HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-21 - Orange Coast Pilot8r DAVID IUTDIANN or ... .,... ......... State &In. John 0 . Schmits and hJa family maintained rtrict 11.i.nc. today 11 a ..-whirlwind of controveny encWfed them 1n the af~th of court hearlnat and dldoaaree ~ with the ~ of whe&Mr he ii the father of two youna children whoae mother 11 a Tu1tln Te9ident. 'This is a family matter,' son ·says ~ HOIDAial of 0...,. County Jain In~ the mothM' 1\Miday WMK after doctort dllcoveNd at hff home In Tu1tln. ~ ... out ~ within t ~Y.11 tbe :onlakt. 11We are lnve1tl1attn1 1verythln1 In the broade1t ........ the youn,er Schmits Mid. . On Tueaday, the CW"te1nl were itrawn and vi1ltora were met out1ide the door of Schmitz' Spyalua Hill ~ in Newport ~. 'nM>uah the tenator was nported to be lmide, he didn't :-. MY a&a'8'Denw or re.pond to lnqulrie.. A heartna in Orange County Juvenile Court ii acheduled for Aua. 6 on injuries one of the lnta.nll 1uffered while in the care . ·. of the mother. Accordll\I to 0ranae County Supertor Court Judp WlWam l4umay, the oou.rt docwnmta tta• that Schmits la the father of the 13-month-oJd baby boy and CU1I Stuck19 ii the mother. That child ii in county CUit.Ody. The Tu.tin woman claimed thi• mornln1 that Schmits WU the father of both her infant children. one of whom la a two-week-old baby pl. In another development, Tustin police invesUfaton Mid thil rnorniDI that, they would po-1bly complete their probe of the injuries to the 13-month-old child today. The baby required corrective IUf'i'el'Y to h1I ~nia at Childrens Israel tanks confronted in Moslem march BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Ianiell jell flew mock attacks on guerrilla-held west Beirut today shortly after hundreds of Moalem demonstrators defied warnlna bursts of PLO mllChlne-aun fire and marched to within ranp of Iaraeli tankl to demand an end to the fighting. No bombe were dropped by the jeta. and the demonstraton and the turbaned lheika who led them from mosques dispersed peacefully after staging the 40-minute protest at the Parliament building, juat 200 yards ban I.areell tanb deployed at the ''Green Une" that divides Bet.rut into M~ and Chriatian halvea. n. Janieli newspaper ~ quoted Pri me Ministe r Menachem Begin as saying Ya11er Arafat'• be1leged Palestine Liberat io n Organization "won't be able to hold out" in west Beirut. "They have to leave Beirut to the lalt fNUl in 10me way or another.'' he said. Begin IA1d lut weekend that the PW had leas than 30 daya to agree to leave Beirut. and Maariv Mid the prime minJater thinka it will take two to three weeJu to rach acreement. "The diplomadc etfcrt ltill hat ..ne chance, but lt can't ao on for a kma time," be•• qUoted .. aaying. The Moslem demonatraton cs.. llRAEU. Pap A:t> Baghdad air raid repelled by Iraq? By De A1Mdated Presa Iraq aid It repelled an lnm1an air attack on the Iraqi capital of Baghdad today and ahot down one of the raiding Phantom jell. But Iran reported its planes succeeded in bombing oil t.cilitiea in Baabdad and causing heavy cuualtiea and damage. It WU the fl.nt Iranian air raid on the Iraqi capital reported atnce early in the Iran-Iraq border war that began in September 1980. An Iraqi military spokesman said two lranian Phantom jets trying to reach Baghdad were repulsed by Iraqi miuile1. Quoted by Radio Baghdad. the 1pokesman said one of the planet waa ahot down and the eecond eecaped. The announcement said the pilot of the downed plane WU kJlled and the co-pilot taken prboner. An Iranian war report carried by the official Iranian new1 a9ency IRNA Hid ita planet IL'IOn9d a direct hit on the Iraqi oil refi,Dery of Al-Dowrah on the outald.rtl of S.,hdad. A Radio 'tebran report aaid Iranian w lane. bombed ''large pe.rtl ofhaq'• oil ln1tallations in NATION Baghdad," in!llcting "heavy cuualtte.'' and damage. The Iranian report.a conceded one jet crashed due to "technical d.ltt1culty .••. Meenwhile, fighting continued in the IOUtbeat comer of Iraq between invading Iranian troopa and Iraqi defenders. 'The two nations' ground forces have been battling ance Iranian forol!9 C:rcmed the Iraqi border eight daya qo. Iraq said it made repeated air. and tank aaaulta, intJJcting staggering lei.es on the invadel'I. But reporta from both aides indicated the Iranian troops were entrenched about three miles inside Iraq just north of Sura, Iraq'• main oU port on the disputed Shatt-al-Arab eatuary {See IRAN, Page A!) Groups scuffle DAKOTA CITY, Neb. (AP)- Nebraaka state troopen firing tear ga1 scuffled with rock- toming ltrlken for a leCOnd day today at a beef alaughterhOUle and proceming plant. At leut 15 people were -arrested and one trooper suffered minor injurlea. Educators low achievers? A "dilturblna" nudy hu found that education 1ee1111 to attnct the lower ranks of mlJeae ltUdenta, and that thoee who plan to make the profemon a career are below-average academic achfeven. Pace A9. SPORTS Angels move 4 •• in lea'd The Anae1I dlOYt4: ~ .-me. "' front in the American Leap• w .. t with-• vtctot')' over th• Baltimore Oriolea. Paae Dl. Hawaiian se~ swimmi.JJ& marlc JMDne Chlld8 of Hawaii • an Amirtam record ln tbl women'• 200-meter~ breulltruke at the U.S . awlinml~ world champiomhlp trlau at Ml•ton ~· MiriUiitte 1'ecrMdia c.nt.r. ~ Dl. t \ that • ltnnd of hair had tJe.l John Patrick 8c:hmltl. '¥1, &bi woUnd tllht11 around the orpn. lldlm& ... oi the caall'OY•Ml C8\lilna wioul IQary, !'fewDort a.ch lafffi'dD*, •.ad Accordln1 to:~~1tln Police late 1'.day the fliadl:Y belrlld Capt. Woody WUJJa~•· thecwWMaprivatematW"end . "'We're engased in . a sortins ouf process within the family." invut11atora planned to would not comment on tt. =~the~.~ .. ·~==~~ w.. iM &WUll d~ D4l>9ct s+mta. & Stan'ard Jaw .ICbool or ,n lleddent. lfadua_ te, Mid outside the family ''There'• quite a few que.tiom 6ome we ltill have to uk." Williama Inalde, he aald, were hl1 said th.la momlni· puenta and the couple'• other He said pollce lnveatlgaton chlld.ren. "We're enpged in a Schmitz uSd that bit father would not be i11uJn1 any 1 •*°"''-on the quesdon of paternity 1n the a., al~ at mme wwpedf.led date he would pomtbly answer quadona. A.ccord1na to Judp M~y. th• elder "Schmits called him Friday an·d told him the, U-month-old child in the C\Wtody of the court WM hJa. "Let me be frank with you, I am the child'• father," the ~ quoted Schmitz .. teWna hlm. - Murray dectded at a beart.Nr Monda)' that the 13-month-o.Ja Infant would remain in the Alben S!UOD Home 1n Orarice (See SENATOR. Pase AZ) SILENT -State Sen. John Schmitt: isn't talklne about reports that he fathered two chlldren out of wedlock. Coast Guard still afloat Budget increased despite cutback requests .............. .., ...... ~ ANXfOlJS -Scott Rothen. 7, took the Huck Finn fishing contest in Huntington Beach as serious businea. See the results on Page Bl. .. Fean expreued earlier this year by local boat owners about the Cout Guard'• 11th Dt.trict11 role in protecting coutal watera were all for naught. Despite Preafdent Reagan'• request to cut hllck on eervices, Congreu approved the largest Cout Guard budget in history lui week. 1~ u!5·~984~ thelljC1 ~ Senate la $712 m1lUon more than what the ~ administration ortainally had 1n mind. AnUclpatin1 the Rea1an cutback•, a aix-week inV.UOtion bepn in January to oon1ider the feaalblllty of mer1ln1 the 11th and 12th dl1trlct1. The 11 tb Dia tr let ~ from Not ~pdon south liO the Mexk:a• borcMr. and beMquarten are in Lona Serb. Jol.nlnc with the 12th n.trict, wbicb coven the coat north to the ~ border, would haw meant miMns ~ to San 1'randlco. &••~. accordlna to Lt. U...) Kathleln Domboe public aflafn =·~-=~~=--c-popoml WM dec11ned. AJ.o. the Pomt Divide cutter, ltatlcntd at C.orona del Mar, WU expected t.h1a year to cm bec:k lta days of instant .......,.,.,. fnJm 21 to 10 daya per month. However, when Secretary of TramportaUon Drew L. Lew1a Jr. explained to officials .In Washington that thi1 wu Heat wave packs coastal beaches A July heat wave hat moved into Orange County, eruln1 memorle1 of gloomy June w~ther and promptlq many inland residenta to ..& relief along Oranp Cout beed>es. The NaUonal Weather Service laid inland temperatur9 today and 'J'!lunday would peak ln tbe mid-901. Beach temperaturea today and Thuraday were expected to be 11~.htly cooler with hight 1n the high 70.. The water temperature along the coast haa been a comfortable 88 degree.. The heat wave 11 ai.o creatina amos probleml. Althouah couta1 COUNTY area• can ti!/!i.ct few 1mog problem, o at the South to..t Air~ Manqement Diltrid a s One SIDOI ert tn the La~abra- Santa Ana canyon area. Thia alert meant the air la considered unheal~ul for all people, a dlltrict lpOkemnan laid. He 1ald the rfft of inland Oranp County would have air quality today and Thunday that ls considered unhealthful for aemttive people. Weather offidaJI blamed the hot oonditlonl on a h1lh premure ~~ted over Southern Huck Finn Huntinstoa style Flah1na la kid stuff at the HmaUnat.on Beech Pier on the 311t annual Huck l'lnn-~ Thatcher Day. Page Bl. Blood donon decrease told BUSINESS Voider ell• -.cea.no unacceptable, the required funda were allocated to the di.strict. After nwneroua oomplainll to President Reagan about lmpendina closurea of aearch and reecue 1tationa nationwide, the administration revt.ed Ill plans. John M . Rau, natio nal president of the Navy Leque, had told the Newport Beach Yaehtmnen Luncheon group in February to do exactly that - complain. He stated they ahould addrea their ~ma directly to David Stockman. director of the Office of Management and Budget. No funds a¥allable Self-help courses out in Saddleback .;. By PATlll~ J. ~y °' .............. Offlclall of Saddleback Community Colle1e Dl1trlct, with campuaes in Irvine and IOlmlan Viejo, plan to eliminate 2$0 °aelf~beJy' and ,....lion dMlel IWxt fall b9cau. ol It.ate h1ndln1 cut• to community collefel. HardHt hit are physical educaUcn ~ ..m .. joain.g and yoaa that are be1nj ellmlnated.. a-In 80IDe other eJectiw counea, auch • home eacmcmlal Wlid needll!cratt. are belna reduced, •llid college oftidala. Elimination of the cla.es will cut $'750,000 ln ltate funding, bued on the number of atudenta that attend the colJeae, achool offJdala said. TI'le recluctiona .i.o wlll mean the college will rehire fewer part-time teachen next fall, but achool offlciala uy the total hasn't been determined. TI'le California Col1ejel Board of Oovemon urpd cuta in llelf- belp courae1 last week 10 community colleges could reduce expendlturea to comply with reduced 1tate funding for 1982-83. The 1tate Le1lllature'1 recent_l)'_ adopted bs:d et cut about '30 million 1n for the state'• 70 community co dlatrictl. &me of the recreetion and self-help course1 have been criticUed by vartoua Jepl.aton u frivolOUI. Wllliam Schreiber, official IPOkemnan for the oollege, Mid 1'ueaday that 1ome of the formerly tuition-free counm that are belnt eliminated may be INDEX A4 • ~ B2 A.5 B2 ~ Be °' M B8 Cl-10 82 WORLD offered next fall on a fee bmll. • "It's really chaotic around~ becau.e we Ollly have a week to tally up the lilt of~ belna eliminated and what that will me.n In ftduced averaee daily attendance fi1urea (u1ed te formulate •tale fundln1).'' Schreiber ..ad. . • (See FUNDING, P.,e A!) : ~ Posh club fails to pay, loses power " SAN DIEGO (AP) -San Diego'• swank Playboy Club, plagued by financial problemS' aince lta December opening, .._ forced to ,.lo.e "temporarily" after the power company cut off. electricity for non-payment of btlll. Donald McGrath II, an attorney repreeenting the club ln bankruptcy proceedln1•~ confirmed Tuelday that ~5 Diego Gu & Electric Co. cut u; electricity. ~ "It'• difficult to operat'C without power.'' McGnth aid. "Until we regroup, we don't. know what direction• we•r& aofng to take... • -M'CGrath said the club file<£ bankruptcy petition.a in Ma,C aeeking protection from credit.on: while atiemptin1 a flnanclat reorganization. : The paeh club in San J.>leao'( Million Valley la o~rated bY. Lelaure Sy1tem1 Inc., whic~ purchued the franchlM trorq (See PLAYBOY, Pqe A!) ' i P1'ltYB0Y C~t1B . . . Playboy ln\erprt111 Inc. of ~· L1l1ur1 8y1t1m1 and Davl1 Dlv1ralflld Inc., which r1mod1l1d the club for 1\1 ~. Wlf9 lnvolved ln the bankruptcy flUn11, McGrath ukL Carroll a.ne Davia, Nlident of both or1anlaatlon1, w11 not availabM for comment ~y. HJa anomey, WUllam Wlnlfdp Jr., told the Loi Ana91-'l1nm. "You can und1ratand b1•1 (Devit) not ln a lpealdna mood." 'ni. SAA Dklto Union reDOl't*t that Davl1 al10 own1il th• COis:• that operat.d the Dallal Pia y Club, whkh clOlld thil I . Mike Ooldlt.tn, the San IlMao club'• aMNftl manapr, Mid fie hoped the cJol1na Wat temporary and that the club could be reopened ln the future. IRltN VS. IRAQ . . . t0 the Penlan Gulf. The Inql ne'#'I .ney clalmed 1.849 Inn1an IOldlen were killed and 10 tanka destr«!')'ed 11nc• Monday nlCht In the ~ U'ff, It aald the heavleat U1htln1 OCCWTed 'l\aeeday, when 1,500 of ~ mueed Iranian troops were killed in a aeries of devutatlng raids by helk:opter gunships. Iranian war reports acknowledged that Iraqi forces have taken the offensive, but said two enemy counterattacka inside Iraqi territory had been repelled. Tehran nidio cla1med 200 Iraqi aoldlert killed or wounded and five unka datroyed. The lran1an ~ve on BMr'a I.a believed to be aimed at fordna Iraq to concentrate the bulk of lt11 fQJ"cea in that oil-rich area, allowlng lian to mount fr•h attacks farther north. The Kuwaiti daily Al-QabM reported 1n a diapatch from Baabdlld that only 25 per cent of Iraq'• estimated 210,000-man anny la engaged 1n the defeme of Sura. FUNDING CUTS • • • ''Thoee classes that we do oiler on a fee bu.is won't ho dirt cheap because the fees will have to at least pay for the teacher'• salary and u.e of facilities," Schreiber said. Clanes scheduled to be eliminated Include, bicycling, martial artl, jaz:z dancing, exercise dancing, tap dancing, bell~ dJulcing, surfing, eailing, weight con t_rol, ~rchery. badminton. airplane ptJOt ground training a n d travel-1tud>' PJ'Oll'am&. Available aelf-help c1Ule9 that are being reduced include cookinc. home aewtna, lta1ned glau work, recreational mualc and art gallery appreciation, Schreiber aald. He said Sedd1eback wasn't hit as hard aa neighboring Cout Community College District.. I SRAELI I NVASION ... poured out of moeques, threw aside barricades made of power pylons and barbed wire and came within sight of Israeli tanks blocking the other end of the National Museum croes1ng point between Moslem west Beirut and the eastern Christian sector. Chanting Islam's traditional battle cry of "Allah Akbar," God Is Great, the demonstrators pushed past one after another of the PLO'• 20-foot-tall earth embankments to reach the Lebaneee Parliament in the city's ''no man'a land,'' where epeaken addre.med the crowd. It WH the flrat organized public exprelBion of raentment against both the PLO and la'ael in West Beirut, where Ya.er Arafat'• 8,000 Paleetlnian guerrillas are trapped by 35,000-40,000 Israeli troopa, 300 tank& and Israeli iW)boata that block e.cape rout.ea. The Israeli forces are threetening to storm the city l1 the Pale9tinians don't get out on their own, and have expreaed increasing impatience with peace talk.a stalled by the Arab world's refusal to accept the guerrllla armv. There was no reaction from Israel to ~ports that a two-man Arab League delegation agreed in a meeting in Waahlngtoo with President Reagan to seek Arab approval of a tw~.iap propc.al to lift urael'a aieae of Weat BeiruL · There al10 waa no ltraeJ i reaction to a ~port here 1n wbi.:h 90W'Clell cloee to the PLO aald it waa willing to accept U .N Security Council Remlution 24? in effect granting the recoptlticn that ~-long demanded ,, ...... 1JAWS' VP CLOSE -er.it W1Waml of Lena Belch$ the Jawt of a p-eat white lhark that got caught tn hia net nMl" Santa Cruz la1aftd. The lhark, whJch meuured 1 feet, eJc; lncbes and WeiCW 1,900 pounds. WU brought into Santa hara where on1ooken quickly gathered. Art fest panelist Keeley quits post Helen Keeley, a 14-year member o1 the F.Uval of Arta board and a fOl'rlllr vice ma~ of Lq\ma Bes:ch. hu resigned trom the nine-member f.Uv.& panel to move to a aeutde home 1n the atate of Waahlnfrton. John Raymen1. manapr of the Laguna Beach branch of the Bulk of America wu appotnted to fill out her unexpired term. which ends 1n November, 1983. Mn. Keeley moved to Lag\ma Beach in 1956 after spending many summere in the Art Colony. She wu elected to the Oty Council in 1962 and aerved a term as vice mayor. A year following her term on the council, the civic activist was appointed to the Orange County Grand Jury. She was a member of the environmental-minded Save Salt Creek Committee in 1968 which was later responsible for opening that Laguna Niguel beach to the i>ublic. Beside. her 14 years on the festival board, Mn. Keeley was prealdent of the Festival c.oordlnatlng Council of Laauna Beech; member of the County Health Servlca oraanlzatton; member of the LacUna Be.ch Ownber Muliic Board, 18f'vins • prelident of that orpnlration for two ye.era. She was al.o a member of the Disneyland Community Sel'vice Awards Committee in 1977-78; helped embliah the Free Clinic in Laauna Beach and hel}>-d secure county aervlcea and mental health omo. in Lquna Beech.· She eerved u prelident of the F.Uval of Arta &oard two yean qo. London-born Rayment, who wW be 49 next manth, came to the United Staam in 1958. He worked for the Bulk of America 1n Hollywood. Glendale and Los Angele., Ile waa appointed vice t and manager of the Beach branch ln 1973 manager of Laauna Beach bcanches laat year. Rayment la a member and put prelident of the i...,un. &.lch l\otary Club; board member and put president of the South Coast Medical Center Foundation and vice president of the Lagtlria Beach School of Art. .---OWD cheered by labor M an audiAmce of labor i.aden In Anaheim chHred, Gov. Zdmund O. 8'own Jr. bi.ted a voluntary 8o~lal S.curtty contribution plan prop<»ed by RepubUcan U.S. Senate hopeM Pew Wtllon. .. It'1 amu1nC that ln 1982 -on the aame day we hear that two mi.Won more Americana are at the poverty level -we read that Wilson la tryin1 to walk to Wuhln8ton on the bl:ckl of the sen1or cf tbena,'' eaJd Brown, who la the Democradc candidate for the tame U.S . Senate 1eet 80US}lt by the San Dieao mayor. "Mr. Wilton , lf you're JJ.ateninc, we're IOl"I to expme you, wunMk P'U and tend you beck to San DielO for remedial lnltructlon," Brown told delepta to cbe c..J1f.omja Laboe Federation convenllon at the Disneyland Hotel Wu.on suaest.ed Monday that WOl'Mn unMr ~ be 8'V.O "sreater freedom than they preaently enjoy with respect to contrib utln1 to t h eir own retirement." and claimed that the · current 1yetem la being funded by general taxes rather than worker and employer contributions. Brown urged the labor group to support h1a Sen.ate bld, saying that a vote for WillOll would be a vote to "cut your own throats." "Let'a make California the battleground ln November," Brown laid. "You people have endoned me in the put and a couple of times you unendoned me. Thanka for the eight years we've had '°'ether." At a luncheon later In the morning, Brown announced the appointment of Bruce Nestande, Orange County Board of Supervisor& chairman, to the Call fornia Transportation Commlaalon, a nine-member group that allocates millions of dollars in state transportation funds. Before his election to the Orange County board, Nestande was a state assemblyman from 1974 to 1980. r MOTHER -Carla Stuckle of Tustin, ahown leaving Orange County Superior Court, reportedly ta the mother of two young children by Sen. John Schmitz. From Page A 1 SENATOR. • • pending the Aug. 6 heariftl. The county'• social service• department had mea a petition al.legin8 that the child was being kept 1n an unfit home after the baby required "the corrective surgery at Chlldrena Hoepltal of Orange County last week. House seiz~d o ver 37 cents SOUTHFIELD, MJch. (AP) - A 69-year-old retired electrician says the Internal Revenue Service has placed a lien on ha home because he owes the 2ovemment 37 centa. A lien means that the IRS uses. the taxpayer'• home as security toward taxes owed, aaid IRS spokeswoman Helm Madro. She said it d oe1 not mean the property will be aei.zed.. Charles Sut\On of Southfield said he received a letter Crom the IRS' Detroit office informing him his $60.000 home was being attached because he and his wife, Naoma, owed •2.402.37 in back ta><es. But Sutton said four days earlier he got another letter· stating the couple overpaid their taxes and were due a $2,402 refund. Warm days Out., waten: northweaterty Mnd9 15 IO 25 lu'4>t• wttfl 4 \0 ' toot ••• and ewell. Wind 08CI ..... IO by S knota. P81dly too Ind IOw doUd9. Inner ..w. llgtl1 variable wind• ttltougtl tonight exoept ~ 10 to 11 knOtl "*-MO-*'!!. 1 to 2 toot aouthweet 1well. felr .. capt P9tdlV too In late night _, .-ty rnonq houri on ~ co.I. .S: Summary A cold front br ought thunder1torm• end welcome codar WMther T~ to the 141n--ched HOftlM••t. wtllle thundentOfrM continued along Iha~ eo.t Ind -Flor1da. Sunny lklila Ind wwm ..-i- prewilled -the rwt1on'1 mid-a ec ti on. A tornado watch remltln«I In effect for •ut•n portion• ol tb• D•ICotH end ~ Minn.at•. Ind • lew 1hower1 moved onto the CO.-of Wlllhlngton. Ottl8fw4M. the ...-n 111'81 h•d plenty ol 1un1hln• with rHdlnga In th• 901 In d-t ~·today, th• H1tlonel w..u. 9erVtce ~ IUM)' lklee tor moet of tfll natton. with • ... ~ 1"rOugh the Plldftc Nofthw•t erl4 ,.._.....,°'_ ecattlr'8Ct -tM ~ four1h of the 00!.l'lry. , Calif ornia : ! Felr In Soutn.,n Celllornl• • Wouglll T1U'ldlly &r1y "'°"*'41 : too .. OOMt.. "°' In ln6lnc) ·--• Orenee County can .. pact t 11111111 .. ~ 10 to 7t, 1nllnd 80" tfwoUlll low .0.. LOwl II to M . • Inland~ .. ,...... tllafll In .. toe Ind -100I, !OM w.. "" .,., ' MountMw Oii\ ~ hlCIN In IM IOI. loW9 IOI '° mid" toe. ~--•lf:W.e. "°""'"' .... hlgfll 100 10 110, IOWI H to 71. Soulhern deMl1 ....,. 1CM '° 112, loWe 71 ,10 II. Clle no• of leol1ted · ttuldel.,..,.. In -.rtMm end . ....,.,...,., ~ end o.ntral c.llfomll: .. .,. "'°"'>' ,.., Md wttnl In ..,..,. .... tlVougfl ~. 'Of MCI IOW _. e6oflO -. einpersliirei *,... .. .. 73 SI 71 t2 70 9'3 58 96 57 75 70 78 e& 72 13 91 7e 71 70 • 72 ti 57 . 13 12 .. . ~~ S4 70 .. 74 15 .., te 83 to n 11 Gt IO 54 101 73 IO 52 91 65 S4 5t 81 58 74 72 : : CA&JPOMIA r,~ == t2 7 4, 8lntow • 72 8-lmont te 75 8WIOp 17 70 ~ 108 71 cauillnl .. 11 CutYw City u 71 Euttil• 97 11 F,_ 11 s 1 i.ono 8Mctl ~~~ • 10 ..,.,...., 91 IO~ 12 70 ....... 12 71 Mliwpott ~ M7• ~ .. 11 DMMlo .. 71 ,....,.._ n n 111 ..... 1Cll u ==-., .. 11 a Aec1..,.. 12 .. Aldwood Qty 71 74 Seoi••·-t T A Sen .._cllno to 75 Sen Gebrtlt .. 10 Sen DlltO 17 74 Sen~ • Ill SenJoee Mn a..taAnl ta• ........... ta 15 ._,..CNI • n eenteMette 17 11 lent• Mollloe 7t N 8t«*1on ti 10 TeflOe V..., • 101 7t ThenMI 10I ti 11 TOl'flnOI 13 to 75 .:,Yume:;;,;;::.._ __ ,_,,_,,_,.1.°',_,-100 72 Extended .. " weather 104 72 103 71 ftrldey-8uftdey. eo.tel .,...: 103 IO IOITl8 -tv momll1g ~ 100 54 along tfll ~ .coeet. 110 85 moatly fair but chance of en 74 57 lftemoon thundel lltOf'l'n -IM .. 82 mountline. Hlghl 70 to 75 Ill the 13 51 bMctlM end 90 ta 100 lnlMd 100 .. veltlya. Lowe 81 to te. Mcuntlllt 94 13 ., .. = cloudy with cNllol " .. 103 IO of ltlUI~ LOCtll)' Widy • AMott ...,. ~ In IOI lllld !OM ... • 52 to 82. -12 Ila 111 13 Smog 75 12 17 M 101 11 The Air Qu.Uty '°""9 __,t 110 n t7 13 Dl•lr'kt Pf'901cte unMemlfUI .., 1oa 54 = todey In lnOM --ol IM 101 II COllt Alt 8-lni wtttl geod te 81 • -.... only for the ~ '70 .. ~alt111u1 air Qlll llty tor to 13 104 u ~ .. ,,.....for .... .. ., Gallf1ll eno ~ ~"'"" .. .. • l'OlflltMt llandetO lllffll of .. 52 240. Tl .. Wiier• to 0111 <toll frM) tor ~ a --~·' u ~ ·J-~ 74 N no••.. 011nty: (100) 70 A 24'-40lt ,.. .. ~ -Sen lerNrdlno .. .. ~ (IOO) M7-4hO u 42 AQMO .,,__ Olnttr: (IOO) 242 ...... l#Wlr ,, ... troopl came to attention as they passed the spot wh ere an IRA bomb killed three of their colleagues Tuesday. Our Best Beach Chair 2 Day Sale Thursday & Fri. Only, July 22· & 23 GfMn ~ Ot tolld blUe oolOr 1" Navy duty lllumlnum fr..,,. with ttWo4 Ced front teo br9CM Outdoor tlnWled ~wood trme All fabric Met OOMlruc:tlon lnaut99 'under the knee comfort' Com*on ,.....tan, zinc ptat.cl 11..& hardw.,. BLUE AND WHITE MESH STRIPE ON SALE AT $29.88 (Umhll T• Su;,ly On Hon4) QlOre than you expect In a hardware store ··•·CROW•· a HARDWARE Ainerica's povei:ty ·ranks ·grew by 2.2 million WA8HINOTON (AP) - Nearly 1.2 mUUon Amtrtc•N joUMld poverty rankl Jui yeu, and ~· l1*llM funlly t.ncom. clropp.d 8.15 5*Wftt. ~ c.naue .,_u hu report«t. Poverty rOM tn all pu1I ot the country. WXlOrdina to the report, reJ.eMd Monday. It wu the aecond year in • row that the income of American hmlll .. failed to 1ain on lnflatlon, ~ to tM ~ Ttiat occWNd eY9I\ \hoiulh the ot 82,000 hOUleholCM. _ __._,.,,.__~.-poverw..lbNlbold fir a tamily. of Median family income tn 1911 fOW' rGel tr. fl,414 to '9,28'7 in wM t22.aeo. the buNau Mkl1 e.a th• ..... p111oc1. percent more t!\an In 11•80. ••Amons· the faotora However, aft« .clJu,aUJUI tot t.IW contrtbutlnl to the Lncnut ln rtlt tn comurner ~ ft WM 3.15 powrty wen the tecwf.oD that percent below th9 1980 level. ·b•1•n/n mtd-1981 and the That decline, however,·wu a11oc ated rll• tn the l• than the.5.5 percent drOp in wwnploYJnellt rate,'' the report median family Income between aajd, I 1978 and ieeo. The rlH In poverty wH Meanwhile, the number of • ~. the 1tudy Mid, with Americana below tb• poverty lncrcr-ln the number of poor llolflcln\ chaut In the...,.. of"* people o1 HilpMaO GNU\. TM number of povW\y~l whlta l"CIM .from IQ. muliM to 21~ mWJon. t"9 study Mid, wh!M ~ lncr1w amona b*ka WM friin 8.8 m1lUon to 9.1 mWJon. Htapantca In poverty 1rew lliatiilY, ri1f.nc about 1'7 ,000 to 3.'fmlDlon. . ~Pension problenis level lncreued from 29.15 mllllon arnona both b1lickl aod whl• ln 1880 to 31.8 mllllon in 1981. How•v•r. tber ,wu bO The number of poor children under •I• 18 roae from 11.& miWan in 1080 to 12.S million tn 1981, but the poor ... 86 IDd OWi NmAlDtd ltab1e a\ aboU\ 8.9 milUon. L • pressing WASHINGTON (AP) -The chairman of the National Commiaalon qn Social Security Reform aaya 11t ia time for the bipartisan panel to aiart tackling the system'• problema. At the pa.nel'a fifth meeting Monday, aeyeral membera sparred over how m~ch trouble the retlrement program will· be ln over the long term, once it overcomes the short-term crisis in the next aeveral years. "We've been down the numbers road back and forth for a couple of months and I don't think that we can aquee7.e the facts anymore," a aid the chairman, e con o m ist Alan Greenspan. The bipartisan panel haa orders from President Rea1an and leaders of Congreaa to produ c e a set of rec - ommendation• by year'• end to shore up Sod.al Security. ........... ''If we are to meet our echedule, we have to start now to make cholcel, .. Greenspan aaJd. The panel must first decide just how-much time it wants to spend on the Medicare and disability programs, he addeP. Robert A. Beck, chairman of the Prudential Insurance Co., warned that even if the old-. fund st.arts running in the black in the 1990s, the Medicare fund will be broke and the whole\ system will still be operating in the red. PARENTS MAKE PLEA -Memben-'°f Loa Angeles Chapter of P.arents of Murdered Children have held a news conference in Los Angeles to announce the statewide group II tilling an amicus cw1ae brief arguing the state Supreme CouEl upboklPropmltion 8. 'The' bilJot lnitla~ve, approved by the voten June 8, deals with protection of the public qa1mt crtmU\al acts. Foea are aakina tt l>e .declared unoonatluu1onal. Robert J . M ye ra, th• SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - comm111ion'• ex~9e d1rector', Four San Frandlco .U~ .. prHented memoe on waJ9 to wu. amoq lhoea wlao have. gradually rai8e the ~t filed \WO ae.l)U'ate '»9tltlona age from ~ to A ar hlaber. and W'8lna the ~ ~ A:pp.l to to aradually reduce future atrlke down San Franclaco'• .ret.ir.m•nt beneflta by 10 ~control ordinance. percent. . Both uled similar arguments • Monday -sainat the Clftll'&~ which wu puled Juoe . The· «d1nance t..• .... e,tfedtve_Juq 28 and' ii ~ 90 dayt dlft that. dale. 'n'8 ord1nante pnMda ln part that with certain exceptions, 1t la unlawful for any person to .............. FRIENDS OF THE EARTH Peaceful demonstratol'S hold up balloon replic.a pf whale as they gather outside hotel ln Brighton, England. The technical committee of the International Whaling Commilsion, meeting inside the hotel, approved a recommendation to ban all commercial whaling beginning in 1985. MAIN OFACE •w..aa.y1t.,c-.MHA,CA. ._ .. ...,_;._1,.,C.UMHA.CA .... C:..YrltH 1m Or .... C:0.9* ""*'"" ... ~. Ne_.,_ lffllllr.t..,s. Mtlerlet ,..._., .. wertlw"** ..,...fl mey .. .....,..... ..._. 9"Cltl~Of<:...,rllfll-. Border Patrol agents sentenced EL PASO. Texas (AP) -Two Border Patrol C>ffictn convicted of violatinl the ri&hts of two Mexican women by coercln1 them into .x wve .ntenced to federal priaon tenDI ~· David M. Davila wu~tefteed to five years in prilon ~ Robert Jacques received a total of three yean on chatfll that lncluded fa1attylna arrest repona to cover up their conuet with the women. The offlcera. both El Paao relldente, remained free on bond pe.ndin8 appeals. We're Listening ••• I What do you like about the Dally PUot? What don't you like? Call the number below and )'OUI' me•u1e wlll tM recorded1 transcribed and delivered to the.appropriate editor. The rame U·hour anawertnc Mnh . ._ may bl uucl to l'ffonl let· tera to the edJtor on any topic. MaUbtX eontr1buton muat tftaijde their name and tel@hone num~r for veriflutlon. No cli'cwauoft caJla, please. Tell us what'a on your mind. I pc.-sny bandcun bJ the dty er county. Tbme .,...,, .. tnch• paUce. W'ity ....,. b'idt '*' in bi ......... Ind them wttb a ..,mt to' t:arr1 • ~ handpn. One petition WU flled by Supervilort Quentin Kopp, Carol Ruth Silver, Lee DoliOn and Wendy Nelder; Jan• Doe, a 77-year-old widow who bes-a handgun ln her ~ after a buq}ary and robbery I anci Othen whom it aaid are a wide c:rom aectlon of San Vranciaco residents. The other request came from Ge<qe &>racco, William Capiloa, Beau Hickory and the San Francisco Gun Exchange Inc. Soracc:o i1 a bakery owner; Capiloa a retired waiter; Hickory preeenta we.t.em entertainment incluc:llna ric:Un&_ and •hooting, and the Gun J!!xchanae la a llcemed l\ll\ deelel". Both lfOUpa contend the city ordl~ confl1':ta with state law and that the ata\e baa preemp1ed the field. Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES C11rtifi«I G11mo/.o6i1t, ~GS •ion. nMOl'l for t.hJI may be the& molt ekllr1y peos»> .,. no ~ worklnl and, therefore, .... ... ad~ly atfected by ri1tn1 unemployment," tht repon lpllCU!atea. Urban and rural areas expertenc.d approximately equal rt.. ln poverty, llC.lCOJ'd1na to the ttudy. In the central citiea, however, tht poverty raw roae from 17 .2 percent to 18 percent. In metropolitan are11 outalde central cit.lei. the lncreue WM from 8.3 percent to 8.8 percent. The decllne in real family income wu blamed on the effecta of lnfladon and the rec..ton, and people receivU\c benefits tied to Inflation benefited from that, the study aaid. For the third consecutive yeu, the indexlna of aocial and retirement proarama "helped famlllu wl\h no Hm•r• far• t.tt.r r.ladw to tnllation than their workina counierparti," uld the Nport. It Mid the median tncome of famlli• with no w.,. eernen wu f9,410, nearly unch•naed from the year before ln real ternw. For famllim With one wqe ea.mer median income WU $1'7- 63(), down 4 .& pel"Qlfl t and for the two-earn« f.amlly the drop wu 1.3 percent to a rned1an lncome of fle,860 . Median f•mlly Income for white 1n 1981 wu f23.~17, down 2.7 percent., while for bi.cb lt WU fl3,287, down ~.2 percent. Hiapankl' median family income re. 1 percent, to f16,402. FoIJowtnc • lharp drop the year before median lnoome of farm f.am1lles remained ateady ln 1981 •t •bot.at fl7,000. History, money duel in fall elections IQlllUlYSll WASHING TON (AP) -On one aide ate hlatory and the Democrats. On the other are the Republlcana and lots of money. That'• the battle order for this ha u.ed It for the past four fall'• congremional electiona, and yeara, means recruiting good. the conventional political wbdom experienced people u candidates. la that hlltory and the Democrats The RNC ha been working hard have the edge. The gue.ing la a t i den t l f y l n g po ten ti a 1 that the GOP will Io.e aome candidates, encouraging them to strength in the Houae, although run, training them ln campaign the exact nwnben differ a bit. tactlca and promi.aing them strong Edward Ro.llina, the top financial bac king for their pollt:lcal aide in the White Hou.e, efforts. admits to the pcmibillty of the Thia all -adds up to having GOP'a loGng 10 to 12 8eats, while I these hlgh-qualtty candidates Gene FJdenbers of the Democratic running for office even in the National Committee ii talltlna years that don't look like good about pk:ldng up 15 or ao. ones to be a GOP atandard- In one important eeme, theae bearer. ' r.redlctlona are baaed on One of the rno8l compelling 'fi1htlna the laat war." The explanation• for why the prealdent'• party haa loat incumbent president's partl atren1th ln every off-year "alwaya" loees strength in of - election th.la century except one. years la the quality of candidates. Why ahould 1982 be any two reeearchers at the UC ln San different? Diego aay. In another way, however, the U the president la having a conventloOAl wtadom already hard time fulfilling the eclmowladcta that 1882 will be expectations he railed with the different b'Om pMl electiona, ao public, and the economy is not different in fact that the very doing well, ex pe r l enced ah.ape of American politics may polltidans Yeamin& for higher ba chaneed office tab a look Mid •Y~ "I JW lt one were limply ~td.lina thl$ ru wait two years!' In the from the paat nlne o l-year oth•r party, j\ut the opposite ~ cHe GOP ~ )me JHIW • ~pl~. with the about ~ 8eata or ma~ •6 W. • nperienced politidam aienslng it fall. la a load yeer to try to ~ up '111at'a the p.rel.lminary forecast to a hfaher office. by the most respected model of But this year, the Republican auch election&. developed by effort to recruit good candidates Edward Tufte of Yale. The rmy be reahapfng ffie pa~or natim'a eeonomJc troublea and the put. Ronald Reepn'& none-too-tuah "lnatead of having a bunch of rattna with the public don't turkeys out there , t he compute any other way, he aaya. Republican• are fielding a But the political proa from aubetantlal number of strong both parties don't 1ee that many C8l')dldates," iaid Gary Jacobson, 1omea and the reuona c:an be who did the research with co- aummed up ln one word: work.er Samuel Kernell at the Money. university. . The GOP has tens of mllllona On Nov. 2, the election results to spend and the Democrat• will ahow whether the difference don't. In the qu1ality of candidates It's not simply that money can makes a difforence in votes. buy ads and buttons and political If the Republican strategy consultants, although all of thoee worka, lt will be the blueprint for are uaeful for a winnln1 campaigns for the years to come. campaign. U It -falis. the party pros will look Money, at least the way the for yet another way to fight the Republican National Committee tides of history. 17 Polntt In Diamond ••• m6.00 Garage sales tax detailed ~.?AT 1£2.R~ =PAT: Someone told me it'• Weal not to coUect ltate tax on what you eell al a ,...... M1e -and that buyers must pay the uaual 6 pereent ... tax. Ia tbla true? H.G., Colla Mesa State Board of Eq\Wiratlon rulet allow periodic wc .. tre.,...... alee of mJlcellaneoua pe1'90M.l property Uled ln 4-y-to-daY" Uvina. Thia la considered an "occaaional" ule of "Ulelell items" and la not IUbject to aa1et tax. However, when a penon or group "buys. pthen or o~ ecqu.t.rw" rnerchand1le fOC' the expre11 s>urix-of te1l1na at a garage, patio or yard aale at a residence, ihat penon or sroup la considered to be ln the buaineea of •llinl· A ..Uer'a pennlt la required in this camt and aalee taxes are applicable. Relund cbeck sent DEAR PAT: I ordered a pair of 1boe1 from Buover Collecdon1 of Raaover, Pa., OD May H. Th slloes taave aot been delivered ud rve wrttea sevenl times reflMIU.1 a nfad. I bafttl't neelved uy auwer, ud woalcl like to bow wbat to do now. G.F., Cot&& Meta Hanover Collectfona customer service spokeswoman said-that a refund was aent to your former addrem June 22. She suggests that you com.:t the past office. If you left a forwarding addre81 with the~ office, the refund llhould have been forwarded to you. If the refund check cannot be tracked down. contact Hanover Collections and request that the oriQianal check be canceled and another iasued. Let A YS know how this works out. Firm won't cancel 1 DEAR PAT: U I make a c;J. oa my cu laHraace, will ttae company cHcel my luaruee or nlse my rates'? A friend told me tills It wbat always bappesas. S.E., Cotta Mesa Your policy will not be canceled just becauae you make a claim. Cancellation of auto inaurance usually occurs as a result of fraud or non-payment of premium or if your driver's lloeme or car registration is suspended or revoked. However, driven whoee records show poor driving behavior may not have their regular insurance coverage renewed when their policy renewal date rolls around. Aa for the effect of a claim on rates, the answer depends on y04.Jr peraonal driving experience and that of others who regularly drive your car. It you have a "clean° record, you generally will have the lowest rates ln your group of driven. But lf you hava. bad recent "at-fault" accidents (or eeriou.a tralf,ic law violationa), you are regarded u more likely to become involved in a future crash. Inaurance statistics classify you aa a "higher risk," according to the American Insurance Aaociation. You may therefore have t4> pay higher rates for a certain period of time. LiTcal shopping urged DEAR PAT: I ordered a pair of 0oet from Adam Yort/UDlqee Proclactl Co. la Baaover, Pa., last April. My clteck was culled ud all I laave are a umber of "delayed 11llpmeat" Dottces. I've wrlttn repeatedly 6at I wut ttae alloes Wida DO fvtlaer delay or a refud. Cu Y•• laelp? R.R., lrvtDe Adam York, a division of Hanover Howle, will illue an immediate refund. The cuatomer service spokeswoman told A YS that the firm's n!!COl'da Indicated that your shoes were still "on order." Apj>arently, your letters didn't come to the right penon'a attention, even though they were very clear and,businesallke. A&afn, A YS urges readers to shop locally. 'nle problem.a and frwttrationa encountered in · many mail-ordet situations just aren't worth it. --, . • Got a problemr Then wijr.e to Pae H~' . -_ l witz. Pat win cut red tape, 1ettin1 the · •. an.swen and .c1Jon you M«I to .,lve Jn • ...-. equities in ~nt and buslnef8. MJill your quneion• to Pat llorowiU, ..<t Your S.rvlce,· ~ a.t Dally PUot. P.O. Box 1MJO, O.tt mesa. • . CA. gJ6z6. As many le~rs u JX*ible wW be ,qas-wered. but phoned inqulrfea or ~nen not lnclutllng the ret1tkt''.-luU-tWDftladtll'e# ad~ hou.n'- pbane number cannot be ctJlt6ld«ed. . M1oit by Burl Bachartuh Lyr(o by Hal David Book by Ntil Simo" &JM o" lht mooit .. n, l\p11rfmt"1" July 22-24, 29·31 & August 5·7 8 p.m. OCC Auditorium J101 ftltll\ew ~-. c .. 1. ,.....; ABC leads I TV ratings NEW YORK (AP) -CBS had eJibt of the w"k'• 10 ~nted prqp'Unl, but bt the Ume raUnp race to ABC and &be maJDr i AD-star bueba11 aame, ftauree from the I A. Niel8en Co. abow. : The ball pine, played In •Montftlal. reptered a i ratin1 of 25, and that helped ABC win the ! networb' competition fw the tint time in a month. j Niellen aaya the rattna means a quarter of the 1 nation'• hornet with TV were Wat.china durina an ! averaae minute of the pme. : ABC's rattna for the week end1n8 July_l8 wu i 13.9 to 13.3 for CBS and 10.4 for NBc. NBC hu i been 1.ut in the weekly ratJ.nal nee seven weeks In ! a row. The networka say AJJC'• rating rne&98 In an average minute of prime time, 13.9 percent of the TV-equipped hornet in the country were tuned to the No. 1 network. . . CAUQBT IN TH& MIDDLE -PhWe Karl, acting principal at Union tlementary·Scbool. stand& on half counl1ne of gym w~h ta half in· Indiana, half in OhJo. The 1ehool in W• ............ ~ Comer, Ind: and College C.Omer. Ohio, ta attended by students from e.ch state and con.fllcting state laws cau.e .many problems. "The Jdteraom" on CBS wu runner-up for the week, with CBS' "M-A-S-H"," the No. 1 show three weeks running in sixth place. NBC's "Hill Street Bluet'' in lath place waa the only other non-CBS propam In the Top 10. Only three programs among the 20 highest- rated had nqt been broadcast before, and that ahort &t included the All-star game and the pregame show, tied for l~. An eplaode of "House Calla" on CBS' ln fifth place, wu the only other original i Clothier proenun in the ~up. • .... ABC aCOrea a moderate succe11 with a "Cloeeup" newa speda.l, "Vietnam ~wern." No. ~3. while a CBS News production, "Walter Czonkite'a Universe," ftniahed 54th. LOS ANGELES (AP) - UCLA baa bared its claws aaaJ.nat a sportswear manufacturer it c:la1ma illeplly Uled the echool'1 Bruin bear logo and UCLA lnltiala on cloth1ng. Unlveuity ot California ncerita filed IUit In U.S. District Court in Loa Angeles againat New York-baaed Cha~plon Products Inc. The -.utt auepa that Champion dlatributed items emblazoned. with the Bruin trademark without a royalt"' Ucen.. . ., It ... for a ~t to producdon of the c1othini. d8ltNction of such products and an llCQOUnUna pf alee ., the lchoo1 can recoYel' dama1ea. UCLA'• line of "bearwear," which rangee from niahtlet to baby b1be, and ll"Cmea lrlDlkmt of do1lan annually lb ..i... . Qwnp&m-produced pulloven, lhort8 and T-ahirtl bearinc the bear logo were reportedly spotted In Los Anaelee ltor'el 1aat spring by UCLA buyers and atuderita. Included w• a child'• T-abirt with a "acowlln1 bear," said former UCLA buyer Margery A.dinoff. OlaibplOn aho '--Jawauita from use. NBC waa No. 59, followed by ABC's "Code Red" and three more NBC pr<Mlrams -"Here's Boomer.'' "Willard Scott's Circus...,.' and an original eplaode of "Lewis and Clark." Here are the week's 10 biRbest-rated shows: ~a-bell 0-. with a rallng of25 ~lnQ 20.5 mllllorl homee, ABC; ''The,,.,..,_, .. 18.8 °' 1!U mMllon, "BO Mlnut-." 18.4 Ot 15.1 rnlllor\, "Trmpper John, M.O.," 17.11 °' 14.7 mllllon, .. .._ Clllll." 17.S Ot 14.8 mlllon, "M-A-8-ti.'' 17.8 °' 14.4 mltllon; "Allee," 17 .-t or14;1 mlllfm~ "Lou OtWlt.'' 111.5 °' 13.5 mllllon. Ind "Magnum, P.L," 11.1 'If 18.2 mi.on. WI CBS, llnd "Hiii StNet ~:· 18 °' 13.1 ~.Nee. . , Look af aU 111~ \Nilys a ... Security .·Pa,!fic Ho!11e~wner Eqliity Loan can .~1:1et1t yoµ. 1n tQday's eGoqQm)l .. , The market value of yaur home today is proba.bly much greater than when you bought it. And you can use that Increased equity right now, jt.Lst when you-a_!') benefit mosl So wf\y not look into our Homeowner Equity • --1:.aan ~M the 111any ways you can put it lo work For example: take advantage of tax-sheltered Investments ' By investing in a tax shelter, or another · · investment offering tax benefits, the tax dollars you save may offset the actual cost of your Homeowner F.quity Loatt -while your Investment increases in value. Start or Improve a business Do you have an idea for a profitable new venture? Or a way to improve an existing one? Your Security Pacific Homeowner Equity Loan may be the shrewd way to finance it. Plus these extra advantages: •With continuil}gJ.nflaUon, the dollars you borrow will be worth1more than those you have to repay• The interest on your loan Is tax-deductible • And best of all, you don't have to give up your home to enjoy al I the profit it has earned. Shop and compare. We believe you'll find our Homeowner Equity Loan program to be one of the most attractive available: •Competitive rates • F.le.xible terms • Loans available from $5,000 to $100,000 For 100fe Information, call toll·free 1·800-648-5600 and i5k for operator 82 Or mall this coupon today ~1 Se~ ... ==--=-----, P.O. Box 51048. Termiflal Annex -I Save on home Improvements •We'll wah't SISO In proces.\inll ft.~ If >'OU apply by i\ujlu.\I 31, I !182. Los Angeles. CA 90051 I · , I , I Tell mt more about your Homeowner F.qulty Loan. The next Inflationary surge will ~home improvement costs up. Now may be the ideal fime to add the room you want, build a' pool, make any major repair ... In ef f~t, let your house pay (0r its oWl'I improvements. Pa1for1 college eduQtlon 'Ibday, the average cost of a colJcge education ~ be as much as $7,000 yearly, And one of the ffW financial resources that has kept pace with \hat rising cost Is the value of your home. Why not free some of )'OUT equity for this Import.ant investment Jn your children'• future?' ' I 0 I want to save $150 .. ,send me an application now. I I VOLUNTEER BUREAU Qt W• Oranae County hlll C>PPQrtWUt1e1 1n many ....... cau the ~ at 881..()()43 for more Information. -nw 0nnp O>unty Mental Health Amodatiob needt volunt.een to mon1tor md evaluate t.lw p.ycbiatric bospltala •rvtni the county. -Oranae County Heelth Care Aprv:y needl help wfth ltm bellchfront health care fair 'nu.&nday and la uld.na adultl to make hMlth care pnlel'l\IUonl to community p-oupa. -Citilenl are needed for t.M Victim- Wltnem Prqp-am in any county court. -Many Involvement opportunities are <>,pen for lmlttfna, eewing aDO crochet WOl'k, and donatlona of yam are welcome. -Huntinatoo Beach Community Cllnic needs Jal> amtantm for day and evening houra. -A retin!ment facility in Huntington Belich. need9 a ....,.,._ to run it. •wina room and help women with mending ana boutique item.a. -Drivers are needed for Meals on Wheei. in the Huntington Beech and Garden Grove areu. .... -/Students can' receive training and experience during the swnme.r lnvolvinl work with the elderly, handicapped or troubled children. -The YMCAs in the county need teen- age and adult volunteers to help with summer programa. -Light clerical du'ties are needed by a number of public service agencies.. -Orange County Braille Institute needs instructon and superviaors in summer camps and youth recreation prosrams. -Entertainers are needed to share talents with the elderly and handicapped children. -The cities of Seal Beach and Fountain Valley are asking citiuna to volunteer for ~time clerical duties becaUR of funding cutbacka. -Swnmer teen programs and day camps need helpera. -The Mental Health Aaaociation aeeka usistanoe with the mentally disabled and i9olated elderly who need companionship and help in readjusting to the community. • -A county woman whose child hu undergone brain surgery needs support and ~~meone with a child development -Huntington Beaeh Police Department needs 90lneone to staple and collate itm twioe- monthly NeighborhoOd Watch magazine. VOLUNTARY ACTION CENTER of South Orange O>unty hM opportunltiel for volunteen. Can the center at 953-5757 fOI' information. -A Santa Ana -cency Wc:,.:tdnc with children nMd9 help in re.dlna. teDfnc iacries, tllqi'll OI' P1-Yina with chlldren ... 2 to 14. -A WUcllife sanctuary in El Toro needs people to lead tours. teed anlmek, do-aienenl matnt.enance, help in the book 9hop ma other tMb. _T A ~~le relation• coordinator is neecM'd in Meu to help with publldty, radio spo1a._-nd 1>re91 releaaea. Someone with burinett aldlls-11 needed to help with management of a theater. -A major Irvine agency needs help ln organizing a kolodex and moving off.ice files and supplies to a new location. -Libraries i.J\ the Newport Beach area need help with a map swvey. Must enjoy working with people. -Clerical help is needed at various agencies in Newport Beach. -In Irvine. volunteers are needed to work aa uahers at concerts, hoateaaes, telephone survey and other general taaka. -A Tustin facility needs people to work with teens -being a friend, helping with problems, working on projects and group activities. -Tutors are needed in the Irvine/ Laguna area to teach Enallsh as a second language to foreign-born adulta. -A community agency in Costa Mesa working with brain-injured young adulta Jlllll!ds ~ in programs and activiUes. MAKE TODAY COUNT is a non-profit organization providing emotlonal support to cancer patient& It need.a volunteers to help make phone calla, write and mail letters and tran.port patients. For information, call 494-969~ or 497-5849. 'COMFORT COIPIRISOll r; 1 ; MM F R c: 1 r I\ R A N r r 1 5 _ 5 0 ~10 I SALE OFF SHULTZ AIDE - James L . Buckley, undersecretary of state for intematlonal eecurity affaln, will become a counaelor for the state department, now headed by George P. Shultz. Call 14 -5171. ( ... Put • f•llf words ow k for ou. .. ..... G..a Ml tiled lult ~five Nladve&i .u.tn.t they haniMd him. withheld hl1-Mlary and f.hY•leally anilciiid him ., • boArd meeana of the fam&ly~ h1tb fuhlon deltPra. Quocl Mi:lnO. Ouod, l"elklent of Gua:t 8 liked for tl ,r:;;,u;;; in daniia-~ IUlt m.dlft New Yark ltatie COW1 apinlt hJI faU. AIM, brothtra Olenle and ll9Mrt1, eoualn Maarlal• ancl"uncle ......... .,_. O\accl. 01, Wt the company in 1080 beoau11 of 11 buatne11 dha1rtement1" to become an inde~t -....... accord1na to h1a la~, kurt ........ He retUmed in J'ebnaary 19'2 • vice Ptlldent at a yearly .. 1ary of $180,0'00. The autt alleaett the famlly rehired h1m u a 0 ploy" to "harua and humWaie bJm. .. The ~ ot A1Ml1 EJ.uteta'a paJ*'I have run Into money woe. and are wonied that publkaUon may not atu1 next }'eu" .. planned. BerbertBalley,pr'elidentof Princet.on UnJvenity Pre., aakl existine funda will dry up in November, and donations a.Qt needed. The firm hM been workina on the 20-volu.me..proJac:t 11nce an whh.bmda 1upplled by Uie National 8olenc• l'oUftdadon. the IJoiUl J'oundaUm lllMi B•rtl• MoOraw Jr., ohalrman of McOraw·HW Inc. 8"n Ba.lo, who hM bMrl bit with a $8 mU1kin laWIUlt by p Televhlon ln a contract d11pute, fallld to ahow up for tllmin4 on .. Happy Daya' due to an ~· hi.a attorney The Oerah AaenI:Y which hacf no comment. on the auit. Paramount filed alle11n1 Balo'• MIO reponed lnjw1e9 were part of an attempt to win more mqney than called for In hla ~tnict. Baio Ital's In the ABC eertes "Joanie Lavee Chlchl," which la scheduled to belin filmlnC for ~ fall aeuon Aue. 2. Singer Pllylll1 McGalre and an lntemadorW Jewelry company are back In court for the -.iofMI drne \hll. yeM'. She w11 lu.d for tlOO rnlWoft W damapl by Harry Wlnlton Inc. awl newtpaper adverdlemenCI In which J4lll · Mc:O\a1ie offeNd $1 million NWard the rwtum ot .pml the .u.,.d wen atolen after the left them with the jeweler. The Jew9ler fJled the IUlt ln U.S. Dlltric:t Court In New York. NmiN Ml8 Mc:Guire, of Lu Vfpa. Ne(,., aNi her attorney M•l•I• Belli Sr. of San Ji"rancllco, u defendlnta. Rock atar Jeaa Jett filed a $5.23 m1lUon auit ap1mt Playboy mapiine, clatmlna It published a phony nude photocraph that ptblicly pn!Mhted her I in a fabe llaht. Ma. Jett aa1d in her IU.lt, filed in Manhattan Supreme Court, that the l'Ol4'azine carried a "fabrication of a I phot.osraph to lhow her ~ in deviant sexual behavior.'' The photo appeared in the May 6-18 "with othen showing prominent ahow buaineea penonalitiea, mostly rock Ital's, ln rldlculoua poaturea and act~vttiea, often with a sexual connotation." the IUit said. The photo a of a woman aittinl nude in a bathtub. BULLOCK'S SOUTH COAST PLAZA BECOMES A TREASURY OF ANTIQUE AND ESTATE· dEWELRY: Our experts have selected a glittering display that ranges from simple to the extravagant. ' • ,,· •• .. ., •• And priced them all far below what you would expect for such beautiful, one-of-a- kind pieces. Some are signed by Tiffany, Csrtler. or Van Cteef. Pleoes shown, enlarged to show detail, are just a hint of what awaits. They are subject to prlOf' sale. Fine Jewelry, 145 A. Platlnum bracelet with six platinum charms set with rubies, sapphires and diamonds. ta.GOO B. Ladies' white gold ring set with one star sapphire and six diamonds. lllO C. Ladies' plattnum ring set with one emerald-cut tourmaline and 8 diamonds, t4IO 0 . One black opal set In a 14K white gold pendant surrounded by 51 diamonds, •.ooo E. 18K yellow gold leopard cufflinks by Cartier, with 4 small emeralds. 11,350 F. White gold earrings set with 29 rubies and 16 diamonds. (Rubies. 4.57 ct. t.w .. diamonds, 2.01 ct. t.w .. ) S3,IOO G. White gold antique brooch set with onyx and diamonds. 11.870 H. Van Cleef wrist watch with Piaget movement, S1,7IO I. 18K yellow gold safety pin, by Tiffany.• • .. I J. 14K yellow gold j U.S. Master's map prn.~ K. 14K gold cuff links with blue ster sapphires • .- L. 1-4K yellow gold tie clip set with 3 fmall sapphires, 9llO v - Do~or blood. sh ?l".tage attributed to summer, recession l'. ~'IP'"°.. n,.olally need iC)roup·O, wt °' ~ the w..thff rat.her New technolo1111, 1uoh 11 • • W 1 ta 1v1 an a c t t v • located at eoo Para.nt.r Dr1w, L,. 11 Uoftwlde blood waat all typll." • \Mft"'-11~ blood, Dr. Kaplan chemotherapy breakthrouchl. recruitment protram," Dr. Santa Ana. •· ~ wJ ~ Coun 11 TMenn.Councy ..... 11 Mld. have.-siuhtnlnonwppa.. Kaplan 11ld. "We are al10 h h open Monday• and • ~ -w..tc... t)'Dr lw ~ ~ t.n IOlnl PMfl·oC The economy, whllt not a A.lol.'I wlth • population lncr••• ~ the s.nia Ana center Thundaye from 8:80 a.in. to 8 1 ~ ~ ~·oftobJOod the U.8., but the ca~ an the major factor, hai a 1Ubtl9 .Uec:t. ln Oran&• County, 'h•y have open an extra 1v1nln1, and i).m.; 1\.1.ta)'I, Wtdneldayt and t far the -.i I.cl ero.. w: the IWN'nlr, the depn••d When th• Red CroH 11nd1 ofmt a 20 percent Iner••• ln contacttnc sroupt whlcfi have l'rlda)'I tram 8:80 a.m. to a:ao :• •fw e baw a Oroup.Q lhonw, economy and new medical b~ to _,..,, 1 there June local I.cl 0'09 tupPU. 1ched uled bloodmobt111 to p.m.; and Sltw'daYt and holidays whJch la lronJo, blCau. lt'• ~ ~ requtrlna blood. are fewu donore avahable ovwr Slit YMI'· undilrlOOl'I our t'Cnelml." from 9 a.m. to 1:80 p.m. ,1 molt common type," Dr. Kaplan Summer II t.racUUonally a bad becau11 1om1 people are on The l\ed Cro. ll ~ llVeral T h • 0 r a n a • C o u n t y For a pp o l n t men t 1 and " utd. "B ut alt o u we llllOft wtthdonononvacetiona turlouiht. 1te111tocom tthelhoriap. Community Blood Center l1 lnformadon.call'30~0381. ; ' ,.,..,......... BLAKELY WEDS -Actress Susan Blakely and producer Steve Jaffe married in Hono).ulu. Blakely starred in "Rich Man, Poor Man." After thelr honeymoon they will start work in Toronto on a film, "Will There Really Be a Morni1lj." 8 organizations get fair awards Eight Orange Coast organizations have received dJaplay awards from the Orange County Fair's feature exhibits department, fair officiala announced. The winners a.re: -Co1ta Me11 -The Costa Mesa His-· torical Society. fourth place ln community exhibits. -Foutaill Valley -Coastline Community C.Ollege, first in educational Institutions; and the Creation Science Association, second place in \ animated dioramas. -lrvtae -The Orange County Fann ~au. third place in non-eommercial agricultural exhibits. -Lapna Beacb -The Orange County Fire Chiefs Aaaociation, second place in profe91ional service group ekhibits. Newport Be.acb -The American Cancer Society, eecond place in community exhibits; Pace Fellowship Inc., second place in educational institutions exhibits; and the West Coast Amateur · Radio Club, first place in community exhibits. tir 12 locals given Cal Poly· ho'nor Twelve Orange Coast resid~nts are included on the Cal Poly San Luia Obispo president's honor list for the spring quarter, university officiall announced. They are: C.... ... -09'lld L ~ Ind 8t"°9 M. Wlleon. ,........ 'I.., -PIUI J, O.ofelo. 1e.1...-._.. -l.9ul'8 R. Held, D111M M . K~. MIC:N6e K. Klerlteed. Al»lt1'l . Miier, and 8'*1 A. Rendoph. a...-... -.,,...,, e.. Holtz. ............. -MtcNel c. hlUrien. ....... ¥'9to -~A.~ Ind V.-ie L ~ SDSU shuts majors SAN DIEGO (AF) -San Diego State University bas cloeed six departments to i.ncomin8 students for the spring 1983 eemester becauae of overcrowded conditions. School officials said it was being done ao affected departmenta would have "brea~ space" in determining just how many students d\ey can accommodate. The departments affected by the action are civil. electrical, mechanical and general engineering, oom ter ICience and m' umati.m , PIOltCT Ymt ~ MTlt _ Bost DRY EkTRACTION _ CARPET CLEANING .......... ·-111 M ... ·---....... ·-.... mM • -"""91 ....... -, -- U.f•Tlll .. , ..... ,LOW COST CAT I 008 VACCINATION CLllC " "' Ptfftllt.a.care• •"" -• ~ 11M11 ........... u ..................... Q.M .... ..... ti. ,..... • -_,. Dist...-(OJU.) .............. Sus .. ......... ~........ • ............................................ 15.00 ... ::-=: -:.:-i .= Dot "5'*1" "'"""""""""'"$7,00 ... ........... ,.,,...... cat "3+1" .......................... ss.oo .... DOCS UT <II LWt1Si CATS II IOXD. PUASE COSTA MESA .,.,, 1111r a. 1112 lllln: J:JM:.r: ........ 27tl ltlrW M . ~ ,,,,,.,..,,,, .. $fnkf .. """"' -,,,,, ""*'lit '"""" -Tudatw ,., 41'1 ,,,._ <• """*'' lft'l9w, ,,.,.,,fk, """""· A Pr/var. School of {)gt/net/on Found«J In 1942 In Fountain Valley 16835 Brookhurst (71 4) 962-3312 Grass Or Leaf Gas Blower . 22" Weber® Kettle B·B·Q Grill Single Burn•r Gas Grill lrrctudel Propane• Tank •Empty Shorts Tan~~ops $2 voau8s To 14.96 Swim Suits $6•$7 Values To 3:22 Tube Tops •1.1.s·o Cotton Pants Ladles Values To 16.96 $ Values To 11.96 Tops s4.•1. 12.9t Values To 7.96 Swim Suits $2•$4, Shorts Or Tank Tops Values To 4.96 . -.. , $2 Values To 13.96 CothMi Pants · $5 ·- Short· Values To 7.96 sa:::ss2.s4 --~ •14 354t. Thermos® Cooler s3a Swinger II B·B·Q Gril Values To 1 l.97 Swim· Wear s5.s7 Tank Values To 5.97 Tops 1.50-*3 Men's Values To 9.9 7 Shorts •2.s5 Values To 11.97 Knit s-5 Tops Values To 17 .97 Men's Pants_ $8 - 24.88 53·Qt. Thermos® COOLER Hinged Ud With ~ safety Latch Shoits Values To 5.97 Or S Tank Tops 1.50· 3 Values To 5.47 Swim· s3 Wear . -Values To 8.97 Tops s4.s5 Hand s3.se .: lags Hats And ~VllOD .... ,,. Orenot Oout DAILY PILOT/Wldntlday, J~ 21, 1912 Baby panda celebrates first birthday in Mexico City; Another due in U.S.? MI XICO C ITY (AP) - M..SOO'I ~ Wnl1y II domi IO W9l1 that '" k•pen hope h-P. and Ylnt-Ylnl wU1 work on a ~-thil (Ill foe' Tohul who oelebratH hll lint birthday todaY· Mori than a m1Won villtora have come to Mexico City'• Cbapultepec Park Zoo alnce Yls'I" Yb\a p ve btnh lit\ July 21 to the only IW'Yivtna panda •orrcma1 rm&TIAUOI LITll. .... , •• Tl&ft NOTICE OF DE ATH OF VlllGIL ALLEN AND OF PBTIT I ON T O A D · MINISTER EST ATE NO. A·lUIH. To all hein, benetld.artes, credlton and cont1n1ent c:redlion of Virgil Allen and peraona who ma y be otherwm Interested ln lhe will and/or estate: A petition bu been filed by Ronald Troy Allen In the Superior Court of Oran1e County requ eating tha t Ron ald Troy Allen be a ppointed aa peraonal repreeentative to admlnil'ter the estate of Vir811 Allen (under the Independent AdmJnlatration of F..tates Ac:t). The ~Uon la aet for heartna In t. No. 3 at 700 Cvic <Anter ·ve, Weat. In the City of Santa Ana, California on Au1uat 18, 1982. IF YOU OBJECT to lhe eranttnc of the petition. )'00 ahould either appear at the heartn1 and nate your objections or file written objec:Uon.a with the court bel ore the hearin1. Your appearance may be ln penon or by your attorney. I t YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a eonttnaent creditor of the deer 11 ed. you muat file your claim with the court or pl'elent It to the perao~al nprenntatlve appointed by the court within four mi.mt.hi from the date of flnt l11uance of letten -provided in Section 700 ol the Pl'obate Code of California. The time for filiftl claiml will not expire price to four months from the date of the hearin1 noticed above. Y OU MAY EXAMI NE the file kept by the court. If you are lntereated In the estate, you may file a requeat with the court to receive apec la l notice o f t h e Inventory of eatate auets and of the petitiona, ~ts and reports deacrlbed in Sect ion 1200.5 of t h e California Probate c.ode. lte eae aad D l o a , AtteneJ• at Law, u u w. Coaat Bl1lnray, No. 0 1, Newport Bea~ Callfonlla HMS.NMH 4 Published Oranfe Cout Daily Pilot, July 2 . 22, 28, 1982 3298-82 K~ UCllOW NO. 1S11KM MOnC8 TO CMDfTOM 0. llUIJ( TIULll I llml C'-"'1 .. 1'7 U.C.C.) Notice I• llereby given to credltou of tlle wltllln nemed ~ tllet • bulk i--. le eboul to be mede on penone1 Pl'°'*'Y llerelMfter deec:rtbed. The-and ~~ of .... ....,., tnnefwolt•) -. Ul PIClltl£ JNC: a "Cellfornie "°' sMll 9tlon. 298& ,.... "'*'· Cotlta ..... c.llllOmla. The,__ and bullrleee ~ at .. lntlnded ........ -. JAMii CHUNG and JANE CHUNG, '721 Norlno Orlve, HilntlnCltOll ...... CelllorM Tllaf tlle ptopert~ pertinent '*"'° 11 dlaof1bed In oenatll •: I furniture, flxtur .. 1 equlpm•nt. tra41ename, gooawlll. leHe, ......., ll'llpr-111. OO'llNnt noC to OClml)llle and .. !00-.d It ~~ 1"1 l "91t, ec.t. Tiie .....,__ -\.ed by .... ... ....... • llllld ~ II: ir~eua·a. Tllat Hid bulk trenafer la IMlnded to .,.~ ...... otflot of l l AVICI llC .. OW COM.,,Alff, ,,,0. loll 211, 14291 ••aoll """·· W••tmlnlter, o.llof* ntll on fll ...., ~ .. , ... ,.. ......... tor .. dallN In .. ..,_ reewr.d to ....., II ~·.1111. •o lat II I• known to H id IMlfM9ld T•••w lllld Intended Tranlf9fora uMd tM followlng .,_.!Oft., IMlllMH lllfNI end ............ ~ ...... **9. TfUI 8ULK TAANl'I" II au ... IOT TO OAL"O"NIA UMPOMI OOMMIAOW. COOi ..,,...,...,. 0..:-:\: F.::w ...... · !!!!!'!!.....~ COlll#IMJ ~"'·-· ,..._ ...... .-. Or.-0.... CMltr ..... lt .. 119-: 4CIOMI cub born outlide of Ch1na. Tohul, who hardly Upped the IC&1ee at blnh w1th a normal lntant wetaht ot a~ ouncee. .. a atrapptna l~ pounda. He won't rMCh hll adult 800 poUnda for at leut another 'JflU and can't mete for about four mon ~· "They're ao healthy, we haven't had any probleml w1th them," aaJd Dr. Gabl.no V~uei, the zoo admlnlatrator. •We 8PllCIA~I ~-==t::;JJ .,.,,,, .• MAXl·PADS Two acllletlw atrlpt. roundtd •nd P4d• ~1.99 MASSENGILL DllPOUlll DOUClll ·~69C "llWTWI" .. , '~ W+• 60' GARDEN HOSE .. ~ ...... .............. ''"''·'·• CUSHION .. WIClll CUlll Sofl-lllltd '°' t itfl comfort. 22" 5.99 •i4i9'H• ARMOR ALL PIOTICJUJ Prottctt I Beautllitt Vuiyl. Plaatlc. Rubbtf & Lu lhlr ·~1.99 :1.99a expect Y&N· Ylna to bt ln hHt apln ln &ept.mw Oft Oetobet. and we hope that we can pt another PNIJ'IDCY. '' Offlcial1 at Waahln1ton'1 National Zoo are wai ttna eaa•rly to ... if their panda, Llna·l.Jn8, ii presnant. They aay the Dlr1h date lhou1d be about A41. 131 but the mW! Ii.It of panda cuba makH lt almoat tmpoulbl• to determine ~ attributes ~h• ood health of Mexko C1t)"1 io three fectora -diet, • clty'a altitude of 'T ,240 feet and the ~ht type of tos•the"'91. 'The ahttude 11 a definite fllC'tOt," he Nld ln an interview. "We think the cond.lUonl here m1tch the environment ln the hilly ~one of Cblna. where th.y come from." TM ChintM aovwnnwnt aave Pe-Pe and Ylnc· Yinl to the IOO In 1078. They produced an offaprtna ln U~80, but Ylnl· Ylnc acotdentally CJ"Wlhed tt elaht day. atwr it wu born. The Chtneae have reported breedlna 18 cube ln captMty. "We feed them a 1peclal mixture, all blanded to1ether, with oarrota, apples, meat, mllk, •111, au1ar, aalt, aplnacb, vf tamlnl Ind ml.nera1I. '' Vu.qua uJd. All three Dt.ndat pt about Ilk pounda ot die blend • day. ,,,. llCiult pendM Ut> eat normal fare ot 18 poundl of bamboo ahootl • day. To fOlter breedJ.nc, the k:-.P'.9"' allow P•Pe an hour of froUCkJ.nl w1th h1a mate momJ.na. Then Y • Y Tohul are 8PllCIALI . SAVE88° ...... 2 ·2= ,--·~ ~ • u. 24 OL KAMCHATKA VODKA ·-.. ,.lJ .99 GILBEY'S QIN ·-:.71LT. 9.99 WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! ------ • VIS4' ctfil·I·• COPPERTONE SUP£.I SllADI S .. llC•tac L.611 hL3.59 ~-.J •JGfj-• uun GLASSWARE 'TIRY SWiil' Gfactlul Plll•rn In 1turdy olauwart. 17 oz. 21 oz. MR. & MRS. "T" 99C •LOODY MARY MIX 2401. 39t 59t- ___,•uu COVER GIRL .. , 1191.1.. ...... 20" ELECTRIC FAN wltllJIPUDI SP•CIALI REPRINTS FltOll COLOR NEGATIVES ~­, . . .... (jlj@i·H UDY UGHT STEAM/DRY IRON .., PIOCTOl·llLD 41SJUll~.: • mm a,~· -~ Ja .... ~-- Larger, 11tln-llnl1h 101tplJtt Non-corrosive water rtltfVolr takn lip waw OI. COMTIOl "All DAY- LIQUID MAKE-UP or OI. cowntOl "'TIMIWCIJfT" ~1.79~ • BLUSH MATES 5: 2.29 MITCHUM ~Ad-P ......... .., PIOIUll PllSl'llATIOI 25oz 2.59 , !Mt: ... .,. • lllUUI • u.ICllrTD ~ .... c;:J l.I 01.1 · 29 YMCllMCI e IA. COFFEE-MATE NON-DAIRY CREAMER FOi '°'* conn trot. 1.09 •ifii#-• MISS CLAIROL CIOllFOnUU IWI COLOI IAT11 1.99a •t§it• SEA BREEZE UTIKmC for Tiil .. lO OL 2 .29 •i§J.t.• DTIA SJIDGTM POLIDENT DOfYUI( Cl.£ANS(I ~:.....1.89 EITU STllDGTI OXY 10 ACM ...u MEDICATIOI .. J.79 .,,,,, .• "FLICKER" LADIU'IMVU =--t79 -•11111•-...... AUTOeMATIC MIUITM NII IUll :S:l.49 --~ -. • .... "' -• I ~ ~--. ~ Cou!Jty should keep 1 11 historic courthouse There are two thlng1 we believe Oranae County deserves. One .ii lta own branch of the at.ate 4th Dlatrtct Court of Appeal. The second ii continued• county government ownership of the hiltoric, turn-of-the-century courthouse ln downtown Santa Ana. The two mue. a.re very much intertwined because of etate legi&lation that created the new appeals court for Orange County. The original bill, passed by the Legtalature and algned into law, created tbe appeals court positions. It left open to question where the court would be located. There wu a lot of assuming going on. And the leading assumption was that the state would place the court In the old county courthouse, a commanding red sandstone structure sitting vacant because it is consid~ unsound in case of earthquake. There'• a new bill in the Legislature that would permit the state to M:Cj'11tt the old courthouse from the county to house the appeals court division. The state, because it is a htaher governmental authority, wants to obtain the building without providing compensation to the county. Then the state would make the buildJna earthquake aa.fe and move naht ln. Count.r. aupervi1or Roger Stanton tan t hae~Y with the bill and wan ta to do th1np differently. He wantl the county to retain ownership of the building and lease lt to the at.ate. Thia would generate some revenue for the county. Stanton'• idea had enough appeal to per1uade other superviaon to support his motion to place $3 million In Harbors, Beaches and Parka District funds In a special account for courthouse improvements. County control .is iinportant for several reaaoris. The county co\lld reacquire the building if it n4*ded to do IO at some future date. And it could keep some of the space in the building for other than court uses. For example, some would like to see a portion of the building u8eCl for an Orange County muaum. Such an idea might not have a snowball's chance if the building were ln st.ate hand.a. Stanton's suggestions have merit. We hope the backer of the current legislation, Aaaemblyman Richard Robinlon, will give the supervi.9or his ear. Soviet pipeline risks Following the imposition of martial law in Poland last December, President Reagan said, "The United States will have no choice" but to harden sanctions against Moecow if the Soviets do not see that basic rights in Poland are restored. What seemed like political rhetoric turned out to be cold fact when the president last month refused to approve the use of U.S. technology in bUilding the Yamal natural gas pipeline from the Soviet Union to Western Europe. Western Europe professed amazement and reacted with anger at what was seen aa U.S. intrusion into European commeroe. But the Reagan ad - ministration appears to be holding firm in its refusal to participate in a plan that would subsidize the Soviet economy to the tune of at least $10 billion in sorely needed hard currency - borrowed from Western capital markets and handed over to the Soviets aa low-interest credits. Western FA.trope claims that low-cost natural gas is essential to fill its energy needs. On this point, the Wall Street Journal aptly notes that much of that need could be filled right in Europe's own backyard if those who control the vast supplies of North Sea gas would relax their restrictions on exploration and pumping of the gas. At present Norway controls 53 percent of the North Sea gas reserve, Britain 32 percent and the Dutch 10 percent. All contend the bulk of the area's oil and gas should be left untouched i.n case of future need, and issue only a miserly number of exploration licenses. So Western Europe has made its deal with the Soviets for construction of a vast pipeline, apparently choosing ·to overlook the pomjbllity that the line, if built, could be Wied as a political weapon by the simple means of a threat to shut off supplies. The president's sudde.n decision to bar the export of U .S. technology for the pipeline may have seemed a little abrupt to Western Europeans who apparently had not considered this possibility. Perhaps they still can manage without U.S. cooperation. But in the long nm it may turn out they would have been better advised to turn west to their own North Sea instead of east to the Soviet Union in their aea.rch for cheap energy. Medi-Cal logic flawed Budget cutting, along with some seemingly flawed logic, has resulted in a decision to eliminate from Medi-Cal's list of approved drugs the most widely pretlCribed compounds used for the treatment of moderate pain. Without benefit of public hearing or comment, state officials arbitrarily decided Medi-Cal no longer would pay for pain relievers that include codeine, such as aspirln-or Tylenol-codeine combinations or prescription cough medicines containing codeine. Thia means that an estimated three million Medi-Cal beneficiaries will have to choose between mild,. often ineftectve, over-the-counter pain remedies, or seek prescriptions for potent narcotic analgesics that can be dangeroualy addictive. >.. almolt everyone who baa undergone dental surgery, had a bone fracture set or suffered a wracking cough knows, the codelne compounds are doctors' favorites for temporary pain relief Of ooune there are thoee who reect advenely to the drug, and if taken in excess it can become • addictive, but for moat the compounds seem to offer safe, inexpensive relief. Oddly enouch, the new rules permit the pre.cription of pure codeine, provided triplicate documents are filed. Medi-Cal's motivation in dropping the drug is partly budgetary. In an effort to cut costs, eligibility of patients, treatments and procedures have been curtailed. But officials also expressed concetn about alleged over-preacription of codeine by certain docton. phannaciata who fill codeine prescriptions for non-medical U8e91 and reports that the aubltance 11 abuaed by being uaed in combination with sleeping pi.lla by addicta aa fl subetitution for other optatee. U all th.la ii true, the answer is in better enforcement and pl'OleCUtion of pereona who try to defraud the t.1edl-Cal system, rather than penali.zlng the patienta of ethical docton who preecribe the compounds only when necemary. 'Opinions eXl)f'HHd In the ~above ere those oftth• D•llv Piiot. Other views U · prHMd on this page ere those of their authOrs and artists. Reeder comment Is lnvlt· ed. Addreu TtM Dally Piiot, P.O. Box '560, Costa Mesa, CA 91626. PhoM (71') ... 1""'21. ' • ORANGE COAST DailJPilat Thomas P. H•l•Y Pubtlst\er Tttomas A. ~ ........... Editor BirlNlr• KreHtiCft Edltorl•I P.-ot Ecntol"---~~o,.l - ----... ------. .. . --..._ .. -.. -. =-=--..,... ..-.c., •• .• . . • --::;;:;=:==:;:;~-~----w:=~.......,,---___ ---- . Views on 'windfalls' differ WASHINGTON -The flirtation between the Rea,an administration and corporate America ia developing lnto a serious love affair. The Interior Department, foe fnata.nce, wu aet up to protect fedttal landa from exploitation. But Secreiary James Watt repeatedly has acted aa if he'a on the side of the exploitera. In •tnct eec:recy, hia aides even uked the Justice Department to let them do IOmething that Congress has explicitly forbidden Here's the story: THE FEDERAL OOAL Leasing Act, pasaed by Congress in 1920, prohibits railroa<!a from m1.nlng coal on federal lands. The purpoee was to prevent the railroad• from creating an unfatr monopolt "They ve already got a rail freight monopoly. U you add a coal monopoly, it would get wone," expWns Sen. John Melcher, D-Mont., who alerted me to the giveaway. "They could be in• position to bid higher and set the price not only for transportation rates, but the price of coal ti.self." Melcher 1s m ost upset over the slippery way the railroads and the Reaganites are trying to subvert the stated will of Congress by getting the Justice Department to wink at the violation of the law. "This is public business," the aenator told my associate John Dillon. "This abould be done rigtlt ln the public eye with full ptibllc diaclosure. The question wu preaented to Conaess whether to chanp the law. Now they want to go around the law by getting Justice to change u.a poaition." . , lt'a not u lf the railroada don't already have plenty of valuable coal lands in the Q -J1-c1-11-1-11-11-1 -~ West. Two of the major coal carriers, Union Pacific and Burlington Northern, own hundreds of thousands of acres obtained free from the f e d e ral government in the last century. But the checkerboard pattern of these land grants along the railroads' righta- of-way -interspersed as they are with land that the government still holds onto -hindets the easy development of the coal. And, of course, 1t also provides a restraining federal influence. So the obliging Interior Department officials devised a "cooperative leasing" program to give the railroads accea to the federal land. If allowed, this would give them control of the coal, its production and the m e ans of transportation -a robbe r baron 's delight. When th.la proposal was rebuffed by Congress, Interior Under Secretary Donald Hodel tried the back door. In a confidential letter to the 'uatice Department, he asked that a crucial interpretation of the law be "revoked immediately ... THE OFFENDING interpretation declares that nuJroad affiliates u well as the railroads themaelvee are bound by the leasing prohibition of the 1920 law. If Hodel geta hia way, companiH affillated with railroad• would be pennitt.ed to lease federal ooal lands. Thia would be a distinct.ion without a difference; the coal would still be controlled by the railroads. Hodel phrased his request in Orwellian "newspeak," asking that the law be reinterpreted "so we can move ahead and promote competition.'' On the contrary, of course, It would reduce competition. An Interior spokesman duufully stuck to the djzzy ing concept tbat by pennilting railroads lo mine the coal they haul. it would somehow encourage competition and bring prices down. Then he gave the game away by admitting; "No doubt the r e would be some advantage (for the railroads). But it wouldn't be a huge windfall" At Jim Watt's giveaway counter, windfalls are appare ntly graded like olives: small, medium, large, huge, mammoth and out-of-sight. Reagan's state pension challenged The Sacramento Urban League haa filed suit to enjoin State Controller Ken Cory from paying President Ronald Reagan $22,444 a year. The money, which ls l.ncreaaed automat1cally each year to the Consumer Price Index, is a pension "earned" by Reagan for his eight yearw u governor. George Dean, president of the Lea,ue, a civil riahta grou~d hia action wai--l prompted by the dent's outapok.en criticism of "double dippers." The ault ia bued upon a Constitutional proviaion which atat.ee the President ah.all be paid a salary and ''ahall not receive within that period any other emolument from the United Stat.ea or any of them." THE PRESIDENT is currently paid a aalary of $200,000 plua ~.000 for livtna expemes, $100,000 for travel and $12,000 for entertainment. Excepting for the salary the other money la tax free. He will al80 ~ive a pension of $69,000 plus free office space and up to $96,000 a year for office help. But the governor and the other state constitutional officers are included in the plush retirement system established by llll WITEU the legislatora for thermelva. Under that plan the membera can at.art drawing penaioN at any age after 20 years tn office or aft.er only four yean ln office at age 60. There are preaently 113, includtn1 Reagan, receiving such pensions. Some of thaee now drawing pensions or eligible for such penalona at age 60 are membera of Congrea or in other federal po9ta. Slips of tongue universal Somebody at the dinner table made a minor gaffe and reddened wllh embarraaament. Everyone laughed tolerantly, and the con venation turned to what the British call ''clinken'' - remarks that are uncomdoualy funny, or that can be taken in two ways, one of them not entirely auapldoua. I happened to recall Victor Borp'a clulic anecdote: ''One evening afttt a IYlllY 111111 performance, • lady came up to me and uJd, 'Mr. Bcqe, I bawn't lauahed eo much .mce my huaband died!'" Another auest.. a doctor, wellbld in wtth hla most memorable faua p119. A 8'ck patient of hie. conldence-ctricken at havin1 1ummoned the doctor ~aat mldn11ht, apoto1lled profuaely, 'I'm tl1fTY about the how', doctor. and I know that my houte Sa mmewhat out of your w•l·" • Oh, that'• all rll"ht,'' th• doctor repUed. 111 have another very lick patient who lives ftMr' you. ., ru )Mil kill two blrda wlth one atone.'1 One of the men ~t, who knew little about the~ of tM ~ ot FNndl, NlaW!d thal he Wll a bit \ml9l1 I when he Wll invited to. QUabl' boaie for dlnMr. "l OMdn't haw WOilNd at all." .. he expWnad.,....... ·~WM fine. There was an awkward silence at the beg1nn.lna of the meAl but I just told a funny story and broke the Ice!" My own contribution concerned a d.lnner at an East.em college, honoring a reUrtnc member of the faculty. THE CHAIRMAN of the board of truateee wu the c:hlef speaker, and he extolled the honored 1uest and the faculty at tome length. When the guest of honor responded, he aid that both lndividually and on behalf of the faculty he WU 1P'9tefW for the kind Wordll, but he really didn't know what the tu. wu all about.. "After all," he continued, ''both tbe faculty and I are paid to be aood. where•• the tru1tee1 are aood for nothing ... , Joeeph Chamberl&lJ\. When M WU pl1Jne mlniltllr of Ena1and. told w. 1tory about hlmMU. Ke a peat of honol' at a t.nQ\Mt. The mayor of the dty prellded, .na WMn coff.e WM beinl llel'Wd, he lMned over and touched Mr. Chamberlaln eaytnc, "Shall w. let them enjoy thelmalWI a little lonaw1 OI' had w. ~ haw 10'll' speech now?" But perhaJll the pr111 · Should 10 t!Mi late Mn. Jowpb 8c:hl1dmaut, wtf• ol the act«, who •t a -.. PM'ty ia New York .ud ~ to ltlie ~ canaa1 and OMS\ ... ~ bandl. flnaUy C1ndinl hlnl1l hll hand apm: ·~t ~~ alnedy ~to me ~···~~.~t,i iahtraY9 a plMIVft CO ~~ '°' ~·· In terms of rost to the state the Urban League should have 1et their sights on U.S. Sen. Alan Cranston. He held office in California government as state controller for eight years. At the time his salary was $18,000. He was defeated in that office by Houston F1oumoy in 1966 yet he now draws a pension from the state of $3,931 a month, more than 21A times the salary when he was on the job and ne.rly aa much u the $60,552 he receives as !ltmator. But that ian't alJ. Cranston, like Reagan, ia wealthy in his own right.. The aon of a well-to-do family, he attended Stanford and other colleaes and then was a foreign correspondent dwi.ng WW II until the draft caught up with him. Other than that hia only "work" bu been in poll tics al nee from hll investments and property he reported an inoome in excea1 of $100,000 last yeer. He alao reported receiving $30,000 from "honorariums" paid him for appearanoes before sped.al interest groupa. WHAT THE Urban League ault. and the example of Cranston, clearly point up la the error of providing penliom foc- elective offidala. Al. Reagan h1:rme1f ao often h.aa said, holding public office ia a privilege and government should not be nm by "profemional politkiana." The founding fathen never intended anyane to make a career out of holding elective office. It was for that reaaon they made the tenns for oo~ only two yeen and only four for the President. By providing the lure of pemiom> thoae 1n -office -are encoura1ed-le> entrench themselvea end become proficient at gaining re-election. Furthermore through laws and use of free mail and other fringe benefits, 1ncludina tax paid staff, they have made tt alm09t impcmible f« the electon to replace them with freah facel. The Urban Leque ia wfonnine a eervtce with the suit •P>tliab~ ibi ~ty of office ho1den In proYid1nc for t.btmlelV-. bu\ I l"Jeta' ~ would be to work tor the eUmlnatlon of penllka f« eleded offJdat1 'r••chlng draws many ~olleses' low achievers CHAP& HQ..L. N.C. <AP> - ,,.. ~ 11f9'•lon a"1ec11 QMlll'9 t>wm hi lhU'e of the wont oollen atudentl. and the leut· qualffled teach•ra atay lp \h• prof.man the ~ a national dudy aaya. \ ~ ~. tncomina tellehers are liil ~lically able than thell" predeceaon, whtJe the molt able teecherl •trike out in IUl'Ch of better joba, ICCOrd1n8 to the ltUdy. 1881·82 W11 fl8,t'N, IWicord1na to the NaUonaH lduoatlon Alloclatlon. Another reHon it tha~ opportunldet are Widen1nC tot women and minorl"-mean1na the most ·qualified memben ol "You find that education get.s vastly more than its share of tile economJc 1tatua and .-onaraphlc orilil\ in duwfn1 -their oonclUl&ona. .. You flnd education f•'- vutly more \h.an 111 lhare o the low•t fO perwnt of academic ablllty, 'bout lU 1han of the t.6ddle ao .,.....t and WIMly • than ita •hare of the hl1h•r ll'OUP· II Schlechty llid. "The flndln11 aren't 1ur.,rllin1, but they are dlttrimina," Phillip C. Schlechty, ~te dean of the School of Bducatlon of the University of North Carolina at Chapel HUl, lowest 4Q percent.'' Mid in an lntel'Wrw. Th• atudy II.id 30 percent of all teachtra are drawn from the Jower 20 percent of academic echlevement. In addition, it Mid 3' pereent of thmt coounltted to rema1n1ni ln teechlna come from the lower 20 percent -61 percent from the lower 40 percent. SchlecMy aai~ there 11 no evidence that teachen with lower SA. T 1CC1N1 perform their dutiet with ie. Mill than U\Ole with bJaber q1·1a1!f!cation1. Nearly 10 percent of high tchoo1 and elementary teachen who ~ to be teechinl at ace 30 ICOl'ed below the niean verbal Scholutic Aptitude Test acor-.i of their peen who did not fO into t.eechiJlg, according to Sclalechty and Victor S. Vance of 'the Campbell University Department of .UUC.Uon. 1'he result• stem from telchlng'1 inability to compete wlth other white-collar prof.-Ona. the raearc:hen aid. Ovenupervision, low salaries and low prestige contribute to the problem, Schlechty said. The av•r•1• i.acher salary for thoee ifOUpa are taJdna hiaher paying and more prestiaioua jobl. Schleehty added. • The re.earchen, u11n1 SAT verbal ICOtte u a yardatkk for acatlernic quallfi~tlON, atudied 4,416 college gradualel from a 1973 wnple of 22,000 htsh 1ehool aenion that-U-betng-treckied by Reeearch Tri.angle Institute. The study, to be publi1hed in September, was conducted for the National lnltltute o f Education. The reaearchen also looked at aex, race, profeaalon, aocio- An an1wer would be to re1tructure the profeealon, he aa.ld. "We have to have 10 percent of all mi..i.--pedue&el to maA the.-llCh~"Schiechty said. "U you want that 10 percent to come from the upper half of college gradualel, you'~ going to have to make the salary 1tructure and the occupational 1tructure competitive." 'SOUTH COAST PLAZA COSTA MESA 557-6161 LOWER LEVEL CAROUSEL MALL VITAMINS GROCERIES RADIANCE MA&IA 11 MEGA POTENCY MULTIPLE VITAMIN WITH CHELATED 8.99 I MINERALS eo Tablet• Reg. 13.49 DR~ DONSBACH'S PREIATIL FORMUU MULTIPLE VITAMIN ANO MINERAL SUPPLEMENT 4.25 120 Tablets Reg. 7.75 Cl..- RADIANCE CALCIUM llllESIUM AMINO ACID CH ELA TE 2.45 90 Tablets Reg. 4.25 'RADIANCE PROTEll NWDER NATURAL INSTANT 4.95 Net Wt. 16 oz. Reg. 7.95 RICH LIFE C-1000 8.95 TIME RELEASED 250 Tablets Reg. 15.95 RADIANCE SELEllUM 150 MCG 3.95 50 Tablets Reg. 6.95 RICH LIFE MEU DIE MEGA POTENCY VITAMINS ANO AMINO ACID CH ELA TED MINERALS • TIME RELEASED 30 Tablets Reg. 5.95 4.50 RADIANCE YITlllll E 1000 INT'L UNITS 0-ALPHA TOCOPHEROL 30 Capsules Reg. 8.75 RADIANCE m11111 c 1500 MG WITH ROSE HIPS TIME RELEASED 60 T1blet1 Reg. 5.95 RICH LIFE E-411 D-ALPHA TOCOPHEROL 100 Ctlpeulee Reg. 10.60 5.75 3.9& &.&o· PRODlJCE WEST BRAE IUPE JUICE NO SUGAR ADDEO 1.35 32 A . oz. Reg. 2.45 HEAL TH VALLEY PUln llnER CREAMY-LIGHTLY SAL TED 16 oz. Reg. 2.19 CAR OFFS CARROT CHIPS SAL TED OR UNSALTED ~Wt. 5 oz.. Reg. 1.59 PAt-IDA USPIERRY LICORICE 1.1.9 ALL NATURAL Net Wt. 7 oz. Reg. 1.62 HAIN SAFFLOWER OIL 2.45 PURE COLD PRESSED 32 A . oz. Reg. 3.45 GOOD STUFF GOOD STUFF IREID 1.29. NATURAL WHOLE GRAIN 24 oz. Loaf Reg. 1.69 LUNCH COUNTER Health Nat A TASTY COMBINATION OF AVOCADO, SPROUTS, SUNFLOWER SEEDS, SOY BACON BITS, TOPPED WITH A SLICE OF MONTEREY JACK CHEESE, AND $ERVEO ON SPROUTED WHOLE WHEAT BREAD. · 2.25 BULK P RODUCT S PllEIPPLE CllD SESAME STICIS AL T'A-DENA . I LEADERS -Dr. F .. Julian Freeman of Fullerton (left) ll 93rd erealdent of Oran1• County Medical Alloclation. Dr. John F . Brid1eman, Ml11ion Viejo, la a11oclatlon'1 preetdent-elect. Th• J'ederaUon of Butln••• and Prof•lonal Women of Oranp County will hoJ4 • mei'nberehlJ> bnanch ·-the Newport Harbor Art MuHum ln Newport Beech on Aue. l' at u. Arlene Sont•I• admlnlitrative analyat for Oranae County, and Krhtine Kilter, a OOlltfat't pesoUator, wlll tM the a.,.ken. l'or information call Saunden at 972-9000, Dorothy Krill at 494-9741, Bel'yl Rua.11 at 642-3366 or Barbara Blllu at "1-8693. ON THE ENTIRE STOCK OF SPRlNG AND SUMMER MERCHANDISE Starts Thursday, July 22nd. Hurry in for Bert Selection! IT'S THE LAST 10 DAYS OF , on Table Lamps • Celling Fans • Track Lighting . • · Floor Lamps • Outside Lighting • Chandeliers Fluorescent Lighting To assure ti1e most varied selection of all sale items, It's desire able to visit our showroom at your - earliest convenience. Visit our showroom and receive a 2~ watt night light by Ouolzel 'R•• ~ Cliildren to fly free LOS-ANOBLES (APr" -Western Airllnee aaya chlldNn under 12 wW fly In AUC\llt to, fram or within the 1tate of CalUornra when accompanied by a fare- p11yill8 edult. HoW.ver, the airline excluded travel between California and New York, Baltimore, Waahln1ton D.C. and )Unneapoll1-St. Paul from the otter. "J'ammea who had planned to drive wm now find it affordable to tty-to their vacation dJt•tlnatlon," 1aid Weste!ft vice preatdent CnUa Benedetti. p...,_.. muat buy tk:ketll at Jeut • day in advmcet all the travel muat occur between Aug. 1 and Aue, 31, and the otter ii limited to one free cbild per ldult, the airline uld. Workshop on taxes planned "Re1idential Rental Propertlea aa a Tax ShelW'' ia the Ude ot a pubHc tax worlC:abop offered by Century 21 Regkm 101 on Monday at 7:45 p .m . at the Elka Club, Santa Ana. Rich Robtmon. CPA, a apdalftrt In Income tax OJ>portunlties related to real estate, will leed the -1on. Region 101 la headquartered in Anaheim and repr.-nta 80 independently owned office. throuahout Oranae C-ounty. For Information, phone 978-0021 or contact a Century 21 Office. Rachtman honored Edith Rachtman of L~isure World has received the· Woman of the Year award from the women'• division of the Jewish Fedei'etion of orange County. The award is presented annually for lervice to the Jewish c.Ommunity. SC school reunion set The San Clemente Hi&b School Cua of '72 will have a reunion Aug. 7 at the Registry Hotel in lrvtne. For information, call Lori Morpn Altamlrano ., 493-7970. COCKTAIL SHRIMP DELICIOUS TREAT BY POlll SUPER Piia 139 CUP O' NOODLES OllENTAl NOODU SOUP IN 3 FLA VOIS SUPER Nia 39c 2-1 /2 oz. v.+ile stoda lcllf. LIMIT 12 OLD SPICE STICI DIOOOUNT IY SHULTON IEG.119 2.19 ,... c.a Regulor or Mud1 2· 1 /2 oz. lizu. PLAYTEX DEODOUNT TAMPONS SAU249 NICE YM1 c.a h9. CK Super. 28's. ................. EOSPORIN ANTllACTDIAl OINTMllft' ~·1·9 PHOSPNATl·flll LAUNDRY DITEKDfl' REG.119 1.61 With color bright· eneri. ~9-oz. 6ox. ALBERTO VOS MN PACK HAii SPRAY SPEClll IUYI 1" ,. PLANllRS PEANUTS DIY IOASTID llG. 2.69 1~ GOOD NEWSI DISPOSAILE WOIS 6-PI. BG. 2.24 139 VALVOLINE MOTOR OIL Hl&H-PElfOIMANCI 30WJ MOTOI Oil BG. 1.14 99c Reg. 160 z. Un. Quart can. Stock up! sohed-1 6'h-oz. um? H CMS GRANNY GOOSE HAWAIIAN POTATO CHIPS SUPER79c NICE 5-01. While stodts loJt. UMIT6 HUNT'S· CANNED RUfT I IN SYIUP SUPll 2s 1 n1a fOI 15-01. While stocks lost. UMIT 11 HORMEL DELICIOUS SHOil OIDllS® sun•288C nta FOi 7-1/2 01. While stocks lost. UMIT 1 I l W!DN!80AY, JULY 11, 1982 CAVALCADE COMICS TELEVISION craze: It shall pass VIDEO REVISlTED DEPT. -Donny Hadland of Foun'8ln Valley baa written to c:omplaln that video pme operationa were treeted shabbily in thia comer when the electronic quarter...eaten were compared to dirty book atoree, pmbllng and other recreation. Hadland Tndtcatea that he la vice president of marketlJll for a buainea known u Family Arcade Centen, Inc. "We are just tryin& to ~bliah IOJ'De aort of .recreation and fun for the people of Oranae c.e>unty," he declares. "We are not tryin1 to · create a 'devil bulineea' or 'lead children Into a life of .-Jl-l_l_l_R_Pl_l_IJ_l ,®i; ::~eo ~m.:.;b= • ' Hadland aays. have strict nales about the hours thoee under 17 can play and there ia no smoking and no drinking. BADLAND ASKS, "My grandmother plays bingo. Doell thia mean ahe will IOOll be lured into a life of crime?" Well Donny, I'm not really sure how your grandmother and her Bingo got into thia but I suspect she's sale from being lured into crtminality. She probably just likes to buy a Bingo board on a chance of winning the big prize. Well, some authorities. like my dictionary, might take a narrow view of this and suagest Bingo is gambling. The dictionary defines gambling in part as, ''To play a game of chance for money or other stakes." Anyway, back to video games. I susQect moat youngst.en who have caught the Pac Man aaze will aomebow survive it into adulthood. Other generationa have The,,.,. F'D6 a/ta' two pys who wua't mw the Piie Ne pa» ... IUl'Y'ived hula hoope. burleeque hou8es and pool halls and ~ on soinehow to become regular old fuddy of eodety. Mr. H.adllina Dilght not betteve this but I've actually been in a couple of video game arcades. They are interelting places to visit but I wouldn't want to live there. THE PROBLEM ISN'T the games themlelves. It's the not.es that are forthcoming from apace monaten chewing up asteroids, 1aaer guns shooting down spaceships and all the other attendant acreeching, zapping, whizzing and powing. It's real crazy. Actually, I was in Mr. Hadland'& community of Fountain Valley just the other night to watch a do\lble feature movie billing. It was mainly compoeed of mayhem with a 80\.lDd track of shooting, crashing, acreeching, and powing .. Funny thing was, the movie houae people provided a ~5-minute break between the first epic film of violence and the eeoond one featuring bloodshed. I couldn't figure out the long delay. You figure maybe the movie projector had overheated from the action and given up the ghost. ONE QUICK INSPECl'ION of the lobby, however, gave you the answer. Half the patrons bad ruahec:l out of the auditorium to grab one of the machines in a long line of video games. They spent intermission pumping quarters and llstening to zapper rays. apace chomplnga. wheezinga and ka-poweee. No wonder they had such a lengthy snack bar break. Heavena, bow the quarters rolled in. And the noise eecalated. In the days of my mt.pent youth, no aelf-respecting pool hall would have allowed that kind of racket to go on. You cough once while eomebocly wu shooting and you could get a cue-wrapped around your head. IN THE SUM. however, I don't think Donny Hadland or hla video pme colleaguee in Foun'8ln Valley have much to wony about for busbM!ll unie.. we IUffer an electrical power lbcJrtale. And theri, 101De day, thia too will come to pus. Auto club office ready for. stall Seniors' com Pl ex oK in CM ~ BJ JODI CADENBBAD Of .. ...., ......... A H-unlt 1entor ctttsen1 apartment complex to be built on propertyownedbyachurcbwu approved Monday nJaht by the Calta M .. Qty Council deeplte objection• from nearby homeowners. The approval of the three- 1tory co111Plex at 183 E. Bay Street followa more than three years of work on the $1.2 mllllon project between offida1a of St. .John-the Dtvtne sr•ecopal Ch urcb and the ederal Department of Hou1ins and· Urben Devtalopment. '"lbett ii no IUCh th1na u low cost houmnl,'' Mid Rev. Conrad Nordquist. -..t there ii euch a thlna a1 1ub1ldlzed houalni. ''Thia hu been my dream from the be1innln1 to have younl ~~ eenion intepted,' Senion who move Into the one-bedroom unita eXJ)eded to be completed by next July will be aaked to pay no more than 23 percent of their income. Fearful that the chanae in, zonin1 from linsle family to planned development re.tdential would herald a wave of high denaity comtructton, about 52 boDleownera aped a petition potesttna the project. • "We are not ap1mt provid1na elderly a place w live," aaia Robert Yoder. "What we are coocemed with ii the quality of life on the eut llde." Residents ai.o charged that the eomplex at the comer of Bay Street and Oranae Avenue would ~te too much traffic and a.n t a lultable Jocadon for boQainc eenion. The council voted 3-1 in favor of the project. with Co•rv:Omen Eric Jobmon votma DO. Ma)'QI' Adeoe Schafe.r la on • v.c:atkm and didn't attend Monday'• meetina. Effects oli wetlands change nil -. An" Army Colp of ~ pro~ t.o looeen replationa protecting the nation'• wetlands wouldn't affect lawa protecting coutal wetlandl in Callfomia, a top offidal of the state Coeatal Commi.aon cl.a1ma. The corp• i1 expected next week to exempt mDl1ona of acres of wetland• from current regulation• that require individual permits for dredging and filling that would affect the wetlanda. The new recuiatione are aimed at 1treamlinin1 the permit proce9S for developing wetland areas. However, Tom Tobin, manager of ocean re1ource1 for the California Coastal C.ommiuion, aid Tue.day that wetlan!la IUCh aa the Upper Newport Bey and Bola Chica are perned by the 11ate Coastal Act, not federal juri8diction. "Wetlandl in our ocmtal zooe are well-protec:ted by the state Coutal Act.''. Tobin uid. ''The only threat of thil new action would be lf the Coutal Commi..ton lost t.ttUdW!tJon <Netr the Bolaa CIUca.'' ___ _ The Aa1embly = and Natural a...arc. ttee ii conatderin1 a bill that would etrip the COuta1 Commllll.on of authority over \he 1,800-acn Bola Chica, which ii bordered on three akSel by Hunttnatm 8-:h and by the P8dfic Ocean on the fourth lkle. J. Sleeper • services set SMU.E OP SU~ -You can tell by the exuberance of Scott Rothert, 7, of Irvine Sunday. .,.., ........... .., ............... Huntington Beach that he caught the most fish during contest. The Bun~ Beach City Pier reeemhled a Milaillippt River &hJ.n4i 1pot Wectne.day u neerly 100 younpten took part in the annual Huck Flim=Becky That.cbel' o.y comest~ by the Huntington Beach Community Service• Department and Ella Christenlen, owner of the Tackle Box, Winning trophies foe costumes that made them look most like Huck and Becky were brother and sister Donny Supernaw, 6, and Fawn Supernaw, 9, of Huntington Beach. Winning roda and reela for catching the largest fish were Cecelia Pereira. 14, and Scott Bauer, 10, both of Huntington Beach. Receiving tackle boxes for catching the smallest fish were Melody Cau.er, 9, and Brian Teofilo, 13, both of Huntington Beach. Scott Rot.hert, 7, and Melody Cauaer each won a rod holder for catching the tnl»t fish. . The Ella'• Special Award w ent to Todd Jenkins, 11, for hla Huck Finn outfiL The Tackle Box owner has been oo-sponaoring this event for 31 years, city officlals said. THEY'RE TOPS -Cecelia Pereira, 14, hurries along with a catch. She won a prize tor largest fish while sister and brother, -J'awn and Donny Supernaw, atso· or,. Huntington Beach, were judged to look the most like Huck Finn and Becky Thatcher. ~· •HOROSCOPE I Wife tells how it is. when husband IOSes . joli DEAR ANN LANDERS: My huaband had a very aood job unW 11 montba aao. when he joined the arowtna number of unemployed. Since then we nave learned that ~ to work, a SoOd education and one'• belt efforta are not enough. We al8o le.amed what it ii to be poor. I muet admit I didn't really know what it wu like until now. For thoee who don't know, let me tell them. Being poor ii watchina your dog die ~Ule you can't afford to take him to the v~l Being poor means not being able to go to your father'• funeral. Being poor means havina teeth pulled becaUle you can't afford to eave them. Being poor means feeding your kida lota of jelly aandwichea for supper. Being poor means a constant state of panic becauae you never know when things are going to get wone. lleing poor means watching your friends diSappear because nobody wanta to be around a loeer. -RUDE AWAKENING IN A TLAN'T.A. DEAR AWAKENING~ Yar letter wu ~ . very POtailUt atll I pt te ~· lut two tta ... l\SAIJ lrieMI ..... •tu~ WMD yoe're .._. oa ,.., 1-. n.e feat wlao Mve .....,.. JM wen aot fiit1M11. Tiiey were io1rely a.,.ulD&uen, ud f~·rate oan at tlaat. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I rNd all thoee catty oomment. from Neden who crltldled your hairdo, your tMte 1n ~ mouth and your jewelry. How~ y mentioned your eyee? 'Ibey are too cbe totetl*r. l hate to be petty, but thla baa been obvtoua to me for quite IMxne Ume. An you aware of it? -JUST INQUIRING DEAR INQUIRING: Y0ta ~ rtot. My eyes are too clote toptlaer, "t I \avea't beeD able to flpre ot1t llow to move tbem f&raer apart. ~' 1qantt-.? DEAR ANN LANDllRS: I am 28 ~ old, in excellent health and have two daughten. 7 and 4 yean ot ap. My hueband and I both want another child. I wouldn't mind havina a third prl, but I am eure my hl.Llband would be thrilled to have a ton. My in-laws have llx granddaughters and although they have never Mid anything about it I am certain they'd love a grand.Ion. My huaband baa no brothen 10 there ii no one ei.e to carry the family name. I've heard (t laid that lf a woman aleepe on her left llde durtna the fint two months of~ ahe will nave a boy. Ri&ht aide -a prl. I know thia IOUDda crazy but two of my frjenda l&kl lt bu to do with the ovaries and it worked f~ them. Pleue advile. -E IN OSHKOSH DEAR 088: ne aex of t•e cla.lld la determlaed at dae moment of conception. fte ., ...... I cu sen )'H for ..... l1, lf 10• wut to to 1•t prepaat YM maat 1leep wlda a mu. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I heard a 1peaker at the New School of Social 8-rch In New Y«k tell a wonderful story about Pre1ldent Franklin Delano Roo.evelt. It aeem1 the preeident had long IUlpected that people paid no attention to what WU said to them 81 they puaed throuah a fonnal recelvtna line. He decided ON THE ROCKS -When the beaches get so two beach chain, the 80lution might be to flee jammed that there isn't even room to put down to the rocks, which ia exactly what theee two .,.., ........... ",_ ........ men did. 'They found aolitude on the rocks about 100 yards offshore of Laguna Beach. ·Aquarius can restore harmony Tbanday, Jaly U ARIES (March 21-April 19): Clash of ideas is featured; eventually job gets done if you make necessary changes. Study motives, perceive potential. Member of opposite sex expresses views in frank manner. Be receptive, sympathetic and willing to make some concessions. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Domestic adjustment is featured. Focus on safety, property appraiaala, accountlng procedures JUld inventA?cy. Libra, Aries and another Taurus figure prominently. Delay is temporary -check fine print, steer clear of .elf-deception. GEMINI (May 21-June W): Define terms. clarify territorial righta and consult property expert. Focus on detailt. mnall print, subtle Duance9 and safety devices. You encounter Piles individual who can eventually becofne valuable ally. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Older individual ia reluctant to change -you eventually win major point. Focus on land valuee, mineral rights and deallnp with veraatlle individual ~ho is impatient, impulslve. Capricorn and another Cancer figure prominently. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Debt is repaid; you'll be rid of burden which waa not actually your own in flm place. You gain wider recognition, more people are concerned with your-vtewa, actions. Hidden charisma IW'get to forefront. .•• ,, , Sy PHIL INTERLANOI of Laguna Beach . it'.&:±' ....• /.) ~ ~ WESTERN ART GALLER.Y tlfi: ., VIRGO (Aug , 23-Sept . 22): Emphasize new starts, independence, originality and realization that cycle is reaching a peak. Young person pays meaningful compliment and deeervee one in return. Avoid heavy llftlng. Leo, Aquarius natives play significant rolee. llOIOSCOl'f BY SIDNEY OMARA LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Follow through on f1m lmpreaions. You learn by teaching. Answers can be found baclmtage. You become familiar with inner warldnet of huge organization. Someone wants aomething lor nothing-you could be prime target. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Accent on long -range plans, policies, spiritual development., ocxnmunication and unique publicationa. Dilemma can be reeolved lf you are penistent. Member of oppmite 1eX ulu questions ~d expecta amwen. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Aooent on friends, hope1, wlahes and good new1 conceming bull.nem enterpme. Open lines of communication. Expreu wllllngne11 to travel. Saglttartan can ald where lnoome ~tial ii cxmoemed.. You recoup recent AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Remmi- ber 1peclal anniversary -_purchue of appropriate gltt could restoft harmony. You diacover true financial ltatua of one who makee arandlme cl•trm Dia beneath IW'face and you~ up with valuable dllcovery. PISCES (Feb. 19-Man:h 20): Defer direct action. Permit othen to make their move1. Be a keen. shrewd obeerver. Retu.e to be cajoled. chided Into premature action. Another Piacu becomes valuable ally. Terms will be clearly defined. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Emphasis on communication, ablllty to promulgate ~wa. Protellional superior will cooperate, wtl1 make room for you and will alao make demandt. ~--~ ~ .. . GOif i . 011 lllDGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF vulnerable. If the auction aeebls a bit atrange, it is because South was an upert playing with an amateur partner. Because of South's eccentric two no trump bid, his aide bou1hl EAST + 1052 <='A 101 the contract at a tenuous three no trump contract rather than the ice-eold four heartt that wu reached at moet other tables. w .. t cho•e to lead • dub, and It wu eoon over. Deelar· er captu.red Eut'• jack with the qu"-. and forced out the aee. He won the dla"ond ""' thlf\ In dummy aad roruct oat &be ace of heart.a. Eleven trieu wen no• ... ui'ed. Sleet lhe eeorlnt .. ., mttcb· ----pointa, Nortb·SoUth earned "'_..._,_...,~~eeo polnta tor a top..,..,,.........- bt.HM tht other pain ill their illri'd.ion were oab' pt· Uns • for makt.1 ei.vtb \ ulcu at a l\eart eontrac:t. w .. t ... on th• nsht --~ ......... tr&ek •Ma ht •*'" '° IMd iiUAOf tult. UntoitUM~l7 ~t-!"!"!~tor'" hll tide, he tlloH tltt~~~--ii°iilil1l1 to prove it to Eleanor. When a hlghly placed dignitary gruped FDR'• hand, the prealdent laid, "I lhot my grandmother th.ii mornlna." The reapome wu, "How lovely! What a splendid celebration!" Do you believe thl1 could have happened? -PORTLAND, ORE. DEAR ORE: I certalnly do. U yoa dHbt It, do an esperiment of your own tile aen · dliie you 10 tbrougb a recelvblg llne bl a aol1y room. Got those wedding bell blues over cmt. .. guest 11st ... what to wear ... and other details? Ann Landers' complet.ely new ''Tlle 13ride's Gulde" will help. For a copy, send a doll.ar, plua a Jong, aell-addre9t!d, ~nJ: envelope (37 G'ellta ~) to Ann ers, P.O. Box 1199~. ChJCIJllO, Dl. 80611. HERB MEN OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO Just follo\V . . house rules From a recent issue of the Macy's inhouae newsletter, In-Sites: "Effective immediately: If you anticipate wanting to see your own doctor if you are involved ln an accident while at work, you must fill out a form and turn it in to personnel 30 days or more prior to the accident." Well. okay. but it'll take a little planning . A THOUGHT FOR today from David Bidwell: "East Bay is actually Pig Latin for BEAST!" THE LATEST RUMOR on the PY wbo killed tbolle two bears in the Eureka Zoo is that James Watt is hiring him to run the National Parks. Not true. WINE &-ROSES: Remember when "Miss San Francisco" was a celebrity, posing in a bathing suit. having her picture iaken with the Mayor, and being immortalized in gossip columns? There was Pat Sheehan. Miss S.F . of 1950, whose affair with Bing Crosby was the stuff of "blind" items. When Sue Fetz won in '53, I clever'd dumbly, "If the Sue Fetz. wear it." Huh? In '54, Lee Ann Meriwether went on to become "Miss .Amerigl" and came home to a parade; the guys tlirew tickertape and the gab threw fita (you could aay "guys and gals" then). NOW (the Nat1 Ort; for W~) put a crimp in all thetie simple-minded goingll-on • but the pendulum and hips may be swinging the other way. There hasn't been a line in the papen. but we DO have a "Mill San FrancilCO" this year, and ahe's a stunner. Also blonderful. A long-stemmed Amertcan beauty. Our entrant tb.is year ia 21-yr-old Karin Renee Rosander, a student at the S .F. Comervatory of Music. Women's lib has been a real downer,•• she said at Cafe El Greco in The Cannery. ''Gosh, I do hope it isn't a handicap to be attractive.'' NICE SIGHT in the night: an ancient gray "iron monster'' streetcar rattling down Market St., ita destination marker reac:fing "Nowhere In Partlcular." I stood at the curb and watched it till it was out_ of liaht. remembering when Market reverberat.ed to the "Roar ol the Four" streetcar lines. and San Frandloo was famous for the tine9t ride in the land-Ferry ~ to Land'• nld for a nickel. Then I wandered off to nowhere in p8nicular. Today'• update: About 502, the old California vehicle code number for dnmk drivina, turning into 23102 and now 23152, Atty. James Ramorn advt.es us that the State always retains--ihe Jut digit ao that lawyers can continue to call it a "deuce" In eourtroam aJanc; DOW 0 doubJe ~ . • . May the farce be with ~· I I' I I L Orange Coat DAILY PILOT IWedneed1y, July 21, 1082 Sailboat handles well Strons Waveleng1h-30 introduced Paw Llndenbura, ~for hJa fut aallboata auCh •• -tht Ltndtn· bww·2D and 28, hu lee.med with the W.0. Schock Co., norida OM1ion, to lntroch.a the LlncMnbura-30, knowo u th• Wavwl•Jll'h·30. The name comee from the flnt ol the LJ.ndenburs-SO. whkh c:ornpiled an trnpl'ellfve record ln the Southeut. The Wavelenith LI a lar'e SO-foot.er u LI evident by comparinl lta Mil plan, waterline lef\l\h and hull Unet. The hull LI destcned for op\bnum performance and LI free of dlatortiona auoclated with the International OUahore Rule (lOR). With ita nNrly 60 ~rcent ballaat to displacement ratio, the Wavelength-30 la aald to handle well Rights upheld LOS ANGELES (AP) -A state appellate court has ruled that prisonen being paroled under the state's determinate sentencing law cannot be required to waive their Fourth Amendment nghts to being searched without their consent. under eevere conditlonl. The hull and deck .,. cored \.Ll1nc end·lf&ln bllM wood. Areu on tht deck where wlnchH and other hardwar• are throu1h-bolted are reinforced wlth marine and• plywood to better ab1orb the compreeaion of the bolt.a. The deck 11 INWd to the hull, eealed and ~h-bolc.d alq \ht entire toerall. Structural bulkheedl are bonded to the deck and hull to edd to the total •trenath ot the dalcn· Below deckl the wela}\t diltrtbutlon la located at or neer the centerllne. The efl81ne, a BMW 7-hp dieeel, II lo!ated dlrectly above the keel boha. The engine box triplet u a blckllt nevi&ator'a 1tat10f\ and u a dln1na table when the foldlna side leaf.a are locked into place. The interior volume of the boet haa working and sleeping areu comparable to l'D09t 40-footera. Several Wavelength-SO. are aa1llng i.n Southern California regattas. ·The builder Is located at 2398 63rd Ave. East, Brandenton , Fla. For information, call (813) 758-8858. Ml.JC NOTICE Nil.IC NOTICE NOTICI Of' "'9&JC .. ANNO NOTICI Of PUllUC HaAIUNQ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Notic. le lleteby gl...,, pursuant publlo Mwlng wlll be lleld by Ille 10 Callfornta Health and Safety City COuncll of Ille City of Cot ta Code Section 5473 1 of a public Mau on Augu1I 2. 1962. In Ille llHrlng 10 be held by County Council Chambera of City Hall. 77 Sanllallof\ Ol1trlet No. 5 on JUL y Fair Ofiw, Colla MMe. at 6:30 28, 1982, al 8 .00 P.M , at p.m .. or .. 1oon lll•rHlt•r .. NEWPORT BEACH CITY HALL. prectloable, on Ille followlno It-: COUNCIL CHAMBERS. 3300 W. F 0 LL 0 WING ITEMS F 0 R NEWPORT BOULEVARD. Newport CURCI-ENGL ANO COMPANY, Beec:ll. CalllOfnla Said llelrlng ls to authorized agent for Sakloka be I*<! for Ille purpoae of receiving Farm•. Incorporated, 14860 EHi 1 written report 1>1<1a1n1ng to Ille Sunno-A--. Senta Ana. for providing of -~ for all property loQated '*-Ille San propertlw wttnln tlle District and to Diego Freeway ind Sunflower eatabllsh a fl•e<I ~ cflarge 10 A-. and 1>1~ Avenue of Ille be co11ec1ec:1 on the property 1u Atta and Main Strtiet, In a POC end roll• IOf 1111 t982-83 lltcal year. POR-HO zone Envlronmental BY OROER OF THE Determination: Envlronmantal BOARD OF DIRECTORS Impact Report acoepled fOf G-al OF ORANGE COUNTY Plan Amllndn\ent OP-7a.3A. SANITATION DISTRICT GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT N O 5 O F 0 R A N G E GP-82·2A. fOf pwmiMlon to ~II COUNTY F0t Hot, F11t Ofh11y Senlc.1 Cll YOCI' ,,,.,.,, ME·N-ED8 I ·~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ WA VELENGTB-30 -New product a sturdy craft. Wt Ibo tlllr• to ,ARTES, BAllQIETS, MECTlfGS on 12 holl notlc1! ' -~ .. ·...1....-.;....:..-........ -.-~ 0-al Plan OulOellne '"A" (projec1 c'AUFORNIA pllaal ng I ot 0 en era I Pl• n 106A4 Ellll Avenue Amendment OP·7e.-3A lAelllMdl Fountain Valley California '1RAFT SUPPLEMENT to tlle 92706 • Flnel Environmental lmpect Rec>or1 (7 14) 540-2910 Me-n-Ed's delivera delicious piping hot piua, Mlads and most beverages to your door in minutes. for General Plan Amendment J Wayne Sytveater OP·78-3A Sec:retwy GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT Publilllld Oranga CoHI Oaoly GP-42·28. City ot Coat.a....._ lor Piiot Julye. 21. 19&2 2917-62 perml111on 10 emend Ill• City'• • pr oce du re 1 end polf c le• for i-----.---.IC-NO_TICE ___ _ edmlnl9tretlon and lmplementatlon r~ of,,,. Genefal Plan. EnvlroorMntl------------ COSTA MESA 17th and Tu.atin 646-7136 HUNTINGTON BEACH Beach and Hail 847-1214 Oetermlnalfon: Envlronmentel NOTICE CW TIWSTEFI SAUE lmpec:1 Alport ecolPted Jllt'J 20, YOU ... ~·~1:f'ly UNOIJI A r--------------------------------1~TICE IS FURTHER GIVEN tllllt D 11 D 0 f T II U ST, 0 AT I D at ....... _ ..... ...._ -u Int _. JANUMY 11, 1119. UHL.all YOU -.. ._ _..., ,.._.., --·-TAKI ACTION TO .. llOTICT peoona ITI«)' apj)Mr and be Mwd by Ill• City Councll on Ille YOUll .... o .. ll•TY, IT MAY •• lfOl'ementloned matters. IOLD AT A "*.IC SAU[ •• YOU Sale starts THURSDAY, JULY 22 Store opens 10:00 a.m. ...0 AM llO'lAMATM* M THI EILEEN P. PHINNEY, MATURI OP' THI ""OCHOtNQ City Cletlt Publlahed Oflnge CoHt pally AGAINST YOU, YOU 8HOULO Piiot. Jv1ty 21. 1982 CONTACT A LAWYDL CHILDREN'S 3220-82 On Augu•t 11, 1912, •I tO:OO AM .. et me MAIN ENTRANCE TO• Nil.JC NOTICE NOTICI Of' TIWaTErS aAU "-.... IUlAJIAN T.&.No..aa..a NEWPORT HOME LOAN, INC ... 64Jtt ~eel T~ under the folow'llo deecr1bed deed of 1"'91 WILL Sh.i. AT PUBUC AUCTION TO n!E HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH ~ at tkne Of .... In lewM moMY of the United Stat•l .. fiGlhl, title end lnl«•t ~ to end now held by It under Mid Deed of Tru1t In tll• property llerelnatt.er deecr1bed TRUSTOR. JOHN A KRAJIAN end DIANE R. KRA.llAN, llutbend Md ..... 8EN£FICIARY BANK OF AMERICA .. ll'l.lltM fOf OAANGE 8El T PAINTERS PENSION FUND #18MO-O. Recarded FeburlllY 13. 1980 u lnltr No. 15361 In bo<* 13501, page 746, of Ottlclal Record1 In Ille office of Ille A«:ordet of Orange County; Mid deed of tru11 OMcrlbel Ille fOllowlng property· Paroel I: lot 15 of Trae1 No. 7800, u per "'8'I recorded In 8oolt 3CM, Page• 35 to 37 lnclu11ve of Ml9oell~ map1, In Ille ollloe of th• County Recorder of Hid County. Parcel II Non-uclu11ve ~enant MN!'Mnll fOf lng<- and egreee ~ l)r'llt9te lltrM11 u aet forth In Ille declaratlon of coven1n11, condlllon1. 1nd rMtrlctlON YOU ARE IN 0£FAUl T UNO£R A DEED OF TRUST DATEO JANUARY 22, 1980 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTlON TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY 8E SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEOtNO AGAINST YOIJ, YOU SHOULD CONT ACT A LAWYER. Tiie Street •ddr .. 1 II 7 Rue VUlan, Newport Beed\, Celttomla 92MO. "(If • ltteel llddr.a Of COIMIOll dHlgnaUon la 111own above. no .warranty 11 given •• to Ill c:omp1e1..-Of con.ct-)." TM benefldwy undet Mid Deed of 'T n>st. by reeaon of • brMCI! °' <Mfeutt In Ille Ol>ligat1on1 '9CU'ed llltreby, ll«atofOI'• uec:uted end dellvared to Ill• underetgned • wrttltn Oeel«atlon of DefNI and Demand for s.. end wrttten notlee of breec:tl end Of electlon to cauM the under11gn_•d to .. 11 .. Id ~ to Uli.fY Mkf obtlgellona, and lll•re1fter tlle under1lgned c:auMd Mid nouoe of bfeecfl and of 4llectlon lo be Aeoordlc:t Msdl 29, 1N2 11 in.er. No. 12·10M57 Seid aalt wlll be made. but without coven1nt or warranty, ~ 0t lmplled, r~ lllle, porrrrrlat1. 0t ~. 10 pey the rlfNIWng princlpel turn of the noi. ~ ~ Mid o.d of Tf\114. W!tll im.... 11 In Mid note P!O"'ded· ~ • .,,,,under the *'"9 of Ntd 0-' of TNll. ..... c::hetgl9 Md ..,.,.. of tM Truetel and al W1e tr""9 ~ ~ .id 0-' of Tniet. Said HI• wllf be held on ' . ~~-=!,..~i!t':'ci tN CMc c..r lufldlne, 300 l. ~ A""""9. In IN City of ~CA. At the time of tll• lntttal publlmtlon °' .. '"*-· .,,. tot• ~ of ttle unpelCI blllMol of the *'Oatlol• ..,,... by tM lbo"9 .dHortbad dead ol '""' and meted oo"•· ••PllflMI end vanoH la ,,.,,o •. af. To "1..::'"9 bid. ~ tNt/ ~T,::.:IO_;;, ,Na. LOAM,IMC. LAWYERS TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. 520 NORTH MAIN STREET In Ille c:fty of SANTA ANA. County of ORANGE. St•t• of ca11torn11 . CALIFORNIA RECONVEYANCE COMPANY. a C1llfornla Corporation, 11 duly llPPOlnted Tf'*-under tNlt <*tin OMd of Trust executed by JAMES P FEELEY, llllQlle man • ""9tor. ,_ded on Jenuery 18. 1979. • ln1trument No 22099, In 8001< 13004, Page 1311, 4>1 OU~al ~di of Orange County. State of Calltomle. t.md« Ille powef Of .... therein contflned, .....u Mii •t publle auction to tlle ~ bldd« for CUI\. or c:hlct. .. delcribed below. payeble at the lime of NII In l.wful monay of tll• United StatH of America, wttllOul w..-ranty ••pr- o r lmplled •• to 11111. u11, po1M11lon or encumbrances. all right, 11111 Ind Int-I now lleld by It u IUCtl Trust .. In and lo 1111 followlng ducrlbed property lltuated In 1111 aforesaid County and s1 .. e. 10 w1t All that c.rtaJn land sltullted In the State of C•illom11, County of Or11ng1. City of lrvlne, deacrlbed u lollowa PARCEL 1 Unit 3-49. u Wlown and defined on that cenain Condominium Plan recorded June 22. 1976 In Book 12727, page 1745 of Offlclal Records of Orange County. CalifOf'nla_ PARCEL 2 An undMdld t/44th lntereat In and to lot 7 of Tract No t0t37 u "'°""" on a Mae> recorded In bOOll 426 . pagea 46 to 50 Of Ml1c:ell1neou1 Mapa, record• of 0rll'gl County. Callfor-nla. togetllet with all Improvement• ther90n, ••oec>tlng therefrom Conclominlum Unlll 313 tl'ifougll 356. 1ndullve. loc:lted llllt'eon. PARCEL 3 SHOE SALE OFF and more reg. $15-$39 s910.s1510 Some styles may not be available in all slzel. Please, all sales final #30 FASHION ISLAND CAPEZIO BUSTER BROWN ADIDAS NIKE BASS 644-2464 KEDS and many morel An e11clu1lv1 ea1ement tor pertllng and rlllted ~over that portion of lot 7 of Mid Trae1 NO 10137 u shown on Exhibit '"A" to Ille Oeclafatlon of R411trictlonf • for Tll• Spring• Condominium, recc>fded APf'M 21. 1976, In book 126«. page 620 of Official Reco<d1 and r ... rlCOf'dld Mey 3. 1971! In I book 12660. page 576 of Offlcial ~==========:::===========:~=========~· Record• of Orang• County, -----------CalllOfnla (llereln•ft« referred to u 1 "Oec:larauon·· 11 carpor1 1pace1, ____ Nll __ 1C_NO_TI_CE __ _ No. S.9). Said _,, It fu1111er ,ICTITIOUI 8U ... SI defined end deecflbed In Ar11clee II N1'MI ITAttMINT 11\d 111 of Ille Oedaration. The tollowlng peraona are doing PARCEL 4: ~ u: A non .. xclullve _,t f()f ROUND TA8lE PIZZA. 1110 ~:c= =:~ ... ~~ NOf1h Tuttln A...-, Ofange, CA. ..._,, Raya' Pin.I, Inc a c.tlfomla tll• O:!~~a~ •:=;.:: corporation. 2085 Tllurln StrMI. ~rtlCIU ii 1nd Ill of Ill• -~~ ~~':2~ I oa::·.::· lfnOUnt of the unC)lid I c;orpotlllonA.y.· Plua. Inc prlnc:lt>al bellnce. IM«•t t~. Reymond E ,-..., logetNr with r-*"Y lltlml1ed Jr Pree :'!:n.-:=' ir::-~ :1 Thie •t••-t ... fllad with the ...,._ COuMy OW1c of ~County on tt11e NoUoe.,. $41.514.51. Julye tN2 CUnentJy at.cs ~ Chedc• • '111711 r~~-~~:..u: MTTI HCW0::.1...,.....HI, Tru•lee provided proper ,.,o.eoxu., ldentlbtlon II ...,....,... ...... A-. CA 1171t•1"7 From Information which Iha ..... f•ll• Tru1tH dHm1 rellaC>I•, but for Publlihect Otano• Co11t Delly Ntl.IC NOTICE f1CTmOUS 8Ul .. H l'K:mlOUa ........ NAMI STATDllNT ...._ ITATbmNT T llt lotlowlng peraont _.,._ doing The follooMng per.ona .,. doing buelntM u butlnMI 11: T & A ENTERPRISES. 24ff1 l A. & 8"ll LAUNORAMATIC,1 LaHermoee A~. Laguna Nlgull. 1215 8 . Anaheim Boulevard, Calltornle 92f77 Anaheim, Calllomle Ttr.f\' M ~1111. 60411 Cimino Don1ld W. Hawkin•. 11101 C:-, Anaheim, Ctlllfomla 02807 81rrlo1, long 8Hcll. C1llfornla Aand1ll 0 . Brown, 24681 llOl111 LaHermou Avenue. Laouna Nlgull. Maro•r•I A. Haw1cln1. 11101 c.tlfomla 92977 Barrloe. long 8e1cll. Callfornla Thia bu"-la oonduCt«I by • 909111 ~ pertnerlNp. T"1I ~ .. oonctucted ~ Terry M. Site lndMduet1I (HUtMnd & Wltal Tlllt • .._, -tlled wtttl tM OoNltt W. HlllMdnl County c.tt of °'~ County on Tilll ~ Wll fled wtth IM """" 2. 1~. County Clertl ot Oranot ~ °" ·~ "'-ta. 1812. Put>tl1hed Orange Oo11t Delly P'1mO Ptlot. Jvly 7, 14. 21. 28, 1192 Pubttttled Oranoe Cout 011111 ________ 21_1_1.e2_,111ot. June30, Jiit..,, 14, 2~ MUC M>nct -:_ 11P::.'!nT:tro~ 1 :: w':r:akn~ ;,..: Ptlot. Mt 1. 14, 21. n . 1Ni _,_ .....,.__ _ ....._ ~ 2t7M2 . MhhOUI..,_ .. ..,_. ---..,.._ ""''"'""' ..,._STA,_., HCitiiiOUI ~ ~I: ~':e ~=:1. "'9JC M)TIC( ~ ~ ..,_. we qolllO ~ =Apenclft le Callfornte82714 Mnnou99UH•ll (II HILCO, ~bl HILCO • .,.,..,__ Said "'rJ 11......., llotcl for Ula ....... IT'"-........... ..,..., --.-,.. -"' .....i..... -,.,_, MANU,ACTUlllf I ' ll'i,1\1· 1.,.1---~•.,..rvn• ~ .. ~d ~. put"POM Pl~ tM ....._,Joni The fOlloWlfll P«IOft It dol"O .., ___...._ -. .. ourtd by H id D .. d of Tru11 --= -~ATM. 1 ... ..,... A ........... OA • lndudtng .... Md~ of IN ~ii""""I U llU , 1117 w .. 1 9ft!a ...... 0Atltt?. TH OM At ATTILIO Ttuet .. ~ ot Sale. ~oocl, 91cto. 6, Or~ OA Ollto ~~ ~r IClllMM, IOt1 ... CCl'lll Uf!il. Detect June 28. 1"2 82181. c . eo.e. ..... QA ... .,. c A L I F 0" N I A KAYS TOllH. 11171 AlfOAqlllro A-.... Otta M .... 0 la OH1t .. L•• 0 .. AHAM, •• NCOH~~ • ., .. ,, H11nuno1on ... 011, CA ~ bt.lllrWI .. OOndUc*d lly .......... ,IO .. , Cot9 ...... CA '214t. I OOJ-dori taal. ".id TNltel Tillt ~II 00t1J .... lly an ,..... ~a A.a alll• tno. Tilll _....... 11 .,...,... by ly: luPrlne FQl'tMnd lndMdUal. -.... .. ...., pertMilNp, ~Vice..,.._., f<4" Tobin _,,,"' ...,._, ~ 111•1 IM 1461 Corblft A~ 1* lltl••• w ... ..-Wit Tiiiie .=::' w ... """'Wit Tilll •mttmtr14 w .... ..- lllU NorlhrldO•• Oelltornla ~ C:: et Or-..~ on ~~of Or-.~°" t':'l.C:.°' ar,... c.., Ttt: ~1311'014161 ' ·-Nit 1" ·-,_., .._,, "utMletled Or~ ~ o.i~ ,.,.blttMd 0r.,.. ~.-~ ~ -.....,_ 0.... _ ~.,......_ <>r-.. CoeM Nat. J4.lj "· 21, n. 'ft0"'7.f2 "°"., ,,, ... Ai4 4, 'luNa ..... ~., .• -~ 4. 11, -~-·'· D.A4 4; ,,, ,.. ...... OutCloor rock fest planned By Slat AalOCtated PrHI Computer inventor St.eve Wozniak la tumini to music, ·~a rock feettval expected to draw about 250,000-ln-• bid to re-create aome of \ho spirit of Woodat.ock. It wW be held Labor 0.y weekend ln Glen Helen Region.al Park north of San Bernardino. lt la l>ei.na a1qed by a Wozniak orsanlzation oalled UNUSON -an acronym for UnJted U1 ln Sona. Wozniak, who invented the Apple 11 home computer, laid he la puttinc $10 million lnto the fettfval, and hopee It will break even. The event bu been named the "Ua FeeUval," and UNUSON co-founder Peter Elli.a 18id the idea la to celebrate the "us" decade of the 1980. aa oppoeed to the "we-they'' decAde of the '60s and the "me" decade of the '70s. Concert promoter Bill Graham said at least 20 band.a will perform dUJinl the festival, and he'• atgned the Police, Tom Petty, Pat Benatar, Fleetwood Mac, Santana, the Talking Heads and the B-528. In addition to the muaic, there will be a computer fair featuring more than 100 exhibits by such corporat.lona aa IBM, Atari and Apple. Wozniak aaya he hopes the festival will re- create some of the community spirit that marked Woodstock, the 1969 festival where a half-million people gathered in New York'• Catakill Mountains. YMCA L-----------~ I I I I I I I I COUPON DAYS I I I I I I I I GOOD DtlUNG Jll Y ------------r···--·-·-·-----------·-··----------: ' AEROBICS : . FREE FITNESS CLASS • : e M-W·F 8AM. 9. 15 AM, : 1 noon.530PM : ~-----------·----------------------~ ---------------~ FREE! LAP SWIMMING M thru Fri 6-9 AM 11:00-1 P.M. 6:30- 7 PM, 8-9:30PM ~---------------- ----··----------, FREE! FIT-TASTIC MUSIC EXERCISE Tu-Th 9-10 AM or M-W 7-8 PM ________________ _. SEPARATED Singer John Denver haa separated from hla wlfe Annie . Married for 15 years, both will remain in Aspen, Colo. Funds nixed FRFSNO (AP) -A grand Jury has re<.•omme nded that Fresno County stop funding the Firehouse youth organization on grounds that there are d1screpanc1es 1n the group's finances. r·-·············~ FREE! : WEIGHT i TRAINING i Mon. tllru Friday 6 A.M . to 10 P.M. • • • I • • • ----------···-··· . ................. ······~-----------------------------. SAVE SS i 1200 for ~A !!i111~!""!!!"o!!~ E!!~'!! --. i ADULT I Jacuul, weigflt room, tock.,., l.owel aerv1ce. tanning booth, 1 • Monercn 8lllee Good un1" 8-30-&2, MW mem1>1r1 only t MEMBERSHIP •---------·-············-----------.. 1120for12monlhs,no .-••••••••••••••n•••••••••••••••••••~ monthly du•• • no : FREE -FRIESS CEmR MElllERlllP : Initiation. Good tltt • Two Weeks In Jul • 8-30-82. new membefa t 1......... ._ _ ... 1 Y • onlll • ----rs __ ., • ~--J·-----------.. ·-·-------------------------------·· IN / ioa LOllG1'11• ,.All#d 7 12 5 Ol GMAC • 70 A.P.R. LIA• RA Tl ·12 •217•1 ·12 CAD. •aan 10 tRANS AM .mm ELDOIADO ibi fXAMPLE EXAMPLE 4'9M11 tlUl10t•w~t) ~·--·­,... C.. .... l llM.1..-: 1k tltf. ._ ..._.. '41HO --1-....... --.. ~ ....... , ....... , OfferexplreaJu/yS1, 1981 IMMEDIATE DELIVERY•,,,,.,.""" WE WSI Ill lllD Ill lllW. GALL llOI UllPllL L •o• LONOPR• L•A•1110 7 13800 Buch Blvd., w .. tmlnater, C.llt. 714/812-1151 7141111-2800 Nil.IC NOTICE Pl8l.IC NOTICE IJM:TITIOUI -U PICT1TIOU8 ....... ~ ITATIMENT NA.-ITATtlmNT ni. fol!Owlng per-.,. Clolng • Tl'I• fOllowlng ~reon la doing bullMU... ~-NOBLE & AIOCIADOS. . THE BOSS'S DAUOHT!R, I""' /US " ~ ..__..... r-1., 219 ti ~ Circle, Huollnglon ""' . ..... """ ........,.. ' .....,, 8eieol'I Callfoml 92849 ~V:i~'.''-950, N9wPQl't Beec;h, 1<.iti.1"" A•ttoe' eon; ~1t11 NOB.LE & ASOCIADOS, S.A. de Summer Clrde, Huntington e..icm. C.V . • Ma111co corporation, Callfoml• 9294e Con1Uluy«1t• 909. Mexico. D F Thia bulineM la conducted by 111 I 1960 lndlvldual. Thia bu"'-11 collducl41d by a Ket,._, A. SOM corporetlon. Tl'lla 1t•t-1 WM llled wtth IM NOBLE & ASOCIADOS, County Cieri! of 0r4111041 County on S.A. de c.v June 115, 1892. ,.,.. Edward J Hobie. Ctleir~. C E.O Publl•h•d Orange Coaat Dally Pllol, July 7, 14, 21, 28, tN2 2MM.2 Thia atetemenl wu lll4ld wltll Ille COunty Cletlc of Orengo County on ,,._ 23, 1982 ,,..,.., 1----Nll.IC---NO-TIC£ ___ _ OAAY, CAllY, Ama 6 ~ 1---,ICTITIOU---.-.U...--... --.--A~ at Law HAim ITATDmMT .............. t100 I a n D 1 • 0 0 • c A t 2 1 o 1 Tl'I• lollowlng person le doing bualnetall: (114) ... ,.1 CONTOUR-ARC COMPANY, Publl•l'l•d Orange Cout Dally. 2990 Randolph Av•nu•. Coll• "llot. June 30, Juty 1 . 14, 21, 1982 MeM. Celltornlt 112'29 2903-82 Kurt J . Plal'lt. 3077 HayH PtaJC NOTIC[ :;:;:•· Coate Mua, C.Ulor1111 Pta.IC NOTICE l'lCTmOU8 llUIMH NAMI ITATIMINT TM following l*IOf\I •• Clolng w-.. APOTHECARY ASSOCIATES. 4222 C1mpu1 Drive, N•wport eo.ct., Caijfornl• 92eec> tNT!AN"AllONAL PMSClHJS. TION ClEARtNOHOUSE, INC.. ft COiorado corpe>rllk>n. 1100 Qual Stl'MI. lull. 203, Newport 8-:fl, c.llfomlll 92t80 Thie ou.1-,. conCIUCt.0 t>y • llm1141d porlnenf'llp INTERNATIONAL PRESCRll'TIOH CLEAA1~}i()USE. INC. WMUam P Lovie. PrealcMnl Tl'lltl atatMWll -flied with Ille County ()ofk Of Or~ County Oii Jtit 2. t892 u.MftA CUllt'N a VACCARO A P9ltllal .... lrl1t•6• "91t111l1Fllll c..-...... An~aATLAW 001 -....rmtUR llOUUYAN> 11'.o.llO• eao ~ UACH, CALWOANIA --,,..., Publl1h4ld Orang• Coaai Dally Pilot. Juty 7, 14, 21, H . tN2 2977-82 ===~ i:."9-:-.&.:r..~.t:ll ••• 1111 ............ .......... --. ..... I .................. . .,.. .. ,... ... ........ I ................... . ... .,~ ... ...,., I ... • . MAllldt CA I ~ l~!i'· ,r_.1~~ 1 1·11••• II c. "''"'"''' lllVllT•I WAllTIDI CASH FLOW ,... TAX SHELTER •10,000 ..... CALL JIM (714) 141-0211 1'1Cnne>U• .., ..... NAm 8TATl..wf Th• followlng ~raon 11 doing IMlelnele M: POINTS TO CONSIOER, 45 W. Y• LOoC>, !nine, Cellfomla U714 M11ty C.1'*1119 Bletll.,, 45 W. v.. '"""· !Mne, ~ '2114 Tl'lle butlneM 19 cond\IQt~ by en lndMduel. Mary Catherin. BINlt., Thie Ital-I WU lllfd wttf'I tl'lt County c.r1l o1 Oranoa Coun.ty on J\11'9 29. 1N2 ,,._ Publlthed Orang• Co .. 1 O.lty Ptlol, Juna 30. July 7. 14, 21. 1982 2902-82 rta..IC NOTICE c...-reoncscw T'MltTtraUU .......,..,... TfllUITOlt DOUGL.Aa •· a MtffAfLIOMl8 IT It INTIMDCD '"AT THI 8AU WILL. II CONDUCTIO ON MHAU' CW THI ntUafta IY1 CALIPORNIA ft08TINQ ANO "*-JaMMQ C~AN't, 119 N. LAKI AYI ., IUfTI 111, ftA8.0.NA, CA.l.,0.....A tUM; 1'IUPMOMm NO.~ YOU ARE IN DUA.ULT UNDEI' A Homt F .. tr.l lavJ111 h11 relocated lta Newpon BMoh off~ t.rom r9S4 8an Mtauel Or. to 2840 lt. Pldfkl Cout HJahway at MacArthW' Blvd. Btb W~t ... r ot Santa Ana hlil btll\ named Ullltant w. prmtcknt end manaaet' tor tJw Orana County dJvt.lion of Tide llnrue. ud Tn1t wilJ be re1pon1lble for title and eacrow o.,.ratlont throuahout southern 9ranP County, and work out ot TI'a 1Aauna Hil1t Offlct. L. Alu Scott of San Dfeao hu been named vice prealdent and dlr.ctor of marlcttln and tratnln1 tor CB IDVHtmeat ProperdH, Newport Beach. MIHlon Vl•Jo, an lnterna&lonal marltetl•f m1na11ment advlaory flnn a.nd pulphera equ.lpmen\ and oomponent ~· . Sale of the Villa WI Pl1mM A~• In Ontario wu announced by Mucu • MUJ.leMJ, • lac., lnve1tm•n& NaJ ttta&.e broka"t, Newport Beach. The property WU aold kllf' p mWlan to I private lnvtetot. ~ VUla Lu Palmla ti I 192-un.tt c:anpla at 1449 Ellt "0" St. Mark Raua of Oranae, an apnt with PaeWe Matul Life laauuee "°:::f In the Newport Center ~· hail been redJ*lnt of c.be oompeny'a Pratoa Ho~ Award. 'lbe award, ettabllthed by a former~ of the company, la deslSN<I to recogniz.e potential In YOWll apnta. Architect Howard P. Tltom,... 6 AINdatet, Ille. of· Irvine completed wo~dn~ tor Phue I of the·~ mU.llon. etcht· ThOuMnd o.Jai Buainet9 Cenier tn the Ventura ty dty. He hu be.n ln the north (San Dleao) County office ot Coldwell Banker Commercial Real Eatate Services. CB Inveetment Propertlet I• a Coldwell· Banker Real Eatate lfOUp company. Developer of the 127 t000-11quare-foot cen&.er It California Community Bullden ot Santa Monica. I .. CommerceBaDk wu holdlna a cornerttone ICOTT celebration today at ltl reatonal otfJce at 3210 Park Center Dr. in the South CO..t P1az.a Town Cent.er. Balloona, clown1 and a Dlxleland band will highlight the open.tna of MervJ]l'I Garden Grove store on Friday and Saturday. 11\e aton la located in the Garden Grove Center. Two dlitrict tales man.,era h.ave""bein added' to Ceatary Data Sy1tem1' Anahelm atatf. Albert Anderman comes from Z.tyko Amoctatea, a data proceulng, marketing, aalea and management CONU.lting lel'Vice In TutUn. J.T. Bore.a recently owned Rewport International Enterprlaea in The Maaufaccarera' A11at1 Natloaal A11oclatloa of Irvine achedwed fall aemlnan entitled "How To Work With Manufacturen' A4renta For Profit", on Sept. 23 ln Cleveland at the Afrport Marriott Hotel and Nov. 4 at the Weetchester Marriott in Tarrytown, N.Y. It abo tcheduled tem1nan for manw.cturen' agentt Sept. 24 and Nov. ~ at the ume locations. For lnfonnation, call 7~2-~231. U-Rent Faraltare CompHy..,._§an Olego- headquartered furniture rental firm, naa movedlta Costa Meaa branch office to 1833 Newport Boulevard. aero. the boulevard from the former office. U-Rent Furniture la a wholly owned subsidiary of the Los Angeles-baaed Bekins Company. Archive signs pacts for tape driv~s AtcbJve Corporation of Costa incorporate the Sidewinder 20. the Sidewinder drive ln ha Meaa slped contract. totallna me1abyte W-inch 1treamlng Goliath multitenninal syst.em. more than •~ miWon foe !ta line ~ tape d.five in lta 1021 Santa Clara-baaed OSM ot Sidewinder (TM) ~-inch 1 microcom£uter lines, ·~ cartridge tape drlvee beddJ1I up 8.6 and 2-megabyt.e Computer Corporation initially with A pha Mfcro, Lo~cal Winchester drives. ordered the Sidewinder Bu.lneu Machines, and SM streaming cartridge tape drive, O:lmputer C.orporaUon. Lop:al Bulin.ea Machines of with plan• to purchase &he Alpha Micro of Irvine will Sunnyvale plans to incorporate 45-meaabyte Super Sidewinder. ' • • h I(.... 1nci~ ~ .. oonducted by Ill ITA~ Ofl HANDOr..wT Kurt J. Pfahl -~~---~~--~ OIEDOFT11U8T OATEOJUNE 2, :----~~~~--~~--~~-~~~~--~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~---~ cwu• °' ... .-. h ACTTnOUa .,._ .. NAm Thl1 11a1-1 w• .. _. wit the 1'18.JC lllOTIC£ 19n UNLESS YOU TAl<E ACTION -~~=-~~~~=--TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT County Cleflc ol Orenge County on Th• followlng P•r1on 1'1•• JUM 21 1N2 tlMlllCSol *' tM ._ of IM flctltlout ' Fffllm PlC rtnoul IU9INRU MAY BE SOLO AT A PU8LIC 8Al..E. ,..-ITAn.wT IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATIOH bull,,... nam• CHOICE TRAVEL Publlall41d Orengo Cout Diiiy CENTRE et 2112 Dupont Orin. Piiot Jul\9 30 July 7 14 21 11182 Soll• 220, Irvine, Calllotnlo 112715 ' ' ' ' 2eo1-a2 Tho fOllOwlng por-.ona 1110 doing 0 F T H E H A T U A E 0 F TH E bu*'-u: PROCEEOINO AGAINST YOU, YOU O NT ARIO IN DUST RIAL SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. Th• llctllloua bu1ln•11 name•------------rolorrod to above wa1 llt•d tn County on January 12, 19711. PARTNERS, 1303 Avocado, Suitt NOTICE la l'lertby given U\al F1m 220. Newport BHch, Calllornla Cflart., Flnaoo.t Corporation. • 92tle0 Corporation, .. TrutilM under the Kon Barkawl, 21841 Starflr• L-. Huntington BMch, Celllomia 92&411 Tl'lll ~ wu eonclucted by .,, lndMdual. 1(911 Bar11ewt. llQrlOCI Janet G. Batkewl Tiiis statement WD Iii.ct with ti. County OloOt ol Orengo County on date Indicated by Ille 1lamp a~ Fl141d Juty 9, 1962 with the County Ootk of Orenge County Fiie No.,_ P11bll1hed Orang• Co11t Dally Piiot. JUiy 14. 2 t. 28. Aug 4, 11192 31111-82 rtllUC NOTta MOTICllNvn1NOM»S Sh-l TalbOI Aaeodaloa, II, Do•d of Trull r•COfd•d II NOTICE 18 HERE8Y GIVEN that 1303 Avoc::ado, Sult• 220. Newport lnlt~I Number 13026 on JIMf ...-, propoeail w11 be,..,.,_, by Boac:h. Calltomla 92MO 8, 1977 11'1 8ooll 12231, Paot laa2 tfM1 City of Coota MMe, at ttM1 offtol J 0 h II 0 L U I k l S 0 II , • of Offlclal ~di In tflO County of lho City CMr1t at thll City Hall. 17 Catlfornla corporallon, 17550 RocorO•r of Orange County. Falt Drive. C<iata Mela. Crilifornle. GJ~te A__,., lnttne. Callf«l'Q Callfotnla. of wflldl OMc1 Of TNll unto ti. llouf of 11:00 a.m. on July Cadlllaoc Falrvi.wlCalllornla, All'l•rlcan &011191 aftcl Loan 29. 1942 at '#flldl 11mo they will bo Inc .. • Callfomll corpotalJon. 1800 AMOClatlon la the e.nonciary, by oponec1 publicly and rud Uoud tn AVftlu. of 11'141 Start. Sult• 730, Loe rauon of o.tautt 111 lho PllY"*lt « t h 1 co u n c 11 Ch am b or 1 for ~. Callfomla 80097 i>Mormanco of obllgatlolll aeour.O FURNISH I HG AL l LA 8 0 R fhle ~ II c:onduc1ad by I ll'lertby. and Notloo of OofMAt and M A T ER I A L S , E 0 U I P M ENT • O--al '*1'*9hlp e.noflc:.llllY'• 411octlOll lo cauM lo be TRANSPORTATION ANO SUCH Wtlbm A. Budge. eold Ille prOC*fY below dMcrlbed OTHER FACILITIES AS MAY BE Part'* ha¥ing ~ ,_dod .. prCN!ded AEOUIREO FOA THE AEHOVATION Tiiie 1taltn'lent -flied wttl'I the by law. and mcco than ll'lrM moot.he OF RESTROOMS AT THE REA County Clllr'k of Orengo County Oii having elapHd 1111c• auch -----------co MM u NIT y c ENTER, 99 1 July 9, 1992. recordatlon, Wiii on July 30, 1N2, P\llUC lllOTIC( Hamilton St., Cotla MH•. LAYMAN. .H>Me• 6 Off Friday 9.15 a.m .. at lh• front FlCTmOUt IU..... catllomlL LAW'ff"8 entrance .'o tho Old Orange County IT ,......._ A Ml Of plaoa, ~.and 1 ~ "8.u ~ loca'led QI\ Santa Alla N.u. A • ..-.. , auw oon"*=t docu'*1ta may be ~ ._., C....,,.... Blvd., between Sycilmora St. & Tho folowlng 1>«90nl -doing 01:>1at11od In 11'10 office of 1110 1'1917'11 &roedWrf, a.ma Ana. c.tt ..... at ~WIEH~.,,.. ...... fTZEL NO ......... ~11~~ ~ Publ191led Otange Coal! Dattv pUflllQ auction to IN 111gt1Mt bidder .............. ...... ... _ ------·-l"tloc. """' 1, t4, 21. u , 1N2 tcw celfl, pey.t>lo at tflO IJmO of .... 4501 JamborM Pload, fMwpor1 upon f'aCl9IDt d a~,_ 2979-82 In lawful money of Ill• Unll•d 8Mch. Ce4lfomla 92eeO oC tt.00. If llldds9 r..-c .. --,,. Mf\'l'M't s •• ,... w Ith 0 u I c OV. n 111 I or Rollart Fre11of1 Sommara, and Ill · lflc.111 bo ,,..._, the ~ nu•~ warrll\ty, DP"~ « lmp41ed ... 11791 Viewpoint Lano No. 241.!.;;~ • to 11110. po11a111011 or Huntlnglon lloeoh, Celtomia 92M7 ~ l*I ...,·be°!::" on IN NOT1Ca CW llAAIMAL .. tA1A ..-t>flllC>OI, al r\gl'lt end tntarM1 Constance laAllll 8omrn.r•. pr~ lonrt and In ... -PLAINTIFF: WINDJAMMER ~ to and now Mid by II 11791 Vl-polnl tano No. 741, provld•d In lho controct INVHTOA8 1979·3. •to. va. under Mid 0..0 of Truat In and to Hunt~. Calltomle92&47 documanll an d al'lall bt ~ ~ H. PAULSEN. 11'1• property In 11'1• County of ~ (~ c::= by II\ accompa"lad 'by a corlllled Of 8V vtrtua °'.,, tllUICIUtfon ..._, Ora119•. S1a1• of Calllofnla. Conltanca L Sornmiw.. celfliar'• c:tieck °' 1 bid boM for on JuM 11, l~ oy -lMIC*tOf =:rt~ '°"°""' Tl'lltl eta•-• waa ~ WIOl tllo not ._. tba'I 10 ~ °' tN c-t. County of Orange. State-of u1111 No. 51, u 111own and County Ci.ti of Orangi County on amount of tho bid, IMda payable to Calltom4a. upon a~ .,...,_, o.crtb9d In 1119 Condom4n4um Plan Jurte ~II. t9112. p-~~c:=l~all, In lht In ftvor of WI DJAMlilE ~ Oii J..-y 12 t917 In ·-· INVESTORS 197W • )udarNnt b0011 12031 1580 Ot Olflolal Publltll90 Of..,.,,• Coul Dally p•rformanc• of 1110 work and ~•I ~PETEii H. • page 1: -·• 1mprovo1t1ont1. conform to tho PA.ULSEH .. dabtor(JI. Aeoordl of Mid County Piiot, .Mr 14• 2t, 21. Auo. 4, 1"2 Labor Code of tl'le Sta ta ot ~ ot .... ..,. PARCEL 2 31111-«2 • .......... ... ................. ..... ....... Calltomta and °"* i.w. of the 003.0 actually du• 011 aatd "'' ........ .._. -IY '""'"' PUBUC NOT1CE PICTrnOU8 .,_.. MAmlTATu.JfT Tiie folowlng penona .... doing ~-TOTAL CO MPUTER SERVICES, 0550 W111'* AV911Ut, lulto 2150, Fountain Valley, OellfOtnla 92709 Horb•rl Hamllton Harding, 21301 PIMt .... Lene, Huntlngtoft IMdl. Calltomla 92e4e Thomu C W••lll. 1417 1 0.-.. IMl\o, Colltomla 92714 Thia ~ .. GOf'lducted by • gat*al pMMf'lhlp. Herben H. Harding Thie eta'-1 w .. lllecl with Iha County Clatti of <>ranoo Counfy on ~2,1N2. P1lll1ll Pub411hed Or•nr. Cout Dally Piiot. .Mr t4. 21. 2 • Aug. 4, 19'2 3197.a2 State of Cellfom6a aoplceblll 'llfttl Juclgm•nt 011 Illa dat• Of Illa ( 1174) tntorHt U a tenant In tl'lt axcaptlon only of auch ....,_of Mid ~Ion 1 hew commonll'lllltteoln1-tlnand1o veritMIOfll M m9y bo ~ under '-tad upon .. !fie ~ tiu. Ind Iha ComlTIOfl ArM of "°11 t and 2 Of ltlo epec4al ttaM .. purtuant IQ ...... Of Mid ~ dmtor(I) Tl'9d HOO .. .,.. map flled In bOOll wtllcfl piOCIW9nge .....,,..., -In h prOC*fY 11'1 the County ot ~78, PoOM 3t to 32. lneluaNe Of ..,. atld wNdi .,..... llOC tlearl Orange Stet• of Calllornla Ml.eollanooua Mapa, rac:orda of ~aaded by Iha pro¥taiol• oC lfll deacf1bod • lollon • Mid County. aa aud'l term i. ~ Ubof C0CS.. Pr .... •a to labor Lot No. 14'l Paroal t 8ooa No In Ille Mlde onUtlad "OllllnlUone0 ~ ~ Of\ly In lhe _. 48. Paot No-11, Trad 'No. 7et4'. C'o~':11~~ :.~'i pr No bid~ b9 conlldellld uni.. ~ ~ 1 ~ recorded °" Juty 29. 1979 In book tt i. INlda on a form flwnllNd b)' °'--s ~ ,............:..._ t 1830, page 793 of Ofllclal Reoofd'I ,_ °" « eo.i. ..... Md .. _.,. NO'ta 1a.: H'ooY"OiVEN °* °' Mid County (tho "o.tar••ton"i. ln-d9rawtttlhP10Wllol•of onT•--. ::'C3 1 ........ ll2:00 and •ny •m•nclm•nU of tMpr~ ~ _,, · ...... ~INrwto Eadl b6ddtr be lc9Ned .,.i o'Cllodl p.m. at °"' of ~1 PA..cn. 3· . --~'"':reoAr9dby•. 4101 J•mborH 81vd . City or ~-~ • eucfl uuff9"t(i) Tiit City Courd °' the City Of ~ a.en. County of °'9nga. ..,.,. ~ -forth "' fie eo.t.a Mala r-* Ille l'lgtlt to ,..._ Of Callloml&. 1 • Ml • AtticM antltled "&e.Nnta" of Iha ,._. _.,., or Ill bide. ~ cMll~ .= = :9~ O•elaraUon under tl'I• S•cllon :-c:..."::: Unlt«I a... .. tN ~. tltle Ind ~='='"· ~t':':~::,tt,t~n-: Qrf/I~--~..:!.~~ Enoroachmont;; and "Common PubllaflOd Otano-Cout Oalty eo muol'I tll•r•of u "'•Y lie ArM ~ Plot, .My 19, 21, 18'2 NC 1 to~._..,~ PARCEL 4. 3211-82 .ttf1MDued1nt1r911t and ooete.. Eaoemont(I} U aucn __,t(I) ------------1 ....... ..,_ pat11cufatly ... forth In tho "8JC lil011C£ PlllJC MJ11C( Dned: ~--Artlcle entllJod "~le" ol Ille ------------I DMalon~ D•claratlon of Covenanta, • U I' I It IO It CO U It T OP MftJllOtll CCMMT ...,..;. RHEA, Co11dlllon1 and 'f:lu1r1ct1on1 c~~ c~~:C. Orange County ~111="'1~~~ JtO CMo CeMar DrM .... 7at CMG C..-Ort.a .... By. 8. &nltl'I. (the "Maatar Dadarallon"I and rt'/ ....... _ .... --c'.:.. mw ._..:::.::Ell NOWAllD°r"'HAWo.. ~~~==~~ llAMllAW ot •ARRIAQI O' ftlTITIOMllh ...... 1 :;t,:et aucl'I Artie .. enllll•d H followe: NlihCWlt DOMALD W. YOST NOMI.A'-llATLACI( -._....... "Ownar1· Rlgl'lll and OullH, MaPOMOIMT; DIANNA L VOST RI el'OND .. IT1 GIOROI =:-..... CA -UllllllH and Cat>I• Talevlalon". :.n.:·~~~;,, ~ 114~a.t (f'Al&Y UW) M (714, -..111 ~=-\ ':.&:c;,~: .. 1~ reoncs c... ... D9-~ ~ Hatbof ..... "Community Fedlltlel EaMtnent" Y• ...... .._ a.d.. TM wt M0nCe Yw .... ..,._ _,., '"'-OOfnOltiect wtltl tN Or9nga PARCEL 5· . .., ..,... ....... ,.. .._. n. _..., ..... .....-.:: oa.t Dal)' Not. -Mt -.. a1, a. DaamaM•lOf ,,._.I/Id.- r••' •••111 hard 11111••• rou ..._. ,.. ...... ....,.. 1112 11.a.a ewer inoaa ponlonl of Lot• 7 ano J ....,__ ... • .,._ ..._ .. = ...,,_. .... • ..... RaM of Tnlet 9f23 u per map llled In .... Wllll ...... ....bl Ill I....... "8JC NOT1C( book 386, pagea 2t IO If lf)Cluelve .,_""" .. Mlfl: tl!e ---If~ wi.t1 to ...-IN ed\llot of of M~ Mti>t. r900rdt of • ......, 1111 I* ~! an attorn•y 111 tl'lla 1'1'1•11.,, you l'tClmOU8 IUIMH Mid County, tllOWn u ll'ateall 5 ............... ,.... ,.. lflcMd 00 IO promptly ao 1Mt ~ NMm •TATIMIWT and II on l!ldltblt ··o·· Of that eanalll ...,.... •,......I_,.,.., ~l>i•...!_pl9lldlng.lfl1n1,meybe Tl'I• fotlowlng peraon 11 doing 8upplemo11tar7 Doolaratlon of lie._• 1111a. ,_, °" ..,._ ~ • Cov•n•nta, Condition• and AYllOt A 'I I e 0 I U •to 4t It• 1 I• o VOLUME ASSEMBLY, to14 AtWtcclont reootci.d on JltllUrf .,.._. Illa .... •••• t • II--~ If trlMttef,... No F Halladay. Santa Ana, t2 1tn 111bookfi03t,PaQ91111 ..... ,.... ......... Ut&. .......... UllL • a .... • c.tllomta en0!5 of 'Ol1lcll.ll A8ccwda of Mid COunty. • • • ... ~ .. Uil. -.. UllL I t ........ Danny R•~ A•yllOldt, 7t7t and l/lff'f amendrnont• thereto. ,..,, • ....,. ... ..._U.la ••...,u.••:: 111 .. Aaplda. Hu11t111g1on Bocih. tor tht purpoM of •tlatylng tM ..... 1111 .. ...... ..... Ca!Oomla t2648 lndebt9dnW ~by Mid DMd II Utte41 ..... Hlloltar •• ..I U•t•d dHH •Ollcltar .. Tiiie ~le oonduct.0 by an of Trwl lndudlnt the ..... Cll'ler99t _.. .. • ...... • _.. ~ de Ul'I llboaedo e11 .... lndMdual. and...,_ of the Tf\111• ••••••· ••~•tra ll•••rl• ••11nto, clot>orra llaoerlo o.nny All• Atynoldt Tl'I• 1tr .. 1 addr .. 1 or other l I A ' R .. o ............ ~ de .... ...... Thia .. ttelntnl Me fl«! wttfl Iha ~ Of tl'lt ._, • "'' 11* • 1'11 I 4 ti Mr au ,...,.... o ~ II 1111)' County Ctar11 of 0r-. County on d .. ctllltd properlr I•: 10 Peril ....... ,..... -,..,. ..... a alguna, puede .. , reQtltt•dH Jut'; 2. 1"2. ,,_. \lllta, 1n4M. OA t21't4. ....... _ ltarnpot ro' TUa -•--.... Publlal'led Oreng• Coe .. 011~ 'Tfl9 tot• tmOllftt .. tn. ""P41k! t TO nte ~ • ,..,. ,_.,._,i •rw "°'·.Mr 7, 14, 21, 21, tttt belln09 Of IN ~ eaourad '"'9 ,...._ fle9 fl9d • .,.atldn P•Utloner h•• flled a Pttll1011 ~ by uld DHd o.f Truat and oo;••••,.. _..... ""°",.. oo;ic.1.-. y0ur..,..,,.... If \IOI.I,.. rHtontbfr Ht11t1aled ooet• • ..... ~wlll*tlO .. O(tollaar..-...,.to-.of ~llmC( ......... ~111"9""'9 01• dat• tllal tllle twMJOM fe Illa •••• dlel t11la Mi''""on1 I• ol tll41 Initial publlc•tlOft of the ..wcr Olt J'I*. ,-. ...._ :Z, ~-,_ '1fllll ..._,.Nit bo MftnOUI 8UHllll No10e ol '*II 14t,20Ut. ...... Md "'9 ~,,.., ., __ Md H CICMt l'MJ .. a ..._ ITA,_.. ~ dMtO Olllfllar'a dMldtt ~ ooi•••...... =·::.4:'"'~...,. '"":I:,., TM'°"°"""',.,....," dOl"O or Htlltltd CllHll• Wiii be olW °'*9 0GlllOlliltl• .._., ol ~-.,_,...,..to U. TNMl9 tw0¥ld90 Pf--'Y, ........ ~. oll !f.~Y· ~ .., • oMo M.W:P. rHflft~IU, H21 ~ n Ol'Mlln In fevot Of """' Oi#4"'1;, CIMd -.ippon, att wttOdr, ott-• . ett~ w.. ~ A--. All...,,,, c:Mtt• ~ 0orpor&t10n Wld .... -..-..--Nllf .... ~ ....... oll8t1'811lf• CAtnoe. llat11l.ctotr ldtnllflutlon ta _,, ...... 11r .. oowt. !Mr -.,._, llr .. oowt. Tiie MICHAIL WILLIAM ftAVMI ......... ............ fll,-. Wll ...... _. Wllll'1~ OI H21 WHt ~=r:pon A....,., OATEO Jufte 2•. 1tl2. =·~· •-_..,.,....,.,,,, • Olllll1 ~.OA , fl.-IT CHARTfft W 111 I 2 + ""' .................. II t"""1 .... ,.,. ....... It Olf'I$ lltld llr 111 ~I. ,..,.., ,.._ ~ ~TION. OMlldt~,it,1tM Do\TID~ ... ttta. --W'NwN aTNlll9e La A.·lllW04 ~ ~ Tiiie ... ...,.... .......... --~'" ffaot °""' County °""' .. 0...,.. c.w.y .., Mdr.a of fNM891 .. ., ....... a... ........ -~· 4110 "°"" ....... ..,.. ........ ""9ff ........ QA ..... ~ C.... ,_,...,.Of .... C:.-Olllr ~ 008Jll Oelly Tel.:{714tt?1.mt Nie."""' AM8 4, ""'-NI; M, "'-9' Mt. 1 ~ Not, ,,,.,, 7, ,., at, M; 1• ttuiMttMd °'ante Cou~~ 1 • 1 ....,a fltloC. My 1. 14. 21. 1t12. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS HI"# YOllll( IAl"J 0.Lll. J~U IMS lnl ,,.. u~ 0.erTP 11 11'" 5111"99' ,.... "° *SOAQ ....... ,_ ~ ,.. s-. l5C 1MU"'-l'CA '"' ~ 4~. 5UnlVN ,., >O UPS AND DOWNS "-'119 111_.t !Hi 1 llO 1S'i't Wrell>d ~ .... ,..,.8 JO 10•. Siltr1SI ,..., J ::.::-..:.::-:.':I =~ >·U t·J2 ....... Ulil ~ $$t 11 ., . ., 59'-CI , . .., ,,., ,,... u llllKlrf' "" . ~ . .__,, )#4 ,..,., ~· PrlCM Clo ftOt =· n 11 ..... .,... ,. u°" t 10 t=Et .,.. I~ NEW YORK (API -TN lal-11'10 II• l\llM,...,lrnerllup 11 1~ lrtn'O<I J71t. 21\11 ..... Ert ,,... 1J ,,,, ·~ ._ llW o .. r llW • Coll'lter ITW'lodt-<>' 'o~ E~ 2' ,. .... llllrrtGs 10 10 .... ........ , ....... ~ ME DC .... "' 1*1ck• -_... .. " ..... _ -· uP ISl9nfw T~ ' 1,_. UV. lftlllWWI t\'t ,_ "-PE• 11\li 11'0 ~=·, ,,. ... n "' llW---.,_IN....,., .,._ .... lloca ... 4111 Tre I,.. 15'.o '-'olA u U'4 ...... J~ ""' , ... " r:c•t of <"Met r91111""-ti ..., ... ,,,. AB. lllCI IM tl'a I'd' .... ' .MmMPr tJ tJll. ....,lllofl , .... tt%t Tet.""'P S4 H T-1'4 ., .. ,.,.. ""~JI .... ~Itron ,.,., 1-. Jtttco 11• .. Jl'I. ........... lll U\'o I T11cm11 19~ IS\IJ No MCur1 ft tr=:-Sl er• lt><I AllMQI "" "" °'"' 1-. ...... vj.Jlffy l·J1 S·lt l'llraoSS l~IJ ... T-1 IJ,.. IJ:loo ...., Ntl --c c ......... lllP Ac9CllM ,." .. ~ ~· IN IJll) tl"' I llw JI"-Plr111"11 ~:" ~~ .. ~I • .. ,.. ==~.1.': ,r;"".):: "1!"119 :::91-w .... ~ .. ~pf "',, u ~tt' "' , ... ' '"' QM J 1~:~~~ Kalver Pint! ... ,.., IV. T~• ta/. ' _ ... , • '4" t f.16 I J·t6 "'°"" ICM 11V. ~IE• ,. J"• AWlllll l U 'Jo U\li Ott~ 11 11 KetNll'I ,._. ,, ... P!eiGM ,..., ,. ..... Tl1coPcl 11 ,,.,., AICOIM ""' ,, 0.weyE J ,..., !WlySv ' J,_.. 2l"" ~ .... "'"' 11'• T_.Fd 17\lo 11v. • .... r... Ul"S ........ SJll. , ... ~ ,,..., ,,..., IOmc.11 , .... "'. =:, ,... JV, l)IMl:GI , .. ,. ISJ't l.at .~ Pct A"'"' , .. s-. lO Jll'a IOnolnt I , ... .~,, ... I.A EN ,.... , .... I Sdwer "'" Up 61.1 AO'wt 1"' Jt OlloAel ,, .. 2~ IOodG no. n..., ""1litl'I 15'-""" 1.4 Sur ,.-., n a. l =r,.: 1' • ..... Up JOO !:,<;r,. SM Siii. ODllrGl'I ,, ., .... =\I '"" u•. ~~ 12 11'1. I.A Tro '°"" '°"' J a . ,..., Up 200 u u~ ~~ " ""' ' ,..., ~ ''"' W•8'" )4 ~ ... • """"'•Sv S\11 . ... Up 17 s AQm, ii.. • e~ lit\ " .... lcM JO 20\le ==-: • '"° t:~l ,., J\I, s .... lfE.ftQ ,., . \II :: ,. ' AR9tMQ "" , .. 17'A ., ... l.A'IC9 ' JJ u ... 11'1. 111<'> 11''4 11~ • Mtd'IC"' ,, . . .... IS 0 ..... ,, 20VI 1114 1111'> Undlte JI\ .... ---tt'~ Jt'h VMIR '"° .. ,, ' emor .. ,., 1 . V• Up U .l Nedi .. flh .... =~~ 12 tJVt .....c.o ,,..., ,. l'leCIE• IJll• 0 "1 Vlll'MU 1~ 1J'llt I Prime ! . '4 Up UJ ~ ... ·~ lO'lo~ UI""' u HI<. lllDbOMy n 1) v .. 0u, • ,..,. ' Yo4l.R1h 1 • '"' 8: .. J S6 S6"' 9Pti9 ""' 11 .... Ullrtl' 21 JI .... ""* , .... lf\t Were .,., IJ\lo IO IC.Os• ' ~ .... 1U ·~·~ ...... s ~ ~, ... IAll ll'4 = ,.. . Vlc1raSI "" I It KMS ll>d '4 Up IJ J 161'. I"" S.Nucl ~10 ll/IO'iOI •W. u ... ~»• ~ .\ •.. 17 GaldF \ •lo'! • VI :: 1J s NW>Gp ~ Jlh 9Molll 1"Jo >O ... •v. =-Gd 11• JJ'h ,,. .... I) Gl .. YCI ~ • I 11 • M«8t I ""'. BMllll w 1..-. 1M ~ lk ·~ W\ 40 'liltWn£1 12 I'"" 14-AP!Tnat ;r,, . ,,. UP ti I 41GIU , .... ,~ If n n• •" ,._ . 5atl!H • 1M 11-. -EN 12"\ , .... .... IS ~lnel M . .... Up 111 . ....... lMJ~ MUii! , ... 1\o'I • .... i• ,,.,.. ll\lt ..,.,., ,, . " ....... W( 1\o'i • "" t= 11 t ... _,, .. , ..... "" . ·~ #Wloot • ..... ltvt JI" =:: J•'-J•'-" QINrent '5'h • llo'I 10' l:i~ .,,.. '"' • u ,,_ ~p :rt 30\lt I~ 1'119 J ..... ,,.,., II Al1co l Sii. . .,.., u. 10 s No ,.,., I. ,,., )\lo .... t\lt , .. 21V. -c 1~" " ....... ~ ~ • ... Up 10.S ::r.-'o '"" ·~ I II\ ~ =~ ......... JO'\ Jl illlttt,.., ,,.,.. ., .. ID Nl<:a 9 , .. . I~ Up 10 s 2 ... 2 •·1• ~ K ~ ,_ .. Joi. 20 .. ,_..,... J•l't ,. .. wwo' 1Wt" n 8uffltl• ~ • JV. Up •• AIHlFr ,.,,. ,.,_ •mGo J1'4 21-.. NIEF•t Ill> •lli Sler1R1 ,.,,., ., ... 'MlwAlu ""' . D _,, "~., • I Up • s ..,, __ "" ... jqdl-,,.. 11 L~ 12 ll"" Sill<Gft• ,.,.., " ........ t INt 11''> D 811'6>f\ • .... Up '1 ....... s S'h =~ 2"":rt itmz sc.t'Mr "'" .,, ... 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Murry() I JO • I ,.. ~. MulOm I ... IM ti"-l'e M~"l 211 11 t\lo + ~ ---NBD 1 QI l Sf 20._ "-l!j8t ,. 21 ;i.4 J1(·· v. NCH n 10 ISi U"-t V. HCNB • 4 I .. IJV, "ICR 1 40 1 St42 U._ 1¥. NL lnCI t J 1127 17._ t ... HLT I to ti :J041 •'-• ... NVF 15' 44 llt , ... • \'e Ntbte8 1 ~ t ?..e >-\lo•, ... "latco • I 11 II 1'17 ""' + 1\'e Napc.o I 14 1 24 .... • \'e .,..,.,Fd IObtl n """ 14' Nar<o .. Ill 1 II"'-'-Heft» I loO I 4S 10\/0.-14 Netc.en I • 1J 1' . HC11VS4 60b 12 71' ,, 14' Nat OISI 1.10 S I It :IO\Ot Ioli HOil! prt IS SO ,,._,. . • "lalEClu LJ:n S J:J 12 ... -llo Nat~ I 1• S lO 1' -.. NetGyp 1 • t 1C1S llV. + .... NOiOn> 1«1 JV, HM«re .. 1 G ·-... N-itft •II 1JI» U"-+1 NM1,..s 11 n 141 c1 ·-,,.. H Pttt '1 1Cla • JJ• ..UY>• 1°" NSeml • Vt4 ~+ ~ NlS¥1ft I • • 11 Hiii ... ~ ---.J10 ,.,,_ .... h.ellSll 1 t 4f ''""' + "°" H~UI 11 I I 4 lll'e • ~ Net°"' 1 «> • ,.,., n-"" Helm pl • II• 021n-~ NavPw 164 J " 12"' • t.'e .... VP pl 1 loO ... 11 ... !MVP pl 2 .II l2'IO t-... MYV(lf 1 tS 4 ,,_, -"-"*" ,. ,. ·-l4o Nl!:ftelal J 2't ..... + Ill NE1111! Pl'Llt t tt-14' NYSEG t.a ll M 11 + 14o NYSfl/I 1.• dO lot + V. NYSfl/I 112 1 1-.... NYS plQl 7.S .. II 24-~ HwNI 72 I I JO 2"'°' + V. ... _ 1 14 2'1 121111+ • .... _. ,. • .a. .......... NlaMP t.• S 1J!ot lJ-\'e NlaMof J to 1100 ~· ... ............ • 10 111111 ,. .... + .... Hl•Mcll •as r«> lt" •.•• NlaMpl SH rt.II U .... + .... HlaMpl '-lO rlO 1'YI .... "'"""' 10lo0 ·-71\.'J HlaMpl 1 72 llC> --1 Nr~ l 1lt It t>llo Nlcolt n 2' 10 U •+. NICOt! l • 121 Mo\'> '° NOC>IAI 11 ll Dt t• NorSo n 41S 4J~ • '°" Norlin 1 ,._..,,.. Nor11r n 110 14 ,..., + \'e NOf'lft QI /J I + 1.- NACoal to I JO 2t • "'> NoAPN 1.10 • » Mta+ 1't Nl!:...0 n2 t• t IS lt"-+ '4 NOHtvt I 21 1 114 10\'e .. CatSv la ulJ._ • '" NlnclPS UO 101S10 ti"'> ... NoSt'-2.74 t lot 21-"" NSPw llfl 60 rlOO J• NSPw CllA.IO rtSO 21'n .... HSP. Of• I I rlOO -• "> NSPw pit to rlOO IO'· +.o NOt'TIO 1 Jf ... M'n+ o,.. Nl~IO tt ll'e+ '"° =:.::., I.: m:: ~--== :: Nwllk.p '·"' s sn 11 -.,., Hw,IEn 1.40 • 10 c1w1..-..,, NwE,. pf]\ 1J • 16 11 + 'Ao Nw11nd •«I J '°' SOV. • ~ Nw1P pl 1.SO 4 ltV. ... NwMU I lO S SJ I•~• \jO N.SIW to U 1 dlS -._ H-1 S llM JS -14 -s!M t.• 1 7St 20'-> + .,,, Novo ,.. " 210 o-. • "" Nucor U t 11' l44" .•• -0-0 - 0•klnd ,. ' 410 ·-..... OtklttP I U 7 I ltV. + \'t Oc:l"-t 2.SO 4 !OIJ ta + 14 OcclP pl'1 JO , 11 l•t. t V. Oc<IP pf2 12 • . 4 14"" + * Occt P on.10 • IS ~ OctlP 11114..i 141 tltlo + -. OOECOl I S " ~ • .._ Oodtft uo • m 1 n .,.. O~oEd I It • Jf7J 11'-+ '-Oft Ed Of•• auo ~ • ..., Oh Ed fflf 1.M J..o •'• ()rlEcl pl ,.. .. 2 12\lt • ..., OflEcl pt t"' ltO ~"'>-l.'t ()rlPpl e04 , 1100 SJ •I OflP pfC 160 r!OjO 49 • t OhP flfGU7 . 22 I~-\lo O!IP ptA 14 dO f9 + V. OflP ptF t• . t40 " ... .. OllP plD.• •. l200 Sf ...... . OllP fJIOf 1' . , t20 S1 +I"> OttlaOE 1 It I Sii t~ 14 OltltO al • • 1120 •~• "" 01111 t lO , S6d11~ ... Omaf'1I 1 • ,. ,.-., .... ~" MIS lll 2"-.t OMlcl!I .n S SI ,....,, ••• O'Ml!:OK 2 «I S 140 27,,._ w OranA11 IM • • 1~ ..... °".... ·* . . » ._ ... O<lonC .IO I :16 12 ......... ~ .Ill I )46 ~· V. Ovttli '° .u. 12 ''"" • • • °"'"°' 1 u ., ..... II> i nt .• t 2' UV-.. .. "'" ·'° • .,. 1111l + " !IC UDJt Ma II + -""" ' .. s ., .,,.._ " .i11 I 1 • 111:1Vt +r\'J -~-o-aflttl~' " i~ ~ t.• 1 ., • -""" . .osu ..... I i .1: ~ f~~:~ •:1~ " ;·" I S ,, •-Yo i ;; .. ~ I;&;·~ •••t tr'•R ..,. ,, r .... ~ ... Otl ·I• f MM• ... i ~:'i' n ri .... ~·~ "' 1\i , . 11;." .... 11 i"':t '• .... . . , ... h, :li.1 .~·!' ~·= ~ .. • ¥Jt . . .. ..:·~~ Orange Oout OAILY PILOT/Wtdneeday, July 21, 1N2 8 Exxon planning cash discount HOUSTON (AP) -Exxon Co. USA plana to expand a di.-x>Wll P.f'Oll'&l'D to motoriatll who pay cub tor gatolJne and d.ieeel fuel. Exxon announced Monday lt hopes to have the proararn ln operation 1n all markett within lix weeka tollowlns a teat of market• In P hoenix, Ari&., Worceeter, Mua., Jacbon, Mla. and NOl'folk, Va. R.C. Klddoo. Exxon USA marketln1 vlce president, said motoriata ln the tat prosrama aawd about four centa per gallon by paytni cub. Metals seminar topic Are pr~loua metals and commodities finally ready to rally? I Author Russell Waaendorf will give hi.a answer 1 during a aemlnar at the Regiatry Hot.el in Irvine at 7:30 t.onJght. Wasendorf ia the author of the aoon to be releued book, "Facta on Futures. the F.entiala of Commodity Trading," (Dow Jones/Irwin, Homewood, Ill.). Thia aeminar is sponsored by Waaendorf and Associates, Inc., a Cedar Falls, Jow a flrm that publishes the Futures P'ortfoUo Advfaor, a commodlty futures tradlna newsletter. For information, (319) 268-0441 Economic unit m eet The Economic Development Corp. of Oranae County will host a members h lp Invitation party today at 5:30 p.m. in the office of Gordon Olaon of Knobbe, Martens, Olson, Hubbard & Hear al tHO Newport ~t.er Drive, Suite 1600, Newport Beech. Olson ia ch.alnnan of the membership committee of the board of directors. For infonnation, call 634-2642. Treasury bills drop WASHINGTON (AP) -Yields on short-term Treasury secu.nties dropped to the lowest level in seven months in the latest auctions, declining for the third straight week. officials said. About $5.5 billion in six-month T-billa were auctioned Monday at an average di9coWlt rate of 11.441 percent, down from the 11.967 percent of last Monday. In addition, the government sold about $5.5 billion in three-month bills at an average rate of 11.14 percent, down from 11.797 percent. UPS AND DOWNS NEW YORI( 14PI Tht lol'°""'no llSI ~ ,.,. Nlw Yo<I< S.o<k b<"#9 ~ -warr..,U the! "•Vt' 90 ... UP u. rnotl ...., down '"" ~• C.Wd on ~ail or ,,.,~ •119"1rdltu d votv- No ~"7.s trtdno °''°"" II .,. inc•· '°" Nltt anCI IK'f<n-er .. ~,.,. tho dlflt-.nco bft-llW o<t'vlG" CIOl1ft9 CW-encl TUMdey'~ Name LAI ~ Pct t E....OE pl4 ]\, • " Uo JO 0 J S.ll!nCp 1·~ • t ..._, 16 ] ] CaMnlnl rWt. w ..• 3 Up tl.l 4 CCI Qlrp 10\io • l''o UP 11 1 5 AmAlrln wt •''• • \\ Up II 1 • Sl>ttlrG Jpl U • SofJ Up 11 I I Tftoro ~ ti'• • "" UP tO ~ : CtnRLllt \ '!:~ : 1'.: ~ t~ ) 10 ="o ' JS'• • 1' • Vo ' 1 11 Tonu Co<o tS''> + "" Up '1 11 H«IM\nQ • • t ... Up 9 0 t) Trinity 11 • 'o Up I 6 14 Oldo"llnd lJ' • • 1' I Up I I 15 Tye...-s U 1•~ Vp t 1 ,. Sl\allr 1 .,f" "'" • '' • Up I ' 17 Ttt0roP p J2 .. + ,,.. Up 1 • 11 Gttl Rttr~ 3'" t '• Up 1 1 19 ShetllrGtoo It • 11'o UP l 6 lO ~ 0 ,,,. • • • Up } s 11 RCA It'll • '"' Up 1.S l2 ~etl 10 • t'lo UP 1 4 D ~~ pt 10 • S''> Up 7.4 ,. a.a. ,,..,,,, » ~ • :ro-. Up 1 J 2S IYlrAMI 1•-, , ''> Up 1 I a C.fllnMng II .. t \, Up 1 I 71 ,._,, l"-• • Up 1 t DOWNS IAI ()\Q Pc1 2 \'> Olf 100 1 '" Oii It I Jv. 1t on too ]\\ -. Off •.• '''• '-Ott 9. I '"' ~ Off •. , ..... .. Otl u '"' "' Oii 1. ..... .. Off , 7 ttl'e '"' Off 11 11 ~. Otl •• .... .,, Oii •• .... "' Oii t .I 1'" ..., on • • 1211< ,,_ Olf •.J GOLD COINS ,...., -'"' Off u ...... i.. Oft 5.t .... " Off u t "'> Olf S.J t\lo I' OU U ,,..., -.. Oft u ,..,_ ""' Off s.o SH4 -N Off S.O • ..., -V-Off SAi '"' " °" u NlW V()M (~) -~ lel9 l'MIY of gotd ccMne. competed """' ~· Pftl& ec........ '"'Y -. ..... .,., up ... at . ...... ..... t lfoy Cll., ... .,, • .. ..ff. ... llllM ........ 1.2 '1oy CIL, .... 1' up f1,llO. ----W ..,._. MOI troy ca.. ..,..._n, up •u•. ~0.-~ DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YOllK\AP) Final Dow·-•-lar T .. tclly, J"' JO llOQtl °"" ... law c:-. Oii I) Ind .. ,. 1Jf71 110.02 la.Al+ 11) JD Tm 111.27 J2~'4 Jtl 10 J1I SO+ 0 . .0 15 ua 101.-12 1ou 1 *" 1&11• t .'1 '6SO. J1t10JU"J1U'll>"• 211 ~~, u~= IAll• 1,lJQ.400 16 Mil '·'"·- WHAT STOCKS DID HEW YOAI( IAPl Jo.A 10 ·--.ed o.c:t-~=-_"'.,. ----·· 4 ... (. DO T, --.... JO ,. HEW YORI( (API J"' :IO -eo>tld Dllcl-~ Td•I '-' ... "I"'• -- METALS NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nont.rroue metal pnoee T t.IMday. Coppw 7~-73 <*It• a pound, U.S. O..llNllion.. ~ 2&-29 <*\ta a pound lb Zll'le 37-40 C*'ll• a pound, ~ Tift .... 1155 Mtlt9 w.-c;cwnpcMtte ....... 1 7~n cienta a pound, NV ...,_., ~10.00 per llu6t •. ~ 12M.OO troy oz.. NV SILVER H•ndy & Harman, H .770 P•• l•Oy ounc. GOLD QUOTATIONS ., n. 1h1111 .. .., PT-. SelcMd wortd OOld Pftc. T~ LeMloft: morning ftxlrlg *344.25. °" S3 25 t...ondoft: an_., ftxlng: 13-47.75, up S0.25 hrta: ·"-!being• 1342.&4, °" se12 "'8Mtwt: ..,,.6.00, °" ss .... ~ .. ,. ftldng: $345.50. °" 11.00 bid. u.t.25 Mked. .._., • --orly deity CllUOtt 13-47 75, up 90.25. ..........,. ontr deity ~ tlbt1clrllad ~ , .. , up to.JO. SYMBOLS d -yeany low u-Haw VMfly high untats 01.,.,..,... no1ec1. ••••of dMCllet* ••• .,,,,.... dlstlur-'la bMe<I on the IMI Quarlarly 01 1tm1-ann11e• dnl•ratlQn Spec1e1 or utre dMcHnclt or p~tt ,..,. deslgnatecl at tegu1at .,. ~I.tied 111 IN IOllOw>llQ footnotes a-Alto ••Ira or eat••• !>-Annual Nie .... stock dividend c·ltQuldetlno dlYtdelld Oeciated or paid In p<ecad"1g 12 ~ 1-0ec:lared or pakl •11., ttoc:ll dt~ or apNt U1> !-Paid tl\IS ~. 6Mdend Ofll!Ved, O.lerred or no ectlOn taken •I ltM CIMOencl mMltnQ -.o.e:lated or lleMI WI yew, tn ~·Ihle .._ .. ,h ~"'-­ "" ..... IMue t.c>ederedor ...-1n ~ 11 monlht ~ ••Gell dMCltnd ,_,._ Ill .. OCll '" ~ 12 montlla. ex1!INloM cMtl.....,. on u~ or e11~1011 dale .... -GI~ or •<llDhlL ~Eli.-dM09nd and NIH In Mt r•IWealn Ml Qd•Cllited ..O·WllM ditll'lbutad -.WMll IHlled ww·Wllll Wt,,efttt •w•Wllllo.it w1tr111tt adlt·h •dl.tlr•t>uttofl P E rellO Tiie Clftee of a MOCll M a ""'""* OI ,,.,...,_. -n.,.O ........ l>'f clMdtnO lfle 1a1• 12-ontll-.... _... 11110 ""' .... cw- THI fAMILt' CIBCtl by Btl Keane "I stumped my daddy toe!" by Brad Anderson "If you don't mind ... l'd like to make this shot by myself!" JLDGE PARKER SHE~ A P\..EAOANT CHANt:1E WELL WHAT DO FPOM FEll.OC.K' WHEN DID 'IOlJ ™INt"'I ~ "IOU DECIDE TO 0P0P HIM 0 . e> , TONY? AS 'l'OlJP-ATTQP.NEY 7 BIG GEORGI ..---.. "On your m1rtl. Git Ht. 001" l I !. . DE!\:\IS THE MENACE f~ Hank Ketchum l '!-2/ i • .ANO 6~ \\QJT EVEN LET ME PUT OUT A WELC~E !MT UNTIL DENNIS 60ES AWAY TO alLEGE." by Harold le Ooux I M 60NNA U5E 0 e 1=00 1'HE NICl"IEL AND DIME STUFF ' WHEN MY ~ C:i€T IN lPOJet..E, 51-4£ Al'PEAR5 e>El=ORE THE JUD6€ AND 0€lS THEM 0VT ON MIL.' EVEN JU00E9 LIKE TO LOO~ AT A PRErrY YOUN IRl..1 . , _, BUT MEP.MAN MELVILLE WANTS TO WRITE. A BOOK ABOUT YOU MOON Mt:LLIN8 WE ~OTTA HAVE A NEW B,ASE'B,ALL ! ACROSS 2 wordt 1 Wont unll1 S4 Tombt lUUOArl PUZZLE IOl YEO 5 Defile 58 Mall enlmal 9 Sile* 60 Bu.rden 14 ENdltlOn 81 c....,.·, 15 Allan..,.,.,,, aymbol 18 SMettllf\g 2 WOtcD 17 Sttlp 63 c.rd• 18 Unll!P9d TV 64 Faultily lhot1: 2 85 length unit wordl 88 Breton 20 Throb 87 Bendtr 21 H-.m room 88 Elepeed 22 Cruther 89 Grwll 23 Al done underground -"'"~· 25 DoOf llgn DOWN 27 Blood fluklt 1 Abtc41'1d 2t twet mow 2 ltallan 30 Apoltle 3 Sllltl** S4 Totll: Abbt. 4 P1tl0f piece 28 Color expert 38 Ofltntll 5 -Ano 28 Gynl'I 38 Weepon 8 Ammonit mottler 39 Son ol compound 30 MOCCMln 0eor9t I: 7 Soutlltfn 31 Turned • 3 WOfdl cl1y: 2 WOl'dl 160 _ ... 42 Atq!On'I 8 Haggetd 32 Contllntr1 bltdl heroine 33 CMtor'1 40 Cteerof 41 Nott 4e °""'ell ..... 48Comlort (9 lntultloo 5().Nhlp'I - 52Glt1'1namt 53 Mualc elgnt 1 2 3 4 14 43 H#mOnlll 9 Gifted llofM mother 44 UH IMl'l!blr tO K'*9!1 S4 Dremattc 64 P1t1 di fole t-wrt--t--t--t-- 45 ~ 1 t Hit, of old COftfllc:t 4' Mel_.,, 12 °'IP' 3S ~ 47 At one time 1S Ocelfl bird 37 El.Ir. N1kWr. • Kid "Old ""..,,. '9rtll11 11 ~.....: 2' "°"*',.. ,. Orldll by Ferd & Tom JohnsE>n ~.,,,....,,, .. ,,.I • .......J.4.t..,. TtMBLE• ££08 IF YOO A'.:>'11' L.IKf Al.t.. ~AT HAIR160 HAV& llCO,-OFF. v SHOE WHAT AN AWFUL FORTUNE THIS IS GORDO l KNOW WE OF T>IE WILD cA>J EXPECT' LITTLE PR ll/ACV, 8UT !'N\ 1ME I £UNllNAID~ ' ! Dll.4BBLE Oil. SltlOCK WHeN YA ONt..Y HAve A FeW euCKs, t1"'S 1"00GH t=OR A YOUNG ~1"0R "fO GeT" ST"ART"l!P ' 'ffiE M06i FEA~ED VIDEO GAME5 A™LET£ IN 1HE GALAXl.) ! THIS IS AW'FUL, TOO--- I'LL TRY MORE I COIJL.0 HAVE SW<>ftN l HEARD A C~Ot.ATE CMIP COOl(JE CAU.IN6 ME ... by Jeff MacNelly " by Ernie Bushm1ller WEIGMT 72 lbe PICK UP T~AT LITTER VOYEU~f by Gus Arriola by Tom Bat1uk AAD 1HE ONL.l,> ONE CAPABlf OF WAAPI~ INIO ~PACE! 7tl by Kevin Fagan COME ANO ~p ME I.ME.EL OAO 10 1'~E ~VrfAl.~ ~ AeoAAO, blNbtR!t tU~NOOOO!!! by George Lemont AN':X::'P SAY' HIS CH.A.Nees OF MAK.IN' 11"' .A.As; KINPA IFFY.' ' . I l I I I I I r I I I LANDMARK CASE -Linda Hamilton stara u Greta Rideout. who tnatlaated a landmark cue by brinllna rape charge9 ~.B• a1lnnaaii her husband, in .. Rape an. d Marrtqe -The Rideout <:aae," tonight at 9 on KNXT (2). fltlllt ·~ all of the ~ llnd hNdacMa ~ llllttl the prepare- tlone for tlil ~· '*-==~ '9eluted: • IClftoo4 In ..,, oeaoir ...... *Oft peop6e how to t>ecome e-lhow c:om.tantt: a looll et the rod! Cll'OUP Joumey; • look .. the Melllalln Aocs.o In Loe Angelill. I Gl,MtlL.YflUO EY!ONL.A. FeetUfed: I competltklll lor the most 'eleQlnt' man; I ~oftle of country .... em lirlQlr Lacy J. ~ the leteet In non. tnt•· ~-• M•A•a•H HIW!leye and Tr~ -left to ~ the camp ""*' the ,..... -~IC> ualed. I (I) TIC TAC DOUQH MAONB.I ~ MPOAT • 9UllMVAL "Seuett Of Th4I African Baobab" ~ Wei ... lllmltll • ~ pot• trait ol Alrica'1 Qf•t beO- blC) tr•. lllmed by Alan Md "'*' ~ In i<.nya'1 TNnO Nltlonal PR. (R) 0 YOU AIKB> l'OR IT Felltured; "Hang °'*"~ and "28-Mlf• ""Oer ....,._,_, .. (rJ)MOYll * * '-4 "Reggedy Man" ( tN 1) 6IMy Speo91, Eno Aoellrta. In 1944, • ..... phOfle °'*'"°' In ..... T .. town_._,_ ltandlnt In .. OOftWUlly wflltl IN 1119 I eftoft "'* ...,, • COllAlall bound .. Ot. •PCJ' .IHODl-GIN. WNrl • ~ glrf'e NII ............. laced~ NIWIO ._ bu11r*9 -. _..., .............. the~of~ bitty. e:eoe-. .... Alllll --,.., llbllty '° ""°"" and ... It 00. .. .,_ ... kaape .. "- ~ fading _,,,. a.RIALNOPU '-tured: ....... urnpn: • dog ""'9fl; • mountlln c:lmOer ..,., -*-Icy tlopea; the Miu Bald Amet1Q conllll ,.., .MOW * * ''Thi Troubel Wllh Women" (f971J 1M1 Rey. l10ldl. ~ Ludten- bll. Polloe detec:tl\le Dan Augult irMlellgat• two ~ ol WO!Mn lnllf«*ing Ulelri-. • 0 THSGAl!ATUT ~HERO A INpWledl In tfle Oelll't Trtangle Mis Ralpfl on the trait of • pr.nletortc ... era.lure llnd • ruttlllm "-*•.(R) • MOVIE * ''Thi Femflty'' ( 1973) Chat1al llroneon, Jiii ~ land. A M6 contract dler II ~ 10 carry out the damancla of die mot>. • Oftl'NINO NIGHT AT THI~ Thi 8amum Md ~ cir-i. welOcNMd to town by Ad1tn Rich. thl young ftlr of • 'Eight .. Enough.'' • MG\115 * * * "The Ghott 01 Flight 401" (18781 Etn11r Borgnine, l<lm Bulnger. The IPPl'ltlon of a dead flight ollloer begin• IPPMlinCI to er-mem-'*' of pil/lll ua11ig .... vagtable parta of hit downed jet ... • SUfMVAl "Secrett Of The Atrlcan laob1b" Oteon Wlllll narrtlM 1 ~ l>Of· trait of Alrlca'e grMI t>eo- baO tree. filmed by AIM and Joan Root In Kenya'• Tuna Nltlonal Plltl. (R) ~~AffAN "Big Foot" 9 MOV!l • "0•" (1981) Donald Su1herland. Suun ~.A radio OJ and a reporter try to eiitPGM an ol magnate'• p6ot lo OtM up QM pf1cae by COOlrtvlng an Oil llllortage. 'R' t:aO 8 (I) CM8 MALLOY A young molhlr la IC>PQiftl«f lo • out ,_ dlCllled huati.nd'• unex- pnci """ .. "*"' • PMGMANCY OH THI ltOCK8: THI FITAL ALCOHOL •YNDttOlm Tit• elleot1 ol e1001tol co....,-• by • pre11ten1 _,... ......... ClllN. Cl) LAD9 MGHT our ITAMNI 'UOGYt Comedten.11 Pudgy ,.,... an ...,.,.. llrip lflOW In I -uonal ~ of entertainment from CNp- Plfldlle'. nlglltc:llJb In Lot Allgllll. t:OO. (I) MOYll • *" "Ripe /lft'd ..... ,.. _The NdeOIA c:..-· (1HO) Urtda Hamiton, Mlolley Rourke. An enraged ..... llnd mother ~ • c:tiaroe of rape IQMl8I ..., '-ber1d for \ wtlOll'I • 111111 hlrbon telldeil•-(R) e 8 THI fACTa 01' LR . ........... ,_ lathar hawtg luncfl with •woman wtlO II not hit motnar. (R) • 9 THE FAU. G4.rr Cott .-io. Howle and JO(jy off to Nevada to pidl up • Cf'8dl forger for Big Jactl i:vc:=u OO'l'lllY ''The Warm-Bioodld Sea.: .. _.._ Of The Delp" c.piain CoUlteau .,_ the IYOlutjon of -Ille. the wwm-blooded ··-lu11on" Ind the retllfn of mamm111 Ilk• while•. ..... llnd dolphinl 10 the --~> CC>MOV!e {tiff) 1(..... OlrfedlM, .. "*'"*' v .... ....,,.~,... --... ~ ..... -~If\ ..... ~--......._ .................. ... r.-=:::...v ,.,.-,_ ... of .. ..., .,.. ,.:"* "-ti .....,."' ........... ~.!Rt ·--~ MMrt---~· .......... ~ ..................... .. ,_.... ....... ~--Ml"' .. ..__,_A~ weiehe" Ottgllllly ..... dwed 11 Plf1 of CU'• ~eo--.11111 ' ... drllM IWflflt .... ltllifll* Ol"li9 I Qlll"l)ll Into .. ...., WOftll Of ~·""· .MCWll • *. "ltartlng Owr'' {1t1t) .,,, ~ .. ~Ari. montt11 of TV dlMwa and blind dat•. 1 dlvolold ll\I09" ~ wtltlt .......... IOl#ld lnle love --• lctloofttMfllr "'*" ,... ........ 10:00 •• QUINCY 11=.nfeVI Nldl, tl!OCllld by an unex- peotad rHotlon from Blake II the Senate 1-· lrlge, llfOll l<rylltll to -out, and AleXil 111'4!1 I poleon '*' litter to l!Me. (fl) • XI'AN The ancient !mpertal dly of China, onoe the OtMta.t eepiUll In the llil0f1d, II P'llMl!y lhe IOUrCt of lncr9dlbte lrctlaaoto gkill er-.-. Cl>MOVll •• ''The ~ .. (1981) Barbera Bien, SldMy ~ lick. A TV~ and hit two ...... .,, .. find lodgingl .. • boltdlng ~ lnhablt.o by ... lllfbld brolhlr Ind alater llnd lfllW monetroue off. tO;I()~ • IHIU 9Ue•IU8 TODAY "TUfnlng Yow Job Into A Bull,_.. Th<• peopll tlll Oictl Goldt>erv hOw they became !hair own 11:00 ;··.,Cl) 9 at NlWI e IAT\INMY NIQHf Holt: 8udl Henry. Gulll: 8111 Wlthlra. • YOU AIQD '°" rT Featured: "Diving Nine" and "Wof'ld'• Stnlllelt n-1re." • M0A•1•H Ha.ti• lwfll ela&llJI to llOIW I rlllfl of l'o«JOeriel for ~ lie II the prime IUlpeet. • 8!HN\' Hru. The l.adyblrd1 perform lnOtfler aono. I ..... MPOftf DOOTOR•THI "°'* WNrl eomaone ,..._ lhet thl .... ..,.., ..... -orlly two ..... -.y, Panic-. CC>MOVll *" ·~ T• K.-. ....... (1NO) ....., Dlvll. Tewfl ~ In ordllf '° ...... 1111 lllnony ...... "*"" • ~ dhorolCf Pf1'tllll deleotM .,.. down ........... for a dlYoroe IMw)W. 'R' ®THI DQl)Ly CW. llww retlrad CftlT*'ll ... ~· PllY • g.wna of cat-~ wltfl • -.n- lngty Innocent victim: George 5-Qal, Trevor Mowwd and RoOat1 ~ ttar. CD>MOVIE • ·~"Zulu Dawn" (1879) Burt Lanc11ter, Peter O'T0061. The E1'(lllett wage • bitter -111111* .. Zulu nation In 19t1Hiantury Alrtca. 'PO' CZ>MOYll *'.\"Var-.." (19781 Oll- vl1 Petell. A virginal young ---the c:onv.it In whlc:tl .,_ - rallld to "'" a ct1111n of Fer Eaetem bordalloe. 'R' t , •• (I) MOYll CHANNEL LISTINGS •• ''The HUltllr Of Mue- c:te ....., .. (1980) R6ctlarO Hatch, Kay Lenz. A lmlll- Ume ~con~ a ~ to tum • elcJw.w4«. ed amet.,, Into a WOfid Clem body~~ pion. •• "Ptlgua" (1971) OM- ... Piion, Kata ... A ~ oratory acddant ~ In the er•Uon of a deadly plague wtllctl quicl1y ltlrtl to dllltl \llctlml • 11 .,,..... ttwougll • """°' ooewi--. 8 KNXT (CBS) 8 KNBC INBCI e KTLA (Ind I • KABC IABCI e KFMB ICBSI e KHJ·TV llricl.l e KCST IA8 Cl e KTTV llnd.l • KCOP· TV llncl.1 e KCET IPBSI e KOCE <PISI -,___ O, On-TV rz1 Z·TV IN HBO tC1 tclnem.u 1 CJ) IWOAI NY , N Y 'Ill IWTB51 'fl IESPN) tl J lstlowtlmeJ • 5Pot11Qht • (Gllbfe N~ Network) ®MOYll ••• ''The Sllnt p.,,. ,,... {1919) Elllott Gould. ~ PUM'9r. A bar* ........ Imp! omptu lttamc>f to cull In on a robbery leada to ,_..... ment llnd terror "'*' the rell ttllll dlUll him to recepture .. loot. 'R' Cl>MOVll * *\.\ "Weleome To L.A." 8GITONIGKT Hoat: Johnny Caraon. a-..ta: Sc.-, S.andon • Chat1al Nellorl ~. ea A8CNIWI fllCIHTUNI • MOYll * .... "Cal Of The Wiid" ( t91t) Ctlaliton Hleton, MtcMle Mll'clar. lllld on .,,. llory by ..... Loftdon. Two man POHllll~ by gold ,__ batlll the ..... ~.Your •. Profe5S!0n1J • Flonst ~ 2916 Red HID Avenue. . . A-f08 Costa Meu Stone Mill Business Park 641-08 o Oratige ~DAILY PILOT/Wed"fldey, Juty 21, 1112 KCJ:T (28) 8:00 -"Over EMy." Violin vtrtumo ltlhak Perlman l\MIUI. KTLA (6) 7:00-'"The Bait Little Sped&I 1n Texu." Country-pop mullc ardlt Jerry Reed ho1t1 1peclal that tocuH• on premiere actlvtU. of movte, 141be Belt Utile WhonhoUM ln Texu." KTrV (11) 8:00 -''OpenJ.nc Ntcht at the Circul." Adam Rich, y~ IW' ot "l:Ulht 111'.nou&h." weJ.oome1 Barnum and Bailey Ctrcua to town. KOCE (60) 8:30 -''PreanancY on the Rocka; The Fetal Alcohol SyndrOme:• An in-depth look at the ef1ecta of alcohol oonlW:Md by a preanant mother upon her unbom child . IMflta In .. fr09M t(lon.. ... • THS JllllllMOHI l ~Nl/DION UND-TANDNI HUMAN 194AVIOfl ''PllnAftd~·· • c.vTIONID A8C fe¥I .MOYll . *. "The Aetum Of The .__ Se\o9n" (1980) Mark Arnott, Gordon a.. The INll'lber9 of • .,.. ....... ......... actMlnthe ...... ~ ment durlno Ille '80• ta"* tor a ...und reunion. 'R' 11:41 Cl) MOYll •••• "Raging ~It" (1N0) Aobart De Niro. Cathy Moriarty. 8ox1ng chamP'on .... La Motta'• aptitude tor vlolenoe brlnge him IUCOlll In the ""' bll1 dlarupe• 1111 Pll'· ~ -. ·R· t2l00• l!HTPTAIHM!NT TOHIQKT An on-location report on the llllNng of the TV ITIO\lle "Ho Mln't Ulnd.'' 8 9 LO'll IOAT A )'OUl1Q fortune ...._ tale '°' Capt.in aeut>lng. llnd • couple from • nurllng home -~ ~ lfllW O¥at..,rotiactM c:flldren. ;..,. **M ''FMI Arttd s.xy• (1MO) Gina Lolobttolda. Wtorto De S6c:&. All attrao- tl¥e )'Olq widow r9blml to .. ltlllan ~ to looll for. hulblnd . • lOYI., AMINOAN ITYU ·~1' CZ> MOYll * * "Dirty Trtckl" ( I 981) Ellolt Gauld, t<Me Jedl- IOll. A HarY9td ~~ ~ Iha quany of ~ lfudoue to git ttl8lr hande on • ~ dlloo¥erld teeter wnuen by 0-V-Wllhlnglon 'PO' 1l:IO •• LATI MOKT Wint ~YID LnTllWAN ~= Robert IOaln. pho- tographer YOUIUI Kartft. ~•= 1U\t "lhogun Aaaallln" (1N I) TOl:rlllalMo w-.... Mll.~T~ A fomw lflOOl#I ....... ~-.......... eoouc --~·"*" ... Clllll of eplee VO-. 10 .... ...,, ___ 1:ooe MCMI * *"' ''llle Slue DINll" ( 1941) Alan Ladd, Vlronlca LAN. Alt ...... *-'•*' .. .....,.... of rnurdaMg ..... unf.ithful .... and ""*prove 1'111 ""-I09. • MOYll * • • ··nia Ralinrnaker'' I 195e) Burl Lancuter. K1tllatlne Hepburn. A coo man pcllirlg • •rainmaker not orlly lflda the drought In I 9"11111 ~ town, tM.lt alao br1nga needed romanca llnd con- lldefloe to a ..... ®MOVll * * * "S.O.B." (1981) Wl- ll1m Holden, Julie ~AmcMe~ ..,., 1'111 ""' flnllhld • mufti mllol1 OOlar l\lrttey OOlllrom ~--­dde to • btllmly ll'lll*ed l'Hlflool6iio of .. epic. 'R' Cll>MOY9 .... .._ ..... ,,..,, J*"-lfoMn. CINvon Lii· tie. A ttlo of ~ trtendl pot the r~ of a m#- tlon dolarw from a loutll Amat1ciM drut .,...,_ ·w 1:10e MCM1 ***"The MIQUI" (1"8) Anthony Quinn, ~ Cllne. A lllYl'1C toys wlttl the "*tdl of .,, lnt..i.c1ual fllQlllfllw and I "91 G ~ . ,. = eNIONIWI ~•aHT .MOYie **'h "SlarCIUlt Man'O- rtll" (1980) Woody Allan, CNttotte ~A­Q911f\11 director llOll a per'IOflll c:rtlle .. he "* to ~ IOfll9 m.ior ded-aldrw In 1111 lk 'PO' 1M(%)MOVll * * * * "F1tller Of The 8tlde" (lt5018per!Olr Tr• cy. BlaDeth Teytor A f1thlr ~ .. of the ~ and hMdachee """°'* with the Pf'*P*f• tlOne lor hll daughter'• 1:11 er= weddlno- • ·~ • ..,.. 81Ud" ( 1878) Joan ~ OIN9-T*- a A --~1'111 ---by .....-io wltll Illa boll'•""8. .,.. 2:00e MOYIE ••• "Or. 811....,.,.. Or: How I .._,_, To S10p Wort)'lnO And .._ Tiie Bomb" ( t9'4) ,.ater 8tlara. 0-V-c. 8oott. Alt lnMne NI Foroa ..--II ell-.. WOtld .,.._. ""*' ......... to ...,. • ~ lttll* on Iha .,.~ .MOW * * * "Ma)of Dundee" ( 1115) awtton IWton. Aldwd H9rTta. A UNon majorleada 100~ ~ °" • ci.no--mlH IOn 1g11n11 the 1:11C!=. • ''The CMdren" (1880) Mertln Shakar. Gil Aogera. A 1tr1"14 tadloMitlV. ctouCI "'"" • group of ICtloolc:hlktren Into ,...... =~~*'* =·=AT1'0L Pettigrew and Molll11 lfanaport. Ff9ndl .....,., to a~1n1 ~light~. .MOYie / * • ~ "Tile Kida Are Alnghe" ( i91t) Thi Who. Fooe.ge of ..,.,,. of ... rod! bind'• parlormanoaa .,. lnt....,.,..O ....,, lntar· ~ of the group "*"" bera. 'PO' l:OS(Ji)MOYlf • "Gii" (1981) Donald Sutherl1nd, Sut1n Anlpad\. A radio OJ and I rlPOfW try to axpoee an oll rneonate'• plot to drlw up 1111 PflcM by contrtvlng en ol lflortl09. 'R' l:20 Cl) MOYll **\.\'~TOLA." ( 1917) Kafttl Cerradlne, Sally 1<111arman. Vartoul SoutNm Celltofnla ,...... dlnta ... bfought togell'ler briefly In a Mrlel ol romarltlc llalaona wtllcfl rnottly Ind up being on.- l.llaht 8landL 'R' Tlucr•da II'• o.,,, ...... ., ... . -MORt•tO-ltlO. * * * "The Uttle Attt" (1971) Theodore INkel, PhlllC> Fr-. TWo Dutc:n Chlldren try to find their rniNlng fllher ltllt I flood. 'O' Cl) • • • • "Kramer Va. Kr_ .. (1179) Ou•tln Hoffman, Meryl Sltaap. A man NtUal wlttl hll ... ..,. lor CWfOdy of their young Ion .,.., llhe .... out on tt.n. 'PO' 7:00 Cl)**~ ''Star Trek - Thi Motion Plctwe" (1979) WllMlm &Ntnar. ~d Nlmor. The former -mlftdat of Ille U.8.8. En1lrptlM rlllllmblll hll otd crww and -. off °" • rNlllotl to find IN my9tert- au1 _.. reapoilllbM for me o.trvcUon ot nurner-oue F«Sar111on atartlllpe 'G' ~CC> ••• "8uml" (1970) Marlon 8rando, Evarilto Marquez. A .,,,.. Por- t19*1 lllancl'• 1truggla lor lndepend1noe 11 ~by. crmfty 1~ century Brllllll c:olonllt. (8) * * * "SST. Dlueter In The Sky'. ( 19 77) loml 0r-. Bwgau Merldlll'I. The mlidan lllgfll of I IUP*rlOllic: lranaport 1um1 lnlo • nlgl'ltrnar1 when uboteln ,...._ I deadly vltua. 1:11 (%) * * "My llloody Val- ltltlne" ( 1981) Paul KM- man, LOft ,..._, A am111 town ~•.0..of ..,.,or ctumg I"*" _.,., • Vllliantlne'I Otly dance. 'R' l:IO •• *. "8lllfll Mollie" ( 1978)...... aroou. Mar1y ~. A former movie director and hi• two eonon. 1ry to -• mator •tudkl from ~by flln*'O me ..,. ...,.. "'°"" leln~'PO' •M Cl) * *'~ ''8-M Ulce 01C1 Tim.... ( 1980) Oolelle Hewn, Ct...y <:Mae. A IOft·Nwt«f iewyer la torn --,_ "°'*"" ... hu1b1nd-turn1d·bank robber llnd her uptight ,,.... llulOand Mio .. ""'""'° tar c-.m. ~~11.'PO' tO:OO CC> ••• ~ "8arry l)'l'l- don" 1tt1s1 Ryan o·....., Mattu S.enaon. A llan6- _,. IOldler find• action llnd r-In Ille 18U.- canu.ty BrUiltl army 'PO' ®****"iv-VL Kramer" (111711) Outtln HOffman, Maryl ~. A man l>lttlll wttll hie ex- wife for <:UalO(jy of their young eon attar she walk• out on them 'PO' (J) ***"Royal Wed- ding" (19511 Frid Allalre. J-Pow.II A IOnQ-and- Cl&nee learn ~ I per • ronnance In England 11 Ille lime that ~ Eltzabelh II II putting the final touch- .. on lier "'8trirnonlll plane. 11:00 . ···~ "Ounn" (1987) Craig St-1. Edward ,,....., Privet• eye Peter Gunn la ukld to lnveatl- Q!le. gangtand nuder. ft :t0 CZJ * * "Dirty T rlekl" (1981) alott Gould. Kata Jactlton A Harvwd pro. '-~the quarry of Plt'lorll an:doul to Olf Nit MIMll••,... ............... by Geotfl w ... .-. 'f'O' tMO ••• "Tiie 0.....-. Of N9w Yorll" (1 ... ) oete ICl\lflf, ...._ ,._.._ A '"°'~-" .... plMMd bflln "' • ... t•on'• eon tteoo,,.., ..llMt*:ana.,, .........._ ••• ~ .. ,.,. ... ldnlgM Min" (1'74j 9Wt w.. tit,.,_. ai.t.. A OClllat llOWllY ... d ...... l'lllifl; .... .... llfladow1 dlr wtlO mutdlt9d a OM1PU1 OCMd. •.... ., ...... ~. ( 1tN) Qlftl GMlle, Dortl Day. TN City edltOt o4 e llrte .,......,., 00-10 • iOUmllllm .... .. edlool and .... "' loW """' "'* tead'8r. t:OO•• "Che''(l .. 1)Don- lld 8_,INrland, IUMft ANpedl A rlldle DJ lftd a repor1er try to eicpoae an ol IN8NI•'• ... 10 drM up ... prlcel by oonuMno an o11 anonaoe. ·w 1:1' Cl). *'-11 ''Hlltory Of,.,. World -ltlft r' (1911) Met Brodie. Mldlllnt Kahn. ....,, •• ~ lllleoty -"°"' NMndlt1hll oew-""" to u. 9pallWI ~ lltlon -· ~ 'R' 1::IO CC> "Ur>lon City'' ®••'.\"~Men" 0981) SIMy Spaollt, !rte Robltta. In ta.4, ..... pflorie oPlf•lor In 1 lrNlll Teue town llCl'lftcll ,_ ••anding In the community ....,_,_,·~-- with • combat-bound .. or. 'PO' 2:::IO •••• ''The Concar1 For Karnpuc:ih91" (1N0) Paul Mc:Cal'tney, The Who. A ho9I of rock~ trt111rY of whom twt I~ er In an1 llMlar rbck on:it.-ra, lire taetwect In 11111 r-d Of a•_,.. of conoeru hltd b Iha --. lltofrallefto-~ Cemboella . 8*Cl>•••··T11e~ WlYI" ( 1973) Ingrid Beri>- rnan, JohMy Doran. Two Chlldren run 8#ay lrom home and hide In .... YOtk Clty'1 Metropolltan .._..,of Art. .... .,.., are beifl1eodld by a IPlrft· eel rec:luN ·o · Cl>**** "Kr-VL Kr_.. ( 1179) Du1tln Hollman, Meryl Streap. A man baltlll wlltl 1111 •· wife lor c:uetody ol tNlr young Ion •Itel' ...... out on them. 'PO· 4:00. * * * "A Man Clleed Gannon" (1989) Tony FrandoM, Mic:t1M1 S-m. An ~ICed -. boy .... G>ou1 ~ lfl E.alltsn dliOe Iha "*YI of the range. <C> •• th ''Toby And The Kolle Bear" (1N1) Rolf HarTll. UYe action and anl- metlon oomblne to ...... 1161 of I 1'CMIQ boy and .. pet kOllll In Aultr9111'• frontier dl)'ll ca> •• "Otl Hea¥lflty Dog" (1980) a-y CMM. BenJI. Whle ~. polUcll -~ In London, I private deteo- IM .. muroared and r-. cairnated • a ICNfTy dog. 'PO' •••-r-.... ·· (1MOJ .1-*aon Browne. Croeby. .... & Half\. Fooe.aoe "'. --of ..... nuata. poww CClnC*tll lllld Ill ,.._ Yor"k City duf. Ing Saptemtiw, 1t1•1 le1turlng Ill• Ooobl• 8'otlllr9. Catty Simon, "*-Teytor llnd 8Nce Slldngateen. 11 oompiled In Ihle documentary ·PO· 1:00 Cl) * * '"" MS tar Trill -The Motlon Pictuni" ( 19711) WWarn Shltner. Leonard Nlmoy The former com- mander or the u.s.s . EnterptlM ,_blel hll old er-and ..c. off on 1 rnllllon to llnd the mys1ert- OUI _., r91P01111bie tor Ille deltructlon of -· OU1 F ederlllon llM'lhlpe ·a· (%) * * ·~ "5-111 Like OICI Tim.... (1980) Ooldle H--., C'-Y 0-. A tOll'"'-'ted lawyer 141 tom ~ hit hopl6lal ... hue band-turned-bank robber Ind lier uptight .,,_i l'lulband who .. running for C11ilorn11 ettorney general. 'PO' JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batluk ~,...-~~~~~ ..... I I I l I Tho BMC:h Boy., 1mb0 rsdon Of Southern C&Uf omJa's tolar Ut.ltylo for 21 yMn, wW perform Sunday at the lrvlM MHdowa amph.ltheeter. The $18.&0 and •14.50 reaerved ttata are eold out for the 8 p.m. concert. but IHtinl on the lawn, at •10.&o each , l• aUll available. ICICO.rdin.a to a apok.emnan at the box off lee. men than eo ltO.. IChedui.d from May throulh S.pbnnber, ~ thelr promotert. TM ft'OUP II p1a at the MGM Grenet ln Lii Vtp1 wlll arrive ln lrvlne followtna a performance at the North Dakota State Fair. lt 11 the orillna1 lfOUP on tour: Brian, Carl and bennti WI.lion, COUllln MUte Low, Al J&rd.lne and Bruce Johnlton. In ~t toun, the .srouP hu made u. of bllCkup muatdana to ~~IO\lnd. kQat-tlWI .............. ~ <:::> ...... ~ l~J'•••o.,. LUXURY THEATRES ... ---NOW IHOWING,--- llllA lllVt•f OAAHI UA ,.._ ll0-4022 ~· WINW141t ........ ,. 0 I 139-1770 COITA 11UA 151.olH WHTlllllTH ...... T• 131·3601 Mll110I YIUO Moultfl Chit-.. Wn1 ...., ... VAlllY Vitlo Mall 41&-1220 H1·31n ~ ,_... V1111'r IH·1500 •OMlll ~ 134-2553 11CC1m': ;::'::L ... ,., • !!!llZDl70MM M 111N"' "ANNIE",.., ----· ... ..,~ NIGHT'8 UXCO.OY"..-1 ------- "POLTERGEIST" CH> ___ ...__ LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi( IN "ROCKY Ill'* CPO> • ,_ DOUY nt•o ___ ,_ ..... ,_ LAKEWOOD C OllTfQ SOUTH WAI• IN "ROCKY Ill" '"°·n _ __ ,_ ...... •ocvl'Y ol Co1'141•wo04 211/IJl·tllO .. YOUNG DOCTORS IN LOVE"1111 ......... ,,..,_ "THI u:;.~1.:"-NIMH" 101 M All TiftNQS MIGHT ANO mAUTW'UL" 101 ., ... .,., .... "DINEA"1111 ----- "Tll• , .... , Dooton 11 Ltwe" '"T'M8..,. , ... ..,aur • ..-NIGHT'• .... c.-Ml!I! TMS eoecww .... ... co.or.. ~-=:.=:,..;;;;r.;;..;;.~----...~~-:t----------..,.,.._,...._ I .,..._ ... ...._.,....,. ,. .. ,, '-.() COAST WAlK IN k>vffl COOtf "1WVY ot lfoodwoy • 414-1514 # ~ "M' V ANAHEIM OlllVHN ,_ .... ~II 1,._.llO iii ....... . BUENA PARK [ll/'Vl IN ---- ~ I '1 /II. ,, • f LINCOLN ()111\/f IN "ROCKY Ht"'"' --·---:tc ............... _.._ __ _ POL TUIUtaT"',... .._A wdtvaa"..., Qltt "'~ lekft .... So Of 0.Wlltll GI-II*-¥ 191·3691 "M)CI(.:.. ... '"' ..,. ltMO" 411) "CU'" Of' lt9 TIT MS" tN1 ....... =--" 4"' ~." IOUllO ::1111 fl IOUllO --..... "YOWIO DOCT~ .. LOV." 1111 "A~CNI Cllll II IOIMO :.J~AN(j,l I 11111 1 '"' l\emlnl1cent of a rainbow, colorful California aummer frulta are now at tbe!I' peak of abundance and flavor. Golden peachea, mahopny col«ed pluma, l"OI)' nec:t.um. and 1WUV n1Jow Bartlett peara ofter a wealth of aumnel' Qm\U pallllbWdel. ~their pl:!'f appearance, con~ ~ and nutri benetitl with thla arny of er.Uve Ndpe1 featu.rina summer fruit.a in f!WllY COW. from IOUp to aalad throuP deller1.. Tbe perfect bevence eccompu\lJ'Dent for your qutdoor patio buffet? Ref.relblnl .iced tea. of coune. J'or openen, begin with a cold creuny fruit '°'1p. Nec:tarinel ltar' 1n th.la quk:kly blended and anildly curried SenegalMe Soup. Tbe main coune, a Giant Skewered Mixed Grill, c:ontaim both beef and lamb plua sausages and chicken winp aeuoned with an herb butter ....... -· Aticompany th.la with an artfully arranaed ftWt and vejetable aa1ad platter. Potato alJ9ea, red on.ion rinp and alender Jl'"ft bean.a ue ~ted in a tangy mUltard vlnalgrette, eerved an • bed of frilly lettuce and IWTOWlded by' ~ ot golden ripe peechee and tarkw&el plµma. Deeaert la a lhowy fruit torte with pears and plwm lldom1nc the top of a lpc:>Qge or yellow cake and glued with peach or apricot pr..erves. Whipped cream piped vertically makes a deccnUve border. An alternative del8ert cOuld be 1lliced tresh peaches or nectarines topped with fluffy Sherry Cloud Sauce and sprinkled with Praline Lace. GIANT SKEWERED MIXED GRILL 1 pound beef top round or sl.rl.oln 1 pound lean lamb (or UM 2 pounds beef) 4 green peppen 12 green onion.I, trimmed ~ pound aauaage, halved if large 6 chicken wingl, baked In 400-degree oven for 20 minutes Herb Butter Baste Cut beef and lamb into hefty 2--inch ch11nb Cut green pepper into 3-lnch aqua.res. Cut 3 incbee from bulb end of gNel'l onions. Alternate beef, lamb, aauuae and chicken wlngl with =pepper and bulb end of oniom on 3 or 4 akewen. Bruah with Herb Butter. Grill 2 above medium-hot coela. tuminc and bllltlnaoften with Herb Butter, for 35 minutea or until dime aa desired. Makee 6 ~ Qertt B•tter Bute: Combine " cup butter, 2 tabJespoom lemon ju.lee, 1 teupoon l'09elD&J'Y (crumbled), 1 teupoon aage (crumbled), W teMpoon aalt and 1 larp clove prllc (minced) in a aaucepmt. Stir over medium heat until butter la melted. Place mixture <Jn grtll to keep warm while cookina meat. PWM & PBACll SUMMER SALAD 1 pound red potatoes. bXled and llioed ~ J)o'md r'4 omom. tbJnly aJJced 1 pound areen beant, •teamed for 12 minutes Cll' untll t.ender-<riap and dnlned well Mu.tard Vlnaiptte nn..lnc :rntlylettuce 3 fresh pe9Cbel. cut Into wect&ee 8 f;reUl plums, out into wedges W pound feta cheele, cut ln1o ~-inch cubel (optional) End your 2 tableapocna capen (optional) Arranae potato.. cnSona and peen been. ~_pu:atefy on~. Drtale with ~ cup MUN.rd v~tte and marinate for ltY'eN1 houri lf polllble. a 1arp IUtier with leUuct. AlftDlt pelCb and plUm Mcl8M in a rlna Oft leUUL'e. Amn9i ~ldf*toll. oNom ancf beam lndde rinl· 8 potato. wlth capen. DrtaJe ,..,,,..,. ~ cup dnlllnl owr all. Mam 6 .mDll· Mu&aM V ........ tte Dre11ia1: Combine M cup white wtm vtnepr, 2 .tableli>oca Dljoa mu.tard. ~ t-:c:' lalt, ~ tellPOO'l pepper and 1 medium prlic in electric blender. Whirl to blend. Slowly add 1 cup vesetable oil while blend.Ina at low 1peed. Stir in 1 '::c:" bull (crumbleCJ) and ~ teupoon thyme. 1 cup. SENEGALF.3E SOUP 2. tlbl•poom butts 1 ~ teupoorw curry powder "' teaspoon aalt 1 medium onion. chopped ~ cup chopped celery 2 ll'Da1l or 1 larp freah n~tarinel, cubed . i-~ (14~-oun.ce llf.e) regular .irength chicken broth · ~ cup plain yocurt ~ cup hatf ..and-half "' cup aJJcecl almonds, touted (for pr.njah) 1 frelh nec:tartne thinly allced (for pmiah) Melt butt.er 1n larae saucepan. Add curry PoWder. alt, on.ion, celeey and nectarine cubel. Saute 2 or 3 minutea or until onion la tender. Add broth and. bring to boil. Gently boU 5 minutes. Cool Tum into e1ec:tric blender contalnel' and whirl until smooth. If prefernd, Pl"ell through a lieYe into a bowl Stir In yogurt and half..and- half. Chill thorouahlY· Serve with toest.ed aUoed almonds and additional al.iced nectarines on top. Dollop with yogurt. Make. 1 ~ quart.a; six 1-aip eervlnga. FRUIT WITH SHERRY CLOUD SAUCE 4 ea yolks ~cup sugar 2 teupoona comstarch " cup dry lherry 1 cup whipping cream 4 CUpl sliced fresh peaches or nectari.nee Praline Lace (op1ional) Beat topther • yolks. 6 tab~ ~ and com.farch in top of double boiler. ~ in sherry. Place <1Yf!r lbnmer1na water and cook .urrtna constantly until thJckeoed, about 1 ~ minute&. Cool and cb1ll. Whip 1 cup whll>Phw cream with nmalntnc 2 tableepoonl ...r -uMJ fold Into cooled ahen'y mlxture. Divide fruit amolll 6 cte.er\ diaheL Dollop fruit with MUICe and lp1nkJe with Praline Lace t. if dnittd. Mu.8~ '\ Pr 'tr I ...... GmeroUlly butt. a dmlilll. 14 by 17·1Dcb bUdnC lblet with .-n 1 ~ ...,. I IJ Cl'JIW tiuu.. 8p1nkJe wtth ~ cup brown atpr (packed) 1eavtna a l·lncb bcrder' on all --. Broil 8 tnc:bea frClftl ~ watcbJnc careN11y ~ tuminC pan~ PeYe!'t bumina. s minuta « \Dltil auaar' II bubbllnl. Cool t.oc.en lace with a spatula and tn.k lnto pMca. Sten in an a1rtiat1t container. meal with a Fresh cherries team with chocolate ... C2 PATIO PARTY -Colorful summer fruits provide both the table decorations and several l oounes for an outdoor gathering. t i : .peach of a dessert Oavored liqueur ~ teaspoon aalt 1 cup whipping cream Whipped cream and peech f ~decoration Pie Shell, bake and cool and dice peach-to rne..are 2 '4 cupe. Tum into food procemor or blender and pr'OCle9 to measure 2 cup1 puree. Combine ~ cup puree with 1emlll juice in small saucepan and sprinkle with gelatin. Let ltand & minutes to .often then .et 1n 1araer pan of hot water and heat, 1Urring conatantly until gelatin diaaolvea. S tir i n browned. Remove from oven and cool before filling. Makes 1 (~inch) abell. PEACHY ICE CREAM PIE 3 to 3 ~ pounds freah peaches (about 10 medium) 2 packages unflavored gelatin 1 quart vanilla ice cream, llightly toftened 1 baked pecan crust (aee below) Whi ped cream Slice 'f to 5 unpeeled peaches to meuu.re 3 ~ cupe. Puree in blender to make 2 cupe. Pour half the peech mixture into small Peaches are a summer I ruit, a symbol of the lazier., more relaxed days . • • . .. r • 4f"'A I . Fruit dessert dazzles Plump, dark, IWHt cherrt• are a welcome fr.h fruit for tumrner. They allo make fanwtic 1cMillert.a, •peda)ly when teamed-wlth the 1crumptlou1 flavor of chocolate ln chilled or frozen de11erta. Na creative approlCh to aummer fe1tlvltle1, featured here are t'W'Q P,•rfect chocolate and c))erry ·~~; ~ ~hoco at• fl Sweet ~ fcit~ entertain n1: P~~•e Browhie,... --~~ Ice Crea"' aiicESw"& Cherry8a\IQ&ttor-.i ~ ,_ SWBET CllBRllY AND CBOOOLATB BOMBE 16-ounce packace pound cake mix Sweet Olerry Sauce (recipe below) 3 tablespoons almond-flavor liqueur (optional) ~ cup miniature semi-sweet chocolate chips 2 cups heavy cream 5 ~-ounce packaee vanilla instant pudd1na and pie filling 2 cups milk 1 teaspoon almond ~ Coco• Whipped Qoeam (recipe below) Cliocolate Fudce Sauce (recipe belo1¥), optional Bake pound cake mix according to package directions in a 9-inch loaf pan; cool comple te ly. Meanwhile, prepare Sweet Cherry Sauce. tUCft Into trtaql" to flt. Sprinkle Ot.ke llioll wlth almond-flavor =W'· lf deelrtd. Set remalnlna '"'-· Melt chooolaie chl .. ln top of double boiler. •tlrrlna until melted, or microwave In bowl 2 mtnutet on hlf h. Cool al.llhlly. Beat ~ cupa heevy cream until t0ft peak• form. Pref:b,e lnatant puddln& ,.u l clnc:tl uaiDI Clftl1 2 CNJS mil~. Gently told wht~ped er.am aod almoad exttact In to Fresh BMf Btlsket ':~::I" Self Short Ribs ==. Boneless Steak...'l:l='1. Line a 21h-quart bowl with a lum inum foll. Slice pound cake into \h -inch thick s lices. Completely line bowl bottom and sides with cake slices, cutting some Breaded Fishcakes c.-~ -"jiiiiijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1 ) Fresh Salmon Steaks .:=.. CAMEO COUTURES ~USTOM BRAS" The bra for every woman (ID 11.zea 2&-50) •Increase your bustllne naturally •Firm and tone delicate tlssu.e •Complete comfort -no strain • AllO Brust Prosthnls. for femininity after mastectomy •Featuring custom swimsuits. casual wear and llnperle HARD TO BELIEVE?• WE'LL PROVE m (714)1•• •••• CALL FOR Ra PRJv ATE CONSULTATION ~ EUROPEAN COSMETICS OWi YOUR OWi BISllESS Seeking new experiences, a new challenge, extra Income? Large, prestigious European skin care company now beginning U.S. marketing. Earn extra money teaching European skin cara classes. Part-time or full-time. Feat track devetopment program for potential managers, Exciting ground floor opportunity. For Information call: _(714) 855-0855 eeonc:a °" APf'UGATIOll fO elLL ALCOllDLIC lftaMD Orange Roughy Fillets 1111t-.. ~·'"' ..... ,..,, "'-''"' ..... -· GROCERY Fresh Qround Round = ::C 111 121' • Scott mlly Pad< Napkins o1"1\o 69' Boneless Chuck Roast ~·~ • 1111 •0or1tos Chips :::;: (l1m112) ·~ 11'" Bonefesa Stew Meat c:::;.. • '1" m; Juice Bars ~ ~1 '1° 7-Bone Roast Fryer Breasts ~ e:"'a.. Fresh Pork Steak .=., ............. J139 5.: '5" ~Cragmont Beverages • '1" . •Grey Poupon Mustard • 1251 •Chocolate Milk t::'J: ' GROCERY •30 Slice Bread ,.w;.. •Grainbelt Bread 111117~. •Cottage Cheeae i.-.. ,~79c 1~ 89' 3i! '689 ~ '129 t: 59c 1t= 89' """87' HEALTH & BEAUTY Safeway Cosmetic Puffs BobbyPlns u. Safeway Mint Toothpaste Conditioner Shampoo ~ Oral B Toothbrush I a-11 LI. &YI. ''11 .... llTIOIT walllfft.YW11 LAMB SHOULDER $ 2 39 BLADE CHOPS .. ·••• •· SMALL LOIN s31a LAMB CHOPS ...... 11. o BONE s2s1 · LAMB CHOPS ...... 11 ... FRESH GROUND SJ 89 SIRLOIN................ .. • BEEF ~ SHISKABOB .......... S2 Marinated or Plain • FRESH $221 SANDWICHES . •••••• , 1 F roin Ovr Deli • iTHE HAM SO GOOD WE BUil T A STORE AROUND IT. • Boked and amole~ up to 30 l'l0ur1 • •Solrol llced~ ff'le~. • -covered with our ..aet glaze. · • Bett at room temperoture ao no heo11ng neceuorv. •Just cal. order and pick It up. · · WE DO GA TEAING •GIFT CERTIFICATES llOEEMAllU NIYTM: ATNNLOCATION Who 's Who? ' Who 's New! Or1n99 OoMt DAILY PILOT/Wtcfneeday, July 21 , 1882 WASHINGTON (AP) -Con1umera prefer r•aJ•hJe ptdcar. and t.ck o1 th1I oonv..uenc. ii cited u a major problem. flCIDOl'd1nc to • 1urvey conducted 1'901ntly b~ldcqe ~tudy ·icon· 1wnen' Percepltom of Food Packacinl•" wa1 carrled out ln •upermarkell, where 1hopper1 • were queattoned about their preference• ln ~~y ehowa that amona four packaalna char.cterilUc:I 1ouncl to b e o f p • r lite u l a r bnportance to comumera, three concern 1toraae life . In order of atanlflcaoce, the three characterlatlc1 are: 1toraae life of unu1ed portion , eaae of reeealabWty, and abWty to atore at home. The fourth factor it eue of recasn'!dn& contenta by the pack.qe exterior. Sixty-percent of conaumera polled aaid that packaging influenced at leut eome of their purchaae deciaiona. "The objective of the atudy waa to provide 11atdance to the packap The IU1Mt drew In the Weat ... a Dally Piiot Cluallled Act Call t oday &42·&e71. <*fin industry ln order ana.l»r portlona of food ," to 1 m.p to v e food notet J"obn ,.B. Carroll, paek11rn1 relative to vice pre1ldent of the oontumera' exprt11ed Cloe\lre Manufacturen Medi." Mid Stuart M . .woda\ton, the ind~ Berni, ~t of the lfC!UP repreHntln1 Pack a 1 e Dut1 n• ra Mild1nl maken of metal Couhcll. "Since and phtUc cap1. con1umet1 exprHHd .. ReMalable metal and 1trona concern• a~ut plalde ~ ort Jin be6nt able to r....i f.Ood put a lid on ~ ~ &n order' to kMp ~ the Mf• lllliDI contentl freah lon1er. of food to .,.._rw tute, new rackaalna 1hould appear~ and nutritive f • • u t • e a 1 e o f content." · r1 d•bWty." In addition, he potntl "Wlth tmaller famillea out, .. Ca pa i nau re and more· llnci-Uvtnc potency of 2 ~ blllion ~. ODOIUme!"I require pre 1 c r I p tl o n 1 a n d pharmaceutical• each YMr and maintain tM quallty of bevera1et, f\ou11bold producta, ~ and ioiletriel. e find that today'• economy 11 makln1 lhoppen more intent on avoidlne w..ie, IO they look tor p1ekaael that belp keep foodl 1reah." Ovarall, he edda. the advantac• of reeealable contalntn are that they: -Allow the consumer to UM only a port.Jon and •Vt the real. -Provide a lonaer Ufe after opentna. But con1umer1 1hould rem1mbe11 to read the label to .... f the pn>duct call• for refrt1eratlon after openinl; thole that do not require ref rl1eratlon 1houJd newrt.he1-be kept tn a cool, dry place. -An recyclable aft.er Ulej keep lf*lnl, rice and breakfalt Oereeb fresher by tranaterrln1 them from box to wide-mouth jar. -Are often clear, aee·throuah Jara that otter vt.lble evidence of quality. ~ 'lbv trt tvt~11t4 to Kt 11 ou1 lttfll lo! the rtde111ot•o~ 01 1~11 COllOO" Wt ••II rt1111bllru you 2SC plut Jc 101 h1ndkn1 11 11 hH betn 11ud '" 1ccor<11nc;1 w1lh our co" IWl!ltf oner ·~~ OlntM 04llChtltJ>b11fl1Cotnl JIOC-10 COWi co11oon1 llltl41111fd IOI '9Cle11tlll101t 1111111 • •Nit• °" ,.....11 Cottpon •• wood 11 .... d ptol11tliled or ol...,wtw r.sttlcled ti,.., C..tlo-~ •111 ult• •• Cull .,..,. l/lOC Good ol\fy '" U S A for ,.,.,,.,,..."Of OIOl*IJ ltCll*' •nd blldlld couoon "'''' 10 NABISCO. '0 lo• 17S4 Clntoa. IH• Sl7l• Oller knuted IO Ol\t couPO'I oer ~cu .. ti llASISCO S-reCIMd Wll..c or sro<)ll SIU ""9ddtd WllNI C.....,. ..,.,.. ~1111 Jl. 1m 44000 602373 ... . 25~1 -: .. ________ ii ·TRY NEW ST -UMM. AND ,WE'LL TAKE ~HALF OFF.--: Toaet yoor St•ll·umm ietuod on lhe l•oi size. send"' t111scomp1tted certrlatt I •IOlll with one UPC Proof of Plifcl\Me from the back of • 1• Ol size PICkl&t o1 I StNli·umm n • cash "&ISiet ~ With the pric;t of StNIHlmm. Slndwtell Sfulcs c11tlfd WP will ttndyoua cash refund f0t 111Jf thtllT'IOUfllyou 1)9td for.._.._: MAXIMUM REFUND: $l 75. ThrS C"1tllCllt m"5I ICCGmpel'ly yOUI Itel""' IHch.w· ca111 teptoductd terof!Cltft wor nae bf honol1!d RE-QUESTS CONTAINING THE UPC SYMBOL FROM THE 24 Ol OR 32 Ol SIZE Will ALSO BE ACCEPTED HOWEVER THE $1 75 REF'UNO LIMIT Will APf't.Y 'lbu1 offer nsnts may nae be 1ss'8flld 0t t11nsft1~ Ltmrt one ielund pern1mondlddrtU E.lchrequntmusl be l'll•lecl wpe11tely Cett1f1t1tn llf nae IVl•ltble by mail Allow ~-ks lot delo;:?pc1 onlyllt ~. Cll+- fomil, Coloredo. Kansas. ,... bmM, IMw !Mako, '"'8dl, ldlllo, Oldlllol!ll. MeMIM. "'-· °"'911, ~. w,onilnl and Utlh. OF'fO Ul"lllU SCPT.15.1912. Mall to Stelll·urnm · Hall Pr~ Offtr PO Baa3164, W11l1f1110td. CT06492 N18111t.----~~----~_;_..;.:;;.._..~-I Adch----------_;;,___.... ___ City ~"°"p __ _.__ I l'ulelmed•~------------~-1 ~11 refund half the ~eon 1~: Steak:..mnn• I all beef sandwich steah " .. ~ : I , _________________ , Al I BFEI-SANDWICH STr.M.~ . \I " l If MARTIN ILOANB oHh·off eoupont -11'9 followba8 refUnd refund form and five 11•11.,.1.-1 8.WIJ'T 11 Refund b'om four dlff..-.nt Tio Wheft•you riu. ln a beYet• refund offen offtrt Ht worth UO. complete 11Mlt from rl rn Offer. Send \he ~ulrtd Sancho dlnnen. ~ 1\lptrmarke atilt to with ~ coupon1, Thlt week'• r•fund Armour Star Dried Beef. form and Uuw UnlYenal Feb. 28, 1988. watch a man ln • .Wt for example. 8t~r offen haw a toW value Jex~ Die. 11, 1982. Product Code 1ymboll MMe'• a refund tarm eetdnl up a merchandlle collectln1 th• nttdt ot tn.eo, ARMOUR TURKJ:Y and the tn1redlent (1om any tbr .. O.Car from 1 n y of th• to write for: CareH, dt1pfay or checktna =o~~w 1 ARMOUR C°HILI HA?1t. Rectlve a tl .. Uatement from any Mal!'_Lean'n'Tuty followln1 : Swift Sb.ield, Dove, LlfebuOY, !::::;~r,.h:~h'.:"~! refund 7o;:', ~ ~u~l~rrl!:t~: ~:~u~~~ · r:,~: I~~.! ~ ~~ := l:iilr' &xplret Nov. ~:ue1:11~~. mPt:.~ 1 ~r,: i: ~ ~ W'OtU for ~ ltclft or 1 up er mart• t, l n :3ulred refund form aftd two lab4'l1 from JUmboOourmittBreeded SIZZLZAN <;oupon Pepperoni, Snack and Minn. OU48. Send a the manufaewrv. new 1 pap ere and _... ,_...._,... Armour Star Turkey Fantail Shrimp. Explree Ofter. Receive a '1 8 and w l ch S l 1 e eelf·addrel9ed, 1wnped In fact. ht may well be maa11tnt1, and when four cam...,.te •-Ham or Armour Star Dee. 81, 1882. coupon for 81ulean. Pepperoni. Genoa envelope wUh your • ~~~ broker? ~a:~~~ ~·!~ ':~e,ni·~ t:,.. ~sf.~99~' =-&: :1~ U:2~ l. L~: ~:~.~A J,f.~ ~.~~:d t ro·r~ ·:n'd' rt~: = ~p~ ~· ~~~o:_ ~'i~• "That'• one of our available 11\ all areu of ARMOUR DRIED BOOTH '1 Refund Receive' a 11 refuna. Un!venal Prcduct Code 1'10 SANCHO Ca1h $1 refund on t be ~~obl~m1," aaya Ron the country. Allow 10 BEEF Refund Offer. Offer. Receive a U Send the required aymboJ,a from any two Ref uod . Send the ~of peper platel, lllrp<la, vice pretident week.a to receive each Receive a $1 refund. refund. Send the refund form and three Slnlean packaaea. required refund form cup1 or napkin• - of Adorn. Birleda and refund. Send the r_equtred required refund form proof--of-purchue 1ea11 Exptree Oct. 31. 1982. and the botiom panela ~ ~t. 30, 1982. Dankl,oneoftfwlarpltt ,...-----------,.--~.,..---------_,;._;_.. .............................. ~--------------------------~--------------------------.:;..... .......... ...;;.. __ __.;;.__~----- food brokerap concema to the New York mecropolitan .... ''Very few comumera ldliow the Important part ~ food broken play in pu tttna food on the table,'' he 1ay1 . ··~. the tenn food broker 11 ml1leatUna ~ .,. Do bancll&- rbany of the non-food ,...,. that¥°" find in the ............ • 'What aervioee do food tiloken perfonn? ''In our marketing •rea, we work for -'tveral manufacturers aW aerve as their local aile1 force,'' says Bkaieda. "We aell their ~ to wholeaalen, cooperatives and .,.~e~·that tle merchandise fa deUvered on schedule, It'* our job to check the abe1ves to be sure that lt ii properly displayed. IDlteed of manuf.acturen having hundreds or even thouaanda of local saJa people across the country, ther can employ ua." But why would a company uae a food broker rather than . having its own sales force? "A food broker can P"Mde a company with more knowledge of a local marketing area," he explains. "Our sales people have more experience in working with local buyers and retailers. We may also be more eo1t-effective since food brokers work on cunmisaion and <lilly get ptid for the merchandise they lltil. Lower Riling co1t1 for the manu- facturer mean lower prtca for the consumer.'' f'We alao help our manufacturers in deciding how best to introduce their new producia. For example, a company was interested lo tntroductng a new peanut butter in our markeL We helped plan the introduction. "We presented this new product to the bJJyers and convinced then to carcy it because it offered quality and a favorable price. As a matter of fact, at the time it was introduced the leading brands of peanut butter were Mlllng for around $2 a jar and we priced our new brand 10 that it cQuld be 10ld for $1.59. It baa been a great soocesa and the prices of the leading brands have come down in order to be ccmpetitlve." Food brokers also advise manufacturers concern1ng coupons and refund oflen. "The retailers in our area wanted more promotlenal help from tbe manufacturers," Birseda recalla, ''and our D)anufacturers were looking for a way to give their trade promotions as well u their coupons and tefunds more impact. What we came up with WM a promoUon called Oreat Events whose Sunday newspaper color tmert rMCbed more than 6 mUl1on home9 lalt year. "The Great Events lriae)'t included more than $10 worth of coupon• and refund ottwa. It al8o produced 1JIDft than $300 million rn .. 1 .. for the par- !!:,~/!!!~'!.' "We food bn>ken are ~t to the effidellt .-cnbutlcn of both the too4 and non-food produqtl fovnd In .111»ermartr.eta. and J hope t you.r readen will ' more aware of important role we ,. l'lllCES fFffCTM 7 DAYS I /VA. ~S., JVlY 22 THIU W£Q., JUlY .)8 .. 1982 SWEET WHOLE MELONS CUT MELONS 31 l8 a.oz. PttG. FRESH GOURMET MUSHROOMS , .. U S 0 fl<. Chot<• leef CENTER CUT CHUCK STEAK ll U9 ~~~~~;;;· ~~~Oc;ST LB I .89 U.S.O.A. Choice 8onelel1 S..f loin FILLET MIGNON STEAKS .. LI.··" 12-or 9reo11 or Checldor TYSON CHICKEN PATTIES EA. 2 .69 BONILUIBI FAMILY STEAK --........-....... c~~ I ~ 99 ..... """""~ -· YnALCAn IHAUOOO• I 39 CONDmOlll • • 6 01 C°""trt flowet Ht-rboj V1ne9ouWot.1 MASSE NG Ill t/aJ 1.,..l, ,.,., ,.NDAIO l"&-cn. RICH'S COFFEE RICH 1 •• 25-o1.-IS.S-01. AHl'd Vori.t .. 1 SARA LEE PUOOIN CAKES . l<M>1. Aul'd. Vorleliet In luttw Souc• •• GREEN GIANT VEGETABLES .. .. .. • • TAITE THE LUICIOUI RIPENEISOF SUMMER .. . fA .79 -CHUCK llEAK BLADE CUT BEEF LIMIT 2 87!. BorM Smohd PORK LOIN CHOPS .. ~~-·~···LL 2. 99 Audy't Form, l·lb PORK SAUSAGE ROLLS . Rudy'• Form, 1'2-or PORK SAUSAGE PATTIES Coolu Slic.ed. VO< Poe 1.2 0 1 BEEF BACON ,O<Jfic froren Oefro•ted Efl<. 2 e 19 EA 1.89 EA 1.89 Au111Hottoe1 BREAQEO VEAL PATTIES lot!ie Juon. On A $lei!, 10.4 or ioRNOOGS , .... l ittle Juon, 1 ·lb RED OR GREEN BURRITO l,.-. Meo•~ Eal. 12·°'· CHICKEN STICKS l•,.. E0tt.,n l8. 1.59 EA 1.19 lA I . 19 EA 2 .69 BAY ICALLOPI ti 3.98 -1':~~~.~ .. ll .• 89 I Heot & Eot, !>luffed Pon Aeody Genuine A11or10 FllllH RIXIOLI ... L&. 2. 79 =llRIY .. le 4. 99 WESSDNOIL 48..()Z. BOTTLE U MITJ .99 12·01. AHCHi•d Vorl••i" 36-oz. FRITO-LAY DORITOS ............ 1.69 AUNT JEMIMA SYRUP 2 .49 S-01 Auorted Ve>r .. t!ei 1 S-01 A99 .. Hot. Th.di FANCY FEAST CAT FOOD ..• 29 NAllEY'S CHILI WITH BEANS .75 30-Count· I 3-0ol 16-oz. Cinnamon or Honey HEFTY TALL KITCHEN BAGS 2. 19 SUNSHINE GRAHAMS 1.09 64-or Chotl.d, Corton I 5 9 18-ot Strowbetry HUGHES ORANGE JUICE .. ....... • SMUCKERS PRESERVES 1.49 14-ot 30-Ct. A99., Svper or Oeodoront COMET CLEANSER .................... 7 STAY FREE MAXI PADS 2 .39 1.99 Mod9~1 lonl.t te 2.49 HORMEL PORK SAUSAGE Country ltorld lonb lB 2 .59 HORMEL PORK SAUSAGE Gorton'• Potato (rotp 8 oz FISH STICKS EA 1.39 Gorton 1 Pototo C"'P I '2 or EA 1.99 FISH FILLETS CINTUCUT CHUCK ROAST K:..1.29 1 ,.., c ................ C-•*-"O"""''-~c~d COLONY CLAlllC .... 2 .69 ''°'' t7 or N• lotit.,i...p f,-~,..,....., BECK'S BEE~ 3. 99 1)0 "'' ........ d PLAl~LABU WHISKf.Y 3.98 Bice dishes add (Jai~ Serve barbecue aocompaoimenta hot or cold . ~ and ~ war COAST are enjoyln1 renewed WILD NCI popularity, ParUc:Warly SALAD f,o r lJnformal •n· 2Mcupew•tar terta1nin1. They're 1 DldcUe (8 C>UIM*) tak1nc place on paUol or 1........ .fta1n le wild rice t n • c r • • n • d • l n ~ ..,_.. aluminum· framed 1 w cupa 1hNdded 111ebo1 ln backyard• c:arrota acrom the nation. ~ cup chopped Everyone hu f•vorite dat.et foods (cw thme outino. ~ cup veptable oU but tt'• fun to adcf"a 1 ~ tableapoon1 1pec••l touch . Ac· lemon juke . com~enta, 1uch 11 1 tea1poon au1ar THte -of Sprln1 Wlld ,.--~~~=~:-::-:-==~:::; Rice, can add flair. Wild Rlce wa1 one aaved for holida~ fonnal d.lnnen. the higheat quality rlce with long sratn white rice often special convenience and eue of preparation, 10 it'• perfect for any oocaalon, lncludlna picnics and ~. New summer menu r Jnme., 1a provided by aalads made using Original Long Grain & Wild Rice. PEAK OF THE SEASON! GET THEM WHILE THEY LASTt BLUEBERRY EXTRAVAGANZA 139 ... ••It• 011 Oolden, tfrst-of-thfl NUOn, local/ Hand picked, packed In Ice and delivered within ttours every day to each lrvln~ Ranch Farmers Market/ West Cout Rice Salad i1 a refreshing accompaniment reminiscent of an old- time favorite carrot slaw. Thia variatkJn combines the nutty flavored wild rice and long grain white rlce with shredd ed carrots and c hopped dates. The herbs and spices Int he rice mix blend with the dressing to season the sataa without tedious measuring. ~!lJI9N MUSHROOMS98~ Beat of all for entertaining, the entire dish can be prepared the night before, when things arenlt quite u I rushed; the rice won't get sticky or atarchy, j even when lt'1 ehllled.' TASTE OP sPa::~WJLD 1 medium on.loo. cut into W-inch wedges 1 tablespoon butter or margarine 2 ~ cupa water 1 package (6 ouncea) long grain & wild rice mix 1 teaspoon salt ~ pound fresh · asparagus, cut diagonally into I-inch Peca 1 rea or green ':f,per, cut into ·~-inch l. ~k onion in butter in medium aa~cepan over medlum h eat until tender but not brown. Add water, contents of rlce and aeaaoning packets, and alt. Bring to boil. Cover and simmer 10 minutes. Stir in asparagus and red pepper. Cover and continue to simmer until all liquid is absorbed, about 15 minutes. Makell 6 servings. Dressing works as marinade There's nothing better tasting than homemade salad dreaatng tossed with fresh crisp greens. What's more, this Versatile Lemon Dreming can be uaed to martnate rneeta too, like flank steak, chicken or I pork cbopa. ~ with lemon ju.ice Instead of vinegar, the dre11ing haa a fresh, dtrua taste that enhances the flavqr of boeh aalad and meaL VEMA TILE LEMON DRESSlNG FRESH I STRAWBERRIES OUR STRAWBERRIES ARE HANO-PICKED AND DELIVERED DAILY TO ALL THREE IRVINE RANCH FARMERS MARKETS RUMP ROAST Reg. 3.29 lb 2 ~49~ EYE ROUND ROAST Try It on.your Rotlsaerlel Reg. 3.79 lb 2.98lb tTALIAN-POLISH-GERMAN SAUSAGE Reg . 2.29 lb 1·.19 lb BAR-M , BACON Reg. 2.29 lb 1. 69 lb FRESH PACIFIC RED SNAPPER Reg .. 2.49 lb 1. 49 tb EAGLE ISLAND -10 oz CHOPPED CLAMS Reg. 2.49ea1.98ea LARGE HALIBUT STEAKS Great for the Bsr-8-Q/ Reg. 4.98 lb 3.98·1b STUFFED CLAMS Reg. 59-ea. 39c , ea G HONEYDEW MELONS 29~ HAVOCADONSTTY FLAVORED 59!. SP1NACHD6"29! PEACHES 39~ \ IRVrNI! RANCH Reg. 2.49 lb DRIED Reg. 2.69 R~!D 'JR!~ MIX 1.791> ~ICOTS 2.15 PACKAGE> OR UHSALTED APPLE MUNCHIES 8 oz Reg. 3.29 2.69ea OUR SPICIAL PRIC1 -HEAL TH FOOD STORl'S PRI . CHICO SAN -4 oz -ALL VARIETIES RICE CAKES •••..••..••..•••... 99. .69 .... 59 HAIN SESAME -5 oz -ALL FLAVORS 7 5 TORTILLA CHIPS ••••.•.•••• 1.19. .89 ••. ~ EL MOLINO -ALL FLAVORS -12 oz 99 NO OIL DRESSING ..•..•••. 1.65 .1.25 ••.• ARROWHEAD MILLS · -,. 2 oz PANCAKE AND WAFFLE MIX ••.•• ~ .•......•.• 2.12. l.&51.29 CARDIN I 1 9 SALAD DRESSING ...•.••... 1.95 .1.55 .3 10 oz -ALL FLAVORS WE NOW HAVE WATERMELONS, WITH OR WITHOUT SEEDS. NOTHING ME.ANS SUMMER IS HERE LIKE THE JUICY, SWEET FLAVOR OF THESE WATERMELONS. GET ONE TODAY/ CHEESE OF THE WEEK ao•;. Extra Creamy • IMPORTED FRENCH BRIE Super Value/ Reg. 5.49 lb 3.95lb CHARLIES PRIDE LEAN PEPPER BEEF Reg. 4.98 lb4.49tb SLICED TO ORDER WHITE OR YELLOW AMERICAN CHEESE ------t Reg. 3.39 lb 2.98lb -.~ NELOAM'S . GOURMET COOKIES, re1. 1.89 ............. 1.49 11 oz· CHOCOLATE CHIP· BUTTERNUT or BUTTER . . 100% NATURAL HICKORY OAK 2 ~9 CHARCOAL 10 I> Re1. 3.09 ......................... -:1 1------•T ALACER DBGEN·C 35 Pdet 7 25 . Reg. I .ff • SOI.GAR RNA-DNA 100 ,:tiJ'C:. .... 12.95 IRVINE RANCH FRESH MACARONI SALAD Reg. 1.19 lb .98lb LEAN & SPICY HORMEL GERMAN HARD SALAMI Rog. 4.49 lb 3.98., !l· IJ JBllllY D. MUD tM town ol Minclocdno. l 1ua-tec1 1.11& ~ OM Of thl IDClll bleutiful \hat more of Callfomla'• eou&al oommun.lUH In county falrt ahould1 \hi world. Zlnf and el, Cabernet • f for'• o f 'J l m lauvt1non and Conoannon , •h• O\ardanniy. lnWIWln& ln vt.MyVd w11 ii1klnl abou& ll now available Oft )'OW' wlnt mtrehant'• lhelf, label, not btUUH U w.i't .,od, but '*"'- aponaor wlne com-It'• • two-day atfalt, p•Utlona, Hptclally Aua. 1 anM, and 11 thmt ln wine country. ~ coOrdlna~ by U-' My .~ wu that ~ trom vea. while there w.... alreldy a n d E d m e a Cl• 1 ll9Yet&1 fain lpclNO&'lna viJw)'ardl; lMtwW WW c o tn p • tl ti o n 1 , a n be atwn t;y many 1ocU lnc:reued number would wine indu.try notablee, allow conaumera to and will cover auch compare reaulta, and topics u local hlatory1 wtMI that won at more atylH of wlnea ana than one competition micro-cllmatea. Tutln1 would be the ones to look ae11ion1 wlll fHture for. M 1 1 o u r c • o f lmprovtmtjlt. and new JnlOrmatioft •YI It Sa too equipment by a new l:i le lo w rl& •. Jlor ... ...,.....,...__......._....., __________ _ ~f•raaUon, coat and avauable acoommo Concannon U8 l Sauvilnon Blanc (about I.he aame In future )'tl&l"I, that there \vlll be no more of tht txctllent 8emUlon Blanc. Thia blendtn1 of Ba\iYlpon Blanc and Semlllon ta •fradltlonal tn French whtu win .. from Oravm. Many CaUfomla wtnel'IH allo add Semillon to their Sauvt1norl and Fume Blanc:a, thouah few u.. u h1ah a percentap u Conc&nnon. a.mtllon bal&ndna the •11re11lveneu of the 8auvl1non Blanc, and juat enc>Ulh oek to add oomplexlty without dullln1 either pap• charactft' or crt1pnt11. Thia win• cannot be called buttery. I\ la lively and will complement all l t w11n 't up to Concannon'• new tt.andard for the van.ty. Thia 1977 It pri>bably the • beat Concannon Cabernet ev•r -full, firm and round, Intensely varietal, but very reedy to drink. Several new competition aot off \he around in 1982, and aeveral man are lt1l1 on the drawina board&. ~ neweat entritlll are from San Franci8CO, Alameda County and Rlvenldt County. The California State Fair at Sacramento waa r•po.rted to be comldering reina\atln1 ill wine J"daina ... but latest inlonnation aays that won't happen. Santa Clara and Monterey have both con1idered competition• and may come throuah. One 1till wonden that Napa haa no Judaini. RIVER.SIDE -The Fannen Fair at Hemet (Rivenlde. C.Ounty) held ita fin.t compet:f tion this year, and in Jook1na over \he rule. and recuJ.atlona it aeemed all too famWar. A falr 1pokesman confirmed that the rut. were l1tted from the Loi Anplea O>unty Fair, the stat•'• oldeat wlne oompeUtlon. Most other competltionl have been attemptina to improve on some of L .A .'a we.lme ., One requir .. ment picked up from Lo• Anaele. is funny. It'• a requirement that all wines be price-posted with the state , a regulatory procedure no longer practiced in California. Unless pnce-. poated in some other state, many of \he wines could be technically diaquallfied Riverside a1ao adopted L .A . 'a cumbersome system of categories which include• such wortbleu claaaes as Cabernet Sauvignon Nouveau (I'm not• klddlna). Petite Sirah Nouveau and Late Harveat Pinot St. George. Somehow, they both missed ~harbono Rose, Late Huv-t. Thnml*)n and Barbera Blush. I'd like to tell you abo ut some of the winning wines, but \he information provided to preaa and w i nning winerlea la absolutely worthl.... Wineries are lia1ed by winery rather than category, _,j with no vintage, vineyard or special de1i1nation information. I know, for example, that Stony Ridge won a gold for Cabernet, but I can't tell, from the information provided, which one. Stony Ridge makes more than one Cabernet from different region• and with different vintage dates. daU01u, o•ll (91t) •.--. ... ---~-762.ec>U. owner, plU1 the CIWata P). TM sOod newt II the of a new ~. wine 19 one o1 t.M belt o1 kinda of ... food. It la lnteJWtina to note that \he winery 11 jwi releutna a '77 vintqe, Nn ULBAID l... I Abqut al.JC monihl "°' lta type 1n the aiate. n.. pr9dicted you'd b1e 11etna I expanded on that bad MWI II that th• new llOIM Vfll'Y apedal niew pr• d I ct 1 on • t t • r a winemaker ultd much of winee from Concannon pnvtew tuUnt of the Concannon'• Htat•· In the very neu future 1981 Sauvtpon Blanc. pown Semillon ln the due to the continued Proof that I knew what I blend, and expect.1 to do Subtlety la the word for the wine, with the (8" WINE, P .. e ct) Concannon 1977 Cabernet Sauvi1non (about $10) Concannon recently .old the entire erevtoua vintap of ita Cabemet under a prtva_te ________ _ LARtit:S BLUEBERRIES PIM . MEWJUtM:of OllO'*'lt CAT FOOD e 6~ CM ASSOll'Tm f'\A'<OllS LIMIT 10 C"'---........ pob 40) PRODUCE c~-watCom "'.19 ~"'U~ "'.15 a:Js::i...~ l9 .99 ~':.h~mben «> .25 .. ~ Red 1Apptes l9 .49 ~··~ Red ma ~.69 ~~hill Plant "' 299 FR0ZEN FOODS -- LIQUOR f>::iq~"1:;'" • IAOP 289 ~~-349 ~~---°"-LMl&.499 I ~UlUllOTI\.lt~ Jose CheYa TequU. 1009 a~ 999 I""""~ uc Nun umllch 399 ~-239 DELICATESSEN .69 ]29 POP VODKA LONDON BROIL J8 9 STFAK~ LIS TW "Ki.a 'ia7.90N!J.LSS TOP ~D ~~-..._...pdc'9Ult.J DISHUQWD 139 I 1'-LITO IOTn.E IOMXll'-Ul'lr 2 ~ --,., l20Z 9l\.(~,V()PP} L.Mf2(~--........... ,611 GROCFRIES MEATS MEATS ~'C.~Of. .79 ~a:-l9 248 ~1:19l&Nt l9 l 99 ~CutCom .39 Km~-· 1M)I...., .86 TAIWL .. 0. ....._ Hamburoer H~ g::;~~:-l9 248 ~· l9 299 1Ham r.-"~~ocn l9 229 ~~~T l9 } 69 rn; ""° ud1!'~"-'~ !tit.and N lu .83 ~~Liu l9 368 ~~ ... )99 ~ '•Rmln lkwl 149 e:=."'Ch!LM } 99 uckRoub l9 ~~.r~ f> 1 '9 ~B~trewbeny PrueM. 249 ~~~·e:p..,'%',~:'"t.209 ha'f:tt7; ll~,_~ f> 2 59 ~~~ }59 S LIM PRICE SLIM PRICE ~~~ 8tlcultl .85 Br;,~ Pe.ch Halwa .59 ru:~mgk~~~ .69 ~ci~Food .38 ~ .. }73 o.ti.gent lfm~e Fruit MIX .56 tlrn~~~n .+5 Kn~~a. .99 Kfn ~e Choe. Chips .78 Sl-J~VICf · S I A l OOD ~Tue.ga }39 C ~ Uquld Bleach .72 .t l ]33 4H 00 .99 .65 )09 ]49 139 ~~,.... l9 289 &'M:. 9Met;.... .43 Sn~ Aluminum Fol .49 • l .69 VONS BAKERY / '601. KERN'S CiRAPE JEU. Y t.17 s:e,~ocr;... ~219 )~=a~249 ~--499 HEAL TH f,BEAOll' l:~11111mpoo ~~"= IC.~~ ,.: ' \' ~ 1 -_,,.. -----------~-~-- ~egetahles fill pie • 'I' "• • 1 r v • h o f • OI the pit Witb ~ l u Mpoal\ tr.h dill pepper and onkll\ until • 1 'I s .,... dMt a.ltl and bl'oaaDll flaN'8. wwd tender. Add tom1toet 1"1,.....e, to \91 fnlih, Thl1-tatly, ct.Ucloua IK C\lpt eoarHly and dlll. ltir ln t.an. \11ty, pr••n 1rown dllh ll DIC1Aln to bloDIDI crumbled Noa:w11lan Combine Norwe1ien wtnaW. found in the one of ,your 1ummer thick fladlriad thlck UatbrHd end local marke\t or your fawn• · W cup buuer or butter. Pren a1aln1t own biacbud. naH marattne. meltlld bott.om and .._ of t Nutrhtou1 and VEOETAllLB J>IB 1 oup 1hredded inch buu..d P6t plare. ... ..,.,,..,..,, the v..W. . 4 e&. becon Jar~ ctw.t Spoon Y91Nble mlxtW'9 V•l•'8bl• provide u1 l cup broccoli flon1I l •ti•· 1ll1hUy into lftsmed cr\llt. Top vaited, delectable and "' c u p 1 11 c: • d betc.n w it h oh • • u . B •a t u n 1 l m I\• d way 1 of · muahrooml 2 CUPI half and half topther ..... CftUD and ...vtna u.m, "' cup cr-n pepper lot *'-Poon .U\ • • 1 t . P o u r o v e r Th» wptable p6t ll ltripi In tkJ.llet. oook blan; ve1etabl• and ohffae. unique fn that the "'cup 11.lced onion ~andc:rumble. S.t Bake at 87~ d~ for &UY Pm -l'Mb ~::r.~r:: ll•tbre•d •r• combined In rhJ1 IWlllr»l' hvorlt.11 • No r w • I t a n t h I c ~ 1 1arp tomato, cut aalde. In drlpp&np, •ute 4~ minutea. flatbr'tllld, nutrtdoua by .-ln~w_edaea:...=:..:...:....~~~~~~b-ro_c_c_o_ll~·-m~u-•h_r_o~o_m_•~·~~.Mak~-•-one~_e_-_lnch~~pie~·--~__::..=~~_.;;;;;;;;;:;:== ~~--~--~------__.;;...;;..-__;.;.._~~~--~~~----~~~~~ t'8elf, beoomea the hue f0t the p.. The • " then filled with frtab broccoli, mu1hr~om1 , pepper ltripe, Oftionl,Aomato. and topped wttb che.e. For added color and decoradcm, prn1ah the Kiwis . unknown - to niany The kiwifruit is haVlng'an identity crisis. Those who a re unfamiliar wUh the fasc inating fruit s eometimes call them "furry little brown thing•." A Virg in ia shopper thought they were fuzzy potatoes. A Cincinnati repo rte r , thought they w e r e moldy and tcmed them out. "Ben e ath t hat unappealing exterior , however, la bright emerald green fiesh with a creamy white core," said Charles Brader, a marketing oUidal with the U.S. ""llepartment of Agriculture'• Ag- ricultural Marketing Service. "When the fruit is fully ripe, the taste ls remlniacent of bananas with a da1h of watermel o n and strawberrielt." Kiwifruit ii the newcomer to the U.S. fruit market, and growers are arudou8 to improve i ta Image , Brader said. "It can add an appeeuna taste and look to menua," he said. "It can be eliced and eerved fresh or uied for jam, it11Y Cll' Juice ... Orlpn.lly known as Chine1e goosebe rry, kiwifruit la a native of the Yangtze Valley in centl'al China. New Zealand era, however, were the fint to realize its commercial value. They adopted the fruit and IWDed it after their nadve kiwi, a fllghtlem bird with grayish-brown hairlike pllqnag~. The New Zealand kiwifruit induatry developed after World War I1 and today is centered in the Bey of Plenty area n ear Tauranga. During the 1960s, acientlata at a U .S . Departm e nt o f Agriculture field station in Chi c o , Cali f .. developed methods for cultivating the fruit in the United States. and grower• w e re encourag e d t o experiment with n ew plantinp, Bnder said. Two growers bilported wveral tho\.mand plants from New Zealand to e1tablith the first kiwifruit vineyards. Today, kiwifruit ta a bJahly apedallr.ed farm oommodlty that baa come of ace In California. · . ~ly 3,800 .sw of kiwifruit are now in commercial producUon. Sh1Dll6n8 volume totaled 1,40c),ooo eeven-pound "flata" ln 1981 -up tram 15,000 in 1978. A flat hold• 25 to 50 Jdwlfndt, dependina on the llie. \ Callforbia and New Zeeland abare the tame markeU -mainly Weatern Europe and Japan. The Callfomla ktwUrult markettna 1ea1on rune from October to May, wbile the New Z.llod ....., lt from May to Nowmber. ~· •• USDA Cholce Bl(JdeCut Chuck L1m11 5teaks 'pllOI '"' .,., cU.r~r per..,, .8?- alpbs-Round Top or Sandwich Olympic ~1 ...... eal Bread Kraft lllrac:le Whip Bee Jtnoclnrurst or Hebrew National Franks 120Lpltg Dairy/Dell Values ••-•Meat V1luH••••• USDA Cholcelffl Clluc~· ... •·'°-·· 1 39 7-Bone Steaks =J ~ . PUllWIAf·"'-' ~., ...... ·-1 59 Cotto Salam ;.~: • USDA ~loneleM .... •• .70 -.. , 1 79 Chuck Roast 1~ ': • c;~~Riltici_iif 0 -i~~ '= 2.49 USDA CftoM•IHf Cllvell .... .,• .l.O -.. 2 59 Fa111Hy Steaks ~J ~ • USDA~ ...... IO-ta. 199 Beel Stewing •eat ~: ":' • USDA Cfoolee .... Cfl..cll ... ff ,ff -•· 0-lone Ro1st ~ ': lini."iir1'h~hs ~ -Flaherman'• Cove VeluH 1.59 1.19 ii8'm Sele ':' 3.29 ': 3.79 , ........... ,.., .. Sbarl& Fiiiet ._...,.._. ...... oe .49 D1nnon Yogurt •••• pllg. 0.-.~IHM ': 2.89 Monter1v Jack Leo'• •Miff ,......_~-AttortN ... ,,. .IO 1.29 Sllced Meat .... ,.... llfl•ry V1luea iiOi ........ " ......... ot Dog 811111 .,. .49 Chilled-Assorted Ralphs Fruit Drinks • ga1.bll. USDA Choice Bee•Chucic 7-Bone Roast ~Cilphs '"Naturcll Chofce· Mild Cheddm per lb I" 2Ply Brawny Towels llOct. roll .68 Clfocery Values ..................... -SpqlteHI o-.!Mllltt ....... •I H•••f lut Cereal i7 ii1811 lluce iii'11iilten "-UMl#Qr-.. ....... 1• latel'IMle IWMwc....... ...... 10 l'nlreno TOMatoes Double Coupon Present this coupon along with any one Manufacturers' "cents off'° coupon and get double the sav•nq~ when you purchase lhe 1lem Nol 10 include re1a1ler free or "grocery purchase" coupons or e•ceed rhe vatuo ot lhe Item Excludes hquor tobacco and dairy producls .Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 4 Double Coupons Per Customer Coupon Effective July 22 thru July 28, 1882 Present this coupon along with any one Manulacturers· "cents off" coopon and get double the sav1nqs when you pvrcn"e the •lem Not to include •ela•ler . "" · Of grocery purchase" coupons or exceed the value ol lhe 11em Excludes liquor, tobacco and dairy products Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 4 Double C~upons Per Customer Coupon Effective July 22 thru July 18, 1982 Present this coupon llong will': any one Manufecture~· "cents oll" coupon and~· Ooubl• the aaot1n~ when you purchase the item Not to 1nc111Qe ·re1111er ', "free .. or "groc.,ry purchase" coupons or exceed the value ol the .Jlem-fxcludas houor. lobKco and dally products. Umlt On• Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 4 Doubt• Coupons Per Customer Coupon Effective July 22 thru July 28, 1982 Double Coupon Present 1111s coupon along with any one Manulaclurers' cents oll" coupon and get double lhe sav1n~s when you purchase the item Nol to include "re1a1ler ·. · free' or "grocery purchase" coupons or exceed lhe value ol the Item Excludes liquor. lobecco and dairy products Limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and Limit 4 Double Coupons Per Customer Coupon Effective July 22 thru July 28, 1982 p\aY & Vl\I\~ svntcb est ttcs\pbS··· Agcs\I\ Over a mllllon people have been winners. .. WW the next winner be you? No pwchase necessary to wtn but you must be 111 years or older to play Available at all 102 Ralphs stores ln CalUomia. Details and odds ch art at Ralt hs. t ,... 1401. box IOOL "" 200&. boa '20L ""· 2IOL can '40L ··-Personal Care Values••• ,_91R ......... . SblVI Cr11m 22c:; .99 ,....., ... ., •. ,o• Dl"8sable Shaver ':.11• .99 ~-••"•·•o• Canon Swabs .r.a; .1.19 •••Produce/Floral Values••• ............ ,._ ...... 10 Honeydew Melons VIM~ ...... 10 T0Mato11 ": .29 ~ .59 . . .... - ... No lelto'¥eri with soulne Ma.t touflle r lpe1 l 11~111,111 wtll' l11n4 In flour ind ...,... ...U llNNftt of .,. formulllild '° """" I t1blt1,011• 11 • luuer bottom and ~Co*. IUti1nl 1h1111 ml•turt Into lour '° lhl ..,.,.., lo purpme lloUr 1lcl11 of •&wo U to heat un11l1owrmlxrnedtur1'"'"'11 yollul. l.U yolk mixture whi• dO 10" do'll 'thlre l '"'"°" lna&ant ll·OUMe eoup cu11 or ln&o ohHH mlxtutt • .,. two ot you and you minced OINGft coff11 mu11. Makt a -'*""and bubbly. IUr CJently but thotOUlhlJ don't want lef\over M \eupoon dry l·lnoh benil of &rlpl•· ln milk. Cook, 1tlrrtn1 fold Yolk mixture lnto eouflle? m~ ihWD• alum&nwn foil aannan&ly. until m.lxWri whJa CaNfWJ)'\dlWS. That'• ttllY -try M t111poon dried lon1 1nou1h to to bollt and thlcken1. b1tw11n the two Soup CUp SoufOt. lt11 a b a 111 or tar r a Ion, uoun.t ou~cmrilp Remove tram httt and preDared eupe. c1Mlk cM.t IOUffl• that opUonal 2 Inch-. Uy butw lt1t in ctw... Let cool Jfak• In prehHted hu been IC&lld down to 'it teMJIOOll.ltlt OM ldde of . Wrap for & m1nut41. HO·d•IJ'H oven until juat two .ervlnp. \Ii cup milk around outillde of cupe, In medium mlxtn1 puffy. de 11 c • u I y ~h It'• a amaller ""cup 1hredd1d buu.ed IAde t.n. Futen bowl beat •r• whtte1 browned and 1ouffl11 recipe, the puffy 10uffle Cheddar cMeii1e with ttrtnc or paper clip. and cnam o tartar at 1hake 1ll1htly when II u full of flavor u lta 2 tablllpOOnl ll'lted Collar ahOuld exi,nd 2 h.a,h 1peed unUI stiff but oven rack 11 Jently larger counterpart• Panneean ch.... lnchll above cupa. not dry, jwt Wltll whJtea moved b.ck an forth, becauae lt'a rich in 3ea&1.Mparated llumalluucepenmelt nolonaerlllpwhenbowl about 25 m.lnui.. Serve Cheddar and Parmesan "" teupoon cre.m of th.e 1 tablespoon butter. II tlltea . lmmed.lately. Sou/ne tor two lMJcee Jn llOUP cu,,. for hHrty (tJe8l cheetet. For a hint of r-~~~~~~~~~-:-__;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__;......:....:..:,__;_~...:;.:;.:.:.:.:...;:;:.;;..~.:.!:......::..=!:.:...:..:::......::..:..=~..!:::==-~~~~~ herb seasoning, add dried bull or tarragon. You don't even need a 80Uffle dish to make this recipe. Just bake the souffle1 aeparately ln two large soup Npa or coffee m\J&I. · To keep the souffles from puffing over the sides, collar them with small foil banda around the cups before add1ng the aouffle ~· Thick, heavy ceramic cupa tend to make soufflee with sligh\ly le. volume, IO, if you have a choice pick CUpl that are not ~ heavy. SOUP CUP SOVFFLE Z 1ervtn11 Butter Cooking · with class FASSERO'S In - ternational Cookware 1n Corona del Mar wtll offer a special seafood class taught by Betsy Mwlton at 7 tonight. Fee is $25 , and more information is available by calling the store at 673-2343. BROEK-MOORE in Laguna Niguel will present a Mexican fiesta taught by Doloris Hoffman at 7 p.m. on July 23. Mexican buffet food will be featured. and the fee is $20. Betsy Moulton wlll teach a children's class for grades 3 through 8 ln making omelettes at 10 a.m. on July 26. Students will be guided through a menu featuring omelettes with four fillino. a salad and hot bread. Fee is $10. Ann Dreyer will teach preparation of sandwiches in foreign style at 7 p.m. on t~· 12 The menu will ude Yugoslavla.n cevapclci (Greek lamb cylinders ln pi ta bread), lta lian layered aandwichea, Annenian cracker bread sandwiches and Daniah open-faced sandwiches. Fee la $18.50. Susan Slack rwill teach a clam in.. preparation of Japaneae party foods at 7 p .m . on Aug . 18 . Included will be such dishes aa meat-filled dumplingl with dipping sauces, sweet stuffed peppers with ginger sauce, fried noodles mixed with five ingredients, flower- sbaped lemon pickles, fresh fruits with liqueur and a surpriae Japaneee dessert. Fee is $18.50. Call the store at 495--0445 for information and clua enrollment. WINE ... (From Pase Ct) while most wineries are releaatng 1980 Cabemets, yet the price is still reaaonable. Juat because the wine ia currently drinkable, don't feel you have to drink it all up immediately. It will age nicely for a number of years. You won't find many five-year-old red winea th.la g90d a:nd for thi1 reasonable prlce. Stock up. Quick tips For a colorful and flavorful breektut, mix freah blueberdea with your ~ batter. Ii'• a nutriUoua treat eh kida will Jaw. -- To preeerve nutrieftta and make the talk ..... boO ~ poCatoel with the lldna. The lldnl wW 1ltp off ea1Uy wlth a lharp knife. .......... ,..., .... ....., J1c•c•111 ........ 0r ...... 1mr. on111J11c1 Mlr\telllbl llllllMI OH .......... Tom1111111 .............. 1111111 C:.t C4lftlr , •• iiiii1ft11 CIPI ...... , .•..•. ....... •••• ............ Ullll Dllllldlldkl 11*111 ...., ,. l.U ......, llllMll E ~ Jutcv ·sweet 39 ~Peaches ....•.• ~Tender sweet 16 ~ Yetlow com • ., • ... ~aountv I&. Towels . . . :A .. ..... ~"' 'r----i '\'~~ • M ,.,., .. , I l H ,, 1.1 ,_ -. GRADE A ·whole Fryers 18-Lb. Size MelOn ••• la .. 72 22-Lb. Size Melort ... 1& .88 Red Ripe -· watermelon LB. Flavor seat cround Beef !•Lb. Pkg. Per Lb. .,...., . ............. . ., ... llllllnl llCI .,..., frllt1• 11c1 .,.,., ,._ c1111n1w1r Florets .,..., ac...,.. Or 11 lralla POtaloll C..tC• Tltnlll llUCI tPOrk Loin Or Shoulder country style 1 58 Spareribs . lb. • Frozen Mako ~-Shark · 1 gg ~steaks...... • ips for boat cooks giveD . A• an~ toCHI 11Uor In t-anrh ,._ Htll oU In lar11 him , out In I ·Inch OOok him lftCI -.Y k" ow•, ,-,. 'h 1tr1 1 ra • d tum· 111 • ll"'!IJPM • Dutch <Min. chunkl (I t'UJll) tn oU In l1r11 1km1~, 111n1hlnt. and ~1•ntl y OftAin. ~ Cook llUIMI and onJcln 1 cu p ch o pp• d 1llrrtna fr.qu.ntly, unw "1IUtl Wl\W buUd up a l c:an (18 ounc11) ln ·on unlll uahtty ce1t7 ctltry ........ but not htarly appetite. Umlblanl.dn.lnld browned. Add lime tabllipoonoU Unfortunately,; mo1t 1 can (1&-ouncH) bMN ~ beianl. Ind l pac"••• (&.el =~Ct.': boa• have lmAll lf not ldd.rwy bMnl. dn1ned baked belftl. Combine ounc11) 'lnafant real packa11, water, and ~ plleyl. 1 can (18 qunc11) tom1to 11uc1, brown ctM.e -•&oped polltoel milk. , ......... -. until w.U Jr.n are two Ndpe1 baked t.uw 1u1ar, WorcHttrehlr• « CrtlPY top aCaUol*I tel "itb;; boil _.ped ~Uy for 1 c.n (8 ounu1) •uct, and mUIW'd; 1Ur polatoH whh aavory :=t'uce beet. :V:, u;j ..., ocddna. t.tm1tec1 \omato .uce tnti0 bel:nl: eover, brinl cn1on Ntrtaentar and _..,.,.,. 2 tablllpoom brown to a boU and~ etmmer 2 k CUJll water llmmer 10 to 20 mlnu• .,.,. celJI for muimum. IUCAr l& tni.ftUt& 8 aervl.nAI. ~cup milk 1tlrrln1 OCCHionally, uae of canned 1ood1. 2 tablt1poon1 l tomato, cut tn untilpotatomaretender. wptabl• that require WOl'C.9terlhlre uuce HAM A.ND POJ A TO wedgel Top with tomato and IP•CIAL'tY - 0•11•¥ thr•• b••a c••••rol• c•n b• ptwptUWJ In cram"ptd quan.n. Uttlie or no refrlprad.on, 2 tablespoom brown SKILLET 1 areen pepper, pepper; cook ~ mlnut. andllDOkedmat:awhlch _..!!m~Ultard~~~~~~~~~~~~!P~Ou~n~d~c~o~o~k~e~d~.U~loed~~~~~~~~~lc:inpr~:!.;_·~6~to~8~1e~rvtnp~~·~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..~,_;,'!!!!!..!._~~~--:-~~~~ are compa-ct '!:\d not highly ~· Both of tb111 recipe• are lldllet~that IOlve thme . Gal ey Three Bean Culero1e la just what the oaptaln ordered. Sliced kielbua or Poll1b aau..,. la llmmered with llma, kidney, and baked · beans in a tal'8)' tomato aauce. WorceetershJre sauce and dell-atyle mustard ap ce up the bean combination and provide a perfect flavor accent to thia hearty main dish. Very little equipment ia needed other than a =.te.ia:;~ opener l\'a smooth aaWng for the cook with Ham and Potato Skillet. Packaaed acalloped potato mix fets you leave potato washing, peeling, and paring behind. The amooth, creamy aauce ooat:a tender alices of potato and chunk.a of cooked ham . Afte r cooking, 1arniah with colorlul tomato w~ and pepper slices and serve. Complete your menus with cucumber 1lice1 marinated in Italian dresaing and canned brown bread roundl. F« des8ert lel"W applMauce topped with crushed n~t• or cinnamon in unbreakable plastic tumblera- -G A.LL·E Y TBR EE BEAN CASSEROLE 1 teupoon oil 1 pound Poliah aauaage or kielbua. cut Pastries flown to '1 Alaska l. A N C H 0 R A G E , Alaska (AP) -Pie in the t aky ia no nO"velty to residents of the remote villasea of the Alaska wildernetl -they get it delivered every day along with their bread and cake. With most of the tiny towna inaccessible by road or rail, Ralph Woll, general manager of the local Sunrtae bakery, aenda hia 60 varieties of baked goods via airmail. flown by the atate'a legendary bush pilota. Woll'a customer list sounds like a listing of our last frontier . including auch t oliaes as Good New. Bay, a inum, King $ahnon, Crooked Czeelt, Red Devil, Shunpak, Fceg1k and Eek. Other- typlcal cu1tomera are Jimmte 'a Store in Tok1ook Bay, Herb's E'a k Imo Shop in Sbi1hmaref and The LitUe Russian Trad- I n 1 Company In Chuaphbaluk. The bakery, a a_ubpidlar1 _o_f ITT ~tal Baltin8 c.o., liirmiUI nm 10 pe1ceut of 111 products to cradina pcJlta. ae-al It.one .na people Who cannot be reached any other 1'8Y· Every Monday, the Anchoraae poat office reoavm DllOft than 1,000 caae1 of bread for deliYel'J via parcel post, with pCllt.ap averaglng about '3 per cue. Some town• like Kodiak pt their baked 1oocta ln freezer vana, Wtdcb arrive~ ahip for relaylna to the 1upermarkett there. Qwonwn In SbeldoYia, aa i1olated eea1ide vlllaae located on ~ Bay, receive thllr ~ via the Ala1ka State ~erry sn more 8&1liilllble raru of Alaaka, air retaht end truck ti~~ balm the we&L But the bu•b ~ iftkle the ..,.... that "• only •mall, .,,...._ lmdinc 1tnJ11; ,, . .. 10% Disoount ~. on all books, ~es ; and greeting cards CANNED & PACKAGED LADY LEE 129 ~~~~K TU~02 can Oti O< Wltet' Pactl p. PILLSBURY PLUS()g 6 f~! ~~~~5ao •• O HARVEST DAY 57 DELUXE BREAD · "'10Wldl er u oi.. I.on • llOunO TOI> Whitt or WTleat t~~~~.~--"' 2.29 I!~~~~~~.!.69 l ~_!.NJEANS. . . . . "Ol CM. 5 9 £~MA~. "°'-1.29 l 5~.~~?..~.1~not ll\ .69 £~YWOOOMAY~~1.29 r~s~E.COOKIES "°' -.69 DAIRY & FROZEN Carl Brooks Saved SS.05 ''These days, every dime I save realft counts!'' Carl's own week's 1hopprng totaled S74 56 at Lucily The same. or comparable items at the supermarket of tus choice totaled $80 61 That's a savings of $6 05 at Lucky' TH I ui~en July & 1982 HOUSEHOLD & PET At Lucky you never pay the -cover price! In addition to offering lower . I HARVEST DAY 129 ICE CREAM =~Ofl HMf~ Crn r~E.~ FREEDOM ~ 'IC• 2.39 discount prices on food , Lucky discounts all greeting cards. maga- zines and paperbacks That's right, your favorites, Time. People. Newsweek. TV Guide and more. are all 10C\lo less than the cover pnce day 1n and day out' Even greeting cards are discounted! So, senti- ments for special occa\1ons cost you less! If Lucky discounts items like magazines. books and greeting cards. 1ust think how they can discount your entire food bill' FRESH MEAT BLADE CUT 89 CHUCK ROAST tlOncl«l lletf LD e TOP SIRLOIN 278 ~~!i.a Beef UMn lb 7-BONE 129 ~£~STEAK LO FRYING 54 ~~~tNm LD e ~- FRESH M EAT FRESH FISH ITEMS 2.l!.1~~~.~. fll:l-E.1 ..... 11 1.48 ~VER SOLE RUET .. 2.58 PACIRC TRUE COO .. 2.28 FRE~~ .. :~~~~.~~LET l, 1.48 CANNED P. PACKAGED PILLSBURY 89 R.OUR SUI 119 • l~~.'~.~~~~~WOl IAA.99 I?!1-.!1~.~~~~~~ OI Ol IOl o69 r~v .. ~~ .~~E·N· ~~~; c... .33 FOLCER'S 2 53 ~~.~~~ 16 oz c~ r SENECA GRAPE JU~"' 1. 3 9 f~A~H ~TYLE BE~NS1101 c~.41 I c~~~o SHORTEN!~ WI 2.09 f~Tl~~~~~~-·--'•ot -.92 I~.!: TENDER~~.., .39 tlAOY LEE DRESSINGS =~=~ ..... ttOltl\ .99 HOMOGENIZED 195 MILK uav lN Gal sr1 GRADEAA 77 ~~E EGG!, crn • LOW FAT MILK "'°''" . NONFAT MILK ~Ill •••• r ORANCE JUICE --····. . ~ "'1.90 . ""Ill 1.63· .. ornw 1.69 l!~~~T~AMIX .tor~1.49 I~~~.~~~tor CM4.11 l~!.,.~S~.~.!1.99 l~Y~Ot~~s .. "'-' 5.48 I~!~lE!''~.~l~t 1.39 I~~!Tc~~~··· nu•..e.69 !GLAD STORAGE B.A~~ eo.1.61 !~!fN DOG FOOD ••01 .... 37 DELICATESSEN ITEMS r lADY LEE 119 !:.c~~,KS 16 oz ""v r SHREDDED 129 CHEESES Laay lft 8 Ot P119 CheOCIM 0< MOuareta f~~~.!.LEE BOLOC~.01 .... 1.59 r ITALIAN SALAMI '"""COIQOl<otlD CREAM CHEESE .... ".....,.._,.. .. '°''"" 1.69 •01-.87 LIQUOR & WINE I~~!JEOUILA .... IT\ 7 .29 l~~~ TEQUILA , ... 1•l 8.39 r~CHMAN~:S. ~~~ '" 9 .39 l~.~"' 7.99 PRODUCt I ff MS l o~ 't push panic button in calorie crisis l 'i··· over wllh J,ou!,.:•" ltmon1, and make ~=....mm, fa~: Whit jw =~ A:.~'rt HUnl •111•• iM how to cope wtth ~·~-brdled PROBLSM: You've ~ 1011 turned out co be Nft out of your favorite PROILIM: You ""' breaded and dHp fat brand of low-calorie ... non -•laht wa••btr ftltd . Your fault ma~ and all vnu hop.pl n 1 ~ n d-h • btca\m you didi\'c Ned have on band 11 the = wfth ord.lnary tht IDll\u carefully, '° fau1nln1 kind that'• .. I ) h b k: cu'C .wt 11 blck. double the ~. lnlft n1 am Ufpt A<D1 w"'-.. , A usUIWU•, ""-•k-b'-..1 lnacead of th• lean vw n.ur "", n an .. \H --""' 1 ro1,1nd round you ANSWER: Simply lltt tht mayo with an equal •anwcl Twelve bund.Nd off tht tn.d1nc and eat amount of pLaln, low-(.lt .... lmtatd of 800. the molat ttni:ltr flah )'OIUrt 1o make a IOW', ~t de>~ do wttb it? in1tde. .A•k for a few cre..ny·tfltlna dreulna SOLUTION: Uee the ~-tat ll'O'llld beef .. ~· bula for 1pa1hetti ~ or cbW and rtnae with fewer mJorMa than mayonnalle. PROBLEM: Mom'1 chicken eoup la the lf'Ht.-\ d.lmwery elnct penkillin, but lt'a afloat ln yellow chicken lfeUe. You don't want t.o offend her, and belJd .. , you've got a cold. ANeWBR: Chtll It eeveral houn until the fat con11al1 on the 1urf act, then you can limply Uft off the fat and ~ c:aJoriet without 101tn1 any of the valuable nutrient• underneath. PROBLEM: Your , CJt • ~ ~Ult vUoot ffiat vUade CUs tfamous! n1t1hbor 11 plHMCI u punch wUh hi• part.1 conmetian (Which '9IW like pure 1yrup and boo&e), What lhould )'OU do wtt.h tht .-he )altj handed. you? ANSWER: Po1,1r thtj wbolt bul&r.-into a tall ~ and edd loCI of 1co ,et,1bH and water (or •ltzer). Turn a abort fat drink int.o a tall skinny one you can alp all evening. POAOllD ru IN WINS IAVCS Butwr or maraartne 2 ~ poundl of"'bah tmett Salt and~ W cup tin.I)'~ onion 1 cup dry white Butter • r P.I" u.btly and paw &b • f1llN lnlkle. prtnlCM wftb salt, peJ>I*' and chopped oNoni. ~ wine CNf!l' fWl. Cowl' u,htly with plMdc wrap (do not u.. foll) m:i heat ln mJcrowaw 9 t.o 10 minuta, or until fJlb flaket euily. Bute wttttwtne and onlanl llYeJ'al till* durina cookina· Serva • t.o e. . ~ I 9t 's ©utt vUeat ffiat vUade CUs <rJamous! • f~ay the eXC1M1 calories. Here'• how: brown the p»eat well und er the a.au-or ln a non...tick aldllet (no fat added) and *91n it. 'Then atir ln • c:Upfu1 of boWna water tD•WMh the fat from the "'1'face of the ~t. Pour off the water and chill It UJitil the fat Ne9 t.o the IW'face. nt.:ard the fat and pour the meat- flavored liquid blck into Your Neighborhood Blue Ribbon Store! t ' 1 ) · tbe•uee or ehlli. PROBLEM: Your only can of tuna tt.h is the wrona kind: packed in oil (~70 calories for 7 o,u ncee) Instead of water-packed (only 250 caloriel). Now what? ·· 1·1T1~~'11 ·1 -"·-~N~·~··;<.~~~ -----::::.--~ .... d#ri•.. HOlawdew ,.~, ;·' '" ·~~.-j • SOL UTION: Rine the tUha well under icy tap water. Thia won't remove all the oil. IO add 1ela mayonnaile lf you're rDakin• tuna salad. If you'n uatna the tuna in .. ic.ed aalad, emit u.lad oil from the dremng. PROBLEM: Not only ii your flight overbooked. but they ran out of diet eoda three rows ahead of yours. And you're~· What ahould you Ol'det. ANSWER: Club aoda, several lemon slices and a packet of sugar substitute. When they hand you the lemon, make low -calorie lemonade! P~OBLEM: There's nothing left for lunch except high-calorie bologna. What t.o do? ANSWER: Fry it in a nonstick skillet with no fat added, or put it under the broiler, t.o melt out the fat. Fried bologna tastes like hot dogs. PROBLEM : For- 1ettlng your di~t, your mother dumped regular salad dre9aing all over your portion of salad and there's no naked salad left for another serving. How can you save it without ~ consuming all those unwanted calories? ANSWER: Just rinae the salad oH under cold running water and start Yogurt also good ingredient Great aa a snack any time of the day, yogurt is alllO delidoua when uaed in a recipe. This creamy Raspberry-y OIUrt Salad ia a great idea t.o aerve at lunch or dinner. lta triple-raspberry flavor comes by combining custard-style raapberry yogurt, raspberry-flavored gelatin and frozen ~es. ·Creamy, cool and clellclou a, it'• sure to t)eoorne a family favorite. I I RASPBERRY-YOGURT SALAD 1 cup boiling water 1 pecbge (3 ounces) ~~err1 -flavored 1 package (10 d u nces) frozen raspberries, partially thawed 2 cartom (6 ounces e ach) cuatard-style ~= ' Pour boWng water on f.Un tn bowl; stir until tin ii ctmolved. Stir rupberrtea. makinf •u re b e r rie• are eepuated. Stir 1n YotW1 w)dl well blended. Pour l n to .t • c u p mo 1 d . ~ \mtil firm. 2 11D 3 Doun. Unmold on ~lined plate. 6 t.o 8 ~ LIMIT4SLAU PEI\ CUSTOMER u ..... Tt11ATO JUICE ltNtn VELVEETA SI.ICES • TH::l~T llALLEY CHILI • CHIYO., ~~flOH CMAM BEEF, ROUND BONELESS London Broil .. 11c .. 11.21 .. 11.19 .. 11.11 .. 11.19 LB IUFllttl 8l::r s3;69 4VAMT10 LMMA ICUOO." POTATO CHIPS • 9t · s ~Ull vUeat ffiat vUade CUs 'tJamousf ... J. 'I .. I I& .......... CUt .. lie .. 11.19 l . 11.n .. 12.09 .. 12.09 aim ... ITATPPO&. WHITI, .... IC 0 " YUL.OW BATHROOM TISSll · BEEF BONE·IN CORNER-CUT ./'' "j.11' ~ ( ., t ~ I IJWlCOaATED WBI IE, YD.I.OW, ftATDaaoe. Paper TowelS ,._ ...... ....._tu Perd Fillets '~IOlJAllll OysOO ., .. l(JltW ,..llltOOTO •••oa-•ww a.AU&fO ~ Of .. ( ... Qll MGIM.ll•t .. 11.89 IA 11.88 •• 11.31 ~:!:-2:!.?!'~~cJ .. •1.11 .,..., r .. 1... ·~c 1219 • .... ..~·"" l l • • .,.. ~ "'«<2 '°"°"°"" '1.29 .. 2.U c-. .... 12 11 klC<OTO_,._ll •1 79 La • last leef ,_ --· • ( • • : J , ~ ~ .. I • .. 1M>Z NANUT O" 12>0Z~ M f.-M'S C~DY lllARQAIUN( OUAllTIM KRAn PARKAY . ~ 05 i , - I ~ I .J Lu~ury, crackeFs escape Malavasi The Olkl&nd or Loe Anpi. Raklln Uve In llllhtly more lwnuioua llUn'OUndin8I. but their ~ t.alitMI do not aPlll'C*h Uw. of thi"Loe Anet• a... In mettaa Of tndltlon. f88KER announcMt he wu embarklnl on a Pf'Oll'IUJ\ of The 1982 camp opened the othu day at Cal awirnmlnl· State 11'\lllerton and there wu the usual ecUon ot Later, on the artdlrona of the nation, Namath ope~ day. WAI to So down three tlmee and come up twtce. The Rama' thlrd·round draft 1election, center 'Ibe llOOnd 1ara-n Ptherinl of joumaliata Bill Bechtold of Oklahoma, strolled off into the attendod the oom1.na out cemnony ol Georgia swwei. A. a matter of feet, it waa earlier than that. FronU.., who w.a then Oeot'lda Roeenbloom. Bechtold took hil hike tometh1ng lite a half an Madame Ram arrived an hour aNl a half late and hour into the flnt workout. · The Raiden traln1l'I c:unp q\.LU'tm'a .,.. in • larlle IDOWl In Senta Bola with football r.cwu. out MBL W-. KM Stabler would come ln at 4 a.m., it w. not nee ry for him to Cl'Oll the lobby. 'nr.e make could &lither to h1a room by cro.tnc wldet tht pl pmtll. The Santa Rau police department baa tucked. few IUY. ln and the C09China ~ bM thrown a f.w l8cile9 out owr the yeen. but the pi.c. hardly aj»proache1 Univeraity Villa1• at Cal State J\allenon in the area of a atorted hiator'y. fielded quesUona wtth the aid of hand l1cnala by The quarterback controversy oommenoed to IW'Yived by pa~ attention whatever to the genen1 manapr Don Klostennan. heat up. Prlnclpal1 betna Bert Jones from location of the Mad•me Ram hu since taken on the eighth Baltimore, Vl.noe Ferrapmo from Montreal and It WM at Un!venlty VW.,. that the ~test hUlband of her career. She hu ai.o shed Don holdoven J eff Rutledge and Jeff Kemp. walkout. in football ~ have taken place. Jack Klostennan. Ray Malavul paid no attention to the location ~~~ ~ ~ ~1c:r1'~ Cal State Fullerton '1u ai.o been the acene of of the IOda cracken. If he did, he did not throw a home and Dennil Harnh took ret...,_ in hil tavern l~ of the put 30 -or thereabout -quarterback tan~ Ram did not appear, but neither wu It WM here that~ threw hil celebrated tantrum in the hall when be dt.covend the cuc:ken were not ted near the in Lqnc Beech. controverales. The namee involved in theee 1pirlted she expected. Pat 'nlOmU strolled \hrouah the pt.ea for a -lf eometlmes ridiculous -aaau are lepnd.ary: SLmllarly, excitement will not visit the Raiden' few day. and Rkh Saul took a walk into retiranent Gabriel, Jawonki, Haden. Ferrapmo, Rutledge, encampment-in Santa &... It never doea. aoup. It w.. a few day. later that Rum proprietor Carroll ac-nbloom ~ _Gecqe further trauma by reS>ladna him Al be9d co.ch. after tN.t.enina to do ., foe i awnmen. Beathard, Hadl. Harris, Rhome, Plwn Sweetan, The dullne91 ia typical A guy driving a moving It WM at tf nlveni~ Vlllaae tbu Joe. Namath Namath and Kem_p. • van shows up "llt the motel and a.ab, .,. th1I the 'the new coach WAI Ray Malavaai who met the pc'e9I ln the Waest media conference ln Put presidenta have vi.sited alona with movie Oakland Raiders ... or the Los Angeles Raiden?'' National Football Leque hiltory. Broadway Joe stars and television personalities. . ''We don't know," he is told. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- SWIMMING STAR -Tracy Caulkins of NMhvtlle ii expected to swim in the women's 100 backstroke at tonight's U.S. World Champonship Trials at Miaton Vlejo'a Marguerite Recreation Center. Caulkins q ualified for the U.S . national team Monday by winning the 400 individual medley and Dt9J ..... ..-... .,, aw.. •e.n could pick up aeveral other places on the squad before the meet ends Saturday. Childs, Linziil.eie:r, Coheri sparkle By BOWARD L. BANDY Of' .. ...., ....... h wam't a eooc1 ntcht fot ICJIDe of swtmmt.nc'• elite perfarmen Tue.day on the .ccmd day of the U.S. Swil'nmbll World Champ6onship ~ at Miiiion Viejo'• International Swbn Compln. But for three memben of c.o.cb Mark Schuben'1 MJ.ion Viejo Nadaclores and Jeenne Oillda of Honolulu, it wu a b6a ni8ht. Chlld1 aet an American record ln winnin1 the women's 200-meter bieutstroke with a 2:32.41 effort to better the previou1 mark of Tracy CauJkina at 2:32.43. It WAI the only record broken in the four finals oonteated Tue.day following Monday's two world record• in the men'• competition. "l wu thinking about a world record at tbil meet," Chi1da uld. "I want to go for the world record ln F.cuador. I think that rn be able to swim fut.er knowinC rm swimming for the U.S. aP,in1t the Eut Germana and R•••DL" c!:i~~"ft== to remember. 'The teammates finilhed one-two In the 200 tr..tyJe and wtll reprnmt the U.&. In~. • "I felt i.lly ,ooa t.Dnfaht and rm glad I mmde the temn on my,,DWD ~ of just on the relay team (ft WM fourth in the 100 free to qualify). "It takel a lot of the mystery out of the competition to have IOIDeOne like Tiffany on the team. We know each othtt well and we work out tosether all the time. "My goal la to beat aD my opponents in Ecuador, whatever it takea. I'm JoolriQ8 forward to meeting the Eut Gennam." O ther wlnnera on T uesday niabt included Bruce Hayes of the Nadedorel ln the men'• 400 IM and Matt Gribble, a juni« at the Univendty of Miami, in the 100 bu'1erfly ln ~3.93, just off the world record. While thei r mor e celebrated teammatel ~ happy wtth the results on the eeoood night. Sippy Woodhead and Jeeee V....UO were not amillng. Woodhead failed to qualify for the finala in the 200 free and 8Cl'atcbed from the c:omolation race. She la a member of the Nadadores and the current world record hokier for the event but rnia8ed two weeks of practice with bronchitis during the heavy training portion of the C\.l!Teflt 8eUOll. "She m.i.aRd two meetl when abe was lick," Schubert Mid. "She needed to swim tbme events. Hopefully ahe will be able to come back in the 400 free to make the teem.'' Jea1e Vaaaallo, the world record holder in the men's 400 individual medley, fln1lbed fourth in that event Tue.day and failed to qualify. (The top two from lllOllt events qualify for the meet in Ecuador). "We'll aee ton l1h t how he has recovered from hi.I injury," Schubert Guerrero dreaIDs of first Nitzkowski has one big goal He wants U.S. water polo title in '8 4 Olympic Games PREP SPORTS I aald of Va11allo . He had a hyper - extended ~ which WU in a CUL What he aaw wasn't encouraging although Vaaaallo was in the lead until the final freestyle leg of the race. Gribble defeated still another world record holder when he won the 100 fiy. William Paulus of Texas was third and failed to qualify as Chris Rives finished aecond to Gribble. Gribble'• mark of 53.93 was the eecond Cuteat all·time effort. He also holds the third and fourth fastest times and waa a little disappointed he didn't aet a third world mark in the meet. "You don't know which race is going to be your best," he said. "You might not be feeling as well and yet have a fast time. I thought I would be a little faster but my coach aaya I started to press too much with my legs and lost it a little at the end of the race." Tonight's competition finds the women's 400 free and 100 back along with the men's 100 free and 200 back on the agenda. Weaver's e x plosions tell story ' Angels'. West lead now at 4 BALTIMORE (AP) -For Angela' pitcher Dave Goltz. "It. was ju.at one of thoee days when things aren't going right." Yet, he and hi.a teammates managed to shut down the Baltimore Orioles, 7-4. The victory Tue.day night WU the eighth in the lut 10 games for the American Leque West Division leading Angels, who lead now by four games. "I gave up nine hita and four runs in five lnnl ng1, but fortunately our team wu ICOring more than they were," said Goltz, 4-2, who got relief help from Andy Hualer. HE AJ.30 got 80l1le offenave help from Fred Lynn. who bit his 12th home run of the llealOll while extending his batting streak to 11 games. "Lynn is hitting very well." said Angela Manager Gene Mauch. "He hit a tough curve.. ball in the fJ.nrt inning for our , eecond run and then he really killed the ball on his two-nm , homer in the third." ''Our defeme la doing a better job and we have .. .tietter bands aL the controls behind the plate in Bob Boone," said Mauch. .. THE PITCHING ia capable, the same aa last year. But they're in better physical shape this year. The y did a lot of work on conditioning over the winter. We Boone knows what he's doing in calling th e pitches. _...,..,.,ca.. ..... -WMhl,,gton P80el Atlanta victory en. ............... -·~ • t.hNHw\ fUUt·UUUnl, rally wtt.h • two-ND ~ M . Alllnta icllM It. ~ M lD a _.. thlt llW bcM t.-m oomblne to ..._ 11 NM ln UNI ~ IMinl· The ytctory WM Atlln'8'1 fOW'th ~t and marU the 2ft.h time the ~"' lraYll haw OOtM from beh1nd to wtn . . . l:lllWNu'e ln ~ the NaUonal ~. J.U M•tfh!MO and IAtl -• DtlAee t'Omblned on I two- Struggling Piirates ·facing bankruptcy Prom AP dJ.,.acllln PI'M'SBURGH -City Counc:il ... WU told Tuetday that unJ.1m the dty a.wn. manaatmont rwponatbOJdel at Three Rfven Stadium th• Phtabl.lrah Ptnt41 will 10 bankrupt and ma1 havt to move. Plratel Prea.ldent Daniel M. Oalbl'Mlh -"l the National Lncu• team h .. loet" mJUloo ln recent years. He urpd <:ouncU to approve a MW 29-year leue for.the 1tadiwn, whlch la owqeq h~ the city. Without a new leue, he said the De·year-olq club and lta management 1uba1dlary will told within three years. Galbreath'• wamlna, made at a d•y-101\i City Council bearlna on the propmed &ak~ver ol the 12-year-old atadlum, waa aupported by BuebelI CornmlMtoner Bowie Kuhn and Mayor Richard Caligulrl.' I • Quote of the day Marty Scott, manaaer of the Burlingame Rangera In the Mldweat League, after h.ta team loat another same on en"Ol'a: '"n>e anctnnati Reda were called the Big Red Machine. We give away 80 many games. we ought to be named the Pinball Machine .•• Hrbek leads Twin win before ejection M.mnesota'a &eat Hrbek drove In Ill two Nm before he was ejected from a ficht-mam!d game. leading the Twins to a 5-3 victory over Milwaukee Tuesday night lD American League action. A bench-d~ina 10-minute brawl broke out dUf1nl the sixth uming resulting in the ejection of Hrbek and Brewer pitcher Bob McClare ... BeltbJ BNWD'I double and and an erroc by New York right fielder Kea Griffey snapped a tie in the ninth lnnlng and gave Seattle a 6-5 victory over the Yankees. GraJg Nettles had a three-run homer In the eighth . . . Miile Norri• scattered nine hits and Mickey KlaU1 knocked in two ,;.uns to help Oakland snap a six-game losing streak with a 6 -4 victory over Cleveland. Norris recorded his sixth complete game ... Alfredo Griffin'• two-run single highlighted Toronto'• four-run fourth lnn1n& and Dave "Stieb continued his mastery over Kansas City with a seven-hitter as the Blue Jays downed the Royals, 9-2 ... Loa WbUaker had three hits and drove in the game's only run to beck the four.hit pitching of right-hander Du Petry as Detroit defeated the Chicago White Sox, 1..() . . . The game between Texas and Boeton at Fenway Park was rained out and h.as been rescheduled as part of a twi-night doubleheader tonight. From Page 01 hi Uer and Ttrrr 11111•1 ~WfNd I liOk> hGmt Nn II Ill\ ~·p 1nap»ed a flYt• ..,_. 1a11n1 ..,_ .wtth 1 l·O vi t ry ovtr ltnt Carltt1 nd Phllad1lphJ1 • . • Jo'• IMtlana arid two reltewn tiOmblnld Ot\ a tlve•hlUer 11 l\l bur1h bM\ CtnclM1tl .,.._.,. l •l, Hftnclln1 \h1 ft1d11 .. Ph~h hl\W l~t~rt,~ .'tn ~ .....ulllh•wt 1 •&Mcltd doubl9 In \ht efahth ~ dftyt ln Wtt NN and power the h C\tbt _, • ~3 vtmry OWi' Houlton. I ~ Dtl lltttl Md oan\roJ ~ ln ~" N~~tltQnl lht balfl full ·:oe• ... I .... kaaidtil. lWO.Nn llftllt ~ "9'Nn \t\ltd tnnlna u Ian 1rWiloO dt -.tect t~ NQ Vorit Mt•t; ,.,, Mloi Gale and Al ff""'49 UmUfd th• Mttl \0 1twn htta. Rating 1h• 8atnt1: It'• • bummer NJ'W Oftl.llANS -Run\ • J>hWlilL \hi of tho N w Orleana ~ • Saint.I, wu Mked to rate hit '-Im on a IC&le Qf l la l 0. •'The aoly thlna l o.n JMdp lhat way," tho affable PhllUJ19 replied, ''la women. And my wlf t won't let me look at womtn, IO I don't .,et a chanoe to judp an)'bcldy from l to 10. I wW 11y we improved a lot laat eeuon, however. Tht players all learned OIMlh of.Mr'• namee." Baaeball today On thla daw In bueball ln UM&: The Dltrol\ Tlpra an4 the Philadelphia A'a played th• lonaeai tie same In American LMp hiatory, • 1-1, 24-lnning affaJr. Today's birthday: Atlanta relief ace Al Hratx.ky la 33. Nastase smears ref with Ice cream An Ice cream-throwina Ille • Na1ta1e of Romania delighted the near capacity crowd at the flllveraum International Open tennis tournament when be grabbed a tray of ice cream oone8 from girl In the atandl. He then started throwing them to the crowd and smeared the referee with the contents of the baaket . . . P.Jef'e "Caddy" Worb, UCLA's flnt full-time basketball coach has died at age 8~. He was coach from 1921 through 1939 and h.ta teams had a recol'd of 169-1~7 ... Olympic gold medaU1t EdwlD Moua withdrew from the track and field competition of the National Sporta Featival because of a recurring leg Injury. Moees la from Dayton, Ohio but now lives In Laguna Bach . . . Hua "Payen" JobaD1aon of Stockholm, for years a leading mechanic In International moiocro. racink, was knocked from hia motor- cycle and ki11ecI In a freeway accident in 5aJ:l.. DieRQ . Television, radio TV: No event. 11Cheduled. RADIO: Angela at Baltimore, 4:30 p.m., KMPC (710); Montreal at Dodgera, 7:30 p.m., KA.BC (790). Francis seeks to be traded DODGERS ROLLING • • • ATLANTA (AP)-Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Wallace Francia ha1 told the National Football League club he will not play In Atlanta this year and wanta to be traded either to New Orleans or Oakland. Francia, 31, said he asked Falcons Executive Vice President Eddie LeBaron for an assurance that he would be paid In the event of a strike by NFL players and a lockout by the owners. "I told him if I came to camp, I expected to be paid," Francia said Tuesday. "He said he appreciated my loyalty but that he couldn't do that. So I said I couldn't play under those circumstances." Francia said he would accept a trade to another team rather than plily for the Fa.loons becaUle "it'1 obvious my time with the Fa.loons has come to an end. I asked (LeBaron) to either trade me to Oakland or New Orleans, and he said he would call around the league." I Dodgen by l ~ games. But if the Dodgen are going to make a run, it helps when Guerrero is on a tear like he was Tuesday night, and aa Jerry &eu., the pitcher, waa. Guerrero cracked hl1 18th homer, doubled twice, knocked In five runa and. aherward, went ., far aa to uy, "I IUe9a that was a pretty good night for me, ehf' ReU81, 10-7, had an exceptional night, too, finally got h1a 10th win after making five 1ta11a in quest of it over the laat three week:a. He wu overpowering, •triking out a 1ea1on-high seven, acatterlng four hita, giving up only an unearne.}I run and, what'• more, gett1ng all 27 of h.ta putouts either by strikeout, pop up or ground ball. "I WU In command tonight." he allowed, "but, no, I rally haven't an explanation for getting all the llrlkeou ta the firlt four lnn1np and none after that. I waa throwing 1ome naaty pitche1 early, they were still nasty later-on but the batten had aeen theni." Besides Guerrero and Reua, catcher Mike Sdoria hit h1a first home run in nearly ~o months, and Ron Cey singled home two runs. Guerrero hit h1I 18th homer In the flnt 1nn1n&, a two-nm blow, and Scio1cia blt hi1 third an Inning later, both home ruru coming off loeer Charlie Lea. 7.e. Cey hit one off h1a fiata Into short right-center ln the third Inning for two more runa, and the Dodgen turned it Into a rout with five run.a In the llxth, three on Guerrero'• baaea-loaded double to left-center. Every one of the Dodgen' 10 runa cnmed the plate after two were out. •we couldn't do anything rtaht tonight," said Montreal Manager Jim l'anning. "We gave them too many good pitches to hit." Catcher Gary Carter, who knocked 1n the Expos' only run with a atngle In the fourth, laid, "We were never In the game." FUTURE MINI SONIC MOSOUITO REPELLER •SAFE AND EASY OPEAATfoN FOR HUMANS AND ANIMALS • 1eoo HRS. EFFECTIVE.NESS FROM 1 PENLIGHT DRY BATTERY • NO OOOR. SMOKE. col.OR. POISON OR AIR POLLUTION • EFFECTIVE RANGE: DIA. APPROX. 4m (13 h.) ORDER YOURS TODA YI ONLY •12.15 ....-.~AMlt.OO• ...... ~ WE ACOEPT VISA. MASTER CARD Oft MONEY ORDER TO: MAIL-ORDER l ' From Page 01 CARLSON • • • ret1.&m to tM unit ln ti.me to make a aubltantlal oontrtbudci\ . The Nb, however, 11 the fact that lt Lindroth la with the U.S. ln Lm Anplft ln 1984, he will reprtHnt th• only player on th• 11quad with Olyru6cf Oamt1 •x_perl1nce ( 1972 at Munich). The c.1m.now.v.. wm • ....,...1n the 27·28.,. aroup, klee1 for the •port. Moat ot the current 1quad waa pretty DntdJG1abla, but tht play of CampbsU. a product of Untwn&ty Jllah, may haw been iht btaeet •Y•· OJ**' dW°tnl the r..ftt DlroPMI\ trip. "Ht pl&y.d 10 well." ·~ Nltzkowakl, "that Wt'N moW\I him to where ht played at UC Irvine, a llCOftdary let to beck up Schroeder." RobertlOn, who wu the J'lNA Cup ll'• player of the toumament ln ~ BNch ln 1981, wu the twin'• s..dh11 ....... .,, ..... ~Harbor HJt)t product (u ta Robert.on), continued workJ.na haid deeplc. naatnc lnJur* . 11Buk!al:y the .-.nt trip WU I heavy t.ra1nin8 trip, all of tht tanw Ullld lt to 80rt ~out." Thi A.rner1cam not only Ullld it ln that context, but then retumod to the U.S. to cra1n with the lt.alianl Ulla week before aotni IOI.Ith. "lt showed ua what we have and what' we don't have," uys Nltlkowmd. "Where we have to make aoms chanpa and to lmprove the mental'" dlactpllne. We were tired, the day-to-day prel!IW'e, the qu.ality of the prne9. But down the road ... " • • • CHECK.ING AROUND -Fountain Valley HJ&h'• football team recentl;>t won the Mira Costa HJ&h puatna toUmament (fOl' the third time ln five lhota)~ The Berom belted San Bemardlno, Beverly Hilla, Pioneer, Coanyon (Sai.p) and Westmtnner in the 32·team aetup. Brett Steveu ja jwllor). Utah transfer Bnee Tollaer and Del Frye aha.red 1he quarterback rolee w1t.b retum.tna ltarten Jamie Cralt and Mike N'IW1n. aJona with CUta Luc. their major targets ... A major prep buketball iournament la 1n prqp"e9I at Ocean View HJ&h, running through Saturday night. featuring the cream of Southern California preps and 1uch outside entities as.Philadelphia, Lu Vegas. Seattle and Oregon. lt'a called the Westel"D Shotoet with the WW. aet foe Saturday mgbt at 9 •.. Have Shrine All-atar football game offidah finally got the meaaaae? The embarraaalng US,000 which showed up at the &. Bowl Saturday provided 89,000 renona why they lbould pick up and move to Anaheim Stadium . . . Will formtt Laguna Hills High ~ BW McVlcar be throwing the ball in View Leque play th1I fall, donned In an El Toro Wah unifonn? Just wondering ... Overi.velght? Just a llttle out of shape 7 Or both? Dont give up. ·i1ve-lr' up at Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum. Now with 4 locations, and many more to come. ltS all here .• The fun. The fitnes~. The results. All the right Ingre- dients for your success formula. And all for less than $15 a month. Get started ' now Richard 5/mmo~ "ltve-lr' concept w/11 work for you. I~ an exciting com- bination of exercl~, proper nutrition and a positive ' .. FarFell gets • • new pos1t1on Terheggen interim GWC AD 81 CURT SEEDEN Of'tMo.tr ......... At ap 4~, Gene FUftU hu cadcled the job of otfenatve line co.ah for 11 )'Ntl at OoJden W• Colleae and •pent the Liit two yean • the .:hool'• athletic d1rettor. But effective Aue. l , Farrell will -.one the dut.les of aaoc:iate dl.nctcr of bWliDal eetvtcn at owe. .icnallna an end to hi.a lona-Ume UIOCiadon with the collNe'1 athletic pl'Oflfam. r.Career-wt.e, lt'I a ttep up. ll'• one of thoae 1olden opportunJUes a BUY just can't pall Up," Farrell aafd. Farrell 1ucceeda C. Michael Weblter, who recently moved over to Orange Cout College aa director of bu1ine11 affaira. Farrell will responalble for 'ANllLL .. t.tina the 1upervialon of everything from Qlmpua l'l'IAnqement to food aervice9. "I'm not exactly IW'e which areu I'll prtmarlly be working In but I'll probably dablle In a little bit of everythina." he uld. "I've been ln athletlal for a lona Ume and I love it ~ly.'' Farrell contln~. "But I've ~bed to peoplebere ovet: the years N>d l.otatbefii' to iO out and do some different thinp when the opportun.lty ari.lee.'' ... While Farrell has done just that, he'll be replaced on an Interim buia aa athletic director by women'• volleyball and tennis coech Lou Ann Terhegen. TerheQen, 30, ta a five.time U.S. Volleyball A.octation All-American. while playing foe Wilt Chamberlain'• "Little Dlppen" and Nlck'1 Flab Market tea.rm. ln 19BO, ihe was named the Community College Volleyball Coach of the "'Eear by the California Coache. Amodat:ion. "I'm so confident that she'll do a gJ"Mt job. She'• very lharp. There aren't many 30--year~Id women who can do that kind of ~ )9b," Farrell prai1ed of hia ~laomaent. hrrell al.lo aid the current decline 1n funds experienced by community colleges aver the put f~ yean did not play a part in his decision. "I think our physical education department la In real good shape right now. Our prsident (Dr. ~ Stevens) supports athletica and baa always been supportive . I think rm leaving tt 11be athJetic department) ln great shape and It will only get better wtth Lou Ann In there," Farrell added. Farrell said the position of athletic director will be opened In the spring at which time Terheggen and any other qualified individuals can apply. Muncie begins rehabilitation SAN DIEGO (AP) -San Diego Chargers running back Chuck Muncie has returned to San Diego from New Orleans, and la echeduled to begin a drug-rehabilitation program. IET mental awtude that can last for the rest of your llfe. Call or come In to Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum today 'rl:>u can do It Join now. URRY/ FINAL DAVS · fOl'C PIY-CON,mUCOON CHAl'CTert M~MBtRSHI~. Or1nge Coeat OAJLY PfLOTJWtctMlday, J~ 21, 1882 ~ . . " " ~ . ....... ~ ~ Cl1y OOo ~ oc»-2 1 J T0ton10 000 ~ :n.-t 11 1 Ow-. Annetrong (• ~ Hood ( 1) end CMrtl · st1ee Md e. M.nin. w -s1i.o, 11-10. L~ Gura. 10-7 HR-l<AlnMa Clly. ~(1~ A-11,5'2 ~ANLIAOU. ....... 1, ()ftotM 4 CAU'oNiA 9A1. TllllOM .. , lllllf .. , lllllf ~" 8320 lumbrycf 6121 klkluz " 0 O 0 0 OulUw 3b a 2 I 0 Car9W lb 5 I ~ I Sakall 211 1 0 0 0 1119.Jckenna o o 1 Slnaff""" a o o 1 R Cllrt! rl • 0 O O O UAi.INY It> a O 2 I B•"t'Or dll 2 I 0 I ""*en M 4 O 2 I Lynn cf 4 I 2 3 Nolen o 3 O 0 0 OeCnce 311 4 0 1 0 ~ 0 1 0 1 0 Gricll 211 • 0 1 0 F0td r1 4 O 0 O 11111 .. •010~11ao10 Boone c 3 1 1 0 o..;w 111 4 1 2 O TOIAll 32 1 II l ~ *6 4 t\ tl ._..., Cautornta 20 20 I 000-7 B11t1rnor1 110 020 OOO-• f-0.0.vte OP-c.llionw. 2, 8e11lmorl 1 LOB-Calllor"ll 7. Balllmore 9 28-C-. Outllwr 38-0.U.. HR-Lyn11 t121 se-cw-SF-Re.Jeoll-. lkylor. SlnQllton C....,_ • H Ill D .. 110 Ooltl (W .... 21 5YI I 4 4 a 4 H-(S.2) 31'1 2 0 0 I 2 ........,. 0 MW1 ..... (l.MI 2'"' I 4 4 2 O Grlmeley 1 2 2 2 3 O G Oe'fla 1'> 3 I 0 1 0 T Mar1ir.i 4 0 0 0 I II G Davia "41Cl>ld to 2 batter. In lhl 11111 HBP-lly HaHllt, ROl"1cka T-2 51 A 11,llOI NATIONAL LE.AQUI ~10,hpoe1 MOWTltlA't LOB ANO«LH llbrhbl .itrhbl RM.If • 0 O O Su 211 5 2 2 o Gatt.211 3 0 0 0 Rail... 4 2 2 1 W1111,pl't 1 o o o emor... , o o o Schtzr,p 0 0 0 0 1111<•.lf 4 , 1 0 °"'11'.el 4 1 , 0 Rnck,11 0 0 0 0 OM Ill 4 0 0 0 GNllfO.CI 3 2 3 .5 Crtr,c 3 0 1 1 c.y,30 4 O 1 2 BlcllWl.c 1 0 0 0 Ofvy, 10 4 I 1 0 Wlleh,3b 3 0 1 0 Mnhi.t1 4 0 0 0 Crmr1.rl 3 0 1 0 Sc:9ca c 4 1 1 I S-.N 3 0 0 0 "9ldl p 4 I 2 0 TvrN.M 0 0 0 0 ' LM.p 0 0 0 0 0 Smlll.pll 1 0 0 0 llSmth,p 0 0 0 0 N0tm",pl't 1 0 0 0 &n..p 0000 w........,,,2111 o o o TOCala » I 4 1 Tot• 37 10 13 9 ._..,._...,. Nonu.I 000 100 000-1 Loe ,,.,,__ 212 00& 00>!-I 0 E. -IMeell OP -Montf9lj 1 LOI -MonlrMI 4, Loe Angelle 4. 21 -Ou«r•o 2, Wllllacll 38 -~ HR -Gult"t1to 11, Sc:toKie l SB -Sea ._... • H lllD•llO lell(L.7 .. 1 2 3 3 :a O 2 ISmlth 2 3 2 2 o 1 ..,,_ 3 •a 1,, ~ 1 10000 ~,,cl!f) 9 <I I 0 0 1 T -2 20 A -JT,115 ,.,.... ....... , 001 OtO OtO-t 10 I IOO 000 000-1 t I .___,.lo.wry (t~ T•wMI (ti Wld T. ~ -.... ,,.. ~ (t) ... v.io. .... Trtwlftt C?I w -Oel\de11n t , •·• '-- Berenyl, •tO t-T•""°' (14) A-11,MI. Atlanle ..... ~~oocL. 10 0 II '-°"" tOO 000 000-t e 1 Mtfllet, ii (I). ~ (4), O. 0. (e). Becttoeltll \ end ..,......; 8111per, ~II !'), 1(-I. l<Mt (I). 14*r.•I. ~ (t) w o P'or19t, ~ w~. l·T '--L•llll, t•t. •-tfrt1lln (t l Hfll-Alle"le, HlllllJlrf (tl1 81. L.01111, MciCaee (II A-I0"'4. ................ llN!td..,. 000 000 000-0 2 2 8en Oleoo 0!0 O!O OON-t I t 0.hOtl llld 8.1*&; ~. ~ (e) llld T ~. W-Moft*'-, 1·6 l-CerltOft, 12 .. f-DillMn ft) H~a.n 0..00. T. K-.d)l(11~ A-lt,Mo ........... t ,....vora ooo 001 000-1 1 1 a.n ,rWICllloo 000 000 09•-• 1 1 Puleo, Oro1c~ 111 Jo"" (fl •"O 81MtM. G•. (81 Md Mey. W GM, ... I L-P'uleo. 7 7 8-ltolend (I) A-1,Mt Too 10 , ....... ,.. ...... , AMltllOMI LhCIUll OMflH'-t. 11 219 2' 1<1 .:).43 .. 215 ,. 91 )'40 to 312 •• 104 '" 17 :!<le 72 114 321 85 340 111 113 328 82 ~ 45 .. 327 "239 ... 77 322 ... au eo t12 ''' 11 1'4 34 ... 313 11 173 53 Ill 311 ............ 0 . TllelmM. MllW8ull•, 22; Ra. ...._, Meell. Iii lhorl110tl, ~. 21. Ogllvle, Ml"*auk .. , 21, Coocler. Ml!Mull ... 19. ............. MQlllU . Kan111 Clly, e2. Coopar. MllwaukM, 71, TllOrnl011, Cle¥1fl"d, et, luzlr\tlll. Chlcego, 611; Youol, MllwlUll ... 6' ,.....,ti.,.....) Vullovtcll, ............ ICM; z.M, Mee11. 10o4c Oulclty, Hew YOO., 9-4, 8'1tnt..1. Chlceclo . f.4; c.udilf, s..11i., 9-4, """'"· o..;i.willld, 10·5, Cl .. r. 8oeton 1·4; F l ennltllr. ... 1111.9-6 MATICMtAL LIAOUI Q U It H fllot. Knight HI" 11 348 llO 111 3 19 OflVlt MU 90 331 82 107 319 McOtl,SI L &9 117 23 82 3111 T Pena.P'(lh 71 2M 30 112 313 ~~~:~~ lo Snllth,SI L 90 344 75 105 305 Ru Joflle.SD 13 299 M 91 304 eeker.Dedten 13 3111 37 te 304 ~.PIJll ta 3211 53 99 304 lteMlflwM KlnQmarl. New YOB. 25, Mljrplly, Allen!a, 24. Carter, Mont....i, 20. H°"*. All•M•. 18, 0...,-. DM9en. ,.. ..... a.ttldlll Murphy, Atlenta, 97, Klogmen, N9w YOB, 6', <»... MonlrMI, 83, Cllftllf, MonlrHI, Ill. a-.... Oedgere, t1. ........ (ti~) Lollar. San Oleoo. 10-3, ,._., Monlreel. 11 ·4, 0 Rot>lnton, Pluaburgh. 10·4, Y1le"111ei•, 0M91re, ta·?: Fotecll, St LOUii. 9-&. Monleluloo, San Oleoo. M c.llon, PMtdelpNa. 12 .. u.a. ~ehlo trtel• (.t ........ Ytefe) 9-M=.._.... 1oo-rn.1er llult•lly -1 Man QrlOl>ll (Hurtle•"•). 63 93. 2 Chrl• RIVH (O•ct• Club). 5<1 '6 3 Wllllaln Pautu. (LonQllOtn Aqu.llea), iM 117, 4. OIV1d ~ (Mkf.Ofllo llileyl. 5<1.92: 5 0•11; ...,.,...,, (FIOtkl• AquellCe). 5.5.01, II Oa\lld Bonorn 1Wa1t1u1 CrHk), &5 11 7 Robin LH my '"'" N80adoree). 5& 39: 8 Jim H•lllOurlon IToualey·Bb.lerl. 55 83 400 IM -1 ISt\IC:I Meyee (Heo.dor8el. 4 26.42, 2 Jtll Koeloll (lnduetry Hille) 4 2«t37, 3 Jtlf Fio.t (Arden Hlltl). 4 28 31, 4 JMee 11-UO (Nadedor•). 4 79 20. 5 s.ih ltllechlr (TOUl!ly-Bhiler~ 4 30.23 e Ron Nugltll (Lotl<> Aquetleal, 4 31 93 1 Jon Dltwly COlllGlnnlll ~etilt\e~ 4 3" $G, a 0\"9 Rowe (AlllfTIO ArM), 4:35.92 WC*Dt 200 rrta -I Marylla lh Llntmaltr (Nad•dore1). 2 00 28: 2 Tllll"Y Cohen (Neclldorwl. 2 00 11; 3 S111 Unka (Walnu1 C<Mk~ 211CU7 4 Mary Weyt• (CIMooll Aciuatal. 2 01 U . 5 Kathy Trelble (Florida Aquf!let), 2·02 00; 8 Mary T MHgllar (Llku ld1), 2 02 41. 7 Stacey s11upt llncluttry H .. ). 2 02.92, I 8-Hl bltnlgg (N~),203t3. 200 ~ -1 ~ cri-(Pvnlhou Aqu1tlcl). t:H .41 U'"'*lcan rec:1>rd), 2, ~ Aolter fCape Coat>. 2·'4 tt: t ~ .......... .., (Hedadotlt). 2 34.55; 4 ~Im Ill II o ct a n II t ul h IC 1nc1nn•1 t Peptl·Mtrllfla). 2:34. 2, I. Pollp Wllld1 (OlfmMICWml. 2·35 50; • su ... n R-c>P (81arllt Aqu111ca). 2·35 I 1, 7 Mtch.,le Mltc:Nnl (Cln ....... Maltrw~ 2 37 73, • s.w. Ouloo (l.On(lllOtn Ag..olllca). 2 37 77. T'OOAY'9 IVDfTI ....... 1~ w-·· 4CIQ...meler ~ Mell• 100 ·~ w-• 100 btebttOllt. Men'• 200 ~WOii• TIM0 lllACa. 400 yatda 81"11 Cherie (Hllr11 i 10 M11cue EtlP' ... (lr1NUr1) Tllltllte to Cut9 kt (MUCIMll) Aleo r-O l~t OUiclc• T ai.n1. Suptf Hemp Time 20 34 uo 2.10 llllO 240 240 MIM lqlfve '°"""' flACa. 350 y••O. 0at1roy« ILMll<evl 7 •o "oo a.ao My 811' Admltal (Adt ltl 5 20 ;J ?O 81r••• Jten (latd) • 40 Alto rec•d Proud Patrick, 8p1H h A Rocl<et, luge MIClllM, Smooth Olflvlty, Rocky D«lll Bat, Boogie ,_.,., Clleh Luci<. Timt II 12 '2 UACTA (5·10) PllO ..,8 IO 'llf'TH 111.ACI. 170 Y•"-......... °"-t~;. l!SAI tlUU 4 40 Huana11vee1Q111 (Iliad() 3 ao 2 llO Bllly C1t11t 8-(Pauline) :s 40 Aleo rac.o Stlurday Warrtor, Ru1111 Can 811 P0t ~ Rodcactoo. 5-lt Trve Time 45 74 llXTH lllACC. •oo yard• T rucll1te Joy (CfMOI') 7 40 4 20 2 llO Miio Six (Adair) 1 40 I llO Go Got Cl\~ (PllUllMI 4 40 Aleo raced. Ouetye OuHanbarg, Kit MU'ler l11t1Ml1t~la Pleun1 POiiey. Sonny T ... lk;H HOftda Jet, Morrlt HelllM Time. :zo.~ '2 UlACTA 13· 101 paid S64 00 ·~ lllACI. 350 yarde Mlt Clltc (Paullntl S 20 2 110 2 40 Euy Scene (Creaoar > 2 eo 2 20 Brown BuHlorl (H•r11 3 llO Aleo raced H..,. A Dandy, A Zw• HMICt Fly LICllldy Sp111. MIM 811.., LICH, w1,, !or Tiny. , ... FIOove. LOIN Slyte Time 1795 II UACTA 17·2) paid $19 llO l10Hn4 Ill.ACE. 350 yarcte Poo 8-'-llM (Tonk•) 18 40 II 60 7 40 PIOtl IAdel•I a 20 5 40 Fort"' LoveolTl<>My IMl1CFMll) • 00 Aleo raoeO Lemhi• Rockat. Oooo FMIUf ... ~bllng Fighter RobWWIM. ()()ti Lale lw. Llllll Mlaa Ela). Up Front Lltld• Time 17 92 ta llXACTA (7·8) Plkl $18$ 110 a"'°" m 17.a.1.:s-1-n Plld 111,495 20 wll" ""° wlnnlnQ tlckah (tlx llO<-) 12 Pick Six Con101a11on Plld UH eo with 61 winning tltlclle (five l'loraee) 12 Pick Sia Scttlcft eon-tlor\ paid '373 llO Wiii\ 13 wt~ tlctl.Ca (lour r.ora... one acrllefll Mm4 MO.. l60 ye<de OM.T ... 819di,.__ (Han) 3 20 3 llO 3 00 :>H·E.uy SUi Roclllltt (Fryde\I) 211 llO 19 00 e 40 8-0-(Lidl9'1) 4 20 Aleo •acecl My Stllf\lml, Ael>lty Lynn LOve H MOM)>' llflgO Chlrve. Hu•11mg Eeay. Too Tidy Sit. Shaved Olea DH-0..0,_t tor !Ital Tlrne 17 '6 II IIACTA ( .... ) P1k1 Ml 20 a ECACTA (8-41 paid $124 40 All~-8474 Deep ... ftshlftt NCWPOftT (At1'a UMlnil) -80 angler• 20 l>ONio. 110 11111> -· 2i lllfl4I -1•a rnac:keret. Ill roe-nan (o...r'• Le-I 1e.e ano1tt1 39 ber•ec:ycta, IM bOnlto, 21s _,.,beta. 112 Celoco 11Me 211 rock COd 7M rnaclteral 12 •OCll 119'1 DAMA WH•~ -271 ~ Ml -137 bonito, MO "**-· 12 llanaouda 1 Wbul, I wl'tlla -bMa. 11 roc:lt 11e11 IAM DCOO (H&ll ~ ,....,_._ ~ lMM) -141 ........ SO llbeaKI. I -"" lune. 1 ,....,. b.aa. 10 ~--. 40 bOtollo LOMG RActt (0-'t ,.,._., -226 anglart 2 yellowllll. es b•rracud• !15 bonllo, :Ull Clllc:o t>Me, 574 _,., t>aM. 3 llallbul, 26 rOCll flat\ MAL 91.ACH -117 angllt"t 430 Nl>d blM 170 rnaclt1tel. 2 hellbul 30 blrrlCUCla 11 oonno 4 roell fl9ll ._.. -t24 lf!Qlert 8 _,., bae. 700 m•...i. II .... lbul, t 1>8n"llCUCI• NOTICI TO CONnlACT°"'8 flK:1iltoue .,_ .. NIUC NOT1C£ Pt.mlC NOTICE Plate NOTICE CM..UMO ,()fl..,. °' 8UUt ,._.,,.,_. NA.m STA-CtRI... ............ 'OUNTAIN VAU.&Y ICHOOL '1CTTnOU8 IWS .. S8 FICTTTIOUI 9U8 .. N -MO. M..a ( ..... t191-tw1 U.C.C.) The fOllowlng i:;:~.~ doing o.Mt ~ ._. DtSTIUCT N.AMS 8TATHlllNT NA• eTAftMRNT C~MO.M-411 Nolle• I• hereby glY•" to ~.. ....._._~ NOTICI O' ADOP'TION 0' Tha following peraon la doing Trie to11ow1ng pereon 11 doing School Ol1trlc1: NEWPORT· credllor1 of lhe ""lthln 111m1d ARC ANIMAL HOSPITAL MARKET SHARE, 2192 Mer1ln _..._A--, tiJt -M80UITION bu-u buai,_ .. MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT trenefer0t lt\el a bU111 nneter It SALE.SANO FINANCE. a1112 Wlllout Stt9tt &Ille 155 Wiii Cell! Mew ..... CA-Of' INTDfT TO LEAN IAQLI CONIT"UCTION 808 S MOBILE FOREIGN CAR ei..~t:OOo'elodlpA11.of ebout lo be~ -,._,10!\el -A--,.TUltln,.Calltornla92UO 1 92115' ' na, omle IU"P'LU8 Dl8Tft1CT ltlAL CotllflA.NY,ttl121dfnrood~, SERVICE 10<138 SellnH River 1M 5111 dey ol Auguel, IM2. prQ9erty hetalNfter o-1bed J-E. Rich, D 11.M , t753 Olt1I bit 2H:i! VI MOTIC8 Of'"f'UIUC-~ ~ 14unllngtOA 8aech. C...lllomi.t ,112&4f Circle. Founta111 Velley CA 92708 P1t~~~~1.0's~~ll~~:~f~ J:.s: ol ~ ~tnll~ =-~~~n~~~ Ne•porl BHch, ~~.::~~: M'f'UC=-'°" NOTICE ~E'::B't~IVEN THAT E~=·L.~ ~~,~.~ :!!:',,2 1043~~1!,~~ ~.~~~~!~~:. Celilomla 92827 LODEMA 8 . LUCIA. 21702 Thie bullnau ~conducted by en Hutrtll1gton Beaeh, Calfotnla 0264I WMTa 0.C....._ THE FOUNTAIN llALl..EY SCHOOL C•llf0tn1a 921146 Valley CA 97708 Proiac:t ldenllftcatlon Heme: RE· Super1or ~ El Toro, Clll!Otnla lndMduel K M h MQV!M...,,B DISTRICT hes declered thll lh• Thll bu1m .. 1 IS conducled by an This l>U-4nesa ts conducted by an ROOFIHG Bl.DO. 200 AT CORONA 92&30 ,,_ E. Rlcfl D \I M en et ta, I07B Cherry (....._. ......... ~ followlog rNI property win nol oe 1nc:tlvtdua1 •ndtvtduel DEL MAR HIGH SCHOOL The loallon "'Callfomle of the Thie 1111-1 wat filed with the =•·...1..0nG 8ucb,. CaUfotnla llliM 1•1 .,,.._,,.,_,.) f-*l lor cluatoom putpow James w Welders Aot>e<t L s-y Place Pl•"• 1r1 on Ille: 1827 ctlW executiv. o"1cl or ~ County Clet1I o1 Or ... County on Jamw o. MOIM. Jr. 520 p-._ Tete'*•' lounge In Bulldlog A ThlS 111teme<>I wH tiled w11h lhe This statemem wn hied w.m ~ Place nll1 Sir•••. Coll• Miu. butl"991 office ~• Ill• 1n1endec:I June 2s. !982 If• lun•. Anarieim Ci llfornl• ~.,..,,..,... •I Buthetd School loc•led 11 County Clertt or Or•"O• County on County Cterh 01 Or•no• County on Cell10tnl1 1ranat.ror II SAME. F11ZM1 o2so7 LlllO" 8hlpy1rd hH lllad a loe99 Educlltlon lane, Huntington July 2 1982 July t 1982 NOTICE 18 HEREBY 01\/EN lhtt All olher bu11neH namll end Publl1hed Orenge Coul Delly Thie ~ It COl1dueled by 1 report Of WH11 dle~aroe •"d &Mch, c.i.forn.a. F112695 f1t257'2 Ille eoav.namld Schoof Olttrlc1 of addr-uMd by the lolended Plto(. June 30, July 7 14 21, 1982 general Partnafthlp ~Of raqulrem«ttt for the The Boerd ol TrualHI ol the Published Orange Coul Daily PubOsried O<enge CoHI D•lly Orenge County, Cellf0tnla, ectlng tr-'-or within llVW ..,_.. laet 290H2 J-D. Mobe, Jr of-tM ~from• Fount11n \/allay School Dlatrlcl P1101 July 7 14 21 28 1982 P1101 July 7 '" 21. 28 1982 by ind through 111 Clowernlng P•ll 10 far 11 known 10 lh• Thie 1111-1 wu fllad with lht t>otl yttd ~Ion lo ttie _t.,. of '"°""" 10 luM lhe llCIMles ao 2908 82 2910-82 Boerd, henllnafter referred to u lnlendecl lren•fat• ere. NONE Coun c th• 8 I• I•. l<>diealld above under lhe terms ------------1 ------------"OISTRICr'. wlll receive up 10, bul The name 11\d 11u91,_. addr-P\alC NOTIC£ Ju ~y terl< 01 Orange Couoty on On ttle bMl9 of prllltnl<wry 11at. •nd condlllona titted In tha PUIUC MOTICC not 111., lh1n th• 1bow1-1111ect of lhe lnlendad tr-flt• ere ty • 1982 Fm791 review e nd eppllcallon of l1wtu1 Aclaolu11on of !he Boerd, Aaolvtlon llrne, IMr.d bid1 tor lhe _.,d of SUPPLY INDUSTRIES, INC , 1 'ICTlTIOUB ........ Publlahed Orenge Cou l Dill 1tandard1 '"d ra911l1t1on1, Ille No 63-~ ------------ oontrect for Ille •b<>Ye projec1. Clllfoml1 OOfJ)Of'lllon, 2528 VIiia NA• ITATDlllENT Pllol J·..., 7 1 2 Y Cellfomlll Aealor\lll Wet• Oulll1y The minimum monthly 11 ue CONIOLIOATEO Bklt ltl9lt be reoelYed In Ille~ Bey•. N-port Beech, Cellfornla Tne lotlowlng pereon 11 doing • V•J • 4• 1• 211• 1982 CorttrOI Boenf, Senti Ane Region. paymenl tor the term ol ,,,. ._ ldenllfl•d lbOYe , end 111111 be 92eeG bullneee u 2934-82 lenlltiwely pr~ lo •-w1:111 1h1ll nol t>e .... then $582 75 '* REPORT OF CONDITION oC**' and put>liQly rMd lllOud 1.1 Thal th• property perllnent ALEE.DA SURF SUITS, 221 "8.IC ·NOTICE dleclletge raqulremen11 lnetudtng month The minimum monthly IMM ConlOlldated Report of Condlllor of "AMERICAN STATE Iha ·~••tect Ume and pl-hetltO le deectlbed In general I.I: Ill Main SlrMI, Huntl"gton 8Hch, •Hluant 11m11111on1 I nd ·~111 paymeol l()f •ubMque111 period• BANK" of Newport Beach, Orange County, and Domestic There •Ill be a NI A d•ro11t lloc:k 1n trlde, tum"ure, 11111ur-. Caltfornl• 02648 o'"CI 0' THI 8Hlfl"'· condtuoo•. Per1on1 •l•hlng to may be •dluslec:t by lhe Coneum« Subsidiaries at the close of busln--· on J une 30, •982. required for ••ch HI o bid equipment and good will ol 1 Mre LOii Jeanette Brown, 308 COftOtelR comment l"l)On 0t objec1 lo lhe Price Index 1nnu11 aver•ge """" ' doc:umen11 lo guaranlM lhe return c.1.tll1 vtlamln Ind nalUl'W food Aot>ln HOOCI. eo.ta ""-. Ctlttoroil COUNTY Oii ~ propoeec:t dltc:Mrga raqulr-1• ralllclad at the Ind of Iha INN State Bank No. 1072 In good c:oodltlon wllhln NIA d1ye bullneee and le locltld at: 2750 92e27 NOTICa Of' 8ALI UNDIR -lnvtled lo 1Ubmlt -•n wntlng Pa<1od A Meurtty depolil may t>e elter lhe bid openmg del• Herbor Blvd . Cotta M•••. Thi• bull,_.11.conductld by 111'1 DICMI CW 'OMC~ lo Ille atlow lddr-no lalet 11\en required prlOt 10 ocouparw:y Each bid rnuet conform Ind be Cahfomle lndMd\111 MOtn1CILLO TO .. HOUH• AuQuel e. 1N2. All oommenll 0t No eommtulon lhell be peld eny rt1pon1l11e lo Ille co"tracl The bu*-name UMd by lhe LOii J Brown CO•IU•C:Al1C* AleC>CtAno.., objecllons received prior to the ~ tMI •lllt brOll:et In Ihle dooumenle. Mid trantl«or 1t Mid 1oca11on le: Thil atatemenl •u flied 1¥ilh ttle eto. "9MM ..., t.AZAll IAMCIN, eboYe O..te wM be conlldelad In the regerd, 1nd there 1hlll be no Each bid ahell be accomc>enled NATURAL FOOO BASKET. County Clettl of Ofenge County on at .. D11J ldaM tonnul8llon of flnel delermln1tlone deduction from any propoHI In by lhe eacurtty r~ lo In the Th1t H id bulll tranafer 11 Juna 28. l062 Na. 171181 ragerdlng tt1e WNte dlectlerVe. ci.termlnlog the highest rnpontibfe contl'8CI documenll and by Iha llet Intended 10 be~*' tt lhe '19DU I, the uodelllgnad, Brad 0--. The Bo1rd wl1hH to Obtain bidder. of propoeed ldbcontrector.. office or: BURROW ESCROW Publlihed Orenge Coul Del~ 8Mrtft~. County of Otenge, lnform11lon to •nl•I It In See'90 prCJPOMIS 10 !MM aal<! ~ 10 aac:llon 4590 of Iha COMPANY, 11170 E Uncoln Ave., PllOI, June 30. July 7. t<I, 2I, l98 Stet•ofc.tlfomle. dohar«ly.nlfV determlnfnO pr09atweetadlacharge Pf°'*1Y mu11 be recalweo by the Go\temment Coda of the Sllte of Ofenge. Cllifomla 0*5 on°' efter 280ll-<82 lh•I by wlr1u• of Decree ol raqulr--.te Ind. for tllet P\M"POM, ~atad offloer 1t 1"8 FCM1laln Cellfomla. lhe contrect wfll contain Auguel e . 1982 For..,_,,. end a... In Superior wlll hold •pubic '-1nQ aa follows; Valley School Dlllrlct Edu<:41Uon prOYlllona permitting Iha ~ful Tllll blJllt tranefat 11 eubjec1 10 ~ NOTICE Court ol the County of Or8nCla. DATE: Sept«nber tO, tN2 TIME: <Anter, 17210 Olk Street, Fount.in bidder lo tubetllut• MCUt'ftiel kw Callfornl1 Uniform Commerclel Slate of Clllttomla. entarad on Mr; 9:30 a.m. PLACE: City Covncll Valley, C1llloml1, 92708, no Iller erry moneye wttllf*d by lht Olltt1c:1 Coda Section 8109. ~COURT 24, 1962, end '~ ~ 24, Ctlamb«I, 3300 N9Wp0rt Blvd., than 2:00 p.m on July 211. 1082 lo eneure perlonnanct under the The n•m• and addrNt of lhe Of' CALF~ 1982, In the aDoY'I entltled ec:Uon, Neiwpon lleedl. Cellfor"'9 Before 1cceptlng any wrlllen contrtet. ~ with whom c:lelml mr; be COUNTY°'~ •tlereln MONTICEUO TOWN In..,_,., p.-90na -llMtld to proorsa11, lhe d•leg111<1 olltcer The DISTRICT ,__ ltla rig/II fl I• d II 8 u RR 0 w Es c R 0 w .,. c: .... CeMlr °"" .... H 0 u 8 E 8 c 0 M M u N I T y attend to ~ "*' ....... on •h•ll call tor 0111 bidding. Any 10 rajact erry Of Ill bide or to wlive COMPANY. 1670 E Llncoln ... • ASSOCIATION, 1 Cellfomla Non-tr---1*lng to the aoow pe rson who hit here lofore Ill)' f"9QU!trf11M Of lnfonnelltlee In Avenue. Orange, Clllfoml• t:zea5, ..... AM. CA em. Profit Corporetlon, ltlt above ._.. ~ Pwtona malltng eubmllleo 1 Mittan bid rney eubmll 81'1'/ bid• or In tha bidding. and Iha 1 .. t c:tey for flllng clelme by 11.--AOI CW H1ilrcn.mt n•m•d plalnllff1, obtained • Pf'Mtftllllonl lllould confine tNlr an oral bid tXceadlng by 11 1eat1 The DISTRICT llM ot>t.alned from eny creditor 1h•ll b• A119u11 5, IUUAICZA A. HIRlfl•WZ l:f':' end ~of tor~ 11t1aman1, to th• abo..,. 1tated fllle (5%) perOlll'lt lhe hfQha91 w!'lllen Iha Olrac1or of Ille ~ment of 1982. "'*" .. Iha ~ dey -~NT1 9'0U9'TO •• .... 8Cllllr* LAZAR JAHICIH IHu ... Oral at•l•mant1 Wiii .,. bid The higl!MI 'MPOl'l"ble bidder lndu1trlal Aelat1on1 the gtnarel before th• con1Umm1t1on d•I• HIM•.-Z Md MARICA JAHten., --~ '-d. but, for !tie eoourecy of 1tle Ill-" be required lo uecufe Ille pr911llllng ret• of per diem wagea In IC*llflad above. .. •• '*' (•Am.Y LAW) for tht •um of One lhouund record, all lmpo1'11n1 1 .. tlmony form of laue. 1uch formal hu ttie ioc.11}" In which thlt work II to Oetld July t8, 1962 c ...... D1Ml74 ltllr1y-two a no/100 Oollare. lewfUI atlOUld ba IUtlmlttad In Mtttng Or1d herelolor• ~ llP9'0ve<I by tha ba perfof"tad for Md! oreft Of~ SUPPLY INOUSTRl£8 , NOTICm Y• ............... money of Ille United It ..... end b'/ Ital.,,.,. ltlollld be brief to..,.., Board of Trultell of wortun11n oaadad lo uecuta ltla INC Tiie oawt _, ............ ,... Wtue of • wrtt of enfoloan.11 Ill II lnt..-...d per--.. time 10 be The Boerd of Tn.tel-"'911 meka contracl. n-r"• .,.. on me 11 By. Geofge Sheller, .,..... ,._ ...... ~ ....,. Nld acllon '-lad on June I. 1M2, I '-Cl. !fie del•mlnallon .. 10 whethef 10 tha-OISTAICI OFl1C£ LOCATED Pr-'denl ,_ r..,..w _... •..,.. .._. IM COtntnanded to Hll all the The ~ Of ._.. dttolwoa. INN Mid fteillllta .tth len (10) AT 1157 Pleotntle Streat. Coeta Publllhed Orin~ Cou t Oally ... .... • I...... ~ ~Iha Countyorpr... ,...., clooumentl. *' w.tt. the dayt 1rtar receipt Of bid•. M-.callfornla021127.Cop!Mtnay Pllol,July21. 1982 lfyouwW'ltotea611MacMoaot 81lde cit~ cl.-lbed • loard'a PfC>POMd raQ11lrtfMl\te, rnformalloo concer"l"O th• be obtained on reciu-t. A oopy of 400242 an 1ttornay In 1111• m111ar. you tollowe: and all COITll'Mnt• and petlttont prQC)ONI lhoutd be addrlilMd 10 .,.... ,.,.. tflali be poalad ., Iha 11\0uld do to~ eo IM.t 'f04JI Loi 266, of T"rect No. 5180, .. reo•IYed ITllY " lnepeotlld an<I FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL )ob tlta "8JC f1>11Cl r~O'~,lfany,meybe l'«IOfded 11'1 Booll tit, '11gea'40to ::!:'at Illa REGIONAi. Boerd DllTAICT, 11210 Oek Slreal, The f~ ~ ol per fllad on time. tl2, ln~111lve of Mlec•ll•neou1 llOt ~A~ ...... Fountain Vt//llrt, Celltornla 02708, diam w1gi11 fe baHd llPOn 1 .. U.. AVitOI Uetad Ila •Ide ¥ape, "A::J:'O' Of Ute ONnge 200, ~ CA t250t (pflOne (714) 842.-St Allanllon N-.il lllOf'k.lng dr/ of elgtlt (I) lloure. The ll01lC9 Oii MU dffl .. dMe. II trt"9tal pltMe C0UMy *• CMfotnll.. 7'U eet 8S30l"'-lfMlhoureOf Wlallnd rate I« hOlld9y and -11ma ..otti Notloa It,... ""'8fl ~ ...., ....,. U& • ll1M11 a Property le more COf'MIOflly 1.-00 a.m. Ind 4:00 p.m .. MonOay o.ta: July 1, t982 9'1111 be .. ltelt lllne and oncMl.tlf, to ..... 306t tnd ION°' ........... Ull. ·= = ..... llnown H : 2ttl 8•r•to0• w.,. ltwOUllf'I ,,., FOUNTAIN VALLEY tt Wiii bt fftltldelory upon Iha OM OOdt at lM 8tMe o1 c.-m111 • • ..._ U. .. 0"'-tits -C.. MeM. Celramla. ,..._ bmQ the fONOolno to 1M SCHOOi. OISTRIOT CONTRACTOlt to whom th• ttle unelar•IOnad IPO Prlnllne a ...... Taoaa--.-i .. and ~ attentton of Mr""°"'·-to Jamat o. Woe.I oontrect fl~. and IJPOl'I ll'lf Oletrlbutlno. he dbl~ SI U1ted dHal tollaltar el lenefft&ntl, lletectllemen11 end you wtiq WOUid bt 11.-..acs In We Clerll of the Boatd IUOcontrac10t undtt Nm. to P9Y not L~ wtll NII et ""* OOf'MIO de un ..,._ en .... INl..,.IOll....,. ~ mettar. Publl1hed Orange Coat• 0.11; latatllellU.Mldepeolfladrtt•to ....on.• aCMO ~ Awnut.. uunlo , dabtrf• hecatlo OtlllYWa~ Pllbll~ Or~ Coaat Oellr Pllot.July7, 14,2t, 1oe2 .. ~"*' ~ by lhtm In co.a ....... Calf., .. to &.m, °" ~ dll .... rnMtr'I, ,U .. LIC NOTIOI re ..... HY P'tlot, .My 2'. tNI atn-11 2"M2 the ~ of -contract. ~'!::*' -of .Mt. tta, ., ,..._.., o tltQeOlon, • t1ey CMVIH Tl* ort THOMOAY AUG. No bidder ~~ 11111 bid ttla ~property, to aioun1, ~ Mr r90Ntrada a tt, 1Nll. .. t~ o·ai.m. A.Mo of r----.---.,.-..,..------ for • l*tod of (tfl ~ wit: UIO·l 1 ttll A11n11at t I etn Po . th al dO It Mall! l.Obby, i-----cc----""-'-~---tft4' 1tla cseta •'°'Iha~ ol lntllf'11•tlon11 Olflclal Talent a ~ 100 CMc C... DrM .. , .. '*:'Pt y ni an I ti on d • n d 1 "'::S·~ Iha pwp-. of TO TMl Al!tP'ONOINT: Ttla ::-.=. ofd=I>~~~ l'WM W 1"' .-W. SfAW parfotmenoa botld _.be f9qUlrecl ~ llafl of tf1a undtltlgll4Ml petitioner tllt fllad 1 petition under Mid Mtt and oeor., or llO °' 1•1 ._ _..llltAllCll CO.MY Mnr to -.,uon of Iha oonlract. b ~ Md labior ~ to OIM-illllf ~ "*'19091 If~ flll tnuOh tMt90f • INfJ be NCI 11 ) -........... T1la ~ bond lflall Ila In flt M'A lntemattonal, lflc fOf ttte 10 .. • ,..,,_.....,. *'> ~of to ••11•'1 Hid Jud9111a11t with .,_ :.-=--T-~ form,., torttl In th• oontflot prlnt1no 1nd produouon o• th• th• del• that tlllt eulft"'°"' 11 ..,..... Md ooeea, eo tlla ....._. T• =:t' 1 11• dOourMntt. ..,._. dnotorlllt In ttle amouM of ..., Oft you,~ ...... ,,.., ... blddar. -.... In lawM ~ °' '*'-~ -Cloocert*tQ lowd M.ltttt ~ wttt1 00tta fllf .,._, Md !ht ON1 ,.,.., .., 1 IN Ur'"9d ..._ 11 ....... Mid e .c).. e,:-~~ ...................... °'...... Jud9l'Wlt 00:1 ..... ~. o.tlCI " ... AM. 0---. ~~ ... . o;...... Oaead.,. 12'11 _of-. 1Ma. °'*' OtOlre llOl'tNflti ............... tllt. ~ -~ Dlreolof MAHNI, ~ P'°"'1Y• IPOUMI eupjl0r1, oMd ........_'-a Y• ._. car.. liftd -~=~ t,000,000 ftu)tl"*f Oranoe eo.t ()Illy l.IWINt Kl.1111 cultl)dy, Ofllld ~ppot1. ~ .,,...,..~...... woltR 11,..,.. •F.»t,•n Not,~11,lt, tla Mtctllewl..... .....coatl,tnd~--,..., ............... CA-Ui IS ... Ma~ tf,l•A?ft t001.U Attomayt tot 1PO 1N1Y ba .,..... by fie oourt. Tlll ...... ~ =:: ..,. -----------1 ~=·o::;~O...fno.O..~ oemllt"'*•I of weo-, UtlclnQ of l"AO OATH, ltletlff· -~~.... Mt.221.+44 -----ear-..,,._.,., , ... ..,.,.~a ""!!~~-----• "'°""' or ............... ,. or -'°""' """" MONMI tor .. ,., na.-..o To ,,.._.,.er~ "'9ot, M(at, 1ta. ~ :::.-Pl 1111 Pi• 1MY tllo ~.·.:.·Z".:.. _.,. ~ --...... ..._.,_. .. In 1 Ill ,_._"'""!ht ""'" l.1.1 A. WHQH, 'v~ ~ c.Mt Oall'f /llfN8 ..... ••t '°' .. 1'W ...._ o..nt.. at, 1181, ,.._.. to the ,.... P'ltllo. ~ Not. Mt t1, ... _ ... .._ ...._ 0.011 • I * f!A fie ..... of~ 1M11Uaftt to .... ~ C.11142-H71. 1fJ,T,"'6tfYOM, lt1Mt :.:.-:: ......... a...;;;r.11a.,.1. r:~r'~:'°':~ ,.~°'9fila Co.t ~ ·".:-:..~.:-.: =.:. ...... "'°'-..._ 14,, It. II{-., 4. 1111:. " ... 141.ft71. ' ,. '111\S• 0...S-Oelual .,._Not.~ ao, It. 11..M, lMI It-.. ' ~ ASSETS Dollar Amounts In Thoueande Cuh and due from banke ..................................... 2. 725 Investment securities (Market value $-4,233) .......................................... <4,396 Non-Investment securities ........................................ 178 Federal funds aold and securities purchased under agreements to resell In domestle offices ............................ 9,500 a . Loans, Total (excluding unearned Income) ......... . ............ <42,878 b . Leas: ~for posalble loan losses .......................... <496 c. Loane. net ................................................... 42.382 Bank premlaea, F.F.& E., etc. .. ................................. 306 Real estate owned other than bank premises ... ...... ....... ................ ... 3,990 Other aaaete ............................................................ 2.633 TOT AL ASSETS ................................................... 88, 108 LIA81LfT1E8 TOT AL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC OFFICES ....................... 59,280 Total demand depoalta .. . .. ... . .. . .. .. 11, 181 Total time & aevtnga deposits ..... <48.099 TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC A.ND FOREIGN OFFICES ................ -............. 59,280 0th« llabllltl•• ........................................................ 1,99-4 TOTAL LIABILITIES (u:cludlng eubordlnated notea Ind debentu,...) ................................................. Sl,274 Subordinated not• and deb41nturet ........................ 984 aHAMHOLDIRa EQUITY Preferred ttoci( No. Bh•r• outltlndlng -None Common 1tock •·No. en... authorized 1.200,000 b. No. eh.,.. outstanding 1,004,423 1,255 SU~ ................................................... 1.455 · TO AL CONTAIBllTEO CAPITAL .......................... 2,710 Retained ..,-nlnge . ...... .... ......... ........ .. .. .... .. .. .... . . ..... 1, 180 TOTAL SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY ......................... 3,870 TOTAL LIABILITIES ANO SHAREHOLOl!AS EQUITY ................................ ee.1oe The underalgned, 8.ft Whltfteld, Sr. V.P. & Conttotler and Loll Mll'tln, Aellltaftt CUNet ot the a~ bMk. MCh dect ...... for hlmMtf ak)M end not for the other: I have peraonat knowledge of the mattera contained In thl• report (lnctudtng th• ruerve Ith ~end I belwe thet Wll'l ltatemeqt"' Mid NPOf1 .. true. &oh ot the underltgned, lor NfMllf lk>f'9 and,_ for 1M °"*· oerttftle uncW penlfty ol perlufY that ... foNQotng It true end oorreat. becut«t on June 1~ 1"2 It ,..,,port 8ieGh; c.ttorm. /"8.P'-WM1'efd /all..c*'Mmrtln l'IMllW arw,. 0.. -,..... tt , .. f I "!!!!'ft•' TN ......._ ~ W11 dfll'i The r.r.::1111 ~.,~ Ml .io!nt ~":a'.IAH PA01111~01&1 ,~=~ ~· Huntlnllon , A OMI~ MllllMI. 1017 MMOY IOOTT ~~~RTA. 10111 1.-. oeota -~ 1111? llrotwwood. ....... OA Thie ................. W lfl t"41. ..,...... JOUllHINI I.II AIA"TA, Clef'llll J. •uldl 10tH a ttll\WOO.d, HlolnlllltlOft Thll ... leiNnt WU~~ ttll IMol\, CA tlt4t ~ Ollfll ot Orlflll .,_,ty on Tl!ll tKieil,::n; oon®*d by I Juno fl, 1Ht. - llmltld pen . '•-loott L.o Abert• PUbll•h•d Ortng• 00 .. 1 Dolly Thie.....,_,., WM lltld with 1111 Not. July 11, II, Al.lg. 4. 11, tN2 County Cllr1t of Ot-. Couftty on 4007-11 ~ 21. 1N2 P\aJC M>T1Cl i1Publl1lled Ortngo Co~ ~-"'l'll'*ft!l'WlllTT'll~~""~"l"Cl'W ll'llot, June 30, Jut'f"l, 14, 11, 1912. IAU WILL Bf CONOUOTlO ON ________ 2_1t_G_12 lll!HALfl OF THI! t~USTl!E IV· __ .,. Ml\TIC( CALIFORNIA llOSTINO ANO l"-.n. """ PUaLISHINO COMll'ANY, 1021 N. -y·ou--... --.--DIP~-AUL~T~Ulm~ll.l=R L. A I( E A v l . • u I T E a 0 ' • ADUDCWTMMTDAftD~ llAIADINA. CALl'OlllNIA 11104 W1t. W&aU YOU TAllt Ttll!PHONE NO. 213/M1-4&4tl TO tiltOTICT YOUR ""°"*"' ', C"' m1t rT MAY•~ AT A P\aJC MOTICI Ofl TMllTl.I .. IALI I AL I . IP Y 0 U M 11 D AN NUMllR _, IXPUllAT10M OI TMI MATUM Tn11tof Pl~M. II.". CW TMI NOClllMMO ~ YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Y°"' YOU IHOUlD COMTACT A Ot!!D OF TRUST DATl!O JANUARY LAW'IM e. 1171 . UNLESS YOU TAKf NOTICe OI' TRUeTlff UL.I ACTION TO PROTECT YOUlll T.I......... PROPERTY, IT MAY Be SOLO AT A NOTICI IS HUWIV GIVlN. tlllt PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN on w~ Auouet 4 1N2 II EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE t:OO o'clock a.in. of Mid dev. 1(1°1111 OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST room HI Hid• tor conducting YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A TN1111'1 Selle. within 1111 o111-o4 LAWYER. REAi.: ESTATE SECURITIES NOTICE le ~y gl'Vlfl lllet Flrlt SERVICE loco* 11 2020 North Ch1r11t Flnancl1I Corporetlon, • lloeaw.Y. Suite 209. In Ille Ctty of Co<OOfltlon, M TnnlM under Ille lent• Ana. Count)' o1 ()tenga, St.to DHd ot Trull recorded u of Celllornle, RIAL ESTATE lnllrumenl Numt>er 311470 on 8ECURmE8 SERVICE.. Callfornla Jenuery 27. 1g11 In 8oolt 12545 oorporetlon, .. outy eppolnted True-PIQI 311 ot Ofllclel Record• In 1111 ••• under and p1,1r1u1rtl to the County Recorder ot Orange County. pow., of 1111 conferred In thet Ca11lomle, of which DMC1 ·of TNif Clr'IMI o..d or Tn.iet uecutld by Amerlcen S111lnQ• end loan FRANK J. DURANTE. e merrled Aeeoclellon It 1111 BenellClery, by men, end GARY R. YOUNG. e ..,_ reuon of dlflUll II\ 1111 poytnent OI man reoorOld ,),lky 13 117' ltt pertonnenee ol 01>11Qellon1 _ _, lllooli 13228 of Oftldal Aocorci9 of llllrlby. Md Not tee of o.leult end ••Id County, •t P•Q• 1671, Blnlflelary'"•~lonlOcauMIOlle lllocofdlr'• lnltNn'llllt Ho. 18215. by eold '"' property below dllOrlbld reuon of • ~" « defeult In halltng 11111'1 ,_ded • pro\lldecl peyment or p.,formenc• of 1111 by llw, end more lllen '"'" '"°"'"' 0111111111on., 11curod th="· llevlng 1lep11d •Inc• 1uoh tncluCllng 1Nlt tlrMCfl or . _.,..Ion, wltl on trnday, Auguat Nottce of wNcti -~ April 13. 1082. 0 15 AM et ttle front I IH2 M Recorder' a 1n11rum1n1 enlrence to lhl OLD Otengo County N'o. 12:122124, WILL SELL AT CourtllouM. IOc:elld on Sente Ana PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Blvd,, between Sycemore SI. & HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. Br()edwey, Sanll Ana, Cllltomle. tewNI money ot tlll United Stew. 1111 •I public auction 10 tlll lllQlllll °' • c:aelller' • cl1ldl c1r.wn on bidder for eaeh. peyebll II ttle time 1tat• or netlonel btnlt. • et•I• or of eele In lawful money ot tl'll Urtltod r.derll credit uniOll. °' • 1tat. or Stet••. without co111n1n1 or ,_,.,., le\llnQI end !Oen UIOCMtlon wwrenty. uprlNld or lmpllld, ti domlcllld In 11111 1t11e, .. ~ at I o I I I I I . P o t I I I I I 0 n O f ttle time of ....... l'IQlll, tme and encumllr-... rlgllt end Inter ... lnterwt l1lld by It. • TNet ... In ~ IO end now l'Olld by II thet reel property ettuote Jn elld under Aid 09ld ol T ruel In end to County end Stlll. deocrlbed u Ill• properly In Ille County ol toliowe· Orange St et• of Celllornl•. L , "'" T _,, Ho 4-... dlectlbeO M IOllOWe: ot ""· r-. ·~ • I*' LOT 75 OF TRACT NO 1144. IN mep recorded In booll 140, pogoe THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH 24-21 of Ml1c1ll1neou1 Mep•. OOUNTY OF ORANGE STATE~ ~~~ ol Or•na• County. CALIFORNIA, AS .PER MAP The 11re11 eddrHI or olller AECOROEO IN BOOK 314 PAGES d "' I t ,.. el 27 TO 38 INC LUSIVE OF common .. rw1111 on o ,.,e re MISCELLANEOUS MAPS IN THE property lllrelnebow ~bid II ' H T Y purported to 111: 1074 Minion OFFICE OF THE COU Dl1YI. eo.ta ......_ ~ RECORDER-Of' SAIO COONTY FOR The undertlgned 11erelly THE PURPOSE OF SATISFYING dlt cle lmt ell llelllllty tor 1ny THE INOEBTNESS SECURED BY lfle ~ In Mid t1rl9t eddr-SAID DEED OF TRUST INCLUDING ~lier common dellQnltlon THE FEES. C HARGES AND or Slld u19 wlll bl meOI witllcM EXft.~~!r ~cf,!~~~111er werrenty, uprHI or Implied, common designation ol tlll ab<Mi-ragardlng 11111. POIHHIOn, or delerllled Pfoplrty 11 21 Montedlo encumbranc ... IO Hll1ty lh• Or . Newport Beech, C1lllot"ll prlndpll blllenc;e of Ille Hole OI 92625 other ot>llg1tlon MCUl'od tly "'° The· 1otll emounl of 1111 unpaid ONd oC fruat, -1111 lnler9lt end belanCI ot "" obflO•llon MC:Urld othlf """''II provided lllereln; l>y said Deed ol Truat and plu8 ed'vencee. i1 erry, under..!: roa1one1>1y et11me11d coall, l1t1n1 thereof end lnlMlel on ••oen-end edvencee 11 1111 time ectv-. Md plut 1-. cnergea of 1111 lnlti•I pubitca\lon of lh• end Ill~ of Ille Truat .. end of NOllOI of Sale It $241.412 55 the truett created by Mid Deed ol Currently dlled cuhllr'a Chee*• Tr"91. Tiii total amounl ol .. kl 01 certllled check• will be ollllglllon. lnc:tdudlng renonably eccept•llll IO Ute T ruet• prcMded 111rme1ed I•••· chug•• and 1111y 1111 dr~ 1n '•"°' of Ar.i UPIMel of 1hl Trtaat ... at tlll llml c111111er Ananc:lel Corl>Orttlon ar>d of 1n1t111publc:allonoC11118 Hotlcl. 11 ull1tac1ory ldontltlcetlon 11 S 11,514.32. evallal>le. Oetld: Juty 0, 19412 ..,,_,_ ... J""' 11 1082 REAL ESTATE ._.., -• ' ' SECU"""IES SERVICE. FIRST CHARTER "" FIN AN CI A L 1 C.ilfomle corporation. CORPORATION. u Truata at TtvltM By. (SEALI D J. MOlget, By W H Hetdln l1a Prelldlnt Us Attorney In Feet 2020 Nortft 8'09dw8)'. Add,_ of Trutt~ =.~.CA 0270tl :~c:i=~r~ .... n!!m'9, •• T"9 lllleWlnt "'*' II dl\nl T9'1 ~· ""°" ll tome ITA .:TO OOiriW1iM Tiie lol~ll't pettOn It .ilolnt -M M .... , WllMa •. "*"-. 11) 'llt.D MAi.ICITIN01;•). CMILD'f WO~LD , .... ftRO·MAAIC. (I) '"O•MA I( IOHOOL. t111 W, ldinflt, lento ~·· ....... , ....... tit,.... PAITAANO'I "UTAUAANT, et 1M ...... of "9ftt O.atlcNll • I • .. Y I 0 I ( d I M U L I • AM. ~ h~. MA "KITING i..1•1 MUI.TI· LOUIH llACH IAQl.UTON, M4MtTlNG Wiil. lllOOelr'Cltllld II 11 MVMllt Ofl'tl, Hunting IOI! A~IMM.~tl7tl ---.OAlltiilt. 1HSl·S'P lleafl llvd., MvnlillttOll Olllel ot lll•l'l Ofer1t11111 1111 lelotl, CA'"'*'· '•trv11w "•t• Ro1pl111, 1101 .. 0 I • R T I D W A A D Horbot llvf .. Oo1t1 Miii, OA .,....,.. 4 """ 1 w... Tfel Tllll ....._.,. ooodu•d ~In Lanli lt'llM. ~ wr11 MMd• llAITAANO, HH1 M1ttlnepll11 ...... 111"41 l.'OO p,lft. Oii ~ H, om.. LA1011M NIGi*. OA mn ,..,, .. ..._ -. .,.., .. • Thll ~le~ ~"' pu1111ie1y opon*1t 1nd t•H for llldMdull ,.,..,...... .... -Thll ....,.... ti OCMidUIOtld ~ lfl l.Ollllt P • ...-on tncilWNel. Tllll ..... """' ... lltld wl'lh "" .._.,,I. llMtreno '"'Ill"' ell lobot, motlrillt, Thlt ····~ ... llled with tlll tOOle Wld ~ BIO couniy °""' .. OrltlOt County on .... .,LAOI' OllHMAOHIN ... llfadtoAI 11111 Coun~ Oletll of Of'lllOI OOUllty Oft Tllll •l•tomont •• 111111 wltfl ... Nit ,., ..... ~ J1.1n1 II. 1n2. '*-AomoYo .. 11t1110 dl1hw11tll nt llubtl•ll•d Orana• 00111 O.ut ,,...,.,_Mel hoOM. toC.11 ot Melt! OfNn'Y C11t111 Of Or#lfl County Otl Publlehed Or11191 Ooatl Ollty June 13. 1NI. ll'lol. .My 11. 21. Aue-4. 1 t, 1111 ,., • ., 3211..U ll'tlo4. JllM :te>, July "7, 1•, a!d (11) 111eotlln11. tnlt•H now low ne7 t•ll\pefllure dl1h111eo111n1e 111d -----------tOON*' to ......,. lltlltll9 i--. P\aJC ll)TIC( ~ Wld """"' • ,... f). "ubt11hed Or•nee Ooaat Dally ,,_.,Ny 11. 11. Auf. 4. 11, 1Mt UM-12 __ '1C_Tm0U_ ........ --.,... ...... ~.~.---------....... ""'"'!~IOclnl*' now INIONnM to~ HCln.OW ...... MOTICI 0# ,_Tll'l IALI ....... -.i ~ 11 W1110U1 Mam ftA~ On Al.IQUllC 4, 1"2 at tO:OO a.m. toaelioM at ,~ Ital• Hoep!IM, ..aJC NOTICE Tiii followtnt '*'°" le dolno NAMI ITAlDllNT Tllo tollowlng peraon 11 doing SHIAR&ONIAMllAICAN llCAOW 1n 1ocord1noo with plane ind ~ •: OOM,AN!L fomaerly llnown 11 ~ "*"°'· '90nnou9 IU-.. AAOUC ~AM. • '1* Southlm "'11M &«ow ~ llrefetonce wlll bl grented to MAm l'TAftMIWT Drive, 1101. Coeto Mffo, CA ...... bullnON .. : PICTmOUl .,._U ,ANTA8Y OAAPHICI. 2140 NAM1 ITAT'DmWT OtlCI ~. •I. Coate MMe. CA ~ ~ PlflOl\t ere doltlt 2t2~ll\lSA AHff ANTONUCCIO, MUAllHv·a . 2424 Horth Grand 10112 Aqueduct. Cypr111. CA ::.= ~,:.~ u!.r:=.: ~~=·.:::.=!1 l~P=~~ ~ ~ ,.,.-.,. do6nQ ~LI.NH JOllllH O'-ANO«A. Avenue, Sant• Ane, Celllor,.I• ~. 1 .... .,., oa101 Thi• bu••-• oondU01wu VJ .,. Dold of TNlt ell.outed by "°9ERT wlltl loollOn 1M. ot. llQ, ,._ 2, OILANEY SASH & DOOA, 486 Fo1t e>mre. 4'203. CO.. ...... AOC!(. 1 111etnod man M hie toled Oalltornll Admlnlttrell¥9 Coclo. INC., 17100 01111111, lrvlne, OA CA nt28. 1 n d up er• I• prop er I Y, • n ~tlont for Pf ••ioe muet bl 127 14 Thie bullnW -Nod wltft tno ' • c 0 r did Ml y 2 2 . t .. 1 • I atbl'nltWCS to the 1111111 lullneM w A AM I NOT 0 N IN Te A IOAS CoufltY Cletll of OtMOI County on lnatrumtnl no. 30207. In bOOll Office. ttU -14111 ltrHt. ANO DESIGN .• Celllor11I• NtoJ 1t. 1"2. RIAL HTATI COMPUTER lndlvlelual UOH. peg• 031, Of Olllcl•I "°''"*"to. CA 16114, not ... eotporetlon. 17100 Olll•U•. IMnl. ,...,. 8YSTIM8. l~C .. 1 C111tornle corporotlon. 4 Corpor•I• PlaH. ~ leecti, Cellfotnlll Thie buelr"9e .. conduc:ted by • COl'1IOl'•tl0n. Reel EatlM COmp\ltlf Syeteme, Inc. Petrlok Murphy. ,,,.....,, Thie •t•t-t WM flied with '"' County 0"'1I ot Otange COUllty on .>utt HI, 1ta2. ,,.... Pulllltlled Orenge CoH t Delly PllOI • .My 21. 2t. Aug. 4, 11. 1082 400Cl-l2 ACTmOUI llU ... U MA• ITATl.•NT Thi lc>llowlng Plf'IOtll .,, dOlnO t>u_ .. TNT (Teeoe H Toqullel, 3300 W. COHI Hwy .. Newport lle1c:ll, CeNtornta eaeeo I . Allt" CerporeUe11, • Celliornll corporellon, 3300 W Cont Hwy , Newport 8e1ch. Calltornle ll2teO Thia ~ .. conOuetld by • corporallOtt E Allyn Corpo<ellon Allyn Ceno Prllk*lt Thla lttlement WH Iii.cl wjllt 1111 Coullty Clerk of OrllllQI Coull!)' on July 2. 1012 ·~ Pulllllltled Orange CoHt Delly Pllol, Jliif 1. 14. 21. 21. 10922933-82 Nil.IC NOTICI: f"tCTmOU8 ., ..... NAml'TA.,.....,, The following person• -OOinO ~-· POLIKOLSK Y-MEWllN CONSTRUCTION. 2707 Aurore Ho. 1, Senll Ana. Celltornla 02704 John C. Poll1tol1ky, 2230 Ruta.,• No. c. Cotl• Meu, Cellfornla 02827 Wiiiem L Hewlin. ~707 Autore No I, Bente Ana. Callfomla 82704 Thie ~ II COflduc:ted by e generel pertnll'8lllp JoM POl*oltlly Thil et.......,. -fl6ed -'th tho County Clerk o1 Otenoe County Ofl JuM 28, 1912. ,1-7 Pulllltlled Ote11oe COHI Dllty PMol, Juno 30. ~ 1. 14. 21. 1912. 2791-12 l'lCTmOUI IMllMll NAm ITATtMIN'T Tiie lollowlng perton I• doing 11u.ir-.. \Al Z 8ASE CO MPUTER SERVICES . (Bl Z BASE PHOTOO~HY SERVICES,= Simonne L-. Huntington • CA l:lt47 ·sTEVl!N C. ZMUDA. 111822 ~ ~. HuntlttgtOfl Selofl. CA 12647. Thie bu*-II conducted by .,, tndMduei. Sll'llll C. Zmuda Tiii• etetement w .. llled with Ille County Clift( ol Orange County on Juno 26, 19112. ,tm.a Publlthe<I Ot1nge COHI Dall> Piiot, July 7. 14. 21. 21. 1012 2073-84 A1cord1 of Orange Couftly, lhln five (4) celender d•y• In CA 12114. Publl.ti.cl Otenge 00111 Delly C1llfornl1, end pur1u1nt to tllet ~ of bid opening dote. Tiiie Tiile bu"'-II condUCted by• Pllol, JU;; 21. ff, Aug. 4, 11, 1"2 certeln Nolle• ot Dotault end prete,.nc• eppll" fo pro11011 OOlll«•tlon m1~ E>ec;tlon to 81111'*-"* r~ wNl'I ttw lltlma*' prOjle:t coot Wetmlnglon ln*'«>n l 1------------ Merdl 26, 1Ma • ~ no. pOMC1e 111.000. OotlOn rta.IC NOTICl 12-102333. ol offlclll Aeo«d• of Bid pnlpOlllle mutt bl eubMIUed Wm. S. Krllell. Sect. .,_ .. H id Oounty. wlll under and for tho ontlro worll dH crlbod Thie .catement w .. lllod wl111 tne Ptertnoue pUtatent to llld Dold ol TtUet ... tllltlln ~tlone trom p19ne end County Oleril of OtMGt County on NAm l'TAlDllNT 11 pybllc MICtlon for c:eell. ltMfUI IPICtf!CatlOM will not be OOlllideNd .NtoJ 111. 1H2 Tho toltow1ng person It Going mollty ot th• Unll•d 81•1 .. of end wlll .. --tor ~ of K..,.L a ~,..,. ~ ~ 8 E A 8 0 N 8 Amer lee, et tho Nori II front bide. Thi~ 1111 tM l'IQlll 1 -• MANUFACTUMA. 1151 Wiii 11111 envonoe to IM counl)I ~. to wetl'I Vf'/ lrreaulilrttY In • blcf or __ ,_ c 111 1 700 CMc e.nter OfNI W•I, Sente 10 ,...,. W'1 0t llll bldli. 4000 ~ ...._ StrHI. Coate M•H. • orn • Ano, Cellfomie. Ill tllel right, 11111 Ho b6d wll bl OOl .... 9d uni-It 10ltl ,.._.,,.. 92927 and 1tt1er1M conwY9d to and now 11 med• on , etenderd torm Newpott leec:fl. CA oaeeo Emit ~. 7802 Appleby held b)' II under uicl ONd of Tnm tumllhld by tho DIC*tment end 1e Publl1lled Orange Co111 Dally °"""· HuntlngtOll 9Mdl, Clllltornl• 1,. the pfot)lft)' e!tualed In uld mad• In ecoordonoe with th• Pllo4, ~ 21, 111, Aug. 4, H, 1H2 t2Mt _ ................. County and Stet• dllerlbld ee: "trwtl'UG1lone to llddlrt", 4006-42 TNe ~ II .....,..,......., v7 11n Lot 10 of Tract 1112. In tne c:tty of Proepeottve l*Sdef'I moy •emlM TICE lttdMdual E:ml OeC09tlr Coat• MMe. • ._ on • "'If> Wld ~ p1er111, ~end "8.JC NO Thie at•tornont -Mid w1111 me reoorOld lfl BOC* 50. POQ91 32 to b6d tormt ~ ooaig It or ~ e ...... ~ Couret)' C*1I of Otenge Counry Of\ 341 lndulMt of~~ ~to tflo Oflloe of tno CNel" of 21 N In IN ofllot ot the County A«:order ll'l1nt Oper1t1on1 et the ebo111 C~~=-Junl 1• 1 2 ,.~1 of ::.~-;:r.r~:·.11 oil gH eddf.-H7-62tZ 1~ number (1t4) no C .... C.W DtM Wiit Pulllltlled Or1119e Coaet Diiiy ... and other 11 or boi,. ' ._..AN. CA ll701 Pilot, June 30, .My 7, 14. 21, UM12 = 1 deOtfl ot 600 ytllt -wttnout 90~ ~ ...!:'cif s,::;:o!:: MAHIAQI 0, PITITIONH: 270742 the rlgltt ot 1urteoe ,,;try. u ttio oonv.ct pfioe ,,_i ~ um:'o'N=r ANTHONY a. .._.,. NOTG rlMl"lld In lnettumen18 of reocwd. 1 11.,y contreot 1n11olYtn9 _en ...... TTI ,._ The •r ... oddt.-ot M6d property ~ 1n ~ of aas.ooo. -I• ,. .. F.0.r•I Alllf\UI, Coit• ttll IUCCMtlul bldd•r Wiii b• 14 .-.a. C'"=~W) T·191'cw MeM. c.Mlornle 12827. roql*9d to .-... • oonvlCtlnl c-..._ MOnc:a Hem• eno eddre•• of th• •arHm•nt In th• form ot • _9!0= Y•.:::, =:-:a: ~ lllnlllclery It wt1o11 '~ tho " tenderd Agr~t. Form 2" ',_ ..., T ·-A Hie I• being conduc11d: City wtlMitl lhell be blndlnt llPOI' tfll ........ ,_ ...... "-"d YOU AM • DIPAUL _. '1C1TnOUI 9UWll F•d•r•I Suing• & Loin cto 8t•t• of Cetlfornle only upon C :=-:. ""::.: _,.. .._. ::-:::.'=::To~ The ~IT~• OOinO ~=~·~~~nE E~ ac:~=-ttllptO\'llloOI If )'OU '::.i ~: wll in. llCMol of ACTION TO "HHCT YOUR ~ ea: A¥9 .. Sen ~ardlf\O, Celflornle of 9eatlon 1710 ol IN ~COCA: 1n attOtney In 1111• melt.,. ycxi #MA•~~ MAY• ecM.D AT A Ty p E-A-0 RA pH Ix. 3 1 7 t 02404. IM °'9Wt_, tlM llOlf1alned lhOIAd do eo J:.o..~ eo ttwt your =::.: • YOU _, ... Pullmen, Sult• t 14. Coel• ....... Olrection9 10 tl'll 9boWI pr that Ille v--• PfW"*'9 ,.. of reepoNI Of • "fil!Y, mey bl TIOlt (Ill '"' ... ~'!!!! c.llfornla 02e2i1 mey b• obteloed by requHtlng ,..... ~ 1n IN~ In ~~ t~ ........ ...__ _ _..._..._ El W THI ,.,C._... -· Jon 811etnbofQ & Auoc:letee ..,,,. In writing from IN llenlfldely wtlloll Ille WOf11 11 '° be dor'I _.. ..,._, •---,_,_,.._..,, YOU, 'YOU '"°"'-D OOllTACT A (Jon C. Sllarnllorg-own•1· 4 wllhln 10 dey• from 1111 flrat tllOH reto• eatebllehod lftd tr1buNll...::!' dlddlr c.onve ~ LA"J:"'thl 20th ~ of Auguet. Arborglln. IMnl, Oelltornll 02 14 pull41callon of tNe notlOI publl•h•d by 1111 Olreotor or ~-..._.!0 ~ ... ~ _ ... 1 ....... • ....... ...__ ... 11.-tLm-et Tiiie ~ It GOnducled by "' Seid .... w11 bl m9de wl1tlout lftdullriel ~ Ocpt9e oA tfl9 ,_...._ .,_,., .,. ._ -· .--.,_ ,,._ -,,,.. lndMduel covenent werr1nty, IJIP"" or "IOI,..._ -on ... et ttio OftlQo -~d"':e:r.:-aollcllar 11 ttlll Ith 8v..l ....,_ioa:::-~ .JOfl C. Shemborg lmpllld, u to tltte. poun•Clll or of IN Ct11ef of Ptent Opwattone, ____,,. 1 ..._ ~ _.. ~~Welt. ~ Thie .. .,.,,,.,,, -tllld With 1hl enc:um~ to Nllefy 1hl unpe60 ,...,,,..,. end et tho ~ of _._,... ,_ un 111 1 • COunty Cllr1t of Otmnge Coun1y on bellnCI duo on 1111 not• or notw D 1 .,, 10 pm•n1 e I a, r" 1c•1 =~~.b ~ ~~ ·~ :n; •: ~ ~ 1~1r.:!; Juno 21, 1082. MOUf'ld by Mid Deed ot Truot, to heedqulrt.,. oft1oe. ·...__.... st 11 It 1 '1a.G Wit: 121.o&o.oo. p1ua tne fo11ow1r10 Site lnap•ctlon wlll bo held tu '"punt• o ..wv-~·.. llY County of Onngo, •t• o Publlalled Orenge CoHI Delly Hllmeted cotll, e11ponHI eni! WednledllY, Augu8t 4. 1912. lO:OO 1lgun1, puede 11r r1gl1trede I Celllornle, CONTINENTAL PllOI, June 30, Juty 7. 14. 21. 1082 ed'venotl et the time ot tne 1n1t1• a.m. llempO AUXIUAAY COMPANY.• Cellbnie 280042 ~Ion of lhll Hot.le» of S.: lllQlnnlng et Plenl OP11•llon1 1 TO THE RESPONDE.HT· 1"' oorpontlon, •""""°uniter' Dold •-.,. lllllftTV'C Htlmeted trullM't '"' In 1111 Olftct petitioner hH lllod a pellllon of Tl'Ull dated~ 21. 1082 - ___ ..-___ ""'-'-1114..,...,.~-emounl ol $934 oo. plul lnlereet II . FA I R v I E w s T AT E concerning your rnanlftQI:: ~ ·: ~~by~· :;;w: ..... t7 75 percent per ~ Of\ 1hl HOSPITAL lo 1111 e ~ Wltl*I llYI ~""_,_ PlCTTTlOUI eu unpe!d bll•ftOI trorn 12-1-11 to Vlelot 8llllleO 1111 oat• that Ulla 1ummo111 t9 tltl• •• I AAC DOUCH • an Thi ,:::,:".!:!:":. dOlnO Hll. plua •"Y advencu tll• Chief ot Plenl Oporetlone Wwd on you, your dlleult fftlY bl ...-nod men end ~ on ~ .. : beneficiary hereunder may bl Pulllltlled Oreng1 Coell Delly llltored end ~r1 ;:~-::' • ~. ~ = ,,~ VIA LI~ ONE HOUR PHOTO. euthorlnd Of obligeled to pey, 11 Piiot. M 21, 21. 1912 ~~ ~ dl\llllon: 22t ol Oftlcllll Aecorde. County ol "'"'1 VI L d H I '"-...... ...., end lily~ late chlrgM. 3244-82 --OI --:-·"'"'I"' ...... • o. ewpor .......... -·vou ARE IN DEFAULT UN0£R A property, apouaal eupporl, clllld Or"lrlQ9. ~ ~ IO eocur"e c.lllomle 92683 DEED Of' TRUST DATED MAY 14, cu1tody. child aupport. •llOtMY .,. Ir~ In,._ of ... of Simon Kuyw•n Chol, 2030 198 t UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION •-II' W'lnM" '-· CCM\I, and aucti other r ...... Amlftce Ho1k1rW T"'°' end 8eW9 Joaquin °""9. llurllenll. Cellfor1'le TO PROTECT YOUR PROP£RTY. IT ~ ""''1114 may bl grentld by 1hl oourt Thi AMoetellOfl, e l\tllonel °= 01so:i HwenQ Chol, 2030 Joequln MAVBE80l.DATAPU8LICSALE. M01lCI Of'TltUSftrl aA&i garl1llm1n1 of wagll, !eking of wocilUofl~:.-o"°'°"' Orllll. eurl>ri. Cellfornl• 01504 IF YOU NED AN EXPLANATION T ...... ~ moot¥ or property. OI olher c:: of 1hl of ~ .and~· NOTICE Of TAUITEl'8 IALI Thia ~ II conducted by en 0 F T H E NAT U R E 0 F TH E ESCROW ENCOUNTERS, INC .. euthorlnd prOClldlngt may notlol -:: T,S No 2361 lndl'lldull ;~~~~":c"~~u~E~ou ~~:.. un:." ~ r~TEO F«>. 2. t982. ~~5 ~--=-of O t~UDA~E r To:~A~~T g'!°i~ ~ Tllll .:=:.iz:.en~ With the o.tod ~ 29, 1082 WIU 8W. AT PUBUC AUCTION LEE A. BRANCH, ::. °':::. C:O::· ::=-.::: FEBRUARY 13, 1911 UNLESS YOU eoun,., Oortc of OtM01 County on ,..__,,.._.,.. ....,_ TO THE H1GHEST lllDOER FOR ~AoMtwl OoOOlrd aucti ,_delllon. ..... • pu111c TAKE ACTIOH TO PAOTKT YOUR ~ 21. 1982 i--Ce._........., CA8ti ~ Id tlrnl of .... In y ' ----~....., tor SOLO AT A "-• ._..,. aMe WM -of CM Unlled Sle\111) o.puty Co D-•1 --· 10 .._ HOME, IT ~y BE .. tta:m .__Cai•• J • llnlllM el ••• end lnterllt ~ Publletled Or11nr eat ., y c:elfl 01 e oaliNlr"I ~on ~:~;:g; ~ Y~EN~T\J= p~l>J!:.~~.Z;'-~~~~ ~ ..... A..,.-, ' to end 'now hold by It under Mid • -Mr 14• n 2 • AuQ. ;·1~ ~ :~-:-1 1 =: OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST 27fll..82 MIL vw ..,_ Dood of Trull In Ill• property ...... ~end...,, wodll!OI• YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A U01 I. ......... Aft. lllrllrWter dW;ttt>ed: P\aJC N()TIC( dOmlc:lld In \He 1te11, ~et LAWYER "8JC N()TIC( ._ .. W'CIM. CA DeM TAUSTOR: OEOAOE E. EMRICH tlml of .... In i.wtl.lll _., ol ._ S 1en-S111w Corporellon. • f"4) _.,.11 end LUPI>' EMRICH, l1ulblnd end M011Ci (Jtl. """'*' ~ Oil~ WftfiOIA Cell1ornl• CO'l)Orltlon ., dul 'YOU .amWDIPAULT~ A b1. -• 1111" ..... TRUITD'I eAL.a -*"' OI ...,..,..,, ..,,_ OI eppolnted Trull•• under 111• DllD 0, TRUIT DATIO Publllltled Or•nr Cout Dally 11~: PAO CHEN~ ~-~.. lmplla:I •• '° ttOe. p II I: I Of tolowlng deec;rlbocl deed ol ttutt OCTC>mll 11.. ,_. Ul&EM YOU PilO'. Nrt 14, 2t, 2 • tH2 end WHYE TZE TEO."'**"' end T.I. ..... U1",._. ellcumllroncH, tho 11\toreet WILL S~lL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TAKI ACTION TO "ROTICT 294l-a2 Wiie •Joint~ HER ME 8 FI HA H CI AL COtl\lll¥9d to end now hlld by ... TO THE HIGHEST lllOOER FOR YOUR PRO .. IRT'Y, IT MAY a1 •-,,,. lllllft-Rocoro.d Mey 15, 1080 .. ln8tr. COAPOAATIOH • ~ ~1..S MMt tNOtll under l86d Oood of CASH.~ u Mt tOl'lh In s.:tloo llOU) AT A~ aM.a. •'YOU ~ """'~ No. 17047 In bO«* 13«>8. PIOI Tru1111 under the toll owing 'frull. In end 10 tho tollowlng Telepflonl. (114) t53-e810 Tel (714l 871-3221 Put>ll•hed Or•noe COHI Delly Pullll•hld Or•nr CoHt Dally Pilot. Juty 14. 21. 28. 1052 Pllol. July 14, 21. 2 , 1082 3118-32 3125-82 202411 ol lhe CMI Codi. Ill rigllt, ...., ... EO'LAMAT10M cw THI MOTICa cw TltU9TD'I eAL.a 193g of Oftlc'el '-«di ltt ttle omoe dllctlbld deed °' "'* WIU SEU. o..a1l>ed pl'operty lftueMd In Ille 11111 and Int-I con~ to end NATUU M THI '1l0CUDIH On ~ 11 19'2 et 10:00 a.m of the~ of 0tlrlQ9 County; AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE County of Orenge, 81111 of now l1lld by n undlt Mid Deed of AQAIMIT YOU, YOU IMOULD 8!11ar1on/Amerlcen E11prHi Mid Olld of tN9t ~ 1hl HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH ~IO wit Tf\191 In tlll property hereinafter CONTACT A UW'tlJL &ct-eompeny tormor1y ~ lolowtng property: ~ el t11N ol .... In i.1111 llAAC€1. t: DEATH lllTICIS - Oeacrlbocl: MOTICa Oil ""'9T'lrl IALa •• southern Cll lu tier ow TM! portion°' Lot 341 of Trec1 moMY of the United Stet .. ) ell F • • a 1mpI1 1111 • to TRUSTC>f' T.I. .... •Mt Comp1ny • TNIMI. or Socco .. or Ho, 653, • Pl' Mec> NOOtdld In '1Gfll, Vtle encl...,_ CIOn\ll¥ld kl cot1domlnlum unl1 no. Ill (1111 Robert Capron Tllomu end NOTICE 18 HEA£8Y OIVEH. V. T,,,.._ °' ~ T""'°' of 8oo11 11, PIOe 42 of........,_,. end now Mid by It under -.d Dold "unit"), H ehown upon 1111 Pettlcll Morrow TllOrnail. Trust-on W~. ~ 4, 19'2. °' tMt oorteln Dold of Tl'Ull _,.., ....,._ In ttle ofllol of tne COunty of Tnm In ttio Pf'OPl'1Y ,_.,...,..., condominium plen (on ti tied under DlcletallOtt ot TNll d1t*2 O:OOo'dodtl.lft.ofeeldcSIOl,lttttle byMlcNialf ~endPlttloo Record., of OrenQ• County. dooortbld: "oondomllilull'lptontorlo'1of'1.:t Auguet 11. 1090 room NI llld• tor conducting I(. """*""'1 l1lllDlnO end ....., Colltornle, cteeqrlb.d " followt: TR u 8 TO A: JAME 8 F . no. 10517"), county of °'~· BRUBAKER BEATRICE (HASSARD) BRUBAKER. resident of Lo• Angelea, Ca. Paaeed away on July 14, 1982. She wu a teacher foe the pMt ~ ye1n prior to retirement. She la survived by her listen Winifred AleJt1nder and c.rolyn .Wahr\6 of Newport Beach, C1. Grave1lde aervlcea were held on Tunday, July 20. 1982 at Harbor Lawn Memorial Perk. ServicH under the dl.rection of Harbor Lawn- Mount Olive Mortuary of ea.ta Mesa. 540-55M. 8E.NEFICIARY. TN1191'• s..... wit'*' "" oftlcee ~ -ded A&laUM 24 ttl1 • Pare•• 2 .. •hown on • m•P AAENIDORF •lld MARITA I. •t•ll ol Cetlfomle (1111 ''PIM 'I. Tiie Slmon-Eh,.nfeld Group, ot AEAL ESTATE SECURITIES lnetrument no. 21110,' In llooll reootdld In 8ooll 81, POQ9110 end AMHSOOAF, hulbend end...._ recorded °" July 12, 1t'tt, u lncorponted , • Ce lltornla SERVICE. loeatld II 2020 Nonfl 14192 P•D• sos of Oftlclel It of ParC111 ...._In Ille ofllcl of ll!NfFICIARY: MERCURY document no. 15110, In book corporation. •• 1gent for •~. SUlt4t 20I. In Ole Qt)' of Record• 01 Oren'a• County, th• County Record., ot ••Id a Av IN OS AN o L 0 AN 11221. P•t" 1' tllrough '11, undlectOMd prll\Clpel1 known•• 1#1\eAno,COunt)'otOtonoe."'* Cofllornle. end pureutnl to ltlet County. ASSOCIATION,• C•lllornla ~ofoflldllll'IOOfdlofeo6d SEO-t 22. pu,.uenl lo Loen ol Celltornle, SAN MARINO c.,toln Notice of Oeteull end YOO AAE IH DEFAULT UNDER A 00tpo11llo11. Orongie Cow!ty, ...... pen portelna Participation Agr...,,enll detect 8 A V I H 0 8 A N 0 L 0 A N Ellcllon 10 W ~ rlCOldld 0E£0 Of' TRUST DATED APRIL. 23, Aooordld Ap1i1 2, 117 t .. .,_,. to tnae pl'operty delcriMd In trM1t FeOn1erf 10, 11111. ASSOCIATION, a Oelllornto Api'll e 1912. • 1notrufNnt ftO, 1lllO UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION No. 24413 In Dool( MM. P1i91157 of no. l0617. ~In boOk .ut, Alcofded FebNlr/ 24, 1081 u corporeUon. 11 duly eppo. lnted 12.11 .... 1 In bode ~ TO PROTECT YOUA PROPERTY. ff Oflll:ill Aooorde In tho ofb of IN Peo-a~ e of 0..,.._,_,. lnetr No. 2127& In llc>c* 1396e. Trwtoo uniter' end ~ to tho °' O""*" ·..._. of • ' MAY IE 80lD AT A PU8UC SAi.£ Alootdlr of Or9ll09 County; Mid mepe, reoo;d• of 11ld Orona• plgl 1954 ot ot1\clal AlcorOI In tN power of .... confetred In 11\tl wtll und« and pwwllll to IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION dHO of truet dHcrlllH th• CtNl'ft';. EVANS RACHEL DeVON EV ANS. reeident of Santa ~;;p;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;·;;;;p;~~3Ana. Ca. P.-ed away on July 16, 1982. She h survived by her mother Judith Ann Evans . Graveside eervkea wUl be held on Thunday, July 22, 1982 at 3 :00PM at the Harbor Lawn Memorial ~~~=====~=~Park with Rev. Jlm Hohlfeld offldattng. Services under ,_Cl .. OfHHS -.&. NOADWAY MOllVAaY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa &42·9150 IAlTl IBGHOH SMITH & TVTMIU. W'Hlt:Uff CHAP&. 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 f'illlCllaOTMaS IMITMS' MOlrTUMY 821 Main St. Hun1~ect'i the direction of H1rbor Lawn -M o unt Olive Mortuary of Costa Me11. 540-5554. HUME ADA MARIE HUME, resident of Yucca Valley, Ca. P1ued 1way on July 19, 1982 in Palm Sprtnp, Ca. She w• a former teecber In the Huntl~ Beech Elementary District. Sbe wu a former~ in the HunUn&ton Beach l!!lemmtary School District.. She la aurvtved by her huaband Jame• Hume of Yucca Valley, Ca.~ ~.::=: Tmmha oi HunUn.ton Beach, Ca., a brother Bert Du1d•I• of Vlctorvtlle, Ca ., 5 1randchlldren, l treat• ~· Funenl 1trvtic. wUl be beld on Thunday, July 22. um •t 10:30AM ai UM! Wtdela & Son O\lpel. Yucca °9'alley, Ca. BuN1 will be at 1:30PM on Thunday, Ju.tJ 22. 1812 at W......, M•motlal Parle , W..cralnNr. Ca.. WWel9 & ~Yw:mVaJMy 1141.r..tmrs., (714) 345-2SO 1. MOIL&Y WA. YN& MOSLEY, • ........ t of s.nia Ana, Ca. P .. Md away on July ll, lll2. Be ... ,,. \0 a&t'\/tw • _,. tn.nd Warne 8onMr' of lanu Ana, Ca. Pr,vate f\mln1 ..w. W9l'e held ta. ....... at JWta ... llD 8mhh • 1\lthW ..itn Chapel )ifeftUU'y ~1. otnce of tN Aecorder of Otenge oort.lln Dold of TNll lll*"llld by Deed of TNlt ... at pulllo --*"' 0.. THE NAT u A e 0 F THE fotlowtnQ DnlOll1Y: llAAC:a 2: County; ukl deed ol tNlt d-=rlble .. STEPHEN PELLETIER end tot 08llft, ...... ~ °' .. ..,... f'AOCE£DINO AGAINST YOU. VOU Lot 517 °' ftllCI Ho. 1111. • "" uindMdlld .ooao ,._.,. tl'lllOllowlnQprooortY: CYNTHIA E. PELI.ETIER......,.... 8tatlll of,.,._... et tf11 Nor1ft 9HOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. per map recorded In 80011 10 • .,,..,_lnlfldtotfll--- Lol 17 of Tract tolo. 2991. In the end wife, recorded October 31, front entranoe to th• oount Thi propony ~ dlec:lrtbld dole P1g11 S2 to se lnclu1IY• ot • "'°""' lfld dlillllCI Oft 1N pl9rl; Clly of Cotta MH•. County ot ttao. In 8~ 13'15 ol Offlel•I CllOUf1hoWe. 100 CMo c.. DIM not he111 • etroot edd,.H or mllcellen_,. fllaP•, roc0td1 ol l1tcept 111 oll, \:.-d Or'enQlll. Stet• of Calllomll ... pet AocorOI of Mid County. • page Wiit 8lnta AM. Cllltomla. el INl common d"lgnotlon. Direction• Oronae OOUlllY. ~ hydroCMbOn ~ 0 map recorded 111 Book 170. PIQll 134 t, Recordlf't lnetrumont lio. rWtt.' tltll end in-... COtl\lll¥9d to aufflcllnt lo toea1I the pl'operty may '1"ou .. In.,_,.. Ut101r a died cMptti of 800 ... IW'Olft tf11 ......,. 20 to 24 ~ of MiecllenlOUe 48894. by t.-on of • brlldl Of end,.,_ he6d by It under Mid Dold bl~ by~•"""*' of tN1t ClaMd A1W11 1. 1171 unllll of lllld lllnd ..-"° rtgM of......,. Mac>e. In '"' Offlct of tne COunty defeult In poyment or porformonce of Truae In ... orooortY ...... In ,...,... lfltt!tl ..., ~~ ~ you 1•11• llC11on to PfOllOt yovr entry obov• IOO fell from '"' Aecofder of Mid county. °' tho ~-...,,., ths'llly, .., County"" .... Ollcftbld -.... pubk;ollon of ""' ·-'° .... pteporty, " ~ tie -'d •• OlltllO .... °'..,land. -·-::...~ EXCEPT lliEAEFOOM .. OI. Qll. ~ fflot brllctl °' dlnllft. Lot 617 of TIWlt 1711, .. "'°""' bonoflcl.,y. wlloll n•m• Md ...._")QI r..s en...,..,...., of ~ J. CeGfw1, on mlOlf•I• en1 0111., llydroc.,bon Hatlee of wtt6c:fl -l"ICIOl'ded Api'll Oft • map ,_,.., In boOk eo oddroH 11: Ceco Equity, 17220 OleneiMeolllll~~ "*' tn thl died~ tn bod! eubeloncM 1yV1Q b110w e Clepth of I 1912, .. AeoOldlr"I ~ e H S2 to al lnoluelvo ol N•who,,., Suite 1 t4, Fountain )QI you~ oonteot e . eee0 boOk at of otlldll l"ICIOl'da. 500 tell from tlll ""'-of Mid No. 12-1 t1H4, WILi. SELL AT t..::.iienoout MlltM. NOOf'.d• of Volley, c.llt0tnle. Attention: Cal '2020 MOfl'Ollle A-. PAM:il S: property. but with no right ot PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Oronge County, Cetlfotnlo. TM Wotf. Mola, CA An ellClull'll rl9tlt 111d IUl'lecA ar11ry. u rlMl'\lld In died HIOHEST BIDDER FOR CASH • ..,... eddreee or ottiet OOl'NftOfl "(tt e .c.-ocldreee «common "(II e ttrHt eddrlH or .......... '° u.t 1N b1i100f1r - recorOld In Diede of Alcord. lewflll money of Ull United Ste-. 011911tton of Mid prOl)lf1y. 2020 d•lQn•tlon II lhown •boVI. no common dHlgnetton It thown .,......... 1-1• Oft tho p11t1 • MAY BE ALSO KNOWN AS: 30tl3 Of • Cllhier'• ct** "'-on • MonroWI Awnut. COiia ..... CA warrenty II Ql'llll .. to ... ..,_,no...,..,.., .. 111*1 • '°"' Miiii! """"""'"''°"" Ulllt. C9'lf1 !MW, Coale MIM. CA "4tl Of nottonel blnll, • etat. OI t2e27 .........,.._ Of comctnoea)." ooitdl•-01 OOflillltf-)." llA~ 4: "(K • ttrlll eddr-or con'lmOfl ,.,.,.., a'9dl'I union. °' •-. « Name end eddroH of the Thi b114.1dlll~ under .-I Dold 'rho l>enetlol•ry under Hid An ••ctu110 tit ht end d .. lgnellon 11 1hown ebo111, no r.dlr9 lll'llnae end loeft MIOdlllon ==wtlOll r9qUll8t tfll of Truet. by r9lllClft of • br..:tl or Died of i_:r~•t.i. by r11eon ot 1 --'*"' tO ..-IN '*""" ~ w• r ran I y 11 II I \II n • • t 0 It I domldlld In thll NII ... ~ at .... le oondueted: $lolnOfll cllttllllt In tho ~· _... bfeeClfl °' -In ttll oblDltlOI'• ~lltod on 1M -• Plf'linO compllt..-t or~)." tho tlml oC ..... el rVtt. t1t11 end I""*'°*' ...,-... eorp thorlby. IW'ltofcn uocu\eCI end H oured 111.,oby, htrofotoro ;;; ,.,. P9-1t2.. Thi blnlflclery 111\der Mid OMd lttterllt Mid by It, Iii TNIWI. In 1201 1 , HIQhlend AYt .. tin dollveted to th• und1r1toned • 111eout1d end d•ll¥orld to tho Tiil lddl'.-"' ..,_ oommon ol TNll, by reaon of • br9ld't "' lha1 ,... CltOOl'tY ettueto In Mid llmerdtno. OA 02404. OUctlON to ~ ~ of Def9Uft end u11clllllg111d • wntwn 0.0.Mloll d .. lgnatton, If any, of 1111 reel dlleult "'tlll obllgetJone eecurod County end Stat•. doterlbed u th• above property mey bl Dlmendfot8*.end ...... llOCloo of Olfl&llt .,., Dornend tor ... ::.r;::::i dHCtlb•d •bOYI I• tfler9by, ""9tofor• IJllCU1ed and ~ obtained by ,.qoettlng NIM In of Or..n end Of .-ct1on to ~ end """°" nottoa of bNmlfl end Of to '* 100 ldlOll ,._. dellYored to th• undonlgned • t..ot 7 of Tract NO. '834. •Pl' WftllnO trom tN bl!.--~ w11t11ft th• undor=d to Hll Hid ~to_,.. IN u11dlullg111d ~210,=e.dl. CA~: wrttton Dec:Mr•llOn oJ Doi.ult end ,,._ reoorOld 1tt 11oot1t 280. Peo-a 10 dlyl trom v.. ._ ~ ot prfllll'tY to Mid obl111roi-. to ... NICI ~to ldlfY Mid "'° 111 rn..oe .....,. Oernend tOf 8#1, end written nofloj to I oC ~ Milpl, In the IHI notl08 end tlllroatter tile undet•IOned obt19et1on1, a.nd th_n., ttie #fl llbllty _,, 11icoo.._ of of bt9ICb ~ of eleetlon to calM ofttcl of tt11 ~ Aooordlr °' lold ..i. w11 tie meite WllllCM C*llld Mid notloa of tlrWltl end Of ui1dtnilQl..S om.-d l8ld "°"°' Of 011 1ddroa1 of etll•r flOMW\Of\ the undorelgn_•d to H ff uld MIO County. 00\lllllllt 01 wwrenty ..,,,_ or IMlcllon to be l'tOOldld ~ br11oh end of 111ct1on to b• ~If llfl, "'°"" ~ Pf'OPl'1Y 10 MlllfY Mid OOllgattone, Tllo ''"''. eddtH• or. 01h_!_~ lmt>lled. 11 to lttll. pom 1111 , « 24. 1M2. ao tnecr. No.~73 In Aaoordld Aort 12. ttea. 11 IMtr. •Jt w.....,... ~,_no end lllerHtt., the Ulld.,elgnod COftllllOll dlllgn1Uon of the r-~ to MC11fY ttll l#ll)lld ~ of Mid Oftlclll .--No. 11· 126711 ol Mid Otflolel ....... ~ OOMfftOft :i ~ ':~.;;' f. ~ ~1 =~ == ::-.:. ::: rn:: •. ~:!:1 ·:~~.~~~'b!, m::,~;~ "'°= ...... bl medl. tM foolt:*'!':.~h proper~':.~.:: 1N2 .. INtf. No. 82·112310. of H9wPOf1 lolCft. Calfomle. wit 111 MqOO pa. ttll taeoWtQ ..,... Of........,,,.......'-wltllout covenont or warranty, ~trOlll._ ... 18 11 tundlr Mid Oftlc'ei Aeoorde. Tho undotllQUd lleroby lltllMt~ COtt .. ftPlft .. orM1 Cl Blh, 0t ~ to ...,.. °'. ""'*16. flCllll'dlli'll .... Hid Offd of Ttuet, 11 wlloM l•ld 111e wlll b• made, but dleolalm1 111 lleblllt)' for eny ~ It ._ ..,.. °' ._ lnNll = • 1w1••10 ..,.... M'lt of 11 ' • ., or ~ • ,...,... lie ..... '° tit OOfl t _. without cov1n1nt or ••"•nty, ~10011.,_ In llllld..,... eddrW ~ of WI ~ of '* ..-.C•) W'lid br _.. Olld Of per• •••••1t P'frlClllllJll °""' Oii flUHllllll to a wrlllM reca .... t .,..,._. °' lmPlled ~dint lltfl, or°"* OOtlwnclfl dtllpllUon....:......_~ uU1111t1d tr111tH fHe In tllo TNll • .-.i ..._ •.In ~~ .. ncM(N .-nid ~ llN Olld f# ~ • ..-in tin .. hltl tllt ponavlM. or oncumbrenooe. to llld .... WW Ill midi _,,..,.,. ""°""' °' ti.ltl.11, pa. ....._. ~ ......... • lflY1 -T.,,.., wtll ~ •In MICI "°'° int ,_........, of .... ,.._, to per the remelnlnO prtndpol aum of w1rr1nty, ••Ptlll or lmpllod, • ll.J'I...,.. per.,..... on .. ._ *"" of 11111 D11C1 oi TNlli. ~ ........ I ...,1 _.., IUOfl ...,.....&IY e\ 111e tolto'W-- ttll note(e) llCIUNd by NICI Dold of r198tdlng tltfo, P .... H IOft, hOf ullPlld prlnOlpll blllllM ftOM ,._ ~ Wld ....... d 1111 it1e W of M1C1 Olld • TNll. Int 1C1ftWC UM( OI' A&imlOA T.,,.., wltft ~ 11 In Mid natl eno11111brenc11. to lltlefy t I 1.1,a to ..... .,._.,_... tf11 r..-.lfid .... """' ...... ~ .._ ..,._ Wld ....... d .. ~noMM.: ""'9f AMO IA~ prcMdld,.,...... "ln'I· under ,,,,_..~of .. Note°' benoflotory 11eteundw MIY 1>e llllllDoelt•TNallld':".!!,': T~onillofN~ ....... AllOC IATION, LOAN IN Mrml oA Mid DllCI of TNOt. 04fllf ~ __.,.. tl1 lllld __.... w ........ to ..... I "96c1C111T.._.a;::.; !~ llJlllOoedafTNlt..._. ... -!!! ACUUITMINT O.,A .. TMINT ""°' otMwgee and .,....,. of,_ Olld ot TNll • ..-......,... end ..-.... ... ........ t:OO PJ'll• 11 tfll .. ..,. ,_on n.ndlW.-.... 11. ·-,_, ~ 01UM tmmC*. Ti'UIMI end of the in.le or'lll•Ut othlr 1Ut111 11 tlf'O¥klld tt.oen, ~Ou .:ltc OVMAT UNDl•U onlrlllH to tho Clvlo Center ot 1:00 f',M. et tho 011:-g:,: .. fOUTttHUDeON ~VINUt. Mid Dold of TNll. pa. .._.... If #fl, uniter' tlll OllD OI' TflU9T ~TIO AUGU1f aulldlnt. JOO IHI Ch1p1Hn AWftUllflW.t•to•OMo ~CA~ ttt01. I* 1111 will bl...., on AUQUllt Wml..., end..,_ Oft IUClh 11 1111 UNLI .. YOU TSkl A.,...., In tll!I Cltt of Or1n99, autldlnC-' HO IHl Ot11p111a11 n. .... _. 11.::::: f:':n11:2ir!:ic~t:c:, ~::·n.:h:: =:=.r::.::..ae:J:'~T~=~uruA¥A ~ Hlfte of llle lftlllll A~t11~1:!0:,°:::t..~1 :i:.: :.:=-... ..: Corporetlon, Utl I . 17th It., ,. ..,.. ...., fir 111111 D11C1 Olf~i4L,i_.,. YOU .-o AN 1111•r1•1n ol WI.-.... ............ putl11n 1 .. .,.. .-.... fll..., ~.,...... ............ . ~Ano.CAl2111. Truet. Tlw total &lftCMlftt of MN 1'°" 0# 1"' MT'UM ~ .... _,.... ........ ~ ............. ..._... ..,,, • ....., ..... ., Thi ~ ~ oe ttw Uitpeld o'Pe•tton •~ ~ THI f'fllOOIW MAMl1 ·I • n ...... 111¥ .. -tua••n ...,.. :r • ...,.. .. Ttwa. _.... ,._ ....._ of t11e ot1101tkJr1 eoour9d eotl"'aCod foH, 01lar111 'Ill~ YOU IMOUU> CONTACT A dHlrlbH d-" ol ltHt llld delorllt•d d .. d o tr..et •11d _, 9ftd .. ,..._. et ... by HIO property to b• told, :=:ot-T....._ ....... LA= .................. ~ 1114 ................ •ii-.. • ........... ..... :=:r.,:.:,~~ r.:.-.rro~ai ....... ,. ... , .. DA ~.!:111:..... ~:r.:..~--* :•ve:::-..!ff•-=·::;.!; r~4:' .......... . ~ ... ottt11ctetelllNOf.11 ,r....:r,·~--_,... ~.,. .. ~n:.:·.-..~ ... L~ .,,....~.., ~·e. 1tea LOM u1acu..:= ,_ :' :::;,,."= o.. ~ IHDCUfT1M "1 " .. ~ '1'::-" 01,." t••• --r ,_ .. _: ~~~ c s,.:iiit,:S"--'m ---~·· :f.,..,...._ . co-::.naee .-i~ ,...""" • Nkl T.,,.... ~*!•a 7 • wpa 18 4 :,._ 91fWf1 9r. T.D. mMCI CO., 9'1 T.D. ~Ot1Jll/Hltf. ·-....... ,...._ 9'J:•TA ...... AW wp • ..... ~Wee......,. ..... ... 1"'9r ®'t'°""TION u-i:;.•rl ilOILHllllMM..-IV!.._...:'~. ~........ M9' ~--... ••••II\ i'&i S t ..... ,.._GA =-::: .. 1 at1w.a. ~---. L. ~~AM.OoMotnil .... ...... ~~nn nn- (714) MMlll ,,_ ,. ... ""' .. Or-.IOI "".....::. ~0911114 °"" ,.........,.. 0-.. ~ 0.. DlllW 0 ..... P"I' 9y. lym 9nNlr OMsl o.._ ..... .MJ ,.... tt ••• Not. Ml., • Alll-.. ,... ..... JulJ "· 11. ............ --..... .,. "-... ... ..... f'u_,llhld Orenge Coaat OeJly 1111 • 1..._ ,_.._ · .., ... f'tloC. Ji1't H, 11. ti. 1N2 .... I a1rr.a r -·. ---- .... tlJt tlJt ,,. llUI -. .,. I ti• -... -llWI ------ ltop bJ one of our ..-1.ioc.ted office• end let'• dlecuH reel eet•t•I We hewe • varied 11 .. ctlon of homee, condoe end lnoome proplertr to flt 1•ur ...... ....... """"'· wtr. --.,..... --c..-1 ..... l7l,IDO ••'*'11bM ~ ..._ bWla I bed --=•I bed tm,000 c.....~~ .... ·-= ,.... .... .,.... 1171,111 o....ww1-. ,_,. Yd Md + ...... Ude ..... bed. + ..... ..,... c... oondo --'171,000 o ........... c..,. Cod -.-. .., ....... ,... 11.-- U. lele I Md 11.--........... ..,_.... 11.-.-....... ..,.,.... t1 • .,.. ............. Pwll 11.--U. ..... lbed ..... ,..... ~-=:~-=-..... -== \\AT£RTRONT HOMES."< 10 \I l 1111 .. ~ ........... , .. .,....,.,.,, "....., ...... I.QI> .. ,_ .... , ~ .. ,... ...... '31·1t00 R&"M~ of Costa Mesa llYESTOllS C.1••• Ill .,, l IU ...•.................. Good SIC*lblllty &ao.000 , ______ _ dow. -2 lourplexH: 111 ... ..U WI axoel unite. prime Coeta Ult LOll/"'1111 M.a ...... Owner carry 10 yra. Poaltlv• cuh .... w.'n flow. Ron Sey, Agt. 4 Bdrm, lncludlng 2 548-1901 or 079-&310 muter turtee. 3'.4ba, loe c.n.. '" .,, llU ......•...•........... ·~ ~~~!-~~&°t~ remodel. Lv rm opn to pvt backyard Oreet terma. 32 deya to Mii • Della, 831-12". Ag! • f8mlly rm. 2 lrplee, ruetlc wood, beam oell'I ·all In a walk to pvt beach focalfon The perfect family home In the perfect neighborhood • &495,000 wttll PERFECT ftnanclng. Fee land. 144-1211 o;ange Colet DAILY PU~OTIWldrillday, July 21, 1182 •• ~OME FOR SALE by owner 3 BA. 2 Ba aaparat• dining room. covered patio . Ponderou St. C M. 1135,poo. t83-03&3. 12'Xt 1m1m Like new. 3 8d< 2 ea. fam rm, many ••traa. Beautltul low maintenance ywd 1189, 600. 242 E. 22nd St. 831-0055 LIWMWI PllmlT wfll acquire attractive, W911..focatecl 3 bf, 2 t>a home w/pool. beaut. landecaplng, ,_ c:rptg l paint. S•• at 380 VlllenOYa Ad. Cell Dew, ownerlt>kt. at 720-2621/641-4786 Among r-opl• looldng /or a nmtol, 10% rtcid r.al e1tat• ckunfWd oc:U. \ 1>11 I '1011 Ill llarbut lnH"'tm,•nl ('1l Ill II LUii ·70 FIHtwood. 12x40, YlllAIUU furn . NEW range & 1 BA In preatlglous refflg, Starllg/lt VHI 7141 condo community w/ 8 7 3 -4 3 2 8 . 2 1 3 I lnt.U ....•.....•.......•... ...... hnllj" ..•....•...•.•..•..... C..I• .,,. 3114 ···•••·•···········•·· 1 Br. Trailer, pnva1e. no pets. utlla paid 1385/mo. lat ptua uourlly. 1142-0836, 499-1811. 3 Bdrm, 2 ti.. !pl.), dining rm, tamlly rm. 2 car garege with opener, ... lanct1caped. l t&O/mo Near Warner and ~ .. wtlope • • ., ........ ,..,. .. '!"! lllr. Ml-lln LIDO ISLE • 38drm, tam rm, 28&. $100/dy .My 13500 Auguat. 8111 Grundy. Ritt. e7M1t1 ..... ,,.nni.w .•..........•..•.....• ... .i "" .....••.•••.......•... 1mw YMl'fy-W .. 6dy·Wlnter, 2, 3,4 Bdrma. JAlllS IULn "'" IWIAIEMUT llM111 pool. apa & cloae to _7_99_-1_0_2_2 ____ ---l ....... ~.. B t $115 000 MOBILE/Np11Fum: Or1w ..,.,_.,, uy or • "--•1111 '-11 w/crNtlW terms or leaM ..-. -by 700 Udo Peril Or. #8, at $550/mo Dabble C'JXll 1$11 28r 1750/rno Y"Y mull llJ Fr•ll 642-8235 p~~iflc •.;t:.;,·;;~;~;l~j ..:~M~:':'eec:' .~~ 8 AWARD WINNER P11tk, Nwi>t Bch, Lot 744, 1Y11Aab6e by the ... or Oc:een vlewe. 3 bdrm, 4 Gr•lleS A & B. Bayview month from S850 to ba. kit wtc~. T • r r a c e S 2 2 O O I 1 2 o o p • , w k lam. rm. lg• g1rden. 873-7787 Oceanfront & lnteriof. patio. lormel din rm, lge Hinter rentM from 14!50 ltv. rm. Ouiet cut~sec 'i~~~~~~~~1C...•nW to $1200/mo. furn & 1412·~1~o;';'* i .. !!!~'!. ...... !.~ uwnfur~ t H Inc ~~~~~~~! MUIFlllT lPPt.l YAl.Ln at ... r~1-1.:i-· OCEANFRONT Moblla Remodeled 2 bdrm Cape T lhlttf Homa _,.,., S80 000 COd beach t>ovM This 11 U C... lel llM 1111 ""-... ~-381'" . • II I d N NNr ,_ 4;:>1ex, 2 bdrm ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,..,,, ...... v • nanc no ream. 0 2 bath ••ch unit with Elegant. ap•c. home In ....,. ... Ir. "" qu•llfylng. e low down nreptace. endoeed patio, moat ...._t ......... ., •. 4 _,, payment end 111 T 0 IS 9¥. 111 p ... -..,....... 8eautlfully upgraded an auumable private gerege, •-' oe br, 3 bl, g•meroom. home -uaumal* loen AITD. $435.000 cHh flow Now S 159, apectacufar entry "'' Near 1ct10011 3BR 2 5oo. Biii Grundy. Rltr, curved II airway. .... 1175-8181. Intercom, bit-In vec 3 cw b•lh. •-· yan-U -•• -.... gar. 6ome view ol .,.._ •-.• W ta-mountain• l ocean. Ul-1111 IT Tll llUI s20001mo. 151-1015 JUST usTEO 1N Lido Realty ~ou:.on:n.:01~ ~: 2 br. den. bHm•d EMERALD BAY from b••ch. Gre•I celling, nice toe. 707 AEAL ESTATE TAX 5 Bdrm. ocHn vlevi. __ 6.;;;...;..7-'J.;;.....;7_30~..;;0;._--1.i aummer rental ootenllal. Acacia 1898/mo. INVESTMENTI 16000 lemlly ho ma w lll'I 3 Low down. OWC. 4~" caehlll $145,000 anare llreplacea and apa. Sl Aealonoma 87M700 -2-br-.-2-be--coi---ldo--=-.,- purctlaM MINIMUM tax 300.000 644-1020 I( deduciton tet. Y911' 110, U. IUL tsf&TI al). on the -t•. 000. Owner (lnve1tor) wlll UlflllT kit. epplce, pelnt & crpt. aupply tour down £11. ... mJ/1 llSI emn ILIL ~~~!,~r·p.~~rc~ payment up to '40,000 In •• ••••••••••••••••••• 5000 aq tt. bulldlng. II mo. 120-4183 wtidyl 9qulty. Share purch... lest ..... hn yea,. old with room'°' In new 1u11ur1oua 2·3 Co-opa from S39,ooo NYia .... 1, eo· bo41. Great terma. c.t1 lllN lllf Bdrm. 3 B•. Condo. equity price. Condo• -•••••••••••••••••••••• Cotta M .... Maximum from 116,000 full p<loe AIU -MTM l-5~• ._ ~- atruotured tor buyer. 24221 PINO oe V~a Out ol the lllght 750-3314 °'*' 1--. 1 n t . depre., apre. L-.ur.W0<1d AMalea lttr 1.1 AOUS !Ml "' _..... _....... po11lt11e 4-1 benefit. Lag. Hllll 1141837-5500 p • t tern . th 11 IEU Wllll Reed the CIMelfled ad• f« P71"!',~!/200014/H 1·5055. jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil CUS1om home off9f'I 3 8dnna 2 ._, i-a... rm. the best dMl1 In apatt· ·~ .. ~-~!!!!-~!!!!·~~~!!!!! 1.111111 WllU ma 0 n If I c • n t lid nlcely Oc;;7ted rnent rentala. 842-5e71 .;.;: Lovely co rner Cue opportunities. 0 9Q ty '878/mo. AQt. 751-3111 ........ Pr1dt ot own.enhip & ~t affordable ~-Oorpoua 3 bed.room p)ua farnUy room CU.Ulm 1.'11:1Jldo. All prafelll6onally deoorated. We invite you to compare it to the flnmtl --11~ IJ. M11eno Manor. Ht, 281. Separate ou .. t 673-7300 Eutelde 2 Br. 1 Be .• EQo. home. 4 bf, fonn. ger1199. IJplo. prtme view home end private din. nn. New kit., apptce, OV'tF10olllng l.tte & golf p o o I a n d 1 p a . patio, newly cfeoo(e(.cl micro, cc>rta &. dripea. cour11. 81118,500. Call Owner wlll nnanoe 1~~~~~~~~~ (Duplex). 111911/mo. Poof, jec, deck. 880 plt~own~-~13()-:~~30i~Gl~~~~I entire loan. The I· 851•9522 & frplc a14t.900. '30,1: price 11 $985,000_. ,._ ..._,,. .. N9w 2 BA condo, dtlt oar 000 down, owe 2nd et .._ .... ,__, 1111 tt.r:.;:.~::r.::'•••••• I"'. cloee to ocean. 12%. 101111 Concord. :;-r.: .......... ~••••••• ... c.te, "'*" LAST 8110 . Mon -F r I . 840-6HO Owner. lwlf AlllMI 714/750-lMO 831"43e1, M . • ... 2 bdrm, 2 ti-. Meutlf\ll E/lldk Nol ollefl 2 Ir. 1 M llllJnmll VIII• Peclflce home. ea. fncd yard. enctld a112.0o041t: 2·ea: ... !~1.c:'m'· c= l·--------1 CHANCE r rage. Nice, r•ll•bl• IMI "* -.. p,~ IMMI ... --... 1• amity. 1 chlld o-. No ontl. Toni Ae\:ent 711-04;2e;&..,168 Wllllfltl'I pet 1. UOOI"'•· plua . _,.. --'ti! • M-• WIT ... eo.o.r OO"K. to buy ttlle beeutlfut 3 MCUrltr. 1144 <>renoe , _.. '"""" u n " v y e e T o I d , 4 U n I t "0". 541-tm . •!P.!f lt#.t J.• Balboa Cov .. well °'*"'*'t hCMe 1n a.n --------U1' 1111..._I ... ............ .... louted 3 ldrm, nice Clemente with ocean-w_... I•· 1 le."*' 4 IDf'M Brano New Hom•• a *-ot weter ec1Mtlle. Nile 1 Ooff oourM ~ patio, eno11d ,., ... , .,90,000 Condoe. no~ oown 1475.000. It at~ MYlnQe new oarpeta, dtepee, .... f '"IAv1.-u.-'"1<"'• whit• the~Ht. (714) ••1 •6Aa dl~t from th• owA ... , paint. No peee. ...,PnO. "" ~ ...... , ... "'" 1148 9812 • .. ..... ..... .... ... ----. . .... 1441. ~~ ~~~~~~ !4f-0114 ocu.H f~T ..,..,._ Al:.fNOWlll Cal -IY OWNaA. XI.NT LOC. owner •t (l1C) 142-0131. I Ir -, •••• , orpc1. mn -.a. " ""' l40o.ooo. '40-1"0 Huge ..,,~tw/3be ~·~•d•. V•-OOndO: MerMt 0WC 111C • Fla TtnM ~11to.ooo.'-'* ....... IOIA-*OdMnrbdl --t.-.......... dOWftt """Mt YIN CO#!\"" lend. •,000 1--------440!< °'lft/l*r "'6-104' .. -.......... -...~--· l •• n. ""•••·• a-:. • • .. ---,__ • • tq ft, Mr, tam ""· l\t .. Wlllll Cul de W , MW aae-oen ... -4de 0.•tbltt. ,... K• en • on prtoee tM T r • d • f • r H • I . 11"°'*" IUU•. !!'if -.... --ln-town--?-C-1-... -_.-,-id POOi. '• Mlow "*"-•HY way-be• ,..gufer ocaentro11t ho"'•· ~· 9trl l "'0 "'· CM.._...,., meat INnY 1141,000. Wiii IHH cl uatrlad re•der. °"'* MOO 000 1111 /lftO, 11t.oTT4 91r. Of ri?'nMde. 141-M71 'IU.144-0tM 141 ... 71 l1Mtic:W.. ~ ' t . " DOLLAR DAY DOtJGH IAVIRI Seu your no-longer .. n11d9d Item• for cUh. If It doeen't Mii, we'll run It another 3 daya FREE. One Item per ad, mu1t be priced. Sorry. no real estate or commerolal ad1. Call today for full detall1. -...... ,... .................. ,,.., !~.ff!~ .. !'.~~!!J~M~ ... !'.~.~~ .. ~!f.~ "rf:Jd,14 A";'~••:•,14 9/!!f!.~lfl .... H.!f C..::::J.11 4411 I'.-,. .,__ lllf lm•I I •llmft ... , 1.• ·~ ...,. l~fl .... !.! ......................................... ~.P!P.f ........... •••••••••I l11ee .ultff, full 1erv • •••••••••••••••••••••• m .... nm........... ...................... . .. -.. ••. ";;';1;"... .... ••• ••·••••·•·••·•• • & ._ 111 • "" •--' ...,. 1111 llllllTE 1urn1unrurn • Ol••tly .,,.. • ,_. 4 BR M-Verde, quiet lllTIU S 8r8~l_i':, =°:>ennlt ~~.w/~a=· 'J:O': r;r!Jt••••h••••••••••• 'L..f"' 1141 ......................... r •du c • d No I I• In ,_ bldg on COM! cut di MC. 17t5. mo 1 to t~r~0•·.;~~ •I c lub, UOO/mo. Oy1 1eo-ft112 1 :~-: :~~Dt~~h. •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 81\ 2 8', fple, D/W, 2 flllEll 764-<>274 Hwy, South t.1gun1. Mic fOf 8111, 831·1288 .,...., ,. 641-8823 • ..,..M0-8107 From 13110. Frplc, rec AVAIL.ABLE NOW cer ,.,. MOO mo. Agt. Oldelt & largeet aciency, ..... , UAll Appro11. 5'00 eq. ft. 2Br 2bl, 2 cat gw D/W, WATERFRONT HIOH A,.,,.,.,, room. pool, IPI. gu & 2 Bdrm t bltll apt. nHr 87&-642 All cllentl ec~ Wllll Euoutlve office In &cellan1 Pflvlte pwtllng bltln1, trplc, c/d, no RISE CONDO: 2 BR 2'A 'Ila/~"' weter plld. No oete. 393 8Mch/'forktown. 1 clllld Nr-Nu, by Lido, 2br 2ba. photo. & ,._enQll, c • n n • 'Y v 11 I' 0 • ~Ind bldg. 15211 mo ~~f2' !..P.. • t •. I e o o . b1t111, 11une/pool GO' ... :,-,:.::•l·~::_•; .. •••••• H • m I I I o n • c . M . olcl ·2~0 pe11. '!"9;.l•2opeldoo f/p, P•llo, ~ only, =·~~ 11'14.. 5.~ '12m o Brok •; Tum41f A.91oo. 494-1177 "'"""' """..,, Lido, ltll floor Furn --11... 1IH ~4411 4 .,/mo. 11411• no pett 1750 11'1'5-ooe1 ·'V .... _._, -· 1300/mo. Anent. "Ila •••••••••••••••••••••• Agent, no tee. Tiii Tornotrow Show. 1---------1 ,.. • " Yrty 2 bdrm 1 be "'--'-E .icse cute 11udlo •Pl. •--,., .. ,.~ 11"'1 ••-rt• M1 1--Airport 1re1 -Exec 752-5710 ldry. No pei1 H5o .,....., veull1d celllng1, pvt 1, 2 I I Mr••• ~ •• ".' ..... .': ....... '.1. ef • •-Sult• From 225-450 eq ..... Ill 1111 Blun1. 3 br, den. 2'A be, · 1175~9 patio, $400/mo. Joyce 1 .. 1 '' 111 r u I 4 8 o Oce1n-lllll1·golt courH P f C tt. It per eq tt Meny Offloe l9ec» tOf ...... W-• •• """''" " 5 ~ 2 8d 2 It ro to 1llr ondo, 11ttu Cllll 557-7010 South lide of lllghwey pvt p1t10 lmmec Nr ,.,... .. t:M • .,..1-1,..., lmmedl1te 1v1llablllly. · rm.. M"I llouie , 111 emenltl•• · pool, illoppl ng & 1 BR 1 Bl,1385, quiet. Adull1, no Pttt Quiet •Pl. wltll bullt-ln1 , 1285 . 882 -2 449 , 4 delu1u ottlcet. Call DHn R1tllbun It tcnoolt. 11100/mo. IW.11.l• 3111 Hcure, 1920 W•ll•c• itmotphete 1 blk from 01rpet1ng & dr1pH, tee-6478 1tr1teglc 1001t1on on 8711-tOOO '°'.,...,.., 7t. •-----"~'"""'"------·• M0-6931 ;-9••u;•;t•ud .. •j••• 760-113711 but a lhopplng. 18903 under root c1rpor11. ---------8Mdl Blvd. HB. Front -M-... --v-.,-de-8-1--tlfu-I -6 3Br, 3Ba, 1895 mo. End 3 Br. 3 81. Liv. Rm. Din gar~. tr~. ~. ::; Sperle II~ deln, 2 Br. rn ~~w;.:C~n!' ~~o: =~1:.:r'~fa=~o • • • :"r.-"~re. 'r. ,,n :~-:· !!!~.'!!!!.~!~~.~ BR . 3 b • 11 om•· Unit. n1rdenlnLlncl Rm .. frplc, kitchen, fem. 875--4812 B .... F-----' tlll It ""' Avallebte A,.,....,. 15, bwo •II""" 21 .. 4 ... t 1110 1q ft, con1l1t1 of I 0..,., "7 20 • rm .....,,.., 11450/mo 5 t t • .... · .,,._,, u d ee1 Of' Ketlly 9.,.,..2541 ...,..... .,.. "" 1 """/mo. 4., -42 Pool, etc 857-85 -1 r v in'; A 11 •.. N B c.,.,,. ,111111 UIJ p 1ld Retrlge. 2 1m1ll oaye. 780-7292...,.. ldul1• onty & no J*&. 27072 Banltonn 1---------1 upper level exec;utlv• 4 br, 2 bl 110\JM, •viii Walnut Squire ciondo. 3 833•9173 or 651-4982 •••••••••••••••••••••• clllldren olc, nopet1. Cell owner 11 (714) Mltl!On VleJo office w/pvl beth. 11~0. 11100/mo, 111 a BFI 2b•. i.a.e w/opt to 4 B"" 2, .. b N t .... __ Lg 11ud11o ept1 tNftl cptd•· 1980 Wellece 842-4905 f~l.~~.l!!.'.t .. Y.~f _64_2_..0_1_3_5_____ -:= r:! t=ateweri":.:, Air..!~. •x!..*eult• ~.~u~fl= !.ec:"~ 1111. cle1nlng dep. buy. Clll I,_ Of OenlM, "• ,. a, P "'""-drpt, Pl n · mme VILLA MEDERA --••--2 br, 1~ b• 8lodl to ...,., ,.,_ -.... _.....,. ~24 \c 852_._541. 991_21n °' saoo mo. M-T-M ot a.. ~ 1476, MM130 2• 2,._ -..r..-.;c.;; -·-· bMcfl ,_,~ Of<. val\.le lo 1111 ..., ell p 1 n d •. c I a• a y apace. A1traot1 ..... qW.l IUAYDll option. Av111 8·1·82. ar ... .,,.,.,., upper Moat eleg1nt ept bldg RINGLlNG vRC>a. 1urroundlng1 prof Co111 Me11 lndu1trl11 1178-8857 780..()297 408~ Aclcll, 3Br, 2B1, ept, dlhwf\r & dl1poeal. In Lagune Beec:ll." ftneet 1450. 1174-7228 BARNUM & BAILEY It~. llu '120 to compMlx 979-8533 TirfferHt 114&• ocn vtew, 18711 mo. w Ir 1O•1 1 r • • En ° 1 1 o c 1 ti on In 1 ow 11 , N9' ncow 1 Bdrm. apt. lllllS 250 eq tt offloM & delk On tile bly, Blun1 condo, 173-71142 , .... temlly complex. breatllteklng view., 111 wtlll bullt4nt, cetpetlng Anaheim ConYlrttlon •P•c• tr om 211&/mo. NB 3875 Biren. 38&0 3Br. 2B1 llM, nr So. Cat ~~~~.~'\;~~·.: t':•:~~~ ~:~,= ,;:.' .,':~·,:..b~ Nice t bdrm up!*. nur 11!:~~7:7 !r ~o=: bullt-lnt, ll11ted pool, & dr1pe1, laundry t1olllty, Center Aug. &-Ill lncludlng cont rmt, ~t ~~3~IA %OM. 4 br, 2 ba. nice y1rd. (213)1127-llOOt Pl and pool. Avlll Sac>t 1. blO bMctt & llhope. Older 2324 Elden St. 1ub.-g1r1ge, •l•vllor. undef roof cat1)0t1e Md Long a.en Aren1 receptlonlet, 1n1werlng eza, trplo, itrlum, lam 833-8277 or 752~92 larhr Yltlr ..... qui.t ldult only p ..... t L .. M only. 1850 & up publlo 1enn11 cou,.,1 & Aug. 18-22 MrVICa, lot• of parking, I 1 5 0 up 2 180 f I . rm, IVlll Aug 111· No bd t 1500 mo. Incl. gH. EASTSIDE-Luxury In • 330 Clllt Or. 4M-ll083. golf COWM rlQllt behind To clalm PllMI, Clll WP & Tix 1vall 833-0818 lndHtrlal . Offloe. 18051 petl. 1860 mo. 644·tt79 IDn&ll HAI ~ rm, 21be· -::i r~. Owner /Agt II to II . PlnH ForHt. Refrlg, property. 0101• to 842-5878, ut. 272. Redondo Circle #E OCEAN/MOUNTAIN VU TOWNHOME : 3Br. 1:::op..::.·J:~83e.:c e 11734494. dw1llr, p1tlo, BBQ, gu * * * ~lllngl 13115/montll. P11e11 mutt be l 3 00/up : C erpell, Huntington, "ucn. ~Bluff• N.-. dlx 2 2i,tb1, tpc, 2 cu ... .,, utll Incl. 2Br, 281, 1525 UIL OUtlll Available Auguet 15, one exell .. ..-tor reeerved drip ... •Ir· 17301 842-2834. • ...._,..., T 3 Br •• t ldult only & -.,,.... BMcll, H.B 842·2834. br, 2 be condo. Frplc, Ale, pool, parll:, tennlt, ..... ...,.. .,.,_ · 3 bdrm, 2 bl, peek vi-. mo. tBr, 1Be, ... 25 mo. 2554 Fordllem Or. or wo • no Mell 11 bOx otnce l>'10f lfflll w••- greenllH wndw. gar., 11100 alt, lmmed ocoup. Condo. t 7 5 0 PI u • 1u1t otr Ooe1n Blvd.. Mgr. 648-11184, Rick M-F Costa M... pelt. Celt owner It (714) to pertonnanoe. YllW """ -~ l;':O,::-.o;;~7N~,.S:;~ ~~~N/purch 18e5. :,:~;~_Y· No pett. clHn, n:~iM,blg 2 :.;.' (213)592·2846. You f.,.. J: wt(a":~;-84_2_..0_1_aa_. _____ ----*-*-*---Wetl-9'>PQlnted office w/ ~~ =Y ~1c:V.~ Av. s.. 111 . Ulen Clll: 1---------s P • c 10 u 1 4 B d r ,_X_r,_~ __ 94_. ___ mo_. ___ . SO C•tPleza 1~!~0• ~~r:tn. eta .,,._,, lrumllW M/Ftoehr2bt, tba,N.B. ~~..,.._,Approx t,000 ForbH Rd .. Min ion 11&1-&822/644-11722 Woodbridge 3 Br 2 B.. ,-pool, tannll, _.,., mo. RINGLING BROS er fl.J.n ,,,. OCHnfront. No drug1 eq. . Vle!O (714) 64!>-0216 642-81J08 :~"! ~1':d.:=: ~~~~tl~~prco::i•p:~f:~ ~!!.!~ •..... 11.~1 :::~~. 8C211.3)8::e~~~= BARN;':!!.!AILEY ••••••···u•· .. •••,·•,••••••• l500 mo. yny. 1173-8184 1----64_5-_1_1_00___ ApprOll 2500 eq ft offlct IT'S only IOve 2br 1g (Pool, lake, tannll prtv.) tenn11 court. on quiet 1 IL I II, I II. -/Wknda .,..._ F«nlM to find Ind lhlr'9 ;!!4.. ~~. 1u~t~ ~~~5 end werellu •P•c• Oii. llk-up1, tncd yd I 8 5 0 1 2 0 . e e 9 7 . cul~eac. juet pelnted Newly decor Gu pd, Anehalm Convention VILUll ept with-· Allee Cit Centrel Coit• Meu 1475 1140·1327, 552-73111, l c1tpeted , Incl encl ger. d•anr. pool. ~~~0·!Br.28a.:f1· CenterAug.5-111 New 162 bdrm. luxury lle().5038 E. ltHwy.475-8800 Fenced yd Avall now. OC-RfNT-ALS 750-3314 87f..8241 g Ir d • n • r I 1 3 5 0 bbn. Adu I It, no pell enc 1 O rege, pa o, Long 8eec:fl Arene In 14 """"' t Bel ---------m-•-• HOO per mo 642..Q8llO I----------MS-1528 • rrplc, lndry rec. Submit A""'· 1.,_22 IPll ...-·•· rm Slier• my Cott• M... -•Ha-·-Beeutltul Condo t1el58 ~· • ___ ._ ., .. , &42·5073 on oet ..,. from 16111. 2 bdrm ~om home. Pref ma tun 511 D<Nw, NB. 831-3a&t 1300 eq. ft $425 -• o1 w · ... 2•1.M To c111m p11u1. cell 1570, TownhouM from ~_.___..___, ___ s·-1800 ft 1575 Back Bay, 38'. 38a 11 ..................... Wni.la1,.1 3111 14711 2 BR, pool, 2 TSL Mgmt '" """ 842·5878, ext 212 ,,,_,._ -""·-· -llWPWT 11111 ICI mo 559-6483 Nice 1BR 1 ba. tr1plell, •••••••••••••••••••••• onl 325J 17111 P 1540 + pool•. tennl1. 51-0508 Front otftoe, i.rge rear petlo, 01rege, Stove/ HOME FOR RENT pereona 7Y . S525/mo 2 Br 2 Bt IPt. a 1 1 e 1 m u 1 t b • w1tertall1. pondtl GH ---------mlltAI. lllYI dOot 1n9 Whittler A.,. Walk to So. Coatt Pleza r•frlg 524 St Anni 3 Bdrm $725 Fenced Pl 648-5t3 •ft t1AM carPOr1. yarO, lndry rm eJCcllanged fOf r9MfWd tor cooking & hHtlng ~ I l..t lett Premier tocatlon Daye 540-8352, Eves 3Bt 2be condo w/pool 1550 538-1453 wkd)'I ywd & garage Kida & t Br garclen apt, 11ov.& SrMll dog 1)1(. Cell '°' -1• •I bOx ~ prt« p1ld From Sen Diego Retired or worll:lng Garden Bultdlno Ma-oe8t '650/mo Aglll75-5930 •---·-------pe11 we1come 545-2000 r etrlg e No pe11 1ppl. toperformanoe Frwy drive Nortn on gentlemln tx lady OYer toOeqft -ernanttlee DREAMY 3br w/ptlvate • • • Agent, no tM. 1370/mo 548-1377 TSL Mgmt 842-1503 • • • ~ to McFlddan to 40 to 11\r Npt. home llJ.I... ~: ~~h~:,w~t~ ger, eunny pool. yd S595 ILIUIOI LIWIS C'=!•-1-' .. • Clllldran welcome, 2 & a EASTSIDE 2 9' ,,,.., Bl. •• ,,..,, JMd Jiii (7~4~~~118v 111 1 " • _840-4e ___ 15 _____ r~ .... m;iieliiiif~llili_iiAOIUiiil""-1r ofc a wtiM tollet.,.. OC·RENTALS 754-3314 3ll07 lm.t Ille Or. ___, Br $475-1825/mo Mon Townllou1e, encl1d ... -;..-.-................ ,.. · F noft-Mlolc1 to elw-2Br. n, o/11 door 1200 utll pd Coron• dal Mar Ua/anld'4 Jf1S thru Sal 9-5 corner ot g1rege, frplc, smell P9I STEPS to bMctl, 2 Br. ,_.,1 f"' 281 condo w/ .. me, So &ecullve offlcM 1.000 tt &75-8251 2&. 2 1ty condo nr tlltll & Herbor 1520 mo 831·5897 aft &PM. You are Ille win,_ of ~:»;;•;d~;.-~;:;t·~; Ad 1 m 1 & F 1 1rv1 • w <HI GrMt loc. be1med cell Ing, trplc. •••••••••••• •••••••••• C•1 Pf11.11r11. 1310 mo to 1,960 ft. Attrec1 . ...., two frM llcliet1 ($18.00) SC Plze. Pool. grOnr 557-4755 No oet• TSL Mgmt 642-t803 9* gar door Furn or Pool, tennl1. 111ce. club, Vlcill wkd)'I 1198-2000 or melnt1lned bldg. Neu Prime AUTOMOTIVE IN· vtlue to the '""'··-1 Br. No ........ ._ •• 7~ 2 br., 1 bl . c•rP•I•. 2 Br 1,~ B•. 2 ''""' •nt, unrurn. Rer·1 req'd weah«/dryer, full El T0to 966-0823. Hoeg HOIPll•I. Cpll, DUSTRIAL.,.. for ren1. Lovely 2br unit, 11\arp lcltcll, lndry kid• 1420 CC-RENTALS 750-3314 RINGLING BROS. ..,...,. ~ ... " v.,.... 1e90/mo yrty. &42-4657. llouM prtv . .,., utlla. 1280 ---------mini bllndt Dedlceted u111111u P•ld. Coste BARNUM & 8AILEY & s35 utll. 775·25110 dr•pH, bulll·ln• No pool, garege. No f)etl. 642entalt Ill. ' lut. "58M038 Iv Prof. M 28 wtll there 3 Br pklng Prof. anllfronment Meea 845-5374. Ol"on Highly upgraded & ctean petl 1425 2272 Maple. S585/mo. lncld elec. 875-4912 Broker m1g, CdM IPI wltll 11r1lght In quiet arN. 645-3323 Newport ecn Big Cenyon _83_1_.21_21_____ 641-0783 ---------1 11ebMI MIF. 1325, tit & d•y• lt•l•I• Wulff ff# 3 B d r , po o I , Ir g An1helm Conveotlon 3 Br 2,,.., Ba, golfcou('M STUNNING lerge 1 Br Jll llSllQ m Employed Gentlemen, 1111. Call A.newer Ad 1---------;,;•ph~·.-;0;;-;;h;;~·;·~ ~!~/ymarod.·s~!1 .. ~~r.02•0r. L~1~1i;:! view, pool , 1pa. :l'215c139~ ~.~8e1 '...~~ gerden epl, pool & rec. NEW g1ted 20 n~j~er~t~5::cn.n "515,642-4300241\ra. !O:len~~~N~ uekt room In quiet .ovv --..-5 Aug 18-22 $I 4 0 0 Imo Ca 11 Leundry fee . pool rm 1425/mo. 710 W Townhom• VILLAGE -"'---v--""-·--·----1 Roomm1te w1nted to Blvd, ~M. 84s.21i,7..; home In NB. CM. Prefe< y,7 PYt ltne To clilm penu. c all 720-1009 ...,../wllndt or So4a..95M 18th St. COMMUNITY. 2 & 3 Br Room wt pool uek• enere9elch epl, 3 BA. 2 IOf Joe w1prot1111on11 couple, Fr .. h clMn. Fenced 1142-58711. ut 272. 760-111100 wkdy1 011---------Meture pereon. Newly 2'h Bl. HIOO-t800 eq fl employed male. Kitchen be Oii'· t2ee p1u1 utu. ---------non-amoker1. 536-2483 yd 2 BR-bath w/dbl P •I••• mu• t b • 3906 $420/mo 2 8r 1 Be decoreted t br homey of pure luxury OeregM. prlv Flere. 1225/mo. Call 1173-0141 Evea-Jene C>eeperete mu1t rentl Ole ---------_,_.. L ...__~ exch•-----' tor ,~ ---------1p1 . b••m•d celling. 1pn In every llome • 845-2590 Nill Bet\. ---------1 tull or part ume, 111111 St, 11.1 ..,1,1z ,..,1,1 .,,.,., oe open..,...,,... --v-leundry rm , pool Avell IPI on 1 lev.t triplex w/ melter lull•. d ining ---------• Prof women to .,,_ 2 c M Xlnt rronl life 1oc • 1••• I '• I llv rm, w/lplc. Child OK. ...ti It bOx olflol prier ........... ,. t.r.ldetl July Cell tor eppt beam cell Inga. Be1u•. roomt. wood burning Ea111ld• Colla Me1a bdrm , 2 b 1 , Par le I '"" 1287 IJ.un 1850· 111. 1111 l dep. to perlonnenoe -:r:-:.-::............... TSL Mgmt 842-1803 quiet groundt, complete ttreplecH, micro-wive turnl1lled, privet• ent, N9wport apt. &40-9158 ...-~--------•••••••••••••••••••••• 645-2348 * * • Cer ... l•J #•1 31 Hcurlly. Weter & gn -·. ""-'••e pa• ..... & refrlne 1300/mo plu1 CdM OFFICE SUITE IHi•HI -------------------· •••••••••••••••••••••• $490/ 2 B 1 8 v..---.,...... UIWW • p A 0 F M A l E 4 Br 2 B• lll11p & clean EMERALD BAY 3 Br 2 Oce1n view, b••utllully mo r I P•ld No pell s425 y Ir d •• Q_. rd. n. r _l400 __ 1ee __ • _87'3-__ 1544___ • • APP<OX. 500 eq n N.-Dr._,,._,,. $OIJ lem'"'olc 1e50 furn townnouae, frplc, u pper unit, enclad 979·115t5 prOVlded. Elegant ltvtng ROOM FOR RENT. STRAIGHT . NON · crplt/ dr1p11 l paint ••• "Ac;;;:-:;;, ........ "7 Bl frplc, brtct1 pello With Olf&ge, peUo, all b41-inl. ---------1 1 15 I t t SMOKE~. 25-80 SHR $475/mo 551-8130 Join tile IHder In the ~11950 1 pa 1 1 5 O O pool & Pllllo 18115/mo laundry rm 2 Br, encl yetd, garege, on Y m nu•• rom Condo, nr. beech, 38R 2BA WATERFRONT ,_1---------eftemk:al 213/1178-2255. 1173-089e. TSL ....,,mt 842·1903 p11lo. nr 1chool1 & Feehlon ltlend, 1 x:r~•· fem . only BAL ISL, MAY Prof oltloe19ec»lnNpt -1mm1ngpoo1 llAll llW ...,, ......... •Cl\I\ ••2 7"18 mlnut• lo SC. Pl11.1 or -.. 8 c t Mfvlc9 butlneu Be • Lowty OOMl'I ..,.._home. C..ll #nl 31U -......-..,.,.,. '" • • O C.Atrport J\ISt Mil of 1 .... an. :pm. CONSIDER FEMALE enter or 1ttorn.y or '"tperlcle-ter treetmem ..... 3 BR. 2 81. 2 tplc'a . •••••••••••••••••••••• ~!~~~o~•= rln 2q~1!1 L 1 t ~ 1 1 ~ a 4 r Newport Blvd & eo of Coeta Mell ept w/pool. 980-2471 other profNllonat UM 1y11ema dHl•r " Llc'd 2 Br. 2 BL ffl)IC, blt·lne. lt2,..,. -1422 t~-S390 A1tr1cllv• partly San ""-" F'n I"""/ I 5 5 / w • • k w It n of recept1on111, Xeroll, territory av1ll abl•. weter oriented. 2 cer -...... -·· fu 1 lg tlo complex, luge pool, ..... .,. .,._... '""" Ledl .. only. Be1u11tut 1-llbrlty Avlll lmmed gwage w/opaner, pool & Wey. 780--8378 M:ur~ ·quler9 N~ ~:. guden Htllng 11175 2 Br 2 B• wt ger•o• mo 831 ·543 . 24 73 ref•encea. 548-3823 Npt Bell prlv. llome. call for detllll. Mllicld or ~~ n~l1w~~;.::,O 1911785/mo 645-3116 OCEAN VIEW 2234 Rutgers Or C M 645·3381,875-5~1 1595. trplc, pool, apa, Oreno• Ave . Cotti Room w/hM prlv.1260. room & prlv beth An7t411155-2411 150,000 lull amount 3Br. 2,~Ba Condo. min 10 Clusy 2BFI & atudy. 2 1·21~54-5104 ,_1_5_3_0_/m_o_2_B_r _2_B_• leundry Studio w/p1tlo Miii. Npt Riviere. CM Woman _64_5-_9_5_t_5 _____ 1--Qill--om-.-xecu--t-lve_olt_lce_.1 req d. tome llnenclng bell & tllopplng Pool, b•tll. 2 rrplc1. tplr•I ll:i•"'-s .... • Townllou-. car pon1, 1395 No pet1. 549-2447. over 30. t child ok. Rm m 1 t • w 1 n t • d 400 eq tt. Pvt bltll with evellebl• win net 140. Jee, & eeun1. 1nnu11 1141 atalrclle. It 500/mo. '"' •• petlOI, 111 blt-ln1. lndry SUPER 3 Br 2 Ba. In 549-8904 Employed meture llt>erel 1hower 81lbo1 Penln 000 plu1 Call collect $785 mo. ttt & lat + cnarter RMtty IHi 31f0 rm. ema11 pet ~ Won't 4-P\ex 145<1 & 2 e r. 2 ea ~ ~-pvt antty. M. 2 8t 2 Ba. Lao Bcfl. $300/rno 642-4823 Mon-Fri 9-6PM Atk tor aec;. dee> (714) 750-5274 4ta-e122 or 493-868e •••••••••••••••••••••• lull In 4.,,.x $525, bit-Int, pvt b•, refrlg, bed, 494-82_,_8 ______ EJtec Fum 8ul1e . ..,..me Tim 4081887-0111 Emerald Bay Pvt bMch, TSL Mgmt &42-tll(Y.) encl1d garege. llk·up1. COUNTRY CLUB LIVING mlcrow1ve. non emkr. Prtv1t• antrenoe, o.ca. "'' L-/opllon, dMlr1ble """"'•· t-n•-ft~ .... 3BR H.l,'1 fllEIT Aft 5, 642-8221 No.....,., ,.." •••• a .. 8 IN NEWPORT BEACH ... ,.,.. mo ... 1-.. .....__ P 1 t b tll 1 N.B. loc. Piion• end #•:J::J.1' n, 1nll M ... Veres. llM, 4 Br 3 .,..,.,. ~· .. ~·.. Spentth Est•t• LMngl F M-F·--~ " A 10111 environ men I MwttctYe ~GI;".,...... r va • 1 · i::: n copier 1v111. 1225/mo 1 $031 81, pool. tmmec:. cond s3~•p,' ~~. ~t8'6ot..;:~1 B .. ullful perk Ilk• lr•plece, pool.---------epertmantcommunltyon ----·-----kitchen, tolhdere. ale 9811-1778, 1140-8215 •••••••••••••••••••••• 11400/mo. 522..()332 1ft • dlahwuller, PY1 P••lo. X 2 BR 2b1, pvt p1t10, tile Upper Bey. Privet• Room for Rent, M•H pre err• · Legunl (ev9) I.I. UTTUI 8PM Of wknd1. w 1n 1 • r r • n t 11 · iurrounolnge. Terraced LO Garden 2 Br. 1580. townlloun. c1rpor1. clubnouH end llHlth Verde. C.M. 8·1. 1225 B•ctl. '475/mo lnclde 1--------- 7141497.11164 pool. Sunken gu bbq, 557·2641 11und rm, """'· "II utU ..,.,. .. e 1-n11 ft_ ... , 7 plu1 utM. 754-7838 u1lla. Ot!YS Mike Ruuetl llffllOIT •rflll• Oe. Ila. DM 1 J. 3211 tperkllng rountelnt ---------• pd 1 chlld ,...,....sUS/ ...... -. -· .........,, • 714/840·3225, Evu Lr office II.Ill / 1 Spec4altzlng In l•t & 2nd .... ~ .. ! .. ! ........... Wf.U• •11.1•1 31$ 5 P • c Io u • room• Ee1111da 2Brl 1"b0a. pool, d1.po1lt Ok.H b mo,. poote11r..,.;. CIOM. F-!olon~li•ftd.· M1ture Female, prtv1te 4911-4284. ol"b• All or•.! .. ~~ TD'11lnoe 1949 HARBOR.OCEAN FRONT ;" B7•;•e;_ ·;;;,i·~ S1puete dining ue1. leundry, 4 <> • cell · nr 11 or ,..... -· -· room & bltll Kitchen ---------y. ,..... Robt. Sattler NH/CM Nu 3200 lux llm on bluff. view. Av.II. now. l850. Welk-In clOHll, llome 833-7890. 648-11147 18111 St See Mgr. 1t Convenient 1hop1 on ptlv Non amolter 1240 M /F to 1llar• 2 Br. 11 .40 pr 1q rt. Ce ll R.E. BrOker 8d ANltors 180 deg. vu of hlrbor, Cetl 7ll0-1877 llll:e lcltchan & cablnete. EASTSIOE lge p¥t 2 BR.1 =i1i97i8iiMiapleii,i A.fJiitili. iiii ~~n~u~n~·:c,~ ~2111. . . ~. ~.~· 645-864& lor Into. 842-2171 546--0etf turf. mtna. 3br. 3be, Welle to Huntington Veultedcto.2eundecll1,I• apttlndtownnooeee. Rm 1245 mo. working ...__ ... 2 ... 2 .,,_ •·-. NPr~~~T..!~.A~ .. ~ WIDOW HAS Ill tor u ourlty, 11un1, •P•· llJ1ll•• VIM. Jlf Cen1ter8d. tu 1 g1r, 111 utll pd 1580. _..._._.... ...." 11000 man ..... ant a ft.....,...,. ,.._., a.-... "'"' v•-...-,,..,... ....., TD'• RE L~ft1, IOK Up. 11085· 498-7009 ••• HOMEF~~·Ae;.rr··· 2 Bdrm'Zn ';Om 5:,5 Adltt, no 094• 752•2550 ~:~~~ s-:,-' ~ Md , ~·ioh. 4~.... oondo~ef. s::!on~l'::~. ~a:· 2 $308/mo. No CredltCneck, No ... ,gr-3 Bdrm & 4 8dnn. 1125 2 Bdrm Townhouee tum •CIMn 2bf/2be condo Beeutlfully lendec·= Bdrm Ul'lltt 1M1ure nne • ......_,_ --......1_ fl# 2• 1-•iiiiienftiiiiima Pen11tl. Oennlton & 17..,., ,._...._.. d • t •• SC "' SA •a.7.. "' Oe11nner furniture end --"· I •WINllT __. •-·-7"7311 IHe JUO to ~. ,,..,..... yw •"' rom ...,75 nr .-.au, · · -0 gerden ept1. Pool & • 11 M 1 ••••••'••••••••••••••• •-11'1-An-19--..... -.-2-.. ---.-.. .,-,1-mo--••-_,........ ____ ..,.. ____ _ •••••••••••••••••••••• 01r1ge1. Kid• & pet1 No p • t 7 5 2 • 5 8 2 2. Co d kl N ecce11or •· ov• n 11&1 •--.._... ..... ....... FUii s.vtce Su11 .. CC-RENTALS welcome 545-2000 No peta. 641·14CIO vere per ng. 0 today or reHrve tor ..... :-=::: -•-_..... l utll, poot/jac. Nd own .-_. "'--/ t-5br't 1200 to 12000 AQenl, no IM UtlfltlM F 1 petl tummeJ montht. Smartly ""'6 1'9ftt-now •·-· 8' furn. Muet Ilk• cat1. ... , _.,_ ...... ,.. •• ,, 750-3314 open 7-<laya rM 2 Br ''" bl, 810 Joenn 1 Br 1475 turnllhed model• open 1140 & up. Color TV. Dina 5se-s212 an 5prn. 1825 .... <>cell\ View lt,,...U/ ,,.,,...., ..... '"' LA QUINTA HERMOSA St Adil• ptef Sml dog 131 E. llltll &46-8818 0111)'. PllonM In room. 2274 All you need IOf one '-'' ,, .. NEW CAPT l PAINT •••o'Ji.0•••••• ••••••••• 18211 P~ Ln, 1 blk <HI. 845-8453 Newport Blvd. CM. Shr 48r l'loml, btwn be) rnontllly feel •••••••••••••••••••••" ~ 1~~ :r:,a1;: ~· ~o~o!t.B~•~n~ w of 8-:tl, 3 blk• s. ot ....., 19111/Pomona. 1 Br ~gt~·~~~.~~'.'·,!:~,!~~ ~ ~~= ~ 64•7446 :7:,~7nenA~ now &40-6470 ~.~.!.~ .... !~!f pett0 .. 1775 e:it-432o . S885t mo or leaae Edinger. 1 Ba, upetalra eot d/w, Agl 548-1188 1••1100 8 £IC H IR£ I . Office or de1k 1p1ce option Agt. Fred. Ml-1441 cuport. retrlge, w1ter -------..-n n n a..,.../tt .. 14'11 turnllhed0tunfum Plcit 5BlkllOOCMl\.lleQent 1131·12NC1'831·2711 ---------pllld.1chltdcHl,nope41 ,,..,,., ,,,, _________ , :r:'i'A••·············· Co11t Hwy NB. 2 Bt. Femlly Rm & Oen Quiet Junior & 1 Bre 1460/mo. 545-2000 •••••••••••••••••••••• LIDO BEAUTIF\Jt. 2 Br $77/wk 20x32, near 19tll & 1146-7474 1850 Mo. Plu111 crpt1, Tll lllffl From 1375. Pool, rec. Agent, no tM 1911&11Uft 1rplc. petlo, 1du1t1 Newport. 1180/mo. 1--..,..----1------..,..-2~ Ba. Ceder & gtata . 3 br, 2'h bl, prof. dee. rm., .. uni. encl1d Euelcs. 2 br 1,~ be 2 bdrm.2 ba.appllanoea, 11050.875-1359. Klton.natt.-Mlld·Pool 7511-0Ml.~107 -·-• ::i:,c~ityd!~1~~ry!~~ :~~lu . $1250. ~':P.~~~~~7:.:.4•0n Fn:d Petlo, ·Ger•o• ow. ktry, no pell. 1525. Spec. 3 BR 2 Ba. fplc, eo.~:!:' 1 :'::;65 WAN'T: Ger•o• tor ~~~ No pell. Inquire 11 527 1500/mo. 1141·11234, _4_98-&804 ___ ._4_93-_7_44_& __ 1 Qlf, belch 2 bike, liOO ator~on Bal Penln. Nr 900 eq n. 2 entrencee. llllh. St. 980-6331. 4 Br 3 Bi. c:Omm. pool,·~,._. 1111 ----------•Hll•;i.. yrly. No peta. IM&-1882 ,!!!!.!~! ...... !.~ff 15th t. Celt t-nt-201\ pvt p1rll:lng, 1700 mo. 2 Br townllom• wltll I 1, 116/mo. or I•••• •••• ••••••••••••••••• 2 Br g11den apt, petlo, IHc UfO WESTCLIFF 2 Br. t'A ea Pv1, e6eg'tn1 home fOf the Hunt. 8ch OlnlOe 1-492-1120 FOlll> ADS ARE FREE Cal: Ml·Mll d option. Agt. Fred. THE new pelnt, crpt, drepee ••••••• •••••••••••••• TownhouM. Adutt1 pref. elderly, LIQ. Bell, w/ forrent.145/mo. •-11u-•ltlcll• g•reo• 831-1268or831-2711 No pell. 1440/mo. 15115/mo. Neu bHCll, No pet1. leOO/mo. 1728 t1mlly 1tmo1pllere. 213/420-7705. -_. ~::i~:n:;;0~~o~~dA•o~: llllWPHT 11111 646-0850. mint 2 Br. 2 Ba .. no pet1. Bedford Lane. W-7533. c1111et Cllu voue. -2-0-x-2-1--0-11-,-.-0-e-,f_o_rl t'r~·.:.:~1~~5.*J!!; l ftfft ut 642·1423 & 8-45-3175 Yearly Cena! front, 3 Br. ''~ooo E/llde I Br. em1ll but _64_2_·1_33_8·_5_53_·1_7_7_8· __ 1 One ml. from Beech 494..o3t4. ltOf'&ge. HO per month. 11rVavell. 3355 Via Udo. L"blt: 7112 vie Evergreen 2 B1, 2 1tory, ldnt lfM. • cozy, 1011 of n1turet Deluxe pool1lde, xtre rm & b1tll, avlll. now. ,...,, lallll fl# Weetlldl. &4&-4382 1173-4158 end Monrovia. Blue 9')'91, lllYI 11 TllAn dodc epac. 1vall Broker wood. $395/mo. Cell luge 2br, 2b•. bltn1, ____ 64_2_·2_3_5_7 ___ •••••••••••••••••••••• -::M~',:---:la:--.. -:-_,--f-::-:: .. 11-=-::1_, ________ red colter. 1131-4797 3 bdrm , 1 etory 875-4912 LIFE'' btwn3-5.1151·81122. dlWhr. t'A mllea beech. t Br 11Mp14 1Cn>111he :-;i'" uu w Wentld t o 1ublet REWARD. townllome. Pool, 1enn11. Adult• no .... , • .,,.,.__ Ver11lllH 1 br alngle, itr.eet from' be1cll . •• ••••••••••••••••••• eppro11. 720 eq. ft. office LllT -••t near Be1c ll 1745. 2 9' 2 Ba, comm. pool. · ' ,..., · ......,. ...... Hcurlty, pool, gym. 12t51Wk. 8715-5088 ~fftl lll'rll 1pace. proreulon11 -.aw- 213/5114-8131 $830/mo or IMM option. ~ .f'UM: ~tflrH. 1-538--838---2-----1 I 5 O 0 . 7 3 1·3 311. 1 Av I N E.-Ph o n • fflgned, e1toeptlon1I, ,.,,.,..., t mo old fight Freel, agt. 831·12" or Socl1l Actlvltlu rem -=-a WllPn.nau 559-0353 !11 .B . 1 br, 1lp1 4 , enewer1ng, cont. rm, ut11 OCl9ll1 vtew. F'lulble tor OoldenAetrlever. 714vtc 31r, 28' refurb. 831-2711 D I r • c t o r • F r • • Dllmll'I -1 & 2 Br. Olecount on Stepe to bet\. 2Br tbl, eundlc*, 119PI to Mild, pd, tctry eerw. ato. Aleo p r I v 1 c y . P II o n e t7tll Ind Tuatln. P1elM nrbelch.l 790 mo. QC.RENTALS Sund1y BHutltul Oatdl n ap11 eomemodell Pool Spe 1ge 11v .,.., 1111 w/ber, 0111. 1111. U25 . d .. k apace. 1150/up, 144-4140. calt831·70S3 <114> 898-2124 t-&bn l200 to l2000 ~=·•· Petloa/dectla. Heet peld. Gym , S e u 0 n 1 , '•tc: ocn ~. 1780/mo yny. 754-0838 1 540-9745 •--1-1-IT--l-l-.-• .,,--• -L-oat_:_long __ halted __ creamy __ HOME FOR RENT 75<>-3314 open 7-daya No pell. 84&..oetll. 11715-7907 cos TA ME 8 A . 1117 W•tcNtt. N.B. 211& 911-51 white cet wtor.nee ..,.. ~~dr:'·..!!.!!. ':;:e: 3 BR 2 81 Elstblutf.1v1 ::"1~· ~-.,: ~lt8on 83,.:=•-'400--fu-r-n.-Of-un-fu-rn-.-, 3Br, 2Ba, tfl)IC, o-ge, Fumllhed. 2 BR. 2~ba. lo 4000 9<1. ft. 1at. ftoor. 8!::: '1=~.N:W~ Himalayan type, Lagune p;t, ~ MS-2000 July 15. 11200 mo. "IC" I AT IO M: Br. pool, 1p1. 181192 new deoor, ytty, 2 btkl to :°'l~1fA~1:;,:~~~~~~: Avent 841-5032 °' unflim. Aveli Jlity 19. BMctl. fWwatd . .. ..-...._ 640--901' Tenn I•• Fr•• Florld1 . •42 -2834, bet\ 8'7J-2S71. • ·-;1 ft 1100 ...,... w-...i1 ..... 71520 494-3172/497-6454 ....,.. ... no -· LAllon9 ("'O & ~o 842-3172 " · ' 11 &930 """' · · · ...... ....,. ..... .,._.. · W•t.11 TO •11:•CH • a.. 6pect1out1r view In ,.. @ ~---,--.....,.~--.,-1 ... llf ft., a 75 8lrch., H.B. E ti fflce 1 ltl ............. .. .., " ~ . .. ... . I hop)• 2 He a t II Neer bMcrl 2 Br. 11+ Ba. Y041f IMfl a."'1 bmdl, .. _ '541-IO!St x.cu ve o u • 2 a 1 S 11oo 1 mo prHtlllou1 Herbor CtubeeSaunl• crpie. drpe, blt-IM, fl'plc, Rear_,., ~t home. ooaantront Mono lilly. I+ ....,.... comer f:A 405 ,,.,.,, Neat Ind ~ hendl Iott 173-70'38 Ot "3-8377. ~ ool, epe. tennlt. Hrcttom•H•O--ended Qlrllge. 15115/mo. 1 bdmt, 1 bl, ut• lncl!'d. Ill HHret CuU•1 MW Hetbot 81Yd. Tak• CV. from r1ng. !WAROt 2 SIS 4 Bdrm 3 UC. gate 11985/mo. S~.oolt C.H &38-0821 Tennlt .VIII. 11171 per "°'*• 11p1 I, a la. epe.. ...... 1900 aq.ft. et 90t 642-57.a "~ • val!· 780-8307 UJMng ,_. month~ aundeGtc..1.-!'l"baf· "''° ft. Cel 781~191 Lo1t eel, tono 11_11r1 ::· 11t~mo~mo. : ,_4_B_R_B_lu_f_fe-co_n_d_o_w_/1 • I Au TI, u L ---WW 915-tMI '* ... -.m...-n ,ountaln Velley OlflC41 Otenoe wt.nt ptlWI. UllR bdl.AQ1646-1188 pool,Newf)'recleo.Avall Al'AIHMllMT•• lfit'sgot Lge2&SBA 1ownhouM SIOO/mo.18r.11e.ept, ,....,.... ....... _ ., c..-... epeoe,HOOeq.ft.atl(M ..,, Woodbl1dgl--. Aug 10. 11100/mo. Sl(lglea, t & 2 h 1pt1, y1rde, encl gar, enc11~ oa1e ... l{'.il')' .r.;;;JT.enTn:r.;;;;t :r:;:--i--w e tt. Oood 111po1ute , G1nt1e. 141-tlta lnlM llH 8 7 3 -2 4 2 2 or ~ W eels, lplo, hook-upe. Nr Hurtt. fee.. c1011 to beectl, CM ~ I & 4 Ir. -,_ • good pertllng, T.-rt l ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 21H29-67tt & Unfurnlthed•No you'll nle>ve Hrbr . tr om 1 57 a. olc, nooooe. ,...,.., MW.~ .w ~~--I rook l'lu ret. 0 1 11 LIAlllU bqul1lt1 811 l1l1nd Pet1•Mod•I• Open It faster In a Cl'llldten OK. '40-8807 Te,l. Mgmf. 642·1903 IUll'VNf, 173-1113. ....... ... 711 .. 191 :;: ~~~~· ~ ~n"::c":~ ~ oondo tor 11aH. 2 Br dO 9 ;.;... Dally Piiot 2 8t 11+ II. ta78/rno . YllllT ~ OUlft • .-.. tor ~ lldil• !fttfl H ooeier. ~- Avelleble lmfMdl1tefY. :~~·.:~u~~~fy~o~~:·b ·..... Classified ~~. t:,r!, ~ = 1 II IA"'81f !UM-=-~~ oiii;;•;;.d• L.;bo;:i:~)' l800trnoon1~ ...... lnclUdH pool, 1p1, ad.Calf ~ref. Nr Beeoll / .... &Mely...-. 11 •·-tOMe •up1o1IOOeqft, :'C:. ~;: .::=:: }~;.:::.<>..~geoo. Ph ..::t"!'.~1.. 642-S678and a ...._a93-48_c_,_•d_,~_·_"_·_N_o_p_e_,._. ~j~'ef~a .. .,. ,_..,.,.._.HM *--as '* ~1111 ""'!,...io. ..... -f I di d ~ . . ........... r.-:.r;-.~ l'nllll 1'°°"'to3 roome. ..-all.,,.. .. .__,. A\fOft ,__, • cenei tront " er. dlrl. eeo lrvtM r en Ya • 2 br w~. Ht BWh a ,.,..... ..... .., IHmt ,,... t1.11 • ._. "· "° It., 1MO ~, n.. ..,_ • ~i WtodlUWfe St400tmo. LMM ~uon {at 19th) Viser will llldlen . M&01mo. Studio ,.0, undergnd oontaoi ,.,011, Gey t••M r•quh•d. Adi. .,. ..,.... 141 .. m . •••• °' Mii. Me-tO.UAQent. ·~14) 646-110<4 help you. 6*110 1. (2t8)893.7040 ~Ing. '800mo. .,... ,..... _.. llt Attoorter ''"'' 1in on 1 ..,_, un1Mm9tnatoOMJon .._./... turny®r ~3 11r.orpea.c1roa. 114lttMtJ2, 1o.C!1f.1MCM111 o"pont. Cell AM. Untquelllliory...,.. 55,.... fOf .... tmm.a ooc. . 1 00 19th St. wheelslnto bit.JM, dbl glr. •Id ... • 11'1"4440t "OO"'l'll•t• wented. m-111:1 .,,.. ..... : ....... ~ ~ a tw, a be. ttim tfn, Otptt. ''"'· bt11M. tllO "'o. 1•yr , ... ~ .... , .... 'NCM6n (Dowr It 18tl'I) up. S100. Cel aae-otat TWO M . TWO M. "Pl. "'''•• to 1hr Hr ept, -,:o~-i-: • .... 1111"'9 .... a M ..... .,., (71~) 842-5113 cash. A .. LIHGTON APTa. OC••n end la~•··· Q.M_ ... tl'IO. Claftl. Of .... °'"==... we .... 2 rll'1 ~ w/lplo. •• Q u I • t • • p • 0 I 0 u I Lovet)' Oeoor • Achllt•, 1 adl\ W/1 dlld OI ,... ' " -'*' cpt, new Ptlnt .,.-.------~ townflouee 2 •· 1.,. e.. leourltf, ,001, 9pa, -~"'~··=• -= Ill ll om ....,._ 11ac opw. WArff' AOT!Oltt f'lncr w11atyou wan1 In ~t-~ach. HHlmo. ~ •1~ mo.1~. &AMa. .....,__7_.., _ • 111 • 11100. M•4U ~ ~Me 142-M11 0.-Pllo( Ql111m.de. _,...,.,., .._" --, -... > WILL BABYSIT $1/Hr I wka-21• yra. Mon.Fri 8am-8pm C.M. 842-2998 Chtl .. lan mother wlll baOyWt. Infant l up, , home, vie. Baker Hartxw. Real. 9&2-2"82 LIC'D l!UCTAtCtAN Qual. WOf1I ....... rat• Frw •t. 831-5012 Tom WAtlT ACTION? Cluelfed Adi IM2-5e78 .,., ............. . ~.~~ ..... "l.ettM~ln" ca.~ WtndOw Free Mt. AM9. prloM Que!, WOf1l. ~. 337199. 831-23-45 Cteenlng, Ltd. ~~~3 .Aemodellne a~. ~~-.. Quallty Ctaftmanahlp. MR. 8 PARK LE : a II Raf9renoea. Tolllm Co. .. d 4M&-18e0 "'&42-1518 wndw1. boln al ••· 1craan1 & track•. ......... HonHt, dapendabla •••••••••••••••••••••• Guel. no ~ Reel PROFESSIONAL ......,_ 5-40-58&4 RESUMES & CAREER _,...._ ..... _. _____ _ COUNSELING 851-4100 •FINEST IN O.C. * Ron'1 Window Wlllhtng ._,,_ R9ald. ~ 830-7711 ':':':'.-::, ............... --------- Huber Roofing-all lypea Turn to today'• c::laaalfled New-<acovet-decll1 for Iha but buy1. Uc:. ,. 11802. 54-973-4 642-5818 ' Mn.f.~ •.•. ~ ~!}I..!.~'!!. ..•• !.'.!! ~.'.11.!!.~~'l. .... !.~!f "11..!.'!'!!'. •••• !!.!f ,. .. ,I..!.~'!!'. •••• !.~! !tJl..!.~'!l. .... !.1.!f ~l..'!~'!!'. •••• 1.1.! ~.!!!! ........... ~.'! ............. l!!f !~.~ ........ ~ Found Sat Nit• on Weet Attr .:.. Git Exper. Cer Weatl help'°' Keypunch OperatOf Pwtl ...., IHIPl'lllttt U&.11 .... ANT IQ u E 0 AR A 0 e Abylelnlenl CFA di~. ChlldreM °'*' bed with a.tbol&20th.Sm0rey acute Newport Beach Data entry peraon With valld Otlve'9 Lie. Real Eetata ln ..... lment wanted lot attractive SAl.E-Toomeny11ematc lhott.1275.s.411-4707or matt r ea1. Oood COCll-•-poo, F, Young. Sophisticated. attrac:ttve, llmou11ne urvlce, needed for 2nd lhlft, 3 Light work,,..,, lmmed. Co., proteulonal women'• ehoa dept In n.t. Mahogany tbl & • ~8555 IVll!wknda. oondltlon sao. ~1557 ~ well groomed glrl to e7M971. pm lo midnight. Muat be M5...S77. attitude/appearance Fuhlon lalend Part ctw9 17&. leea, plc1Uf'M, ,,.. •-1 POOi tci.. r-•'•tlon 1" ---------• d I I I 11 ' reapontlbla. Paid ~ ""'h .........., •u ,,,__ ........ '"'d. dl1he1, gle.a1ware, ._ -r--.1. llWUI mo • pr va • Y or Fuhlon ParUaa: earn • .......,.,._., benefttl. Sal-,_._., "" t ''"''"'' .. .,. '"' ... ~ pr78 ... 10 Jaw·arly, prrm1tlve1, •• •••••••••••••••••• aolld elate, 1750. With Lo a I 7 1 1 8 ' M I n lndlv~ual 3-• hr1 per eummer wardrobe l ~;;;;:naur•I• with PUT.... ~!...w!~,,,,k;.,!1.•.wport ,__ bawled mlrror1$15-l20. C LUIA &PSI ~ & equip. 5'48-2082 week.' lrlc:tty prtvete and heve tun tool 155-93&4 aw_.__, Cell Paulene .,....., .,... ... ,....., S S Thut'I & Fn IAM-tPM. AK • Mele 2Y. Y1'1 old. 8 tt earthtone couch ~~~~.:. ~lagc~~~i!::t:·,~~~::~ ~-' :9:~PTr'1 ~romotlon, Reateurant ALE 15822 Monrovia CM. name "Snlckere". All Good condition. 180 • Clllf Drive, Newport Or.et pay . fleltlble h1'9. HIT·-5:30PM-9:30PM. Set. OIRL FRIDAY. Mon thru Telephone aollcltora (8twn t8th & 17th Sl 2 lhot• to dete. Rea offet. mu 11 1a111 O 8 O . Helghta. Very frlendly. Send photo and detailed 1111' -. ~·~~t• ~elbv:'ri ~:~·~ 11:30·1:30PM Friday: 8:30 to •:30pm. wented, no exper nee. b11t1 W. of Placantl•) 71•!75-4-7312 &45-5381 Female, .,,...,. lo 8.J. deacrlptlon to Box. Ad F ~ Hol Dog 931-11•5 18-4.00 to ltal1 Lori'• Kltch«'t. 3077 So. Tu. lhru Fr1 9 AM to 12 ANTIQUE DAESSER. B••utlful purebred Blk neugehyde Simmons tM&-nea °' 873-2094 No. 1011, Dally Piiot, .,,_,. Then pertnef'lhlp'a lflar• Hetl>or BIYd .. (Herbot at noon. AfJfJty Pennyeever. Mahogany. vary well Aulttallen Shep. i.m. 13 Hide-a-bed, ltOO. Loet: 4 moa. old male Pit Bull. Plecenua & 19th, CM "Butch". Rewerd. ~ Box 1580, eo.t• ~ Pleca. Poeltlon In Orange llUITIJla. of profit•. Mutt have CerrleOI OJ.) S.A 1 eeo Placent11 Ava, made. Approx. early mo. Devoted. lovlng, 973-0787 CA 9~ =:ri:g ~t~ FuH time handy~ ~··-:-~t ~o!Ge, privet~ Aaetaurent Coeta ......_ 1e.o·a. M75. Wiii take amart l 1plrlted. 125.1 ..,. ••• :."::'':au:: :feq':~b4=1ence ~ •• ,.~.,.;.~ :,r;.;.;:,-::,. ~~~~;~n,: ::;.~·~~ ~ = ~.~"~•116~~:-o~';: ::~~ ::i:e:;;n::: 115 . ., .. ":'5e-1oto Whlllllgnfm.&twb.Own pront -........... vacation oenw8I Npalra. • • --· o~at• Hobart sue.,. 1kllla, 1horthand aft• 5pm W.-d9Y1, or -T--------~t:fw~ne~s!:: ~ tooa ~ Til'9 pr<>Qr•~~j;''you are• (71•) 556-8191 6'2-M78 ext 3t2 Exper. pref'd, but wlll requited. 8-5, M-f. a.. 8754708" no.,..., at ~~~~.:.!i i ~mo::'t~°';'2~ g:M 3000 E. Cet. Hwy, manager, an ual1tant Pat Control AekS Aap. train. 8:30AM to &PM, comm w / e Jt P • r . ebove number. chlldran. 1100 or bat 75$-1010 ~•male Tan1er milt, manager of f8et foodl or M~t nHded lmmedlately. ~Thur. SAM to tPM ~8-t083 • on.. 986-1000 ---------!~::th~~~, g~;::"c:.~ r-li111'i'm1sftiitt;;il;d;---:::':•,::'t:n:= ...... •nm ~~: bnWS ~PM~~~~~~ 1m1J11f !~!!!f!!!.~ .... AKC Yorkl• male. =~o'::! ~.~ w/taga. Anawera to Chld l*'9 needed In my up to.' .ctv•IClmlnt In ..... Traluft Kltct.i. 3011 8. Hlll'bot Rnponilble penon to • • • champion blood llM1, 75t-to1o Mathew. Call an)ltlm• "o"'• tor II mo. old, multl1tate, atrong, lectl y ..........__ p,flm ULD Bl. gHarbot., Cerr1llge hendlevattety and hMVy l&lk UIS"'' S250. e:Jt-4592 aft ePM.1---------AM /PM. REWARD. :!dM·t •O hr a/wk 1W ----. k..... ... . .') " S.. .. Bedroom 111 Oiied 841~ ot 5~ Iv -pt<>QtHalve, growln9, Enjoy wortlJng ....,, -. ..,., ,,. phonH. nOttnend. 851 Comfn90 #2 b#,. ,.. lfff walnut King headboard, P 10P 1 • 0 , r • n t 1 d Stat1 'f04lll new ceiw on and wlah lnc:reaaed ...... ••• -Fa ah Ion lalend. non-H9wpor1 8eedl •••••••••••••••••••••• Mr. l M,.. w/mlnOB 1 2 meg. HOU81Ef(EEPER needed company. call Cul our 3'd lhltt, Mining M . earnlnga, utlllH yovr -·---•mo le• r . 8 •I• r y V04J .,. 1M winner of Free to good home a _F_o_u;;.n_d_o_r_a_n_g_a_/_w_h_l_t•-I to.' bu9y p1of ... 0ti.i In Keet• '°' .,.. Int~. up to l•.50 •• you outgoln9 peraon1llty, Mature penon. full time. commenaurata with two free tldtete (118.00) 1 11 0 rt ha Ir h m •I• c 0 mm0 d•1 I 3 5 0 · at.ripld. young mele Cat N.I., varfiad duUee. muet 8 9 7 . 7 2 7 3 . become mcwe exp'd. you ~ how to become • Mu1t have m11ernl1y eJtpet and ablllty. Mra. value to the . Ham1tet1, 1 mother & ,_1_5e-_1_0_10 _____ _ et Seddlebaclc North be••gliUC&,...,._a 10.Weatmlneter Mall. wlll b• promoted to ,,._, ..._ OOUNlklr. ••P•'· South Cont Edwwda.940-5111 AINGLINGBAOS. 2-t mo. old & at10 Klnglbllbed.comc>1illttl campue, a-. mo? WhlW hrllfly, Mon-Fri, car & Wellmlnater. E.O.E. mgmt. & aupervlaory c.i1 2-5PM .... 2""4321, F'tUa. 557-5134 ._1.__ BARN .... UM & BAILEY Oeddy. All tame & well ~board 175 & C II t raft r•"ulred. (714) MfF 1 8 v e I a · Ca I I : Ex1 3.a EOE ..,.., ....,,. .._..___, """'1 255t 842-81153 pewa noH. 8 o ,. · 71 •-537-4140 . . • ~M~ eo.te Mela la-.. ,_.__,._ ..... _ .. _~-·--·--1----------ctalm 152·8191 daya, ~ -• I .... •••'f 1a•illEI ___.,. Anehelm Convention ·-911_,W evea. ~~~~-----·1 fllllLI If_., lntervlewa held every .... 11 I& ... _.. .. ~ Architectural omca haa C4inl• ~. 5-tl Found: 2 baby Calleo Flowered 80" Sole, 3 ---------• ~· 8 w Im. • t 0 . w / Tbura.. al 1380 H. Ct.t. lnvned.~ fot herd Currant opeolng w/ Immediate opening, H l°"9 BeedllAI Ar.na klttene, 8klfft, NB need •11eehed CUlh6ooa. wwy Found: Male Cocker 0 .....:.!' ::,:_ ~ :::: hendlcapped gift .. Ugtit Hwy .. Lag. Boll. from WOfk•. flwt tlina hourw' httvre oppty tor at0te WPM t y p Ing • n d Aug. 1~ good home. ~21 ~od co nd ... 12 5 . SpenW. P'-Identify. "ff ... dutlea. own ,, ... non-•~ E.0.1!. flalbea. tYlllncl. 10 key l mg mt . Mu 1 t b • • x o e 11•n1 To clelm P••H•. 0111 FrM 2 moe. old mixed ·2751 7 1•I e•1-7 t 1 2 . per day. -· hr. Daye amar . ..,, M In/Wet. Off pflone elillr • mu at. ~ & ~ communloat1on1 and od .. l-T-Cuthlon ___ Chelt' ___ ~-- 2131396-3811 t51-1075 , Ev••· FrVs.t.840-6336N.Bc:fl Newport Beach. HtCKORYFARMS • organlJ:atlonal •klll• • 842•5878• ext. 272· puppy 10 go nome. ' .. ,_, -..---------1 551 4941. ~· ,,,___ mlML UIT. 54t-2Mt. FASHION 181.AND mvu. Proteulonal !.,~~ ~ "~~ nW506. Senta Ana. uphokt.y 125· "'UH& fJflt---------1 ......, __ ...,.,_ Dr. 'a olflcea, Tue1 l --...-..,. ,_._ F d "2-275t. •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ Thur• only, El Toro. -•• -in .... _ C..&4CMIOSO •PP••rance. non -..... at box omoe prior r•• to goo hom•1----------* * * CATERING aervlce lnaurance Age11cy In 770-1960• --• _. 1rnolcet. Salary comm. 10 --'onnence. cocoa brn Slemue Drop wood Dinette. 2 ..--a-.a--_.._ p-.:i--naeda-tood prepel&llon Coeta Meaa hU CIPlfllnO We have en ooerl4na tot ..... / ...... Ip, ' w It II ea par. 0 o o d -· kftten. 8 wka. 54&-6382 capleln chelrl ,_ & t26 . ..._... • ..,. wontWL M per hr-Full '°' etlll'oetlO petlOn to ..a........., one 'WTtl-d,.eaeed Metwe ~to_.. benellu a.ttd work • • ~ y.., old K~ mlA Full SINP•r Sola, oft Open Z4In1 dlly tlm•: 5AM-1:30PM. hllndta ven.ty Of dvtM L lntellgent nlnpwaon to owner In managing environment. CA LL Wood ,._ table end lllNtl IWMd. Xlnt. 1125. 7 dllY9 •week Lori' a Kltc .. en. 3077 In mlcro-lllmlng dept. earn m.Olc:el 11111 .. l worll In th• Newport dellgner Nfl9Wle l!hop. WAYNE 540-1212 CXI mele. AN ahOte. trained, 557-3119. J ---', 8 ... -•• , ~-'a n •• t b d aerve In the Army H b • 1 S •---------end table, Ilk• new. IOYMb6e 6'2-1583 1-----------...1 _,, .. .,.... H 1 r b 0 , 9 1. , s . A . ...ua • reapon. an Aee9rw new "°"11 C.. • t or • r • n • I e 1 • x p r n • c . $ lOO N3-a24 1---------i Oak Baeett Dini Rm •• well •• tourllta. ""7"" "7•7 wllllnLto learn. Call · commetdal ..._end/or 173-n10 ealt tor Judy. · 5 .,, old male M i ni ng B ...... "--'-d M .._ • .,.,, .. ........_ .......... 1ocs.y; ...................... ._ ' table (large). 5 cht1 . .,.,.,......_..,., ' .. ·-•--------ri _.., ........ TUttln 731..0.81 ,_,.,_,,_ '"~ SALE9•Hlnng 200·300 • ..,. .. ,=!,_. Poodt le, ldllver/blk, Excellent. 1300, Ph Charge. Amerlcen ... 111.-r/T SentaAne5'2_.793 •fftuenLEOt~....... ............ temela/male "° •• ~~-~-::•••••••••• neu ere . Shotl. 839 _5 •011 Moved , Expreu, Dlnera. All Expanding Newpor ..,.r_ uo .... ,... ... 5 """""' ,.._,...... l.•ll-•-• 6'46-te02 W9loorne 71•16'5-3433. Beech Credit car Fountain Valley. Pref. """ "'"·" 2-3173 SA. VICE PRE810£HT •aper nee. $100 per day -::-:':J.-." ~r.;;-......,.-;:--:-----;;;;;;~i-:doeen=:::.:'t:..:ft::.:t:... ----- 2112 Harbor Bl CM compeny Ml_....... '" • t u , • . • Jt p r d Nurwlng ...... L ,.......... ... avwaoe Of mGr9. Allyone edl.;···:.:.~.:.······· fsnlt.,. "" .....-m.., Independent WC>t'k• w/ LYI MU _, ..,... can IUCCIHld-We hew ~ an....-Vanity ...................... . 8 clerical penon. Mue knowledge of 2nd TOI RNltOB ....._.1110 a new e.otlng oonoept. Ttll • I I lttt Sect1ftce at S175. K ING INNERSPRING Solabed, GrHn, gold, Mtge. good condition St50. &46-1088, betOfa llPM COEDS • Would tow to petty with you. Cell 8ve or Kathy anytime. 853-9383 t Y P • • 5 / 5 O w P and blnlng. Type, 10 key Pan-time & Ml-1lme for -r-n we nHd aggrenlv• If 1111 •~ w-<1810 EXTRA FIAM mattre11 ac:curetely. e moe to t a II S 11 3-11 lhlft. 8'90 LVN "' .._... -people who are Hlf· NHcfed lmmedlately. Antique wicker chair, ••I. never uMd, worth ofc cq,i. ,.q. ContllCt W. P 0 n • 1 · • Y RN IOf reffef lor 11·7 lhltt FUii time In feat growing etartera. we heve an Jdnt Ideal for 1tudent1 or 140. Xlnt condition. 1530, H e. $248 del t-P-.-,r-.-,-m-c_h_•_lr-,-. -g-o-od- Ouncan Mon thru Fri, &4 1-8822 for 1111 bed SNF. 1tlnt IHhlon 1chool. Oood training progrem. There homemekera. Evee 3-9. &«--OS9t •ti •PM Never u11d queen 11. cond. ltOO ... Lml .,..,. PHOTO MOOELS ESCORTS/DANCERS OUTCALt. ~ HRS HM2tl 8 • m to •: 3 OP m . Graphic art camera baneflll package. telephone pet1onallty, w411be2 group ln1enitewa No MllinQ. Alrpol1 ..... WOt1h $3811, cut1 only, &441-1oea 15~1'00 peraon. for 1tudlo In Cheerful etmo1phere. 11\arp appearanoe. Call at tM Shlfaton Anehe6m Cell bet. t.-12, &40-4647. Orig. Hummel figure, 1218 del. lJlually 11ome.1--------- -C-om_p_u_t•-,-0-.-ta_E_n_t-ry_, Laguna Bch. Mutt ba Competitive Nlety. N.9. 1178-*>73 to.' lnteMew. Hotel, 8lt v...,,1 Rm. on 8" 1 pm, H&-0151. 18th Cent. aett ... ledlea 75-4-7350 Chllchnt bdnn eat. twn poeltlon avall. Oreat axper. In ell areaa of 842-IO« .___.1.,.__ Juky 22 10AM a 2PM. YU...-fall front ucretary, 1---------1 bed, de1k & drener, beginning opp. with 1 graphic art l camera Pert/FulltlmeSeleahelp. ......,. ~ (BailAoedtvmolt,Sent• ..,,._. pertner'• deak , oak **'BUY** 185.Xlnteond.844-0591 com,.,erellf broll~ work. PIT to aten. Cell Al 931 080 C 11 S Newport 8elcfl Dev. Co. A/tlJ Fwy) Don't mill thla -·-bookceH, c1011onne, aft 4 co. ,.._. , ......... ...,.,._ "' ~ ~1911 ... ·-• Mon • • at., Hiking recepllonlat/ ...-~ be t,_., we need ..,..... ........... to netalke'a, ert wont, Gall Good uNd Fumlturw & 1-C-rl_b_&_m_a_tt_r•-.. -.-l-.-0-. -;:=.'--~;: ..... =:~·~·-=~:=::-:1-aiiiiiAliiaiiiiiiiim;-"""·· . bookkeeper for typing .....-· •bei° Ht up ~II coffee Ible, llet11n ~RI 'wtll ... E1tcellen1 condition. ~!.!ol'c/~~.?,.?N~ Cook/Houaekeeper for llAll, •HIRT Part time Typlat, cell es WPM and ge"erel ~ ~ tnfo.":. ~i trom our 8Wt'I •rm o I '•' m I• c . "'SELL lor You 644-0581 an 4 aft~.:-eeo-1039'"' tnldentlel care hc11ne. Day ahlft opanlnga, 2 btwn 9 & 5. otnc. dut1ea. Muet Nve 9S1--031M omca In tM 9V1n1ng for decorative lteml. Rult 11111'111 A11f111 S<&OO plua RIB. Al90 cS.iy daysper..-.15.15 per 873-9388 plMlant part0nellty and AK DOV Marketing Holiday 1nn·1 iww trawl cordoroy hld•·•·b•d ·-... ta•Mn 7' Gold couch, e· CofMe Lady Need a lhltt &v811. 838-2100 hr. ROSAN, INC front otnc. expet, Ml)ot S.W. c 1 u b . 8 a I a r y + aofl, etc. ,.._91182 --.-tbl w/merble top a Trenaportetlon To liiMi9iiiiiiil99iiti1iiiiiiiiml Newport Beadl548-5533 PAIT Im medlcal end dental commlHlon + bonua. matching commode, 2 Chicago, within nut .,.. .... IQIJal opportunity amp! Evee end/or WMkenda. benefltt. Salery wlll Call 833-37.0 .rt. tprn. Antique Solid Black I---------------Oak bar 110011. Oak month. Wiii aha re E1tpandlng Npt Bch•---------Reapontlble edult•. over commenaurete with SALES ---------•Walnut Armoire. '850 draw l eaf tbl w l • upenHa wt another Cf9dlt c:.nt ~ha Hair DrHHr nNded, 21 • with outatandlng, expet. 955-1308. ,,.,._ '°' Protualonal media T1l111•111 ..... 173-1889 matching chra. BHt lady. 881-287t. 2 opening• In their VIiiage faire Mall. attractive pereonalltlea Rich. •alnpec!*. Min. 3 Y'9 Follow up, no cold <*la. Antq. American walnut N-full·•IH mattrHt Offerl. 720-(M39 .rt 5PM Lo•• Inch•• I o • cuatOIMI' MtVlca dept. ~~'~ • 8 • • c". to wonc with youltl <aoee -n1•1t exp., ,•d, ••••t•· Ht lgh PIT. Coate Meaaoto. FOf •Inola bed, uoell. cones. NI, 185. New queen Nzia.1--PU--J----...,---n n Appllcant mutt have . 10-U). Call 2-5PM, •IWR' comm Hon •rue ure. Info. Cell es1-1200. A9I 1150. 147-1528 ._1_100_._150-583 ___ 12___ ~ tl'Mlmlnt, hlf>e, thigtll. pleaaant telephone -.. •-• ... 2 .... 21 "'-t. ..... EOE lot ArcMectural orttoe. Hotteet Or. Cty bullneea tor Mr. c.raon 1---------·-.... (Liv rm) never uHd. tanning.'.+ oft on lt1lt rNll'lf*, be eggi...,••· -·---...., _.,. •'"" -· · Llg!'..!,.._typlng / rT\11g81Sne.83t-1100 1--------1 ~-'la 1111 W01111$1100.19Cl595 treatment. Eurofltneee. conecl•ntloua l Hit· Expelte!IOI ~ In Went Ad Help? bod! ........ _ Tl6aptlone S.... :TT.r..~~........... K Ulll, .. -~7711 Ivel. wkndl M5-3-488. motivated. Eapr pref. CR·•2oo. Permanent. &t2·5e78 840-0031 Want Ada Celt &42-5e78 &m Big Money by tM HARBOR AREA •--·-llM fl Contect W. Ouncwt, Mon Apply In peraon Allao bHCll, UOO· 11000/ APPLIANCE SERVICE -__. Cellfomla l(g Wal«bed ft1NJ ff ltlru Fri, 8 10 •:30 pm. Ct.-Inn, S11Ge COM! ------------------------1 Mete.Cell538-7811. WaMll recond .. Q1.181. w/htr, lltlMte, lrw'. l300 R-;~~·;·1;i;·chi:~·;: 1tt-noo Hwy. ao. t.aouna. Tlllaphone 8olcltotl app11anoee. a.9-3011 • • • °' -.. e11-e131 Tlaket. Mlllt ... locMy. -. ...... Ful Of pen tl!M. ~ I "' .......... UIU ...., 7 Ptaoa Olr1a Bedroom 1378 value. 1175 Cllllft. -•-a9'J, LIVE IN ..med 5 ~ 130 E. 11th St. St• 0 , LAI ffT-11)) 207 Le.Jolla Dr. FurnltuN, 1 ,_ otd, JCint 557-7198 OrthoOUlce -exper. wHk,1omecookln9. ~ CoeteMeaa.Mon -Fri. Newootta.cti cond . 1800 OBO . nee. E•c•I wage and d 1 p 1 ( <. ~ ) ) ,...... l200. w.,,.,., a Yov ... u. Wner of ~11 Round Trip Orange Co. ban•flta. Npt Bell . gar en ng. r v ept, . _ TOPLESS MODeL8 d r .,1 r • 121 1 a . two n. tk*elt (S1800)1--------- to Ptloenlx. t130 Vllue. ~121 flexible houre. Spanlah 1711 DAY• PAID DAILY 01i11waa•her 1100. ~to tM . Ofc. We!IM atSldard • Mu1t Ha lmmed. SIO 1---------1 '*·Corona <Ill M.,, ••B no..,• nee• IM-2883 4M&-5'41 RINGLING BROS. da1k w/upholatered mlfl. Good tot 1 ,._, ..... 11111.... 816-4111 BARNUM & BAILEY c:Nlr. 171. 142~ •"'1 71.... •x..-" t r 11 ti --"iiiiiiiijiil-Tow Truck Drlv., fvll ........... , .~,.._. .... C ""· ..... "' .. -"". II me. • •• I ...,,"" _._.,w•1-• •-a ~Ml ta..,e t"" RD " f nc • ----time ~-.. no.,...nlCIM.lllMI,.. Ma~ to 0110011 from. ,._........._ ,..__..__ 11~~.. .., • ...:: ...::.: C8n1t gol 8 day 7 nlQflt " pre · "ewpor, PART TIME. l!ngllah .._ .-vv 8(08 ...__.. ........._..._. ,_. -~ Caribbean Cn.tlM wlth1-leeef'l--MO---zt,.-70 ____ 1 aoeaiklno,owntrena..tfrl. , _________ ,-., /up.~ C4intetAug.6-1e uklng 1250 OBO . N.C.L '510. = 1MV19 . t7~ -. ... 1tfrts. Lib... Long 8Mctl Arena 81).()741 AVCJ, 7ttl. 7W 5-le30. lltltllltr ...... ( ( } ) R .. p. for ptocee1lng 2 dlt. Qdct, ant Aug. 1e.22 •-.,_------,,,,--~' ,._ rlt ..._. ,._ ennully l lneut • .,_,..,_ 764-1341, ~ To claim P•••••· call ..................... . ........... """"" ... _ •~ lnveat. nrm tn Npt ---------• 142·5118, ut. t72. R=Q11ertu Hor•• •• • ••••••••••••••• 1 1... Iott. Typing, 10·k•y, 01ner1 & Salli., 911 P 1eI•1 m vat b • ~ ~ t ... • .. &-..w ---CRT C II *' 4 tium., ~ ~tot~ '""...,.. "--· i.. ,..u. •• ,_, _ - -up· req • • S 1 I . 5 4 I -1 2 O 1 • ...u al ball ofllce PltOf' ~ · CMalnut '2e00 • ..... ~ •••• !!!!f ~ apottcatton• ~ 8tWIOtl °' meJor Newspqper .. _MO.o_1"----··645-6219. to...-......... ·~'-418111 ___ _ Ct~ tMGhtr In ......... Ndliila .,..,_: Co ... er. multMine lYfllT _,.,,,,__ ·-,_. Are b & ~ mt _,. ~nwe. c..i for T.'t. Aek tor comm'! ,... wlttl "*'-2 ,_..,~ , ...... ..._._ --·~---*-*-*---• ___ _...._ 10 yr9.. __ ~ ...._ w.·,. ........ tot .... mi:;;; ••••••••••••••• -1 ... -......... --__ ............. ·-•--· ..... lven I · • Mon-Fri yeert~y ••"9'· l AC<:UAA~ Motobec•n• Grand Pllllh dettt ON9" ~ 0 ·--·-• -·-Putmlft ...... 181 842........ Re. \,.,_ ...-laftlera ca e 2 .-aof• I IO'l .. alt, orig. ~ 11500 14t.a:zt M Olllport • em to 11 em . ~r1ers ~ to • JUl>lllie, , _.., tovrlnO CIOet ... a.I kw '2IO 142..ft41 . • rlMf-' 11• Ory CIHnlno counter fot _. for r'outes S111t lnirMdl&Wy. 8elaty bike, herdly ~ ~. Ml. 54t-2tM 1-----~-••• ................... .. ..... or wltrllln. 1t41Wa-noo !OI! ()plft. 720-0t41 115-2163 _._.... .,. Acioounttno aoNe <:out H-so i H DA.-h w·---·11 ,. t Id •--~---.... ---... --'r:r.::'-,.••••::.:~······ lxolflno Co1ta M•H -·· · tf gt .,.,.,( .,_, w••-"• mo•. 0 • -_ poeM1on tar Aoo1M1t1nf r-Llgi..;;._,lfl-:"ii--iiittelii__ n Un n on / with oar for wlehr touring 10·apcl. Xlnt , ___ .,.. __ 1_421 ___ , Cuetom •neat•~tl ='..::::0 : ::::i"I ::.. ..!! Fountain Valley & Newport Beach i~k.:11:=~-~ ::C~:~. =·& :::I::-:::·:.=: wodd1::..::;:.·.·:.: C-«.!:.!:~"to-:.: .. • ::;.:,,':neetot ~.·~110b~11~.~; ~~ 1111. Call :::,;;-..:,=· llMter =·llll1110.CllDoft'. 4'Netlon lnlt1• If & to '°',.0 • tooet•• p"•""'r ,.., •'..,n"'o •' per1on•bl•, 8Mrtetll. TAHCXM BIKI!. !~="..!,!••• <11*1 -lllCll-"' -t7t "141 et 10-for A--.1 ----" -• I ft Uwlon OOUCh. CIOocl ·~---~....,...---~~~ ___. -......... ,. 1111 •· Wol1c °""' 121-iiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiil -..... ---· --· ooncl ........... """ ..,..-llllrY ~ °"....,., & ttoure • ..-. 87& to 11 -" ll1-«MNI *"' 11a. 1to-OllO •b1t1f14t•1t Catm .. I• etar• plut addlttonal .._...,. .....,... 10 ~ lcMlte nowt a.... ~ 11\lre Of partn.ratllp'I =~• .. e•u•H•eeH QOocl & Nn1 .-od .• 10. ,,,.. a.v. "'"'• ..... ~ • Good Eamlftl'ls 6iiilii .... Clll 9W91 .,~, .. bps ........... train ~,.., Ml )oOI ···'7 :n'l:' .. ""n'r..---··-·~~~~=~":"!"~---"""' . ., ... ,,..a ......... ,,,."' • Super TrflM • ""'. """' "" .,..... opportunltl ... ,or r-=·-= '=U ~~.'!:'.~:O Great Piilft ...... tn ... o. . Olllllllllm .. Qo.Cer19 -~ ........ ,... ...... , ... A't ~~f'lwe eeferr. ......_ ... ,....... .. ,.,, ... " .... ,.... ,.. • GlMffMI ,,,. 1WMMl11. Clll ......... ' 1 I \ I • • I • f 1. Place your ad ln th• Dilly Piiot Cl••lfted aectJon (It'• best to "'" 3 dlY' for mexlmum eiq>olUre). If you ~ for ~ Id In advance we'h run tt 3 ctaya arid ornv CM10e you for 21 2. Get YoUt FREE Ger1ge S... 8'gne (al you haw to do II C01M In to tM Ody Ptlot & PtlY for your ad In edv.nce - wt wffl'JIYI you two 11 X 17 8lgnl -FAU ohatgl). s. Prtce eect\ pleol Of msch8nd .... . . . . 4. Ha,vt plenty ot o"arige on nano ~ntoMlt, dtmee. qu.n.,.., hltvet, •one and nve doflar blll1). 5. ~ heYt fun, and oount yout moMY at the end « the day. '71 OOMIO, MW tt,.., .,.. ,,.,., 70,000 "''· ... ... 1.0ed911 ..... 000.lll-01•- ·ae Corvette. rare 427 Tn-.pow. Big mar., In car. A ,_, bM&lty1 S a c &1 9 00 . 213~5810 ~.C!! •••••••••• "-ll 79 ~ ... pwr, lcttM.. 350 auto. new tire•. a.tom wNa. M1~tt3 • . W I l>NI •,fl.I\¥ 1111-. : ' 1·1·1.' '.Sch.:m.itz IDDID about .palerhit:y .. ~ DAVID ~UTZMA.NN· ,,.,,'h • • .1.9 •1 , MDM.'' the younaeJ" Schmits .J. :.:-=.~hn a . Schmitz .1, 1s 1s a .1am1 y matter, son says Sdunl~ aa1d that h1a father and h1a family matntalned 1trk:t Judie WlWam Murray, the court wound tlihtly ~the orpn, would not be l11utn1 any lllJence today u a new whirlwind docwnentl atata that Schmits ll an.allna llrlaul ID).ary. N.w~Belch lawmaker, llid .Wtemtntl on the qu..dco of ~ ~ ~ = the father of the lS.month-old ACC!ordtn1 t~ 'l'u1tJn PoUce !t: cw w •~=~=--= ::"1~~ ca:t.al~ and dilcbww dealln.lr with the ba~ boy and Carll Stuckle la the Ca pt . Wood y W l 11 tam 1 , would not comment on lt. pomlbly anawer qumtionl. queltion of whether ne la the mo r. That child la in county tnveaU1atora planned to "Our ltronc con19ft11U11 t..Uno t h t custody. -lntervtp the aurpon today to ii that thil ii a family mt'fM;' ~ to Judae Murny, at er 0 two young children The Tu1tln woman claimed the elder lkhmlu called him whoae mother la a Tu1Un thil momlnc that Schmitz wu UW/ ' d • • J' · resident. •'-e •-·'--r ... f bo•'-her •-•--• we re engage ID a BOrfmg OUI rlday and told hlm the On "'·~-th -·--•--WI UIWJC U WI uuam 13•m0Dth•Old Child in the A~y. e "'" ...... were children, one of whom ii a two-• h • h ~ ·1 '' CUltody of tbecpurt wu hla. "lAt drawn and vlattora were met week-old baby pl. _ process Wit ID t e 1am1 y. outside the door of Schmlta' In another development, ~~ =r.~:::/:::ta!i amquo:d SpyaJua Hill home ln Newport Tuat1n police lnve.U.aton Mid determine if the child'• lnjuriee Schmitz, a Stanford law 1ebool Schmitz u telllna hlm. • BMch. Though the •nator wu t.hil morning that they would were the result of abu8e, neaJec:t Kfadua. te, Mid outllide the f.amlly reported to be inside, he didn't pcmibly complete their probe of or an acddent. liome ilsue any statements or respond t.he injw1ea to the 13-month-old ·~··quite a few qlJeltlom to inquiries. _ ........ _._ we atiU. have to uk," Wi.Wama ' A hearing ln Orange County \;llL\U --Y·.. Mid thil moml.ng. Juvenile Court la scheduled for The baby required oo~ H He .. td police inveatlgaton Aua. 6 on lnjuriee one of the sw-gery to his penil at Chlldttna lntet'\Qewed the mother Tueeday Inaide, be aald, were hia pete\tl and the couple'• other children. "We're enaaaed ln a aorUna out proce91 -wlthln the family.'' the Ian Mid. infants suffered while ln the care Hospital of Or.nae County last at her home in Tua tin. of the mother. Accord ins to week after doctors cllacovered. John Patrick Schmitz, 27, the "We are l n v ea ti g a tin 8 Orange County Superior Court that a 1trand of hair had been ~ldest IOn of the oontroveralal everything In the broadeat Consumer fight pushed Lawmakers pressured to keep county office By FREDERICK SCBOEMEHL OftMO.-,Net ..... Con.sumer righta advocatea are hoping they can preaure the Orange County Board of Supervisors into retaining the county's Consumer Affairs Office. . Lead.lna the effort is David Horowitz, host of television's "Fi ht Back'' program. ;forowitz said the office has been one of the moet sucoesaful of its type in the country. So &nll'Y WU Horowitz with the board'• action that he re\umed to Supervllor Bruce Nestande an April te90lution ln wbkh be waa commended for h.la conaumer advocacy. Neatande wu aJDlllll8 county aapervbcn who approved tbe raolution. Horowitz, howevft', kept the frame. He aid be hu left the empty frame on his office wall as a reminder of the board'• action to disband the oonaumer attain ~~itz la urging anyone who has been aaaisted by the office to attend a Thursday morning hearing at which supervlaora will consider the phue-out. The office was ordered disbanded lut Friday ln a 3 to 2 vote in which Supervlaora Nesiande, Harriett Wieder and Roger Stanton .uppmted clmure of the outce. Supervilora Thomas Riley and Ralph Clark oppmed the action. Under board rWea, a motion for reoonalderation may only be made by one of the W-who aupporUd the tnld.al motion to d.iaband the offlce. Mn. Wieder, under the most • pre11ure to move for reconaideration, wu viewed as a consumer righta advocate two yeara ago when ahe fought against eftorta to eliminate Item prldng at aupennarketa. Horowitz said he "couldn't believe" that Mn. Wieder who laat year voted to keep the con1umer affairs office open turned agaln1t the $225,000 Procram this year. Sue G~ of the c.automia Con.sumer Affairs Auodatlon aaid comwner' J11bta advocate. feel "pretty much in a state of ahock and really betrayed" by the boud'• action. Her --=iaUon, too, ii aaldl\I perm helped by~ Pl'OlfMD to "ttend the 0:30 a.m. be911DC. The conswner attain office WU Opened in 1972. Senior. citizens p,-otest rent Proposal goes back to F~untain Valley parks panel .,.., ............ .,, .....__ 1(-- ANXJOUS -Scott Rothert, 7, took the Huck Finn fishing contest in Huntington Beach as serious business. See the results on Page Bl. BY PHIL SNEIDERMAN or .. Dlllf,......., About 100 angry aen.ior dtb.ena J.>!11Cked the Fountain ValJly City Council chambers 'l\aeaaay night to protest plans to charge them rent foe the meeting room they uae twice each week at the dty'a Mlle Square Park recreation center. After several 1pea.ken ar~ that older residents cannot al1ord such a fee, the council aareed to .end the rent propoeal beck to the Parka and Recreation Commiaaion. Coundlman Ben Nlet.en uked that the cornm1.ton prepare a two or three-year plan for puttiJ13 the dty'1 lenior program on a 1elf-1ufficlent financial footing. The commiuion 11 to explore fund-rai.ain1 activities and cmpante dona&m. .. mNnl to achieve Wt pl Until the commi11lon'1 recommendations ~ returned to the council ln &ePtember, the llenion will continue meeting at the recreation center at no charge. In addition, the aenion receive a $215 monthly allocation from the city for their program. Election decision up to voters Durtn1 Tueaday'• hearina, many older residents criticized dty leaders for .falling to keep their promi8e to build a local 1enior dtben center. Senlora have been aeektng IUCh a center since 1973. Council wants referendum to resolve consolidation issue ''Three years ago I apok.e for the Fountain Valley Senion here when there was a It.able near City Hall.'' aid spokeeman Ben Romano. "I precUcted then that the dty would tum ·ita aer\Jor dtlzena out to puture just like thme honea. Huntington Beach City Council members have atayed with an earlier decision to ask voters if future city elections 1hould be consolidated wlth statewide ballots in November. The council members had decided earlier thia year to let the voten cast ballot• on the colllOlidatlon plan durin1 the upcoming November electlona, but on Monday Councilman Jack Kelly argued against the plan. He contended that city candidates will have difficulty competing for attention with a1ate campaigns running at the ume time. Re said thil would force city candfdatea to raise NATION more money to nm for office effectively. However, councll members Roo Pattinaon and Don MacAlll1ter aald combining elections would draw more city voters to the poU.. h:cord.ina to dty statistics, the COOIOlidation would uve the dty about $30,000 In election expenae1. On a 3-2 vote, the coundl decided to approve an official resolution puttin1 the iaaue on the Nov. 2 belJot. Pattinson, MacAlliater and Councilwoman Ruth Finley supported the ballot measure. Kelly and O::lundlwoman Ruth Educators low achievers? A "d.i.stu.rbing'' study bu found that education aeema to attract the lower ranka of colleae students, and that tboee who plan JO make the profson a career are below-average llCademic achievers. P-ae A.9. SPORTS Beiley oppoeed tt. Mrs. Flnley said 1he oppose• the oonaolidation, but voted ln favor of t.he ballot measure to let voten decide the lllUe .. Althoush the councll had decided the tasue earlier thi1 year, the vote Monday waa required because the previoua reaolution wun•t prepared In compliance with the state Election Code, aay dty offid.ala. City elections are held every two yeen. The aeven dty Council aeata and offlcea of City Attorney, City Clerk and City Treuurer are elected positiona of four-year tieum: COUNTY ' "The City of Fountain Valley baa done ai.olutely nothiJll for the Fountain Valley Senlora pvup acept give ua time at the ncreetlon center.· "1 c1on•t aee bow the members can afford auch an enormous rent foe ~ that ii duly oun. Fountain Valley'a RDlor dtii.ena have paid their duea and atill are. We 1tlll pay taxea. We can't afford $1.000 a month rent or even $500 a month. U we have to (See SBNIOR, P .. • Al) F1ahing la kid ltUff at' the HunUngtOn Beach Pier on the 31st annual Huck Plnn·Bicky '111.lticher Day. Page Bl. Blood donors deerealle told · A nationwide and c:ountywide aborUp of donor blood hat been attributed to summer. n=='m and advanced medical technoJaij. p ... /JI. The Angela moved four~~ in fi'ont In the American Leaaue Wett wlth~,a .. 'vtcto.ry over ttie --..- Baltimore Orioles. p_,. Dl. BUSINESS Hawaiian eeta Bwimming mai-Jr MWTay decided at a hearing Monday that the 13-mo.nth-oJa "' infant would ttmsin tn the- Albert Sitton Home ln Orange pel'ldln8 the Aug. 6 hearinc· The county'• aoclal aervicea department had filed • petition (See SENATOR. Pace AJ) SEED WITNESSES -TV bolt David Horowitz ii headlnc cuipal,gn to retain 01·an1~ County Consumer Affairs Office. Council split on Bolsa "devel~pmelrt ByPATRJcgJ.KENN.EDY OfllleO.-,Not .... The liun~f&On Beach City Council la mailing a aupporting reaolutlon -and di11enting opinion -to 1tate Coastal Commiaaioners considering the Orange County development plan for the Boha Chica wet.l.anda. The City Council la split 4-3 over the county'• oontroveraial · plan for the 1,600-acre Bolu Chica. which is bordered by the city on three aide9 and the Pad.fie Ocean. The development proposal lncludea 5, 700 homes, an 1,800 -alip boat marina , 700-foot-wide ocean channel throuah the state beach, and a 600-acre wetlands system (includin1 300 acrea already owned by the state). Council members John Thomas, Ron Pattinson Don MacAllf1ter and Jack kelly aupport the development. Council memben Buth Finley, Bob MandJc and Ruth 'Baney are ~ m9de the IUCCe9l1ul motion Monday to auppcrt the oounty•1 plan. But Mn. Ftnley aald ahe would file a d181entina optn1on and pt Mand1c and Mn. Bailey to liln it. <SeeB~Pap.U) INDEX SILENT -State Sen. Johf Schmitz isn't talking abo~ reports that he fathered two children out of wedlock. Friends, foes tell dismay By JEFF ADLER or ... .,..,,......., Th0tte who worked with and supported 1tate Sen. John Schmitz and tha.e who oppmed the Newport Beach Republican regi1tered their dilmay today ovet report• that. Schmitz apparently fathered two lllegitimate children during a nine-yee.r extra-marital affalr. Oranse County Republical'l Party Chairwoman Loh Lundberg, who said she hail been friend• with John and Mary Schmitz for mote than l~ yean, said abe • .,.._ ~ and felt t.Dy'' for the family. Mn. LWldberg said the triect re..,eatedly Tueeday to call thf Schmitz houaehold, but w• unable to get through. "I W11f gotns to tell 1.tM!m I wee eorry aDf that -I hope they can wwk thia out." abe aid. The county'• top oopofffdld added (bat abe ... l'W()Cll-mDil-- the whole Incident will b. anodMr-blow to the. pocr pubU4 tro.ie politlclana alttady have with the public. Although Mrs. Lundber-g ~ ahe doe9 not envt.ion the GO central committee taking an • action on the matter, It ii a blow to the party. "It has to be a blow to the party. You can't really divide on6 from anothu when a part,C standard bearer ls involved," she said. • Mn. Lundberg added that the string of allegationa probably (See DISMAY. Pace A%) • Campsites • • • ~ increased J Bola Chica and Hun atate beachea have each 50 edditional re:reatklnal vehicle campmitea, the state ~· of Paro and Recreation h--E announced ,, The Id~ are for ftiCht Ule onl,i and are available on a flra~ come-first aerved bMla. ~ Other Southern Callfornl~' 1tate beachea with •iii!~ cam~te additiorw are San County'• Silver Strand and ~. Onofre State Beach· and Ven~ County•a Emma Wood Stat Beach. .. j • I. I I BOLSA SPLIT · Thomu' motion puMd 4-2, Whh ~ ~ .. 1rhit caundl iwolution wOl be delivered to tM a.w oommJll&onen ~to tbett JWy 30 meedna. when they will con1tder the county ~tpropcMl. ll\ ~ .. Mn. J'lnley Mid dty olflcWI havwl't c:be)y mMiled the tfttcts of the dtvelopmeni OI\ ~ city and lhe C!riddlld the propoaed navt1able ocean channel w~ Iba aa1d would '1ellmlnate 700 feet of our prime bHch front." Coastal comml11ton ataff advilen alee> oppme d'9 ocean d\annel, .. well u development ift the 1,200-.ec:re lowland manh !llecdon of the ~ Chica. located south of Warner Avenue on the inland aide of Pacific Coaat Hlahway. \.. 1'he...l.~ l1aff adYbon recommend leaving the loWlancl ll8CtJoo untouched and clusterfna about 6,000 retidential units ancl a 650-room hotel along a southern blufftop. The alternate plan al.lo would • • • eliminate the marina a.nd navtcable charinel, tn f.aYOI' ot a dry lt.onp ... fOI' biiMi iiiii • ll1Mlll bolt~ tadlltY~", :_ ', Harriett Wieder, 2nd,~ Supervl1ol', haa 1tron1ly crhiclled the alternate plan, •ylnc lt WM hutUy dl'Yt.d tn a couple of monthl compand to the county'• plan whkh ahe Mld evolved over aever.J yean. The county plan haa the b'-'na of Stcnal l..andmark Co .. the major property owner of Bola Chka. Stpal oftic:lala are lobb)'ine ~ IUp~ of a bill ln lhe A11embly tner1y and Natural Reaoutcel Committee t.hat would atrlp the Coaatal c.ommlllioll of authority over the Bolu Chica. The A.uembly committee la acheduled to meet Aug. 10 to conalder the bill. Tllel!Olii Cl'irercurrentty ta undeveloped and lncludea a 200-acre atate wildlife pre.erve operated by the Flab and Game Department, and an ln1and oil field with about 200 wella. SENIOR CITIZENS ... raise our dues to meet those expenses, there will ~no more Fountain Valley Senion." City offidals aald the aenior program oosts Fountain Valley $11,097 annually, lncludlna $5,· 280 for uae of the meeting ball. City parks commlaionen have suggested that rahing membersbJp fees to $20 per year for residents and $25 for non- residents could rat.e th.ii sum. The Fountain Valley Senion c.urrently pay $2 annually in membership dues. The group haa 544 members, although the recreation center meeting room can ho1d only 200. F.arl)' In 1081, d'9 council WU preplll'ln& to epmd f 1.2 mlWon to construct a new ..W.-center. Thia plan WU dropped. ho-Never, when counoll membeu determined that the money WU needed more uraently for construction of A new police statlcn. 'nMI city hM received a $100,· ooo aJ.Jocaaon 1n federal Hot•na and Community Development F\mds for a tenlor center, .but thia money can only be u.ed for the Plann1nc and camtruction of such a project. city offlciU aid. Baghdad air raid repelled by Iraq? By 'ne A11oclated Preti Iraq said it repelled an Iranian air attack on the Iraqi capital of Baghdad today and shot down one of the raiding Phantom jets. But Iran reported ita planet succeeded ln bombing oil facilities In Baghdad and cau•hia heavy casualties and damqe. It WU the flnt Iranian air raid on the Iraqi capital rep:rted liDce early ln the Iran-Iraq border war th.at bepn in Septmnber 1980. An Iraqi military apokesman said two lranian Phantom jeta trylJll to ~h Bqhdad were repulsed by Ira~J:;ilea. Quoted by Radio , the spokesman sald one of the planes WU ahot down and the aeoond eecaped. The announcement aaid the pilot of the downed plane wu killed and the co-pilot taken pciaoner. An Iranian war report carried by the official Iranian newa agency IRNA aaid lta planet ICOl"ed a direct hit on tho Iraqi oU refinery of Al·Dowrah on the outBklrtl of a.,.hdad-A IWdW Tehran report aald Iranian warplanes bombed ''Iarae par1a of fraq'• on inatallatlona ih Baghdad," inflictlna ••tieavv casualties" and damqe. " crashes in JV.Y NEW YOKlt (AP) - A oomtNCdOri c:nnit atop• 4.3.....-y ak11craper In mldtown w.nhattan f.tl on 1'1 llde today, ralntn. chunk• of debrlt that crUlhea the Mid of a ptmerby and killed him, offJdall MJd. Nlne people had minor 1.nJuria. the l!merpncy Medk:al Service aaid. The crane lay on lta llde over a comer' of the bul1dlna and the end danlled by a cable 43 atori• above lut &3rd Street near Madlaon Avenue, two blocks nol'th of St. Patrick'• Cathedral. Blocks of midtown were cloeed. Police Lt. Jme~h Plrello Mid the dead man ' got hla bead cruahed in." He declined to identify the man fending notlficatlon of next o kin, but said papen found with the b¢y l ft d i ca t e.d b • w a • f J' 0 m.. Waahln1ton and waa with Rlngllng Brm. and Barnum & Balley Cin.-ua. The atniet below the crane wu littered with g1au. Materl.al from the oollapee bad punched holes ln the south aide of the aleek. dark akytcraper "Ind 20 windows were broken. The bu1ldlnc it owned by the Ttahman Reelty & Conatruct.ion Co. "You're orasy t.o be going down there," a police officer told a reporter. '-Ibat t.h1oa could ltl1l come ctown.•• "We felt the whole buildlna shake .•. We all t.houaht it wu an earthquake," aald Georae Aaulra, who work.a in a restaurant ecrom the street from the aky.craper. Douglas Oil to shut off ice in Costa Mesa About 140 employeea are expected to be affected by the closure of Doualu OU Company's Co.ta Mesa oflice. Jack Heaney, !* spokesman for the company, aa1d that a sharp reduction ln the demand for motor fueh haa forced the cloaure of a refinery at Paramount and the Cost.a Mesa office. Heaney aaid that the company expects to c1oee the Cost.a Mesa office In the next few weeka,and to relocate many of the employees to wholeaale office ln Santa Marla and a retail operation in LodL The company. owned by Conoco Inc., wlll continue to operate about 1~ retail PIOline and convenience atorea in California. How hot is It? Coutei lllQll ,,.., to, Intend mld-809. Coutal low 82, lnl8nd 07 Water 87 ~. light vwleble w4rlda nlgllt and morning llovre beComlno w.aterty 10 to 11 knoca In anemoona. TWo to 3-fool wind wa-. Ona to 2-IOOI eoulh-1 ...... M<Mtly eunny. U.S. Summ~ry She>Were 1nd thunder1torm1 r.i;un~ 9C:f011 ~ta of Ille ;,;::=:·.:=!:n_:1n=~ ;jowa, wllh more of th• 11m• !fo'ec:Mt. , W ld ely 1cet1ered '1hunderatorma w1r1 Hpe<:led pver the lower and mlddl1 MIHIHlppl V•ll•)' end In th• Bouth•••I. with numerou1 thundlnltorme '1Vfl l'lol1dll end ·llone the Oulf COlll #Id ...., ,_,..,.., thundlr1S.0Nne from the 01kol11 to WHhlngton end north1rn O~=· end O\ler Alllona end .... -....0. ~ ._ ... -llqleCted -lhl "" of 11'11 nation. HlgN ~ -IO bl 11'1 the upper 80a end 70. In the Peclflc: ~,,::.::;:. "='~ Uenllc COii! to thl ONo V..., .IM ar. ....... end from fll \lpper MIHIHlppl V1t11y to hortMrn Montw. EIMwNI .. It .._to be mo.ciy In the IOI,.-n.no.'111#• lbOYI 100 frOlll the ~ Into the 09ltrll PllN. T1mper1tur11 eround lfll .,.,. ..... rlnGld from 47 In Alp9ne. Mich .. fo It In ~ML Albuql'9 Mwtlo NMYlle """"' AIMmc Cly Al.wllr'I e.tUmot-e ... l!lnnlngnm llllmerek 80IM ea.con 8'--'9 Buffalo eurtngton c...,., Clwtltn SC Chertatn WV CMrttte NC Chey9nM Ct1leegO ~I ~ Oii-Fl Wlh = Ola,.._ Dlilrolt ~ EP-l'•go ~ ... Herttord HIWll Haftoll*' Houllkln ~ ~M8 JldcllMll K.919 City ~ LAIVIQl9 Utll Rodi lollllVlle ~ .......... ....,.. -.... .......... NllfWltol ""'°'*"' NNYOf\ ~ No. Pllnl OllJe City OINfll °'** ==-- .. .. 12 70 17 86 t1 72 18 f1 1.10 " n .. 86 ,, 93 ee 12 71 ,(113 93 82 95 51 78 .. 1.44 17 1S 71 154 75 47 M 58 t2 71 71 • " n ., 57 13 64 Fronts: Cold.. w-'"' .,.. Occluded,,.-SllhONwv •• ea 86 71 57 .. 74 II 80 .. .. to 70 .07 11 N IO e3 ..22 101 72 11 81 ... M M M 14 ea 1.et 113 57 .. 15 M IO 11 • t2 n •• " 72 M• .12 17 • tot ., .. 11 ' .. 70 .. .. 11 n • a n• 11 71 t.GI ff 74 t1 71 t.CMI a • ... 12 n .11 .. ., .Ot " 74 ... 11 ., rt l.02 ... .. .oe 109 12 11 eo .93 12 .. 71 ea U4 11 n .10 te 64 11 64 llO 71 .. 72 11 n ... 64 .. 73 t2 a .12 H 75 " 74 .. 71 ... 81 t1 11 53 .03 .. 70 101 71 ti IO lllf IEMRI lllllnM 87 41 =~ .. 70 • 62 8lnta...,.,. ~ 17 Santa Mll1I Stodlton ts n.m.i 109 Uklefl 12 ..,.,_ 103 71 BlgllW 43 =. 100 54 74 17 Long e.ctl IM ., MoMMI 103 IO Mont-.y t2 56 Mt Wlllon 17 Hewpot1 leldl 71 12 Onttrio i01 If . Palm Sprtngl 110 71 Pllllldlna I a Sen llmlrdlno 104 82 Sen Joel 75 .. 8en1I Ant 11 12 . MOTHER -C.arla Stuckle of Tuatin. shown leaving Oranae Count¥_ Superior Court, repor1edly ls the mother of two young children by Sen. John Schmitz. .From Page A 1 SENATOR._ • • alleging that the child wu being kept ln an unfit home after the baby required the corrective auraery at Child.rem Hoepital of Orange C-ounty last week. *** From Page A1 DISMAY • • • will mean the end of Schmitz' poll tlcal career. "I'm only atutwinl." she aaid. "But I cannot enviaion him surviving thJa ln any kind of political career." Longt.ima Schmits aupponer and campatan contributor Carl Karcher, president of Olrl'• Jr. Restaurants, aald the revelat1ona "were a great dlaappointment to me and co all of ua. That'• all I can aay." Karcher aald he wu ahocked when he fint read the allegations In the newspaper. "It wa• something I never thought of," he aaid. He added that he has always been very supportive of Schmitz and h~pea everyone keepa "Schmitz in our prayers." . On the other hand. Schmitz' mo.t vocal opponent, feminist attorney Glo ria Allred , commented, ''I'm waiting for Senator Schmi~ to blame this on the Jnn. the femin1ata and the lesbian comtnunity." She added that the lncldent demonstratea that "dern880l\.&ea of the right profe. one type-of ~ty and practice another.'' Ma. Allred, handling a divorce action ln Hawaii. &180 aaid ahe wu not aurpriled to learn of the allegatie>nt made involv1n& Schmitz. She sald she thought Schmitz ought to resign from office. Arab envoys return home WASHINGTON (AP) -Two key Arab diplomata are heading b9Ck to the Middle F.ut after preaenttna Prealdent Reagan wttb a new plan to withdraw Paleltinlan iuenillu out of tbe range of Israeli guna u a first atep to ending the crial1 in Lebanon. Returning home after hours of talk1 with Reagan and bla leadlna advlaers, the foreign mlnlttera of Syria and Saudi Arabia qreed. it waa learned, to seek approval from the nations of the Arab League of a two-atep apprwch. B&tRtJT, Lebanon '(AP) - -..U jtta flew mock attacka on suerrilla·held Weal Beirut today 1hortly after hundred• ot Moelem dernon1trator1 defied warnin1 burata of PLO machlne-aun fire and marched to within ranee of lJraell tar\b co demand an end to the ffchtlna. No bombe were dropped by the jetl, and the demonstraton and the turbaned ahelka who led them from motquea dlapersed peacefully after 1ta1tn1 the 40-mlnute proteai at the Parliament building, juat 200 yvda from Ianaeli t.anka deployed at the "Green Line" that clividea Beirut lnto Ma.lem and Chr1atian halves. The llraell newspaper Maariv q u o te d_.f..t l_m e M l n h t e r Menachem Begin as aaying Yaaaer Arafat'• beaieged Paleatlne Liberation Oronlration "won't be able to hold out" ln Welt Beirut. ''They have to leave Beirut to the laat man ln aome way or another," he uld. Begin aald laat weekend that· the PLO had u. than 30 days to agree to leave Beirut. and Maariv aald the prime m1niater thlnb it wUl take two to three wen. to reach tentement. •"J'he dlplomadc eUort still hal IOl'De charicle, but lt can't ao on for a lona time," he waa quoted uaaying. The Moalem demon.atraton poured out of mo1quea. threw aalde barricades made of power pylona and ~ wire and c.ame within ai1ht of Israeli tanks blocking the other end of the NaUonal MUleUm cro.tng point' between Moelem west Beirut and the eatem Christian aector. Chanting Ialam'a traditional battle cry of "Allah Akbar," God Ia Great, the demonatratora pushed put one after another of the PLO'• 20-foot· tall earth embankmenta to reach the LebanmaParliamenUn the city'• "no man'• land.'' where speaken addreteed the crowd. It was the flrat organized public expretaion of resentment agalnat both the PLO and laraeJ In West Beirut, where Ya.er Arafat'• 8,000 Paleatlnlan g_uerrlllaa are trapped by 35,000-40,000 hraell troops; 300 tanka and laraeli ~ta that block ~pe routea. • Puppets perform at Golden West The Gem Theater's tinging puppets will perform ''Robtnllon Cru.oe, •' a aatirical opera by Jacques Offenbach. at Go!den West College In Huntinfton Beach Satuida)'.. The ahow La for adults and for children 8 yean old or older. It will begin at 1 p.m. in Health Science Room 131. ~e 11ory of life on a tropical island ia given a comic twist by Garden Grove's Gem Puppets, who utili.z.e recorded music and elabonte period costumes. Seating for the performance ia limited. 'ncketa. at $1 each, may be purcbaaed at the door or reaerved in advance by calling the c:ollege boobton? at 894-60'10. •About 150 radio - controlled model airplane enthuaiaata will gather at Mire "Square Park tn FO\Ultain Valley on Saturday and Sunday fot the Westnn Scale Nauonala c:ontest. landing gear, dive brakea, d.roppable bombs and other features. All period• of avt•tion hl•tory will be repreaented with both military and civilian P.J.anes. L The competition, beginning each day al 9 a.m-:-, will feature miniature replica 1 aircraft equipped with •Unclaimed bicycles and surplua recreetion equipment will be offered at an auction acheduled Saturday by the police and recreation departments of Fountain Valley. The auction will begln ~t JO • Rod BoaUyk has been elected chairman of the Fountain Valley Planning c.ommluion, which review• city development. zoning and sign ordinance meters. Gleu The contest, which ia 00.ted by 1he-Scale Squadron of Southern Calllomia, will be held ln the park's central alr field. The public may ot.erve at no cbarp. a.m. 11\ the parking lot ot tne police station, 10200 Slater Ave. Ite ms to be auctioned include about 30 bicycles. plua pup tents, pool tables, ping pong tables and game boarda. Colli•• waa elected vice chairman . Both men are beginning their second year on the oommisalon • 2 Day Sale Thursday & Fri. Only, July 22 & 23 NOW $27.88 'Green *'P9 or told .,.... oolor 1 ... ~ OW'Y ~,,.,.,,.with ,..._oed "°"' "8 bt80l9 OUtdoOr ftnlehed herdwood arm. Al hlbrtc ... oonetNoilOn ~ ·~ ttw knee oomfoft' CorroelOn ~ ztnc pleted ..... hardwlft BlUE AND WHITE MESH STRIPE ON SALE AT $29.18 . . . ~ • ' c ' IJ1'tAIMOlatMPnu ' The U.S. ei: t'1WXDY ta"'°~ for tM tint , time llnee la1t 1ummer, the 1ovtrnment Npon.d ~. lSul Uw pln 90 far OM h.udl)' bl called robuat. New Commerce Department naurea r.J1111d In WaahlnctOn, D.C. lndJcai.Ci tM broadnt m .. 1ure of Amerlcan economic activity .._ lnflatlon-edjulttd F09 national product -ro11 at an annual rate of 1.'7 •Air pollution tight galns WASHINGTON -The Reaaan admmi1traUon, which haa been under comtant attack for Ha envlronmen\,11 polici•. aaya the country i1 contl~uinl to make lmpn-1ve aat.na In flahUna air pollution. In 1-uina lta first report on th4) atete of the environment, the admln!atration found a lot to bpa about In air quality whlle adm1WJ18 DlOl'e improvementa need to be made In water pollution. The 291-.,..-. report, prepared by the Preddent'• CowlCil on llnvtronmental Quality, clted 1tati1tlca 1nowtn1 atr quality in 23 eelected dtiel hid improved by 89 percent from 1974 to lHO. ~ report aald that even in dti• where the air ll d.irtleet, there hu been a decllne in the number of daya of unhealthy air. •Tobacco tax subsidies cut WASHINGTON -~dent Reagan hal signed l~alalation curtailing taxpayer aubeldles for tobacco growera. The bill alto will require a few tobacco allotment owner1 who do not actually grow the crop to give up their ah.area rather than WORLD leue them to other1. It a intended tO" end the Treuury'• reaponaiblltty for tobacco aupporta, whlch have coat about $600 mllllon over the 1ut flve decades. The bill waa lilned Tueeday at the White Hou.e. •Poland lrees dlssldents WARSAW, Poland -The sovemment releaaed 1,227 interned diaidenta todav. houn after Premier Wojclech Jana.elaki announced a relaxation of martial law regulationa and said military rule could be lifted by the end of the year if Poland rema.lna calm. Jaruzelaki, martial law ruler, premier and chief of the Polish c.ommuntst Party, alto aaid the govenunent would welcome Pope John Paul II's visit to his homeland but not next month as ortginally acheduled. All he spoke, Poland's Roman Catholic primate, Archbilhop Jozef Glemp, announced at the Vatican that the pope had poetponed the visit until next year. Government offidall aald 913 diaaidenta were freed outl'18ht and anothtr 314 placed on leave. They aaid 637 lnterneea were •till being held, and that all women lntemeee were freed. •IRA .bomb suspects sought LONDON -Scotland Yard aearcbed Iii.ah Republican Army baunta today and watched ports, airports and railroed staticma for the bombenrwbo planted~ In the center o! London that kUled nine Brithh aoldiers and wounded 61 other people. The bomm -one ot theni a mixture o! explmiYel and llilt-lnch na1b -aUced tbrouab a detachment of Queen Elizabeth If'a H~bol" Cavalry In ~ Pmk ~ . and ripped apart • Retent'a Park bandatand where a Green Jacketa feliment band wu playtna. The Houahold Cavalry trotted to the dally Cha.l18ing the Guard ceremony u uaual today. Col. Andrew Park~r-Bowlea, commanding otflcer, told a reporter: "We are oonttnuin& to mount a auard ln the aame faahion u that of the 1ut 300 yeara. It will take more than a cowardly au.~k like ~)' to ICop ~ ddn, OW' ciaty.• • Engllsb spy ease told •vadroppina. LONDON -Prime Minister Marp.rJtt :t'ba&cher h.u tol.d. Padlameni there la a 1-..rtoua'' CM8 of ~ ap1mt • former \ employee of Brltafn'a top-1ecret 1 communklMk:Jm ~ t..\t rehuled to ·"When did the aovernment become aware of the faict and decree of penetraUon at Cheltenhamr' uked oppolltlon Labonte Don Andenon.. "la Ulla another cue of ~ Houae -__ .,., ---~- Several lawmabn were clearly upeet by Mn. Thatcber'a failure to dl8cua the aecurity at the General Communicatlona Headquartera at Cheltenhaln°, -where Bri1atn com:tuc:ta extenalve international electroni c STATE bet.nc informed ·"--v.-y lat. ~ -Th• caae ar1ue1 for much 1reater accountabWty of the aecwity aervices." Mra. Thatcher'a low-key statement to the Hou. of c.o.nmana follawat days of pnm specu1atton that a major •PY acandal WU about to break. •Forest land sale studied LOS ANGEL!S -Interior Secretary James G. Watt is thinking about telling U.S. Forest Service land near the Redwood National Park in Northern California to reirnbune a timber company for holdings taken in the park'• expansion, the Loa Angelea Times reported today. Offidala of the Loui.si.fma Pacific Corp .. which said redwood holdingB taken for the park in li78 are worth $248 million, made the sugaestion at a meeting with Watt, the paper 18.iO: Watt reportedly told Louia1ana Padf.lc that the federal government wu "broke" and asked for other waya to aetUe the debt for the 2~.600 ICl't!9 of property, the paper aaid. A letter obtained by the paper from the North Coast Environmental Center, an Arcata-baaed oonaervation IJ'OUP. outlined the plan. • Mltsul seeks settlement 'SAN FRANCISCO -Attomeyw for the U.S. arm of the Japane1e oonaJomerate Mitsui and Co. hoped to reach a "settlement" In federal court today on charges of conaplracy to undercut the U.S. ateel market. Mitaui and government lawyen were in the chambera of U.S. Diatrict Judge Marilyn Patel Tuesday within three houn after word reached them of the indictment of the aublddiary and. three of ita employeea. In a statement, Mitaui (USA) -did not deny the charps In the 2l<OUnt lndJoemtne, handed down after a 1 ~ -yeer lnvestiptlon that bepn wtth aome 40 U.S. eu.toma aaenta raiding oompeny offices on both ooaata. _Freeway section finally opens LOS ANGELES -A w.ibound eecticm of the Simi Valley J'Neway WU opeMd to commuten after • rettraininc order prevenim. th• openlna waa lifted by a Superior Court Judie. The 1.7-mtl• HCtloa of the 1r .. wa1 betw"n Dttk>to and Tampa avmUM waa kitpt dc.d to traffic after ltl completton at the NqUMt of the dty of Loi Ana-1& ' " . A#Wlr•'""' 'JAWS' UP CLOSE -Craig Williams of Long Beach spreads the jaws of a great white ahark that got caught ln hla flahing net near Santa Cruz Wand. The shark, which measured 13 feet, eight inches and weighed 1,900 pounds, was brought into Santa Barbara where onlookers quickly gathered. Heat wave packs coastal beaches A July heat wave has moved into Orange County, eraaing memoriea of gloomy June weather and prompting many inland residenta to seek relief Courageous skippers due in Newport A "N~t With the Defender- Courageou 1 Syndicate" ia tcheduled Friday at Newport Harboc Yacht Club with Tom Bi.ck.aller md Gvy Jot.on on hand to brief yachting enthuaiaate on the upcoming America'• CUp trtala. The 7:30 dinner .. open to the public:. Cocktail hour ll bun 8:30 io 7;30. To mak~ \be a10 reurvatlona, call NH~C. 878-7730. • BJldfalJe:r bM been named .. aldpper .of the newe1t 12-meter, Defender. . along Orange Coast beaches. The National Weather Service said inland temperatures today and Thuraday would peak In the mid-901. Beach temperatures today and Thursday were expected to be allahtly cooler with hlghs ln the high 70.. The water temperature along the coast has been a comfortable 68 degrees. The heat wave ii al80 creating smog problems. Although coastal areas can e xpect few smog problema, offidala at the South Cout Air Quality Management Dlatrlct predicted a Stage One Smoa Alert in the La liabra- Santa Ana Canyon area. Thia alert means the air ii conaidered unhealthful for all people, • dlstrict spokesman said. He aald the rest of inland Oranae County would have air quality today and Thur9day that ia conaidered unhealthful for lenllitive people. Weather oftidala blamed the hot oonditiona on a hlgh pe11ure system located over Southern California. A. an aucUtnct of labor 1Mdln in Anaheim chHre~1 Oov, ldmund O. Brown Jr. DJMc.d • voluntary Soclal Security contrlbut.ton plan propoMd by Republican U.S. Senate bopefuJ Pete Wu.on". "lt'a amulni that In 1082 -on the same dJy we hell' Chat two. mlll1on more Americanl arw at, the poverty level -we rMCI that Wtlaon is tryin1 to walk to WaahinP>n on the blc.ka of the aenJor cf ttzen.," aa1d Brown, who ta the Democratic ~te for the same U.S. Senate aeat aoucht by the San Dleao mayor. "Mr. Wllaon , if you 're Ustentna. we're IOinl to eXJ>C*t you. unmuk you anCt aend you. b9Ck to San Otego for remedial lnatructlon," Brown told delegates to the California Labor Federation convention at the Dtaneyland Hotel. Wilaon auggested Monday that workel"I under age 4~ be given "greater freedom than ttrey presently enjoy with reapect to contributina to their own retirement," and claimed that the current system la ~ funde<\ by aeneral taxea rather than worker and employer contributions. Brown urged the labor group to support h1a Senate bid, aaytng that a vote for Wilaon would be a vote to "cut your own throata." "Let's make California the battleground in November.'' Brown said. "You people have endorsed me In the paat and a couple of timea you unendoned me. Thanka for the eight years we've haci together." At a 1uncheon later In the morning, Brown announced the appointment of Bruce Nestande, Orange County Board of Supervisors chairman, to the California Transportation Comminion, a nine-member group that allocates mlJUona of dollars in state trana~z:t-tt~.! funds. .. ·,.~ , Before hia election to the Ora.nae County boan:I, Nes~ was a state aaeemblyman from 1974 to 1980. New probe opens L-OS ANGELES -The county'• new grand jury bu de c lined to open a new investiption into the Signal Hill jail death of college fooibell atar Ron Settles. , Builget increase"iF despite cutback requests Fears expreaed earlier tbla year by local boat ownera about the Coast Guard'• 11th Dtatrict'a role ln protecting coutal waters were all for naught. Deapite ~reaident Reagan's request to cut back on services, Congreu approved the largest Coast Guard budget in history last week. The $5.2 bWlon prol)09ed for 1983 and 1984 by the llouae and Senate ls $712 million more than what the Reapn admi.nlatration originally had In mind. Anticipating the Reagan c utbacka, a aix -week lnvestigaUon bepn in January to conaider the feaalblllty of merging the 11th and 12th Gem Talk By J .C. HUMPHRIES C•rtifiMi G~mol01i1t, AGS AN IAA '°" Hl8TORY 71» *"Y ol ..m,. dlatrlcta. The 11th District stretches from Point Conception aouth to the Mexican border, and headquarters are In Long Beech. Joining with the 12th Di.strict. which coven the coast north to the Oregon border. would have meant moving headquarters to San Frandaco. However, according to Lt. (j.g.) Kathleen Donohoe, public affain officer, it was decided the merger would not eave money, and the proposal was declined. Also, the Point Divide cutter, stationed at Corona del Mar, waa expected this year to cut back ita daya of instant readlnesa from 21 to 10 daya per month. However, when Secretary of f ' • Transportation Drew L. Lewis Jr. explained to officials in Washington that this was unacceptable, the required funds were allocated to the diatrict. After numerous oomplalnta to President Reagan about impending closures of eearch and re9CUe stations nationwide, the administration revised lta plans. John M . Rau, national president of the Navy i..ea,ue, had told the Newport Beach• Yachtsmen Luncheon group In February to do exactly that - complain. He stated they should addrea their concerns directly to David Stockman, director of the Office of Management and Budget. ~ l . ' Disney prof its up from '81 . BURBANK (AP) -Thanlu lar1ely to two perennlally popular family film cl.uake -"Robln Hood" and "Bambi" -Walt Dlaney Productiona reported third.quarter proflta were up from the aame ~nod last year. Dimey aaid net income for the three month.a ending June 30 wu $32.89 mJ.Won. or 98 centa per ahare. That waa up over earninp of $30.2 million, or 93 centa a •hare, tor the pertod a YMI" ago. The report does not refiect lnoorne from Dlaney'a rtl<.'ently releaaed "TRON," a $20 mUllon video fantaay that the studio says took in $11 million at the box office In lta first 10 days of releue. ~ NB firm's earnings off National Education Corp. of Newport Beach reported net income for the aix months ended June 30 of $1.814,000 compared to 1,948,000 last year. Primary eaminga per share were 79 centa in 1982 compared to 85 in 1981 . . Net ineome for the three months ended June 30 was $716,000 compared to $941,000 in the like period last year. Primary earnings per share were 31 centa in 1982 compared to 41 In 1981. SDG&E earnings-up sharply SAN DIEGO (AP) -San Diego Gas & Electric Co. has reported an earnings increase of more than 50 percent during the first six months of 1982. · .. "The company is attaining the interim goals of its five-year financial recovery plan," said Tom Page, president of the utility. . SDG&E showed earnings of $71.3 million, an tnc.rease of 50.8 percent over the $47.3 million reported last year during the period. Grace's earnings lower W.R. Grace & Co .. an international. company with interests in chemicals, natural resources and oomumer services, reported second quarter net income of $76.9 million, a decrease of 23 percent from the comparable 1981 period, on sales of $1.6 billion. Earninga per share decreased 24 percent to $1.59, down from $2.08. Grace operates its New American Restaurant Corp. headquarters in C.OSta Mesa and headquarters for El Torito -La Fiesta Restaurants, Inc. and Far West Services in Irvine. Grace also operatea restaurants in the Newport Beach-Cast.a Mesa area such as El Torito, Houlihan's, Coco's and Reuben's. Fed lowers discount rate WASHINGTON (AP) -The Federal Reserve Board has voted to lower the interest rate it charges on loans to member ban.lu from 12 percent to 11.5 percent, the first easing in the diacoun t rate since December. . UPS AND DOWNS Ne .... I ~r1dAll"jf t P!Wrt Incl J EAL wt<> ;~Cowl • M\ ...,,, 1 !ifl( fl t .~ .. IO I "~"" It NI $¥ ill""' '!:," Ill ... ..,.k fl llld .. fo a ... iPctJo.O 11.1 10,0 ••• t .l °" .., Off .., i()ff ~:t u ... u ••• I u u 1·· t1 •·i fl DOW JONES AVERAGES fl!EW YORIC<API FINI Dow·-•¥9> Ill' r .. -t'. JIM 10, ITOOCI a.. ... n Law c-. o. JD 1...i •sea 11 12cun au>+ 1.io I) Tm J1U7 12 ... JI 3.10 ,. so~ 0.to IS Utl 107 f2 10&'2 10471 IGl.20+ 0.11 t6 S<li Jt• SO 322 '9 Jt H9 llH9+ 1 II ll'OJt S,2!t,JOD T..., l .1tl. t00 I.Alls 1,IJO,<IOO t6 Stt< •, ut,mo WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORI( !API J'-' lO .,,.,_., CIKlinecl U\CNl'IQltCI Tol•l IS~ Mtw "'"'' Mtw IOWI Todey IN ., ... lit' so ,.. NEW YORK t"PI JI.I 10 METALS TodA~ ~s ?11 11• 17 u Pro d~ 101 '-11 191:1 f>l St NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nooi.rrout met.i price. today: Cotlt* 7~73 <*It• • PQUnd, u.s d"tlnatlona. tb Leed 29-29 <*Ill • pound. Zinc 37-40 <*lie. pouno, dellvered. Tin le.1014 Metela Week oomi><*te A""'*'-7&-77 <*lit e pound, N. Y. Merewr $370.00 P« ftall. ~ $293.00 troy OL. N.Y. SILVER Handy & H1rman, 17.210 par troy oonce GOLD QUOTATIONS 8J TM All D dle.d ,,... s.tected WOt1d GOid prioea today: ~morning fbdng: 1341.150, up $13.75. 1.0lldon: 1ftamoon fixing; '3M.SO. up StS.75. ~ altwnoon lbdng: 1342Jl3, up $20,29. ~ '362.17, up l1U7. ~late llldng: IMUO. ~ f'11.00 bld~.25 alted. a.iee.so u! s':r ontr d~ quolll .. r onto/ deity qilOt9 ,..,..., 1384. · , up I 1Ut. SYMBOLS I, I I I ~ . . . . . .. MA.ICM' LIAOW IT ANDtN08 ~~ w I. ..... Oii .... ., " ,,. K-City 48 41 .W 4 CllleeOO .. 4S 1111 ll'A hemt '1 45 .Ill 8 Oeklllld M 1111 4 Ill II TUM U II .01 '' M~a &I 12 SM 22'A IUTDIN ome.ott ~ 5a 37 .II.et ......... Ila 31 Mt l!leltllftOnl 41 4 I ~ II Detroit 46 43 517 6'A ,_ Y0111 44 43 aot 7'4 ~ 4444 &00. T~o 43 41 47t 10 ,.....,.. ___ .,,.. 1, a.It!~ 4 Toron10 t , ~ Qtt t '*'°" '· CHc-vo 0 Oek*'O .. ci.....t.nd 4 T-•I 9ollon. ppd .. rein SMttte I. N9w YOrll 6 Mlnneeot• & ........... 3 ,..,. .• ca-.. A119el1 (FoF1oll I · 1) 11 8alllmore t~M).n K.,_ City (Blue 1-71 el Toronto (CIMCy 1-7). n T-(Honeye\111 4·10 and HOUQ/1 7·8) et ao.ton (TOttC Mand fell~ l0-7), n CNcego (Kooeonen 2-4) at 0.trOlt (Uldvr S-6). n Oeltlend (T Und«WOOd 6-4) at c-end (Denny 8-10), n SHttle (F. &.nnitltt 9-6) 11 ,..._, York (Motgen 5-4). n ........ elik .. (Hau 1-6) •I Min~• (Vlol• 3-t), n Nelton.I Leegue WllTI"" OCYltk>N w I. '°'-08 Atl&nta 68 34 ea2 aen OleoO s1 41 664 e ~ 50 ... 11&2 • S.... l'ranc:lecO 44 41 473 t3'"' HOU$lOI\ 40 $1 «O 16 .... ClndnNll 34 68 370 23 UITlflMOM~ Ptlll80elpNa 111 40 5eO Sl I.~ 51 42 $48 I Pttteburgll 47 43 522 3·~ Monlt'NI 47 44 5 Ill 4 42 50 457 , .... 31 se 411 ,. T_..,...__ .,.,...,. 10, MonttMI I 0Hc-vo II, "'°"94on 3 Ptttebutgll 3, Cincinnati 1 Allenta t , St Louie 8 Sen Diego 2. ~ O Ben FtencleOO 5, New York 1 ,..,...o...- Monl ..... (Aogenl 11-4) el ~ fV-.zuele 13-1). n Holmon (Ayen tot) a1 Clllcao<> CAllNY 3· 1) New Yoric (Fatoone .._.) 11 San FtllnCt9QO 1LU1t911-n PltbbwQll tMcWllllam• 6-4) et c.-au (B S'*'9y t · 1>. n Atlanta (Well< M ) at St Loultl (MIH'a I-n n I'll•~ (AuU'l-1 7·7) at San Diego (LoM., lo.3). n ......... ., ...... lealtt. CIOI 000 001-t IO 0 N.-VOttt 000 100 040-t 1 I 9Mnll.i. Yendl ... (T~ c.i.. (I) lllld Milne. •WMI (I): ~ ...__, Ill. flewity (ti Mel WYNiet. W-Otllcllll, -.... 1.-"llWll¥· 1-1. Hiii-.... YOtll, ,..._II~ A-llO.UI .............. OU!Md 100 Ill 200-t 1 2 0..........0 000 002 t t0-4 I I Notttt ei\O M HMlll, Wlltt\ .WlllllOl'I 11). Olytln (7), Ano.r-(I) tll!d "~· W-Nofrlt , M 1.-w.ii.. 1.1. H"9-0aldtll!d, "udl(2~ C~. Tllofnlon(ll). A-1,H? .,,..,., ........... Cf'l4cego 000 000 000-0 4 • Oelroft 000 000 10.-I 1 0 HoYt eno fltll, "ottry and Parn.l'I. w-l'etry. 11>-8 L-~. tl•I A-t) • .Oi AMIJUCAH LUGW Anoela 7, OftolM 4 CAlJ'OflilllA M&.~ ., 11111 • tlllll OowftlnO If & 3 2 0 8umt1ry d 6 1 2 I &eniqvl If 0 0 0 0 Gull!W So 2 I I 0 Cw9W 10 6 1 3 2 Sallata 2b I 0 0 0 Ra JcUn r1 a o o I Slngltn 1111 s o o 1 ROlar'lorl 0000 E.~1111602 I Seylotdl'I 2 I 0 I Ripkan .. 4 0 2 1 LyM ct 4 I 2 3 Nolan c ' 0 0 0 0.Cnc:a 30 4 0 I 0 Oernoey c 1 0 1 0 Gftd'I 2111 4 0 1 0 Ford r1 4 0 0 0 .... 4010 Roenlcklf 3010 8oonac 3 1I0 Qauer2b 4 120 Totala 32 711 1 Totall 35 4 11 4 ...,....,....._ Calltomla 20f 20 I 000-7 Ba/Um«e HO 020 000-4 E-G Da\lla OP-C .. ltomla 2, Baltlmora 1 LOB-Calllotnla 7, llalllmore I 28-C.-. ~-38-0.U. HA-Lynn (121 SB-Carew 8F-Aa.Jaclteon, Beylot, Singteton C....,... • H" a" MIO Goltz (W,4·21 5.,.. I 4 4 2 4 H-* (8.2) 3'°> 2 0 0 1 2 ....._,. O. MWlll'IW IL,MI) 2~ 8 4 4 2 0 GrlmaMy 1 22230 0 Oavl9 I\\ 3 1 0 1 0 T Mi11'11M£ 4 0 0 O 1 8 G Oavtil pttehld to 2 batltte In Ille OU1 HBP-by Ha11lat, Roanlcka T-2 51 A-11.601 NATIONAL LEAOUI ~t0,Eapoe1 ••11111 1.09 ~11'111 Finl.II 4 0 0 0 $a.t.,2b 5 2 2 0 Oata.20 3 0 0 0 l\Mll.• 4 2 2 1 Wl'lla Ph 1 0 0 0 81nQt .. I 0 0 0 SclllU.P 0 0 0 0 Bitar.if 4 I 1 0 Ow9n.c1 .. 1 1 0 Rnd<,11 0 0 0 0 OM, ID 4 0 0 0 Qlraro.cf 3 2 3 II CMl.G 3 0 1 I Cey.3b 4 0 1 2 8lclrwt.c 1 0 0 0 Grvy lb 4 1 I 0 Wlk:tl,30 3 0 I 0 Mr.N.rl 4 0 0 0 Ctmrt.rt 3 0 1 0 Sclca.c 4 1 I I Spar,• 3 0 0 0 AauM.P 4 I 2 0 Tvru ,• 0 O O O LM.P 0000 o Smln .. Pfl 1 o o o BSmth,p 0 0 0 0 Normn.Pfl 1 o o O B<ra.p 0 0 0 0 WJMen,2b I 0 0 0 Tot81• 32 I .. I Tot ... 37 10 13 ' ._..., lnMlp MonlrMI 000 100 000-1 Lo. Angelea 212 006 OOlc-10 E -Ru ...... OP -Montrael 1 LOB -MonttMI •. Loe Angelae 4 28 -O.Wrato 2. Wallacfl. 38 -Oaw9orl HR -0uetrwo 11. Scblaa 3. SB -SU. ......_. • H "IDlMIO LM(L.7~1 2 3 3 3 0 2 B.Smltll 2 & 2 2 0 1 ...... 3 16111 Sdwtb>lder 1 I 0 0 0 0 ~fJ!11 ... 1 0 0 T -2:20. A -37,815 ............ , 11111MUtt111 aot o'° 01~ 10 t 04MIMill 100 000 000-I I I ~ IN'ry lt~T..,._. ltl tllO T, ~ ~. Kll'll j IM V..0-dW, Trewl"o (l') W Ctn elerla1 t •4. L-~ .. 10 1 -r.11111w t t4). A-1U41 411t11i. .,._.to c._: ~ t '° o II l.Nt t0o 000 000-1 I 1 ..=i ~.,J.·~=.'4l.~~~ (J). ~,.,.Kaai ti). Mr I•~~ (I ) end 0 "9fter • .,,,_. It!. W--()owler, 1·1, L-L111.i, t•t. •-••drotltn (I). H"t-Allenla. H11lllllarll (Ill II 1.c>vlt , ~(I) A-f0,194 • ,.....L,...._t PM!...,. 000 000 000-0 2 ' ,.,, Oltgo 010 010 0011-t • 2 OetllOll Ind • otu: ~°"'""*°· ~ (I) and T l(ennfdy, W-Mon~ 1-6 L-CefltOll, 12.t. 8-DfiMn (I). H"-&al'I Diego, T. Kal'lnedy (I ti A-II.Oto. Olall191. ..... t N.-VOtll 000 001 000-1 1 I ta!\ 'rMClllclo DOI 00Q OOll-I 1 I P11leo. Oroaoo (I). 'le. JonN (I ) and llMN'l9; O•. Hotlatld (ti ~ Mey W-Oele. 4-I L-Pllleo, 7 • l' 1-HollMcl (I~ A-I.Ml Too 10 , ......... ,. ....... ) AMl.CANLaACllU9 ..... " ..... Gent-..... '1 218 t3 74 .343 W WlleOtl,ICC M 211 36 t7 340 Htba,Mlll tO 312 41 104 .,, .......... c.. tJ 348 72 114 .329 Yount,Mll II 3-45 ti 111 321 lol'IMll.Tor 12 N3 46 M n1 L M Pan\11'1,0et ae 23' u n an COOi* ,Mii M au eo llj .3 11 Pldorlll..Cht 78 U4 a-4 ff 313 Gerda.Tor 11 ns as 1 18 111 ............. G Thomaa. Mllw9ult-. 22; -. --... ~ D; Thornion, ~ 2t, Oflltlle, Mllweull ... 21.._ C:OOC-. Mllwaultaa. 18. "_._.__ ... MoRaa, KantH Cit~. 12, Cooper. MllwaukM. 11. ll'lornlon. C~d. It; LllJ!nakl, Chlcego, IO; Yount, M""""*•· 04 "'1dlllltl (U ~) Vl.lkOYlol'I. Mllw81.111•. 10-4: z.llft, ......... IC>-41 Guidry, N-Yortc, M ; Bume, Cl'lleago, 1-4, Caudlll. Seattle, M . !Mrkar. Clawland. 10•1: Clear. 801ton, 8·4: ,. 91nn111 ... S..llle. 9-11. NA TI<*AL LaAOU. QM II M "9t. Knlgllt, Hin ., &41 60 I 11 .318 ~.Mii. 80 338 112 107 .318 McGaa.SI L 68 117 23 &a .315 T Pena,PQl'I 78 2"4 30 I~ .313 '--'*-·~ 71 237 42 74 312 c.rttt,Mtl 115 308 lie t5 308 LO Smltll,St L 80 344 16 100 305 All J-.so 83 nt 511 ., * ... .,.~ 13 311 37 " 304 MIMltoc:k,Pgl'I U 328 53 ti 304 .......... Kingman, ..... York, 211, Murpfty, Atlanta 24, Canar, Moflllaal. 20. Hom«. Allanta. 11, Gwenwe.~ta. 1111-......... MUtphy. Atlanta. 87, Kingman ....... Yortc. 04 ~. MonlrMI, 13 Cat1ar, Mont ...... 81, ca.n.., ~ 11. PlkMlt 111 DecWaM) Loller. San Diego, 10-3, Aogwe, Mont ...... 11·4, 0 Roolneon, Pt111b11rgl'I, 10·4, Yafoft11tala, DMoore, 11·71 Forecll. St Louie, t-5, Monlafldoo, San Diego, 1-5; c.rtlon. ~. 12-e UTTU LE.AOW ALL-STA.RI ~~1~i~:=> Atwl (et IWAol1 LL) ~·---S..vlew 4, Fountain Vellloy Nortll l (F'./ North allmlnatac:t) ,......., •• Q.eoM Stenton .... WMtmlnat• Amarlc:8n. 7:30 p.m TlwrNllt'I ca... Seavlew v• Stan1on-W1atmln•tat Amortc:an looar. 7 30 p m ..... ( ............. u., T....i.t'elowa FO\KllMI Vellly llou1tl 16. llolM lH.,_. altmitlaladl ::=;~~ ~.~:-;::ti ~ ........... , ,.....,.....o- Hllnt1ft9t0ft VefllV "" ~ 6 p tn CN91111ClT M TOUf!MA•HT (at...,.,_,. ,._ IMM) ,...,. ........ 8alldlabldt '· Llgllna 8aad> 2 (logllM 8oac:ll tlll'nlllai.4) Mltelon lou1ll 12, IMnl Soulll 8 T8ftieM'•O- U11•For .. tY1~.730pm ,,.,,...,.. ..... Lake Forwt~ -•• lt'Vlfta Sou\11, 7 p.m u.a. cttemplon.ttlp trl•te , ........... .,., ..._.= ......... 1oo-metar bUt*1ly -1 Matt Gftbble (Huntcanel. 53.93. 2 Cllrte Rl•N (Oad1 Cklt>). 64 85; 3. Wllflam PllUlua (Longhorn A~ta), 5°4.111; 4. Oa'llCI ~ (Mlcf-<>hlo V811eV), 54.12, II Ctajg 8Mrd-.y (Ftorioa Mlultk:e). 115.01. I OevlO Bonom (WlllnU1 CrHk), 55 1 I. 7 Robin LHmy (MV NadadorHI, 55 39, 8 Jim Hallltwrton rT~tw). 115 83 400 JM -I Br.-~ (Naoaooret) 4.211 42, 2 Jell Koetolf ttnduetry Hiiie). 4.28 37, 3 Jell Flo&! (Ndan Hiltt) 4 2t 3 I. 4 -'-Vuaallo (~). 4 29 20, 8 s.tll .,,~ (TOU*r-tllalat). 4 30 23, 8 Ron Nuoan1 (LOOO AqYOlieo). 4 3 t t3. 7 Jon o.nny (Clndnnall ~.,,.,.), .. 34 .. • Clwll Rowe (Alamo NM). 4 35 92 ~ 200 1111 -I Marybatl'I L1n1ma1ar (NaeladOIH). 2 00 21, 2 Ttttany Collen <Nadadoraal. :too n. :s •-Unll• (W111nU1 Cfetk). 21)() t7. 4 M_., W•YI• (Ollnoolc AQuallQ). 2 Ot 48, II llalt'ly T..iOla (Floncll AQua11ca1. ~a.oo: I . Macy T MUQl»ar (LakHlda). 2 02 41. 7 8tacay Sl'lupa (lnclultry Hiie). 2;02.92, I Suaen Hllbemigg (NedeOotw). 2"°3.ta. 200 .,,... -' -'-'"* Child• (P\lnallOu Aquatlee). t.82.4 I (AmttlCan record). 2 8evarty Acll" (C•I" Cou1). 2:34 21. 3 Cllanl'lon """""1ld (HadU-). 2-34.511, 4 IC.Im Rlloelanba11gh (Clnolnnetl Popal-Martlne), 2:34.12. II Polly Wind• tErmantown). 2:311.110, 8 8uHn Aapp •rill Aquallca). 2·15.81, 1 Mlclla11a Ollanl (Cln Papt6. ....... 1), 2 37 73: I Bara GlllOo (l.ongMm Aguatica). 2 37 71 TOOAY'a llVDfTI ,...... .. ,.,... w-·· *'-•~.Man'• 100 "-tyta. w-·· 100 -elnlltr. .,,..,,., 20d bdtlto!I-. '*'D "AOL 400 y.,OI 8einl OMlll (Ket1) 3 to 2 60 2 10 ..._._ bptWe (Tr..-.) i IO 2 40 T'h.,,k• 10 °"=1M«~) 2 40 Alao raoed ~-. Ml.e Nllllw T8*'11, ~Hemp Time ~34 FOUlltl'H 11.ACa. 350 yarOI Oeelr.,.., (l,ecl191) 7 40 4 00 2 eo My let Admiral (ACUll<) 1120 3 20 .,, ... .i-(8atd) I 40 Aleo r~ad Proud Petrt~• Splu h A 'lodlel, lugl Mlld!IM 8mootll Delo_., Aoc*y DaClc llM. 8oogla F-Cetef'I Ludl 'tlrna: II. 12 a IXACTA (11-10) paiel 138 IO ...nt 11Aca. t70 yaroe ~ ~ (\.acltoyl' 11 <tU a w 4 40 ~ (lial:k)< -:uo 2.IO Biiiy Cenar ... (Paullnal 3 40 Aleo raoed: Saturday Warrior. Ruthe Cari Bar, Por Oua. Rocik.Ooo, Saam• TrYO Tlma. 45.74. 81xnt 11.ACI . .00 yarO. Truck"• JoY (CfHOOtl 7.40 4 20 2 eo Miio Sia (Adaltl 7.40 4 eo Go Goe Cl'lolct (Pauline) 4.40 Al10 racad. Ouetye Ouaaanoare. Kii M .. ,.,. 8etttaa1aroa1act1a. Ptesant Polley, Sonny Tiit Bull, Mono• Jolt. MONI• Nolllee Time 2030 • lllACT A (3-101 ~IO SM 00 MVIJn"H MC.. 350 yard• Mil Chic (Paulne) 5 20 2 80 2 40 EMy ao.... cc..aoar> 2 eo 2 20 .,_., 11u111ot1 (Han) 3 eo Nao r8CeO: Hev8 A Dandy, A Zuro Nloca. Fly UCllldy 8'111. MIU S"-L-. Win for Tiny. f Ml Flooda, LOIN Styte flma 17 15 a IUCTA (7·2) paid 111110 atOHTM MC.. 350 ywela Poo 8Nt Ml• (Tonk•) 18 40 I llO 1 40 Ptoa tAdalrl a 20 5 ~ Forllla L_.,..,,..,-(Mltc"911) 4 00 Aleo racad Lemlllt Rockat Good FNlurM. Rambllng Flglltet. Robat\elne, Ooll L81a Lala. Utile Mia £aey Up F'ronl Linda Tlma 17.112 II DACTA 17-8) paid 111141 IO 12 ~II a&lC (7·11-7·S·7·7) palO 117.495 20 ""ltl two Winning tlel>.et• letc l'IOr-J. 12 Plcll Sia Coneo1at1on paid 1228,80 wl11'1 51 W'lnlng tlelta11 (IMt ~I 12 Piek Sia lkl•tell eon.o1auon pe1e1 1373 eo W!ITI 13 winning llCllll4• (tour llOra. ona tctalell) MNTH llACa. 350 yerd1 OH• n.a Blee* ,.__ (Hart) $.20 3 to 3 00 :>H·E.aay Sta Rockett• (Fryday) ~.to II 00 II 40 s....i o ..... (Lac1toV1 4 20 AllO r-0 My Starttma. A9"10y Lynn. lOYe N Mon9'1. ZlflOO Cher119. H-""O Eaay, Too TIOY e-. s11avac1 Olea D+i-DeeclllMt for flf1l1 Tlmo 171111. tit HACTA (4-11) polCI Me 20 t:a UACTA (._.I paid 112.4.AO. Attancs--8.474 NOT1Ct TO COMTRACTOM NOTICa TO CMDCTORS AC1lTIOUI ~U ACTITIOU8 ....... CALUtO "°"..,. Of' MIUl TRA.MUU MAim 8'TAn..wf MAim ITATDmJIT c •1 ............. .... ,OUNTAIN YAU.av 8C14001. ACTT1'10U9 .,.._.. F"tewnoue 91 tt N~ ITATPmJfT NAIM ITATl'MOIT em MO...... (a-....,......, u..c.c.~ Tiie tct1io.1no ,,_,_ la do•no The lollowltlO ~ _ dolnO ~ ~ .._.. Dtel'MC1 COW1'1'ACT llO..... Notice )t"flerel>y given to ~ .._ ~ ... AM....... NOTIC I 0' ADOPTION 01' Bclloal Dlalrlot: NIWPO'IT· cr•dllora(.qj Ill• wltllln namad ARC ANIMAL HOSPITAL MAM~ au•""', 2t""" ••--... _.._A,,_,....__ RISOl.UTION ~ UNll'EO etHooL o.tTAtCT tr~ lhM a ti.A tBnlMr 11 SALES Al"O FlHANC€. 2192 w~ st __. ... -~-.~5 .. ·-.... ._ ,, CA -Of' INftNT TO LUM 9ld o-dllne: 1:00 o'cloc* p nl""of abouf 10 tMI m.O• on p9"oft•I A-. T.-in. Calltorni. g2t90 '--· ...... 1" . IMne. c.ltornla IUlll'I. ue 011 TlllC T "'Al IN&tt'ldeyofAugull. lte2. ~~~. J-E. Rld'I, D.V.M , 1763 921~,,~--..a."2"'~-...... -MOnCIClfl"'*'CHmNIMO ~TY Place ot Bid Receip t. 19•7 -............. .....__ ....... _ p M ..-. .. -•. ,_ ._. ....,_, ... --NO --1 Pl 1 8 " ---....,. ort anlalgl'I H•wport Baacl'I, NewpOtl e.acn. C4lllfomla 92963 ~note llCMI -• _.. acent a lrffl, Cotta Moaa, of lhe 1m1nciM tr.,.,_or-. .,_ Calllomla 92t80 Williem Jooa. 52e l9ttl St...... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Celltomla t'2t21 LODEMA S. LUCIA~ ~_1702 Thia bu"-It conduC:led by an Huntlnglon Bead'I, Ceilltornle H64t WAITI ~ THE FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL Projec:1 ldentlllcatlon N--RE· Super'IOr Lane, EJ Toro, l.Al'IOfnie lndlvldval Ken Matl\H, 1078 Cllerrw ~·WTI OIST'llCT 11a1 declared that 11'1• ROOFING 8LOO 200 AT CORONA 9?030 J-e. Aloi\, DI/ M A Be ' ( ........ WMt DI •mp loflowtno real property wl• not be DEi. MAR HIGH ~L The location In Callfoml• ol the Thi• .,.,_, Wat flied wOl'I tl'le ~~u•. Long •ci'I. Callfornl• Omli ••• I .,.._ ......... , needed for d ...,oom purpoees Placa Pline are on Ille 11127 Chief PeclltlYe ot11ce or prtnclpel County C1911C Of~ CouMy 4lf' J-0.. MolM,Jr., ~ p-M Teacherl' Lounge In Bulldlng A Placentla Slree1, Coeta MH•. bualn•H office of tl'I• Intended June 28. 1982. da 1.una. An•l'l•lm. Calllornla i.-...,_. •t 8uellard Scl'lool, located al Cellfornle tr-lefOf 19 SAME. fttzMe 12807 1.ar1on 8111pyard hat flled • 19$90 Educetlon ~. Hunllnglon NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that All otl'ler buelneu namH and Publl•l'l•d Orange CoHI Dilly T'l'lla bual,_. la oonduc:1ed ...., 1 r1port of wall• dlecl'large and Beach, Celllor-nla tl'te •~School Oletrle1 of eddrHM• UHd by the Intended Pllol. June 30, July 7, t4, 21. 1~82 114 perlnerwhi vi applied for requirement• for Ille Tl'I• Board of Trutteea of tlle Orange County. Calttomla, acting transferor wtthln tl'lr• yew1 1U1 2905·82 II*'* J.,,_ 0P MolM, Jr ~of WMtel ,_,111ng lfom • Founttln Valley Sc11oot Dl1trlct eo.td, l'lerelnah" retenad to u lnten<led trantt-.,,. NONE. Cou t II• 8ta1 •. lndk:aled 1bove uncle< tl'le 1errm Tiie fotlowlng i>«aon 1a doing T11a followlng per1on la do1no ~-bull_ .. IAOLI CONITRUCTION 808 s M081LE f~EIGN CA~ COWANY, 1#12 !11!1rzreo4 ~. SERVICE. 10438 S1llnu A1.,er Hunllnoton BNc:h. Cellloml• 92648 C11cie fountain Valley. CA g27Ge Jamu W Watdera 1g1112 ROBERT LOWELL SWEESY. EdgewOOcl l-. Hunnngton 9eact'I 1043a SaW>N ru .. ., Cirde. Foun1a1n Cei1l0tnla 926411 Valley CA 91706 TNa ~ la conduc:1ad Oy an Th11 bu .. ness •• conduc:1ed by .,.. 1ndlvtduet 1nd1vodu1I James W Welders Rol>fl<t L Sweesy Tll" 1tatement wu liled with tlle This statement was hied with the County Cletk ol Oranoe County on County Clef~ of Oranoe County on July 2 1082 July I t982 Fl12195 Flm7'1 Publl&hed Orange Co1111 Daily Publ1Shed Orange CoHt Diii~ Pilot. July 7. 14 21. 211 1982 Pilot July 7 14. 21. 28. 1982 2908-82 2910-82 PUil.iC MOTICE by and tl'lrougl'I II• Qov•rnlng put eo far u known 'SZ• Thlt •t•t-l .,,.. flied wttl'I 1,,_ t>oet ywd ~to Ille wa1.,.. o1 rMOIYN lo ieaa tl'le tac11111411 ao "'DISTRICT", wlll reoeew up to, twt Tl'le name anc:1 bullnMa ad ,... PUBLIC NOTICE Ju n.:V 1Clerll 01 Orange County on On the Miia of pr ... mlnary 11af1 and cond1t1on1 stated 4n 11'1• not lat1r tl'lan tl'I• abov•·tl•l•d of ,,.,. lnllnded u.n9fer .. are: ly ' 982 ,112711 review and appllcatlon of lawful Reaolullon of tl'le Board, ReaoluUon time, Meled bide fOf ll'le award of SUPPLY INOUSTAlES. INC .. a ~~:A~I Publlsl'led Orange COHI O II tlandardt and r~ulatlont, lh• No S3·6 ------------I contract tor tl'le atiove project California corporlllOn, 2528 vi.ta PllOt J 1y 7 2 • Y c.lltomla AIQlonal Water Ouellt)' Tl'I• minimum montllly lease CONIOLIDATED Bid• lhell be reollv9d In the plec. Btya. N-port e.acl'I, Callfornla Tl'la following perton I• doing . u . 14. I , 2S. 1082 Control eo.rd. Santa AM AeglOn. payment lor tl'le term of ,,.,. ..... REPORT OF CONDmON Identified above, and 11\111 be 112eeo t>uei-u: 29:u-92 tentatMI)' pr~ lo I.,. wut• ahell not be IM• tl'lan 1562.75 per °'**'and publlcly reed aloud at Tllat tl'I• properly p•rlln•nt ALEEOA SURF SUITS. 221 "8.IC NOTU dltel'large requirement• Including mon1l'I Tl'le minimum montllly..... Consolidated Report of Condition of "AMERICAN STATE ,,.,. ~1ted 11me and p1ac:. l'l«eto is deaUlbed 1n gen91al aa: a11 Main Strfft. Huntington Baacl'I. afft11•nl lhnllat1on1 and tpeclal p1yment tor aubaequen1 period• BANK" of Newport Beach, Orange Coonty, end Domestic Tiier• wllt b• a NIA d•ro•l1 flock 1n tf9de, f\.wn1t111•. 11x111r .... Cellf0tnie 92648 o'"CI OP TH• IHIRll''· condition•. Pereon• wlel'l1no to may be adJu•ted by.,.,. eon-Subsidiaries at the ctoae of bu11lnesa on June 30, 1982. r equired lot aacll aet o bid equlpmant end good wlll of a Mrs I.Oil ~t• Blown, 308 CORONIJll . conwnent upon or object to lhe Price Ind•• annu•I average a•-te ___ .. No. 1072 doeumentl to guararnM tl'le return oaruln vl1amln and natlK•I food Robln Hood, Coat• Meaa. Callfoml• COUNTY OiP OtlANell propoaecl dlectlarD9 requlrem«'ltt r.n.cted at ll'le IOd of 11'1e '-.. _..,. In good condition within NIA Clay. t1t191,_. and la IOc.ai.d at: 2750 92627 M0TtCa Clfl IAia UMDIR -~ 10 IUbmlt -In wrltlng ~lod A IMIOIHl!Y depoeit rney be Doi'-Amounts In Thouunde •lier tl'le bid opening dale H1rbor Blvd , Coat a Meu. Thia bull,_ la conduc:1ed by an DSCMI OiP l'OM~ lo the~ addt9M no later than requited prior to~-E8d'I bid rT'IU91 conlOfTl'I end be Calllornla. lndMdual llllON'TlCauo TOWM MOUNI A'9* 8, IN2. All OCNM*'ltt °' No commlatic>n 8hd be l>eid arry raepon1lv• to tl'I• conlfact TM bu"'-nam1 UNCI by the LOii J Brown co••NCATlON AleoctAnoM, obtectlon• rec.Ive<! prior 10 th• lioM\MO rMl .. tat• brOl<et In 11>19 d<>Qumenta. Mid trarwferor at Mid IOcat)on II. Thia atat_..I WM hied wllh the ..._ ~ ,,., ~ 'Al9aM. atlOW date_. be COi..,.,_, In the reg1rd. and '"••• allall ba no E8Cfl tHd "*' be accom99f'lld NATURAL FOOD BASKET County Clerlc of Ofanoe County on et., o,..,._, lormulltlOn or ftnel ~ deduction from eny proposal In by ,,.. MCUffty ,...,.,_, lo In tl'4 Tl\ at aa1d bulk 1ran1fer tt June 28· 11182 .... INS reQ«dlno IN-*• dladwge. determining ll'le l'llg'-1 reeponslble contracl documetlla end by the ll$t Intended to be~ at the '1tnial I. lhe 11111'9nlgned, Bred a.t.. 'tll• IJoard wltl'IH 10 obtain blddat of ptopoaed eubcontl'Klon office of. BURROW ESCROW Pubtlalled Orange CoHt Dally Sllartff-Coroner. County or~ tnlormatlon to 1111a1 11 In SMled Pf090MI• to 1eMe Mid Pur9uant to MCtlon 4590 of the COMPANY. 18711 E. Uncoln ........ Ptl0t.June30.July7. 14,21, 19112 Sl1teofCellfomla..6oll.-ebyoer1Jfy .,....1nlologptOC*-t•~ pr°'*1)' mu91 be,_._, by the Gov.-t CocM of the SUit• of Orange, Celllon1la 92865 on Of aftet 2806-82 lllal I>)' vlrt11e of Deer•• of r~tl and. tor tlllt purpoM, d4lll01t.O otficaf 11 tl'le FountJlln Cellfomla. lhe conttact wtll contain AUQU91 e, 1te2. F~ and S-. In ~ wll hOld • puDllc r-tne .. IOllowa: I/alley Scllool Dltlrlcl Education PfOIMIDno penntttlng the ~ Thia bulll ,,_,., le eub)ec:1 to PWUC NOllC( Cour1 ot the County ot ~ OA n: s.p...,,.,_ 10. tN2 TIME: c.nter. 172 10 Oak Street. Founlllln bldd« to eut.tltuta -=urtt19t tor Calllornla Uniform Comme,clal State of C811tomla. ~on 9:30 a .m. PLACE: City Co11ncll Valle)', Cellfornla, 1127Ge, no later any rTIOMYI wtthh91d by the 011tr!ct Code S«;tlOn 6108 euNJI09' COU91T 24, 1912, end r~ May 2 • Cllambere, 3300 N-pO<I 81vd , than 2:00 pm on July 2t, 1N2. to .,,.,,. P«formanoe Ull6ar the The name and addr ... ol tlle OiP ~ 11182, In the above anltUIMI action, ~ 8-d'I, Celltomte B•lora 1ccept1ng any wrllt•n oontnlC1. peraon wttl'I wt10111 dalme may be COUNTY Of ORAMOI wll•r•lll MONTICELLO TOWN imer.lld petlOfll .,.. llwlted lo proprHla. Ille del~ated officer The °'9TRICT ---the rtglll Ill• d I• Bu RR 0 w Es c R 0 w no CMo e...-o.t.e .... H 0 u s E s c 0 M M u " I T y 9n.nd IO ~ th9lr \lltlWt on •ll•tl cell tor Of•I blddlno. Any to re)ec:1llff'/OfallbldlOt10 w#Ye COMPANY, 1819 E. Llncotn ... • ASSOCIATION, a Calltomla ~ ti-..._ 1'1MttnQ 10 t11e 9boY9 pareon who l\at l'llfe1ofore any lrregulal1t ... or lnfomi811U• In Avenue, Orange. Ce11fom1a ~. a.ea._ CA...,. Profit Corporation. tll• 1bov• .,.... ell.,_,,.. ~ IMl!lnQ Mibmllted a written bid mey eubmlt etry bide Ot In the bidding. end ll'le 1aa1 dey for flllno o191,,,. by llMIRIAM OiP NllllOMIA named ptalnUfla. obtaln•d • pl'Welltllllona lhouMS oonftne !Ni an or., bid ••a.ding by ti iea.t The °'9TRICT Ilea obllllnecl from any creditor tl'lall b• Augult 5, ~A. HIWNOllZ ludoment and de«M of foredoauN 11ale1N11t• 10 1119 abo¥9 ltated n,,. (5%) percent the lllgM9t written the DnctOI of Ille o.pettrnant of t082. wlllct'I I• lhe ~ dey MUONDl:NT't ROUHO .. ~ .... agelnat LAZAR JANICIN IHU". Ot•I •t•t•mentt WUI be bid. The hlgl!Mt rllll)Oflll* bidder AISETI Ca.th and due from bank• .................................... 2,725 ln;s~=~=~~33) ....................................... 4,396, Non-Investment aecurltles ... ........ . ....... ..... .. ......... ..... 176 Federal fund• eold and aecurltles purchued under agreements to r...il In domestic offices .. ....... .. . .......... ...... 9.500 a. Loan&. Total (excluding unearned Income) ..................... 42,878 b. LeN: R...,.... for poaalbte loan loaaee .. . . .. .... .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. 496 c. Loan•. net ...................................................... 42,382 Bank premises, F.F.& E .. etc .................................... 306 Real estate owned other than bank premlaes ................................... 3,990 Ot"-' .... , ............................................................. 2,633 ,, lndutlrlal Relallon1 the o•neral b•lor• tl'I• conaummatlon dat• HIWllDIZ and MARIC~ JAHICIN, oat.ndMi.. r-d, llut, tor IM ~ or IN ehall be required lo ••.cut• tl'le l>f9Yallln0 91le of per diem WtQe11n ep9Clfted al>OY9. M..WOMI (P..-.Y L.AW) for tll• 111m of On• tllou11ncl f.oord, all Important 1 .. umony form ol l•H•. 1ucl'I format llH Ille~ In wtllcl'l ttlla work II to Dat.O Jul)' te. 1082 0... ..._ D1Ml1• lhtrty..two 6 no/100 Oollen. lewful lfloukl M aullmltted In writing. Oral '*9t0for• bMr1 approved by tne TOT AL ASSETS ..................................................... 66, 108 - be periofmed tor Mell craft or type SUPPLY INDUSTRIES, MOT1CSI Yw Mft ...._ ...._ money oft,,. Untt.O Sta-. and by eta,.,,.,,11~M1>119' 10 allow Bo9fd of Tnilt-of WOfllmlfl nMded 10 ...cut• the INC. The -' _, .......... YM Mu. ot a wrlt of enfOf'oamerlt In ell lftW ...... l*'IOf'la t1rM to be TM Botrd of Trult-ahall rnatlo oontrect. TheM r8'111 are on 1119 It By: o.or~ 8tleflet. ..._. ,_ ...... ~ .... Mid action'-*' on JUM 8, 1982. t hetl'Ct. the delermtnetlOn aa to wti.thtlt to Ille DnJTIUCT-0"1Ce LOCAT!O Pf9aldenl ,_ r..,..i ..... •.,... .._. 1m command•d lo Hll all Ill• TM r9POtt of ....it dllcltletoe. .._ ukl flclllttM wttll 111'1 (10) AT 1U7 ~ St,_, eo.ta Publltl\ed Orange Coal! Dally IN .......... ,...... PRll*1Y In IM Count)' of OflllQ9, Nl9ted dOc:llHMnta, fKI tMelt, iM Oeyl aft41f ~pt of l>ldl, MMe. CtlllOmle 92627. Coplel mey Piiot. ~ 21. 1982 "yOU wttll to..-t,.. ldvloe of !ltate of Cefllomla. ~ • loard'• propoaad requtr.m.nla, Information conc•rnlng 1111 be obtalntd on ~-A oopy or 400242 an att0fn9Y >n 1111• m•ll•r. you l'olloW9: end all comment• and petition• propoMI lhould be tddr....o to: lheM,.,.. tfltl be pott9d., the llhould do to promptly to lllet 'f04ll Lot 255, or Tract No. 6190,. rtc•IYed 1111)' be ln•peotM and FOUNTAIN VALLEY SCHOOL lob "'9. "8JC N011C( ~ 0t pleadlno. lf any, mey be r9COfded In 8ook 111, hall 40 to 0004ed It tM REQtONAI. ~cl DISTRICT. 17210 O•k Str .. t , rn. fOf900lnO ~ ot per ftllld on time. 42, lncluelv• of Mt1c.neneo111 .,.._, MOt llldlarl9 A"9111.11. llAte 'oun1aln VllWt. Celltomle 92108, dl•m wage• fa baHcl upon. IM19 AYtlOI U•••• ........ ~ape, In the omo. Of .. OrtllO' IOO ............. CA ttlOI (~ (714) 642-e&5l, Att11'11k>f" NeorN WOltdng ~or~ (1)"°"'9. TM MOTa Of' 1Ma llMMMMteN. II ltlM ... ,..-. coum)' '*'°""'· CellJotnte.. 1'14 ... Qtl)).,.._tMhounor Wiiiand , ... tor llOlkSey and O'IWtlma wort1 Not1oe 11 ~ ~ Pl'l"'*lt .... ....,_IM. ... I ""Ille Ptopef~ II lltOf• COfnll'IOftly t:oo e.11\. MCI 4:00 p.m., MonAy Date· .My I. 1H2 tfltl be et ..... llllle 9NI --.r. to aec11orw 3081 MCI 3082 of Ole -... UI&. •• Illa ..... llftOWft H ; 2412 l•ratoga w..,, ~ ..,...,. FOUNTAIN VALLEY " "'911 be "*'*"OfY upon !tie CM Code of !tie.,... of Celtotnla ....... t.. .. ..., uhn .. 0-.. ....... ~ ,.... llftrio tN ~to IM SCHOOL DISTRICT CONTAACTO .. to WHM 1111 Ill• 11ndert10Md IPD Prlnt1119 • ...... Toeeu-wlfl .. tftd .............. Of -per.one ICnCIMI to ,,.,.,. D. WOllll oont190t .. ...-dtd, .,., upon *IY ~dbe tMton/Aoedl SI Ulted d .... tollcllar •• tenement•. llerHIUMMftlt eflcl )1911-.f!O _...lie ...... llld In.. Clettl of tilt 9oetd tulloof\1Jtl0b undlr fllm, to P9Y ~ Utl!Op wtM ... c puble ~ de un ebooeclO .., _,. ..... .wteet .._. ~ IMIW. Publllhed Orange Cout Dally .... --.111ellld..,......,.....to ~ "9dtlll A-..., uunto, cle1>9rf1 lltotrlo Ot~~ Pv~ Oranoe Coeat Datty PWot.~7. 1•.21, IH2 .. WOltCINn .....,,.... by "*" In Coela Ctllf .. et 10 e.m. on ~. die ... rNMr&. PUii.iC ~OTICE r1 HE .. HY Not. -Mr 11, 1112 un.a 2"f.l2 fie W1'0n Of IN oontnct. ~. tM dlltdl Jlliy, 1N2. tu ,.._... o ~. II '-OIVtH TNC Oft ™UMDAY, AUQ. Mo btddir ~-:::"Ille bid tile IOloMnO s11illtb9d proper1y, to 11ouna, pued•.., r901e1rad1 a ti, tlU, at 10:00 O'otodc. A.M. 9' 1----.-.-.,.-.,-l-IC( ___ _ tor • ~ "' ('8) .. w I ' : 1 I • 0 • I 1 • t" A n " II • I t I • '" p 0 • t " • ' d • y • t M •I n L 0 b by • 1----..._.;.;...;....;..;;.;.;..;.;. __ _ .,._ die clele aet tor.,. Ol**'D or lnttrnallon•t Olflcl•I Tllel\1 l ~ 700 CMG 0.. or. ._1,_ bide. 11ook1ng Clhctory. W.C. ~ of ...... AN. I .. ... 1'10• Of',,.~-ITAW A peyfftefll bOftd and I Said .... II for .. ~ or TO TH£ AHPONOl!NT: Ttl• ,._. e-.Ow• .... ,,NII pro,..y. °" llllU ............ _ .. _ pei~ bOIW .. be~~""'" ttlt \#ldel...,IM pttltlol\et llH lll•d a petition lll1der llld Mtl tftd..,.... Otto .,... ... .,,,.--· nrw '° -*"' of fie~-. tor......,.... n ~~to ooi.,.MllO ~,.,..,._")IOI.I ... mud!..,.,• IMIJ M • 1111111 TM ~ bOfld .... .,. In IM MPA lnt•ntttonel. tno. fOf lhe to••~ ..... IO o..t of to .. 111ty eald 111e11n1ent wllfl ,,_ D ......._,~nm fotm "' forttl In Ill• oontrHt prlntln~ encl proclu•tlon ot Ute ttle dett that ttllt tYmmon1 le .,_... 9'ICJ ~ W .. Mpett r• =ed'' .... I\_, ~ ..,_ .. ..,... In tfle amount ol ltlWd on )IOU,~ dllf&lft .,_be llldctlr1 '°' Olltl 111 '-"" nlCIN¥ o1 t• ....... Wllll ~...,... -.a1u. ......., wttn ooeta o1 .,... w t11t ooun ,,,., .-• tile UrllMd • ....._ .,.... ..,.,. Mel ty:~~rbhtt, tdw9'tltlll01Nl..,._.9' .... ~ OOl ... tlilO ~ 0t Det.cS M..,.. AM.~~ ,.-.,,, o....... o.d .. 1211\deW of Jib, 1M.t. OOllr ....... OOIW*'*'l dl\lteloll of MY •. 1Ma. 1Y-~ °"""'°' MANNI, *MWn. PfoPeftY• IPOUMI WPPOft, Oflllcf ~ .... I Y• .._.,. -4,000.000 Pvblf...i Of_. OCHlll Oetly LIWIN & KL.llN QU1tocty, ctllld ....,.,.,.., •tt~ •'7 Wt tl IM 00-.=.. '**........... 47.-.n • Pllol. .Mrt1. ti. 1111 ....... 1 • ..,._ ..... -. tftd tudl ottltr ...... • ............. CA U1 I I&•_,.. t~ t?,t•'"' nt 4001-a A...,_. kW 1'0 mey be ~ by 1t!t eown. The ........ ........., a.-.a 1 ....._ ""' --------_.;,.-...J Pt1ntne & DttltltMtne. 1nC. gernllMlttll 9' ...-. taa1n1 0( 8RAO OATH, lllerlff· .... :._.... WWI 1-.U1.444 P\ll>llelled Of.,._ eo-t o.t1y ~ 0t ~.or....,...,. Qotontr Dlltl ..,.'.:J:.'11ewiw ~~ Plot, Mf Zt, 1111. N4Wa ~. prooe9dlnp Ml)' alto ~.f.:,-.r;,:,, W....., .._ M .. IDew llWlll.,. In eooo;dllioe .... WA.~ PubtlaMd Of ... COMt o.itr ~ ,...._,. W ... WW ...... D_,.. 11. 1t8'. Nctt to .. C.11 IU-tert. P\11 • , •• •ord• to work for u. Q11tt l'llot, .MJ 11, .. Ai1f. 4. tt1f ......... OoiM I I • ........ at~~ to IMr, .. '· f. NJNVOH, t7 J::r&=,.r ,_ ~-=•or.. 0... ~ ":-..:r=:a,....,..,,. o. ... PloC. Mr 14, 21, It;,_. ~Jr:,_ It,..._~_...•., ~ 0,.... OWt ~"°'-.Mr .. l1. .. K .._ ~ -----~ ' LIABILmEI TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC OFFICES ....................... 59,280 Total demand depollta ................ 11,181 Total time & Mvtnga deposit• ..... 4'8,099 TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN OFFICES ............................... 69,280 Othet Mabllftlee ........................................................ 1,994 TOTAL LIABILITIES (exdudlng IUbordlN19d r\Ot• Md detMM'lturee) ................................................. 81,274 Subof'dlnat9d not• .nd debenturet ........................ 9'4 IHAMHOL.D419'1 EQUITY p,..fwred etodc No. lhar.e outttandlng -NOM Common ltoc:k L No . .,_.. euthortnd 11200,000 b. No."'.,.. out8t8ndlng 1,004.423 1.255 ~ .............. :t'.:.:.'"""'"··· ................... 1.~ . TO AL CONTRIBut!O CAPITAL .......................... 2,710 ~ Mrnlttae ...................................................... 1, 1to TOTAL SHAAEHOLOIAS EQUITY ......................... 3,810 TOTAL UA81UTIE8 ANO 8HAREHOLO!A8 EQUITY ...................... ~········ ee, 1oe Theuncle'9l0Md, 8.R. Whfffllkt, Sr. V.P. & Controlelr end LA* Mtwtln1 AMletant 0.... of u-. ~ '**· eecti eseoe .... tot hlmMlf eson. end not tor u.e other: I h•v• P•rMn•I knowledsa• of the matten ~ In '"'• reoort J:_otudtno the retetve •••• Md I be1iwe thet 4 etatemtnt m .ad NC>Ort- ttue. of ... ~. '°' NmMff llOne and not '°' the °'*· ..... Uridef' P9MhY of petjury thlll tM toreaolnl '11'.tna Md Oof'rWot. bilOUted on June 11, 1MI M tt•: i11Dt't a..t1 cawoma. ~~_._-~ ... 1119.Pl ~ ......... 0191111~Mf:r,,-. .~··· ,, I( 1• 1· . -"-=-------, __ _ ; . I IN H/ff -"" •-__ .,. --;' . .m _. -.& mm ,._ ·-1--...-l'Miln""lliil1-r-:--w1•• --~.,. -1'iftiiliAiAl~llf'.L9•••r-"'!.,.. ·™' ==~ ._....,. n. ;;i;;.:e-..,._ 11 "'"' Tiie lolcNttlt ........ doiit'I TM r.ii0;'1;f''MfMll la Hint .....,_. . "*'-.. ~ •• "*"-' M (al Pll'-D MA,_ICITU•td't ~IL!,:J WOMO '"I· Ml"IDIAN ,AOl,10, 10\t• l,ICTIHOIX 101' = i-. rO·MOIC C•/ '"0·~~" ~~ Wi ....,, lenta ~ ~ IWI\, CA Coat~~= 1~ ......... 1 '~!· ._ ri. ':. 't, L ,1: L.~111 'A!• IAOlHTON, SCOTT LIO AIAftTA, 10111 Lw. 0.-WW. Ce11t11"'9 tltlP ~Jl1t~ Utl Mllfttlal .,....,., Hilnll119ton lltctlWOOd, ..,,. _ _, lleGfl, CA 'n11t bUelNM le~~ en A.--. ........ a111 ..._QA ..... nt48 lndMchlel. .,...... J. "" I ,,.. TNa "*'-' .. OOllClllotect by ... JOHPHlt41 I.II AIAfnA. Datlltl J, .,_UllOll i.,.,...Mtt. ~ H11t lndMdllll. tOtH l lrtllwoo41. 'H11n•lne •on 1llla....,._,twa111ed.-t11it 'n!ll.,.....11.-M'1fby111 ._.._..~ 8MCt\. CA tH4t ONllY Ciotti of Or.,. County en 11..-"* ~l ........ 111"91 IM Thie ~ It OOl'ldueted by • Jul't 15, IHI. ..,.,..,.. "1 County CWll ol OrOllfO Coun1y on llml\ed pertnerlftlp ·-"* ... ,.....,. ... "*' wttll v.. Juiy ''· ,.... ·~ loon L• ·Ablltla ,..,Dllthed Or•no• Oout Dally OounlY Clttk of Orange County"' 'ubll•llecl Ot1n1141 Oout Da!ly Thia 1t•*'*" -..._. .it11111e ,taot . .Mt''· a•. AUG·•. 11. '* June n. 1111. "°" .M:rt1. tt. q . •. 11. 1111 County Ciotti of OrMOI OOuMy on 4007..a ,_,11 Hlt.f.I June 2 I, 1NI ---·· .. _. ,.,. Mlll'N't! ~bllllltcf 0rt"Q41 CoMI Dally .... .,. MlllTV"r .. , • ..,_ ~"' ""'-PllOI. Juiy 11, 21. AUg. 4, '~~ ,_ ""'- "'ubllt had Or11ng• CoHt Dilly (IT •• '", •• ..:::::::o 1 "", , "• f'tennoue IUIMU Hot. June 30, JlJtt ~. 14, 2t, 1M2. tALI Will Ill CONOUCTED ON ... ti' MftTIH ..,._ ITATIMbtT _________ 2yw...__2 8IHALF OF THI T"UtTl!E ''" ' ,.._ ""'""" Tl\• fOfl~•lllg per1on I• doing __ .,. Mf\Tll't CALIFORNIA ,08TIHO AND ..... bUa1MM .... ---'-...;.. ...... ~""~~·-~~= ltUILISHIHO COMP~Y. 1021 N. PlCTmOUI auaM.. ,AHTAeY Q"APHICI, 2'40 YOU Alll •DUAU&.T U11D1R I.AKI! AV I , IUITI! 2011 ..,._ITA~ OI-~II,~· M .... CA ADllOOllTRUa'TOATIDM.~ ,AIAOENA. CAW,ORNIA 81104 The 1o1ow4nQ petton1.,.. do11'9 tHH.. ,.,._.,.....YOU T,.._ AC T!LEPHOfolt HO 21S/Mt-46401 ~.a; Tl""-4 A.NH AHTOHVOCIO. TO MOTIC'T YOUR HIOHPUY, 0,..1111'1 MU"l'HY'9, 1424 HOttll Oflnd 10111 AqU1duat, Cyprtn, CA If MAY • eoLD AT A ~ NOTIC• M TMllftl'I SAU Av1nua, Santa Ana. Callfornla eotSO. I A._ I . '' YOU N I I 0 AN ~!9'!.. 92701 Tllit butlMM It conducted by "' ll.lCll\.MAT"* Oii n9 NATUIW Tl'WIOf r.,.,_ ~ RIAL E8TATI COMPUTIA lndlvldulll. O* "9 MOCllDINCI Ao.AINIT YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER '4 IVSTIMI. INC., a Callfotnle YOU. YOU IHOUU) CONTACT A DEED OF TRUST DATED JANUARY cOfporatton, 4 COtporale l'lllU, T ., ... Ann Antonucc:lo Thia •l.temtnl -flltd wllh the County Ci.ti& ot Orenge County on June i7, 1982 LAW\'D. 11. t 818. UN LI! SI Y 0 U TAK f. NewpOrt IMdl Callfoml• MOT1CI Ot' TIIUlft•'I SAU ACTION TO PROTl!CT YOUR Thie~ la oonduOted by • T.&. Mo..,.. PROPER't._V, IT MAY Bl! SOLO AT A c<wPOtl llon. NOTICE IS HERUY OIVl!H, tl'Mlt PUBLIC ~LI! IF YOU NEED AN ftM1 &tllle on W~ AU(IUllt 4 1H2 it EXPLANATION Of' THE NATURE COlftpuMt 8>'9ternl. lnG. t:OO o'alocli Lm_ of Uld day 1n'1t1e OF THE PAOCEEOINO AGAINST '•trtcll Murphy, room HI H ldt ror oond~cUng YOU. YOU SHOUl.·D CONTACT A !tftatdellt Trvet•'• SalM. within the offtoM ol LAWYER Thlt •t•lernent .... lllad w4th the RIAL ESTAl'E SECURITIES NOTICE .. ller9by!.lven lhel Flrll County Clel'll of Orenea County on SERVICE IOc:ated •I 2020 Horth Ch.,ttt F1nancl1I 0tpor1t1on,t! July t•. 1982. , ...... Br~ &Ille 208 In the City of Corl>Oflllon. u Truet• under I , Sanlt Ana County of Otange St•t• D •• d 0 I Tr u.. r. c 0 r d. d • • Publlahed Orang• COHI Dally of Catllornl• Rl!AL EST A TE ln1trument Numt>tr 3o47o 0; ~. Ju'1 21. 21. A\19 4, 1 !'...1!'? .. SECURITIES SERVICE. 1 c.11tomJe Januaty 27, 1878 In Book 1254 _._ c.otpo1ttlol M duly appe>Wrted True-Pege 318 of ()fflClal Rec:Ofdl In the .. t ... und., .. a nd p11raua111 a. UI• C~ 8te0td« ol ()(ange Count)'l powtr of aalt conlerr•d In that Calltornla. of wlltcn Deed of Trua oertlln Deed of Trust eaacuted by American Saving• t nd Loan FRANK J DURANTE •• marned AuoclatlOn la lhe Beneflcilf't. by man . .oo GARY R. YOUNG. 1 t1ng19 rMIOtl of deflUll In the peymeol or mwi recorded July 13 181t In pef1ormanoe of obhg111ont MCUted Boot( t3228 of Otflc191 A.corcta o1 thereby, and NoMce of 0.19Uh and uld Count)', at p1ge t 5 7 1, Benellclary'a llec:tlon lo Clute 10 !Ml RaoOfdet'• lnetNrMl'lt No. 182e5, by aokf trie property beloW dMcrlbed r-1 of 1 bf-=ti or defoult 1n h1vtng beer1 recorded M provided 'ICTITIOUI IUS .. H NAllllllTAn....,. Tiie tollowlng l*tonl are dOlng buli1'141N .. TNT (Teco• N Tequll•>. 3300 w Coaat Hwy .. N1wporl Stach, c.i11cxn11 92880 1 . Allrn Cerpor•tlOll, • ~1Jllorn11 corpor•llon, 3300 W CoHt Hwy .. Newport Beech. Callloml• 92880 Thlt ~ 18 conducted by • corpcx lllon I! Allyn Corporation Allyn Cano PrMldent P1tnw 'ubllthed Or11111• Co11t D•ll) P1tot. July 1. 14, 21, 211. 1982 2874-82 fltC11TlOUt .,... •• ..,._STATl•NT Tht tollowlno peraon la dolno bu"'-u: (Al Z 8A8E COMPUTIA SEA.'HC .E.I, f-8 ) Z 8A8l f>HOTOGAAPHY SERVICES, 18822 Slmotlne ~. Huntlnglon 8Mcll, CA92'47 "STEVEN C ZMUDA. 18822 llrllOMe ~. Huntlnglon e..ctl, CA 92847 T hit bull-II conducted by 11n lndlvldual. ,._ c. Zlnucl• Thill mternent -111ec1 w11h •hf County c.rti of OfMge County on June 25, lH2. P1t2Ma Publllhed Orange COHI Diii) P:tot July 7 14 21, 28 1982 2873-8~ Nil.JC NOTICE .~ -....,_ --~-----·~ ·- MUC MrfG --... .. MUC .m1'11 ~ -·NTmOU1., .. =• :S:MUC'° .. .:::_~ MiTIOUi.,,.... -· . ...._ .. -·-·-MOmtOUflU .. H ..__.lf&'fW ~°""""I petMn It fflllt IGJl'OP~=-=--,.:..-The :::'Ar~e OOitl9 ~~ ,_ttfl le fftftt llAITMNO'I MITAUAA"T, .. tM""" o1 ,_,. f)tlefauoN • ~-; OONST"UOTH)H OO.. ,A~~~f.?·..11.!··0 ~:,S~ =._ ""°" ~ ~:,',~,.°.: :::~! 2=:~T,'!f.":,'~'i 1101' 1 ... * 8Nd . "'*' ea ~ma 7A00.1-:7if 11 "0. I" T I 0 w A" 0 "•t•or llvd., 00111 M•••· 0.A '*' ~ 0.-...... QA'""· ,AIT-.AHO. HU t .. .,llnapllla ...... until"°'·"'· on~ 11, T°'" O«Pot•tlon. CellfONU. T'Nt..,..,.. ............ '¥ .. OrM. Lagune HlgUll. CA Ulff, 1MI, ......... \MM ~ w11 be 1107 f.. lalboa IMI , t.lboe. Ce IMMclUel. Thie~ Ii ooncluCWd by tn pvbllol~ o.-•n•d and , .. d for tlMI ~.,... lncll¥!cllHll , '*'°''""" wcwtt M4 TIM ~ la OOftdUo1ed by • TNa ........... w 11911 .. .,.. "°'1el1 L '•tnino '11rnllfl Ill laltot, 111at.,IM, taM'al 1*1Mf'INC> Co1.w11Y Cle!ll d °'9"9 CeulllY °" ~ ·~.:;;i:r~anoe ,..,CO:': !~,~c~~~'Hi.l~·~ l::ac:'~~,....,1 J41o/ tt, 1•. ~ Jvne 26, 1H2. ,,...,. "•mov• Hiiting dlahwHlllnt Thi• atatement wu llled wllh the '""''"*' ~ COMt Ody P11bllthad Or•na-Oout ~Ill mldllnat end floOda. tout of 11\'teen County Clerk of Ofange County on -... ..... "'1 -4 u , tM2 ,....., """")0, .Mf.,, , •. 2t, 01• tft.Ohlnu. ln•t•ll l\tw low June •• 1912 ,_ .. .-_,, ...... , • • .... • ~ Hl7 .. temp•ratvre dtahtfttchln•• end ""-• -~-------------c OOMIClt to •xletlnt """* ,.... Publllhtd Orang• COHI D•llY ....: .,-,a P\aJC fl>T1C[ atacrttlO. end llMnl U MllUll'Y~ PllOI. July 7, 14, 21, 28, tH2 ...,._... ---•t::: 00nMot MW IMClhinel 10 Miatlng 2972 .. 2 lllClmOUI. 111111 ,_,......,.,... ,,....,_ tt..._ ....i oounten •t vwtoua ..._.,.~ On AuauM •. IN2 at 10 a.m.. IOoatlOnt et ,lllMliw • ._ Ho9plt.i, rtaJC M)llC( Tiie IOllOWlftf C*ton It dOI~ IHIAMON/AMl"ICAH ISCAOW '" I GGOtdanoa with plan• and ~ •. COM,AHY, lorm8'1y !lnown H ..,.cltlo9tl0nt ttlatelof '1CTmOUI .,._.. AAOIX IOf'TWAM, * '* kulMm CltlM l!lorow COm1*IY Prtrtranoe wlll .,e attntad 10 ..,... STA.,...lfT Drive, .uoa, Co••• M•H, CA • Trwt•. or llooot .. Ot T~ or blddtra proptrly approved .. The IOllOW!n l*tonl .,. doing t2t21. lubatltlMd Truatee. of tNt 09l1Alin "lmell ~· In IMICOfdWIG9 bu.W-M OLI HN J081"H OLANDl", o..d of Truet ~by "°91."1 wlttl *'Ion , ... , et. MQ., Tit1e 2, D(LAHl!Y IAIH I DOO", 4t8 '"' °"""· **•Coate ..... M>CK, • mam.d "*' • hit 1C11e Oalllornla Admlnl•tr•Uv• Code. INC , 11100 Glll•ttt, lrvtne, CA CA ta.H •nd ••Peret• properly"' •nd ~forPl...,•-muetbe 82714 Thlt ~ ....... wlltl ttw teaordad May 22, .... ' .. ........, 10 the "'*' ~ WARMINGTON INTtRIO"' County Olatk of Orano' COUnlY on lnattumtlll no. 30207/ ln •booll Ollloe, 1123 _ 141h ltr•et. ANO Dl81GN, • C1 lllotnta J4llt 1t , 1t12. uou. P•G• .,,, 0 Olllolal IMr...mG, CA Nl14, "°' ... eor.,or•tlOn. 17100 Giiien .. !Mn9. ,.., .. "•oord• 01 Or•no• County, tll•n five (5) oalander dayt In CA 92114. Publlahed Orang• Cout Diiiy Calllornt~1 •nd puttuant to thel ..,__of* °'**1o ~Thie Thlt bullMM 11 conducted by • Piiot. July 21, 21. AUQ. 4, 1', tN2 certain Notloa Of Otla11ll and pretarano• eppllat :~Jeot• aorporatlOn 1231 .. 2 llectlon to 8tll ~ reoorded ....,_ ttw ~ • c;o9t WatmlnQton imerton • 1------------ Msctl 25. 1NZ • INtnlment no . ....-116 000 OMlgrl "8.IC M>llC( 12·102333, of of"*' "9corda of lld pt-. mvac 119 tubmltted Wm S. Kt ...... a.or. __ uld Covn1y , wlll und., •nd for Iha anllr• work d•totlb•d Tl'll8 etatement wu mecs with tht FICflTIOUI-• purtuan1 to Uld Died of Truat ... o..in. ~ "°"' p19na and County CWti of Ot.nge Couf'lty on .._...STA,,_.,. at publlo auetlOn lor OUh, tawflll ~--not be ooi •d•td Ju11y 18. 1M2 Tiie IOllOw!na peraon 11 doing money of th• Unlt•d 8tatet of ;;;;;iii; -fOf ~· of '~ ~ •: Amerio•. 11 Ille Horth lro nl Didi. TM~ llM ttie r1Qht klNOlll a~ F 0 UR IE AS 0 NS Wltr-to the oounty courthoule. to wlillle any~ In. bid' or """'9 MANUFACTURER, HI W9tl 18th 100 CMo Center Otlv9 Wwt, hnt• to,._. any or ill bldl. ._ ~ llM. Str .. t, Coe-. M•H. Calllornl• """ Cellfofftl&. a11 !Nt right, t11111 No bid w11 be cionatd9rad ..,.,._ 11 ,_ ,..., •• ,.. 9m1 "'4 ~'!.~:r:'o!:.t~T~ ~·-~ ,!~ ~~ !!,!~ ~ hedl. CA n9eO flNI O.C:O.W, 7802 ~ hek! VT " ..... ,_, ,_.__.VT -.._ • .._" ..... .. Publlthld Or1ng• COHI Dally onw. Huntington e..cll, c.111'°'"'8 In the property 11tu•led In H id made In tooordanoe with tll• Piiot. JutoJ 21. 28. Aug. 4, 11, 1982 92848 County tnd 8t•te deacttbad •: "lnltrUCltlON to 16ddttt" 400e-82 Thlt ~ It c:ondueted by .,, 1..0t 10 of Tr.ct 1112, In the dty of ,,__, ..... b6ddaf9 ~ f1111Mn1M lndtvldu9I Cott• M9M. • .,_ on • map tnd obtMn _. ~ tnd P\BJC MOTlCl Emil o.cotwr recotdtd In 8ook 00, P11Q81 32 to bid fofWll by~ at or melllnG • ___ ,.._.,. Thia 1t1tement wu ftltd wtth Ille 38 lrdullve ot M~ M11P9, requtet 10 the Offlot of the OhW of --.....,_. • County CWk of OtWlge County on In the offloe of the County Rtoordar Plant Op•r•tlon• •t tht abo¥e O* CAUPONaA June 28, 1982. of Mid 0r-. County. ~ 1...,._ numbet (714) couwn cw ~ F~1 Except therefrom all oll. gH 8117•5212 1't CtM C..... DwM .... Publlth•d Or.nae Cout Dally men.... tnd othat hydtocaC>one. A~ bond StancWd '°"" ..... ,._,CA trm Pilot, Junt 30. July 7. ''· 21, 1982 bt6oW • depttl of 500 l•t. wtthOut 807 In the amount i:if fifty pet<*lt of MA""IAOI 0, l'ITITIONIR: 2797-42 th• rlghl of •utfaff •nlry, at the oontrect jii'loe ,,._. -..-_,, ~I.. Ctom r....-..d In Instrument• of r-d. e1tery oontr•ot lnvolvlng •n "'''ONDIMT: AMTMOM'f I . PlllJC llOTIC( T~ atreet ~ of Mid proC*IY ~ 111 _of w 000 ceorn I• 1844 Feder•I Avenue, Co•t•, the aucceHhll bidder ~Ill be 9UWDM8 (FAllLY LAW) T·tmr MM&. Calttornl• 82827. reqult9d 10 eiceout• 1 oontr91ltur.i c-Mo. 01•tf1 NOT1Ct1 M N•m• •nd •ddr••• of th• •xr••m•nt In th• form of , NOTICal 'feu ""9 Ileen .ue& TWU8T111'8 IA&.a a men• or perform9f\ce or the by l•w. and mort then thr .. montht ~11T111111ona Hcur•d thereby, hiving •l•P•td •Ince aucll Including that breach ex defllult. rec<lfd•tlOn. wlll on Frldey. AUQUll Notice of wtllcll -~ April 13 1982, 9 15 AM 11 the front a 1082 u Recorder't lnaVUITlfnl tntrenoe to the OLD Orenge COunty N'o u : 122924. WILL SELL AT CourlhOuM IOCated on Santa Ana PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Blvd , b11w .. n Syc1more St & HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. 8r011dw1y. S11nt1. Ant. Ctlilorn11, lewful money of the United Stal•. NII 11 public 1uct1on to Ille hlgheet 1 caaNw'• d'9dt dr9Wl'I on ~ l>lddef lex CQto. peylblt II the time :.11 ex nellon91 bank a atata °' of ..,. in lawful money of Ille Uflllld led«ll Cl'tdll union, ~ • atilt °' S11tu, without conn1n1 or federal .. vtnge and IOWI utOClltlon werr•nty, •xpreued Ot Implied, u dOtNdled In thit •l•te 911 pey9ble al I O I I I I e p O s t t t I i O n O r the time of Nie. 911 ilgr.1, title and enc:umbtencet 111 right enCI int••• 1n ..... ....., by 11 .. TNM-. In c;onveytd lo Ind now held by II thel rMI property • .itmte In Mid under Mid OMO of Truet In and to co nt and scat• deec:rlt>ed u th• proptrty In lht Counly ot Thi• a11temanl WU n1ec1 with Ille County Clerll ol Otenge County on .Juty 2. 1982 ~ 9t wtlOM r~ the .. tandard AgreerMl'lt, 'orm 2" T1'e _. ...,~ ~:.C .. OU .. --~~!'T ·-.. HI• fa tielng conducted Clly wtllGh ltl9ll 11e binding upon the ~ ,_ -.. ._,. • ----.. ~!!!!°"1T8 .. .,...Tl..,J8 Federal 8 •vlng1 " Loan cto Statt ot Calllornl• only upon ,_ ,......i,.... IO..,._....,. MD"*~ DAl'D AUOU8T -.. She.,•on/Amerlc•n ExprtH 9PPl'CMll by the It$ ..._.............. .... H , 1 .. 1. UNLlll YOU TAK• f~ ' Or•nge 8 1•1• of Celllornl•. •• T No •204 dtacrlbed .. follow1t ,1.-:Z Publl1htd Or•no• CoHI D•lly Piiot July 7, 14, 21 28. 1982 ~2 Tiie lollowlng l*IOlll are doing Mortg9g41 COfp., 120l E. Hlanl9"CS In llCCOtdenoe with it19 provllionl II you v;tell to _. Ille .csvloe of ACTION TO ,ROTICT YOUR ~ u . Ave., s.,, Berntrdlno, C1tf10fnl• of Section ino of the Lebor Code, •n 1ttorney In thl• matter, you ~.lfllAY•ICM.DATA Ty p E. A.GR A pH Ix. 3 1 7 e 92404 Ille Oep911Tnenl hu .-19ltied etlOUlcl do IO promc>llY IO that VOi.ii ~ aAL& • YOU ...., ... Pullmtln. Suitt 114. Cotta MeM. Olfectk>M to ttw 9bcMt prop9tty that the 119f*"el ~ ,.,_ of reeporwe 0t ~.II tl'ff, "'.fff be ~T"* M Tia Mtwm c.lllornte 92828 may be obt•lned by requfflll\9 Wtlgll8 1S1picebie In the oounty In ftltd on lllM. El M TM1 MOCUD9IG ..,._T Jon Sh•rnborg & AHocl1tH .-1n 'tWltlng from the benef1c:WY wtllcll IN wotlt II to be dona .,1 Utted h9 lllcSo demendldo. YOU, YOU IHOUlO CONTACT A '1CT1TIOUI rn.. (Jon c. Sharnb~n•r). 4 within 10 IS•Y• from '"• llr•t lhOH r•IH Htabll•h•d •nd tr1bunlil puede decid6r contta Ud. LAWVU.. .. ...... ST'"-Arbotglen, llVlna, 92714 putllleatton of tNe nottoe. publlahed by th• Director or ~.10 ~30 ~ ~-On the ~ NI of AuQu91. -.......... Thlt bus!-.. conducted by.,., 8* ..... " m9de ~ lnCIUMr19f AIMtlonL COCll9I of "'9 ,_....,_ .......... ... ..,__.......... 1"2 ... \tie"°"' of 11:00 a.m . et The tOllOW'nQ penon9 •• doing lndMdu8I coven•nl w8'r1nty ... prtH or _..,. r.t• .,. on 1119 91 ttw Office lnlonneclon qua..,_ the Ith It,...~ of the,.. ~ M Jon C SNrnbotg lfne>lled, u to title, po11111lon or of the CNef of Pl9nl °'*'9\lont, SI U11td dtHI 1ollc11ar •I County~ local.cl •t 700 P 0 l I K 0 l S K Y • N E W l 1 N Thia etet-t wu flied with the .ncumbranota to .. tllly the unCMlid Fe!Mew Md 11 the ~ of cone.Jo de un 9boQ.00 WI MW CMc c:.ri. DrM Weat. f~ L04 ..... ract · " Pf' LOT 75 OF TRACT NO 7~. IN ~2a~C:S.!'.1=0~4:·=. THE CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH. • C ' COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF recordt of 01ange ounty. CALIFORNIA AS PER MAP C-::.':"'.~raet addrua or other RECORDED IN BOOK 314 PAG0ESF CONSTRUCTION. 2707 Auror• No County Cl«k of Orange County on ~ due on Iha note Ot not• D. y •I 0 pm. n I., s. r v I c •••• u n t 0 . d . b. r r. h. c ., I 0 known .. 700 w .. 1 8th StrMI, 1, s.n11 An.. c.llfOfnll 92704 June 28, 1982 MCUred by Mid Deed of Trvet. to '-Oqu.,..,.. office tmmeOietwnent•. de wtt ~ .nu.tees In the Qty of a.nt9 Ana. I I I h I 27 TO 38 INCLUSIVE common du gnat on o I • r•• MISCELLANEOUS MAPS. IN THE ~ llerein9bow ~II OFFICE OF THE COU NTY purported lo be. 1074 Ml .. lon RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY FOR John c. Pollkol•ky, 2230 F192JIO wit' $27.o&o.oo. s*lt the followlnCI Sit• lnapectlon wlll b• held w rfePU"I• o alegacton, .. Y County of Orana•. l1•t• ot Rutger a No C, Coll• Meu, Publlahed Or1nge CoHt D•lly H llmated cotll. txpenNI •nd W~. Augult 4. 1882, lO:OO 1lgun•, puede H r teglatr1d1 a C•tlfornl•, CONTINENT AL Calllornla 02827 Pl!Ot. June 30, Juty'7, 14, 21, 1082 adv1lnC9I •I the Ume of ttie lnltllil Lm llampo. AUXILIARY COMPANY,• C9llfomi9 Or~ •• ~d~~·g~-=~re by THE PURPOSE OF SATISFYING dlaclelmt all ll1blllty for any THE INDEBTNESS SECURED !-!J. lnc:nect,_ In Mid street llddr-SAID DEED OF TRUST INCLUOI~ Wlltl9tn L Hewtln, 2707 Auror• 211()()..82 pubiiQtJon ol tNa Hotic. of &ai.: Beginning at Plant OpetltlOM 1 TO THE RESPONDENT The eotPOtMlon. M TIURM under Deed No I, Senta Ana. C1111tom19 92704 ----P\BJC---..,-M----Hllmll•d lrullM'• fMt In Ille Offtoa petitioner hH llled • petition of TNlll -~ 21. 19'2 TNe ~ .. conduc1ed by • --...,.....~=~=-=:-:=:=:-::-::--emounl of $934.90. plul In--at FA I R v I E w IT AT E C(lj~mtoo 'fO'I' ~; ~·= ::s.:::cs ~~. ~Ir: THE FEES, CHARGES AND ()( otllet oornmon detlgnallOn EXPENSES OF THE TRUSTEE generel pet1nerlhip, llUaMN 17 75 perciant I* 9nfU'l't on the HOSPITAL to ·-• r~ -T· .. -John PollkOltlcy F1CTIT10U9 unp•ld b•l•n~ rrom 12·1·81 to Victor B..... th• date that 11111 1ummona I• tltl• u 18AA C DOUCHI, •n Seid aa1t wlll !Ml mede wt1h0ut Th• stre•I 1ddrHI or othe r warranty, expru• or lmplled, c:ommon detllgn8tlOl'I ol Ille~ regudlng tltle. poHHilon, or deeellbed P'ooertY 11 21 Montectlo 1ncumbranc••. to ••llely Ille Dr Newport Beech C•hlornl• Thia etettment -flied w11h the The .:::,:'~. doing ul• plua any adll•ncH lh• , CNlf of~ Oper.atonl -WO on "tOU. yeut def.ult rD9)' be ~ "*' and reootded on COunty C*1I of Orange County on bU9lnMI.. benertcl••Y h.,•und., .... , be Publllhed °'91'199 Cout D•lty .,....,., and••~.!'!:~.'\~...!..• c! Sec>WimbetNo "taet,2!; ::! ~3~ June H . 1182 HOTO ~ 0t obt!gated to pey If ,_... ~-.. 1 211. tte2 tudofnent oont--.,. n,..-w•• • • ....-,1tDf7 VIA LIDO OfolE HOUR p • .,.,, Md .,.,, acctued .... dlatgeia ,..._,, -T .. . . 324442 oth« order• concerning dMllOn of 229 of ()fftcttll Reootd9. County ol p1lnclpal blllanoe of the Nott ex 92825 · othflt oblloellon MCUl'od by Mkl Tha 1ol9l lll'llOUnt of the unp91d DMd of fru9t. with lnt•wt Md t>alence of Ille ot>llQetlOn MCUted othtr auma H provldld therein, by aald Dttd ol Trual end Publlahed Or•nge CoHt D•llY Sll41 Vl1 Udo, Newport BHch, YOU ARI! IN DEFAULT UHW A property, apouHI 1upporl, chlld Otanot. Celllomil. ~to__.. Piiot, June 30. July 7. 14, 21. 1982 Celtfoml• 92ee:I OEEO ~ TRUST DATED MAY 14, cultody. chlld aupporl, allornty .,., •~-In 1...or of Bat* of 2788-82 Simon Kuyw•n Chol. 2930 IMI UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTIOH __ ..,. IMftH '-· c:oett. Md 9'Jd'I other relief• Amertca N9t1on911 Truet-"' SaWlo• plua ~.:...~ ~· ~.:: rtuonably .. 11m111d coall. l•m• 1h9' ...... .., t-on lllperl,.. Ind ~ at IN time advlnCtt. Ind ... ~ T~· °'::3: of tht lnltl•I publlcatlon ol th• 9nd txpen8M .,. .. -·-·· . Nollc:e ol s. .. $248.• 12 55. Ille trvtlt etellttd by Mid Deed of Cunently d•ted c;Mlliet'• cfteellt Truet The 10111 amount ol aald or c ertll led checlt• wlll bl obllg1llon, lncldudl"ij reHon•bly llCC9Ptllble 10 the TN91• provided e•tlm•t•d leu. ch•rg•• •nd they .,. dr9Wl'I In flttOt of Flrll ·~ o1 the TrustM. at the time Charter Fln9nd9I c:orsi-eUon Md of lnltilll publlcatlon ot "*Notice,• •atltlac tory ldent1flc1llon I• 111.51' 32. 1valllble O.tea·AJWtEAL OeJ~~E • Deted July 8. 1982 FIRST OIARTER SECURITIES SERVICE, F I N A N C I A L a Collloml9 cxwporatlon_ CORPORA TIOfll. • TN9t•. u Trust• By: (SEAL) D J Morger. By W H. H.,dln Ila Praklenl II• Attorney in Feet 2020 North Broadway, Address of Trust• Suite 208, 'tSO North Pllm Street Santi Ane. CA 92706 F llefton Cllklomla 92635 T8'llpll00w. (714) 053-eelO T~ (714i 1171-3221 Put>ll1lled Or1nge Co11t Dilly Pubhshed Orengt Coast Delly PllOI, Juty 14. 2 t, 28, 1982 PllOI July 14 21 28 19'2 31e&-82 312!>-t2 DEATH llDTICIS . BRUBAKER BEATRICE (HASSARD) BRUBAKER. resident of Lo• A n g eles, Ca. Paned away on July 14, 1982. Shf: was a tacher for the put 5 yean prior to retirement. She \a survtved by her siaten Winifred Alexander a nd Carolyn Wahner of Newport B each, Ca . Graveside services were held o n ~y. July 20, 1982 at Harbor Lawn Memorial Park. Servtcea under the cllttction o f Harbor Lawn· M ount Olive Mortuary of Calta Mesa. s.40:5554, EVANS RACHEL DeVON EV ANS. resident of Sant.1 a;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;~.!;;;;;;;;;;;;~. Ana. c.a. P-..ed away on "· Neptune Society .... July 16, 1982. She i• QREMATIOH 6 78UAIAL43A1T ~ survived by her mother , 64 -J u d l th Ann Ev• n • . Our ltterature 1ell1 t'tie Graveside edvx-will be complete al ory o f our. held on Thwwt.y, July 22, toelety. • 1982 at 3:00PM at the .._ c.-... .,_ --• Harbor Lawn Memorial ,,._ • -1 Park with Rev. Jlln Hohlfeld ------------1 JoeQuon Offle, Bvrbenk, C.atornla TO PROTECT YOUR PAOPERTY. n ~ nllll"A ~be grll'lled by the court. The A111oc:l1Uon. • n•tlonal b9llkln9 91 ll11C( 8ISC:1 liwlng cnot. 2930 Jo9quln MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. MOncl "* TM18Tlr8 IAL.m garlehment of wagH. ••king of ..oc:le110n. :t,,.,_,otthe.,,...,, o.-tw. lurOri. C9lllornle 8160.& IF YOU NED AH EJ(PLAHATION , ....... ~ money or property, or other 0:: :O.'= ~ =--~ NOT1CC M TIWITU"S IALE Thll ~ ti conclueted by .,., OF T H E NA TUR E 0 F TH E ESCROW EHCOUNTEM. INC. • ll&lthottud proceedlngt may MMch 30, lte2 • .,,.,,_1 No. Ts No 2361 lndMdulll ,....... ~~aLDOIHOCONTA:tr~U~e~ou 11A"'1~~~~ ~ ... "! ~ieo F«> 2. 1ee2 a:Moe1T5 of Offldll ReOordl ot1 YOU ARE IN OE.FAULT UHOEfl A Simon Ku)"W9I\ """" """" ,..2 ---"' .,.,., LEE A. BRAHCtt. Uld er.,. County and mot9 Ulllrl DEE D OF TRUST DAT ED fl* 11e1-1 waa flltd with the 0.i.d June 2!· l.v WILL S LL AT PU8UC AUCTION Ci.rt! three rnontht ~· ..,_, 111'°9 FEBRUARY 13, 1981. UNLESS YOU County Ctertc of orenge County on .....__,,.,._ ..-TO THE HIGHEST BIOOER FOA 9y AoNtln OOdderCI ~ 1'9COfdadOll. ....... pyblc TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR .k#W u. 19&2. ---c... ..,_., CA&H ~et time of .... In Deputy • 9UCtlon to the llilghMt bMSder for ~. IT MAY BE 60lO AT 1" F19Zm __.. • ........ ~ le.tvi money of Iha Unl1*I 8at•I Publl•hed Or1ng1 Coul D•U) cMh or a CMflltt"a ct** dr.-i °" PUeLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AH Publllhed Or•ng• CoH I Dally ~ .. c~ •. .. ....... ... right. tlUe and ln*9t1 COtW9)'ed lf>ltot July 14 21, 21. Aug. 4, 1M2 • llM• Of Ml10NI.,.,., ...... or EXPlANATION Of'. THE HATU"E PlloC ~ 30, J411t 7 , 14, 21, 1982 ---.._... to wld now h.s by It under Uld ' ' 31ae-82 19def91 oradft unioft 0t a .... 0t OF THE PROOEEOIHG AGAINST ' 2799-82 ,._, V.-111-. o .. d of True! In the property teoer.i..W,.andlo•u•oc:Mlton YOU. YOU SHOULD CONT ACT A -12lt't L .......... ..... IWelnllft# dMCttbeO: .,._ ... Mf\ftl't A_._.._. .... _,_ ---·-.. ... ...._A '•CA llMIM TAUSTOR: GEOAGE E. EMA!a4 ~ nllll"A ....,._ ., .,.. -· _,._ LAWYER MlJC fl)1lC( n'UI) -.n11 _... LUPE ,..,R ......... ~-....... _ __. Urrw of ... In~ money ot the St•n·Sh•w Corpora tion. • "~ ..... ....... -' ,,.._.., .,.., MOncl OJ l.Jniled Stet.t of ~ wl1'lout C1llfornl1 corpor•llon H duly YOU AM• DU'AUl.T UMDUI A Id.• a., wtte T'MISTl.FI t.ALE -""" fl'-_,.,,.,,, ..,_ ., appointed Tru1tee undtr the OllD 0, TRUeT DATID Publlalled Orange COHI Dilly BE.HERCtARV: PAO CtiEH TEO U. .... ttOCIUW7-4 lfnC>lled ... to u., ~a lat or lollOwlnO detCfi'*1 OMd ol ttuai OCTomlt 11, tm · UMLIU YOU Pllo4, July 14• 21. 28. I082 and WHYE TZE TEO, hutb9tld tnd T.L ..._ 11~ encumbrancH, th• Int et H I WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCT'ION TAKI ACTtON TO llROTICT 29'!-82 ..... • IOlnl..,,.,..... HEAM Es F I HA H c I A L ~ to tnd now ....., by the TO THE HIGHEST BIDOER FOA YOUR llRO,IRTY, rT MAY 81 __ .,. llllftftN'. Reootdtd MllY 15. IMO• instr. CORPOAATION • outy 1ppol1t'eCI Mid t""1ea under lll6d Deed of CASH "' .. set forttl In SectlOn ICM.DAT A llUmJC 1ALL •YOU ~ ""'-. No. 17047 In bo011 13e09. P9 Tru1t•• under th• loll owing ~rull. In •nd 10 tlle rollowtng 2t24h of tne CM1 CocM .... right, MUD M ~W OJ TMI NOTICI OJ TllUeTlr8 1AU 1830 of OMclef Reootila In the ofb dMcr1bed deed of ttutt WILL SEU. dWlf10td property llltumled In the tltle enC1 lnterwt convey9d to Md MA""'9 OI THI Pf'OCllDllMO On AUOI* 11 19&? .t 10:00 Uft. of the A9cof'dtr of Or9t109 C-ty. AT PU8LIC AUCTION TO THE County of o ,.n9e, St1t• of now held by 1t under Mid Deed~ AQAIMtT YOU,,":._" •MOULD SllHnon/A~•rlu" E•e,r,:: Mid .., ol "'* dMo1llea IN HIGHEST 81DDER FOR CASH CeltomNI. 10 ..._ Trust In Ille property ll«Wl9ft• COWTACT A LA &crow eomp.ny fonM11y foiooMflt pi'operly'. ~ et tlrM of ... In ~ itARCEL 1 detcribed MOT1CeTOI..&. ,.,.,......,-.-tAL.a 11 Southern ClllH tao row ~portion~.!:!"~'-: moMY of Ille United 8t•tM) .,, ' 1 • t 1 mp I• t 11 I• to TRUSTOR --Company• TnmM. or 11-Ho. _,., • P9t --rlgflC. tll:le Md..,.._.~ to condominium 11nlt no 188 (th• Robert Capron ThornH •nd NOTICE 18 HERl8V GNIH, 1'* T~ or~ T,,.._, ot 8oo11 11, Peo-42 Of....,...._. Md nowtleld Cly ti Uftdilr tlecf Oeld "unit"), u ah own upon tht Pall'IC:l9 Mot<-lhOm&I. Trvet-°" W.........,,, ~ •. 11112. • ttwl _,.-OMd o1 Trwt __,.. .....,.. In ttw offtoe of ltw County ot Trwt In die~,_ • ..,_ condominium pl•n (e ntltl•d under O.CW•tlon ol Tn.tat cseted 8:00 o'dodl Lii'\. ot Mkl •.In tlw 11y .._,_, Al•..oorl Md,.__ ".corder or Or•na• Covnty. o..atMct: "oondomlnlurn p11n tor IOt I of tr.ct Augutl 11, 1980 rOOM .. , H id• lot COfldllCtlllO I(. ,,.,...,;. huabend .,., ..... C•llfa<nla, dellcribed .. foflowll: T" u 8 T 0 " . J A .. E s F . no. 10587"). count)' of Or•~·· BENEFICIARY Tl'UltM'• Sal9a. wltt*' .,. ontcee end -dad Auaual 24 1111 • P8tHI 2 .. •hown on • m•p AREHIDOA, •nd MA"ITA I. ., ... or C9Jlla<nl• (the "pllll '), Tha Slmon-Ellranft ld Group, of REAL ESTATE SECURITIES lnitrllmenl no. 2tl70.' In book ~In llodl 18. P9glil 10 Md AAENSDOAI'. l'lutMld 9"d...,.. recorded on July 12. lt78, •• lncorpor11ed, I C•lllornlt SE.A\'tCE. IOOMed • 2020 NofUI 141t2 P•O• IOI or Olllol•I 11 of l'.-oal ....... In IN ollc9 of BEHE,ICIAAY: ME"CURY docum•nt no. tHIO, In book corporation,•• eg•nt lo• lfoedwlll'.""'920e.lnttw~of Recori:st of Or•n'o• County, the County Recorder ol H id 8AVIH08 AHO LO AN 19228. P•OH 78 throvgh 115. undltCIONd ptlnctp91a "nown U 8enta Ana. County of Orano9. lheta c.ttlomltl Md pvr-t to 11191 Col#llY. ASSOCIATION, • C1lllornl• lnalu9t' .. of ofllcMI reoardl of MIO SEG-122, pura11•nt to Lo•n of C•lllornla, 8AH MA"INO oert•ln Nottoe of D•fault •nd YOO ARE IN OEfAUU UNOEAA OOfPOfllllon. er.,. County, whldl p19n pen.in. Petlkllp1tlon Agr .. m4N'tl dated 8 A VI HG 8 AND l 0 AN u.ctlofl 10 ... ~ ,_.., DdD CW TRUST DATE> A""l 23. A9oot69d Apfl 2, 1871 • lnatf. to ttwt property dlMatbtd In 1r9CI FebNWY to. tNI ASSOCIATION, • C•lllornl• """' • 1M2. -"'*'-' no. lllO UHLES8 YOU TAKE ACTION No. 24a In boC* Mt4. p199157 of no. to617, -ded In book 449. RecOtded Febn1rf 24. 1981 • corpo,.uon, u duly •ppolnted U •1ttMt1 In tMIC* ~ TO PAOTECT YOU!i' ~.IT Of9lcMI "9cord9 1n ttie offtoa of the P90M 5 trvOUQtl e ot ........,_. tn'1r No 28278 In boOll 13968, T~ ~-~~f-,_.. lntoth .. •t of Offtc11111 •"9oordl of ' : ~YYOUM~AATHA~~ Aecorder of 0r-. County. Mid mapa, recotdl of Hid Or•nge Pt9f 185A of Officl9I Records In the Pv~ ..., _,.. ~· ... -Ill _._. ••do ptHllU ... I 10 "" ........., ......-""""""'"'" deed of truet deecrlb•• the r-~ty. offlc9 of IN Rec«det of Or-. 09f19ln Deed of T,_ llUICIMd by ~ .. ,U;;;T,,.;i' ... • ,.*9o ewol6otl O F T H E H A T U R E 0 ' T H E folowlrlg property: PAACE.L 2: County, Mid deed of lruel OMctlbM •• STEPHEN PELLETIER and tor OMf\. lillWM f'llOftllY of !fie u.tct PAOCEEDIHO AOAIH&'T YOU. YOU LOt 617 of 1''9Ct No. 1712. .. An Uf'dMdtd .006$0 percent the lollowing prooeny: CYNTHIA E. PEU.ETIEA. hu9beftd ...._ of ""*'°"' at !fie Nor1f1 IHOVLD CONTACT A LAWYP. p., map recorded In Book 50. ~In and to the COl'IWllO" - Lot 17 ol TrKt No. 21198, In Ille and wlft, recorded OCtOO. S1, f 0 1 tntrenca 10 Ill• county Tiie ~ ebo"9 dMOf1btd doea P•a•• 32 to 38 lnol111lv• of •.,__MCI daftl'9d on ttw plen; City ol Coat• MH•. Count,. of 1910 tn 8oolt 13815 of Offlclel ~. 700 CMc o.r. OrM not ll•v• • atr••t •ddt•H or ml-'!•-• map•, reoord• of Ei1cept •II oll, e•• •nd Orenge. St••• of Calttornl•. M per Aecofcta of Mid County, et Peot W• ~Ana. c.llbNa. 11 thlll oomrnon dM19netlon. ot...ctlon• OrtnOt Oounty, CellfOml9. hydlooertlon .,....._ "*-"' • map recorded In 8oo1c 170. P9g91 t34 t. Reoorder't lnttrurnent Ho. rtaM.' ttae Md ..,._ ~to ......... IO~ trl9 ~ IMY '(av.,. rn °"*"'under I deed cMiptt1 of 600 Milt Crom IN .-flioe 20 to 24 lndullve of ~ 4884, by -ot • br...:11 °' and ,_Mid by• WldS _, o... •......., by aullmlnMll • wrtl'8ft of Wit dll*' Apt! I, lt11 wnte11 of.-.._, wtttt no TtgM of_..,. M9PI, In .,.. Office of the County d919'111t In~ or .,.torwwa of Trwl In.,.~ •-.d 1n Nqllllll wttNn ten CS. tram thl you tua action 10 pr01ec:1 your •ntry •l>Ov• 500 fMI from th• Rec:otdw o1 Mid county. of the obllOdOlll...,,., theNlby, .-s County and ltata dleorlbed • tlrll publlOellon of thll nottoe to 1t1e ~.ti mey 119 IOld et• pul>llc -190e of lll6d land,• --S by EXCEPT THEREFROM all oil, gu. lndudlno ht breed! Ot ..... l..ol 111'1 of Treot tna. .. ltloM1 benaflct•ty, WhOH n•m• •nd ... , ")'Oii,... 9" ~ °' ~ J. c.gn.y. en UMW'lttd mlneral• •nd othflr hydroc•rbon Hotloe of wNoh.,... reoordect APfl °" • -rtOOrdad an boot! IO add,... la: Ceco E.qulty, 17220 thenetunofthe~..,._ INtn, In the deed r-dtd In boC* tubeltnOM 1y1nf t>etow • cMipttl of e 1"2 .. Aaconler't .,.,..,_... .. _ •1 I f Htwhope, l ull• 114, Founl•ln lhould oontllOt a OMO 8SI of ofltdel ,_.. 500 ,... trom the_._ o1 Mid N·o. 12:11t1M. WIU SELL AT r,.~~: M 1"0r':c:,,~~:. Valley. CalltOfnl• A1tenll011: C•I you,/02o MontoVll A-. · PARC~ properly. but with no rlolll or PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Or•no• County 98!i11ornl•. Tiie Woff. Meaa. CA An exclvllV• right end eurt-""''Y· .. r~ In deed HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH ........ ~ Or ocrier OOlllmOl'I "Ctt ........ ~ or common "(II •• ,, •• t tddr•n or .,..._. to --"" balit:lony -officiating. Services under .----------...._ the direction o f Harbor r -, Lawn-Mount Olive ,_Cl l&OfHBS f C M recotded In Deed• ol RKord lewtUI rnOfl9Y of 1tw unlttd StAltM • .....,llltkln of .-s ~ 2010 o..tgn•tlOn i. lt!Own .t>ove. no common deelgnetlon I• ahown ,~ 8-IM °" ttw pllfl • MAYBEALSOKHOWN AS 30e3 Of. c:eehlat'• cf'9Clll c1r-.. °". ~A...,..CO.. ..... CA w•rr•nty I• glv•n .. t~. Ill 9bo\le,no wwnntyll~•.?O"' belnoapput1"'8ftlto ttwunft Ctiprl LW, Co8ta ....... CA ... Of nattonel '**· • atatia or t2t27 oompleltel-Of correotW). OC>lllCllet•-or ooneot-). PAACE.l 4• al •OADWAT Mortuary o Oita eaa. MOaTUAllT M0-55M. t 10 Broadway BUME Costa Mesa ADA MARIE HUME, 642-9150 resident of Yucca Valley, C... IA&.Tl IHGUOM SMITH & nrnttU. wtSTCUff CHANl 417 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 Paned away on July 19, 1982 In Palm Sprlnel. C... She WM a former t.eechlr In thtt Huntin1ton Beach Elementary SChool Dl.ttrlc:t. She l• 1urvtved by her hU1band Jamee Hume of Yucca Valley. Ca., dauahten Betty H~WestmINter, c.a .. and Tomlha of Huntinf10n ac:h, C.., • "(II• 11reet lddr-or oomrnon ..,.,.. credit union. 0t • .._ ol Ham• and addrH• or th• n. bel .. llOlery un01r Mid Deed 'rh• bene11011ry under Hid An .~olualv• right and dealgn•tlon 11 ahown •bove. no *'8rtl .. vtnoa Md IC*\ woolelton beneftelwy .c ~ ~ Iha ol Truet, by rtiMOn d • ~~ Deed or Truat. by rtuon of • _. to -tN ...-in..- w • r rant y I• g I 11 • n • • to It• CSomldled In 0. Ital•. 911 Pl!Wllbtl at _. 11 belno ~ ~ dlfallft In Ula ~ -bfMOll or dtf8Ult In the Ollllgiltlonl ~ on ttw p1en • pwillno COfnC)let-or correc:1,_)," the time of ..,.., 11 r1gh(. due-"' ,..........,.. ~ Mot'OaOt Corp., ttwnlby, IWWtofor9 U....S Md H Curtd thereby. h tr1torore ICleo8 no. f'S.W. · The beMftdlWY under Uld Deed ""'*'-' hekl by It,• T~ '"\uo1 t . Highland Av• .. tan dallvered to th• undwllgned • executed •nd dellv•~ to tit. n. ~or~~ of Trust. by r-1 of a t>r-=tl or thet NII propeny tltUeW In Mid t9amatdlno CA t1* Dfreatlont JO wtltttn Dec:IW9110f1 of Oltf9Ull Md undenlgned • written Oeclaratton dtllgnetlon. 11 any, of the raat def1111t In Ille obllg9tlonl MCUttd County and Stal•, ct..orlt>ed aa 011 abov'• propti ty mey II• Oernand fOf a.le, MCI wrttMll notloe of o.ttuft Md OerNlnd tor Sale. ~F dHorlb•d 1bova I• thtret>y. heretofore execuWCS Ind loloM: btalned b reqvettlng ..me In al braedl and al t'9011on 10 eel* tnd -"""' nottoe of brMOh Wwl of 10 be: toO 8dlOll flWa delivered to the underalgn9d • Lot 1 of Trect No 8838. • I* :..n.ino .,or: the btlillldefy wttl*' the und•t~d to Hit H id ~ to ce.1M Iha ~llgotd U O.=lieedl. CA eatla : wrttten DedaHtlOn o1 o.tllUlt Wwl m.p recorded 1n 9ook 210. ~a 10 ..__ ,,._ the11rwl pubbtlOlt al PftlP9ttY to Mid obl\)&111 ~ ro Mii Mid~ 10 attWy ..,-tht u-T"'911te dlldalllie OIM9l'td IOf a.. Md wrlt1W1 noffce to t al ~ :J;. tM tNa ~ encl tllet .. nar h• und.,•~~ 01>1tg1t1on1. and th•r••llat th• any~ tl'f1 ln0011eot11 ... ot of bre90h and of electlOn to~ Ofllce of IM County of Said ..-wtll be mede ~ cellMd Mid ncM1oa al bNedl~-= und9'elgntct ~ Mid nottoa of th• addrtH or other oommon the undenlgned lo u ll Uld Mid County, ~t « ~ eaqlffW « ...,_,., to '-reoordect r9WO-T bruch and of •ltotlon to be delllal~.:Jd llllowft ~ property IO ~llfy .. obllg9llON. Th• 11r .. 1 •ddrH• or oth•r lmpled .. 10 ttllll p. I "I « M. '*· .. in.. NO. t:l.ot47a In ~ """ 12. INZ ... lnelr. lf... Pf'GPaf1Y,. no 1nd lh.,Hlt•• tlle undar•tgned oommon dM19n11lon or Ille rMI anournbr.nc. to~ tM unp9c1 bcM* of Mid Offtellll "9oordl. Ho. 12·11'7H of ••Id Olflclel .. ,... Md,... 0t otMf OOINllOft ceuatct Mid notlOe al bf99Cl'l 9nd al ptoptr1Y ~ dMOf1btd II ~ due Oft Iha ,.,._ Ot "'°"' eald HI• wtll be mde, but Reootda. dflllOI~ ._...•to llOW to 11eetl0n to be Reootded April 1, llUl1)0ntd to bee 1141 Port Cel'IOW MCIUtN l:ly_Mtd OM of TNI(. to wltllout 0011anent or warr•nty, 8lilcl ... • be iMCle. Dul looet• tvoll prOJ>!!'Y 1Hy •• 1N2 •in.tr. No. 82·112310, of Pleet. N9wpOt1 -..cti, c.llfOrnll. .-: .. , 919-00 '*".,.. to11owtng __..... Ot lmfled, ~ tltlt. wllhovt aov•nant or w•rr•nty, obtalnedtrolllttla~W!Mr Mid Oftlolal Reocwd9. Tiie undaralen•d h•r•by •lllHte. ~. ••pen-and p lllli. or ~ 'IO __..... 0t ~. NOMl"a 1ftle. Hid O.ed ol Trwtt, et wltoM S•ld HI• •Ill b• m•d•, but dlaotalm• •11 ll•blllly for •ny ~ 81 ._Ur... of .. lntlllll f19' .. ta:••111~~= llJll 1100, ot ~to ,..,.tlha-.tato1MI0011auc .. 11, without covenant or warranty. ~In Mid"'-'~ p1lblloM'On o1 thla Ho-. o1 '* .... ,....a} ......CS by --.,_ the ~•IO ,,...... Nft al == to a WflUll\r f~ll .. t ..,,._ or tmpliecl reprdltlQ title, or ao. ocmmol\ ~ ............. ••tlm•t•d ""'' .. ffft In tll• TNM, • "*'*" •"'" ~ tM nat9(•) .-.ct by Mid 0tect of -"'*' *' da)'I "'°" ._ poMWIOfl, Of enoumbr-. to 8e6c1 M1e Wiii be mede ..,.._, lfNMlt of 11 f7e.11. 1*11 .,_.,. ~· ~ tiff, ..,_ Trwt. wflli ....,._. M In Mid nota t1r« p~ ct tN1 --. to ' JI I ' I 1 .... CIMOnas IMITMS' MOITUA&T 6V Main St. .._,ntington Beech 536-6539 brother Bert Du1dale of V l ctorvill•, Ca., ~ 1randcblldren, 1 1roat· aranmcm. Funeral eervt.c. will be held on Thunday, July 22. 1982 at 10:30AM at the Wlefela & Son ~l. Yuoca Valley, Ca. Bw1al WU1 be at 3:30PM on Tbwtday, July 22. 1082 at w~ Memorlal Park , Wettminlt.er, Ca. Wlefu &s Son Monu.ry Yuo:a Valley dlreaton. (7U) BM-2301. P"1 the remainino PflnOlpel tutn of warr•nty, ••Pr•H or ln1plltd. • 1e.11 ,.,oMt,. annulft on ..... ..,,,. oe M6d Deed « TNlt. pnwldlld • ........, • •1 l.ftter evofl lenettoletY at t~ fotW.· tlla note(I) atCUf«I by lll6d OMd of t419erdlnt title. po ... atlon, or vnpald ptlnolp•I hlano• ftOlll ._, ._...Md --::.:S""' N ..,,. ot Mid OM or Trwt. lnl ~ aAMC Oii MllNOA • Trull, 'lfl1h '"*"" M In Mid nott anov111•r•noe1, to •atlaly tll• 1.1.a '° Mia. '*" ~ !fie TNltae arid al tM tNala by .... 01111r9M Md ........ Of ""' !"ATIOHAL fMl8'T NfO MVINCM provided, .... ,....:.. lldvof ~ MY1 UT~I. Pflndpel belenOe Of .. Ne*~ b•n•flolary t1•r•11nd•t 111•1 M ..... o.111 Of TMt. 8fld '?'-1~ ': ,,,.... .,.. ot tM tMtt ~ ~ A I • 0 c I A t I 0 M • I. 0 A .. -• ,. I ,-- MOILBY WAYNE MOSLEY, a rt!ISdmt of Santa Ana, Ca. Paued away on Jilly 11, Ul82. He Jeav. to tW'VI~ • Jear fNnd Warne Bcnw of Santa Ana, Ca. Prlvat• f\men1 ....nc-.... held undtr the dincdon of &Its .... w. lmlih • 1\nh1l) N.-utl Cha~ Mom.wy •mt. -' ... , ... ~.::.==: = .. r::=..! _;-::._ ~ otlllCIMlorl .-.ct~ -llllflOl'tlad ot .......... to PIW• I ... Oft~•~'"·..... MldOtectotTrwt.lllcttlle•-AOJVITMINT Dl'A .. TtHNT .. _ .,.., .....--"' .... OM of TNat, ""91 .....,.... Md tiff Md_,, IOONell........... t:OO p..M. • .. CNiOllWI "'*"" Mid "'~. ~ 11. ,_ 14*'1 "'°"'°' O.N ..:r10N. Trull• o1 ttw trw'1I or..-i by other evt11t u ll'cMded tller9'n, y()u AM 11 OWAUlT UN01R A entranoe to ltl• O!Ylo Center •t 1:00 ,,M. et tlle Ch•g;.:: 4t aouTH HUOION AVINUI, Mid o..d ofTrute. '*" ---., If ..,., vnd9r .. OllD Oii TMllT ~TID AUGUIT aulldlne, aoo I Ht Ctlepman A..,. tti*WIOa 10 ttle °"* PAMDINA. CA&Jf!ONM tH01. 9ald M1e w111 be held on ~ W'"8 ...,_and .,...,_. Oft adl i1 1H 1 UNLll~ YOU TA.Kl A~~. In Ille City ol Oran1141. lulldln~. HO laat Cllapmanh-.,...... ot .:.:re ~::'nt '~·r~a~:: ~·ii.f11~i: ==:..:: J:: -1:." .. oi:J: =:~ =~ .::¥: ~ ""'• ot '"• 1111t1 •1 "'~ '":'::: ~.<>;::t-.. r.:-1 ~O.: : n::'!.. .,...= Corporation, 2Sl6 I 11th 8t., .. ~ Ot..-cl by Mid OM of l'U9UC tM.I. W 't'OU AH Pl llf I fl t ol lllla ........ ~ pAtl •1n Gf tNI flOloa. ..... ...,..,; ........... tit ... ...... lanl• Ana. CA '2711 Trwt. TM total MIOVnt of Mid ~JIOH °' '"' NATUM -"' .. ~ ..... "' ......... ot .. ""*" ..... °' ..... a11 If ........... ....-.. fll9 tot.i MIOUl'lt al tht unP86d oblteetlon lnolucMno tenon•* THa '9\0ClmW. AeAIMIT o-MtPm _..., IW ""' ebOW a••a•n ......., l¥ ..,. -... ...., o.i ot TNll. ....._. ..._ .,.._ ot Iha ~"°" atc11tecl Httmetad fHt, c1t•ttH •ncl y · 't'OU '"°""'° OOHT~ A dH0tl•ed ll••d ot ttutt •n• dH•ri••d d••cl ot trutt 1nd •""'" .,._ .. ..,..... et UM by H id p rope rty to b• •old , ...,...al .. T"""9;1C""' .... 1.Aw1Ynl ....................... Mel ... t""4M ...-., ~ _. ~ • ., ......... .... IOQO!NrMlt\im..l ..... ofWOla. of.,...,.__..., .... ..__, .. OAT1D:-7 ,_ ..... 111100 ... DO. W. edHfllff II ttt,llt: ... Te ~ .... ._ ..... - andWllioMedooatl....-..-: tM.aa10. ,.._ .:--:-ieimuoi11-.... -~,...,,To J ':.;~..,';r~ :-""~ f 1 •-.. ~-~.., t-..r•. aovenooa,aotlMdlM.....,, ~,o •a..-... .... y-_....., 1 .. ,_ oe1nt•••' ... ...., ,,,... ~--S203.HUt. ... •• ..._~~ 0..~~· OATID .._ T_......._ ... ,.._. o.«~t,IM2 LOM _a _,.,..~c:.. IC. \ Hl"==-MI INANOtAL...,~aalll l ..... ~rlON ~·.mt:w:w~c :::~·· ...... T.-...--co.::. ooJ.~IMIMTAL ·~·~~ a Uld TMtte ~IC• nliCiiiQii ; ..... A. lfOWI\ tJ: T,0. ..WU CO.. , :.!t CIOl#Ntt, , ..... Mlilliii ~ -~~~w . a. i ~Ff' A ~~'"=-r......... -\ -~----~~ .. ,.,"1 DtlhM ............ 11 -UE· ... .. ......... CA =::~~!: ---~--... ~ --->. ----,, --r;;;;;;;.':-• a.ma Ana, Ctlltomla HlrW ...... (11~ ... 1111 ..-.:_! 14) ~ ~ ~ &: .. ly; lkUMlt c... ~ ,._ .Allt 14, at, a ,.._, Nit _, a Al.II 4, ,.. "'°'• .-, 1"i .,; II. ,_ ....... _ "'°" .w, 1t " ,_. ... '!!!'..-....., _.._ .. ,, \ I '~ '"'' II r,1.~•1642-'ll' ,,_ ---""" .,. °'** f'ubll.:!d ':.!.:'c.. OelY ~ ~ !::::-~ m.~ CIWI iliW ... 11 T f : E -- ,uttllafled .,,._ COMt OtiW 1tel ' ' .,.,... • ,_ _,..._ , Noc. J4iof 14, 21. 21. tM1 *'"81 11f?..U d ~ -~ -"' ,_ -' I L ,~ i"-• • ' • I I ·~ .... -~ ....__ -. · .. . · . . . ~ . It DAVID k\JTZMANN ' or .. ....,,......., · State Ben. John G. 8chmlt1 . and h1I family mllntainld ltric:'t a1ence ioday u a new whirlwind 'This is a family matter,' son says -of controwny enaulfed them 1n the aftermath of court bearlnp and dlrlom.&r11 detJinc with the Q'*ltlon of whether he II the lather of two youna children who1e mother la a Tuatln resldent. On Tueeday, the curta1na were · drawn -1lCl vislton were met by a family member outside the door of Schmitz' SpyaJ,ua Hill home in Newport Beach. Though the . senator waa reported to be inside, be didn't iaue any atatements or respond to inqulrlp. -A hearing in Orange County Juvenile Court la ICheduled for Aug. 6 on injuries one of the infants suffered while in the care of the mother. According to Orange County Superior Court Judp Willlam Murray, the court documents atate that Sclunlta la th• father of the 13-month-old baby boy and Carla Stuckle la the mother. That child la in county C'Ultody. - The 'l'u1tln woman cla.lmed th.I.a mominl that Schmitz WU the father of both her infant children, one of whom 11 a two- week-old baby llrl. _ In another development, Tustin police lnvestf&at.on aaid th.I.a mominl that they would possibly complete their probe of the injuries to the 13-month-old child today. The baby. required corrective surgery to hia penis at Childrena Hospltal of Orange County lut week after docton dlacovered that a strand of hair had been wound Uahtly around the orpn. Newport BelCh lawmaker, aid caUltJlc .nou. injury. late 'l'\....say the family believed Accordlna to Tu1tln Polle~ the c:aee wu J private ~tier Md C a pt . Wood y W ll ll a m • , would not comment dn it. lnvutl1atou planned to ''Ou.r strona CONeNUa1 fee~ lnt.ervtevl the •W'IJfJOI\ today to la tl\at dUa II a family matter, "We're engaged in a sorting out process within t.he family." determine if the child'• injuriee were the reeult of at>u.e, neglect or an accident. "There'• quite a few queatiom we still have to uk." WW.lama aatd t.tUa momlnc· He aaid police inve1tlgatora interviewed the mother Tueeday at her home ln Tuatin. John Patrick Schmitz, 27, the eldest eon of the controveraial Schmitz, a Stanford law achoo! ~~te, said outalde the family In1ide, he aald, were hia parents and the couple'• other chUdnm. "We're enaaaed ln a 80ttlnl out procem -wlthln the family," thlaon said. "We alre lnveatlgatlng every thtna In the broadest Annexation endorsed S. Lagunans urged to introduce· proposal By STEVE TRIPOU or111eo.-,,......,. A propoeal to annex a second chunk of South Lat1~ was endoned by Laguna Q ty Council members Tue9day, but they stopped short of lnltiating the move themaelves. · U that proposal and another annexation bid already pending are approved, all of South i...,una except the gated Three Arch Bay community would become part of the city. The lour council members praent all aid they favor the idea but feel that Sctuth ~ ahould introduce the annexation before the Local • ~ Formation Commlalion. wllich-decides A1Ch matten. ao that it would not appear that the ctiy .... initUaUng • land grab. Oty officials already have u.id that they expect no f.lnandal gain from su ch a move -new revenues collected from South Laguna would be •pent to provide services for the area, they aay. The city would ~aln control over South Laguna • plannlng future, espedally the future of Pacific Coast Highway. City officiala fear the highway will be widened outside the city limlts, cauaing traffic problems in Laguna Beach that mJ&ht force a widening inside the city allo. The council made Its decllim after a pande of i..,una Bead\ and South-Laguna r'eldden1a gave their views. Supporters, claimina backing for the move frOln • many u 70 percent of the area'•~ voten, said the annexation 11 proper because ~ Beach and South La1una •hare "a community of lntere1ta" in . planning for development, aervices, 8Choola. lifestyles and other areas. 1 ~ome auppor ters alao said annexation w o uld brine declaion-making for the area cloeer tO home in Laguna Beach City Hall, inatead of in the county aeet at Santa Ana. They &a1d c:ountywide deciaion-making uaually auJ>porta the interests of inland residents. Opponents argued most South Lagunana oppme annexation and vowed to ralae the required ~cm. from 20 perwnt of the voters ln the affected area to force a vote on the w,ue. One Lquna Beach resident aid he oppo.ed the annexation becaUle he wants to "keep our dty • vi)Jqe " Couno•I membera, while bedd.n8 away ban lnltiaUJll the (See ANNEX, Pase AJ> .................. LEAVING LAGUNA - Helen Keeley, long-time member and past prelident of the FestlV1ll of Art.a board. 11 moving to the ata1e of Wahington. Saddleback cutbacks bit 250 classes Consuniers rally Helen Keeley quits post witlJf es ti val •• to-r-eta1n -agency-:-.. By PATRICK J . KENNEDY -«IMl)ellJNotlWI Officlala of Saddleback Community College District, with campuses in Irvine and Miaion Viejo, plan to eliminate 2~0 "self-help" and recreation ~next fall because of at.ate funding cuts to community colleges. Hardest hit are phyaical education counes such as jogging and yoga that are b eing eliminated. Claaaes in aome other e.lective courses, such aa home economics and needlecraft. are being reduced, s aid colle ge of ficia.ls. Elimination of the claaaea will cut $700,000 in state funding, hued on the number of students that attend the college, 9Chool offidala aid. The reductions alao will mean the college will rehire fewer partrtime teachen next fat( but school otflciah aay the total bun't beeri determined. The California Colleges Board of Govemon urged cuts in aelf- h~ l p couraea laat week ao community collegee could reduce expenditures to comply with reduced atate fundlna for 1982--83. (See FUNDING, Pas• At) NATION By FREDERJcg SCBOEMERL o<t11e0..,"9C ..... Conaumer rights advocates are hoping they can preaure the Orange County Board of Supervison into retaining the county's Cons umer Affairs Offic:e. Leading the effort Ls Devid Horowitz, host of television's ''Fi ht Back'' prosram. ;.forowitz said the office has been one of the most 1UCCe81ful of its type in the country. So angry WU Horowitz with t he board's action that he returned to Supervisor Bruce Nestande an April re90lution in which he wu oommended for his conaumer advocacy. Nestande was among county aupervilon who approved the raolution. Horowitz, how~, kept the frame. He said he has left the empty frame on his office wall aa a reminder of the board's action to dJsband the consumer affatra Pf'Oll'am. Horowitz la urging anyone who has been allisted by the office to attend a Thursday morning hearing at which supervisors will conalder the phaae--out. The office wu orde r e d diabanded 1.ut Friday in a 3 to 2 vctte in wnach ::Supervlaora Educators low ac.bieren? A ''disturblna'' study ha.a found that education teems to attract ibe lower ranka of collele ltUdenta, and that thole who plan to make the profellion a career are below-avenae academic achJevera. Page A9. SPORTS ... - SEEKS WITNESSES -TV host David Horowitz ia· heading campaign to ret4in Orange County Consumer Al.fairs OffJce. Nestande, Harriett Wieder and Ro£er Stanton supported closure of the office.. COUNTY Helen Keeley, a 14·year' member of the Festival of Arts board and a former vke mayor of Laguna Beech, has resigned from the ntne-.member feetival panel to move to a aeulde home in the state of Washington. John Rayment., manager of the Laguna Beach branch of the Bank of America WU appointed to fill out her unexpared term, which enda in November, 1983. Mn. Keeley moved to Lacuna Beach in 1956 after •pending many 1ummen in the Art Colony. She WU elected to the City Council in 1962 and served a term aa vice mayoc. A year followina her term on the council. the civic activist WU appobat.ed to the Orange County Grand Jury. She was a member of the environmental-minded Save Salt Creek Committee ln 1968 whlcb wu later reepomible for opening that La1una Ni1uel be.ch to the public. Besides her 14 yea.rs on the fettival board, Mn. Keeley WU prealdent of the Festival . Ceordlnatinl Council of Laaum Be.ch; member of the Cou,lty Health Servlcea or1anizatlon; member of the Lquna Beach (-8ee DELEY, P• Al) I Huclc Finn Hrmti.JJ6ton style Flahb)g ii kid atuf.f at the Huntinp>n Beech Pier on the 31st annual Huck l'lnn-Beclcy Thatcher O.y. Pap Bl. . Blood donors decrease told A nationwide and countyWtde ..Jbortace of donor blood Ml been attributed to lllJMW!I', reoemon and ,advanced medical technoloa. Pap Ae. BUSINESS Accord1na to Judp Murray, the elder "Schmitz called him F~lday and told him the 13-month-old child in the cuatody of the court wu hll. "Let ~be frank with you, I am the child'• father.'' the judge quoted Schmitz u telllna him. Murray decided at a hea.rtna Monday that the 13-month-oia infant would remain in the Albert Sitton Home in Oranito pend1nc the Au,. 6 heaJina. The county'• social services de~t had filed a petition (Sff SENATOR, Pase A!) *** ..., ....... SILEN1 -State Sen. Jo Schmitz ian't talking abo* reports that he fathered twp children out of wedlock. ' ' • . Foes, friends express dismay By JEFF ADLER or111eo.-,,......,. TtM.e who worked with and aupported atate Sen. John Schmitz and thOle who oppoeed the Newport Beach Republican registered their dismay today over report• that S chmitz apparently fathered two llleaitimate children during a nine-year extra·marital affair. Orange County Republican Party Chairwoman Lola Lundbef'I, who aid ahe bu been friend• with John and Mary Schmitz for more than 1~ years, aald she ~ abocked and felt badly" for the family. Mra. Lundberc said ahe tried repeatedly Tue9day to call the Scblllits bouaehold. but waa unable to pt throuah-"l WU going to iell them I was e«ry and that I hope they can work this out,." she said. 'nie oounty'• top GOP official added that ahe wu concerned the whole incident will be another blow to the poor public image politldans alre.ady have with the public. Although Mrs. Lundberg said she does not envision the GOP central committee taking any action on the matt.er, it is a blow to the party. ''It baa to be a blow to the party. You can't rnlly divide one from another when a party standard bearer Is lnvolYed, .. lhe said. Mn. Lundberg added that the strin& of allegationa probably will mean the end ol Schmltz' political career. "I'm only gue91lnc,'' I.he aaid. ''But I canaat envtalon him survivlne th.I.a i9 any kind of political career." . ~ Longtirpe Schmitz auppo..,. and campelgn oontributor Ca4 (See DISMAY, Pqe A!) 'J New; oil to leave 0.-, ............. RESIGNS -Laguna Beach Planning Commjssloner Raymond Newton has resigned from the ftve-member panel a year ahon. of.hia...four-.nar term. INDEX Raymond Newton haa . from the city'• Plannln• Comrnluion a year before bit term exptrea, citing "a lack <i enthuslum" for the job. ' The 37-year-old lifelon1 Lagunan a nn o unced hi.f resignation, which la effective immediately, In a abort, tw~ ~h note to Mayor Sal.lg The note stated, in .-n, "I appreciate the opportunity t6 have terved the city. and I~ ~tl*~ Newton aid he believes be "gotten a little •tale, .. ad "perhaps it•1 time for a new (on the <XJmJni81ion.)" -e "It ta.kee a certain ~ ~ reel dedication and interest~ wade throuCh acme of the (city) document1:• Newto continued. "lt'1timefor800te0il!i elle to c:onfront the pniblem~ When uked lf the new, liberal makeup _of the~lt. Cound1 had anythln& to do wi h1I dedaor\ to nlllp., N (Sec NEWTO~. P ... ~ · I . I ij 1l .. ~ ,.... emphaUc In tMSr aµp,POrt for annexation. They '*Ml~• ~ by ScM.IU\ ~ realdenta to lnltlat• the attnexatlon probably:--~ould ~Local~ rorm.U<m ~ memben more thM if~ BMch olfJdall did 1t. fl SoUth lAcunana w01 baw to collect tl1nature1 from five ~t ot the ~ vot.en l . • in tht affteMd U'M plUI I .1,000 fil1na fM to lnlU.te the act.Ion befoft LAJ'C. The clty'1 flrat annexation pro= wOUld ~the~ ot th ~ frun DUmond Drive to ~·. Creek into the muotclpal fold . The new annex.a•~ woWd add the r.t of ~ t*1ept Tbree ArCb &ey. FUNDING CUTS • • • MOTHER -Carla Stuclde of Tuatln, shown leaving Orange County fluperlor Court, reportedly la the mother of two young children by Sen. John SchmiU. The atate Le1ttlature'1 recent.ly_ =~d . b_ud1•t cut about f30 in ftmdinl foe the at.ate'• 70 community coUeae d.l.IU1eW. Some of the rec:rution and self-help couraea have been csttidJed by varioul leplaton .. frivoloua. . William Schreiber, official 1pe1kellnan ~ the college., aakl '?uesday that some of the fonnerly tuiUon-free couraes that are being eliminated may be dffered next fall on a fee buis. "lt's really chaotic around here because we only have a week to tally up the list of classes being eliminated and what that will mean in reduced average daily attendance figures (used to formulate state fundine)." Schreiber said. 1'Thole ~ th.at we do offer on a fee bMll won't be dirt ~P becau.te the teee will have to at leut pay for the teecber'a M1ary and Wit of facilJdea.'' Schreiber said. Cluo1 scheduled to be eliminated include, bicycling, martial arts, Jan dancing, exerclae danclnf,\.~P danctna, belly danctq, •W'f1DC, ...wn,. weight control, archery, badminton, airplane pUOt pound training and travel-atudy prosrama. Available •If-help~ that are being reduced include ·cooking, h~ •wing, ltalned glass work, recreational music and art gallery appreciat.lon, Schreiber said. He said Saddleblck wasn't hit as hard as neighboring Coaat Community College District. .From Page A 1 SENATOR. • • alleg1na that the child WU beiD8 kept in an unfit home after the baby required the corrective aurgery at Childrena Holpltal of Oranae County 1aat week. *** From Page A1 DISMAY. • • KEELEY LEAVING ... Karcher, president of C.l'a Jr. Restauranta, Mid the revelations "were a great disappointment to me and to all of u.s. ·'That'• all t can aay." Karcher Mid he wu shocked when he first read the allept.ions in th• newspaper. "It was 110methina I never thou&ht of," he aaid. Chamber Music Board, aerv1ng as president of that organlz.ation for two yeara. She was also a member of the Disneyland Community Service Awards Conunittee ln 1977-78; helped establish the Free Clinic in Laguna Beach and hilped secure county services and mental health offices in Laguna Beach. She served aa president of the Fdtival of Arts board two years qo. London-born Rayment, who will be 49 next month. came to the United States ln 1958. He worked for the Bank of Arqerica. in Hollywood, Glendale and Los Angeles. He waa appointed vice president and manager of the Laguna Beach branch in 1973 and manager of Laguna Beach branches last year. Rayment ls a member and past eremdent of the Laguna Beach Rotary Club; board member and past president of the. South Coe.st Medical Center Founda.tion and vice president of the Laguna Beach School of Art. He added that he baa always been vtty supportive of Schmitz and hopea everyone keeps "Schmitz in our prayers." On the other hand, Schmitz' most vocal opponent, feminist attorney Glotia Allred , commented, "I'm waiting for Senator Schmitz to blame thia on Lhe Jewa. the feminista and the lesbian community ..... She added that the incident demonstrates that "demagogues of the right profeas one type of morality and practice another." NEWTON RESIGNS ... Ma. Allred1 handling a divorce action ln Hawaii, al*> Mid she WU not aurprUed to learn of the allegations made involving Schmitz.. declined comment. "l believe~ one of the Ot.y U>undl is honest and in~ent.. and that's always been the C83e," he said. ''There would be DO purpoee -.rved by critidzinC the coundL ''. Newton, wb~ew up in Laguna and atten echool in town, haa a law practice on Forest Aven\,le. He served tru-e. )'eAn of a four-year term, whlch expirett next July. , Coufal high near eo, Inland .rnld-90L CoMt• low 82. lnlal'd -1. w...,11. ~lgflt~-­ l)IOhl a nd mornlno houtt 1;M1eOm1nQ ~ 10 to 11 lmola 1fl a,.._ TWo to 3-foot,...., .....,.., One to 2-f~ ~ ..... Mo9tly eunny. Meanwhile, the City Council will interview prospective applicants Aug. 3, for the remainder of Newton'• tenn. Interested re1ldenta ahould submit a letter or re.ume to Cty Clerk v~ RoWnaer. no later dwr l)IJOO~~y 30. She said she thought Schmitz ouah t to resign from office. CommltlioJtera hold re1uU.r public meetinaa two tline1 a month and Mt compemated ln the amount of $40 per ~tl'­ Study aeaalona are held on alternate week Bomb hurts 15 PARIS (IJ>) -A bomb in a traab can explod•d near a crowded sldewalk Cale ill Paria., Injuring 15 people, three of them serlowlfy, police reported. HolV hOt is It? .. .. t2 70 17 .. 11 n 11 It t .tO • Tr • • .ta t3 .. t2 11 .03 t3 12 .. .. 71 It 1M 17 71 7S ,65 71 47 ti M t2 11 71 • • 71 t1 11 a 14 .. .. 71 11 ::: .... IO 10 m 11 .. IO II .21 101 72 tt 11 ... .. .... 74 12 1.ea N 11 .. 11 N IO 17 ....... n n ·• • 72 .. • . 12 11 .. '°' N .. 71 .. 70 .. . rr n • II 11 .. t1 71 t.oe .act 14 t1 71 1.Cll u •• 12 n .11 ti IO .01 .. 74 .. t7 ts T1 t.~ 14 .. M 109 ... 78 to .13 82 .. 71 .. 1.14 tl 72 10 " .. 97 64 to 71 .. 12 t7 73 64 64 .. 73 t2 13 .12 t2 75 113 74 ... 7e ... 87 11 7t 53 .03 te 70 101 71 N 80 c~ IM k-..cl tCM 11 ..,.,.. 110 IEurtlle 13 52 ,.,.., 100 .. ~-.llll ~ ••1 ~ 97 MOntlr"1 12 ........ 110 ~ 11 M ............ tot 11 "9dtlll9 .... ~Qty 70 6S l90!.,.teo IO 11 11 •• .. 70 .. 12 Tr If n " 109 t2 103 ft loo :! 1' 117 94 u 103 IO ta• Extended weather IT '2 . tt n 13 '2 .. II BEU\UT, Lebanon (AP) - lmellje~ fl.tw mock a«ackl on prrilla-held west Btltut today ahortly after hundreds of Moalem demonatratora defied warnln1 burata of PLO rnac~IUJl fire and marched to within ranee of laraell tanks to demand an end to the flabttng. No bcmbl were dropped by the jeta1 and the demonatraton and the turbaned aheika who led them from moequea dlaperaed Trash fee aid eyed in Laguna Laguna Beach property owners will be paying 22 percent more for trash pickup beginning Oct. 12, but the City Council wants to explore means of lessening the financial load on res.ldents -and trash collectors. Council members aaked city officials Tuesday to explore means of separating newsprint, bottles and cans from residential trash. The purpose, other than environmental, would be to cut down on the tonnage collected by SCA Services of Orange County, which has the traah collection contract with the dty. County 1upervison lmpoeed a $7 per ton dump fee on u.ers of county landf W areas earlier this month, prompting the city to seek increases from residential customers. N a result, the council rai8ed 1e trash collection rate that appean on property tax bills from $4.46 per month to $!).77. Next ye.ar, when the dump fee will be in effect for a tu11 year, the operating CXl8ta will require an addJUonal 6.6 percent.. Cty. Manager Ken Frank warned. But if a means ia found to separate out recyclable Items, couodl members araued, the dump fee, based on tonnage, should go down. Should the additional 6 .6 J)ercent increase be approved next year, Laguna Beach property owners will be paying nearly double what they were charged foe tnlah 1ervice in 1978. Woman gets $12,500 in 'choke' case A Laguna Beech woman who became unconadoua after an officer placed a restraJ.runc hold on her neck. haa been awarded $12.~ by the Cty Council in an oui-of-<XJW'l •tt.lement. Council members. agreed Tuaday to pey Vilma Wllllama, of Lasuna Beech. to avokl the expeme of. a full trial. The incident occurred more than two yeart aao in the booki.n1 area of the Lasuna ee.ch Jall when Police Chief Nell Purcell aaid the woman "arrived in an intoxicated c:ondltim,., to bail her 800 Out of. jail. She wu aubeequently ane.tect at the front CIOWlter for 8lJeaecl dnmkennea pHeefully after 1ta1ln1 the 40-mlnute proteu at the Parliament bulldtn1, just 200 yuda from lsrvll tankl deploftd at the ''Green L.1.M" that divfdet Beirut lnto Moelem and Chriatian halves. The IaraeU newspaper Maariv quoted Prim• Minister Menachem Be1in at saying Yaaaer Arafat'• besieged Palestine Liberatio n Oraanlzation "won't be able to hold out" in weat Beirut. "They have to leave Beirut to the last man in aome wav or another," he aald. SUICIDE -Dave Garroway. 69, lhe original host of NBC11 "Today" show, shot and killed himself 1n his Swarthmore, Pa., home today. No other details were available. Canyon channel work under way Constructlon haa begun on a $3.3 milllon flood control channel in Laguna Canyon. but county offidaia •Y there ahould be few delaya for motorists during the project. John A. Artukovtch and Sons of Loe Anples are constructing a reinforced concrete box on about 3,000 lineal feet adjacent to Laauna Canyon Road. The 10 by 14-foot wide channel will run from the Big Bend area of the canyon road to the General Telephone Company property. Paul Gilbert, eenior engineer for the county project, said the contractor will maintain two travel lanes during il'X>lt of the construction. He said there wW be short periods, when equipment and supplies are being brought ln, that lanes might be cloeed. "By mid-August, moton.ta will see excavation work begin and some heavy constructton ," Gilbert said. The project is expected td be completed by Christmas. L8guna' s seniors plan activities The Senior Citizens Cub of Lqu.na Beach hu planned ac:tfvlties in August involving creative writing, Spanish, c:iance--exerciae, adventures in muaic ...-na current boo k reviews. Abo, on Aug. 20, at 2 p.m., at the South Cout Theater, the movie "Camille" starring Greta Garbo and Robert Taylor i9 echeduled free of charae to 1enior dtiz.ens. It's ~ by Lquna Federal On August 6, at 1 p.m., the • ''Recognizing Bunko and Fraud Schemea" ls the topic of a pr'OIJ'8Jll Tuetday at 2 p.m. in san Juan CaC"'°. An investigator the Oran1e County Sheriff'• Department wtll present information on how to • The Laauna Beach Panhellenic Aaaociatlon, a univel"llty aorortty arou~. will meet Aua. 4 at the Three ·Arch Bay clubhouae for a Senior Citizens Club 1a offerinl a community sing at the Senior Community Center. Sarall lterr and pianist Bob Porter will lead thl! group in singing popular songs from the past. Lyrics will be flashed on a screen. Refreshments will be served, said a club official. Further information on these and other programs. including an arthritic workshop and tax and insurance a1111tance, l9 available at 497-2441 . recognlz.e and protect younelf from bunko artist.a and their sauna. The meeting which is oper. to the public will be held at Home Federal Saving and Loan Auoctatlon, 31972 Camino Capistrano. coffee at 10:30 a.m. Hosie.es will be Evelya I.al.anne, IAcWe Mone and Jane Coale)'. For information, call 661-8983 . Our Best Beach Chair 2 Day Sale Thursday & Fri: Only, July 22 & 23 NOW·$27.88 Grten atl1pe or aolld '*"9 ootot 1" ~ duty Mlmlnum frame w1tt1 Nlnfotwd tront ieo twf!OM outdoor flnllhed hardwood arms All tetwto .-OOMtructlon inaura 'under tht knM comfort' • Corrotion l"eeitt8"t .., plei.d ~ ~ BLUE AND WHITE MESH STRIPE ON SALE AT $29.81 ~ Te Suppty Oft HeM) I ~ j I I 'This is a family matter,' son says Judae William Murray, ~ COW1 docwnentl 11.ate that Sc:hm1ta ii the father of the 1S-month.old beby boy and Carla 8tudcle la the mother. That child ll in county custody. _ The 'l'uatin woman claimed thJa morning that Sclunitl WU the father of both her lhfant children. one of whom 1a a two- week-old baby girl. _ In another development, Tuatin pelice tnvestigaton said W. moml.ng that they would JX*ibly complete their probe of the in.Ju!tes to the 13-month-old chua t'.O&y. r- The baby required corrective aurgery to hia _penia at Childrena Hospital of Ora.nae County lut week after doctors diacovered that a strand of hair had been Irvine council takes up center •· design issue By GLENN SCOTI' o<t1te 0.-, Not ..... Irvine City Council members are stepping lnto the review ptocess for a new City Center design aooner than expected to clarify nagging questions about its location and layout. 'nte council was not scheduled to officially review designs for the propoeed community meeting place until late September, after other volunteer and advisory groupe CQlllpleted their work. · Instead, they'll diacu.aa the maner at their Aug. 10 meeting. Mayor Larry Agran and Cou.nd1ma.n David Silla met with City Manager William Woollett Jr. Monday and decided to revi9e the achedule becaUle of ooncem over key questions, Woollett Mid today. Accordlna 'o orlalnal ICbeduJea. the neXt review of the df!lllp WM-tlO be by combined transportation, planning and community eervices commilliona on Sept. 2. An architectural team led by David Klages Al8odates of ea.ta Mesa was to preaent a conceptual design for the center at that time. However, with tK>me diacuaion continuing this week on the most appropriate site for t})e center - and important questions still unresolved about ways of integrating governmental buildings with private commercial and residential structures -the pre-emption was instituted. Aldrich Jr. to diBC1.L98 poaibilities of moving the location of the center aero. Campus Drive from the university. Aldrich said he requested the conference after reading published accounts that some dtY deciaion .maker.a atill were interested tn locating the center near the campus. The center tentatively haa been planned to be developed on 25 acre11 80Uth of Jeffrey Road between stUl-~o-be-extended ~ and Alt.on parkways. Tbe t..dllty would include a new City Hall and police department, beadquanen for local school and water dJstricta, and performing arts, child care and eenior citizens centen. Deslgnera have toyed with ways of incorporatin1 private bualnenes, offices and even hl1h-denaity housin1 into the center. Aldrich, interviewed after speaking with SW. and Agran. said university offidals 1-ve been interested in seeing a dvic center built aero. from the campus in the University Town Center planning area since the city was incorporated a decade ago. The arrangement, he said, could make the neighborhood the focal point of the city. City officials also speculate that the Qty Center's ~roximity might help the university in its attempts to build a new events complex and even a hospital or (See CENTER, Page .U) wO\.lnd U,htly vound the o.rpn, Newport Beach lawmaker, Mid cauaJna terioua lnJw:y. late '1\Mllday the family believed Accordina to Tu1tin Pollce the Calf wu a private matter N\d Capt. Woody W 1.1Uam1, would not comment on it. lnveatl1atora planned to ''Our•trona~ f~~ interview the aw-aeon today to 1a that thia ii a fAmlly matter, "We're ens.aged in a sorting out process within tbe I amily." determine lf the child'• injuriel were the result of abu.e, neglect or an accident. "'There's quite a few questlon.s we lttll have U> .., .. Wllliaml said thil momtna. He aald police inveatigatora interviewed the mother Tuesday at her home ln Tuatln. John Patrick Schmitz, 27, the elde-.t eon of the controverllal Schmitz. a Stanford law IChool r:.te· said out.aide the famlly In1ide, be.·••id, were his parent. and the couple's other children. "We're enaaB~ in a aorttna out proce91 -within the family," the son said. "We are investigating everything in the broadest Aocordtna to Judge Murray, the elder "'Schmlt:& called hlm Friday arid told. him the 13-month-old child ln the custody of the court WU hil. "Let me be frank with you, I am the child'• father," the judge quoted Schmits u telling him.- Murray decided at a hearing Monday that the 13-month,.ald infant would remain ln the Albert Sitton Home in Orange pendtna the Aue. 6 hearing. "es I ~~~~~~~~~~~~- PROPERTY ON THE BLOCK -Bicycles and car radios were the moet popular items and 0.-, ........... .., .,, AMllf-. youngsters were the most enthusiastic bidders at Irvine police auction. Irvine auction nets $3,000 Police push bicycle licensing after 50. bikes sold BY SANDIE JOY o< ... .,.., .... ...., Lota of !:f.PY kids are riding new bikes y and Irvine'• city coffera are about $3,000 richer but one policeman said be wished people would be more careful about their two-wbeelen. Irvine Police Sgt. Bob Kredel expreaed that thought following a 3 ~ -hoW' public auction of f<>Ull4 or unclaimed property at the police station. . About 60 bikes wer~ sold, many to people who'd had theirs stolen. One woman said all three of her children'• bicycles had been stolen. "If they had their bicycles Hcenaed in the first place," Kredel said, ''we could return more of them. I wish we could get all of thil property returned to the riahtful owners." (a beat-up, small boya' model) to $93 (a nearly new, shiny black beech cruiaer) with moat going for $40 to $60. Kredel, who said he likee to run a kids' auction, limit~d bidding on several bikes to children 10 and under. Setlenne Garibay , the 5-year-old aon of Mr. and Mn. Art Garibay of Irvine, waa the excited and happy top bidder on the bike of his choice. After opening bids at $1, he bought his tint two-wheeler for $5. Said Woollett: "I want to make sure before we run anything through the. commissions that it's something the council wants." & tn the design of an animal shelter lut spring. the ooundl is responsible for making final decislons on the center's design and location. The shelter decision was made under turbulent and diviaive conditions after last- m l nut e chan1ea w~re ~. Irvine eyes boost in hotel bed tax • The .erpant, who estimated police return two out of every three bikes stolen in Irvine, conducted the auction Saturday from atop a table in the depar1ment'a ~lot before 100 ~l'90N. During bidding, Kredel advised the crowd they could re1later their bicycle• for $3 before leavlnl the auction. Many people don't regfater bibs or ~t identifying marb on their property, the eerpant said, and some don't even follow up after they .. ve been robbed by cbeckina recovered property at the police department. Kredel said the prices paid for bikes at the Saturday auction were "pretty high." A few yea.n ago, he uid, most of the bikes IJOld for 50 cents or a dollar. "Sometimea they aiet carried away," he said, "and I have to restrict btdden to keep them from paytni too much.'' "Maybe rm eensitlve to the animal care inue." remarked Woollett. "But I don't think anyone wants to 80 through that apln." '1be decision to 80 straight to the council was made on the same day that Agran and Silla met with UCI Cbancellol" Daniel . NATION Irvine city officials are comidering measures that would raise hotel bed taxes from 6 to 8 percent and create a new 10 percent entertainment tax. The aty Council will hold a public hearing at Tueaday's 7:30 p.m . meeting to con1ider the moves. The council will be under the gun to decide whether to uk Educators low acbievers? A "disturbing'' study baa foWMI that education Mem1 to atvact the lower ranka of college m.adenta. and that thoee 'who plan to make the profession a ·career are below-averap acadenllc achievers. Page A9. SPORTS voters on Nov. 2 to ratify tueh tax lncreaaes. Deadline for pladng measures on the ballot ii Aug. 6. Tuesday'• i. the laat regularly-acheduled council meeting prior to that deadline. The two t.ax1!S generally are geared to capture revenue from people viaiq the city rather than thoee who live there. The (See HOTEL. Pase Al) COUNTY Proceeds lrom sale of items ran1lng from hubcap• and gardenln1 tools to caaaette players and bicyclea 80 into the ci~~fund. which were the moat popular auction item, 11e>ld for $1 -Huck Finn Huntla6fon style.: Ftahing la kid stuff a.t the Hun~ Beach Pier on the 31st annual Huck.FtM-BeckY Tba~ Day. Page Bl. Blood donors decrease told A nationwide and countywtde mortaee of doncJI' blood haa been attributed to aunmer. ~ and .~vanced medkal technoJoo. Pap A8. BUSINESS Second moat popular auction items were AM/FM car ca.ett.e players and radlQI which llOld for '4 to •16. Juet plain AM car radiol went for a quarter. One man boucbt three. Another eteel' bidder bouaht six aetl of hu.bcap1, promptina Kredel to aak: "What do YO\l do with them, lir? Sail ttle9e acrcm (See BIKES, Pa1e A!) INDEX 0.-, ............ SILENT -State Sen. Johll Schmitz isn't talking abo'-' reports that he fathered twb children out of wedlock. l Senator arouses dismay .J By JEFF ADLER Of IM 0.-,.... ..... ; His most vocal opponent ~ for his reslgn.ation from the .. Senate; Santa Ana College, where he teaches, may oond\.fd an informal review of hil atatua as an instructor; and h1a polltidal boosten are expremng dllmay\ The reaction to Tuesday'• r.eport that state Sen. Jolin I Schmitz. the ftery eomel'Vatl\le Republican from Qirona del ~ •. fathered two tlle1lt1mate children during a nine-year extra-marital affair and that one of the chlld.ren may NYe been sexually abUsed hM ~ the pualon of nurly everc:,1 connected with John md Schmitt. Feminist attorney Glor Allred, who bu sparred wi9' Schmits op numerous ~ said lbe • "Wattinl foC !] to blame this on the Te femlnhh ·and lesbJa oommu:~· ' She. -On-Sdunits t& h1I Senate aeat and said ahe is not surpri8ed "by demagqiues of J ' right who profem one type morality and practice another.• On the other hand, Schmi clocest Senate colleague, Se : H.L. Rl.chard8on, R-Arcadia, saJid the dU.CIOllUre WU "like a kick .. the stomach. Thia sure proves taM fallibility of all of us,I Richardaon said. ~· Santa Ana College Presiden~,. William Wenrich, said the coll ' board of directors could take informal lo<.k at the allegations m the near future. Schmitz h8 been teaching political Kie~ and logic COW'9e9 at the 8Cbool tot a number of years. J Wenrich aaid if Schmii. ultimately were convictedj child abuse bit teachi credentials would be revoki "But it doem't sound lib ' going that way. "I don't know if fathering illegltlmate child ta consld~ moral turpitude under tbj education code, we would need legal opinion on that." be addei 'Moral turpitude is ~. f'I firing a teacher under atate la Both Orange Count Republican Party Cha1rw Loi• Lundber1 and politic ClODlultant William Butcher, w ran Schmitz' 1ooceldul una ata Senate came.a11.,, a1ree (See DISMAY, P .. • Al) • J I j Consumers fight for agency ['fl'lfll ~ Horow~H 11 urifli* •one Horowlta Mid be ''co\&Wn't lhodl ind ....Uy betrayed" by Ora•.-._ edYoc9• 41'1 wti) hill ~ ......a Jij the , btU.W" tl\at Mn. W'leder' who ·the NiN'• don . ~ they ,_ PNll&&re tl.e oUlc• to auend a Thunday laat year voted to kHp th• H.-~ too 11 Mldna Oraa1• Couaty Board f morntn1 h~~Jllln1 a\ldwhlchh con1um•r aU1lr1 oUlc• open I*'•• helDed ~ °"·P.c:o.nm to 8upervllort lftto Nt.ainlftl th4t 1upervt~n ...,~ COM tr t a turned ~lntt the '22&,000 attand iM l:JO a.m. hMl'lnl· =.•1'• Connuner A'tlaln ~oftto• wu ordered ~~the Californla The conaumer •f{•in office t..dina the .Uon la Davi4l ~ lut ~yin. 8 to 2 eon':mer Affalr• AaoclAtlon :::.0::::1U:J9l2a;,a:-~~ Horowua. bolt of t i. llJ , vote in whlch S~p-•rvl1ora Mid OCNWl>ll' rjpw advocate. Huntlncton Jteech, Placentia and "rfa.h& ._.,. ,...,:. V OD t N......S., Harriett Meder and feel "pre~ mucti in a 1tata ot x..,un. N&IUel Horowtta IMd the otftot Ml aa.t 8Wltclft IUppoNd cJmun been one Of the rooet "M)CWful of the offJct. Su~ Thcmu of ltl type lri u,. country. -Riley and Ralph Clark oppolld So...., Wll Horowtta wtth th• action. the boerd'• aotton that he \J'nder board rulet, • motion returned io Supervllor Bruce for reconelderaUon may only bt Self~help courses Ntslande an April ...,iudon in ma by one ot the ttir.. who t • whk:hhew11eommend«tforhll v the lnfdal mouon to OU ID :umer advocacy. N•tanda . ~~~uftder the moti Sad·dlehack who~~t;t::,,.i/Wri pre11ure to move for ~.!~1£.K~UN'NEDY Horowtts. however ke t ·th reconaideraUon, Wll viewed•• OfUclala of Saddleback $EJ!!U WJTNB88E8 -TY. hoat David Horowjtl 11 ~ campaip to retain 01·an1e County Conaumer Af faln Ottk:e. ffaine, He aatd be .,.U iftt th! comumer rl1ht.1 advocate two Community Colle1e Dlttrlct, en\J>ty frame on hJa office wall u years ·~ when •h• fou1ht wltb campuae1 ln Irvine and a reminder of the boud'1 action ap1nst • Ol'tl to ellminate Item MJllion Vlejo, plan to ellminate to d1tband the conaumer atfaln pridna at aupennarketl. 2~0 "self-help' and recreation ~· cluees next fall becau.e of ltate fundlna cut• to community Continued stories DISMAY • • • Schmitz' political career could be over. ~ "I'm only guessing," Mra. Lundberg said. "But l cannot envtaion his surviving th.ls 1n any kind of pollt.lcal career." Butcher added that Schmitz' longtime "affiliation with family i'ssuea would make it e~y difficult foe him tb continue in politics." ·However, Brad Evans, until rece.ntly a top Schmitz aide, aaid he doesn't believe the diaclOBure will adversely affect the senator'• political career in the long run. .. My basic reaction ia increaaed admi.rat.lon1 for him," Evans said from bia 8acramento home. "He wasn't bypocriUcaL He did have the child baptized, be did have god~ta and be acted • • &oocl Catholic. .. ~ mc>ck and d1lmaY OWlr the..... ol ,U.tkma. JancUme Sduaft& mppolW and campal1n contributor Cal'l Karcher, .Jlftl6clent of Carl'• Jr. Bettaurantt, Mid readlna the account ln tha newspaper w. ••a greet diaa~t:ment to me and to all of u.. Hl1 lnftlal reaction to the dl .. Josure Wll "lboele_" Karcher said, "and I 1ue11 I'm 1tn1 abocked." Karcher added that he hopes everyone ''bepl Schmitz in oUr prayers." Mn. Lundberg, who Mid ahe ha1 been frlenda with the Schmitzes for the put 1~ yeen. l81d ahe "wu lhocked and felt badly" for the family. HOTEL BED TAX ... bed tax, offiaaily known 81 a tran1ient occupancy tax.l. la tacked onto a hotel gueet's bw. The entertainment tax would be.. cha.reed to ticket buyen only at live, profeaaional performances, most likely only at Irvine Meadows performa.ncea. Thus. a peraon who pe)'9 •14 for a ticket would be charged en eitra $1.40 in tax. The increased bed tax la expected to raise an extra $6 million over 6ve ye.en. if teveral new hot.ell are completed and opened as .. heduled. The entertainment tax would rai9e about $M(),000 a year, hued on 50 perfOC'ManCel a teMOll at the emphitbeattt, offidala •Y. Reven\le from both eourcea would '° lnt.o the city'• pneral fund. Currently alons the Orange c.out. Lacuna Beach hat an 8 pen:ent bed tax. Moat Other cities are 1tW at 6 pen:ent. Newport ~ voten narrowl7 rejected • propoul f!l Junt to ra1-their tax from 6 to 8 percerit. Thete two tax lncreUes Wel"P among aeveral proix-ci in"'1U'1£ She uld 1he repeatedly attempted to telephone the family Tuetda;y but WU unable to pl through. '1 WU aotJll to tall them I WM mn')' and that I ~ they C!IUl work this out." Mrs. Lundberg laid. She a11o uld that while the GOP Central Committee probably will not become involved in the matter, it doet constitute a poliUcal blow to the party. "It h.u to be a blow to the party. You can't really divide one from another when a party standard bearer la involved." Mn. Lundberg aid . She added the dt..io.ure will only 1erve to enforce the poor public jmqe polltidarw already have· with the general public. by the city'• budaet committee, an advisory group to the Oty Council. Hank Adler, a merilber of that commitiee, aald tba propoeala Weft made beca~ of projec:dom that the city will continue to need to cut tiervk:es unletS more revenue la created. "What we tried to do w11 to live the council • handful of areae we could pursue, but not put numbers around ihem," he oxplai.ned. The percentage• In the propoaala were later added by city staff members. How-hot is it? I Coufal high nHf llO, lnlllllel inld-tc>s. CoMt.i low 82. .,.,._, 87. Weler 117. ~ llgh1 ,,.,.. Wind• Otlght end morning houre ~ ..... erty 10 to 11 knol9 "In ett«n0ona. Two 10 3-toot wind --. One to 2·fool IOUl'-t ..... Mostly 11#1!1y. ~ NM Amertlo t2 70 ~ a1 ea Atllnla 81 12 Allanle Cty 7t 11 1.10 AUlttn .. T7 8elllmOre .. • -tS 8lllngl '3M 8lr"*'9hm t2 71 .03 m.m.rdl t3 ea 80l9e t5 .. Boeton 78 ee 1.44 8'°""""'9 t1 H 81"'*° 71 56 Bur11n91on 75 47 c..., t5 lie Qwtlln SC t2 71 Q\ltlstn WV 71 • CMl'ltte NC 18 72 ~ 81 57 ~.... 13 ... .......,,._, II M ~ 7' 57 o.t-1\ Wlh .. 74 Dey1on ea eo Dlr1* ti IMI Dee~ IO 70 #7 o.uotl 11 61 D1A11t1 IO 13 -22 Front1: Cold ,.. Warm ..,. OccluOed ~ Slal!Onatv •• 78 to .~ ta 51 71 • 1.54 t1 72 .10 .. 84 17 •• .. 10 .. 12 n 57 73 ClOUeca Hardelt hit are phy1lcal education counea aueh u joaSng and YQ4ra that are be1ng ellmtnat.ed. 0.-in aome other · elective ~ 1UCn 81 home eoonomlcl and needlecraft. are being reduced, Hld college oUidAla. Ellmination of the cl.u9ee will cut $760,000 in state funding, bued on the number of studenta that attend the college, IChool offidall Mid. 'nie reductionl a1lo will mean the college will rebil'e fewer part-time teachers next fall, but school offlciala aay the total hasn't been detennlned. n. Callforni.a Colleges Boenl of Govemon urged cuta in telf- h el p cour1e1 laat week ao community collegee could reduce expenditures to comply with reduced state fundins for 1982-83. The state Legl1lature's recently adopted budset cut From Page A1 CENTER. • • other medical facWtlee. Meanwhile, a local eroup called Friend• of an lrvl11e Conununity Hotpltal la planning to build a teperate Irvine MedJcal Center on land )mt north of the Jeffrey Road 1lte and made available by Saddleback Conununity College. Aldrich admlt11ed relocation of the Oty Center site would hinge on cmtl to the dty for some of the ~~ acres of com.mercially- r.oned land at University T,.gwn Center. All of it ta owned by the Irvine Company, which alao owna the land at Jeffrey Road. Agran and Sllla seemed reluctant this week to commit the dty to land OOl1a. They alttedy are hoptn, the land on Jeffrey Road will be donated in exchanae for the company'• development right.I for itl Village 12. Said Agran: "There it little chance (for the move) unleaa there la the clear delire on the pert of the unlvenity and the Irvine c.ompany to put f.olether a packaae that ii eo attractive to the city to divert ua from our preeent coune.'' Silla -.reed. aayt.ni be aaw little charice for the mor.re unleta the dty reallz.ed a t.renemdoua cost savtnp. Asran alao mentioned, however, that the move would help bridge the gap between the community and university. For itl fi.nt five yean, Irvine'• city operatlO!'lll were conducted from Town Cent.er officee aero. from the campu1. Woollett taid that proximity didn't teem to do much about t30 mt.Won in fundina for the state'• 70 oonununlty collep d1atric1.a. Some of the recreation and 1elf-help courH• have been critldz.ed by varloul legialaton u frlvoloua. William Schreiber, official apokesnan for the college, uid Tuesday that 1ome of the fonnerly tuition-free oounes that are betna eliminated may be offered next fall on a fee bul.a. "lt'a really chaotk around here becatm we only have a weell to ta.Uy up the Uat of cl.-. being ellminated and what that will me.an ln reduced average daily attendance figures (uaed to formulate 1tate fundios)." Schreiber uid. ·~ dules that we do oiler on a fee bull won't be dirt cheap because the fees will have to at least pay for the teacher's salary and ute of facillliM," Schreiber uid. Claaset uheduled to be eliminated include, bicycling, martial arta, jazz dancing , exercise danclng, tap danclng, belly dancing, 1urfing, sailing, weight control, archery, badminton. airpJAne ptiOt ground training and travel -study P~·- SUICIDE -Dave Garrow•)'. 69, the ortgtnal hoet of NBC't "Today" show, ahot and killed himself in his Swarthmore, Pa., home today. No other details were available. From Page A1 BIKES. • • the yard at the nelshbors' cat?" The hubcaps moatly 10ld for $4 a aet. AB one woman hauled away the aix metal file drawers - minus cabinet -she'd p\,IJ'Chued for 50 cent.a each, a Utile girl in a pink sunauit commented, ''They aure have 10me strange things here." The woman probably agreed aa ahe mumbled, "I don't belleve thla." Later, the woman's son prompted her to place a winning bid on a bike, warning they wouldn't lulve room in the car for both bike and file drawers. When last seen, ahe waa parking the file drawers next to a traah bin. Uni High coeds high in • testing Knowing thelr Robert's Rulel of Order has earned national recognition for five Uniwnlty High School coeds. The five, mernben of the lrvlne school's Future Buainett Leaden of America, placed fourth in national competition at the National Leadership Conference h~d recently in Indianapolis. Team members Cladle lteep11, Amy Bertha, Sauue • Saddleback Collese ls offering a 16-week coune in Up reeding for people with hearlnc problems. Both momin8 and evening claaes are available at off- campua sitel in Laguna Hills, &al_ co~ cffidala. Regiatrfttion opens Aug. 3 • A free ''Concert Under the Scan" for Irvine t.een- agera ii planned July 29 at Heritage Park Youth Service! Center, 4801 Walnut Ave., Wlaltma.a, Saady Greer and Pam Doa1bmaa took an objective teat on their parliamentary procedure knowledge and then conducted a typical meeting using parliamentary procedure. FBLA is a national student vocational organization for secondary student.a preparing tor careen in buainesa-related oa.'Upationa. at the college's campus in Mi.uion Viejo. Classes begin Aug. 27. Cour9es are scheduled on Fridays from 9:30 a .m . to 12:30 p .m. and on Mondays from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. For further information. call 831-4612 or 581-4612 Irvine . Entertainment will be provided by the Ken Ferris Band at the 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. concert. El PMO 101 72 f-00 t1 ,, F1llglll.lll ... .. ~,.... . .. HefttOfd 74 u , ... N 108 ta 103 t7 84 tO 71 .. 12 t7 n ... ... Our Best Beach Chair ....... '3 17 HonolulU .. 15 HoUllon N to lndNpll 17 .. Jadlan M8 t2 n • ~ "'2 K.-Cfty .... t2 ~ 1111 La Vegee 10I 13 Utle"-* .. 11 ~ 1110 ~ ... ~ t? 1t _,.. .... .... =::••~ ... :.....,.._n .. ........ tt ft1.ot ........ t2 .,. ,_ °'1l9M t't Tt t.Cll NewY0111 ta • •• NcwfOll n n . 11 .... ,.... ... .01 ClellaOICr • • .. .,. ~· .. ., ONndo ., " t.Ot f'llledpt1ll .. .. All ~ 10I .. N n t2 83 .82 t2 75 '3 74 ... 18 ... 17 ., 11 53 .oa .. 10 101 71 ti IO '°° 74 ... 10S 12 Extended ~c.:o:. weaiher 2 Day Sale Thursday & Fri. Only, July 22 & 23 NOW $27.88 ~ ltttpt ot dd btu. color t " hM'fY cMy IM'nlnum freme With ...intotoect front ltQ bfaoee Outaoof 1lmltMid herdWOOd..,,,. AR hlDflo Mat oonwvctlOf\ lnluf.-'under IN litnee oomtort' COrrollof\ ~ Zinc pt•~ ~ Mrdw8N ILUE AND WHITE MESH STRIPE ON SALE AT $29.18 Wt:UNlSUA Y. JULY 11. 1982 IY DA'VID &UTIMANN' or .... ,..._ Staw s.n. John G. Schm.lu and hia fam1ly main~ •trict mi.nee today u a new whlrlwtnd of OOlltrover'ly enaulfed them ln the aftermath of COW't hMrinll' 'This is a I amily matter,' son says ... • ~y,'' the IOI\ aakt. . ••<we are invutt1a tln1 everythln1 ln the broade1t MIM•" the You.new Schmits aald. and dtrlcwutt!I deeunc wtth tlie qu.Uon of whether he '8 the father of two youna children whoae mother ta a Tu1Un 'relldtnt. On Tu.day, the curtaina were drawn and villtan were met by a famU:y mernt.r outside the door of Schmitz' Spyau HW home ln Newport BNCh. Thouah the eenator wu reported to be lnalde, he didn't 1-ue any atatementa or respond to inquiries. A hee.rina In Orange C,ounty Juvenile c.ourt ii ICheduled for Aua. 6 on injuries one of the ' l.nfm\ta suffered while ln the care of the mother. Accordln1 to Orange C-ounty Superior Court crashes • In NY NEW YORK (AP ) -A conatruction crane atop a 43-story akyscraper ln midto wn Manhattan fell on ita side today, rainina chunka of debris that crushed the h~ of a puaerby and killed him. otticiala said. N i ne peo ple had m inor injuries. the F.rn~rgency Medical Service said. The crane lay on ita side over a comer of the t-.riJding and the end dangled ~rtically by one bent metal tube 43 stories above East 53rd Street near MacU.on Avenue, two blockl north of St. Patrick'• Cathedral. Blocka of midtown were cl~ Police Lt. Jo1eph Plrello declined to identify the man pend1na nodficatklli of next of kin. but aakl papen found with the body indkated the victim WU from. the Wuhinaton. D.C., ~ and WU wfth Jti.ng1Jn& Bros. and Bamwn & Bailey Circus. 'n>e ltreet below the crane WU Uttered with p.. Nlinc debria ehlpped away cbunb of atooe ln the 1lde of the •leek, dark 1kyacraper, and 20 window• were broken. ''It IOWlded like thunder, it sounded like the world was coming to an end," said police officer Daniel Lunt who waa around the comer, about 50 feet away , when the c ollap1e OCCW'T'ed. Juctae W"1J.lam Murray J. ~· ~ docwntnta 1tate that rxnm&tl II the father of the 13-manth-old baby boy and Coarla Studde la the mother. 1bat child ii ln county CUltody. - The Tustin woman claimed thit momin8 that 8chJnlts WU the father of both her Infant children, one of whom ii a two- week-old baby pl. _ In another development, TulUn pollce-lnwstipton Mid th1a morning that they would pomibly complete their probe of the tnj.uies to the 13-month-old child today. The baby. required oorTeC'tive surpry to hil penil at Childrem Hospital of oi-anp County lut week after doctors d.1.lcovered that a 1trand of hair had been .............. ~~~ ANX.IOUS -Scott Rothert, 7, took the Huck Finn fishing contest in Huntington Beach as serious businelB. See the results on Page Bl. wound ttch~ around t.he orpn. •Ulinc -1oua ~. Ac:cordlftl to Tutttn 'PoUc:e Capt. Woody Wllllame, inve1tl1ator1 planned to "We're engaged ln a sorting ouf process within the t amily." Interview the surpon today to determine if the child'• tnjwies were the ..Wt of abuM, ne&)ect cwan~t. ''There'• qwte a few queetiont we .UU ~ve to aak." WUJJ.ama ~~-mvatr1atora Interviewed the mother 'l\aeaday at her home in Tuatln. *** would not comment on it. "Our •trona co11Mn1Ual fee~ '8 that thil ii a tamny matter, Schmitz, a Stanford law echool ~te, Mid outakle the family In1ide1 he said, were hi• parents and the couple'• other chlldren. ''We're qaeed ln a eortlng out prooem within the *** 8c:hmlti laid that h1I tat.her would not be iuuln• any ' si.i.rnenta on the question of patemlty in the cue, althouah at aomt Ul\lpedfled date he would pomibly answer questionl. Accord.in8 to Judie Murray, the elder "Schmits called him Friday and told him the 13-month-old child In the custody Of the court WU hll. "Let me be frank with you, I am the child'• father," the Judae quoted Schmitz .. tell1nc him. - Murray d«ided at a hearina Monday that the 13-month-ola Infant wo"'ld remain In the (See SENATO&, Pap .U) *** ..., ........ S.ILENT -State Sen. Jo Schmitz isn't talkina abo reporta that he fathered tw children out of wedlock. Schmitz flayed from all sides Allies voice support, but political career in doubt By JEll'F ADLER Of .. .., ....... Hil mmt vocal oppc>neftt called tor hil re.ilnatklll from the It.ate Senate; Santa Ana Colle1e, where he teechee, may conduct an Informal review of h1I atatua u an imtructor, and hil political boost.en are~ dlanay. The reaction te Tuesday's report that 1tate Sen. John Schmitz, the fiery conlel'V8tive Republican from Corona del Mar, fathered two lllegi tlma te children durin1 a nine-year extra-marital affair and that one of the children may have been wxually abulled hu arouaed the pa11ion of nearly every~ne connected with John and Mary Schmitz. Feminl•t attorney Gloria Allred, who Mil aperred with Scbm1tz Oil numeroua oocMiona, l8ld lhe la "waiting for Schmitz to blame tbl1 on the Jews, County consumers fight back Horowitz leads citizens in protest of agency cut t By FREDERICK SCBOEMEBL to d1aband the oomumer attain auppor1ed the Initial moUon to or .. .., ,... ... Pf'Oll'ADl. dilbend the office. Consumer Jiihts advocates are Mn. Wieder, under the most hoptna th~ can preaure the Horowlt:& 11 ur1inc anyone pre 11 u re to move tor 0 B d f who hM been ..mt.eel by the ran1e ounty oar o office t.o attend a Tbursdai reoamideratian, WM viewed• a Supervilon into ntainln.I the h consumer richta advocate two county'• Con1umer Aflaln mornlna bearlnl at "" le yean a10 when 1be fouaht Office. 1upervtaon will consider the apllwt effortl to ellmlnate Item l.eedfna the efJ.oct ii David ~L ~ at Atpermatketa. Horowlt:i, ho1t of t.elevialoh'• The office wu ordered Horowitz aald be .. couldn't "1'tah1 :a.di .. ~ dW••dld 1-t Pl1day b:r.-3 to., belie\/e" "1hat Mn. wsm. who lforowltz .aid the office hae vote In which· Su-pet"vl•on la-st year voted to ire•p 'the been one of the most •MX!8Mful Neatande. Harriett Wieder and conaumer affairs office open of lta type in the country. :f'C Scanton 1Uppmt.ed ac..a.. turned aaatn.t the $226,000 th~b~'~c~a~': ~ :=a-S:ph"*C::•= ~~theCalltcmia returned to Supervbor Bruce the adl08. Consumer Afla1n AuoclaUOn Neatande an April remlutkm In Under board rulel, a modem uld cooaumer rights ad¥OCates which hew cunmended few hil for ~tion 11\&Y only be feel ,.pretty mucll in a date of consumer advocacy. Nniande m.de by one of the three who shock. " wu amona county aapervt.n who approved the reeolution. Horowitz. however, apt the frame. He Mid be hM left the empty frame on h1I office wall u a reminder of the board'• action f e m i nist• and leablan conununity." · She ca1led on Schlnltz to rellpl hil Senate -t and Mid lhe ii not aurpNed "by demaaolues of the riaht who profem one type of ~~eand~~~ (See DISMAY, Pye .U) SEED WITNESSES - h_osL Davld Hor.owl ts i , heacling campAlgn to 01·ange County Consume Attain Office. Jailed cop 'privileges' nixed Moslems defy guns,'. • demand end to war~ BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - laraell jets new mock attacks on guerrllla-beld west .Beirut today ahortly after hundred• of Moelem demon1trator1 defied warning bur1t1 of PLO rucblne-1\D'l fire and marched to within ranae of Iaraell tanka to <SemancS an end to th& flehtfna. ,, Organiz&Uon '""'on't be able • hold out" ln west Beirut. Mesa chief denies preferential treatment given officer Police Chief Roger Neth said today that an Investigation by ea.ta Mesa police turned up little evidence to 1Upport cbargel that a Long Beach police officer eervtng time ln the dty jail la receivtn, preferential treatment. Lut week Peggy Mejia, leader of Orange County'• Mothen A1ainat Drunk Dri ven, demanded an lnvestiption Into alleptlam that Robert Bytnaton w• receivtna special privileps. Neth said only two of the 10 complaints were true. Byington. who pleaded guilty to charge• o f vehic ular manalaught.er, began eervtng a me-year 1entence Man:h 9. He will be eligible tor early parole Nov.4. NATION Ma. Mejia said she had been told the Long Beach officer was enjoying extra visits, unlimited phone u.e, pennimlon to enter unauthorUed areas, homecoolted mea1a. haircuta outslde the jail and preferred job ...tpnerlts. Neth 1aid the invutlgation diacloeed Byington'• wile villted him once on a nonvilltma day and that the officer w• beb>a allowed to tee villton twice a week instead of once a week. 'The chief aaid both lnfl'llctiona would be corrected. Ma. Meja wu not available for cmnment today. The leader of (MADD) refuad to name her IOW'Ce. But Neth said today he believes the information came from two Educators low achievers? A "diaturbtna" ltUdy hM found that education' IM!l'lll to attract the lower ranlm of coUeae students, and Jhat thole who plan to make the profetaion a -career are beloW-average ..-:adem1c achfeven. Page A». SPORTS former priaonera who were ''vindlctlve" and didn't pt along with Byington. ''In my opinion the unfounded charpa have killed hia chances of early parole," 18.id Neth. "He'• probably png to have to 1e1Ve the whole time." Byinaton wa1 1entenced in connec:tion with the Oct. 19 death of James Riddle, a 20-yec-old tow truck orlver who WH repaiz:tn8 a diaabled car when be WM atn.dt and killed by an auto driven by Bytniton. Neth uid Byin1ton WH hOU9ed at the ea.ta Meu jail lnsteed of Ora.nee County Jail for h1I own protection because he la a police OH.leer. COUNTY SUICIDE -Dave Gerroway, 69, the orig1nal hosi of NBC'1 ''Today" ahow, lhot and kWed hinwelf in hit Swarthmore, Pa., home today. No other de'4lls wett available. Volunteer help aoiwht Ways volunteers can help 1n propama ~t Orange County are outlined on Pa&! A&. Blood donors decrease told ' A nationWSde and ooun~ ....... of donor blood baa been attributed tlo IUDllDlr, ~on and .advanced medical tecbnoJao. ,_,. Ae. No bombs were dropped by the jets, and the demonstraton and the turbaned ahelka who led them from m09que1 ditperaed peacefully after 1taging the 40-minute proteat at the Parliament buildln1, ~•t 200 yarc11 from r.aeu tanb royed at the "Green Line" that vides Beirut lnto Moalem and Chrtat1an halv-. 'n>e Israeli new.paper Maariv quoted Prime Miniater lilenachem Beatn .. Hyina Yauer Arafat'• beaieted Palestine Liberation INDEX ''They have to leave Beirut to the last man ln 80IDe way ~ the Pl.D had le. than 30 days . ano=" ~ -'.! weekend ~~ aai-ee to leeve Beirut. and Muri 18.id the prtme minister th1nlm will take two to three weeks l"ellCh Al"JeDllelll. "The diplomatic effort still hall ~ chance, but it can't 10 for a long time," he WM QUD""ll uaaym,c. The Mo1lem demonatrato poured out of ~ aside burlcadee made of ~ .. pylona end barbed Wire ~ within 1l1bt of Iaraeli tall~ blocldnl the other end ol~ National M'*""D C1'0111nc between Moalem west Betnat the eMt.ern Christian -=tor'. • l l »••• ... lrftDIJER VISITS _; Ian Lynch (left) and :Paul Palmer~ two bandsmen injured in 'Tuaday'1 IRA blast, are visited by British Prtme Minister Margaret Thatcher at St. Mary'• H01pital in London. Nine people were kllled in the explosion. Continued stories DISMAY EXPRESSED ON SCHMITZ • • • • closest Senate oolleague, Sen. Schmitz' political career could be Hu Initial .reaction to the H.L. Rlchardaon. R-Arcadia, said over. m.cloeure wu "lhock,'' Karcher the diacl01ure was "like a kick ln "I'm only gue11tng," Mr1. 1ald, "and I gue11 I'm 1till the stomach. This sure proves the Lundberl aid. "But I cannot ahocked." fa 11 I bi 11 t y 0 f a 11 0 f u I ' • ' envision rm 1urvM.ng thla ln any Karcher added that be hopes Richardaon said. kind of political career." everyone "keep1 Schmitz in our Santa Ana College President J. 1""'8,!~.-~~witb~'~y· pnayer-..'' WWiam Wenrich, said the col.le8e ..,..__._ a.uuiauuu ~uu Mrs. Lundberg. who aid ahe board of directon could take an Is 1 u e • w o u 1 d make l t has been friend• with the informal look at the allegatioria ln extraordinarily ~t for him Schmitt.es for the past l~ years, the near future. Schmitz has to continue in politics. said she 0 was shocked and felt hi ll 'cal set 1 badly" for the family. been teac ng po t ence However, Brad Evant, untl She said she repeatedly and lotidc counes at the achool for recently a top Schmitz aide, aid attempted to telephone the a number of years. he doesn't believe the dltcloswe family Tuesday but wu unable Wenrich 1ald if Schmitz will adversely affect the to get through. "I wu going to ultimately were convicted of .en.at.or's political ~ 1n the tell them I was 10rry and that I child abu.e hla teaching long run. hope they can work thia out," credentlall would be revoked. "My bamc reaction is lncreued Mra. Lundberg said. "But It doem't mund like It's admiration for him," Evant aid She abo said that while t."'e gom, that way. from hia Sacramento home. "He GOP Central Committee "I don't know if fa.-... .... an wasn't hypocritical. He did have probably will not become .. ._ .. ._ d baot lnvolved 1n the matter, It does illegitimate child is considered the ahil ptiJed, he did have constitute a political blow to the moral turpitude under the godparenta and he acted u • education code, we would need a good Catholic.'' party. legal optn1on on that." he added. "'--' .... a.bock and diamay "It haa to be a blow to the "Moral turpitude ls groundl tor ._.,.~ party. You can't really divide one firlftl a teacher Under s1ate law. over the striDI of allepdona, from another when a party longtime Schmitz 1Upporter and standard bearer Is Involved," Both Orange County Republican Party Chairwoman Loia Lundberg and polttCcal consultant Wllllam Butcher, who ran Scbmla' auctadul 1978 state Senate campalan. agreed *~* ~ampat1n contributor Carl Mrs. Lundbera said. Karcher, president of c.tl'• Jr. Restaurants, aatd readtna the She added the dl1C&o.ure will account ln the newspaper wu "a only aerve 10 enforce the poor ereat dlsapp,otntment to me and public image politldans already to all of UI.' · have with the general public. *** *** SENAYOR PATERNITY CASE ... Albert Sitton Home ln 0ranBe pending the Aug. 6 bearlnl· The county'• IOCial .ervlcea Coatai 1\1911 -ao. 1n1ainc1 ~... eo..tll low 112. lnlllnd e7.W.W87. El• ...... llgtlt .,.,... wWil 11lght end mornlno noure ~ WWWty 10 IO 11 knots It! .,..,.,_,._ Two 10 3-foot wind -One to 2·fool ~ ..... Moelly lllfWIY. U.S. Summ~,.Y department bad filed a petition a11esinl that the child WU belri kept In an anfit home aft.er u..:.: baby requlre.d-the corrective surgery at Childttna Hospital of Oranga County lut week. How hot is it? .... \ t2 70 17 .. t1 72 71 81 1.10 "n • • .ta ., .. t2 71 .03 t3 12 • 5t 19 .. 1.44 91 75 11 56 75 47 86 51 12 71 71 • .. 72 111 57 ., .. .. 86 71 57 .. 74 86 IO .. .. IO 70 .t17 ., 51 IO A .22 to1 n ., ., .. Ill II N 74 e2 1.11 t3 17 • 1S ff IO 17 II t2 n1 .86 .. 2 II• .a t7 II 10I ti • 71 .. 10 .. .. 17 .,. .. .. 71 .. 111 71 UIS ti 74 11 71 1.05 12 .... 12 n .1• M IO .01 .. 74 .. ., • ?1 ua ~ = .OI Ptlend. "-71 IO .113 Ptllnd, Ore 52 A PrcMdllice 71 ti, ... =Qty ., n .10 .... 117 .. Nctimond tO 71 ........ " 72 .., Anlonlo 91 73 s.ttte ... 54 :=T.: " 73 t2 t3 .S2 It Louie t2 75 8t ft· T .,.,.,_ 13 74 .M ..... ~ 78 411 ~ 17 81 ==-71 53 .03 .. 10 TllC90n 101 71 TlAla ti IO c~ llMr'lftlld 104 78 = 110 ta 52 ,,_ 100 .. i,....-., .. 1• ~ " 87 t7 ~ a ....... 110 Otl!IMCI 11 t:°~ 102 .. ~~ 70 ...... IO ..._ 17 ... .., Cllego . ... ,tllldloo :: : ........ n ar ....... n '**'°" M TilwlNI 108 Uklell t2 8ert«ow 103 78 Blgleer 43 =:. 100 54 74 57 Long lleeGh ... 83 MontoWI 103 eo Mon~ u 55 Mt Wlllor) ., IWwpol1 IMoll 711 52 . Ontll'lo 101 81 Pllm 8prtnoe 110 77 PMedlne • 83 ..,...,_dtno 104 e2 .., Joee 71 .. SenteAN t1 u Extended weather IOIJTHUI .. CALl,OlllNU' COAITAL ANO MOUNTlolN AMAi -co.Met .... ..,.. .-ty '"°"""" low --.. tN = 0099t. a.... tnOllllr '* ~--°' "' lfterMOn tl\u11dentor111 11ter U• ,,,..,.... ..... 'PO .. 71 • ... .,..,,.. end to .. tOO llllllld ...... Lo.eMIO ........ ---=...., ....... of-~·· .. LOOllp .... .....,, .......... 111 ......... 1110•. l11'eAaltdatMPrnl tr.q ..ad It repeu.d an lreh1an air attack on the lnaql capital of Btahdad = lhot down OM ot the Phantom jeC.. But Iran repor d Its plane• 1ucoeeded tn boroblnl oil fedlltl• In Bllhdad and caualng heavy casualtlee and damlae. It WM the flnt ~ aft raid.. on the Iraqi capital reported a1hce early 1n the Iran-Iraq border war that ~In September 1980. An I mWtary 1pokecnan uid two r\ Phantom jetl try1na to re.ch Buhdad were repu11ed bY" lngl ml11ile1. Quoted by ltadJo Baahct.d, the 1pokesman laid one of the planes WM lhot down and the teCOnd eaped. The announcement said the pilot of the downed plane wu kllled and the co-pilot take~ priloner. An IranAan war report ~ by the ofliclal Iranian new1 •a•ncy IRNA 1ald It• ylane1 tc0.red a d1nlct hlt on the Jraql oU re~ ot Al·Dowrah on t.M outlldrtl ot Beahdad. A Radio Tehran report uld Iranian warplanel bombed "larle partl of Iraq'• oil ln1tallatlon1 In 'B11hdad.'' lnfltct1n1 "heavy cuualUee" and d~. The 1ranJan repor11 concedecl one Jet c:ruhed due to "technJca.l difficulty." Meanwhile, flahtlni continued ln the IOU~ comer of Iraq between lnvac:f.inl Iranian troop1 and Iraqi defenden. The two natlone' powld for"C.'le9 have been bat1lina l1nce .Iran.Ian forcee ~ the Iraqi border etsht days a&Q. Iraq utd It nwde repeated a.fr and tank auaultl, lnlllcttna •t.888ertns u.et on the invadel"I. But reporta from both lklee lndk:at.s the lr&nlan troopt were entrenched about th,... m1le9 lmlde Iraq just nonh of Bun. IraQ'• main oU pert (II) tbt di.puti"cl 8hati-al·Anb Ma&8l'1 to the Pen&an GWt. ' 'J.'he Iraqi newt 8PflCY clalinecf t ,849 ltanfan IOld.l.n wen kW«f and u tank• dfftroyed •Ince Monday nlght ln the Bure area, It said tbe heavleet fl1ht1ni occurred 'I'ufteday, when 1,~ oi the lnU9ed Iranian troop1 WeN kllitd 1n a 1erte1 of devaltatlnl raida by• helJcopter IUJllh,lpa. Iranian war reportl acknowledged that tr.qt foroee have taken the offensive, but aid two enemy oounterattackl inl1de tr.qi territory heel beer\ repelled. Tehran radJo claimed 200 Iraqi 1oldlen killed or wounded and five tank1 destroyed. Self-help courses out in Saddlehack MOTHER -Carla Stuckle of Tustin, ahown leaving Orange County Superior Court, reportedly is the mother of two young children by Sen. John Schmitz. Arab envoys return home WASHING TON (AP) -Two key Arab diplomata are heading back to the Middle !!'.Mt after pre1enting President Reagan with a new pJan to withdraw Palestinian guerrt1laa out of the range of x.ra.u gum u a tint step to ending the crisil ln Lebanon. Returnina home after houri of talk1 with Rea1an and his leadlns advl1ers, the foreign mlni1ter1 of Syria and Saudi Arabia aareed, it WU learned, to .eek approval from the nationa of the Arab League of a two-step applUICh. ' By PATRICK J. UNNEDY or ... .,.,,.....,. Oftlclal1 of 8addleback Community Colle1e Dl1trlct, wlth campu1e1 In Irvine and . Mt.ion Viejo, plan to eliminate 250 °eel.f-help" and recreation cl-. next fall becau.e of state fundln1 cut1 to community ccU •• Bardeat hlt are physical educ:atkln counee IUCh as Joal.ng and yo1a that are belng eliminated. a.... in eome other elective counes. aach u home economica and need.lecraft. are belna reduced, aald college offJdala. Elimination of the mi-will cut $7'0,000 in state funding, baaed Oft the number of llUdenta that attend the c6llege, IChool offidala aid. The reductions abo will mean the college will rehire fewer pert-time tac.hen next fall, but 1chool oftlclala lflY ~the total ham't been determfned. The California Collegea Board of Govemon uraed cuta ln eell- help cour1e1 1aat week ao community coJleael could reduce expenditures to comply with reduced 1tate funding for 1982-83~ The it.ate Le1lalature'a recently uopt.ed bud1et cut about ~ million in funding for the s1ate'a 70 community college dlatricta. Some of the recreation and aelf-help course• have been critlclt.ed by various leglllators as frivoloua. William Schreiber, official spokesman for the college, said Council action The Costa Mesa City Council took the following adion this week: BAN UNTREATED ROOFS: Delayed action on a new ordinance that would require new and repaired roofs in the cit'f"'o be treated with fire-retardant materlala. SENIOR COMPLEX: Approved the rezoning to planned development •residential and cqmtruction of 36 one-bedroom units at St. John the Divine Episcopal Church, 183 E. Bay Street. REMODELING APARTMENT: Turned down an appeal from F.mily Tygart who was seeking to block remodeling of a three-unit apartment at 368, 370 and 370 ~ E. l~th St. PACIFIC FEDERAL: Approved construction of a ground sign for new Pacific Federal Sa~ and Loan bull~ at 1901 Newport IDvd. Tuuday that 1ome of the formerly tuition-free oounee that are being eliminated may be · offered next fall on a fee buia . ·:It's really chaotic around here becauae we only have a week to tally up the list pf cl.aaes being eliminated and what that will mean in reduced average daily attendance figure1 (uaed to formulate atate funding)," Schreiber said. ''Thoee cl.a-.m that we do offer on a fee baaia won't be dirt cheap because the fees will have to at least pay for the teacher'• salary and uae of facilities,'' Schreiber said. Classes sch eduled to be eliminated include. bicycling, ma.rtial arta, jau dancing, exercise dancing, tap dancing, belly dancing, aurfina, ailing, weight c ontrol, archery, badminton. a1rpiane piiot ground trainlng and travel-study programs . Douglas Oil to shut off ice in Costa Mesa About HO emj>loyeea are expected to be affected by the closure of Dougl.u OU c.ompany'1 Cotta Mesa office. Jack Heaney, a spokesman for the company, said that a sharp reduction in the demand for motor fuels has forced the- closu re of a refinery at· Paramount and the Costa Mesa offiee. Heaney said that the company expec:13 to cl<JBe the c.o.ta Mesa office in the next few weeks and to relocattf many of the empl<>)'ee9 to wholesale office in Santa Marie and a retail operation ln LOdl. The company. owned by Conoco Inc., will contlnue to. operate about l:SO retail p90line and convenience store• in California. Groups scuffle DAK<.YrA CITY, Neb. (AP) - Nebraaka 1tate troopen firing tear ga1 scuffled with rock- tossing str1ken for a leCOnd day today at a beef alaughterhou8e and pnxesstng plant. At 1eMt 15 people were -ln'elted and one ; troo r suffered minor lnjUries. . 2 Day Sale • Thunclay & Fri. Only, July 22 & 23 NGW $i7.88 GNln..,. Ot told~ cob , .. '*WY du'Y ~ ... .,,. wtttl !WlfOrced front tee .,,_ ~ flnflMd hlrdwOod trfM All ,.., .... ~ lneurw • .,,. ttte 1c,. oomron· Con'oelon ,.....,, llnO pl9ted et..i twdWlre BLUE AND WHITI MISH STRIPE ON SALi AT· $29.11 ' Wl ONE: SDA Y JlJl Y ; 1 lll>I;' OH AN<,f l l)IJN I Y 1 Al 11 UHN ll\ 75 CEN TS By DAVID ltUTZMANN' or .. ....,,......,. S~t.e Sen. Jo6n G. Schmlu and h1a family maintained ltrict lilerw:ie t<>day u a new whirlwind of controveny enaulfed them ln the ahermath of court ~ and dlK'lmure. dHll.na with th& qu.tion of whether he la the father of two youna children whoae mother la a Tuatln 19ldent. 'This is a family matter,' son says • f&mily,11 the IOft lllid. . "We are lnveatt1attn1 everythin1 In the broade1t ... ... the Youn&'ll' Scbmitz aaJd. On Tueeday, the curtalna were drawn and viliton were met by a family member outside the dOoc of Schmitz' Spyilaaa HW home in Newport Be.ch. 1bougb Che eenator waa reported to be lnalde, he didn't mue any ltaternents or respond to lnqulrle.. A hearihe In Orange County Juvenile Court la acheduled for Aug. 6 on injuries one of the infants au.ffered while in the care of the mother. According to Orange County Superior Court Crane crashes NY NEW YORK (AP) -A oonatruction crane atop a 43-story akyacraper In midtown Manhattan fell on Its aide today, raining chunks of debris that (::Nahed the head of a passerby and killed him. offidala said. Nine people had minor Injuries, the Emergency Medical Service aaid. The aane lay on its aide over a comer of the building and the end dan&led vertically by one bent metal tube 43 stories above Eut 63rd Street near Madi8on Avenue, two blocb nor1h of St. Patrick'• Cathedral. Block.a of midtown were a.ed. Police Lt. Joaeph Pirello declined to identify the man pend1na notification of next of kin, but said papen found with the body tndJcated the victim WU from the Wuhington, D.C., area and WM with Rlnllinc Bros. and Buftum & BaUiey am.. 'ii. street below the~ w. Uttered with a1Ma. Fa1llnc debris chlpped away cbun.lm of stcne in the aide of the aleek, dark akyacraper, and 20 windows were broken. "It 90UDded like thunder, it sounded like the world was ccmina to an end," said police officer Daniel Lunt who wa.a around the comer, about 50 feet away, when the colla pse occurred. Judce WUllam Murray, the COW1 documents ltate that Sclunlu ta the father of the 13--month-old baby boy and Carla Stuctde 11 the mother. That child la in county cuatody. - The 1'uatln woman claimed thla morning that Schmlt.s WU the father of both her infant children, one of whom II a two- week-old baby lirl. _ In another development, Tu.attn pollce inv•ttaaton Mid th1a morning that they would poaibly complete their probe of the lnjurtes to the 13--month-old chUd today. The baby required conective •uraery to his penis at Ch1ldrena Ha1pital of Ofanae County last week after doctors dUlcovered that a strand of hair had been Deitr,... ...... !tr ............... ANXIOUS -Scott Rothert. 7, tOok the Huck Finn fishing contest in Huntington Beach as serious business. See the results on Page Bl. wound tichtly around the orpn. caualnl lttioul lnJw'Y. Accordln1 to Tuatln Police Capt. Woody Williama, invut11atora planned to "We're ensased in a sorting out process within the family." interview the surgeon today to determine lf the cbJld'a lnjwiea were the awult of abme, neal«t Of an acddent. "There'• quite a few QUMdolll we ltill have to aiak," WUltama said um momJna. He A.Id police lnvesttcator1 interviewed the mother Tue.lay at her home tn Tu1tln. *** would not comment on It. "Our 11.rOni comenlUa1 fee~ la that th1I Lt a family matt.er,' Schmits, a Stanford law achool =.ate, aaid outside the famlly Inside, he uid, were hl1 puents and the couple'• other chlldttn. "We're ~ in a eor1ina out proce91 within the *** Schmill la.Id that h1a father would not be iaauin1 any ' nai.nenta on the que1tiol\ of paternity ln the cue, altho\&lh at ane unapeclfied date he would pomlbly answer que.tiona. Accord1q to Judce Murray, the elder lkhmitz called him Friday and told him the 13-month-old child in the cuatody Of the oourt WU his, "Let me be frank with you, I am the child'• father," the Judie quoted Sclunitz .. tellinc him. Murray decided at a hearina Monday that the 13-month-ota Infant would remain In the (See SENATOR, Pa1e A!) *** Dllilf ............. SILENT -State Sen. John Schmitz lsn't t&lldnc abou:t1 • reports that he fathered two children out of wedlock. Seh~itz flayed from all sides Allies voice support, but political career in doubt By JEFF ADLER Of .. ~,.. .... Hla most vocal opponent called for h1a reli&nation from the state Senate; S-anta Ana Colleae, where he t.eacbes, may conduct an informal review of hia status u an instructor; and h1a polldcal boost.en are expre9ling dlmnay. The reaction t.o Tuesday's report that atate Sen. John Schmitz, the fiery oorwervative Republican from C.orona del Mar, fathered two illegitimate children during a nine-year extra-marital affair and that one of the chlldren may have been 1exually abuled haa aroused the paaaion of nearly every~ne connected with John and Mary Schmitz. Feminist attorney Gloria Allred, who haa sparred with Schmitz on numeroua occaalona, aaJd lhe la "waitfn8 for Schmitz to blame thla on the Jewa, County consumers fight back Horowitz leads citizens in protest of agency cut • BY FREDERICK SCBOEMEBL or .. Dlilr ....... Conaumer rights advocates are bopinl they can preuure the Oranae County Board of SuperNon mto retatntq the coun\y' • Con1umer Aflaira Office. Leed1nc the effort la Dmd Horowttz, ba.t of television'• "Fiabt Bick" prosram. llcrowtta aid the oHlce hail baen one ol the mmt •a tul of tts type tn the muntry. So anary .... Horowita with the bo.ar4-~ulon -that b e- returned to Supervbor Bruce Ne9tande an Al-'11 n!90ludon In Which he WU commended for bla consumer adv~. Neet:aJtde WU l.mOn8 COW\ty aupervilon who a]>Jll'O'ftd the re90lution. Horowitz, however, kept the frame. He aaid he baa left the empty frame on hia office wall u a reminder of the boerd'a action to di.band the oonaumer affalra Procram. Horowitz la urclng anyone who bM been Malated by the office to attend a Thursday mornla1 tleari n1 at which aupenrtaon will c:onaider the ph-cut. The offtce waa ol'deted diebended -Friday 1n a 3 to 2 vote In ~tilcb Supervisors N_.nde. Harriett WMMler and Roeer' 8'9Dt.cn .upported dolW'i of iM office. SUpes v19on 1bcmm lUie, wl a.lpb-Clark oppcmct- the action. Under boerd ruJa. a motion for reconslderaUon may only be rmide by one of 'the three who supported the initial motion to dlaband the office. Mra. Wieder, under the mast preaaure to move for recomideraUon, w• viewed • a consumer rtahts advocate two yeara a10 when •be fou1bt apts ~ to eliminate item . pddQI at aupermarbta. Horowitz nld he "couldn't believe" that Mn. Wieder who laat year voted to k••J> the con.sumer atfaJra offJce open turned a1a1n1t &be $22~.ooo lJl'Oll'9tn um '/Ml· Sue<lielba1 of 1be CaJi:tomSa Con.sumer Affairs ~lion aa1d conaumer rights advocates (eel "pretty much in a state of shock .•• f e m i ni1ta and lesbian commwlity.'' She called on Schmiu io remcri hia Senate aea~ II not aurpriaed "by of the right who prote. ooe type of morality and practice anotlier-... On the other hand, Schmitz' (See DISMAY, Pye A%) SEED Wl'l!i&ssa -ri -host David Horowitz 11· heading campaign to ~ Oran1e County Conaumel Affairs Office. ' ~ Jailed cop 'privileges' nixed Moslems defy guns,i demand end to -war:= BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - lrraeli jets flew mock attacks on guerrilla-held Weal Beirut today ahortly after hundreds of Moslem demon.atratora defied warning burata of PLO macbJne..aun fire and marched to within range of Iaraeli tanka to demand an end to the fi&htfn8. Organization "won't be able to hold out" in weJlt Beirut. Mesa chief denies preferential treatment given officer Police Chief Roger Neth aaid today that an inveatigation by Costa Mesa police turned up little evidence to support charges that a Long Beach police officer aerving time in the d ty jail is receiving preferential in.tment. Lut week Peggy Mejia. leader of Orange County's Mothers A&alnat Drunk Drivers, demanded ·an inveaUption into alJeClatlam that Robert Byington WM receiving apedal privileges. N9'h said only two of the 10 complaints were true. BYtngton, who pleaded guilty to charges o f vehicular manal.aughter, began Rrving a one-year sentence March 9. He wW be ellglble for early parole lfoV ... NATION M.. Mejia said lhe had been told the Long Beach officer waa enjoying extra vilita, unllmi ted phone uae, pennillion to enter unauthorized areas. homecooked meals., halrcuts outside the jail and preferred Job ..acnmmts. Neth said the lnveatlgation di9cloeed Byington'• wife visited him once on a nonvilitiJl& day and that the Officer WU being allowed to aee vtsiton twice a week instead of once a week. Tbe chief said both infractions would be corrected. M.. Mejia wu not available for comment today. The leader of (M.ADD) refu..ed to name her eource. But Neth aald today he believes the lnform•tion came from tw'° Educators low acbieven? A "dim.lrblna'' ttudy h.u found that education 1ee11111 to attracl the lower ranka of college students, and that Uw.e who plan to make ~rofemlon a . career are below-average academic even. Page AB. SPORTS Jeanne Cbi1da ot HaWaU let an AmertcUi ncord ln the women'• 200-mew bnw1»trolte at the U.S. ewimmln1 world champtomhlp mall at Mtulon Viejo'• Maquerfte BecreiUon Center.~ Dl. , McNamara's banned former prisoners who were · ''vindict1ve" and didn't get along with Byington. "In my opinion the unfounded charpa have killed b1a chancel of early parole," said Neth ... He'a probably going to have to lel've the whole Ume." Byington was sentenced in connec:Uon with the.Oct. 18 death of James ~. a 20-yeer-old' tow truck driver who waa repeirt.na a dl•bled car when he w• struck and killed by an auto driven by Bytncton. Neth aaid Byinaton waa hou.ed at the Costa Meaa jlfl inatead of Oranae County Jail fw b1a own protectlon becau.. he la a police officer. I COUNTY SUICIDE -Dave Garraway, 69, the original host of NBC'1 "Today" abow, &hot and killed hbmelf in his Swarthmore, Pa., home today. No other detaill were aViilable. Volunteer belp souslJt Waya volunteen can help ln ~ throu&hout <>ran,e c.ou.nty are outlined on ~: ~· Blood donors decrease told No bomba were dropped by the jeta. and the demawtl at.en and the turbaned ahelka who led them from moequea dlapened peacefully after ataaing the 40-minute proteat at the Parliament buUdina. juat 200 yardl from 1lneli tankl deployed at the "Green Line" that divldea ~t into MoaJem and Ch.rtst1an halv.. 'n'9 l8rael1 neW'lpepel' Maariv quoted Prime Minhter Menachem Be1ln aa aayln&. Yauer Arafat'• beaie&ecf Palestine Liberation INDEX "They have to leave Beirut to the laat man 1n 90IDe way ot another," he aaid. .8e8ln aid last w~ ~ 1he P1..0 had Iem than 30 days tit agree to leave Betnat. and MMrii aakl the prime mlnlstu th1nkl ff will take two to three 'WeelD Cij reach apeeJDent. "The diplomatic effort ?.j 101ne chance. but it can't 10 f(¥ a Iona time," hew• uaayina. The Moelem demonatrato ~~~~ pylonl and barbed wire~ within 1l1bt of hraeli tankt; bloddna the other end of tlMI; National M'*'11D ~ pcm~ between Moelem ~ Beirut u.r the eaatem Chrtsdan eectol'. ~ OFF 1.24 CLOSING 132.18 Disney prof its up from '81 BURBANK (AP) -Thanks largely to two perennially popular family film clauia -"Robin Hood" and "Bambi" -Walt Dianey ProductJon. reported thlrd-quar1er profits were up from the l8me pttiod last year. Dl.mey Mid net income for the three months endiM June '30 wu $32.89 million. or 98 cents per shate.-That wu up over earninga of $30.2 million, or 93 cents a share, for the period a year ago. The report does not reflect income from Dtiney'• recently releued "TRON," a $20 million video fantasy that the studio aay. took in $11 million at the box office in its first 10 days of release. N B firm 's earnings off National Education Corp. <if Newport Beach reported net income for the ai.x months ended JWM! 30 of $1,814,000 compared to 1,948,000 laat year. Primary eamingJ per aha.re were 79 cents in 1982 compared to 8~ in 1981. Net income for the three montha ended June 30 was $716,000 compared to $941,000 ln the like period last year. Primary eaml.nga per share were 31 centa in 1982 compared to 41 tn 1981. SD G&E earnings up sh arply SAN DIEGO (AP) -San Diego Gas & Electric Co. has reported an earnings i.naute of more than ~ percent during the first lix months of 1982 . .. "The company ia attaining the interim goals of its five-year financial recovery plan," said Tom Page, president of the utility. SDG&E showed earnings of $71.3 million, an increaae of ~.8 percent over the $47 3 million reported last year dwing Uie pmod. Grace's earn i ngs lower W.R. Grace & Co., an international company with interests in chem.lcala, natural n!90W'OeS and oonsumer lle1"Vica, reported leCOnd quarter net income of $76.9 milUon, a decteue of 23 percent from the comparable 1981 period, on sales of $1.6 billion. Earn1np per ah.are decreued 24 percent to $1.59, down from $2.08. Grace operat.ee ita N~ American Rest.urant Corp. ~uaneni in Costa Mesa and headquai1era tor l!2 Tonio -La Fiesta Restaurants. Inc. and Far West Service• in Irvine. Grace alao operates re9t&Uranta in the Newport Beach-Costa Me9a area such u El Torlto. Houlihan'•, C.000'• and Reuben'•· Fed lowers discount rate WASlilNGTON (AP) -The Federal Re.erve Board has voted to lower the interest rate it charges on loans to member banks from 12 percent to 11.5 percent, the flrst easing in the <liacount rate since December. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT UPS AND DOWNS METALS NEW YORK (AP) -Spot non~ ITWltal prioel tod.y: c..,.. 7~73 oent• • powld, u.a. ci..lnetlonl. UM 2a.29 cent.I 1 powld. DM 37-40 cent.a • powld, ~ 1111 $8.1014 Met-. Week ~ IO. AlcMlllMMI 1&-n cents• pouncs, N.Y. Menlury 8370.00 P« f\Mll. ~ 12".00 troy oi.., N.Y. SILVER Handy & Harm1n, 17.210 per troy ()Uf'Oe. GOLD QUOTATIONS