HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-08 - Orange Coast PilotIUllE CUil THURSDAY. JULY 8, 1902 OeltY PMof Stan Pftoto COCAI NE HAUL -AJ Dovetko, supervisor of the Orange County office ot the federal Drug Enforce ment Administration. dlspiays cocaine seized when two alleged drug traffickers were arrested near John Wayne Airport earlier this week. Investigators said some of the cocaine was wrapped in musta{d. apparently t.o throw dogs used l.() sniff out illicit drugs off the scent. Hoods get $15,000 f roni arniored car McMURRAY. Pa. (AP) -The white-faced. baggy -clotce d clowns at the shopping -center amused children and parents alike, but the laughter ended when the performers abruptly pulled guns on armored car guards and made off with $15,000. "Apparently they were very good clowns:· FBI spokesman Jeff Kim b a 11 sa id aft e 1' Wednesday's heist. "They were entertaining kids and their parents for some time as they waited for the guards to come out." The two c lowns w e re perfonmng for children an the 1 Donaldson's Crossroads Shopping Center parking lot when the guards from Landmark Security Transport Inc . of Pittsburgh walked from a Mellon Bank branch. Kimball said. The clowns then approached "in a humorous fashion" and pulled out a sawed-off shotgun and a handgun. surprising the drivers, he said. The costumed robbers were then joined by a man in street clothes. and the three forced the guards into the front o f the armored car. After binding the guards' eyes. mouth and hands with tape. the three men then drove for a short distance. ran the van off the road. down an embankment and into a tree. Kimball said. The guards were unhurt and f~ themselves "wllhm a very short time" after the gunmen fled. he said. (See CLOWNS, Page AZ> Huntington teen 1 critical in fall , An 18-year-old Huntington Beach man has survived a fall from the 11th floor of a Waikiki hotel, Honolulu police reported today. Craig Mackie was reported in critical condition al Kaiser Perman e nt e H ospital in Honolulu. Police Lt. Robert Au said Macki e . who had bee n vacationityl for about a week with his family and friends. was found lying in the parking lot next to the Reef Lanais Hotel at around 2 a.m. Wednesday. Au said that Mackie was found by polit-e after one of his friends awoke and found him missing. Police say they don't know the reason for the fall because they haven't been able to talk to Mackie. Authont1es in Hawaii said they didn't believe Mackie's 11th story plunge to the parking Jot was broken by any obstacles along the way. They said they believed he fell from a balcony at the hotel. BUSINESS Pepsi drops caffeine Pepsi has become the third major bottler to market a caf!eine-free diet cola as a "cola war" widens. Page 84. TELEVISION 'Hill Street' revisited The characters of '1Hll1 Street Blues" have chan1•d markedly alnce ihe pilot waa aired tn January, 1981. Fana can 11e it apJn tont1ht P.,. A7. The.e 1how• IOJM Jri Tl' 11M·A·l~H " •.,-oo Clicm for Comfort'' and "Houle CaJll" ant lhe lhNI ~WI~ 9howl on .. t.Ytikln, 11y &he Nlellln raww. P• Al. Ylll Hlllllll IAllY Ml O flANGf COUN l Y C AL IFOHNIA 25 CENTS Cocaine haul $800,000 Pair in court today after arrest at county airport • A bail reduct.ion hearing was scheduled today for two men with elleged international drug trafficking connections arrested Tuesday n e ar J o hn Wayne Airport on suspicion of selling undercover agents more than $800,000 in cocaine. Roger lvan Romero, 43, of San Francisco, and Guillermo Villegas, 38. of New York. remained in custody following their arrests on respective bails of $350,000 and $500,000. Law enforcement officials said they want separate bails of no less than $1 million for each man. At an arraignment before a U.S. magistrate Wednesday in Los An~eles. the two men were Container deposits 'costly' By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of tM Delly ~ St.ff A proposed law that would place a nickel deposit on beer and soft drink containers would cost Californians more than $300 million in lost consumer benefits and inefficiencies. economic researchers at Chapman College have reported. The results are contained in a study financed by Irvine-based Californians for Sensible Laws, an organization opposing a Nov. 2 initiative that. i( approved. would ins titute the beverage deposit program. The four Chapman College r esear c hers used complex "microeconomic analysis" to assess how much the proposed deposit program would cost the citizens of the state. They also found that the law would benefit the state in the amount of $60 million in uvings due to reduced costs for litter control and solid waste dispoeal. As proposed, the initiative would require a:maumers to pay a five~nt deposit on all beer and soft-drink containers. Retailers would be required to refund the deposit when containers are returned. Retailers would then be reimbursed by beer and sort drink distributors. The law would require that reimbursement by dl.stributors to retailers be six cents per container to cover retailers added costs of collecting the cans and bottles." Acrording to economists James Doti and Paul Abbondante. Californians today are willing to pay a premium for non- returnable containers. In the case of soft drinks, that premium equals about 10 cents per six- pack, Doti said at a press conference Tuesday in Santa Ana. The economists concluded in• the 133-page re port that a mandatory deposit program could boost the price of beer by $1.44 per case. "The average price differentials in states that have deposit laws and in adjacent states that do not. indicate that a deposit law in CaJifornia will cause the price of soft drinks in 12-ounce containers to increase by one cent for non-reCillables and three cents for refillables," the researchers said. Rose Pumfry, chairman of the pro-initiative group Californians Against Waste, said that he (See CONTAINER, Page AZ) . NATION charged with sales of <.'OCaine. Their arrest in a parking lot near John Wayne Airport capped a six-month joint investigation involving the federal Drug Colombian national. both had national and International drug smuggling connections. They were arrested Tuesday art~rnoon a fte r undercover "This is law enforcem ent's dream h er e. .these g uys had the capacity to deliver." Enforcement Administration office in Santa Ana and the Orange County Sheriff's Department. Sheriff's Lt. Wyatt Hart said that Romero, a native of N lca ra~ua , and Villegas. a narcotics officers purchased three kilograms (6.6 pounds) o( nearly pure cocaine from the two men. Hart said the arrest of Romero and Villegas could put a temporary dent in the sales of cocaine no t just in Orange Sparkle mourned Sea lion succumbs despite rescue try Sparkie. the sea lion who underwent surgery for a gunshot wound to the jaw. died Tuesday night, despite a nearly two-week effort by volunteers to save the animal. John Cunningham. director of the Laguna Beach Friends of the ' ' I t was a no-win situation, but we gave it the b es t s hot possible.·~ Sea Lion, said the two-year-old sea lion was found dead by the pool of the marine mammal complex in Laguna Canyon at about 6 p.m. He said the effect of high velocity bullet that shattered Sparkie'a lower jaw, combined with the subsequent surgery. stress of confinement and pnewnonia "was just too much for him." The sea hon was brought to the non-profit center after he was found floating off the Newport Beach jetty June 24 . Two veterinarians removed pieces of splintered bone and teeth and braced the remaining Jaw with s teel clamps in an operation June 26. But Cunningham said t he prognosis for recovery "was ba.d all along." Volunteers had to Corre feed the animal. and he developed a respiratory problem as a result'of the stress of confinement. "Th ey JUSt don 't like confinement," Cunningham said. ·;,w e kept our fingers crossed and we were hoping he'd be better each morning." "The forced feeding was hard f o r him . It was a n o -win situauon, but we gave it the best shot possible." Cunningham said Frie nds volunteers "are terribly upset" by Sparkie's death. "but we're going to use aJI that energy and emotion to do a better job." The marine mammal direct.or said he hopes publicity generated by Sparkie's plight will -educate people. "so maybe things like this won't happen as often ·· . -By STEVE MITCHELL County but m Califonua as weUi "Any time you take down two maior dealers who had thf capacity to deliver (anv amounl of drugs desired). that's somo big. .case," Hart said. "This is law enforcement's' dn•am here." he added. "We say we'd Jike to get the big men. And thew guys had the capacity tQ rlcliver." Neither Romero nor Villegas offered any resistance whe ri taken into custody. ' In addition to the three kilograms of cocaine seized Tuesday. undercover agents had previously purchased a single kilogram in an earlier meeting, Hart said. Disney stock tumbles NEW YORK (AP) -Wall Dis ney Productions' movie "TRON" does not open officially for two days. but negative reactions to early screenings by several security analysts triggered heavy selling of Disney stock. Disney's pm·e fell Wednesday $2.50 a share to $56.375. Theodore James Jr. of San Franc:1sco-based Montgomery Secunlies told Dow Jones News Service he advised clients to selJ Disney stock "until 1t shows signs of holding at $52 a share." He said the film which Disney is counting on to be a rousing su~ with its video-game plot tells a "seriously flawed , disjointed story" and.that special effects are "distracting.'" "TRON" scheduled to b e released Friday in 1,000 theaters. is g~ared primari l y to the under-25 ~rowd .. Pre-opening screenings were held Tuesday night m Los Angeles and New York. Harold Vogel. entertainment analyst at Merrill Lynch, Pier'Ct'. Fenner & Smith Inc., told Dow J ones. "Alter seeing the film, it seemed clear to me that this is not the runaway hit that everyone was expecting." Mike Bagnell. senior vice (See DISNEY, Page AZ) Marijuana flourishes HB police crack down on balcony crops By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of t"9 Delly Not Stalf The summer growing season is under way and plant life is thriving. but some home gardening projects in Huntington Beach aren't winning prize ribbons from city narcotics officers. .. As soon as the sun starts shining, the pot starts growing," said Huntington Beach police Sgt. Carl Vidano. supervisor of the narcotics unit. "It's become so blatant here that people are growing it on their balconies and pa•uos. They're not even trying to hide it." Since June l ; Vidano said, Huntington Beach pol.ice have seized llO marijuana plants from local homes.and have made 23 arrests. The narcotics officers said some of those arrested mistakenly believed that it is perfectly legaJ or a minor infraction to raise marijuana for personaJ consumption. In fact, Vidano said, cultivation of marijuana remains a felony offense. Violators can be sent to state pri90n. (See ROME-GROWN MARIJUANA, Page A!) SUSPECT SPRIG -Huntington Beach police are looking for marijuana leaves like this one on summertime balconies. INDEX Senate gym plan flayed At Your Service A4 Movies B7 Erma Bombeck 82 Mutual Funds B4 Sen. William Proxmire, D· Wis., says senators don't need a new gymnasium, especially when they rarely use one of two they already have. Page BB. What's the attraction? What did people pay $17.3 million to eee over the holiday weekend ln the United States and Canada? Pase 87. COUNTY Business 84-5 California A5 Cavalcade B2 Classified 04-8 ComJcs 83 Croeaword 83 Death Notices 04 Editorial AlO Entertainment B? Horoeoope B2 Ann Landen 82 SPORTS National News A3 Public Notices A9,B4.B8,D3-4 Sports Dl-3 Dr. Steincrohn B2 Stock M.rkets B5 Television 86 Theatel'I 87 We.at.her A2 World Newa A3 I U 8 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Thureday, July I, 1982 ~' · -D-C-~s-e_x __ B_r_e_z_h_n_e_v_w_a_r_n_s_R_e_a_g_a_n I •' Continued stories probe Soviets rap sending Marines to Bei'rut OWNS GET $15,000. • • ellon Bunk apokeawoman Oenlse D4vl1 11ld the 1.uarda had just dropped off a customer's n!$lht deJ)Oelt baf(S when the heist !occurred In the Washington Ot>u nty community of P e te rs T o wnship, about 15 miles . tlP\lthwest of Pittsburgh. " , Before going to the bank. the ~rds had picked up a bag of phecks from a nearby savings and ~n association and stopped for ;BUne cash from a liquor store. "To the best of my knowledge, n9 Mellon money was involved," Ms. Davis said. r· ·'A law enforcement o fficial ''*ho asked not to be identified ~~d $15,000 was stolen. ''1'Kimball said the "novel" holdup was viewed by many who 'Watched the clowns pe rform, fr<tluding children. 11 ':'They just looked like clowns ·~th white makeup and baggy, ~tumes, like they were at the 'circus," said Madeline Carlson, 27, who was eating lunch outside ._~ when the clowns arrived. "They were talking to little kids, just I being your t ypical, friendly clowna." Later, M1. Carlion aald, she heard a •·commotion" and "an old lady hollering, 'Stop them! Stop them!" The three escaped In a stolen red pickup trucl<, which later was found abandoned along U.S 19, Kimball said. The ~rs apparently did not ente r the back of the armored car, where a large amount of money had been kept, Kimball said. "I don 't know how long the c lowns were there before knocking off the truck," he said. "They do not appear to be identifiable with the shopplng center or any promotion at this point." Holl y Young, a clerk at a nearby store, said she was told the clowns "w e r e pttsslng balloons or something out. They srud there was going to be a parade." The identities of the guards were not immediately available. CONTAINER DEPOSITS. • • hlts not seen a copy of the stuay. However, Pumfry said it has been a tactic of the anti-initiative rctrces to claim a deposit law would bring "economic disaster" to the state. He said the study fails to point out the value Californians might place on having cleaner beaches and highways. "I think people would put a big value on that," Pumfry said. Researchers at Chapman College in Orange began the $30,000 study in November. They said the contract specified that funding was not dependent on ~he study results. The findings were scheduled to be re leased at two other locations -Los Angeles and Sacramento -today. J)ISNEY MOVIE. • • pr'esident of finance at Disney, called the analysts' comments a n t>verreactlon. ''I attribute the drop in stock f>r1ce to one or two analysts say ing they didn't like the picture.'' Bagnell said from Los An~eles. "The overwhelming ;maJ?:itr, of people thought it was ' terrtllC. T he plot concerns a computer genius who suspects evil doings by a corporate executive. During an investigation, the computer genius is zapped into another dimension. whe re h e finds himself a player in a gladiatonal video game inside the computer. Jloy taken from mother ,,. -~' ENTURA (AP) -Seven- -old Jarrue Means, believed to be California's youngest criminal defendant, was upset wben a judge ordered hun to a foaler home until being told it r!. "God's Will, .. his mother ~ut Nita Hogue a lso said ~9dnesday that she is "shocked" •at he r boy was to be taken horn he r custody today without a ll~aring , o n grounds s h e previously was convicted o f contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Her attorney said he would appeal. Jamie stood trial for three days last month on charges tha t he and a 16-year-old broke into a storage yard, set fire to a trailer a nd two boats and vandalized other property. He originally faced three counts of felony arson, 11 misdemeanor charges of malicious mischief and three counts of petty theft. pushed WASHINGTON (AP) -Rep. Margaret Hec kler, R-Mass .. called today for the appointment of an Independent lnvestlgator to Io o k into a 11 e g at Ions o.f homosexual acllvlty and cocaine use Involving members of C.Ongress and teen-age pages. "These things a re just so outrageous that, If true, they have to b e followed a nd investigated by 11o m eo n e tndependent of the Congress," she said In an Interview on the NBC-TV "Today" show. Mrs. Heckler, who has a son and two daughters, said parents have told her "they would not want their young sons to go to Washington to have experiences m which they a re introduced to serious drugs or propositioned by a congressman." The chairman of the House ethics committee. Rep. Louis Stokes, D-Oh10, announced last week that his panel w ould investigate the c h a rges of co ngr essm an so l iciti ng homosexual sex from pages. But Mrs. Heckler said today she had "no faith in a mere investigation by the ethics committee per se in this particular climate of political contest. I think w e n eed an in depe ndent prosecutor" appointed by the speaker of the House, Rep. Thomas P. O'Neil Jr. She said that C.Ongres.5 needs "t0 assure the public that there will be n o p o litics in th e investigation, that there will be o bjec.~ivity a nd competence The possible sexual misconduct and alleged use of <..'OCaine on Capitol Hill are also under investigation by federal and local Jaw enforcement agencies, which are getting together to coordinate eUorts. A source who asked not to be identified said the FBI. the Drug Enforcement Administration, the Justice D e partme nt a nd Washington, D.C ... police met WedneSday at the local FBI field office to air differences about communication failures among the agencies. T h e me e ting ex plored "philosoph ica l a n d mor al question s" but r eac h ed n o conclusions on the conduct of the investigation, said another source who asked to remain anonymous. "They'U have to talk further on w here they're going," he said. He said the participants e xpressed concern over unsubstantiated reports. So far, no member of C.Ongress has been named publicly in any of the investigations. (4\\t.. Sunny afternoons .• ~ Botse 73 58 The Forecast For 8p .m. EQT Rain~ Snowrn I I 1111 .d 1y • J11ly II CIJ (!:!] BoSIO<I 90 62 •-· ~. Tem'::>erah .. res Showers · Flurrit1 ** Bulla lo 91 73 BurllnglO<I 87 67 70 Charlstn SC 83 73 Charlstn WV 87 68 Charllte NC 88 70 Coastal Cheyenne 78 52 Chicago 63 67 70 Llghl variable Winds -terty 10 Ctnclnnau 90 75 CllMlland 91 76 10 18 knol9 In lhe etternoon and Clmbta SC 86 68 evening houra Southwm1 swell I Columbus 90 74 10 2 l••I Parllal allernoon Oat-Fl Wlh 81 68 cleattng Oeyton 91 74 Denver 83 58 U.S. Summary 0. MOI,_ 86 63 Detroit 87 73 Ouluih 65 62 Thunderslormt oaltared the El Ptso 96 72 ·~ .... ' .·, y.,t .. tr St1 .• ~ aoulhern Plalna and Ohio Velley Felrbenka 85 57 ·.:~~ .J~ ::l•:• :.· c~-m,·.6 QJ1 Wednnday. wllh alrong Fargo 73 56 ,.,iorma drenching Oklanoma and flega1alf 64 53 Fronts: Cc : ..,.. ;,3rrr .,., Oc:ll.:led .,.. s·at.-,.,a·v •• ~h4lf'll Texas. and a line of Grfft Faltt n 44 ere thunderatorms croased H#tfOfd 87 58 Mend a central New YO<ll atate. Helena 78 47 BIShOC> 91 53 95 77 Oallu got 2 SS Inches of r.ln Honolulu 88 74 Bly1he 98 75 Mexleo City 79 s.c Wednetday morning, and Mlnetal Houston 95 19 Cllallna 68 58 Monier ray 99 73 Walla, Tens, had 2. 18 lneflM. Ind...,... 87 76 Culver City 79 62 San Juan, PR 90 75 Oklahome alreadY heel ftoodlng Jactlltl 94 72 Eur eke 65 52 T~I~ 81 68 m 11oocrn1 lhat hit Ille day JOenvle 87 12 Fresno 94 65 Tr1nlCI 90 73 ore Kent City 88 83 Lake Atrowheed 75 50 CANADA ~ ~ lhonclerstorms in l.&I Vegas 95 74 Leneatlflf 86 59 HI lo YOfll 1tate carried wind up to llllle Rodi 93 75 Long 8eech 82 60 Calgary 69 48 mph and golf ball-sized Mil. Loult'Yille 88 71 LOI Angelel 80 61 Edmon Ion 71 45 bl9w down 1ree limbs and cut Memphis 94 80 Monrovia 90 56 MonlrHI 90 67 tlna. One man was llllled Mi.tni 88 79 Montebello 64 62 On ewe 61 57 n a 1ree wa blown onto a cat MllwllUkN 84 88 MO<llerey 64 56 Regina 72 44 Wat riding In. Mpls-51.P. 79 63 Ml Wilson 71 64 Toron10 89 69 6klea were tunny over the Nashville 92 73 Needlet 96 79 Vancouver 69 56 rlhe111 1nd Sou1hwe11. bul New Orleans 93 72 N9wpor1 Beech 69 60 Winnipeg 71 51 Illy cloudl In the Pacific New Y()f'I( 84 65 Olllclan<I 68 58 rlhwetl howera moved Norfolll 85 &6 On11rlo 87 S4 Smog ough lhe Pl•IHu region and Oki• C4ty 85 67 Palm Spring• 98 74 trll Rocklel Omah• 86 59 PQadene ~ 57 The Air UueHty Men•~•ment for lod1y. ahow11t were Orllndo 89 72 Pua Roblet 90 51 Olllrlcl Pfedlell unheell ful •Ir KHI 1cross ~he Norlhwetl Ptliledphl• Mi 62 RIYenl09 87 55 qu1llty fOf Mntl11ve = lodlY d Greet Be aln , wi th Phc>enla 92 74 Aed Bluff 83 83 In Ille Sen Gebrlel, omona, Sen ndert1orm• ec111ere<1 along Plttaburgl'I 92 ee ~C4ty 74 58 Fernendo 1nd Senti Cieri!• e Gull CoHI end Eastern Ptl9nd. Me 85 63 s.ctemen10 80 58 valleys and In Ille R1"'9'11de-San boerd Pttend, Or•. • 73 57 $ellnee 78 52 Bemerdlno and Hemet-E191nore. PTcwldence I M 58 Sen B«nardtno 91 58 ., .. ,. wllh good air qual~ Reno 81 54 S1111 Diego 80 61 elMWtlet• In the South COett R~ 91 ee 51111 FrWICllCO t3 54 Belin. Seit Lele• 89 e1 $8'1 JoM 72 SS A PO!lulent Slandard lndell of oulhern C•lllornl• will be San AntO<llo 96 75 Sanla An• 79 59 188 11 lorecaal fOf the RIYefllcle.. Uy fair through Frldey •~OIP1 Seattle 70 SS Sant• Berber• 87 58 Sen B«nardlno eree, 175 for the coutal IOW doudt. ~ 93 73 Santi Cru1 75 SS San Gabrlet and PomoN ..,.11eya, reno• Counly c1n expect 81 59 Santa M1tll 71 se 163 for Ille Sin Fernando and 1 ,,..r 70 el beeches. mid to St Louie M 78 Senta Monlcl 72 eo Santi Clarl11 Yllieya encl f25 for TOI Inland. LOWI lonlghl 57 SI P-Ternpe 87 71 Slaotton M se lhe Hemel-fltlnor• l1lglon. 82. ~ 74 SS TlllOeVe#ey 72 39 Good air QUlllty with 1 PSI of 8yr-91 ff Tllennel 85 73 100 11 tOfW0191 lot Bennlno. 12 for ' Toe>ei<e 87 81 Torr.-74 eo Tuctorl 89 88 Yuma 17 75 mtlrQPOlllan Loi ~ end f7 '°' ttlt low deMrt•. Tulle .. 70 ~Ml All Wh9f1 lo cell 11011 free) IOf WWlingtn 12 69 Wlchlte .. 84 .. Le ........ ~IMlor\; Ac:IOl*O IC 75 °':T. ·Jtll0144Wt2t CM.ar~ 8ertNldoe 98 77 Loe n91111 ounty: (1001 .. Le Cureceo 12 81 w...oa =:.=: .. 51 0. Nldel•I.,. 12 et .._..... Md ..., lemerdlno .. 74 HIYIM IC 73 COUl'lll: (t/IO) ~ .. 710 a.r.tow N 70 KlnoltOtl ., 71 AOMO l$lllOdl Cents: llOO) 8-lr'notll 13 41 Monl190lay IO 72 u2_.... ... ..., 11 u Mlillttlln ., It lllf lll'llT Tides • By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 Lebanese Prime M inister Shaflk Wau.an publicly accwicd U.S presldcntinl envoy Philip C. Habib today of backtracking on when to deploy (X'acekee~ni In w est Belru t ancf-ao id th It threatened "every other W1pect" of talks on the evacuation of the PLO from the batttff<..'Ci city. At th e same time, Soviet President Leonid I. Brezhnev warm!d President tteagan that if U.S . Marines were sent into west Beirut "the Soviet Union would build its po llcy with due cons1derat1on of this fact." He did not elaborate, but the Kremlin supports PLO chie f Vasser Arafat, who publicly has spurned Reagan's offer to send in th e Mar i n es as part of multinational force to evacuate the guerrillas. Wazzan said the force, which w o u I d l n c I u d t' I'' r l' n c h p,aratroopers. should dl'ploy 'before or 1lmultaneuuicly with the at.art" of t he c•vacuuuon of Arafat't1 Pule•tine Libcrotlon Organ I ta lion. "~ut ~n 11urprised by a non-Lebanese lnslate~ that the d ep l oyment o f th ese International forces &hould tak~ place after the depart.urt' Qf the Palestinians, which n egates much oC the need for and the usefulness of these forces. ''All through the talks with Mr Philip Habib I have been determined to keep the details from official publicity pending the arrival at a final agreement," Wazian said. "But this new position came as a shock, which ( um afraid, would reflect on every other aspect of the \8.lks." The Wazzan statement was issued by his office and broadcast AP Wlr-c>holo TREMENDOUS FEET -Bob Allison scrubs th e toena ils of one o f the e lepha nts from the Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus during a stop in T ucson. The Greatest Show on Earth will visit Orange County in August. From Page A1 0 on the state rl&dlo AAnd publlilhed ln all Beirut new1papera. There • wu no immediate comment trom Habib, who has been trylni for thee week.a to put toeether, a peacekeeping agreement that would stave off a ground assault on west Beirut by laraeU fo~ who invaded Lebanon on June 6 to crush the PLO. Wau.an believes the U.S. and French force is needed to shield {(the estlmated 8,000 withdrawing ''guerrillas and their 12,000 leftist Moslem Lebanese compatriots left behind in west Beirut from reprisals by rightist Lebanese Christian militiamen allied with lsrael in mostly Christian east Beirut, said a source close to W az:r.~n who r eq u ested anonyrruty. T h e source said Habib's surprise position was behind the t·onfere nce Wauan called Wedn esday evening with the PLO leadership, the leaders of leftist Moslem grou ps and other Moslem e lder statesmen and religious dignitaries "The M oslems are united behind W a:r.zan ." said the independent Beirut daily An- Nahar. "Wazzan will convey this position to Habib today with a notice that Islamic leaders are not prepared to bring more pressure on the PLO or compromise on the role of t h e international force." In Washington , a Defe nse De partment spokesman said "time is of the essence" in presidential envoy Phtl1p C. Habib's three-week-old peace effort. Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger said Israel had given Habib a Sunday deadline, but Israel's Washington Embassy and Weinberger's spokesman, Henry Catto. later said there was no firm time hmll Woman killed parachuting SAN FELIPE, BaJ3 California (AP) -A woman parachutist from San Diego towt>d aloft by a pickup truck was killed when a shift of wmd slammed her mto a power pole, Mexican authoriues said. The accident occurred on a beach near the Ba,a California resort town of San Felipe, Arturo Tapia Valenzuela, state attorney for protection of tourists in San Felipe;-. said Wednesday. Valenzuela identified the victim as Michelle Payton Her age was not reparted. HOME-GROWN MARIJUANA . • • One factor that has led many residents to "grow their own" is the high cost of purchasing pot on the street, the narcotics officer said. He said an average ounce of marijuana now sells for about $100. while more potent higher grades of the substance go for as much as $250 an ounce. calls from residents who have noticed such plants growing on a neighbor's patio. Jn addition. officers on routine patrol frequently spot the plants. In winter months, h ome garde n e r s. sometimes grow pot indoors with special lighting, but during the summer season, man1uana plants flounsh outdoors in the plentiful sunshine and hot temperatures, Vidano said . Marijuana plants are distinguished by their green saw-toothed finger-type leaves. Vidano said police have received numerous Time that travels llght. Officers recently served a search warrant at one second-floor down town H untington Beach apartment Wtule confiscating plants there. the officers noticed sulJ more marijuana growing on nearby balconies. The narcotics officer said Huntmgton Beach police do not plan to ignore such home gardeners. "If they're dumb enough to try growing their own," Vidano warned, "then they're going to go to jail." SEIKO From Seiko, the Ideal gift for every traveler. Travel alarm clock with accurate quartz movement folds into a slim, wallet-sized case . Five-minute snooze feature. Choice of beige, black, brown, or burgundy case. S59.50. §LA.VICK'S ""' ...... SlrQ 111'7 Whnt tJt. bcJ1 awrpn1es bqi" . . r:r::~'t.,....'l::i=:.et;.t: • .,# I ! I Orange Coa1t OAll.V PILOT/Thu1'9day, July 8, 1982 8 .... ~ffiTI~OO~ flWOOffi[[D fl ~UffiTI~ : • I i I ' ·' AP Wlrepfloto STORM DAMAGE -A woman and h er winds rolled their mobile home off its 21 -month-old son escaped serious injury when .. foundation in Watertown, Wis. Hondurans fear more attacks as politic11l violence erupt~ TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (AP) -Guerrilla bombers who knocked out most power in the capital for at least a week have raised fears that political violence plaguing other Central American countries has come to Honduras to stay. "This never has been seen here." said Angel Pineda, a 23-year-old student, waiting for a bus at the darkened, ordinarily bustling Central Park. "El Salvador is vety bad. Guatemala also. We've gone along nice and peacefully," said a taxi driver, driving a visitor through a dimly lit neighborhood. "Sure, people are pretty worried." About 10 leftist guerrillas disguised as workers entered two of Tegucigalpa's four electric power plants and blew them up Sunday, killing six workers at one plant, causing $20 million in damage and blacking out nearly the entire city. Only one lightly armed guard was at each plant gate. Ten patients died on hospital o p e rating tabl es when emergency generators could not be started quickly enough after the blackout. The power failure also has sharply reduced water service, com mun ica tions. t rans p o rtation and work schedules in this city of 500,000 people. A previously unheard-of leftist organization. Froylon Turcos group -named after an obscure writer of the early 1900s - claimed responsibility for the attack and said it w3S to protest Honduras' alleged cooperation with the government of neighboring El Salvador in fighting leftist guerrillas. State e lec tric company engineers in Tegucigalpa have restored some power with equipment borrowed from other cities and say they may get all the grid working by Sunday if spare parts arrive from abroad. Few shops and offices opened Monday and Tuesday. Those that did close d early. There was almost no traffic because gas stations closed, their e lec\qic pumps dead. Power was sporalic in various areas; some had nooe. "ln my house, there isn't any electricity, nor even a drop of water," a woman clerk in a souvenir shop said. The lights in the shops flickered out for a fourth time that day as she spoke. Yet many residents seemed unruffled. The inconveniences brought only shrugs from waiters calmly standing outside the Happy Fisherman Restaurant, open for business with its own gasoline generator. Their refrigerators idle, two popsicle factories gave away their merchandise free before it spoiled in the tropical heat. An American Peace Corps worker who declined to give her name said she was surprised by the calm atmosphere. Police said they had no reports of looting. Fiji racial ljYes strained Coming election could upset island"s delicate harmony SUV A , Fiji (AP) -The delicate racial harmony between Fijians and A sian Indians is under increasing strain as this tiny South Pacific island nation . prepares for its fourth general election since independence from Britain in 1970. The contest for the 52 Parliament seats in an election that runs nine days starting Saturday is basically along racial lines. The governing Alliance Party, which ·has held office since independence. gets most of its support from the native Fijians, descendants o f the original Melanesian warriors who earned Fiji its original name , the Cannibal Isles. The opposition Natio nal Federation Party gets the bulk of its support from the Indian community which accounts for half the population. Race and land ownership are basic to Fijian politics. The Fijians are now a minority in their own land, making up 46 percent of the population of about 650,000. The Indians, originally brought here by the British t o work the sugar plantations. make up 50 percent. Europeans and others make up the remainder. The Indian s dominate comme rce and government service. But the Fijians own 83 percent of the 7 ,000 square miles of land on the nation's 500 scattered islands. Fijian land is held communally and cannot be disposed of by individuals. Thus the Indians face a landless future. The Alliance Party is led by Sir Ratu Kamisese Mara, 62, the current prime minister and a British-educated Fijian who is recognized as an elder statesman of the South Pacific. His opponent is Jai Ram Reddy, 45, a Hindu leader who has led the National Federation Party for five years. Political ideology is playing little part in the campaign. Few political observers care to pick the outcome. In the last elect.ion. in 1977. the Alliance Party was defeated in a shocking result. It won only 24 seats. the National Federation ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIHalfled edvertlalng 7141142·5111 All other depertment• 842~321 Thomu P. Helev .....,..,., ..., Cl'l6ll t.-.t .... ~ Ka'/ Schultz YIOe~ _, Dnc:tot OI ~ Tom Mufphlne HllOr Mike Harvey ~ OI MelblW.O t()ltaMlloft) Ken Goddwd OINc*ltot~ Rey Macl..-n CorilrOIW CMrtee Looe -.......-- MAIN OFFICE JIO Wnt 9-v SC., Cc.la-· CA. Mall-: lloa ls.II. C•ta -·CA. t2'a C-.>Yrltlll ffl2 Or .... Coell PWll""ftl ~. No_. ...,,.., 111t111rmtlofl1, edKonal "'~ °' M-veru .. ,,_t• ,_,.," may be r~ed -"'*" ~lel petmlsSlonof<-rleM-Nr. n VOL. 75, NO. 1• won 26 and 2 were taken by Fijian independents. The defeat was attributed to the emergence of the Fijian Natio nalist Party which campaigned on a platform of "Fiji for the Fijian" and a call for the deportation of Indians. The party took almost a quarter of the votes that normally go to the Alliance Party. But due to a leade r ship struggle in the Natio nal Federation Party and nervousness about trying to gov e rn without a clear parliamentary majority, it was unable to form a government. The head of state, Governor General Sir George Cakubau, reappointed Mara as leader of a minority government which ruled for six months be fore another election swept Alliance back to power, with 36 seats and only 15 for National Federation. Fiji has a complex voting system which adds to the difficulties of election forecasting -each voter gets to vote four times. The constitution gives 22 seats to Fijians. 22 to Indians and 8 for general voters -people who are neither Fijian nor Indians. The fragile balance is held by the general voters, who have so far aligned themselves with the Alliance Party. A voter casts one vote for his communal representative, then one each -for the Fijian, Indian and general representative of his choice. With such a complex voting system and the fact that polling stations are scattered throughout more than 100 ·inhabited islands, the reaulta won't be known un\U July 18. C•ll 142-5671. Put • few word• to work tor ou. .......... ..., 1 .......... We'Te Listening ••• •• What do you like about the Q.flly Pilot? Wh•l don't you ltk'e ? Call the number below and your me111ce wlll bf recorded. transcribed and delivered lo the appropriate tdltor. The aame 24·hour 1n1wertn1 1ervlct may be u11d to record ltt· ten lo Uw editor on any lopk Mallboa contributor• must lnchadt their name and ttlt phone numbtr tor vertflullon. No clrculallon Hiii, plHICI • Tell u1 wh1t'1 on your mtnd . Bird recall evaporating Campaign yields to D~ukmejian opposition SACRAMENTO (AP) -The campaign to recall Chief Justice Rose gfrd may be yielding to opposition by Attorney General George Deukmejla n . the organizers report. "We're le aning towards following the leadership of George Deukmejian in this area," Anthony Rackauckas, an Orange County deputy district attorney who took leave to run the campaign. told an interviewer. He said an announcement js likely in a d.ay or two. Rackauckas s poke after the chief organizer of the campaign, conservative Republican state Sen. H . L . Ric hardson of Arcad ia, canceled the second news conference on it in two weeks. Deukmejian, the R~publican candidate for gove rnor, has consistently criticized Ms. Bird and other state Supreme Court appoin~ of Democratic Gov. Edmund Brown Jr .. but has opposed a recall. "H e s t ill stands by his position," Deukmejian campaign spo k esman Fred Karge r said Tuesday. He said De ukme jian thinks elected officials should be recalled "for disgrace of the office or for c..-omm.itting a crime while i n office, but not for political reasons." The campaign may have taken a fatal blow June 8 when Lt. Gov. Mike Curb, a recall backer whom Richardson suppo rted , was defeated by Deukmejjan in the Republican gubernatorial primary. Deukmejian's opposition to the recall has dried up support from the state Republican Party. In the last week , assistant Atto rney General Geor~e Nicholson and Assemblywoman Carol Hallett. the Republican nominees fo r attorney general and lieutenant governor respectively, have downgraded the recall. They said it would be just as effective to elect Republicans and defeat three Brown Supreme Cour t appointees on the November ballot. If the three Brown appointees were defeated and Deukmejian beeame l(ovemor, he could £ive Ms. Bi,.d has been the subject of three other re.call attempts. the court its finit conservative majority in decades. N o California official has ever been recalled. The three are Otto Kaus, Allen Broussard and Cruz Reynoso. A fourth just ice on the ballot, Frank Richardson, was appointed in 1974 by then-Gov. Ronald Reagan. Nicholson told a radio talk show host M onday t hat he planned to be attorney general for at least three te rms and would be "working on" Ms. Bird for a long time. She is scheduled to be on the ballot when her term ends in 1986. Capitol reporte rs have been receiving a steady stream of press releases from Republicans. denounci ng a ruling by Kaus striking down part of a 1978 death penalty initlatlve, and calling for the defeat of Kaua. Broussard and Reyn060. A spokesman for Richardson, Mike Carrington. said the news c.-onference was canceled becaute "he doesn't feel he has vetr much worthwhile to say rig>tt now. He's going to wait until lt'e more together." Richardson, a leader of tllf narrowly unsuccessful campaign to defeat Ms. Bird at the polls i.u 1978, announced in April that 1'1~ would lead a drive to recall ner from office. , Ms. Bird, a target of attackP from the right since BrOYf,Jl named her as the first woman on the court in 1977, has been the subject of three oth er recall attempts, none of which qualified for the ballot. Richardson, one of the state'8 top conservative fund-raiser». predicted he could collect the needed 731 ,244 signatures l!J make the ballot a nd get a majority vote to unseat Ms. Birp wilh a $400,000 bud~et. He was given official clearan~ to start circulating petitions June 22, but much of R1chardson'5 f u n d -r a i s i n g f o c u s h a,i apparently been diverted to opposing a November gut'\· control initiative Snake cuts power ROANOKE. Va . (AP):_; Blame a snake for the loss of power to 5,600 customers of the Appalachian Power Co. The electricity went off in a large section here after a snak e crawled inside some equipmeni at a substation. CAPTURED BOOTY -Israeli children examine Palestinian guerrilla recoilless rifle captured by Israeli troops in Lebanon and put AP Wlrepflot~ on display along with oth er captured weapons'. in Tel Aviv. : Not only Champagne But Concert Specials! Come visit us from 7-9 p.m . for Free Champagne and ... 40o/o off select jewelry and watches ' • I Orange Ooe1t DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, July 8, 1982 PATHOROWRZ .. ~ ......... DEAR PAT: \Jilted Humanitarians of 11• Couty, a DOD·proflt llum1De society, o.ad lib to wan your readers not to use 1 bait la tllelr front or back yards. We ftea llear of pets 1ulf erla1 a1onl1ln1 deatb1 fter e1UD1 1a~ll bait. Till• 1bould be a 1111101 to all of aa not to use pol1on1 In our ~rd1, front or back. A nel11lbor'1 pet or llill1ry lost animal could wander lnto any ard ud eat tills bait. One 1on~oxlc remedy for combatlaa t~e 1 problem 11 to place 1ballow pie pant Uled wltll beer la the larden at 1uadown. 1 are attracted by t e yeatt and can be atllered ., and dl1po1ed of early tbe next orala1. Aaotller remedy barmle11 to pets 11 place small mounds of bru near plants la evellia1. Sulla are attracted to bran, eat ud dellydrate tbemaelvea. Since most pets bave flea problems, we lU gladly mall our "bow to get rid of fleas" rm1 to your readers. Tbey cu mall a u~addres1ed, stamped envelope to United amu.ltarlans of Orange County, P.O. Box 77, Garden Grove tHO and Hk for free flea formation. H.M., Garden Grove Thanks for this information. United wnanitarians also offers at its cost a form.ica entiflcation tag in small, medium or large ·:zes and in red, blue, yellow, black or white for $2 cash fro~ the above address. Include e pet's name, owner's name and address, ity and state plJ.tS two telephone numbers - ours and a friend's or relative's. Reward also be included on the tag. RS calls not scr~ened DEAR PAT: If I call the Internal evenue Service for an answer to a tax uestion, do tbey keep track of the call to umine my return? P.H .• Costa Mesa No. IRS monitors incoming calls to its tionwide toll-free telephone system on a dom basis as part of its quality review rogram. This insures that employees give urteous and accurate responses to taxpayer uestions. No record is kept of the caller's e and callers are not screened for future return examinations. sed-car tips offered DEAR READERS: "How to Buy a Used Without Getting Ripped Off" is a handy, ket-sized guide which gives consumers 'th limited knowledge of a car's mechanical terns access to hundreds of secrets, clues, ints and suggestions about buying an expensive used car in good, reliable perating condition. It's a systematic, easy-to-follow handbook I which auldea the consumer, 1tep·by-1tep, • throuah the e ntire car buying procesa, includ[f\11: pricing the car; flndin1 an honest aeller; wnen to buy; mileage and ct.preclatlon; optlona and acceseortea; can to avoid and ones, to con1ider; Inspecting the car and detecting flaws inaide -and out; testing and evaluating the systems of a car; teat driving a • used car; thorough testa for your mechanic to perform; setting the price and tenna; the tell-tale <><U>meter; warranties and guaranteee; recalls; pollution control devices; government regulations; remedies for dl..atiafaction, and much mol'f!. The only drawback to the little booklet ls the small s.ize of the print, which may be difficult for some readers. The book is avallilble from the publisher for $2.95 plus 50 cents postage and handling by writing to: Souccebooks, l'.O. Box :i3841, San Diego 92103. The book is shipped by first-class mail the same day the order is received, acrording to the publisher. A moving experience DEAR PAT: I am planning a long- distance move ln a few montb1 and I want to 1tart claecldag out movla1 companies. JJow should I go about Uala? E.D., Costa Mesa Phone the Interstate Commer ce Commission's toll-free phone number (800-424-9312) and ask for a free copy of its latest "Complaint an(! Performance Data on Household Goods Movers." Also request a copy of "Your Rights and Responsibilities When You Move." After studying that infonnation, contact at l~t t~ companies and ask them to inspect .r~~gs. Be sure to point out everything you intend to move. Request written estimates on costs and proposed dates for pickup and delivery. Costs are based on the weight of your shipment and distance of the move plus whichever type of insurance you choose. Some companies will give a binding estimate and others will base the price on actual weight at the time of the move. Start early enough so you can take ti.me to examine each company's estimate and decide well in advance of the move. · • "Got a ;;;;;:~Then write to Pat· Horowi'ih:.~"'will C'Ut red tape, '91 getting the answers and action you n eed to solve i n e quities in n • government and buain eBS. Mail your questions to Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Cout Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be answered, but phone inquiries or letters not including the reader's full name, addres.s and buslne8' hours ' phone number cannot be considered. ~ ' Marine victim ·dentified Lance corporal killed in Pendleton rollover CAMP PENDLETON (AP) - Lance Cpl. Fernando Ro><a1 of Daly City, Calif., wu Identified aa the Marine killed when a stake-bed truck overturned rounding a curve here. Roxu, 20, wu ol'le of elaht Marlnea In the truck. Another identified was Lance Cpl. Amsden Benler1 23 Newark, N.J., who waa taken esday to - the Naval Realonal Medical Center in San Diego In serious condition. The others were treated for UIOrted cuta and bruises at the Naval Regional Medical Center at Camp Peridleton. All are members of the lit Battalion, 9th Regiment, lat Marine Division. An lnve1tigatlon wu ordered into the rollover at Camp Pulgu In the we1tern aide of the sprawling base north or San Diego. People all along I ·1 the Orange Coast rely on the II SALE Spring and Summer Clearance 40% to 50% Off Starts Saturday, July 10th 10 a.m. Hour Open unday. 11th 12:00 to 5:00 -~on . thru 'at. l 0:00 to 5:30 I 024 Bayside Drive Newport Beach 7 14-640-0190 A .Robrrons Sale 30°/o·SO°/o OFF MAKE YOUR KITCHEN A CAREFREE PLACE WITH OUR TIME AND SPACE SAVERS. 1 ~STmESSENTIAU Every1hlng has its place with our colorful plastics. And you'll have more space. Choose bright yellow, red, blue, green, white or taupe. From Brod. Orig. Sale A. Rectangular laundry basket $10 $4.99 B. Urbanite trash can .. . . . . $1 2 SS.99 C. Double utility tray .. . . . . . . . . . $6 S2.99 D. Ice and storage ............ $6 12.99 Not shown: Dishrack .... . .... ' .... ' .. $10 $4.99 Ice cube tray .................. $1 .50 S.71 Cutlery tray .. '. $3.25 11.58 ColandM ............. ....... $3.25 11.58 3.ptece mixing bowl set . $6 12.H Stack bin .......... . . . . . . . . . . $4 11 .H Slotted tttck bin . • . . . . . . . . $5 12.41 Robfne0n'1 Gift Hou1tw•r11, 28, .. _,GrDCO&fl!E ' '189.99 ROIOT COUPE 3500 Ong. $275. Crisp greens and fresh fruits are 1ust the start of what you'll want to be serving this summer ... and of what our fine food processor will help you prepare In no lime. Come save 30% and take home the original French food processor that gives you four blades for cutt~ng, slicing, shredding and mixing ... everything you need I~ whip up a feast with its large 9 cup capacity. But hurry, quantities are limited to stock on hand. Aobinso~·s Housewares, 121. Newport. To order any Items on this page, call toll·free 1-IOO-Ml-ll01. For free copies of manufacturer's warr1ntY· write to: Controller, Dept. 211. Aobin1on'1, 800 w. 7th Street, Los AngelH, CA 80017 . , • ... • • • • I I \. • Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Thurtday, July 8, 1982 Baldrige a rodeo star Commerce ecretary to be in team roping event in Ida.ho . . Juat becauu you live In Wuhlnaton, D.C., lt doetn't mt'an you have to h•Ni up your boot.a. Juat uk Preehlent Reaau - and U.S. Secretary of Commerce Malcolni B1ldrl1e. 111111 FICES French ph1Jo1ophlcal w riter Monceequleu wlll be put Into circulation, the Bank of France hu announced. pa11ed a poetic resolution tor Gov Pierre S. du Pont IV to Nnd lO a youn& pen pal who hMl.N hll first name. which happen1 to be Pierre. ' Nine-year-old Pierre Fox of San FrancllM..'O wrote to du Pont to !Ind solace In the name Pierre. He aaid friends made fun of him and he asked du Pont to be hlJ friend. ~lic'S Cash Control Acmunt $~0=00 Eces.!Rates ~. 10 , 0 Insurance _ ___.. .. Ev e ryone kn owa o f the president'• riding proweu. but fewer people are famlllar with Baldrlp'a cowboy background. The 12-year veteran of the P rofe11lonal Rodeo Cowboys' A asoclation has agreed t o , compete in the team roping event a t Nampa's Sna k e Ri ver Stampede, July 13-17, a rodeo spokesman sald. A 28-year-old Army spec1ali11t who rappelled 689 feet down the face of Hoover Dam has been reprimanded by his superiors at Fort Irwin. Officials a t the Bureau of Reclamation, who supervise the dam, said no criminal charges would be sought against Dirk Knipe, a native of Dover. Del. Knipe drew the cheers of hundreds of onlookers when he worked his way down the face of the m a m moth dam 30 miles southeast of Las Vegas. He was arrested by a bureau policeman at -the foot of the dam. A 200-franc note bearing the portrait of t he 18th-cen tury / Park Avenue The blue and green bill marks t he tlrat time a 200-fran c denomination, currently worth $29, has been used In French currency. Waller J. Stoe11el has taken over as secretary of state until George SbaUz takes office. \ Stoessel, a 62-year-old career diplo m at who waa d e puty secre ta r y of s t a t e , too k ove r w h en Alexander M. Haig Jr . o f f 1c ia l ly e n ded h is· 18 -m o nt h t e r m as s ec retary, said Sta te Department ITOHllL spokesman Dean Fischer. The Delaware House of Rep- resentati ves has joi ned th e crusade to show the Pierres o{ the world how lucky they are . By unanimous vote, the House In bis reply, du Pont told the r.outh that his friends call him 'Pete" and he alao ticked off the names of other famous people named Pierre, 1uch as Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. T he CIA has establis hed a "screening arrangement" to keep tabs o n Director William J. Casey's stock transactions and prevent him from official steps that would enhance his holdings. The new syswm still allows Casey to buy or sell stocks at his discretion. C IA off1c 1al s said t h e arran~ent took effect May 28, after y reported selling more than $600,000 in oil stocks ifl 1981 , a year oil st ock prices plummeted in response to a worldwide glut. The CIA director, naturally, is among a hand ful of top officials with broad a cces s t o U.S . i nt e llige nce i n fo rmat io n . Here'• 1 cuh management eccount t.hllt puta you k'a completa control. Radii cuh when you need If. (rto need to .. Lock yoWMlf k'a" for• lono period.) With a deposit of as little•• •5.000, you can eam the high Interest rate• of a 6-month $10,000 or 91 -day $7,500 Money Mar1<et Certlflcete. Unlike Money Mar1<et Funds. whose Interest rates may change dally. your eatabllthed Cash Control rate Is guaranteed for the full term. For ready access to your account. you simply write checks (minimum $5()() each) -avoiding the penalty for early withdrawal. And your funds go on earning et their eltablllhed rate. • Minimum Investment •5,000. • • Rate ou-ranteed for Y tenn. • 6-month or 91-dll:Y Investment period. • Free checks. rto tranuctlon charges. •We edvtncc 1ny funds nttdcd to qutllfy for the high money market rltea. Chcckt wrtaen, or td\'wct to meet the minimum, ttc chllrgcd tgtlntt your llne of credit. which It • 1.000 ie.. then your opening ~t. And you pey lnterett M jutt I "I.~ thin your Cash Conuol Rtte. If KCount 11 cloted before rntaMtty. there Is• peNlty. Your eavtne1 lntunld to• t00,000 REPUBLIC ~~-~~~-~L SAVINGS!ffi!I<;j • Ml"nA Al'CA 17th St. Well of Newpon f r-ay (714) 5'41-~286 AftAHEM 202 .-.n.heim Pla111, ~ N. Euclid St. (714) 956-8290 lAO<mA l'tlG<l!L 30212 Crown Valley Parkway (714) 4~50 ~llW"ISnlt 134 Wettrnlnster Mall/Bolta & San Diego Fwy. (714) 994-!>347 ~ed Oiiier Al.TADfM 22"6 N l.Alw /\v~ 1213~79 116111·6611 ALIAOCNll llNA"E11'1 • llllCllOlll • 80R8JINK • CLAll~ONT . CLARE.1'1 "TS. "l\Clt.MOll tiEJCitiTS. LACiONI\ NIG<JEl lOS V tGELE.S ·PALI'\ SPRll"IGS • ""SllOEMll . PICO AIVE.1111. Sl\l'rTI\ ANA . S/\MO O/\KS . WEST1'11NSTEJI . WOOOl.AMO HIU.S A Robinsons Sale 55°/o OFF DRESS YOUR TABLE FOR A TOP NOTCH PARTY. WITH OUR ELEGANT MIKASA CRYSTAL BARWARE Reg $17.95. Sale $7.99 each Encourage your guests to bring their drinks to dinner Our hand cut full lead crystal barware carries the elegance on into the meal Clear. sh1n1ng and gleaming. 1t belongs with your fine china and ''Iver Here. our 1mpress1ve Park Avenue. Ambassador and Embassy patterns In highball and old fashioned sizes At this price. you'll be able to collec t enoug h for you. and for this summer's wedding gifts Robinson's Glassware, 86 To order. call toll -free 1·800-345-8501 t ' j •UCW'I aoWUDllDP l'PRIM 110 •1111 MAICI AN Al'JOIN'fUINT WITH OUI OO•ULWIT AT YOUI Nldr IOllNION'I. Wl\L llOOID YOUI etn ""NllNOll IN MIY ITOll VIA THI ONLY OOMIVJlllDD lllVIOI IN IOUTHllN OAUPOINIA. ---- ' Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT /Thureday, July •• , .. a . ~S Wins weekly ratings race with lowest winning score in 2 years J:W YORK (AP) -CBS w \he prtme-Ume ra\lnf' race , tor the aecond 1tral1ht week wit the lowest -.verap ICOte for a wlnnlna netwotk ln nearly two yeara, tfcurH from the A.C. Nlelaen Co. lhowed. qBS' ratln1 for the week , endlng July 4 -12.8 -reflected the' lower-than-normal TV· vlewlna level anticipated tor a holiday rlod. A.BC WU aeoond for th• week at 12.0, with NBC third with a rauna ot 10. The networks aay that meana In an averaae minute durtna the week, 12.8 percent of tho nation'• home. with televlllon were tuned to CBS. NBC'a rating wu the loweet recorded by any network alnce the week ending Aua. 7, 1980. The previous low for a winner, 12.'7, wu -.4 .. -a by CBS that percent of the countrv'1 TV. tori·rated new nrt\Ol'am, No. 13, CIOM '°' Com10tt," '' 2or161 '"lllloft· AIC,, k ·...--•9'0 ~ h talr-•• "HouM Celle." 1t.1 or 16.1 m1111on. caa wee . equipped hornet were watchlna w t a new Ina lment of "PoUce "HMI 10 HMt," , ... or 15 4 mi1t1on. Md CBS won the r~ In the lateat the CBS offertna. $Quad" on ABC tied for 37th. "T11r .. ·1 Company," 1e •or 1e.1 m1111on, bOth week 1urveyed wtth only three ABC had alx ol the Top 10 NBC lilted nine of the week'• Aec; "WKAP tn c1nc1nne11," 11.~ or 1u of the week'• 10 h!tett·rated p-,.,,.., lncl""'u .... "Too C1ole 10 lowest-rated prooram1. The mllllon, Cll, "l everne end Shlrl•y" end • -•· -·-...--,. • M~ "MldnlQll1 on ... ine.:· bo111 11 or " • p~ama, lnclud.lnl ' ·A·S·H" for Comfort" In MCOnd place, and bottom five: rnttuon bo111 Aac. "20·20." 11.e or i:u l I 1 t h d NBC' hi h •-"' mllliof\, A8C, and "Oltrrent Stroll .. ," I'"" n r1t p ace or t e Heon 1 I eet-rawu ~roaram. a .. ...., •. , Boomet.'' Nae. No ea. tOllowed.... -., k Th Un f I 1 30 h d ' vr Pm. "'9Cltll. 1e 2 or 13.3 million, NBC COn.MCUwve wee . era I or 1poc a : p.m. un av 'H11petVlllley,"N8C,"CocMAee1,"ABC.enc1 r11e rernllnc1«o1i11eTop 20: "M·A·S·H" -a rerun -wu epleode ot "Diff'rent Stroke1,'1 ~'f:te •nd Clert1" end "Anlm•lymploe," boll! "Lo-19 Boet," A8C, lllld "Pr1ve1• Senlernlf'I," 20 o 10th CBS. lie; "CegMy end l~:· 088; "ll1111eey ,.,. WU · Here Ire Ille wHk'1 10 hlghHHeted l1lend," ABC. "Oulnc:y," N80 ; Movie· Nie lien IAYI that rneana In an An epl.ode of "C.gney and •11ow1: "MldnlQllt Ulc:e, .. and "Low. Sid :· both ~~~~~~~~•i8nT~~~~=·=o=n=C=~==w=u=t;~~eijwFH~k=~=='~~~·~~·~A~~~·~~~~~·~~~~~~~r~e·~·~~i~~~,;~!~~~,~~=~~f·~,~~:~=~~~~~·~~enc1~·=~~~~·~·~:·~N~~~ .. :~~~~~~ RUFFELL'S SUMMER SALE urHOLSTIRY .............. s..e lfU HAllO• IUD. COSTA Mill -141·1 IU. NOW · IN PROGRESS . . SHOWN HERE DREXEL'S NEW EDITIONS COLLECTION . Less 20o/o Fine Furniture and Interior DesiJn COSTA MESA 1595 Newport Blvd. (71 4) 642-2050 LAGUNA BEACH 345 North Coast Hwy. (714') --~551 1 ALL STO~ES OPEN MONDAY THRU SA TUR DAY -9 A M TO 5·30 PM --~- HERi II OUR "X POR A GOOD VACATION If you take eray oontinulJ'\I medktne. be 11Utt you have enou&}I 10 get throu&h your vacation . You 1hould •llto h ave a co p y o f your preecripllon ao that, If your luagaae la lost or a10len. you can rep~ your medicine W hale 1ome <'O paea of a prea<'r1 p taon are n o t renewable you could obtain a new pre11enpllon from • phytlcian. While tr1vehng ou11lde the country the preecnpuon should abo have the name of the manufacturef'. MenUon when you are taking a tnp and. we wall cooperate with your physician to make Cl'rtaln you have the rned.Bnes you may need. You an label yourselHucky with savings of up Lo 70% on our elegant suits, sport coats. sweaters, shins, lrousers and llCCCS$Ories. YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a medicine. Pick up your preacr1pt1on 1f 1hopping nearby, or we-wall deliver promptly w ithout extra charge A great many people, entrust us with their prescriptions May we compound and dt1pl'n1e yours? Sale .... Friday, July 9 atl0:80 A.II. ~ Come In early, before your friends h~y up the he-it. ... PARK UDO PHARMACY ,,..~ Jlf HoeplW Rotld IM•porf,,._,, IO•fJOO Gentlemen's Clod!" IMpired ~ lhdillon 46 ftihlon Island,~ &tadl, Callhnls 92660 . (714) 640-8310 People who need P90l)le ahould elways check the SeMce Dlrllciory In the Any beer can get stale as it sits in your store. In spite of this fact, other leading beers can sit in the store for up to 120 days. By our standards, that's not fresh beer. And that's not Coors. Because freshness means be~r-tasting beer, Coors takes abeolutsly no chances when it comes to fresh DAILY PILOT • beer taste. That's why Coors has a 60-day freshness policy, the strictest freshness policy in the beer industry. This policy 888\ll"el' that Coors is always stocked fresh so your last Coors tastes as fresh as your first. That's why Coors is the beer made for the way you really like drink beer. • 1M2 Adolpt\ eoor. ~ ~. Colollldo ICM01 I ' Orang• Cout DAll.V PILOT/Thurlday, July •• 1982 -:----:---------------~--------------------Ii======~;::::===== ==================::-- 'Hill Street' has changed Characters' have broadened considerably since first show I f/,~~R ~HENBERO NEW YORK -Capt. Furillo wu more of a Barney Mlller 1 type, a broader, more comedic character. He wun'\ yet the rock ' 1tMdy center who could keep hia heed while everybody elte was ~theln. · Lt. Ray Calletano wa.tt a lees dllnJfled Hlapanlc, sounding more atereotyplcal. running around aaylna things like "no 1weat, man." Detective J ,D. LaRue was not into \he bottle yet. In fact, he was 10 auave and aelt-aaaured that it looked like he might wind up with Joyce Davenport. And Bobby Hill and Andy Renko, whoee partnership grew to reeemble a bickering marriage, were not squabbling much. By ....uwt end of the show, they were fiahting for their lives. Gunned down In powerful slow motion, Renko was to die "on paper'' from his wounds, although he wu la~r resurrected. In the -beginning, there was "Hill Street Station," the pilot epiaode of NBC's award-winning "Hill Street Blues." Originally broadcast in January 1981 , the flnt show will be televised again tonight at 10 on Channel 4. And it's grand fun to see how the most multifaceted characters ln television looked when "Hill Street Blues" was an unknown quantity and just another new product from the Fred Silverman >'arm. Given the character - lntroductJon requirement. of any 1erlet·orner, thia epllode holda up wel . But fana of the best show In TV will ~ize that aome roles needed flne-t'1lung. and th¥,:t . e program hadn't hit at.ride. t week's rerun of a 1982 " 1 Street," for ex.ample, wu cl r to the aeries' highest standards. "There'• no doubt ln my mind that every character has ·-_., ~ 'i ' expandea enormously and become ln- f ini tely more dimensional," says execut- ive producer Steven Boch- co, who Is pre-' TRAVANTI paring to begin filming "Hill Street's" third seaaon next week. "I have tried very hard to make sure that c h a r act e rs d o n 't undergo unrealistic changes. People do change but usually in small increments." One character who has gone through pages of personal havoc has been J.D. LaRue, played by Kiel Martin. "We ran him throftgh the ringer, cleaned up his act, then, In the second season, put him back in the toilet," says Bochco. "We showed him to be a liar and a con artlat, not out of any mallclou1ne11, but becauae alcoholica are addlcta, and that'• a real upect of people Uke that." At the hub of everythfipa II Daniel J . Travanti•s NrOlo. Tonight he 1eem1 more fiappable, althouth he'1 atill very much amused by the chao1 around him. "He couldn't function In that job without a serue of humor," says Bochco. Bochco says Ray Calletano, played by Rene Enriquez, has become "much more dimensional, and that's a function of time. You cannot reveal everything In 48 minutes (actual program time). With 14 characters, you have to be patient." It once almost was 12 . In the first draft on "Hill Street Station," Hill (Michael Warren) and Renko (Charles Haid) both died in the line of duty. Bochco's wife, Barbara. who plays the cloying Fay Furillo, wanted Hill to live. "Being a total pushover. I changed that," says Bochco. "We also wanted Charlie to live, but Charlie made it clear that he was going to do another pilot. So there was no way we could have him live. But I told him if his pilot didn't sell, please feel free to come back." When Haid's other show died, Renko lived. Theres onlyoae Fne Crowas. YOUR PRECIOUS JEWELRY MAY BE WORTH MORE ·THAN YOU THINK Let Us Appraise It For You As We Have Been Doing For 110 Years. 8.D. HOWES and SON Fl"'IE JE\OiELERS FOR FOUR CE ERA TIONS fOPORT BEACH 3412 VIA ll>0/675-2731 PASADENA/SANTA BARBARA/PALM SPRINGS HAWAII/PEBBLE BEACH/SAN FRANCISCO Fine dining. 3801 EAST COAST HIGHWAY CORONA oa MAR. CA (714) 760-0331 EVERYDAY IOONATIOM. l .... IACK SHOW 2:00, 4:00, 7:00. 9:00 p.111. C<OmY FUN COMTESTS ll:JO 1.111.. ~JO. ):JO, 5:30 P.111. FIJICS.a~· c•cus 1 :00. l:OO, 5:00, 1:00 p.111. WFTS ooocsru TOG Al Da7 GYMNASTIC T\llllltG COMTES TS My 9-1'. 5:30 • 7:30 pJll. GCUf«T GAWIY Six St•11•• Contlnuou• Entertainment ALL ENTERTAINMENT FREE WITH- s4 ADMISSION 1 :JO, l:lO. 5:l0 pJ11. lMSTOCK FUN COlmSTS 3:00, 4:00 p.111. lllllfTE1llU1 mEJllj( 7:30· ll :00 p.111. HYPtllTIS T YAllOlil(IJ( 800p m & IO pm ORANGE COUNTY ALL AMERICAN FAIR llll~CYCU SPUDWAY Wy9 -1:00p.111. SPECIAL EVENTS My 12 -Maciillt.C S.Ylll STUNT ACT<m ETDfl st«>W .., 9. 10. 11, 12 ' 13 -5:30 ' 9:00 p.lll. LMllOCll HlMC llld DOOISTIATUIS .., 9. 10. 11, 13. 14 ' 15, Al Day 115 IAll> COllCOTS _. DMCN -1:00 p.111. My 10 -0r_,. C..I C.S• .. 8llld .., 11 -""' s.dtty .... My 13 -ln •-llld '* Band ol •-LIYESTOCll MICTION My 17. Al Day lOOlO My 15 -1:00 p.111. My 17 -4:00 ' 1:00 p.111. .., 11 -3:00 ' 7:00 p.11. ...... ,.1"11n41, ..... ...... • fr!Uy·S.UJ lOu11. ...... • ..... _...,14 ~ (5-12).Sl P"""c S 1 . Selilrs • Illy lZ, ll. 14, lS Sl Mliaf,..• Illy 9 & H I N . ,, i 'I N " ~ '" •• II{ ., ' ·: I ' I j I . ._:i Orll'\Q• 00111 DAILY PIJ..OT/Thureday, July I, 1eea Fosters ·Pharmacy 1 AND POSTAL SUI STATION HAS MOVID TO 1135 NIWPORT ILVD. 011t1 1111'1 Downtown Pre1orlptlo1 lp1ol1ll1t Provltll111 • DILIVIRY SERVICE • PRIVATE POST BOXES • GIFTS ,/ • HALLMARK CARDS • COSMETICS • BLUE CHIP ST AMPS w. '"" •• ,. ·'"• ,.,,,. ,,,.,,. #141-1111 Fosters Pharmacy 1831. NEWPORT BL VD. COSTA MESA 646-1651 ,., ~ow ] !2j PUBLIC AUCTION ESTATE JEWELRY & FINE PORCELAINS, CHINA BRONZES, RUGS, FURNITURE, SIL VEA, OILS, Et~. FREE ADMISSION -PUBLIC AND DEALERS WELCOME Don't miss this Important sale! Fine China, Crystal, Porcelalns, Bronzes, European Furniture, Oils, Etc. Alsom many fine pieces ~f antique. and contemporary jewelry includlng fine watches. solttalre diamond rings. earrings. gold chains, cluster diamond, ruby, sapphire. and emerald rings. SAL£ NIGHT Fri. 9th, Sat. 10th Sun. 11th, 8:30 p.m. INSPECTION 2:00 P.M. · 5:00 P.M. & 7 • 8 P .M. Sale Nichts ·Property of several prominent Leisure World residents. together with inventory of well-known L.A. jewelry ln financial trouble. Also. out-of-pawn merchandise. TEAMS. Visa • MasterCard Pe<sonal check • Cash Some extended 1erms can be arranged. Property moved for convemence of sale to: 108 Tu•tln Ave. (Corner Pac. Coa•t Hwy. & Tu•tln) Newport Beach Sale Conducted By ' Beach City Jewelry & Fine Arts (714) 645-2200 CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED 'TIL 5 p m SALE STARTS WED., JULY 6th Semi-Annual SHOE • UP 10 Y3 OFF and MORE I FLORSHEIM COLE HUii IRlllO llliLI and othen PENAL TO PAPPAGALLO AMAL Fl SELBY AND OTHERS alCTID STYLIS ~ llOllM SIZIS AU. SALIS PINAL Slides donated l[PBfePSI JULY SALE to nature library CLEARANCE OF S PRING MERCHANDISE Four Huntington Beach photoir&phirt have <.'Ontrlbut..'<i tildes of Southern Caltfomlan bird.I to thtt ~a and S~ge Audubon Soc1ety'1 nature library Ca 1 ..... ~e photographers are Fred Bolding, Howard SAVINGS UP TO 60% OFF. SUITS Reg. Up to $385 ................... Now From SPORT COATS Reg: Up to $285 .................... Now From TROUSERS Reg. Up tb $85 .. ~ .................. Now From $29 SHIRTS $14 Reg. Up to $40 ........... Now From • r wrg, Loren Hays and Russell Wilson The alid£'8 are available to the public {~r loan or purchase. To obtain a catalog. call 974-8250. f DR THE RICORD Births HOAG MlllllOfUAL HOl"'1AL JUM 1 Mr and Mra GllO<O• Ca1aouru. L-oune BHCll. l>oy JUM I Mr and M11 J•lfrey S•nll Cotta Mna. boy Mr and Mra Wllll•m McR011e, Colla Mna. boy J UM t Mr and Mra Ron•l<I Hugh•• Hunllnglon 8Mch. (twlnt) t>oy-glfl Mr an<I Mrs W1lll8m (>a11a, lt\llne. boy Mr and Mr1 Thomu R•g•le Huntington BHCh, boy Mr •no Mra Joe Bak., Coate Meaa girl WHTllllM MIOtCAL CINTllll JUM 11 Mr and Mtt O•n J.,,_,, lrvln.. g111 JUM 22 Mr •n<I Mr• l •rry Moore. Irvin•. g1rl JUM U Mr •nd Mra Ouwln Br•nll>•I Irvin•. girl ~·.Patricia Lew11. ln11h• girl JuM ZS Mr •nd Mra. K~t UH•rglllc, Irvin., l>Oy .k.IM 2e Fr and Mra Brian C•ll\C.,1, Cott• Men II"' Jun• 21 Mr and Mr1 Cl'larlff RO<lriguc. Huntington BNcll. g1r1 TIES Reg. Up to $22.50 .................. Now From $9 Mr and Mra E<1ward waoer. Irvine. boy Mr. and Mra c..,,.,.,,, Wiiiiam•. INiM. boy Mr and Mrs Eugene Eckh•rdt, Huntington Baacn. girl Realtors to pus h sales Sale. Starts Thursday, July 8th 10 A.M. Sharp! June 10 Mr and Mr• John Mecluac. Hunllngton B•11eh, gin Mr •nd Mrs Steven Br•nn••S. Irvine. boy Mr and •Mii Henry Acull, Corona d•I Mar, girl Mr and Mt1 Glenn HenMn Costa Men.g1tl Mr ano Mr1 Glenn Nyg•rd. Hun11ngton S.Kll boy Mr and M" Ooug••• Cerson. Cotta Mea,., g111 JUM 11 We will be CLOSED WEONESDA Y to mark for the Sale. Mr •nd Mrs Ooneld Roll lrv1M . l>Oy Mr and Mrs Oavr<I Sm•th. Oana Point. boy The South Orange County Boa r d of Realtors plans to hold o pe n house at 1,000 homes July 24-5. Using a theme of "It's a Buyers' Market ," th e 800 member realtors will concentrate on homes in San Juan Capistrano. San Clemente , Dana Point and Capistrano Beach. MasterCharge, Visa & American Express Sorry No Ph elps Charges on Sale Merchandise M r an<I M rs Keith Palmer. Westminster girl Mr ano Mra Gordon Peters Hun11n91on S.acn bOy JUM 12 No. 8 Faahion la/and, Newport Beach, CA 92660 Telephone 114/644-0264 Mr and Mra Jose Navarr•te Newpon Beach. boy • M r •n<I Mt1 Sans Lt •ster Fwntain V•lley, grr1 Buttons, balloons. bumper strips and other promotional materials are being utilized. WHITE LEAF DESIGN PLASTIC LACOUERWARE . From Japan Strikingly elegant design with gold FRAME accent and border 4 •1. • x 5'1• • 4.99 on glossy black finish LIDDED BOXES 1 • to 1 •/, • deep 2 't. •SQ 2.69 3'h" SQ 3.39 3.99 HIGH RISE NATURAL BAMBOO BIRD CAGE From Taiwan Elegant architecture lor feathery friends. SPARKLING CLEAR GLASS VASES From Turkey Clever contours for beautllul bovQuets ~y.a---~ FLARED 5• dla. 7V1 • tall 8.99 ROUND For special spoons or marvelous miniatures. NATURAL MOTHER OF PEARL Bitty beads with Incised lea\leS. NECKLACES From Taiwan Pearly white and smoothly polished! FROM OUR CLOTHING SECTION TONE ON TONE EMBROIDERED COTTONS From lndla Cotton crepe dress and cotton lawn blouse have all-over areas of hand stitched Chlkkan embroidery. Dress with side seam pockets and tassel tie neck opening. Comes In assorted sohd ~ V''-...,;>--::;;c:x;;;::--j colors. S,M,L BAMBOO & GLASS SHIP DESIGN COASTERS From Taiwan A nice selection of colorlul clipper ships under bamboo backed glass. 4 'h • dia. 15.99 While blouse with mandarin neck and cap sleeves S,M,L,XL 10.99 PLASTIC Partlally assembled cage has wood floor. knob, SPOON RACKS From Taiwan 12·SPOON 10'/J . x 12· 4.99 18·SPOON 101/1. )( 16" JUTE PLANT HANGER WITH BELLS From lndla HANDPAINTED MATCHSTICK BAMBOO SCROLLS From China UMBRELLA ~~-:-...a.. ... bamboo trapeze a;f;;;'ii;iiiii~i; and plastic feeders 11 · dla 20· 1811 8.99 5.99 SHADOW BOXES From Hong Kong With brass accents 12 •1 •• x 161/J. 6.99 ring· er! Pretty birds and flowers In assorted designs on natural bamboo 2 SIZES 12· x 36" 1.39 14" ><48" 1.79 HAT From Hong Kong Neat and novel pro· tectlon works Just llke an umbrella. 21 • dla. when opened 1.29 GIANT NATURAL JUTE MACR.AME HAMMOCK From Bangladeshjrlj~~iJ.~ 4 • wide 3 •t. • deep ) Knots:"t>ralds tassels and twists form NATURAL SEAGRASS DOCTOR BAGS • From The Phlllpplnes Super satchels ~""'-irr.,...,._,~Cft~---J to go on lf"'~~MWlfll house calls. lli:~~~~Jf weekend visits or sporting aclivllies. 9V1 • to 12· deep 7• x 13" 3.37 Classic planters have twisted bamboo binding 4 SIZES 8'/i • dla. x r deep to 16" dla x 16" deep 2.99 a· x 14· 4.97 9• )( 15• 8.77 2.99 to 6.99 WALNUT FINISH BENTWOOD SEATEAY ... _ Frqm Romania Claaalcally curvaceoua hardwOOd aeatery haa 1tencll9d, molded ply aaata ptua en Hpaclally rte" walnut llnleti. •• ' RUDDY lftOWN SHESHAM WOOD ANQOORI TABLE From lndla Cart9d ei.oanca for coffff, cocktall1 or plants. 4 llZIS 12• to 21 • tall 12· di• 8.99 a roomy, Inviting hammock. Approx. 37• )( 152" 24.49 EXPANDING NATURAL WOOD SLAT FENCING OR T"ELLIS From Tatwa.n Varaarna, adjuttable accord I en construction for window treatment, garden Of room divider. 1" alat wldt" 8'x2' 5.11 10' I(, 'it' .... l 'KI' 7.• • • .,.. -------·-----.. ' I I f f Jt Orang• COlll DAILY PILOT/TI'lur•day, July 8, 1982 Al Elton J Ohn c ops a disguise -MAKl~-MQN-EY-ft~r.*.T:i~ 1-N-OT-.-:-,;;.;e:;.;K,;,.,;r-,""-.,b-!u-EA_T_H_o_P Ullng your malling ll1t * AgTION TO "'OTICT YOU" lNA MAllY COHRT AND 8 T . 1.. 0 u ls ( A p) -A. appe•r•nco A pink anah. and HVe •10.00 with this ad. ,.,..TY, rT MAY .. ICU AT A 0 , p E T I T I 0 N T 0 .... _ .. ___ ... _ t t ,..... h '-Tho 8r1Uah ent.ertaln~r t rivt.-d J\'ew of the ~00,000 ~pie who -l! ~~ ~ Y~~~ ADMIN18TER ESTATE NO. ""~-0 IN awa \CU UI 0 label eddru1ln9 Of' T .. ~llDtNQ AOAINIT A-11406'1. &rrtval, rock 1t.ar Elton John wu In • pollco car w l e tw o gathered on the l. Louli O 1111 maintenance YOU. YOU tHO\K.o CONTACT A To aJJ heln. beneflcuarlt111, lrt.~ h da f •h llmou1lnu pulled o nto tht< rlvt>rfront seemed to mind th wvi• Ip wu onto t e IJ'OUn o • e U malling ll•t bnlker LANOTtCI Of' TMllTll'I tAU crcdltor1 and contlntit-nt annual Veiled Prophet tr air falrgrounda at the same time, dt.'<.'Cptlon. •SolJft thl1 ad and recel~ $10 off vc>ur ftrwt ordf.'r. T.t .... ._ credhon of INA MARY dill\llled u a polloem.n. apperen\ly heralding h i.a arrival. (min. $IOO ordf.'r) NOTICE 18 ·H!R!8V OIV!N. tMt COURT and per1on• who •l)ie came out of hlJ hotel 1and By the time the two-hour Id on WednHday, July at. ttH. at may be otherwlte interested Walk ...... •hrough the crowd "nd concert •tarted, the narf9rmer I ally Pil AAA to .......... (714) 536-2104 8.00 o'ciock • m of Mid day. In the In tht' will and/or estat.e: .,... , • r · ~ room ••• Hid• lor conduollng A ~·'lion hat been filed nobody Nid a word," uJd police had ahed hll law.a.nd-ordet garb LABEL & MAILING UST SERVICE I T11111 .. ·1 SalM. wttllln the offloM of u Lt. Col. Jemea Jackett, who for a black matador outllt with 605 13th St., HuntJngton Beach, CA 92648 ;::v~i.81!:.r! ~,e~~·~~ ~hn ~~~~:su~~~~g!i~ ,cittemed:.:=:.=:...u:.!:'.p_:lh:e~p~l::an:.:....:':o:r_:J:ohn=:.:..:'•:__:g:o_t_d_seq....:.u __ 1n_trl_m_, _•_1:0 _ 1_d_be_lt __ n_d ___ __,,....-------------.c:-=-=-=-=-=-=--.....:..-::.:.----... -~---------------------_, Broadway. Sult• 20e. 1n •he Clly 01 of Orange County requeiatlng _ Santa Ana, County 01 Orang41. Stat• that Theodore Frederick of C1llfornl1, REAL ESTATE I :g ir.r~ ~~-1 ENDURA LAVATORY FAUCET WITH POP-UP ·G~lt 2a•• No waahers to replace on this one. Henry. It'• a top mount faucet with a chrome plate liniah. (Hey, thank.tor being our customer.} EASYDRIVER 8 PC. HOME Ir AUTO TOOL m 7 97 #AK-8 Not as much wrist twisting as the regular kind. Has ratchet ball screwdriver. socket adapton. Phillipa and cabinet tip ioaerta. 0 • sm SUPER DUTY 7114" WORM IRIVE SAW 11497 1171 HJgh torque sreare. burnout protected motor. air-flo hood and deptholcut l•l6"to 2'¥1" a19Cr. GLIDDER ·SPRED BOUSE PAINT 9 97 GAL. In thousands ol shades. Ou.r computer wUl mix ·em up for you at n o extra charge. GLIDDEN SPRED GLOSS BOUSE •TRIM PAINT 1097 GAL. Time to apnace up the ol' paint and trim. K-p• the •alue ol your property up to snuff. STYLEI IE STACK TABLES 2 99 EA. We got two kinda. the 16" Parson In white or yellow or maybe you • d like to ha.,. the Cane MotU in almond or white. Limited quantities. BENTWOOD TAPESTRY ROCKER 3911 MaalQPll th• ol' ~ck muec:lff a• you roc:lr. real relaxlng. You pu tlttogetlwr. Ho1 o walout UAlah. FORMAL? CR ~Sl.IAL~ BLJICK 81 DECKER GARDEN PRODUCTS Remember all thoae houra you uaed to spend ualng those hand cllppera? Now you can whla throu;h the weed• In a Jiffy. 7" GRASS/ WEED TRIMMER 1388 "'°' DOUBLE-EDGE SHRUB AlfD HEDGE TRIMMER Trima. shapes. and delivers 3000 cutting atrokH per minute (gee. and,I thought my mother-in-la"' did a good jobl). 16" 2 8 88 #812' TRUE TEMPER SQUARl: G.E. llfSmE "~47 --.c;> FROST 3 !ULBS l!Q lir - 1 PAK0f4BULBS. c ~ I did a little figuring here and found out that each bulb will coet ya about 33'. That aln 't bad. heh? Get 80. 1S. or 100 watt bulb ~ka. CASTLE SECURITY CABLE a LOCK COMBDflnON 2 49 #30240 Lock up the bike. G.orge. OiacouragH the bad guy• from runnin' off with It. Strong cable and l ¥1" ot-1 laminated padlock. MURRAY MEN'S 26" ~-B.ALBOA CRWSER Glo11 black bike with gol<t finish rim• and 1procket. Hao 4 pc. lull foam black grip handlebar and coaater brake. VAL VOLDfE MOTOR OIL lHrl •WT. Buy 4 quar11 and gel a Sl Buyer• check or buy 12 quart• and recel.,. a S3.80Buyer'1 Check from Val•ollne. O.taUa in atore. DUPOllT TEFLON LUBRICANT 1 99 4 OZ. SIZE Wet P41netrate1 to reduce friction a nd looMn ruated parta. The dry 11 non-atalnlng and proYldea clean protection. Limited quantltlH. MEGUIAR'S FAST FlllSll 3 66 llOZ. PODn SHOVEL 4 88 J #SLS How can you have a square point? A point la a point and a square ia (I know wha t you're thlnkln ' ... don't aay I'm a square.) COLORITE Va" DIAMETER BOSE REMNANTS .. I 6 9 EA. Just the thing !or the place where you need juat a little extra hose but a whole one would be too much. Moat are 10 It. lengtba. FENCING 6 n . Ix& RIDGE 'N VALLEY REDWOOD rl 17 6 "· lx12 PECKY CEDAR 127 Speaklng of •alley. have you heard that song called "ValleyGlrla" by trank and Moon Zappa? "She'• a Valley Girl for sure. for sure-. sm MIX CONCRETE MIX I 6 7 90 LBS. Just add water. stir. (pop in the oven. cut and M"• cold). For any amall jobs arou.nd the bouM. BRICKS O... lcaa't thlak of cmytblngtooexdtlng to ICIT ..... bu' I g1Maa lbat' 1 tM bridra, right? .. SECURITIES SERVICE .• C•lllornla c 0 hr t be a pp 0' n led all corporation. " duly •ppolntad personal representative lO Tru1tH und11< and PYrtuant to the admlnlsler the est.ate of Ina power 01 aala conl•rr•d In that Mary Cohrt Costa Me11 ~•In OMd of Trull allacvttd by • _._ • PAAFUL BUMIA and URVASHI p CA (under the. lndepenucnl BUMIA. HUSBAND ANO WIFE. Admlnlalrauon of Eatalel recorded A~ull 31. 1981. In Book Act). The petition ii set for t420t ot o 1e111 Record• 01 U\d hearing In Depl. No. J at 700 County, at peg. 718, Recorder• D I w 1n11rument No 39673, by rauon ol C1v1c Cente r r ve • est, a br .. ch or dalaull In p1yman1 or Santa Ana, C A 92702 on perlorm1nc1 ot 1111 obllg•llone July 28, 1982 at 9:30 a.rn. aacured thereby, Including that lF YOU OBJECT to the breach or dal1ult, Notice ol wtilGll h i wu recorded Merch 23. t982, u granting .of t e pet uon. you R1cordar'1 1n1trum1n1 No should either appear al I.he 82-t00338. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC hearing and slate y our AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST Objections o r file wr1llen BIOOER FOR CASH, lawful money h h 01 Illa Unlltd StatH. or 1 euniar·e obJecuona wit _t e court cneok e1r1wn on a 11111 or n111ona1 before the hearing. Your b1nk. a 1111e or federal credit appearance may be In person union, or e 11111 or ltdaral aav1;,1 or by your attorney. ~~: ;~~~. :~-:~~·:: .~~1<:111': o') I F Y 0 U A R E A aale. all right. title an<I 1n111<et1 held CREDITOR or a contingent • by 11. u Tru11 ... In that re11 crechlor of the decea5ed, you ptopenJ.:,ulle in aalO County and must file your claim w1lh the State, lbed u lollowl l t lo the Lot 3 ol Tract 9552 •• pe< m1p court or presen 1 recoreleel on 8ooll • 10 P&QN 9 to 12 personal repreaen tat 1 v e 1ne1usive of M111Ge111.MOU1 Maps In appo int e d by the court Ille olllGe ol the County Recorder ol within four months from the 011nge County, Cahlornla The d"t, o( first issuance of atreel •ddraaa or other common " 4i • designation ol the re11 property tellers as provided In Section herelnabove ~rlbed 11 purponed 700 of the Probate Code of 10 be 20 Choate Street. Irvine. CA. California. The lime for The under11gnad hereby filing claims wll not expire e111cla1ms all ll1blllty lor any onc:orrectnaa In aald 11raet lldelress prior lo four months from or other common dal1gn111<1n the dale of the hearing Said sale wm be maoe w1t1>0u1 nouced above. werranly. eapren or omplled. YOU MA y EXAMIN E regarellng !Ille, poueulon. or IC encumbrances. to satlsly the the file kept by the court pr1nc1pal balance of the Note or you are interested in tl}e other obllga1oon secured by said t.'Slale, you may file a request Deed or Trust . wolh onterHt and wilh lhe court lo receive other sums 81' provleled therein, h plus advances. 11 any, under the s pec 1 a I n o I 1 c e o f t e terms tlle<aof and 1n1eres1 on sue11 inventory of estate assets lldvanc;es. and Plus 1-Charges and of the peutaons, ac:counlli and expen-ol the Trullee and ol and reports d esc ribed 1n the 11uS1s created by UJCI Deed ot 5 ( h Trust Tiie 10111 1mount or said Sec LI on 120 0 . o l e obligation, 1nclud1ng reHonably CaJ1Comla Probate Code estimated tees, charges and ROBERTS. BARNES, expenees of the Tru11ea, af the lime Attorney at Law ol lnltlal pubflcatlon ol this Notice. Is 41 OO MacArthur Blvd $88.719 23 . ~· Dated· June 28. 1982 I'. 0 . !SOX Zl l t REAL HTAT£ Newport Buck, CA t%H3 ' IECURITIEI SERVICE. 714/833-0738 A C.ittornl• CO<POfllton. Published Orange Coa st ff TrvetH, ,~ 0..1. Morger, Pr"*tlt Daily Pilot, July 7. 8. 14, 2020 N. B<oedw1y No. 208 1982 Santa Ana. CA t270I 2962-82 ~ (714) 153-t110 Published Orange Coall Oally I Pilot, July 1, 8. HI. 19112 l'tB.IC NOTICE 2920-82 ----------~~":':'.":~ ------------1 VOU AM IN DUA.ULT UNO£" A ... -•c NOTICE oHo °" ntUaT DATED Al'M. 21. ---'"-~-------1 1•1. UML.IU YOU TAKE ACTIOM YOU AM .. DUAULT ~A TO ""OTIECT Yautt ptl()(ll£1trf, DE£DOf'llW8T DAnDAPM.2'7, rT MAY M 80l.D AT A~ ' 1•1. UNL.EH YOU TAU ACTION a AL IE. If Y 0 U NIE IE 0 AN TO ""0T1ECT YCMM f'ttOP£RTY, IEXPl.ANATIOM Of' TltlE MATUM rT MAY M SOLD AT A f'UelJC Of TME ~~ AGAIHtT IALf. IF YOU NEI D AN YOU, YOU IMOUl.D CONTACT A IEXPl.AMATIDM OfJ TltlE NATUN! LAWYDl. OF THE "'OCHDtNG AGAINST NOTICE Of' 11W8TEE'I SALE VOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A T.S. No. . M111 LAWYIElll. NOTICE IS HEAEBV GIVEN, thal NOTIC« Of' TM1ana•1 SAU on Wedl\Mdey. July 28. t982 11 T.L No. 14112 91>0 o'Qodl a.m. of uld day. In the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. tllet room aat H ide lor conducting on Wednac:tey, July 28, 1982. et TNt1M'I S...., within lhe ottic.t ol 9 00 o'c1oclt. m. ol aald dey. In the REA L es TA TE s ECURITIES room HI H id• lor conduc11ng SERVICE. local.ct at 2020 Notth Trustee'• Sala. within the offices of Broadwey. Sulla 206, In the City of REAL es TAT e secu RIT IES s.n11 Ana, County of Orange. State SERVICE. IOcaled •t 2020 N0111'1 ol Calllornla. as duly 1ppolnted Broedway. Suite 206. In Ille City ol Trustee unoer and pul"ll.llnt to the Santa Ana, County of Orange. Stat• power ot sale conferred In tllll ol Calffornll, GEORGE MAVER. as c;erta"1 ()Md or Trust axeculed by duly appointed TruslH uncler and PAMELA A SHIER, an unmarried pursuant 10 the power ol sale Woman Ind RICHARD ST. THOMAS conferred In 11181 certain Q!9ed of and OIANE ST THOMAS. holband Trust eucuted by PAMEL'A A. and wile aa community proper1y. SHIER. an unm1rrled woman and recorded Mly 11. 1981, In Book RICHAAO ST THO MAS ANO to6052 ol Otllclal ReGords of aald DIANA ST. THOMAS. husband and County. at pege 1699, Recof'09r's wile as community property, instrument No. t2675. by reaaon of recorded May 11. 1981, In Book 11 breach or default In paymenl or 14052 of Official Records of aald performance ol tlle obllg1llon1 County. II p11Qe 1697, Recorder's HCurad thereby. Including lhll instrument No. 12674, by reason of breach or defeul1, Notice of whlCll a breach or deltult ln payrr19n1 or wu recorded FabN&ry t, 1982. aa perlormance ol the obllgallons Recorder'• lnatrument No secured thereby. Including tllet 82~7683, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC br8llCll or defaull. Notice of wtlk:to Au c TI 0 N T 0 TH e HI G Hes T was recorded February t. 1982, U BIDDER FOR CASH. lawful money Recorder.'• lnllrument No. ol lhe United Statea. or• cashier's 82-037678. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC en.ck drawn on a 111te or nallonal AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST benk, a 111te or federal credit BIOOER FOR CASH, lawful money union or 1 atale or federal aavtngt ol the United Stat ... or a cashier'• and loan UIOclaUon domiciled In check drewn on • '"" or national 11111 atate. all payable at the lime ol bank. 1 stall or ledarat credit Mia, all right, title and lnt-1 held union, or • atlta or federal saving• by It, 1.-T ru111a, In that real and loan U800lllon domlciled In properly a11u11e In said County and thil state. all pay1ble a1 the time ol Stall. dMcrlbed aa lotlowl. aale. Ill right. tltle and ln1-t held PARCEL 1· The Soulhealerty 2.5 by 11. aa Tru1111, In 11181 real 1cre1 of Lot 3 t3 ol Newport prex>erty llluata "1 aald County and H1lgllt1, H allown o~• ma p Stata, de9cflbed u fOllOwe: recorded In boo~ 4, p o• 83, Parcel 1· Tiie Nortneellwty hall Ml1call1neou1 Mapa, re orda ol of the Nortll-terly 40.00 reet of Orange County. the Soutlleutarty 240.00 !Mt of Lot E1tcapt1 no t lier al rom the 313 of N-por1 Helgllta. aa ahown Southeaaterty 240.00 feet t11eraol. on 1 map recorded In book 4. page Alao Excepting tllarelrom Ille 83. Miac.llaneout MIPI. record• ot N011"-tetly 60.00'"' thereof Orange County Alao Excepting the refrom Illa Parcel 2. An 1auman1 Ir NOl1'-1erty halt thereof. Ingress and agrau over 111• PACACEL 2: An ~ lot NortllwHtarly 1 00 fHt ol Ill• 1ngra11 1nd •1r•u over the Southeuterty 247 00 leet of Lot 313 NortllwHterly 1.00 ffft ot th• of NewpOl1 Height•. u lhown on• Sou1hMlterty 2.40.00 feet of Lot 313 map recorded In book 4, page 83! of Newpon Helgllta. u lhown Oft • M11ce111naou1 Map1, record• O Map recorded 1n book 4, paoe 83. Orange County Ml1cell•n.ou1 Mapa, record• ol Parcel 3· An Haement for Orange County. Ing ran ind egrHI over the PA~CEL 3: An eaa-nt for Nor111weet1rly 1 00 IHI of the lngre11 and agre11 over 1111 Southeuterty 240 00 fMI of Lot 3 t3 N 0 r t II • a • t ., I y II • If 0' t II • of NewpOl1 Helgllta. u lllown on• NortllwHterly 7.00 IHt of 1111 map recorded In book 4, page 83. Sou1'-1erty 247.00 feet of Lot Mlaoellaneoua Mapa 313. Newport Helghtl, u 11\0Wn on Excepting therefrom the 1 Map recotded In booll 4. pege 83. N0111'1eutwly hall. Ml1celleneou1 M1p1, record• of Tiii atreat 1ddrH1 or other Ofanga County. common dealgnallon of tll• real Th• ttreet addre11 or other property llerelnabo ... deecrlbed 11 common dnlgnatlon of tll• real P\lf'POl1ad to be: 231 Alberl Pl-. property tweineboW delcttbed II Costa Ma.a. Celttornla. JIUfl)Otted to be: 230 Cec:I ....., Tll• undersigned lier a by Col1a MaM, Cellfornla. dleclalm• 111 ll•blllty tor •ny Tiie unde,.lgnect--<ereby lneorrect,_. In Mid etreet ~ dl1clalm1 ell llab111ty tor eny °'other common clellgnetlon. ~ tn Mid ltf'8lt ~ Seid .... wlll be meOe wttl'IOut Ot otll8f OOl'NftOll ~ warrenty, a1tprH1 or lmpll•d. Seid .. w11 " mecM wMlollt regarding 1111•, po1u11lon, 01 w1rr1nty. e1tpreu or Implied, encumbranoH , to ut1.iy the reo1rdlno tltle. po11 .. elon, °' PflnCllpel bal~ Of the Note or enoumbr•ncea. to Htllfy th• °'her ot>lloetlOn ~ by l8ld ptlndpal .....,_ of ttle ... Oi o.ed Of TMt, wllfl Int .. and Olher obllcMAl0t1 MCUNCI by ... otl'ler auma 11 PfOVlded tllefeln: o.ed of ff\tll, ...... ~ and '*" ...__, If Mf, ""'* ... °"* ~''". ~ IMNln: ..,_.__end~ on Mlfl '*" ...,.._ It •· unc1er .. ~ end 1*11 .... ~ WIN""'"' end.,...,.... on Mii end ....... ClftNTr-..tnd'of ..,_.,MCI 1*11 .... ~ lN tNllll or....i If)' ... Deed of MCI ""**9 ol "'9 Tl\IMIM Ml of Trutt. TM"ot• ll'llOU11t of Mid .. "'*I or.....i by 111111 o.d Clf obllo•tlOn. lnotvcll"f reeeonebly Trvtt. The 1otal al'llOUllt of .. ~ .. lt"'ated feet, 01'1ttH 1110 otM!tattoft, lnotudlftl tMMMMr ...,.... of the TNllel, It the time .. m1111ect , .... ollettH 111• Oil.......,,_.,..._ of ... NollOt.11 ..... tf 118 T,... ll lie..,_ llUtU=I. of ... ~ If 1"9 ...... II OMM: l;lMI .......... . MAW-. ._ ~T=--.=.a.. A llJ ·~ :=='.!,..,..,.. "'*" •au1n• Hll I~·--· ""'"':··=-, .. , .... ,ri9"'!-1D""~ Ale 8 Or1nge Cout DAILY PILOT1Thurtd1y, J~ly 8, 1812 Social legislation calls for restraint On Monday. the Newport Beach City Council is scheduled to program a new law governing • video games into the munklpal code books. The proposed ordinance, which already has passed its first reading. would prohibit: -The installation of video games within 100 fee t of a residence. -The installation• o( video games in a business establishment within one-half-mile o( a school. -Anyone 18 or younger from being at a place during school hours which has two or more video games unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. -Two or more video games in any business establishment without th e presence of supervisory personnel. -Two or more video games in any business establishment without a use permit. Furth e r . there i s no grandfather clause, meaning that establishments that already have two or more video games will have a year to secure a city permit to continue operating the games. The new law was drafted partly bt.-:icause city officials feel the need to exercise some control over this form of entertainment. In addition. some parent groups m the city are pushing it because they apparently view thl· games as u bad influence on children. It's und('rstandable that th<' dty would want to exercise some t'<>ntrol and keep the dty from becoming one big video gam<' arcade. However. tht' council s hould be l'aut1ous about a ttempting to legislate social tnores. Is 1t really the city's job to regulate who plays video games and when? If the kiddies are skipping school to play Pac Man, that would seem a job for the truant officer. And , if some childre n are spending. as has been claimed, upwards of $20 per day tO test their eye-hand coordination against Space Invaders, that would seem a matter for parents to polil'e. The City Council s hould avoid going overboard in blaming the evils of the world on video games. The current exercise reminds us of the municipal effort several years ago to rid Newport Beach o( beet, bars by outlawing pool tables, a t ,t h e t i m e a p o p u l a r entertainment and a source of income for such establishments. Trouble right here in River City. as it were. As things turned out. simple economics pretty much took care of what was deemed at the time as a n overabundance of beer bars. Perhaps there 1s a lesson there. Summer celebrations Art festivals and a county fair are as syn on ymous with the Orange Coast as sunshine. July and crowded beaches. Laguna Beach, as it has for years. offers three art festivals beginning Saturday -the Festival of Arts and Pageant of the Masters, the Sawdust Festival and Art-A -Fair -a ll running through Aug. 29. The Orange County Fair kicks off tomorrow and runs through July 18 at the Costa Mesa fairgrounds. It's a golden anniversary for Laguna's Festjval of Arts. which began in 1932 when artists staged an outdoor exhibit to attract tourist dollars. This year there wiU be 160 exhibitors on the grounds adjoining Irvine Bowl. In the Pageant of the Masters. presented nightly at the Bowl, two casts of volunteers numbering 250 create living reproductions of art master pieces. As usual. the Pageant was sold o ut before o pening night , but returned tickets often are available at the box office on the aftemoon of a performance. The City of Laguna Beach last year received $254,000 from Pageant ticket sales, another $110,000 was budgeted for scholar s hips and $25,000 f or Laguna cultural groups. Also on tap all summer in Laguna are the Sawdust F estival. with 200 arts and crafts exhibitors and Art-A -Fair with 135. The Sawdust is a quarter mile up Laguna Canyon Road from the Festival of Arts grounds and Art-A-Fair is at Laguna Canyon Road and Canyon Acres Drive. The Orange County Fair broke records last year, attracting 368,903 people and grossing more than $1.5 million. Art and photography are major exhibits this year. along with the usual animals and domestic crafts plus a long list of headline entertaine rs -and, of course. the carnival. Fair hours are 10 a .m . to midnight Fridays. Saturdays and Sundays. and noon to midnight Monday through Thursday. The thousands of vis1 tors attracted by all this activit y may add to the traffic jam -but at least coastal residents can't complain there's nothing to do this summer. Guns to golf welcome Switching from guns to golf. which is what happened at the Laguna Hills Gun Club property in Irvine, is a fine idea in light of increasing urbanization of the area. Everyone involved -the Irvine Company management, gun club owners Virginia and Larry Coffing and city zoning officials - is to be congratulated for the foresight and for the ease with which the transition has been made. The Coffings' business was one of five gun clubs on Irvine Company property notified in 1979 that its lease wouldn 't be renewed Cor outdoor target and skeet shooting. Rather than close the business on 14 acres leased from the Irvine Company. the Coffings decided to convert the target range to a golf driving range. They have a new lease until 1991 on th e property at 9601 Irvine Center Drive where there is space for 60 golfers. This was an astute move by the Irvine Company management team and one that is likely to earn the approval of our conscientious Irvine residf>n1.-. L.M. Boyd/ Favorite words A highly successful salesman says he learned years ago what interests people most. He was working in a stationery shop, selling among other things, fountain pens. Customer aft.er ct.WU>mer tried out his pens on the ecratchpada. and they all wrote the same thing, he said: their own names. That word "Junk" atarted out as a leal1Wl'I term lor leftover blta of rope and cable. Q, The 0., ol France hu three wide verUcal at.ripes -blue next U> ORANGE COAST Diiiy Piiat· the staff. then white, and red on tM outer edge. I say these strirs are exactly the same w1dth. right. A. No. sir, they appear so, but they're not. Wave lengths of colors create an optical illu.,.ion. To make them look equal requires the proportions: blue, 100: white, 110; red. 124. Q . How rNnY atatn can you aee on a clear day from on 10p of the Empire State Bu.ildlna? A. Five . About 80 mlltt. Tho~s P. Haley Pu bl I Sher TIMNNI A. ft'ilrplalM Editor a.rtMr1Kl"eiltk" l dltorl•I P ... l dltor . . ~ 'YarF£UAS 6.0 ~ Wmf ~TEVER YOJ'~ ~ -l'U. JOST STAND ~RE AND GUARD us '6AI NST ~ IM:AW,V RUSSI~ ... SNfJtKI~ SNilS' ... CUNNI~ Cf:Jf.Mt ES ... ' Haig fate 1sealed months ago WASHINGTON -A quick end to Alexander Haig's tenure as secretary of state was signaled no later than mid· April in confidential advice lo Capitol Hill from national security aide William P. Clark. A conservative Republican leader had complained to Clark that Haig was becoming intolerable on East-West questions. The response from Clark, totally unexpected by the complaining conservauve, was to this effect: Don't worry about Al, he'll be gone in two months. CLARK DID NOT quite meet that deadline. But hJ.s forecast was made well in advance of the wues that finally made Haig Reagan's first Cabinet dropout. Haig fell less because of internal disagreements on wues than as a result of his style -specifically his determination tD be Reagan's "vicar" oC foreign policy. That Haig would not be around for the rest of the yeaF was clear tD the Reagan inner circle in early June when the president would not permit Jeane Kirkpatrick tD resign as U.N. ambassador as suggested by Haig. The pro>dmate cause of Haig's demise was Reagan's move for stiffer sanctions against the Soviet Uruon on the Siberian natural gas pipeline question in the secretary of state's absence and against his wishes. But his fate was sealed. ironically, at the beginning of the year when Haig's enemy. Richard V. Allen. was forced out of the national security slot at the White House and replaced by Haig's friend, Judge Clark. That was thought to be a coup for Haig, cementing his vil:arship. But Clark was Ronald Reagan's chief of staff 16 years before he was Al Haig's deputy secretary of state. Insiders who knew Clark's character predicted that once.in the White House. he would not tolerate Haig's insistence on overriding everybody -including the president hunself -on policy que£tions. Haig's central role in the Anglo· Argentine Falklands l·nsis might have f1r:: 1-,.-.-. -.n-.-.~ .,- saved hlm for a few weeks. But his celebrated telephone blowup over Argentina with Kirkpatrick ended the stay of execution. At Ha.ig's suggestion. she submitted her resignation to Reagan. The president refused it, a step interpreted inside the White House to mean Haig was gone. T he Haig-Clark friction grew more open during Reagan's European tour, leading to the president's June 18 stand in Washington against the Yamal pipeline during a meeting not attended by Haig. The secretary was outraged that a step so antagonistic to NATO allian<:e partners should be taken in the wake of Reagan's trip during which there was no hint of tightening the screws. Characteristically, State Department bureaucrats privately reacted to the president's decision by pledging that the sanctions ultimately would be watered down below the point of recognition. That attitude was what Clark was taJkmg about when he predicted tD the congressional Republican leader that Haig would fall. It happened last w~k when Haig pret;Sed his unhappiness over whcit .Reagan had done. AT THE ENO, Haig was alone. White House l·h1 e f of staff James Baker C'Onsidered him a dlsruptive force from the first day or the administration. S<:cn:tary <>r Defense Caspar Weinberger had clashed with him on almost everything Evl•n easy-go ing Vice President Gt'<irge Bush went sem1-pub1Jc this month in l'Omplaming about Ha.ig's pro-Israel uh. "Good nddance," said one senior pres1dl·nt1al aide in reaction to Ha1g's departure. typifying the holiday mood at the White House. Secretary-designate George Shultz will sausfy all of Ha1g's internal enemies who wanted no v1carates in Foggy Botwm. But he is not all that reassuring to Haig's anti-<:ommumst critics inside and outside the admm1strauon. Back 1.n IYHO trans1uon days, these ant1 -detent1sts had come down hard against Shult7. anti in favor of Haig for secretary of state. They have grown so disenchanted by Haig deferring to Europe and thl' State Department • bureaucracy that many consider an y change welc'Ome relief Yet, they still harbor r('S('rvauons abo1iat Shultz as a cold warrior. Whatever hlS true mclmatJom. Shultz -based on his Nixon-Ford Cabmet ~rd -can be expected to fight his battles quietly on the inside and ultimately defer lo the president's judgment If foreign policy remains European1St and detenust. it will be Ronald Reagan's rl'Spons1bllity and not that of a vicar down the street. And that IS clearly what Judge Clark has had Ill mind for some ume Water will he the key to our future To the F.diwr: , Proposition 9, the "water proposition," was d efeated a few weeks ago Somehow I have a feeling that some day not too far in the future Southern California is going to need that water. Soon, the Colorado source will be cut off. Each day as we go back and forth to TLC for lunch we see at least two MAILBOX cement trucks, maybe four or more. They are on their way tD build large office buildings or new homes. The offices will be literally loaded with washrooms and "johns" which will consume vast amounts of liquid. The homes will in many cases be the "two• bathroom" variety with showers, and families having the "two shower a day" lifestyle. The homes will also have automatic washer-driers whicll consume fixed amounts of water each tlme they are turned on. The kitchens will have automatic dishwashers. Every one of those cement trucks is bad news! The Daily Pilot carries a weekly supplement on "real estate" which includes hundreds of ads for homes and other real estate. Dozens of bright-eyed eager salespeople are making their living by selling the properties. BUT FOR the miracle of irrigation Southern California would look like the coun try between Barstow and Las Vegas. The state is on a crash courae with disaster and th ere are built-In driving agenciee (\he developers and real estate agents) propelling ua toward the day of reckoning. The night aJr is perfect; one could not ask for more and in places it is filled with the fragrance of night, blooming JllSITUne -or so 1t seemed. - I to0k the ferry across the bay and walked out on the pier and watched the ocean below and the fireworks that shot up into the sky Crom th~ beach below mto the beautifw moonlit water. Fire rings lined the beach and the flames danced about in the darkness below where I stood against the railing. Crowds gathered round happily enjoyed one another and the night. ' THE RE WE RE hundreds of people milling about on the pier and oti the sidewalk. The sound of music came from a little cafe where young couples as well as singles waited tD get in or com.,e out, or just stand around listening tD the jazz Inside. As 1 stood leaning against the railing on the pier after walking the length and noting some changes soon to be made at the end where bait is sold, I looked at the faces of those who passed my way. They were smiling faces, laughing faces, relaxed faces. loving faces. happy faces. There were oohs and ahs Crom many as they watched the colors from the fireworks splitting up in the sky. There were no thoughts of fights or riots or hat.red or greed. It was only freedom I aaw in their fares, and peace, and it was difficult to think there could be any suffering or any other way of hfe. l walked alone but 1 counted my bletai.ngJI and wished that all the world could ahare this wonderful feeling of freedom a nd independence on the Fourth of July in Newport Beach. L.DONOVAN Who is doing anythin8 about all this? California la an exctUna p~ to uv 1 Children suffer most What with earthquakff, mud 11ldes, bruahflres, flash Ooodl, OPEC-induced pa ahort.apl and lmpendina ~ve d.r'OUlh\I the~'• newt • dull rnocntnt. It'• almolt unbelievable! To the Editor: The new outbreak of violence ln Lebanon h H clalmed the 1lvt1 dt thouund1 of vlcUma while lt1vln1 counU.. more h«M1-, Without ~ In the llat anal)"lll, the entire future of the.,... d9perlda prtmarUy on how we • . handle Ltw waler ~· 71•rtcir1 from rt~r• ort Wf~f. Thf GENE Pl.ARSO rfght to c0fttlcm1t t111m to /U fPOC• or flfrrUMlf hbtl II rHtrwd WO~rt Of 1()0 Free on I/le Four.ah ::::. ':i!'.:i!!.,,. : .. ~~,....: To tlwt l dhon oddt111 but !Mamlf mow bf wti,.W °"ti· It., 10 &:;'::" che l'ounh ol July In 411a11t •I 1uf/ltl1"t reo•a" •• opparnr Newpc*\ Thi moon II f\aU Ind • ,.,,., '11 .,.,, Mf bl ,..~ lAftm MCW bf 11 ev1rr.,:;,u1ble ~rkl"I ·~ on 11l1plioMI to M.-NarM tWI ,.,_, lalbol l Olft'l beUIW Uil lllilnd n11mbftf r>/ 1"11 r.Ci1btif11r "'""'bl~ JM ,hlm't ........ die ......... l~Tl/fNJIUM pVrpu#f tD even the most basic necessities of ljfe The International Red Cross estimates that over 300,000 are homeless; others / put the figure closer to one half million. In the rural areas. whole communities have fled , many of them huddling on open beaches. scavenging for food and water. Beirut itself 1s engulfed in fear, death and destruction. And, as always. 1t LS the children who are the most vulnerable Moving from place to place looking for what might temporarily be safe shelter, sleeping on open staircases or in empty fields ~ lacking (ood. clean water or a change of clothes. the toU of young lives continues to mount SAVE THE CH I LDR EN, the intemauonal child assistance agency that has been workmg in Lebanon for over 25 years, is providing emergency services for these children and their families through their established health centers. A team of 45 trained professionals is working around the clock to alleviate the s uffering. Volunteer s have been mobilized to assist the displaced by locating te mporary s helter a n d distributing medical supplies. clothing and blankets. ln order to ass~t those struggling for survival. Save the thildren is issuing an urgent appeal for funds. As a member of I the organization's 50tb Anniversary Committee, I strongly urge you to take this opportunity to ext.end a helplng hand to the suffering children of Lebanon Ln their time of criais. Any contribution. no matter how .mall, can make a difference. Pleue mail your 1' check today to Save the Children , Lebanon Emergency Appeal, Dept. P, 1 Westport. Connecticut 06880. REV. THIDOORE HE.5BURGH C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame Wh1\'1 all thJa ..-.. ...la1 Mn Rea11n'a •1•t l1d 111 the and her hUltiiand both '°°" mound •• MYOPIC .... -. .._ __ Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /Thursday, July 8, 1982 All With so many jobs to he done, why unemployment? Unemploym nt la a myatery to mo. l didn't undoratand lt when I waa unemployed and I don't undel"9tand It now that I'm workJna. The buJc qu tion ln my mJnd Lt alwaya the aame: In a world where there la IO much work to be done, how come there a.re 10 many people not doing any ot lt? You 11ee people In every dty ln America sitting on the front atepa of deteriorallng howes ln depreteed areu of town saying they can't find work. They are aftUng on the front atepa of eomethlna that needa a lot of work and their livea would be better lf they'd do bDe of lt. They'd feel better. 'l'hey'd be eocompllabina eomething. Somehow our system lnhJbfta their doing It. The place la owned by IOmeone ello, or \ho peopl aittlng and Uvina there have none of the kind of aklll lt t.akea to do the plumbtna I~'' ,,,...-•• -., ......... -•• 1-, -~ or the carpentry or tbe electrical work. So._on the front stepe of a terrible place that needt repair, they alt lcilo. What we IMm to need Ill a glant, nationwide, clualfied adVerUalna teetlon that would appear ln every newapaper. We need a-bettec way of getUng the people who know how to do ~methlng to the place where that kind of wor" needa to be done. There'• no ahortaae of work to be done. When 10,000 auto workel"9 are laid off In Detroit, many of them who'd be wllllna to move ought to be able to find work In otther parta of the country. They know how to d9 aomething that many of ua can't find anyone to do. ~ a group, Detroit auto workers are probably aa competent a labor force aa there Is In the world. It ts a great loss to all of us to have them produclrl$f nothing. Not all thefe auto workers are mechanlca, of course, but their skill la ln a mechanical direction and most of them either know or could learn quickly how to take a car apart and put It together again. lan't there • need for that kind of akill around the country? If there lan't, why do the rett of ua have to wait three week.a to have a aimple auto repair job done? Have you ever been to a garage that had too many good mechanica? Ten \imee a year l conaider taking my car ln, but when I remember how long it took them lut time and how much it cost, I forget about it. If I'm wrong and there's no work to be done In America, how come our roads are all falling apart? Why is ft so difficult to get eomethlng fixed lJ\ your home? Why la lt so tough to locate anyone who will do any klnd of repair work, all the way from a complicated color television aet to a aimple light switch? Why ls it so tough to find anyone to mow your lawn while you t.ake a vacation or ra~e a leaf In the fall when you'r w orking Saturdaya at the office? Moet of WI have a natural Inertia that wanta WI to atay ln bed a Utllc longer momlnga, but we a1ao have a natural 'ambition that overcomes our Inertia and geta ua up. People do want to work and Improve their condition. With all the food that needl to be grown, all the hlghwaya that need to be repaved, all the t.oaat.era that need to be repaired, all the housea that need to be bullt and all the numben that need to be computed, it seems a tragedy that we can't get the people who need work together with the jobs that need to be done. - SUMMER'S HOT FASHIONS S ' , ave more. Wide selectlon of quality brands: Now thru July 11th, save even more in our fantastic July clearance sale I All sale priced items will be sold at an additional 20% off our already low sale prices 4 days only ... hurryl ENTIRE STOCK OF JUNIOR SWIMW 25°A> off! MEN'S SWIMW--~~....-1.?-:in s9"-11" MEN'S O .P. SHOR Salel 51199 Selected styles. regularly Sl8-Sl9.50 JRS' TERRY ACTIVEW s:rts1199 J~ s1999 Save 1/31 Short set regularly SIS; jog set regularly S30. Ladles' s299 1999 JRS' SUMMER TEES -1/3 to 1/2 oftl As.sorted shOrt sleeve s[yles in bright stripes and solids Reg. S7-S30 s999 2199 BRITTANIA Jl{NIOR JEANS -1/3 to 1/2 om Selected styles 1n cotton sheeti • twill and denim Reg. St9-S34 All Items ona Men's 20% off I s13 09 O .P. BEACH PAN • 7 For men. selected styles; regularly S23 S7,99 MEN'S BERMUDA SHORTS • In poplin, assorted colors. regularly Sl4 s1399 1599 KNIT BEACH SHIRTS -For men. assorted short sleeve styles Regularly S22-S25.SO. s1799 1999 CANVAS & SHEETING JEANS -For young men. asst styles. Regularly S26-S28. s15 99 YOUNG MEN'S ZEPPELIN CORDS • Assorted c;olors. regularly S23. s999 1399 WOVEN JEANS SHIRTS -Young men's shOrt and long sleeve styles Regularly S14-Sl8. s799 999 MENS' FASHION KNIT SHIRTS -Short s~ styles in ~.jersey and chenille, regularly Sll-S16. s19 99 YOUNG MEN'S BELTED SLACKS • ~e<ted styles, regularly S26-S29. s19 99 MEN'S BELTED SLACKS • Your choice or a wide range of spnng fabrics and colors. flegularty S25-S35. Boys' 59.99 59.99 BOYS' O.P. BEACH PANTS Selected styles; regularly S19·S22.50 BOYS' 0 . P. KNIT SHIRTS Selected shOrt sleeve styles; regularly Sl8-S21 s9 99 BOYS' FASHION KNIT SHIRTS • Assorted shOrt sleeve styles from Kennington and left Bank Regularly S14-S16 s4 99 BOYS' SWISS ARMY SHIRTS • long sleeves. all cotton Regularly Sl4 S17, 99 BOYS' BUSH JEANS BY RAGS • Canvas. 1n assorted spring colors Regul<!rly S23 Shoes I All ~~r'onal I s999 1599 LADIES' CASUAL SHOES -1/3 offl From 8ata, canvas slip-ons. cti=Tleader tennres and bOat shoes ~st colors. reg s1s-s22. s1999 2999 JRS' FASHION CASUALS -Save up to 1/3 on popular styles and makers! Selections vary by store Regularly S28-S4 6 s2499 2999 MEN'S STREETCARS -Op to 1/3 oftl Choo~ from an assort-ment of ~ather casuals. ~IKtions vary by score Regularly S3S·S4~. S1J 99 1299 BOYS' CANVAS DECK SHOES -Save T/3 on these ~t~ d~k shoes from Bata. Regularly ~S20. ! l. ~. ~·· Orange Cout DAILV PILOT/Thureday, July 8, 1882 I Speclal .Hours: SATURDAY, JULY 10 9AM to MIDNIGHT SUNDAY, JULY 11 9AM to 8PM ' OR MAR BRANDS AT LOW PRICES EVERYDAY AT 74JJ EDINGER AVE., HUNTINGTON BEACH • • Sat. JULY 10th -9AM to Midnight & Sun. JULY· 11th -9AM to 8PM * * * * * * * * * * * * * *-* * * * * * * * * * THREE GRAND PRIZES. •• PLUS PRIZ• DRAWINGS .V•RY HALP HOURI 1st PRIZE 2nd PRIZE lrd PRIZE---.. Scheduled Appe•r•nces Sports Pe~nalltles ••• A WEEK'S VACATION FOR TWO AT H••tth. Fitness And Relaxation Retreat Tnp 1nct~s hmo ~tvoet 10 ana d_ r1orn At1owWood. 1oog1n9. ,.:;.~ ~ais fgiOutfN'I hl'cllth rooa1. ~ u~ ol pool. ~na. hO( ruo. 11 L ~ gymnasium with we19hl1 and l'•l'f(I~ t'QU•pmt'nl. wtllll1ng spa. 18-Slc1CIOn parcout~ _. ___ •&...-~ ana h1k1ng paths Boating 11 ~~ ava1labk' c1C newoy lakt' Ar1owwooa 1s lhl' ~tfl'CI pl<lCl' tor attatrnng ht'atth, fitness Of rt l<l.l<ttoon goats A $2000.00 VALUE! • WlnMf Mu•• Be 21 y_. 0 1 Age 01 ~ T11p 8aa.O On •Allacth And Mull 8e Uucl Bel I N Tr I I SAILRIDER SR-2+ SAILBOARD Whl'llll't you'tt kX>k1ng lot a run dAy o f s.a111ng 0t nl(Jtl \j)tt(J rM1ng exo1e~1. thl' Sa11noe1 will 1.ake you t~te Fea1u1es a powet~acl saol. nig-i \j)tt(J V..null ana ~ven IOOI suap po$111()f1S A $1249.00 VALUE! ~ t1 §\'4'4 ! . ] ;j 11 FOOT LONG YELLOW DIVE SPORT BOAT A $700.00 VALUE! MODEL XK450 rhl1 XK4SO !>t'vylOt Ytllow 01vt' Spoil Boat c.iri be u\t'<l IOI rowing ~ftnq 0t powr1oo..tinq and lt'Mu•rs 1001 \t'P.Udtt' "" Cll.lmbt'f\ C.tp.telly IS ~90 pouno' OI ) prr\0(1\ CcJmpl~t' with 1 c.myonq 0<191 .. rt Jones -L.A. Rams' Quarterback •rlan Downl119 -Catcher -Outfielder California Angels Kurt •••ltla -L.A. Lakers' Forward M•rk Spits -O lympic Gold Medalist JMfcl• Thorp 6 Kl•lko 1'111U1k• - L.A. Rams· Cheerleaders Scott c .. rtc or AntlNNI~ Sewell of the Official'"Murray BMX Racing Team Time schedule or appearances Wiii be posted in Sportmart -sub·ea to ava1lab1lit . GRAND OPENING SPECIAL VALUES I * * 2-DAYS ONLY -JULY10TH & JULY 11TH * * ALL FIRST QUALITY NAME BRAND MERCHANDISE WHILE SUPPLIES LAST) PENN MODEL 209MS LEVIL WIND REEL Equippt'd with a r~I stand. to flt saltwater rods • A $40.00 VALUE . SPOATMAAT • , ft04 PRICE -,- "-FEDERAL FIRST QUALITY PRO GOLF BALLS NAMES SUCH A5 PRO-STAFF, TITLEIST, TOP FUTE, MAX FU, AND GOLDEN RAM tllliolfT -l OOZ PER CUSTOliolERI RACQUETBALLS SPORTMART PRICE .~.~~~£:~ Ji? SPECTRE SA.ILOOAADS "/J 12 '5" V-HULL SPEcrRE DOMENSION Z·MAN TENT SAILBOARD A Fantastic Super Value ! Suitt by Sa1lr~r. 11 features 1~g1.au miR.. S7 sq It 0.-cion w1I. klCk up daggrfl:loaro A SUPERB PERFORMER/ A $795.00 VALUE SPORTMART PRICE •594•7 • /J!_!f/[j[}f:@ CLASSIC TENNIS RACKET COMllS NYLON IT1IUHG wrnt COW• T~ Ol'IQINI big r elder< that Changed tht fact of tton11 A $15.00 VALUE SPORTMART •4896 PRICE FIRST QUALITY CHAMPIONSHIP OPTIC YELLOW TENNIS BALLS YOUR CHOICE OF: Wt.SON. st.AZENGE'R DUNLOP OR PENN .184 PERCAN (LIMIT -2 CA~S PER CUSTOMERI (LIMIT ONE PAIR PER CUSTOMER> #lnewbc*:nce CONCORD or LADY CONCORD A f tr St qua I It)' high-tech running shotl SPORTMART PRICE ~~·! '1496 tlfMIT ONE PAIR PER CUSTOME~ J. De Beer or ~ WITH PURCHASE OF ANY SHORT OR SLACK BY OCEAN PACIFIC' (Whtlt Supphts LaStl 12 " SOFTBALL J De Beer Model OB l 2 or W o rth Red Dot. YOUR CHOICE SPORTMART S J64 PRICE EACH Compared Value 11 Our Beat Eatlmata 0 1 What Marcn&ndlH Wu Ot 11 Bel~ Sotd For In The Loa A IH AIM And 11 For Releten<:e Purposea Onl . (llMiT -2 6AlLS P£A OUITOMEA) SPECIAL EARLY BIRD PRIZESI *** SS.00 GIP'T CSllTIPICATU. •• Spottmlrt will pr~ S~.00 Gift CertJflc.lm to ~ first twO hundred ~ to SllCMf up on S.Ur~ morning and a~ twO hundred Gift Ctft!tbhs on Su(my morning! .., "" ' IUmlt One Pet Flmil)'I HOW TO ENTER PRIZE DRAWINGS ••• Eech cu11omer 1n1trlng Sportme11 wlll receive • ticket atub for the "Helf Hour Prize Drewing•" eno an entry card lor the "Three Grend Prl.zH" Wlnnlna numt>era for Hall Hour Prize• wtll bl Clfawn at ranoom and awatd90 evety NII hOur Wlnnlng entrJ11 for Gf"and Pru.t wlll bl d,.wn at random one day after tM Otand Opening, Wlnf'ltf'I need not 0. ptMent end wlll bl notified by plloM 0t mall. tvefyone ellglblt Hcept employtet and tMlr Immediate ltmlllH of 8Po'1mart Inc Oddt on winning ,,. depeN3tnt upon nul'llbef of .ntMt received. r .... are IM *POfl•lblllly of tM wlnnera. No aut>etllutiona Of°""'~ out In l*i of~. No purch ... '*" .. 'Y· Vold WNll* r .. 1rlcl9d by law. All f90eftl, ... ,. tncl 10Cal ..... •PPIY Winner of Ill Oftncl ,.,,. mutl .,. 21 yw• ot age Cit older • I \ I • -----:--...... ..,.....,_,......., ........ ..,,.....~-_,,.. ........ __ .._ ____ ....,..........,,......._,.,.._,,,_.._. --------.. Dilly Piiat 'I 0 I THURSDAY, JULY 8, 198a Erma Bombeck offers CAVALCADE 82 creative ideas I or 0 COMICS 83 111cm111111 caum · TELEVISION 86 children 's camp. 8 2. _.. Fair, fes,tive seasons start this week Eaglets adjusting to Catalina nest By JEFF ADLER OftN Delly Plk>t Stan Four eaglets brought to Santa talina Island in recent weeks are doing well and are expected to fly sometime in the next three weeks, reports the director of the Institute for Wildlife Studies. David Garcelon, who heads the institute's Jong-range project to re-establish t h e bald eagle po pulation on the Channel Islands, said four of the baby birds were brought to the island June 16 and J une 24. Taken from the Lake Shasta area of California and the Puget Sound region in Washington. the birds were selecte d for the project from nests containing more than one eaglet. Pairs of birds have been placed Death in Irvine rule d accidental County coroners have ruled that a Los Angeles County man's d eath Friday at an Irvi ne industrial site was accidental. Deputy Coroner William King d an autopsy revealed that -year-old John Alexander of owland Heights suffe red a skull when he fell oU a 1 5 -f o o t w a 1·1 a t C o n tr o l omponents, 2567 Main St .. where he was employed. in two hacking stations on land owned by the Cat.alma Island Conservancy. A hacking station is a large platform st.anding atop stilts that roughly approximates an eagle's nest. When the young birds finally take to flight, they will join nine or 10 other eagles that have been brought to Catalina in the past two years Of the 12 birds that have been taken to the island since 1980, one flew back to the mainland while another was shot a nd killed. Garcelon 1s pleased because the eagle colony is doing so well and he hopes the most recent transplants will mate as early as 1984. The project is supported by g rants from the Don Burns Family Foundation of Newport Beach. the Los Angeles Fish and Game Commission and Atlantic Richfield. Also. Western Airlines has cooperated b y providing flights for project personnel and the eaglets. However. despite the grants and the endorseme nt of the Californ ia Fish and Gam e Department and the U.S . Fish and Wildlife Service, Garcelon sa id th e proje t s till is $7.000-$8.000 short of the money needed to complete this summer's phase of the program. . . ' .- G LIMME R OF STARDOM -Alter her m oth er Sherry Butterfield applies make up. Tara Butterfield of Mission Viejo appears Car right in the bas relief of the Basel Cathedral Antependium. A lso p osing in the golden . ,. O.ity Piiot Pftoto bf Gary Ambr- art work, one of reproduced this year in the Pageant of the Masters, are Robbie Buff of Anaheim, L isa Zajac of Huntington Beach. Stephe n Smith o f Norwalk a nd Richard Mauser of Irvine. DellJ Piiot Photo by Cherie• Slerr Shows open for farming and artist s Summer is open season for art and Americana along the Orange Coast with four ('V(•nts opening this Wl'<'kend . Statues of George Washington, Abraham Lint·oln. Thomas Jefferson and Millard Fillmore by sculptor Florene·(' JVin Norvell of San Francisco w1l~ unveiled al 11.30 a.m Friday tn Fair Court after the 1982 Orange County Fair opens at 10 am. at the fair fitrounds in CoslC:I Mesa. On Saturday. the Sawdust, Art-A-Fair and Ft'S tival of Arts, including the Pageant of the M aster s, will s ta rt adding thousands of v1s1tors to Laguna Beach's official population of 18,- 011 unul Aug. 29. The· Festival of 'Arts, at ti!>U Laguna Canyon Road, will be open daily from 10 a m to 11.30 p.m with a 50-t't'nt admission for thost> over 12 yt?a rs old . The pageant. held nightly at 8:30, is sold out. R on Ep. an art1st -bt•er l' o n c c· s :-.. 1 o n a 1 r l' -g r o u n d s supt•rv1wr at thl' Sawdust. says the 1:vcnt 1s "roomier" and booths have• morl' "open space ." Th<· Sawdust. a brief walk north on Laguna Canyon Road from the f(•st1val grounds. w11'be opt•n from 10 am to 11 pm daily with adm1ss11m priced at $1 or frt>e for "htldrc·n 12 and under. Ep says a "party for the town" from 4 to 8 p.m 1-'nday will give Lagunans thc•1r first glimpse of this yea r ·~ t·o ll ect1 o n of 1 m p r -o m p t u b o o t h s a n d contemporary artwork. Tht• Sawdust had :300.000 visitors last year Bc•gun in I 9fi7. Art-A-Fair today 1s the onlv one of tht> summer shows l(; allow artists from ouLc;ide th<· l'Oast sll'ip from Newport &•ach to San Clemente . Mary Ellen Wc•hrl1, Art-A-Fair board mt'mber. nows that some' of this VC'ar's cxh1b1tors come from Germany and Hong Kong Art-A-r a1r hours are 10 a.m to 10 pm . Sund<1ys th r ough Thur!'days and 10 am to 11 pm Fridays and Saturdavs Cost 1s $1 or 50. ctmts for ~m1ors Children 12 and under arc admitted free County F::11rgoc•rs ~an sample such Anwril'ana as C'armval rides. livc~loc:k Judging. pie· and c:akC' contc·~ts. t-ra fl dc·monstra lions. ch1c:kl'n-t·alhng Jnd natl-driving contc·:-.L.., and lumbt•r.13cks vying in log rolling. ax throwing and speed climbing. Fair hours through July 18 w ii 1 bl' n o o n to m id n 1 g h t Mondays through Thursdays and 10 am Lo m1dn1ght on weekends Nig htl y p e rf()rmances b y Bobbv Vinton, Jose Feliciano, lhC' Bel Air Band1L'i, Elvin Bishop. Roy Orbison. Rita Coolidge and BJ Thoma s plus th e Amem:an G raff1t1 RC'vue on July 16, the Limehtt•rs' ballads on July 17 and a tribute to the Beatles by Rain on July 18 arc included in the fair admission pnc:cs. $-1 for adulL'i and $1 for c·h1 ldrC'n 6-12. Admission for c:h1ldren up to 5 years will be free every day and youngsters up to 12 will be admitted (r('(' on July l6 until 6 p.m Senior ci tizens can enter the gates for $I from Mo nday through Thursday Memories hold still longer than living pictures professional stance behind his big motion picture machine. As narration came over squeaky loudspeakers, the curtains began to open and close to accolades from the afternoon audience as humans in frozen poses were framed into classic paintings like "Pinkie" or "Blue Boy" IN THOSE YEARS, the artists' booths surrounded the Pageant audience area and pretty well shut down during times of the living picture performances. Earlier festivals with their living pictures had been presen ted on El Pueo Street, w hich now dead-ends into the downcout aide of Main Beach Park. One year on the early site, aome local miscreanta, who included eome who have become reepected bualneumen alon1 our cout today , were removed Crom the show. · They had been nabbed with peuhooter1, with which they had been Jaunch lna projectJJM at f ror.en flgures on 'Ital •· poeed u nude 1t.atuee. • TOWl\lfolk thouth t It wu pretty funny. Tho nudet didn't. Such are 1Umpee. Into put y an of tho FaUvaJ of A111 and P.,.n, of the Mal,.,, which Openl lta 60\h golden anniversary ru n this Saturday. The festival people don't present matinee shows of living pictures a n y m ore . No t since technicians and directors learned that by controlling stage tights at night they can better reproduce paintings and sculptures. LIGHTING SECRETS of the Pageant over the past couple of decades have been advanced into an art itself by lighting master Carl Calloway, who grew up backstage at the Pageant. He ls credited with virtually inve nlinR the Uahting syatem that makes real round people look like flat paintings. Artists In th eir festival booths are separated from the living picture show now, so they d on't have to shut down boothl durlna performances. THEY DON'T ALLOW 1rab bap anymore and th aawdutt on t.he lf'OW\d hea been.rel91atecl to th Sawdu.t Feedval down the 1tnet. That ulde, It wm 1till be • apec&.Klar ahow I rit'h In the tradlUOn and hlltory of thil belt of aU l)Ollibl COMta. And If 1ou r•m•m~r all thoee earfy.day tcenee, why, of twlW you are much older than I. ..,,,. .. ............ ... Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, July 8, 1882 l)rother-in-law shoul~ seek professional help DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am writing about a problem with my brother-in-law. He has exposed himself to my mother and to me numerous times and in dlf ferent way1. Thia tort of behavior ls not only embarrassing, but frightening. My sister and I are in our early 20s. He seems obeeued with magazines that are considered "entertainment for men" and movies of a similar nature. I need .to know how to tell my sister. I'm sure she is unaware of her husband's strange behavior. My mother and I believe she should be told, but we don't want to hurt her. We are also concerned about their six- OFFBEAT TRl'*A EXPERT -Tracers of trivicf and probers of the improbable probably owe something to Tom Higgins -believe it or not. Higgins, 60. of Grahamsville, N.Y .. is a gleaner 0£ exceptional details about other Leo: Focus Friday, July 9 ARJES (March 21-April 19): You get what you want by maintaining independent stance. Moon position coin cides with prestige, favorable business or career activity. You receive direct answers -you get to heart of matters. Romance also lends spice to life. TAURUS (April 20~May 20): Study Aries message for valid hints. Lunar emphasis on prestige, honor, promotion and consolidation 0£ assets. Family member lends support -moral and financial. Individual in position of authority pulls strings in your behalf. GEMI NI (May 21 -June 20): Social activity commands attention -you'll be busy and popular. Focus on communication, distance, law and language. Sagittarius and anothe.r Gemini figure prominently. Element of luck is with you -you'll make correct choice. CANCER (June 21-July 22): What initially appears to be a miscalculation will actually prove beneficial. Money, taxes, investments and emotional involvement figure prominently. Dig beneath surface - you can ring bell of accuracy, truth and profit. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Do plenty of listening, but don't be afraid to ask questions. Focus on ideas, written material and special communication to member of opposite sex. You'll gain knowledge which · strengthens negotiating position. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept . 22): Success coincides with second effort. Focus on work, service, special techniques and definition of t.enl\S. Pisces. Cancer and another . Virgo figure prominently. Check resolutions concerning medical-dental appointments. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Define meanings. See places, people in realistic month-old daughter. Ia there an,y danger of incest now or In the future? Pleaae answer aa soon aa possible. -SEEN TOO MUCH IN MlCH. DEAR MICHIGAN: Your brother-la· law sounds llke an exhJbUlonJ1t. TbJs Js a psycholo1lcal problem that lavolve1 mostly dllplayln1 one'• Hlf. According to my con1altutl, tbey seldom 10 beyond tbat - but tb1re Is no way to be sure tbey won't. Yl>ar 1l1ter sboald be told Immediately. If ber lla1baad u1 exposed lrlm1elf to membe·n of tbe f amlly, be baa probably done It elsewhere. U Ile 11 arre1ted, it could get lnto tbe papen and create a great deal U Wlf9photo people and places. which he sends to "Ripley's Believe It or Not," a syndicated cartoon that appears in about 300 newspapers throughout the world. Higgins has contributed more than 150 items. on ideas • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA light. Avoid self-deception. Emotions dominate -personal magnetism soars. Romance, creativity, change. travel and variety dominate exciting and dramatic scenario. "' SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Someone wants you to be victim of squeeze play. Know it, protect assets, don't fall into trap of becoming involved in domestic triangle. Capricorn, Taurus, Cancer persons play significant roles. Focus also on property, home, conclusion of transaction. SAGl'M'ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Ideas can be transformed into working concepts. Trips, relatives, messages and visits dominate scenario. You:sense pulse of public -you strike chord of universal appeal. You could win a contest. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): You find ways of transforming apparent loss into solid gain. Moon emphasis on locating needed material, adding to possessions, increasing income potential. Cycle moves up -you'll be at right place at crucial moment. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You prove major point -cycle is such that circumatances favor your efforts. Money picture is brighter -members of opposite sex find you attractive and make no secret of it. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Burden is removed -what had been source of fear, suspicion could now become a reason to celebrate. Gemini, Sagittarius persons figure prominently. You'll be asked to participate in special activity conn~ted with charity or politics. Flu shots helpful for elderly DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: How do yoa feel abo•t yearly vacclnatlH1 a1atn1t ~ Oa for a man WliaO 11 DOW 7t Uld 1affen lrom emplay.ema? My fatllaer relHe1 to Jake till• precaatlon. -MRS. U. T rou1 HIAL1H OA. PETER J. STEINCROHN f,':epared. B•t, I bope I never 1et lt. -MRS. DEAR MRS. P.: In addition to the usual pain killen and other 1w:h l"llC!ClicaUon, IOm.e docton have had 1ucce11 tn reduc_lni the incidence of po1tberpeUc neuralala by ~~une of 1arp don of 1ittolds Dr. Sr•lncrohn we/comH qunt/0111 from read•r1. H• canno1 an1wer 111 lndlvldual/y bus wlll lnolud• rha1• of ,.,..i ..... ht "" column. l#td ~ ....... ID hUn ht aw ol rM DllU1 ~"'°"' PIO. b 1#0. Q»ll M•, OllJI, '""· of anxiety for you all. Simply tell your sister her husband Is mentally Ill, describe the symptoms aad suggest professional help. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I don't care for people who use 2,000 words to tell something that could be expressed in 40 so I will come straight to the point. I have gotten into the habit of writing "hot" checks. I can't seem_ to break out of this pattern. When I look at my bank balance and see that I am down to my last $5 I whip out my checkbook and write a check for something well over that amount. I date it a week ahead. Then I embark on a mad scramble to get the money to cover It. Why do I do this? Am I masochistic? Am I crazy?. I am a compulsive buyer and have been for a long time. When I aee aomething I take a fancy to I think I have to have it right away or I will die. So far I haven't gotten into any trouble but I'm sure to one day if I don't get hold of myself. My husband has been very patient but he can only take so much. Please, Ann, help me. I can't talk about this to anyone and I am -SCARED IN SAN JOSE DEAR SCARED: You have more than one problem. The first, compulsive buying, you already recognlte. The second ls the compulllon to write cbeclu, then scrambling to cover them. Tbh bas something to do with tbe thrill yoa get from taklag risks and coming out an1catbed. Run, don 't walk to a comp etent Kids' camp Camps for kids are big business in this country. And the more mothers who enter the labor marketplace. the more creative they become. All you have to do is to look at your kids and decide: Are they overweight? Need help in math? Have to improve their tennis game? Learn how to ride horseback? Prepare for survival? Or immerse themselves in two weeks 0£ the newest camp of video games? In other words, "You send us a bored kid and we'll run his fanny into the ground." I 'M THE PRODUCT o f a hundre d church camps that majored in Social Interaction (short-sh eetingbeds), Nature Lore (you too can take home your own tick for a pet), Crafts (macaroni necklaces are not a girl's best friend). Adventures in Food (raw hamburger and burnt marshmallows cooked over a coffee can) and Group Dynamics (the group just ripped off my bathing suit and candy allowance). I usually arrived home weak from the bites of a million mosquitoes. eyes puffy from lack of sleep and numb from the experience. The problem seems to stem from the fact that we are feeding a myth. ln order to have a good time you have to travel to some godforsaken area, with plumbing that doesn't work, beds with two-inch mattresses, a lake that is frozen over in August and a recorded tom-tom. Somewhere it is written that every child wants to climb a tree, set the leg of a bird, scrape his knee on a rock and sit around a campfire coughing. Some children do. They grow up to be campers. QAllN walS psychologist, p1ycblatrl1t or counselor. Yo. need to wor.~ tbl1 problem through, ud soon. Your luck 11 bound to rua out. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My sister-in- law is a nice person but she is very hard to please. The woman is old enough to be my mother and I try to be respectful, but she has a habit that drives me crazy. Whenever I buy her a gift she asks me to return lt and get som e thing else. I exchanged her Christmas gift three times. Please tell me if I should ref use from now on , as my husband ha s s uggested . -CH ICKEN IN LONGVIEW DEAR CHICK: How come you baven't thought of a gift certificate? It's the perfect solution. Are you. or is someone you care about messing around with drugs -or considering it? Are all drugs bad? What about pot? -in moderation? Ann Landers' all-new booklet, "The Lowdown on Dope,'' separates the facts from the fiction. For each booklet ordered, send $2. plus a long, self-addressed, st.amped envelope (37 cents posr.age) to Ann Landers. P.O. Box 11995, Chicago. DJ. 60611 . • creative ERMA IOMIECI AT WIT'S ENO Other c:hildrcn have no d esire to do any of that. Why should they leave a house with screens, electricity, $500 worth of toys and a refrigerator s tock ed with the Stouffer experience? When you think about it, what's so un-American about a camp at the Plaza where a kid pays the same amount of money and sits in a hotel room au day watching TV and ringing up room service? In the evening, he could play on the elevators and run around the lobby knocking over people. Just think what an experience like that could mean in a child's life. It could revive our cities. POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT THERE'S WONDERFUL METHO D OF RELIEVING FATIG UE CAUSED BY OVERWORK . 1T1S CALLED .. REST." GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. South deals. NORTH • J 10932 CV AQ9 0 A2 +AK8 WEST EAST •K765 +Q4 1:7 104 CV 8765 0 J 10983 0 7654 +53 +Q 64 SOUTH •AS CV KJU OKQ • J 10972 The bidding: S.•&.11 Weit N..U Eut l + PaH l • Pan I NT P ... 4NT P ... 8NT P ... P ... Pau Opening lead: Jack of O. Look beyond the obvfou1. Qult.e often. you can comblne your chancH to 1tvt yourNll an extra edp , that could make all th• dltltrence be· h¥Hn IUCCIH and fallurt. The only poln\ of lnttrttl In the auction It North'• four no trump, which 11 a qu111· lllallvt ralM, not.11.,kwood. llnet lovlh hd t11ll valu11 fot hi• ,,.v1ou1 W'-•· ht wu M"' to '"''' hi penMr'• .... htwllllteft • West led the jack of dia monds. Because of the unfor tunate duplication in that suit. the slam contract was not as good as declarer had hoped. He would have to develop three tricks reason ably quicky to make has slam. A superficial study or t he position might suggest that • declarer should rely on the club finesse. If that works and the suit splits 3·2. declarer has twelve tricks. He can improve a little on the odds by first cashin_g a high club In cue East has a single ton queen. As the cards lie. the club finesse. and with it the contract would fail. However, that is not the limit or declarer'• options. There 11 another chaoct> which 11 not 10 ea•y to spot. Declarer can alao make hi1 contract If Eaat h11 either a 1in1lel-On or doubleton spade hollorl The wlnnln1 line 11 lo take th• optalnc lead In dummy and lead a low 1p1dt lO the •!Sh\1 Weit wln1 tb.t kln1 and knock• out dttl&rer'• re 111alttrn1 cll•mond 1topptr. How clfflarer et11Mt1 lht kln1 ot dubt I• Ult \ht '""" ce,.,.. wi..a U••t ... ,. t lttC' '"4, ......,., ..,.,,.,.,.. .,, .. a spade to Lhe ace. As the cards lie. the queen comes tumbling down and declarer has twelve tricks without having to bother with the club finesse. And if the queen of spades doesn't drop'! Then declarer falls back on the club finesse as his last resort. Note that declarer cannot afford to cash a high club before his first spade play. If he does that, West can return a club on winning the king of spades. and force declarer to make a club guess before he want.a to. R•ltlter ltrhl1• c:I•~• &.llro.P.•l \Jae c:.nlrJ .. lM IMr-4.U ~rWp lwa&L De tlleJ 1c .. w -•&.Illas 1•• 4H'&' Chrlu G•ru'1 "FHr•DHI lr141•" •Ill t .. c.yi90..1Va~ ... lMdet ., dlM ......... . &JM ....... , ........ .. e.n .., ••••• , .... ,... ,., . ..,, -•· ...,...._., ... ''·" .. ~-0 .. 1." ,.,. •• , .... ... ...,.,, P.O. lea .. , • Nww .... NJ,.,.. ... ~ ...... THE F~•IL\' CIRCtM by 8 11 Keane "Well, Billy uses badder English than me." BIG GEORGE by Vtrg tl Partch (VIP) ; l • " ~-· "Pl1111. If there ire two things I don't 1rgu1 1bout, they'rt polltlca ind rellglon." 'IAR'9ADl'IU·; by Brad Anderson DE!\:\IS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum "Nice work I The town assessor gave me a tax reduction for your doghouse." Jl'DGE PARKER GAR•'lt:l.D 7-f> ~ Oeo<,, 'COURSE , I1t> NEE[> ,A CAST Of CRA-Z.Y CAAR,ACTERS ... HOLD 5TILL, EVE~YBODY.1 ~ TMERES A 'TENNIS eAU. IN~STew.· by Harold Le Ooux by Jim Davis by Ferd & Tom Johnson ,'I' Ortngt Cour DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, July 8, 1982 .. 60 AHEAD. Mo STAAD l1U JUST STAND MERE WITH HER ... OON'T 8E Wfl'H/lt(SWE£TM8800 .•• SHOE SO WISMY-WA~V ... we ML>Sf JRAC·~ FOR A •os11\Jess l!IO()M: A '7ROP rru FUNeAAL. PRICES IS fflf!VICTE'71 ~~~WHY? by Jeff MacNelly if ii J, r 1 by Ernie Bushm1ller ITS NOT W'ATER AND SHE LOVES IT--- IT'S YOUR PERFUME NANCY, STOP SQUIRTING IRMA WITH THAT W'ATER PISTOL GORDo Fl'!\IK l ' W INKERBE..\ N 00 <XX.l KNOW WWtr -mE.SE K105 DID !!~ lHEQ H05£D OOWN f(V.) CAR Wl1HOOT ROLLIN& UP 1HE I Wl~DOl>J5 ! !. BRABBLE ~~ARf.~~. ~tf? (,E:t' Vf' A~O ~U.P ~~CARIN IN 1'KE. DR.SMOCK RE!At..L-Yt MR. Pe"f'eRs, YOU CAN'-r GO ,-H ROU6H 1.-1 Fe eeL..1ev1NG YOU'RE! A S1"A1"UI! IN -rHe PARK/ ~OCE.RIE.S ! ~I. ~ COl)f{Sf.~ 1·~ SOAA'41. I Jl)4;1 lilASt4"1' 1'1Utll(\HC. ! by Gus Amela by Tom Bat1uk NO Pm8lEM , 61~ { 1MERE.'S NO EmA ~A~6€ ~ OOIN6 1ME IN51DE ! by Kevin Fagan ()(A'4, \c'.EtP COMIN& r~i.».RO ~o•J'RE. C:Lf.4R ! by George Lemont I W W I. ¥ 9 + U ¥ 0 0 IM Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Thurtday. July a, 1882 Final Oceanfront Lots JULY ONLY Private San Clemenll' wmrnunaty with private heach and private $Wim and tcnn1~ dub ~1\Bl~KS <~ADll..l .. A<: 117/s% Financing Act now. (714) 498-2830 (213) 277-9470 Costa Mesa (714) 540-9100 'ICTITIOUI llU ... H N,._ aTATt•NT The following pe<tonl ara doing bu"'-u: SUSAN M. COX and GERALD LEE COX, doing bu1lneu u RELIABLE PILOT CAR SERVICE, 2tll92 Oolor018, Miiiion Viejo, CA 92e91. SUSAN M. COX, 26 692 OOlorosa, MIUlon Viejo, CA 92691. GERALD LEE COX, 26592 Ooloroaa, Mlaalon Viti<>. CA 92691. Thia bullness la conducted by a gtnertl partnerahlp Susan M Cox and Gereld Lee Co• This atalfl'lllfll was tiled wlth the County Clerk of Orenge County on June 28, .A982 .... , Fuli,r, bq, A ProfMalonal Corp. 11215 £. ~ at. •S10 WlllttW, CA 10102 (21S) MWOCl2 F1'2SSI Pubfl1hed Orange COHI Dally Pilot, .My 1, 8, 16, 22, 11182 2913-82 MUC NOTIC£ MOTICl INVfTINO M>I Nollca It hefeby given that the Board ol Trullffl ol the CoHI Community Collag4 Dlllrlct ol Orang• County, Calllornla, wlll r804Mva ... led bids up to 11.00 a m,, Wtdnetday, Julv 2 t, t982 at Iha Purellutng C>.pa11men1 ol said collage dl11rlc;1 located at 1370 Adams Avenue. Colla Meaa. Calllornla, al which lime said bids will t>e publlcty opened and read tor: PRINTING & BINDING FALL t982 COMMUNITY SERVICE/COLLEGE ACTIVITIES BROCHURE All bid• are to be in accordance wllh tlte Sid Form lnatrucllons and Condition• and Spec;lllcattona which are now on Ille and may be aecured In the olllce ol Ille Purctlallng Agent or iald college dl11r1e1. Each tlldde< mull submit wnh hta bid a caahler'a check. cerutted check, or bidder'• bond mede payable to the order ol the Coast Communny College 0111rlc;t Board or Tru11-In an amount not lelS than live percen1 (5%) or the sum bid as e guaranlee 111a1 the bidder ------------1w111 enter 1n10 the propoaed Pllll.IC NOTICE Contract II the same 11 awarded to ------------1 him In the..,...,, of 1a11ure 10 enter Notice of Intended Tran•~ 1n10 such ontract, the s><oceeds ol NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN 11111 Ille check wlll be rortalted.._(>( Jn tl'MI Bruce Bowe. whose Dus1nev use or 1 bond, the tuU sum the<eol 1ddreas IS I 107 Nor1h BrOOllllur9 wlll De forfeited 10 (J•ld college Street. Anaheim. Cahlornll 92801, dlStrlC1 Intends lo Hensler to Clyde No tmloet may wm>draw ll1s bid Botzner. whose bUslnaU llddrHS It tor a perlOcl tor torty-hva 145) days 802 Eul SevenlNlllh S11ee1, Santa alte< the date Mt '°' the opening Ana. Callle><nl8 92701, Iha lotlowlng I h e , • 0 I propetty now IOcaled It 1107 Nortl) Board or Trust-reserves the Brookhurst Street. Anaheim, J>fhlllege of rejec;Ung any and alt Calllornia 92801 All stoclHn-trllda, Did& or to wa/Ve any 1tregutar1t1ea or merchandise, llxturH. equipment. tnlormalllles In any bid °' tn the goodWlll. and trade or lhlt certeln bidding bUslness known u Top Tune No 30 NORMAN E WATSON and located 81 1107 North Secretary, Brookllurll S1re11, Anehalm. Board ot Trust- Calllornta 92801 Tha transler of the Coast Community College property Is sutlteel 10 Commercial District Code Secllon 6108. Putlllahed Orange Coast Dally WIH>ln three years lest put, IO rer Piiot, July t. 8. 1982 as known to Iha undersigned 2917-82 transreree. Bruce Bo-hH uaed1------------ lha following addltlonal bualneu fltB.IC NOTICE names and addresses lnltl·Tune ------------1 81 -1107 North Brookhursl Street, YOU AU IN DEFAULT UMO£A A Anaheim, Caurornla 92801 DEIO OF TIWST DATED APIUt. 27, ~ western Thrift & Loan serving callfornlans for more than 26 years with over ' 5130,000,000 In assets. orange 1111 E KareHa Ave 17141997·1300 Costa Me~a 7000 Haroor e1vo 17141645·3153 Av•ll•bl• to C•llfom1• rHld•nt• only, (l.Jtrt#e<J olrwJ The Intended transfer will Ila 1•1. UMU!ll YOU TAKE ACTION~=======================~ consummated on July 15. 1982 II TO '9110T£CT YOUR "'°""1V, the office of. lll>d clatms fe>< debt1 ol rT MAY M IOU> AT A '°9lJC the transferor may be nled with Ann a A LI . I F Y 0 U N 11 0 A N PlalC NOTICE Cheri Brown, Anorney 11 Law, 438 IXP\.AMATION OF THI NA~ K-«1752 East Kalalla Avenue. Orange. Of' THl PROCllD9t0 AOAINIT aTAnMENT OF Calllomta 92667 The tut data tor YOU, YOU 8HOULD CONTACT A ASANOONMINT OF llllng claim s ror da b11 or the LAWYEll. USE Of FtCTITIOUS transferor Is .My 1•. 1982 NOTICE Of l'MJSTIE'8 IAl.£ 8U...,_H NAME DATED June 22. t982 T.I . No. S411S Tile following parsons heve Clyde Botzner NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. lhlt abandoned the UM ol lhe llCll1iOUS Publlslled Orange Coasl Dall) on Wed~ay, July 28, t982. at oos.nes:s name Piiot, July 7, 1982. 9 00 o'CIOCll am ol said day, In Iha UNIQUE PROMOTIONS, 22952 2960-82 room Ht H id• lor conducllng Lov10s Street. MisSIOn Vle)O, CA ------------Tru1tM'1 s.les within the offices or 92691 P\B.IC NOTICE REAL ESTATE SECURITIES The Fict111ous Busmen Name SERVICE, loeatad 11 2020 North referred to above wu llled •n K-H711 8'oedwey. Sulla 206. In the Cl!y ol Orange County on 6120/79 NOTICE OF DEATH OF Santa AN. Coun!y or Orange. State CH AR LES o RU M M 0 ND KENNETH EUGENE ol Clltlornta. GEORGE MAVER. as FRANKHOUSE. 22952 Lov101 WI L 8 ER SR. AND 0 F duly apc>Olnted TrullM under and S1ree1, Mission vieio. CA 9269 I PETITION TO ADMINIS-~::::; 1~0 1~~~ ~-..~'~a~~ 2205~oL~~1~s ~7r~f A~~~~0,Y.!,~: TE R EST AT E N O . Tru11 executed by PAMELA A-CA 92691 A 11401, SHIER, an unmarried woman and r1111 businftSS was conducled Dy• • • RICHARD ST THOMAS and DIANA ~eneral partnership P\B.IC NOTICE The loflowlng per1on Is doing ~ ... CARRAY INVESTMENTS. 24629 Del Prado Dana Point. Calllornla 926211 Raymond G. Espinoza, 21371 Avanldl Amtllente, El Toro, Calllornla 92630 This bWlneU Is c:onduc111d by an ll'ldMdual Raymond G Etpuiou This 1t11ement was riled wllh the County Ci.rtt ot Orange Coun1y on June 11 t982 F111111 Published Orange COH I Dally Piiot. June 17, 2•. July 1, 11, 1982 2658-62 PlalC NOTICE To all heirs, beneficiarieti. ST THOMAS, husband and Wiie aa Charles Drummond cre d itors and contingent commun11y properly, recorded May F'rankhouse NOTICE OF DEATH OF credito r s o f KENNETH 11. 1981, tn Book 1•052 °1 Official This statement was llled with the BLANCHE J. R USSELL, EUGENE WILBER SR nd Records ot said County. at page County Clerk ot Orange County on K BLANCHE OHNSO · · a 1696, Recorder's ln1trumen1 No July 1, 1982 A A J N p e rson s wh o ma Y be 12673, !ff reaaon ol a breach ol f 1t7* R USS E LL AN D 0 F otherwise interested in the default In payment or performance Published 01anga Coal! 011ty PET I T I 0 N TO AD - will and/or estate: ot the obligations MC:urad thereby, PllOI, July 8 tS, 22 29. 1982 MINISTER EST ATE NO. A tltl .._ __ ...._ f' led Including lhll breech or default, 3101.92 ~ pet on ,._ ~n 1 Notice ol which wH recorded Al1408%. by JUDITH K. FICKET'T In February t, 1982, 11 Recorder'• PUBUC NOTICE To all heirs. beneficiaries. the Superior Court o f lnatrument No 82-037679. WILL c r e ditors and contingent Orlhaant ~ColTHuntk.rf!lcu~n SELLATPUBLIC AUCTIONTOTHE aTATEMENTOf'wnltOMWAL c re ditors o r Blanche J HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. f"OM PA .. TNE"SHIP OPl"ATING 1aw1u1 money ot the United States, UNO€" Russell and persons who be appointed as personal or, c:uhief'ac~ drewn on a stall FICTmOUI eua1NEaa N.U. may be otherwise interested representative to administer or n111one1 bank,• state or leder8J The tollowlng person ha• in the will an d /or estate: the estate of KENNETH credit union, or• ate1e or fedel'al wlllldrawnuageneralpartnerlrom A pettuon has bee!l filed EUGENE WILBER, SR., nvlnga and loan a11ocl11lon :~,~~":alh~Pu~:!~ n"!'~ t~ b Ed ard C R ll J . COSTA MESA. C .. (unde r dC>ITlldled In'""' state. a11 payable a1 y w . us:seC • r. m n. lhe Umeof sate.lltrigtil,titleand C A LIFOR N I A CL AI MS the S uperior ourt o f the Ind e pend e nt lnl«ett held by 11. u TruatM. ln CONSULTANTS •t 1000 MacAnhur Orange County requesting Administration or Estates 11\at real property lltuete In said Blvd., Santa Ana, Calitom11 92704 that ~ward C. Mussell. Jr C I • d SI.I. d •• crlb.d a• The f1c1111ou1 bu1tnas1 name Act). The petit.ion is set for ,:::;:,:. n ' • statement tor 111e p111nerS11tp waa be appointed as person al hearing in Dept. No. 3 at 700 PARCEL 1. The Nor1h9Uterfy 11a11 filed on s-21-82 1n the County ol repreeentative to administer Civic Center Drive W est, ottheSoutl>Mat«ly2.5acrasolLot Orange the estat e o f Blanche J . Santa Ana, CA 92702 o n 3t3 o4 Newpot1 Height•. 81 shown FuN Name and Addr .. a of the Rus se 11 (unde r t he Jul 28 1982 9 30 on • mac> recorded In book 4, page Person Wllll<lrewlng I d d Ad JY • at : a.m . a3, Mltcellaneou• Mepa, records ol Luan w Major•. •82 N s111~ n epen ent ministration IF YOU OBJECT to the Orange Coun!y. Street, 0<8f199. Catllorn11 926e6 or F.stat.es Act). The petition granting of the petition. you E.11c ep1lng therefrom lhe SamlOdell.301 E. Tait Avenue. Is set for hearing in Dept. should eithe r appear at the Southeutllfty 2'0.00 taet thereof Orange. Caflfornta 92665 No. 3 at 700 Civic Center heari ng and state your Aleo E1ecaptlng therefrom Ille /a/ Luan Malora Drive, West, In the City of Nor1hwellllfly 50.00 feet thereof. F1-..0 objections or file writte n PARCEL 2. An eaael{len1 1or Publlahed Orenge Cout D111v S anta Ana. Californ ia o n objections with the court Ingran and agresa over the Piiot. July 1, 8. t5. 22. 19112 August 4, 1982 at 9:30 a .m . before the hearing. Your NortllwHter•v 7.00 teat of the 28 12·82 IF YOU OBJECT to the ap~arance may be in pel'90n Southeaaterly 2•o.oo 1991 01 Lot Pl.llllC NOTICE granting of the petition. you 313 ot Newpot1 Height•. q snown or 'Y your attorney. on 8 mep rfCOrded In bool<"'4, page NOTICE INVITING 8108 should either appear at the 1 F Y 0 U ARE A 83, Mlt<*li.neoua Mapa, records ot Notlc;a ,11 hereby given that 1119 h earing and state your CREDITOR or a contingent Orange County Board ot Truatees ol the Co11t objections or file written creditor of the deceased, you PARCEL 3: An 11aement tor Communlly Collage Dlatrlct ol objections w ith the court file laim with th Ingran and •or•ll over Ill• Orange County, Celllornla, wilt y must your c e Northwutarly 7 oo IHI ot the rac:elYe seeled Did• up 10 11 00 be Core the hearing. o ur court or preeent it to the SoYlheesterly 247.00 IMt of Lot 313 e.m., Friday, July 2J. 1982 11 the appearance may be in person personal r epresen tative ol Newport Helghll, u •hown on a Purchuing Department of n td or by your at torney aps:J:.lnted by the court ~t•-~ec;ort•A•dadou•'n.!'°°", ... ,,';~0rda83oi college dlltrlct 1oc11ed at t370 IF y OU ARE A wi f mon•'--from •'--,., ..... " '"' " ~ Adema Avenue, Coeta Me11, CREDITOR -our """ uac n...~ Cou...., oc a conungent · f ..,._'V"' ... , Cllllomla. 11 whlc;h ti~ Mid bide dale of flrtt Issuance o hcepllng tharalrom the wlllbepubliclyopenecl ancl rMCllor: creditor of the deceased, you lettien u provided In Section Norti-1.ny "-"· """' 1 .-...0 OOl.OIN WHT must file your claim with the 700 of the Probate Code of Tiie ttreet addreu or other COUIOI court or present it to the Callforn•-. The time for common detlgnatlon of Iha real 'ALL 1112 CAL•NDA" OF I . .. propeny l"lerelnllboW deacfll>ed i. IVUfTI persona repre1entat1ve til1nc claiml wW not expl.tt Pllfl>or1eel 10 be: m Albert Piece, AH bids.,. 10 be 1n eccotdat\CI appointed by the court prior \o four monlha from Coat• MaA. Calltomta. w1111 ,,,. Bid '°''" lnltl'llCllor\a 11'1<1 whhin four months from the the date of the hearing The underelon•d hereby Cooclltlon1 ancUpec;1flcatlonawNch date o f first iasuance of notked above. ~"'n!.:~ =~':J~ ••now In 1111 1 end ... ~ay .~ W:~1 Jetten u provided ln Sect.ion YOO MAY EXAMINE or°"* common d.algrlet1on. ~ ~ 0::.:.t~;t-·"' .._. 700 of the Probate Code of the fUe kept by the court. If s.ici NII w11 be mtlde without Each~ mu11 eu1>M11 wllh hie California. The t ime for you are Interested in the w1rr1nty, ••preu or lmplled, bid • caehler'1 check. eertlll•d filln& cla.ima w1ll not expire ..i.te you may (lie a l'flquel\ regardlno title, poa .. 111on. or check, or bidder'• bond made prior to four monthl from with 0 tbe court to remve ~'=:! :i1 :!11:!:..1':: ~-:,,:~ '~C:.,: g:J the date of the-hurlna a p e Cl a l n o tic • o f t h e °"* obllae11on MOlnd by Mid Of TNtt ... 1n en etnOUnl ~ i.M not.le.led above. Inventory of "Ute ueeta Died o4 fruit, with lnl4'MI end thin llw percent (5%1ot Ille111m YOU MAY EXAMINE and of the peddoN. aecounta othef 1um1 u provided ''*•In; bid II • gu.,an, .. thet "" bidder the tile kept by the court. U and report.a described In =.-:=:.-..,: =-~ .= ~,:i1:'n:;~~ ::,s'O::~: you are lntereat~d In the Section 1200. & of the advlnOll end J:: -. :':f: NM. 1n tM .....,1 Of llllllf• lo""* Ml.ate, you may Ille a requ•t CaUtmnla Pr*te c.ode. r't: ~~~T=--°'": Into Md\ contrlet. IN prooeede Of with the court to re«lve L. tCarr URUN, rniat~• 1o1 .. amovnl of Mid =-~=d~i:.~:,.= 1peclal notice of th e A~ M LI• M oblltttlOfl, 1,,ctuelttlo r"•on•DI).' _.., be lortelfed to Hid co•i.t• Inventory of eat.ate HHta Ula'.....,.... A• .. , I I .. tlm1ted ,,.,, oh1tOH 1nd dllttlOI. arwt nt tklo ptUUoN, llCCOUnta ......._CA ..... ...,.... o1 N fNNI. et IM llN No bidder ,.,..,, wltlldr• rite bid and reporu dncrlbed In ~t1un1...,1 ~., .......... *•'*1odlor1pillrioell0t~ lutlon 1200.& o f th• iM.... .... , ... , .._....., !flt .... ... ... California Probate Code. O'lllAU.IY, , r...... -,:-.::.tt:-rn...-'9MWll a-. c... • ow.,., Mlf9llJ II L1w IOU .. ftH N .,..._ _. ~-11 A__,. 1t Llw ~ 0.. Drift, ... a ... .__ WI!., .. .._.,. cw flt """'".:i•'''" . ..... ' --lfl " ., lrt ... ""'P,i"" ... ., WA (Ill) I = J:,'t~ """' "":.n • • u • cu --0 ... • Cola battle intensifies Pepsi third bottler to market calf eine-f ree oda NEW YORK (AP) -The cola ww-hu eeclllated 111ew u Pepi! Cola Co. b ece m e the th i rd beverage maker tO offer • low· caffeine cola. pcn.~mt c uffelnc. Royul Crown Companlet lnc. begun k lling 11.11 fiusarlea. no -caffoln e RClOO two years aiO- month -long leit In c-arly 1981 <.·ompared w1th ~.8 pe r cent during a t'Omparable period In 1970 J o hn Scull~~. Pt-peJI pretlde nt and c hll'f extkutive, said P e psi w ould begin testing P epsi Free in eight markets In August with t elevision advertisements to begin Aug. I~. P epsi F'rt.-c will oo available in both regula r . which will be 09.7 percent c affeine-free, a nd s ugar-fret', which will be 100 percent caffcin~frt"l' with one caloric . "We n ow Met' the colu war elevstini tO a new battleground -one o f mark et segme ntation," Sculley said in an Interview. Ht' r e fu sed t o s p eculate on th~ degroo of demand for caffolnc- frce colas in t h e comp e titive beverage business, but he said, "If there really is a market, w e want to participate in It." The fede ral Food ond Drug Adm1n15tratlon haa warned pregnant women to avoi d c·o n s umlng prod u cts with c·a ffeinc b ecause h eavy dose• l'a u scd b irth defects In rate. O the r s tudies, Including one r e leased b y H arv a rd M edical School. conclud6d coffee consumptio n has only a minimal c•ttec t on th e o utco m e o f pregnancy He declined to r eveal the test markets ln M arch , Seven -Up Co. laun c h ed an a d vertising campaign criu dzing competitOrs tha l u sed c a Cf e ane an their products a nd mtroduced L ike, a cola tha t contains less than 1 H e noted, how ever, that sak'S o f decaffeinated coffee have been up since the.paffein e controversy e rupte d several years ago. A s tudy prepared for thl' lnternBttonal Co ff ee O rga n ization m London said tha t decaffeinate d coffee accounted for 17.2 percent of all cups of coff ee consume d du ring a B everage indus try leader Coca~Cola said It will offer a ca Cfe1ne -(ree soda "at the appropriate time ," but s pokes man J oe Wilkinson declined further comment. Printronix to buy Printek interest Printro nix lnc . of lrvine" has announced it signed a le tter of intent to ac quire a o n e -third equity interest in Prlntek Inc. in exchange for approximately $1 million cash and $2.1 million in con vertible s u bordinated n ot es due in three years. and will not i n crease Its own ersh ip of Printek beyond one-third without the approval of Printek's board of di.rectOrs. Sonoma purchases developer Son o ma Inte rnational o f H untin gto n B each said it acquired assets of lrvine & Sons D evelopme nt Co., Inc ., a Sou thern California -based corporation . Printronix and Printek plan to e nter into joint t echnology agreements. J-#rintek Inc. is a privately h e ld M ichigan-based manufacture r of serial matrix impact printers d esigned for use with s mall b usiness and desktop romputers. The n o tes, w hich will b e con vertible into a pproximately 8 .000 s hares of Printronix common stock . will be exchan~ed with ce r tai n existi ng s hareh olders of Printek. The transaction IS subject to approval o f the boards of directors of both companies . Printronix said it ts acqujring the Printek shares for in vest m e nt Pr intronix designs , manufactures and marke t s medium and low-speed matrix impact line printers for use primarily with minicomputers, microcomputers a nd o the r small computer systems. The sale also w as announced of Son o m a's Florida o peratio n to Danaapali Land Co. Inc . The company is tak ing back a 12 percent n ote due in three years for $400,000. Sonoma's short -tenn plans call for acquisition o f mobile home parks and d evelopment of mobilt> home and multi-family projects. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTING~ . ..,, 1•1. ,,,,., 4 4'/• 1~ ?S ll' • l \llJ ... 10'Ae ""' •1.1. '"' 13"• ,.,.,, l3 20'1t 20 ... '• ,.., l7 l7'1.o I l·lt 1• .... " '7111 11'olo H !flro 19'n '''• 111'> 17'' 11 ... IS 1S' > S' t Siio .... ,,. , ?11· 72\<, JI~ • w .. )7 I"'> ?•'• ..... 19""' ......... .,.., .. ''f • IS IS'J. •'· •"' .. ~ .... ,.,. '"" D lO 11 I t'I• . .,, .... ,.-, .. '''• .... ' "'., "~ " ...... '""' ,,.,, .... '"' ....... 11 ?11• I ... "" .. ,,.,, '""' .,.,, 7''11 7~ 17\oi ,, ... 2~1711> .... '"' 11•;, ",,_ S.11SI ~ )'" ff.: :t ~~ UPS AND DOWNS TIME DC r.1. ._ r=\ n·~ tt~ TecumP S•v1 U~ T .. cmA 16', 1•'-Ten""t 11'> U f~ror. ; ;:~ TovOle I ~. 1 T'WllEtr • ••r. TrtcoP<I 11' • U TY'O'IFd I 7'1> 11 ... UlMcGW uo., IS''> 1.6 Enr """ I ~Sur n 12'• ~Tro 1~ 11 \Ne&h ]Ji., H I ~p;,ng 1f" I;,, ~ VMIA Jiit l''t • v•••111 , 1,. .. ""' s VanDus • •· 1 • v.l<ro ,,_. " 7 Vlc1-.St "" ''"' I ~~ .~: .::~ ~ •rftEI ""' 11 II -EM I~ 1J ll Wltldlr" Sii. S ... IJ - WOHdp lfl'J """ " ?& • 20 ... 15 _, " "'') ,. M ftf'llu I 1"-1? II wwo ' 17'. ''"" " W>lvAlu ""' •"' 1' W>ITWI 11 11•, lD YlbOOIA tt'"' )0 11 #IQlllW IO'llo It l2 ZlonU1 ' 11"-21'. lJ I\ e NOi •OOhUlll't ~ • Ull"S L...KI O>q • • I ~ .. n. • "' "'<-• ~. .I. . f.\. p . • Y) .. 1 • '""' ?"II ... )'It • ... ·-~ . .., ' . ... u•,.., 1''• •'· . ~ ,. . " '"" ... . ) .. . . .. , •') • I ) . , . .... ,. • .., 1\"1 s-,, • '- •' • • ''l o , • "' s·~ " 1t'i• • It. DOWNS Pct Vo n 1 Uo 1S 0 VP 10 0 VP II I Uo 17 I Vp IS • Uo 15 1 Vo IS.O Vo IJ 6 Vo u J VP II S Vo 10 1 Vo 100 VP •• Vp '• UP t 1 Vo • ' UP 8 J UP a J Vo • ) Uo 1. Vo '. Uo I 7 Vo 1 J Vo I I "'" 7~ 17', ""'• n u 11" IJ ... 17'') 11 ... l)looo .. 1" no. NASDAQ SUMMARY lA<I . ., 171) ' , ... °',~. oii' 110 • •• , Ott 10 5 •, Otl ?O 0 ... Oii 19 1 • , Ott 18 1 I Ott "8 '" Oii .. ] ... Ott .. ) MUTUAL FUND •''• .. ,, ••• .. •6•"'J .. ••"· JI'• ]1\o 11'> 13\<, 10-. 10'• 15'1') IS .. JS'J. )~ ""' ... ]SI.lo J4 11 ... I~ )1'4 )I'll. ]41')~ . ..,. 17\IJ ""' s1.. i,..., ?1 11'"t 16''1 11 NEW YOlltl( IAPI CM\ttnlfelGp Tr-?111 NL Ill.. !1 0 NL -The IOll-1119 -°'"' I Ot 1 IS F~~ll ~,. NL ~"/ t:,., I: !1 12N,'-, ::.'1::1.:e'i"~!t ~~llor 6!!.o' 01 FnclT• 11.AS NL JP lnco 1 CD 1 M etOll ~ SetUf'lllM HIYkl • • • ?O llldutl l 1' NL ~ I.GI NL ~·~" II\( •• ,. HIMul\ 11 ,. I? 10 l11tom • SJ NL Jdwl H..coo. "" prlon •1 """" NOit< " tO ,, ,. Fil '"""'°'' Bond 12.1' IJ.d ft• toteiirlllH TeaM U.• 1' SI 8nd "" ll '1 IJ 11 G<..Ch &.• • 20 CGUld "8vt c.e.n Oii Slit • .. NL OIKO 1.1' '11 VS G.... 1.17 I .It IOIO INll •n•I a..rt Fd 16 CD 1r 52 Ci<..Cll ' 10 • ., Tu Ell • a 9.00 r:~ :"' ~"~ ~~ ~~~ ~t ~r:.~" S.'1 n~ = "....:. NL t-Oll w.o.. QllOl\lel ,._ Ooln s • • u lncom 1.01 1.5? Salt ky FUllO '·" 10.lt Tea E• I 11 I 14 Gr-1.93 •.'6 Allie 1?., NL Gr~ll 6 16 1 l• .. WIEq •·" 1 CM HI 'fld I.ti 1.13 Acom F '1.n NL HI Yid 5.'13 • 0 t4 Well 11.'2 NL lntlFO 10.11 11.0) "'"" 12.0 NL '"'°"' s.a •.36 "°''• •., • 10 ~ a •.4S •·" Alulur• 13 CZ! NL ()pin ... •.OJ Fnd Giii 4 $J • •s Ooln 11. 16 12.20 AIM 1'1110\ Tu MO 11.'° lD l? ~"Group Summ IS.17 16.IO CvYld 11 JI I? 10 ~u Glll IS.CD NL G<..Cll 6 .. ' !'IL Tech •.S1 10 4t Edton LOI '"' 111 A8 I.Ill 116 lncom 11.1•1 Nl Tot RI 10.to 11.'1 HI Yid l.ZJ f.IO 111 0> 'I.SI Ul M1UI I rp 1 J6 US GV\ 19A I ti A!ple F B ... NL= 8d 1 • I 0 SclKI 111t NL l<e~Tt ~~r 1l 1I ~.:'.:~~ ~0.:,.11 n QN;,or": 1~': ';.'~ "'~'"Gr~ l 33 eu, B2 is '1 16 •• A Bel I.OS e IO ConM<tk:UI O.nl ONTC 12.Sl 11.50 Ort &I •"' 1 '2 Am<p s 11) • u l'und 10 n 11 OS G<..Cll 1.15 1,11 Cus Kl '·" I •O A Mull 10.41 11 ll 1ncom UJ 6.>0 09110!\ •. 93 "3? Qis IQ S,. 5 •• ao"" 10 11 11.11 ¥111 8d 6.2:1 • 1t vlh ... s.oo on SI t• l1 15 SJ Fd Inv 1 S3 e.?l Olr>S Inv 10 (II) IO SO lntom 1,71 I I• Cus S3 6 GI 6 .... G<oMll t M IO S• OIMtel G 10 II NL VS Gov US t ·7• Qis 54 4 SS 4.'1 nicom 111 • ., Co'll ~ • " NL Calil s 42 .~ llilenl ) .. •-02 ICA 7 M I U ~y Gap 1114 IJ.71 E&111ll 4.. U? THFr 6 Sl • 11 N Ptn •• ., 6" ~l-19 0-0UP fa•l'r 5111 61)1 Mell •• ,. IO M WStl Mt • 11 I U OKll 11 l2 IJ 3t F..-11\C' LfttnalOll Grp. Alrflr 0.-el · o.I•• IS 21 ,. .. Oftrca 1.• •. S1 Ct Let' t.SS IO.S• C.p 911 S • 6 ti o.tcll • 16 •.13 lnvOull I to• 01 GOIClfd 2. tl NL Efltrp 10.» 11" T• l'l't S • SAA PllOI 1,$4 1.10 ~MA 106 NL HI Yid L• I." Ot!ta •.Sol I0.4l O T P a t Gr9W 6-'1 NL M1al 8 1US 14.tO ~ 2 IJ NL It" NLO.le ~ !llnll IUJ NL "-"'~" ~~ ~.U ~ : n:~ =t ~ 1 '.1111. L =·Se~ NL ~ >0.'4 NL ~~ UOt NL ~fl\~r ... , Olllllt lUI NJ.. ~ ... Am ,tin ';l~ "'A°"iftd 07,:1 NL lfllTa ,~11 ..... N.L NllA IUO .... "' • '1:..t.•\. 1.n =.1" t.. ::U e~ it lf·C "° :.~ =t E • ... , ··~ llrOlllCI J tt N Nini 1. NL T t,JD NL 0t IS.65 17.10 A CMllN , U 191 I~ J,I NL WI llld U..2S NL -2.• 2.H A litfitt t.'5 NL f'H la t. N~ II""' It.Cl ll.14 ~ .. 9r'o• AtlllN 4.• S.01 Tllf'll C 1 H tttm Hl)A U• 4.U ~ ICl.D 11.19 ,. =t '·J: NL ·~ • s • I I • 10 II 11 I) " ' ... 15 ,. 17 II lJJ 19 ,,!~ r: J )1,2 l2 ,, ZJ 121 1,. ?US..G> ts MllUIMotOmehe .,..., ''7 OjL Gr..Cll • lO • " '"'°"' '1S • n h Fre ... '41 MIQuel II SA NL Mii Stir U lit NL ... nsT U M NL ,,., Avie 1 61 NL ltltl Ind II I• NL llttl *"''"" Belen • 42 IO 16 Bond ,,'2 J.U Gr..Ch .. ,. 1 27 Pr'9!0 S.111 "2 S lfttom s.56 S,., Stock I.OS I H Tu Ew •.93 7.37 TotAe 4.41 4,U Falrlld S tl 6.47 NEU re r<und: E~lt 11 a 1',11 Grwlll 1', 10 IS.JJ I 11tom • 41 10 lJ Aet Eq 11 ZJ 11 1l TuE• S.Sol S IO NIUO. roer Bet m E1Y9Y U 11 NL Guerd 16 1' NL ~f.t u: ~t Pertft I? " NL S<hul IS 17 NL Ntwt Gt 17 JI NL ,.,,.. Ire: •·• NL .. t llDle IS 43 NL NE tftTr t 1' ..... 01 .. ,. ,.ve,. II• V'""'~ HMllh H4 Yid lllCOffl '" ... '' 10 11 NL 11\Com • .. NL lftt! Fd It II NL MMI •O NL $0t<I •O JO NL S«unly Funcb · aon11 7 1'7 H E~llY S t4 S 13 '"""' , .. S'-• , .. >'• , .. )0, s•. , ... t)''• 1 1 • 1 • , .... , .... ,.,. ' 1"· 1•~ ... Oii 13 9 ·~ Oft I)) '> Oft 13 J '• Oii 130 ... Oii " s l'llo Ott 111 11• ()ff 11 1 '• Oft 1t t >lo OU 11 I .,. Oii 11 I '\lo Otl 11 I '' Ott 10,1 .,. ()fl 10 ~ '"• OU tOO I Oii 100 .. Oii 100 ()II 100 16•1 NL .... NL • 10 NL 6.2• NL J.'7 • H ?011 NL I.IS ••I t1• IS IS ,us ... $.67 6 20 u.a ,. 10 l.S1 •.» 1.IO NL .. ,. •.1' 11 .0 NL L"1 NL NL •.01 NL NL NL NL NL 7 11 l I I t i ' •• Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Thuraday, July 8, 1882 s • •• NYSE OMPO ITE TRAN ACTIONS OUOtATIOH• •HCl.UDI T••DU OH'"' NIW YO••. MIOWHT, ... , ... ,,, ..... 1000•. OIT•Olf ••o ~Ul(lllllATI n ocw l•(MUIOU •MD •l"O•flO I Y TMI Mato ••O INU.,lll Diet Coke due by October ATLANTA (AP) -Thft Coca-Cola Co. will Introduce a sugar-free aoft drink coiled Diet Coke by Q.:tober, an industry analyst aays. Jesse Myers, publlaher of the Beverage Digest newsletter In Greenwich, Conn . WWI quotud in the Atlanta Constitution as saying the Atlant.a-baS(;d soft drink company would annuun<:c ttw product today. Coca-Cola offir1als would neither confinn nor deny the unveiling of Diet Coke. but Coca-Cola USA President Brian G. Dyson has called a news conference for Thursday in New York to announce "a mapr development." PacFed sells 12. branch es Glendale Federal Savings & Loan Association has purchased 12 branches of Pacific Federal Savings & Loan Association. it was annount'C'd. Pacific Federal is headquartered in Cost.a Mesa. These brant·hes be<.•ame part of Glendale Federal foUowing approval of the sale by the Federal Home Loan Bank Boards: Brentwood, Manhattan Bea<'h and Santa Moni<:a in Los Angeles County: . Anaheim (Lincoln Boulevard) and San Juan Capistrano m . Orange County: Palm Desert• R1vers1de and Sun C.ity in Riverside County: Redlat1ds in San Bernardino County; and Encinitas, Rancho Penasquitos and Country Club VilJage in San Diego County Belsito Blue Cross director Floyd (Bud) Belsito. former Huntington Beach ci ty manager. has been named a director of the new Blue Cross of California. ~ The California insuran ce commissioner recently approved consolidation or the state's two _ Blu e Cross plan s ., ' A Zl -member board or '• -7 j directors. including Belsito. was • named to represent the public and the health provider communatv Treasury bills d ecline WASHINGTON (AP) -Yields on short-term Treasury securities have dropped nearly one-half percentage point m the latest auctions, marking the first decline since May, officials said About $5.3 billion in six-month bills were auctioned Tuesday at an average discount rate of 12.976 percent, down from 13.'l 19 perct-nt at the previous sale June 28. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORK (API -Sales, Wed prlc4I =• "'1v~,.s~:-~~Znv":"11~~v:. ~:·"-"' ·u;:.-11»''*'~~ . , .. NEW YORlt(APt F1N I Oow Jonft avQ> ~ "*"·Jul 1 ClllCOf'D 7'19(1) ?I~ 1 • T...,., 111111> 11'• • 1 ~~ ~:~ ~= ,~ IBM .:11.>m ti • ... IS.Ht 1t111Uk ss."a> n... " AMCOM Sl'l.lCI> 11' • 1 CanllllQ> f"J,OCI> ..... '. 81K" OK~ C3 111> ll'• '• Mid5ouVI ..S.ta> IJ'. EJU{Ol"I 1. 0 0.9CD 2'1 • • • FordMOI: "'~ 9CD D>'t • 1 • • o..se Milnfl m oa> 'II •~· •mtr T & T J71 •CD lO' .. AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (API -Sales. wed price ~~1~11an~oc~' '"~.~~,:" .:~":. 1..otnQ naho..all v •I mor• II•.,, ~t Wt"9 8 1.W SCll 11' 1 • I OomeP!rl 140,800 •' • • I I. Gl.n!Focd 109.?Cll 1'11• ... 0..rno Ho 100.J<D l I ''• r:~~f," :.;~ ~~ . ', O>letOv 9 IJ,1(1) 16"> .. ZL R~ "'·'CD ~ 1'• Crv•lllOil 68.900 11 '> Brad frrC•U fl1,7Q) IJ'• • • 1 GOLD COINS HtW YO"~ IA,1-ll't-.. ,. Tu.di)' o4 OOlcl OOIM, OOtt19«ed 11114111 'r1dey"• prlo. .,.....,.., 1 Irey OI., t)iU6, of! la.Tl. .... ...,, I tiey 01 , tnf,1f.t.l?!f l a.fl ....._ • ,_.. 1 t 1ror or,-'· fl, Olf suo A••lrleft '91 uewa, .1102 troy 01 •• QOl,to, Oft IUO STOO(S J) '"° 10 T"' II VII .s s" O.." NI• ._.. CltM 0... IM 2l ID{IO 1'1 H "'", 0 n )1)~ Jll IS )1 1 U J1S SO• I ~ IOS I• l~O IOS II l(IS SI 0 SI )10 t i Jll~ J>llO )11 H • OJI> ·~· ,,.,, \Alls .S Sn WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK 1 .. PI Jul I Mwanclll Dt<llr..cl UIC~ .... '"~' Ntw IOW\ W ... ~, 4Ml I ()lf Wed l2l "' 45J u " NEW YORIC l .. PI Jul 7 ACvanced Otcllned U>Cl"•"Qitd Tall! I•""' ,...., n.91, ,..w 10 ... METALS We<l 221 Jl1 110 ne ) n J tSI SOO IDJ 100 IOJOO s )<lg soo p, • .., dn) JJ8 l l! 119 1 )) NEW YORK (APJ -Spol nonlerroua me11t pro<es Wednesday Copper 68'1 7 I t et11t • pound U S de~11na1-ont lted 25·28 ee111t • pound line: 37~0 cenlt POuOO o.41-ed Tift $6 9'09 Me1alt Wee!< CQMf>OS>l8 ID ahlMl,...m 15·11 ce<tlS POund N Y -Curt S37000 1)8< llHk 111•1-$286 00 troy 01 N Y SILVER Wed Hanciy & Horman SS !>70 per iroy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS •r n.. A .. oclet9CI "'"• $84«1ed WOtlel gol<I prlCQ We<Jnesdey London; morn•"'il 11•1"9 S307 .0. Dl1 $3 60 L-on: at1e1noon tl•1n9 S306 75, 011 $4 25 ~ ... .., etttrnoon "•'no $305 58, Of1 55 116 'r9ftlelwt: S30CI 76. oll $6 23 Zurich: late """'ii S306 75 Oii $.4 SO bl<I S307 25 Hlled H111dr 6 Herme11: 1only dlllV quo111 $306 75. 011 $4 25 1,...n..rc1: lonly deHy qvole) $306 75 Of1 $4 25 l ........ d: (only del4y qvotel lal>rlcated $322 09. Off $4 46 SYMBOLS .· "O{J I .., d l J A ' t .. , s ca •• Or1no• Coaat OAILV PILOT/Thuraday, July •• 1G82 -EVENlt0- 4:JO .HlllALL Dodo•r1 l•C• EKPO• 1n Monfreal tM1••..wa ~WOMAN ntlt.ANf • HAWA.ll l'lW-4 HoltMan, M..-yl ltreeo A men NlttM wltll Ill• h • wlf9 IOt -loely Of IMlt YolHIO IOll •"• ~ ....... out Ol'l IMm ''°' tl11 (J) OHAftLll OHAMl'LIN OH THI "'-M IOIN& t:IO G QI GIMMI A IMAK Nell r~ hon .. to Ala• bem• to -...., dylt>g l•I....,, ...mo •1111 h•• nol lorOfven ,,., lor running away lrom hom. Ill vaa•• _...,,,., 8 di ~IOI IQUAD DelKtlve 011blrl lnvatll getM the murder of a l\lghlolub comic • UP AHO OOMtHO "A little Romane." Fran cine fte11 IM m061 dlHl- cult dK1a1<>n 01 lier Ille when the find• oul aha It pregnant (Pall 2)(All) (1}MOV11 ID HUMAHITIU TH..auGH THI ART& "Ml.Ilk:. MHnlng Througn Struc:lufe" I AICN£W11 uo~ 11CONr> CIHTVRY FIRST EPISODE -Daniel J . Travanti (left) as Capt. Frank Furillo, confers with Sgt. Esterhaus (Michael Conrad) in the pilot episode of "Hill Street Blues" to be re-broadcast at 10 tonight on KNBC (4). * • "Three Into Two Won'I Oo" ( 1909) Rod Steiger. Clatre BIOom The 1ppearanoe of a promllCU· OUI young womln upaet• the settled ••l•lence of e mlddl•·•ged couple 1&.00 II ()) KNOTS LANDING In the aftermath or Slcl'I dHlh, Karen works to 11ea1 family wounda and assumes the management of hla bualneu (R) 0 Qt HILL STAHT 8lU£S A oonlrHtlng po<tralt ol Ille old• genwatlOn lat>Or lmmlgr91111 and Ille new eulvala wilh dinwenl MllUs and hlg...., ... ~1a11ons Is preMnted '19 AME~ 001/EAHMEHT "Tiie Functional Pr99lden- cy" (fl 9AAHEV MIU.EA QIN£WS ffi)BtGHORH A doeu~lary 11aces • band of wUd Rocky Moun- tain b'9hom aheep througn IOUfMHOnS. @ MOVIE • * "five Summer Sto· ries" C llHS) Oooumenlary Slow-motion sequences hlghlighl this e•am1na11on ol the •urtlng lirea1y1e lllmed in Southe<n Calilor· nla and Hawaii. 7:00 I cu NEWS H8CH£W8 8 KUNOF'U D A8CHEW8 a KOJAK ., JOt<EA'S WILO 8l) '19 BUSINESS REPORT ()) P.M. MAGAZINE "Tiie Ear" Dr T lmothy Jonnton ••amines Ille ea• llNCIUI& and the nearing process 8 EYEONL..A. Featurtlel IT\lltltal alda that spice up your love Ille: loa Angelel' obMHlon with being t>eaulllul, dartlelevll car raoets wt><> drl,,. ·eon. , ... CetS • u •A'S'H B J tries 10 organue a present-day. ttatH1d• gathering of 40771h taml- 11 ... • ()) TIC TAC DOUGH MACHEl I LEHRER REPORT '19 FAWLTY TOW£A8 Polly and Manuel take poof ca'• ot Ille hotel when BaaH and his wile decide to lake • amau •acallOn (Pert :l of 6) 9 YOU ASKED FOA IT F .. turtlel ·Canada's Tree Supermen" and "The Fu1es1 Heel In The West " QI FAMILY l'l:\JO (I) AEA08ICl8E: BEGINNEATO INTEMtEDIATE Get tn anape, tool< good. and feel tgr .. I wllh lhts physical fllneat program A new cosmetle: denial 1ec11n1qu• called tooth bonding, the lone survivor ol Alcatraz s blood••SI breakout a.-oo II()) MAGNUM. P.1. (!m ENTERTAINMENT TON!GHT An lntWVI-Wfth Joan Colina QI THE MUPP£T8 (C)MOVIE • • • "Parad•M Alley ( 19781 SytvHle< Slallone Armand Assante Three scheming brolllefs from the Hell's Kttchen sectlOn 01 New York Oty combine ttwllf traits of bratns and bfawn tn lhelr eltor1s 10 create better !Ives 101 themselves ·po (8)MOVIE • * •;, "The Nor1h A_,.,. l<fegulara" ( 19791 Edwwd Hwrmann. Barbeta Harns Tiie new mtnlttw '" a.small town organl~aa a group o4 dotty women In his congr• gallon to Slop Ille !tow of church lunds 10 cr1mlna11 (O)MOVIE • "Gas (1981) Donal<! Sutherland Susan Anspach A radio OJ and a reQO<tw try to expose an oil maona1e·1 plot to drtve up gH prleel by Gontrlwng an oil sh<>tl~ 'R (%)MOVIE ••'It For Your Eyes Only (1981) Roger Moore Topol Jamet Bond traci.s a Cttmlnal wllO purloined 8 top secret Brlhsh delenlMI device 'PG' 7:30 II 2 ON THE TOWN Featured a lady In San Oleo<>. wno has ptepared a moun1a1n1op lending stnp for a U F O , Me wtlal it's like to cross the U.S./Max· lean l>Oreler Illegally; vlsll Joan Embefy's ptlvate ani- mal COll.chon 81 the S11n Diego Zoo 0 BOOYWOAK8 CHANNEL LISTINGS 8 KNXT CC BSJ 0 Q KNBC CNBCI 1 0 t<.TLA (Ind ) h D KABC (ABC) c G KFM B <CBS) Cf., 0 KHJ·TV (Ind.) illi Ii> KCST !ABC) I • KTTV (Ind I .I 'GJ KCOP· TV l Ind I • e KCET (PBS) • ID KC':E IPBSI Magnum Is htr~ by a world-clasa card player 10 be lier bOdyguetd during • lllgh-llaltff P<>k• g- (A) O Q!FAME Mrs Shefwo<>d d11COvefl that Leroy Is on his own and decides to go easy on him. (RI D MOYIE ••• •;, • HMven K"°""s Mr Alllaon" ( t9571 Rot>e<1 Mllcilum. Oeboteh Kerr A Marine COfPO(al and a nun find that they're Ille only ones on • Pacllk: Island uni~ the Jap-arrive • 9 DAllKAOOM A v1e1nam veteran g•VH his aon 911 army ol toy aol· dlen that eome to llfw, and a tlld< llusll• tangles wllh lhe magic o4 an Old cajun woman (R) 8 MOVIE ••• -s-1 Btrd 01 Youth" ( 196:11 Peul fof-· matt. Geraldine Page To land a movie contract. a corrupt young man takff advantaoe of a former moV18 star wl\o ltves In a hai.e of narcottc.a and alco- hol • P.M. MA4AZIHE A ,_ cosmetic dental technique called tooth bondlno. Ille tone survivor ol AICatraz's bloodiest brea1<ou1 «I) MOVIE •• * "The Lila And Ttrna 0 1 Judge Roy Bean" ( 19721 Paul Newman. Ava Gardner A ameu11me out- law laket ovw a Western town by dltpentlng h•S own lorm of justice and conftacaltng Ille property tor .. court coats · · Dn·TV Z·TV HBO IC1nemu1 (WOR I NY , N.Y IWTBSI IESPNJ IShowtimel Sc>otlioht (C•ble News Nttwork ) POLTERGEIST // /, l/llh \ II /11,/ \I //fr \ \II'/ I 'C ; , ... ......... ....,. IH Ult . . NOWPLAYINO •cona•u -, ..... c--·°'-°'"'"' l•t Jl01 Ut IOU (lf-·-(1.-5-• ACOt-""' ~·~ UIOJ-0 •Ml.lllt• - '• ll"C..,C-Sl) ,,., 0 4 ,. .. ~K'40 .... _,..._tl ... ST .... TP l..,_c-,w.., "' Jtn WJST-Tlll ....... , ..... ,. ... ~ .. ltl Jttl . ...... W ilqffll!lll flD I.MT CHANCE OAAAOE 8'11d S..fl talk• about the! cau... of and cuuls '°' poof mileage end s1ugg1sn perlormence 6i) 8HEAK PREVIEWS Roger El>wl and G11ne S1s1<e1 hOtl an 1nlorm111ve tool< at what s n ... al Ille movtes ($)MOVIE • • "Tne Hano 119811 Michael Caine. Andrea Mvcovicc;I Blr.arra inc•· den11 11nd nlghlmares begin happening 1n a car· 1oono11'a hie alter he sufl .. a lhe loss of a hand 'R• @MOVIE * * •;, .. Cortllnental Oiv•d•" ( 19811 John BeluSht. Blllr Brown A Chicago newspaper co1Ymn111 1ravel1 to Intl Rock-10 eacepe some pohtocel heal and 1n1ervoew a reclusive naluraJisl ·pG 11:!10. 000 COUPLE Oscar learns I hat Fellas new glrllrtend is not JUSI the librarian lie 1h1nk1 sne ll tD SNEAK PAEV1£W8 Roger El>wt and Gene Stskel host an onlormallve look at whaf'1 new at Iha mov-. '19 LAST CHANCE GAAAOE Brao Sears dilCuues pte Vet'llahve ma.ntenance (OJ PAWN SHOP 9:00 fJ CIJ 81MOH & SIMON A -•llhy Houa1on social· lie hires A J and Rock 10 hnd lhe !lance wno 1•1ted lier al the allar CAI 0 Q! OIFF' RENT 8TAOKE.8 Mr Drummond agrees to lel Kimberly go away for a sk• weekend w11n a lroand unaware that two l>Oyt Wlll also be anarong Iha room (R)Q_ D ~ aAAHEY MILLEA Wo1<> and Harns bring 1n • man wno chain.cl himself to a lance to pro1ea1 world con<llllons and the loss of his aparlment cleaning deposit (R)O ID MSW OAIFFlH "Crune· Gu.all Truman Capole. Alan Der1nowo11 Loa AngelH Superior Court Judge Wiiiiam Keene. Culver City Ch..,I o• POllC4l Teel COOi< fl) HUMEAO UNO Finland's v .. kko Hakull· nen Ille coun1ry·a ~• croas-counlry ~1er IS pro- lllecl 6i) MASTERPIECE THEATRE 'Pride And Pre1ud1ce When Mr Bingley moves 1n10 the n .. ghbo•hood Mrs Bennet conaoOers him Ille righlful property ol one of her 11.._ unmarroed daughter• !Part 111R1 Q (C)MOVIE • • * "lnalde Moves ( 1980) Jonn S•v•· David MorM A newcomer to Ille group of regulars II an Oakland bar may ·hOld fl'le key to ma.king the barten- der's dfeam of becoming 11 pro basketball player a reality 'PG (RJWOYE * • 'S earch And Dellroy· (1118 t I Perry l<lr>g. Don Stroud A lor· mw South Vlelnamese olflclal aeeka revenge aoalnat the fOUf Amerocans wflO abandoned him 1n an ambush dUfing lhe war 'PG' (OJ MOYWE • * • • "Kr emer Vs Kramer" ( 1979) Dustin Repeat 0 1 tho pilol 8PISOde Hill Slrttel Siat1on · eomeHEWS 19 20 /20 TOTHEMAHOA 90AH A repair bill 101 her Ro111- Royce convinces Audtey to revert lo lour legoed llOftepo-'19 THE LAWMAKERS Corre1pondenl1 Linda Wertheimer and Cokle Roberll 101n Paul Duke lor an up·IO·lhe·mlnute sum· mary ol Conoreulonal ICltVllifl l$)81ZAAAE Dream Sequence @MOVIE • • * • "Tho Lale Show" ( 1977) Art Carney, Lily Tomlin A saat<>ned pr•· vate eye encounlera black- matl ano murder when he comes out of reloremenl to locate a ell b4ltong1ng 10 an oltbell female cloenl ,0--~ Cl) NEW8 all UP POMPEII 6i) MONEYMAKERS ·w 1nn1ng The Money Game" ( tl' MINSKY'S FOLUE.S . ~ Pnyllls Doller. Rip Taylor and S1ubby Keye '°'n Iha Minsky Borleaque Troupe for a revue lea1u11ng bag· gy-panll comedy, •l•tp- tease and PfodUCllOn num- bers $1MOVIE • • • "Fame" ( t980t Ir- Cara Barry Miller Several olfted SIUdants 91 a New Yori< high KhOOI for the per-lormong aria fl•~<lence vat1ous se1back1 and suc- cesses ol bolh personal and prolesaoonal r'lalures PG. 11:00 fJ 0 D Cll <!Jl Qt HEWS IJ SATURDAY NIGHT Holl Ari Garlunkel Gues1 S1ep1>en B1ahop 8 YOU ASKEO FOA IT Fea1ured ' Man Rides Deadly Manta ~Y · and "E'lglanO'a Space-Aoa Aobol Dog . • M'A•S•H Klinge< grows deSQerale to return home when 1111 •Hori 10 bring Toledo IO Iha unol fails «I) BEHHYHILL &i) OICfC CAVETT 6i) OOCTOA IN THE HOUSE 'C)MOVIE • • • Culler 1 Way 1198 t) Jonn Heard Jett Briagas A ma1mt1<1 Viet· nam val and h•S be91 lrtend. a soc1•I dropout, locus lhelr energoes on solvlng a murde< case 'R' ro MOVIE a• • ., Angela ( 19771 Sophia Loren. John Hus. Ion A woman d1scove<1 lhat Ille young man she lli romanllcally Involved with Is 1"41 son who was 1aken from her 1n 1nlancy (l)MOVIE • * • ''> 'Two Enghsn Girls" (1117 t) Jean-Poer-re Leaud. Kill• Markham In pre-World War I Paris. lwo Wlllh glrla engage In 11 rQn\antle 1r1engle With 1 y~ Frenchman 11:JO • Cl) QUINCY G Q! TOHtGHT Gues1 h<>sl Joan Rovers tlueata. Joan Collins. Rota Moreno D ltl A8C HEWS HIGHTUHE 0 MOYie • * • ·~ "Seconds ( t966) Roclt Hudaon, Will Geer With some behind-lhe· acenes help from a secret Now it is free to become one of us. 1Hil& I '''' -.:n_::-.;;-. ~''· 0 • -• TUBE TOPPERS KNBC (4) 7:30 "Body Work1t." T he 11tl'Ul'turt• vf thl· ear is exam int..>Cf and the lwurlng proc.'l•i..-i iR explaint.-'d. KN XT (i) 8:00 -"M a gnum , P I " World-class rnnl player hm!!> M<.1gnum tu ht· her bodyguard 1n high stakt•s gun1l'. KAOC (7) 8:00 -"Darkroom." Vietnam Vl'leran 1s attacked by an army oC loy soldiers that come alive KNXT (~) 10:00 -"Knots Land mg " Karen heals family wounds and assumes management. oC the Camlly business. meo1cat organ11at1on, a mlddle-11ged bualne11man racaplufM Ille appearance ol youth • THE JUnMON8 Lionel alert• coming on like h11 tath•• «I) LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE 'Love And Th• THCher· An artist IS incenled w1111n his son nunh a 1141•-edU· catlOn claaa all CHIHE.8E· AMEAICAHS: THE SECOND CENTURY A contraatlng porlralt of Iha older generallon lobor 1mmigranta end the new arrivals w1111 dlHwent skills and higher e•pec:llttons Is presented '19 CAPTIOHEO ABC NEWS (H) MOVIE ,,. * *'" "H11tory 01 The World •. Part I" (1981) Mel Broolca. Madeline Kahn M an s 11iu1t1to<Js h1a1ory •· lrorn Neand8'1haJ cave- ~ to tlle Sp11n1s11 lnqu•· 11llon •• la ••atn1ned R. t2:00 IJ ENT£ATAINMENT TOHIOHT An 1n1erv-with Join Collons D ®l V£OAt Dan troes to pro1ec1 a Rus· s1an detector and n1s air· cr11l1 from a deadly lroo benl on lhfltr destruction (RI ID MOVIE • • • '" ··G11da ( 1946) Atta Hayworth Glenn Ford Tiie wife OI • South American casino owner 11111 In love with ht1< hus- Dend·s right-hand mtn «I) LOVE, AMERICAN STYLE fD UHOER8TAHOIHO HlJMAH BEHAVIOA "Sensory Dept IV8 I l()n @MOVIE • • "Gtrls On The Beach 12:30 0 CJt LATE NIGHT WITH OAVIO LETTERMAN Guesls lormw Monkee Peter Tork pollster GllOlge Gallup Jr "COUPU.8 «I) HEWS 12:40 fJ CIJ MCMILLAN & WIFE Mac and Sally auspecl a greedy nephew of murder· tng lhe so4I helr IO Mol- dred' s weallhy aunt s Hlale (RI 12:48 (SI MOVIE * * '" "Chu Cnu Ano The P11111y' Flaah" 119811 Alan Ar~on C•rol Burnell An alcoholoc tormer baseball p1ay1r and a k<>Ol.y street entwtaoner ~ Plrt· ners 1n a scneme to make money by re1urn1ng a losl SU•IC8MI • PG. 12:Mf(:l MOVIE (1NO) 'Union C11y 'PG 1:00 0 MOVIE * * * Amelia E11harl ( 1976) Susan ClaA Jonn Forsy!lle T"" 1ndependen1 hlestyle and air ••1>lo11s ol Iha rameo av1alro• cap1ure publoc 1mao1na11on on the 193-0s «I) MOVIE • • "Tiley Saved H111w·s Brain' ( 19641 Waller Stocker. Audrey Caite A handful of Third Retch toy· alllla wagea 11 lasl-dllch ell or I 10 gain world supremacy by abOucllng a ptomonent A....,ICan SCten• 11a1 at part of lhe11 nal&tl· vu• plo1 (%)MOVIE • • •;, "For Your Ey•• Only" ( t98 I) Roger Moore Topol James Bond tracks • criminal who purloln.d • lop sactet BrlUah dalense device. ·po· 1:08 (HJ MOVIE * • "Only When I Laugh" ( 11181) Maraha Maaon Krllly McNtcnol A New Yorti ..:tr-returns from • drylng-<lul cilnlc deter- mined to,..,,... hit cw ... hit r-with a pl•y· wright and hit retatlonll\lp with her 17-year-old daughl«. 'A' 1:108 MOYll * * * "The Man With The GOiden Arm" ( 1956) Frank Sinatra, Kim Novik A drug aodlct 11rugglea to klek Illa habll ~NEWS 1..30 0 QI H8C NEWS OVERNIOHT 0 MOVIE * * "Blood Beach' ( 198 t) John Suon. Bun Young A pair of police onlcera have thelr handa lull whM they 1nv .. 11gate Ille causa of l>eaol>g<>era being Sucked 1n10 the SM>d. nevw to be _.,8Qaln A· ~18 ID MOVIE • • "Flrs1 Yank Into Tokyo" ( t94S) Tom NUI, Ba1bara Ha.. 1n 01do1 10 extract vital aiornoc bomb secrets lrorn a POW held by Ille Japanese an Amer· ocen undergoes plHllC sur· gery 10 dllQUIMI hll tdanh· ly 2:20 rsJ MOVIE • • "Naahvtlle G1r1" ( t9791 Monoca Gayle, Roger Dav- " A Kentuci.y farm gtrl searct>es tor auccftS In Iha counlry-musoc cap11a1 R 2:30«1) MOVIE a * .. Blood Monta" ( 1970) Paler Cerpenler Maroa Aragon A greedy sp11elul glff wno 11 anxioua lo col· 1ec1 her deceased lathe< s money IOMIS her phySICtan bOyfrtend on 1116 ptOCMS QINEWS I CJ MOVIE * * * 'Patad1se Alley .. ( 1978) Sytvest«1< Stallone. Armand Auan1e Tnree SCherrung DfOlhera from ,,.,. Hell's Knchln MC1oon of New Yon. Cny combine thltr tra111 or Dr•1ns and brawn on their allorta lo create be1t1r loves for lhemMIVet 'PG' 2:40 f) D HEWS 3:00 0 OAU.AOHEA: MAO AS HELL Gallagher prO•H once again lhal a sland·up com· IC •S only H funny 11s hos props -this lime Iha "Sledge-0-Matoc Is lea- turtlel 3:08 H)MOVIE • • Search And Desiroy· ( 1981) Perry King, Don Slroud A lor- mer South V1e1namese o ll1c1a1 seei.s revenge •ga•nat Ille lour Americar>S who abandoned him on an ambush during ine war PG 3:t0 fJ MOVIE * • ·~ "Pump111g Iron ( 19771 Documan11ry A• notd Scllwarl:enegger. Lou Ferrtgno Two phy- atque stars underoo rlQo- Triumph . "A movie of toning pleaturu that you hope wall ne•er end. To be 1een again and again ••• and treasured." E:r. rout training 111118'1 to pt• Pl'• tor oompellllon In the World Bodybulld•no Cham• plOneNoi CZJMOVll • • 'Thtff Into Two Won't Oo" ( tff9) Roa Stelgw. Cralle •ioom lf\<I •PP181••1Cl41 of • promleCu• oua young woman upMt• Ille Miiied aalltence of • m!Od ... aoac> couple 4:00 ID MOV1I * *'It "O•y• Of OIO<y t 1gu1 Tam1r• Toum•nn- va, Greoorv PtKlk The v111 .,,, lluUl•l'I ~•l•tance t1ur1ng WOrlO War II trllt 10 hOld b.Ck Ille invading Null IS IMOVll! * * "The Hand' ( 1118 l l Michael Caine, Andr•D Marcovtcct B11e1re lllCI· dlnta 11nd n1ghtm1r1a oeg1n happening 1n • c••· 1ooma1 s Illa altar he ...,,,., a the tou or a h11nd R' @MOVIE * • "Gotng A1>9I p9811 Tony Danza. J11 .. 1c• Wal· 1e. Three orangutans hold lhl purM stnng1 lo • SS· million m11er11enc1 PG' 4:101J VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA "No Way Back · 4:ao re> MOVIE • • * "McL•nlocMI" I 19631 John Way"•· Maureen O'Ha.ra A c111.. ba1on lrlls 10 11andle • group of d11grunlled Indians and c;ope with a 111ry, date<· mined wore al me same llme 4:40 (HJ MOVIE * • "Runrt1ng Scared ( 1972) Ken Wa111 John Saaon Two IOfmer Gts lall under suspoe1on of con· spmng to 1nvaoe a Carib- bean country 'PG 4:48 Zl MOVIE • • '" 'Hoppy Birthday To Ma' ( 1980) Melina Sue Anaerson Glenn F0<d As murdet begins cnoppong eway al hef cue .. ol tltt111 ftJendS 8 prep SChOOI sen· IOI worries lhal She may De Iha nexl v1c11m •• or possi- bly the killer 'R' Friday•• llayt im~ tfot·i.-11 9:4& C • • • '> Batty Lyn don' j 19751 Ryan 0 Neal Marisa Berenson A hand· aome toldle< llnd1 action and romance In Iha tarn. century British army ·po Z • • ''1 Gunn ( 19671 Craig Slavens Edward Asner Provele eye Pete• Gunn os asked 10 1nve111- oare a ganglano mur.oer 7:30 H) • * • "The Greal Muppet Caper 11981) Charles Grodin. Dtana Rigg Repo<ters Kermit Fou•• and Gonzo 11ace a fabulous S1olen 1ewel to London 'G' $1 •''>"In GO<I We Trus1 11980i Marty Feldman Andy Keutman A l'a••e monk 1s sent oul into 111e worlO 10 ra19'! money tor nos ompove,,sned monasl- 8!1 po· 8:30 l;t • • • • 'The Lale Show" ( 19771 Ari Carney Liiy Tomltn A seasoned pr1va1e eye ancoun1era blackmail and murder w1>en ne c;omee ou1 or rellfemenl 10 locale a cat belonging lo an ollbell tamale client . Zl * • "Funhouse" I 198 t) Ellz.abe1h Berridge. $ytv1a MolH Four teen· •oer• spend • lrtghtlu• night lfl a cernoval lun- house 1nhab1ted by a demenled barker ano h•s monslrous &On R' 10:00 'C ••'""Echoes 01 A Summer ( 19761 Richard Harros. Jodie Foller A •er· minally 111 t2-yu1-old girl gives ner 1llus•on.1t1ted lather ano her blindly de1erm1neo mother Iha courage 10 accepl her Ille PG' H •• Goin A~ ( 19811 Tony Danza Jes.s>ca Waller Tnree orangutans nold the purse slrtngs 10 a SS-m•lhon 1nner11ance PG lSJ * * "Spy With My Face" ( t!l66) Robert Vaughn, David McCaJlum To Olaoo.,., the ll~ to 1 n-IU!Nf•Wlll)Oll, Ill 1n1my ~ 901f1CY oree•• 1 doublet l0t UNCLI aotl'I NIC)Ollon IOlo • 10: 1• (Z) • * • "Thr• w-" ( 1917) llaay Splmil, l lWI· ley Duvtll Two WCH'tl•• •I • oonva1 .. 01nt home 0.Yelop en ~ tll .. tlot\elllp wtth • wttlldt9Wn patlenl PO' 10 30 la * I a "Starling Owr" ( 1979) Bun Reynold• • .rw C111yW<gn Ah• month• of t V dinner• and blind 1111... I dlvOtoed mag•· line writer lhlnkt he'• found true l<>v• Wheon a KllOOlt...:11« entan !WI lole 'R tt:ac> OtJ • • "Hawmoel" I t878) Jtmn Hempton. Chtltto- phlt Connelly Member• OI Iha United SlatM Cavtlty try 10 adjuat to riding - Illa 1n11ud of hOr ... 1n 1,.,. unlamed lawteaa Tex .. o4 1"41 1800s 0 12loo O • "Frontier Oambllr" ( 1958) John Bromlleld, Jim Davia When a 1own'a lem11e leader 11 found murdwtlel. all llngws polnl 10 a man "'8 once rejlet· Id ID * * * ··Duel Al Ole-blo" (19681 J.,,_ Oamer. Sidney PoHler A g1oup of l11d1an.11a1ers 111 dltw· m1nt1<1 to 11 an1po<t a IOed ol ammunnion lhrough Apacne teHllOfy al any COii «I)*** "TlleLaslTtmel Saw Arch..,. (1991) Aobel'I Mllchum, Jack Webb A patr of Air Force buddlel manage to enjoy their 111'11 on lhe Armed Fore1t C • • • 'It Heavena Above! ( 1963) Petef Sellers, Cecot Patkw A well-meaning revlref'd bocomes • bishop In outw tpace alter being r•iected by the patlst11oners 10 whom he was ..,,, by mla· la!.• S • a • "Zorro. The Gay Blaoe ( 1981) George Hamonon. Lauren Hullon I he heroic &0n of Old Call- lornoa 's iamous 1ua11ce fighter is 1ncapac11a1ee1 by I 11d1ng 1niury. IOfctng hos lopptsh bro1ner 10 don Ille cape aM mask PG 12:30 0 * * '• Stat Trait - The Molton Picture·· ( 1979) W1ll1am Shatner. Leonard Nomoy The form" com· mander 01 lh• u S S En11tpr-reas~blM his Oki Cl-and MIS on on • mrssion to ltnd the myaler•· ous vessel respo!'l9'ble for Iha des1ruct1on of nume<· oua Federation 11arshlp1 'G z •••"Foul Play ( t9781 Gold18 Hawn Cnevy Chase A hbraroan anhSls lhe a>d o4 an 1,,..,1 poil04l oe1ec11•• alter she becomes 1n•olved 1n a btrarre serMts of murders and kldnapp•ng allempts 2:30 H ••'"·Seems Ltke Old Tomes ( 1980) Goldie Hawn Chth!V ChaM A sott-hellrted lawyw 11 torn t>elw~ her h()peleSS ea· husDand-turnad·bank robber al'd her uptight praMnl nusDand who is running lor C alllornta attorney general 'PG Z ***"SO B "\1961) w 1111am Holden. Juh• Andrews A movie director wtto has just linlllhed a mulll·mllhon doll11 turkey goes from anempled sui- cide to a b11anety 1nsportlel re-anootong ot Ills epoc 'R' 3:00 0 * * Five Summer StorleS < 19751 Documen- tary Slow-mo1ton sequences highlight lhos uemln•hon of the surfing loletlyle lllmed on Southern Celllornoa ano Hawau 4:00 0 *•·~··The Stooge l 19~31 Dean Manin Je<ry Lew•s A singer decides ma1 he needs 1111 par! n8' IO be a success 4:30 C * * * ·~ ··BMry Lyn· don ( 19751 Ryan 0 Neal, Marisa Berenson A hand· some soldier hnda actJon and romance 1n 11\9 t8th- c:entury Brrtlsn army 'PG' •SJ ••*'""Doctor Zlllva.- go • ( t965) Omer Sf\afll, Geraldine Chaplin by Armstrong & Batiuk i I • 'E.T.' record box office hit KOLL YWOOO (AP) -Stev n Splelbera'• most recl9nt movie, ''E.T., th• Jtxt.r1·T9rreatrtal." broke a box office record ovtr the four-day Fourth of July weokend with tl 7.S million Sn 1,323 theaters In thtt United Stat.et and Canada, Univorul Pictures reported. The movie nud1ect "Rocky Ill," the Sylvester Stallone movie that eet a four-day ""'°rd lut Memorial Day with $16 mWton, out of first place, Univenal aa.ld. Already Spielberg'• movie hu a 2~-day tot.al of " almost $87 million with Unlve"'4l predicting that the aclence-flction movie will break through the $100 million milestone by Saturday. The $100 million mark is expected to be passed next weekend by 20th Century-Fox's exercise in adolescent humor, "Porky's," which will have taken 17 weeks to do it. The tum collected $1.4 million tn 736 theaters last weekend. Among the other heavywei1hta over the holiday weekend, "Rocky ill" had a $~.4 mlllion NOW PLAYING lllU COIT& MIU UA Mo••i >\¥DOI r • ., tt0 4071 631 )SO I MM PAM • IMITlllOTOll IUCll •OMllOI Pklkl""'"*'°''''"' l.,,. ... _._c....... ~ 1114) 171 41110 fl 14) U I Olll 63• 7SS3 DM• rs";To~t" "' WUTMIHTU (0.,.11$ C-.. Wnt tt1 U>S Ci!i!-U... ACCU'ttl '°" , .............. ~ •coau •u IAlllM MACll (d•.ircb ... "'°' Sol/I~ Cw~ S•O IU• •9• ISi' • Ptesenllld 1n l5mm00 .......,.....,, " 'Firefox' is one of Clinl Eatlwood's best movies. h 's fun-wilh leaping, vauhiog, shooling, flying speciaJ effecl11." · -·JOEL Sl£CEL GOOD MORMNC AMERICA ABC-n ' ••'Firefox.• A s lic k muscular lhriller lhal combines espionage with st"ience fiction." -ROGER EBERT CHICA.CO SUN TIMES ( LUXURY THEATRES 1 wt'lelktmd In UH 1 the-at.er hoWK.'tl $7 2.8 million In 39 daya: "Star Trek 0 : The Wr4th of Khan," got $4.5 mllUon In 1,250 theaters ($67.7 million In 32 duy•): and "Poltergeilt," drew $4.3 million ln l,060 hou.e1 ($38 mJlllon In 32 days). Warnur Bro.. celebrated th · hoUduy weekend with $5.4 mi Won for "Firefox" In I, l 7tl howica ( 18 daya, $26.7 million). and $5.3 million for ''Blade Runner" in 1 .3~ theaters (11 daya, $14.9 mllllon). Columbia Plcturet Cound hope ln the steady euninp for "Annie," which collected almost •s million during the four daya on 1,083 screens. After three' weeks ln general releaae, the $40 miUlon muaJcal has groesed $25.6 million, but 11tiU has a long way to go to break even. Ace Hunter I• the Ultlm•te Super Heral rEtillFtJila-. CITY cenreR ~~ IN TH( Ct rv ClNTll[ ORANGf •ll'tm -·tl0-.o22 nus SUMMER'S DELICIOUS COMEDY IDT! "Extrtmely funny!' -\'lDcmc Unby. l'IH' YOH mu.s "A banquet of fist food and funny tdlL' -Rlctwd Cor!W. mu \IAGAZJ\t '"Diner' delivers!" -PEOPU 'l.\C..U1'1 "One of the year's surprises!" -•n lttd. ~n· YOIUt DAILY oq, s 11 * * * 1/2 . A truly delido~ movie!' -Kathlttn c.trroll, ~tW YOU DAILY ~H'S STARTS TOMORROW COIT& MEIA OflANOI Edwards Brlstol 540·7444 UA City Ctnema 634·3911 I HO , ... u ACCll'TID '0~ THll INOAOllllNT I Orange Coa1t DAIL V PILOT /Thureday, July e, 1982 87 "A MOVIE ~OV'VE 111 T GOT TO SEEt" -Jo.-1 Sl"M"I Good MornlnM Aml'rlr• AUC:-Tv *BARGAI N MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All PerformencH before 5:00 PM (hctttl Speclll Engagements end Htlld1y11 1.A MU1Al1A -..iA11 Muoao 01 lo1ec•on& LA MIRADA WALK IH 994·2400 "ANNIE" 1!'01 .......... -. ...... "POL TEAGEIST" 1..01 ·----- "THE SECRET OF NIMH" ._ ........ _...,_ 1•1 LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK IN "ROCKY Ill"'"°' .. .,_..~HITtMO -~ -, ... llM. U1U "AUTHORI AUTHOR" ___ ,_ ........ (N) ,.ITAR "'IK II: THE WRATH OP: KHAN" 70MM OOUY eTl,.10 (l'O) ............. __ "ROCKY Ill" t..01 ._ __ ,_ .......... 1oc1111y 01 Conal••ooa 21J/IJ1·9HO ''THE IEClllET Of' NIMH" ------,., "STAR "'IK II: .-. '°' ,.,,~' THE WRATH OF KHAN" I Ptl.OMrlo•I.-- .,.... DOUY ttlMO (f'O) "tUCHAN> "'y°" -UYI ....... ---I ON TH9 IUNNT lntr' 1•1 ---..... ,,,.,..." ......... LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAI• IN ~HOOO"t• --........ ,AMILY "°91Ntotr' t•I ••••-I l Ii' .IJNA "MeOAFOfllCE" .-1 ----- SO. COAST WAUC IN Soulll Coo11 lOwoy ot l 1ooawoy 494-1514 "THE THING" 1111 ..... _,._ "ROCKY Ill" <N > __ ....... __ --·--- 1111111. In fll. 1· -Sit.. Sia 7:15' Ii M IMPORTANT NOTICE! CHllOREN UNOU• 12 FRU! 111tW .,; 11._ 1i1a 1r11 Fii. 1• • $ti .• Sa. MllUJt 6:00 ClofJl S0W0 • fOUll lM W MOIO IS TOUll SPlMP llf NC •lol CA• MC10 W!Tll IGHITIOM ACUSSOllY llOSITOI -MllG AM l'OllTAIU l •AU. ONf.'I OIWf,INS l30 llli AM Mo.> ANAHllM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN •••••oy fl ol l emOfl SI 179·9110 "BLADE RUNNER" 1111 -"BODY H£AT"1111 Ctllf II SOI/Ill> BUI "'" PAlll BUENA PARK DRIVE IN l•ncoln "•• •••• 01 Knott 121·4070 8UINA PAii~ LINCOLN ORIVE·IN Ltncolf'I ••• ••" ot r nott 121·4070 11.lllf ll"I Ion Diego lrwy ol "°°'"""l (lo) '62·2411 "P:lfl.,OX" IHI -"MIOAP:o,.cr 11'C11 CUI( " SOI/NO "AU'THUllll AU'THUlllr fl'Cll -"Titl CANNOHeALL ltUN"' 1001 Cll•t ll~llU "LT~ THI EXT .. A· Tflllf'l!ITl'IAL K (l'Cll -"P:INAL AlllON•NT" \NI "ROCKY Ill" fNI -"CLASH OF THE TITANl"tNI "THI T'HtHO" 1111 "w 'CAT NOPl.I" (Ill c Ill( ,. SOllllO ... leotft ll•d SO OI } Ootoen °'°" k-• 891·3693 "ANNtl"IN> -"'ONYl"1N1 CINI JI SOUNO ~ HCMT Of'.._... 1•1 -"TM """"Tl rtll" CNl Cltlf "' IOUllD A. H A fl.~ A LA HABRA OlllVI IN i_ ..... ,,, ..... ..,. a i. .. - 17Ml62 --- i. ... ,. O~ANGE r1111\if IN ~ .. ... ···"*-... "' M IS\ION , . ._ .1 ,,.. ,,... --... . "l'lfml'OX" INI -"OUTlAND"llll CllltJllOUllD "nt9 •CMT CW ...... ,., -"nt9 """ATI rtle" (NI JoMo ""o ,,..., • SlotwCen.ee 111·7022 ·-.-.-....-.. -..,,-.. '"""""°"' llCTA "' .:::C.: •• __ • ___ I ~ NOW PLAYING 70MM Six.TRACI< CIJlii&i't .,_,,.PRESENTATION °""*-'"•"n" .. • . . .. Orange Oout DAIL. Y PILOT /Thurtday, July I , 1912 SEN. PROXMIRE WASJUNOTO}( (AP) -A d~ '° IO aheed with a ru)W gymnuh.un for•~ ln the $13'7.5 mllllon Hart Sen.ate Offt.ce buUdlna WH dt(rled by Sen. William Proxmt,. u 14e1pecially ndlCij)°'-"}" "S.nat.ors already have two gy~ ont of which ls rarely used. r tho Wiaconain Democrat said. , · ?roKmke. who runs four mlleJ' from hla home to h1a office each day, aatd he doubtl the new aym w11J get much use either. "Mos\ of us are physically ociety eeks donation kits .,._.,. 111111\N'r lhe lupetlor Covlt II tit'/ llmt 111\er ..._ ..,, ____ lhe llflt pubkallon of thle llOliOt ---1;.;:; •• .--and btfOt• In. mtlllnG of ttlt .. ' 1111 Ttr111e end oondllTon1 of , .... •T -· I tel• Of Amtttca. t ~ of 'Wt '" ......... Thouu nd DOii••• or 111011 to .. -: ~ o ........ -~ '"'"""" *-A 1 ~ lhe bid and tlll ~ The American Cancer _,.... cw ntl to .,. pa1c1 upon aonltrmatlOn Of.-Society la urging Oranp ITATI :..e~ by lhe lupetlor Court TUM. rtnlt. ine~ \&red, ~at, old oodaera tor have found their way back Into ,..___ -'d COUNn cw OAAMM op11111no ind ma1n11,,1nc• w h \m I w Ork out mea n I plana. '-'U!Ul ,.ICIU enta to pam ...... et ft.UAM ll. NOMIAN. eapeneu 1ne1 pt1mlum• on 1tretchln1 out on a table to Elliott Carroll of the Capitol a long and return the Dn1111_. ineu1an c1 aceep11t111 to th• atieorb 1 rubdown," he said. Architect's Office aald the aym 18 Nelshbor-to-Nelshbor NOTICE 11 HEREIY oiv'" ""' r::r!"::'i:":", ~.~:','~e;ctn :9 :, • ...A donation klta that began on or •fltr July ti, 1111• th• conveyance Th• .. amlnallon of bein.~pald for by savings realli'l:!U ~. JO ANNl Kl.LINH(N, "We need another gym the tJ clrculaung In April. u Admlnl•tt•tot of tne ••tte ol 11111, rtc0td1ng or conv9YllnG4J. eno wav llleherd , Vl1uerle (th e In ot er areas of construe on WILLIAM K. NOAMAN. deoMNd. eny 1111• 1nt1.1ranee polio'( "'811 bl 11 >T" and won't raise the total price. Th08e who have a kJt wrn MN II prlv111NHIto1111 lllghltt '"' ••PltlM of 1111 PIJl'Gt!M« and dlrect;:::J.l campaign fund -"The space was already there," or know where one ls ~ tllddlr, eut111111 to oon11rm111on ""'' •n accotct-wlth rMI ...... .... &.-~ an()lMf maJllna liJl bv 1111 tbOYI tntltlld Superior PllCllCI cuitomery In 80ulhern ·~(. y v 0 he aaid. can call the Oran~ ' c a111orn1a or •w ork ~ •n.keet owner) i di Ill CO\lfl, •11 lhl rlghl, 11111• lnlerMI, Bid• mull bl N•ll<I end WIH bl Geora• Stelpbrenner needs a Carroll said the bu I ng w County Unit a l 752-86 . end """ 01 1111 decldlllt 11 1111 OPIMd •• thl o1t1e1 of Ahoadll at\d be finished by October. ...------------1llmt 01 hit dltlh and t ll rlQhl. 11111· Hollywood, 1010 S.OooCI AYen~. aha'rper ~.·· Proxmire said. However, Senate leaders have anct lnt•1111 th• •11•1• hu, by Suite 11 t2, San OllQo, Ca111orn11." operellon of law or olh•rwl11, the hour 01 t t 11 M of the •bolll Proxmire hot.cl that the $736.-decided to delay opening the Call 842-5878. eequ1rtd othlt than or In addhlOn 10 d•t• 500 avrn WN among some $4.2 building to the public until after Put• fe;w words •h•I 01 1111 dl<*Sent 11 the 11"" of Th• property h•11n oe1er1bld 11 .-..H1~"·•· 'n I to work for OU hll dNth, In and to lhtt eerttln rNI commo~I reterr•d io .. 8977 &m.UJvn ln ' on-essential projects" the November congress1ona · property k>Ctlld 1n 1111 County of d 1 ted 1 ' Oreno•. 81•1• of Callfornla. Tu1111 ve, •D-3 t t, Hunllng1on e e aeveraJ years ago that e ecuons. dllerlbtd u follow•· a.ech, c1111orn1a Thi u,,d.,11Qnect ~--------------------....... ----------------------------~~-~-------.... ----~--------1 PARCEL l:ThetportlonolLot 1 ret1N1Athetlghttorejeet1ny1n<l of Trect No. 8549, In the City of •II tlkl• Water Pi/( stt0UB ffiftSSA61 1re1t direction Oualtty-bullt directors cna1r Sturdy, folds flat Blue orange & yellow Reg 29 95 1988 Clamp-on umbrella .... 2.99 glidden wall & trim For any wall or woodwork Scrub babte Low Lustre hn1sh Easy to 8'' clean up with 1usl waler Reg 15 99 to stay In hot water 30 -gallon water heater with energy sav1na temperature Jhut-off Best glasa- lined tank loner in the Industry 11811 40 ,.1 ...... 124.te so .. 1 ...... 1M.ll tJ tl-001 fl11 killer "Birth control for fleas" 6 oz. portable size. Reg. 4.99 3•• tpretl will Famous latex flat wall paint from Glidden Beautiful flat finish Scrubs clean, stays color- 1 99 last. Easy water clean-up. Reg. 10.99 the grut gobblss ln-Slnk-tll'atOf made thla garbage dlapoaer for trouble-lrH operation. '~·h.p. motor. #333 Heg. 86.95 shower troubles away· with: a massage a day The Water Plk~ Shower Mas- sage Is the orlglnall High-style line. silver color wall mount. #SM-ZU. Reg. 28.99 breeze away the hot spells Put a 3-speed. 20" box Ian 1n your window to c;:'..:;;i~;,~ ... ·:.1.1'.: .... 22•• for tucked ducts Big 60·yard roll of vinyl duel tape lor all your plumbing /Obs Stock up 311 now with several rolls 2" wide Reg. 6.99. ~ I flf of IWI Lightweight SunbHm epray/al'lot of et"m Iron. Self-clHnln9. long-Ille C()(d. #10-38. Reg. i7.98. 88 • feast for the lfll . . II Wiii Dual burnef p<opane gas bbq features heavy duty construcllon and high dome ltd Tank included #9240 LP. Reg. 369.95. 29911 • r11ll1 mow '1111 tlow1 Mclane 17" self-propelled mower with 2 h.p. 7 blades f17·2R·7SP front throw. 31995 some classy brl11 tor your door HOUll: WlllDAYI I to I• IATU•AY AID IU•AY I ID I .. ,,... ....... Jrltf 14, - j .... J... 2666 HARBOR BLVD . IN t;USTA MlSA PHONI (714) ~>4fi 10fHl ' Huntington e .. ch, Counly ol DATED June 24, 1982 S C -•-Jo Anne 1(14Mnllln Orenge, late of tlltof·-· U per JO ANNE KLEINHEN map recorded In 800ll H3. PIQll u Admtnl91111or 30 to 33. ltlC:lutlw of Mltotllaneoue of the E.at•I• of Mepa, In 1111 oftlel of the County WILLIAM K NORMAN, Aleofdlr of Mid COunty, .,_ DleMMd Ind defined .. Unit No 50 on IMt certeln Condominium Pl111 and NtOAD«I a HOUYWOOO c1rllllca11 (the "Cortdoml,,lum :~~:~!MtrlllOf Pl'"" hl<lln) r-dlCI .. E.Mlbll ·-· "8" to 1 ,,o 1ncorpot1ted by 1010 hcond Ave., l'*'I• 1712 re ler 1nc1 In th t I c tr 111 n Sift Oteoo. CA '2101 I I d I I f Tel.: (71i) 2»-1712 aupp 1m1n1t •0 "" on ° Putlhlhld Orange Coul Daily 1a1emente, covenen11, condlllonl end reetrlcllon1 for Huntington Ptlol, July I, 2. 8, 1982 Lendm1111 Adull Community PhaN Ill (1 portion of Tract 8549). recordlCI on January 111, 197J In P\Bl.IC NOTICE 2788-82 8ooll 11623, Page t286, It Mq Of NOTICE f>' TltUITH'I SALE Oflloltl Record• or Mid COunty. " LHll No. 29M122t19Tlt£ET from lime to lime amtinded (thl T .I . No. 11M2-6 "Supplemenlll Dtcl1r1tlon" SP ESCAOW SERVICE. INC 15 hefeln). duty appolntlCI T rullte unde< the PARCEL 2. An undivided 1166th following dflc:rlbed deed of 1rust tnletOll In and to thON portlona of Will SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION Loi 1 ol Trect No. 85-49 shown and TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR defined es "Common Area" (the CASH (payable at time ol sale In "Common Ar11" herein) on lhe lewful money of tile UnHed SlllOI) C0rtdomlnlum Plan 1111 rtghl. title and 1nter1t1 conveyed EXCEPT Ill Oil. gH and other to and now held by 11 under aeoct hydrocerl>On t1.1b1tano11 and othlf Deed of Trull 1n the properly minerals lying ·below 500 teen from htftmalltt deacrtbed. Ille turl-of the lelald p1emi-. TAUSTOA CHARLES R STREET together with lhl rlghl to explort lor end AUDREY e STREET husband end dt•olop 1nCI drlll Into and end wile u 101n1 11n1nl5 and through that portion of the luHd SUSAN D STAEET. a s1"9le woman preml111 lying below Ml<! depth lor 8 EN EF IC I A RY SEC U Al TY oll, gaa and Olht r hyClrocartion PACIFIC FINANCE CORP aubstanc:ea Ind other mlnerlls "1d Aec;orded May t2 t98 t as 1ns1r to own, procluel, txtrect. remove No 14272 In tlOOk t4054 PllOO 448 Ind uansPOrt Mme lrom and/or or Ottoc:•ll Reco<ds 1n lhe olloce ol lhrough at\d atora same In said the Recorder ol Oraoge County. premises below said dec>th end 10 Mid Cleod to trust deScl1t>es the Slore, 11111 tnd proClll lhl lollOWong p1operty production from nld premlH•. fXHllNT "A" without, "-"· thl right to enter f'AJICfl I: Lot 8 ol TrlC1 No upon, ove<. &CfOU or othlrwlM UM 6599, 1n Iha Coun1y ol Orange lhe surtec:e or the 11aMC1 promt-. S111e ol C11tforn1a. es p11 map • s r es tr Y • d b Y I h • SI g n •I rec:ordld In tlOok 248, Pagel 42 to Compenles. Inc • • corpOtlllon, In .... oncluSIYI, M llCllll'"90US Maps, In the Oooumenl recorCled March 23. the ottlee ol the county rec:o<der ot t972 In Book 10050. Pege 237. aatd county Official AecorCle. PAflCEL 2: A non-excluslva ALSO EXCEPT 1xctus1v1 right• ~1ppurten1nt e1temen1 over end appurtenant to eech unit tn lhe &CfOU the Soulheny 3 oo tee1 of Lot project (u soch t11m1 are defined 7 In said Trect tor pyrposes ol In the aupplemental dlcle•allonl tor drainage end tor malntatn1ng the l>QIHSSlOO and occupancy ol the exlerlor of the llruclural wall patios. balconies. 1talrwaye end located upon Lot 8 of UK! Tract 1 a n d I n g a s h o w n o n I h e adiacent to Ihle easement Condominium Pten and designated You are 1n defaun unde< • Oee<I or to be designated as Ml forlh on ol Trull dated May 6, t981 Unless the Condominium Plan or In tho you 18ke action to protect your supplemental declarllion as belng prope<ty, 11 may be lold at a public a ppu r ten 11 n I Io sue h u n 11. sale 11 you nlld an exptanallon ot respecllvety. the nature of Iha proceeding 11Qalnst PARCEL 3. /\n usement lor lhe you. yO\I should con1ec;1 a lawyer exclusive right to possession and t9001 Anhoeh Or . S w '""'"'· occupancy or th<>M portions ol Ille CA Common ArN ol Loi t or Traci No ·111 a street addrest or common 8 5 4 9 des I g n •I e Cl on I he des1gna1ton •• shown above no Condominium Plan as plllos. warrenly ts given as 10 115 blle-OnMl1i, sttlrwl)'I end land1ng1 completenet.a or eonectnesaJ artd Shown or deelgnlled on lhe The beneficiary under 111<1 Deed Condominium P1"1 and/or in lhe ot Trust. by reason ol • l>t..ch 0< supplemental 0ec11111lon N being oef1ul1 m the obhgetM>n MCUrec:l appurten.,,110 Parcel 1 •bOYO lhlttby. hltatol0te execuled "'° PAACEL 4 : N on·••Clullv• dtllvtr•CI 10th• unCloralgned. oasemtnll for ped11tt11n tnd Wl'llltn Olderallon ol Oe4eott "1d vehicular ingr .... egr11s. 111ve4 and Oemend for Sale. end Wl'lllen nollee prtvale street purpQMt o,,.,. 8CIOll of breech end ol oilCllOfl to cause and through Lota A through F ol Iha und1tslgn1CI 10 1111 1a1d Tract No 85-49. Lot A ol Tract No prooerty to M t•sly sald ot>llO&tlon&. 8168. as pet mep recorded in 800I< end theraalte• the underagneCI 3 3 4 . P • g • 3 5 . • t • • Q o I c11UMd Mtd notlee or bleach and or Mtscetlaneous Maps. in the offlcl of electlOfl to t>e Recorded Marcil 2 the County A1cord11 ol said t982 as tnllr No 82-072636 1n S8td Counly, and Lot A of Trect No Ottoc:ill ReoorCls 7341, as pe< map reeo<ded In 8ooll AecorCls 301 .Page22.etseq of ---·-Mtsatllaneou• Meps. in the olllcl 01 without covananl or warranty. lhe Counly Recorder o t said axp1ess or lmplled. regerdlng title. 1 1 posse.sloo. or encumt>ranoes. 10 County, whtch non·exc u1 ve pay the remaining p1incipal sum of easements shell t>e eppur11f\an1 to Ille notl(sl eecured by UK! Deed of Parcel 1 above, Loll A through D of Trust, with lnte<OSI as In said no1e Tract No 8549 10 oe used ror the Parking of vehlcles lhal are proY1ded, advances. II any. under the 1orm1 ol said Deed ol Trust. permitted to park wllhin the adult tees, chorges end eapen1es or lhe community under the pro111Slons ot TruSIM end of lhe truate created by Sec1lon 6 .16 of the Master aatd Deed 01 Trust Oeclarallon recorded February 21f. SalCI sale will be held on Monday, t973 In Book 10575. P11ge t7 or July t9, t982 " 2 00 p.m.. 81 the Olficiel Aacords or said Coun1y. and Chepman Avenue entrance. to the lots C and D of Tr1ct No. 85.49 to be used for the excluetvt pan.tng Civic Cen11r Bulldlng, 300 East use of owners or Condominium Chepman A"'""'· In the Ctty ol • Otenga. CA located In th• Ph••• •11 Al tho time 01 tha lnltlal Condominium Protect PAACEL 5: A non-uclutlve putlllcatlon of this notlel. Ille total 1mout1t of tilt unpaid balance of lhl easement eppurtenant to Parcel 1 obligation MCUred by the abo\11 ebove (the Corel Springs Court described dttd of trull end non-u.Cluslve ICCISS ..-ntnl) U specillcelty dlletlbed end Ml lorth 11t1m111d coatt, e•penses. '"Cl In Sec11on 19 02 (Al or lhll Clrtaln aOv1noes 11 $42,4 t6 31 To oete<mlne the opening bid. supplomantal C11cl11at1on or ..,,., may cell (7!4) 937~. easements. covenanta. conditions ·~ end reatrlcllons for Huntington Datt June 17. t982 Landm111< Adult Community Ph-I SP ESCAOW (Traci 734 I), reeo<ded 00 Ftt>ruary SEAVICE INC 28. t978 In Book 10575. Peo• 1 t2. 11 ukl Trustee, 01 MQ. of Official Aecorda ol Mid By T 0 SEAVICE Count". u rrom time to llme COMPANY. IQllll ' By Sharon Nate:•. amended (the "Suppleman111 /\ISistant ~lllf'I Oecleratlon for Phue t" her8'nl PARCEL 6. A non-uclualve One City Boulevard, West easement appurtenant to Paroel 1 Orange, CA 92668 above (Ille vohlcle atorege .,.. (714) 835-8288 non-exclusive ecceea euement) Published Orange Coast Dally speclflcllly ctacribed end Ml forth Pilot, June 24, July 1, 8, 1982 In Section 19.02 !Al of thll cen•ln 2700-82 supplemenlll dtcl eretton ol f'tllllC NOTICE covenanta. condl\lona and restrlcl lona f or Huntlnglon Eecr-No. 207003 Nt4 LanClmark Adult Communlly, PhaN NOTICE TO CREOITa..a 11 (Trecl 6168) recorded on F1t1ru11ry Of IULK TAANlfffl 27, 197-4 In Book 11083, Page 41• (S.Ca. 1101 .. 111 U.C.C.) et seq. ol OHlclel Ateords ol said NC TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a County. es lrom time to time bulk 11ansfer 1S about 10 be madeol amendeCI \'h• "Supplemanlll the peraonll property doscrltled Oec11ratlon or Ph-II" herein) below PARCEL 7' ThoM non-1aclu1IYe The n1mo<s1 and bustneu address aa9"nlfltS eppu1'1an1nt to Parcel 1 ol the intended tranalerora ere above (Iha Blsoayne Court· non· J 0 H N 0 VEREN D, S S No uclu1lv1 parking 1u1m1nl) 55t-94-7482. CYNTHIA OVEAEND. apec;lflcllly ~ll>td and NI fotth S S No 5 71-92-1428, 2000 S. In Section• t902 (E) end (C), Harbor Blvd • Costa M•H. CA rltPl()tlvtly, ol the eupplemlf'ltel 92627 dtderallon for Phul II. Thi nlml(a) Ind bu"'-lddress PARCEL 8: A non-uclu1lv1 of the lnltndtCI lranafar11 ere: ....,.,,.,,, eppurtenenl lo Parctl 1 SHERWIN H SLATEA, s s. No. al:IOW • epec:lfleally deeetltltd and 5 48 • 4 2 • 6 49 0, I 2 SI 1 I N IW hop I Mt forth In Section 5.CM ol the Strett. GarClan Grow. CA 92640 Meal• Declarallon al>O\'e ~ Thi propeny to tit trlNftrrlCI ii 10 dllc:rlbld "' generll u; Al of the PAACEL SI. A non-11101uelve 1tock In treCla. m11ch1,,dl18, ....,,,..., liPC)Urttnenl to Parotl t 1uppll11. ll•turu, equipment, lbo"9 aa lpec:jflUllV delotlbed and QOOClwlll end irtdt of ltllt certain ... forth In See11on 11.0 t Of lht bull"HI kMwn 11· GRAPHICS ,..Mier Declaration tbOW ~ ONE. ' '° Seid propttty " IOeetM ll: 2000 PAACEL 10: A~"""' Heritor Blvd . Coal• ....... CA ~to P•oel t abcw9 • 92127. IPdlcall'J delcnbed ~ eel totttl Said bulll tranur 11 10 ti• In 8eoUon 13.01 of 1111 ebove ooneul'M\9tecl Oii Of.,.., M 27. ,....... to Miiter o.dlr•llOn. 1Na. el IN °"'°' °'· and c:iakM ~CEPT any ponlon Included mly .,. filed wMtl, IUSINE8S • w1tMn PWOll I . PllAl TY 180fl0W 8£1WICE, I PAfllCl!l 11: ... non•tlOIUllYe I02t Alllndrll llvd ...... ~t. CA __.,~I 10 llltrOll 1 10723, (2131 0 7-1110. (1'14) etiove tt"-"PHAll Ill 11011 · t)&.tM uol1111ve eooH• Hltmenl") Tiiie bulk tr.,,.,., 11 ..,.,.. to llfltll~ dm-.d 9Nf • tor'tfl ho. I tot ol Ille U11l1orm In ltotlon U .11 ti fhe c-a.Codt-111111 Tr....,, llip:Jlll 1•ital fllll .... ,, The .... dett IOt 11111'1 ...... II lit'l••t to: 111rrut taau . .Nflt "· IMI -~ 2ft!l5'........ .. ,., ............ ...... ... 11111> of .... tran1ltrH(I) the l11te11••• =· --·-.. ,=-... ..=::i ........... ::...._...,.. ... ...... ~ Er.:'j':': -,,=-··~e~~~ ..... ti:..~ ' .... Whether you come for the fun or come for the excitement, do come to the brand new Orange County "Al~ American" Fair. From the celebrlty entertainment to the marching bands, . there'll be music for every ear, .exhibits for all ages, and tun tor the entire famlly. - · THURSDAY, JULY 8, 198~ A Special Souvenir Section of the Dally Piiot. • I • ·•. "· r 0 Or•noe Cout DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, Juty e. 1882 -1982 Orange ~ounty ~air puts on :J.he red, white and blue In ealut~ ~eat ures wi ll reflect patriotic theme ... '" 1t will be a time for dlt._, e p I n g u p w l th "-'radlllons and startlns ·•new ones when the "All liA.merlc an " Orange i&unty Fair o pens Its gatea July 9 for a 10-day ~un through July 18. ~ m' An American heritage Ii ~me will be portrayed' • 1 roughout the grounds ·with red, white and blue pecoration, American ~ers and statues. , Many contests and µisplays will be geared pround the new theme. Some of the competitive ~_e partments such as ~ome Living and Fine ~rts will feature themed classes for artists and craftsmen to enter. A senior citizens' hat p arade will include a ijivision for the "most patriotic" hat. But even with all the new stars and stripes, the true feeling of the old- f ash ioned county fair will not be lost. A county Stunt Actors West Show premieres July9 fair would not be the same without the prize winning livestock, blue ribbon pies and cakes, thrilling carnival rides a n d th e aro ma of p o p corn a nd cotton <.:andy. ' FairRoers can see the award-winning entries of. c ~nty res idents in s~eral exhibit buildings. ny departments will a o feature "how to" dfn" m o n s tra ti o ns by e rts in various fields. Local culJnary arllata will whip up mouthwaterin& reclpea in the ~t Gallery. Thill,. year'• chefl will prepare Scandlnavlan dishea, microwave recipes, Mexican en treet, Chinete hon d'oeuvrea and many o t her tantallzina diahee . The winning entriee of profeulonal , aeml- profetlional and amateur artista and the work of youth literary writers and lllu.str•tors will be displayed in the Fine Arts building. The Seventh Ann u a l Sculpture Invitational will present the work of three sculptors. One of the most colorful buildtnp at the fair is the f oriculture show . Commercial, amateur and junior floral designers will enter the competitive classes and the ir work will be included alongside a display of flower and plaht life set off b y waterfalls, streams, animated characters and attractive props. Photographers of all c las sifications - amateur, junior and professional -will show off their black and white and color prints in one of the fair's most pop~ departments. The fifth annual Orange County Fair Press Pho t o- raphers Contest will feature an exhibit of top quality news photos. The .Fair's Orange County Building will exhibit a wide ran~e of the county's organ- izations and services. Informative and educational booths and displays will be put up by farm, conununity and industrial affiliations. con•ta few the pub1lc aa well u exhJblton at 3 and 4 p.m. Some eventll include pl& waahin a oonteeta. coetume cia- aa well H on-hand• demonatra tlona on varlou.a Uvett.ock railing techn.ique1. Th• llveatock Championahip Rodeo will bt filled with fut even ta on July 16, 17, and 18 . There la addhlonal admlaalon ch.a.reel for each of theee even ta. At 8 p .m . everyday, Vanclarmeide, acclaimed aa "l!tJrope'1 Faateat ----------Hypnotist," will awe fairgoers in hia unique 1how . The Funs-A · Poppins Cb'Cua la aure Amphitheater :iesbe wTthde:f~~~ .ho..,. bein•n daily at 1, 3, 5 and 8 p.m. "" •'' Country Fun Conteeta. n/nht/y at such as nail driving , • rooster and chicken 7 d 9 calling are on the slate an each day at 11:30 a.m .• department will also feature a small animal farm for baby farm animals, poultry and rabbit shows, goat parade, FF A landscape diaplaya and egg laying contests. The highlight of this department will be the Junior Livestock Auction, Saturday, July 17 in which youngsters will auction off their prize winning beef, sheep and swine to the highest bidders. 4-Hers ~ compete in clothing, fOod, arts and crafts. science and agriculture categories. Their work is displayed in a 4-H building. The 4 -H department will sponsor a Citrus Cookie, Var and Cake Contest for any younpter age 9 to 18 on Tuesday, July 13. A Horse Show for amateurs and pro- fessionals is slated for the fair's opening weekend, July 10 and 11 and will feature t rail horse, stock seat, western pleasure, showrruyahip, pony classes in ~ new Equestrian Center horse arena. The events will be held all day. 1:30, 3:30 and 5:30 p.m. in Country Meadows for public partldpatlon. · The Fair will welcome some exciting new events t.hia year. The In- ternational Lumber- jack Show wil l be a definite must see with events such as log rolling, chair carving, axe thr owing, speed climbing performed by a traveling troupe of second generation lum berjacks. Another addition la the Stunt Actors Western Show in Country Meadows with many daring acts July 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 at 6:30 and 9 p . m . Another highlight will be Big Band Concerts a nd dancing at 8 p.m. on July 10, 11, 12 and 13 and will include Orange CQast Colleae BiR Band, Ht,lh Society Band, Mag- niUcent Seven and Les Brown and his Band of Renown. Aside Crom the name entertainment there will be continuous grounds activities t hat will keep the fair lively from opening to closing. Clowns, mimes, jugglers, marionettes, dancers and bands will appear every day in various locations and will include local talent on Heritage Stage and in the Food Bazaar. SOM ETHI NG FO R EVE R YONE Whe the r it is car.nival rides, 4 -H prize winning v egetable s or country wes tern mus ic, the O range Co unty Fair has some thing for everyone. The fair runs July 9 through 18. Entertainme nt is included in the price of admission, $4 adults, $1 children 6-12 and unde r five free. n the c r a fts and h@bbies building, visitors cell see china painting, lt'lthercra ft. lapidary, st 'ned glass. macrame. d 11 collecti ons , and n erous other talents o~Orange Countians on dfplay. A theater in the Some of the exhibits include butter aculpture, livestock byproducts display, conunercial wine winners, film festival, and beekeepers' honey extraction. Strolling through the New Procuta Pavilion and listening to the pitchmen show the newest household items on the market will be a fun and uriique experience. In fact it goes hand-in-hand with the traditional fair atmosphere. Commerce Way and Country Corne rs will also offer many items as well as an International Food Bazaar with a variety of tasty goodies. -----------Bluegrass bands will .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- ~e building will s wcase demonstrations o quilling, weaving, J anese d o llmaking, tery making. jewelry wttrk. and tole painting. ~ the Home Living D artment homemade d hing, prized cooking c ri es and a ward w inning d e signers' s~wcase vignettes will ~isplayed . Demon- s at io n s will be g i e n on embroidery, n lework, cloth dolls, nal color analysis, s i ng t echnique s , krf,ting and upholstery. A ~L e m o n P i e a n d O ~nge Cake Contest w~ be featured again thti; year on Tuesday, J~ 13 at 1:30 p.m. and a S d Making Contest is se for fairgoe rs on T >ttrsday, July 15 at 1:30 P·'f· " No fair would be complete without a trip to the barnyard. Future Farmers of America and 4 -H members will undergo a full week of judging with their market and breeding projects. The livestock area is always filled with youngsters preening their steers, fluffing lambs, trimming pigs and milking cows. Each day in t h e Livestock Theater there will be livestock fun Livestock Theater has fun for all dally at 4 perform in Country Meadows including the group Montezuma's Revenge nightly from 7:30 to 11 :00 p.m. Regular admission prices are $4 for adults, $1 for children 6 through 12 and children under 6 are free. Parking is $1. Fair hours are Monday through Thursday, 12 noo n t o midnight , Friday. Saturday and Sunday, 10 a .m . to ----------midnight. One o f the biggest Special da y s for draws to the fair is the c hildren and senior line-up of professional citizens will feature entertainment. A varied reduced admission prices. program to meet the On Fridays, July 9 and tastes of all ages is on tap 16, children 12 years and for the amphitheater younger will be admitted nightly at 7 and 9 p.m. free until 6 p.m. Seniors, Shows are free with the 65 years and older, will price of fair admission. receive a special priced (See entertainment admission of $1 on July sect.ion) 12, 13, 14 and 15. Senior Sports fans will enjoy Citizens' day, which will the action packed include several activities Motorcycle Speedway on geared for t h is age Friday, July 9 at 8 p.m. group, will be held on in the grandstand. A Tuesday, July 13. I SEE RALPHS FURNITURE SPACE 712 • COMMERCE BUILDING ~==~ FAIR • July 9-18 ~ $ FURNITURE · Blowout! ~Every sofa fiili! ~~chair ~~ ·~·dining room ~I "v~ .. ·-. ,1 ... ~.:tr I _.,-.1'. -.. ;r~ ~ ·, r .::r · i s coper 2l:,&10: ~= R~ bedroom IE t t & occasional piece ~ at least 22% to 530/o off ORANGE COUNTY FAIR SPECIAIS! r -FRE--_E _G_l•FT-- -l 1 • Ellte Sectlonals, Reg. $799-*4" · • 5' Ook Room Otvtder/Entertalnment Center *199 wtTH 11KV I • 1rovh111 BedroOm sets-21% Off MCMAH ~ Sleepers. Hercuton. •Mt-SAVI ••oo GROCIRY I • Ook COffM Tables, 'ft-IAYI ttO Lat I • s pc. Dlnettea. •Mt tet-IAVI *110 WAU. RACK I • Leather Recliners, *149-IAVI ••IO • Leather SOfos. tt"-IAW •200 O gontze VCU I • S pc, OOk Dining ~oup • ..,, Mt-IAYI '200 ~~ =: ' • Mln0t.ct '9deltal1. ••1-NAll lllllCI a 11ve and usetut I • Marble Top Ptont Stand, *M"-NAll ...cl , ~::.:~= I .. Howard Miilet Gtandathef Cloctc '6tt-IAYI •IOO , SOiid wooc:1 bate I • ,,,,. 1ra11 tteoc:1:>oarct1 a leda. 1s decorated floor ==m •71-_.. °" · I wllhcololf\Jlftvtt I • Simmons -IAVI ... NOM LOWll1' NICll o.slQn hie la a I • Sealy Qullft .... ~ '199-1117 I ~2rtc:IM ~-----~11&11• & -:::.:ii31 ~-IALI I NDIJULV 11--0NN MON. TH"U '"t.1CM, IAT • .aUN.1N ' • Orang• Co11t DAIL V PILOT I Jhur1day, July 8, 1982 ~ ' DETAILED WORK -Patrick Philbin will exhibit some of his work in the Seventh Annual Sculpture Invitational of Orange County at the Fair. Sculpture showcases coastal artists W orks by three sculptors -one from Laguna Beach and two from Long Beach -wiU be featured in the annual Sculpture Invitational at the Orange County Fair. Robert Cunningham of Long Beach will display sculptures at the exhibition. combined her painting and sculpture expertise. has been shown in group exhi b itions at the Museum o f North Orange County, CabriUo College Gallery in Monterey, Royer GaUery in Huntington Beach and seve ral. scuplture of bronze and resin, most of which is done with cylinders. cubes and tubes which symbolically depict as- pects of the environ- ment. Patricia O'Neal of Laguna Beach and Patrick Philbin and Ms. O'Neal's exhibits are done in clay that is cast in hydrocal gypsum. Recent projects she has undertaken have Philbin will display his woodcarving, bronze casting and figurative bas relief , a form of sculpture with figures projecting only slightly from a flat surface. Cunningham plans to exh ibit abstract P ollution . crowded cities and tall buildings are common subjects. A variety of his work ALL AMERICAN DAYS SALE Fri., Sat., Sun. , July 9, 10, 11 Athletic Shoe Sale Save 30 o/o -50 % Off Regular Retail Price Over 100 Styles to Select From Supply Limited to Available Stock SAYE 25% OFF All Women 's Swimsuits 1 pc. and 2 pc. Solids and Fancies in Up,-to-Date Fashion Silhouettes SAYE 25% OFF Selected Men 's and Women's Running Shorts Sizes S-M-L Panels, Stripes, Solids adldaS• -newbalance B Tunbertand~ (rJcanvsR~l SAYE 25% OFF Women 's Separates Includes Warm~up Jackets and Pants by Wh ite Stag, Aspen , A. A. Sportswear SALE sa.99 Each Men's and Women 's · Fleece Hooded Tops and Pants Reg . to *24. 95 Save up to '1 6.00 Includes Braided Tops and Bottoms and Selected Solids In Tan, Brown. Green, Black, and Rust Only. SOUTH COAST PLAZA UPS* Level Mook• Wing, Coeta Mw, M0-.4717 . ""; Speclal event• h•• fun for all Fun tor th• entire family promiMI to be ihe them• of tht 1ptQlal evenbl activities Jwy G to 18 at the Orange County Fair. Boys and girla, aaes 3 to 6, wtu ahow off their peraonallty , polae, appearan c e and naturalneu In the ''Tiny Tots Royal Court Contest," July 10 at 1 p.m. A king and queen. prince and princess and a duke and duchess will be selected from a group of 16 finallata. ·All con- teatan u will receive rlbbon1. Flnall1t1 are awarded trophlH and th• royal court will be ,tven a aped.al af ft and trophy. Senior c:I tlzena wtll have a hat parade contat July 13 at 1 p.m. Several categories will be offered, includinf a class for hats depict ng the Fair's "All American" theme. Family look-a -llkea will have their day July 16 with a spedal contest at 1 p.m . Categories i¥lude: mother and son, mother and daughter, father and son, rather and dau1hter a'd brother and •liter. $ A1lde from phyalcal resemblance, judgea w~l al.lo look for aimtlarl~ In peraonallty and appearance. Trophiea will be awarded to flrat place wlnnera in eaah category. Ribbons wUJ be awarded to aec.-ond platt and a sweepstakes awwd will go to the family tb.t looks moet alike. On July ~t 1 p.m., infants fro six mon\hs to three y rs old will jom ip the activity in the baby contest. ' D 0 N 'T F 0 R GET THE CAPEZIO SHOE ANO OANCEWEAR SALE . . ~ • capez10 Sourh Coasr Plaza I Cosro M~so. CA 92626 7'4 I 540 2575 SAVE UP TO VJ AND MORE! NOW $1 7 to $3·9 Orig. '23 to 559 Save up to. Y, and moH on your fovorire Fanfares, MarquiH & Footnot" ahoes in o vari.ty of dr .. sy & tosual styl ... Shop early for best .. lection. South Coast Plaza (Lower Level) NATURALIZER. A TRULY SENSATIONAL SHOE SALE Save Up4 To 1/3 And More! Jusr s22 to s39 Orig. •32 to 151 Save up to Y3 and more on your favorite Naturallzer shoes In a variety of dressy and clsual styles. Assorted colors and sizes but not In every style, so shop early for best select Ion. ·, NAlURAUZERwest~ SOUTH COAST PLAZA Lower Level) ,1 • ' '• '. I• Orange Oout DAILY ftlLOT/ThUrlday, Juty I , 1982 Student dealgna ahown In exhibition She award-wlnnlns Thor• were nlne vtsn1 l\e1 crea\ed by cat•1orlt1 for which a Interior deallll atudenta d 1 • l I n c o u 1 d b e wlll be )!xhiblt.d ln the • u b ml tt e d . '1' he y Home ~rta Bulldln1 Included: adult bedrooni, durtna the July 9 -18 child '• room, den o r OranCe County Fair. 1\udy, dlntna area, The s1x f1nalitta we~· hobby room, Uvfna area, choaen from deai,ns offlce. p0n:h or veranda, 1ubm!tt.ed and judpd at or \een-aaera' room. a p r e 1 i m i n a r y Conteata.nta were limited competition. The contest to only one category. The compe\ltlon was open to all students e nrolled ln i nterior design courses during 1981-82 and with less than o n e year of professional experiena:. con.alated of submitting four boards containing a floor plan, a three- d linensional drawing. aamplea of colors and materiala and a wri \ten explanation ol the work. Those deaigns selected w ere tur ned into vignettes for display at the Lair. Prof~ional designers INTERIOR EXPERT -Dan Steen, professional interior designer from were Judges for the Huntington Beac h , evaluates renderings in Designer's Showcase competition. Competition. Watercolorist's creation becomes award . w t r adit ion s are up all over at this year and the of Balboa artist Christensen will be to start yet another. ing a recent con- ' one of Chris- tensen's impressionistic w atercolor paintings portraying the fair's theme was selec ted to be printed on a com- memorative plate. Only 200 plates will be made with her artwork. The plates will be used for awards for out\tandlng entries in the Home Arts and Crafts /Hobbi es competi lions. Favorin g people. children and landscapes for her su bjects, sh e usually captures them In an impressionistic style with acrylic, oils . etchings, resins a nd watercolors. ir contests introduce silver Using her unique style, Chr isten sen clearly d e pic ts t h e "All American Fair" theme on her winning art. The art work shows four c hildre n , each of p izes for every first -place winner d ifferent nationality. foods will receive a silver One is holding a bird and combination casserole/ another a flag. There is a p ie p J ate a n d in lamb in the foreground Preserved Foods the and an impressionistic sweepstakes winner will o r a n g e t re e i n t h e win a silver hostess; background. Cfmpetition winners silver serving tray, or a at "1e all new Or~ng«:it silver water pitcher. Couilty All Amer1ca1" First place winner of the Fa i l-,w i 11 ha v e the Christmas tree trimming sparkle in t h eir eyes con test will be awarded matched by the sparkle an Olde English silver in the silver awards they serving dish. will receive. Winners in the fair The pleasure of theme, both adult and achievement will be junior division, will enhanced by the beauty r e c e i v e a 1 9 8 2 and tradition of silver comme mo rative plate serving pieces for many and a pewter water division winners in goblet. Home Arts and Crafts/ In the Home Arts Hobbies.. Division. the first place The first. second and grand award winner for third place grand awards cloth ing/needlework/- for most outs t anding f urni t ure will be en tries in the Crafts awarded a silver food ~partment will receive warmer. Flrat place a silver food warmer, a sweepatakes in baked TRES AMIGOS MEllCAI Dt~""8 RESTAURANT reli~h s~t . An 01.de"· Fair recognition is not E!"ghsh. silver serv.mg new to Christensen. Her dish w1~l go the first watercolor paintings pla~e winner of table have been a w a rd setungs. w inners in the Fine Arts Junior ~vision gr8.!'d competition in previous aw~ rd ~ 1 n n e ~ s w 111 years. receive either silver or pewter pieces. Last year she won the There will be no cash purchase award a nd a awards this year in first .Prize .i!1 the either division. Instead professional diVlSlon. In the silver pieces or 1977 she won a 'special commemorative plates award. All the awards will be given to top w t:re. for wat~rcolor pamtmgs and 1n so~ •Pizzas •Spaghet ti she uaed her own children as models. Starting out as a child artist, she pursued her interest as a career and attended University of Michigan Art School to major in drawing and painting. Lat.er she went on to S t a n ford University and University of California, I rvine for graduate studies in art education. Early m her career she taught junior high and high school art classes. Presently she is part- own e r of Sand stone Gallery in Ne)"port Beach and also s hows her work at the Laguana Arts Village . She occasionally holds classes in her home for non- professional artists. A l ong with Christ e nsen , several other O range County professional, noVice and youth artists will enter their work in the juried competition in the Fair's Fine Arts competition. Prize winning entries will be displayed during the 10-day run. Artlatlc talent glows Oranp County'• fair wlU ahowcue the flnett artlltlc ial nt around thla year through cont.eeta for old and young alike. The fair'• Fine Artl Competition, July 9 to 18, pha profeaalonal. novtce and youth artlata aaatn1t one another in teYeral catesortea. Orange Co unty reaidenta 18 years of age a nd under will b e competing for awanh as wrltera , writer / llluatrator ne person) and wrl\er/lllustrator (two or more penion1). Each of the thre e dlvlalona wlll be broken Into categories according to age. All works will be juried prior to exhibition of the wlnnJng entries. This year three new clasaes have been added: illustration, calligraphy and oriental brush painting. Other classes are three-dimensional sc ulptur e , oils, watercolors, acrylics. printmaking, drawin1 and two-d{menalona1 mixed media. Vic k Knlj(ht J r ., director of development tor Children's ttoap1tal of Orange County and well known author of \extbooka for children, will judge the youth competition. Also on the agenda will be the Seventh Annual Sculpt u re Invitational of Orange County. LOG ROLLING CONTEST -F.ach person rolls the log in a different direction trying to knock the ir opponent in the water. Watch the log rolling contest during the Lumberjack Sbow performed four times daily at the Orange County Fair. l.../J " WHERE PEOPLE WHO APPRECIATE QUALITY MEXICAN FOOD DINE • Sandwiches •Soup •Salad •Dinners IS NOW OP-NAT S:OO PM DAILY THE KIM SIS'l1EDS JULY 13·25 • FAMOUS MARGARITAS 548-7167 • • DAIL¥ LUNCHEON SPECIALS • OPEN 11 A.M . to 10 P.M. DAILY STEAKS • SEAFOOD • PRIM E RIB DINNER SHOW NIGHTLY 642-8274 642-8278 2200 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA AT WILSON IN K-MART PLAZA Daily Lunch .& Dinner Specials PATIO DINING ALL FOOD CAN BE PREPARED TO GO! r---------, I Genuine New York I THE FAMOUS 21 YEAR LOACTION 2701-·HARBOR 223 M arine Ave. I Water Bagels I .Veekday Lunch 11:00 To 2:00 At Adanu BALBOA IS:AND I 18 Varieties I Dinner Ntghtly From 5 P.M. COSTA M ESA 6 3 I I Saturday & Sunday From 4 P.M. L_ ___ 97_9_·6_7_3s _____ 7_-_93_2_2 _ __, 11 Buy 1 Doz. 11 R••rr•tlon• Sugg••ted tu2-9771 -G t 1 L 2001 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA •1----------------=--~1 e 12 Doz.1 uttuo 8up• from Jtalp HOMEMADE ITALIAN CUISINE Sp•c1•lizing In YULDtaBU ac:AMPt Dane In or Take Out Open 7 Daya 1 Week PUT4 ll4Y10U .... .,..,.GOid 4 Y4n.AaU PIZZA HOUSE DAILY EARLY BIRD DINNERS ...,,.,_a NP1fr;,-a .... 11'7 fAllM IOAD COl1'A MllA. CAUFllllA MOiia Ml--- ' STEAK HOUSE •STEAKS •SEAFOOD •COCKTAILS Serving Co.ta Mesa For 20 Years Intimate Dininq In Our Romantic Cellar LUNCH MON.-FRJ. 11:30 to 2:30 DINNER 8 NIQHTS 8:30 to 10:00 OL08ED SUNDAY 848-7144 1111 lnlu '"· C..ta •-Df McVAY BUILDING 1 FREE : 11 Orange County Board I of Rabbi• Approved I I I I I I -I 1~~! •• m e. 17"1 at. 11 ~ c.-..... I ... 7177 I I -:::::::: I I 1:11 e.M ... ""'· lloft.-'"-1 I • .h IJedtl\IMt I I °" :=. ='1•_, ---------- Tum your unusablet Into usable c•lfl.C.11 D•llY. '81ot clellffled Ml•WI, SUSHI BAR• TEAHOUSE• TEPPAN-YAKI OPEN EVERY NIGHT AT 5:00 P M. LUNCfiEON •MONDAY · FRIDAY 11:30A M ·2 30 PM CALL (714) n5-7727 FOR RESERVATIONS ! 'J(sno ~~!{.~ii 776 SOUT H HAR BOR BOULE VAR D • S A~T /I A~A IU-V-IERA RESTAURANT Continental CuisiNe Pril'llf<' l'"rtif•s Banquet Facilities 16 to 70 People C(flk[or Reurvations Closecrsundaya & Holidays South Coast Pldza Costa Meu S40.J840 .. • EVERYDAY INTERNATIONAL LUMBERJACK SHOW 2:00, 4:00, 7:00, 9:00 p.m. COUNTRY FUN CONTESTS 11:30 a .m., 1:30, 3:30, 5:30 p.m. FUNS-A-POPPIN' CIRCUS 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 8:00 p.m. CRAFTS DEMONSTRATIONS All Day GYMNASTIC TUMBLING CONTESTS July 9-16, 5:30 & 7:30 p.m. GOURMET GALLERY 1 :30, 3:30, 5:30 p.m. LIVESTOCK FUN CONTESTS 3:00, 4:00 p.m. MONTEZUMA'S REVENGE 7:30-11 :00 p.m. HYPNOTIST VANDERMEIDE 8:00 p.m. & 10 p.m. . Six Stages Contlnuou• Entertainment 0 GE CO A RI SPECIAL EVENTS MOTORCYCLE SPEEDWAY July 9 -8:00 p.m. STUNT ACTORS WESTERN SHOW July 9, 10, 11, 12 & 13 -6:30 ~ 9:00 p.m. LIVESTOCK SHOWING and DEMONSTRATIONS July 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 & 15 All Day BIG BAND CONCERTS and bANCING -8:00 p.m. July 1 O -Orange Coast College Big Band Juty 11 -High Society Band July 12 -Magnificent Seven July 13 -Lea Brown and his Band of Renown LIVESTOCK AUCTION july 17, All Day RODEO July 16 -8:00 p.m . July 17 -4:00 & 8:00 p.m. July 18 -3:00 & 7:00 p.m. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Thur1day, July 8, 'iJ.i J .. ,f I ·II~ I I 11'• I " 1 ho' ,1 I I ri r 1'11 ',•. '1 • ., '' .... ,. •, .. . , ... . " ,. '' I ' ... . , • •'4 ., Ir I . ; , -·1 l I l I ' I I ' . ' . ~All Entertainment Free With s4 Admission ...... ~!'~~ .............. • frW11t;tt 11.... rlaltt .... , ..... _ ........ .. .... (1-11)11 · ....... 1 '"''" .. .., 11, 11, 1 .. 11 11 11 INI ''" 11 ...., 1 1 fl . -. --, ~ I ' ' , , I • i I 1 • \"101'\'C.: :•IV I : • • •trt(I I I I I I I I I t I I t Orange Oo11t DAILY PILOT /Thuredly, ~ I , tHI D, ITE& ALE OVER 50 SPECIAL TY SHOPS & RESTAUR ANT S TO SERV V') 0 c .... ::r ""O n> N n> Drive • So uth Coast Village.• Santa Ana INSfOE llllEACAHTILE BUILDING 557-9678 ----- 10% OFF ci~~~~ C0 1\t\E CELEB RATE OUR GREAT JULY SPECIAl. WITH US! I July 6, 7, 8 Exhibitors and entertainment froin this year's Orange County Fair from 12-4 July 9, 10, 11 MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT -ALL AMERICAN TUNES WITH DIXIELAND BANDS 12·3 .. 556-0778 • r---------------------- JU LY CLEARANCE SAVI 20-40~ OFF FREE ALTERATIONS . ! on all Purchases, minimum altera- tions while vou wait Tailoring & at.ola Men's Wear '549-3906 •' ~'-----lilllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ ----·1 ! I ~# HEN~oT ~~~ Olji~R.. ~~ -l!'Ai£Nc£ j 20°/oOFF • • O RREFORS l Spec rcllly priced at 20% OFF . 1 (r~<.!ill bowl' & other p1e<.es avc3il Christmas gifts & decorat. ,,s ~· from Sweden. Denmark & No1 way f i°* SkOnsen I ~ Scandinavian Imports I .. MERCANTILE BUILDING e (714) 979-8827 Specializing In: • acrylic nails •manicures • pedicuret e paper Wrapl • taclela, ey«wow 1rcnes 751-4030 OPH IDIDAY TillU SATUROAY e lfT CUTllCA1D 'YOU ! ' , • . ' .. DALES IT'S OUR WAY OF SAYING THANK YOU! FOOTWO RK S SI IOES & 8flGS TENTH ANNUAL ALL SALE ITEMS FROM REGULAR STOCK • SUMMER SHOE SALE BARE TRAPS 9 WEST PURSES FROM 14 97 FROM 14 97 ~~LOW 50% QFF . SUMMER SANDALS SPRING DRESS SHOES ~~~R . tgw50~ 1997 Po~b~R FAVORITES AS 7i OFF FROM BRANDS (714) 979-9252 HOURS 10:00 tlll 9:00 O.lly 10:00 u11 e:oo s.t. t 1 :00 tlll 5:00 Sun. SummERSALE Starts July 6, 1982 through July 31, 1982 e OUR FAVORITE SUEDE CLOTH WRAP AROUND SKIRT Sizes 5-13 . Reg. $30 SPECIAL $24 00 e CORDUROY PRAIRIE SKIRT $ Sizes 5-13. Reg. $44 2900 SPECIAL . e POLYESTER & COTTON &ALLCOTTON BLOUSES eMANYOTHER ONE-OF-A-KIND APPAREL, ACCESSORY & GIFT ITEMS 40°/o OFF 1/3ro 1/2 OFF • From our intercultural collection ol unique and joyful apparel & g1t1s IA-. SOUTH COAST PLAZA TOWN & COUNTRY 3840 s PLAZA DA ORANGE Santll Ana 979.2095 n1 so. MAIN ()flnge 543-9453 Sooth Coast Plaza · VILLA DEL SOL 305N HARBOR Fullenon 871·8151 .. ' Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT /Thurlday, July 8, 1082 t FROM THE UNITED STATES TOUR OF THE BEST SELECTED SCULPTURE ALL ARTIST SIGNED & NUMBERED LIMITED EDITIONS PLUS OVER 350 LLADRO PIECES FOR YOUR COLLECTION CAPO ·DI MONTI FIGURINES & FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS RICHELIEU ITALIAN SCULPTURES ALL ON DISPLAY FOR YOUR SELECTION! We have selected most pi~ces one of a kind for this exhibit so please come early and it will be our pleasure to serve you Continental Imports 556-6131 HUMMELS e ROCKWELL e FRANCIS HOOK e PRECIOUS MOMENTS South Coast Plaza Village (Plaza Of and Sunflo>wter) Doily 10-9. Sot 10-6. Sun. 12-5 (714) 556-7770 Located at Sunflower & Bear Streets Santa Ana. CA 927CM • (114) 751.e595 . -. ••• "' ~ l I I I 1 • f ........ _.,_ ............. -... --................................. -.. --.,,-~---------~----~-----·-------------- Cl Orange Oo11t DAILY PILOT /Thurada , July 8, 1082 Livestock show benefits business, 4-H Home Arts Show hosts variety of craft entries F or more than 30 yean the pubUc hu been comina to th Oranae County Fair to f urchue t h c p rl i e • w. n n I n g ll veat oc k. raised by Oranae Coun ty Future Farmera of America (FFA) and 4-H members. The sal es o f blue ribbon beef, lamb and pork a t these sales not only b enefits the younaa t er who ls learni ng a gricult ura l prac t ices and sou n d buaineu principles, it haa become the pl.ace w here lndividuala, service clubs, business con cer ns, restaurants and markets come to buy top quality meat. The ann u al Junior Livestock Auction th is' year wll be highligh ted on Saturday, July 17 begjnning at 1 p.m. with the sale of h ogs and lambs and followed by the market beef sale at 6:30 p.m. The sale will offer numerous w ays for the public and businesses to participate. Prize market anim al purchases a re used by individ uals or families to supply the home freezer and often people form a p a rtne r s hip wit h a neighbor and each buy a side or split an animal with several friends. Exhibition expands new doll division Fotldloua f1ngu weavers, talented tole painters, expert embroiderers and proficient pie makers will be featured at the Home Arts, Crafts and Hobbles competition at the Orange County Falr. Competitive classes, running the gamut from bread baking and quilting to egg decorating a n d loom weaving, were opened to ama t eur adults. professionals and juniors under 18 years. All exhibitors will be Orange County residents. PrQ classes were restructured this year to provide no t only a competitive event but to serve aa an educational exhibit aa well. Entrants submitted 1 to 5 items in a particular category that exemplified their talents and diversified skills. Categories included handcrafts. needlework, clothing construction and decorated cakes. - Accompanied with cards naming techniques and describing methods, this division will provide an edu cationa l a n d informative exhibit for fair visitors. c raft d l vl1lon for applehead, clothespin, cornh usk, hard drape and soft sculpture dolls and an exhibition d1v1slon for dolls with heads or enure bodies made of china, bisque or porcelain handmade by the exhit>itor. Adults or those that engage in an art or craft solely as a hobby found a variety of classes to enter heirloo~ more than 75 years old, basketry. ceramics. Christmas decorations, collections, leathercraft, macrame, miniatures, paper tole and woodworking. The popular Home Arts department will feature its ususal judging of clothing, textiles, furniture, table settings, baked foods, confections, preser ved foods and decorated cakes. Teena between lJ and 17 and pre-teens entered the junior division and had many of the aame classes as adults in which to participate. Again this year, the lemon pie and orange t'ake contest will be held. Pies and cakes are brought the day of the <.'Ont.est, July 13, and will • admit the entrant to the f a1 rgrounds. The salad mak i ng oontest wall be held July 15, and will include JUdging of vegetable. fruit and meat or fish salads. Eal·h exhibitor w1U receive a ticket to return to the Fair on presentation of an entry. No pre-registration or entry fees are requtred for these two <.'Ontests. Service clubs, lodges and unions can buy an animal to put on a club ba r becue, donate the meat to a children's home or favorite charity or auction off J>ilckaged BEE FING l'r UP -Jo May Chow, 17, of El meat to members to boost T oro will exhibit her 1,150 pound crossbred steer, "Cassell," in the Orange County Fair's livestock exhibition. Fairgoers will notice a new classification m the dolls class. There is a the club treasury. M a n y bu s i n e s s pubhc can part.Jc1pate in concerns that purchase the sale is by donating meat have used it to their purchase to the present gi ft packages to Kc n J o h n son their best customers, use S c holars hip Fund, a i t i n p romotional program set up for campaigns. put on a awarding scholarships barbe<:ue for employees f o r 4 -H a n d F F A and auction off packaged members pursuing a meat for an employee's college education. The fund. animal is returned for a R estaurants and second sale and those markets take andvantage proceeds are then put o f t h is a u ct ion to into the fund. advertise and serve local Also. animals can be blue ribbon meat, use c o n s 1 g n e d t o a b lu e ribbons on their commercial pac ker for menus or displays and resale at market price. If publicize t he special a buyer JUSt wants to buy meat for holiday menus. to help out a youngster Another way that the but does not wish to keep Antique and . New Clocks "A family Trod it ion Since r 192" Repairs • Sales Restorations (;;..., ~our homr • !!pf'C'ial jrif\ - it trra.ur,. your w.tiolf' famil) """ ~hurl' an1l f'njoy. t:lork~ ar .. 1i1int1 th at will jri\f" pl .. uur•· u11.I I''"°'• in valut' )'f'Mr aft .. ,. ~ ,..,.. \'i•il our jr8llf'r~ o f tr•·a.-.ur t•• h••'"~. BUCK'S CLOCK SHOPPE 1741 Superior Ave., Costa )lesa 631-3215 ..._.. HOURS: 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. ·- 1_ ~ I MONDAY Thru SATURDAY the animal, this is an ideal way to participate. The buyer p ays the difference between the market price and the purchase price. In some cases the difference can be tax deductible. Buyers cart be assured they arc purchasing the choicest beef. pork and lamb as these animals are raised individually with a lot of tender· loving care during the year by 4-H'rs and FFA members. Through their programs they learn the proper feeding practices for producing high quality market animals. . Wh e n the animals arrive at the fair they are judged by experts in the livestock industry. Many of them are former 4-H members and FFA students who are now farmers, livestock breeders, college professors and specialists in animal science. Ea c h animal is evaluated according to the USDA meat grading system Market animals showing evidence of quality conformation that will produc e superior carcasses are selected to be sold in the auction. Something Special · feminine fashions . 250 E. 17th St. t' • <J Costa N4esa 645-5711 JULY 2 FOR 1 (11111 1 l9') SALE DON'T MISS IT SHOP EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION (SELECTED MERCHANDISE) We SpeciaHze in Fashion For The Missy Figure (Size 4 thru 18) •(S~LE DOES No·r APPL y TO SPECIAL ORDERS) Announcing The Greatest Sale Event in Carpet History! GOOD CORRINA 13•• t eq. rd. 81TTER BHAMODE 15" eq.,ct. BEST DANTAY 1715 -..yc1. "you're IOOklng f0t Iola ot carpet atylee .•• IOI• ot dazzllOg colofl . Mid toll of carpet uvlnga. you'A find euelly Wf'lal you're IOOktng fOf d\Jflng OUf 1peeteculer Evens-Blaci< carpet aete Our Mlectlone of bMvtll~I Evens-Black ca1pe1t have never been belle< end the seYlnga never greater. So why wait? Wt have tdetly whet you re looking IOI And el sale prlQM that are jvll too good to mlul PACll'IC D•COAATINQ CINT•AS • 1110N.Kremer •n•h•lm, OA eaaoe (7 '4) •••· 1101 ~"" 10. C1oMe1 .. 1 &u All animals are sold according to hve weight and the actual yield from the carcass will vary depending on the breed of animal, degree of fat, sex and cutting method used in preparing meat for the freezer. However, a 1000-pound steer will yield an average of 450 pounds o f meat , a 220-pound market hog yields an average of 145 pounds and a 110-pound s h ee p will y ie ld an average of 45 pounds of meat. Fair seeks amateur and semi-pro performers (See BEEF, Page II ) ... ...... • Golc:Jtn d11rrturo olO I t><au ''""n I • Ivory 1u1> 1tir1urt OV"' tti'MS"-K:f'nt v•nyl 1h.l0t • Ht19n1 37' 1 1ncneo1 • E l L•lf' 3 w;ay bdst sw11ch. Sl.tndaro IOCktl •S280 "''<•1 •t561S OStiffel HALF CENTURY . • Brog.hi Oki br •U llr>Uh wilh old Eno'•"" h19'1'19nu • Olf·Wh11~ Ian p1r.11ro l."lbflC ovrr rranslucrnt vinyl 1h.Oeo . Ht19n1 l I •nchts "S492 ftrlce1 1 19594 OStiffel Brush off your top hat and polish up your tap shoes, Orange County, because yo u 'll be on s tage at this year's Orange County Fair. Aspiring amateur and semi -pro f essiona l entertainers of all ages are being sought for this year's Fair Singers, dancers, variety acts, downs, mimes, singles or gr o ups are all encouraged to auditton Ethnic dancer s and musicians are especially wanted. For ten days the five , i s tages around the fairgrounds will s howcase the bes t of Orange County's 'talent with co ntinuous entertainment day and night. If you would like to participate in the talent e vents, c ontact June Wimer any Tuesday. Wednesday or Thursday at 751-FAIR. In add1t10n to loca l performers the fair will again feature headhne entertainment each night an the amphitheater. • 8r•9n1 OIO Br.tu ltn11n • Ivory kn"t ptea1eoo r;1broc ovrt trctnslucrn t v1nyf >h llOt • H<'•9nt s s 1ncn" #)320 "rice: S2J122 OStiffel SAVINGS EVENT • 8flghl Old br•u l1nun. glass cray wllh br•u Q."!ilf'ty • Ht•ghr ~l', 1ncnt1 Ht1gn1 to rop ot ""'Y 11 20"> 1ncl\r_1 Ota· ~ltr ot tr.ty 11 11 1ncnt1 113278 ,.,k•• • 2 7 412 OStiffel For a half century, the Stiffeta name has stood for fine lamps of quality, craftsmanship and elegance. Rarely, It ever, in those 50 years have you had an opportunity to own them at prices so dramaticalfy reduced. Stop in soon, during Stlffels~ SOth Anniversary. Take advantage of the Biggest Values ever. AWID J.illlU., ) We are Southern Callfornla's most complete selection or fighting it co~tltf\fe prices. 222 \lletorl• St . COlbl Meu (Across rrom Nurstryland Nurseryl 646·17J7/'46·1194 Hunyf Safe Inds July J 1, l 91J I -- M ----. ---··----- Orange Coa1t DAILY Pll .. OT /Thur1day, July 8, 1882 ------------------""' ' ' ' ' ~_ .... _ : j l __ > 1N ·i ' ' ' ,, Orange County Fairgrounds i cc l f if~~Srj1~1 11 11JJi ildiaJso~J~lllJJi! I .... 909'0.1 I !--------~1~-----------------------1 r ~ l l 1 I 'hi LUAU ~ ,'<'r lNVITATIONS "Mother Karen'.' .. The year 'rtiund jacket Greot fof 8YefYfhlng, like booting. bike riding Ot JUSI the beach. Fun color cornblnottont. Machine washable too. Super with Vuome1 &. 1.9 COtd IUngloll hOlden ~~[; 66 FASHION ISLAND • NE\WORT BEACH • (714) 644-7030 l I I • I • . • i I ' .I I I I ' 1 1 I . I I II Or1ng1 Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Thur1day, July I , 1912 .Entertainment llneup ( Bobby Vinton Popular recordlna artl1t and performer Bobby Vinton will appear opening night at the Oranje County Fair. From 7 to 9 p.m. In the amphitheater, Vinton will demonstrate why he has continued as one of the top-rated performers around -and especially in Las Vegas. July I number-one teller ln tho United Swt.ea. ~ Rita Coolldge July 14 Many of Vinton's hit • songs over the years have become classics. His impressive list of hits include, "R oses Are Red," "Mr. Lonely" and "Blue Velvet." Proving to be more than just a .passing fad, Vinto n 's hit-making capability was again evidenced with the 1974 release. ''My Melody of Love," which became a Vlnton's aucceu in the recording lnduatry carried over to other aapects of the entertainment world. For three years, he hosted his own weekly syndicated television series which aired in more than 100 cities in the United States and Canada. In Uve performances. Vinton has set house attendance records for several top nightclubs, making headlines in Las Vegas several times. In fact, he is one of the only entertainers to have held three simultaneous contracts wih mljor Las 'Vegas hotels: The Ri- v I e r a, MGM Grand! and The Flamingo ~ Hilton. B.J. Thomas Ever since he burst upon the music world with his m1llion-selling rendition of the Hank WilUams classic, "I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry." B.J . Thomas has won fans around the w orld with his n ch, sensuous bAritone. H e's guaranteed to win a few fans m Orange Cou nty this summ('r when he appears at the fair July 15 from 7 to 9 p .m . in the amphi - theater. Although Thomas has won Grammies for his gospel r ecordings and sung the Oscar award- w inning "Raindro ps K eep Falling on my Head," he is no stranger to country music. In fact. that's where his roots lie. From "I 'm So Dean Torrence July 11 The O range Count y Fair will play host to one of the l ege ndary progenitors of Southern California's unique brand of rock and roll that celebrates the lifestyle of the surfer. Dean Torrence, who first rose to fame as one half of the famous rock and ro ll duo Jan and Dean, will present a collection of surf music and rock and roll sounds for fairgoers on July 11 from 7 to 9 p.m. m the amphitheater. · Joining him in the concert wilJ be the Bel Air Bandits, a fi ve· member rock and roll band in the tradition of The Beach Boys. T o rrence and the Bandits are anything but last-minute partne r s. Ray Orbison Ro y Orbis o n , internationally known for h is country songs about loneliness: will entertain fair visitors July 13 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the amphitheater. Some of hia popular mnp include "Running Scared," "Cryln " and "Only the Lonely." Born In western Texas, Orbison was influenced greatly by hit COWltry roota. Hla own brand of popular muaic emerpd ln the late 60s and early 609. And he wu qukk to emerp - at aae 18, Orb6lon wrote ''Down the Lint," which baaunl a hit fot J_,, L.e• Lewt1 and Rloky Nela\. For 10 yHn Roy ....... wt&h u:h cUwr. ,,.u,. .. th• &111", Torrence helped two members of the Bandits produce a single in the mid-1970s, and all five me mbers of the band provided all the music for Jan and Dean's finale tour. Torrence now spends much of his time living out the "fun in the sun" lifestyle that he helped lo popularize in the 1960s, playing volleyball and keeping an eye for good surf at Malibu. But he's a lso a successful businessman. Rece ntly returned from a five-month tour across America. the Bandits' high-energy surf music has garnered them more than a few app r eciative -and sometimes swooning - fans. July 13 Bea ties, Yard birds,· Beach Boys and Rolling Stones. Roy went on tour in 1963 with the up-and- coming Beatles. When he arrived in England, the Beatles had the number one tong on the British charts, and Orbison'• "In Dreams" waa number two. Orbison ti as accumulated 15 gold albums, one platinum album ln Auatralia, five lilver dllca In England, and ln 1980 he was lnd~ into the Texu Hall of Fame. That hl1 popularity hal mdUNd 11 wt"'-d ,., that he II \he only ~ to Niw at ~ one f'9COf'd he wrote on the naU.nal pop char .. in Hoh of the lllt lour Elvin Bishop Elvin Bishop returns to the Orange County Fair on July 12. Al the top of his form in the country atmosphere, Bish6p has played to stand 1 ng -r oom-only crowds at the past two fairs. Bishop and his group will appear al the amphitheater for two performances at 7 and 9 p.m . H e will oCfer a potpourri of his old favorites laced with songs from his l 979 album, "Hog Heaven." Backed by a top six-piece group, Bishop will let go with such popular offerings at "Struttm' My Stuff", "Travellin' Shoes," "Arkansas," "Southern Dreams" and "Its' a Feeling." July 15 Lonesome I Could Cry" t o the number one c untry r eco rd o f "Another D o n e Somebody Wrong Song," Thomas has always appealed to a country audience. Afte r overcoming problems with drugs and alcohol in the mid-70s, Thomas unde rwe nt a spiritual rejuvenation and began r ecording gospel music m the late 70s. Hi s l atest album represents a return to his cou ntr y r oots. And Orange County fairgoers can look forward to a rich sampling of Songs from ''Some Love Songs Never Die," an album that marks the return of one of country music's favorite sons. ~­ \ ~\ I July 12 Bishop was born in Tulsa. Oklahoma a nd attended the University of Chicago as a National Meri l Scholar. There he met P aul Butterfield, played with his Blues Hand and subsequently formed his own group. His material includes Jump boogie woogie. Lalin and Hawaiian rhythms. blues and rough and rowdy good- t1me music. After his first few albums, Bishop came to Capricorn Records in 1974 with the pivotal LP "Let It Flow." His exposure as a good - rockin' performer and recording artist grew through "Juke Joint Jump .. and then exploded in 1976 with "Struuin' My Stuff." Rita Coolidge prcfl'rs amphitheater. modesty when 1l t'Ornct But die-hard fans to sel£..dC1i'.:rlpt1on needn't worry. She still " I a 1 way s sou n d plans to draw Crom her baslcaUX the same when rich repertoire of blues, I sing, • she confeBSes, ballads, rock and country "God knows I never songs in her Orange stray too Car." County appearance. But modesty can 't "Heartbreak Radio" is con ceal her obvious the lates t accom - excltement over her plishment In a musicaJ l a l e 1 t e f f o r t . career that began for "Heartbrellk Radio," Rita with a high school whic h she calls "a tri o In her native surpr ise r ecord , an Tennessee. uncharac teristic album College followed, as for me. It's me singing, did jingles singing and which makes It familiar, meeting singers Delaney but everyone I've played & Bonnie in M~phis. it to says it's different." The duo brought Rita to This year fairgoers Los Angeles to sing on will be able to make that t he I r ' ' A c c e pt No observation themselves Substitutes" album. when Rita Coolidge In California. she performs her new stuff joined Joe Cocker's Mad at the fair on Jt1ly l4 DofP and Englishmen as from 7 to 9 p.m. m the featured vocallat. Jose Fellclano July 10 Lime Liters Unveiling a new look, The Limeliters will still remain faithful to their fans. singing such old favorites as "Dollar Down ,'· "ThC'rC'·s A Meetm ' Here Tonight" and ··Hav <' Some Madeira M'Dear." After popula rizing those songs m tht> ('arly 60s, The L1mc•l 1 tt>rs di sband('d wh('n Yarbrough dec1dl'd to pursue a solo 1.:arecr. Thl· original tno rC' emc•rgt'CI in th(' m1d-?Os. but found little SUC('('SS and' qu1t·kly broke again. before regrouping in thP <'arly 80s with Grammer When the name J~ Feliciano is mentioned, a host of images bursts upon the mind the soulful troubad or, tht• accomplished composer, the kid from Spanish Harlem who went on to international fame. the superstar. The d1vcrs1t y o f F e I 1 c 1 a n o ' s t a I <' n t s bespeaks his greatnt'S!> ai. an artist. He has scored 32 gold albums· around the world. Ht' has won two Grammy Awa rds His masterful guitar playing has enabled him , to accompan y eve n symphony orcfiestras HE> has acted 1n su<:h tel evision shows as "McMil11a n and W1fto.'' "Kung Fu." "Chu.:o and the Man" and "Lu<·as Tanner.'' Put simply, he docs it all. On July 10, Orange County fairgoers will receive the opportunity to savor Feliciano's many talents when he a ppears at the fair from 7 to 9 July 17 p . m . 1 n t h e amphitheater True to their name. The L1mchters are back in the public eye. The trio of crooning balladeers who received widespread p o pular acda1m in the early 60s are tounng again. minus Glen Yarbrough. the group's original leader. but with a new vibrant ml•mber a nd a fresh outlook Lou Gottlieb. Alex H ass1l ev and new member Red Grammer will bring The L1mel1ters' new sound to the Orange County Fair .July 17 from 7 to 9 p.m. m the amphitheat('r. Felidano first became interested in the guitar as a small child. Self- wught, ht• was at age nme already "gigging'' a r ound his neigh - borhood. Age 16 found Feliciano branching out a bit, playing the New York club <:1rcu1t where h e was discovered by RCA Rc'<..'ords' executive. After recording a few Spanish language albums that made him a huge s tar 1n Latin America. he recorded in 1968 th e so ng that b1 oug ht him to the attentio n of the US. record-buying public. His version of the Doors' "Light My Fire" was an C'normous hi l. So was Feliciano. In the years following, Feliciano A3d-nu~ othN hits. including his own composit ions "Ram,'' "Destiny" and the theme from telev1son's "Chico. and the Man." His latest album is titled. appropriately, •·Jose Feliciano." Wolfman Jack July 1f • Wolfman Jack . The man ne e d s no introduction. His distinctive, raspy voice and hip demeanor has earned him a place of hi s o wn among America's professional disc jockeys. Orang e County Fairgoers will be happy to learn the master of the m icr ophon e will bl.' appearing at the fair July 16 as h ost of "American Graffiti Revue," a 50s and 60s nostalgia extravaganw. The show will run from 7 to 9 p.m. in the amphitheater and will feature golden tunes from such greats as Jerr y Lee Lewis, Chuck Berry, Fats Domino and Chubby Checker. W o lfman Ja c k 's accomplishments are nothing to howl at. Rain July 18 A piece of nostalgia himself. Wolfman Jack The mag ic o f the movie "The Birth of the began broadcasting in Beatles' music hasn't Beatles." For the 1962 from a high - diminis h ed over the di r f,J.iic u 1 t task of powered station based m years, not even after the dupli~aling the Beatles' Mexico. Sa re f r o m Fab Four disbanded m music for the soundtrack., broadcasting limitations the early 70s. Since then Clark selected Rain. across the Texas border, there have been many After receiving much l h e W o I f m a n ' s tributes to the illustrious critical acclaim for their 'Cont rovers I al con - British rock group, and pe rformance on the p e r·h a f s n o n e s o s o u n d t r a c k , R a I n powerfu as ... Rain,'' a continued to travel as a look-alike and aound-live a ttractio n - alike foursome out of Including a tour In John Loe Angeles. Lennon's psychedelic Rain will apJ>Mr at the Roll Royce. Oranae County fair Ra In ha 1 had with their tribute to the Inc r e d Ible draw i ng1 Beatles on closlna niaht. pow e r I n vary I n g Ju I y l 8 w l t h • m.arketa: from the major 1>•rformanc• of Sat. 1howrooma of Harrah's, Pepper-era IOnll from 7 Reno. Lake Tahoe and tot p .m . ln the AllantlcClty, to the amphllhNwr. tamlly attractions of Rock and telev1lon Dl1n1yland and M11lo fMlllnNnd D6dl o.rts Mouncat~ to the CDUnlY tn 19'71 produl'ed and fa&n et lan1a Ct\11 and erea...-Ute 9*·for·TV ONnlt Ciounty. temporary radio pro- grams were broadcast througho ut North America. Late r . in 1966. the W olfma n t ook hi s legendary radio style to Tijuana . across thk California border. whe~ he began broadca!lting on the mega -powereo Mexican clear-channel. XERB-AM. His show became 9 phenomenal success. and his growing popularity prompte d producer , George Lucas to include WolCman Jac k as a character in his weU- known film, American Graffiti. Radio superstardom failed to pigeonhole the I Wolfman. Soon he was h osti ng his own television series and appearing in movies and television shows. Over the years, he has continued to grow in importance as a symbol of American popular I music and has hosted NBC Television's la~ ~ight rock show, ''Tbf Midnight Special," fat nlne years. BEEF ••• (Prom Patt I) For theao animal•. brochure or further buyen ctn expect to pay Information about the wlthln • t w cen" of ult. call the Falr11 market price. Lut YHI' Uve1tock department at at the aale, market 1teers 761-fl'AIR. aold for an averaae $1.36 The day preceding the per pound, sheep $2.33 livestock auction has per pound and swine been dealgnated 4-H ii.86 per pound. Alumni day at the fair In A llating of places to an effort to hold a proceaa and store the reunion prhe meat will be · available on the auction If you are a fonner day. For an explanatory Orange County 4 -H Horse show offers more 1 competition Participation in the annual lwo-day horse show a t the Orange County Fair is bound to incr ease w it h th e addition of more classes for amateur a nd professional equestrians on opening weekend. The popular junior ho('Se show events will be held simultaneously in the new Equestrian Center. ' Junior h or se s how enthusiasts will kick off the event on Saturaday, July 10 at 7:30 a.m. with hunter, jumper and hunt seat equitatio n classes. rt\ember and want to koow what ha• happened to all of your old frtenda plan to meet at the falr'a 4-H building at ~ p.m. for the alumni activities. Recognition of some "outstanding" alumni will be featured, followed by a square .dance at 7:30 p.m. Cn the livestock area. . ;:/; Orangt Co11t DAIL y PILOT /Thurtday. July 8, 1982 Fair photography contest showcases amateur talent . Vl1ltora to th; 1982 Fair are lnvhed to enter the annual "Many Faces of the Fair" conteal with people aod eventa they have captured on film . The contest is for amateurs only and ent.ranll must aaree to a one-yea~ release of prln" for exhibit during the 1983 Fair and other pcmible publicity Ulet. There ii no entry fN or form, but prints mwit be delivered to the Orange County Fair administration building by 4 pm . Aug. 17 . Judging, which la Aug. 18 In the M e morial ' Gardena Building, w111 emphasize orlslnali ty and artistic rendering o( the spirit and feelings of the 1982 Fair. -r-....---· C l I All age gro ups and classifications will ride in trail horse, halte r , showmanship, stock seat equitation, pleasure and stock horse competitions on Sunday. PRIZE PIG -The 235-pound crossbred pig was named the Reserve Grand Champion of shown by Don Holdbrook of La Habra FFA Show at the Orange County Fair. SHUTTER BUGS -Photographers flock to the Orange County Fair for a chance to enter the Fair's photography con t.es t. Shots they take at tl-ais year's Fair could be used to publicize next year's. sitte r.ls anlirnite L7\ Iris Pearce ~ OWNER/DIRECTOR Educators Who Care For Children-Homes-Pets-Elderly Call Por Uterature-UcenHd, 9onded, Insured Newport ArH (714) 840-8118 Senil& Newport Bch., Corona dtl Mal, Costa Mesa ni CHORUS LlnE DANCE:WEAR t\CTIONWEt\R 642-1332 COSTA MESA -NEWPORT 369 E. 17th St. (Tustin Av.J COSTA MESA ~~CARPET BARii Come In And Saa Our Beautiful New Show Room And Take Advantage Of Our Super Re-Grand Opening Specials. As Low As S.4.95 yd. 1812 Newport Blvd. Costa Mesa 142-1411 Ill 640-1031 #1111: •·F l·I -IAT. l·I "ll•o• 1111" ORANGE COUNTY FAIR SPECIAL EVERYTHING 40% OFF JUL. 8-10 I~e 90-C a lot off CORVETTES. "Nice ones, too! And they're all for sale." Alw•y• • fine Hltctlon of good ustd Corv11t11. Often • good 1tlectlon of new Corvettes. WE LEASE CORVEnES. OTHER CHEVY$. OTHER MAKES! H 0 w AR D Dove St. at Quall St., Newport Beach • 714/833-0555 ( 112· mile south of elrport: behind Victoria Station Restaurant) YOUR ~ BEAUTIFUL HOUSE \ DESERVES OUR BEAUTIFUL i :SWIN . . . . by/Ba~~r Contoured Porch S~ings .l • i Constructed To Last Contoured For Comfort AVAILABLE THIS WEEK AT O.C. FAIR 62" 3 SEATER ................... Reg. '229. Now '194. 48" LOVE SEAT ................ Reg. '209. Now '179. FACTORY DIRECT SALES Of thit od ond re<•lve ono 0.n«ol Admission ro n w r . WRIGHT'S HARDWARE I • ~ ) 50% OFF 25% OFF 25% OFF - .;'--\". . " & MORE ON ALL ITEMS IN PARKING LOT EVERYTHING IN . METAL WAREHOUSE EVERYTHING IN MAIN STORE. 8ale lncJudee our large s.e.otlon of Hand Toole, Maohlnl1t Toot1, Engll1h Carving TOOlt, Germ.,, Wooden Planet, Antlqu.a, 8tMr'll..E'nolnee, and Rare Bookt. We alto carry a oomptet1 llne of U.8. and Metrtc nutt and bottt, In atatnleet tt• and tt ... , pk.it oopper and at8'nllll tt ... pop rtvett. Vllft ow•• WlnltM>UM and ... our ltook of lrw, Copper, ltalNell It .... Alumlnum, lteel, Ind muott, much more. 111111ll11t1r, hit• 1111 • 141-1141 DURACELL: ....... " Dependable Power ... When you need it Summer Sale -· DURACELL EXP. 7-17 -· DURACELL: Reg. $2.85 YOUR c~H,?l~~ 02 or SALE $1. 99 -· DURACELL .. ii AA PACK Reg . $4.15 SALE $2.99 M-F 9-6 DA YES CAMERA 642 1012 SAT . 9.5 474 E. 17th ST . • COSTA MESA POl.Y COID ACTIVI JAOCIT 134• and f'UUON 'ANT '17- SIDS .. 20 IN PIYI eot.OIS. Al.SO AVAi.Aili iN SKllTS, Dtflll ,ANT, Mm JAOCm, IHMUDA SHOllTS and CUI.OTTIS. iool't I 1'14'1 Dl~AIUMINt eTORI 1111 NIWftORT ILYD. HAAIO" AND NIWftO"T ILYDI., IN DOWNTGn COITA •IA. ~ ( t ' MORE THAN YOU EXPECT IN A HARDWARE STORE SANYO FM/AM PORT ABLE RADIO SALE PRICED $29.88 SANYO AM . PORT ABLE RADIO SALE PRICED $4.88 ATARI ·. A warner Communie1t1on1 Company 0 RP6260A 32.88 Other tapH available ........ Including ACTIVISION Missie Command ................ 22.88 Barnstorming ...................... 22.88 Ice Hockey ......................... 22.88 Fishing Derby ..................... 16.88 Asteroids ............................ 28.88 Othello ................................ 15.88 Superman ........................... 21.88 Dodge Em ........................... 17 .88 Skiing .................................. 16.88 Warlords ............................. 23.88 Casino ................................. 23.88 Laser Blast ......................... 16.88 Boxing ................................. 16.88 Pele 's Soccer ...................... 19.88 Dragster .............................. 16.88 . Kaboom .............................. 17 .88 MG 10 SANYO STEREO MINI CASSETTE PLAYER SALE PRICED $39.88 ALL STORES OPEN 1 DA VS WESTCLIFF THURSDAY TILL 8:00 Some ltemt In Limited Supply ,.,.. Good Thru Mon., Jutv 11, 1111 RM6100 SANYO AM/FM ELECTRONIC DIGITAL CLOCK RAPIO SALE PRICED $34.88 SANYO AM/FM PORTABLE RADIO SALE PRICED $12.88 RP5055 WESTCLIFF PLAZA 1024 Irvine Ave. Newport Beach CORONA DEL MAR 3107 E. Coast Hwy. 642-11 33 . ANAHEIM HILLS 5620 Santa Ana Canyon Rd. (at Imperial Hwy.) 991-5212 ( 1 km. south of MacArthur ) 673-2800 , HARBOR VIEW CENTER \ 1614 San Miguel Dr. Newport B~ach 144tl570 lillJPlllt THURSO~Y. JULY I, 1912 \ 04 Waits' • wait finally over Angels lose another one • By CURT SEE DEN Of the Dell,. Piiot Stett It has become quite dear both to the Anae ls and their as..<;0rtl'<l opponents during the past few weeks that a left-handed p1k·her i s g oi n g t o mak e th ings interesting for Manager GC'm• Mauch 's touted lineup. In {act, it has mad<.-things miserable. The Angels faced a left-hander for the seventh time in their last eight games Wednesday night al Anahe im Stadium. His naml· 1s Ri c k Waits and up until Wednesday night he didn't havt· a victory this season. But Waits managed to S<:attl·r fi ve hits over six innings and then survived along with rehevc•r Dan Spillner as Fred L ynn and Reggie Jackson homcn•d in a five-run seventh inning as thl· Cleveland Indians beat thl· Angels 8-6 before 25.288 fanl> It 1s not a l'Otnn dem:e that thl· Angels h ave dropped e1gh t straight games during this rc•ct:nt nse in southpawmania. GOTCHA -Cleveland's Mike Fischlin appears to have his tongue stuck out at Angel first baseman Rod Carew. But he Delly Piiot Pflolot by LH PeyM was only awaiting the Angel All-star starter to tag him out on By losing. thC'y have droppc>d three games behind Amt•nt·an L«agul• West D1v1sion -leading Kansas Cn y as the season nC'arl> the halfway mark. a steal attem pt in Wednesday nigh t's game in Anaheim The Streak continues for Garvey Dodger first baseman may take it to a~other team n ext season By HAL BOCK -' Spom Wrtt9f T he Streak ts past 1.000 games now and growing. Every once in a while it is threatened by the aches and pains that develop over the Apr il to October grind of a baseball season -a hyperextended elbow. the fl u . a pulled muscle. a migr aine headache. ability . lt wou l d be entirely understandable 1£ Garvey expected to get that adjusted in his new contract. But Dodgers' management has not put tns negotiations at the top of their list of priorities -and that irks h1m. for the club. Let's sign one last contract.' That would have been before (Gary) Carter signed and (Fred) Lynn signed and (George) Foster signed." The bonanza con tracts signed by Carter. Lynn and Foster have changl'<i the financial picture considerably. and now. after spending has entire major league career in the Los Angeles organization. Garvey could wind up taking a dip in the free a~ent pool "When I signed in 1977. I was among ANAL YSI S Steve G arvey plays through them all and The Streak contmues. the 10 or 12 best-paid players an baseball," he said. "Now, I'm not in the top 90. That's OK. I si~ed and 1 was satisfied. I don't beheve an renegot1auon. But there has to be some reciprocity." He's a highly desirable ('Ommod1ty. on and off the field. He as a b rig ht, articulate, clean-cut man, a fat·t that industry has not overlooked. In CX·tob<>r. he will serve as a spokesman for Gillette's World Series advertising promotion. an $8 million campaign that features television and print ad~. If he stays healthy. he will pass Joe Sewell (1.103) in the final week of this season , and two weeks into next season. he will move past Billy Williams (1 .117). who holds the National League record. The only question ts whether Garvey still will be in the National League then He is in the final season of a six-year contract with the Los Angeles Dodgers that pays him about $300,000 annually. Considering today's baseball economics, that's a bargain pr ice for a player of his The dub has c hosen to low -key Garvey's situation. It has talked only occasio nally . and th e n at very preliminary stages, with his agent, Jerry Kapstein. For their part. the Dodgers can a fford to play it cozy with Garvey. Ttwy an• sitting with capable replacement parts Two ou ts tanding prospeC'ts. Mike Marshall and Greg Brock. are waiting to "If I were the Dodgers, I would havC' come to me in November 1979 and said, 'Steve, we appreciate what you 've done .Qu senberry Sophoniore jinx? sel~cted Not for Fernando · to All-stars NEW YORK (AP) -Boston's Dennis Eckersley will start and relief aces Dan Quisenberry of Kansas City and Rollie Fingers of Milwaukee are being counted on for late-inning support when the American League tries to halt a 10-year dry spell in the major league baseball All-star game. Quisenberry. a former Costa Mesa Hig h and Orange Coast College standout, has 22 saves this season. T hey head the eight-man AL pitch ing staff selected today. Oakland Manager Billy Martin and AL President Ltt MacPhail also chose two other bullpen specialists. Mark Clear of Boston and Rich Gossage of the New York Yankees. for the staff tha t w ill go a gainst the National L e ague Tuesday nigh t In Montreal. Joining the four relievers are st.arten Eckersley, Jim Vlancy of Toronto, Ron G u id ry of New York and Floyd Bannister of Seattle. Martin said In Oakland late Wedneeday night that he planned to sta rt aide arming righ t-hander F.ckenley. T h e National L u gue a lao n a me d a n e ight-m a n a taff Wednllday. lndudin1 Fernando Valenzuela of Loe An1elH. who leedl the major Luau-with 12 vic1.ol'Ma. and Scew Carlton of Phlladtlp hla, an l l -aam• wiMer. Allo on the NL mff are ltiwe ...,. ol MontrMl, who ._.. lbit ~ wllh 2.0419med run l\•ere11. Phil Hl1kro of AllM&I._ Clnctnnau &MmmaWll ... , •• '°'° IDd T= .. f, ""9.lllwllLm -°"' Minton of llft rn.wo. Dodger ace gets victory No. 12, 3-1 MONTREAL (AP) -The much -feared sophomore jinx seems to have steered clear of Fernando Vale nzuela. The Dodgers' pr ized left· hander became the first 12-game winner in the National League by pitching Los Angeles to a 3-1 triumph over the Montreal Expos Wedn esday nig ht. "They say the second season is the toughest," said Valenzuela. last year's NL Rookie of the Year and Cy Young Award winner. "But for me, I've found it's one more year of experience. "I know more about the hitters and the game now ... WI NN I NG HAS bec ome customary for Valenzuela. 12-6, who came u p w ith his tenth complete game in 19 starts. He allowed eight hits. struck out six and walked two. Fans call 'Fowl' after base hit HOPEVILLE, Ontario, Canada (AP) -It was a fair ball, but It would have been natural for the apect.aton to cry "Fowl!" ''I w o uldn't belie ve i t If I hadn't aeen It.'' aald Ru11e l A.cheeon after a toftball 1ame tha t waa part of a weeke nd tournament In thll community about H mJl11 10Utheut of Owen Sound. A IOW·flyln1 1w11low Wll 11ruck b1 . 1 ball hlt 1harply c.owudl rtpt , .. Id. TM l'\IMlf WM •le 8& af"lil ..... Ttw Wrd WM out -allcl. Rookie first baseman Mike Marshall provided the margin of victory for Valenzuela with a two-run home r i n th e sixth inning. T he blast came off Expos starter Charlie Lea, 6-5, after On TV today channel 11 at 4:30 Ken Landreaux doubled home the first Dodger run earlier in the frame. Marshall entered the game in the first inn ing after injured starter Steve Garvey took a turn at bat. Garvey. bothered by a pulled hamstring. kept the major leag u es' lon gest c urre nt conaecutlve-game strea k int.act by playing In his l ,029th straight game. "HE'S GOING to play as long as Garvey's leg ls not healed," Los Angeles M a n ag e r Tom Lasorda said of Marshall. "We talked with Garvey before the game a bout his condition and what's best for hlm, and he's going U> take It easy for a w hile." Marshall said he realized he'd probably be relegated to part· time duty whe n everyone ii healthy. But he knowa, too, he wu recalled laat month becau. the Dod1el'I need IOnleOn' who can play. . •'ThJt la not a lituauon like September." he Mid. "lt'I J uly, and lt'• th• middle of the ~trtce. "I'm ex~ to pnxluce and help lM11eMn win " ~~-fW"wz "' ........... ilid their .ft"'· •h* IMl'll. - inherit fi rst baSC' from him, just the way Stc•w Sax took over for departed Davey Lopes at S('('Ond this season. Brock as with the Dodgers' farm dub 111 Albuquerque. NM. Marshall, who also plays the outfield, already as with th<' Dodgers and caddying for Garv<'y. who 1s hobbltng on a pulled leg musdP th('S(' days. "I'm running hke a muddc•r. right now," he says. In th<' meantime. while management d<~·1dcs what lO do. Garvey plays, every day. keeping The Streak intact. Sometimes. It as threatened by outside forcc•s Ther<' was the day in Cint"innati a rnuple> of years ago when Managc•r Tommy Lasorda de<:ide>d to rest has first base>man 1n the seC'ond game of a double-header. That was no problem for Thl' S t reak , thou g h . On the rare oc't·as1ons when Garvev does not start. Lasorda makc.'S sure to. get him into thl' ISee GARVEY. Pa~e 0 3) Maut·h. who ha!> bc'<.'n around long t•nough to know then.• lS no reason lo panat.-. no cauS<' for I 1 n <' u p ch a n g <' l> . s a id 1 t 1 s "1mpoSl>1bh•" tu fa<.'l' any more ldt-handt·n. than h1l> tc·am has st'l·n lawlv "Obvwusly. the intent as to slow down (HcKI) C:.irew. Jackson .ind L y nn .·· Mauch s aid , n·f1 •n111g to tlw thn•c regular l 1'«•rru1'·am11 !tl /lnPd 111 S I .I 11111111111 p1wt (See Pege D-4) lt.·ft h.ind h1tt1ng playt•rs m has lm1•up Lynn ha-. managt.'<I to lx•at the odds lits homt•r an the seventh inning eamt· orr Wai ts It was his fifth st1a1ght homt.•r off a left· handt-d p1tt:ht.•r. Can·w W<•'> 0-for 4 Wednf.'Sday night .. md Jaekson was hitless u ntil hl· got th<· <.·h;mt.'t' to faC'<' ragh I · hand rt·lit•f s p(•c1a ltst Sp1llncr and promptly placed one ovt•r th<.' <'t'ntc•r.fwld ft>rK·« for his IHth homl' run of the vear m the '><'Vl·n th . Wait.' s<11d 11 rnuld h"1v(• ~n worse· ··1 m..idt.· a t·ouple of mis takes. I madl• om· tu J ::1t·kson and he poppt:d 1t up and I made one to (Don) Baylor and ht• popped it up." Waits said aftt•rward , s a v o r 1 n g t h t· q u c s l 1 o n s surrounding has first vK·tory after I :3 starts. six of which ended in los.w-. "Wht•n vuu'rc• U ti, people thank vou havt•n't thrown any ~ood ganws," Wa1L<; rontmued "But l havt· thruwn wc>ll an hv<> or six of tht•m" It figured that somt•th1ng was going to g1vt• wht•n the Angels, Indians and Waits got together. Tht• Angt·h. had lost seven str;.11ght. thl' Indians were an the midst of a f1vc·-g<1m(' skid and Watts was JUSt adding unnC'eded w1·1ght on tht' right side of the won-loss c:olumn. Walls be<.·amt' the :J5th left· handl•r to swrt a game against tht• Angl'il> whc.•n h<' walked out to thl• mound in the first inning WcdnC'sday night. And ll looked hkl' an l'asy as..;1gnmc.·nt for him, t•spt'(.:Wlly aftc.·r the: lndi:m s had s1:ratthc'{f and p<:'<:kl'd thC'1r way lo :m tt. I advantage off Angel startPr Mike· W1tt and rC'liever Andv 11:.is.o;lt•r "ThC' way my Yl'ar has been (See ANGELS. Page 0 21 . -. ' DI Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT /Thurtday, July 8, 1882 --------~~------------ French wives fed up with soccer on TV From AP dlapatcbes PARIS -A poll indicates that as m many as 800,000 Frenl·h wives are so fed up with televised t'Overage of World Cup soccer mat.ches they leave the house during the broadcasts. But that's just fine with 35 percent of the men, who say they prefer to watch the games alone. A majority of French wives -52 percent - 1 think television coverage of ~~ ).. this year's tournament has "' .. r,':'j · ., •' bee n e x c es s 1 v e . a n d l 5 1 ~percent say it has caused • ~::.?~[;Ji marital problems at home, ~ ~:"' ac:cording to the poll. .• 'i:' T h e s u r v e y o f 5 5 9 _ French cou ples was I ' "j conducted July 2-3 by the ... j1 polling company BV A and ,_, · the weekly magazine VSD. If the sampling is accurate, the six percent of women who said they left home during the broadcasts would amount to 800,000 women nationwide. Quote of the day Glenn Schwan of the San Francisco Examiner, after watching Milwaukee maul the Oakland A's, ll-3 with 17 hits on Jacket Day in Oakland: "Instead of handing out jackets, the A's should have passed out blindfolds." Scott's 3:47.69 is second fastest ever OSLO. Norway -Fonner UC Bl Irvine track star Steve Scott ran the second fastest mile ever Wednesday in the annual Oslo Games when he recorded an American record effort of 3:47.69. He was just 0.36 seconds off the world record of Sebastian Coe of Great Britain of 3:47.33 set in 1981. Prior to Wednesday night's race. Scott had been tied for fou rth on the world list of outstanding mile efforts with a mark of 3:48.53. Mary Decker Tabb posted an 8:29.71 in the women's 3,000-meter run for another American record. David Moorcroft of Britain set a world record of 13:00.42 m the 5,000-me ter run, clipping almost six seconds off the record set by Kenyan Henry Rono a year ago. Baseball today On this date in baseball in 1970: San Francisco's Jim Ray Hart hit for the cycle and became the first National Leaguer m 59 years to collect six runs batted in m one inning as the Giants routed the Atlanta Braves 13-0. On this date in 1941 : Boston's Ted Williams blasted a thrce- run, two-out homer off Chicago's Claude Passeau in the bottom of the ninth inning to give the American League a last-gasp 7-5 victory in the All-star game at Detroit's Briggs Stadium. With the American League trailing 5-3. Ken Keltner of Cleveland singled with one out in the ninth. A single by New York's Joe Gordon and a walk to Washington's Cecil Travis loaded the bases. New York's Joe DiMaggio hit into a fon:e at second to score Keltner, then Williams homered into the upper deck in right field to end the game. Pittsburgh shortstop Arky Vaughan belted a pair of home runs in a losing cause for the NL. Today's birthdays: Houston catcher Alan A shby is 31. Houston outfielder Terry Puhl is 26. C.11142-5171. Put • few worcb lo work for ou. !¥'!:! ... c:DmillCNHG IOU.I WA'l9 MIATINO Ul'MIOOM ...,.._ St l< 11707 S.W:.. ~ ac.-el Y<M Door ~c.11 Slore -Y<M ,,,_} conA-.A 641-1219 ,.,.....,... ....... MllllON YIU) 495..()401 t"22 c;....,. C 0 I =· i--.... ...., ... ..., ....,., J Baine•' three homers aid White Sox Harold Balau •lammed the 111 CONeCulive home runa, capplfll the outburat with 1 arand 1l1m In the el1hth Inning, u tho Chlcaao Whl~ SOx routed Detroit, 7-0, behind the five-hit pitchtns of Denni• Limp . . . Larrv Gura fir !d a four-hitter 1md WUlle Alken• and Jerry Marlin clouted 110lo home runs &B K.anaaa City downed Toronto and Jim Clancy, 3-1. Jene Barfield had two of the Toronto hits including his 11Cvonth homer of the 1eaaon ... Dwl1bt EvaDI and Jim Rice crU1hed consecutive flfth·lnntna home ,-una to lead a 16-hlt Bolton barrage and the Red Sox wlthatood a five-run Tex115 ninth inning to defeat the Rangers ~ 8 -a ... Minnesota's Cary Gaettl u•• •lammed a three-run homer during a six-run aeoond lnnlng as the hapless Twins pounded out 15 hit.a and outlasted the red-hot Milwaukee Brewers, 11-8 . . . Todd . Cru1'1 two-out single ecored pinch-runner Bobby Brown wilh the winning run In the bottom of the ninth inning as Seattle came from behind to defeat Baltimore. 8-'7 ... Dave Wlnfleld wallope a three-run homer in the first inning and Goose Gossage picked up his 16th save as the New York Yankees beat Oakland 5-3 and denied A's Manager Billy Martin his l ,OOOth career victory. Braves hang on to edge St. Louis Atlanta rookie Randy Johnson Ii ended the no-hit bid of Joaquin Andujar with a leadoff double to key a two-run sixth inning as the Braves hun~ on to edge St. Louis, 3·2. Rick Camp picked up the victory with elief help from Steve Bedrosian and Gene Garber ... Broderick Perkins' RBl-sinJ{le in the eighth helped Tim Lollar earn his third straight victory as San Diego edged Philadelphia, 5-3 for third straight victory ... Pinch-hitte r Wayne Krencblki capped a five-run ninth-inning rally with a three-run homer, his first in the major leagues, to lead Cincinnati to a 6-3 triumph over Pittsburgh. The victory snapped a nine-game losing s trea k by the Reds, their · CAW longest since they dropped 11 straight in 1966 ... Astros' pitcher Don Sutton pitched a four-hitter and second baseman Pbil Garner slugged a two-run homer as Houston defeated the Chicago Cubs. 5-1. For Sutton it was his ninth win against four losses as he struck out four and walked two . . . Reggie Smith's two-run homer highlighted a three-run uprising in the eighth inning as San Francisco overtook the New York Mets, 3-2. and SPoiled starter Brent Gaff's major league debut. Bookmakers sentenced to prison A federal judge has sentenced • four men to prison for a bookmaking operation in San Diego a nd Los Angeles that earned $100,000 a week during the 1977-79 football seasons ... The owner of the Washington Capitals, seelung to sell or attract new partners for his National Hockey League team, is asking $7.5 million dollars for the club, aC'COrdmg to the Washington Post ... The U.S . will take another step towards defending its Davis Cup title this weekend with John McEnroe admitting he feels the pressure. The U S . plays Sweden in St. L ouis this weekend. Television. radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: vvvv excellent; vvv worth watching; v v fair; v forget it. n 4:30 p.m .. Channel 11 V V V V BASEBALL: Dodgers at Montreal, Announcers: Vm Scully and Ross Port.er. The Dodgers will be seeking their fourth straight win since takmg to the road when they send Vicente Romo (0-2) to the mound tonight against Montreal's David Palmer (3-2). RADIO Baseball -Dodgers at Montreal, 4:30 p.m., KA.BC (790); Cleveland at Angels. 7:30 p.m .. KMPC (710). EHCLUSIVE OFFERING NEW 1981 .. LA TE SERIES" DE LOREANS $19,995 Now, for a llmlted time, we are offering all new De Loreans at prices far below normal value. Here's a rare opportunity for you to buy a one-of-a-kind automo- bile at an extraordinary price. Factory Authorized Technician• Partt AvellabUlty Cl Ill Chevrolet IOI W. ltll It, len hmardlno (714) 1111113 Call 1111 or Aobt. Bider or 'red Pope From Page 01 ANGELS LOSE ANOTHER ONE. • • golna81'11 I.Ako 1 wln anywhere, any place. anyhow," Walta aaid. "l'vo thrown well all year but 1 havt'n'l had iood movement on thl" taatball. Tonight, it was moving like crazy." The 30-year-old who makes his home In TuaK>n, Arizona, said he hu been hampered 1lnce lut aeuon by a partially tom tendon In hia rtaht knee. C.Ortiaone 1hot.1 relieve the pain, but Wedncaday nl6Jht'a victory wasn't a bad doee of medlcine, either. Mauch , meanwhile, tries to hide the pain that haa sur- rounded t}\e Angela' latest skid. They have fallen from a three-game lead in lhe AL West to three games behind in a little more than a week. "I don't know," he said, when asked about the l08lng streak. "I really haven't taken the time to analyze the others. "A couple of things happened that I hadn't counted on. Just pick out a couple of things tonight," he added. Presumably. Mauch was referring to Cleveland's Von Hayes, who hammered h is seventh home run of the year in tht! 1eventh Inning for the lndloN' flna1 two run.ts H11ye1t. a left-handNl hitter. hit the shot off left-hand,•r Hassler who replaced Witt 111 tht' Ctfth inning. ' "l never think ubout a lt'ft- hand hitter hittin~ a home run (In that situation), ' Mauch said. "It just never entered my mind. I'm aure it didn't entl'r his (Hayes')." As It turned out, the two runs made the difference. The Indians led 1-0 in the first on Andre Thornton's sacrifice fly, Increased the lead to 3-0 in the third on Larry Melbourne's RBI triple and an error by third baseman Doug DeCinccs. and then made it 4-0 in the fourth on an RBI fly out by Ron Hassey The Angels got one back in the bottom of the fourth on Lynn's sacrifice fly after both DcCmt'CS and Tim Foli had singled. An error, single b y firs t baseman Karl Pagel and a balk by Hassler gave the Indians two more runs in the fi(th, and Hayes sealed it with his home run m the seventh. Ironically, Hayes said he was Reg. 139.95 Stereo-Wide'• Circuit Expand• Stereo Image Twin speakers deliver wide response. Record directly off-the-air, or "live" with built-in mikes. Auto-Level record· ing, tuning/record-leveVbattery meter. AC/battery operation. #14-805 having a good year apinat left- handcra. "My worst probl<.'m haa t>Hn 11wyln1< In uJ(ainst the breaking ball. He (Ha.uler) gave me a slider and I ju.at stayed on it and hit ll out," tlayes recounwci. * AMOU NOTH; Wle '-M• 11e1C1 one dl1tlnctlon over Ill ol Ille otti.r Angel pltc;Mrt In 11\al he wu Ille lone undelealecfhuflef (Ml on the taam The key WOfd hare le "wM(' Sanclln wa1 optlonad to Spokane Wecl"Mday and reol~ by Mlotle, .......,, I le'1·hendtt wllO ~lad In ti• O•Mff lul year. pllchlno 0'1\ Inning• '°' 1ht big c1ub. Mahl.,. who will turn 30 on July )(), wu I~ wllh 8pottaM Me owried a 4.98 ea11'9d run 1vetage. w01k1ng 101 1nn1ng1 He had se w1lk1 1nd 115 1111keoul1 white 1tan1119 all 16 game• In which he appeared. SINlhel had 1ppee1ed In 20 gamM, allowing 47 hl11 In 47 lnnlngl while wllklno 22 llld llllklng out ~ Cleveland ltrtt ba~an fllMce ...,.,_ hid to leave the game In lhe middle ol lhe lhlrd inning. 1Uller1ng lrom gout In the big tc» of hll rlghl loot "od C.,_ came Into Wednetdly nigh• • gamil needing eight more hill IO lie Ed o.i.henty at 2.5113 IOI 4111h plllCI on Ille all-lime hll 11•1 Weirde91 baiting tlanca 11111 -'°" goes 10 lndtana' S/lofltlQC> Miila flKhlln, wtlo IOOkl like he'a al tht' plate wtlh an ll·k'on on a 25!>-yltd hOle The telecllon or "-ffle Jech~'· llo08r Qrleh, ''" L1nn, Ind Cerew 10 lhe Arn¥1can League All-s11r team mark11 rhe lirtl lime lour Angels nave 111111d 1n the mld·1umme1 ClllSIC In 111113. Albie "•atton, Leon Weg,.., and ICen Mc8tlde were Starters The brief H rtet concludH tonight with Cleveland'• Latty SofenMn (7-11) opposing Dewe Oolta (1·2). Save s10-Mini Pushbutton Phone ~Off! AM/FM Portable ET-100 by Radio Shack "H.ng1 Up" on Any Fl•t Surf.ce Only 7" long, yet fea- ture-packed1 Auto- Redial, tone ringer. FCC registered. White Mist, #43-284. Dark Brown, #43-285 Long-Range Radar Detector* Road Patrol XK by Mlcronta• Save140 15995 Reg. 199.95 #22-1603 With mounting bntcllet. Mll1tlcklng tape 'Mey be unlawful In t0me al'Mt-cMck wittl auttloritl• Supemeterodyne circuit reduces "fals- lng~ greatly Improves sensitivity. Even works around comers and over hills! Select buzzer and/or warning light. Metal Speaker 10% OfflMlnlmus•-7 by Realistic 5:"9 44~ 5 Reg. 49.95 Each 248 Converts 4-...._ prong to mod. #279-386 ... plug. ., w,.,.. ........ cont f #279-1211 2• =~a: _.,,. .. _ m plug. • By Realistic Save •1001 24~ Automatically switches to batteries if AC power is interrupted. AFC for drift· free FM, 3" speaker, slide-rule dial, tone control. With earphone. #12.{)68 eaneries extra ~~~!0 11995 mounting hardware D- 12 ·--·-·· watts pel' channel for superb sound! Bass and treble controls, loudness button. locking fast-forward/rewind Compact DIN-size fits in dash of m0st cars. #12-1888 25-Range Multltester ..... 'i .• ! ~. • • By Micronta Cut22% 21 88 :Ji Gr&at worl(bench add- onl Meaauf91 ACIOC volts, DC amps, •st- ance, declbela. With test leeds. #22-.202 4-Key-Memory LCD Calculator ,.,.._ _ _. EC·259, by Radio Shack 31% 1095 Off :Ji ~ . ' .. . MAJOR LIAOUI 8TANDIN<U• Amerlo•n L•egue WMl9'11 DIYi.lof\ Kaooaa City Angele Chicago Se11tle Oakland re ... Minnesota W L 'cl. QI 47 33 668 45 37 540 J 42 38 538 4 44 38 537 4 36 411 429 13 32 43 427 121, 25 58 301 23'" Eaal•rn Olwltlon Bolton 47 34 580 Mltw1ukM 45 34 570 I BalllmOfe 42 38 538 3 '" OettOll 40 ST 519 5 N-YOfl( 39 38 506 6 Ctevelano 38 40 487 7'• foronto 35 45 438 1 t', WednMd1y·~ lcot" Cleveland 8, A"1191a 8 M1nn1t01a 11, Milwaukee 8 ChlC&go 7. Detroit 0 i<anus Clly 3 l 0ton10 1 Boston 8. l n at 5 New York 5, Oakland 3 Seattle 8 Ba11omore 7 Today't 01.,..t Clevelana (Sorenun 7-6) al Angelo (Gollr 1·2), n Mlnnaota (O'Conr101 1·21 11 Milwaukee (TuckovlCh 1D·3) Detroit (Petry 8-51 a1 C111cago (Hoyl 10 6 or KOOS"1tn 2·3). n Toronto (Stieb 6· 101 11 Kansas Cnv !Black 3·21.,, Bost0f1 IAllney 4·3) at Te•as (Ho,,.ycult 4-8),,, New Yo1·k (Alaunder 0·21 at Ookland (Nor111 3-6), n Balllmore (Flanagan 6-7) at Seattle (Moore 3-61. n Netlon•I L••au• WMtern DlwlelOn Atlanta San D•ego Dodttrl San FranClsc;a Houston Cincinnati W L Pet. QI so 30 625 47 34 580 3'> 45 39 536 7 39 45 464 13 35 46 432 15" 32 49 395 18'> EHl•rn Olvlolon Ph1ladelph1a 45 36 556 St Louis 46 37 554 Pittsburgh 41 39 513 3'> Mont1eal 41 40 506 4 N-York 38 44 463 7'' Ln1caao 32 52 381 14', Wedneedey'a 8eOfM Dodil•n 3. Montreal 1 San Francisco 3. New Yo•k i San Diego 5. Pholadelph1a 3 Cincinnati 6. Pl1tsborgh 3 Atlanta 3. St Louis 2 Houston 5 Chicago 1 Today'• GamM Dodgere (V Romo 0·21 at Montr.,al (Palmer 3-2). n Cltlc;aga !Flier 1·2l at Hou51on IAultle 5·51. n San Francisco (Marlin 3..-4) at New Yori< (0r~a 1-5). n San Orego (M ontefusco 6·•1 at Phllaoelphll (Krukow 8-51. n C1nc1nna11 (Salo 7-51 et P1t1sburgn (Sarmiento 3·1), n St LOUIS (Stuper 3-1) at Atlanta (MOni<lr 8-8), n AMERICAN LEAGUE lndl•n• I, Angele I CLEVELAND CALIFOllNIA abr hbl abrhbl Ollo,,e.11 4 0 O 0 Oowmng,113 0 0 0 A Ba,,slr.111 0 0 0 Carew. lb 4 1 0 0 Harrah,3b4 1 O O Ae.Jksn.r14 1 1 3 Hargrv.b 2 0 1 O Baytor.dh 4 O O O Pagel. l b 2 2 1 o DeCnc.3b 3 1 1 o Thrnln.dh 4 0 0 1 Gr1Ch,2b 3 1 2 O Hayes.rr 3 3 1 2 Lynn.ct 3 1 2 3 Manng.cl 4 1 2 O Foti.ts A I 1 o Hauey.c 3 O o 1 Boone.c 3 o o o Mllbrn,2b 4 1 2 I FK hln.sa 3 O 1 O Totals 34 8 8 5 Totals 31 6 7 6 kot• bf lnnlft91 Cleveland 120 120 200-8 Cautornla 000 100 500-6 E-Carew 0.Clncet OP Cleveland 1, Calltornoa 1 LOB-Clevelana 6, C1ll!orn1a 5 2B Manning 3B-Mllt>oorne HA-Hayes (7) Lynn (71 AeJacicson (18). SB-Foll SF-T1>0tn1on Haswy. Lynn Ci.¥eland w111s (W.1-6) Sp1llne1 (S, 10) Calllornla IP 6 3 H 5 2 fl Ell IB 80 • ' 5 2 2 2 1 3 Will IL.•·3) •>.1 5 3 2 Hesslet 2•,, 1 3 2 2 Mehle• '\ o O O o g Forsch t •\ o o o o 2 Walls o<tcned 10 3 batters '" the 7th H8P -by Wrtt F11et11m Bal~ -H&Stlet f '2 40 A 25.288 Royal• 3, 81u• Jay• 1 To•onto 010 000 000 1 c O Kansas City 010 0 10 t0•-3 5 1 Clancy <ind B Mart•nez. Gura and Slaugh! W Gura 10-4 L Clan~y 7-6 HA~ f0<onto. Barfield (7) Kan&a5 City A11<ons (4), Martir> (6) A 22 217 Twine 11, areware a Minnesota 060 001 202-11 15 o Mllwaui<e4! 001 020 401 8 13 o Havens, Lollie (7), Pacella (91 and Laudner McClu1e, Bernard (2) Easterly (71 Ftng1t1$ (9l and Simmons W-Havens 4-6 L- MoClure, 7 -3 H As Mlnr>esota. GllOttl ( 11 ), laudner (4) Milwaukee. Younl 114), Aome<o 111. Simmons (121 A-22.654 't'lllkMa &, A'I J Ntw York 300 000 020-b 11 1 • Oakltrtll 100 010 010 3 1 2 Erlcklan. l•ROGh• (8), Qo111ge (91 ano Wynagnr, lenglO<d. Beard (8) ind Ntwn11n W Er1Ck10t1, 8-7 l -L11ngford, 7, tO S Ooaug'I I 16) HAI Naw Y01k, Wlntleld I 1 St 0Akl•nd, 8urt0ug111 (41 A ilB.260 M•rt-re I , OrtolH 7 8Allll00r0 033 0 tO 000 1 8 I Sedllle 02 t 02 t 011 8 13 1 D1v1~, G11rn111y 1i1 S111nhou11 (61. Stt><IOord 18) and NOian, Ne1son Ander~n (SJ, Caudill (91 and SwMt W-Caudlll, 8..3 L -Stooooro 1 3 HA Ba111moro. LOWenat11n I t2) A 12,405 NATIONAL LEAOUli Doda•n 3, Expoe 1 LOI AHOl!L~I MONTllEAL abr hbl abrhbl Sa• 2b Lan<lrO• ct Guvey lb Mat!hl lb Monoay II Cey 3b Orta II Aoen1ck rl v.,aoe• c; Russell SS Valnzuel p 4 O 1 O Reines II 4 O 2 o 4 I 1 1 f OVOl"S 2b 4 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 Dawson cl 4 O I O 3 1 ' 2 011va1 , D 4 0 I 0 4 0 0 0 Carter c 3 1 1 O 4 0 I 0 Wallach 3b 4 O 1 O 2 0 0 0 NOlman rt 4 O 2 1 1 0 0 0 Speier se 3 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 L~a 11 7 0 0 0 1 1 O o W Jnnln ph t O O O 1 0 0 0 Aoerdan p 0 O O O Mills ph t 0 0 0 Tolals 28 3 4 3 Totals 3• 1 e 1 &core bf lnnlft9a Los Angetes 000 003 000 3 • Man1rea1 000 000 001 1 E-Marshall Sa• OP Mont1ea1 1 LOB Loa Angetes 3 . Montreal 8 2B-Landreau•, Caller No1man HA- Marshalt (31 SB-Sa•. Tavtt1at S- Valen.rueia (W, 12·61 Loe Allg-t IP H R Ell 81 10 va1enz1tela (W. 12·6) 9 8 1 1 2 8 MonlrHI Lea (l.6-5) Reardon 3 3 3 3 4 1 0 0 0 2 T 2 H A 26,592 8tevH 3, Cardin•!• 2 St LOUIS 000 000 101 -2 6 1 .t,t11nta 000 002 10•-3 A 2 Andu111r. ~aat I 71. Keener ( 7 ), lahh (8) and D Porter. Cemp, Be<lroStan (71, G11ber (8) and~8ene<11c1 W Camp 6-3 L-An<lu)ar 7:7! S Gatoer I t61 HA-SI Louis' OD<itklell (II A-20,054 ' Pedr•• 5, Phillie. 3 San OIOQO 030 000 011 5 12 0 Philadelphia O 10 000 020 -3 7 O loll&• Snow (8), l11~es (91 Deleon 19) and r ><ennedy Bystrom. Monge 16) l ;le (8). McG1aw (91 and B D•az W-Lollor 9-2 L-Byllrom 2·2 S -OeL.,on t71 HRs Pnotadeiph•a Mannews 1131 Stnn•dt t9l A -26 695 Attro. 5. Cube 1 Chicago 000 000 100 -1 • o Houston 000 201 02x 5 7 o R1p1ey, P101y 171 Campoell 181 and J Da•1s Sutton ana Pu10ls W-Sut1on g •• L Atpley 3· t HA Houston Garne1 (6) A 17 105 Ol•ntt 3. Meta 2 San F1anc1sco 000 000 030 3 a 3 New Yo1k 000 100 100-2 8 2 Gare Minion (8J a11<1 M•v. Galt Allen 181 end HOOQeS W-Gale. 3-8 L-GAit 0-1 S M1ntori I 13) HA-San F•anc11co A Smith Ill! A-t3,875 . Rad• a. PlretH 3 C1nclnna11 000 000 105 6 11 1 Pittsburgh 030 000 000 3 9 o Sealfet, P11ce 171. Hume 111. •tams 1111 ftn<I Van Go1der Trevino Can0ela11a Tekulve (71 ano T Pana W -~ume 2 4 L Tekulve. 5-3 S Ha1ros I II HA• C1nc1nnet1. Ceaeno (7) Krftnchock1 111 A 20 02• Car-Folo Boor1e OowntnQ Lynn 8ayl01 Claro, Grteh O.C1;>0es Angel •v•regea BATTIHO ... R H .... 11111 266 40 80 1 19 261 32 74 2 33 227 14 65 1 29 )t6 so 89 11 30 262 •5 73 7 25 323 36 88 12 51 52 7 t• 2 5 269 33 72 8 37 295 42 78 10 •6 Pct. 301 285 283 282 279 272 269 268 26• R!! JacO,son 255 36 6' 18 •3 251 Beniquez 85 II 2t 1 8 241 AoJac~son 42 3 9 1 s 214 Ferguson Wilfong Burleson Ketlehe1 Totals Mahler '1asster AaSf! Renko Zann FO<sGh Will Sancnez Gollz Moreno Corbell TotolS 53 3 10 0 2 189 96 10 17 0 5 177 •5 4 1 0 2 156 16 2 0 0 0 000 2 790 36• 748 74 334 268 PITCHING IP H .. to W·L l:llA '\ 2 0 0 0-0000 •0'1 26 21 22 1-0 201 50' I 42 22 40 3·3 3 04 94'\ 94 24 42 7-2 3 23 t 18 115 30 •O 9.4 3 28 129', I t6 )0 42 1.7 ~ 41 85'1 86 JI 44 •·3 3 59 47 H 30 •2 6-3 3 74 23 21 8 18 1 2 4 30 49'1 55 23 27 3.7 4 74 53' I 53 20 3 I 1-7 .. 89 755'. 715 259 359 45·38 351 Top 10 (Bated on 135 al Batt) AMERICAN LEAGUE 0 AB II H Pct. W W11san, KC 56 242 3 t 83 343 Harr ah. Cleve 11 30• 65 103 339 Bonnell, T0<on1a 73 231 39 711 338 Yount, Motwau~ee 74 300 54 99 330 McRae Konsas City 80 306 43 99 32• Hrbek Mtnnesa1 a 69 274 47 88 321 Coope1 Milwaukee 73 303 52 97 320 L M PaHSh, Detroit 58 197 38 62 315 SamPle. re_.es 40 t•3 27 45 315 While. Kansas C11y 70 255 40 80 314 Homa Rune G Thomes. Milwaukee. 2 I. Thornton. Cleveland 20 Coope•, Milwaukee 19 Ogllv•o Milwaukee. 19 Ra.Jac:ll-. Ange ... 11. .. lift ......... MollHg 1<1""' Clly, 11; f horn1on. 011v111n h H . Coop11, MUw•uliH , .. 1 1.u11n1~1. tceoo. ••• H1N11, Mine••·•• ~llhlt111U10..lllMI VUllOVIC!ll, Mllwl ultll, (11).,j, G !Ory, ... _ YOI~, 8-3, Caudill, •••Ill•. l ·ll. Our•. K1n111 Olly. 10 4. hhll, A,,..ia, M 1 •u•n• Cl11Cago, A·•, , {lannleler. I M tlla, t•4 ' NATIONAL 1.IAOUI 0 Aa R H 'ot. MC0ff. ~I LOUii 49 t57 18 63 3st T Pena PlltatMllll 011 2011 27 90 3"2 Oliver, MontrHl 80 2011 46 07 3'4 Au Jon••· S111 01190 n 211 63 86 311 KtllQnt Houatun eo :ioo 42 vo :11 o l.lllClrHlll, 0odl18f• II lllJ 4i 7' .>13 0 Otal Pn111cJ1tph11 76 272 48 84 300 Lecy. P1tt11>urgh 58 17? 3$ 63 308 ModlQC~, P1t1tburgh 77 283 46 87 307 lo Smltft, 81 Louol 81 3~ 00 90 307 Ho-R11n1 Mu11111y, At1ar1111 23 Kingman. Naw Vori<. 19 wertar. Montteal 18, J I 11om11111 Pflttbu•gh, 17. ttornt• • .t,111011. t7 Rune lelltd 111 Murghy, !lllanta. 81, Ollv.,, Montr .. 1, Sii, Clwrk, Stn f••ne11co. 55. l Kennedy. San Citgo. 64. 8 01 .. Pl'lilDCltlPfllll, ~'· Me\lh1.1wa. PModelr>hla. 52 J lnomp1n. PllllburQh 52 Pltctltng (11 Oecl•IO...) Lollar. Sim D•eoo 9·2: Rogert. Montteel. 10·3. 0 AODt11S011, Pitllburgll, 0·3. Sutton. Houa1pn, 9•4 Valet)IUlll, O~a, 12.e; rnr1Ch St LOUii 8·4. Weloh. 0odQ9ft. t-Sl KlukOW. Pn1lldelpl111, 8·5 Llltl• LHau• TOURNAMENT Of CHAMPIONS Olttrlct 12 (al Dct envi.w American LL) Wtdne..S.f • lcora Fou11t11fl Velloy South 9 Boise 2 Tonight'• Gem• 5 :fooblnwooo v~ Foun111111 Volley No1111. Friday'• Qeme Ocf!tinv1tiw NAllonel vs Fouritaon llMllfly Soot11 5 30 81tur<l1J't champlont hlp Aoll111wood·Founhtln Valley NoNh w1nne1 vs Oceonv1ew N311ano1-Founto1n Valley Souln wlnnttr t o nt Loe Alemlto• WEDNESOA't''S llHULTS (S7th of 81-data q1tarlarhorM mff11"9) ARST RACE. 350 yards l111te Petey (Ada11) 13 20 7 00 3 20 Poy the Nole 1Cardoia) 4 80 3 60 Sharp N Eiy (P•11tone) 4 60 Also raced T 1nas Rell. Hese Copy Two. Tiny T11p. Clever Polley Ladet Love• Gags, Mv trosh Tee Time 18 07 S2 EXACT A 19·6) paid SH6 00 SECOND RACE. •OO va•ds watch Him True~ tDmnorl 6 •O 4 •o 3 20 Cryst&I Easy Jel tTreuure) 17 60 7 00 Ms Crlmaon Belle (Ada1n 5 •o At so 'aced Gaye Paula Junie Boone, Shesa Pest. Pns<> Vent.,re Miss Fut Priae. Deis Fulure. Mtas T urmo Jet T1n1e 20 36 THIRD RACE. 350 vardb Ah•e Wtro 1Cle11HOJ 31 80 t• 60 1 60 Me Cne1okee (Pauline) 6 80 4 20 Lil Sp.;edy s .. (M1lchefl) 5 00 Also •aced tgotcM. Sayes Dominator lancf! Aloi Cnarger. Funny Too Centermon 8&111tn lnflat1on Tutt Ho11011t1t Too T;mo t8 02 FOURTH RACE, 350 yards My Satin Ottck (Ward) 6 80 OH·Slr Je1 8'.ig 1Ca1<1aza1 OH·lll Renell Hand (T1easu1e1 DH -OeaOheat IOt ltrsl 300 260 2 80 3 40 2 60 3 ;>() Also •aced Sump1n Brown. Easy SI• A1rtie Ona Ktply, Asyouare Easy Awa•ds, M• Sha~eap~n, r oo f 9\lton.c Tune 18 06 12 EXACTA (8·31 paid $15 40 S2 EXACT A (8· 71 paid S 12 20 FIFTH RACE. 350 yards Muz 8 Fut 1Cor<IOZ) 25 20 8 80 5 20 F11st Apollo llon~sl 4 60 3 60 run Copy (Armstrong! 3 60 Al$O raced Deadly Joao Juhes Dance. Al•bam• Doll, Pacocho Indian Road Dupe Oe Lu, Moghty Marcus Time 18 36 SIXTH RACE. 400 yar<I~ Grondmn Bo1t1Gk 18erd1 6 00 3 20 2 80 Str F11r1111 A1ound (Hartl 5 40 4 •O Gyp C1'11ck tCreog«I 8 60 Also race<! Skybo My SPICY Man F0<ever Truck.n DeruSSA Pep Olten Righi Raymond Noc,eyo, ><1t1sK1ptykat Time 20 18 S2 EXACTA C3-4t PO>O i22 4() SEVENTH RACE. 870 va1os Sia• Investment 1 Pauto"") 6 &o 4 •O 3 oo Take Five Too IMyle•1 10 60 1 80 Fleet Cupid (AdatrJ 8 40 AISo taceo Slrap Repeat Rocket Nashville News Siar FHturll Seem• True lime 45 98 S2 EXACTA I 1-81 paid $71 60 EIGHTH RACE. 400 yaros 111 Easy Ca•h IAda11J 49 80 23 60 11 20 Manus M1<> (P,.kenton1 23 00 960 l a(jy SeleM !Chavez1 5 •O .t,110 1acad Goin Far II Call $hot Go•n Along Euy l(la$y Juan.n M&ke11onmyown fakearo9h1 · l•mll 20 IS S2 EXACTA 18·71 pa•d S549 20 $2 PICI( SIX il-6-7-J. t·81 paod S6 254 00 w1lh live wum1ng hckets {five nor~) S2 P•c• 5,. c<>nso1a11on pa1a S71 20 with 146 wir1nmg ltckets (IOv' norsesf NINTH RACE. 350 yard• 81own Bullion (Hall! 29 20 11 40 5 00 Nice $nd Rich tChavezl 14 20 5 60 Bishop Brat (Ada111 2 60 Also raced F'aSI Ftoo11e Moss Aoo Angf!I News Poitey Crystal Reward. Peacnes ond Herbs Time 18 15 S2 EXACTA 13-'ll pa10 $464 20 A11endunce 6 1•6 Hollywood P•rk WEONE80A't''S RESULT& \Sllth of ee..day thorougllbred mae11ft9) FlllST RACE. 6 furlongs Crazy Utlle Cai (Slblllel 7 20 4 40 3 40 Aeb g Secret (D1az1 5 40 3 60 Lawdy By Gum c01tegaJ 7 40 Also raced I ulle i Dome. Nanc•1a Leaha Neg1a. Marathor1 lady OuMn Pharos. Gel My ()fill. Im Dee Four Nlnky'a Aultah Time 1 11 215 PtalC NOTICE POOLIC NOTICE. Nil.IC NOTICE NOTICE Of' DtSSOUITION OF PARTNERSHtP Public; notice Is hereby given that DAVID W . McARTHUR e r>d PATRICK EBERT, llere1olore dotng buslneu under the llc:1llloo1 firm n ame end sl1ita of P & O PARTNERS H I P N O 2 dba JACKSON CABINET at 550 W Crowther. City ot Plac;enlla. County of O..ange, Slate or Callfomla, did on the 1st day of April, 19112., by m1ttual conMnt, dlssolva, that sel<I pertnershlp and te•mlnale their reletlon• u par1ners therein. Seki bulllneaa tn the future wtll be conducted by A.Indy J9Ckaon. FICTITIOUS 8U81HfH NAME STATEMENT The following person Is doing t>oslness as· EUCLID CAA WASH. t 135 N Euclld. Anaheim. Calllornca 92801 Phllrp Anthony Pearl, 143 Cypress Orrve, Laguna Beach Calllornla 92652 Thos t>oslness •s conducted by en Individual P A Pearl lhls statement was llled with the Covnty Clerk of Orange CO<Jnty on June 16, 1982 F111582 Published Orange Coast Deily Piiot. July I. II. 15, 22. 1982 2912-112 Further nollee 11 hereby given thal the onderllgned wt" not b8 r~ble. from thll dey on, for ------C--T-IC ___ _ eny obligation lnc:urrlld by lhe other ___ Pl.a. __ l_NO __ E __ _ In hll own neme or In the n81M of FICTrTIOUI llU ... 18 1111 fl"". NAME ITATIMENT DATED AT Plecentla, C.Hlomla, The followlng peraon 11 doing thle 14th dey of June, 1982. b1tllneH e1: Delfld McArthuf CLASSIC OETAILIN G. '1~ Publlati.d Orenge Co11t Delly Roellvlew, ltvtne, Calllornla 92715 Piiot. July 8, 10112 Merk Htnrr Dalbey, 115 2963·82 Aoekv19w, lrvlne, C&lllornle 92715 Tiii• bulllMU t• conducted by an -------------I llldMduel. Mllfk H. Dttlbly Tiiie flltetMnl wu filed with tht County Clerk of Ofenge COu11ty on June 29, 1982. ,,..,.1 P11bll1hed Orange Co ul Di lly Piiot, July 1, 8, 15, 22, 1982 2815-82 NOTICE Of' PUBLIC HEARING Notice I• hereby given pursuant to Cellfornla HHlth and Salety COde Section 5473. t ol a publlo hearing 10 be held by County Sanitation Olstrtct No. S on JUL V 2 8 . 1982 et 8 :00 P M • al NEWPORT BEACH CITY HALL. F===========::.1 COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 3 300 W NEWPORT BOULEVARD. Newport Beach. California. Said hearing Is to be held for the purpose of receiving e wrlUen report perlalnlng to Iha providing ol sewer tervtce for all properties wllhin the Dlslrlc1 and to aetabllSl'I • fixed IMlt'\llce c.li•rge to be cotlecled on the properly tllll rolls for the 1982-83 llacal yf!Br B't' ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ORANGE COUNTY SANITATION DISTRICT NO 5 OF ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 10844 Ellis Aveooe Fovnteln veti.y, CaHtornla 02708 (714) 5'0-2910 J. Wayne SylYMter S.Crel1ty Publlahed Ort noe Coatt Delly Piiot. July 8, 2 1. 1082 2917-82 FICTITIOUI IUSINHI NAME 8TATtMENT The following persons aro doing business as. CWS LEA SI NG, 1 722 0 Nawhope Street. Sui te 103, Fo .. nta1n Valley. CA 92708. J AMES L. CLAYTON . 54 Clearwater. lrvlne. CA 92714. BYRON L. WILLIAMS, 16272 Tisbury ClrC!le, Huntington Beech, CA 92640 STEVEN J. SHERWOOD. 15 Sunrise, lr'Vtne, CA 92715. Thll business Is conduGled by a oener el p1rtner1hlp. This statement wu llled with the CO\lnty Clerk of Orange County Oii July a. 108:!. ,,m• Publlah&d Orenge CoHt Delly Piiot. July II. 15, 22. 29, 1982 310342 ~TITIOU9 ....... '1CTITI0Ua ., ..... NAm tTAftmlfT MAim aTATllmWT Tiit IOllOwlllO ptreOll It dolllO TN lollowiflO peteont .,. dc*lo ~ .. ; ~-<•~ COLLIN& fNtlAPfUSES Wl9TEAN OIL H AVICH, dba lb THI CAPSULE AEPOAT, Ccil 16935 8rookhuret, Suite 41, THI APIUl.I AIPOAT It, Cd l Weetmlneter. Celllornl• tHl3 CANll~•l FOLl9. ttOO LI Alemed&. Arthur Jttnte Wiiii.me, 11• Ho. 29. flountlln VIiie)'. Clllfornla Werner Av~. ,ou111a1n Velley, t270I Crollfornlti t270I Wlllllm I.~ COlllnt, HOO lA Jo111n • Wiiiiama. t 111 Allllleda. Ho. H . '°""'llln v..,. W•fl* AYe!IUe, ,Ollnllln Vllley, ClllfOfnltl t170I C8111ornll t110I T'* 1Mir-. le ~ by t111 Tiiie 11u11ne1e 1e oondUat*' by 1 lf'dhlltlwel, ...,... .. ,.,,,....., w. L.. ~ MflUf ~ ... w..... ma.,....,.... ... 111ec1 .-. .._ Tlllt .. ....,. ... ,... "'""-. ~. t~ c.tll °' e>r.,.e ~ on CWltY ~ of Orlflll OeuMy er1 -"· ..... -''· ..... ,... '9rr1 'llMIMIH Oflfllt O•••f 0111~ 'u•llMIN Ott• o .. ~ Net, JiJ/tf t, I, t•, ll ltU l'lllM. JwM ''• I , Nit 1, I H'HI ' Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOi/Thur1day, July 8, 1982 08 llCC*O=A L 9\11 M IOnOI l.IOllll (the «J n 00 1 •O U O '1111111om ,.,oo 111t1nttJ &o.eo 10.eo ,.rlnOI of NOit !PlnGt!Yl 2 00 Aleo 11Cl1d: 01\ltl Jut llOt. 011M111, Mall O Q11m.1. Oly1111*J l<lnO, Aov•I Bullona Salule 'the l'rlnce, Sommer Knlghl, Wnnrl. Caeal~ '"' f lmt t 18 2/& ta DAIL 't' DOUaU t 11· 1) palo S47 40 T HlllO RACI , I If HI mli.t 8AllG1 A Leal! (Hawley) 2~ t0 a 20 3 40 NHI~ Nadine (Shoam1~ .. , l 80 ) 80 810 ll•d ~ucy (Plnc•yJ 2 eo Al•O relltCI lOQOI•, C•r1tu1y a ~elly, OrHl lClu. IKO Te<;O Ttmt . 1 46 316 N IXACTA (7 3) PllO 1281 50 fOURTH llACI. I 11 HI mllat r•i.t1uly ~oYlhy (Plnc1yl ~ ti() J 00 1 40 Joyf111 C1v•li•1 1w .. 11ng10111 4 20 2 80 Greet Cloud (Ollvatetl 2 80 Alia rt C.0 Tiit !log 1 P1t1•L• • Or .. m f1mb1r1port, BIO Goo .t,llltOll Time I 43 0 .. IXACTA (1·1) P••d \!18 00 flnH llACI. 7 furlong• Bold WNtlltr IC•ftanl/(jll ti 40 3 80 3 20 Brighi Illa tOu1111) 4 00 3 20 V1vavevoom (Meu) 11 00 Alto r•c•d Fed•••• Judo• 01pnon • Court Zllrden. Blaoknawk C•eei<. Rt11J 1 Outlew. l eg B••I, Pr11mtaed Plum Bu CC W Fu11rty C•ooe; f1mt. 1 23 3/6 ts IXACTA (9•41 paid 140 00 SIXT .. RACI. G'' turlonu• Amazing Eagle IH•wl•YI 4 80 J 20 3 00 :.a1111 Goal 10111) 3 60 ;• 80 No Pny IMOJO) 6 00 Al•O ractld Rivets Fecto•. Osiendoan 8nr1lcede, Iran A•ti Spe~IAcullr Be•u love4. I'm A S.,atnlk Skeote1 Oeo Bold Rooty Tome 1 t6 41!> 81!Vl!HTH llACE. 6 lurlorl\ja Polly's Auler (Blackl 4 00 2110 2 40 King • Finder (P1ncay1 1 00 4 60 Ac;cou111cal (M.,ta) !> 40 AlaCI raceo Worla Rutllr Desert Envoy. F1ohlor1g F11 . Buckohay Hete11 • Beau Mender"s Time 1 09 215 IS U ACTA l9 4) paid S!l5 50 t2 PICK tlll C 1·7· 1·ll·11·91 paid S7S,· 633 60 With IWO w1nr11ng 11Ckel$ (Sil h0<3et) S2 Pick Six oonso1a11on pa1a S288 00 with 175 w1nn1ng tickets (live norsesl EIOHlH llACE. 5 , lurtongs full Choke (l1p1t3m1 •5 20 1 80 3 40 Vt8 Magnum !Hawley) 2 60 2 20 New B1oom (P1ncay1 2 60 Also •occ<I Con•ullono Surgeo11 t.oaumtil S Tait Cammanaer Sea Snanty Time I 03 315 NINTH RACE. On" mtlu on tud Mama T14 (Delahoussaye 40 20 Ill 20 9 60 Bruth With Fame (Pncyl 21 •O 1 t 40 Ao11a1e0 L•dy (S1b1lle1 11 60 Also 1ace<I Nollhetn Slyl", Yitai Fprce Her Ooc1S10n, Cheap Seats. Enola Gdy. Why Zanthe. Whatn Belt. Wedding Flower Swill Pi aspect lime t 35 115 $5 EXACT A (5· I II paid 11 624 50 Attendonce 19. 100 Hor•• racing l••d•r• (Thro"llh July •) JOCKEYS Mount• 111 Ponc.ay 660 126 109 C McCa11on 734 167 123 Oetahoussa) 728 t 11 105 Cordl"O 802 1&9 t 36 Velasquez 765 152 116 Guertft 763 99 110 Shoemake• 336 63 48 fttll 594 100 92 Day 890 172 145 Mac6e1h 756 104 113 Wh1tt1ngham206 l Ba mu a 207 Lukas 266 McAnwlly 255 F1an~et 311 Ven Be•g 623 r .. sh"' 97 F Marlin 380 Campo 31 t Allaoo '45 TRAINERS "art• 1•1 36 J7 413 39 40 J 4 36 3' 54 60 110 67 35 15 66 51 37 40 t07 63 HORSE& 2nd Pure .. $4.~22.866 4,029,815 3,622,089 3.527 479 3 374 568 3 138.ll11 2,392 911 2 287 598 2 219.001 2 146,624 2nd PurM• S2 444 100 1 8•9 119 1 561 286 t 552,944 14•7 391 1.271 195 t 057 193 984 521 973 069 939.•82 8tart1 h i 2nd Puraet II~ lhe One Perrault 9 3 2 $648.494 5 3 1 57• 900 Gato Del SOI Ac~ ~ Socret 1 3 573 779 9 • 1 372411 Tr &ek Rob bet Blustt W1lh P11de Jottro rlenry L•nk~ Lemhi G040 Erin& tale 7 .) 2 364,340 8 .. 2 350 627 2 1 0 3•8 POO 10 6 J J ,. 20l 6 ) 2 313,675 4 I 1 302,700 Hall of Fam• (at Htwpof't, R.1.) ~ec:ond Round ttnglff NOuka Od1zor Ool Johan Kriek 1·6 3·6 7 6 rlani( Ptoslet det Mall Ange• 6 3 6·• John SaOri def M811 M11che11, 6·3 6·• Dame Visser Oel Roa Frawley 7-6 6·3 Scoll M'Ca1n del Frttl Buehnong 6 3 7·6 Ja) Lapidus del Mall Ill Davis 7 .5 t 6 Mike Estep del Chlis Dunk 7 6 7 6 Brad Drewetl drl Steve '""''" f>.1 6·2 lntetn•llonal water polo TUNG&llAM CUP (et aud89ffl, HUft98'Y) Second Round Sc:otn Hungaty I , United Stein • HungRry 2 2 1 1 Ii Unue<I States O 3 O 1 • UMed S1a1es scorino Pelo• Campbett I Ke.in Robf!ftson 1 Joe Va•g•• 1 T '"' Sh•" \. 011\ar Scor•• Italy 8. West Germany 7 Hotlan<I 6 Russoe 6 Spain 8 YugotlavlR 7 ,. World C"P rMorde A"~"· ot mllOha• pl1ye0 llV th• '°"' tH m1 whleh nave rH Gll6d tna Mr1111l11a1a 01 lhe 12th World Cup '0LA_.O (Oroup A) Polano o 111Jv o Potend 0 Cam.roon O Pota110 5, Patu 1 P01tt10 3. Belgium 0 l'Olanu 0 UO•iet U1110t1 o WHT OIRMANY t0rollp I ) Wetl 0.,mt ny 1 Alg1r1t 2 Wall Oatm1ny 4, Ct111e 1 Wt•• Germany 1. Auttrta O W•tl O••m•ny 0, Englena O W61I Gvrmany 2 SP••n I ITAL't' (Oroup C) 19-ly 0 !Jol•nO 0 Italy 1. Pa1u I 1111y 1, Cameroon t !lilly 2, A1gen11n1 1 ll~ly 3 B•azll 2 FRANCE (Group 0) fr AilCu t. E nglalld 3 f ritnGe 4 Ku*"'' 1 I rAnl.ft 1 C11K.h01IOVMkll I F 1 ~nGu 1 . .t,vstr1a o I''"'~ 4 Not1he"' fr.,tun(j t Cosmos f0tontc> MMtr•ul ChtCIOO NAI L 1tendlnge EHl•rn Dlwl•lon W L OF QA IP Pt•. 14 8 .. 31 •2 114 12 10 40 28 32 104 1 i 8 35 2& 28 96 7 12 32 41 211 69 Southern OMek>n Ft laua41r(ll •O 8 46 •4 42 124 Tampa Bey 10 IJ J5 •6 31 91 Tulaa 9 II 41 40 36 86 Jec~aonv111~ 8 12 28 37 27 75 Watl••n Olwlalon Sen Joae 12 9 41 39 32 102 Vancou-12 7 :15 30 ?8 96 s .. '"' 9 1 1 39 J4 33 e5 San Dlaoo 9 11 33 36 28 7 8 P0<11ancf e 12 25 2• 21 65 Edmontoo 1 13 25 • 1 n 60 Wadfteedef'• kor•• ChlCIQO 2. Tampa Bay 1 1so1 Toronto 2. Montreal 0 Edmonton 2. Car.mot t San 0•"90 2. Seattle I San Jose t Vancouv"r 0 Tonight'• Gama Fo11 Lauderdale al Tulsa Deep ••• flahlng HE~RT (Art'• L•ndlng) 86 anglers 1 berracvde. •02 sand bass. 212 mackerel. 8 halibut (Oevay't Loehr) 1118 ang1.,1s 878 sana bass. 1'9 cattco bass. 53 oon110 4 ba11acude. 27 raci< l•sh. 5 halibut. 545 mt1ckeu11 1 white sea bass- OANA WHARF 276 anglers 781 Dass 34 oa1111cuaa 3 bu11110 4 hal1bu1 610 .,.,ac~erot I ,;.alman 1 while ~ctn t>uu 110 tOC~ l1~h SAN DIEGO (H&M Landing, Flth•rman't. Point Lem•) t82 angle•$ ~ 1 albacore 29" oass 2 bd11acuda 4 1oc~ t1Sh 15 mack~rel Wedn•ed•Y'• trana•etlone BASEBALL Amerlc"" League lEl\AS RANGERS Placed Steve Come• p1tclle1 on he 21·day 01sa1>1ed ltSt Come•. p1tchf!r on troe 21 ·day d11aDl&<1 list Calleo up Oun 801tano p1lche1 t1om Oenve• CLEVELAND INOIANS "ssognlt<J J~ Cnarboneau. outftelde• 11om Charleston ot tne tnte1na11ona1 Luague ta Challanooga ot the Southern Le&gue NaUonat League ST LOUIS CARDINALS -Stgned TOdd wqrt ell µ11cf\er and ass1Qned nun to Ene ot th!" Ne" Vork Perin League 8A81CET8ALL Nallonal •••-•11>911 A11oc:l1tlon PliOENU( SUNS !1ode<I Len lruck" Aob1n$On. 101v.aro 10 Ille New 'l'ork Knieke,bock•r• fOf Maune~ Lucas rorwa,d f OOTBALL Natk>n•I Football L•agu• HOUSTON OILERS -S•gned Randy He11e1 Qu<1irtert:iack. Watter Daniels: wide recelVt!f Robtu1 Davis ond R1eho.rd Suchanuk. llgttt ends GreQ Frv ollens•ve la<;kfe Ed P1yts and John Wade ana Tood Votka11 1tnebncke1s MIAMI DOLPHINS S1gn..o E11c Laakso 011ens1ve tackle and Ronnie lee ao<l Joe Rose tooht ends NEW ENGLAND PATR•OTS Signed Broa11 Clark pl&Ct! i\1cker 10 o mullt·y.iar contra~• Released Jell Robe< Is t111ebac•e• ST LOUIS CARDINALS Stgnea Tyrone Gray wide rece1ve1 M A s~net; ('II onp .ycar contracb SAN DIEGO CHARGER& S1gneo Maury Bulord punier Fred Coo> Clelens1ve end. Br•arT Peet~. 11g111 end {,(>•don Banks ana Tony Jnck!.on w1d~ 1eGe1voH1 00•1 Brown, la~kle Chur~ Benbow DOr>GIO Ray King and Carlton F"1n1stc1 running backs Hnd Dart Ramsey and Mike Back defensive backs SEATTLE SEAHAWKS • S'<)ned BruGO Scno11z lor>ebaclte< 10 a se11es ol one-year conlracts 1h1ouQh 1985 S1gnea ~•oa Anderson ana Marl. Bell detens1ve ends an<1 AMhor>y Pao Pao Cullback HOCKE'I' HaUOllal Hdt:kay League HAIHfORO W'1,.LEAS Named Go1d1e Howe 51>9C1a1 as11stant to the monaglng Qijner al pa1 tne1 MONTREAL CANAOIENS Sogned Alain Heroux. lf!H wong COLLEGE GEORGIA Signed HuQh Ournam. nead oaskutball cnach 10 a lour.year agrl!8"1ent HARVARD -Named Jonathan P ShaltvCk he80 socce• coach WAYNE STATE Named Cha•I"' Pe•ker nead baike1oa11 coach Star boats compete at Newport Swr boot skippt:n; and crcw!S fro m throuflh out Southe rn Callfornm ure In tompet1llon at Nt?wport Hurbor Yacht Club for th .. covett:d Baxter Bowl, one of th~ most prominent trophk"S In t he O lympic-Star Class. Thl• regatta started Wc'<inesday ;md will t•ontinue through Saturd;1y. NH YC is altw nmd uc lin~ u onC>-dcsign regatt:J with ract-s on bay an d ocean C'ours1•s this wet•kl•nd. In othe r Or~1 n gc· Coun ty yathttng. South $hurt· Yad1t Cluh ts running tht• luurth, r.t'th and sixth ral'CS ur 1L" H1 Pwrll series Saturday a11d Sund&y. and Capistrano Bay Yacht Club is hus11ng tlw third racC' of 1ts Ocl•an Ral·tng st•ries whi<:h 1s a round t1'ip to th<.· 14-Mile Bank. St.arung Sunday yachts from throughout Southt>rn Cdllf111-n1<1 will s tart gathering at Catal1111:1 l s I a n d f o r l h <' Su u t h l' r n e aliforma Yachung Asscx:1ation·~ !:lace W(•ek wh1l·h will t·unum11· through July !ti Southern Ca11Tom1a Yacl'lhng A&soc1a11on cate11cla• Or•ne• Coonly Newpon Harbor Vat.ht C•uo Ba•1er Bowl (Star). laday Friday. Sa1u1day. One-Qellogn Regatta Satu1day. Sunoay South Sho1e Yacht Club H1.Po1n1 Se,1es -4 . 5, 6, Selur<lay Sunday Cap•Jlrano Bay 'l'aCht Club 14·Mlle Bank rac;e 10cean Racing Se11es) Satu•day Lo• Angei.a-Long S.ech Hunttngton Harbour Yacht Club -Borsa Chica Se11es Sa1urday Seal Beach 'l'acht Club Big Bang R119atta tSaboO Saturday Long Beach Ya1-ht Club -Point Fermtn race frnv11a1tonal) Sunday J Sent• Monica Bay King Har DOr Yach I Club Columb11 Challenger Soothern Cat1lorn1a c11amp1onsh1p. Saturday Sunday L•ght111ng OtstliCI champ1011sh1p Satu•day Sunday ~onday Tuesday Marina Yacht Club Marona Seroes. Saturday Soum Coas1 Co11nth1an 'l'acnt Club - One·cJes•gn race, Sunday San Diego Coronaoo Yacht Cluo Bissell ocean handltap race Saturday 01x Bro.,... Se11n (SOHi') Sunday Barr Summe• Senei (IM1tat1onal Hand1capJ Coronado Cays Yacht Club -C1ass1c Senes. Salvrday Santa Clara Racing Assocoahon -South of bridge tall classes) Saturday San Diego Yacht Club Sugar1oa1 Rock •ace (IOAl·SOHF1 Saturday Frazee Seroe$ ; IPHRF1 Suf'IOay Oceanside Yacht Club 01n9h) Summer Se11es fall classes) Sunday North and Inland Westla"e Yacn1 Club M idsummer Aega11a Sunday From Page 01 GARVEY. • • games 1n order to keep The Streak altvc.• "In that s 1tuat10n, 1 found myself on the bt•nl'h 1htnking about how he 'd gl'l me in," said , Ga rvey. "That's tougher than playing. sometimes. Suddenly. J ('Onfront.at1on st.a rts on thl' field Our guys are yell ing and th<'· umpirP 1s Bruce FrOE>mming He turns e1nd shouts. ·Anymore of that a nd I'm running thf' wholt• bench.'" That blank<'l thrN1t mvered t•ver ybud y in thC' Dodgers· Ju~oul. tn<:ludt n g those: unfnrtuna tl'~ with consecu tive • gam(• strr·aks ;1t stake Garvey • was about to b<.• patnted by a very ; broad brush. . "Very quietly, l went down , irno t hl' t u nne l. just in (·ase Fro<.·mm1r1g really did start, throw111g peopll• out." Garvey Sdid The cn s1s passed and Garvey played. k eeping T he S treak alive. Now. he may be movmg on. to continue his run at the iron man records elsewhere. much as Petel Rose. who left Cincinnati and is 1 chasing the ghost or Ty Cobb in Philadelphia Supertlght The superltght Is She most ett1c1en1 3 lb goose <town bag made The pronounced taper increases elflc1encv while reducing w eight It 1s rated 10 a very respectable soF A greal three season t>ag. Reguler · $230.00 Lerge • $237.90 All Nonh Face Goose Down bags lealurt a unique construclton design 10 keep the oown compar1men1ahzed. insuring 11 cocoon ol warmlh The proven warmth ond durob1111y of down, IS w ell as the North Foe• lllet1me w 11rrnnty. make this the Obvious cho1CO for any baek.pack.et. .. • D4 Orange Cout OAIL'V PILOT/Thuraday, July 8, 1982 Ferrag8mo signs with Rams LOS AN0.€1-ICS (AP) Quarterback Vlncc Femagamo, who performed excepUonially In the Super Bowl following the 1979 National Football League aeuon ror Los Angelee and tired 30 touchdown p&8leS for the Rama In HIHO, has sJsne<f a three-year comract with the Rams for $1.l milUon. The Rams received clearance from the NFL to negotiate with ferragamo .on Tutsday. F e rragamo and Jack Faulkner, the administrator of football operations for the Rams, had expreMed the feeling that the dub would sign the 28 -year-old quarterback. Rams' public relations director Jerry Wilcox confinne<l the s1gnmg, but said he had no dew ls on contract it.ems. Ferragamo's agent. David Fishoff. Dew from New York to Los Angeles Tuesday to meet with Rams officials. NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle gave the 'Rams permission to negotiate with Ferragamo despite questions about the quarterback's contract obligations in the Canadian Football League. F erragamo s pent a d ismal 198 1 season with the now -defunct Mont.real Alouettes of the CFL after starr ing with the Rams the preceding two years. He w as under a personal contract with Nelson Skalbania, who then owned the Alouettes. Faulkner said it would be up to Rams owner Georgia Front1ere. who is in England, to decide Ferragamo's long-term future with the team lf Ferr"(lamo 11lgau w1t.h tht-lwm11, the club will hov~ four qwar~rbackl on their roater, the other• betnii fonner Batumore Coli. quarwrbAck Bert Jones, acquired In an off·teaaon t rade, f our -year veteran J e tt Rutledge and two-year veteran Jet! Kemp. Veteran Pat Haden announced his retirement earlier this year. Faulkner refused t-O speculate on what role Ferragamo would play with the Rams m the 1982 regular season, but he told the Herald Examiner: "He's definitely going to be at tralnJng camp. As far o.s the exhibition season is concerned, I think it would behoove everyone to take a good look at Vi nce Ferragamo, to see what he still can do." Plagued by interceptions In 1981, Ferragamo w as benched by mid- season because of difficulty adjusung to the CFL brand of {ootbaU -which pu t s m o re emphasis o n a quarterback's agility in avoiding pass rushers. Ferragamo became the Rams' starting quarterback late in the 1979 season following an mjury w Haden Ferragamo led the club through the playoffs and despite a 31-19 loss to Pittsburgh in the Super Bowl was acclaimed for his excellence. Haden regained the starting job at the beginning of the 1980 season, but suffered a broken finger late in the season-opener against Detroit to agam open the door for Ferragamo. Following the campai gn , Ferragamo opted for fr~ agency and signed the contract with Skalbania when he was unable lo reach agreement with the Rams Cards sign Biola star U.S . water polo team loses ST. LOUIS (AP) - Todd Worr e ll , a 6 -5 right-hander named last week t o col l ege baseball,.:s All-America team by the Sporting News, has signed a St. Louis Cardinals contract. The 22 -year-old Worre ll posted an 8-6 record. struck o ut 122 batters in 110 innings a n d complied a 3.67 earned run average this year for Biota College in La Mirada H e also played outfield. hitting .379 with 28 runs batted m. Donation set BUDAPEST, Hungary -Host Hungary handed the Umted States Naoonal water polo team a 6-'1 defeat m the second day of t'Ompetit1on tn the Tunli(sram Cup tournament here Wednesday Peter Campbell, Kevin Robertson, Joe Vargas and Tim Shaw each scored a single goal for the U.S team. PlEUC NOTICE FICTITIOUS IUSIHESS HAME ST ATEMl!NT The following persons ere dOlllQ buslnou as THE BEVEL CUT, 486 E. 17111 Slreel. Room 100, Costa Mese, Calllornle 92627 Janel Lynn Atkinson. 1722 Westc:lltt. No 11. N-porl Beech. C•llfornle 92660 lance Clifford Dunmlfe, 1722 WtslCllll, NO I I, Newport Beacn. C•l•torn•• 92660 This buSlneN IS conducted by a gen1<al partnerlhtp Jan Atklnaon FICTTTIOUS 9UINIS NAME STATEMENT The lollOwlng persons .,. doing business t1: KIM BERLEY FINANCIAi. SERVICES, I S61 Tahiti Avenue, Lagune Beach Calllornl1 112651 Claude Bernerd KoNICk. 1581 Tahiti Avenue. Lagune Beech. Calllornla 92651 Brlll'I Scott WOOd, 1581 Tahiti Avenue lllQUl'lt 8tech, Ctlllornle 92651 This bl.Illness Is condue18d by • o-ral ptrtner'611ip Claude B Koeaack 805-255-7810 Th11 s1a1emen1 -s flied with IM County CIO<k ol Orengo CO<lnty on Thi. llalemel'll WIS flied wlt'1 lht F1'1453 County Cltrtt of Orange County on June 29, 1982 Published Orange Coast Dally June 22. 1982 ,111.., PllOI. July 1, 8. 15. n . 1982 C 261•·62 Published Orange 0111 Dally Polol, June 24. July 1, 8. IS. 11182 2730-82 Ml.IC llOllCE MUC NOll« I ':~~~.. l'tCTmOUI ....... ~.~:· TM lollOwlnQ pet.one '" doing the =:'.!.'!:!~ 0oin9 Tiie foKowVlQ l*tOnt .,. ClofflO ~--U ~M' ~M lf!VINI! 8WllPINO ll!RVICI. OA .. lfNI OAIGINALI 1IH 1 u NI Que l y A c c I HT ID 111312 Conetruollon Clrclt (HI. Petit )' Clrcl•. Huntington' IHOh, IMP?~"'~'· =:•~1;2:t~• 142• lrvlnt, CA 12714 Ctllfornl• 12047 Hun on • I! p 0 IH C11lyl1 D Cornwell, Inc:, a fmmylOl.l~IN,IN11Plll'lty B RBAAA D AV N • C1lllOt11I• c:orportllOl'I t8372 Cltdt. Huntington e..ctl, Ctllfornlt f:>.1:!11 R~:2i:o'· H~~':rl'.ft Con•lrVCtlon Clrc .. fut. lrYlnt. CA t260 D VUNPORT 202•2 Ramon• L-t27 t4 Carle Hoelntgllt, 1Mt 1 P11tley A ' C t2640 ' lhl1 buitlntN 11 c;onducted by • Clrclt, Huntington lhteh. Ctllfornlt HunT~ng~.i::"ii ~n<IVOltd by aorporttlOn 92047 1 C11rlylt D Corn-41 tnc Thie bu..,_ II ooncluGltd by 1 hu1btnd & wllt Cttlylt D CO<•iwttl, Jr Ofl'e'el l)MIMfl/lll>. fhll 1111:'w~I ~:,-"~',ht PrtelOtnl (lnmy L.QY PIUlnl 0 c ty fhl1 1111emen1 wu llt.d with th• Thia 1111ement wea flied with 1111 Coun~1 ~~k ol ranoe oun on County CMlrk of Orange County on County Citric of Or~ge County on July ' ,1 .. 10 July 0, IOU I f'lt2eOI June 17. 1092 Pul>lltn•d Orange Cout Delly ,,., ... Pll J I 8 15 22 20 1982 Publl•h•d Ore11g• Cont D•llV Publllhtd 01tng• Co11t Dally Ol, u y ' ' • ' 2936-82 PllOI, July 8, 15, 22. 20, 11102 Pllul. June 24, July 1, 8, 18, 1982 ~~~~~~~~'-1_0_2._82 1141-a21_~~-"8t.---~--NO_TICE __ .__~~ Plel.IC NOTICE PUBllC NOTICE ,ICTITIOUl IU .... H rlCTITIOUI IUllNHI HAMI llATIMINT Tnt IOllOwtng ptrlO,,. are doing butlnt11" PANACEA SOF TWARE SYSTEMS, t240 Nollh Simon Clrc;lt, Unit G, Anehtlm, CA 112808 CAS Soltwtte Inc , 1 Celllornla corpora11on. 3400S VII Cat1lln1. No B. Ctplltreno Bt.:h. CA 92624 Tn11 butll'ltle 11 ClondUCltd by e c:orporallon CAS Sohwato Inc David H TtulMll'I, Prtl fhll l!Bltrntrll Wtl flloel with lhe County Cler~ ol Orange County on HA.Ml ITATl .. Nl flCTtTIOUI IUtt•tl fht lollowlng PtrtOl'I It doing HAMI llATUltlNT bullntN at: l ho 1011ow1ng peraon 11 doing D 0 CT 0 R DE T A I l . Q 4 ' bu1lnt11 u : C~na. ~11 MtM, Calllornl1 ( A I N A I . l , ( B I N A I l 112020 DESIGNERS ANO INDUSTRY Pttrlcl e Shannon, 1144 LEAGUE. 2925 College, Coal• CMyotn.,., Coeta Mtta, Calll0tnl• Mesa. C A 112628 t2826 TOM GAERTNER, 230 Tu11n•, Thi• butlnMI I• COtlClUCled by .. l Coel• MIM. CA 112628 lfldlVldu•I fhlt bullnttt 11 c;ondU<:led by an Pal1lcl1 Sh111non Individual fh19 ltllemtnl WU Ried wtlh Iha Tom a-1ner County Cletll Ol. Ortngt County on Thoe llltemtnt WU llled Wllh the J\lne 22. 1082 County Clerk of Ot•n~ County on f1t1• July 6. 1982 Publithod 01tngo Co111 Dally , lt210e , 112114 Piiot, June 24. July I. 8. 15, 11182 Pubhthod Orengo CoHt Dally Publlthed Ortnge Co111 Dally 2707-82 July 6 1082 Pilot. July 8. 15. 22. 211. 1982 Piiot July 8, 15 22. 211. t982 Pt&.IC NOTICE __________ 3_1o_4_-_82 2811-82 ------------ Pt&.IC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE Fl~m~:Aw=· ,ICTITlOUl IU ... H "'CTITIOUI IU ..... ll lht following per1on II doing - .T Tl ... NT ro butlntts H NA A --NAM« ITATI!Ml!NT FOSTERS PHARMACY 1835 Tiie following peraon Is doing Tne tollowlng oeraon 11 doing Newport Blvd , Cotta Mesa, butlneu •a.. buslnoas ae· C111lornl1 92627 GTI MOTORSPORT, 1581 ATA FITNESS CENTER. 2251 Terry David Grenl 3177 M o11rovl1, Newpoft Beach, Herbo1 Blvd , Coste MeH. CA Count rw Clu"'. Cotta 'Mesa. Calllorn11 112663 92626 ' v Bryce O ab o r n e • 2 1 1 8 2 · G C111fornle 112626 Whllehortt. Huntington Beach. BENTON O'DELi. CUSHIN ' This butlneH IS conducted by an Celllornla 112646 3050 South B1lston, Apt 11-D, Senta individual Ana. CA 92704 Terry David Grant This t>;Jtlneu 11 conducted by an This business la conducled by an Ihle atetement wat !Ilea with .,,. Individual illdlvldual. Counly Cttrk 01 Orange County on Bryce 01b0rnt Benton 0 Cushing June 29 1982 Thi• llllarntnt wea llled wllll the This ttltement WIS filed Wllh the . "12441 County Ci.tk ot Orange County on County Clerk ol 011nge County on Publll'1od Orenge Co&1t Dilly June 22. lll82 June 23. 1982 Piiot, July 1, 8, 15, 22, 1982 f111-f112m2 2791-82 Publlthed O!tngo CoHI Dilly Publlihed Orengo Coeal Delly ------------ PllOt, June 24, July 1, 8, 15, 1982 Piiot. July 8. 15. 22. 29. 1982 Mt.IC NOTICE ~---------2-1-0s-a2--•----------2-9-6-s._82 ~-,-,-c-TI_TI_ou_s_•_u_1_1H_E_s_s_~ Pt&.IC NOTICE POOLIC NOTICE NAME STATEMENT FICTITIOUS •USIHESS FICTTTIOUS •USltffSS The lollowlng person• .,. dOlng NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT buSl~~o'~uP KITES 629 Te<m1nel Tne lollow1ng person •s doing The 1ollow1ng oerson 15 doing Way No 12 Costa Mesa CA bullnest H 1>us1neS1 81 92627 CHUBBY S 2233 Felrvlew DRAFTING BOARD 2 t60 DOUGLAS RAV MORAN Road, Cosr• Mesa, CA 92626 Eldon Avanue, No 10 t Costa 70402 B•yv-Avenue. s.,,18 Ana. STEVEN R SHULMAN 4002 Mese. CA 9:1627 CA 92707 West Crystal Lane. Senta Ana CA FlAVIO BATISTA MOURA Thll bustnoss II conducled by an 92704 2160 Elden Avenue. No 101 Coste lndoviduel Tl\11 bullnoas 1s conducted by an Mesa, CA 92627 Dougla.s R Moran lnd1v1dual Steven Shulman This buSlnets ts conducted by an This stetomont was llloel wllh the This ste1•~on1 was flled with tho •ndMdutl County Clerk or Orange County nn _.. Flavlo Bllolte Moura Jul 6 1982 County Clerk ol Orange County on Th•s stetoment was llleo w11n lht Y • ,,12915 June 30. 1982 County Clerk ot Orengo County on Publlihod Orange c0111 Dally ,Published Orallge c:S:~y July 2. 1982 f1t2700 Pilot, July 8, 1S. 22 29, 198;935·82 Pilot, July 8, 15, 22 29. \1382 Published 01enge Cont D111y ------------I 2999-82 Pllol, July 6. IS, 22. 29. 1982 Ml.IC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE -~~------29-98---92 -.-T-A_T'E_ME_NT_Of __ W_IT_HOi.~-A-W_Al __ I 8TAT111ENT Of AHNOONMENT Pt&.IC NOTICE ,ROM PARTNERSHtt' Of>ERATINO Of' UH Of' YOU ARE IN OEFAUl T ~'4 UNDER "CTTTIOUI llUSINEH NAM£ A DUO Of' TRUST OAnD A"'1l "CTrTIOUS IUllHEH NAME Tho lollowlng person hat 27, 1t12. UNLESS YOU TAICl The l ollowlng person has abandoned the UH ol the llc11tlout KCTION TO PEOTECT YOUR wothdrawri es a gonerel pertner from bullneas name Pfle>PERTY, rT MAY a SOLO AT A tht partnership operet1ng under tne STAR MOTORS, 1985 Harbor, PU8UC SALE. If YOU Nl!IO AH llctttloui buslneu name o l Cotll Miiia, Celltornla 112627 EXPl.ANATION Of THE HATUflE EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SERVICE The Flct1t1oua Bu11non Name Of THE PflOCIEOIHO AQAINIT CONSULT ANTS, 450 E Chapman referred to ebove was filed In YOU, YOU IHOUU> CONTACT A Avenue, 202, Orengo, Calllorrila Or1nge County on February 23, LAWYER. t2666 11182 NOTICE Of TRUITll'I t ALl Tiie llcllllous business namt Curll1 Guy Hertmtn, 2700 T.a. No. )4110 s11tement for tht partnentllp WIS Auoc:laled Road. C-48, Fullerton. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. lhtl ftled on 3·5-82 In tht County ol California 9263S on Wodnted1y. Nty 28. 11182. 11 Orange Thi• bulllntsa wu eooducied by 9.00 o·clock 8 m Ol Mid day, In the Full Nemt and Adoress ot the en lndMdual room HI aald• tor c;onducllng PerlOtl Wllhdrewong Cufll• Ouy Har1mll'I Trustee's sai.a. wu111ri tnt ottlcM of Semi M Odeh. 301 E Tait Thlt lleltment wu lllod with lht RE AL EST ATE SECURITIES Avenue Orange. Calllornte 11266S Courity Oltrk Of Oranoe Courity on SERVICE. loctled .. 2020 Norin Isl Saml M Odeh June 22. 1982 Broadway, Suitt 208. 1n lhe City of f1MS20 '1ara S111ta Ana. County ol Ottngt. Stele Pu1>111neo Orang• Coaat Dally NEW YORK (AP) - W.R. G race & Co said Wednesday that it would donate $102.700 Lo the United States Olympic Committee as part of an attempt by President Reagan's son lo set a speedboat record on the Mississippi River P\llUC NOTICE ACTITIOUI 9Ul*EU HAlllE ITATDIENT Publlahed Orangt Co111 Dally ol Ctlo'fomla, COASTLINE EQUITY, Piiot. July t 6, IS, 22, 1962 m-ic ""'TI"r P110t, June 24, July 1, 8, 1s. 1982 INC .. 1 Ctlilornla ~po<atlon, '* __________ 2_8_13-_82 ""°" nv w. 2704-82 duly appointed TruetM ul'ldtr and Pt&.tc NOTICE DllTH NDTICIS DONKIN MA Y C. DONKIN . resident of Costa Mesa, Ca. Paaed away on July 3, 1982 Beloved wife or Forrest W Donkin , mother of Sally Kreile and Nancy Adkins, grandmother of Susan, Ted and Jeff Filley Memorial services will be held on Friday, July 9, 1982 at ll:OOAM at the Mesa Verde United Methodist Church. Costa Mesa. In lieu o f flowers the family requests memorial contributions be made to the St. Joseph's Hospital ol Orange Cancer Fund. McCOllMICIC MOllTUAatU Laguna Beach 494-9415 L<1guna Hill$ 768-0933 San Juan Cap1s1rano 495·1776 HAiia. LAWK-MT. Ol.IYE Mor1uary •Cemetery Crematory 1625 G1sle1 Ave . f Costa Mesa $4{}-55S4 ,_Cl•OTHllS l&L •OADWAl ...on\IMY 110 Broadway Costa M~ &42-9150 • aM.n ..... o.. SMITH & TUTHIU Wl!l'Ta#ll' CHAPll. 427 E t 7th St Coste Mesa 548-9371 ... ClllOntml SMTMt• MOaTUMY 627 Main St .._,nt~e::ICh The lollowlng person I• doing bualness u · ACTTTIOUI IU ... 11 pursuant lo the power of sale 1 ___________ _ NAME STATEMINT Pt&.IC NOTICE conl0<red In that C'Mlaln Oetd of YOU AM IN DU'AUL T UNO£R A AOMARK, 2174S Oooan Vista, South Laguna, Calllornla 926n Ttoo following person la doing ------------Trull uecuttd by PAMEl.A A OIEO M TRUIT DATED MAftCH buSlness as YOU ARI IN Olf'AUL T UNDER A SHIER. 11'1 unmarried woman and 11, 1111. UNLEIS YOU TAKE Zetterlund Corporation. a Calllornla corporation, 21745 Ocean Vllte, South Laguna, Calllornle 92677 This business Is conducted by a corporetlol'I. Zotttlflund Corp Mr Zelt0<1Ulld Vice P1osldent KIRBY'S MAINTENANCE, OlfD Of TRUST DATED AUOUIT RICHARD ST THOMAS Ind DtANE ACTION TO "ROTE CT YOU .. 1822'J'I Newport Blvd , Suite 321, 21, 1111. UNLESI YOU TAKE ST THOMAS. huablnd and Wiie U ~lltTY, rT MAY N IOLD AT A Costa Mesa, Cellfotnle t2620 ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR community ptoperty, rlCOlded Mey "°9l.tC IALE. If YOU Nim AN Beth Kirby Thomu, 173 PA<>f'ERTY,rTMAY8ESOLOATA 11. 1981.lnBool< l40S2 ol0ttlclal IE~NATI<* Of' THE HATUflE Broadway, No /1.-2. Coale Mou. PUBLI<: SALIE. IF YOU NEED AN Records OI said County, el PIQO M THE PflOCEIDIHG AQAINIT Calllornla 92627 EXf'LANATION Of THE NATVM 1701, Recorder'• lnatrumerit No YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A This t>;.iSlnesa 11 conducted by an OF THE PflOCHOINO AOAINIT 12676. by reuon ol e broach or LAWYER Individual. YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A delaull In payment or ~ormenot NOTICE Of TRUITEE'S I ALE Beth R ThomH LAWVER. • of tho obligations teeured thereby. T.I . No. SS. This statement was llleo with tne NOTICE M TRUSTEFI SALE Including that breech or default, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that Tiiis statement was filed with the County Clerk ol Orange County on June 22. t982 County Clerk 01 Orange Courily on T.S. No. Mf71 Notice of which wu recorded on Wednt9day, July 28, 1982. et May 26, 1982. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that February 1, 1982, II Recorder'1 9:00 o'Clock 1 m of said d1y, In the 1'1IOIM on Wednesday, July 21. 1982. al Instrument No 82-03768•. Will. room H t H ide for coriductlng F1lllG Published Orengo COHI Delly II 00 o'cio<:I< a.m. of said day, in the SELi. AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE TrutlN'I StleS, wtthln lht olflcea ol Publllhed Orange Coesl Dally Pllot,June 24.Juty 1.8. lS, lll82 room Ht Hldt 101 conducting HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. REAL EST/I.TE SECURITIES Pilot. June 24, July 1. 8, 15, 1982 2768•82 Trustet'I Salts. within the offices or lawful money of the Untied Stat .. , SERVICE, .'9Cttod at 2020 NOf1h 2781-82 ------------REAi. ESTATE SECURITIES Of a castlltr'I cheek drawn on I Brotdwey,"Sullt208.lnthe tltyol ------------Pt&.IC NOTICE SERVICE. IOc;etod at 2020 Norlh 11111 or national bank, • •tall Of Santa Ana, County or Orange, State Pt&.JC NOTICE B1oadw1y. Suite 206. In tht Olly of federal credit union. or • stelo or or Ct lllornia, REAL EST ATE Santa Ant, County ot Orange. Stale federal savtng1 and IOI/I uaocittlotl SECURITIES SERVICE, a Ctlll0<nl1 of Ctlllornla, REAi. ESTATE domQledlritlll1s1011.aMpey1blo1t corporation. H duly appointed SECURITIES SERVICE, e Calll0<nl1 the time of Nit, Ill right, Ullo and Trui tet una.r ll'ld purtuant to tilt c;orporlllon. 11 duly 1ppo1n1td Interest held by It, '* T1u1tM , In powtt of H it conttrrtd In thet Tru•lff uncle< end pur1U1n1 to lhe that rMI property tltu•te In Mid C'Mlllill Oetd Ol Trull txocuted by power ot Hie conferred In thot Coun1y and Stall, dHcrlbtd H RICK BYERS, ,_ded Maren 23, oortlln Deed Of Trull tHCu1ed by lollowS 1118 I, In Book 131191 of OlllClll CHARI.ES E PREEDY. a slngle Percol 1 The NorthwHltrly Recx><dt ol Mid County, at P89' men, rtcorded September 8. 1981, •O 00 IHI of Iha Southe11tt rly 1017. Recorder'• 1n11rum1n1 No In 8ook 14210 of Otflclal Records ol 240 00 ftol ot lot 313 of Newport 3000S, by reason 01 1 t>rMCll or u1d County. 11 page 1825, H1lght1, a• shown on • m1p dtfault In peyment or l)tf1onnll>OI Recx><def'11ri1trumen1 No. B5S8, by recorded In boo~ •. P•Q• 83, of the obllgetlonl tec:Ufed th«tby. fN.IOfl of a bfeac:h or default In Mltctllant ous M1p1, record• of Including thll brMCh or d41fault. payment or pe1lormanc:1 of the Orenge County. Calilornla Nollet Ol which wtl rlCOldtd April obllgatlons H cured lhtreby, EKct pllng l lltrelrom lht 2. 11182. 11 Rec:ofdtt't Instrument l~ludlng thll breach or default. ~totty half ttltfoof. No. 82-I 16403. Wll.L SELL AT Nollet of which WU recorded Parcel 2 : An u11ment lor PUB LIC AUCTION TO THE Mtrch 211. 1'82. as Recordtr't lngrtu and tgreu Ovtl lht HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. tn111ument No. 62-10711S3. Will. NorthwHter ly 7 00 lttl of tht ttwful money ol tht United States, SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Sout~ltrly 2'7.00 IMt of LOI 313 Of • caahi.t'a checll drawn on • HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. ol Newport HelQht1. u lt1own on t •lttt Of natlOnel bank, 1 atalt Of lawlul money of 1ht United States, map 1tCO<ded rn boOI< 4, page 83, lederll Cftdlt union. or • 11a1e or or • calhler'1 cheek drawn on • Mlac1111n1ou1 Mepa, 1eco1d1 of fedefll N vlng• end loan aaeoci1tlon atelt or national bank. • slate or Orenoe County. domlcllod In thl• stale. all peyablt at ledt<•I credll union. or • stale Of P"erc:t l 3: An 1utm1nt for 1111 time ot Nit, all right, tltlo and ftder•l Nvlngs and loan BSIOCllatlon lng1111 and egran ovtt lht Interest held by It, es TrustM, In domiciled In !his 1ta11. ell peyable at Nor I he 111 t • r I Y h • 11 o I th• 11111 rtel proC>lflV situate In said tho time ol Nit. all right, title end Northwuttrly 7 .00 Itel of tht County and State. dHcrlbed 11 lnlereal ,,..d by 11. as Trustto, In SoutheUterly 240.00 Iott Of lot follows. ...... ~ NOTICE Of TllUSTEE'S IAlE FICTITIOUS aUStNE:U NA• llATEMENT The lollowlng PtflOl'll ere doing t>ullneas as M ISSION VIEJO SWIM RACOUET CLUB, 2622 t Tierra Circle. M1111on Vltjo, Celllornle 92691 SWIM & RACQUET CLUB, e CtHIOfnll corporlllon, 26221 Tierra Clrclt , Mlu lon Viejo, Celllornle 112601 Thll bull-.. cooduc1ed by • corporation. SWlm & Rtequet Club Tim Eaton, Manager Thie llalarntnl WU filed W1th lhe County CMlrk of Orengo County on June 18, 1082 f1111CM Publlth•d 01tnge Cout Delly Piiot, Juna 24, July 1. 8, 15, 11182 2700-82 NO. 112307 Ori July 23. 1982. et I 1 00 am , Statewldt Foreclosure Strvlcta, Inc es duly eppolntad Trulltt under and oursuerit to Dttd ol Trust recorded May 15. 11181, book 14060. page 59S. or Oll1c;111 Records. txKUttd by Donald I. Cunningham end Btverly A Wulherby, " tru11or1, In the oHklt ot lhe County RecOfder ol Orange Coullty, St•t• ot Cetllomla. Will SELi. AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (p1y1blt II 11mt ot Nit In lawlu4 money of the United 811101) II: South front enlrlnct to the Orange County Old Cour1hou1e. City of S111ta Ane. Stale ol C1lllorn11, 111 right, !Illa and lnt0<ea1 conveyed to end now held by II under 1ald Dtld of Trust In the propet1)' elluated In ----..,-.,,-1C--""'-TICC----i sakl CO<lnty end Slttt dttcflt>td 11: l'lllK. s.u lot 10 01 Trac1 9374 ti per m&1> ------1-----.---1 ttoOf'ded In Booll 409, Pages IS to "CTITIOU •US'""' t 17 lnolutlvt of Ml-41aneout Mt"I HAMii STATEMENT " The following persons are dOlng In the office or uld Count y business as Recorder s A v E INC , 1 Colllornla The street eddron end other c:orporetlon. 1s20 Pac111co. common desiOl'llllOr>. II tny. Ol lht Arilhtlm. CA 11280S real propeny deac:1lt>td lbovo II European Parts 1ntern1t1onal purported lo bf· 9 W"tport. !Nine. Inc .. I CtHlornla corporlllon. 1520 CA Peclflc:o Anehelm CA 9280S T111 undar11gnoC1 Tru11t1 Thia bu9intu 11 condUC1ed by 1 dl1c;11lm1 any lllblllty for t ny corporatlOfl 1ncorrte:ttwu ol 1111 ltroel tddr- Europoen Perla lntnl end other oommon dMlgnetlon, 11 PtUW J PIP«, Pres. Thia llllemtnl wU llled with Iha County Citlfk ol Ortngt c;ou..1y on any, lllOwn herein Seid 1111 wlll bt mtdt, bur wllllout cov1nent or werr1nl)'. •llPf"' or lmplltd. rwgarcllng tlllo. po11 .. 11on. or enc:umbtancte, to July 6. 11182 ,-1· pey the rtn\alnlng ptlnelpal tum of ·-• the nol4(•• MCIKecl by aald Dtecl of Publlthtd Orange Coaet Dally Trull. with 1n1er111 th1r10", H Pllol. Juty 8. 15, 22. 211. 1982 prOVlded "' Mid nolt(a). tdvanoee. __________ 211_5_1_-a_2_1 1t any. unoer tht '"""of Mid Deed PUBUC NOTICE Of Trull, lt11, oll.,OH and ------------i ••l*IMI of 1M Tl\llt .. and of lht K..,.. truett CrHltc:t by "Id Died ot ,ICTITIOUI -s• Ti'\111. tor the amount rMIOnlllly .. .._ ITAT'IMINT Mtlmated to be: US,3".3J. The lotlOwlng perwol\I ere OOlnQ Tile beMfloMltY under Mid Deed iutll-" of T rutt N<eto<ort necuted and BEVERl.Y HILLS REAL TY dtflVtltd lo '"' und1r1ton1d I COAP . 2727 1 l.u Aamblu. wrlntn Otc11tt1lon of OltlUll and Miiiion Viejo, CA 12"2. Demand for Seit, and • wrtt1en BHS R1a1ty Corporation, a NotlOt 01 Olf.ilt and ll9c1lon to Calll0fnl1 corporation 27271 I.I• M. 'nit ~led c....i Mid Rlll'lllelt. MIMlon VI$. CA taff2, Nottol of OltNf tnc:t m.otlOn to Th • 1>11'"-t la con®c1tcl b)' a W 10 M rtoOrCtecl In me ooun~ corpore11on. ....,.. IN..., llf°"'1Y II~ IHI -..,Y Cotp. OATIO Jwle a ; tMI. "°4111'1 .......... ry. v. .... ..... '°'"'' ... "r• ......... IM. Tilla ........,, ..... wl1ll ttle • ~~ i:io.°=a .. °"""' ~.,, ~ ~er--•rn. ~-=T?.I.~..:: ~~..:: thal reel property Sltuett In said 313. Newporl ....igh11, u lhOwn on lot 111 of T1ec1 No. 2334, u per County and Stat•. described 11 • map rec0tded In book 4, P&Qt 83. mal) rtcOfded In 8ool< 62, Page 20 follows· M l1ctllantou1 Mep1, Orange 01 M19Cetlentout Maps, In tht olllce lot 34 of TrlC1 No 7083, In the County. ol the County Recorder of H id County OI Orenga. Slate of Th• llrtet lddrHt or Olhll County CaMlornle • per meci reoorded In ommon do1lgn1tlon of tht reel Th• atlott addrtH or other Book 273. Pagts 27 lo 30 of prl>Ptf1y ~ o.eortt>td la c:ommon designation 01 lho ru l Miec*laneoue Mapa In lht otlloo of ad lo be: 232 Cec1t Plac:t. praperly flerelnaboYO detcrit>td ta tht county -dtt Ol Mid County. a MMe. Callfomta. purporttd 10 bt' 1641 Dofphln The 111111 addreu or othtt The underelgntd hereby T1«-.0ol'onadel M1t,C.itfomla. Gammon doalgnlllon o f th• rt1t fec1alm1 all llablllty for any Th• un<11111gn t d hereby property htrtlneove dttcrlbed I• l.c1ntel In atld ltreet addl9M dl1ol1lm• all llablllty for any pr°'*1Y httelntbOYo Ottct1t>td la Olhtf common ~lion. ~tel-In Mid lltroel llddf-. Clrdt, INlnt, California. 8tld Nie wtll bl meot wlt"°"1 or other C01M1011 del6gnttl0n. The undtr1lgn1d hereby 11rerran1y, up1111 01 lmpllod, Seid Nie wlll be medt wlttloul dlec;lelm1 all ll1blllty for 1nr tto11dlng tltlt, poueuton, 01 warranty, t KprtH or lmpll1<1. lncorrtetnMt rn llld 11,.., eddr-ncumbrenc ... to t1t11t)' tht 11g11dlno 11111. poa1t11ton. or or othtf common o..ign.1ion. tMlltnOI of tht nott or 1neumb1encH. 10 1tll1fy Ille 8tld Nit wlll be meot without ot>MQe1Jon ..cured by M6C1 prino4pel bttanoo of tht Note or wa111nt)', up1111 or Implied, of TNll. wlttl ln'-1 encl °"* Obl!NtlOn _,,., b)' Mid 1ega1dl"O 11tfe. poaHHlon, or Iller 1um1 H provided therein; o..ct of TM., wl1tl ln1erWI and 1ncum11r1"c". to t11l1fy 1111 ~ N .,.,,, ~ tht olller tum• •• PfOvtdtd 111er.in; prlnclpel ll9llllCe of Ille Note or ~ and In..,_. on ti.di plut ..,.___ It "1'ff, undet Ille otMr obllQltlOn -.0 by Mid ld'i-. encl C*ll ..... CIWOM ietme tMfeof Wld lntefWlt on ti.di o..ct of fNllt, With 1111-t and ~ of tht TNlltee and of ~ and pM9 ..... Qwgee 01htr a11m1 H provided lllertln: "'41• ~ by Mid o..ct of and ..,... of \tie Ttu9We end of ptut eclVWIOll. II en)', undet 1111 tuel. Tiit 101 .. 1mount 01 Hid IM trueta cr9lted b)' Mid o..ct of lern INfeof and lnt«MI on Midi bllgetton. fnol11dlno , .. IOfl•btt Tru11. TIMI 10111 MnOUnt ot Ntd ~. and plut .... otwgea etlmated I•••. chlfg" 1110 ot>ttoatlon, tncludlno r"IOftlbfy encl t1t'*'"8 o( t11e T,,,.._ and at of 1ne TnlllM. at the IWN 111r1111t1d , .... onu1H end tile tl'Uetl or•tecl by Mid Dtecl 0( le!~ of INI Noaoe, II .....,_.of tftl TNMel, lit the time T "''" r "' 10111 1111011111 or .. ,d ,Mi.N . ot tn111111 ~ion °' 1111a Hotloe, • obllgatton, 1noludl110 1 .. 1onabl) o.t9dc "41fo/ 2_:. ~I '4111M,f7. H llm•l•d ..... onuou In~ COMn.iHI IOUITY.1 IHO.. Olltld! -.. , ... ....... tM TNllll ... tftl ltml I~-..... -. MAL UT~TI ot lflltlll 1NlltlClllOn .. ltllt ~It • TNNIJ.._ llCUNTill llfMOI. ua:.~"'..;...... ..... :re=.::~ :.,--. HAL llUTI HOU .. ITIH ·~~. ~ IU ........ i•J -... !:?_"-'·"· v-· Sl!:FE-h'=i .~ "': iJH-:., !! lAlllFllD ...................... --------- llHllt Advert!· "'' ahould check their ads dally and report errors lm- m e d I ate I y . Tho DAILY PILOT H• sumos llablllty for tho first Incorrect lnaertlon only. P•,lltlltr'S •1tt111 • C Ill All real Hl•I• ldVtrtl .. d ...... ,., ' In thta n1w1p1p1r 11 •••• ••••••••••••••••• subject to the Ftdertl '-•11•1 1#1 Fal1 Houtlng Ao1 of lllell •••••••••••••••••••••• which meJ<e• II llllOfll to IT&IT llllT edvtrllN "any prefertn· ce. llmllellon 01 dlacr1ml-The perfect home for nation bated on race. youno or tman lam11111 3 Bdrm. beautillJllV IOITIO• c;oloi • rellglon, H• Of deled lcltchen 1ea1u11ng nallonel 01lgln, or 1n'; all new eppuencee. new 1n1tnflon to mike any such preference. llmlta-root. f1H'1 paint, r1nt- t1on or dlacriminatlon.. as11c financing l\U1a Vetdt atta Full price 1124,000 761-3191 c;:.•,1111. Thll ntwtpaper wlll 1'101 knowingly accept any 1dvertl1lng tor 1eal os- 1a1e which 11 In vlotetlon or the l1w _,.., 11•.f( 1Pt ·~. t ', .... .. .. I S U B E A I ·._'·I P1dle111clal\S ~nd vete• . . 1na111n1 Charo• 11'1• nme tee I~ j I I' and tor 1 11oo<1 rtHon Tney _ • . _ both II••• a very good chance ...---------. ol ge111ng 00- 1 TlRICC I e ~~·~;-:-i:N~~~1 111111s I I I I I I ~-LOS '81wtn 19 OlauHIHffH 11IO STAR GA'ZEK"~ ~~~-'-T---lr Cl.AT &. POU.AN·----.----, ~ ~=.,~~~ ~ To ......... -l0t Thut'6oy, r-'-<0t._-dir.g IO~ "'.,.... lodtoc bl<1h. ,..,.,__ ,... ., ..... JY.... _u.,. W~ )~ U.V. U•tt • ,.__ .. ~ ... 1¥1 ,. ~-...... ..,\l<Jll •'°"*""""' ... .. ....... " , ,... ,,.,...,-, ., .. ...,_,. .. f l.9-.... ~ .. o-~· ...... J'lfOol .. ~."'!. :~;,.-:· .. :c:~~_. ~~ ... uu...... .,~ tJM-t_,.4 ... l~f..,.. d lll... ,,~ i. W"O u !t '• li•~nt , ... ~ ., .. .,_. "' ... tt L.il• .. .._.. 1't•W .. ,_ff'IV• ., ... , ,,~. ,.~ "''0•1'19 ,. .. ,,.. •• '• "0.00 IO'fWI '9')tl'l(I.. 90M .. t ,,....... ,, ...... "' .. .. n••... \.lt•oo"• .,, .... , """•'"" )t•l'ICI &.)til'\ot#l"t l .... , ,.. '""' ~····· ~·· ...... ""' "" ....... . ......... ~-· -~· ~, l• ",_,. ., ..... ,.......... ,.~ ."" ... "°" t!IO''-• .....,... .JOC)f toM\OI~ ... ,~· ~Goool ®,.,..._ (JH:-.i <f!VoW...<f!VeW... More value for your DIMES In the famous Dally Pilot DIMES-A-LINE ADS Adv•rtlH ltemt up 10 150 In valu• In Olm••A-LIM ed• every Saturday II\ IM Dall)' Piiot. Bnng your ad with CHh to afty of our thr•e c:onven6ent o~.. or mall your c:opy with a c:hedl Of mon•r order for tM cor1'9Ct •mount. 20c ..-r 111\1, $1 .00 tftlrMIN.lm. Sorry, no llve1tock, produce or plant• and no comm9'dal edt er• atto .. d. EKtl Hem mutt b4t prte»d With no Item ov•r l50. DllM .. A-UM •d• m•y b4t pieced at lh• Cost• Meu office untll 3 p.m. Flidey. STARTING A NEW BUSINESS? AdCOfdlng to Cefffomle helMu and ProfeMlon1 Code (lee:. 11900 to 17130) all perHnl dolnt buetftHI under • ftcltll9ue na,,.. ,.... flle • ..... mena ....,. tM County a.tl and ha•• ft · puMt•tt•d tour 11 ... 1 In • M9tlPlll* eervint IM 8'M II ... IMbu8'nHll•litcated. The ............. ,....,.. .., ... and It ftHIHI" In ,. ...... ,.. ................................. prHf llf •n1 .. .,.ft MWrtlet ....... , TM DAILY PtLOT '9•wt•1 _. , . ....... .. ,........... ... ...... We .. ............... '&. .... .. ................ !.-~Ot-••·-i@ .... ·=L w:=.r. • • = ...... k.51 JllR .. • ~------~~-~~~----~--~----~----~------------------------..... ~--111!19lml!I~ .... --~ Cout DAILY PILOT /Thureday, July 8, 1882 DI !Mm.~l:t11. ...... !ttm.~~ ....... ,.t!!!!.!t.~!.~1! ....... ~ .. !!!!.!'.~!.•!!. ...... !'.e.!~!t!t.~!.•.'! •...... !'.._!!!!.('!.~! ....... 9!~!!.,.'!.{!!.'l!t ••..• !'.'.!!f!.V~.'~.'~'-~~ .. !'.~~.¥~~.~~.'! ... ~r..~1~!!!~.!~!!'!~.~ f!t«~ ......... !.@I ~¥. ...•..... !!.fl ~~'.~IJ. •.......• !.~I ~~~~ .. t ......... '.'.!I !!!!~!. ....•..... !.~. !'!'.r.!!.~~!~ .. !.~f •H,!_ '!.'''' u• f.-!~.!m ...... !.¥.1 !~!.~~ ... l~f ~~!!.~!! .. !!.~! Pl...Ul•ll ...., terrtH 11t Alli''' FllSYT Trtlk 18971Antloell,1.kbll, ABSOLUTELY M UST ••• ~~i:~A'. •••••••••• 3 BA 2'A ea f /SIOe, tn· 2 er 1 81 Newport YUIU LUii Q Mii M V 4 Br 2 Bl 0 R · F' A vu SCLll Prime waterfront Hugt 0 br, 3 b e. tam Qlltll tudor llylt WI Helgl\11, Old cuttom Clean 1 bdrm, 1 blfil lrom d lvt Y;'; 3 Bd ... 2 ;'' fhtn Ihle nNI & c'"n 3 or Univ 1200,000 160, condo, Htuma 1300K home nr ocean. Value vaulted CIO•. ~•ter tul· charmer, open bHma. bHch. prlv patio, gar h~~~ wlmany :11~rH 0~ Bdrm hOm• la Juat lor 000 dowi1, I 160,000 Call Owner to 11PM for s 1001<, l83K EQ, 10 It, •le 111,IS mo Alk for oak lloora. tpllt level. 1500 mo. 780-1H2 Prize W"t Bay ba)'front, Sllpt for 2 boats'. cul·d••HO. Owntr will ~~ .~~~~!~~.~7;1~.~ A.l.f .D. 12'l•lntonlylor6 dtlellt 873·02•8 • uch. for Lu Vagaat 8111• 93t·1288 1816/rllo 43• Cttallna. •llAITlfll• rYmodeled 3 bdrm. 3 bath $1.200.000. 01rry low lnlerHI ratt To 11 0'/•% Pull Pt'ICe yra Agent 541•5032 Vtntura C1y. Or tubl'llll ftHllJ• Valin 1114 N B 6 ' 8 ·' 3 e o . 111 t O. F\111pric.1134. s1311,900, 781·3111l Brand New HomH & OCUI VIEW Lalrnt>M< Ally 6•11·2330 ••••••••••••••"••••••• 63t-S.78, 4114--03115 ~~~~o;a,~e::~. CIP•::p; Ocffn & .)lmy vte~. Marine room. 4 bdrm. 3 500. 761·31t1 Condo.. no money down Pluall t8R. $18,000 dn I I 3 ~£~E :~~ A~~~ced e.1u1 apac 4 Br 3 e. aplral atalrt. lkyiltH bath, 3100 tq,f\, •UU,000. ac..nf,,...t whllt Hley IUI 1714) S785 Pl OWC piper t•ll I •rd & garage Kida & Condo Incl M P qu1rter1, lrple ,,_. blkl to bell c::. ',t I I I 1 c::. 'oi 11 I ' Liil llLI llMll t'nme Lado Nord bay front l> bdrm, 5 Vi bath. Lae L.R .. 2 boat illp& $1.500,000. Remodel~ 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. nn. beam ceilings, rumiahed, patios. $420.0-00. Lllll llLE UYFlllT -AJ{OOn view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, olavroom. dark rm, den. Boat slip. Now $1 .000,000. IAYSIDE COYE Spect.acul.ar bayfront view 2 br. 2 ba up. 2 br. 2 be dn. 2 boat allps $1 ,000,000 COROllADO CAYS Coronado Island cust bay!ront lot 85' boa• dock. Plans avail. !}ed. $370,000 w/terms. ILIFFS OllM Single story end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on largest greenbelt. $250.000. PUILM 3 bdrms. 2 Yi baths condo near pool. $145,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR J.ll Buy,•d•· Or~" ~ 8 67) biol IEWPORT CREST IUUTY Superior area of Newport Beach W alk 10 lhe beach. Huge rooms, lo· vely views, tennis courts. swimming pools, spas. clubhouse. etc; Owner desperate Call today. 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS INVESTORS DRUM S 1410,000. One 2 Bdrm duplex and one 3 Bdrm seperale house. Properly zoned R-5, high density. City says you can bulld 8 units. E.xlrtmtly desire· ble property PrlOed to sell al S140 .000 . 5416-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS BRICK, WARMTH, VIEW! E•c•lltnt locellon wllh completely remodet.d S bed. home. Unqueetlonabte c:toee-up vtew with femlty room end SUpel' mMt• aultt. OrNt for ent.n.tnlno and delly ltvfno. $5tl,OOO. r... 831-1400 WAHRI RO!\T HO~H!-1 '" 10 \I 11111 ' 2 .... ,._ ........... t '"'.,...., -. ... .. 831-1400 :tu "·'~fltor 4 tf' ..-1.i-4 RESlOEHTIAl ROI fS TATE SERVICES LIM ISLE 12,110,000 Magnifi cent Dutch Colon ial residence on the bay. 5 BR. library, formal dining room, with extensive use of polished woods & tiles. Will captivate the most discriminating. Pier & slip for 70' boat. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 One of the ways homes are being oouiht and sold today ts w1th Buydown Mortgage In a buydown or dtscoUilt.ed mortgage a fee Is patd to the lender to reduce the amount or lnt.erest to be charged on a new mortgage The amount of reduction In the Interest rate desired and the ant.lclpat.ed term of the loan determines the amount or the fee Certain banks and savings and loan 1nst.1t.uttons offer the buydown plan lmpad on bQy•r • Mana«eable monihly paymeni • Can Qu&Ufy w1~h a lower 1n0¢htt • l'ee m~M b4I sizable l'lut 03n b4I paid by buyor. Hiler or any third J>Al'\Y • Por\lon ot '" pates by eM:h pal'\y 11 ne&ouable Impact on Hiler • orrer lo pa_y "II or pan or f" maltH U\t pro.,.rty mor• Klablt • 00.. not hawe lo prov1d• pr1u.1.e rtnancanc • ~ ... au pl'OOMCl1 "t cle'l91nc Whlle the runde requJred at olo.tnc could bt la.rce. the buydown mol'\llCt oould bt ~he mfihod ot rtn~osnc ln oeNJn 1U.u.aUont 1.0 pl'OCSuot a •alt. Oonc..ot a l'M1 ut.a&.t IXJ*'t for t.h.e n.S.CS l\dd&noe. ...,., I ,, ~i H •• ~ ~ ' ,. I ' ...,.., I 'I h 11 11 t I I 11 ' , ~~---"-=;;;;;;;;;;;==~"-' ... IWllll tHnUTt Haa bought l notht r lt.W•/a 1001 nomt LargMI 4 Bdrm 2 ····;;1;;;~;;;;~;·••• Ba 11ng1e story In Meaa '' del Mar Auume low lt•••H 121,000 1n1e<eat loan & owner wlll to aell thlt ct1a1mlng 2 aulat In tlnanclng re· bedroom, 2 b• wllh den. ma1ne1er Full price amlable horne 1nd wm $ t39,900 751-3191 gtve heavy financing ti TRADITIO~L REALTY 12'1, Juat cell 646-4220 c,,,., ,,1 11., 1 oaz ......•............... OPEN HOUSE 11 ·4 DAILY 1515 Beyaaere Tenaoe. lrvlne Terrace. Panora- mic views. lee tand. mini estate $1 ,250,000 Alley NE w VIEW TO WN . Real!~ 873-7478 HOMES 2 Master Sul· -.-.. -.. -.-lf-,-... -,-T-.,-.-.- tea View of ocean & Home+Guett+lncome night llghls Quiet Aree OWC 11il • Flex Terms Parks, open spaces S 125.800 dn Xlnt Fin 509 Acacia CdM nr bch Hal or Pal Bauer. Aots Spotless Vacant Duplex 673·7300 Huge 5br/3ba+Jt>rl3be 440K ownlbkr 6415-7048 AlltLI TE STEAL! Lovely lrg house With den. spa & forever view. Only $359.900 Fee Wtll trade down Call Direct 10 Patrick or Fred Tenore 63I·1266 or 760-8702 Cl•IHOIAL 2 stores. 1 block to ocean. 2511. down Ow- ner wlll carry balance GOOD FOR OWNER USER' $265,000 lalllea 1., ,,.,. RtaHert *111-lotO* IR IEWPORT II 1IO ha. IOUI YI llll LEllEJOPTIOI OPPORTUlln 4 Bdrm. 1ncludlng 2 mas11< suites. 3' •ba. lge lamlly rm, 2 lrplcs. rustic wood beam cell's • all In a walk to pvt beach locallon The pertec1 la· mlly home In lhe perfect neighborhood $495.000 with PERFECT linenclng Fee Land .... 1211 m!'lln Great 1ocat1on, shopping. beach comm. pool, ten- nis, 3 BR 2'h be lwnhme. Gated securlly, you own 1he land Assume 12•;. 1nteres1 only loan. 20"• down S238K 760-3875 5411-111122 Agt, S133,•oo. "33-3"1• •••••••••••••••••••••• Y I " " " " pate w11come 546·2000 a u t o m • 1 c 0 • r Yr1y S 1300 mo. UUI Incl IMMEDIATE SALE 9% loan only aa1umabl• 1'1UI 30 d1y1 2 br, $119 ,000 O w nr 551-8868 •••II DOWI PAYMENT Ilka ove' exlallno loens on thl1 bHulltul alngle tamHy home In Wood- br I dge Citekalda. 3 bdrm. 2 ba Popular Model Near park-pool· lal\e-schools 1169 900 Priced for quick Ht. HARBOR RIDGE $379,900 28r luKury condo, xlnl financing 8•0·9806 SIU IY OWIH 3BR. 3b&, llv rm/wet bar. dining rm. lamlly rm Swimming pool Com- pleh1ly ramod Npt Hta home $3•8 .500 . 566-4982. ore 833-9773 ¥.'.~!!!l!~!!~!I..... Agent, no'" $1300/mo 780-9313 873-9384 alt 8PM f!!!~.!!!!~ ..... .!.I.~~ BHll•fl•• Ullll 11111 1s~;·o~::o~'J{~~·:; 1 Br Trllltf. private, no Jtad 3140 L'"ll 213194 f-3065 1823 W p e I • ' u I I I I p • I d • • • • • • • • • .. • • • • • • • • • • • .. B•lboe Bl. apt 2 1400/mo. 1et plu• JeCU· O~·AENT l\LS Super panoramic oc.an, ---------rlty 642•0835 499.1517 1·5br a 1200 to $2000 bay & night light view Pru11g1ou1 E11c apt · ' 750-3314 <>9ef1 7-days lrom this 2 BR, den, fOf· Ba Ibo o 8 a y CI u b J.a•l•I JfHi 3Jfa NEW CRPT & PAINT maJ (lln rm & 2 BA home S 1100/mo 641-1802 ••'••••••••••••••••••• 3br 1'"' be Kids/ ""II-~ Decor et e d Ii k e • olc 63 t-8250 ' 8R, new dee. furn. Sec '• ,..... "" gal•. prlv Sch .. tennl• OW. a1v. relr, gar. yd, "Model" In lhe earlh· 2 BR 1 Be. furn apt on Ownr 4198•4038 patio $795 63 t-4320 1one1 Community tenn11 Newporl Penlnaule ,,., WlTHFRllT ~'..'!r.!!.~~!~ .. .!.J.~~ vacant 1lle In Cannery Jasm•ne Creek 2 Br . den. V1Uage. suitable lor 4.000 pool & spa on greenbelt sq 11 bulldlng. Will 1ake $ l600l mo Ask '°' Carol 60' boat! Consider: llve 1 1 4 I 7 5 t • 2 ; 6 O . at>ove your worll 11nd 213/498-7233 3 br. 2 bl hat, $750 mo 2 car det gar • 2 cov d patios 848-2262 (Nancy Wynn agl) courte & awlmmlng pool blk to bch $550 mo Agl 24 llr guarded gate. 675· 1642 Avallat>lt 1mmedl11e1y1,... .... -~~;;:;;::==::::;; have your boat too 1650.000 Includes land 6'12-5200 j PETE J BARRETT '·· REALTY S 1900/mo Oona God· THE shall. 84'·6200 5 Blka to oc.an Elegant 21111"!1" ......... I Br Famlly Rm & Den ''GOOD 1850 Mo. Plush crp11, 2'"' Ba C.aar & gless . HH lll Otl•t•JUH sun-deck, dbl car prv LIFE'' • • • • • • • • • • • • ••• ••••••• garage. lully malnt v•rd ·--------u C.•1t•J JllJ No pell Inquire al 527 cdM;;o;·~;;ci;;;;;;r;; _1_8_1h_s_1 _9_60_·63_3_1 ___ B_L_u_F_F_s_c_o_N_o_o_3_e_r_. 11 vu ..... ouNo ,uN: Social A ctlvltl•• 2 Slory 2br, woodlglUI, $700 mo. 3 BR 2 Ba, lge 2 '> Ba . S 9 0 0 m 0 DI rec I 0 r •Fr 1 e new and superb S1'00 lam rm. clott 10 Mell & 640-8 t07 Sund a Y school• 7 14•828• 7 6 77 · w-e-s-tc_ll_ll_3_8_r _2_b_a-. _n_e_w Bruncll•8BQ' •• SUM~~~A~~~6A~{Wkly 827•3910 cpt'g, lovely yard $995 P1rtles•Plu1 -------1fa• C/t•t•ff 1011 2BR 2ba $500 3 Br 2t>a. bltlns. new cpl, gdnr. 646-6789 much more IAlllll IUY •••••••••••••••••••••• Cl 2 A co Cl 1---------·ll 0 "E A T eE UT F L d 3BR 2ba $800 rps, car opr, v HARBOR VIEW Ho··Es HITLEIOOI A I u ocean an 3BR 2ba $1000 patio $750. 962-5121 Carmel Model. 3 bd':°m, 2 A EC A EAT I 0 N : nlghl llghl views Eaqul· 1 BLK FROM OCEAN T e n n 1 1 • F r e e Hurryt Besl buy. steined glass window. ceramic Ille enclosed a1111um pV1 yard large tiered pallo, lush 1andscap1no 3 lge t>drms Fee land Vacant site Spanl1h home 3 BR, EXECUTIVE HOME near ba B&au $ 1050 mo Ja· Lessons (pro & pro 2•.., be. den. formal di· 2BR 2ba 1500 lhe beach 5 Bdm, !pie, cuu l 8 h 0 p) • 2 He a 11 h nlng, gourmtl kllchtn, 3BR 2ba 1550 dbl gar 1(1ds & pets 979-3923 Cluba•Saune• lge llv1no rm wlbrtek lplc 2B~AJ:aRONT HO~~~oo w54e512c000o m •A $I . o~o USTILIFF Hydrornassage• S50.000 dwn Take over • oen1. no ee ~··•mmire•G-'t 11nanc1ng. $255,000 Agt W11erlron1 Homes Inc Executive home. city to .. , "' Brlced to sell, only $179, 496·8 l22 631· t400 B••li•fl•• ocean view Pool. 1acuz· riv no ange 900 Hurry, call now. ---------4AI: BarN•t 3Z4Z l•. 3 br 2'' ba. Iv rm. 8 EAU TI f U L 552 2000 fo•ti £••••• l Oii 11/ffl fdl•I 3""' •••••••• • ••••• •••• • ••• l0tma1 <11n rm la'T' rm 2 AP A A T M ENT 8 : ••••••••"'•••••••••••• •••••••••••••••E• .. ::00•• Acron 11 lrom waler, lrplcs. mod kitchen wt SI n g I e •. 1 & 2 WATER LOVERS CHARMING OLDER COT· BAYFRONf HOM • ~ custom decor. 3 Br 2 Ba Bedrooms•Furnlshed TAGE d I I ocean to $650 mo Call IOf d• $975 2131592·2871 eat•no area, laundry rm & Unlurnlshed•No 110•,000 ·won er u 1 960 2 7 . Avail Sep1 thru June Lovely condo situated on view Three Arch Bay • 1a1 8 • 4 1 ---------1 Gardener & pool malnl Pel s•Modela Open the water Living room IS almost oceanfront • Cot••• ''J #ar 3Z1' !~~! ........... !.~~~ _•_nc_1_s_11_0_0_64_o_._6_2J_3 __ 11 dally 9 to 6 adorned by crackling iarms . $495,000 •••••••••••••••••••••• OaL 0 ..I f11eplace. Pvt master la&llH Yllla&t IU J ASMINE CA EEK LEASES!! Westcltll J BR 1>, BA. aW 09 suite Warm ear1htones •tl-1111 JBrllam, Single IVI. gor· 3 Bdrm datached homes S900 mo Fresh & clean. lar ... thruovt Priced 10 sell ai ---------oeous decor w lsoll neut on excellenl area Avella· no Pe 1 • Av 1 now ••erfllem $104000 H · colors Mini ocn view ble Imm ediately 646-2389 '"" · · ur,y, won 1 Othr 1111 Ellate 1.-,.,t leMlt/le lasl Call 552-2 90 •••••••••••••••••••••• Pools, tennis, guard oa· $800/moon 1 year lease Versa files S11.1<110 wl 880 I I ' ., L"/ B te<l. adults. $1650 Agt Five others to choose undrgrd prk 'g , sec rvne £1•••• kati 1041 ,. •• , f ••11 Evl wknds 6«-8067 from We re lhe .>nes to $500/mo 548-0266. (at 161h) ••1••••••••••••••••••• 111$111 1100 caJl to ~ases (714)645 104 OLDE LAGUNA CHARM ••••• •• •••••• •• ••• •••• C•1ta ll11a J224 r · _9_6_8-6_13_2 _____ 1 • l Oc RENTALS "'""'"' IJC r a, sw1mm g Charming 4 Br & large lam1ly room B11ck hre· place. country kitchen quiet reslden1lel area Long term seller flnan· c1ng $229.000 1nclud1ng land Unique 2 bdrm lloor OCEANFRONT Mobile •••••••••••••••••••••• (gw.~ .. 11 .. Id 3 B 3b 1n pool lew,.rt leMlt/S., plan, I bath. llv rm w/ Homes,several,$80.000 • Npl Hts $1450/mo 1700 16th St. AWAY FIOI beamed ce111ngs. hard· Pvt 499-3816 1·5br's $200 10 $2000 .WaltlJ 5 5 6 . 4 9 8 2 or of c (Dover at 161h) TIE CROWi wood floors & cozy log B Oe 750-33 14 open 7-days 551·'·"""' _s_3_3_·9_7_73 ______ u (714) 642-5 113 burning frplc S 167 .500 Newport each Anza IE Ill If """' Only 9'~%, so see quiet. Full Price baylront Park Mini l'r.!11K•rr~ftrJ """"Ir••~· 4 BR Bluffs condo w/pool ,._ _______ _, cool S35 Hazel todayl 3 MISSION REAL TY cond 76 dt>I wide, lire-TIE LICIY FEW Newly redec Avail Aug Ai1tl•l•I• bdrm. 2 bath, formal di· 494--0731 place. brick patio. $58. REITlLS 10 S 1100/mo 673-24122 II I . L-~ nmg. new kllGhen & ta-5 O O a 111 Grundy 1 10 5 bdrms. sianino at or 213·629-5761 •••• '!.~!!'!!~!!' .••..... ~:~. w~~· s~:.n,o&str:~ 675·6161 $675 to S 1100 38R plus den. gar . yard. la/Na /did 3106 lot. $350 000 EIEUll Ill I c ••• ,,ti•I $785 530 Westminster •••••••••••••••••••••• r.\' ' """ill l:. AY!_,~J{ ~~i Open Frtdey 10·2 AWARD WINNER 11?.!l~ 1600 Ave 6412· 7745 y;~~y 2 :a';,5 1 ~~5 Deck 10"Xt llWI Open Sunday , .. 5 Ocean 'ltews 3 bdrm 4 ••••• ••• ••••• ••••••• Spectacular view 1n pre· 675"'0349 u1 ./_/ lJ ba, krl w/convenienees. APPLE VALLEY sttglous Harbor Ridge Attractive 1 BR Yrly. 1 l 'Y. FIUIOlll {•1(J>fillfl UR • IUll lam rm. lge garden, pa-TH Slltlltr Pool. spa. tennis. sec possibly summer wll1e1n yo1u Ttake~_v_e_,r •• C/j).l'oJ.,.,1/(, • .> 110 lormald1n rm lgeliv Nearnew4-plex.2 bdrm. gale S 1995 /mo CaU67S·02"7 ex st ng st rust """"' ·J 141""'' rm Ou1e1 cul-de-sac 2 bath each unit wllh 760-9307 C•t••• , .. 1 .,•r 3IZ2 Owner wlll assist at t2'1, 6..,,)-<"'~'l.'IJ, $812.000. By owner fireplace. enclosed patio. '" ,., lnleresl on lhlS 3 Br ,. ,, 7 v 673-441 II garage 9111,_ Ill Pos S•• c1 •• ,.,, 3Z1f •••••••••••••••••••••• house on FEE LANO 1n *1 E... Coe ..__ Cdll • ••. •• ••••••••••• ••• •• Ctose to beach. 2 Br 2 Ba. B CK BY RE F .... -~.. cash flow Now $159. 11.'-Z3C.a .. lll1e"-.JevwE 3 br. 2 ba condo nr Dana frplc. 2 Car gar $800 A A I\ A ell· 500 8111 Grundy Rltr, ...,-,, ""'rv01»11 ""'" d 1ur1ng hardwood floors &I•--------OCEANFRONT M oblle 675.6181 Pt Marina. S775 mo yrly lease. No kt SI Shingle roof Only $135 Homes, several S80 000 ---------TllTLHOOI 760· 16051642-6368 peas 675-1560 Iv msg 000 2670 San Mlguel COlll 1111• 10Z4 PV1 499-3816 HPEll Lovetu 3 br, 2 be, lam '•• J••• 1 Br UP""' quiet older Or Newport Beach ••••••• ••• • ••• • •• •• ••• ' 11' ~· 759•1501 ~ 752•7373 Ltast/ltHt t,tttl £ ll'J/ lOSO TU SIELTtR rm crpls. drps. blttns. C. i 3Z'l adult only t blk to beach "' ••••• I I FOi llYE•Tlfllll S 9 5 O mo 1 yr Is e •••• ••.•.".'.•.•.• •• •• •••. •• & shgps Spacious. nice . lwalkTrG Lee VIEW CHOU IEL Ill Are you a per1ec11on1s1? II only the best wlll do, let us show you the labu· 1ously designed view home built with an un- erro11no a11ent1on to de· tall 3 bdrm , 3 car ga· rage. lavish use ot wood brass and starned glass Just listed at $1,350,000 tr l•J ··'••••••••••••••••••• • 673-5820 eves & Wknds 2 Br.~ ba condo Pool, no S500 incl gas New 3 Br 3 Ba Condos. ltll Nt•H IWJI San Clemente pride of Or studio for wnter stu fllewport Schools 80Yo Co-ops from S39,000 ownership. Modern Spa-$995 • 3Br 2ba. pets. s550 de 1 0 eekende< 's3o0 fl I t 12' •;. 210 equity price Condos nlsh style lour unit USTSllR $1500 • 4Br 2ba 770•8896 n r wA 673 8494 nanc no a :... • ~ Woodt>r1dge. 552·8·8• ---------1 incl urn 01 • ~~~ 6'~u~~n }~~ ~1~~~ tr~;~~;-=.~u~;~ ::;~~h~I~; &h~~:~O::~ lrlttHJ WM41 .. !!!!!!~.'!!! ..•• .!.~~! C••t• #11• 3124 Agent 63 1. 4 509 or 24221 Paseo de Valencia vi-. close 10 eve<y1h1ng. 3 Br 2"~8a 3 c•r oar . Univ Park 2 Br 2 81 HOME FOR RENT •••••••••••••••••••••• 673-3968 eves Lag Hills 7141837-S500 only three years old. trplc micro, skylight, condo. AIC lrplcd 2 car 4 Bdrm $800 Fenced 1 llt 2 II. 3 II. shows like NEW' Seller deck. pool & tennis iar, new cstm ecor yard & garage Kids & Newly decor Gas pd SHAZAMU! ~'.'!r.!!.!!~!~ ... !.~~! will htlp finance & save ~!Y: 5 ~:S 095:34 :v~~ 16 4 6::.~~~o 55~~;i~7 !~~ peas welcome 545-2000 encl gar. dwshr. pool, YOU have 8 partner with t>uyer thousands ol • • all 6PM/wknds Agena. no lee bbg Adults. no pets down payment on new 3 dollars"' Selling pr1ce ol 2 br 1 ba. WI D hook·l.IP, ---------1 C ' • . 642·5073 Bdrm 3 Bath luxury S325,000 is way below gar No pets 1 475 Woodbndge 2brl 2ba, rent •• ••1•1••• -------*-2-5 current replacemenl 21780 Placenlla orlseOPI Onlal\e U•lu•il)H Jfz 5 Spactous2,BrlBa:4 condo on Cos le Mesa c. o s ti p A I N C Io AL S 530 6288 • • • ••• ••• • • • •••• • •••• • 3 Br I , Ba $ 7 5 ALL amen It I es ONL YI Call owner at 545-7983 • Resort-like adull !tact nr Laundry lac . pool $ 1 lOOtmo All Interest Dix condo S 1.0001$725 2 £a•H• IHtl 3Z41 SC Ptza P,ool. grdnr _5_4_8_-9_5_5_6 ____ _ ta• deduc11ble Own & (714) 642-0138 1, •• • •• enjoy hafl Interest on lhls HYE· s11•Es plus loll 8R 2'' be AIC PRIM.E .HOME.~a;·E~e Olux I Br No pels $485 wests Ide L 0 t Br w I " " l•t••• lt••tkr ZOOO Chris 673-5489 • & S35 u111 775-2580 carport. OIW. lndry. avail S 145.000 estate Chance A•U C ST• ••••••••••• J";.;'•••••• raid Bey Ocean vu 3BR H hi aded & cl ol a hte1rme1 631·5055 " -I llnl Wllfltl El slde nice clean 2 Br 1 2 ba. pv1 yd Walk to 'O Y upgr ean 7-2 S400 mo 6"5-6625 TRY 5-10% DOWN o"" ,1.1h ac,R,,Es Trade tor Ne ocean· oB!ra'gn~.d J~;,~· ~~~,~~ ~~-:/~5~94 mo. yrly. Aurl•••I• F•rai1iH 2 er pool, garage. S~2~ Easy to qualify, financing ut o t e ght lront home Ow ner ·'·••••••••••••••••••• mo No pets. 1395 8 less than 13•!. Must sell Pa I I er n . 1 h Is $800.000 37 1 t Sea-pets s525i m o · plus Nice tBR 1 ba triplex Cor••• '•/ llar 3122 W Baker 6411--0763 now 2 Bdrm s1ar1er custom home otters shore 673-6578 security 25414 Orange ·St i •••••••••••••••••••••• "D" 548-2778 pa110, garage. ove Ocean view, beaultlulty 2 BR garden apt New =~:;1~~~en;~~9~~~r ~pap~~ t1~ ~ft r e"s t. Weslslde 2 Br 1 81 lncd S~~~ S3~~:.5~1 wkAd~~I lurn townhouse, lrplc. paint No pels S430tmo 644 7020 Separate guest PRIME pa110 . enclsd garage. pool & patio $895/mo 5415·9950 • ui10 REAL HTATt home and private LA&Ull IEACH new carpels. drapes, Bea~f~t~ b~'.E::bs:.' lam 673-0896 $42~·S4;51mo: Br ,1, aa *F •• ECLOSl·E• p 0 0 I and s p 8 . co••E· paint. No pets $495/mo rm Avail 760-8376 c .. ,. ,,,,, 3124 ap • eame Ce• no. " n Owner wUI finance n n plus security 548-5442, • ••••••••••••••• •••... laundry rm . Pool Avail College Park. S 18.000 entire loan The It• I lrt .. fast 770-5629 Small Furn. 1 Room Cot CASA DE ORD July Call lor appl. dwn 638-4960 Agl price Is $985.000 Ptttlrflal • Npt Hghta twnhtt, 3 8R, 2 tage IOf single person In LL UTILITIES PAID TSL Mgmt 642· t603 STIUP • tlP FanlllSllC tall shelter ba lpc; yd Obie oar No Laguna Canyon N $500/mo 2 er ' Ba UP· Mbm Colt. Broltf 16 Units plus ottlce peis Se95 642-5122 cooking. sep balll e are bef ore you per unil. enclsd garage. No qualllylng 10 make 714/760-1900 $250/mo. 1st & la req 1 all bit ins la ndry this spectacular 3 Bdrm \'\Block 10 beach BEST Unit In Pentrldge 499.3907 us tom design pa 10· • ' u pool home yours Just Fee simple Cove 2 br, 2 be. lrplc. r s Pool, bbq, rm $117,900 Bkr 848--0709 Holel/Apts zoned W I D. ref rig Wlltrlall Wk1 F1111t 1ZSS rage. surrovn· TSL Mgmt 642• 1603 lily 10 'Y. llftrtll view. 1800 mo Cell •••••••••••••••••••••• ded h plush land9Ct· •Mesa Verde 2 Br 1 Ba IELP·FIRECLOSllE 11001 ltWI Jenny 559-1081 or 3 BR 2 Ba, on the lake, ping No pets. Newly relurb1shtd $95,000 1n assumable B rand New Homes & 675-4961 S850 mo Agent. 1 8r lurn $500 $495 /mo No pelt 1011ns Desirable Mesa Condos. no money down Price s99o.ooo 770·9797: 675-1854 365 W Wiison 642· 197 t 833-8974 Verde 3 Bdrm. 2 ba, while they lasl. (7 14) lit lytarot1traot 4 Br 2'1t'Ba.garage,lrl)lc, #.'I VJ• 3211 S3 DI --------pool and spa Balow mkl 546 9522 Agt 494 &410 new ly redecorated Ill•• fJ.f 75lmo x moblle hm large 3 Br 2 Ba Town. 11 1 139.900 Call Nancy,1-------'-----•u $795/mo 975-41817: •••H•OME.FOR.AENT••• Mature adults. no pelt house In quiet complex, Agl 979·8728 Iv msg llarhr Yltw lt•H 414-2lll 4105-5899 335 Ralms Ln 3 Bdrm & 4 Bdrm 1750 Quiel, secure 1991 large pool, garden set· c., •• , •••• , Owner/Agent COLLEGE PARK to S800. Fenc;ed yard• & Newport Blvd. 6"6-8373 ting_ $675 641~·3381, -:::;:;:;~= 38r, 28a. dbl car garage. i 2 patios, flagstone trplc. owner-custom bll home. S 129 950 With $29.950 down Owner wHI cerry 191 loan SAU ti TUIE • 'br, 3 be, pool, dble oar. garages !(Ids & pets S•OO Attractive lurn 1 er. _6_7_5_5_9_4_9_. ----- 3 BR, 2 BA. Spa, Auv· IEWPHT WOI S850tmo 556-1098 welcome 545-2000 den, lg patio, gar. Mature Mesa Verde 2 Br 1 ee Agent, no lee quiet tdult. No pell garage, ts1 lloor. no mable loan $239,500 Rare N.B. dplx $350,000. 3br CONDO wlpool & spe 1-213-45•·5104 pets s 4 75 / mo s• 7 5 • 1 ....... 41 Wll llM .... \ IRVINE TERRACE Price down $37.000-lee land. 3 Bdrm llorne has mini vie'\ of bay and ocean. 2 llreplacH. a large lemlly room and the owner• wm carry the 111 In.tit deed. A Hating of the Von Geldern• at &352.500. U,_.IC)Uf t1()~f'S RMl1ora, 87§!000 --MLUllfU Recently cornpt1ted cuatom unit wluNd br1ck llrepleee. Mt1dcen tllall, Vtulted celllnv• MBA tulle wlCtlhtdrtl win· dowa. 2 BA r .. r unit l pott. gut91 Qtrll Ornt tlnenclng 1386,000. A ColllnWllll 119tfn0. I • f If" • t t t .. IN •,, ( () RtaHtr, Hl-1121 Fee Owner Wiii carry $50.000 dwn. lg HIU· patio, den. Kids <>11 1595 MntMll Jtati JZll securoty $100 clunlng with 10'/o dn. by owner me bit loan at 11'1, Ow· OC·AENT ALS 750-3314 •0•0'i••• •••••••••••••• D••• ltl•I 3111 7 5 9 · 2 2 9 d 979-3923 ner wlll carry balance a1 ----------1 Btuns are• condo 4 8r • ••• ••• • •• • • •••• • • • • • • -41 w k n • ltwptrt Ort1t Otdt t2%~As~lliE 0.1. 2 e~iir~:~1~~~5 ~:~··N':.1ecp~:r& w~:~ F~;1~1g~•;;2:P,!;o st~~=~ -,5-5:-90_·~-:-2-:_2_B_r_2_B_a Sunken Liv rm wl wet bar 673-1163, 673-2160 $975/mo. 6441-55 12 63 t-6166. Dys 549-1343 Townhouses. car po<tl. & DI /• kit h • houll8s on lg lot. only IPC n rm w •O• c $7 I 000 per houN. Incl COZY 2br w/IQ gar, hk OC·RENTALS B••U•fl•• patios, all bit-Ina, lndry lsH•t Sl2,000 fl1H & nook · 3 t>drrTt plus epproved plans for 6 upa. treeay yd. now S475 1·5br'a $200 to S2000 JIM) 314 rm. small pet Ok Wont 30 year toan o we Ill at study, 3 c~p bll 5 ~n condo• Buy now & hold. QC-RENTALS 750-3314 750-331' o.,.n 7-d•~ •••••••••••••••••••••• ~s·L11 ••gmt "·2· 1..,.3 12'40c99%. 28< $96,800. from t>Ch ool. term 1• Jo~ Walt.zAI. 831·128e ... ""' ""' So. Coast Plza. MeeAr-spa 1195.500 For sale Lo• 6 BR. t>eat ""·!pie, IEAOll llllE ll.l ,'s FllEIT Af1 5. 6"2-6221 1hur Vig pp Mlchatl by owner. llt. open 7111. 1875. 6•2·0377 Mike 982-•689 649-7267 ( ... Ill) Spanlah Estate Llvlngl Flreplace. pool. dlall· SUPER NICE tbt unit By the month only BUT 8ea1.1tllu1 park·llke aur-washer. pvt JHltio. X LG Owner w l dl1count Ir OCEAN FRONT carport. bit-Ins l330 only 1900/mo tOf 2 8f 2 rou nd ing•. Terraced Garden 2 Br 1560. I 129.000 10 I 110,000 fOf BY OWNER. XLNT LOC. CC-RENTALS 7so..33 1' 8a. wtlk to bMc;h. Avtll. poot. Sunken gaa bbq, _5_5_7_·2_8_41_1 ____ _ c •ah 2 BR 2 ~ ba FLEX. FIN 6"0·7990 ,,.,. ,,, #all 1111 ----------1 from June 20. sperllllng fountains. Large 1 Br. Eatelde. na- t w n II m . S 1 3 5 O mo· liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 br, 1 b•S550. AllO 2 br. Spaclov• rooma. Sept · tural wood beamed eel· 053--0178 eva ftlUILLll LaOulnta • 2 IOll, .. ell 1 ba 1450. 2852 Santa 28r. bOtl Pell 1500/wtl rate dining area. Walk-In llnga & cabinet•. Light & 2 bdrm. 2 bath upgraded 5011100, aide t>y lide • Ana A"9. 851-6228 clO•a. home title llltcl\o-airy. 1•26. 851-0622 ESTATE SALE lilS.SOO Thi• 3 Bdrm l"lomt mull be aold. CASH TALKS. FHA-VA OK. Cell S.0-1151 for more deteltt condoe with ~n view cloH to countr y club 3 8 2 n • ......__ 1Br, boat OOk 1400/wtl en & cablnela. Walk to btwn 3.5 area • apPr ••••d at r. ... .......... com-... -••a•n H·-t"""'ton ,.._,., ---------St cur11y guard, pool, ....... , ..... renovated. ....._.,.,. - --· .... .,.., l 1 ·n. ...,._ Nl.lft•. ~bhouM & lllb ta.000.... w/Mll for M. ..,... _, ·~1 PW ••·1~ 1 8drm-f\irn. SllOS ttge ... -·· new Q 0 0 0 t I . CU h on Ir. loceted. waAllng dil1anc41 -· .. ·-1 2 n .. rm-tum from l605 al\Opt, pool, all utlt pd, parking. ood financing. 192 8350 7P achOOla " atlopt)lng,,,.., 11M111 ..., 1 8 8 4 M o n r o v I • S247.000to 1276,000. 71'· • art M Cllarlall Hallet Perk on ---------2 Bdrm Townl\Ol.IN furn. 6'e.--OSS8 #NlllW, ...,,, 18th St. o.y. t2t-1537, 4 Br 3 Bt. t>Mut. decOf. from 18111 ---------,_.,, lfll Evea '52· 132• lrg deck. tab. V\I, guer· 1&28r, 5-4 1&4415 mo. utn .... •••••••••••••••••••••• I• I PITS • d • d g • t • • H . H "'::,~ • pd, cHen. ~. C)OOI. no ~.~! ...... !.~ ~~! -,·~~~:!'! EA8T81DI 2 er. oarage. S270011no. LA QUINTA ~EAM08~ =·~.: WOtlllnO Builder anxloua, leaH w/ • & •• ~ HH/r110 . 8•2·20f0. 3 8r 3Ba, vu. pool, tan· -... ..;._ ........... -... -,-.-.-1-... ,...--d-lo opuon to pvrClltM Only R lty :! ~\,,=1 .;;:, Me-4t48 n I•. 1, u a rd ad oat• ::r ~11 ~ ~i ~.":f ~";OOm.;;.. to ooc. 4 homH remalnlnt lido 8Q A I I II mt t 0 an . ID&,_ 11700 lnO fdlnfe' getage, ... IO. M6-7a14 La ... for 17.IO pr eq h. 7 30Q (71')111-~ •-•..u s a 4 ldnn, s la, iec,. 6 3-7 · 4 Ir. PGOU..,.. :f 1"-I Its aa, den, beyfron1, Mr-1 a.., ........... , t nne. fenctd yard 1~~~~~~~~~1 l...,W~.!!.......,11111~ =~~:;~.:=-,n= poH .• b~!:.!1~.LM! Qutt l Junior a , '"· 1111010 wltll oarpon • 711 •• lomt wl ooHn vi•••· -• ..,,......,_ b 1 1 a "' lllldl, ._ ...... _... ... ,rom tt71. Pool, rec. pello. ftOd & tta.. Ho l"!!!!!~!!~~~!!!!I Located In Ceplatrano Hemlftllf ioo., for .o.IO .:J~ O tit.Of~~· Dovl• oop, 111. f't l rm .. M41na, enott4I t•· .-., NM .... , .. , Ir I H Ch. Ct ll for eppt TIAll IPO't fltNna ... Call . ,,.., • Mu,, ... , .. , , .... 1no1 ~tit CONDO 1'0" IALI IN _.,_,_o-_*4______ W• want J•rt•r vllw \ll4ld)ot JN-1ttt I bt, 1 .. ""*• "*' HtfbOt V... Hl!M I It. I ....,, ..,.,... llr ~ :~.,.. ...... """" ••--litw Neut ~ lw, ..,, 1MMOw In T ..... Deft. :!: ' rm"n .. •'1• ....... ..,, .. ha. .... ~A!!!!_M._!.htu. ,'!!."! O ~ •omo In H••ll .. M VllW LOT.,., .... ,, =.:•!!•~=· ~ .. ~·:ir.r:-~a.--6 ff ..... .-·a .. O\ltt ... peymtftta~, :· LNMllltllO!Not1••·1o1. ,..a..*'"" ............. :&.ii."' ........ Mil' ,.,,.., '""'· .. arr-·· , e:m· ·.-ltsi!i 000 .....,, Ctll now 1 M1 400tc •t + •••" Ho ~ u" 19\ • t,. 1 t1". dll "" • J4llt ti t1• 1111 .,., ,. • rt J.==============~""11.J.:1tttl!l.L...,..._...:~~·--· L-..=:..:.:::=.:..:..,:..:.:.:._J::•:•,..,====''!:!.!!!.. ........ ,.,.... ...... "" .._..,.. . ., l .. u~.'.7At1!ou~~r le"6!!tfl •••• ~ •••••• f.'!tf~.'l.~f!ftt ••... Your homa. Dyl , t v... Ct ment•M .. onry·l look ~ .•.•....•...•. ORYWALLIACOUSTIO Rep11r1, n-& old. 11 Y" axp. Dud 662·8882 ,,d. .. -.!~ ...........• ~~!!~·.i •.•........... MAVL\NG.QAAOINO demollllon, olnn•up Concrete & trH remov11 Oulok Hrv. 842·7838 ~~'!!!!~"'········ r!r.!.1~i ............. fn!t!!!!~~!!.'!.~'!! ••• ::uetom w•llP•e>erlng, 811!CA£TARIES TO 00 wllncl1, tamPOFaty. HIOh· Wallll-Oual. work. LIO. ly quallfltd tltttta. Llc, •381007 Rob 0•7·2683 bonded. Cherlottt'a Sit· Orlvea. patio•, watke. Free teta Agena~. 420 62nd Mt No Job 100 email TREii Topped/rt movtd. Cltan up. lawn renov 78 t•3476 HOVMOIH nlnQ ... malnl & repair Sherry 831·8 148 • ABO MOVING • Quick, Cart ful Service FrN e1tlmt1H 082·04 tO 11ll1l11ot10n gua~antHd, Your Olllce or Oura Fot ffl Franll. 776-0714 Elflclent1R4lll11>i. for 1 30 day ad In tht 81 8'40·3748 &36·2807 Wall tellturH·ACOuttlC H1ng-TIPt•8tMI llU<ll MOWING • CLEAN UPS Hauling • Land1cap1ng HAULING & MOVING LC>O•I Student wltruok Lewi• 876-8180 Thorough old·laahloned Complete houn cltt· ntng. ST ARVINO COLLEGE STUD!NTS MOVING CO LtC T 12<4-<438 lntur•d 6<4 1-ll<427 WATCH US GROWi ln·hOUM Word Proc;. r!~!!!!I.~.'~{'. • • ••• •• No minimum Cl<42·0ff9 NIU PILtT ~~l!~t .......... c •• ,,,,,.,,, ,.,,,,, Lie 38984• 1•832-61148 Free ell. 8<42·99 7 Ji ii 539·81119 ED'S PLAST!RINQ CLERICAL SERVICES ALL TYPES INT /f)(l Bkllpg• Typtno•Fllea lllYIOI llllOTHY ''"'" , .. ,,.. ··Aetiooii:,AoO.oNr· DRYWALL TAPING All Texture• & Acouetlc Free 811 Kevin 876-9088 Mow. edge. rake, aweep, spring 011111-up, haul Chuck 642·2873 bot 9 am ,-,a-u-ll-ng_&_Q_u1_c_k _c_11_a_n--u-p-. f !~~!~~~I.••••••••• T1ioure1 Patching PU/del. avall 842-H 18 FREE EST 8<46·8268 Smoooolhe<I S"<40..C478 & Carpentry. Llc'd. 2& IJHll/111 ~dt, garagt1, fOb•altH , & John Mull•MY & Son• prop mg mt Rt ck Concrate, brick, wood 831·0886, Krl• 831·0953 dteka. rtlendtcaplng & ~~!~!!~I. ............ . -1111.t1111 PLASTER PAT CHINO • •••• ••••• ••••••••••• DO If NOW! ... ,., ... ,,. Your Dally Piiot Sorvlct Dlr901ory CdJHI #dla yre Hp, lrwtn 548·27~9 •• •• • ••• •• ••• • !l .. • • • • Fin• Flnt1hed Cerpentry Restuccos Int/ext 30 SERVICE & REPAIR Cabl,,.te & Carpentry Remod. Speo. Randall ....••.•••............ ELECTR1CIAN -Prlcad right, free Htlmate on large or email Jobe. R11ld. Cln·uP•. garden aorv, matnt, tree trim. Frff eel. 84t·1098 Wiiiy trH removal 770-2953 H1u11ng-11ud1nt w/truck Low ratoa, rtllable VANOl!N9ERO FIH HllTIH by Richard Sinor Lie 280844 13 yr~ ol hllPPY local customer• yrs Neat Paul 645·2917 V1m Oppens Servtoe Co. (714) 836-<4088 r!~!!~!!'1........ ... . . -,-u-.-------- Repreaontallve Small /ob• & Rtpalre Lie. 419687 720-1280 Free eat mates 6<46-2003 ---------COMM'L/RESIO Lie. 396821 873-0359 f~!~8.!'~ .•.••.••.••. Ron'e Otrdtntng· 8 yra ume area. Ou1111tr ti reas rata• M a nt/ 1and1cape NBtCdM 875-9388. Thank you. S 11118 LANDSCAPING 759·0128 Malnl., tOd, planting, aeed l1wn1. CIH n•UPI & Thank you, 63 t-4<4 tO ,,,,,,,, Pl11•ftl11 •••••••••••••••••••••• Your lull eorvlCfl plumber Cullom Ceramic Tile 142·1171, Ht. HJ FENCES & DECKS Mark Robinson Const. Remod-Add'n•· Ropalra Very re11. Lie. 3902~ Jecll H Bennett. Jr LIC'D ELECTRICIAN Oual work-Rees rat81 Free 811. 631·5072 Tom HAULING & DUMP trim. Llc'd. 979-51<46 JOBS. Atk lor Randy. PAINTER NEEDS WORKI 30 yr1 exp, Int/ EAter Acoustic ceilings Davia Painting 847-5186 IU·U30/140·Ul2 Prompt Call Chuck 675-1408 dys Oen. Contr. 562-9 t42 Bonded & lnwrtd ELECTRICIAN Since 1976. 754~959 641-8427 FRIE EITlllATH PROF. SERVICE Sod. eprlnkter & thrub !D ELL 24 hr 141-1121 f 111 S1rvie1 plu•~•r tto • • •• • • • • •• • • • • •• • • • • • • ~e~!~ ............. . Driveways. Parking Loi Repairs, Seatcoallng. S&S Aaphlt 631-4199llc Dan Hallberg Grading & Paving Co. Res/Coml. LIC. 39780<4 842· 1720 A•l•••tlv• •••••••••·•··········· Protesslonal Auto Clea- nlng, Waxing, Pollahlng The Oettlters 640-5199. Automobile Air Cond. Repair 160 Wells Place CM Bontekoe 548-5208 ~~~l.!~'!!~t .......... . Reliable Mother wtll ba· byslt, hot meals. lg play area. Reas. 548·4523 RETIRED Lady WOUid like to Babysit In your home 2 nltes e wk CdMINpt Bch. area. Needs trans· portatlon Have reteren· ces 548-7802 CornerS1one Carpentry Sp&c In Patio Covers Free est 498-4814 f~!r..1.l!!!I!~ ....... . No Steam/No Shampoo Stain Speclellst. Fast dry Free est 839-1582 Crpts lnstalltrepelred Flood damage. Steam clng. 554-8510. 973·6588 Shampoo & steam ctean Color brighteners, wht ttpls • 10 min bleach. Hall, llv/dln. rma $ t5; avg roorr> $7 50; couch S 10; chr $5. Ouar ellm. pet odor Crpt repair. 15 yre up Do work myself Reis 531·0t01 EXCEL CARPET CARE Jack Bullington Owner/operator Carpet, uphol, area rug cleaning Work guar. Free Est 645-1771 11.J. Mldf•H .... Ltc 308888. RemOdet. add'ns. cabinets 8<48-8588/845·4844 ........... 1, ......... .. Free est. Reas. prlCH. Oual work. Lie. 337169 631·2345 General Contractor Ind., comm'I, res Lie 333217. 557 -1738 f}'.~'!~.~~~~!~. Kit. Remod .. ceramic Ille. cabinets Call now • tree Sml Jcbs/Repatra. Uc. 233108-C-10. 648-5203 Etectrlcal Contractor Ind .. Comm. Rea Lie 333217. Ph 557-1738 lllHTlll ELIOTIUO We don't make you wait Lie. 370889. 63 1-7823 RESIDICOMM'L/IND. 20 yrs. Do my own work Lie. 2780+1 Al 648-8128 f!!'.t.i~ ..•••...•....• WOOi FHOlll Froo estimates 645-8258 estimate 642-0881 FIHr Covtd•• ---------............. , ....... . Cstm decks & patio co-CRPT·LINO-WOOO vers. Free ests. refs Installed/repaired Greg P r o m P t s e r v I c e uc:. 3692660 t-240-3082 648-2335 Tim --------f•r•it•11 ••liaid Dt•11tie •••••••••••••••••••••• • ••• • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • •• • Furniture 4 kit Chen reflnt· *KATRINA'S LIVE-IN hsk prs. dally maid ser v. olllce cleaning. crpt shlng Make your horr>e beautiful Jell 956· t 894 WILL BABYSIT S 1/Hr March to your phone to cleaning. 835-2116 8 wks-2'" yrs M-F. place a last-acting cl••· ---"'------ Make your shopping ea- sier by using the Dally Piiot Claaalfled Ada. 8arr>-6pm C.M. 642-2995 sifted ad. 8'42·5878 Classllted Ads 6-42-5878 AYlllH LHll•oa•l•s Tree trim, gen. olnup1, cement wo•I< fl'ree eat. Call 540· 1604 anytime. fired ol gardener11 who only mow & •dge? Call Phil (714) 891-9801 Jeule's Gardening Clean-ups. tree trim & main!. serv. 540-8035 !'.~~~,!'!~~ ........... . HOME IMPROVEMENT REPAIR-PLUMBING Carpentry, elec, Ille. Free est No Job too srr>all 645-2811 EXPERT HANDYMAN Carpentry • Rooting Ptumblng, etc. 642·6013 LOU'S HOME REPAIR Etec·Carpentry-Plumb Plaster-Stucco-Paint Reas prices 675-4558 ~-!~!~a..t .....•.......• DUMP JOBS & Small Movmg Jobs Call MIKE 646·1391 Hauling . yrd clean up lnatalletton. Our work Quick & clean. Free es1 only look a eicpenalve 673-05"8 Check our prloee belore you buyl Lie. 204518 Call Judy. 8<46·155t. u.,.... .., ........ , ~~~!!!!~~~!!I ....... . ROBIN'S CLEANING Service • a thoroughly clean hOuse. 5<40·0867 Exper11ae Housekeeping We furnish vacuum & supplies. Vanessa 971-4838 HOUSECLEANING IS OUR BUSINESS! Janice's Raggedy Ann ~~.f!!~~~! ..•......... MAGICAL ILLUSIONS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Reis Steve 968·6483 ~~!!,!r ............. . BRICKWORK. Small Jobs Newport. Costa Me58, Irvine Reis 675-3175 EXTERIOR PAINTING Custom work Free est Reas + fine Int & stal· nlng Steve 547-4281 RALPH'S PAINTING tntle>1t Rea&. rates Rel Free est 538-9898 B&M Painting ({ Tiie Fr" est tntteict & stains. 10 yrs In OC Spec rate on apl5. Call 24 hrs. 1·995-3488 collect HOUSEPAINTING In & out Free est Est. 10 yrs 675-2514 Fireplaces-Planters Call Bruce 972-0116 Joan's Cleaning Service BBO'a-Pa11os-Veneer 1nt1Ext, lowest rates Houses-Apts-Rentals Reis Free eel 646-0484 prompt. neat service. 10 Olltces 540-1287 E•pert Masonry Ouatlty yrs in a1ea 848-5684 Oeneral Houaecleanlng. workmanship, reallsttc Reliable, reta 10 yrs exp. prices. Reis 55 t-4555 962-0510 alt. 4 _O_u_a-llt_y_H_o_u_a_e_cl_e_a_nl_n_g_ ~!!~'!f .. • • •. • • • • • • • •. with a Personal Touch Beth 556-0158 '1ome Cloanlng. honest, reliable. hardworlllng & references. 554-4454 •A-1 MOVIH* Top quality. Special care 1n har1dllng 25 y1s exp Competitive Rates No overtime. 730· 1353 r~~~;!'~ ••••.•..••••. Farthing Interior Design HANGING/STRIPPING Visa-MC Sco11 645-9325 ASA PAPERHANGING 7 y1s local exp Guar work Prices start al $8/roll. Alec 751-7027 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn'.t sell, we'll run It another 3 LINES 1!!."!~!!!'!l/.~~l!.i! ... U4'111·0t1l1•·llt1111". Fre11 est Reas P"c.AI& Ouul work Lie 337 169 631·2345 ~."!!!~I. ............. . vHENRY ROOFINGv Shake·Shlngtes-Comp Lie 415232 548-6213 Hube/ Aoof1ng-all types New-recover·decks Lie a 411802 548-9734 ~~!'.~~!~!~i!'.i( •.•.•.•.• BUDGET RA TES Lo 1nin Srnl IObS OK Lie F1ee est, 10s 64t-7581 Scr11a1 ....•................. MOBILE SERVICE Rescreens/New screens NB/CM only 642·9552 !;elllng anything with a Dally Piiot Ctassllled Ad la a simple matter _ juet call 6<42-5878. JAY TREE CARE. tompl serv & sturr>p gr1nd1no Lie d. ins 640-9308 HERITAGE TREE SERV Complete tree car& 17 y111 t1xper Dan S5., 5377 r.o.'.o.'!!'1. ..•••.••••••• Most sub1ects K· 14 Oay-evu-summer S 10wk Mr Morgan 645-5176 ~~'!~!!t: .~!~~'!!'!t ..... ' Let !he Sunshine In' Call Sunshine W1n<1ow Cleaning, Ltd 548-8853 20% Monthly 01scoun1. \AR SPARKLE all wndws. bo1h sides. screens & tracks Honest depen· Oable Guar no streaks Reas pnces 540·5654 For Ctass1lled Ad ACTION Call a Dally Pilot AO-VISOR 642-5678 days FREE. One item per ad , must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non-tafundable. E•tra llnta 11.00) 3 3DAYS CLASS1F1Eos642-5678 I f!!!. ~.!.o.-.~~ .... !.~q~ f!!!. ~-!.o.".~~ ..•. !.~'!!I r!!!!!'J.1.' •••••••• !.~~~ Found Irish Setter F N Lei Go 01 Alcohollsmt FOUND ADS ~i:'.!4~6esa Call all 5. FOHTAll VALLEY 5750 up 2160 It tndv-ARE f Foun .. Sp11nger Spaniel . Prime 01t1ce tacllity loca-striat • Ottlce 1808 t Re-REE Hunt State Beach 713 .. . Real Estate-the Complete Orange Coast Market Place te<l directly across lrom dondo Circle a E Hunt· 963·2911 A,.1t.1all A,.rl•Hll AIM1la1al1 Soa•fl l1•t•l1 4200 l,.l•/1 lo Sll•11 4300 Civic Center. easy ac-1ngton Beach. 842-2834 C II --------1 Uala1ai11'H U•l•r•i•llH u.1.,.J11'H •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• cess to lrwys. lleiclble a : Fouitlo Yorkshire Tamer. •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••EMERALD BAY, Lag Bal. Is 3 br house, olfice suites from OFFICE WAllENOISE 142_1171 715 , Magno11a/Talbert Colli ffll• . JIZf H•11li•1l1a N111N1t '-•tll 3169 Front row Spectacular nonsmkr prol M /F. 235-1430 sq. It For ad-Approx 200on V1e10 964-9762 962-2937 FV •••••••••••••••••••••• le•ell 3140 ••••'°;•••••••••••••••• white water view. pv1 $250 + Ulll 873-0468 alt d1t1onal inlo call (714) 545-0215 ~~~~~~~~~ Found Blk/whl Shellie •••••• ••••••••••• ••••• LIDO BEAUTIFUL 2 Br bch 3Br & den. 2· .. ba • 7 D y ... lie .,,,,,,, w.. 1-~ ~600 -M v I c Bush a r Cl I Condo, 2 br, 2 ba. Vlllag --lrplc. patio. adults .. -achy Avail July Aug ' ' ' " • n .. LOST DOG blk & wht y k HB 963 "70 4. a63 Fae· pool. spa. WlllFFLmEE $1050 875-8359 .,., • . . Mature nonsmkg F to shr &41·1020 •••••••••••••••••••••• . or town ·c 4 tennis $645/mo Call Pa · Sept Agl 494 0029 2br Laguna charmer Mature quiet lady, non Sm terr> Newland/ 540 8497 t & 2 Br Discount on 2 Br 1•.; Ba Townhouse $300 incl u111s 493-0707 NEWPORT BEACH smoker. no pets, have Talbert HB REWARD FOUND Fem collie El • some models. Poot, Spa. v"'.,; .. ••al•/14250 "Turn Key" Oll1ce $390 furn rel's. 494-5650 848-2973 Dorado Cly lie VIC Ed· STUNNING large 2 Br G Y m . Sauna • et t style AdSults pr et . no •••••••••••• •••••••••• SAVE MONEY 'Branch" otllce $ 75 Housing, R• B •or well Lost Malamute. 6 mos war Os & Sia ter H 8 848-0819. P e t s 4 5 0 I m o OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br Will share my beautiful S .. • 842-2 t 76 Ba. garden apt . pool 5<48 2682 1 em1nar meeting roorr>s mannered M student. old Choker chain. Cst ----------• ~i65/mo 7t0 W 18th $400oolturna.or18u99nlurnFI. 1,s,r .. S.. ~ll•~•ll 3116 :::,~e~o:73~7~e7~Y thru N.B hOme 846-5355 hourly Ty~lng. rr>alhng. age 17 attending Laguna Hwy & Riverside Ave FOUND Very old Olack p . 59 2 or d •••••••••••••••••••••• c M 2 Br. E side. S225 & phones ell tor into Bch HI 1_ 774_3344 NB Reward 2803 w Cst terr> Clog Vic Irvine & Lrg 2 Bdr, In 4.ptex. 54.co 842-283'1. 8<42-3172 Adult, Studio. stove, re-l1al1/1 II S1'111 4300 •., uul 1st last & dep 752·6408. Hwy 645-6351 22nd SI NB 646-1929 pr mo. no pets 557-2333 Near beach 2 Br. ,.,.., a.. frlge. ullls. $275/mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• 645• 1826 Airport area • t~ec. Sul· l••i•111/l•n1I/ Lost dog. German shor-Lost 9 yr old crosseyed alt 6/wknds crpts. drps, bit-Ins. trplG, $560 move In. 498-8452 OO M Fem pret to shr 4br tes From 225-450 sq It Fi•••t• thalr pofnter. brown/ Siamese "Cha1ya , Irv enclsd garage S595/mo . ..,Hl•i'•llll 31,.1 " M ATE twnhse 1n Nwpt. pool & ~1 P~~~q70tt.0Many xtras •••••••••••••••••••••• while. 7/4 641-5170 Hor Reward S59-4774 USTSllE Call 538-0921 !"!'••••••••••••••••• .~. flllDERS sec $250/mo 720· 1328 all · 1 l•1ia111 & Sari Diego Fwy Lost Passport, 2 bdrm. 1 ba. 11ew car· •Clean older 2brl Iba. n eves TOP LOCATION. Harbor-~f!rtui!( SOOS Lost male Shaggy wht Sharareh Rouham Pets. paint• no pets 2 br w/patlo Nr Beach & gar .. yard. S550 utll pd. Oldest & largest agency Baker Cen!er 3011 23 d s s 960-6690 $ 4 2 5 1 6 2 T u I I p Indianapolis. $475/mo MtF 10 shr 2Br. 2Ba apt · • • •• •••• • •• • • ••• • • • og, nr ear & unllo-631.6155 536•50t6. (2131693•7040 752-5822. 641-1 460 All clients screened with on bch in Balboa $450 Hart:>or BIO CM 580 & SWIMMING Pool Chem1-wer c M. 7-4 545.1419 1Br, tBa Quiet & secure t920 Wallace Ave 760-8376 photos & references mo + ., ulll 675_4074. 1 2 5 o sq t 1 Mgr cal st1rv1ce lie Costa lost btk M puppy w tan 1') ml to beach, 2 br. 2 AIM1la1al1 F•r•i11'ttl Credits CosmopoHtan 833.1550 645-8100, 5<49-1366 Mesa area No exp nee Lost Camera. Vera Gas-legs & lace. Victo11a & oa. bate .. tennis, pool & •r Ual•ra 3900 Good Morning America. Will fra1n $50.000 lull sen, Neat Seav1ew & Canyon. CM Reward spa $595 213-831-'1064 •••• ••• ••••••••• •••... The Tomorrow Show Fem looking tor same to 2nd floor walk·uP oll1tes. amoun1 req'o Wiii net M argue r1 I e Cd M 840-3893 or 1-734-4343 SEAWllD •••11ort U 1· 1111 hn<l & sh• apt 975·4067. $ 125 & S 165 mon!hly $40 000 plus Call col-673-4497 Found Lhasa Apso. Nr $300 Tbr Oplx 1n qwet Oelu11e poolside, xtra lar-W t t 11 .. 3 ... 12 832-4689 Debbie Utils pd Crpts drapes 1ect. Mon-Fri . ask tor Lost July 41h PM trom Edwards & Stater HB safe courl tor non smo-. ge 2br 2ba. bllns. VILLAGE ti •11 r v-.. N t B h /I II h Pane 111 n g Cd M Rudi . 9 -6 PM Bristol/Warner Santa Call 842 003610 ldentlfu Don't let alcoholism pull you 10 sell-<1estruct1on Let 90 A live a ute of sobr•ety with the help ot The Moorings With a nationally recognized ou1pat1ent Heatrr>ent program you never need to oe hospllallzed. miss time lrom wor~. or lime lrom your family Mor. ning & evening programs ava11ab1e & insurance approved TNE llOORIHS 1653 E Lincoln. Orange 4647 Long Beach Blvd Long Beach Call 1-100·422· 7175 *** Atlantis Parlor Open 24 hrs a day 7 <lays a week Jacui21. Sauna Locals as well as !ourisu BankAmencard, Master Charge. Amencan Ex- press. Diners All wet- c o rr> e 7141645-3433 21 t2 Harbor Bl CM Your Car Reflects You Custorr> Wa• & Detail Reas • Tony 54 7-8241 ker dswhr. t1'> miles beach. & wp c rm w u se 752-1830 408-867 O t 11 · ' w/prev rental rel Adults. no pets. $500mo New 1 2 bdrm. luxury priv Nr Back Bay $225 Ana. Male Terrier mix. Found apricot Poodle on COEDS Would love 10 956 W 17th 548•3829 536_8382 apts in 14 plans 1 Bdrrr> fttAA&fPt\ mo. 1st last 642-8811 4 deluxe ot11ees. strategic Jl .. ITOlllAL thin . !an/brow n m x B th C 11 5 from $515 2 bdrm rrom ......... location on Beath Blvd " July 4th. rookhurst & party w1 you a ue •2 Br tower. s42oimo. * $395 mo 2Br. 2Ba. $570, Townhouse tr om NB prof M will shr lge HB Front exposure. lge Want a business ol your ~~~;~~ai~n~;:~sn 1~0~:'. Yorktown. HB 968-2520 ~;3 ~;6t3h y any 11 me new crpts & paint, child pool. patio. kids OK, no $640 + pools. tennis. ROOMMATE SERV Harbor View horr>e w 61gn area. 65~ sq fl own tor minimum cost? thew Call anyllrr>e AMI Found Yng Fem Lao rr>1~ ---------- ok. no pets 2265 Maple. pets. Lndry 646-9666. waterfalls, ponds! Gas Moving? Avoid deposits ad u 11 3 5 + $ 3 7 5 Ownr 213-450-6555 Call an e11pert -guaran· PM REWARD blkl wnt chest. West- 645-9494 960_7484 for cooking & heating Cut hving e11penses1 760-0802 ieed profit •n 30 days 979-3666 64 t-3009 Iv m1ns1er & Go1<1en,,.;est E. I pa1<1 From San Diego 833 Dover Or Ste 2 MI F. 3 or hse nr och in A1rp*o•tlEAW•ePaO. "e•Tec*su11e Complete set-up plus msg 842·8173 .!'!l.!f~!'!! .........• IBr upstairs. no pets. rel MARINERS WALK Frwy drive North on Newport Beach ous1ness consul I ant -~ 1015 req $340 rr>o 352 Vic Lge 2 & 3 BA apts, yards. Beath to McFadden to 131·5332 H B s23 7 (!>hr bath). e•pands, classy surroun-850-0219 FOUND Black fem <109. Founel Fem Germ Shor-{~~.'..Vf!!'.'.r::'. ••• •••••• torta 645-6161 encl gar. tplc. from $575 Se a w 1 no v 111 age ----------• : 3 0 0° 8~ 0 w n b a 1h 1 dings p1ot atmosphere Children's Book Store ~July 4. 18th & Newport !hair recently hael PUP· Nurse seeks night duty. t2 2 b 1' b I ' OW Children Ot< 840·6807 (7t4)893-5198 M/F non-smkr to share _4_1_._1 ______ has 120 lo 250 sq II Of· in fast-gro~1ng Sa""le-CM 642-5618 pies. vie NB 675·8468 hr shill. $70 Xlnl long r. ' a. rp c. · P Prom Pt 2 Br 2 Ba LIVE AT THE BEACH llces & desk space trom ~ u .. patio. gar No pets AVAILABLE NOW • ~ooo S · back Valley 831· 1688 un<l blue-eyed young Foun<l Fem German case refs 675 20SS ,520/mo. 543_5478 ftH•I .. tennis, bay view 375 Female to share Balboa 285/mo including conf ---------hit t 11 8 t s Night duty 2 Bdrm 1 bath. t child •••••••••••••••••••••• 546-6729. 673-7814 istan<l house $285 incl rms. recept1on1s1. ans· Amway Dist will show w e ca ' co ar. aypor hepherel. un<ler 1 yr. _.::.._ _ __: ____ _ 1 Br upper. enctsd ga OK Nopets.Waterpald Room wlthkltchenprlv Nr 6759142 p ol b 1 Way.NB.642-1256 blu collar . Ca1ny HI ~ ttd 1100 $3 t5 A 11 , $425 mo 545-2000. shopplng center & bu-Prot to shr Condo. house. _u_1_11 __ -______ wenng service. lots ol Ar us5o5 5y9o0u5i own F d d 846-6109 eves •• ~'/. •• !!'. •••••••••••• rage. va now Agent, no fee. sline. H.B 962-7520 all amenities $285 Pror M non·smkr. 28-35 parking. WP & Tix avail ppt call 4 · oun me sz black F ~;g~·.9905 leave mes,_L_•.:-•-.-,-,_-,-t-i--3-1_4_1 -F-ln_r_e_s_p_t_le_a_n_M_/_F_.-3-1 _6_6_2_-_2_44_9_._9_6_6_·8_4_7_9 __ , to sh r NB ho"" e 833-9978 lav••l•t•I g°a· ~;;~7g~5 ~~: r;;;~· F~~"sd. ~~~':?e ~1~~~~ '2 ----------1 .. ,.'!••••••••••••••••• rms ba1l) kit h 1 Shr beaut 4 br home w $375/mo 631-1266 Die-S300/up. Carpets. drapes. Yorllsh1re CM 631 2860 Tr1-P1ex 2 Br 1 Ba n TWO Sty. steps to bch. poot'avall. beautcNpr~~,; lrplc & pauo. Back Bay na air 17301 Beach, H.B .••• 'ff.•.-.~'!. ••••••• !.~~~ Found: F Germ Shorthair - carpet, tndry hk-up, gar 2Br. 2Ba frptc. decks, 2 home $750 or $250 rm+ are a S 2 2 0 -2 5 0 G I • I ~350 842·2834 Pointer. lvr/whl. M m1-P•110•1/1 535D $450/mo No pets •11•11101 "'• ,. · liiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiliiiiiiliiim Motton picture seeks In-d B · btkl ht · iara,....• No pets refs $100 dep. 760-8242 blr 642 1683 '• xe asen11 w •••••••••••••••••••••• 675 0500 v-• . 2PM --·--------1 •••• ••••••••••••••••• vstr $2,520.000 Dist & puppy M Spaniel lvrl • . 900 mol yrly Agt Share 3 bdrm condo. Storage garage for rent *S U IT E DEALS* albumarng 5<48-0788 wht F mlxedTemerbrn THERAP~XJ~C MAS 2 Br. Eastslde, gar/patio _4_9_4_-_85_3_6 ______ ,_N_e_a_r_O_C_,C_. _p_o_o-1.-W-,-o-.1 pool. 1ac, racq ball Cts, on Balboa Peninsula O.C .. Airporl area. Pror. M mixed Sflephero blk/ for Men & w omen. by ~ 4h3 i/~ 0 n pol u ~ osge~ Walk to beach, 3br, 2•1, s 1 7 o . non. s m k r . Ten Cts $300 848-8767 ~~~!· 1~f~-~:4o;e. IO''i ,. environment, full service. #oatr, W••IH 5030 tan M mixed Lab brn/ certilied masseur. NB 645_1387 baths. ocean view. pool. 730-9326 Alter 5pm. or no lrllls Individual of· ••••• •••••••••••••••• wht puppy F mixed 760-3825 tennis. pr1v corr>m. call Male seeks pty 10 shr HB Single garage Costa lices or desk space 150 Need $30,000 3r<l TD. Cock er brn puppy M.1 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Fred 6 6 t . 5 7 9 1 0 r Attn· medical student or home nr bch S390 Ans Mesa s65/rr>o. Storage sq It • 3500 sq fl 1 MO very large equity water-Golden Retr. gold. M. 11 IEWPOllT 497-5454. S1000 mo nurse Pv1 rm & bath. Ad 682· 842·43oo. 24 only 20th St. 631·0921 FREE 759-8978 front Mme 642-5583 Doxie blk/brn. M. Pood-Ll•IA I YICll'S APAllTMEITS $50tmo to the right hrs le, wttt. F Poodle whl PHOTO MODELS . #fll'Nlf .. lei 3165 person. Lag B ch MIF to shr 3 br. 2 ba Garage for rent 20x32 nr MOllJ f. I I lbb M I d ESCORTS/DANCERS 2 Br Childrens section ••• -;1;•••••••••••••••• 494-4163 house, CM 2 bllls trom N w Pt & 19th C M VIEW OFFICE "''!'l'l"1 HI w r ons m xe -$320/mo. plus ullls In-NO FEEi Apt. & Conde -------• 0 C C $ 2 2 5 Imo 640-8107 Well-appointed otflce w/ o..11 5035 Basse!I brn/wht puppy OUT CALL 2<4 HRS rant only No pets No rentals. Villa Rentals House privileges, ut1ts ---------Nvwpt view. Approx l ,OOO •••••••••••••••••••••• NB Animal Sheller 125 111·0207 waterbeds 2450 New-675-4912 Broker paid $250 tor Christian 545-1370 Garage tor rent. $80 mo. sq 11 I.I. SAmEll Mesa Dr. CM. 644-3656 I•--------· por1 Blvd w 0 r k 1 n g w 0 m a n Employed single women Costa Mesa 856· 7100 Mort1a10 Ct. 110, •SPACIOUS 2 BR '_5_4_5·_6_1_0_7_. -----1 with I chil<l <leslres to 957-2740 aft 6PM S •· Two slory oltlce sulle peclallzlng In 1st & 2nd 2 Ba. Swimming pool. Steeping room with kltch. lessen her rent e~pendi· Single garage, dbl bolt. avail In w Costa Mesa. TD's since t949 carpets. drapes. clean & private b ath & entrance. ture Seeking living sl· Costa Mesa $60 mo Call Books on Tape. Robt. Sattler NH/CM bright, Business & prof COUNTRY CLUB LIVING laundry tactl. Furn 11ngte, tuat1on In a large hlle w/ S1orage only 851-2175 548•5525 (esk tor Jo) RE Broker Bd Realtors people. $450 No pets. u 11 I pd S 3 O O /mo. single lather to coordl· 642-217 t 545-06 t 1 546-4827. 731-8829. IN NEWPORT BEACH j4Q.7987 nate household & tamtty 121120 Garages for rent CdM dlx suite. A/C, ample 2 Br 1 Ba w/ crpts, drps. yard, E/slde. $595/mo. 875-5088 Spacious 1 Br & 2 Br 2 Ba $350-$475. deluxe. new carpets. drapes, goOd eastslde locatfon, Mature adults only Ma· nager 147 E. 18th St. "4". E.slde cute atudlo apt. vaulted cettlnga. pV1 pa- t Io. S<42 51mo. Joyce Wattle, 63t-1266 agt. Spac. 2Br. 28a twnhse, garage. pV1 patio. bltns, n r ehop $500 mo, 6<42·5668 A 10181 environment 1----------1 while rr>alntatnlng her pvt ent ry. stora~e or pkg. ullt pd. 2855 E Cst WIDOW HAS $$S tor TO's apartment community on B1l1l1 #111/1 4100 present emptoyrr>ent & cars. $80 mo 846· 556 Hwy 675.5900 RE Loans. 10K Up. No the Upper Bay. Private ••••••'••••••••••••••• will continue to pay rent Oll't • I 4~"" Credit Check. No Pen- clubhouse and health SEAUlll •OnL Please write to Classified ••• ~~--.'!!~!! ....•.. -W.'!! COST A MESA oll1ce ally. Dennison & Assoc spa. 8 tennis courta. 7 Wkly rentals now avail Ad a717,0allyPllot.PO 520 sq 11 $100 per sq space tor lease, approx. 873-7311 pools. close to business, $140 & up Color TV 1560, Coste Mesa. Ce rt 3975 Birch . NB 2.000sq.11 otpvtollloes i---------- alrport, F19hton Island. Phones In room 2274 92626 Agent 541-5032 General work areas plus Alla1••et•1al1/ Conven1en1 shops on Newport Blvd. CM reception room. Prof I site ,unfurnished bache· 646-7<4<45 Roorr>mate to shr 38r hae. t817 Westclllt. N.B 256 decorated. Xlnt 1ocat1on. 111 .. '11/ lors,;i & 2 bdrm apts and male/ lemale empt. turn. to 4000 sq. 11. 1st. floor. At the 405 Fwy & Harbor I.ell I ffall townh$o5u~O •· $1000 8 [ A C H A R [ A Mele or 614ern5·al81e88shar. e 3 Agent 54 t·5032 Blvd exit. For more Into •••••••••••••••••••••• ., call weekdays, 761-6191 AllaHUl•l•I• 1100 ---------..................... . Several bachelors and 1 $77/Wk bdrm, 2 ba home In FREE REIT Bdrm units feature fine Munt. Bch. $220 mo, '/\ designer furniture and Kltohenette·M•ld·Poot utll 842-H 12 Lrg oflkle suite w/smt vu accessortea. Move In to· Nwpl Blvd &. Wiiton F nonsmkr to ahr 2 br of bay All or part from day or reMrve for sum-Costa Men 5.c8•9755 duptev, E/Stde c.••. ;,le_,........,....,, St 50 pr It 2 mos tree mer months. Smartly ----------1 ~ m ..;-rent to qualified tenant. furnished model• open l•••fl ltall/I 4zoo $225 Incl. utlls. 8<45-7220 /tJoo-Call &45·6646 for tnto deity • •••• •••• • •••• •••• • • •• Fem to lhr furn. hae. Npt I''"" --. SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS Turnip -Kinky Abuae • Critic UYfUIT Shrs. $250/mo. Mike, ~= ':,."':, $300. 1 BA w/cpta, drps On Jamboree Rd at 4 bdrm. <4 beth, aendy eves. Call 645-92 H btlln• Pref. mature wor San Joequln Hiiia Ad. beach. dock, S6000. Alto C.111 Mr l4ow11•d 645 6101 BIITEN HYFllOIT OFFICE Ped1a1r1c1ans and ,,.ter1- Fu11y Improved 15{)0 sq f1 nertans charge the tame B11 yetde1Jamb ore e . fee and for a good rH• Avail. lmmed. 6<40·<4925 aon. They both hevt • l..__ ..... co=-~--' ) ( ___ <05 ___ ) ) Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Attractive Girl Soph1s11ca1ed, attractive. well oroomed girl to model privately lor in· 01v1<1ual 3-4 hrs per week Strictly private an<l 1n good taste Utrr>ost <11scre11on assured Great pay • flexible hrs Send photo and <1eta1led oescript1on to Box Ad No 1011 Dally Pilot. Box t560. Costa Mesa. CA 92626 Babysitter wanted - C M /N.B .. your home. wknds 2 kids 642·2995 king wom an . 122· '" 1100 Lido tile 3 bdrm, tam Shr 3Br hee. 1225 mo. Ulll Magnall• St. 49'...,,.695 • rm., 2 be. 13100 July, Incl. plut I 100 MC. dtp. EASTSIOE toe p111 2 BA A rar• opportunity to lea-S3500 Auouet. Biii Grun· S.A. 831-1 196 eft 5pm. •llLIU lfflOll• V8Ulted olg, 2 aundeck• u a t btaullful S EA dy. Rltr, 8?6-8l81 NurN & cute Poodle want From t room 10 3 rooma. ~r. all u tll pd. 1 680 ISLAND. Lovely "Bimini" Newport Beach condo. to be your roommate. Fro-ll 1., 1 ......... No ,. ---'-' I.ell I Fealll 1100 Fountain Valley & Newport Beach DI • .,._ llfTll very good chance of • llWIJ getting BITTEN. 861 Dover, NB 631·3651 •-=--~------ Pl 2 8 Den 2 · Ba at I 068 IWt.8 '" v 9"4 " ., ... 91"SJ., • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • •• lte. no pett. 162·25 an. r. • i,; · alpt •. pool, IP•. view. c 1 anyt me ·l.,., i. ... rtqlilrtd. Adj. Air· l••llll 4415 LOST: Mate lrleh s.u.,. •Clean 2br/21>t condo n lull security plua •very pvt! S 1200/mo. Ownr. Ap1 mate wanted. M/F, porter Inn. 2172 DuPont. ••••••••••••••u•••••• Hip PfOb. Nde. md. now! SC Plaza. 6.A. 1576. N clo2~0c0etmvaobnltthtyamFeonrltlny, 87&·94'00 Of 831·800e Nwpt 8ch, apacloua. II Ct ll AM. 833·3223 ...... • .. Rewt rdll 714-839·8295 ot22 "' · • min to 11nd. 1250 mo. '*· 752. , M l-1480 fOflnatton call 714ch 2 htllq 1 Ml'll tncl uttl. 831-2010 BAYFRONT tn newtr l>ldQ on Coat t LOST Aewaro tot mum ••• lt.l•t # btka, 1900 yt'ly. No pelt. Apt, tlpa "· 1 blk from ~~ 90~l1M'l~n:~::. of l ik 6 wht. tin, Coltlt :r.tt.~m .......... , 8'46·1M2 ' beach. G111. qultl. 1400 Fem"" ~1patlo, trple. Prime olft1:41, t7t-100:t l ent' prlvatt p'arktn o Loat 1/5. Nr. Yorktown• Prlv8'9 2 It ylfd. oereoa ~' Heiotlt• charmer. wk. 780· 1"2 w111 to l>Ch. N 80 mo., 11t l*llflcJ blCIQ. 1828 mo. 8"ch 81., Ml . 538-1111 162ttmo. 2 I R 1 la. bMMI, C>ak i llb09 lllencl CllarmlnQ :t + ltt 7to-OlllO M PM. ..NIT ... "3-04e7 11,., P•llot . H I O mo. It. 2 ... Hou., lncJrv, Debbie°' Cllllln r:iteoullve office In Oan-fumer AllOC. 48•· 1111 l.oal : Go ru n r11r11v1r ... I '41-IHZ ,,..... ., c nery Vlfleo•. 1410/mo H.8 . Ole:"°' lndUtl ~ f>\IPPV. vlo. Twtlln/17lh •=: o mppreo. ~-· 519t10. HO~•· Nwpt ondo: w1nl m•· ltoklf 115 ... 112 avail.'°' I• .=tne .. CM, Aew1td. t31·10H t.,. 2 lie."°"' eeoo "° / "" JlifYi.!I M tur• •• reap .. non•mltr. ~~;;.;....;;;.;...;......;..~--1450 mo. 147 1.0111 11ond ln•f Mlle, •• •• ........... •• e•••· l llo•n ,, ,;,,, 17M~. U 71 lit utlla. ~H • m WITll H1W hld'0_.,11lll f\wn 111/lun. t •ti.Atrttt f lt,....,.4,.w ... Cl!I M/,toellt rww llftlnN,1, Ot• ...c,U..=101t'CI lflm/.... !.t:dr''•p~~fiut1t~~:'i .,. ,.._ .. "•'' Ooff o''"'' a,u:•• '''"' •t u". llN . 1111 I INt • l flO ti. t '°"'"' * •• '°°• ... " Dntwft W4rntt1. ,,v. l'l•w•r ...::====::: ... =='===:====a. ... ~ .... =====:::;:...J::::==,.-==·'=7=1l-IOll=====:::a.l.C: ... ==tl~t .... ===='=====l·~rtne~===·~==~==='==::.L::~·· ...... 6'0-tt11 -----______ ,;,..._ ______ ,~~ • Good E• 1llllCJ1 ..,.,,.. • .• ,. .. , •. Orange Coatt DAILY PILOTIThur1day, Julye. 1982 01 ... ,,,.,. .... ,,~ff lw.J'M~ .... IJ. !w..,M'!l .... '/.ff , .. II-"'~····· ~.ff !~ .......... tr.~.'!Ht. ..•.••. l!.ff !!'!l!!!R!l!ff ••• •• ../:1:1 Hll Ttf!!f!'l •• ~~ .. '.!tl.'.~f ~ ... '!!..'!~!!l. ... !l!f i'A.Hlilii•R nH .. O, 000 1.0YIAI Wiii ,,.,, •-lnNT W/ Aal~ l#f KINQ INNIASftAINO IX· Lftl ULLH• ..... ;-;i-............. •11 ...... fa&.m • w .. kttld l or Hffl• 1~,•-l•a "•nn•I "•IP -L... l•rtoue c rter opp y •••• ••••••••••••••.. TAA lltAM m111rne Mt. • d eomeont .,.... ·~·• 40' \llklno tor Clllflt• 24· "" ooni JHOO Ill tml *' " .., .. " " '' ' ~ n•"'• .-auW1tf91d 9111 coml'l11V•~. tic. IAMEA TRUNK ~ u..a. wortn U30, ,"'4::.auitllul boul'ue~'fio Flehlno, diving ' •n· 91.._;, 1. 'tt2•7a2o Top dollar• tor IPM• • t •t-ltff ,..... olo. Jotlll Wl'f'le ~ 11"0.IHt blwn :MPM Orig bffulll\ll cond. HO, no del Ntver hell m btlloona feet 1 • r u l nm, n I ca II c ere, lhlg•. Camp•I•. HOUHKllftl .. needtd ... /....... ~~!!!. h:~:,,,. o~ 1120 ...... 4t8' UHd qUHn ... worth !Of ".tt ocoettone. •• M2·2111 --'""'" 11111/I ,,,, 81•~·-.. A~I ~IC MOR fof ,.._ prOfeMIOnll In IMl!'90I\ MeCied. M drl-,.._...,.._,, !!!!"'Mii I.erg• dru"', Circe ISH, c11h only, H ti '"-"lleek" ~tot rOMa .., •·JI a..o •••••••='••••••~•••••• "-~. vllt9 red. Minimum ti eppeer, AOCUtMt !Yttne --· tt30·t840'•· Dark wood. dll U euilly home. 873 4t8 "'" _. JIM IUlllt NI ' vM9d duti., mutt 'ftl •.. ,.,, lem1l1. C1ll •• tTMt. !'ult ~~t~ W• need good~ 10 l'lelvy with IC•Oll work. 7M·73&0, •• SA01~ioA0f'i8.""c1~·.·.i~ OllTH TILi SHO VtLllWAllJ ~ 70::'° •,r.ilable,: ~1·2022 'fine .iary open. .,..,. Ht llP 1ppolntmen11 MUST 8 1!LL 81crlflct Mink c:;hocktr •tole with Ludere, w/ellp In Npt Mada lrom FOfcl Couritr 111111 llHcll Blvd r;~~ ~·eQ~l~~~1.' r:~ .. , General. Mwd H Ill~· '°' tppt. from our N.Wpor1 BetCll 11199. 549'-0576. Call.,. * *' BUY** ~:!~~1:,g ,c1a:~"'o·~: 82C8ht "h ooos 1' o.~o s," Iii bO• i'"2P30P•~3n~ paint HUNT.IN,_G21·02000N Ol!ACH 840-affl vllOA. part l ""m• IOI Afftturtnt oHlc• In th• evening IOI ltt 5pm, mott wttlldeye 0000 uitd Furniture & 760,11717 .... 11' n 1 ., .,,.,. 6 • IAIVSlfTIA w1nttd. new wtlllhl lou prog. C11>tlln1, Wlltert. ~~~del,\~~;• :e:~!t~ OtLLIOTtl PUTll Ai>Pllenctt·OR I wlll Mii 213-0g2•4988 ~ -- met11re 1*10n 40 + prel rtll'I Wiil trtln 931.aeot Wlltr ...... HOit""' elon + bonu• Ca ll IMAAI STYlf 128 85 OI SELL f~Y~-'--• 10' Hoblt C11, yellow w1 73 Pop Up Tent trtr Stv WlllTED! lor 2 l)Oyt, mutt~ V9tY Coclcttll Wiii....... 8.,3 37.,, It ,.., IUITlll lWJ... Creger Megt. good leq. euntlM Hiit Like lllr l~boll. lltc brk1 I.Oii mOd•I To'-'otu, dee*ld ble tr Gtntrll lut l lartenfffl " • ...., a · tp,.,, 22k gold trim. Ltd. IUP· t•·llll lll·lt•t cond SO& pr Cell fo dt· r'ltw 12500. 8/&.0101. $1200 963-1122 ' uo wt c~ P~y INl'~MATION on Ala.-TOPLl!.SS MOOe1.s ply Oider tOdlly. ,,k • tall•, 9"40·11709 t VU / A • ..J , I \lolvoa, Pic:kupt & Vant 8 30AM &PM 780-6942 k I I t d l9ded f 175 DAV • PAID DAILY gold chain glvtl\ lrH I llY ,,......... wtlndt, •I• •fl~ilf, '1 I Cell ut IOd•Y' : · ' ~~ ~.'~!! :v~I· :;:11: rttteur:it. ~ no exp • nee • 828-2503 9 .. ~.14~!o,2a~t ~2d •" Let •95•7-1133 I I L I I I 111 •• ~.~!!!!!~!!!!.!.~~ Bankt~ llble. '20,000 to ~50,000 9A~l IA~ 333.. l'IAYIL AIDT Antique nwlng m1Chlnt New luH-elu m1t1,... Ml, Mll""9 & YIOHTS' LITE OOOY WORI( & UllllTllT I Y t I r • I I I : Or., pt. II. I II ornp ny ,... H5 Ntw q uHn •lze, box IP'';1· $30. ltlll YW pllnl/up to SO% ott your Ortnge Coaat S1vlr'1Q9 It ~6~5 .. 1333, ()perat()( IC~~~ rV:.:.1 A:enl w/ i~~.net , good cond 1100. 740·5832 0"4"4·171 Qery OLtlltlT IALI body tllOP iltl 536-0832 ...ic1no.Accounttnt wtth SU.II OLIO h .. vy rellll & group ell· 567-8685 .... Street •dd'"' II p1lnllng ISi.ANDER & FREEPORT Ali Cnevy uuck port• ~ S&L •xi>e'· Strono tklllt Phtrmtay. 'rlendly perlenc:;e. Computer ex-kit, 150. P1y off In on• SAILBOATS ton t o d111u1 Rbll art ntc. for potltlon IMHllHllM ~· ntlOllborl\OOd thoppl? ptrltnce required A ,.JJ IOIO II lllU, II..... d1yl 788-7552 •Incredible saving• 1r1nam1u 1on f1orn 1165 Wllleh rlj)Ottt dlrtclly to 11 SURF f. !ANb ho tt 11 center . Houre tO· • Nwpl/CM 1rH Olene, .l/r.0!!~~~••••••••••• e.a -t•t-1111 WOOD ANIMAL CAGE •Specl1l llnanc1ng & up 664·111!50 thl Controlllr. Call: loolclng IOI' I bl.U~ TuH .•Sat. Nwpt Bell 540·786S. HARBOR AREA -°' 311,. n , $30. •Sllpt avall1b1t 43 .. 47 .. 11 38 .. Blk molal Vlcklt, 754· 1801 nlgl\I euptrvltor Mon M.4·2111 _.llf APPLIANCE SERVICE King ~· dboard, white, 075-<>038 •Ftctory loura car louvre s3o 731.2 153 E.O.E. I hr u F' I• 5 Pm to '•r We nH recond .. guer. French Prov. Xlnt cor1d. •Preview thow1ng of 111e ORANGE COAST SA· t 1·SOpm. Cont1c1 MIH Salee Perl/time. Telex • plus, appllencea. 5'4t·3017 S20 -je78 MOROCCAN CLOTHING new lalender 4e ur1der WE OARE VINOS ' M1roe et .497..C477 .I for buey privet• po11 ol· 11111 tfT " Int, con11ruc11on 1700 Ad1m•. Co111 lllll .. al Olaatiflla lice Or will oonelder I llf l"UAIOll Outen Simmon' hid•·• Unique In Calll. '°' e•otle •Door Pflle& Have 111e crew 81 Cn•ck Meta .,. T I h' pe11on Mttlng up their L.. 957-11133 bed, tt,rs' """ green clothing LUI W.-endt •Rerrunments Iverson • Boay Shop ~~~~~~Q~~~~I General melnttnanc:1 I I p 0 ft I own typing eerv•ce NB floral, 11 5. 900-9095 Boutique Rendevoue A once in 9 lllellm• op b11ng tht lun In d11vtng BATHER & BRUSHER for lbllllltt & c:;IMnl.IP Mutt Sllll Airport. 5"49•2287 Freezet 1200· Wuhef & KITCHEN SET Maroc:, t t0.4 s. Cont portunlty 10 take 11dvan· back agair1 20°"• 011 on .......... c"'"'ll I\ • "" t dryer $125 H . 01111· & Sa any complete paint JOb bu1y dog grooming _.. ... "' • · ,.p,...,y • washer 1100. 6,.8•58,.8 T1blt 4 cnalr1, ..... Hwy, Lag. Bch. 54/J.187.4 tage ol this Islander 011 '-'Our vw Porsc:ne 1 hop. Cd M 1r•1 . :!l~e~~rbor Bl, C.M . The C1111lfled Adveru. Welte" & W11treues .492-8.428 ev1. Yach11' 1peclal purcnaae Audf BMW & Merced•• 8.44--4000 ting t>ep1rtmen1 ol the needed Muat be over Refrigerator llke new, 2 Double bed. nice double John Wayne Tennlt Club pf1n Pieue contact Mike or lltllUnl INT DESIGN SALES ~1~ty ,:1o~ hr:~:=: 1:j ~:~~~'::rant g:~:90~oat Ir" S t 65· headboatd, S.46.50 Memberehlp for ule UT. 11• SH. Ron a1 673-0900 F/llmt,eJCper'd.IOfPfOI. ~~~~'~r~T::"fr~. 1nthualu11c: ptreon. 1768 N-perlBl.C.M. S.4&·7011 S1200 . Cell Blllle, J•IJ ll 11• 11 s netby t4 _A_l_u_m_A_ll_oy o fllce. AIR, AIP, NCR •99.1••1 Mull hive prevtou1 lel• -HOVER UPRIGHT VAC DINING Rm. Ml. Cherry· 833-3150. 10ll·IPM 11n18. hi any Mercedes 5 P I I .. ..v Ol&l·&·mtllc power drive, oa1 l\g he pful.. phone Nit• experience W&JTIR /WAITIESI S?O. 492.6426 wood Tbt .. 6 cllra. china Gorgeou• wedding dre11. Sponso1ed Dy t he bolt pa11ar11 $1 00 &45·4563 LlHtHU lnGfudlng typl~eppro11. cabnt $500. 830-0558 veil, sllp, Bloves Size Islander Dealers ol Sou· 548-0910 5 B S wllll car for wicket bas-c f BURGLAR ALARM TAAi· Exp'd. 1 d1y/WMll. 4 wpm on I etec· llet lunch seNlce. 9 •30 10 Relrlg/ washer1/0ryer1 NEAR-NEW DBLE BED 5.7 0.42·02 6 lllern 811 ornla NEE. some etectrtcal Leguna Beach 49.4-0751 trlc Salary. plu1 com-"0 •• F I E Many to choose from w/old wood lreme. $1.40 ISLA•IH YAOllTI A11to1 lor $111 mission .4() hr week wtlll I ~ pm. ...on· r arn s 100/up. 859-0682 Hvy round wrought Iron 922 B R ... , ..... , •• •••• •• ,, •• exper nee Call blwn 1.IFE GUARDS, sal1ry up en oocaslonal Sit. mor-S150·Sl70 wkly Muat be 675--0638 cnandelfer wt6 amber 1 erranca d IMPOR1ANT NOTICE 1 0 A M • 6 . 3 0 P M $• 76 11 t bit ene LADY KENMORE i'"lll 2, .... di Irvine. CA 927 14 to ... r. 'nlng. Excenent company nea1 · 9p7e9rs0o7na7 • 10 r· WASHER/DRYER SET Plush dk green velour 101a 11acke<12 "' a, " a 11 .... 1 ... 1_1121 TO READERS AND 631·3485, 968-0311 benefits Including medl· ge1c • 4 al am & 1 1 Ilk 1 $75 8.4 -9859 all 8PM • • AO\IERTISERS CLElllCIL Liquor clerk. recent e11per cal, dental, Ille fnsuran· for appt. (gas). $225· 857•5790 co~~e:~s. se1~~w·s";2gs Leaded glan hanging rn-1~~~~~~~~~ The price of 11ems aa preferred Full time, Cl, credit union. elc. Word Processor/ Recept G-E weshet & 11'181Clllng set 5.46-2855 I any lamp 4 ·x 15 · . 4 20' 0 A centerboard var11sed Dy ven1c1e Oea lott19fi•1/Pert "•• nights. Good PIY & per· Oppty for 1dvancemen1 Pref OEC-78 e11per Im-elec dryer. avocado, ... i••WEI H•I •.oiA bulbs. eenhtones. $100 Sloop. llberglassed 3 lers tn 11\e vehicle class• lmmed. opening lor re· manenl position Apply Cali !or appointment for med openi ng, growth g ood cond S 125 pr • "" • •-642-9859 alt 6PM sails w/old 0 B S 1300 1100 adverlis•no columns II able, conacrenllou1 In person Holldly House Interview. 642·4321. ext potenllal. Call 966-1 too 545-2298 675-0638 I w/pracl new 5 2 HP aoes not include any person good w/llgurea Liquors 2937 E. Coast 277 6 ., '75 Kirby, needs tune-up $1500 675-7788 applicable taxes license. who can ust a 10 key •-0 C.11•• $1/fl Frigidaire 18 lb load Brown n1ug. , ..,ola w/ $100/beal oller 1ransle1 lees finance id ding mech . keep Hwy, CdM -•~• east ••••'••••••••••••••••• washer, runs greet S 100. 1ovesea1. chair, ottoman, 536-.45S7 T11d Kayak, good condl· charges. let!$ tor air pol· b·~~kurr~·. ~ecvolourdss,CdRoT IEltOAI. SPIOW.llT 3!,al:.J :!'Y•i, f!!!~.!'!!!~••••••••••• ;,~",~~ ~~e6?11~9020. $550 all 96.4-.4527 Formica kitchen table won non. $3~~~:~~11er c'ue1r1101ln1cac11oonn1sroo1r aaeeva11ceer -· ......, ,.., Learn medlc:11 skllls & Cosll Meu, CA 92626 Garege Sale • Lots 01 Genuine oak rolllop desk 8 chllrs $60. Hper. llelplul but not serve In the Army Res· Goodies! Sal/Sun l0-.4. Dryer, Kenmore eleclr , 54" •1de, as new, •.; 557.9393 HOBIE 16 documentary prepare· nee:. ervenearhome.Calllo· EqualOpplyEmezr. 879 ArborSt (Nr 19111 & used 2 times Sacrifice price $495 Caan Fullyequ1pped.w/ex1ros. lion charges unless Approl(. 24 hr. week. We day· • $150 731-1766 646·"4005 flli1c1//1•H•I $2000. 646-5753 otherwise specified by offer company pd. bane· Tustin 731-0.481 Sates. Eat, cheat, get rich Monrovia), C M W.1alH IOI/ Lido 14, i:4324 use or Bal lhe advertiser Earle Ike fOYOfA.YOLVO ............... Ce.lo 1>4••• "64 .. tJOh• HO·HO WI IUY USED CARS & l RUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR FllH lPPflAJSll Corm1er-~L1llo CMHllOUT 18211 BEACH BLVD HUNTINGTON BEACH ltl-1011, 549-3331 Top Dollar Paid For Your Cbt1 JOHSON t SOI Li11ool11·Mtrot1r7 2626 ~iart>or Blvd (.;osla MesJ 540-5630 Premium prices 1.1a10 tur Jfly useo car 11ort!•gn or oomes1tc1 1n good <;r:>nC111ton See ua r.,s1• ~118811.uh"r 111\11 ' "'' I \h '.I l~;t ltt till Ills lncrg. maJor medlcal, Santi Ana s..2•4763 & sllm. Xlnl OPPlY ANTIQUE GARAGE SALE Kelvlnator Refrigerator, Antique mahogany Gao<· •••••••••••••••••••••• dental plus pro Ill sh•· USAA Ctr 552•3173 63t-2601 • Too many Items 10 list, xlnl cond $125 g11n dresser w/m1rror. WANTED Heavy auty tarp Isl mooring tor 1 mo ring. Se•-s beveled mtrror St5 Llloe 547-2916 6r~161~41100he5d. $395 OBO 10 cover automoblM! Cell $1950 675-0349 eves AatifDll/ H1gnes1 casn 1mmP01a1e1y C/111it1 9520 lor "Our •Pl11CIP Do CIMCO M I 0 N I G H T A I 0 E , .., b I II $5 00 0 ., 30 1'PM·7PM, Fri & Sat. EAT, CHEAT, la lee: 01 es •S· GE washer. good condl· 645-47 "WINDSURFER" used 265 Briggs Ave. C.M. nights. 642•5861 . .4000 GET RICH & SLIM. nes 25¢·$5 P1cturas lion, works great $100 Anltque mah ogany swivel fll•ll."ll $426 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • n\ e s t • c. o r t o ' t-1 9 n MODEL "l "sl 551.e2e5 141·4410 $1 00-$10 \lic1011an 731·1766 olhc:e chair w/arms reh· • 642-6630 (Closed July 5111) Hiiaria Way, Newport I 0 0 % II u a r • n I e e ctielr SlO Fri/Sat 1622 nlshe<I $195 646-.4005 l•1t1 .. 1al1 IOI Beach 646-1915 Monrovia, CM (2 blocks REFRIGERATOR •••• •. • ••••••• •••• •••• HOBIE 12 Mono Cal like Snay rephca!>, p1ckuPll & I coupes 4 10 choose Autos l11111orted lrorn• 1006768) !Stk ••••• 'l ••• r •••••••••••• OLUIOAL/PllT n• ltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiills11es -·· ol Plaoenlle blwn Like new, frosl ""· Couch Like new 50"1. 8 PC ORUM SET new. S8001bes1 Ol r Lookln~ tor lntereltlng -•••s ••••s 16th & 11111 St.) 2 dr $165 8!13-9060 down 1111eo, st andard x1n1 cond. Zelgin cym· _6_4_4_-_,8_4_3 ____ _ A3093) Pr1ees starting a1 Ao" g707 a.u "·'"' I :1 i. ,.,,.1 ............. . --size. tapestry print $.400 bals 1c:cess & caees work? yplng, no shor-Conv • long term care Far•tr't las, lrH, 5 FAMILY GARAGE SALE Whirlpool lrost·lree free· 851 ·8287 s1200. · 642.5676 LHtr D•J• Art Marti thand. 8-Noon 01c. on exp. req'd. Excell. wor-Sal Only 9.5 Trash & zer. 18 cu ft. like new, ---------1 Save s 100 & h ave ii P.C.H. 8.46-7.43l king c:onds. & t>Mellla. Considering a career treasures galore 1032 $300 5.49-0156 Beaulllul Antique Sohd MUlll&IE YllLllS cllence 10 win a Surls· F/tlme, 7-3:30. 3-11:30. chenge In 1962? Con-Sea Breeze Or C M 1· J IOZO Oak Table "'12 leaves Ital/French. 838-2913 pr1n1 S11lboard w1lh a CONSTRUCTION-Sub· contrlClore, qlly, good perlormanc:e. retldenllal, all .subt. 760-6859, 9-5. COOKS, 1 lull time, 1 PIT, Apply In person. Jolly Roger 4-00 S. Coest Hwy. Laguna 8eacll. OllllU/OUU TYPIST FHl·Paced ad agy. nds fast. accurate typist, 85wpm. Gen. ore. duties plus dellverlea. S1lery & benefits. Ask for Bar- bara, 71.4-751·2160 71.4-642-80.4.4 Of apply In 1lde11ng entering Ille w 11 son & Pac 111 c · • !!(!.!! ••••• , • •• ••••• $295 771·3292 purchaae 01 any new LB· person. 486 Flagship ranks or Ille self em-851-0157 GIRLS' SCHWINN MOVING Indoor furniture Ollic1 F•t•il•" I ser dur111g July Rd., NB ployed? FARMER'S IN· Alley Sele coffee table BIKE. S35. outdoor llirnllure 103 THE LAZER STORE SURANCE GROUP. one d bi b d' 675-0638 SI James Piece, New· All things Lazer & more N 1 of the leading Insurers I en ta es. twn e ' port Besen 548·8752 Like new Exec: desk & c:nr. 824 W 18th St.CM ura rig LVl'S the n11too. le expanding springs. lr1mea, misc l•i1'i•I -----· ----Slde chr & desk set. all (7 t4)&42·08•6 for 3.11 llhlll. Compell· In Of•noe County Items 25¢ to S60 1581 ., 1 • I IOZS Pecan wt glass inlay coffee tor s 175 552·9553 all ------- live sallfY Exoell. t>ene-11 you are lntetesled In Corl1nda1. CM 8·5PM ••• ~~.!!!~.~•••••••••• & eoa 1ables/wall units 6PM 1Ht1, Sli11 ma. 642·60"4.4 °'apply In owning & operlllng 8 Tllur1/Frl/Sa1 MOW llc/n. Eleoant M>la bed $400 IJ.ci go10 person: Flagslllp Conv. business ol your own, SUPER SALE· TV, moped, A 2 6 d kl _e_50_._1e_oo ______ 1111 IOI ••••••• ! ............. . Hospt., .466 Flegshlp Rd., Invest one hour ot yoor 10 1pd, surfbrd. wetsuit, 4 e2d0~010°nd axlso !! oo<lng, IOFA SLEEPER v~g .. &·:~·ry••1·a·,,;;·C~k~~ ltw,•rt lbriH NB lime 11 -·r F~ta 0 -1. welg"I set, golf clubs. -g: rvvw -s I ~ · · ~ -""'"" " r 1 c 11 JI K B d II 11e1. S50 w/lrg cage 1 ps ava11 day. w~ or mo ,•-;-nar Call: Judi fOf detalla Clotlles. misc Fri/Sat enc r1g a m or en ran r1ew, must ae • 731-2133 646-0551 -• ,_ lt963-4518 9_. 3261 Michigan anytime. 775-1491 earthlones. $200 ---------i-------- Pe<manent sales poeltlon ------------------Cia•rll I 640-2832 BABY MALLARD DUCK BOAT SUPS In retell 1111 store. Some S.... Butia•l•a lflfi • SS AVAILABLE w9ekend work. We wlll Men & women 10 call on •••• • .~ ••• • ••••• ••••• L•i••••t 1030 Near new desk & chelr· 645·2355 Newport Beacn 25 . 28'. train quallfltd, rtllable bu1lnMMI, unique fun Hunt. Harbour Moving ···s~·~8·••••••••••••• oak llnr~~1~~~5 40'. 52· 642 4644, P«SOfl. 768-03.48. job, must ~ eggreealve Sile. Everything goes! uper Auto zoom, 'i•••• I fhfUI IOIO 9·5PM 1 call c:io-e. Only thott Sit. 9-2. 3651 Venture nevei used $75. Dresser w/mlrror lrlple •••••••••••• ••••••••• ---------l&Tl EITIY Plllll NIT Tm wtlO know t"-Y ate the Or (Trinidad tat1nd) 552·9553 aft 6PM Oak b rand ni~ 110 Plano. oak, amall upright, Slips avaJI up 10 30 It Gen. lnsurenceagencyln N-•pasi« Promotion. b , 11 c e 11 Ir om 5,65 631•1766 · · very fine cond. In & 001. COM Area $9111 Call Costa Meta hu opening M 0 n. Fr I . t0AM-2PM Mr. Tull Big Y11d Sile. collectlbles Clll 1035 1uned. llH stool. c1n Peggy Pa11son (714) '°" Oata Entry person. tO s:30PM-9:30PM, Sat. 8.4a-.t67. & tunk, paper glass. 11· •••••••••••••••••••••• Rallan dine11e. never used deliver $750 847-5672. 955·2473 Weekdays 8·5 key a must. Pd. Co. bf.. 30PM nens & furn. Thurs-Sal Himalayan 11111en 12 $200 nellls. Salary commen· !1:30·l: Sites. PIT, ••per req'd. 907 Walnut weeks. snow ch11mp '11ne. 631-1766 YAMAHA 6' GRANO 1 llh Cell 185.00 lo tllrt Local, m11ure ltdy want-see Ip 0 1n 1 e s 2 7 5 G3E mOdel. walnut 7 yrs PIER THEODORE ROBINS FOID 2060 HHllOR &lVD. COSlA MUA 642·0010 1956 T-llRD lmmaC\Jlate, I owner ca1 Sterling ~liver & has bOlh !OPS (240600 ) Only $12,965 llOHll PEWSIE CAllLLAC IOWllEY (714) 521-9624 1936 Classic Ford P U New bOdy & paint needs work 494-7138 Erik s,01111 •• ,., '°'' 954 ..•.•................. MHYY CHEVY 67 Super Spor1 C1u s1c GOOO cond $ 1500 OBO 645-1985 ~arra19e' 11:.w_.,.99e2x3per. Then plrtnerllhlp'a lt\are ed to help 1n the Mole ..... ,, lffci 855_9471 Sola bed. h•·2uel, qn, old $6800 673·6289 UP TO 28 11 $150 mo ~..-ot prollt1. Mull ll1ve H 1 l d VIII •• -•• ,;•••••••••••••••• earlhtones. brand nu 673·8145 DELIVERY Person, over plea11nt voice. privet• o e at I o age. MOVING SALE Fri . Sal $300 631·1766 $Nrli•f c.M1 IOH ~ w 1. l D , 9550 desk & phone, casual 673.,.65!5 Ju 1 y 9 111 & 1o1 h . n.., 1040 • .-.-•••• •••••••••••••• Space for boa1 to 32 . "'!.!:~!! ••• !!!!! ...... . 18 for L.A. Times, CM. attire. For Interview, call 9am-7pm 703 SI Jemes -::11. •. ~·:.•••••••••••••• Beaut sofa & loveaeat, Sal's s,ert S••• Maln Cll1nnel. S2751mo ,12 WILLYS JEEP llomea. 3AM·6AM. Econ. II 6PM IEOlnUY Place N.B. (end ol 15th Pets R people Boar-contempcrery llyle, orig We buy and aeu quallt\I 675-3063 or 679-9667 i:~~;om~0f''fu!10i:1'i•iie<64iii2i-56iii,7i8ieiici1i3i12iiiiiiiii Tt Pll.IEOT 1111. St ) 'Tools. dishes, 11. d~g5~0~r:~1~~/m~e $1250. sac S.450, klnt used sporting equip on 25. Slip aviil for July & $1000. 150-5111 nuses. 646--063 I' Rttl Estele oriented nens, kitchenware. lurnl· pp cond 850·1860 conslgnmanl Snow Aug Great loc In NB fraC}I gs6 company near elrport, lure. MUCH MORE Germen Shepherd puppy 5 pc oak bdrm set, mo-Skung. wind surfing, Only $200 mo 839-8556 •••••••••••••••••••••• Oelivety. Light work. 6 hrs Mon-Fri. Hrly salary. Call Monti 833·8000. uc:el. bentlill E ~pr 5.48-8752 CASH ONLY AKC Champion S 175 dern style. nr new orig water skiing. 1enn1s. surf 1..,pt•y l""Cll ·79 "TOYOTA PICKUP Earn top pay taking req. Type 70wpm. Call MOVING SALE, all 22 yrs. 759•0265 S 8 5 O. sac S 4 0 0 . board, back packing. ""' " ""' * MUST SELL * snapshOIS In your area Oonn11 al 71.41752·4949 chine kitchen !urn JSll .. i T I 1 850-1860 clolhlng !or all above 30', 40' sllps available Sport Modal. grea1 mi· Amateur PllOlograph~ ' · B ' • I err tr sports 6.45-.4310 1779 556-1711 Oen~~ANCIAL SEC'Y & needed. Part/lull time. llCllnUY (EllO) ~:;~·s~n~a~2i~lyw al-A C, en sire 557• 82l AMHICAI OOtlfTflf Newport BIVd CM :~~:r.~urSI 8~~ee~o~~. No e11petience or selling ' E 11 p d 1 IHll $........,., & OFC COMMUNICATOR required. Write 10: Uni· C.•'9flf la•1faof9. MOVING SALE Cheirs $5. Male lrtSll Seller pure· xqulS e re ro uc ion Remington 700BOL, 243 ( ,,.,.... 1150786•) Just neeo re· E.xp'd Are you searching versal, P.O Box 1223. rer T ble t TV S20 bred beaul•lul. $50/besl Wino~ cna11s as shown Cellber w/leulold 2x7 ••• ~~~•••••••••··'·~~~ II able par ly t o m ake IOf a PfOQresslVe, quality Montebello. C1. 906.40 IN IAVINE AREA a h . ~ e:ieo· I olr 545-7091 in ounlry Living" s co Pe S 4 2 5 . Ph 15 SKI BOAT small mon1hly pmts No 1ll Ml Xlnl c;ond S 10 000 833·8755 llllW 9712 ••·•··•········•··•··• SALH·SEllYICE LHSllC 8J 1-2040 •95-4949 SADDLHACl IMW 28402 Marguerite P~wy Mission V1e10 1Avery Ec11 Oii 1·51 Opt!n Sunday• CREVIER * 78 JlO• aulr:> in rl I 438VCKI * 79 528• 4 spd tow mis ! 140\ICCI 1t 79 5281 dUIO '•II rt ' 5342615) • 79 63Jcsr aulQ low mis. 1·55354 181 * 80 3201. S spd 1oa- ded' I BOV0201 * 82 3201 5 spa 1oa aeo• I. EBD910l 135-3111 208 W 1~1 Santa Ana Clos.ea Sunday office where your out· 1 11, eac k. ·~ es, pie u~eosi magazine 6.40-23 !4 548-0351 35 HP O/B. $t200 Old contracts 10 assume going personality & High leve 0 ice Skllls & boo 1• t .. row rug f. t "' I/US appl No back pmts due Ask dental expertise In p RI NT IN G • organlzallonel capablll-Lido Park Or N .B .!!! .. !.~!~ ........ '?.. ff, Ri'1•, 548-9691 for Rose 842 •44 00 """"_rwa~ llandHng telephone, 11• Cametapefson/ str1pper, ties necessary Requires across from Oeleney·s Free Blk fem dog 1 yr. lllllLE 1111 IEI lli~•,· llflH 1_1 tlalNttlllOll SS6-IOOS Proto U M ~YL1' nanclal arrangements & lead c1meraperson/ m1n1mum 120 wpm Shor-Restaura nt Sat/Sun m••eO breea, med sz , New $685 ·will sell ••••• ~·;/ •••••••••••• ~":. •••••'-••••••••••••••• --------- pellenl contact Is appr• stripper, '°' 55 yr old tlland. 70 wpm typing l0·2Pfn trained 630·8472 or for $150. 847-5327 BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA Aittllfl 9110 IUITIFIL elated & rewarded? we printing co. Must nave 5 skllls. Good perso~allly W OMEN'S NEW CLO· 639·721"4 lfVOROE SALE! Color TV sale 2 yr wrnty ·~00·9~~;~~;·0;b~~~j;· 1111 TOYOTA erealllghlyskllledteam, yr1exper lnallphuesol &pllonevoloe.abil1tyto THING F kl d I f $1.48.Freedaflvery XI d t25"1 SAS Sholl bed. new * 78 3201. auto sn/rl !438VCK) h•npy 10 olfer lop salary darkrm/11r1pplng opera-lul\Clion under pressure. ree II ens 10 goo Ad vorce orcea Ille sale T\I JOlln's 646-t786 nt con ,, 1nance & '"';,kcellenl benefit•. tlons. Top pay & bene· at least 2 years Hecullve Oe$li~~ ~~~· su~~~ home, bo .. tr al~. gray. ol 3 beaut couches. 8' All or conslcter partner clutch, new tires. new 1r 79 633cs1. auto low mis 155354 181 11600 11 qualllled. N_. 1111. Call 951-9500 L•· level experience. Word ~~$50 suits. New lwused 775-040.4 aft 5PM couch & matching 5' TEXAS INSTRUMENTS 960·2"471 ~=~~7~t8~o~~M $5000 port Beach 831•2,.90 gun1 Hiiis. processing &/or eccoun· lop•. Jackels, pents SOc Free 3 yeer old malt plaid lo..-at. pef1 lor HOME COMPUTER Ci _ Sile • 80 3201 5spd 100· ded' 11Bovo201 Cllngle.KpeOene:el 557"9!~ .. ul. up 701 Lido Park Or. Cocke1 Spaniel w1111 pa-family rm Tan, rust & New, 1288 64"4·7711 •,.II, . Fo rd P /U 1H85753 DENT. Aul. Ortllo. Npt. P.19 Ulll on ect ,_, -vvou. N.B. across from Dela-pers. 831-2487 drk. brwn. s .100 both. Teak stereo cabinets w/ ••• ~!~! .......... !.~~~ $1400 Shell C B Lrg Bch.,. day M-Th. Elcpe< EnJoy working with kids. SEO"'/I ... IOI ney'a Restaurant Sell Gorgeous 10 creser11-bllln Pioneer & Teac Elllremety cle11n, custom wheels many xlras • 77 5301. s111r1 low rnls (842TRT) * 79 3201. d spd AIC 1468XEOI & . RDA req. 6"42·2626 end wtsh Increased ear-• ,. • S 10 2 • 11 • P e d c o u c h w I Ip s 1000 551 9119 bl! 8, cam""'r will 111 any 548-9832 nlngs, utlllze your out· Sml law olflce speclell· un • llllllll.E llTTll matching upllol Ibis equ • ... ~ ---------i IHTIST • 80 3201 5 spd !.Ol rl A C 1659Z0Kt G-11 dentist wanted, el(perrenced In all phases Excellent pay + peroenllge. 648·2"4 11 going personality, learn zing In l8lt m111era. High SI• CJiat•lt Needs your lovel Bleck F Down lllled cushions Sony 5" Bleck & white I ruck, all amenll1es 76 Delwn longbed Royal howtobecomeatralned accuracy lypltl. Word•••••••••••••••••••••• w/wlllle paws & whla· Pale yellow floral w/ porllble TV, $50 $1800 642-1163 dys. b lue wtcmpr shell 135.3111 11les counselor Call Pfoc;eaJno deelred, but GARAGE SALE Love ketS, approx. 8 wks old. camel & grey 1ccen1S 642-9859 alt 6PM 642-8267 eves. Spoke nms $2750/0BO 2-SPM. 6.42-.4321, Elli not req'd. Must have car seat, good condlllon, 536·9832 alt. 6 New $1.800. Sec $500. Color console 25,, TV flllllti•H lihl g140 .497-561 3 wkdys 8-5 208 w 1st Santa Ana Closed Sunday 3.46. EOE Salary $1000-$1200 de-yellow beige, green $95. All II\ great cond. Kurryt Ok walnut, nr n-. •Int •••••••••••••••••••••• '87 Ford F600 2') ton pending on qualllicl· Twin beds, frames & Lhasa Apso AKC papers. 8.48-3396 cond 1195 850_ 1860 Peugeot LVS 103U3 Mo· Bobtail 390 CID engine -----CHOICE INVENTORY ~ily Pilat ···· .. · ........ ····· .. = We are aeek:in& to build 1 labor pool of qutlifled • pphlc aru perwonnel for two depertmenta In our pre-P"ftl area. U you have ex~ In oompoll.fli room or camera depar1ml'nt work and ~ lnlA!ttllied In ~ producUon, CONider the opponunldel of.fettd by the Daily PlJcx. We are aeek.l.ni to lnctt-our part·l.lme labor fe>n.'e; full-time open1np may devt!lop in the near future. Wt! Al"f! most lnteres~ In Pf!OP~ with skills In the foUowina are-= Paste-up Id build.in& or .-ae make-up expena-desirable. Proof reader Copy Typist Auto Perf T yoist with lypaettlnc aliWty Ahill'Y to work lMt and ICICW'a~\1 under ..-are ~· l'lnlble houri and daya. Offset Camera Production Operation . Str1nn1n1. llrpefiwe In ~h~ Mahone work a -... ·-~-·v plw pnducUon.aien ea pencn w work : lads;; 4-Uy hilh!'/ ....._ H .. Mart-~ AalOliy '° apec ..,,. (« • ~ ot adll'tl'dlbw Ind CIClllUNf'C\8.l ma..W.. kpertenet wllfi tllCUOWl6C awlo&p cWnalia, but I* n«wry. MOICJ to 1)1*8C would bt htlpM. ...., ....... ..,..i.111. i n. DeUJ Pt.a.' le ae ~ual ••porcu.nH1 i •• ,,.,.,, W•••• nd •l•orhlH er• ' ........ ....,. l.JVD~} ........................ ,, ................. . Ilona Call Me. Patton, headboards $85 set, male 2 years old. pad S3SO \lespe Moped encr van plus hllgate 6"44·5516 bet 2·4PM neerMW.Othergoodles. 675~96 B•IHI IOIO $150. ·79 Motobecane s4900, oiler 979_2000 VOLUME SALES & Mon-Fri Fri/Sii. 266 \llelorla, San •••••••••••••••••••••• ..,,, tf •tiat Moped In perts Make evt 1 .. 2 or 5~ 1·3660 11r. Cle Beou lge Buckskin mare. L I 3 ~ ., " The leslesl draw In tht mente. Buying end selllng II 1 Very gentle. 152 Hd 7•.; ••• ~~!.f!'!!~!••••••••• offer 645-5! 1 alter ter 4 pm WHI. .. 1 01lly Pilot SELL Idle ltem1 with 1 reasonable prlc:e-1h1t'1 yrs. $1500 or bat olr. G.ait1/ HIO Spm. ·72 Ford Camper Special Clllllfled Ad. Call Today Diiiy Piiot Claullled Ad. wllal cl111llled 11 111 835•0377 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1981 Burgandy Puch wllll cabovar camper BOB fllcllREI BMW 6.42-5678. 4M2·6e78. about. 8"42·5678 BHlfit" c.Mt IOIS Utld Tld llay1k M~~il ~. 640•5100 N-1rres S..2-65"40ev •••••••••••••••••••••• S325· V••• fS10 Sa1as-Serv1ce-Leas1ng 850 N Beocll BlvQ La Habra 1. Place your ad In the D•llY Piiot Clualfled MCtlon (lt'a belt to run 3 day, tor maximum txpoeure). If you pay fOf yaur Id In Id~ -.r11 run It 3 dlYt and onty charge you for 21 2. Get your FREE G.,.mgt Siie tlgM (all you h.ve to do It COfM In to the Dally Piiot & P•Y for your ad In advranoe -w wtll gW. you two 11 x 17 Signe - FREE of charge). 3. Price Moh plWl ~ l'Mf'ChandlM. I.a• ••u lff All 5. 963-&97 fll•ltt~/11/ • • • •• • • • • • •• •• •,. • • • • • - -..,,,, #1tlat StH,.tl gJ SO '77 VW Pusenger \Ian 12x1s bluetgreen tweed L•/ •HI H30 •••••••••••••••••••••• * MIST SELL * w/lrlnged ends. S•O •• ~.!.f•••••••••••••• '79-80 BMW R65. xlnt Super Clean, low mlles 536-9832 AVON AEDCREST '81 cond, many x1res. lo m1 remov&ble rear bench OllUCE COIWTY'S w/mtr mount $725 $2600/ bat orr 5.40-5621 seals En1oy great m11e1· OLDEST Jfflf/rY 1010 casn eat 25 dys. 6<10·0838 g e a nd c a r r Y 'h e ••••••'••••••• •••• •••• 5.48-0226 eves NE I G H BO RHO O O' .4 S9 Clrlll EMERALD, ap-'80 85hp Evlnrude motor '75 Honda 260 Elsinore 1679SWH) Just need re-praised at $12.000 Will 1111 10 h s1900• Many extras. S350. llable par ty to make sell !Of $30001 ~0-8688 g:~.7056 "· · 5•9-0975/873-l.469 Joe smell monthly pmlS No Sales-Serv1ee·Leas1ng lfjlftlJ1a#ll 1111 ..,, • ~1 ·79 TS 185 Suzuki, tow old contracts 10 assume JO' (AMR . ... ••••• •• •••• • •••••• 1, ,...,., m ml..... • .. ,.,. ,75 Honde No back pmts due Ask ••• 2111... ..... ................ .... .vvv. tor Aon 8.4 2 ·4400 f\)J5 ~Xc ·M1\'V R1nget B11s boat. com· ElllnOft 125 $350. Make 566-1008 Proto LIM. ""' ·-1 , ..... , .,, "'' 8 lo 20' long, 36¢ per ft . petition ready. every••· oller. 646·5131 elttr .. ,... ,.,,.. , ... ,,,. ..... 775-1491 1nyllmt. Ira. C•ll 10 H8 $6,8!50. 6pm '7 t CHEV. \/AN "'• ton. ---- 963 6238 350 turbo New tires & 80 5281. wlll w/11n ltllr, Large rOll of Sliver met• • '75 Honda Xl350 WH + MORE $1800 or ~-SPd. 10 m1. loaded rlal, for Suntennlng Cla111c 18' Lapttreke Xlnl c:ond $600 offer $15.995 640-0695 eves blankets, $50/0 BO Century bey boat. 4 cyl, M2·2011 STE\IE 0.45-6506 990-9678 Orey. $3500. t7M111 '74 2002. drlt gm, nat Int , Y1mlhe XS750, AM/FM, A1tfl w .. 1H ISH a bSOIUlely ~Int eng ' Nlao 2056 OMM tOYnd , .... MAT CB. Fairing, new llrt , ••••••••••• ••••• •••••• trans. paint 1n1 $6000 movie c1mera with 1oom t5 f1 1.yman Ltipelrlke. $1300/0BO. 644-1257 WE PAY firm 495-5862 lent 1250 Plonffr SX Perfect aond. Sic St, Mat trede -, ---.......,---- 650 rtatlvtf 1140 Prl-500 H2·7022. •t4·3&M '78 8MW Motorcycle TIP IOWll 80 BMW 3231, 2 dr 6 cyl, Vilt eye 1M'91-tlarm, Ii 5 apd, Unttd glaU. A.-....,.. •1a. 080. 8.4S..5t31 eo " Tl\undet'l>tfd. 50 HP ~ Mii '?' ttaot °'a Fiii 1111 0&11 cero •••"· 25.000 ml. .....,... Evtnrude, Trell.,, New· 55, 56. 57 , Chev $18 ,000 l b•t o lr •flar lpm. port Htrbor Mooring. 842·62"49 AUi 111111 6"48·7202 .. -llT. 12250. (7,.) H5·8007, 'It HONDA 740 Custom ""1111/..... ~.7~7-:-530~1.-:-lu-:-ll-y ".""loMl~td-:-.-:bMI~ 45 ft, 2•0 con11. LOCllll (213) 4d.U40 di t500 ml Mint cond 2480 Httbof ltvd w /lan tnt, 18500 tor mfo. Monti\ of July _,. 13' 8otton Whaler, "°"I> Mutt Mii al 12. ISO Or COITA MESA qulell Nit 0"40·841Se c 1 e 1 • a 1 6 o o . ~.under werr .. aeoo belt otr. 183-9585 Mt.a. II I 7141N8-35M Mitch. 541-toOt '78 KAWASAKI Kl 400 .... 1417 f!/!/ •••••••......•. t ·11 Sklpjeck. 24' optn Oooct condition 1100 '73 Cal)fl, 1 owner, IUITN. c"'4ttf 130 11/p, vo111o "rm. IU·7tU d1y1 WI llY 4-CYI. S1IOO 'IWWid de!, I UIO pllot. ~ ..... .... '3"1114 •nmii ... 2..._. ..,,,._,,,,,L ..... .... Lt horte, '""" oat• • '1) II' f..UIWI lpof1flttlar, .... Ala..Ma IJ~ -~ r. ............... ::.T: tNlott ,,_., Cai IO • \Wn HI Ol'ltye, wl .. PI •lml'tlm'Wl•u tr.lJ '11 UOZ, lo ml, tijntOOf. Wf\at .. I hew l to • .._ ellt 111,IOO ...... ,! rt' ~~~fOfM• AM ll'M cut 11•,eo. PIMl'/fllt/# ........ ...._.111ftl ....... ~.. .....,1.,000 ""°''°'' '*'111 m1= ... ,..,, ... ~.... ........ .,, t40l. 4-··~::;:, IH•t ~ :l•HI 1111ttlf, IMMAOULATl JJ~ MIH fMll• .........,. ",:: :.=J:a L~~~ tr Ir•-•· ::.;:.t, Mii -•we ~~111111 HHI 122·UU Open Sunday .. Oran • Coa1t DAIL y PILOT ,.•'IM....... .~M.~ ...... IA'!'i.~ •••••• MW..~ •••••• '!'!Ii.~...... JlM.~ •••.•• ~.-.~'}1.!fl.4:~~~ .•••.• ~.-.~JJ1.'I.•.~ ••...••... ~1.'!11.¥111. .......... ~1.'111.V!ll. •••••••••• IA'IM .......... 1.~ • l';!4f ........... 1.~tl t!tm+!f.ftr1. .. l!.~f ttfP. ............ U.if lfl! ............ 11.ff T.ee!.'!P. ...... 11.?f Y.'/11 ............ !.~?f F.'l.l/!ff ......... l!.U f! .. F/!l.'.'.. ...... I!. P!ffl!tt!!! ...... 11.ff Hiii 1"'1Mt •• ..... I '?~ MOI ~ Ownet. LUii & 1HI U&I '12 lvl* M.111. II f Y.,_e ..... , Tiii Ullftl 78 VlGA H•1011b•oll, tullllU '11 W• can hetpl lllOf• you Ht4 .,.... 00nt000flcl11•• o....i1..'~··'o4, 'f nut 41111 1•J~1 t1 ., ... , Ot11t,I llUOTlll AIC. 3&1< rnl. new,.,.., HTUa..,.. buy, ciheck our unb .. lt-tt m ••· .... u • 328 60 41-, .. v --·· mini ciond fl,7001080. -lilt 11l1ollon, H vlngt I..., 17'·0767 81 vw Flabblt comi•rl.. l&LlhUIWOI ol 111• mocMI. tow mNe•· 846-6163 llltllll ...,..., and .. tv104ll 11rttillt tltt! ltraa/ l1fl lo•d•d Ill< ml tHllO g• Oadllleo• In l<XAlhern Loadldl economic# die· UllYlllllTY Compare HOllM 01 IM· :-r.................... per monlh J u, lax P.P 782• 17u 1,, noon AllUllM 1111tornl1I 8ee u1 1od•yt ~~n~•o:; !J~~f ~·.,g~~,o HI enllnel HendeoMel Ullt I lllWIOI =-~· ~~":!i':r:e P·;~,~ ·~·1=fcL. eu10. w-oon o month cloH d end n vw Aebblt. 11111ng 13, ove111se~~~fk1v11~Y IAllRI H3·60t8 18HYl.l.Y HHll 2850 Harb<>< Blvd 01•1 °213 or 714, MER· 714176<t-7042 :i~"O:n 'fn"r:vedtk 0~!; 005 2 cir, AM/flM ea11. IAllLUO 73 Monte Carlo, •Int MWUI Ohtrtlet COSTA MESA c ! De s I I 2 I 3 0 r det II Im• • clean 714·5&e· 7280 WU Ill 2llOO Harbor Blvd c:ono. clean body lntlld• Dove/Quell s 140-8840 71411137-2333 t!.9.m!. •••••••• 1.~~f l •U•OH lllPOllTI 72 vw Bue. xlnl eng, VllYt COSTA MESA & ou1. recently rebu1t1 N11.WPORT t!l~~H --------H1ven'1 you walled tong '70 P1ugeo1 good oond 848 Dove StrMI muet Hit. S2000/oller 1'100 Harbor ilvd. 140-1810 engine. SIOOO. 550-14111 IU·OHI ·eo 280 ZX H:i."~1ak::.Y:~;il ~~u~: :~:~~he~0n1~wio'n·~~~; sa~~rHI, 1142·3338 N'WIPZO-OFITleEDA2_H 78:0~:::~,. 2 cir, • •l>d. ...:~a8;aA Mi~t41l C•a111 1111 f~.11!.'!! ......... !.~~! 79 Cu11u1 Supreme * MllT llLL * No Ill or 1111. no dfl)O-1hl1 Ol)l>Of1unlty Pl" you I •••••••••••••••••••••• 19711 Chry1ler Cordove Brougham AIC. AM/FM w/pow wind . c1u1111 , 111 NO tic '"· OellYetl b tel nowt We hive a letwit 1111 •mllm, good cond A•ln U11' ChevrOlel M11oon/whll• 1oc> Lo•· Xlnl cond S31·5e70 velour "'" You aupply tny ""41. buy• any car 1:n11111c H llCllon or •••••••••••••••••••••• l1Nt• 1111 12800 OBO 548•9018 •••••"•••••••••••••••• • O&llUI LIYllll • de d 8 3 O O O m I 72 Della Royall Low rfll· lhe fun ( 15072 1) Jull over our coal All Severe modlll & cotort 1Y1ll•· MEISTER •••••••••••••••••••••• eve l•ltk Ill 0 II you really love C•· I 3700I m1 k • o 11 er teaige Excelltnl cones need rellabt• pany 10 Letialng 71411134·0180 ble sa1 ... serv~LMtlng '72 SUNROOF BUG •••••••••••••••••••••• m••OI. give me 11 call I 7 t4/ll40.0255 110 0 0 Mu at 11 e I moke 1m1111 monlhly Ji••ll 1130 ollM ILIMll PORIOllE/AUll UllLWOI Aebulll. I yr guar1n1... SEE US ht1va 11 bunch, lncludlng 76 Cordoba. v8• blk/blk 646•2338 pm11. No old con1ract1 ··'••••••••••••••••••• IMNln 13 .. .,1 uar .. M •111... 111111 perfec1 paint/Int. $2500 tor 1he targH1 •rd bea1 lully loaded BEALINET'· 1 1 001 •9 000 1 1-------....,.-'"'.' to 11sume No back JAGUAR )(JOL '77 -., """ .. ,,.. 601 3982 aelecllon of n;w and TAS TYPE LT and 11 ny r · .. • m rJ I 1151 pmls due Ask for ROH Brown. clean. rell1ble, l30l Oulll Slreel Garden Grove ll1·I04e 4l .. 4l 4I . uMd Bulcka In Orange Z26"1° Jull need rellable AM/FM. tlr. •Int colfd ••~•~••••••••••••••••• ............. "" , ..... m" '""' l•" NEWPORT ... CH ...... mu ,. ,. ,,,, ~~~·::::...~~"::· ::.i c~~:-,. ... ., .• m ... •m"' ..... .,,..,.,. 13 P<HTO •u••eour Proto LIM rbll s t2.000 498-7097. ___ l_l_l_·_l _l _OO___ L1Hlq ••~••••••••••••••••• ,14 600 040•2937 mon1h1y pm11 No old Ct•li•••l•I 1130 Aune but need• work e •• l 14 131 2331 'II "'-~111 S,t o,. ' conlrtl<:ll 10 11~ume No •••••••••••••••••••••• S400 64S-513 I alter '74 Oelsun 260Z 2+2 own r ·79 3000 4 d d ..,... 6 • 1 16 an, • · Aid with black/grey 119 VW Bug Good cones, back pm11 due Aek lor Lincoln Con1111ent1I prn New black paint Wire 1982 Ja~uar 10,000 ml perfec1 cond, lo ml, mus1 •80 92• Turbo, loaded .. 80 OIOlh lnlerlor. • tpeed. good carpel & 1n1erlor R 0 1 e 8 4 2 . 4 4 o o, * TIE MARI * ,-,-.-11-,-t----1-1-1-5 j4h5~~ 'bat ~{r: 8~r-~~"fl2 Musi 86 j2~~~~~· ='.:~~~~~~: :;;~~4°/: 924. Take over leeM1. AM/FM cu .. ue. Perl 1500CC. S2 I 00 Ca II 556· 1008 Proto LIM Long staled 81 th• ulll-•••• •••••••••••••••• •• 714-1125-1808 cond. $6,000 or bell ol-873·049 i CAfrlf/f,. llZO mate In personal lu•ury '80 FtREBIRO ESPRIT '80 210 Excel cond Am/ Fm cass New llres $4200/bSI Olr 751·4600 or 760-3691 Sally '11 olll lollL '7 1 300SEL, 11 .3, mint ,1111,.. l.I lar 7118~751 lromlltoS 72 vw Bug )(Int cond "' "'o,,.,.c.-.y •••••••••••••••••••••• Righi now llve model• *••IT SELL* Brown w/belge Int . aun· cond, 83,000 ml. fully • PM Real cteanl $2050 Call 2925 Harbor ~lvd SEE US fllllTf ere evallabl•. po11lbly Clany yet sassy Brown roof. chrome whit Trans equipped, well malnlll· Rebullt 1·8 new Irani, '711 Toyoll Corolla SAS daye 6-40-7051 COSTA ME A one lor you' Just need w/gotd velour buck el 1uS1 rebll Clean, reliable n e d 0 u I c k ••I e new ctulch, bleck Cullom Mad. blue w/am/lm Ill 2100 We hive 'lood •5•ec· reltet>le party 10 mike sells. auto w/1u1y V6 82 Turbo 280ZX, gun For quick sale -$9600 $ 12 .0 0 0 I b I I of r . p1tn1. Perfect cond. In/ ca ... Good cond. $3400 '73 ~t~T· • lion of NE & U ED smell monthly pmll No 1h111 delivers greal power metal gray, w/llhr lnl. T· PI P 498-7997. 540·562 1 u 1 25 dya, oul. S5500, Ph 073.0016 060641 6923 d•Yt Ca'1JJ1c 1115 Chevrolelll old contracts 10 assume & econ (IAEKQ98) Jult lop. speclal rims, auto, • 640·0838 eves. Porsche '64 C, compl. • s3oqe ...................... No back pmls .. due Ask need rellable party 10 7,000 ml Super sharp 63 Jaguar XKE Coupe, --.-78_M_B_Z_3_00_D __ reetored w/new engine. '72 Mark11WegonS895or 70 vw BUG. new palnl, OOITlllPUTlll for Rose 84 2-4400, make small monthly S500 10 assume 5 yr lse completely restored. Ivory w/lan Interior. S 9 9 O O OB O . offer Air, AM/FM. Call (reel), new brekes OAlau.&I! 556· 1008 Pro10 LIM pmls No old con1rac11 PaymenlS $380 mo mech & body xlnl Mull $14.750 Andy 675·7478 (213)447·5256 6e2-2788 $2000 631-3197 77 Mark v Carner, labrlc lo nsume No back 549· 1343. 966-6434 sell lh1s wknd $6500 We specllllze In ...... 0 pmts due Ask lor Rose --------494·6206 '66 Mercedes 230SL Cpe, •1•1•/I 11"S ·71 COROLLA SOOS olr 59 VW R11g1op. never lor 1he buelnlle ueau-in1er1or $5.300 OB ·7 0 TS 5 0 ••••••••••••••••••••~• Good tran1por111tlon re11ored allor"' blk w/ tlve & n101-•--11. Eves 957--0144 8Pr40210"4L41~.0 · 556· 1°08 t A UN 1 . needs • l"L' 113~ a real crffm pull, $11, ~ 788 · 'V ... .....,., "" \¥Ork $500 MUST SELL aat•H• v••• .. 900 673-11411 IEW 662-2 red & whl Int. car In C.M. Lari• ltltttlelt 111• __ 11 .. , _ ror' IHO -------- 549-1953 :;9·i(;;~;;~~·Ghi;·~~~: ,80 3~0, loaded, xlra fuel ,12 R It L O f'rl••fA 1111 801·484·0726. $1800 Of lew 1lll • -• -• •••••••••••••••••••••• 70 Grand Prix. 78K mlles, lbl 11 tlll • If •••••• ••••••••••••••• 74 0 •W 2 IMll 10 F1es111 Ghia Loaded auto. air. am/Im, $1200 ·12 240Z, Aulomallc. X1ra ver1 a, 1 owner. 8 reo • lank, new llres. $20.500 Many 10 choose from. .7(1 TR7 10 ml yell gd asher Stal wgn, 014HIHt Hit ONLY 67.200 orlgl· t6K ml Local owner Cell 896-4235 days. mlr Incl . $3200/0BO compl restored. immac 962-8392 lmme<llale Delivery d . 11 • S3 '200 good condition. $2200 or lew 11 , ..... _ .. , nal mlles. au1om111c LI k e new S 4 7 0 0 536·3258 eves 673-8526 moin & aft $5000 llrm 497-6730. 0093 l) con · new res, · besl 551·9612 or ,... ----- 9pm 1213)249-3660 llB 114Z I 4 963-1990 551 3276 BER~ 1ran1 .• power steering & 673-2290 f'iH,frifr' 1110 -----•••••••••••••••••••••• S.4111 lk 111 ... NA bra.kes. ajr cond & moret ·74 MAVERICK 2DR •••••••••••••••••••••• F11rari 11ZJ llaztla 1131 'll Ml Mhl1et OHY WE"VE GOT FUEOOSI .! .• !!!~I!! ••••••••••• 70 VW convert rbll eng, ("'AOll l A Could use some body 35.000 ORIG Ml 63 T B1td Orio 20 yr old •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• am/Im cauelle Excel· OUHE OOAIT 73 VW-412, 2 door, 4 nu lop, make olr • J JI' • work & pa1n1 Good 52250 642•7056 c;lass•c. Ilka new. low m1 OllAHE COHn'S lent cond. 45,000 ml. lllO/ 'IEP/RIU•LT speed One Owner. Good 499·2306 Great shape 2600 Hubor Blvd. 1r1nsporta11on Asking $2950 759-0650 OILY AITMOlllZH $3200. 772·7602 252 • .'!arbor Blvd. c•• cond. $2200. 493-0041. 67 vw Bug, looks good, Cost• Meu 540-9100 $1000 or best oller Call fllflt811 1150 11 aa1~ .. " "" Dawn at (714) 493·6161, • ••••••• •• ••• • • ••• ••• • rl•a ~~ .. fERllAIU 549-8023 645-7770 70 BUG Bn. red w/nu runs great S2500 or Dest ext 508. 7 oo lo 4 OO 78 Zephyr z.7. s1ereo .. , .................. . IULHHIPI • seals, AM/FM cess. 1800 olr 642--0219 72 Sedan de VIiie, 80.000 weekday• (M·F), (714) tape. AIC. xlnl cond. 10 1955 T-11110 • Daily Pilot ~!J!t~!T!.'. ••••• !.~~~ rebll eng $2.500 OBO. V•lr• 1112 m1 Musi see 10 appre· 493·6778 weekend• & rn1. Best oller 85t·1234 tmmaculale towner car ~EW~Vl=i classifieds # 1 DEALER IN U.S.A. ~te· 497·5613 wkdys •••••••••••••••••••••• elate $1100, 646-9764 evenl::p_s (n)ot aller 9 00 S1erhr19 silver & has bolh M RT, • work for '13 YILYO WAIOI 80 Seville, x1n1 cond .. Pm. ,.......ue · 'l3 COMET · SllUPI tops 12406001 On•v • you. ca11 nrtv CARVER 69 vw bco, nv. nu &pnt, nu Lo ml, good cond, ale. e•tras, make Oller P.P. MUST SELL! 2 Cir. 6 cyl. auto. ps. a/ c. si2.11906~Ell PE•s·E • l'L...11 IOP. r t eng auto auto, $2400 536·3988 644-4666 am/Im stereo, new ra· • " 3 100 Wes, COiis' Hwyl • ·-.. 642-5678 nf'\I ' c _~ 16r75a·n750s 6$ 3 0 0 0 0 b 0 . 79 c d D&g • d Ill dials. new t1.islom pa1n1 CAllLUO • l~ l'L../l\_C 74 Volvo 144. 1 owner a " r, '65 CORVAIR $ 000 fl 536 9832 Newpon Beach for quick •-...OJMeonu At> """"'°"'etMt0 --------Fa1r cond. $2.000 exiras. S7 . pv1 p1y Need• work $600 OBO 1 rm • IOWIEY 642-9405 I*' IY & • cash sales. ,,.~l';;~~;~':~:;-~~n~~e~11:~,~~c!~r:1'. 497-2621 552-5300 642-4336 (114) 521-9124 76 C1v•c. snrt AM/FM vttn,.~-.. , '" , A ---------• em/Im casseue stereo, 1977 Volvo 2420L, red 72 El Dorado Convertible. ~'!!!~!f ......... !.~~~ Stereo, cass. New brks, • ...,,, .. _ .. ______ Compare befOfe you buy. new Ures, •Int engine. standard 1rans, stereo. llremlst green. wt1lle Int. 74 Mallbu 350. PtS. P/B, 66 Musi . good cond , SELL Idle ltem1 with I trans. 5 sp Besl oller 1ill lAW Sl.USll MIU Ullll4 Sell lhlngsf111twllhDally Clutlfledm•k•lteuy. St900. Call 644-71 17. clean $4550/olr Good cond $3250. 111r. auto. nds lndr wk S2400orbestoller.Musl 0111yPllo1ClaalflldACI. 552-0738. 842-9946 Pllol Wan1 Ada. 642-5878 646-2865. 651·6993. 493-4926 759-0706 or 644·5642. $800/0BO. 964-3205 sell. 644-2341 642·66711. lliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil• • A.TLA.S CHRYSLB.f"LYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd., c·osta Mesa. Tel. 546·1934. 3 blocks! aoulh of San Diego Freeway off Hart>or Blvd Complete ,body shop. Sales. Service. Parts. Service Dept. open Monday 1hru Friday 7.30 A.M 10 5.30 P.M. and S A.M. to 5 P.M. on Saturday. HA.CH IMPC>lrTS &48 Dove Street. Newport Beech Tel. 752-0900 Call us, we·re the spec1ati111 for Alla Romeo. Peugeot, Saab & M11erell • THIODOlll llOllNS ~D Moct.rn .. , .. , M rvlee, parta. body, peint I tire cfepta. Competitive rate• on laue & dally rental•. 2080 Harbor Btvd., Coe ta Mna. e.t2-001 o or ~11. JOHNSON & SOM LINCOLN MmCUIY 28281i•rbor Blvd .. Cotta Meaa. Tel. 540-5830. 57 Years of friendly femlly Hrvlce -Of'11nge County'• oldetal Lin· coin-Mercury dHl•rehip, SOUTH COAST 000.1 28U Harbor Blvd .• Coatll M-. Tel. 54C>0330. RV Mtvloe apeclallett, c.uetom van conV9rllone. MIWPOIT IMPOth'I 3100 w. Coaat H ighway. N••Porl IHoh. Tel. M2·~1784 The,err•I~. MATCH THE NUMBERS OH THE MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • NIW,ORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street, Newport BHch. Tel. 833-1300. Al the triangle ol Jamboree, MacArthur & Brlatol behind Victoria Stellon. Sales. Service, Leulng & P1rt1. We make grNI deal al • MA.llllS CADILLAC 2900 Harbor Blvd., Costa Meu. T•I. 540-9100. Orange County·• Largeat Cadillac dealer. s.i ... Service. Leu- Ing . • DA. VID J. PHILLIPS IUtaC.fllOMTIA.C-MUDA. SalH • Service • Leuing 24838 Alicia Pancway Laguna Hiiia 837-2400 • CHICK IVHSON roltSCHl-AUDt-YW 415 E. Coast Hwy .. Newport BMch. 873--0900. The only dealerahlp In Orange County with lheM thrH grHt mak" under one roofl • ALAN MA6MON rotfnAC.SUIAlU 24'0 ~rbor Blvd., Coata MIN. Tel. 54IM300. &al ... leNlee. LHalng. ~·Mr. Ooodwr9nch." • • CUlllC AUTOMOalLll 716 .-wton Wfft, COIU MeN. Tel. 131-1393 "JAGUAM 0U" iNCIALTY" , XK 1IO'llt40'111IO'lll-T'YI* .... -let*--......,..,. J • • IOI LONGNI PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd., Westminster. Tel. 892-6651. Orange County·a oldest and 1arges1 Pontiac dealership Safes. Service, Parts • DICK MILLH PIAT /LANCIA "Probably the lownt prte.d Flats (n Soothem Callforr a" (located 1 mite north 01 South Coast Plaza near Main SI. and Warner Ave In Santa Ana.) 120 W. Warner, San1a Ane 557·2132 • SA.MT A. A.MA DA.TSUM 2001 E 17th Street. Santa Ana. Tel 558-7811. Your• Of'1g1n1I Dedicated D111un Dealer. • MUtA.CLI MADA. We've mo"9dl Our n•w roc•tlon le 1425 Baker StrMt, Coeta M .... Tel. 54~. Stop by & vlalt our brand new ehowfoom and ... why we·re the 11 Mazda dealer In Southern Callfornta. SalH , Service, Part• and Leasing. • AM~MMADA. "OlllrO.C. .......... •• '"9 ....... L.-C.." 801 S. Anaheim Blvd .. Anehelm 961-1120. Ju11 north of S.Ot1 Ana Frwy. on Anehllm Bl'ld. Cell ua first! "WE ARE HARD TO Fl..0-.VT WORTH ITI" • SAOOLHA.CK llMW~U 28402 Mergu1tltt Pltwy., Avety "91wy. •11 W. offer whet no bank or, ... compeny oan: 1. Expertly .wted. mo11 modern e.rvlc• a f*1a dept.; 2. OM of 1he louthllnd'a mo1t ••pertenced ..._ I i.aamg ttlff; ~ lllmlnauotl of th• mlddleman by IMllng dNler di,.. Ut·IO«> Million V COST A. MESA. DA. TSUM 2845 Harbor Blvd., Cos1a MeM. Tel. S.<HW10. Serving Of'ange County lor 16 years. 1 Mlle So. 405 SUMSIT FOllD, INC. (Home of Wiiiie the Whale~ ~ Garden Grove Blvd , w.tminster. Tel. 636-4010. • ORANOI COUNTY VOLVO 10120 Garden GrO¥e Blvd., Garden Grow Tel. 530-9190. Excluelvely Volvo 10 cover all your Volvo requirement•. New-UMd•S.,_•LMllf'O•Pwu•SeMceeBody Shop Freeway c:loM In the heert of OrMge County at Garden Grewe Blvd. & Br~hurst . • COMMIU. CHlftOLIT .2121 Heft>Of BIVd .• Co1ta Mma. Ow9r 20 ~ 1er1lng Orange County! s. .... IMaing • ..vice. Cell 541-1200: apeclal parts lln•: 546-9400: body 9tlOp line: 7$4-0400. 0 IOY CARY• IOU.S IOYCNMW 1540 Jamt>or .. Roed. Newpoft Beech. l40t4U ...... llfvloe, Parll And Leasing. COMSIDB IT IOI.DI UMd c..-. are In demand •nd Mii qUdtly when ~IMd , In cl...ifled. To piece your prtv•• S*1Y ed. all Sally Lee ..... 1 •. ~OR FURTHER INFORMATION, OR TO BE PLACED 642-5678 . ON THIS AD, CONTACT YOUR DAILY. PILOT REP • . I J • llAlll l:IAIT ~lllllllTll llACl /flllllll llllD THURSDAY, JUL V 8, 1982 O l~ANCil-COUN JV C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS :HB man ! r: ROBERT BARKER falls 11 stories while Sleepwalking w .... .,.., .......... An 18-year-old Huntington Beach man has fallen 11 stories from a Hawaii hotel while apparenlly walking In his sleep. Survivl.ng the fall but listed in critical condition after surgery is Craig Mackie, a June graduate of Ocean View High School A friend who talked by telephone with Mack1e's mother Wednesday night sald today that Craig had a history of walking In hlB sleep. "It happened mon? when he was a young kid but from time to time over the years he'd go to bed and then wind up jn anotbeA place," said family friend E1111HP' Etlckton of Fountain Valley. "We don't know exactly what caused the fall," she said. The fall happened at about 2 a.m. Wedneaday, the last day of a vacation that Robert and Nonna Mackle had promised their son after high achool graduation. Also along on the vacation were several of Craig's friends, alao recent Ocean View graduatee. One of the friends awoke early Wedneaday to find Craig milaing. Alter a search, youn11 Mackle was found lying next to the parking lot of the Reef Lanais Hotel lo Waikiki. Sources In Hawaii said they didn 't believe Mackie's 11th-story plunge to the parking lot was broken by any obstacles along the way Craig had b ee n "enthusiastically" l ooking • forward to attending Golden West College this fall," Mrs. Erickson said. "This is so unbelievable," Mrs. Erkk11on said . "This was the last day of their vacation and lhiA had to happen." Mrs. Mackle, a travel agent, formerly worked in tht! adult education department at the Huntlngton Beach Union High School District. Her husband iB In the steel business, Mrs. Erick.son said. 1. Container 'deposits 'costly' Soviets fl~y U.S. Brezhnev warns R eagan of Marines in Beirut By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL O(the Deity Not ltafl A proposed law that would place a nickel deposit on beer and aoft drink containers would cost Californians more than $300 million in lost consumer benefits and inefficiencies, economic researchers at Chapman College have reported. The results are contained in a study financed by lrvi.ne·based Californians for Sensible Laws, an organization opposing a Nov. 2 initiative that, if approved, ... would institute the beverage deposit program. The four Chapman College researchers used complex "microeconomic analysis" to assess how much the proposed deposit program would cost the c:itiz.ens of lhe state. They also found that the law would benefit the state in the amount of $60 million in savings due to reduced costs for litter control and solid waste disposal. As proposed, the initiative would require consumers to pay a fiv~nt deposit on all beer and soft-drink containers. By The Associated Press Le banese Prime M1n1ster Shafik Wazzan publicly accused U.S. presidential envoy Philip C. Habib today of backtracking on when lo deploy peacekeepers in west Be irut and said t h is threatened "every other aspect" of talks on the evacuation of the PLO from the battered city. At the same time, Soviet President Leonid I. Brezhnev warned President Reagan that if U.S. Marines were sent mto wc.'St Beirut ''the Soviet Union would bu ild its p o licy w it h due consideration of thlS fact " He did not elaborate. but the Kre mlin s upports PLO chief Yasser Arafat, who publicly has Arcade rule established by Valley Retailers would be required to refund the deposit when containers are returned. Retailers would then be reimbuned by beer and soft drink distributors. The law would require that reimbursement by distributors to r etailers be six cents per container to cover retailers added costs of collecting the cans and bottles." A~ ........... o ENDS STRIKE -Anne Bullington, 36. has ended her strike against her five chikiren in Des Moines. Iowa. saying they have acceded to her demands. She began her strike last Friday. If you're operating a store that's equipped with five or more pinball or video games. you're running an l\rcade, unde r a new definition that has received preltminary approval from the Fountain Valley City Council. If the council gives final approval to the measure on July 20, convenience markets. liquor stores and other businesses that have more than four game machines will have to get rid of the extras or obtain a permit to o perat e an arcade from the Fo untain Valley Planning Commission. According to economists James Doti and Paul Abbondante. Californians today are willing to pay a premium for non- returnable containers. In the case of soft drinks, that premium equals about 10 cents per six- pack , Doti said at a press conference Tuesday in Santa Ana. Children yield Mom ends sitdown ·Strike City o fficials said the n ew arcade definition is needed as a tool in enforcing local zoning regulations. The economists concluded in the 133-page report that a mandatory deposit program could boost the price of beer by $1.44 per case. "T he average price I differentials in states that have deposit laws and in adjacent states that do not, indicate that a deposit law in California will cause the price of soft drinks in 12-ounce containers to increase by one cent for non-refillables and three cents for refillables," the researchers said. Rose Pwnfry, chairman of the pro-initiative group Californians Againsi"'Waste, ·said that .he has not seen a copy of the stuoy. However, Pumfry said it has been a tactic of the anti-initiative forces to claim a deposit law would bring "economic disaster" to the state. He said the study fails to point out the value Californians might place on having cleaner beaches and highways. "I think people would put a big value on that." Pumfry said. ' DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -A housewife who went on strike against her family for six days is back on the job after the last of her five children signed her list of demands. Ann e Bullin gto n . 36, the mother of four teen-agers and an I I -yea r-old son . establish ed herself in a lawn chair outside the fam ily's h o m e Friday surro unded by hand -le ttered sign s reading, "M oth er on Strik~" and ''Have You Hugged Your Mother Today?" For six days, day and night. she sat there. through heavy rains and sw eltering heat in the 90s. She became the topic of a Des Moines radio talk show, and patiently answered questions from curious on-lookers. The strike ended Wednesday night when the last holdout, her 16-year-old daughter, Michelle, agreed to sign Mrs. Bullington's list, which included d e mands that mom not be conside red a taxi driver, loan officer or 24-hour cook and that the kids show affection 'and say thanks. Her objective. Mrs. Bullington said Wednesday. was to bring to the attention of her f1Ve children that she ts a "human bem!il" and BUSINESS Pepsi drops caffeine Pepsi has become the third major bottler to market a caffeine-free diet cola as a "cola war" widens. Page B4. TELEVISION 'Hill Street' revisited The characters of "Hlll Street Blues" have chan1ed markedly 1tnce the pilot waa alr~d in January, 1981. Fans can 1ee lt ap1n tontaht. Paae A7. Tbeae •how• tops in TV .. M·A-.S·~t" .. Too 0... !or Comfort" and '1Hou.1e Calli" are lhe uv.. molt wa~hed ahowl on televillon, •Y U.. Nie'-' raUnp. Pap AO. needs a "httle a ffection." Her other four childre n and her husband, Tom. signed the co ntr ac t elevati ng Mr s . Bullington lo that status a t various timE'S during the vigil. Childre n, she said. "forget that mother has her own life. "Thev forRet to talk to me. They forget to kiss me They didn't think of me as a person They thought of me as a mothe r, a nd, th e r e fore. owed the m something." In addition to Michelle. her other children are Frank, 18. Tom. 17. Debra. 13. and Charlie, 11 Mrs. Bullington said Michelle held off signing so long because s he was s ubject t o ''pee r pressure" and w as having trouble signing the doc.·ument without losing face. "Her friends are telling her that 1f their mothers were doing it, they wouldn't sign," Mrs. Bullington said earlier. "They're making it diHicult for her to give in." The girl eventually signed. her mother said, "so the other kids wouldn't suffer" NATION In a memo to the council , City Attorney Alan Burns maintained tha t adding too many game machines can c hange the character of a business as It was originally approved by city planners. As initially proposed, an arcade would have been defined as any business with four or more game machines. But Councilman Ben Nie lsen s aid he had vie wed banks of four video games at several local stores and suggested that the arcade number be raised to five. That figur e rece i ve d unanimous approval from the council Tuesday night. The measure is scheduled for a final reading July 20, and if approved it would take effect 30 days aft.er that date 1983 budget cut SAN DIEGO (AP) -The San Diego Count y Board o f Supervisors has tentatively approved a $710 million fiscal 1983 budget that is $2 million less than last vear's spending plan Senate gym plan flayed Sen. William Proxmil~. D-Wis., says senators don't need a new gymnasium. especially when they rarely use one of two they already have. Page B8. What's the attraction? What did people pay $17.3 million to see over the holiday weekend ln the United States and Canada? Page 87. I COUNTY Fair, arl f ettJl'al begin The two bla event.I of 1wnmer ·~ the Oranae Cout -the Orance O>unt.y hJt ln o.ta M .. and tho Fwtlval of Anl ln Lacuna BIKh -.. , under way thll w•kend. P• 81 . , spurned R<'agan's offer to send in the M arines as part or multinational fo rt·e to cval·uate the guerrillas. Wazzan said the for<.'<.'. which would include Fr e n c h paratroopers. should d e ploy "before or simultaneously with the start" of the evacuauon of Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization. "But I have been surprised by a non-Lebanese insistence that th e deployment o f these mternauonal forces should take place after the departure of the Palestini ans, wh1(·h negates much of the need (or and the usefuJness of these forces "All through the talks with Mr Philip Habib I have been determined to keep the details rrom off1t'lal publicity pending the arrival at a final agreement," Wazzan said "But this new position came as a shock, which 1 am afraid, would reflect on every other aspec-t of the talks." The Wazzan statement was issued by has office and broadcast on the state radio and published in all Beirut newspapers. There was no immediate comment from Habib. who has been trying for thee w('('ks to put together a peat'eke~ping agreement that would st.ave off a ground assault on west Beirut by Israeli forces who invaded Lebanon on June 6 to crush the PLO. Sparkle mourned Sea lion succu01hs despite rescue '\ry Sp;rkae , the sea lion who underwent surgery for a gunshot wound to the jaw, died Tuesday · night, despite a nearly two-week effort by volunteers to save the animal. John Cunningham, director of the Laguna Beach Friends of the Sea Lion, said the two-year-old sea lion was found dead by lhe pool o f the marine mammal complex in Laguna Canyon at about 6 p.m. He said the e ffect of high velocity bullet that shattered Sparkie's lower jaw, combined with the subsequent surgery, s tress o f confineme nt and pneumonia "was •just too much for him." , The sea lion was brought to the non-profit center after he was round floating off the Ne wport Beach jetty June 24. Two veter inarians removed p ieces of splintered bone and teeth and braced the remaining jaw wath steel clamps in an operation June 26. But Cunningham said the prognosis for recovery "was bad all along." Volunteers had to force feed the animal .. and he developed a respiratory problem as a result of the stress of confinemenL "They just don 't lake confinement," Cunningham said. "We kept our fingers crossed and we were hoping he'd be better each morning." "The forced feeding was hard f o r him . It was a no-win situation, but we gave it the best shot possible." Cunningham said Friends volunteers "are terribly upset" by Spark1e's death. "but we're going to use all that energy and emotion to do a better job." The marine mammal direct.or said he hopes publicity generated by Sparkie's pHghl wiU educate people. "so maybe things like this won't happen as often." -By STEVE MITCHELL Disney's venture drops stock price NEW YORK (AP) -Walt Disney Pro ductions' movie "TRON" does not open officially for two days. but negative reactions to early screenings by several sec urit y analysts triggered heavy selling of Disney stock. Disney's price fell Wednesday $2.50 a share to $56.375, and fell another point in mid-day trading today. Theodore James Jr. o f San Francisco-based Mo ntgomer y Securities told Dow J ones News INDEX Service he advised clients to sell Disney stock "until it shows signs of holding at $52 a share." He :;aid the film which Disney is counting on to be a rousing success with its video-game plot t4111s a "seriously Clawed, disjointed story" and that special effects are "distracting." "TRON" sch eduled to be released Friday in 1,000 theaters, ...._is geared primarily to the under-25 cr owd . Pre-opening screenin~s were held Tuesday (See DISNEY, Page A%) At Your Service A4 Movies B7 Erma Bombeck B2 Mutual Funds B4 Business 84-5 National News A3 California A5 Public Notices Cavalcade B2 A9.~.B8.D3-4 Cluaified D4-8 Sports Dl-3 Comics B3 Dr. Steincrohn B2 Croaword B3 Stock Markets B5 Death Notices 04 Television B6 F.clltorial AlO Theattts B7 Entertainment 87 Weather A2 Horoecope 82 World News A3 Ann Landeni 82 SPORTS . Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/Thurlday, July 8, 1812 D.., ~I PMlo by lln• Mllchell I N THE R UNNING -Candidates for the ''Honorary . John Schwartz. An election kickoff party is scheduled Governor of Laguna Beach" race include (from left) "Doc" tonight at the Boys Club from 6 to 10 p.m. Blacketer, David Solomon. Don Ware, Maggie Meggs and L aguna 'candidates' assembfe 'Governor' hopefuls exchange barbs, insults at tavern The five candidates for the "Honorary Governor of Laguna Beach'' met at a local tavern recently to plan s t rategy and exchange insults. There was reference made to "Doc'' Blacketer's running mate -an aging canine named "Buck" -who Blacketer says will be his lieutenant governor. A challenger suggested the dog should be seeking the governor's slot and Doc should drop out. Another candidate termed his opponents as "publicity-seekinf( weirdos." He's the one in the tattered top hat, tails and swim trunks. The gathering at the Marine Room on Ocean Avenue was touted as, a ·;°ffiedia event," and representatives from several local papers were on hand with cameras and notepads. Organizer Bill Farrell said the photo session was set up to publicize an elecllon kickoff party, which will be he ld tonight Crom 6 to 10 p.m. at the Boys Club. The candidates will be sohc1ting votes (at a penny a piece) until Aug. 14 at which time a crowning party will be held . Proceeds from the vote-buying will go toward an e nd-of -the-summer Village Party at Main Beach Park. Farrell figures $7,160 is needed to throw the once-annual party, which celebrates the end of the tourist season in Laguna Beach and is open to residents only. Candidates who will be actively buying votes in Laguna Beach for the next month include "Doc" Blacketer, who is sponsored by Village Laguna; Maggie Meggs. from the Chamber of Commerce; David Solomon. T o p o f the W o rld Neighbor h ood Association ; Don Ware, Sawdust Festival, and John Schwartz, Laguna Video Club Tonight's kickoff party is open to the public. with a $1 admission fee (going toward the Village Party.) The event includes no-host cocktails. music provided by the Basics Four, and speeches by the canqidates. ·oogs on beach solved?· Valley youth held in HB eatery heist By STEVE MITCHELL Of the D•llY Piiot Sl•tt David Tickner, who operates the Pampered Pet Holiday Hotel in Laguna Beach, thinks he has , Uie solution to the long-standing controversy about dogs on the \)each. time Lagunans what the biggest issue in town is. the answer most often given would be dogs. unobtrusive areas of parks for the use of dofils. ''My recollection of th ese comfort stations," Tickner says. "1s that dogs gravitated to them quite naturally and the litter problem in the general park area was con sequently greatly reduced. Tickner, who has owned the pet care facility out in Laguna Canyon for eight years. suggests a proJXlSal he believes everyone can live with. The battle between dog lovers. and those who don't appreciate their deposits on the shoreline, h as split the community for decades. Canine "comfort stations." The f o rmer Hong K o ng resident says the parks department in that British colony maintains (our-foot square recessed sand boxes in "In some cases," he said, "I imagine encouragement from dog owners wa" necessary in the first instance." ' 1n fact, were you to ask lonR- Fair and warm T emperature§' NATION HI Lo Pre Albany 87 70 Albuque 92 62 Co~tal Amar1110 85 63 .40 Asheville 82 S4 Flllr tOday with hlQhS ol 72 to Atlanta 87 67 36 Atlante Cty 87 71 76 Low clouds 1a1e tomght end 95 73 early Friday Overnight lows 60 to Austin S4 Low clouds persist lhrough B11111more 90 71 Bllhngs 86 57 Froday mid-morning hours Birmlnghm 90 71 t>eeoming laor and Minny In the 79 56 afternoon Highs Friday 7'-to 78 Bismarck Boote 73 53 38 Elsewhere from Point Boston 90 70 Conception 10 the Mexlc1n Brownsvlle 95 75 border and out 60 mlles 9ulfalo 91 67 12 NO<"thwllSt winds 10 to 20 knot• Burlington 87 70 over outer wat•rS tod•y 11nd 86 5' Fnday with 4 10 6 loot seas l.lght Casper Cl\arlstn SC 83 71 53 variable winds aver lnner waters Charl1tn WV 87 69 during night and morning nours. t>ecomlng -t 10 touth-t to Chafltte NC 88 69 CMyenne 78 53 10 16 ttnoi. during evenings tod•y Ch"8QO 83 62 and Friday Wind waves ot 2 to 4 90 71 feet Soutt>-t swells o1 I to 2 Clnclnnatl CleYeland 91 67 le•t. Low cloud• nlghl and Clmbla SC 86 68 .57 mO<"nlno houn, beeomlng mottly Columbus 90 88 .61 sunr~ during afternoons 10d1y Oal-Ft Wth 81 71 2.17 and rldly Oaylon 91 72 .10 --~ Oenv« 83 57 1V.S. Summary g:r~1o1nes 86 65 I 87 60 Rainy weather dampened mueh Oululh 65 49 ol the nation. with thunderatorma El Paso 96 75 and showers oYef the northern F111go 73 51 64 47 Appalachians, the upper Ohio Flagstel1 77 51 30 Vall•Y· northern Arkanaes, the Great Falls southern Plains and ColoraOo, Hartford 87 68 also caualng one dellh In N-Helena 78 54 O'- York state Honolulu 88 75 Rain also tall Wednesday on Houston 95 78 Montana, Florida and from Idaho lndnaplls 87 71 Ot to A111ona Jacksn MS 94 73 1 tt waa mostly cieer from N0<1h JecktnYlle 87 71 29 C arolina to southern N•w Kana City 86 ,67 Engl•nd. ov•• lhe Mlululppl Laa Vegaa 95 73 Utile Rodi 93 73 v.itey, the no<1M<n Ptelnl end the Loull'<rille 88 70 ~touth-t 89 87 • ..in wHt•rn New York, ski•• Lubt>Odt b•g•n 10 cl••• lod•y 1f14r Mempl'lls 94 79 tttunderltorrnt kllled one p«eon Ml4ml 88 82 , and caused wldHPrHd po-r MilwaUk .. 8-4 82 Mpi..St.P 79 54 ~ 92 72 T•mperetur•• around lh• Malhvllle Mew Oneen• 93 70 New 'Yorl< 8-4 73 Fronts· Cold -.. Warm 99 Occluded W'ir Nor10lk 85 7 • 08 No Platte 86 63 Okla City 85 66 Omah• 86 65 Orlando 89 72 45 Phlladphla 66 7 I Pl\04nlx 93 7 8 Pittsburgh 87 66 24 P11and. Me 85 68 Piiand, Ore 73 54 Provldenoe 68 88 Raleigh 89 7 t 35 Reno 81 55 Richmond 91 72 Salt Lake 89 58 05 Sen Antonio 116 72 Seattle 7 I 5 t Shrevepor1 93 73 Slou• Falla 81 64 St LOUii 86 73 02 St P-Tampa 87 73 34 SI Ste Miiie 78 41 02 Spok-75 S4 10 SyrecuM 91 7 t I 24 CAL.9'0MIA 8ak4t1fleld 1M1 48 Eur41t• 85 50 Fr.oo M 85 Lenc:aat• N 82 Lot AngeleS llO 81 Mlll)'IWte 90 Oakland 88 P..o Rob1ea 90 59 Red 81utt 13 58 AeOWOOC1 Clty 7• 5-' Sacramento 80 55 Sahn•• 76 50 San Diego 75 65 San Francisco 83 52 Santa Barbat• 67 54 Santa Marla 77 Stockton 86 58 Thermal 95 Bera tow 93 70 Big Beer 91 53 Bishop 91 53 Catalina 68 58 Lake Arrowltead 75 50 Long BHCh 82 60 Marysville 90 Monrovia 90 56 ~ont•r•y 6'-56 Mt Wllso6. 71 64 r:iewport ach 89 60 Ont er lo 87 54 P•lm Springs 98 7' Pasadena 8-4 57 Sen Be<"alttlno 91 56 San JOM! 72 55 Santa An• 79 59 Sent• Crui 75 55 T 8!\04 Valley 72 3t Smog The Air Uu•llty Manag4n1ent 011trlct predicts unheelthful air qu•tlty tor tenlltlve D800le todev tn the 8an Oabr181. ,__ San A 17-ycar-old Fountain Valley youth was a rrt'Sted early today after he allegedly donned a red ski mask and robbed a H untington Beac·h fast food restaurant at gunpoint. Huntington Beach policc Lt. Bruce Young said the holdup occurred a t 7:30 a m. today al the Der W1enersch n1tzel. 7598 F.ciinger Ave. He said the youth. whOSC' name was withheld because of his age. enterc'Cl the rl·Staurant wearing the ski mas k, approached the clerk with a handgun and demanded mom•y As he was fleeing from the restaurant. the youth was spotted a nd arrested by offwer Tom Wood. Friday"POW Day' L OS ANGELES (AP) - President Reagan announced that he is designating Friday as "National P .O W .-M .1.A Recognition Day. 19!i2 " --.. • ~\ •' Continued stories DISNEY MOVIE. • • night In Los Angeles and New York. Horold Vogel. entertainmen t analyst at Merrill Lynch, Pil'rce, Fenner & Smith Inc., told Dow JonE'!i, ''After seeing the film, it seemed clear to me that this is n ot the runaw ay h it that everyone was expecting." Mike Bagne ll , senior v ice president of finan<.'tc! at Disney. called the analysts' comments an overreaction . "I attribute the drop m stock price to o n(' or two analyst• !ia y1 ng they didn't like the picture," aagnell said from Los Angeles. "The overwhe lming majority of people thought it was tcrrif 1c " Tht• plot c•onc.-crns a <.'Omputer genius who suspt.'<'ts evil doings by a t·orporatc exc'<.·u tivc. During an mvt.'St1gution, the computer genius is zappl•d into another d1me ns1on , wh ere he finds h1msl.'lf a playc•r in a gladiatorial video gaml· 1ns1de the <'Omputer. Pharmacist linked to narcotics probe California authorities are attempting to revoke the license of a Tustin pha rmacist who police allege is the major supplier o f Quaaludes and other medication to the illicit drug market in Orange County. A hearing is scheduled July 21 in Orange County Superior Court on a lawsuit filed by stal e officials against pharmacist J ohn W achter, who runs Centre Pharmacy on Newport Av.enue in Tustin. Superior Court Judge Linda Hodge McLaughlin declined Tuesday to immediately issue a temporary restraining order against Wachter pending other license revocation proceedings planned by the state Board of Pharmacy The state lawsuit alleges that Wat•hter's pharmacy filled phony prl'SCrl pl ions for sedatives like Quaaludes and stimulants like Ritalin over a 15-month period beginning in 1980 T he lawsuit a lleges that the pharmanst violated provisions of the S t a t e Bu s iness and Professions CoclP, the Health and Safety Code a nd the Code of Federal Regulations T he suit estimates tha t more than 88,000 Quaaludes were sold by Wachter ove1" the 15-month period in addition to nearly 200,- 000 Preludin stimulant pills worth $2.9 million and 27 ,000 Ritalin pills worth an estimated $234,000 Two GWC students set f Qr DC trip Two Golden West College students have been selected to attend the 1982 N ational Student Convention 1n Washington, D.C., a gathering o f stud e nt leaders from colleges and uni versities throughout the United States. Tracy Ca m eron o f • Ted Metz, a Fountain Valley r esident. has concluded his two terms as president o f the board of directors of Family Service of Los Ange les, a non -profit agency that provides group and individual counseling. • The Huntington Beach Chamber of Comme rce is o fficially opening its n ow o ffice July 15 at Seacliff Village, 2213 Mai n St., Huntington Beach. Members are encouraged to Huntington Beach . an international relations major. a nd Greg Hernandez o f Westminster . a journalism ma1or, will travel to the nation's capital on July 23 for five days of workshops and semina rs with n ational leaders. On July 1, Meu became immediate past preside nt, while continulllg on the board and its executive committee. He will also act as a liaison w ith United Way, which provides funds for Fa mily Service. stop by from 5-8 p.m . to tour th e n e w fa cili t y . Co mplime ntar y h o rs d'oeuvres will be ser ved . There also will be a no-host bar plus door prizes. SEIK O nation before dawn r:i:: from 4' In S8Ult St•. Marl4. lch., to 87 In Ph<>enbc, Ariz. F•rnando •"0 Santa Clarlla vallayl anO In the ~ 8efnardlno and Hemel·Eltlnor• arHa. wllh good •Ir quellty elMWMre In Iha South Coast Nr Baal". Time that travels llght. From Seiko. the ideal gift for every traveler. Tra~I alarm clock with accurate quartz movement folds Into a slim. wallet-sized case. Five-minute snqoze feature. Choice of beige. black, brown. or·burgundy case. SS9.SO. California The Nation.. w .. tM< Ser\llOe predlola 1un1hln• ecroa• South•rn C•llfornle on Frldey ~ morl\lnO cloudt dear alonO 1111 ooHt Northern dHert1 111ould get 1outhwHt wl"d• ptlllO to 26 mp11 '" •f1arnoot"t encl~ Hl9fl• wlll reno-from ... In l.OI ~ to t2 In coaetet v-.. '''"' u to eo I" mou"111r11, tletwae" ti a"d H In Ille "°"""" -..n encl "°"' .. lo dM Ill IN IOw CleMf1 ....,. "°"' '°"" ~-'° ":' !: :'r~ ='"'=~1· ...... __.. ..... . = . ...,..._.. ..... t t• It r.J',J.Pi?!.! ... • I BURI RIPI RT r:,:c .... A.., ... ... . ...... ,. ..... 2-3 11. ,.., ... 2·3 It. t• ... 1-2 ft falt ea 1-a It. .. t6 ,..., t6 Mil. ,.., .. 1·2 ft. """ M 1•2 It. .,.., ... 1-1 ft, """ ... t·afl .,.,, ., 1 " -= .. 'l "· :: t " , •• fl ii 6 i~R -"' '"'j L.-.,, '"'~ .... Where to cell (toll lrHI for lat.i emog lnformlltlOn: Oranea County. (IOO) 446-3829 Lo• A"t•••e Cou"ty: (tOO) 2•2-4022 ~ _, San hmardlno oour1u..: (IOO> ae1-c1 to A~O f,pltocM c.tiw; (800) 20 ....... Tides tODAY ~ IOW. •:n P Ill II.I leaond lllOh 10· ... P m M .-AY ""' loW t: , •• "'· u = 1'.0tJlll ... ... ..., '"' u = ''"-'""' ... tun ........ , , ..... .-1' .. .,. • ..,,, ,...,. ........... ,,,.. .... ,....,., .... .. SLA.VICK·s ,... ...... lfOttl7 WM1 clw btac JWtpntt1 bqin. =:==!=~= , • NATION Reagan studies rail strike By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 WASHINGTON -President Reagan will have to d ecide soon whethe r to invok e emergency provlalona of the Railway Labor Act to avert a strike acheduled for Sunduy by tho Brotherhood ot Locomotive Engineers. A spokesman for the 40,0<YO-member union said Wednesday the BLE will sta.ze a nationwide strike Sunday night agalnat more than 100 rall carriers unleN Reasan acta to appoint a fact- findlng board. Such a movt:, under tht! rallwMy act, would foreatall a strike tor 60 day•. Any walkout during that period would b<' WegaJ. But In Cleveland, an official of the locomotive engineers' union said it would take a miracle to avoid a walkout. •60P TJ' ads 1 enrat1e Democrats WASHINGTON -Democrats are hopping mad about a Republican television commercial telling votJrs that Social Security recipients can thank President Reagan for the extra money in their checks this month. T he television spot featurt!S a grandfatherly postman who smiles fondly into the camera and says he's "probably one of the most popular people in town. "l'm deHvering Social Security cbecks with the 7.4 percent cost of living raise that President Reagan promised," the mailman says. "'He promised that raise and he kept his promise. in spite of those sticks in the mud who tried to keep him from doing what we elected him to do." •U.S. cool to Viet withdrawal WASHINGTON -The State Departme°'· responding coolly to Vietnam's plan to remove a "significant" number of troops from Cambodia, says peace and st.ability in the area can be achieved only through the complete withdrawal of Hanoi's forces. Informed U.S . officials said they believed Vietnam's announcement Wednesday was based on Hanoi's growing economic d1fficulti<is and a desire to improve Its mternationaJ 1magt!. •5 teens held in train death FAIR LAWN, N.J . -Five teen-agers were charged today with tripping a swatch that caused a passenger train to careen off the tracks al 60 mph and crash into a spaghetti factory, killing the engineer, authorities said. Police Capt. William Gormanns said the youths. aJl from the area, were charged with WORLD manslaughter. Their names and ages were not immediately available. The scven-car train with nme pc.."Ople aboard was en route from Suffern, N. Y .• to Hoboken. N.J ., when 1t d eratled about 9 :45 p.m Wednesday. said Fair Lawn Fire Department Chief Ronald G rant. •Bankers ask archbishop firing HOME -Italian banking officials have asked Pope John Paul II to fire American Archbis hop Paul Ma rc1nkus as head of the Vatican bank because of his alleged involvement in a banking scandal, the Daily American reported today. The burly 60-year-old archbishop from Cicero. Ill.. is considered the most powerful American at the Vatican and is also the pope's bodyguard and trusted advaser. Marcinkus has come under public scrutiny recently for dealings with Banco Ambrosiano and the bank's president, the late Roberto Calvi. At the time of h is death , the 61-year-old financier was under investigation by the Bank of Italy for "questionable" high-risk loans of $1.4 billion to three Latin American subsidiaries of Banco Ambrosiano. •Soviets to import more grain LONDON -The Soviet Union will have to import millions of tons of grain through the 1980s despte a costly new program to produce more food at home, the chief executive of the lntemationaJ Wheat Council said today. If true, the forecast will have profound for eign -policy 1mplicat1ons for the Soviet Communist government, which faces a growing. hard currency squeeze as it imports gram from the United States and other Western nations to prevent acute food shortages. •Britain lessens POW demands LONIX)N -Bntam has scaled down its demands for the release of 600 Argentine war prisoners still held following the Falkland Islands conflict. The Defense Ministry said lhe prisoners, including Brig. Gen. Mario Benjamin Menendez, commander of Argentina's vanquished Falkland STATE Islands invasion force, were being held aboard British ships moored off the FalkJands capital of Stanley. A spokesman said the ministry has not yet decided the destina tion of the prisoners . A government source said they might be brought 8.000 miles to Bnain. •Brown signs 'lemon' car bill SACRAMENTO -Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. lifted a glass of lemonade and gave a toast: "May there be no lemons in California, at least in the automobile industry." H e d id it We dnesday a fter signing legislation to protect the buyers of "lemon" au tomobiles. Also sipping lemonade, Assemblywoman Sally Tanner. D-El Monte, who fought four years for the bill. said 1t would help the aihng auto industry as well as the aggrieved consumer. The aim of the bill 1s to give the buyer of a persistently defective car his money back or a new car, beginning Jan. l. •'Lesbianism' studies flayed LONG BEACH -Administrators at the California State University campus here say they want outside consultants to review its Women's S tudies Program, which fu nda m entalist Christians contend promotes lesbianism. G lendon Drake, vice president for academic affairs, suggested the independent review despite a campus committee's support for one targeted course, "Women and Their Bodies." Prompted by complaints from EvangelicaJ Christians. State Sen. Ollie Speraw, R-Long Beach, has castigated campus administrators about Betty Brooks, 48, the part-time instructor of "Wome n and Their Bodies." He said she showed students slid es of her ge n itals a nd suggested they imagine "doing things" with other women in the class. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat ClaHHled advertlalng 7141142·5'71 All other departmene. 842-4321 Secr eta r y facing e mbezzle m e nt rap Thoma P. Halev P\llllllllllr _, a.I t.-t... Cl"- ~ Sd'luttz _,.,....... _,.,._,,,_,..... Tom MurphlM YltGr Mike Herwy ~°'~ ~· Ken Godderd ~°'~ f'.'ey MKL.-n CeMr9lll' MAIN OfflCE DO West •rt St., COil• !NM, CA. Mall-: llo• UllO,Cai.-.CA ..... C"'Y111M 1'12 OrMllt CMS1 Pwell ....... ~. Ho MWt ·~ lffvttret..,.s. ..iito0e1 ...-• N-~tse.....m ,....., ,..., '" ·-~• """"""' _ .. ,~ ... _ .. ...,._ .. SAN FRANCISCO -A Bank of America senJor secretary is sc:heduJed to be arraJgned next week on a charge of embezzling $451,200 Crom 31 bank accounts she allegedly manipulated for m o r e than four years, a gove~nt attorney said. awtee Looe ............. VOL 71, NO. 1• Zena.Ida C. Cembrano, 35, who nu worked for Bank of America alnce May 10, 1976, was accused in court documenta of embezzling the money Crom September 1977 to March 1982. ..., ...... ...., .. ._ .... . We're Listening ••• Whal do )'OU like •bout the Dally Pilot! What don't )'OU llkt't Call the number below and )'our mt11a1• will be recorded, lnntcribed and delivered to lht appropriate tdltor. The aarne M·hour 1n1werin1 ttrvlc:t m1y bt u1td to record l.t· 1er1 to l.M editor on lft)' topic. M1llbo1 eontrtbuton mu1t lntludt their n1m• ind ttltphont number for v1rirlt1Uon. No elrcul1tlon etlll, pltlH Ttll U1 wh1t'1 on your mind. . .. . . Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT /Thur1day, July 8, 1982 H/F ,\3 D .. ly Pllol 81•" f'llOIO COCAINE HAUL Al Dovetko, supervisor of the Orange County o fl1ce ol th e f e d e ral Drug Enforcement Administration . displays <.'OCaine seized when two alleged drug traffickers were arrested near J ohn Wayne Airport earlier this week. Investigators said som e of the cocain e was wrapped m mustard. a ppa rently to throw dogs used to sniff out illicit drugs off the scent. AG asked to rule • on savings By JEFF ADLER Of IM o.i•r Piiot l l•H The state attorney general is being asked lo d e termine whether the state savings and loan commissioner 1s empowered to extend to state-c.·hartered savings and loans the nght to enforce "due-on-sale .. mortgage provisions. State Savings and L oan Comm1ss1oner Linda Tsao Yang said Wednesday sh<.> 1s seeking an e xpedited o pinion from the attorney general's offace "m view of the complexity of the issues ... • issue I have requested the exi}ed1ted formal opinion." Ms. Yang said from her Sacramento office She said she already h as reviewed several outside legal opm1ons that lead her to believe she is empowered to issue just such a regulation. A parity regulation issued by the <:omm1ss1oner could last up to two vears or until the s ta te Legis la t ure itself took some acllon on the matter Witness ~rrested at trial Defense attorney• mounted n unusual two-pronged attack We dnesday o n prosecution w ltne88es In the preliminary h ea r i ng f or tw o m u r der defendants charged with the stabbing death of a 20-year-oJd Mission Viejo woman. While one defense witness was on the stand rebutting the testimony of the prosecution'i; key witness. another prosecuuon w1tneM was placed under citizen's ar rest by a defense attorney for alle~ed l y commg to court intoxicated The unusual events occurred on the third day of testimony in the Central Orange County Municipal Court hearing for defendants David Leitch, 22, of Laguna Beal'h, a nd Thomai. Thompson. 25. of Orange. Both men a re t.'harged with first-degree murder for the St·ptember 1981 s layi ng of Ginger Fle1schli. 20, whose body was found m a shallow grave in rural East Irvine. Taken into custody by deputy m arshals W ednesday in Munidpal Court J udge Samuc•I Taylor's courtroom was David E. Wright, a former Orange County J ail inmate who was scheduled to t.est1fy for prosecutor Dan Bm-e However, Wright appeared t.o be unstc:ady when he entered T c1ylor's c:ourtroom. He leaned against a c:ou rtroom wall and had trouble holding his head up. Defense· attorne y Ro nald Browc.•r . who repre se nt~ Thompson. told Taylor he would w1lhngly make a ci tizen's arrest because of Wnght's cond1uon Brower al le ged that the prose<:ut1on witness was under the influence of a controlled s ubstance and was drunk in public Off1L-ers took Wnghl into c·ustody an another room. The witness, who was brought back into ('OU rt a fter being arrested, was ord ered by tht• judge to reappear Monday He was then lc·d away again by marshals Wright's 1nabtl1ty to testify allowed the defense to call its first witness That was Timothy Blunt. another Orange County Jail 1nma tl' wh o rebutted the testimony of key prosecution witn<'ss David Ray Vogel. also a ,ail 1nmaw Ms. Yang said she has been cpnsidering extending the nght to enforce due-on -sale clauses to state savings and loans since the U.S . Supreme Court handed down a d('{•1s1on last Wl'l'k uph o lding that r ight for federally <:hartered savings and loans. 60 aliens captured on Irvine property The comm1ss1onN said sh e believes shl' 1s empowc:rc•d to take such a ction under her authority to issue regulations to establish panty between state and federal institutions. 'What remai ns unclear is whether her power to issue a regulation concerning due-on- sale prov1s1ons takes prc.'<:cdence over a 1978 st.ate Supreme Court decision holding that due-on-salt' provisions could not be enforced "In view of the economic havoc and great uncertainty any delay co uld have o n the many thousands of homebuyers a nd home sellers or the mapy thousands m the home industry! S i xty Illegal aliens we rC' arrested in two raids on the same properly in Irvine Wednesday by Immigration and Naturalization Service agents. The arrests were made in a field bordered by the Santa Ana. San Diego and Laguna freeways where aliens were working on a strawberry crop, said INS Assistant Patrol Agent H. R Mitchell. "A large number" of the aJ1ens arrested in the fields. which ar1? owned by the Irvine Company but leased to other growers. told INS officials they were em~yed bv Muari Farms. Mitchell said. ·Mitchell said six Border Patrol agents making a routine farm t·hc-'<.·k arrested :38 aliens on the property m the morning and. when tht.·y found the fi elds again fillt.•d with workers 1n the afternoon. arrested another 22 He csllmav'Cl at least 75 to 80 11legal aliens got away when they fled during the raids "Bas1c-ally:· Mitchell said, the reason for two raids "was due to lack of transportation." The agents were equipped with four vans Mitchell said most of the 60 workers arrested already have been bused to Tijuana and turned over to M ex ican immigrauon officials. Not only Champagne But Concert Specials! Come vi sit us fr om 7-9 p.m. for Free Champagne and ... 40°/o off select jewelry and watches - I l !k er m n er st :e k :'s 1e to 1y tt' d :>r so to 1l 1y ill a u et .is 1d 's l S :>e Ol al m 'e. es rs n. es m ld Ir, no m ht )D pf ~ br lJ\ of ry <e lg ~[ ~ W' D, P. "· at Ale Orange Co11t DAIL V PILOT/Thur1day, July 8, 1982 FV may consult. voters on public safety pay The Fountnin Valley City Counc il has approve d a $1O.7 million budget for the fiscal year that began July l , but the city's financial problems are not over. This budget is about equal to thE> amount the city spent during thc> past year. an d 1t contains no a llocations for employee salary increases. Yet the contracts with the four employee associations in F o unta in Valley a ll expire in November. C it y m a nage r H o w a rd Stephens has proposed one means of raising funds to help pay the rai s es that will certainl y be demanded by the city employees He has asked the council to a pprove placement of a p1,.1blic safety tax o n the Novembe r general election ballo t. L ocal voters would be asked to pay an additional tax, to be used strictly for police and firefighter salaries. Such a measure would require a two-thirds approval by voters and 1( approved, w o uld n o t be C'ollected until ne xt June. Similar public safety tax proposals have been put before voters in two other Orange County cities. ln November of 1980, Seal Beach residents soundly de feated a loca l safety services tax. In June o f 1981. h owever , a similar measure was approved by city of S ta nton residents who mustered j uin 49 votes be yo nd th e two·th1rds needed. How Fountain Valley vott•n; l't'Spond to such a ba llo t measure l'Ould have a significant effect on 11cgotiations with city employees. Pol i ce! o f f 1ct.•r s a nd flrc fightt•rs trad1t10nally a rgue that residents want first class law enforceme nt and fire protection above all oth er services. IC voters a pprove a local tax, it would support the poli('(> a nd firefighters' position and provide additional funds for these employee s. But 1f voters turn down such a tax. the city negotiators t·an ~1rgue that they an.• only re fl ecung the voters' will in r e fusing to provide pay incn•ases. In add1t1on. a turndown by vote r s w o uld probably bruise the pride of local police a nd fire fighters and cause them to feel less affection for th<.· people they a rc paid to serve. tr the primar y e lec ti o n last month was a ny md1cat1on, Cahfom1a voters are in no mood to approve additional taxes or maJOr governme nt expenditures such as the Peripheral Canal The F ou ntain Valley C ity Council would •lx-wise to put the public.· safety t~ to a volt-o f local residents. but whether the tax will win a two-thirds approval remains a question mark Tax loss hits hard The belt tightening for most Orange County c1t1es is probably ;ust beginning. It i s tru e tha t c it y governme nts have lost s ubstan- tial mon ey s i n ee 1978 when Pro positio n 13 reduced their revenue. But there reallv h aven 't been too many dire c utbac ks despite lots of warnings. especially at budget time . The permanent w ork force has remained about the same in most areas and it's seldom that th e re isn 't a pay raise for employees -especially it seems. for the highly paid executives. But if cittes really want to know about bemg hard up. they need onl y to look to the city of Seal Beach. Seal Be a c h . months ago. started the process to merge its sch ool system with Los Alamitos School District to save money. And last week. city officials passed a city budget that c.alled for the county to take over the ci t y's fire d epartment at a savings o f nearly $300.000 In addition. the city t•ut l:i w orke rs from 1 ts lean force. Seal a~a,·h o ffi cia ls say property tax revenues have fallc>n from $-t .:i m1ll1on before Proposition 13 took effect to $1 A million for the• fiscal year that ended June 30. W e hope these kmds of ha rd times don't visit other cities on the coas t But it's hard to feel sympathy in some jurisdictions where salaries continue to climb for some top e xecutives. When officials say they've done all they can. they can always look to Seal Beach. Things could be worse An impressive celebration Once agai n , Hunting t o n Beach has shown that 1t is a town that loves a parade. It also know s how to put one on A crowd estimated by a city official at more than 100.000 saw politicians, horsem e n . bands. clowns and othe rs march down Main Stree t m the 78th annua l parade. Seasoned observers said the crowd was thicker than ever along the route, indicating a bigger turnout than ever. And, as has been the case m recent years, the parade didn't cost taxpayers any city m oney. It was financed entirely by con tributions. The Huntingto n Beach Company donated $5,000 • and Aminotl USA put in $2.5UU but most of the rest of the $35.352 pnce tag was raised by c1t1ze ns. Th e p arade also won international e ndorsement of sorts from a member or the v1s1ung d elegation of An.JO City, J a pa n Anjo City is a s is t er c ity o f Huntington Beach . Members of the d e legation wer e asked 1 f they had seen enough after an hour and would like to leave. "Oh, no," onl' or them said. "we don't get to celebrate the birth of our country in Japan " About 100.000 would agree. A parade is about as good a w ay as any to celebrate a birthday. Opinions expressed 1n the spa'e abOve are those of the Daily Pilot. Otner views ex- pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment ts 1n11it· ed. Address The Daily Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92b2b. Phone (114) b42·4321. L.M. Boyd/ Favorite words A highly successful salesman says he learned years ago what interests people most. He was working in a stationery shop. selling among other things, fountain pens. Customer after customer tried out his pens on the scratchpads, and they all wrote the same thing, he said: their own names. If you're invited to a social get- wgether at the White House. count on undergoing a body search with a metal detector. It's standard practice now. Q. The flag or France has three wtde verUc.Al stripes -blue next to the staff. \hen white, and red on the outer edge. I say thetM!' •triP" ll't' ORANGE COAST llilJPllat exactly the same width. right? A. No. sir. thE>y appear so. but they're not. Wave lengths of l'Olors create an optical illusion. To make them look equal requrres th e proportions: blue, 100; whHe, 110; red. 124 Understand the Scandinavian countries are pretty strong on day- care centers for the elderly. Offspring drop off their folks in the morning, 1f said folks need that sort ot cl<*' attention, and pick them up at n ight. Q . How meny at.ates can you 1ee on a clear day from cm top of the Em~ State .Bulldlna? A . .Five. About 80 miles. ThONI P. Hiiiy PublllMr I TtMma1A.ft\U .. ltt1 ldltor l1r1t1r1 Krtl .. ctt ldltorl•I PH• l dUor Haig fate ·sealed months ago W ASHING'l'ON -A quick end to Alexander Ha1g's tenure as secretary of stale was signaled no later than m1d- Apnl 1n t'Onfidential advice to Capitol HilJ from national security aide W11J1am P. Clark. A tons<'rvat1vc Republican leader h<1d complainl•d tll C lark that Haig was becoming 1ntolerabJc on East· West questions. The respons" from Clark, totally unexpt"<:ted by the l'Omplaining conservative. was to this eff~t. Don't worry about Al. he'll be gone in two months. CLARK DID NOT quite meet that deadline. But h is forecas t was made weU m advance of the issues that finally made Haig Rea gan's first Cabinet dropout. Haig fell less because of internal disagreements on 1ssues than as a result of his style -specifically his determination to be Reagan's "vicar" of foreign poHcy. That Haig would not be around for the rest of the year was clear lo the Reagan inner circle in early June when the preside nt w ould no t permit Jeane Kirkpatrick to resign as U.N. ambassador as suggested by Haig. The proximate c<1use of Ha1g's demise was Reagan's move for suffer sanctions against the SoviN Union on the Siberian natural gas pipeline question in the secretary of state's absence and against his wishes. But his fate was sealed. ironically, at the beginning of the year when Haig's enemy. Richard V. Allen. was forced out of the nat1onaJ security slot at the White House and replaced by Haig's friend, Judge Clark. That was thought to be a c.'Oup for Haig. cementing his vicarsh1p. But Clark was Ronald Reagan's chief of staff 16 years before he was Al Haig's dcpu1y secretary of state. Insiders who knew Clark's charac:ter predicted that <Jill~ tn the White House, he would not tolerat<> Ha1g's 1ns1Stence on overriding everybody including the president h11nsclf -on policy questions Ha1g's central role In the· Anglo· Argentine Falklands crisis might hov(.> Ct~~ t E~~~ 1-,.-.-. -•• -,.-."" ;- saved him for a few weeks. But h1~ celebrated te lt•phone blo wup ovt'r Argentina with Klrkpatrick ended the stay of execution At Ha1g's suggesuon, she submitted hC'r resignation to Reagan The president r e fuse d it, a s tep interpreted inside the White HoUSC' to mean Haig was gone. The Haig-Clark friction grew more Op<'n during Reagan's European tour. leading to the president's June IH st.and 1n Washington against the Yamat pipeline during a meeung not attended by Haig. The secretary was outraged that a step so antagorustic to NATO alliance partners should be taken m the wake of Reagan's tnp during which th~re was no hint of tightening thC' screws. Characteristically, State Department bureaucrats privately reacted to the president's decision by pledging tha t the sanctions ultimately would be watered down below the point of recognition That attilUde was what Clark was talking about when he predicted to the congressional Republican leader thal lfaig would fall lt happenc-d last week when Haig prt'SSC<l his unhappiness over what Rl'ag<1n had dont.-. AT THE END, Haig was alonl· White Hou se c h1t•f of staff J ames Baker considered him 3 disruptive force from the flrs1 clay of the adminis tration. St.x-rNciry of l..X.•f<>nsc Caspar Weinberger had l'las h(•d with him o n a lmos t everything Even easy -going Vice President Crorge Bush went sem1-publk this month tr1 rnmplaimng about Haig's pro-Israel tilt '"Good nddance." said one senior prc-s1dcnttal a1dE-m reac.·tton to Haig's departure. typifying tht• holiday rnood at thc· White House. Secretary designate G eorge Shultz will sausfy all of Ha1g's internal enemies who wanted no v1car a tes in Foggy Bottom. But he i.s not aJj that reassuring to Ha1g's anti-communist cnlll~ inside and outside the administration Back in L980 transition days, these anti-deten11s1~ had come down hard against Shult?. a nd tn favor of Haig for ~relary of sLatC!. They have grown so disenchante>d by Haig de fe rring to 1 Europe and the S tate De p a rtme nt bureaul·racy that m<1ny consider any change wekome relief Yet. they stiU harbor r(.'S('rvat1ons about Shultz as a cold warrior Whatc·ver his true 1nchnations, Shultz -based on his Nixon -Ford Cabinet re<..'Ord can ~ t>xpected to fight his battles qu1<'tly on the 1ns1de and ultimately dC>fcr to the president's JUdgm('nt If foreign policy remains Europeamst and detent1s t, 1t will be Ronald Reagan's responsibility and not that of a vicar down the street. And that is clearly what Judge Clark has had in mind for som1;-time. Wat er will he the key to our future To the Editor· Proposition 9. the "water propositton, .. was defeated a f ew w ee ks ago Somehow I have a feeling that some day not too far in the future Southern California 1s going LO need that water. Soon. the Colorado source wiU be cut off. Each day as we go back and forth to TLC for lunch we see at least two MAILBOX cement trucks, maybe four or more. They are on their way to build large office buildings or new homes. The offices will be literally loaded with washrooms and "johns" which will consume vast amounts of Uqwd. The homes w1U in many cases be the "two bathroom'" variety with showers. and families having the "two shower a day" lifestyle. The homes will also have automatic washer-driers which consume fixed amounts of water each time lhey are turned on. The kitchens will have automatic dishwashers. Every one of those cement trucks is bad news• The Dail y Pilot carries a weekly supplement on "real estate" which mcludes hundreds of ads for homes and other real estate. Dozens of bright-eyed eager salespeople are makmg their living by selllng the properties. BUT FOR the miracle of irrigation Southern California would look like the country between Barstow and Las Vegas. The state ii on a crash course w ith disaster and there are built-in driving agencies (the developers and real estate agenta) propellin, us toward the day of reckoning. Who ta doing anythln1 abo\.lt all thla? Callfomia I.I an exciUnc place to live! What whh earthquakes, mud slJdea, bruahfl.ret. fl.uh flooda, OPEC-lnd~ pa lhor\ICtl and lmpendlnc rnMliw drouahll \.tiere'• never a dull moment, lt'• almost unbelievable! In tht 1M analym. me entire fvtun of the.,... ct.pendl pr1mari)y on bow we handa. the water probleln.. OINJ: P&ARSON Free on the Fourth To tht ldU.or: I''' 10 I~ on lh4t 1'ow1h ol July ln Ntwpon h. The ,,_.. II fWl and IO 11 1v.ry. 1v1l11bl• ~rkln1 t!IHK'tl on ..... w.nd f .,,., a.u.w lht "' ... twn ., Nnk undtr "" Mralnl The night air is perfect: one could not ask fo~ more and in places it is filled with the fragrance of night blooming J3.Smine -or so 1t seemed. I took the ferry across the bay and walked out on the pier and watched the ocean below and the fireworks that shot up into the sky from the beach below into the beautiful moonlit water. Fire rings lined the beach and the flames danced about in the darkness below where l stood against the railing. Crowds gathered round happily enjoyed one another and lhe night. THERE WERE hundreds of people milling about on the pier and on the sidewalk. The sound of music came from a little cafe where young couples as weU as singles waited to get in or come out, or just stand around listening LO the jazz inside. As I stood leaning against the raJhng on the pier after walking the length and noting some changes soon LO be made at the end where bait is sold. I looked at the faces of those who passed my way. T hey were smiling faces. laughing faces. relaxed faces. loving faces, happy faces There were oohs and ahs from many as they watched the colors from the fireworks splitting up in the sky There were no thoughts of fights or riots or hatred or greed. It was only freedom I saw m their faces, and peace. and it was difticult to think there could be any suffering or any otiJer way of Ufe. I walked alone but l counted my blessings and wlahed that all the world could share thil wonderful feeUng of freedom a nd Independence on the Fourth of July In Newport &.ch. L.OONOVAN Children suffer most To the Editor: The new oulbreak of violence In J.,.ebanon hH clelmed the llvH of thou1and1 of vlctlmt while lHvlnt eowtU.. more home1-. without acc111 • i•ll4'r• /rum rtodflrt GN' wtlco"'' TM "0"1 lo condf>tl" ''""' lo JU tpot• or ,llltllllOI• llttfl II ffNfl'ff l.Aff"I Of "'6 word• t1r ltu ''''" bf! ~""' ,,,.,,.,._, All f,lt•r• mu•I '""'* n111.01t.re CPtd ""°''"'' addr~u ~' "°"'" mow bf ""'~ °" " 'fWUI If MUI/It tr"f rflUflll II -.pper11tr l'•wl'tl ~II~ #NI l*Mft'-flfl l.llflt,. •W flf ,,,,.,,,.,,,._., ''1 NJ •llllf Nnm~ tWf ~- 11vmhtr ut IM M!Mrtblff 11r "'"" fUft Jar I mllt IMl•ifl ,_.,,....,. to even the must basic necessities of life. The International Red Cross estjmat.es that over 300.000 are homeless: others put the figure closer to one half million. In the rural areas. whole communities have fled. many of them huddling on open beaches, scavenging for food and water --Beirut 1tsel£ 1s engulfed in fear, death and destruction. And. as always, it ts the children who are the most vulnerable. Moving from place to place lookmg for what might temporanly be safe shelter, sleepmg on open staircases or m empty fields - lacking rood. clean water or a change of clothes, the toll of young lives continues to mount. SAVE T H E C HILDREN , the mternauonal child assistance agency that has been working in Lebanon for over 25 years. is providing emergency services Cor these children and their Camilies ' through their established health centers. A team of 45 trained professionals is working around the clock to alleviate the suff e r ing Volunteers h ave b een mobilized to assist the displaced by locating te mporary s helter and distributing medical supplies, clothing and blankets. In order to assist those struggling for survival, Save the Children is issuing an urgent appeal for funds. As a member of the organization's 50th Annlveraary Committee, I strongly urge you \o take this opportunity to extend a helping hand lo the s uffering children or Lebanon in their time of criaia. Any contribution. no matter how .-nall. can make a difference. Please mall your check today to Save the C hildre n , Lebanon Emergency Appeal, Dept. P. Westport, Connecticut 06880. REV. THEX>OORE HF.SBURGH C.S.C .. Presldt>nt, University of Notre Dame NMI' 1h11 hUn\&tn Valley le ..a.wN • Ct\y Hall tounwn. wh)' ten'\ o..· Me. rMCilvate •ht'"' ~ AM, 0 QSLW ¥ -iZ 0 e ¥a. p q ~ I I .. . .. MAJOR l l AQUI IT ANOIN0¥ Ameflcan lM19ue W..Wf\O......... Kll\IU City ......... Cnlcago SHllle Ookl•nd re••• Mlnneaote w L 'c•. oa ., 33 ~ 4~ 31 549 :J 42 38 S38 4 .. 38 537 4 38 48 429 13 32 43 427 n·.~ 25 5t 301 23'~ Botton MilW.UkM Baltimore Detroit ~Y0tll CleYel•nd Toronto lb el .. " DM•'°" 47 34 45 34 42 38 40 37 39 38 38 40 35 45 WM"•Ml•r '• lcor•• Cteveiand 8. Anv .. • 8 Mlnnuoll 11, MllWIUK.., 8 Chicago 7, 0.1rolt 0 Ran ... City 3. Toron10 1 8ol1on a. Texa1 5 N-Yon. 5 0aK 11nd 3 s .. 111e a. aa111more 1 Todar'• Gem•• 580 510 538 519 508 1 3'r 5 6 487 11t 438 Ctev•l•nd (Sorenaen 7 8) at Angelo (GOitz 1·2) n Minnesota fO'Conno< t 21 ot M~w•uk .. ( T uckovlch 10-3) O.ttolt (Petry 8-5) at Cn1c•go (Hoyt 10-6 Of 1(001man 2·3). " Toronto (Stieb 8· 101 e1 l\Jensea City (Black 3·2), n Bo11on (Rainey 4·3) at Te.ea (Honeycutt •-~.: York (Alex1nat r 0-2) ot Oakland (Norfll 3·8). n Bat11m0te (Flenegan 6· 7) 11 S.1111e (Me>ote 3·8) n Natlonal leegu. W•tto•n DM olOn W l Pct. GI Atlanta 50 30 625 San D•ego 47 34 580 3'• Dodaota 45 39 536 7 San Francisco 39 45 464 13 Hou1ton 35 •6 432 t 5 • C1nc1nnah 32 49 395 t8', £ .. tfffl DM1ton Phtladf!lpl\11 •S 36 556 St LOUIS 46 37 554 Pmst>urgn 4 t 39 5 t3 3 • Montreal 4 1 40 506 4 N ... Ye<k 38 44 483 7' • 1,,n1caao 32 52 38 • • • WMlneod•r'• 8corH Dodgen 3. Montreal t San F'ranc•sco 3 New Vo1k 2 Si n Diego 5 Pn11aaetp1111 3 C1nc1nna11 6. P•llsourgh 3 Atlanta 3 St LOUIS 2 Houlton S Cnoe.ago t Todor'• Gem•• Dodo••• tV Romo 0 21 a1 Mon1rea1 !Palmer 3·2). n en~ (F•lef 1·21 al HOUSIOfl !Ruhlt' 5-5). n , Sin Franc1.co (Martin 3 41 Al New Vor~ (O<OICO 1•5) n San Diego (Man1e1usco 6 •> •• PhllldelDf!•a (Kruk ow b· 5), " C1nc1nna11 (Soto 7·51 11 P1tlsburgh (Sarmiento 3-1) n St LOUtS (Stuper 3. •I at Atlonla (Manier 8-81. n AMERICAN LEAGUE lndlan1 I , Angeli I CU: VELA NO CALIFORNIA 1brhbl •b r hbl Ollone,11 4 O O O Qownlng,113 0 0 0 A BaMtt,ltl O O O Carew. lb 4 1 0 0 Harrah.3b4 1 O O Re Jksn.rl• 1 1 3 Hargrv.b 2 o 1 O Baylor.di\ 4 O 0 0 Paget.1b 2 2 1 o OeCnc.3b 3 1 1 0 Thrntn.dh 4 O O 1 Gncn.2b 3 1 2 0 H•yes.rt 3 3 1 2 Lynn.ct 3 1 2 3 Manng.ct • t 2 o F011.ss • 1 1 0 Husey.c 3 o o 1 Boooe.c 3 0 O o M11bm.2b 4 1 2 1 FS<:hln.ss 3 0 1 0 Totals 34 8 8 5 Totals 3 t 6 7 6 ac .... bJ lnnlnt• Cleveland 120 1'0 200-8 C1llto.n1a 000 100 500 6 E Car-DeC1nces OP Cleveland I Calol0<n1a 1 LOB-Cleveland 8. Calllorn1a 5 2B Menning 38-MllllOu•ne HR-Hl yM (71 Lynn (7) Re Jecl!IOn 1181 SB-Foi. SF Tl\Ofnl0<1 Huaey Lynn c1e .. ..- wo11a tW 1·6> Sp<llMr (S. 101 CellfOf'nla IP 6 3 H 5 2 II Ell 88 SO • • s 2 2 2 1 3 Wilt (l,4-3) 4', 5 3 2 I HASSier 21 , 1 3 2 2 t Mahler , O 0 0 O 0 F'orsch 1•, 0 O O 0 2 Wa11s PtlCl'>ed 10 3 ballen m the 71h HBP by W111 Fl!l(;f\lln Bel~ Hassle• T -2 •O A 25 218 Royel1 3, llue Joye 1 l oron10 O tO 000 000 1 d 0 Kansas C11y 010 0 tO 10•-3 5 t Clancy and B Man•nt>Z Gura and Staugnt w Gura. 10·4 L Clancy 7·6 HRs Toron10 Bart1eto (7) Kansas C•ty Aikens (4), Marton 161 !o-22 217 TwlM 11. a.ewer• I Mtnnesola 060 001 202 11 IS O Milwaukee 001 020 •O 1 8 •3 0 Hevens. l•ttte (71. Pecelt1 t9) 81'<1 Laudner McClure. Bernard (21 Eastl!fly t71 Fingers t9) and Simmons W Haven• •·6 L- McCtvre. 7-3 HRs -M1nne901• Gaetu Pit L...Oner (4) M1lwAllk&e, Yount (14). Romero (1), S1mmo05I12) A 22.654 0 b 2 YallkMa I, A'I 3 New VOrO. 300 000 020 & I I 01k1a11d 100 o 10 o to l 1 ' CrlClo.Mitl, l •Rocme (8), GOU•lje (8) allll Wynegar L1n9tor<1 8H11l (8) ind Ne10m1n w Er1cto.10<1, IS 7 I Langtoro I · 10 S Gouaoo t 181 HR• Ntw Yotk W1n11110 I •&1 Otkland 8UHOIJ9h• (41 A :u. 289 Marlnet't •• Oriole• , 8al1ornurv 0.13 010 000 -7 8 1 S11111e 02 I 02 t 01' 8 13 I Oav11 Gfl•n•l•y i;I) Stanhoun Ill) Slolld••O (8) and Nolan. N11ton. Ande11en tSI C1ualll (91 and Swt1t1t W C1udlll 8 3 L Stocldera 1 3 11R 8all1morv LOWt1t1llt11n 1121 A 12,405 NATIONAL LEAGUE , Doda•t• 3, Expot 1 lOI ANOELlS MOHTllEAl ab r h bl ob r h bl s •• 20 LMdre• cl Oorvey lb Ma11n1 lb Mona1y 11 (;1y 1b Orta rt Roon1ck ti Ya&ger C Rus~ll » 11atn1ue1 p 4 0 I 0 R11n1t It 4 0 2 0 4 I 1 I !avers 2D 4 0 0 0 1 0 0 O Dawson Cl 4 0 1 0 3 t t Z Oliver lb 4 0 I 0 4 0 0 0 Cerlet c 3 t t 0 4 0 I 0 Wl1IACh 30 4 0 I 0 2 O O O Norm1n r1 4 0 2 1 1 o 0 0 Speier n J 0 0 0 3 0 0 O lea p 2 0 O 0 1 t 0 0 W JMtn ph 1 0 0 0 1 O 0 0 Reardon p 0 0 0 0 M1llt pt\ t 0 0 0 10111, 28 3 • 3 ro1111 J4 1 8 t Scot• bf Inning• Lo. AngN5 000 003 000-3 Montreat 000 000 001-1 E M arsnatl, SIA OP Montreal I LOB-Los Anoetes J, Mon1111a1 8 28 Lonclteau~ Carhlr No1man HA- Martr11t1 13> SB Se, Tavern S- Valenzuola (W 12·6) l oo A1>9ete1 IP H II £11 aa 80 Vatenruela (W 12·61 9 8 1 1 2 6 MOfttroal lto• (l 6-5) Reardon I 1 J J 3 J • I 0 0 0 2 f ;o 44 A 26592 llrevee 3, Clfdln.ta 2 St LOUIS 000 000 10 I 2 6 I Atlanta 000 002 10• 3 4 2 Anou1ar Keal 171. Keener 17) L1nt1 (8) and D Porter Carnp, Bedro11an (71. Garber (8) ena Bf'nOdtct W Camp 6·3 L Anou1ar 7 7 S Garber ( 161 HR St Louil Ooer to. fell 11 I A 20 054 Padreo S, Phlllle• 3 Sen !>ego 030 000 O 11 5 12 D Pn,fldflfpn•a O 10 000 020 3 7 0 l otta• Snow 181 Luc;as 191 OeLeon 191 and r Kennedy Bystrom Mo"9e 16> Lyle 18> McGraw 191 and B 01•1 W lOllttr 9·2 L Bystrom 2·2 S D~L~on Pl HRs Ph1l&d~lp111u Matthew• I t3J Sct1rt11dl l~t A 26 695 Aotro1 5, Cub1 1 Ch•tugo ooo 000 100 1 4 O Houslon 000 201 02• 5 7 0 Ripley Protv 171 Campbell 181 ano J D•••S Sulton ana Purots w Suuo" 9 • L R1p1ey 3 ' HR Ho11SIO'• Gam ... 161 .. 11 105 Glanlo 3, Met• 2 S•)" ~. ""'1~0 000 000 03-0 3 8 3 New Ye<k 000 100 100 2 8 2 Gitt' Mmton t6J ano May Ciafl l\lli!n 181 3nd Hodges W Gate 3 8 1 Gall o 1 S Minion ( 131 HR S1n Frencosco R Smith 161 11 13 875 Recla I , PlrolH 3 C1n<.1nnal1 000 000 IOS 6 I 1 I P11tsburgn 030 000 000 l ~ 0 Sea.vet Pr.c;e 171 Hume <71 HM"• t91 4ncJ Vaf\ GOfaet Trevono C.•ndeler"' lttkul"' 171 •no 1 Pena W Humt! 2 • L ! eloulv11 5.3 S Ha"'s 111 HRS C•nc1nna1o Cedeno 171 l(•&ncruck• I ti A 20 01• C.arew • Oii Boone Oownono L1nn 8oy•0< Cl11~ Gr.c:n DeC•ncH Re JockSOf\ een•Que.t Ro Jackson Fer111Jton Wlllong 8utleson "Oelle~r Totals Angel 1veregee 1Arr1No Al R H HA Aat Pet. 266 •o ao 19 :io 1 261 3? 7• 33 21~ 227 1• 65 ' 29 283 316 !>() 89 II 30 282 262 4S 73 7 25 279 323 36 88 12 51 272 52 7 14 2 5 269 269 33 12 8 )7 26a 795 •2 re 10 46 264 255 36 14 18 •3 251 85 I t 2 I t 8 24 I 42 3 9 I S 714 53 3 10 0 2 189 96 10 t1 0 5 177 45 • 1 0 2 156 16 2 0 0 0 000 2.790 364 748 74 334 268 PITCHING IP H la 80 W·l £11A 2 0 0 0-0 000 40'• 26 4'1 22 10 20• S0 I 42 2? 40 ) J J 04 941 I 'J4 24 42 7 2 3 23 118 116 10 40 9 • 328 MAl>ler Ha islet Al~ Renko lAhn ~or,ch Will Sancriez Gr11u Mo,f'no C.o•~ll 129'. 116 30 47 7 7 3 41 Totals 85 I 86 ) I • 4 4 ,) 3 59 • 1 4 7 lO 4 2 6·3 3 14 23 ,, 8 18 1-2 •30 49' 55 2) 22 l 7 • 74 53 • ~J 10 ) I 1 7 4 89 755'• 715 259 JS9 45 38 3 St T op 10 (laMCI on 135 at aoto) AMERICAN LEAGUE Q Al " H Pel. w Wilson KC 56 2•2 31 83 3•3 t<arran Cle•e 77 304 85 103 339 8011nell Toron10 73 23 t 39 78 338 Yount M1twauke<1 74 300 54 99 330 M'Ra" II ansa.s C11y 80 306 43 99 324 Hrt>e• M1nn~t• 69 27• 47 88 321 Coo~ Milwaukee 73 303 54' 97 320 L M P•ffsll Detrotl S8 197 38 82 315 Semo•e Te.as 40 143 27 •S 315 Whole llansas Cly 10 755 •O 80 3 14 Home Run• G Tnorna• Milwaukee 71 Thornton Cleveland 20 Cooper M1twau~ee 19 0Qt1v1e M1lwauk~ 19 R1.Jeclloon, Angelo, 11. rta.IC NOTICE P\RIC NOTICE P\RIC NOTICE w 0 $ • flunt .. llM 111 MQllH. Ktl\Ut Ott~ 16 fllotntOll ()levelonq, 06, Coopet M llwaui.H H , L11t1n11111. Cnl\.m;· e 1, Htbelt, t.41ruiaeota. H ..... Ill (H .,......,.., Vwk11V10ll l,jl ••u~M. ( t0.3), OillClry New Yoti. I 3 Caueltll llH ltle ti 011t a, KontH (;IU-10-4, Zeh ... A ............ But"•· ChlUlllO e,4 I' a1nn1alet ... It .. e 4 HATIONAl LIAQUI 0 Aa II H ~t. M~u .. :11 111u11 411 101 11 &3 :u8 t Pena P11tat1urgh ee l~O 27 M 33a OH••• MonlrHI 80 21111 4& OT 324 Hu Jo<,., San OieQu 16 271 63 ao 317 1111111n1 11ou11on 80 30~ 42 110 310 U ndrH t.tl, 0~ It H3J 41 1J >11 II 0111 l'Madelp'hla 78 272 41 84 J09 l8'~ P1tt1burgto '.JI 171 )~ ~:I l08 Ma(JIQ( to. l'oll•IJvrgh 11 28:1 45 81 307 Lo 8t'lllll St Looi• 81 308 " ·~ 307 Hom•""'"' M•llPhY Attonta 23 1<1ngmat1 New 'l'Olk 111 C1ner. Montre•I. II J T nomp1n Pltt1butgh If Hurr-All•nla, tf Rt.tnl ••tied '" Murpnv. Atlenle, 8 I, Oliver Monlrtaf 56, <;tetk $an f 1an,111.u, SS I Kennl<ly San 01egu, 54 e 0111 Ph•l•d••p111e 67 Mttlhtw• l't11loOtlph10 6~ J fhom11•11 P11tabu111n ~2 ''""1"9 ( 11 Declolon•I lotlar l.ar1 0.1190 9·2 Ro04"I MonltHl 10 3 CJ Ro1>11111on. P11t•butgh 9.3 Sutton Houlton. 9 4, Yt lonautla, Ooctgen, 1J .. ; 1 orach 91 Luu•• 8-• Welch, ~. •s. Kouto.ow Phll-U11lpn1a, 8-S Lllll• lHau• TOURNAMENT OF C'HAM,,ONI Ol1trlct 62 (•I OcH n•lew Amencan lll Wedneoder'• acor• Fountain VellOy South II BotH 2 Tonl11ht'• Q.,,,. RoOtnwooll vs founltttn Vlll"Y NOrtr1. s 30 Frld•r'• Oamt 0..w3rml!W Netoon•I v• F'uu111u111 Valley South 5 30 Selurday·o cnamplonohlp Hu11111wooa.Founte1n \/alloy Not1l1 winner 111> Oc~uamnttw Nat1onut FuvnlJtm V11llwy South w11oner I pm l o• Alamllo• W£DNUDAY'S AU UlTS (511h of t1-clal• quart .. hor•• mHtlng) FIRST RACE. 350 yards L11tte Pt!tey tAda1r1 13 20 7 00 J JO Pay the No111 1cardo1a1 4 80 1 60 Sharp N Ezy I Pbutone1 4 60 AllO raced Tinas Aeb. Heu Co1>y Two !1ny !rop Ctev,;1 Polley laoer LO•~· Gags My 1risl1 lt!tl r.m .. 18 07 12 U ACTA I~ 61 pa1tl S8600 SECOND RACE. eOO vurds WAien H"" Ttu<.k IDmnQll 8 •O • 80 3 20 C1yllal EHy Jet 1Treasure1 17 (>() 7 00 Ms Cflmt0n Belle (AOMlrl 5 40 '"'" rdced G•ve Paula Jun•<' Boon~ Sneu Pell Pass Vo,,.turf\ M•H Fast Pmlr Oe•s, Fulure Miss Turm't Jel Ttm~ N 36 THlllD RACE J50 y~ros ,.,, •• Wore CClt1flSS<!I ) I 80 14 60 7 60 Me C.hetOkCil tPau1tne1 I} 80 4 20 Lil SpeeoJy s .. CM•ICnel•t 5 00 Also ruced lgotcha Say"s Dom1nAtor Lan<.e 1<101 Charger F'uflny loo ContNman Bftllfln 1nrl1t•t>n Tuft Hnflor1el Too rime 18 02 FOURTH RAC£ '\60 rtr<.h "4y 54111' ~~ 1Waro1 f, 80 OH Slf J"t 8u9 1C.araou1 OH Loi l'!11\c1t Ha"o 1Ttenvrt1 OH D<l.taneat for for\t JOO 260 180 l •O ?60 320 "''o r•ced Suml)tn Brown £ asy Soo ,..,,.,e Ono W1p'v A•youm• E•'Y Aw1Hds Mr Sheked1>enny f oo l eutont<. Time 18 06 S2 ElC!oCTA 18·31 pa1a $I~ 40 12 EXACT A 18·71 OA10 ~ 12 20 ftFTH RACE. JS() v••d• M"t B Fut tC•rdo11 1!> 10 8 81) 5 20 f·rit Apo<IO 1To!l•~I 4 60 3 60 Tull CODy 1Armstrong1 l 60 Al'° rllG...S O@aOty Joa~ JuhU D•nGe< Aloe>am~ Doi• Pe<;teh• 1n01an Roao Oupe 0. Lu M19hty Marcu• I •"'41 18 36 Sll!TH RAC£ 400 1aro> Grandma• Bo1a~ IBOrdl r. 00 3 10 2 80 Sir rl1t1tn A•ovna tHun) ~ 40 4 40 Gyp Chtt o ICrN9et1 8 60 !<ISU r&•"d S•voo My Spor~ Man Fe<e•e< ltvcM~t• Of.Hus~" Pep O llt!!n A1ght Raymono Noc•eve 1(11t•K1ptyhl T1noe lO 18 ll EllACTA t1 •1 IJ&oO '22 •O SEVENTH RACE 870 y"1d& Star 1nv!''1men1 1P•ul1ne1 6 60 • 40 J 00 h •e Five Too tMyfl!SJ 10 60 7 80 f!ff1 ~up.a IAdaorJ 8 40 .Al<o r~ced SltJp Ri;peat Rocket Noshv1tle Nf'wfl Sta, Foaluffl Secm1 Ttue lime 4~ 98 S2 EXACT A t •·81 pmrl $7 I 60 EIGHTH Ai.CE. dOO yard' ltl Ea•y Cnto 1Aaair1 49 80 23 60 11 20 Mll'u• Ma•• tP,,hentont lJ 00 060 L&dy Se1ene 1Cna•e11 ~ •o Al\o raceo Gom fo• tt Calo Sl\Qt Goon l\IQl\9 Euy o<tasy Juan•n M~heotOnmyo..rt ! a•ur09111 hmt> lO 15 t1 EllCioCTA r8 71 tttt•IJ S~49 20 S2 PICK Sil( 11-8-7-1 I 81 P~•d $6 1~A 00 Nlth '1"'' w111r\mq tt<.~.,1\ O•vf' tiot~~" S-2 Pio c,,. l.Ut1Suta11un (J(h0 s11 .·o Wltn ,.6 ¥1o•'''"''~ t•c-.,,.1~ ;tow not~P'' NINTH RACE 150 yar<i. Sr<>"'' Buthnn tfartr ~~ :>O '1 40 S 00 N'c~ md '-t•t.h tC...ntJvell 14' :to !160 B·~nvl) 8r 31 1Aa"'r 1 2 60 A•'o 181.t'd •asl FIOOl•C M•s• Aro A"9E!4 "4....,.\ Policy Crystat Rf'ward Peac~es and H~b' lime 18 15 t 2 £)(ACT lo 13 <111.~•tJ S464 JO !o1111n'1onte 6 146 Hollywood Perk WEDNU DAY'S AEIULTI (541th of M-cSer thor0U9hbt..t mMtlnvl FIRST RACE 6 tunongs Craly l•lllt' Cal fS10111e1 7 20 4 40 3 40 Rf'b s 54'<:<et IDUll) 5 40 3 60 l awdy By Gum !Ortega) 7 40 Also 'ICt'd Tulle s Dame N&nclla t ea ha Negra Marottoon Laoy 0~" Pneros Get My Drift Im Dee Four N1nky • Rullah rime 1 t 1 215 NOTWOR Of ""**""' tlT1<* FICTITIOUS a ua1NE1s ,,.,_ "" """ NAME STATEMENT Of' P~_.. The tot1ow1ng person 1s doing Publlc notice I• "9r•by Qlven thel business as O A \110 W M c,,RTHUR •nd EUCLID CAR WASH. 1135 N PA TRICK EBERT, herelOfore Clotng Euclid, Anaheim. Celllorn1a 92801 bull,_. under the fk:tltlou• firm Philip Anthony Pearl. 143 n•m a and style o f P & 0 Cypress Orlvo, Laguna Beach, NOTICE Of PU8llC HE.ARING Noti<:e is nereby given pursuant to Cehfornl• Healln and Safety Code Secuon 54 73 1 of a publlo heanng 10 be held by County Sanitation District No 5 on JULY P ART N E RS H IP N 0 2 d b a California 92652 J°"CKSON C ABINET It 550 W Tiiis bus1neas IS conducted by an Crowther, City of Plecantle. County 1nd1vldual ol o.anoe. State of C•llfornl•. did p " Peerl on the 111 day of °"l>fll, 1982. by fhts Slalement was IJled wotn tne mu1uel conNnt. d!MOI.,., lhll "Id Counly Cte<to. 01 Orange County on p1rtn1r1hlp 1nd terminate their June 16• l982 ,...,Ilona u per1ne<• lheretn F1t1H2 Said butl,_s In the future wlll be Publtshed Orange Coasl Delly condllCted by Rarldy J1ekaon. Piiot. July 1. 8, 15, 22. 1982 Further notice la hereby given 2912-82 that the undertlQnecl wlll not be reeponllbte. from tht1 01y on, for P\llLIC NOTICE 1ny obllQ•tlon lnwrred by the other tn hte own nwne Of In the n1me ol FICTITIOUI llUIMaa lhe ftmt. NA• STATIMENT OATEO AT ~tll, CellfOfnl•. The following person II doing ll>lt 14th day ol June, 1982 bu..,_. u O.lild Mc:°"r1hur CLASSIC OE TAILING. 115 Publl1hect Orange Co11t Delly Rocllvt.w. Irvine, ClllfOfnla 92715 PllOt, July 8, 1982 M ark Henry 01lbay, 115 2"3-82 Rockvtew. Irvine. C1tlfornl1 92715 Thlt bulloen II condllCled by an lndMdiial. Merli H Oatt>ey Thie 1t1temenl .., .. lhed with Iha County Cler'k Of Oreno4 Counry on June 29. 1982 28, 1982, at 8 00 P M • atf.============:I NEWPORT BEA CH CITY HALL. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 3300 W NEWPORT BOULEllARO Newport Bctacn. Ca1ttorn1a Sard hearlno Is to 1>11 held lo• lhe purpase ol rec;e1v1ng a written raporl Pllftlll~rlQ to rne pro\fldtr!Q of -service lor all properttet wltnln the Olsiriet and to Hlebtosn a h•ed service cherge to be collected on tne prope•ty 111• roll1 101 tho 1982·83 ftscat year BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ORANGE COUNTY S°"NITATION DISTRICT NO 5 OF OR,,NGE COUNTY, CAltFORNI°" 1084' Ettl• "venu. Founteln \lelley. C1llforn1a 92708 (714) 5•0-2010 J, W1yn1 Sylv .. tei Secretary Publl1hed Or•nge CoHI Diiiy Ptto1, July 8, 21, 1082 2917-82 NP.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS BUllNl!H HAME I TATEMENT The lotlOW1rlQ PC1<90f19 a1e dOlng business as C W S LE,,SING. 17 2 20 Newhopo Street. Suite 103, F'oun111n \/alley, CA 92708 JAMES l CL,,YTO N, 54 Cleerwater. trvlhe, C°" 92714 BYRON L WILLIAM S, 16272 Tiibury Clrcte. Huntington Beacn. c" 926<49 STEVEN J SHERWOOD. 15 Sunr1ta. Ir vine, CA 927 t5 Tnoa buain-ta conducted by 1 o-~al P••IOllrtl\IP Th11 1tet-.t w1a hied wtth the County Clerk of Orenga Counly on July 8, 1982 F111274' Publlanad 011ngt Co11t Di lly Piiot. July 8. 15 22. 29, 1982 3103--82 i i Orange COHt DAILY PILOT /Thuraday, J uly 8, 1982 H/F DI 110°"° "AOI . t 'I\ f11rlon111 l eclllt (lhOe.m•ltetl t t oo r •o 3 ao l'nentam l"rool l11t4net) 80 to tO ID Pr~ Of NOtt IJitltlCIY) , 90 Alto rllOld Clllel Juatoe.e, OtaMHe Ml~ 0 Orem, Otyml)IO K111u Roy•I l u11on1 lalute H1e 1'11noe lt.tmmer Knlghl Wuutt c_.,_., II,,,_ I 19 21& ea o.u.. v ooueu 1 11 u P•lll '"' 40 fHlllO llACI . l 11 t6 m11et SelKI A Lead (ljawleyl 23 to 8 20 l •O NHty Nedina tlnotmokerl J tO '80 B•a Bell L.u~y IPln~ay) 2 80 "Ito •KIMJ Loggie. Century'• l ady. OrHt Luu, T9C.O Toco lime t •& 315 h I U CTA (T 31 Pll<f $71 t ~ 'OUllTN Iii.Cl 1 1118 n'lllet t t1111a1r Ruyotty (P111uy1 J 00 Joo 7 40 Joyful C•vfll1111 fW8'11ngton) 4 ~ 2 80 Oreet CIOvd IOt•v•r••I 2 80 AIM> , llC.ed rne Big T P..,~ • t>r••rTI r 1mt111r-..ort. 11'0 Oeo Alllton limt 1430 91 UACTA (1•7) p11<1 $3000 Flf'TH llACI . 1 fur IOflQa tlOIO WHll'llr (CHtantd1) (I 40 3 tlO ) 20 B11gn1 ,, .. (Ou11r1) 4 00 'l 20 llav1vavuom (Mell) t t 00 Aleo raced Ftder11 Judg• Or11n11r1 • Coull lordon Btac,n11wl\ CrH> R•b a 011ll•w l •O Baol Prom•Hd Plum 8 0 CC W Funny C•r-T ome t lj 31~ $$ IXACTA (Q-4) Ptld $49 00 ••llTH RACE. 6' 1 f11rtong1 l\mltllftg Eagle IHew111VI • 80 J 20 ~ 00 3 60 i 110 t>~1 .. 1 Goal (Duu) No Pity (Metaf 11110 rac11a R1vott Bafflcaat 110<1 A•a ''""4 Im A Be•lrnk Rooty Time 1 t6 415 G 00 fac101 O•••n<loon Sp•1.tacular 811•u si.ee10• o.. Bold SEll!NTH llACl 6 lurtono• Potty • Rulet t818Ckl 4 60 1(1ng 1 fonder (P1nc1yt Accou11oea1 \MU~) 1<110 raced World Ruler 0.tell f11voy r1gh11ng Fot Buckohoy Helen • Bou Mttndeu11 limo t 09 215 '5 U ACTA (0·41 paid S95 50 U PICK llX 11·7 1·9· 11·91 pa10 '1~ 633 60 wlll'I lwo winning ttellots 1t1• toot~etl S2 Poe:• S11 coosota11on paid $288 00 w1111 175 w1nn1ng llckell (llve norse\J £1GHTH RACE. 5 • furlongs Full Choke (Llphaml 45 20 7 80 3 40 voa Magnum 1Haw1911 2 60 110 New B1oom tP1ncay1 2 60 Also raced Consulting Surgeon CuaulTlet ST all Commander, Sea Shenly Time 1 03 3•5 NINTH RAC£. 0<1e mile un lurt Mamo Toa 10ot1nouuaye 40 20 16 20 9 80 Bru.i. Wllh Fame tPncyl 21 40 I, 40 Ag11a1.o Lady tS•btfl<!I 17 60 Also raced No•llll!'n Style Vllat fore" He< ~·•·on Cneap Seat• l'nel'I G.iy Wny Z•nlhCt What• Selfe Wedd•ng Ftow~• Swill Prospect Time I J5 115 "EXACT A (5· 11) pa•d SI 624 50 A11ono1nct 19 100 Hore• r1ctn, le1det1 (Tn1ouvh ulr •> JOCKEYS Mount• lot P1nc11y 560 126 100 c Mcca .. on 734 167 123 0eta110un1y 728 1 1 I 105 Cardero 802 169 136 lletOSQuf'I 765 152 t 16 Gut'tra 783 99 110 Snoenrn~"r 336 63 48 •en 594 100 92 Ouv 890 172 145 MacB~111 758 104 1 t3 TRAINERS ,,.,,. lot 36 37 43 39 'Nf\llhngh1m106 l Batre•• 201 lukU 266 •O J • McAn<111y 755 36 31 FrAn•flf 311 54 60 Van Bero 6'3 110 67 re~f\er 97 35 IS F M1tlln J80 66 51 t:11mpo Jlt 37 40 A.llono ••!. 107 63 HORUI 2nd PurHt $4 4'2 866 • 029 815 3 822 089 3 Sl7 479 3374 568 3 138912 .. :)921)1) 2 287 598 2179001 2 148 624 2nd Pur ... S7 444 tOO I 849 119 I 581 286 15~2944 I 447 391 ,,,, 195 t 057 193 98• 52' 973 069 939 482 Siert• lot 7nd l'ur•H 11' m• Ooe P@uault 9 J 2 S648 •CJ• 5 3 57• 900 (.dlO 0... Sot ,..,. 'Secret Ttac~ RoDbef Blutn W11n Pride Jonn Henr~ llnto.age l "mh1 QO!d 7 j 513779 9 4 I J72 •II 1 3 7 364340 8 4 2 350 827 2 I 0 348 ,00 10 e 3 J14,201 6 J 2 311.675 En'\~ l'lt! 1 )02 700 Hall of Fem• (t t Newport, R.t.) S.Cond Round 81n9I•• r.ou~a 00010• def Jonan Krt61\ 7 6 l·6 7 6 H.in> Phller det Mall Ange< 6 l 6 • Jonn Saari aet Mall M11cne11 6-3 6 • Oen,. Vo~""' aet Roo Frawley 7 6 (, l 5,011 McCMt d"I f rtll Bu"t.oong 6·l I 6 J•~ LaP1du~ Oel Marhf' Dav" 7 5 7 6 M••" (Slt'P del ClltoS Oun• 1 t; 7 6 Br.10 Ort-wl'll def St•m; ~·"e' 6 ? 6 2 lnlernellonal w•l•r polo TUNOSR!oM CUP (at lud~•t, Hungery) Second Round k OfH Hungary •. Ur11tecl Slaloo 4 Hung8r y 2 2 t I fi Vn•tNl S1at11s 0 3 0 t • Umt..O 5tat~ ~O'•r>g Peter Campl>t>ll • ... .,.,,, Ro~rtsort 1 Jc;e va1gos 1 lllT' Sna .. ' 01her Sc°""" Italy 8 West Gefmany 7 Hnll~nd 6 RuU•a 6 Spain 8 V 11go9la ''" 1 OIUll 1 eoa 1 ltt61tta 1 llloilt w ., .. ,""' .,. .... WOflct Cup r9"fd• R .. 11111 of matell.-Ol•yed by 1ne '°"'' t•1m1 IO<lllCh have rH Ched tne temlflnalo Of th• 1a1h W01ld Oup· ,OLAND IOro.ip A) Polana o. lllly o Potar1\I O CaMefOOo 0 POiand !I Pwu I Polan<) J tlelglum 0 l>olano O SOvtel Unic>r• O WIST OlllMANY (OrCHltt •I Weal O .. meny I A'99fll ' we11 Germany • Cnlle t Weal Ot•m1ny I Aualrla 0 WHI G .. many 0 Engtano 0 WHt Gtrmeny 2 Spain 1 ltAl Y (QrlHlp Cl Italy 0, POIArlCI 0 Italy I P11v I Italy 1 CamerOOf\ I noly 2 "rgen11110 t llMIY 'I flr•1tl ' ,llANCI (010t.tp D) f 1 once 1 tngtend 3 t rtmc,• 4 1<uwa1t 1 ho~• t (;ff(notlO•t~t• I • tt111c• l Au1u11t 0 t r1nu1 4 Nurlharn tfOIDHCI t NASL e11ndlng1 Eu lorto Dlwlaton Cosmoa lorur11u Montreo1 ChicllQO Ft Laud.,dl lampa B•y TulH JetktOl\~111• W l OF QA IP"'' 14 6 44 31 47 124 12 10 40 28 32 10• t 2 I 15 28 28 9e 7 1~ 32 41 29 69 lout.,.1n DM•lon 40 8 •6 o 42 124 10 13 35 48 3 I 91 9 11 4 1 40 36 86 s '" 2a 37 n 1s WH lorn Dlwlolon San Jota 12 9 4 t 39 32 •02 V•ncouver 12 7 35 30 28 96 S..llle 9 I 1 39 34 33 85 Sal' DleQo 9 11 33 36 28 18 Portland 8 12 25 24 21 115 Edmonton 7 13 4>5 • • 21 80 Wedfloff4tY'• Seor" Cl>oeago' Tompa Bay I !SOI T o•onto 2. Montr&aJ 0 Edmonton 2 Coemos t S•ri O.~o 2 Seattle 1 S•n Ja&e 1 11ancouver o Tonight'• Gome fofl lauoerdnle 11 TullA DHP •H ll1hlng NEWPOllT (Ari'• Lending) 86 er)glers 1 barracuda 402 aand bast 214' moci\e"'' e n1110u1 (Dover'• Locker) 188 ang111a 878 aertd nau 149 ca11co o .. ss 53 uon110 • barracuoa 17 roch. fosh 5 nahbul S•5 ni.ca.e1et 1 .. n111t w• bass DANA WHARF 276 ll"91en 781 Dao~ 34 oa,,ocud• 3 bon110 • 1>.;llbut 8 •0 mnc"'1Htil 1 ~dlmon ' wthle see bass • tO roci. h•n SAN Dl£QO (H&M Landing. Fltllerrrton'• Polnl Lomo) 187 anglers 4 I albacore 295 OHS 2 l)~lf81.Udb 4 roci. loth IS moc•u•tl Wednetday'• lranaacllon• a!oSEIALL Ame•lc•n Lea;ue TE.<!<$ RANGEl\S Placed Steve Co""" P.tche• on "" 21 O•i OIS•l>lecl ''" Come< 0ttchet on 111<1 21 day a1sa01eo "'' '-•Heo up Oen Boot•no one""' trom ~'""' CLEVELAND INOtANS A&s19~ Joe Chart>Oneau outtoeloer lrom Charleston ot tt1e lf'terna1oon•I Leag1>11 to Cna11enoooo 01 tne Sovtnern leegue Hetlonol lea;ue ST LOUIS CARDINALS S•gneo !odd wo,,eu p11cne' and •s-s19ned ti11n to f14~ ot 1ne Ne"' vorM P8nn League-•ASK£TIAlL Nallonal 8••ll•lbll~ Au oc:fat'°" Pt<OENl)I SUNS T•aoea L<!'\ Truc;k Aoh,n~on to1ward to the Ne¥t vor• Kt•M..~ett>ockets fOt M•unc• Lucas f0f'Na10 FDOTaALL Not'°"al Footblll l ea;ue t!OUS TON OILERS Signed 11andy Hetlef Quarlertec~ Walter D•n1el1 w10e 1ttCe•~tH Robert Oav1s and R1cho1d Such1nuk. 119n1 ends G•ttg Fry otten11ve toc"<le Ea Pryll and JoM Wade anu tooa 'JOlkaft hneo&ch.eri MIAMI DOlPHINS S•ghed Eroc I tillkSO on~s.wtt tacktw aMd Ronnie l~ and Jot! "ose 119n1 ends NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS S•q~ Bt•.in Cturk j.M.Ke kt<.ioe< tO 6 mulh·~ear contract Relt'ued Jt-11 Roberts 11,,..o&e•er Sr LOUIS CAROINl<LS Sogned Tyrone "'''" ""''1<10 , ....... , .. e, 10 1.t Sl'rte-o ot on .. veer C<Whact~ SAN Olf(,0 CHARGFR6 ';)•Qf•NJ M,JUflf Bvfmd D1Htlf"f F fl .. 0 {.(IQlo dtlfpn\IVf' ""0 8H30 Pf"(i:I\ 11qn1 erid GOfd()fl a .. ni.., "''0 f on~ J•t.• so" w•<1P rt!•<.e-•~e• s Oon 8fown tac.'ct ... t.huc.., Bent.I<.•~ Donald Rav Kmg And <.aftlUH ,:: '"''lt'f runn.nq tMt• s ftf'O 0Aft R,.m~ o)nt.1 M••~ 8aci, Otlt'ns.-e t>ac•s SEA I !L ( SEioHAWKS Sog....a Bruce Scno1u '" ~o.c•l!f to a se,..,. ot on~ yH• contrdcl~ throuqto 1985 S.qned Fred Antler 10n Jnd Mark Betf deten"v• e<ldS and 1<nlllonv Peo Pao fullDar• HOCKEY Nollonet Hock•y LH9u• HARTFORD WHALEl\S Nameo Go1d•I\ t40Wf' ~p&(IAI rt9St~tant •o In.fl mamt1Jlf19 "~~rpi:'~~7'cANADtENS Sogn~d Alain •ff'fOU• lelt WrflQ COlLEG£ GEORC..tA Signed Hugn Du•ham ne&d t1a$l<etb•ll coach to a tout.year 119reem8f\t HARVl<RO Named Jonltr\an P Sna1tll(;i. n .. a aoc:ce• coacn WAYNE STAIE Named Charlie P•r~er neaa ba,kett>•ll coach ------------------------- Star boats compete .. at Newport Suar boat 11k1ppt•NC 1u11J c·rl'Wll from through out Southl'rn Caltfornw are tn ~-ompN1tJun ut Newport Harbor Yocht Club for the c•ovc•k·d &xter Bowl. on" o ( the' mOlll prominent troph1ei. tn the· Olympic S ta r Clusi. Thu l'l'l{atu:i swrted Wl-dnt·sday and wtll cmHlllUt! through Saturday N llYC 1s also n111d uc·t1ng a one dt's1gn rcgatlo1 w11h l'~l'<'S on bay .ind o<.·t>an l·our :.1·-. this We<.•kt•nd In olhl•r 01 ung(· County yachting, South ~horc• YOld1! Club ti. rur11u ng tht· fouf'lh, l 11th and sixth rac•e1> of 1L'( H1 Point serll's Sc.1turday and Sur1d:.iy, .rncl Capistrano Bay Yacht Club Ill hosting the third race or its Ol.:ean R<icing sn1ei; wht(.'h 1s a round trip to the 14 -Mtl<· Bank Starling Sunday y<i<:hls fron1 throughout South<'rn Caltforn1a will sl<.lrt gathering . at Catolltna I s I a n d f u r t h e S o u t h l' r n Callforntd Ym.·htmg J\..'>..'l(.)('13llon's l~L't• Wt>ek which will c·onumw through July lti Soutnetn Cahforn1a Yachting A~St>Ct0t1on catendi.r Orange County Newµort Hil!bOr Yacht Club Ba•ter Bowl 1Star) today Frioay Saturday On1..C)fJs1gn Regatta Saturday Sundoy Soutt1 Shore Yacht Ctub H1 Point SNoe~ = • 5 6 Saturdey Suroday Capostrano Bay YI Chl Club 14 Mile Ban~ race !Ocean R1c1ng Ser1est Sa1urday lo• An9e .. e-lot19 Beech Huntington HarbOU• Yacti1 Club Bot~ Chiu Series Saturday Seat eeacn Yacht Ctub 81g Bang R..gana 1Sabo1t Saturday Long Beach Yacht Club Point Fe<m1n race 11nv1t11t1on1111 Sunday 8e1111 Monica Bay King Haroor Yacht CtulJ ColulT•b•a Cnallenger Soutneorn Ca11torn1a cnomp1on5111p Saturday Sunday. L1ghtn1ng D1'1••cr champ10nsh1p Saturday Sunday i.<ondav Tuesday MartnO v 3Chl C•ut> Mar rna Se fies Sa1uroay South Coas1 Connthran Yacnt Club One-des19n race Sunoay Sen Diego Co1on1100 Yacn1 Clut> Bissell ocean handicap race Sa1urday o .. Brow Serres tSOHF) Sunday Barr Summer Senes (lnv1tal10t18I Hand1cap1 Coronado Cays Yacht Club Ctass•c Serres Saturday Santa Clara Racing Assoc1a1too Soutn ot orrdge tall ctasses. Satu•Oay San Ooego Yacnt Club SIX)artoat Roo race 110R>-SOHr1 Saturda~ Frue.. Senes 1PHRF'1 Sunoay Ocean5•de Yacht Club D1ngnv Summer Senes 1a11 c111s~es1. Sunday North end Inland Westla~e Yacht Club M•d,umme• l\e91111a Sundsy From Page 01 GARVEY. • • gaml·S 1n ordt•r tn kl'l'P ThL Stn•ak alavt· "In that s1 t u<1t111n I found mv<.<•lf on the bt.'nch thrnk1ng about how hl'd gc.•l me tn." said Garvey "That's tougher than playing, someumt"-Suddt•nly, a confrontation star~ on tht• f1t·ld Our guy-; are yelling and thl umpire· 1s Bru<.'e Frcx·mmtng. Hl• turns and shouts. ·Anvmorl' of 1 hat and l 'm running 1h1: '-'hole· h1•nch '" Thal blanket ·thn ·<1t l'Ovt•rc.'tl 1•vc·rvb11dv 1n tht· Dodg1•r s' dug1'iut , '1nt'l udrn~ tho s 1• u nfortUn<itC'S with const•cull\'l' g:mw :-.tn•aks at st<tkc• Garvey was about to be.· patntt'Cl by a Vl•r:. broad brush 'V(.'rv 4u1etly. Wt•nt down tnto thr• tunn t•I. JU\t 1n t·ase FrtH'mmtng r1.•allv did '-lart throwing pC'oplP out," Garvey s~ucl T lw ~ rnus pas.c;1.'CI and (iarwy playc·d. kl'l'ping Th\• Str<'ak .:i II vc.· Now , ht• may be moving on, to t'OntinuC' his run a t thl' iron man r<.'<.'Ord~ C'lsewhc.>re. much as Pete ROS(', whu ll'ft Cinl'annat1 and is • l'hastng the g host of Ty Cobb in l P h1ladelph1a. , Superllght The supe11tght 1s 1he most 011ic1eru 3 lb goose OOWn bag made The pronounced 1aper increases effte1ency while reducing weight II os rated 10 a vety respeclable SOF A great three se1SOl'l bag Retiular • $230. 00 Lare-• $237. '° All Nor1h Face Goose Dow n bags lea1ura 11 untQue coostruclton design to keep 1n. down compnr1mtntnhre(l. ms~mng o cocoon 01 wormlh The l)foven warmth and durabtllty DI down as well as 1ne Nofth Face 1tlet1mt w11rrnn1y m•k• lh1S 1n. OOvtOUI ch01re for nny baelcpacker D4 HIP Orang• Oo•1t DAILV PILOTIThuraday, July &, 1982 Ferragamo -signs with ~ams LOS A NOELES (AP) - Quarwrblek Vince Ferra1amo, who performed oxceptionally ln the Super Bowl following the 1979 National Foot ball League aeaaon for Los Anaelee an d fired 30 touchdown pUllel for the Rama in l!i80, haa l1grloed a three-year contr0ct with the Rama for $1.1 million. If f'erragamo aign.s with the Rama, thu cl'-'b will have four quar~rbacka Oh t h eir ro1ter, the other• being fonner 8altimore Cotta quarterback Bert Jon~. k-qulred In an off-teaaon trade, four -ycnr veteran Jeff Rullcd1e and IWt)·ye1&r vete ran Je-ft Kemp. Veteran Pot Haden announced his relirtmcnt earlier thL111 yeor The Rama received clearance from • lhe NFL to negotiate with Ferragamo ,on Tuesday. Ferragamo and Jack Faulkne r , t h e ad mi n istrator o ( football operations for t he Rams, had expressed the feellng that the club w o ul d sign t h e 28-year-old quarterback . F1uJknar rcfuaed to ape uJate on whut role Ft'rragamo would play with the RAnu In th<" 1982 regular seuon, but he t0ld the Herald El<amlntir; "He'a definitely going to be at training camp. A8 fer u the exhibition sea.eon ltt l'On<:crncd, I think It would behoove t>Vt:ryo n t.i to take a good look at Vince Ferraaomo, to 54.'C what h<' sUU can do." Rams' p ubJlc relations director Jerry Wilcox confirmed the signing, but said he had no details on contract Items. Plagued by lntorttpllons In 1981. f'erragamo was benc h ed by mid· sea.llOn because of dlftlculty adjusting to the CFL brand of football -which p u t s more emphasis on a quarterback's agility in avoiding paM rushers. Ferragamo's agent, David Fishoff. flew from New York to Los Angeles Tuesday to meet with Rams officials. NFL Commissioner Pete Rozelle gave the Rams permission to negotiate with Ferragamo despite questions about the quarterback's contract obligations in the Canadian Football l..Ngue. Fe rragamo became the Rams' a;t.arling quarterback late in the 1979 season following an injury to Haden. Ferragamo led the club through the playoffs and despite a 31-19 loos tO Pittsburgh in the Super Bowl was acdaimed for his ex(.>elJence. Ferraga m o spe nt a d ismal 1981 season with t h e n o w -d efunct Montreal AJouettes of the CFL after starring with the Rams the preceding two years. He was under a personal rontract with Nelson Skalbania, who then owned the AJouettes. Haden regained the starting job at the beginning of the 1980 season , but suffered a broken finger late in the season-opener against Detroit to again open the door for Ferragamo. Fol lowing the ca mpaign , Ferragamo opted for free agency and signed the contract with Skalbania when he was unable to reac h agreement with the Rams. Faulkne r said it would be up to Rams owner Georgia Frontiere. who is in England, to decide Ferragamo's long-term future with the team. Cards sign Biola star ST. LOUIS (AP) - Todd Worre ll. a 6-5 rig ht-hander named last we e k t o co ll ege baseball's All-Amer ica team by the Sporting News, has signed a St. Louis Card inals con tract. The 22 -year-old Worrell posted an 8-6 record, struck out 122 batters in 11 0 innings a n d compi led a 3.67 earned run average this year for B1ola College in La Mirada. He also played outfield. hitting .379 with 28 runs batted in. Donation se t NEW YORK (AP) - W.R. Grace & Co. said Wednesday that 1t would donate $102,700 to the United States Olympic Committee as part or an a tte mpt by President Reagan's son to set a speedboat re('Ord on the Mississippi River. DllTH IDTICIS DONKIN MAY C . DON KI N , n!Sident of Costa Mesa, Ca. f a.ed away on July 3, 1982. Beloved wife of Forrest W. Donkin, mother of Sally Kreile and Nancy Adkins, grandmother of Susan, Ted and Jeff Filley. Memorial tervices will be held on Friday, July 9, 1982 at ll:OOAM at I.he Mesa Verde United Methodist Church, Costa M esa. In l ie u of flowers the family requests memorial contributions be made to th e St. Joseph 's Hospital of Orange Cancer Fund. McCObtta MOltTVAlllS L<1guna Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 HAalOI LAW..._MT. OLIVE Mortuary • Cemetery Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Costa Mesa 54().5554 rmc••OTHHS ~MOADWAY MOl'TUAIY 110 Broadwev Costa Mesa 642-9 150 IM.Tl .. •Mo.4 IM'nf a TVTMU WIJTCUflf CHA"&. •11 e 17th sr Coa11Meu 6'&-937, ' U.S. water polo team loses BUDAPEST, Hungary -Host Hungary handed the United States National water polo team a 6-4 defeat an the second day of competition in the Tun~sram Cup tournament here Wednesday. PNer Campbell. Kevin Robertson , Joe Vargas a nd Ttm Shaw each sc.'Ored a single goal for the US team. P\&.JC l«>TIC£ FlCTTTIOUS BUIMH NAME 8TATEllHNT The tollowtno person• are do1no buslnesa aa. THE BEVEL CUT. 488 E 17th Street. Room 100. Coat• Men. Cat1t0tn11 92627 Janet Lynn All1tn1on, 1122 Wetlciltt, No 11, Newpor1 Beactl. California 92880 Lance CllH0td Dunmire. 1722 Westclltf, NO 11, Newport Beec:tl. Cellt0tnla 92e&O Thlt ~ la c:ondue1ed by a Qtf*al Plt1nenl'llC>. JIM\ Alklnlon Thlt llet~ WU flied wt1h lhe County Clerk of 0.ange County on June 29. t982 ,,«Ma Publlah.cl Orange Co .. t Dally Pttot. July 1, 8, 15, 22, 1982 2S1<l-82 Pl&IC l«>TICE FlCTITIOYS 9USINEll NA• ITAT"E•NT The followlng person 11 doing bulllnesa .. ADMARK. 21745 Ocean Vlsll, South Laguna, California 92677 Zotterlund Corporallon. a C11t1forn11 corporetlon. 217•5 Oce1n Viau . South Laguna Cat1t0<nla 92677 This bullness Is conducted by a corporation Zotlerlund Corp Mr Zenenund Vice President Nil.IC llOTI£ FICTTTIOUllU ... 11 N.AME ITATI!llllENT The following '*"'°"' are dOtng bu$1M6S U . KIMBERLEY FINA NCIAL SERVICES. 1551 T1hltl Avenue. Llgun• ee.cn. Calllomla 9265 t Claude Bernetd t<oaaaclc, 1581 Tahiti Avenue. L1gun1 Beecn. Calll0tnl1 92661 8'1111 Scolt Wood. 1581 Tahiti Avenue, Laguna BMch. Caltf0tola 92$51 Thl9 ~ .. conduc:ted by • ger-.411 pertnenNp Claude 8. KoeMCI< 806-266-7810 Tiits stat-I was flied W11h the C4unty Cieri! or O.arige County on June 22, 1982 f'tl1llO Published Orengo co .. t Diiiy Pllol, June 24. July I, S, 15, 1982 2730-82 PlB.IC l«>TICE FlCTmOUI llUSINEll NA• I TAT"EMENT The followlng person ta doing 0011-as l<IR!lV S MAINTENANCE. 1822'-' Newport Blvd. Sulla 321. Coal• Mesa. C1lllorn1a 92829 Beth Kirby Thomu, 173 Broeoway. No A-2 Cosle M .... Calltom11 92827 This l>u$iness It conducted by an 1ndlv1dual. Beth R Thomas Thia slatement w11 ltled With Ille County Cler~ ot Ofange Counly on May 28, 1082 Thia sia1emen1 waa llled wllh lilt County CleR of Orange County on June 22. 1082 ,, .. "1'1* Published Orang• Co111 Dally Published Orange Coaat Oally Pilot. Juf'e 2,, Juty 1. 8, 15, 1082 PMot. June 24. July 1, 8, 16, 1982 2768-82 2761-82 PlB.tC l«>TICE F1CTITIOU9 IU ... 11 NA• tTArn.NT The toltowtno per11ons are doing bu91neaa u : M ISS ION V IEJO S W IM RACOUET CLUB. 28221 Tlerre Circle. Minion Viejo, Catllornle 92891 SWIM & RACQUET CLUB. 1 Calllorn41 corporation, 26221 Tierra Clrcte, Mlu lon Viejo. Catt1ornl1 92801 Thia bu-11 conducted by 1 CO<p()( •lion Swim & Racquet Club Tim Eaton, Managet Thia 11a1emen1 waa tiled With the County Clerk of 0.ange County on June 18. 1082 1"11111M Publl1hed Orange Co111 Dally Pllal, June 24, July 1, 8, 16. 1982 2780-82 PlB.IC l«>TICE ua-ssou NOTICE Of ~u1na·1 •ALE NO. 112307 On Juty 23. 1982. at 11·00 a.m. Sl•towlde Foreclosure Services, Inc 11 ch1ly 1ppolnled Truatae under and pursuant to Deed ot Tt\111 recordecl May 16. 1081, boolt 14080. pege 695. o f Olflclel Rec0<ds. executed by. Donald L. Cunningham and Beverly A Weatherby, u tru•tOfll, In the o"~ of the County Recorder ot Ofange County, Stele of CllllOtnla. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (payable at time ot Nie If'! ttwtut "'OfleY of Ille United StatMI et· South front entr•~ 10 the Ofango County Old CourthouH . City of S1n11 Ana. Stile OI <:.ilfOfnla, all rig.hi, lltle Ind lnterMt conveyed to and now held by It under .. id Deed of True1 In the property e11u1ted In ____ Dll_IDf_ .,.-un-Tl_C£ ____ , ulcl County Ind State det<:rit>ed .. : r~ S'flU Lot 10 of Trlltl 0374 aa II« map FlCTITIOU. IUIMH NAME STA TI!MENT The toll<>Wlno person• are dolno buslnesa as S A v E INC • a C11llfornla corporellon. !S20 Paclf1co Anaheim. CA 92805 Eur0991n Petti ln11rn1tlon1t tnc , a Calllornl• c:0<por111on. t620 Pacifico. Anehelm. CA 02806. Thlt bull""9 II c:ondueted by a oorpor at Ion e.iropaan P1r11 lntnl Inc Pater J Ptcw. Pr11. T1111 t1a1amen1 w .. flied wllh the County Clerk Of Orange County on July I. 1982. ,, .. ti Publl1hed Orenge Co11t Delly PflOI, July 8, 15, 22. 20, 1982 295t-82 rKOfded In 8oOll 409. Paga 15 to 17 lnclu&N9 of MlaQellaneou• Mai>e In the o ffice or 111ld Counly RecO<dtf. The 1tree1 address and other common det19na1ton. II any. of the real prOP«ty described abov. It purported 10 be 9 WMlporl, IMne, CA The underatpned Trutlee dl1c;talm1 any llablllly for eny lnGOrrect,_ of •ha tlrM I llddr•• and other commo<1 dwlgnatton, II any, thown herein Seid ute wilt be m1de. but wttlloul coven ant or warrtnly. •JtPI"-Of lfl'lplted, l~lng title. poe-11on, 0t encvmbfllnOM. to pay 1he ~atntng prlnolpel tum of the note(•) MCUf"«I by ulcl Deed of f1111t, with lnterH I thereon. H prOYlded "' Mid note(•). ldvencea. II any, under Iha letMI of Mid Deed ----Nk--IC-M)-TIC(----·I of T r1,1t1, ree~ chargH and ------------1 ••pentee of the Jruwt .. Md of the • ....,.. lruel9 OIHted by H id Dffd Of 'ICTmOUI IU--•• Truel. for the amount rMllOMbly MAim ITA~ eetlmllt.o to be 156.31&.33. The tolow!ng per.onl .,. doinO The ~ ""'* Mid Deed .,._ u. of Tf\llt ._.. .. exeouted end 8 EVl!AL V HIUI RI~\. TY dtllvt red to the undtrt l9n9d I CORP , 27211 t.u fll1mbl11. Wlttten Deder1tton of Defllllt end MtMIOfl VltlO. CA t2892 ~ fOf a.... end I wnrten I HI A1111y Oo1poretton, 1 ~lot of Otftutt llMi llectton to Calltornl1 oorpotltlOn 17171 l.M ltll, Tiie utldel1l1111ed ~ tlld "-Nie, ~ V1e10. CA utt2 Notice of Defeutf end ~ '° TMt ~ .. COflduOled by • ... lo be,:::= II\ "'9 ~ ------~==i:·=-,._,,,...,ty,IJ. ,,... .... TNt ................... ,.... i::ro~" 0r.,.. ~., .. .,, ;;t1q:; -- ,ICT1TIOUI IUllNIH NAMI ITATIMINT Tiii IOllOwlng pereon1 we OotnG 1>11.U-M· UWtNI 8WUPING llfllViC(, 11372 Con1truct1011 c11cte IHI. lr\'lne, OA 12714. Carlyle D Cornwell, Inc .• 1 C1t1forn1a corporation. 18:172 Con11•uotlon Cl1Cl• h11. !Nine, CA 112714 lhl• bUalnell 11 eonc1ua1eo by 1 ~·•ton. C11tyte O Cornwell, lno C1rl)'le 0 Cornwell, Jr. Pt .. ldent Thia tlll&fnent w11 tiled wllh the County Ci.ti\ of Orange County on J11ly. 1082 ,, .... Publlthad Oranoa Co111 Di lly Piiot. July I, 16, a2. 20. 1982 3102-82 P\8.IC l«>TICE ,ICTITIOUI I UllHlll NAMa ITATIMIWT The following persona are doing bu11ne .. •• PANAC EA SOFT WARE SYSTEM S. 12•0 North Simon Circle, Unit G. Anaheim, CA 9280e CAS Sottw11• Inc •• Calllornl• corporation. 34805 Vie Cellllna, NO B. C1pt11rano 8each. CA 02824 Thi• bu1tneH •• eonduotod by e corporation CAS Soltw•ra Inc D1vld H. Trueman, PrH Thll '111ement WH llled With Ille County Cieri! ot Orange County oo July 8, 1982 '1'290t Publlaned Orange Coul 01lly Pilot, July II, 16, 22. 20, 1982 3104-.82 Nil.IC l«>TICE f'ICTITIOUI IUl ... 11 NA• ITATIMCNT The fOllowlng per1on II dorng bulln ... as GTI MOTORSPORT. 155 t Monrov11. Newport Beach, C.llfornl1 92663 B ryoe 01borne, 211 11 2 Whitehorn, Hun11ngton Beech. C1111tornt1 92846 Thi• bu11h~• 11 OOO<luoled by an lndl\tldual ~Otbome Thi• atatarnenl -filed Wllh Iha County Clerk of Orange County on June 22. 1982 ,,.,. Publl11had Orange Co111 Cally Piiot. June 24, July 1. S. 15. 1982 2705-82 PUBUC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUI IUtlNHI NAME STATEMENT The tollow1ng person ii doing buSlneu at CHUBBY'$, 2233 Fairview Road, Co111 Mesa. CA 92626 STEVEN R SHULMAN •002 WoSI Cryatal Lene. Santa Ana. CA 92704 Th11 bullness ts conoucted by an lndlv1du1I S1even Shulman Tn11 slllemenl was filed With the County Cletk ot Orange County on June 30. 1982 f'tt2504 Publlahed Otange Cou1 Cally Piiot July 8 I 5, 22 29. 1982 2999·82 PlB.JC l«>TICE ITATUll!NT Of' A8ANOONMENT Of UH Of f'lCTTTIOUI IUllNEH NAME Thi followlng p1raon 1111 el>andoned Iha uae ol Ille llCtlilOul buelnna name STAR MOTORS, 1985 f111tb0<. Colle Mesa. C111tornt1 02627 The Ftctltloua Bualneu Neme referred 10 above wu tiled in Oreng1 County on February 23. 1082. Curll• Guy Hartman, 2700 AMoclated Road, C-(8, Fullerton, CaJl10<nl1 92&36 Thia bl.le!,_ wu cooducted by "'lndMduel. Cuttle Guy Hlltt mat\ Thill 1tat-t wea flied wl1h tne County Cter11 of Orange County on June 22. t082. F1A792 Published Orange Co111 Delly Pllol, June 24. July l. s. 15, 1982 2704-82 PlB.IC l«>TICE MUC ll>nct MOC NOTICC ,IC'MIOU• iUWWu '~~r'a~:..,,• W..... lfATW•NT The IOltow\no l*llOnl lie OOlf'IQ The ~ l*IOlll .... dOlftO l>UtiMM ... ~M UNIOUll'f ACClNTEO CAfllt.IMI OAIOINAt.I. 1Ht 1 IMPOAlS, 11115 Atl1nt1, 9\Mle 142. Ptrl1y Cl1ci., Huntlnoton letell, Hunt1-oion 8"ch. CA 92148. Cllllornla '284~ llARIARA DAVENPORT, lmmy Lou Ptulnt, 1I09t P1tl1y 20242 Rtmo"• 1.ane. Huntington Ctrale, Huntington 8MGh, Cellfornla BHch CA 0210 ROllAT 92e4J.,.. Ho.tf'llO'I• 1eet1 P1tlay DAVENPORT. 202•2 fllamonl i.ane. Clrc'8 ~tlnglon .-. c.ittornl• Huntington 8Mch. CA 02140 92841' Tiiie bulllneU It eondue1ed by _.. hu•Dtl\4 & wtte Thi• t>ull,_ le eond~... by • Robert M Davenpon genetef pertnentllp, Thlt 1t1tem.n1 WAI llled Wllh the Emmy Lou Pizzini c t o · count~ on Thlt ttatement wu tiled wllh the County lerk O r•• ' County Ctetk of Ofanoe County on July a. 1"2 ,, .. ,0 June 17, 19&2 Publiahed Orange Co11I 01lly f 1fltll Piiot J 1y I l!i 22 29 1982 Publl•h•d Oren9e COHI Delly • u . • • • 2938-12 Pih.It June 24. July 1, I , 15, tH2 . 27'11•82 Nil.IC NOTIC£ P\8.IC !«)TICE l'ICTITIOUt IUIMH NAMI ITATl.-.cl "CTITIOUI IUllHl.11 Tiie rollowtng P8fton 11 dotno NAMf ITATIMINT bu11MN u : The tollowtng pen on 11 doing O O C T 0 R 0 ET A I L , 9 4 4 bu1inN1 11: Cheyenne, CO.ta M.... Cetttornl1 !AIN .A IL, (B) NAIL 928~6 DESIGNERS AND INDUSTRY Pe tr lc:la Shennon. 9 4 4 LEAGUE, 29215 College, COiia ~. Cotti M_., Callfornt1 M ... , C A 92828 02828 TOM GAERTNER, 238 Tula.ne. Thia bullnMa la oondUOlod by an Co111 Mesa. CA 02828. lndtvtdual. Th11 bustneaa 11 c;onduoted by 1n P11nc11 8h1nn0<1 Individual Thia 11atamet1I wla filed with the Tom GMnnw County Clef'k of Orange County on Thi• 11a1emen1 wu llled with the June 22. 1012 County Ci.tk ot Otange County on '1t1• July 6, 1982 Publithed Orange COHI Oally ftt13tl4 Pttot. June 24, July 1, 8, IS, 1982 Publlthed Ot1nge Cont Dilly 2707-82 Pllol. July 8. 15. 22. 29. 1982 Dll-IC unncE 2811-52 ~~ nu P\8.IC l«>TICE FICTIT10UI BUllNHI FICTITIOUI IU91NEH NAME 9TAT1!•NT Tiie tollowlng p erton II doing buelneH 11· NAME ITATl!MINT FOSTERS PHARMACY 1536 Tne tollowtng pareon I• doing Newport Blvd Co1u Men. 1>u11neu H CalllO<nla 92627 ATA FITNESS CENTER. 2251 Te riy Devld Grant. 3177 Hart>or Blvd Colla Men , CA Country Club. Coate Mesa. 92628 Catllomte 92826 BENTON O'DELL CUSHING. Tl1is bualneH la cor1ducted by an 30SO Sou1h Briston. Apt 9-D. Santa lndlvlduel Ana. CA 02704 Ttlfry David Graol 1hll l>u•lnM• 11 cooduclod by 1" Thi• 11a1emen1 was filed With Iha lndlvldual County CitHk of Orange County on Benton 0 CuthlflQ June 29 1982 Thia 11a1emen1 wu tiled with lhe ' Ftt2444 t:ounly Clerk ol Orange County on Publllhed Orange CoHt 01lly June 23. 1982 Piiot, July 1. 8. 15, 22. 1982 F1t:l0n 2701·82 Publlthed Orange Coaat Dally ------------ Pilot. July 8. 15, 22 29, 1982 flt&IC NOTICE ---------29-8-~-112 --F-IC_T_ITl_O_U_l_BU_S_IHE __ s_• __ PUBLIC NOTICE NAME 8TATEMENT The tolloWlng persons are 001ng oostness u "CTITIOUI •UllNHS NAME STATEMENT WINOSLIP KITES. 629 Terminal The tollowlng person 11 doing Wey No 12 Coita Mau . CA buSlnUI Ill 92627 DRAFTING BOARD, 2160 DOlJCHAS RAV MORAN Elde11 Avenue. No IO 1. Costa 20402 Bayview Avenue Santa Ana, MHa. CA 92627 CA 92707 FLAVIO BATISTA M OURA, Th11buslneasls conductodbyen 2160 Elden Avenue. No tO t, Cotta lndlYiduat Me ... CA 92627 T h11 busmess 11 cooduc:led t>y an OouQ11s R Mor1111 Th•S s111emen1 was llled with the lndMOuel Flav•O 811•111 Mou•• Counly Cletll OI Orange County nn Tn1l 11a1emen1 was ltled with lho July 6• 1952 F1t2t15 Publlthed Orange Coast D&1ly F1t2700 PllOI. July 8, 15, 22 29 1982 County Clerk ot Orange County on July 2. 1982 Puollshed Orange Co111 0111y 2935•82 Pilol, July 8. 15 22 29, 1982 P\8.IC l«>TIC£ ~---------29-89---9-2 -.-T-A_TEME ___ NT_Of __ WfTHOfl ___ A_W_A_l_ PlB.IC !«)TICE ""<* PAATNEAIHttt OPffllATINO YOU AM .. Dl!f'AUl T UNOl!fll UNDER A Dl!EO CW TMlaT OATl!O AJ'M. FICTITIOUI IUSINHI NAME 27, 1H2. UNLl!ll YOU TAKE The to11o w 1ng person hes ACTION TO PEOTECT YOUfll wt1hel11WY> 11 a general pertn« from PttOPl!RTY, IT MAY K IOU> AT A the parlfltlflh<P ope<allng uno.r Ille PUeLIC aALa. If' vou .. ED AH 1tc111tous business name ot IXPUNATION Of THIE NATUflllE EMPLOYEE BENEFIT SERVICE Of THE PROCEEDING AGAIH9T CONSULTANTS. 450 E Chapman YOU, YOU 9"0UU> CONTACT A Avenue. 202. Orange. Cal1tornla LAWYER. 02866 NOTICE Of TfllUlttFI IA.LE The flc1111ou1 bu11ne11 name T,9. No. M110 1111emen1 tor 1h4! pllftner"''P was NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, 1hlt tiled on 3-5-82 In lh41 Counly ol on Wlldnesd1y, July 28, 1982. at Orange. 9.00 o'clodl 11 m of Mid day. In the Full Name and Addre.. ol the room HI .. Ide tor conducting P1111011 Withdrawing Truti .. ·a Salee. within the oftloes of Semi M Odeh 30 1 E Tall REAL ESTATE SECURITIES Avenue 0tanve.Ca11torn11 92885 SERVICE. located at 2020 Norlh ,,, Sam• M. OOeh Broadway. Suite 206, in Iha City of '114Sa S1nt1 An1, County of Ora"91. Slit• Publlalled Orange Coest Datlv ol Calllornta. COASTLINE EOUITV. Piiot. July 1, 8. 15. 22. 1982 INC. I Calllornle corporallon, u 1----------2_11_13_-_112 duly appointed TN•t .. under and PUBLIC l«)TlC( purauant 10 the power of 111e -------------conferred In 11\al oenaln Deed Of YOU AM .. Dl!J'AULT UNODI A Trutl oeculod by PAMELA A DEED Of Tf'UIT OAT"ED MA9'CH YOUAllalNDP'AULTUNOEfllA SHIER, en unmarried woman and tt, 1tt1: 0NLEl8 YOU TAKE OHO Of TfllUIT DATl!D AUGUST RICHARD ST THOMAS end DIANE ACTION TO ,fllOTECT YOUfll 21, 1Ht. UNLESS YOU TAKE ST THOMAS, hulblnd and wlte ea ~.IT MAY K 90l.D AT A ACTION TO PfllOTIE CT YOUfll community P'°'*1Y. rKOfdecl May POelJC IA.La. If' YOU Nl!EO AH ""OPUfTY, IT MAY M SOU> AT A 11, t981, In Book 14052 ot Officlll ~NATION CW THE NATVM P\l9lJC SALE. If' YOU .. ED AH Recofda of Mid County. et pege M TI4E PROCEEDING AGAINST EXPl.AHATION Of THE NATURE 1701. Recorder'• ln1trumen1 No YOU, YOU IH<>Ul.O CONTACT A OF THE PflOCHOINO AOA!te8T 12878, by reuon ol a breach or CAWYEA YOU, YOU IHOULO CONTACT A default In paymen1 or performance NOTICE Of TIIUITl!E'I IALE LAWYER. of the obligation• eecured thereby. T.9. Ne . ._ MOTICI Of TMJITl!E'I 9ALE Including lhal breech or deleul1. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. that T.L NG. Ml11 No1tce of which wH recorded on Wednad•y. July 28. 1982. et NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, thl1 February 1, 1082, II Recorder's 9 00 o·clocl< am of aald day. In the on WedM1<11y. Jiiiy 21, 1982. •• lnatrumant No 82-037684, WILL room HI Hide for conducting 9 00 o'Clock 1.m. of aald dey, In lh41 SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Tt\lltae't Satet. Within the olflcet of room HI H ide for conducting HIGHEST BIOOER FOR C ASH, REAL ESTATE SECURITIES TruSl .. 'I Salee. within the offlc:ea Of lawful money or the United StatM. SERVICE. located at 2020 Nonh REAL ESTA.TE SECURITIES or I cashier'• checll drlWfl on • 8'oectw1y. Sult• 209. In the City of SERVICE. tocated at 2020 North 11ate or nallonll t>enk, I elate or Santa Ana, County of Qfange, State Btoedw1y. Suite 206. In the City of feder91 credit union. 0< 1 1111• or of Callfornla, REAL ESTATE Senta Ana. County of Or1"91, Stlle federal aavtngt Ind loan uaoclatton SECURITIES SERVICE. e C..ttornta of Cellfornt1, REA L ESTA TE domlclledtntht11t1te.11tpayabtea1 corporlllon, H duty eppolnled SECURITIES SERVICE, a Calllomla the time of Nie, all right, title end Trullee under and purtoenl 10 the corporellon, 11 duty appointed lnler .. t held by Ii, aa Tru111 ... In power ol 1ate conferred tn 1h11 Trull .. under Ind purtolnl to the that rMI Pfoe>ert)r allua1e In said cer1aln Deed of TruAt H ecuted by power ot Hie conterred In that County end S111e, described II RICK BYERS. recorded Mwc:h 23. cer11ln Deed of Trust execuled by IOltowa· t981. tn Book 13091 o t Olllc:tal CHARLES E PREEDV, e alngle Patee! L The NorthwHterty Recordt of aald County. 11 pege man. recorded Septeni~ 8, t981. 40.00 teet ol the Southe11terty t017, Recorder'• tn1trument No. In Book 14210 of Olflclat Records of 2•0.00 feet of Loi 313 of Newpo<I 30005, by r...on of 1 bfMCtl or u td County, at p1ga 1625. HelghU . a• 1hown on • map o.flUlt In payment or perlOt11'1811Cl41 Recorder'• tnttnJt•,.,,I No 5558. by recorded In book 4, p1g1 83. of the obligation• MCUred thereby, reuon of a btuell 0< def11.1l1 In Mt1c;et11neou1 Mapa, record• of tnc:luellng thet breac:f1 0t defeutt. payment or pertormence of the Ofange Counly, Celltomle. Notice of -"lcltl wu reoofded April obllg111on1 aecured thereby, Eaceptlng there from the 2. 10112, ea ~def'• Instrument Including thll breach or defeult. Nonheelterty half thereof. No. 82-118403, WILL SELL AT Nottoe ot which wH recorded P1tcel 2: An •H emani for PUBLIC A UCTION TO T HE Much 29, t982. 11 Rec:order'1 Ingran and 1grH1 over the HIGHEST BIOOER FOR C ASH, ln1trumen1 No. 82-107953. WILL NorthwHterty 7 00 feet of Iha lawful rnoney of the United SlatM , SELL Ar PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Southeeltlfly 247 00 .... of lot 313 Of a eutller'• Che<* drawn on • HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, of Newport Helghll, u lhOwn on I atate °' nettonal benk, • 1111• Of lewtul rnoney of the United S111.., map ,_dad fn ~ 4, P-0-83, federal c:rec:tlt union. or a 11ete or 0t a clthler'• Checlt drawn oo 1 Ml1cet11neou1 M1p1, record• of federal M vingl and toen UIOClalton 11•1• or nallonat bank. • llate or Orange County. dornlctled tn thlt 11ate. 111 p1ya1>1e 11 fede<ll credit union. or 11 1tete or Percet 3: An e11ement for lhe time of N ie. all rlghl. tl11e and ledetal Nvlng• encl loan llSOOl•tton tngre u and egreu over the 1nttHMt held by It, u Trutt ... '" domlciled In this •l•t•. 1JI payable II N or th e • • t er I y h I t r of t ha that rMJ property 11tue1e In Mk! the time Of ule. Ill right. tltle Ind NorthwHterly 7 00 IHI of the County end Stale, dHcrlbed es tnter81t held by 11, u Tt\lttee, ln SOut'-Sterty 240.00 feel of Lot tollowt: lhll real p1ope<1y 111u1i. In said 313. Newport Height•. 11 tt10wn on Lot 10 of Tract No. 2334. u per Counly and State. dHCrlbed H • map recorded In bOok 4, l>tlOt 83, map recorded In Book 62. Paoe 20 follOwa· M t1cellenaou1 M 1p1. Orange of MllCellaneov• Mapa. In the office Lot 34 of Trect No 7083, In the County of th• County Recorder or H id County of Orange . S 111e o t The ttreel 1ddre11 or other County. Cellfornl1 ea per map recorded tn ommon dH tgnetlon of the real The 1tteet •dd•H I or other Book 273, PagH 27 to 30 of property here!Mt>ow dMcrlbed 11 common de1tgn 1t1on of 1h• rH I MltoalllineOU• Map1 In the olflc. of ed to be. 232 c.cit Piece. property herelneboft deKrlbed te Ille ~aunty rec:ofder of Mid County. ta Meal, Cllllomta. purported to b e: 1154 1 Ootphln Th• alreet 1ddrH1 or other The underato n •O h e r e by Terr-.Cotone delMlf,Cellloml• common dH lgnatton of the real ltc ttlme ell llabltlly tor any The under1tgned here by p<Operl)' h«eln1ove de~rlbed 11 ~-In Mkl •lrMI .odr-dl1etalm 1 ell lleblllty for 1ny property henllnltiow deeerlbed le other common deelgnallon. lnQOfrect,,... In llkl atrwt eddrWI Cltde. lrvtne. Calltomla Saki Ille Wiii be ma6e wllflOut Of other common dellgrWllton. The under1to n•d hereby .urranty, uprt n or tmplled . 8ald Nie w11 be made wttllou1 dt1ctetm1 111 llablllty tor eny reo1tdl11g tltlt. poue11lon. or w1rrenty, expreu or IMplled. 1noorreo1-In .. Id"'-' lddr... ncumbt1ncH . to 11t11fy th• r691tdtng ttlle, po11H1lon. or or other common det'Onttlon prtncllpll belllloe of the not• or 1ncumbr1nc11. to .. t11fy th• Seid Mii wlll be mac1e wllhOUt obllQatton -eel by Mid ~ ~ of tlle No4e or w1rr111fy. u prell 01 Imp lied, of frutt, with lntetwt tnd other Obf1aet1on -.«I by Mid regerdlng 1111•. po11H1to11, 01 ther eu1111 11 provided therein; o..o °' f Nlt, wtth 1n1.,... end e neulftbran cea, to 1et111,. th• ~ If .,,.,, under lM other tom• 11 provld9d lhereln; prlnCIPel ballnOe of fh4I Nole Of ~ tMreor and 1n1.-on llldl p1ue 1CM1nOM, H «ty, under Ille other obllotlton teeured by llkl -'--· and plue ,.. 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'91tll1ller'1 lttt.11 All re11 ""'• edverllMd •••Ht /# Wt In 1h11 new1p1p er 11 •••••••••••••••••••••• tuDject to tile Federll C.•tt'1 1#1 Fair Houetno Act of toe& •••••••••••• •••• •••••• wt11e11 m •k" 11 meo" to 11••1 lltlT &dvertlM "any preferen-- 08 11m1iot1on or dlterlml-The perteot home tor na'11on bated on reee. youno °' t mell tamllle1 3 co1or. religion. ••• or Bd[m· be•uttrutty reMO- natton•I origin, or any deed l!llchen teatudng tnlentton to mike 1ny •11 new 1ppllanc.t. ~ tuCh preference, llmtta-root, freah paint, 111nt- 11on or discrimination .. a111c financing M e11 Verde are• Full price Tiits newspaper wlll not S124,000. 75\.-3101 k11ow1ngty accept 1ny •dvertlstng for reel es- tate whleh IS In v1olatlon Of the law .............. .... ., .......... ,.,.... u"' .,~ l .._.,.l n-.. ~'""' .,.,..... ..o. ... ..,. \& -~~ --~ ·~ ... .."" .... I'••• )I Wtolt t J .,_..,.. ...... ....... 1110 -· •w..... a o-.. "'°""". .e •o.-u..... -1 ._..,__...,. 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Dlme•A-U... ed1 mey be pteced 1t ttte C.oet• ..... offloe unlit. 3 p.m. Frtdey. STARTING' A NEW BUSINESS? llAlllCUIT THURSDAY .. JUI Y 8. l 'IB1 AP Wlrephoto ENDS STRIKE -Anne Bullington. 36, has ended her strike against her five children in Des Moines, Iowa, saying they have acceded' to her demands. She began her strike last Friday. Children yield Mom ends sitdown s trike DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -A housewife who went on strike against her family for six days is back on the job after the last of her five children signed her list of demands. Anne Bullington , 36, the mother of four t.een•agers and an 11-year-old son, established herself in a lawn chair outside the family 's home Friday surrounded b y hand-lettered signs reading, "Mother on Strike" and "Have You Hugged Your Mother Today?" For ·six days, day and night, s he sat there, through heavy rains and sweltering heat in the 90s. She became the topic of a Des Moines radio talk show, and patiently answered questions from curious on-lookers. The strike ended Wednesday night when the last holdout, her 16-year-old daughter, Michelle, agreed to sign Mrs. Bullington's list, which included demands that mom not be considered a taxi driver. loan officer or 24-hour cook and that the kids show affection and say thanks. Her objective, Mrs. Bullington Said Wednesday, was to bring to the attention of her five children that she is a "human bein~" and Another sh a rk sighte d off SF STINSON BEACH (AP) -A Stinson Beach r esident has reported seeing another killer shark swimming in s hallow waters off the popular recreation area 20 miles north of San Francisco, park officials say. Lifeguard Corwin Grimm of the Stinson Beach U.S . Park Service sajd the great white or blue shark, was estimated at 12 to 13 feet in length. needs a "little affection." Her other four children and her husband, Tom, signed the contract e levati ng M rs . Bullingto n to that status at various times during the vigil. Children, she said, "forget that mother has her own life. "Thev for~et to talk to me. They forget to kiss me. They didn't think of me as 'a person. They thought of me as a mother, and, the r efor e, owed them something." ln addition to Michelle, her other children are Frank, 18 , Tom. 17, Debra. 13. and Charlie, 11. Mrs. Bullington said Michelle held off signing so long because she was s ubject to "pee r press ure'' and w as having trouble signing the document without losing face. "Her friends are telJing her that if their mothers were doing it, they wouldn't sign." Mrs. Bullington said earlier. "They're making it difficult for her to give in.,. The girl eventually signed, her mother said. "so the other kids wouldn't suffer." Laguna cop • r eco vering Laguna Beach Police Lt. Terry Temple is resting at home after suffering a heart attack June 17 in his office. The 33-kyear-old police veteran was hospitalized for 12 ,days at South Coast Medical Center. Temple said he will return to the hospital at the end m the month for tests. He does not know when he will return to duty. BUSINESS Pepsi drops caffein e Pepsi has become the third major bottler to market a caffeine-free diet cola as a "cola war" widens. Page 84. TELEVISION 'Hill Street' revisited The character• of "HUl Street Blues'' have ch1n1ed markedly 1lnce the pllot waa aired In JanWU')', 1981. F'ana c.an Ne It apln tonlaht. P ... A7. Tb ttH 1how1 lopt Jn TV 11M·A·B-H " "Too Ooee for Comfort'' and 11HOU11 c.lli~' ant dMt ~ matt Watfhed lhowl on C.levtlion, ·~ lhl N6t119n raW\11. ,.,. Ae. • OllAN C~E CUUN J Y t:AI If OH NIA 25 CE ~ IS Aec.o)rd ai airport seen • ~irlin e reported dropping challenge at John Wa yn e • I • . By FREDERICK SCHOEMEJIL OftMDelr .......... A tentative seulement has been reached in a lawsuit in which several airlines and the federal government challenged Orange County government's plan to allocate commercial airline. flights at John Wayne Airport. According to a report dlst,ributed to county supervisors this morning, the major plaintiffs in the case including Pacific Southwest Airlines, Western Airlines and the U .S . HBman critical in fall By ROBERT BARKER 0 1 the Dally Piiot SteH An 18-year-old Huntington Beach man has fallen 11 stories from a Hawaii hotel while apparently walking in his sleep. Surviving the fall but listed in critical condition after surgery is Craig Mackie, a June graduate of Ocean View High School. A friend who talked by telephone with Mackie's mother Wednesday night said today that Craig had a history of walking in his sleep. ''It happened more when he was a young kid but from time to time over the years he'd go to bed and then wind up in another place," said family friend Elaine Erickson of Fountain Valley. "We don't know exactly what caused the fall," she said. The fall happened at about 2 a.m. Wednesday, the last day of a vacation that Robert and Norma Mackie had promised their son after high school graduation. Also along on the vacation were several of Craig's friends, also recent Ocean View graduates. One of the friends awoke early Wednesday to find Craig missing. After a search, ypung Mackie was found lying next to the parking lot of the Reef Lanais Hotel in Waikiki. Sources in Hawaii said they didn't believe Mac kie's 11th-story plunge to the parking lot was broken by any obstacles along the way. Craig had been "enthusiastically" looking forward to attending Golden West College this fall," Mrs. Erickson said. "This is so unbelievable," Mrs. Erickson said. "This was the last day of their vacation and this had to happen." Mrs. Mackie, a travel agent, formerly worked in the adult education department at the Huntington Beach Union High School District. Her husband is in the steel business, Mrs. Erickson said. Bull run hurts 4 PAMPLONA, Spain (AP) About 1,000 p eople pitted themselves against six raging 1,000-pollnd bulls in the first day of the annual running of the bulls through the narrow. twisting streets of this Spanish city. Authorities said. only four people requir e d med ica I treatment. NATION Department of Justice have agreed to drop the legal challenge in the wake of a ruling by a federal appeals court panel. The U.S . Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last month that the county was free to implement an airport aC?CeSS plan that would pennit re-allcx:ation of fUghts to carriers seeking either to begin or expand service to Orange County under specified rules. That plan -adopted by supervisors March 17 -requires the five commercial carriers serving the airport to yield existing guarantees on flights they possess over a two-year period. Sources familiar with the negotiations leading to the ~tllement said that the appeals court decision in the county's favor essentially scared the plaintlfCs out of the case. There was a caveat, however. The. federal government said it would drop out of the action only if the county stuck by the March 17 plan, the sources said. Had the ~nty stuck by an earlier plan viewed by PSA as OeMy Pilot Steff fltwlto HOMEWARD BOUND -University of Notre Dame seniors Steve Brown and Bill Baroody are visiting friends in South Laguna at the end of their 4,600-mile bicycle trip from Maine to Orange County. They're leaving Friday -a lbeit reluctantly -after determining California girls "are for real." Notre Dame bikers hit South Laguna Three Notre Dame seniors, laden with camping gear and spare bike parts, hopped on their bicycles at the other end of the country May 12. Their destination : Southern California. "We wanted to see if those USC girls we saw on television are for real." quipped Steve "Ozzie" Brown, an electrical engineering major .and soccer player at the university at South Bend, Ind. Brown and fellow pedaler. Bill Baroody, arrived in South Laguna this week, agreeing that USC girls -and Southern California girls in general -are journey across the United States would be a good way to spend their summer break. Outside of the usual array of bicycle breakdowns, storms, hot desert winds and cold food, the two remaining cyclists said much of the trip was uneventful. They're staying with the parents of a fourth roommate 10 South Laguna, but it's a short stay. The pair are leaving Friday from L os Angeles airport for their final year at Notre Dame. which begins early next month. unta4 favorable to AirCal anct Republic Airlines, the legal action would still be proceeding, the sources said. It is expected that the parties involved In the lawsuit will appear before Judge Hatter Tuesday afternoon to formally agree to the proposed f!ettlement. Supervisors will be asked Tuesday morning to"rnake minor adjustments to the March 17 access plan to accomplish the settlement. Prior to Implementation of the (See AIRPORT, Page A2) Disney stock tumbles NEW YORK (AP) -Walt Disney Productions' movie "TRON" does not open officially for two days. but nega tive reactions to early screenings by severa l sec urit y analysts triggered heavy selling of Disney stock. Disney's price fell Wednesday $2.50 a share to $56.375, and fell another point in mid-day tradjng today. Theodore James Jr. of San Francisco-based Montgomery Securities told Dow Jones News Service he advised clients to sell Disney stock "until it shows signs • holding at $52 a share." He said the film which Disney is counting on to be a rousing success with its video-game plot t e lls a "seriousl y flawed , disjointed story" and that special effects are "distracting." "TRON" scheduled to be released Friday in l,000 theaters, is geared primarily to the under-25 crowd. Pre-opening screen ings were hel.d Tuesday night in Los Angeles and New York. Harold Vogel. e ntertainment analyst at MerriU Lynch, Pierre, Fenner & Smith Inc., told Dow Jones, "After seeing the film, it seemed clear to me that this is not the runaway hit that everyone was expecting." Mike Bagnell, senior vice president of finance at Disney, called the analysts' comments an overreaction. "I attribute the drop in stock price to one or two analysts saying they didn't like the picture," Bagnell said from Los Angeles. "The overwhelming majority of people thought 1t was terrific." real. · Rich Rieger, one third of the wheeling Musketeers, can't offer an opinion. His brakes went out in Oregon during a rainstorm a nd he destroyed his bike when it slammed into an embankment. Lagunan arrested And while he suffered only scrapes and bruises, he caught a bus to San Franci~ and flew home. "It's too bad," Brown said, looking at the bikini-dad wom~n at the Aliso pier in South Laguna. "This was worth the trip." The three bicycle riders are roommates at Notre Dame. and t h ey thought a 4 ,600-mile A Laguna Beach furniture deslgner was arrested by police late Wednesday when he was discovered a block from a home that had just been burglarized. Kelly Augusta Thompson, 46, of 565 Catalina St .. was arrested on Goff Street by Officers Lance Ishmae l and Jenny Stracn er, shortly after police dispatchers reported a burglary on Legion Street. A couple who live in the 400 block of Legion called police to say they returned home to find INDEX their stereo set sitting by the front door and a man leaping out a window. The residents supplied police with a description of the suspect, and the two officers said they spotted him o n Goff Street shortly after the 11:30 p.m. call. Thompson s urre n<;tered w ithout a struggle and was booked into Laguna Beach Jail on suspicion o f residential burglary. He was being held today in lieu of $25,621 bail. Senate gym pl6n flayed At Your Servioe A4 Movies B7 Erma Bombeck B2 Mutual 1'\.u'lds B4 Sen. William Proxmire, D-Wis., says senators don't need a new gymnasium, especjally when they rarely use ~ne of t.wo they already have. Page B8. What's the attraction ? What did people pay $17.3 milDon to aee over the holiday weekend in the United Staie. and Canada? Page B7. COUNTY Business B4-5 California A5 Cavalcade B2 Classified 04-8 Comics B3 Cr01Bword B3 Death Notices D4 Editorial A lO Ene«tainment B7 Horoecope 82 Ann Landers B2 ·SPORTS , r National NeWb A3 Public Notices A9,B4,B8,D3-4 Sports Dl-3 Dr. Steincrohn B2 Stock Markets 85 Television B6 Theaters B7 Weather A2 World Newa A3 AIRPORT ACCES S. • • March 13 plan, AlrCal, th• dominant carrier In the county, iJ\ad a auaranteed allocation of Jl).6 fllthta daily: Republic 1,1\lrlinea, 11.& and Frontier Airlines, PSA and Western, two .,ttpch. .,r1 FOrty-one jet departures a.re m~rmltted daily under airport noise abatement regulation.a. . When the plan waa '.jR'lplemented aft.er the appeals .JfRUrt ruling, guaranteed rM!<>eations to all carrien were /~uced 10 percent. An exception Ni:_as made for Western by order pf. the appeals panel. As a result of the re-allocation, ~rCal, Republic and Fr~ntier t flights while PSA gained a 1rd daily departure. •1~PSA initially filed legal action flgainst the county over the ;Y.rport access issue, claiming a previous but now abandoned plan would have been unfairly bentfictal to AlrCal and Republic by permlttina th• two carriers to control 86 percent of Rfrmltt.ed fll&hta for a thne-y..,vperiod. PSA claimed that tt had a rtght to more than two departures daily. The U.S. Department of JUltlce, representing a apat.e of federal a1enclea lncludln1 the Federal Aviation Adminlatratlon and Civil Aeronautic• Board, agreed and intervened ln the lawsuit. Initial ·decialona by U.S. District Court Judge Terry Hatter Jr. went ln favor of PSA and the federal government. Whi le appealing those decisions. the county prepared the March 17 plan -viewed as a "tailback position" should the appeals fall. Poard to decide \I n1 ~irport study on " i·,1 For the second time in three board decided to keep studies in progress -and to lay the groundwork for the Federal Aviation Administration to conduct formal assessments of four sites under consideration. DO sex probe pushed . ( WASHINGTON (AP) -Rep. Margaret Heckler, R·Ma11., called today for the appointment of an Independent lnveetlgator to l oo k Into allegatlona of homoeexual activity and cocaine use Involving members of Congreu and teen-age pages. "These thing1 are juat so outrageous that, If true, they h ave to be f ollowed and investigated by som'eone independent of the Congress," she said in an interview on the NBC-TV "Today" show. Mrs. Heckler. who has a 90n and two daughters, said parents have told her "they would not want their young sons to go to Washington to have experiences In which they are Introduced to serious drugs or propositioned by a congressman." The chairman of the House ethics committee, Rep. Louis Stokes, D-Ohio, announced last week that his panel would investigate the charges of co n~ressman soli c iting homosexual sex from pages. But Mrs. Heckler said today she had "no faith in a mere investigation by the ethics committee per se in this particular climate of political contest. I think we need an Indepe ndent prosecutor" appointed by the speaker of the House. Rep. Thomas P . O'Neil Jr. UWlr~o TREMENDOUS FEET -Bob Allison scrubs the toenails of one of the elephants from the Ringling Brothers Barnum & Bailey Circus during a stop in Tucson. The Great~t Show on Earth will visit Orange County in August. Flight operator charged The operator of an Oran1e County-baled fll1ht echool hu been · char1ed by the federal government with overbllllna lM Veterans Admlniatratlon by $600,000 for training former servicemen to fly . The U.S. Attorney's Of flee ln Los Angeles med the char1es Wednesday against Herbert D . HIU. 38, president of National Jet Industries Inc. of Santa Ana. According to the federal complaint, Hill ls charged with billing the government lor fl~ht training that never occurred. lie faces a single count of conspiracy and 13 counts of submitting fa.be statements to a federal agency. Assistant U.S. Attorney Percy Anderson said this morning that the charges against Hill are the result of a one-year investigation involving the FBI, the Inspector Gene ral's Office alld the Veterans Administrauon. Arraignment proceedlngs for Hill are scheduled Mondy ln Los Ange les. If convicted on all counts, Hall could be fined $10,· 000 and sentenced to five years in federal prison on each count. Anderson said National Jet Industries provided vocational flight training to former servicemen under the auspices of a Veterans Administration program i'bonths. the Orange County •Board of Supervisors is being •zked to decid~whether to keep alive studies on finding a site for a new field for private aircraft. l~ ln April, on a 3 to 2 vote, the h· Cany on road bl c.hannel work lJu e to begin Next Tuesday, the issue will return to the board. Essentially, the question facing supervisors wiU be the same: Should the county continue to try and find a general aviation airport site? Those who count votes on the fifth floor of the county HaU of Administration say supervisors Bruce Nestande. Thomas Riley a nd Harriett Wiede r are pre~ to vote to kill further consideration of sites for a general aviation field. HB city executive makes highest pay . ..,, 1 'Wotk 1s expected to begin next ~&?k on the road that's designed ~. alleviate flooding problems in me canyon. • Orange County supervisors have approved a $3.3 million crnntract with John A . .\(tukovich and Sons, Inc., of Azusa for the project, which will e>ttend the existing channel from I?ig Be nd to q1e General Telephone Company property. The four sites under consideration include the Army Forces Reserve Center, a military base in Los Alamitos; Santiago Canyon, undeveloped Irvine Company-owned land east of Orange; Bell Canyon, a Rancho Mission Viejo holding east of San. Juan Capistrano. and San Juan Creek, another Rancho Mission Viejo parcel also east of San Juan. Huntington Beach City Council members have raised the pay of City Administrator Charles Thompson from $65,016 to $72,924 per year and have given him a $150 monthly expense allowance. Counting city reimbursement to Thompson's r~tirement fund to the tune of 7 percent of his pay and the expense allowance, Thompson's overaU pay climbs to $79,824 per year. Funding for the project will C\}me from county flood di.strict mbney. Construction is expected to be completed by Christmas. The channel work will require sdme traffic detouring. but the clintractor must keep at least one l~tie in each direction open de'ring the project. In a report forwarded to supervisors Wednetlday. airport man ager Murry Cable said owners of the four sites are unwilling to yield them for development of an airport. H e also re c eives a $300-per-month automo bile allowance plus health , life, dent.al and long-term disability imurance. •lThe new channel box will have the capacity to contain water generated by a 10-year storm. A twin channel will be eonstructed in later years. Condemn ation proceedings have been suggested as a possible way of acquiring one or more of the sites for an airport. but such a move is considered unlikely. Tuesday's pay hike makes Thompson the highest paid chief city executive along the Orange C.OOSt. Huntington Beach is the largest city with an estimated population of 172,000. Newport Beach City Manager Fair and warlll T emperatureS' ""'"°" The F~at For 8p.m. EDT R•ln• Snowl!i] /rld.1t July 9111" snow.n• Flume1(ll] 1 .. Albany Al~ :Coasta l =~ Fair today with hight of 72 to Atlanta 76. Low clouds Ille 1onlgh1 and Altantc Cty (~ly Friday Ove<nlght lows 60 to Auslln /)I. Low Clouds perSlst through BaltltnOfa l'rlday mid-morning hourt 8illingS becoming fair and sunny In the Blrminghm 'Mlemoon. Highs Friday 7 4 10 78 .• Bltlnerck nJ E I a e w h a re • fro m P o I n 1 BolM Conception 10 the Mexlcen Boston,,.._ border end out 60 mll•• Brown• !Nirth-t winds 10 to 20 knot• 8uNalo over outer w1ter1 tod•Y t1nd ~rtlnglon ,f!Jday with 4 to 6 fool -· Light C~ SC ~leble wind• over Inn« waterS crnwi!t" WV :JNrlng nlghl and montlng nou<1. n ~ng -t lo IOUl"'-1 10 Chartttl NC 'fo 16 knoll during _,nos tod•Y ~~ f6fid Friday. Wind wavea of 2 lo 4 ~._,,... 1ee1 South-I awett1 of 1 to 2 Clncinn1tl 111i Low cloud• night ind =-~C nlng llOurt. t>eCOmlng mostly a ny during alter.noon• tod•y g:i;:r:~ Fr1d9Y. Otyton .. • ~ Denver Summary o.s Mol,_ alny -''* dampened mud\ tl'le netlon,. with lhundeutorml •"-• over the northern palachlan1. the upper Ohio ley, northern Ark1neaa, Iha thern Plalnl and Colorado. causing one dealh In New ...... 11n elao fell Wedneeday on t1n1. Flor1da and from Idelle> Arizona wu mostly clear from North rolln1 to aoulhern New land. over the Ml11l11lppl . lhfl northern Pllln1 and the ·toUthweat. wHlern New York. aklel gan to cle1r today etter SIOf'f\'19 killed one per10fl Detrott Dulu1h El Puo Fargo F11g91aN Great Fllll Hartford Helena Honolulu HouSton tndnapll9 Jackan MS Jackanvlte KIM City LMV~ Ultle Roell ~ LubbOCk ~ Mlernl ......... cau1ed wldeepread p~ egel. empereturel around the Ion IMfor• dawn ranged from In Seult Ste. M811e. Mleh.', to In Phoenix. ArtZ. M.,....Sl.P NeahVllle 1Mw°'*"8 N9w Yorll ''·· NetlOnel We8tMr 8eMoe ' HI Lo Pre 87 70 92 62 85 83 .-0 82 64 87 67 .36 87 71 95 73 90 71 96 67 90 71 79 S6 73 S3 .33 90 70 95 75 91 67 . 12 87 70 86 64 83 71 .53 87 89 88 69 78 S3 83 62 90 71 91 87 88 18 .S7 90 ea .11 S1 71 2.17 91 72 .10 83 67 88 8S 87 80 85 49 IHI 75 73 51 &4 47 77 51 .30 87 68 78 S4 04 ae 1s 95 78 87 71 .01 94 73 87 71 .29 S8 87 95 73 93 73 .. 10 " 87 94 111 .. 82 ... 82 79 S4 92 72 93 70 84 73 90 Fronl8: Cold .,. Warm ,_,. Nor1otk 85 No. Platt• Ml Okla City ts Omaha ee Orl..,do 89 Philadptlla M Phoenlll 93 Plttat>urQh S7 Ptland, Me 85 Ptlend, 0,.. I 73 Pr~ S8 ~ ~ Ak:hmond 91 Sett Ulke 89 Sen Antonio te S..tlle 71 Sht9Y9P0<1 93 Sloull Falla 81 St Louie M St P-Tamp1 S7 St Ste M1rle 78 Spok1M 75 SyrlQIM 91 74 .08 63 88 65 72 45 71 78 ee .24 S8 54 18 71 35 55 72 58 .OS 72 51 73 8' 73 .02 73 .34 41 .02 54 .10 71 1.2' CAllOMU BakereTleld H 4' Eurekl e6 60 Fr-'<! 94 15 L.anCMlet 8' 82 LOii AnQllel 10 81 ~ : PatO Roblel !2 69 Aid 81ufl '"" 68 A9dWOod City .,.. 64 lllf 1111111 • d le 11 au nellln• a er 011 lhern CallfOfnla on Frtdey l l"il'illini·illi ... n..,. ________ _ mornlnQ c~ c:IMr elollO COH t. North•rn dH•rll • ..T.... .... ,. ..... uld o•• eouthwHt wind• ~ .. ...,.... ....,. T~ to 26 mpfl In efWYIOOl'l8 HuMlntlon 1111f11 t4 ft. tllr 14 --.. "'-'llnllOl'I,.., 2-3 ft. fllr ... " t4 In Loe 18nt8 AN lllifer Jelly 1·2 ft. ftlr 18 wilt rlt'Ot om . ........ 11 . ...__.. 1-a ft, ,_ ea IO t2 in COtttli ~. _,., ............. , N 74 to 10 In movnt1ln1. tJnd It. Ntwporl : " tWHfl II and II I n &II• ..._ W-.. •:= =· ,,_..,, M ~ 8fld "°"' .. .. ......... LllWM 1 . ,,__ ... ........ ....,., =::: ;~:: .:; ... • "°"' '°'"' COi "'"lft ... ~ 1·1 "· """ :: ===-~.a p ,~";.. e:;• .. "*"iflf lltW•. ,,.. , .. "· .. = 8ftern.:'.. '!.: ': I · •• ,.,,;: ,,_' ;it, ti :2 ~'!!I:~ ,~. 'rlDlll ... ,.·::, """""' ,,,.. ...... ............ 1 Secrlm«ltO so 55 Satinu 76 50 San Diego 76 65 San Francleco 63 52 Senta Barbar• 67 54 Senla Mari. 77 S1oc1non 88 58 Thermal 115 Be rat ow 93 70 Big Bear 91 53 Bl1hop 91 53 Catalina 68 58 Like An-'-d 75 50 Long Beach 82 80 M1ryaville 90 Monrov11 90 56 ~onte<ey 64 58 ~~~ 71 &4 69 80 Ontario 87 54 Palm Spring• 98 74 Puadena 84 57 Sin Bernardino 9t 58 Sin JOM 72 SS Senll Ana 79 59 Santa Cruz 75 65 T1hoe Vllley 72 39 Smog The Air Qu111ty Manag9men1 Olatrlct predict• unhealthful air quellty for ""'"'Ye ~ todav In tl'le SW\ Qebrief. P~ 8an Fernando ind S•nta Ciulla valleyl 9nd In the Aho9rlldl '"" 89fn•dlno and Hemet·Elalnort ar•H. with 9ood air qu111ty elMWl'lel'• In IM '°"'h eo.t AA Baaln. Wh~t to Mh (Iott frM) fOf ..... ~~· Or--; (IOO) ~ LOI Ant•• .. County: '"°" U2-40H ,._.... Md lln ...... IO _,,.... (IOO) Mr_.710 AQMO lplaode on.: (900) ~ Tides ' Hospital Dana • Ill Robert Wynn is paid $~1.!50; Irvine Citv Manajter William Woollett Jr .. $61,000; Costa Mesa City Manager Fred Sorsabal, $60,264; Fountain Valley City Manager Howard Stephens. $45. 244; Laguna Beach City Manager Ken Frank. $47,784. Anaheim Cqy Manager accreditation • wins William Talley makes $76,065 . Orange County Administrative Officer Robert Thomas ls paid $70,881 a year. Local salaries are substantially higher than some of those earned in Sacramento. Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. is paid $49,100 while members of the state Legislature are paid $28, l l l . They also collect car allowa n ces and per d iem expenses. While increasing Thompson's pay package Monda~ night. th~ Huntington Beach City CouncLI members also boosted their own monthly expense allowances from $125 to $290 The monthly expenses had been the same since 1967. Council officials didn't discuss Thompson's raise publicly. But Mayor Bob Mandie, who said today the salary is "on the high side," asserted that the increase was deserved. "He (Thompson) already has saved us quite a bit of money and he's going to save us another $1 million or so in the coming year in the r eorganization of personnel. purchasing changes and increased productivity. "He's done an outstanding job and he's a real workaholic," Mandie said. Dana Point's Capistrano by the Sea Hospital has been accredited for three years by the J o rnt Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals. The hospital's adult and adolescent psychiatric and substance abuse programs, which treat patie nts from throughout the state. were •The Boys Club of Laguna Beach still has a few openings for bo th a campout in the Angeles National Forest and a horsepack1ng trip into Yosemite. The campout. July 14-17. will cost $50 while the horsepacking trip wall cost • Laguna Niguel resident Timothy C. Lorenz has been reappointed by Gov. Edmund G. Brown to the sta te Advisory Board to the Bureau of Electronic and Appliance Repair. The 35-year-old analyst • The Laguna Beach Business and Prcfessional Women will meet tona~ht at the Ocean Avenue offices of Laguna Federal Savings and Loan. Guest speakers at the 7 Time t hat travels llght. accredited for three years, effective March 12. Capistrano by the Sea H ospital is an 82-bed psychiatric hospital located on a 20-acre campus overlooking Dana Harbor. The hospital utilizes several therapeutic approaches to help its patients return to active lives in the community. $225. Both trips are open to Boys Club-aged boys and girls. For more information about these or other Boys Club outdoor programs call Bill Patrick at 494-4316 or the Boys Club at 494-2535. with the Los Angeles County personnel department had been a consumer affairs representative for the county Department of Consumer Affairs. A board member since 1980. Lorenz's current term will expire June 1. 1986. p.m. dinner meeting WtlJ be Linda Algren, of Battered Women Self Help and Diby Henry, of the Laguna Beach Free Clinic. For reservations call either 494-0419 or 494-7480. SEIKO From Seiko, the Ideal gift for every traveler. Travel alarm clock with accurate quartz movement folds into a slim, w allet-si zed cas~ . Five-minute snooze feature. Choice of beige, black. brown, or·burgundy case. SS9.SO. SLAVICK'§ I ,.,.......,..,...,,,, W1wTt rlw bw .wrpnsa • =:=rs=-!1:0:..!t:.= ' ' - L * Orange Ooatt DAILY PILOT/Thuraday, July 8, l9a2 Laguna fared better state bailout cut • 1n Laguna &CAch has little lo <.'Ompluln about when it t•omes to the amount of st.ate bailout funds the city wlll rC'Ceive as a rf'sull of cuts in the s tate's $25.2 billion budget. Th<.' c11y stands to rc<:c1vt• $332, l 08 in bailout funds for 1982-83 as o pposed to the $682.602 local government would have received with full bailout. That's about half of wh::t L aguna B each would ha ve received if the state could havt• afforded it. In preparing a preliminary budge t earlier this year, city o f ficials h e dged the ir b e t s, estimating they wo uld lose about $254,000 of the bailout 'allocation. G ov. Brown 's signature on the state budget a w('('k ago means the city will actually lose about $100,000 more than anticipated The addit ional s tate c uts m e an Lagun a Beach l'Oun <:il members will have to do some s huffllnij t o bul <J n1.:e a final ~pending docu m t"nt IJLN this month. Laguna's s1tuat1on , huwtvt•r, is n't. so grim when c·ompared to how other coastal cities fared in th<> bailout c.·uts. ' ln O rangl' County. 18 of the 26 munidpalities will lose all of the1r bailout as.'>istance this year. The eight remaining cities w1U l'Olle-<:t only $1.3 million. San Clemente, for examp~. could hav<' received $445,857 in bailout fu nds . i nstead . it will rt><.'t•1vc o nly $7, l 7t3 . Newpor·t Beach was to rt.-c·eive $2 million. Newport gets only $773,94:3. Before the final state budget was adopted, L agun a finan c.·e uff1l'ials so1d they feared the state might takr $606.000 from the b<1ilout sourc.•c. That would have ld t Lagum1 in real Cinam.'1al troubll•. Laguna should count its blessings . Surnnier celebrations A r t festtvals and a county fair are a s synony mous wi th tht' Orange Coast as sunshine. J uly and crowded beaches. Laguna Bea('h, as 1t has for years, o ffors three ar t festivals b eginning Satu rday the Festival of Arts and P ageant o f the Masters. the Sawdust Festiva l and Art-A-F air -a l l running through Aug. 29. The Orange County Fair kiC'ks o ff tomo rrow and run s through J uly 18 at the Costa Mesa fairgrounds . It's a golden anniversary for L aguna's Festival of Arts, which began in 1932 when artists staged an ou tdoor exh ibit t o a ttrat·t tourist dollars. This year there w ill be 160 e xhibitors o n the g roJnds adjoining Irvine &wl. In the Pageant of the Masters. presented nig htly a t the &wl. two casts of volun teers numbering 250 C'reatc living rt•productions o f art masterpieces. A s u s u a l . th e Pageant wa s sold out b efor e opening night. but return e d tickets often a re available at the box offic.·e on the a fte rnoon of a performance. The City o f Laguna Beach last year rN:eived $25-1.000 from P ageant tic ket salt·s. a nothe r $1 10 ,000 wa<; budget e d f or sl'hol<1rs h1ps u nd $25 ,000 for Lagun <1 l·ultural g roups. Also on tap a ll summer in Laguna are the Sawdust Festival. with 200 a rts a nd crafts exhibito rs and Art-A -Fair with 135. The Sawdust 1s a quarte r mile up Laguna Canyon Road fro m the F estival o f Arts grounds and A rt-A-Fair is al Laguna Canyon R oad and Canyon Acres Drive. The Orange County Fair broke r(>(:ords last year. attra('ting 3fi8,903 people and grossing more than $1.5 m11liun Art and pho togr aphy are major exh1btts this year . along with the usual animals a nd doml'st1c c:rafts plus a lo ng list of headline en ll'l'l<itners -and. of course, the.• carnival P air hour s a rc· 10 ::i m to midnight Fridays. Saturdays (I nd Sundays. and noon to m1dmght Montlay through Thursday. ThC' thousands of visitors <1llra1."tctl by all thLS a('tivity may add to the traffic jam -but at lt•ast coasta l r esid e nts can't ('Omplam there's nothing to d o this summer. Style worth remembering Tht>re are probably a lot of adults in L aguna Beach who sull r emember th e name of the ·principal of their intermedia te school. After all. Dave Lloyd, former prin ci pal of Thur s t o n Inte rmediate School who retired last Thursday , took time to learn the names of a ll his students, even t h o u g h t h a t us u a 11 y 'm e a n t knowing the ide ntities of ·-180 different faces each year. But th at was part of Lloyd's personal style during his 20 years at the helm of Laguna Beal'h's only intermediate school. During his years a t Thurston . Lloyd. 56, saw m any (•hanges in studen t attitudes. inc hidmg the a nt i -au t horit y sta nc e of youn gsters in tbe 1960s. L l oyd weathere d those storm y years by taking what he calls a "low profile" approach a nd by not "o've rreacting" to unusual student behavior. With the aid of a ft"d cral g r ant. Ll oy d d evelo p e d a • "flt.•x1ble '' system n11ow1ng -.tudt'nts to al t<•r 1 hen-classroom S<.'ht•d ules on a weekly basis } f(· also pruv1d(:d motivatio n 1ncent1ves by rPwarding good students or thost• involved w nh school programs by taking them on a fi ve-day raftin_g trip on the> Colorado Rivt•r w hen the• s<.'hool term ended. Lloyd says today's stude nts are m ore interl'sted in future ('areers and good grades. He says the ba('k-to-basil's outlook is tht' way it should be• It will also seem that Lloyd should be in the prinC'ipal's o ffice at Thur<:ton next Septem~r when school starts. But he won't ~-He says he migh t ~ touring Baja California with his wife. o r w orking around the house in San C lemente. or swimming at the bea<'h or en.)Oying some otht•r activity . H is personal s ty le will be missed at Thurs to n. w he re he's done a n exemplary J<>b for mort> than two de<.·adt•s. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Da ily Pilot. Otner views ex· pressed on this page are those ot their authors and artists. Reader comment 1s inv1t· ed. Address The Dally Pilot. P.O. Box 1Sb0, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642-4321. L.M. Boyd/ Favorite words A highly successfuJ salesman says he lean)ed years ago what interests . people most. He was working 1n a stationery shop, selling among other things, fountain pens. Customer after , customer tried out his· pens on the : scratchpeds, and they aU wrote the ' aame thing, he said: their own names. U you're Invited to o social get- . together at the White Houte, count on ORANGE COAST DlilJl!ilat .._,,,... .,.,. .. , ..... , .. , ., ,,.. w.,t .,, I!,.,, c.-~1, Mil" ~ .. , • .,,~." ... ·-, .... .,,. ... __ undergoing a body search with a metal det~tor. It's standard practice now. That word "junk" started out as a a;eaman's term Cor leftover bits of rope and cable. Q. What'• a "alamazon"? A. A female attipper men than lix feet tall. Show bultne. jatp. Thomas P. Hal•Y Publlther Tllomas A. ¥uf'Pl'IM Editor 81rura Kreim.tctt l dltorl•I P•ge Editor _M 'Y\JJftu.AS (:J) ~Wt°™ WMATEVER 'y'QJ'~"OONG -t'W.. JUST STAND \.iRE ANT> ~UARD US AGAINST 1M£ RA~~~v RU~1ANS" ... SNW1NG~ ... cuNN1t(;cw.M1~ ... , Haig fate sealed months ago WASHINGTON -A quick end to Alexander Haig's tenure as secrcwry of state was signaled no later than m1d - April in confidential advit:e to Capitol Hill from national security a1d£> Wilham P. Clark. A t'Onservut1ve Republican leader had complained tu Clark that Haig was becoming intolerablt.' o n East· West questions. Tht• n •sponse from Clark. totally unexpected by the complaining conservauvc, was to this effect: Don't worry about Al; he'll be gone in two months. 1 CLARK DID NOT quite meet that deadline. But his forecast was made well m advance of the issues that fmally made H aig Reagan's first Cabinet dro po ut Ha ig fell less because of mtemal disagreements on issues than as a result of his style -specifically his determination to be Reagan's "vicar" of foreign policy That Haig would not be around for the rest of the year was dear to the Reagan inner t•ircle m early Jun<' wht'n tht· president wo uld not permit J eane Kirkpatrick tu n·s1gn as U.N ambassador as suggested by Haig. Th<> proximate ('ause of Ha1g's demise was Reagan's move for stiffer sanctions against the Soviet Union on the Siberian natural gas 1 pipelint• qu<>stion 10 the St.'(.·retary <1f state's absence and against his wishes But his fate was sealed. ironically, at the beginning of the year when Haig's enemy. Richard V. Allen, was forced out of the national Sl'CUrity slot at the White House and repla<'t-d by Ha1g's friend. Judge Clark. That was thought to be a coup for Haig. ceme nting his vlcarship. But Clark was Ronald Reagan's chief of staff l o years before he was Al Haig's deputy secretary of state. lns1ders who knew Clark's t·haraeter prt.•d1ctlod that once m th£' White House" ht' would not toleratt' Haag's msistence on 1Jverriding everybody -including the president himself -on policy questions lla 1g's central role in the Anti:lo - Argentmc Falklands crisis might h<IVt- f,~~ i E~~~ 11111 11111" ,- saved him for a few weeks. But his cele b r ated telepho ne blowup ov1:r Argentina with Kirkpatrick ended the stay of execution At Ha1g's suggestion. she submitted her resignation to Reagan The pres ide nt re fused it , a s tt•p Interpreted inside the White House to mean Haig was gone. The Haig-Clark friction grew more opl'n during Reagan's Europcan tour, leading to tht• president's June 18 sl.c.lnd 1n Washington aga ins t the Yamat pipeline during a meeting not attendt·d by Haig. The S<.'C'retary was outraged that a step so antagonistic to NA TO ,llliam."'(' partners should be taken 1n the w<1kc of Reagan's trip during wh1<:h there was no hint of tightening th(· $(.'fCWS. Characteristicall y. State Department bureaucrats privately reactt•d to thl• pr<'Sident's decision by pledging that the sanctions ultimately would bt· watc•r<'d down below the P<>int of recogniuon. That a ttitude was w ha t C lark was talking about when he predicted to the congr<•ss1onal Republican leader that Haig would fall It happl'm'CI last wr>ek when l!d1g pr<'lil'><·d hu; unh<ippincss over what l·kagan h<1d dont· AT THE END, !hug was 0:1lum· Wl11te Ho us1: dud 11f staff Jaml..'s Baker <·ons1dl'red him a disruptive force from the first dav ol th(• administration . St'('n•wr:v of ix•f1•nSt· Caspar Wt•1nberger had l'lasht·d with h im on al most l•veryth1ng Ev1:n easy -going Vin.• Prl•s1dC'n1 Gt-orgc Bush Wt•nt sem1 -publi« this month in 1·ompla1nmg about Ha1g's pro-lsral'I ult "Good nddance." said one ~·n1or pres1dl'nt1<.1l aid<' 1n r1:ac:t1on to Ha1g's dep<irt url'. typlly1ng the holiday mood at th1• Whitt• HouS<.' SC>l'rPtary dt•:-1gnat<· Gl'Orge Shultz will sausfy all of ll<11g's internal enemies who wantt•cl no v1t·aratt'S tn Foggy Bottom But he 1s not all that reas.sunng to lfa1g's ;int1-tommun1st cnllt'S inside and out.:>1dt-tht> <1dmm1strat1un Bat'k in I YHO tr<ins1twn days. thE'SC' ant1-dctent1sts h<1d l'Oml' down hard against Shult1 ;;111d in favor ot Ila1g for S<'<·n:tary of statt· Th1:y havl• grown so d1scnchantNI by lfa1g defe rring to Europe and th(• S taH• Dt>pa rtm('nt bUrN1u<:ral'V that m<in v c:ons1der a n y change wc·li.·omc· rc•llef. · Y ct, they still harbor r1.:servations about Shultz as a l'Oltl warrior Whutt•vt 1 ht!> tnll' 1ndmat1ons. Shultz baSt-d un his Nix.on-Ford Cabinet rt'C'Ord -t;in lx· 1:xpt'<.'tl'd to fight his battles qu1dl y on tht• ins idt.· and ultimat1:ly dc·ft·r to the p n•s1dent's 1udgmt•nt I( fort•1gn µul1('y n •ma1ns Europ«anist and <ktc·nust. It will be Ronald Reag~in·s ri·sponsibtl1ty <md not that of a v tt'<ff clown tht· str<>et And that is dearly what Judge Clark has had m mind for somt· llm<• Water will be the key to our future To the Echtor Proposition 9, the "water proposition," was dt·featt·d a few w eeks ago Somehow 1 have a feeling that some day not too far in the future Southe rn California 1s going to need that water. Soon. the Colorado source wiU be cut off. Each day as we go back and forth to TLC for lunch we see at least two MAILBOX cement trucks, maybe four or more. They are on their way to build large office buildings or new homes. The offices will be literally loaded with washrooms and "johns" which will consume vast amounts of liquid. The homes will in many cases be the "two bathroom" variety with showers, and families having the "two shower a day" lifestyle. The homes will also have automatic washer-driers which consume fixed amounts of water each time they are turned on. The kitchens will have automatic dis hwashers. Every one of those cement trucks is bad news! The Daily Pilot carries a wee kly supplement on "real estate" which indudes hundreds of ads for homes and other real estate. Doz.ens of bright-eyed eager salespeople are making their living by selling the properties. BUT FOR the miracle of irngJtion Southern California would look like the country between Barstow and Las Vegas. The state is on a crash cou~ with disaster and there are built-in driving 9gencles (the developers and real est.ate agenta) propelling us toward the day of reckoning. Who is doing anything about all this? California is an exdti.ng place to live! What with earthquakes. mud slide•. bruahllres, Clash floods. OPEC.Induced gas shortages and impending massive drouchtt there'• never a dull moment. Wt almoet unbelievable! In lhe last analyail, the en.W-. future of w area depends prlmarlly on bow w handle th• wattt problem. GENE PEARSON Free on the F.our.ih To the rdiw: lt11 10 C on the J"ounh of July tn Newport h. The moon la fuU and IO 11 every available parlctn1 1pa"° o n Balboa llland I Nn't blliew \he lalAnd hMn't wnll und« thl IU'&ln! The night air 1s perfect, one could not ask for more and in places it 1s filled with the fragrance of night blooming jasmme -or so 1t seemed. I took the ferry across the bay and walked out on the pier and watched the ocean below and the fireworks that shot up into the sky from the beach below into the beautiful moonlit water. Fire rings Lined the beach and the flames danced about in the darkness below where I stood against the railing. Crowds gathered round happily enjoyed one another and the night. THERE WERE hundreds of people millin g about on the pier and on the sidewalk. The sound of music came from a little cafe where young couples as well as singles waited to get in or come out, or just st.and around listening to the jazz inside. ' As I stood leaning against the railing on the pier after walking the length and noting some changes soon to be made at the end where bait is sold. I looked at the faces of those who passed my way. They we re smiling faces, laughing faces. relaxed faces. loving faces. happy faces. There were oohs and ahs from many as they watched the colors from the fi reworks splitting up in the sky. There were no thoughts of fights or riots or hatred or greed. It was only freedom I saw in their faces. and peace. and it was difficult to thmk there could be any suffermg or any other way of life. I walked alone but I counted my blessings and wished that all the world could share this wonderful feeling of freedom and independence o n the Fourth of JuJy in Newport Beach. L .DONOVAN Children suffer most To the Editor: The new outbreak o f violence tn Leba non haa c laimed the llves of thouu nd1 of victims while l.avlng countleu more bomele., without ~ • Lrlltrs Jrom reodrrs art wtlcom1 Tht rtfl/11 111 rondt11&t lttr•ra to fat &JlOCt' 01 rf1mmott> hbcl '·' rtatrvtd Lttltrs of 300 ~rdtJ 01 lt.•s wt.II bf gju'" pre/ftfM(t , All '""'" "'"'' irad&Mk .09ft0'•"' Oftd mad•g oddreu tNJ Mmtra mo11 bl wdltlw&d °" ,,. qur111 1/ aulf1w•nt rro1on II oppor1rtr Pntt rv u,11 not IN-publlalt... IAtl1r1 '"411 bf! trl1ph1mtd w HJ M.JM Nomt ofld "'""" 1111mti.r a/ tlui t'mtlnbutur m11et ht Qt&.-..,. /or llfltl/lt n.llon P"'PI"" to even thr most bas1~· ne(·ess1ues of life The lnternallunal Red Cross estimates that over 3110.000 are homeless. ethers put the f1gun· closer to one half million . In the rural areas. whole communities have fled. many of them huddling on open beachE:>s. scavenging for food and water. Beirut itself 1s engulfed m fear, death a nd dt'Slrucllon And, as alwavs, 1t is the children who are the most vulnerable Moving from place to placl' looking for what might temporarily bt• sak sheller. sleeping on open staircases or in empty fields - lacking foc)Cf, dean water or a change of clothes, the toll of young lives continues to mount SAVE THE CHILDREN, th e international child assistan ce agency that has been working m Lebanon for over 25 years. is providing emergency services for these children and their families through their established health centers. A team of 45 trained professionals is workmg around the clock to allev1ate the s uffering. Volunteers h ave been mobilized to assist the dis placed by loca ti ng temporary s helter and distributing medical supplies, clothing and blankets. In order to assist those struggling for survival. Save the Children is issuing an urgent appeal for funds. As a member of the organization's 50th Anniversar y Committee. I strongly urge you to take this opportunity to extend a helping hand to th e suffe ring children of Lebanon in their time of crisis. Any contribution, no matter how small, can make a difference. Please mail your check today to Save the Children , Lebanon Emergency Appeal, Dept. P , Westport, Connecticut 06880 . REV. THEODORE HESBURGH C.S.C., President, University of Notre Dame lllllY• What'• all \hl1 nonanR about Mn. •ht•1•n'1 •1•t I'd MJ 1h1 •Ml htr buaba.nd both look Around •· MYOPtC • • l1ltyPliat 0 ~ 111am111 THE aim THURSDAY, JULY 8, 1882 CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION L 82 83 ' 86 Erma Bombeck offers creative ideas for children's camp. 82. D Fair, festive . seasons start this week Eaglets adjusting to Catalina nest By JEFF ADLER Of tM Delly "°4 l t8fl Four eaglets brought to Sant.a Catalina Island in recent weeks . a.re doing well and are expected to fly sometime in the next three weeks, reports the director of the Institute for Wildlife S tudies. David Garc.-elon, who heads the institute's long-range project to r e-establish the bald eagle po pulation on the Channel Islands, said four of the baby birds were brought to the island June 16 and June 24. Taken from the Lake Shasta area of California and the Puget Sound region in Washington, the birds were selected for the project from nests containing more than one eaglet. Pairs of birds have been placed Death in Irvine ruled accidental County coroners have ruled that a Los Angeles County man's deflth Friday at an Irvi n e industrial site was accidental. Deputy Coroner William King said an autopsy revealed that M-year-old John Alexander of Rowland Heights s uffered a fractured skull w hen he fell off a 15-foot w all at Control Components, 2567 Main St., where he was employed. in two hacking st.atJons on land owned by the Catalina Island Conservancy. A hacking station is a large platform st.anding atop stilts that roughly approximates an eagle's nest. When the young birds finally take to flight, they will join nine or 10 other eagles that have been brought to Catalina in the past two years. Of the 12 birds that have been taken to the island since 1980, one flew back to the mainland while another was s flot a nd killed. Garcelon is pleased because the eagle colony is doing so well and he hopes the most recent transplants will mate as early as 1984. The project is supported by grants from the Don Burns Family Foundation of Newport Beach, the Los Angeles Fish and Game Commission and Atlantic Richfield. Also, Western Airlines has cooperated by providing llights for project personnel and the eaglets. However, despite the grants and the endorsement of the California Fis h a nd Game Department and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Garcelon sa id the projet st ill ls $7.000-$8.000 short of the money needed to complete this summer's phase of the program. GLIMMER OF STAR DOM -After h er mother Sherry Butterfield applies makeup, Tara Butterfield of Mission Viejo appears far right in the bas relief of the Basel Cathedral Antependium. Also posing in the golden 0..., ............ "' Gery .... artwork, one of reproduced this year in the Pageant of the Masters, are Robbie Buff of Anaheim, Lisa Zajac ol Huntington Beach, Stephen Smith of Norwalk an d Ric hard Mauser of Irvine. Shows o p e n for farmin g and artist s Summer is open season for art and Americana along the Orange Coast with four events opening this weekend. Statues of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln , Thomas Jefferson and Millard Fillmore by sculptor Florence Ann Norvell o{ San Francisco will be unveiled at 11:30 a.m. Friday in Fair Court after the 1982 Orange County Fair opens at 10 a.m. at the fairground& in Costa Mesa. On Sat urday, the Sawdust , Art-A-Fair and Festival of Arts, including the Pageant of the Masters. will start addin g thousands of visitors to Laguna Beach's official population of 18,- 011 until Aug. 29 The Fesuval of Arts. at ts5U Laguna Canyon Road, will be open daily from 10 a .m. to 11:30 p.m. with a 50..cent admission for those over 12 years old. The pageant, held nightly a t 8:30. IS sold out. If.on Ep, an artist-beer co n cessiona1 re -grounds supervisor at the Sawdust. says the event 1s "roomier" and booths have more "open space." The Sawdust. a brief walk north on Laguna Canyon Road from the festival grounds, will be open from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. daily with admlss10n priced at $1 or free for children 12 and under. Ep says a "party for the town" from 4 to 8 p.m. Friday will give Lagunans their first glimpse of this year 's collecti o n of im pr o mptu b oo th s a nd contemporar y artwork . The Sawdust had 300,000 visitors last year. Begun in 1967, Art-A-Fair today is the only one of the summer shows to allow artists from outside the coast strip from Newport Beach to San Clemente. Mary Ellen Wehrli, Art-A-Fair board member. notes that some of this year's exhibitors come from Germany and Jtfong Kong. Art-A-Fair hours are 10 a.m. to 10 p .m . Sundays through Thursdays and 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. Cost is $1 or 50..cents for seniors. Children 12 and under are admitted free. County Fairgoers can sample such Ameri<:ana as c:arnival ri.5Jes. livestock Judging. pie and cake contests. craft demonstrations. chicken-calling and nail-driving contests and lumberjacks vying in log rolling. ax throwing and speed climbing. Fair hours through July 18 will be noon to midnigh t Mondays through Thursdays and 10 a.m. to midnight on weekends. Nightl y performances by Bobby Vinton, J ose Feliciano, the Bel Ai r Bandits, Elvin Bishop, Roy Orbison, Rita Coolidge and BJ . Thomas plus t h e American Graffiti Revue on July 16. the L1mehters' ballads on July I 7 and a tribute to the Beatles by Rain on July 18 are included in the fair admission prices: $4 for adults and $1 for children 6-12. Admission for children up to 5 years will be free every day and youngsters up to 12 will be admitted free on July 16 unUl 6 p.m. Senior cillzens can enter the gates for $1 from Mo nda y through Thursday. ~' Memories hold still longer than living pictures IT'S A LIVING PICTURE: The Pathe News cameraman slouched against the framework of 2x4s that had been built to stead y his big camera at the back of the arena. He squinted against the slant of the afternoon sun and tried to concentrate on a dime pulp book titled, "Win&&." , Below the camera, the bench-like stadium seats marched down the natural hillside to face a stage below. Booths filled with pottery, · c rafts and pai ntings flanked the sides of the ' arena. Ill _111 ~ Abruptly, there was a ...,. .._ splaUeJ'ina of applau.e u ----.... --.... ~-... bearded marine painter Frank Cuprian, replete with art!lt'1 beret and hl&h-topped black boota. ltepped to center •tap and bowtna. IJ'lldOU1ly invited yor.i to enjoy lhe maUnee production Of the Uvtna paawree -The Yalwant of ~ MMten. ns PATHS NSWI .....-arnan qWckl)' abuidaMd hJI 1'W1n9t' pulp ••elM and Wll now clvuoMd ln I professiooa} stance behind his big motion picture machine. As narration came over squeaky loudspeakers, the curtains began to open and close to accolades from the afternoon audience as humans in frozen poees,were framed into cl~c paintings like "Pinkie" or "Blue Boy" · JN THOSE YEARS, the artists' booths surrounded the Pageant audience area and pretty well shut down during times of the living picture performances. F.arller festivals with their living pictures had been pre.ented op El Pueo Street, which now dead-ends into the downcout aide of Main Beach Park. One year on the early alte, IOme local milcreanta, who lncluded tome who have become rwpected bualneelmen alone our COMt today, were removed from the •how. -They bad been nibbed with peuhoot.en, with which they had been launchina projlcul11 at frozen f(luree on •tace. saed • nude ttatuee. Townafolk thoucht it wu pretty fuMy. The nudel didn't. lueh are lllm..-. ln~~ ywa of tht '•dval of ARI and P..-ni ot Ow ........ wtuch operw 111 6Ckh ,. golden anniversary run this Saturday. The festival people don't present matinee shows of living pictures any more. Not since technicians and directors learned that by controlling stage lights at night they can better reprodu~ paintings and sculptures. LIGHTING SECRETS of the Pageant over the past couple of decades have been advanced into an art itself by lighting master Carl Calloway, who grew up back.stage at the Pa1eant. He is credited with virtually inventlnR the lighting sywtem that makes real round people look like flat painUnp. ArUata in their festival boothl are eeparated from th• Uvtna picture 1how now, '° they don't have to 1hut down bootha durlnc perfonnances. THEY DON'T AILOW ar•b .,... anymlft and the 11wdl.mt on 'the pound Ml beer\ relepaed to Uw lliwclUll r..uvai c1own die ltl'W\. ThatM&de, lt will IUll be a ~lhow, rich 11'1 the tradition and hiltory of \hil t.lt of all 'Pollible OOMll. And II you NnWmber all ahall wfy-da)' ..,., WhJ, ol ~ 10".,. much oW.-&hln l. llllllCUIT 11111111• THURSOA Y . .JULY 8. 1'ltl:l OHANl ,f t OU N I '1 < Al If UHNIA 25 CENTS 1·Ai:rlines reach accord on By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of .... 0.-, ......... A tentative settlement has been reached In a lawsuit in whkh several airlines and the federal government challenged Orange County government's plan to allocate commercial I airline flights at John Wayne I Airport. 4 According to a r eport thla morning, the major plainbtta in the case lncludlng Pacific Southwest Airllnee, Western Airlines and t he U .S . Department of Ju1tlce have agreed to drop the Iesal challenge in the wake of a ruling by a federal appeals court panel. The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last month that the county was free to implement an airport access plan that would permit re-allocauon of flighta to carriers seeking either to begin or expand Rrvice to Orange County under specified rules. That plan -adopted by supervisors March 17 -requires the five comm ercial carriers serving the airport to yield existing guarantees on flights they possess over a two-year period. Sources familiar with the n egotiation • leading to the settlement said that the appeals court decision In the county's favor essentially scared the plalntllfs out of the cue. There was a ca'4eat, however. The federal government aaid it would drop ou\ of the actlon only 1f the county atuck by the March 17 plan, the eourees said. Had the county stuck by an earller plan viewed by PSA as flight plan unfairly favorable to AirCal and Republic Airlines, the legal actlon would atill be proceeding, the aourcefl said. It is expected that the parties Involved In the lawsuit will appear before Judge Hatter Tuesday afternoon to formally agree to the proposed aettlement. Supervisors will be asked Tuesday morning to make minor adjustments to the March 17 acceaa plan to accomplish the settlement. Prior to implementation of the March 13 plan, AirCal, the dominant carrier In the county, had a guaranteed allocation of 23.5 fllghta daily: Republic Airlines, 11.5 and Frontier Airlines, PSA and West.em, two each. Forty-one jet departures are (See AIRPORT, Page A!) 'i P::;;;;~ • • ;potties Medical center pushed S upporters seek signatures for sta te bid lproposed By STEVE MITCHELL Of theO..,NotSWf David Tickner, who operates the Pampered Pet Holiday Hotel In Laguna Beach, thinks he has the solution to the long-standing controversy about dogs on the beech. The battle between dog lovers, and those who don't appreciate their deposits on the shoreline, h as split the community for decades. In fact, were you to ask long- time Lagunans what the biggest Issue in town Is, the answer most often given would be dogs. Tickner, who has owned the pet care facility out in Laguna Canyon for eight years, suggests a proposaJ he believes everyone can live with. Canine "comfort. stations." The former Hong Kong r esident says the pa rks department in that British colon y maintains four-foot square r ecess e d sa nd boxes in unobtrusive areas of parks for 1 the use of dogs. Up to 130 s upporte rs of a proposed Irvine Medical Center will gather signatures tonight for the state application process. The medical cente r plan is backed b y a grass-r oots organization called People for an Irvine Community Hospital. lMC volunteers hope to get 3,000 signatures to bring the total up to 10,000 according to Dave Baker, an attorney and president of the group. The signatures will be incl ud e d with IM C's ce rtificate o f need (CON) application to the state. Although the state approval process does not require petition Brezhnev warns Reagan By Tbe A1aoelated Press "My recollection of these comfort stations," Tickner says. "is that dop gravitated to them quite naturally and the litter problem in the general park area was consequently greatly reduced. "In some cases.'' he said, "I imagine encouragement from dog owners was necessary in the first inat.anee.'' . Ar ~o ENDS STRIKE -Anne Bullington, 36. has ended her strike against her five children in Des Moines, Iowa, saying they have acceded to her demands. She began her strike last Friday. Lebanese Prime Minis ter Shafik Wazzan publicly accused U.S. presidential envoy Philip C. Habib today of backtracking on when to deploy peacekeepers in w est B eirut and said this threatened "every other aspect" of talks on the evacuation of the PLO from the battered city. At the same time, Soviet P resident Leonid I. Brezhnev warned President Reagan that if U.S. Ma.rtnes were sent into west Beirut "the Soviet Union would build its policy with due consideration of this fact." But he says that short training period is "a far better solution for a jogger than carrying a pooper scooper and a receptacle." Children yield He did not elaborate, but the Kremlin supports PLO chie f Vasser Arafat. who publicly has spurned Reagan's offer to send in the Marines as part o f multinational force to rvacuate the guehillas. His solution? Mom ends sitdown s trike Place comfort stations -at sites selected by the City Council -in Heisler Park and the grassy area of Main Beach Park. H e suggests t he comfort stations could be raked up daily, ''much as a greenskeeper tidies up a sand.trap on a golf course." If the plani works, he says the city might consider easing its restrictions on dog, on the beach. Currently dogs are not allowed on city beaches or parks between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. during the summer, and between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m . in winter months. DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -A housewife who went on strike against her fanuly for six days lS back on the job after the last of her five children signed her hst of demands. Anne Bullington, 36, the mother or four teen-agers and an 11 -year-old son , established herself in a lawn chair outside the family's ho me Friday surrounded by hand-lettered sign s r eading. "Mother dn Strike" and "Have You Hugged Your Mother Today?" For SIX days, day and night, she sat there, through heavy rains and sweltering heat in the • 90s. She became the topic of a The fine for such an offense is Des Moines radio talk show, and a stiff $35. patiently answered questions Tickner has added a little from curious on-lookers. incentive to his proposal to the The strike ended Wednesday City Council. night when the last holdout, her 16-year-old daughter. Michelle. He's willing to donate the first agreed to sign Mrs. Bullington's two comfort stations to the city. list, whic h included demands He would, however, like to that mom noi be considered a include a small, brass donor's taxi driver, loan officer or la h mt · 24-hour cook and that the kids p _que on t e co ort stations. show affection and say thanks. Just to let the folks know he Her objective, Mrs. Bullington cares. said Wednesday, was to bring to BUSINESS P epsi drops calf eine Pepsi has become the third major bottler to market a caffeine-free diet cola as a "cola war" widens. Page B4. TELEVISION 'Hill Street' revisi ted T he characten of "Hill Street Bluee" have chan1ed markedly 1lnce the pilot WH aired In January, 1981. Fana can 1ee It apln ton&lht. P-ae A7. Tbeae 1ho'WI lop1 In TV ''M·A-8·H 11 111J'oo Qoe8 for Comfort" and 0 Hou. Calli" .. the ~molt wa~ lhowa on "'1eYWoft, ay the N .. lmn raUnp. P• Al. the attention or her hve children that she is a "human being" and needs a "httle affection." Her other four children and her husband, Tom. signed the con tract elevat ing Mrs . Bullington to that ~atus at various times during the vigil. Children. she said, "forget that mother has her own life. "Thev forget to talk to me. They forget to kiss me. They didn't think or me as a ,person. They thought of me as a tnother, and, the refore. owed t h em something." In addition to Michelle, her other children are Frank, 18, Tom, 17, Debra, 13, and Charlie. 11. Mrs. Bullington said Michelle held off signing so long because she was subject to "peer pressure" and was h aving trouble signing the document without losing face. "Her friends are telling her that if their mothers were doing it, they wouldn't sign," Mrs. BUllington said earlier. "They're making it difficult for her to give in.'' NATION Wazzan said the force, which would in c lude Fr enc h paratroo pers, should deploy "before or simultaneously with the start" of the evacuation of Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization. "But I have been surprised by a non-Lebanese insistence that the deployment of th ese international forces should take place after the departure of the Palestinians. which ne gates much of the need for and the usefulness of these forces. "All through the talks with Mr. Philip Habib I have been determined to keep the details from official publicity pending the arrival at a final agreement," Wazzan said. "But this new position came as a shock, which I am afraid, would reflect on every other aspect of the talks." The Wauan statement was issued by his office and broadcast on the state radio and published in aJl Beirut newspapers. Senate gym plan fla yed Sen. William Proxmire, D-Wis., says senators don't need a new gymnasium, especially when they rarely use one of two they already have. Page 88. What's the attraction? What did people pay '17.3 mlllion &o 1ee over the holiday weekend in the United States and Canada? Page 8 7. COUNTY drives, community support is among 24 criteria in the CON process r equired t o build a hospital. The signature campaign will begin at 6 p.m ., when volunteers plan to meet at the IMC office, 4950 Barranca Parkway. They w1U visit neighborhoods for about two hours and then attend a cocktail party at the lrvine home of Sharon and Jim Ellis. The guest list for the party includes Dr. Arnold Beckman, Orange Cou nty Supervisor Thomas Ril ey and state Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach. Other groups also are vying to build a hospital in the city. The Health W est Foundatio n of Chatsworth still is a strong co ntender . But Tustin Community Hospital and the Hospital Corp. of America have shown lukewarm inte rest in pursuing their hospital proposals. Western Medical Center recently dropped its hospital plans and has set its goal for a $10 million outpatient· medical clinic in the city, which also must go through the state approval process. UC Irvine also wouJd like to build a medical clinic on its campus and would eventually like to build a major hospital. Crltlcal In Hawall HB sleepwalker falls 11 stories By ROBERT BARKER 0( ltte D.itr "°' Ii.ff An 18-year -old Huntington Beach man has fallen 11 stories from a Hawaii hotel while apparently walking in his sleep. Surviving the fall but listed in critical condition after surge ry is Craig Mackje, a June graduate of Ocean View High School. A friend who talked by telephone with Mackie's mother Wednesday night said today that Craig had a history of walking in his sleep. "It happened more when he was a young kid but from time to time over the years he'd go to bed and then wind up in another place," said fami ly friend Elaine Erickson of Fountain Valley. "We don't know exactly what caused the fall." she said. The fall happened at about 2 a.m . Wednesday, the last day of a vacation that Robert and Norma Mackie had promised their son after high school graduation. Also along on the vacation were severaJ of Craig's friends. also recen t Ocean View graduates. One of the friends awoke early Wednesday to find Craig missing. After a search , young Mackie was found . lying next to the parking lot of the Reef Lanais Hotel in Waikiki. Sources in Hawaii said they didn't believe Ma c kie's 11th-story plunge to the parking lot w as broken by any obstacles along the way. Craig had been "enthus iastically" looking forward to attending Golden West College this fall ," Mrs. Erickson said . "This is so unbelievable," Mrs. Erickson said. "This was the last day of their vacation and this had to happen." Mrs. Mackie, a travel agent, Connerly worked in the adult education department at the Huntington Beach Union High School District. Her husband is in the steel business, Mrs. Erickson said. Disney's venhlre drops stock price NEW YORK (AP) -Walt Dis n ey Productions' movie "TRON" does not open officially for two days, but negative reactions to early screenings by severa l security analysts triggered heavy selling of Disney stock. Disney's price feU Wednesday $2.50 a share to $56.375, and fell another point in mid-day trading today. INDEX Theodore James Jr. of San Francisco-based Montgomery Securities told Dow Jones News Service he advised clients to sell Disney stock "until it shows signs of holding at $52 a share." He said the film which Disney is counting on to be a rousing success with its video-game plot tells a "seriously flawed, disjointed story" and that special (See DISNEY, Page A!) At Your Service A4 Movies 87 Erma Bombeck B2 Mutual Funds 84 Business 84-5 National News A3 California A5 Public Notices Cavalcade B2 A9,84,B8,D3-4 Cl.uaWed 04-8 Sports Dl-3 Com.lea B3 Dr. St.elncrohn B2 Crossword B3 Stock Marke1-85 Deelh Notlcel D4 Televllion 86 Fditorial A lO Theeters 87 Entertainment 87 WetJtbft" A2 Horoecope 82 W~ld Newa A3 Ann Landen 82 SPORTS ~ I . .. I l Orange Oout OAtLV PILOT(Thuraday, July I , 1112 AIRPORT ACCESS .. • permitted dally under airport 'hl>lae abatement reaiulationa. >l·1 When the plan w11 dmplemented after the appea)J ~ourt rullng. guaranteed ldlocations to all Cfrriera were 1'8duced 10 percent. An exception hNa made for Western by order of the appeals panel. 41. A. a result ot the re-allocation, ·AlrCal, Republic and Frontier dO.t flights whUe PSA gained a llh1rd daily departure. 11 nPSA inltially filed legal action 11gainst the county over the tdrport access issue, claiming a ,P_revious but now abandoned ~ would have been unfairly btneficial to AirCal and Republic b~ permitting the two carriers lo II• control 8tf pe~t of pennlt..t fllghtl tor a three·yee.r period. PSA claimed th.at It had a rieht to more than two departures daily. The U.S. Department of Justice, repreeentlne a apate of federal agenciea lncludln1 the Federal Aviation Admlnlatration and Civil Aeronautic• Board. agreed and Intervened In the lawsuit. Initial decisions by U .S . District Court Judge Terry Hatter Jr. went In favor of PSA and the federal government. W h ile appealing those declalons, the county prepared the March 17 plan -viewed u a ''fallpack position" should the appeals fail. DISNEY MOVIE. • • effects are "distracting." riJ "TRON" scheduled to be tl!leased Friday in 1,000 theaters, lit g eared primarily to the ~hder-25 crowd. Pre-opening ~reenmRS were held Tuesday night in Los Angeles and New >fork. ~ 11 'Harold Vogel, erhertainment A,~lyst at Merrill Lynch, Pierce, F"nner & Smith Inc., told Dow Jdnes, "After seeing the film, it ~med clear to me that this is net the runaway hit that ~~eryone was expecting." h Mike Bagne ll , senior vice p;esident of finance at Disney, I•, ·called the analysts' comments an overreaction. "l attribute the droo in stock price to one or two analysts saying they didn't like the picture," Bagnell said from Los Angeles. "The overwhelming majority of people thought 1t was terrific.·· Tl:te plot concerns a t'Omputer genius who suspects evil dolnj(S by a corporate executive. During an investigation, the computer genius is zapped into another dimension, where he finds himself a player in a gladfatorial video game inside the computer. !f B city executive lnakes highest pay _'·Huntington Beach City ~uncil members have raised the p~y of City Administrator C)larles Thompson from $65,016 (o $72.924 per year and have given him a $150 monthly tKpense allowance. ~.Counting city reimbursement ip Thompson's retirement fund to the tune of 7 percent of his pay aind the expense a llowance, Thompson's overall pay climbs to $79,824 per year. 1He also re ce ives a t!OO-per -month automobile allowance plus health. life, dental and long-tenn disability irisurance. . 1 1~ , J uesday's pay hike makes Thompson the highest paid chief qty executive along the Orange Coast. Huntington Beach is the largest city with an estimated population of 172.000. Newport Beach City Manager Robert Wynn is paid $71 ,750; ~\,. Irvine Citv ManaRer William Woollett Jr., $61 .000; Costa Mesa City Manager Fred Sorsabal, $60,264; Fountain Valley City Manager Howard Stephens. $45. 244; Laguna Beach City Manager Ken Frank, $47.784. Anaheim City Manager William Talley makes $76,065. Orange County Administrative Officer Robert Thomas is paid $70,881 a year. Local salaries are substantially higher than some of those earned in Sacramento. Gov. &imund G . BN?wn Jr. is paid $49,100 while members of the state Legislature are paid $28, l l l . They also collect car allowances and per diem expenses. While increasin.g Thompson's pay package Monday night. the Huntington Beach City C.ouncil members also boosted their own monthly expense allowances Crom $125 to $290. Fair and ~rt .\~ T emperature§' ,. I Co astal Albany AlbuQue AmarlllO AtMvllle , Flllr today with h!ijhS of 72 10 Atlanta rq9 Low clouds late tonight and Atlante Cty • ,.,ly Friday C>temight Iowa 80 10 Austin 64 LOW clouds persist through Balllmore frlday mid-morning hours Billings rbecomlng lalr and sunny in lhe Birmfnghm talternoon Highs Friday 74 10 78. , Blsmarcl\ Elsewhere . from Point BolM Conception 10 t he Mexican Boston ·border and out 80 m llt•: Brownsvtle Northwest winds 10 10 20 knotf Bulf91o over outer waters today 11nd Bul'tlngton NATION HI Lo Pn: 87 70 92 62 85, 63 -~ 82 64 87 67 38 87 71 95 13 90 71 88 57 90 71 79 S6 73 53 _38 90 70 95 75 91 87 .12 87 70 86 54 ______ ..,. ________________ _ OCsex probe pushed WASHINGTON (AP) -Rep. Mar1aret Heckler, R·Ma11., caJJed today for the appointment of an Independent inveaUsator to look Into allegations of homosexual activity and cocaine use Involving m embers o f Congress and teen-age pagM. "These things are just so outrageous that, if true. they have to be followed and Investigated by someone Independent of the Congress," she said In an interview on the NBC-TV "Today" show. Mrs. Heckler. who has a son and two daughters, said parenta have told her ''they would not want . their young sons to go to Washington to have experiences in which they are Introduced to serious drugs or propositioned by a congressman." The chairman of the House ethics committee, Rep. Louis Stokes, D-Ohio, announced last week that his pane l would investigat e the charges of conl(ressman so l iciting homosexual sex from pages. But Mrs. Heckler said today she had "no faith in a mere investigation by the ethics committee per se in this particular climate of political contest. I think we need an 1 ndepende n t prosecutor'• appointed by the speaker of the House, Rep.Thoma.SP. O'Neil Jr. According to sources, a federal grand jury probing an alleged drug ring operating on Capitol Hill has not focused on any members of the House or Senate. An FBI source, who asked not to be named. said he did not know of anyone from Congress being interviewed by the FBI in either the drug or sex scandal. Members of Congress are said to. have solicited homosexual sex with teen-age pages who are employed by Congress to run errands. H e licopter forced down A military helicopter made a ~orced ~ding la~ this morning in Irvine after lls fuel line malfunctioned, according to the Irvine police. The copter landed In an open field n ear the corne r of California Road and Campus Avenue, near the UC Irvine campus. A crew of mechanics was dispatched to repair the copter so it could be flown away. said police Lt.' Gene Norden. No injuries were reported. warm 1"Fr1day with • to 6 loot teas t.Jgtit Cuper .;:ariabte winds over inner walers Chatlstn SC during night and morning hOufa. Cllar1S1n WV 'tl.c:oming _, to IOUlh-t 10 Cllatltte NC to t6 knots during evenings loday Cheyeme and Friday. Wind wav" of 2 10 4 Chleago 83 71 .53 87 89 Fronta: Cold .,. Warm WW Occluded 9IP Stationsv •• · IMI. South-I swells of 1 to 2 Clnc:lnnall tel. Low clouds night and C.......,.and omlt}g hours, beCOmlog mostly Clmbia SC nny during at19fnoon1 today Columbu1 Friday. 09-fl Wlh Oeyton .S. S limmary E:MOlnM Rainy -"* daml**S ~ Duluth · I the naliQfl, wtth thund9rl1onnt El Paso lhoWels over the not'thtm Fergo ppalachlan1, the upp•r Ohio FlaQ_staff 1lfay, northtm Arkann1, the Great Fall9 utharn Plaine and Colorado, Hartford ceullng one dffth in N-. H91ena ork 11a11. Honolulu Rain lllso t.11 W.Oneeday on Houston ontana. Florida and from Idaho lndnaplb Ariwna Jackan MS II was mostly cteaf from North Jacttsnvtll 1rolin1 to aouthern New ~City n1111nd, over the Mlulaalppl LU Vega llty, the northern P11ln1 and in. Utlle Rock IOUlhwftl. ' loulsvlllt In wHt•rn Ntw York, aklH LubOoc:k •o•n to clear today alt., Memptilt torm1 kilt9d one P«ton Mlemt d cauHd wldnpread powt< Mllwl!UAM 190fl. Mpe.-81.P Ttmperatur•• around Iha .,...,,,,.. tlon belOf9 d.-n r9nQ9d from New ~ In Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., to New YOOI In Phoenix, Ariz. 88 89 78 53 113 82 90 71 91 87 86 68 .57 90 ee .81 81 71 2.17 91 72 10 113 57 .. 85 87 60 as 49 911 75 73 51 64 47 77 51 .30 87 6IJ 78 54 04 88 75 95 78 87 71 _01 94 73 87 71 29 Ml 87 95 73 93 73 88 70 119 87 94 79 88 82 114 82 79 54 112 72 113 70 ... 73 Norfotll 15 No Ptalla 86 Okla City S5 Om Iha 88 Oflendo 69 PNlldptila 88 Pnoenl11 113 Plttlburgh 87 Piiand, Me 15 Piiand, Ore 73 Pr~ 88 Ralalgfl 89 Reno ·81 Richmond 9t Salt Lale• 89 San Antonio 98 S..ttle 7 1 SN9Y9p0rt 93 Sioux F..._ 81 St loul1 86 St P·TMIPI 87 SI Sta Marla 78 SPQll-• 75 Syr~ 91 CAU'OftNIA 74 08 63 88 65 72 45 71 78 86 24 86 54 88 71 35 SS 72 58 .05 72 51 73 84 73 02 73 34 41 02 54 10 71 1.24 Baklfltlalcl 98 46 Eur•• 65 50 Fr.-nc> M as Lanutl9f M 82 LOI.,.... 90 61 MarytYllle 90 Oeklend 18 p-Rotllel '° 5t Atd 8tllff 13 68 AedwOod City 74 64 alifomia The National W•lher S.-.ICe rtdltll 1unthlnt acrou tri.rn Calllornlt on Friday lftOfnlng *'* ca.. "°"" COHt. Norlh•rn d•••tlt .... \-&liiiilimi.IU ___ Rf_l _IPl_RT_ n 11ld 11•• IOU111WHI wind• Ing to 25 MOfl Ill lfternoont .-Inga :;;:. 24 "· 241\. t•2 "· l•t "· ,.. ... ,., "' 14"' ,., "' l·I ft, I ft, 14 "· !jt. ' "' .... A ..... ..... , ..... ,.. ... '* 14 -t8 ,.,, t8 .. ee ,. .. lr'1I' 14 """ ... .. .., ... .,.., II •:.:,• • .. ... s i1 Sacr.,,.,.,,10 80 55 Sahnas 78 so San Ot9go 75 85 San Franclaco 63 52 Senta Barbare 67 54 Senta Marla 77 Stookton 88 56 Tlletmal 95 Barstow 93 70 Big BNr 111 S3 Bl8'109 91 S3 Catalina 6IJ 58 Lalce Arr~ 75 50 Long Beach 62 60 Marylllllle 90 Monrovia 90 56 Montfl'ay 84 56 ~1.Wil~ 71 64 • !Wf>Or1 89 60 Ontario 87 54 Palm Springs 98 74 Puadena 84 57 Sllfl 8ernardlno 91 &6 San Jote 72 55 Senta Ana 79 59 Santi Cruz 75 55 Tah04I Valley. 72 31 Smog Tllit A1r ouallty M•n~t Olllrlct prtdlct1 unhMlthll» lllr <ll*ltv tor Mftlltl'<le peooe. todrt 1n t11t sen GtOfte!. ~ a.n Ftrnando and Santa Ctarlta valleyt and In me ~9d• San llefnardlno Md HtlMt·Elllnofe artat , with good air quallty elaawl19f• In the South Coat A(r Bain. wn.re to call (Iott lrH) tor ...... ~_,,,, ~'fne•tH ~t~· 24l-40al • -...... and ..,. "'-*'° oountlllc (IQOI MT ... TtO AQMO ...... Olnr. (IOO) Ml ...... Tides ... ... College doubles parking costs Parld11g feet for atudenta of Saddleback Comrnunity College campu1e1 In Irvine and Mi11ion Viejo will be doubled lhll fall, going from $10 a semester to $20. aay. college officials. School authorities say the $10 Increase will generate about $480,000 next year. The money will be used to build a •Saddleback College is holding its second Community Swap Meet of ·the summec at Its Mission Viejo campus Sunday Crom 9:30 a.m . to 3 p.m. Spaces are· available for sellers at $10 a space. Admission is free to shoppers. •The second annual "Makeup Madness" class will be presented Friday, July 16, in Irvine at Northwood Community Park. The three-hour c lass beglnnirtg at 7 p .m . is designed for teen-aged girls and their mothers to go over latest trends in fashion, •The owner of both a computer firm and photn service. Francoise Frlgola, will be among Irvine Busin~ and Professional Women to speak at the BPW's luncheon July 20. Also scheduled to speak is new student parking lot1 and offices for campus security peraonnel at Mission .. Ylejo, say achool officlala. Currently, the offices are hoUled in trailers. Parking fees also pay a portion of the salaries of campus safety officers and o! costs for parking lot maCntenance. The south campus, at ·28000 Marguerite Parkway, Mission Viejo. can be reached by exiting Interstate 5 freeway at Avery Parkway. The first summe r swap meet on June 13 had more than 140 vendors. For further information. call 831-464fS. exel'Clte and groorrung. Admission is free although reservations are advised . They can be made by calling Michele Bats at 552-4350 or Prlacllla Job.Dtoa at 754-3814 at the city Commnity Services Department. Participants also are encouraged to bring a dessert to feed about 10 people. Tina Benion, who's both a certified public accountant and stockbroker. Irvine BPW is to meet at 11 :30 a .m . July 20 at the Hungry Tiger, Santa Ane. with reservations due by July 16 to Ann Schneld e r at 957-7176. Board to decide on airport study For the second time in three months. the Orange County Board of Supervisors is being asked to decide whether to keep alive studies on finding a site for a new field for private aircraft. In April, on a 3 to 2 vote, the board decided to keep studies in progress -and to lay the groundwork for the Federal A v iation Administration to conduc t formal assessments or four sates under consideration. Next Tuesday. the issue will return to the board. Essentially, the question facing supervisors will be the same: Should the county continue to try and find a general aviation airport sate? Those who count votes on the fifth floor of the county Hall of Administration say supervisors Bruce Nestande, Thomas Riley and Harriett Wieder are prepared to vote to kill further consideration of sites for a general aviation field. The four sites under consideration include the Army Forces Reserve Center, a military base in Los Alamitos: Santiago Canyon. undeve loped Irvine Company-owned land east of Orange: Bell Canyon, a Rancho Mission Viejo h olding east of San Juan Capistrano, and San Juan Creek. another Rancho Mission Viejo parcel also east of San J uan I n a r eport forwarded to supervlSOrs Wednesday, a1rport manager Murry Cable said own ers of the four sites are unwilling to yield them for development of an airport. Condemn ation proceedings have been s uggested as a ~ible way of acquiring one or more of the sites for an airport, but such a move is considered unlikely beca use of anticipated community opposition. county airport officials say. While sour ces close to supervisors say little is likely to change b etween now and Tuesday, some parties are trying to keep the site selection process moving ahead. Th e Community Airport Council, according to executive director Joseph Irvioe. wants the board to delay a final decision pen~ing a state legislative hearing oc general aviation needs through 1995. The Select Committee on Aviation , c h aired by Assemblywoman Carol Hallett. R-Atascadero, is scheduled to meet in Oran e Countv Julv 30· Time that travels llght. Flight , operator charged The operator of an Oran1e County-baled fU,aht 11ehool hu be n charged by the fcdtral government with overblllJnt the Veteruns Adminlatratlon by $600.000 lor training former servicemen to fly. Thl' U.S . Attorney's Offi~ in Los Angeles filed the charges Wednesday against Herbert D. Hill. 38, president of NatlonaJ Jet lndustnes Inc. of Santa Ana. AccOTding to the federal c:omplalnt. Hill is charged with billing the> government for flight training that never occurred. He faces a single count of conspiracy and 13 l'Ounts of submitting fable statements to a federal agency. 1stant U.S. Attorney Percy A rson said this morning that t c:harges against Hill are the result of a one-year investigation involving the FBI, the Inspector General's Office and th e Veterans Administration. Arraignment proceedings for Hill arc.' schl'<iuled Mondy an Los Angeles If convicted on all counts, Hill could be fined Sl0.- 000 and sentenced to five years in federal prison on each count. Anderson sa1d National J et Industries provided vocational flight training t o former servicemen under the auspices of a Veterans Admintstrat1 on program The federal complaint alleges that Hairs firm inflated the flight times of trainees to gain more federal funds. Though Anderson said 1t as unknown how many veter a ns participated an the program, auditors believe the over-b11lmg totaled at least $600.000. Nationa l Jet Indus tries operated its program out of John Wayne Airport under the name of National Flight Center. The flight training programs there are no longer being offered . H all has denied the charges against him. Boy take n from mothe r VENTURA (AP) -Seven- year-old Jamie Means. believed to be California's youngest criminal de fendant, was upset when a judge ordered him to a foster home until being told it was "God's will," his mother says. But Nata Hogue also said Wednesday that she 1s .. shocked" that her boy was to be taken from her custody today without a h earin g. o n ground s she previous ly was convicted of rontributing to the delinquency of a minor Her attorney said he would appeal. Jamie stood trial for three days last month on charges that he and a 16-vear-old broke into a storage yard, set fire to a trailer and two boats and vandalized other property. He originally faced three counts o ( fe lony arson. 11 misdemeanor charges of malicious mischief and three counts of petty theft. Friday'POW Day' LOS ANGELES (AP) - President Reagan announced that he is designating Friday as "National P .O .W.-M .I.A. Recognition Day. 1982." SEIKO From ~lko, the Ideal gift for every traveler. Travel alarm clock with accurate quartz movement folds Into a sum, wallet·slzed case. Flv,·mlnut' snooze feature. Choice of ~lge, black, brown, or burgundy case. 559.50 . / SLA~ICK'S ,... ........ "" WMt tJw liaf IMrprlafS .... n. =r.r'8C'J.,~!l:if:..!~= f\18 Orange Ooaat DAILY PILOT/Thured1y, July 8, 1882 ~eeping government the mainstream ,. in It is perplexing to learn that after so many years of waiting, city officials may have their plans for an Irvine City Center delayed because of a sudden disagreement over the number of acres donated for the plaza. At issue is whether the Irvine Company should donate 25 acres, as ofticials had expected, or 15 a<.:res, as company leaders recently have s uggested. The acres are expected to be dedicated to the city in exchange for development rights of the presently undeveloped Village 12. In a lettCI' sen t last month to C ity Manager Willia m Woollett Jr., Irvi n e Company Vice President Thomas Nielsen said the 25-acre city center would be out of context with surroundi n g neighborhoods. He suggested a 15-acre sit e would g ive the company room to build the surrounding offices and retail shops that would give the entire development a more useful character. This might seem true at first a nd Irvine Compan y officials have an understandable need to ensure they know what they're getting. But to separate the governm ental buildings from nearby comm ercial buildings appears to be a mistake of past decades. Several ci t y leaders arc counting on a design for the new mast.er plan that would marry the public a nd private offices and s hops, giving the center a busy. vibrant atmo!iphere that would m a k e It a tr ue meeting plnt•e . Thus, they are arguing that thl' 25 -acre design 1s not only necessnry, but it offers more promise to surroundi ng neighborhoods than does the 15-10 split that would necessitate a more conventional urban design. Mean while. the architectural team earning· $70,000 for the design is busily at work this month trytng to f u se this public-private design. They may come up with a geometry that works, but chances are it will takt> a separate team of lawyers to iron out the legal implications of ownership and leasing at such a plaza. For the s uke of historical perspective, finally, it 1s worth n oting that this marriage of the two is not new in Irvine . In fa<:t, w hen founding represen tatives originally began mapping out the details for the new city a decade ago, they met an second-stor y offices in University Town Plaza. Some sti 11 remember the relaxed att1tuciC's then that prometed city workers to go downstairs to thl• local watering hole to bring up pitchers of beer to help decision-makers forge new municipal gu1deltnes. Maybe a few more pitchers with Irvine Company leaders might help to straighten this problem out, too. Of fices build traf fie New zoni n g guidel ines adopted fo r Irvine's bustling business a n d light industrial sector . formerly known as t he Irvine Industrial Complex - W est, were necessary to keep pace with changes in market demands And as important as these new guidelines will be, city decision-makers sun have one last question of pri mary importance to resolve. They must devise a fair formula for assessing exis ting firms, new developments and even other local governments for improvements to the road system that the relaxed zoning will make neces.sary. Today the sector has been renamed the Irvine Business Center to recognize that the area o n ce zoned primarily for the aerospace industry has evolved into a n administrative center of corporate headquarters. The rezoning was comple ted so the city could at once a llow and control thr growing number of massive office structures Office buildings. however, generate three times the traffic flow that the same sized industrial structures cause. so city officials have recognized that m ore offices w ould mean the road system would be crowded beyond its present capacity. At issu~ 1s how to devise a method that e n s ures road improvements would be financed and those who benefit are the ones who pay. It 1s a complicated matter. For example. the region near John Wayne Airport is congested not just by office and business traffic but also by the passengers and couriers using the airport. And m the northern sector of the complex near. say. Red Hill and Alton Avenues, the traCfic includes commuters from other regions who try to short-cut the freeway system. Ci t y residents wouid gain some benefits from the offices from property taxes that help fund school and some special districts. They also, however. would face the disadvantage of more traffic and smog. It will be to everyone's long-term benefit to have a c irc ulation system that works. Otherwise. the rising property values of the center will drop. hassles for residents will rise and even the airport use rs will complain . The c h a ll enge wi 11 be to persuade these difCerent groups to own up to their responsibilities. Guns to golf welcome Switching from guns to golf, w hich is what happened at the Laguna Hills Gun Club property in Irvine. is a fine idea in light of in creasing urbanization of the area. Everyone involved -the lrvine Company management. gun club owners Virginia and Larry ·eomng a nd city zonin g officials - is to be congratulated for the foresight and for the ease with which the transition has been made. The CoUings· business was one of five gun clubs on Irvine Compan y property n otif ied in 1979 t hat its lease wouldn't be renewed for outdoor target a nd skeet s hooting. Rather than close the business on 14 acres leased from the Irvine Company. the Coffings decided to convert the target range to a golf driving range . They h ave a new lease until 1991 on the property al 960 1 Irvine Center Drive where there is space for 60 golfers. This was an astute move by the Irvine Compan y management team and one that is likely to earn the approval of our conscien tious Irvine residPnf~ L.M. Boyd/ _fa vorite words . , A highly successful salesman 88)'11 he learned years ago what interest.I people most. He was working in a J$atlonery st;>Op. eel.ling among other tJ'Unp, fountaJn pens. Customer af1er customer tried out his pens on the ~tchpacb, and they all wrote the ll8lne thing, he 111~ their own names. If you're fnvl\ed to • IOCUal aet- tbcelher at the White HoUIC!. oount on l , ORANGE COAST t DlllJ Pilat undergoing a body search with a metal det«tor. h 's standard practice now. - That word "junk" started out aa a seaman'• term (or leftover bits of rope and cable. Q. What'•. ",i.maon"? A. A ferNle ltripper more than u feet t.all. Show bUllne9 jlrp. • T"Omll P. Haley Publlwr TMIMI A. ft'il""IM ldltor ••rw1KreUNC'9 ldttort•I P191 ldlto' 'YOO'FEU>S (i) ~WI~ WMA"TIVIR YOO'~ OONG -l'U. JUST STAND ~~ ANY> GuARD US AGAINST~ \ ~~~'< RLJ~1~ ... ~~S:Wt5' ... CUNN1~ ca.w1rs ... ' \ mig fate sealed months ago WASHINGTON -A quick end to Alexander Haig's tenure as secretary of state was signaled no later than mid- April in confidentiaJ advice to Capitol Hill from national security aide Wilham P. Clark. A conservative Republican leader had complained to Clark that Haig was Decoming intole rable on East-West questions. The respons,.. from C lark, totally unexpected by the complaining conservative, was to this effect: Don"t worry about Al; he'll be gone in two months. CLARK DID NOT quite meet that deadline. But his forecast was made well in advance of the issues that finally made Haig Reagan's first Cabinet dropout. Haig fell less because of internal disagreements on issues than as a result of his style -specifically his detenrunation to be Reagan's "vicar" of foreign policy. That Haig would not be around for the rest of the year was clear to the Reagan inner CU'cle in early June when the president would not permit Jeane Kirkpatrick to resign as U.N. ambassador as suggested by Haig. The proximate cause of Haig's demise was Reagan's move for stiffer sanctions against the Soviet Union on the Siberian natural gas pipeltnc question in the secretary of state's absence and against his wishes. But his fate was sealed. ironically, at the beginning of the year when Haig's enemy. Richard V. Allen. was forced out of the nattonal security slot at the White House and replaced by Haig's friend, Judge Clark. That was thought to be a c.'Oup for Haig. cementing his vicarship. But Clark was Ronald Reagan's chief of staff 16 years before he was Al Haig's deputy secretary of st.ate. lnsidcrs who knew Clark's character predicted that once tn the White House, he would not tolerate Haig's insistence on overriding everybody -including the presidt-nt himself -on policy questions. Haig's central role in the Anglo- Argentine Falklands crisis mjght have r..~~ ( E~ 11r, IVAll llVAI ~ :,- saved him for a few weeks. But his ct>lcbrated telephone blowup over Argentina with• Kirkpatrick ended tht- stay of execution At Haig's suggestion. she submitted her resignation to Reagan The president refused it, a s tep interpreted inside the White Hou~ to mean Haig was gone. The Haig-Clark friction grew more open during Reagan's European lour, leading to the president's June 18 st.and 1n Washington against the Yamat p1pehne during a meeting not attended by Haig. The secretary was outraged that a step so antagomstic to NATO alliance partners should be taken tn the wake of Reagan's trip <luring which there was no hint of tightening the screws. Characteristically, St.ate Department bureaucrats privately reacted to the president's decision by pledging that the sanctions ultunately would be watered down below the point of recognition. That attitude was w hat Clark was talking about when he predicted to the congressional Republican leader that Haig would foll. IL happened last week when Haig pressed his unhappiness over what Rf'agan had dune AT THE END. Haig was alone. White House (•h1e f of staff James Baker considered him a disruptive force from the firs t day of the administration . Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger had clas hed with him on almost everything E ven easy-going Vice President George Bush went semi-public this month tn complaining about Haig's pro-Israel till. "Good riddance." said one senior presidential aide m reaction to Haig's departure, typifying the holiday mood al the White House. Secretary-designate George Shultz will satisfy all of Haig's internal enemies who wantt'd no vicarates in Foggy Bottom But he IS not all that reassuring to Ha1g's anti-<.'Ommunist cnucs inside and outside the admmistrauon. Back in 1980 transition days. these anti-detentists had come down hard against Shultz and in favor of Haig for secretary of state They have growri so d1senc·hanted by Haig deferring to Europe a nd tht• State Department bureaucracy that many consider any change welcome relief Yet, they still harbor reservauons about Shultz as a cold warrior. Whatever his true inclinattons, Shultz -based on his Nixon-Ford Cabinet record -<:an be expected to fight his battles quietly on the inside and ulumately defer to the pres1dent"s 1udgment If foreign poltcy remains Europeantst and detentist. 1t will be Ronald Reagan's responsibility and not that of a Vlcar down the street. And that is clearly what Judge Clark has had in mind for some time. Water will he the key to our future To the F.ditor: Proposiuon 9, the "water proposition," was defeated a few weeks ago Somehow l have a feeling that some day not too far in the future Southern Cahfornia IS going to need that water. Soon. the Colorado souree will be cut off. F.ach day as we go back and forth to TLC for lunch we see at least two MAILBOX cement trucks, maybe four or more. They are on their way to build large office buildings or new homes. The offices will be literally loaded with washrooms and "johns" which will consume vast amounts of liquid. The homes will in many cases be the ''two bathroom" variety with showers. and families having the "two shower a day" lifestyle. The homes will also have automatic washer-driers which consume fixed amounts of water each time they are turned on. The kitchens will have automatic dishwashers. Every one of those cement trucks is bad news! The Datly Pilot carr ies a weekly supplement on "real estate" which includes hundreds of ads for homes and other real estate. Dozens of bright-eyed eager salespeople are making their living by selling the properties. BUT FOR the miracle of irrigation Southern California would look like the country between Barstow and Las -Vegaa. The state la on a crash course with diaaater and there are built-in driving agencies (the developers and real estate agenta) propelling ua toward the day of reckoning. Who la doing anything about all this? Callfomla la an exdtfna place to live! What with earthquakea, mud 1Jtdes, brushfires. Oath Oooda, OPEC-induced pe ~ and bnpend.tnc IDMlive ClroUlhll there'• never a duD moment. It'a almolt unbelievable! In tJw IMt analylla1 tb9 entire fu.tvre of the.,...~ prtmar1l)I on how we handle the watlr problitm. OINI PIARSON Free on the Fourth To \hi ldll«: 1''• 10 Se""'IChon \he J'ou.nh o1 Jwy ln N.wport , The moan .. full and eo 11 everr . 1v11l1bl• per1&1n1 •l>I" on Blfbol Jaaand, I c.wt't btU.W the Wand "-''' IUnk ..,,., Ute .,...., The night air 1s perfect; one could not ask for more and in places it is filled Wlth the fragrance of night blooming .)8Smtne -or so it seemed. I took the ferry across the bay and walked out on the pier and watched the ocean below and the fireworks that shot up into the sky Crom the beach below into the beautiful moonlit water. Fire rings lined the beach and the flames danced about in the darkness below where I stood against the railing. Crowds gathered round happily enjoyed one another and the night. THERE WERE hundreds of people milling about on the pier and on the sidewalk. The sound of music came from a little cafe where young couples as weU as singles waited to get in or come out, or ju.st stand around listening to the jan inside. AA I stood leaning against the rail.mg on the pier after wallung the length and noting IOT1le changes soon to be made at the end where bait is sold, I looked at the faces of th09e who passed my way. They were smiling faces, laughing faces, relaxed faces. loving faces. happy faces. There were oohs and ahs from many as they watched the colors from the fireworks splitting up in the sky. There were no thoughts of fights or riots or hatred or greed. It was only freedom I saw in their faces. and peace, and it was difficult to think there could be any suffering or any other w.ay of life. I walked alone but I counted my blem.i.np and wished that all the world could ahatt thia wonderful feeling of freedom and independence on th e Fourth of July In Newport Beach. L.OONOVAN Children suffer m ost To the F.ditor: The new outbreak of violence in Lebanon baa clahned tht Hvu of thouaanda of victlmt while leavlna oountae. more bome1-, without ~ • Lmtrt /rom rC!GIUr• ort wr~• Tlw rlp~t to cOfldtoftM l1tt1ra to /U epoc1 or tlfinllMll• Llt»I I• r118trwd Llttv• o/ JOO wrdi or In• wUI bf ,..,.. ,,.,.,,.. AU l1t11r1 mu•f ...,.,._. df!Md11N ad ....,.g oddr111 but "'°"''' mo~ I» '°"lllwld "" " QIH!lf ,, •&1/llrllrtl tlOIOft •• appo""' l'l>fl'V k~ll""' ,,. Pf'bU1ltfd Wtlrr1 Nlf 0. llllitp#JfJMd fO Ml-HI• Giid Pl'!Clltf 1t1tmfMrr nf l#w rmtlrlbtlror mltlf hit fU¥11 IM IJ,,,,, °''°" """"'"' to even the most basic na :essities of life. The International Red Cross estimates that over 300.000 are homeless; others put the figure closer to one half million. In the rural areas. whole communities have fled. many of them huddling on open beaches, scavenging for food and water. Beirut itself is engulfed tn fear, death and destruction. And, as always, it is the children who are the most vulnerable Moving from place to place looking for what might temporarily be safe shelter. sleeping on open staircases or in empty fields - lacking food. clean water or a change of clothes, the toU of young lives continues to mount. SAVE THE C HILDREN, the international child assistance agency that has been working in Lebanon for over 25 years, is providing emergency services for these children and their families through their established health centers. A team of 45 trained professionals is working around the clock to alleviate the s uffering. Volun teers have been mobilized to assist the dis placed by locati ng temporary s h e lter and distributing medical supplies, clot.bing and blankets. In order to assist those struggling for survivaJ, Save the Children is issuine an urgent appeaJ for funds. As a member of the organization's 50th Anniveraary Committee, I strongly urge you to ~ this opportunity to extend a helplng band to the suffering children of Lebanon In their time of ams. Any contribution, no matter bow email. can make a difference. Pleeae mail your ch eck today to Save the Children, Lebanon Emergency Appeal, Dept. P, Westport, Connecticut 06480. REV. THIDOORE HESBURGH C..S.C.. Prft.ldent, Univeralty of Notre Dime What'• all thlt noni.w •lllut Mn. RH11n'1 •a.•? I'd aay ah• ••• her hwbMd both look ll'GW'ld •• MYOPIC 111151 ClllT •• 1111 llllla THURSDAY. JULY 8. 19H2 OHA N<;f LOlJN I Y < l\l It OHNIA 25 CENlS :Airlines reach a ·Ccord on By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of ... Delr,... ..... A tentative settlement has been reached in a lawsuit In which aeveral airlines and the Jederal government challenged Orange County government's plan to allocate commercial airline flights at John Wayne I N.rport. Acco rd i ng to a report distributed to county supervisors thl.a morning, the major plalnt.i(!s In the case including Pacific Southwest Airlines, Western Airlines and the U .S . Department of Justice have agreed to drop the legal challenge in the wake of a ruling by a federal appeals court panel. The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last month that the county was free to implement an airport access plan that would pennlt re-allocation of flithta to carrlera &eeklfli either to begin or expand aervke to Orange COunty under speci!ied rules. That plan -adopted by supervisors March 17 -requires the five commercial carriers serving the airport to yield existing guarantees on flights they possess over a two-year period. Sources familiar with the negotiatlon1 leading to the settlement said tt\•t the appeala court decision ln the county'• favor essentially scared the plainti1fs out of the cue. There wu a caveat, however. The federal government aaid it would drop out of the action only if the cou.nty stuck by the Mareh 17 plan, the aources said. Had the county stuck by an earlier plan viewed by PSA as flight plan unfairly favorable to AirCal and Republic Airlines, the legal action would still be proceeding, the aources said. It is expected that the parties lnvoJved In the lawsuit will appear before Judge Hatter Tuesday afternoon to formally agree to the proposed settlement. Supervisors will be asked Tuesday morning to make minor adjustments to the March 17 ' acce11 plan to accomplish thel settlement. ! Prior to Implementation of the! March 13 plan, AlrCal, the· dominant carrier in the county,• had a euaranteed allocation of 23.5 flights dally: Republic Airlines, 11.5 and Fro ntier AirJJnes, PSA and West.em, two each. Forty-one jet departures are (See AIRPORT, Page At) Medical No Newport sewer hike center .pushed Rates will stay unchanged for homeowners Up to 130 supporters of a proposed Irvine Medical Center will gather signatures tonight for the state application process. The medical center plan is backed by a grass-roo t s organi%ation called People for an Irvine Community Hospital. IMC volunteers hope to get 3,000 signatures to bring the total up to 10,000 according to Dave Baker, an attorney and president of the group. The signatures will be included with IM C's certificate of need (CON) application to the state. Although the state approval process does not require petition drives, community support is among 24 criteria in the CON process r equired to build a ' hospital. The signature campaign will , begin at 6 p.m., when volunteers I plan to meet at the IMC office. 4950 Barranca Parkway. I They w1U visit neighborhoods for about two hours and then By STEVE MARBLE OftMD.itrNotllaff Newport Beach residents, served by one of the county's oldest and most decrepit sewer systems, will not be hit with a near doubling. in annual sewer use fees as expected. Most Newport homeowners now pay $26.40 yearly. That rate was predicted to skyrocket to $46.80. But Wayn e Sylvester. an Orange County Sanitation District spokesman, said the district will not seek to increase the use fee this year because of unexpected l ow bids in construction costs. The existing use fee, which Brezhnev .warns Reagan By The Associated Press attend a cocktail party at the Irvine home of Sharon and Jim Ellis. The guest list for the party includes Dr. Arnold Beckman, Orange County Supervisor Thomas Riley and state Assembl ywoman Marian Bergeson, R-Newport ~h. Other groups a1ao are vying to build a hospital in the city. The H ealthWest Foundation of Chatsworth still is a strong contender . But Tustin Community Hospital and the Hospital Corp. of America have shown lukewarm i n terest in pursuing their hospital proposals. UWlf ...... ENDS STRIKE -Anne Bullington, 36, has e nded her strike against her five chiJdren in Des Moines, Iowa, saying they have acceded to her demands. She began her strike last Friday. Lebanese Prime Minis t er Shafik Wazzan publicly accused U.S. presidential envoy Philip C. Habib today of backtracking on when to deploy peacekeepers in west Be irut and said this threatened "every other aspect" of talks on the evacuation of the PLO from the battered city. At the same time, Soviet President Leonid I. Brezhnev warned President Reagan that if U.S . Marines were sent into west Beirut "the Soviet Union would build its policy with due t'Onsiderat.ion of this fact." Children yield Mom ends sitdown strike He did not elaborate, but the Kremlin supports PLO chie f Yasser Arafat, who pl!blicly has spurned Reagan's offer to send in t h e Marin es as p art of multinational force to evacuate the guerrillas. W estern Medical Center recently dropped its hospita l plans and has set its goal for a $10 million outpatient medical clinic in the city, which also must go through the state approval process. UC Irvine also would like to build a medical clinic on its campus and would eventually like to build a major hospital. Helicopter forced down A military helicopter made a forced landing late this morning in Irvine afte r its fuel line malfunctioned, according to the Irvine police. The -copter landed in an open field near the corner of California Road and Campus Avenue, near the UC Irvine campus. A crew of mechanics was dispatched to repair the copter so it could be flown away, said police Lt. Gene Norden. No injuries were reported. DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) -A housewife who went on strike against her family for six days is back on the job after the last of her five children signed her list of demands. Anne Bullington, 36. the mother of four teen-agers and an I I -year-old son, established herself in a lawn chair outside the family's h ome Friday s urrounded by hand-lettered signs reading, "Mother on Strike" and "Have You Hugged •Your Mother Today?" For six days. day and night. she sat there. through heavy rains and sweltering heat in the 90s. She became the topic of a Des Moines radio talk show, and patiently answered questions from curious on-lookers. The strike e nded Wednesday night when the last holdout, her 16-year-old daughter, Michelle, agreed to sign Mrs. Bullington 's list, which included demands that mom not be considered a taxi driver, loan officer or 24-hour cook and that the klds show affection and say thanks. Her objective, Mrs. Bullington said Wednesday, was to bring to BUSINESS Brown names health 'czar' LOS ANGELES (AP) -Gov. F.dmund Brown Jr. today named William Guy, 57, retired president of Southern California Blue Cross, as the state's "Medi-Cal czar." Guy's salary will be $54,552 a year. TELEVISION 'Hill Street' revisited The characten of "Hill Street Bluea" have chanaed markedly 1lnce the pilot waa aired ln January, 1981. FaN can aee it apln tonlaht. Paaie A7. Theae 1how. IOIM In TV 0 M·A·8·H " 11Too Ca. few C.olntort" and ''Hou. Cal.II''.,.. Uw ~ "'°" wa~ lhowl on .. lwil6an, 11Y Uw N .. llln ra~ P• Al. the attention of her five children that she is a "human being" and needs a "little affection." Her other four children and her husband, Tom, signed the c ontrac t e le vat ing Mrs . Bullington to that status at various times during the vigil. Children, she said, "forget that mother has her own life. "They for~et to talk to me. They forget to kiss me. They didn't think of me as a person. They thought of me as a mother, and , therefore, owed them something." In oddit1on to Michelle, her other children are Frank. 18, Tom, 17. Debra. 13, and Charlie, 11. Mrs. Bullington said Michelle held off signing so long because she was s ubject to "peer pressure" and was having trouble signing the document without losing face. "Her friends are telling her that if their mott)ers were doing it, they wouldn't sign," Mrs. Bullington said earlier. ''They're making it difficult for her to give in." NATION Wazzan said the forc.-e, which would inc lu de French paratroopers. s hould deploy "before or simultaneously with the st.art" of the evacuation of Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization. "But I have been surprised by a non-Lebanese insistence that the d e ployment o f these international forces should take place after the departure of the Palestinians, which negates much of the need for and the usefulness of these forces. "All through the talks with Mr. Philip Habib I have been determined to keep the details from official publicity pending the arrival at a final agreement," Wazzan said. ''But this ne w position came as a shock, which I am afraid, would reflect on every other aspect of the talks." The Wazzan statement was issued by his office and broadcast on the state radio and published in all Beirut newspapers. Planes collide; 6 dead CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (AP) -Two T-« Navy training planes collided in flight today, killing all six pepole aboard, a Naval Air Station spokesman said. Gold, silver both gain NEW YORK (AP) -Predoua metall were up sharply in trading today. Gold na $11.30 an ounce to $322.60 and sliver gained 38 centa to '6.10 an ounce. COUNTY • expired June 30, must be reaffirmed by district directors. The sanitation district takes in most of Newport Beach and a slice of Costa Mesa and is the only sanitation dist~ in the :o unty with a user fee. The fee appears on property tax bills. Ne wport residents pay an additional sewer fee to the city for upkeep of the city's auxiliary system. This charge appears on water bills. The district sewer use fee was adopted last year following a massive sewer spill that dumped six million gallons of untreated sewage into Newport Harbor. The main rupture focused attention on t he state of the sewers in Newport. Sanitation officials admitted then that the ducts were bad and getting worse and outlined a sewer line rehabilitation program expected to cost more than $5 million. The first leg of the program was to in.stall a backup sewer line along Pacific Coast Highway near the Newport Bay Bridge - the area of the rupture. Sylvester said this job, completed las t week, was expected to cost $700,- 000 but ended up costing about $400,000. Sylvester said savings also were realized on a sewer job late last year along the east side of (See SEWER, Page A2) Critical In Hawaii HB sleepwalker falls 11 stories By ROBERT BARKER Of .... Delly Not ltaft An 18-year-old Huntington Beach man has fallen 11 stories from a Hawaii hotel while.~ apparently walking in h.Ls sleep. Surviving the fall but listed in critical condition after surgery is ~raig Mackle. a June graduate of Ocean View High School. A friend who talked by telephone with Mackie's mother Wednesday night said today that Craig had a history of wa~ his sleep. "It happened more when he was a young kid but from time to time over the years he'd go to bed and then wind up in another place," said family friend Elaine Erick.son of Fountain Valley. "We don't know exactly what caused the fall,'' she said. The fall happened at about 2 a.m. Wednesday, the last day of a vacation that Robert and Norma Mackie had promised their son after high school graduation. Also along on the vacation were several of Craig's f!1ends. also recent Ocean View graduates. One of the friends awoke early Wednesday to find Craig missing. After a search. young Mackie was found lyiflg ·next to the parking lot of the Reef Lanais Hotel in Waikikl. Sources in Hawaii said they didn 't b elieve Mackie's l lth·story plunge to the parking lot was broken by any obstacles along the w ay. C raig had been "enthusiasticall y" looking forward to attending Golden West College this fall," Mrs. Erick.son said. "This is so unbelievable,'' Mrs. Erickson said . "This was the last day of their vacation and this had to happen." Mrs. Mackie. a travel agent, formerly worked in the adult education department at the Huntington Beach Union High School District. Her husband is in the steel busin~. Mrs. Erick.son said. Disney's venture drops stock ·price NEW YORK (AP) -Walt Disney Productions' movie "TRON" does not open officially for two days, but negative reactions to early "kreenings by severa l security analysts triggered heavy selling of Disney stock. Disney's price fell Wednesday $2.50 a share to $56.375, and fell another point in mid-day trading today. I NDEX Theodore James Jr. of San Francisco-based Montgomery Securities told Dow Jones News Service he advised clients to sell Disney stock "until it shows signs of holding at $52 a share." He said the film which Disney is counting on to be a rousing success with its video-game plot tells a "serious ly flawed , disjointed story" and that special (See DISNEY, Page AZ) At Your Service A4 Movies 87 Erma Bombeck B2 Mutual Funds 84 Business B4-5 National News A3 California \ A5 Public Notices Cavalcade B2 A9JM,B8,D3~4 Cluaified Df .S Sporta Dl-3 Comics 83 Dr. Steincrohn 82 ere.word B3 Stock Marketa 85 Death Notices D4 Television B6 F.dltorial AlO ThMten 87 Entertainment 87 Weather A2 Koroeoope 82 Ann Landen 82 World News A3 SPORTS . ' . l,r'\ Ofenge Oout ~ILV PILOT1Thured-.y._J_u_1y_1_. _1•,..1_2~~!1o; ---------------OIN County weighs SEWER CHARGES. . ... replaclnc HnH runntn1 from Wett Newport to the unhauon plant tn Hunfinlton Beach. th~ Upper Newport Bay. Two major eewer job• In '~ewport, thou1h, are s t ill '10orn1ng and Sylvet\er aaJd It la '1 evlt.iblu that annual rafAll wm A publlc workahop to review "\ reaJe at 1ame point. the u. fee hi 1eheduJed July 12 " One of the projecta la a $2.4 at 7:30 p .m . In the Newport airfield For the le<.'Ond time tn three monlh1, the Orange County &.rd of SupervU.On ii being asked to decide whether to keep alive 1tudloa on ctndlng • al~ for a new tleld for private alrcr•ft. on job to replace and Beach police department I 1upgrac e sewer lines along the auditorium. A public heartl\8 will , Balboa Peninaula. The 11«0nd la a be held July 23 in the Newport ~.1 mllUon project aimed at Beach City Council Chambeni. ln April, on a 3 tO 2 vote, the board decided to keep atud1es in pro gress -and to lay the ground work for the Federal Aviation Administration to conduct tormol assessments of four 1itea under conaideratlon. Ii i:>1sNEY MOVIE. .. 1 &ffects are "dlatracting." 'called the analysts' comments an Next Tuesday, the laaue will return to the board. &eentially, the question facing supervt.ora will be the same: Should the county continue to try and find a general aviation airport site? I I I .I Ji l'TRON" sch eduled to be overreaction. released Friday in 1,000 theaters, "I attribute the droo ln stock bs geared primarily to the price to one or two analysts onder-25 crowd. Pre-opening saying they didn't like the ldreenings were held Tuesday picture," Bagnell said from Los night in Los Angeles and New Angeles. "The overwhelming ~ork. majority of people thought it was 1"1 Harold Vogel, entertainment terrific." analyst at Merrill Lynch. Pierce, The plot concerns a oomputer ~nner & Smith lnc .. told Dow genius who suspects evil doinizs ~hes. "After seeing the film. it by a corporate executive. During ~med clear to me that this is an investigation, the computer r'litt the runaway hit that genius is zapped into another e\'eryone was expecting .. " . dimension , where he finds Mike Bagnell, senior vice himself a player in a gladiatorial pjesident of finance at 'Disney, video game inside the computer. •'' be flight scheol Operator charged L The operator of an Orange .Q:>unty-based flight school has ~een charged by the federal ~vernment with overbilling the ~\?terans Administration by f13oo .ooo for training former servicemen to fly. 1 The U.S . Attorney's Office m Angeles filed the charges ednesday against Herbert D. ll. 38, president of National Jet ustries Inc. of Santa Ana. According to the fede~a l c•omplaint, Hill lS charged with Hilling the government for flight Waining that never occurr~. He races a single count of conspiracy ttJ\d 13 counts of submitting false ilil!atements to a federal agency. Assistant U.S. Attorney Percy A.pderson said this morning that ( v. Floods threaten 1ARCADIA. Fla. (A~) - a~sid e nts of flood-stricken ~eSoto County, one of. four Jtlorida counties declared dLSaSter areas by President Reagan, a:e moving back home but st.all keeping an eye on the r~an· ~wollen Peace Raver. The nver was m easu red at 10 feet Wednesday afternoon. the charges against Hill are the result of a one-year investigation involving the FBI. the Inspector General 's Office and the Veterans Administration. Arraignment proceedings for Hill are scheduled Mondy in Los Angeles. If convicted on all counts, Hill could be fined $10,· 000 and sentenced to five years in federal prison on each count. Anderson said National Jet Industries provided vocational flight training to former servicemen under the auspices of a Veter ans Administration program. The federal comptamt alleges that Hill's firm inflated the flight times of trainees to gain more federal funds. Though Anderson said it ia unknown how many veterans participated in the program, auditors believe the over-billing totaled at least $600,000. National J et Industries operated ita program out of John Wayne Airport under the name of National Flight Center. The flight training programs there are no longer being offered. Hill has denied the charges against him. Fair and TemperatureS' lJoastal Albany Albuque Amarlllo Alh8Vlll4t ,f air today with highs of 72 10 Atlanta ltll. Low clouds la1e tonighl and At1an1c Cly ,.ly Friday. Overnlghl tows 60 10 Austin g.c Low clOuds Pfitl•I lh1ough B.itl!T>Of'• Fri day mid-morning houri BIHlngl •omlng talr and aunny In tl'lt Blnnlnghm dfletnoon Hight F1\d1y 74 to '78 . Bfsm•ck Elaawhare, trom P oin t BoiM Conception 10 the Me•lcen Boston vtla ~9rder and out 60 mllaa· = Northwest wind• 10 to 20 knocJ NATIOM HI Lo ll'rc 87 70 92 62 85 83 .40 82 &4 87 67 38 87 71 95 73 90 71 86 57 90 71 79 58 73 53 38 90 70 95 75 91 87 12 87 70 -· * * * From Page A1 AIRPORT ... permitted dally under airport noise abatement regulations. • Wh en the plan w,.s lmplemented after the appeals cou rt ruling, guaranteed allocations to all carriers were reduced 10 percent. An exception ·was made for Western by order of the appeals panel. As a result of the re-allocation, AirCal, Republic and Frontier lost flights while PSA gained a third daily departure. PSA initially filed legal action ,against the county over the airport access issue, claiming a previous but now abandonea plan wouJd have been unfai.rly beneficial to AirCal and Republic by permitting the two carriers to control 86 percent of permitted flights for a three-year period. PSA claimed that it had a right to more than two departures daily. The U.S. Department of Justice, representing a spate of federal agencies including the Federal Aviation Administration and Civil Aeronautics Board, agreed and intervened in the lawsuit. Initial decisions by U.S . District Court Judge Terry Hatter Jr. went in favor of PSA and the federal government. • Whil e appealing those decisions, the county prepared the March 17 plan -viewed as a "fallback position" should the appeals fail. Bull run hurts 4 PAMPLONA, Spain (AP) About 1.000 people pitted themselves against six raging 1.000-pound bulls in the first day of the annual running of the bulls through the narrow, twisting streets of this Spanish city. Authorities said only four people r equi r ed medical treatment. warm RX•' outer w1ter1 todey and ~~on imoay wtlh 4 10 6 root aeea. Light ~7.,"'1 SC !¥¥/able win<11 ov.i Inner waten .....,_ •• n lliN!~ nighl and mo<nlng hOurt. Ch81111n WV ~Ing _, lo IOUlh-1 10 Ch1rl1ta NC ;lil>t 16 knots during ~ng• todly c~ne and Frldey Wind w•ves of 2 to 4 Ch._...., 88 54 83 71 .53 87 69 Fronta: Cold.., Wann WW leet South-I swell• ol 1 to 2 Cloc:lnnatl t Low cloud• night end CleVelan<IClmbl SC • hOu<I, l>KOmlng mottly . • ny durlnO ell1tnoon1 today g:',;'~~h Friday. O.Y1on . ......... °'"'.,., S. Summary g:r~t,_ ny wHIMI' dempaned mucn na11on. wflh 11wnder1t01me 11\ower. over the nor1hern el101tlana. th• upper Ohio ey, no1th1rn .Arkln111, Ille them Pl1ln1 end Colorado, cautlng on• deeth In New k 11111 •In lllO tell Wed~•Y on 11na, Florid• and ltom ldello rlzo'.na Duluth El P .. o Faro<> F1ag111fl 88 69 78 53 83 82 90 71 91 67 88 68 57 90 88 .61 81 71 2.17 91 72 .10 83 57 86 65 87 60 65 49 96 75 73 51 84 47 n 51 30 87 68 78 54 .04 88 75 95 78 87 71 .01 94 73 87 71 29 Norlo4lc 85 No. Plelle M Okla City 85 Omaha 86 Orlando 89 Plllledptll• 86 PllcMniJI 93 Plttlbufgh 67 P118nd. Ma 85 Piiand. Or• 73 Provldenc• 88 Raleigh 89 Reno 81 Richmond 91 Salt I.aka 89 San Antoni<> 98 s.atti. 71 Shreveporl 93 SIOux i:a111 81 St LOUii 86 St P·Tampa 87 SI Sta Mari. 78 Spokane 76 SyracuM 91 74 .08 63 66 65 72 45 71 78 68 24 68 54 68 71 .35 55 72 58 05 72 61 73 84 73 02 73 .34 41 02 54 10 71 1.24 Sactem.010 80 55 Sallnu 78 50 San Ol9QO 75 85 Sen Fr enc:IM:O 83 52 Sant• 81rbat1 67 54 5-ntl Malle 77 Stockton 98 68 Therm II 95 Beratow 93 70 Big 8eM 91 53 BllhOP 91 53 C1ta11n1 68 58 l•k• Arrow!Mlld 75 50 Long Beach 82 80 Maty11vllkl 90 Monrcwl1 90 68 Monterey 64 66 ~I WllrB 71 84 -Pl'°'. •ach 89 80 on1er10 87 54 Palm Spring• 98 74 Puedena 84 57 S.n 84wn1rdlno 91 58 Sen JOM 72 55 Sent• Ana 79 59 Wll mostly CIHI lrom North ro1tn1 10 aou1hern New 11nd. over the M1111111ppl , the north«n Pl1ln1 end thll Gr .. 1 Fella Hllflford Helen• HOnolulu Houston lndnepUa Jecklfl MS Jedi lflv1141 Kana City La l/egaa Lltti. ~ Loulllllll l1lbbOdl ~ Mlellll .......... Ml)l8-8t.P Nathv1111 N9wOriMM NewYOftl 88 67 95 73 93 73 88 70 CMIOMIA Bakwtfi.ld 98 48 fink• 16 60 Senta CNZ 75 55 T 1hoe Vellly 72 31 llOUlhwMI wHtern New York, 1klH an to clear today 1fter '°'"" k"*l one penon caulld wld1epre1d po- emp•r11ure1 eround 1h1 bef<M'• d8Wn renoed lrom In Seul1 Sta. Mwi.. Mk:ll .. 10 119 87 94 79 .. 82 84 82 79 54 02 72 93 70 ... 78 F~ t4 85 Lane891• .. 92 L(J9 AngMa 10 81 M~ IO Oeki..d 68 PMO RotlM 90 59 Aad Bluff 113 88 AedWOOd City U M In PtlolnlJC, Ari&. ~ ... ------------~----- • -~-0l~lf l iPlll • 1:::C.. :wn. 2411. 1-2 n. 1·2 ~· ...... T ..... .. .. 16 .. .. .. 14 .. .. N .. .. fi Smog Tiie Air Quellty Mana~t Dlltrlc1 predlc11 un'-ltflM alf QuelllY tor Mnllllw oeoole todev In tM SW\ Qet>Nj, Pornon., S... F•rnendo end $1n11 Clarita Vlli.yt end In ''"' iu-.....aan Bemardlno IOCI Hemet·~ ., .... wltll good elr qu1llty ......,._. In VII South COl9I Afr 8Mlll Wll9<• to cell (toll lrff) '°' ....., er'ftOll lf'ltorftl9flon; ~ aw Otll'QI CCMlt)'l (IOO} .. _ LOI Ano•IH County: (toO) 242'40tl AMrllde Ind 1111 lernlrdlno 0011"""' (IOO) ., ... ,., A.OMO .,_,.. 0..: (IOO) 241-41M • issue 'i'hoeo who count voi. on the tlfth floor of th c:ounty Hall of Admlniatration aay 1upervlaora BMJCe Nettande, Thomu Riley and Harrie tt Wieder are prepared to vote to kill further consideration of altea for a gerleral aviation field. The four altea und er consideration Include the Army Forces Reterve Center, a mllltary base In Loe Alamit.oe; Santiago Canyon, undeveloped lrvlne Company-owned lana east of Or8J\8e; Bell Canyon, a Rancho Misaion Viejo holding eut of San Juan Capistrano. and San Juan Creek. another Rancho Mlaalon Viejo parcel also east of San Juan. In a repor t forwarded t o supervisora WKlnetlday, airport manager Murry Cable said owners of the four sites are unwllling to yield them for development of an airport. Condemnation proceeding& have been suggested as a possible way of acquiri°' one or more of the sites for an airport, but such a move is considered unlikely because of anticipated community opposition, county airport officials say. Wh ile sources close to supervisors say little ls likely to chan ge b e tween now a~d Tuesday. some parties are try mg to keep the alte selection process moving ahead. The ·community Airpo rt Council. according to executive director Joseph Irvine, wants the board to delay a fmal dec1s1on pending a s tate legas l.ative hear ing on general av1at1on needs through 1995. The Select Committee on Aviation, chaired by Assemblywoman Carol Hallett, R-Atascadero, is scheduled to meet in Orange Countv Julv JO. Newport Beach cltizena, service orcanliatlona, and boatitlg club& are beln'-aaked to parttclr,ate In • Clean Harbor Day' Saturday from 8 to 11 a.m .. city o fficiall announced. Volunteers will comb the Newport harbor In small boats for trash and take it to dropoff points to be disposed of by city crews. The shore area also will be cl0 aned. • The Youth Employment Agency in Costa Mesa is located at S42 W. 19th St., suite B. not 18th Street. as was mistakenly printed in •Newport Beach resident Maureen Smltb has been elected to a membership in Theta Alpha D e lta. a professional society for female business educators. \. Membership to the society •The Orange Coast YMCA isl offering a special youth membership offer this summer. Potential members buying a membership before June 30 •James P. Sbabaram ll of Costa Mesa will receive the $3,500 Thomas and Dorothy L eavey Foundati o n scholar ship to major in insurance at the college of his choice, the foundation has announced. • ID The Chamber of ~mmerce Marine OivUlon hu divided the harbor Into ionea to coordinate the e ffort. P'or eqample, people living ln Balboa should get ln 'touch with the Balboa zone commander for a n assignment. For information on the various zones, call Cynthia Turnbull at the Balboa Bay Club. 645-5000 Wednesday's Daily Pilot. Summer hours are Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m . For further information. caU 642-0474. as by invitation and members are selected on the basis of successful performance in the classroom. Ms. Smith is on the faculty at Saddleback College and previouSly taught at Torrence High School. ' wlU be permitted to attend. two summer skill classes at no charge. A youth membership is $30 for a full year. For more information. call 642-9990. Shabarum graduated in June from Estancia H igh School, where he was on the honor roll four years, was a member of the Spanish club, and lettered in football and tennis. Girl Scout leader dead; rites today HB city executive makes highest pay Huntington Beach Ci ty Tuesday's pay hike makes A m e m o r i a 1 11 er vice i s Council members have raised the Thompson the hi.ghest paid chief scheduled t.hia evening for Carol pay of City Administrator city executive along the Orange Thompson, long-time program Charles Thompson from $65,016 Coast. Huntington Beach is the director for the Orange County to $72,924 per year and have largest city with an estimated Girl Scout Council. She died la.st given him a $150 monthly oooulation o{ 172.000. Friday at age 61. expense allowance. Newport Beach .City Manager Robert Wynn is paid $71,750: The service will begin at 5:30 Counting city reimbursement Irvine Cnv ManaJler William at the Pacific View Memorial to Thompson's retirement fund Woollett Jr., $61.000; Costa Mesa Park, 3500 Pacific View Drive, to the tune of 7 percent of tus pay City Manager Fred Sorsabal, - Newport Beach. and the expense allowance, $60,264: Fountain Valley City Thompson's overall pay climbs to Mrs. Thompson of Costa Mesa $79,824 per year. Manager Howard Stephens, $45. was involved in Girl $routing as H e a I s o r e c e i v e s a 244; Laguna Beach City Manager · 1 th 1 d Ken Frank. $47,784. a gir. en as a vo unteer, an $300-per-montb automobile later as a professional. She allowance plus health, life, Anaheim Ci t y Manager became a leader in the Los dental and long-term disability William Talley makes $76,065. Angeles Council in 1955, was insurance. Orange County Administrative neighborhood chairman until Officer Robert Thomas is paid 196 1. and was camping $70,881 a year. 3dministratorlassistant program Planner's term Local salaries are substantially direct.or fom 1965 to 1968. higher than some o{ those earned After moving to Orange date Co rrected in Sacramento. County. she became the Orange Council's director of camping Newport Beach resident Allen Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. is services in 1968. and program Beek's term as a city planning paid $49,100 while members of services director in 1973. c.-ommissioner expired June 30, the state Legislature are paid 1 She was also a member of the not June 24 as reported last $28, l l 1. They also collect car Stanford Alumni Association. the Friday in the Daily Pilot. a 11 ow an c es and per diem A ssociation ·of Girl Scout The incorrect expiration date expenses. Executive Staff, the PTA and of Beek's term was provided by was a past president of the the city Planning Department. Whale increasing Thompson's American Camping Association. The June 24 date, city officials pay package Monday night, the Mrs. Thompson Is survived' by explained today, marked Beek's Huntington Beach City Council her four children. Jan Sundell, final planning commission members also boosted their own Pam Balys, Jill f1orence and meeting but not the end of his monthly e xpense allowances LanceTho~m.:.:!:..pso:.;:.,;,,~:.:.._ _____________ te ___ rm_. _______________________ fro __ m __ S_12_5_to __ S_2_90 __ . ________ ~ '-- Tim• th•t travels llght . From ~lko, the Ideal gift for every traveler . Travel alarm clock with accurate quartz movement folds into a slim, wallet-sized case . Five-minute snooze feature. Choice of beige, black, brown. or burgundy case. SS9.50 . SLAVICK'§ .. ....... ,.,., WhrTt rlw liac •""*' &qin. nr.'9"::,.~·!1:;.:..t:= SElKO • • •• c Orange Ooaa• DAILY PILOT /Tt\ur1d1y, July 8, 1982 Social legislation calls for restraint On Monday, the Newport ~ach City Council ls scheduled to program a n ew law g overning video games into the municipal l.'Ode books. The proposed ordina n ce, which a lready has passed its first reading, would prohibit: -The installation of video ga m es with in 100 feet of a residence. -The installation of video games in a business establishme nt within on e-half-mile of a school. -Anyone 18 or younger from be ing at a place during school hours which has two or more vid eo games unless accompanie d by a pare nt or guardian. they a pparently view the ~me11 a11 a bad influenc.-c on children. It's undcf?)tandable that the chy wo uld want to cxerciSt! some c.'Ontrol and k~p the city from becoming one big video game arcade. However. the council s h ould b e cautious about attempting to legislate social mores. -Two or more video games in a ny business establishment without th e presence of supervisory personnel. -Two or more video games in a n y busin ess esta blis hme n t without a use permit. ls It really the city's job to regulate who plays video games a nd when? If the kiddies are sk ipping school to play Pac Man, that would seem a job for the trua nt o fficer . And. if som e childre n are spending, as has been claimed. upwards o f $20 per day to test their eye-hand coordination against S pace Invaders. that would seem a matter for parents to police. The City Council should avoid going overboard in blaming the evils of the world on video games. .Haig fate sealed nionths ago Furth er, th e r e is n o g randfather clause. meaning that establishmen ts that already have two or more video games will have a year to secure a city permit to continue operating the games. The new law w as drafted partly because city officials feel the need to exercise some control over this form of ente rtainment. In addition, some parent groups in the city are pushing it because The current exercise reminds us of the municipaJ e ffort several years ago to rid Newport Beach of beer bars by outlawing pool tables. at th e tim e a popular entertainme nt and a source o f incom e for such establishme nts. Trouble right here in River City, as it we re. As things turned out, simple ec·onomics pre tty much took care of what was deemed at the time as an overabundant•e of beer bars. Perhaps there is a lesson there. SunJmer celebrations Art festivals and a county fair a r e as synonymous with the Orange Coast as suns hine, July and crowded beaches. Laguna Beach, as ll has for years, o ffers three art festivals begi nning Sa turday -the Festival of Arts a nd Pageant of the Masters, the Sawdust Festival a nd Art-A-Fair -all running through Aug. 29. The Orange County Fair kicks off to morrow and runs through July 18 at the Costa Mesa fairg rounds. It's a golden anniversary for Laguna's Festival of Arts, which began in 1932 when artists staged a n outdoor exhibit to attract tourist dollars. This year there will be 160 exhibitors on the grounds a djoining Irvine Bowl. In the Pageant of the Masters. presented njghtly at the Bowl. two casts of volunteers numbering 250 create living re productions of art mas t erpieces. As u s u al, t h e P ageant was sold out befor e o pening night. b ut r eturne d tickets often are available at the box office on the afternoon of a performance. The City of Laguna Beach last year received $254,000 from P ageant ticket sales. anothe r $110,000 was b udgete d for sch olar s h i ps and $25,000 for Laguna cultural groups. Also on tap all summer in Laguna are the Sawdust Festival, w ith 200 arts a nd cra fts exhibitors a nd Art-A -Fair with 135. The Sawdust is a quarter m ile up Laguna Can yon Road from the F estival o f Arts grounds a nd Art-A-Fair is at Laguna Can yon Road and Canyon Acres Drive . The O range County F a ir broke records last year. attracting 368.903 people and grossing more than $1.5 m illion. Art and photography are ma jor e xhibits this year, alo ng with t h e us ua l a nimals a nd domestic crafts plus a long list of h eadline entertainers -and. of course. the carnival. Fair h ours are 10 a .m . to midnight Fridays. Saturdays and Sundays. a nd noon to midnigh t Monday thro ugh Thursday. The thousands o f visit ors attracted by a ll this activity may add to the traffic Jam -but at least coastal residents can 't complain there's nothing to do this summer Discussion smooths way Las t w eek looked Ji k e a re play of the troubled history which touched off a 1978 initiative that t e mpora rily s to pped the development of more than 650 h om es and a partments near South Coast Plaza. Dave Leighton, president of the North Cos ta M esa Homeowners A ssociatio n that backed the initiative, said h e's upset over Arne! Developme nt Company's failure to meet with homeowners before s ubmi tting new plans. It seems that comp any ofCicia Is did not meet with h omeown ers before submitting new plans to City Hall June 18, c alling for up to 2 10 condominiums on seven acres and another 43 acres of commercial d evelopment. Leighton was miffed because it was his understanding from a meeting between homeowneri;. Q)ty officials and the developer last • February that the plans would be discussed. A representative from Amel said that officials intend to m eet with homeowners in more three- way meetings, such as the one in Fe bruary. We hope that happens Although there was little agreement during the four years of legal wra ngling over the property near Bear Street and the San Diego Free way, n early ever yone concerned believes that one of the basic problems was a lack oC communication . Although the plans won't com e before the city Planning Commission u ntil Oct. 11 , w e believe that th e ne w proposals could have been given a more balanced start. Four years of disagreements do not fade from memory eMily. It would be in e\teryone's b est interest now to openly discuss the project so that past mistakes and misunderstandings can be avoided. Opinions expressed In the space above ere tnose Of the Dally Pilot. Otner views ex- pressed on t.hls page are those Of their •"thors and artists. Reader comment IS lnvlt· ed. Address The Daily Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mew, CA 92626. Phone (71•) *>•2·4321. 1'114111"-' '"'~' fl.."_•.• , .. , ..... ..._. .. ~ tt.:.'t:t.-=t. ~ ... ,. .......... " ... ~ I I iO nomas P. Hater PubfliMr , TMINt A. ,,_,,.. .... Editor l1rur1 Krtfr.lclt ldtto,1•1 ,."' ldUor WASHINGTON -A qu.ick end to Alexander Haig's tenure as secretary of a.tale was signaled no later than mid - April in ronfidential advice to Capitol HiU from national security aide William P. Clark. A ronservative Republican leader had complained to Clark that Haig was becoming intole rable on East-West questions. T he responsP from Clark, totally unexpected by the romplaining ronservatlve, was to this effect: Don't worry about Al: he'll be gone in two months. CLARK DID NOT quite meet that deadline. But his forecast was made well in advance of the issues that finally made Haig Reagan's first Cabinet dropout. Haig fell less because of internal disagreements on issues than as a result of his style -specifically his determination to be Reagan's "vicar" or foreign policy. That Haig would not be around for the rest of the year was clear to the Reagan inner circle in early June when the preside nt w ould not permit J eane Kirkpatrick to resign as U.N. ambassador as suggested by Haig. The proximate cause of Haig's demi.se was Reagan's move for stifCer sanctions against the Soviet Union on the Siberian natural gas pipeline question in the secretary of state's absence and against his wishes. But his Cate was sealed, ironically, at the beginning of the year when Haig's enemy. Richard V. Allen. was forced out of the nlltional security slot at the White House and replaced by Ha1g's friend, Judge Clark. That was thought to be a coup for Haig. cementing his v1carship. But Clark was Ronald Reagan's chlef or staff 16 years before he was Al Haig's deputy secretary of state. Insiders who knew Clark's c.·haracter predicted that once in the White House, he would not tolerate Haig's insistence on overriding everybody -including the president hunself -on policy questions. Haig's central role in the Anglo- Argcntine Falklands crisis might have 11111 saved him for a few weeks. But his celebrated telephone blowup over Argentina with Kirkpatrick ended the stay of execution. At Haig's suggestion. she submitted her resignation to Reagan The presid e nt refused it, a step interpreted inside the White House to mean Haig was gone. The Haig-Clark friction grew more open during Reagan's European tour. leading to the president's June 18 stand in Washington against the Yamat pipeline during a meeting not attended by Haig. The secretary was outraged that a step so antagonistic to NATO alhance partners should be taken in the wake of Reagan's trip during whjch there was no hint of tightening the screws. Characteristically, State Departme nt bureaucrats privately reacted to the president's decision by pledging that the sanctions ulLJmately would be watered down below the point of recognition. That a ttitude was what Clark was talking about when he predicted to the congression al Re publican leader that Haig would fall. lt happened Last w~k when Haig pressed his unhappiness over what Reagan had done. AT THE END, Haig was alone. White House chief of staff James Baker considered him a disruptive force from the first day of the administration. Secretary of Dcft•nS<! Caspar Weinberger had c lashed with him o n almost everything Eve n easy-going Vice President Grorge Bush went ~mi-public this month in complaining about Haig's pro-Israel LJll. "Good riddance," sald one senior pres1dcnual aide in reaction to Haig's departure. typifying the holiday mood at the White House. · Secretary-designate George Shultz will satisfy all or Ha1g's internal enemies who wanted no v1carates in Foggy Bottom. But he is not all that reassuring to Ha1g's ant1-<.-ommunist c:rll1cs inside and outside the administrauon. Back in 1980 transiuon days. these anti-detentists had come down hard against Shultz and in favor of Haig for secretary or state . They have grown so disencha n ted by Haig deferring to Europe a nd the State Department bureaucracy that many consider any change welcome relief. Yet, they still harbor reservations about Shultz as a cold warrior. Whatever his true inclinations, Shultz -based on his Nixon-Ford Cabinet record -can be expected to fight his battles quietly on the inside and ultimately defer to the president's judgment. If foreign policy remains EuropearusL and detenust, 1t will be Ronald Reagan's responsibility and not that of a vicar down the street. And that is clearly what Judge Clark has had in mind for somtc• time. Water will be the key to our future To the Editor: A. Proposition 9. the "water propos1t1olr."' was defea t e d a few w eek s ago Somehow I have a feeling that some day not too far in the future Sou1hern California is going to need that water. Soon, the Colorado source will be cut off Each day as we go back and forth to TLC for lunch we see at least two MAILBOX cement trucks. maybe four or more They are on their way to build large office buildings or new h omes. The offices will be literally loaded w ith washrooms and "johns" which will consume vast amounta of liqu.id. The homes will in many cases be the "two bathroom" variety with showers, and families having the "two shower a day" lifestyle. The h omes will also have automatic washer-driers which consume fixed amounts of water each time they are turned on. The kitchens will have automatic dishwashers. Every one or those cement trucks is bad news! The Daily Pilot carries a weekly supplem ent on "real estate" which includes hundreds of ads for homes and other real estate. Dozens of bright-eyed eager salespeople are making their living by selling the properties. BUT FOR the miracle of irrigation Southern C&lifornia would look like the country between Barstow and Las Vegu. 'Dae state ii on a CTaSh course wltb dluater and there are buOt-in "Shi, the bou, kept me l•te." driving agencies (the developers and real estate agents) propelling us toward the day of reckoning. Who is doing anything about all this? California is an exciting place to live! What with earthquakes, mud slides. brushfires. flash floods, OPEC-induced gas shortages and impending massive droughts there's never a dull moment. It's almost unbelievable! In the last analysis. the entire future of the area depel}ds primarily on how we handle the watel-problem. GENE PEARSON Free on the Fourth To the Editor: It's 10 p.m. on the Fourth of July in Newport Beach. The moon is full and so is every available parking space on Balboa Island. I can't believe the island hasn't sunk under the strain! The night air is perfect; one couJd not ask for more and in places it is filled with the fragrance of night blooming jasmine -or so It seemed. r took the ferry across the bay and walked out on the pier and watched the ocean below and the fireworks that shot up into the sky from the beach below into the beautJful moonlit water. Fire rings lined the beach and the flames danced about in the darkness below where I stood against the railing. Crowds gathered round happily enjoyed one another and the night. THERE WERE hundreds of people ml.lllna about on the pler and on the sidewalk . The IOWMI of music came from a little cafe where youna oouples u well u aingles walt.ed to pt in or come out, or just stand around D.atenl.ng to the jazz lnatde. Al I atoOd MM1nl aaa1n1t the rall1na on the plet-after wa'lkina the lencth and notl.n8 eome chanael eoon '° bt made at t.N end where befi II told. I loobd at \be fllCll of thOle who S--S m7 W•Y· They were 1mllln1 fac", lau1hln1 f1ce1, relaxed faces. loving faces, happy faces. There were oohs and ahs from many as t hey watched the colors from the fireworks sphttmg up in the sky. There were no thoughts of fights or nots or hatred or greed. lt was only freedom I saw in their faces. and peac'e, and it was difficult to think there could be any suffe ring or any other way of life. l walked alone but I rounted my blessings and wished that all the world could share thlS wonderful feeling of freedom and independence on the Fourth of July in Newport Beach. L.OONOVAN Preserve sign law To the Editor: This is to present our strong objection to the proposal to change the present Costa Mesa sign ordinance. Whe n the sign ordinance was established in 1974 it was done after lengthy discussions, much study (six years) and after public reaction was received and reviewed. For Councilman Donn Hall to preeent a change in the sign ordinance such as he has and in the manner in which it waa done (without any public notice) is totally underhanded and in our opinion a miscarriage of his duty as a public officer. lt is our hope that Mr. Hall would remember he was elected to aerve the interests of all the people of the city. not merely the interests of a few nor of himself. Further, we would hope that the present sign ordinance would COl\Un\M without modification and be enforced to the benefit of all resfdenta of the dty - be they residential or comrnerdal. OON AND MARILYN VOYER ' 111111 1:1111 l HURSDA Y. JULY 8. 198.~ OH ANG! COUN I Y c. Al IF OH NIA 25 CENTS 1Airlines reach accord ·on flight Plan ' ~ By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Ofh0.-,Ne41Wt ! A tentative settlement has : been reached In a lawsuit in . which aeveral airlines and the federal sovernment challenged Oranse County government's . plan to allocate commercial : airllne fU,hts at John Wayne Airport. A ccordins to a report . distributed to county supervisors thls morning, the major plalnUrts in the case lnclud1ng Pacific Southwest Airlines, Western Airlines and th~ U .S . Departme nt of Justice have agreed to drop the legal challenge In the wake of a ruling by a federal appeals court panel. The U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled last month that the county was free to implement ~n airport access plan that would permit re-allocation of fUghta to carriers seeking either to begin or expand service to Orange County under specified rules. That plan -adopted by supervisors March 17 -requires the five commercjal carriers serving the airport to yield existing guarantees on flights they possess over a two-year period. Sources familiar with the ntogotlatlons leading to the settlement said that the appeals court decision in the county'• favor essentially 1cared the plaintiffs out of the case. There was a caveat, however. The federal government said it would drop out of the action only if the county stuck by the March 17 plan, the sources said. Had the county 1tuck by an earlier plan vtewed by PSA as unfairly favorable to AirCal and Republic Airlines, the legal action would still be proceedina, the sources said. It is expected that the parties involved in the lawsuit will appear before Judge Hatter Tueaday afternoon to formally agree to the proposed .-ettlement. Supervisors will be asked Tuesday morning to make minor adjustments to the March 17 acce.1 plan to accompllah the .-etllement. Prior to lmplementatlon of the March 13 plan, AlrCal. the dominant carrier ln the county, had a pranteed allocation of 23.5 flights dally: Republic A irlines, 11.5 and Frontier Airlines, PSA and West.em, two each. &. Fort ne jet departures are (See Al PORT, Page A!) Medical No Newport sewer hike I ; center pushed R ates ·will stay unch anged for h omeowners Up to 130 supporters of a proposed Irvine Medical Center will gather signatures tonight for the state application process. The medical center plan is backed by a grass -roots organization called People for an Irvine Community Hospital. IMC volunteers hope to get 3,000 signatures to bring the total up to 10,000 according to Dave Baker, an attorney and president of the group. The signatures will be included with IMC's certificate of need (CON) application to the state. Although the state approval process does not require petition drives, community support is among 24 criteria in the CON process required to build a hospital. The signature campaign will begin at 6 p.m., when volunteers plan to meet at the IMC office, 4950 Barranca Parkway. By STEVE MARBLE ~ "'-o.-, Hot ..... Newport Beach residents. served by one of the county's oldest and most decrepit sewer systems, will not be hit with a near doubling in annual sewer use fees as expected. Most Newport homeowners now pay $26.40 yearly. That rate was predicted to skyrocket to $46.80. But Way ne S y lvester. an Orange County Sanitation District spokesman, said the district will not seek to increase the use fee this year because of unexpected low bids in construction costs. The existing use fee, which Brezhnev warns Reagan By Tbe A11ociated Press They will vi.sit neighborhoods for about two hours and then attend a cocktail party at the Irvine home of Sharon and Jim Ellis. The guest list for the party includes Dr. Arnold Beckman. Orange County Supervisor Thomas Riley and state Assemblywoman M arian Berge90n, R-Newport Beach. Other groups al90 are vying to build a hospital ln the city. The HealthWest Foundation of Chatsworth still is a strong contend er . But Tustin Community Hospital and the Hospital Corp. of America have shown lukewarm interest in pursuing their hospital proposals. ,,, .............. ENDS STRIKE -Anne Bullington, 36, has ended her strike against her five c h ildren in Des Moines, Iowa, saying they have acceded to her demands. She began her strike last Friday. Lebanese Prime Minister Shafik Wuzan publicly accused U.S. presidential envoy Philip C. Habib today of backtracking on when to deploy peacekeepers in west Beirut and said this threatened "every other aspect" of talks on the evacuation of the PLO from the battered city. At the same time, Soviet President Leonid I. Brezhnev warned President Reagan that if U.S. Marines were sent into west Beirut "the Soviet Union would build its policy with due consideration of this fact." Children yield Mom end s sitd own strike He did not elaborate, but the Kremlin supports PLO chief Vasser Arafat. who publicly has spumed Reagan's offer to send in the Marin es as part of multinational force to evacuate the guerrillas. Western M edical Center recently drop!ped its hospital plans and has set its goal for a $10 million outpatient medical clinic in the city, which also must go through the state approval process. UC Irvine also would like to build a medical clinic on its campus and would eventually like to build a major hospital. Helicopte r force d down A military helicopter made a forced landing late this morning iri Irvi ne after its fuel line malfunctioned, according to the Irvine police. The copter landed in an open field near the corner of California Road and Campus Avenue, near the UC Irvine campus. A cr ew of mechanics was dispatched to repair the copter so it could be flown away. said police Lt. Gene Norden. No injuries were reported. DES MOINES. Iowa (AP) -A housewife who went on strike against her family for six days is back on the job after the last of her five children signed her hst of demands. Anne Bullington. 36. the mother of four teen-agers and an 11 -year-old sol\. establis hed herself m a lawn chair outside .ihe family's home Friday s urrounded by hand-lettered signs reading. "Mother o n Strike" and "Have You Hugged Your Mother Today?" For six days. day and night, s he sat there, through heavy rains and sweltering heat in the 90s. She became the topic of a Des Moines radio talk show. and patiently answered questions from curious on-lookers. The strike ended Wednesday night when the last holdout, her 16-year-old daughter. Michelle, agreed to sign Mrs. Bullington 's list, which included demands that mom not be considered a taxi driver. loan officer or 24-hour cook and that the kids show affection and say thanks. Her objective, Mrs. Bullington said Wednesday, was to bring to BUSINESS B rown names health 'czar ' LOS ANGELES (AP) -Gov. F.c:imund Brown Jr. today named William Guy, 57, retired president of Southern California Blue Cross, as the state's "Medi-Cal czar." Guy's salary will be $54,552 a year. TELEVISION 'Rm S treet ' revisited The charactert of "Htll Street Blues" have chan1ed markedly 1lnce the pilot WH aired In January, 1981. Fan. can aee It -aa1n tonla}\t, P.,. A7. Th Me 1how1 IOJM In TV "M·A·l-H" •-roo Clme for C.omlori'' and 111Mu11 C:.U." ... dw ~mall·~ lhowl °" .. lrltllon, •1 the " ........... ,. Al. ' the attention of her five children that she ts a "human being" and needs a "little affection." Her other four childif n and her husband. Tom. signed the c ontract elevati ng Mrs . Bullington to that status at various times during the vigil Children. she sajd, "forget that mother has her own life. "They for~et to talk to me. They forget to kiss me. They didn't think of me as a person. They thought of me as a mother, and. therefore, o wed them something.'' ln addition to Michelle, her other children are Frank, 18, Tom. 17, Debra, 13, and Charlie. 11. Mrs. Bullington said Michelle held off signing so long because she was subject to "peer pressure" and was having trouble signing the document without losing face. "Her friends are tellJng her that if their mothers were doing it. they wouldn't sign," Mrs. Bullington said earlier. "They're making it difficult for her to give In." NATION Wazzan said the force, which would include Fr e nch pa ratroopers, s hould deploy "before or simultaneously with the start" of the evacuation of Arafat's Palestine Liberation Organization . ..But I have been surprised by a non-Lebanese insistence that the deployment of these international forces should take place aft.er the departure of the Pale:;tinlans, which negates much of the need for and the usefulness of these forces. ''All through the talks with Mr. Philip Habib I have been det.ennined to keep the details from official publicity pending the arrival at a final agreement," Wazzan said. "But this new position came as a shock, which I am afrajd, would reflect on every other aspect of the talks." The Waz:ian statement was tSSUed by his office and broadcast on the state radio and published in all .Beirut newspapers. Planes collide; 6 dead CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas (AP) -Two T·44 Navy training planes collided in flight today, killlng all six pepole aboard, a Naval Air Station spokesman said. Gold, sil ver both gain NEW YORK (AP) -Precloua metal.a were up sharply In tradlng today. GoJd roee $11 .30 an ounce to $322.60 and silver Rained 38 centa to $6.10 an ounce. COUNTY expired June 30, must be reaffirmed by district directors. The sanitation district takes in most of Newport Beach and a slice of Costa Mesa and is the only sanitation district in the ~'Ounty with a user fee. The fee appears on property tax bills. Ne wport residents pay an addiuonal sewer fee to the city Cor upkeep of the city's auxiliary system. This charge appears on water bills. The district sewer use fee was adopted last year following a massive sewer spill that dumped six million gallons of untreated sewage into Newport Harbor. The main rupture focused attention on the state of the sewers in Newport. Sanitation officials admitted then that the ducts were bad and getting worse and outlined a sewer line rehabilitation program expected to cost more than $5 . million. The first leg of the program was to install a backup sewer line along Pacific Coast Highway near the Newport Bay Bridge - the area of the rupture. Sylvest.er said this job, completed last week. was expected to cost $700,- 000 but ended up costing about $400.000. Sylvester said savings also were realiz.ed on a sewer job late last year along lhe east side of tSee SEWER, Page AZ) Crit i c al In H a waii HB sleepwalker falls I I stories By ROBERT BARKER Of!Mo.IJNotllelf An 18-year-old Huntington Beach man has fallen 11 stories from a Hawaii hotel while apparently walking in his sleep. Surviving the fall but listed in critical condition aft.er surgery is Craig Mackie. a June graduate of Ocean View High School. A friend who talked by telephone with Maclcie's mother Wednesday n(ght said today that Craig had a history of walking in his sleep. "It happened more when he was a young kid but from time to time over the years he'd go to bed and then wind up in another place," said family friend Elaine Erickson of Fountain Valley. "We don't know exactly what caused the fall." she said. The fall happened at about 2 a.m. Wednesday, the last day of a vacation that Robert and Norma Mackie had promised their son aft.er high school graduation. Also along on the vacation were several of Craig's friends, also recent Ocean View graduates. One of the friends awoke early Wednesday to find Craig missing. Aft.er a seai:ch. young Mackie was found lying next to the parking lot of the Reef Lanais Hotel in WaikJki. Sources in Hawaii saJd they didn't believe Mackie's 11th-story plunge to the parking lot was broken by any obstacles along the way. Craig had been "enthusiastically" looking forward to attending Golden West College this fall," Mrs. Erickson said. · "This is so unbelievable," Mrs. Erickson said. ''This was the last day of their vacation and this had to happen." Mrs. Mackie. a travel agent, formerly worked in the adult education department at the Huntington ,aeach Union High School Di.strik Her husband is in the steel busJness. Mrs. Erickson said. Disney's venture drops stock price NEW YORK (AP) -Walt Disney Productions· movie "TRON" does not open officiaJly for two days, but negative reactions to early screenings by several security analysts triggered heavy selling of Disney stock. Disney's price fell Wednesday $2.50 a share to $56.375, and fell another point in mid-day trading today. INDEX Theodore James Jr. of San Francisco-based Montgomery Securities told Dow Jones News Service he advised clients to aell Disney stock "until it shows signs of holding at $52 a share." He said the fihn which Disney is counting on to be a rousing success with its video-game plot t ells a "seriously flawed., disjointed story" and that special (See DISNEY, Pase A!) At Your Service A4 Movies B7 Erma Bombeck B2 Mutual Funds B4 Buainell B4-5 National News A3 c.llfomla A5 Public Notices Cavalcade B2 A»,84,B8,DS-4 Clallitied 04.S Sporta Dl-3 Comb 83 Or. S~ncrohn B2 era.word BS Stock Marketa 85 DMt.h Notices 04 Telniaion B8 EdJ'°"81 AlO Thee ten 87 Enter1ainment 87 Weather A.2 Hore.ope B2 World Ntw. A3 Ann Landen m SPORTS 1 , Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Thurtday, July I , 1882 ----------------------------------------County weighs SEWER CHARGES ... the Upper Nttwport Bey. T w o major aewer Jobi In rtil e wport, thou1h, are lllll >looming and Sylveater Nld ll la rtnevttable that annual ratea wtu '41\C:rease at 10me point. , ., One of the project.a la a U.4 ~tlll on job t o r e place and h.lpgrade aewer Unes along the Balboa Peninsula. The second Is a f$i.1 mlJllon project aimed a t .,c{ replaclna llnea runnln1 from Weat Newport to the unitatlon plant In Hundnlton Beach. A public worbbop to review the Ute fee la, .cheduled July 12 at 7:30 p.m. In the Ne wport Beach police departmen• auditorium. A public heartoa wlU be held July 28 In the Newport Beach City Council Chambers. i>ISNEY MOVIE. 8~1ft • • ~ects are "distracting." 'called the analysts' conunenta an 11 "TRON" scheduled to be overreaction . released Friday i..U.000 theaters, "l attribute the d.roo in stock tiil g eared prim~y to t h e price to one or two analysts Hflder-25 crowd. Pre-opening saying they d idn't like the ~reenings w ere held Tuesday picture," Bagnell said from Los .p_1ght in Los Angeles and New Angeles. "The overwhelming ~ork. majority of people thought 1t was ..,,Jiarold Voge l, er\tertainment terrific." analyst at Merrill Lynch , Pierce, The plot concerns a computer ~nner & S mith lnc., told Dow genius who suspects evil doinRS Jmies, "After seeing the film, it by a corporate executive. During ~med clear to me that this Is an investigation, the computer t\-0-t the runaway hit that genius is zapped into another a\teryone was expecting." dimension, where he finds Mike Bagnell, senior vice himself a player in a gladiatorial ~qesident of finance at Disney, video game inside the computer. ,I I 1-.1 .PC flight school ., pperator charged ho T he operator of an O range County-based flight school has been charged by the federal .government with overbilling the 1\tetera ns Administration by $600,000 for train ing former servicemen to fly. The U.S. Attorney's Office in U>s Angeles filed the charges Wednesday against Herbert D. flill, 38, president of National Jet Mdustries lnc. of Santa Ana. n• 1 Accordin g to t h e fe dera complaint, Hill is charged with btlhng the government for fUght Cl\aining that never occurred. He l:ac.-es a single count of conspiracy ahd 13 counts of submitting Cal.se irt.atements to a federal agency. Assistant U.S . Attorney Percy Anderson said this morning that v: \ Floods thre aten ARCADIA. Fla. (AP) -~'esid e nts of flood-s tricke n eSoto Coun ty, one of four orida coun ties declared disaster <ireas by President Reagan, ~ moving back hom e but S~llJ keeping an eye o n the rain- swollen Peace River. The nver was measured a t 1 0 f ee t Wednesday afternoon. the charges against Hill are the result of a one-year investigation involving the FBI, the Inspector Gen e r al's Office a nd the Veterans Administration. Arraignment proceedin gs for Hill are scheduled Mondy in Los Angeles. If conv icted on all counts, Hill could be fined $10,- 000 and sentenced to five years in federal prison on each count. Anderson said Na tio nal Jet Industries provided vocational flight training to former servicemen under the auspices of a Ve te r a ns Adminis tration program. · The federal comp1amt alleges that Hill's firm inflated the flight times of trainees to gain more federal funds. Though Anderson said it is unknown how many veterans participated in the program, auditors believe the over-billing totaled at least S600,000. National J e t Indus tries operated its program out of John Wayne Airport under the name of National Flight Center. The flight training programs the re are no lo nge r bei n g offered . Hill has denied the charges against him. Fair and T emperatureS' I .. Coastal Albany Albuque Amerlllo A•heVllle Fair today wllh highs ol 72 10 At1en11 l~ Low cloud• late tOllight and Atlante Cty '~j!;ly Fridey. Overn1g111 lows 60 to ~:In • 'f," LOW cl0Ud1 p«SIS1 through mot Friday mid-morning houra BllUno• h E lng l1lr and 1Ynny in the Binning m oon. High• Frld1y 74 lo 78 . BltmWCk O E l sewhere. from Point BolM Conception 10 1he Mulc1n Bolton v1le .border ind Oul 80 rrnle1. = 1'ort"-1 wtnd• 10 10 20 kno41 on NATioN HI Lo ~ 87 70 92 82 85 83 .40 82 8" 87 67 .36 87 71 95 73 90 71 86 57 90 71 79 56 73 53 33 90 70 95 75 91 87 12 87 70 airfield For lhe ~nd tJm~ ln three month11, the Oranae County Board of Supervtaora ls being uked to decide whether to.keep a live 1tudle1 on finding a lite tor a new field for private aircraft. ln AprU, on a 3 to 2 vote, the board decided to keep 8tud1et in prog rt!as -a nd to lay the iroundwork for the F eder a l Avl11 tlon Admi nistration to conduct formal assessments of four altes under consideration. Next Tueaday, the i.aue will rotum to the boa.rd. FasentiaUy, the question {acing aupervi!lon wtU be the same: Should the county continue to try and find a general aviation airport site? -· * * * From Page A1 AIRPORT. • • permitted daily under airport noise abatement regulations. Wh en the plan was implemented after the appeals court ruling, guaranteed alloca lions to all carriers were reduced 10 percent. An exceptfon was made for Western by order of the appeals panel. AB a result of the re-allocation, AirCal, Republic and Frontier lost flights while PSA gained a third daily departure. PSA initially Ciled legal action against t h e county over the airport access issue, clalming a previous but n ow abandoneo plan would have been unfairly beneficial to AirCaJ and Republic by permitting the two carriers to control 86 percent of permitted flights for a three-year period. PSA claimed that lt had a right to more than two departures daily. The U.S. Department of Justice, representing a spate of federal agencies including the Federal Aviatlon Administration and Civil Aerona utics Board, agreed and intervened in the lawsuit. Initial d ecision s by U .S. District Court Judge Terry Hatter Jr. went in favor of PSA and the federal Rovemment. Wh ile appealing those decisions, the county prepared the March 17 plan -viewed as a "fallback position " sho uld the appeals fail. Bull run hurts 4 PAMPLONA, Spain (AP) Abo ut 1,000 p eople pitted themselves against six raging 1,000-pound bulls in the Cirst day of the annual running of the bulls through the n arrow , twisting streets of this S panish city. Authorities sajd o nly four people required m e di cal treatment. warm over ouler w1ter1 tod1y 11nd =' lfltdiy wt1h 4 10 6 loot MU l.lghl "'"ertsln SC v~Nble winds 0¥9f lnnet w1ter9 "'' M 54 83 71 53 87 69 Fronla: Cold .,. Watm ..,.. Occluded .-r 11'-'rlng nigh! and morning hOUrl. ~::::; ~ ai.com1no -1 10 10uttiw..1 10 "'' )p_ 18 knot1 durlnQ 9Yri9 todey ~ '~ FMd1y. Wind wives of 2 IO 4 ~ feet South-1 swe11s of 1 10 2 Clnctnnatl Jeet. Low cloud• night ind ='1c nlng hour•. becoming moelty ny d11™'9 el1ernoon1 tod1y g:'~h Friday. 01ylon . ~ OenV« .S. Summary g:r~1°'"" ny we1ther d•lnP4l'WI much n111on. with thundlPltorme ehow«S over the northern 11ec111111a, the upper Ohio ley. not1hern Ark1n111, the them Pl1ln• and Color1do. ~using one dellh In New k Slit• In also fell Wedf'\Hd1y on ten1. Florid• end from ldlhc> rlzone wH mollty cte• from Nonh rollne to 1oulhern New lend, over the Mfu lu lppl the nonnern Ptaln1 end the • toUl'-t. ,, western New York, t1ti.1 o•n l o cle1r today •lt•r onN killed one ~ c:auMd wld•IPfHd power Oulu1h El Puo Fitrgo Fl1g1111f OrMI Fltlll Hlflford Helenl Honolulu Hoo1ton lndfl.IPll• Jecktn MS JIClltnvtle ~City LMVegu Uttle Rock L~ Lubt!OOC Mempflll Miami Mttweull .. MC*-81 P NMll'<ltlle .... OrtMN ,..... VOt'I 88 89 78 53 83 82 90 71 91 67 88 88 .S7 90 88 .81 S1 71 2.17 91 12 10 83 57 86 85 87 80 85 49 96 7S 73 51 64 H 77 51 .30 87 88 78 SA .0-4 88 75 95 78 87 71 .01 ~ 73 87 71 .29 88 87 95 73 93 73 ea 10 • 87 .. 79 .. 12 ... e2 79 54 t2 72 t3 70 84 73 Norlon. as Ho. Platt• 88 Okla Clty 85 Omlhl 88 Orllndo 89 Phu.dphie 86 l't!Oenll! 93 Pltt.OUrgh 87 Ptllnd. Me 8S Ptlend, Or• 73 PrOVldence Ml ~ ~ Rldlmond 91 Slit Lelle 89 Sen Antonio 98 Selt11e 71 Shreveport 93 SIOl.ll! Falla 81 SI Louis 88 St P-Tempe 87 St Ste Mwle 78 Spokene 75 Syrec:uM 91 CMIOMIA 74 oe 83 66 8S 72 45 71 78 66 24 66 54 68 71 35 55 72 58 05 72 51 73 6' 73 .02 73 34 41 02 54 10 71 124 Bellenfleld H 48 &ir•• 86 60 ~ t4 86 Lenc:MIM II ~ ~ :•' Oeld1nd It ..... PllO~ to ""' =:City ~ :: lllf llPllT Secfemento 80 SS s111nu 76 so Sin Diego 75 65 Si n Franc;ilCO 63 S2 Santi Barber• 67 54 Sll'lta Merli 77 Stocilton 66 58 Tlletmel 95 Bartlow 93 70 Big Beer. 91 63 BlthOP g1 S3 C111lln1 68 58 Liiie Arrowhead 75 50 long Be1eh S2 80 Mary1vllle 90 M011rovla 90 S8 Monterey 8" S8 ~t WlltoB. 71 6' .-pan ICh 69 80 Ontlrlo 87 54 Palm Springe 98 74 PUldenl 84 57 Sen Bernardino 91 56 San JOM 72 65 Sao11 Ane 79 59 Senti Crui 75 55 TlhoeVtltey 72 39 Smog The Air Quellty Men~1 Dle1rlct Pfedlcll wnhMlthful llr quellty IOr eeneltM Moole I009Y In 1111 Gen Qebtlej. Pomon., Sen Fernando i nd &1nta C11r1t1 Wllllyt ltld In tM NYerlid• ... ltrftercllno end ...,,_._~ lrHI. with good air quality .... WIMre In the 8cMtl C09ll AM 8'lln. Wl'lef• to cell (1011 frff) for ...... ~lleloo; Or-. . {IOO) 44Wtlt Loe ~llttlH Oov11ty: (IOO)' 1Aa.-40U ................... dl!IO oountteei (IOO) M f -4110 AQMO ....... c..tlrt (IOO) 242--4tN • issue 'l'hoee who count vot.ea on tho fifth floor ot th county Hall of Administration Aay aupervl10re Bruce Nestande, Thomaa RJley and H a rrie tt W ied e r are prepared to vokl to kill further con sld era tlon of ai tes ror a general aviation fie ld. T h e four 1l t e1 und e r consideration lndude the Army For<:eti Reserve Cen ter, a military base In Loe Alamitos: SanUogo Canyon, undevelope d Irvine Company-owned Jana east of Orange: Bell Canyon, a Rancho Miaslon Viejo holding east of San Juan Capistrano. and San Juan Creek. another Rancho Mission Viejo parcel alao east of San Juan. ln a repo rt forwarded to supervisors Wednesday, airport manager Murry Cable said owners of the four sltea are unwilling to y ie ld the m for development of a n airport. Condemnation proceedi~gs have been suggested as a possible way of acquiring one or more of the sites for an airport, but such a move is considered unlike ly be ca u se o f a nti c ipated community opposition. county airport officials say. Whil e sources cl ose to supervisors aay little is Likely to c hange b e t w een n ow and Tuesday, some parties are trying to keep the site selection process moving ahead. The Commun ity Airpo rt Council, according to executive director Joseph Irvine, wants the board to delay a final dec1s1on pe nding a s tate legisl.at~ve hearing o n g e neral av1at1on needs thrgµgh 1995 . The Setect Committee on Aviation , c hair ed by Assemblyw oman Carol Hallett, R-Atascadero. is scheduled to meet in Orange Countv Julv 30 Newport Beach citize ns, service organizations, and boating clubs are bein~ asked to parllcieate In ' C lean Harbor Day ' Saturday from 8 to 11 a .m ., city o fficials announced. Volunteers will comb the Newpor t harbor in s m a ll boata for trash and take it to dropoff points to be dispoeed of by city crews. The shore area also will be cJ .. aned. • The Youth Employment Agency 1n Costa Mesa ts located at 542 W. 19th St .. suite B, not 18th Street. as was mistakenly printed in •Newport Beach resident Ma ureen Smltb. has been elected to a membership in Th e t a Alpha Delta, a professional society fo r female business educators. Membership to the society •The Orange Coast YMCA ts offering a special youth m e mbe rship o ffe r this summer. Potential members buying a membership before June 30 •James P. Sbaban m II of Costa Mesa will receive the $3,500 Thomas and Dorothy Leavey Foundati o n sch o lars hip to major in insurance at the college of his choice, the foundation has announced. • ID Tht' Chamber ot Commerce Marine Divlalon has divided the harbor In to zonea to coordina te the e ffort. For eqample, people living In Balboa should get In touch with th e B a lboa zone co mmander for an assignment. For inform ation on the various zones, call Cynthia Turnbull at the Balboa Bay Club, 645-5000. Wedn<.'Sday's Dally Pilot. Summer hours are Monday through Fnday from 10 a.m . to 3:30 p.m For fu rthe r mfonnauon, call 642-0474. is by invitation and member& are selected on the basis of successful performance in the classroom. Ms. Smith is on the faculty at Saddleback CoJJege and previously taught at Torrence High School. will be pemutted to attend . two sum.mer skill classes at no charge. A youth membership is $30 for a full year. For more mformation. call 642-9990. Shabarum graduated in June from Estancia High School, where he was on the honor roll four years, was a member of the Spanish club, and lettered tn football and tennis. HB city executive makes highest pay Girl Scout leader dead; rites today Huntingto n Beach City Tues d ay's pay hike ma k es A m e mo r I a 1 s e r v i c e i s Council members have raised the Thompson the highest paid chief scheduled this evening for Carol pay of Cit y Administrator city executive along the Orange Thompson, long-time program Charles Thompson from $65,016 Coast. Huntington Beach is the director for the Orange County to $72,924 per year and have largest city with an estimated Girl Scout Council. She died la.st given him a $150 monthly oooulauon of 172.000 Friday at age 61. expense allowance. Ne wport Beach City Manager Robert Wynn is paid $71.750: The service will began a t 5:30 Counting city reimbursement Irvine City Mana~er Willi; to Thompson's retirement fund at the Pacific View Memorial f 7 f h. Woollett J r., $61 ,000: Costa M to the tune o percent o is pay Park, 3500 Pacific Vie w Drive, City Manager Fred Sorsab I. Newport Beach. and the expense allowance, $60.264; Fountain Valley City Thompson's overall pay climbs to Mrs. Thompson of Costa Mesa $79,824 per year. Manager Howard Stephens, $45. 244: Laguna Beach City Manager was involved in Girl Scouting as H e a 1 so re c e 1 v es a Ken Frank, $47,784. a girl. then as a volun teer, and $300-p e r -month automobile later as a professional. She allowance plus h ealth. life, Anahe1m City Manager b ecame a lead e r in the L os dental and long-tenn disability Wilham Talley makes $76,065. Angeles Council in 1955. was insurance. Orange County Administrative neighborhood chairman until Officer Robert Thomas is paid 1 9 6 1 , a n d was cam p i n g $70,881 a year. administrator/assistan t program Planne r 's term Local salaries are substantially director Com 1965 to 1968. higher than some of those earned After moving to O r ange date Corrected in Sacramento. County, she became the Orange Council's director of camping Newport Beach resident Allen Gov. F.dmund G. Brown Jr. is services in 1968, and program &ek's term as a city planning paid $49.100 while members of services director in 1973. commissioner expired June 30, the state Legislature are paid She was also a member of the not June 24 as re ported last $28, l 11. They also collect car Stanford Alumni Association, the Friday in the Daily Pilot. allowan ces a n d p e r diem Associa tio n ·of Gi rl Scout The incorrect expiration date expenses. Executive Staff, the PTA and of Beek's tenn was provided by was a past president o{ lhe the city Planning Departmeot. While increasing Thompson's American Camping Association. The June 24 date. city officials pay package Monday night, the Mrs. Thompson is survived by explained today. marked Beek's Huntington Beach City Council her four chHdren, Jan Sundell, fina l pla nnin g commission members also boosted their own Pam Balys, J ill Florence and meeting but not the end of his monthly e xpense allowances La.nceTho~m~pso!:::'.~n~·~~~~~~--=-term~·~~~~~~~~~~~(ro~m~$-125~t-o_S_2_90_.~~~~~ Time that travels ltght. From Seiko. the Ideal gift for every traveler . Travel alarm clock with accurate quartz movement folds Into a sllm, wallet·slud case . Flve·mlnute snooze feature. Choice of beige, black, brown. or burgundy case. SS9.50 . SLAVICK·s ,_ .-..na.. 1111 WJwr-c tlw htJt swrp_nws &qt"' ~'-~'r.'l:i:.ae~= I S EIKO . I p ' Ale N Orange OoHt DAILY PILOTfThured1y, July 8, 1082 • Social legislation calls for restraint On Monday, the Newport Beach City Council ls scht.>duled to program a n ew law governing video games into the municipal code books. The proposed ordinan<.·c. which already has passed its first reading. would prohibit. -The installation of video games within JOO feet of a residence. -The 1nstallallon of video games in a b11siness establishment within one-half-mile of a school. -Anyone 18 or younger from being at a place during school hours which has two or mor e video games unless accompanied by a parent or guardian. -Two or more video games in any business establishment without the presence of supervisory personnel. -Two or more video games in any business establishment without a use permit. Further. th e re is no grandfather clause. m eaning that establishments that already have two or more video games will have a year to secure a city permit to continue operating the games. The new law was drafted partly because city officials feel the need to exercise some control over this form of e ntertainment. In addition, some parent groups in the city are pushing it because they apparently view the gamtJs as a bad influence on childnm. It's understandable: thut lche city would want• to exercise some control and keep the city from becoming one big video game arcade. However, the council shou ld be cautious about a ttempting to Jeg1slate social mores. ls it really the city's job to regulate wtio plays video games and when? If the kiddies are skipping school to play Pac Man, that would seem a job ,ror thf' truant o ff icer. And . i'f soml' children are spendint;:. as has been claimed, upwards of $20 per day to test their eye-hand coordination against Space Invaders, that would seem a matter for parents to police. The City Council should avoid going overboard in blaming the evils of the world on video games. The current exercise reminds us of the municipal effort several years ago to rid Newport Beat.•h of beer bars by outlawing pool tables, at the time a popular entertainment and a source of income for such establishments. Trouble right here in River City. as it were. As things turned out, simple economics pretty much took care or what was deemed al the.> time as an overabundance of beer bars Perhaps there ts a lesson there Summer celebrations Art festivals and a t.'Ounty fair are as synon y mous with thE' Orange Coast as sunshine, July and crowded beaches. Laguna Beach, as it has for years, offers three art festivals beginning Saturday -th e Festival of Arts and Pageant of the Masters. the Sawdust Festival and Art-A-Fair -all running through Aug. 29. The Orange County Fair kic ks oCC tomorrow and runs through July 18 at the Costa Mesa fairgrounds. It's a golden anniversary for Laguna's Festival of Arts. which began in 1932 when artists staged an outdoor exhibit to attract tourist dollars. This year there will be 160 exhibitors on the grounds adjoining Irvine Bowl. In the Pageant of the Masters. presented nightly at the Bowl, two casts of volunteers numbering 250 create living reproductions of art masterpieces As u sual, the Pageant was sold o ut before open ing night, but returned tickets often are available at the box office on the afternoon o f a performance. The City of Laguna Beach last year received $254,000 from Pageant tick et sales, another $110,000 was budget ed for scholarships and $25.000 for Laguna cultural groups. Also on tap all summer in Laguna are the Sawdust Festival. with 200 arts and crafts exhibitors and Art-A-Fair with 135. The Sawdust is a quarter mile up Laguna Canyon Road from the Festival of Arts grounds and Art-A-Fair is at Laguna Canyon Road and Canyon Acres Drive. The Orange County Fair broke records last year. attracting 368,903 people and grossing more than $ l.5 miJlion. Art and photography are major exhibits this year. along with the usual animals a nd domestic crafts plus a long list of headline entertainers -and, of course, the carnival. Fair hours are 10 a.m. to midnight Fridays. Saturdays a nd Sundays. and noon to midnight Monday through Thursday. The thousands o f v1s1 tors attracted by all this activity may add to the traffic jam but at least coastal restdC'nts can't complain there's nothing to do this summer. Discussion sIDooths way Last week looked Ii ke a replay of the troubled history which touched off a 1978 initiative that temporarily s topped the development of more than 650 homes and apartments n ear South Coast Plaza. Dave Leighton. president of the North Costa M esa Homeowners Association that backed t he in itiat ive, said he's upset over Arnel Development Company's failure to meet with homeowners before submitting new plans. It seems that company ofCic1als did not meet with homeowners before submitting new plans to City Hall June 1.8, calling £or up to 210 condominiums on seven acres and another 43 acres of commercial development. Leighton was miffed because lt was his understanding from a m eet in g between hom eowners, city officials and the developer last • February that the plans would be discussed. A representative from Amel said that officials intend to meet with homeowners in more three- way meetings, such as the one in February. We hope that happens. Although there was little agreement during the four years of legal wrangling over the property near Bear Street and the San Diego Freeway. near l y everyone concerned believes that one of the bask problems was a Lack of commumcation. A lthough the plans won't come before the city Planning Commission u n til Oct. 11 , we believe that the new proposals could have ~n given a more baJanced start. Four years of disagreements do not fade from memory easily. It would be in everyone'.s best interest now to openly di!CUSS the project so that past mistakes and misunderstandings can be avoided. Opinions expressed In the space above are those of the Dally Pilot. Otner views ex· S)ressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader c::ommt nt I• lnvlt· ed. Address The Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mua, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·4321 . ORANGE COAST llilJPilat ThOftUll p . Haley Put>lfwr T....,... A. ,,...,,.. ... , Id I tor larWa KretMc" ldUorl•I Ptte l dltor ' ~~ -f ------'i ~ ')Wf£UAS (:iJ CH WITH WMAWIER YOO'~~ -l'U. JOST STAND~~~ GUARD US AGAINST 1Mf ~~~" RUSSl~ ... SMWtNt:,S1RtS' ... CUNNI~ (aN.\1£$ ... I Haig fate ·sealed months ago WASHINGTON -A quick end to Alexander Haig's tenure as secretary of st.ale was signaled no late r than mid- April in confidential advice to Capitol Hill from national security aide William P. Clark. A conservative Republican leader had complained to Clark that Haig was becoming intolerable on East-Wes t questions. The responsP from Clark. totally unexpected by the complaining conservative, was to this effect: Don't 1 worry about Al, he'll be gone m two months. CLARK DID NOT quite meet I.hat deadline. But his forecast was made well in advance of the issues that finally made Haig Reagan's first Cabinet dropout. Haig fell less because of internal disagreements on issues than as a result of his style -specifically his determination to be Reagan's "vicar" of foreign policy. That Haig Wou ld not be around for the rest of the year was clear to the Reagan mner circle in early June when the president would not permit Jeane Kirkpatrick to resign as U.N. ambassador as suggested by Haig. The proximate c·ause of Haig's demise was Reagan's move for suffer sanctions against the Soviet Union on the Siberian natural gas pipeline question m the secretary of state's absence and against his wishes. But his fate was sealed, ironically, at the beginning of the year when Haig's enemy, Richard V Allen, was forced out of the national security slot at the White House and replaced by Haig's friend. Judge Clark. That was thought to be a coup for Haig, cementing his vkarship. But Clark was Ronald Reagan's chief of staff 16 years before he was Al Ha1g's deputy secrewry of state. lnsiders who knew Clark's character predicted that once m the White House. he would not tolerate Haig's insistence on overriding everybody -including the president hunself -on policy questions Ha1g's central role in the Anglo- Argentme FaJklands crisis might have saved him for a few weeks. But his celebrated telephone blowup over Argentina with Kirkpatrick ended the stay of execution. At Haig's suggestion, she submitted her resignation to Reagan. The president refused it. a step interpreted inside the White House to mean Haig was gone. The Haig-Clark friction grew more open during Reagan's European tour, leading to the president's June 18 stand in Was hington against the Yamal pipeline during a meeting not attended by Haig. The secretary was outraged that a step so antagonistic to NATO alJiance partners should be taken in the wake of Reagan's trap during which there was no hmt of tightening the screws. Charactenstically, State Department bureaucrats pr ivately reacted to the president's decision by pledging that the sanctions ulumately wou.ld be watered down below I.he point of recogrution That attitude was what Clark was talking about when he predicted to the congressional Republican leader that Haig would fall It happened last week when Haig pressed his unhappiness over what Reagan had done. AT THE END, Haig was alone. Wlute House t·h11d of s taff J ames Baker considered him a disruptive force Crom the first day or the administration. S('<.'rNary of [)(!fense Caspar Weinberger had t.'lashed with him on almost everything Evc>n easy-going Vice President Gt'Orge Bush went semi-public this month m t•omplaming about Haig's pro-lsral•I ult "Good riddance," said one senior pr~1denual aide m reaction to Haig's d('parturc, typifying the holiday mood al the· White House. Secretary-dc•s1gnatc George Shultz will satisfy all of Ha1g's internal enemies who wanted no v1carates i n Foggy Bottom. But he is not all that reassuring to Ha1g's anti-communist critics inside and outside the administration. Back in 1980 trans1t1on days, these anl1-dctenttsts had come down hard against Shultz and in favor of Haig for secretary of state Thc:y have grown so disenchanted by Haig deferring to Europe and the· State Department bureaucracy that many consider any change wek'Omc rclll'f Yet. they still harbor reservations about Shultz as a cold warrior Whatev(•r his true mclinauons, Shultz -based on his Nixon-Ford Cabinet record t·an be-expected to fight hlB batlles quietly on the inside and ultimately defer to the president's Judgment. lf foreign policy remains Europeanist and dctentist. 1t will be Ronald Reagan's responsibility and not that of a vicar down the street. And that is dearly what Judge Clark has had in mind for some Lime• Wat er will he the key to our future To the Editor: Proposition 9, the "water proposition," was defeated a few weeks ago. Somehow 1 have a feeling that some day not too far in the future Southern California is going to need that water. Soon. the Colorado source will be cut off. F.ach day as we go back and forth to TLC for lunch we see at least two MAILBOX cement trucks, maybe four or more. They are on their way to build large office buildings or new homes. The offices will be literally loaded with washrooms and "johns" which will consume vast amounts of liquid. The homes wilJ in many cases be the "two bathroom" variety with showers, and families having the ''two shower a day" lifestyle. The homes will also have automatic washer-driers which consume fixed amounts of water each time they are turned on. The kitchens will have automatic dishwashers. Every one of those cement trucks is bad news! The Daily Pilot car ries a weekly supplement on "real estate" which includes hundreds of ads for homes and other real estate. Dozens of bright-eyed e~er salespeople are making their living by aelling the properties. BUT FOR the miracle of irrigation Southern California would look Uke the country between Barstow and Las Vegas. The state ii on a crash coune with diauter and there are bullt-ln driving agencies (the developers and rea1 estate agents) propelling ua toward the day of reckoning. Who la dolni anything about all thtl? California la an exciting place \0 Uve! What wltb H rthquakea, mud alldes, bruahfirea, Cluh floods, OPECinductd pa ~ and lmpendinc rnmvo dnJUChia there'• ~ a dUU momet'lt lt11 aJmos\ u.nbellwablet ln \ht lMt analylll, the en.UN tutu.re of the .,... dependl prtmart1y on how we handle &he w1wr ~· GIN& Pl:AJ\80N Free on the Fourth To the ldil«: It'• 10 ~on the J'our1h of July tn Newpon • TM moon It MJ Md ., 11 ev.rr avallebl• parklna •'8" on 11.lboa llland. I oen'\ blUew lhe Wand h-.., "6M under Ute..,., The night air is perfect; one could not ask for more and in places it is fiUed with the fragrance of night blooming jasmine -or so it seemed. I took the Cerry across the bay and walked out on the pier and watched the ocean below and the fireworks that shot up into the sky from I.he beach below mto the beautiful moonlit water. Fire nngs tined the beach and the flames danced about in the darkn~ below where I stood again.st the railing. Crowds gathered round happily enjoyed one another and the night. THERE WERE hundreds of people milling about on ·the pier and on the sidewalk. The sound of music came from a little cafe where young couples as well as singles waited to get in or come out. or just ,Jtand around listening to the jau. inside. AB I stood leaning against the railing on the pier after walking the length and noting some changes 900n to be made at the end where bait is sold, I looked at the faces of those who passed my way. They were smHin g faces, laughing faces, relaxed faces, loving faces, happy faces. There were oohs and ahs from many as they watched t he colors from the fireworks splitting up in the sky. There were no thoughts of fights or riots or hat.red or greed. It was only freedom I saw ln their faces, and peace, and it was difficult to think there could be any 1uffering or any other way of • life. I walked alone but 1 counted my bletainp and w1ahed that all the world could ah.are this wonderful feeling of freedom a n d Inde pendence on the Fourth of July in N~pol't Beach. L.DONOVAN Children suffer most To the F.dJtor: Tbe new outbreak of violence ln Leb1non h H ~lalmed the llvH of thouNnda of vlct lma whll• leavln1 cou.n\.lem more home-. wllhout acom • • Llflffl trom t'fQdn1 Ort llldcomt. The rlghl to conden11 fftltr• lo Id ,_, or tlll"llnall hNf 11 l"fffrwd. t.ftf'fl Of JOO ~· or w11 _,, bf ftvn ,,.,~ AU 1'11n• """' tfttfudf 8'pol11rt ..C ~ odd"" ,,_., MIMI IMI bf MIMNwW °" ,,, qllf'lf ,, IU/llC'lfJlf FHIOlt ,, oppo,,,u P~ttfl ..-U...., fw pitbHMtd. t.lflnl !Mf N ,,,,,.,,.,., to '4! '* NtrM aM ,.,_.. 1111mbfr ot IM C"Ottfrlktor ,,..,,. (Iii """' for t'Wfrflk'ffltoft IM'Jlll•HI to even the m05t basic necessities of life. The lnternational Red Cross estimates that over 300.000 are homeless; others put the figure closer to one half million. ln the rural areas, whole communities have fled. many of them huddling on open beaches. scavengrng for food and water. Beirut itself ts engulfed in fear, death and destrucuon. And, as always, 1t 1s the children who are the most vulnerable. Moving from place to place look.mg for what might temporanJy be safe shelter, sleeping on open staircases or in empty fields - lacking food, clean water or a change of clothes. the toll of young lives continues to mount SAVE TH E CHILDREN, the international child assistance agency that has been working in Lebanon for over 25 years, is providing emergency services for Lhese children and their families through their established health centers. A team of 45 trained professionals ls working around the clock to alleviate the s uffering. Volunteers have been mobilized to assist the displaced by locating temporar y shelte r and distributing medical supplies. clothing and blankets. ln order to assist those st.ruggµng for survival. Save the Children is issuing an urgent appeal for funds. As a membet of the organization's 50th Anniveraary Committee. l strongly urge you to cake this opportunity to extend a help(ng hand to the 1u ffer ing childre n of Lebanon In their t.lme of crilla. Arty oont.ributfon, no matt.er how lmall, can make a difference. Pleue mall your check today to Save th e Children, Lebanon Emergency Appeal. Df!pt. P, Westport, Connecticut 06880. REV. TKIDOORE HESBURGH C.S.C., President. Unlvtrlily of Notn·Dame Orange oout DAILY PILOTIThurlday, JUty 8, 1882 N DoW Jones Final CLOllNQ eoe.• UP 5.32 Newport drug given award The 1982 "Prix le Galien" has been awarded to the drug laoprinosine, a compound that helps the body's lmmune system combat viral diseases and cancer. The award was presented to Laboratoires Delalande. a licensee of Newport Pharmaceuticals International Inc. of Newport Beach. Newport developed and produces the drug for the world market. Granted by a jury of French university physicians and pharmacists, the award cites lsoprinosine as medicine that appears to be, particularly in tenns of clinical benefit, the therapeutic innovation of the year. It is registered for use in 55 countries but not in the United States. MSI Data earnings lower? MSI Data Corp. of Costa Mesa said today it expects earnings for the qua rter ended June 26 to be lower. The results, the company said, w1U be affected by two factors: lower than anticipated internattonal sales due to the strong U.S . dollar and production st.art-up delays on a portable field service data e ntry terminal. The unaudited results IP"e to be released July 20. Last year, MSI reported first-quarter earnings of $1 ,229,000, or 50 cents per share. • I I j 1 . I I J .t :l' Golden West, TWA offer fare • Golden West Airlines of Newport Beach and TWA have combined on a "Jet Plus" add-on fare. Passengers flying between Los Angeles and TWA points in the country can fly from John Wayne Airport to Los Angeles Inte rnational Airportfor $3. and to San Diego and Ontario for $6. Bank gets train project SAN DIEX}() (AP) -The First Boston Corp., a New York-based investment bank, has been retained as the financial adviser for planners of a proposed high-speed bullet train between Los Angeles and San Diego. . . Officials of American High Speed Rail Corp. said Wednesday the signing of First Boston represents a significant step in getting the $2 billion. 129-mile elevated-rail project off the ground by late this year. The project, with a spur line from downtown Los Angeles to Los Angeles Interna tional Airport, is expected to be completed m five years. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT U~wAvtJllK 91l~11t ,.,._,no 1111 ~ tN How Yon S.ock En~ "oc:ll.s -... ,...._. tMt ,..,,. 900'9 "'° ..... ,,_. --, .. ,,_, -Oft r:;c~~ ,...,..,._ o4 ,,...,,... NO -wr1tlos 1.-..slftt llel-U ere IMI-'*"· -.,., _<...._ <"°"9H ....... dlll......ce i.-IM prevtous <IMl"O Pf'k• -_.,., i~m. P<lce. , _.,. l..ut Cho Pc1 t CmAU. 9 '"' • '-Up IO.O 2 Col""""'"° tt'4 • I Up 'I l ........ 8 JV. • \lo Up I J ' Win-El n IS + '"" Up I I S ASA •11> + 1 UP 1 S • H-'ko 11 ... • ,... Up 6.• 1 ~Gt lFd J~ • V. Up •·• I N9'1P l.7<1p! tJ + -¥o Up •.7 t Armeda Co Ill> + "' UP •.J 10 Cont'-pl IV> • II'> Up •.> 11 F-..0-Inc 17 + 1 Up •> tJ v.-Co "'° • 1'!t Up •.> 1J w .... Unit •II> + V. Up ),, U II-Ind 7 • ... Up ) 7 IS AalW Incl •v. + II'> Up U .. lntMultlfd U._ + '"' Up U 17 Tull Incl , ... • .... Up S • 11 ~ a n111 + 1Yt Up S.J 1' Chrttlel' wt 2'-• ,_. Up s.o rl ::~at_OP' i"' : ~ ~: ::; 22 ~ (p f l V. + ~ UP 4.3 2' Ftl ,..,.,.. 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Cleli.-OCI Tltl S6 t39' Mot• w• QlmPOSlf• lb ~ 76-77 conla a pound N Y M«cwy 1370 00 I* ltatll ,._llftwR S2M 00 t•O)' 01 • N Y SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS •1 Tllo AOMC'letod PIMe Selec:IOCI world gold PtlCel lodty SA~:Ondon: morning lt11ng $310 H , 11p sel;5ndon: •llernoon ll•1ng. 1313 50. up Pllflo: •fle<noon 0•1ng, $307 77, up '3. 1t Fl'Oftk""11 $312 28, vp S3 53 Zllric:ll: Leta Ila Ing· a313 Ml, up $$ 75 b1c1 $314 00 ut<Od. H•ndr I H.,m•n: 1only d•lly quole) $313 50, up &e 75 U '7'f°*** (Giiiy oaity quote) S313 50, UC> I~ (only d•Hy <IUO••f ra1>ric.tec1 1329 ••• UC> $7 09 .. ;! ,v i ,., ·~ ct ., 0 1b n "' i: ·~ Y.1 { I )/'. A ti ,') ·2 •Jl.