HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-13 - Orange Coast Pilot-I Yim mtm llllY Naill I l I l c, I ) I\ Y 1 l JI °' 1 I 1 111 . ( ) I I I\ "~ ( 'I ' I l I '~J ' ( I I\ I 11 ( 11 ~ NI (\ • '') ( • N I ') Miracle tot: 'God gave her back' MET AIRIE, La. (AP) -The "mirac le baby" who gave rescu ers something to cheer about when she was pulled from the wreckage after a letllner slammed into her !amUy a home la doing "juat fine," and appeared at a newa confere nce wtth a teddy bear to prove lt. The tiny aurviyor la atlll providing inaplratlo n -to relatives grieving the loss of her mother and sist.er ln last week's crash . "It's got to be a miracle," said • Gabriel Trahan, grandfather of 16-month-old Melissa Trahan. "We thou~t she waa dead but God !i8.: r back to ua." Me , blonde with hazel eyes who~ about 31 inches tall, met ... port.era ¥ondar night with both seta o her grandparents. her ~tor, and her family's pastor at East Jeffert0n General Hospital, where ah e la recovering from i njuries including second-degree bums on both feet. Melissa's mother. Melanie, and Israel issues • strong warning to Palestirl ialls BEIRUT, Le banon (AP) - Israel moved more troops and armor to the edges of west Beirut today and warned "We have the tools and the means" to remove Palestinian guerrillas fro m Beirut. The signs of Israeli impatience accompanied indications that the negotiations to end the Beirut siege peacefully are making little progress because n o Arab country wants to take the Pale sti n e Liberation Organization's estimated 8,000 guerrillas. In Israel, Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, in a speech to air foree offken Monday night, said, "time is running out" for a diplomatic solution. White House nixes O'Neill ad gripe WASHINGTON (AP) -The White Howe bu brwhed aide a demand from Houae Speaker 'Thomas P. O'Neill to seek the withdrawal of a GOP television commercial saying President Reagan "kept his promise" on this year's Social Security increase. "The president knows the ad is not true," O'Neill, D-Mass., said Monday in a statement he read to reporters as Congress returned from a one-week recess. "We have the tools and the means to ensur e that our unequivocal demand -that the terroris ts leave Beirut -be fulfilled, if it is again proved that the path of negotiations has reached a dead end," Sharon said. Israeli sources said the government of Prime Mini.st.er Menachem Begin was becoming convinced that the PLO was stalling, "constantly throwing in new factors in the hope that time is working in their favor." Lebanese military sources, who requested anonymity in keepi ng with government r e gula tions, said the Israeli command regrouped forces around Beirut to abeor'b two new armored brigades and u,ht.en the noo.e on the PL.O's welt Beirut 11rclnCbold. waell military •J>l>keaman Paul Ke dar, however, told report.wt in east Bei(ut hrael WM not bu.ildi.ng ita fOCCM. I "We are always an arrny on the move,'' Kedar saidJ Correspondents saw Israeli tank• and armored personnel carriera moving to positions on Beirut's southern and eastern outakirts today, after a sixth c:eue-fire was arranged by U.S. special envoy Philip C. Habib on Sunday night. The ~ halted the heaviest lsraeli-Pl..O artillery duels since the early, days of the (Sff ISRAELI, Page At) 4-year-old slater Brldaet died Friday when a Laa Vegaa-bound Pan Arn 727 jetliner alammed into the family's home and a doz.en others in Kenner, killing all 145 aboard the plane. Six others on the ground alto were killed. MeU..., who waa 4wakened to meet the press, carried a teddy bear with the inacrfption "God Loves You" on its tiny T-shirt. She fidgeted wtth a shiny coin and grasped at reporter 's microphones. 0.-, ..... ~.., CMftee ..,, BOOTH SITTING -Sue Geer wears papie r mache mas k while w atching over Laguna Beach Sawdust Festival booth opera ted by Bechtol/Keller. Her ma ternel ,randmoth•r, 'Gerry Smith, aa1 MeU.. WU "fine, juat fine. We are all l°'J\I to make it because of her." In eddiUon to the foot buml. MeU.. aultered mfnor bruleee and abraaloM, apparently when at)e fell from her bed and wu trapped for two hours beneath a rnatt.1"81 and a carpet in the ruins of her home. She had been the first survivor found by reacue work.era aft.er Friday's craah. They broke into • • chter1 end applause at tbe dJleovery. "Sh•'• doing fine. She's a apunky little gtrl who'• bffn hM11nC well," M1d her physician, Dr. Gut Colon, a plaatic surgeon and burn apeclallat. ''She'll need outpatient care and dreesing for hel' burns." Melina's onl y apparent di8coinfort la "she doesn't like it when we change her dressings," Colon said. Limit placed on Newport's video games By JODI CADENHEAD Of"'IMD.-, ..... 1 .... Newport Beach youngsters can forget about popping quarters into their favorite vi~eo games before 3 p.m. or aft.er 10 p.m .. following tentatlve approval Monday of tough new guidelines regulating the compute rize d machines. Led by parents and educators worried about the time and money youngsters are spending on the popu lar pastime , the Newport Beach City Council adopted a atrlng,nt ordinance aimed at curbing their uae during school houn. John Cox Jr. waa the only councilman to o ppose the ordinance \hat cornea before the council for final approval July 26, and requires: -All buaineaaea o b tain pe r miu for video machine• 1 within three montha. -No video machines be allowed within 1,500 feet of a acbool or 100 feet of a telidence. -People under 18 shall not operate a game before 3 p.m. or after 10 p.m. Monday through Friday unless accompanied by an adult. School holidays are exempt. -Games be supervised by an adult and that parking be provided. A representative fr o m Newport Elementa ry School asked that the games not be allowed within a one-half to one mile radius of schools. Councilman Philip Maurer said that he's seen reports of crime "increasing dramatically" In cities as a result of a wave of video jlames. "When children can't get the money to play the game they want, they get it somewhere," said Maurer. Buall'ftetl owners with video pmee can expect to pay $580 for a u.ae permit applicalion and another $65 permit fee per machine. Trash pickup due despite strike didn't like it." MIRACLE -Melissa Trahan. 16 months, claps her hands at a news conference in Metairie, La. Melissa survived when a Pan Am jet crashed into her home . Banning • issue goes to voters Threatened with a referendum, the Newport Beach C ity Council will put the beleague r e d $124 m illion Banning Ranch project on the November ballot. Council m embers Paul Hummel and Don StraWIB cast the only no votes on what will become the first r eferendum- forced e lection in the city's 75-year history. "I'm not opposed to people voting," said Strauss. "But I believe it's not a good plan. I think w e'd be be tter off by repealing it." Shultz favors strong Arab ties Residents of Huntington Beach a nd Fountain Valfey w e r e advised today to put their trash out for pickup at regular times despite a strike at Rainbow Disposal Inc. Abbut 45 drivers and workers for the Huntington Beach company went on strike Monday over a holiday pay dispute. Huntington Beach police were called to the Rainbow Plant at 17121 Nichols St., Monday as a precautionary measure but no violence was reported. A police spokesman said the dispute developed because the workers reportedly did not get overtime pay for the Fourth of July. A motio n to repeal the council's approval in March to build 379 homes and 300,000 squ are feet o f o ffice a nd industrial development in West Newport Beach failed, wit h Hummel and Strauss voting yes. M o nday's dec is ion was a victory for the West Newport Legislative Alliance, a group of h omeowne rs o pposed to the project, who had led the successful referendum drive following the council's approval. Secre tary of state candidate to quit Bech tel position Trash piled up in eome .ections of southeastern Huntineton B e-ach . ·No pic kups were scheduled in Fountain Valley Monday. WASHINGTON (AP) - George P . Shultz told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee today that if confirmed as secretary of state he will seek stronger ties with Arab states but maintain the U.S . commitment to the security of Israel. Shultz said he will sever connections with the Bechtel Group Inc ., a world wi d e engineering firm with large Arab contracts. H is presiden cy of Becht.el has prompted quest.ions from some senators as to whether he would be impartial In the Middle Eaat. In an opening statement at a hearing on his nomination to succeed Alexander M. Haig Jr., who r esigned June 25 over unexplained policy differences with in the R ea gan WORLD administration, S hultz also pledged to work w ith Is rael toward a omprehensive Middle East peace. He said representatives of the Palestinian people should be involved in the negotiations. Before he d iscussed foreign policy issues at the hearing, Shultz, who was treasury secretary and secretary of labor ln the Nixon administration, tolc:l the committee: "During the last few days, a number of senators have asked me to address myself to the quest.ion of my relationship to Bech tel s h o uld I become secretary of state. To qioae questions, I see only one poeslble answer: None." Shultz said he had alre ady submitted his resignation, Vatican enlists aid VATICAN CITY (AP) -The Holy See l\AfDed three outside financial expert.I today to examine the Vatican bank's deallnp with the Banco Ambradano, the Milan bank at the center of a major flnandal ICandal. Actor K enneth More dies LONDON (AP) -British actor Kenneth More, 67, the cool, han dtome 1tar of many war and adventure filml and televllion'1 .. Fonyte Sap," died Mond ay n l1ht at hit London hon;ae, hi• aaent announced today. A b•1bll cud buff tum1 h1I hobb~ Into a '""'"-inc.a. ..... ,. ... • ' I effective when he is confirmed, as president of Bechtel and an · officer of some of its subsidiaries. He is also selling his Becht.el stock and said h e would disqualify himself from a ny decision affecting the worldwide engineering finn. "I feel privileged to have played a part in Bechte l's activities," he told the committee. Turnina to the tunnoil touched off by the Israeli invasion of Lebanon, Shultz said the crisis in Lebanon "makes painfully and totally clear a central reality of the Middle East: the legit.i.mat.e needs a nd p roble ms or the Palestinian people mus t be add ressed and r esolved - urgently a nd i n a l l t h eir dimensions. NATION Rainbow Vi.oe President Stan Tkac:zyk said strikers are being replaced an4 that trash collect.ion trucks operated Mo nday afternoon and today. "We're asking residents to put out their trash at the a:heduled times and to be patient. Their traan will be picked up," he said. Tkaczyk said the walkout was a wildcat strike that didn't have the support of Teamsten Local 396 of Loa Angeles, the union that represents the s trikin g workers. He sald the contro versy focused on holiday pay. He said the company followed provisions of the contract "and the workers Deer hunt halt nixed THE EVERGLADES, Fla. (AP) -A judge refused today to block the state'• controvenlal weekend hunt to thin out an overcrowded population of deer in the flooded Florida Everglades. Clothes make the woman Clothing manufacturers ba.rkened to the c:ry of female executives for quality clothlna to wear to work. Page A~. COUNTY ' Man killed at funeral BLAIRSVILLE, Ga. (AP) - The preacher had just told mourners at a country cemetery, "We never know who is going next," when a bolt of lightning killed the grandson of the woman he had buried, witnes9eS say. Services for 91-year-old Liz.a Poteete of Alpharetta had just been concluded when the lightning hit like "a ball of fire out of the sky,'' the Rev. Ray Hewett said Monday. The lightning bolt Sunday killed DOnald Metcalf, 27. INDEX The grou p , clai m i ng t o represent 9,000 residents, was unsuccessful in Its attempt, however, to convince the council to adopt the exact ballot wording they wanted. Vo te r s w i ll be ask ed t o "repeal" the already approved Banning pro ject, rather than "adopt" the development. The plan which called for homes, offices a nd industrial development on 75 of the 500 acres west of Superior Avenue has faced an uphill battle. Delayed by a council vote six times , the project fina lly approved last Mareh left both the referendum leaders and the developer unhappy. At Your Service A4 Ann Landen B2 J!'zrna Dombeck B2 Movies A8 eum-94-5 Mutual Funds B4 Callfomia A!> National N9W1 A3 Cavabdt B2 Public Notkiea C4-5 a-ttied C5 Sports Cl-3 C4rnk» B3 Dr.Stelncroh.n 82 Q<aword B3 SUiek Marketa ~ Dletb 'Nodaea C4 Tet.YWon Be ldltioNl M 'Iileatera A8 SnW\Unment A8 W•ther A2 Hor •• 82 World News A3 IAMll ...._ A8 ~;P(>RTS Or•no• CoHt OAIL.Y PILOT/Tu11d1y, J\,lly 13, 188:. I I I 4 :1~:.=~===-~~!!~~~!!l!!!!l!!~~~..:.:~...:..:~~!!!l!~!!!::!!~!I! 0 : GOING HOME -A British marine. wounded I in the fighting for the Falkland Islands, waves l as he disembarks aboard a stretcher from the ., ... .,,..... British hospital ship Hydra in Montevideo, Uruguay. He was one of 56 British soldiers transferred to shore to be flown home. :------------------------------------------------------------------------~ !Road signs mark w orkers'' deaths I I 0 • ~. range U>unty motorists soon jmay begin noticing freeway-side !markers that remind them of (sQmething other than going 55 miles per hour. The orange signs will show a single white hard hat with the \~rds "In Memoriam" printed on the top. Caltrans Director Adriana Gianturco saJd in Orange County Monday the signs will mark the areas where on-duty highway mamtenance workers have be<.>n killed by errant drivers. In Orange County, a marker h:is been placed along Laguna Canyon Road where one worker Britain vows t'o free POWs · LONDON (AP) -Britain says il will repatriate the remaining ~93 Argentine prisoners who surrendered an the J."lalkland Islands because their country has promised that "active hostilities" in the South Atlantic are over. , ·A Foreign Office spokesman said Monday that messages sent Q~ Argentine authorities to London Vta the Swiss Embassy In Bl.ienos Aires conceded that a "de facto cessation of hostilities" e_?'isted following the 74-day F:flkJands conflict that ended in B(i_tish victory June 14. 1But ~he spokesman said despite ttW message, Britain's air-sea bleckade of the Falk.lands and Argentine coast plus it.s economic sarctions against Arge ntina w~uld remain in force "whiJe fu~ther consideration as given to the issue." was killed in May 1980 and another is going up on Interstate 5 where two workers were )illed on Oct. 2, 1979. Ms. Gianturco, who made similar appearances throughout Southern California Monday, told reporters in Santa Ana that a month-long "Maintenance Safety Public Awareness Campaign" was being launched to draw attention to the hazards faced by highway workers. The campaign will feature radio and television advertising segments and capitalize on the slogan. "Give 'em a brake." Caltrans officials said Monday that 18 workers have been killed by motorists who claimed they dad not see the maintenance crews. In other instances. the drivers were intoxicated on drugs or alcohol, they said. Nine of those deaths occurred in South ern California. three in Orange County. "Hundr eds of ot h e r maintenance workers have been injured or had close calls due to careless or inattentive drivers," Ms. Gianturco said. The Caltrans director said the new highway signs would ''oommemorate the sacrifice some of our employees have made in the line of duty, and to raise public consciousness about the dangers they face daiJy in the course of their work." Caltrans employs 5,000 workers to maintain the state's 16.000 miles o f freeways, expressways, highways. bridges and interchanges. Man jailed after gunplay in Huntington A Huntington Beach resident is in Orange County Jail today after he allegedly fired a pistol across the hood of a car in Irvine. John Steve Coe. 45, was charged with assault with a deadly weapon, said Irvine Police Sgt. Richard Bowman. The sergea nt said Coe apparently took exception to comments about his driving made by occupants of another car. sb he fired a 45-caltber pistol across the car 's hood, then left the scene. The incident oc.'Curred about 4:30 p .m . Monday at Culver Drive and Irvine Center Drive. Coe was arrested later at his home. Occup:ants of the car which Coe re portedly shot at were identified as Rob Smith of Laguna Niguel and Scott Rogers o f Irvine Neither man was anJured an the shooting, Bowman said. Cease-fire urged UNITED NATIONS (AP) Tho Security Counci l has unanimously adopted a resolullon calling for a cease-fire in the Iran-Iraq war, withdrawaJ of forces to internationally recognized boundaries and U.N. observers to confirm both the cease-fire and withdrawal. After the 15-0 Monday vote by a show of hands, however, British Ambassador Hamilton Whyte expressed some doubt of the resolution's effectiveness. Sunimer treat {;o astal ~lghl •nd motnoog low CIOOOI o ttie.....,lae aunny alternoona Coutel high 70. Inland 80 Coasllll low S7. lnl•nd 63 Water 68. ~sewn.re. llgl'lt vatlable winds e t touthweSI to -t 10 to t3 k • afternoon and evening hour• One 10 3 -foot ~"-tetly P1811 L-douOI only partial elternoon Ing. a1n and occ a 11on e l th noerstorms wire scattered the Allentoc and Gutt coasts M oay. and lrom west-central T as &QOSS Oklahome and onlo s theast K1nsa1 &111 •Ito lell lrom notthwnt w sconsln across aouttleast M nesota and eattern Iowa and In weat-oentral illlnola Furlher w s t. there was r ain from s 111we1t1rn Mon1ena onto n 1h-centrel ldllhO S~oes -• m Slly sunny e1141wnere amperatures arouno the na Ion al 3 p m EDT ringed from 561 degrees et Saull S1e Maroa M•tll. to 107 •t Needles, Call! ~r Tueaday. 1c111er110 th nderstorma were lorecaSI Ir the C•rollnes acr<>N Flor•de *-tJong the H .Sta,.,.. Gull Cont oy lklet W9f8 forecast •or the W 1hing1on coll, wilt> tunny lk'lll lor Ille r•I ol lhe natlOfl 'l11gh1 were eapected to De mallly in the llOI to near 90. IOWllll 90• tJong Ille Gutt Coeat and owr tOQ In Ille del«1 SoulhweSI California TM Ne1lonel W•ther ~ predict• enotller hot dey w~ unctet hazy~ onoe morning Cloud• *-lllOng the coelt. Sunllllne, 1111 .. N wlndl 1nd ,,., ...... thermel ln-.lc>N .. h«Wcl the return of amog MlllOfl, l>Ut the South COM! "" Ouellty M1111g9111ent Olttrlet not" 11'• ,,,., lhll'I ...... "* ~· Spo«Ml'l\ll'I Jeff lciMl*t! Mid 1n unutu•llY cloudy May end June IMlfll fWtr pOIMeCI claye I hle yeer 1111n mo•I. 11noe p1101ocllcmlc11 1mo9 cloe1n't lor.n wllflout 111n11\ln•. Tiit AOMO llM .-orclM II .... M == :r.. '«.~·-= =".:= = :.... tNt ~ ............... • ""=::~·-""..:::..·::: ~:;;:,.:o.:"tT. ~:"t .. li.111:::=: t:>elween 95 and t05 on 1he northern da«t and from t05 10 115 In the low~. Boettll"I from Point C<>nception 10 the Mextcen bofde< can e.xpecl hght, vatlable wind• during night end morning houre. becoming -t·IOllU-1 at 10 to 19 knots wedneaday al'lemoon Wfth • 1- to 3-foo1 1outhwe1terly swell. Wlndt COUid rncn 2IJ 1tnot1 with 3-to 5-loot -ferthe< than 60 mllel °""'°''· TemperaturPs NATION HI Lo 86 70 96 66 Albeny Alt>uque Amarflto Altlevllte Atlanta Atlante Cty Austin o.ttlrno<e BUltoga Blrmfngnm 8t1mere1t Bolte Bolton Brown•vlle 8ufllllo Burlington Ca.per Cher11tn SC Cherlatn WV Ch1rltle NC Cheyenne Chicago Cincinnati Cleveland Clmble SC Columbia 081-FtWth Dayton Denver o.~ Detroit OUIUlh 87 59 M &4 Fron11: Cold.,. Wwm w. 92 67 85 71 97 75 88 71 11 sa BO 68 96 S3 78 57 82 62 97 73 78 65 87 71 90 50 90 75 85 67 85 70 78 S2 82 59 87 62 es 60 ea 12 83 eo 92 74 M 60 88 S4 • M 16 ,.. eo 90 SI ... 13 ae 57 85 4t 91 55 99 89 83 53 Mpl..Sl.P Nullvolle New Or!Nro• New York NorlOlk No Bl.Ille Okie City Omaha Orlando Bhtladphle Phoenl• Pltttburgh Piiand. Me Pllend. Ore Provdenee Raleigh Rapid City Reno Salt LAii• San Antoni<> S..ttle ShreYePOfl Slou11 Falla St LOUia 8tP·T~ St Ste Marie Spok-Syr.cwe T~I Tuceon TulSI WMhlngln Widllta 87 88 99 85 89 ea M ee 94 90 114 St 69 87 92 82 ee 98 " 9f) 77 94 85 le ., ft .. t3 90 106 93 t3 as El Peeo Faroe> Flagtt•lf OreetFllll Hertford ........ Honotulu .._,on 97 74 97 78 CA&M'ONM lndnaplla JICkan M8 Jeckll!Ylle ~City KllOll Yllle L•V .... Llt119 "°°" LOllllMlle L.ubboell :;:r" Mltweuk• 93 91 90 73 93 72 90 M 97 71% 108 73 IO ee ts ee ea 13 19 71 le 12 14 N HI N tOS toa 100 M t12 70 N .. 101 M lwf lwf hf1 ........ ...... I ........... ''I .... II.IN ' 4 ,. I IM11 ~ I I 1! t ~ 1::1r -~ ... w......._ """'~ • 62 i.anca1te< 89 Long Beach 76 LOI Anoela 73 M1ry9v1ile 76 Monrollla 53 Montebello 10 Monterey 85 Ml. Wiiton 74 Needlel 7 4 Newpo<t Beech 92 01kland 83 Ontario 55 Palm Springs 59 P ... dene 86 Puo Aot>tes 71 Rl-llk:le 54 Red Blull 53 Redwood City 82 Sacrernento 73 Salil'U 541 San Bernardino 70 San Gebfiel 57 San Diego 93 Sen FrencilCO 78 Sen Joee 47 Sent• Ana 83 Senta Barbflra 72 Sente Cruz 83 Sanll Mlf1a 74 Sant• Monica 7t SIOCkton 7 4 T allOe Valley 97 T'*'71111 Torranoe Lo 5e ~~ Smog 97 81 83 13 ae 63 94 " 92 90 83 68 SS 82 68 112 79 70 63 81 S8 94 55 109 74 91 6t tOO Sf> 11& 57 103 9!1 83 S9 92 63 70 51 99 Sii 112 ea 15 as 74 53 .. 67 12 12 70 • • 74 53 11 eo " 83 99 45 t07 73 79 91 97 4t ea 11 17 ea 17 .. H Where 10 c111 11011 frH) for lal•t tmOQ lnformetlon: Or8119' County. (IOO) 44wt2t Loi AngclH County: (900) 2A2-'022 .... i "'*lldt Ind San Bernardino counU..t CIOOI HT-4710 AOMO EplUOdt Center: (IOO) 242 ...... ·Coast. traffic snarled Trio injured in clJ&ln-reaction crash Thl'ff driven were lnjurtd Mondey afi.rnoon ln a four.car coUWan that tiNU1ed traffic on PM.ilk: Coui HJahway 1n South Laauna for more than an hour. A car makina an errant left tum into the Monarch Bey Plaza, ju1t south of Crown V1tlley Parkway a nd the Coaet Hlahway. ttigered a aerlet of accldentl about 3:35 p.m. that lnvolved a total of alx aut.oe, a California Hlghw•y Patrol apokesman uid. Injured ln the CQllialon were Llllian Mauln1on, 58, of San Juan Capistrano; Joeeph Ponder. 27, of San Clemente; and Susan Spencer, 24. of South Laguna. CHP apok eaman Ken Dally reported. . Fire fights fire threat Smoke roee out of the Santa Ana Mountains today -for good reason. It e mana t ed from a fire deliberately set by the Orange County Fire Department as part of a program of "preecription" burns t o r educe c haparra l undergrowth. The department planned to bum between 100 and 200 acres in the Peters Canyon area east of Tustin. The area ia adjacent to land that underwent a controlled burn two weeks ago. Several future b urns are planned. according to fire officials. The work is being conducted with financing from the state. Dies of plague SANTA FE. N.M. (AP) Tests have revealed that an 11-year-old who died over the weekend apparen tly died of bubonic plague. according to the state HeaJth and Environment Department. The Navajo boy was the third human plague case diagnosed in New Mexico this year and the state's first death attributed to plague in 1982. Ponder WU admitted to bouth Cout Medical Center for obeervatlon whlle Ma. MatU0.10n and M.. Spencer· were Lreated there for Injuries and releued, according to a medical center •)>()keswo1nan. The chain of colli1ions began when L iu Whitlock. 21 , of Laguna Niguel swerved to avoid a beige car turning left from the south-bound lanes of Coast Highway, Daily said. Although Ms. Whitlock's car waa not struck as it came to rest across the southbound lanes, it touc hed off a series of four coUielons in the northbound lanes NO DEAL -PLO leader George Habash has rejected the pre~ence oi American troops in the Lebanon peace force. \ \ when • leCOnd car swerved to avoid M.. WhiUock'e. O.Uy aid. He added •uthoritJee still an aeekina the driver of the be'- car who falled to atop after die collltiona oc-curred. Betidee M1. Whit.lock, the only other driver Involved ln the <.'OUlaion who wu not lnjured wu Ron ald Greenlee Jr .• 67, of Laguno Niguel, Oaily aaJd. Trame was tied up for cloee to an hour and a haJf followins the wreck as CHP investigators and Orange County firefighters tended to the Injured and untangled the damaged vehicles, the CHP spokesman said. From Page A1 •ISRAELI ... Jewish state's five-week-old invasion Wester n diplomats and Lebanese government sources say the lsral•hs have 35,000 to 40,000 troops around Beirut, with about JOO tanks and 500 armored personnel carriers At the same ume, lsraeh forces appeared to have eased a 10 -day -old f ood and fuel blockade on west Beirut. Trucks were obserwd unloading fresh fruit and vcgt'lables in the weslcrn S<'<'lor's markets. But Lebanon's state radio said west Beirut wa s running dangerously short of fuel. It said 95 percent of 1ts bakeries have closed for lack of fuel to run generators and operate ovens. Afte r a day of negot1at1ons Monday, PLO chairman Yasser Arafat questaon(-ci the usefulness of more talks "Don 't ak m e about negouauons'." Arafat shouted to a r epor H·r Monday a s he inspected damage from Israelt shelling around the PLO command center In west Beirut. "Ask me about thlS," he ..aid. weavmg at the destruction. "You should be writing about this . Why negotiate'.'" QUIET VIGIL -The mother of a Lebanese child, wounded in Sunday's heavy spelling of West Beirut by invading Israeli forces, holds AP ........ his hand while sleeping at his side at the Barbir Hospital. I EQUINOXE OMEGA LEADS A OOUBLE LIFE. The unique two-sided Omego Equinoxe lives up to oll your busy doys ond special nights. One side is programmable wilh calendar, Qlorm and chrono- graph funct ions. For o more format look, simply flip. Both sides ore woter-rnlstont to 100 feet. Quortt, atoinless steel, 10 karat yellow gold-filled. $995. SLAVIC K'S ""' ......... SlnCt 111'7 Whert clw bnc 1..-1 llls;n, ,.,. .,. m•••••·""-"'= -~liA~·-••L. • I I I j I I I I I I I I I I I I Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT /Tueaday, July 13, 1982 8 A3 Wffi ffi[ffiff ~UJ 1 IT~ .Peru's civil n regime battled Red r evolutionaries vo o verthrow of country's president LIMA , P e ru (AP) Communlat r evolutionaries, vowing allegiance to the policies of the late Chairman Mao Tse- tung of China, have declared themselves In a full state of guerrilla war against Pe ru's two -ye ar -o ld civi li a n government. In a 32-p age p a mphle t circulating around the country. they say the ulttmate goal Is to overthrow the government of President Fernando Belaunde Terry, who took office after 12 years of leftist military dictatorship. and put workers and peasants in power. The pamphlet also says the guerrillas were responsible for 2,900 acts of violence since 1980. The pamphlet ide ntifies the guerrillas as members of the Communist Party of Peru, more popularly known as the Sendero Luminoso "shining path." "The party has initiated and vigorously opened the only road to popular and national emancipation; armed struggle, a g u e rrilla war whit'h burns victoriously in 2,900 actions shaking the territory." says the pamphlet that began ctrculatmg around the middle of June. e Communist Party of Peru -new type of Marxist-Leninist aolst party" -is the o nl legitimate Communist facti in the country and emphasizes philosophies and polices of airman Mao, who died in 1 and whose importance in inland China today has be somewha t downgraded. r Communist n Communist o rthod ox adheres to a as denounced Peru's other group, the .Peru P a rt y, i s a organization th Soviet line and the guerrillas as The ap pe a n ee o f th e pamphlet -en led, "Let's Get the Guerrilla Moving" - coincided with n upsurge in guerrilla activit ollowing a lull of several mont A series of inated assaults against police mmand posts over a 10-day riod in early July 1.ost the ives or four national guards n. In onl' attac , rommandos dressl'd in r g•r co mbat uniforms and wf\ri red berets plat'C'd a pamphld o the chest of a dead policeman wi the legend •·Long live the Glle Ila War." The recent violen extending ~O mllee alone the spine of the Andes from the mlning town of Cerro de Puco in the north to Aban cay In the south , demonstra\ed the gue rr,lllas' mobility and coordination. They raided police stations, kidnapped a village mayor for several hours. and occupied a farm, where they dynamited farm equipment and burned crops and the main farmhouse. P o l ice and g overnme nt officials say at least 40 people have been killed by "terrorist ac·ts" in the two years s ince Belaunde took office. The pamphlet says the first revolutionary act of the Maoist group was a boycott o f the general election of May 1980, which returned the country to 1.-onstitulional rule. The pamphlet adds that. the armed struggle is "aimed directly against Yankee imperialism, the princi pal imperialist dominator on our soil." It says the guerrillas were responsible for "blows" against the Southern Peru Corp., a U.S.-British consortium that operates the c-ountry's pn ncipal coppe r mines: simultan eous d vnamlle a ttacks in August, 1981, agalnat ttt, U.S. Embuay, the U.S. ambaaador'1 residence and aeveral firms affill•ted with U.S. companies In Lima, and the destruction of a butt of President John F. Kennedy In a Lima park. The pamphlet alao sa~ the guerrlllas had dynamited the embassy of the "revisionist" People's Refublic of China and a multitude o police stations, court· houses. government buUdings, electricity and communications towers. and the presidentia l p a lace a nd parliamenta r y building in Lima. The country's traditional Communist leaders have joined the government in condemning what they insist is nothing more than terrorism. A spokesman for the Peruvian Commun 1st Part~, founded an 1928 and led by Sen Jorge de! Prado. said it had nothing to do with the violence d~·ribed in the pamphlet. Jaime F igueroa , a party spokesman. said the organization which published the pamphlet was f o unde d b y "a few malcontents" an the early 1970s The Communist movement in Peru has split into various factions several times. --. IM . ~ AP Wlrepholo POSTER STATES MOTTO ··viva la lucha armada·· (lung live the armE-d struggle) 1s the mesl>age on this poster bemg distributed throughout Peru by Communist revolutionaries who an• plotting hoped for overthrow of tht• government. Failure to capture Syria tank AP Wlreptloto STILL WAITING -Mairan S helton says she is ·11 willing to "wait as long as 1t takes" to (ind our for sure i husband, Air Force Col. Charles Shelton. died in Laos durin the Vietnam War or will ·come home on e day. He w as th e la person listed by the Departme nt of Defense as a Prisoner of War. Mrs. S helton and he r children live in San Diego. TEL A VIV, Israe l (AP) - Israel's home-built Merkava tank outdueled the latest in Soviet armor in its first battlefield test. But the Israelis were unable to retrieve any of the nine T-72s, the Kremlin's n ewes t tank, knocked out by lsraeli forces. military officials have said. The failure to bring back even o n e o f the Syrian T -72s. reportedly knocked out in central Lebanon's Bekaa Valley, was a disappointme nt n o t only to Israelis, but also to American and other NATO military experts who wanted one for study. The T -72. recently added to the Warsaw Bloc arsenal and used by the S yrians for the first time in the Middle East, is said by Western sources to have a ne w t y pe o( armor that is extremely difficult to penetrate. Brig. Gen. Meir Nitzan. deputy chief of Ordnance for the Israeli army. told reporters at a Tel Aviv display Sunday of captured Syrian and Palestinian guerrilla weapons, that the Soviet-built tanks were hit In' fighting north of the Beirut-Damascus H ighway shortl y after Isr ae l invaded Lebanon June 6. N1tzan said it would be too risky for Israeli forces to try to retrieve the disabled tanks To do so would not be "worth the finger of even one soldier," the Jerusalem Post quoted h im as saying. An Israeli field officer told The Associated Press earlier that no T -72s had been recov e red b ecause the Syr ians had deployed them only m posiuons near the rear of the balllefleld - possibly for fear that one or more might be captured if disab!ed. The officer, who asked not to be identified, said there was evidence suggesting the Synan crews were as untested in battle as were the new tanks. "We have reason to believe they were a new unit. right out of training, with n o p r evio u s combat experience," he said. Defense Minister Ariel Sharon said previously that nine T -72s were among the 300-400 tanks lost by the Syrians. The others we re olde r T -62s. T -54s and T-55s, a.lao Soviet-butJt. Nit.urn's comment was the first high-leve l confirmation that none of the T-72s were retrieved. He also confirmed the T -72s were knocked out m combat with the Israel Merkava, which means "chariot" in Hebrew. The 56-ton Merkava, designed and built in Israel. has a number of radical featurl'S mcludmg a front-mounted d1esd cngme and s pecial armor bo th for maximum crew prol('ction -and a laser rangl'findc·r for 1ts 105mm cannon It also can doub)(.' as an armored personnel car rier with spat-e for about ~1ght s.:>ld1ers Israeli tank uff1l·ers have praised the Ml'r kava in 1 ls battle f1 C'ld baptism . saying 1t outperformed Synan armor in every respect. lsral·l1 military spokesman have dedmed to say whether any Mt>rkavas were loM Othl'r tanks 1n the Israeli arsenal indudc the lJ S -built M-tiO Patton and the Brit1sh- bu11t Cl·ntunun Israel also has adapll'd capturl'd Sov1et-bu1lt l<lnks for its own use.• Although thNe havt• been some i-ugges'-ons t hat lsraE•l might build •ht• Ml•rkava lor sail' to othc.'r countnc>s. some Wt<Slt'rn ... XPl'rlS s ay 1t 1s se riously undc•rpowered fo r 1L-; weight and while wcll-su1tt>d for 'ihOrl · d1sl<lnt'l' f1ghtmg in . thl' Middle East. would not tx.· as pral·t1cal l'l"'4.•Whl•rt_• By tht• sam•· tokC'n c·>.1)(•rts sciv. th<· Sov1l•t built tanks are b<~t su1u-d for northern tl'rrain and d1mates. i:.ut·h as lh<>St' in Europe•. ra th<·r than the.' ~1ddle Ea!oot with rn; hot dry dl•-.t:rLc; i Montagnard st I DA LAT, Vietnam (AP) -threats from I battling Seven years after the fall of insurgency. South Vie tnam to Comml!nis t Th(' depu c hief of the forces, armed groups continue to Provincial Pe le's Committee, resist government authority m Nguye n H n g , s aid the the highland and river d~l ta province's · ~nd forests made areas. . it easy for t Montagnard - A top official at this moun~in "Mountain P le" -insurgents r eso rt town in L a m Do~g to operate. province, 145 miJes northeast of Western ~ Asian reporters Ho Chi Minh city -former\v traveling th~ j'oad from Ho Chi Saigon -said farmers. worke~ Minh city f<t a tour of new artisans a nd oth e r s had t farmlands catie upon an outpost undergo defense training to m manned by two Vietnamese ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomu P. Halev ..._ -a..~ Ofllc>er Kay Schultz VIOe......., -Dnl:l.or ol ~ Tom Murphlne ~ Mike HatWY OW-olMaf\91 .... (CitoulMloll) Ken Goddard Olrctor ol Qpw- ~ Meclean CeMrallr Cher1ea Looe ........ !dMor C H lfled advertlM 7141142-5171 A lher departmen 142-4321 soldiers who said they were guarding against FULRO. the acronym for the United Front for the Liberation o f Oppressed Races. At other points, civilians carrying AK-47 rifles w e re encountered. Hoang told reporters there had been incidents of guerrilla attacks in the past year, but he would not elaborate. He said only that the "bandits" came to villages at harvest time to take food from the people. The neighboring provinces of Dae Lac and Gia Lai-Cong Tum, borderlng Cambodia and Laos, faced a more serious situation, although not major. said Hoang. During the Vietnam War, the anti-Communist Montagnards fought alongside U.S . Army Special Forces (Green Berets) and South Vietnamese troops against the Viet Cong and their North Vietnamese allies In the C.entral Highlands. Hoang linked the acUvities of these "bandlta and pirates" to American and Chlnete policie. of 1ubvenlion •&ainlt Vietnam charges commonly leveled by Vietnam. ..., ........ ..., ltlwwwmh•• We e Listening ••• • W t do you llkt about the Dally Pilot? Whet don 't you llllt? Call t number below and your m11aa11 wUI be rffCN"dM, tren1c and dtll vtred to UMt 1ppropn1t1 editor. Th •m• M·hour lftlWtrint Ml'VIH m1y be llMd to rttord ltt· ter. to editor on any tQpto. M1Ub01 contnbu&or• mutt lneludt thtlr n • end itl1phon1 num ber ror vertrtoetlon. Ho olreul1t6on <'1111, .. Tell whet '1 on 1our mlftd I f I ALL ENTERTAINMENT ·FREE WITH s4 ADMISSION ORANGE COUNTY ALL AMIRICAN FAIR CIAL IWNTI r' f . ' . • I • I } -· • Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Tu11d1y, July 13, 1982 Old-time Lease can he deducted eatery DJ PAT HOROWITZ or .. ~,......,. DEAR PAT: l'n lleard I cu de41act tlat leaH payme•t• tllat I malKe for tlle car I 1111 la my bulae11 from my federal Income tu. WW you clleek illto tlll1 for me and flad oet lf my lltfonnalloa l1 correetT F.lt., Costa Mesa You may deduct your leae paymenia to the extent that they are directly attributable to your trade or buaineea, aocordins to Internal Revenue Service. You may not deduct any portion of the leue payments for o0mmuting or other personal wie of the car. Any advance peyment.s must be prorated over the entire lease period. You may not deduct any payment you make toward the purcha.e of a car even if the payments are called lease payments. Aamco restrained DEAR READERS: In culmination of a three-year investigation. the atate of California has obtained a court order against Aamco Transmissions Inc. The order is in setUement of a civil suit resulting from an investigation of Aamco's California franchisees by the Bureau of Automotive Repair, a division of the state Department of Consumer Affairs. The order enjoins Aamco Transmissions Inc. from approvina any advertising by its California franchisees that includes the phrases "free-multi-check" or "free road test" unless the ad makes clear th.at a further tear-down inspection, for wruch a charge will be made, is necessary to diagnose an internal transmission problem. Signs also must be posted alerting customers to Aamco's policy of offering only a rebuilt or reconditioned tran.smi.ssion if internal damage is diagnoeed. Aarnco also is required to notify, instruct and train all its California franchisees In the order's requirements. Less crowded park sites DEAR PAT: Where can I find oat about some of the less popular and, hopefully, less crowded national park areas In tbis country? W.J., Costa Mesa There are more than 150 national parks, historic sit.es and monuments in 43 stat.es, the .. ____________ .. . Feminine Fitness • • • For Every Body! COME IN FOR A FREE VISIT 2 for the Price of 0 NE LIMITED OFFER EXPIRES 7 -17 l•w Mem61n On/1 • Posture • Circulation • Slim Hips • Fwm Thighs • Tighten Buttocks • Celluite Control Qualified, Friendly Aerobic Instructors Bad Back? Try Oii' Therapeutic Looo11 • Dlltrict of Columbla and the Vlrgtn lllandt that are not u well known and don't have u many vialtors u other national park sh.et. You can ftnd out about these areas, the accommodatlorw and aetlvttlee avatlable by aendm, for a copy of the NaUonal Park Service book, "IAller-Known Areas of the National Park System." lt'• 14 from the Consumer Information Ce'\ter, Dept. 192K, Pueblo, Colo. 81009. 'Kosher' must be kosher DE.AR PAT: I love ko1ber meat1, bat It 1eem1 tlaat .usually tlley are more expen1Jve tba.a otller varletJea. Tile 11me tllln& applies to otller foods labeled "ko1ller." Are tlae1e foods prepared accordillg to Jewish ca1tom, or does rt amout to 1pec!al recipes beln1 used? L.L., Costa Men The use of the "Kosher" label is regulated. Kosher meata must be prepared in accordance with ritual. The way an animal or fowl la killed, how it must be dressed, treated and preJ*'ed for human consumption haa to be in accordance with Jewlah law and custom, accord ing to the California State Bar Association. Advert.Ising to the contrary iB a crime punishable by a $300 fine and up to 90 days in jail. Anyone collecting bottles? DEAR PAT: Can yoa locate a bottle and can collectors club la tllh area? I 'm latereated In coatactblc other beer ud soda bottle and can collectors. A YS struck out on this one. If any of our readers can help you out, you will be contacted. • "Got a problem? Then write t.o Pat' \.l Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, "' getting the answers and action you • n eed to solve ineq uities in r1 government and business. Mail your questions t.o Pat Horowitz, At Your Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Ca9ta Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as possible will be answered, but phone inquiries or letters not including the reader's full name, address and business hours' phone number cannot be considered. • • • • • • • moving NEW YORK (AP) -Diamond Jim Brady wooed Lllllan Ruuell at the oak·paneled German restaurant. Gua Kahn compoeed "Yea, Sir. That'• My Baby" on one or its tablecloths. But u of Monday, Luchow's on 14th Street la no more. The 100-year-old eatery is moving uptown, to the theater district. For maltre d' Bob Cupples, it was a sad occasion. "If you gave me all the yea.rs I worked at Luchow's I would be a young boy and I wouldn't trade them," he said. Cupples has worked at Luchow's for 17 years -too short a time to recall the days when Victor Herbert and Caru8o ate there, or when Brady, a financier and bon vivant, went there to propose to the "Girl With the Hourglass Figure." She turned him down. August Luchow purchased the restaurant in 1882. using savings a nd a loan from William Steinway, the piano maker, who had offices across the street. His heirs sold the restaurant in 1951. and present own e rs Peter Aschkenasy and J ack Levme took it over in 1979. Patrons supped on sauerbraten and schnitzel served by white· jacketed waiters. while a string trio played tunes from "The Merry Widow." But the Lower F.ast Side neighborhood became in c reasingly s habby a nd attracted a large drug trade. Cupples and Lhe rest of the staff will pack up their memories and move on to the new Luchow's. wruch is expected to open around July 20 in the sunken plaza of a 48-story office building at Broadway and 5 lst Street. according t o the restaurant's g eneral manager. Allen Smith. "When Luchow's was founded All you need to do is change Al" Wlrepfloto OUNG Parks Bonifay of Cypress Gardens, Fla .. oungest wate r skier according to the Guaness o rld R ecord s. receives some m oth e rly nt from Betty Bonifay. Parks made has de but on I 29 at the ripe old age of six months a nd 29 days. in 1882. it 'n the heart of tht' Jegi timat t •eatcr d1 strtl'l ," Smith exp in<.'<!. "We're going back to ou r()t)ts in the thC'atl'r district -town .. The ne u<:how's. wh1<.·h wall seat abo 500. wall f<.•ature traditional erman disht-s along w i th s e o o d a n d I 1 g h l l' r American e. Smith said As mu of tht• int<·r1 or atmospher as poss1bll, from the original L ·how's will be.-taken uptown. ti-artwork, lhC' wall hangmgs. the silvC'rwan·. the steins. the chandl'lwrs l'Vt•n the bala11:c scall' on wh1<.·h Diamond •m weighed h1ms4.'l f. avl'ragmg 150 pounds. ut, MC'anwh1k'. on July 20, the old Luc:how's. wh1<:h sea~ 1.000. will bt'4:oml' Th(· Palace at Lu,·how's, a rl'staura nl and nightclub St•rvmg lu n<:h. dinnl'r and aft.cr- d 1 n n <.· r :-. n a<. ks . w 1 t h m us 1 c r&ngmg from d1s<:o to ballroom danl'1ng. <tl·<.·or ding lo John Addi son . u nt· o f the n e w managers Addison and F1f1 Nicolas. anolhl·r of the parlnl'rs who will oix•ral<' Th<.• Palal't' at Lut·how's. pn·v1ously owned or op<.•rawd discos Both plt·aded gu1hy in I YHll to d1arg<.·s they evaded laXl'S on thousands of dollars s kimmed fr om d1 s<.·o d oor rl'l'C'i pts . You ca help equqlize this demand, and postpo the buiHing of new generatin plants, using your househol applian es in the cooler your household habits a little. Use your air conditioner sparingly. And instead o f using your hours, before n n and after 6 p.m . appliances in the afternoon, do your baking, washing, drying and other jobs in the more comfonable, cooler hours. ~·re suggesting this for good reasons: During hot weather; electricity usage by horn and bu lnesses soars throughout Southern California. Air conditioners, coupled with ocher d ~mandH for learicll)'. crear h~ ~on lhe electrlcaJ t'J'&cm. ' ' • And when you're home, set your air conditioner no lmver than 7ff. When you go out, tum itto85°orhlghec So during the h your appliances, and urself, the afternoon off? Meantime, we t nk you for all )UUr conservation ff om. -~ -:_ Southtm 'CMtJnWldlton Working women big $ <Jlothiers, sta·tioners lure fem ale executives NJ:W YORK (AP) -Women no lonc•r have to ahop In tho boyt department a\ Bl'Oolu Broe., anCS manuJacturera have addtd • 1houlder •lr•P to attache cases, awe Ilana \hat th~re·1 money to be rnaae catering to American bullnetlwomen. The U.S. Census Bureau says there are 3.1 million women mana,ers in thia country, a'nd it's beet to look the part if you play the pert. "You may have all t.he inaredlents for success in your field, but suffer from the uncut diamond syndrome," Jacqueline Thompson aays in her book, "lma1e Impact." "You need packaging." "Image Impact" details not only how to look like a proper female corporate executive, but alao how to sound and perform like one. There's plenty of advice like Ms. Thompson's on the market, in(ludlng a library with titles like "Boss Lady," "Games Mot))er Neve r Taught You," "The Managerial Woman," "Having it All'' and "The New Executive Woman ." T h ey advise women o n everything from how to play corporate games t.o win to dealing with sexual harassmen t. Career and non-career women find assistance and support in three monthly magazines, Savvy, Working Woman and Working M other , w ith co mbin ed Widening urged SACRAMENTO (AP) -The state Transportation Comnussion says Highway 99 should be widened from Interstate 5 north of Sacra men to in t o Sutter County. c1rculauon of 1.1 million. Ms. Thompson also publishes a "Directory or Person al Image Consultants," whil·h lists 206 peoplc aspiring women c:an see about their "packaging." Five y ears later, J ohn T . Molloy's bes t -s ell~r. "Th e Woman's Dress for Success Book," designated the skirt suit and brie fcase essenllals of the businesswoman 's uni fo rm , Seventh Avenue puts a lot of emphasis on this fast-growing • dientl'le Andrew Kozinn. president of Saint Laurie's Ltd., r eca lls female law school classmates m the early '70s L'Omplaining that they had nothing to wear for job interviews. When he took over the family business, he expanded Its l'Olll~lion to include quality clothing for busineuwomen. Today, a fourth of Saint Laurie'• buslneu ia In women'• clothing. Even the cltadela of buaineea clothing are eagerly providing for women. Vice President R obert C . Dawson saya women had been buyln.g Brooka Brat. shirts and Golden Fleece sljp\lture sweaters in the boys department for years. Six years ago, the company opened a women's department and, Dew10n say, the division accounts for 15 percent of sales. It's the fastest-growing division In the flnn. Suits run as high as $500, while blazers alone can cost $240. Once suited up, the necessary accessorY. for a corporate woman -or man -ls an attache caae; what Molloy oonsidera a "symbol o f authority." But for many women, the traditional attache was too heavy and awkward. Mark Cross, the exclu sive leather goods company. surveyed 300 top executive women in 1980. ''One thing they wanted was shoulder straps," says spokesman Bob Person. "They love zippers and com partm e nt s a nd something lighter, something that resembled a handbag." Last year, Mark Cross opened a "Her Business" department featuring feminine versions of the classic attache case, mostly made of soft, fine leather without heavy frames. A big item is an attache case with a folio in which a woman can stash h er m o n ey and makeup. The folio is detachable so a woman can take her money and makeup places she'd prefer not to take her attache case. The cases can L'OSt between $50 and $500. Orange Cout DAILY Pll.OT /Tueed1y, July 13, 1882 CAMPAI GN INTENSE -This picture appears on billboards in Pennsylvania as part of scare tactic campaign warning potential criminals of mandatory sente ncing law if convicted of using a gun while committing A,Wlf.-..0 crime. We know we are n ot going to scare hardcore career criminals said a camp_aign <.'<>Chairman. but h e noted the effort t·ould d eter a lot o f people 'Killer bees' total 8 Inillion Swarm could arrive in United States next cen tury PANAMA CITY, Panama (AP) -An estimated 8 million "kiUer bees" have been found in eastern Panama smc.-e the first hive was found last fall. but they have yet to cross the Panama Canal on their northward !hght, agricultural officials say. Thomas Bendigurg, national supervisor of agric ultural educatio n in the Education Ministry, said more than 100 hives have been found. "They are there and we do not have any indications thal they have advaneed to the other side of the Panama Canal," he said. A gove rnment agronomist said thal at the curre nt ratt· o f expansion the bees will n•ach Costa Rica, 300 miles from Panama City. in about two years. ''And at that rate, they would arrive in the United States in thc· 21st century," he said. &>nd1gur_g said that nossmg With OthPr Spc.'(.'.ies of bc<,>s as they moved north from their start m Braul and Venezuela apparently was mellowing the aggressive msuncts of the SO·l·allcf "killer be .. '{-5, "ll C'O uld al 1>0 bt• an 1:xaggerati on by thl' st•n.->at1onaJist JOUrnallsts of fh()S(' countries," he added. "If you don't bother thC'm , they (thl' bees) remain peaceful." · Grand Canyon raft trip set SHUTTERS CUSTOM QUALin SHUTTERS BEAUTIFUL NEW MERCEDES BENZ Officials at Saddleback College say spac.:es are available for a week-long rafting trap down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. The outing, from July 30 to Aug. 8, includes a 6.3-mile backpacking trek and a rarting journey over 139 miles of river rapids. The trip costs $930. A pre-tnp orientation is scheduled for July 15 at 7 p.m. at the rollege's north campus in Irvine, 5500 Irvine Center Drive. For information, call 550-1313. Board whacks farm Designed, Finished --- Installed - SACRAMENTO (AP) -The state farm labor board says an Imperial County lettuce grower broke the law by giving workers a unilateral pay increase, cutting a fuel allowance, and refusing to bargain with the United Fann Workers. By a 2-1 vote, a panel of the Agricultural Labor Relations Board ordered George Arakellan Famis to repay employees for any losses they suffered becauae·of the grower's refusal to bargain with the UFW since 1978. 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY ••• AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! c.11(714)548-6841 or548-1717 It was the lat.est of several ALRB rulings against Arakelian. HEJRWOOD MAIUFACTDIY 19n Placentia Avenue • Costa Mesa. CA '¥lf/Zl NEWPORT BALBOA SAVINGS The Best Checking Account We've Ever Offered! Our new Interest Checking account keeps your money working for you 24 hours a day-365 days a year. Eam14o/o on any balance above $2,000 and 5114 % interest on the balance below $2,000, FREE of all service charges unless your balance falls below $500. *Interest Checking rates will fluctuate with market conditions. Call our office for current rates. Your balance over $2,000 is not a savings account or deposit and is not insured by the FSLIC. It is eecured by notes or obligations of the U.S. government or government agencies. For individuals, deposits under $2,000 earn 51/4 % interest and are insured by the FSLIC. Commercial deposits under 52,000 earn no interest. ~NEWPORT BALBOA &avings w.tdlff Plaza, 17th and Irvine Avenue, Newport Bw:h. 714/6'U!OS Corona deJ Mar, 3021 E. Cout ffiahway, Corona clel Mar• 714/67M060 ()ptn1 ~-Thunday 91.m. to 5 p.m. Prldly91.m. to6p.m. s.tuidly 91.m. to l p.m, I t, TURBO SEDAN Classic ~hlte with Palomino Leather. Electric Sun Roof , Alloys, Stereo-Cassette . 3000-TURBO $30,652. Call Virginia (714) 645-4800 or 714 645-1122. Saturday, July 1 7 10 a.m.-4 p.m. M.,tln Aviation I John Wayn• Airport The West's Most Prestigious Antique Aircraft Judging Event plus • Dixieland Music • Free Drawings • Free Giveaways • Refreshments • A f rplane Rides • Old time Movies 1 Proceeds '° benefit ()qngewood. new 0r-. County cti11ctren·· ~ I Donation: S3 adult1 ~ pl'8Mllllltl bf,/ TICKET S1.50 chllct'9n S.12 f"'" ...i.MartinAliation,/nc. INFORMATION ~ {714) 546-4300 D 0 N 'T FORGET THE CA~EZIO SHOE A.NO OANCEWEAlt SALE IU0-1' t l i \ , t , t , Orange Oo11t DAILY Pll.OT/TUMday. July 1G, 1982 Judicial silence on .sentence not" helpful· Two yoars ago. w he n locked In a heated battle for re·e lcclion , O ran ge Cou nty Super ior Court Judge Mar k Soden cour ted the public spotlight. H e w as qui<:k to gran t interviews, a nd , if the need arose, to take time out from his court r cale ndar'to respond lO the latest l deve lopments in his race against Richard Farnell, a former deputy l dist rict attorney. Soden won on election day. d e fea t in g the aggress ive t prosreutor by 4.200 of the 400,000 • votl's cas t. i Today, Soden is not talkin g to I re porte rs. or a nyone e lse. l H e is unde r fire fro m a 1 looscly knit group o f pro testers l w ho believe• he dolPct out le nie nt sen tl'nces for two Hunting ton Bl•ac:h b r o thers con vic tt•d o f kidna pping and raping a teE'n -age dea f-mute girl. Sodt•n h anded down 12-year tC'rms in s ta le prison to e a c h dc fc•nda nt The prosc'<:Utor wa ntt..'CI 63·year terms; the law provided tor maximum 140-year te rms. T he pro testers held a small rally Friqay in fron t of the county courthouse in Santa Ane . They say Soden shou ld be recalled from office. Un for tunately, it is diHicu lt to determ ine if the protesters a re right or wrnng. Th e citizenry, w hich is e ntitled to know about the actions and attitudes of its elected judges, has been provided little from Soden. At t h e t im e the se nte nces were imposed. ht• on ly said the broth ers deservc'C.i a second chance a nd th a t h e f e lt 1t wa s inappro pria te to loc.:k t h em u p "and th row aw ay the key." Then' very well may be valid reason s b e hind t he sente nces Soden <.:hose tu impose. If so. the Judge has a respunsibil ity to let the people know exactly w ha t they arP. Challenge to schools Whe n Gov. Brown an his Ja nuary Sta te o f the S tate address warnt'CI that our childre n w ill be "tc•<:hno logic.:a ll y illite rate u n less morl' emphasis is placed on the "th ree C's -Computi n g . Cak'ulattng a nd Communicating th rough technology." the re we re those• w ho d ismissed his re marks as more of J e rry's rhe toric:. He pointed out that studen ts in Japan and the Soviet Union study two to three times as m u<.:h math a nd st·1e nce as Ame rican st uden ts: tha t California studenLc; even lag behind the rest of the nation an the time spent in tht•se stud1l'S, a nd that up to half the nC'w high school math and sc:1cnc.:e teache rs arl' u nqualified. That':-. all ver y well, school uffl<·1als responded. but how are we going to c·ompete> with private ind us try 1n obta ining qualified teat'ht>rs: and whe re will school d1s tnt'ts find the money to expand their coursl' of fenngs'? Las t wt•Pk . t h e g overno r bal'kc-d up his speech -ma king with s o m e• m o n t•v . a $26 mi llio n appropn.ll1 on -m thC' ne w budget for h a:-. l n v l·~tment an P e o p le program . mduding $9 5 mi llion to upg rad<· m uth and sc1(•ncc in the public.: S<:hool!> Has proposal. presented to the s tate Hoard o f Education . includes l'Stablish ment of regiona l teacher train ing cente r s a n d compute r de monstration centers; scholarship and re lease time for teac hers to learn more math and scie nce: an d demonstratio:-i projects around the> sta te to upgrad e instruction. State S u pt . o f Publ i c· 1 ns t r u c taon W al so n Rile s h a s t.'ndorsed the proposal a nd th e state board voted unanimousJy to rt'(:omme nd 1t to schoot dis tm :ts. which S<'l their own g raduation swndards. All this fa ts an with recen t m o v es t o s tiffe n admiss io n r<'quiremc·nts for the University o f California and the state university syste m. C iting estimates th a t the re w ill be hund reds of thousands of n e w h igh tee hno log y j o bs an California m coming years. the governor has called u pon private industry to augment state funding fo r u pg r ading tcch nolo gic.:a l education. T he $9.5 million is a start but at will no t go very far. As noted by m lumnist Earl Waters today. this 1s a critical c:ha llen g<' for our sch ools a n d colle ges. California must ca tch up with the rest of the na tion a nd the world. a nd soon. F eathering S enate's n est The sum of $736.500 for a g y nmnas ium w as a m o n g $4 million in "non -essential projeclS" dele ted some years ago from p lans for the new $137 million Hart S e n ate O f fi c e Bu i ldi n g i n Wash ington. D.C. Now, it seems. the gym is back in the plans. T he Capitol Architect's Office says at can be included because of savings made in othe r a reas of construction and the re fore w on 't r aise t he total pricC' of the building . Besides. the architects point out, "the spac<' is already there ." This sou nds like the logic of the consume r w ho takes advan- tage of a "half off" sale to buy unneed e d Ite m and som e h o w r e a so ns th a t m on ey h a s been saved Crotc h e t y S<'n . W ill ia m Prox mire l inds t h e p ro ject "especially r idicu lous" since the re already ar<' two g yms m th e o ther Sen a te o ffice buildings. on e of which is rarely used. P roxmire. who keeps in sha pe by r unning from his hom e to h is office, suggests that "for most of us physicaUy inert, tired, beat, old cod gers ... a w o rk o ut m eans stretching out on a table to absorb a rubdown." The gymnasiu m ca p er . he says, is ''jus t o n e m o r e sad comme n tar y o n the S e nate 's insatiable appetite to feather its o wn nest at taxpayers' expense." T he Wisconsin senator tends to use c o lo rful langua g e in criticizing governme nt w aste, but h e m ay h ave a poi nt h e r e . Spending three-quarter s of a m illion dollars on a facility that may or ma ny may not be used just beca use s pace is available does raise some questions. A ppa re ntly some m embe rs s hare h is doubts about the whole investment. The building will be finished in October, presumably complete with gym. but they have d ecid e d t o d e la y t h e o ffic ial opening until after the ~ovember election. L.M. Boy d I Reco very ~ime injury than, aay I • broken hip, and more often, fatal. even among the elderly, I IUlpect. r Women's vote key to future W .l\SHINGTON -As women lost the battle of the F.qual Rights Amendment, the Census Bureau released new figures indicating that w omen will win the political wars of the future. "Voting and Re gistration in the Election of Novembe r 1980," just rel~ by the bureau, reported that for the first time (with the exception of the unusual wartime conditions of 1944) a higher percentage of women than of me n appare ntly voted in the last presidential election. That is a part of a continuing trend towa rd incr eased relative political participation by women. SINCE THER E more women than men in the United St.ates and now a higher percentage of those women eeem to be voting, the big news is obvious. Majority rules: Women will be picking America's political leaders from now on. The census report. ba9ed on a survey of 64,000 households, shows for the m o m e nt a small , s tatistic ally Insignificant difference between men and women. Among men, 59.1 percent S81d they voted in 1980. Among women the figure was 59.4 percent. Those numbers compare with 59.6 percent for men and 58.8 percent for women in 1976; and 64. l for men and 62 percent for women in 1972. Perhaps more significantly, the Census Bureau reported that younger women are more likely to vote than younger men. Taking into account that younger people usually don't vote at all, the numbers look like this: 35.3 percent of the 7,919,0000 men between the ages of 18 and 24 voted in 1980, compared with 37.5 percent of the 8.346,000 women between the same a,{es. So, 3,129,000 youna women voted; 2,- 796,000 young men voted. "They tum out a little bit more, and there are more RICHARD RllVll of them," Richard Scammon, an election analyst and former director of the census, said of women. "It adds up." To \...hat? Probably to a different kind of politics 10 or 20 years down the road : more women officeholders; more liberal legi&lation in some IOCial areas; a less aggressive foreign policy. And, there could be future gains for the Democratic Party if both Democrats and Republicans maintain something like their current ideological commitments. Wome·n. polltically, are different from men. That has not always been true in the United States. The fa mily tha t stayed together, voted together. In fact, the man of the house often cast the only vote in the past. But families aren't always together anymore. Women, alone or Independent, are more and more likely to think for themselves. They thought differently in 1980 The most striking thing about the contest between Ronald Reagan and Jimmy C.arter is that it was essentially decided by men. Exit polls by news organizations tend ed to s how that women split their votes almost evenly between th e candidates, but men favored Reagan by almost 20 percentage poin ts . That was w hat ga ve the Republican h is 10-point "landslide." THIS YEAR, according to CBS/New York Times polls, 36 percent of women call themselves Democrats, compared with 27 pereent of men. Twenty-three percent of each gender call themselves Republicans. Exactly 50 percent of all men, in those polls. approve of Reagan's performance as president. but only 41 percent of aU women do. The key findings of those polls, I think, are on questions of war and peace. The percent.age of men who say they fear Reagan will lead the United States into war was 38 percent. But 52 percent of women said they were afraid of that happening. "Women are more inclined to mistrust violence," said feminist leader Gloria Steinem. "We're not trained for it. And it's usually been used against us." "Women are closer to hfe." said Betty Friedan. "Changes wiU take time - we're still e lecting women wh o are imi tat1on men . In the last analysis, though. women are going to be the ones to answer the question: What is it worth to die?" Those two women -and millions of others -look like losers right now, after the defeat of the ERA. They are noL Women are actually winning by sheer weight of political numbers. Governor hits target on education Because he has projected an image of being a flake to the point of becoming n a u o nally k n o wn as "Govern or Moonbeam," the utte rings of Gov. J erry Brown are generally either ignored or nd1culed. But one ca n be a jackass and still not be a fool. And even a fool can be right, by chance, once in awhile. So Brown's observations that "Calfomia is entering a new age of Information. communications and computer s, requiring that we modernize our education and job training systems" should not go unheeded. AS BE CORRECTL V st.ates, "Our children will be technogically illiterate unless theY. studx more math, science and computer education, au~tins( our traditional focus on the 3 R's with the 3 C's, Computing, Calculating and Communicating through technology." And he adds, "Millions of our cit.iz.en.s may ~ left jobless unless we can provide modem, employment based training In the new high technology careers of the 1980s." Despite his favorite devk't' of making "buzz" words out of his ideas and thus labeling these thoughts with "The new age of information" and the program he is promoting as "Investmen t in People," ... llll IATlll the steps he advocates appear both si>und and desirable If not, in fact, essential. Whether the full burden of society preparing it.self for the computer age s h ould fall upon the taxp ayers is debatable but to the extent hlS program applies t o the public schools and universities, there is hardly room for question. For the billions of dollars Californians pour into their public education system notwithstanding, the schools are simply not meetinl( the needs. As Brown says. A literary numbers game Although 1 have no numerological inclinations, I thought it might be amusing to deviae a qui% dealing with nwnben. All the following books or plays by well-known authors have a number 1n their titlea. Since many of them are popular worka (with only a few ringers tOIMd ln for the m1nU1111 9. "Dinner at ---" by George Kaufman and Edna Ferber. 10. "The --Nations" by Rudyard K.ipllJ\I. 11. "A ---Afternoons in Chicago" by Ben Hecht. 12. "The --Pillars of Wl9dom" by T .E. Lawrence. 13. "--Years Before the Mast" by RJchard Henry Dana. 14. "The --Clocks" by James Thurber. 16. "My --Years in Sina Sin.a" by lAw\t E. Lawes. "Cahforn1a students study less math and science than the counterparts m other states and nau ons " He might ha ve added less Englts h and foreign languages too. The governor also noted that, "We do not have enough young people an schools and colleges s tudying math and science to meet current needs of high technology industries: we have too few classes in math and science to handle the n umbers who wouJd hke to study in these fields; we have too few teachers adequately trained in math and science; and we need to re train une mployed to m ake the switch to high tech area." To remedy this Brown advocates school boards require three years or math and two years of science for all students and more for those going on to college~ the establishment of regional teacher education cen ters to retrain and upgrade teacher skills in math, science and computers; establishment of regional "high technology institutes" to offer · intensiv e training in s pecialize d computer programs; and expansion of. the Departmen t of Employme nt to prov ide job train i ng for we lfa re recipients. ' HE ALSO CALLED u pon private mdustry to match st.ate money for a technological education program in the . colleges, such money to purchase up-to- date equipment.. faculty research and . expansion of facilities. • What seems to verify the need for 1 these programs is the governor's report r that the number of high technology jobs , in California, excluding the aerospace idfustry, wilJ increase by 750,000 in the next eight years. He said an additional 2l5,000 jobs will exist at that time in the , aerocpace industry. Q. Your Love and War man once said it takes about five month.a for the average person to r~er from a broken engagement. How long does it take to r ecover from a broken marriage? Thll pollu faclllty known ~ta • the ''drunk Wik" ls referred '° in Japan u the ••uger box." ~ . ~· ~· US. "The -MiWon" by O. Henry. 17. "My ---Y eu1 ln a Quandary'' by Robert Benchley. Surely the 1ebools and ooUeges have their work cut out for them if they are to ~ prepare lo&iy'a atudenta Cor the needs of I the nexl decade. r A. Five years might be typical. after a lengthy marriage. Three years is more likely, bowewr. F.naaiementa usua lly are mea1ured in months, maniaaes In years. Time lienJfles. A bf'9ken marrt.ac can b9 a far greater ORANGE COAST DlilJPilat Old you realize there were arownup dlno1aun that welahed no more than 10 pound.a? Thom41t P. Hll•V Pub1lwr TllemltA.t,Wrpltlfte I d I tor 11ru r1 Km~cft l•m.,111 ,. ... ldltor lJtetwtl), you lbould be ... to IU,pply the m1lllnl numa.r ll\ at 1.-half Ol lb9e entn. wit.bout the embuTwmtnt of ~to a rwference book. --1.-1.ifhe -Tallon" by Dorothy Sayera. 2. ''The si,.i ot ~ --" by Conan Doyle. 3 ... _Key. to Btldpate'' by l.arl o.r ·~ -Pound Look'' by IU' Janw a.rn.. I. '"nte -Dlyt ot MUii c.,h" by,...,_ Wtrftl. e. ,. loldltrt" by John Doi ,.... 1. ''TM -U&tle ,._. and .. ,...., ONw'' ~=Ill~ ~.,,,,..,,.. -= ... ind o.1111'1.....-w ANSWERS: 1. ''1'ht Nine Tailon.'' 2. ''The Stp of I.he Four." 3. "SeYm Keya to Baldpate." 4. "The Twelve Pound Look." 0. "The J'orty Day. of M~ Ouh ." 6. "Thrff Soldlera!'"-7. "Th• Five 1,.4t0. P9DPtn and How They Grew." 8. ''The Million Dollar lank Note and Other ltoria'' t ... Dlnne.r at liahl" 10. ·~ J'tw N1Uorw." l l . "A Thculnd and One Ahemoorw ln ~" 11. 1-rM l9wl\ PWan of ~. 11. ·-rwo y.,...,.. the ...... 14 •• .,,.. ~ aacm." 11. "Mr IO.ooo y.,. ea~--... .. JI, '1'N r.r M'DI•· at. "Mf Tin v .. ,lla 1 Qr ntn," ' J 111111• 80111• of thl' aen"on who went co Wuhlf\810ft and heard they could hiw"a "om" of thttr own mu1t hive \houiht '' WM tptlJed ''Jlm " 'J.V • • N . J I SSBD recalls Orange Ooaat OAILV PILOT/Tue1d1y, July 13, 1082 Camping group aimed at gays Outdoors provides alternative to m.eeting in bars St LOS ANGELF.8 (AP)-Under the atare at the "I alwa)'I Wied to go hlkJna with.my lover," h anzas Anaelet National Fore1t, campen lipped Japenetie aald. "But after Wt broke up, I found It really plum wlne, feuted on Vletnameee ahrlmp and wun't eaay finding people I wanted to so hiktna DETROIT (AP) -11para1u1 1oup and Chlneae c hicken with with. I really wanted another way to meet gay Nlllan U.S.A. lJ recalllna mu.ahrooma. people." 18, 0 8 2 I 9 8 2 N I 11 an But their Oriental cookout wu not the only But members are quick to point ou\ that Great St an 1a1 be ca u 1 e of thlna that aet them apart from nelshbora munching Outdoon Is a camping group, not a lonely heana ma lad ju 1 t e d brake franu and beana. Th~ campers -members of the club. Most members are mlddle-clau profeMJonala pedals, while General California Outdoors Group -are gay. between the ages of 26 and 40, They have no Motors Corp. la recalling Founded 21A yean ago, Great Outdoon has alx camping facility o( their own, but rather use public 420 heavy-duty trucks chaptera.ln California and Arizona. Organizen aay campgrounds. becau.e of the potential the Loa Angeles chapter has more than 1.000 gay "A lot of us are using aliases," said Hayes, who for fron t -axle hub and lesbian memben. would not name the company where he works. s e p a r a t I o n , t h e ''h's a po9.1Uve option," 29-year-old Michael "The people w~ work with ore going to be readlna automakers announced. Peru said on a "Hike-A-Thon." Peru said he used to this and it l'Ould bt-a total disaster. It's really In separate statements, spend most of hia time at home alone or In ban. frighi.enang." the automakers said In "Personally, the reaaon I hooked Into the club If the "straight" friends of group members want both cases t here had waa because I was exhausted. Not to mention the to join, they would not be discouraged, Hayes said. been no reports of condition of my liver. We aay 'out of the bars and r---------------------- acc:idents or complaints. under the stars,' " said Peru, vice president in M A K E M Q N E y Nlaan, diatributor of charge of trails. Nlaaan and Datsun cars Los Angeles chapter president Lawrence using your malling list and trucks, said the Hayes says Great Outdoon also offers gays an and save $10.00 with this ad:" 1982-model Stanzas had al~maUve to other camping groups where they brake pedals that might might feel uncomfortable and an option for people O label addresaing be posi tloned too low. who are "sick of looklng at life through the bottom O list maintenance i m p a I r i n g b r a k e of 8 beer mug." D maillng list broker I performance. u ...,._..... "They are In bars because that's what they've *Saoe thl• od and rectloe $10 off your first ordu. 1 • Niss an . based in RISKY RIDE A 'Id alli alwa"'" done," said Hayes, a 43-year-old marketing (min. $100 ord~) "'---'d h d f -Wl gator leaps out of water of bayou near J~ '-dl~n. sa1 t e e ect H La executive. "Almost 100 percent are looking for MA to 'lZ2 • (714) 536-2104 would not be noticed by o uma, · to grab raw chicken from Bayou Anrue. Snakes, dragon relationships, not one-night stands." IABEL & I most drivers. flies and bald eagles are among other attractions of the tours conducted Walt Westman. a 34.year-old botanist, said he MAI.UNG U ST SERVICE "It doesn't show up by Annie Miller and her husband F.d. joined Great Outdoors three months ago. _f!2.~~~~S,,!!~!!,~,!!~~c_!!~~~J unless you have a partial 1------------------------------....c:.:::..:.::.::....:::.:.:~..:::.::.:::=::..::....::.:..::..~.:.:.:::.:..:.:.::..::...~::.:_.----~~=~~=:=~=~~=:=~~~~~~= brake failure in the system (from another cause)," said Nissan spokesman Leroy Frey. GM said th e 1980-model GMC and Chevrolet heavy-duty trucks under recall had aluminum hubs that could crack, causjng loss of vehicle control. Owners will receive letters advising them that dealers will replace the aluminum hub and drum assemblies with steel assemblies free of charge, the s tatement said. Until then, owner s should be alert for a thumping sound or wheel wobble which could indicate potential hub separation, GM said. Stanza owners will receive letters about the retail in the next week and can bring their cars to dealers for adjustment free of charge. Nissan said. 3 seniors on USC . alum 'P anel Orange <¥>ast residents Stefanie Kral , Mark Bradley Chitjian and Anthony James Manos have been chosen for the 12 -member gues t relations staff of the Gen e ral Alumni Association of USC. M i s s K r a I·. l h <.' daughter of Donald and Marlene Kral o f Newport Beach . is a graduate of Corona dl'I Mar High School. Chitjian. the son of Mike and Grace Chitjian of Costa Mesa. graduated from Estancia High School. Irvine resident Manos. the son of James and Mary Manos. graduated from West High School in Torrance. For USC tour reservations. call the Office of Alumni Special Events at 213· 743-2983. Me mbe r s sought A membership drive for th e W omen's Transitional Living Center, an Orange County shelter for battered wome n and thelr children. has been extended through July 30. WTLC announced that $3,500 has been raised and the membership has increased by 100 individuals. groups and busine91e9. But the jloal of the drive ii $10,000 and 500 new members. Information may be obtained by calling 714-992-1939. RUFFELL'S UPNOLSTBY l1;P!h~ .... ltla *''°' ..... COSTA MliA-14 .. 11 ... New fresh taste. OnlySmg. , Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. • ........ o.••-• ..,,......._,m..., .. I l I Ii ·1 ! I I I, I Al Orange Co11t DAIL. V PILOT /Tueeday, July 13, 1982 Thornhill,' OCT A fest raise· curtains av TOM TITUS J( .. .,.,.... ..... Two of the bJgal'St l!Vtmt. on thP community \heater calendar arrive thut w~k wlth the world premiere of "Thornhill" u\ \ht' Laaiuna Moult.on Playhouae and the third unnu.ol fNtlval of thc.> Oranae County Thc.>atur A.a,,oclotlon ln Newport Beach. "Thornhlll," a drama chronicling the life of u fictional playwrllinl giant, opens Wednesday in Laguna with playhouse managlng director Douglas Rowe taking the title role. The festival, involving a dozen local theater groups, begins it.s four-day engagement Thursday at the Newport Theater Arts Center. Alex Golson is dirC<·ting "Thornhill," which in addition to Rowe feature Jacquie Moff ett. Jon Sldoli. Catherine Rowe. J oAnne Black. Ralph ,~chmond, Robert Kokol and many others in a b ge cast. Performances will be given Wednesdays ml ough Saturdays at 8 p.m. until Aug. 14 at the Rlayhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, with reservation.s taken at 494-0743. .,, Laguna also 1s entered an the OCTA festival. 'ttt\.hich will be staged Thursday through Saturday ~~enings at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. with three ~ ups performang each day at the Theater Arts • nter, 2501 Chff Drive, Newport Bt'ach The "fdoulton's producuon of John FerzaL'Ca's .. Chl·k" 1s scheduled for Saturday at 10 p.m. -.1 Other Orange Coast theaters paruc1pating m the non-competitive festival anclude the Huntington .. ..i&each Playhouse, which will present "Curtains," nond the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse, which wiU ,.$age "Cinderella at the Pinchpenny Playhouse." . eoth on Thursday evening. Friday's program will binclude the Newport Harbor Actors Theater wath "Letters o f Appreciation" and the Irvine -COmmunity Theater with a st•enc from "Inherit the Wind." · Laguna 's "Click" opens the Saturday festivities, which also wa ll 1nc:lude the San Clemente Community Theat('r's production of a scene from "Lovers and Other Strangers." Local groups performing Sunday anc:lude the Newport Theater Arts Center with "Calm Down. Mother" and the Fountain Valley Community Theater with '')Ack Whittington and His Amazing Cat." Also entered an the festival are the Cypress <;ommurtlty Oriented Theater ("Up'n' Adam"), the .Ana-Modjeska Players of Anaheim ("Fumed Oak"), the Garden Grove Community Theater ("Adam and Eve") and the Westminster Community Theater ("The Conquering Hero"). Reservauons are recommended for the OCI' A festival, which was sold out for its first two years. Tickets may be ordered by calling 675-3143. Elsewhere around the local foothght circuit, two productions will draw their curtains with the closing or "A Doctor in Spite of Himself" at NOW PLAYlNg_ .. TAmu&tw.m ... ..07444 -UAC1111rai-f)4.lt11 !11CIPA-ACCimi@lte..,,I! I 1 I Saddl baek t:olleg '• north campua and "No Ark Thltl Tlmt''' a\ Golden Wt-at CoU<"l(f' Moll.-rf''t1 "Doctor" '" n production of the Compan y Theatt•r'a Junior Wing and will be performed Wednt'Sday through Snturdoy at 7:30 p.m. with 2:30 motmct'I Sutur<Jay nnd Sunday in the Forum Tht•a ter or I ht• ( rvint! campu11 Hest>rva\ions H3 l-4530. Churll·s Mltch1•1l lt both author a11d dtrt.~Wr or "No Ark This T ime." whlc:h .ilvt•s its !lnul ~rformant-es Friday and Saturday at 8: 15 in th(' Patio Theater on the GWC c~mpus. Rcservatlvns 894-6070. MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE ,,,_ -· .. Ol N •tlWlft If 10 n'lol>ft -•oo.t IN klffM!y 01 : ll'D we OOtWiN IOI _...,.,., Of ,,_,."' C/tlldl'Wt llllA fOUlll Alll VAllPf OMllGE UA Mt-.11t1 990 4022 (dw11d1 hloon1e1n Vlllty Stedr"ni 0 I 639 1710 COSTA MESA 939 ISOO WlSlMlllSllll ,...kt Twon 631 3501 •OllAllCC ConU.1., 634 2553 Ct!lt 1111 WHI 891 ·3935 lllVlllE Ed .. 11ds ~9dbudgr 551 0655 ·~70MM :-·w-.....:J -----------------------~ mSIOll YUO lllAll 41H! I I I ~ r --1~ DIWIG( UA Ctty C111ema 634 3911 WH TMlllSTlll UA M;oll 893 0~4ti l 1r1 Now it is free to become one of us . 1Hil&' • 1 "A Itlol'le l"ou'"e ~ Jusi 6oi To See!" -JOEL IEGF:L Good Momin8 America ABC-TV •• • /.'j n •/ o \ • hu .... ., .. ,,,.,, .. (., it1t rin1t1· 11lo1ti11,: ""'' 11 dim:n 1·rou1/1•tl "it/1 llf'I iut1 . -<;E'\E "i ll.\l.IT ··T•J(lu~ .. '\ UC-T \ LUXURY THEATRES 1st Two M1tinuShowinuONLY$2 .22lhllus0thtrw1seNoted 113r1U•r•l1dl6i61~ 2ss1 /~!:-:..:~. ) FOR FUOI EXCITEffiEnT I Vts1tOur . ., .sT'AA n. WP.ATH Tl\C:IU. -~. , ll!ql 12:>0 J:OO &:JO 1:00 lO:JQ.10mm At.o on the~ at local theaterw are: -"Geor1e M'' at Sebutian'• Weet Dlnrwr Playhou.e. l40 Ave. Pico, San Clemt-nte (492-~&0), playlnfi n ightly e>Cc p\ Monday• through the summer at varylnj curtain tlmct. -"Su1ar " ot the Harl1quln Dinn t>r Playhouse, 3~03 S . Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana (979-Ml l), alao runnlna nlahtly except Mondays nt varying Umes, through Sept. ~. "Tbe Drunkard" at the We1tmln11tcr Community Theater, 7272 Maple St .. Weatmmster (995-4113), on atate Friday• and Saturdays at 8:30 through Aug. 7. *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Perform•ncH ~lore 5:00 PM (Except Spedll fnp .. menta and Holid1y11 m!lt·t-lo~tf~.2:oo•on1J "ANNIE""'°' _ .... _ ...... "AUTHORI AUTHOR" ___ ,__, _ (N) "ITA" TMK It. "THE IECRET OF ...... " ntm WRATl4 OF KHAN" lt;ll,_dl, __ _ (01 "POL TERGl!l8T0 <"°> ___ ,__ LAKEWOOD CENTER WAll< IN n... DOUY a TIMO (l'G) -·-.--- "ROCKY Ill" (POI _ __ ,,., ........ ~ foc11tly ot Concuewooa 21J/H1·9llO "IT AR TMK II: THE WRATH 0' KHAN" ~~v.:.,~o (l'Gl I "THE llCRET Of NtMH" ------10) "ROCKY Ill" tl"G) .. 70Mll DOUY eTIMO ___ ,__,_ I "PONCY'I" (Ill _..__ I "OMAN r !N I I -.-.- LAKEWOOD C fNTUl SOUTH INAl • IN l A(,UNA so . COAST WALK·IN •t i. I WOM> AHO THE IOflCltlllftfl 1111 ~ ...... ._ __ "OINEA"1111 -··--- "'TMa I WON> AMO TMI IOftCUllll" «-I loll, "' -'"' - So11tto Coosl Hlwoy 01 a.oodwoy 414-1514 "ROCKY Ill" tl'Gl --·------·"- 1111111. 11ont fri. 1 • -Sit. S.. 1.IS ... SI.ti t1 0.. IMPORTANT NOTICl ! CMllDRUI UNO(R 12 FRH! """" .,. "-111111. ""' fri. 1:t0 • 111. s.... !Wlr• uo (;INN! SOUtiO • YOU-4M W llAOIO t$ YOUll -~ I W NC) 411! Co\11 llAOll) Wfnt IGHfT'ClOt ACWSOlll POSll1Dlf -IMIG AM llOllTAIU l•Ml. Cltlf.fl ~di ON* MOIO Al'IAHllM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ~··-"' ,. ol LefftOfl " 179·9150 ...,..,or '"' -..... GN'ORC:S" INl 0. II SOUIOO BL f .. .A ........ , BUENA PARK OlllVf IN UMOlfl A•• We ll Of C- 121•4070 8'Ji ~Ii i"'A io'l LINCOLN OPIVE IN .A ..... CNI -"l'ONYW• (N I CllOl fl 10U110 "t"OL TIRGllll T" !NI -•la.A WOLvtra• 1"91 Clllt "SOUllO ' ' ..... 4 I.A HABRA I'~ '•I I .. ...... -.--... .......... en-1161 .. OPAN(,t {Jl/1.1 I~ --I MID Titl ';ec 1•1 1111 "WAM.OMe OP An..MfM" INI "Ill.ADE "UNNER" 1111 -"BODY HEAT'1111 POL TEAGEl8T' 1N1 -"HA WOLVEB"oi> Clllth- ..,,.. •ACM ~··(Ill -•ftOCK 'N' llOll HIGH" fl'GI Clllf·ll SOUHO IMocn ft.O SO ~ OotOtn Gto.. k-l 191·3693 ., .. lMNO"~ -"CAT Not'\r 1111 C"'f JI SOUllO~-- .....,,01""91 ---~l"tl'Gl c .. ,,_ --n. •ACM QR.I• l"I -'1lOCtC W ltOLL MIOH" IN) "ttOC",t. ... '"' "OLA ... fW TMI ffTMM" H'ea ~ ..... 70MM $0( TRACK [D(DCUl'tnPlOI' PAt;SENlATION ... ,..., MA'41 , , .... -... , c.-.. '" oao Oii-~ u• 1~» ~Piii' l!,.'.:O ... _, ~:~!~IHfltl m:mm ~...., '1' ;ut ''' '••o 1111 11~•* -COSl.t Mrl.t •..-11,.t iot)t lllt lO•Cl'I\"' ""'"' t;o,.,1 ""'•'• '•• /71 t tt0t1.....-:ti .U:O tta10-, ... ,........_ .... , llllJPHat . TUllOAY, JULY 13, 1881 CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION 82 83 86 • Gilt 1hop1 picked over tours by Erma Bombeck. Pase 82 0 0 Payroll tax for transit flayed County panelists oppose move, but it will be considered MERCY SHREDDING DEPT. -News accounts out of our central Orange County have chronicled an accident within the Fullerton Union High School District that I wish could have happened to me. It sounded just great. What happened was that the wrong box got placed in with a bunch of discards. The result was tha t 700 high school transcripts from one old graduating · !"-\ class got tos.5ed into the TOM MURPHINI ~I;. ~opper ~d were shredded -~ into obhv1on . . ' : -------------Alas, I didn't go to high school in Fullerton . There were clearly a few grades I wouldn't have m inded seeing transformed into confetti. I'll never get so lucky. Th e coastal school where I did time is too poor to afford a shredder. WHAT THE YOUNG graduates of today probably don't realize is that those grade transcripts are going to follow you to th e grave. Jus t awhile back. I was doing som e part-time instructing in the fi ne art of news-hackery when the school district involved abruptly announced the office would have to h ave a copy of my grade transcript. It did no good to suggest that the grades came out so If you have my grad~ in the~. ll'O ahead and rum H on ... long ago I.hat the rock tablets had crumbled by now . The sch ool brass insisted upon it. : You never live down those grades. They haunt you forever. I mean, how ever are you going to explain a way the I fact that you got a withdrawal 0 -minus in a comme rce course called. "Window Dressing. 1-A?'' You cannot. I LISTEN, HOW WOULD you like to be a journalism major where you're supposed to have constant dealing with I words. and you've got to explain down through the years l why your school transcript shows 12 units, spread over a couple of semesters , in a t'Ourse titled simply, ''Gasoline Engines." Even the military recruiter. years ago. looked cross- eved at me when he saw that one . Well, when my transcript did come in the last time l was doing some of this part-time journalism teaching, the school official scrutinized 1t, looked up at me and asked: "Gasolin e engines?" He hadn't read down far e nough for the Window Dressing 1-A yet. Better all of this had gone to the shredder like the chosen 700 at Fulle r ton. SCHOOL OFFICIALS at Fullerton were appare ntly a little red-faced over the error of sending all the school records to destruction a long with used-up paper towels, or whateve r. One of the school people up there declared that such a mistake had never happened in 20 years. So it may be possible that some Fullerton graduates with mixed records may be rejoicing over their past academic misbehavior being sliced into small pieces. THE JOY, HOWEVER, will be s h ort-lived. It develops tha t Fullerton h as duplicates on all the 0 -minuses and F's that w ere shredded. The school officers are just miffed beca use now they've got to pay a typist to re-copy the shredded stuff. • See how it goes, kids? Window Dressing 1-A will still pursue you. By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Oftfle Delly "91 llaft Employer payroll taxes, road tolls and Incr eased fees on comme r cial a nd residential development are among revenue aources under study to finance long-tenn highway and transit projects In Orange County. And, for the time being, the mos t con troversial of the financing options -the payroll tax -will continue t o be analyzed despite criticism Monday from some members of the county Transportation Commission. "I will oppose it (a payroll tax). no matte r what,' dedar e d Commissioner BilJ Vardoulis, an Irvine c ity councilman. "[ personally can't even support studying it." The payroll tax proposal also ruffled Commissioner Ralph Clark, a county supervisor, who said he was concerned about possibl e effet:ts o n s mall businessmen. *** OC transit , hoard OKs '83 budget By DAVID KUTZMANN 0( IM D.ily l't\Ot llaff Directors o f the Orange County Transit District have given final approval to what they describe as a "cost-conscious" $85.6 million budget for the new fiscal year that holds the line on Ca r es while improving bus service. The 1982-83 spending plan was adopted Monday by the five- m 1• m be r boa rd a t 0 CT D headquarters in Garden Grove. Officials said the budget is based on ridership which is expected to reach 35.2 million passengers, a 10 percent increase over the past fiscal year. OCTD G e neral M a nage r James Reich ert said budget rontrols and other money-saving techniques s hould reduce the district's cost-per-passenger by about three percent. The overall financial blueprint alJots $72.5 million for operating expenses, $12.1 million for capital projects and about $1.1 million for development of a ra pid transit system. Officials said the oper ating budget was six percent higher than 1981-82's spending plan. It represe nts a decrease in 84 budgeted positions. The board Monday also took several other b udget-related actions. including: -Increasing Reichert's salary from $58,000 to $63.800. -Approving salary increases or seven percent for 220 non- uruon employees who work as secr e tari es. dispatchers. maintenance supe rvisors and instructors. The wage increases will cost the district a bout $650,000. The transit district is going into the second year of a three-year contract with union drivers and mechanics. Officials said the contractor has built-in wage increases eCfective at various times through the life of the contract. "Even with inflation dropping somewhat, the district is still experiencing cost increases." Reichert said. This is about $2 million over the past year's revenue . The district raised cash fares last yew- and said it would not raise them again for two years. However, the diatrict has raised the coot of monthly pages. which now sell for $25.50. Riley joins Knights • Orange County Supervisor 1ilolnu RUey of Newport Belch hu been lnveated u a Knl1ht of the Sovereign Mlll\ary HoapUaller Order of St. John of J erusalem of Rhodes and of Mal~. Riley a.c.me a member of the Knt1ht1 of Malta . an orpnfr.ttion datJna blidc '° U'Mt year 1113, durln1 lnv11lltW'1 ceremoniH conducted In Ian Frtndlco under the direc!dGn o( Ht• lxullency the Mott Reverend John R. Quinn, ArdtbMihop of Ian rnnNoo. Tta. Nt""""1 'I -conduct.tel F ..... •I 11 .... ,,., -W• folktwtd bf I """'., u.. "·,.,...... j M• l•r• ot lht ord•r , J launched durtna the Cruaaciea, are choaen on \Le baaia of faith and charitable work• for the Roman Catholic ChW'Ch. The 1.)V\bol of lhe oc*r ii the white Crdll of Mal~. Other Oran1• County memb*e of the~ or<Nr Include J. RotMPn rfuor, chltf euc:uLlw ofllarr of nuor Corp., Carl Kan:her, chief HICUlive officer of Carl Karcher lnterprlNI, and Dr. Vlnceru o.rty,1ph~. Jom&nl ~ Md "" ... ,.. lmma~T .. , fOr &he lnWMlwtt cietMMlft were,,....."--Uanl ........ for dw ar.....,lftdO,.ry Hlr11tt, 1 1oun&~ •lrporl D es pite the 1 r ex pressed concerns. both Vardoulis and Clark ultimate ly supported a motion to keep an employer payroll tax on the list of potential transportation revenue sources. Mechanisms tor financing h ighway and transit improvements througti 1997 are being studied Cor the comm1SSion and county government by a ronsulting finn at a cost of $95,- 000. Its final report 1s scheduled to be released m November. Transportation officials say the t'OUnty must find ways to pay for highway and transit projects with local rev<'nucs because of the relat1v<' lack of state and federal financing. The co n sulta nt s are Investigating thr ee trans portation impr ovement packages, ranging in cost from $5.9 to $11.2 billion. Included would be construction of new arterial highways. reconstruction and ex p a nsion o f existing freeways . n ew fr eewa ys . "guideway" transit lines. t-ach as light rail systems. and cxpandl-'CI bus services. In addition to payroll taxes, tolls and increased development fees, other financing sources under study include an increased gasoline sales tax. increased sall'S tax. higher transit fares and a so-called parking tax. Some taxes -such as p<1yroll tax, increased gasoline tax or in<:reased sales tax -would require enabling state legislation or local voter approval, or both. Cou nt y s upervisors a~e sc·heduled to take action on tJle t:o nsultant's recomme ndatiops Wednesday. If approved, the fmancmg mechanisms would ~ evaluated in a public opinif?n survey ~ All but the payroll tax were suggestc-'CI by the t'On.sult.an ts. ThP payroll tax proposal was advanced by a Transportation Financing Advisory Committee, l·o mpr1s e d of co unty, transportation commission and transit distrn:t offu.:1als. OVERCOMING -Irvee n a Kirc h o ff. 72, listens as volunteer Becky Hildebrandt reads to her at Beverly Manor Convalescent Hospital in 0.-, .... PtlMe bf LM ~ ' Laguna Hills. Mrs. Kirchoff is blind and crippled, but retains h er zest for life. She's down but not out Blind and crippled, 'Grandma K' enjoys life Now. tho' 1he vt•ars havt' taken their t.oll. · And in a whC'£'/cha1r s ht' musr sit, They have not dampened her love for mankind. Nor dulled hC'r kt'l'n mind and great wit. Gery H. IClrc"°"• MIHIOn Vieto By PAMELA STENRIEDE Of IM Delly f'Mot Steff lrveena Kirchhoff is portrayed by her son Gary in this excerpt from his poem. "Biography of a Grand Lady." The 72-year-old "grand lady." a resident of the Beverly Manor Convalescent Hospital in Laguna Hills. has faced the trials of her life. ove r com e the m a nd remained ch eerful, witty and c uri ous about the world . Mrs. Kirchhoff is blind and crippled due to complications caused by diabe t es, and has decided "being blind ls nothing compared to not being able to walk. But, I simply live life as it comes along." She tackled less formidable hurdles as a child. but with the same d etermination that he r blindness a nd cripple d legs require. As a 6 -year-old "tomboy" growing up in San Pedro. her brothe r Ha ro ld gave he r a baseball glove and told her to catch the ball when he threw it to her. She was positioned to face uph!U, and didn't want to run down the 1teef street and retrieve the ball l ahe miaed It. So, she didn't. She continued her athletic career and played on a alrls Indoor bateball \earn. No6ody could handle the hard-thn>Wlf\8 pitcher on their team, IO 1he stepped In to plar catchtt. Mr1. Kirchhof -or Grandma K aa the ii known '° memt:>.rw of a Mlllion Vt.Jo Brownle Troop who ado~ h•r 11 their Hononry Onndmother -wu lhrown 1nolher ourv• In t• w .... tw hUlband Wal• Oartaanl• Ktrehhof f, died uc1 ihe w• fhlu.n,..:I IO ,.... U...,. ~-z ..... r'°~ htr1•lf 1nd1r.1, Wh• ,,..,....,.. ll Wll -'IRWwll IO ...,,..,,. bMI\,.... ...... ,...,... , I "from a father's point of view as well as a mother's." Her a·dvice to mothers alune raising children: "Try to teach them the best you can lo have respect for the next guy. "One o f the grea t est achievements a kid could get is t.o learn to read. As long as you can read. you s ho uld n ever be lonesome." Family m e mbers. s tare personnel at the hospital. friends a nd the Brownie troop don't a llow many lonesome hours for Grandma K But her a lmost constant companion is a portable radio. Every t ype of mus1t:, from swing to modern pop. pleases her. Her personal flair for music is evidenced by the Orange County Fair citation on her wall which she re<:eived for amateur lyric writing. "I learn a lot from the radio,'' she proudly stated. One of her favorite. recent news reports was the announcement that singer Kate Smith will receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom. "I was so glad for her. After all the work she did for the troops during the war. she deserves 1t." said Mrs. Kirchhoff. Al so. th e prospect of the: California Angels -her "team this year" playing in the World Series requires a constant radio v1g1l . ·: As idl' from her interest iO: daily news. she participates in~ cxcrc1~ sessions six days eac;hJ week al the hospital. "r "She helps lead the class,'' said! S han Mattis. act1vit1es director. I Th<> love flows both ways withi Grandma K. The first and thi.rdl grad£' girls from Troop 258 ne~tj forget her on holidays. Her WallS' ar<' filled with the season_a_q cc•lcbralion cards. r A special birthday part>JI. Christmas c:elebration took pla<il last December. Graqdma K wwilj born in Belfast. Ireland, on Dec.~ 31. 1910, and the Brownies to sing carols and smother with birthday hugs and kisses. Then they gave her a Bro pin. placed it upside down on lapel or he r bed gown , a explained she must do someth nice before she could wear it right s1d<' up. 1 That didn't take her long. T~ next day s he shared some candy mints w ith the nurses and ai~ at the hospital and was able 1b wear the pin correctly. Air show benefits children's ·home - r--·----.... -..----..----------------------~----~-- Ora"ge Oout DAILY PILOT/Tue1d1y, July 13, 1~82 • • ANN LANDERS • ERMA BOMBECK • HOROSCOPE roubled teen.-ager deserves better treatment DEAR ANN LANDERS: lam a bad kid I !eel like a jerk writing to you. but. l 't know what else to do. When J asked guidance counselor at school for help, he sai I was a hoodlum and deserved what I got My parents died five years ago when I 8. I live with my sister. who is 29. Her nd beats me up a lot. I've never been a ni kid even when my parents were a live, but I don't think I deserve to get knocked HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA SFl gittarius: C\hange due Wednesday, July 14 AR IES (March 21 -April 19): Emphasis on expenditures. luxury items, art objects and a projected budget. Focus on family, home. security, domestic adjustment and beautification of surroundings. Taurus, Libra, Scorpio persons play significant roles. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Apparent defeat is tra nsformed into resounding victor y. You'll have reason to celebrate. Techniques are perfected , procedures streamlined. You'll be at right pla<.-e at crucial moment. Pisces plays key role. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): You may be asked to participate in secret mission. Scenario highlights romance, discretion a nd ability to work behind scenes. Media people could seek an interview . You are on brink of important discovery. CANCER (June 21-July 22): You are in tune with public needs, desires. Popularity increases. more people are concerned with what you say, think and do. Sotne of your fondest aspirations come into focus and are close to being fulfilled. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Be ready for new start, added independence and chance ' f.O go directly ·to source. You'll get to heart of matters. Focus on career, prestige, ambition and dealings with professional superiors. Aries and another Leo figure prominently. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Plans for journey could be completed. Conflict could exist between domestic duties and professiona l req uire m ents. S trive for fl exibility a nd restoratio n of domestic harmony. Cance r , Capricorn, Aquarius persons play key roles. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Protect self in emotional clinches. Individual who turns on charm may actually lack substance. You learn more about money. investments and financial status of one who makes claims. I You'll receive invitation to prestigious social affair. SCOR PIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 2 1): Be m eticulous con cerning details -read between lines, study small print and check we.'~ m easures. Avoid forci ng issu es; ' maintain low profile. Emphasis on legal affairs, close re lationships. clash of ideas and marital status. SAGITIARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 2 1): Take nothing for granted ; do som e person a l detective work. Accent on change, travel. ' variety and a survey of e mploym e nt situation. Gemini, Virgo and a no ther Sagittarian figure prominently. Dependent expresses surprising views. CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan. 19): Emphasis on recreation, speculation and an outlet for creative expression. Focus also on children, romance, variety and your individua.l style. Domestic adjustment is highlighted, some plans are revamped. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Go slow. be aware of security, obtain professional appraisal. Some restrictions are necessary - you actually have chance to review facts, figures. Property value 'is clarified. Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces persons are spotlighted. P I SCES (Feb. 19 -Marc h 20): Responsibility can be fulfilled if you open lines of communication. Short trip involves relative. Highlight flexibility, versatility and willingne11 to experiment. Older individual becomes ally, lends benefit of experience. '°' s1on BY ASHLEJGH BRILLIANT .....,,,._ WM•RE WOUL.D 181: I W.rTMOUT I KWRVTNIN8 'JI I MAVSW'T .oT?-1 IC~~v ~ ,:e, around so much . Pete, my brother-in-law, hates me bt."Cause l got dumped on him and my sister when they were (irst married. Also, they have a kid who is retarded. Maybe he feels <:heated or something. Should l run away or stick around £or more ooatlngs? My only otht'r brother is a prn .. -sl. Am l really so bad a person that they have the right to do this to me"! I've never done anything, I only said bad stuff. Please give me some advice. A KID IN TROUBLE We can't take a trip together lx>caUSt' h<• hates to travel. He has bought me a fow girts but won't let me buy him anything. says he'd rather have the tash. 1 havt• nevt•r b<.•tm to his apartment becauS<' hf> says his motlwr 1s an invalid and needs total privacy I <:annot phone ham at home Cor foar of disturbing her. This has been going on for nl·arly two yc·ars. E. FROM BOLIVAR. MISS. DEAR E . I think the man is married. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My girlfriend and 1 ll vt• together. Sht• as :rn. I am 3:1 S hl• has four children, eal'h bv a d1lt't·rl·nl man (None by her husband, who she IS an the pro<:ess of divorcing.) W e h ave• la ved together for three years and plan to be married as soon as he r divorce is final. DEAR FRIEND: You must get out of that house. I can't understand why you haven't asked your brother for help .. Surely be can find you a home with foster parents who treat you decently. 1 urge you to call your brother at once. Or, go to a local priest and tell him I sent you. I'm glad you felt close enough to ask me for help. Good luck, son. Please write again and let me know how you are doing. DEAR ANN: What do you think about a man who tells a 28-year-old woman (he is 30) that he is madly in love with her but can see ht'r only on Mondays. Tuesdays and Thursdays because he has a heart condition and needs a lot of rest? Thus<.' are the fal·ts. Tht<; is tht· probl<.•m Her mother 1s l'Ommg to v1s1t us for a month My friend wants me to move out b<.'<.'aUS<' her mother is old-fashioned and ('a nnol m'<.'t.•pt our living arrang<•mt•nl. Whtlt• l do n•spt'<:t her mother, l believe that s1nct• shL· is l'Oming to OUR homt• sh(• should not judg<.• us, but at't'{'pt our hosp1t<1 lity and kc.-ep her views to herself. H you agree with my girlfriend. I will PRECISION PARACHUTING -Members of the Golden Knights, t he Army's o fficial parachute demons tration t eam, thrilled audiences at the Orange County Fair Saturday and Sunday with their spectacular jumps from O ... y Piiot Photo l>J RlchMd l(Mftlef 13,500 feet, landing in the (air's amphitheater. Costa Mesa. Using square chutes, the team d e monstra ted a variety of techrnques, all involving 60 se<-onds of freefall before opening their t·anopies. GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF Both vulnerable. South deals. NORTH •AK43 0 876 0 J 109 • 853 WEST EAST • 965 • 1087 O K542 0 3 0 AK32 O Q654 +J9 +Qt0642 SOUTH •QJZ o AQJ 109 0 87 +AK7 T he bidding: South We1t North Eaet I O Pue 2 O Pa11 4 O Pue Pa11 Pua Opening lead: King or o. Many contracts pivot around control or the hand. How you go about Lhe play can depend on how many tr icks you can afford to lose. Because of his good five- card major suit and lack of a stopper in diamonds. South elected to open one heart rather than one no trump. Since his hand was worth only one forward·going bid. North chose to raise hearts rather than s how hit spades or describe his shape with a no lrump response. South had an easy jump to four hearls-t he superior game contract. West led the king or diamonds and. in response to his partner's signal with the six, he continued with the ace or diamonds and another. Declarer ruffed. and it might seem that declarer should bank his hopes on a trump finesse, using dummy's high spades as entries. But then declarer would have to lose a club, and he still might not make the contract, even if East had the king of hearts. Since declarer can still a( ford to lose a trick, and ai nee he can get rid or bia club loser on spades, the safer way to make the contract is to simp- ly concede a trick to the king of trumps. However, it would not do to continue with the ace of trumps and another - that would be fine if trumps were 3-2, but would lose to actual dis tribution. West would hold up one round. H declarer abandoned trumps, West would ruff a spade with his low trump; if declarer continued with a trump, West would win and force declarer's last trump with a diamond, and he would still score his low trump. Decl11rer found the win· ning line -he led the 4uecn or trumps from his hand. West refused lo go up with t he king, but declarer simply continued with the jack. Ir West won, he could not force declarer with a diamond - South would rurr in dummy . So West held up again. Now declarer cashed the ace of t rumps and started on spades. Since West held three spades, declarer was able to discard his club loser on the fourth spade, and the contract was safe. Rubber bridge club1 tlarMgbout the eovotry uae tile f.ur-deaJ briqe format. Do they kaow aomethiag you don't? Charles Goren'• "Four·DeaJ Bridge" will teach you the 1tratesfes and t.adie1 of tbJ1 fut·s-ced ae· tion p.me that proviclea the cure for uneacliq l'llbben. For a copy and a aeoreped, aeDd 11.75 to "Goren·Four Deal," care of thi1 itewepeper, P .O. Box 259, Nerwood, N.J. 07648. Make ea..cb ,.,able to Newe- peperbeek1. • • i ' • J • l ' . . ab1d<· bv vo ur dl•<:1s1011. but om:e I move out I wall nut .mow back. A WAITING YOUR ADVICE IN UTICA Dt:AR UTICA: I'd like to make it clear that I am against living together without ma rriage .. I've always said it's a bummer, aod there is pl enty of evidence that I'm right. If yo ur fiancee is uncomfortable about how her mother might take it, she should put Mama up at a nearby motel. You should not be asked to move. Had you volunteered, l'ine. but to be kicked out, in my opinion,·· would be wrong. After all, it is as muc h your home as her s. Is <ilcoho/Jsm ruinmg your lilt':' K.nuw th1· 1.fanKC'r signals and whnl L11 do. Ji<•nd thf' bookl<•t. "A/mho/1sm Hop<· and H<•lp ... by Ann Landers Endust> 5/J C'('nt.c; w11h vow /'C'QLJt•st and a lung .. o;tamp<'<l .. o;t•lf-;J</cln.•s.'>{'<i c•n\(•/op<• ro Ann Llind<•t'S. P 0 Bm. I J.l.JY5. Ch1rngo. Ill. fiUn 11 flMA 80M8fCI ATWIT'S END Trave·Iers check gifts Th1.·n · arcm 't loo many stories I dip out of thl' newspaper. but this onl' I not only ton.' out. I read Jl outloud to mv husband ··Listen to lh1s 'Th<' oV('rc.;ge v1s1tur to the Grand Canyon '>p<·nd:-a n ovt.•rag1 of fuu r hours tht·rc., but onlv 20 minutes al'lually looking at th<.• gorg~· · Now. gu<.'S!> where tourists sp<.•nd th<.• rt.•:-l of their lime'!"· r "Waiting m line lo go lo the rt'strooms," ... ht· said. "Bu yi ng g1fLo; to t.ak<.• home." I !Wild • traumphilntly. ~ I HOPE THI WILL END m' •r husband's long tirades on how l walk out of • a hott•l m the mornings. sniff the air and say. "( sm<.'11 g ift shops."' and disappear for three days. lie wi ll nt•\'N forg1v<.· mt· for the lime w1.• v1:.ilt.>d the United N<Jt1ons m Nt•w York and had limited llml• Wt• could either havt• w<Hl·ht>d the St'<.·unty Cuun<'il debat<.' lht• poss1b1hly of war m th<.• Mideast or ch1.'l:k out thoSt· darling httlt• woudf•n napkin nngs from Kenya m the gift shop. Well. get st•rioul>'. You ct•rtamly c:an't St.'l' darling little wooden napkin rings from Kenya on the 6 o'clo<:k nl'ws. The trouble wtth mt·n 1s thev tour monuments like they arc· prl'panng for a quiz. My husband wall stand and read every single word on a tribute or a plaque. He will push thl• button on those t.a lking voices tha t tl'll you what you are looking a l. a nd apologize to it if h<.' coughs. What is wors<'. he will ask q uestions and hold the entire tour group from getting to all the backsc:rat('hers in the gift shop b<.·fore they are gone. I DON'T UNDERSTAND someone who would stare at the Acropolis in Greece for 35 solid minutes~ It wasn't going any place and it wasn't changing color. But those sha wls with the handmade la<.-e that women were spreading out on the grass at the bottom of the site were going like hotcakes. A few years ago, we went to the African bush at the base of Mt. Kilimanjaro. As my husband and I sat outside the tent. gazing a t the campfire. he saw a Masai woman crossing the fi e lds. As she came closer. we could see she was carrying a basketful of bracelets, rings and necklaces. My heart beat faster as I took the VISA card out of my sweater pocket. Here was a gift shop that made house calls and my husband was watching -are you ready? -a sunset.! . . .. I : I Many reasons for exhaustion DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: Wut ml11tt ca•n It? I'm alway• emuted lately. MRS. Y. DEAR MRS. Y .: There may be 1COrcs of reuona. For example, here la a young lifl, exce11lvely nervou1 and tired; Clnal dlapOlla 11 hyperthyroldlam (overactive lhyrold). Here ll another younpter exCDllively nervou1 and e xhau1ted: but her final dt11no1l1 11 Jull lhe O,Ppotlte -hy~yrotdilm (U.nUrlC!tJYtt \hynlkt). Here 11 one whh mu11el1 w•,,kn•11 wetld a '°"I um. for 0~ ~. ' Final dt~ ,.,,.......,. PIYll -an otc.n ov•rloo~ OofMll&loft In whloh ther• 11 .~ muacle weakness. Bui. it's peychol()lical fatigue that. tries o ur dia«no1tic aTctll, therape utic e.ffectivencu and padence, Mrs. Y. Fatigue kills the 1pirit. Accordlnf"to Dr. Robert Felix of the National lnethute of Mental Health, Wa1hln1ton, D.C.: "The psychologically tired, 1ubjecied to the relendet11t.re11 of our aodety, repr..-nt our wont ment.al health problem -lhil kind of chronic fatip ls a •rioua pnmna! dilui..r." U you have been "dead tired.'' Mn. Y., )'OU wlll Ill'" lhil lt no ovm&tt.ement. F•UUH c1u111 poor concentra\lon, lrri&a~lly, ac. of •fliNNI)' all, Ukt • "'°"9U rollinl down hUJ, l'OW lar ... and ,,.. .,...._ undl fte.taul 11 ,CWll'PGft ... or T ro111111r1 DA. PETER J . STEINCAOHN lUrnl lntD IOmethll\I quJ\e aeriow. So, your' job la not to let yowwlf pt ~ , tired. Better teek •medical aomuhataan~ Some of UI U'8 barn aDMU\U~1 adlQuat.e or ir-..dequaca. You b-ay be &iy1nj lo do more than )'OU can wltt,-o'ul. ov•rtt.ralnina, Mrt. Y. A mlnl.-r may ..... up '°I c.ctui.c (or I day, but wtU inMtaWJ tall ·~ II It Ll1'I to rMtch the ....... _. lft -~~, ...... y ..... of .... Ind ......... . & TME FAMILl' c1ac::1:1 "If the 'conomy doesn't get better I th ink Doddy might hove to let a couple of us go." Mi\RMADl:kt: by Brad Anderson "Okay, what kind of mischief have you been up to today?" l<AYo ! YO<.JR HANDS ,ARE ,AU. STICKY FROM 1}~E /CE ACROSS 1 Ultlmat• 58111boet 10Allowela 148uly•- C~t:,AM CONE 1 1/«E ,.,...--r ,.--....,,,.·~~)) CARE :"l OF IT! ~I' ) MONDAY'I PUZ2U IOLYID Otange Coat DAILY PILOT/Tunday, Ju'X 13, 1982 816 GEORGE by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) PMNIJTI "Only 1omt blll colltctor1, dear." Hank Ketchum 7·13 t • . • ME AA' JoEy N<E OOIU)NG 5':WE1HtN', roo. Couwwe ~A CLJPrfN41LS ~" OR RATHER, SCRATCH WILL .. i HAT'5 MY 50N' NOOOO'f' PlAYS ii-IE PIANO L.IKE M'( 10NY I by Ferd & Tom Johnson I WA9TRYIN6 -ro SP.VE So,AP! 8EAOTIFVL SMOT ! IT'S MEADIN6 Rl6MT FOR THE 6REEM ... I HEAR VOICES FROM THAT OPEN MANHOLE GORDO Flffi' C£NT5 , HUH~ TMEN II 100K HIM 1l>JO 'TRI E~ 70 8REAI( ~REC.ORD! ----i lilEU..~. 11' COIJlO e€ 60 -400 c~oost IM<S1'UO tu~ 'f())'«E ~10 Of 1'o 11)()(9'1V ~E.1'~~1' ~~1PS Wl'flt ~\.. 'IOl.l'u .. ~E'-ltlt t.'£f.1',SO 'fOl.l tE.of\..E ~ ~lla~T REJECT .r. l&)OW'1' fM( !ff~ ... ~ 0-ml e .!:f ..,,_) ..,,.,,. s,,_,.,,, "" POC'f~,1HIS Ac::>t-tes1ve 1"APe IS ~O GOOP! 11"5 I S1"1CKY ON eo-n1 SIPE!S! by E~n1e Bushmiller IT41 0'11. roorf •i Kl I 1d1..l ., !•>bl •J·Jt'F ·/)T 1 •• •n12 l'JU1» • •11t ,\ i·i% . 1d .. 1l1 ··~ by Gus Arriola •11m by Tom Batiuk NO I HE WA5 ~IN& 1HE ~-MAN ~IN£ WrTH HI? L..EFf HAND ! :ttlJ? l'.>Ot 1.d·.•1 • ',,' t ·~,,~ i!l'Ut • '0 1 /lb((f tms. ·•11A ,• f "'' 'l ,., y ) I •1f't ·~ ·>t l rt 11: .1 : .... 'T'X\ I ll ' IU: i. n<t m int llht!d • ! (t I ~ l ;. , ')(J'(I , ,,, \(~I • .1>.r~1 ~UIGlt'• 1.1;H,•I '' Wt'Gf I ~ d1on l'.ol•tb 1l1il0 ./ UJ J.Z m!F.2' 11qx'l > lqm3 7'llJUq 1>l I rf~ vibnli lci81d !.. 11, ~ .1qcr• • uo.Y. lius•i ·poo.2 ,. lq291i '19nif iJc1CW1 mlliw Orange Ooett DAILY PILOT/Tuttday, July 13, 1982 Baseball buffs big business a L•aARR y EBERLING OI-. D.., ...... , ... Baseball card aficionado. will find a paradise in a small colleotora a h o p on New port Boulevard in Costa Mesa. You can go there and see a 1909 Ty Cobb tobacco card and, if you have an extra $100. buy it. Or. If you're on a budget, you can spend 50 cent.a to $1 for cards of Pete Rose, Nolan Ryan or the San Diego Chicken. Benefiting financially from such transactions is Alan Fraser, a high school sophomore who has achieved the e nviable goal of mak1ng a buaineea out of his hobby. "I started coUectmg when I was 6 or 7 years old," he said. "Eventually, I built up enough supplies to start a store." Nine months ago, he and his mother, Tammie Fraser. rented the small shop at 1826 Newport Blvd. And, if they haven't hit a gold mine. they at least have been able to pay the rent and tum a small profit. "It's getting to be less of a hobby and more of a busines.5," young Fraser said. "But it's an easy way to make money and I can set my own hours." Tammie Fraser also minds the store. Browse rs have included Newport Beach resident and California Angel Don Baylor, Conner Angel Bill Singer, and a Rams rookie anxious to see what he looked Like on his first card. "And once some businessmen from some Middle East oil country bought a box of cards because they don't have them where they come from," AJan said. "Usually, we sell to repeat customers. though." He added that browsers come in spurts, ranging from 150 in one day to only 5. They are young and old. Many speculate with cards. For example. buyers of a current 50 cent card probably will see it increase at least a small amount m value. Older cards bring bigger money. but they're also bigger· risks for speculators because values fluctuate. Roo kie cards are another investment. If a rook1e goes on to become a star, his debut card's pnce c~n soar. AJan recently sold Savings firm founder s teps down • Doro thy Doan , fou nding c hairman o f t h e board of Newpor t Balboa Savings. has announced she'll step down from that post. President of a building and development compan y. Mrs . Doan said she will remain on the Newport Balboa Savings Board of directors but devote more time to her business. "I am extremely proud of the growth and profitability we have achieved in our three years of operation," she said o f the savings institution, which has locations in the Westcliff area of , ·Newport Beach and Corona del Mar. Fredric J . Forster. president and chief executive officer. wiU assume duties as cha1nnan of the board. During the past year, Newport Balboa Savings had a 39 percent profit increase and a 51 percent growth in assets to $32.1 million. Delly Pllol ltllft PMto TAKE A CARD -Alan Fraser and his mother Tammie have turned Alan's collection of baseball cards into a business in Costa Mesa. a Pete Rose rookie card for $110. Co!Jectors who loaded up on Fernando Valenzuela and Tim Ra ines cards last year have already made a nict• profit. Currently, they sell for $2.50. But s peculato r s who buy hundreds of a rookie's cards anticipating his future stardom can get burned, Fraser wa rned. He pointed to the cast> of the C l eveland Indians' Joe Charbon eau, the Ame r 1<:an League Rookie of the Y 1•ar in 1980 The Indians reC'ently r e turn ed th e st rug gli ng Charboneau to the minors, his card became virtually worthll'ss The shop's bestsC'Jleng t·ards aren't of old stars and rookies. though . they're o f t·urren t s upe rs tars s uc h as Reggie SUCCESSOR -Frederic J. Forster wi ll m ove fro m presiden t t.o. chairma n of the board a t Newport Balboa. J ackson, Hod Carew, Ste ve Garvey and Rose. Fraser also stocks football and bask e t ball 1:ards. but they a<.'COUnt for only one-~h1rd of the baseball items' sales. In fact. he said that the s tore's slowest m o nth w as November and Dcx-emb<.>r, when baseball action was reduced to the leagues' winter meeting. As to the shop's future. he remains uncertam. "I don't know how much longer we'll want lo keep it,'' he said "It's no big deal because wl''ve had 11 for awh ile now." And. of c.'Ourse. Fraser will go w 1::oll<.·gl· in a few years. But fo r the presen t, local baseba II card collectors have a plal'e lo go. QUITS -D o r o thy D oan . Co u n di ng ch a i.r man of Ne wport Balbqa Sa~ings, will step down from, \he p,ost. Two from SF join Irvine Foundation The James Irvine Foundation has e lect e d San Fra n cisco businessmen Samuel H . Armacost and Myron Du Bam as directors. The foundation . with offices in Newpo rt Beac h and San Francisco , awards j(rants to California cha ritable institutions in the fie lds of inde pende nt higher education . medical and health care. youth programs. community serv1<."eS , and cultural activ1l1es. Consultant sets Newport talk Armacost is presiden t of BankAmerica Corporation and Bank of America. NT&SA and is a member of several national a nd 10tcrnat1onal business groups, including the Bu s iness Round table. "Business Management in A Down Cycle" will be the theme add r essed by bu s iness management consultant William J . Fisher at the July 22 luncheon seminar of Charter 100. Orange County chapter. S c heduled at noon at the Quarterdeck Room of the Balboa No oney equ r Bay CJub. Newport Beach, Fisher will discuss business strategies for dealing with the economic situation. He is director of management services for the Newport Beach office of national accounting firm Kenneth Leventhal & Company For information. c.·all 850-1001 Du Bain is c hairma n and president of Firemen's Fund Ins urance Companies and is director of several corporations. including American Express Company. Pacific Telephone a nd Firs t Interstate Bank. To Start Any Non-Judicial Foreclosure llNlfACT Professional Tru1tee Services Home resales up for second month (714) ISW7N Want more business? Your advertisement will make a di ff ere nee in i ................................... .. ' Special to the Dally Pilot LOS ANGELES -CaUfomia home reiale activity increa!led in M8y for the second consecutive month, the Californl& Association of Realtors reports. With sales of existing homes risi~ 11.~ pereent over April. the May ocUvlty was the strongest recorded for any month this year. The May transaction volurfle Wat at a aeaaonally adjuatecL annual rote of 267 ,598 units, down 39.1 percent from May 1981 , however. · "It appears u \hough lhe depression in the CallfomJa resale houalna market. may have ruched bottom ln th fll'lt quart(!r of thll year," Sf.butiano Swrpa, J)fftid nt o( the a.ociatlon, 1&ld Monday. ln Oranar County, the median price w .. •t37,7lH, up ~ I ~rconl from April. lut the number of ulm waa down 8.3 prrwnt f nwn April and '4K 7 mmt fnr th tar. A vc() ruling 'too soon' No final judgment in illegal credit case By JEFF ADLER O(tM D8'1J Not ltllff The alate Consumer Affalrt Department was prcmaturo In announcing Avco 1''lnanclul Services of Southern CaJlf orn1u had been ordered to p~y $5 million to customers for tllegal cn>dlt proctkes, Avco e1u.>cutlvei say. "What t h ey aaid was premature," Jim Straw, an assistant vice president of the Newport Beach-based firm. said Monday, "A final judgment has not been entered and there has been no resolution. Even when a judgment la rendered, we reserve the right to appeal." Consumer Affairs Department officials caUed a news conferenc.-e Friday to announce a final settlement in the 10-year-old case. A department spok es- woma n said the basic issue of restitution for more than 125,- 000 Avco customers had been resolved. Bu l Los Ange les County Superior Court Judge Christian Markey. echoing the statement of A vco executives, said the settlement still has not been finalized. In f act , the d e pa rtment spokeswoman confirmed that the judge instructed attorneys representing the state not to publicize Avco's address or telephone number and not to tell custom ers how to appl y for refunds. Straw said that 1f Avco d~ides not to appeal the judgment, when it finally is ente red, "there will b<.> a mechanism to handle wh1 ('h ever cus to mers are affected." OVER THE COUNTER MUTUAL FUND H e added that affcc tt'd cuatomtin will oo t'Ontu1.·t.ed by Avco rath~r thun thl'ir hjving to contact th~ firm on th<.>lr own. Straw f"Stimated that It will be eeveral more montha bc.·fori th<' final judgment 18 mtcred on thl· matter According to 11tate off1 dals. Avco engaged In a credit practice known aa "flipping." The company allegedly would purchase a C'Ustom<'r's installment sales <.'Ont.ract from a retail store, negotiate a loan with the cw1tomer and then t•hargC' interest for lht• (•nt1rc t ransaction at the curre nt lending rate, higher than lhl' rNa1I 111terPSl rate . In addition to the highe r interctt rates, Avco told cndlt proporty ln1ura.m-e to the woman who lnlUu\ed the cue ln 1972. Tht• firm iallt"gedly told her th ln•urtnce covered theft. but refused to pay her when the good.a were stolen. On e co nditi o n of the judsment, accordins to the department, la that Avco mu1t lntorm customers that It.a credit property insurance doe• not t'Over theft Also , the Judgment could rt>qum• the· firm to pay back the illegal interest charges, plus 7 percent interes t , to all Avco customers who have been vlctlma of "flipping" sinee October 1975, th e Co n s umer Affp ira Department spokeswoman sa1d Mariners Bancorp formed in Newport Mariners Bancor p ha::. bN .. n formed in Newport Bl·al·h to serve as a holding l'Ompuny for five ne w financ:ial firms. Paul Bala I is of Newport Beach is l·hairman and chief £>Xl'l'Utive offic-er. He is a land dt•vc-lopl'r who is the c:hairman and a l'O· fou nde r of Newport Harbor National Bank. According to Balalis. Mariners Bancorp ho pes to rats(• $1.75 million to $3 1mlhon m a stock sale. Soon after tht· funding I!> completed. the firm t:Xpt'l·ts lo h ave its fi ve whol l v-ow nt•d subsidiaries operating 'out of J NASO LISTINGS p!'rmam·n t lc.x.-au on near John Waynt• Airport Tht· c;ubs1d1anes are: Mariners Thrif1 and Loan Assn .. an industrial loan firm. Manners Mortgage C-0 .. a mortgagl' broker. -H arb o r Cr e dit Co . a personal property broker -Mariners Capital Corp. a s m a ll b u s iness investment t·ompany -MB Capital Corp .. a venture l·ap1tal <.'Ompany. Mannl•rs Banrorp's temporary off1t·es are :tt 4120 Birch St , Sui te 121, N(•wport Beach UPS AND DOWNS OOWHS .'-% + , .. .. • 1\1) . ~ . ..,. . "" -14 . ..,. • v. • 11> . ~ . , . .,. . .. + l lM ..... • \II . .. • 14 .. ,. . , ... • °" .... • I Pel Up ]1 0 Up 106 Up ISi Up 14 • Up .. J Up 14.J Up 1J' Up IJ J UP UJ Up ll l Up IJ J Up ll 0 Up "' UP us· Up 11 s Up 11 t Up 11.4 uo 11) Up II I Up 11 I Up ti, Up 10.• Up 10' Up 10 s Up 10 5 la! O'D Pel S'" " 1\lo Oii 11 I ...... • ... Oii ll 1 > .,., Oii 10 0 5'> 1•. Oii ti s ,.,, ,, Oii .. 1 NEW YURK IAPI ""'°" .01.., <N•t 5'> I Oii •S • ~=..-~~~"'gfdledA\~N~ MCtC ,,., IOO o . ...,. • '-r....-n' ... 2,tOQ tfl,. "'• • 't "IJ>Gc) Jl'I, Q) 5 S' 1 lj, + I ' S«M9r JIS, IOO I"" IS • '• trtet 171600 l •'· 311 i •.• "A>llC 11.J,OlO I '"° ti.... • ''> "1rA• 151,IOO "'-11 • ....... d • 1lfl,J)O 11 • ll', , .. , er.MP<t _ n1,Q:> 7 > l• 1• • '• c-r... 111100 ''" "" • "' •• ,, " Oii •• ) }''> '• Oii 11 s ~ '<.Oil !IS •''> 'II Olt II • • ''> Olt II I • ' Olt " I • .... Oii 11 I ''• ''I Ott 10 . 1'• "• OU 10 0 ,,,. •• Oii 10 0 1•41 •1. Ott 100 1 ~ ... Ott •• , ... 1 ()It ... 9'1 ' Oii •.Jt ,.. '4 Oii t 5 1S 1'~ Olt 'I 1', "" Oii •.I ,..., '" 011 t I 101• ' Oii •• 10•1. 1 00 • t 1nu '11 NL H Ere 1111 NL N Horlr 10.«J NL h Frw 7.Jt NL PN SIP ti) 1017 P\Anem F....a: Co<I• 11.12 11.tt lrll Eq 12 G IJ.57 ~~ I~:~ ~·r: HNllll 14, 11 IS 42 HJ Vtct 117' 14 7t 1ncom s 1' ' 11 1,,....1 1 .. I S7 Oillen 11 GI 1111 T .. Ea i .. 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CwE pl 1 10 IJllo+ 14 Fotomt <M ' J01l':' l I S S n "" NevtclS" 11 t1 .... + loo Alll•lr .20'1 nt 11'1'11 + ... CwE pl I.a 1~ ~: ·" FoxStP .. 1 8 1~· .... 10i,: 1 :1~ :: n'llo .. ~ NEnjEI l • ,. 11V. :: $"~ ~~ i ~ ~~ E ~~15 ~l: .;:g E::: ~ ~f§ ] j ~ i!~ ·~ ~0&~ "II l(~~f ~:; ~ 2~iitrr s ;~ ugt ~ ApPw plil.!1 • UO SI . . Com ES 1a 6 1 "" • "' Fuq... 60 I• lt"1, v.. KLM 11 11 l4 + 1... MYS p1D:J.1S 1 711'>-~ A!>Pw pl4.1' . . ,. 261'>• If> coms.1 2.301' m S3"'• YO .:_ ()-.(; _ I( mart 111 d•• ''"' • "1 Ne-11 1 S )4 UV. ... ApplMg . .,. 10 ISO I"'+ I~ CoPsyc s .J110 411u1711'1•1-... GAF IO 1 1'l 1~ " Kal\rAl 60 1' Sootl 12-.. + V. Nwh•I n 11 1~ U "1 Ar<llDll Ub a 0 4 I>~. Com09" . 1• 11"+ Iii GAF pl 1•10 l1 1)1,\ Kai !"'4 4 7S l S4"1-~. Newml I" s,ot7 J1'-• l'Wo Arl1PS 'l.:11 "°" -. .... CompSc 10 1)1 .,... • " GA T )( 1 40 )7 ,. ,,, K•I~ ' 40 11 ...... Newt pl "'° 1 102"1. ~ ArlP pl ).SI s JS • ... CPtvY> 10 ''" ""'. "' GA T pl 1-!O s JO KolC pt ' 37 1 u • v, Nw...,,. .. 4 11• 0 ... _ ~ AN!Bt l 60 12 11 7-... ConAor ... ' SU 111<'> • n GCA l 20 IOI IS , .. l(alv$1 11' 11.,._ v. NloMP I 10 ) W llto • .. Arllla s IO ' .. ··-... Con.Ml 1 JO S ,. 21 + V• GEICO ~ SI lllo KINMI 2' t ''"" NlaMpl J 60 rllO lJ ·~ ArlnAI I 161 IS.22. CnnNG 'l.:IO s " Un "' GEO ,. 1 '"" ... -.... K•...0 lb .,. IJ "' Nl•Mpl "'° 1100 11 _, ., .... _ n "" .... Conrac. IO ' 17 23'• GI< Eqp IS • ,1, ~'c''LPL_? ,.20 12lJ JO•. '· NN•,•.Mcll p10s .!!! ?:?~. .. Armco l.IO 41731 .,.... ConEd ~ 5710'9 1Poo• '•GTE J l4 72021 7''l .. l\o" Pl,.., 1S -'• Mfl4 -•~ ~~ Arm< pl 2. \0 3 n v, ConE pl t I 111 I GTE pl 1 liO II 7'"1, IV• KCSo l • 1 '2 tt •t. Nl+oSll > 1lt . 11 ll.._ • Yo Atmrpl •7S flOO JS -i,, ConEpl S l JS , V. GTEpl ,.. S ll'lo• 1, KCSopf I 1100 I • '"' Nlcoltft 1•11 7) IOV..+ .... Arm A • IO ) 20 11 .... • v. ConFclS l 11 ,.. JA~. •, Gal Hou S7 I> IZ• 2l'4 '"' K•nGE 111 S J:l4 1S' 1 NICOR l • ns 7''-. • v. ArmWln I 10 ll lts IS.._ ConF pl 4 liO I 11 G•ftt•ll 1 n IO Ml l7"' _ .. KonNb I 4'b I 81 ,,.. NoblAI 17 S Sll 10 -... AMIW pf3 IS r>SO 11%. ... Cn•Frt t flO • SI I 1' • , <i•PSlr liO 1 II IS ..... K•nPll 2 tO • ,., ,.... • .. Nor So" ,,.. 0 AroCp lb I 14 II"'• Va Co<uPw 2 u 2IJ "", GOS•< 1 .II> , ,1 IO<\'> KAPL P111l 1 I~ Norlin " ISV. .... ~~;o:e ·~ ~ ~~ 1:~. 1~ cnPw pl• so 110 21•r. G<tari.t .11> " 11• ""' .. ~!~~"pn 7J ,), 'r" "' ~~;~!;" 7: J ~ '::;; • ~ Arvin 1 17 9 11 12'11o CnPw plJ.n tUO " ' G+lco 1 11 1 :Ml 16'n ' I« l(•ul81 11 81 7y, + 'lo NACool IO II 1"1 ZSV.-1~ As.trco tO '° 2.).1 ,,....... .. CnPw pll 16 ISOO '11'> I G+mC• .a 37 )4-14 .... K•ul pl ' 50 • 1011 •• ,,. NOAPl\I 1.70 s 230 Mii> ..... AJ/\1011 1:t0 10 llS H V> CnPw pll M IUO '1 1"' G<tmln 1 tOI 16 IS .... + 'lo Kellor JO S4 11 + .... NEurO ft1 ,I .. 9 4 10'1't • .. ASlllO pl• liO J ~ • "" ~n::: ~3.~ ~ n.... \'\ GAlnv 4 2i.. · SI "~ Ktll:J' 1 SO 181 l•'llo-'" NM'1UI I 11 I I~ IO'lo • .. ~=~pf~:~:, ,.t ijt: :: ~~:: ~·~ : n~:: ~ g~~ ~ '! ·!~ :v,. ,~~ ~=~.. : : ':~-:: =f:c:~ 110 •o ,~ :n:: ~ ASllO pl 4,75 7tO St • 1 c" p _..·n 2 ""'• GCtnm 9' IO s.J u4S"1•1'" Ke""'t .. .. 2S._ • '" NoSIPw 11' t 1160 11V. • '-Attl4-I 60 S S 10 • lo " w ,.... \'t GnO•I• 4' 9 ' ''° KyUUI 120 9J '""' V. NSPw pit ~ 11000 n~ V, .lc~EJ ··-1 1• II CnPw 1111 U 11 IS"• GftOyn n It •• , .. "31"'• 4o "'e GI ••• 71 10•-•-u o Tl 0 1 ll. 1•1• JS' • •tt Epf:;; 1i ti ContAlr 111 •'• G0yftpl 41S •19u71•1o+llo "" -.. ,. "' • .... Al!Mlro O.. · 11,.1 1 Conl(q> Sil J >h • "" G+ftEI ,_40 9 41• ...,.,,,. 1._ K••G,.r, I 10 S llt;,. NI~ o . '1 Jl.'I. l.'I AllAlch ,240 S!QJlllollio '"' CnllCp 260 • m w. ..... Gftl<~ 110 '1117 ......... ~:~~11.lO "71t ~~,~ ~0 ,[f ·=ru~:,;::.:· ~ AURc pl37S 150 1"<-... Cntl~pLto 4 1'3 ~= v, G(;tll 40t~ ''1'1o+ V. Keyi111t1 • s.> 11 ....... N:l~l M S •41 11~+ All Re pl, IO 1 ., ... llo ~"·~~lpl ~ 3 ~ 11 -GHotl. 50 1 ........... Kldcll' I 10 ' si 20•i..-... N•"En '40 ' .. 15". AllASC.p 1 16 11 l.'I on T I St ll 15-'-Gnt10US 12 • S7 ll'o • .. l(lmbCI ' I tle StV. • l\oo NwEn ptt U 1 111.\. A119&I J11S I07 ,,,,., ..... COlll el 1 4 Gln~I I t2 1111)1 J714 •I Kf'19111A '2 10 7lS 30V. • "1 Nw11nd 4 40 l I~ Sllo ... AlltoOt so 1S 1125 IS • '"' ~·0~ 1 ~ : ~ 2''". 'I> GftMlll• ' .. 10 663 ..-J>o. "' 1(-I 11 11S ·-. ... p pl, !O • Av<oQ> 1.20 l Jlt 11 • ... c::..Uft 07r !JO ';:: • v. G-1 Clo )Sf .. 1 ... \'> • '"° l(of~ l2 IS 2• 19"1 • \'> ==~LI I 20 t S~ '.t:-~ Avco pl 3.20 • ' ,."' + '... ,_ i ~1 • 166 JS-"' GMOI pl l.7S • 1 19 • '. l(opers 1 40 ' 2ll 11.... .. NwSIW IO IS .I() '"" ..... A,,.r.,. tO 9 ltl 11>',~. \9 c 1p12't0 1 --... G-pl s. 1 ll'lr. • 1(-pl 10 .. 14 n •'Ill Nortor1 , s 1'2 ~. Avnet 1101n1 401<>+ l.'I c::=Li. ·80 ;0 1~1 30.,..71v, GNC a11 " 11.-.."' Kroof\lr 1s 1 ...• NorSlm 1.0I 6 ... 19 .. "' Avon l 1 1'Soot 2n'•-.... COOPT s S.. S IO 1' ' ~ GPU 11 tots S'-t l'o l(r-r I n I 1109 ll"-+ Vo Novo .26e 11 251 40 + \IJ AKI• I I•• S 17-'It CoPW<ISl.16 • • n~+ .... GenAttlOI '11:I07 J'I +1 '-Kulllm .IOoo a 9 1~• 'Jo Nucor S1 t t7 31 -V. Aydin a" a'SI 2tto • 1 Cfl'dura 'to 9 ,. II\\ \\ ~~ ... , l to 8 ,~: Jll'll• -... KyoloC tle 11 2 ll • ,.,._ _ 0-0 _ ~ l 31;-1711.t '4 ~~gt ,·;; .~ .. l •v. GTFr; ,·,, . moo ...... v. l(ytor :!'.'.~ ~ , ....... g::::: .. ,J; ' ,~ :~..:·i4 i:rEr ~ .~ Jtl; dm!:'~ ~~: 1:1rn ·~ ~· ~ g~r,~pl •. 1~ , ·~ 1;'": ~ t~r nlS6e ). ,; ~·. '." ~~:::-iDft: .~I~ o:!:-.~ 8oldU > • 604 1.-~ Bel ll t 1 1' , j GeftKO 11 Ul , .. • V. Ll<E pA !O I •-"' • .... OcclP pn.JO , ) , ... _ '-8IOU pl LO. , IS • SI.\ ~=•o s . ~ :. t V.. GftAt<I '° lJ9 ~•IV. LLC"' 21 1 . . . . OcclP pl2.11 . • 14V.-14 8ollCI> 1.eo • 33 ~· v. Crone UOt s "n ,._ g:~!!ll ,.: .. ':; ,r'· .. .,. LTV !O 11uo 11v .. " OcclPDn.JO . 1o ""•"' tlollyMI . '° 10 .. ,. )I ... "' Cr av As •• 37' ll"' Ge ...... I 30 11 l!O ,._114 LO..lnl. ti ti• ....... "' OcclP "'" •1 .. 10. ....... Iii aollGE 1.M I 3:17 7S ...... Crilon s " ,. ...... G ':' '10 6 OS IS-. 14 t...acGs:, 40 s ~ 1;~·. ODE CO. I s U7 ,,...._.,~ 8'11 pf8 • liO '120 :n ' 11'> CroON l 40 1 ,. 1''-"' Go~ _.17• I ,,~ • ~ l.otm -l.'I 0o0on I.ID ' m 11-... • \oo ~ 1.10 12 )0 ,,._ • I C N .-· 11 3S 1t ...... '" .... ~ .._.._. • M IO 114 ,,.._ + "-Oi'tloEd 11• • 1JD 1J • 14 •-...... '010 1t ~.lo rell ,.... IJ"'--;._ GoPw"'2.st .. 12 1.,a,,. V. t.Awllnl n H SO '""•-..."'"Ed_.,_ ......,. -·-•--7 .eo S n ,,... Crmpl(" 1 CW I ...--Go-Df2.lJ • 1•11o • Va L.-11'1 11 Ul 11 l.'I "'' ,.. -• •--~ • .,., HH'r J 211 , ll J11\ Crwf\Ck 1 llO UI.'> • -, GaPw pf2.7S. 10 !Ao+ '-1..MrSo uo . S 504 11v.:: g::~::: n: J: ::..., -I 81lo1Ve 11• l 11 15" • • CrwZ..I I.JO 10 412 1th+ lo G•Pw "'7.IO •. 1100 SO -lo L .. Rril i.40 I 14 IJ\lo .. •.. Of!E~ 1'M rJO s,oty, '; "' aMiAm lSl •ltol "'°' "1 CrZ.lpl•63 .• 11 ~-Va GcrbPdsl.)a 7 17' 111.'otl" uwyTr IJO 111ll 2'V.• V. OllP 01·16 ll791Htll.-4' eaAAly 120 t 1 tt'I<-n CrZel f8l.05 .. ff J•V., I'> GerOSc .1716 211 el'>+ " L"Enl 1.0I t JO 2A • 'I'll Olll E 11' 1 ,., '6 • .....,T 1'05 4 JIO ,. ...... I Crvm 1.44 S •S.. -··, Gclty 1.to S *4 '1 -I l.OIPlltl .tol l 1 ""'• '-' Olln 1.20 S -191..-~ ...,..._-r • CulbO le I 10 •••· Gcllyf 1 JO 1 13 LLellV'4 ll 61 lS.16 _... -a11Tr pl 7.lO • · J II · Cull Inn ts '" 11 .. + 11o GI-... ' ' .. ~-,_ · · · · • Omf\Cr n IO '6 110 ~ + '-._ 1110 S3 1 ..,_ -" • • ,....., ~ Lt!Wnll 2 10tt 111 "'°' • " OnelCS. n a J U\lo • Ii. 8¥ ··u 71' » ~Cum ... , 1 l M 19'-+ \lo Gllwl<n an l"'• \\ L.,,...ra.>0 11 13 11-.,+ '-ONEOKt.«> s o :i.-.+ \Co • .,~ 't0 ti 20 "'2114: ,,.. ccu'r1'w'11t uo ·s· '! •'1 .... ~ Gldt.-.eo. i..., ,,.,.,_ " '--• l.tD • JA· •" • _, OrenRk 1.-• 110 •• ..... · • ~ u 1 • • --GjlfHlll '2" t 12" L~~~ ' • 10.. •...• Ore~ .::! "d, -·~ BorMI 1.Cll 1 105 !'["'· "' Cy(IC>p\ 1.IOa 1 35 IS\11+ ..... G """' 1:10. 41J SS .. Va L;;!Si 1,65 , 170 n~ ..... OrlonC·~ ·-..... '• :'s 11~-'[:_ aarn1 of 2.• ' " • ...., -o-o -GteHW ., 1• 101 10 • "" -• • -.. ••rtWr .40 ' ............. DMG UI 1"1+ .... GI~~' 'u l ,,.. ~ " L••ll•F 1 II 101 17\11 • .... ~bM IO , UI "" "" •••AM , .. I II w. ....... . LOF • •5u lO 121.\•.. ,~ ·.... • .. SJ ; ... • " .. • O•mon .JO • HS ~ • 14 GklN... 1 401 14~ • '-Llb4yCp .n It to 11~ ov,;'Or 'j j4 ~.. lftl<' 8..,t<h l.S627 114 ":: V. 01nRlv 1.12 • 131 121'> GklWF 04 17'5 S""+ \lo Lllemll •• " :Ho1 11>+.+ -... ov~'llp lO • ••i 11 _ •~ tlaxTrs 4P711ll"17 +.lllo Oo11oCl>l60 12>'1 U"'' lo Gdrl<ll 1's. 6 l3 17"9. LlllyEllUOt l1140ll5'1.'1-"1 o.,';:.C I JOll f40 17 ::_ 1141VFI" » It 714 0.n1t1 .1 .. ' 1' IO'Wo • 'lo ~' I e I -"'-"' • ._ Llfl\lld n 11 IS ,. '°"• t ~nlll 1 .. S ..... 11 :: .. ySCG 1 J7 ' ll 17.._ O•r"IK n J to I StO SJ""+ lo GoroJ t St 1 SI 15" + II. vww -~ ........ 1 I 1)4 Jl'llo+ .. 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J J Jt 1' • ~ ~··-1 tt 20 + I: P«Ut U• • 121 U\n. \lo =o t: .• : ~~ t: Oefml" , ... 1 1>'-..... GIWl<ln .AD IS .. '"'• Ii t~~ ;·: ! UI n • l"ecLWn .. tO IOI """• .. ......_ J.al S ~ ...... g:::::: 1~1= a:~:~ 8 WH141 n II ~ "'• .. tll.l'!aYs dO 27~..-·~ ~te:;,tr 6 1IO 17 • 14 .... " ......... 62 ...... Oh1Ch In ,.., 2$14+ ... G~~" ::: ; J; a=:~ ta°'' H?:: ! ! .... + "" '"=t: ., .. 1·:· ~ =:: = .... t .. 112 mu ~ OotlMte IA' • ti 11"'-~ Grey..,. •. 110 --1·16 """'·: 1• -..... "' h . 't 1' !~+ ._ ~ s.I: .. JJll 11 • '-Qtftf!yu,.. t2 i•t• l"'-" G!'owG s.» • aSt et.t + "' t"· UI •• M ..,_ ~ ft • It * l' t Ill .U. •• l29CI 1Ml+ '°' =y M t1 1'7 n--. ~ Gtllltty •• f ,_,. •.. dt llff" ;, ' ~ m::'= '-""r. I. S It SI .. 14 a ,, ??! ~~.· .. ~ ~r-.. 1 1·!.! •' .. "1 i'Mll,.,_+• ~ Oi""'""1·..0tf *", Jl!_+_t~ t.ILJ!()W" I 11 -~-",Sf·=,,,_,,,• -... .... """ - -... .,. ""'",,,.. ' 1' 1.--.. ~ , ... ii 11• ~... ,.........., . • . ...... 1:1 J J1; :=: ~ o.tl = f :~ : : .: .~:::: : ~Wtt ·" • 1• ..!! .... · ........ ·" u ., ~. \\ :'"'1n1 , J ff~ :: 'l llN 114' ..... ootE llf 1.a .. sq afWo-. '4 &,1~ l'C ·4.:Jz.='._ l..o-.-I all nn+ \fl _.: tt taa. !tlfl IW ti "*• '-OE •• U S.. 2 ..._\lo O..llllt , •I 14\!>-'-... ~ t.• tlttO lll't-1 P'-at'MllM J 41 •• '-·• .. .... "' oe lf'L • • " lfloli>-~ °"''" ...,,.. .J ~· "' ~ m 0 ,. ...... ,.,.°" .... IF. .......... . _,. "u11 ,, . . . . i'K ._,, . . 11 n....... 011S1ut U• · • n • "" , -•·n 1 1 1" !!" • ,,..,..._ "" • 1~ -. ..... i j .. -+ "' "'t • J M\lr ~ ..... • M ti 1 -.JO ,. -••••• ~l"ft a ti • ""+"" r• 1 Mlolr+1 aw 1:10 ·1 m ,,._.+;~ ;t;:u · rttt" -,\11 "-• i'h'" u • ,._, ·, 'tM ••~·"' It !.ti lt ..... '-M J J1 ........ ..,._.. :. • I:'°'; \t t:111 t, 11 '3 ~1 !:"':f '! t• 1 t: 'j ! ~: : ~lJ ii .t !It+'" °""ult:·; m ._: : l.MekrJ I 412 I• + ,:c.-11': 1J di =: Va t 1 Z ~; ~ 01o1;" I.A l • 1Ji°:-t14 Ollhn .»~ thlt'At• '°' l.Ulltflt ·".,!_." \Ol!lt• \lo ~ .·.!t:f tit .ft.!· .. • 1 : • tK;. \It ·::a•P.: :t~.;:,~ °"' ... ~,._.. ... _.,,,.. " .. M :;.u -.. ~-"~'•• "K== .. .. .... "' uLI .,_. • HMr 'I " ·~ ... M I I a ..= • 1... • • "' ·!~.~. '•,' '!.'?_~.~ I ",·f!!' r.: =·.:i~ =:<llW .;;: .. 11~ ~""' ... 1 "', : p~ 'f 1;i!n•1 ~:·.~ :;:i:i.~~,.,, ·'== ~ =•ii""• ;J":•-t1&~~ -9· ·~ ... ~ I -·-... ·~1 ·"' " "' • ~ ~..,,, ' n-. ... 1.ti , • a • . . i ' . a . J :;~ ~ I :· !!:; ~ ,• r"'!11.. .. -~. ! = 4 -~ it i ~ 'j j ii . .: . i Orang• Coaat DAIL y PILOT /Tuelday, July 131 1982 s .. Price of gas to stabilize? LOS ANGELES (AP) -Barring tome concerted action by the Organlz.ation of Petroleum Exporting Countries, retail gu priec11 ahould be stab1UzJng after nine weeks of steady lncreaaes, oil tnduslry anolyst Dan Lundberg "'Y&· Lundberg's survey of prke11 al 17 ,000 service stations nationwide lndlca~ that the Mverage price of all grades of p10llne went up 11.41 '-ents per gallon Ln nine weeks -from $1.1834 to $1.2975 -but that in the last two weeks the lncrease was only .56 of a Cf'nt The record average price recorded by the survey was $1.3782 a gallon in March 1981. Corpo rate park p la nne d A·o Irvtne-haseJ drv<.'lopmcnt firm, Equ1don, unnounted µJans to d<'Vl'lup Wateridge. u $500 million c.·orporate offke park 1n San Du~go Oes1gned to attral:t high technology £1rms, researc·h/development companies and c:orporattons seeking relocauon sites. W<tteridge will t:ont.ain up to two million square f<.'<'l upon rompleuon m lO years and l'Ould potent1e11ly utilrzc up to 10,000 l'mployees It 1s to be h.ll·au'tl on a 125-at-rc• par<.-c:I 15 mtlet. north uf the downtown art'a and half <J mtll' south of lh<' JUncuon of Inu•rsl<Jlt• 805 and 5 Grocery co-op opened D1vers1f1ed Prof)C.'rtws, Inc uf lrvmc lc·a~•d an anehor stort' near Ph()('ntX to Our Grocery Co-Op. Inc .. ~· non-profit l'nlt!rpnSl' with more than :J.:J50 c.•hartc.•r 111c-rnbc:rs who pay $15 ix·r vcar Thi· st.on• opem-'CI May 17 Non-members may shop al lht• ston• by paying 5 percent more al the> l·ht.'(:k-out stanJ . Located in Dtvers1f1ed Properties· Youngtown Shopping Cl'nter o utside of Phoenix. the 17 .800-square foot storl' IS considered among the hrst in the nation to "start up" on such a scale AirCa/ to start new routes AiJCal of Newport Beach announced Monday it will inaugurate OC-9 Super 80 nonstX>p service linking the Burbank-Glendale-Pasadena Airpon with San Francisco International Airport effective Aug. 15. subject to approval of the Burbank-Glendale- Pasadena Airport Authority. A1r<::al plans to operate three nonstop round·tnp f11ghLS Mondays through Fridays between the points and two nonstop roundtrtp flights Saturdays and Sundays A1rCal inaugurated serv1c·e at the airport Apnl 25 when 11 began flying nonstop and direct servk-c to San Jose, Oakland, Sacramento and Seattle usm·g OC-9s. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW '!'ORI< (APJ • SolOe Moneley price, and nee Cllonge OI 11\e llfl--~ N.-Yortt Sloclt Eacl\enge •-. 11~ n•tlONilly •• rn«• lhon f t. .,,._, ' 1,0M,4CI> ,..... .. Allll!hllcl 1.cm.tai :11.. '" .............. 1,Cl:JO,JCI> 17~ ' ,_,,...Gp 1,(117,4(1) •"· '" IBM tliS, ICI> 43'" • I c.ontlllQI 9l2.2CI> • "" SldOllCAI '1•.lCll 11.'llo -114 .. lllU'"' 121.200 )IV, , ..... PwlslC.O tll.100 Jll'-• lot, a... _or, ""·•a> -• ''" T-o I f\C 7Jl.SCll JJ\oo v, ~""° n•.•a> ,.._ ,,. Arn Alr11ft 710,100 •loo , '• U\OllCAI 610,ta> JJ 1''\ ScNurrcrv 626.•Cll ,..., , .... AMERICAN LEADERS NEW YORK (AP)-S-MonOey. P'"- llnd nee Gl\al\09 OI Ille len moel ect,,.. A"""lea.n Slocti EachW199 1-1roellng n'110nally •• mor• 1ha.n St DomtPlr1 m.oai ..... '" 0Wnp HO lS6,9Q) JV. • '" ~LIQ\ 1lll,11D 7\9 ''> Voolaf\Q 8 116,300 11'~ + ' I Oar\ //oJr 11S.•OO 11'' • .. "9f\Qtr()ll 79,l(J) 4.. I • F"1rillert4t>ld 10.JOO 71 lo ~ITr li'l,700 t7\.,, ''> OIS. "-1 ... •Cl> 1'• '' ClotCMIGU SI.Sa> II \\ UPS AND DOWNS OOWNS Lal Otg GOLD COINS '" ·~ 2'14 •• ,, 11 -s I IV. 4S -• ..... -" 114 ., ... 2Slt -~ "'"-'" D\olo -214 ...... -'"' .... -" "~ -'" , ... -"' ""' -114 ao" -'" 21 -M » -tllo ·--Va Pel. Up HO Up u t Up ,, • Up u. Up 17 2 Up ,, 1 Up 12' UP 1' I Up 111 UP 10 S Up ., Up '. Up 9 • Up '1 Up • 2 Up • 2 Up 9 0 Up IS Up Is Up I I Up I' Up I I Up 10 Up I 0 Uo • 0 P!1 011 •• 3 ()II 1' I Oii U6 Olf IS J 1()11 :~~ 10.a ... ••• g; u 1.• ()I ,,, Oii 7,• o" 1.1 Off 1.1 Off , 0 Off .. NEW YORIClAPI Frryl Oo•Joftel -~ ~-..Jul 11 J) '"" lD Tm O..• .... Law c-.. ca. t1'.12 ac 10 t•u• a. 11, 10 7l :n .... J21M l20>7 >ZJ o • 7 ts 10710 l"tz 107.0S 101.10+ I a 11<141 l21S1 >16.11 no". ' 1• IS vu t.S Silt '"""' TrMI IAllt t.S Siii WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORlt IAPJ Jul 11 fodiiy la.I cM )S.j .. ,. S1 SI NEW YORK IAPI Jul 12 METALS fodiiy 111 712 711 ~ 1 11 1.312.SGO J,274,'IOO '·'"JOO 12,S74, IOO ,.,.,. day "" )II ,.. 111'1 11 • NEW YORK IAPI IM!al pr!Gel Motl<lay. ::.POI nonlerrov' Coppe< 68'o·70 cenls • oound US desunahons lb Leltd 25·28 Cerlls o pound ll'IC 37 ·"0 cents a pound, delivered Tin S6. 1966 Mel81$ Week COtnPOslle Alumlnum 76·71 cen1s a c>ovnd. NV Mor-cury S370 00 P9' tlnll PIAtlftum S254 00 troy or N Y SILVER Handy & Harme" S6 295 per 11oy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS •1 T"9 Auocloted p,... Selecied W9'1<1 gold prloee Mond9y: London: momlng llMing $338 SO. ui: s10 oo LOftdon: elternoon !lung S343 00. up S14 SO 1"•19: •Hernoon fixing $334 18, up $IS 6" Fr"11lf\lrt: S339. 73, up l!S 98 Zurtcfl: 1111e llJUng '342 00, UO S 13 SO bid, ~250 lllutd Heftd1 a H8t-. only cSelty quote '343·00. up S )4 50 ,,....._.. only deify qoote 13., 00, up 114.50 l~: only dally quo1e tat>r~lecl aseo. 1s, uo s1s.a2 SYMBOLS - \ tt I I ICI I o I .. I•-' .. -· .. " J . .. ... ·~ .. 'I r.-:: ·i I 1 JI .. . . .. '1 •• !.• . ' ' I I I .._,I \' -EVENIG- .... eAeuALL -... AL.L•aT AR Cl.AlllMI e:oo1e NIWI WONOll' WOMAN Wor.6« Womat1 myet '* .., ,.., etrengltl end ~ to etop lhe -Id from dellruc:llon by menmllde volc:anoe D THllAJNT Slnleler lmptlcatlon1 atlM from 1 dMlh gem• 111a1 ~ • CUii favorite on INll'IY ~ campu- 1 &.W.A. T. HAWAII AVe,.0 An old a dverury ol McGerrett'I llCCOITll)lllllM the perf9cl robb«y right undef the nC>M9 of Flve-0 • OVIRfASY GuMt: ac:treaa Ruth Gor· don.(R)O ID HUMANITIU TH~ THI Allrrt "Literature From Word•. TNlh" ft.== ('C)MOVIE * * • "McUnlockl" j 1963) John Wayne. MlurMn O'Hata. A c.ttle baron tries to handle • group of dl1gruntled Indian• and cope With • fiery, detlf• mined wile 11 the aame lime. (HJ VIDEO JUKOOX (0) THI GOU>IN AGE Of' Tn.EVl8ION "No Time For S..~11" Andy Grltlilh por1rayt 1 Georgl• boy WhO, onC4I Inducted Into the Army, Mii the mlll1ary on ill Mt MOW • * "Spy With My F-" ( 1066) Rot>erl v1ugM. 0.Vld McCaltum To di .. cover the key to • ,_ auper-weapon, an enemy apy agency crNIM I dou· bll for UNCLE 1g1n1 Napole()n Solo. O MOVIE *** "The 0Utlle Ark" ( 107 l)Two Ou1Ch Children try to locate their m11$1ng 11111« '""•flood ·G' 1:30 SI DICK CAVUT QI!) AMUllCAN GOVVIHMENT "The Bur .. uc:racy" (l)Q!NEWS (8)RACE ~THE P9INA.NT Barry Tompkins And Tim McCarver '°"" alt the b•-leading 10 the 1982 WorldSetles 7:00 . C88 NIW8 I N8CNIW8 KUNG FU Caine Is caught In I w9r ti.._ 1 gang of ••· larmet• and thl prtv1t• detectlw WhO wanll 10 dM!ray them D KOJAK Crodoer'1 cNdlelllon to duty struggleS wHh hit loy· illy to an old high IChOot chum suspected of being tnvotved 1n • protectton racket. 8J M"A08°H Radar is accepted to the "Famous LIS Vega Wrl1· er1 Schoof' and begin• recording his 1mpr•lk>M of the 4077th. I JOt<EA'8 WILD Ill!> 8U8INU8 AEPOAT Cl) P.M. MAOAZIN£ A profi41 of 1 mtlltonlira Inventor; a 30-y.ar-old t \ mother WhO It hevtng another baby Q! THI MUPP£T8 (HJ El TON JOt*j PUY8 CSfTAAl. PAM The popular rocit auper- atar of the '70. perlorm1 m.,.,y of ni. tmul\ l\lt 1 In .,., etectrltylng concen In the paril. (O)TENNIS Cl\lclgo Ac.a "' Los Mge6ea Strlng1 (%)MOYIE *** "Thr .. Women" CHANNEL LISTINGS 9 KN)(T (CBSI 01 8 KNBC (NBCI l 8 KTLA (Ind ) .. e .ICABC (ABCI c Cl l<FMB (CBS> CIJ D l(HJ-TV (Ind.I illJ • l<CST (ABCI Ill • l(TTV (Ind.I •• 'e t<COP· TV (Ind.I • • KCET <PBSI • TITLE ROLE Peter O'Toole plays the title role in the Oscar Award-winning movie, "Lawrence of Arabia" at 8:15 tonight on K.ABC (]). (1077) Siity Speoek, Shel· i-v Duvall. Two wort1er1 11 1 conv1le1c1 nt home dlveloO an unutual rel•· ttonehlp with a withdrawn petlent 'PO' 7:30 8 2 ON THa TOWN FMtured: a 11111110 some of Lo. Ange!M oldM I IMI· tree. how Jacll Lemmon and Pnylllt Diiier travel; 1 IOOk II I.APO'• lddltlon of hOr-to thl tor~. I TWl8 WAS AMINCA M0A08 °H Mall call brings 1 hint to Henry 111a1 hit wife may ti. 1treylng end up11ttlng ,_. to F1ther Mulcllly. • Cl) TIC TAC DOUGH ~/l.EHMR RE POAT Ill!> MONFfMAKEA8 "The AHi R-ard1 Of Real Eltata" Q!FAMllY~ (.I)~ INT£MtEOIA Tl TO ADVA#CED Gel In .,,.,., IOOll good, and leel grNI with lhil pl\}'9icll lltneu program. 1:00 8 Cl) UMV£MI Welter Cronkite report• on varlou1 occurr~ and phenOrnena In the world of IC:ience 0 Q! MET MAVENa< Maverick Ulla Phlto San- dine for help In finding lllOM ~ble for the death of ht. ,_,,_. In an lndlan ambulh (R) 8 MOVIE • • ·~ "The Br1vado1" ( 1058) Gregory PICI<, Joan Cotllnt A men rellldt 11\11 he hit Wii ied much Of hil ttf• -d'Mng for the ,,.,.,. WhO r~ and kllfed hit wlll D MOW: I*•·~ "Our Man Flint" I 10U) J-Cobum. Giia . Golan. A Merl! agent 11 called In to tradt down I QfOUI> blnl on controltlng , .... ~··-!her. • P.M. MAGAZINE A profle of 1 ~· Inventor, a 3~year-old mother wflo II having "'°'"" blby. • MOYIE • • • "Pocllet Money" (1072) PllUI Newman. L .. Menno An IOnerant cow- boy and hit a lcoholic lideklclc are hlted by • rodeo promoter to pick uc> 1 ,..,d of cattle In Me>Ooo • OANOEA uxa "S-t_, Seconds To Safety" Brian and Iha squad """ to d611 with a mine thll hold• a London ncMghborhood In 111 gf'lp (Perl 9)(RIO QI!) NOVA "Thi T lll'liaton Explo- lk>n" The put, pr-I and future of American tllevllion are .-.plored. (R) ~ YOU ASKED FOft IT F•tured: "T rlclc Goiter" and "Yoga For Dogs And C1t1." (.t)MOVll • * ·~ "Mid WednMdey" ( 19471 Herold Lloyd, France• R1m1den. An amt>ltlout ..,, .. ,.,.., of the 10208 INrnt l"-1 IUC· <*II hll Ill price. On-TV Z·TV HBO (Clnernu> <WORI NY ,N V (WT8SI <ESPNI <Show11mel Spotltght tCM>fr News Nrtwork) (.ft)MOVW * * "Only When I Leugll" (1081) Mer1h1 M11on. Krlety McNlchol. A New Yortc act•-rllumt from • drylnO-Olll clinic dee•· mlnlCI to ,_ ,.., career. her rom-with a play· wright and her relltlonlNP will\ her 17 -year-old d1141ghllf. 'R' • (l)MOVW * * ~ "For Y0411 Eyee Only" (1081) Roger Moore, Topol. JatMe Bond trlCkl • criminal wtlo pwtolned I top MCtet 8'Hllll ~ deVlce. 'PG' .MOYIE ** * "I Hete Blondee" ( 19'11 t) Jean Rochefort, Enrico Mont-. ,.,,.._ dllcolllf that I WNltl\y nov1ll1t'1 latHI work delctlti.I In det.it the MCUrtty gystem protecting the valuablM In lllt home 1:118 MOVIE ***"~Of.Ara­ bia" ( llNl2) Petlf O'TOCIM, Alie~. A mlf'f'lblf of the 8rttlah genwel 11111 leedl the Ar&M In I revolt egain.t the Turkl r1tultlng tn the bltth of the Arabian kingdom. a:ao • Cl) MOVll * * "The Gr_.. Tycoon" (11178) Anthony Quinn, J 1cqu1lln• Bluet A WNltl\y Gr.... thipplng magnet• mwriee the wld· ow ol a oec.eMd Ameri- can prllklerlt. tauncnlng 1 1tormy relatlonlhtp. (RI .. 000 OOUPl.I Olcar and Fell• IMfn that they uch require mlnof -gery 0 ENTERTANotlNT TONIGHT An lnteMew with Wayr.e RogeB. t:«t G Q! FUMIHGO ..CAO Conllance lnflueneel Field to tlkl Julio on 11 • polhl· eel aide. and Lula-MN finds .,. unlllclfY trlend In Mld\lel Tyrone (R) • t.EWOIWAN "Ule EJrteNion" ~· Durk Pearaon, Sandy Sl\lw, Marvin Cetron. Or Paul Segall. • MV8'TPV "Mlllcl Aloretl\OUOht'' Or Bicklelgh'a conduct t>ecomea unprot11alonll .. he alowly end methOdl· ulty goes •boUt putting I murderouw ICheml Into ectlon. (Plf1 2)(R) 0 ti) OAHOERUX8 "Sa\llf'tl_, Secondl To Safety" Brien and thl IQUld have to dMI with I mine that tlOld• • London neighborllOOd In Ill (lflp (Plf1 O)(RIO a MOVte . ***'~ "Th• Para ll .. View'' (1074) Warren Beet· ty, Peula PrentlN An lnve 1t1gatlve reporter attempt• to uncover • n1tlon.-ld• network ol polltlcal IUUllnl . He(l)MOVIE * * * * "P«IOM" ( 1IMMI) u.. Ullmann. Bibi Anden- aon. An ec1reaa rendered ,.,.,,. by emotlonll pain r-to .,. ilola1ed l>elCf\ ~ with • nurN .. lier only companion ..ao(C)MOVte * * ~ "Boulevwd Nlglllt " (111't) Aidwd YNgua. OMny DI LAI Pa. A ~ no youth uneiq>eetedty ,..,... egelrwt the t land- lrdl end trlClllonl of NI '*Ght>orhOOd 11•no In Otd« 10 tulftll hhl own dellr• to get rnwrled and l\elp hhl trou~ younger brother lvold ... ,. cs-truc:tion .• A' (ll)MOYIE Mii ·~· .. ._ Wiid Mlftl• llltt Hf>\llliM -~ • •" ''Qlll OIW AM TM ,. ,... .. ,, .. ,, Allfl Attllll, o.tel ""'*'· Alt ....... ..,,,. MMMll ...., .,,. 1 ltMlty .. , ... -------.,.,,. Mtt In 1 MM!M to mike ~ by r.iurn1119 • lolt ~.·l'Q· .... ~MMD Tltua llllpeGtt thet Cof\. lllftOI and Jullo .,. - tng MCfl otftlr, l.ut•MM lewne tMI Tyfone w.,.,tl ttw to Nn hit Ceeirlo end Sam·--=-·(R) I WITH oeM AHO lllUeY "S011tlttrn VOICH " Aotr"' htelle Pll'IOM, Oaf' Olvll "'° Rul)y Dee glYe .... lO the -0• of the &outh«n poet• and reflect on thoel tlllllfl thet m11te ..... Soultl wf\11 It la. 0 ID M't'ITllllY "Mallce AtoretllOuQhl" Or 8 1Ck11lgh '• COl\duct becomee unprot .. 1lon11 .. he llOWly 11\d mathOdl· c:ally goM abou1 putting • murctwoue ldleme Into act.Ion. (Part :l)(R) O (HJ YUTMYIWL. 1t 17 Didi C.wtl hoetl • Plf'C>- '""~ Olllfview Of the event• end peoc>te 11\at thaped one of the moel Important yMl'I tn Ameri· canhllllory 10'-*> I ... QAADINIONQ Matter gerdner Alan c~·· method• and 1111 unique VIiion of men'• relatlonel\lp wl11\ n1tur• are explored. CJ) PAT COUJNI: THI ... HY"'°118T Volunt-• trom the eudl- -reepond comtcally to hypno•I• 1ugge1tlon1 made 10 ''*" by ttw. entertain« (%)MOVll • • "Children Of Rage" ( 10711) Helmut Griem, Otga Geo<~Plcot. 11:00 e u • w a a NEWI 8 aAT'UflOAV NtOKT Hott· Cicely Ty1on. Gue111 The Talking Heecta D YOU AIKn> FOft IT FNtured "The Men Who Llvel With A Montier" and "Playing Bllglum'• 2000· Pound Beltt." • M•A•t•H Angered by the w1y eMl- lan doctor• tlltealde are ptoflttng from the war, Hawkeye preMmte the Army wftl\ 1 bill for hie medlcal llrvlcel • MNHVHIU Benny playi hOll to !WO HI· lie 111111tor1 IYom Fr enc.e • • lllNUS MPORT QI!) DOCTOA IN THI MOUN Mi<:hMI ettlt\OI I lecture on the IC>Plfl04• glYer'I by .,,. dumsy Or Crowfoot. (8)MOYI€ •• ·~ "5-T>I u... Old TtmH" ( 1080) Goldi• H8Wn, Chevy CllaM. A loft·hMl'led llWY9f II torn ~ "" hopelMt ··-huaband ·turned -b a nk robber end II« uptight pr-t husband wl\O II running for Calllornla 11tomey gen«ll 'PG" ii :c:::ov ON THI ""' * * "Homw·· ( 1070) Don Scardino, Alex Ntc:ol. A ama11-1own l1m1ty ••Plfl· lnC9I the varlout IOClll problem• of 1111-·1101 Atnerlc.n yout" t1::to 8 Cl) AUCI Tommy movee In with Mel ""'*' hill hMdetrong lhow of kldepefldelica ~ too much for Alice. (R) G Q!TONIGHT Gue8t hOll: JOllll Rivira Gue818' Fred T ravllena. Mor~ Falrc:hlld. 8 0 MCNEWI ~ • MOYll * • ~ "Blecull" I 10121 Wlllllm Mlrltllll, VOMtt• McGee. A vwnplre r.-ir- rected llfter 200 yeer1 goe1 on a kitting apr .. throughout Loe Mge6ea. .THI.....,.,.. LOUIN plot• with the neigl\bort to get George'• mind off "" .-oril. •~NI090N lN>IMTNCINa HUMAN 184AYtOfl "MotlYlllon And Hunger" • CAl'T10NID A8C NEWI (C)MOVll *•"' "Blow-Up" (1"8) o.vld Htmmlngf, v- Radgrlve. ~ • young London pllotogrlPf* llel -of 1\11 p1ctur11 bloWn up, he dllCO¥lrt wtlat ~to be• mutdef Cl)llMOflWTON ~ (P"12) 1~. INTMTAINMIHT TONIGHT Ari tntll'Ylew with Wayne Aogere . • MOYll TUBE TOPPERS KABC (7) &:00 -11Bueball All ...... Oame... Live cover.,. of th• All·IW' Game betw een tne Nation a l and American leaau" from Montreal. KNBC (4) 8:00 -M averick." Maverlck'a sweetheart ia afaln In an Indian ambuah. KABC (7) 8:15 -"Lawrence of Arabia. 1' Blockbuster biography of enigmatic adventurer T .E. Lawrence stars Peter O'Toole a nd Alec Guiness. See photo, lcf t. K NXT (2) 8 :30 -''The Greek Tycoon." Anthony Quinn, Jacqueline Bisset im movie about a wealthy Greek shippin g magnate. I ••'A "A Pttct\ Ot Blue" ( 108&) Sidney Pottier, Shelley Wtntwa. A tympa- lheUc btecll man trlM to convtnc. • young t>llnd girl that the ean bitter II« Ill• Oy brMklng ,,_ of her WIW!lh guardian • MOVIE **'A "1(111 Tomorrow Goodbye" j 1950) Jim" Cagney. Ward Bond. A convicted murderer MCIPM and marrlel a -ithy young woman, but 11 later confronted by hll vtc:tlm'• """ • LOVE. AMEIUCAH 8'TY\..l "l.Ove And Thi OpUmlll" A born IOMr geta a Clll from a woman who lhlnke ahe hU called the Suicide Helpline. 9 FAHTAIYISl.ANO A young gymnut en1w1 a major competition. and a poor f•me< find• out what 111 Hk• to ti. 1 mllltonlara (R) (O)MOVll * *•'A "Gloria" (1080) Gena Rowl1nd1. John Ad-A former gun moll becomes the protec:· tor of an orphaned 8-yeet· Old Puerto Rican t9rgeted by I he u"""""°'1d l0t lhe lnformatton hi carrlM In I bllllfed br11IC1M 'PG' 12.-<MI 8 Cl) WMP IN CtHCINNATl LH 1<\es IO COVW the - In a World War II blpl1ne flown by a cruy veterat1 (R) 12: 11 (Z) MOVIE * * "Oeughtlr"S 0t Dirk· _ .. ( 1071) Delphine Sey· rig. John Katten. A couple on their honeymoon arrive In • frlghtlfled town wherl many young ~ hive r_,,tly ~ myatlflOUlly murd«ed 'R' 12:30 0 QI LATE NtGHT WITH OAVIO t..ETT£AMAN Gue81 eutl\or Chrltlophe< Bucl<!-v • COUPL.E8 !: * * • "Feme" ( t9801 Ir- Cara . Barry Miiter. S.Ver11 gilled studer'tll II I N.w York high IChool for thl perlorming 1r11 .. perienol Vlflou8 Mtbackl and IUC- ~ of both perM>MI Ind ptofeulC>nll neturM 'PO' • QAUAGHE.R: MAO A8 HELL G1ll1gl\er provn once egeoin th11111.nd-up com- ic ta only 11 funny u hi• propa -thla lime thl "Stldge-0.Mal.IC" II Ill· lured 12:40 e Cl) ~ouo A lrlll of murder• IYom Rome to N.w York lead• McCloud to • ~ llltuelle of a horM (R) 12:4' CID MOW * • "My Bloody Valen· tine .. (101111 Peul Kiiman. Lori Heller. A amall town ~•-ofterror during their ennull Valen- tine' I Dey d-'R' 1:00e MOVIE • * "Fllln For Cover" ( 1955) Jam•• Cagney. Jonn Derell A lorme< OUI· llW c:hangM Iha llvel of I woman and • young boy . •..ow * * ~ "The Big Cernlvll' ( 1115 t) Kirk Dougtu. Jan Sterling In order IO booel hit career. 1 reporter a•plott1 the autterlngt 01 the wile of a man tripped tn •cave-Ill. 1:10 9 NEWI 1:21(C).,_..IN CONCPT 1~ 8 Gii N8C H!WS OVIJMGHT ·= • * * "Thi Relurn OI The Stclueua SeYen" (1080) Mark Arnott. Gordon Clipp. TM _... of 1 ll"°"P of ~ lludentl ectlW In tN ptotMI ~ ment durlftO the 'IOI gath« tor 1 WMllll"ld r--.lon. 'R' 2.-00 • MOVll •••'II "Sl1trw1y To HHv1n" ( 1047) David Niven, Kim Huntw An RAF pilot I• uved from dMth Ci>'= of f111. * • • "Sliver S1re1k" (11171) 0-Wltdlf. Jilt Cl1yburgh. A mlld· mennered book editor 1cctd1nlllly b1com11 Involved In 1 llnltter art thief' I blz.ln9 plot during I croae-country lrelr> ride 'PO' t:11~MCMI * *. "Agatlla" ( 1070) Ou8tln Hoffrftltl, y.,_.. Redg.rave. In London In t026, .,. Amlrlc:an ,_,_ piper reporter rnee11 and t>ecomff tnvotved with lamed my111ry writer AO•· tl\a Cr.r111te, who hu lelt her unflllhlul hu11>1nd ·PO' 2:20 an MOVIE **'II "Raggedy Man" (1981) S1u y Spacelt, Enc Rober11 In 1044, I , ..... phone operllor on 1 amall T1 .. 1 town uetlfJQH ,,., standing In the community when ahe hH • 1hort attair .,.,.. a combll·bOund u o- or 'PG' 2'.IOQ!HEWS 2:448 HIW8 MOVIE • * ·~ "Le Sea Shop" ( 1973) Juliet Barto. Claude Berri A boc*1tore propri- etor find• tnatant IUCOlll -hi llOCkl hil •tab· llW/lment wilh M• manulls and marital lid• 'R' MIO • AA T PA TAOt. A diegu!Md Aral> convoy entrept and c.ptur• Iha Alt Petrol a :111e MOVIE **~ "Luv" (1067) Peter Fllk. Jeck Lemmon. In hopet of relieving hlmMll of hil wife, a men bring• home • tuk:ldll dlrellcl and tn1rod_. them W08 VOYAGl!TO THE 80TTOM ~THE Sf.A "Attacit' D MOVIE • •• ·~ "Forllllf Female" (1 953) w 11111m Holden. Ginger Roger1 A tovety. youthful llcir"' tend• lhl apatkle Ind latent needed 10 get a young ptaywrigl\t' s production oft the ground. a!t6 (8) VIOeO JUl<QOX 4:00. MOVIE • • "Konga " (1011 t ) Mlcl\MI Gough, Margo JohnL A demented Bntllh scietltlll 1um1 • email Atrl- c.n monkey Into 1 deldty man-eating gorllll (C)MOWE * *"' "Mid Wldnaday" (1047) Herold Lloyd, Franc•• R1m1den An 1mllftl0u8 M11·1111'1er of the 1020. learnt tllat IUC- JOHN DARLING HE. Y, HEY, HEY/ THE. S IG '"n4"!£ ·OH EH, JAN!!~ Mlt 1111 It• ptjol. Cll M0¥11 * • • "TIWM WlfMll" (1"11 "-.,....., .,,... i.v OIMlf, \'we_.. • I ttAVIJt=J •tnt ....,.... "' ,.... tloMNtl wffll • wttMteWll ~1en1.·l'Q' "" Cl) MOYll *'4 "The Heooy Hooker" ( tt?I) t.ynn l'edgreve. Jeln·Pletr• Aumont The Ille of New YOf'll'I 1- caft gift, Xelllara HOiiander. lllold ·1111· 4:.ff CR> MOVll • • • ·~ "Olorll" ( 1f80) Q1n1 f'owl1nd1, JOM Adllnll A torm« gun m0l4 ~ 11\t j)fOtlC· tor of en orpha* ll·yHr• old Pue<to Atcen targeted by thl unoerworld tor the tnform1tlon he earrllt In • 1>1ttered briefCIM 'PO' 4:l0 8 VO't"'41 TO TWI IOTTOM ~THI MA "Jonlh And The Whlll' M'f'dnf'•da11'• Da11t l•r Havir• ~MORNNG- e.-oo D • * * "t Hate Btondu " (1981) JHn Rochefort, EnriGO Mon-, ... "° Thilvel discover thll • -111\y l\OVlll•I'• 111 .. 1 work deacrlblt In dellll the MCunty 1y111m pro1ectlng the valuat>IH In l\iahorne I: 11 (%) * * * "Foul Pity" ( 1078) Gotdtl Hewn. Chiv)' ChlM A librarian en11111 11\1 aid of an lt\e91 polN:.e dltlCtlve aller lhl bllCOme8 1nvotved 1n I blz.atre teri.8 of murder• and kldn1pplng 1ttemp11 t:ao (C) • • • ·~ "Barry Lyn- dOn" ( 11175) Ryan O'Neal. M1r1u Bareneon. A hand· tome aoldllr Hnda action and romance In thl t8th· century 8rltllh army ·PG' * • "Give Me Liberty" ( 107 4) Rot>er1 Culp, Rich· erd Kiley A peddler'e aav1n1ure1 1n colontal America ti.kl him from the edge of the wlldernn• to "'""no• with the founding ,.,._. 7:00 ( $) • * * 'Oliver Twlll" ( 10751 Animated Bue<I on lhl story by Chinn ~­ "'' OllYer and Illa criekel friend Squeaker outrun Mr Ektmbi.. F1g1n, The Ar11ul Oodger and evil Biii Spn. 7:30 g * * "The Kid From Not-So-Big' 11978) J an- n1ler McAllister, Robeft Vlt\lro A 12-year..old girl llndl hlrMlf in and out of trouble Whtie Nnning Iha town MWSPIPll' 8' 11 (%) • • "Children 01 R1ge" (1976) Helmu t Griem. Olga Georg11- Plco1 t:l00 **'h "Gunn"(l967t C1a1g Stevena. Edward Aaner Private eye Peter Gunn 11 uked to •n-lt· ~at• 1 gang11nd murde< t0:00fCJ • • • 'h "Haven• Above l" f 1963) Peter Seiters, Cecll Plrklr A w1ll-m1an1ng reverend t>ecomn 1 bishop In outer ·~ 1f11r 1>1tng rejeclld by the parl1hlone11 to whOm hi WU _,, l>y m1 .. .... 00 * * '" "The North Ave· nue trregu11rs" ( 1079) Edward Herrmann, Barb•· ra Hams The ,_ minlller In 1 1m1ll 1own orgllllzn • group of dotty women 1n hla congregation to llop the now 01 church lund• to criminals 'G' ($) * *'II 'White The Boyt Are' ( 19601 Dolor• Harl. George H•m~lon Four young women jOln the l'lordes OI FIO<ldl·bound collegians during E111er vecallon. (Z'J ••• "508"(11180 w11111m Holden. Julie AndrlWI A movie director wl!O hit !"SI llnllhed • multl·mllllon dolt9r turkey Qoet IYom attempted tui· clde 10 • bllarrely 1nsporld r1-th00tlng of NI '9iC 'R' 11:lOU *** "TheLlltie Ark" (1971)Two Dutch chHdren try to loclte tl>elr mining 111her alter e ltood ·o· 12::00 D "St•ughlw Oay" ( 1077) Rita Tulh+ngl\am, Gordon Mttehell • * * 'h "Annie Oak!-v" I 1935) Barbare Stamrydl. Pr"ton Fostw ••• * "Ottll a.. nll ftilll1' (1'40) J Oltll w.-.w .... ~.A ....... IMttMI ..,,.... .. ,.....~ :.=..=::r~ .,.. (J:) •• "Ullieft Oler'' (!_MO) O.Wa Hem,, 'PG' CJ)* *'A "l llt'l'rlll- Tl\I Motton Plc:ture" (1t 7t ) Wllllam thtcner, l..IOl!ltd NllnOy Thi totmer com• m1ndw ol tlle u a a EntwprlM ,.....,,,bill hit Old GI-and NII off Ofl I 1NH10n 10 l\nd the my11¥I• oue v•tMI reapontlble tor the ~llUCllon Of 11111'!*• OUI Flderlllon llltfhl91 ·o· (2) * • ·~ "Gunn" ( IH7) Craig $teven1, Edwerd A-Ptlv11e ey9 Peter Gunn I• lllled to ln""tl- ~· a ganglarwt murder 12:30 (ff) * * "Sell'Cfl ANI 0.1\loy" (IHI) Perry King. Don Stroud A for• mer South Vietn•- olliclel 111k1 revenge AQllnat the lour Amerlean• wllO 1blndoned him tn an aml>ulh d11rtng the wit . ·po· 1:l0 (C) * ,..., "Rock 'N' Roll High School" I 111711) P J Soles. Vicent VAii Pltten A budding ~lier II Vinet Lombardi High Ill .. to get the R1monet1 10 record hit mullc Whtie her equelly 1mt>lt1ou1 friend r>urtuel tne ach004 hllrl· throb 'PG' 1:40 {l) * • "Children Of Rage" ( 10711) Helmut Griem. Olga George .. PICOI 2:lO CS)• • ..., "In GOd We Tru11·· ( 1980) Marty Feldman. Andy Kaulman A naive monk II Mnl out Into the world to <1iH money lor hit 1mpover111>ed mon111- ery 'PO' 0 ••·~"The Turning POlnl (11177) Anne 8en- crolt. Shirley Mac:Lllne Two frten01 from blllet trllntng echool, whO ChoM d1llaren1 roed1 many years urllltf. ,,,.., ag .. n and 11'1 torced to dHI with Iha conaequence8 "PG' 3;30 CC) ••• ,, "A Chll'-941 For Rol>ln Hood" f 1968) Barrta Inghem. James Hayttf Aobtn HOOd and his t>and of merry men NI out to dethrone a 5111· appotnled d1Cl1tor wl\o l\as setzed po-over the serla fl:iJ *•'"•Stir Trek - The MOiton Picture" ( 1979) W•lllam Shllnlf Leonard N1moy The former com- mander ot. lh• USS Enterprise reuMmbles his Old er-and Mia oll on a m•Ulon to ftnd Iha mysllfl- ous vessel respon•1bte for 11141 destruction of numer· ous Fedtfallon star,h1p1 'G' l J * * Funnouse ' ( 1981) EtlZll>elh Barrtdgl, Sytllla MlllS Four 1_,. IQl<S S9lfld I fnghllul ntghl tn • c.rnival tun· hOUH 1nhabt11d l>y • demented l>lrklf and hi• monslrou1 eon 'R' 4:00 D * * '" "The Mevertek Queen' 11955) Btrt>ar• Stanwyck, Barry Sullivan A hOlet owner 1nvol"ed ""''" a gang ot rustter• llllS 1n tove W\lh the delecttYI tract< tng thl lhievea f~ * * "The A~ 0u"'9- 1tng Gang Rides Again" ( 1979) Tim Conwey, Don Knotts A p11r of -tern outl1wa try to walk the 11r .. 1 and narrow ·o· 0 * * '" ' Monater Island" (19811 Terence Stamp P11er Cushing A -lllhy. bored youth and his guerdlln tr• v upwrecttld on 1 rlft\011 Island populated by dan· . gerous creaturn 4:30 ($1 • * • "Oliver Twiar ( 111751 Anlmllld Bated on the story by Charlel Otcit· ens Ol1v1t and his crlclcll lrten<I Squeaker oulrun Mr Ektmble. Ftgln, The Artful Dodger and IVll 8111 Syll• 1:0& CZ)••* "Fout Play" ( 1978> Goldia Hawn. Chevy Chue A hbrarlan en1t1t• the aid of en Inapt poliCe detecllve alter s h• b11Corne8 Involved In I im.rr1 lll'IM of murderl and kklnappjng attempts 5:30 rcJ * * "Union city" ( 19801 Debra Herny 'PG' • t<OCE (PBS) • * "Sav191 H1rvflt" ( IHO) Tom S!le rrltt, Mic:t1e111 Ptlitllp9. An Afri. '-=:.::::..:.:.::. ____________ ~-==..:.:=.:~..:_--------~--~--~----------------------------~ FSt. Elsewhere' due in fall New ser ies th e ''Hill Street Blues' of hosp itals the over-all tone of any hospital la tha t i t's n o t a s t e rile atmoaphere. It'• not all white coats and shiny floon." Producers of "8\. Eltewhere" bepn their ln-penon raearch more than a year .,o. at the Cln<eland Clinic, St. Vincent'• Hospita l tn New Yor.k 1 and County Medical Center In Loe AnaelM. 1'\e •riet' till• oom11 from a '~ ol l.,..ch uMd by doc1on. ·You oall a ho1phal 'St. J INWht r t' Whtn )'OU tet I rtf trral from IOIMWhtre tlN Md "°"'*''' rememblr wtwre.'' •>"Dr . ..,_ "-"kt d&Notor ot ~ ., "· v ..... , ..... ,,I, noi l'fllw· I rMUpa1n ...... _.U •• •It." lrllll! '!IP' Ill ju··· k'-i of,....... ..... =r'.fltli.i bllJPllat TU!SOAY, JULY 13, 1882 ClASSlfllD cs MORE THAN TRANSPORTATION -Larry Capune uses a paddleboard to get a round in the water. but also uses it as a springboard to getting a mcssag(' ac-ross to youngsters: "It's not what you've OallJ Piiot lt.tt Photo got, but what you do with what you've got that counts." Capune's springboard Paddlehoard • IS dventurous 39-year-old uses exploits to spread message to youth JOHN SEVANO Ille DllllY Piiot I t.ft Larry Capune believes he was born m e wrong era. The 39-year-old part-time lifeguard, -time paddleboard competitor and ull-time adventurer firmly believes he ould have been better off during the ark Twain time period or, better yet, he Medieval Age when travelers and torytellers were at their peak. Capune has received the majority of is acclaim through his paddleboard xploits. But it's not so much the fame, it is a chance to spread his message, t Capune is grateful for. "I don 't paddle for the reason others ·cipate in sports," said Capune the ther day as he patrolled the exclusive ro:na del Mar Dover Shores beach. "I paddle because there's a simple pt I have that I want to get across kids. And that is: It's not what you've t, but what you do with what you've t that counts." Capune hasn 't p a ddled any morable ventures for a number of ears, although he still keeps his hand, r his anns in the water if you'll pardon h e pun, by competing in yearl y outrigger races which take participants to the island of Avalon and back. Capune also works out on a daily baslS, if for no other reason to ensure his own beliefs on ltfe T he Balboa Island Hindered by fog a11d huge swells. Capune set out on his journey on three different occasions be fore finally accompli$hing his task in 18 days ... resident traditionally~ hits the water at 7 a.m . daily for his two-hour exercise around the jettys of Newport. Capune could virtually spend hours reliving his adventures He's paddled up and down the East and West coasts on numerous occasions, and he even had one 4,300-mile journey which took him Crom Portland. Maine to Corpus Chnsu . Texas m the short span of 319 days. Not surprisingly. he holds the record for the longest distance ever paddled on eithe r coast. Capune's beginnings as a paddler started two decades ago when, at age 19, he was a lifeguard a t Leo Carrillo state beach in Malibu. His stories from that point, which are not only endless but interesting, would fill a library. The following are some of the highlights: Capune's first experience with a paddleboard came when his lifeguard chief, as a form of punishment for breaking four state surfboards on the rocky reef, told his 19-year-old employee to paddle out to the "point" and back in I 1h hours. Unfortunately Capune thought his chief meant Point Dume. seven miles up the coast, rather than the "point." or arrow if you prefer , that was on a sign some 'h -mile in the other direction. Regardless. Capune took off and came back some eight exhausted hours later. Expanding on his first experience, Capune, along with a friend. decided it would be a challenge to try to paddle from Leo Carrillo all the way home to Newport Beach. Capune's chief reluctantly went along with the idea, but told the duo they couldn't depart until after the beach closed at 11 p.m., "because I don't want to get any phone calls from worried on-lookers saying a pair of my lifeguards are lost at sea." Seven hours into their adventure, after paddling for the Lights of Ventura Pier, the duo discovered their direction indicator was moving. "The piers are moving." Capune said to his partner. "Pier s don't m ove you idiot," his friend countered Capune and his partner soon real.il.ed they had been following a tanker - going the wrong direction. They turned around and eventually reached their destination. but not before they made a one pit stop along the way, running into a couple of campers, who turned out to be newspapennen, in the process. "The following day," recalled Capune, "the headline m an Oxnard paper read, 'Newport The Hard Way."' Needless-to-say. that d idn't settle too weU with the chief who promptly fired the pair upon their arrival in Newport. only to hire them back two days later, ''when he realil.ed what we had done." satd Capune, who said they had set the (See CAPUNE, Page CZ> .S. settles or 7-7 tie, bird place Emery Freight Co. got the message Reyburn's words struc k home, Fountain Valley standout did the rest By ROGER CARL.WN Of the Deity Not ltafl It was evident as a junior he had All -CIF potential, slicing through defenses on long touchdown romps for Fountain Valley High. The question was: Why wasn't he starting? Talent ool.ed, but he was playing in a backup role. The answers are forthcoming now, as Rod Emery and his South teammates prepare for the 31st annual Shrine All-star game at Pasadena's Rose Bowl Saturday night. "I just took the backseat because things weren't expected of me," admits Emery, who will be playing his college football at the UnJversity of Nevada (Las Vegas). Enter Jeff Reyburn, on e of Fountain Valley's assistant coaches. "What made Rod the player he is was his coach, Reyburn," says Fountain Valley head coach Mike Milner. "Rod didn't uae his potential as a junior, but Reyburn, durJ.na the offaeaaon and afterward, puahed h im into becoming a better football player than I think even Rod bad hoped to be. He helped him with his confidence and made him realize he had the ability and potential and that he. as a penon, wu IOl.n8 to have to do tomething with il "Reyburn turned Rod from a food football pi.yer lnto a great ootball player. He had t o contim••Uy prove hinwelt to Jeff, from drill to drW, day to day. pracUce to pr9Ctkie." "It wu moatly a mental th&nc," uya Jl'.mlt'y. "I had to aet tt ln my hMd about what I could be. Re wam't blda9rtna me, but h• wa1 oon1tantly tryln1 to perfad~.·· ,.,.,.. --Cn .. fona Of 1,411 y•rd durlg. hl1 tenlor -. m.ldnl .wuu. Ot ...... ICMol NION ll,fOI yar41 In 1ml. "f'm v6ry proud of that record." says Emery, who didn't realire he had broken the record until it was announced at the team's post-season banquet. "It was a real shock to me." It wasn't a shock. but at least a pleasant surprise to Emery when he was selected for the Shrine Game and he's billed to start at tailback Saturday night. "I was surprised and excited about it," says Emery. "l was disappointed not playing in the Orange County game, but playing in the Shrine Game is even better. Watching the Orange County game got me excited about playing, too." Emery, despite 50 career TDs and 3,532 yards on 527 carries (6. 7 per), with fluid moves, l e gitimate quic kness a n d versatility, was ignored by the major colleges. But that doesn't bother Emery. "It should be a fun experience and the caliber of ball is to my advantage," he says. "It's the PCAA with a team that has a lot of potential." A3 a student he'll be majoring in biology. Emery's physical size doesn't strike fear into most -he's 5-9, closing ln on 170 pounds. But what he lacka ln sheer me, ls beefed up by venatllity, the ability to run with power out of the I. yet with exceptional fluid moves, eapeclally after catchlni the ball out of the backfield. And, he'• a potential defenlive back. "He can play wide receiver, tailback or defenalve t.ck, he'• quick enough and a good enough athlete io do that," u.ya Milner .• Emery prefen the taJJb.ck role and •YI he hop9 to be up to l 7G a\ the 1lut of ht1 trHhman ...... ....,.iUNLV. n .. ,u. hl• ,, .. , and the phY81ail puniltuneftt beeped °" an l·tadbid&, he tuft ... N&.Uw few ~ (bn.d9ld rtbl wwe the aftly nwjDr pldlllln). 'J"Mn W9N "" and cloWN ,. ''" DIDY, PIP Cl> Martin: l We'll win I this time 1 .. MONTREAL (AP) -Battlin~ a frustrating losing streak tha now stretches through 10 ~ames the American League 1 top players race the beat performef"'91 in the National League tonil{ht in the 53rd annual All-star Jtame. A capacity crowd ?f ~~ 59,000 lan.s will jam ~ Olympic Stadium to watch thet annual mid-season confrontation( between the two leagues. l "We're gonna win this time,". pledged fiery Billy Martin, manager of the AL stars. . lf they do, it will be the first' time since 1971 when home runsj by Reggie Jackson, Harmo nj Killebrew and Frank Robinson • ~~~~~~~~~~~~: On TV tonight : channel 7 at 5 led the AL to a 6-4 victory at j Detroit. Killebrew and Robinson · have long since retired but' Jackson, elected as the starting: right fielder in the fan balloting,: will bat cleanup for the AL stars: tonight. i Martm has surrounded the: Angels ' slugger with quality hitters. Kansas City third baseman George Brett will bat · third and ftrst base man Cecil • Cooper of Milwaukee. replacing injured Rod Carew of the Angels, hits No. 5. Oakland's Rickey Henderson, . on a record-shattering stolen-, base pace with 84 swipes in 88 games. leads off. follo w ed by , Fred Lynn of the Angels. Behind ; Cooper, Martm has shortstop , Robin Yount of Milwaukee.· second baseman Booby Grich of the Angels and catcher Carlton Fi s k o f C hi cago. Dennis · Eckersley of Boston will be the startmg pitcher. St.eve Rogers of Montreal, the . NL's starting pitcher, winced when the AL Lineup was recited .. "It's a quality ballclub," he , said. "I breathed a sight of relief . that Rod Carew wasn't in the • lineup. But putting in Cecil . Cooper ... the last few years I've faced him, it's been like · batting practice for him." NL Manager Tom Lasorda of the Dodgers will lead off with ; Montreal speedster Tim Raines in left field followed by first · ba se man Pete R ose of Philadelphia, appearing in his 16th All-star contest. · "I don't do too good in these games because I might bat two or · three times and see different · pitchers," said Rose, who is No. 2 ; on the all-time hit list but only : batting .226 in previous All-star . Games. "l have a lot of trouble · with pitchers l haven't seen." I Then, turning to Eckersley, he added. "So you have a chance. Dennis, but if you are going to be j thinking about me, Raines will l on third base before you look · up.'' ! Montreal's Andre Dawson in • cent.er field bats third for the NL followed by third baseman Mike Schmidt of Philadelphia and • Montreal catcher Gary Cart.er. : who led all players in the fan balloting with 2,785,407 votes. , Atlanta's Dale Murphy will hit sixth with shortstop Dave Concepcion of Cincinnati, second I baseman Manny Trillo of } Philadelphia and Rogers I completing the starting lineup. 1 The losing streak has the AL • perplexed. T he Americans led l this series 12-4 but they've lost 18 I of the last 19 and trail overall 33-18 with one tie. t "The pres.5 has done so much ! to blow up the losing streak that : it's become more important to 'i win," said Martin. "That's the . attitude I'm going to take this year -to go ou\ and win it." Brett milled at the mention of t the streak. "I'm only 0-6," he said. "Some of theee guys are 0-10." Martin is • 0-2, the loting manager in 1977 and 1978. Petersen fifth in SF marathon SAN FRANCISCO -Sue Petersen of La1una Beach flnlahed fifth ln the women'• dlvlllon of the San Francl.co marathon rwoe hee Sunday. Pe-.n w• Urned ln 2:50.ae lot Ute ......... --~ .,,., over the hilly San J'rancllCO courw. 'nw ~·· w1nDlr Wll Nanoy Dita of nearby Menlo Park wtsb .... ol l:f4.06. ........ Tl'r16•fe ol OPk ¥1 .. lht _ .. wiMlr ...... *-oll:14.ll.T. t Cooper's happy, despite usual snub From AP dl1patcbea , 1 MONTREAL -The honor ame Iii late for Cecil Cooper, in a way he was • ·not entirely aure he liked, and at flrat he was reluctant to believe lt finally had arrived. "Are you certain?" the Milwaukee Brewers' sluper said Monday when told he had been · ·picked to replace the 1.njured Rod Carew u the ,... ... ,""·.., "" first baseman for the American League in the All-star Game. Assured that Manager Billy Martin had cho.en him. Cooper replied: "It's an honor. but it would have been a lot nicer to have been voted in." He was referrlna to the fact that fans had eelect.ed Carew for the atartfna job, despite Cooper's superior statistics. Cooper ta battin.g coo.-R .321 with 19 home runs and 68 runs batted in, compared with a .296 average, one homer and 21 Ra1 for the Angels' Carew. 1 who is suffering from tendonitis. "You don't like to see someone get hurt. but 1' I'm pleased that I was picked to start," Cooper !· said. "Hopefully, next year it will be easier to get the fans' votes." I• " •' Cooper, 32, has hit .300 or better each of the last five seasons. including .320 last year. Quote of the day Billy Martin, Oakland A's manager, commenting on his team's ineffective bullpen: "Everytime we go out to them it's like pouring kerosene on a fire." Mystic Park goes for $5.25 mllllon NEW YORK -Mystic Park was ~ syndicated Monday for $5.25 million, a record for a 3-year-old trotter. it was announced by Alan Leavitt, president of Lana Lobell Farms. Mystic Park is one of the favorites for the Triple Crown of Trotting races of the Yonkers Trot at Yonke rs Raceway July 24, the Hambletonian at The Meadowland Aug. 7 and the Kentucky Futurity at Lexington Oct. 8. Leavitt completed the syndication Monday with the colt's owners, Allen, Gerald and Irving Wechter of New York and Robert Lester of Plantation, Fla .. and he said Mystic Park would continue to be trained and driven by Frank O'Mara. Mystic Park has won seven-of-nine starts this year. Italians land four all-star spots MADRID -Four players for Italy, winner of the World Cup aoocer tournament, were included in an all- .. star team chosen by Associated Press sports writers at the end of the four-week competition. Dino Zoff, 40-year-old goalkeeper and captain, was a unanimous choice. The other Italians picked were defenders Claudio Gentile and Fulvio Collovati and striker Paolo Rosm. top ·scorer of the tournament with six goals. But only one man Crom West Germany, defeated 3-1 by Italy in Sunday night's final at Madrid's Santiago Bernabeu Stadium. was selected. That was Karl-Heinz Rwnmenigge, the captain, who ended the tournament with five goals, second only to Rosm. B111ball today On th!J date In balt'bliJ ln 1963: At th~ ~ ot 43. Cl.eveland pi~hec i:arly Wynn 1*$9d up \M tooth and ftnal - vlciory ol hte ~reer .. ht hili-lcd the fll'lt llV• lnnl"" ln tho 1Mlan1• 7-4 victory over the Ka.nul City A'1. Ort thla dai. tn 183& St. Loult Cardinal aluuer Johnny Mlie belted thret> homer1 In one game -the tlrat of a recorch,Jive times he would accompllsh the fea~ Today's birthdays: Hall of Fa.mt! pitcher Stan CovolskJ la 93. Seattle relief aoe am Caudill 26. Ex-Georgia coach admits violations ATLANTA -A former ualJtant Ell football 009Ch with the University of , • • Georgia aaya he broke two NCAA rules that coet the university a chance to sign a top prep fullback. "I was wrong and I regrel it. I'd dle If there were any big consequences," said Wayne McDuffie. now a member of the Atlanta Falcons staff, In an interview published In today's editions of The Atlanta Constitution. The first violation came Feb. 10, the first day a college lB allowed to aign high echool prospects to grants ln aid under National Auoclation of Intercollegiate Athletics rules. McDuffie made a fourth visit io Coffee County Hi•h School to aee 230-pound fullback George' Smith. The NCAA limit is three visits. "I hate that it happened, especially for the Georgia people," McDuffie said. McDuffie said he was very busy that day. First, he visited Coffee High, then went to Ocilla, where he signed Keith Johnson of Irwin County. At Ocilla. he received a call from Coffee Coach Bonwell Royal asking him to return to Coffee County. "I knew the rule. I just really forgot about it in all the excitement. We were pretty sure we were going to loee him." McDuffie said. The second violation came later, after McDuffie accepted his new job with the Falcons. He made a trip to south Georgia to talk to the prospects he had signed for the Bulldogs. "I toJd George I was leaving and l expected h im to report to Georgia and be the best player he could be. I told him he had the potential to be as good as he wanted to be," McDuffie said. Cyclist still in critical condition Barbara Buchan, the bicyclist • lnjured in a racing crash on Friday, remained in very critical condition Monday at Westlake Community Hospital and still has not regained consciousness after undergoing surgery for removal of a blood cJot on the brain ... Place-kicker Fred Stelnfort has a~ to a series of one-year contracts with the Denver Broncos . . . Mlke Weaver will defend the World Boxing Assoc iation heavyweight championship against Randy "Tex" Cobb July 26 at Caesars Pala<:\' in Las Vegas ... The Minnesota North Stars have signed cen ter Bobby Smith to a seven-year National Hockev League contract. Television. radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: v v v v excellent; v v v worth watching; v v fair; v forget it. e 5 p.m., Channel 7 vvvv BASEBALL: All-star game. ADDoaacen: Keith Jackson, Al Michaels, Howard Coeell, Don Drysdale and Bob Uecker. Three Angels will be in the ·starting lineup for the American League including Bobby Grich at second base. Fred Lynn in center and Reggie Jack.son in right. Montreal's Steve Rogers ts the starting pitcher for the National League under Tommy Lasorda while Dennis Eckersley of Boston will start for Billy Martin's American League squad. The game is being played in Montreal. RADIO Baseball -All-star game from Montreal, 5:25 p.m., KNX (1070) with Vin Scully and Brent Musburger. Counterattack helped Italians Rest o f world left wondering -are th ey that good? MADRID (AP) -Italy i n d .u l g e d i n a fr e n z y o f celebration on Monday after finding itself king of the 11C>CCer world. and temporarily put aside one nagging little question: 'Are the Italians really that gopd? ,.or two weeks they were, and t¥t was long enough to win the ~pionship of the 12th World C(.lp. Italy won its third World Cup title on Sunday with a convincing 3-1 victory over West G~rmany, handing the West ' . I . Germans their first loss to a European team in four yea.rs. Before th.at. Italy had disposed of defending c hampion Argentina 2-1, favored Brazil 3-1 and Poland 2-0. Yet the Italians' first three matches, in which they were unable to beat Poland, Peru or even Cameroon, left questions about whether the team had the potential to play at a high level for an extended time. Pele, who led Brazil to World Cup titles in 1958, 1962 and 1970, T V moguls scrambling NEW YORK (AP) -Dennis Lewin has an All-star game to get on the air tonight. and he'd ~ it to start on time. But it's in Mpntreal, 10 there will be two national anthems and player introduction ln French and English. Oh, and 13 people are to throw out the ''first" bell. Lewin' s al10 had to worry about fana and acreena lnter"ferina with ABC's earner., aJ)propriate representauon by tht. Canlldian labor unions in ABC1 c:rewa, and teet.tng charts for celebrlttea and wives •Ufndin8 &be pme. -And tr-are JL-t 101ne of h1t ~ before the fil'lt ptch. 1Awtn, 37, 11 a _... producer of ABC'• OOWl'llt ol &be All...w a.,., the ftnt one ever held ou~ld• lb• United Stat.11. ,..... In .......... Olympe 9'1ifs• Ml Cl'Utrd w Ynlque ~b' • ~ ... OM II &Ml omn.6c lt•dlu• w11n'' bull\ (ot ~,. w.na, ..... :r::,, .. ',~:'=Mir .. .."': _...,.,,, ~ -···· A quarte r -mile track surrounds the baseball field, moving fans and TV cameras farther back than in most stadiunw. If ABC's cameras are out of poliUoo, ultimately the uvm,-room fan'• view will be hampered. So Lewin went to Montreal lut April for a camera survey. He found hit home-plate camera would have to lhoot tb.rouah the ICl'Mn that proCec'8 fana from foul balla. To improve tboae · pictures, ABC offered to buy pie""*' and aplit the cost with other ~ but a deal couldn't be arran,.cl. Other po1tilon problem•, however, were overcome or mlnlmtaed. The low flnt·and t.hlrd·blllt c:alDlll'll, whJoh ahoot dmlupe of P'td'9n and t.n.n. ~~by-~lnthe on-deck clrrle. So ABC 1ot p1nr'dm to mow lht matt.Id et.res. two ,_ ... ,. Problem• whh th• hllh b1Mllft• camer11 wert •ott d&UINIS. 11We ru IM 111k of ihooUftl ........ ~ MINftl Up ... 111111 ..... ,.... ..... -~ ......... said o n Sund ay that Italy "played well, but I wouldn't say they were the best." "Technically, Brazil plays better," former Brazilian star Pele t.Qld Spanish television. "But Italy has mastered the counter-attack and, in the last few games, they were able to do it not with just one man. but with several." o Before the final match. Italian Coach Emo Beanot had said that Brazil, not his squad, was the best in the world. One Italian who left n o unanswered questions was Paolo Rossi, who returned from a two- year suspension to score six goals -three against Brazil, two against Poland and the first against West Germany. Bearzot appeared to have answered his multitudes of detractors. And the M-year-old coach had the aa tlafaction of seeing Italy win with the attacking style he has preached for four years, in a nation where defeme and stalling have been the rule. No one ln Italy was guestionlns the ablllty of the l\allan teem. Nearly 30,000 flas-wavtng, screaming fans· welcomed the t eam ln Romf at m idday Monday, and nearly broke throufh police berrlc.wtel. TumuHuoua c heers ind whl1tle1 enapted •• President Sandro Pert.lnJ stepped off the plant, followed by Beanot carr.Yln1 the 1old World Cup trophy. The arrival, btotdt.Mt uw on naUonal televtalon1 followed 1 ftAlht of danatnl end 9'ftllna In ,.,... and founllbw by-wtfdly ham,.,. ...... ~. 1n o..- ana "·~.H:. lnllnUftl'*' Wll l&M ~ I w1'o &IOUkl "°' .., ~ .... of ... d&n, HOT WORDS -Montreal Manager Jim Fanning (right) and righ,t-fielder Warren Cromartie conduct a heated discussion after AP Wlrephoto Cromartie had argued earlier with Expos Coach Vern Rapp during their game with San Francis('O Saturday. From Page C1 CAPUNE PADDLES • • • STAR TER -Rod Eme ry starts for the South Saturday night. From Page C1 EME RY • • • Emery during hlS two-year stmt with the Barons. As a junior he was sitting back a bit, but the Barons had an exceptional season. advancing to the ClF Big Five finals against Edison. As a senior he came mto his o wn. rndiv adually. but the B a r o n s' up -and -d o wn performances took their toll. "My attitude flexed with the team attitude," admits Emery. "At times it was tough for me when we were down, and trying to get up. "It's hard, it's why you have to have a lot of team motivators." There should be no problem with a motivating fac tor Saturday. "I want to play the best game poaible and with the best conduct possible," says Emery. Hopefully. the whole team will see it that way. This is a fun thing, but al.so a privilege." TENNIS UPSET GETS R AMIREZ BROOKLINE. Mass. (AP) - Glen Holroyd . virtually unknown as the world's 243rd ranked player, ousted fifth- seeded Raul Ramirez of Mexico, 7-6, 6-4 Monday in a stunning opening round upeet at the U.S. Pro Tennis Championships. "This ia the first time I've got past the flrat round this year," Holroyd said after the biggest victory of his pro career. "I served and volleyed very well." world's record for longest distance ever paddled on the West Coast. Carrillo state beach in Malibu. His stories from that point, which are not only endless but interesting. would fill a library. The following are some of the highlights: Capune's first experience with a paddleboard came when his lifeguard chief, as a form o f punishment for breaking four state surfboards on the rock y reef, told his 19 -year-old employee to paddle out to the "point" and back in 1112 hours. Unfortunate ly , Capune thought his chief meant Pomt Dume, seven miles up the coast, rather than the "point," or arrow if you prefer, that was on a sign som e 1.1-mile in the oth e r direction. Regardless, Capune took of{ and came back som e e ight exhausted hours later. Expanding on hi s fir s t experience, Capune. along with a friend. decided it would be a challenge to try to paddle from Leo Carrillo all the way home to Newport Beach. Capune's c h ief r eluctantly went along with the idea, but told the duo they couldn't depart until after the beach closed at 11 p.m .. "because I don't want to get any phone calls from worrtl'Ci onlookc•rs saying a pair of my lifeguards 1s lost a t sea ." Naturally, a fe at of s u ch accomplishme nt pos ed the question, "What's ne xt? .. To which Capune replied, "I think we'll go from San Franciscp to Newport." "What do you mean 'we?" his partner quickJy countered. "Are you pregnant?" Hindered by fog and huge swells, Capune set out on his journey on three different occas io n s before finally accomplishing his task in 18 days on the fourth try. With the W es t Coas t conquered. Capune set his sights on the eastern seaboard. In 1964, he departed from Coney Island in New York destined to reach Cape KenneGy ln Florida. He would have made it. too, except for a few minor stumbling blocks he incurred. The first was off the coast of New Jersey, where he was arrested for ''surfing in a non- surflng area; refusing to stop for a lifeguard's whistle; and inciting a riot." The cue went to trial where it was subeequently thrown out by Davis holds narrow lead the Judge. Capune was stopped on othe r occas ions. too. for similar violations. but by now htS exploits had reached the print and electronic media and every time h e was arrested . state authonues would step an and say h e was t o b e r e l eased , "unmediately .. Capune got as far as the piers along the North Carolina coast before a Mr Robbins put an abrupt e nd to the p addle r 's travels. "You get out of here, boy. or I'm going to blow your ht>ad off ." shouted Robbins. "Why?" asked Capune. "BecaUSt> you're d~turbang the fis h ... Robbins shouted back "Well. then, l"U JUSt go out a ft'w milC'S and circle your pat-r as to not disrupt anything." Capune (:om promasc-d "This enure area, as far as the eye can see. is rrune." Robbins warned. "You set foot an my territory and I'm gomg to shoot you dead.'' Capune said he was about to o ffer another solution when Robbins started to fire Capune dove into the water until Robbins e mptied the rifle . Whe n he submerged at was just an tame to catch a Coke bottle on the right side of has head that required 25 stitches. Capune eventually filed an $11 ,000 suit. the results of which w1 U be explained later To condense even two longer stories short. Capune returned to the East m 1972, whe re he went from Boston to Miami tn 110 days. In '75, Capune made a return visit to the East whe re. to c e lebr a te the country 's BicentenniaJ. he decided to go from Portland, Maine .to Corpus Chrasu, Texas Capune spends his current time going to as many schools as he can to t ry to reach youngsters. He feels af he only reaches one kid. it's worth at. "rm not out to try to inspire kids to get on paddleboards," said Capune. "I'm out t-0 show them that everybody has got the same equipment. It's just up to them as to how they use it. Capune, who has made as much as $14,000 a year, usually averages around $8,000-$9,000 annually That's a 11 he claims he needs, though. as his means are modest. "I would like kids to want to go out and do something that contributes to life," said Capune. "l want them to be a part of life rather than just take from It." It sounds like Capune has been doing just that. PEBBLE BEACH -Craig Davia, 20, Sepulveda, ahot a five-under·J* 67 Monday over the 6,606-yard Cypreet Point Oolf Coune to take a one...iroke lHd Into the leOOnd round of the 7 lat California Golf AMoct.tion amateur' chanap6onahlp here. Oranae Coast area golfers ln the fleld include Costa Mesa's Steve Rhorer and Huntington Beach's Mike Ivy (76), Newport Beach's Lee Davia (76) and Huntington Beech's Markel Taylor (both at "'16) and HuntJ.naton Beach'• Orq Frederick (77). Davia. I -..dint at Ari.Iona State Univer1Uy, hed ninel of 34-33 for a 67 -one ttrolce Aowtr than the 88 poeted ~r. Stimt Pa ... 21, S.ta Bart.r8. no tt~ Cypnm PcMn\. Pai. anendl n.d for t.hlrd pa.,. wen John rwu-,, ao, leliftM. anc1 ...._. IYw, II, a1iD of a.un.; 1'1w•'I· a mema.r ol IM UIC pt """ii DGllMd hil 18 owr che toUah I , f·~~ par·71 Ptbtilt •acfi Llf'lu 1Ull 1por•ln1Jh• dHp rou1h ot .J••• rftOftUt'1 I . p,.n Chlia,._...p, ... ....,...~,....,, JULY ONLY , fl~r Once, OQsl Dr7tda1e WU ON of buebalJ'I '*"'9t compedtorl, a no-Mlnllnl9 pltcher who1d deck a hltw without a llOCllnd alanc:e if the bat1.er made the ml1take of dl11ln1 In a trifle too ambluoualy at the plate. I>rytd'ale rode that reputation to 1W'dom and wu one ot the key pla¥~"' ln the yHrl when the National Leaaue wu \ak1n8 char1e of the All·l\&r Game. He Mt NCOrdl Ii~ pitched (8), ttarll (0). 1'1tbouta (19) and (19~). But not once in all that time, he aays, dJd deck a hitter ln an All-aw conteat. A.fterwarda, perhaps, but not dUJina one. 11Nah, l never flipped anybody In an All-star aaine.'' he taid. "But I once hit Ruaty Staub after an All-1t.ar aame." And th9 lru\y there la that Staub and Drysdale wve Nat.loaal ~ lamrna'491 at the ume. "You know hOw IU~ come out of an All-1tar pme at different tlmi9. WeU, 1 wu pltchJ.na and Staub wu out. 1 came Into the dreeatna room after 1 wu ~~hand 1 found him ln my locker." Ory uked how Staub happened to \o.e hit way and wind UJ> In the Wro1'Q dreeai.nJI It.all. "Ruaty Mid, 'I'm juat trylna to flna out where you hide that atufl you put on the ball.' "The next time we played Houaion, 1 aot him rlght here wlth the flnt pit.ch,'' Dr)'adale aald, potn\lna to h1I riba. "And I told him, 'That'll teach you ~ stay _ln your own locker.' " Dry9dale, who'll work tonight'• pine . aa a broadcaater for ABC-TV, rememben how the National League besan taking control of thete J{amee. Warren Gile., the le-sue president. and Or"'09 Oout DAILY PILOT/TuNday, July 13, 1882 Fred Haney. the manaa•r, playtd a pen. ''Mr. OU• came Into the drtMm, room and talked to WI and lmi:>ttlMd on \.II that lt wun't Ju.at another same. that 1t waa lmporwn for WI to wln," he aald. ''When he wu lhrouah, Haney IW1ed talking. He WU manaaer of the Brav• then and he aatd, 'You hHJ'd what the man eald. Let .. win It. Now we can make up new ai,na}a tf you'd Uke, or If it would make you more comfonable, we can uao your own, becau. we know them. too.' " Orytdale started both ~ l.n 1969, when bueball stated two All·•W' Qarnel. The flrat one wu July 7 In Pittaburgh -fOW' days after the blnh of h1I dauahter, Kelly. The MCOOd one wu ln the L oa Anaeres Coliseum, then h ome of th e ~en. 'I remember both of them very well," he aa!d. ''The first one, of C()UJ'le1 • becau.e of Kelly bom. We wtN In the miaa.le of a lhne-wNk trip and l dldn'l 1te her until we aot homo. Th . we played the MC:Ond All ... w aame durlnl the homettand and 1 gave up o home run to Frank Mabone. Everytime I eee him, he won't let mt· forset It. I tell hlm It waa a 2M·foot.er and he m.al«'ll It aound like a tape-meaaure job." • Kelly la• Dean's Lhrt ttudent at the UnlveraiJ of Georgl• and the Coliseum no longer hos; bueba.11. But Dryadale rematiu an lnt.esraJ part the All-star 1eene. Thia year's All-star boo goes to America League President L ee McPhall, who name Oak.land's Billy Martin to manage tonight, lnatea of turning the AL team over to Bob Lemon Average pro sports players' salaries It's pride that keeps them goin ~ f I . ' " . MAJOR LEAGUe aT ANDIN08 AIMrlcan L ... ue WHTIM OMlfON w 1.. ,ct. o• ,....... 49 37 570 K.,.... City 47 37 S60 1 CNceo0 45 37 $49 2 SNUle 45 41 523 4 ltaa• 35 46 432 11'> Oakland 38 50 43' 12 M1n,..so1a 28 59 322 2' '11 EAln"N OIVlllON Mttweu1'.. 48 35 578 576 Boalon 49 38 81111more 44 38 537 3•,, 506 6 500 &·~ 481 I 0 0 ,, .. 0.trOll 42 4 I c ..... •n<1 •• 4 1 -Yort. 39 •2 Toron10 37 47 liloftdey'• O- NO QI.mes tcheduled TOllleftt'• a-Al All·Sl&rs VI NL AH·llll<I al MonlrMI ......... , .• a-... No gamn sc;fle<lultel ... tlonal LHGue W1!8TI"" DIVISlOM AllNlll Sen Oltoo .,....... S... Franci9Clo ~·Oii Clne>nrnlto w l ,ct. o• SI 33 507 50 ~ 581 2 •8 •2 523 1 42 48 477 II 37 411 4J~ 14·~ 33 53 364 19 E.UTEltH OIVlllON PNllHMipllll 4 7 38 S53 5S2 SI. LOUii 48 39 Plllll>Urgl'I 44 40 S24 2'/t 506 4 450 8 404 13 Monlreel 43 •2 New Y0<1' 40 47 Cl'llcego 36 S3 lllof>deJ'• 0- No games ICl'lt<IUl..:I T°"'IM'• 0-Al Al-ll&rl VI NL Al-alarl et Monlr ... • ....., .• a-... No ~ 9Cl>edUNlcl Car- lynn Downing FOii Cler1< eoo... ~ AtJM:IC9on ~ AoJacuon Fet~ WMfong Bufltson • Kellehef TollllS Mal>ler H ...... "-Aenllo hl>n Foncll Witt S1nct1e1 Klaon Goin Cot bell MOteno TOleh ...... .., .... aATTlNO A8 " " 278 43 82 277 49 79 330 55 94 270 33 77 53 7 15 241 IS M 339 38 112 310 43 83 269 35 75 I S 11 21 48 3 10 so 3 10 IHI 10 17 45 4 7 18 2 0 2914 387 785 !"ITCHING "" ... ~ I 21 297 11 31 .299 13 33 286 2 35 215 2 s 283 I 29 274 13 53 271 10 47 2M 8 38 287 I 8 247 , 8 217 0 2 200 0 s 177 0 2 158 0 0 .000 81 358 2911 9' H N 10 W-t. lllA ·~ 2 0 0 ().() 0 00 44 29 22 22 2~ 1 64 51'J• 42 22 4() 3-3 2 98 102 99 27 so 7-2 3 09 127 118 3, 41 10-4 3 12 135'11 125 30 44 8-7 3 S9 85'11 86 31 ... 4-3 3 59 47 47 22 28 3-0 3 64 77 71 30 42 &-3 374 28'11 28 u 18 2-2 3 8 1 57 $4 2 I 23 1·7 4 58 •9'"' 55 23 22 3-7 4 74 191'11 7•• 271 372 49.37 3 .... ~r: .. ·· M.,,,..,. L8ndr-.X 8.icflf GuflfrflfO Sax Monday Yeeger Mot ... e T"°"* Orla $do9Cla Aoanlck• To1at1 ,,. .. " ""-35 7 12 3 s 237 42 74 2 29 293 32 M 18 52 301 43 17 18 53 359 49 100 0 28 119 22 33 7 28 109 9 30 2 13 11 0 3 0 2 312 31 81 10 34 325 35 12 10 35 21 3 7 0 2 2« 34 11 2 22 46 4 11 0 2 83 11 19 2 9 196 20 40 2 18 85 8 12 1 8 2782 350 738 73 339 mCMNG • H • IO flct. 343 .312 .294 2M • 278 :in .275 272 2eO .252 .250 .250 .2.U .m ..204 .1116 .227 Howe 5311> 4 1 10 241 W-4 DA s-1 ue 12-7 2 82 v....-a15e'o'> 142 42 97 "'-'-1~ 129 29 71 Aomo 27'A 19 12 17 SNne, 7'\ • 4 s Wtlc:lt 1~ 115 47 89 8._, 12 80 21 4e fa.Mr 43\o\ 39 13 21 Nledenfuer 22 27 15 111 ,._ 3~ 37 20 20 "°°'°" 57 ee 11 u Totela 78711> 752 290 457 Top 10 M 329 0.2 3.29 0.1 3.$4 M 3.51 ~ 3.82 3-5 4 18 1-2 4.50 0.2 4.80 1~ 5.37 46-42 3.58 , ......... 171 .. Nte) ,._.CANUAotM 0,.. .. "ll'ct. W W-. K Ctly 80 25' 33 Ill 344 Hfl*I, ~· 13 m 48 97 332 Harrill, Ole¥eiand 81 323 87 107 .33 I Youn!, Milwault.. 78 318 58 105 .330 BonMll, Toronto n 248 39 80 325 Panlelt. o.trOlt 83 2 18 40 70 824 Cooper, MilwtultM 11 320 55 103 322 McRae. 1(-Cit~ .. 321 45 101 315 Padonik. ~ 72 282 31 81 .309 Oentns, Mffw-:==. ~95 18 80 ..308 0 . n.om., Mllwellll... 22: Tllorn1on, ~. ao: ---· ~ 20: Coopet, ............... OalMe. MllWeul!-. 19 MMIMTTID .. Mafia•, K•"'••• Clly, 79; Tl'!ornton, Cla¥alan6, et: Coo9ef, MltwaukH, H ; ~·. CNclgo .... Hfbtll. ~, .. 11. ~(tt•~ v~ ......... -.1CM: ...... tl•41 lurne, Cl'llOttO. t ·•: 1erh1. ~. 10-S,; owa. ~ CHY, 10-$1 euldry, ..... Yen, ... ; Cwdlll. leeftie. M : ....... ~1-4 unoeML....-••11 ....... .. 311 ., 101 ,Jal 1a •" ao • .111 ...... , 10) .117 ~iii~ , .. :s ....,._ . ..,.._,...-~ .... ¥tt\i ',·=:.--.: PITCHING 11t O.CIMONS) , Loller. San Diego, 10·2. O Aoblnton. Plltal>IHgh. J0-3, Aogere, Monlleal, lD-4. Suuon. Houllon. 9-4; Montelutco, San Ole90, 7·4, Valtnautle, Ood9en, 12-71 F0ttch, SI Loult, IS-5: Solo, Clnc1nnau, 8-5 All·lter roet.re AMUllCAN LIAOUI .,.,,.,. C Caruon Flak. Chicaoo 18 C.C.. Cooper Mtlwauk .. 28 Bot>t>y Grich. -'ngels 38 a.c>rge Breu. Kll\IU c11y SS -Robin Yount. MtlweukM OF -Aeggoe Jeckton. Angels OF -Riekey Hende<'son, Oekland OF -Fred Lynn Angtlt ,.._,,.. C -Lance Pa,,lsh OetrO'I 38 Tot>~ Hetrah. C1eve1an<1 18 -Kenl Hrbel<. Mtnnetat• I B Ed019 Murray 8-IUmore 18 Andre l'llotnton C-an<I 28 -Fr N'lk Whne. Kansai C•ly 38 Budoy k l leus OF -Hat MGRH. Kanus Clly OF Ben Ogllv,., Mttwaukee OF -Willlt Wilson, KanNa Clly OF -Dave Winfield. New Yo<k OF Cat Yulrum91'1, 8oa1on PttcMn Floyd 8ann•ll8f, Seellle Jrm Claney T 0<onlo Mark CINt Bot1on Oennlt Eckeraley Boator\ AC41oe F1nge<S M~weu~ee ACh Gossage N-Yorio Aon Guidry N-Y0tk Dan Ou11enberry. Kansas Ctly NATIONAL LEAGUE Starten C Gary Carter Monl•eal I B Pete Rose Phila4elpl>la 28 Menny T rtllO Pllolacletphl• 38 Mike S<:hmodl PhtMtdelplHe SS Oe•• Concepc.on Cmc.1nna11 OF -Andre Dawson Montre&I OF -Dale Mu<l)l>y. Atlante OF -Tim Reines. Monlretl "'""" C -l ony Pena. P1111burgh C -Jolln S1tarn1. New Y0tk 18 -Al 01 • ...,, MonlrHI 28 -Sieve Sax, Ooo9e<• 38 -8oO Horner. A11en1a 38 -Aey Knighl, Houslon SS -Ozzie Smith. SI lows OF -Oulty Baker, Ooo9e<• OF -~ Ourllem. CNceo0 OF -"upper! .ion.. San Oitoo OF -LoMle Smilh. SI louot ll'lkMn s-Camon. Philecle4Pl'l1e Merlo Soto, Clncinr\a11 Tom Hume. Clnc1nrtaU Slave Howe. Dodgers F.,nlllCIO ValenZuela, l>o09e<1 Gteg Minion. SNI ffenc:1toc0 51..,. Ao!lflfa, Montreal Pl'lil Noeil•O. -'ll•nll 281 n2 267 301 330 268 275 289 32~ 331 332 308 :!01 307 198 315 262 l44 295 297 305 286 265 289 293 305 285 2811 3 19 300 321 278 295 317 259 293 302 312 30~ 11 7 f>-5 2·4 5.1 12-7 ~ 10..ol 6-3 UTTU LEAGUE AU.-ITMI ...... (11-12~,..,.-.e) OtSTMCT 12 TOUftN1UIUfT AIM 1 ( .. StafltOll LL) • .....,,.o- Oc:een'olltW "1nerlcen VI Sta11ton, p m T'hW9def'• GefM 130 Foun1aln Valley NOf'lh •• Wealmlnll•r -'"*1can. 7 30 p. ,,....,..o- Oceanvlew Am911Cart-Sl1n1on io.e< va Founl•ln Velley Nor111-We11mln1te r AmeflCan toetr, 7:30 pm a.cu.d411'aa- Qc.een View .-.merican-Stanlon wmn« .,. S..v!ew. Sp.m. In thousanos of oollars per year $240 ---- 160 120---- 40 1977 Cn!Ccl90 lriOune Grapr11c TltllrM•Y'IO- BolN VI Hunllnglon Valley SOUit! wlnnet. 5 pm Saturdar'• 0.- Hunhnglon Valley-Fountain Vllley Soult! to.« VI WtelnMclay't IOMr, 11 a m &.nlor• (1S-rMr-oki•) OISTNCT a T~N'r \:.~"""") ·--· Hunun111on Valley 13, BolM 3 ToNeht'e 0.-Roblnwooc:I VI ~ountaln Valley Norlh, 5 p,m •tdMtdrf•O.-Founlein Van.y Sou11'1 VI Wn1m1na1er Hallonal, 6 p.m T'lwndef'• 0-.. 8otaa va Aobln•ood·Foun1a111 Valley Norlh-, 5 pm ,,....,., 0.- Hunllnglon Veney ve Robtnwood• Fountain l/Mlfr/ Hanh wtnnet, 5 pm ......., .. o-.. Seavltw va Founlaln Valley Soull•· Wn1mtn11er Nellonal llrinnar. SI a m Founlaln Valle y Soulh·WHlmlnller N••tonel ,_ VI Tl'lllflday'• winner. 2 p,m DtSTNCT M TOUNOI_,,., .. ~.ca- l• nfM 141811> 9 I m. -IMne Nortll VI l..agune 8eed\ Noon -Lake ForNI VI SaddleOack 3 pm -M!Ulon Hilla vt. Mlaalon Soutl'I ~ca.-1 ...... n .... ) 1 p m -trvl,.,e Norlh-Lagune Beach wlnntt VI. lrvlne Soulh 4 p m -like For•l-Seddltbac;k Winner VI MIMIOn Hllta-Mfu;on Soutl'I w1nner ~·Gelltet 5 p m -Lake f'oreel-Sadcllebedl lot« vs MIUion Hllll-Mlulon Soull'I toter 7 30 p m -lrvlne North-lagune 8etcn -vs Sundey'• 4 p.m -T__,..a-.. 5 pm -La.er'a bfKl<el game 7 30 p m -Suno1y'1 two wlnnera "'"' NOTE l oeer bflci(el g-WIN be playe<I Wednetelay, July 21 (1·30) encl Thurtd1y, Jiiiy 22 (7 p.m.) t11e ghamplonal'llP game wiN be playeO Friday, July 23 (7 p.m.) Ind SelurOay, July 24 (9 &.m ), II ~ Loe Aa.mtto. llOMOArS M8UUe (t 1at of 11 .................. _...., NaT MCL 400 yatda. SNfl .. l lme IL.ac:lle,') 3 eo 2 eo 2 40 The Outikflf (Mylee) 11 80 5.40 ~ Quey 1-'dalr) 2 90 "'9o raced: 8ig Wink, Some Raure. Two More Ooublu, Some Kinda Vollage, Sheckye Image. Toolln N Aultn. MHter Bound. Time. 20.38. a UACTA (2-5) paid '57 eo. .. COMO MCI. 350 yar<ll. My Pel Rambler (AmslrgJ 5 40 3 00 2 15( ~-(Knight) 3.20 2.IO Special OeO (CleriMe) 3.IO Al90 raced Sompln Wlnoy, The Aedrlij Oueen. Bacuoo. Gabby• Lady, Trlpple T flfTY, 0-.tja, 004cl Avlea. Time' 18 39. TittN> llACI.. 400 yatda. Gel Tht Gold (Ptlkenlonl 8.eo 4.00 3 oo 0'1lo Oevll !Fryday) 4.20 3 00 Atl>e Echo (Pauline) 4 00 Aleo factel' Veil• Juen, Miio SI•. loel tndlan, Pralflfr9CI Polley, El Pictto, SMwnl Uttte Men Time 2008 ,OURTH MC.. 350 yarda Cool K..._ 1er..g.,1 M.oo 20 eo ' 1 eo 8'>1k• Tht ~ cwan11 11.eo 111 eo Got Hll ~ (Mltcl'lell) 3 80 -'lea <aced: l'op 1niant, Atcll KIO. Murp1ty9 lrnaot. Jedidiah, Top lnltnllOM, C"6tnol Coum, Tiie Nor_,, TllM: 17 ..... a UACTA (1.e) paid 172840 """ Mc:a. 170 19fda N4P N "9d 1~1 27.40 11.40 11.40 •IOI"• =, 1c.rc1oie1 4 40 a oo Ae11 Klr10 ( I S eo ,...., 1'9C8d: -Mood. Sir .. CMr- Baltle ....... Anl>eCt 00. ~ 'Ill"' TltM: 48.64. IO(TM MCa. 350 yerCle Jurnglt ~ IPllUllMI 14.40 4.80 2.80 LaOt lpori1 Girt ICat®l•I 3.00 240 .MY "'"Fir• ,,.~, e.oo NM r~: 111.Y a.tty, Aabell VINQUa. ttt~ . .,.,_._ llttle Tiii. Aabe .... POl::r. "'Of 0... nme: talXI. • UAGTA (M) peld W.IO ln9mt uc:.:,r.o.. Hit Otlllllll -UO S IO S 00 .._ 1om ~ °""'9> 11.00 a.oo --~Cel~ uo ""''=~~.:~~ ~~.JIM .... iU'iiA' ""' .... -- 1978 1979 la fi'ICIC ... II· 1-6-e.. 7 -Cl) paid 131,04 7 50 with one winning llcllet (live r.or-1: 12 Pick Sta conaol•llon paid $398 00 wllh 28 wtnntng •lcllel• (lour 11or-1 ~ MCL 1170 yatdal Three Wl40 Chance. 1Mlt144 20 17 eo 12 8( Friel Boo lll"'ll"IJ 12 20 7 00 Atlltx Action Otlomba) S.20 Alto ,_, 8upoe1a Win, Mr Stacy BoO, Aun Nallve Au,.., Empe ror Ml1'e, EH y FUhlon. n,.,.. 45 42 '2 H ACTA (5-2) peld '347 20 Anend.,_ -7,475. Amet.urt~t c...._..c._.-.-., I .. C,,.... l'oMt -.....,.. 9Mctl) 67-c.11111 Otv!•. ~ ea -S•-Pe•e. s.n11 Betbel• 89 -John Flannery, Sabnaa. M-E...-. SallnM 70 -Corey P avln. Oane rd , Joe T.,..bu(lno, S... Joee 71 -C<aog Slelnber9, Sludto Clly. Jim Our-., Pacific PllllMdte. 12 -&ob 8tomberQ. Alamtela: s1- 809an, LOI Angele•: Au11et1 Hallletd. Pleasanton. Tracy Nekautcl. Loa A~ Jell Han, So4-Beech; Gery Shtrmeno. GreenbtM, s.,.. Aen<lolptl, S...11 Barbera. MMco Duel. Mocleeto. and G~len Sltlnolr. Paloa V91dee 73 -Don SMvo<llll Yorba Llncla Aey Pellegrtnt. Burll"!lame. John BrO<llt , Loa Allot, Don Ou8ol1, GtenOora, Vic Wii k. Seputvede. Oulfy WeldOfl hrnrta. Jell Early. Hayward. Gary Moriera. 011<tand 74 -Otc1' Aun1'1e, Loa Angelel, Sl- He n<y, S 1n11 Monica , Micheal -'ll•n, HllltborOUQh. Mark Blakely. Temple Cily, Mlc111111 wua. Sac1amen10, 8111 Aaberg, Sac•amento. Dan Hornig, Fr11no. Cery Vouler. l • Ou•n••. Mike Miies, CyprtH 75 -SI-Rhorer, Cosla M .... Otal> Prlnea. San Bruno. 8111 Maller. HaywvO. Jaft Wlaon, ValltjO, Gary Venier, Albeny. Biiiy Luken, Wl'llllltr; M1t.e Ivy, Hunllnglon lleedt. K tnl T llY\Of, El C.jan. Jaft l ... Atver.ioe, Oevld Motrll, Pecllle OtOYe 78 -L.. OeVll, NewpOrt BNcl'I, o rao Bruckner. Manh•llN'I Beach: T•ry Foreman. Anl!Oci\' Oavtd Btelty. t..gloln• Hiii•: Mtcheal Spellman. P1111burg; Oennla Le Oonne, Fvller1on. Matk Jol!MO<I, BafllOW: Robw1 Oavldaon, Loi AngetH ; Marltel Teylor. Hunll"!lton Beach Altey C.anslon. Loe AllOI Wllllem 8e11tley, San Francleco. MlcttMI Turner. Ven Nuya, De nni• Ge dealad. S-lo. Miellty YokOI. Loe Ano-, Oen Tl•vtalon. J1 San Bruno 17 -J tp Wiiie , S a n Otego. Cte m Aiclwdton, Sellnu. ClluCll< WtM, EndnO: Oavtd tW>bby, Senla Ana. Krl1l•n Moe, Alameda. Oreg T¥riCXI•. La Jolla: Rober1 lrwtn, Whllller JOlln AbandrOlh. SNI Bruno; Teel Engberg, Senta Clere; Greg Frtdetlcll. Hvnllnglon Beech; Tom Walch, Hayw9rd; Greg laoelgien. F- 71 -John Oeleney. MarlM dtl ~. St-Ho)'l, San Menno; St-Sc:twoecltr. Menlo Per11. Weyne C.•. ~ Oak&; Br.-ZIAalca. Alamacle; Jim °"'11JIM. Senta Monica, llt1en Henniger, Wtetlalle l/llleot. Aob Cempbtll. ~ OM1; &rad Bel, S ecremento; Guy 8111, OatUend; O•~ld a-. ~: Oii.-Aflelnfur1t\. North ~: Brian Mahon. 8en r::MeQo; ~ Miiier, Senlt Metia. •• •••• --:::--; • # -· I 1980 1981 Menthon....,. The lop 10 llnltll«a in SunOey'a San Francl9co Marall'lon .... 1. Mlgut4 Tlbaclulu. Colombla. 2 hOura 14 mtnulM. 31.7 second• 2. Oomlnoo Tlbadulz.e, Colomb!•. 2 14;53 3. Hel Scfiulz. Sen AllMlmo. 2 15 10 4 AICll Say<e, Aa/119"0, Ore., 2 15 30 5. Mike Plnocct, Soulh l •k• Tahoe. 2 15 42 I. -'lllOI Bario, $an Oitoo. 2: 17 4 7 7 "'1 ~. Eugena. Of'e .. -Caneoe 2'17 58 8. Mlc:Noel ~. Oaloeno, 2 11104 11. Darrick May, Aeno.-Soutl'I Ah tce, 2· 18:50. 10 Dan Buntman. Sen Francleco, 2: 111.30 WOMEN t. Heney OIU. MtnlO Park, 2·44 05 2. Katl'I)' Pteltier, Sacr_,10. 2·48·27 3. Heike Slladtn. s--•o. 2.48•4e • Marilyn Me!Mw&, Bend. Ort • 2 47 38 s. ... ,....,_. L...-a 9Nclt, 2:IO:a 6 Uz Oatman. "-· 2.51 I 1 7 Margo Elton. El CeNfto, 2•52 1 I a Shat1tt 0Abtt1. Rlchrnoncl. 2 52 42 9 Sue Moen, Rowlett. l uu. 2 52 47 10 Sen<l1'e Klcldy, Pelm Springe. 2 53.23 °"' ... ftshl"9 NIEWPOflT IArt'• i...ndlntl) -4 7 •"Qlert S barracuda 1 bonl10. 219 1>•11, 314 macllere4. 1 roc:k rllh 10...,.•e Loehr) - 146 angl<tr• 11 barracuda, 60 bonllo, 498 send b-. 109 cellco bass. 31 rocl< cod, 2 halibut 970 INdterel DANA WMAfl' -233 anglers 8S7 t>Ma. 2 barracuda. 83 bonllo. S l'lallbul, 243 IMClterel LONO 8 1 ACH 18•1"'on1 "••) -19 anQl•ra 599 Hnd b•H. 1100 m•ckertl ..,.. -29 anQlflf'I 749 maeketel. 12 h•lfbul, 5 Hiid ba11, 315 queen ll•h (Quee,..•• '#ltarl) 155 angle •• 3 batrecuda.112 t>On<to, :1112ceheo11-. 1.101 ~-6o~.:. IAndlntl. ,,.,..._ ... Polrlt ~) -S.3 anglerl: 829 albecort. 10 yellOwUilt. 2 hallbul, 240 batracuda. 29 bon41o, 1111 bUI lnt.,.,..HoNI .... polo TUNCMRMI CW ,., ........ .........,, ~ ...... f.ltetr7 U.S ICCXll\g I(..... Aoo.1_, 2, Petet Cempbell 2, Terry 9c1voeC1er 1, Tlm Shew 1, Oreo 8Cly9r 1 o.Mf lcerM Spain 6, Holland 6 Ru•• 7, w .. 1 Ottmany 7 l'NI ......... 1 HoMand 13-0·41. 2. Aunt• 13-2·21. 3 Unllecl S•••• 13-2·2~ 4. Spe1n (3-2·21. 6 Italy (2·2-3), I IM>garf 12-2·3). 7 W•t Garmany I M-4~ 8 Yugollavle \0.5-21 MONTREAL (.AP) -Stran of gray have crept into the thic hair that crowns two of baseball' oldest and greatest players. But Carl Yastrzemsk1 and Pettc Rose say they have lost none o the desire for wmning that I.he had when they s ported dar crewcuts in their first All-sta games. For both, it's a matter o pride. At age 42, Yastrzemsk1 w selected for h is 17th All-sta contest to be played here tonight. Rose. 41 . was chosen or the 16t time. "The first time I was picked an 1963, it was a great thrilJ," say Yastrzemski, Boston's designated hitter who was chosen as a reserve o utfie lde r for the American League. "But I still feel the same now as I did then as far as gomg out and wmnmg the game. ·•J can't see an athlete go out and not have his pride take over. 1 don't want to embarrass myself in front of mill ions of pt!Ople on television ," he added "I can•t sc..-c a guy coming in and not givmg 1t his best shot." Rose. the National League'!> starting first baseman. echoed Yas trzemski's concern about flopp ing i n front o f an international audience. "If I didn't go all out in front of the fans and the television audience. I'd embarrass myself and no player wants to embarrass himself.'' he said. ''l want to win every game about the same but probably the older you get the more you appreciate the win, .. Rose added. "I've lost only one All-star game I've been an. I was in I.he on-deck circle when the game ended That's probably why we lost." "Th e big thi n g 1s for everybody to go out and stay within their a bi lity: singles hitters go for singles and doubles hitters go for doubles," said YastrzemskJ, who has been on the winning side in just one o( his All-star games. He sat out four for which he was packed with mJUrtes "I thmk we might I try too hard to win. It's JUSt like when your team goes m a slump J in the.regular season. You try tcr do everything yourself A guy might ~ trying to hit a fave-ru) homer with nobody on ." Yastrzemski has been mor successful than Rose m All-star games. He has 10 h its in 32 a}\ bats for a .313 batting average. He a lso belted a three-run pinch-hit homer in 1975 in a 6-3 loss. Rose. who has played five , positions in All-star games. has . just seven hits in 31 at bats for A .226 average. He's driven in only ' one r un. "You may bat two or I.hr~ ' times and face two or thret! pitchers you've never faced before," he explained. "I just • have a Jot of trouble with ; pitchers I don't know." ! ') He recalled his first-all star 1 game in 1965. He said he asked ex-D e tro it shortstop Ed Brinkman, a fonner little lea~'" teammate. w hat kind of pitch~ Cleveland's Sam Mc Dowe ll threw. "He told me fastball, change'.-J up and curve. McDowell struck me out with a slider," Rose said. ~ Rose goes into the game wilh a · I .287 batting average this sea.son A for Philade lphia. in I I ,;of Volleyball ., t''; •J camp offered ICU ·1• Two aummer volleyball camP,1;~ wW take place at Orange CoUt Co1leae thla month with ' volleyball co.ch Jane Hllpndorf'''• and Halatant Steve Oeorg-. '1 d1rec:tiq the .-ona. . I ~ fint Is let July 22-2~ wit.W ' the MKlOncl July 29 throuah A"'i· o 1. Thunda:Y niah' the ..ton wtll be from B·D p.m. wlth1;~ Friday, Saturdar and Sunday ~ 1111ton1 trom 10 .. and a.1. L-1 • 'ftw ~ .,.. IOI' P'il .... ,q 14-lt wtd\ ,....,.... ~ ~ ... ~ ................ . lhtilolr.lolh ..... . · fer '"''h•r lnforma&lon .... ~-' ., .,..,. •• "ct a.tit 14 ·~I, AV Or~ COiet DAIL. Y PILOT /Tueed1y, Juty 13, 1982 Cleats ad.o~D Mr. America ---· ·• para8e of all-stars ., l_y WILL ORIMSLE\' Ma,... Oen .. 11•'*"'' d" BuebaJI had to decide whether I\ wanted lta lhnual All·&r lime to be a popularity cont.eat or 'retl·Uve competition wi\h Oylna aplkee. and It ! It's "Mr. America" in deata and hlah atJrrupe. c;e ltt choice. • ike up the band. Let's have It from Bert Parka. t the guy•· puade to the plate Instead of down ae runway while fans applaud to the lyrics of '"lbere you go Mr. America." • '4' ,,.. ACCEPT IT. It's a parade of baseball's current .,eats and near-greats. The game ltaelf proves ,Pt1thing except that once a year in the heat of ~id-summer fans want to salute their diamond heroes in one spectacular cluster. -~ Meanwhile, debate sizzles among the hard-core QUffs over the voling p~ that would allow a .r43 hitter such as the New York Yankees' Bucky ~nt tO lead the balloting until almost the very end. ll• How can you pass up a guy like Milwaukee's Cecil Cooper with hJs remarkable statistics -.322 .,tting average. 17 home run.5 and 64 runs batted in -even though the top vote-getter is an established tfpr, Rod Carew, hitting .305 with one homer and T? RBI for the Angels? 11 What were the millions of voters thinking "'{hen they ~ropJ>e:<i Lo!li:tte Smith of the Cardinals ~ 14th in the voting although hi.s .308 bat, 41 RBI ad 41 stolen bases have been instrumental in u!.iming St. Louis into one of the hottest teams in• the National League? ): WHY NOT AL OLIVER, the Expos' splendid (j.rst baseman who is batting .325 with 13 home runs and 58 RBI. instead of Pete Rose (.292) of the or slumping ::>teve Garvey (.256) of the Dodgers. both finishing ahead of him for the position in the NL. How could there be a 1982 All·Star game in Montreal tonight without having Toby Harrah ot the Cleveland lndians at third base with h,ls .343 batting average. 15 homers and 44 runs b<ltted in. or Kansas City's Wilhe Wilson in the outfield. with his speed, fine 81Jl1 and league- l~ading .350 balling average? ·~ F.asy. Fans vote with their hearts not their heads. If you were a dyed-in-the-wool baseball fan. whom would you rather see. up close and in Uving color -.4 Oliver or Pete Rose. the latter a hunk of grit and hhstle who is wiping out many of Ty Cobb's proudest records. THE ROLE OF THE game -whether it's to be a knockdown fight between the cream of the A,mencan and National Leagues or a pleasant mid-summer gathering of the rival clans -has been argued since the idea came out of a sports ~itor's head back in the post-Depression days. r Arch Ward of the Chicago Tribune thought it lip as a one time added attraction for the World's Fair, celebrating Chicago's lOOth anniversary, ih 1933. Voting on pla.xers was stricllv t:e.¢ona1. J9hn McGraw of the Giants and Connie Mack of tne Philadelphia Athletics were automatic rival 'i8nagers. • The game was played in Comiskey Park July 6. 1933 before an SRO crowd of 47,000. A 39-year-<>ld e,abe Ruth. in his declining years, led the ballot with 10.000 votes. He didn't disappoint his fans, smashing a two-run homer for the Americans' 4-2 -Rctory. "Could you imagine leaving Babe Ruth off an All-Star team?" asked Commissioner Bowie Kuhn, emphasizing the importance of allowing fans to decide what players they want to see. 1111a 1mc11 rtatc NOTICE flCTmOUI IMl ... 11 NAm ITATIIMINT Tile lollowlng per1on I• doing bualnessu: STAR SCREEN PRltiTING, t5~ E 20111 Slr111, Co•l1 Men, C11tfornle 82627 lllnc1nt Berll, 1S2 E 20tti Street, Coata Meo. Celllornl1 92527 ' Thll bu.._ 11 «>nduoted by en lndMdull. Vlneant 8ltll Thll ltll-11 WU nlld With Ille County Clefk of Or•• County on June 25. 11182. fitnM Publl1hed Or1nge Coaat Diiiy PllOt, June 29, .July 6, 13, 20, 1982 2772·82 Nl.IC NOTICE FICTmoul aUllNfll NAME ITATE•NT The following pe<$001 •re dO't\Q buS<MSS es Cl) AWARENESS MARKETING (bl l(ARRON ADVERTISING, 350 E 22n0. Coate Mese. Celolornla 82527 Klfen Sltrlfff, 350 E. 22nd . Cott• MeN. C1111orn1• 92827 Aonllkl F Davis. 350 E 22nd. C0t11 Mell, Calllorn11 92627 Th11 butlneu Is conducted by huaoend end wofe Karan Starleef Thos 111temen1 wu l•led wotn me County Clerk ot Orenge County on MUC _,TIC( NllC M>ncl MLt .... Nol:li .. a::-..=., lfle Nole':~':.t the ~--AT loord of TtUll ... -Of Ille COHI loord of Tru••-Of I.he OoNt wm. °''\::t Oommunllr OoU•JO 011er101 or Oomm111111~ Cohe11• Ol1trlo1 of ..._ ...,...,.,., Oran .. C•unty, 0111fot11lo, wlll Or1no• County, G1lltorn11, wlll T -. ..,..... ,...,._. _... llld9 Ult to 11·00 reolM IMMd blci. UC> to UrOO ... ~ .. -.. TM-----~· a.m.~ , ••· 1~ at ..,.,,,, T'hundtlr, Jvjy It, tNJ 04 ttie __,,,. ...,..., ttie INllt ~ Mid ,urot1111111 Depert~t ot Hid IN CWtolMI .. wtlldl -._ oolleet dlllr 01 i.ootad 01 t370 coll ... dlolrfot 1oc11ed •• 1'70 r.ootd .,. JUN 11. 1eaa. In ""' Adam• Av•~ OOllO M111. AdHll Avtnu•. OOltl ...... olb of ... ~ ~ ., c.llfotftla, .. lltM Mid blci. ~~...,. time Mid bide Mid--flllAll'A'i1 ·-~ ... '° '°'!~ ......... Wiii be publloly °'**' oncl fMd fOf: .. be °'**' and ,.... ton -·...,,..,..,.,. ..... ._ - jt U A 0 H A I I 0 , II I 0 I 0 P U Ill C A 81 0 r M I 0 A 0 • 111111 P'~ "-1IM' '"ff ,_ IQUIPMINT, Golden Wiit Colllgt, 0 0 M P U T I R I Y I T I M 8 , M lnter..t In H TNM#1 .... Alf bide .,. to 1111 In OOOOtdanOe GOLDIN WllT eou.IGI P,o ... c11110•- wlth ttlO llcl P'0tm lnltructlont Ind Alf Oldll .,. 10 be In IOOOl'Cien09 ....owfMfT NOTllCa" Condlt!MI ltld lpeolfatlon1 whlofl wlll'I 1111 lid ,.,m ~ tnd 11' Y 0 U" , A 0, I A TV 11 IN ere now Oii Mt~~ be MOUted ~and~ .tllofl l'OAICLOIUAI HCAUll YOU In IN oftlol of Ult~ Aolfll .,. now In tit end_~ be ...,,_, AR( HHIHO 1H Y°""' PAYMINTI, of Mid OOlleOe dlfll'lct, In tM Oltoe of !fie P\ltdlMlnO ~ IT MAY IE SOLO WITHOUT AHY Eldl bidder f!Wll tubmll wltfl 1'111 of Mid ~ ~. ,..,,,. ..,T ,.,,.,...,.,.,, Ind -.. -..__ tlld • CH hl•r'• Ohlotl, oetlltlecl £8dl bidder """'4 ~with NI """"" "'"""• ·-.. ..,. ........ oheolc. 01 blddlf'• bo11d m•d• bid 1 c11hllf'1 check. oettlll•d :-i:= ~ ~ ~ ~ IMl)'oDll 10 the Ol'dar of the COMt check, or bidder'• bond m1d1 your p111 d1o1t poymen11 plu• CcJmnwnltv CofltOe D1Mriot 8o11d par-ble 10 IM order o1 IN COM! Plfmlllld coll• tnd upon1H of T~ .... In an am~nl not a-CotnmunllY COiiage O!etrlC1 IOetd within 1twe1 mooo11 trom 1111 date 11\an 11"9 Pl'Cltll (5'14) of lhe eum of Ttlltl"' In 111 ll'llOUllf not ,_. thlt notice of dllfd w• recor.-. bid M 1 91*ont1t 11111 IN bkldlt than ~ l*Oltll (5~) of IN IUm Thie amount 11 I t, t21. 11 of .NM wlll 1 nl•r Into thl PtOPOHd bid u • O\llttnt .. that tne blddef u . 18U •nd wtll 1nc-.1M 1111111 Contract If the MIM It IWltded lo wlll e n I er Into lhe propoHd yOlit eecount IMClomM ouu .. 1. You hlnl, In the ewnt of llilur• 10 .,.l., Conllact 11 tht ttme II owwOed to mey noc "*"" 10 ~ the ..,..... Into eudl contract, the P'OOMd• of him. In lht -1 of,.,,. to enl« unpild porOon of yOVt 1c001Htt, the ctlO wt• be tor1elted, or In the Into lllCtl c:onlract, I• Pfooeedt of even though lull p1y1111n1 wll of• t>Ond. thl tun IUt'll th«eof tilt clltell w111 be forfeited. or In ,,... detnanded. but you muet oay tM wlll t>e forl11t1d 10 Hid coll•g• etM of • t>Ond, IN IUll 11U1T1 tllertol 1moun1 11 • .., M>ove. dlllflot. wlll be ror11111d to Hid college Anet tht .. monthl trom lht °°" No bidder mer •llhdrtw "'* Old dl11r1o1. 01 11co1d1tlon ol thl1 dOGumeflt tor • P«toc:I of forty.five (46) d•r• No bidder may wlllldttw 1111 bid (whlCh dlll of recordatlon ~ 1ntt the d1•• Ml for lhe opening r0t 1 oatlod tor forty·t1¥e (451 dey• hereon). unlMI 111e obllQMlon belnO I h I r I 0 I . after ihe dll• Ml fOf ltif opening IOl'acloMd 1o1pon ptfmlil • !JonOer' The ~d or TruetMI r-.-the thereof P«IOd. you have only lht 1eg11 rigllt l)l1YlleOe ol rejecting Ill)' Md lo1I The &o.rd of Tnma. r9MtWt to •lop tM ror~• by~ bide Oi lo wa1W lnY lt,_,..,ltlel or Ille prMteoe of rejectlng My Ind ell 1111 entJte lmOUnl derrltnOtd by lnlonnalKlll In lnY l>'d' or In the bid• or 10 ~ enr lrfeQUlertt191 or your Clfadttcw. blddlnQ. lnlormelltlw In anr bid or In Iha To find Out the emount you tn11tt NORMAN L WATSON bidding. pey. or 10 .,-,~ kif po)'IMl'I to tlecnUryr.. /1/ Norman E Weteon 11op lhe roreero1ur•, or II your 80Mt tA ,.,.._ $ecretry, Pfoperty It In IOt~• for any CoH t Com .. unlty College Boald of Trut._ other rNIOn: contrtOI: 8ry1n L. 0191rict Coul Community Penn and Alton Penn, C/O Glandlle ------------!------------Publl•hed Oronoe Cout Delly COlltOe Oletrlct 1nvu1men1, P.O. Bo• 7112, Nl.IC NOTICE P\lll.IC NOTICE Piiot. Jviy t3, ao. tla. P1o1bll•had Or1n1• Co111 Dally Bll<b9"1C. CA. 91510. Attn: .I~ --,-IC-T1T1-M>U--l-9'-.Jlll--.. -a-1--11-1-,-,.-111-~--0f--Aa-AHOONMI--..,...,,....,.-llaa..2 Piiot, Juty t3, 20. I 82 Mven 1211) &07-6000 NAMI ITA'r'lmNT OI UH Of PlBJC fl)TIC( 3157-42 ft you ~ lnY ~llOM, you The lollowlng pereon I• doing flCTITIOUt IUttNEla NAME "8.IC NOTIC£ ihould contaot • ltwylf or the bullMll II The lollowlng persona h•Ye UC9'0W MO • .,_... 90\'lf-I eatniY Whlch Inly llaW SQUEAKY CLEAN POOL •bllldoned the uM ol the F1etuk>ua NOT1Ca TO CtmOf'rORa Of' NOTICE Of TJIVITEFI I AU fMUfad )'04lf fOen.. ~ SERVICE, 7833 Holder Street, BualnetlS llllM. IUU( TftA.N8'Ul No IZ2200 Remember, YOU MA Y LOSE Buena Perk, C•lllornle 80CS20 GRAPHICS ONE NO 6, 2000 (lee., 11t1 .. 111 U.C.C.) On Juty 30111: 1982. et 11 00 AM, I LEG.41. RIGHTS If YOU 00 NOT Rlcherd J. Sleull, 7133 HOider Harbor Bo1o1lev.,d. Suite A 114, NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that• S111ewlde For•closure Servlc;oa~ TAl(E PROMPT ACTION. Street.. Bu1n1 Perk, Ct lllorn11 Colle M .... c,111ornl1 92627 bulll tr1n1fer II 1b0ul to be m• of Inc as duly •ppoonted Trustee In addition 10 the amount •leted eoe2CJ'" Th• Flctltlou• Bu1lne11 N1me Ille pereon11 pre>perly dHCrlbed under end purauant 10 DHd of •tJove. lhOuld Ill)' ~IOt llJCH, Ilene, Thlt bual,_ le conducted by 111 referred to lbove wH toled In below: 'Trull recorded Mey 15 11181 book or encutnbrlflQll oellnquent or indMdual. Orenge Colilll)' on November 24. The NIT* and bull,_ eddr-14058, pege 486. ol Or0Uclel bec;ome cNillnq\lnenl. end )Ile IOlfl Alcl\ltd .I. SINlk 1981 of the lnMnded tr1nsf1to'9 -. Records. eatlCV1ed by Jfltry E Teck c • n be re t n •I• I• d . ••Id This 1181-1 wll llled wllh Iha John Jonph Overend, 430 JOHN OVERENO, S . S . end Donne M Teel! 11 trust~ 1n ~ mutl be euted NI Counl)'Clert<ofOt'angeCountyon Either, C04111 Men C111lorn11 551·84-7412 a nd CYNTHIA theolliqoflheCountyAacof~otlcondlOonolrettwtllemenl """"8. 1982. 92627 OVEREND. s. s. 571·82-1428, 2000 Oranoe County. Sllle of Cllilornle,I .::~c~:"".iu. ,.... c CflrlltlM Overenc:t. •30 Either, s . H.,bor Blvd .. COlll MeH, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION ·-· -ao .......... , P I 0 C D I Cotte M"' r-'1tornl192627 Catllomll 82e27 TO HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH ~ ,__ ..,... ,...,. Ub l1hed r1nge out II y • ...-The ~ ltld ~ addteM (peyabte •• time 01 ule on llwlul LOall No. 4al/HA.Yfl Piiot, Juty 13, 20, 27. ~ ~·1~ IJITl~~lv~~ WIS c;onduoled by of the Intended tr....,_ #W. money of Ille United Stein) •I T.a ...... E....,. JOhn OYetend JEAN~ D. SLATER, $. S. South tront entrince 10 the Ot1nge NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That 11111-IC N011C( Thli 1181-1 wea llled with tho 548·38·8210 1nd SHERWIN H. County Old Courlhouse City ol GLEN 0 Al E INVESTMENT rUIK. County Clenl or Orenge County on SLATER. 8. B. ~2~80. 12911 Senta Ane, State ol Ce11iorn1•. all CORPORATION It duty ll)l>Ointad __ FIC_Tl_TIOU--1-IMI-... --.. --July 12. 1882. Newhope SlrMt, Gerden Grove. rjght 1111e Ind lntlfesl conveyed 10 Ttullee under the following N~ ITATil•NT ,,7 .... Catttornla 82&40 end now held by II unoe< said Deed dMC<lbed deed Of lnlfl' The loliowWlg J>WIOnl .,. doing PubUahad Orenge CoHI Diiiy The property lo be lranefetred la ol Tru1t In Ille property ~lu•led In TRUSTOR: DANIEL L HAVES. • bullMa u; P110I, July 13. 20, 27. Aug 3. 1982 dMc:tlbed It\ Qtnetll ... All ol Iha Hid County l/ld St••• detc;rlbael u lingle men FRIEND'S DELI, 3033 S . 3141-82 11ock In trade. merch1ndlae, Lot 17 ol Tract 3097 u Pit BENEFICIARY. BRYAN l PENN BtlSlol, Suit• o. Colt• ......... c.. auppllu. llalure1. equipment, mai> rllCOfded on Book 98 P8QH 3& and AFTON PENN. huM>end Ind 92826 -. flta.IC 9QTIC£ OOOdd and lflde ol 11181 oerteln end 37 ol Mapa 1n the olflea ol 1ti. wti. 11 jOlnt 1enen11 Oougl•• A i nd Anlte L. ------------• &u1ln1u known ... GRAPHICS County A«.order or said County. Recolded Auguat 2!1, t981 u I TA.rn.NT OI WITHDftAWAL ONE. The tlrHI edd•HS •nd other lnatr No. 31471 Iii bOOlt t4 te3 P899 Gr1hem. 10 131 Cully S.,k Or.. FlllOll I'~....., Seki P<09«1Y 11 localld •I. 2000 common dH'Qnitoon 11 any 01 the t 183 ol Official Record• In the ottk:e Huntington 8Mc;h, C1. 92&48 Oflt!AATING UND1Jt Harbor Blvd • c 0811 Mell, rHJ propet1y deacri°be<I above 11 ol the Aecordflt ot Orenoe County: This bualneu Is conduotad by 1111 ACTfT10UI IMl ... 11 NA* Cllllomta 92927 purponld 10 be 2007 Holid•y Ad . laid deed ol lrull aecures certeln lndlllkkill. The lollOwlng per•on h•• S1ld bulk 1ren1l1r 11 10 be NIWPOft Beloh CA obl~tlons lneludlng one note tor OouglM A. Grlham wttl'ldfewn II• gen«ll penner trorn coneummelad on or 1fler July 29, Th• u n d • r'11 g n e d Tr u 1 tee tile II.Im ol S l2,000 00. ™1 •l•t-t wM filed with the Iha Pllf1Mtlh4p operating und« the 1982, •1 Iha otnoe of. Ind clalme di1c111ma any liability tor eny Thet Ille beneficlll lnterMt under Counly Clerk ol Orenge COUnty on llc1llloull ~ neme of CITY ml)' be llled with, BUSINESS & incorractnMa ol the Slreet address •uc h deed ol trull •nd the JuM l8, 1982 JANITOR SERVICE et 21852 REALTY ESCROW SERVICE, 8029 eno otllat common desognetoon 11 obllg111on1 secured thereby er• F1t190I Ft91t11 eo..&a. Miiiion Viejo, CA WMI Alondre Blvd., P1r1mount, CA any 5/'lown hetem · e>retentty held by the un0eir9'gnld; PubUth•d Orange Coaat Dally Publisned Or1nge Co11t 0•11)' The llcllUoua bualnen n•m• 90723, (2131 837-8180 (7141 s'11d HI• will be made. but Tllet • b<MCll Ol, llld del111Jf11n. the June 15. 11182 P110t, July 13, 20 27, Aug 3, 1982 Pllot June 22• 29• July 8• 13· 11182 •1•1-t tor Ille parlnetlhlp •u f36.G599. w1thou1 cov1nan1 or warr1n1y, obhgetlOns lor wNcn klCh deed OI 3151•82 2620-82 flied on October 11. 1978 In lhe This bulk tr-rer 11 .ubjlCI 10 tu1press or imphed, regardlnQ lllle, lru11 11 aecurlty ~ oceu<red In that "8.IC NOT)C[ MN-'2520 ACTITIOUI IMl ... U ..,._STATl..wl TM lotlowlng Plt.oni .,. doing ~ .. : THE RUNNING RACQUET, 30100 Town Ctnter Otlve, Laguna Nlguel. Cllifomla 92877 Dolor•• Acker , 51 S N. Protp1c1 . Redondo B••Ch , California 90277 Donald R. w1memt. 10t5 w Lomlte 81Yd .. Sp. No. 334. H1tbor Ctty. Cellfomla 90710 Thie~ i. conducted by• ~ed pet1net'9hip. Oclofes A.diet TNI 1111-t wll lllld with lhe County Cllt1t of Ofanoe County on July 1. 1982. F1tnell Publl1hed Or1nge Co111 Diiiy Pllol, July 13. 20, 27. Aug 3, 11182 • 3 155-82 flta.IC N0if)C[ County of Orenge. s • c . 8 1o8 o 1 1 h • u n 1 r or m pos ... t11.n or encumt>ranoes 10 peymenl hes not bMtl mede or The Full Name end Addr .. 1 or the Commerclet Coda-Bulk Tr1n1fet. pay 1118 r~aining P••ncloei .... ,;, 01 lnttallm•nt or tnternl which FICTITIOUl IMl ... U Pereon Wlthd=: Pet~• Merle The iut dall for 1Wlf19 clelms 11 the note(sl wured by said Deed 01 becanw1 due AP<ll 1, 1982. end •M NA• ITA~ Gr-. 2t952 1. Mllllon VlejO, Juiy 28, 1982. Trust, IMS, cherges end expenMt aublequen1 ln1t1Hmen11 ol lnlar•t The lollowlng perton la doing CA 82691 So I# .. known lo the Intended or the TfuatM end or the 1rust1 end ••te chatQM Oltlnquenct..t on ~ ... P•111Cie M11rle Gr-.,.,,..._the Intended tr-leror• CtNled by llllld Oeeo 01 Trust tor • prior encumbr•nc1, 11 any . JEFF'S TRIM 'N' NEAT LAWN C>..w........, used th• lollowlng 1ddlllon11 lhe 1m<>Unt rHson1bly esflmeled to DllinqUent real •tele toes "eny S ERVICE. 11812 Hoak lna. A l'r1t........-a.-bualn•H n1mu 1nd 1ddruM1 be $101.54802 Thi! by re11on thereof. the Huntington 8Nctl. CA 926411. Ccwparillton lllllthln the thr .. )'911'1 tatl f)MI: The benefJc.oary unde< aeld Deed undersigned, present benefic'llY JE1'FREY ALAN NORTHRUP . ...,._ ..._ Ceftter none. ol Trull heretofore oecuted and under such deed ol tru11, hll 161112 Hostiln•. Huntington S.ecn, -lntM A-0.ted July I. 1982 dellvtred to the undersigned 1 •xec::uted end dellwtred lo Nld duly ::A 112&49. Mawpeft 9Mdl, CA -Sherwin H Sieler wnllen Oeol1tetlon 01 O.taull end •ppointed Truatee, • wr1t11n Tiiie t>Uslneas 11 COtlduclad by en I' JNnett1 O. 51111< Oemind tor Sele •nd • wnnen Oeoltr•llon or 0.leun end Demand lndlYldual Publl&hld Orange Co1"1 0•11 Intended Trenet.,... NOllCe ot Oeleult ·and Elaclion tc for sale. and hU del)oalted wo1h Jeff Northrup PllOt, June 22, 211, July 6, D. 1982 Publlahed Or1nge Co111 Delly Seu Tl'>e undersigned cauMd .. ,d uld duty appointed Truet ... llUCh Thia atetement wu flled with the 2717·8 Piiot, J4Jk)' t3, 1et2 Notioe of Oefeull and Elec1ton to deed o1 trual end llN documents County Clet1I ot Oreoge County on -----------· 3159-82 Sell 10 be rlCOl'ded In Iha ~I) evidencing obhg11ton1 aecured June 25, 1982 fltB..IC N011C( -----------wnere Iha ,.., P<Ol>lf1Y is IOceled tl)ertOy. end has dadatad Ind does F19221111 -----------PlB.IC NOTICE Date June 28. 1982 hlfei>y dadar't ea 11.!fM MCUrad Pubhshed Or1ng1 Co111 Dilly NOTICE INm1HQ M>I Stal-Ide Foreciosure thereby Jmmed••••lr due end Pllol. June 29, July 6, t3. 20. 1982 Nollele II hereby given thel I NOTICE Of' Servi<ln Inc peyel>le end ha elected and does 281~82 Boerd OI Trus•-of the Hunting! TMllTEI'I I Al..E es Mid Trustee hereby erect to c1uH Ill• trust 8Nch Union High School Olllr L.Nn No. 1001-Bv Substlluuon l>tOPef'I)' to be sold to Nllfl)' Ille wlll receive ualed bld1 lo T.I. No. JW10.0 8 RA J p Mid ot>llgallona MCUred thlfeby aupplylng Cu1todlel Supplle FULL SERVICE INC II dul) sl2s C~rZs ;ve Mii Oeted 611182 FICTITtoUl llUllNEll meellng or equel to Ill •P'Polnled Trd•te• under tilt Cypress California Bryan L. Penn NAME ITATEMENT ac>edllcallona on Ille In the otlioe o lotlowing deKrlbed deed or trust Tet· 171•) 828•3280 Allon Penn fhe lotlowlng perlbn1 ere dOin9 Mid District. WT,!_l•lTHSEELL:AHT _f!UTBLBICl~lfTF~ Publlaned Orange Coast Deily ~y. ~ t~n-,t,,,.,,I buSlneU 11 · Bid• '"'" be ,cle erlr mera.,. .,. ""' "'""'" un .. --·-..., NECl·N·MEo 24001 CreKent, El "C1o11todlel Suppllff Bid •503" CASH tp•y at tlnM ol M1e In Piiot July 6• t3• 20· 1982 2916--82 Publlshed Orenge 0111 Delly Nl.IC NOTICE ------------1 toro. Ca11torn1-92'30 •ddre11ed to Allyn E Rowley, lewtvl rnoner of the United Stites) P\lll.JC NOTICE PllOI. June 22. 29. Juky 8, 13, 11182 HOW Cemeter y, Huntington MN 810%1 Mary Ann Ponte, 2•001 Purct1111ng M1n•o•r. Huntlngl lllr1gh1.tn1een01ntlf•tcon\'1)'9d 26116-92 0 0 NOTICE OF DEATH OF Crescent. El Toro, Cetotornte 92630 8"ch Union High School Olltrlc1, to end now held by 11 under tal<S Pl !5050 R Y H W , r esident of Beach. Ca. Conducted by AM AND A M . Denise Ireland. 27292 PedHle, 10251 Y0<111own A .... Hunlingt DHd ol Trust 1n Ill• orooe•ty NOTICE Of' TINITEFI I ALE flta.IC NOTICE !-f\Jntington B each. Ca. Dilday Brothers Mortuary Mission VleJO. C1111ornl192691 Beech CA 92648 Ind rec:eiYed 11 hareinal1e< described FOft(CLOIV"l NO 55000I Passed away on July II. 17911 Bea c h Blvd .• DITTBERNER ANO OF Tnlsbu5lnesa l1oonducledby11 ort>et0<e2:00pm .. Juty21,tll82. TRUSTOR:CRAIG W BATLEY .YOUAREINDEFAULTUNDERA VICTOftVIUE"'"NOflCOUffT ~S2. Survived u beloved H untington Beach, Ca. PETITION TO 9eneral partner1h1p 1lwhlellllmelfldplac:ebld•w1ll l/ldJ~NS.BATLEY,hu1b1ndandOEEO OF TRUST DATED COUNTYOFIAN•MANMNO "' ADMINISTER ESTATE NO Mary Ann Ponte publldy opened l/ld read. wife. SEPTEMBER Ill, 1979 UNLESS 1<MN Cwtc DrM Ce Barbara of un!Jngton O't2-777l • Th•• sl•lemenl Wll filed wnh the Each bid 9hall remain Yelid '°'I BENEFICIARY FULLERTON YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT vtoe.ntle, c~ -- Beach. Ca .. I son James M. ------------·A 11U4!. County Cletll of Or•noe County on period ol 30 daya lfter the dll• s Av ING s AN 0 L 0 AN YOUR PROPERTY, IT MA Y BE 111 IM lllattwd How of Huntington Beach. Pla.JC NOTICE To all heirs, beneficiaries, Juoe 21. 1992 ll)ICllled for IMreoeic>I of tMde. ASSOCIATION. • C•lllornte SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU ICOTT WIU.IMll 'AMa. Ca •• 3 dau&hters. Valerie ...... _.._.. •• --.. creditors and con tingent Fttll12 The Board of TNtteM lllal be oorporatlon. NEED EXPLANATION OF THE • ....., Eastman f N Ca J 'U rn,,,,...,.,. -crediton of Amanda M . Published Or•ng• Co11t D•lty Iha tale llldol °' lhl quellty of Aaco<dad November 22. 11178 .. NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING A~ wflo .... lie~ 0 orco, .• I ..,... ITATE-.n Dit• ..... rner and pe-· who Pilot, July 13. 20. 27. Aug 3. 1982 equipment odered and,...,.. Ille Jnelr. No 3HM3 In book 12935, AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD .... .,_ .. _...,Md~ Thurmond of Monte Rto. The lollow'lng perton I• doing Wo<: • ...,... 3152-82 right to reject tll'f «Ill bids and 10 pege M2 of Offlc:lal ~d• In Ille CONTACT A LAWYER. ef NI...,....•,.,....... rq,.., Ju Ii a How of Los buaineM u: may be otherwile interested 11111-.tC NOif"'c wllYe eny lttagullftty lhlraln. ottlc:4t ot the ~der ot Oranoe on Frldey. Auguat 13, 1082, •• t t AN'TMOtfY -'· l'IAZZA. ";:r' g I C d th ( 1 ) PAC I FI C E LITE in the will and/or estate: r~ ~ Oiied. Jul)' I, t882 County. laid deed ol trull detcrlbetl 1.m . Tren11met'lce Tiiie Insurance A l'nlf. C... nn e es. a . an mo e r PRODUCTIONS·. (21 EHTERVISION. ...-E .......,, ...... , .... ~ -'OI 73 of l'leuaa ........ Mae How of Santa Ana, Ca. 38 Su Ro.J A petition haa been ti1ed f1Cm10Ua IMl ... 11 _,.. ·.......;. ,,,. """"";'?i ~r......, ·Y "' Company. • CeJllornle corpor111on. V;m1'hti'on Wl'll be held on 3C~, ........ ~--. ' South ~·· by -...rick Ma•"'r ln the ........ ,, ...... NT ""8 MellM8F Tract No. 3 5. tn the City ol Cotti u duly ippolnted Truat" under AttofNrt at "-... .. -.,.,,_ Hu• , .. ·~ -,..._ .. '"' Publl1h1d Oreng• Co111 D•lly Mela, u per mep reciorded In 8ooll end pursuanl 10 Dead ol T ru11 141n ~ Tree IN¥d. W,ednesday. July 14. 1982 John Mlc11111 Swlrt"Z. 32038 S uperior Cour\ of Orange Tile followlng per1on 1• doing PUot. J1o1ty I . 13. 1912 15. page 29 or Mltoetl.-MIP•. rtcordeo September 25. 1879 11 hlte OM from 7:00PM to 9:00PM at SunHt Ro1d, South L1gun1. County requesting that bull~L-:·1. ENTERPRIS£S. 1010 2044-12 In the office o1111e County Recotd« 1n11r No. 29885, book 13323. page vtc....._ CA am Dilda" Brothers Mortuary Celilornla 028n Frederick Mau er be ,. ....... Str-. "··t• ~ ,. ............... ,_ M.JC M»TlCE ol H id County Except the 1142, of Ottlct11 AICOl'd1. e>1ecu1ec1 <~J.:'.., • • Thia buSIMls Is conducted by en .,.,.,. _.. .,.,, .. -. .......,.,_ Nort,_11 ..... 557 42 feet G • T·"' ,,... ) In A 9'eet D ......... L .,.,.,...,,... You 1te In def•ult undet I deed Of the ofllol ol the County Recorder of C-.... r~ 1-~a c b and Talbftrl , _,,,,,,......... appointed as personal 82704 ., by regory .. vny,111rua .... ,1 . ·-#> -- untington Beach. Setv\ces John Mldlael Swem repreeentaUve to admlnilter Fred Julio llMCCM, 1010 Cufte K.... tru•t dlled November 3. 1G78 Orenge County. Slife ol Ctllfomla. CIT .. TION • FlllEDOll '"OM ..,a1 be held on Thu-.. ·y. Thie II•.•-• wu lllad with IM the ntat.e of Amanda M. Street. Santi Ma. Callloml• 92704 ACnnoue _,...., unlau you Ilk• action to P<Otect w111 ea11 11 publlc euctlon 1o ......._, ftAMJITM. .,,.,.. ,_,.. Cou Cieri! ol Ot Coun This ~ II COtlducted by In ..,.._ ITATDmNT ,.._... 11 be IOld 1 • ..,,._ CUITOOY AMO()~ July 15, 1982 al ll:OOAM at nty eoge ty Oii Dittberner (under the lndlllldual. Thi 'ollOWlnO ,,.,_.,.doing ~Pf.,,..-.,. m•y • a bidder tor CUh (pey1ble at ttme'ol diday Brothers Cha I with June 18, 11182 ,_ Independent Administration F. Julio VlllCOYI bu.W-•: pub lie ule II o u need in .. ie In 11wtut money ot Ille United (AIAM)(lllMENT M: ADOl'TIOM) pe , .. _ of o..:... __ •-).The ""'tl"on Thie llltamenl w11 flled with Iha MIRA Mr'"'• BUSINESS PARK IJCPllll•llon of the nllute ol the Siii•) II .auth front enlfenoe lo THE PEOPLE OF Tl1E STATE OF Interment at Good Shepherd Publl•h•d Or1nge Co111 Diiiy --""'' r-.. """ P<OCMdl"Q agelnst you, )'OU thould Ille Orenge Covnty Old Couf1hOUM. CALIFORNIA, _....._ __________ .Piiot. June 22. 29. Jury 8. 13, 1912 la -for hearing in Dept. County Clertl of Orlll09 County on JOINT VENTURE NO. 328 182, oontact I llwyet. Clly of Sen II An• Sllte ot To DALE JOSEPH PARKS Ind ... ~ UW ....... MT. OLIYI • Mortuarv • Cerreterv 1 Crematot\' 1625 Gosier Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 f.~ f'tM.CI llOTHUS NUllO ADWAY MOHUAIT ..... I 10 Broa<Jway Cos1a Mesa 642·9150 1J 1.un a 10•00 .. I SMITH & TUTHILL ..... WUTCUH' CHA.Hi ; • 427 E 17th SI Costa Mesa 64~9371 "MCI laOTMllS IMITNI' MOITUAI Y 627 Main St tiUnt1nQ1on Beach ~&~39 2709-82 No. 3 at ?OO Civic Center June 26. 1982 17550 0111111• Avenue. lrvlnt. 2550 Senti Ana. eo.11 Mela. CA Clllfotnll. 1111 right, Uttelnd Int-I ROBERT 0. AITTENHOVSE Ind to -----------.......... w ·-...... Ci ..,... Clllf<)nQ 82714 02$27 oonYl)'ed lo Ind now '*" by II •M penotll ~ 10 be ftll Idler Nl.IC NOTICE unve, eat. w """ ty of Publl1hed Ortngt Cout Dilly LUSl(/MIRA MESA. • Urnllecl ''(tt 1 ,,,.... eddreM or common under said OMd 01 Truat In the or mother of NICI ""'* 1*10f1 Santa Ana, California on Pilot June 28. Jviy 8. 13, 20. t982 P•rtner1hlp, P.O. Box C-11580, dHIOn•llon ta 111own •bov1, no pr...-1)' lilullad In Mid County lbOYe named. '1CTTTIOUa IMl ... U NAMI STATEMPn The following petlOnl -doing bull ........ (1) ABE'S SEWER & DRAIN SERVICE (2) ABE'S PLUMBING COMPANY, 16783 6e1ch 91vd .. Huntington Beech. Cettlornle 92847 Tlmolhy J King, t6783 8Nc:ll 81Yd .. Huntington ee.ch. Clllfornla 92847 Robert E Hegtn. t8783 8eiach Blvd., Huntington Be~. Celllomle 92847 This l>ulinee' II conducted by I general panner~lp. Timothy J l(ltlg Thi• •llternent w•• lll4ld wl!h tfle. County Clerk ol Or1noe County on ~ t2. 1982. f1tlU1 Publl111ed Or1ng• co .. 1 01ttr Piiot. J4ll'1 t3, 20. 27. Auo 3. tN2 20IM.a A~ 11, 1982 at 9:30 o.m. 2ns..a2 17550 Glll•ll• Avenue, lrvlne , werr1nty 11 g iven 11 10 111 endSl•t• dleeflbed .. Loi 15 In By «der of thll Court ~ -a YOU OBJIX:I' to the P't8.IC NOTM'C Cattt=T~~:STERN MUTUA' compllt-or COtrect,,..).. Block It ot Tr1ct 772. City or '*'°" d ied Ind acMMd that )'OW H.-.. of the dtion ,,.,,.. ,,_ .. TM benefle.ier)' under Mid Deed Newport 8Mot\ u .,_on a map mer •PP•et balore lht Judo• gran.... pe • ~ --'1CTITIOUI .._.. LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, • of Trwt. by fNIOtl ot • b<eech or recatded In eoOk 23. PioQW 5 .no I Pr.ldlng It\ ~ 00-t of ohouJd either appear at the ..,._ lfA~ Wleconein corporation, 8tt Sheth default 1n the obliglllont MCUred 01 Mlecelleneous MIPI RacO<da 01 th• Superior Court. located 1t: hearing a nd state your The loll"""-.......,. StrMI. &lit• 1810, Loe Angelal. thereby, 11eretol0<• executed and Orange County. Clfflornle. 14455 CIYlc Orlve, Vlclorvllla . obEtlono or file written v-•.,, ~· .,, ~.,, Cllltomle 90017 dallvered to the underelgned • The alrHI lddreu ind other C1lllornle 92392 of th• ebove ob tlono with the court bull~ 8:iLMAN co .• 510 w. ~'.i~~~ed by 1 written Dac111111on or Oeleurt ltl<I common dellgn1llon. 11111y, or the entllle<;' OOlltl on Nf)" 20, 1M2 • ., be ore the hearing. Your Chapman Ave .. Orenge. Cl. 928e8 LUSKIMIRA MESA Oernend IO< Sell, Ind Miiien nollol r .. I PfOC*IY dMGrlbed •boY• I• 8:30 0 c:tocll A.M. ol ttlet di)'."*' a~ may be ln .........,... Evoene Flint, 2502 I Eal>f'U• 1 Utnlted Plt'IMftlhlp of bf'MCh Ind ol llectlon to C8llM P'Jf"l>0'1ed 10 be 23 t Canal Str .. 1. and there lo ti.aw '*-· If eny you ..-·-.. Or .~ Hiiie. c. 92953 Rictllrd T Delhi th• underalon•O 10 .. 11 H id Newport 8alcfl Celiloml• l\IYe, wtrt Mid P8llOO ~ not or 1y your attorney. Lor DHn w11111m•. 2502 t s.cr.tary. property 10 tatllty Nici obliOattona. The und1r'11gned Trus1•• be declatad rr. rrom the c:onlrot of l F Y 0 U A R E A ~ptH• Or .. L1gune Hiiie, C1 NORTHWESTERN end therHll., lh• unde,.lgned dl1clelm• •nl'-ll•blllty lor iny his patenll ac:conllng lo ftll petition CRED 92t63 ceuMd Mid nottca of brMch 811<1 ol lncorrec1,_ of the itreet eddr-on hie herein. ITOR or a conunaent Thil ~It ~ed MUTUAL Uf'E elect.Ion to be Reclorded Man:to 22, ltld °"'* OOtMIOll dellgnltlon. It G,_, lltlOer my Mnd Ind .... ot creditor of the deceaied, you gtnet_, . by e INSUAAHCE COMPANY 1982, M lnftr. No. 82-098282 of eny tllown herein IM Suc>erlot Coult of IM C0Unty Of mUI\ file your claim with the ca .. ~~. ~ Goodlon. Mid Olftclet Aecordt. l a ld .. ,. w111' b• mid•. bul SM Blmetdlno. Sl!M Of ~ COW1 or pre.ent It to the Thll 1t1tement ... tllld wtth the Thie llat-t WM..._.. wfth 1.._ S1ld HI• wlll b• m1d1. but -ilthout oov1n1nt or -i1rr1nty, lhlt t-4, lM2. 1 I County Clerlc of 0r-County ,...., ,,. wllhoul ooven1nt or warranty, ~or lmplled, ~ding 11111. County Otertt Ind CW. peraona repreaentat v e June 18 1"2 -....-on Collntf Clerk o1 Oranot County on ..... or 1mp41ec1. reear'dlnO tftlt. PDIHHlrrn, °' encumtir°"°91. 10 ot 1t11 Superior Court appotnted by the court • · ,_1111 June 7, 1u2. pauu.ion, or ~ to por ttll Nlflllnlng pt1ne1p.i llMn of o11t118tatt o1 whhln fClW' rnontha from the P1o1bll1htd Orono• Cout o.11y p Co """' pay"" rlfftllnlnO ptlncANI.,,,., °' ttlt ftOll(•I MCWed by Mid 0..0 of Clllfomll lot "" da~ of flrtt lasu•nce or Ptlol .111"9 22. 20. Jliy 8, 13, 1912 ubHthtd Ot1n09 Ht Delly Iha llOM(l)-.wid by Mid Deed ol '"'•'· •Ith lnterell lhweon, H ~Of 8en ..... 111""111'""""dll.,.IO"" Je«en M ~ in Section ~ Piiot. June 22. 20 . .IVt:1 I. '!71t!'!.. TNlt, with .,,..,_ OI In Mid now prO'Med In Mid ~I), ~ JOlllPf\ 81tr, ~ ...-VT-" ..--pr~. adv-, 11 lnY· under If any. under Int"""' o1 Mid Oeect Publltbad Oranee Coolt ~ P'lBJC fl)TIC( 700 of the Problt.e Code of "" •rM Of Mid Deld of Tf\lll of T~uet. ••••· choron end Hot. JUN 22, 2t, """'1«.1~ 1tlf iiiiiiiiiin~'AiuiNiiiiii' California. The ti me for PWUC fl)'f1C( PWlJC llOTIC( ...._ CflttON and~ of IN ·~or the Trwne oncs of tt1t u1...a ITA~ cw ...... OllXMT tllinl cl.al.ml will not expU'e TnW end Of the INeta cnMect ~ trutll croatecl by Hid Offd Of --.... ---~ ~ ....... -_.... •-f-•• montha ~-Mid 0..0 of Tr\111, Sokl .... wtl be Tl'\lll., lot 1111 -'"' rwono1>1y ..--""',_ r_,,,_.___ .,...., .., ..,_ uvm l~OITMIANNUM.aTATIMIH'f hlldonltlurldey.~5.1t12at ..umet.aloM:l35,t41,tt. ---~.....;-.;;....;..;..;. __ _ The followtoe p1t1on1 hive the d~te of the hearln.t ftAfl IJtOID DICI ..... a'l1 •1 2:00 p.m .. 11 the CNtomon A~ Tht bent1f1i01otY under Mid Detd f'ICTITIOU9 ....... lblltdoned ttie \IN of tM Flc1lti0ul nodced above. of en111nce, lo th• Civic Clenltl Of TNlt ,_...._ eit90Uttd and MAim lfATmn "*Jt: ~~D MERCANTIU, y 0 u MA y IX AM IN E ~ "::..~..:::-::.c...-r lulldln~. 300 EH~m•n dtllverad lo 11\e undtWfnM • "'' IOllOWlflf PofMn 11 CIO!flt Ht·A Morl11t Avenue, 8elbo1 t)w fUe keJ>l by ~cow1.l U Toi.II adn'lltted _., I 4t.11Utl Amh• ~111~0':' the lnlll• ~0:-:::: :..~ ~ .. -,....,..T._..tl . -·• ...,,.,, c.. t2112 you are ln~ra.... n the rot1t1 llabllt• i1187.147 p11t1:11t1on oe 11111 '**' "' I040I ~ ......._ " ...... _... ,__ The flctlltou1 lu1lnt11 Name eala\t, you m&y file• nqu.t C::IOIUll patd up t:141.1ao ;:.;;;td-unp8fd llllWeOI ._ :-,.,: 111.-.;.,":: _,... ..: !8~ !~' ~ ~~ r•f.,rM to otlov• w11 lll•d In with the aourl to ~Ive Ot0et o.ics ""and ..,....... ...,,. &w tM llllo'lt ......,. of o.-..i ..., ....,_ to • .... _ 0..... ~on~ 11. 1MO. ~.,,.. 1 ttt.17'7 d11or1boct oood ol 1ri111 and ... ~ ~ lrW!Mn "'*.,._"' · 1-IM.~ Het.tClrdl. •p•cl al nottc• of the ~.,..,.INI ' ... Oii 01time1ed c.ote 011~ .. fNlf •• ::/:,_~:::.=: ~t1111101•, 1ncio: Cal~•rn:• COtON.., ...,, CA tHtO Inventory of ff\ate Hftte uni ; ,,,.. flllldl (JutJIM) •,.100,n71!!! 11awonH1 11 dot.a ta.al. To o...-.-"· , ... -.. orp•ra•!.~~i•' ... ,:~ •• ",.'~" Lr111tt1 ~. C>ownlnQ , U441 and of t)w ... dant,. llCICX>Unt.a Otlrt ~"°"'--tMIOnt ,._ ........... "'9 °""*"Did, yiou ~ f~ ml.I .. venue, -,., • •· ~T· ca. tNIO and reporia · dtscrlb•d ln ~I 111 cap11.i""' Mt.•11 ... oft.46.'1=.• ,~, ~~AHY ~~~ --. ~--~ . ...,_ lee ti on UOO. & of the ,,.:;::: ~. ~..... 111.7 ... 000 fVL&.. lllMCI INC er. LM UINll. ;..TiitAii. tNC . 'irt~.•j...!!;~t...a Calllomla ..... ~Code. :e.-=-=ct::: 4M.IU , ~._..,, ,......,.._ ........ --........... --~ ,,.. ,,..,..., ,.,...... _ ........... _ .. """ -~·· ::o--....... ~ i,·· ... =.:---~ ~ ..... ~ .... -o.n,....... ~-.=::r,:-·~ ...... , "" ;_~-.. 11o..r-L-=t::~ --~°'"'" _...., ........... ~ ......... , ...... .. . .. (llf• ) ,,,_. .... ,_..,,. 1t1t ,_ .... ~ tt. '"',....Ill"' .... L• ,...,...., .. ... °'"'r c-1 ---"··· .... _ .. __ ...... ,;1~, -"" .. ...., °'""' ~ frA' Jwlr •. t4,;IO, Q::t·'.S:::~~· ..... · • .... ~ o.11111·0ttte ~ ~·· / *" .......... #'t"··t• .. a • ••• ~°' .. o.°"'~···I ...... "· ... •m, .. ~-...... ;,'•; ...... • -~ . I ~ ....... -:... ... -,.. "' .................... : l.oa Anoe6M. Qalltotni., IUN.HINI LIQUOI', 714 W, lllltlY IO tile , .... ., t .. 11 ..,_, Ooeta ...... Ceihtnle " If oatl ·p1.1rt uan1 10 Ill• Nta?. "**Ii ~ Act tot penlll..,1n Hyw11 01100 Ollln, to 17 to 10 raloc•t• tlle Orange County Wey1kl1 ltrMI, Al\IMlm, C1lll. Alrpon Offlol lrom 4MrMecM!lllt tHOI. lou1•¥•rd to the ¥1Clnltr of Ille iun\ loon C111n. 1011 10. IOUUlwelt oor,,., ol lltoll l lraet Wa da trM t, An•Mlm, Calll, MCI Jambor• ~•. City of H • Nawpott lalCll, Otan .. Counly, Th9 tlUtlnaal It oonduated by c.lllOf* lndMduall (Hulbtnd • Wlftl. The public II llwjtad to IUbmll Hyun Choo Clllft wrl111 n oommantl on 11111 Thie 1111_,1 w11llltdwltll1111 lj)pllcatlon 10 1111 'Metal ........,. COullly Clettl of Orange Counly on lewd at tlll 'actarll AaMf·,_. 1t1W1 J\lllt 17, 1N2. ol Sin ,,.nc11co. 400 Saneoma ,,..._ Slraat. Se11 ''•nci.co. C1lllornl• Publl1hed Ot1n9a Co11t Dally 94120. The oommant l*10d on thle Piiot, June 12. 29. JvA'I I, t~. 1ee2 •PPllCallon wlll a.nd on '1rld1y, 2714-ta AUQutt 13, 1111. Clll Mr. Gordon Srrilth. (4 IS) 844·2229, •• th• rta.IC NOTIC( '•d•r•I i.1Hn11 1t1nk o l 81n .,. .. -.... -wtTHIHlAWAL. Frandeco II you n..o lntormallon .. • ·-.. ' ..,... ·~1 111.11>mm1no cominent• Tiii ~ lllMTNIRltW F1der1I Rn1rve wlll oon°1ldar Tiie undartiaMd ll«lby 111111: GOl'lll!lllllt. lnQIUdlnQ requeeta for 1 ( 1) ~ llotlt'®t butlnall name of PllbllO mMtlno or formal llMrlng on lht P•tlnatthlp I• HOWARD llll IPQllcetlon, If tn.y are r~ 800K(I) Tl<,!£~~.;.. .• ~ nerna durlnQ Ille QOllllTl4Nll parlOd. ,,. ""uo..,... .wAy t3 tOH ... ,_, of 1111 pannerthlp Wll Ftr11 1niw1tete Bank fllad In Orange County on Marell 6, ol C.Wtomlt 1912. -lot A~ Celltornla 131 Tiie ~ pl-of buell-. Publlthad Orang• Cout Dally o1 1111peftnetthlc>11 loc:atad et 8071 Piiot ~ .... 1• 20 1982 Slater Avenue, Suitt 145, • _, ... • ~lfnatofl ...... CaltfOtnla. -------...... ~~6-;..1-2 t•I 1111 pwtnar wltdrtwlno "°"' the p1rtnerelllp l a FLORA WATANABE. ret6dlna II 5575 Mult Drl¥a, Buena Pn, C411ttornlL l'tc:TnlOUa .,... .. NMmaTAnmNT Tl'le tollewtng pareon le doing ~~LEASE & SALES, 8762 Gardtn Gr0¥9 Blvd .. Gardin Glow, CallfOfnla 92e44 Maryann Flareau, 199•2 Rangtr Lane, Huntington Beaoh, Callfomla 92&4f Thie bu~ le c:onducled by en lndlvldual. Maryann AarNU Thlt llet-1 w .. filed with the County CIWk of Orenge County on June 26, t912. ,,tnOI Publlahed Orange Co111 Dally Piiot. June 29. July I. 13. 20, t982 2770.12 Nil.IC NOTICE F'ICTmOUI llU9INIH NAmlTATIE•NT The tollowlng peraon I• doing buslnesau: CH ARLES FRANKLIN REPORT. 21'40 Aater Pl-. Coeta Miu, Callfornl• 92627 Cherlll FrankUn Grove, 21 40 Atter Place. Coete Mff8, Ceffto<nl• Flori Watanabe Stet_,t flied with the County Clertl of Orange County on Merell 5. 1912. '1Mla Publl•h•d Or1n9• Co11t Dally Piiot, June 22. 29 • .Jl.lly 8, 13, 1992 271M2 F'ICTTTIOUa llUalNEll NAmlTA~ The lollowlng person 11 doing bualneN u : MAIDS OF ORANGE COUNTY. 1eee Newport Blvd .. Cost• ~. CA 92827. JEANNINE GAHRING, 18202 Mesa Verde Courl. Foontaln Valley, CA 92708. Thie bulineu la eondUClld by 111 Individual. Jeannine Gal'lrlng Thia ttatement WU flied With I County Cllf'k ol Orange County June 25, t912. F112211 Publlahed Orenge Co111 Dall PllOt. June 29. July 8. 13, 20, t992. 277 ... 8 92627 ----------- Tt\ls ~ Is conduc:ted by en ----:::'.""."::Ptlll='.:"'IC:"'.".'."NO':'."'.":'TICE=~:----I Individual,;.~ .......... F Gr0¥9 F'ICTTTIOUI 9UIMll ""'•-NAmaTAn.NT This ltet-1 -ltled with tl'll Th• toffowlng peraon 11 doing Coun~ Clw1I of Orange County on bualnMa u: J~ 7, t9a2. ,,_1114 PACIFIC SEAL COMPANY, 1635 Whlttllf' Avenue. Unit A-10, Publlahed Oreng• Co111 Daily Coete ~. California 92&27 Pilot. June 29. July I. 13, 20. 1912 Fredetldc E. Tutlper. 7 Kamalii 2809-82 Court, Newport Beacll. Calllornll 9~ Thi• bulineu 11 conducied by an NI.IC NOTIC£ K..... lndlv!Oual F'ICTTnOUa llUalNEH Frederick E. Tu!ipet .. .._ ITATl•NT Thia etatement wu filed with tl'le The folowlng penone are doing Coun~ Clerk of Orange County on bu~~AN INVESTMENTS. June 5 ' 1982 FttlDOI 17550 Glllalle Avenue, Irvine, Publlthed Orenge Co11t Dally Clllfornle 92713 PllOt, June 29, July 8, t3, 20, 1982 John o. Lulk, P o . Bo• 1 _________ 2_n_u_2 C-19580. 17550 Glll•ll• Avenue, lfvlne, Cllllfomle g27t3 Wiiiiam 0 . luak. P. O. Bo• C-19580, 17560 Giiiette Avenue, MAim IT.A,._,. !Mne, Ceflfornll 1121t3 The totiowtno per90n 11 doing JOHN D. LUSK & SON, a ~ • Callfornla Corporation, 17650 WOVOt<A COMMUNICATION Gillette A-. P. 0. Bolt C-19MO, SERVICE, 117tl Twllp Court, Irvine, Cellfomla 112113 FOl.WMln v~ c:.lbnll moe Thie ~ II condueted by • Sten J . ac*, 117" T~Court, llmtted petvlefelllp. ., __ ....._ v-,.........._._ ~ JOHN D. LUSK a SON .-.-n_, _,., _,,,.. '"'" 1n e Cllllomla eotPOretlon ~ ~ II conductecl by Rlc:Nwd T Deihl, 81en J . Okie Secr9'111y Thia Ntemtm -flied wltll ttle Thia ~t -Ned with ttle County Oettt of Or9ftOI County on County Clerk of Oranve County on June 25. 1912. ~ 17. 1962. ,,.._ ,11D07 Publtltled Orenge Coett Dally Publl1h1d OreJ\ge Coatt Dally Piiot, June 22, 29, J"*I I . 13, t992 Piiot. July I . 13. 20. 1912 2771-42 2711 ... 21-----------1 Nil.IC NOTIC£ Nil.IC N0T1C( FlCTTTIOUS .,... .. NAmlTAT'EmNT FICm:.-::..... Th• lollowlng person la doing ....-&TATl..wl ~-The tollowlng persone are doing SONSHINE DOUGH. 892 t buslnMI u · Crncent, Huntington Bea~. Ca. CVPRE0SS COLLEGE SHELL. 112M8 8001 Orange Avenue Cypr-Ce Donald Wayne Steinke, Jr .. 90630 · · 8921 Crescent , Huntington Beach, Abed Abdel Shehld, 11'410 Cer:i~~ .. ness 11 conducild by an ~ton Blvd .. Loe Angelet, Ca. Individual. Telaal Abdel Melek. 11 t 8 Ooneld W. Steinke, Jr. Gardenalr• Lane. Garden Grove. Thia ltatement wu llled with Ille ea 92&4 1 County Cletll of Orll\gt County on Thia buelrlMI 11 conducted by e June ta. t992. Nmlted pertnerlhlp F1t1IOI Talut Abdae Malell Publlehed Oreng• Co11t Dally Abed Abdel SMhld PllOI June 22, 29, July 6, 13, 1982 Thie stat-I WM fllld with Ille !>4179-82 County Clerk of Orange County on June 18, t912 rta.JC NOTIC[ F1t1t1CI I F1CTlTIOUa ........ Publlehed Orenge Coaat Dally ...._ STAT'lmNT Pllo1 Ju"9 22. 29. July I . t3, t912 The lollowlng parson It doing 2708-82 bu.._ Ir&: WARD CONSTRUCTION, 3402 -----------Pllrtl Drive. Santa At\a. CA 92707. NI.JC NOTICE ROOOER Al.AN WARD. 3402 ACTTnOUa .,._II Pllf'k Dflve, Santa At\a. CA 92707. MAim &TATUmWT I~~ Is c:ondue1ed by 1n The lollowlng P9"IOnl -doing Rodger Ward ~ -This IUltemenl WU flied with the A.ORALS FOR YOU, 8432 S4iO<> County C*11 of Orange County on Ulr., tU'ltlngWn a.acn. CA 92e47. June 25 1912 Mery J. FIJd, 8432 Slloo Clt.. ' . F1tat2 HunUnuton a.c:tl. CA 92e4}. Publlal'led Orange Co111 Dally Hunt= ~.~2~ Cit .. PllOI. June 29, July I . t3. 20. 1992. Thia ~ .. conduc1ed by • 2785-12 ..,.. ~ rtaJC M)TlC( Thl9 ttatamant wM lllad wltn the K.- County c*" of Orange County on '1CTmOUe .,... .. June if, 1912. NAm ITAT'llmNT Publlehad Or1nge Coa:.~ ~:nno pareone ere doing Pilot. June 22. 29, July 6, 13, 1992 MANUFACTURER'S OIRECl', 271o.-&2 1NO Newport Blvd .. eo.11 Mela, -----------ICA 92627. "8.IC NOTICE Supreme lndu11r1 ... e FICTITIOUe .,._.. c.llfornla COf'POl'ellon, 11781 Hale NAm aTATDmNT A--. ltVlne, CA 9271• The following peraon 11 doing ...!~=-II oonduct.o by • ~--........ BlAl<E CASE SURFBOAAOS, Suprwne lndumlM 11461 "-ood Strwe. Fountain WlMtm W. Taylor Vrltflt Cllltct'* 92708 PTllident ei111e l etunan Cua, 11451 Thie e11temant w11 llltd with AOHWOOd, Founteln Vell•y. tht County CMrtc ol Oranoe County Ca1bn19 927()1 I June 1f, 1ff2. ,_ llllt ~ II ~Id by 111 Publlatlad Or•"I' co .. 1 Dally lndMduel. .... L. c... "°'· June 22. 29, Nltt I . 13. 1912 llllt .. rt I -II -fllld wftfl the 211M2 ~~of Orenet County on Ml.JC llOTJC( p- ~ °'Mt'..I CoM1 Dally Plot. """9 21. Mr 1. 1~. 20. 1tea I ant-a • D A I L y p I L 0 T 6 4 2 • ca Meds'ln income of Dail11 Pilot famUN• • ercttds 134.000 a ytar. Your ad r•ache• the county's most ofllunit buulng audi~ce. ·T ~.'1.'f!f ........... !~.'.w.AW ....... l ~.~1:\1!. ...... ~.~le!. ...... ~.'!!.le! ....... ~.~~ ....... ~~.~~ ..... . f!!."!.'1. ......... !!!H ~,.," ......... !!JI~~ II.ff ~"!.tJ. ......... !.«f ~~'.t ........ !.~. ft!!f.lfm ...... IMf 1 ,. J • ..... • .. ........... .. c[~~~~ ~·;f.~~ H1·8'417 540· t 16 t tor more ~· , ................. . Alt rNI Hlate advtrUMd In lhlt llewtl)ep., 11 eubJaot to the Federal '•Ir Hou1lng Aot of 1"8 which makN It Iii.a.I lo td~llM "any preferen- ce, llmttatlon or dltcrlml· l'lltlon b•Hd on race. color, rallglon, Hx or n1tlon1I origin, or any Intention to make any euch preferana., llmll•· tlon or dltcrlmln1tlon." Thie naw.papet wtll not knowingly accept any ad11ar1l1lng tor r11I 11- 1111 which It In 11lol1tlon of tl'le law EHtU1 Advert l· sers should check their ads dally an report errors lm- m e d I ate I y . The DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. ...... 111 s.l• ...................... c..,,,, 1ooa ....•..........••..•.. llYESTOllS lllUM S 140,000. One 2 Bdrm duple• and one 3 Bdrm MPlrate hOUM. Property zoned A-5. high dentlty. A SYMPOSIUM: "WHAT'S HAPPEIHI& OUT · THERE?" An In-dept h analysis of the current residential real estate market ... and what can be done about It. Public Invited JIM WOOD, PRESIDENT UNIQUE HOMES, INC .. Thursday, July 15, 7:30 l'.M. Irvine Coatt Country Club C•ll For R ... rvetlon1, 815-8000 •• , .. l&YPlllT PromOl'ltory 81y. 6 8dr111 11oma. Ltg '"' room, for· mal-dlnlng. F.R. Powdaf' rm. Gourmet kitchen. SOP tor 55' y1eh1 tnd aid• lie You own the land Owner will 11t1et wllh ll'11nclng It ,850, 000 c;athryn Tennille'• 11•11 . GEORGE fl KINS COi 759-1100 ...... . ~HERITAGE · Hf AJ ro~ CLOSING COSTS OHL "t) s 1 tOO/mo. ell I•• d•- ductlbla, IJdJecient to city perk. Investor wlll lutnlth dow11 payment 30 )lie• llxed loan -Ho belloofi. Sharp new 3 ldrm, ·3 81111 Condo f145,ood: 380 W. Wlleon, 831-soed °' 96'4-3899. toWI PlltUlll Bffl 1111W In Btufft. Ml. II.ft &11111 ........ ocean, city llghte 1nd E/Sld• home + gu••t mountalna from balcony houM. alley eecaN. Xlnl Of hvlng room 2 Bdrm arH S 165.000 C•JI plus 1011 Htghly upgra-645-9557. 95S-0782 · decl. dream kitchen. ep•· -=:---""".:"'-:-----::-=::::i rel etalrc:aM Full prtc. DI•• 11i•I I $196 000 751-3191 .................... .. • BuHdtf enxloue. ~ Yf!. 1.._AI \411 IM"-" UlllOME MIME PUS lTTUOTIVE &PT. ophon to purct\ .... Onl)1: o4 home• remelnlnO LHM IOf 17 50 pr sq ft 3 & o4 Bdrm. 3 Ba. jeG,, 11un1, fenc ed yerd. Some w/oce1n view" Located In Cap111rano Beach Catt lor •PP~ 1 770-290<1 lt~i., /Hf ..................••.. WAY IELIW IUlm 3 br. 2 bl. Univ. Parle Terrace S 149.000, Terms Agt 955-0782 ~ evs 857-6010 PREllUI LOCATIOI Clly says you can bulld 8 ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! units Extremely dffltl· = 3 Bdrm "townhome type" with sunny kitchen and courlyerd Palto Oller huge g•rage IS • 1paclou1 t Bdrm apt Tree lined CdM street t(Wo loanl e111lllbla Wllh S t40,000 down RaaltlhC el S.tl49.500 A haling of Martlyn Hodget on lhts 3 bdrm. 3 ba Rosewood Model 1n lr- 111ne Grovff Protess10- n ally decor11ed. up- grades thru-oul. former model hOm4I 41h bdrro, covarted to formal dlrnng rm by tne butlder S t69, 000 bte property Prk:ad to -----------------1-----------------1 e II at $140,000 S46·23t3 THE REAL ESTATERS II lnrPllT II Charming • Br & large family room 2 brick llrep11cu, country kit· chen. quiet re11dent111 area In modern trac1 by euccol•. Long term Ml· ler fln1ncing. l<Wo down. s22g,ooo Including tend. 144-4111 . - TJ\Y I .OH < 'O car s*blkes• *skateboards" trucks*baby carriages•tea carts•trikes rol lerskates • w alkers*toys •wagons•••• scooter s*hot rods*coupes• trailers*hard tops•convert- ibles•motor homes*lawn mowers*llmos •corporate headquarters •garden carts Model A's .. •• •typingtables wheelbarrows• recreational vehicles•golf carts*model trains*blkes *pia~cars ref rlger a tors "skates•••••• PllllllU ... El Prue West Bey bayfront. Slipe for 2 boeu, remodeled 3 bdnn. 3 bath $1,200,000. FORECLOSURE lJ~l()Uf ti()Mfi Realtors. 875-6000 Pickup over $500,000 equity overnight. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 Once m a hfetune opportunity. Won't - bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq. ft. $1.385.000. last! Oceanfront. . UM ISLE IHEI Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 5 ~ bath. l..ge L.R., 2 boat alipe $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. nn. beam ceilinp, fumiahed, pa.Uoa. $420,000. UllA ISLE IAYFlllT Laaoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, dark rm, den. Boat alip. Now $1,000,000. UYllM llYI SpedaCUlar bayfront view 2 br, 2 be up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat alipe $1,000,000. DlllUllllYI Coronado llland cuat. bay{ront lot. M' boat dock. Plant avail Red. $370,000 w /t.enm. ILIFfl 11111 Single story end w1it, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on largest er-nbelL $250,000. PAii I.Ill 3 bdrma, 2~ baths condo near pool $145,000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR ) ·~ "" . 'f '. O• [i • • • .,'4 ~ f"; ~ ~ f1 ~ IOIOll ctltU HL llU Primest Orange Cty 2 ~ ac. hilltop ocean view new estate. Pool, spa, waterfalls, electr. gates, 5800 sq ft w/360 degree Oltn UYll view o f a ll O .C . Tennis court + T11ree bedroom• D••· helicoptor pad area. ASSUMABLE mauc living room Pr1. -.523~~rav.t S vale backyard Secluded --------LOANS & TERM . Originally listed for pool. Owner wlll consider Trtlk 18971 ,Anllocn. ltcbir., $2.200.000. Sacrifice at $1 ,128,382.63 lease-option. Can ua lor •Br 2 Ba D.R .. F.R. 111.1 a ppr 0 xi ma l e J y w i th $ 3 5 o , o o o details $279.000. 01 un111 s200.ooo. S50. approximate cash down. Only the serious 1~~~·~3~1~~ l~l~H~~~ ~~~ 8°12~: '"~ ~~~·~~ need call directly t o PATRICK I· yrs Agen1 54t-5032 TENORE. 760-8702 & 631-1266. RE/ l11MI /dH' /OOf Brand New Homea & MAX Realtors, agt. Brokers welcome. · •• •••••••••••••••••••• Coodo1. no money dowri FN SALE N TUii while lhey last (7 14) R&IMt« of Costa Mesa •Ulllllff 11.214' ....... lY&UIU 1144 W hen you uke over el111tlng loan on the ell· gent • Br executive home 1hat !\al beer'I ex· 1enslvely prepared tor enterteining One of few l\Of'TIU In area on FEE LANO 2a70 San Mlguel Or .. Newport Beach . 759-1501 or 752-7373. CIUP Priced at $114.900 and 1oce1ed In N Costa Mesa 3 Bdrms. 1 •t. Ba, 2 car garage & enciOMd rec room. Good linan- c:lng. 831-7370 TR\DITIO\ \I RL\l J' Beautlful home. lrplO In 5'6-9522 Agt ' ~m. ~~:1 ·~~0~t ~~ w u• •1ei IHI eQ y ··'··················· or •PIS In Nwpt area OLDE LAGUNA CHARM 64S-9557, 955-0782 Un1Que 2 bdrm floor ... 1nin911 1111 . ..•.•........•....... plan I bath, llv rm wr be1med ceilings. nerd<-' WOOd floors & cozy k>9 t>Yrning frple S 167.500 Full Pr« s.lf/llft.D MISSION REAL TY This 111 var11111e 2 Bdrm ________ •9_" __ -0_7-=3_1 __ ,..,. 2 balh 2 unit home OCEANFRONT Mobile F1replaoe in IMng room, Homes. -al $80,()()0.,, arched celling. formal Pvt 499-38 t6 dining room. doubie g•· w B.'l/ 1..- rage $339.000 ••'-~~~ ••• ' •• ! ...... ~~ 142-5200 .... ..... .... ~' Co-ops from S39°.0()0ol equ1ly price Condos from $75.000 full price j PETE J BARRETI ... REALTY Motivated seller wlll also ~~~~~~=~~ help finance this tow prl· ~ ced rental properly MAKE OFFER LIDO ISLE l eisure World Resales 2'4221 Paseo de Vale~. Lag Hills 7t4/837-5500 I 11 ..... 11 J.1tA I Off C ' I• IOU •• -;;C"; •••••••••••••••• UD , A lln Newly remodeled 2 Bdr home on lit\ R-2 IOI. 15 down get• you In with low monthly peymentt. Planty ol room to add another unit. Well prloed 11 104.900. 5-46-2313 Ul1IUff 12H,111 . Emotional fimlly home In g1rdan Nlllng with fa- bulOUJ waterlCtll)lng ln- cludlng refl~lon pool, jacuzzi plue night llght vi-. light & airy with South of the Hwy. In Coron. del M1r. Current income S1450 per mo. You can Uva In one unit and stlll earn 1950 per mo. 11 preeent ratul Prlcecl now II )ult $229, 000. '7 I 4J 67M400 IJIJIUa.JUI HARBOR lllAIWIYIUY Thie "Sltr" 1hl'1H 0'1 bait E.alde st. F .. tur• 2 Bdrmt, carpeting over good hrdwd floor•. IP· pll1nca1. &. tharp •P- peeranca. Owner flexlble on ter ms. Full price $133,000. 7~1-3101 c:,· .• ' -"t-" I I • • •• • super etzad famlly rm. -----------..-...-"-- Prlead to Miii 144-MH BAYFRONT GRAND AND IPACIOUI ...... ...,.,.... .................... ..... '""' ... ..., -... fl,. .... ,..., .... ....... ,....., ................. . .............. ~ .............. ...... den end o;/ll•r ••II• wlllll wlew a :;:rn1 TD .. tl'4l ....... 4 ,_ .......... ., ....... ...... BAY"'°"1" ....rntOUal-V.W A telal .................... , MMI ....., ............. __ ......... ,., ... .... . ... ....... ..................... ., .. ..... ::.:=.:..--::t !":.•.:::= ........ ,,...., .... ,.., ...... , •• , ........ 1. ......... ,..,, ... It ••• •lh I I •UYJlllT* UATIUP ........ WOWI Lowut priced beyfront home ON BAL- BOA coves. Large 4 bdrm, 3 balh, double flreptace, covered patio plut much morel Wiii AITO O< trade for Eul- blutl -S.yehores or ???If "'"' $257,500 BURR WHITE REALTOR. IMC. 675-4630 ...... lay ""' -The--f .. -tes_l_d_re_w_ln-1ha- 11•ra Wut ... a Dally Piiot •fl .. ltll• Clasllllad Ad. Call Todey &42~5478. I; A " u T s E I I' I I I I II R 0 It A D , ,1 . I r I I . .!!!!'.~ •. ! ... !!....... SALE IY OWIEll l•IN9it '"' Ttr111 Home+Gues1+1ncome owe 1st -Fle11. T8fm1 509 Acecl• CdM nr bch Sp0t1ess Vacant Duple• Huge 5br/3ba+3br/3ba •<tOI( ownl bkr 645· 70•8 IEWPORT llElllTS 3 Borm. 2 be, lamlly rro. plus oomplelely separate 1 guest llClht-646-575', FOR SALE BY OWNER : SEAWINO CONDO ht TI• tfFDQ 28r. 1•.t.Ba, patio. pool, llYIM TllUO( 5')8. 2 CIT garega,. Wll( t o bch S 130,000 Slll,IOt 673-t~. 497--4208 I A neat 3 BR 2be with l;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiijt • over t800 sq fl with lo-1• I-' vely patios and gardens PllOll Tl 1111 Owner will hnenoa sub-O.stingu1shad exfl()Ut1114i stant111 1stTO 11 t2% -7 locltfon In ••clu9iYa Blif' yr term A leuehold es-Canyon • BA. bright end tale Priced to Mii in '" eiry homt wllg pat101. tall 144-1211 pool & spa ., .. f()I' yolJf corpor1te •nd ramll enlerlainlng. Priced aub- a 11nII1 lly below tfl~ market for Immediate .... 6 occupancy. $641. 500 Incl. t1nd. Tom ..tJ- llnson -Tarry H1ne1 642-8235 (H50), !Jn NIG[L llAIL['1 ~ ASSOCIATES t::Mar.nati 1r~1n~ l~,f.7A!il,D~J fof I :tO .:rt.. ad .... , ""' .... ..... , OOIT NOWI ... ,., ..... Vour Dalty Pilot hMoe Oltec10tY ~reeentathle IU·H11, at. Ill ~!~ ........... . ""'*h & rough c1rpen1rv. 01btnet1. room addl· t1on1. &4&·7228 f~!r.!.h!r!!! •.••..•. No StHmlNo Sh1mpoo Sllln Speclallat. , .. , dry FrM eat. 839·t582 Crpte ln1t1ll/rep1lrld 1-6itlf Flood d1mage. St11m ...... 1111c.ftfml •• "l~OILl400.0N8 & Owpen1,y. LIO'd, H Yf9 Hp lrWln '4•2711 l'lne '~ Ollf'pentry R4Nn0d. 81*), R1nct1D Lio. <41Hl1 720· 1HO W,._Y 00..ST"UOTION R9m0dtl • Addlllona L1e ... 20802 8•M200 a . .t. •1ffll11 I ltt Lio. 3011888. Remodel, 1dd'n1, cablnett. 8 .. 8-8588/0'45· .. 044 M•'1t·h•l11·I••••· Frff e11. ReH. prlce1. Oual. work. Lie. 337181> 831·2345 Oeneral Contractor Ind., comm'I, rt1. Lie. 333217. 657-1738 •'""••••••••••••••• clng.55<4-8510. 1173-8588 0riv.w1)'t, Parking l.Ot Shampoo & tte1m "leen C81t1a W•n1kl~ Aepelrs, S..tooetlng. C ... · • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • s&s Atphll 031•41119uc olor brlghtenera, wht Kit. Remod., oeremlo tile, Cf Pit • 10 min. bltech. cabinet• Call now • Ir .. Oen Hallberg Grading Hall, llv/dln. rm•$ 16; l\lg 11tlm1te 842-0881 & Pevlng Co. Rll/Coml. room $7.60: couch $10; CUc:. 31178041 842-17:10 chr $5. Qulf ellm. pet Cstm deck• & patio co· odor. Crpt repair. 16 yr1 vert. Free e111. refs Mf,..tfl" up. 00 work myHll Prompt 648-2335 Tim P~~;;;;1~~;tA·u~~·c1;~: Reis. 531.0101 nll)G, Wulng, Pollahlng. EXCEi. CARPET CARE JM O.tellera 840-5199. J1cll Buffington Automobile Air Cond. ~air. 180 Wells Pl1ce CM. Bonteka. 548·5208 ~~{'!!~I .......... . Pre-achool teacher wlll baby ti I. act I vi t les. tM.lpe<VIM<I play. Bushard & Adama. HS. 964·3288 Owner/Ol)lretor C11pet, uphol. 1rea rug cle1n1no. Work gu1r. Free Eat. 845-1771 f!!!~!I.~~'!!!!!! •.••• Cement·Muonry·Blook Walls-Cu11. wofl\, Uc. w381057 Rob s.4'7·2883 BABYSITTING-my home. Orlvea, patios. walk•. Free lncd yd, hot meals. Any-eSI. No Job too •mall. tlme. 548·26741 536-2607 ,,,.,,,,, •••••••••..•.......... •KATRINA'S: LIVE·IN hskprs, dally maid serv. olllce cleenlng, orpt cleaning. 835-2116 ~!! ............. . DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Repair•. new & old. 11 yrs exp. Sud 552·9582 Wall textures-Acoustic Hang-Tape.Steel stud• Lie 3899441 1·532·5549 ~ ..•.•....•.. ~ ••.••.......•. A11fd. Cln·11H. oarclen Hiullno••t11dlflt w1tr~11. NIY, 111111111 tr.-trim. \.ow r11 ... rell1bl1. •73 0 .. 1 ,,. -.t. l•MOlt Willy Tnan k vou, lteu, • ~ 711-0121 -L-IC""''b_E_L_l-CT_R.,.C-IA-N-1 l'"ltl \........... Jl~O, HRVIOI Quit. work•R111. r1t11 TrM trim, gen, clnupe, M111Unl : "'d. 011111 up F I ... 1 6072 T oemen1 work. ,,... .. 1. ,. '"II."" . om Call 6 ... 1$0.il an)'llmt Quick o ... n. ''"wt IL.ECTR\01AN • • na-05411 a I I b /A I I Jn1le'1 G11denlng m 0 1 epi "' L 0 • Cl11n·1.1p1; tr11 trim A B•a•HINal•f. 233 tOll·C· 10. 6'8·520 • • ••••• •• • • •• • ••••••• lileotrlcll Contractor Ind .. Comm, R11. I.lo 33321'1. Ph 66'·1738 llUUTDIUOTllO We don't mike you wait Lie. 3706119. 13 t·1823 RESID/COMM'UINO. 20 yrs. Oo my own WOl'k. LIO, 278041 Al 648.S128 !~~!!~~ ............. . ......... Free e1tlmate1 848·8268 &!~.'!~!!.1.~IJ~l!~ •••• Furniture & kitchen rellnl· thing. Mike your home t>eeutllul Jett 956· 11111• m11n1. Mrv. 5410.8035 Join'• c1ean1no Service ••• ,..... Hou ... ·APll·Aentolt •••• •• -.. •••• •••••• ••. Ollleet. 5.40· 1287 HOMi IMPROVEM!NT ROBIN'S CLEANING REPAIR·Pl.UM81NO Strvlce • I thoroughly C1rpentry. lite, Ille. Fr11 clean houM 540·08!17 eat, No Job too 1m111. · 845-2811 TIRED OF HASSLES? EXPERT HANDYMAN Rell1ble c1e1nlng help I• Carpentry • Roofing here! Rel•. 9eo·'1452 Plumbing, 1tc. e..2.eo13 Gene111 HouHole1n1ng. LOU'S HOME RfPAiR' Aell1ble, rele tO yrt •~p. Elec·Carpentry·Plumb. ee2-05 tO alt. 4 Plaattt·Stucco-Palnt Quality HouMCleanlno A111. price• 875-4558 with 1 Peraonal Touch P1lnllno • Carpentry Beth 850-0933 Ceramic tl1e. Ou1llty HOUSECLEANING workm1n1hlp. Reis. Free By Sc1ndln1vl1n Lady HI. Hink 545·5208 Exp'd. 648·21'71 1r ~ r H1all•• Home Cleaning: hone11. •In••••• ••••••""•••••••••••••• reliable, h1rdworklnn & • • • • • • • • *' • • • • • • • • • • • • DUMP JOBS • Complete Lawn care. & Small Moving Joba relerene11. 554-4454 clean-ups, tree aervlce, Call MIKE 846•1391 Houeecleanlng + malnl & s Pr Ink I e rs. M Ike . ---------repair. Sherry 831-5146 831-7570 HAULING-GRADING TREES demolillon. clean-up. Thorough old·leshloned Concrele & tree removal. Complete hsecle1nlng. Topped/removed. Clean Out<* aerv. 642-7638 Refs. Jan 539-6199 up. rawn renov. 751·3478 HAULING & MOVING Will clean your home ex· MOWING • CLEAN UPS Local. Student w/truck.. pertly, Own tranaporta· Hauling . Landll(;aplng Lewis 675-8180 tlon 646-9001 alt 3PM Free est. 642•9907 Hauling & quick clean-up, Mow. edge. rake, sweep, yda. g&1ages. Job·altes. & spring clean· up, haul. prop mg mt. RI ck Chuck 642-2873 bet 9 631·0865. Kris 631-0953 am. f~~~~~~!~I ......... . INFANTS & UP Concret e-1mall or lge DRYWALL TAPING -.,-.-------HAULING & DUMP JOSS. Ask for Randy, 641 ·8427 JOhn Mullaney & Sons Concrete. brick. wood decks, relandscaplng & lree removal. 770-2953 Oey or Night, $50/wk. jobs. Remove. replace or Ooata Mesa &46-5759 repaJr 645-8512 All Textures & Acoustic Shop at home. It's easy Free eat Kevin 875-9088 with claulfled 642·5676 Classllled Ads &42·5678 ~"··············· r11ir.'lfl. ••••••••••.•• nlf •••••••••••••••••• VANOINBl!RO LAN08CAPINQ Mllnt • IOd. Pl•ntlng, Hid l1wn1, CIMl'l•UPI a. 1r1m. Llo'd. 119·514& Piii llTillAtll Sod. 1prlnkler & 1hrub ln111111t1on. Our work only 1ook1 expen1l\le Chectc our price• 1>9tore )'OU buyl Lie. 2041616 Call Judy, 846-1551. Ll•J•'• • ., ...... , o..itt. Law1 I •••11 ......... 111·1141 . !!f !~~~-!! •..••••••••. MAGICAL ILLUSIONS • FOR Al.L OCCASIONS Aef1. Steve 988-6483 !~!!,!t .....•........ BRICKWORK:-Small jobs. Newport, Coat• Mesa. Irvine. Reta. 675·3 t75 Flreplaoee-Pl1ntara 880'1-Patlos·Veneer Reta. Free ett. 646·0484 Eicpert Maaonry: Ouallty workmanship, reat111lc pricea. Ret1. 551·4555 Cuetom Brick-Stone Slock-C<>ncrete-Stucco Refs. Free eat. 549·9492 Brickwork-small or tge Jobs. 1oo·s local refs. Since 1969 645·8512 ~!!!~t .............. . · ABC MOVING • Ou1ck. Carelul Service. Free estimates 552·0410 .,., ...... ToP qlllllly, 8~tli Olre In handling, 26 yrt up . Competitive RllM NO OYlttlrM. no. tS63 ASA PAPUllHANOINO 7 yrt IOCll a110. 04!1r. work •rtcu 111rl 11 H troll. Alee 141-1on Al.L TVPfS Te11turff l'R!l HT INT/IXT PatOhlno 845·8258 CfAAMIO Till 6 ,IUMOlrlO "9f,lei11. fir .. 111. lob 016-6041 Cullom Ceramic Tile Prompt. Call Chuel( 875-1408 dy• ST ARVINO COLL!OI! 6TUOl!NTS MOVINO CO. Lie T 124·438. ln1ured. 841·8421 WATCM US OROWI ,IH ltrr/n PL.ASTIR PATCHING •••••••••••••••••••••• R11tucoo1. Int/ext. 30 JAY TREE CARB. compt yre. N"'· P1ul 545·2077 Nrv & 1tump grinding . LIO'd, 1n1 8'10·0308 !~!~!!fl.••••••••••••• !!~!!~!~I.••••••••• •. • HERITAGE TREE SERV Pl•I '1JITlll Pe•trfll Pl••M11 Complete lrM c111e 17 by Richard Sinor Lio. Your tull llr\llce plurnl>er Y" e•Ptt· Oa.n 552·5371 280844 13 yrs ol htpl)y IH·l4H/HO·Hl2 $LOW RATESS local ou1tomer1. Tree trimming & removal. Th1nll you. 631·4'1 IO H ELL "I· llH 111 cleanupe & mowing PAINTER NEEDS 14 llF : ,, •• ~., eto &~4-7017 WORKI 30 yra exp, Intl 1---------- bter. Acouettc oeUlngt. l••Htll••'l•ulr Dav11 Painting 847-5188 ••••••••••'10••~•••••• --------1 A1lll'11·IHl11·lt•1t1, EXTERIOR PAINTING free e1t Reaa. prices Cuslom work Free est Oual work. Lie. 337169 Reas. + ltne 1111 & atal· 631·2345 '!.'.~·!!~~ ............ . Motl IUbjeetl, K-14 Oay·eve • .ummer S tOwtt Mr Mo•gan. 545·5176 ~!~~~~.~~~~!!r ..... nlng. Steve 54 7 ·4281 RALPH'S PAINTING Int/ext. Reas rates Rel Free est. 538-9898 ltoolla• "Let tM Sun1h1ne In" •• • • ••1• • ••••• • •••••• • Call Sun1hlne Wfndow Huber Roofing-all types Cleaning. Lid. 548·8853 New-recover-decks 20•' M DI Lie "" t 1802 548-9734 '' Ofllhly ecount B&M Painting & Tile 1----------MR. SPARKLE. all wndws. Free est. Int/ext & atatna, Sc1Ha1 both sldH, screens & 10 yrs In OC. Spec rale •••••••••••••••••••••• 11acka. Honeat. depen- on apts Call 24 hrs. MOBILE SERVICE dable Guar no atreaks 1·995-3488 collect Aescreens/New screens Reas prlcu. 540-5654 HOUSEPAINTING NB/CM only. 642·9552 In & out Free esl ltfllllli•I S11ric11 Call Bruce 972 ... 0116 ••• ••••• •• •••• ••••• • • • SECRET ARIES TO GO Your Office or Ours Elllc1ent1Rellable In-house Word Proc 1 . No minimum 642-0969 • f /!.IJ~/. • • • • • • • • • • • • • _C_L_E_R_l_C_A_l _S_E_R_V_l_C_E_S_ Int/Ext. lowest rates. prompt. neat service, 10 yrs 1n area 848-5684 Farthing 1n1er1or Design 8kkpg • Typtng •Flies HANGING/STRIPPING PUIClel avail 842-8518 Visa-MC Scoll 645-9325 Wallpapertng·Pa1nttng Res/com'I Scandinavian qual Hllmar 548·7675 Thinking or a new home !or eprlng? See the many llatlngs In today's clastl· lied columns. 642-5878 For Ad Action Call a · Daily Pilot AD-VISOR 642-5678 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer·needed Items for cash. If It doesn:t sell, we'll run It another 3 3 3DAYS INES OLLA RS days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced . Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. CLASSIFIEDS642•5678 ...... ,,, ,.,, ,, . ., ... , ,,,,,, ··················•··· 1········~·······~ 11 .... 11 lt1ti IOfl .,!!!!l!!r.!!r •••••• •• -•• .-................. PllME ,llftls.111 uu-•n• l1tr 1.1 AREi Out of t he flight pattern, this cuscom home otters magnlllcen1 oppottunltles. Separate guea1 home and private p ool and apa . ·0wner will finance entire loan. Tlie price la $985,000. llWNITIUM ASSUME large 30 year 12'h% loa"s. Pay 20% down. Ouplens & tri- plexes In CdM A Bel Pen. Buy 1 or buy all. Call today 644-7424 Skr 15000 DOWI Nwpt Sch duplex. Owner leaving area. One In from oceanfront. Nwpt Bch duplex. Ocean 11\1 from upper. 875-5500 , .... .,.. IUll 11 hit a,t ••• , .... Fee land. 1<4 enc g1- r11g9S Plut pool & .,.,,. U•f11,.l1ittl ........•.•..•..••••.• c,.,,.1 JJOZ ··••·················• CdM/Narotssus/Front 2 story. 2 bd wood & glass New and superb. S 1350 BAYSIDE Or/Furn Avail Sept 1st 3Br. lam rm, dock . lrplc:s $3000/mo yrly Waterfront Homes Inc Call 631·1300 Call today for fult details. ~ htre llMI $1.001 B•au. U•la1al•ittl Ho.,,, U•larai1llH llta111 U•l•t•l11H ...•••••.••..•••••••••.....••............... ·····••··············· f!!!~.!!!!~ ...... !.~~~ H•j/?,''• 3Z4J ~!!!r,!!.~~!~ ... !.~~! QC.RENTALS •••• ~! .. !'.' •••••••••••• 5575 mo. 2Br. patio. new 1-5br's $200 10 $2000 Across st. from water, paint. drpa. cpts. Sack 750-3314 open 7-daya custom decor. 3 Br 2 Ba. Say. 645-5778. 642·2267 3Br. 1Be. $600 mo Lg $975 2131592-2871 yard. We&t Side. 951·5863 ,,.,,., '24 f .•...•....••.•••..•••. 01 lllYllE AVE. ELEGANT VU CONDO 2br. 2'->ba. micro. gar $ 7 5 0 3 BA 2 Ba. fireplace. 2 car garage. lge yard Turtterock 8on1te Canyon $825 mo schools. 48r, 2'1'>ba, new ltlfftr 675· 17811645-8204 cpl & paint Gardener. 1 ... _1121 f!!!!'..~!U'!!f •. !.~~~ 3 Sr 2 Ba trptc. atrium. $11501mo Own/agt. - Avail Aug 1, 752-01671~~~~~~~~~~ eves. Waterfront hOmel Lovely lam rm, overlooks park 2-•ty. cstm 4 er. 2 lrplc. $850/mo. 644-1179 modern kitchen appllan· oes. wet bar. 3 car ga. rage. beautllul Oak cabl· nfta, hrdwd entry. up- gredee thruout. F0t leUI 12500/mo. Poeelblllty of option to purch-. Boet dock 1110 av111. Call Peggy P1ttlaon , 1-955-2473 wkdys 8·5. llESA WOODS 3 Sd•ms 2 ea. family rm. nicely decorated $875/mo. Agt. 75 i·3191 New 2 SR condo. dbl car gar, ctoae to oceen. S850 Mo n-Fri . 831-4381. 9-5, 3 br. 3 ba patoo nome. formal din rm • lge yard. Outstanding tocatlon. Gardening •net . Poot. etc $895 857·6594 eve 118 ClllYOI POOL Spa . te nnis. $895/mo-mo or tease opt Agt. Fred 631· t266. 631·2711 ----------• Weslcllll Beaut house & Univ Park 3 BA, 2 Ba, yard. 38r 2ba. ram/rm. $775 per mo Avail 7115 llv rm. New cpt·g. no Call 7AM sharp pets Gdnr $995 213-661-9937 646-6789 . B•••n Ual11•i1iH A•a1t•Ht1 F111•i1iH A11rt•1•t1 A,.11•••11 .. ... .... .. ... . •. . .. . . . T..... .. . . .. . . . . .. . .. U•l•r•i•iH u.1.1ai1AH W11t•i•1l11 1Zll Mewr..11 h•o• 3181 ••••••••••••• ~ ••••..••.••• ·•• ••••• ·••••••• • · • sg~~~;!·~~~,~~·~~-.i,~::= ~0a01:r;·:~:~t··;:··;·~: f!!!~.!!!!~ ..... }.'J.! 811j!~~1'°" 3140 paint & c•pt $750/mo cottage. uttl pd No pets, 1 Ill. 2 Ill. 3 Ill. • •• •••• ••••••••••• •••• tst, last + $375 dep $450/mo. 645-3477 dys Newty decor Gas pd. *$395 mo 28r 28a Avatl July 15 973-8243 enc:I qar dwshr pool pool. patio lods 0~. no tor appl to see A1a1l•lal1 bbg Adults no pets pets Lndry 646·9666. V I · llltl 642-5073 HOME FOR RENT • 811111 ----------i _9_60_·7_4_6_4 ______ _ 3 Bdrm $750 Fenced •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Br • Clean convenoenl IUllllEllS WlU l1/bo1 lllui 310f to beach & industry yard & garage. Kids & •••• ••••• •• ••••• ••••• • $375. 721 W 18ttl St Lge 2 & 3 BR townhouse pe1s welcome 545-2000 Vrly 2 bdrm, 1 ba Deck. 546•4280 aots. yard!>, enc• gar, Agent. no lee l<.lry No pets $650 lplc. hook-ups Nr Hunt ,. ~ I . 675-0349 Roomy older 2 br. I • oa Hrbr from 5575 Chtl· "''•••• ••••• trl-plex twnhse apt sgl o 8 o 6807 U•l•1ai1iH '4ZS Co1001 11/ 11'1 3122 encl gar S5251mo Oren K 4 • r.:e·s~;t~T,;e•••a•d•u;;·,;a•c•t·~; (;j;;:~~·,;::c•;•;9~·2a~· Avail July 15 754-0609 2 Sr 2 Ba dlw. pallo. . $ oo" single garage, water SC Plza Pool, grdnr trplc. 2 Car gar. 6 Children welcome, 2 & 3 pa1o 'laundry tac 1 child Dlux 1 Br No pets $475 mo yrly lease No kldSI Br $475-$600/mo Mon ok. no pets s525/mo & S35 uttl 775-2580 pets 675-1650 Iv msg lhru Sat 9.5 Corner ot 545-2000 Agent nei lee Highly upgraded 4 clean Lg studio apt New cpts. Ad am s & F a 1 r "I e w --------- Orangetree condo 2Br 1 drps & patnl lmmed 557-4785. No pets ea. pool $625/mo occup $475. 5S1-6130 S490. 2 SA. pool. 2 pe<-f!l.".'!~.~'.'.~t .. !.~~~ 857-5537, 553-0178 Jay, C.,I• lftu 3124 sons only 325J 171h Pl OCHIFIOIT 754-4592 Tracy. •••••••••••••••••••••• 646·5137 alt 11AM Most elegant apt bldg .._c.tl,W• 714/750-1900 dry. Full prtc. M051< with $255K 11 11 ~% lllU meble. owe 11'.\% 2nd with 30% net down. Summer/winier proJec led $85K. 210 c.dar Sharp 2br w/ju:'ile 2 br, den. beamed celling. tlo kit II 430 nice toe 707 Acacia. P• ··cozy c LUSES!! 2 Br 1 ea. N.8 Heights 3 Bdrm detached homes area, $650/mo 3Br Condo. Aur. palto. In uceltent area Avalla· 645-2752 sprinklers, Harbor & $530/mo 2 Br 2 Ba 1 Sr garden apt. stove & Townhouses. car ports. re tr 1 g e N o pets patios. all blt·tnS. lndry S370imo 548· 1377 •n Laguna Beach. finest IOcation 1n town. breath· taking views alf b1.11lt-1ns. heated poo l sub -garage, elevalor Lease only $850 & up 330 Clttl Dr 494·8083 $695/mo. 4193-6499 OC·RENTALS 750-3314 wit /tr hit Jiii IE 11" If ble i mmediately. Edinger. 847-1811 $800/mo on 1. year lease. TIE lllfFS 640-5078 rm. small pel OI\ Won't Cl 2 BA 2 B d ABSOLUTELY MUST •••••••••••••••••••••• Elegant, spec home In •• SELLI Prime waterlronl L1Qulnta • 2 lots. each most prestigious area. 4 TllE LIOU FEW condo, aatume S300K. 50x100, side by side • br. 3 ba. gemeroom, Rent 1n Costa Mesa's Call Owner to 11PM tor close to country club spectacular entry w/ NEWEST gated 20 details. 873-0248 area • appraised at cur\led statrway. Inter-Townhome VILLAGE $8,000ea, wl sell lor $6. com. bit-In vac 3 car gar COMMUNITY 2 & 3 Br OCEAN FRONT 000 ea. Cash only Some view ot mountains 2•1s ea t600-t800 sq tt SY OWNER. XLNT LOC. 714-792-6350 atl 7PM & ocean. S2000tmo. of pure luxury Garages. FLEX. FIN. 640-7990 759-1015 spas In every home • __ l&U ___ l_J_l_Wl_O __ ,,,, l•llll ----------1 master suite. Cl1n1ng 3BR. 3b1, llv rm/-t bar .•• !'.~~~/.~ ..... ~'! f!!!~.!!!!~ ...... !M~ ~i~~:;:!ce;,0C,::1c~~:;~~~ dining rm. lamlly rm. 4 new condoa In Bishop, Npt Hghls twnhse, 3 BR, 2 ovens. private patios & ~mmlng pool. Com-CA. Trade or no dow11 be. !pc, yd. Obie gar. No yirds,gardener provl· "'""ely remod. Npt Hts pymt. 631 -7939 pets $695 642-5722 dad. Elegant living only home . S 3 4 8. 5 0 0 . 2 d S 15 1 I t F h 566-4982, otc 833•9773 yr new con o unset URE Fiii m nu es rom as ton S1r1p. Trade or no down JSr, H'.Sa E. Side home Island, 7 minutes to S.C. pymt 631-7939 wllrptc, lg llv rm, lam rm. Plezfl or 0 C.Alrporl. ll"'l IUllAll 2 br house. lg den. FIP. new cpt & patnt $795 Just east 01 Newport You own the l1nd. 2.~ ,,.,, ba. Whi1tle< Trade or m 0 2 2 6 8 C 0 rne11 Blvd & so. of San Diego sq It, 38r, lam rm, 2"1 n 0 d 0 w n PY m 1. 549_2042 Frwy. Starting at $900 11 ea, wide Greent>e11. near 631_7939 month. 631-5439. 2473 pool. Far below marlleti----·------Lge 5 SR. be1Jt area, fplc. Orange A\le , Costa $245,000. Wiii tease op· 3 br hse. W• ba. West-lse, open 7111. $875. _M_es_a_. ______ _ tlon. Bkr. 644-01341 minster, good area. Cur· ____ 5_4_9-_7_2_6_7 ___ 1 SUNNV 2br w/workshop rentty rented. Trade or 3 br. 1 be $550. Also 2 br. gar. bll..Jns. yd $475 ~-CJ 111, no down PY m 1 1 be $.450. 2652 Santa OC-RENTALS 750-3314 ~ •• !!'!!~!! .••••.••• ,_8_3_1._1_9_3_9_. -----1 _A_n_a_A_ve_._8_5_1_·6_2_2_6 ___ 1 E/slde: nice clean 2 Sr. 1 BEAUTIFUL ocean and SKIERS DELIGHT • 18r F1\le ottiers to choose 3 br. 2"• ba. pror dee from. We're the ones to amen 1 t I ea S 1 2 5 0 call for leues. 529-8983 \\\~ldhrldgc lkahu SSI ·:lllOO tll?ll ffarnnn """'·'";"" REITILS 1 lo 5 t:>drms. starttng at $675 10 $1295 'tS7J(UMDa:~M lllnEllOI lovely 3 br, 2 ba. lam rm, crpts. drpa, bltlna. S950.mo. 1 yr lse. 673-SlliO eves & wtinda. lllFFS CllMS 2 br & 4 br. $800 to $875. Agt, 644-1133 HWNITIUOI Yearly Canel lront. 3 Br 2 Sa, 2 story. xlnt area. dock space ava11 Broker 675-4912 Bluffs area condo 4 Br 2'>ba. frplc. gar w/elec opnr New cpts & paint $975/mo. 644-5512 OC·AENTALS 1·5br's $200 to $2000 750-331 4 open 7-days IUCM HOUSE ($11111) Sy tfll month only BUT only $900/mo tor 2 er :t Ba. walk to beach Avail lrom June 20. 2Br. boat dck $500/wk ~ht light views. Ellqul· condo. wlk 10 the lllt. 2 Br. 1 Be. wl crpls. drpa, Ba. lncd yard, enclsd Spanllh home 3 BR, trade tor sm house or yard, Elstde. $595/mo. garage. Child ok. no 2,., be, den, formal di-Mobile Home In Central 675•5068· pets, s525i mo. plus Woodbridge 2br/2ba. rent 18r. boat dell S<400/wk rnng, gourmet kitchen. or Northern C1tlf By 3 Br. 2 ea. house. com· ~~~.ur~z-_227~~~ Orange or lse opt On lake. .IAOlll IULn lge IMno rm wt brlck tple, Owner (71 4) 552·3746 pletely renovated. Ideally ---------530-8288 PllP IWIA ... IT fS0,000 dwn. Take over----------• located. walking distance BEST DEAL 1br unit llM1l• llMnclng. $255.000. Agl Fii SALE H TlllE schools & shopping. near gar ulll·Pd only $330 WH4'rhl11 Ct .. • • 496-8122 Beautiful home, frplc In Charles Heller Park off OC·RENTALS 750-3314 3 bdrm. 1'1• ba. $650 per Harbor View Home 3 Sr. 2 bdrm. foll si lot. $125. 16th St. Days 926-1537, _W_88"1_s_ld-e-2-Bf-.-1-8-a-.-1n-c-d month Call Doug Am· Ba.tamllyrm.S1000/mo. Odtr IHI llllll 000 equity. Wint home Eves 852·1324 merman wk 85t·2000, Le1se. ~·6977. •••••••••••••••••••••• or apts In Nwpt area patio, enclsd garage. Ev 673-1792 ~ .. 64"9557 95" "782 111$ I PET• 11 new carpets, drapes. ---------13 Br. home, trplc, nice t .,, ~ ' <rV • paint. No pets. $•95/mo. 3 8d F "' pool nr 1~1~ ·~ •-/ 11-EASTSIOE 2 Br. garage. .. · ·" · '• ·~ area. Harbor Highlands. ~r..'!~!~!!.!"!!!'!~!!. ,,, .. , ,,, ,,., ,1Z ••..•....•............ Ocean view. beaultlully turn townhouse. lrplc. pool & palto 5895/mo. 673-0896. c.,,. ,,,,. ,1Z4 $4100 Attrac:U\le turn. 1 Br den. lg patio. gar Mature quiet adult No pets 2234 A Rutgers Dr C M. S375tmo. Dix mobile hm Mature adults. no pets Quiet. 1ecure. 1991 Newport Blvd 646·8373 DH• l•ial 3126 .....•..•.•.••...•.•.. Furn each apt. stove/ refrlg, $225 mo Eves 631·6166. Dys 549·1343 tasl' ean a con o. nr TSL Mgmt 642-1603 S Cst Plaza $600 mo Alt 5. 642-6221 Call 962-6897 al1 5PM Ftreplace. pool d tsh· washer. pvt patio X LG Garden 2 Br $560 557-2641 Large t Sr adult. near shops. pool. all ultl pd 1684 M onrovia 548-0336 Easts1oe 2 Br 1 SA •Patio. 2 Br. deck view No end . n e w t Y d e c o r a 1 e Cl 2 blks to beach. $650 (Duplex ) S6251mo 497-1336 851-9522 --------- 2 br 1 oa carpels. JltfTHlt Je1c• Jiff drapes. bull1·1ns No ••••l••••••••••••••••• pets $425 2272 Maple. STEPS 10 beach 2 Br. 63 1 ·2927 yrly furn or unlurn Ref's req d S690 1 m o 642-2127 Easts•de 28r Iba. poot. Soac1ous 2 Br 1 ea $425 laundry S450 call 3 Br 1 'Ba $475 833-7890, 545.1947 Laun<.lry lac 0001 NO FEE1 Apl & Condo 548-9556 rentals Villa Rentals 675-49 12 Broker STUNNING latge 2 Sr 2 -W-e-5-1 5-1-0-e-L_g_l_S_r -w-f Ba garden apt . pool carp0tl. DIW. ln(lry, avail --------- $465/mo 710 W 181h 7 ·2 $395 mo 645-6625 SI PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS t&28r. S .. 15-$475 mo uiot 2 Sr pool, garage. s.~2~ pd, clean, quiet. pool, no mo No pets 1395 B COUNTRY CLUB LIVING pets. •deal tor wort11ng W. Baker 54 t·0763· IN NEWPORT BEACH cple 548-7689 $425-$435/mo 2 Br 1 Ba A total envtronm6nt B••ll•fl,. L It ... ,,.,. I ~ apt . beame<.l ce11tng. apartment community on It i J1f0 US 1 l11lw7 ll•IOl'e laundry rm . pool Avail the Upper Bay Private ••••• ~!••••••••••••••• S1udlo with carport & July Call tor appt. clubhouse and health Quiet Junior & 1 ers patio Pool & Spa. No TSL Mgml 642-1803 spa. 8 tennis courts, 7 From $375. Pool. rec. pets. $395 549-2447 SSOO/mo 2 Br 1 Ba up-oools. close to business. rm , seuna, enclsd ga-•2 Br lower, $1120/mo. ""r unit enclsd garage. airport, fashion Island 17301 K.._. 1, & •N Convenient shops on raga. .....son o • new crpts paint. child patio. all blt-•ns. laundry Slater 842-7848. ok. no pets 2265 Maple rm site Unlurn1Shed bache· 645 94941 lors, 1 & 2 bdrm apts and 111.,...11 IHti 3111 . . TSL Mgmt. 642-1603 townhouses ••••'°••••••••••••••••• USHllE -La_r_g_e_3_B_r_2_B_a_T_o_w_n.·1 $540 • $1000 2 bdrm, 1 ba, new car· pets. patnl. no pets. $425 . 162 Tulip 631-6155 house 1n quiet complex. SeYeral oachelors and 1 large pool. garden set· B<.lrm units feature line ting $675. 645·3381 . designer furniture and 675-5949 ac:cessoroes. Move In to- 1Br upstairs. no pets, refs Newer 1 Sr. wtgarage No req $340 mo 352 Vic· pets $400/mo. THE "GOOD LIFE" Ill -• ---Hiii s595/mo. 842•2510• plus security. 548-5442, H.S. $800. Aveil. July 15. Upgrades Inside. prvt OCEANF.RC)Nr··M~·bli; $230,000 equity In 31 646-«848 770·5629. 549•3598 yard. hot tub. Nr schools. Trt·Plex 2 Br 1 Ba. new DIH ltI.I "" Homes. severil, $80,000. Acre Gentlem•ri Farm •r•• Turtlerock: Lease Option/ S900 642-3356. 'I OUNb carpet. lndry hk·up. gar. •••••••••••••••••••••• torla 645·8161 6415-5577 day or reserv9'10r sum· mer months. Smertty furnished models open dally On Jemboree Ad a1 San Joaquin Hiii$ Rd. r:'vt· 499-3816 near Eugene . nestled In -fflH Ti t I Vi II 1234 ,,., Interest. 3 Br. 2!,i, Ba. 3 SR 2 ea Eastblutt. avl ·s~~~~ Actl\11~~~ $450/mo N o pets t•MICIUTt . century old maple treea. 41 Br. poot/1pa, lrg yard, .~!~.~.~ .. ~ .. ~•••••• view. Rent neg 631· July 15 Sl200 mo 675·0500 Newport Beach De Anr.a 2 story. 4 bdrm Colonial cul·de·uc ttreel. new HOME FOR RENT 1266. 640_9019 0 Ire c Io r •Free 2 bdrm. 2 be. eppllances. baylront Park . Mint home with gourmet kit· kitchen, wallpapers tor 3 Bdrm. $175. Fenced Sund a~ 2 Br. Eastslde. gar/patio. gar, ldry. no pets S525 -L-ID_O_B_E_A_U_T-IF_U_L-2-8-r. dond.'111dblwlde.flre-chen.2fireplecea,barns. boy. girl & mom . yard & garage. Kids & II ••lt•ti 3141 2 Br. 1 ea . Newport Brunc:h•8 O's• Ch ok . no dogs 496-6604,493-7446 trplc. patio. adults. l)lece, brick patio, $58, and corrals. T11de lor $950/mo 751·0774 8kr, petswetcome. 545-2000 .•• l'!.•••••••••••••••• Heights. old custom ~·~~~~~ S6445~01318m7.o plus sec B••liafll• S1050 675-6359. 5 0 0 · 8 111 0 run d Y Corona def Mar home. 2 br, 1 be houa•, fncd Agent. no lee. Nice 18R 1 ba. trlplelt. charmer, open beams. ft76..f181 644 61161759-1400 -1 St / oak floors split level QR I AT lfatl '14 A rare opportunity 10 le•· . • yard, enc101ed gar1ge pat o. garage, ova $875/mo .• 34 Cetellna: RIC RI AT I 0 N t •SPACIOUS 2 SR •••••••••••••••••••••• se Ill beautiful SEA CMfltl1 wit SSOO mo. Agt 675-1642. Ba•li•sll• 's~l50rl.g53~~~5~1wk~ny~.'· Tenn Is• Free 2 Ba. Swimming pool. 2 Sr 1 '~ Be. $375/mo ISLAND Lovely "Bimini" . C.n.tt 1,,_ l••tlll N · B 5 4 8 • 4 3 8 O · Lesaons (pro & pro carpets. drapes. clean 4 plus $375 dep. Carpets. Plan. 2 er. Oen, 2'11 ea. ••••'l""'°;-. •••••••••• ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• Mesa Verde. 48r 2bl, I•· ltlf 1141 Specllcular ocean & _63_1_·_5_47_6_._4_9_4_·0_3_9_5_._ shop)•2 He1lth bright. Business & prof drapes. near Beach Blvd lull security plus every Pacific View Memor111 .,,._ htaltllH mlly hm. N$8~11• pTrki •••••••••••••••••••••• mountain view Mon1rch Beaut. spac. 4 Br. 3 Ba. Clut>s•Sauna• people. $450 No pets & McFadden. No pets. conceivable 1menlty. Park, Nwpt Bch. Lot 7-44. •••••••••••••••••••••• shOpplno. tmo nc L1.11t exec. Cullom home. Terr11ee home. 3 er. 3 Condo Incl sep querters, Hydrom•-546·4827. 731·6829 893-4894 $2900 monthly. For In· "ra\191 A a 8, Ba....._.. "l'&.....-•-•·-~ ''" wtr • gardener 714/ i1iml to bch. 48r 3b1, all Bl. $1050/mo. C1'I Ow· au Io mat I c n a r . -..-• I II 7 "' .. ,._.. -.__ ""'1 7717 I • " S1*11mmngl~Goll EASTSIDE """'pY1 2 BR. $575/mo. Near beach. 0 orma1 on ca 14/ t • r race . S 2 2 0 0 . •••••••--••••••••••••• "" -option• Incl pool 1P1· ner eves 499-4252. $1300/mo. 760·9313. l)fl\llna 'Vv 644 5494 073-7787 Immaculate & nloefy furn. E. Cost• Mesa. 2 er hou· $1100/mo. 759.9293 Vaulted clg, 2 11.1ndecks, mint 2 Sr. 2 ea., no pets. • · G d C Bel 3 EMERALD BAY. 3 Sr. 2 Westcllll 3Br 2ba. new 8 I AU TI II U l gar. all ulll pd. 1580. 642· 1339, 553-1776. ,_W_E_S_T_C_L-IF_F_2_9_r-. _t_'ll_Be_ c....ttl.J on ren "'"· 11. "· like new. $450/mo. 2 BR. 1 ba, bonustoftlee ea. trplc. brlclc patio with cpt"g, lovetv yard. $996 A, A" T Ill INT a: Mite, no pe(a. 752·2550 Deluxe "~'side, xtra ,.,. Townhouse. Adults pre!. , Bdrm & w . Avlll yrly; 6<42-3837 rm. wlfrpl. Nr. shop1. 9 pa . S 1 8 0 0 ""'n<. 848-6789 SI n g I et, 1 & 2 """' N t ea/\1\1 7211 ,,,_,,,, IM $1500 or winier $1200 $800 960 875 "" Bedroome•Furn ..... .,. •Cle1n2br/2b1c:ondonr ge 2br, 2ba, bltns. opes .. ~ mo. 1 ·~·7."A••~ ............ mo E.llde 3 Br 3 Be ClOndo, mo. ·• 213/816-2~5. we .. cllll 3 BR 1~ 8A. & Unlurnl1hed":No SC Plue, S.A. $575. No dswnr, ,,,., miles beach. Bedl0td Lane. 548-7533. :•lfilT -'L Watertront HOfhes. Inc. Piiio. pool, jac., tennla. 2 I.~ 3 bl. 3'.\ b• home $1100 mo. Fresh & c111n, Peta•Modelt Optn pet, 752·5822. 641· 1480 Adulta. no oete. S500rno. Vrty, 3 br. 2 ba. frpto, gar., SJiotllent centr1t corner 873-6000 cargar.readynow.s750. wtbtt-ina, orpt & drpe. lllnlt• Viti. 311 no Pell. Avl now. dllly9to8. 28r1'11 be.610JoannSt. 536-8382 OW. 1 b1k to beach. ;:t ....... 3 b"""'". owe. Agt. 545-2241 010 .. to t>each. s1000 •••••••••••'/:......... &48·2389 ' 87 ..... 12 ..... 1 ":ii'... •-....,..87" •100 c..a bJ lllz IJU m q . w I g er den er. HOME FOR AENT ----·-----......... Adlts pref. Sml dog ok. WllfFL.ITllf .,.... ..,.r. OtfQft'I.... """ ...................... *Clean 2Br hte, w/ 960·1110 3 Bdrm. a 4 Bdtm.1760 Vtrealllea Studio w/ W 645-8453 t & 2 8r. Ol900Unt on ••tllhl1• ,._ •-• wa11-Lux. condO, dee. turn. 2 garage, relurblahed, 10 ••oo. F~~ y••cl• • undr,rd prk"j · 1ec. .__.__ _......, .... POOi s ,.., _,. ~-•-• lat pe11 1500 o -.,.._, "" • -Lge bach apt. good toc11e. some """"'"'· · pa, •••••••••••••••••••••• : T ._.__. br. 2'A be. family rm. ~~1-+2'!.~ . m . OC·RENTALS g1,•011. Kldt & g•'• 1500 mo. 54 ·0266. Altrtlllltl pvt patio, innl pref'd. Gym . S1una. etc. •c111n otdtr 2br/1ba. • • -gated entry, pool & ten-"" • t-5br'a$200to12000 welcome. 5<45 -2 oo. GU-4132 .__ ..... ,.. ,315 8511.w illth St 848·0G19. oar., ~ard. $&80 utN pd • .._.""~·I bdrm, nit. ll200tmo. 931-1050 LIOf'tl. brlQht. ilry & brand 750-3314 open 7-de)'t Agent, no fee -3-8r-Jbl-.-twtm--m-1ng-pool--.• ~~ _____ . ___ ._, 152-5822, 8'11·1480 % bath eectl unit with f!!.• .. __ •J•~ naw 2 er 2 8a ffplc 2 NEW OAPT & PAINT ~O 880 lrvtM Slnoll 11)1, quiet mature 2 Br. with garage, bll• 11'"*°9,.-..0Pl11o. ••-" -oar 'f,ar w/ope~er, tlte ·~a..-..&. I~ N11P).,H.!•.·8•,.141 0 1r'omloc. (at 18th) per-.on. petlo. no ...... cony. 1tove & d lth·~"""""-' .,.... w -lat. Pot. ••••••••••••••••••o• ......, & 3br 1'• bl. Kida/ peta oll. • .... ..,..._ •• ~ ••• ~: 1 .. .. " ... "' ..r· 11h1 , $ 5 5 0 / m 0 9 _.__ ---•" t'tow. Now 116"', 1 Br. n.ii.r. private. no COUnflft()pl......,... 99•. ow, llV, rett. O•· vd. ~ ... u.._co .... Aw/ ....... 133,9173 (714)S..5-1104 ..,101ncvnl.846-ro42 w • . ··--..,,. .. " I '11 I d $78•/-A 551 .... ..,. 17 II. ... 320 VI ... '""' .._. --= ..... ,.. 538-71711. • ••••••••••••••••••••• 500 1111 Grundy Altr ... e • • u • p • . ~ .,.,,.. .,_,, pe1io. '"· ""1·4 rldlc Alleit A . ---------• • 2 bdrm, ' bl duplell unit --__ ... ' · -.OOlmo. 111 ...... MCv· • UO .. M--1t •••1 1 00 1~h St Ith · "' <I • •oo tum °' unturn 1 8r ,.,....,,.,, rlty. 8'12-0836,,M.1617, llall R $700 mo. 3 BA 2 II, IOI 10, 1'100/mo. 113.•1<422 • .,,.... .,.,, v• • w gareg1 '"" yer • .... • • · ·. ............ ~· ~ llfl "Ir 21• rr ...... 2 car ~ar ftM rm, cloea to 1 M 7 11 8 1 & or 213·829-5181 :.:!!.:•.:.::::•8•r·=·n·:~ (Dover I t 18th~ Avtll rmmect. $500 mo. pool,••· 181112 'toncll. YIUAll .. .,_ c ,,_ ... ...., ,......, • -•w (7 1 .. ) ., .. 2 a 1 Tom C11Mrdl 851·2121 842·213<4, 8<42-3111 ..,~ 1.,. ....__ ... _,..., Commete61111-1 MOO aq w/oP9n•'· tile coun •r eohoot•. 714·12 • 77: Spt10tacu11r view In pre-Ml'ne • ....,y Wt beleh, ,. v.. -.,1 ....... -. ..... 1 ....... _, " .-... ~ I Clelt ••,••••••• ••U••o••• to91 , pool 6 1p1. 127-39t0 t llgloU. Herbor Aldga. not vet land~ or 2 Br. t i.t la. No peta. Neel~ a 8'. 1,.. ... apte l!I 14 planl.1 lkfrtn T'rade tor tlOUH ai 4 R. MW deo, tum, 8ec 1116/mo. 5111·2MO. 41r, 2 ... le Condo, leactl Pool, IPI, te(lnlt, MC draped IO you can rent ========-1 IA50/mo for 2 per.one. C111ll1 drpe, bit.int, ftilio, from '611, I bdrm hm ...._~·or (atl) C.. = =· lllMla. COLI.IOI PAAK AM.A & Atlanta, new paint a '1 t • 1 t t 11 1 m 0 . now ror onty s1000 pr 1 lh . blk bay/b11on. !.5.6850w.1 t 8th 8 t =~· SIH/fl!O, :::i· ZOWf'lf.0!:'.~.~rtfftnt•, .......,. 2s21 ,ordn am . cpt 1710mo No.Pet• eo..N0-1 rno.714117~ SUOf mo, utll. pd . .,....,.. r :-"""--::---:-:::-:::::;;:Jlfl.,..-...,...... JI• lllOI s I 2 .. dbl T~ •n-HOi llt 5,M . ... I ... I 2131941-3085. 1123 w. 1~ '"'· co belel\. I bf, I wat11ra11 • pondtt Oat fmll.flllldr. • r~1 ··•.u.'51 1 .._ 1 1 .,, ~rd.' 1>1t-ina . HftUI ,,... •i N-·~~ ............. a*""'•,:· Mt'M!.,,.., IMf aatt>oa 111. ap1 a. N~.~·!~~!t ~~: l>a. beto, teMl9. po'!! a for coo1t1n1 I fl•t1ttno --...... IOO ...... "'" " I do --I ... ... ........ l1S.131..ol4 P•ld ''0"' •• ,, OlflO 1-.W-..-llM ~a.-on tr•lll•fl. I ldrm. llFI. '•need • on 9011 ooun1. '"' .... .. • ..... • I IR t la, Ntfl apt CHI otrport, r1lrl1•1 wal•r "'WY drl11f Nor1ll '" '" • ,._, ,.,,... ,..,..., Alli .. Clr'Cll • M MeM Yatdl ..,. Y•d a prep. K• ' M1&Arttr. 01111> 111e1uc111 a It, 'C l'OOI. no Newport Pantneula. "' paid. 1 Cfllld oi. no Ptt• Hew ••udio apt, u111 """· leldl 1o *'""" 10 ~ CAttW... '.,,.'.I ... " CUI ......... IM• pet.a~. Uf.IOOO DOOl1 •1 t.eMla. tnoo . .,..,, I -tobctl. HIOmo Aft. UIO/mo. 10·1000. ~ .. MO ..... ,,. VII,.,. ~ .... ,_ ltll .... ,_ MA fOf RI, NMltl .,_,no f!M, ,._ '~H1~1· f MeM •71·1142 Ateftl, no,_ NO·llH (rt•)ltWltl, 144-1100 Or Oollt DML'l fltLOT/Tueed-v, Juty 13, 1112 Ns variety of file schools and tUlps mold infroduoo you to a new tomorrow Forfurther lnf ormation reprcHn, advertillng plaeement in the Seboola a lnatruetion• Direetory -call Loulae Griffith 642-5678 ext 330 Ltentto h A TRAVEL AGENT Morning, afternoon & eveni~g classes. P aci/k :Jravef / . 'Scfwof 61 0 E. 17th St. s.to AH (7141 543.9495 &..-11*41 IUl Financial Aid Programs Accr~lled by the Acrr~ting Commission ot lhe Na·, tlonal Association of Trade & Technical Schools. American Airlines Sabre Computer Training r •BALLET • TAP • JAZZ •TRIM TO R~ • AER081CS • CHILDREN •TEENS • ADULT~ ~ ....... ,"" .. Cleon I '•r-™.., I '"'..!.\,~ ...... ._,.!!..1:C.., .... -tU·5440- I 'iAl'Radc:liffe Hall '1 rrtnee -.i ~ tt Aalfllllc ~r SUMMER SCHOOL -DAY CAMP Hltll Scholeetlc •etl:tt •Ti•••• :a•'• s..u c1 ............ , T,..Wliel AYlillllle (714~35-7892 MJID PlltDC SClll A Learn How to use CHRISTIAN Wang, IBM 0$6 & Olsplaywrtter SCHOOL Xerox 860 Ctl FALL '82 014) 556-614 HARBOR TRllTY PRE-SCHOOL r....T_,......._ At HARBOR TRlflTY BAPTIST CtUICH 1230 Baker St.. Costa Mtsa D••IY-..•W.41rt 7AM·6PM Full & Half Day Care· UINMOHMOMIY Become a Word Processing Speclahst Pre-Re&lstratlon be&lm July 15th Excellent Career Opportunities From 9AM·l 2 HOON Daly WOAD PROCESSING ANO INFORMATION Cal f« "*' lnfonnation ~ SYS™4t,, 2232 SE Brittol-Sulte ta Ana. Ca 9270/ 556·7787 . I ....... ,~.,.,........,-l_•·--. ~ •----------------.. ·•••••••••••••• .. •••••••••••••••"••••••••••••••••• .. BJ W. IH 11 11• W11"4 11M.. • • .!.I. .• !~ .•.••..•..••..................... '";f': CHRIST LUTHERAN SCHOOL Openings Available ln New lst Grade Session anti Kindergarten "A CARING SCHOOL WITH A CHRIST-CENTERED EDUCATION" Extended Day Care Available 548-6866 790 V&ctorl8 Coat• MeN I• PRIVATE TUTORING • DAY CARE 7 A.M.·6 P.M. MHtOAL ASST. P.Tllll Sil.II ,'l : : * * * Or '1 olflcea. Tuea ' Enjoy working with kid&. • • Thurs only. Et Toro and wish lncre8Md ear! • • Instructional Services: • 110-1950 n1ngs. u1111za vour out-• • PLANNED going peraonality. learel : Reading • Math • Study Skills : MHIOAL SPIOllUST how to become a tra1~ • ,Test Preparation. e ACTIVITIES Learn medical skills & s111ea counselor. C•~ti • e serve 1n the Army Rei· 2-5PM 842-4321, 60. • • erve near home Call lo· 346 EOE q •. • T utorinc distinctives: .• * * * day Rea1 ESlate s.1es 1 Tustin 731-048 t o••EEI : • My office or Your home : M•.PLE •VE. Santa Ana 542-4763 1 .. 1-..... ; · ft ft USAA Ctr 552-3173 n ...., • .., : •Day or everung appts. : CHRISTIAN • • All Ages • All grades • ft : • Individual or small group :J • • Daily, weekly, monthly or • SCHOOL : when needed. : (COSTA MESA) • • : IRVINE TUTORING CENTER : : 4654 Barranca Parkway : e lrvlne • • • • FOJ Info Call Mr. Robl11son 651·56-46 • 648-4334 751-4524 M ID N IGHT AIDE 11PM·7PM Fri & Sat n1gn1s 642-5861 4000 Hilaria Way Newport Beach NANNY needed by lather lor ·2 yr old son who needs loving care L1ve- 1n. Nwpl Bch 635-7772 535-9893. HCCHll .. --------.---------.•• e e e ....................... ... HISEi lllEI Conv • long term care Today tnere are unlimi- ted opportunities In real eslate sa1111. 11 you 1ojn tne dynamic team QL.. protesslona11 at Cotower Bankllf Forest E. Olsoii Realtors Our Costa Mesa/Newpa11 office has 1mmecttate openings and we inv11e you to totn us tor a career open house .... , 4 IHl1l1 tt 8'111 4300 Ollitt 111111 4400 C1•••1d ll L11t f FH1I S300 •••••••••• •••••••••••• •••••••••••••• •••••••• ....................... •••1111 4115 •••••••••••••••••• •••• exp req d Excell wor· '!.'.'I..'!~!~~ .... !.'.~ '!!!1..'!!!'.~ .... !.l.f! !.-11..'!~~~ .... !.'.~ ~~~~~;~; 3~. i:.~·;:g· Wednesday July 14. 1982 7 30PM Pool, tennis. lake, club, Fem looking for same 10 •••••••••••••••••••••• LOST Weatcllll area washer/dryer, full El Toro find & shr apt 975•4067 Exec suites. lull serv , OFFICE Ill SltP Grey Cockatiel "Corky". Attractive Girl CLllJOIL/PllT Tm EYEllllS 7 t•-642-8044 or app1y on 2299 Harbor Blvd Cos1a Mesa 92627 house prlv '.Ii utlls $280 832_4689 Debbie · lurnlunfurn.. greally re-C R 11 w 8 , d , u r g e n t. 111 & last 586-4038 Iv dueed. No lse 754.0274 IHnwy~. Seour lbhldLgagounna.o~Ps~ 645-7080, wrk 631·4408 Sophl1tleated. attracltve. Looking for Interesting PAIT TIME person 466 Flagship work? Typing, no Shor-Be a camer counselor,,.R•d-N•B _____ _ 0 I N 1 "" well groomed girl to msg. ceen ront awpor · prow 500 sq. It. Excel· d I I I I I non-smk mature resp NEWPORT BEACH ~ L G Id 1 1 mo e priva e Y or n-Room with kitchen prlv Nr fem, 5235m o . yrly, "Turn Key" Offl<:e 5390 lent private perking Ost. o en re r ever d1vl dua1 3 .4 hrs per CommlssJon Sales People thand. 8-Noon Ole on tor a 1oce1 newspaper ,. PC H. 646-743 l No experience necea-Nursmg shopping cen1er & bu-548•1667 .. Branch .. olflce 575. behind bldg. $525 mo. puppy, vie Tustin/17th week Strictly private and wanted, experience pre-sllne. H.B. 962-7520 Turner Assoc. 494-1177 CM Reward. 631-7053 In good 1aa1e Ulmo11 ----------IN.B. prof M will Shr lge Seminar meeting rooms ------------------discretion atsured lerred sel your own sary Work. only 12 hours I• SIPERYISOll a week $75 to start plus 3. 1 1 30 lull/lime Also add111onal share ot part-RN p11rt/t1me t t-7 LVN Rm In lrg H.B. hOme. $250 Harbor View home w hourly Typing, malling. STllE/IFFIOI Loll Melemuu. 6 mos Greal pay _ llexible hrs hours. Apply al 130 E mo & '• utll. Fem. pref 11 du11 3 5 + S 3 7 5 phones. Call for Info 300 900 ft Ontwn old Chokef Chain. Cst 17th St. Sulle O. Costa 964 9627 ft 5 • 752 6408 10 sq. · Hwy & Riverside Ave Send photo and detailed Mesa. blwn 9-12 or 1-5 ne•sh1p s prohts tull/11me 7-3 30 Hunt- A real tun job' .ngton Bch 847-3515 • 8 · 760.0802 • · Laguna 494-5688. NS Rewatd 2803 w Ct i description to Sox Ad Mon-Fri Employed Female over 40, LIVE AT THE BEACH WESTlllURll Hwy &45-6351 No 101 t, Oa1ly Pilot Management opportun1-t 1es For inlerv1ew call Nursing aller 6 00 PM 642-5678. prlvale home near 171h/ Female 10 Shere Balboa 1200 or 2400 sq 11 Oe-l•'••lrill •••1•14500 ---------Sox 1560, Costa Mesa CONSTRUCTION·Sub-10, 3_11 shill Compeu-Tuttln. 642-6a48 Iv msg.. Island house. ,285 Incl luxe o ffice o r store •••••••••••••••••••••• Lost 9 yr old crotseyed CA 92626 contractors, qlty. goad ext 312 LYJl'S "t•tll 11,. 41 utll. 675-9 t42 space 14302 & 14304 1160 sq ft. conalSls ol Siamese, "Chalya"", Irv. --A-11-1-.-(-0-.-•• 1-0--pertormance. resldeot•al Fll tll PHSH ASST :::: ~~Jo4~·~~:.~ -~~w~+~~ •1 • c 16 Beach 81vd . Btwn 2 upper level executive ol· Reward 559-4774 -all subs 780-6859 9.5 Production e>cperience person Fl11gsrup Conv •••iUiii"iiim ... Prof M .• non-smkr, 28-35 Frwys. Civic Center VII-llce w/pV1 bath. Ground LOST 7110 F/Pug puppy, Whl aognmt & brks Own ____ C_O_O_I( ____ , Costa Mesa 6't2-9651 Hospt 466 r1agsh1p Rd . I o s h r N B h o m e lage Shopping Center lloor reception area and fawn wlblack f6C41, Mesa hand tools NewPort Tire ---------N B Wkly ren1e11 now avall. $375/mo 631-1266 Ola· Prime location 979-a889 440 sq ft Shcx> space. Verde aree. 682.a146 Cir . 3000 E Cst Hwy. Exp'd line cook, lullllme •Fii .1011• ------------------ $140 & up. Color TV. na or 645-1260 Attraclive, Quiet Colla ---------CdM nights, health food Markehng co needs 10 OFFICE PEISlllEl An Equel Oppty Co Phones In room. 2274 Mesa Industrial comple• Lo11. Ladles Gold Square ---------I oriented Apply In per-demonstrators over 18 Part/lime weekends. llUL ESTATI SALES NewpQrt Blvd. CM. Female <22•30l rmmte shr Airport area -Exec. Sul· 979-8533 mounting with Marquis HOUSEKEEPER needed son: Pullins 3050 E ror dynamne new pro-· 646-7445 3BORM on beach. Bal-tes From225·450sq It Diamond Ring.REWARD tor busy profeftlonal in Coast Hwy. CO M Good phone voice. Wehave1nopen1ng lqr boa Peo11. Frplc. Indoor $ l per sq 11 Many xtras N.B. 3975 Birch. 3660 sq 644•9893 alt 6. N.B., varied duties. mu11 ~O-t573 duct' No exp nee • we knowledge of general two weH-dretsed. 1n1e1u- B EA C H A R EA patio, vaulted celling Call 557_7010 ft or leH MIA zone be energetic & reliable, 5 ---------train. E,.,penses advan· proce<lures Start •mme-gent salespersona to $250 mo tst & laat plus Agent 541-5032. t 1100 llEWllll • hrs/dy. Mon-Fri, cer & COOKS Pos ave.ii. 2 yrs ced wor1c locally, or Ira-d1a1e1y Call Mana at worll 1n the Newport $77/wk deposit. 873-6438 ask Lease u4 h• 5750 up. 2160 ft. lndu-It tHttfeet lllletl rels required (71 4 ) exp w/broller & Huie ~~~d;~~,~~~4 ~·~~-~!, _7_5_1_-8_8_2_2 _____ Harbor area in cornm9(· for Brian. Owner deSlres partner 10 strlal . Off'-. 18081 ..,_ 640~962 work. Call 644-1237 p••T/TIME c1al sales andtor res.· lease 7500 ft ol new """ .,.,.. 20' bf&N bird~ w/2 ---------• Mon-Fri. atl 2PM for appt 646-4l67 -1den11a1 sales In the morJ! Kltchenette-Mald-Pool Slraight r919 fem lo lhr H 11 1 dondo Circle •E Hunl· mechanical orange sin-S.byslllllf needed. kind. ---------• iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Permanent sales Po5'hon alfluent areas • Nwpt Blvd & Wilson 28' apt wl aame. 'h bfk to apace in un ng on lngton Be8ch. 842-2834. ging birds Slolen on IOvtng. exper P/llme 1 or Coun1er Clerk & some Gene<al 1n re1a11 Ian siore Some LEO HANNA Costa M... 548-9755 bdl, S187. 873-5579 Beachi Leas~ .. pur et .,,~ ····--· Balboa Peninsula Jan 3. 2 aftnoons, 1 eve -" dnv1ng Part nme Help INFORMATION on Alas-weekend worl< We Wiii SR VICE PRESIDENT· pereen owner.,., p n · ~ -~-7141540-4058 m Y h 0 me L 1 n d a Orlver$ License req Ory train qualified. reliable l•••1t l•tall Anaheim Hilla home to ooo sq It bldg CioM 10 Appro• 2000 sq ft. Nr 760•6832 Cleaners 760_14 10 l<an oul of state and pe.son 768_0349 Wtsltr I . Ta,..r C.. •••••••••••••••••••••• share wtth employed le-beach. No dn p11ym·1 Crown Valley Pkwy. & Lost S Laguna. billfold, -8-U-R_G_LA_R_A_L_A_R_M_T_R_A_I-' overseas 1obs now ave•· Realtors 644-<1910 llYFlllT male. 4 bdrm wtlh pool, Ca 11 M r . B rooks Foroes Rd .. Mission Vie-w /drivers lie, Bruce Counler Peraon lor dry !able $20.000 to $50,000 PAIT TIME 4 bdrm, 4 bath, sandy spa,flreplace,etcorprl-7141891-5556 JO (714)545-0215 Anguiano Reward . NEE, some el~ctrlcal cleaning co. 11-6PM, 4 a year Call Eves and/or weekends beach. dock, $6000. Abo vilegea S250, ~ utll. 4 delu•e offlees, strtlegk: 350, 1100 or 1200 '"" h 499·1972 ~xJ':r ~.t~~ ~~lip b~wn day week Mature per-g~J-659-9333, Operator Responsible adults, over * lllCEPTIHIST * Udo Ille 3 bdrm, fem Hector 921 -2 158, IOc ti ..... h Bl d ..., son. 494 -9596. The ·--------2t. wllh outstanding. al· Must be able to com-_ rm.' 2 bl. $3100 July. 768-1784 a on on...,... v · Call for amenities. Found Cockallel. vie. 631-3465. Oroppe Sh,,,,,,.. municate w1m1111ona1res HS. Fron1 expQsure, lge 675-6251 Costa Mesa Beach/Hell, HB _.,,,v irac11ve personalllles to Natoonal franchise e<> ~A $3500 A~uSI. Bill Grun· F to shf 3 bt hM nr OCC sign area, 65c IQ.II. 841-1481 llSPEIStl Dental Gen Ole Must type work wllh youth (ages looking tor a bright. art(·· dy, Rltr, 6 5-6161· w/2 M. $230 + U111. Ownr. 213-450-a555 N.B gourmet seafood FINANCIAL SEC'Y & 50wpm. IO·key by touch, 10· t4) Cell 2·5PM. Balboa Island Charmlnn 3 548-62131831-5038 11111}1 Wulff 4 Found· Standard u . Fem. restaurant has an ope-OFC COMMUNICATOR gd wl pnones Mature 6't2-432 I Ex1 346 EOE culale lront ore lype Of, .,, •••••••••••••••••••••• Collie w /bro ken red E . A person Pl ume. 1-5PM 1nd1v1dual 10 10111 a tea't\: Br. 2 88 House, lndry, Share ocean view Oana *lf1WPllT* Wanted lido Island 1 or 2 I ea sh (Be au II f u I I n1ng for experlenc«I bu-xp d. re you searching Could lead to F /lime PART TIME ol high energy execv'·. i!r, frplc, patto. No pets. Pt ... -.... own furniture br apl, yrty lease. prof F · sperson Apply 111 per-tor a progresslve. quality 1 •• 1 n """ •• • ' Brookhurstl Adams HS If h Non-smkr pref'd Apply Newspaper Promo11on •ves ... us ave • POS•· 751 wk July. $850/wk a plus. $350/mo 'h ullls ,...rpandpor1 ""~~· exec IU•lll wt good rels. needed by 530-0387 . . son. c a II Io r 8 PP t o ice w ere your out-9-5. 621 W 19th, CM M o n • F , t live mental a11111<1e Sa.:; Aunust 675-0349. '"" "17' ex s .... assy 14JffOUn· S-1 15 675-25&6 Reis req going personaltty & I -.. -.. ,..,.., .. f v,, ---------1 5 30PM-9 30PM Sat ary commensurate w 1 dings. pro atmosptiere. 770-3364/675-4462 FOUND Prescrlpllon ---------• dental expertise In GUYS & GALS' Don't lose Se 1 Br s1ee9S 4, ecross the Ammie to snr lge C M has 120 to 250 sq fl of-I I H d P r1I CASHIER. evenings. ex-handling telephone 11-your ton working all day• 9 30· I JOPM expe< nd resume ICJ street lrom beach. home Nr beecn. spa fices & desk space from Housing, R&B for well gl assses. n •5rv5at1 •31 8 0 • per, mature, Spaghetti nancial a.rrangernents & Orea! income tor shorl $84 oo 10 start our new neadquarters $400/wk 875-5068 a d M st dent rv, un 11119 ... Bender, Newport Bch Then partnerships share olf1ces PO Bow 620 f'\' S mo k er o k S 3 0 0 285/mo Including con I m nnere u • paltenl contact 1s appre-nrs 1n the evening Jeff 9 • 3br/2ba 1 Sly hse, poof. 642-6553 rms. receptionisl, ans-age 17 attl!lldlng Laguna Found Husky/Malamute. 645·065t ask for Joy<ie cieted & rewarded? we 497_4188. Lag Bch ot prof11s Must have Laguna Niguel, 2677 ~ gardens. S751day, 2 wk we ring service. I01S of Ben HI 1-774-3344 Red Ke, ch I e I H n I g OUllEI are a highly Skilled team pleasant voice provate miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimt min 548-8196 agt ~!!/!.~!!!.!.' ... !!.~~~ ~;~~~78WP & Tix avail lali1111/l1rt1I/ ~~4~g~~4r9k5,2 HB Sat Exper with leadership ~a~!c~j,~'~~ ~'!fn!~:~; Hn~~d~~~~,E~~us~~1~!' ~~~~ ~o~~~t~~v1eC::.s~:1: llEOEPTIOllST ~ u t' I I l 4zro Si gle ara e C I ability Good with 119ures $1600 I I t d N n1ng ser111ce Must be aller 6PM Fnendly person neede<k rltl If• fl I I ~, n g ~ · os 1 $300/up: Carpets. drapes. Fi111t1 Found Custom made back a.nd have business s11vy• 1 qua i ie ew· to handle phones lo.i;;.. ~;.;t£0ri.'Hoe··~·w;t~; MB$&. dbl bot. S50tmo. air. 11301 Beach, H.B. •••••••••••••••••••••• rest.+ wet 1u11 Vic tOth Sales exper helplul Fun port Beach 63l·249o e'~0P~~~e~hce ... de5p5e,~~a~1:1j 642.5676 e•• 3 12 Adm Office or Savlngr Storage only 851•2175 842-283•. l alillll & B lb NB C II I v v " P I C 1 I F Id R d l P I 48r 3ba, u ec home. .. • oa. · 11 o piece. pretty fashions Dental Diane. 964-9766 Ive mag es on ro 1e ep. an oan os 1on requt· compl furn. 1700/wk. Double garage, storage O•Nrlui"' SOOS identify. 675-0502 Starting rate $5.50 plus ASSISTANT OFC MGR needed immediately Ex-res ltgl'll lyp1ng. Exp&'" 5 5 2 -2 1 1 5 or e ves W .st de Costa Meu *SUITE DEALS* 0r··a·~·&•w••al•lp;'a·;,:;•s•1•0•r11• ---------lncenlivea 10 quahf•ed Some back ofc prater· Nt11t••••i•& h,t, perienced & licensed 11ence desired '.•" 975-0311 548-4720 aft 4PM .. -., ..-· SCRAM LETS person APPLY Sack red 4 day work week at SURF & SANO hotel is only 546-9339 Call Linda 754-1801 ·.fl O.C Airport area. Prol 1n exclusive Npl Bch area • Streel No. 25 Fashion Friendly & ou1go1ng looking for a bt-ltngua1JiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ E 0 E :.•, environment, lull 94WVICe, on Coast Hwy. Excel ANSWERS Island. Newp0<1 Beach atmosphere. 6't5-7580 night supervisor. Mon PllTt•••-EI ORANGE COAST ;i or no frills lndlv1dual of· money maker. $5500 to-ft Phone calls 8 no no! 1 h , u F r t . 5 Pm t 0 ...,...... SAVINGS •ti rioes or deSk space. 150 tal price. $550/mo rent Unseal -Hoard DEITIST 1 t 30pm Contact Miss Earn top pay taktn9 1700 Adams.C M - OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Sr Avail. now Weetlly lhru Ollitl l11t1J 44 summet 67J...7873. •••••••••••••••••••••• DIOIT1VE ums l1•tll1 II A1tt 4300 IRVINE Phone an1we-sq It • 3500 sq ft 1 MO Call 640-2700 ask for Ardor -Bounty Ollllt&L General dentist wanled. Maree at 497-4•77 sn11p&hots In your area FREE 759 8978 Rob Amateur photographers . -. YOUR HANO experienced In •If Ch Id · ..,_...._ S Snaeker before tlr..,. au-IMMEDIATE phao•s. Excellent pay + Ledy lor rental office. 5 needed P11r1llull 11me ' ren • """"' tore .--""' OPENINGS -day week or willing to No experience or selling ;.;;~·:i;·:,~~f;d~·~:'8~ ring, cont rm. utU pd, 10 stir 2Br apl, C.M. $250 sctry servs. etc Alao -·-IPPtlfllllf ~e knock• often wh9n ~~ use result-getting Oat'f. Piiot Claulfle<I Ads tO' reach the Orenee Coat\'• market. .. '}l In fast-grOWin 40 and 11 dience· ''I'm here to talk, for entry-level Ille clerks percentage. 646-24 11 work 81 least 3 days Wiii required Write to. Unl- "go gette<" this Is for you're here to llsten. 11 Six month asslgnment In IEITIST tra•n CALL BTWN 9· 12, versal. P 0 8oJ< 1223. you Allend our free you finish before I do Newport Beach w ork WEDNESDAY ONLY Montebello. Ca. 906't0 desk space. $150/up. .,..,.,, r.-mo. George 642-6381 540-9745 Wetl-appQlnted ofllce w/ Resp. empl F over 40 1617 Westclifl. NB. 256 Nwpt view. Approx 1,000 w/15 yr aon wants to shr 10 4000 sq. 11. 1st. floor sq. 11· 656-7100 4 br home In C.M. or Agent 541 -5032 product demonstration raise YOUR HANO." 8 . 3 0 1 0 4 : 3 0 ca 11 General dentist wanted, 545-4855 and learn more about 752_9 109 for appolnl-beach area. exper In all N.B. wlaame (MIF). Lea----------t CdM dlx su11e, AIC, ample se ok. Cell &4 5-7568 Ive 520 sq. ft. $1.00 per sq. pkg, utll pd. 2855 E. Cat msg. IL, 3975 Birch .. N.B . Hwy. 675-6900 lhls oppQrtunlty. Call lor lllll•lll S350 ment phases. Excell pay plus Liquor clerl<, recent exper Have aomethlng to Hll? I Im e and p I 11 c e . •••••••••••••••••••••• percentage. 646-2411 preferred Full time, Claatllled edt do 11 ..el. 546-1144 * * * l\orrell ' 000 LOVER• Will 1r11in. nighll. GOOc:I pay & per-. at ~ Phone 842·5678 "!. 2500 '"" ft Condo. wi·11 ac-Agent 541•5032 .... ---------tCOSTA MESA office PARTNER WANTED ltla1tls Parlor grooming kennel help manent position. Apply D11·1y P1·1 ................. ··b.-.o. BBQ rest. Great loc. 10K Open 24 hrs a day 957-8589 ~ person ~3~ld:y iouae cept 2 edits. or 1 edit w/ 1 child or just 1 edit. POOi. lg kit. 2 patios. lg balcony wl bay view. 557-7e83 or 640-8339 MIF 3 Sr 3 Ba. home In prlv commty, 2 blka from b c h , fac, lrplc, 1360/mo. 631-7168 Biii Prol. M 25· nonsmkr. to 9hr 3 br home In CdM, pvt beth. 1 '~ bike to beach. Gar w/lndry Incl. $450. 873-2418 Female 18 -35 to llve aboard 57' Yacht In Newport Beech Calf Answer Ad •578, M2_.300 24 hra. Prof to shf Colldo, houN, all amenities S285. 882-2448, te&-8.479 F non•mkr to lttr 2 br duptu , !/Side C.M. 1226 Incl. utlla. MS.-7220 Shr 38r hM. 1225 mo. UtU Incl. plUt I 100 MC. dep. S.A, 131-1191 aft 5pm. Bal le. s Dr 11011••· no"•mkr, prof, MI F, 12IO + utll, ·~aft. 7 WESTCUFF BLl>G .. E NP".JR• 8£ .:.( H . ..... .. . .... Cal' Mr flo.,..,rt 64~ 0101 apace for '""· 8'>PfO•. 524· 7908, 776-1130 7 d•Y' a week •QUOf'S 0811 ...tl 2.000 tq.h . of PY1 ornc-.1---------Jacuzzi, Sauna Locals n:-a•• IClllrltU INC Hwy. CdM : • "'1" General wor1t -'*" 11•31 as well •• tour11u. ~~~~~~~~~jl~~~~~~~~ Went Ads ca11 842-5678 • We are-kina '°build a labor pool of qualified., reception room. Prof. ~ Wulffl ~ BankAmerlcard, Master -gr.phlc ans ptt90C1.MI for two departnmua t.n • • • decofated >Ont k>catk>n ••• •• ••• ••••••••••• •• Charge. American E•-our Pf'e--Pf'81 a.rH .. U you have ex~ ln 10 Al lhe ~s Fwy & HatbcW NHd $30.000 3rd TO. 01 •11 I rompoalna room (JI" camera depanment work-~ BIVd. exit. For more Info very large equity -tllf· ~~e~!· 7 t~~';45"'_34~~~ end are lnteresl«I m nr.vapeper pl'Oduc:tion. ~ call weekday•. 751-6191 front home. 642-5583 2 l t2 Harbor Bl. CM consider the opportunities offen!d by the Dally~ FIEE REIT #il::J:', fnll Your Car Reflects You '( (. <Q) ) ) Pilot. , ~ Lrg office tulle w/aml vu ••••••• ! ......... !!~¥ Cuatom Wax & Oetall . _ We are aeeking 10 incttue our i-n·tl.n\e..it: of bay. All or P•" from I I umn Re••·. Tony 547-82-41 llNTBD labor force: full-time openlnp may <k>velop Int ~ $1.50 pr ft. 2 moa. frH ... ' •-a. COEDS • Would love to 1he near fulure. -:, reot to quefllled tenant rflllt -· •· with c 11 S We are most interested In people with lkllll r')-*-m .,, .. * C .... i:u5 ••••for info. S~1eJ1%1~ In 1at & 2nd party you. I ue t .,, -""'"v .,..... ... 9 or K a t h y a n y ti m e . In lhe following arNS: l From 1 room lo 3 room1. --------fD'I nee 1"4 953-9363 Paste-up . i.~. From $1.16 a sq, "· No UYFlllT IFFIOE Robt Saltler NH/CM iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil r le8M reqUlred. Adj. Air-Fully lmptOYed 15001q ft R.E Broker B<I Realtor• ad bulJdina or~ make-up i q port• Inn. 2172 Dupont. Saytlde/Jamboru. 842·2171 545-0611 LmA I Ymt'I ( { ) experieno! dftirable. • c ~ caM AM 833--3223 Avall. lmmed. ~925 •·w-1_00_w_H_AS_W_.,..,or-.,,.T ..... O'-. PHOTO MODELS ) .c ID·-_ RE Loens. 10K Up. No escoRrs10ANCeRs Proofreader , r -nH -·-Credit Check, No P•fl· OUTCALL 24 HRS Copy Typist ,~ ee1 Dover. NB. 831-3851 any. oenn1eon & Aaaoc. MMHl _,.,. Office for rent. eoo 1q. fl. 873-7311 ~~~~~~~~!!I N BAYFRONT Prime office. 173-1003 IUlnNl on S. E. Brltlol, $350. THERAPEUTIC MAS· ewspaper •INIT mTll per mo. U5-1080: All•t•wa•lf/ SAO! Wit ..... , of r~eptlon, 5'4~50 l.....it / For Men l Women, by ,, w .... • ~ I 9' ~-.6 certified me11eur. NB c cont. room, kltc:h, phoM, LAGUNA BEACH·Oown· _, ••-780 3825 • 841Cretati.I ' wotd pro-town. 500 tq " 1275. ········~············· ----------a r [I ers f --.., Mell l ---Stop by 333 3'd St. or .. .., Ml fl# Of routes· ;;;;:"':vd. ~"="ii Call "!13) 393-2347 .. ~, ................ ~----1 -, -·-· SWEET 8UCCE88 ::x-;"'d;';••··········· • H t• gt Bea h dulred. Ca I: Judy. Ocean vlew. private Of· Con9rate lo Etaln• Al· ,...... f an Un an on C 1 n•neo.o100. ncH. Newpo11 Center. k-of H.8. for tolo'lnO ,.,,,.,,. 1#1 ··""-T•lePhone, tecretarlal, In en elrpl•ne for 181 ...................... fountain "alley & Newport Beach IJltctAIW omca In Can-offlc• HrVICH •v•ll. time, 711 1112 • Credentleled tMChtf In Y 1 nary VIiiage, 1450/mo. a 2 0 0 I m o & u P . my llOIM Morino mttf\, ltoil• t7Mtt2 7•to3e. left I f~.J P.!lf r-"'I Or-.. l<'-4. Mn Auto Pert TyDist "'.~. with l)'pe!IC!ttJng a6illty .11: Abllity to work faat and ICCW'lw.iy under1! pttllUl'e ~· nex!ble howw and days. ' ~ Offset Camera r- Production Operation .. ~ Strinnln1. ~ Experimm ln~hin.s half*"9 work .. mi.t ~ ltrippinc OT~ ttpeNooe~ Piue produtUon.orienwil ~ wlio ean wortt~ • LUXUAY OfFICI IUITI ••••••••l';'t"l'Z•••• •• P\ltlfttfl IMl-t151 IAVI ~ • 111 WITm Ou•tom decor, 9 lan -----•••l-...;,_------1 w• .,_. ~ ..._,...,. Ola. -· .,.... 1,012 tQ lobby l 2 l•rt• Heo. NI. t1ome '*NII ft. ~ MINI Me-offtOlt, t16 tq, 4' .. M11Y l~&ly hllhl.Y ...... Nllhta. l~ I Mn.Up ; ::=;';;';;;;:;;::j·..!'~IMiilldtiii. ~ .. i'1'i ... ii•ii"~I term•, av all. Im m•d. ·-· iiiii ,,.,... lot. et OOfntr of "''e'M ,,_ ..... tlllllr ..... r-.~~ & : ... •=er-:-::,":. _ .. __ ..... ~"!!"· ""!"""~--...... ""· "' ....... . '"'" ... 11 .. ''"'' ........... ,.... ==' ;"C~=.1=i===~=~=::=1 ----'°'i1.iF ( f(UI) ADS ME FREE A • • Goodl ...... 1 hperTrlpl .. , ... , ...... I • --- Abllhy to "*' ~ fw • "11Nty ol ..... .., it and C'Ol'l\l'llertUI IMMN&a. 111,.,t.Me •ll ,tlf •lacU'onkl IMltwp ......... -.,, -7 .., • AWUly "'t~ 'WMlld M ~ ......,..,....._..,....... .- Ttt. DeUy PU•t 11 a:. ...... •PllW'Hle,.ti\ • ... , •• ,., ...... '"' .... ,1 ..... llllYNlli .. ...., l JIZ:JllAWlrr ' '•········································· I Orenge Coat DAILY PlL.OTITUMd1y, July 131 1912 I .tllf!IA.u •• 1.1• A'll..fll.'11. •••• 1.'. ,,,,,,,,.~ .. ·.:.::·IMf /m!('1. •••••• u.i~ff fmlffr.~t .. ll!f 111.'lc.ft« ...... IMf t.lrt11J.'1/m •• ll.. 11.f.'1.~~ .. ••• ~At~1.lf~ ...... '1!111.'111. ......... . 1tiiini1&1t T1L1tttto .. 1 1011011ott -.. ~ 11pt ~111 W1 .,_,. ..., ~.,. •fllll & trlr '°' 1t10 foyo1a. 1ono oed I~ 1!.ll _. ffff 6MJ'-.,,1 l'M'd Qo16Me l'M ~ 1•1.os~ ...,., ~ aeO(I ~· 640 Uted IPOt'llflt ~ on oll•r Xlnt ooni. '"'" ,.,,..., ... ...... ... -.. _, ,_ - - -. _...,., olt eklll• ptl lwe l lat. llAU I L 1111den1 Of\lv!t101•1 1 W• ~ eno .,.. ~•v QUiell ... M.o or"" !'1< "'•' .. •,"••, ~~"'~ .nr............. ... m,..··::,;:,:;;·,··,::fI·.,· rm.,mi= ...... 'fill"\ f'f , Nf Ob. Airport t O,.LHI MOQaLI 1~1A~ UI. 146-tfOt ~l,__ MN otnel9nrunl ll\OW HM001, IA0.1HO ofter 131-3103 ec .... ~ Ofr Nu C*'tl <IH.4122 1 t NOft•lfl'lllr. C•ll Nanoy, '"DAY . MID QAILY lft ..... ~:n ....... rnf lkllnt1 wind """n1. , •• Ho• Cit. )'tlllow ._, ~-..... , ... ,.to no •llD • '*' • 11.,.1113 h rlV ttOO Walnut Tw" ltln IUff•t l•llle, le119r C'., Meting. tennla, 9'111 '" l!U"'IM .. 111 Like .... ._ I •~\.Naint We ..,..._.WI ~ "-' ' • • actfm"" VllnitY °'*l etOtl t=t:'oeo ~Of· ,o~~t· brok ~1·0~1no. MW. 12100. e1u1u llTM't ••••••••••• '-!f 'ta llM'a Ire httl :rLt:rn. :::::a.,.,•w~ ..:f 'iuo1" and Por· TIA/~ table bed• .,;Int• ' ,., 04 .. AM 0 0 no.~ or I I ov• --------· '71 TOY OT A ttlOICUP Nice lelectlonl ura.m ~ Pl I ........ 1i.n oontrol perlOn to PIMW m•tt.' All!O, 1 f'Mlble loP Homellte 1201240 v . 4 0y, ~l~d·~~ 1778 llLANO "37 NI Sllp * lllT llU * * "11 320!. a11to . tn/rt, lft(.h) lfltl ~rate Hobatt lllcet Aeep fOt p too .. alng OOtftmOde W/lge mirfOf, I 11/p, o•ner11or 'I 1 Xlnl financing 169,000 8po« MoOel, gr•at ml• (<131VCK) ...... ,,... If ltw 1111 ••P•t Pt•l'd, 01.11 wlll annuity & '"' OM' ••P 638-1814 mdl. l.IMd 2S "''· ltHO ~Ion 70010l, 243 Prtv•t• patty 499-"820 .... OUlt WhMll, Ola :1~~~e=e)luto. tow ~=' H.,bOf ltvO. • .... . 1-.ln. l :lSOAM to IPM req. Cell &40-0123 7 pc. glrl'l llHn1oet or firm. l ob &41·1130 Caliber. wlleutolo 2•7 lido 14, U32<1, 11H ol 811 Interior and more l '* ·eo 32oi; 5epd , lc>e· 01t<Nn GrOYe ltw II ..... , MOn·Thur. OAM lo IPM TypaMlltr nMded, lem· youno•r. 1 yr, 010 . •cope ''211 • Pll 111 moortng tor 1 mo (16078&4) Juat Mid r .. dedl(IBOvo201 lllff·•A...a--N~~~ 84H\day. Appty 10AM t,o poriry poeltlon rrorn Ju"J. .. 001080, S..e.8211 lfllftll.,,..I• e•l-G3Gl 11780. 875-0349 111e1. liable Plrly 10 mike • ·77 830!, an/rf, low _...., 11 Of 2PM 10 ~PM Lori • -...... --.--..----••••••• •• ••••• ••• •• 1m111 monthly pm11 No L= • 23 to Avg. 3. I AM·GP • KING INNE"Stt"INO IX· WMeiohelr. 1.,.,_11 Jen. -.,.,,._ 17' Flbergl111 Sloop w/ old c;ontract1 to aaeume mla (8•2TRT) ("' , / IOtcMn 3077 S Hatbof lOll wflttt ••Pit rtq'd. TRA FIRM NU.,._ Mt, nlnOt ~. OOl<I \llnyt • r~,, trlr )(Int cond. 11000. ph No baek "Mii <lu• Aak * '79 ,,. 4 IPd .• AIC. l1• Ill• Ill • ; ~· rarbOf I I C11rlagt 638·3939 naYet \!Md, worth U30, w/"*'91 fMIUtM. )(Jnt lfnH "" 037·13H lor Ao1; 842·4400, (<188Xl!0) 2600 Harbor ltvd ~ .A n.""•t. OoOd corr.....,. T\.. e1c;. &248 d•I. Hev•r cond. '300 ...._..114 •••••• ••••••••••••••• ---------t 558·1008 Proto l /M * '80 3201, 5 IPd enlrl, ·01 3&08. rbll .no. .... C°'11 MN 5'0*'100 •At•I/ Art l Int, d~n .,,,_ ,.... '.{ ••d ,. •en 1 0 1.. M1r•nl1 A11IO Sltreo. lllf OAT 1210 A/C (859ZOK) lh1n 500 ml N-bat·I !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ..,._ plet, <llc11p11one. An/ II .. u •• ., , n N•v•Jo lndl•n rug• lop A .. I CAR "00 10 I ·---------1 I I I h 0 t 1-~.':!n~;i.~~,~~ F~ Cuetomer Htvkl• btctl· Utt, OHh only, ti 18 qlty, collector'1 lt•m•. :'n':"~rtll ;~und, 1110 1183-5272 ·~~ti!1;d 3~0JiD2~1: 2011 w"1!;.• J!n~• Ana ,;'t{,·, ! u le' 6; 0 I ~":t 1tN llllUI 1n1er11la111, Mtt. Pope, ground helpful lot a 1111 ~:~·73~!ually hom•. ottoer.. 2 "" <lr!ll'1, 125 or/bo 840·0H5. encl van plu1 llllBi'" Cloted Sunday _•_9_4_·11_8_7_& _____ -t Elegant• Oii, 25,000 ml, 7,,,... ........ 4..... paceo olllea 111 me<1la11 " • "" ... 8 pc Coml91'11P<>faf'/ .,..-.--------1 1 9 a1n1 cond. 1 owner. l tO, .....,. ...,. field. Oood beneflt1, ... chin• eet, wht/brwn BC:AUTIFUl 211" ACA 1Htl1 11111 ' OOI oller 979' OOO CHOICE INVENTORY 111111IO TUii 900. 979·7200 d y1 tu y ne,ollable. Call **I BtJY* * $100/oflu. 848·8591 Color TV ..... 2 YI' winty ,,,,kl 1010 ~!1 413~ or 561•3680 If· VOLUME SALES 8tacll w/11n Int., Oottl 876-0558 alt 8PM ,._ 63fHH Otwn 12·2 Good ......... F nit • evMl'#tlnda. S148 Fr .. Oell1191Y, ....................... ___ P______ & whls. IO ml, IOlda<I. s21,1--T-ll_E_W __ l_E_l1 __ C'-IUI ... ~ W'•IHlll/H• .... """"" ur ure '" ,,.__ TV John'• MS.1788 Sttp avail • up to 30'. CdM '72 Ford Camper Spec;lll 900 S7H203 •• IJnlW -.... Appll~OA I w4fl Mii vnw way Alftin9 tleket LAX tree 19 00 pr ft Ptgg'Y with cabovtr ca p Sllarp 91\ergetle pereon or SELL lor Yov to JFI<, QOOd to Avg. 2. Teak 1tereo cablnetl w/ or Terry 1-955.2473 wk· N-tlr•• 6"2·85'0ever 80 92<1 T11rbo, to.did '80 SELECTlll l I I I II h 0 ft I for 1hlpplng/recelvtng & 11&11111 &111111 1100. 750.80&4 bltln PlonHr & T .. c day• 9.5 I 0 I 111 OLA ll E II 924 Take O'N leuet or 1111model,1ow mllN-s.I •• ' driving. N11t appear an· 141-1... IH·Hll 8UTCHl!R Bli., cutting lbl. tqulp. S 1000 661·'119 W t II. 10 Ill Ith llJ1W 714·825· 1808 OI Cedltlace In Southern ce, good driving reciord & Rec;k, •hell, dr•wer. Stereo corner group w/ II • ' W V1•1 IS10 5 1 5 L 04 356C, wnlte, reblt eng Cat1forn1a1 S.. u1 todlyl Tll• Clanlllecl Advertl· :~"u~u~~';~~;~':'"' I Ill PllllTlll Show frlu . S200. record pl1yer 8 am/Im. thrl , •• .,I w1tar, ·~77vw·;,;;;~;;;·.;;~· •:to~'.v~4:'c:~~~J' &trans.Manyiitru Very 1111111 ~ o,:;i:n=~:'o;!: LAt 957-8133 ~7·583 1250. 545·1320 l1ttrt1td I• IHI * MllT SUL * LI Habra clean.17.000 842.0<1<17 OAllWC nlno fOf • re.ponllble. New lull·tlze mattreq Ht. Garmoe door opener, JHtl I lf1tl•I terll IHta. Oafl bt· Super Clean, low miles, 122·HH 73 911T, air, alloy1, 2800 Hlfbor Blvd 1nfhu1lutlc per1on. #11161•"•• $05 New que•n 11ze. good working cond. we r A 4 # 4 IO, removable r11r bench Open Sunday Blaupunkt. 11lnt cond COSTA MESA u.. ... , "8119 p<evlou1 ,.,... ••••••••••• ••• • ••••••• $ tOO 750 5832 $50 842 9282 L•/-1at nats. Enjoy great mllea· Mu11 Miii 19300 OBO. ~ ..... e11perlence hllJ.•11 1005 . . , • • •• ~.~"·••••••••••• 142·4100 U Ian. g e and c • rr Y the '77 530l. lully loaded, blk 538-2887 ICO 1810 lrtc;ludlng typing approx.••••••••••••••••••••• 00101 BUMPER POOL TABLE l#•lllJ 1010 --------NEIGHBORHOODI w/tan Int, $7895 lor --------•----·---- 4J wpm on IBM Seltc· &ITIOll IOE llX II 11111, II. Otll BALLS & CUES • •••••••••••••••••• ••• PIER (679SWHI Ju1t need r• Qutck Hie 646·8468 70 91 l ·E Targa. 18995. or ·79 Eldo Dl11e1 18995. trfc. Salery plul com· BRASS HARDWARE 140 Ill Hl-lllO 175 968·'537 1981 UVA UP TO 28 11 5150 mo liable party to maka C. I lllS ~:17°~~r~d:. 496 8313 Eiictt mpi•· A1 cond mlallon. <10 hr WM!( with $950 968-..537 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Furniture & cpl lor ••le JET Sii 873•8145 small monthly pmta. No .!/! ••••....•••••• •••• · · · -· Loaded 6 5· 7253 an oeeuton11 Sat. mot· Large dresser, Ci rce lrom Big Canyon Home old contract• to ~. '81 Ceprl as. 5 spd, AM/ l1•••lt 11SS .59 Cad. 2 door. good nlog. Eacellent company 1930·1940'1 Dark wood, IUI AaU all Call 64<1·88!9 Stock, never raced IEW"IT IUOll No back pmtl d~ A.-FM CHMtlt, eu11om Int. •••••••••••••••••••••• body & Interior. runa lair bllflellt1 lnelu<llng midi· hta\/Y with 1crOll work 12x15 blua/green tW941<1 Poot table, 9 It. prol. w l $1600. Call 5•5·697<1 or 30 ,<IO'allpsavailable lor Rose 8 <12·<1<100, PS, PS, air, only 7.000 IEW S500 or best Oller Oil, dental, Ille fnsuran· MUST SEll. Sacrifice w/lrlnged ends, 130 cues. r 8 ck . c 011 er 6<12-2073. 556•1711 556· t008 Proto U M. mt. S7200 1173·5267 ,12 la•Hff la Car 54,.2 !68 ct , credll union, etc. $599. 549-0576. Call at· 636·9832 $ 1500/0BO '"42 6"53 I F •M ---------0Pt>IY for advancement. ler 5pm, most weekdays alt 6 " • u IHll, lflrlH BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE ' I 011 VU Ir e./t 1111 Many to choose lrom. '11 IHllll Cell lor appointment tor ~·!f•••I H30 Newport Beach 25'. 28'. Reblt eng • n-Urea, HD •••••• ••••••••••• ••• • • Immediate Delivery 59K ml. e•~ ... nroot C.llECT.I PLATES Pecan w/glass Inlay eolfee iiiftiiiiiiMl-.::::A"M;;;;iiM 1 l>Od 5,.8 \27• (0093<1 ,1 ....... -Interview. 6'2·<1321. exl & end tables/well units m-ht... ... . .............. 3<1 '. 35· & 40' Call ono y • .. '74 COLT. 2 dr. 8UIO, $6795 540·6<172 277 IMARI STYLE Et-ant sora tied $.<IOO 8 10 20· tong. 36c per fl 30' Ot\llng/Swordflah work 642·464<1 9 to 5pm .1Slll W.••IH •sH •Int running condition. 14111 C. lf•1a CHtt $29.95 8~!860 775.1491 anytime baat $2500 (no engine) '!••••••••••••••••~•••• good Uri's, 72.000 mt WE'VE GOT FUEGOS' •••rl Jf/1 I llJ PH t 22k gold lrtm. Ltd sup· ----------------at Hans D1cilman Boa11. 1Ht1 '""I WE PAY S1,895 1157·2819 HAllE ct&IT •••••••e,•••••••••••••• a t ply. Order today 1<1k UIEllGU OllmY WESTERN SADDLE but call 645-0756 lkf IOIO &110/.IHP/HUILT hevrole1 330 W. Bay St. goto chain given rree E•qutslte reproduction S250 (ofler) J p ~o •••••••••••••••••••••• 0 DOLLAR • CWll LOVEH • Costa Mesa. CA 92626 w / 1 8 1 2 0 0 rd er 5 Windsor chairs at ehown ____ 6•_•_·_•5_2_3___ NII f'Wll m T p D•I••• 1110 252<1 Harbor Blvd, CM. 11 you really love Ca· Equal Oee:y Emp:rr 645·<1840, e11t 202 In "Country Living" 75 Kirby. needs tune·up ..... ,................ 1981 OYA ...................... 549·8023 6<15·7770 maros. g•ve me a call I megezln1t 640•23 u S80lt>est olfer PAllC SALE! JET Sii FOil USED O&llS • JI I f1Sf have a bunch 1ncluOlng l&Lll OUll • SIOO llEWAlll • •PPI 536-4557 LOST MY SLIP aw llAllll .! •• ! •. !1.~ ............ tully loaded BERLtNET· Ofug store: cesnler. co-It .ffstlHI Ash4, 2<1' Drake Cabin Cruiser S tock, never raced "ITllC/1111&111 T AS . TV PE LT and ametlcs. delivery. Min. Formica kitchen table with 12000 F /P $1600 Call 5<15-6974 or 2,80 Harbor Blvd # 1 DEALER IN U.S.A. Z28's Just need reliable age 25. Daye, nights. 20" brass btrd eage wl2 llVHCE Ul.E1 6 chairs 160 ( t946.wood·Chrysler _s_,_2_.2_0_7_3_____ COSTA MESA party to ma lie sm111 weekends. Apply 81 Port mechanlcel orange sin· A divorce forces the sale 557·8393 1301 41 4 OO RJY' CAJ{\/ER monthly pm1s No old Pharmacy. 3 130 w. Bal-&~~go:l~~~in:u'i~lj~n o; or 3 beaut. couchea 8' iiijiiijiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Value $6000 ,, •• , .. ,,.,,.. I . • nrv r "-~ con1rac11 lo assume NO bo8 Blvd, N.B. 875•064" couch & matching 5' SACRIFICE Newj)ort Ed 534•8940 •••••"°••••••••••••••• 141·1411 ~ 1"-.../l~L.:. back pmts due Ask lor 71<1t540.<1058 plaid loveseat. per1 tor Belich Tennis Club --#olorilHllkn 1140 _,_tAtH 4W'0111aNllfl Rose 842 ·4<100 SALES. II you are over <10 tam11y rm Tan. rust & Membersh!E I ~f.J 42' H Matthews. lwn dsl •••••••••••••••••••••• WE llY NIWPOll"~ tll•l&«>l>M" 556·1008 Proto L/llA ll)d a "go geller" lhls ts AHliHtll 1010 drk brwn s 100 both Y~&-~rsJee 50 F Bnstot $59,500 pp (213) 198, Burgandy Pucn CLUI CA·• ClOSEO SUNDAYS f~ you. Attend our lree •''••••••••••••••••••• Gorgeous 10' cresenl· 6 9 6 · 2 5 6 1 ( 7 I <I ) Max• $265 n a;,,;,;;~~i;;;;ii~~;;;;;.:.11 Z21 CAIUll '11 product demonstration HARBOR AREA shaped couch w / 760-1178 Call Doug, 640-5100 AID TllUCIS SHi 1161 ~nd learn more about APPLIANCE SERVICE ma1ch1ng uphol Ibis Sleeping bag $25 Genuine Ti I f1ZJ •••••••••••••••••••••• Sliver and btacit, many extru $3500 or bell ofter 7141631-47n 'ltlls opportunity Call lor We sell recond .• guar. Down lilied cusnions. army surplus. Contact Classic 18' Lepslrake lfot1rt1d11/ .!!!~!•••••••••••••••• lWE A 1112 WI ·,I m e and PI ace appliances 549·3077 Pale yellow lloral w/ Charles oft 6, 645·2731 Century bay l>Oal. 4 cyl, StHllll IJSO OIAllE COtln'I 100 Tllll 4 lffl - 5_4_6_·_1_t4_4 ______ 1ELEC range. microwave. camel & grey accents FLIGHT JACKET Med Grey. S3500 675•6161 •••••••••••••••••••••• •111s sell·ctean oven Show New S 1.800 Sec S500 S25 Genuine Army sur· t6 11 Thunderbird 50 HP t980 Honda CX500 OILY AITIHIZEI -prtze S975 S.7·5839 All in greal cono Hurry• plus Con1ac1 Charles alt Ev1nrude, Trailer N-· Fairing. Trunkcase Al· FERRARI $328.60 C61rrol1t JIZO .•••••................ SEE US FIRST! 11 you're 1n X·Avon. ---------848·3396 6 6•5·273t port Harbor Mooring ;12°;~0~0 7~o:>,.:;'~~~ IULElllllPI Book, Mary Kay. Fran· I llY APPLlllCES Carpet. btue-Qreen 24 sq REGINA CARPET 52250 <71'1 985•8007• 559·9299 per month plus tu 48 month closed end lease on approved ere. dlt Come in & ask lor Oeta11s1 we nave a good selec· lion or NEW & USED Chevrolet•' chlse door to door or Les 957•8133 yds 525.00 545_ 1097 (2 131 <1<12·3240 da yacuum sales pereon, SHAMPOOER. 16" 13' Boston Whaler. 40hp ·79 Yamaha XT 500 Xlnt tiave I got a deal tor you Freezer $200 Wasner & ANTIQUE MAHOG. DBL. _s_1_2_5 ___ 5_4_8·_9_4_90_A_M_1 Mere under warr S3900 cond Low mites. sac Big comm New llem, dryer $ 125 ea. Dish· BED. nr new matt/box Misc mattresses. cou· Mllct' 5,8•9001 " $1200 wk 759·0700. nm easy sell. Need mgu. washer S 100 646-58<18 sp $225. obo. 675-<>638 ches. " posler bdrm sel ' 548·8275 ~~~ ~:_~;~M only Mr u;a~~er r.cGou81~elre5r .d's'a",: Sngt bed. $20. loveseat. Wiii sell cheep <195·9110 ·~~u,:/PI~~ h~~: ~~~·-.-,,-,-,-.-,-.-,-,,-1-,-1-ri-- ~ 0 $20 table & ' chrs. $50. • .. .• ~o s.les tier. white 5 yr old hard ro ck mapte 0/11Nfsr•it•11 dal . au!o pllol •••ll~lllNI /" Men & women lo call on <19~80 r.. . IOIS 642-654oev ••••• ,.· ................ . businesses. unique lun -R-el-r-1g_/_w_a-sh_e_r_sl_d_ry_e_r_s 6<16·7342 ••• ~~!f~~~! ......... ·73 32' Lullra Spor11lsher, ~~~! 8~~~11~~~~~h~me. tob. must be aggressive Many 10 choose lrom. Klngsize waterbed Mor-Like new Exec desk & chr. twn 225 Chrys w/Np! 645•8616 1 call dosers. Only those SlOO/up 859_0682 gan Wavelesa mattress. side chr & desk set. all .B ch s 11 P s 2 8 . 5 0 0 . ---------who know they are 1he custom lreme. comp for St75 552-9553 all 5<16--035t ah 5 For rent 20' molor home bes I c e 11 tr om REFRIGERATOR $250 or bes1 Oller 6PM Very clean Compl 10AM -2PM Mr Tull Like new. lrost lree, 551--0278 Arcniiecrs melll plan Ille, ... ,,, le•t equipped 873·5133 ~8--<1167. 2 dr $165 893-9060 Large section at sore. 10·dwr wlbase. sand ctr. Ci1rlll IOSO r. II r J I 10 SALESPERSON Marine Whirlpool lrost·free free-be•ulllul <100 yds good 540-<13<1 1 eves, 497·3374 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1• Ir~ t•n l hardware store. Fttlme. zer. 18 cu It, like new: c ar Pet $ 4 0 0 Ca 11 dys CAL 3-H SlPI I 5;;;c;;j, 7·,~~·t;,;~~~p:.; Boating exp. nee. Full co. $300. 549-0156 6<1<1·8819 N w Pt cond . b tl·in heat er beneflls. 71'·83 t·9333, Uk .,,___ Cold Large 3 piece U Shaped 631-36001<19<1·4806 $2500 49<1·8232 e ,_ ....... s apot Imported country English Wooden R.eceptlonlt1 contact: Gary. up<igfll freez.; $160 or b • n ch $ 3 5 0 Dys un11 w/drawer&. S 150 40 Viking for Charter ft•illll UtiJilY 1110 best offer. 75g...9350 631·7309. eves 673-6399 673-72<15 Fishing d1v1ng & en· ••••••• "/. ••••• "I' ••••••• S1l[S t er I a I n men t Ca It ft Holpolnt Frost Free Re· Antq wicker dresalng 7 high x 5•.,· wooden adl 662·2788 ftlephone solicit ors lrlg, Ice ml6ter, like,_, lable $300 Circa 1915 shell unit $150 ---------1 wanted. no oper nee. almond color. $300 631·2134 873-72<15 Tues thru Fri 9 AM to 12 6<15-1320. ,..,, S.il MO ·····'················ CIST• TIUI PM Made lrom Ford Courier boat w/lopper, nu pelnl 536·9832 noon. Appty Pennysaver. ---------1 Beaulllut 7· carved Oak Recep11on Vyntl Wood 1680 Ptacentl1 Ave, Remodellng Sare. Avo· Eng . sideboard ""1 Couch/ Table combine· ~~'!111~~~~~-I~~~~~~~~~ Costa Mesa. eado Tappan Oas Range beveled mirrors $700 !Ion 575 I S L A I D E ll 1275 Avocado Vent S31·213<1 673·72<15 YACHTS' SECRETARY/ OrOtr Desk Hood $75 10 Unit Kit· C Full or P/tlme. Smalt Npt Chen Cabinets pecan fl. ryatal beaded Victorian Hayes Modem for Apple II lllEL YW Ben branch sales olc nish $350 All less rhan 2 chendeher $300 compurer w/lop line M arine b usiness. years old 496-0174 or 631•2134 sollware $300 Drew Cll$EllT SALE 213/681·2613 492·0502. Solid Oak upholsrered 536-0<149 ISLANDER & FREEPORT Grand I at her rocker -,-, ------.-.... -1 SAILBOATS ll•nUY/EXEC. REFRIGERATOR. like S350 631·2134 I I .-•Incredible savings New bank (In organlza-new. tros\ free. •wo-door •••••••••• • ••••• •••••• •Special ftnancing ttonl has lmmed need $165 893·9060 Beaut lrg cocktaJI table lla1••oli Plttas.Mh •Slips evaileble A•I• S.mt1, Pull I Au11u1in HOO ••.••.•.•••....•.•..•. LITE BODY WORK & paint/up to 5Cl"I. ott your t>ody shop es1 536·9832 All Cnevy truck par1s· •' ton 10 diesel Rbll lransm1111on from S 165 & up 554· 1850 '•• ....... '" ...... llHllYll l~-Curs. Bugs, Campers. 914 s. Audi's , Ask lor U/C MGR ~~ . IEACM IMPORTS COMHCLt CHEVROLET ")\,,.II 1r'• I I• ' JIM llAllH I 3100 West Coast Hwy VllllWAIH Nes~~48a8s8cn 8<18 Dove Streer NEWPORT BEACH ". \ \1 f ' . S4f>. I 200 18711 Beach Blvd HUNTINGTON BEACH 1'2·2000 WAllTED! Late mooet Toyotas. Votvos. Pickups & Vans Call us todav• Earle Ike TOYOTA.YOUO ,, .......... ... c .... ..... " 64'-UOJ er U0-'4'7 Fi11 f1JS 752-0900 1113 CIMtuT .·;3 ·F;;;·;2:·c~~~·a~;ci -s.-b.-,-.-----,-1-1-z' Has1~~~lf s~.:!'~10 •• cond AMI FM cass. 5 •••••••••••••••••••••• spcl 52500 673•6926 Sales·Servtee-Leasing nal miles Jutomatlc WllEIAOI 1rans power steering & B ' 1121 brakes. a" cond & more• • .'.'!.~•••••••••••••••• 1111&111 Could use some body llllA MllTillt 111-2040 411-4141 work & paint Good W h t 1 Bel 1ransporlat1on. Asking e can e P ore you ~ t f16S S 1000 or best ofter Call buy. cneck our unbeata· .!!!'.! .... •••••••••••• Dawn at (714) 4193·8 t81, ble selection. savings ·72 Mark 11 Wag0n $895 or e•I 508. 7 00 10 A oo and service! otter Air, AM/FM Cati weekdays (M·FI (7 14) UllYERSln _66_2._2_7s_s _____ , •93·671s wee1cenos t. SALES I SEIYIOE ·71 COROLLA $695 olr evenings (not aller 9 00 2850 Harbor Blvd GOO<l transportatiOn p.m please) WI MY COSTA MESA 662-2788 MUST SELL! ~g~~ ~:~~ ~!~~~~~ __ 5 __ 4_0_-_9_8_4_0 __ T!!!~t~ •••.•.•.. !.~~!liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii FIEE APPl.Allll 7 8 Honda A ccor a '76 TR7. lo ml. yell. gel Need~ll!,?.?~~'6eo Cormier·DeLlllo Halchbk, new au1omallc, cond. new ures. S3.200 6<12_.336 CIEYallET n-Sony AM/FM cass ...:9;:63~·=1=990=:::---;;;;;;Al1~~~~~~~~ 18211 BEACH BLVD radio. good cond 13600 V1lhw••t• 1111 75 Vega " spa, good HUNTINGTON BEACH <197·3958 ....................... . '7<1 s B $2 800 cond $1500/ bst olr 14l·IOll, 141·3331 Honda. Toyota. Datsun, bestu~r. ug. . or 963·5018 all makes. S 199 does II ---------No 1st or last. no depo· 642·1'85 73 Monte Carlo. 1tlnt Top Dollar 511. No lie fee Delivers --.7-2_$_U_P_E_R_B-EE_T_L_E __ I cond. clean t:>ody 1n11de any l.Ja'8 Ouys any car s 1900 & oul recently rebu•ll Paid over our cost All Savers Call 846·7<161 engine $1000 559-t<16t lor MCl'etary with good w/2 lold dwn leaves S50 pr 642-2790 •Factory lours typing and related skills l itr.t/11 IOZO S350 548-5676 1, .•• ,, a Orr••• l"4A •Preview shOW1ng or the 2 Tires Kelly Steelbett For Your Car• EJtcel. salary localed In ••• •••••••••••••••••• Enltre contents ol l g !Br ••••••• !! .•.••.••• ~~ new Islander 41! under Navigator. n-$t00 JOM•SO• I st• 80 Prelude 28K. em/Im S•n Ctemenle Call GIRLS SCHWINN apt $1,000 You move PIANO. Samuel Brewer & consirucllon 857·2630 llioeli·ltrOI"' ~~~,~~~ :4e;_181~~:~ Leas1n<;1 7t•t634-0189 ---7-,.-v-w-4-t-2---1 10 Mal•bu 350 p 11 plb SQUAREBACK S 1595 air ra010 auto S 1200 8410-1296 846·8238 OBO 640-1281 <192-0411 lor app1 BIKE 535· 575.25•3 co London ctr ca •Door prizes ·' ·a 1 vw Rabbit t C'"!l.1J1r a•zs 675 0638 ~ New 1" 1h1ck grey low ,2626 Hart>or Blvd ---------conver . • '' -1 8 O O · s Sac $ 7 5 O •RelresnmenlS Cos II Mesa 540•5630 ·77 Accord. AC. xlnt cond loaded 5K m1 $9250. ••• ••• ••• • • ••••• • • • •• SEClnAlY D1n1ng Room Su11e 42ll72 6•2· 1<185 A once in a llletlme op-back ahtlepskln seat co-$4200/ofter PP 752·t784 alt noon 1978 Cnrysler Cordova O C Airport erea Cor· I '1'. llbte plus leal. 6 chairs. portunlly 10 take a<lvan. ~;~~7~~~W 320I) S 175 Premium prices 828-9664 Maroon/wn.te top Loa· porate headquarters ., 1•1 2 arm. Med1t by Stanley, Piano. Circa 1889. blk w tage of 1n1s talander ---------paid tor any used car ---------77 VW Rabbit asking $3. de Cl 6 3 0 0 0 m 1 Meklng personable sell· #•t1ri•l1 IOZS 41 Y''· hand rubbed fruit· antique Fr stool Yachts' special purchase A 1 •·J rroreign or d<>mMl•c) 81 Accord " dr, 5 sp, 095 2 dr AllAIF¥ cass. S3700t make oller starter for general oftlce •••••••••••••••••••••• wood lop, side serYlng $80010BO 6412-6553 alt plan •Ill 1or -I In good eondlllon 12K miles loaded. xlnt. clean 714·556·7280 71416'6·0255 duties. M u et type IYOW 310/fT, bar w/glass doors Ori-6 IAT 4 Sii •••••••••••••••••••••• See Us Flrstl 6SP7.?50 673·0058 af11-.6-9-V-W-Bu_g_G_ood __ c_on_d-f. -,.-1.-1,.-.-,.-,-.-1---H-J-I 8()wpm, accuracy essen-Redwood 2x6 decking. g1na1 $3500 Selling ---------• •• • IMPORTANT NOTICE ..., "' ·tial. Apply In person Mon 4•20• long: also redwOOcJ $1000. 646-5595 1936 Conover Cable J•IJ 11 u4 11 TO RE.ADERS AND good carpet & interior. •••••••••••••••••••••• h F 1 bt 1 , Grand Plano. Mint cond 10 ... _._ ADVERTISERS ·79 Civic. Auto trans. 14. 1500CC. $1700 or best Lincoln Cont1nen1a1 1 ru r • wn • pm. to leneing all Jim or Ken King Waler Bed & Heater $<1500 Call 875·2<178. -l'r• Th 1 1 1 d 000 miles $3WO oiler Call 673-0<191 * TlllR M••1 * Jlldy Giiden. 18013 Sky· anytime, 775·1<191. smatl wave Sl25 · Sponsored by lh• •pr ce 0 1 ems a • •-- ant C S , B t ' 7?0.0521 v-u----by vehicle dea· 548·8329 •-.---------· LO"" Slat .... as ,~ 111 P r u.te Mne 1-•and-n....-•-s ol s~· v• ...... 7• Dasner Siii wgn, ... ~ "" u • · • "'· • 673·72<15 "' ~ ..,...,..,.. · ~· lers tn 1~ v-.. k:le clas-'· w•lrU • S.,,," If. 61-1111 lhe C hf I '"' v-• .. •u•H• Qji• 1134 good condl1ion. $2200 or mate tn personal luauty Sec:retary to sm111 Labor LI 1 1 1130 -2-R-oc-ker-/L-ovn--g,-C-11-.,-,.-g-• ••• .'.':( ••• ~~ ••• !!..... iWitoiAOITI f1ed adver11Stngc01umns •••••••••••••••••••••• besi 551 •9612 or Righi now, live models Relatlons llrm. Lite •• :;,!!f!.~•••••••••• ouoman $150 For sele Industrial sewing does not Include any 70 GHIA $1500 551·3276 ue available. possibly bkpng DEC word pro· Super 8 Auto zoom. 673·7245 machine. $550 1922 Barranca Rd. applicable taxes. license, Runs great, some rual 1---------1 one tor you• Jus1 neeO- cesalng. 8-5. Mon.Fri. never uMCI $75 831·4059 Irvine. CA 9271<1 transler lees, finance ~888 11.11 ti.11 flhd 631·3527 '67 VW Bug. looks good. reliable party to make $1200 mo. 71<1-754-0609 552·9553 ah 6PM B · 1._1 114-141·1121 charges. ,_ lor air pol· l°•>:-1 J "'''·'.'Ho O.t:Wl ---------runs great. $2500 or best small monthly pmts No 11111 - • t' "'--~, 1-.. lullon control device -,,.,,, 1131 otr 642-0219 old contracts to assume Secre1ary p/I f~ church. "'·t IOJS •••••••••••••••••••••• •r..·' ,., -.,_ I •••••••••••••••••••••• 1---------1 Q9n ofc. duties Oepen· ~.! .•... ••••••••••• •• 2 yr old Oelawire Chief, • ••• •• •••••••••••••• certlllcel one or dealer Highest casn tmmedlately .71 Bug New engine, lite No back pmts. due Ask d 8 b i 111 y 8 mu 11 Himalayan kitten 12 lllty in training Stakes Lllton Night 1v81151on Gog· I ' IAllT 1211 documentery prepare· lor your vehicle Do· green. low mllel 51950. ror Rose 8<12·<1<100 . 6'5·578l u_..5 show champ .line producing mare In foal 10 glu, P•ld 00. sell lion charges unless mes tic or foreign . 673-4 195 evu _5_56_·_100_8_P_r_o_1o_L_1_M __ ......,... • A 1 1 D 1 $6500 675-8609. Flberglau '63·5272 otherwise specllted by 551 -8285 Secretary FIT Small En· Se a IP o In r . S 2 3 5 cq t rate e aware ....:..:=.:...:.:...::...:;=.:_--,l~L-;:ld;:o:-;-1.;-.-:d:;:a::r;;-k-;bl:;:u::,:-,-:: ..... :::7.11:'.:'e the adver11aer. '65 Squarebeck' poor '77 Mark V Cartier. tebrlc , 855-9471 Chlel mare, In loal to ~ .... t 1 $5 300 OBO 9' Lab: Good typing Aoqitlrate. Acq ltlrate Turn to today's classllled deck. 1979. Ullman salle.1---------A t /, tH cond. S<IOO or beat real in er or. ' akllle, shorthand requl· n..., IHO yearling lold. 597·7013. f or the best buys. covar. trailer. $2700. btif•ll/ .!.'.'1 • ."!/!.~......... offer. 5<15·8849 Evea957·01U red. 8·5. M·F Sal comm :-;-,.•••••••••••••••••• 597·2229 6'2·5878 586--6287 Cl111lt1 15ZO A•" 1101 '66 Camper Bu• Many 1•1' IHO •l•xper. 549-1083 AKC Doberman puppies. --:========!...=========:.!.:========:::; • • • • • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• 8 Jt t r 8 s. s 2 3 0 o . ca I I : • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • llO'l/llPT IGI champ Sired. show quar .... "A"tl '78 A11dt 5000. red w ,9,.5225, ,97_5377 73 9 Pus. Wgn. Air. A/T, Red or b I k . M I F Shay replicas; pickups & beige velour Int . am/Im HI UI ~ radio, 61,000, ml 1933 Sml ,_ olllol spec1111-968·8502 or 96<1...C522 .._ _ coupes. <I 10 choose stereo cass. ale. <I dr. 1-0I TOUI Voln 111 Anaheim.CM. ~u1;,~~11 ~~i~~rs ;~~~ -A-us-t-ra-1-1a_n_S_h_e_p_. _P_u_p_s. ~ ~:o~~1.<~(~~~~~rtl~~~t ~~~~~46!4800 ' o lf., *ITfOI04. :-70·v~i:;·;;;;:·p;;,;;~ !!~~~ ......... "-!~ processing desired, but chmpn llnea. blues & MU 11,ffll '72 AUDI 100SL """ & cond., new paint a ln1. '711 Zephtr z .7 stereo l\Ot reef<!. Must have ear. black trl1, remues only Looks • runs""""' $950 .m -n $1850. 675·97<16 rape, a1 • ~int ·~-d. lo Salary $1000·S1200 de· 2 1 3 I 9 9 5 • 1 5 8 2 .. """"' ,. ~ ~· pending on quellllca· 2t3178<1·1636 536·1789 fACllnl #1 Ytl" ltlltr ml. Best offer 851·123' ·tlonS. Call Ms Patton. Puppies ·~ Golden Retr... 75 AUDI FOX 1411 ... n. UllUW Ml JUI .. ., .... o...tyt 644·8518 bet 2·<1PM V9f Six lemele. 2 male <I Cir au10, new eng. ,__ ________ 1 'll •n. SUIP! ' Mon·Frl. S10 each 5<18-'1050 tr1ns. brakes. radials. lllltf'll II•• 1140 IALll, lllYIOI 2 dr, 6 cyt. auto. ps. al c. llLI IOllllEI MLTIE"" :~~.~~f $29001 OBO. ...................... All LUI• am/Im stereo. new ,.. for T lhlrts. Some •icpr. to .... , your ha81'1. AKC. • ••• ,, ... ,. OVERSEAS DELIVERY ~=· ,':,;. ~~=3rllnl. Morning Slln Shlrl Co. malt. fem11e 8 wk• Attention collectors! 1959 JllW 1112 ne4 ltrtt4at EXPERTS I~~~~~~~~~ CM. Cell S31-341M Shots, S150 & Up Ed1el Ranger In gooo ••••••••••••••••••""0 " It a ... 1- a.,ltt WIF••lllc 536-5028 running condition! ONLY •Jttihll thtt lllU •I !'H!!!!Ml! ...... !!f! 8•rlou• CUHr opply. 8t1utlful Red-Rust AKC Tl un 11•UIFIL IMllM Ill.I 15501 Call 042•207s or Compare HOUM ol 1m: *" atlllllU 'lt 9•11 Comm/Vac. •tc. Ool>«man Puppift. from 5•Me7<1. 11 no an•-· ports Dlrec1 IMae and eo 1900 Herbor Blvd. -•-..... s.<>..aast btwn 3·7PM Marlenburg Cll1mplon (or YM'd ............... , 9to.) pleaM keep trying mot aen1lble pymll. COSTA MESA -·-- .,.. _ UnM. OSA approved. 8 0 Pit '59 Ced, 2 door, good Dlel 213 or 71<1; MER· 141-IW MO-Nil 1111 ... lllPll ,.....,_ wee1c1. 493-4301. 1. Place your ad In tht ally ot body a Interior. run11a1r c E o es I e 2 1 3 or ---------1 loaded! Econoinlcal die-~ CIMetf'led leOtlOn (lt'a bait to run 3 $500 or but offer 71<11637·2333 t977 VolYo 242DL red. NI •nglnef H1ndsomet Golden Alt. Pupplee dayt for maximum ticpotUre). It YoU 5<14-2118. UU......... Haven't you Wiited long 11anderd trtna. stereo, (865YJI). M&F.A:~s.i~•.1150 peytoryouredlnedvencawe'llrun.lt3 MOTD Aepllc.,, 12.000 LIU• eno11gh to own a Me<· clean. tH~O/otr . •Y112111 ~Ir..~ ••••••••• CM. .... dayt end only chergt YoU for 21 ml. yellOw wltan top & 83l~2040 ,95-49'9 cedH Benz? Oon'l let 851·&993, 493*'9H ... ••~ 2• Get= FAEE a-Sale ...t..n1 (alt Int. t7800. 544.7577, aa.a••.. thltappor111nlly l)WyOu A -. n--J Dov910ulitStl. ----V 775·6337 I 02 I p by ... act nOW1 We If...,. I •-, •-N[W'°"T ~H r.; 11¥9 to do .. oomt In to the Delly 2 4 ~-oiw 1• kwy lentutlc Hleollon ol ••••• •••••••••••••••• ua ••• .. f .... In A..... 1-,.,d--~• Mlulon Vlelo _........... • OOIOr alla· lald HI ---t ca Pl)' or your .., ..,.enoe -.., ,_, (Awry 1!1dl off t·51 ~ 1 ev . •••••••••••••••••••••••---------.. w111 atve you two 11 x 11 8'0n• -,,..,_ 11.11 ""-8vn<S · Ill II r... 1114 FAEE of cN'gt). o;~·~·e:;:·t;ir.;: .,_. •v• ...... ·,·.··· lor 11'9 IWV9lt erid bMt ..... 1iil?=iii .... 3 . ....,._ ..--~of--andlM. van 1100 . ...._ llMd W HAh'I H lec:tlon of l\aw and ro--...1 ~ ,. ...... , 148.018& tLlllT 1301 Quell Street ueed 9uiclte In Ofange in,m~. 1 OW!* c:.. ~~.~: .... l!ff QO OAf'T, llbet9l 111, Indy body, t ... , ..,,. 1110\lf ,,, .. hto ... ,.. .• , NlWPp". T HACH County I~ 81trllftt eilYet & I'm bolt! & ua ,_ -1o~u14oeoo•. on1v ... .._ ... l.wino !f ........ :.11.f~ •1 .•• ,,.,m:a IOt' CARVER ~~ ~ =. KLEI IUJ.SfVll't·tt..M' ' 1en1 00"4. ~ooo "'' •1 Y..::t (lte) U1-llle ...,. • l#W'o•. 1,... NIOO f11·?11U1' I TA • -.,_..~ .. -. .. ,..... MO Mldttl C•""''' 'IO ; llM .,..., ""'·1 tt14 "It"' -.11 ltll .,..... =-~ ...... l•IP It Ml, ltaH• ftft,L '100/a•t, ,. ..-.. " .... ,, f OUlll ClllT Ylll 11111111 llllY Ml , I UI SOA Y. ,JlJI Y 1.1 I'll!/ OH ANC.l <:OUN I\ 1 Al If O HNIA )'i C f N l ~ Miracle tot: 'God gave her back'. METAIRlE, La. (AP) -The "miracle baby" who gave r escue rs something to ch eer about when she was pulled Crom the wreckage after a ~etliner slanuned into her family s home la doing "ju.st fine," and appeared at a news confere nce with a teddy bear to prove it. The tin y survivor is still providing inspiration -to relatives grieving the>loss of her mother and sister in last week's crash. "It's got to be a miracle," said Gabriel Trahan, grandfather of 16-month-old Melissa Trahan. "We thought she was dead but God gave her back to ua." Melissa, a blonde with hazel eyes who stands about 31 inches tall, met reporters Monday night wi th both sets o f h e r grandparen~ het"'doctor, and her family's pastor at F.ast Jefferson General Hospital, where ahe is recovering from injuries including second-degree burns on both feet. · Melissa's mother, Melanie, and 4-year-old slater Bridget d ied Friday when a Lu Vegas-bound Pan Am 727 jetliner alammed into the family's home and a dor.en others ln Kenner, killing all 14~ aboard the plane. Six others on the ground a1ao were killed. Mellaaa, who was awakened to meet the press, carried a teddy bear with the inacrlption "God Loves You" on its tiny T-shirt. She fidgeted with a shiny coin and gr aspe d at repo rter's microphones. Her maternal srandmother, Gerry Smith. said Mellaea was "fine, juat fine. We are all going to make it becauae of her." In addition to the foot burna, Mellua aulfered minor bruiJeS and abrasions, apparently when she fell from her bed and was trapped for two houn beneath a mattreM and a carpet ln the ruins of her home. She had been the first survivor found by rescue workers after Friday's crash. They broke into cheers and applause at the discovery. "She's doing fine. S he's a spunky little girl who'• been healing well," said her phya1clan, Dr. Gua Colon, a plastic aurceon and bum specialist. "She'll need outpatient care and dreaai.ng for her burns." Me lissa's o n ly apparent di.9comfort ls "she doesn't like it when we change her dressings," Colon said. PLO forces warned I srael moves troops, armor n ear B eiI:ut ....,,...,....., ............ BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Israel moved more t.roopa and annor to the edges of west Beirut today and warned "We have the tools and the means" to remove Palestinian guerrillas from Beirut. The signs of Israeli impatience accompanied indications that the negotiations to end the Beirut siege peacefully are making little progress beca use no Arab country wants to take the Palestine Liberation Organization's estimated 8,000 guerrillas. In Israel, Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, in a speech to air Banning • issue goes to voters TWO-POINT LANDING -Laguna Beach Police Sgt. Fred Martino radios for assistance alter a car belonaina to Peter Verity plunged from the family's carport at 66f Mystic Way onto the patio below. Police said it appears someone pulled into the carport by mistake, striking the vehicle and sending it crashing to the patio. Officers are attempting to find the driver of the other automobile. Threate n ed w i th a referendum, the Newport Beach City Cou ncil will put the beleague red $124 million Banning Ranch project on the November ballot. Council membe rs Pau l Hummel and Don Strau. cut the only no votes on what will beeome the first referendum- forced election in the city's 75-year history. Agran likely Irvine "I'm not opposed to people voting," said Strauss. "But I believe it's not a good plan. I think we'd be better o ff by repealing it." mayor; vote tonight A motion to repeal the council's approval in March to build 379 homes and 300,000 s quare f eet o f office and industrial development in West Newport Beach failed, with Hummel and Stra~ voting yes. I By GLENN SCOTT M IM DelyP'llotl..., Larry Agran probably will become mayor of Irvine tonight when the City Council selects a successor to David Sills. Although no one has publicly declared an interest in the role except Agran, however, there is still some reluctance to yield leadership to him. Sills, mayor two of the Last three years and recent loser in a bitter primary election for a state assembly seat, has issued a written statement declining another selection. Six-year Councilm an Bill Vardoulis, who has been mayor twice, said t oday he isn't interested in another tenn. New Council member Barbara Wiener, sitting through her first meeting tonight, said she won't ask to be nominated but would take the position if selected. She aaid she has concerns that the city direction might change with Agran at the helm. "I'm disappointed that Mayor WORLD Sills has removed his name from consideration ," she said today. AgTan and Mrs. Wiener were (See IRVINE, Page AZ) Fire fights fire thre at M onday's decision was a victory for the West Newport Legislative Alliance, a group of homeowners opposed to the project, who had led the successful re fe rendum drive following the council's approval. The group, claiming to represent 9,000 residents, was Smoke rose out of the Santa unsuccessful In its attemp t, however, to convince the council Ana Mountains today -for good , to adopt the ex.act ballot wording reason. t hey wanted. It emanated from a fire Voters wi ll be asked to deliberately set by the Orange "repeal" the already approved County Fire Department as part B of a program of "prescription" anning project, rather than burns t o reduce chaparral "adopt" the development. undergrowth. The plan which called for The department planned to homes, offices and industrial bum between 100 and 200 acres development on 75 of the 500 in the Peters Canyon area east of acres west of Superior Avenue Tustin. The area is adjacent to has faced an uphill battle. land that underwent a controlled Delayed by a council vote six bum two weeks ago. times, the project finall y Several future burns a re approved last March left both the planned, according to fire referendum leaders and the officials. developer unhappy. NATION force officers Monday night. said, "time is running out" for a diplomatic solution. "We have-the tools and the m eans to ensure tha t our unequivocal demand -that the terrorists leave Beirut -be ful filled. if it is again proved that the path of negotiations has reach ed a dead end," Sharon said. Israe li sources said the government of Prime Minister Menachem Begin was becoming convinced that the PLO was stalling, "constantly throwing in new factors in the hope that time is working in their favor." Dlllr .......... ., a... ""' BOOTH SITTING -Sue Geer wears papier mache mask while watching over Laguna Beach Sawdust Festival booth operated by Bechtol/Keller. She said the two artists' studio in Costa Mesa makes the hand-made masks. Vatican enlists aid Gold, silver both gain VATICAN CITY (AP) -The Holy See named three outside financial expertl today to ftAmlne the Vatican bank's dealings with the Banco Ambrmiano, the Milan bank at the center of a major financial scandal. Actor K enneth More dies LONDON (AP) -Brltllh actor Kenneth More, 67. the cool, hand1ome Har of many war and adventure fllml and televWon'• "Fonyte Saaa," dMd Monday ntaht at bl• London home. hf1 •1ent anNNnClld today. NEW YORK (AP) -Precious metals prices were up acain today, fueled by prospeci. of lower interest ratet and reporta Iran might lend uoope to Lebanon. Gold wu up $12.~ an ounce to $355.80 and silver gained 19 centa to $6.42. Clothes malce the woman Clothinl manu!actu.ren harkened to the cry of female executlvee for quality clothlna to wear to work. P•A5. . COUNTY J Lebanese military sources, w ho requested anonymity in keeping with government regulations, said the Israeli comm and regrouped forces around Belrut to absorb two new armored brigades and tighten the noose on the PLO's west Beirut stronghold. "We are always an army on the move," Kedar said. Correspondents saw Israeli tanks and armored personnel carriers moving to positions on Beirut's southern and eastern outskirts today, after 'l sixth cease-fire was arranged by U.S. special envoy Philip C. Habib. MIRACLE -Melissa Trahan, 16 months, claps her hands at a news conference in Metairie, La. Melissa survived when a Pan Am jet crashed into her home. Stringent arcades ordinance appro.ved By J ODI CADENHEAD or ... o..,,......,. Newport Beach youngsters can forget about popping quarters into their favorite video games before 3 p.m. or aft.er 10 p.m., following tentative a pproval Monday ol ~gh new guidelines regulating the computerize d machines. Led by parents and educators worried about the time and money youngsters are spending on the popular pas time, the Newport Beach City Council adopted a stringent ordinance aimed at curbing their use during 9Chool hours. John Cox Jr. was the only co uncilma n to o ppose the ordinance that comes before the council for final approval July 26, and requires: -All business es obtain permits for video machines within three months. -No video machines b e allowed within 1,500 feet of a school or 100 feet of a residence. -People under 18 shall not operate a game before 3 p.m. or after 10 p.m. Monday through Friday unl~ accompanied by an adult. School holidays are exempt. -Games be supervised by an adult and that packing be provided. Trash-pickup due despite strike Residents of Huntington Beach and F ounta in VaHey were advised today to put their trash out for pickup at regular times despite a strik e at Rainbow Disposal Inc. About 45 drivers and workers for the Huntington Beach company went on strike Monday over a holiday pay dispute. Trash piled up in some sections of southeastern Huntington Beac h . N o pickups were scheduled in Fountain Valley Monday. Rainbow Vice President Stan Tkaczyk said strikers are being replaced and that trash collection truc ks o perated M o nday afternoon and today. "We're aaking residents to put out their trash at the echeduled times and to be patient. Their I NDEX trash wiU be picked up," he said. Tkaczyk said the walkout was a wildcat strike that didn't have the s upport of Teamsters Local 3!J6 of Los Angeles, the union that represen ts the striking workers. H e said the controversy focused on holiday pay. He said the company followed provisions of the contract "and the workers didn't like it." Huntington Beach poli<.'e were called to the Rainbow Plant at 17121 Nichols St., Monday as a precautionary measure but no violence was reported. A police spokesman said the diapute developed because the workers reportedly did not get overtime pay for the Fourth bf July .. At Your Service A4 Ann Landen B2 Erma Bernbeck B2 Movtee A8 Buslne9I 84-& Mutual Funds 84 California Al> Natlanal News A3 Cavabde B2 Public Notice9 ~ a.&tied a Sportm Cl-3 Comk» B3 Dr.Steina'ohn 82 Qcmword 83 Stock Mneta B5 DMtb NOCb1 C4 Te1"tllon B6 r.ditoNJ A8 ,,.. .... A8 J:nwtalnmlrlt M w. .... A2 HorOIOOP9 B2 Wcrtd Newt AS Inwchdon A8 SPORTS \ H/F Orange Coa1t OAILV PILOT/Tuftday, July 13, 1982. IRVINE MA YOB • • • the two wlnmrt in lut month'• COWtd1 ele,ctlon. Aifan endoned "~other candidate, Edward 'l • But Mn. Wiener aa1d I Y lhe la not limply tryinl to t t even. 11. S h e aaid ·concern• about l\ftan'a po1tdona on tianaportatlon planntna (he 'o pposea conatructlon of new eaya) and hU willJ.ncne.a to y the &enetal plan to ~ate . ore o~en apace cauaed her ~ to IUpport him as city •'1 Councilwoman Mary Ann ~. meanwhile, 11 SUPS>OrtinJZ ~'•bid .. -:Agran and Mn. Gaido, besides Pf'Tlng the only two Democrats on the non-partlaan council, have repretiented in put yeara a two- penon ''slow-growth" minority. The major I ty bloc of Silla; Vardoulis and retired Art Anthony have kept the t,avel ln their more "pro-growth ' camp during the past a1x years. With new conat.Nctlon at a virtual standstill this year In Irvine, though, the growth iaaue ia Iese dlvt.aive. Agran haa aqued that all council members should have a chance to serve as mayor. which is mostly a ceremonial role. Agran also has claimed this is his last four-year term on the co uncil. He ha s left f or speculation whether he will seek other offices. Hotel fall • rites set Funeral Mrvicet are tcheduled Thursday at noon for Crals Mackle , an 18-year·old Huntington Beach youth who fell from a Hawall hotel last week. Services will be conducted at Central Baptist Temple, 7661 Warner Ave., Huntington Beach. Family members and •frif:nds are suggesting tributea in the form of .contributions to the Craig Mackle Memorial Scholarship Fund. The l&id money can be sent to the Fund for Crais Mackie, care of the Huntington Beach Union High School District, 10251 Yorktown Ave. $ummons squabble Donations should be sent' in care of Jean Tyndall, the coordinator of the district's scholarship program. Craig, a 1982 graduate of Ocean View High School, planned t.o attend Golden West College in Huntington Beach in September. I· I:> ·costs man's life Ht: n ever regained • t"' Westmlnater man was shot ~· c:te.th Monday night while •U-uggling with a private i.nNestigator hired lo serve him wHh divorce papers, police reported !O<fay. II €oast surgeon F red Smith J dead at 68 ~Memorial services were held today for Dr. Fred R. Smith, foi'mer chief of surgery at South COut Medical Center. e<Dr. Smith, 68, of Sou th Oaguna, died of heart failure Friday at University H06pital at Ue San Diego Medical Center. • Although he mostly practiced ill> Laguna Beach, South Laguna and San Clemente since 19~. Dr. Smith conducted operations at most south Orange County hospitals, including Hoag Memorial in Newport Beach. Dr. Smith also was past president of the Orange County Surgical Society and a member of the .American Society of ~M.ne Ds ·h "Born in troit, r . m1t ifaduated from Wayne MediCal ™"ter in 1939 and served in the ~dical Corps, 3rd Armored Wion during World War II. In the mid-1950a. Dr. Smith ?fv~ _to California and finished ~~ical training in Santa IHe ls survived by his wife ~th, daughters Kathleen Mine, of Maui, Hawaii, Mary Jo ~an. of Barrington, Ill .. and t}1ree grandchildren and one gtea~grandchild. The s hooting victim was identified as James Aniba l Valente, 41, of 161&1 Jenner St. Wes tminster police officer Earle Graham said the man's wife, Patriqia Ann Valente, 36, and a private investigator she hired, Hans DeHaas, 33, of Fullerton, were at Valente's residence when he arrived at about 6 p.m. Valente began quarreling with his wife and with Deliaas, Graham said. The husband then went t.o a bedroom, armed himself with two handguns and returned to confront his wife and the investigators. Graham said. Valente aUegedly struck his wife with one of the guns, prompting DeHaas to begin grappling with him, police said. During the struggle, a gun dischar~ed Graham said. The hUSbaiid was pronounced dead at the scene. Mesa blaze investigated Costa Mesa firemen are inveatigating the cause of a aecond atory apartment fire that erupt.eel early thia morning at l~ Meta Drive. Tbe Ure originated on a balcony at the apartment occupied by Chris Hernandez. The fire department received a call at about 3:30 a .m., and extinguished the blue within minutes. Damage to the structure and contents was estimated to be $7,- 000. The fire was limited to lhe balcony and the first three feet inside the apartment living room. consciousness after falling from the 11th floor of the Reef Lanais hotel early Wednetday morning. He died Friday niaht. A spokesman said today that the family and friends are convinced the fall was related to sleep walking. Man jaile d afte r g un play in Irvine A Huntington Beach resident is in Orange County Jail today after he allfgedly fired a pistol across the hOod of a car in Irvine . John Steve Coe, 45, was charged with assault with a deadly weapon, said Irvine Police Sgt. Richard Bowman. The sergeant said Coe apparently took exception to comments about his driving made by occupants of another car, IO he fired a .45-callber pistol 8CT08S the car'• hood , then left the scene. The incident occurred about 4:30 p.m . Monday at Culver Drive and Irvine Cent.er Drive. Coe was arrested later at his home. Occupants of the car wflkh Coe reportedly shot at were identified aa Rob Smith of Laguna Niguel and Scott Rogers of Irvine. Neither man· was injured in the shooting, Bowman said. Summer treat titd morning ho.ire, t>ec:Omfng *9t~ at 10 to 11 knots ~ "'-""'°' • 1-to 3·1oot ao1o11hweaterly •••II. Wlnd9 C01o11C1 t-.cn :lO kn<* wtltl 3-10 5o4oot -l8rth« then eo ..... ~ Temperatures Al'*1)' ~ ~ Atllnta Atlentc; Cty Austin 8elllmor9 MATIC>tt .. ,.. Pre. 88 58 .55 9e M 87 95 ... 17 1.52 82 87 S1 .. 57 97 T3 90 72 NlliOfW ....... ..,_ 85 58 NOAA. US 0.,. GI C:-0. .... -------. ~ Summary:::"* ee sa .01 fron\I: CdO.,. Wetm .. Oceii.ded ~ 5*ltionlfV .. • 51 .Oii -----------------------------------------------~ T~ COMin.ct. -Boeton .. thl 0.otM. ~ 8'~ CetollflM end thl aouthem tip lklltalo Rorida toder. whMe .._. 8urtlng1on ere acattered lrom northern Caaper SC 111nola to north-c;entral 8=wv , ~ski" prevall•d over Ctletltte NC Balln. wtttl den• log ~ In wellern Maine. ~ti • It -moetty lw. Clewland • sc.tW9d ltllolnOerstorma _. Clmble ac xpected to apread ecro••' Colunlblla to L.olollel9ne end lllOtlQ thl o.-f't Wttl AltlntlC COMt. Widely lfllolfldel "°'ma _. to De,yton llOl'tNrft ... England. \tie 0.- '" Ir lppl Vrlllr/ end thl g:,:w-Temc:~l~'r~a around •n• ~ '-' r.,..cS lfom Fargo 1111a.llll8'9 Mette, Mich., to 17 ~-,..,..,ML ~ .. ...,..,. ....... ........, .......... :=--.. JeoMmlt K.w()ly KtlOIMle t:..V: 91 113 82 71 97 71 78 eo S7 82 90 50 90 78 85 ... 85 71 .68 78 55 82 62 87 61 115 81 11 71 .57 113 81 92 T3 ... 81 18 IO 80 .. " eo .01 80 58 .05 ... 73 ..... 02 15 51 11 62 17 .. ,()4 II II .oa t7 7' .., .,. a .,. a 10 .G6 a n .2t tO • ,oa t6 • 10t n tO l'1 LOllleVlla 8 ... Lut>tiodt 85 M ~ 92 73 Mleml N 7' .20 Mllweuk• ... 63 Mple-St.P 117 63 Nuhvllle 18 85 New OrlMna 89 69 New y °"' 115 73 Nortoltl 88 78 No.Plett• ee eo ottia City a... ee OmefWI Ml 88 ()rlendo ... 75 ~ 1~: ~ 11 to P1tlnd. Me • t2 Ptland. Or9 sa e2 Pl'Oll'ldenW 7t 70 :u" = ~ 8lllt Lake .. 70 ... ~ • 70 9eMtle '71 M atlle 9'1Drt .. 72 --.F... • 13 It Lo'* • 70 St P-Tempe t1 115 St a.....,. 81 " c~ ~ 108 = 1~ ,.-no ,01 lllf llPllT I Smog 97 71 .. 83 94 88 112 111 58 100 57 103 70 115 eo 92 83 70 51 75 88 7' 5' 70 5e 7' 99 88 107 12 105 75 " 41 16 10 57 ... 155 13 13 :: 10 a .. .. 10I 74 " 11 .. et ... 57 12 12 .. .. " .. D.., Not PftoM "J RlcNrd KMlhler HIGH FIVES -Michelle Javardian, 5, of Huntington Beach, gets an assist from Nina Raspanti, of Huntington Beach, to shake hands with 11 -foot Uncle Sam (Lee Monroe on stilts) at Orange County Fair. Les Brown 's band performs at fair Les Brown and his Band of Re nown, at the Orangeland Pavilion at 8 p.m.. and Texan Roy Orbison appearing at 7 and 9 p .m . at the Amphitheater, highlight this evening's events at the Orange County Fair. Another band, Montezuma's Revenge. offers bluegrass music at 7:30 and 11 p .m . in t h e Country Meadows. Tonight 1s the last chance to see the Stunt Actors Western Show at the Meadows. S howtimes are 6:30 and 9 p.m. Over at the livestock area of the fairgrounds, showings and demonstrations of various livestock can be enjoyed all day. Today through Thursday are Senior Citiz.ens' Days at the "All American" Fair, and persons 65 years and older a.re admitted for $1. Some daily events include the International Lumberjack Show at 7 and 9 p.m .; Country Fun Contests such as nail driving and chicken calling at 5:30 p.m.; the Funs-A-Poppin Circus at 8 p.m.; ~tic tumbli~ rontests at 5:30 and 7:30; Gourmet Gallery 5 :30 p .m .; H yp n o ti s t Vandenneide at 8 p.m. and crafts demonstrations held throughout the day. Aside from these act1v1ties, clow ns, mimes, j ugglers , marionettes, dancers and bands will appear every day in various locations. On Wednesday, singer Rita Coolidge will perform the blues, ballads, rock and country songs that made her famous, together with selections from her latest album, "Heartbreak Radio." She will give two concerts at the Amphitheater at 7 and 9 p.m. Again, the livestock showings and demonstrations will be held all day. EQUINOXE Father held in molests · A Huntington Beach man baa been charged by the Oranse County District Attorhey'1 Office with 111 felony chargea Involving allesed sexual m1.aconduct with hia three teen- age daughters. Moat of the charges againat Robert Charles Gronbach weft filed Monday juat before the defendant waa 1eheduled to be arraigned In Orange County Superior Court on ~ charges dealing with aexual activities with his daughters. Gronbach's arraignment waa postponed until Aug. 16, Deputy District Attorney Rick Stanford said. The 106 extra charges were the result of testimony offered at the defendant's preliminary hearin' in May, wh e re Gronbach s 13-year-old daughter testified about alleged activities prosecutors hadn't known about before. Stanford said Gronbach's daughters are 13, 15 and 16 years old. The two youngest daughters are in foster homes. The oldest ran away from a foster home and is still missing. The alleged activities for which Gronbach is charged occurred between 1979 and 1980, Stanford said. The prosecutor said police initially began investigating the unemployed auto mechanic after his daughters began confiding to relatives, friends and counselors about what was allegedly taking place in their home. Only 12 charges w ere originally filed against Gronbach and he was bound over for trial on five of th e m . Wh e n prosecutors r eview e d the 13-year-old daughter's testimony in municipal court, Stanford said. it was believed there was sufficient evidence to sustain the 105 additional countS. lironbach is being represented by the county Public Defender's Office. Man k ille d at funeral BLAIRSVILLE. Ga. (AP) - The preacher had just told mourners at a country cemetery, "We never know who is going next," when a bolt of lightning killed the grandson of the woman he had buried, witnesses say. Services for 91 -year-old Liza Poteete of Alpharetta had just been concluded when the lightning hit like "a ball of fire out of the sky," the Rev. Ray Hewett said Monday. The lightning bolt Sunday killed Donald Metcalf, 27. His wife, Martha Metcalf, 24, was knocked unconaclous and was in fair and stable condition at Union County Hospital. The couple's 5-year-old son, John Clayton Metcalf, wu treated for bums and released. Ot)1EGA LEA.dS A OOUBLE LIFE. The unique twO-$lded Omega Equinoxe lives up to ·all your busy days and special nights. One side la programmable with colendor, alarm ond chrono· graph functions. For a more formal look, almply flip. Both sides are woter-res:stpnt to 100 feet. Quort1, sto1nle11 sroel, 10 korot yellow gold-filled. $995. SL~VICK'S ,,,. ......... "'' Wlint t#w flftf .. ,"".,. •. ~v.:r:t:.'= .. . ~ 1. I ·. NATION •'New federalism' plan pushed By ne Atlfflated Pre11 BALTIMORE -President Reqan today of (ered akeptical county offlclala a pared· down venlon of hia "new federallam" plan to curb the power of a federal aovemmcn\ that has been allowed to "mushroom out of control." In a speech intended to drum up aupport for h.la reviled propoeal to thlft control of three doaen federal ~ama to the atates, the pree.tdent l&id that 'atgniflcant chanaee have been made" in the plan. But he offered few detalla, and no apeclflc lndlcationl of new plana to revtt.alJze the economy. •Pan Am recorder faulty KENNER, La. -A recorder aboard a Pan Am jetliner that crashed in. the nation'• aecond-wont air disaster was faulty and :>8 second.a of tape-recorded cockpit conversation were lost, investigators say. The first segment of tape which wa.s aalvaaed from the crash site in the plane'• "blacl< boxes," was analyzed by National Transportation Safety Board investigators after FBI technicians tried to improve its poor sound quality. ''It waa absolutely of no assistance," said NTSB vice-chalnnan Patric~ Goldman. "W e will have to try again." . She did not aay what the conversation involved. The Pan Am 727 jet crashed Friday afternoon in a thunderstorm shortly after takeoff on a New Orleans-to-Las Vegaa flight, killing all 14:> aboard the plane and eight people on the ground. • T-bill securities decrease WASHINGTON -Yields on short-term Treasury securities have decreased by a point, the second decline in two weeka after a month of increases, officials reported. About $5.3 billion in six-month T-bills were auctioned at an average discount rate of l l.967 percent, down from the 12.976 percent of a week ago today. The government also sold about $5.3 billion in three-month bills at an average rate of 11.797 percent, down from 12.806 percent. Monday's yields, a measure of the cost of government borrowing from the public, w ere the lowest since the May 28 levels of 11.589 percent for six-month bills and l l.52 percent· for three-month bills. •Shuttle boosters probe due CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. -A deep-sea robot will probe the wreckage of the space shuttle's rocket boosters this week for two tape recorders which may explain why the spent rockets sank in the Atlantic after Columbia's fourth launch. The t wo-anned robot was to sail from Baltimore today aboard a National Aeronautics and Space Administration booster recovery s hip and was to arrive h er £ WORLD Thursd~y or Friday, agency officials said Monday. NASA hopes the AT&T-built robot will retrieve the boosters' tape recorders, which officials hope will help explain what went wrong after the two rocketa peeled away from the shuttle two minutes after liftoff June 27 and spwhed down 150 miles east of Cape Canaveral. •Argentina gets Reds' offer WASHINGTON -The Soviet has offered to sell to Argentina, which lost much of its air force in the Falkland Islands war, new MIG jet fighters and other equipment on easy terms, according to U.S . intelJigence sources. The offer. designed to appeal to the financially str a pped Buenos A ires government.. covers MiG-23 and MlG-21 jet fighters as well as FA-6 aurface-to-air missile systems and radar, the sources said. Argentina would be given 10 years to pay for the new warplanes and other gear at only 2 percent interest, said the sources, who asked that they not be identified. •Intruder had amorous fantasy LONDON -A prowler who awoke Queen Elizabeth II in her bedroom was clutching a bloody, broken ashtray and had made at least 12 secret night visits to Buckingham Palace to try to see his "girlfriend, Elizabeth Regina," British press reports said today. The Daily Express, the newspaper that first reported the palace break-in story, said the intruder w as living out an amorous fantasy about the 56-year-old monarch. The suspect's father said his aon had gotten inside the palace at least three times since May l. • Train wreck yields 70 bodies TEPIC. Mexico -The Red Cross said 70 bodies have been pulled from the wreckage of an express train that derailed north of here with about 800 people aboard, and the toll could rise today as rescue teams finish searching through the twisted metal. Six people were in critical condition among the 132 passengers injured in the crash STATE of the train known as The Bullet, said Manuel Morales, a Red Cross deputy director in this Pacific coast town. Morales said late Monday that Red Cross workers, who were r espon sible for transporting the victims away from the crash site. had counted 70 bodies. • Begelman firing causes stir HOLLYWOOD -David Begelman's departure as ch.airman and chief executive of United Artists gives the movie industry new grist for speculation, particularly on how hla successor will restore financial health to the studio running with red ink for two quar1ers straight. impending departure even before it was announced Monday. In addition to reports on UA's lOt!lleS - attributed to Begelman's backing for expensive films that didn't recoup production costa -the Industry ls rippling over an upcoming book detailing Begelman'a role in an embeulement 9Calldal at Columbia Pictures four years ago. The film community was buzzing With publis h ed suggestion s o f Be~e lman's ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomu P. Halev ~Md CINI 6-..iw ~ Kay Schultz "'°' ......... .... DnctOI' Of~ Tom Murphlna ldlklt Mike Harwy ~-~ ~I Ken Goddard °"'*'°'~ ~Leen a.tee Looe .......... ...., ..., ....... 9ft .......... , Cla111fled advertising 7141142·5171 All other departments 142-4321 MAIN OfflCE m wnt kl' SC .. c-. MeM, CA. Mall..,..._ hit IMO, C•te ltNM, CA. fMM c..vrltM "" 0r.,.. C.tt 11'1111111111,. ~­No,,...,-.... llkltlr .. .., .. edltoriel .,..._.,. .. \'fft ............. ,,.., ... ~-........ ~lel ...-mit1Mft9f c~r..,.. _r. . Penthouse suit stay ordered LOS ANGELES -A 1tate appeala court aay1 no further action may be taken in a $522 m illion libel auit against Penthouae magazine, a t leaat until one of the plaintiff.I lhowt why they should be granted a new trial. Superior Court Ju<tae Kenneth Gale had ordered a new trial for two etalnttffa in Rancho La Coeta • auit aplnat Penthoule . We're Llstenl1.19 ••• What do )'OU llkt •bout the Diil)' PUot! What don't )'OU 111&1" Call the number below 1ftd your mn1111 will bt rttOrded, tran•~ribtd 1nd dellvtr.cl to lbt appropri1tt editor. The ••mt M·hour anawtrtnc Mtvloe mar be &aled to r.eord ltt· ltr1 to tht tdltor on enr tople lbllbo• oontrtlMlton "''* IMh1dt their na...-Md t1ltphcNt1 nutnbtr lot verineauon. No tlrcul1U• Hiii, pfllM Ttll UI wl\1t'1 on your mind. Orange Cout OAIL y PILOT /Tu•lday, July 13, 1982 H/F Ml AP WINphoto SIGN OF TIMES -In a statewide driving campaign. the Cahfornia Department of Transportation is posung signs like this at locations where Caltrans workers havC' been killed. This sign is on the Santa Ana Freeway near the Lincoln Avenue offramp m Anaheim. Road signs mark workers' deaths Orange County motorists soon may begin noticing freeway-side markers that remind them of something oth er than going 55 miles per hour. The orange signs will show a single white hard hat with the words "In Memoriam" printed on the top. Caltrans Director Adriana Gianturco said in Orange County Monday the signs will mark the areas where on-duty highway maintenance workers have been killed by errant drivers. In Orange County. a marker has been placed along Laguna Canyon Road where one worker was killed in May 1980 and another is going up on In~rstate 5 where two workers were killed on Oct. 2, 1979. Ms. Gianturco, who m ade similar appearances throughout Southern California Monday. told reporters in Santa Ana that a month-long "Mainte n a nce Safety Public Awa r e ness Campaign" was being launched to draw attention to the hazards faced by highway workers. The campaign will feature EVOYOAY lnDMTIOML LilmlJACll Sf«>W 2:00, ••• 7:t0, t:tO , ... COUlmY flit COlf'lm1 1l :JO ....... l:JO. 3:30. 5:30 p.111. ,_A"'°"" CIRCUS l:tt. lA 5:t0, UO pa cum IDOlllTIATIOIG MD17 CYllMSTIC n.llC COlnDl1 .:llJtll;J:, & 7:JI ~ radio and television advertising segments and capitalize on the slogan. "Give 'em a brake." Caltrans officials said Monday that 18 workers have been killed by motorists who claimed they did n ot see the maintenance crews. In other instances, the drivers were intoxicated on drugs or alcohol, they said. Nine of those deaths occurred 111 Southern California, three m Orange County. "Hundr e d s o f other maintenance workers have been injured or had close calls due to careless or inattentive drivers," Ms. Gianturco said. The Caltrans director said the new highway s ig n s would "commemorate the sacrifice some of our employees have made in the line of duty, and to raise public consciousness about the dangers they face daily in the course of their work." Ca ltra n s e mploys 5 ,000 workers to maintain the stat.e's 16 ,000 miles o f freeways . expressways, highways, bridges and interchanges. 3 hurt 1 in Coast "' smashup ~, Three driven w ere injur~d Monday afternoon in a fourJ colliaion that anarled traffic Pacific Coast Highway in Sou Laguna for ·more than an ho . A car making an errant lqlt tum into the Monarch Bay P~. j~at south of Crown Vallt;1 l>arkway and the Co~t Highway, triggered a series accidents about 3:35 p.m. t involved a total of six autos, California Highway Patr~ spokesman said. Injured in the collision were Lillian Mattinson, 58, of Su Juan Capistrano; Joseph Pondet., 27, of San Clemente; and Susan Spencer, 24, of South Laguna, C HP s pokesm a n Ken Dai!''y reported. . Ponder was adrrutted to SouU. Coast M e dical Center fc!i observation while Ms. Mattinson and Ms . Spencer were treated there for injuries and released, according to a medical cente_) spokeswoman. The chain of collisions began when Lisa Whitlock , 21, all Laguna Niguel swerved to avoid> a beige car turning left from thlt• south-bound lanes of Coa&"~ Highway, Daily said. , >I Although Ms. Whitlock's qlr was not struck as it came to res\ across the southbound lanes, ·if touched off a series o f fo ~ collisions m the northbound Ian when a second car swerved avoid Ms. Whitlock's, Daily saiQ. He added authorities still ~ seeking the driver of the beige car who failed to stop after the collisions occurred. Besides Ms. Whitlock , the only. other driver involved in the' collision who was not injured was Ro nald Greenlee Jr .. 67, or Laguna Niguel. Daily said. ! 1 Trame was tied up for close i.l.i an hour and a half following the wreck as CHP investigators and• Orange County fire f ighten-. tended t o the injured amE untangled the damaged vehicles;1 the CHP spokesman said. • '' Prop. 8 def ended M SAN FRANCISCO (AP) ~ Attorney G e n e ral Georg!?., Deukmejian has presented 1 }~ pages of legal arguments u1 defense of the Proposi tion 8 crime initiative to the stat~ Su reme Court. ALL ENTERTAllDT FREE WITH $4 ADMISSION .. ·: .. Six at.,,•• Conllnuou• EnffH1Mnment l:JI, t.JI, s-:.r,u lMSTOCl NI l1 ' ..:ta::p& , ... 7:Jl.ll:tt~ NYM!Tlll v • 8-00 p Ill ' 10 p Ill, ORANGE COUlllY ALL AMIRICA• FAIR OranoeCoaat DAILY PILOTl TUMday •. July 13, 1982 H/F •• NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS OUOTATIOHI !NCI.VOi H AOUON , ... lllW YO••. MIOWllf. l'A(lfllC, ..... 1ono ... OIHOIT ANO CllfCINNAtl UOC• lllCMAINll Atit •lliOUIO l't 'fMI 11aao ANO llllTllllT • S. .. , N•I l'llleh c-c ... t xA~ 111 H • U dlt .. -1't l t1 m 'j • .. , ""'• "" Tt!!J ,, , s ., ..... "" fa&T11U, I . 4 y~• TuOT 1.u~ 4 ~ S ... m:::, ".l ,: ~. ·~ TUllll g tpt it\-.,.. ~~~ •• :, 41, fit_ II. THUtU J~ t tM n-.+ hxtron I • s llO 1ev. "' Ttltr pl J 01 2 JOV. .. T~k J J .... f tllt" • 14 14 .. Tlllokl 1 10 IO 1~ 14 + 1 n,,.,. .. , 2 12 11 h m., • .,.. TllOmln ... I> I 4 101-'1+ .... TllmMll IOt t 1J 14-.-.,.. Tllrlll'r IO I IO 11\IH Ye T ICaro t.10 S S 14.,..+ \j, r1d•t• .tO ' t4 11~-" t 141rl11 ff , ....... n::::!: ; :~ t~ ~::. ~ Tlmk11 J 40 • tlS .. -.,_ lOCISflo I 11 4 11 1' f .. _ 5' • • 14 -.... olldlt 1 ,. • 11S 11 -~. OIEd pU 2' J ~+I.,_ lOIEd plJ JI ) UV. fon ... Cp 40t • i. ou11o-~ ToolROI 40b • 17 11'-..... Trc~m-I llO • JI n v. 'ill toroCo t• ,...,, ... Tot<o It 4 117 10". v. TO'tlllt .44 I ]I 10lot-II) Toy RU t II 110 40 • .. ToyRU wl I d21 '-Trtcor' JO I] S• 211!. .... Trtne I,. 1 .., ,..,_ \It TWCI> 11f 11 • v. TW"" 1U 7'4t .. TWwtA ,,. '"'• .... n¥C pl 1 7 , ... TWC Of I 'O S 11~-Yt Nie Of 2 .. • " ~ ..... +~=~ t~ ~ 2': l~::::: TARfty S2 l4 lllii ... .. Tr•nico t.IO s m 2S'll ... .. Ti'llK or U1 . IS ,._._ .... Tr111K11 .a11 .• • M ..... TrGP or• 6' . . tSO SJll.-" TrGP pl 1 to I 1•~h Yi Tr....., 1 IO • I ~ Yt Tr•YI• 1 I M S ):11 20'4-.,, Tr1Qwl117w tO 1~ Yt Tr1Cn DI 2 j() • 7 10 -.... TrlSoln S )) ~-.,.. Tr1tPt I 12 4 Ullll-\Ill Trlco It s llJ •~ • \41 Trircy 10 4 2JS 10 + .... luc1EP 1.'2 6 117 21"' + '" T*nDI 110 f 10 I~+ .... T't<ol ' . Ill s I.. ,, .... + " T~"'' 14 "19 14\to :\\ -u-u -UAL 01 114\+ .... UOI 1 0. • l>4 di~-'t. ~I pl 2 IS tSO "" + v. _...c tO • '1 ev. • ., UMEl J1e IO IS 2~ • '4 1.NClle, 1' l2 s '"' I.NII s ll 1~ U5FG J tO 6 l7 lt'1t IJ\INV 4 76e 4 li 5'''4 Yt \JCMrc> J 1 I CD4 0 V. "'~ l 40 s "" .. + v. IJ\Comr 20 I) • It'!> ..... UllcnC 191 " JV.• .... IJI EIK I SJ • 227 111111-.... IJ\EI pfM 4 SI 26\lo-'" I.El plH I tJ:IO SJ +I UOll t.1 I • "" •" + \41 IJ\Ptc I 10 I 1050 ~-14 Ullroyl 4 GO ''°' " ~j,t, ~ .. l ·i: 4~ ... ;.\ Ulllmd 40 41 11 I . UCbTVn 14 13 111 1~. \Ao U.Erro 2 » • .,. ,.,,., . Ulllum 2.'2 S JI 21'• '" UI llu pl 3 '1 • 2~ • I/, urnu Of 7.X> • 11S0 ,,,,,..,, UlllU pl 4 , , • 14~-Y1 l.ttltlnd lb 12 II 46:\\ • 11' IJlllllW\ 27 • 41 10'.... .... IJJerBll I 11 f 1'7 11''t + 1"t WMM S Siii Uf't<Mll s. " 11/+ U§FoS S.Cllw • J1 1--.... L&Alr 17 S .. 17"• • .. USGw• 2 40 I 2S4 171/t .. \AHom )i. .... 11-l'o + • .., U51nd ,. ,. .(,. U5 Uff tO 10 14 no.. . U5 Illy J IS< ) 10 IO'Jt-.... \ASlloe I » • 40f JI~ , I.AS-1 J l lOI ,,,,.,_ o,,. UIHCICc 2.IO 10 2l 4S'IH V. U.Tecll 2.40 S Ct ..,.,., • 'h VT<tl pl J 17 65 SI + .,., ~tr.r ui 7 I~ n::; :: Ulilrdt lS IS 12 ~ • '-u-1,,., .. • ,. "'--" Ullvf'd I 0. I 11 l•V.-\<, IJI I.HI I 64 I 16 ~' + ~ICM 211 I tM 1' -"° l.5LIFE 14 • ft 1614 V. t:.'i:,:' ~ ! zr: . ~ UlaPL 2 tt 144 " '"t UIPI. pl 2 IO 1 10'1t .. UIPLpf ?.» .. 1 I~+ 111 UIPI. pf ,~ v-vl~ Ul4 . v. VF!;» HO 1 .. 46V.+IV. v--3J 4 7~ 1 ... -,,., ~=~ I ~ : , 1;'-: :: vre» n > J3 '*-Yt v..i.,. SZ• "'3 ~·"' vwo 40 • 14 ~-.... \WC» JO U D m<t •..• ""'* 1•u~• '4 ~ ..... 21 t ..... \/la(am • JO u 7S ",,.. v. Vtf""' I SO 7 2114 IJ .... V»EP ptl.tO • l uff •I VtEI pl UO • , 1120 ff -'I> VAEP on.to . f 20 • V+ VAl!P 1)17 1> tSO 41 .•• Vcmad 1' U V. V\#c tnc. 92 S H t,.; ·~ VllCnM 1 4t • 6 •I • '" -w-w - IM COii J U S IS I~ '• -bR pf4 10 l.SO »'" -.C:ho11 t 11 • ,,, ,.. .. ''• ~1101110 I to.) V.Ckllt 4«> I() 14 .. , ... . Wll~C 14 • l3S 7 .... . WMt1 1 I' Ill U...• '• WMt't pf • 4 19'1• + 1''• =1ii~~1 l~ 9 ~~ ~~. \l\lllCSv ... 10 J JCW1 • 'It Willl.Jm I 124 W 11 -'" -HJ pf I 1110 1 . 'HlllJ pf1 tD ] 12')-" VlllrNC 1 JO • "°' ..,. .... \~ lllrnCl'll I It 24'1 0 1-'1 'Mlnv\. I 40 II Ul6 II ->t VlllSllG, , " 1 • """ • W.llNAI IOI • 5' I~•"' 'll&llWI 2 40 S .. 171<o • '"° 'Mil" S1 14 lllS 21'4-~ 11111111111 • 11 65 ,..,.., • .,, =~ 10,i !</ ~ .... Wt!IM. 1• • 10 19 • ,,. 'Mlll\F 1 '2 • 170 20 ''• .... ll'M 2 13 t J3 19'"t Wtncln 2' II llM 17'" • '" .,. , 10 ns ""• • v. 'MPIPt I IO 6 lo. ~ '·" WUdT QI 0. 8 ..._, ... W>AJ rt. 11' s• , ~ ,, Jl~ 1;~. ~ WPIKI f IJ SS'--... 'llO\IOll 1.40 t2S74 1"to + lt WU.. 01111 II . ll 7...... . MS10£ I.ti) S Us:J 27:\\ • ... =~: ~·~ .• i: :.z-~ Wtyemr I.JO IS .. 14V •• '" Wtl"' Of 1 IO . 19 32...,-o,,. Wtl"' 11"4'0 ,. 3'14 ... W-11' I 13 • lCM _.. • .. Wlell' pf4 12 » :n.. +I -"pf 1 J 2' -WIPlr S • ttOO 2'11>-lllo Wllr1 1 tD IO IOU 1132.,, • 1'1 Wiii I II 8 71 ,..,. W.11111 ' " "' ,. ....... W\11\Ml I 110 SllSO tJVt +Iii• WetiOI 16 U '"-+ "' W llltm I 20 1 >42 14~ • · · W lmE11 40 6 s:19 I~+~ WIWO .•s1 IO 46 7"° •1, W110. 140 • 1'1 ~-"' w nnllQ Ill 140 ·\~ . . WnttrJ 111 1• 3,.. • . WtEP 2 tf 6 l'O ,, .. _ '°' W•EP"'4 1 111/t Wt!.IJI 1.75 • dO S4 • • WllCl'I. 2" 6 47 U llo .... Y1hcl'S l.11 1 U I~ Wl'o 1 ID S 21 JIV. + \>\ -·-•• 40 12~ ... '111>,,..I Sl IS JM -· V. ~ ... .,. 21\lt v. '111>1.ill uo i ... 1.--.... 'MlwplUO,. 4 1' +!lo llWi, • 10 ........... llW '(1.441 4 4 JJl,4+ .... ~ur . , ~ ..... ~olll IOI • =Cl~-Ill =... .,~ ,, 1~n.: ..,. -r-,y~,, .. -"' xt• .. ' ., ,,.. ... , • • n '°"'""' .n • ,,. 1.--l'f -u i 11 ..... " :Ito ~":.:·4\ 111). .... ..... County bank ' already • ID black Marine NatloMJ Bank of Santa Ana has reported improve ment In operating results for the second quarter and first half ending June 30. Net income was $100.~02. or$ 17 per share for the quarter and $102,625 for the first half, or $.17 per share. Higher loan volume and depo11t!l, increased Interest spread and higher non-interest Income were cited for the Improvement. The bank was openc-d n July 1981 at Harbor and MacArthur .Boul~vards. Printronix earnings up Prlntronix foe. of Irvine, manufacturer of minicomputer line printers, reported higher operating results today for the quarter ended June 25. Earnings were $1 ,492,000, or 39 cents' per share, on sales of $19,292,000. This compares with earnings of $1 ,202,000, or 31 cents, on sales of $14,375,000 for the corresponding period a year ago. Hug h es prop erty purch ased TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) -Seventy-five million dollars changed hands as a Tucson-based joint venture purchases about 19 square miles from the est.ate of billionaire recluse Howard R. Hughes Jr. The initial purchase was followed by a series of sales of pans of the land for about $45 million. Starting off the transactions Monday was the signing of deeds transferring ownership of 12,328 acres from Hughes' estate to a joint venture fonned by Frank Aries, president of Aries Enterprises Ltd. of Tucson, and Pima Service P,rp., a subsidiary of Pima Savings and Loan Association. Firm to o ff er tours Golden West I lomes will offer a series of f~tory tours in July and August. The tours, lO be ronducted al Golden West's Santa Ana factory, will run Saturday and Sunday, through Aug. 15. Thcrl? will be tours at 11 a.m. and l p.m. Saturdays, and at I p.m. Sundays. The plant 1s located at 1929 SE St Andrew Place. Ch eck er makes last cab ? KALAMAZOO, Mich. (AP)-A boxy green and Ivory automobile marked what may be the end of an era in roomy taxicabs as it rolled off the assembly line at Checker Motors Corp.'s Kalamaz.oo plant. Company officials would not confirm it, but union officials and a Checker employee said the auto, which was completed Monday. was the last cab to be produced by the company. Cabine t chie f to sp eak Secretary of Transportation Drew Lewis wiU addreS5 the Industrial League o( Orange County on July 26 al the Anaheim Marriott Hotel. The program begins at 11 :45 a m. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YOAK (AP) -S.... Mondoy price, Ind ,... c;honge ol Ille flfl-mo.t ecttve Now YOfll 810Ck Exc:hOllge -... lflOdjng Mllonally II more lllall SI e:1111on ' l,O&i,4Q) ,.,,., "' Al Alclllld 1,an,1a1 ,.~ 1,. Amt rt ... U 1,CllO.lCD 11 ~ -I '->rw Gp 1,Cll7,4(J) ••1. 1~ lllM 91S, IQ) QI~ • I CotlllllQI 932.1CD a 0\ s.te>ilGll 17~.JCD 1'111 1•-. ._llutl lll1.1CD ;w•.., 1 .... """"'° 111,lQ) JI~ ... Cltn Molon 79916«) .. ._ • I~ TtMCo lllC 733.S<D ll'I\ ,,., SllOOl llrd 714, ea> lb'-I Ill Am Alr11n 110,IQ) •~• • \" UIOOCal 6111.1(1) ll 2 .... SOllum1>ro "2•.•<D ,... -1• ... UPS ANO DOWNS NEWYOfUCIAPl FIMI Do...-""OS tocxsM'>ndey, Jul. IJ. 0.N ttltll ~ ClltM a.ti JO Ind e1t 12 IJ4 IO 114 ... 1:1117• 10 11 I> Tm l24.M 32&5' l20.l7 m .44. 11$ IS Utl 107 10 10.n 101.0S 101.70 • I JI '6 Sitt ]It• l21S7 JIU7 DI 41 • l 71 1...a.os UJ2.SOO r,., u1•.JOO UlllS I •17,JOO 16 Siii 11,57• 100 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK IAPI Jul 12 --1 AM[&OIO NEW YOllK IAPl Jul 11 METALS Todly !27 21l 117 ~ 1 79 NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonfwrou• metal prlOff lodey c.,._ 68~71 cents • pound, U.S. detllnellona Leed 2$-28 cants a pcund, Dnc 37~ cantt 1 pound, dellvwed. Tift $&. 1795 Met• Wwtlt GOmpC>lllte lb. ........._ 78-77 oen111 pound, N.Y Mtrcury 1370.00 per lluk. ~ $254.00 lrO'jl OI., N '( SILVER Handy & Harman, Sll.450 1>9' tror ounce • •1 .. ., .. .. . ... -· ,• CKANtll umNCs e KHXT tCBS) 8 ICHBC IN8C) e llTL.A UN.> e )cABC IABC) eKPM9 tC8Sl e tcHJ-~ !IM.l ' e Kts-T (ABC• 'e 1<nv t•n1t.> .. KL'OP·TV (Ind.I .KCET INS> e KOCE I PBSI <D.l On-TV CJ) l ·TV ®HBO ~ tCIMfNll) <ll tWOIU ~Y., H.T. GZI cwra1· (I)(~) [I) I Sftowtlf'N I • IHtflgM • tC... .... .......,_) KNBC (4) 8:00 -Maverick." Maverick'• 1weetheart 11 ala'n In an lndtan ambuth. ~ KABC (7) 8: U -"Lawrence of Arabia." Blockbu1tet bJography of enlgmaUc adventurer T.I:. Law~nce at.an Peter O'Toole and Alee Gutne11. See photo, 1ef t. KNXT (2) 8:30 -''The Ore'k Tycoon." Anthony Qalnn. Jacqueline Billet Im movie about a weelthy Ol'Mk 1hipplng magnaie. .MIMI * • ._. "IC... Tomorr- ~· ltNO) Jemel ~. Werd Bonet A eo1111tcled 11111rderer _..,.. end ,,,.,.,.. • WMfUly ~-·but 1e i... oonttoneed by 111e __ ........ • LCM. AMINCAH """" "Lcwe Alld The Optlmlllt" A i.ot11 IOMt .... a Olll troM ••woman wt1o thlllll• .... hat celled llw ~ ~,';:n..., llLAND A )'OUl'9 ~ en..,.. a INllOt ~lafl. and • '°°' f.,..,_ llndt °"' whlll ltt 1111• to be a ml~. ~MCMI ...... "~M (1N0) 0.11• Rowla11de, Jolul ..,,. " '°"'* gun !Ml·~ ... j)foM- tor of an~ &-yew. .., ,,,.,. Alctlfl UlfgeMG tty IN IM4el WOl1d for IN inlom\atlon he C*riee '" • IMlttered ~.'PO' 1l:Ol~IN I..• trlea to co... IN 11N1 In a World W• II ~ llowt\ by • c:ruy ....... (~ 11: 1' CZ) MCMI •• "Oeugflten Of Oettl· _ .. ( 1171) DelpNne Sey- rtg. JofWI Klll1en. A COUc>le on ,,,.., honeymoon antve In • lrlglllened tOWl'I wlW'e fMJlry ~ -have ~ beefl l'llylterloully m .... 1a. 1..ATI NICIHT WfT'M LafT1MIAH 1=-.• *. 'h .. " 9etc:h 0111ue·· (11115) Sidney l'olfter. S~ Wllltere. A 'Yf'IP9• ltl9tlc bladl men trlea to oon¥lnCa • young blind glri thel 1M C911 better her .... tty llreeklnO ,,_ of her ......... gwerdlian. 1= * • * .. ,_ .. ( IMo) tr- Cera. 8llrry Miller. S.-al gifted ...,.,,.. at ...... Yortl l'tlglt Oool lor th9 s-floi11*'t arts...,.,._ """'°"' alltbeCb 9111 --of botft ,.,_. Md PfCf ... ,. .. oatina. ·~· -LMLU'llllM MADAI OalllGt* Pf-once ~ tNt. ttaind-ilP -le .. orly .. fun"Y u Illa .,,..,. -t.I* time "" ··-...Q..Mat1c ........ ""*'· ttM8(() MCaCUO " tral di rnutderw "-~to ..... Yorlc IMdll McCloud to a ~ Ntuetta of a helt• (A) 12'AI (II) MO'llm • • ··My Bloody v--. tine .. (1M11 Paul K9'mell . l.or1 ........ " --tOWll '**"" • -of ..,.,. dwr"'O "'* --" v.-. ..... oey--. ..-· ... "'°"" • • ··-,tlf C..-" t 11NI .,,_.. Caoller. Jofln DeNI. A fOnMf out- ._ ............ 11"911 of • """"Md.,..-. !)or. • MOVll • • ~ "Tlle Ilg c.Miel" ("61) tclrtl ~ .,.,. ...... In ordmr lo "°'* .... ....., .• '9C*1• •••• Ult IUlfM'IOI d ......... of.mall It ... r:I!'.. . ,.. ...ONIWt ... lllO'M '*** "The "9Un Of TM ~ ....,.., •• (1M0) Marti Ar11ott, Oordo11 ~. The INlll.,.,. °' • ~of~·~ llCtl\le Ir! Ille ptoteat ~ rneftl dllflftt Ille '841t get ... f« •.... ""4 --~ ***~ .. ltalrway Te ._...n" ( 1847) Dtvld • HMn. Kini Hullter. All AM ........... "°"' d9lllfl rii•=offllle. • • • ..""'*" ,.,.... .. ,,,,., Gene Wldlt, Jll C"y01.irtt1. A llllld· INMer.S book ..,, acc:lde111 .. ly beoOMe& lllYOIYed '" • linlltlt art ltllef• I l>IZ*rt pfOI dUflng I ~ tralfl ride. 'PG' 1:11 CC> MO'llm ••• ··Ao91t1a" 11m 1 Dwtlft HoflmM. var- ~ In l.ondafl • , .. ,an~­ ~ '*l'Ort• ~ and .__ lnvot\led wftll flfll*! mytttry ,.,,.., Afil- IN Ovtllftl. ""9 "81 llft her Ullllllf'lf\11 llutbelld. 'PG' t:9 CB> MOYll **'4 ••Aaofecfy Man .. (1911) e.y ....... Erle ....,., Ill ,..,., • _.... ~ operetw "' • Imel T.-10Wn. ~ IW ·-~"' .... ~ wt*I "'* Ilea a 11\0rt .tfalr """ • COfllbal·bound ..... or. •l'Q· =1= **" ··1..a So &flop •• 11I71) Jullel a.no. Claillde lem. A ltaokatof'e proptt. etOt ,.,. inltanl tuclCeall ..., .. ttOCb Ille .... ........ with-~ rd l'IWtttl aNa. •A• .... ,..,,."'°" " ...... Arab ._...,, ....... capt_tM -""'°'· a•• MCMI ••~ "LW. (tM7} ~. ,,., .-. IAl!WnOn . .., • ~ of ~ himMllf ............. ~~ ..... • -*idal .,.... d lttl!OdYDel tfltfll. ut. Vfltd TO ntl IOTTOlll C:. TM1 llA ··Alttdt•• •llllOYll .. ·~ .. ,~ ......... (Ifft) Wiiiiam l40!den. Ginger~ A~. youtftfUI ac:tr-..,.,. lM apMi• Md ,...,,. M9ded to ... ·~~·· .. ®:~· ... ~ •• .. Ko11oa"' ftHt) Mlc:Mlf ~ ....... JOltM. " dwMhtd ...... ' ..... fume ..... M-1-....... .,, ..... ~ ~~ ........... w.i ...... . C 1t4TI KaroMI l .. , .. . ,,.,... "911'1Men. • ... ............. Of .. tttoa...,...,,. .. .• ,,.. 't'•· .. ,.,.. '*"""'" , .. ,,, ....... ... .. !Mii.,. ....... .. ................... ..... ...,.. ..... ................. ~·N' • • ti (J) llMWtl • YI "The HICIPY Hooll•" I tt71l lYfl" Redtr•Y9. ~ • ....,,. "411110nt. Tiit .. Of H9w VOtll'• flllTIOUt .. fir!, ...,..,. HOiiender. .. ..,. '"' ... CR) flllOVla ...... ••o.une" (IMO) Gen• i-ow1e11dt, Johll AdalNt. A lofmer gun _. '**'-the PfOl80• tor oe 111 orpNrled .. ~. Old '-10 Neall tar~ t>y ttw llflderwOtld for tlle '"'°'1Mt'*" he wri.a 1n • better.cl btllltc:aM ·PO· ••• YO'tAM TO TMI IO'TTOM ~THI IU •• JONfl And Thi Whele•' lt'ftf11esd•w'• Da•ll•e /flo.,I•• -M011•t0- ......... I Hll1e •lo11d•t•• j1t81) JH n AooMl!ort. Enneo MOii· ...,,.,, nii.-dltc:OWt Cl\at I ...itl\y l\Ollellll' I ..,_ .. wort! delc:flbea In ... tlle aec:urtty tytltm protee111\g Ille ...iiiet>tea In Mtl!Ome. 1:1t (%) • * • ••Fout Pley" ( 11171) OoWle Hawn. Ctl8'll'/ Ctlaae. A Abrarlaft ~11• ll'lt aid OI an .,_..,t police d etaetlwe alter eh• DttOll'IM IMolwed In a blur19 --of mYrder• ..cs~ 1ttempt•. ' l:IO C1:) * * * •.t •·Barry Lyn· don•• (1175) Ryp O'NMI. Mwtea 9er"'90fl. A hend· --~ llndl ac:11on Md rom-In tile 11th· cantuty Brittatl army 'PO' CH> •• ••(Mye ,,.. ,Ub«ty'' ( 11741 "°°*'1 Culp. Rldl· ard l(tley. A 1*9dter'1 ad'lefllur" In c:olonlat A-1c:e tlke him from Ille eel~ of th9 w11oer-to rne.llnoi wttll the founding fatllerl . 1:00 Cl)*** "OI,,., Twm .. I 1175) Animated 8utd on IN ltory by ~ Dick· -Ollver and 1111 c:tldlel 11*d SquMker outrun MT. 8umble, Fagin. The Art1vl Dodger end ...i1 em stk•· 1:IO. * * "Tiie Kid From Npl-8o-81g'. (1117111 Jen. nht McAllltMr. Robert Vlllero A 12..,._-o60 git! ,.,_ herMlf In and OU1 ol trouble wNle running the IQWll~· I: 11 (%) • • ••Ctt11dr9n Of "..... (117') Helmut Ottem. Oto• Georo••· Picot. ....... '" .. Gunn .. ( 1te7) Craig S1__.1. Edward ~ Prtwete eye Peter ~ 19 ulled 10 lfl.,...1- ~ • oanolend murder .c>M(C>•••'A ··~ Above!" ( 1H3) Pater Sellara. Cedl Parker A well-maanlng reverend bec:omN • Oilfle>p In outer IPeN .... being retecfed by IM~ to wtlOl'll "* -'*"' by ,,,... • tae. CID •• '" ··n. North A--1,,.,,.,... ( 11179) Ectw.d H9rT'INM. BerM- ra Herrll. TN -rnlnlt1er "'a .... town Of~ • rove> of dotty _, 1n IN conOf'eo-t'°" to •too the flow of enurc:fl fund• to crllnill*. ·G. Cl) • * '-" ••Wtiere The lo)'9 Ara" (1NOI Oolorft H911. Oeor9* Hamilton Four young -Join Ille llordel of FlorldM>Ound oollagianl dorlftQ Euler vacation. C%J • * • "S.0 .8." ( tllll 11 Wllllarn Holden. Julle And,_ A movie dtrac:1or wllO "-)ue1 t'lltl8hed a ~ doler 1uncey .-"'°"' attempted aul- cide 10 e ~ lnec>Qd ••aflodltoo of,... ..,ic. ·R· ~ ...... "Tiie U«le Atk •• (1t71)Two OUtctl cN'dren try to .... "'* rnlealng ...,_."'*'a flood. ·o· 1l:GI. "llautftt• Dey" ( 11771 M9 TlllllliflONm, Gordon MleCftt(I ••• ~ .. Annie o.i.1ey•• (tt:)I) .,._. Stenwydl. ~ '°8t9r. .......... _.. ... ...... =" ,,,, .... = ..... ~ ::.· .="'9....1:!": ........ ............. ... CJ:')**·~-· (LNO> o.w. ...,,. ''°' Cll **~"IWfttll­ Tlle Mo41on ~· ( te1tt Wllllatll .,__, ........,. ~. nw..,...oo- rnaMtt .. tM u.1 • Ertl_,,.., ......... .... 06clCHW .... allffOf'll rnlMlon to flN ... ...,...... -Yw.11 ••• "*" .., !flt dMlnlCltiOll .. -· out ,....., .. loft ...,.,... ·o· Cl) ...... "Gunn"''"'' Craig t1~. ldWetel AM* Ptlwtlle .,.e ,._ Gunn .. --to .._... ~te. oantlMd --1l:IO CID ** "IWd!AM O..troy" (1M1) ll'efry l<lflO, Doll Stroud A for• • mer Soutll ~MIMM offlc:lal '""' raw•n.-agatnet IN_,,~ 1 wllO MlarldoNll '*" "" -amOuah dUftllt .... """'. ·PQ· • 1:IO eel ..... ··Aoc;ll 'N' ,_.. High Sdlocll.. plll't) P .J. SolM. Vlllcenl Van P8'tM. " IMlddlnt ~ .. Vlnc:e ~ Hlglt triee to get ttte ~ lo r-d ,., mutlc wtllla II« equally ambHloue lfland pu,.,.. "'* actlOOI llealt· throb ·~· 1 :40 (%) • • "Ctlllclrell Of Rage" ( tt74) Helmut Ortem. Otoe 0-e>e•· Ptc:ot. t:t0 ()) • ...... .,, Oo1 We T 1'\191" ( 1980) Merty Feldman. Arwty Kaufman. A '*"* monk 11 _.., out Into "'* WOt1d to rel.. l'flOMY lor hit trnpoverlllMll --·-·PO· •. * * 'h ··T11e Tumlng Point.. ( 11171) """' 8'n- ~ofl. 6'Wtey Mec:lalne. Two lrienda from beMlat training tc:floOf, MIO chOM d'"9rent roefl rnMy yeers ......... _. again Ind •e lore.ct 10 dMI .,..,h tlle c:oneaq-•PO' S:IO C,C) * * 'h ••A °'8llenge For Aotlltl Hood.. ( t"8) Barrie tng11a111. Jamee Hlly\er RoOln Hooe! and hil l>M4I of merry men Mt out to detllrone a tell· • appointed dlc:tetor wllO hat Mind pow. -"'* ....... ti (H) * * •.t "Slat Trail -The MotlOll Piciure" ( f11711) Wolhm Shat-. l~ Ntirnoy. The font* -mancter of tile U.S.S. "l Enterprlae r-~ "Ill l Old crew and Mt• off on a 1, mlMiOn to find the "'191M-i1 OU1 ....... rMj)Onaibte lcw the deltruc:110f' ol numer· out Federation t1911hipS. " ·o· (l) * * .. FunhOUM•• (1981) Eliubeth Berridge. ,t S)'Ma Mllea ~ ,..,._ ~ egaf8 lliP*"d • frlgtllful night in 8 c:arnNel tuft. ' 1 hO\IM inhabltM by 8 oernented b.attler and hie monttrOUI ton 'R' 1~ 4:00 G • ··~"TN M-'dl c 0.-" (11155) Berbet• :• StanwyQ. 8erry lullwen . " halel -ltwaNed wlttl • geng of ~.... :J in love wfttl Iha ~ trw:itun91"9 ......_ J cm • • . .,,.. .... ~ ·s llnO Gano Ale* ""*"'" ~ (11179) Tim c-.y, Doll Knotlt A pelt of -'*"' outtewe "Y to .-the 11 etrail and ~ow. 'G' v " •• <.; .. Monet., " lelend'• (1941) Ter..-I~ Stamp. P9ter ~ A it WH11hy. bOfed you1'I end h•• guardian are lhlpwrec:U d on a remote taland poputel9d by ci.n-. i!!"°"' orN t..,.... 4:80 (£) * * * .. Ollvef Twiet .. ( 1975) Anlme1ed a8"d on !fie "ory by Clwtaa Old<--°""*' and 111e onca• lriend Squeell• °"""" Mr. Burnt*I. , ... The Al1ful OOCIO« Md .... 811 .. ~:' .... Foul "'f. (1978) Gddil H-, Olewy I~ Ch-. A ~ *""9ta IN aid of an lrMIPf police •J detectt•• after 1lle W becomM ln¥Ofw9d "' • blur,. ..... of ,_,,.,. '2 _, kldnaipplng......,... tb uo ~ •• "Unklll Cl'f. {J ( tteO) D11bra Her'l\y. ·PG. U l"l 1~ •• 0, j ,_.Illa /lllll lllCU 1 l JI s () J\ y . J lJ l '( 1 I 1 ' HI I Miracle tot: 'God gave her back'. MET AijUE. La. (AP) -The "miracle baby" who gave reacuera aomething to ch eer about when ahe was pulled from the wreckage after a ~tliner alammed Into her family a home la dolna "juat fine," and appured at a newa conference with a teddy bear to prove it. The tiny s urvivor is still providi ng Inspiration -to relatives grieving the loss of her mother and sister in last week's crash. "It's got to be a miracle," said Gabriel Trahan, srandlather of 16-month-old Meliua Trahan. "We thought she wu dead but God ~r= her back to UI." Me , a blonde with hazel eyec who stands about 31 l.nches tall, met reportet's Monday n.lght with both sets o f her grandparents, her doctor, and her family'• pastor at Eut JeUenon General Hoapital, where abe la recovering from injuries Including second-degree burnt on both feet. Melisaa's mother, Melanie, and .., ........... ~ ............ TWO-POINT LANDING -Laguna Beech Police Sgt. Fred Martino radios for assistance alter a car belonglng to Peter Verity plunged from the family's carport at 66f Mystic Way onto the patio below. Police said it appears someone pulled into the carport by mistake, striking the vehicle and sending it crashing to the patio. Officers are attempting to find the driver of the other automobile. Agran likely Irvine niayor; vote tonight By GLENN SCOTT or .... o.1r "°' ,..,. Larry Agran probably will become mayor of Irvine tonight when the City Council selects a succe980r to David Sills. Although no one bas publicly declared an interest in the role except Agran, however, there is atill some reluctance to yield leadership to him. Sills, mayor two of the last three years and recent. loser in a bitter prima.ry election for a state assembly seat , has issued a written statement declining another selection. Six-year Councilman Bill Vardoulis, who has been mayor twice, said today b e isn't interested in another term. New Council member Barbara Wiener, sitting through her first meeting tonight, said she won't aak to be nominated but would cake the position if selected. She aaid she has concerns that the city direction might change with A,ran at the helm. "I'm disappointed that Mayor WORLD Sills has removed his name from consideration," she said today. Agran and Mrs. Wiener were (See IRVINE, Page A!) F ire fights f i r e thre at Smoke rose out of the Santa · Ana Mountains today -for good rea8Cm. It emanated from a fire deliberately set by the Orange County Fi.re Department as part of a program of "prescription" burns to reduce chaparral undergrowth. . The department planned to burn between 100 and 200 acres in the Peters Canyon area east of Tustin. The area i.s adjacent to land that underwent a controlled bum two weeks ago. Several future burns are planned, according to fire officials. DENVER (AP) -The body of NichoJ.1 Schrock, 42, a University of Colorado profesaor m.ilSlnC lix weeks, bas been found in the cemetery of a west.em Mexican village, authorities said today. Schrock appeared to have died from a blow to the head, according to a U.S. Embuey offidal. Actor K enne th More dies · LONDON (AP) -Britiab actOC' Kermeth More, 67, the cool, hand1ome 1tar of many war and adventure filma and televimon'1 "Forsyte Sap," dMd Monday nl1ht at hl1 London home, hl1 aaent announced tOday. t BUSINESS ; ~,..,.,I • , I , I 4-year-old slater Brid1et died Friday when a l:oaa Veau-bound Pan Am 727 jetliner a1ammed Into the family'• home and a dot.en othen in Kenner, kUllng all 145 aboard the plane. Six othen on the ground alto were killed. Melilla. who wu awakened to meet the preea, c.arrled a teddy bNr with the imcrl~ .. God Lovee You" on Ill T-lh.lrt. She fidgeted, wiJ.h a y coin and srasped at reporter'• microphones. Her maternal 1randmother1 Gerry Smith, aaid Melllla wu "fine, juat fine. We are all sotng to make it becauae of her." In addiUon to the foot bu.ma, Meliau auffered minor bruileS and abruiont, apparently when ahe .fell from her ,bed and was trapped for two hours beneath a matt.rea and a carpet in the rul.nl of her home. She had been the first survivor found by rescue workers after Friday's crash. Tbey broke into cheers and applauae at the diacovery. "She'• doing fine. She'a a spunky little girl who'• been heaUnl well," Mid her physician, Dr. Oua Colon. a plastic surgeon and bum apecl.a.list. "She'll need outpatient care and drell.ing for her burns." Mellaaa'a only apP.arent dtacomfort ia ... he doesn t like it when we chaJlie her dressings," Colon said. PLO forces warned Israel moves troops, armor near B eirut BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - larael moved more troops and annor to the edges of west Beirut today .and warned "We have the tools and the means" to remove Palestinian guerrillas from Beirut. The signs of Israeli impatience accompanied indications that the negotiations to end the Beirut siege peacefully are making little progress b~cauae no Arab country wants to take the Palestine Liberation Organization's estimated 8,000 guerrillas. In Israel, Defense Minister Ariel Sharon, in a speech to air Banning • issue goes to voters Threatened with a referendwn, the Newport Beach City Council will put the beleasuered $124 million BmnihC Ranch project GD the November ballot.· Council memben Paul Hwnmel and Don Stnn111 CMt the only no votea on what will become the first referendum- forced election jn t he city's 7S-y$ history. "I'm not opposed to people voting," said Strauu. "But I believe it'a not a good plan. I think we'd be better off by repealing it." A motion to r epeal the council's approval in March to build 379 homea and 300,000 square feet of office and industrial development in West Newport Beach failed, with Hummel and Strauss voting yes. Monday's decision was a victory fQr the West Newport Legislative .Alliance, a group of homeowners opposed to the project, who had led the successful referendum drive following the council's approval. The group, c laiming to represent 9,000 residents, was unsuccessful in its attempt, however, to convince the council to adopt the exact ballot wording they wanted. Voters w i ll be asked to "repeal" the already approved Banning project, rathe r than "adopt" the development. The plan which called for homes, offices and industrial development on 7S of the SOO acres weet of Superior Avenue haa faced an uphill battle. Delayed by a council vote six times, the projec t finally approved last March left both the referendum leaders and the developer unhappy. NATION force officers Monday night, said, "time is running out" for a diplomatic solution. "We have the tools and the means to e nsure that our unequivocal demand -that the terrorists leave Beirut -be fulfilled, if it is again proved that the path of negotiations has reached a dead end," Sharon said. Israeli sources said the government of Prime Minister Menachem Begin was becoming convinced that the PLO was stalling, "constantly throwing in new factors in the hope that time is working in their favor." .., ,.. ...... ., CMrtee .... BOOTH SITTING -Sue Geer wean papier mache mask while watching over Laguna Beach Sawdust Festival booth operated by Bechtol/Keller. She said the two artists' studio in Costa Mesa makes the hand-made masks. Gold, silver both sain NEW YORK (AP) -Precious metali prices were up apin today, fueled by prospects of lower interest rates and reporta Iran might eend troope to Lebanon. Gold wu up $16.40 an ounce to $3&7.50 and .Uver pined 31 centa to te.~. Clothes make the woman C1oth1na manufacturen barkened to the c:ry of female executlvw tor quality cloth1na to wear to work. PaceM. COUNTY • Lebanese military sources, w ho requested anonymity in keeping with government regulations, said, the Israeli command regrouped forces around Beirut to ab&orb two new annored brigades and tighten the nooee on the PLO's west Beirut stronshold. "We are always an army on the move," Kedar said. Correspondents saw Israeli tanks and armored personnel carriers moving to positions on Beirut's sou thern and eastern outskirts today, after 'l sixth cease-fire was arranged by U.S. special envoy Philip C. Habib. MIRACLE -Melissa Trahan, 16 months, claps her hand.a at a news conference in Metairi.e, La. Melissa survived when a Pan Am jet crashed into her home. Stringent arcades ordinance apprOved By JODI CADENHEAD or .. ..,,.. .... Newport Beach YoungJlterl can forget about popping quarters into their favorite video games before 3 p.m. or after 10 p.m., followiq tentative approval Monday of tough new guidelines reaulatina the comp uterized ~ Led by parent.a and educatora worried a bou t the time and money Younetters are spending on the popular pastime, the Newport Beach City Council adopted a stringent ordinanc~ aimed at curbing their \.Ille dwinR achool hours. John Cox Jr. was the only councilman to o ppose the ordinance that comes before the council for final approval July 26. and requires: -All businesses obtain permits for video machines within three ~· -No video machines be allowed within l,SOO feet of a 11ehool or 100 feet of a re,D~. -P eople under 18 shall not operate a game before 3 'p.m. <!" after 10 p.m. Monday through Friday unless accompanied by an adult. School holidays are exempt. -Games be supervised by an adult and that parking be provided. Trash pickup due . despite strike .Resldenta of Huntinaton Beach and Fountain Valley were advbed today to put their trash out for pickup at regular times despite a strike at Rainbow Disposal Inc. About 45 drivers and workers for the Huntington Beac h company went on strike Monday over a holiday pay dispute. Trash piled up in some sections of aoutheaatern Huntington Beach. No pickups were scheduled in Fountain Valley Monday. Rainbow Vice President Stan Tkaczyk said strikers are being replaced and that trash collection trucks operated Monday afternoon and today. "We're asking residents to put out their trash at the scheduled times and to be patient. Their INDEX trash will be picked up," he said . Tk.aczyk said the walkout was a wildcat strike that didn't have the support of Teamsters Local 396 of Los Angeles, the union that represents the striking workers. He said the controversy focused on holiday pay. He said· the company followed provisions of the contract "and the workers didn't like it." Huntington Beach pol.ice were called to the Rainbow Plant at 17121 Nichols St., Monday as a precautionary measure but no violence was reported. A police spokeeman said the dispute developed because the workers reportedly did not get overtime pay for the Fourth of July. At Yow S..vtc. A4 Ann Lmden B2 Erma 8arnbedt B2 Movtea A8 8'.lllMm 84-5 Mutual Funds B4 California A5 Natiorial News A3 Cavabde B2 PubUe Notices c..5 ~ Spot1a Cl-3 B3 Dr.S111tnc:rohn B2 B3 Stock Marbta B& Cf ~ 88 AS ,,...., A8 -AJ w--A2 • 82 Wedd News .u A8 S PORTS ..... -:,~~ -' . .. , . ~~Miao .... ~Thi I*'••• md IQlft belltw1 hi w lmn In the.,_. ........ , ....... ID ••Id hll Pl • ID ....... Cl • .. 'v N •• Dow Jones Final OFF.67 CLOSING 824.11 County hank already • ID black Marine National Bank of Santa Ana has reported improvement in oper4lllng results for the second quarter and first half ending June 30. . Net income was $100,502. or $.17 per share for the quarter and $102,625 Cor the first half. or $.17 per share. Higher loan volume and deposits, increased interest spread and higher non-interest income were cited for the improvement. The bank was opened n July 198 1 at Harbor and MacArthur Boulevards Printronix earnings up Printronlx Inc. of Irvin e, manufac turer of minicomputer line printers, reported higher operating results today for the quarter ended J une 25. Earnings were $1 ,492,000, or 39 cents per share, on sales of $19,292,000. This compares with earnings of $1,202,000, or 31 cents, on sales of $14,375,000 for the corresponding period a year ago. Hughes property purchased TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) -Seventy-five million dollars changed hands as a Tucson-based joint venture purchases about 19 square miles from the estate of billionaire recluse Howard R. Hughes Jr. The initial purchase was followed by a series of sales of parts of the land for about $45 million. Starting off the transactions Monday was the signing of deeds tra.nsfening ownership of 12,328 acres from Hughes' estate to a joint venture fonned by Frank Aries, president of Aries Enterprises Ltd. of Tucson, and Pima Service Corp., a subsidiary of Pima Savings and Loan A.ssocl.ation. Firm to off er tours Golden West Homes will offer a series of factory tours in July and August. The lOUI'S, to be conducted a t Golden West's Santa Ana factory, will run Saturday and Sunday. through Aug. 15. There will be tours at 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Saturdays. and at I p.m. Sundays. The plant is located at 1929 SE St. Andrew Place. Cabinet chief 10 speak Secretary of Transportation Drew Lewis will address the industrial League of Orange County on July 26 a t the Anaheim Maniott Hot.el. The program begins at 11:45 a.m . STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT UPS AND DOWNS NEW YORK (AP> -n. tou-1no .... V>Ow• t"9 -York Slo<k Ewe-. •loch end .. .,,..,,. t11a1 Mw _.. up IM ,,_, -Oown Ille "'°'' WMd on r:r<tnl Of <"""9t r-rc:ttn• Of ¥04..,... or T~r.. ..::. ~~ ~~'1.:':.::.:~·.~':'i:; c:lllference .,.,_ the P•••lou• clc>Mno price en11 IOIM•f'• iism. prio ,..,,,. I.Ast CM Pct I Scot LFO 4 • '-Up 10.J J UMET Tr Jlwt • 1;.o Up 100 J KeNIQ> 1 .. Up •I • Fltller F1'> ti~ 1 Up •.l S 11.,_t 8 ...... '-Up • I 6 ~Inc •"" .. UP 16 1 WJICGl4A 71,. ... Up U I Wal_, P'A """ • Jt;., Up 1.J • Am Motor• >o. "' Up 1.0 10 O..inc:llM 1'\• • t '-Up 1 1 II A-. lnc:I 111• • ... Up 7.l 11 COOll UnH l 1"> • .... Up 6.• IJ ~IFn S'il • .. Up 6.1 14 Colllm All< u ~ "-Up • 1 ts XTAA1nc Uh + h Up 6 1 " KalvSt"I 11•.i. I.... UP ... 11 come.,._, • .,. '" u P • s 11 Soco • ,...... + "'' Up • ' " Publl<a tnc:t '"' \'a Up 6.3 10 Trlco "'' '-Up • 1 11 l'al»f'9e Inc II • I Up S • 11 Mun!Ot'c:I lllrt • ... Up '-' U Par.oyne JO.,. • "' Up S • 14 °"'"""° Cl> 1'4 + .. Up U U PIWll>' Ooc:I llh • 11<. UP S.S DOWNS USI C"t 1.... , I I<. tl I 'll> -'6 .. \<.-~ 10.. '" tl .. 12 -10 " 10~ -h ..... -.. ..... -.... .--.. ... -\I, ,, ... -.. , ... -" 211. -" 11i.. -I II .... -._ 1 .. , .. -.... ,,.,., _ , .. ,,.,_ -" ~-.... ,.-. --, .... -.. Pel. ()II ti • Off ••• ()II 7.• ()II 1.1 Off ,_, ()fl .. , ()fl J..t Off u g:; u Off u ()fl ,,. Off s.• ()II S.• Oft u Off u ()II S.f ()fl u Off S.t Off u ~ il g;; tl AMERICAN LEADERS METALS NEW YORK (AP) -5Po1 nonletroua me1el pOc;e9 today C...., ~71 oanta a POUnO. u.s <Matlnallon1. Leed 26-28 c:eni. • pouncl Dnc 37-40 oan1a a pound. del/Yafed Tift se. 1795 Mel• w.-c.ompoa11a lb. A"-"-18-77 c.nta a paund, NY Mafcury S37o.oo par nu« ~ S254.00 troy oz.. N Y SILVER Handy & Harmen. $6 450 par troy OU4'°8 GOLD QUOTATIONS ., n. •1111l1t1d ,.,_ Selected wortd gold l)t'loea !Oday. ~ morning ftxlng· $339 00. OfT $4.00. S ~ ettamoon H11lng: 1352.50, up uo. 'Me: •ltamoon fixing: HOlldey-mlftlat cioaad. ,.,~ $338.76. off to.87. ZMrtdl: l11e llxlng: ~7.50. up U .50 bid; S348.26 -*ed. ~ • ..._ only dally quote S352.50.. up S&.50. •"I •Ilea• only deity quota '352 • 50 I up IUO. ln;1•1CC• orly dally CIUOI• f~ &370. 13, up 1'8.M. ' .. :i .. •'• :· .. .. \ I c r 1 /' I Cooper's happy, ' despite usual snub From AP dl1patclae1 . MONTREAL -The honor came II late for Cecil Cooper, In a way he wu not entirely 1ure he Uked, and at flrat he wu reluctant to believe it finally had arrived. "Are you certain?" the Milwaukee Brewers' . al~r aaid Monday when told he had been picked to replace the injured Rod Carew aa the s~ flnt bueman for the American t..e.gue In the All·•tar Game. Aasured that Manager Billy Martin had choeen him, Cooper replied: "It's an honor, but It would have been a lot nicer to have been voted in." He was referring to the fact that fans· had telected C&rew for the •ta.rtinc job, despite Cooper's auperior statistics. Cooper it t>attlng cOONR .321 with 19 home runa and 68 runs batted in, compared with a .296 average, one horner and 21 MI for the Angels' Carew, who is suffering from tendonitis. On U\11 dai. ln bueb&il In 1993: • At the .,, of 43, Cleveland pitcher t:arly Wynn plcked up tho SOOth -and flnaJ - victory of hi• ca!'ffr u he hurled the tint five lnntnis In the lndlaN' 7.4 victory over the Kanaa1 City A'•· On thl• date ln 1938: St. Loull C.rdJnal sluger Johnny Ml~ belted three homer1 In one pme -tho first of a record five times he would accomplish the teat. Today's birthdays: Hall of Fame pitcher St.In Covelakl la 93. Seattle relief ace SIU CaudUI 26. Ex-Ge.orgta coach admits violations ATLANTA -A former aautant Ell football eo1eh with the Un!venlty of •. • Georgia says he broke two NCAA rules that coet the unlvenity a cha.nee to sign a top prep fullback. "I was wrons and I rearet it. I'd die If there were any big con1equence1," said Wayne McDuffie, now a member of the Atlanta Falcona staff. In an Interview publi1hed In today's editions of The Atlanta Constitution. The flrlt violation came Feb. 10, the flnt day a oollege la allowed to al~ hiah .chool pro1pect1 to aranta In aid under National Atloclatlon of Intercollegiate Athletics rules. McDuffie mlde a fourth visit to Coffee County HJch School to lee 230-pound fullback George Soi.Ith. The NCAA llmlt b three visits. "I hate that it happened, especially for the Georgia people," McDuffie 'Wd. McDuffie said he waa very busy that day. I ._.,,, .. "You don't like to see aomeone get hurt. but I'm pleased that I was picked to start," Cooper said. "Hopefully, next year it will be easier to get the fans' votes." . Cooper, 32, has hit .300 or better each of the last five seasons. including .320 last year. First, he viaited Coffee High, then went to Ocilla, where he signed Keith Johl\IOn of Irwin County. At Ocilla, he received a call from Coffee Coach Bonwell Royal asking him to return to Coffee County. "I knew the rule. I Just really forgot about it in all the excitement. We were pretty sure we were going to loee him," McDuffie aaid. The aecond violation came later, after McDuffie 11CCepted his new job with the Falcons. He made a trip to south Georgia to talk to the proepecta he had signed for the Bulldogs. . HOT WORDS -Montreal Manager Jim Fanning (right) and right-fielder Warren Cromartie conduct a heated discussion a fter Afl Wlrephoto Cromartie had argued earlier with Expos Coach Vern Rapp during their game with San Francisco Saturday. Quote of the day From Page C1 Biiiy Martin, Oakland A's manager, commenting on his team's ineffective bullpen: "Everytime we go out to them it's like pounng kerosene on a fire." "I told George 1 was leaving and I expected him to report to Georgia and be the best player he could be. l told him he had the potential to be as good as he wanted to be," McDuffie said. CAPUNE PADDLES • • • • I Mystic Park goes for $5.25 million NEW YORK -Mystic Park was E syndicated Monday for $5.25 million, a record for a ~-year.old trotter, it )Vas announced by Alan Leavitt, president of Lana Lobell Fanns. Mystic Park is one of the favorites for the Triple Crown of Trotting races of the Yonkers Tro t at Yonkers Raceway July 24, the Hambletonian at The Meadowland Aug. 7 and the Kentucky F\aturity at Lexington Oct. 8. Leavitt completed the syndication Monday with the colt's owners, Allen, Gerald. and Irving Wechter of New York and Robert Lester of Plantation, F1a .. and he said Mystic Park would continue to be trained and driven by Frank O'Mara. Mystic Park has won seven.of-nine start.a this year. Italians land four all-star spots MADRID -Four players for ltaly, winner of the World CUp 90CCer tournament, were lncluded in an all- star team chosen by Associated Press sports writers at the end of the four-week competition. Dino Zoff, 40-year-old goalkeeper and captain, was a unanimous choke. The other Italians pi.eked were defenders Claudio Gentile and F\alvio Collovati and striker Paolo Rossi, top scorer of the tournament with six goals. But only one man from West Gennany, defeated 3-1 by ltaly in Sunday night's final at Madrid's Santiago Bernabeu Stadium, was selected. That was Karl-Heinz Rununenigge, the captain, who ended the tournament with five goals, second only to Rossi. Cyclist still in critical condition Barbara Baclaan, the bicyclist • injured in a racing crash on Friday, remained in very critical condition Monday at Westla ke Community H01pital and still has not regained consciousness after undergoing surgery for removal of a blood clot on the brain . . . Place-kicker Fred Stelllfort has agreed to a series of one-year contracts with the f>enver Broncos . . . Mike Weaver will defend the Wo rld Boxing Association heavyweight championship against Randy "Tex" Cobb July 26 at Caesars Pal~ in Las Vegas ... The Minnesota North Stars have signed center Bobby Smida to a seven-year National Hockey League contract. T elevlslon. radio Following are the top sports events on TV tonight. Ratings are: v v v v excellent; v v v worth watching; v v (air; v forget it. e 5 p.m., Cballnel 7 v v v v BASEBALL: All-star game. Auoucen: Keith Jackson , Al Michaels, Howard Coeell, Don Drysdale and Bob Uecker. Three Angels will be in the starting lineup for the American League Including Bobby Grich at second base. Fred Lynn in cent.er and Reggie Jacksm In right. Montreal's Steve Rogers is the starting pitcher for the National League under Tommy Lasorda while Dennis Eckersley of Boston will start for Billy Martin's American League squad. The game is being played in Montreal. RADIO Baseball -All-star game from Montreal. 5:25 p.m .. KNX (1 070) with Vin Scully and Brent Musburger. Counterattack helped Italians R est of world le ft wondering -are they that good? MADRID (AP) -Italy i ndulge d in a fre nzy o f celebration on Monday a fter finding itself king of the soccer world, and temporarily put aside one nagging little question: Are the Italians really that good? For two week.! they were, and that was loni enough to win the championship of the 12th World Cup. Italy won ita third World Cup title on Sunday with a convincing 3-1 victory over West Germany, handing the West Germans their first loss to a European team in four years. Before that, Italy had disposed of defending c hampion Argentina 2-1. favored Brazil 3-1 and Poland 2-0. Yet the Italians' first three matches, in which they were unable to beat Poland, Peru or even Cameroon, left questions about whether the team had the potential to play at a high level for an extended time. Pele, who led Brazil to World Cup titles in 1958, 1962 and 1970, TV moguls scrambling NEW YORK (AP) -DelUlls Lewin has an All·atar pme to get on the air tonight, and he'd like It to start on ~. But It's in Mont.real, 10 thett will be two national anthem• and player introduction in French and F.ncJ.iah. Oh. and 13 .~ are to throw out the "fintrba'll-:- A 'luarter-mile tra c k 1urround1 the baseball field. moving fana and TV cameraa farther back than ID moat ttadiuma. If ABC's camerM are out of position, ultimattiy the living-room fan'• view will be hampe_red. said o n Sunday that Italy "played well, but I wouldn't say they were the best." "Tec hnically , Brazil plays better," former Brazilian star Pele told Spanish television. "But Italy has mastered the count.er-attack and. in the last few games, they were able to do it not with just one man, but with several.'' Before the final match, Italian Coach Eru.o Bean.ot had aa.id that Brazil, not. his 1quad, was the best in the world. One Italian who left no unanswered questions was Paolo Roal, who returned from a two. year suspension to 1COre six goals -three against Brazil, two against Poland and the first againat Weet Germany. Bearzot appeared to have answered his multttudea of detract.on. And the M~yee.r-old coach had the utltfactlon of aeelna Italy win with the attackinc 1tyle he hM preached for four yean, in a n11t.lon wheR defente and ltallinc have been the rule. STARTER -Rod Emer y starts for the South Saturday night. From Page C1 EMERY • • • Fmery during his two.year stint with the Barons. As a junior he was sitting back a bit. but the Barons had an exceptional season, advancing to the CLF Big Five finals against Edison. As a senior he came into his o wn. individuall y. but the Bar o n s' up -a nd -down performances took their toll. "My attitude rtexed with the team attitude." admits Emefnry . "Al times it was tough for e when we were down, and try ng to get up. "It's hard, It's why you have to have a lot of team motivators." There should be no problem with a rnotivatlng fac tor Saturday. "I want to play the best game pollSible and with the best conduct poasible," says Emery. Hopefully, the whole team will see it that way. Thia b a fun thing, but also a privilege." TENNIS UPSET GETS RAMIREZ BROOKLINE, Maas. (AP) - Glen Holro yd, virtually unknown as the world's 243rd ranked player. ousted flfth- seeded Raul Ramirez of MexJco, 7 -6, 6·4 Monday in a stunning opening round upeet at the U.S. Pro Tennis ChamplonshJpe. "Thia la the first time I've got past the fint round this year •• Holroyd aaid aft.er the ~t victory of hla pro career. "I aerved and volle~ very well." world's r ecord for longest distance ever paddled on the West Coaat. Naturally, a feat of such a ccomplis hme n t posed the question , "What's next?" To which Capune replied, "I think we'll go from San Francisco to Newport." "What do you mean 'we?" his partner quickly countered. "Are you pregnant?" H indered by fog a nd huge swells, Capune set out on his journey o n three different occasions before finally accomplishing his task in 18 days on the fourth try. W ith th e W est Coast conquered, Capune set his sights on the eastern seaboard. In 1964, h e de parted from Coney I sland in Ne w York destined to reach Cape Kennedy in Florida. He would have made it, too. except for a few minor stumbling blocks he incurred. The first was off the coast of New Jersey , wher e h e w as arrested for "surfing in a non· surfing area: refusing to stop for a lifeguard's whistle; and inciting a riot." The case went to trial where it was subsequently thrown out by the judge. Capune was stopped on other occasions. too, for similar violations. but by now his exploits had reached the print and electronic media and every time he w as arrested, s tate authorities would step in and say h e was to b e released , "immediately." Capune got as far as the piers along the North Carolina coast before a Mr. Robbins put an abrupt end to the paddler's travels. "You get out of here, boy, or I'm going to blow your head off.'' shouted Robbins. "Why?" asked Capune. "Because you're disturbing the fish," Robbins shouted back. "Well. then, I'll just go out a few miles and circle your pier as to not disrupt anything." Capune compromised. "This entire area, as far as the eye can see, is mine," Robbins warned. "You set foot in my territory and I'm going to shoot you dead." Capune said he was about to offer another solution when Robbins started to fire. Capune dove into the water until Robbins emptied the rifle. When he submerged it was just in time to catch a Coke bottle on the right side of his head that required 25 1Utchea. Capune eventually filed an Sl 1,000 ault. the resulta of whkh Davis holds narrow lead So Lewin went to Montreal I.Mt April for a camera 8W'Wy. He found h1a home-plate camera would have to thoot \hrouch the ICieet\ that ~ I.am from foul balls. To Improve thoee pk:turea. ABC offered to buy plexiCJam and apllt the cmt wtth OU--~...... but a deal oouldn't be 8ft'anlld. No one in Italy waa PDBLI BEACH -CraJc Devil, queatlonln8 the ability of the 20, s.pulwda. ahot a five-under-par Ital.Ian teem. 87 Monday over th• 6,608-yard Other poaltion problem•, bowever, were overcome or mlnlmiud. The low flnt·and third-bw CllnlNI. which lhoot clmlup1 of .......... wl batten. '"" ........ .,,~ ....... on•clMk clrole. lo YA.C .10& .... .... " lllOV9 the --..... -~. Pro~I•• wUti &he hllh t=t' r.: ;:-~ l=lilJ Ill ... llf , ......... - • Nearly 30,000 n_,.wavtna, Cy..-~ Golf Coune to Wee a .c:reamlna fana welcOmed the one AGb a.I into the llOOftd round team In Rome u m 6 d d a y of the 7 lit c.11.fom&a Golf NlodlUon Monday, and nearly broke amatNr~phen. U\rouch PGlic9 barrlcedll. O.Ylil. a lbldlnt at Ariaona 8'91e ·1·um'-tl\~u1 chetu lnd Un1Ym"l&ty,hedntn.ofM..alr.af7 whittles tni,i.d 11 Prteldent . -.. _...,..,than the 81 pall!ad Sandro PwUDI NIPd off the m PMe, 11 lan1a a.rtan. • plane, followed tiy a.araot ~ ~'-Pa• dindi ln1 lht 10ld World Cvp '1· Tlllll ... lam.I .... w... .... lirtftl; 'we ra.uw cin ~=-·~ Mdoul te~ -wed I ft.. I •. "~ ,., -.. .... ., ' -I ,.,. lj t!!-EP.8~, ~ a:: Jr!I!! ., -~ '... ..... ~.,... , t will be explained later. I I I I • To condense even two longer : stories short, Capune returned to j the F.ast in 1972. where he went 1 from Boston to Miami in 110 : days. : Again, he ran into Robbins (he f was escorted through the pier by : the Coast Guard) and was a.lao • forced aahore just o utside of t Boston (by a hurricane) where he \ stayed at none other than Rose j Kennedy's home for three davs. l ln '75, Capune made a return : visit to the East whe r e, to I ce l ebra t e the coun t r y's 1 Bicen tennial. he decided to go : from Portland, Maine to Corpus : Christi, Texas 1 Along the way he again met up with the dreaded Mr. Robbins (another Coast G uard escort was : provided ); stayed at the l Kennedy's for a couple of days; I and was grounded in Louisiana I for two months d ue to bad )' weather (Capune traveled during I the winter months a fter his s ummer lifeguard d uties we re I over). ! Aft.er leaving on July 4, 1975. , Capune finally reached his final I stop on May 18. 1976. l Capune spends his curre nt J u me going to as many schools as hl' can lo try to reach youngsters. 1 He flo<'ls 1f he only reaches one 1 kid. it's worth 1t I "I'm not out to try to inspire kids to get on paddle boards." said Capune "I'm out to show them that everybody has got the same equipment. It's JUSt up to them as to how they use it. Capune, who has made as much as $14,000 a year, usually averages a round $8,000-$9,000 annually That's all he claims he needs, though, as his means are modest. "I would li ke kids to want to go out and do something that contributes to life," said Capune. "I want them to be a part of life rather than JUSt take from it." It 5ounds like Capune has been doing just that. Uniforms stolen NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (AP) -While the Niagara Falls White Sox of the New York-Penn League were on the road over the weekend, aomeone broke into the clubhouse and stole the minor league baseball t.eam's home unifo rms and other equipment. "We won't be able to know exactly what was ta.ken until the team geta back tonight and an inventory la taken," George Wenz. the team president, said Monday.