ext. 319. • < • •••••••••••••• ""-'.1'<W •••••••••••• l'-l!'M',,~.J,•1..._. ••••• ~t:!Tf!f •••••••• !mw.1.t.•••,,t,••···· .• l!ft~-1~ ....... ~.~ .. ~Al.l.IM:OU8TIC TIDI .... &JM ON Ho!M Clee11lng: hon111. STA.AV Nu CQl.Ll<'JI PLA9lt ~ PATCHING CLIRICAL 81AVIC!8 ~ new ·& o4cl. 11 T ......... fl'tfftOWO CINn ' Smell OVll'IO JOb• rlllebl•. hltdWOrktng . ITUOINTS MOVING AHtuoco1. lnt1e11t. ,0 lltkpg•T~ng•l'llel Yf'9 lllP· lud Nl•tN2 ""..,_...,.• ~ --. 1&1_.,419 0111 Mlt<I! '4t-1H1 r~. 6&4-445A 00, Uo. T12M3t. yr1. ~I l'tWI &46-tt77 PU/def. evlili. IM2.e511 ........... ,_,.... v .. lllMl#ed. '414427 &.ff ........ = WtM IUturee-~•lo ......... NO ct•'" Pl HAULING ' MOVINO •11-'ttl•• WATCH ua GAOWt eo·a PLAITBfllllNO ••WJm Tm•••.:na. ••• Heng·T11P9-lteel llucll '""'"I • '"'"NU LOCll Sllldent wltruok. ••••';';T',, ••• r .......... ---------I 1,LL TVPl!S INT/IXT ef'i••••• ••••••••••••• AEMOOIL/A I Uo. Htt44 1·U2.a64t ,:4..eui::,. ~l \.NI.I f70·11IO ~lll>le cpl, mid 30' •.u.11-TelltUfel Petohlna 8~RV!Ce & AUAIA • Qarpentry, l.IO' •If ~YWAU. TAPINCI 1----------.. -*'llno--&-q-ulOIC--OIMft--.up-4, looking IO hOUleatl t 1~ ••• "':Tt'•••••••••••••• l'Al!I! UT. tAMHI Ven 0ooerie 8«Wle Co. ~lfH!M...... YI" -.p, ltWln 64t-171t All Textu,... & Aooultto .._1 _,.., rlike, ~· ~·· ger90M, f0b•llt .. , & eummer We'H Clft I flll PAllTlll 11....,. (1f4) w ... eee Oetilnet• & rE"' ''ne l"lnllhld CIPPlfltry ,.,.. .. , t<evtn 971...aM eor no oleen-up, e1.11. p r op mo m t • Ill I~~ ~=·~ .. ~~1:?to~. by RIQtlerd Sinor Lio ........ 1............ rtll l"':J:: & A4wnod Speo. ~ ChUOk 142·t17S bef I t31-ote5, J<rt.931-ofN rete e'llll 2'0e44. 13 Yfl OI hapPY ......... Pt••:,,,., •••••••••••••••••••••• ,,._ ,., 2003 Uc 41tN1 120 12t0 ~ wn. Ioctl CullomtH't Cu11om Oefwntq Tiit DO It "'OWi · ·• ':':':l:'•"m••••••••••••• H11.1llng•lludenl wltruok. 1 --J !fP. Thank ""V '"31 "'10 Your full MfVlce plUm p C·" c ........ " ~ OOMM'L/flllUID. IL.IOTAIOIAN-Prloed RHld. Oln-up1, g erden Low ratee, relleble. __ ,,, f. 'v '" ~ •.aaa•t• rompt -,,_,., 191/9 ,_ ' i... 1 1erv melnt tr•• trim ••• ,.... •• •••••••••• P'"INTER "'E"'"' 111·14111-• • 8A2-85"4t875-1408 dY' ... W ..... •• ••••l'•••••o•••••• ~·Add'ne-Aeollft r'Vh , frM .. tlmete on • J • Thenk you, SU11e. Landacepe & trH 1e " "' """° Yout Delly PMot l"INCU & OIOl<S VfitY ,..., Uc. StoHO ...... ~ tmell Jobe. ,,.. ••· 8A1·10H Wiiiy 761.0128 RH. ratH. l'rH E;~: WORt<I 30 yr1 e11p, Intl 11 ILL .U.llll ,,.. 6.trin 8eMce OW.Ct""' Mer1( Aoblneon Con.II. Jack H. e.nn.tl, Jr. L.lo. 3MH1. '73-0Ht _.___H • ., ... ___ H'"ULING a DU .. P Chrlttlan Mtv. 031-4133. Eicter. Acoultlc celllngl. •t1a.,1\J a.llllMf ttt •••••••••••••••••••••• Ill-Ar-tell.:;.' • SI...,.. 1"71 7•• ,...... o-Con•· ••" •1•2 ......, -,.. • "" Da11l1 Pelntl"" 847-5188 • • P" LOW RATES-Tr" ltlm· .....,,. -· •• ,....., • ' ., .. ...,,.... -;:; __ ~·& ... ~'.'.~"' LIC'O IL!CTRICIAN l'rM eet. Ken 93t-6030 JOBS. Aak tor Ra114Y, ... ~ ·~-............ "--au.I. WOf'k·Reea. rel.. '41 8427 VANDENBERG EXTERIOR PAINTING •••-'•ll••'••-'' ming .. removal, •II ••• ... 11, _ _. ••• _....... '"'" • '""'DSC'"P"' •*'"INT •· LANDSCAPING Cualom ~k FrH .. , • • ••••••••'lo••r.:~... cleanup1 & trun h1Ulln9. - _ .. -· ••• •••••••••••• •. •••. I • ---~ I ... F.-.. .. , ..... 1-5072. Tom .....,.. .. "' ...... • -~ 1 ~~~~~~~~~' No St .. m/No Shampoo .. , _._ Commerlcel & pr.,,y Mt•Ht/HaJ•• Mal"t .. IOd, planting, R .. 1 +fine int. & all~ M4'1t•htlca•ltlff4, Free eet . Mar t nu ;;; Stain Spec:lallll. Fu1 Lio. soeeee. ~. EL.EOTAICIAN ~ti, 131.eo46 •••••••••••••"•••••••• 9"dlrlm. ,1~dn1-.. dMll7"-51'!'f' & nlno St-5-47-4281 FrM Ml Reu. ptlcea. ,_5_54_-_1_0_11 _____ _ d "' ...... 1 .... .., edd'na, cabin«•. Sml .lobe/Rtpelrs. Lio. , A081N'S CLEANING '-"' • • •o Qual wOt'k Lie 3371811 y TREE c•RE 1 b...,.alf ry. r,_ Ml.,...... .,.... 84M5M/14MI« 233108-0-10. 541-5203 Ron I GardenlnO: 8 yre ~.a tllOrOl.lghly RALPH'S PAINTING . JA " · comp · ••~•••••••••••1••• Crpt1 ln111ll/repalrecl Hm• 1rt1. Ouallty 11 c1e1n houM. 540·b857 •• '!f.~.~'!!............ lnt/e•t. Reaa. ratH. 631 * 2345 Mr~. & •lump grinding. Ofl-•ya, Parking Lot Flood damage. Steem M4' ......... -lfftH, • T .. Oedrtdn t ta I · rat U • Me In II MAGICAi. ILLUSIONS Rel. Free Ht 536-9898 i..IJ• Lie d, Ina. 840-8308 Aef;llln. 8etlcoetlng. clng.55Al-6510, 973-85" l'r .. ..,, Aeet. P!loel. ~, ..... ..... landacepe. N8/CdM. T.L.C. H~eeplng FOR ALL OCCASIONS ······'-·············· HERITAGE TRE! SERV. S&S Alf>hlt 131-4199Uc Qual WOf'lc Lie 337181 ~ ......... 076-t3M s.rMI. Low Rat... Rell. Ste"e 9'"8·6•83 84M Painting & Tiie "'HENRY ROOFING.,.. Com '·te tree care 17 Sn & et clMn · · · · 1 _. · • Toni 850-0208/942--0405 _____ • __ ., __ .. _, Free eel. lnlleJCt & stain• Shake-Shlnglea-Comp. p... 0 552.5317 Dan Haltbero Grading C~rlght::,,, whi • 131·2345 "l 1·7211 lril ... U.•••81 ;:::v: lll•n 10 Y" In OC Spec. rate Lio '15232 548-8213 yr1 e11per an & Paving Co. RM/coml. crpt1 • 10 min. blM<:h. G.,,.,al ContrKtor • ~ MS-"42 TrM trim, gen. ctnupe, ll:ApW'lee H~eeplng •••••"'•••••••••••••• on •Pll Call 24 hre, Uo. 397SO. &42-1720 Hell, ff11/dln. rrn• 115; •YCI Ind., oomm'I, '"· -• Uc. 410908 cement work .. l'r .... ,. W• lurnlah veouum. BRICl<WORK: Small )Obi. 1-995-3488 collect. REPAIRS S25 to 1185 '!.'.~'!!~/. •.••••.•••••• A•,_.11,. room 17.50: couch 110: Lie. 333217. 557-1738 E.lec1rlcel Contreator Call &49-100o4 an)'11me. V•n=~~:.838 ~:;"':,~~~~~':5~~~ D&O Painting· Rea• rat... Fre:,~~T ~~~~/i~me. Most aubjecl1, t<-14 •••••••••••••••••••••• chr $5. Guar. ellm. pet C•llM "*"'*"' Ind. Comm, RN. Lie free "1 Work guar ---------• Oay-eve-eummer $1()o4 FINE SHINE AUTO odor. Crpt reptlr. 15 Yfl •••••••••••••••••••!f• 333h7. Ph 557-1738 •a4f!a HOUSECLEANING Brick. block, ooncrele. Oen (7l4) 962-0487 Hut>er Roofing-all tyP411. Mr Moroan, &45-5178 DETAILING. Guw. txp. Do work mylell. Kit Remod oel'tmlc Ille ••••• ••••• •••••• IS OUR BUSINESSI atucco. very re11. lie. Deva (714) 984 3378 New-recovar·deokt f J • ~ FrM PU/def. 8A2·5«9 Reft. 531·0101 c~blnell. Cell now. tree llMITD IUl'(llO HOME IMPROv .. ,..~~ Janice's Raggedy Ann Bob 548-78501636-9908 • Lie •411802 548 973A fl.•• •lnriel Mtlmate. 642--0881 We don't met!• you welt REPAIR·PLUMBING Eat 10 yra. 675-251' I I · • ••.,.••••••••••••••• Prote11lonal Auto Clea· C1a1.tlC1•1l'lll Uc 37oe89 831_7823 Carpentry. eteo, Ille. Free FlreplaoM-Planter1 .,/!.'.~A ••••••••••••. l ••l)JHIJ•• , Typing Word Proc. Let· nlng, Waxing, Polllhlng. •••••••'~••••••••• .... 0..ntl• · · · eat. No Job tQO email. Joan'• Clea11lng Serl(lc• 88Q'1-Patlo1-Veneet Farthing Interior OealQn •••••••••••~••••••••• ters, reaumes. 1erm P•· The Oetallerl 840-5199. Cernenl·Matonry-Bloc:tc ...................... RESID/COMM'~INO. 845-28,1 HouMl•Apt1-Rentll1 Reta.Free M t. 846-04&4 HANGING/STRIPPING BUDGET RATES pers. MSS. etc Real ~lomo'blle Alt Cond. -~·~~~u~~W:.k.;.~~ •KATRINA'S: LIVE·rN 20 yre. Do my own WOf'l<. EXPERT HANDYil'AN Oftlcea. 540-1287 Ekpert Maaonry: Ouallly Vlsa·MC Scott 645-9325 ~~:';;ts. ~~JOb~01~1~:1 _54_8-_7_1_3_5 ____ _ ~r. 1110 Walla Piece hskprs. deity maid WV. Uo. 278041. Al &4M120 c t R fl General Houaecleanlng. workmanahlp, rHlll\IC ASA PAPERHANGING w1 I 1t1 1. C••. 8ont-'-oe "''8·5""''" "·t~. pe11~·. walk•. Free office oleanlng. crpt arpen ry • oo ng ... ,.., • I W "· ,,...,., ,.. -'" ""' .,. ••• .... 3 2 6 ft•fi•I Plumblng fie 8A2 6013 Relltble, rel•. 10 yra exp. prices. Rell. 551-4""" 1 yra• local up Guar lttH•I •••••••••••••••• ••••• .. t. No )ob too em.II. cleenlng. 8 5-11 ' · • 9'"2 "510 aft 4 work. Price• a tart at •••••••••••••••••••••• "' ·t the Sunshine In" Lt...llflH 538·2607 A...661 •--' ••••;,;.,.,;,,,,•·,~·••• LOU'S HOME REPAIR " ..., ••ri•f MOBILE SERVICE c';1 Sunanlne Window :::"'.'.':" ••• -.r ........ •••• .nfUuM -mffl w-"-Elec-Carpenlry Plumb Quality HouMCleenlng •• •. •• • ••• ••••••• •••• H lroll. Alec 751-7027 N BABYSITTING S11hr.' 0 CAI/I C•n ARCHi;:CTUAAL.PLA.NS Free eetlmatM llA&-1258 Pluter-Stuce~Palnt · with a Peraonal Touch *1·1 llYlll* ~:~'::fy ew6~.;'s';~ C~~,~~~~Y ~:;!~~ wk 1 • 2 \1 Yr 1 · M / F · •••••••••••••••••••••• FOR BUILDING PERMIT n,., &..na• Reu. prlcM 875-4556 Beth 556-0l58 Top quallty Spec;lal ctte rf~J!!'I. •.. ••• • • • •• •• 9 AM · 6 PM · C M lllLI OUI RHldentlal addition• & •••••• rr;;-•••'•••••••• B. ·"-HOUSECLEANING In handling. 25 yra e11p. Cu atom wallpaperlng , IH11l•ri•I ""''" MA. SPARKLE: 811 wndwa, 642-2995. My lrvtne home. Exper. remodel. Don 847-8606 CAPT-LINO-WOOD •• •.•.6 ..... •••••••••••••••• By Scandlna'llan Lady Competitive Ralea setlslactlon gueianteed, •••••••••••••••••••••• both aides, acreena & .__ .. .......,al I w/ret. reu rat•. Agee 1 lnatall~/,..palred. Greg ~ Ellp'd. 548·2111 No overtime. 730-1353 For eat· Frank 775-0714 SECRETARIES TO GO track• Hona11. depen· ~r.!I •••••• ~... and O'ler. 857-9291 Selllng enythlno with a Lie 3692000 1•24()..3082 HAULING-GRADING 1---------Your OlflQe or Ours dable. Guar no streak• , _..... T~ Delly Piiot Clualfle!d Ad · demollllon, clean-up. F/Student w/hoa .. clean • ABC MOVING • Make your •hopping H · Ettielentl Rellable Reas. prices 540-5854 •1•-WANT ACTION? la e 11'"918 rneller .•. SELL Idle Item• with a Conorete & tree removal.1 for lady In exchge for Quick. Carelul Service. aler by ualng the Dally ln-llouae Word Proo. Smoooothed G-4479 Cl...tled Adt 642-5!78 1ua1 cell 8A2-5078. Delly Piiot Cluallled Ad. Quick Mr'I. 64~·7138 rent. Jenny 979.3979 Free estimates 552-0410 Pllol Clullfled Ada. No minimum 642-0969 Sell Idle ltemt 8A2-54S78 DO A UTI1.E BU81NEl8 IN YOUR OWN HOME ~,r._~~ ...... ~!f ~~ ............ ,.~, !~!~1!~!! •.....•. ~~!9 ~~'!!.~ ..•.••.... !.":!! Refrigerator Ilka new. 2 A.KC MIN. POODLE Ou"'1 Simmons hide-•-ti fr .... "'9 It .. door. Froll free $185. Champ bloodllne. black bed. belO•I rvstl green Blaze 4 white aox. blue 893-9060 F, 3 moa. 1250, w/shota lloraJ. S200. 980-9095 eyea. Needs exper rider. .._ __ w••IU & papera. 951-8421 Good man'• horae. Reel !f.{•.c ... I/~~.'!.~! ... ~.~! !!~~!.~ ~. !!f~!'.!.~ ~.'!, .!~~ .... ~~ Spring Tightener (Bear YAMAHA 8' GRANO A11on lnllatat>le llleboat tool) $30. Call 962-9817 0 3E model. waJnul, 7 yrs w/2 hp Iring Ina. mint from 4·8pm old $6800 673·6289 cond S7~5 675-5428 4" Joiner, motor end $ , .. .... IOfZ 1978 20 11 SKIPJACK a;;,-" :'6-0953 R:'nec & E11:~a:.10~11~~ otters or trade, .iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ftH II 11• I04S fabric. Make offer. 648-0473. 640•1502 _,.. Yll IH M•l;;d••;;;1~jj8°/$;;~1~j 551-6418 Appy Fiiiy 3 yrs. blue roen etend S 150 1"1•• •t•l•ll v p o ,. • .,· 3n •••••"'••••••••••••••• olvo enta wner ____ .,.._.,._2 ____ Kenmore sewing machine. wanta olfer See at N-- Spa 8 K 8, must sell. any tn wood cat>tne1 $50 pon Pacllte 6"5·3880 536-9832 aft. !pm puppy'•. tree to good Oak Bedrm aet. 25" Color out 01 Ohengla l<hen -home. 842-30e8 conaole TV $195. Con-_8_4_0_·3_8_2_9 ____ _ 0 temp0rary aolallo11-1 B1•11i1ll c.-61 IOf 5 dryer. white, S 100 for r.ottee &. end Ibis. wall --------- reasonable otter accep-540-7409 1•• Ill lllT l led. 552-0582. 552·9587 _________ , v Kirby ncuum. needs ~r.!!!!I.~-!!! .. ~.~ Trlr. $500 673-0647 work, & carpet sham-Goll Clubs MacGregor, 15' RUNABOUT Muet Mii, E weaner & "Oki"• a aweel lo11ln" $450 Pecan w l glaat •••••••••••••••••••••• Ml Xlnl cond 968 9753 Hulkyl Samoyed adult • v 1• 11 •11111•• Ill GAIAGI SALi ADS NOW . . . neec:ts oood 11ome. un111. Elegant 1ora bed. 111 -1980 WHIRLPOOL 536-9832 att !!pm No Junk! 850-t880 Blue/green tweed, $40. po o er, ne w S 7 5 . Nicklaus. compl se1 New 35 hp, traller, $1000 540-7409 cond S180 675-6278 873·0847 CLASSIFllD aY CITYI 14 cu FT REFRIG !~~~~~~-~~ 536-9832 aft. !!pm. Weight Loss program. all 11111 ILllH 11' 34' Royal CA '74 TW dsl "400 131 5038 art 2 1: Seltg'Bluecouch. llkenew, -natural products 30 Like new $47.500 l~~~~~S~l~l~a~l~L~Q~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·i~~·~~~-~~~·~Mo~ng.N~home~~ 1·. tallored. s200. dQs~S~.~1~801 Gd cond S2 50 4~N~ Electric dryer, lge cape-black "Magic". Lo11able 955 1338 J1wln 1010 1 __ _.:6~7~3~-0~&c:7'.:---liiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ·&.--.__, ___ , 1t~ • • t·' 11 U city. uaed 5 moe. Like 2 year old male cat --·-------1 ••••·•-'••••••••••••••• John Wayne Tennfs Clubl-~-r.--..961 .,,..11 ~ l'IU .i• rl ~ 5180 85,,1 •• 5 87,. •898 .. HI U WITlllll ESTATE: H Gem Lab Famllv Membership for Stlttl l••rt lw1, Y•/• HIFLm •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• ••••••• new, • "'" .,.. .,.... · GOOD COND. $100. Cert'd diamond Items. aale 's 1000 Includes W b d ··•1 111 PAT I 0 SALE: It II ct MOVING OUT OF ST A TE Garage Sale: Furniture, e uy an '""' QUI Y Tl&ll deaks, Ille cablnetl, Terllllc bargalnel Sat. mlac. 10818 LaRoaa, F,V. Kenmore dlshwallher Adorable tmart atrawber-642-8218 R"tored llke nu '82 T-tranale< lee 645--0776 ~~,~~:~n~u~noo~ Twin. t>rand n-F.W C antlqUM (lge glasa-lront 9-"5. 353 Broadway, CM. Euelkl/ Slater Sal p~~·~· ~ = ':';.y,pu~~~ Sugar Httl pine. modular ~~r~. c1:.~11 /~~~~~~. Mink chocke; stole with Skiing, wind surllng. 270 Crusaders flybrldge bookca1e. Winthrop G S E S . ll t ' II IH .&. II I .. lld t furn. for bdrm or 1' 2 631 921• PP matclllng cashmere wet~ skiing. t~nls. surf sporlllsher w/lransom drop.front desk. chine GARA E A L at. •• ~.~-.t •. '! ••••• '."..... HOVER UPRIGHT VAC m Y wfioung c .. ren ° drawer unit, record cab. • u · s weeter s 1 so obo bo;;d, back ";,'acklng. dr. awlm SllP. bow cabinet. more). Oriental 9·4pm. TV .. lable with Two Family Garage Sele Dlll·•·matlc ~ dr1Ye, 10""· 8 s-5512 w/drawer. bookcue. Bnde & Groom gold wed· 750-5787 1 1 plank, 1wordll1h gear, black lecquer dining aet, chairs. lawn ~. Iota You name It . -have 111 $70. 492-8420 THRE! LITILE KITIENS de s k . c 8 b 1 n e 1 . ding band•. 18 ct gold clothlng or a 1 abol/a outriggers. ball tank•. IOla, dinette. hide-a-bed. of mlac. 751-5463 19831 Maritime Lane 18 cu It relr'-ator, fr~t One without tall. 8 wka $ 5 81 1$3 5 0 Ca' h • Ne"9r uMd. Worth $650, Nlzzo 2056 8MM sound sports. 645·4310 1779 etc Brand new etectro- tool1, book•, toys. e1c. MISC. GARAGE SALE (Beachwalk Coodot), ott frH w/lee~ker. 1200. old. 548-0041. 851-0e55 960-0402 Hlllng S350. 859-1645 mOYle camera with zoom Newport Blvd CM nlcs Incl VHF. AOF. L0- 408 E. Ocean Front (nr 2247 REPUBLIC AV. Goldenweat. Sat. 9-5. 645-6334 "·-m•ft S.._.._,d Pup. 6 lens $250. Pioneer SX Electrle BBQ with hood ran. auto pilot. 2 latllo- Belboa Pier). Sat. & Sun. SAT/SUN 9-4 u... -· ,...,,.~ LIKE NEW 850 reeel11er $150. Prl-Portable Ne11er uMd. In mater•. knot meter. C-it--•• J-/ ... , Poot r•nhlc ....,114........,1• .. .... ULI fjotpolnl Relrlgerator mo. old. Free 10 good SOFT OSLE BED $75 COii lUOTIOI vete Eye burglar alarm. t>OJC $49. 966-208" aft. temp. e1c Very rut. long ~ .... f!W!.~ ........ TV °t,~~rc;;t Lots or goodlH Set. Froat Fr ... 2 door 14cu home . ha• alloU 645>-5210 ... "LM, n 11 newl75 080.645-5131 6pm. range for dMng or II· ., __ , Fernlli.t: Art., ..... .,,· ti·rec v-~ ... _· 9AM, 8292 8fyent, Or. ft, yellow $100. 548-7890 ,_8_73-_8_150_·_____ HIDE A SEO S50 • -after 8pm. 1-G--1-C-------1 thing Take over pay· ......,.__ .. . ...,....__ .,.,_ HB Att lo 2 Id le • • ol luba. xlnt cond ments or $372 mo + plies. drewlng t~. po-Ung ball, cr-t Mt, clo-Large Olaplay Freezer. eel nate Y' o ma Double alze. 549-3421 Elegant 11 ct diamond Antique band eaw, runs complete $175. -tOOla, bllcet. 4th & thee, Iota of goodlea. 2 FAMILY SALE: Plante, S50 or trade for any-Doberman nHd• good dye. 548 -49 27 '"' pendant appralaed at strong, good tor heal/)' Call 861·7672 SlS.OOO caah tor my Poppy, CdM. 9-5, Sat. 2525 Fordham Sa1 My futn .. 10)'9, blkM. more. lhlngl 548-8448 or home. 551•2112 (Lor-) $76,000. sac $12,900. ~u;y.Jo'S ~\cgm;:~~ GOLF CLUBS ~~: ~~r~-~~~t>O•t C..ll ·~ 3. 11-5 6422 Rembranl H.B. Set 642-8638. FREE to gd home. apayed Old·lethloned wicker also diamond upphlre 850_9041 Liken-. with bag •••••••••••••••••••••• GARAGE SALE Sun & 9-3 • A.,,,_ 1111 female cat. friendly, gd aora. S 150. 549-3421 necklace 11 cll total. Men's s 100 850-1950 Garage Sale • Lot1 o Mon 8.30~PM 2130 briM •••••••••••••••••••••• hunter. 548-2873 dya. 548 -4927 eve $7,500. 645-1985 Private Fountain Valleyr---------1 J1 ft lllfflltt Goodleal SaVSun l<l-4. NattoN. Ave CM · •••••••••••••••••••••• Free: Beau. grey thort hair (Lor-) 4.59 kar•I EMERALD. ap-Tennie Club. monthly GOLF CLUBS Sports fleller '70 • tr•n 879 Arbor St. (Nr 19th & . Munl Famlly Garage Seit. 0111 lHTill kitten. male. Lo11lng. MUST SELL-t<ltchen set praised at $12,000. Wiii duel only $45 548-4880. Like new. with bag engines. loaded. $33, Monrovia), C.M. Naugahyde couch, Vin· Toya. blkea, clolhea. &JI, tame. 759--0440 w/3 ctw.. $30. 549_1749. 180 for $3000I 640•8688 &c6-7946 Ladles $150 850·1950 500. 6'4-5983 YARD SALE: Aloe, Stag tage golf clube, old baby tlllng1, lurnllure.1~~ ... ~~TV~~~a~1~1~1~~Ha~~~~~ 897•7943 #. "I ••~I -• llME IJT, ll•ll, llllHll•I, at• lnll lekl 117J horn fern s....._ ..... ft,. glua. bf'aM pea. oofleC-aids. goll balls. Fri/Sat 1: FREE Haircut• o)fered PY al•.,... _,, --- many ml~c ho'ur.h~i ' tlblel. 2533 Santa Ant 18125 Leetherwood, Ill/. II In UJI Carl1on Int. by lie. Sty-Must NII-Sola & 1011 .... 1, ••••••••"•••••••••••• 45 tt, 2ll6 conll. Local lat ' IOIS Twn dsl. gen • radar. I J .., 3 4 9 5 Ave. CM •• !f'!••••••••••••••••• llats 91/erY Wed e11e at brown tones, lllnl cond. Elgln Lathe. second ope-mfg. Month ol July ape-•••c••e.••••••••e,••••p_•• SSB, dual VHF. depth tams. u.T • · • pm. 11 Oeoder. SmokelrH. Dual blcyele car red! s 1o 1 oo. 3840 So. Plaza Or S 1 5 0 . 5 4 9 • 1 7 4 9 • ration type $2495 Good c 1 a 1 $ 7 5 O O TE lec:tronlc ash e-finder. and auto pilot 2283 Re9ubllc. C.M. ESTATE SALE EYerY(hlng Couch. cott 1bl & more. Xlnt condition ' · (So. Coast Vlllagel S.A. 897_7943 cond. 714/639-3596 ifster & tape lor dept M1cro-wa111, A11on. Lew· 3 Fam Ger Sele Sal July 3• Smust go. 241 E. 19th St.. Sat only. 551-5881 731•2133 No call•. S S • S 1 M8-9490 Antique mlrrora. ca.ndela-700 or 0 0 Ir 551-4725 co, Comp. lilhlng set-up l0-4. 1.,.. Elm #C. CM at. only. ., •---" M U T ELL 12· o a •••o ..., •. 1 and much more New ""'° •__, -• COASTER BIKE TUJ11tu1 llfl bed. brown. xlnt cond. lfi1t1U••H•I -bra. Etagere. Mag coffee 1 r !.. -II, paint and canvas Boat la (In alley). Wtrbd, Gas GARAGE SALE • Sal/ •• -.';(';;;•••••••••••••• MEN'S, XLNT CONO. •••••••••••••••••••••• S 100, 5 4 9 • 11 4 9 , •••••••••••••••••••••• lbl, gold Chow Ibis & llifi lll lH 1011 fully equlp'd and In 11ery Dryer, table, ateamer Sun/ Mon 10-5. Kit tbl &. MOVING SALE Sola. S50. 942.2731 897 7943 IDWOll ht.... 11anglng lamp. corner tbl, ...... 'I. .............. good cond Slip in·N--trunk•. book•. jewelry. chrs. bkcase lldbrd. w~sher. dryer. bike. etc. Slf&.A-111121 · 8 to 20' IOng. 30C per 11 designer clothes 10·14 BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA clothH, houMwarea & ~•.misc. 159 Albert 411 El Mc>cMna. Npl Hta. Diamond Back chrome. e• ,.,...., "'•IJG•HYOE Sola bed. Ou~ size Ex 77" 1491 llfl"'ime J-•I"'. 552-1456 Color TV 1111 2 yr winty port. $prtn only. by OW· Pl ••• •710 1 alloy blk __ .. t ~v.-""' " $ 97 2933 .,. ,. ·r ner. 78 .000 llnanclng more. . .,......., b ue e r.....,y o 538-9632 aft. !pm cond. 200 4 • S 148 Free delivery. race. $250/bst. 642-5107 _ after 4pm. COIN COLLECTION 2 Queen wa1erbed frames TV John's 646-1786 avall 63l-023l llf'S JC" 10 SPEii KING INNERSPRING EX-Waterbed wl heater & II· a:::::L~~~~6s ~~~.5 o~o~;~scs'ii 1s~~~ AMIFM Stereo & record ·73 32' Luhrs Sportfisher. •miallll btiHll A.ti-II lllf $50 twn 225 Chrya w/Npt •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••"••••••••••••••••• ••••"••••••••••••••••• Ill Ml-11H TRA FIRM mattreaa eet, ner, ne11er used. , STAMPS Todd 536-9832 bad $90. Lg Camping player In oiled walnut 8 c 11 5 11 P S 2 8. 5 0 0 • A.li••ll llOSI FLOOR LAMP & HANO-CROCHETED 1---------never uled. worth $530. 902-9817 from 4 to 8pm tent S85. Enclosed car cablnel. $45 552·5534 548_0351 aft 5 ••••~•••••••••••••••• GLASS SHADE. $150. 8ed19t"eed. dble bed. Pt11J'1 .. , 21" uc. $248 del. Ne11er Oak hu1cll. bookcue. LIVI IAl.L ... I lop luggage rack $30. I 1•-i I ... I ~ e.M-1651 570. 64,._1951 $20. 894-0338 uaed queen ll. worth detll, Cotonlal stylt Mt Send aomeone you low Sllotgun (Double) S 175. 1 I ••I ••Y rll • Dinghy. Whaler type. WESTMINSTER $399, OHh only. $218 $500, wlll sep 540•7409 a t>Ouquet ol 30 beautllul off road tire $25. 2 Rec· Fina cond. $2650 or of-llrst $150 takes It. Firm ABBEY WIOIEI 11111 SU Carved Cherry Chair Schwinn 28" Collegla1e de 1. Usu a I I y home. Helium balloon• Lo....iy ap show Ur" I 10 ea vw 1'iiiiteri.i6"ii2i-2i3i66iiiiiiiiiif7Ql,:;;;;;t,5;;;4_8-~103f;8~1 &.;;h.;;; ANTIQUE MALL 64-4-1851 Newly reupholltered bff<e. $80. 754-7350 Bdrm aet. dbl ca.nQ9Y bed. for brldea & lvn for tile Car seat (ne11er used) 11 79 ln'lader. 19 ft lux bay 11751 Weatmlnstw Aw. s1so 644-1051 89-4--033e ---------9 drwr dresaer, mirror, 6 41h ol July. Beats the $40. (213) 431-1735 12" llW TY 121 & ski boat. 260 hi p Pair of ve<y old Amet1can • **'BUY** drwr hi boy $200. "heck" out of roaes. GARDEN GROVE Beacon BenchH, nice erua bed. "'·· old, bMuo-Schwinn Verslty .~oy • 540•7409 873_..419 WIHLOllHI Zenllll. 536-9832 att 6 Mercrulaer S8900, 554-8103 patina, al10 Ice cr11am tllvl. ve<y omtte. 1 of 10-•pd. llte blu, 2l • xlnl Good used Furniture & $185 962-9759 l~~~~~~~~~t.!7!60~-:21~33~4~~------~ otlelrs. 844-660l. kind. $300. 644-1851 cond $125. 754-7175 Apptlancea-OR 1 wlll aelj Beautllul Entrance Hall INVALID Walker, ci'lrome. •• 1 •• be .. 1 Muntz wide screen T v. Century 21. Reaorter w l .m ••-•.....,. A~· ••JG All chrome 8eec:h Crulaer. or SELL IOr You Table & Mirror. gold leaf lllpaeet. wheel•. lllnl. .... aglc Sland .... em ra .. P gOod cond SSOO Roae traller. mahog cleHlc. Nead I e po Int ch a Ir. -r.-. 1• 1••ffl -1 Ilk 12251 .. •-• • .._ leg a. black onyll top. $50. 645-3998 ~o!,. aa211e1.1S700 960-0839. 646-5491 or 538-9962 ,.6200 Call •"• ..... -authentic Victorian. car-•--•'•••••••••••••••••••• n ce, • new, -·"-... ,_ from France. $500. .,...,. • .,.. .,..,. od welnut, $300. _,,,._ HARBOR AREA beet otr. 642"5 107 la 1111 Ul·Mll 850·1950. s2.ooo Full Famlly Mam· Aki Yi.tt 01•tfl 111 trade llne 32' Jeffries 644-1651 llUIOTlll APPLIANCE SERVICE Women'• 10 speed. Xlnt ---------bershlp In Jonn Wayne SCR•M-LETS (COLORED) Neifer uted. Sedan Ellpr ... good for ---------1 c d 1 S 2 We ·-•1 r-d nuar $ 0 ft I llY fll-E OLD MIRRORED Tennie Club tor only n orman e creen, ..,, _....., ·• •• · · oond. 7 or beat o er. "''-cost $900. aen $595 ll1hlng. diving. 1111•-•· lent WM4 Sllefyes other acreena lnlald. Ca-appliances. 5'&-3077. 857-1760 Lea 957-8133 BUF:!J_~ ie5 S900. <714> 821-1503 ANSWERS 645-1985 t>Oard or tamlly fun for $50 644-1851 bloet•. Furniture. Orient· I llT •-••-------------------Mull aell Gorham sterling n •---------•late model 11an. (714) el Art Jade Poroetaln -r~ · Men'• 5 apd natlan-made New IVll·llJte mattretS Mt, Matched LR 1e1: 101&. LaScalea. 8-6pc dinner Stigma · Weary Plor-Aecet'lll'. Technl-494-2043 What a Wonder1ul World Blue & White Clolaon~ Les 957-4133 bike, gd cond. 155. 973 165. New quHn size, love .. at, collff & end aelllng. 8_..pc lund'I 181 Holst • Depict que Tape Oecil & Infinity i--------- ol Shopping. right at & many ~. Cryltal. F,_ $200. Wttlh« & Begonia, C.M. 549-1040 1100. 750-5832 tablea. $200. 8A6-50H + 8 ea. 811 other piece HAMPER spkrw. $500 646-5620 1a111c 18' Lapetrake your llngertlP9 ....-ydayl Jewelry. 928 Gevlota, dryer 1125 H . Dleh· JmJW., .... F' •T·TOP DESK Nttlng1. Plue 1 or more At a newlywed my ceG ntu7.,.500b•y b8°7~1~ 4 16cyt1 · Delly Piiot Claullled Laguna Beach. Seti waaher a1oo. 846-5841 ... ..:_i.1_ llll K .... U.... ~ 1 ea. MtVlng pos. tottl 191 daughler·ln-taw wun·t • IHlt I ••rnl rey . .., · ;rv Ada. To piece your ad, Sun/Mon. 9AM-5PM. ---...., 52x2v, 1 drawera. 40· pee. Never uaed. PP. ve<y good houaekeeper ~-~'••I '79--21' 0e"""'•IMt ~ --•1 642·5e78 end let e Jul" ., .. weekend 1 G.E. RelrlgeretOf, froat •••••••••••••••••••••• •--1-11M 673-1573 .. 1 .. 1 n Cl $ 15•0 0 0 • s .. -11·.. fl 1 .i. •--..... ' '" " .. l .. /n -_. .. "' '"' .., 8 oreaae re n •••• • •••••••••••••• Cabin, 11p1 4, big C ">' CIMlffled Ad-Visor help bloclc S.W ol PCHI Ir ... "efY clean. 1226. • _C_H_E-ST_O_F_D_RA_W-ER_S_ 548-9149 the HAMPEF\ IJ. / IOJI I 58 h 1 $8900 you. Thane. 5-47·2918 R9dwood 2110 ~ 2 compl. rvn llze Bdrm 44 .. high, 29 .. wide. 5 • ~111 •••••• ~t2r,, r · · 4-20' tong; e190 aeta. 1400 ee. Sofa & drawers. $30. 873-1573 LedlH Bike. with loot •rulta/ •SPORTSY.AK.DINOHY· i--------- t.ncing. Cell Jim ~ Ken love1HI, earthlonH, brake $25. Twin 80111. lallll•l•ll IOl3 w/rnotor mounl, $100. uslc bay launch,,_,, ti Uft I RllDIM MU• l&LI (orY_... ................... ) 1. Pl1ce your a d In the Dally Pltot C1M1tfled eeouon (lt't be9t to run 3 daym tot mextmum mcpoeure). If you pey for YoUf ltd In 8dVMCe we'M run It 3 dayt and ontt c:twve you for 2!- 2. Cl« 'PX f'RE.E a.,. .... ~ (all you r,.we to do 11 oome In '° the ~ Plot & .,., for '/WI ... In 8dVMCe - we wlM gW9 you t.o 11 x 17 8lgnl - FR!! of ctwge). 3. Price ... pld !14 merahandlee._ anytime, 775-1491. $400 both. An xlnl cond. Two cheat of dr--.. can prlng & Mattreu S25. •••••••••••••••••••••• 673-0847 bottom cleanlng, paint. 552·5132 aft 8. be 11eciced, 3 dwra ... Call 551·83'4 to He. ... llhM .... ., llB. 12500. 875-1835 ea-,. I King tile bed 1195, L' _S4_0_bot_h_._01_3_-_15_7_3 __ Woodbrld09. (Eleclrlc). Explorer 11. IHll, •111•• fl••iH llAT ~~' -·· d & I I 7· C .. • II O I I • Coat S 1100. NII $595. ~J1 .. 1al fO·•o --, re11er m rror w ouc ... gold m rull o-eeks. urn .. m I C ... n-~-. ol 1~ 11 L""'an , •""'true ••• •••••••••••••• night 1tand1 150 couch rel. Colonlal atyle, $75. char. 111111"" gear. Ew-645-1985 •••• • •••••••••••••• " ,... ~· · Mlmeya M U&. 2 V•: S~ S • ... 6'0. Stn*I I IP Perteet cond Sac. $1. 80mmF2.8, 210mmf4; • Chr 20. 964-5302 552-1621 rythlng goal 8-3642 Olli" 1.nllUI I Long shalt. Like· new 500 962-7022. 494-3584 PDprlemJlnder+extrea. MEDITERRANEAN BED· KITCHEN SET OUITIING Bualneu Sale L•l -1•1 IOI$ $500. 546-9089 Fin' 32' JelfrlH. aell. $835, 642-2490 ROOM SET • KIO llH. Tablt & 4 cnelra, "45. now In prtv1ren at Bel· •• ~.~--·••••••••••• v $8500 ,._,,_ ... , 0 d con d . I 2 1 5 . 492-6428 um'• C~temporary Antique Oak, legal alze. 4 WANTED. onen or Equal trade lor an · :":'.'!' ••••••••••••• ~ &42--4SC1, 842.0100 Fumttul'9. 1931 Newport drawer Fiie Ceblnet. gef*'Alor, 3\1\ to. 4KW.1_49_4-_20_43_· ____ _ Pe1tlen l<ltttnt: Sllv•r, GOfveoua Ledl•• Deak. Bl .. C.M. 548-5516 $1000. 559·6565 for gaa. 714-540-2600 Cf A , t o p I I n e • . ~wood. 10" Creftamen table MW New o II oak Hamilton AVON 9' rubber boat, Ilka 71-4/711-2011.-ft 5, 1125 846-5355 ffW btelltlful bW* k>n9 euutlh1I Menogeny heir lcUten•, cell cfr lookCMe. S1IO •. 2ftM.1PM. INl().2534 ..... 6358 Fr .. kltterll bit, Wht, ten. Hemrnond OfOen, eouoh, Fem. 12 wtca. Cute Mer· klnge. 557-3297 ~ ••••..••..• ~Mtf • Or "-.M ...... .M ...,_ l.'ff MW.IM'M ••• ,., ~.~ ...... Mf.lt.~ •••••• IAl't.~-···· M~.~ •••••• M'11t.~ •••••• fA'llt.'111. .......... 11'11t.Plll. ........ .. ~~ '" 1·rk=i·;r;;0o0.·.. n 111 frlttt .......... ,gu f!'Jrlf........... . flP. ............ 11.ff IH! ............ l!M r11111.t1M ..... mf fMl!t .......... ill.< tti•111Hlt ...... • =:"'e.":·1~l:: =•C::'':;a:.::.t• •••· IWI... T. ob..T. • « .. ;;f; '!~~d= ~o:::i ti~-.. ··~':i.~.~o.=' .,~~~':.:11~~ ~~o~~:_~ !!'!!••LI ""1111 :.~~~I"' 111·1111, 'YI_ 1.., .. fl•• ICll'll 'r,;:,"1 •. :d:on, 1 .. t otlo;. Oell (71•i .~~ OU·18'2, 641-117' """· .... to1t 1'°71. M2-27M iiiiiina .... hot"'°'I Mull ... I 1;~ Nf•1'11 .... ?OM 1 OIMW. NIYDK ••M.. ff., •71 VW l'Htb1ck, lllnt l!I.,.,.,,, M ~It~ ..... I' ..._. ~ w1r1111tiow L -· " • T 0 r r:;;-.1 •••••••••• r:."i·. ~ new pe1n1 eunroot r:-............... T:'.. •tripe, 1W1etol!ln9 ou1t. o ""• meny.. ... Hond1. oyot•. 111un, 1•UI lllel •~&..wino •mlfin cUNtte ,,.,oo: Ill II PIUTI (MIM•lnly'' nel Hendeomel ........, "'-........... ,...1 11HO, 641-7211 •1tu ff.II .. mltl•, 11H doee It. • ....... new llrtt, "Int '"!lno. .,YJI) -· -... ..--i ,.., •· •79 Yll'f\Me >el4'»-ll' "••••••·••••••••rr.n No 111 °' 1o11. no csepo. -:ma-.:-" " we hew , OOOd ~.. ., 111111 ::::C.°'="~ .... ~ 1port1no bike. 111io nu lit. No Mo. 1M. ~ -12200· 1 11 p n ot Nfw & u110 ...... .,.... 11mee. '7IO. 71M410 HOO ml, 17ff 141-0tlt ::, i:'eo.~11"5!.:: U1•INI ......... ::~~;~:::: Xlnt CM\<rotetel ~Quell .... 17' ~Ill 9looO ,,.,., ....., ,,,,.~ ~ 114/ta4-01M .._... 1111 oond. In/out, 11960. Cell NIWP<>f'f IN!ACH WNtllw, IOnt concl. lu~·•aa.!ft '" u..L.~ ;;',ef!:'ouououuuu o 141-8511 ......... I •.-· -llYll ...,..... '18 CMc. • 'IPd· '1• COl'olla Weo. AJC Hu --------• tlOO. 837-13" ••u• ...... O••••••• 41,000 ml., lllPI. Mk:ft. a..J l~'.t.JI. paint. tlrta. Xlnt oond "T2 8upet 1 ( ,Betti.. iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiilCM-i Motor H.OML 20 rt. Top doltett for lportt 9tlowroom oond. 11,HO rm. ..,, 11150 OIO. HT.o440 11900 Old1moblle II Ploy•I• 11' MONTOOMIAY 9ood oond. ltt 11900 ~~!.',·. ~ug~1• 01mp1r1, or Mii of*. 144..,...a;, •··~;G°OPEL•c:r ••• '4&.T481 1878. 48,000 mllel. Air, IAIL. l'/O, tllk trim, ra1c11 642·1353 • , .. ,...,,,,..: UIO MOA IHtblull. Buying New Oflo, owner, 3e.OOO ml, 'M .., ... a,t 0,. ~:~!!:ilo~·::~:·,t::,~~ •loop tlg, Mini cond., 29• luo Molor Home • ..... Prelude. 12900. 141•2378 Aid With bleoklgroy 1970 Selrocco, 4 IPd. all· SU50 Of' Mlt. Mr. w .. ttored ln1ld1. 11200. l300 wtc. Or dally rental. • cloth lnttrlOI'. 4 tpet<I, ver. orig owner. 881< ml. 111...., 141•7245. 87M071 MMTll. Mt·7022 *llW&lll ,77 82.~ "Int oond, ~ ·1.,1rc. ~2K.· 4•dOOl'lnt. M~ ~j ,,.,.,, 11f1 AM/FM 0H11t11. Perl 13,000. 404·2810 '78 Mont• Carlo Lanc111.1. • .... 11111 Beech B!Vd. • .. .. • Ult Mii ...................... cond. 115.000 or *' of· ·ee vw. good eondlllon. Good tr•neporlltlon. 1985 Old• oonv. A/C, new Dufne1cs AoclnQ SlbOI r11'1fn r11~J 1111 HUNllNGTON 8fACH tpd, A "M out w/ "400. PP. 15t·OOM '74 P1t1l.,1 OT8, tllWf/ flt. TH·4751from81o 5 bllWI eeml 14!to, ll800 1860 firm. 1148-9872 hm, Miah, Hvy duty lrtlltr Ullrnen a.ii. 1175. c: •;;i·Hti1;u:iiit Ul-n. ;~:~3=2700/btl ofr. n 11111 ~:~ ... 2~=ewm~~= PM firm. 831-4323 ~ft &PM 841-1818 1111 189 dye pkge. 11800. 831·&158 4 '4-5907 Of' 49 ,., 527 28', NII cont. 15800. WllTEDI ·ao 210. EJIClll cond. Dork AOOlll I NII 'II W.. SAMOI '83 VW. •Int cond .. nu 1:1:~ni!'.:~'ba~t~!:~~: ·~~O:g~~~~,~~:~i~'. 'UI' Hot». Cll. yollow wl Slelpl 8. 982·7820 grn, Am/Fm cut. New 8 lt:IMd •II«*> r!.'W!!! ......... !~ff CIMn. runa gr .. t. All)lne eng, trane & rad 11'"· eetb. FIE & 11r ... 12200. Xlnl cond 131·5811 teq. IUMM Miii. Like Liii modol Toyotaa, tlrtl. 14200/bat Off, 800100 , LUii l 1111 am/Im radio, tape. 117&0 or belt. Oll0-5829 No. 470, 842-4300, Ad -------- new. S2500. 175-8181. '1'1l1n_,, Dtllllf. 1111 Votvoa. Plekupe l V1111. 761·4800 or 780-3881 Sl211 PIMllT IM I 842·4371 '12 Ill 12111 Sllllf 24 hrs. II•"-. 1111 J-24, Fully equipped for ••••••• ...... ••••••• Cell UI IOdl)'I 74 Toyote Coro1t1. rune ... _, ...... , r_ .,_ c~" 'IO Olltun 210, .utorne· • Tllll llllll ~reel, ••kin¥ 117•0 , Gd eond. cteen. eunrf. 77 Chevy Mellt>u Clasalc. •••••••••••••••••••••• """'-·""" "'"'· OltTIM TIU 1411 tkl, am/Im c .... tt• II• v Me...-821 8 oyl, 4 dr, air, xlnl '72 Pinto. rune good, (714) 493-4018. Made from Ford Courier r o o 0 ll I n I o o n d . $289 80. 848-341 VW H Squarebeek, Cal. S t9 0 0 8 4 2 . 8 5 5 2 • cod tire• 1750. C1ll 13' H llboat. nda some bo11 with 101>«*', nMd• I 4 I 0 I 0 BO Gaby '18 Toyota Corolla SA5 look, eeH for Info. 12,000 875-1835 1 __ 0_·_75_8_2 ____ ~ .work, aln1 lge whl trtr, llght• & regl•![•tlon. "" .......... , 784-5449 alt 8PM. Mid. blUI w/am/lm Brad, 873-8650 1... ...... '73 PINTO RUNABOUT 1100, 980-5543 &3v c .. 1e .,.... '82 Turbo 280ZX, gun Plf month plu• tu c.aa. Good cond. S3400 Auna. but need a wo"- AMF CatameranlOutrlg, geo.5543 "u._UOJ er u .. to7 rMtal gray, wlllhr Int T. 48 month cloHd end 080 '81 Red Rabbit Conllilft Elroellent cond. 'l500 1,.00 9,. 5·513 t a lier "'"'50 1 • ..._... .. r1 leaM on IPP<oved er• 841-8923 dlY9 5 apd, ate, em/tm cut, 831·1424 "--. V9'Y good eond . ..., · Boat trtr, IOI whla tor 13' oe> • .,..... ma. euto, '74 Clvlo Hllehbaek, 4 dlt ,. __ In end uk t 131<, '9500. 759-1666 _...,._ .. ______ _ 983-5272 boat. '1bo (fret boa I WI "' 1.000 ml. Super lhll'p. apd allver Ml grMt . ..,...,,.. Of' rr1.... 1111 '75 Monza Town Coupe, , tl IHI UT'IAWI w/trlr). geo.5543 USED CARS & TRUCKS 1500 to attume 5 yr IM. Sl97S 87s:7398 . detalltl (1ee&5). .. .... I":'.............. '74 Bug· Xlnt cond clun, 4 cyl, 4 apd, .!!.~! ............. .. COME IN OR CALL 'fOA Payments 1380 mo. ' 1001 f1NIT1 1978 SPltflrt, xlnt cond In 12800 S1000. 984-3419 ·so Flrtblrd e.prtt Introductory oller. A1t1S.mtt,1'1fl flU lPPIAll&l 549-1343. 988-~ 1977 Civic Wag. Xlnt 848 Dove StrMt & out. 1 ownr, 13,450. Daye 6"2-1689 •79 Monn 2112 halCh· *•HT SIU * SUPERCATS II dHler I AffHNllH HIO ....... ~ 11·•• SC2o~.· ,!7m3-/2f.:::,_11ereo. NEWPORT QEACH ,,.759-1139 '70 VW Bua. xlnl campet back. ,. cyl, 4 epd, CIU"" -1 ....... Brown coat. ••••••••••••••••••,••• CormMw'-0.Lmo ••••UI ~ .vv v &.v 1 . _, ,_ _, IGllOl lllTI LITE BODY WORK & OllYllLIT •••••••••••••••••••••• . 12 OHi r.a .. ,,,.. 1111 ven, look• good. run• 13200. call 846-0165 woth gotd velour buct<ll 1 11 1 50% " 111111 ... m'I JH•ll 11JI • ........ ••••••••••••• great, 2nd. owner .. 84 Chev 1 SS 327 aeata, auto. wtth MMY 171-HIO ~Y :opo "'· Je.J~; ~~~~1J'J¢~~ :i:8H MU llTllll.tll ·•'••••••••••••••••••• l•mA• l1ll '71 Super e..iie. 12.000 12300. 559-4095 auto. Al;"~~:·~· Great v8 thll deliver• greet C I /lib & ' I 'J ••• a1 FE.ulll '74 l ·nH lllTll •••••••••••••••••••••• ml on overheul. $1800. "•In 111 .• --~. s1700. 57.,.585. pow• r & •eon . I I d '$800 Al k .... , .. -·""" m . Iopa. ..,,. -_ .... ., •••••••••• •••• •• ••• ••• 5 .. 0-6251 • amaran w r r, All C.._,., truck parte: ·~ t•l·IOI , •• • 11 ~,..,.. 1 2 .... MEISTER •~ry •~• ~793 r1 11 ....,,iu ( 1AEK068) Just need ~~n,.1eooeon 9' ~1 100' 1 c ton to dleaal. Ablt. IW.llSllPt whla. s1e,ooo. 84G-4271 1"78 WESTPHALIA eem-#1 y-1.., haler ---------• rellable party to make _.,. · " • tranamlaalon from 1185 T Doi PllllOllE/llll "' .... '79 Monte Carlo, sliver/ small monthly pm11. No SA80T-8rlen Thomae,.. & up. 554-1850 op ar I ~I "" ,.,.., 10,000 Ml. "" lo ml , ... """ I• ...... 0.Hlyl bl~ I"'~"" ""VO .••• ~· ~"'"" •• -· I ...... feat XI • ..,., Ip ~ Must 11111. $22,SOO. 13831 Harbor 81vd. AM/FM CHI. s 9 .ooo. cal 15K mile•. $5700. No back pm11. d"-. A•" c ng 11\o. • r ...,u . Tha Ultlmat• Ctr/RV p 'd 720 t322 857 252' .... -11.000. 6"0-7583 Alum. Ungobox, TL 31 . Clard1r1 Grove • .. UUS, SHYIOE 6•5-6218. lor Rose 8 .. 2 .u oo. 31 FINN FL YEA demo 3000. Slandby battery, For Your Carl '77 1111 I.Ill ......... n1.. ·70 vw Camper Van. UI LWlll ·7· Mallbu 350. PIS. P/8, 55s!-ioo9 Proto U M. tale, tu deal olfertl llashlng llghl relay lnclu· JllllH I IM ~ 8rOWr\ w/belge Int., tun· l...... 8ubble top wlklrl bed, OVERSEAS DELIVERY air, aulo. nds lndr wk ' 7 3 0 RAN A M <4 d r , 39 CAL '78 loaded. $091( did. s.420 velue, S250 or UHlll•ltrt•FJ 3100 WMt Coeat Hwy. roof, chrome whl1. Tran• 11 • 111-2111 new motor. redlal tlr•. EXPERTS 18001080. 96-4-3205. bucket teata. console, Of belt OH., bell 0118', everything In· ·d. Newport 8elch juat rtbll. Clean, rell1ble. butane stove. 27 MPQ. AM I F M s 1 . 2 0 0 . NORD YACHT 873-8879 eluded, brand new In box Cos~:2~;!:'bor ~563o 6-42·9405 For quick lale • S9500. '78 Turbo, epeciacul&I' rid $4500. 850 Oak SI .. CM. WU llE C•nnlfl llZS 848-0768. '80 CAL 31 . 8rlatol. Oil. with 3 year warranty. PIP 408-7997. Targa, loaded, low ml· 848-1423. YILYI ·"7::5.~c""o-.••A•oo••8••A•.•g•d•••c•on••d·. ,.,.,,,jJrl HTI R 2 1 3 I 7 8 5 • 9 2 1 0. Premium prices Fill f11J • 6'1.1 11 .• 4 IHgt. Tom: 842-1803, ·79 C6NVT. WhtlWht. ANfaetoryop11ona. otllf 71,.1646-5605. paldforanyusedear •••••••••••••••••••••• •ll•IU~I ,. 842-8487 s1ore<12yri.Onty 1400 1966HarborBlvd. 11111,800 11ku 11.:6•9••T•:8•1·r~.··09··~ .. h·1,·.·:: furling. VHF, 4 aalla. (for...,,n or domestic) '71 SPYHI SIHI •••••••••••••••••••••• COSTA MESA 631 7 35 " ·~ .,. r e rm a . I 6 O I(. Stock VW gea heatlf'I, 6 In~ condition. 27K 5 IPd """"eond 89 Qhla. AMIFM 8 Irk, '78 PC>rldle Terga. Well ml. lmmac S8,950. • 1 orig Not even 1 scratch, 213/SIM-0834 volt & 12 Volt. S75 ea. See U• Flr•tl Aak.lor FlakeM8-7245 new cloth '""· brka. equipped. $1 ... 095/bat 848-02•7 141-IHI 141--1417 '79 Chry. N-Yorker. lthr air. 10 m1 lmpeecabll No 479. 6"2·4300. Ad paint. runa grMI. 13500 ofr. 5"5-8022. 873-9301 1979 vw convert. )(Int 171 YILYI WllM lnl . 32K ml, mint eond lhruoul $1950/bll. Call S*f1 1111 Sitter. 2• hra. ·74 Flat Seda n S1,000. 080. ~53 ,78 92,. ,.9K I 001 eond AM/FM CUMtle _r. S6000 857·5•26 Mr James 5•8·72•5 $275 873-3502 Sofabld S50 982-1711 . · m · eunr · p / p I 8 • o o o 8 o Lo ml, good cond, ..,c. 1---------1 WE CARE 1 820 982•5108 69 Kermann Clhla con· atereo call .. air. ,. apd, · · auto. 12,.00. 536-3988 '6" NEW YORKER 78 T-81rd Loaded. reel 'll CAL 21 ex · • eve. vertlble. 1 own«, all rec.. xlnl cond. Orig. palnl & 494·5e38 Full pwr, al e. run1 gd lukury with 21 mpg. st• Good cond, VHF, Honda Have the er.. at Chlc:tl '79 Flat 128, klnl eond. eompl. restored. lmrnac. owner All Hrv. ree. 174 Tit• 11100 '7<4 Volvo 1,.4· 1 owner $395 (2 13)402-3950 reo, recliners, n-Ur•. 018. hinged meal. allp Iver son's 8ody Shop Inside & out, am/Im cue, $5000 firm. ,.97-6730. $8400. 838-0880 wttciy.; 5•5-07321~814 Fair cond. 12•000 Must 11111 13250/obo. avell. SI 1,500. 8•<>-3068 a~n:Cy'?caoom"':;,nearip~aln";l~joonb ~~:.'~s:.~~~. Aak for :.1~~49-38e<J 11.,. • ,.99-2885 wkndaltvs 72 CAMPER wlRV aw· A•t11 ;:2621 f!!IJ~!!.!'1. ••••• !!.t -.s.._&-_383"_n ___ ,1 ___ _ 20' O.A. centerboard .,.... ...... -79 Poraehe 928. loaded. nlng AM/FM cut ,_ ·····"················ '75 MARK IV while LI • 11•1•1 "'""' on your VW. Porsche. •••••••••••••••••••••• Super ate~ tape fm.. • • • I L 1110 · · P• • ••••• •• ••• • • •••••• • • • Sloop, llberglaned, 3 Audi, 8 MW 6 Mercecse.. _1188 llJI IJ.1r ~l\d Aul pe· 30K 1 Urea. brlia. ball. rune 1it• tick Edi11on, cabrlolet Mlle wlold 0 .8. $1300 . "' !!"o,cd tano le11'h·1r S2m2 •. grMI $3100. 633-8853 •••••••••••••••••••••• landau. lacl mags, w/preet. new 5 2 HP Please conlec1 Mike or t '"''J \l\o,,1;..,, 0.t:Kl .. SEE IS be• u 111 u I S 3 9 5 0 Sl500. 87s.77811 Aon al 873-0900. 500. VW 159 Van, runs good, 67s.2172 ----------------Hlghell cash lmmldlalety MS.8532 rebll 1rlg. new radlala. for the largeat and bell ---------1 IHtl, lll1' Ail•• Ill 1411 tor your vehlcl•. Do· * * AMIFM at1reo cau. 111ee1ton of ,,ew and 177 OAllTIEA SlltO D#il H10 •••••••••••••••••••••• mettle or foreign. FANTASTIC '11Ptrtellt1111 moving, mu11 tell: Ai.-used 8uleks In Orange 1 owner 759•1686 •••••••••••••••••••••• IMPORTANT NOTICE 551-8285 * FIATS * ~bit engine. L .. than king S2300. 730-8278 County today! ......___rt I I TO READERS AND 500 ml. New belleryl ~ -•P"' ar 11 ADVERTISERS A ,., Ii IM IH 1.111/'C· SELECTION eluteh. no ruet. Whitt. 'll IOlltoll ~~~~~a~I day, wk or mo. Thi price of Items •d· .! .. '1 .. '!T.o~••••••••• °PRE OWfE> HI UI SS,000 080. 494-6875 NEW PAINT + MOREi vertlsed by vehlele dee· AJ/1 ... H 111$ . J.01 YOUI 78 911 SC Terga. blk, $3900 M.4-5836 fc WmA0N0;1en~:,08rs·,,'i\'bPoeo/. lera In the vehlcle claaaJ.. •••••••••••••••••••••• FIAT Sl'l>E.RS & Xl /9's Nlllh lAlDA. cork leath, Clottl whll, 68 vw 8ug, 1unrf, AMI ~A! ••••••••••• !!.~! ·7,. Swl,,gtr, amllm ca11, a le. ps. pb, I 1395 646-2371, 6 .. 6· 1078 • fled advertising column• 11 llfl SPYIEI MANY TO CHOOSE FROM P7'1, xlnt cond .. all xtru. FM. S2250. Good condl· Npt. 8ch. Joe, 6"4..0502 doea not Include any Black 8eeuty. 32K EXAMPLE ..... n' $21 950 875 8203 ti •I ... Or~ C-+y ,.,, IHO SLIP AVAILABLE. up 10 appllcable IUll. lloanee. 1 ownr . mint . 252ZAH 75 FIAT 124 ... • .. . . . on. ..99-l988 2925 ~arbor 81v0. so·r:~;d·F~i;.;~~;:· .. ··dr~ 35 •. CdM area. $9/tt, 30. tranafer feea. finance STiii fAGUnl '77 Porsche 911S. xlnt COSTA MESA I h C ll P charges, f-for air pot-SPtOER eond .. ~t overhaul, '72 Sunroof 8ug, rebulll. 1 OO auto, air, AM/FM S,.300 m n e arge. 8 eggy lull on control device t•IS lollll SU tlll llW WJ.IUC ,_ brka & llrM. anrf. Yl&I' guarantee, perfect 979 25 968-5719 • or Catrle 7141955·2,.73 eertlflcallona or de$r Be•ulllul 1-owner • $13,500. 840-5648 Pa In I , In I. S 2 5 0 0 . • wkdye 6-5. d I low mlles w ith •Ir I 861 3982 -.7-8 _A_E_GA_L-CO-U-PE-.-V-6-. '63 FALCON Wagon <4 dr 80AT S lps tlocum1hn ary prep,ara· cond. (122NJN). '82 MAZDA RX7 GS es Clbrtotet, no ruat, xlnl. --· -------• aulo. air, AM /FM stereo, $56 c9y5t. 2nd own"!~~7578 L on c erg•• un ••• $ 5 IPd. air. tunf'OOI. S13.500. '74 THING .,...,. AVAILA8LE olharwlae a~lled by 44 9 5 amllm lltlfeo, altoyl. 87~ S8Cfltlce. Mutt Mii 13'450/bst olr. 5"6-8535. 1---------1 N52~2 ~h9-255'P. ~· & the advertlMf. 1200 ml. '81 358 II 0 I St,500. 540-t814 _8_7_3_-7_3_7_2 _____ 1·71~l~l~r1:n~~lf!°S~~ ·.,.. ---~. ... A.Iii n 1 Snow room condition! · Y• ow. r g. '71 llYWI '1" HAVECASHll npftn' n·-11 FIAT 124 l 11.3000wnef'48-76"1 cond. All MN. rec. S8. '73 VW-412. 2 door,.. firm.631-1279,552-5252 ChuJ -,_,., 1•-000. 642-9771 9')eld. One Owner. Good $ l200. 5"6-9"20 · 78 Coontry Squire Wa· Need 25·28' pwr boat •••••••••••••••••••••• .., 1•1 SPIDER '80 Mazda 626 ope, 5 apd, eond. 12200 ,.03-004 t 111 p 0 r m 0 0 r Ing . -... "-· ····~················· 'II ---.&.-..... c""'·~ HIS gon 9 pass. every lac· 862 2788 -.. 81 AUDI 50008 5 apd, stereo,• must air. ""'°· 32M· beige, r-9r-•-'81 Rabbits 5 • ...,. AIC •••••••••••••••••••••• tory oe>Uon, all records, • Shay repllcat; pict!upe & T /0 bank In. Daye 18250. 875-2172 Cleulc, mint cond. so. """'' · _.., •n• cf Wut 11-11 sa, wttlt eoup11. • to choon 7eo-8J.48-894-8965 W,c~7,· llke new I I -000. 631-1424 Snrf, am/Im ca11, •I _.iiiilliot ~~~;~~n6d•':.g14c69n~r ....,. ,..., •• ...,. ~~). '=~:ini~~i '"" ITU 11 e . S~w.:n '80 924 TIKbo, loeded. '80 ~o ~0~~4~ We epeclallze In leUes ,_64_0_ .... _ .. _6_1 -----· l1ter11td la 1111 •Y Sl,ttll •••••••••••••••••••••• $ 549 5 AJH 842 -~~~~~:ec:" ...... ...,. & wknda. for the business exec:u-·so Fiesta Ghia Loaded •• , a' # I l. I Brighi Red. 5 apd, 'l2 114 1.1 llr•J~~r-s:e Uri• ......... LI k e new I 4 7 0 0 ferll ...... O.U In· ·~··tW··· '73 8u1. new eng end llve & profeeslonal. 16K m1 Local owner U2-4IOO 24 lln. stereo. mags, rack, Rebulll 1.8 new tr1n1. If ... 1112 _6_7_3_·2_2_90 ______ 1 reel sharp. ( 11 1296). new clutch, bleck cuetom 1987 VW Sq bk (pane car IMillHs Li•t•I• IHS 30· Mllboat clank: dellgn $ 5 9 9 5 paint. Perfect cond. Inf only). Abll eng, plue ... II Stelk! •••••1"1"7""7":;;.;,·1··y••••• wlprlme 40' mooring, 111 out. $5500. Pt1 873-0915 trana pk.11 more. 1335. -- S 17 ,500 11ku both. 1978 Porsche 911 SC No. ,.79 642-4300. Ad NABER~ $4995. 82.000 ml. 1 ow- 548-1381 Terga, 1 ownr, 54,000 Sitt.,, 2• hra. ner. All whll• 8•0-8902 Side tie power boat up 1o '12 MTI l.,alea 111..H-SHYIOI 79 FIAT 124 #tlffln J.u 1141 ml, mutt Hll lmmed. '85 vw eug. Aecond. eng, C ADILLA Iii HSO 30'. S 195. 673-9 127. Beeu111ul lhow ear. Musi Ll&Slll SPU>ER •••••••••••••••••••••• S ti.000. 13 t-64115 clean, aharp. Mull tell i 2600 Harbor Bl•d. i •• ~!~!~•••••••••••••• 673-6209. sell. Price 18750 obo. 831-2040 495-49,.9 Automatic, stereo. •II,,,,.., 1 ln•tll 1155 $1375. 838-5912 -· Ce»i. Mew 540-9100 Sllpa avall up to 30 11. Call Ana. Ad •881· l&llLlllOl ID rack. We sold new. IM4 lltrttfft •••••••••••••••••••••• '72 8US. Z·bld, xlnt. In & ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. COM Area. S911t. Call 642·"300·2,.hra. 28402MarguerltePkwy none n ic er . fllHW HW out . $3 ,000. Deya: '78SEVILLE Peggy Pallaon (7 HI 'II Ptrsth Htl MllSlon Vlejo (063YSA). 11rtltf•I theT '12 11 ... lt Lt Oar 4 9 4 • 8 0 2 9 . eve 1 : Orig. ownet. 8rown on 955-2473 Weekdays 8·5 Clualc. mint cond. 19. (Avery Elllt oH 1·5) $6595 Compare Houae of Im· llMY le ....... fr• 492-1919 brown. clean. 100K •n •n 11200 2 dr. 6 eyl, auto. ps. a/c, rear defog. new rao1a11, am/Im stereo. new oua1om paint. 536-9832 PIER 000, 831·1424 Open Sundeye ports Ofrte1leaMand60 Ex: fwc:ket Seat•. Rally '80 Dal. VW ~bbll. Ola. 4 miles. S~7713 ·so~Td;l~r.d,~!~~dM:.~ &' . 80 FIAT 124 ~l~r2 ~;n::b;~/~EI~~ ~';Pi~~::i:· := ~ric~~~ t°:::.' :5:ro: ---------· UP TO 28 It. $150 mo ·~ •• CEDES I a 2 1 3 or Wheel Drive, Luxury 7eo.133.4 TIE WIEST !!!M'!f ••••••••• !!.~~ 673-81,.5 .... 115,000. 131-3328 SJ>l>ER 7141637-2333 lnttlf104' & MOREi SEUITlll '65 Mustang. 6 ey1. PS. Space for boat to 32', '13 MERC 2 DR CPE 5 spd, mage, fuel Haven't you. walled long EPA &t: llST SEllll ot lete model. low mllea-AT, almotl Ilk• new. SOK Mein Channel. S2751rno. MINT COND. 11500 1nI•ct10 n . on 1 y enough to own • Mtt-30 city, 40 hwy '79 Rabbit dll, 5 IC)d, ge c.dlllec:a In Southern miles. your• for 12.850 875-3083 OI' 679-9867 6"2-4e10 1 3 . 9 5 1 m It e 1 cedea 8enz? Don't let $4111 amlfm ~. ,_ Ur•. Calffomlel See ua today! 080 6"0.5144 riu~•ti.. 1,.p11 1Mt, CllEVIER 11e$zN2692>. 9 ~~~.:r=~~~~ 1..,... #009341l ~· •. ~~1~~6J.n UIEIS Oll•dil• nss ••••• h•••••••••••1•1•1·~ lfHI IU• * ·18 3.201: auto., an/rf, 7 5 fantHtle 111eetlon of --llUT 897-71M3154G-n49 Jim OlllLUC ·~7•9·•c•u•1•1:::•Su••P••.;.:::_•• .flnll • •••••••••••••••••••••• (11438VCK) modelt & c:olOl'9 lvall8-•-/ ...,,_ • .,., •---------• -....... •••••••••••••••••••••• HAn .wt ble -,__ '89 vw oonv, nu pnt, nu 2800 Harl>OI' etvo. * 11"1 SU-l * 'SS eonanu Debonair * ·79 528I: 4 apd .• low · 2524 .. --.. 81 CM top rblt en% & euto COSTA MESA '67 Super Sport Cluale mis .• (•140YCC) •.fl> uaNY MOR.El .NI SUlllll """' ..,,.23.--...... .-..: .. 1·11·0 • 3 Modt la for sale. All JOntcood. 12.5%flnance Good cond. $1500 080. 5 •• lrl n ""' ..,..,...... ..,....,... trana. $30 0 obo, 141-1110 equipped with p lu1h All or conaldtr partntlf. 84S-t985 * '79 2 ... : auto., en • •llTI 875-7508 velour Interior & lull P0- 960-2471 (•53428tS) Wt ~" wt lllwt lllt 130 1 Quall Street r.lJI ·-nf4 1---------1 ---------14 WIHI lhi rn HU * '79 633<:9l: euto., low lhlrpesl & IMNsl piked Rah NEWPORT BEACH •••••• -::1.·.···••••••••• Lui of CA Cluek» '80 Seville 01ese1 wllea. 2 -I 1 With eunroof. 1 c .. ,.,,, w. ...................... mis .• (#5535418) "'So. Clll. 1····-#J DEALER IN U.S.A. 78 vw Convert. white s~~~~~u8~·~. tank. with T-top. (702UClP) lat llZI 'H Toyota LandcrulMr. * '80 320!; 5 apd., IOI-•r ._ w/bleck top, AM /FM --------(132WFT)(850XKW) Just •••••••••••••••••••••• herd top . I 1 7 5 O. dedl (#80V020) M VtNdn C..llllleed 11N 411 IL fR&CARVERIOlCE 111r10, e111, air, m1g '72 Sedan de Ville, 80,000 need rellabl• party 10 MINI.CAO-OVER Camper 5"8-7801 alt 4PM. * '82 320I; 5 apd., loa· whla. Mich lit•. lo ml. 1 ml. Mult -lo eppre· take amall monthly pmta. clean thru·Oul 1895. dedl (#E80010) Xlnt oond. 2 tope. Black ownr ear. Mint. Prlold to elate. $1100, 646-9784 No old contrecta 10 U· 548-6782 or 830-1022 '12 WIUft .tllP 1••1111 with bemboo Interior. ~-···--·---~ Mii. 714-QQ0.3338, Al aume. No back pmta . • 1 ... l ... ~llll _. Pollahed rime. Firm et ....,,_. .... ~...,..... ........ ,.,. ---------1'78 Eldo convert .• $6000. due Aak for Roa• #1"1Utl likn 1141 • _. 208 W. let, Santa Ana 132,500. 131·1325 l>IW'OlllllACH fti<JMD-Shop at l\onll. It's euy Loeded, mint eond .. llhr 842-4400, 556· 1008 •••••••••••••••••••••• I'. h '"' Cloted Sunday ClOS£D SUNDAYS with clutlflld 842·5e78 Int. 857-5426 Proto LIM. NABERS <:A DILLAC CLEARANCE SALE! 1981 CADILLAC FLHTWOOD "ASTROROOf" BROUGHAM COU'E (1CRA592) s14,995 1910 CADILLAC ELDORADO COUPE (602277) s13,995 1979 CADILLAC SEDAN DEVlLU (368670) s3995 1971 CADILLAC SEVILLE "ASHOROOF" (308VPE) s3995 1911 CADILLAC ILDORADO BIARRITZ (10FJ458) $16,995 1979 CADILLAC SIVILLI "EUGANTI" (179YBE) MUST SEE! Offer Good Thru Sunday. 7_.·82 NABERS <:A DI LL1\C 2600 HA A BOA BL VO. COSTA MESA 540-1860 P9\igeo1 LVS 103U3 Mo-·"-~................. CHOICE INVENTORY '70 3000, .. dr Hdan, , ________ _ ~0~~9 v::i~b~= ·s:.~~:n~· ~~5~~,:~ VOLU&ME SALES ... ,. 1111 =-r1n=~IO .:.~ ~!.'!!1.!'!! ...... 1.'!!f ~!!!f1.!'!! ...... !!!f ~ ... ~1.!'!! ...... ~ ~ ... '!.•1.~'!! ...... !!.ff ~ ... '! . .'1.!'.'! ...... !.'!f Moped In pert1. Maka otr. 548-5103 •••••••••••••••••••••• 548-e355 eve 8T3-5484 offer. 645·5131 efter •IA •llTmT •-.----· -----1 &pm. FOi' Parts: '84 El Camino Wt can helpl Before you ~.2 Merced•~ 380SEC $ 283 euto tow •WIY S 100. I 0 I IO l 11 EI buy, check our unbeata· New Coupe, utrll Ill· 19 o 6 3 ·79 Puch moped. klnl Or belt offer. 6"5-8375 IMW bit H ltctlon, 11vlnge ver, blue leather, aun· cond .. de91ndable,loml, andMtVloel roof. '51,900. (4 19) mo.+tax $350. 841>-•271 '87 Ford F800 2'h ton S~LMllng lllYEllm 885-5400 Ohio. . ---------1 8obtaH. 390 CID engine 850 N 8each 81vd . ..... IO Trell Ille 1nel. van plua llltgate L. Habra · IALll I lllYlll 1980 Metoedea 280E, 4 XLNl COND. S225. 149001 Q/fer. 979-2000 IJl-llU 28&0 Harbor Blvd. ~;·9~~· ;r,1.=· ::.: 873-3048 eict 132 Of 551·3e80 If· n..-c.-..-COSTA MESA 855-'420 ~ wtlndl ltlf 4 pm ..... .,_. _. ..... , ..,.,,,,,.; r. 1111 ..... llllif'i 141-1141 '80 3000, 20,200 ml. flllly ,,,,,.,. 1151 .~................. .. --loeded, lllklng '21.500. •••••••••••••••••••••• '71 CHEV VAN ~ t -· '77 HONOA CIVIC Ole 873-2141 (Aoy or t980•H1rl1y Davldaon. "'"'" tu bo • ...__ t•~on4• & *mt llU * Lloyd)· eves & wknde, Golden Annlveraary LI· """ r · ,_.. "-1-87WaM mlted Edition. Fectory WH + MORE. 11800. OI' Spiffy llttl• oar. En/oy i--~--·----I --ea50 __.... ..,... ofllt grMt 0 .. mllMge. m-'71 240 0 • epeed, llf'll/tm -om: -_. .. ,..,.... STEVE 845-850e mecu1ete ~ & out eHHtt• electric eun· Many, meny mr1r, toll ~ (1'""'"""...,.) JU9t ...-.. • of CfWOml & gold ptellno. 'll flN y11 ~CARVER _,......, ,_. ,... roof, •hit• wl blue Int. 17.000 or 1.0 . &4fr1154 Exc.Ment cond. 12800. NJI =·,;::~ ~=·~ 12,500/ 090. t7WH7 tNO Sulukl. 750 Cullom. Day• 751-150&, Ev•• lll1£JCJICE·ltv1W old contr80ta to...,,,,.. 4&0 8LC. 1t n . "°°'**' 3500 mllH. Excellent '40-M11 ~~,l{>~O...,w No bectt PfM•. duO. Alk brown. Vflf'/ oleM. i..o.-oond. •1800. t31..e&58 ~·"°'1""11Cl.-for ROii 142·4400, did . U a,SOO. Ce ll ---------• 81 Cl!evy Van, 7000 'TS BMW i20t, 4&1< ml, IN-toot Proto U M. t1t-1Slt '11 HcMlde 2IO Eltlnore mllea, brown, euto., p/a, 1 11 •--------- Many ntt.. l350. TOP Of '22tlmo Of per •u1nr00110·.,!"'•t~ ::~:· '80 4 door Acoord, euto, '11M8Z3000 Mf..Ot'75/873-1 .... Joe on ••lltlng loen ot t 7, • c, a ,.. · Joeded >Ont oond MIOO IVOtY w/ten lnWlor. --------• too. lt1.o322 sa&OO. Jim 170-4&43 -.:1rm. 4..,. ~"''"1 ' l 14.7f0 Andy 171-7411 ·n Yemehe XT500 11tnt • .._ ' ' ' oond . 1125. 1424112 lne 32' Jeffrie• Power ·~~t ~ ";T:O '7t Aooord 4 door. 5 '15 •I08L. ..._ & 111119 wottc. 645 tnt hOIM. loet, .... trlde for VIII. ~ '4:l t• · · epMd, •Ir oond., reg. lntttlor. New toft top. HoMI IT&IL. Int ooftCI M600. 414-l04$. • 9119-M,000 '"'· lllOO. I0.000 •r!llnal lftllM . U SO/ b • t fl " MM&.-' tflf Tl2·1 1t 1 d e ye 1 Mint oon .. ~00, 111-1U:' " o er, fl.'11..,M'll. ••• r::."".l :m:.~•••••••u•I'••• N1•11H ~ ""'*· ......,, .. WI ,I' to CA"lll '11 AOIOtd UC AM/l'M -.,.. ·11 r~ .=, Tifet. '* _., aa. * ~AC. tt.oOo,... ldrlf m .............. r1.n ........... ,. . "' llLLll :... ..... '='~ CIOM • ., .... , .. \ ~-~ .... .. -.... :4......... . •.. ~~~ ::r,· ~OL.· """ -· "'"*' • ... ••• 'f ... ~ =hli :.:·~-=·-.----""'· r.-: .. o:.:-:r.i ='="=-"to; ·tif M E·I~.... .. ... . 111' •• I .............. .-_..lll!J!!!!!I!~~--~~ ... ~~ 1982 CAMARO Tote! CMtt down SHI.OT. Cell ooet St3e0. TOW!~..., ..... 48 montti ctoMd end .._.on ..... fl>". ,.,""' :ff:°* credit. (I«. 5418). condlfloNng, ~ steering. 4 .,. ,,..,.., 4 oyt • .,,.,.,,. end • tllt ltMflnt ...... 1982 S-10 PICKUP 0 .. ~ mo .... tax OEADUNES For T~ through Sawrday ~na. 5:30 PM the ~ cUiy. For Sunday and Mond9¥ pobllcatlons, 12:00 ~Saturday .. ERRORS Adwiartlterl should check ttleir ada ct.ily and report errors l"'"'*dla\ely. The DAILY PILOT _,.,.s llabHUy for the flf'lt lncorr.ct lnMrtlon only. 0 ~~ n n 0 0 n n n o· REAi.ESTATE ~ 642-5678 • , P\&.18HER'S NOTICE: All rul ..._ acMr111ed In thll MMIPlll* 19 _,...,. eo IN F9detal Fair HoUllng ~" 1• wtik:h .,._It llleglll to 8IMftl8e "any pr.t~. NmltflOn, or dllcttmlMltoft 1:1.-d on ,_, colol', '911glon, .... or natlonll ort~. or an lntilnlon to,,... ""IUCh pref~. Nmltatlon. Of dllorlmlMtlon." Thlil nllWlpepef' Wiii not knOWlnaiV 8Ccept etft lllMdWng tor NII ...... which la In vlotaUon of the•· =~· ·.-:: =-.. M41 = ow-........ .• 0..--Dom-. . 1• D"" 1• ..... v...;.. , .. ................. ···*' .............. ..1 ... 1=..r ·:·: lm:c='. ··.= E'&"-T.. . .:: ,_ c:a,llU-= ~-=-. ·:. .. -........... = =:::=. .. : 1• ~=-klo :: ..... ~ .. ··:: c;. .. w,'i:.'C:,,.. . . •• ~~ ..... = Fe l::.Trii M•: . : - .Dooon.ii-t •. ···•• • = =""'~~. :· .. ;. Ool ...... J.; ... . 51-.Jort""._G--... .. .... & ......... • ·-...... -....... - •Ma In ttlle calegofy muet be ~ ~ H :'1. Saturct,ey I-noon (Ctoead on Su._, aWllaayst .. Colie MeN. ca. -7.aa .., . , .... ---.. ----' - ·J---- 2 --Orange County Real Estate/An Adver11slng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 3, 1982 Using property as investment Buying a home should be your first real estate J>4,U'Chue. But after adding up tax benefits and watching their homes appreciate in value, many home owners want to buy more real estate aa 9000 as \hey are able to. Many tum to income-producing property, which can be a 8eCl>Dd hou8e to rent out, a condominium, an apartment buildin1. an office building, or commercial reel estate. Each type of real estate offers advantages to the investor. One rule to follow la. just aa in buying a houae, never bu.y for tax benefits alone. Look for a sound property that meets your needs. If you like fixing up old homes and have the time, you may want to buy one, rehabilitate it, and then ~it.her rent it or sell it. Many investors slart this way, because they have limited reeources in the beginning. But once the rea1 estate bug bites, they keep building on their initial inveetment, until they own several investment homes or~ large apartment building. Other invest.on don't have the time or patience for older properties. A condominium would be a more suitable investment for them. St.Ul others like industrial property. Some people believe the limited availability of land will make it more valuable in the future. While this may be true, land haa very few tax benefits during the holding period, because It can't be depreciated. Tax benefits (depreciation, maintenance, deductions for mortgage and tax payments) make real estate an attractive investment. The other bonus is the potential resale profit. Moet experts agree that real estate will continu e to appreciate in value becauae of the demand for shelter and the limited ::s:;: of new home9 being built A sound way of judging a property's potential for resale profit is to get a market analysis from the past few years from the broker who has listed the property. Some investors speculate on a property's future value ba-:d on the location. Either land is limited and, therefore, few new homes will be built, causing the existing homes to rise in value, or a new area is being developed with low-priced units. When the development is complete and desirable facilities are built, the real estate will increase in value. This is a good opportunity to get in on the ground floor. Naturally, ihe other obvious way to judge a property's investment value is to look at the income it will provide during the holding period. While buying a property today may produce a negative return in the beginning, with inflation and the ability to charge higher rents in the future, the property rpay produce a positive cash flow in a relatively short time. Start investing in real estate by setting your goals. Some of these !MY include after-tax cash income, a hedge against inflation, making a profi-'i at resale, or upgrading your inves'tment over the yean. Then, see a Realtor who can help you decide which properties meet t.hoee goals. , . Practical landscaping offers beauty, privacy U you enjoy going to parka and other natural recreatfon spots because of their beauty, why not improve the landllCaplng around your own home this aunmet? While it's di.fflcult to pl.-ce a price on how much trees, 1hrubs and flowers will increue your property's value, any real es'tate -aerit will confirm that a well-landscaped home aeii. more quickly and at a better price than one that ii not. The ~ reuon ii that we are becoming more appreciative of the beauty of foliage and Oowers and their effect on our lives, and we are willing to pay for it. We are a1ao becoming more aware of the ~~cal~ty of well-planned The · t ahnll:ie and trees can acreen a street and 10ften i ta impact without blocking it out completely. Planting can provide prfvacy between netghbon without shuttin" out friendlineu. A tree dapplinj your bouae with shade on a bot summer day can lower the temperature and save you money. While trees and flowers are plantings you will be add.ins over the years you own your home, a new home generally requires grus and foundation plantings. While the yard can be aeeded or IOdded, dependina on budget considerations ana desires, the best time to do it ia SJ>rin1 or fall. U you plant before the heat of summer bit1, you'll be avoiding droughts, which will prohibit your grass from getting a good start, and the barrage of weeds which tend to take over a just- leeded yard in summer. For foundation plantings (the area between the foundation of the hou8e and where your lawn starts), chooee at leest eeveral, if not all evergreens. Tiuat way you'll have color year round. Planting a few different colored ahrube piovides variety. I E -O&A: Financing key available ll more marketable, will be in demand throughoot the year, and probably will increase in value. Review your finances and declde lf you're in a pmition to oUer eome type of affCJl'dable finandnl with your home. U you can. you'll eee oow ii an excellent time to eell your h2pe. Q An there any benefltl to ~ a multiple liltinl eervltt (f4L8) even lf the broker' we liMd OW' home wttb hM llWra1 btMCh otar. and a tam of ... people 8howinc the propertr? A. While your' 1-1-...... 11111Dt'1 ~r.= .:-1: c::.u-.:r~ w ..... Your objective in listing your home with an agent was to gain greater exposure. One way to get maximum exposure, which ii an a~olute nec:easlty in today's market, ls throuah the MLS. Q . When we 8'U1ed look:ina for • home, our ...t estate a,ent aiked 1.11 for aome personal Information, lncludln1 our incomes and how much we had aved for • down payment. la th.la customary and why? A. Wile alee people don't want to ....w theiJ' time or yours ~ you hmDlll you can't .nerd. 'Ibey need to know your Income -oa.- ftrwndel =-' , ..... wi&h ,.... ,.--~--aad ~.--~ b .... 111 EITIR Spacious 4800 sq. ft. of elegance with pool, spa & view. Fee land plus TERMS. Will trade for units. Call direct to Pllllll Tlmll 631-1266 or 760-8702. Ullllll•ElllM Prof. decor throughout w/vlew. Only $399,900. try 10% dn., trade or lease option. Call today. PllllOI" FID TIMU 760-8702 or 631-1266. IEWPllT ILIFFI II PETE Mllll Fee Land. 4BR complete remodel. asking $299,000. Assumable Loan. Fee Land. 2BR contemporary. Spa off Master. Asking $289,000. Call PITI ~111111 for sale or lease Information. 631-1266. llPLD ..... Country antique, dtfferent. A gift for your mother. 2 Bdrm 2 Ba & 1 Br 1 Ba. highly upgraded kitchen, brick frptc, $295,000. Setter wtff finance. Must see. • • 11¥11 ,. 759-1221. -1IUI IDT llYll V'Co81a Mesa--3 Br on R-2 lot. $89,900 V'l~ne-3 Br, comer lot home. $132,000 V'Newport Hgts-nu 3 Br pvt yrd $189,000 v>Corona det Mar-4 Br pool Fee $3-49,500 V'Bayfront-Lowest price Including dock $379,000 V'Caft now for great financing Info! -ULTll 759-1221 MW#llT 1111111 4 Bdrm 2'Ji Ba w/garM room. a.ut. decor In ~ room. O¥W YI & w/)lio. Atklng S340,000 FM. wm trade for sm...., home or condo. • • .. ._ 759-1221. 1.91fdi&llR 2 bet 2 ba. The nne.t w 8¥1111. In ~· Sec. Bldg., pool, boat dock wino Ice. $525,000. -... -759-1221 ·---... -........ , .... 4 Br. 5 Ba. f.r. FantuUc sun rm., beau muter ste. w/marble f.p./ocean & city Vu. Huge muter ba. W/lmported tllel. One of the lrgat lots w/rm for pool llnd lrg. play area. Very, very motivated teller. Sting any offer~ Loweat price cu1tom at .S.1;111,80., &;1,501;118 .• ~,181;189., $1,200,000. wllf trade 9CIUltY +ORT. 1it · avllll. cal•• ...... ·750-1221. 1m•t•EIT ... 3 br. 3 ba. f.r., d.r .. huge master ste/alttlng rm, w , largest model. $210,000. Submft any offer on terms. • er ""' ~. :759-1221. .... IT IElllTI OllM 3 br. 3 ba. new custom bit. quality bit, upgrade.d crpt. & tile, prl. patio. Believe this. $155,000. $107,000 1st at 10~~ •. • "111111-759-1221 UM WlTEIFllO LUSE 2 br, 3 ba. f.r., sec. bldg. Underground park. Approx. 2600 sq . ft. Poss. boat dock/fantastic vu. All nu palnts/crpts: $1800 mo.•" llYIE I• 759-1221 ULllAllUll llYFlllT LEISE 3 Bdrm, furn. $1300/mo yearly. Call Ull LIW1I, 759-1221 or 631-5963. Ullll ll•E LUSE 4 br. 3 ba torm. d.r. f.r., study, beautlfully1 dee. lge.decka., fab. vu. Prl. grd. gate, pool &. tennis. $2700 mo. Submit all offers. -" ... ~ 759-1221 IUWEWWll 4 br. 3 ba. f.r., d.r. ctty & ocean w . Grd. gate, pool & tennis. S 1700 per mo. • " llWlllllf 759-1221 11111 ··-Outstanding location w/vu of all beck bay & Faahlon Island. 4 br. 5 ba. form. d.r. POQf, spa, tec. system. Steal at $685,000. fee. Wiii trade local or lease/option. Grt. . fin. avall. by Miier or leue option. • • ... .... 759-1221. . .. illlll Name your terme On thla lrg. 4BR, 4BA. Home. W/OQMI\ Wlw +Sep. lntaw qtr1. . 1315,000 LH ......... tenna. Low dn. or ttD ....,_ for C.M. or N.B. home or condO. ----... 759-1221. P'M ... -.U Fantutlc hart»or & bey we from thll 3 Bdr fam rm, nu Grpta & paint, lrg poot '3-40,000. L.H. -• .. a. 759-1221 ._.u11a Fab. Ocean & coaetllne vu, 3 br. 3 ba • form. d.r., f.r., ltudy, lge. pool & c:ourt-=· prt. bcha. 1895,000. Fee.• 9'.,. 759-1221. , ..... _ 5 br, 4 ba. game rm. form. dr, highly up-' graded, ttallan marble lrf l.r.1 d.r., ldt f.r., study & f .r. hu t>eauf. paneling & lhuttere. Fab vu 2 lge. pitto dec:ka. A must to eee at $895,000 ........... 759-1221 .............. Fabulous, contemporary wood & glass custom home on 'n acre view lot. Featured are 4 bdrs., lg. tam. ltvlng area. gym & recreation rooma, pool/~pa & ,,addle· tennis crt. -the sunset tool Priced at $695,000 ............. 631-1266 . IOUIFlllT -llUllFlllT Convert ex. lge duplex to your prt. res. & live on the finest beach on the coast.. $170,000 1st at 11%. 2nd or $250,000 at l2%. Steal at $650,000. • •..,. u. 1 759-1221. -. •W •LY 1.21 UISS H lml -1111• ·~~ LIU Owner aaalsted excellent financing! Excellent lnveatment bargaJn. Hurry, call • LlllTl,lrtl•....., 759-1221. WIDE FIUllE 111. OWFllllA IEO The best of both worlds! Incomparable Versailles on magnificent sun-drenched grounds In BIG CANYON. All amenities. Complete security. $875,000. Call IUIY UWll for your personat vtewtng, 759-1221 or 631-5963. . ............ .,... A eweet llttle money maker. Call' llllY UWll, 759-1221 ot 631~963. • tuLlftm--11.K FlllDl•I Bright new Eastlkte 4 bedroom hom8 with lots of living area, gourmet kitchen, · tuxurtoua master sutte, 3 car garage, large private yard and payments of lat then $2000/mo. Builder wtH que&lfy fot yout -ULTB. 759-1221. ~ ...... lillm 2 Br. condo In Mesa Verde with excettent terms. Prtce reduced to 19<4,000. Call ... ....... 831-1288. • • 111'111 Spacious 4800 eq. ft of ~ with pool, spa & view. PALACE P£RFECT THAU-OUT Fee land plus TERMS. Wiii trade. for unit•. Cal direct to flTlm m1• 931-1281or780-l702. 1111 ... . Thll bMutlfUI 4 Br. 3 Ba. home 9 located · on a ~ cul-de w dGM to the park. Cati for owner tlnencfng ""°"'*"°"• Mk tor -I••• 831-12'1. ..... lml Owner aays ''price ... right,'' bUt reduce to aetl. Sharp & a.... Me9a Verct. 4 bdr. EntlctnQ epa In MCluded tettlng. Reduced to $206,ooo . .-r:=·m 831-1266. . ; Real Eatate/An Advettlalng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 3, 1982 RESIDENTIAL REAL EST ATE SERVICES NEWPORT BEACH CORONA DEL MAR BEACH COMMUNITIES nas11 LU 11n,m Executive P.enthouse located In security guarded adult community. Enjoy nearby clubhouse, gym. pool, & sauna. Take over exlatlng financing with ~ down. •IMTIWI 11MMI Excellent buy for Investor or starter home for young family. Den, 2 Br, 2 patlol. Best location near pool & tennis. Walk to ocean. Hurry. WDT•IMT 1111 .... Newer 2 BR-3BR duplex near park. Both units with flreplacee, upper unit has deck with view of the channel. OutatandJng lnvee1ment. Ananctng avaJlable. ..... .. .. A magnificent Townhome located on the '6th faJrway. The English decor wlU soon be featured In Orange County Home and Garden. Good financing Is avaJtable. ......... ... Perfect family home for a very small $ Investment. Has -4 BR, complete guest quarters Including kitchen & bath facllltles. Pool & greenbelt area. Terrific financing. WllTIUff 1•• You can't beat this for a great traditional family Home. 5 BR wtth gorgeous pool/spa, & large deck area, formal dining room, warm ltvtng room w/flreplece, trench door & wood floor, 3 car garage. garage. Perfect! •IPWT._ MU.- Warm cozy brick flreplece & hearth. Large formal dining room w/french doors, large patio, greet kitchen w/cuatom cabinets & eating area. Master suit e w/jacuzzl. custom papers. Upgrades throughout. ...... ...... Enjoy a sweeping view of ocean & city Hghta from this gracious -4 BR FEE home. Privacy & eecurtty for your femlty wtthln this gated comm. W/uaoc ~. 1pa & t ..... EC&lllYPm 11a.MI Seiter wtl ftnllnCe thlt 2 BR Cerdlff In The T.-rece with 20% down. McM.-m condition. ..., tidy ten.nt could be lnduded for Investor. ~ block to enjoy pool, epa & tennta. ._...... 1111.- \ttew park, lake, mountain•. tlghta & golf courM from this towty 2 BR + den condo. Excenent condition. Showa pride °' ownerlhlp. Many :v~· 13% 5 YR flMndng llYWlable. C.U ---tan.-Wishes wlll begin to come true when you see this lovely 3 BR home set among lush greenery & flowering color. Spacious family room, formal dining room, pool. Steps to private beaches. ----1121,111 Great corner location. Charming 2 BR front unit. Newly remodeled back unit 2 BR plus den, 3 bath & private patio. Very rentable. Assumable loans & owner wlll carry paper. UU.NW-.U 1111.- Can you Imagine -4 BR, a separate Fam Rm with wet bar + a cozy flreplece & a decor to welcome you all avaJlabMt In one home? This la It & If that weren't enough there's a water view, tool ---1114, .. Builder-owned duplex. 4 bedroom + 1 bedroom. Cu1tom decor; antique beams & mantef; walnut paneled ceilings; leaded glaaa, private muter suite wtth Japaneee tub. Lovety fixtures & detaJla. Owner assisted financing. ---....... Superbly cuatomlzed 4 BR In Harbor View HHls. Feature• Include: pavers, hdwood floors. butlt..fne, WAlnacottlng & the latest appl6ances. A redwd sun deck wlll entice you outdoors. IWWll ...... Beautiful ocean vtew 2 BR & den residence. Ex1ra large courtyard, nloely landscaped.Great home for remodel or add on. Owner will help finance. Fee Fee Fee. ---I.,.... A gate opens Into a "aytvan glade' wtth pool & spa. Beyond, a panoramic view of the ocean! 3 be<trooms, each wtth bath & large living area decorated with taste. FEE. IPYIUll al . 1-.- Elegant Southport with total customized detalllng. 5 BR, 3'A BA, fuU bonus room, pool, spa & lovely gazebo for enjoying valley view. Total aecurlty 1)'9tem & alt of the extras that make a home a castle. /RV/NE w111m1• ua.- Ch 01ce • BR home In terrific famlly neighborhood. Excetlent condition! Excellent .flnanct,pgl Lovely apa. brtCk work & trett! .... ~ .,..,.. Spectacular townhome with 2 muter suites pfu1 den with View of hffta & night light•. Pro~ decorated, lhutters, pawra & air conditioning. Good auumat>Mt 1at & owe wtth 20%down. Cml~ u.. .. JDC..-_ , • -cmlB.l cm ... ----1 I l "..... Mn.-Extenalve ute of wood In the Interior & heavy beam ceilings set the mood for this warm 3 BR custom home. Secluded Italian tile patio & steps to the ocean, to surf or bay to swJm. un.u sae,121 Outdoor llvlng at Its best. 3 BR w/spacloua patios. Excellent owner financing available. Room for remodeling. Also can be purchased for $295,000 leasehold. unmas •••• ,. Great potential for remodel In this 3 BR & den home. Close to beaches In this private, gate guarded area. Owner wlll assist with creative financing. Submit all offers. Fee land. un11nu .,...,...,. Wonderful famlly home near beach In prtvate gate guarded Bayshores. Paneled den, 3 bedrooms, charming Interior courtyard. Outstanding value on fee land. Great buy and won't last at this price! .... Ml._ Beat street location. Beautifully remodeled kitchen. Beam ceilings: Large master BR suite with sitting Rm & spa. Fireplace In IMng rm & Matr BR. 3 BR all this on Lido 18'8. .... llU . 1111.- Bayfront lot 35' frontage. 2 blocks from Newport Yacht Club with dock & sandy beach. 70' frontage with 5 BR house avaltable for . $1,800,000 both on Fee land. N•llU 1111,M Bayfront home on Fee land by Newport Yacht Club. Spacious -4 BR Spanish archltec1ure wtth dock. Adjoining badminton court on an ' addltlonal 35' may be purchased for $8s0,000. un11•1 11.-.- SpectacuJar 3 bedroom home! Gorgeous bay vlewt Newly remodeled & decorated. All new kitchen. Feating of openness & space with custom detaJls. Owner assisted financing. ~ .... , L.eue option or auurne 11t. Owner wlll carry 2nd with 15% down. 3 8R, 3 flreplace1, ahuttert, plfnk flooring , stained glaas, spa & air c:ondttlonlng. Sophlatloatlon & charm. ~.. ... Spack>ua • Bedroom Ga.. hoe. Choloe location backing to "*' green aree. Room for pool. Setter very flexlble. Sale or trade. Perfect large famtly hOme In preettg6oua ...... ,_ _ ~----un--cm11 -~ ----------r.r .... ----cm.I• •• --~ --.:U\:! ... --UY,_ -·- ----- JACOBS REA.L TY .............. Two stories, 3 bedrooms plus loft and family room! Lovely wood exterior, slate entry, expanded built-in kitchen and huge sun deck. Walking distance to beach. Owner will carry IDG, so-o submit your down! Asking $165,000. We Show Waterfront . . Properties By Boat Tool ' LIYELY ...... nElllll right in the sand. Four large bedroom, newly remodeled built-in kitchen, and huge family room plus a formal dining room. Spacious living room with fireplace. Take over $500,000 loan at 12%. Asking $875,000. Owner will help. 11'11111......_.1 ..... Once a 3 Bdrm home, expanded into 2 Bdrms (now with some elbow room). Remodeled kit. and baths. All copper plumb, brick fireplace. Large yard w/sprinklers front and rear, cov. patio, room for boat and/or a motor home + 3 car garage. Super location, and tenns available. Jacobs Realty has built its reputation on friendly, professional service. We have a complete property management team to assist in the rental and maintenance o( income property. This service insures carefree ownership and lete you· like your investment property again. : 1¥ .-i*ii. WHY OOES ONE OFFICE SELL AROUND $3 MILLI0N A MONrH AND OTHER OFFICES AREN'T EVEN AROUND f I - ( UNIQUE SOLUTIONS: Using a full time employee, 3 computers, a committee of appraisers and 25 °lean, mean and attractive" salespeople to determine the precise value of a property ... then sell it! Perhaps to yo~ 4 BEDROOM WATERFRONT $515,000 Central Newport Beach area, cfean as a whistle with fireplace In master bdrm, sunny yet cozy feeling and room for a 40 ft. boat. Available with 20-1. down. A listing of Marilyn Rousselot. $595.000. Oppn Sat. 1-5 pm. 45 Balboa Coves. BEACON BAY Bayfront at $995,000 -6 bedroom home In Beacon Bay. Now competitive. Free and clear and owner may carry. Can be used as duplex. $995,000. A ll~tlng of Marilyn Hodges. Open Sun 1-5 pm. 5 Beacon Bay. PRICED RIGHT ONI In Deerfield -3 bdrrris, 2 1h baths and Immaculate. Quality decor, air cond. private patio and financing under 12%. Priced below much of the competition at $149,500. A listing of Nancy Laux-Nychay. LIGHTHOUSE Owners will finance In Broadmoor -Harbor View Hiiis. The owner will carry $250,000 at 12% lntereet wtth no points for 5 years. Great neighborhood, nr. comm. pool. 4 bdrm, 3 bath, $465,000 fee. A Hating of Dottle Valentine. Open Sat 1-5 pm. 2706 Lighthouse. VERY BAYIHOM8 Remodeled cottage within bk>c:ks of the bMch, country kitchen, twdwood floors, 3 bdrrM, ueed brick fireplace, delightful patio. Ample financing avallabte. 13!5,000 leuehotd, 1487 ,500 fee limple. A Hating of Sara MeMn. I .\ \ \1 P L l ' ADULT CONDOMINIUM Neer Sout_h Coast Center, neat as a pin 2 bdrm, A/C, will work anything to aetll Only $95,000. A Hating of Bev White. 4 UNIT INVESTMENT Solid Costa Mesa rental••· $50,000 down to 13% loan. Gro11 multlpller of 11.0. Management history av•lable, easy. Asking $225,000. A listing of Dottle Valentine. · BACK BAY POOL HOME 4 Bdrm, 2% baths, sitting vacant with usumable 30 yr. loan of $150,000, and owner anxious. Reduced to $279,000. A listing of Bonnie Barrington. Open Mon. 1-5 p.m., 2221 Francisco. CORONA DEL MAR HU.SIDE HOIE Great ocean view, 3 bdrm. 2 bath with hardwood floors. Free & dear, 10 yr. owner financing. Probate sale at $329,500. A listtng of the Von Geldern1. Open Sat & Sun 1-5 pm. 420 DeSota Terrace. THESE SELLERS HAVE BOUGHT 4 Bdrm In The Ranch, neet street, well malnt. Owner movtng west, will ftnance with 20% down, great terms. $199,000. A listing of LM91ne 8Mw. •&T ULLINQ AREA low melnt., no nolee. A1 condominium arM Jumlne Creek Is tops! This 3 bdrm one level hH deten, location and Is lmmacu~ate. 1355,000. HANDSOME HOME + ATTRACTIVE APT. 3 bdrm "townhouse type" with sunny kitchen and courtyard patio. Over huge garage Is a spacious 1 bdrm apt. Tree lined CdM street. 10% loans available with $150,000 down. Realistic at $475,000. A listing of Marilyn Hodges. BIG HOME -LITTLE APT. Charming 3 Bdrm. plus den and large family area_, up to date decor and just a block from the beach. Apt. In rear rents at $600/mo. Large 111.t~ % loan available. $.495,000. A listing of Nancy Laux. GRAND CANALIFRE• Am CLEAR Cute and delll), 3 bdrm on the water with dock for 2 boeta. Owner wlft finance, priced at MAI appraisal, , $575,000. A Hating of the Boland•. ~ HAI DCITINCI HOMES And this one's a leader! 5 bdrms, 3 frpk:ee and untlmlted vtew, on top of Spygfaas HNI. Sunny yet cozy, excittng while practlctll. Preeented at $925,000 with $200,000 down. A Nstlng of Barbara Hutching&. COM CANYON COTTAGE autet spot on buck gutty. Mtn. view, must remocMI bUt owner will carry at 12%. Asking 1275,000 with 20% down. A Ii.ting of M~ ........ , E. HUNTINGTON BEACH W. HUNTINGTON BEACH COSTA MESA NEWPORT . . FORECLOSED PROPERTIES "INVESTORS" We now have 86 foreclosed properties listed for Immediate sale. Price range from $20,000 (land) to $525,000. Great financing available with low down. Hurry, call now-for app~ to review our confidential list. CALL US ABOUT "5°/o" INTEREST PROGRAM ••111111111111 1112.- Steal ltl Great starter with low low cash down! Take over $94,800 In loans+ owner Wiii carry plenty1 Spacious 2 story with 3 blQ bedrooms plus wee cowboy's retreat. FamTty room + much morel Hurry! 962-5585 . •• , •• 111 .... 1111.- Vacant giant! Spacious two story accented by dramatic entry, formal dine + gourmet's kit. Family rm w/cozy ftr~ace. HardWood floors, new paint. Serious seller will US(st with low Interest financing! Don't wait, 962-5585. I.I. MWITIWI 1201,111 Price aiaahedl Custom energy efficient home. Bright. airy feeling created by garden atrium. 3 big Bdrms. Muter suite w/bubbllng spa tub! AnxJoua owner open to your terms even at his below market price! Call 962-5585. NmT• YIWI 1111,111 Mediterranean VIiia enhanced by extensive use of Imported Italian tile, rich oak & marble. Dramatic sunken llv rm. Gourmet's dream kitchen + cheery break(Ut room. Formal din rm + huge tam rm. Master suite w/slttlng rm, bak:ony & one of three fireplaces. Rich In detalll Call now for showing 962-5585. PmT• YIWY 1112,111 5 Bedroom famlly home offers spacious entertaining areaa + formal dine. Manicured landscaping. Sun-splashed patio. Vacant & reedy for fast posMSSlon. Don't wait-act fut at new reduced price! 962-5585. WllTlllllTll 1111.- Speck>ua lhowpla nestled on quiet cul de sac. 36'X18' bonus room Includes bar & bath. Kitchen Island &(:Centi gourmet's dreem. 7 years new. Aedueed price. For Information on . 5% lntet:eet program and other buyer financing optiona, caJI 962-5585. ., ... ,... 1111• 4' ~ bedrooms, 3 baths. Formal dine, wait of gla11 to private bubbling spa. Fireplace, wet bar, greenhouse. Just blocks from breakers. Beach It this summer by calllng "2-5585. WDI Ill lid -11R,lll Executive llfestyle offered In maulve tr-ea shaded two 1tory. 4' bedrooms, 2'A bath1. Huge famffy room w/entertalners fireside. Overllzed enclosed patio. 3 car garage. Seller will consider trade po•blllUea. Call 962-5585. IUI. llMl/M Im P&a UM,111 4 Bdrm 2'A bath pool home. Cloee to freeways, shopping and golf course. Features Include huge famlly/llVlng rooms, den and master bdrm with fireplace, plus large bonus. 894-7521 lllllmTll 11111 122..- 0cean view -1 block off ocean. 3 year old 3 Bdrm, 21A bath house with wine closet, woodburnlng fireplace, skylights, clerestory windows, ceramic tlle entry. A large aaaumabte loan. Don't miss It. Call now, 894-7521 llD'fmlfD Yl.LMI lnlrlll In-law quarters -elegant 4 Bdrm 3 bath, haa 1 Bdrm and bath downstairs. Large llvtng/dlntng room, den with wetbar and flr~aoe + 3 car garage. Near Westminster Mall and freeway. Great terms with owners willlng to quallfy for additional financing. CaJI 894-7521 1441,MI Waterfront home with expansive water view, custom stained glass, ceram ic tlle, 3 baths, formal dining, paUo, boat sUp, master suite with balcony and sunken tub. 3 other bdrma. Call for financing oPtlons -894-7521 au••... ne,111 Thia tattetul 5 Bdrm home hae parquet entry and dining room; pool with Inlaid tMr. '8rge fUlty equipped kitchen, bonu1 room with antlQue repo pool table, aquarium and sunken wetbar. Call today 894-7521 wa111m1a ""• 1211,111 5% Inter•. lell lhen S 1800 Pl per mo. & you own It free & ce..-In I YMl'8· 4 big bedroom•, 2 baths. Sp~ one story S&S home. Location + 5% Interest with only $75,000 lnltlal Investment. Call ~7521 . ..,..... 1124,111 Bargain buyers dreaml Big 3 bedroom boaeta formal entry apacloua llvtng room & fam. room with rich wood ~ cefllnga. Sparkling pool. MANY BUYER FINANCING OPTIONS. Serious Miier says "CALL" 894-7521. lllTI mA PU•· Fixer Is ldeaJ for Investor or flr81 time buyers Bring paint plus Imagination and save SS. 3 Bdrm, garage plus workshop, take over existing low Interest financing. CaJI today, 645-0303 CUllllllE llUI 111,llO Security gated townhome. 3 spacious bdrms, large deck off master suite. Community poof, spa and. tennis. Owner will help finance. Fantastic value, call now, 645-0303. UITllll 1102,811 Woutd you like the convenience of r.ondo, but security, privacy and appreciation of owning your home? You can have It am Unique de- 8'gner owned bungalow. Charming Eastslde Costa Meaa. One of a kind. Hurry, 645-0303 • 1111 ..U . l11IMI Juit reduced ·$20,0001 Owner anxious, wltl flnanoe at low, low Interest rate. 4-bedroom home, Ideal for famlty ltvtng. Lovely tropk:al yard, pond, and fruit trees. Outstanding value. Call 645-0303. UITllll ....... Spacious condo, has 3 large bdrm• plus den, ftreplace. Huge family kitchen. Sunny private patio. CO(Jlmunlty pool, spa and tenm•. Excellent existing financing. Great vaJue. Call 6"5--0303. m&Yllll 11n.- Prlc:ed for lmmedlll,te aalel Fabulous hidden two stcwy home, 4 large 8drma, tatTllty ptua dining room, 2 ftrepMlcea, take OYer existing financing. Don't ml .. out, act now. 645--0303. llllUY U•,111 Vlewl Huge 2 story colonlal, 4' Bdrm plus den, fireplace 1n muter suite, large covered patio, sparkling pool. Take over existing loans. 8• today, 645--0303. .. Linoo Rul&mt v NOW AVAllABLE IN NEWPORT BEACH TRADE THIS EASTBLUFF HOME FOR SAN JUAN CAPISTRANOI Mature trees and lush landscaplng enhance this already magnificent home with privacy, warmth and a 3 bedroom floor plan. Seller relocating, wlH be flexible. $259,000. C8" 144-7020. JUST OFF BALBOA BLVD. Priced below market for quick sale, this ocean view R2 residence has good Income potential. Right near the beach with 2 levels, garage, carport, 4 Bdrms & low Interest assumable financing. $225,000. c .. 144-7020. ANNIVERSARY ESTATES This rambling ranch home is Ideal for first time buyers or Investors. Needs a little TLC but well worth ltl Large lot Is Ideal for gardens or pool. Be creative on the financing. $163,000. c .. Joenu Hendrie •t 144-7020. ELEGANT LIVING IN HARBOR RIDGE Move up to the top with this custom home with over 5700 square feet. Endless features Include a marble floored entry, a marble fireplace, oak library, master suite with Jacuzzi tub and steam shower, 3 addltlonal bedrooms, a four car garage, Insulated wine room. full security system, 4 fireplaces and a whole lot more. $1,895,000. C .. I Ed Eecano or JudJ Jorden •t 144-7020. MOTIVATED SELLER LOOKING FOR OFFERSI This commercial Income property within walking distance of the Hwy. In Corona def Mar has two units with parking In rear. Terms available. $750,000. c.a1 Jim Sellera at 144-7020. GOOD INCOME DUPLEX IN CORONA DEL MAR This contemporary Income property within walklng distance of the beach has assumable financing, new carpets, new paint and an Ideal owners unit. $395,000. Cal 144-1020. FOR LEASE IN EXCLUSIVE HARBOR RIDGE Get set to enjoy the fabulous ocean and city light views that come with this 3 bedroom, 2~ bath home awash In neutral Mrttttones. As a reeldent of this gate-guarded community you can take advantage of the tennis, pools and unique llfeetyte that typtfles Newpor1 Beach. For leue at $2000 per month. Cal Ed EICMO or Devld tlnc:hlar at 144-7020. SELLER WILL CARRY WITH 20-50% DOWN This Newport Beach leelehotd duplex Is just a few stepa to the buch. Uve In one, rent the other. Flexibte Miter otfera good low Interest financing $225,000. C8I Dftld *'echler at Mt-7Gl20. EXCLUSIVE HOME IN HARBOR RIDGE "Lucerne" model In exclu81ve gate-guarded community conveniently located near the Htu'bor. Newport Center, airport and lrvtne ~· Ideal for entertaining with 3 bedrooms, 3'A baths, 3050 aqun feet, view decks, 3 fireplaces, family room and panoramtc views of the Harbor I catatlna and twtnkllng tights of the dty by night. O/W/C AITD of '519,000 at 12.75% for term agreeable to buyer. $850,000. Mk for Ed Eecmo at Mt-?m. LEASEHOLD RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Located just a half block to the beach, this duplex has two bedroom untts renting at $400/month. With 20-25% down. owner will carry for five years. $235,000. Call D1vld Hlrechler 1t 144-7020. CASABLANCA MODEL IN HARBOR RIDGE Thia gate-guarded community Is the setting for thl' 4 bedroom, 2~ bath home with deck, professional landscaping, courtyard entry, high ceilings, fireplace and akytlght. $357,000 assumable at 12.75%. $585,000. Call Judy Jorden or Ed Eacano at 144-7020. SEA VIEW GATE-GUARDED COMMUNITY HOME This well cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath home has impressive city light and Catalina sunset views plus good assumable and seller financing available. $495,000. Cell JudJ Jorct.n or Ed EtcMO •t 144-7020. JUST LISTED HARBOR RIDGE HOMESITE This lot encompasees fabulous panoramic views In all directions with approved plans for 10,000 sq ft formal French chateau with 5 different suites, large wine cellar and tasting room, artist's studio, pool, spa and French country gardens. $1,500,000. Alk for Ed Eec.no 144-7020. SPYGLASS ELEGANCE Exciting mountain and city llght views Illuminate this 3+ Bdrm home with f8!f'lly room, 2 Baths, contemporary styling, 2 patios, courtyard, wetbar, fireplace, breakfast nook & much, much morel $495,000. C.n H.alle Strock at 144-7020. GREAT NEWPORT OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX Make this Income property your new summer home with Ideal rental units. With 20¥. down, owr:-wlll carry at 12%. If you desire units could eaelly become a maid's quarters or guest houae. Just steps to the beach with 2 fireplaces, .patio and double garage, posalblHtlea are almost endlesa. $475,000 Fee. Cal Stephanie BumaatMt-7020. THE COVE OVERLOOKING BALBOA ISLAND This elegant gate-guarded 9ayfront condo with 2 bedrooms, den and 2~ baths features an addltlonal fireplace, vaulted cetHngs, hardwood floors, wet bar, pool, private beach and stained glaa. $825,000 with auumable financing. Call 144-7020. EXQUISITE WHITEWATER VIEW HOME This contemporary Newport Crest condo Is within euy walking distance to beach and shopping. Motivated sefler will ualst buyer to purchue thfa 3 bedroom home wtth beOm celllnga, country kitchen and many other upgrades. $249,500. Cal Joanna Hendrte .. 144-7020. . LINGO REAL ,ESTATE " --------·-- WATCH IT BEING BUil T Magnificent View Home In Newport. Beach's Gate Guarded Harbor Ridge Now Under Construction. The Styte Is English Tudor. The Blueprints Are In Our Ottloe. Will Be Spectacular. $2,200,000. Susan Trlvlson's Listing. EXCLUSIVE BAYSHORES BA YFRONT Pier & Dock. Quality 5 Bedroom In Desirable Gated Community. Private Beach. Beautifully Upgraded. Probably One Of The Finest Waterfront Views Avallable. Right At Turning Basin. Reduced To Only $895,000 Leasehold. Call Now. Marilyn Twltchell's Listing. FRENCH PROVINCIAL CUSTOM -BIG CANYON This Elegantly Appointed 5 Bdrm Home Overlooks 8th Green. Views From Most Rooms. Formal LR. & D.R. RJchly Paneled Library With Cottered Celling. Paneled F.R. Spacious Mastet Suite W/Hls & Hers Baths. Pool, Spa. Maid's Qtrs. The Ultimate In Quality & Charm. By Appointment. $2,290,000. Millie Howe's Listing. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO Spectacular Hilltop Estate. Magnificent View. On Five Acres. 4,000 Sq. Ft. Custom-Built Home Ideal For Entertaining. Solar-Heated Pool, Spa & Outdoor BBQ Area. Room For Tennis Court, Horses, Guest House. Submit Reasonable Otters. $1 ,775,000. Binnie Dixon's listing. CUSTOM BAYFRONT Promontory Bay - 5 Bdrm Home -Lrg Liv Room, Formal Dining - Family Room -Powder Room -Gourmet Kitchen -Sllp For 55 Ft. Yacht & Slide Tie -You Own The Land -Owner Will Assist With Financing. $1 ,850,000. Cathryn Tennllle's Listing. HUGE COUNTRY MANOR -NELLIE GAIL RANCH Anxious Owner/Builder Must Sell His Newly Constructed Spectacular Home On Approx. 1 'h Acres Of Hiiitop Views. Soaring Ceilings & SpaclQus Open Rooms Focus On A Lrg Atrium W/Waterfalls & Even A Rain Forest. An Entertainer's Paradise. Call For A Private Showing. A Trlvfaion-Hlll Listing. ON THE BEACH Outstanding Custom-Built Home. Forever View looking On Sand & White Water Waves. High Beamed Ceilings & Large Glaaa Windows For More View. One Of Laguna Nlguel's Finest Homes. Owner Will Help With Financing. Priced At $1,450,000. A Hlll-Trlvlson Listing. . EASTBLUFF PENINSULA Waterfront W/Dock. Panoramic View. Great Location. Redwood Float+ 50 Ft. Dock. Custom-Built Home W/3 BRs. Kitchen W/VlflW Window Has All Modern Amenities. Used Brick In Outstanding Patio Area. Tiled Garages. Great Ottering. $1,295,000. A Dion-Marla listing. JUST COMPLETED Custom-Built 6300 Sq. Ft. Home. Manners Point, San Clemes:1te. Gorgeous Ocean ViflW, City lights. Entertainers' Delight. Numerous Amenities. See To Appreciate. $875,000. Owners Wiii Accept Syndicate Or Trade. Submit All Otters. Marla Bercovltz's listing. GOLF COURSE VIEW BIG CANYON -large Double Door leads To Marble Entry With Winding Staircase Overlooking Spacious L. R. & Dining Room. Oen W/Fireplaoe. Huge Master Bdrm Down Plus 3 Add'I Bdrms. Big Lot W/Paddle Tennis Court. Great VlflW Location. Reduced To $825,000. Bob Thomas' listing. JASMINE'S FINEST Top Quality Home In Gate Guarded Area. 3 BR End Unit On Quiet Cul-de-Sac. Beautifully Decorated Home, Surrounded By Wide Greenbelts. Parking Spaces Galore. Call Us. $427.500. Muriel Barr's listing. BIG CANYON Presenting The Least Expensive Home In Newport Beach's Prestigious Big Canyon. Shows Like A Model -Bright, Cheerful Decor. Huge Master Suite Plus Private Guest Bedroom & Bath. Owner/Agent Will Finance. Priced Under Market Value At $415,000. John Merrill's Listing. WOODSY RETREAT Spilt Levet Home Overlooking Cherry Lake. Private, Secluded Location. 3 Bdrm. Remodeted Gourmet Kitchen W/Mexlcan Tiie. Owner Wiii Carry Ananclng. Aaumable . 1st. Truly A Beautiful Spacious Home. Hu ge Price Reduct ion, Now $297,000. Lease/Option Considered. Binnie Dixon's Listing. HORSE COUNTRY Remodeled t-tome, Approx. ¥. Acre. 4 BR, Pool, Spa. Park 8 Cars + R.V. Great Location. Keep 3 Horses On Your Own Property. Great Financing. $275,000. A Dabolt-Shlpa&y listing. BLUFFS Rare Five BR Lusk. Two Fireplaces, L.A. & F.A. Highly Upgraded. Kitchen Remodefed. 3-Car Garage. ExceUent Financing. Only $274,000. Sally Shlpley's Listing. OPEN HOUSES THIS WEEKEND Single Level Lovely 3 BR W/Enclosed Yard, Private Patio, On Lush Greenbelt. Freshly Painted, Newly Carpeted. Only $222,500. Salty Shlpley's Ll111ng. OLD CORONA DEL MAR Recently listed. South Of Pacific Coast Highway. Two Bedroom. One Bath Cozy Cottage. R-2 Lot. Room To Expand. Practically Lot Price. $257 ,000. Sharon Collins' Listing. BLUFFS BARGAIN EXCELLENT FINANCING AVAILABLE. Large A11umable Loan at 11 ~·;. & Owner Will Conafder 2nd. Beautlfulty Upgraded Carmenta W/3 .BRs + Cozy Oen. Large Patio On Lovely Greenbett Near Pool. Vacant. $229,500. Salty 8hlptey'1 Ustlng. 2009 YACHT DEFENDER, Seavlew, N.B. $450,000 SAT/SUN 1-5 542 HARBOR ISLAND OR., Prom. Bay, N.8. $1,400,000 SAT/SUN 1-5 114 VIA ENSUENO, Mariners, SAN CLEMENTE $875,000 SAT 1-5 7 RUE VILLAAS, Big Canyon. N.B. $725.000 SAT/SUN 1-5 2642 VISTA ORNADA, Bluffs, N.B. $229,600 SAT/SUN 1-5 1128 E. BALBOA BLVD., Peninsula, BALBOA $1 ,2951000 SAT 1-5 . T .L.C. OWNER "MUST'' SELL TODAY Popular 3 BR Oetores Plan. Major Greenbelt. End Unit WJSpaclous Courtyard Entrance. Vacant. SUBMIT OFFERS. Asking $195,000. Sally Shlpley's listing. _ STEAL A CONDO In Irvine's WOOdbrldae Area • 3 Yrs Young • 1~•4 Financing -On Oul-de--Sac • Fenced Yard • Owner Extremely AnxJoua -Onl~ S 135,000. Suean TrlYllOn'• u.tlng. ------------ Fiii IFPlllULE. , ••••••• Tl AFFLIEIT. , • • • • SPECIALS These owners are offering substantial price reductions and terms. Some exchange and "cash speaks" -Lower than listed price, if you have cash ... for details and submit your offer ... we will present anything you offer. will Call aumFIL HOH Clllt Two master suites & reduced to $117.000. Assumable loans and owner offering terms. Drive by 1118 Sandi Lane, Costa Mesa and call for details. llVllE TEIUCE·A llYI Owner Is selling for less than he paid! Submit on this adorable 3 bed. home on corner with yard, pool & spa. $260,000. · •m•T FIBI Cul-de-sac, surrounded by trees. Comfortable 3 bed, 2 ba, with fireplace In country kitchen and living room. $160,000. 2307 Falrhlll. 11t4% • 11~% • 11~% IPT. New luxury condos, steps to bay & ·beach. Unusual quality In these 2 bdrm + units. Owner offers 11'1W. financing. Brochures & details on site at 200-215 10th St. off Balboa Blvd. HWNIT TWlllE W/llCI Two story 3 bedrooms, 2% baths in a quiet location. Greenbelt views and lowest priced in a waterfront community with boat dock. Good assumable financing. $320,000. TElllS ClllT ESTATE· ft A new custom 3-level traditional home on almost 2 acres at the end of a private road. Security gates & system thruout his 4 bed. "home with quality details & all amenities. Sauna.spa.weight & exercise rm; 1000 sq.ft. master suite with luxury. For healthy recreation and luxury living in a private location, but near shopping of Laguna Beach. Regulation tennis court, lighted & protected. $2,800,000.0W exchange. Submit offer. Be Inventive. IALIOA II. llUITIC IEllOTl811 IEWNllT PEITHOISE Sil ,100 Excellent location and good starter investment. New carpet and paint throughout this bachelor unit with balcony to view of ocean and lights. Owner will accept 10 percent cash down and carry the paper. FllOEI VIEW-IEllCEll Terrlf1c location & large home with forever view for only $649,500 on fee land. Or exchange for smaller home or Income units In this area. Large 2-story 3 bed.+ large tam.rm.din.rm.+ 3 car garage. Assumable Joen. Terms flexible. OW lease/option. Lmll 'II I• ...a-ceuEI PRICE REDUCED TO $535,0001 OW exchange this dream home of 3 bed. + rental unit & maid's quarters. Steps to water & beach. FLEXIBLE TEAMS ... OW llstenl 673-6900. It's colorfully coordinated & lovely. wmFIL IACI UY-YI, YI In a private wooded alcove corner In Newport. Custom 4 bed'.3 ba.,formal dln.,rm .• fam rm.,3 fireplaces, wet bar. VU living rm.,recreation rm. w/wet bar. Private pool & spa. Spacious & luxurious w high beamed ceJlings In liv.rm. OWC all at 10.15% aPA for 30 years, with reasonable down payment. $579,000.fee. Liiii ISLE /Riii. 1300,000 Sumbit offers! Low down pymt and and OW exchange for large yacht or motel with lounge. Now on of the lowest priced homes on Linda Isle with ver 4000 sq. ft., 5 bdrm. 5 ba and pier/slip for large yacht plus side ties. $1 ,295.000 IAYFRDIT IUID All SPACllll Main bayfront location, panoramic view from this over 4000 sq. tt. residence. Pier for two 55' yachts. large and open 6 br, maid's qtrs & 5'h ba, remodled kitchen, den and master suite with view & fireplace. OWC TD at 12114 int for 4 years with $400,000 cash. $1.950,000 fee land. CUFFUVEl-YI, VI-TEllS Lease/option or trade down for units or smaller home. VU with two 2 bedroom units on large lot. Plans for hon1e plus guest house and pool lnciuded In price. Submit. $399,500. Drive by 2001 Kings Road, Newport. Ull ISLE CWSIC Totally remodeled and decorated 2-story in the best Meldterranean flavor. Open bright 4 bedroom; 4 b'ath with 2 patios for ~tertalning In and out. Stained glass. and open beams. OW finance wl1h low cash down payment. $445 000. 631-1400. ' 1111111 llllE·llEllCEI 1201,0001 ANXIOUS SELLERS ARE READY TO CONSIDER ALL OFFEAS!180 deg. VIEW OF BAY.OCEAN & NIGHT LIGHTS.Quality details throughout this formal home with 4 bedrooms, library.formal dln.rm .• immense family rm., g I amorous master suite+ other -Hf(e features.$1,995,000.Fee. Submit. Liiii ISLE-liLAIOllllS Owner will listen to exchange offers for a ranch, commercial or? This Is a truly exciting & open residence with large living and entertaining rooms . Private master suite + 4 other bedrooms. Pier/slip for 3 boats $2,750,000 (includes land). llPLD Cll·OUlllEI Immaculate and adorable cottage that's very livable and loveable at $272,500. Near all shopping this 2 bed.-wlth brick patio Is BEST BUY ON THE ISLAND! 673-6900. J~st 3 blocks to beach. Front house has plank floors & wood burning f'place. w two bedrooms. There's a newer 3 bed. unit over a 4-car garage In rear. both Immaculate condition. Reasonably priced at $272.000. IALllA II. IEllCEI TD 1111,000 Remodeled & quaint. just one house from Bay. OW exchange for a smaller home here or in Woodland ·Hiiis. Sold fully furn. this 2-stbry, 3 bed. has on-shore mooring available. Even has a "Bay" VU! IAYFIMT-11' NIT II.IP Sunrise to sunset & night VU from this gracious & elegant WATERFRONT home. Large master suite+ 3 bedrooms for family. Spacious llv.rm.,formal din.rm., gourmet kitchen with breakfast area. French doors to brick patio & colorful garden. any extras & decorator amenities. $1,750,000. fee. 631-1'400. PEllna& PT. IEIHTllll Delightful custom home on the finest st. on Point. 3 bed. 2 be. 2 patios. custom paneling. OW carry a large T.D. or try lease/option with minimum down. Now $360,000. WATERFRONT ICWFlllT lllE·IEllOEll Beautiful custom with •·pride of ownership" care & detail. Two story 4 bed. 3 'h ba. Owner will help finance Super sand & sea BEACHFAONT. Now $695,000. Walk by 2804 W.Oceanfront. & call for detalls. IOUIFlllT OllN YI LAGUNA In a private community with 3 levels of ocean VIEW. Luxury 3 bedroom. Great summer/winter rental, OW help financ A~lng $545,000. 631-1400. PIEi/SUP Fii 10' MAT Dramatic executive home on Promontory bay. Formal llv.rm. all with views of water. Huge master suite with flreplace+3 more bedrooma 3 ba. Custom tile & oak cabinets In kitchen. Upstairs sitting rm'. Gorgeous & spacious patio for entertaining & boat watching $1.200,000, 631-1'400. HOMES, INC. ·REALTORS 0 · Saia. Rentals. Property Management 2436 W. Cont Hwy. Newport Beach 631 ·1400 315 Marine Ave. Balboa Island 673-6900 ' I l ----------------------.....,,_._ •OCIAN VllW * ILKS TO llACH• 123 PINANCING AVAILAILI ••• when you take over existing Joan on this stunning HARBOR VIEW HILLS Home. Totally remodeled featuring beautiful master suite. gounnet kitchen. & huge lot. Only $259,000 & owner will a.Wat with financing. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •OWNER DISPERA TEii• Must sell this cozy cua1om home near the ocean in "Old Town" Huntington Beach. The aoari.ng eathedral cei.lingB with 5 skylight& and the romantic bay window add grace and charm not nonnally found at this price. Secluded patio/courtyard With low maintenance yard complete the picture. Sacrifice for $171,500. 9032 Adams, Huntingt0n Beach. 556-7035. •FREI MONEY• Owner desperate, will finance home at i.ero interest for 5 years. Beautifully decorated home in mint conditio n. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. · •$12,000 DOWN• Highly desirable single story end-unit decorated In s umptuous earthtones. Two car garage with electric opener. Great .. umable 1st Trust Deed of $68,807 at 11.25% payable $795/month. 963-5671 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •53 DOWN• Brand new townhomes uear Huntington Harbor. Two and three bedroom models with two baths. Builder will finance at 12.9" and pay buyers nonrecurring closing costs. Prices start at $105,990. Call for complete details. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$727/MO.• Buys this charming 3 br townhome w/only $8,500 dwn. Bicycle to the beach from superb location. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •DIMOLISHID HOME -CHIAP• 963-5671. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$999/MO• ls all you pay for this 3 br, 11h ba cutie with secluded patio. $10,800 dwn and it's yours!! 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach, 556-7035. •ABANDONID• Art.iat'a chalet w /panoramic ocean view all the way to Catalina. Sacrifice price $1',000 below market. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 566-7036. •MISA VIRDI• Affordable living with' superb financing available. Spaci<?WJ home meticulously maintained. Only $13,600 down. Aaking $136,000. 9032 Adauw. Huntington Beach. 566-7035 .. •$9,600 DOWN• Buys this big 4 br pool home. Over 2000 aq. ft. Loara Schools. Asking $159,900. 9032 Adams. HuntingtoR Beach. 556-7035. •$20,000 DN• Spacious family home with soaring cathedral ceillnga and bright and airy country ki1Chen. With 4 large bra, 2 ba'a and a family room, It's a bargain at $154,900. 9032 Adama, Huntington Beech. 556-7035. •TURN A fROCk Into a hand9ome prince. Spacious 3 br, 2 ba home on large corner lot needs help. Seller anxious. Sacrifice $110,900. 963-5671. 9032 Ada.ma, Huntington Beach. 556-7035 NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE' 2170 Ion Mlgutl DrtYI lllwpon leoclt, CA 12llO (714) 711-1901 •11.253 FINANCING• HARIO• VllW HOMI Sensational MONACO mOdel on FEE land with large assumable loan!! Featuring 3 br, home warranty & LOW PRICE. Only $223,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •WISTCLIFF HIGHLANDS• Sensationally remodeled & decorated 4"Br home featuring swimming pool, bonus room, skylite, lush private courtyard, fplc & assumable financing. Only $299,000 on FEE land. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •Fiii RENT• Choice 4br executive ranch style home in prime TURTLEROCK location! $1 ,200/mo rent all applies towards purchase in 6 months. Large, low interest assumable loan, fonna.l dining, frplc. and FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel. 7141759-1501 or 7141752-7373. ' •103 DOWN• •IAYCRIST ARIA PIXIR• Huge exeeutive ranch-style home featuring 4 br's, family foom, fonnal dining on cul-de-sac w/room for R.V.'1. Only $235,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr. 7141759-1501 or 7141752-7373. •10~3 flNANCINO. 103 DOWN Brand end unit featuring 2 master suites, 2 car garage and numerous upgrades. Owner wants to sell TODAY!! Bring check book and make offer. Only $149,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •PRISTIGI COMMUNITY• Gorgeous 3 br, 21h ba, 2 siory home in JASMINE CREEK. Featuring guard gate, pools, tennis, clubhowie. Secluded location with custom upgrades including stained glua windows & carved doon. Flexible financing tailored to your needs. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. ' 103 DOWN * 113 FINANCING , when you take over existing lat Trust Deed. Owner will assist at 12" interest on this 3 Be houae on FEE LAND in BACK BAY AREA Featuring hardwood Ooon & shingle roof. Only $135,000. 2670 ~ Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •$1,000. .allATI• On brand new townhome! Featuring privacy, 2 rnstr suite & de/loft overlooking Uv rm. Only $123,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •PRICI llDUCID• 1.753 ASSUMAILI LOAN On this c~ townhome in UNIVERSITY PARK TERRACE. Freshly painted &i reedy for oc:cupency. Only $126,950 on FEE land. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Belich. 7~9-1501 or 752-7373. •$11,700 PRIQ RIDUCTION. 93 PINANCINO ••••• when you take over existing lat Truat deed on th.is ab9olutely.beautiful Plan 4 in HERITAGE PARK. 'n\ia former model features 3 BR, 21h Ba & extensive upgrading. Only $139,800!!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. • HUNTIHITOll IUCH OfFICE IOl2 Adw Aft. Huntington llCIOll. CA 12148 (714) .. 703I ---·-------------.. ___ ... _ ----------------· ..... -----~ .. This Weekend I Keep this handy directory wltla Y•• t"I• weekend u you 10 houM-huntlng. All tM locations llstN-... are described In greater detail elsewhere In today's DAILY PILOT classified ads. Patnlftt advertising open houses for ute • NM • TM Dally Pilot may list sucn Information In these columns N<la Sablnlay and Sunday. HOUSES FOR SALE · 2~ 19 Rlpt.lde. Neiwpol1 Bc:h 548-6913 $120,000 Sat/Sun 10...t 117 Marine Aye., Balboa laland, NB 673-8900 $272,500 Sa1/Sun 1-5 233 Santa lubef (E/Side) CM S40-1151 $137,500 Sat 1-4 4211 ~· (Greentr .. ) Irv. 546-2313 $129,500 Sat t-5 2 IR ..... FAii Rll « DEN 108 Turquolae, e.tboa 181and, NB 831-1400 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4521 Tremont, cameo Shores, CdM 6«-9080 $496,000 Sat 1-5 Mon 1-5 1123 w. Bay, e.tboa 64S....220, 875-3188 Sat/Sun 11...t I •DAOOM 322 t..arbpur, Corona del Mat 831-1288 $295,000 Sat 1-5 2331 CMff Dr ... Newport Hghta, NB 831-1400 $849,!500 Sat/Sun 1-5 314 Marigold, Corona del Mat, NB 831-1400 saee.ooo Sat/Sun 1-5 1128 E. Balboa Bl. (P9nln), e.tboa 759-9100 $1,29S,OOO Sat 1-5 601 Gary Pl., Newport tt.lghta, NB 645-8289 $198,000 Sun 1-5 278 Virginia. Coeta Meu 983-8787 $143,000 s.t 12-5 204 Via Eboll, Udo Ille, H.B. 873-7300 $595,000 Sun 2-5 418 De Sola Terr, lf'v. Terr. CdM 844-e200 $495,000 Sat 1-5 1199 Augusta, Coeta ..... 54&-23"13 $129,000 s.t 1-6 1830 Irvine Aye., Newport Beech 642-5399 $239,900 . Sat 1-5 1814 SantMella. Corona del Mar 84&-7171 $265,000 Sat 1-5 **3415 OCMn Btvd., CdM 790-1800 11,250,000 Sat/Mon 2-5 5041 Pueo de Vec19, Turtterodc 780-1900 $159,900 Sat 12...t **1411 W. Bay, Penln Pt.. NB 875-1181 11.200,000 Sat 1-5 45 11 Camden (Cameo Shrs), CdM 673-7781 $885,000-fee Sat/Sn/M 1-5 125 W. Ave. Valencia. San Clemente 681-9382 $225,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **38 Balboa COYM. Newport Beech 675-7060 $569,000 Sun 1-5 1903 Yecht Coffna, Newport Bch 6«-1017 $519,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 •2320 Lalinde Pl (Bee* Bay) NB 549-1400 $239,950 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 501 Rtveratde, Nwpt Hgta, N.B. 548-2687 $375,000 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-4 2011 Paloma. E/Slde, Costa M ... 646-9498 $199,500 Dally 1-5 •1~72 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shra, NB 842-2510 $739,000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 25 RustMng Wind, Trttri<, Irv .• 79-1501 $280.<>90 Sat 1-5 15521 Sandulky, W•tmlnater 983-e787 $189,000 Sat 1 .... 2611 Clrcte Dr .• Baylhorea. Nwpt Bch 845-8218 $299,500-L.H. Sun 1-4 13 Canyon Island Dr. Big Cyn. NB 650-5560 $335,000 Sat 1-5 1301 Dolphin Terr. Irv. Terr, Irv. 831-7300 S1 .050,000 Sat 1-5 1837 Commodore Rd. Baycreat, NB 831-7300 $299,000 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 1930 Port Brlatof Cir, HVHms, NB 631-7300 $268,500 Sun 1-5 *1016 Dover Dr .. Westcllff, NB 631-7300 $255,000 Sun 1-5 23 Rocky Knoll, Trtl Rk Vlata. Irv. 631-7300 $225,000 SaVSun 1-5 *512 Rockford Pl, Cameo Hinda, CdM 831-7300 $199,900 Sun/Mon 1-5 102 Via Koron. Lido ••• H.B. 642-8235 $885,000 Sa 1-5 Mon 11-3 5431 Sletra Verde, Trtlrk. Irvine 844-e200 $189,500 Sat 1:30-5 120 Shorecllff Rd, Shoreclfs. CdM 844-8200 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 #20 Rue Grand Vallee, Big Cyn, NB e.«-9060 sn5.ooo Sa1 1-5 11 RuatHng Wind, Trtlrk, Irv. 6«-9060 $247,500 Sat 1-5 810 Kings Rd. Newport Beach 646-6960 sses.ooo Sat/Sun 12-5 **301 No. Star (DoYer Shrs) NB 642-5200 $525,000 Sun 1-5 1607 Cornwall (Weatctf) NB 642-5200 $289,500 Sun 1-5 I • ,._ PAii IW er DBI *2009 Y8CM °"9illdlr (S.W~ 7!MM100 "80,000 1·5 *"°1 GMM• (lf'v Terr) CdM en-ne1 S7M,OOO-fW 8a/8n/M 1-a With 111 the inttmt in rul est.111 • en Investment, don't forget that your hom.11 1leo white you'll be living. Sure, resale velue II Impart.Mt, but IO .. y~r houllnt needs now. F« • llOOd bllanct, consult 1 member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS9. i • ... ,. . :. , . r -• ..;t .. •; •• ,;,_.• ... ''--~.'· .. •;•_/\f :1:• ' .. '·• .. • •)ir, ':'"'"':~·•\~-·'~ •&•"•-;..•:i,..·.' tt .~r,._;-,•.:;~_., ~~c-.. •: ·,.• .. ~!.<-.... • ·,JtJ.•··' ---- --..--..-. ..._...-.._....._ ...,..._ __ -----...--.__.._,_ .. -------.-.#.............., I··· ... -Orange County Beal Estate/An Advertlalng SUppJemlnt to the DAILY PILOT/Sa~. July a. 1982 _ 13 4 IEDROOM 222 COf'al, Balboa Island 875-1821 $539,000 'Sat/Sun 1-5 45 Balboe Covet, Newport Beach 87MIOOO $595,000 Sat 1-5 780 Via Udo Soud, Udo Isle, NB 873--4208 $575.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1924 Port Weybridge, HVHomet, NB 759-150f $279,fK>O Sat/Sun 1-5 115 Via Wazlers, Lido Isle, N.B. · 673-7300 $495,000 ~. Sat 1-5 4 BR plue FAM RM or DEN 20182 Kline. Santa Ana Hgta 764-7855 $185,000 Sun 1:30-5 542 Harbor Ill Dr (Prom Bay) NB 759-9100 $1,<400,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 114 Via Enaueno (Marlnera Pt) San Clem 759-9100 $87S,<k>O Sat 1 .. 5 8481 Glenfox Dr., Huntlng1on Bch 8-42-2717 $220,000 Sat/Sun 9-5 807 Bayalde Dr .• Prom Bay, NB 831-1.WO $1,200,000 Sat 124 1412 Santiago, Newport Beach 83.1-1286 $375,000 . Sat 1-5 **25 Warmapringa (Wdbrg) Irv. 751-3181 $339.950 Sat 1-5 1441 Galaxy Dr., Dover .Shores, NB 548-5641 $420,000 Set/Sun 1-5 800 Begonia. Corona del Mar 831-1286 $585,000 Sat 1-5 2811 Lorenzo (M ... del Mar) CM 831-7370 $139,900 Sat 1-5 20382 Grayatone, Huntington Bch 963-6787 $185,QOO Sat 2-8 210 Via San Remo, Udo tale, NB 875-3048/873-2556 Sat/Sun 1-5 3~ Delaware Pl., Meea Verde, CM 545-9258 $139,500 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 \ ·- 18971 Antioch, TurtJerock, Irv. 541-5032 $200,000 Sun 12-3 1007 Tiiier Wav, HV Hiits, CdM 844-9060 $349,000 Sat/~un 1-5 47 Nighthawk, Woodbridge, Irv. 844-9080 $242,500 Sat 1-5 21 Stillwater, Trtlrk Glen, Irv. 844-9080 $349,000 Sat 1-5 **1817 Bayalde Dr., CdM '644-8200 $1,475,000 Sa/Sn/Mon 1-5 1251 Surftlne Way, HVHllta, CdM 6«-4910 $275,000 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 111 East Bay, Bal. Penln, N.B. 831-7300 $549,500 Sat 1-5 1944 Aamlngo Dr., M ... Verde, CM 831-7300 $279,000 Sat 1..S *11 C8llMI Bay Dr, Spyglaaa, CdM 831-7300 $825,000 Sat 1-5 2701 canary, Coeta Mela 548-2313 $199,900 Sat 1-5 3-408 Wimbledon (21mbldn Vig) CM 645-0303 $255,000 Sat 2:30-5:30 1132 EbbtJde, Hrbr View Hiiia, NB 780-1900 $750,000 Sat 2-5 '8EDROOll **-4028 Channel Pl., Nwpt 111, NB 873-0202 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **219 Via Udo Soud. Udo lat, NB 780-1900 $2.25 mfftton Sat 2..S * * 708 Via Udo Nord, UdO Ill, NB 875-8181 $1,500,000 Sun 1-5 I BR plue FAM RM or DEN •26411 Chaparral (N. Gall) Lag His 759-9100 $1,800,000 Sat 1-5 2817 Shantar, Meu Verde, C.M. 8-41-8115 $239,500 Sat 12-4 publicly committed to a written-Code o f Ethics. REAL TORS® are experienced In helping you find the right home for today lll1d tomorrow. It could' alto i.ke a hetp o' lookin', Before ~. you ttart, call a REAL TOR® first. ~ •N2Wlnoed Foot Ln, Big Cyn, NB 873-7300 $975,000 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 **115 Harbor Island Rd., H.B. 831-7300 $1,500,000 Sa/Sun/Mn 1-5 35 Rldgellne Dr., Harbor RJdge 780-1900 $2,850,000 Sat/Sun/Mon 2-8 I BR plue FAM RM Of DEN * 1848 Nwpt HHll Dr., E.(HVHmet)NB 644-8725 $495,000 Da!ly 1-5 32 Mlak>n Bey Drive, Spygtua, CdM . 7f50.1900 $815,000 Sat 2-5 7. BR plue FAM RM Of DEN 1780 Port Manlelgh, Hbr Vu Homes ~37 $450,000 By SQPt · CONDOMINIUMt FOR SALE 2 IEDROOll *#1 Canyon Island Dr., NB 831-1266 $179,900 Sat 1-5 *25 Canyon Island Dr, Big Cyn, NB 873-7300 $285,000 Sun 1-5 100 Schott Ptua, Penthoule VetUIUei 831-7300 $259,500 Sat 1-5 2 9R plue FAM Rll or DEN 821 Udo Park Dr .• Udo Penln, NB 831-1.WO $580,000 Sat 1-5 209-19th St., Balboa Penln, NB 831-1.WO $319,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 l•DROOM *853 Vista Bonita, Bluffs, NB 875-2478 $280,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2237 Vllta Hoger, Bluffs, Npt Bch 759--18n Sun 1..s 2525 E. Oceen Blvd., Corona del Mar 640-5580 $499,000 Sat 1-5 I • pllla FAM Ml Of DEN *3 VaMey View, TurUerock, Irv. 873-17'1'1 $285,000 Sat/Sun 1-8 #7 Rue Vlllars (Big Cyn) Nwpt Bch 759--9100 $726,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2642 Vista Ormada (Bluffs) NB 759-8100 $229,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2645 v.ata Omeda, Npt Bch &40-0020 $315,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE , ......... 509 Acacia (Oceen aide of Hwy) CdM 645-7048 $440,000 S.,at/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUM FOR LEASE * Pool ** Watnont *** Watettront & Pool .. I ·- Dalet>OUt Bay 8i Beach Real Estate I REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 Un.D ... A magnificent and commanding Mediterranean villa on the water. Five bedroom&, Including a muter suite with Its own private stalrcaee to a water oriented patio and apa. Located Inside the security gates of this excfualve community. Owner wlll consider a leaae option. Land Included In purchase prloe ......................................................... $1,650,000 • lllYll ... Privately ahlelded by towering trees. Super custom realdence ls 1' successful com blnatlan of superior quality, fine craftsmanship and luxurious details. Five spacious bedroom1. Dining room. Immense family room. Pool. Spa Discover what living really Is. ,, .......................................... $1 ,495,000 Un.D ... Extraordinary opportunity. This residence sits Of prime waterfront ... with the prized advantage of Its own giant private pier and allp. The property bouts of peaceful days and sparkling nights In a highly privileged gated community. Very special owner financing Is available. Oh, yes, there II a three bedroom home set on this treasure ............... $1,250,000 • lllY• . . . Absolutely first rate. An Ideal environment for entertaining and family enjoyment. Huge corner lot assures maximum privacy. Four ·bedrooms. Totally customized. French doors and windows. Ten skylights. lrreplae4)8ble. at Its price. Generous ftnanclng. ............................................................. $895,000 • UIYll •.• A totally private and much sought after, four bedroom Versailles. Densely wooded, but with a superb view of golf course. Secluded splendor with dfStlnctlve charm and Impeccable taste ................................. $850,000 llftl _. ..• An unusual and functional floor plan pravldee extraordinary Interest. All rooms are generously proportioned. Five bedrooms. Dramatic vtew. Private courtyard suitable for pool or putting green. Excellent flnanctng. . ............................................ $e75,000 HHI 111111 ••• Owner wlll aaalst with financing. Impressive two story home. Lovely bay view. Excellent bedroom arrangement wtth one downttaJrs and three upstairs. Spending pool In front courtyard. Big newsll Price Ju1t reduced $75,000 ........................ Now $625,000 IPHUU llLL • • • Undeniable value. This property t8kea the &aur... for amenities and comforta, ptua a dramlllttc front row view of ocean and city lights. Four bedrooms. Pool. Spa. Price just reduced. Liberal financing. ............................................................. $625,000 Open Sat 1-5 ............ 11 CARMEL BAY DRIVE llftl _. ... Super view. Super noor plan. Super conatructlon. Four Mdrooms. Sliding roof over Immen•• entry. Pool. Spa. Thia muterpleoe 11 the t81k of the town ••• and It 11 the only one of lta kind. . .................... $600,000 ..... -. • ". Hugely enJoyeble. Thi• four bedroom waterfront 11 for thoM who •e fed up wtth today'• d.-ry probfem1 Ind wtah to enjOy the dramatic vtew of water and night lights. ~~c>N.~~·.~ .. ~~.?. .. ~~~~.: .. ~.~~~.~J:!> •i~~ 1617 WESTCLIFF DRIVE I . . . COME WITH US TO ••• llftl ...a ... A home of distinctive charm and taste: Totally upgraded and remodeled. Four bedrooms. One of lta many features Is a teo foot solid oak bar, ~plete, even to brass rall. Pool. Dramatic view. Exciting financing. ............................................... _., .......... $660,000 l&LllA NWIU • • • The beat of all worlds. Handsome new family home. Three bedrooms, plus parents• or maid's quarters. Exquisitely appointed with solid oak, marble, brass, wainscoting and much, much more. Consider trades. One block to bay or ocean. ..$549,500 111 Eaat Bay ............................... Open Sat 1-5 llYll ..a ... The quaJlty runs deep. Out of town owner says "Sell It". Fantastic view. Four bedrooms. Dining room. Family room. Pool. Excellent owner financing. Price Just reduced. ..................................................... Now $4751000 Ull tit.I • • • Spacious family home. Five bedrooms or could be three bedrooms plus In-law quarters. Separate famlly room. Formal dining room. Convenient to beaches and tennis. .............................................................. $475,000 l&Yllm , •• An absolute treasure. Beautifully maintained grounds (complete with Its own greenhouse). Ave bedrooms. Formal dining room. Family room. Rare mov•ln condition. Pool. Security system. Very special financing. .............................................................. $425,000 l&YMUT • • • The Inspired work of a master craftsman. For those who demand more than the ordinary. Completely rebuilt with rare artistry. Four bedrooms. Pool, Spa. Seldom does a property of this caliber come on the market. Don't miss ltl ......................... $395,000 llYm lDIAll • • • This handsome offering features such fln81y detailed app<Mntments as French doors and windows, crown moulding, expenalve brass hardware and a completely new country kitchen. Three bedrooms. Splendid financing. Price Includes the land. .......................................... , .................. $395,000 .., MWB ••• Very prtvm, ouetom buttt three bedroom, three bath hofne with unobltructed view of bay and OCMf'I. Numeroua bulH-'ns. Offered by orlglnal owner. Quick .•• posses11on. ·········~· ............................. $395,000 .. --..... Reduced $35,000. Excellent financing. OQeen and jetty view. Two ~:"~t .. ~~.~~:.~.= =.:s IAYmlT • • • All the luxurtee, plua a down to earth price. Wonderfulty dlverM ttne bedroom • home. Dealgned for 9MY entertlllnlng. Huge living room wtth soaring beamed ceMng. Quality ===!~~·~-~ .. ~me:= 1837 Commodore Road Open Sat.Sun-Mon 1-6 .... •s• 'W . . • ar.t fwnlly oriented neighborhood. Four apaclou1 bedrooma. Formal dining room. =t9 fllfftlly room wtth bar. Significant upgr lncludlng MW roof. Prloe Juet reduced $29, ................ 1299,000 .. -••• Thll aenaatlonal four bedroom dwelling hu It all. Overalzed yard. Pool. Spa. Muttl-tewtect uMd brick deck1. Even a halt basketball court. Great for entertaining. ............................................... .,. .............. 1279.000 1944 Flamingo Ortw ................... Open Sat 1-5 631-7300 UUll NW ..S ... The popular "Carmel" model. Three bedrooms. New carpeting. Spacious patio. Luxuriant garden. Property In top condition. You own the land ........ $268,500 1930 Port Bristol Circle .~ ... Open Sun 1-5 WUTIUff ••• An abund,noe of reasons to buy. Excellent financing. Owner wlll even consider lease-optton. Conveniently located. Three bedrooms. OP4tfl floor plan. Pool and spa. ............................................................. $255,000 Open Sun 1-5 ....................... 1016 Daver Drive T9ITI.I •• WISTI ••• A visual treat for anyone who loves excellence. Undoubtedly one of the best buys In Orange County. Three spacious bedrooms. Convertible den. Family room. Impeccable condition. View of moun1alns and city lights. Uncommon opportunity to purchue below value. . ....................................... $225,000 23 Rocky Knoll ..................... Open Sat-Sun 1-5 umt •••• .•. Never a better time to buy. Pure and simple, this three bedroom dwelling has extreme value. Superb location. Large secluded cul-de-sac lot. Pool. Unheard-of financing. It's great to get so much for so llttle . .............................................................. $199,900 5512 Rockford Place ......... Open Sun-Mon 1-5 UIM UI •• •.• trreslstlble. A two bedroom (plus den) condo with a fabulous view of golf course and green belt. A total deffght. .. ........ ., ......................................... Now S 189,500 IMTI mu (US1191) ••• A condo with character . . . and within the realm of reason. This Intriguing trl-leve'I, three bedroom dwelling Is made. warm and comfortable with the la'lllh UM of wood and Uled brick. Wiii trade or finance. ............................................................. $185,000 ¥1.U ULIM • • • Lovely one bedroom and den condo. Pleasant view. Community pool and spa. Security guarded gate. $104,000 loan at 101Ai91 .......................... :" ........................ $16i,500 mtl mu(~) ••• Value. An opportunity as llmltleea as your Imagination. Special three bedroom residence Mt. on nearly one third acre. Exoenent location. Large fenced-In pool. A superb buy. Owner wlll help finance. ............................................................. $159,600 .. -••• Highly upgraded four bedroom home. Roof, kitchen -wllanoea, tub enclosure and carpeting -all MW wtthtn the last two yeara. Convenient to shop1, achools and country dub. Owner wt" help ftnance. $134,900 . • nl YllWLLll ••• Luxurious living. One bedroom oondo wtth view of Fountain Court. Gorgeaue dubhouM. pool and apa. Security guarded gate. 174,000 loan at 11~%. $115.000 ~ Prime location In e-... ea.ta M .... Nearly a full acre at 18th Strwe Md Orange Avenu.. ptw and permltt for 28 oondoa .,. 8Vllllaba PUt'ChMe prloe aleo lndudee • _.,MW trtplM. Excellent terma.. Owner wfll oonllder trade. c.11 Harriet Perry. Ml1ll, TD&I ChoJce parcel 13.85 acrea. Study complete for 55 duplexee or four per acre. Usage • . . duplexea, condo1, apartment• or lndultrl•l devek>pment. Near-new homea and ahOpplng center. Call Ronnie Maravlch for detallt . , .••••..•. _ _. .................................................. 14.53,00() NEWPORT BEACH "'' . . . . ' • • t. • I •1 • •. • t ~ .• t '"'I ':· .. \·~ •• 1;-•. '· ·'·.•;• ,,, l ; ..::'1 · r •.\• 4).,. 1 ·4·~-j' .. ,c.\~,· • .i: G-'';•i'l"···· ,~ ,,,,~,.-,·,~;~.:' ~.r. , ... , .,~:,t.~· :.,.., .• .., .'" ... _ ~. ~ ....:... -~ _..~, ~ '~ ! 4-• \ t•l". ~ c ~ ·• ~ • l r#.,J • , -Y-a~ :..M!-'·~~::'l, ~ ... ~.._.,...,~ .. ~_,.\ ... ·~-. _. • .r.,J.t;. • .p.~.,...t/".,/11/JtJ• ~ ... V • " .................. 'T •••••• P' .................... -.... fllt,.,,. ....... ".,,. ....... ~-._,..._.,... • .-... ""' .. ~-.. ~ ........ ,..,...~, .. -.. ;,..--..,,,, • ..-....... .,:......"'''IC ....... " ...... "' ..... . •• • l,• -r Orat;lQ8 Co't"tY ~.f•t..,An Adveru• su~plement to "'9 D~LY P~ris~i~;d~~:j·ui;·a;,iHa·~ 15 cort nrnur © mvrsrnrnr conrnnr 'BIG -CANYON CUSTOM ON THE GOt.f COURSE One of the finest family homes available In the Canyon. 6 large bedrooms with maid's quarters and a separate 2 bedroom suite with Its own llvlng room. Terrtflc vtew and location on the 18th fairway .. VERY private pool. $1.8 million and owner will tMtfp with financing. Owner will consider trade In Southern Orange County. CUST~M ON THI: GOLF COUISE This new listing la one of the finest examples of contemporary architecture available. 4 bedrooms and Its own very private pool and spa. Recently remodeled'wfth a VERY modern kitchen. There Is no home In the Canyon with aa much privacy. S.1.75 Miiiion. CUSTOM ON A PRIVATE 2.25 ACIE PAIK Adjoining a wonderful children's playground, this 8 bedroom mansion has It all. Private pool and spa, maid's quarters, and over 5,500 square feet of executive famlty llvtng. Owner wtll help with financing to a quallfled buyer. The price la $1.595 Mllllon. .... DEANE TOWNHOME -CUSTOM POOL & SPA New on the market, this 3450 sq ft end unit Deauvllle provides the ultimate with golf course view. Three bedrooms, three full baths, sauna and a huge "no maintenance" yard complete this ottering. Huge assumable financing. $799,500. DEANE ·TOWNHOME -ON THE GOLF COURSE This new on the market Monaco Is perched right on the golf course and Is v~cant and ready to move In. The price Is befow market and the owner has Indicated he will lease, lease/option or outright sell. Over $400,000 of low Interest financing. Priced at $599,9501 DEANE TOWNHOME -VACANT END UNIT . This Bordeaux model with new carpets and paint features 3 bedrooms and 3 full baths and Is vacant and ready to move In. There Is an oversized yard to accommodate a pool and spa or for your children's playground. Very private yard. -$250.000 of assumable financing. Owner wlll assist. $500,000. HARBOR RIDGE CUSTOM -INCOMPARABLE HOME & VIEW This newly completed Engllsh Tudor haa It all. Huge gourmet kitchen, 5 bedrooms, a pool and spa with Its own functional gazebo. Huge 20 foot ceilings In the entry foyer. Over 7,600 square feet of sheer luxury. $2.65 Miiiion. CUSTOM -COUNTRY FIENCH WITH SUPER VIEW One of a kind estate with sweeping bJIY and ocean vtewa. Cu1tom Diane JohnlOn ~ned kitchen wfth EVERY poeafble amenity. Very private spa and room for pool. Ewn hu a chlldren's playroom! Over 5,300 square feet of custom luxury. $2.3 Miiiion. SPECIAL LAUTREllONT PREVIEW 3,000 square feet of privacy In one of "the" premier guarded gate communities. Superbly decorated wfth 22 foot atrium entrance. Very prlvate custom epa wtth e.xtenllve landscaping. 4 bedrooma wfth 3 full baths and a large family room. $850,000. Open Saturday/Sunday 1-5. LOVEL V "LAUTREllONT" WITH VIEW Prof ... lonally decorated four bedroom, 3 bath, famMy room and · den. Courtyard entry with Kot pond. OWner wfll consider exchange for waterfront property. $850,000. . WATERFRONT HOMES CUSTOM BA VSIDE -MAIN CHANNB. Simply the finest waterfront home available In the entire city. Over 8,000 square feet Including your own white, sandy beach!! 7 • bedrooms. private~ & spa and a view from alt rooms. You've got to see It to believe tt. Super gourmet kitchen. $5.75 million. QJSTOM UNDA ISLE -MAIN CHANNB New on the mnet, this simply fabulous Country French Normandy estate Is Jlttuated. .. on the point" In one of the premier prtvate communities In the world. Over 5,000 square feet, with private P90I and spa Over 127 feet on the water and a .Up to accommodate the largest of boats. For the connol888Ur. S5 Miiiion. QJSTOM HAllOI ISLAND -MAIN CHANNB This ls the finest home to become available on Harbor Island In recent time. Incomparable adult living wfth Its own pier and slip to accommodate a 100 foot boat. Unueualty large grassy lawn on the harbor side. Reduced by $800,000. Price $4.2 mllllon . CUSTOM UNDA ISLE -MAIN CHANNB Over 6,500 square feet of sheer elegance with breathtaking views from all Important rooms. Indoor/outdoor pool and spa with retractable roof!! Over 76 feet on the water. Sit down bar to view the boat traffic and beautiful sunsets. Huge assumable. $3.6 Miiiion. CUSTOM UDO ISlE -UDO CHANNa Can you believe $1.4 Miiiion of assumable financing on a lido waterfront! Your own pier and slip to accommodate LARGE BOATS and an oversize Iott This home has a huge custom St. Charles kitchen and views to take your breath away. $2.25 Miilion. UDO TOWNHOME -WITH BOATSUP Recently reduced (by nearly $100,000) this fine 2 bedroom and den waterfront adult condo haa It all. Right on the Lido Channel, wfth over $300,000 of assumable financing. Decorated to the 9's and ready to move In. WAY under market at $495,000. . CORONA DEL MAR OCEAN -BAY -JffiY VIEWS Newly listed oceanfront on a private street In old COM. Most Incredible views of the ocean, bay and jetty available. Quaint 3 bedroom home with oversized lot. Could be a grand remodel. Owner will provide financing & subordinate. $1.25 Miiiion. HARIOI VIEW HllS -~ ACIE WITH VIEW That's right, over 'A acre on FEE LAND. Gorgeous.ocean and ctty llght• vtew. VERY private pool and completely remodeled wfth muttlple ute of French doors and wtndowa. CUltom kitchen wtth European etyte fttted cabinetry. 1760,000. JUST USTB> IN SPYGLASS Large spacious entry with spiral staircase. Six bedrooms, 4 baths, 3 car gara~. and family room. This home la located on a large lot with . a spa, and room for a pool. Beautiful city liqht view. Excellent financing. Offered at $815,000. JASMINE CREIK -NIW USTING Rare plan 3 In guarded gate -Jasmine creek. 3 bedrooma. famlly room, 2 full baths, large covered patio With putting green. Two large custom atalned window•. Excellent financing. Room for ap,. $389,900. 760~1900 220 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach, California . .- MACNAB IRVINE REALTY IAllll WEI llUIAMT Anest oceanfront located on wooded cffff overtooklng private beacti. 4 BR famUy home w/center patio & pool. Contemporary w/travert)ne ftoors, teak cabinets & alldlng walls of glaa. Library, atrium & ~arate master suite. $2,225,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (G 11) 111111 -a -PllYITI LllATlll Lg family home w/ocean & off shore latands views. 5 BR, 2 tam rms & spacious tiled courtyard. Beautlfully landscaped w/pool. Master eulte & den w/wet bar open to wooded prtvate terrace. Steps to aandy beech. $1,900,000. Lynne Valentlne-644-8200 (G12) WITllFlllT WITI PIEi Ill IUP Every room of this spacious 4 BR famlty room home enjoys the warmth & beauty of waterfront living. Ideal for family living and entertaining. 3 fireplaces, wet bar & large bayfront terrace.Available w/excellent flnanclng. $1,475,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (G13) EUU.llMUIY• The gracious rooms of this quality residence altuated on the golf course offer not only a high standard of private enjoyment, but marvelous entertaining areaa tnctudlng family room w/flreplace, paneled library, music center & Old English Pub. Security & gated community $975,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (G 14) • lllY• LIT Beautiful lot overlooking private park on Big Canyon cut-de-sac. ApproxJmately 15,000 sq. ft. of prime property. Call for details. $895,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (G15) 1111111 VllW 111.U -llTITllllM YIEW Exciting 4 or 5 BR customized Broadmoor. All new gourmet kitchen w/oak cabinets & floors. Expanded master suite on tower level w/prlvate patio. Formal din rm lnciudes trench doors & beamed ceilings $459,500 LH Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (G 18) T1m.Ellll Submit on terms -seller flexible. 4 BR, one level on cul-de-sac. Fam. rm w/beamed celllng & stone fi?eolace. Dellohtful covered courtyard w/spa. Neutral c:tecor-Lg. yard. Neer recreatlonal facllltles. $315,000. Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (G17) 1.1111111.1 IEWfllT IUll Spectacular architectural design on a bJg turning basin. 5 BR lndudlng magnlftcent muter suite: Walls of glass vtew all the boating action. SHp for 2 or 3 large boats. Offered at $1,650,000 Leasehold. Seller wtll assist wtth financing. Cathy Schweickert (714) 642-8235 (G18) WllWl IHl.111111 Courtyard entry w/prtvate gate leading Into fabulous home offering the best decor & quality. 4 BR + study ++ gourmet kitchen. Pool, apa, magnificent garden, lavish use of brick, panoramic view. Special ottering at $1,295,000 Incl. land. Jane Paquin 642-8235 (G19) lll.lf ... 1P&m1m1n Sophisticated llvlng on Lido Isle In this 16 room home on 3 Iota -7 BRa & 6 baths! Opens to an expanlfve landscaped courtyard & lg. poot Excellent financing -$1,250,000. CaJI Tom Alllnson or Terry Hanea to see this one-of-a-kind home! 642-8235 (G20) -----Total eecurlty In thla beeutltul tuxurk>ua condominium -Bay & city view, underground aecurlty parking, Pool & ape. Magnificent entrMCe a8lon w/cryatal chandeller, Pool tm a. deck area to prtv•t• boat lllpl. '846.000. Barbara Aune &42-8235 (021) UWE .. TUllTllUL" II UM llU 2'n years new. ExqUlalte detalllngl 1 tot to beach w/a little bay view. 3 BR, 2'n BA, fam rm, 3 frptcs. $685,000 w/$299,000 assum. B of A 1st. Dona Chichester 642-8235 (G22) WYllW IEW lllFMI YllW Spacious 4 BR, formal dining rm, tam rm, 3 BA home situated In the prestigious guarded gate area of Seavlew. Great '>C88n & city light view. Community tennis courts and swimming pool. FEE land. Donna Godshall 644-6200 $459,000 (G23) JI' MAT 1111 -FllST Ulll e1aun Can be found In this spacious dramatic executive home on Trinidad Island In Huntington Harbour. Huge mstr suite w/fplc, 2 lg secondary BRs, custom panele(t tam rm w/fplc & wet bar. $399,950 with land. Belle Chase Lee 644-6200 (G24) .lllT LllTEI -Piil •IE . Baycrest -4 BR, 3 BA. Ivan Well home w/formal din rm + fam rm. Courtyard entry & 2 patios. One block long street. Good financing. Owner out of area. $385,000 Mary Lou Marion 642-8235 (G25) ULllA PlllllSILI OITillE Absolutely charming 3 BR beach cottage located on superb Balboa peninsula corner lot. Steps to park & beaches. Outstanding terms! True seller motivation. $325,000 Suzanne Shuler 642-8235 (G26) Excellent rental area. 2 & 3 BR. Both units have fireplaces, new drapes & paint. Owner will help w/flnanclng. $320,000 Berlt Mitchell ~2-8235 (G27) 11111 llY • UI .. VIEW IW This "Sandpiper Model" Is a fantastic family home featuring 4 BA, 3 BA, 2 fireplaces, wet bar, lg kitchen w/eatlng area. Needs some redecorating and landscaping. $100,000 under some models In Harbor View Hiiis. $319,000 Including land. Sharon Smith 644-6200 (G28) WUTIUfF -IEUllT Lovely 3 BR + fam rm w/sparkllng poof -Inviting warm decor w/custom shutters + newly landscaped. Real Pride of Ownership shows In this home. Close to park, schools, beach ALLI $289,000 Fee Jane Paquin 642-8235 (G29) IEI 11111 YllW Wonderful bright & airy 3 BR, -condo overlooking bird sanctuary, backbay & night llghta. Trtnqull location, but ctoae to an of Newport'• actlvttlea. Owner wtll ualat w/ftnanclng. 426 Vlata Parada $249,500 LH. Tom Alllnaon or Terry Aune Hanes 942-8235 (G30) .... -L.11111 Ulml Lovefy single story residence 4 BR, fam rm and dining area. Secluded backyard with spending pool. Walk to one of three private beaches. $249,000 Leasehold land quote $97,600. Donna Godahall 644-0200 (&31) •mmum ._..,. _ w1P11Yan •• Bright & tunny "G" Plan end unit fMturing 3 BA eun•. eech w/prl. b1tn. Redwood deck spa w/Ram•da overhang & tinted gt ... wtndecreen. Low Int. aaumable 1at TD. Prloed undw market at $235,000 Lealehold. Paula Bally &42-8235 (G32) a w . ~.l!H!! ........... !~!!!.{~~! ••••••• ~-~!!It...... -..... ,. ,.,, -..... ,,, ,.,, ,..,,,1 '"' ,...," , ......................... •·•·····•····•·•·····• .......... •••••••••••••••••••••• · •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••-.r:r .._..II I ,,,,.,al I r::::-~ •••• , ••••••••••• ··················!··~ Liil llU Can only be appreciated by a visit. 3 bdrm., 4 baths, den, 3 car garage Romberger design. Radiant heating, 2 patios. Bullt In storage + many amentue!, on 60' lot. $675,000. ... " ,,,, ··············•••·•••· -N•llU ... I 1411 .... , .. UT , ... Prize weei Bar bayfront. Sllpa foe 2 boats, IOUN. HOUSlllG remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1.200.000. • 0''011TUNITY ~ ...... ,, ........ A/A ,... •ase edwr1tead In tl'll• n•••P•P•r II tubjeet to the Fed.,al F• Houefng Act of tM8 wtlldt IMk• It Meget to acf¥et11M .. ..,., .,,...,_ ce, tlrnlgtlon Of dllcrlml-n ttlon baaed on race, color, rellglon, "" or nallonat orlgln, or any Intention to mike -eny tudl pr ..... ~. llmf1a.. tlon Of dilcttrnlnaUon." This MM~tipef w4tl not knowln9ly accept any •dvertielftO for reel ... t ... wtlldl " In vlolatlon of the tew •• 111111"' Advertl eera lhoold check their ads dally and report errors lm- m ed let e I y . The DAILY PILOT as- IUmel llablllty for the flrst Incorrect lntertlon only. ..... "'' .•..........•......... ... " ,. ...•.•.•.............. ...... PllOE .. LEUYEL ··Pride of ownerehlp, 4 Bdrm 2 Ba wltrplo, a lfg Ocon & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 beth. 3700 1q.ft. i1.~.ooo. Oceanfront. L81DLllll•I ••l91-...... Prime Udo Nord bayfront. 5 bdnn, 5\li beth. Lge L.R., 2 boat slipa $1,500,000. f<emode~ 3 bdrm. 2 ti.th+ larse !'ft, nn. beam ~ilinp. fumiahed, patioa. $420,000. 1.1111 llU Ulfllft Laaoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm, den, Boat slip. Now $1,000,000. UYmEClft Spectacular bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat Ill.-Sl,800,000. . • .... can Coronado laland cust. bayfroat lot. 115' boat dock. Plana avail. Red. '370,000 w/t.enm. ..... _ S1ngle story end unit, ex,.nded. UPIJ1lded 3 br, 3 be on La.rsest greenbelt. •~:ooo. Piii L8I 3 bdmw. 2 ~ baths anSo DNI' pool $145,000. BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR ) •1 I'" , ', rl• • ~ • 't h " ' t I ~ we.. need peope You don't n.d 1 gun lo That'• wtwt ttl9 "draw fHt" when you DAil Y PILOT place an ad In the Delly SERVICE OIAECTORY Piiot Want Adsl Call now le al aboUtl I 842-~78. we4 ber In f1lmlly rm. Lo-i--jiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiii vely lendtcaplng, euto-1 matlc.ily 1prlnldec1 Only 1135,00. Call Olan -~. • 00 R&"Mt-X u.. ........ Move right Into thlt ~ melntAllned 4 Bdrm .... ltOfy hOma. Jutt 2 ml. from the beed1 In ,,... dmall'eble nelp- boftlOOd. Owner ofterfng *'* INndng. Pl1oed to 1911 lmmedtately at t11UOO. 751-3'91 .... _ ,_? llD -Only tzo.000 dWft cen a.., WI pall,ia •up. _.....28drm&d9n,I .. ,,,..,.....,.,... oramlc vt.Wa, ooinm. PoOI· llelow !Mrtl .. at t1H.OOO. Call Glen ........... II MACNAB · ~- • 0 MAll1"PUI Newer Bluffs -First Offering! Spacious executive condo 4 BR, 3 BA, spa and many upgrades & extraa. $350,000 incl. land. Financing available. Dick Halderman 642-8235. ....._ ......... Flnt offering -Outstanding 3 BR end unit -on ~Jl-de-uc with step down living rm & formal dining rm with skylight sharing the warmth of rich woods & neutral decor. Maater auite opens to private patio with spa. Ocean view. '675,000. Lynne Valentine, 644-6200. Aiitl'f IUll ~ of Dover Shores largest Iota with 20x40' pool and 1pa. Mediterranean with tile Ooon, 08lt French doon and windoWs. 4 BR, fam rm, 11 din rm. $485 ,000 L .H . Cathy Sc:hweicbn. 642--8m. WUT .. 111 .... ~ 11111• UllUPlllUIU 4 bdrm up, 3 bdrm down duplex. Great area for summer rentals. All Investors must see. Onfy 5 years old. Best buy on the oceanfront. $525,000. IUl1WI• s... .. '*'Y '30.000 lh6gtlC "°'-tor 5 yrs. You benefit with a lft!M-thly payment of tt2• Pl/mo. call now to ... the oozy °°"'*Y ldlc:Mn w/rock flreplace and c:uatom cabinet•. •111, 900. Don't delay, c:all '*'- ~ DIANA PIETEHPOt, M .._ • Ill.I" IUI Tl YM'1 Since we keep up-to-date on the details ol all importarit real estate news, we would be glad 1o analyze your peraonal real estate situation in light of the IPEIT&llUI WIEW c urrent conditions in the market Cliff Haven custom home with 180 NEW view TOWN-. regardine )-our valuable property. Call degree bay and ocean vlew .. 3700 sq.ft., HOME8. 2 Muw Su•- Leo Hanna, Senior V.P ., at 644-4910 for 2 master suites: 3rd bdrm w/bath. Oak tea. View of ocean & the answer to this and any other floors. formal dining room, 2 fireplaces, ~.~0':·.~a~':: question you may have about real es1ate. wine ceflar. Creative terms. $682,500. s125,aoo dn. XJnt Fln. .._..... UIUT-SnlUS1 Two Story Nantuc ket 5 Br with beautiful Sunset pool lined with 14,000 red bricks. Tastefully aecorated throughout with wallpape r s and shutters. Shows like a model home! Many upgrades. Seller will finance. Submit down. $760,000 incl land. ..W•IYDIUll• Sell {int? or Buy first? Th.at ii always the question. Why not both in one transaction. We can offer you an unusual opportunity to exchange your present home, paid for or not, as the down payment on an outstanding Big Canyon home on golf coune. Call now! EIUllll "WllSlll LEI" $1 ..... Elegant 4 bdrm & family rm. The perfect plan for large or small family, young or not so young. Lge master suite on ground floor. Beaut. pool and very private patios. Best buy"1 Big Canyon. Vacant. See anytime. ~-4910. tw1-•n•1,.1w- Charmlng 4 Br. & large family room. Brick fireplace, country kitchen, quiet residential area. Long term seller financing. $229,000 including land. . ._ .. aLI •ii t• Quiet, park-like aetting. Rm for peddle tennis and pool Great for orchard. Cul de sac at. 3 bdrms, fam rm, $379.500. ....... u .. 4 Br, 2 ~ Ba. Ideal family home with ooean view. c.ommuruty pool & park. AllUmable lOW~ loan. '275,000. UTl •l -1-1 ... ._._ .. _ wan .. ma...., ... ,.. 1111 .. ,..... .... ........ ..w._u. ....... ,... wflo need,... That'• ... .,. DAl~Y PtLOT SERVICE OIMCTORY ........ IPEI UT 1-1 Liii iSLE Back by popular demand. Lido Isle's fabulous MexJcan Hacienda. 2 story entry, 3 car garage. Sunny patio with fountain. Private roof top garden area: Fantastic price reduction. Must sell. 4 Bdrm + family. $495',000. UMUmllT Custom Country English bayfront home with pier and slip, designed by Internationally acclaimed architect. 6 bdrms, 6 baths, gourmet kitchen, formal dining room, security system . $2,700,000 . ,...,..,. ..... u. $300,000 pre·arranged financing available for this choice corner loca11on near bay, beach & clubhouse actlvlt'98. This 3 bdrm. 3 bath home rs on a wide lot. $387,592. UllEUUIOE One of the newest and finest constructed homes on Lido. Featuree Include sunroof, marble tub and showers, wet bar, high celllngs, hardwood noors. mood lfghts and much more. $639,000. l&.lffl LIWDT ... 2 story. 3 bdrm Plaz' condo with fireplace, dining area, large pttlo, dbl garage. Welk to lhopa & schools. Near pool. see & comp••· Now vacant. Great flnandng aYllltable. $137,950. &.mta.I . .... Charming C'1atom country. home. 4 Hal or Pat S.., Agtl.. en.-7300 2PML••a uumn -Completely remodeled kltdlen w/rN' c:etJlnell & applanClel & m6cro, reo- eued llOhtlng, no wax floor•. !peclou• Ht• & eJrt famlly • ""· 3 8dr. 3 Ba. pool & epa. No ~ llfytng. ~ M .aoo at 14.111'%. $141,500. '"" lmma_c. • Bdr, t IA Ba home w/ooncA4e drtw, pool, I moe .,..., CC>P.- plumblng. gar~· perfllct lfW>P .. & - bub'9 aril ~ '''· "° clwn. Onlv 113.1~ EL tul.500 . ~ Don't delay, call Diana lodtly DIANA ptETEHPOL-VOLPE ..... lllEl.EVABLE llJO ISLE ·$257,500 RlJ IHl WH ITE ~t4lTOl1 I N C bdrin. on 45' IOt. Hu aft the &IJM'"ltlee.1-=---~~~~-t Custom 091< throughout, French doora, l•••utlll +-...,; stained and teaded gla11 wlndow1. 2t100 aq ft. ~ .... Owner will ceny. $595.000. ~--..r:.: ,, • I 411 • \ IS1.J242 I '\ ) --.~~----~-----·---~~-----~~_....._._.._.. ____ ..._._w __ •_•_•,....~"'""'_. .... ...,._ ..... ...,_. ............. ..,. ... ...,~=--~~~~l'9~;r;;.::;;:::-::.;::=::::::::1:r:111i;;:::s;;~ ............. ._.~ . ' . .. - - 18 ---OrMge County AM e.tet./An ~ Supptement to-the OAtl!Y Ptt.OT/e.twday;·Juty a. 1982 .... _. u11•1-1-1 Exeeptional bay view, 1901 Galatea, Irvine Terrace. · $795, 000 feeµ«> ... One bloCk to ocean, 3 BR and den. 4511 Camden, Cameo Shores. $885,000 fee . IAmFROO IDIS mu tlMES-SAl\IDAY 1 to S IOI 1ttfl St, 8e6boa...., ............ 1311.000 314 ....... Corona .. t.W .......... 000 1'7 ... ,_,...._ .............. 1272,aOO m1QM0rM. t=• ............ IOO •1 ""° Plftl Dr Udo ...., IM0.000 .,, ..,..... Or. lay ·······~·················· ... ,... .... ._.., .................• ~,a. 1ot ~ lllbOe lelMd ....... ~ ... --* -HERITAGE '· (A T"R-, ---- - - ASSlll VJ •. ~ Walker & Lee Bolla~ home. 4 bdrm, 2~ ba. Dining room. nreplace. $220, ooo. a.2-2111 e- WU Tt lllfl• 3 SR 2 ea. 11ome rn a11 adult (36 plua) comm. Dbl rec fMt\n9. $41,500 fUI price w/ $200 ground IM "'°"""1. Rnenane Miii. VldlylJee.1113 IMIT mini -U. .._ · IM4' llll•&ILI Pll&I· 2 Br. TownttouM, end -uni., pe1lo, community -• pool I kJddy ~. l.ow Pwl9ct fw 1M llnt time down or tMe OWi FHA ~or •eCll•••lt ~ loan. F.P. 1102,500. '*· 8hat"P a 9drlft 1'4 Aoent •-1100. t!Mh. tnplece. Pnoed at,_.;;._ _____ _ o"IY 1110,000. Catt bn.. I~ 54()-1151 '°' ~ ct.-••••••••••••••••••• ~: ..... IUITll ... THE REAL ESTATE RS ···-~15.000 :..~=.-t:, dloae---. lrg~ goClllf ........... CtOW OK. Cll tor~ ~--- ..... ,., .. •••••••••••••••••••••• ,..,... llH •••••••••••••••••••••• MWTllUWI ~ Grectou• llvlng In •pacloua 3 bedroom, 2 bath home .. Huge outdoor enter· tatnment patio•. Exe JM Int flMlndn9. $159,900. --Cot• . ... J PEH Rft.HfH i : RE.M 1 ·r ... .., ... _, -Orange County Real &1ate/An Advertllilng ~no the OAILY PflOY'/Saturd8y, JUfY S, 1982 -19 "· I I I . . ·- ~ ----._._... ....... -,... .~.-. -- 20 - -Orange County Real Eltate(An Advertlllng Supplement to the DAILY Plt:OT/Saturday,.July 3, 1982 ~~119!1 ..... ~~~.'! ..... !1 .. !.!.~ .. ~.f!'ht!{IJ!!( .. ~J~~•• !..,.!!!.f~~ .. 1~.~ .. C./-'= j4Ji I ~.~"'-!f ... , • ..,I..,, e..., ., .., t1Ht Am.... lllf ';:_ ,; .... I• ,__,_ ...,. 1141 .. _.,,,.... .,, ..................... . llM•• • ....._. 1'111 ••••• .. ••••••••••:= •••••••••••••••··~··•• •••.......,.••••••••••••••• ::r • ...-•••• ••••••••••• •••-"'••••••••.-e••••••• Aeeort..-. 8idUtt trect nr ·--11-M-•@ $285.000 .. ~~~ ............. Comrortabte 4 er fwnlly LO. 3 bf, a bl town.10me. m'fM.I INCREDIBLE Old Medi-SC Plza. Pool, grdnr. Dix WANT A SOLID 40% -.. homa, pvt bHah. Pet frplc, mlct'o, patio • .dbl 1 to 5 bdtme ltar11ng at tertanean VIiia on -AIU 1br. No peta. 1485 & $35 PER YEAR RETUAH ON -••-w •I com•. I 1 5 O O , gar, pool & tennie. '875 1875 to s1100 oceenfront. leaded win-Harbor View HomH 2 utll. 775-2580. Highly YOUR R.E INYESTMEHT -780-1143, 494·8083, mo. 84<H7st ' doWI, mueMI beam•, 3 BR & den, 2 N., well kept upgraded & dean. f1ntutlc lax IMttar In 875-3096 cou.aie PARK AREA frplca, many treee. dbl. home & ywd. 11100 per Cuyama ~ 3 hra SPYGLASS 4Br. ramlly 2 3 2 8' F. o r d h a m , !;11 gar., pvt. beach cove. mo. Cllll Gerry, agt. .. ......... ,, htaldltl from l.oe • good twn ,. .. ,a.b_ & ,...1 wel-1,.501 0 3 b 2 b ~ • 12.950. per mo. Yrly. 873-7781 or 780-1397 -:r::'."::••••••••••••••• ., .. '°' orctiarda or vt-· ..... ..__. ..... " m · '· •. 71~29 c.,.., Ill• J11J nery ctc.e to good tiun-. come. 11500/mo. i.. or d~ gar., yard, blt·IM . •••••••••••••••••••••• ting 'a flehlna. Great v• ... ~t. Mike Crow Agt. 541 4900 Spectacular ocean & II' •T II.IP Ocean view, beeutlfully lue at 11500 per acr.. ~178 . .... ,......,... GU.860() mounttln view Monarch Lux. 3 8' 2'A Ba condo, furn. townhouae, frplc, 30% dwn-by owner. (805) 2 BA. So of hwy, l!A bit o;;J7. Tettae. home, 3 8'. 3 f'A blka to oceen. Yrty. pool & patio. S8M/mo. 788·2222 or (714) hft'I oC..ri 8fYd Olde 3 bdrm, 2 bl, den. 1850 •. Ba. 11050/mo. Call Ow-81M775, 875-7080 87:M>llN. 548-7998 ...,... c P • mo. 541-to77, 841-474-4 u. ner evea 41KM252. 1---------2 CO'Mgt°" .._.,..,_, top i--------dM. vt patio, oar. . -·-Newport Terr. condo. 2er c.,11 ..., 1114 ~Nf~~~ . 11¥1 lWlYU ::::.;:,~1:M F:N~Nt:J'tl!ap. tt52JCWU,~mv. e;:~~~~~rc 3~e~~ ~o::i ~~~!o ~~~!ii1f001 ' ... Oisri···· .. & ready for ottwl Agt. Ranct1o CelH. 2790+ eq •••••••••••••• .. •••••• and ahopplng 1500. ~ view . 11050 . 213/ --.,.--·-----&45-elOO; 6411-13M It 1 story on 5 actaa. • -.. "4-1e38 aak for Stuart LOWiy 3 bf 2 bl tam 378-3119. Bio Canyon, pool, •P•. Al l llTIUTIES PAID Reduced 88K. Now -L-flW ,--......., ..._ rm, crplt , drps, bltlnt, OCEAN VIEWSll tennl• 1185/mo. Agt. m&T•lfl.I 188K. Land Welt •--• __..,.. _.. 1 950 m o . 1 yr IU.•ee.utlful 3 bf.2 ba.Wn Fre d . 8 3 1-1288 , -Compare before you with 3 Bdrm• .. ~7• 1-67&-2040. Rent In Co11a Meu'• 2 er. 2 ea. frplc, 2 c. 873-5820 ..._ & wkllldt. rm Avall 7s0-a378 · 631·2711 rent. Cu1tom dHlgn 500 0... wW conllder fllt•-••• a-a NEWEST gf,ted 20 gerage w/Of)tlt*, pool, · · IHturea: Pool, bbq, ·• -Townhorne VILLAGE 1pa .. Chlld ok. 1850. Eltec:. home 4 9'. 3 Ba. OCEAN VIEW 11400 Lro 4 Bd 3 Ba, eomm. C:OV'rd g.,age, tun'oun-u°"=. Crow, ... ft, Country Ht ate In Bon-COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 8'. 557 -2380 or 5451-3115. tam. t'JI\., formal dln. rm.. •xc 3 BR 2·~ b• deck• ~ 0 0 I • p . t I 0 • B B Q . ded with ptuet't lflndeca. "" .... 20 acre PfOdudno 2'A Ba. tl00-1800 eq. It. 2 frl*'• ent fount, Kol 489-4820 873-0822 • 1185/mo. ,\gt Fred. ping. Ho peg. MWt78 a~ QrOYe. 3000 eq of pw9 lulwry. Owegee, BEST llnlt In Pentrldge pond, o6ver.d outdoon ' 631-12M, 63l·27t1 1 Br. tum. l500 It home. 2 frplca, 3 tw, 2 •PH In every home • eov.. 2 br, 2 bl. lrplQ. apa. In bHt part or~~ 1251 3 BR 2 ea Ealtbluff avl 385 W. Wlleon 842-1871 ... bl a omc. -t-labor rao-meater aulte, dining WI D, relrlg. Waterfall Turtterock. For,..,, • ., on 3• ~·;-b~·;;;;·~· July 15. 11200 mo. ' ... ..,-r- Ullll ••a-lltle1 & r•ntal hou1e. roome, wood burning view, 180 mo. Call: ennue1 ...... aoceee to • nr pool nr lh • M0-8018 •1 -~~ n·•• ~ Quiet MdUded .,.. of flr99lace. micro-wave Je~ 1558-1081 or 1ennl1 & poola paid .. ..i....'g ....._ '1 of~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -... ... quallty homee. *5,000 CNen9. ~ patloe l 87 1 Gardener I pool clea· :;;;: 35 '"60 4974873 .................... .. ... • ._....... w/owner ftnanclnQ. on.. yard•c::.~ner prov!-4 Br a'A a., garage frplc nlntt pald/11300 mo. · · •.,.&ft. .,.. r~ by Roberta & Co. ded. 1fw.a on1y newl y redecorated' R • f • 1 r • q . ca I I i--•'--1 1111 3 BR 2 ea. flraplaoe, 2 Ptltllll Cell Joen, 1·7~TIIS or 15 nW1utea frOtf1 ,,..Mtllofl 1785/mo 975 481f 7141875-6804 ::r.tt:' ...... e......... Cit garage, lge yard. fantMllC tu.....,. 1-751-0138. 191ftd, 7,,..,._ to S.C. 495-589I. 336 Reim. LA 1915 • 38t 2be. lAKEPARK~3Br, 2'ABa 1825 mo. 18 UNtt S*ll offtce •--• -......_ -Plaza or O.C.Alrport. 11500• 48r 2t>a.. tam home. ,,.lnutH to ...... 1" Block to beecll ---Juat eH\ of Newport L.Qll 3 BA 2 Ba IMtr unit. Woodbridge, 552-MM llctl, Senta AM.. Comm Ml-lllt fee 11mpta ,..... .. &Mj. a eo. of San D1eoo 4-p6u. new cpt l pnt. pool, ape. lake boating. I~~~~~~~~ Ho4el/Apte zoned ... m:x;.......... ~. Swtlna at l800 a Dbl o-. 1750, 540-0188 woooeRIOOE 2 tw con-tl1hlng, tennis. 244121~ ..., 1K ....... Lagune a.di Ne. Pvt. monttt. 831-•!431, 2473 COUEGE PAN< do, end unit. frplc., .l'A Ceawell Ct. 1850 mo. a.ut. "*· 4 Br. 3 Ba. 1 - .__ :;'f1 ~· Trade Orange Ava., Coate 4 br 3M.pool dblegar be. AWlll now. Ho pMa. 831-3121 Condo Incl MP quartera, --1 · M4 Meea. saaO/mo. &M-10M · 1850. Mr. Woodward.14 br 2~ M. lllfoe ywd. auto m • t I c oar . Price -.ooo .. ,.,, -38f 21>1. r _ 11 -833--2'00 waaher, dryer, frig. 113001"'°· 78G-9313· I It I,.. ................................ a f/pa.·w/d, rro. ::'i -· -· ~ 1815/month. Agent EASTBLUff848f,2~.! • •• &Jl11 BBQ fence dbl ,. "8rrt plue lmeatment B d p 48&-6HO ram rm, rm r-. 2411 .,. -._ h-&•N' • • r • 2 er. W/a6a OM 1480 roa moor lin 2• 3 Bamboo, I 1300 mo . ... 1111 ••••••••••H•••••••••• ~:J.dnr . 18 5 ' 2er.H.8.Sl75 bdrm 2 be.-permo ...... .,..._ llf1 grdnr I n c l . (213) 1.1.'s FllUY Spaniltl Estate LJmol Beautiful plrk·llk• IUr· r ounding•. Terraced pool. Sunken OM bbq, 1 apar kllng fountalna. 1 Spadoua rooma. Sepa-rlte dining ..._ Walk-In I c:loeeta, home lfke kltcft-I en & cabinets. Well to ,: Huntington c:entw. I 1 Bdrm-tum, l505 2 Bdrm-tum from MOS 2 Bdrm TownhouM tum . from 1875 0-.IA@ln! C... ... 111f . 4 er. Elalde OM 1725 Ct[ll ~7 .. ~1 ieon •t•~,;.FOR-..r.. ••:.:,~••• 3 4 5. 4 4 2 7 o t ( 7 14) ~~~~ii-!~~~ ;-&;~·;,;~·~·:: UIJl•I 4 ... W/a6a OM '800 v -8124 3 a;;;:: s1ao:F"~ 844-0807, open Sat! No pees I • pell, uttl• paid . .....,.... AoentM2-t700 Unlv.Pk,3br.2'itba prdlgariige.Klde& &in/Mon1-6. Utllldeafreel ···=· 1450/i'nO. 1at plue...,.. 3 er. 3 ... -. micro, 4er rwma.. dbl garaoe. ·~~=-· ·:=· ~· pm Wooma. 645-2000. Hllfbof View Hornae 4 8'. LA QUINTA HERMOSA • --rtty. 842'4835, 4 ... 1817. deck, poot & tennla. 1700 mo. MurchlnlOft 184 5 e 4 4 • 7 2 2 O' Agent, no... 3'A Ba. M!Pll'•te maldl 19211 Plf1lalde l.n, 1 bll Bea tJtul... Md ltw. JIH 1825/mo. 148-1164 ~ 752-8131 54M1M . · ...._, ,,_ llff quatters, blautlfUI ou w. of Beach, 3 blk• s. Of TRIP'LEX 'in m~:;::lattd ...................... day9. 846-9643 evee. , ...... f.an.. 1114 ::-£.:.............. parquet noor. LR. & D.R. Edinger. pr 0rangetrw Condo. 1 tw a 2 bf, 1 bl. WID hook~. ••v.•••••••=--"•••••• 2 Br. den, Turtlerock ..,.. .,.. oondo. 4 er lrg Famlly Room, 11th Ml-144l ~llent CGeta ..._ loft (2nd bf). end unit, on oar. No pata. 1475. HOME FOA RENT Gondo, A/C, PoOI. gar, no 2~ frplc, gar wl f!llec pond with waterfall. --------='='ai::X~t ~1': watet', 1515. Or 1~50 2178D Placentla. 3 Bdrm. 1775. fenced '*8-1125. 955-1338 opnr. N9w c:pta & peilnt. 11800/mo. 557·7372 Quiet Junior & 1 ere. front dlt Md gar11ga unfUm. 561-2780 545-1183 prd l o-age. Kida l 3 Br. WOC>dbrtdle Condo. 19.75/rno.144-&512 1bit 10 belich, 4 8' 2 ea. From 1375. Pool, rec. 1244.=: ~ ltMj Jlfl Dbl ooncto 11,ooom26. 2 ::,.. ~ 545--2000. 1725/mo. AVllf: mid July. ~ .. tcllft 3 BR no ba, tac .. Y'tY,..,,... 11100/Pf ~m .. ':~~·; =:!, oc:; -..,,_-:;••••••••••••••• '*-loft BA a~ be AIC. Cell "°**' at 4fr7~2541. llOO mo. Aleo Irv. T.,,., mo. No.peta. Cell eat: • =-842·7848. - \\.\rt ltl HO~f .. BR. ,.. dee, "'"'· Sec Ctlr1a.. l7s.Mlt ......... . El.EGAHT 4 BR 21h a.. 11400 mo. 831-oeM or 84e-5089 • tlOMI ' JM, CIMI. prt¥ lldl., ....-. Nice dilan 2 er 1 Ba. fnod IMit Jiii VIEW CONDO Bolt hlfl l dilan, no 2 er. 2.,. Ba. micro, c111t1. 1-PA .... nfl REAi.ESTATE Ownr. -~ • ··--................ 2 er 2 ... BL mk:lro r& p«8. Avl now. 646-2318 •••tier pool •P• ::'Pett:' ............... . yard, enoled o•r•o• ... ., ....-. a · -• • ' · 8tucllo, non-etnkr, bull fn.W • ..., ..... JI• Chlld ok, no pete... . -a-aoe,llOwe noa. •• so. 175-171 l a.a .. ..,... IHO/mo. Avall now. Pf°'~ 40 pnif. 1375 . ...-........ __ ......... tllO!mo. .... ~ .......... dlllt&wnal 64&8204. ~....... 5*-7118.. mo.lnclu111 4'4.o461 ,..,,,,,., ....,.._<:Nek2'er .. c11n, HU Orange "D': pet ok, 1150/mo. --•111•• (II ) Sharp38dr8Ballomelrt . . '-!I! ••• pool l .,. °" ·-ibell 54e-2711. U8-797't _, By ._ monltt odtJ BUT --. Nloe d TWo ...... ... 118 XV ,. -11800/mo. All& '°'carol '. . ..... --nr ... -l Atl>Ot lalce twntiee. 2 ..-. SIOO/lftO tor 2 .. 2 f_,_~_..c kyarl 1 t' • .-• ...-••••••••••••••••• ••• ._,. .. •••••••-714/711 ·2110. 211r.18&fncd-·•---...... IA.2S..dln.rm, k'welltobe9cf\ AVlll ' a , 1 'I el . ..__ 114nu..46 patto enotMI ,.,... Garftetcl, new P•tect, bftlflt..., trpl. ""1o-"°'"June 20 · · 11 Imo ,..kltwllon, TIE !!!.--·-· 11ew urpeta, dr-....: :""114'7r."'°aia~ All upgradH. AcroH · .. 83M• _.. .... I• 'drl paint. No ...... ._,.. • • from Lalce W/JM 9ofl. 28r, boll ti MOO,_ ao.ooo ._,•·•up..,._ ~ ..... ! ........... _. ..,. ~. 141· 1•41. aar, .... •lnote atory ...._and .... ~. 1Br, bollt ** .. ,.. ''Al• ~ ii. F-"'•Wda W T70-6la., ....._, w1...-ttn, nr Aw/I A.Ill 1. IUOI mo/ -lllLft • locelloll.. Into I. ---••••-•••-• ....., mt MO m.GI07 .... "'°'231 -.' ·-1., .... ...we. oawred -.. • -··=· u 000 "' --.... .. ---...-dllld & ..... pet NIW °""'. PNllT .. Clf 2llr + cllft. lllrtlMf. .._. -·-I ' Mocllt t ..... FE" oetetd~o•· 1·4 1..,.11•11 .. ....,_,._.,...,.. 111r1.,.11&tcldll,.-o11. tieonto. tar &, .. , .,...m ,..00191._,_.. aa.. fUftN. I BR. t .... nn. 4 2 ...,.._ 1 OW. 11v, Nfr. 9" ,.t. ~ l4 8r a ... ..,._ deool' rfty oc;'°· ttOOO "'°· WM --,._ t1f41 '7~ = :::.~ c:.: :a!~ 'L_..... --.1111. •MMo Ora .... CDNlo, 1 tlr & lrf ~-. w, ..,.: ~~ loetaf Ae•Mt•H IJIJI..._ ......_ -°' ,._, .,..._ pM. atw.l••t?tomo.I loftpi.d:ao-unR. on d•d 9Jlte, H .H . BLlW'S CORDO H Olrector•Free MAll•O• UNfUN!t. a IA. ...... mo-.~-.., ••t.e·· a cov'd ....,, ~or 1515 '2100lnlo. 2 ,,. •• 000 .. :· L:.::.:Jo. .. ..... 114 be Oft .... pcm. .. lill ---(Nmnay """·.. • ., --....... "-...o-eiW . ~ ....... "" iif 8lldl .., ......... COMJO I lw rit M. t ~ ..U -T\iiWLiiOCiil llrtllm. 4 • -W. ...,_, ..... c-- ... ..,, ,.,.., ...... PoOt. flt, ..... o.M. ~ t -· ........... cpt, ;~?..:,. 'd•d t•t• -.... Mia ...... lftOl'9. nALTY George GoldlUUlft, 1lr1tort: 1100 fftO , •· ,....., ~ I Olft, UH. 10·1 UI; .... _~ -;:::.TATtOMi .o. -.. .... _ _, .... ,., ~.... .... ............ .,.., tn-llOI 2 8r 3 ... -.---" fill#, ·-Te" n I a• free ........ _... 80UTHUUID .._,... ft ... Cedar a ...-. -"...... · V1E.W ..,._ "-fDr'O a H.,._..._ .... Co. NPT iCMi\iFliii 't."""',._1~ ... _.. ,., oer ,rf c::r:.•..=:-..:.:; C:·,=:,~liob":; c......,a...,__i ahop)•f Huf:: ~~!!!!!!!!!!~~~I~••·= ... ~J::C r:=.~717 poo_!..i._•tc. 1150. OoYte Koop,*''· "91 :_.Bw.110IOino.J.. Cun.._. ••th~ ~ '"'-~ .. .,..,en............... •7-wR Mu..1•ta1 • ·~1 . •t1dl'oMIHff 1 ..... .._. Dtlft lty 100 'I) Udo fllllt ttfMt 1t1te w/ .........._ w. 1-._. .,, 1W Yl9W tfllM I•. 2 · s=om, --··-~ ,_,.Or air 1tOIMo _...~~ ..... -....., ::I'.':'::'.:;;;;: ................ rwC1100Q1-. ,1.a•=.=sr-... t-av'a •• auT .. L ft:.. -~--1110 ~'°' •••••-•••• ............. HOUI,_ lfM. ~14f.t177. '"... --, .. .,. • -" ••t· · &111111 l'lld._,00..w..... C re Adi~~ AflAllTMIMTli ~ _,. ........... ~ ,_.,,.,....... .,._ lltttl••+1 & I ====!!I: ---=--·.r5 ..... ~~·:~::~'-='° ...... Ada. ...... .,....... 1·e:5:1;: 11 ..... w-ocetUOwf.~. :::.::&.: ... f•••~t1Htr .· 'iEl1eU.Htt•11t. ~.---.. . : ... ·.-~ ...... . . ---1,......... -r'-' .... _ ..... :1.,iff:'~'':,:..i_..>!!!!~.,..;~~= ~ .. '5-..::= =::r.-..:..~ '· --U~~ 1:1-•••I ; ....... ...... ..,.,.. ........ -........... "'"'·,..,. ·4"f1 ~ .... 1Jliilfti(>""· ... E -: ~~..Jr"-~,,.·~ ......... :.... -. ___ ,_ :.:llft.::=r· -· ·" ....,. ..... . ....... ·-.. -.,..~--·~·' . "i:ntn1 : • '· ._._.._. ~11•ttft: ·tMll 1.=C-:~*':: Laree 4Br. family room, cu.Wm lat 1111) ..-id• i• --~*'--raMt•tD411 --!~--:e .... -.,.er.2~ halne.Avalllmmediatety.f2&00mo. ~:,,:~~ ...... a iii .... -~ I llr ..... ..,..._, --men . ,_" Niie 1M 1 M. ....._ -- .. .. .. • .... .... ... ,....., ~.., ....... ... ........... ..., 1 ~It. l~>o -.. "......_-. ·-.... a..•• Htl 'C" Orent•· ~ ........... retflf, H4-lt. Anne. ..-,,. (DcMr• ..._, c. ~:.;.;.-.: .................. ,, ~a.MN: =-·"' ~----Mii-.. ·-C714t14Mtff ' ,.tnd "'91t ~ went In Ada. .... _.. ...... _..~ -•ILL Idle 11 .... WMft I ___ , ___ .__. C' R fMI.....,. Defr'9otC\r1&1tf1 ..,..,,,, • ...,, /Ml.... DlllfrPllOIC't Pf~. · -· '--·~· . -·: --.; l . --- -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 3, 1982 -21 j .. ,,...,, ••• ,,.,,.,, ••• ,,.,,.,, .... ,.,,.,, • __ ..., __ ,, ·~--,_ • ·--·-·-4 ,_._._ ..... ----..... if'tt•tttt••••••••••••• n.r;,_. __ z.L~ ..,. ,.,.. ..,.,,._.. -_.., • ...., ---.. _., ,_ .,. _ _,, Jt..A ... .,..,.,...,.... D.J~ llalalald" ._,__, ...... _.... •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ::.°P-: • •1 •, •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• '!~~~••••••• Avlil lrntned. to"°"'"'"'* EMERALD 8AV. L•g. Ammte ett C.M Condo ••• •••••••••• c.,,. • 1114 C..t ,,_, 1114 • Ila ,.. drink ten\lle. Fum bdrm. Front row. 89ect.cula 2br, 2~ba, W/dry•r. Yrty, 1 br, llpt 4. Mnd1: ,,. I U if 1lntMr#..... 1111 Kii .... & Id~ Prlv. •19 whlle waler u•-w, pu !.'.f~C, gar. $295. Joan 1a2a w. Bajt>oa 8tVd •2. •••••••••••••••••••••• t•:,··;·e:~··A•••••••• -...1 1141 •••••••••••••••••••••• "" • .,.. .. V"'9V'"'"29 S 7 0 0 / m 0 1 umm1 r . $425-$435/mo. 2 Br. 1 BL to!.. fv1l1 PltloG~d ••••• • ••••••••••••• ••• 1 mo. ~ 1 bctt. 38f & dell, 2~be 1450/mo winier. (213) •p1., bHmad calllng, lea • :W,.,: ':, 5•1 n-Nwpl Bch 5 min tr bMchy. Avail Jul'!, Aug, Shr beeut. 4 br home w. IM 1·3<>&5 laundry rm .. pool. Avail. c9 : 19t s 1 mo. beach. Nonamkr: $20 Sept. Agl 494-0029 frplc .. paUo. Bid! Bey Jul'f.Callforappt. · h. 1· mo. 831 -6351 bat. Wllklobch38r,38a,pYt area . 1220·250. YUILY LUii TSL Mgmt &42·1603 Specious 1 Br. 1 Be. df. COUNTRY CLU8 LIVING 11am-1pm. coummunl1y home w 142·1883 c-., 1 bdrm, t blc from l500/mo. 2 8'. 1 BL up-nlng room, cloaetoOCC, IN NEW~T BEACH FURN. rm. lor rant . Jacuzzi, 111111 7-24 10Rmm ---,e-1-0-.-. _4_br_hol_m_ie_ beech. prlv patio, gar. per unit. etlCltd garage, gwage, $450. ~7214. • Secu111y Gales A 10111 environment Phone. boating, 11nn. 8-21. &42-8401 C.M. t ml from bc:h. Jae: "°°mo. 780-1982 patio, Ill bll·lns, laundry l.8111,....., ........ . P(IOt&AIC "-:::= ~~ crt, pool. Slepe 10 bch. W/D, Select TV, VCR, *llAl1'lflL * ~L u..m1. 142· UJ03 Studio wllh carport & • 1 & 2 1111 '*''° A1141 clubhouH and hHlth K 1 t . Pr Iv · I 2 7 5 mo. Wlll&.Y ~ ~r ~ ~~ Cuetom Cedar dealgn -v patio. Pool & Spa. No • Gltdeft Landt~ ape, 8 Nnnll cour11, 7 145-5734 OCEANFRONT 142~· .,._ Ot .... 1• 2Br, 2Ba, 1p1, patio, *Mell Verde 2 Br. t BL pet1. 1395. 549-2447. • 0..hwl&lltfa I llO'a pooe., c1oM to bUllMll. 1 S1ea91ng room wtth kit· NEWPORT BEACH aplral llllrt, lk'/lllH, Newly ralurbllhed. VIUA MADERA • Jo010 1ta•a...,. llfpoft, Faahlon llland. chen. pt!Vete b9th & In· 2BA 2be . IMO RMMTE wanted to* 2 frplc. 1~ blkl to bch. S4'95/mo . No P•ll. 2Br, 2BI E. SlcH, UPI· Convenient 1hop1 on trance, laundry tao. Aleo 3BR 2bl '800 BA & den 8luff9 hme, Yrty 11300 mo. Utll Ind. ~74. ..,.. 8')I, dlhwlhr & 0.._ lite. Unfumllhed becM-o llMplng room wtth lhare 3BR 2be 11000 n<>rHll'lkr. Muet be neat 873-9384 aft 8PM. Large 3 Br. 2 a.. T-. poeal, wtr/gu tree. End tort. 1 a 2 bdrm 8'>19 and hou ... 540-7987 1 BLOCK FROM OCEAN l '919· Oreenblt, S350 ~ .. ~ ... 1!.!f :;~~: ~r~~ty.=;,:2~~=& =~Md 1 '::::~k=~11j,~~ =I~ t=s':~::e:::mcondo, Cute .1br/ 1bl duplex, ~17ng.54,.8,,_75. 845·3381, 548-4147. 2324 Eldin 1. 536-&0ll, (218)M3.7cMo Bdrm unite fMtU<e fine lllne. H.B. "2·7520. 3BBAR 2YFRONT HOUSI E300 pool, Jae, recq bell Ota, compl. tum. Sipe e fOf v 5-....... ··-d .... t II d be 1 Ten Ctl. S300 ~·1 aumm•r, 1200/wk . 18' ,........ -·-'"'111 ea"'n« urn ure an An. r.ep. '*-" M/F, 3 Wat.tront Hotnel Inc Longt•rm 1100/mo · """'' gu/ water pd, 2 bdml, t ~ ,_ cw-...................... eccwr191. Mow In to-rm1, bath, kllch prlv, 831·1400 Fem to lhr tum. lwl, Npt 496-0785 . . refl '9CI· 147 F1oWet St. peta. paint, no pet1. 1 BA. 1 be bectl. condo. M.Y °' l'9MtW fOf .um-pool ewilt, bMul Npt 8dl Shr1. 1250/mo. Mike, No peu. 1330 mo. s 425. 162 Tullp. Sharp, end untt. AIC, mer months. Smartly homel7500tl250rm+ ...... Cell"5-9214 ,,.,,..,,,. 845-1181 831-t155 D/W, pool, i.i. Jae. ~vt. rurnllhed rnodefl open 1100 dep. 7804242 btr ,.,,,_ IM•f Prof ... lonal Wom111 10 ·~ Meaa V•de 2 ,er. t a.. 1Br, 18a. Quiet & ..eura. 7/5. *450. 87&-1434 dally. 2PM. c;cv.;;;,:;;;;·;-a·:·e:. .... 2 er. 2 a.. Partt •••••••••••••••••••••• garage, tel. loor, no 1120 Wallac• Av•. 1-_..,. On Jamboree Rd at Near OCC, pool, W/D, Avlll. now. W•ty ttwl.I ~~..;,All amen!-.,., ,.,._,, ,,,, pet1. 1475/mo. 1475 780-8378 :;'I'.";;';' ••••••• ,....... San ._ .... Hiii Rd. a 1 7 O, non -• m k r ' """"""'· 173-7173. .._ . ._.,..... -..,_,.....,•too.--...... ••=--..__. 7..,.,,. ....... .._.._ --------•••••••••••••••••••••• _,,,, • --'V· --·-· •••1• -v. ""-.....,... M~" .,...._. 1 br i..w ....,,. Roommat9 to lflr 38r ........ , Yr1'/ 2 bdrm, 1 bL Dec*, 75t-422t, wknde •2 Br. lo_,, 1420/mo, ...-.......,_ _ .-·-ldry. NopMa.Me5 549-7329. ,_ Q1>t.I & pelnt, cHd MOllt -..i apt. bldg. Emptyd male, lndry fd, per day. Oen vu , 1250 mo.+ 141 utll. 175-0349 ...,,.....__ 2 Br. 2 BL._ ok, no p«a. 22'6 Map61. "' LAguna 8eadl. t1ne1t W...alfl.,.. 2 er. 2 a.. ~CM-. 11t71mo, 173-8210, t75-N3e ...._ 642·1913 ewe. ..._....... 845-9494. loc9lbl In town, ~ 11ppet w/frplc, refrlge, an tOAU, ~ .... 1_ II •·-4 Fem roommate w111t9d, Ill.IN luxe, new carpete, taking *"9, II ..... --. drap9a, pool. MOO/mo, -_.., If 28a ..._,.._L. --drapes, good eutllcH ~ ,.., .. "e. t e d p 0 0 I ' ~ .... ..... 4111 ..................... 3 • .... I*» CM •• fl::.-.;:!: ••••• ~! loeatlon. M11Uf• Mkltta •••••••••••••••••••••• aub.1Jat.,., eleYatOf'. ••••••'••••-••••••••• w-. *2&0 mo. &46-1S5e Sml ~ '/fly ,..,.., onty. 1476/mo. Mer'80I' PJ1Vaee 2 er. yn, QIAOI. ~ en.,. tlC50 & up. 1eo2 a.. 2 bt, 1 !>el new RM IM 91TB. 1..,.. ... TE wllndl °' aft IPM. •·pd, 201 E.8atboe81: 141 E. 1W.. St. "4". 1525/mo. SIG OM Dr. -..oa. cpt1, drpa, paint. No Wldy ,...,._ now 1V911. ....... t 75-1582, 752-4825 suoi mo. 2 Br. 2 Ba. 493-0't7 '*8-8640. t75-434t S140 & 11p. Color TV. Fin~ T~ C8I' POf1a, • =-,,,,., .......... lM'ge 28r 1ba. 1 houee PhonM In rOOf'll. 2214 9iil9 646-1W C-. "1 ,._ Jla ..-...., ...... _,_ lftdtv U .._.. tr.I frolll bMdl. Mini ~ Newpot1'"~7~fM5 . ~&_ *.C..:r'ICY .,.._ --. .. --. 1 ~ to ••••••••••• ::::....... ............ ..,.. ......... ~:..."":l. ,,.,,.. 2 Ir 2 Ba. a...&.. dee* 17 ~ ... "" ........... girw ~· &liiJllJ ""' 3 bdrm townhouM lfll. rm, IMll pet ~. Wont •••••••••••••••••••••• •1 .. _, • vu. 50 '/fly, f75-1I07 ....... & ... ocn avall tmmed Nr 2" ba. .,..._,., .nao. llltf Deluxe poolllde. ldra •· w10, 1acl0/mo. 'f"'I. Cell lM llnmf ... -.oa ' • .,... ....Ch 81 d 12n . Md petlo. 1 bllt beectl TSLMGIM. M2·1to3 ~2br, 2ba , bltna, ==-~~241172 abr,2 ba.~beectl. BEACH AREA ~~Barb tve.o -oaa"':: encl--... ,.....,..._.Iona Al'f. 6, 642~1 , 1' .. _.._ ...___... T T ... ~ "5-2111 ......... ,,,...._. ,. "-._.... (213) 212· 33 , $77/...... he ~ .......... . Kee9ted. 318·B Mar· N6ce 2 bt, ,.,. reci. No Adulta, no peta. l600mo. Mlltlll W" ---.. -1 1 l-------- lll*lte. Corona del M•. pell. 1365/mo. 352 Vie-536-83e2 ......... A r11te opportunity to.... Klt~Mtild Pool ......... -• i73o-7183 torte. &4Mt11 --u at befutlful SEA ..._. ....... & ~ WI I llr Hunt' .............. mo •L __..._,_ 2Br 2ba, frplc, deck, ISLAND L.owty "Bln*ll" ••-..• ..,.., ... _,., · _.... _.., ' ,. DUPLEX LG t BR W/2 BA Fl e I I di h er w/d, 11300/mo ~.Call Pieri 2 'er Den 2~ Be. Costa M911 54M755 llU. &42·1412 • seoo. ROOM W/FU~L .:.:;~:v,PS:.o. x t& ~2rnoct.~=~ toll tree 1-eoo..'32-3972 full iecurlty pt.'.,. every • ,..._,_ 4-M/F ..... 4 •. houee In F to"" a bf E/Slde CM BA 1260. BOTH INC Garden 2 Br. IS&O. Oym , Sauna, etc. llkfOfC71N ~amenity.For~~ ••••• '::! •• ~ Newport ShorH. Nr hae w /21 yr old 'a.t; UTIL. 87MN3 557·2641. 848-0811. 1 Br apt, Arch Beac h lnlormallon call 7141 I ... II LL b .. ch, pool & te.,nli. Mml-furn IMO/mo -4 2 Br .... 1700 ....... .. .... 644" ·1--1-1350/mo. \4i Ulll•. Ill N . kl . "'*-,,..... /mo. ,....,. 2 BR, retrlg, encl. gar. 2 Br 2 a. + Den Town-Helghta, 1475 mo. lncf ,....... -· Summer rental. Splral 549 4340. u 1· 0 •mo n,. no 720-11.. $430. plue 1250. HC. houM, ,.,,. & epe. rw ulH. Contact Mike Ru. PenthOuee, 2 Br a. 1 loft, et.W.. lkytlgtltl, ~~ohn I · pm, .....,.. 846-0341 lft 1:30PM beach. 2202 H"' Cir. Mii 640-3225 ooean view, teMla, )-. frllle, Pvt ape. 1~ blka -A MIT llY1 1---'-· ----e.i.... ""28R28a,lgekf1cti.bltnl. 960-37'5 Studio $430. ~ b'ook to CUZZI . 11395/mo . beech.Weakly.855-1743 WOfklng ...... ~ 40F llOMmkr to lhr 2 br •••1•• .. ·•••2•• .. ···•a••a••••• yerd.1550 mo. 831-3537 2 Br. with garage, b•I· .beech, nMr ahopplng, 831-8000. Chennlna 9Mdl Cottage, wllllnG to t.lk about fin-duple111, E/Sld• C.M. ew. cony, atove & dl•ll· utlla paid, xlnt ocHn WA'WI 3 er. 1 &a.'" b'ook from ding and lfler1ng • houee 1225 Ind. uflll. "5-7220 N-lydecor.Gaapd,1490 2 8A,pool unaul--wuher, 1550/mo. vl•w . 494-5 4 10. Ch9r'rl*l0Jbdrm,r.wty bHch.Parlllng.Call ~~t!P!t'~~;~~lu-'-'-'"" .net gar, dwthr, pool, ~for..............:. 325J 53f.7t7t. 414-2117. r~ted . ......_...fut 873--MlO. lkr. ,._1hrll'""--..--e •••._•-•••••••-•••••• bbg. ·Adult1, no peta. ..--· .._... -7 "-9VWJ' .,._ Storage GIAOI tor tent Mt-6073. 17th. Pl. IU-5137 aft $400 furn. or um.m. 1 Br. •!r.!f.... Ml ~ ~d· Ut111t191 PO. lln.Y p.m. on B•lboa Penlneula 11""· pool, apa. 11tt2 Aor1da. N() ,,EE·~··rec;; .,,._ ... en-e145 4 bdrm, • b9ltl. aarMty M/F non·wnkr to ettare ne1t1 to fWI lone. 10~ 111 Lge 2 br. 2 ba. redec. 642•2834, 842"3172 rent• VIiia A.m.. beectl, doclt, MOOG. Alla Prom. Pt. 2 Bt. 2 k 20W. tn-294S. ...... Pool. Retrlg. No pete. BachelOt, et0\19 & refrlg. 5 e7Mt12 Broller. 1Br. 1k ,_ cpt, 'lt1)', Udo • 3 bdrm, flm i.nnll. -.. vttw, 1375. _ I a 4 1 5 . e 4 e. 7 3 t II , blc• to beectl. ut111 Ind. , ... bllla to bctl, '650 mo. rm., 2 Ila. 13100 My, ~72t, 111-7114. ••• i 87~ 1350. tecM283 Luxury VIII 8lllbo9 Con-17&-2010 d'/8. l3500 ~· • ~ tem. 2 IA, 2 a. Bellutl~ tandac:-:;: BAY TIMIEAS 2 8'. 1 a.. No quiet do. 28r 2ba. 1327 l/f, STEPS to t>Mcn. 2 br, d)', Mr,. M181. gd loQ. NcJn...emllr. *240 ·--------~=:.~.~:. No ~ 1 ar. trpc, pool --. Awty Q "56 poot, "60/mo. 562-0853 'lt1)'. Alf'•· f9C!'d. teao I Mb .,_ .... .. MW211 N ': '::" h~ "' S*8-& ~. pg depollt. 426-A 12th. LIDO BEAUTIFUL 2 Br. mo. 142·2121 ..... ar/a.,:.=, LADES ONLY. a..uctM ~~07 t ' .M. 8acNkw S400 I• ml St. trplc. patio, 1dull1. OCEAN vu 2 br, 1.,. ba. tn. ..._ Npt a.ch~ home. 18'. Meo St060. 875-13158. dedl -Adub. ~ W l$25mo 14e-a55 -'-181 ff11 181E.11Ut W..alde, 1 bdrm, .. O\fe., N9ar twtl 2 8'. t~ 8&. tw' ilia~ AVll. rMlllll •4..... . ..................... . M2-0151 ~18 reMQ. No pell $350. 717 CfPtl, dfpe. bit.ft, frllle, •;:.:r-CM· 81 ff• 8 t225/mo -Mer OCC In 520 IQ. ft. 11.00 per aq. "O"W. tlttl. ~~ GIAOI· 1595/mo. --h 'in."_•=·~ 8cJac;. 3 br -condo, l.Wv. Coat• M .... c.11 eny-ft., H75 Birch., N.8 . "5-1t2t ...., 53e-0921 _,. -. ,.k, lrvlne . 1 300/wk. ttlM aso.t1to Ag9r1l 141-6032 ~ 2 er. 1 Be.1425. •••••••••••••••••••••• 144-1722, 642..atoe Compl. turn: lln•na, ----· -----1·_.:;;-------a Br. 1 ._. Ba. 1475. lM'9e 1 8'. ~· neer Bachefor lt)I, _,. blk to ..._,-·dlryer, apicm & Felftal• 1111M. to llH M17 WeMiclft, N.8. HI L••ndry fee., pool. •1""1~1 ..... poot.M ut• pd. • Kenne. bunk' port ft. baach. 111'4 2tUI St. more. Comm. pool•, aboard ,.,....,Hhl In '° 4000 IQ. ft. .... loor. 541-MH .. 0 n r 0 II I•. , 1275/mo. 1~1-208& ..,.., ..,,. cm' VEW. Newport BHCll, Call .-..... 141 .... 548-033I Sherron, acit. 552-2000. A n I we r A d I 8 1 I , ~ E.11!'.!'~.... LG nr. 1Ydla. no -.,, Wasn 't he ...... -'m .............. , f"om 28r Cott~ w. Newpon. ....... ~ 2 M2-4JOCI 24 .... ~ -..,.._ OCC ,._..., u~ " ~ ,, Frplc, ger. Yrty 1100 "'°· ~ ';;t' p;.-.-,.. HOUIE TO 8HME. 1310 ' ~· C · ~ mo. 91:2~ Ptua 1416 Australia under Teddy Roosevelt? + eec. •· Mf.1111 nJi or1a. llOO/mo. Awi11. ma. M ua .,....70911111 No.... EMt.-. 28' 1b•, pool fV"\ la G••ll 111' .Mf 15 to AuQ. 11, Aua. WM. 1Bfl,1 pwaon ~ t•vndry. 1410, oall ~1 k..I~ ...................... 15 to Sept. 11f. 548-711Cft "°°'--"'-""-.. -.. -to_w_nr ____ • 1 ""2 pereone 1476 m-1110, ..._1.,.1 Adult. bldlo, ttcM, ,.. « -..1oee ........, 11eo + .,. 2 "' ...... llt 1110 e..-.. CMI lgl ..,. vu. II yow·re ROI ..,. ""° (CW whit) ~.,t •IS =~·in.·~~· Pvt ...,,. home, 4 bf, a .... 141-ltOt, ~-l'ltt D2:a l!lden A-OM '" <*Mngl. pvt 'pat1o, doft"I Itel bid -JOUrt not Mo11t K~ ,.· -~. 8--to 2 19r 1114 to w M/f SUO IU·1'0I 14ff/mo. Joroe watt., OM ol 14 distwt1tt11 cloftttent IC)arlment flOor plMls ... .1-pvt beechel. Awll. -Mt mo. + 'Al utll, pr•l•r •a.en t llr. M1CA11t1ur la M 2tt, eat. 11 S.IWlftd Vtl'lf 111 Hllnl~Oll Beach. SelW!M kf FllW #11 15 to Aua. 15, Aua. 15 to w o r k I n g p e r 1 o n • ~ t..A. ,.,.... pool, Yllaet IS 1 rts4111 ot tolallr ptr10Mllzed 11101miona1 •••• ~;............... S •pt. tl. 12 HfO mo. 645-504I aft u ·IOftM ~iJ:OO. Adult•. TownllOUM: 291 l'4ba, ~ Tiie lllld of atlfflllOll rot deMnt. A pettec1 3 bdrm, 2 ba oondo, 1 141-7501 Of tM-tOll CM . ' pool, pillo, ldde «*.. •· lllelld Of MCWy. No S*8-MOO , -• °' l4M4IO ce t cu•. U IO. WMI& n:!:s a:,~-~~~::: *-4121, 7&1.-ie 1~T~~ f'ool;.,,... ..,.._:Quiet. ~.~.iiimiii•ii1£iJiJ~.~ •• ., •• d. Lt 18r W/ 11'-Mll....... ....,...,~"'llletterlllllcatrts.•...... ._. -...... . tn-t own bath,"··· l1M. ,..., ...... ..... ~~=·-= ~ . .,., ... ~ ........... .........itoat1o11.......... ;:-;;::'................ ·~ ...... ---"-----1 ,.....11. ......... ... t4I 1121 ~~.J!"A...:.. ,.._ _, •• , ...... "''"'IOI 1 ,_.,... lll>IM "M. for r.nt. Aut. 1 ... ~,, 8MOtl oeftelo, , .......... ....._ .._ ......., Mio ,.. ----~ ~ Ol°"Y ..... ....__ ([WI! ll'"ftnat n~) N. N. Kil. PffV, .... Of _.. C. lllOC4. ...., -.. M ......,....,, • '*"' ..,_a ltn ,.. __ 1 9A APT. O/Wd.=~~ .....-. O..llllli.o~ .... "'*'1..-"'iw.°';~ tem.141'°'8 pytl t1toolMO. OMW ............. ......, C.ML• ,-,_a ... and •---IAl--TW----~ 1r ... aaue L1111 ....,. 9ct\ "-'· ""· ..,...., °' .,.... .._.. .. • • C•rporl. U71/"'o. t bt, din. tM. CN loe. •"•"·.!.! bdr"' & ~.. .... , ... 7Mollt.-'N 11..,..IJ •M111 ""°'"'°' ts1•1t.al """-J'k".:::"' ir,. Apt -..4. t Ille ,,_ ,,_. .. 11W eo...,...... J~ •..::.:-~~ -..ier.t MlltilftNlllnn VIH~ ::, .... A~.711.°r::. ~~--MO ~:r.:.n~HI·====·· w ........ 1~ !.!.9=,~10•i'. ~ ........ ...., HMi&ivwwHOtim.a • ' .. * "'* Cllt .., ............ ,. .................. k"" llt9ClwMN.a.,,_.._,. "*'919"'pclClll.C., .............. -.................. ,...,. =Wo.,.._...,._, •-.. -.. --.. -1 .... --71-,_,--.,..-l~~HltrlllftCtonv._~-........ ~CA WI.: 11r&-.-Mlr ""'-........ •llll.V...1 .. 1111 t_ ... llOr. -··· .................. (71l)--.... ,.. .... _ a.... ... ., .................. °'~ C..... ....._ ~ ltlW. -. ldllll tw _.. frOlll tM S.. -'::':J *'" llOl1ti OI ..._le ~ tvf~ .l!O"'..: c....,......,.,.. ....,, t • 111 r NI i. •••· =:;:.-.. • ..., ......... ,.. Mcf,..,1M11_. ... .-1os...-wi. ;::-u11111-1":,;--•..,. :."'9°' • .__._ ~;}Si.':= :1 I , r . ~ Ir • €~ l I_ '' . . . 'I . ~ . 22 --Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, July 3, 1982 ..... Ml -...,., Hll ••••••••••.•.••.••.•. ~··-.!.!.••_.!,!!••·········· ............ · WIHIT 19111 Wll -.ii:ii*•e.ct ofloe w1 Wttfl .... ot r~tlon, Nws>t IMw. AflCWOll 1,000 ~·room. kltcfl, plioM, eq. ft. 156-7100 .........., & word pro-.,__ _____ _ Gellllll-Miii & ,....,. ..v ..... ...,....., • dHlred. C•ll: Judy, 714/1t0-0100. -·---~ --In c.n. '*Y Vlffeae. 1490/mo. BroMrl7'412 ·-··--Dlx..-.c. aui.. 2.012 eq fl~ ArCIM9 ..... me -. 142'"""44 NEWPORT BEACH "Tum 1<9(' onloe '390. "Brenctl" office 876. s.Mw meeting roome hoUrly. Typing. INllllnQ, ptlonee. Call for Info 752..a. wa11111ra 1200 or 2400 aq. ft. 0.- 1 uxe office or etore epace. 14302 & 1430 .. Beech Blvd. Blwn 2 F1W)'S. CMc CenW Vll- ~ S~g Cent.,. or 145-1290. · 97~ ~ .,.. -Exec. &#-t• From 22~50 eq. ft. S1 per eq. ft. Many xtraa. Call 557-'7010 re•t Newport Bl. new .,,. loc8don. 1100 ft .. .. pr lq ft. Cll F'*9 131·1211. Aft. .,. ..,. Approll. 1100 eq fl °" N-pOt't Blvd. A•lllno .. pr eq fl ..... JoM. U11211 wo etory office tulle 8Wll. In w. Coeta Meta. Call Booka on Tepe, 541-5525 <• for Jo) OSTA MESA office ep.ce for !MM, apptOll, 2,000 eq.tt. of pvt offloae. Gener.i work ., .. 1)1119 reception room. Prof, decorated. Xlnt loc:aUon. Al the 406 Fwt & HartMW Blvd. nit. For more Info call weekdayt, 751..elt1 .•.••••• ~!!l.H.!f ~--­~ d9llrwa pan,. to Ofc for rent full or &:· IH H 7500 ft of new ~r!" 1!~: ~·!'!'u~m=~ apace In Hunt1noton ~1217 BHctl. LHM !uat .• ..... percem ownenNp 1n eo, TOP LOCATION, Harbor· 000 eq ft bldg cloae to Baker Center, 3011·23 bHcll. No dn peym't . ...-Btd. CM. NO & C e 11 M r . B r o o k 1 1 260 eq . ft . MO r . 2J .. /5M-2106 84M100, 54t-13" e.....-i 2nd ._ -~ oMcea. ._.... Hn 8121 & 81d lftOl'lttlly ...................... . Utll pd. CrpCa. • ..,... .... ... P••elllng. CdM . In newer bldg on CCNllt 7'2· CIO Hwy South uauna. Al)- ..... _. ._ prox. 600 aq. 11. !xce.. ow...._'*"* to lent privet• pulllno leue 7600 tt of new behind bkil. 8626 "'°· IPM• lft HuntlftftOn Turner ~ 414-1117 ..... LMM !4'ar,. e .8. Gk>&/« lncMt ..,_. P9fWlt .-.ltllp In IO, 9"111. F« ............ 000 ._ ft *Cl ...,_ to ·'450 mo. 847-9114 beeell. No dn ,.,....t. Celt Mr . Broolu 1111111 "'''"' 2~10I .. .... , .. ~~~ ....... ,..., loctlkwl on 8Mdl llfVd. 2 btdQI, offlcellt0f'll09 H8. ,,.. eocpoeure, lge (15,880 & 2,llO 8Q Fi). tlOfl eree, lie lq.ft. a!xcetlent COfft., loc,. Ownr. 211 490 IHI ~ .._ 11 or pen. ,... OF'F1CE 8P~ to ren!:99F~Nm ~m;, MAR VALLEY SCHOOL 01· STNCT, PO Boa U10 t -.. Founteln Veko/. H*'"ll ... ... .... ~ 1'41"2-4Ml61 ,,.,.. ... -Ml.... llm/ ... EXl!C. oMoe9. NNclee 300 to -..... °"""' •II emenftl••· From i...,. ...._-. S221/Mo. ..... 71.. ltaMI ... --=-* ..................... . ~At-.~ .... a.at119ln:ll\.MIO.._ ...... ~~ft.or ..... MIA HM. .... .... • .... AQlllt 641.-U. ,_ 1IO to llO 9' a ... 7IO up. 11eo ft. lnW-.._ .~.,_froM ...... Ofb.1_,,. · ' 2..,.. ......... eonf dOf\dO C«c1e IE Hum-,..., ~ . .,.._ . -...___.. ..... -... wettne eentoe. .... Of • ..,._ .. -· --· ::::laWP A Tiii ...-. ~.J!!!'!ll..1'!! -------Temp. acoommode11on l300/Up: ~ • ..,... wented: July , , to Mf. etr. 1'1301 8eedi. H.B. 16. Come1 U.W. "'*"' ......... worktng In LAllgllM 8dl ,_ mf requlr91 1 br apt or Oner ......... lit prtlM :::.-~ :: • .:: ~ 9lleatt OOM-downtown , m'I. Mdt· CompetHlve H00-•7QO/mo. Aef1 ,.._ •· _.,,.,.._, evell. Call An1werAd ::,_:;r for d•t•ll•. 1171, 142....,, M 1n. i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil"-'lallte rnetur• OOUPM ...,,.. .... Of .. '°' *IUfTE DEALS* mo of Aut or tepJ. o.c. ~ -.-firOi. Aoom eo-.a edwll9. ..wli•llMlll. Ml_,,.., Prefer Ooean View. or no..._ .._ .. ,. af. 213-1ta-4Glt .............. . ........ '°' . ;li =rt\ ft. 1 flit() ..... 2"i .. • lit ... c. ; • " • d • I M. , ....... ,. TIRE BARGAINS? If you don't see the prices in print are you really .saving money? You hear a lot of radio and television talk about tire "bargains " these days . Wien you want prices you can count on, check the tire ads in the Daily Pilot. · Shop the Daily Pilot before you1bay ... get the facts . . . compare ... then you know you are getting the most for your money., · Along the Orange Coast the best values are most often advertised in th~ lailylllll 612-4321 ) t • l r --·----,----------·-·-·-·------------------·-- --_,, __ ,_<_ -•--- (') ('I "' tO 0 .,,.. C"i. ~ ~ T.J ~ ~ !5 -~ ...... ~ 0 ..J a: ~ < a ! -0 -··1 ~ (/) 0 c "ii i ~ < ~ • ii ~ I a: >. -c ~ t ... 0 t ~ ' ~ ORANGE COAST REAL ESTATE MARKET Somewhere in this Daily Pilot circulation area ls the home you want. No matter where. you are or where you want to be, use this section and this map to make you at home. A publlc service of the lllJPlllt Classifieds 642-5678 0 I I ' ' ,.". ~ • • •4 ~ -~ . ~·). ~~· ~ r .. -..~ WO ~ . . Sil \'EUO() CANYON j .. 41-~--. . ... __ ~ (,0 ~ 1::~:; r-~~.,, :!#' ~"' ~ ~,., 'l PACIFIC OCEAN '1 .. . I I. I I ~ - ~ -~ --. 24 --:--Orange County RMI Estate/ An Advertlelng 8upplem9nt to the DAIL y PILOT /Saturday, July 3, 1982 -------· . ' UllllM _.. 11111111Y -Rural rarity with ctty conveoience 11ving In this rare Republic hidden two story beauty, In mint condition. Huge rooms throughout, -two crackling fireplaces, one In ltvlng room and the other In the family room, space age kitchen. Beautiful poo1 ana JP• with waterfall overlooklna propoaed regional park. Owner leaving' area and Is highly motivated, reduced thousands. can today for preview details. 546-2313 W ~ -5 Bdrm, 2 story prlc:;ed for fast sale. Formal entertaining, gourmet ttltchen, large family room overk>Oklng patio and rear grounds. Asking $145,000. Call 963-7881 _, .,. lWI ·11111 -One of Irvine's most beauttful homes In one of the best areas. Everything In this dasalc beauty accentuates the excellentAaste and the rare blending ot Imported woods, wallcoverlngs and colors. Upgraded carpets, drapes, sparkling pool and spa, etc., etc. Much, much more. Call now for details. 546-2313 ~ IPHllL, 1111111 111• -Country club eetate. 4 Bdrm, 2 story executive homel STEPS TO co. CLUBI lmpreHlve 1unken family room, garden kitchen, butltln llbrary & 2.ftreplaces. Custom patlQ surrounded by 'McCalls prize winning landecaplngl A88Ume low lntereetl A steal at $287,0001 Call 963-6767 mL11 1U11 -Super 3 Bdrm Eutelde Coeta Meea tpllt ~ condo wtth 3 car e:'on,.~J='t:".'!.~t d~~: todayt 848-7171 11111 I •Hlll -Terrtnc 2 Bdrm condo with cott:'muntty pool, tpa and MCOrlty gat~I Buyer, aaume $59,000-and Miier will carry with juat 110,000 DOWNI Only 174,900. Call nowt 848-7171 ' mll m.L -Motivated Miier wttl conlkler all o"8rl on this ~ MeM 3 Bdrm homel Owner wffl carry for qutlltfted buyer. Bargain prtced at 1109,800, cd todayt ~7171 111 ....m IYllTll -A cozy 4 Bdrm with all the room a growing famlly needs. Oversized custom built family room has warmth and, charm galore. Assume the existing financing or ask about new low Interest program. 847-6010 . ILIOIT IUll AIU TIWlllll -Decorator touchee throughout this sharp-2 Bdrm, 2 bath unit, eltuated within bJklng distance of surf and sand. Priced at a low, low $123,900. See today. 847-6010 4 ..... •,.. -Assume $82,000 loan, no qualifying. $1017 per mo. Country kitchen. Large llvtng room, covered patio. Only $123, 500. Call 963-7881 ,_ AIU,' L1W ... -Sellers are being transferred and must sell this lovely giant two story home In a very select area. Big. big llvlng room wtth fireplace, family room, formal dlnrng,_ 4 big Bdrms plus a huge bonus room perfect for family entertainment center. The ground• are .lovely and It's a perfect family home. The price 11 under $200,000, which la below market for this model and area. CaJI today for showing Info. 546-2313. Ill,_-. 11.._ -Contemporaf'Y 2 story glantl Sunken family room with ftreplacel Prime cul-de-sac location. Assume 8¥•% loan, $56',000, $473/rho. or owner will help finance. Try leUe option. . .hold the price for one full year. Call 963-6767 IEWPGRT /CORlll IEI: llR ~ ~PlllAL, .lllTlllJ l&I -10% down, aaeume toan and •ter wtll carry for qualttled buyer on this large 4 Bdrm family homel Only S 135,000, call nowt 646-7171 •Y ..._ -Beautiful 2 Bdrm 11A bath upgradedr00ndo wtth pa\lo and .community pool + eecurlty gatel Only 104'.4 down - won't lat. Call now 648-7171 llNOllT IMllY -Low down, eay term• for thll 3 Bdrm 2 bath family home. Assume exJatfng ftn~ng. Miier_ wtll carry wtth only 1'5% cfownt Priced right at 1·239,000, act nowt 848-7171 --19lll -Beautiful 3 Bdrm house and _, seRatate duplex with 2 Bdrm units! Cloee to beach! Assume $190,000 In loans. No negative cash flow! A great Investment! Call 963-6767 ~!jjiiSJIVc IPHllL; IHHTH ,.. -..!.. 4 Bdrm w. bath. Price slashed to $119,900 by out of area owner, who wants this home sold yesterday! Excellent starter or Investment with aasumable financing. Hurry! 847-6010 ,.. " ....... -Assume $78,000 VA loan! N'o qualifying necessary. Low monthly • payments. A great family home. Only 4 years old. See today, 847-6010 .. 2 11111 -4 Bdrm, pool, bonus room. Formal living, massive brick fireplace. Large family room + wet bar. Sunny kitchen overlooking pool and easy care grounds. Only $242,500. Call 963-7881 2 STiii llAll llllT + ---Formal entry stairs leading to large master suite and 3 Bdrma. Formal entertaining. Step saver kitchen, wall of glass leadlng to huge pa11o and oversized rear grounds. Only 189,500. Call 963-7881 "ITHlll IHI TOI 1111 -Architectural maatt!fl>lece with waterfall & Kol pondl AllUme $83,oOO In loans, 101A'lo EFFECTIVE RATEi $630/mol $129,500. Come today. . .963-6767 'llRI• .... --Fabulou• 4 Bdrm, 3 bath, 2 story Newport 8Mch home at the wat•. Low down, Miier In trouble. Tak• over exlatlng loanal Only 1199,900, call nowl 648-7171 WILi Tl llAll -Beautiful lrvlne l"errace 3 Bdrm 2 bath home with bay and bcean vtewtl Great auumable financing makee this one a real buy ln today'• market! Only $265,000, call todayl 646-7171 • ---One of Newport'• flneet homeal Secluded prtvecy with magnificent pool and epa. Perf9ct for gracloUI Mtertalnlng and family llvlng. A .. umable toan plu1 Miier termt. Only 1195,000, call riowl 646-7171 JUNE'S TOP PRODUCERS: David Cooper, All Z8rrlnnegar, Cora 8k•lth, Miit• Dooley, John &ord 111, Don Quinn, BOti G,.ham, Whit , f!lummer, Ron AbMal, Bonni• Riinmll