HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-27 - Orange Coast Pilot-11111• llllY PIPll j I UI ··DA~ Jul ~ • 1·111. 0 I< AN ( • f: <. l) I JN I Y L I\ l I t 0 II NI A I '> (, l N 1 '• '!Dttn't free ·his killer' Mother of Mesa victim protest~' impending release Bv JODI CADENHEAD Of"'IMDllr ......... Joan Williama hu apmt nearly every wakinc hour on the phone since ahe heard in June that the killer of her 80I\ la about to be releued from prilon. She haa talked to anyone the haa reuon to believe could keep klthony F.arl Keney, 24, behind ban a little longer. To no avail. He'll be releued next Tueeday from Vacaville state prison after serving 4 ~ years for the sufiocatlon and sexually abu.sive murder of Richard Lee Cook. The victim, 19 at the time of h1a death Nov. 29, 1977t ~lived 1n Costa Mesa before ma tamily moved to Corona a few roontha ~ore h1a death. "We aa a family are lefVina a life 1entence," Mra. Willlaml said in a phone interview from her Mira Loma home. "He's only 111ervtna 4 ~ years for the murder of my 90n." Cook was an honor student at Newport Evening High School in Colt.a Mesa when h1I mother and stepfather moved to Corona. Althouah he was aelected clua Mother held • ID valedictorian and awarded a 1Cholanhlp, he dropped out a month before 8JW1uadon. He went td work u manqer of a feed siore 1n Riverside. He knew Kertey only aa a casual CUl\aJner employed at a nearby stable. Dave Tolford, the Riverside sheriff'• deputy who. arrested Keney, said the then 19-year-old ranchhand confeased to the k1lllns when arrested two days later. The 6 -foot-6, 2!SO-pound teen-ager lured Cook to the neglect ranch by calling the store and claiming that an already delivered bag of feed had never arrived. When Cook ahowed up, he waa forced Into the bunkhouse, stripped, tied and auffocated. Tolford said inveetl1atora believe he waa raped. H{a body waa found two daya later in a shallow grave behind the stable. Tolford, now working aa an investigator in the district attorney's office, said Kersey had fled from Indiana where he was (See KILLER, Page A!) Woman in ·Schmitz case jailed over injury Councilman center of marsh flap By DAVID KUTZMANN Of'theCW, .... l...W Carla Verne Stuckle, the 43-year-old Tustin woman who claimed that wate Sen. John G. Schmitz fathered her two young children, was acheduled to be arraigned today on felony child neglect charges. Mrs. Stuckle, being held in Oranae County Jail in lieu of $2.5,000. bail, was arrested Monday. Tustin Police Chief Charles Thayer said the arrest was made after the District Attorney's Office filed a criminal complaint against the woman in C.entral Orange County Murlicipal Court. Thayer aa1d the complaint alleged that the former Republican Party volunteer worker was criminally negligent for not promptly seeking medical attention fot her 13-month-old boy, whose penis was nearly Weather same: beaches cool, inland hot For thoee who have enjoyed the summer weather along the Orange Coast, the National Weather Services promises more of the same Wedne9day. The mercury will again peak in the mid-70s along the beaches and soar to the mid-80s in inland Orange County, weather forecasters said. Coastal cities will escape the smog that has made breathing more difficult in some sections of Southern California. Coastal cities can expect good air quality. The air quail ty will be unhealthful for sensitive people in the Fullerton-Anaheim area. according to a sPokesman for the South Coast Air Quality Management District. • l!l!Vered by a strand of hair that was wound tiJdltly around it. That child is currently in county care at Albert Sitton Home in Orange pending an Aug. 6 dependency hearin& in Juvenile Court. Schmitz, R-Newport Beach, is listed on birth certificates both for the boy and his three-week-old sister as the father of the children. Mrs. Stuck.le aaid she and Sclunitz had a nine-year love affair. The lawmaker's family a.id late Monday that he would have no comment on the latest developments in the cue and. in fact, would likely never ooml!)ent on any matter connected with paternity. "I don't think my mother or dad will ever make a statement." Mary Kay Schmitz.. 20, uid in a telephone lnverview. Police officials. meanwhile, said that even though Mrs. Stuckle haa been clw'ged with felony child neglect, their lnvesdgatl"n la continuing on how the child's penil was injured by what is believed to be a strand of hair that became entangled with it. Re-constructive .-urgery waa performed on the organ two weeks ago at Chlldrena Hospital of Orange County. The surgery was reported to be suoceaaful. "The indications from the doctors are that the injury la such that It had to be 11CC01Dpliahed as a willful act," Chief Thayer said at a press conference. Adde<l police Capt. Woody Wllllama, ''The doctors aay ~twas highly Improbable it was not an lntentlonal act." The criminal complaint against Mn. Stuckle was filed after police launched a five-day probe (See SENATOR, Pase .il) By PATRICK J . KENNEDY of the 0.-, Not ..... Officials of the California Coastal Commission have asked the state attorney general to file a lawsuit chargmg the crane and trucking company of Huntington Beach Councilman John Thomas with willful destruction of protected wetlands. Steve Brown. attorney for the commission, said Monday that Thomas' crane and trucking company was hired over the weekend by Mills Land and Water Company to plow the 15-acre salt marsh south of Newland Street near Pacific Coast Highway. The Mills company, headed by Robert London Moore Jr .• al.so is named in the complaint which could carry a $10,000 fine and a $5,000 daily fine for each day the area remains graded, Brown aald. He saJd the area must be realOred to a salt marsh by replanting wetlanda vegetation. "We've determined this grading b a wUlful violation of the OOMta1 act and that 'lbomas' Q-ane. and Truckln2 Company and Milla Land and Water Co. are raponsible," Brown said. He contend.a that MOCltt and Themas. who -a eound.lman op~ the wetland designation on the property, were aware of the area'• protected atatus and knew that grading in the C08.9tal wne required state pennlts. Thomas, supervising the last stages of the aradlng on Monday morning, saidne did-n't know the parcel was included in the coastal wetlands that stretch from Beach Boulevard south to the Santa Ana River. "fve .tust rented my equipment to (Moore)," Thomas said. "I'm just working by the hour." Moore. alao at the site, said he'd been ordered by the city to clear weeds and trash from the area. However, city officials say Moore o nly was ordered to (See WETLANDS, Page A!) Reagan to meet press Wednesday After a busy weekend, local beaches settled down to more routine Monday turnouts of sunbathen. The state and dty beaches in Huntington Beach drew about 55,000 visitors. while 70,000 swarmed to the sands at Newport Beach. Lifeguards said the ocean water remains a comfortable 70 degrees. Dllll7 ..... P9loto .., CtwlM lt.n LANDING ON THE NOSE -Thia 2-lnch scale model of a 1939 GBR-1 remote-controlled by Granger Williams of San Marcos, cartwh~ as it landed in regional competition at Fountain Valley's Mile Square Park. Story and photos on Page Bl. WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan will hold a news conference Wednesday at 5 p.m. PDT in the East Room of the White House, deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes announced today. The session with reporters, Reagan's 12th formal news conference since ta.king office 18 montha ago, will be available for live broadcast coverage. TELEVISION Germans lilce 'Dallas' What do th~1r.!tch on television in West Ge.rmany? Why,·~ "of coune. Paae AB. COUNTY Packard lacb support Carllbad Mayor Ron Packard 1ay1. he'• dlappolnted by tu. lack of Atpport in • write.in campaign ap1nat Johnnie Cl'Mn for a congre91ional eeat. J>aaeA4. SPORTS Lights up lor Davidson Newport Harbor High School's Davidson Field ls shedding aome new light on an old problem. Page Cl. Angels lose a wild one The Angell come back from an early 7~0 deficit, but run short of runs in the end aa Oakland wins, 11-8. Page ~1. Albacore in cbannel For the firlt time In 20 yeara. alblicont atrilus wen reJ>orted ib the channel, but. not tor lone. Pap a. 0.-, ............ .., AllMft L..-.., OOPS -Spirit, a boat skippered by Allen Brown, rams into the hull of Fast Company (left) at the start of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club's Catalina Island race. Fast Company sustained a gaping hole to her hull while damage to the Spirit was slight. Nearly 100 boats took part in the Saturday race. On of re fires unit aft.er alarm delays Engineers at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station have fired up Unit II for what a expected to be 11eVeral montht of low-power testing at the plant just 80Uth of San Oemente. The startup, at 7:58 p.m . Monday, came on the eve of a federal appellate court heanng scheduled in Washington, D.C. today on a request by several groups to halt the testing. Some false alarms that required double-ch ecking deJayed by several hours the 'scheduled startup on the second nuclear power reactor. ''They had some false alanns and had to review them and double check them," said Dave Barron, spokesman for Southern California Edison. "Once they stop, they've got to go back to a certain level and check before they proceed to the next step." Ediaon, which owns 80 percent o f the nuclear statio n , has received Nuclear Regulatory Commission p ermission to rroduce up to 5 perreot of Urut l 's reaotor potential during testing. But another Edi so n spokesman, Russ Hawks, said that for the first few days at least. the energy output will be one perrent or 1~ -not enough energy to put any electricity on the line. The company has been doing low-power testing at the plant for three months, but It only involved heating water by electricity. "Now for the first time the INDEX re.ctor la going to 'go critical' and achieve a sustained reaction.'' Mid Hawks. The utility acheduled~ aa a move to wtn NRC a - ror full operation this . During the te9ting, Unit II will be producing only enough atearrl to operate machinery, but not enough to produce any energy. The company hopes to use the testmg to find any flaws in itf. operation. San Onofre's oldest reactor, Unit I, is also not producing· energy after being shut down until Call for repairs. The 14-year-old unit was also closed so it could be fitted with NRC-approved earthquake (See ONOFRE, Page A!) Banjo player faces music ST. LOUIS (AP) -An airline mechanic for Rockwell International says he has been suspended for trying to serenade President Reagan with an amplified banjo. "The whole thing is just, twisted o ut of proportion,'' Dennis Topolewski aald Monday. "I just wanted to give a gift of music to the president." According to Topolewski, Rockwell officials spotted him waiting at the hangar where Reagan di!Jembarked Thunday from Air F0tte One on a trip t.d St. Louis. At YOW' Service A4 lntermillion Be Erroa~ A7 Ann Landera A7 ~ B2-3 Movl• ~ Calif omia M Mutual Funda B2 Cavalcade A7 National News A3 C1aaaified C4-8 Public: Noticea B21C3-4 Comlc9 B4 Sparta Cl-.3 ere.word B4 Dr.S\einel'Ohn A7 Death Notklel C4 Stock Marketa B3 EdJtorial A6 Televilion A8 Entertainment B5-6 Thea ten B&-8 Ky Gardner A7 Wea\Mr A2 Hor<JICQPe • A7 Wotld Newa A3 •• STATE I I I I I ·1 Raw. milk Israelis U o~nd Beirut ordered PL O sa ys 8 4 ci vilians killed, 14 8 wounded KILLER TO BE FREED ... wanted ln connection with a brutal aexual attack on a 16-yar-old boy, three montha before the murder. K.er.y plMid«i cullty to tho ··cnurder and under a · 'plea·berp1n.lnc acr-ment wu •\ aentenced by J udie Wllllam Mortland to the maximum of teven yean. · "I think lt'a a cheep price to pay fOI' a hwnan life," i'olford tald. "I feel he'• dqeroua. A. a parent of teen·aae children I have empathy for Mra . Williama.'' For the Wlll1am.a the road • baa been eouah· Two YMJ"I -so, their only dauahter wu killed in ,. car accident. Two other children are left. "He wanted 90 much to live," said Mn. Wil.llama of her mn. "He loved nat\ltt. He wu eo trustworthy. Thia la eome~ that I'm going to keep flghting.' Mn. WilliaJna stayed in con~ with Tolford. She called the parole board in San Bernardino. She wrote letters to the Board of PNon Tenna when llhe found out Kenley would be releued in Aupt. ''They've aot to qi.lit lettma tbeae peo1,l• out," aatd Mra. .Williama. I don't want to aee another boy die. I want to uve 101neone elle out there." Fred Samuola, at a11t1tant rnan.cer of the RJveratde parole office, aaid he manaaed to convince authoritJea not to allow Keney to return to Rlvenide. Usually pri.lonen are re\Umed to the area where the crime wu comm.ltted. According to prbon recorda, Keney's aentence wM reduced by one-third for good behavior. "Once the judge eentences him the only thin§ we can do ia decrease time,' said Samuel•. "We can't increase it.." Keney will live with a friend in the San Francllco area aft.er he la releued according to offidal documents. A gay organhation in the area has volunteered to give him a job. 'WETLANDS CONTROVERSY : remove debris from the roadside . fringe of the property where people have pulled vehicles and dumped traah. Paul Cook, city public works ·director, said Monday that Moore ' was ordered to remove weeds from a four-acre parcel inland o1 the salt manh site, which la adjacent to the Gulf Oil TanJc .Fann. .: "He did not get an order to :remove weeds from th.at (aalt arsh) property." C6ok aaid. ~!lther he's clearina the wrong ~perty or be'a doing what he tranted to do and ls b1am.l.nc ua, '' :. Cook said. . Moore said he didn't want to spend money to clear the area, but he said he thought he was under city orders to clear the area. ''The city ordered me to do aomet.hing 1 didn't want to do in the first place,'' said Moore, who added that he has long oppoeed the wetland designation on hia land that forbids development. ''This is a cleanup operaUon," Moore laid. ''Doea tbJs look like wetl.anda?" he added. waving his hand at the p)owed up field. Attorn&y 9rown said that even if the city bad ordered a weed abatement at the site that Milla Land and Water Company still would need s1at.e permits. ONOFRE FIRED UP ... • resistance equipment. • Meanwhile, opponents of the nuclear plant, including the Friends of the F.arth and La Jolla resident Bill Carstens, were to present arguments before a federal appellate court in Washington today in an effort to halt further testing. An earlier appeal filed lut month by each action was turned down. Budget-balancing 1 amendment gains ' • WASHING TON (AP) -Aller ! two weeks of sporadic debate, J the Senate is ready to begin •voting on a proposed constitutional amendment to ' balance the federal budget. . Majority Leader Howard Baker, R-Tenn., said he hopet the Senate will finish with the measure by Thunday. The politically popular amendment hu 61 sponaon in the Senate and 231 in the Houae. off shelf SACRAMENTO (AP) -Some ot the raw milk and cream produced by Alta Dena Dalry haa been ordered off atore ahelvee by 1tate health otflclala, who aay they found evidence of aalmonella contamination. The dairy called the atate's action "exceaslve" and said lt would not participate in the t'fJCall effort. Beverlee Myers, d.1rector of the atate Department of Health Servtcea, ordered local health officlala to remove from shelves Alta Dena whole milk.. nonfat milk and cream with the following codes: 7-26-C. 7-27-C, 7-28-C. 7-29-C, 7-30-C and 8-1-C. Thoae numbers, or "pull datta." give the day the product should normally be removed from atore ahelves and the herd it came from. Ms. Myers aaid a state laboratory In San Bernardino found salmonella organisms in Alta Dena milk with a 7-26-C pull date. "The feeling la that if the herd la affected with that particular pull date, milk subaequently produced may have problems," said a department spokeswoman. Beverly Powell. The department said that distribution of milk with thoee pull dates had been halted by Alta Dena and warned that that milk should not be sold or consumed. Salmonella bacteria can cause Ulnees and can occa.slonally result in death for infants, the elderly and people in poor health, the department. said. The dairy. headquartered in the City of Induatry in Los Angeles County, said two other labl, Its own and a lab hired by the Los AnJieles Count y Medical Milk COrrurusston, founa no trace of salmonella in the same batch of milk. "~oet of this milk is already off the shelves, having been consumed by the public," the ata temen t said. "For the Department of Health to ask us to recall the milk at this time, more than one week after it waa bottled and consumed, is excesaive. We will not recall it." Ms. Powell said that the dairy's cooperation would not be needed in the N!Call. She said the atate did not act until Monday becawie lt took time to determine if salmonella was pre9ent. Sunny and warm Sunny and -m today Hight MW 73 al the ~ and ,_ 85 lnl•nd. Fair tonight and w~. 0-nlgl'll !Owe 63 10 5&. HlglM on Wedneeday In hlgfl 70. 10 mld-eoa. Ellewh•r•. f ro m Polnl Conception to th• Mexican bOfder end out IO mlleL Light v8riable Wida night Md momWlg houra. becomi ng well to _,.,_, 8 to 111 llnOta with 2 10 3 fool wi nd w•v•• In Iha allernoon• t o day and W.sn.dey FM loc8lly eJl09C)I patchy night and morning IOw c:louda Outef" ""9{-... N¥I riort'-1 wlNja 12 to 22 k.nou wtth 3 lo 8 1001 -th<ough W~nlgl'll U.S. summary Thunder'a1onnt ---'t«ecl 1crou much of the n•tlon Mond'Y • a cold h'onl pultled ltonnt 9C(0M the nonMm Pllllna 1nd Iha Mldweal. Wld•IV -tterecl alorm• extended trom the -.them AllentlO Coast to Tel(al and pertl ol the ~. Thundar1torn11 poured t.211 lnchH of rain on AochHter. Minn., end 1.13 ~ on St Cloud, Minn., dut1ng the night. And VMentlne, Neb., got .ea lndl Monday alWnoon. Strong thunderatorma allO developed over Southern Cllllfomle. with more than 1 Ind! of "*' 9' Mount Llguna. .... of Sen Diego. A ftMl'l lood watdl WM ...,_, for G"9IM 8outNm Cellfoml&. Hot weether covered the ~ Plllrw end meet of Vie E.ut CoMt. With t9fn99(aturM ~ ... "'6d 90I aAol'O the mlddle A.Uanuo Cou1 ell•••· Wtlllt*latan D.C. heel a reeding of 96 tind.,..,,., Yen Qty heel '3. Northe rly wind• ll•ld ternp.r.,,.. down In the 70. In the ........... Panhandle, vtftlle1 '°""' of the Odd !font pant of i<.-. .-med Into Ille middle IOI. Temp.,at11r•• eround the Mtlon et I p.m. lOT rlnQed ll'Olll a 10W of A ~ If Atca\a. calf., to a hlftl of N et Ab, T- In lhe l'IOf'lharn o-1 and from 811 to 108 In IM low ~. Boatara lrom Point Conoepllon to tl)e Mexican bOfder can expect llQhrto wwt~ wlndt et e 10 t8 knou WednMday .n.moon with • t· to 2-loot eouu-tar1y 1'#911. Not1~ wlndt could reKh 22 knot• with ~ 10 8-foot -l1rther thin 80 mllH ottahor• trom Ille point to Sen Nb>IM laland. Temp era tures NATION Albeny 92 ee Albuque 117 70 AmW1flo 100 88 ~ sa e1 Auenta 111 72 Attentc Cty ee 72 Austin 100 78 BalllmOr9 " 71 Blltll'IQI 82 82 8lnnlnghm 92 73 Bilnlefdl St 83 BolM 115 82 &oaton 87 74 Br~ 117 18 Buftalo S7 72 Bur11ngton H 84 c.., 92 58 Cllet1atn SC 92 77 Cllatttln WV 111 70 Charttt• NC 111 72 Cheyenne 79 511 Chlc:ego 91 73 Clnclnnlll 89 88 CleWlllnd 88 88 Clmble 8C lM 72• CofUmbue 9t 88 ()el..ft wtll " 75 = IO ee IO es o.~ IO 70 OWoft .. 10 OUNtfl 77 • El P.o t01 74 Fwgo ea 68 AllQllllll 75 IM Ot.atF ... 18 55 Hertford IM .. ....... .. 57 HonOMu 11 n Howton t3 78 .....,.. .. .. Jec11111 MS • 72 ~ f7 7S Kant Ol(y 91 n KnolMlle .. 72 Lal V9911 IM n U'1le Aoc* .. 10 lOl.lllVtle ' IO 72 WbtloCllt .. Tl MlmpNI t2 71 MtMll .. 12 ..... Ikea n 71 ...-.et.P 17 The Foricaat For 8 p.m. EDT· Tueo;nay. July 27 R11n m19 Snow t] Showers i1lll Flurrie5~ •High Temperatures NMIWlle 811 "'-Or1eena llO ,.._York lM Norfolk 92 No. Piette 9-4 Olde City 113 Omaha 91 OrlendO 112 PNledptll• IM Ptloenlx 103 Pltt::i:. sa P11and. sa P1tand, Ore 87 PrO'tldenee 811 :::tc11y 93 74 Reno 94 Seit l.lk• 89 Sen Antonio " 8eettle 87 ~ 12 90 8t P-T.,,,.,. sa St 81a Mlfte n Spokane 92 =.-84 It TllOIOfl 91 rue. 115 WMftlnOtn 118 Wll:Nta IM OAL.IPONU == a.ntow a...nont 11111 ... IMlflOp ~ C4Mr~ ~ FNlllO Lale•~ L.allOMMr LAlrlO laed\ Loe~ IT 102 f7 IT .. 112 " 72 ., 83 100 so 11 .. IMI .... -I I I I 72 70 75 7t 88 70 70 74 72 H 98 87 58 73 70 80 52 89 83 84 73 75 78 51 ff 87 98 7t 74 74 87 87 75 74 .. ... M .. 11 12 83 88 ,, 11 88 87 .... o:w = w M~ 117 78 Monl'oYla 100 84 ~lttty 82 54 Mt Wiiton 82 85 Needlea 87 8t Newopott 8Mdl 73 84 09ki.t\d 84 57 Ontario 111 85 Palm Springa 117 711 Puadena 113 83 Puo Aol>IM 96 52 IVl!erllda 95 85 Red Bluff 118 81 Redwood City 73 65 8eof 11MntO 82 52 SallnM 83 48 San Sern11dlno 115 70 Sen Olbriel IM 85 San Diego 78 701 Sen Frll'ICllOO 58 51 8MJoM 13 57 Santa Ane 85 85 Senta Batbera 74 57 Sent• CNl 72 M Santi Mflfla ... 55 Senta Mona 88 82 8tock1on 93 84 Tlitloe V*'t et 48 Thermal " IO Torranc» 711 82 CANADA Clllgefy 13 ... Ednloneon n 47 MOfttrMI It ... OttlWt S1 ea Smog Wlltr• to call (toll lrH) lot lateet~IOn: °'11199 "J'''°I 445-382t LOI Ang•IH ounty: (100) 242....022 AMtllOe ancl a.. llemwdlno oounClle: (800) MT-4710 AS: ~ Centar. (IOO) 242 Tides tood klond hlClh 4:17 P."'-••• leoo.Mf IOW 11: 1A p,m, 1.1 ....... ,...Niii 4:et a.m •• a.s """ low 10:1' e.11'1. I I::: al1 1:11 '""' .. , '"""'Jo 1 a.m. u lwt ... .._ • 7:18 p.111~ , .... .__ ..... ~, a.nt MOlft ,... .._ • 1:111un •• ... '#Ms 61¢ • 11: tO &Jn. ~ By Ttae AalOC!lated Pren The Paleatlne Liboratton Or1ani&aUon acomed an off r of reluie In Sudan today, and Iaraeli warplanet joined sunboat.s and artillery ln a furiout barrage of Yaaaer Arafat'• bealeaed suerrillu In weat Beirut. A PLO communJqu" Nid 64 clvillana ln one bull~ were killed and 142 wounded in the mua.lve air, .ea and land attack that pounded th• 1uerrtlla redoubt for the abcth at.raight. day. In Jeruaalern, U.S . Sen. Paul Tsongaa aald Prime Miniat.er Menachem Beiln told him he would never nesottate wi t.h Arafat "No, under no conditiona. Never. No contact with Arafat," Taongu, l).Maal .. quoted Begin u saying. The !.Ira.ell invaders al.lo cut off electricitl and water to weste(n hal of Lebanon'• capital, where PLO fllhters have been surrounded since the early days of Israel's June 6 invasion to obliterate Arafat'• guerrilla army. "Why should I go to Sudan? I am not a Sudanese," said Arafat's chief spokeaman Mahmoud Labedj when uked about the offer of aanctuary by Suda.neM Pre1tdent Gufar Mohammed Nlmelri. "We are willing t.o le-ave Lebanon Immediately,'' Labadl told reporten In weat Beirut. "Lebanon la not. our country. But our homeland ls oocupled by the llraeU,." Ntm.lri la the fll'lt Arab leader to pat>llcly announce he will provcW a haven for the PLO guerriUaa lf they are evacuated from 'the Israeli-ringed Moalem sect.or ol the Lebanete capital. Thtre had been apeculation the prrillaa would reject refuge IO fat from the war lront with larael, in a North African naUon with ~oseb~~s to the United Stat.et and ~ypt, vilified in the Arab world for makin&, peace with llrael. Finding a country of exile for the prrillaa is a major obstacle in U.S . special envoy Philip C. Habib'• protracted efforts to arrange their evacuation and ward off a final Israeli onslaught into west Beirut. As Habib shuttled from London to Jerusalem to meet with Begin, Israeli Jeta screamed °"" Net ""°'° .,, "-....,... ARRAIGNED -Carla Verne Stuckle is led to court b)r Tustin police of.ficenJ Mark Bergquist (left) and Jim Hein. She was charged with felony child neglect of infant allegedly fathered by State Sen. John &hmitz. SENATOR SCHMITZ ... last week into the child's inJw;es. The results of that. invesitgation were presented to the District Attorney Monday morning. Thayer said it would have taken three to four weeks for the baby's injuries to reach the state o1 severity they did. The hair had cut through the penis down to the urethra. He aa1d it ahould have been obvious that the child WU in need of medical attention. Stµckle has denied she placed the hair on the child in police interviews. The Injury was <Wec'ted when she had a doctor examine the baby two weeks ago. The county's Social Service• Department later took custody of the baby and a petition was filed in Juvenile Court alleging that the iflfant was being kept in an unfit home. OYel' Welt .Hef.rut In th~ dlvebombln11, and 1unboatl, tank• and artllltry poured ma11lve barra1H Into PLO •tronaholda. Tbe blftz that be1an at mldnJsht inten.aUied by midday with the rapid explo1ton1 ahakin8 many weat Beirut neij{hborhoodl. It W&I the llxth at.rataht day of ahell1na followed by day and niaht alr ... u11a on wen Beirut. Iaraell aoldJen are oocupyt.ng the Gu:z 1ub1tatlon ln Chriati.an-domlnat.ed eeat Bettut, which 1u pplte1 power to the Moalem weatern aector, and electrtdty Ml been cut in th.at area lince Monday afternoon. Lebanon'• mlnlater of electricity and water ~ Mahmoud Amar, wu quoted ln Beirut newapapera u aaytnc water atationa abo were adzed and drlnklng water could nan out today in west Beirut, where 35,000 to 40,000 Israeli troopl have trapped an estimated 8,000 PLO guenillaa. The Iaraelia cut water and power from July 4-7 but rettored the service. following prot.esta from the United Statea and Western Europe. Lebane se police said 15 civilians were killed and 47 wounded in day and ~t air raids Monday, bu t did not mention any guerrilla cuualties. The PLO claimed 101 casualties in the fifth day of Israeli air attacks. Former Pilot staf I artis t Crum dead Private burial terVices at aea will be held thia week for former Dally Pilot art director and longtime Newport Beach oommerica1 artiat Dana ''Ham'' Crum who died Sunday. Mr. Crum, who retired last Auguat after 10 yean with the Daily Pilot, had been bettllng cancer the past year. He was 66. A native of Washington, Mr. Crum worked u a commerdal artist in Pasadena until 1951 when he moved to the Harbor Area. He was an artist for Rosan Enterprises, an engineering firm in the Mariner's ~ district of Newport, before hia freelance work. A typography expert and considered by peers one of the nation's best artists in the field of freehand lettering, Mr. Crum wu responaible for designing much of the "look" of the Daily, Pilot of the 1960s. He contributed to the evolving design of the newspaper in later years and helped aet up the Daily Pi lot's e re a ti ve services department (art and copy aervice for advertiaers and for various departments 'of the newspaper). An avid akindiver and deep-sea fishing t.an. he often traveled to Mexico in punuit of thoee interesta. He also was a golf enthusiast. He leaves his wife, Mary Helen, and two daughters, Judith Beasley of ~ Mesa and Carol Stone of Yorba Linda. He is also survived by five granddaughters and a grandson. The family requested that memorial contributions be made to the American Cancer Society. DIAMONDS The brilliont fire of rubles, the dromatic sparkle of diamonds. The perfect moment, the perfect gjft, The unbeatoble combination. All in 14 karat yel· low gold. Heort-shoped ruby pendant with dio· mond, $295. Heart-shaped ruby ring w ith two diamonds, $695. SLAVICK.§ Flne....,.. $1n(e tlU7 I WMrt c~ best surpn.Ks bqi,, I - SOVIETS ON PARADE -This display of Soviet tanks passing in review give no hint of the deep-rooted ethnic conflicts which are -prevalent in the 5.8 million.-member armed forces. A recent Rand Corp. study, based on d interviews with former Soviet en, say that the problem, as well as sm and corruption, could weaken the 's formidable war machine. Racism plagues viet military Ethnic problems could weaken f o idable war machine WASHINGTON (AP) - Ethnic conflict& a.re 90 frequent in the Soviet armed forces that they could weaken the Kremlin's formidable war machine, says a Rand Corp. study based on detailed interviews with former Soviet servicemen. U.S. speclallBts a.re now trying to assess how much effect these deep-rooted tensions, as well as such chronic problems as alcoholism, insubordination and corruption, have on the 5 .8 million members of the Soviet military. At one secret nuclear .installation in western Siberia, racial clash ea punctuated by gunfire erupted between local conscripts and darker - complexioned troops from Soviet Central Asia, the study said. The Soviet government aaaerta that its armed forces serve aa an on te!ftimony by e soldiers who have e the West -which problems ranging fro of military supplies gun slayings of offke On one post in t Union, A Latvian aoldi run down his company·iµ.i:~in political officer with tractor used to haul missiles, ing to Aspin's reports. And in a Red Army Kharkov in the easte more than two dozen short of vodka but anything alcoholic - drinking truck antif congressman said. The Rand report, said, "confinns my own finJ that ethnic tensions are erlous source of internal nsion within the Soviet antjFeople are worried about the racial composition of the U.S. Army. But It ls clear that the SoViets would be happy to swap for our problems." That optnion is not unanimous. Ellen Jone., an analyst for the Defense Intelligence Agency, said in a recent article in the journal Comparative Strategy that "the magnitude of I'[llnority problems in the Soviet armed forces has been seriously overestimated by Western specialists.'' She said, "As a source of disciplinary problems, ethnic rivalry ... is probably less serious than disciplinary infractions relating to alcohol abuse, unauthorized leave, excessive hazing of newly arrived conscripts, or poor small- unit leadership." , effective means for overcoming ethnic prejudices among the country's more than 100 nationality groups a.nd for promoting the information of an idealogically homogenit.ed "new Soviet man." Lockh~d confident about C-5 contract However, the recently released Rand study concluded that ''in the peacetime armed forces, ethnic conflict is frequent. "Ethnic problei:ns suggest existi ng or potential vulnerabilities that should receive the attention of U.S . military planners," the study said. Its aul"hors, S . Enders Wimbush and Alex Alexiev, wrote that slightly more than half the 130 former Soviet servicemen interviewed said they had participated in, witnesses, or knew someone who had taken part in "violent conf lict attributable to ethnic tensions. "We can envisage combat- related scenarios in which ethnic or racial riots, minority conflicta with local populations or even mutiny baaed on ethnic grievances could become real poaalbilities," Wimbush and Alexiev said. Rep. Les Aapin, D-Wis., a peniltent critic of U.S. defense spending, hal embraced the Rand study and similar accounts u support for h la view that Pentagon estimates of the Soviet threat tend to be overblown. In recent month.a, A.spin has L.ued news. ~leaaes -drawing WASHINGTON (APL After a resounding victoAn the House, officials of I.lkheed Aircraft Corp. are confiM they will prevail on one of ~ most intensely lobbied lfense spe,nding questions i ecent years -who will b new, long-haul cargo plane r the Pentagon. Their optimism wa roven correct when the Ho fused an attempt by Boein o. to substitute 1ts 747 jetspr the C-5s. "We were pretty s week before the vote won. That's when we w we had it wrapped up, aid a Lockheed official, who ed t.o be identified. In May, the Senate a the purchase of the surprising coup engin Sen. Henry M. Jackaon, ash. Baken of the 747 said plane would be c heaper a more quickly available t the propoeed new generatio C-58. After the House ev ually completes work on the fenae bill, the House-Senate te on the blue will be deci by a conference commiu But Lockheed offid.ala say CIHalfted edwertlaJng 1141142· All other o.p.irtmenta M2-4i21 MA.IN OFFICE m wn1 ~St .• c-.-. CA. Mell ....... : Boa IMO, c .... -. CA. Conr'9M IC Or..,.. C:O.lt PWll~ ... _~....._~.....,..., wer11M-lle<elfl .... y W ·~­-i.I ~of c~lflll--. confident they will be favored. "We should win it now," said the Lockheed source, citing the large victory margin in the Howe compared to the narrow Boeing win in the Senate. He also cited strong Pentagon and White House backing for the C-5 as reasons. The decision was sealed Monday when President Reagan wrote a letter to the H ouse, urging approval of the new C-5 as "absolutely critical to our strategic mobility program, our airlift program." The nation's top corporations often lobby hard o n large contracts, but what was unusual in the fight over the new cargo plane was the publicity accorded the dispute. At stake were thousands of jobs. "You see this 90rt of thing gol.na on a lot, but it's unusual for it to get out in the public forum like this," sald one defense industry official who declined to be identified. The dispute came to a head when the Howie refused by a vote of 2a9-127 to spend $410 million for "commercially available" cargo planes, meaning the Boeing 747s, and cut money from the Pentagon authorization bill, which earmarka $860 million for the C-5. The amendment was offered by Rep. N orman D . Dicks, D-Waah., whoee state includes Boeing headquarters. • The Pentagon says lt needs the new panes to carry outsize cargo, 1uch as new tanks and helicopters, t.o distant pointa like the Penian Gulf. The Pentagon al.reedy has 77 C-5Aa, an older ve.nion of the C-5 that hu been famoua for coet overruna. The Senate declaion in favor of Boeing was a surprise, pardcularly to the Pentagon. 1'It cauaht the Air Force napping," 1ald one Capitol Hill defense eource. What do you like about\ ally Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below r measa1e wUI be recorded, transcribed and dell\ttred tot ppropriate editor The same 24-hour 1n1wm ervlce may be used to record let· tut to the editor on any topl ailbox contrtbutora mu1t Include their name and telephone nu r for vtrlflcatlon. No clrculatlon calls, please Tell UJ what's on your ml 642~086 • • Jt .. Orano• Oout DAILY PILOT/TUftday, July 27, 1082 Ships fail health test Cruise lines disagree with news release NEW YORK (AP) -Elaht of 23 cruile ahipe -lncludina the Queen El.IJ.abeth 2 -failed their mo1t recent health lnspectloru but were allowed to sail anyway, it.ate Attorney General Robert Abrama aaid. Despite the failures, the ahipe were allowed to uU since the Quarantine Diviaion of the Public Health Service, which conducts sanitation INpectiona, does not take enforcement actions against the ships, Abrams said In a news release. The reasons for the failures were not dt.cl.oeed. But a shipping official aaid Sunday that Abrams mialnterpreted the health reports and that his release was ''mialeading .•• John Reura, chairman of the International Committee of Passenger Lines, an industry group, said a failing grade does not mean a ship ls a floating health hazard. Most of the viola tlons are minor and lf the health service "finds a situation which they feel is .extremely dangerous, they can recommend the ship not sail. That has never been refused, there is not an operator who would challenge that statement," Reurs said. "The statement by Mr Abrams is not really In accordance with the facts," Reurs said. • Abr;ams said his Bureau of Consumer Frauds and Protection b~gan i nvestigating the cleanliness of cruise ships in June 1981 when 237 passengers aboard the Veendam contracted food poisoning during one of the ship's weekly cruises to Bermuda, Abrams said the health service allowed the ship to sail even though lt failed three consecutive health inspections. Abrams renewed his call for legislation requiring cruise ships to di1elc.e in their advertiaing that they are subject to federal health inspectio.n.s and to make the reports available to consumers. Reurs said the information is already available to the public either from the health service or the passenger ship lines. The ahipe that failed their most recent lnapectiona were the t:arta C, Cunard Prlnce11, QE2, Skyward, St.arward, Volendam, Cunard Counteet and Veendam. Abramt mentioned them tlnce they advertise In New York, although .ome sa1.I from Ml.ama or the We.t Coaat. ., WINphoto SECRET WEAPON -Harvey Keene of the U.S . Army Research and Development Laboratories in Natick, Mass., displays a pair of boots made during the Vietnam war. designed to fool the enemy by leaving tootprints of Vietnamese peasants. Another special boot developed at the same time had a sole shaped like a Viet Cong sandal. The Army Special Forces ordered 120 pair in the mid-1960s at a cost of $18,000. It is not known tf they were ever used. D oV' '+ 0t hor¥& b~-thtph~ ~e~tM t Bn8d (Uf\niV\t{ - Use llllswer Ad service when placing your ad ... a Daily Pilot ad number will appear in your classified ad ... we take your· messages 24 hours a day ... you call in at .your convenience during office hours and get the responses to your ad ... this service -is only $5.00 week. For more inform·a- tion and to place your ad ca 11 642-5678. • IRS to sponsor August job fair By PAT HOROWITZ on-.~,... ..... DEAR PAT: I andentaacl tllat ttae bteraal ReveHt Sei'vlce 1poa1ored a Job fair a few moDtllt a10 to recnU latere1ted QPllcut1 for cerreat Job OlllllJl,p. I ml11ed tbt oae ud ••• woacterfaa lf Uity were pluaa.1 to taave uodaer fair IOOD. K.E •• Co1ta Meta Ye.. The IRS will 1pon8(>1' a job fair Aua. 4 and 5. Job couneelon will be on hand to an1wer que1tlon1 ar)d deacrlbe career opportunities available within the IRS. Seminan will be held to dl1cu11 succe11ful interview technique•. current openin11, job quallflcationa, benefits and training positions. The fair will be held on the eighth ffoor of the Federal Building, Room 8544, at 300 N. Los Angeles St. In Los Angeles from 8:30 a .m . to 2:30 p.m. etlCh day. DEAR READERS: Aug. 10 is the comment deadline on a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposal to change warning label rules on protein diet products. The amended labeling would be required for very low calorie diet products in which more than 50 percent of their calories comes from protein. Included would be "liquid protein" product.a such aa t.hoae linked to numerous reports of illness and death in 1977 and 1978, and for other protein powders, capsules and tablet.a. Such food products promoted for weight reduction would be labeled: "WARNING: Very low calorie protein diets (below 400 calories per day) may cause serious illness or death. 00 NOT USE FOR WEIGHT REDUCTION WITHOUT MEDICAL SUPERVISION. Not for ~ by infants, children, pregnant or nursing women." Similar protein products promoted as pa.rt of a nutritionally balanced diet plan providing 400 or more calorie• would be labeled: "NOI1CE -Use only u directed In the diet plan described herewith. Do not U9e as the eole or primary eource of calories for weight reduction." The manufacturer would be required to include a brief deacrfption of the diet plan on the product'• label and to make the complete diet available by mail. Other food producta that get more than 50 percent of their calories from protein but are intended for dietary suppJementa and not for weight control will be labeled: "NOI1CE -Use this product as a food supplement only. Do not use for weight reduction." The proposed regulations amend a rule scheduled to go Into effect in 1980. That rule was sent back to FDA by a U.S. DI.strict Court because it questioned the adequacy of the .vidence for one of the prevtoua labeltn, requ_lrementa. Detaila IN contained on page 26379 of the ·June 11 "Federal Retdater." Comment.a may be sent to Docket• "'Mana1ement Branch (HFA-306), FDA, 5600 Fl1hera Lane, Rockville. Md. 30867. DEAR PAT: I woald really Uk' &obey u aattqae car. bat woDder lf rd uve *° uve It eqalpped to meet cwrreat Htlpolletloa 1taadard1, ud lf I'd bave to set a 1,eelal Uceaae plate. -R.E., Huta.1toa Bea6 Vehicles of hl1torlc tntereat are not required to have any motor vehicle pollution-<.'Ontrol device except for devices that were required for such vehicles by the Pure Air Act of 1968. The Department of Motor Vehicles lssues apedal ldentificatlon plates for motor vehicles manufactured after 1922 and at least 25 yean old. DEAR PAT: Cu yoa locate a recipe for making freezer 1trawberry Jam? rve been told thla la a 1lmple method of maklq Jam, bat I can't find a recipe. -M.N .• Newport Beach In addition to Providing the following N!clpe, MCP Foods l.nc. of Anaheim, offers a toll-free, 24-hour consumer hotline to handle questions or assist users of MCP'a home canning product•. The number Is (800) 854-4615. Here's the N!clpe: 3 'A quarts strawberries. crushed; ~ cup lemon juice; 1 pack.age pectin; 1 cup Ught com syrup; 4 'h cups sugar. Wash, stem and thoroughly crush berries, one layer at a time. Measure fruit, including lemon juice into four.quart kettle or saucepan. Stir well. Add pectin. Stir vigorously. Let stand 30 minutes, stirring occa1ionally. Add light com syrup. Mix well Add au.gar all at once. Stir thoroughly. Warm to 100 degrees to hasten sugar dissolution (If desired). Pour into containers with tight lids, leave head apace of one-half inch. Cover, refrigerate or freeze. The yield la seven cupa. This jam may be slOred in the refrigerator for about three weeks, and in the freezer for up to one year. • Gor 11 problem? Then wrJ~ ro P11t Horo-'e 1 w/rz. P•i will cut red i.~. getthfg thet - SNwers and ~rJon you need ro .olve in- eqwti~ in government and busineel. M.11 your quesrions ro Par Horowiu. Ar Your &rvice, Orange Coast Deily Pilot. P.O. Box 1560, Con. mesa, CA. 92626. A6 many /euers u poaible will be aru- wered, bur phoned lnquin8 or /ettet'I not including the reader's full name, address and buslnea hours' phone number cannot be consider«/. BACK IN GREECE - Shlpptna helren Chrl1tina OnaMls. 32, baa. retumed to Greece for a month-lon1 vacation on her private llland of Scol'piom. It 11 her flrlt trip to Greece 11nce atre was accuaed last February of defrauding the Grwk 11ate. East Germany set for rock concert NEW YORK (AP) -Joan Jett and the Blackhearts will tour Ea1t Germany In September, becom.tng the fint U.S. rock band to do eo, the sroup'• press agent said. The group will play 1even concena ln Eut Gennany from Sept. 14 to 23. . IAllL'S "'I,._,._ M CC m 1c a I llO&M WATll MIA,,_ ........ ....,. ... Jo le 217651 lrtolo9 T1fne It.-.. v-Door {c.11 a.-........ ,_ "'-! ()OITA .-A 641-1219 1116....,... ..... MUCH VU> 495-0401 ntnC....C ;I aw Cle ... ,.., .• ...,......,., To pl-yow mMN09 before the rNdlng publle, phone Delly Piiot Clal9in.d. 642-54171 coun of t diatri activi . \ Crean support .met with reporera In ange ancl San Diego which lnclude portions prawllng congresaional report on hia campaign 1upporl of a coneUtuUonal amendment reqWrtna a be1lnc9d n.aUOnal budcet. Durln1 hla meettn1 with Nancy Sinnott of the Republlaln National Con1reutonal Committee, P11ekard ea1d he Wal told the orpnlr.atlon wouJ'd be endor1ln1 Crean In the November general election. But P.ckard Mid Ma. Sinnott al.lo aald the <X>mmittee would "leave It to the votttt to decide which Republican to elect." Packard, the former mayor of Carlsbad, announced hie lntenUon to wage a write-In campaign for the 43rd d1strict conareafonal 1eat after lc:.t.nc the GOf> primary to Crean by 92 votes. He cited the cost of the primary and dirty campaign tactics on Crean's part u h.la reasons for running. Crean spent more than $800,000 to win the primary H aid he met with Besides has meetings with several Orange and San Diego county members of the Houae, Packard said he also met with Rep. Robert Dornan, R-Santa Monica, who announced more than a month ago that he too was considering running as a write-in in the 43rd district. entatlves of the lican National uional Committee , 's congressional caucus ral Individual legislators Is stay in the nation's Dornaii "Indicated" he will not be running, Packard said of their meetinR. '82 CAD. s31910 ELDORADO ~: EXAMPLE C!?t. ~ ........ .,-•·•m 11• _..., .. ,-21,. -c.. -••I.IA. -•1110 Uc .... 11111 • -. --trn ,_.. •111 .... ,.._ ... • --. (G11191or-...) 11 ... .n ( .. Allt Offer explrBS July 31, 1982 lJIATE DELIVERY'''''"'" i"''' lllES Ill MODELS. CILL lllCI UllPRE. Beach Blvd~. WHtmlnater, C•lff. 1 714/138-2500 . I I ~ I I j I I Orange Oout DAILY PILOTITueect•v. July 27, 1882 John:Wayne Spanish king to honor Salvador Dali passenger J lttna JJH CarlH of Spain of '-ltmony 1n the CMt tried ff plan1 1o bettow on 1ur!!.~~11t 11111: I flCll before Su~rlor Court Judi• tra • ~•Ill•_., Dill u. rot _ I J I David A. n.mu, found that IC up 'MarquJI of Dall of Pubol.' . . Hollywood Collateral Loan The ldNI will pNlent the till• Company owed Ml11 Smith to Dall, wnen the roY"'' ftmllv Actor 8ylvtlttr Stall=oat t24&,000 1n ,.neral d&maatl for Oammerdal alrllM ~ vtaca Oerona, a dty tr{~ whcm "Rocky'' moYSel bel ic. of her jewelry and t2"&0,000 tr.me at John Wayne AirDort for Spain, tn September. Prlaco 1pu.r tntereat Cn boxinl, wa in punltlw damlaee· the ant llx monthl Of 1083 ran Pollpe, heir to the throne, will be • nal-Ufe champlonahlp flaht about I peiroent hlPer' than for inWlt9d u Prince ot Gerona. and told the crowd at Warren, tho 11mo perlod ln 1981, '!be title created for Dall wu OhJo he wWwd he hlld done ~y ... ~'f=un =~--_ fonned by h1a 1umame and the "Rocky W" differently. ... -,... _,,.. vWap where the plinter hu a Surveylna 17 ,HO people tho number Qf ta totf1 and cutle. , aathered at an outdoor blah la n d l n I 1 -r •ma l n • d 1ehool 1tadium to watch local CODliclee'ablY lower. hero Ray 0 Boom Boom•• Muotal FlcurH complied by the Boclutnaer Alldy Gibb aaya he aucce11fully defend hh alrport•• no18e abat4tmmt offlce wants to 10 /ubllo about hi• 11ahtw-'8ht title, Stallone .Sd be 1ndlcat4d 1,228,569 p&1Mn.ten now-flnl1h• romance wit h wanted to tum the fiaht acenM Grand Ole 0pry 1tar Doyle Wllb•ra wu reported In eatitfactory coodltion recovel'll\8 from lun1 1ur1ery at B1ptl1t Hoapttal 1n N_...vtUe. WUbumi 52, a ainpr·,Wtari.lt, underwent 1ur1ery for an undlacloeed pl'C)bleril. enplaned and dtp1aned at the actrem VleSOrta Prilletpal 10 h.11 for "Rocky !Ir' outdoon. airport durlna the flrat alx f.anl will u.ndentand what he'• "But the producen aald we'd An elderl~nix womah months ol 1982, com~ to 1, been throulh· never pt a crowd 1arp enouah." who aald her pe K>red.leted mandw ol 1982, oompared to 1,-G b aald Stallone, who portrayed abe would be weahhy by 1981. Tbat'a a 4 .9 percent 1 b uld on ABC'• "Good heavywelaht champion Rocky September won $200,000 in • fun n . . :::run:·~~=.;"J:r:•= Balboa In hll three Rocky culno jlckpot, a Lu Vepa hotel theBu:u=.:s:,a~:!i~ Principal, of the TV eerlea moviea, all ccmmerda1 au« mu. ~t~ 78, plunked tower were down 17 .6 percent. "Dalla1," waa "very much a s= &Mley Smida baa been about $80 In a "Pot of Gold" alot Operatlona Inv l·~..... ri .... sweet dream of a relationahlp, 1 half milllo machined ...... .,, about 15 minutes u ft.,.... 0 ... ..._ P va-and It wu aJao a nightmare at aw near Y a n -.... TOUGH ·OPPONENT -Japanese Prime Minister Zenko aircraft wwe down more than 20 points." dollan in a dvil auit apinst a before ahe hit the ;.ckpot. aald 5 .. ~.1.1 d h martial percent, while the number of pawn lhop ahe aald had Ulegally Elllabetll Grlffltll, IJ)Okeewoman \U.UJU emonstrates t e · art of Kendo. Political opendom 1nvolvin8 commerdal, When the two flnally broke taken IOIDe of her jewelry. for the Flamingo Hilton. observers say he is almost sure to be re-elected this fall as CICmlDUter and mll1tary aircraft up, .. td Gibb, he auffered a Miu Smith'• attorney, Rick The woman plan.a to buy a car president of his governing L iberal Democratic P arty. T he were up 3, 10 and ld percent, nervous breakdown and "gave Stein, utd the cue, which had for her daughter and travel to 71-year-old son of a fisherman is expected to outlast his ~~~ ~e~ ... l~~·t~ bun~~i~furfi~yun,~~~ti=~~th~th=e=~~M~Y=·~--~oo~~~~~~~~t =fu=~~p~rlm~e~~~=te=~~--------~ 1 The moat recent air car rier about life." After flirting with would pave the way for other Ir I new1 for the five commercial ended up one night "cryi.tla my caaea which the y n ormally -----------Tr 1 ' puten&el' ficurea brouaht good heavy cocaine uae, Gibb aald, he ~lebritiea to sue for loaes in RUFFELL'$ 1 _ l alrllnea operating In Orange eyes out" to his parents, who hesitate to pursue. UPHOLSTERY I ltU ...,IOI ILYD. ) i~~~~~·~~~~~~~~i~~~~~~to~~~a~~~~~~~~~-~~A~~~·~w~hl~~~he~~~~~e~~~~~ b~··~~~~ CYB I' COSTAMISA-'141-1116-POQUl AIN 1! WE 'RE CL.QSING Old friends like wheet~rrows• I V1ewthenew t , you are hard to leave recreational (yt>ts collect1on vehicles*golf Thursday, July 29 j Store Closes ~ept. 4th save 30% to 60% • All women's sportswear reduced 30°/o to 60o/o off regular price. • Men's selected fashion wear reduced 30°/o to 60°/o off regular price. • Girls' selected sportswear reduced 30°/o to 50°/o off regular price. • Boys' selected apparel reduced 30°/o to 50°/o off regular price.· • Fine Jewelry-All stone rings, 14K gold chains and charms reduced 50°/o off regular price. Last Chance Sporting Goods & Furniture Dept. Closing August 2nd • All Furniture reduced 35°/o or more. • Sporting Goods Entire stock reduced 50°/o or more. • All sales limited to stock on hand. • All sales on first come basis. • No dealer purchases accepted • No phone orders ~ccepted Store Hours 10 carts•modet from 7 pm until 9 trains*bikes p m A special 1 •pianos•cars envoy w ill be there refrigerators to give an •skates•••••• If it's got wheels, you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot classified ad.Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad- viser will help you turn your wheels into cash. .nformat1ve recture I and slide I ! l presentatt0n 11 I. Sho ... .m from a limited ed1tt0n the . i ~ Carousel 91ratte. 1 • : S1025 For lecture ' reseNat1ons ,. ; 1 ' telephone The Grft I Gallery at BW i • 1 Newport Beach I 1 l d I i I 11 'v--\VB CL-OWNS s~~l Fo.U-~ Ar-M PtA\ \'\ttr~ I ~ ' i I 1 ' I • j ~· Orange Ootal OAlt.Y Pll.OT/Tuttday, ~uty 17. 1012 Videocourse critics . deserve their forum It probably ii a fair comment to' suggest that a number of Coast Community College District lnatructon don't care much for television instruction via videotape because the concept might threaten thelr job security. Afcer all, how would you like it if the job you do could be videotaped once and then replayed over and over so that your services might nbt be needed on a daily basis? That might be well part of the reason 67 Coast District teachers signed a letter critical of the so-called Telecourses offered hy one of the district's schools, Coastline College. And the question of employment might well be why the teachers union jumped to the defense of those instructors when they were reprimanded for criticizing the instruction by TV. The objecting teachers received an official letter of reprimand which came at the direction of the Board of Trustees and was signed by William F. Waechter, dir,ector of personnel. The letter of censure will remain in the teachers' files for one year and, in the case of those 1.rutructora who framed the letter, for three years. ~pite whatever might have motivated the teachers to complain, it would appear that the college board overreacted a bit ln this matter. The reprimand suggests that it's just fine for teachers to ral.se issues "regarding such academic matters" if it is done so "in the proper forum." The impression left here is that aiting the ar~ents publicly would not be the proper forum. Yet in truth, the coast district is a public educational institution, supported by the taxpayers. Those taxpayers do have a right to know if indeed the instruc tors of their institution have questions. about the quality of educational opportunities being offered. As for the facts, surely some independent educational analysts could determine if the allegations of the teachers have validity or are simply setf-serving. Meanwhile, the Board of Trustees would be well advised to preserve the concept of open discussion of academic values by its faculty members. The letters of reprimand did just the opposite. Airport plan fair Several weekS' ago, it appeared a settlement had been reached in a yearlong lawsuit involving Orange County government's method of regulating which air carriers serve embattled John Wayne Airport. At that time, the principle plaintiffs in the case, Pacific Southwest Airlines, Western Airlines and the U .S. Department of Justice, were willing to drop their actions so long as the county agreed to abide by a plan aoopted by supervisors March 17 and s ubsequently implemented. That plan establishes a re- allocation system under which the carriers serving the airport lose guarantees to flights previously permitted. Guarantees are to be phased out over a two-year period. Every three months, fHghts are allocated to carriers either wanting to expand or initiate service to Orange County. This settlement, it now turns out, and the plan on which i• is based, are in jeopardy, the result of new legal action from AirCal. Legal action from AirCal's quarter is not surprising. The Newport Beach-based air carrier is dead set against any access plan that will force it to give up guarantees on any of the flights it now posse~ses. AirCal simply wants to protect its competitive edge over the Orange County market. That edge is significant. The county permits an average of 41 jet departures per day Crom the airport. AirCal, until the March 17 p lan was implemented, controlled an average of 23.5 flights. Anothe r 11.5 went to Republic Airlines, and two each to PSA, Western and Frontier. Under the re-allocation, AirCal's allocation was reduced, while PSA's increased from two to three flights per day. There may have been a time when AirCal was en titled to special consideration. That would have been back in the days when no one wanted to fly to that cow county south of Los Angeles. Back in the days when the federal government held tight reins on commercial aviation routes. But those days are gone. Today, as any airline industry observer will tell you, Orange County is recognized as one of the most lucrative short-haul travel markets in the country. And the reins have been eased by the federal government on where and when carriers may fly. With the exception of some temporary rules necessitated by last year's air traffic rcontrollers' strike, carriers can fly pretty much where and when they want. • As pressures mount from competitive airlines, AirCal may find itself living in the past if it expects county government to perpetually protect AirCal 's advantage in the local marketplace. Turning around and suing that same local government hardly seems like the equitable answer and suggests continued legal turmoil on the Orange County air service scene. AirCal might find a more profitable approach in expanding its services to other points, forgetting about litigation. and yielding a bit at John Wayne Airport. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Daily Piiot. Otner views ex· pressed on tn1s page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is 1n111t- ed. Address The Daily Pilot. P.O. Box 1566, Costa Mesa CA 92621>. Phone 1714 ) 1141-4321. ' L.M . Boyd I Mountains People who hve within the sight of mountains are happier with their lot in life than people who live on the flatlands. Or at least, that's what the pollsters report. Why mountains seem to boost the general morale is nor explained. Q. Who was the first graduate of Harvard? A . An Englishman, George Downing . L o ndo n 's Downing Street -the whereabouts of No. 10 -was named in his.honor. A New York City optometrist offers a free eye examination to any sports official who shows up in the Officiating uniform. , Q. What does a psychiatrist mean by a "word salad"? A. Jargon for the spoken babble of a tch.liophrenic. J ORANGE COAST DailJPilat Wolves never make their dens more than a half mile from drinking water Q. What's a bolx·at's favorite food? A. Rabbit. Client Report: "The magnifying mirror m my makeup kit tends to magnify many times more powerfully . when t'rn aloft in an airplane. The mirror always returns to normal, gradually as the plane decends." Odd, what? Evidently the mirror reshapes itself slightly with changes in atmospheric pressure, despite the pressurir.ed cabins. Lottertea helped finance Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Dar tmouth a nd Columbia. It was in 1760 that an Eftsliah mapmaker named J ohn S pilabu ry invented the jigsaw puzzle. Thomas P. Haley Publisher Thom~t A. Murphlfte Editor ' Barbara Krel btctl Editorlal Page Editor • The Pentagon's private war WASHINGTON -In the protected corridors of the Pentagon, with its thousands of lookalike cubicles, a siege of backstabbing and undercutting has broken out. The rival military services are engaged in a deadly struggle over the allocation of funds and missions. It has been precipitated by revolutionary changes in weapons technology, wtUch are bursting upon the scene w'th unforeseeable unpact on the future of warfare.- T H E UNCER T AI NT Y plagues military careerists who fight bitterly for weapons that are already stockpiled in another service's arsenal or for weapons that are completely outmoded but give prestige. This not only waates billions of dollars, but seriously weakens the nation's security. Indeed, the unseemly competition between the armed services costs the American people more than any other federal extravagance. Gen. David C. Jones, the outgoing Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, has lighted a fuse to the scandal. In a scathing critique of the Joint CrueCs, he urges that the chairman be given the authority to make decisions without being subject to the veto power of the individual servlce chiefs. Typically, Jones' reorgaruzation plan is supported by the Army and Air Force, but opposed by the Navy and Marines. His successor. Army Gen. John W . Vessey Jr., will be questioned about I.he Pentagon civil war when he appears in a few days before the House Armed Services investigative subcommittee headed by Rep. Richard C. White, D- Texas. Here are a few specific examples of foolish. wasteful and dangerous selfishness that the committee members will want t.o ask Veasey about: -The B-52 bombers the Air Force is retiring could be armed with cruise missiles for use against enemy ships, just as the Soviets plan to employ their G -J.-1:.-.-•• -1.-10-1 -d .Backfire bomber against our fleet. But the admirals havt! refused even to consider the we of land-based bombers; it would weaken the Navy's caae for more ships~ -The Air Force ls jealously guarding the continental defense mission of its F-15 Eagle, though a secret Air Force study suggests that the Navy's F -14 Tomcat would do the job better, sources told my associate Peter Grant. -The services are supposed t.o protect one another's forces in combat, but they habitually give these cooperative missions the )Qwest priority. The Army, for mstance. has seriously neglected 1ts responsibility t.o protect air bases. Last year. in fact, the Army terminated its Roland ground-to-ai~ missile system. a move that leaves Air Force facilities on NATO's "front line" in West Germany more vulnerable than those in Britain. -The Air F'orce seems determined to shirk any responsibilty for close air support of Army ground troops. It keeps trying t.o shut down production or the A-10 fighter, the only Air Force plane designed for this intricate mission. In this case, the Army hasn't complained too loudly. bec.•a use the lac k of A-lOs provides an excuse to buy billions of dollJirs' worth of AH-64 attack helicopters. But the choppers are more expensive, more vulnerable, less lethal and less maneuverable than the A-lOs. -THE AIR FORCE and Navy are suppo9ed to be developing a jamming- resiatan t communications system for messages between ships and p~. Yet the Air Force this year asked for $3.61 billion to develop its own system -with which its planes couldn't talk t.o the rfavy. -The services have steadfastly resist~d attempts to centralize the medical corps, transportation and procurement, even though this would save billions and increase efficiency. The White House has not yet decided w h a t to d o a b o u t J ·o n e s • recommendations, and Reagan's people tn the Pentagon have not commented publicly . But former Carter administration officials are largely in agreement that the current system of "decisions by committee" inevitably results m ambiguous -and thus useless -advice being transmitted to the president. For example, Robert Komer, former defense under secretary for policy, recently recalled: "l was unable until t~ day I left the Pentagon t.o get a corporate view from the Joint Chiefs of Staff on the optimum strategy for deterrence and defense In the Persian Gulf." Brown not cheap with others' cash A favorite rejoinder of Gov. Jerry Brown's t.o charges that he is a ti~htwad has been "Just say I am a cheapskate." Judging from his actions in his social life as well as in the management of the s tate, Brown isn't kidding. Jerry Is notorious for letting anyone and everyone but him buy the drinks when he is socializing. In fact he even steals other people's drinks rather than buy his own. THIS SAME TRAIT shows up in the way he administers state government. As a vivid example, the revenue shortages which became crucial laat year prompted him to invoke a ban on "conff:rences" by state agencies. It was aimed at the "seminars," "workshops," and "training sessions" which state agencies dearly love t.o stage at some exotic locale away from the capital. The employees, who usually take their swim suits, as well as golf dubs or tennis racquets. love them too. Aside from the costs of the time away from their jobs and the travel to some IARl WATIRS distant place, state employees are also allowed $50 a day for meals and lodging. So a three-day conference of 200 employees becomes a sizeable expense. Budget shortages or not, the haJUng of such meetings by Brown appeared t.o be an exercise of good management. As Brown said at the time, training sessions can be held without going out of town. Kids keep thoughts secret Thoughts <1t L .. rgc'. Most pan•nts have' no notion at all ol what their t·hildn•n rt•allv think or lt•t•I about su bj£'ct~ that are mos t important to th<•m and 1:h1ldren lc-arn (!!\ i-.,..' /Jii.. \f', SYDllY lllRlll tht· othl'r side to testify that he 1s. or wa:,. nut. their tC'St1mony does nothing but d1SC'red1t their profession People who tend lo simplify t'Omplt•x matters are rar more dangerous than those who try to complicatt> simple ones: as Jacob Burckhardt warnt'd, .. Beware the terrible simplifier ... -It is my belief that there are more paranoids walking about freely than any other form of mental abnormaltty: they are the ones who see conspiracies m every human error. and plots in every early enough that candor of this sort 1s plan tha t frustrates their hopes and far more alienating than solidifying. wishes. -I have never seen a policeman give -From what I've seen and heard of a ticket to a tail-gater -and yet it is my the so-called "Survivalists," I wouldn't belie( that theS(' wretched creatures are much care to survive In a p0pulatlon responsi ble for more accidents than composed exclusively of people of their speeders. sort. even if 1 thought it was possible. -People who deplore terrorism which 1 don't.. 11hould recaU Bernard Shaw's perceptive -It sec?ms peculiar that some persons comment, "Assassination is simply an will SJ>')nd the first half of their lives extreme form or ~nsorship." courting fame anct popularity. and tht> -Speaking o( ~nsorship. a federal latwr half trying lO pretfrve the privacy judge a few years liO found 14 dltrering lhey themselves Jeopard'ted ln the fin\ deftnltlons of "oblcenity": i!I It possible place. that lewdnep, like beauty, exists in the -WhJlt tht envious fall to understand eye of th~ beholder? wu bt-3utlfully e>tpreaed by Ooethe, -MOdlt people who claim they want when b Mid: "There Is no defen&C.' freedom really want power: as Hazlitt Qalnst l()meone clae'• superiority exc:opt. exp~ ft Joni ago: "The love of tovt." , Uberty ls the love of othera; the love of -Th mtdlco-leaal lexioon needs • poMr it the low of ourwlves." nuw cattaory. called ·•morat lnsanJl)', .. • But it now becomes evident that the governor wasn't damping down for good management reasons but simply because he ts what he says he is, a cheapskate. The truth of that is found in his most rerent decision , permitting the Department of Aging t.o hold a three day "workshop" at U.C. Santa Barbara's scenic campus. The site on the Pacific Ocean front will provide a pleasant and cooling relief from the hot summer weather in the capital city. The reason for this exception t.o his ban on such meetings. it developed upon inquiry, is that the meet will not cost the state a clime. The federal government i.s picking up the tab. Clearly it doesn't matter t.o Brown if his employees spend the uucpayers' money unnecessarily as long as it doesn't come out of the state's budget. In the instant case the plans are for 40 persons from the department to attend. It was pointed out that the employees will travel by chartered bus, presumably a savings from other means of travel, and U .C. Santa Barbara will provide lodging and meals for $29 a day. BUT A COST that wt>n't be reimbursed by the feds is the salaries of the employees for the three-day abllence from their regular duties. And whether the federal government is footing the bill or not it doesn't end with just the 40 department workers. Also attending V(ill be 110 persons from the Area Agencies on Aging, 30 more from the Aging Advisory Council, several members of the CallfornllW ' Commission on Aging and an unditcloeed number from the federal government. What it all adds up to la another many-thousand-dollar boondogle wttll the dol.lats coming smack out of the pockets of the wcpayen. -When three s-ychlatrU!u •1'9 paid for mttt likt Hlnck&ey, who m a1n1 by one side to tecdfy tNit a man ta, or t-nough to k"ow what they are de:ing, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~""!'!""""~~!!!!!!'~ ...... !'"""'""'!!l'"""!!!i....,~.L:~w~es:::....::·'nsane,1ndthreeottw_n......;_are--.pA~id~by~-aand---miiCl~~~---=~to.....,dO..._.ll_.~ ' Orange Oo11t DAILY PILOT/Tueaday. July 27. 1882 •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •HY GARONER Mom agonizes over daughter's backstreet affair· DEAR ANN LANDERS: Our beautiful, tnWll,.nt, W.ni.d dauahier <• 24) i.a becom1n& hopel-1y Jnvolved with a ma.rrled rnal\. She eees him whenever ahe can. When ahe tan'\, the ll at home, cryina her eyee out. The man Nll children and will not leave hia wile. Me hu told "Mary Lou" ahe hu no future with hlmil and he feela ,Wlty about taklna up her time, SU she hanp on, hopln& for a m!recle that will never happen. I WU in the Mme spot when I WU het• ase and l know what It'• like. If my mother Md known she would have diaowned me. Yet. I can't turn rny back on my daughter. Whet can I say to make her send thi.I heel back to hla wlfe and children? She deMrVes a dt!cent man who will give her nuuT1age. ~~ the words. -flEARTACHE lN DEAR HEARTACHE: Noth.mg you say will make any difference. People who program themselves to self-dest.ruct cannot be saved from the ultimate catastrophe Stop believing you could rescue her if you flMA IOMlfCI AT WIT'S END were wller or atronaer. ~he will end thi.I blck· street aff•ir only when 1he t. re.dy. D!A.R ANN LANPERS: Recently I had the brtdp club at my home ind worked for three houn preparinc what I considered a aourmet lunch. Not one auest ate a uuna. Mn. A. aocwied me ol trying to aabo&qe her-diet. She utd, "You know I'm 1\rUOlina to loee wet'-ht -why dQ you eerve SANI>WlCHES? Don t you realise how many calorlea \here are in a slice of bread?" Mrt. B. 1hoved everything utde and annou.nctd ahe wu on a aodiwn-free, sugar-free, high-flber die\, and there wu absolutely nothing on the table, she could eat. Mre. C. limply aaid, ''I'm not hungry. Black coffee ia all I want." What has hap~ned tD the days when iueeta were gracious and appreciated a lovely meal? - UPSTATE NEW YORK DEAR UP: Tbose daye are 1oae. We are Uvln1 In u era of cr11b cUete, 1et-tbln-q11lck ,tmmlckl such u -wollld you believe -a body wrap for Punch HO, and eatllll aotbln1 ha& Ice cream (as mudl a1 you wut) udl • p.m. A wbole lndastry baa arowa up aro• pumplD1 Iron, Jogla1, popp1D1 vllamln1 and bealtla•ttore product•. Tile ·•q_t time lt'a yoar tun to boat, &ell tbe womu to bi'nll tbelr owa luncb -and I'm not klddln1. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I learned just a few days ago that 1 may be a criminal. This ta what happened, and It la the God't1 truth. For several year• my bou deducted withholding taxes from my paycheck. I was under the imprellion that they took all they were entitled to and it wasn't necessary to file M income tax return because I didn't owe anything. In a casual conversation with a friend I mentioned this and was told I am in violation of the law and could get mto serious trouble 1f r was ever found out. Will you please tell mt' what to do? My friend advjsed me to keep ny mouth shut because "ignorance of the law is no excuse." 1.9 this true? IC 1 owe the government money. I want to pay tt t also am scared to death I might get hauled in one of • theee day1. Should 1 call the ln~mal Revenue Service and turn myself in? Pleue advlae. - SOMEWHERE IN THE SUN BELT DEAR SUN BELT: My tax accouniut aays you tboald NOT call tbe Internal Revenue Service. q Alll UNDflS Call a lawyer. Tbe IRS may oot believe you. Beln1 honorable and decent Isn't enougb anymore. Do you feel awkward. self C'OllM:JOUS -lonely? Welcome U> the club There's ht-Ip for you m Ann Landers' boolclet, "The Key to Popularity "Send 50 ('ents wllh your ~uesr and a long, scamped, self-addressed envelope LO Ann Landers, P.O Box 11995, Chicago, Ill 606 I J T YOUR HEALTH DR PETER J . STEINCROHN Diet caus e s Trip given photo finish ! canker s ores For th06e of you who think pictures grow on postcards. l will explain that a tnpod is a three-I legged stand \.hat supports a camera so tl will I remain perfectly still l When fully extended a tnpod will stand waist high and weigh in at five or six pounds Every year. five m1l11on amateur camera enthusiasts leave home WITHOUT o ne. My I Ola• by LA. r-. srno husbandisnotoneof them. ~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ·~~~~~~~~~ FOR ~IGHT YEARS he has dragged that triPOd along on our vacation. He has yet to use it. So what good is it, you ask? For starters, it smashes down my dresses so that whatever l wear to dinner, someone will look at the permanent indentation and remark, "Oh, I see you own a tripod." When you run your suit.case through security, bells will chime, buzzers will beep and you have ~ ask them when was the last time Great Britain was attacked by tripods. It gives young cabb1es and bellhops their first Amencan hernia. Oh, and once when the towel bars were full of laundry, I hung a few socks on il to dry. Mostly what 1t does lll make my husband feel like Ansel Adams I know now I should never have married an amateur photographer, but when you're 35 and not moving. you panic. My hfe has been a series of. 0 Would you hold this Jens?" "Stand still, fm losing my light," and, "So tht> bus left Wlthout us There's always another one" Bl~ are the women who marry a man who photographs the Grand Canyon from a moving car. through the windshield with an instamatJc They don't know how lucky they are MY HUSBAND'S VERSION of the tripod is quite different from mine. He will tell you about the hWlW\ingbird he saw with crossed eyes, the sun setting over the Kremlin that looked like a hammer and sickle, and the dramatic picture of the men on Easter l.9land facing away from the sea. What he won't tell you is that his tripod was in the suitcase in the hotel room all the ume. We didn't take the tnpod this year. I said it was either it or me. He thought about 1t a week before leaving 1t behind. The guide at Chnst the Redeemer Statue in Rio sa1d, "I assume all you serious photographers have a tripod." I knew what 1 had to do Drop to a.11 fours. balance a camera on my head and remain stJll for as long as it took "Oh, well, no news is good news." ---~-y 0_CH_~_!_~_s _~_~_0_!_~_!_~_6_o!_A_R_SH_A_Rl-F --~ Nt>ith.-r \ ulnerablt> North deal ... NORTH •A 102 6-4 0 1094 •AK 97 3 WEST EAST •K95 •QJ76-43 -K1032 "'J85 O Q653 O J +Q8 •Jl06 SOUTH •8 ~ AQ97 AK872 • 542 The bidding: Nerth Eallt 1 + I • Pan PaH 4 ) Pa11 Pa11 Paa1 Soutl 2 y 3 ~ 5 Weat 2 . Pa11 Pua Opt>ning lead: F'ive of •. Here's a test of your analyucal ability. Would you choose to play five diamonds, three no trump or neither on this hand from a recent team mat.ch? The auction is reason.able. North might have tried three no trump rather than four diamonds, but declarer has his problems at either contract. However, move to the top of the c.las.9 If you decided that it makes no diCference whether you play game at no trump or diamonds, since both can be made with careful handling after a spade lead. Assume that you are declaring at five diamonds. Wm the ace of i:pades and finesse the queen of hearts. West wins and returns a spade, as good as any. Ruff and ca.sh the ace of diamonds, noting the fall of the jack. If that card is honest, you will need some luck. Cash the ace of hearts and ruff a heart Ruff a spade and ruff your last heart in dummy. anc> you are delighted when Ea.st Jiscards on this trick. Now cash the ace-king of clubs and exist with a dub. West is down to nothing but trumps, so he has to ruff bu partner's winner and return a trump from his Q-6 into declarer's K-8 tenace. Declarer loses only a heart and the club ruff. At three no trump, declarer's problem Is different. He must hope that East started with six spades and that he can be k.ept off lead. Win the thi.rd spade and lead the ten of diamonds. captunng the jack with the king Now lead a low club: 1f West plays the queen. allow him to hold the trick; if he plays low, go up with the king. Assume West follows low and you win the club in the North hand. Run the nine of diamonds to West's queen. West might as well return a diamond. Win and lead another club. When West produces the queen. simply duck the trick. When F.ast follows to this trick, you can claim the rest of the tricks to just make your contract. Have you been running mio double trouble? Let Charles Goren help you find your way through rhe maze of OOUBLES for penalties and for Ulkeout. For a copy of hLS OOUBLES boolclet, send $1.65 U> "Goren-Doubles," care of rhis newspaper, P.O. Box 259, Norwood, N.J 07648. Make checks payable U> Newspaperboolu. Sagittarius:. Stop berating self Wednaday, July %8 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Some family membera attm in~nt on involving you in a crisis. Key la to be alert, sympathetic and aware of your own best in~rests. Money is likely to be a major issue. Cancer, C.aprlcom penons figure in unusual *1enario. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Perceive picture as a whole; avoid becomlng tangled in red tape, endlesa detaila. Play waiting game. Delay enables you to tighten legal loopholes. Gemini, Leo, . ,,,,, By PHIL INTERLANOJ Sagittarius pel"'80na figure prominently. Penonal horizon1 expand. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You gain finner foothold on emoUonal, flnandal ground. Buie task.s can be achieved if you agree to unorthodox procedure11. Aquarlan will aid cauae. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Be ready for change, speculation, opportunity to expreu aelf In creative manner. Relationship intensifies. romance dominates acenarlo. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius peraons figure prominently. Lucky number la 5. LEO (July 23-Aua. 22): ~al can be concluded . Know when to depart. You get al.moat ewrything needed -poeiUon la atrong. you need not be intimidated. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sep. 22): What teemed a cloaed chapter will be reopened -know it. ptepue aooordingly. Dnphull alto on relatlvee. review of ideas and abort journey nee ery in connection with special me11a1e. Ptscea native flgure1 prominently. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct . 22): Lunar and numeriQI cycle h.tahllaht pre11ure, responatbWty, challenae and adattion al fund1. Relationahip intenalliee, but1nem lmprovee, caner P" boolt and reward facton multiply. .SCORP IO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Green U1ht fluhee. burdiis in removed and d.rc:wnltant.-tum tn your favor. Move~ take lniUadve, make pel'IOMl ap~ w.ar brilht colon. SAOlftAIUU8 (Nov. 22-DeC. 21): Take oold pluna.e Into future; a\ldd u.ctahammer wotda. MMnl atop bentln; yow.e1.f widi what milht have or ooWd hive ~. · theme highlights romance. Ca.'\Cer and another Capricorn figure prominently. AQUARI US (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Envious associates attempt to block your path. Room will be made for you, superior recognizes your talents and • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA one you aided m past will now return favor. Gemini, Sagittarius ~l'90M play significant roles. PISCES (Feb. 19-M~h 20): Journey oveneas commanda attention. Lunar emphuls on distance, lanlUage, educ.UOn and communication. Previous restiictions are overcome and you now are in poaition to imprint your own atyle. Scorpio playe important roles. P01 SHOJS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT .,. UE.\R OH 'l l':I'< HOI" .\llt'rg~ to lood.; hai. nt'' t'r rt'alh trouhlt'd nw 1 mt'an I've Rt'\'~ ha d hl\t'!o. or d'tbma .11taC'k' <1r diarrbt>a tr411i!l t>a tinl! ""m*' 'P•'<'lal toocf \11lk. tor ins1an,·e. ba .. nt•\t-r produc·1•cf an intt•,tinAI Up't·t or ~I\ en ml' ht.'adarht•, Hut I ha'>1· ,uftt"r•·d on dnd ott lrom cankl'r ,ort'' At 11 m .. ,. I 1·ouldn ·1 \'II I bt'1·aui.e tht•\ were 'o pamlul At l11 ~t. I di"·o\1·n·d I'd ~t'l attac·k, "ilhio davs alter I \t• bet'n on .t l'hoc:olate binge. ~im·t' then, I've never bad canker sor es. I think people Wlto suffer from canker soret 1bo11ld do a bit of detective work to discover what food may be disagreeing wltb tbem. -MRS. B. DEAR MRS B : As you say. when allergic to certam foods, one may get headaches. another diarrhea, or hives -or canker sores. Sensitivity to foods may be a maJOr cause of canker sores. Dr. Claude A. Frauer of ABhev1lle. N.C .. suggests we look mt.o foods that begm with C. condiments, chocolates. t.-ola (includes all soft dnnks). catsup (includes all foods with tomatoes). com and chips. Canker sores may also be due to flavonngs in toothpastes, mouthwashes. candy and chewing gum. OEAH OR 'll ''' ltlllt°' smokt> modt'ratd\ I rnt'OI Jll rho,1· l unn\ non-smok.t'r.s 1·1,mpldtnlR)t \\h' c•.1n 1 .1 -m,.l.1•r light up a cigarette and enjoy It after a meal? At times, I bl'<'om1· -.u up, .. 1 I 141,h I "• • • 11\ 1n~ in 'ome hro:.id·mindt·d 1•n\ 1r11nm1•n1 l•k1· rh .. \ ha'>e io t-:n~lund ,\ p(•r,on • 110111 '" d"" 11 in ,, rt'.,lauraot and 'mokt' ron,1·11·n• • tr.·• \ 1 H H 111'.,\I< \IH B l~ l• · • • ,..,, .0111 11111\'1 '" i.:nJ,!l.1111! '.,11,1d1·1 it' • t· • -· •• ,,,,,' l111n1 :\~JI Hi1ll1 '.'I r:11~l.111d l , I" :r ,• d "I ·u~h1 1h1·1 1 .~oul<' 1 ..... <tllll•'· I• ,, '' ., "I I.! Ill ,, .... ,, .. ,,,,llh l•' Pt'I•, 'lt \\t·rc ua L1 1: ii ·11 1rt 11•1k1n~ ,t1 •·;.1:" :u ,,. re 1•11· .. , .. ul-(hl 1>4"""'' I "' .. .i I• '' \.\111 k 1n a '-llHtkC II•• 1'11\'111111111• t , •'"' • • I" 11·1·111 I~ 111 \t.,J th.ii ,11111k1nj.! 'hould 11 : • .d " .. .i 111" \\111'kplc;111· I! ii ... "UI 1h.11 I",,. "' '111111\ :\11 B I ht \ I t ! lJI 111 \ I \ t · 1 \ \\ / ,• I ' Pf ISONAllTY Q.&A. BY MARILYN AND HY GARDNER Rod Carew's nioin t y pical For· Our "Mother Knows Best" Department: Rod Carew, one of baseball's highest-paid superstars for some seasons, still listens to mom. "She once warned me not to eat at banqueta or places where I don't know how the food is prepared." crows Carew. "And when I play with the Angels in New York, she doesn't want me to, come out and visit her because she's afraid ru get m~ In the subway." he adds. ''Also, she doesn•t want me '° take a cab. She worries about each of her kids -but perhaps me the most beCauae I had always been sickly.'' Q: Wllo w11 tile flnt Mr. Mae Wett! A: According to her coni.mporary, the la~ n.liht.club emcee N.T.G . (Nils T . Granlund), he was a vaudeville performer who worlced on the bill with her at Loew'• American Mwdc Hall ln the F.arly Fllrties. All. he oould recall wu the chap's lMt name• -Oiero, an 9CCOrdlon 1queezer. The only printed ~ refettnee to a mate wu a Frank Wallace, who • 1U.pJ)09edly married Mae in 1911 and divorced her in 1943. \ f Q: fttN &rt M IDQ1 bttt• .. llert tMQ, ha CHfHed •"Clli book I oa111it to '-•1· A•J ' n11"dODtT -Bu Dulopt Stalell blUMI, N.Y • ' A:. Yes. How about th Bible? 1i•1 never beeli 011 tM beet«ller U.ta! • -eva.eo- t;OO ID. HIWI ~WOMAN G TM9MINT "l~ FOi Tl•• Semi I I.WAT. HAWA"l'lVI~ Contemln•l•d h.,oln alien.,• • falHng llnOflt'• 0Mpere1e e11emp1 for • C0"'91>8Ck • OV!llEMY GUMI .avthor S1ud1 T .,k •IR)Q G.i) H\AtAHrTIU ™"°"°H THI! AA1'8 "Sculptur• Mi,,or 01 IMen== N8CNEWS TH£ COYOTE'S L>MEM' Animated Mlekey MouM'I old pal PIUIO lrlM lo oullo• sh .. pnepplng coyOIH who crav. lambd1o91 on Ille hoof (~MOVIE * * '-' "Tiie Cal And T"'- Canary" (11178) Honor Blecl<man. MlchHI Callen H.ira b•llle tor • fortune al Ille f90C)ky Hlal• of a decf8Md m111ionalr• PG· IJl)()VIE * * Felling In Lov• Again" (11180) ElllOll Gould. Su1annah Yorl< A man goea to hla n1gn school r.un1on In tne l*lef ll'tat n. can reltv. Ille gOO<I llmM of Ille past PG' t:IO fD DtCK CAVETT ~ Od•ll• CRl Cl) AMl!AICAH OOWAHMEHT "lnterMI Groups" (I) ca NEWS (II 8AAHEY MILLER "'MOVIE "~ City ( 1980) Debra Harl') PG' (.!)THI! MAKINO Of AEA<*CISE RehNraala, coatume 1111. •no•. m•k•uP -.ione, and In• planning of cinemlllography er>d ligt>I· lflG .,. c:NOl\leled In • ~lnd·ti..ec..-atudy of Ille unique physleal Ill· ,_,_ ... 8:45 (Z) CIHEMASCORE 7:00 I) C88 HEWS D N9CHEW8 0 KUNO FU Q A8CHl!WS CiJ l(OJAI( QI DOOOl!RDUOOUT II) JOKER'S WILO tli)~ BUSINESS REPORT Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE Us.tog lntrared photogr•· pny 10 toe plc1\lfn of pain, a profile ot tne lam ... leader ot an an.male Army plaloon @.) ENT'EAT AIHMEHT TOHIGHT An tnlerv-w11n 011v11 Newlon·JOhn Q! THI! MUPf>ETS Gual Sandy Duncan {ff) MONEY MA TTEAS (l MOVIE * * • Aulumn Sona11 (19781 Liv Ullmann Ingrid Bergman A p<oeperoua concet I planlal II r eun<l41d With .... , Hlr ll1'Q4ld deugfl- ... and • r ... aanno an<1 deeply 9m<>l!Onal blllle t>eglna Ml-lhem 'PG' 7:111 QI OOOOEA PRE4AMI! 7:30 I) 2 OH n4E TOWH Featured a proftle ol apo<11 announce< CnlCk Hearn, the 1uper11111on lhal lamou1 people pass away In groups of threes. • lherapy wi..,eby pets are prnc:rlb41d for people lex l!>«ap.utie t9UOf'IS B Q!FAMflYnvt> Q EYl!OHLA. Featured a repon on mar- "ag•. 8 look at LOI A~ les night 99011, Ille latest CHANNEL LISTINGS EJ KNXT ICBSJ 0 0 KNBC CNBC> 2 0 KTlA (Ind l H e )(ABC (ABC.I I; 0 KFMB CCBSl • 0 KHJ TV (Ind ) lT G KCST IABCl f G> KTTV Cine!) s 'II> KCOP· TV (Ind l " • KCET CPBSl 8 • KOC£ CPBSI WATERGATE R EVISITED -Martin Sheen portrays John Dean, counsel to President Nixon during the Watergate crisis, in a repeat telecast of three-part drama, "Blind Ambition." beginning tonight at 8 on KNXT looil In me1amc lathlons -~ Loe A Oooo-a al San Francieco dlant1 Cl) Cl) TIC TAJ; DOUGH • MACf«IL I Ll!HAEA AEJIORT Ql'i) MONIYMAKEM "Energlrlno Your 1n .... 1. meril•" 9 YOU ASKED FOA fT F•tured ()pa<a Singmo S-" and "World's l.,g MtFemaW,,_.. CID RACE FOfl THE PENNANT Barry Tompkin• and Tim ~ce~ co.... au 111e b-IHdlng 10 Iha 1982 World Sari. tll~ BEOINNEATO INTEAMEDIATf Get In all~. IOOll good, and r... Q<NI with thll physical Ill.-program 1;00. Cl) 8UNO AMemOH Jolln 0.... (Martin S._) .. appolnlad counMI 10 Pr..ici.nt NlJton (Rip Tom). ,,_ta Na fulur• wtfe Mau· ,_, (Thar ... Ruuell) and leatna of Iha Watergate br'Mil"'n CPwt t)IR) a ca, .. ~ WUAPHY Orpharag1 holds open hOUM 10 lur• proapec:uw parents to mw1 ""'h Iha young11er1 i MOVIE * * * "Ad...,,lur• Ot Oon Julln" ( 111411) ErrOI Flyrlt1, V"'8ca Uncffota Don Juen tnvedM tn. cour1 Of Eng- land ~ the llear11 of the English lediel 8 9 HAPPY DAYS Form. Is lurl0u1 wt.en Jll<'I· ny PICCalo 1p<ead1 rumor• about a new girt "' IChool CR)Q CiJ -..ovtl! * ft 1..\ "Crary Joe" ( 1974) Peter Boyle, Paul• Pren· tlaa Jrwy GllllO •elOn• u a Mafia leader untu ne la "'°'Gown In tll72 Cl) MOVIE * • "Shwon fl'ortr.it Of A MistrMt" ( t977) Trlah Vtl<'I CleYet-., Patrick O'Neal A bealtiful woman habllually drawn to rnatrleO men linde her llf9 unfulfllliftg • DAHOERUX8 'Dead Leuer· Brian ._ sent to Cambridge 10 ua1a1 end 1n1 1ne booby· lrapp41d "Y" luse, he and Suean have an uneaey reunion (Part t t)(R)O '1i> tte)V/I, MOVlng Slltl TM world Of ntgh-Ind low~ pholograpny la captured In ttus progrem wntch lotlow1 Iha eaperlmental work done In I lie lleld and Ill poulbie appllellliona fRl 0 CCJMOvtE * * "leav• Yesterday Behind" I 11178) John Ritter, Carrie Fi9!>« Fol· lowing a 1rag1<: accldenl, • eo1ieo-ethlete learns to live er>d low again 'Mlh t"9 help of an und«atandjng y<>ungwomM CB) THE Dl!ADl Y GAME Tnr" rellred crlmlnat law· yere play I game ot C8l· OI> TV l TV HBO ICmema•I IWORI N V' NY IWTBSI IESPNJ IShowtl~) SPOll•Qht ICabll! Nt!WS Nf'twor k ) and-MOUN With • --lngly lnnoc•nl victim. George Segal, Trevor Howard, Ro'*1 Morley and Emlyn Wiiiiam• star {Q)MOV1E **'h "~From~ York" ( 11181) Kurt "lulMll, Adrianna Berbeau In 1991, a hardened etlmlnal IS oflered a pardon If lie can reacue tne preeldenl of Ille u S from 1n. pr190<\ ctty lhal Manhallan haa bec:Onw 'R' (J)UOYtl *** "$ 0 .B "(198t)Wll· llam Holden. Juli• ~ A movt. director ..no 11&1 1u11 rtntan41d a rnu111-mllllon dollar 1ur11ey goee from allempled llUl- cl<HI to • bizarrely 1n1pl.-.d r•ahoe>tlng of his epic 'R' 0MOV. * * * 'h "Gloria" (11180) Gene Rowland•. John A~ A former gun moll bec:omM Ille p<otec:- tor of en orphaned 8-yNt· old ~o Rtc:.11 targeted by the underworld for Iha lntonnallon ""-carrlM In • beltweo brlefc:aM 'PG' t:*O 8 !II LAVOHI! & IHIAUY The anllre gang pays tnb- ule 10 Ille world of enter· 1elnrnent, tneludlng spools ottamousoperH (RIO t:OO 0 ca BRET MAVEAICI< M-1Clt and Guthrie are aulgned lo guard Iha s-a•er bank When a fortune In ~ trom lne Unlled SlatH Mint 11 stored ther• (RI 8 111 THAff'8 COMPANY Furley and Larry 9Cheme 10 keec> Jack Jari-1 and Terri from tnOl/lng alter lne tl'trM .,e ottered 1 drNM house (RIO Cl MYsn7ff 'Malice Atore1nougn1 ArrMted and l>t'O<Jgl'lt to ltlal for tlle murder of N• Wit•. 0. 8'clo.ieigl't ,_,,. e411m1y con...nced rn.1 -Scoti.nd Yard can 1 p<ow Ill CAM agelnat Nm. (Parl 4)(RIO e~uxa "o..d Leiter" Brtan Is _.., 10 Cambridge 10 ...iat ano ••t '""-booby- lrapped 'Y" fuM, NI and Susan haw en uneaay reunlorl (Part t tl(R)Q (ZJMOVI£ * * * "From The Liie Of TM Martonetlea" ( t9801 Robef1 Auorn CnrlStlne Bucnegoer An 9'>P81ently mold-mannered ~ man murden '""-pro.II· tut• WhOm lie vlliled '9QU· 181'1y 'R' 9:30 8 9 TOO CLOSE. F°" COMFORT H«>ty Is fired lor being uopetl'IOllC When Coemlc Cow tak• on lhe Whlla HOUM (R) 10:00 a a MCCt.AtN'a LAw Ucelaln '*!>• an atderty couple keep ll*r home by !rapping an UNCf\IPUIOu• oontractor In a lltng oe>e'· atlon. (Al ea• NEWS 8 9 HART TO HAA'T Jon1then'1 partner In wine production dlecovert a murder lll>d • aai.. frMKI lh•f could ruin IM Hatti ~tetion CR)Q • WfTH ONlt AHO AU8Y "Crazy Henle Enter• Tne ICl8 Age" Tyne Daly end Ruby OM are lealured In an ed9')talion of Ernie 8'IH'1 short etory about a.n aging notpltal W()(ker and her aupwvieor Q G MYSTERY "Melle• Alorelhoughl' ArrMted and brought to trial for Ille murder of hl1 wife, Dr Blok lelgfl remelne calmly convinced 1ha1.....,.. Scotland Verd can'1 prCMt ........ iplnet """ , .. .,.. ~~ • \t "CNllMr To KM(I ..,.. (1M0) .... °'""' tCMlll ,...Set\ufl. '" .,.. ,. "*" hie ~ ,_. -1 ... r_.ty dlvotCod prlvato detootMI tr~a down Nltnquertt lluabllld• '°' e otvoroo lewyw 'A' ®MCWll * "0..'' (INI) 0oNJo l1.1111trland, 81.111n MfC)ICll A tldlo OJ lllld e repontr try 10 tlljlOtO an oH magnet•'• plol 10 Ori~ up OM prloM by 00!\trMng an olC tnon •. 'A' (Q) "'°"" * * *"' "WOlftn" (INt) Alb«I ~. dllw,. VeN>- te. Poltoe -faGeCS wtlh an ul\lolwal pro~ .. Hew Y0111 Olly la ltlvadtel by a pacll of dl'l)leo.cl woMA. . ,.. CJ) M)M•NCa; lAUM. IWUTLAUM (Part 3) IDMOVll * * 'h "11'1 My Turn" ( 1980) Jiii Cleyburgh. Mlcheal Dougtu. A brll· llent Chleago rMth prOI ... 90f rMllHa Iha problltna In ll8t tiv.-in relatlonlhtp W'*1 •he find• • ,_ 1o..e whlle In Hew y Ol1I for ,.., fe11..,·1 rMterrlao-'R' 10:80 •• NIWI MAI YOU THIAE? 'The Fectt Of Ufa" Biu. muelctan Wiiiie Ot•on, compo.« ol ove< 300 IOOQ8. 11 profiled and p«· lexma <Mth Iha Chicago Ah· (sj~ • * • * "Kramer V• Kramer ( t9711) Oualln Hoffman, Meryl SllMC> A man batllea wlln hie ••· wtle for CUllOdy of theW your.g 90<\ alter en. walk• out on ther'n 'PG· 11:00888(1)98 NIW8 9 IA TUAO/I. Y NIGHT Hoel 8uck Henry Guaat a.tie Mldter D YOU ASKED "°" fT FHIUred: "Arizona Uon Safari" and "8etglum'1 Diamond S.Creta " • IEMNYHIU Benny OON under-u • un1taty lnepector. eac•IHDI~ ID DOCT°" IN r-.. HOtJM MlchMI. DIGll 9'ld P8UI buy • ~ .. -wfttl • deed body In IN beGk (%)MOYIE ***'..\ "Wollen" (1981) Albert Finney, ~ V-. ra Potl(l8 are faced 'Mth an unuaual problem u New York City 11 lnveeled by • peel< of d~ wor-. 'R' 11:ao. Cl) AL.QI DcaTONtGHT Hott Johnny Car1on G..-1a uw-. Hanry Wink let 8 9 ABCNIWI HtOHT\JNE CiJ NOWHl!AE TO TVAH Stan Moone/him ano Catot Lawrence l\olt this dOCl.lmenlary on ttte more tn1111 al• million people In At11ca who nave been •lf•cted by w1r and drO<Jgl'lt and th41 reaulta ot auc:h-•· • THe Jl!ff'EMON8 ti) IAHFON> AHO 80H • UNDeMTNONG HUMAN M>iAVIOfl "Peraonaltly Theory" e C""'10NED UC NEWS U MOVll! * * * Starting Over ( 111711) Burt Reynolda, Jiff Clayt>urgr. Alter monlhl of TV dinners and bllnd datM, • Olvorc;ed maga- zine "'"tter lhlnke ti.'• found tr~ love ..nen • ec:hool...,,_ ......... hit Ille 'R' I t:40 (CJ MOVIE ft * *'A "Th41 High And The Mighty" ( 1964) Jom WayM, Clal<• T-AA airptene with 2:< ~ oera al>oerd rune 1nto dM>· ger an route lo SM i;,.,,_ deco. (ff)MCME * *'A "Galaxy Of Terror" (tll81) Edward Al'*1, Erin MOian A lp-"'C> cr- encount8t'I a cot-of Mghtantng .,..., ~ ..,,.. to«* tno for anothe( .....et stranded on a lorl btddtnQ ~I. 'R' I 12:008 eiT£RTAINMENT TONIGHT An Interview 'Mlh OIMa .,._on-John 8 0 FNlf MY Ill.AND A aecnt agent lriel to treck down• IOl<lltr of for. tun.. and • mlddl9-agect woman te tran•formeel lnlo 1 young bMuty (R) 8) MOVIE * * ''Loaf In A H.,em .. ( tll .. ) &<Id Abbott, lou Co.t•IO. TM lhrone of a smell kingdom up for grab• II cont•ted by two prop"*' •nd ... ~ • LOVI. AMINCAH STYLI! TUBE TOPPERS KNXT (2) 8:00 -"Blind Ambltton." Martin Sheen and Thereaa Ruuel 1tar u John and Maureen Dean in the tint of a three-part drama baled on thelr "White House vean'' during the Water~ate crisis. KNBC '(4) 8:00 -"li'athur Murphy.'• The orphanage ~olds an open hoUS<' to lure pl"Olp«dve parents. KNBC (4) 10:00 -''Mc..-Clain's Law." McClain traps an wucrupulowi contractor In a stinj{ operation. KABC (7) 10:00 -"Hart to Hart." The Harts' reputation is threatened. (Q')MOVW ***"I 0 I " (INt) WM· llam Holden Ju lie Andf'ewll A moV\e dlre:tor who llM juet finllhed a mulll-mtlllon dollar turlley OOH from attempled eul· clOe to • bltarrely lnaplred re-ehootlng of 1111 epic 'R' t2:0I 8 Cl) WM!' IN OIHCIHNATl Herb'• family la ~ 10 ~on• I~ lhOw Utted "RMI Femi· llM."(R) II: ti (I) TME MAIONO CW ~ ~. OOllUma "It· lngs, ~ ...iona, and the plannlng ot dnem&logtephy and light· Ing ate Cllfonlcied In I l*ltnd-ti..tcenM lludy of Ille uniQl.le pllyslcai flt· ----12::t0 D a LA Tl NtGKT WTtH DAVID L.nT'IM&AH GuHtl novell1t Louie l 'Amouf. c;ountiy-w.tern muetolan Chwlte Danteta. • OOOPl.U • MCWll * * *'h "II lt'a Tl.IHdey, This Must h Belglurn" (1M8) ~ Pl4ieNtt•. tan ~ A worn.n- m-._,. • g<oup of A"*1c:an9 on • ql.llCll trip through -l!'.uropean countrlea. 12:40.~0UO 1:00e MOYIE • * * "Frenchman'• Ctwlc" (1944) Joen Fon- taine, Arturo de Cordova A Pf'oper Engllall lady Is wooed and won by a 1waaht1uckllng French ~ • MOVIE • * * "DelectiYe StOtY'' (11151) Kirtl Douglaa, EIN· nor Pat11er. A Hew York City detectivol 111ac1<1 his wOl1I With • m~ ,.., until tM •ttec:1• begin ~Ing In hll peraonal, off-<klty Mia and ....,-y<lly rMatlonlhipe (Z)N0\111 **'It "Stairc:aM" (1969) Richard Burton, Rex Harri-'°" Two elClar1y hornoMlt • uala ........ lhrMng bar· b«.nop ~ In tn. """ Of londorf t:OI CID MCE "°" THI! l'ENNANT 8atry TO<nl*inl and Tim UoCaNer cover 1111 t"'- ~ INding IO tM 11182 World Serlea 110• MOVJE * • '..\ "Cfoob And Coro- net•" (1M9) Telly Sevataa, Edith Evana Stat.ty Brllllh manalont become the tar- get• of • group or thteYlng ~..::. l·tl(l)MOW * * * "LA CaQe Ault FOllM n" (18801 Ugo Tognaat, Mld'lel S.raull A mtddi.. aged gay Qoupte are Ille Qlol8r1)I of • 18Cfe4 Ofgani· ratJon trying to get Ute mk:r"olllrn that one of them .... a..d •A• 1:ao D a Nee NIW8 OY8MOHT a wow * * '..\ "History ()t The World -Pwt I" (11181) ..... &toolte. ~ ~ Man'I lllu8tr1oue ltl9tory - trorn HNnOwthal ~ men to Ille Spanlah lnqul- llltlon -le e•amtned 'R' t :II (ff) MOVIE * * * "Tiie Sli.tlt Patt· ,.., .. ( 111711) EHIOtt Gould, o.n..Ophar Plu"""* A bank tatlet'1 Impromptu attempt to caan In on a robbery 1Hd1 to lleraN- ntent and ,.,,or wtten tn. real thief c:ha-him to recepture hla tool 'R' z:ooe MOVIE * * 'h "Tiie Big Sky' ( t162) Kirk DouglH. 0-.V Mwtln I: 10 (C) ...aY'lf * • * "Janie" ( 1074) Ooo- 1.1-tary J•nlt Joplin , .... from llf'I Unhec>c>y 8IJd C>Mcure l)M1 In • smell T-town 10 "-<I 111e cnaria u • lop roc:k and =E .-. * ''IJOhtnlnQ Sword• or 0..1h" (t1174) Tornluburo Wakeyame, Maaahlro Tomlk-A buaNOo war- rl01, lot'CllO to roem Japan .. a "hir41d •word." II llunted tly hi• •orrner .,... mlM 'R' .,., Nl!W8 1:00 MT "A'"'°'- (1) MOVIE * 'h "Tiie Stud" (11178) Joen Coll!M, OllV9' Tobl- M A waller advanc.M hla car-by ateeplng wtth n11 bou'swtfll 'R' 1:1118 MOYIE *** "Tt\41 H~ng (tte7) Anlhony Ou1nn Fa.,. Ounawav 1:21 (8)-"THE DEADl Y GAME Thr• retired cr1mlnal law· ywa play a game ot cat· ~~mouea with • _,,_ lngly lnnocen l vlcltm George Sagal Trevor Howwd. Robert MOlley and Emlyn Wiltlem• 1111 ,;ao D VOYAOI! TO ™E BOTTOM Of THE 8EA "Deadrnen'• Doubloons' @MOW * ft 'Silence 01 Tne North'" ( t9& t) El,.,, e..r.. tyn Tom Skernlt In 19111. • 10""0 woman'1 m•rnage 10 • 1rawer leed• lier 10 a Ille or ttardlhlp In Iha wfl· owneaa of nor1nern Can•· da.'PG' 4:00 (C) MOYIE * * " "Get Out Your Handk•rchl•I• ( 1978) Gerard Oec>ardleu, P •trick Dew..,. A young ano opllmlstlc huatland goea 10 almoal unbelteveable lerlgtl'IS to en9Ure lt1t ~ • 1 ~R •:Oii (%) MOVIE * * * "Autumn Sonata ' ( t1178) Liv Ullmann. lngnd Bergman A P<~OUI ooncert pianist la reunlled wtth her eatranged daugh- IW and I r.....i1no encl deeply emotlonel batlle ti.girl8 ~ 1nem PG' •:ao 8 VOYAGa TO THI BOTTOM Of n4E IE.A "The HNI Mon•t•r" a» MOYIE * *1.o\ "A Game Of Oeettt' (1~ John Loder A&Jdr~ long . (IJMOVIE * '.o\ "The Gong Show Movie" (11180) Chuck Barria, Robln Altman A TV l\olt must conlend wtth • variety of ob•t•CIH. lndudlng network cenM>A to put together • collec:1ion of bllllrre act• for n11 llllOw 'R' JOHN DARLING UH, MAV0E YOU'C' 0ETTER SIT 00WN, .JOHN! W•d•ndof'• Dawtl•• Ho1•lr• -MOIJ•G- ... (I) * • • '"nle H"'- wtip" (tlh) lngfMI 91tt- !Mll, Jotlnny Oottn ,.. ~ flA't ••llY Iron! hOIM Ind No. "' N.w Yortr Clty'I MettQOOlltlll'I ..._ Of Art wtler• they -befriended tly • eplrll· ec1,..._ ·o· CZ> • • "Ofl Hwventf Dog" (11110) ClleYy CU-. (Mil~ Whlle lnv.1llQ1tifl0 a Polilleat M• ecand.i 1n London. 1 private Oelto- tlW i. murdered and rein• carneted •• 1 acruffy dog 'PO' 1:ao ()f) • • • "Sl!IT Otu11ar In The Sky" (111171 Lo1ne OrMM. BurQHe Meredith T lie maiden lllght of a auperaonlc lfeneoo<t lutna lnlO a nlgfltmata - 1eboltur1 , ...... • delldly Vlrlil 0 ***"The Turning Potnl" ( 19112) Wlllllm Hot• d*', Edmond O'Brien A r~er dlacovera .. bQ. tage allampll mad• on • crime lnveallgation corn- mlll• 7: ... CZJ • * • Burn I" ( 11170) Marlon Brando Ev1r1110 Marqua. A emell Pex- IUiJU8M 111ano'1 11rugg1e for Independence 11 aJtl)lofted by • crally 1811'1· oent<JfY ern1a11 c:o1on111 e:OO (CJ ft * on HNvenly Oog ( t1180) Cnevy ChaM Ben~ While 1nvee11ga11ng • potltlcal N• scandal in London, • p<1va1e detec· 11 ... 11 murdered end r111n- carnated aa • ecrutty dog PG 10'00 (CJ **'..\ 'Blow-Up ( tteel Oa'lfkl Hemmlngt Van .... Reograve When a young London photogra· pher hU ~ or hll PIC· lurn blown up lie dlllCOV· art wt.al appean 10 be • murder (Hl * * "Tna Night The light• Went Oul In 0.0.g· le" ( 1118 t) Kr111y McN1<:no1 . Mar~ Hamm A brolher· end·titlar 10ogwrll1ng duo have many edventuru white trying 10 ake out • 11\nng on Ille counlry·-•· ern cireult PG' (S) ft** "Boys Nlghl Out" (19621 Kim Novak. Jamea GMner Whan a 1hape1y young co-•d under'trtk•. -,_ell p<Oject, Ille tlnd1 lour ~---more tnan """'"" 10 lea.M an apan. ,,..,,t to eld ne• tn her lludy (%)**'It "SlalrcaM ( 196111 Richard Burton Re• Harrison Two elderly l\omoMkual8 ~·· • thUV• Ing batberllnop bU-In the 1--1 ol London I 1:30 0 * * '" 'StarOull Mem· oriff" C t980) WOO<ly Allen Charlolle Rampllng A sue· c.aalul d1rac101 tacea a personal u111a H ne lttM 4 10 meke aorNt m•JOr deet· SIOnl in his Ille PG 11:'6 _z, • • • The Lui 01 The Blue Oev111· t t979) Count BUia, Joe Turne• A document•ry porlratt or Kanau Cny s conlttbullon 10 m~ 18 p<eMnted as many ia.u graa11 9a11>« "' the<r Old linlOll ttall lo per- form and ram1n1ece 12:00 G * * * "Hol Spell ( 1958) Shirley Booth, Anlhony Outnn A middle· 8Q41C1 noueew11a -•h•no wtlh truslralton ov1< the l)f'Oblems ot her cn•IOren encl Iha tndlNet~ Of he< huabano l111a1ty dec1das to venlnarstNm QI * * "Blowlnll Wiid C tg53) Gery Cooper Bar. bara Stanwyck A wtld· caller and ,.,,, po--ttun· gry wtte 111emp1 to llntle rt roc:n 1n the oil ttelds ml*** "ISiand Of Love" ( 1983) Robert PrH- 1on. Tony Randell Arter l•lclllng • geno11er 1n10 putting up Iha money for • mo .... lhat flOps a WTtter and • p<oducer need tor Or..:. where the pro- ducer falls In lov. will! lhe gang11er·1 niece CC) * • 111 "M•d Wednoe- dey" (11147) Hatotd Lloyd, Fr•nce1 R•mtden An ernbttioua Mll·alerter ot Ille tll:xb learns thal ll<IC· 0818 hU Ill p<lca Oil **'It "For Your Eyea Only" (tffl)"""'...,.. "°"'· """* ~ .... e etlt!IWll-. ~ • t0jll .. 4't ....... .,.. •••"OuW ... '' ,,.,.,.,,.., .... .... tJJ111 J ... W,_. a oountry• ... ttnt ........ •t .... hie eono . .,, .. -c)Oll 1r1.. OHparetely to retrle¥e hi• recotdlllf right• wt\llt tHllflllle tN ~'PQ' t:OO •••• "11°'1"'0 ~· ( 1171) ..,,, ~. Jiii Cl•yburgh Alt., mOtltht or Tl/ d lnn.,• end t>ttnd delea, t Olvotced '"~ tltt8 """" tlllnlc• n.·. fO\lfid IN8 love .... • IQloolt.-.., "'1.,. ,. Ille R' 1:10 (C) * •'A "Two-Wey 81re1cn" ( f98 I) '•fer Seller1. Wllftjl(j Hyd .. White A ltlo ol Pflaon lnt'nelea plan lo tit..., out titan l>tMll In ~ wOtt • Hucklold of diamond• llJ••Yt"R~Man" ( 1118 t) Sltty Speoell, l!rlc Robert• In 1944, • , .... phone operator In 1 small THU town aacrmc.e htt •landing In lhe community wft8n Ille ttu a lllOf1 eH8lf Wllh • combel·bound ..,.. OI 'PG 2:30(H) **** "Teaa"(1979) NHIHlll Ktnlkl, Peter Firth Tt.. daughter of a poor English farmer beCornM 11\8 11ic11m of her 1am11y 1 upora1t0na and her own Mauty 'PG 3:00 0 * * 'h .. Raogady Man" ( 1118t) Sluv Spacek, Eric; Roberti In 1944, a tele- phone opera1or 111 1 1mell T 8HI I own NCl'lfioM 118t llandtng In ttte eotnmunlt~ wtten Ille ,. .. • 1110r1 ettelr wtth a cornb•l·bound Nll- ex PG 3: 111 ( Z • • • "Burnt" (1970) Matlon Brando, Ever1110 MarQuez A small Por· 1Ugli8M tslancl I tlrugole tor 1noepenc1enca II ••PIOHad by a crafly 181h- c.tlury Brrttlh colon11t 3:30 I Cl ••• ,, "TOtly And Tiie Ko•I• Bear" (1118 I, ROii Harroa Lrve action •nd anl· matlon combine 10 latl tl\8 .... of • young boy and .... pet koala in Au11raka 1 lronllerdayt 'S * * "Shipwreck · ( 11178) Rober1 Logan, Mikki Jemtaon-0190<\ A widow- ., hi• two daugh1ers a report., and • run-ay .,, llranded on an 1aolal· ed ..iano after encoun••· •no • vooten1 1101m at -G 4:00 0 * * * * "Tile Secret War 0 1 Harry FrlQO" ( t9611) Paul Nawmen. Sylva Kos· ck>• /ltn Army prrv11a 11 _,, to lt8lp ,,... l>r1Q80,. gen.,811 eacape from the 11altana 0 I • '» "Angelit I 1977) Sophia Loren. Jonn >iu ... Ion A woman dtKovet1 lh11 Iha young man "'• •• romanucally tnvOIVed w11n 11 1na son ~ wu tai<an from her on infancy 6:00 U • • • 'Tne Turntng P0tnl ( tll52) Wtlltam HOI· den Edmond 0 811en A reporler drscovert aaDO- lage •llempll maoe on a crnne 1n,...hga1ton com- """" 5 t 11 l * * 'On HM,,.,,..,, Oog ( 19801 Chevy ChaM Ben11 Whlle tn.._t1Qallng a pOllloc:a.I "*• scat 081 In London • I>'"''" d4!1ac- ttw 11 murdeted • nd reon- carnlfad es• 9Cnlffy OOQ PG 5:30 c • • On Haa~y 0og 11&eo1 cnevy en ... B~)I Whtie 1nves11ga1tng • poi111ea1 ... scandel ,,, london 1 p<1vara delac· ttve 11 muroenoc:t ano ,...n. carn11ed N a acruffy dog PG 0 * • * I Halt B1onc1e1 1198 I) JHn Roc:helort. Enrtcd Mon· 1 ... no T,.._ disco..., 1hat • weallhy novellal'a latMI work desc;,-IMIJ tn detail Iha security sy1tem p<Olecltng Ille vawablel If\ hllhOme $' * * ft "Royal Wad· ding (tll5tl Free Allalre, Jelle P~I A IOng·and· dance 1eam Ill"" • ~· lormancie In England et '"'- ttme ttta1 0-Ell.tabelh ti ti pu'lltng Iha fln91 louelt· " on her ma1r1mon1al plan~ by Armstrong & Batluk 1 DIDN'T T~INK ~ 0Ui l: FtG~D l 'D GIVE IT A5+VYT.' 'West Germans hit by 'Dallas' fever By SlJSAN J. SMITH ~~·'"· BONN, West Germany -J.R. Ewing •peaU perfect German. He does it here every Tue.day ni&ht, wbe.n about 15 million West Germana are glued to the television lt't, American·atyle, to 1et their weekly ' leDDl'l ln how most Americana don't live: .. Dallu.'' If there la anti-American ism In pe~~~~=·t~~~ . Cb.anceUor Helmut Bchmtdt11 party ad in the lut federal ele.ctlon. Schmidt'• party had 18 m1111on; J .R. hu 13 million to 15 million. But like BchmJdt. J.R. hu palled the add test of 1JOJ1UJ.11inty tm'e: Wt month, J .R. got hll Jcture on the front cover of Weit e.tm1ny'1 top·d.rculatlon wHkly nic.-ra•· maoztne ''Stem.'' .. ~ .... the nUi popular Wlmllon erlH currently J.'J,l.nDin1 ln WHt a.man,' with Jbc>n &ban '° '*'*'' of th• telniJio~ audience. each-wfflt, network spokesmen say. Once thl1 summer, on June l, It jumped the dream hurdle of ~O percent. "Ole Frauen von Dallas: ("The Women of Dallu") booka are on aale in West Geml8ll t.ra1.n ata tiona and bookstoreil, and European critics who for yean have looked down their noees at American commercial television are acratchlng their beads ln amazement at the IUCOt'M ot th.la American·made eerie.. "A miserable, cynical product of commercial televlalon," aniffed th• Suddeutache ZeitUJt4l, a reepe.cted daily newspaper pubUahed ln Munich, shortly after the flnrt few epl80dcs of "0.U.." were b. roadcut here In June a year •.·. "Chewlna cwn for the brain." the man.aaei-of Radio Free Berlin, • f'IMlio. t.elevillon network in the western pert of the dty, wu quoted .. eaYtna. Now, a year later, tfl•·crkk11 are hMtfly taJdnc • IKlOnd look. What do peopa. ln W-1 Oennany, wtme one almalt newr llt!I a eowboJ Mt; ftnd IO app.allni ln "Daillil"f , Aak a.round, and you get many of the same answena you hew ln the United States. "Dallaa" ii "damn entertaining," people here •Y. The women are aood lookln1. The Ewing oil bu1lne11 ta ln\rlaulng. You never know what'• gol.na to happen from one week to the next. "It •A>peala to the little devil ln people, one German 1ald. "People think, 'Thia ii bow rich people act -cn.suau.n,. U I were that underhanded, I could be rich too .••• On the other hand, he pointed out, other American tel.viaton eeriee IUCh u "M annix" and "Streeu of San Franclax>" have a1lo been pqpular 1n West Germany, which hail ~a stronc American lnfluenot llrice the Ind of World War ll. Stern m.a1azJne, whlch procla.1°*' ''Dal.JM fww" Oft Ua trcmtc:owr June u _ and ran a pkNN of JA With deYCJ'I homa poklna throuah bJa cowboy "'" 1u11•-led~tut th• •nea aa ~Diilar plr&ly DeCaUM the diaractin aon"t ,. ...... TUESDAY, JULY 27, 1982 Cheryl Ladd describes her TV movie role about 0 ~ TIE C• llD Tll lllm STOCKS COMICS :~' If possible, b est a void wa ste truck s WANT NOT; WASTE NOT: Once upon a time back before 1980, when the people down at the San 0r;;fre Nuclear Generating Plant wanted to get rid of nuclear wastes, tbey loaded the stuff on trucks and routed it through San Diego County to back east, at Morris, Ill. It should be noted that the people who are nuclear opponents back there in Illinois didn't care too much for this arrangement. The Echson Company owns the Morris dumping site. There was a considerable legal hassle which Edison eventually won. This means that it's likely that nuclear wastes will once again be moving out of ~an Onofre with a destination in the Land of Lincoln. IT DOES NOT '. n ecessarily mean, . "--r-\ h o w e v e r , t h a t t h e MURPHINI ~ radioactive materials wi_ll -~ be truck transported via ________ ..._"'-J...._..__ San Diego County. Orange County is more like it. This news has not been greeted with great huzzahs in our coastal region. Radioactive waste has a reputation of being enormously hazardous to your health if you are improperly shielded from the invtsible rays. For shipping purposes, of course, the Edi.son people vow that the nuclear wastes are heavily shielded and thus radioactive leakage 1s virtually impossible. Somehow, this isn't vastly comforting if you are following the shipping truck. Or it 1s following you. If I've got to get hlS by a t.ruck, I'd rather it was this one Currently, the California Hjghway Patrol is the agency that selects routing for the nuclear waste trucks. Hearmgs got under way otlly yesterday in Sacramento -some distanc.-e from San Onofre -on the currently favored route. ACCORDING TO NEWS reports, that routing would have the nuclear waste just keep on truckin' from San Onofre right up the old washboard Santa Ana Freeway, snake through the interchange on out Route 55, past Prado Dam and off into Riverside county. This would probably mean on 'a busy day, the radioactive junk would get trucked right by about one million people The old route, down and around through San Diego County, passed through great expanses of nothing. This, some officials contend, was part of the problem. They feared "something might happen" to the nuclear trucks out there in the wilderness. THEY APPARENTLY PRESUME THAT less could happen to the trucks as they jog along through San Juan Capistrano, Mis.5ion Viejo, El Toro, Laguna Hills, Lake Forest, Irvme, Santa Ana and on up into Riverside. Edison people say not to get too exercised about all of this because even if the route is approved, nuclear waste trucking may not start right away. They've got enough special storage space for the stuff right on-site at San Onofre to last until 1990. YOU ARE NOT CERTAIN whether this is a comforting thought. That aside, the nuclear truck route supporters say you actually would be in more danger under the odds of getting in trouble by colliding with the truck itself than by getting zapped by the rays it has safely contained inside it. There isn't too much comfort in that thought, either. Slaying suspect pleads innocent Grepy Wa~ Figueredo, 21), haa Pleaded not eullty to murder ln the 1hot1un 1laytn1 of a 21-year-old man lleeplng on the rear patio of a HunUncton Beach condominium. Sampeon, 21, of Loma Linda, who was vi.siting fr1endl at 19868 Claremont Lane, Huntln1ton Beach. WltneHea told police that Sampeon 1tepped ln to break up a quarrel between Fl.gueredo and a woman acquaintance at the home. Figueredo left the home after Sampson ur1ed him to leave the waman alone, wtine.e. told police. 83 84 a woman miner's struggles on th e job. Pase BS. 0 Ziggurat sp.ace goes begging By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of the Deli, l'ltol lltff Two hundred thousand equare feet o! the multi-tiered Chet Holifield Federal Buildlng ia now available for lease to local 1overnment agencies. But "immediate occupancy" interest In the so-called Zigurrat building in Laguna Niguel is running low. In fact, there has been no response to the federal government's offer to lease about one-fifth of the floor space in the largely empty building. Meanwhile, Oranae County government l1 contlnulna to analyze way1 lt could acquire the building to relieve future needa for 1uch facilities u courtrooms. Federal offlclala say the building, acquired ln 1972, isn't for sale. For lt to be eold, the building would first have to be declared 1urplua property, they explain. On the other hand, f~deral officiall 1ay they would "consider" a potenllal acquialtion offer. County supervuors. who MISSION IN MINIATURE -The F6F-3 Hellcat that this plane was modeled after evidently downed nine Japanese recently set aside $11,000 for preliminary deaigna, plan to show how the county could best uae the structure now only about 2~ percent occupied by a a.mattering of federal agencies. Under conditions established by the federal government, 200.- 000 square feet of the building would be available for lease to local government agencies. Maximum lease term would be l~ years. Any agency would have to lease a rrunimum of 5,000 square feet Price would be sub,ect to negotiation. The building, known u the Ziggurat due to Its unu1ual pyramid shape, was conatructed by North American Rockwell ln 1968. North American traded the budding to the federal government for two sues in Loe Angeles when a slump hit the aerospace industry. S ince the building was i1Cqu1red, the federal General Servtces Agency has been hard pressed to hnd federal officeS willing to move mto ll Deity Hol P"Mtoe bf C ......... le.n planes during World War II judging from insignia. Documentation of authenticity is part of static judging. Pilots show plane ambition By STEVE TRIPOLI Of tM D.., Not ltetf The biggest Little air force an Southern Cahforrua filled the skies above Fountain Valley's Mile Square Park as a prelude to a larger gathenng next month. Hundreds of delighted specta to rs watched more than 50 radio-controlled model airplanes and jets do their tricks in the Western Scale Nation.a.ls. Last w~kend's competition is one of five events nationwide leading up to the World Series of model airplane flying, the U.S. Scale Masters Championships, which take place at Mile Square Park Aug. 20-22. The aircraft, which are judged in part for their authenticity o f reproduction, represented all eras of flying from World War I biplanes to the jet age. Most were propeller driven, but the jets actually ran on the same fan principle that powers full-size engines. The aircraft and their owners are judged for a combination of the craft's accuracy of reproducuon and the owner's flying skills. The reproduction, or "static" judging requires the modeler to prove the craft's scale with documentation of the real aircraft The modeler must then pilot the craft in five separate flights in two days. performing required figure-eighta, turns and smooth takeoffs and landings, plus any number of opuonal maneuvers such as spins and dlSplay of special equipment. Scores of the best two flights are then added to the static score for a final tally. The capabilities of some of the planes are CONTROLLER CAPPED -Bob Frey of Phoenix handles the business end of model plane maneuvering. very true to life. Many have retractable landing gear and flaps for controlling altitude, while others have "dive brakes," -wh1ch are jwlt what the name implies - and plastic bombs which can be released in flight. Some even trail smoke like mini-sky writers. The all"Craft use smgle or twin engines developing anywhere Crom one to more than four horsepower, and speeds m fhght range from 60 to 100 mph. with the ,ets the fastest Members of the Scale Squadron of Southern CaLIConua. the hosts ol Sunday's event, said learning to fly the machines can be tricky -one mtst.ake can send a plane worth anywhere from $500 to $1 ,500 smashing to the ground ..Some guys (tbere also are female modelers) can pick ll up m two or three weeks Others take months," said Bert Baker of Huntington Beach. director of Sunday's cont.est. All novices are assisted by seasoned modelers who perform difficult takeoffs and landings during early training, he said The $300 radios can maintain control over the aircraft to distances of about one mile, squadron member Harns Lee of Dana Point said Pilots usuallv don't take their craft to the hrruts simply because they lose sight of them at that cit.stance The aircraft can hardly be considered gas guzzlers, even though their engmes run at from 14,000 to 20,000 revolutions per minute. Most craft use between on~and 1.6 ounces of gasoline a mmute, or about a gallon an hour The top five hnishers m last weekend's event will appear at the championships next month Arizona Kent Walters. defending national champion, firushed first Sunday with hts World War II fighter Fl1ueredo, who had been llvinl with frlendl on Cornwall Lane tn Hunt:tncton Beach , wu ordered to appear at an Aua. 9 e rellminary hearln 1 In Weit oranet County Munk!lpal Court. He wu ural1n ecf before Mun.ldpal Court Judp ftacnar ....... mm. lnve1t11ator1 believe Ji'taueredo went to hit parenta' home In l'ountain Valley to ' obtain • lho1CW\. then retUrD.d to kill Sunpeon on \be rear p.tio where he WM ai..p&na, Flsueredo turn.a tdimelf In to poUce lhor1ly after the man•1 body WM di8coYerecl ·I I _j j I • ·I .. Designed. Finished -- Installed - ~ ---· et NAl\1-:l~S CAl>ILl ... .\C COSTA MESA (71•> 5'0·9100 1Clul11a A c:aU to "Buy American Prodw:ta" to 1pur the oconomy and IU~~ American joba WU IOUJ\ded by r,o Southem omil bua1neM leadort et tho founden luncheon ol Amertcaa1 for American Prod1ct1, lac. The luncheon, held at the Chantecl1lr Ra&aurant In lrvine, kicked off 1 campalp to encourap Amer1een1 to look for "Made Cn USA" labela and buy American-made producta. OuNt apuker wu Lt. Gov. candidate Carol llalleU. Founders of the AAP are BUI Davit, HJK & Alloctatea, Pel Mar commodity broken; Ralph Leatberby, Unlca.re Insurance Co .. Irvine; Helene Mt1eot, Interior dealgner, Irvine: Martla C. R.lppea1, Hydro-Ola, Inc .. Placentia: Mau SchdD.lt1, Br•kke-Schafnltz lnaurance, Irvine; Bob Well1, Everett Electronk.a. Anaheim; and Thomas Wrt1ht, Wright Way ~ency, Placentia. Tor information, call 978-3161 Mlel manapr. He hu bMl With tttiup ~ Rk-oh of A.mmica. and Canon UBA. Thne accountanta have been p~&ed to tUpervilora at the Newport BMch ot&e oC m;,..a • W'1Ue)', pubUo acoountJ.na tum. New 1upervllon ln die audit department are Steve MU11adal• and David Olaoo. BW Hu&Mt i. a new aupsrvllor ln the tu drpartnwnL Beverly Beacta of El Toro tw jolned Varl·X lac., aa radloloay ulea repretentatlve for the Southern California reaton. Vari-X 11 a Lot Angele1-bued medical dlagno1Uc 1y1tem1 Company. She waa aale1 repreaentatlve for Hofmann X -Ray of America, lnc., I.rvtne. Kennetb P. Deitch of Cott.a Meta hat been promo~ to Uliatant vice preatdent in Callfora!a Flrat 8.U't consumer loan adjustment department in Lo9 Angeles. 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY ..• AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! can (714) 548-6841 or 548-1717 Amert can TUle Company, formerly a wholly t----------' owned aub&ldlary of Safeco Insurance Company. haa been purchased by three title industry executives. Bankert Pentloa Services of Newport Beach appointed Mark Tbon an acco\.lnl •xecutlve speciallzing in IRA and Keogh sales. He has been with the Newport Beach marine safety department. HUllWOOD MAIUfACTOllY 19n Placentia Avenue• Costa Mesa. CA 9'1627 NIUC N011CE POOLIC NOTICE ITAT'lmNT M ~NT ftCTITIOUS .,.._.. lt-oola M Utl M NAMa ITATl•NT flCTITIOUI IUllHEH f'ICTITIOUt IU ..... NAm The lollowlng pereon II doing NAMI tTATIMEHT The followlng pereon1 heve ~ 11 Th• lollowlng peraon 11 doing ebWldoned tM !Me of Ille tlellllou1 AT Y 0 U A S E R VI CE , 1 5 bualneu 11 ~ l*M. Sendplper. lrvlne, CA 112714 R B INVESTMENTS REAL C.O. CO" PORA TION dbl ALICE PARIS SORENSON, 15 EST ATE. 1507 N Tutlln AVE . Suitt UNITED YACHT BROKERS OF lendpl1>«. Irvine. CA 1127t4 A. S1n11 Anl. Celllorn1e 9270t C.Al"O"HIA, S401 Vie Oporto, Thie b\llj,_ 19 cond\let_, by en Relph Bt1.,,.,m1n lnv .. tm«1lt • Sult• 205, Newport B••oh, lndllltdull Real Est111. Inc . 1 Celllornle ~ tnt.S Ab SOt9MOn Corpora11on, t507 N Tualln TM tlcltlttoue ""*'-' Neme Thie tlll-1 wu llltc:I with the Avenue, Suitt A, Senta Ana. r~fprred to ebov• wH flled In County Clent of Orenge County on C1111orn11 9270t 0tMQe County an June U , 1N1 .My t8, tN2 RALPH BRAVERMAN f1le .io, F114tiM ~ INVE8TM~lllTS Herold F 0 1born. 117·F Publlalled Oreno• Cout Delly REAL ESfATE. INC Rtv.,..ict. A.,. , Newpor1 &Mch. Piiot, Jlito/ 20. 27. Aug 3. 10, tN2 Relph 811...,men c.lltornll t2tl3 3~ Prelldenl 1eoq 1•,. c Oebom, tn~ 11o1 .. 'IC W\Tl"c T111s 11••-• w11 111ee1 """h ,,... f\tvtf.tde A,,.. ,...wpo11 S..Cll. ____ ,...;..~~;...;.""';.;;.;..;.;~;.;;... ___ County Cletll ot Ot•"9' Coun1y on Celdomll ~ flCTTTIOUa aUttNHt July II, 1982 Thie ~ -~ NAf1111 llTATl•NT PAUl I. OA"H"· HQ. Di·• ooroor111on The loHowing 1>«10t1s .,, do!nll 1aio 1. o.n,, autt. 20t C 0 Corporetlon busl~ll u hnt1 Ana, CM!lonW• 12106 ~ Ollbom. ( 11 ABE'S SEWER & DRAIN F,.,..,,. ..,....,.., SERVICE C21 ABE'S PlUMBING Publlshed Orange Co111 Delly Thll lllteMeftl -llled with COMPANY l8713 Byc:ll Blvd Pilot. July IJ, 20 27, Aug 3. 1912 '"':.Coull~ Cwtl of Orll'Q9 ~1Y Huntington iseec:11. Ceor0rn1a 92647 3153-82 on JulV 1t. 1N2. Timothy J King 16783 8Moti . ·Publllhed Orllflllll Coeet Diii!)' Blvd Hun11not'on ... ..: •• h c~J, ........ Piiot. J1it1 20, 27, Aug. 3. 10. 1992 112647 ' .,_. . ., ,,,,_ . 31112-82 Rob«I E Megen 111713 Beac:h ACTmC>Ua.,... .. MAm8TATlmNT Tile lollowlng peteon le doing ~-SQUEAKY CLEAN POOL Blvd Hunhngton Beach Cllll0tnj1 112647 TlllS bus;,,... IS conducted by • II P¥1'-lh<P Timolhy J King Th11 1111-t """ nled wttll ,,,.. ty Clerll Of Orange County on uly 12 1912 SEflVICE. 7133 Holder Street, &o.n1 Pltl!, Cellfomla 90820 Rk:flerd J Sleuk 7133 Holder Publlllled Orenge Coast Diiiy Street. Bu•~• Perk, Celllornl• Pll01, July 13, 20, 27, AU9 3 1912 90e20 2919-82 Thie bullnMa le conducted by en lnCIWJd1.11t Ak:hlld J. Sl9Dlc Thie 111temen1 w11 ftltd with the County Clertc of OrenQt County on Juty I , 1082 ,, ... Published Oreng• COHI Delly Piiot, July 13, 20. 27. Aug 3, 1982 315442 PlB.IC *>TlCE MN-t2920 FICTTTIOUI IU ... H NAME ITATI!MENT The following '*'°"' ere doing buainMI .. THE RUNNING RACQUET, 30100 Town Cent• Dnw, l..aguN Niguel, CllNornla cnen ------------Dolor•• Ac:ke r 513 N. POOLIC *>TICE ProtplC:I. Redondo B .. c:ll , ------------c.u1om11 902n FICTITIOU8 au...... Donlld R Wlttlwnt. 1086 w NAIA ITATI!•NT ~ Tk~ I""-~ LOl'lllQ BNd , . No 334. H11b0t ·----·'V l)«SOnS .,. doing Clly, Cll"omla 710 P1CT1'TIOU8 ..,..... NAm llTATDIPfT Th• lollowlng pereon• are doing~ .. THE COMPUTER BUSINESS STORE. 2790 H11bor Boulev11d, Cott• Mela. Celfomll tte2e CALIFORNIA BUSl"NES8 SYSTEMS. INC . 1 C1tllorn11 c:orpora llon, 27110 Herbor Bouleverd, eo.11 Mela, c.mom .. 92128 Thie bualnMa le conduct_, by • c:orpo<ellon CALIFORNIA BUSINESS SYSTEMS, INC. Roben A. Grote, Prllldenl Thie 1111-1 w" llltd with Ille County Clerk ol Orenge County on Juty 9 1912 AU1N AHO f\.ATI • ..,..,. .. law 4otoO MKAtttlw e911lnerct. hheS10 .......,. 9wfl, c ...... -~,.... Publl"*' 0renoe Cout O.ity PllOI, Jl*I 20, 27, Aug 3, 10, 1912 3268-12 bus1t·-.. l'hll bl.ISi.-Is condUcted by • NECl·N·ME, 24001 Crescent El llmlt_, pen~ !------------Toro, C•lil0tn1e 92630 Oolorll Aci<er PWUC *>11CE Mery Ann Ponte. 2400 I Thia 1111-1 ,,.11 filed with Ille Ct-'I. El Toro. Cllllornle 92630 County Clerk ol Orange County on l-----.-.... --N----- Oeolee Ireland, 27292 Padilla, July I l982 NOTICa Of TWU9Tlrt IAU Ml .. lon VlejO. Colll0tnt1 92691 ' f1a!JIO QTD No. -1 Tht1 bullneas Is c:onducted by • Publllhtd Oreno• Co111 Delly "-MewtMrt ...,._ genetll Plflntrthtp PDol, July t3, 20. 27. AU9 3, 1982 OU ARD I AN TR US l DEED Mwy Ann Ponte 315!>-82 IJERVICES. e c:orpo<etlon u duly 11>•• lllllmMI wu llled Wllll the 1ppoln1td Tru1t•• under lht County Clerk or Orenge County on P\11.JC f«)TlC( fOlloWl;t ~lbed deed of t1W1 June 21 1912 F111'72 1------------IC UCT"""' P NOT1CI Of f'\*JC HEANNGI WILL LL AT PV8L A "'" ubllslled Orange Coest Deily TO al! HILD aY THI LOC•L TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR Pnot July 13 20. 27 Aug 3, 1982 ,. CASH Of M -10rt11 In Sec'llOn 3152·82 A 0 INC y f 0" II AT I 0 N 2924h o1 the CM1 Code d right ------------COMMllSfON" Of' O"ANOI! title Incl lntertilt con~ to end P\&.IC f«>TIC[ COUNTY, CAllfOflNIA ON THI now htlO by 11 under Mid 0-' of ~~8N0.20I .... SIOllt ANNlllATION TO THI! COSTA Truel In Ille P'OJ*lY htfeln11ter NOTICI Of' TRUllT'll'S SAU: •SA IANfTMY CMl'TMCT deecr1bed . FOMCLOSURI NO. S!OOOI Thie public hNrlnQ W\Q be neld In T R U S T 0 R · N E W P 0 R T YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDEI\ A lht Orange County Hell of =!~~~:TNERSHIP, 8 O e E O OF T RU S T DAT ED .Admlnlllretlon, 10 Civic: Center BENEFICIARY ~N l GOAOIN SEPTEMBER 19. 1979 UNLESS Plue. Boerd ol Supervlsore· 1 merrled man end J. SCOTT YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT HHrlng Room. flrll 11oor, S1nl1 SOUOERS ""'1led ' YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE An a. Calllornla on Wedne1d1y, Recorded• October~ l980 u SOLO AT A PU8LIC SALE IF YOU Augu91 11 t912 et the hOUt ol ~()() lnslr. No. 30338 In bocMI 1l7117 peoe NEED EXPLANATION OF THE p.m or II !I'°°" lherMlter u Ille 7115 of Of11c1e1 Reoordl In the oflloe NA'TURE OF THE PROCEEDING COmmllll<>n I eoende l*f'lff•. •I of the Reoorder of <>renge County; .AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD wflldl llme .. lntertttad pert ... wlft lllcl deed of lt\191 d9lcr\bte tt'9 CONTACT A LAWVER ~ '-'d lollc1wlng ~ On Friday August 13. 1982 et t 1 The ennulllOn terrttory c:ontllna lot 7 of Tt9Ct 300, 1n tl'le City of LIT\., Tren~ Title Insurance •pproalmatoly tl9-plu• •ere• Co111 MeM, County of Orenge. eo,npeny. • Cllllornia c:orporallOn. (Felr1lew Sl•te Hoeplt••I and 11 Stet• ol C•llfornl• 11 per mep • duty IC>C>Olnt_, Trualee uncle< loclt_, on Ille -1 tide al Herbot rKOtdtd In Book 4 P. 11Incl12 e,pd purauenl lo 0Hd or Trust Boulevard, n«1h llld llOU1h of Felt of Mleoel .. neou. Mepe In tM oflloe rpc:0tdecl September 25, 1979 u ~ (•X1endtdl In Ille _,, city ol th• County tecor'd•r ol uld ln1tr. No 29115, book 13323. pege llml11 of Cotti M-County and Sl•I• Of Cellfomll 1142, of Otflc:ill Records, execul_, The City of Coile M ... l-..d 1 MAY 8E ALSO KNOWN AS: 2321 by Gregory A Tully. u lrustor(s). In Negellve Dtclerallon lot the N•wporl Blvd . Co1t1 Me1a, the ollice of the County Recorder of ~t of 150 o.etllng unlt1 C•llf«nll 0reng41 County, Sllte of Celtt0<nl1, 0 n th. , , : • T 11 • N •II. 11 v. ·~" • etree4 lddr-Of common wlll 1111 et public: euctlon 10 highest =•llOn 1~ ~~for publlc dHlgn1tlon Is ehown •bove. no bidder lor c:uh (payeblt II lime ol ~ :~ S 1 .._. 1~alll~ werrenty It given 11 lo lta ule In leWfu4 money of tha Unit_, • 111 • ~-om• comptet-°' COtTC1-)" Stltlll 11 llOU111 front entrenc» 10 during nonnll bull,_ hout9 FOf The ~ under M14 0-' the O<eng41 County Old Couf1llOUM, rnot"e Information, ltltptlone C7 t4) of True!, by r-' Of • breech Ot City of S enti An•. Stll• or 134-2239 dellUlt In the ot141gttlc>M ~ Celltomla ell tJohl title lll'ld interest BY ORDER OF Tt4E LOCAL thereby ........ olote tXecutect Ind COA\19Y"d' 10 en0' now held b)I 11 ~g~~,~~,0 ~00~M0~l~~~ d•llver9d 10 th• underelgned 1 under Mid OMd of Trust In the written O«llllllOn of Oel•uft Ind property altull_, In Slld County COUNTY. CALIFORNIA [)emend f« Seit. end written notice and Si.te delcrlbtd u . Loi 15 In RICHARDT TURNER of b<Mdl end al ~ lo ~ Block t 1 of Tr1c:t 772. City ot ~:!;• ~ lo the undersigned to Hll u ld N9wpOr1 8Moh, u shown on • mep genc:y onnat n P'~ to Nllaty Mid obllgetlon•. recorded In Book 23. PIQN 5 end 8 0Commluloneou otyf c·•if _, end th•ft•lltf the underelon•d of Mllcelleneou• MIDI. Record• of renoe n • .. °''~• ceuMd Mid notice or b<MC:h end al Orenot County. Celll0tnle. Publl•h•d Or1n11• Cou t Delly election to be The '""t 1ddru1 end other Piiot. July 27• t9l2 3283•12 Recorded Merc:h 25. 1812 H common deelgnellon, II Ill)'. of Iha lnetr No 12-102871 of Mid omctel r• property o.cr1bed at>ow 1e P\llUC NOT1C£ ~de purported to t>e· 231 c.n.i Street, NOTICI OI' "*.IC HRAIUMO Seid 111• wlll b• med•. but N9wpOr1 Beech. Celllornle. TO 11 HILD IY THI LOCAL wllhoul ooven1n1 or werr•nly. Th• u n d •rt I g n • d T tu It•• ...,..._ Of lmPltd teQlll'Olng t1t1t dlec:lelm• 1ny lleblllly for 1ny A QIN C Y f 0 " M A T 1 0 N po1M11lon or ~umbrane.e 10 lnoofrect-of the,,,_ lddt-COMlllatlON Of O"ANOI pey the~ Pf1ndpal .mi of and other common dttlgnatlOn. II COUNTY. CAU,ORNIA Oii nm 1he nott(•I MCl.K_, by Mid OMd of etty lhown herein ~ IHOINID"I NO. "11 TNlll With lnl-t .. In Mid note s 'eld ule wlll be medt but ANNllATION TO THI COITA prOYld.d ~ If eny under without covenent or werrenty, •tA IAMTMY DltTNCT the tm of Mid o..d of TNlt, ~ or lmplled, regerdlng title, Tillt publlc '-"lng will be held In •-. dlerO-and ~ of the pou•lion. °' encurnbranc:ee, to Ille Oreng• County H•ll of TrueteeendoflMINttlo,__,by pey the rernalninO pi1nclpel tum of Admlnl11rellon. 10 Civic Center Mild OMd of Trwt tht note(•)-*' by Mid OMd of Pina, 80Hd of Superv11or1' Said .. ,. w1i1 I>• held on Truet .-Ith lnt.,Ht thereon. H Heerlng Room llret floor, 8en11 WedMldtly. Auvuel 11. 1eea. et ~In Mid note(•). tdvlnOM, An•, C1llfornl1 on WednHd•y. 11:00 A.M., l1 tne ~t witrence 10 rt•;,;r:u;...,!NwmeofMldDMd ~ 11, l91htthehourof2:00 QUAADIAM T IT OEIO of Tru1t. feH. chargH end~~~~~ IM SEAVICH. 1100 Ht Meylalr ~ of tt.-T"*-1 end of IN ....,,,,_' _... .... ,.... .. "_ Ill A~ Otanoe, Ce11ton111. truen crff1ed by Hid °"" Of :*" ~lme all~ 1*11M wtl YOU AM .. DIPMILT ....... A Trwt. '°'IN~ .. ~.. TheeMexatlonttrrllnN009'' ........ 0110 o• TRUIT DATID ~toM.-s.-1. ~, ._.. HPT&MMtl a,~ UM.Ill The beli=wY wno. Mid o..d 1ppro.lm11e1y 1e1-ptu1 aorH YOU fMa AC'11C* TO "'°1'10T oC TNlt -ob• ex«Mtd end~· County Fe~ounds) YOUR NO,IRTY, fT M•Y II dtfl....,ed to the und•r•IOMd ........ _ ....!1 ~ norttl _....!!_!.•In IOU) AT A ~ MU. • YOU M1tt1n Dec!IWlltklfl of o.t9Uft and .,.,...., _,"' l'Mwpot1 _... • ., M1SD AJC ~TIOM M THI OlrMnd tor .... and a written ltle nonti city llmlU of CC91.1 MaM. MATUM CW Tiii NOCllOINO No41m a4 DlfMlft alld EMotlon to The City of co.ti Mell oer1Hled AG AINIT YOU YOU eHOULO .... TM -S.'4Ql...:t <**II Mid 111 erwltonMent• ~ ~ tor CONTACT A 1.Atfniii: NOtlOe of Ollt-'t tnd EtctlOn IO IN llJll)allelOn of Ille 0ranoe ~ TM lolal amount of U. Uftt)llCI a.II to De ~ In "'* county fe1rgr-ounc11. A oopy of fhe CMY• ~ oe tN oOlltlltlon ~by ..._. ttw ,.... IWOl*t'f ii loclned. envlronmen111 1111p1ct repoft 11 Mid Pl'OC*1V 10 lje eolCI 1-~ June H. ftta-tvelleble for publto review It 10 • ...,,...M-TMNaA °'1CA TTT CMo Center l'Clll AOOfl'I .... wllh lnttf .. t, l•tt ChlfOH· end ~ COMPA~; a.rta Ma. Cellfomlli iM1ng normei ••tlm1tec1 coet~•:c_nMI, tn4 •Mid T~ b1111n111 lloure, for more ~·of lweclf, II e,: LA* UCIM. ~=tlon. t111p11on1: (t14) ~ ~.Jo.1-. ~ ~ IY O~OIA O' THI LOOAL =AH TfW8T DIED * AOl!NCY '0AMAflON ==-COJOllHION Of' QAANOI! :I ~ 1111 .......... ....,., COYMTYL~ 1800 .......... Awnut lo• Anvef"· Ctllt0tnl1 = ~ Orwwe, CA tltl'1 ~ n.: tt··~ :' MOO l.C*f ~ fo'!Nltton ~~ .... 10 Pl...... HwMr ...... Comli 11111 • of ~ ':t.,y "-t MM..,_ w/TM Or~ PllblttMd. °'11'!r ~ ~ l'libtt.hecl Dr•• OO&tt OlltY =--...... Mt 1 IO, • Noc, Mt 21, ,.:.--1 1 Not. .M( IO, 17, AMl-.t. 1~ Cell 142-H78. Pul 1 few word1 lo work for ou. Ml.IC NOTlCE NOT'ICI M PUelJC HUMtG TO .. Hti.D IY Titl LOCAL AUMCY fO"IUTION COllMllllON O' OR.ANGii CC>Utf!!.1.. CALWCMllMA ON THI "'°"°RU l~'S NO. IOI ANNlllATION TO THI COITA llltA IANITA"Y 04ITNCT Tl'llt pubile l\Mrtng wlll be helO In the Oren11• County Hell of Admlnlelretlon. 10 Civic Center Plue. 8oHd ol Super11l1or1' ~rlftil Room, llret 11oor, Sent• An•, C1lllornl1 on WednHdey, Augull 11, 1982 II the hOur of 2:00 p m Ot .. toOfl tMrWt• -the Comm!Mlon'• eoend• permit•. Ill wtllOh time ell lnlM•i.d pwtlee Wiii be helld. The ennuatlon ienttOtY oontllne approlllmllef)o ~ + -(SoutherTI Cellfomll COlllg9 -N9wp()r1~ Chrlellen ~ler) loc:eled on the -· elde of N9wpOr1 9oul9vetd. llOUth of F elr Oftw In the notU\ clly limit• of Coell M-. The City ol eo.I• l.4eee IH4.Md • N•o•Hv• Decleretlon on th• 1pprova1 01 • Oenerel Pl•n AIMnclrnenl 10 lllow de llopment of 40 to t I unite within the __.lion ttrrttory. A copy of the ~ DecWatlon " ..,,.Ille'°' publlc: .......... •t 10 CMc Cent• 1>1111, Room 451, S1nl1 An•. Celllomllt during normel ~ hour• For more lnformellon. telephOne' (7 t41 134--22311. BY ORDER OF THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION OF ORANGE COUMTY, CALIFORNIA RICHARD T. TURNER becullve Officer Loc:al ~ Fonn•tlOn CommlNIOn of Orenge County, Clllfornl• Publlthed 011no• Coe11 Deity Piiot, July 27. 1082 321t-12 P\&.IC *>TICE w~m NOTICE°" nru1n.n SAU LOAN NO. DC>-101MS1 UN01J1 D£l.D Of n.UIT ~TANT NO~ TO "'MEATY OWNE" YOU AFIE IN OE FAULT UNDER A DEEO OF TRUST DATED SEPTEMBER 23. 19111 UNlESS YOU TAl<E ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY BE SOLD Al A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN T 1\11 unoer end by w1ue of the provtllonl ol 11111 c:er111n OMd ol Trull dll_, S4pleml>er 23, 1981 lll'ld recorded HI Ille oHic. OI Int R8cotdet ol the County ol Orenge, Siii• of C111forn11. on October 2. llMI I, In VolUrne 14242, p-195!1. ol Ottlc:lll Re<:Ordt, execultd by Ph!n1p Burton and l•nd• Bu<1on hu1band end wit• H l ruslor. to Sunkl•I S•r•lc• Comp1nv. • COtl>OtlllOn. 11 TrullM, end STATE SAlllNOS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATION. 1 C•ltlorn•e eotpo<1t1on es BenefleletY And pureuent 10 Ille rtQUMI ot th• OW'11' end holder ot lllt prom111ory note HCur•d by lhe OMd ot Trull Ibo,.. referred lo And by reuon ot tne oetevn In ,,.. payment Of Mid pforntMOt)' not• Ind the brMCh of Ille conditions In Hid Deed ot Trull provided. • No1ic. or o.c.u11 end E.lec:11on to Sell Under OMd or Trull hiving been duty recorOed •• proYldtd for by llw In Hid Recorder's Oflc:t on Aprll 19. 1912. In lnstt No 82· t33447 SUNKIST SERVICE COMPANY. I corporetlon. 11 Iha preaeot 1u1horlud 1nd 1c11ng Trustee under Mid Deed of Trull, 1f0< .. kl, on Wedntldey Augu11 11, 1982, 11 the hour ol tO ()') o·Cloctl • m of Hid dlV II the N0t1h lronl entrance 10 Ille 0tllllll' County Co\l(lhOuM, 700 Civic: Center Ori,,. West 1n Ille Ctty ol S1n11 An• County of Orenge. Slllt of CeNlornla, WILL SELL, PUtlutnl to Ille po-ol sale c:oni.<r_, In Mid OMd ol Trull and wltlloul c:oven1nt or werrenly reo•rdlng 1111•. poue111on 01 enc:umb<•nc:". at publlc 1uc11on. lo the hlghftl c:1111 bidder. In lawful money ot the Unlled S1e1n ol Amerlc:•. 111 l h11 cert11n real properly •llu1t1 In the COU'11y of Orenge, S11te of C1lllorn11. detc:rlbtd 11 lollowl PARCEL 1 An undlVlded !15th Interest 1n Incl 10 IOI 1 of lrtlCt No 11 148, In lht City al Coste M .... County ol Ofenge. Stll• of CllUornl•. 11 per mep rtc:0tded 1n bOOk 479, pegee t8 lll'ld 17, In the office of Ille County Recorder of Mid County. Exc:epling therefrom unite 1 1hrough 5 H 1hown upon lh• Condominium Plen reoord•d In bOOk 14081, 11 !>eoet 853, Ottlelll f\ec:Ofdl of uld County. PARCEL 2. Unll ) H thown upon lh• Condominium Plen refwred to In parcel,.~. 1nd more oommonly ltnown H 2112-c P1c1110 Avenu•. Coe11 MMe, Cllltotnl•. II lh•H le no etrHt 1ddrH1, dlreollon• mey be obtetned by 1'11ritten ~ 10 S1a-. &tYlrlol Ind Loan AaloclatlOn. 222 Nor1ti ti Ooftdo Scr9tt. Stod<ton, CA M202: All•nllon Lo •n Service Deptrtmenl. no1 later then Auguet 17, t982, f« Ille PIK\IOM ot peylng oblige1IOM eeourect by Mid OMCI ol Truel. Til4t totll ~· of the uN>9ld beMrlOI of tllle obllgatlon II 1127.· te0.•2. lnter"I: • 13,6111.H . M\j lh• .. umat•4 •rnount of 00111, DQWI-Ind adVtnCll which wtll bl lnoUl'fld by t~ .,. ot ...... IU11.00. DATU>-J"'120, 1M2 lunlllet ...... Company, ~~Prudflll. ~~or•do It,_ , Princi pals in the 2~-ye ar old firm headquartered ln Orange, are Kenneth W. Rld~oat, Dennis R. Duffy and Darwin D. Duncan. The trio execu~ a stock purchase of American Title, which has 14 branch offices in addition to the corporate offices ln Orange. Ba110 & A11oclate1, Jae., Newport Beach-baaed advertising and public relations firm, named Andre Nel aa an art director. He has been with Gillam Advertising in Salt Lake City. Doug Lua joined Baaso & Associates as a copywriter. The N1Uonal Trade Show Exlalbltora Attoclatlon will hold its annual conference and "Trade Show About Trade Shows" Aug. 2-4 at the An•heim Convention Center in Anaheim. For information, call 999-8999. Lifelong Prodacta USA, Irvine, has been granted exclusive ~nse from the J ethro Klosa family to manufacture and market Klc:. herbal formula products under the trade name Back To Eden. Jethro Kloes (1863-1946) was an authority on herbs and the healing qualities. He was author of the two-million copy beSt seller "Back To Eden.'' Du.lei DePuqoale has joined the management staff of Pleloa Corporadon in ~!-8 Ana aa national OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS The mayor and City Council of Tustin, plus other officlala, will participate Monday at 1 p.m. in the opening of a bi-level parking facility at Steven1 :square in Tuatin's "Old Town." The facility, a cooperative TMON venture between the city and Gfeller Development Comp1ny, Inc., complements the new Stevens Square office complex. which was designed to reflect the architecture of the Victorian period. Gfeller Development Company's corporate offices are located in the 100-year-old Stevem Mansion, which the company has restored. Eberle Holdlaga Ltd. of Newport Beach acquired 100 pe~t of tlM? outs~ding 1t.ock of Direct Sales Tire Company, an independent diatributor of tires and gasoline in the Rocky Mountain States area, for $14 million. The acqu1s1t1on was made by Robert W. Eberle, former chief executive officer of Denny's restaurant chain and a Laguna Beach resident. Direct Sales Tire Companv. a firm with sales of $122 million ln 1981, merged with Eberle Holdings. Capital Data Bank, Inc. Newport Beach-based investment banking f1nn, arranged the acquisition flnanring. u~s ...... • ()19 Ptt 1 .t,Up.00 > Up JJ J '• UP 2' ~ .. Up 116 ) ... 1 ' J • • • ) 1 ) 211 ) . ' l J , .. , ... ... 4'. J n •• ) ) ) . "' . ' ., Up u I ,_ Up •• l 'Up 14) Up "J UP 1' J .. Up .. J • J Up I) 0 • .,,. uo n s • \oo Uo 11 O • '• uo " ' • '• Up 10 O • "• Up 10 O " Up 100 .. Uo 91 • ~ •• Up • ) 14 Uo 9 1 '• Up 9 I • \Jo 9 I • t l Uo •• ... Uo • • J~ • • uo • J ) - llol .... I • 11 1 • ' . I • ) . I'• '" I I J, , ... ',. , s s· • s• • I"' u 1 Up • ) °'t ooi''u • I ()It I) I I I Otr II I ()II 10 S ~ 011 10 0 I 41 ()tf 10 0 • • Qlt 10 0 • Oii 10 0 ·• or• 10 o .a.. Ott 'I ... Ot• • ' ... 011 •I ·~ ()ft ' i ft . ()fl • t 1 ()fr 9 I ' ()It • ' '1 ()II 9 ) , • OI• I l 1 .. Oii I I I ()fl 9 0 "61..C.S OKll<Wd ~ Tat•I la"" rwwn1~ IWW l-TOl•I MIH m S41 J "' l.W ., lJ 10 • ., 500 "', ... •.. J • 11 I• )•. )'. l'. .. Ott IS , Of• , • °'' ' 4 l,f• g:: : : .. Oft 1 • '• OU 1 I MUTUAL FUND l Orang• Co11t DAIL y PILOT ITUHday, July 27' 1982 s NYSE COMPO IT~ TRi\NSACTIONS QUOYAflOftt INC~llOI THOU Oli '"' .... YO•ll. MIO•IH . ~, ... ,,, ..... IM>ttoll. 01'•0•' .... CIHCllfNA'I noca llCllAliHI AlfD •OOHIO n fMI ..... AMO IHUllUf I ..... NII \el.. Ntl .. ,.. Ntt .. 1•6 Ntl ttlH Ntl l~·n, ... ~,cri~--.~~= ~~~1~''·i"··;~ttiij~:J: =~·· i';: c;·1!: ~~ ~~::u ",r ... ·:='~;t.~\, ·~~·r;,,c·n~ c~ , i6 " ~ t 10\J 4 -'-Ml .. . • t I~ \a 1'1111 l1f '•S II~ 4th lit tt f U ~, '-II • . , '• ~I ~ I 1,ij+I Mthpft'° I Jl\'t . VI ~: =1~., ft' 'tl~·:111 C: o. t ti~+ Iii \et.,. M•t At . I ···•.-f' 1' 2~ ~""\' e~ U2 l •·Mitt '· ~II I I n ~ "' ., 14\4 V. Ii' I llCh Cl6\• Cllt • I 1 >II • ! + fa 12 ttllt v. 11'1111 1 t 1 tn • • ll t! t• Cl 'lli 'lo ... ,. • I ..... 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" CJ:irour• 60 • 17'1 11 GenuPI t JO 11 603 llll) _,._ ._..,Pl 12 68 10'"-''I OllE pl 10 • . 1100 16... . S.vin •. IOt l'lt ''" VSL.H• 60 10 20 2•" • " MIGE , .. I HS 7"• '• CJ:ireln "7 13 • • 1'. GeP• Ill I> '09 U'1 -~ Lee~ f!O 5 :141 24\< ... OllEOl1016 .1100 76 ~nptlSO .. 13 l~• \II USAtyJ.llC J 1' 10..• ~, lleltPIB4SO zJ'IO 31~ .. " Cc"'IG 21211 86 AA't •" 0.Pwpt11' 11 ,.,,. .. '• l.NtSll/IJ 2S 1J 61 .. '"• Ol'Ppf IOI tlOO 51 ''' SCWPlo1Ml10101l ll''> "• USS-13' 6 61 ll...,• '• 8'nC.et 12013 ~ lO '• Ccr81-11610 211 20""" 0.Pw0#1.IS l2 ,.,,, 1.MRnh 00 I 50 IJ'tt+ '• Olll'pl(l6(i ZISOOSO''l+I''\ Sdllmll .. l•IDI Jt~-•1 VSStfft 1 2117' II '• ~ 'O 0 2 u-. " Cow1H t l1 )04 JI>'' ' Gt'11PO ,, 3' I )I 20·1• -.,. .......,Tr 1 lO 8 • ,.. .... "• OllP olG111 . ' ""' -... Sc•'-11 12 12 m 12 .... USTOOc , 80 10 ., ., .. , SlnoP IO S 211 17"• -~ ca.ea , 29 13 103 21' ~ .. ., Gtr1>Sc . ll IS ._ 1' • -.., LAQPl•t ee 1 • 10 • '"' "'1P plj. " ''° "'" + "• Sea., " 11 11• 14'•-"° VnTecll 1 «> s 1191 "~ " lllH'I' 3l0. 11 JS'> '• Cral9 n • 6'·2 GtllY 760 I ,., ......... LtfiV•I IJ 10 15'16 .. Ol'tPl)fF 14 • 110 9''1 .... SCX111.AO 14 s 3"' ... VTctipf lll I S2 ' 911o1V• 1 16 I 17 '""' ... er-1 &o. I 26 20>ti Q..,iP IO s L.Vln pl 1 , .. -.... Old1GE U• I H u ... -v. ScotFal ' IO ' s ,. .. .. UT ch pl t SS ,.. 12 "' 9rllAm ISJ • 122.J II'' .. CnyA, II '~ J... '. Cii111Fn . SA J~. . lA!lmn 111~ .• ,., 11~ + .... ONn 1 lO s .. 11•1 -.... ScottP ' s 1:1' 1i.-.-"' Vnlhl ,... '10 16'~ " BtlAAty l 2D I ti n• • » Criton S It JS''a . Qdl.fw IO 9 210 2''1t • ''> 1.MW>Art 20 13 JOO 1711. • \'I 0-rl< 1 I> J Ult-'·• Sc:DllY• n 10 13 20 • 'l'a Vnll tplt.SO 1 020 ,,. r 1 05 3 14.4 l9 '> Cnx.lo.N 2 40 8 11 23'·• + ', GltlMlll 9! » ~ 1~ Uno>< t 8D 8 1 38'--'I• °""'r 11 II) IS l3 u~ + 'Ill ScO'IRI I S2 10 SS 16 . . • V111trw 1S I) 11 ,, ... p1 1 30 . • ""' • • CraH 1111.1• . 1 "''• '" Glti.tt• 1 lO 10 0 1 J7""'-~ t..euad • 1 10•1.. •• .. OrwlCMt rt s 1 u~-'" SMO Dll .'6 . • '"' • ,,. vn1... 68 6 1 is"" '" " 9 11 ,,,., ~ """°"" '°' 6 4 IJ' 2-'" CJtetW IO " ' 10 LllU<d pll es ' 10Vt • . ONEOK 1 40 s .,, d11'"-'" SNO pl1 10 .. JJ IJ • .... Vni•Fd '°' I I 1'.\.o 9¥0CA .'6 IS ,., 31v. • 1 • o-c;Jt 6 I' 70!·1 • ~ QODM I l4 J IOIS •\\-"' t...ev15C I 6S 8 nt 7•~ -''l ()ptlil<e . 1 • -,,. SHQ>nl o s 140 J• + Vt Vnl.UI 1 M I 1l 1•'9 • '" ~,= 1 ,~ ~~ .. '.' ~~e:,.rn "~! ~"-~ g=1 ·°' '. '~ 'm:;iz ~tl'" ,~: ~ n~~ .... ~.;:',: ~ ,~ 1r -'" ~ :.~~ ~ ::"'_:z ~~Lo;%1·:: :oJ ~~ •.• 1:: 8wftt=I 2.JI .. 13 2S'J'I • 111 Crlel pl83 M 110 1''1> + ''> <ldrlCll I " I l41 dll"-V. IJbtyC:p n 16 1' "'"° + 11 ~ 60 J OOI 12 1-SMa111 10 ll 6''a-''I VSL.F 1)11 lS 6 201 t • 1 • a. .40 10 SI IS•• '• OvmF I .. S '14 14.... Ol:lr<I\ Ill 97 IJOO 1t,. • '"' Ufemk .. 12 lA8 1~ -~ Ot.lt>M IO 6 26 1J'l'1 ''• S..fA.lr .t() 10 1S7 n,,._ + 'l'a V'lfeFo 1 • 19 l'loo ea s .f« • 6S 4 Cufbro It • JI JS'' "• Gdrch pl) 11 l6 nl't . . . UtyEll 2 60• 11 900 S6 • Ot.lllt eo .. 4 31v. -14 SHI ... 1.44 • " n -\It Vl•PL 118 • -,,... "' e.Jtel\ 1.,. ~ 71> '2''1 't Cullin n 11 132 ~ llJt ODodyr 1 40 I ltlf ?3 • .... Llrnlld n 2111' 154 23 ''l °"'11DI' 1 22 &S ••;, -\41 S...i.G .SI 13 1'e.3 )Ol't-\4 VIPL. pl 2 IO . 7 701 • ~. a.Tr! .. 1S 2• JS1\ 1-Q.mEn l 3 120 2'7''• ', OordJ I S6 7 9 UV, · lJn<NI J 6 211 J'l'4 + '• OllrTrn .IO I 100 2J\t '11 SMrJ 13' t 1131 1~-~ VIPL pl 1 JI>. 1 ""' '"' a..,An l2 24 a c..-r1nc 1 10 10 a • '• GrCiould 1 1 80n •4 ~ ll21 "• Un<PI 716 . l '""• ''• Ov,$1\tP ·'° 4 n 111/t ••••. Sec.Pitt ,,60' s. 21"°+ 11 VtPL.ol '°' ' ""' e.rscc; 2.n • s II GurtW 1 s 9 d)O ~. IKI J', . ; . Wtton 1 60 s 731 4)'11. • • Owen<: 1.20 1' .., 17-.... Sedc:o .44 • " 11~ -Ill -v-v - ... ,lnQ 1 8 l1 '9•;, Cyclops I 10. l 11 IS Gr•i::p,r 1 16 • 72 36''4 + 4 Utton pt 1 11 l•'l'l +-14 0-..111 1..-S 7t 11'-+ Ill 511!. tO S IS 10"-• l/i "'" Cp 140 I 123 u\1'" I ... 11=6 I 50 I 1'50 "'• + '• -~ -~:."pt" ,;: ;.,,: :~ LOt-lhd :: '13 10sev. • '4 Odrdln t t 14 J:IV.-'° Svc .J6 9 197 26'"-o;, 'Vlltro 32 e 1t4 "°"' '• 111111'-! 3 •. 3 ll OMG SJ 2'" • ''• _. IO ' ~ 11" , LOt1 te 16 14 IJ . . . . -11'-4 -sr.. 1 s 13 ti'" -v. vv.•nleyln 1 001,6 •,I •'·•·. 1«11\0 1,10 10 11$ Jt.\o -+. 09-., 20 •• di •'" ''l Gil. n ·~ 11 -.~ • ..'! L.otw1 I 20 S 9 92 -V. P tiH s 14 t9 U 1~ + ~ sr..c.11 . I 231-, Om • 11'·• llilllw · · l7' S -'Ill OllnRlw I IJ I• 12 • ~~-· 'i : 16 ui\ -t.amFn 1 ... t 1' ts;.--V. PN8Mt t.;,.. 1 .. t . • . • . $hth0 UD 6 SIO )I'll 'i't Varco 12 3 ... • t "" lotlc~ .60b c 10 1"1.t ... DaNCp 'eo 9 Mt 1>'--Iii "'WFI -16 ·s IJ1' ... t..ornM12.t41 I " 10._+ ~ PPG 2.~ • 20) 3n ... ~ Shtflf 2 ,.. • • 27 ... -.,, v ... .., n 11 ., 3' ~ Blldf'H ,3' • , ~ + .. Ottnfel 1811 s 10. '"" + .... .... n ..., ' .. . l..t!Sw ''IO ll 14 ~-.... PSA 60 s ,.. V\lo-" ShtlQlo ·" 6 IS9 ·~. v. V•ro 40" so I a.tHDw .'6 8 )!> 20•... .. Oantc n j tO 9 394 ,..,. _ .. ~HSP n " " .... ,,.. UL.Cl> 2.01 s "' ·~ ·-.. Pee AS,...,. 1 1°"' '" SllllG llfl.lS .. 4 ~ + •4 v .. co 10 ,, ,, 11'' ·v. tnd .at t 3 I~-lo. Dlli.Gn 9 Tll 76 + 'Ao • Pn I• 3 to 12~ ·· • L.IL 11/18 S 12'00 )lit.. . . p GE J .• IMO 24t,. Sfn1411 I I 114 2'"6--Vando 11 t'h 'lo 0 ,,. . 1' 14 .... Ott'tor . 63 6'•• "° tl'll 120 S 1963! '~-;· L.ILP!J 917 . 12000Sll4 .. \I• P:l.IQ 2.76 6 10'2 2C~-~ Slw'#pl 4,40 .• lllOOIQ ~tvt V•tlS. t.-.. " '"°'"' l.tO. 10 "'"· Dlltpnl 16 1210 1311.+ 'I• Orey WI .-L.IL.l)fV •.2S . JS JI~·'" PecL.um IO • 110 .. ~ •.•.• Slerl'llc 146 I ., ·~-'4 Vle<om .JO" 313 711/t .. '• • 3.Jl 9 1' _.. Dllyto S610 11l l'l'a-''• GrowG 'l&D 1 2 I · · L.tL. l)fT l.Jl • t 111'. -''I Pe<Pw 2.16 • 1111 1~-w Signe! M 7 tot 16'°'-'141 V•EPw I SO I at ll '• gl40ol . 11 ~-'• OtyHd\11011 Ul ,,.,, '141 ~.,"~,..,,. '~ ~ .. -.. L.ILll/IP2C3 .. s ....... PecPpl),JS • n -1'1 ~nodlt 21l m SI V1EPpll.72 ztOO S2 ..... =QI t · lA 11•·• -'1 QlytPL 1 t0 S 410 JAi/a " ,.~um 1!11.IO • U lt''I • .,4 L.IL. pfO 2.47 1. 71 !1\o . j,: Pac.P 11f '-01 11 21"'>.. .. Slm"'9 .» I '2 16 ..... V•EP pll,60 2 115'Y. + l(f pH,90 .. t190 21 -'> OPl. pf I.JO • do SI"•+ •;. ()...,df llo I .. IS • ,., unQOf 1.0ol I •' ~ Pe<S<I • .n 7 .. t"'-\t &lmllPI .f6 IA 126 '"-~ VeE P pl9.IS 120 63\ .. 1 PP-"'··"°° 16 • 1 • Dtlllll' n 16 • 20 24...., • '" OllWst •1s 4 1'l 11 " '" Ulr81 n is i.. 1s " P.cT1r1 .40 n 2 11 -~ ~ ·'°' olO 111 n~-l/i V•E:rzt:'O .• 4 to -~ ""41• 7 IU. -"• Dtw• 210llt 13'" '• QlfWplJll 20 .. •~-1·11 ~.4~· 1• 10' .... v. PelneW '°2077' 17"-"" S!nCir'pfJ.SO .. 11>\lo-~ VeE Jl,n tSO so .... II ,. •• ,.. ,,.. DtlmP I SI ' "" 13\\o-I~ ()Ull()ll 2 IO .... 26"'+ , ... UoLMWI 1.IO • '" ,.~ -v. P<tlmk 1.10 s ' u•,.._ '"' tkYllM ·1. ,. 161/t-"" V•'n:J'f'·lO . mo .. .. t:: 'r ~~ lr''.~ ~ OtDt:::.• 11: 9?J 1n'!~ '.~ Oulf~s .• H Wo" a l~4} ~ :~,: .. ' PllllABn .SA I 10 1"-..... ~llN!\All '. ·,· ll&l l~:::~t: ~~•I-.'1 t ~ w:·::" 7s • ... OuflA tlll JO l 10 -• ""' , ··, · PenA.rn 1S7' i'-. ,... ...,~ ·~ .n 4 I,,.. -ChOIS t II 31 27 ••• Olli 1·J6 6Jl27 t2 11.20 S J9 '6'<• " PeMEC.2.:IO 4 '94 U +•Ao ~ 2.Sllll»O" -214. Vlll~nM L.w • II ""'• _, 1.lD 11 '° 31-+ .. DtnMIO 1.oM 7 I 1M8-._ Of plUO rlOO~ "\4 '-n 416 1' 1'11t -'-P"'tt t 1.21 9 -.0 2'11<-" r l."'I! I ri r ---W-W - • IS ~ ... °"'"'''" ·fi" .... 2~+ ... 811S ... ,, . ao 30.,,:,.,., t.Aof:lrll I.at. ISi "' ... :: :'!' •••OVll "Its 1'1'e-l'l'a .ten 2 -U• WltOlt t,IA s la !IV.t"" .It 11 f14 UI" ''" OtnlPfy • JI lPi\ ... • IS" pr"' 4 .., t• 29 + 1" ~ll 6011 13 21 v• PMoes 1.240 t J 14111+ "" l.lO S 1 1 .;. lll Wac.llOY 1.lf • » J~ 141 2AI ' ' 26'-' • '1• OISoto ' ' 25 10t ,.,,.._ Vt ui/td ,·; i so 11):14 y$ 1.14 I .. , ,,..,_. ' P•••Ort .tt J tlS 10V.-"' IJt II 'ti 12~-II We(klll .~ 10 u 14 ..... "" ,.,.. ~ • f' ,. + "" Otll!.d .... IC»! II~-v. ~Ilk n ·.-17 , .. ul~·· •• .... _.n .. • .. >_ 1° .. .. P•rHllll ..... m IS\11-... 14tlt ' r,:1 -,,,_ Wetnoc .14 . Ul Cl I ... Id'!« l.t'1 t 1 2''~ • "• Dttl! 121 1 • .is •• 1100 41 . Gii .. OJ .....-... p \Pn S2 17 1• II~ .... .JAO , • 14 w~ 10 llf '1 -'-a uo • , U'AI-'"' oe P'e 2.n .. t ""· .... QlllGl'I .60"D ... "tt '"'-"' 1\111\QOM .It IJ .,, '"' -" p: ... , · 1 1 1 .. ,, '~ "' Srt~Jltt,• :. a 1-... "' w1 .. p1 .. ' ,,..._ tJO • m I~-"' OE Dr1. 4 •• 40 l.S'4-v. - -MCA UGll 1 41, """-._ _,~' .. ~ 1;w el'llA I tt 114 'W.t !\' 110 U ~ll " l,40 • t -"° OE..tl'IC 4 11 .. " ltl/l + "' ..,,,,., 1' • ~-'• Mii 'Ill 4 ,... ~ :.,':'.:1 .. 1~ 21 !Mio • E~ f.ft .• 2t ~":;· ... W-t U2 .. • 11~ ~ 2.22 • I J .,. ''• DEfpfl !HD 1 "'".. =~1 H3 ~ .l~ u ..... ~r +1 10 " ...... _ '4 ,.,,Giit "'IO u m ,~·-"'" '~ , lOt ,, __ "' W•ICI¥ ... 10 t• ~" .... • ,, •• ._. "• Ott o1•.r2 dO oO -a ......... I~ ..... , 219"4. ..... • :.:. ,,,., .... 1 ,t .. .,.,, P••-.•• ., ___ , •h.... • . ? ,;" ·~"'--' ... WAit.Hit 1 l"IM 21 ...... "' • • Cl 4-. • '" OttE Ot 1 :II . 1 If.Ill• 11't ,_ "' • ' .,., ~ ~ Ua .t~ 21 274 '-'"' ~r • ,. • .. ... tJ.,. 1 ...... 1 t.16 48S 1"""· • OtlClitr t.10 4 11 tA\4>+ l'a Mt!WP I ' ~u 22._ .. l/i • I II. ~ 02ot J .;. t ... 1 "" .• uug •••·· " • ,,. . • CIGIOI'" ... r • f\lo-•1, ittn.JS 1 "•.. i1Yt+ "' =u. ·.In ,~· i'"; ... Pa11Cll s . , .. !) • •• 't.'~ • ~~ '"\t W•llJ pfl1.0 11 I: .... f -DI f ~ Hll\ll I.~.. 14"'-+i.. ™I ilO l' t~-I Pa11Q19rSt7 ,, "' .. t .,_ t f. • 4't -Wern« 111111 • )q +"' ,,, ,.. •• 1~· .. ' ~p J.U ii ~ ~ -'It NW!mn 1 • 7 !!"•-. ..... 111 ........ P ... ne. ,1MI n sn ""'-"" . 1 •11 f"· ... Wt~ ' 11 l!OM ... u.. .. , ,I ,4._ .. "' ~Cl:\ :.: " ..,. ,. .:.:·~ = , : 1tt ;;,...,: ~ 1 ..... , . .~ jj I~ ,,re! .. ~ P91\E·!,..~. t.ri ! :g"f ll~ ~ :.; : ,, ~ ~ ::~ ~·1· ';a·~ u~ :: ... 2 ·': l2 l4'1' ~-t!: t 1 ~.: = == ~ ._,._.J I J 11 --.... tr, 1.J I~ » -~.:. " a t Pl 4.jl) •• 1 +I !'fl· .. 4 1:~+ 14 Wt!INM 1 1 IJll 11-.i• = "''i.ntJ t m;-~ It! . t flt ...... -~ :t:r..i .:.;f ~. ~:: Mllll!l') ~ 1 1 1: ::~ P:PL.~'.:rl ..... \\6 ~ t:= i 2 W:;~ er~:.·• ~ ;t: "-• ,:; " l l.l:; ~ ' 'll: I U 11~ : : . lt1.' "" 1 • " -·• '"'A; .-11 ' " Im.. aet •~".:; l!f ifll'·•~ ':ll" i:: '!-!, 'il:, := 1: Ill ij!F'~ ·~i • ~~1 ~nH !~:~ 1t~1 l Ji ~ii.I~~ ,1.'.r~ ~.::~ .r ... ,~. i ~·r-~~ iL: .. :1,i ~ =.·::.'.'.~ , ·iio ·~1 r;V\~ ~ e :~~ ff r,V> -:~ ~::'" ·c~ n ll, ... -;~ =='':i~ t,it lit-~ ~ • ~ i ill~--.:.11·I1 -:: 5m' .. '"' ··--·= >.1 ; J I -:: I:· ~ ,;!t !t-,a .. ~1,!: .n ' ~ ~~:~ I ,.'°IM ·• ~·+'" ,.9;i. •:; ;1101: r.i-;~ "• ': .... ,.! !: t: lol{'!··"S , ... '. ,;9 J-w .. ~,,. .:·~ ... : 11 111 .. --=i: ='· .. ·'fl-.:.~ ~:.. ~~·:::; 1~,1~f'Y:Jtt:t 1"jr~·· :;:;:~ , ... 1.·i~:.: •• + ... 4 I 1 =~· I.JO 14 Sl ... " ~~ ', .;.. : 11 .• • ln. ... ~ 3 7 • ~ =U-t 40 t JiJ ~ .. ::~~ ~ :~ ~ :ES: f:i,~11 ··, t~ :4~ i~t~i ~ 1 1§,5 :ta wj 1 u ;~· • :t':~i· :: 'i ~~~E =',. ., ..=•t.4 ~ .. I"• I,\ ~ I t '1!:!1 N .. ,_ 1 1~ _. ......... ~!~ : ll~t -~ ~ ='.I .. • • .. ~ f.I .. -it·~~.~ i;i :UI :::; Jfv.!~ 1. ,.,.. • "'-=·· u•t• ·-· . Douglas , • earnings up ST. LOUIS (AP) -McDonnell DouaJ.u Corp. says eeciond-quarter eamtno ro1e 3 percent to $49.8 million, or $1.27 per aha.re, funn $48,3 million. or $1.2J per share In the period last year. For the first half. eamlnp totaled $98.3 million, or $2.60 per thare, compared with $89.6 million, or $2.24 per share, a year ago. The company said the tncreue in 1982'• first-halt earnings wu largely due to lower interest expenae. WIC loss 4 1 cents per share WlC Inc. of Newport Beach reports losees for the second quarter and the first half of 1982. The net loss for the quarter was $989,000, equal to 41 cents a share, against a lOllS of $922,000, equal to 39 cents a share, a year ago. . For the six months, the loea was $1,515,000, equal to 63 cents a share, vs. a 1065 of $952,000, or 41 cents a &hare, in 1981. WIC·lnc.'s principal subsidiary ls WTC Air Freight, a domestk and international air freight forwarder. Ear nings down for Fa r West Far West. Financial Corp. of Newport Beach, parent of Far West Savings & Loan Association, reported a net loss of $6,985,423 for the six months ended June 30. This amounted to $3.48 per share compared to earnings of $1,433,580, or 71 cents per share, for the aix montha ended June 30, 19&1. The second quarter produced a loss of $3,719,249, or $1.85, compared to net earnings of $62,193, or 3 cents, for the similar quarter of 1981. Glendale S &L changes name Special to the Daily Pilot GLENDALE -Glendale Federal Savings & Loan Association is changing its name. The various California geographic divisions of Glendale Federal Savlngs & Loan Association became known as Glendale Federal as of today. . On Oct. 1. all 38 Florida division branches will begin operating under the Glendale Federal name as well. W estern Airlines names boss •. · . !: .• .· LOS ANGELES (AP) -Ned P. DeWitt 2nd waa named president and chief operating officer of Western Airlines as the carrier announced second-• ·" quarter earnings of $3.1 million. ·:·· AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS GOLD COINS l'cl Olf ,. • OH IJ 9 Ott n s Ott " 0 Ott 10 8 Otl 10 I Olt t I Oft 'l ()II 9 t Otl I I Oii 7 6 ()II T 6 Otl I 4 Ott I 0 Off , 0 Olf • ' Ott " ~I •.• , '·' f ••• ()ff t .A ~Off u t:' .. ~ NIW YORK (AP) -Prtu• ,., • Wed'*ldly ol gold OOlnt, C0191P1f'td with 'tuotd1y•1 pttee. tCrveettMCI• 1 troy ~ .. 1372.&o, of1 $2.75 ..... 1M11. 1 troy O&., '372.50. on ta.75. Me..._I0 ...... 12troyoa..J4C1.00, ontUO. Auetrlaft 100 ...., .AOl troy ai .. 1352.60, on 14.50. folK•· Olak·Pw•• DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW VOAK!API l'tn.11 Oow -•"11• .... Mondey J..i 26 SlOCKS Open HI• '--• C-Ole J:> '"" *''., au• au• as 4o.-s u lD lm 311 )7 Jl&•S JU IS JIS.11 1 .. IS VII IOI> ff IOI OS 1ouo IQ! tt-0 .. 6.S Slk Jll 11 J11Ut llS St 311 ~ 2 O'l ll'la!S ).(12~ t00 i;:; rse:~ •t s111 utuoc WHAT STOCKS DID NEW V~I( ·~ OfCllned \il(~•"'ll!d Tatat ·~ Nltw '11~\ Ntw IOW\ NEW VORt< __ ... Otc••Md U\<"""91!<1 roc..r ••YH Nr• "''""'' ... w !OW\ METALS IAPJ Jl/4 16 Moncl•Y ., 'Ill .,, 1sn 20 SI 14PI }tY. 1• Mond•y 11S lll 110 112 13 n ""•• d:i, ,,. ... 1llS )) J9 ""•• ~~ 11'1 130 11• 11 JI NEW VORK (AP) -Spot nontwrous t™ttal prleeS Mondey c~ 12~-15 e«1t1 • pour>d, us. dHtinalloria lb LHd 28-29 oantt • pound. Ztnc: 37.40 cent• a pound. d91tvered. Tin $6.0664 MetD Vt.-oompotite Atumlnum 78-77 cent.I a pound. N.V, Mefwry $370.00 per !leak. "9ttnum S~.00 t~ oi.. N.Y. SILVER Hendy & Hatman. ,7.210 PM troy ouni;e GOLD QUOTATIONS ey Th. ANOOIRM "'- s.t.cted li'O'ld ~ pno.e today. London! momlng fh•lno· ~.75. up S10 75 London: elt.,noon nlllng: 1383.26, up $10.25. l'Mle: •tt•noon tlllJnO: '303. te, up $9.95 Fr!IMMt: $365.12, up '5.IM. Z~ Lele fll<tng: $386.60. up S12.50 bid; $368 00 Ulted . Handr a Hltnlun: only o.iiy qu<>M $363.25", up S 10.25. I~ only d9lly quote labno«ted $381.41. up tto.te. SYMBOLS .· .· . '• .. ..... ·.·. .. .. -: ~ ... . . . I• .. . : ~ .. , . ... :· =· TRI f..\MILl' CIRCt:I by 811 Keane "I hear somebody coming. I'll put you on hold." ... «) i I f j f',p~ • "Put away that Frlsbee ... can't you see I'm busy?" 'l'DGE PARKER ......-----~ 'l'OlJ MET WN FA1'HEP. ~THE Flf'&T TIME ~Y. 0 8 I WHAT ~---.-. OIO '(()1..1 THINK OF HIM 't 49 Selrlee 50 Color 51 Fortification 53 861111ed 55 Tabu 58Weelttly ., Mr Cowwd 12 EdlnlttiL 3wordl Ma.ldee llfMed ... peper MVertly 87 Direction 68 Song MForce 1 TOtdl 2 can1u1 31rritat• • "Deir _ .. 5 Aeclle>llon: 2lll'Otdt lfdn' gp 7U9Mofftcer. 2wcwdl ... ~ .,.,.... ...... ,,, ...... 12at,tft ... OU 13 Whip mlril II Tm. perlod 24 Jet 0t SST 25 Shlpt' Polee 2tHlgttpolntt 27 Au*• 21 UnmlndfU 2t Okleflomt dly BIGGEOaGE by Vlrgll Partch (VIP) ~-~· "No, I don't haYt any pon'ldgt." •WATCH HIM ,JoeY . . SOMETIME 5 HE SWATS KJOS EVEN WfllOJT >N< FUE5 ON 'EM '• l DON'T THINt'\ TO THE CONTRAPIY 'YOU LIKE 'Y()UP. I LOVE HIM' FATHER 'v€RY r----_.. MUCH• .. PMNIJTI SH0£ ~l~AfOTTL£ <$-~ wim llt\Tf AUNT FRITZf IS A'WAYTHIS \t/EEK GO BOO !>AVl~S FAOf'\ M. -· SHE MADE ME PROMISE t'D WATER HER FLOWERS EVERY OA.Y AI C.'10NG ~ /INC.1E"6T &oCllC a <HNE!ii€ ~ by Jeff MacNelly· by Gus Arriola by Tom 8at1uk by George Lemont eu-r UN'f'IL.-1"He MePFl...Y SC..ARe WAS oveR, 1: PIP we.AR MY FRUl"T" OF 1'"He 1.-00M UNPleS INS1Pe OU'f'.' I l J . .............. 'NO SINATRA' -Dolly Parton says Burt Reynolds, her co-star in "The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas," has a "real good commercial (singing) voice, but he's no Frank Sinatra or anything like that." Harris' London return 'scary' LONOON (AP)-British actor Richard Harris, back in London for a new production of the hit musical c.amelot, says he is happy to be off alcohol but "terrified" about returning to the London stage after 18 yea~. Harris, who stopped drinking after collapSrng ln Detroit while on a national tour with the show, .aid he decided to ~t the role of King Arthur in the six-month London product.ion because "I have been on the road for so long and wanted t.o get back here." lii'l C1J1 C 1912 t.IETRO-OOU>WYN MAYER ALM CO l,!!Y ...0 SLM ENTEATAINME"NT LTO NOW PLAYING COSTA MESA Edwards Bristol 540-7444 HOl'AHH ACctl'UD 'Oii TIM EHCAOlfWHT I .... Ulllolovon '90 •071 •COSTllKU ltt•A40\ """' \•0 7'U COITl MlU ~DUI 1411'-n 611 l:.01 With Brut & Dolly thi• much fun }u•t cou/dn 't be legal! Cinedome 4 Trad Mac Stereo Orange Oout DAILV Pl&.OT/Tueld1y, July 27, 1eea -Women coal miners movie 'accurate' account tm:Zc!f · (AP) -Two women from the Btlh ElJchorn m.lnee of Letcher c:ou.nty tnV91td to lMI to watch th• fllmlna ot a Cheryl Ladd movie abo\.lt a woman coel mlner. 8andn Balley and Ruby Andereon .,. each rnember1 of the Mountain Women'• Opportunity Center at Hau.rd and the ViJlPNa·butd Coal l'.mployment project. Mn. Balley Mid IM hoped the tei.vtaion movte would funher thme IJ'O\IPI' a1ml of helplnc wamen 1et work ln the m1na "U lt will draw attentlQn to the fKt that It knows what scant yo... gzpr ............ _ . NO PLAYING AAUll• •COIT&_,. he"<' 4-0r ... "' l .... C.-0 c-111 llSO t,..111 •Mual9 •CM!Am fea JU 41•1 UA Cill' C.-lA ..... nut11 IMA 11 ""9 ~ .. ., ..... ,. Edwm ~k Wu ..... WU~TU Orl\'e"' fft ... C.-Wesl S79 U 31 $116"0 tll Hot ltl HU •cotu MIU (dW•OSCINma ••I 3•02 OMml AMC Orlflll llW t3/ 0340 •rJlMfNI llUA lllVIH OllAHl UA Mov1n 990-4022 [dwtrd1 'lftlodb11d91 St1d1um DI 839 8170 COITA MHA SSI 08SS WHTMllllTlll Ktc~r Twi11 831·3501 MISSIOll VIEJO Mtauo" Cintm1 Wut FOU•TA1• VAUlY Vteto Mall 49S-8220 891 ·3935 ~d1 mlllAlll Vllltf 139· I SOO • OllAlll( Cotlldo1111 834 2553 50IWf HO ~SSES RCCEPllO FOii T!itS lNGAGfMlHT • !iiE70MM ®Wfff3J "Tith s.. .. r•s lnwer T1 lllPUIE ••• " lift ... , .... -LM Allplet hMJ ltws W--This Movie May Be Dangerous To Your Heattti. You May Never Stop Laughing. 6 .. ~:~ ............ fl\1 .. II\ l11t (II\' lllffMI llN,\.._ut 63-' '1112 fuml8'Ull UlllU 21~91-0e33 LUXURY THEATRES lat Twt Matltltt Slltw i11uOlllY S2JQ lhtleuOtlltfwiM Mlttd S 113ril3•r•1adl6I~ '25sJ/~~,) S FOR FOOi EXCITEffiEnTl V111tOur... 'tf ARCAOE of GAMES•·:~"'.".'," women can do th1I job, It'• 1 IOOd thlna." Mn. Balley Mid. The women, who have bo1h worked ln the mlne9 MV•al yean, l'OM briefly with Ml. Wdd after ah• finilhed the day'• f1lrn1nl at a Mar1ln County Coal Corp., mine It 1nn. Th• duat-ooventd ectre. had been workin8 on a 1eene ln which one male miner •topped another from •xu.ally ... ult.Ina her. nw movie .i.o deafa with her •t.ruule t.o prove her abllltl• ln the male-dom1nated job. ''The women all go throuah that," Mid Mn. ... °"'°"' ... , ...... ------o -. •BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday ttlru Saturday All P1rform1ncH tMl0t1 S.00 PM (bee,! Speclll Enp911111nt1 1ncl HDlicl1y1) I ~ MJllA.(J/t. M All .,.110«10 ot to1ec1on1 LA MIRADA WALK·IN 994·2400 "ANNIE"'"' ---··· "A MIOIUMMEA NIOHrl !f~C~~~I --. ....... -. ..... _ --... -~~~~~~~~~....,....~~~ "ITAR TREK fl: THE WRATH OF KHAN"'"°' ,. _ __.,. . .._. ...... _ .... _ THE WORLD ACCOAOINQ TO QARP" 1•1 '"' ., .......... "" "POL TEROEIST .. CPOI ·"ROCKY 111" ,..,1-_ -.. • .......... ,....... tt:a.t••• ~ ...... 11AOCKY Ill" CPO) IN 1'0llM DOL8Y ITtMO t:l!a. ................ .. LAKEWOOD C ENUR SOUTH WAI N IN Al 094 NnO 21l 6M-tH1 "TMI I WON> ANO T .. IOftCEUl'I" 1•1 ··--11:11••-"0INEl'I" ,., ..,_ ANA>Clt ... ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ••••t'OY fl ot l•rN»,, SI "STAR TREK U: 'THE WRATH OF kHAN"1,.. . .............. .. ~~~..J:I --· .... ~------- "A MID I UMMEA NfOHTI SEX COMEDY"'"' ,.._ ................... . "llAOE l'IU..111" C•I -"THlf IWOl'O ANO IOM:lllll'I" 179•91_50 ___ ~-_ C•_! !·-~ --- ""41 MIT UTTU ft()l TERQltaT., !NI Wl+OMHOUM IN TlltAl " 1•1 - "ALL ...o:;; LONG" C•I "l!A WOLWI" ,., ... .,.. '' '°""° Cltlt ft -------=--=---=__._ _______ - euf NA .,A.Pt BUENA PARK ORIVf IH \...C~" A" .... 04 C"Oft 121·~70 8tHNA PA"1~ LINCOLN Ol!IV f ·IN "IT., r.-IXTlllA· TIJIMITIUAL" Cl'Ot "TMS WOM.O ACCOf'OIMO TO QAl'll"'(!ll -" Al'ITltUfl* !N I "l'IOCICY tr !NI "THI nMO" (II> --'"Cl.AIM Of Tit9 TITANI" IHI "IUa. l'l\HlfCfl" c•t ----'~'-"-_11 .... ~;.;;-...;;._ __ -+----·--·"'-'1 ___ _ ..,.,o .... ,.... -"THI IW<>f'O ANO tOflelftU"' 1111 Clllt " ICMllllO A It,. f'JA lA HABRA i1111\ll IN ._ .. -... ~ ............... 17MM2 ~ ........ "YOUMG DOCT°"' IN LOYr 1111 -",\"'"-Mir CN I e• A IOllMI ~ ... ft9,,.. OQAN GE 0'11V£ •N ., .... co .. .. .,... ... . 'ffll'2X"tf'11 ""AATMll 111 Tltl WATM ~ ICMAN" 1N1 ' .... ' ... MISSION 1>'111d IN .- Andenon. She and Mn. Bailey were not the only wcmeo ln the mi.Ml when they went to work. But rwverthelem, Mn. AnderlOft Mid. ''The men all want to flnd out who you are and what you're dotna the,.., "Then when they found out, they're O.K." Mt. Ladd aaid ~r charecter'• •truale to prove hertelt and her evflltual 1ucice. att.rac1ed her to the fllm, currently titled "Mantrtp'' -the miner'• name for the low-aluna vehicle. that ride ln and out of the mlniel. I •t f t ... 'I '1 Orange Oout OAILV PILOTll'UtedtlY, July 27, 1812 Woo y ~lien comedy nea Ill: , • ' clot~ at Go den W e1t I , ... 1Y:,1SE!.. Then'• nothinc new under tM thMtrical 1un thla WHk, but no fewer than el1ht uaa• ~roductlona are contlnulna their re~pectlve ~apmenta, with only one ahow hHdJni into clOli"I weekend. That woWd be "Play It Alain. Sam," Golden Wat Collep'a production of the Woody Allen c:omedy ln which the ahmt of Humphrey Boiart atvea an Inept Romeo tlpa In the romance department. Charlet Mitchell and .Bob Soarea are dJ.rec:t1nc comedy, whkh winde up with performancee and Sat~ at 8:16 p.m. in the outdoor Theater on the campua in HunUnaton Beech. ~rvationa 894-6070. I . , Playpra can take thel.r choice of a handful of muaicala. with "Sugar" playing at the Harl~u.ln Dinner Playhouae in Santa Ana, "George M' at Sebastian'• Weat Dinne r Playhouae In San Clemente and "Promises, Promiaea" at Orange Coast CollKe in Costa Mesa. "Sugar,.' and "Oeorae M" are playlna throuah the aummer with ticket lnforma\lon for the Harlequin at 979-5511 and for Sebastian's at Cartoon artist hkes "E.T." film HILLSBORO,·Oh10 (AP) -Cartoolllllst Milton 6.rutt, creator of "Terry and the Pirates" and t8teve Canyon," la a fan of "E.T." at age 76. ~ . Caniff, whoee "Steve Canyon" oomlc strip atill tPJ>e8n In 800 new.papen, aerved aa grand marih.al over the weekend as Hilhboro celebrated Its l 75th ~versary. •· The cartoonist said he applauds the adventure .pvirur in recent movies, such as "Raiders of the Lost 4rk:' "Superman" ahd "E.T." " '"11\e filmmakers are probaly all old adventure cicmic strip fans," he said. ·: "In 'E.T.; it's what happens to that charming ·Qttle creature on Earth that makes it fun. The -..ulng rould almost be suburban Sheboygan. ·P.eople are always more interesting than b,lrdware. '' .• Aa for bia hometown. Caniff said, "Hillaboro .~ up marvelous ghosts for me. A. a boy, I +orked as a Western Union messenger. There was a ~ry behind almost every door. Many of them were _l)ot pleasant, however." !ttt .. pe~. ' ,0 U. DCC 1wruner nu.Weal. Puhl • sa\urday thll Wffk next wlib an p.m. cur\aln. Retiervadon1 66&-5~ Jl'or tht more aerloualy minded, there'• "Thomhlll" in tta world premiere at the Laauna Moulton Playhouee·tn Luuna Beach or "Death of a Salelman" at the Saddle6.c:k Company Theater in Milmlon Vlejo. The Lquna drama runa throuah Aua. 14 wfth information at 494-0743, whne Saddleback'a production playa thla week and next, and reeervationa are \&ken at 831-4656. Somethtn,t in a l.lahter voin la offered at the Hunttnaton Beach Play)\ou.e where "The Gazebo" I.a on the boardl through Aug. 28. and at the Weatmlnater Community Theater, where the melodrama ''The Drunkard" plays through Aug. 7. Both ahowe carry an 8:30 curtain, with ticket Information at 847-4465 for Huntington Beach and 995-4113 for Westminster. * CALLBOARD -Audition.a for Tennessee Williama' drama "The Roee Tattoo" will be held Sunday at 2 p.m. and Monday at 7 p.m. by the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguua Beach . . . the cut calla for four men and one women, most of whom must speak m Sicilian or Southern accents ... Showcue Productions will hold readings for Alan Ayckbourn'• comedy "Absurd Person Singular" on Monday, Aug. 9, at 7:30 p.m. m the theater's auditorium, 75'71 Westminster Ave .. Westminster . . . a cast of three men and three women ia required . . . BACKSTAGE -The Odetica Repertory Theater of Anaheim, a company compOSed of employees of Odetica Inc., wW present Nell Simon's "The Good Doctor" Friday and Saturday at South Coast Repertory, 655 Town Cent.er Drive, Costa Mesa . curtain is 8 p.m. and information is available at 774-5000 ... Enough is enough is enough already NEW DELHI, India (AP) -Hollywood weteran Charleston Heston says he has "great respect" for his friend President Reagan, but he does not want to follow in his foobt.eps and enter poll ti.cs. "I have been president of the Uruted States three times" in movies and that is enough, Heston, 58, told a news conference in New Delhi. I .. '• No mMter how,....., good mewl•• JOU ...... ~ ,OU muat ..... An Officer ...... ~ I.Mt w.ek1 prwlew MMl•nc .. llCl'WS the country chcovwecl ... movie Md lowed It. "lt'l lft you up _....... J'OU belong:' e -a L.,1, •f""°'-M roe.M:CO CO I • • l#W1NtllMto COAST RESIDENT STARS -Harriet Nelson, who lives in South Laguna, will star with Gary Coleman in an upcoming television movie, "The Kid With the 200 I .Q ." Coleman plays a 13-year-old genius entering college and Mrs. Nelson the role of a writing professor. If it floats, chances are you'll read about it in the Daily Pilat 642-4321 - Soaps eyed in suicides SAN DI.EGO <AP) -A IOdoJoPt who 1tud.led health atatiatb and televitlon IOap opera eD111oae.-. aaya the nation'• aulclde rate rt.aea after a flcUonal ~p opera character attempta or oomrnlta 1uldde1i;) David P. Phillipa, a UC San Dlqo aodo aaid fatal car cruhe. abo lncreaae after televlai 1Uicide1 and that hla study lndJcatet the.e Wl"fCD ..A may be "diagulaed aulctdea." Accord.ins to hla study, clty-dwelllnl women are the moet likely to try and kill t1'ernaelves In 'the event of a fictional aulcide on a televtalon ao1p. v. Phillipa, 38, baaed hla fl.ndlnp on a 1977 'J comp~ter aurvey of health ataUatlca and newapaper ,. awnnlariea of aoap opera eplaodai. ..; University of California, Irvine UCI RUSSIAN INSTITUTE PRESENTS : TROIKA BALALAIKAS - Russian Folk Music & Song Thursday , July 29th · 8:30 p.m. · Village Theatre BAYAN BY FOMENKO - C1assical and Russian Folk Music Saturday. July 31st · 8:30 p.m. Concert Hall For further Information. call 833-5433. Tickets available at the door -night of performance only. General -$5, UCI Fac/statt, Sr. Cit., -$4 and Students -$3. .. I I TOTAL FAMILY MmlCAL CARE All NEW MEDICAL WEIGHT CONTROL New patients welcome No fee We make for consultation house calls TereN J. Olekalewlcz, M.D,, F.A..A..F.P. Dlplomate, American Board of Family Practice Fellow American Academy Famlly Physicians wl1hn to announce th• relocation of her office to PLAZA 111 I 17892 Beech Blvd., Suite 305, Huntington Beach HOURS 9~ (7H) 841-1508 (213) 512-4453 SAT BY APPT. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Save 75( this Summer on AmericaS Best Sellers ·; -----STARTSTOMOAROY/---- •111101 YIEJO NEWPORT BUCH OllAHl WESTMINSTER Edwards VieJO Twin Edwards Newport Cinema Cinedofne Edwards Cinema West 830·6990 644 0760 634·2553 891 3935 NO ,AISH ACCEf'TED '°"THIS PfQAQlMlNT FIND YOlR NAt.I: • Wl1 2 tickets wCl'th sis An•h•lm Convention Center: Thursday, August 5 through Monday, August 16 Loni BNch Aren.: Wednesday, August 18 through Sunday, August 22 I Winne,. In todar'• Cla111t1ec111 IT'S EASY! And your name and address In tOday' a classlfled eectlon, then call ta...-n ht. 272 to clalm. your tloketa. Wlnntte...ch day, IO check tM clalslfledt In the ... ;Ul g I~ -cg ~ \) NOW SOFT PACK FILTER. MENTllOL 1 mg "111". 01 mg 111Co11111. NOW SOFl PliCK fllTER 100's, MENTHOl 100'1 2 mg "ai", 0 2 mg Neollnt. SAUM ULTRA LIGHTS. ULTRA LIGHTS 100's. 5 mt- "llf, 0.4 mg. n1coun1. VANTAGE ULTRA LIGHTS. UL TllA LIGHTS IOO'a. ULTRA LIGHTS MENTHOL UllllA LIG+ITS MENTHOl IOO's. 5 mg. "tar". 0.5 ino.111C011111. SALEM SUM LIGHTS, 8 mg. "\tr". 0 8 1119. nicollfll, MORI UGHTS 100'1 FILTER. MENTHOL 8 mg "111." 0 7 mg. n1tot1nt. CAMEL LIGHTS HARO PACK. SAUM LIGHTS. VANTAGE MENTHOL. FILTER 100'1, 9 mg, ''t11", 0 7 rag, 111Co1111t. SALEM UGKTS IOO'a. 10 mg, "laf', 0.8 mg. NC01tnt. CAMEL FILTERS, SALEM KING. 15 mg ''11r". 1.1 mg. n1COt1111, MORE FILTER. MENTHOL. ll mt. "lef'. 1.41119 n!Cllt1nt. ew per cio1111tt Ir FTC mtlhod: OOllAl.11 FIUER. MENTHOL WINSTON ULTRA UGKTS· 4 mg. "It(', 0.4 mg niiotint. WINSTON ULTRA LIGHTS 100'1< 5 1111 "ler". OA 119 lllCOIN. CAMU LIGHTS. a .... "1111". OJ ... nbtilt. VAHTAGE l FllTER 9 mg "111·. 0.7 mg. lllCOW!t. WIHSION LIGHTS-n flt "llf.0.8 1119-lllCOllnt. CAMEL UGH TS 100'1. WINSTl»I LIGHTS 100'1. 12 mg "lit. 0.9 1119 lllCOlille. WIH9fON 100'1 14 111g. ·1111", lO .... nlCOlint. SAUM IOO's, WINSTON KING. 15 tRg. "111", I.I lllCOtrne, WINSTOfl BOX. II 1119 ...... l1 "'I lllCO* CAMfl RfGUlM 21 ... "IS", LC mt lllCOIM. ft. I* 191'11~. FTC "'Poll OEC. 1l , . ., . '••!• ,,, I l1 ·i~ DlllJ Piiat TUeSOAV, JULY 27, 1982 ClASSlf IED 0~ Shedding light new on a dark • issue Miracles occur about as often aa the 1963 Newport Harbor High victory (7-0) ove r Clare VanHoorebeke'a powerhouse Anaheim football team in 1963 or the Sailors' 10-7 CIF Big 1''ive Conference upset of unbeaten and top-ranked St. ul Ln um~. But there is another one in the· process of place -the Miracle of 16th Street. ou may not believe this, I don't know 1! I do. ~f SPORTS ROGER CARLSON court o f l a w w ould say I 've only g ot morning and tonight Dr. Norman Loats, the clr'l::unut.anual evidence. It isn't fact until It is fact. Newport-Mesa superintendent who m1t1ated the But, from aJI reports and the sources are as action , expects to see the stadium lit up like a as you're going to get, football will be played Christmas tree. der genuine lighting at Davidson Field, located "l feel so good about this," says Loats, "I want the campus of Newport Harbor High. lo help pull the switch . We have a district meetmg, For years a constant souroe of irritation and though, but 1 think I'm gomg to skip out of there nsidered a virtual lost cause because of .the high anyway." sts, lighting at Newport Harbor IS bei'hg L1ghung 1S rated by foot candll'S, which gives formed into the real thing, almost as quickly as the average person about as ltttle mfonnat1on as magician can snap his fingers. busmess or government figures you need to know. It i.sn't some di.st.ant promise with a shaky But, consider this: Davidson Fwld'i. foot candle pletion Ume. Work was scheduled to begin this power was 18, compared to Orange C.oast College's ..--=------------------------------=------------------ NOT THIS TIME -Oakland's Dwayne Murphy slides into second base as Angel shortstop Tim F oli has to reach across the bag to snare catch er Bob Boone's errant throw in the fourth inning. The Angels had been Oell1 PUot Photo b., Cllar ... ltan successful at stopping their oppon en ts trying to steal in their last 20 games. The A's, however, noted for their team speed, had four stolen bases Monday night 52. Ranking rlaht aloni with OCC are Huntington Beach. Tuatin and lrvtne high echoola. all w ell lit fields. The new liihung at Newport HarbOr call8 tor 50 foot candlet, which are expected to drop off to the 42-43 range after a couple of yeA.ra (which is ''When l got the advertisement about thil lighting through the mail I urunedlaualy had It checked out to see 1f 1l was for real. I didn't believe It could be done for lesii than $120,00() normal). • And the coet? Not the $100,000-plua doom figure. but $28,000, a sum to be shared equally by the Newport Meta diatrict and each of four boosters cluba at Newport, Estancia, Cost.a Mesa and Corona del Mar. "As soon as 1 d1d get 1t venfted, 1 got everyone (boosters and pnndpala) together. The beauty of th ls is the di.trict's response to share in the CQIU." The pre&ent slllndards, most of the bracket.a and the wlnng will remain. A crew of aome eight workers will, in effect, simply insert better lamps and add proper reflectors, along with a n ew bracket, or two. The flnt year is a lease-option lo buy with each tagged for $1,536. The balance is $4,731 each over a four-year period. People buy automobiles for less than this. It's truly a monkey off LoaUI' back. For years he has been one of the main targets from booeters and the press, rightfully so, of course "Thia la the ume company which will light Notre Dame'• stadium for their teleVlai~n game with Michigan," aaya Loats. "We're told that from a nule away it'll sull give vou 10 foot candles. It's not quite as good as Orange Coast's, but It's going to be so much better .. You can't blame the courts for the Robin Hood theory 1n education (the Serrano dec-1s1on). which has turned the Newport-Mesa d1stm:t mto one of' the poorest distrn:ts an the st.a le Nor (.'i)n you find anyone responsible for the dwmdhng t'nrollmcnt And you can't blame the millions who voted for (See ROGER. Page CZ) A penny saved • • • • • • • is an Angel defeat 8 y CURT SEEDEN O(tt19 DellJ ..... •teff If Rickey Henderson )~ds off a game with a home run and the Angels then score a 10-1 win, 1t would go down m the statistics as a come-from-behind victory. It's an mnocuous statistic in that particular case. But when the Oakland A's scored seven runs through the firs t two innlnga Monday night at Anaheim Stadium, the Angels, indeed, had a tall order to fill AND, WITH 4 7,260 fan s looking on, the Angels almost pulled out their 27th come-from-behind victory of the season. As It turned ou1 .. 1l was the A's t~at had to do a little late-i"tning' scratching. When it was all over, some three hours and 23 mmutes later, the A's had pulled out an 11 -8 vtctory. Oakland Manager Billy Martin was enraged with the conduct of the Anaheim Stadium fans, and Reggie Jackson scooped up enough loose change in right field to pay for dinner. In short, the first game of an 11.game homestand was chock- full of bizarre goings-on. Any tJme a manager would ~ke to pull his starter. but can't because his start.er has a no-hitter going, you know it's a strange evening Martin made several trips to the mound m an attempt to calm down starter Steve Mc<:.itty, who had been given a 7-0 lead complime nts of back-to-back home runs by Wayne Gross and Davey Lopes an the A's five-run first inning, and back-to-back blasts by Henderson and Dwayne Murphy an the second -all off starter Ken Forsch. ") WAS r eally washing McCatty could go five mmngs." Marun said after the game, prior to his blast at the Ana heim Stadium fans. "Normally I would take him out but it's kind of hard when he's got a no-hitter." The Angels finally tagged McCatty for five runs thanks to the big right-hander's wildness (he walked six and ha t Don Baylor twice). After he was replaced by Tom Underwood, McCatty slonned off the mound Meanwhile. Angel reliever Doug Corbett also d id a little bit of slonnmg. makmg has earliest relief appearance of the sea'l<m and making the most of 1t wh1lt• hlS teammates scratched back. The topper came in the bottom of the 11xth mnmg when Jackson crac:ked his :!4th home run of the season wnh Rod Carew aboard to get thl" Angels even at 7 -7 But even J ackson's home tun had its share of stra nge cirumstances. AS CAREW rounded second m front of Jackson, he pulled up lame, and by the lime he was nearing home plate h e was moving so slowly that on deck batter Don Baylor had lo reach out and help him across the plaua before Jackson passed him. The crowd, as always, went wild with Jackson's blast, and when h e whacked an RBI double in the seventh to gave the Angels an 8-7 lead, the crowd responded by tossing hundreds of coins to him 1n ri~ht field O n Jac:kson's double, Oakland outfielders Tony Armas and Dwayne Murphy had to dodge a shoe that was thrown from the right held stands "(First base umpire Tom) Haller got hit over the eye and I got hit m the face (with coins)," Ma rtin complained a fter the game. "It's very very semi-pro of • the Cans. And the guy w ho threw the shoe should be locked up That's really classy ··People don't realize they can bland a person This is a serious thing," Mart.Jn conunued l France takes a walk. • .this time it's for good ANOTHER SERIOUS thmg 1s H<.'nderson. their mdefaugable left-fielder who IS dosing in on Lou Brock's stolen ba.-.c> record In addition. he rapped an e1ghth-1.0nmg double and st.ol<' home to spark the A 's four run, eighth-inning rally which turned an 8-7 deficit into the final l l-l:l score . Henderson fm1Shed the game Injuries, his father's death, and Haden lead to the All-pro tackle's retirement By JOHN SEV ANO Of fr ~mg:\: at appears as 1 the Rams will lead the NFL ir retirements. , Ftrst, it was Pat Haden. And now, it's Doug France. France, only 29; announced h is departure t o the sidelines Monday. Like Haden. injuries played a major part in the All· Pro tackle's decision lo leave the game. 0 rm not the same man I used to be," admitted France, who has underg o n e eight mafor opentions during his seven-year NFL career France came to the Rams as a No. l draft pick out of Ohio St.ate in the spring of 1975. That was the year the Rams also got defensive tackle Mike Fannina and offensive guard Denni• Harrah in round one. France became a starter the following year and never ~ a resuiar aeuon game until 1979, making Pro Bowl appearances in 1977 and '78. He was hampered, however, by "1Juries throughout. Jn 1977, France ~nderwent pretieaaon knee surgery. In '79, he played with a peinful left elbow. Lut aeaaon, the 6-~. 270 powxter had aurgery on both ahouldera for tom rotator cum and. lut April, had additional aqery on hb kntt. 01 did a lot of thinking during the olfaeaaon about what 1 wanted to do and I decided I wanted to be healthy," aald France. ''I've bad a few operatlona in my career and men'*1!1 I couldn't take It any ~ reported to camp aJona Wttb the rooldee and a 11DAtt.ering of wterana 10 da=. He came In with the thou t of reti.remeot 0'1 h1t mind, and WM ~ he wM maklna I.be rtcb• dcl9lan after a couple of d•J• of full workout• laat ~yand~. .. There •r•n't too many veterans here yet, so I <'OUldn't tal k to anybody Bu l I did menlJon to Willie Miller that I didn't thrnk I was going to make That was a n immature thing on my part. II some oth e r players had said h alf the things I have they would have been cut. it through (camp)," France explained. "I realire that I've walked out before. saying I was r e tiring. but that was an attention thing." France walked out of camp ln the aumrner of '79, charging his teammate with racism at the time. Nicknamed "Bubba," France has also earned the label as the Rama' Great Social Critic becauw of his strong stands on a variety of social and football- related topics. "That was an immature thmg on my part," France admitted now "lf some other players had said half of the things I have they would have been cut. I'm just grateful that the Rams saw some talent m me and kept me around." France, who was the Rams' player representauve (linebacker Carl Ekern now inherits that Lask ). hopes to st.ay close lo the Rams by offering his services m an emergency situation '"If anybody gets hurt, I'd help out unltl that player could come back." said France "Look. thtS team has got two great tackles in (Jackie) Slater a nd (Irv) Pankey. I certainly didn't want to interfere with guys Hke that w ho have such a good future m pro football By retiring, J now put a lot of pressure on them since I won't be a.round to help out any more," he added with a smJJe France said he had hoped to play one more season with the Rams, due to his involvement with the NFL Playe rs AssodalJon and because of his father. But when his father died of leukemia June 6, Doug, who didn't even know his dad had the disease, lost all motivation. "I was going lo dedicate this season to him," said France, "but without that goal . . without giVlllg my dad something to talk about, well .. " Combine France's inJUrles with his father's death and you get a pretty good Idea of why the big tackle ii retiring. . And. yes, Haden, a close friend of France's, played a part, too. "Yeah, he had aomething to do with it," said France. "Little does he know because I never talked to him, but deep down I guess he had iw>mething to do with it. "He was a good friend of mine . . . I guess I'll be losing a lot of good friends.•· RETIRES -Rams tackle Doug France, a seven-year veteran, announced his re tirement Monday. Dodgers iake a Giant step backward Beaten b y an O'Malley no less, the club drops B'h games behind Atlanta SAN FRANCISCXJ (AP) -When San Francia'O Gianta Man.ag« Frank Robinson rested rookie third bueman Tom O'Malley lut weekend du.ring the club'• thfee-same aeria against Montreal, he didn't think the move would pay such dividends. "All I wanted to do wu elve him the chance to take-aome daya t>ff ," aald Robtnaon. "Take a little extra batting'" practlce, go back to the bench and not worry about lt." O'Malley'a fo"'r RBI, lncludlng a ~run double in the Gianta' five-run third l.nnlng, boosted San l'randSX> to its third atralght victory -a 8·1 diubbln of the Loe Angeles Dodgen. Before the blpest crowd of the 1euon at Candleatlck Park -47,22' -rookie rS1ht·h•nder Btu LHkey Ured a three-hitter and outpitched Fernando - Valenzuela. And it was O'Malley who took Valenzuela, lJ..8, to the cleaners. "He threw everything to me that I expected," O'Malley said of Valenzuela, On TV tonight channel 11 at 7:30 who had walked three men in the third tnnlng stint, ln cludlng Bob Brenly int.entiOnally to load the balM ju.It prior to O'Mal.ley'a key at.-bat. "He got 1 fut b&l1 but a little bit top far over the plate," Mid O'Malley. '1 ju.It • Jum~ on it.. He wun't u &harp u I bard he ClOu.ld be." Said Valenzuela: "M)' OOfttrol WM off ln the ~arty going and tO I had to"°""' out a UUle too much over the plate 11aln1t .. O'Malley. That concerned me becawie I couldn't pitch as fine as I'm used to." Laskey. 8-8, struck out six and walked two in pltching hb fifth romplete same of the aeuon ana aecond three-hitter while lowering hU earned run average to 2.69. Laakey had Huie trouble with the Dodiera. allowtna only a aingle by BUl RUllell in the fourth inning, a atnale by Mike Scioacia ln the eighth ancf Rick Monday'• triple leadina off the flfth. MQPday m>nd on 8~ Uarvey'a ucrtfke fly u the th.ll'd-pbco Docl@n fell 8~ prnee behind the saie Atlan~ves In the National Le.,ue Wat. .'l'be ~ Who haw. WOD three. pmee In • row, tcibk advantace of Valenzuela'• WUdnell -h9 walked ll>c ln hit eeven tnnlJ\11 ....! • they ant etabt men to the plate ln \he third. 3-for-4. with two stolen bases - hlS 9~ird and 94th and his second-1nnmg home run "It hasn't hit m e yet." Henderson said of his s tolen base performance "When I hit 100 steals. then 1t wall st.an to hat (See ANGELS, Page C!) Swimmers dominate at Festival IND1ANAPOLIS (AP) -This 1s a time of records for the National Sports Festival; of bigger crowds watchihg faster and stronger a thletes Swimming proved to be no exception when it opened its Festival run Monday night An enthusiastic crowd of 4,450 fans. described by 10me of the competitors as the largest they had ever seen in the United States, cheered as n ine meet records were broken Ln 11 races t.n the new .Indiana University Nat.at.oriurn. "I neve r bad such a aood crowd," sald Michele Richardson. 13, of Memphis, Tenn., who aet a women'• 800-meter freestyle mark of 8 minutes, 40.24 lf!CIOnds in the n.lght's very first race. "When 1 saw the crowd, I almost died ... It waa very embarrassing." "h's a fut pool really nice,·• added Jacqueline Komenlj, a record-setter in th~ 100-meter breastatroke at l:i2.99. '1 could tell as aoon as I ~t in It wu f•t. I think it's ~ fastest In the ClOUnt.ry." Al Market Square Arena. meanwhile, Lee Ann Millet' and WUllarn Fauver wan the pUrs c.-+-Ti•~ fJcure akatlna Cold mec:tal. '1be ~rformance WU aood ~ for the Judae• but lefCd\e (SM SWIMM&RS, Paa• Cl) • l ' l I I, • I • 4 t The big queStion: Will albacore return to the channel? ' J'or the flrtt tlmo In almolt 20 yun NtVIJIOl1 and O.na t\arbor 1portflahlna boa\I we"' •bw t< ff.ah al*°re ln th channel, but It didn't l8lt lona Thtro are 1Ull a fow albl11 being taken in tht area around the 277 Spot, but the action hu mo\led off the 14..Mllt Bank whtro many toe.ala made aood catchee tut week. Jerry Thomp1e>n, aboard hl1 deluxt! 1portflaher the "Paclfic Clipper", tapped the.e Wat.en for 40 albacont, a bigeye and a bluefln and there were others who did equally well. Laat weekend wu • madhOU8e on the 277, ihe 14 and off the eut end of Catalina. Anglen remarked that one could alrnoet walk from the jetty to the laland on boats. There were perhaps 200 private boata on the 277 Saturday morning. Boata trying their luck at hooklri$( • longfln MAKING THEIR POINT -Both home plate umpire Jerry Neudecker and Reggie Jackson seem to be explaining their cases to one another after Neudecker called a strike on the Neh emiah stum bles at his first hur dle From AP dispatches ROCKLIN . Calif -The San [!] Francisco 49ers opened preseason c. • practice Monday with a few Super Bowl players in uniform, but an admittedly nervous rookie. Renaldo Nehemiah, drew the most attention. "I'm coming into football with a lot of fanfare because I'm the world's best hurdler. That has brought out a lot of curiosity," said Nehemiah. "Once we started scrimmaging, I was nervous. They threw to me right away and I knew Bill Walsh was watching me. I ~pped the first three passes," said the world-record holding track athlete who is switching to football. Walsh, coach of the National Football League championship team, had a short talk with Nehemiah after the three dropped pa&"leS. "He told me they would keep throwing the ball to me until I caught 1t on that route. I caught the next one and was OK. I think, after that," said the 175-pound neophyte wtde receiver. Quote of the day Johnny Carson, the TV talk show host, on the low blows Larry Holmes abeorbed in his heavyweight title bout with Gerry Cooney: "Holmes just signed to sing with the Temptations." Redden injury not too serious The club also announced that [!] arthroscopic surgery was d o ne •II• Monday on the injured knee of their No. 1 draft choice, running back Barry Redden of Richmond. The procedure involves a slim. tubular device inserted into the knee to examine the joint. Dr. Vincent Carter, who performed the operation, said he found a alight muacle tear on the right knee but it waa ao small it should heal it.elf and Redden could be running again in three weeks. Baseball today On this date in baseball in 1948: Botton slugger Rudy York hit two hue.loaded home runs and batted in 10 runs u the Red Sox routed the St. Louil Browns, 13-6. Today'• blrthdaya: Leo Durocher, the colorful and controveralal former manaaer, ,, 77. Cindnnad outfielder Larry Blttnet I.a "· 'Chiclco Oabe aecond bMeriw'a Bump Willa ii 30. Oakland pitcher Brian~ II 28. New Yol'k Yankees rellever Shane RawJ.ey .. 27. ~s JIM NIEMIEC waited for u lona u an hour ln the area of the jetty just to get a K'OOP of bait. It remif'\Ped me of the 8ood old daya when Newport wu the 1port flthlna eentet of Calllomia. Perhape thia wtll be a good year tor local boata as bait and water condition1 are ideal for a continued mlgraUon of albacore and tuna on the i.nalde run. The water ia deep blue, and in the 70-degree range and with huge 1ehoola of albies still Delly "°' "°'o bf C"9riee IUIT outfielder to end the fourth uming. Jackson. of course, lost the argument and Oakland went on to post an 11-8 victory. Royals Inch closer to the top Hal McRae singled twice, doubled and homered, driving in three runs and Willie Wiison tripled twice as Kansas City pounded out 15 tu ts en route to an 8-1 victory over Oeveland t() highlight baseball action Monday night. The victory moved the Royals to within one game of the Angels in the AL West . . . Elsewhere, Dwl1bt Evans led off the eighth with a single. MeRU raced to third on a singJe by Jim Rice and scored on a d ouble-play grounder as Boeton rallied for a 3-2 win over Toronto.The triumph moved the Red Sox one-half game ahead of Milwaukee in the AL F.ast . . Knuckleball specialist Charlie Hoagh baffled hot-hitting Milwaukee on four hits as Texas dumped the Brewers, 3-1 . . . Lance Parrish knocked in three runs with a homer, single and a triple and Tom Brookeat lined a lie-breaking, two-run double in the fifth inning as Detroit whipped the New York Yankees, 5-3 ... Gary RoenJcke hit his first home run since June 26, drove in four runs and led Baltimore to a 6-2 slamming of the Chicago White Sox ... Gary Gaett1•1 first-Inning grand slam triettered Minnesota'& home-run barTage as the twll\S buried Seattle, 10-4 ... In the National League, Du Drle11en and Johnny Deneb rapped consecutive home runs and drove in two runs apiece, powering Cincinnati to a 4-2 decision over the Chicago Cubs. China defection an Olympic prpblem? The defection of China's top • woman tennis player to the United States (Hu Na) should not have any effect on participation by Communi.st-bJoc countries in the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. the executive director of the U.S. Olympic Committee said Monday . . . Aileen Eaton, a 73-year-old retired boxing promoter who handled more than 100 championship bouts over a career that spanned four decades, was named to the California state Athletic Commission by Gov. Edmund Browa J r .... Heritage, piloted by Don Wildman of Chicago, became the first 1-t co croea the finish line in the 75th Chicago-to-Mackinac Island yacht race. Following Herit.age by about 17 minutes was Brauy, akippered by Mike Keeler of Grand Rapids. Television, radio Following are the cop aporta events on TV tonight. RatingJ are: .,... .,... .,... ..., excellent; .,... .,... .,... worth watching; .,... .,... falt; .,... forget it. II '7:30 P·~·· Channel 11 v v v v BASEBALL: Oodaen at San Francilco. Auoucen: Vin Scully and Rem Porter. It will be Vicmie Romo (1-2) golna for the Oodg•n toniaht •1airat t.he Ofan\81 Rennie Martin (4-4). The Dodaen are hopetul of aetdna a wtn and J>ickinl up ant~ on Atlanta before movtna to the Bravee' City Friday nlaht. ~10 Buebe11 -~ at San Fl'andmo. 7:30 P.11\•i_ ~ (780); Olk1and at AnaeJ1. 7:30 p.m., K.MfC (710). off Mexico they could show up thla week in the tame .,.... u wt week. Oddi ..,. thouah that the bulk of tht lo"lfln action will mo1t likely take plaoe around UW fS Spot. Currently there are lot1 of bl1eyc; and yeUowfln tuna In the channel wa~n with many boa\I getting hooked up, but few of the.e big filh are ever laf\ded. Three fl1h In exceaa of 70 pound• were wetahed In at the Balboa AnaUna Club thia put weekend, tapped by 1 91-pounder taken by Ed Sampeon on the "fuzFun". Thete tuna are being. hooked on big jlga with green and yellow and purple and black beln& the beet color cholcee. Alao, anglers getUng stopped on albles and bluefin are alao reporting that these blgaer tuna are From Page C1 ANGELS DEFEAT ED . mi>Una wtth the albte and bluefin achooll t.Nt to tho bo.t and are taktna chovtea and ~l. The fll'lt marlin of tt\o Muon wu ~ at the BAC thla ;,week and flrti honon fO to • Bob Good who eel 1 180-pound at.riped marlin while flahlng wt Mike Callen on hi• bolt the ''Seaway" There are some marlin llJ the watert arou@ Catalina, but they are not reaoy to aettle down bhe. The water temperature hat to warm 1 coupl of degreea and more filh have to move In t down South before the sea1<m can begin to improve Most all of the fish that will be hooked durin the early part of the season will be a result o anglers covenng a lot of water by trolling jibe. It'1 expected to be a good marh.n season. I I From Page C1 • • • SWIMMER S l me. The big thing ls to get to 100. There has never been a runner who stole 100 bases two years m a row." one gaple -but they lost Carew fof the remainder of the game with a strained right calf. winners themsPlves a littl,J empty ~ "There were some m1no He added: "The main thing for us to do la get from the bottom to the top and turn this team around." (The A's are now 14 games behind the Angela and 17 games under the .500 mark). McCATTV, MEANWHI LE, wasn't as mad with hl8 manager's decision to replace him as he was with him9elf. "My curve ball is all meaed up now," he lamept.ed afterward. "I'm just going to have to sit down and look at some films. Heck, I was doing better when I was walking people." ANGIL MOTii: The lirtl·lnntng back·IO-back home<• by Werne Qroee end DeM1L....-WU.11111 tnl• MallOll f()( the A'1. When Neu, He41de1Mft and Dweyne .........., duPllCated the 1•1 In the MCOnd, II IMellt Angel ltarter K9ft F0tec::h had alloW9CI a tNm high 17 hOme rune In 150 Inning• Oekl•nd ltetler .. .,,. MoC•ttY'• ton• d•INI thla ~ wu I 4·2 Mtt>aclc to the Angell ti.etc on April 24 On Junt1 29. McC•lty WU ~ 10 melt• 1 tlart egllnat Kan"' Ci!) t>ut wu .ctatctled et the IHI minute ~ .. he c:ouldn't get S-The Angel9 ~ into Mondey nlQtlt'a G"'\9 hevlng lliowed the 1-t rune In tM Amettun League, 378 lllllcttey .......,., 8¥. lnnlngt w«k Sundey atternoon aoeff\tt Ule YIM-"*11ed the ltlCQlld~t ttlllelat.int by Ill Meet plu:hlr this -...... --wortled _, lnf'lll"lll• Jvne 111 In . 7-2 Ylctory -Ctllcao<> things that went wrong," sai Fauver, who skates with Millert out of the Wilmington (Del.)! Skate Club. ''It was the kind of1 thing that happens when you'rd not 100-percent relaxed. Thel eas1est performam:es are the best! performancefi. , Local o rgan1urs said tha( ticket sales through SundaY, totaled $738,000. far more the old mark of $450,000 for enll~estival set last vear i Syr . N. Y. Th ls year"• runs through Saturday. J Not only did -the Angels loee sround t() Kansas City -the Royals now trail the Angela by Do.. l9ylof "" tied 8olilllly Qrtcfl fOf the team IMd In being hit by pltoh wlttl IOUt elter Mc:Cltty plunlled fM AtlQtl OH In Illa flrat 1WO tripe to the pll1e . , • 61111..-id'I llic:tO<y WN only the A'a MCond egelnlt the Angela this -lltw llic"'a l-of-10 IUI -.eon Olklend wll Mnd Mike ....... (H) 10 the mound tonlghl llgllinlf •• wttt (4-31 Game llrne It 7·30 "W e should go over th $1 -milllon mark easily." sai Jack ~rger, a spokesman for th, ~ organizers. A't tP.e Nautorium. other mee~ records included Robert Lager o M1ss1on Viejo. 1:04.21 in th men's 100 breaststroke. From Page C1 ROGER CARLSON'S COLUMN • • • Proposition 13, w.hich is doin& a lot more than simply cutting back fund.a which mjght have been dlrected to 1uch things as lighting aftd maintenance of sports tablities. So. you go after Loats. What the hell. he's a doctor, he can fix things. The boosten and respective principals. too. I Hobson disgusted with Yankee role NEW YORK (AP) -Reserve infielder Butch Hobson of the New York Yankees, recalled from the minor leagues less tha.n two weeks ago, said Monday night that he wants out of Yankee pinstripes. "I wish they would just let me go and give me some piece of mind," Kobaon uid before the start of a three-game aeries against the Detroit Tigers. Hobaon, who ia hitting just .179 with no h~ runs and three RBI In 56 at-bats, agreed to go to Columbus of the International League for an extra $15,000 on his contract on June 26 and was recalled on July 14. "When I went down to Columbus," he said. "I didn't fool around. I wanted to ahow the Yankees and anybody else interested that I could still play. Then I rome up, I hit extra batting practice, I work hard at fl.rst base. I do anything they say. but nothing happens." Manager Gene Michael said Monday night that Hobson would be the team's emergency third baseman, second baseman and catcher. "I haven't caught since I was nine years old m a church league," said Hobson. "But they know I'll do anything they ask." Hobson has been unable to adjust to his pa.rt-time status and feels it has hurt his game. "Some people can do it, but I can't." he aaid. "I need four at-bats every game, not just one." deserve a pat on the back for this one. It took the cooperation of them all to produce this miracle. • • • There are only four occasions where Newport-Mesa schools will hast their games at Orange Coast College thLS upcorrung campaJgn. and 1t appears the schedule wall hold up, despite the presence of decent lighting at Newport Harbor Because someone else has Newport on that particular date. Esunc1a hosts Ocean View at OCC Sept. 10. and Costa Mesa tangles with Coron.a del Mar, Newport Harbor and Estancia on consecuuve Fruiay nights at OCC. beginning Ckt. 29. "We don't plan on switching back to Davidson • to another night because it doesn't cost us anything for OCC," says Estancia football coach Ed Blanton. "It's a tradeoff between the dt5trict and OC If we have to pay, we would switch." • • • ABOUT TIME DEPARTMENT -T¥ Angelus League will once again be a six-tean) orcuit with Bishop Montgomery pulling out of U.,. fire, Pius X and Serra Jumping into the hot water..;.. For the past two or three years the parochial league has been granted three CIF playoff entries from a ·ive-team league which doesn't really seem k c;her . The Monarchs. inc1denta1ly. are trying to line up Santa Ana and Sanu Ana Valley for futurf' non-league football games, in addition to the current pacts with Edison and Founu11n Valley Ca virtual all-Orange County praclll't.' schedule) Scott Loos, a member of Corona del Mar's Sea View League champ1onsh1p baseball team. 1s headed (Qr the University of Oregon. Jack Anderson reveals in the Daily Pilat .. ·' ~o ~ ~~~CJ~() GET STARTED IN ~+~· OMPUTING AND SAVE 5995 ~~ 16k TRS-80 Model lll 99900 • Compact Desktop Computer Features Built-In Monitor and Keyboard • Large Llt:;rary of Ready-to-Run Caasette Recorder Programs • Ideal for Home Use and Pro- fessional Problem Solving • Set Up a Budget, Track Investments • Play Exciting Computer Games • Eaalty Expands Into our Deluxe 2·Dlak Business System Present Thia Ad 1t Time of Pur· 5996 chase of a M~l l ll and Recttve a CTR40A Caaette Recorder Bo .. us• (26-i206) at No Extra Charge! n • Offer ends 7/31/82. , NOt Good With Any Other OtfW 1tad1elhaek SEE IT AT YOUR NEAREST RADIO SHACK ITORE, COMPUllR CENTER OR PARTICIPATING DEALER "' ., I \ ·-.. ... ~ " " ') ................ , ........... 000 000 100-1 • 1 f'-000 110 10.-S t I Caldwell and lhnmon1. Houtll •nd 1111\flNtt W-HO\IOfl ft-11 L-C11tcrw.lt 11·101 A -11.171 on.-.. -.. .... CNolQo 010 010 000 2 I I ............ OP too 00•-t t o Koo111•1tn, ho•rr •1• (4)0111CI 't1k, ~11n1111n. ltoddlld ( I end OempHr w -'l•n•o•n (7 I) l-Koo1m1n tf ·l l 8 lloOOetd (IOI Hlil-leltlm«e "-11Ck1 (1t) A-11.7'3 ' ..., .............. , KlllHI Clly 003 012 200-41 ti\ 2 ~ 000 001 000 1 • 4 14111. Qu'-tbetry (I) ll'ld Ollltlo, 9"ennen. And9r-"~ t/lld lhndo w lltue (1-7) l -lrenruin O·I). Hf' -Kall••• Ctty. Mc:lll11 P11 A -I .... ,. ~I --mm·=~ : ~ ~ flllll•,, 111•1)1 tl l, Ctm•ll .. I I') 1nd J Oeo;ie; 9llirtllr ""-Il l 11111 Tr~ w • a111r1or'l1.11 \. 1111111•1t 11-11. a ..._ I 1'I MAa-ClllOlnNll. °'*-' l 1111 1111111 tll 011111101 Wtocle r•> A 3,0H A~.,...~ lt"M. ............ 311 .. I} I) •I I04 h? !! :H :! ! !5 .. I ,. f • '" ~· as 13 2 n 216 311 41 H '4 N IU 3•' 01 " 1a 11 211 311 41 .. 11 .. "' 212 at 71 I St HI u & 11 1 1 ua It 11 ti I I 241 64 I 11 I 4 2'2 101 11 11 0 6 171 46 4 7 0 t 166 ~4 100~3 UC)) 00 904 811 420 274 Orange Ooa11 DAILY PILOTITu-ay, July 27, 1082 ,__. . ._. l'IOllll\W004 'fl C'.,r11oe, • p m u. ........ MONDA n MM ,.I tnt• .. ·~ ......-.. -""9) NltT AACS. no ytrde Ole Din HUQ!lel tOlerl-) 4 80 :I 00 1 80 Oetelell Olelt1C1 IC•eager) 6 ~ 3 20 TNI Oii Trey (aetd) :I 20 "'"° r~ ._ ... IUllllOj>e ,..,,,.... •kf, UftflftlltH lltr.O. Liii• M Aleo. 111\od• Miii, lhllla Ur tooly K-tlne ,_ 11)1 a l.XACT A (6-3J O.ic:t Ut 10 llCOMO MCI. 3&0 yarda lnlr~ ~ (CatdOlaJ 3 90 3 00 2 C10 &toedway Jay (Mllclleflt e ~ • 00 l'el>e ANllred (Hlf1J ) ~ AllO raoecl· 9illt 8oogle, Mulual C-n. Mlgt(Ult Coc>y Time t7 Ill T*'O Uct. I )\jl _ ~1•1~e11• W..i.Mm) .....,..,_. ..-r Mio r • JI llUI, In ..... flel9 f)IM 1 1111• • lllACTA (4•11pelO111 IO '°""'" llACt. I l\JttollQll llltllne Mvt fL..,_I 4' eo tt 00 UO "*'o ''"* l~I 740 UO 111.tdet Of ca-<"'-YI J 00 Aleo rlQed ~ .._, J 0 ...,,.... II a A C.tlUlty, ~ o.tNloy 0ett. M» M•e '1 A lluln , .leMlcouf1 lrtall lande. w ...... toea Ttme 112 118' """MCI. t 1119 Milee ... VO)' (thoemalierl 1 IO 0ooo (Valer\luel•l Prtnoekln (OeiehoullUyel 3 80 4 20 420 3IO 7 IO It I to . Alto tl '9d lllllnH ltrlke Acupunctu11, '°''Y Elg"I ,_., Time 1 43 4/5 II lllAQTA (4 71peld178 50 lllTH llACI 6 IVttonQ• Oofnllta (lllOMUIUtJ 11 40 6 00 4 20 A1l0tl•n (0.lhOUIMJ'91 a 20 • ~ Cl •' MAJOR La~QUI ITANDINGI llM loll I, INe .,.,_ I Toronto 010 Oto 000-t 7 O lln'CHINO IP H M 10 W-t llllA THHIO llACI, 3~ yerd1 P•trt.,c)I (CrMQ«) • 00 3 20 2 40 far lLJ1:111""'1 JOO Aleo r90tel Joy BiuN, PUU1let'1 PrkM, Count 'N Time, Nlcehr Native. Aal• Lady, ~lmllleH, AClmt .. 11 "MltlrHI. D•eclllll•. 8rtoht Dawn ., !· '· ~DI'='= * L ..... CMI .. 43 UT 52 43 &47 I 48 46 519 • 41l 48 506 • 4 1 M 414 14 34 H 404 t•'·' 3-4 64 347 70~ IA91'..-.0M9K>N &o.ton M ~ 513 ~.. "40 671 '" hhlm6<• 52 41 5&8 2'" 0.ltOll 50 4& &2' 1·~ MW Yono 47 46 ~ 1'\ C~ 41 47 485 91, Toronto 46 !'>I 469 II OaklMd ,,~· ...... 1(-~~ancll Oelroll 6, MW Yorlt 3 Solton 3. T0ton10 2 INllHnor. •• Cllic:.oo 2 TIJIU 3, M~M 1 Mlnt1te0.la 10. S..IU. 4 T:-i..10-11 Oelllencs lNOrrit l 11 .,..._ (Witt 4-3), Toronto tlNI 1-11 11 ao.1on ( lu<10< &-11." Cll~ (lkwnt 10-41 •I 8alOmore (Palmet 6-3)," KtnHt City (Fro1I 4·4) It Clevet•nO (Welti t-1), n Detroit (Morrll 11· 101 11 N•w York (Erlelleon a.71. n MllWIUk .. (HH• 7-Sl ,, h••• (Honeycult 4-11), n Mlnneaot1 111101• 3·21 11 S..nle fN111on 6-01. n NATIONAL LEAGUE WSITaAN DIVlllC* W L ~ 08 Allenta 57 37 eoe Sen o..go !'>3 43 652 5 Oodoer9 s 1 48 515 ... Sen 1'renctae0 47 51 ~ 12 HOu11on 4 t 54 432 16'" Clnelnnell 3 7 eo 34 1 2 1 '<\ IAIT'e"" OIVlltoN PllitA"411phla 1M 41 a.8 St LOU11 55 42 5e7 P11111>urgh 50 44 $32 3~ Mon11 .. 1 •8 •II 5 tll 5 New YOril « 57 4$6 10·~ Grncago ~ 60 400 18' ~ San Frenc:i.c~ <Anconn•ll 4 CNcago 7 Onty g ..... ~led TodlJ'• o.n.. Oodetra (II Romo 1·21 11 San '•aneoaco (R Martin 4-4) n Monlreill (~I 12 4) 11 Chicago (M•rll 4-8) San Diego (lo!la. Ml-4 end Show 7-31 "' Atlanl• (Walk 9.7 and D1~11y 4-flt OOUl>le-~.n PNtaoelpllla (AuthY«t 6-71 II Polbl>urgl> (McWllht111 ~). n New York (M Scott 1 1) .. SI LOUii (MUii 7.71, n C1nctn"at1 (Lalbrandt 3·!'>) 11 Houston (Ryan 10·111, n AM!AICAN l..EAGU! Tloeff I, YMll-J 0.lrolt 010 t20 010 5 e 1 N-Y0<ll 001 tOO 010 3 I I Uldur, Ruell er (81. Gumpe<t (Ill encl L Parrlatl, MO<gan Alex111>cH< (71 Incl c..-W -U f du r (4-!'>J L-Morga n (5-51 S-Oum~r1 (1) HA Detroit L P•rrlall 1171 A-71.021 Nil.JC NOTICE I09ton 000 010 01x-3 11 o Goll. A JfoClklOn (I) ll'ld WNlt, !ek.,lly •rid Gedman. W-EelletelY (11·1). L Gon (HI) l1R1-Toron10, Orfllln f 11 8011on, Hollman IOI Twine 10, ....,._.' Mlll~I• 400 211 200-10 13 I S..1111 001 001 002-• 0 3 O'Connor. Lt lit• (8) and Laudner f Benn111... AllW"" 14), S111111on (71 IN! 9olNng W-0 Cotlnot (4·S~ L-f 8annteter (11·61 HAt M~ll. Gaetll (19), F_.ao (3). \Naro f t5). Btvnantlly 11'1 A-t2.02 t A't 1t, Angef9 t OAIC LANO C A&Jll°""'A .. r" 1111 ... r" ... AHndlft,lf 4 3 3 2 °"""O.H 4 0 I 0 Mrpl>y.ef 6 1 3 I Ctt-. II> 2 2 I 0 Myer lb 3 I t 1 RJklft, ID I I 0 0 Arm1,rt 4 I 0 0 Re.Jll9n.rt 5 I 2 3 GrON,3b 6 1 I 3 B)'lf,dh 2 1 1 0 Lopee,2b S 1 t I Lynn cl 3 1 1 3 M(l(1y,2b 2 0 0 0 o.c.-.3b 2 1 0 0 Page dll 3 1 0 0 Grle:fl.20 5 1 3 1 Hwmn.c 3 0 0 0 Foll.-4 0 0 O BUtglla,ph I I 1 0 Boone,c; 5 0 0 0 MHlh,c 1 0 0 0 Sk1n,11 3 0 0 o CJ""-n.pll t I 1 I To1.W. 38 111110 Totlf9 S3 e 9 7• ._.,_..,.. Olklltld 520 000 o~ 1 t Clltlornta 00 t 132 tOO-e L08 -Oakland II. C111torn1a 13 2B Meyet, R HendtrlOn, Re. Jec:Uon. HA - Gron (4), lopH f91. R Handeraon \8J, Murphy 1171. Ork:h 11n Re Jachon 124), Lynn f 131 SB -R Hend.,eon 2. PIQ,, Murplly S -Foll. Lynn SF -Lynn o~ • ""'"•10 McC11ty ' 4 5 5 11 I T~ 1111 3 2 2 I 0 Beard (W.11-71 3"i 2 I 1 3 2 Callfomle Forwell l'J\ 8 T 7 0 0 CotD41tl 4"i I 0 0 3 8 Sand\eiCL 3-1) t''\ J 4 4 0 2 Hatale< 0 10010 Klaon tl't 0 0 0 0 7 H-pnehed to 2 baller• In 1i.. ltn McCllty pitched 10 3 IMltl ... In ,,,. 5111 HBP -By Foracll 1Ar'"4MI), by McCally 2 (Baylor lwlol~ By S-f Page) WP H..-T UndarWood l -3 23 A 47 211() NA T10NA1. LEAGUE O!ants .. Dodawa 1 LOI AHGEL&• 1.0. F"-'HCl9CO Mrlllll ebrllbl Su. 2b • o o O leonara. n 3 o O O AuaMll, .. 3 0 1 0 MO<glrl. 2b3 I 0 0 Biker II 4 0 0 0 c Davi• cf 3 2 t 0 0.-rer cl ' 0 0 0 Clar1<, r1 4 0 I 0 Cly 3b 3 0 0 0 R Smith lb 3 I I I MO<lday, 11 3 I 1 0 Srgmn lb 0 0 0 0 Gervey 1b 2 0 0 1 81enty.c I 1 1 0 Sctoecia. c 2 0 I 0 O'Mltv.3b 3 I I ' llalnzela. p I 0 0 0 LaMetr, .. 3 0 t t O<'la, ph I 0 0 0 LUl<ey p 3 O O O Nled nlur, p 0 0 0 0 101111 21 1 3 t Tot111 2ti 6 II 6 lcorw by Inning• Loll Mgelea 000 0 10 000 t San Frtnct9CO 005 000 0 h 8 OP-·lot AngelM 2 San Friv>c:tlCO t LOB-Lo• Ang•I•• 3, San ~rencleco 6 2B-Ctark 0 Melley Jll-Mondey S8-C 01•oa. Bergman S -ll•l•"ruet1 SF-GatWy. O'Maltey Loe MotlM II> H II EA ea 10 llalenzul IL. t3-8) 7 5 S 5 11 !'> Nle<len..... I t I I 2 I ..,. frMC61co Laaaey(W,MI 9 3 I I 2 15 T-2 11 A-47.225 PUil.JC NOTICE Mahler Haul., '""" A-RankD Witt Kleon F0<e<:h s~ GOIU C0<1>et1 TOllll 1 1 4 fl t 0 0.00 52\1\ 38 SO H 2·1 172 137'; 127 37 411 t0.6 3 34 U 45 t3 40 3-3 J •ti 1 t31o\ 113 32 64 •·t 3.48 841\ IO 36 46 4·3 3 113 11111 n s2 46 &-4 3 1e 1&0 "' 36 50 fl-7 ~" 4t'o\ 5() 22 30 lo I ~ 20 46 45 20 23 4·2 4 ~ 11• ... eo 31 •2 t·9 & oe llM't tsa 32t 411 54-43 3 118 Top 10 , ........ 110 .. 11e111 lo•lllCAN L.aAOUI 0 ..... " l'c1. W Wlltofl KC 11 '°9 ~ 107 341 Yount.MM 80 3N 117 t2S )31 G1n1net .M~ 11 220 24 711 332 Htbelc.Mln 64 326 61 106 331 H1rra11,c.. 92 3113 73 170 331 P~el(.Clll IO H:I 37 04 321 Whtie, KC 85 310 47 tll 3 t8 &o.\naH,To. 15 274 48 17 318 Mc;Aae,KC t5 3113 64 115 317 l M ,..,, ..... o.t 14 HO 4S 81 315 ""-"-"•· Jacilleon. An1111, 24; 0911Y1e MllW•uk ... 23. G Thomae. MMwlullM. 23 Thornton. Cleveland, 22 Coop., Mllwaui. ... 20 "-.. " ..... MCAH , K1nft• City, H . Tllornron C..,,..and. 72, Lullroa/\I, Ch~. 70. Yount, r..tltwauM .. 87 NATIONAL Luoue 011 ... ,Mll ICnlQht, Htn T Pt11a. Pg11 Landr...,l, LA Cel'1et. Mii Au Jonea,SD Lo.Smltn, BIL J Ray. Pgll Oawaon.Mll Orlelean,Ctn Q All II H l>et. 84 3511 58 I 13 J 17 86 3113 50 115 317 ., 304 lO 115 313 73 2311 42 74 3t0 811 323 57 100 310 ee 311 s1 86 30s 114 36 t 78 tOll 302 114 380 52 t 14 300 85 355 &e toe 219 95 335 4 7 tOO 2911 HoM•A-Ktngman New YO<k 25, Murphy. At1111>1a 24. Cerllr, Mon1re1I 20, J rriompaon P1111burgh ti. Horner. Att1n11 t8 Oue rr.,o, Ocidl"'· 11, Ctark. Sen FrancllCO. 18 "-a.t1ecl "' Murpl1y Allanta 87 ()It..., MontrNI, ee IUnQ/T\111. New York e&, Guwrwo, ~ a; T K..,nedy San Otego 87, Cl1111, Sen fr •ncllC(I. 112 LITTLE LEAGUE ALL·ITAAI ... Ion (11·12~Mr-okfl) Oll'nuc1' t2 CHAWt<>NIHI; , .. Aoe>lnwood) ton19f11'1 ~ °"''""-N1uonel .. Stinton. !'> 30 p m fNole It Oc••n•llW Nettona t IOHI lrlOlhet Qltl'IA wlU be playecJ 11.i.. In '"' -~· OllTIUCT 15 T04MNAMENT .v .. a c~ (•I 1111 Ci.-nte U) ........ ,·.ac.e M1111or1 Soutll 9 l••lne Soulll 3 (lrvo,... Sou111 e4tm1na1.01 T~t'eO­(Oletricl l:'-1 ....... lp) l•I Ian c i.m...te U ) MIHlon Norlh •• Mlt1lon South 5 IS pm 1No1e tt M•Hlon Nonh 10 .. 1. another g•me wtH bl ptayecJ Wednaed•y •I 5 15 oml len*'9 (14-15-r..,-old•) UCTIOMAL TCXMN ...... NT , .............. .-....,..) liloftdey• lcont H•-11•n Garoena 11. Robin-2 l'tllllC NOTICE DMp ... "9hlng N41WPOAT (Art'a lallcllfte) -8!> ~I 146 klllp b-. 4e N nd be.M. 321 md1111, 2:1 rock 111111. 1 yeltowtalt (o.,,.,·, LMl!etl tt3 angtere 611 u nd 1>u1 1t 11e11acud• a7 ~ blN 1 bonito. 4 1cx.i. Ii.ti. 2 hallt>ot. N3 mld<a.11 DANA WHARF -702 ll\Qllll 8'2 DHI 2 banacucsa 78 mackerel. 141 bonito 2 11alfbUL I ~lftowl•~ 3 rocll 11111 V4'ho Grand Pris (•I Mottfl Conw11. N.H.) f'lrll "CMHWI 91ngiea Doego Peret (Urugu1y) dal Francllco Gonzelez (Pu .. 10 Rocol. 8-7 9-7. 6-4 Joron Ale>.and., IAutlrallaJ clef Mlk• Fllllback (US.). 11·4 3·6. 8-2. Ellot TllllCher (Us I def Jorttlhan SMUii fGrHt Btltatnl. 8·2. 8 4 Eddie Dlbbe tu S I Cle! Ang•I Gl1T11n11 (Spain) 8 4 6 I P1t11 Mc Nam1r1 (Aue111111) def Renay Nlaon fU S t. 5 7, 6 1 8-2 Met Purc*'I IU S ) del Roca1ao Acvn• 1c1111.1. 1 e. a 2 o.c ..... 1ona1 d•"•lc (at WllHftolon) llnelM ,Jn.I , .. ,, Lenci! ICiechoelovaklA) oef Jimmy Atob (U S I. 6·3, 6-:l !Lendt Wllll t32 000 Arlat •In• s 18,0001 Men'e tou~t (at louth 0."'!114', N.J ) flf'el Round ltne'" frtk 11 .. 111 .. _y fU S I de! Tim W1t"1un IU S I 0 t 7.5 Ate)endro Genubal fArge<llln•> oe1 s.,.,,.., Otamma1v1 fU S I 4-11 11-1 &-4 Rameall Krtallnan (11\0ial 0.1 JOltn Hayea (U S I 6-4 II· t Jay Laoidue IU S I oel Mt~• 0.P-4..-!US t 6-4 6 2 Anene! Anvllr•t (lndoe) 0.1 St ... M1ttt11 IU SI. 7-S 7-e Miii<> Mlrllntt IBOIMa) de! Brad 0.-11 1Au1tral1a1 11-3, 6 7 7 6 M1~11 Canott IU S I a.I 01v1d Carta. tAua11111ai 6-4 3-2 delaull (i.g 'n)uryl W•ll• Fargo OP9f1 (11 "-tlo ... nMdo) ''"" llouncl •Int ... M1t1cefl• MllSlo .. Hfflherlendl) oet El•H Butgtn (U S I 7 ·6 6-I Ann HObbl (Brota•n) def Kat• G0tn-t fU SI.• 6. 6 4 7.5 Tin• Mocl11luk1 fU S t def JIM Prtylf fU S l 8 2 2·11 7·5. Voe:~· Ne4aon (Us I def S"811• MClr1<1<ny fU s l $-1 6·? Sa.bar• Ao ... 1111ty1 a.i Glynis Cole9 (Brotaint 6 t 7· 9 6-4, C0<•nne Van~ ffrance) del C1tarrne l •ndquotl (Sweden) • 6 8·4 6·3, Seth H•r (U S I det Loaa Ooheny fU S t 6-3. 6 I TEAM TENNIS OranctH %7, Oakland 1t Mens amglM -Vince Ven Patten (01 det Larry S•ftfankt. 11-1 Men's doublM \/an Pettan·Terry Moor tOt def Stelenk•·Peter ~. 7-5. Woman 1 arr.glee Sandy Collons f01 0.f Leal•• Allen. 6· t Women 1 OOUOIM -ColttN·Stacy Marg<>Mn f0) de! Allen-Aoumary Cau•et 1 S. M1 .. o ooublea -Moor Collon• (0) def Sllf111>kl..C ... i.. e. t A t.312 Cloud 81• .. lltt (Mylel) Ill eo 7 80 Truly Key (Ptuttne) 3 60 Aleo r i ced M111 C111n1 Cltick SnackotrOublt . Uncontetllcl, CMc Prid•. S1ng1n s -1. Eltltllltbo. ~t•yet llentutot Time 17 13 'OUillTH llACI. J~ yerde Ullle Petey (Adllr) 6 20 3 00 l •O Pay The no11 (Ptlkenton) 1 20 • 20 Cla .. y 111naQua 1ci..1 ... 1 4 eo Alla rac;ed Tilly Ttlp My lrlall TM. tnclian H•nl• HeH Cop~ Two A•b• Dn 1rt Palteo• Go Go lime 1112 a IUCTA l•·tl paid $20 00 '"" llACI. 810 yard1 rh1n1o. Sor 1B1oo1t•J 111 eo 1 80 4 eo Game Ch11gtt (Caroou1 s eo 4 20 8ouncs PUHm (Mylet) 3 20 Aleo flCIO AH ACll Wtn J•D • J•I Wor\Oerlul ROCl<et H19l>l•nd See Cnoc: Time 41108 llllTH AACI 440 varOt LuCloy Lat! (Treawrel t3 80 6 eo 3 80 Hiil CtaHy IAdalr) 4 00 2 20 fht Jour,..,men (CardOIAt) 3 00 Aleo rkeO Moonetreal<er Tonio, r1tef g;:::\~ C<11. He Can Ring. K1ply \/tile, Time 22 18 a HACT A (6-111 PllO i9 t eo UVIHTH llACI . .)50 ye1d1 0.. Bright Clltck (Crgr t I 1 20 8 00 4 80 Lil Moea Levan \MYMIAI Flag Al-fTreeeure) AlllO raceo 111 P•y L egtol Belle, Pt~~a~~~; Croo1ca. My Goat tJ 20 e eo s 60 Jungoe a EltACTA f8·til paod S92 00 EIGHTH AACI. 400 yaraa SP"<ty PoltcY tT reaaurel 5 llO 2 eo :HO 0.Ausaa Pep ( T onlo.•l 2 80 7 60 Reckum Back Jack (Mllchetlt 3 20 Alao rac.O Jet F!Mt l onkewall o.gnal Tome 2021 a lltACTA (6-b) p..O $ 13 60 t:2 l>ICK llll 17 •·•·5-6-81 paod $2.1174 60 With 14 wtnnit>Q ltclllla \five horHsl S2 Pock S•• Coneo1111on paod S28 40 woth 439 winning llCkll• (IOU< not-) NINTH llACI 350 flrdl Fun Ooa1 f r,......,,J 7 •O ~ oo J eo Wa"ll Him Truell (Creeger) 11 70 1 4() I O<tune• F1v0<11e (Cll1vez1 10 80 AllO •I084 OeM<I Son 5111111 On Tiie Cun FOiiy• Band Casnca11 Tome 17 73 12 fXACTA f t-11 Pl>O S t•J 00 Allendance 6 723 o.t Mar MOttOAY'I MIUUI (1111 of U-deJ thoroughbred -11ne1 fltllT llACI. 11116 t1111M Sporting l;pml (C1t1aned•I IS 20 5 80 • 20 Wiii A M<>me<ot f Pincayl 3 80 3 00 Winier IC•pllllnel 6 00 Al•o raced Feaflvel KnoQM Noh•• Celebrity Royal Oett>y • Glrl """' l .. belll, Thot 11 My Oance. Eld, Gold J-et. Curll In Wl1orll T;ma 1 ~5 715 llCONO AACf. 6 turloog• P11'1 Pet fOe4ehou ... ye J 8 00 • 00 l 10 unal•klMt (Guetra) 3 10 7 flO Bllel. Builflt (P'8rc:e1 6 80 O ~~~.J: GP~~~~e~ric: B•T,~~o ":,~'" 12 OA.K. Y D0UaU ! 10·21 pAl<I S69 20 fime I 11 11~ llVINTH AACI. 6 l1.1110ngt Catun l>rtnce (Plnc;ay) 12 IO 9 IO 4 00 Sh.Oy FOA (CepjUIJMl 5 60 J 20 a.no Pracioc:. 1caa1aneoa1 3.20 Aleo raced Stanch"'' Molt~lty. EAICullYI CounNf Anottww Reelm ouety Hull Hoet 0·0ro Tome 108 31!> II IXACTA f3 '> p..o 1242 00 12 l>tCI( Ill f;l-4 t I 4 2 )) pa.cl 12.422 IO Wl1PI JO Wlllnlng llCklla lhve hor-1 12 Piell Sia Con1ot11ion Plld 135 40 wllh 11112 wlnoong lklketa flour 11or-1 fl0Hn4 MCI. 1 11 Ill ...... on tutl Seton Alber• fS11><1111 22 eo 11 20 • 70 Sitt Pulut" ISllOtmal<wl 3 40 2 80 Plenty o Tooi.1Cu11neo11 4 40 Alto •teed Att1ven11 ~renc.n Charmer Eaoe Aduan• Pr~•· Geyte ,,,,,. 143 315 MlffTH AACI I 11 t 8 mu .. Paonlac f~t<lf\I 5 80 2 80 3..00 • OonalO fEtlrlOa) 4 00 3 20 SP'llled M1tG 10.Llt 4 20 Alto raced Poerc:e • Ore•m Chief Gummo Jeemone Prtoce B19 Wawe Bloom N Cltaractt< 0.lenH Coun ... Tl>e Btg T Time 1 44 21s I& UACTA fS· tl P"d S!>:I 50 A111111<11nce 13.6119 Mondar'• traneacOott• llAH•AU. A-ica..~ OETAOIT TIGERS {)puon•O K1•1n Saucoer potc11., 10 Ev1n1v111e OI the Am1roc1 n Auoc11uon Catted up Boo J1me1 ptlellet ''°'" E•antVllle MILWAUKEE 8AEWE RS Named Wayne Garland pt1c:h1ng 1n11tuc:tor at P1kev111e Ky or ll>e Appalac:ll1an LNQOA FOOT9AU IWlloMI footbel LM9ue HOUSTON OILERS Cut Er'c Oavtt Incl &Odet!Qk Harri-. o.ien .... -. Greg Fry otl•n11v• 11ckl• Jam•• Or1toy, delenat•• tackle Mark O Connell ouaneroac• and A1gg11 Wlltl•m• lonel>ICk .. A.AMS Announcacl lne reur.,,_,t 01 Doug Frenc:e. off-YI ta.tkll N£W ORLEANS SAINTS Cut C¥1et S11mm linebacker Lonn11 Green•, delen11 .. lldo" Aot>en Plrtlam lultb9dl, Aobl<'I San., O.fen.,v• Dael<, Ind OeY9 Cappelen, lo.ICl.lf NEW YORK JETS TrldeO Kevtn Long. rvnn.ng back to thl C11oc;ago a.are 10< a conontonai M•lh-touno dtatl ChOlc:e tn 1MJ WASHINGTON R!!OSIC.INS Placed Ftri Carr Incl Kt<k Wlleon. wide r-ver•. and Tim Norman, tacllle. on wllv«a United l tatH Foott..11 L119ue P11t1edelp1t11 N•meo Jo,.ptt Pendry otten11 .. backfoeod coach HOCKEY !Wtlonal Hoeller Leae-OE TAOIT RED WINGS Srgneo Coltn Campbell oeten.....an NEW YORK RANGERS Stgneo Grent lt0y110 oeten....,.,.. and St... H1•el• .. h """Q Nil.JC !«>TICE POOLIC NOTICE NOTICE OF DEATH OF GUSABETH J. BARRETT AND OF PETITION TO ADMINlSTER ESTATE NO. '1CTmOUa ., ..... U.-ITA~ Thi I~ S--19 001ng ~ .. PARK PACIFIC APART- MENTS. 10250 la H1cfend1 A,,_,., Fountain v~. Callfomla g2708 '1CTTTIOUI 8U ... N MA• IT ATURNT T l'le f ollowtng penc>na we OOI"' l>v*-M THE DULL RELIEF. 424 10th Street. Huntington Beedl. Celtfornie 92648 l"ICTTTIOUI eu..-H N.Ull IT An.HT The lollowtng ~reon 11 doing bu-U (t ) OCEAN VIEW PLUMBING (bl OCEAN VIEW MECHANICAL 2737 S Cfodcty Way. Unll 0 . Santa AN CelolOl'nla 1127CM '1CTTTIOUI eu1..-H NAIR IT An....,- Tl'le IOllowlng P«Mlnl are doing ""''4_ .. NEW YOAK WEST TALENT AGENCY, 875 W 111111 Street. Newpor1 8Mc:tl Celil0<nll 82663 I U I> I A I 0 fl CO U AT 0 f STATEMENT OF ABANOOHMENT CAl.lf'°""iA OF UIE Of' COUNTY Of' HUM90LOT FICTITIOUS BUSINESS HAM£ l2S 5tfl ltreet I he lollo• ng per\on\ have EIUMa. Callton\ta l9501 dD.ondoned the uw o• ·~ F>etohOUI l"ICTTTlOU9 llU9INIEU NAME IT A TEllllEfT The followlng ~ .,. doing blnl_ .. HOME COOKERY. 752 c.nter Street S te A Coa1a Mea1 CahlOt"nta 92927 All4U5. Pfllllc> H ~-. 111e se Mein StrMI, ,,.,,.,.., CINfomla 1127 14 Thie~ 11 c:onduc:1td by a.n lndMdual Phillp H McN.,_ Oen J MON, 424 10th SlrMI H.inllngton Beech. Cllifonu 11.2&48 Ellen D MON. 424 10th SlrMI. Huntington BMcto. Cellfornle 92648 This butl~ 11 conducted by an lndMOull. Dan J. Mou John w Sunoau.tt. 2737 S Croddy. Unit D Senll An • CaHIOtnle 92704 Thia bualnMI te conducted by an lndtvldual Efl te Ptoducllone. tnc: 1 CeJJtomta COfpOralton. 87~ W 18th Street, Newport 8each Calll0<nle 926&3 Thte bullne11 t1 condUC1ed by 1 COf PClf atk>n. MAMtlAO« Of' BUS•ne$$ name PETITIOf'IEll llALERIANA LYNNE GRAPHICS ONE NO 6 2000 ASCENCIO Haroor Boulevard Sutle A I t4 RESPONDENT JOHN CHRISTIAN Costa Me~a C11otornu1 92627 loSC£NCt0 Thi' F'oCflllOu~ BuS•nU~ Nam" ~I (fAMILV LAW) referred 10 •Dove win ftll'O on CAif NUMee" 702:M 0.ilr>Qe County on No•embe< 24 MOTICfJ t961 You ha•• IMtt'l tutd. TM~ John Joseph O•erttnd 410 To all heU'S, beneficuuit!ll, o r-ed1tol"s, contln1ent end.icon, and pel"IODS who may be otherwise interested in the will and/or estate of. D.JSABETH J BARRETT. also known as EL.lZABETH j BARRETT. A petition has been filed by JOH N E. BARRETT m the Superior Court of Th .. 9ttt-I WU flltd With Illa County Clerk of OrllllQt County on July 16, 11182 Thia fl•l-1 ... hlecl with '"' County Cleric of OrartQt County on '11M01 .My 13, 1982 John W Sundqul1t, Owner Elft• ProdUC110n1 tnc AHan Neumann Pr..,_,t Tllll ITll_,1 waa flied w11h Ille County Clerk ol Orange County on July 18, 1g92 Thlt statement wu flied with the County Clerk or Oranoe Cout11y on f1IMOI July 16, 111112 may decide eoatn•t 1ou ~I Eslher CoSt.t llll~u Cat1forn•d 1our b•fno 111erd ""'•" rou n627 rHpo!ld wltllt" M dafL 11..s rhe C Chrostone Overend 430 Estner Put>llahed Orange Cou1 o.tly '1112J7 lnfofmerlo" Mlow. CoSla Mesa C1111lorn11 92627 Pllol, July 20. 27. AU<! 3, 10. 1982 Pubtith1d Or1nge Couf Dally ")'Oli wl1h to ..... IN ~of T1t1s busones' was conclucted by 32111-82 PllOt, July 27. A<J<I 3. 10, 17, 1982 Publl1hed Orange Coast Delly f113411 an ett-r In ltllt metter, )'OU an 1ncl1v•clual Orange County requesting i----Pta..IC---..,-Tl-CE ___ _ that JOHN E. BARRE'IT be 1---------- appointed as p ersonal flCTmOUI IM.lllNlll ti _._,_,_ MAMa ITAft•NT r e pre11enta ve to au.iiau...,,ter The following pereon la doing the estate of the decedent bualntea .. The petition requests PHOlO INNOVATIONS, 23312 authority to ad.mini.et.er the Camlnlto Juanico, Laguna Hille. CelllOt"nla 92653 e s t a t e u n d e r t h e Shtlt• Etten Kellett Btandweltl Independent Adm.lrustratlon ak• Shella 8r1nd & SMiie Kent. of Estates Act. A heanng on 23392 Camlntto Juenlco, L1guna the petition will be held on Hllf•. Catllomla 92653 Thie busl,_ It cond1JC1ed by an August 18, 1982 at 9:30 a .m 1n<1Mdval in Department 3 locat.ed at Shtlte E Bt~n 700 Cvic Center Dnve West, Thll etat-t -liled wtth the C ty Of Santa Ana County Ctent of Orange ~ on l . July 20, 1g12 IF YOU OB.JlX:T to the granting o f the pebUon, you should either appear at the hearing and state your objectioru or file written objectlone with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be ln pel"IOO or by your attorney. Ft.-:1 Publlthed Orange Co111 Delly PllOt . .My 27 Avg 3. 10. 17, 1982 3370-32 l'tlllJC NOTICE l'ICTTT'IOU9 ., ..... MAltlE9TATUmN1° Tiie foftowtng 1>9rt0n la doing bull.-aH HONOLULU LEI COMPANY, 158 E. Cac:ede Court, BfM, CA ne21 Deanne Wagner, 158 E Caec:ade Courl, BfM. CA 921121 Thte t>ullneea t• conducted by an tndMduat, 0Mnne WIQ!ltf 3369-82 lhould do eo Pfompll)' eo ttiet 1our John Overend N\l.IC NOTICE PllOt. July 20, 27, Aug 3, 10, 1982 Publlehed Oreng• Cout Ditty 326-4-82 Pilot, July 20, 27, A<J<I 3. 10. tg12 3269-112 r...,anN Of ~. If anr. me)' Th•& s1111ernen1 wu loll"Cf w1111 Into be flled °" time. County Clet'k of Orange County on P'.,L IC NOTICE AVllOf July 12 1982 a U P I Iii I 0 R C 0 UR T 0 f uo P\&IC NOTICE Ulted ha aldo 60tnandedo. El F1716M CAUl'OftNIA .. ICTITIOUS BUllNESS lrllMl"91 pvede ~ c:onlr• Ud, Publ•sllecl O•Mge Coast Oe 1tv COUNTY Of~ NAME ITATEMIHT flCTl'T10UI BUllNllS .in eudleflcte 1 -que Ud .. Polol. July 13. 20 27. Aug 3 1982 700 CMG Cenlet °"" WNt The tottowong persona ere do•no NAME t1ATEMlNT reeponde derltro de JO dlae. L .. ta 3141 82 90flte ,,._ C.....,,..... t2'm but.oneas IS The IOllOwing ptrtont ere doing lflfofmecklft que Mgllt. 1------------- MAftNACM OF PETITIONER fl l AWARENESS MARKETING buMneea II It U1ted dHH eo llc:llar ef Nil.IC !«>TICE J 0 R GE BRIT 0 S 0 T 0 (bl KARAON ADllEATISING 350 E CLOTHES QUARTERS. 111110 e-to cte un abogedo en Ml• 1------------ RESPONOENT CARMEN lOMAS 22nd Costa Mesa Cetotorma 92627 Eveltd, Fountetn Valley Callfomll 1 e un to , deb er I 1 111 cerI 0 FICTTTIOUa IM.lllNl!ll ESCOBAR K1ran Stt rlHI, 360 E 22nd, 92708 lnlMdlelemente. de .... m-e. HAMI ITAT'IMl!NT IUWOMI ('AMll.Y I.AW) Cosll Mesa Cllolornie g2627 C Edward Mar tin. 1813 .., r .. ~ .. a aleoicklft, 11 .._, The foltowtng 1>tr1on It doing CAH ..,_.i.: ~ Ronald F Oevts 350 E 22no Redding W1y Upland Celllo•nte 119un1. puade H r reglelrada 1 bu91.-s u NOTICE! Cotti Mesa. Cilolorn.e 92627 91796 ti.mpo. INTERLUDE. A Gardtac Cere You llew beef! a-.f.. TM_,, Thos bu~ness 15 ,ondu<:led by Karen Jeenne Merlin 1013 1 TO THE RESPONDENT Pro gr em. I NTER LUDE • may ~ ....,_. 104.I wtthollt riusbind and wile Ridding Way. Upland Catllornte r1>e pettttooer haa filed • pelltton Po1t-C1rd11c Opportunity your being hearlt ""'•" 1011 Karen Stattnl 91786 conoernlng your m1trlage 11 you 1811 tNTERLUOE, e Pr_,u,.. Corontty teepond wttMn JO tNJI. fl4ltd rhe Th11 lflltlfTleflt wlS hied with the Thll bu-1a conducted by to lite a rMC>OnN wllhon 30 deys of Care Program. 330 Partl Awnve. llttonnetSon betow. County Cterk ot Oren<Je County on (Hu.band & W1!tl tha date 1n11 thft tumrnona •• Su11e No 7 Laguna Beac:h "you w1lfl te _. tM lldvloe of June I!> t982 Keren~ Manin -¥Id on you your c:lefllVll mey be Cehlornla 92651 Ml attQfMf In tt\11 manor, )'OU Fltl50I Thia st11emen1 waa flied wtth 1111 entered end the court mey enter a Barbara R Wright, Ph D . 3080 .._..de eo = M lt\et ,_ Pub•••h'd Or1n~• Cont Diiiy Count)' ei.ttc of Oranoe County on ltJdg"""t containing Injunctive or Ml View Drive L1gun1 811ch ~ -K m J•"" 20 1"''"2 Cattfornta 92651 -• II")', .., Pilot Jt.tly 13 20 2 Avg 3. 1982 v•• • """ Olhtt O<dtU concerning d!Vlslon Of .,.. ttme. '>151-82 f1Nm property apouHt 1uppor1, chlld lhl• bulllneu It eonoucted by an AV.90! Pubttehed Orenge COHI Dilly cu11ody chltd 1uppor1, attorney lnOivlduel U•led ha •ldo •-eftCledo. II 111-1c lrlf'ITll'C Piiot, July 27' Avg 3 10. I 1 1g82 -· coate. end IUCh Otl!et ralllf .. Barberi R Wrtghl. Ph D trtlMlnel P'llcle te deddlr oontre •----~----""-"-"'°----3372·•2 ml)' be gr•nttd by the court The This a1alllmln1 WU flied With the Ud. •In ~ e -._. Ud. 'ICTmOUI IM.lltHHI f--------------garnlthmenl of wegu taking of Alunty Clerk ol Orange County on ,...,_. 419ntro de• dlM. LM le N~ aTATamNT f'\&IC !«>TICE money °' prGP«'fY, or other court ~6, lll82 ~-.,. Mgue. Tiie loltowlng p.,eon 11 doing 1---------------autllo<lztd 1>1ooeedlng1 mav atao " a WttlOHT It U•t•d dHH eoflcller ., bulln.u .. : flCTTTIOUI MJllMIEll •Mull -, Attorner• at l.aw OOflMfo de "" lbotedo °" Mt• FLAMINGO PRINT WORKS. 70 NAMI ITATIMINT Oiied M•y 11. 19112 lovffl-t 9enll Bulldlftg e •II" Io• 4 • b I' I a ha CI r IO Sandplpet, lrvfn., CA t2714, The follOwlng l*'M>ne are dolnQ OONALO A. MICHAEL. ICIO Gleftne1fe .~ ... de .... "'-.. KAAEN FAITH FINE, 70 bullneea u : Clerk Latun1 Beectl, CA 121151 au.....,_. .. o ~Ion, el lie)' Sendptpet, lrvlne, CA 112714. HINDES. ANDERSON & By Donne M Volku, f113S2t Publlahed Orange Coaet Detty Ptlol. July 27, Aug 3. 10, 17. 1982 ••1un1. p11td• Hr r-el•lrada • Thl11>Yllneee ii oonduattd by en ASSOCIATES, 20111 Bu•ln•n Deputy tlOttlpo. lndlvlduat Center Drive, Suite 110, trvtne, Publlehed Orenge Coast Dally 1. TO THE RESPONDENT Keren Fatth Ant Cattlornla 112715 Pllol. July 20, 27. Aug 3, 10. 11182 33116--82 ZOV t ENGINEERtNO & DRAFTING INC e Celtfornta corpor111on 191 Center S1-...1. Suite A Coste Mesa. C•tllornla 1121127 l hot w-• 1a conclUC'ltd by a tOfpOtlhOn ZOVI ENGINEERING & DRAFTING. INC. f"rances ZOYI Prasldtnl Tllta lllltmenl wla liled With Iha County Clerk ol Orange County on July 9. 1ga2 ALUN ANO fl.A TT AlllHMf8 •t Lew 4400 MacArthur ~lltd. Sult• 371> Newpor1 hedl, Calltomie 1129'11 ,.._ Publl11ted Orange CoHt Dell; Pilot. July 20 27. Avg 3, 10. 1982 3257-&2 P\B.JC *>TIC£ FICTl'TIOOI 8UINEll NAMI ITATE•NT Th1 following person ts dOll'lg buSl"4111 H (1) C AROLE.BOVfTZ & ASSOC I ATES , (21 C J ASSOCIATES. 19291 Con ten I C1rc:1e Huntington Be1c:h C A 9~1l CAROLE J BOVITZ. 192111 Content C1rell. Huntington 9Mafl CA 82&.tg Thia buat,_. 11 conoUC1ed by a.i lndtvldual C.role J BoVftz Tl\11 1111-t WU ltlld with the County Clerk of OrlflOI County on July 16, 1982 Ftal01 Pul>ttehed Orang• Cout Deft)' Pilot. J1.1ty 20. 27, Avg 3. 10, 1982 32~2 P\&IC !«>TIC£ f"ICT1TIOUI IWIMU NA• If Aft....,. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a contingent tteditor of the deceased, you must file your claim with the court or preeent It to the personal repre1e ntatlve appoin ted by t h e court within four monlhl from the date of flnt l11uan ce of letten u provided ln aection 700 of the California Probate Code. The time for filing claims will not expire prior to four months from the date of lhe heating noticed above. Thil 1111-1 WU flltd with the County Cterlt of Or1nge County on July Ill. 1982 The pellttoner h" filed• pellllon Thie ltllerMllt wN nltd wflh the Kent Gordon Hlnde1, 622 3259-82 conctmlnQ your marrlege. If you felt County Oterk of Ofenge County on Baywood Drive. Newport 811ch, rte.IC !«>TICE T hll fOflowlng pereone lfl 001ng l'tllllC *>TICE oo..,.... u · -----------·I PEACO CLEANERS, 1190 S. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept b y the court. If you are a per900 lntere91ed in the estate, you may We a request with the court to recetw tpedaJ nodce of the flllna of the inventory of e1t•te Htet1 and o f the pe tition a. accoun t1 and reporu detcrtbed ln lfr\ion 1200.5 of the California Prot»te Code. John E. Bunn PeUtioDar BAIRD It BAIRD _..........,.. I« PedUMer 'p.O, .... .,.,,, 4S7t ...... Beacill Bl~. IAltC 8~ CA Nlt'J ,, ..... P1.1bt1thed Oreng• Co111 Dally Pllol. Juty 20, 27. Aug 3, 10, 1982 to Ille 1 reeponee within 30 da)1 of Nf\t 1e. l982. C.Utornla 92660 tti. dell tll1t thl• 1ummon1 le ,.tmOI HerOld Wayne Anderton. 2336 Mr"9d on you, your def111t1 mey be P1.1bltthld Orange CoH t Delly Mela Drive, S enta An•. C1flf0<nt1 entered Ind the court rnlt'f enter • Piiot ..... 20 27 """ 3 10 1942. 92707 ------------r ludllfl*ll c:ootelnlt19 Injunctive or '_, ' ' ..,.. ' 3°210..2 Thia t>uelnwe 11 condUC11d by en "8JC NOTICE otl'ltf Ot"derl conc:.tnlng di~ Of r-------------unlncorporeted aHocl1Uon other 3272-82 FICTIT10Ut 8UltHIH NAIR ITATl.fftNT fhe to1tow1ng ptt$On 11 ootng buliMNU NEWPORT MEDICAL ANO ____________ 1propef'1y, apou"t 1upport, C:hlld PUil.iC NOTIC£ than a Plf1Mrlttlp P'tCnTIOUI .utMll c;ullody, c:hfld 1upport. etlorney r-------------Herold W Anderton AEHAVtORAL GAOUP. 1300 Brla1ol NAm STATIMSNT f-. coela. and IUCh other rtllef N 1'1CTITIOU9 .,.._.. Thlt etet-1 wu filed With file Street North, Newport 8eacl1. Th• lollowfng pareon1 ere may be granted by the ooun. The NAMI ITA,....lfT County Cl«k of O.ange County on ~loml• 928e0 doing ~ 81: ~ Of ...... l.llttng OI The toNOWlng .,.,_on le dOlng Jvty 1fl. 1982 Robert E Sc:hmlU. M 0 , 711 HUH1''8 GLASS & MIRROA mon.y or property, or other oourt bull-aa: ,1 .... OcMn A-. Huntington llMCh, co .• 838 PllUlarlno A~. Colt• eutl'IO<lz9d P'OOMdlnQa may "'° PlPPEATREE APAFITMENTS. Publllh4KI Orang• CoH I Dally Cellfomla 1126"6 ~ Clllfornll 92t2e ~ 801 S Lyon ''""'· Santa An-. Pltot. July 20, 27, AUG 3 , 10, 11162 Thia~" con<lvC*' by an flonetd Jtm•• Wya11. 5911 Oetecs. FtbNatY II, 1982 Calttornte t2705 3111S..t2 11\dMOvll Muque 11e Cr . Co111 ....... LEE A. BRANCH. Pt\lllp H. Mc:.._, 1119 SE r------------Robert E &;hmitz. Celflomle 92t2t Cl«t!, Main StrMI, IMne, Callf0tnl1 92714 rtlllJC !«)TIC( r.t 0 Edwwd Louta Mulberry Jr., By: C KMler, Thfl bu.U-11 conclvc1ed Ill)' in Thfl alet-t WM ni.d Wllh the 5111 fay1t1• Cr , Co111 M .. a . Oeo\lty ltl<!Mdual ...cnnoue 9UeM99 County Cl«k 01 Orange Count)' on Ce11tomte t2tH '°9Utt .... .IAUMOUI Philip H Mc:+!-NAll9 ITATUmNT July 15, Ille' PICTITIOUI IM.ll#tlll ld1h0, No E, le Habra, Cellforni. NA• ITATl•NT L•tle I Pereira, 23 N Vitti de Tiie lollowlng per1one are LI Luna. South Legune. CaHtomla dolnO bull-.. 112977 NAVA AA TNA OEMS ANO Joen M Petelra, 23 N. Vl111 Cle JEWELRY. 32118 Pueo AdelllnlO. II Luna. South Laguna. CelHornla Sufi• 4A , 8 . J Captetrano. 112977 Calllomle 112976 Thie bu..,_ 11 COtldUettd b)' Rlohard Sh.w Brown, Jr. 3231 lndMduala (H~ & Wft.).. LOCI.Ill Street, lagune 8tlc:h, L ..... I Pwelre Celffornle 112961 Thie ltll*""1t WM fllld "4111 fflt Nine Brown. 323 Loeuel Count)' Clerk o1 Orange County SlrMt. Laguna BMCrl. Calltornle ,,._ 11285! Pubtlahe<I Of1n. Q9 Co .. t Daily ~~ 19 oonduc:ttd by PllOl. JI/if 27. Aug. 3, 10. ,,, !Mt .,, Rlotwd 6 Btowrl, Jr 3374-12 TNt •'•'-'*'' w .. 1lltd w4111 the County Cler1l Of Ou1n09 County Es1t1er ,,.,_ MUIC*ly, &91 -CHJ ,__..., ..... ,1_ The fOllowfng '*"°"' ... ~ '''*"' F~t• Cr .• Coat• MRI. c.mom11 lvMI lilto Pubff•h4KI Ofange Co111 Ditty bu"""9 ... Pubtteh9d Oreng• Cou1 " .. •llY Publlltlecl 0r-co!.~ 112929 ~ C............ Piiot, July 20, 27, Aug i , 10, 1•2 NE:W YOAI( WEST MOOIL.8, Pllol. July 27. Avg 3. 10, 17. '\I 2 -...--1 Jliy "· 11162. Thll bu*-II oonduoted by • Pubflahed Orange Coal! 0111; iat2-82 876 W. ltth SlrM. N.wport 8ucll, 5371.U PllOI, JUt)' 20, 27, AUQ. 3, tO, tN2 gener11 p111nettt1tp. ""°'· July 21. Auo 3. 10. 11. 1ee2 rtlll.IC M>TICE c.111om1a •2'13 hi rtatc NOTICE 1--------•-'-~-=. t~c-ry "'· 33e&-I~ PtemJOWllUIMH c.m~~==~~~~;iswc1~ 11tennou.._.u NlJC NOnct Thlt ltllemtM -!lied with NMjll ITA,,_.,., 8net, ~ 8-Cll, c.tffoml1 MA• STA,...,,., l'tCTmOUt ____ .. lhe Count)' C"'9I of er.,. Coumy Tiit folfowlng peraon 11 dolno 9~ The follo-lnO '*'°"' -dOlnll MA• STA~ on .My If, 1t12. ~ •: 'l'tlll bullnMt It oonduclted by • 1>1*'*1 ... file tollowlng ,,.,Mn 11 clOll'Q ,,.._ QOfPOrlllon. J & R IU81NEIS SERVICE, bU"'-Pl ~ ~~ co.at .....,.. f d A Rl!OINCY PLAlA. 1840 w. Ellt• Pr~lonl. Inc. .... ... 7 .. •1o ""ond ,.,....._ ... T ,..GN""'* IY T'HI .... ..-, ........... 20 if''";.':'!: 3 !O 1m' or A ctU... ll•lf Ro•d. An•h•fm, Cllftornl• Afla(I ~ ·-« " " 0 ...... -... "" Oto. ~ ""' ....... , _,, ""'' ·-1 • • ._. • • Ml 112802 • OA t2t30. Paafflc 0oaat Hlllf!Wlly, Hunt.,__ 3207-t2 Pt'MIClent IYLVIA ROHNllRG, HUI a.actl. Celltomtt-tte4t -·,·-·· PUbllah.d Oranae Cout Dall)' PUot. July 27, 28, Aue.·--------· J, Ul12. CAI a 'lllllip 11• MoNll!'IM, 11l't H T'N1 ltl1ec'llem waa lltecl wlttl lhe Rio Hondo OlrClt , II Toro, OA Mlh All, 1111 Pelorlla 0rM. M Main lttMt. tMne. Cellfornle ~714 ~ Cllrk of,..__ Ooiln"' °" ....-. .. -............ ,..-....._ .. •-Tl'lll ... ...-.. " .............. ~.... ~-..,.. ., ... _... N9wpOrt _...., ,,_.,,.._ ,_, D a 1):1..j --................... , "' '1 , . 1"2 Thi• bull(Mel .. ~ .,.. .,, Tlill ~ .. ~ Dy • a.y r"" jndl'llMI. ,__ tndl*'* tlMl\td oan..,.,.. 3341-82 Cl&Hlllad Adi are Ille .,.., IO a IUCIC*lfUI gllnlOa Of ~d ..... "''a .,..,., way to W more '*""' VISOR -..... .. 'Pttrtltp81~ !..,.~ ...-...._ Publlltt.d Oren04 Coaet Oatty •r:: :==. w. M AD ,,_., _.._., --._., '"'" .,. ..., 20 27 Aun 3 10 ta.o" _.._tie.-.--_.. ...... -..... It___...-....._., .......... ....., • e-... Cllrk °' Ol'anoe eoun.y °" · ..... , · · .... · .... ::.. ..... -·-·· -..... "'"" ..... ,,_ ··-·-" -·-'"'" .... .Juty 1e, M2 -·-· ~ etette of OtW1Q9 Counl)' on ~ Cllttl tit OrM89 County on 642·5678 P\Jbft•:" Orenfl coa:': i--------~ .My 1Ma. ,,.._Nit 1 1Mt. •-- Piiot • .lulw 20.11 ......•. '°· 1M2 SELL ldl• Item• with • Pllbl'-l!td Orl"f"I Coe•t Dally P\ibUtMcl Ot11• Coalt Dally ·-· azo.u Delly Piiot Clw lfled Ad. Pilot..,.,., 20. u . '4u0. I, to, tMt ll'llOt, .Mt 20. 11, Auo I, tO. , ... l.H7-42 Sm.ti ' Orange Oout DAIL.V l'IL.OTITUlldlY1 Juty 11, 11U Sports medlelne OrlhOpHdlC Hoep1111's Sport• Medicine Sympo.lum i• set lor Aug 28 11 th• Lo• Angele• hoeplt•I Ind wlll 1 .. ture dlecuas1on1 by tev«al ..,..iiwt on a verlely ol aubiect• The annutl aympotlum w•• eetabl•ahed by ph~tana who conduct a weekly apor1t cllnlc 11 the oo.pltll Among the speaker• echeduled 10 talk ire ~ McFarteocS. M 0 , 1 team phy11Ct1n tor Fullerton COl1eg9, OOnlld L C0099<. M.0 , team doetOf II Oklthomt Stall, and Gary Tuthlll, trainer IOf the Rams Topic• scheduled a•• Planning tor the E,,,.,QMIC1. Sl\ovl<let lnfUtlH, Reco0n1t1on ot urgent K.-lnjU<... Eye 1njl>r,.. EqUl-1 EvakJatlon enCI Management llablllty in Sport• and HM<! and Nec:k 1njYrlel • The symposium W!lle;h t>egln• II 8 JO a m , wtN be held aLAndtew Normen Hall "' Or111opaed1c H<>99118~ So A~ St R9gletr111on I~ II S 15 and 1ncivdel lunctt CIN (213) 742-1513 !or more 1ntorme11on ff' omen's surf s ports The '~I wom.n·s wrl ucone1 annual Mue1 W lf>Ot1 •vent ever -Ill« Chlmpionahlpa _ .,. • .. , ~men ' Suri Sportt loc.11ona In San Diego Coonry or Aug 6-8 11 rwo Action begin• A 6 Clata Point, on ::lf.,~1 The Saitong Cen1er. s.n1, lnvt111ion.i ,,_, ....... com &ty With the winel1Urfei c ,.. PeOllOn ompet1llon Aug 7 twltctta to ....... tor IUrhng, HOble Cat ~-ee.cn Pan and oute 1ne1 elllom •=n •acing, wtneleurflng lnr The event la •n 0111 1 lnternauonar Proteuiona1cs"-•top on this year·1 IChedule u, "ng (WOmen 't dlvllloo Stearns to compete Chuck Stearns, one of the most versatile water sluers in hi5tory, will come out of retirement to compete in the 34th annual Cataltna ski race Sunday, Aug 8 The Hall of Fame skier will JOln WJth Burt Court, dnver of the 32-foot Spectra boat, Cask 'N' Cleaver, hoping to repeat the victory the combmatJon won three years ago ' The boat Is one of the largest m the race with turbo-charged engines with 850 horsepower each. They are capable of running m excess of 550 RPM. The boat will travel at an average speed of 60 to 70 miles per hour with a top speed of 90 around the 62-mlle course ftlUC 1.__,;.;;,_.;;;:;;IC~~---,_., •ra ~~..,.,.,.. =.::·,in,: .n::;r:,~·n: l· .. -=-~-:1_1._':-'_.-~-iF.-.-... -...... .,--r ... -t:--,l •::-.-~~O.t ~ W4-tr ?Ol/411-4Mi 7·»t0 TO IT MAY f'MI ltore NII. tit -toO N. lrllloA, 8tttt No, I • -Ott 14111 '40 '11 ~ .. tM NtwJtatt ltUll1 OA UHO: lt,_N~l~..~N?tl; a..-.,1 of IOIOl "91Uiw.-. IM., ft41fu.at0t °'*'" 1-10-ff ltlllU ... , .. ~ • Otlll•rnl• • ., •• , •• ,."· ......... tM-MMCMlremont ... No -1 Tr~n•f1ro111) wtlHt 'u••n•H MH~..t. '•" O••••· OA .. 117: H NOflll, lvlfttvlll•, IN 4 1 '1; Ndf• II 110t ~ ltftll4, IMM 1141MU-t40t ONr* 1 ... 11 111,.1 .. t-. 0pai..i ~ Cou10y Of 01•11••· ...... 1 • ..,. No , .. -.,... "'"' • ..,. ... ~ -1001 •. A~ c1111ornla Hf 14, 11111 • bulk CrMtl llvct,. Au11111. T>C 1U71; 11:.:. lwtota. CO"'" tra111ttt I• uout 10 be made to ltl14114*. ~ 11·11o?I •*-No. 409 -~t leltllne OIHOl"JA"MITAUMNTl, IHC., l!ore Ho. Ito-tU1 Lu Vaou "~ ::11 ... T)( f Ul4 . a C1 lllornl1 oor,oratton, IMt I , LM VIQU. NV fttlM: It 7. ~ l.+e1 Tre111ferH(1), wlloH bu1lntu 1021aa+ost11. Oc*ll9d 7·2'-71 ll0t• No •ti -17107 Hlatlwe¥ tddreH 11 101 lo Anlll Orlvt ltor. No. 112 ..:.. 125 N. Wllct9el. 19 N .:. Hou1ton, TX 7f'oto·. lull• 10•. Orenge, County ol Hoution. TIC 1107': 1111tl2-tlto. 71Sl13r..oet. Orangt, II* of Ctltto<nl111.... ~ e.4-17 ltore No. 411 -•tH ''**IOll Tl'le prOO«tf 10 bt ''~* la l\ote Ho. 113 -9411 Nchmond Ave .. It. Jo11pll, MO 14101, located et: 6" I. ll CMllnO ..._., Ave.L.Houa ton, TX 11011: 1111111·9411. °""* t-1t-t1 ~n£1111, 0a. t40t7 • lantl OWt 1111tTT•7038. Openad .. 1().77 O.Wlll M II, IH2 COlln , 11111 of 0., 131 l'Oltlt 8t0ft No. UM -«'° l"M 1MO, QINOI" JA" "llTAUMNTI, City .• l"oeler City.I. 0.. 94404 • Howton, T)( 7toH: 71:tl«CMll1. IMO .•• Clltlornl• OOfP ten Mii.a County, 111t1le of 0..; Openad 11·3-17 8y: ,.,,., A. 9utllw, 624 Contra COlll llvd., PIMMnl ltOft No, 116 -t 111 W. AAOOl't PrNlcllnl Hiii, Ca. &•OU • Conlr• Cotta II w y '..!.. Irv I n 11 , T )( 7 0 O t I : IV; Harold F. Mo011Jh, County, 11111 of Ca • UO 2t4/l113o7llt. OOel'lld ,~.,., Sectllll'V lroeoway, !I Calo(i, Ca. HOU. 1111 91~ No. IN -23000 I.Ill• P11bll1lled Orange 00111 Dally Diego County, 9tale of Oa.: lHlt '~I Dt .. 1AOUn.a Hlllt. CA t2t~. PllOI, July a?, IOH. Puta dt Alicia lt11111n1 HIMa Oa. 7t417N-11t1, ~ 6-24-77 ----------- 92'76, Orwioe County, 81111 ol OL: at o '• No. 1 U -aa o N . P\alC NOTICf 160 I Htmlllon, Campbell, C•. Mannheim "Old. Htlltlcle. ll I01t2: t9008 • Sanla cr.,a County, ,, ... :t 12/&44-14CM. ()penecl e.2e.11 .. u .. I 0 I,. AL c 0 u "T 0, ot Ca .. 8373 Mita MtM llYCI,, 1111 Sl0te No. 170 -8'35 Gateway CAUi'~ Dl•oo. Ca 12121 • Ian OltgO w.... EI p .. 0 T x 7 t t2 5 : COUNTY cw.,..,.... County, Stele of Ca, 23000 lake t 15/H2·12H. ~ 6-16-78 H4MOft NCMCtAL MTNCT FOtHI Or., El Toro, Ca. 82830 Store No 111 -8373 Mir• M... ...., ..,.,.", .. ~ Orange County, Stal• of Ca .. 5580 l lvd , Ian 01190, CA 92120: '· O .... •to Clalrtmonl Mtaa 8IYd , San Oteoo. 714/~20 ()penecl 4-te.re New pert •eaell, Ce fllernl• Ca 82117 • Sitt OieOO County, 8 I 0 r I No I 7 4 -2 0 2 1 -.1M7 State of Ca Metroc.ant., Slvd .. Nullvllll, TN PLAINTIFF. MA .. TIN FELDMAN 8110 properly It dHcrlb•d In 37218, 815/2U -Ot0 Opened and BETSY Fl!U>MAN ""*" .. All llOC*I In ltade or 1·25-71 0 I! FEN 0 ANT NAN c v llloM certain r•lautanl bu*-SJ~ No. 176 -112 Bellllne Hwy 0 PP EN H l IM end 8 TI! PH I! N ~-11 l<'lot tMllUtanl(tl Ind 8 , M o b 11 t . A L S t 8 O t . OPPENHEIM: OOE8 t lhru 10 toe.led II 585 e El Camino "-"· 205~. Opened 0-20-78 WO.I Sunny.lie. Stntt Ctata County, Ca Store No 178 -3780 LU Veg11 CAH ....ul 11MI 84037. 631 Fa.ter City Blvd . Fa.t• 81\1d. 8 .• lat Vtge1, NV et toe. NOTICll Yew IWle Merl ..... City, San Mateo County, Ce '44CM; 70~501 Openad 11-24-78 T'lle MW1 _, ....._ efMlet JCMt 824 Contre Cotta ]Nvd . P.....,,1 Store No. 178 -1416 Motor SI., wllllettt rour -.etn1 lleerd Hiii, C1 94523, Contra Co111 0 .. 1 ... T)( 76207; 2141&30-tt49 ...._ J94I ............ wttMn • .,._ County, State o f C• , 341 ()penecl 3-tt-11 ltMd IM klksm Shn .....,, Broedway, Et Ca jon, San Otego Store No. 1~ -10&0 Geytey 11 VOi.i wleh to Nelt the ~vtoe of County. Ca t~2. 25211 P1te0de Ave . Loa Ang:!:!d CA 90024. an 111orne y In 11111 matter, you Alic;la. Laguna Hiiia. County of 2131208-3711. 1·27·78 lhould do IO ptomptty IO that your Ortnge , C a. 02875, 160 e. Store No 185 -4880 S wrt11en ~M. If any, may _,. Hamuton, Campbell Santa Clar• MM)'lend Parkwey, Lat Vegu. NV flied on time. County, Ca t500l,8373 Mlr•M-19109: 7021738-8908. Opened AYl lOI Ueted Ila t ldo Blvd . San ~o. C°'-Hlty ot San ~I-78 , de"'andado. II trl-.111111 ptted• Diego, Ca 92120, 23000 Lek• Store No. 105 -2020 Loulavitle. tleddlr oonlra Ud. llrl MldlellOle • ForMI Or . El Toro. Ofange County, Mon<oe, LA 71201; 31111322-4700. -4IM Ud. ,...,_.. dlllltfo Ca 92'30; 5540 C11lrernon1 M ... Opened 2-t-79 de IO .... Le .. ~ .,e Blvd .. San Otego, County of Sen SIOfe No. 199 -230 W. Layton MeM· Diego, Ca 1121f1. Ave . Mllwauk••· WI 53207; SI Utled d .... IO'ICll lt el The bulk lrtnater wlll be 414/483-7008. Opened 7·18-78 eon .. jo de un lbooadO en .. ,. cont11mmJ11d on or lltlf the 20th Stora No. 201 -1410 S..wal1 •I u n Io . Cle b err I 111 c; • r Io day of Augull, 1982, Ind Cfllmt Blvd., CUrv .. lon, TX 77650; INnedlllamante. de •I.I manetL may be llled 11 WELLS FARGO 7131743-5"4. Opened 5-22·78 , tu r~a MGrlll, II hay lllOOOa. BANK. NA.. eaor-Det>arl"*''· Store No. 202 -8101 w .. t puede -rlQlstrlldA • Oempo Re: Eterow No. 843-3922. S111te Mltkham, Uttll Rodi, AR 72205, 1. TO TH( DEFENDANT A cMl 1230, eeo Newport c.n1er 0riv.. 5011225-7382 Opened 3-22-79 1.omp111n1 II• ~ 111ec1 by the Newport 8Ndl. County of Oranoe. Store No 204 -2780 West 701h plalnUlf aga1n11 you II you wleh to Slit• ol Catttornl• t2M3 s I • sh,• v • p 0 r I ' l A 7 1108. defend,,. 11-...utt, you muet, within AH c:lalmt mutt be r~ allhlt 3181835-1182 Opened 8-30-80 30 day• Iller !hit tummone It lldOr-by lhe tilth day of Augutt, StOfe No 20e -3317 E. OllMlon llfW<I on you. hie with Ihle court e 1N2. un,... the bulll tr-fer aleo St . Ar lin g ton. TX 7 8011. Wffllen reeponee lo the comptelnt lncluc:IH Ill• 1rentfer ot llqulr 8171840-11263 Opened t-tt-711 Unleu you do to. YOUI' deifaull wlM ~. In ~ eaae. Ill clalln•1 Store No 210 -2700 N w be entered on IC>Pfic;.lllon ol the mutt be rec:elWCI pnor 10 Ille dateo185th St . Portland. OR 1172211. pltintltf, and 11111 eourt mey en1er e on which 1111 llquor tteenH la 5031&4~. Opened 8-12-78 )udomant agalnll you for the r...., trant19frecl by the Bepai1menl of SI or• No 2 I 2 -1 1 O 9 9 Oemanoed In !tie COlftC)lelnl, wNdl Aleohollc Brlerage Control Nor1hwee1 Fwy • Houtton, TX could •Hult In g1rn1111men1 of JO)<M ~tauranlt, Inc wtll pey 111 71092:-'713/881·70 0 Opened waQM. iea.1.ng of money or P'OC>lf1Y aedttort u their claim• ~ 11·27-711 or other relief requeateel In the Clue Store No 213 -720 E. Nonh c:omplainl So I 1 r a a k no wn Io I he A-. Cerol Str_.-., ll 801117, DATED Marc:fl 10. 11182 lranaterH(tl. all Outlnen namea 312/&ee-7490 ()penecl 1-211-711 J PETERSON. • n d a d Cl r • • • • a u • • d by Store No 224 -1280 W Velfltrt Clerk. Trantlerort•l tor lhe lhtM )'Ml'I lut Parkway. Eacondlelo, CA 112025: By 811Ut1 Moew. 1>11t. II different lrom the eoove, 7141746-2613. Opened 12-13-«> DtlPUIY .,. Store No 225 -1&0 E Hamilton. WIUJAM •AKlfl • AaaoctATWI Store No 1 -4200 Mannheim C 1 m p b I I I , C A 9 5 0 0 8 , WILUAM I. 9Melfl Road, Schiller Park. IL 001711: 408/374-3233. Opened 5-8-79 tm N. .,....,, 3121878-8004 Opened 10-26-71 Store No 230 -2300 w. St. Paul ..... AM, c ...... .,,.. Store No 2 -835 S Elmhunt Ave . Waukeeha, WI 53186, TM: (714) tn-•1 Aoael , DH PlllnH , IL 800 te; 414/547-4243. Opened t-24-78 Publltheel 011nge COHI Dally 3121~·7350 Opened t-t-71 Store No. 231 -4818 waiz.m Ptlo1. July 27. i\ug 3. 10. 17. 11182 StOfa No 4 -5990 W Oen\peter Road, San Anto nio, TX 78218. 3373-82 St .. Morion Grove. ll 00053. 5121854-1033. Opened 8-211-75 31211185-2278. Opened Y.!·2-71 Store No 232 -242 E St0<e No S -34770 Gr°"beek Hoeplllllty ~. San 8«n11dlno, Hwy , F ra 11 r , MI 4 8 0 2 11 . CA 112408. 714/1184-71167 Opened 3131792--00&0 Opened 10-t-72 2·22·79 Store No 6 -?1120 E NulWOOCI SIOf• No 233 -4234 Oecller Ave . Fullerton. CA 92834. Drive, Baytown, TX 77520, 7 14/524-0910 Opened 11-22· 72 713/453-57 ti Opened 2·27-70 St0<e No 9 -821 E Rand~. Sto1e "lo 234 -12010 EHi Mt Proapecl , tl 60058 , FrHwey, Houston. TX 77092. 3121253-4450 Opened 11.17.72 713/463-5718 Opened 2-27-79 Store No 12 -3511 W O.VOO Store No m -11901 Green Ave . Chl c;ago IL 6084 5 , Oakt Roed. Fon Worth, TX 76118. 3 12 / 588-<Mtt Opened 4. 25-73 8 17 / 4 29-140 1 Opened 3-11-79 Store No tS -1150 E Ooderl Store No 238 -2544 S Ave . Neperv1lle, IL 8'l!40, lynllurtl Or . lndl1n1pot1t. IN 3121355-3NO ()penedl-24-73 48241. 3171247-0237 Ope ned Store No 28 -2403 BeltllM. 3-1 1.ao Allon. IL 82002. 618/485°7922 S1ore No 239 -2623 NE Loop Opened 8-31-73 4 10 S i n Antonio, TX 78217 St0<e No 30 -150 E 71h SI , 5121~-6172 Opened 4-17-79 Upland CA 92786 7141982-8034 SIO<e No 24 I -2809 AQ<>ut• Opened 10·21·73 Roed. Weetlalle Village. CA 91360. Store No 31 10011 Central 805/497-11117 Opened 7-21·79 bpruaway. Datta~ TX 76221. Store No 2« -25211 P-0. 2141369-31172 Opened 11·2·73 Alecia. Laguna Hilla, CA t287S, Store No 37 -33SO Ptrker 7141951-62$5 Opened 7-20-79 Aoed, Ftor1t11n1 , MO 83033, Store No 248 -4910 Sptuce 31•1837-31152 ()pened4-4-74 Street, Tampa, FL 33607. Store No. 43 -11-449 M1twaut1 .. 8 t3/07t-!IM5 Opened t-211-711 A v • • N I I • • . ' L e 0 8 4 8 ' Store No. 251 -II tot w~ 3121965-4155 Opened 10-23.73 Road. tndt1n1poll1, IN 48268; S tore No 44 -4750 Lot 171872..aJet Opened 11 -10-79 Coyot• OllQOf'll, Long Beech, CA Slore No 256 -3e8 Broac:lwey. 90815, 21315117·2015 Opened Et Cl)on, CA 112020, 7141442~5 lllCTITIOUI Ml .... tl NA• ITATa .. NT Tiie tollowtng re1ton It doing bual,_ .. PROFESSIONAL PARK · 4 881 Dover Drive, Suite 15 Newport !Mactl C&llfomta 92883 ,Je ck R Oe8ruyn, 27342 8-dat. Mlea;on V•I<> Calllornll 92875 Thlt ~le conelucied bye limited per!~ Jecll R Oe8rvyn T'hlt 1111-.1 WM nted with Iha County Cllf1o. OI 0ranoe County on Juky 16 1982 ,,_, Publltned Oreng• Co111 Dally Piiot. Juky 20 27 Aug 3. 10. 1982 3261-82 AC'Tl1lOUS eu ... 11 N.u. .,. • .,....,,. The following peraon It doing bu"-... A.S INTER IOR S . 25511 w oodl•nd Drive Anaheim. CA 112801 The race gets under way at 8 a.m. vicinity of the Queen Mary in Long Beach. in the 6-10-74 Opened 8-22-79 StOfe No 48 -9075 N 781h SI . Store No 257 -2235 N. RICHARD OWEN SCHMITT, 31117 1 Calle Reynold•. •B. San Juan Captatrano. CA 112876 Thlt bu~ It conducied by an lndl\lldual. DIATH NDTICIS FLEMING Zawazk1 Memorial serv· BARBARA MITCHELL te es will be held on FLEMING, she was born on Thunday July 29, 1982 at September 30. 1919. puled 2.00PM at St James away on July 26, 1982 She Episcopal Church at 3209 11 surv1ved by 4 children, Via Lido. Newport Beech, Stand11h Fleming, V1ctona Ca The Omega Society, Brant· Za w uk 1, • A I l a n 17865 Skypark Circle. Ste Fleming and Frances D . lrvlne In charge oC Fleming, 3 grandchildren, arrangements. Nathan Fleming, and Nirole WOODLEY and Alexander Brant-MARY S. WOODLEY. 11 .--------------resident oC Costa Mesa, Ca ,..Cl .. OfHUS Paued away on July 23. au .. OADW "y 1982, She waa an amembler MO•TUA•Y for the Disc Instrument 110 ~oadway 1 Company for the past 20 Costa Mesa years She 11 survived by her 642·9 150 daughters Mary Howe of Costa Mesa. Ca. K.atheriiv Craw ford of Washington, IAl Tl IHGllOH SMITH & TUTHILL WHTCllff: CHArtl 427 E 1 7th SI Costa Mesa 64 6-9371 ,_CIMOlMHS SMtnfS' MORTUAaY 627 Main St Huntington Beach 536-6539 son David of Washington and 4 gTandchildren. MUB of the Res\1fTt!ctlon will be held on Wedne9day, July 28, 1982 at 9:00AM at SL Joechlm'a Catholic Church with final interment at the Rlvenslde NatJonal Military C-emetery, Riverside. Ca ServlcH under the direction of Harbor Lawn-Mount Ollw Mortuary of Cotta Mesa_ M-0-555-4. DAVIS MABEL CATHERINE DA VIS. pa11ed away on July 19, 1982 ln Salt Lake City, Uuh. She wu a r.ldent of Utah for the put 6 yNl'I, af movtna there from , C.. She wu a mem of the Order of Eailtelr1'Btar, and a member f e Church of Je1u1 rlllt of lAner Day &lnte. She 11 aurvlved by her dauahter ~rllyn OOrdlm. brothera G•ry and Glyde Davta and 9 IJ'an6child:m\. GrlYelide ..we. will b9 held on Tue.day July 27, 1982 at l :OOPM at the Hubor Lawn Memorial Ptrk with Bl1hop Blaine Stranon oUki&Unc. Servk9 under the direction of Harbor lAwn Mount OlJw Mortuary of Coua Meta. M0~5"4. M i I w a u k e e , W I 5 3 2 2 3 , Academy Pl-. Colorado Sptlngl, 414/354-1328 Opened 10·28-73 0 80909: 303/5116-453&. Opened SIOfe No 49 -6300 s. 76th St., 7 ·29-79 G r • • n d 1 I• . W t 5 3 1 2 II , Store No 259 -9300 S W 4141421·1530 Opened 11·10·73 a.,,,. Rd., Portland, OR 97225: StOfe No 50 -17831 17lh SI. 503/292-0270 Opened 3-30-79 futlln. CA 92680: 7141731-0444 Store No 281 -8059 LBJ Opened 7.7.73 Freeway, 011111. TX 752•3. SIOfe No 5-4 -1911 W ArlMIL 2141231·5534 ()oer'9d 11-23-711 Rlehard Owen Sc:hmltt Thie ttel-t wu flied wtlh~he County cianc ot Orange eounry on Jvty 16. 1992 ,, .... Publlthed Orange COHI Dally Pllol. Juky 20. 27, Aug. 3. 10, 11182 3214-82 C o m p t o n , C A 9 O 2 2 O , Store No 262 -8505 E.R.L 1-------------~ 2131839-8703 Opened 8-25-73 Thorton F. Dl llH . TX 75214, StOfe No S8 -59 W Lal Tunaa 2141321-ooJe ()penecl 2-2M1 Or 1ve. Ar ca d I 1. C A 9 1008, StOfe No 2&4 -3440 ac-.. Pltk 213/44S--0374 Opened 12-21-73 Blvd • Sant• Montee, CA 90405: Slore No 59 -9212 Watton 213/450-t257 Opened 5-28-79 Ao1d, Crutwood. MO 0 3 Ut: Store No 2te -9711 ~. 314/&43-6133 Opened 12·1"-73 Blvd , Northrldge. CA 91324. Store No 80 -13733 l'lolcoe 2131348·7189 Opened ~79 Blvd . Van Nuyt. CA 91402, Store No. 281 -50 S. Camila, 21317116-Jtee Opened 3-4-74 Memj)hl1, TN 38101, 9011622·18n Store No 83 -300 W Golf, Opened 8-25-711 Sc II I u m b u r g . t L II 0 1 7 2 . Store No 283 -42·256 8oO 3121884--0056 Qoer'9d 3-3-74 Hof• Or . Raneho Mlr•11•. CA StOfe No ee -1300 Lake 81. 92 70. 714/SH-5050. Opened Louil Bl , Lake St Louis, MO 833&t, t-t-llO 3141825-4035 Opened 9-13-73 Store No 287 -15480 BoonM Slore No 69 -15280 W Ferry, l•k• Otwtgo, OR 97034, Bluemounel. Elm Grove. WI 53122: 503/836-MIM. ()peiied 7.7.7g 4141788-0475 Opened 11-30-73 SIOfe No. 289 -1507 South Store No 73 -5220 N Harlem Colll Or •• Cott• ~-CA 92927; Ave • ch 1 c •g o . 1 L 8 o 8 5 8 , 1 t415<1S-2351. Opened e-1G-e0 3121753-9020. Opened 1.11-74 Store No. 2111 -82A Contre Store No 74 -5470 N. Point Cotti Blvd .. PIHHnl Hiii, CA WQhlng1on, Gllndall. WI 53217:194523, 4151827-1560. Open•d 4141332-4030. Opened 8-25-77 7-25-79 SI o' • No . 7 7 -1727 1 S tore No. 294 -8001 S · BrOOl<hurtl SI , Fountain Vlllty, CA BrlHWOOd. Hoiaton, TX 770te; 921011; 7141082-2132 Opened 7131723-2423. Opened 2·17-80 7.3.74 Stora No 2te -7606 Dublin SIOfe No 81 -505W.ROOM\'lllROld , Oublln. CA 1145t8; Rd. • L 0 m b., d ' IL 0 0 ' 4 8 ' 41518211-1422. Opened 8-1..0 31214116--0210 Opened 3·20-75 ~Store No. 308 -10800-A '"-Store No 88 -15720 E lmpetlal Tree. SI Ann. M 0 t30 7 4 ; Hwy . LI Mirada, CA t0838; 14/423-0022. Opened l·lt-80 2131943-9889 ()penecl 1-31-1• Store No. 310 -631 Foater City SIOt9 HO to -290ft Or_,fleld lltvd., Fo1t•r City, CA OU 04: Ad • Soulhfl•ld. Ml 411071:141515724355. ()penecl t-21-711 313/sse.a547. Opened 2·21-79 I. Stora No 312 -1526 WHI Store No 1oe -3tt5 Ptclflc AVlflYI K. Ulncatt•, CA t3a.s.t; Co111. Torranee, CA t0505; tOS""S-01'7. ()penecl l-11MO 21313711<()622. Opened .. 1·71 •tor• No. 311 -185 Dyna Orfvot, Store No 112 -207 NE. Loop Ion,. TIC noeo; 7tt'o46-78". 410, San Antonio, TX 71216, Openad f2·21·7t 6121341-5077 Opened to--01·76 StON No 324 -1308 E.. 2111 St., S I o ,. N o 1 13 -4 2 5 O I n d I :an:.~ II a , I N 4 t 2 1t : Freo«lelltbvrg, Sin Anlonto, TX 1713 . ~ 8-1M1 111201: 5121732-0710 Opened Slot• No. 125 -U233 +t&-n ttmmone, OallH, TX 7528•. St0t9 No 11• -1806 E. OtlOff 2141243-1132. Opened .. 1t-IO L 11\.. Au II In • T x 7 I 7 .. 1 : 81or1 No. 333 -11711 HIOflwey 512/443-1•58. Opened 5-1-70 0 t , Hum b I e , f )( 71~11·: 81Ch No. 130 -1200 Dundee 7t3/.,..1Ht. °"'*' 5-4-IO liloe~J.. ... lulfalo Grove, IL toOOO; l tott No. :JO -2822 8 . 312/n:i•I010. Opened .. 12•79 Mountaltl A'lt , ont#lo. CA 11711: Store No. 1'4 -11114 WlkW'tlt 714/tNHIO. °""* .. 2CMO 81., Houeton, T)( 77072: • 713/4N-7*. °"'*' .. 2 .. 71 ttore No. Ml -2008 Vlllnove 8tore NO. 140 -1HH N. Drive , R•no, NV 89800; Cantrel hpr11ew1y, 011111, TX 02/in.1411. Opened 12.0t-to 7611.!.i 21417H·tl05 Openect ltor• No. 111 -1110 IHt 7·14-11 lnn1, D•nnr, 00 lotOI; llON No. 141 -20N6 Coilfne IU..ottf. °'*"" WMO Ao•'!_i.. ~•Jnut , CA I 11U; ltort Ho. 116 -Ill en-wood r141a..,...,.1t °"'*' ~ dt Ot., Am ~. Ml 4t'°4: ltote Ho tn -2200 N. Herb« fS/Ma-OIM. CC** ...... , llvct .1.... 'ulltrlOll, OA HUI; ltora No. 117 -4000 ~ 71411,...."2t. Ooentd .... 1t v~=lun , WI 117011 8tor9 No. 14' -17to ....,.. • °"'*' ....,., ll•d., Ooet• Mtaa, CA IHH: "°"' No. Ml -1MO ll900I 114114f.1at, °'**' 12-4-tt ttett, Denver, 00 tol04; ltore No. 141 -10111 41f•IOfO, °"'*9 a.11.eo Speed Up Your Auto Sales . In \ th• Orange Coast Dally PllOt. C.11 642-5678 HawtllOfnt llvd., TOfr&noe, CA llor• No. Ht -... I . II tOIOI: 1111171·14•4. Optn•d ................. CA ... J .... ----"" """-"-""""'-. .....,. ~.,. °'*"' ,,......, • • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y _p I L 0 T c l A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 ,.........,,1 ....... All rHI •t111 ad.....-llMd In 11111 ntWIPIPtr I• eubj~t 10 the fedtr11 Fllr Hou11nv Aot of 1eea Wlltcll mal<M II llttoal 10 •dV«tlM "any pr"9ren· ce, Uml1111on Of dllcrtml- nallon bHtd on race. color, rellglon, HX or n11lonat origin. or any lnttnllon to makt any •UC:h preferenoe, llmll•• l!'tft.#.1111. •••••• ~ ••••••••• 1.1111 111111 I C:.',I I --t'-" I 'I 11 /I 't I .... llllO l)ll ... IQ ID 11111 ... llOO tlOf' or dltctlmlnatlOn " --------- Thi• ntwe0•P« wllt not knowingly 1c:cep1 any advertlalno for real H - iatt which It In vlolallOn of 11'11 law r.:liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Plll :utlO ldl lllOt --,,.. -- llll Jall -)40I ~ "* ~ HHll1 Adverti- sers should check tnelr ads dally and report errors lm- m ed I ate I y . The DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. ::1 ................ 1 ,,,.. -'Iii» --4100 mo lllllO _, lllll U)O -••.IO 0)00 O.IO ---.IOlt .IO!t -~ ...... ,,, ,,,, •.•...•......•...•..•• lfH11l I 002 ....•............•.... IEWPOllT PEITllOUSEI Superb cOf'dO Witt\ oc:.- an and elly llght1 vlewl from tne Bdrm end Oen! Oreat ataumabl• loan 1nd pr1c1d 10 1111 11 S 105.000-e a ll t oday• 646-717' THE REAL ESTATERS ABOUMCEMlllIS. ms.au& LOST & FOUND ::liiiiiiiim~iiiiiiiiiiii. ............. I ., l'ool • ..... ,tie ..... ........ _ P"MllP\e.I•• WuU(hi1ta• Tu.,:t• SEIYICES ._.,'°'• hufft.,,,, Elllrt.OYMEIH & rt£rAIATIOll l'-'hooh tMctW.l~ J\10 'tl' .. flll.-~• • tft"l6f .. 41~""7 --~ t I Alll-MERCHANDISE A~I•,_.•~ AWhWt ttthf' .... Kw\d1n1 W•lirn•I' ,·..nvrn' f q1.Mpm+nt l •h ..... trf'fU. \w tVirflWlllfO 1161'61,. 'wlr -·~l·YiA" ,..., ... ,.,, u .. f"loli .. ., ..,.,....,,...,.." 'lfi1Kf'lt•~ •h ...... 11.,,....,.. .. v..~ ... 'tlw_w al t Mttvfn" ,,h tltfw• twn 6 •'4¥.i~ ..... ~~::;c:~ ~· .. ~ .. ... ....-.. "nC•vt•fW ... , ..... ,.. '· 11 .. adi'n &·w111E £QUlrMEllT -~,., tOU -Olm --..... _, ----""" ..,,~ .,,,. ... -I -... .., -.... ] -... .... - Gftwr.. W llf ~,....,.....,,..,,.,.. ~ ..-..w.,,,_.. •. .,.... ..... .. ,. ~~' "* 1Nb Rf'M O•rt•t 'J(dl -,~..... .. .. ...... ~,,,. Owb .,,. -. ........ 'ill -Rolu~otlC• .._ TIAJMllTATIOll A1rt r•" f •""P"'f" ~I~"""" t'.)f'("trt( t '" =:!• c=~St-oot"'• •4Jllw Hn•" '-•~ Mu1f Tt-.Hon lr•"*' !:,.~,}$!~" ~.ru ~TOMOllLE . .,.. ... ,. .. AMlqwa ct.u u ~ MWr~•'WA \'C''-H It'• "tl'•f'h ..,., .. tt1.J• ...... l>t'l, •• ,, .... , .... A\tt.u k••._., Awt ... Weat#d AUTOS. IMPOITED ~,., All•M~~ ,..,, Aw.4ut ,., .... , Hlllll' •1111 •116 •M ,., .. t'lll l oll"• e:;-~ fri~ o .... ,. .. ..,,.,. . ... , li...d. , .. ,,,,,.., J,f/tKft .. .,"""""~'·· ._ ..... "·~ .. l!l.,r,.,...._ ~ lknl 41; llG• Upol ............ . .......... """''"-••ft•wU fWtb Meyu ....... = """""' fot<M l'f••lftpll v.ibw•11" \'ohv AUTOS. NEW 1'HI ., ... 'llU 'Ill!> •711 """ ,.,,,, v;.a fl1I 'II• '114" •14' ,., .. ., .. ,., .. ... lflloi '11~ lfl)li '11)1 .... , . .,., .nw .... fllll ""11 .,,..,, - Ml -.... ,,. .. WIT --_, ---Ill» -.., .u 1911 ---_, -... -W74 ~if means hr y<mr ad to be clllssifitd" DRAMATIC COUNTRY ESTATE 8100 111 on I aere, rnasalve e1ec1rlc g11te. cobbt .. tone motor cour· tyaro. IC)ICtecutar entry 6 t>drm. 8 bath• !> trpt nuge trpics Room tor tennla No Tustin • Orange Hilt• with "'*"· 12· 15 min 10 all frwye. airport, So Cout Plaza $1,400,000 RICK ALDERETTE ... ...., /h"..,., 111-'444/111-1111 cars*bikes• *skateboards• trucks*baby carriages•tea carts*trikes rol lerskates • walker~ .oys •wagons•••• scooters*hot rods*coupes• trailers* hard tops*convert- ibles•motor homes* lawn mowers* limos *corporate headquarters •garden carts Model A's•••• *typingtables wheelbarrows• rec reatlona I vehicles*golf carts*model tralns*bikes *planos•cars refrigerators *skates•••••• If lt'sgot wheels, you'll move It faster In a Dally Piiot classified ad .call 642-5678 and a f rlendly ad- vlser wlll help you turn your wheels Into cash. 11111111 TlllW Harbor View Hfllt 3 Bdtm 2 bath beauty! Great toe.tlOn and ptle9d fOf qulc:ll lllt Titne 10 bUy ,,.... t>et1ert PrlOed ~ l"l w marl<al e t 11 Ot,500-c:all now I 646-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS 001101 ! We have evalllble con· dot trom S89 000 to S239.000 Call now for mor• ln tormatlon. 7117-5370 Xf >IL/ 111~·1 kf Al f-. " ,,.~,' r t~t ,._. t , lllll Tiii LEVEL Lovely upgraded MHa V.,de home. pmne cor· per IOI. foe.tea ·n quiet •••• Larga !amity room huge rooms thruoul Aeaulllul ground•. co.,.. rtd patio Excellent fl. nanc1og. OWl'9f will ~"I wllh $50,000 down 14%, tor t 5 ye115 Catt ~•2"'3 THE REAL ESTATERS ... OAIYll S410,000 Lowell onced Deane 3 BA eondom1nium Gor- geous 11rge yard Beau· Ulul lront ent•ance & a v-• The Miier WIN lease option or cerry the ••· nanC"'O With 20% down '"'"'°" t llll IWPT II Cnat"'•'l9 4 Sr, & large lamol y room 2 brtcli 1111p1ace1 country kit· chen qu1e1 •••ldent111 1re1 •n mOdern lract by Bucc;ota 10"!. dn ~ .. ,1 cerry tor 10 yur1 . ..... 110 ---~~-~. .TAYLOK CO. \__ --.. llST Ill OMIUIELUI II you have l>Mf'I loo6tino In CorOf'e Oel Mer. -1111n11 you wm recognae lh I U the belt bUy In town Loeated on the ocean side of the hwy 1u11 a f-blockl from the belCll. An outatan- dlng rtnlal property re- dueed to 1229.000 Live In Of'e unit and live off the rat. 1714167M400 12u1 u .. 1121 HAR BOA \ llt\ '"1111111 llJrbor lmt .... lmt'll1 \"11 111·1111 11111 .... ·~· 11 Ill you pey whtrt you 111<1 ovet ••l1t1no 11t T.O. SpllOloul 4 bf ... eoutlll'I detached home. FMtUMg frtnl din, fl'ntv rm & frplc. Onty U12, 000 FU. at?O Ian .,._ ~ °'· NewDoft 8Mctl 'M-1IOI Of 112·737&. ~l Walker f. lee ... ' Otlnfl OOllt DAILY PILOTITueldly, Juty 11, 1NI llllft.W.Mf. ...... ftlmr.ft.M'I. ..... llmtt.tr.Aw. ...... !ttttt.~,IA'1....... llJ/11. ...... IMtff.tKMf. ...... ,,,,,ltl/l.111/1 ..... lllfltl.IWIW .. Mltft.IWMWMf .. ltttft.t'P/WJWMf •• Aiiltl( ......... l.ftf ~ ......... I.WI ~t< ......... J.ftl "'11.lftti ...... lMf lttt& ........... J!tl 11.,,,,,,.lllM .. IMf MMt.ft•l.Mtr 9'MlAICJlft .. Mfll!tlf ........... Mff l.WMlfll. .. MI PllllllllU 11•1 .....,. Wta& -.1 · ba__Ylran•. llipe. for I t..., ,....._.a bdl'm. l bllfh e1.100.ooo. OcNn & jtny Y1 w1. Mar room, .a bdrm,. 3 bl\h, noo 1q. h . t1,sae.ooo Ooeanfronl Ull llU •••• Prime Udo Nord baytront. a bctnn. a~ bath Lee L.R' 2 boa\ .Upe fU00.000. Remodel.t a bdnn. 2 bath + larte rec. rm. beam ce11.lnp. fum.lahtd, padoa ~20,000. Liii& llLI llDlllT Lqoon v1•w from & bdnn, ' bllth, ~l!'°°"'• dUk nn, den. b i •Ui . Now fl,000,<>yu. llflll OIYI Specucul&r bayfront view 2 br, 2 b& up: 2 br, 2 bll ~· 2 bolit lllpe f l,000.000. OMIUll Olfl Corona:lo Ia1&nd cust. bayf ront lot M' boat dock. Plana avail Red '370,000 w/terma. ILIFFI OlllO Single •tor)' ~nd unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on largest sreenbeij. UM>.000.' POI LllO 3 bdrms, 2 ~ bat.ha condo near pool. $145,000. BI LL GRUNDY , REALTOR u ... , MIT* UNI , 4.., townnomt .... 4 . ...Mt·-LAST WATW"'*1 ~ ........... ,,,. IM "" ...... :::. • ~te I# '** n..-on 91.-nMI\, l aottien\ l,JOO~ ft~ ~, ~ l•ety, ~ 4 •I Unit, 1a,dt ftln1 · IHI. ._.. T... 6 II.IV ""'"'"" ""1 tt:t1000. o,n ht/ • ...,1 ... .__ fploa, mol..-ft '"'"•" ....,, 1(1, H f4N4...,.. pool 1¥111. t flOI.._. -flNIDll lier NI-14U • 11 I • hi .. ,.zo.eo -' "' tr ..... -... be I..,.., M J-tlll At I ~ ..... -"" ..... ' 1tr•p1 rty TO '•, Wiii ... ~·llM ..... Cl ltlfteit: ,........ .... 1..=:;.:..;;;;;:;... __ ~~ OoltW'lll l enli•r·'•'"t I. -l•I .,. 1111... l•H•·••"'" er low CHANCE flrctwd e ntry, v"rllfM tHO •41 fl, 1 "'1111r t-u .._ L °*"' .... ~· • •. 1 .. & '''· , .. lf\oo A.. "'I· •• II I do..n. lilH dy to d••ll •rir11out. ,or l •U • bdrm• OIOH 10 parlll !!!:!:.T'~~· ... tr .. Mmlnar ror home taw ~ •• """'1tf ~ .. ora .. • ~1• •• " o w n • r / I r • ll • r • ' .,,, "°' -'Wit _..,. t _ .. ,,_, ---~Ind Mlllwe. ~ tto;':i:: =• 1::: =~';;t',;a;.vtii. 1 t4-M4-0l14 10 ~ ,._ bMUtltUI • '~~~'r°of ~:=..~ w.mr.,, 112 ... •2 • "°""·~wood You "sordlally lnYtttd ly 0'#1* l4l·J1:r Many 1menlll11 1nolu· un&ftl t t1r Old, 4 11nll apart• dOOll 1110 a vall. Call WOOdJlttctfl t It I .. c:::~~:et ~~10 :1'i to attend thla lnlormatlve HOMI ,0"' IAl.I .... -:~1:"" ,,.. Cell I 1N,OOO 3 It llM Ofl =• "::;' ~ = ~Ueon tU.t4n ftl'lly ""· Plttlo9. •rtum'. bdrn1•, 2 11 r ,.,.o.. ~no. ....., otem ,,o. iot Ad.fOll*lo ooir 001U• ~ •• • • "'*• ,,._ llndlc...,. 11ri• 1.,.,. • '°'"'• , 1 nw 3 '"' 2 •• ..,.,... n111.1r1 cent1r. Yr1d17 frWMndO\la NY!no• cU &.fl.... Jllf (POOi, lltle. s.Mlt pttv.)1...;..u_r_-·11~•-----.., wedn110 191M J1.1iy 2'·, ~1;,e,;:;ci.!ir.'ct~ ~ '4~~·01 '~ "°"' ,,,. o-~ r.: .. c;c..M;.rA~..... ::o~ ~u: 2 ts·a~U,~· ._,. i-.. P.!lf nH Hlf"A• Bl'td. 1136.000. ot:l.()313 ' · lore be ing llJtlo with 1.Sbr'• •200 IO •2000 ., .. ,2•1 ' ' r."l'•••r.<lln7.n • •• • ...,.. 1a•-•UI ~lft. AOt NOWlll O.il 7.,. .. ••t 1 . •IUll llTf•• Cotta M ... HU7 ly Owner, ~IH11e "'°°k 3br --OWMt1 at (714) e.it-01H <IV"..., 4 °'*' •dl yt WONT LAST 1br epe .i1 11r ..........., •A ...... ...,._ "'IAL HTATI TAX IN· 21>1 rent t1000 mo or Prlot end down reduolcl. H 14 • --... """'' -· $ub1eo•• OOlleftd 1n thlt VU TM INTI uooo Mtl f250K 0411-Hll 1&0,000 dn. 'Ian for llm WUftl MIU Wllll ~:=;::zi :;,.~\~ :'~''· No P•"· Mm"" tnctudt: tHllll1 11411,000 •h•r• 12800 Sq. ft 3 bdrm, J'Ao Tredt tor N.I . ooHn· 3 Bdrm• 2 ea. lamlly rm. 1---------~;..;;_.....;,,;._ ____ _ • How to buy wllhout p11reh&M MINIMUM tlll ba. Aaeumeble 13'1w Prl• front home . Owne r. nloely d e oor •ttd Woodbridge 38r, 2'A8a, W••'•.,_ 1111 q1.1allfying. cllduotlon 111 YM' •to, 9Y OWNER: Wiil IOOaltd vale AITO. Owntr/Agt HOO,OOO 3711 Stl· 1875/mo Agt, 7111·3181 l>Mlltlful 1.1pgradN, lt80 ••••••l'f'r;OJ••••••••u • Tu benefit• of home ooo. Own., \lnVMtor) wlll lrvlnt Or•noetrM condo. H t.0130 lhort. 87.,8578 N--2 8 .. C""'dO ... bl car mo. 1151-8380, 1169·8042 HOM! 'OA "'fNT ow,,.,ehlp. 1vpply 1011 down PIY· t 8 ( & loft. PrHtntly "" ·-"' V " .. 3 ldrm f725 hna.d • c-•......_,I Ian"~·, .... mtnt up to ••o.ooo 1 rented tor lnvHtment 2 h 2 dri lot l'r ol oH to ooH n W•Hf IHd JUI 6 ' · ,,. ... & """'....,. ,._ '"" II I IW•HllA ouH• on x I 0;. O •• "' I . "'••••••••••••••••••• y111cl g1111g1 . .....,. lntlttlt financing prog· Oondo, Cott• Mete pvrpo•H or ava · or Wut C M. II K •• " · ,., on ·' ' • I*• W'llCOIM &45-2000 rem Mulmvm Int, dtpre. lmmmecl. occupancy. IPAllll llTATI l30K on, bal 11 10%. e3t·4301, t.-IS. -···y ::.-• Agent, no fie · • How 10 1ttect • qutek 1pr1 11ruotur1d tor Pr I c • d at •ct v 11 Sophl1tlo1t1d llvlng on M111t 111111 8k1 042·800t. Elllde: nice cll&n 2 Br. t ,.._ --- ••II. buyet, poMlbll 4·1 bl-r!lld·IHI purch-prl04t Lido 1111 In lhl• 18 room Bl. lncd yard, enclacl 2050 'alrvt.w M CIM..i.J.., • Thi fr,,°' •nd Cont ot n • 11 t p hon• of 112,ISOO Owner wlll hOf'nl on 3 IOtt • 1 IRt & Pllll If IWllllllP Nice ell ble 1 Cotta M... n-1--1.a..~ UJI 1 1 ~ I 11 • 1 • O "' • h e I p I I n I n O t 11 bethel Or.en• to '" l&IT ,._ I llfTI garege. ' r 1 I• Y ... I I .,.,.,.,_ .. owner lnenc:lng. .. .. " " " . ._ mlly. 1 chlld oil, No pelt. °" 111 1 ... w nn. o ••••••••••••••" •••••• 714/8-42·2000 7 t 4 I 11ISIS •203 3 or exp1n1lv1 and1cap1d An 2 br. OWC financing. $500/mo. plvl aecurlly two lrll t~ .. , (111.00) Aeeor1·11kl ed1.1" tract "' Pi. ... Join ua for en ln·l-===~==;;;17611·1011 Kar.., COll(tyatd & IQ, PoOI EJI· Ctll '5l·1217 25H Oreno• .. 0 .. value 10 tht SC Plu. Pool, grdnr. Sight Into toclay·a mark· Ii .. • ltHI 04111tnt financing. 11.250. 5•11·2778 RINOUNO BROS Ol1.1.1 1 8' No pet1. 1475 tt Due to llmlled .... I.I~ lllllllU fifl.';~~•••••'-••••••••• 000 Call Tom Al41neon or Lill /., i.J1 lllJO BARNUM l BAILEY & S31S VIII 77&·2510 ting ruervetlon• lrt 4 BDRM OLDE LAGUNA CH,.RM Tttry Henet 10 ... thla •••••••••••••••••••••• 28r 2ba, 2 eat ger O/W, ltlOll Highly upgraoed l dlall n-IMry PIMM call 1130.000 Unique 2 bdrm floor on•·Ol·•·klno home! IAllH 11111 bltlns , lrplc, c l cl, no Anal\aim Convention ~port 8c:h Big Canyon Jacq\le l(ernp NR FAIRVIEW/BAKER plan. t b•lh, llv rm WI e.2-12as Approx 'I\ eere Wiii Mii k I d • I p. I a I 11 0 0 • Ctntw Aug 5-18 3 Br 2'h ea, QOlfcourM MMIOI BY OWNER bHmtcl c1lllng1. hard· or Joint v..,tura Value 8'46-256e ev. LOf'Q Beach A'*'I v 1 1 w • p 0 0 l • 1 p a . COLDWeu BANl(eRO S.S.01~ wood lloorl a cocy tog *500,000. call 040-7066 OCEAN/MOUNTAIN VU Aug 11-22 I 1 4 0 0 Imo C •I~ burning lrplc $167.500 OCUI Sl.lnMt Blutta. New dl.1 2 To cla lm p11111, c:e lf 720·1009 111Mlwtlnd1 OI Full Prlea br, 2 ba condo. Frplc, 842·5878 tat 272 Pu-780·91100 wkdyl IXI MISSION REALTY VIEW gr1anh11 wnclw. ger M1I mutt be e11chenged 3908 ' 494.0731 yard. NC gait. No pet• lor r~ ... ,. II bo.1 1890/mo 2157 Pacific olllct prior to pe rlor· Brend new Corona d•1 11111110~ I .I. !lrec 110fM. 4 br, form din rm New kit , apples. -,~.,..u-micro. cprll & drapes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ii;;;;;;;;~ I Pool, Jee, deck, BBO pit Ii & lrplc S 148,800 130, 000 down. OWC 2nd II 12,-. 1058 Concord 540·5560 Owner JJ I Roy\•<fr o •. , .. ~ 8 o l~ 016 1 Cher~ln~ ~Ider 1coll~! Ill OllYel ~ . LOTS Av 9te lat • then calf: mane. M., luJ1ury 2 bdrm, 2 bl wTon '! u oBc• natv • I Lrf.1011 In geled ""lv•t• 551-a8221~8722 • • • condo with pool & o•-hrM ,..rch •Y · mo1 S 1 · ,.. • •• 2 •• ,.. r a g • S 1 O O O I m o oceenrrorll • ttrma • Piil· 1v11 condo wlln hll 1101 comrmmlly OYer-'" ..,.....,., 499-4516 $495,000 or .. 1 golf CQl.ltH vi-looklng Dan• Pt M.,lna 4 er. z BL lhlllp & clean. • • • FORECLOSURE USOLITE smL Pickup over 1500,000 EQUITY overnight. Once in a lifetime. I have never seen a better buy. Won't last. Prime Orange Cty 2 1h acre hilltop OCEAN VIEW NEW FSTATE. Pool, spa. waterfalls. eleclr. gates, 5800 sq fl w /360 degree view of all O.C. Tennis court + HELICOPTER pad area. ASSUME LOANS & TERMS. Originally listed for $2.200,000. Sacnl1ce at $1.128.382.63 approx. with $350,000 approximate cash down. Only the serious need call directly to PATRICK TENORE 760-8702 or 631-1266 RE/MAX Realtors. agl Brokers welcome. R&IM* of Costa Mesa •WATHrlllT* MAT sun PRIVATE COMMUNITY. 3&4 bdrm homea, our SELLERS wlll FINANCE · or • DISCOUNT for CIShl Better hurry on lheMI lallaH lay Pre,. ll11Han ••ta.lotO* laJtH 111 .. 1 JOH ..••....••....•....... PlllOE SUllllnl OPEN ALL WEEK tt 7 Mlflne Ave NOW $254,0001 On st••H HLllllT Your own pool and Ja· cuu l come• with thl• 3 bdrm home In one of Colla Me11'1 btat nelgllborhood Enltr through • private cour· lyu d ind 1ntoy the many 1menl1lea Ihle home otters. Won't IHI 11 1139.800 C a ll 9711-5370 .\'{ >ll / 11/~·i JU"' f'f I\ I~~( ._, ... (~l~ 30x85 11 lot Adorable J 11 P 111 W l TE 11 1 S 2Br 1ba w/btlck patio. A Fiil SUPER VALUEr No qu111ry1ng to make this apectacular 3 Bdrm pool home your own Jual SI 17 900 Bkr 848-0709 L VIII II l. P~. 1p1, tennl1 Ownaf w1vlew1 10 C1talln1 & lemlly ok. 1850, grdnr PllLl Pfllll 81111 IJI • wlll con alder taking In San 1C1 1m•n11 I 1 I 382 Hemlltoo St •tl•lll1 M8Z 41SOSL or power 71 41de1-0305 Incl 5•5·9960 Coata Mffa Immediate occupenoy, EHtblulf 4 Br , 3 8•. I 1400/mo 8-44-28911 boat u part clown Good Premium tMldentlaf 101 on IUll llW Yoo are the win'* ol IAllAll lllllTUI ~~~TTabl• 10'" VA · cu1.c1 ... 1c, Northwood, COIH '°':Jo lrH ~kat• (118.00) ~r..'!!!!~!!.~~~'!; PlllOI llHIOU .... lrvln• 832·3720 2 Br. 2 Ba trptc, t>11~n1. v u~l~OLING BROS ,.})., Prtlalft w/flHHIH 1/ I'&. ~l I J water orlent'ed, 2 car BARNUM & BAILEY •1•bl1•l• 3111 ~ •• ••t• • llY• g1tage w/opaner. pool & '' WMnlWATIA Yl"w ""9111•1• Z4SO spa. S785tmo 545.3115, OIAOll •••••••••••··s·;,·~·~ Pool. jt'tA IOI: 3Br 2ba ••••• ······'·········· 557-2360 Anaheim Con\llf'ltlon Furn Bayaide I . •-Tl-~ h 1 -k ..-o t A " " . L It I o P I gv•t quartara. CiOM I ldo nealty .. _ 1 era ,._. Canter Aug 5-16 • downtown Laguna l"llt summer tor 2 at Laounl 3Br. 2'1\Bt Condo, min to Long Beech Arena 1295/mo 976-3-4118 s295,ooo 673-7300 Shoru S7500 (7 14) bch & ahopptng. Pool, Aug 18_22 C1tnl Ill .. , J1U M4-l211 528·8518 Jae. & aauna. annuel fae To c lalm P'"''· cell •••••••••••••••••••••• tJn NIGEL llAIL[Y & ASSOCI ATES PAL• IPtlflll 1785 mo. Ill & lut + 642·~78, ext 272 Pea-Oct1n vltw, beeutltulfy NC clep (714) 750·5274 see mutt be Hchengecl turn townhouat. lrplc, HAITIO PllOE GREATEST CONDO 2 LHHlopllon. clealrabl• for,~ Mlle II box pool & petlo S895/mo. llHOTIOI bdrm Sleep1 8 Wor1d 873--0ll&e wide eKc:h•no• Sac 12. M ... Verde ar ... 4 Br 3 olllc• prior to parlor· ----·-----L11ge 2 atory. 4 Br Pa· 750 Ba, pool, 1mmac cond menat CHI• #IU 11U lermo Model 1n Hatbor 7141493_0379 11400/mo. 522~2 1ft • ,. • •••••••••••••••••••••• w•H• BIJJ1 JOSO View Hom.s.. reduca<l IO ----------1 6PM or wkncl1. •---------1 1390 A11ract1v1 pertly ••'••••••••••••••••••• $289,000 111 Corner lot 0.t If lt•ll --------EMERALD BAY 3 Bl 2 lu<n ept lg petJo. ~ lttt •••H llJI room lor pool & RV or Z'~OO Spac 3Br, 2ba townhM, Ba lrplc brlek petlO with Meture. quiet No pet C $3" 00 boat Open HOIJM Sun ,,. .. ,,., • lrple, micfo, 2 car gar 1 p • S 1 I O O 2..... Rut Or c M O·OPI from ... 0 1·~ 2000 Port C'*-·····"'•·:f............ w/~. $760/mo. AvllJ 2131176-2255 "2-.. ~··~roa 4 equity price Condos lllEIH llllOM. Sept 1. S43-3278 ~ 1• 1..-...,_... ... - \\·HI 1(11(11'\ I 110'11' hK REAL ESTA![ I• II IJ lrom $75,000 lull prlCe Place B Elfertsen Agent HARBOR OCEAN FRONT ---------875-2373 or 720-0740' 100 acrn, one mill of Wl\nds. 960-4396 wkdy1 .. ......,, a..... 31~1 OPN HOUSE SU,_. Lllaore World Resales Rlvt r frontage TREES! Nu 3200' lux hm on bluff ~.'-.~1";; •• ~~•••••~• 428 e 18th St 24221 Pueo de Valeoel• lluffs/DlstrtH P A s Tu RE LA N 0 I 2 EASTSIOE 3 bdr, 1 ba. 180 deg YU of hatt>Or. --------ISUll OW• 2 Br & den plus Quell Leg Huts 7141837-5500 homH Lola of emenl-gar , Lg• yerd, wahr/ 11.1d, mtn1 3br 3b1, THE W Reclacorated 3 hOIJM. allay accea1, 111 Bont11 plan 3 Br 2 Be. llH w 111conaldenredt1 dryer, fridge .. Pl1• ok. s ecurity, s auna , •P•· bdrm/2 ba on prime T 0 $78,000 auum II LElllllE WlllLI encl unll Pvt patio Xlnt fin avail 8'45·3949 $650 631-44~ lt995 4116-7008 locellon Gat, tun clec:I<. 11Yt E•cell addltlonlf greenbelt Owner COST• "ES• 2 2 H , DOD ti b Lovely corner CISa Ml· 160·1097 or 752·8871 Near t>eeutllul Bolae. 650 · "',., "'· bf' be Chermlng b11chfront pa 01. n ter no •Y llnenclng evall 955-0782 •c t 1 d·.. h 1~ LIQUIDATION $365 000 Ill lano Manor, 2Br, 2Ba, ---------1 ft 01 r1~ tr~t..,... 3 Br "' . rp , ... ws r, m .... ro. home soactacular 11u1, · ownarw d0w"'n'r645-9557ev11 8aufrontvlawcondo2BR ·~ v"-..-ct• dbl coosicler llnencing o we , garage. lrptc. prime vleW ,. · home on 4 ac 1 ac. lake PM yar · ... u ga· brick coortyard entry. 4 LIFE'' financing 675-5319 or overlooking lake & golf 2 Ba, MC. bldg Boat 111P & loll of lrMI on pro-rag•, Po o I, S 8 5 0 Br 3'1\ Ba. lrg llv rm & din Fon:ed sale, two beautiful prestigious 67J.5291 lat11ters lrta•I courH.;. .. !1:!.06500. Calf !:~~)bk~56~~~ By perly f1n1nclng avail. 1_.96-0353 rm, , bea~h "f· Iota ol t New&orl pool homes valued al 1-.-•• -.... -------1 3 bdrm. 2 ba. ftreplece. owner~ I 2 2 e . O O O C • 11 2 Br trplc, screened •tre 1 orage or ••ae on Y _,_ d bl lk I ~~~~~~~~~!BUILDERS SACRIFICE, 3 7141720-1021 rm 2563 • Elden cell Peggy Pallleon tor $ .. 00, 00 wt'll be sold for $318,000 and ""' e garage, we n = " 9"5 2•13 kdy , 11.J•1•l• 1001 cloaeta Townhoute By owner. Lefture World, B~ 3 Be . lu.1 new $495/mo 831-3871 or aneppt "· .. w 1 $325,000 immed. Fee land. If you are a •••••••••••••••••••••• Walk to we11cllll Pleu tee gete 2 BR 2 Ba. W/O, cooclos., greet loc I ISO. I,./ l1t•t1 527·7408 8·5 YEAll·ROUMO fUM: Socl•I Activities Olrector •Free Sunda y Bruncll•B80's• Partlel•Ptus serious buyer contact Patrick Tenore TIP tF -lllSIU Priced 10 aeo s 1 to 500 retrio. uaum 132.500 at o o o & S 1 8 o . o o o l x1i•••• UOO -------3-,..~ .......... 6•2 3083 14"1. Asking s 119,000. _8_7_5_-4_333 ______ ·········'············ SENSATIONALll 3br 2bl , #1111•• VI•'• u at 760-8702 or 631-1266 now! """'' .. · LJ'• ........ A hall poof, pany patio 1-475 •••••••••0 0 '1°0 •••••••• 1 Immaculate • n-ly re-714•768-3600 B·YCREST 3Br, POOi, ., -oc RENT·Ls 750 33 Ho ••e FOR RENT turblahad thruov1 • ,_ Trl,ltl 1121,000 "' Corporation clHlrt• to -"' • 14 3 Bdrm"' • • Bdrm $7251 £.a. • I JOSS ap1. hreplt, BBQ Va<y o .. kllchen encl bath1. SIOQll EASTSIOE I 1200 mo .~! .. '.'.~'!.••••••••••• private! Fanlutlc ....,. trlda $35,000 equity 1n HOT Little 2br 2be, lg to S750 Fer>C*! y1tds &I story 3 Bdrm wl~loMd Inc hM. 2 unit• """'*' WATlllFllllT mable financing . IOWMI 1•c1plional 3 Br New· 0"· bbQ. patio, 1600 garagu Kida & pall R&IM~ of Costa Mesa much more 0 R E A T R ECREA T I O N : ~;~t= c1::~1eg~!'~. Agl 548-4360, 494-0385 38r, 2'~Ba, lam rm, 3 price In "" at S299. ~lu=: TiC:.dn~ln~1 , OC·RENTALS 750-3314 welcome 545·2000 ------------------. nenclng garages, rnocMI home by 000 Vacant 2007 Holl· Went lnc:om1 property, 2 b• pool unit, deluxe Agent, no IN 142 1200 •m Yllll owner Dock , boat, cl•y Rd Bkr 1155-284l, r•t-an1, or what he.,. kltcn, huge Q#, So475 .. .. .. otzl Tenn i 1 •Fre1 Le&t<>na (pro & pro ahop)•2 Health Clvba•Sauna• HydrO'Tl...aoe" WMIY·fllH ma 3 lrg Bdrmt. lamtly rm/ country kitchen Gr111 nelgtil>Ofhood Good fl. nenclng 1vall1blt Full pr l ca S 131 ,800 751-3191 c::::. ' ,( ; ' . ~''''llPf ll'11•, IWT FIUIOIH Auume 111t.tlng loant ot I 103,000 with current peyment• of 11096 Aa- klng S 128,900 tor thl1 relurbllhed 4 Bclr 2 Ba home located In No Coate Masa. 831·7370 TRADfT IO~L Rl:ALTY IUmFIL • PML ••E 1298,000 w/20% clwn. 760-7292 you? Aslclng 1228,500 OC-RENTALS 75U-3314 ~!!'!r.!! ••.• !: ... '! •••• ASSUMABLE FINAN Sellef Wiii carry Ill paper -.-IWNl---,-... --m--Aoan1 646-'°44 NEW large 2 Br formal Tll lllff1 IAOI Ul fllW CING Sh11p 3 Bdrm 11 .,....1 below current Int S..ut 2 BR t Be hsl dining, large private 3 bf'. 2.,., be. prof c1ac:: In• private wooded 11-plue lamlly room wllh 581.:µ29· 586-2521 N-'Y landtcae>ed 1185. l1•t1J1 backyercl 1875 /mo 1m1n l tlt1 I 1250 co.,. comtt In ~. remodeled kl1ch1n, 2 ooo Wtlh uaumable 1S1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Oeyt 831-0117. Evaa 629-8983 ~~:'1d~I,:'~', ?am~ i~k~~g'ost:~'.~~t~ln~:il lerittaS Wff4e4 plus o wner financing Bl•UI hrai.1iH 5.48*0151 1----0C-·_R_E_N_T_A_LS __ _ rm, 3 llreptaGat, w.t ber. 5 40· 1t5 1 tor an ap-lla•l•t LHatiff _•_v_ai_i _54_2·_7_74'4 ____ ~··••••••••••••• Nr SC Plaz.a. 3Br 2bl 1·5t>r'• 1200 to 12000 view 11 ... ng rm. recrMtlon CenH Iii #u JOU n1men1 to -.. SecJuoeo~-1,000 WIHl I IOU \IPPlt. dec:tt l!Stio. pool, 750-3314 open 7-deys rmw/Wt1:Jv Pvt poor & "'••••••••hh •••••••• sq It o t decking, 2 Fall eotu "'-• ,,.i.,.J. 3101 cnlldrenl pet• ok S650, 1---------...;._ .p. Sp~1ou1 and lu•u· •-1.•ff Year .......... , t fl-'~-I kJ .,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• 873-8086 or 645-3866 Bluff•. lrg upgrlded 4 Bdr --· .... CUI om r.,.....-.• r m OILY aw DOWI Winter Rental 3 Ba Nu pelnl & carpel ttoua w/high beamed HomriGu11t+lncome ott family room. cleslg,_ ,. vvy nice 2 bdrm, pello. Spac hOme for rent 1<1ds Pool. no pell I 1395 calllngs In llvlng rm o we Isl • FlH. Term• I~~~~~~~~~~ clreperlH , central air Nol a Ftdtrel lender i 1 r 1 g 1 , 11 u n dry & Pl1• ok S925. 4 br, 1'1\ 6«-0350 OWC all II 10.5"• apr lot 509 Acacia CdM nr beh Ranch ltyle 4 bedroom. Huge 2 atory 3 Br, Cieri, 3 5 5 O I b a Ir p I c R o g a r 1---------30 yrl with reasonable Spotless Vacant Ovplla 2 bllh Ell.celf8f'l1 Ulu· b• John. Agt 631·2242 I mo + clepoa t 645:6705 after 6 'SpaclOva 4 Bdr eitcultve down payment $579,000 Huge 5brl3b•+3brl3b• TRIPLEX NEAR mebfe loan Mllllion Vie· Of} L J Ell I 673•5615 home wllam rm, 2 lrp1C1. fH 440K ownlbkr 645-7048 C~~.~~ ~~~s!H.!:~~ 3 JO Really Owner/ agent ••• !! ...• ~ •.•. !.! ••.•• fmH J144 Small 1 br, gar , big lncd paddle tennis CQl.lrt, on LIH llLf Ill.AUTIO CdM's BEST DPLX bedrooms end 2 be· Ask !Of Carot #i)Jlt B••n •••••••••••••••••••••• yard $455 Drive by 790 quiet cul·clt ·HC. Just clroom back unlla each llla411t •it •-Ji JIOO Betutllully upgrecled 3 W Wlfeon 673·6336 palntacl & carpeted, 1nc1 llh I cl 1•1 1000 11 .. bdrm, t'h be Condo In • bdrm, 2 ba. carpet. ~ardener $ 1350 C I I hi 3 w • u n r y ' o om • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • W d b d F I • 5-528 ompare ve ue 0 1 1 Shows true prlCJe of ow· New""'t Be&c:h Dt Anza 0 0 r 1 g • r P • drapes. lrpl, g11clner incl 1 Sp1tal atalra and protea· unit duplex tor only .--· •1~ No Peta $725 nerahlp with fireplace, baylront Park Min i "''"""'" $825 557-4569 atter 4 Beaut. cu11 Newport alonal decor lhroughoot $240,000. Altracllve II· u 759 tO 15 this apacloos 4 bclrrn. 4 nanclng 0,1111 by 818 sundecks end gareges 111wr.,rt .. tA JOll concl '78 dbl wide, fir.. • pm Hetohlt, 2 11y. 4 BR ex 3 ~~,;g~ e E A U Tlf UL APA"'TMUH I : S 1ngl11. 1 & 2 Bedrooma•Fumlahad & Unlurnfahed•No Pels•Moclela ep.,_ clalfy 9 to 6 01kwoetl ..... ..,.,....... l...,art ..... , ... 880 Irvine (at 16th) (714) 645-1104 ...,.,. ..... , ... 1700 16th St. (Dover at 16th) (71 4) 642-5113 bath home, perfect tor Narcissus or calf lor de· t5% clown or trade tor ,•••• ••••••••••••••••• place, brick p1110. SS!!, L•1.••• ll1tA 3141 3Br lB• clahwshr 10 yd BR plus loft·3 bl, OR, the family Ex lat Ing H· tails. Call 640. 7665 T 0 's S 2 4 5 , 0 0 0 5 0 0 B 111 Grundy •• • ••••••••• •••••••• • 2073 M~nrol/la a~all Im · FR, plus LR·3 Yfl old No ========::'.. aurnable Joane of $392.1---------1 6«·7020 675·6181 'BR. n-dee. furn. Sec med $625 '951 58sJ pats Avf $ t 350 2 Wr• , .......... ooo at ettecllve 12 3y0 Ideal Flae< Uppe< In quiet Ulll llElL HTITI ---------git• prlv Bch • tennl1 mo. · 6'lH788 or 646-87 tO Interest Seles price neighborhood. 2 Bdrm & 'TO FIHlwood, 121t40, Ownr 498 4038 B ti I W T911f "'•IH turn , NEW range & r• • •• ., •• •--'Hll,.. vt-• $849.500 lee Call den. 1'1\ ba .. lncludea ,.. -s VII 7 I J/, II j Jiff .. • JZ40 ~· ., ., .. Comp rurn'cl Wiii lhOl1 term 760-3005 OLD CORONA DEL MAR Recently lllttcl So ot Pecllle Coast Hwy. 2 be- droom. 1 Ba, cozy col· taoe. R·2 IOI Room 10 expand Pr1ct1c1lly lot price. 1252,000. Sheroo Coll#\s' 1111"'9. 631·1•00 UM of pvt beach. 1269, 3 Br 2 Ba, tennlal pool & ~~·3 •1f"3'°~'6 , 1 2 1 ~41 .. '!'!r.!!. .. ~! .............. ~!............... llllffl .... lay 4 Br 2 Ba upper dupleJc, - 000.Byowner.7~e..9149 more Low,low.towdwn 7119.1022 WA TERFRO NT HIGH OC-RENTALS 3 bdrm,2'1\bethllwnl1M oc.anvu,1tep1toW9ter. \\1·1'1'1~H11,H•1:~.I iOLD CDM 123l,OOO Cell Robe rt Mllflke n LOfl..-lm RISE CONDO 2 Br 1·5br's 1200to 12000 $1200 par mo Eves & highly upgrlded. owner's ·• ~ 831·128& 11 you want 10 build 135 tt custom trllltr, Ntw· 2'1\ba, aaune/ pool 60t 750.3314 open 7·cl•ys wknds 979-8888 de unit Went r11pon1lble REAL E51AlE So of Hwy, R·2, 3 Br your own c astle, ~~e.a.~6~~~ Jtttyt ~~di, 8th floor Furn 2 Br iownhome With 1111•1_8_32_._1_02_3______ ~~;~~ ;r~y r~~o~~n~1:~ ~ 11 11 remodel. Lv rm ~ 10 this opportunity of O Ol mo Call Agtnl ched garaot Apptlancae 4 Br 3 Ba. ec>• 3700 IQ It Furn or untum 831·3763 pvt backyerd re al a lllellmt will Mvlf Sea Branes. lo rent. 2 BR Rita 752·5710 Inc I u cl e d A ' k Ing ocean view, S25001mo ---------te<ms 22 clays to NII co , • blk shoe> k bu 3 Keep 1n eye on prtc:N the 1oet~~I•~· !63~t·~1~286~~Ag~t~_liiiliiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii me again. 3 lots "' s. m I. • .,.,,, U•l.r•llAH $650/mo Agt 642· 142 4 Br 3 Ba. comm pool, A,.rta••lf •Hy WIY·b• • regular -on Harbor Ridge, 55 yra aoa req MC Pk ••••••••••••••••••• ••• & 645-3175 grtenball, $ 1185/mo u.J.nhiH c11111fl1d rea der CHI• #tu JOU 10 PAYMEITS slde·brc·slde, with 17500 8-46-261!4 c..,,-• ot-HOME FOA RENT Big Canyon 2 Br 2 Ba, •••••••••••••••••••••• GEORGE ELKIN S C O •••••••••• , "~2·5678 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 TIME 1m1 ...... m I 10 000 c ' ~ ~'"· comm pool USO/mo .,... •• p ana or I . BEA 11 FIXER 24 1164 •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Bdrm $725 Fencacl 3 B 2 B• comm pool n ..., ... Illa.I ,. 3Br. 2Ba, dbl c:lt garage. Partner makes P•Y· square foot home 2BR. 281. ec:oesa 10 eo. Loe Alamltoe condo Nice y1tcl & gatagt. K1c11 & s Cr Plaza 1760/mo r •••••••••••••••••••••• 759-9100 STAR GA'ZERfl•• a.;.,;:~:..:.:..:~--lf, I 1 \l -"l>l I \'---.-----i lf1 ~~~!t. ~::-:: ~.~ 1y\ T" drrTt'k< mntttQP f,.., Wfrritf......,. ff'Od .oJdt. CQttf1Pf"J'f"Q' ,..,,,....._.., 1•~ Zud« borth\ioQtl ,, . .,.. )''• 1~ ., ... !~' t• ~~ .. OJ A t'\S•C•t""°IQ 10. ,.,,,. 10. )I~ .,..,~, . .., ...... ,. • ll;ve ... , ..... ~ ,,~ "' .... . 11-...,.. t l'J(j!N IJ .. ._ <U ,,,., ,,., t •>O.. '-lO. .. .. ~., ... ~ .. ,..,. ,,,... •·H~, ,.. Cl .. ""• .. ,. , .. . ,...... .,. '''"'Mi .. .. II•• ........... ,, '°°" ~ ... . J•'-'--• ,,Ot .... . ,,.... ""--.. .... ""-"., .. ,..,... "'"'~·· ai.J:..-""'•" ......... "'".,... ''"'•• tlOt • .,. .. It_ ,....... .. .. ..... ....,..., . "''•·· ., ' .. f llt•t •..... 61\\•{llfr •''4f'lr'•'• ., l\of1t ..~ toturf•O 10 .. , "'"""' ,,,.,1. r11, ,. ..... "''-''' .. ... t .... ., • ,. ......... .. ... ~ .... ,,,,.. ,,,. ...... .._ .. c. .... ... -.. •C>-... ..,.,,._ .... .. .... . ... ._.. •1' ,,._,,1 '=~=· s~~~~-"'t~s· "" .... -"' C."41Y L -...11 ----- •=•=..:=r-~ ~ ............ 1_ ....... _. HEACAG I I I* I I I -.... A_A..,_r_c_v_, 1 , I I I' r . r._N ... E ..... F __ r ..,..• -I 2 l ~ · l hev,t•~tldtlorthowto r I r I Cit•• up •r-•y lrtllkJ l•m• Build th• lr..W1y1 wllh IO ••· ( .. _G_H_A_T_E_L __ l 111 •11<1 on• - l ....... I __.l'__..l__.l___.I .... ' ..... • ~--;::::: :·~~::., -::.-: .,....._,_....,Nlo , ..... ! ~r;.r:--~m r r r r r r I' r 1 2 patios. flagstone lrplc, mtnll 3 SR Men Ver· w 11 h T E N N I S heny bd1 Dane Pt. under 41>r, 2be, 2 lier, condO pets wetcome 545-2000 · Yrly 2 bdrm, 1 bl Deck. owner-<ustom bit home de 831·22 •2 John. COURT and pool market. make offer. flax Pool & •P• Retrlg, Agent no'" Or try IMM option on lclry No peta $850 $129 950 With $29 950 A f 1 S2 500 ooo term1, AB 1082 1g1nt wunar & dryer Included. · a ny of t h111 Heve 67~~8 cl ' ,.,:,_ •..... 11 ' gent Toro~-' II ·1 I . 633-2742 S675 mo Avell lmmed IT 'S CRAiYI 3rm LOA· othart Freel T..,ore, egt own. "''""" ... carry he v .... er w I o nt 788-4580 OED 831· 128&, 631·2711 1•~;·tl.o.,4tt, ""'' ~{~! ••.•.•••••• !.'?!1 ;~,~~~· t~:.d~ MPo::~odlb~:i1~e. ~~~.~ REITALS ~~E~'i~L~o~~i~4 2 Br 2 B• P~ & amenl· J.tJ• 1 .. 1 ... 1. 1111 MlallH T:i~r1~8~~ A~t~~~·~"bv~ ~"r. ~~~ 0~g~i ~1~~~· 0~~~~Noo~~1~1 Y"rly-WHkly-Wlnter, 2. New deluxe 2Br 2bec:on· tie• '1:~3860 of Univ s200.ooo 150, a. 1 um 1 b1 e r I· 71418M-4102 3·4 Bdrm•. do. lrnmed occupancy, BIG c •NYON "'""f ......•..............• 2 bdrm, 2 be -dplx yrly Mature non"'lltn6trt, no peta $750 X 3 21317119-41115, a,67-9182 ~ 'ACDIS RE&Ln 11100. e2a 2 Aom a . "' · .. ~ t OllrM • • • 000 clown. 1 150.000 nanclng. WOWI .,. 544 7552 vt.w, 3 Bclr. pool. 1..,n11, EYELYI llLAOlfl A.l.T 0 12,.-.1n1 only tor 5 '72 LANCER ~AM mo· PIOP -· security 11300 IHH 2338 Port Aberdeen yra. Agent 541·5032 WllJm•Cote, Btohi f~~l~~~~·w~t bar~~~'. MH•AIEIElfT 3 bdrm . 2·~ b•. beau. 544-7424. Bkr. Newport Beach Brend New HomH & 114/760·1900 Acl~lf Perk, Lllauna r-illl•.. ... 1800 IQ It c:ondo. A111ll v lllo 2 bd 2 b YOll are the wino« of Condos, no money clown $48,000 -59I·1079 Ill 11 ll Aug 11t Pool Jtc tennlt .,.. rm, 1 • I.a<>, 2 81, utll. pct. 410 Mer~lng. Balboa. No peta. S.1-1155 twotreetlcketa (S18 00) whlle they 1aa1 171 4) • • and re~qu1tb111 'court. penthOllM, ooeen VtJW, value to the 548-9522 Agt 1.a hHll/laflr1 1850. 1500 uc clep petlo, 11000· 541•3395 Winter, 51911 June, Oc:ieen Front 2BA 2BA, 11ec. pd • S8301mo 559·1092 aft 5PM RINGLING BROS. Clalllf1 L•fl "' 841-2479. COMPARE or 7IS2•5317 TlllnEllOOI "' fl 1100 BMutltul & large 2 BA In --------BARNUM & BAILEY Brend New Hom ts & .,,... VIiia Balboe, 2 petlot Siii/ .... 2• 1 _..t SUPER KO~ 1 br. w/ 0110•• Lovely home+ land, 38r. Conda.. no money down •••• -,A·•••••••••••••• • 1 .... ,........ -281. 1 177.800 Owner whlle lhey 1111. (71•1 Pecllla View Memorl•I $1200/mo yriy. t room cottage IOI qult1 party pttlO, c:all 1376 C.,.,,1 '''"" ,,,, An1htlm Convention 1714) 151•3933 5•11-9522 Agt. Park, Nwp1 Bch, Lot 74•. ..,.. .. If /F... 11ngl1, tiny yud. No OC-RtNTALS 750-3314 •••••••••••••••••••••• Centlf Aug 6-18 Gr111tt A & 8 , Bayview Avail 519t 1. l.l8r. lam Dog•. Stow, frlgt, water WAITll Long 8ellCh Arena If IWlll OCEAN FRONT T tr r 1 c 1 . I 2 2 0 0 r m , cl 0 c k , f r p 1 c; paid. 11«1-3889 Newport Ortat. Plan 4, tn CdM, lftOdlm llt epc Aug. 11-22 POPU' •R WOOOBRIO· BY OWNER XLNT LOC. 873·7'787 ~/mo .-. lmmeculeta aond !ant· w1~-...-OI ,...._ fOf To clelm PHHI, call ..,.. 1400.000. &40-7980 "'---J .. A ... 11-;:m;..1, rm.1 JIU Utlc YllW. Av•ll . .,, for --· ..-........ 642·5678. ext 272. Pu-GE MODEL. 3 bdrm. 2 ..... 1rd• -.,.c 1 Ill •••••••••••••-••••••• $1200 par mo wttl con-rttlli~lldy mc>W'CJ 10 ... mv11 be txch:1: ::ii~f\~\~~m 1:~~· l&.lffl IAIUll In~ 1111 ~~~~Or (el 2Br WSISJI 1 1 d • r 3 Yr I e •a• ~f:to ,:~:' (rn; ~%~~r 9:"p:rfo:. Fll.1 l1tm1 YOliJ own thl land. 2.000 ••••a.;.:. •;iiiii•••• Wltlrlfont HomM lr'lc. 3 Bdlm ~ hOmel &40-8208. llQ9ftt 2 5-2540 ..,.., mence. 157-83&3 1q It, 3Bf, i.m rm, 2'Ao T -........... 111·1'• tn exoelltnt ., ... Av.ii. 28r 2ba. pvt 91r apt C..u ·~ BM . -. • • • W.llOUlllLll 0642 Corti Or. Huntln(ltOfl lelCtl YOAJ att fht winner of two ,, .. t~at• (118.00) value to tht AINOUNO BROS BARNUM l 8AIL!Y ...... Anlhelm Convention Clnt1t AUG· 5-11 Lona e.ch Arena AIJG. 18·22 To clalrn 9111••· c•ll 1•2·5'71. ot. 212. P• ... muet be .-Clhangect tor t..arwd ... ti at boa office prior to pe rfot· m*IOI Ba, wtde Greenbelt. near U -b I 1 Imm• <11 • t •I Y · Modern, Iota of lltOf'agl~ ......... ::: •••••• ::;';l •llOO pOOI Fet below IMl'lctt ~ new •-91ft. 2 bdrM. "1• II'-' JIM seoo1mo on 1 ~ ...... walk 1n clotats , t car 1 .. I II. I a •2•5.000. Wiii ..... 09-2 bath ••Ch unit wllh ...................... Five othlrl 10 CllOOM ptlc'g ... 10 bllcl\ (1 N I d Of 0 cl REDUCTIO. tlon. 8kr. 644-01$4 llrepteo., 11'°'°81d petlo, ...... ft I... from. We're tht onel to 81k) rrao Incl vt• Av.ii ·~ y ICd " .. p ,· on tlll9 Mllhar Model In ~~~~~~~~l garage. 0"-1•t Pot 3 ~h hOMI. ' bl«* cell fOf ...._ 8 / 15 • H 0. U 4 • or :~. e,:d~1t~' n~ ::~. • C1mbtldg1 Court 2 •IWPllT Din ~o1o1h. a111°11woruNnodW..,1!511 8 r,' trom bMclll "'• 8e" 1 [~1)1'\lod~~ ... -•171 11' ..... ... ... ,.. d ... L b .,, , " Y••r .... '·""" par ,,. "S"' .. VIEW" •ar a•LB. b rm, •,. •· Almott Oldtf houN over 1300 875-0111 mo. contecl Dick or .1. a. "'" .. • ,..,_, 2 br., 1 ba., carpal•. new home. Perfec:t for aq. n. plul latge CS..actt-11 __ ., __ ,_, / Donna Mon tl'IN Fri (21a) 1KIH' 1 lamate""a' '1'!'!"80 • !.°°'0 •1MC01 o rapee. b ullt·ln•. No the tmall tarntly or •In· td Ooubll O#aoe on II· _... •• , etl-IHT SSl·3000 g · '"" ... · n pate. '425. 2212 ._.., glM. Plenty of room IOt i.v.Newpllnt,aome,_ ,..,..,..., 1111 11'!1 rrura OoU....lt.!Jl.t 9 ardnr. wtr & aun . 131,2927 privacy too. UpgraclH pfumblng & eltctrlc. •••••••••••••••••••••• J.J• -•• • ISt-1092 --........ --,.--... -1-... --.-...... - tt•1r1.1-out Prknl l0ca11on 50x111 A1 tot Owner PALMSPAIN0800NOO.. '-"""' Jiff """'-1t.. .. Mt..... ao~,.... .... ... . near UCI tnd lh<>PPlno. n19d1 OHh. at14,000. Time 8hlrl t C1.1rr1nUy ............... ,...... 1 to5 bdrmt, ttartlng I t tOf "!!!?z ~'it bll $ It, 1~ fie. 1471. 11119,000. O t Santi Ana AV•. Mii at ... 000 par .ic. 4 8r,ffl\~bar. di~ & 1818to11100. -I.all" dry ICI., POOi. Wtcdyt 031-3520: 6lllt' Buy thlt '"' 17,000 mo. 1 tam '"''· bllOony & ...,,. on Gott Col.II'-. MO. 146wt5111 Wknd•a.48-80•1. bdrm, 1 a.oomptum. d e olc . t o a t Gi t . N11r o o11n, m1tor -.,.-20-/mo--.a--.-.-,-.._--.._- IUy with ..,.., fl'llndt f 1315/mo YffY Ill. A.,.. ahoPC>lnG and enter1aln-l»Mmtd ~ ~ .. ....., llNIYI Tottl co•t 04,000 . Aug 118"93a4 =~~b-= 1>ool, rm.,poot AV911.'.JUty.c.ll Chltmlno 2BR 21>1 cot• t4t4317, $31 ... 416 tltA--.JI.I .... un 11...e1&-04ri fOf..,.,.. ~·~:·1r",.,1:~ ~i·;· ,.,... .......... ,,,, ~.~.-m .. :r.:: .,."Mgmt .... ,. 5-41·71ol5 & 04a-Met . ••••••••~:?r::a...... .... ..... ""' ·~ Newpottll:,"::; a br 1490/mo. I 8r. t ... • HUoe. .. .. ~ ...... 4 ~ ..................... -.... •• ~ oondO, ..,.. -lllWt. ..... owc"~~n;:t;; , """rb..'!ir.at~;;"°', -rtty. NIP.,.. MWrte. -.,, .. --. ""-. ............ -..1. 509 ~ CclM "' bcfl ... 11'60. Avllll .... ft llLL Idle Item• .... , a ""' 440K own1b6cr ..a-1°'" """ ......,,210 .s,~ Olly ,... a. • .,.,.""' T91.. Meiftt. ..a-..a ! ~=A 11"1111 ( I I I I I I l i=,,........_._._. __ -1 ... ""' .......... Ill " , ,...,.., .. • I .. .. ,~,~7A!~0~J '°'. ~ dtY., 11111\1 l&tU """ ...... .... ..,.,It DO IT NbW1 Ail fer IHfr• Your Ollly PllOt S9Nloe Directory ~r.-.n1111~ Ml·Hll, tit. HI ~!e.~!t ............. . Orl11tway1, Parking lot Aepalrt. s .. icoetlng S&S Aephlt l31-41HLtc o.n Hallberg Grading & Pevlng Co RM/coml Lie 397804 842-1720 A1tHHtln .••••...•............. Autornobllt Air Cond Repair 190 Well• Place CM Bonttlcoe 5.(11·6208 ~{'!!~I .......•... BABYSlnlNO·my home, tncd yd. hot mN lt Any· time 548-2674 INF.ANTS & UP D•y or Nlgl'll, S&O/wk Costa Mase 1148-5759 WILL 8.ABYSIT $I/Hr 8 wks·2' • yr• Mon· Fri 6am-6pm C M 642·2995 ~!~ ... '!. -~~~!{~~~ •••••• Woman doe• not rtdlete by body wrap •lone. Cal· lullte & weight Ion Debby Yeaoer 548·2949 SELL idle 11ems with a Dally Pilot Class1l111d Ad ~=~~= .. ............. •• •• ............ • • ............ ••• .. .......... ~fttffr.tlff ........ ft! .. 8 .......... tM,.'11!1 .... uu~· .. ~.-.............. . .. ~ & routfl •Plf'tPY, WAY oo..aTftUCTION Tlln ..... u.. ........ , tto-1nt Home CIM111f!11 """-'· • IM'---·-• I ,_= ~ . ctbl11•11, rotlft 111411· ""9IOOlll • Afdittone T-..-.,,---..., ~ -....-...... ••1 .. 1•1 Clll ,..11'111 COftltrwi..,, ,..,._, lllfctftA:l' a 'Pf ..... lnetllled, ,,.. ---,. °" Hubtr Aoofl.118 II typee, llONI M .. 7111 U IOIOJ IOO -...-.,..,.,._ .._, --. -,..,..,... .._., .. plufft· re4«trtOt& "4..W trimming t plentlng, GO Yf• .._, II\ ,...,.......,...-, • .... ' up lewn renov. 111·1471 -..a---N-.l.,....,.QA-,.-0-1-N-INO ....... -i blflO 11 )'ft 111.,, I.airy Mt-12'4 ., .. 'r• .., Ml· 17'1 Uc. #4 HI02. ~ fl/1!!.hr.ltf........ ..................... MOWINQ • Cl.IAN Urta I )'ft NIJC4M Quellty ·~""-J n..,, 'r':e: Old-IMl'llonld #1...n .... ,....... ._,.9',11 .. 11 .. ·~ l 91Mln clean ,._ •t. Met Pt1oM H&tllno • LendfOtlPtng el rMI ret11 Melnt/ •• -:r.-;;.,..••••••• ,.J:' •J~M· • •0 ••0•t .............. 28 yre •JtP Lio.403141 :rtt::t;;; • .-A.lu••••• Color •rlgMtlltfl, wlll Ollel work I.le. ~7tll. ,r .. 11[ 14l·ll07 ~ 176-IW if*ella~•• _ JM UMftt aRICKWOAK lmall )obi 8ondeO Int Atft COio< IUOOIT AATU 0<pl1 • tO min blHct\ UHS48 J lttie'I Ottdtnlng Yflfd melnt & OIMn·vp Wu. lw.dltn orenemen MAIDI 0,. OAANOI CO ~. Cotta M.... •JtP«1 oa.ot 11 I'll· '-" ~ Sltn tot» OI( Ht11,M11/dlr\ rrntl18:e¥g llW MllTIHTill Cliwln•up&. lrM trlrrt l tobt Lootll ref. 0.y a Since tt•7 Comnvr11 Quality Tttm CIMnlno -l;::Mne:"'.:':'=ll'ef-;;::•::-t::-7-::llo::".3:-:1:-:7-8_1·..::Ch::.::::ar.:d _______ ,':uc~-"-'M-•_t_64_t_·7_N_1 roorn t7 60: Couct1 11CJ: "9imodel ~eakl/Comml malnt ..,..., IJ.40·8035 ...,.. 642·1716 NMI NM1Hl 717·U40 loncMCI, In• '31·1222 Cvttom 8rlOlc·8IOM 1_ It chf II. Ou.,, ellm pet UTIMATll Lie 310229 ••llh• oen.tlll HOVMOi..tllng llock-Conorete·Stucoo r!l!!.~A ••••••••••••• •• ~!••••••••••••••• odor C'1)1 rf9elr II yra M9dllerre~ • • • ltrffllM Wllft4 •••O•lt•••••••••••••• "4111at>le, rel• 10 yr• exp ~•f• fl'rM .. , !Mt.0412 fl'arthln~ lnterlOr Oe.lgn MOBILt Sl!A\ltCC !~ ~ .. 01 '!1oor11l myHll Con11ruc:tl0n Inc IMllJ WPIU MOWlt19. q lng, rilling. DVMlll JOH ff:l-0110 •ft 4 e I le .... II ~ HANO NOllTRIPPINO Rltcrten1/New ICl'MM ....... ..... .... ...-pt F •11 r c wo ... ·ttn• or VIH·M Scott 6411-9326 N81CM 642 .. 562 549· 1971 altl for Joe 1111 YaUtr llrtlt metM. '19· •.•1~"1. " • l Small Moving Jobt Hou..cltanl"" f1tt rllla !Ob•. 100'• local r • No 81Mm/No anampoo Cu ..... .... 64.... .. Call MIKI 14.-;.1311 ble • rH~•bl ... ,,.; •ince 111ee f411·8612 ASA PAPERHANGING IHlll1tl1/ .. mN1 8111; Speclllltl. , .. , ••• .'!:1!.!'M~~·· You .,. lilt Wlnn.r Of K&D Landtc~ Malnl. HAULINO·O~AOINO llt. Call Cllol alt 6PM, "' J 1 yr• local ••P Ou•r ···················a· ... dry. '" .. t 838-1582 l(h. "41mod .. cetamlo Ille, two frM tloltett ($11.001 R"lc:l/Comm CIMn-up. dtmollt1011, Clffll·UP 141·4 Ila •• !!,,f............... work PrlGet llen 11 CBLERICAL ERVI~~ IXCIL CAlllPET CAAE C.~11 Ctll now • ''" value 10 Ult Liit naullng. &41-24'8 Concrete & ,, .. removel. • A8C MOVING • Ill/roll Alec 711 1·7021 PU~~:'!vZir'1.:'2.1'r,11 Jack 8uttlngton e1tlmete. 842·0881 RINOLINO BROS aual wMCllng. remernbl< Oulole Mrv. 142·7131 fJ.~!!!{IJl~I.......... Oulell, Ceretul StNICI Wallpapllf'lng-PalnllrlQ Owner/Ol)Wttor DHil li.ARNUM ' 8AILl!Y th• 3 A'•. ,. ... rellat>i.. HAULING ' MOVING HOUH WATCH INC fl'rff .. umal .. 115?·0410 RH/com'I Scendlnavfan 'r."•*'"' C.rptl, upnol • ., .. rug ••••• !'A.............. 0110•• Rick, 497·3070 Loe.al. Student wltruotl Info • Jllet11. Aft lpm •A·1 llYlll• qulllly. Hllmar 648 7175 • "seRvicE:"&°REP.AIR ... c:i.tnlng Work guar Dteo,allve wattrproof Anaheim Convention Lewi• 1'15·8t80 141·113 18 or &46·162t I/ ~ "--~--FrM £ti. 645-1771 d k C A 11 18 Complttt Lawn cart , Top qutllty Special care 11t11 •1M/1 Van DJ>9«1• ..., • ..,. Co ..,.....---------1 ec: ng. repalrt & rte· tnttt ug • C:INn·UP•. trM ~. Hauling l qutcll cla1n-up. J1•lt1tl1l In handllng 25 yre exp •••••• •••'••••••••••• ~1t4) 8311-466e C.IMtl tl!"AIJI,._ O\l9f •peclallet. Oouglat Long BHch Arena 1 kl Mlle Com"'"tl.tlue Reiff ' I ED'S PLASTEAINO ••• ,.-.1 •• r. ... ;~'···· Field• Co 973.5779 Aug 18 22 epr n "''· • Yd•. geragH, JOb•lltH' ...................... ..-• N t .. ~, ,,, • 131·7670 prop. ~mt ... Ak lOW RATH ouie.e. No ovtrtlm• 730 1353 I ••• pt c • ..., tellur.. ' CARPET ' UPHL CLEA· IL. ,., To Clt lm pe..... cell ""' bid v I . ALL TYPES •••••••••••••••••••••• NER -•II If e42-lle711, ext 272 PH· B I e3 t.OI 'l<rlt e3t·OH3 wa!' ~~~et, ~~~I~ STARVING COLLEGE e45·8258 TILE INSTALLED 3 rm•, 1:>11. vwood fir all .KATA~~·,:.•5••LiVl.jN ... mu11 be exchang9<1 •• '.~.ffl~~•••••••••••• PROF S!RVICI! 714,960.e39e STUDENTS MOVING All Kind• GuerentMO work guar M8·6643 h•llprt, dtlly melO Ntv. tor r.wv.<1 ... , ... box HOME IMP~OVEMENT Htullng. yro C!Mn up co Lie T124·436 PLASTER PATCHING Rel• John 1140-9217 ,._ f tt;" ft olfltt cleanlny, crpt ottlct prior tc perlor. REPAIR-PLUMBING Quick & CIMll FrM .. , Wlllll•l•f. lneur9d 84l·ll,27 Re1tuccoe lntlexl 30 IH IY ti -· • .. ... ,. 8 " mtnee Carpentry, elee:, Ult. Free 173.0641 ••••••• ;..(;. •••••••••• WATCH us GROWi .,,. Neat Ptul 5.(5-2977 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• •••••••••••••• ci.enlng 3..,.2t II Ml No Job too •mall. VANOENBl!AQ ,, )' SLOW RATESS C=~~:°"wZitB~tc ,,._,JI * * * 145-2811 ¥.~~!~!~~f. ••• • ••• . '••nLt A. N0.~9.Al'~2_11""· rff~J~I. • • • •• • • • ••• • • ••~~.!~I. •••.• •••• .. • Trte trimming & removel. •3111057 Rob 647-26&3 :'~R~WALUACOUSTIC•• • • • EXPERT HANDYMAN ROBIN'S CLEANING ;".;, lewn;," ~p~"i "II PAllTIH Pt4erlot '11•'9111 811 ciea;~f-~~'~ow•no C 1 Repelra, MW & OIO 11 a.a•aLYI •llllia• Carpentry • Roofing Service • a lhorougtily trim LIC'd 117ll·ll 14e by Alch d •1 L YOYr lull Ml'Vic. plurvl>tr ~~:r~:.:.•:.:~oc: ~exp Buo 662-9582 -9702 Tetnan """ Plumbing. etc. 642-8013 clean llOuM 640-011&1 1---------2&<>644 ~3 vf';"::'i,ap:y IH·UIO/M0-1212 WI' Cl I I II " ... I s , ••••• -.. -· IOc I I ••• ~.~~---~~'-''····· repar 4.,..,.,12 DRYWALL TAPINO Hunll'lOton Beach LOU' HOME REPAIR Joan• Cltenlng Service " "-"' • C:UI omtrl E ELL ••• ll21 'Let the sunthlne In' All Texturtt & .Aeou•llc You ere Int winner of Eltc-Carpentry-Plumb. Hov .... APll·Rentll• Sod.11~1~11i.t0u& enrubk Tht nk you. 631·«10 1 2,. ~: C•U Sunthlne w indow CONCRETf; WORK & two t1ee UCktlt ($11100) Pluttr·Stucc:o-Petnl Ollloet 640-12117 lntta .,..,., r wor p•1NTER NEEDS "'ltr ,,,._, tft BLOCK WALL AEP~R 'r" HI Ke¥1n 876-9088 I velue 10 tilt Rut prlc;et e't3 ee33 only IOOkt t ll$>9ntlvt. ,. C1t1mng lid 548·811S3 171·52711 •11 5PM " • Ne9d • maid or • n... Chtcle our pr\cet before WOAKI 30 vr• exp Intl I ATLAS PLUMBING & 2~ Monthly Otecounl D--r1-11 .. -.-p-.-11-01-.-w-.-1-111-F-,..-•• !!!~'!.'.'.•••••••••••• B~~~G~~ ~:~~y 8en't complete me.Int keeper? Hrly or wkly? you t>Yyl LIG 20451e Extel' Acoutllc eetllng1 HEATING • Spac1ehz1ng •FtNESJ IN O C * Ell No job too tmtll ELl:CTAICIAN -Priced & home Improvement For compl MrVlc;ee, clll Cell Judy. 8411-1551 D•vl• Pllnllng 647-51eel in Reptlra & Rep••et· Ron' Window wun1ng 5311-2607 r ight. lree Hllrnete on OIRO•I Mfv 964·523 l Vlt )o Strvlc;e .Aiy U.J4'1 lettlll II•., HOU8EPA1NTING 1 ment \714) 645-l688 Rn1d Reta 830-7711 I ti '"'b Anaheim Convention 973 """" boft"..,.. b" t Ct•llllllll C.•lll/ Lie 39ee21. 1173·0359 Center Aug 5· Ill Plumb , Ortln Cltenlng. of Calll Brick-Block· Tllt·Conc· Call Bruce 972•0116 • •••,•• •••• ti ••• ~•••••. L1111t Mist Mullet HI on • erge or •m• I" • Carpentry, Cablne11. """""'• ,..,..... , In & out Free esl 1 •••'4111••1 1ul1 0 0REMOOE~fAo0:oNs·· LIC'O ELECTRICIAN Lon~~·'f~:;en• Elect . Tiit. Rett ,_T_l_R_E_O_O_F_H_A_S_S_L_E_S_?_ ~k~~ ~··e.1:~:i lnlfE•I loweet retea Utt ...... , ........ .i. !~.~:r' a~~o~~.~·,~~n! & Ctrpentry Llc'CI 26 Ouel work ~ Rau rate• To c1a1m pes1e1. cell 966·01'9 Rell1ble cleaning help le prompt, neat eervlce 10 Fiee 891 ReH priets Da1ty Piiot ClasstlleO yra exp lrwln 548-2719 Free est 631·507? Tom 11'2·5e78. e.111 272 PH· JOHN THE HANDYMAN htrel Rel•. 980-7462 URICH'S LANDSCAPE yr• In are• 848-5684 Ouel work Lie 337169 secuon about MIU Mut-t bt M.AINT complete main. 631-23.(!5 Fine Ftnlan9d Carpentry ELEC'TAICIAN ses mue ••changed Plumblng·elec·odd Jobs HOUSECLEANING service, It lndecpng, , Int/ext Honest, sober. let a Tulle! and bought 11 Remod Spec R•nd•ll Sml Job11Repalra LIC ~%craesep":~odr "1o''•p•etrbtoor~ Free est1ma1ea 760-7881 By Scandinavian 1-•dr cltan·~P• Oeoroe Chrtsllen. Prompt Gd 1111•1 S11•it1 Yloorur$9tu91!>1et Y~nud celontsMolfl Lie 419587 720-1211-0 233108·C·10 546-5203 c Exp'd, 548-211' I 542.•100 refs Free fft 851·6878 •••••••••••••••••••••• u mane• ompare before you buy. "" PROFESSIONAL RE· 01t111r 1t11ngs throuon Call Now• b42·5678 Want Ao& C&JI 6'12~678 ••• .~-~~---~-- CllS!illed makea It easy SELL Idle llem• with a 11"' "'11711 SELL Idle llama with • SUMES & CAREER Deily PllOI CIUallled 842·56711 I Dally Piiot Ctaulfled Ad Sell idle llem1 .. c-<> Daily Piiot Clesalfled Ad. COUNSELING 851-0700 Ada Call 642-5678 DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non-re~ E•tra ltftff St.00) 3 3DAYS LINES CLASSIFIEDS 642-5678 A,.1t•••l1 A,.,,.,.~, A,.tt•tn!r Ap'11•tn!• IH•• 4000 IHl1J1 I• lh11 4300 lt•l•I• I• 1'•11 4300 011/t• l1•t1J 440f I Olflt1 IHlll 11001 l•llHH U•l•1•i1tttl V11/ur1111Atd V11/a11111ltd Unl•rn11lt~tJ •• • • ••••••••• •••••• ••• •••••••• • ·••• ••••••••• •••••• • •••• ••••• ••••• • •••••••••••• • ••• •••••• ••••••• ••••• ••••• ••••• O t .,.. SOOS •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••• •••••••••• •••••• •••••• •• ••• • •••• • •••••••••• •··· •·••••• Pool tennis, take club, Roommate wanled male. MIF to lht my E aide C M e..ceUent Ontc. • Up to ••• !fr.!.!~!;"•••••••• Coll• /11111 JIZf Cllll /11111 JIZf L•1.1N 6Hti 31flllllrtf111 .. lfi 3161 wHh8f/dl')'er lull El Toro 10 shr 2Br apt, C M $250 noun Lrg rm Opt 4000 eq It 1801 Newport '00·900 PLUS 1400 tq 11 Join lhe IHder in the •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •• ••••••••••••••••••• •••• ••••••••••••••••• house pr1v '"urns $280 mo George e.t2-6381 rvrn laundry tac. $325 Blvd c M 64S·2111 Ask Pertthous.8 Baytronl Sui ,.1 1 h Large 3 Br 2 Bl Town· Ltrge 1 Sr Easllide. na-ICUIFllOIT Spec 38R2BI lplc,ger Isl & IHI 588-4038 Iv 8'6·7673 1or Joe 18· parking. P9110• ~_:"Obu~~.~ ~~ house In quiet comple•. turel wood beamed ce4· Most elegant ept bldg beach ? blk• S900 yrty msg Prol 10 shr Condo. hOUM. . 673-1003 ""' large pool, gerden set· lings & c1blnels LJghl & 1n Laguna Beach. finell No pets 1145 '1682 all amenities s2es C.111.1111111•14350 Desperate must rent! Ole -------i eptrklt .. ater treelm«lf'I ting S67S 8•5·3381 a11y $410 851-9522 locauon In town bretth· 38 M/F 1 room avall lum/ 862·2'49. 966·8479 v;;,;,;·c;••••••j•• .. ••1 lull or pan time. 19tn St . leare Bone ot11ee apace/I ~:~'e7'~ d•:1•~ la~~ d 675 5949 blwn 3·S 1ai..1ng views all bulll·lne r ?Ba lrptc. garege unlurn lull hte prtv 'Ii aBragep or SIO· C M Xlnt front olc loc storage spece Balboa 0 " rJ ; ' 8 $530/mo 2 Br ? Ba 2 tltlr•· 1 ..... · bch 673-2571 OAllOL LH •AllY 15th St Cell 1·771·2078 l e•P•• nee Wiii train --h • 8 1 8 d · p 0 0 1 • new dec;or, yrly 2 bike to u!U Sl56 mo. 631-5510 • • • rage on ti en1n Nr 540-1287 Island 200-400 sq 11 I range oas area no 'Townhouses. car ports, sub -garage elevator $275 mo, nicely turn ---CdM OFFtCE SUITE Sl00-$200 mo Call Mr $50 1)00 11111 amoun1 I $460 mo $250 eecurlly Lease onty S850 g up IUOOll IAY w h d kltch 18121 Pllmen Lene I """ Pemberto n I 2 I 31 .· pa11os. at bll·tns. tndry includ1ngu111111es 330Cllfl0r 49'·8083 Her, ryer. en Huntington Beach Oflit1l1•l1I 4400 Approx"""' sq It New 511.1n• reqd, 5ome 11n1nc1no rm small pet ok Won't Call Betn 63t .5230 AMrapt, Bayfront hOme privHeges . pool No You are the winner 01 •••••••••••••••••••••• crpts/ drapes & pttnt -1 ave1l11ble Wtll t1el $40 last• • • • t bdrm, 1 ba. urn 1ncl'd ~~~~1ng.:_~~5;;a1e stu· two lree uolo.ets ($l8.001 EXIOtTIYE Simi I $475/mo 551-6t30 lalialll l••l•I 4450 000 plus Call collect TSL Mgmt 642· t803 Lg8 2Br 2ba condo Nr IAlll IAYIS Tennis 111a11 $675 per value 10 the IRVINE Phone enewe· E1tec Furn Suite prime •••••••••••••••••••••• Mon-Fri 9·6PM Ask for All 5. 6'2-622 t o Cst Most ulll pd 1614 tow• St A month yeerly E side c M Furn pvl RINGLING BROS flng cont rm. ut11 pd, NB loc Phone ~nd co· Oll1ce and Laboratory I _Tim 40811167·011 t Fireplace pool dish· AIC. pool. spe $575 Costa Mesa 675-8689 room kllch & garage BARNUM & 8AllEY sctry servs, etc .Also pier av&ll $?25tmo space up to 7500 sq It Club assoc11t~ needed washer pvt patio X LG 832• t 766 You are the wlnne< 01 $500tmo t Br t ea apt P" v $ 2 2 5 Re Is 01110•1 detk space $I SO/up 966· 1 779 640-6? 15 6'5·21! I Ask tor Joe I New concept Trips. Garden 2 Br $5110 •Clean 2Br. t8a condo two free tickets (St800) aneslsd gerage lndry 646·8!83 Antl'le4m Con,,.,-i11on 5'0·9745 (eve) ' Retall 91or-ti 2e50 Av-;,; cru1MS, dtneere perties 557-28.(1 nr S.C Plaza. SA 1495 value to 1ne lac ctose 10 t>eacn Cat Costa Meaa. College Prlt c.n1er A119 S-16 520 sq It St oo per eq S1 16'0 sq II plus 8 etc $l25 invesl se®red ----------< mo No pets 752-5822 RINGLING BROS Ok no dog• $250 incl ulll 557-2783 Long Beech Aren• 11 3975 Birch N B IEWPORT OEITll car gerage 641 8777 Earn lnousanos ot U N~a~a t8~~~~:i;';o:I ~~~. BEAUTIFUi-2 Br 2 ~ BARNUM & BAILEY II TSL Mgmt 1142 1603 all 7PM Aug 18-2? Agant 54 t·S032 Full Service Suites under unique multl·level carport. relroge. water Meu Verde, t 100 ~It 0111011 Steps to bch. yrly 3Br 2ba ' To claim puaet, c ell 1617 Wfftclllf NB 256 SOIT OtlTSI C•••11till PI an M r Franks paid I child ok. no pets !pie lndry, P•llO, dsh· Anaheim Convention I new 1>111nt Sll50t mo 1.'.'}!,.JI!!!!!! ••• !.'.~ 642-5678 e1tt 272 PH· 10 ,000..,. 11 1st floor S625 · e>c.an View l1•t1l1 441S 960 " 6866 5 •?· 90 ' 7 $ c: Le.I\ ses must be e•ch1nl"MM'4 -.. All you need for one • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •50/mo 5.45-2000 wsr. gar. no peta • .,'IV Center Aug 5·16 63t-5903 IUWI ••m """' Agent 5'1·5032 monthly ...... 1 OFFICE o• ... ,, Agent no lee 3094 Mace 546-40t6 Long 8e~h Arena 1--for r-ved -••at bOx ,...., " " Hive e hlohty p.ol1t1ble ano t>Nu1nu1 Jean snoo of your own FMturlng tne t•ltsl 1n Jeans.~ Aug 18_22 Step• to beach 2Br 1Bt Wkly renttl1 now avail ot11ce prior 10 perfor· 640-5470 1n n-bldg on COtst 2,!;, ~.~~~·~r:f'dr= 2s~oRvet :•P=~j!~~ ~ cletm PUHtl. call ::C';ar'~'!, ":!,,;.''~~ !~!~.! ,";',0~~or2Jl, mane. OttlCe or Oeek epace fur-~~ 55~rih~·~~n:.:. No pets $4.(0/mo 1950B Meyer Pl (House 2•5678 ext 272 Pu-.;tew S750tmo yrly Raf Newport81vd CM • * • nlthed or unfurn Pteit lenl private perking nims SoorJ,~ear 8 900 10 S'12 900 1nc1 • 5.(9.9950 In beelll $525 & Oep. r mull: exchtnged r~ 675-7907 1146-7445 !Lua Dana Pl v-COOdo CO e I I H w Y N S t>e'\1nd bldg $525 mo 549·3484 or rnefV seats at b0• 1----lor 3 mo muter suite ./ ""~--645·7'74 Turner AISOC 494·1 t77 NEW BREED APTS office pt1or to per tor· Verse1lle1 PH Studio 8 [ I CH ARE A with Ir pie pl sp1 .;,_.. _,.. ~w;;;~G:;;t;~~~;j~iiiiiiii.i~iiii.iiiii.iii. 1 Br & loll t Br Bacto Condo 2 t>r 2 ba, lull r.c mance unty gym $500 n t-.(96-2661 M4·9539 ./-Wanted \0 sublet ·~ of t>eoinning 1n\lentory. ••· lures anCI 1r1in1ng You may have ioi.ir store ooen 1n 81 llllle H 15 days Cell anvume From $350 Fr pie rec I f1c1I F•trvl-& Seger· • • • 31 ·337 t. 559-0353 $ · .I l..,_ approx 720 sq 11 oltice Plll•E room pool, spa gu & st r om $ 5 5 O mo JJ/Wk LIVE AT THE BEACH ~~ .. ....:,::--space. profese1on11 de· O I waler paid No pet& 393 5'8·8495 • • • LIDO DElUXE 2 Br lrplC I Female 10 there Stlbol ./ signed. eacepHonel 0 II IA IR •Al H 8 m 11 1 0 n c M ia•y wa•aa• 1ro brick P•llO OR Adl11 K1tct1enelll·M••d·Poot ISiand hOUN ,285 incl ....,. ""''"" ocean v1-F1e~1ble ror Oll1ce sptce lor lease MR HARTLEY t-800-527-6443 64b-«lt 1 Sr $390, stove/ refr191 .,. •-... S1050 1175·6359 Nwpt Blvd & W1leon uUI 875•9142 pr 1 v • c y Pho n a South aid• ol l'lognway la1i•lll W1•1H501Z pool No pell Adult apl 1724 N-port Hilla W Coste Mese 548-9755 544.4140 Call Deen Rttnbun •• •••••••••••••••••••••• 423 W 8af 548-95t6 N-port Beech * BAYFRONT * !Prof Rmmt Male $?35 67!>·6000 tor details. a t WANTED 50% par1ner1 ____ .;_ _____ I You are the winner 01 PVT SUITE/GARAGE l•-ll lntlll 4JOO (Lag Hltl. l l95 (Sente Executive olltce suite. I investor lor presently I AYAIUILE ltwl two free tickets ($lB 001 RESPONSIBLE N·SMKA •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 Anal plus '1> ulll• Pr1v1te •IELUH OfflOES* corner of 405 Fwy Near ren1ed. w e1t-1oc9led 1 bdrm. cerport. pool. value 10 the $750tMo 673-1521 S.I I Br aleeps '· acrost the home. non •mok er From 1 room to 3 rooms Harbor Blvd Telle 0\191 S•orege apace 385 sq" Orange1ree condo Take laundry No Pe11 Bike 10 RINGLING BROS 9PM ttreet lrom beach 83t.1198 From $1 16 1 sq h No lease 1600 sq 11 at 90c alarm system. cell all taA and depreciellon 8eaulllul Qtrden epts Beach• '425/mo 93t w BARNUM & BAILEY S29S/wk 675-5068 1 leaM reQulred Adj Air· II Call 751·6191 !>48-3l82 benaflts tor montl'ly Pauostdecks Heat p111d 191h St CM OlllOIS 2Br ~81, frplc, pool & S E Older respectable tm· I ~ 1 • I I 1 14500 negauve 1nd smell equ1-No pets I retr1g $650 mo LIDO I L • 3Bdrm. lam ployed lemtle wesi clltt porter •nn 2l72 Dupont Fountain Vallay Ollice .~'!~.'.!!~ ... !!'.! ••.••• I ty down Stse<l on actual We!itFll!ld. APlllnlllTS"' 2 Br 2 Ba S565 541-0412 Anaheim Convention 6'6·5625. 6•6·31?? r5m35. 0 2 0B8.-S t00fd0Y July area. to snr 'home Lv Call AM 833'3223 aspa1c1 e.G2o500od eq9xfpt oas'u60r8¢ N B 3975 Birch 3660 sQ mid· 198 t purchase price 398 W Wilson 631·5583 B I Citnlet Aug 5-16 1 er 1 ea yrly ... ugusl cein· msg 6-'2-68.ie IUlllflL d 55 2 33 ••t •JI•• Long Beech Arent front 1 br t bl , S300 QOOd parking Talbert i. II or less MIA zone ptl 7 1419 • 0 or E side cute studio apt I a. 3140 A•"' t8·22 $550/mo week Biii Grundy, Rllr. M/F to inr my NS ocean IEWNllT OEITIR Brook h u r ·,, C '11 Agent 541-5032 I 759. 107 t Ktreo vaulted celllngs. pvt pa-•••• !~!~•••••••••••••• To ctal;•pesaee. c all 1173·3355 675-6tll1 front nouse $325 With ult ol reception, 751·6191 S750 up 2160 11 lndu·1 /•rt1l•••I ~Oii $4g~1/~~ Joyce 1550/mo Near beach 642-5678, ext 272 p ... Clllfheven 2 Br 1 8• P•· 646-7380 leallt meg con! room kltcn. phone, strtal . Office t808t Re· o ... ,, •• ;tr SOIS a ze, · new crpll 2 Br 2 Ba. no MS mu!I be excnenged 110. garage, etc Ideal for WIEILY llEIYALS Laguna ch,rmer 1340 eecrett rlel & word pro· IEWNIT IUCM dondo Circle •E Hunt· ••• ..i;'";•••••°' .. •••••• Sparkling clean. 2 Br I'• Pe' s 113 3 . 3 30 7 . tor reserved seats •I bOx retired couple No pell Avallable Agl 875-11170 mo, 2 BR. 2 blk• to ceu1n9 Mall & me11~ llEllOU UTtl mgton. Seacn 11'2·21134 1 lnYtSfor's Wa1t1..1 Sa $490 Fenced. u11t1 642-1339 office prior to parlor S' 7 5 1 m O Ye 11 r I Y NB 1&2 Sr. weekly, Slept t>tech 497.2e2t serv eveH Mptrllely If No deposits' Luxurious _,;;...______ g paid Refrlge 2 smell WIUFFUTIIH mince 548-5306 10 bell s275 up Great Clestred Call Judy new ofllcH including OFFICE WlllEMOll( Poss1b1l1ty of pert· children ok, no pets * • • E 11 1 1 1 locale 75'·0938 Prof M/F, 23·30 to shr 7 1'1780-0tOO recep11onl11.' •nswerlng Approx 2000 IQ 11 Nr n8f1h1p 1960 Wallece 6.42• 4905 1 1 & 2 Br Discount on •ecu ve ocean ron IP condo In NS Own bath. 1._1T IUOI I service conttrence Crown Valley Pkwy & Esteb cn1m business some models Pool, Spa Sml sludio walk 10 lown 3 Br 3 Be w/elevator Laguna College nr beech ger. frplc S36Stmo ~.,.,.. room. etc 752-6408 Forbes Rd M1u1on Via-opening In central coast $500/mo 2Br 2B1 apt Gym Seunt etc beach $300 Avail 8/l Unbellevablt $2200/mo Sipe II. $350 wk (Aug/ Conlttt Ralph d•Y• Execu11ve oftlce In Can-1o (7t415'5·0215 area Pteese cell enclsd garage. patio 8'6-0e t9 499.5022 673-t282 Sept I WINTER $650/mo 641-0977 ext ?19 or ev/ nery Vllllgt. $450/mo Newpon Airport Area 400 11051528·301 t for lnlor· lrplc, tndry ltc Submll $400 !urn or unfurn 1 Br Nr nu. by LIOo. 2 Br 2 ea. 49,-0077 wtmd 631-0624 BrOlter 1175.,912 to 2400 sq fl office Approx 2500 sq 11 olltee mallon on pet M •-a. 3111 1 1 1 sptce from 90c s/I in· 11nd wertl'lse spice ---------TS M 64 603 1 pool spa t11992 Florid• l!r.,11 -•t• rplc. pauo cp I 501 no Vttill•• IHtlll 4ZSO Lrg Npl noma Prof M Airport ., .. • Exec Sul-eluding Janitor service Central Costa Men HELP ME · OUICK• L gmt ?·I 8.(2.283• 842-3172 •••• ••••••••••••••••• pell $695 975.0097 •••••••••••••••••••••• non-•mkr. 211·35 Avtll let From 225·450 ~ II A/C. etc Im med occu: Fenced yd .Av111 now Need S?OOO now Offe- EASTSIDE 2 Br 1•, Ba • NO FEE• Apt & Condo OCEANFRONT 2 & ' Bt n 0 w 1 I 3"' O O I t n e S 1 per sq It M1ny xtru $800 6'"' 0880 ring 24% APR O""t ii lownhoun. enclsd 08• Near beech 2 Br 1•;, Be. rentals V1ll1 Rentel• Aero•• from beach ., pancy Lse or mo/mo per mo c · ,. rage trplc. smell pet ok crpte drps, bit-Ins. frplc, 675-.(91? Broker Stuo101yr1y Poot. enct :;~~73".;~~Y lhf\.I 631·126& Cllfl 557-70t0 540-2960 1300 ~ 11 ,,25 !~:':°. ~'~~~ 2c:11 Gr.al loc encled ~r:r, $595/mo o•r $39S. 640-5078 Need teme'-roommate 10 4 deluxe ollic.1. 91reteglc 1•"" ~ " $"7L C "' 1E·-n m .. *''""'' a•u ovv .... " ii .. 642-4300 24 hr! TSL Mgmt 642-1803 ell 53 ' NEW g11::"20 Town· ,,. c1 .... ,. 3116 UIE AllllOWHUI sh.,. wttn aeme 1 blk loullon on eeacn Blvd 17870 SKYPA~ CIR· Front olflce large raar --------- S'TUNNING lerge t Br •HllHI Wlll nome VILLAGE COM -N~~;·~~·;•Bdr~··;~; HOME lrom be:fs1J1: ~1~/~~1.~"rs:"r:q 'r. CLE. Suite 101. 600 SQ gc:;, t;:~.~3h~t~i~r t.,~•. ~~~T\~s~.T~·.f'l~,c garden apt, pool & rec Lge? & 3 BA townnouae MUNITY. 2 & 3 Sr 2'~ wtlh bullHnl. carpeting Sleept 8, tennla, swim. * B•YFAONT • Ownr 213-450·6555 ft. glau part Furn tvail 6.41·0681 pre paid lnl lor 1 Y' 60°!• rm S425/mo 7 10 W apta, y1td1, encl gar. Ba t600· 1800 SQ ft ol & drapee, leundry fecillty, hike, fltl'I non-smkr only " Utillty Paid $600 per mo ---lotn to vtlue. NB re11· 18th St !pie, hook-ups Nr Hunt pure lv1ury Geragu. under roof cerpona and No Pets Kid• o K wllly PVT SUITE/GARAGE 213-553-4260 1100 al whse w/ole, wt dance 645·' 199 Hrbr from $575 CM· apes In every home • public tennlt court• & & wtmd r•les 6.40-9734 RESPONSIBLE N·SMKR •IEWPlllT* So Laguna 81 3 .Arch Bey tollel, o/h door $335 Lii .. , 1h14y l11tltoa,e dren OK 840-6807 master tulle. dining golf couree right behind $750/mo 673-t52t Bel Airport Area, exec SYiia 500 ..... 11 with gooo n""" 350 al otc & whse. w/ llltlflJll, 'IHll 2 Br a Ba vwt gerage Oeluwt 3 Br crpta, drps. rooms, wood burning property Cloee 10 eve-Locel Mountain Cabin 101 9PM expands. classy eurroun· vlatbittiy 497_2351 •. , tollet, oth door, ulll pd DHll S'3S S!595. 1Br. poolslde wt It replaces, micro-wi ve rythlngl 13n"'tmonth rent. close to lake, 11eep:i B h dings. prot atmo1phero. S200675·6251 •••••••••••••••••••••• $495 t I "" blt·ln1, Obi ger, w/d hk· I t I & "" 12 848·8456 eve. Npl c roommate nff• EWPORT CENTER 01 I gerage , rp c. povo. up 5700 Call 536-0921 ovens. pr va e pal o• AvtJlable Auguet l5. one ded S:l2!5/mo. MIF. hH 120 to 260 IQ II Of· N • li•llll WHIH 4600 ••• UTilll sPp•a 1 . 10 1au 1 n 3 d 9 ry 5 . SNt 0 udplo 81 w 1 t 1_.;..... ________ yarde,gerdener provl· or two •dull• only & no lt•l•I• I• liul 43H Lori 64e.7310 fleas & detk 1p1ce from flee space. 1167 1q 11 4 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••rtiaa• O.. l1t. ARLINGTON APTS d9d. Elegant llvtng only pets Call owner at (7l4) • ••••••• 285/mo Including conl pvt oflloes. Lg reception, M phologrepner, 3'. 5411-2447 Oulet 1pec1ou1 town· 15 minutes from Fuhlon 5,2.0138 .... i"" ···•• tt •• Reep. fem to snr 28' apt rm•. receptlonltt. ant· 1upply room. Telex & seek a room In quiet Spectellzlng In 1•1 & 2nd l'IOUN 2 er I''> St Neer Island, 7 mlnutea to SC '' ••••• wf1ame. W IO, pool. wtrlng eervlct, lot• of word proceuor facll home In NB, CM Prefer TO's tlnce 1949 be' ch I 5 2 5 / mo Pina or Q,C.Alrporl 2 br, 1 •.r, ba, Block to Contact largut Gey $215 mo 64&-2732 ptrtllng. WP & Tix evell. $1 80 ,... 1/1. Mr Green Robt Sattler NH/CM lllU..:ll811-.BftU 960·8656 Just Hal of Newport beecn P•lfehlldrtn OK Mele Female eervict In 1133-99711 844·9e00 w/prolestlontl couple, RE Broker Bd RMllOt't ~ u ltl ---------I Blvd. & '° 01 San Diego $450 974.7225 So Ctllf. 540-e718 F rmmate to find end non-1mokers 53e-2483 142-217t 545-0911 APlflTllEiJ1 • AVAILABLE NOW Fr w y $ 9 o o / m 0 there apt or coodo S3001up Carpet•. drtpa, Full MtVIC9 officff, Hunt· eeeutllully lendeeaped 2 Bdrm 1 beth apt neer 831.5439• 2473 Orange Deluxe olO Spanl1h, lg• 1 • • • 545· 18e8. e44-11116 air 17301 Beacn. H 8 lngton Beh $375 mo l11J•111/l•Hll/ lllT LI• gerden ap\I POOi & Spa S.ach/Yorktown 1 chlld Ave .. Cot1a Meta br. 2 b•. din rm. lrplc HI •&IHI Joen 842·2134 (714) 846-5581 Fi•••n Tnere ere 11veral OP· Covered parking No olc No pete Water paid 1----------1475 496'7161 111829 Santi Mar11 Fem. looking 10 find & lhr snare office or desk. Furn. •••••••••••••••••••••• Ilona rather than fort· pelt $425/mo 545·2000 11• J•H Founteln Valley a Pt w Ith M I F NB *SUITE DEALS* Phc>Me C0c>1tr p,..1~ l•llHll closure WllllOut COii or 1 Br S.476 Agant, no fM You are the wtnne< of 8411-5294 Cerrle o c Alrporl ., .. Prof loc In Herlllgt Benk n...na•l'-SOOJ obligation. get the lecta, 131 E tllth 646-661e 1·2.......;e""r-1-·~-B-a-.-$3-ll-6_+_S3_85_1 ••• ~'.1!!~1.'.".! •••• !.~~! two lree tlc«et• 1s 111.001 ·environment, ruu eerv1c9. bldg , Adam• & Men ••• "";n;;; ••• ;'•••••••• tnen decide which plan .._ C d ,.,_,,_., 2 •~ •-~ v1~ to tht Rmmatt wanted Em · Verde Or c--acoeu Dluetl•ll•d wllncomt ? would be belt fOf you ;J'er ;!:!<xi r~ef;;;; COUNTAY CLUB LIVING _,_, -••t RINGLINO BROS-ploY9d matu,. llbtl'el M Of no fr1H1 lndtvlduel of· lor clltnl 1ci;;j' for con-Eun USS apart/full· Cl rel• Home Loent, • 1 Br redecoreted '416/mo. plut $200, utll pd, no pet•. pool. ldltl Nr Beacn Blvd & Mc· Al~~t~~~Tr~~c:nt p,'~,.~· •. ~d~r11~1~~ BAANUM&8AILEY 28 '· 28•· Leg Sch ~'!'J:/:::~1 ~5g sul\ant.rMlnteta,lneu· time dlttrlbutorthlp & 1114r1:ei.k29~•n do r ""• d .. en No pat• _.. lllOll 4t4"4211 FR'"''. 7'""·8"78. rence or acctg $200 Utll HIH, fut ell growing r v apertment community on nltrtat.... ptrtl•• con· ~ ... • 646-9243 & e93·4894 the upper Bey Privett tec:t Rick 493.4207 .Anaheim Convention Fem prel'd lo tflr lge hM pd ~56-9260 nutrition &rogram Tral· Treot your Old atulf '°' 3 Min 10 betl, 38, 2,1\Sa, clubhOuH end heellh 1----------Center Aug 5-11 nr 9 Cit Plaza Fplc, -tn-nlng call ten Valltnder naw goodlt• wlln a f d .p ••• t-ntt oourt•. 7 A,.il•••lf t.•••ld'4 L°"i B4ectt Aran• -tblor, lge yard 1260, nsw •-Want Ads Cell 642·56711 530-1212 Ext oeo CIHlllled ad 142-64178 for qu .. t mature wondng l----------couple 548-76119 IP&Olllt 1 II Swimming pool, Clf!M- ttd, dflPH . Cltan & bright, 1tov1/ov1n & dlep. $340 549.41121. 73 t -1829 ~gt EHlllde daluxt giant 1 Br. hugt wtllk-ln CIOMI. lmmac .. W/D hookup , g8fllOI' *'426/mo. Cr•'9 Re/Mt.11131-0213 '*Meta Verde 2 Br 1 Ba Ntwly ralu r t111ned 1416/mo N o peu. 83S-tt74 1111t"·2 ... 2 eNklren OK. no Pf1•. 557·1'34. f4f.t241 l'lnd whet l::~' I n o.lfY Plot . rPlc. bl ett ger. petlo, " -· .,. • "" na7,........ W-'1_..,......,nt-" tt-I s ees mo t·521·3004, pool•. cloM to bullneee. 11 Uala111 ''°' uo. 1""" • ., ...,.,..., • ~ .., 0 ...... w T ~-.4833. 1·738-3395 alrporl. Fuhlon lllano. ·········u······,.··,······· ~2 c;,11·~"'9 PHHI. call Miii KawaHkl na.d• • ~ri view ~Oll 1 · 000 : Convenient thopt on ·u • ex1. 272· Pu-M•I• proteotor/htlper eq. 1 DELUXE 3 Br. 2 8L In tit•. unturnllhed bache-YILLAI! ... mull be exch:'C rmm•te 1n upac:alee N.8 &45-7'00 ! ~k~~~·. ~~~~~·db~'~!~: :~~!,!..~rm 'Pl• tnd New t&2 bdrm iuxury ~%~~, 9:"p:~for~ :.~:o~"t A~u~~~":r1:1~ C::-~."::i1~~~·2~5~' :~8: 1 ~ f'fclc SUO No ptlt ™O . $1000 •Pl• In 14 plane. 1 Bdrm manc;e. legH. $400/mo C ell Hwy. 875-1900 : ac 6 0·44114 alt 8 M·F S9Veral baehelotl and 1 from 1515, 2 bdrm fl'om • • • Ell11n dyt/m111aoH m•rlYI ·-I -t: DELUXE 2 Br. 2 Ba. In Bdrm unit• f .. ture fine 1570. TownhouM from 8 3 6 • e 4 4 8 • I 11 t I -ts• J USt by sending US )'OUf name 80d 1 . 4-Ptex, crptt, drpe, bit· dHlgner furniture end $840 + poole, tennl•, Your ad eppear1 In 1140-1002 881 Oowr. NI. 831·3eS1 lni, enotld 0.,, hle·usn. ecoeuorltl Move In to-waterftllt, pond•I 011 claNlfi.d within Fam. 20,,.0 to ihr 2 ... , ·····-_ _. addreSS and by Watching fOr yOUf •52• No-· ·~" ~48" dav °' r....-ve for eum· for cooking & lltallno b t " ~ " •• -f •b I lfl d d r th :11 e'M·P,.,..... '.,.."""' '" mer monthe. Smtrlly paid. From 81n Olego ndoun, DO w• 9-t bl, E'CM houu w/ &tout~ ofllCel 1,000 ft 08 me R " e C aSS f' 3 S 0 e furnlehtd mod•I• open "rwy drive North on a can be NIM.~ ywd. ~· to 1,UO ft, AttrlQt. Mii Dally Piiot. · /nf.t 3144 dally. AelOh to Me,IC!dtn 10 canc1lltd tu1t H ok. 84M211 maintain.ct bld1g . N"' ...................... 8 ea w I II d v 11 1 • g. quickly wb.n you W..it quiet ,.on• non-Hoeg Ho1plll • CpttJ 1 8,., Orangetree condo, On Jambo(M Rd al (714)893-81M pt lht .....m. you imoker to •hr roomy mini bllncl1. Dff~•t•a lllOllly ut>Oredtd. AC, ,... San ~uln HUit Rd. want.. t11Uqu.• fill.ct ~ooltld• pieing Prof. tnYll'Otiment lrTo. D/W, pool. epa, 1,..,..1100 P~ wtio need PIOPlt ft--ua.•"'' 1n ....... ., ... 1464313 tennl•, 14315. Meggie ~ Thtt'I what 1111 HtVt ru rHd today'• ....,....,., ..,. -d.;9 4114-f.411 llQI. Sell~.... Delly 9ER~~"o:~i<>AY ~~fl::.:~·~::. 8~~! J.\.~o:a~~· ~oi:_; H~ ... ~~~'! Ill? Cl8Mlfltd Ada 642·5'71 Piiot Want Ad• I• all abOutl b#gelnll In towN \.llM 831 .. 117 _ ....... --" l Porfurtber lnlormation r~ advettltlng placement it• the sehoOle a: lnatructiona · Directory -call LOulee Griffith 642-5678 ext 330 PEllSOllL GOIPITEI CUSSES ,., ....... ni Lean ltew tt ,,.,... la 111101 • Theee 3 week cl._ dealgntd tor OWMrt ot Texas tn1trument1 Ind all other home computere uling BASIC language. • Saturday• and T Th. Cl ..... In Coata Mesa ltarttng July 3111 or Aug. 3. Total tulllon only '380'. CALL 081PITEll TITOll 844-771 l-·- t CAMP'S IN! FOIA FUN FILLm SUMMER TREASURE ISLAND DAY CAMP In lh 11th Yff' Call 545-514S or 760-0907 Free transportation lohrsta ..... leocllO....,. Arh.HMclcrcrfh Story Mn. ExcirsiOM Field Trtpa lori"9 ··c. , .. Of'•noe Ooaet DAILY PIL.OT/Tuetd1y, July 27, 1082 !Jene vance Cen r • BALt.ET •TN' • JAll • TRIM TO RHYTHM• AER081CS • CHU.DA ~N • TEENS • AOUL TS ................ Cln1t1 I '•JO!™IWlf.1 l '"'J.""~ -·~~ .... -'62·5440- ••••••••••••• e PRIVATE TUTORING e • Al Aces • Al Grades • • INSTRUCTIONAL 81!RVICE8: • Rftdlnc • Ml&Mmallal · Study • Skilla • TUTORING DISTINCTIVES: • • Individual ln•tructton • Puaonaliud. Procvvnm•na -~&ed Ac~t • -TEACHING OPTION&: • • Individual or Sm.all Group • O.y or Eventn,. • Appolnunenm Deily, Weekly or aa Needed. SPECIAL TOPICS: • Math Cor Parents. Speed Read In& for. • Adulu Engl111h Litt'tature Serlea (DllcUISion Group) • • TUTORING SCHOOL: • Special Year-round Tutorln& School • Grades 4 to 6 · Verl Wnuted Enn:>llmenl • • IRVINE TUTORING CENTER • &.t1ntto 4 TRAVEl AGENT Momjna, afternoon & evenin1 claaaes. P aci/k :J,a1111/ :S~fwo/ 610 l t 7Hi St. s.to Au (714) 543.9495 hl.-tltllt4 ltU f'1 nunl'lul Aid l'rol(ram' Accrt'<llt\'d by fh~· A~1:t't'<111in11 C11mm1~,lon of the N1 tton11I i\wl('111tt0n nr Tn1dt' & Tt•<'hnkol Srhoob Am~rl<'on A1rhnes Slabre Com ulC'r Tr11nini ORGAN & PIANO LESSONS EXPERIENCED TEACHER CHILDREN & ADULTS LtJrn How to uee Wang, IBM OS6 & ()fsplaywriler Xerox860 Cll 014) 556-84 C11f1nllllralilc, Pl..-Adltlll D••h-.•W .,, UIN MOH MOMIY Become a Word Proces51ng Specialist Excellent Career Opportunities WOA D PROCESSING ANO INFORMATION SYSTEMS 2232 S E 8111tot-Suite ti)' ~Ana. C1 9270/ A ...... fllM-W'-'. l-•·~ Noh reg1::.termj? /nr fall. 0 If !Jr •airmont lr!Jool OIUNCl COUNTYS OLDIST • "NIJT l'lt/V.4Tl SCH00,1- GrodesK -8 l HT W ........ 4n•~"' "'-174-IOU .,,__.,,. C,!_ ~.!::~" 151·-a 768-6574 •••••••••••• ~~======~ Aa.eun111•I•/ ~!.~.f.-. .. !f .... !~!f a I .., ~ 11-•i/r• "'utl4 11-Bil• W••IH 11~ Btl• W,.IH 1100 Bil• WHIH 11001 Bil• WHIH 1100 ~.'.11..J¥!!.~~ •••• !.l.f!'! f!..t.11..'*r!.a.~'.~ •••• !.~~~ • _,I .,, ra .,, •• ,... '"' 111 ,.~ ... i "" G··.·n':.·r·.·l··o··,·,·lc·.··.··.·'!?n ••• r l·n·IU·'r:·:.:.·············· ···'··p·· .. ··T··T·,·.·(······· ·R·es·'1:·u·,·.·n·,············· ••11y;urrc. Tele ...... e •-1•-1&...--rllN•~I FOUND Large shaggy •••'•••••••••••••••••• ••• •••••••••••••••••• • " -~-• -11; ,... -........,. IAll I ftu' d~. Blocll Upped ears •AOMllTAIT* DENTAL ASST • Fri & Sat phonH . llllng, typing Busy general agency has Meyerhofl's primary Irvine Elac:trontca fHm NHded lmmedlately -,;,;·11:;;;i•••;;;; :s.~~;2. b r n b I k i~l~g~~n~~·;~f:u~~d~~ ~!·.~~. ~~~~:.'~--~~~2~, Aste for Bob ~~nl:i~0tor~t~er~~~~ ~;:,0~~"t,': .:!~ ~~11~1~f•g~,~~:~ ~~ :~~~ ~~~n;c'76 :=:;:.,:'=•~ ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• F~:! =-a~,t=-dog tn ~1=-~=;.,~ 1_~_u_,T_!•_. ~_1_1;_.5_P8_•~"'.":_0_n_c_._11 Genetal Offlee ~~~~~::~.t w~~'!~~ ~,~;,~~h :::!:.~:,':! ~~ f~':;.~~;~ n:;:ipso~~1:'~ ;1~~~U~p=tyadc':; ::'?,:~'~•~ ~8'! FOUND •os 751.97u so orang a co ht"-• a ••• ,.. _ _. lnaurance Agency 1" pertenc• Call Tony worlt with youth l•g•• employee ror counl•• Connie with raauma pm, 9e&-0151 ft ..., , .. AMI••-• Coata M ... hu C>Ptnlng 5'69-9923 10· UI Call 2·5PM. sale9 food "'IP & dell· 7-5118 Found whit• r•bbll VIC 1- 83_1-_5_292 ______ Experience Al• you loo-for -getlC person to ---------6•2·4321 Ext 340 fOE VUl~I M·f . 8-3PM. ---------TOPLESS MODELS IR£ FREE P9'm./ Santa Ana ave ktng for • rN1tdlng ca-hand,. Yar1e!y of duties LMtn & aern. high acflool Good driving reeo<d ne· IOTIY /ltERPT 1 $75 DAY • PAID DAIL y n Costa M ... 6•2-0948 &..M ..... /"A ,_ opportunity with ex-In mlcro-fllmlng depl studanta, PIT. help de-PUT TIME cessary Call M-F ell Entry ~ poaltlon wHh no ••P • nee . 826-2583 ORANGE COUNTY CPA cellant potential for per-Mull t>a rHpon and a1g119< do Ntup & wad· New1paper Promotion, lPM 557-6232 sales rep agency '" Ir· Cal', Found S~d mh1, 5 FIRM 1'1u excellent OP· son•I growth and rec-wllllng 10 le•n Call Ma· ding partlaa Other Job• M o " • F r t I vine Req\Jlres good 1y-.mo old, tan, round July portunlty 10< CPA with 3 ognllton? We -y<>Yr rte 5•9-9923 Min w•g• Must have 5 30PM-9 30PM Sal Retail Management pmg. S/H & llllng Jkllls 142-1171 3rd 083-2022 ~o 7 y .. n experl1ence caring chalralde e11per-GROOM ING, full-lime ~ & drive 875-3738 9 30-~3:'~M10 atart ASS'T llWIER wllh pteaunt phOl'I~ • -·'-S3SO ome tax exper •nee llM to compiamtnl our Mon-Fri, must have MAIO/ Full time Current openil'lg w t personality Some gen I --------• rnN..u preferred s.nd reeume highly skilled taam Mo-Then partntrlhlp's at1a11 office expr pref Send --.,,.-------•••••••••••••••••••••• end salary hl•tory In dern, plHlll'lt environ· aoma grooming exper engllah apealllng lex mo-of profits Mull hive future oppt"y lor store resume and Nlary hlllo- HHULlfFtll ~•P tor 1><ocesalng an-nuity & msur bullnea lor 1nve1t firm In Npl Bc:h Typing, IO·key CRT e.11p req C a ll Loat: longhalred crNmy • • '* confidence to: lnalay & ment, excellent H lary Apply Mon-Fri It N-· tel Lag 8ch 41M-5~ plHHnt voice, privet• mgmt Must be enthu· ry or requirements to Ad white cat w/orange ears. ltl11tls Parlor Goddu. 1901 E. C.Otar ..... i.....--flt ~k I port Harbor Anlm•I ·-~lell ....... ,.. dHk & phone c a1 •• 1 aiu11c & energetic B HI I ""'""' L .. .,. .,...,. P-age ,,. '"' 125 •• o -..... , . u HICKORY FARMS 780. Delly P1101. ox TYPIST ma ayan ,,,....., aguna Open 24 hra a day St .. Suite 101, Anaheim eluding medlcal ln9'1ran-C~p ""•91 ' · Ex~lent ~Ill attire Fex lntarvlew, cell FASHION ISLAND 1560, Coats Mell, CA ~~·3~~i7 5'15'6 7 d•ya •week 92805 ce 4 day w .. k Hunt· a.7~4 at•e:,~62~M5878 e•t 312 1 Call 640_6030 92626 We're tooklng tor FAST 6•0-0123 -• Jacuu l. Sauna. Locals lngton Beech 842·5581 Hair Ore'"r ~ed. VII· ~ • I & ACCURATE typist with '"' IEW&lt •• well .. IOurlata . •ttractive l':..1 Dental A .. 't, FIT. front & 1ege ,.,,.. Matt. l90una ---------l·P_e_r_m_a_n_•_nt-.-P-/l-lm_e_g_1l-rl SALES & IEOIETlJIY ability to PROOFREAD I.oat 7118, Mln. Schnau-BankAmerlcard, Master n \DI it le ROA Beach 494· 1600. Wloal Aulsttef Friday naaded for publl-Women Men FIHpona1bl• pereon 10 Siert 1mmed1etely Salary zer. Gr-Salt & p.....,._, Charge, American Ex-SO$>hlttleatad. attractive, ~ac ~:•r '!d•· 8 1 • HEALTH Front end bacll ~for shlng firm Muat have Career handle variety and heavy open 720-094 t Long e'ara Vin -C1ii1 pteH, Olnera All wel· well groomed girl to .,.,.., req aary Weatmlnlatar Area ood f11C sklfl 1.,... phones Shorlhand Fe· "-Ive, N-"" H.-.,.hll come 7141845·3'33 model privately for In-open . Benaf lta lereltie/IHtt Computer knowledge g o • 1• ,.,.ng. o,,OrfURlty shiOl'I 11lend. non· TYPIST llelC part time 35 ..,. __ ,...., """ 2112 H ... _.Bl c •• dlvldual 3·• hra per 8'42~880. Npt Bch arH I I ..-h 1 1 1 E •11al1 Aug 9 °' sooner k s 1 I WPM touc:11 accurate Very friendly. Female. """' "' tlert se 1 .... oter •Pu •per nae••· $550 10 stan Call Mary Leading Petr<>leUm lndu· amo er a ary com· s3 50 hr ·Beach & a n I w • r s I o B J COEDS • WOYld IC>Ya 10 _..Strictly Pflv1te and Dependable woman with Experienced. part time sary. EIC0911ant beneflta J•ne. 831-1124 M·W·F airy Con9'1111ng firm hu mensurale with nper Ed• •• Aru 842-4068 6'6-n&a or 673-20Q4 ""'rty with ..,..., c.11 Sue In oood tute. Utmo1t 1trong P«~llty u 11ve CM Aree 54s.2111 8•7·1815 9.1 2 0,,_,1ng1 on our pro-and 1b1li1y Mra Ed·l ng • .._.... ~ l<athy";n ytlme dlacretlon auured In companion/ coott tor------------------1---------teslio~al staff tor sue· wards 640-5t11 YOUNG COMPANY .-w-•i 953_11383 Great pey • tlaxlble h,.. Newport Bch woman, Help Wanted part-time, ....al. IPIOIAU1T Peat Control flald tepa <*SB oriented women & Secretary Entry lellel LOST: whit• long haired l:miiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiii s.nd pf\Olo'lrld ct.lllllad Mlaly nagotleble ~ dinner cook, upar In Learn medlcal akltla & needed lmmedlalely Ex· men Oualltled apph-1><>8'tlon High ICtlOOI or Cl.L Female. 1 blue, 1 ~ deacriptlon to Box. Ad with raaime & ref«anoaa hc>mtttyte cooltlng for serve In tl'le Army Rea-perlenced llc"d only canll will receive ••ten-Jr College secretarial GROWING FIELD grMn eye.,5511-4193 Lma I Y'lll.l'I No 1011. Dally Piiot, to T.J.O P.O Box 814, am re11fement hOma In erve near home. Call lo-540-9339 alve training Excellent and word proc:easlnQ PHOTO MODELS g:x 9=· Coeta Meaa. Bal~ Ca. ll:lee 1 ~!°'!;:,t_ S=~'C'c! day-Tuetln 731..o.81 PHOTO • Salta & 1 hr Potenllal for high Income tra1l'llog Contact Linde Lo•t: BurmaH. l•m•I• cat, dark brown coat Univ. Par11. ln1 ~Afd 552-8331 31JOBS 1n1111n 111111 ESCORTS/DANCERS ---------DIETARY 1-..._MM Senta Ana 542_.783 davetoptng service. will management and ow-833-3231 Ext 39 OVTCALL 24 HRS AUTOMOTIVE Full time, Exp in hole>ltal i----------USAA Ctr 552-3173 tram pen.time OK (714) narahlp parllctpatlon t A t FINANCIAL & llMHl _, 19 ldtCIMn. Some coolung, 111111D.P11 • 7 6 O. 9 1 5 7 or ( 2 1 3 1 Yo.J muat be Alllactlva. INSURANCE SERVICES $ I 0 5 0 Rewatd Loat. M ... Vtfde LON ln<:Ma In OM 1r .. 1-~~ uc> Bl-lingual pref ataao In. f()f eldafly lady euy cera, IOmt drMng PIT acc;yrat• lyl>llll rec-~-·""' ....... v !I; -au.,.,vlllng." tray Ml· ..... Part-lime nurtH aid•. •SJ.3555 ~~ct~~.~nd~~.d~r~.~11~':1 srre1n••y1mc. I !:~~.' ~~1o M5•~~~ 1g:r :-"ng\.,h~J·C:~·,,:;: Call lll-0100 ~~= HBo~~~ No "'10l!lng 543-3&88 req. S.2·2237 ~1~~'· •tt•rnoona highly dt1c1p11ned •"d Marketing ~;~' Bg~• PER MONTH S4&-en2 m ent Eurolltneaa, Aslc lex Ron or Mike 18811 Florida St PART-TIME 9aa station • self motivated ExPt<ten· opening in Futest growing com- Hunfl""ton 8NCh 1•-•a..-.... attendent, Nrn 15-S 10 p n•rr eai rre ~ In hlgll 1eYel comlNS· Fm svcn firm Good ty· pal'ly on llW! C1Jreci mat11· Lott· Or & wnt M altered 5'65-3-488. Auto Mecl'lanlca Helper 1----· .. _____ -•ftAlftK &46-578 l uk for • 11; -11;• a1oned telephone con-, ping, SIH slulls, E.11per 1 •llng 1ndu11ry 5 dlttwent Cat. 2 collara. Men 1 ..-_,__,_ f r r 1 n car rap11r Orepery workroom In Irvine Branen of majex '*'hi'. En1oy W<>fktng with kid•. tact s u c: h es req d Non-smkr part tot> arees open Benefits Verde arH 540-1289. mprC>Ya your -·-",_,,.... or 0 8 ~ Coata MHa oa.d• ex-Co Metll Sr multi-llne T•ry and wish 1ncreue<1 eat· Commodtty-tnvestment Cell 6'40..0123 11·21 Jr 'rtfme4 873-1005 ~~ "~~··io:-,_c_a11_Ma.. _______ per'd tablaf. &42·1435. comm'I rater wlll'I mtn. 2 n1ngs, u11llze your out· sates, Execuuve search I •-rr •-• W ddl I Ith dla Call' St'.'~ V~l•nd•r Auto Mectwllc '°' tofalgn yHra company ••P•r. Cadlllac:l to Go-Carta going peraonallly, leatn --sonnet °' real estate I •--..1ot lt1flt1 --• ng , ng w • 5'"'1212 "'~t...... cu repair. BMW·"W. 1¥111111 Flex time Cell Barbara Whet-lhe Fad how to t>eeome. trained r.-,,,_·,,able. Contact M• -rn MO UP. IHHI mond1. 7120 11 Mu-~ """ """ C•ll S4t-eoe6 PUT Tllll Oelpon 8 am to 11 am Roll ·em ott tl'lt ma111et ulu counselor Call K;;;"17 141 835.a•39 ~ AHt1411att (7 1A/ 96-4-5354 wella. 0-ous ,_.,d PETER"S MASSAGE. ---.-,.------.--for appt With. Clelalflad Ad 2·5PM 8•2·•32t, Ext Part time evaa 6 d•y• Call Sun, Mon, Tue, weo 9e8-3525 Prof . dtacrate and tho-_, .. ,is Be a carrier counHlor 71415-45-7700 EOE Call Now! 8'42·5878 3•6 EOE ••w -11••1 36 hra al SS ,,.,,.r hr Must E f for A IOCel new9paper. -f"S -,,_ Gold Bracelet Twilled ro ugh, call Peter . LIVE-IN itchange or No uparlanca necH·l"pmmmmmmmiiiiii.m•-----•I wanted for ellrac:ttve t>eexper Rel G1111.1S1l11 rope 1.0. bracelet with 4~._.871. room and boerd. Chll-aary WOl"lt onty 12 houra IUL HTATI SALES wom81'1·s shoe dept In 675-2276 •••• •••••••••••• .. ••• narM ··Harn.I". Reward. WANTED. MALE MOO· ~:"w:n 1~:.~:. ~.~1• a WMlt. $75 to atart plui Nursing . We have en opening lex Fes111on I st end Part Sign Design Co seek a f!!!f.!!!!~ .......... . 968-1418 ELS lex photo WOfll, L• 645-8144, 960-5581 eddltlonal share of part· OPERITlllG ROOM RI one well-drnsad lntelll· llme Exper prefd hard httlil'lg aggre11111e Gerege Sale -Lots of llllEll OAT gltlmata •119-5635 ner"11p'a pronta. gel'lt N lespe<aon 10 work ~40•7810 oulslde nlu peraol'I, Goodies' Sal/Sun 10-4 LOST S I J I 24 h Bookkeeping A reel tun Jobi Full l tmC' davs (8.30 to 5 & 9 :m lo •ln, .. tl'leln cNom-mp~claHlaNr~ -some cae expenae lur· 879 Arbor St (Nr 19th & E lb·, f•f ·• u Y RtE ' TAI IY PILL ? Exciting Colla Meu Manag«nant opportunl· ti). Currl'nt l~lif RN L1c('ru;e & I "" .... SALES nished Apply at Multi Monrovia), CM •• u ... ree. · ltlo tor Payroll/ Ilea. For Interview call Ind/or r81ldent111 salu WAROI GUARANTEED! f0~ n wlthgoo4 t 8 00PM 8'425878 l o :l \t•ar-, {) R ('\P<'rlE'n<·c• lnmoreaffluentareu Telephone sollc:ltors medlaOeetgoCo 130E ANTIOUEORESSER de 83W~· •11•• 974-0780 Of 55..,76"0 ~ng ~We naad a :::i;,2 . ' rE'qU1rt'<i LEO HANNA wanted. no a.per nee: !7th Suite T C M Mahogany. very well Olatrlbulots Wetcome. NII atarter wtUlng to tua -----'-----SR VICE PRESIDENT Tues thru Frt 9 AM 10 12 lflllllfR/(a,r'll mec:e Approx H rly LOST 7125 Black F/Lab at dlractlon lnltl-"" arid lo betltfte ... , A WtsleJ I , f1.ter 0., noon Apply Pennysaver __._.., fA1 IY 18 t~nlS 1940 s $.475 Wiii !alee _, ex-In,,,.......,. NIM. St.arr P osillons available an eute '' 6 o p 1 A n_,....., "' pr • -· besl offer Other "lsc: Huf'll 8ctl Berkeley CA SUNNY'S Executive accept lncreulng rH -,.... ... ..,......., .. Realtors 8'44.-.910 1 6 tacent e ve. club In Npt B<:h Refs ,.. 1911. 552-..167 or eollac:t Streu-Reduction. pon Salary baHd on acquisition• pral'd Ty· H ospital w1lh progressive programs Cotta Mesa req 6u ..oo52 11ems Call 5•9--0576 at- (707) 937~720 Ofllce -hm -outcall exper . Call Carmell• plng & aorne ahorthand an Ophlhalmolog1t· & Orlhopcd1t· RESTAIUIT ter 5pm weekdays. or 83Hl377 545-2666 req·d. Salery open The ttnMt nouvelle rn-Sill" SwftoltMarll 1,.r. 875-8708 11 no •"•-11 Loal 7125 Black blnocu· ~~~~~~~~~ ---------598•1821 Surgical Prcx-edures Criucal l·ar t> 0 Wanted 1elf-mo1111ated W iii train. day• and abova number Iara In b<own ahouldat r: OLElll&L d1ffcrenllal & ceruf1t·auon bonus ISU'll'll •n r ang• persona ll'llernt•d In 8'42 "" 3 cH• Gothard & Hall, Prof man ~ .. femalt f d S • County la lntar"ted In developing owl'I busln891 swing "11tt .....,., 1 Large 3 Parly Garage Sale HB. Reward 557.7470 houHkHpar, muat t>I Cledlt Union °' •••led 00 IMOI o Cfered as w ell as generous benefit quallfled personnel We wtnewly marketed pro-T le It I I 7 30 & 7.31 Hand 1oois. Ext 17 µ exper In O!Mnlng, ahoC>-exper UM of on-llna fleW letrtSMtettte pa<.•k ag<' & l'Ompeuuve pay S<:ale are accepting appllc•· duel Mtnlmal ll'lveetmenl e ' Me a ff nuts bOlts 7 motorcy· . p+ng&ltcooklng.Orga-termlnel 10keyaodllght PAATTIME Ilona ~ g.11 am needed Ph PBR lnt'I CASH PAID DAILY cles .. aulo~ollve perts holder conlalnlng perao-exchange tor apt In So. with pubtlc Futt time en-organization 18 Meklng 1 S1ti41e~aok Ct•111u11ity Mtspital potit1on1 (7141675-5418 eves Whet 8 wondertul Wood work benches. ah op Lost. Brown plaatlc toac> nlied w/good refs. In typing. Must worlt wall Our Sctiool Food s.rvic. delly, lor the lollowlng (7141 631-3296 dys or Call Mr B 63 l ·8l45 j wh .. 11, 11res, furniture nal Item S88viaw .... Laguna on th• beach. try poaltion. Huntlngtoo fol 2 ...... s.1 y· E tr .. l 11111 HOSTESS o l Shopping. right at chair•. etc 1780 Monto- NB Reward 6-40-51170 PleaM Mnd raaume 10. ~~~~ U~ ~~~· ~:dy~~u'a~dt:~~~~~=:~~ ~~u II I l•I, ICUlll I BUSMAN More tam1hes ere getting your fingertip• ev•ryday 111a Ava Bldg A3·A..,A5 Mr Danie!, PO Box C , our Company In tha 770-3141 WAITRESSES Iha camping bug·· this Oatly Piiot Ctauifladj 1n rear SCRAM-LETS C· 19525, lrvlne. Ca. II.Ill Orange Coun!y Aral II (~HI O,,tr1HitJ l••leJtr CAPTAINS year II you llBYe a cem· Adi To place your ed --------- 92713 Expandi ng Newport The person wa are loo-333 Bayalda Oflve per 1hat s not getting caJI .,.2_5878 and let ai" I ways a s e I a 1 n ·NSWERS '""' use e.acn Credit card com-king for mull t>a able to ~port BMctl. Call! used. sell II now With a CIH•Uiecl Ad-V1eor help CIHSlll•d·rHd th• ads n •••••••••••••••••••••• pany l'lu opening for 1 communicate effectlvaly ---------;._-----------------, Clessthed Ad you e1111ry dly 8'42·5~ 'r..~ r:; Can't got 8 day 7 night clerlc11 pereon. Mu11 wtth Admlnlttratlve Per· aNTAANC ~~~'.~.b::~o.C~~1:•..:: ~~ :5::. io1 ~u~~; S~~~~: ;:c:i~~'. ~!,;~~ I have • grHt Idea on Aug 7th. 7141875-8630 expr. req. Contact W. nata dlatrlbutlon actlYf· llow to clear up freeway htr H ... ~ Duncan Mon thru Fri, tlaa, receive fHdb1ck tralffc Jama. Bµlld Illa t I• · 8 a m t o • : 3 O p m about our lunch progf9m fr .. way• with 110 exit• with new Van, can take 2 759-7900 end rel1y pertinent In· and one ENTRANCE. people • ahara gaa. •---------formetlon to ourHIVH 631·8117 Computer Data Entry nd •·-If FOUND: Loe "1aggy dog. -poaitlon avail. Great t. 1 MN ..... ata ' blk tip eara, whlta & Aound·lrlp Ticket LA • ginning opp with a Thia la I cha.llenglng OP· brown, 111tti & Balboa, Anchorage. Aug 1:!. commerc111 broke~ portunlty to wor11 with• NB. Stella, &46-7872 1375 8411-8483 evu/ co. Call Lota at 833· ::.'1 fo~~r!n i::; Mele mix ehHp dog, wnda ....... , Pna-day. gray/wnlta & QI\&. Mela ... ,...,.., w1nted part -l'ima with Good atarttno wege. ••· mix coltle, Nbla wtlltt. ..;r.··~--••••••••••••• In BASIC L <*l«lt pat1 Ume benefit Mala SMpflard, bbtlten. Jm Wutl4 1111 ~DEC PDP 1 23 progrem, car mllaao• C.M. taglt. F.,,.lle Yorttle •••••••••••••••••••••• Graphic• b.ackgro nd rwtmburled by Comc>eny. ~~.•rM:i!"t! ~·s;:; y~~ wo:'. pral'd. lnnovallva p =•~ ~~': Him long haired cat. Call a vH a wkanda, t':o'-p::fn:...~ 1 feaional career. ~ 972·9525. e7M315 To 11tanga an Interview F~d c:~•.!!:o~ =:n =~~1!.:::. lllllD II.DI ac>POlntrMnt. tlfy.131·71&3 ldnt wtth peope. ~· Mature pa,.on. Dr OALla Found Young Blk German nlcal bacltgrouna, fOO CIHnera, S daya p t · SMpMrd, vtc Garfleld a ton"'*'-· d relocate. ...-. Newpott 8aad\ eu.hafd, FV. H2·38tt Bud 2191122•7lM1 8"-7821 114/111•1111 en ePM El'lgllell Cheu~ Courter/Clerk for uay Call Th\lflday, Found Yor111hfre Tamer. eteka pcieltlon. mad«:al lab. Mature July 29, 1982. ..,. 1 ~.vie HarbOr 6&t..eote aon a mu1t. Mon-Bet...n 3 PM tnd e PM V I a" H om•• • N B • German Oanttem1n 40 WPM. 840-01.40 Ml for 76M202 ..-. Job .. ciompnon _,. 'D --... ~ Found: Pc & wtllte eflott or Fieurr.ut. 636-28111. ~ NP' 90h ewe-- , llfJ. tilled oat. very young Lia Wulll 1111 dlt card oompeny Ml 2 Equ1I Opty mployer IM2·1t31 lft 4 PM ;".'";'19 ....... ,.......... ~ In their OUltO-MIF FOUND: hrt OOldef) ,._ :t ::-~·,,: FUN JOB tnlfketinO com- trlevar. Vlo Harbor a Hll&ZiM... telephone 1111nner. b• rc:v Medi demonttta- )Weon. '?t llO. ,......,.., lmmedl•" ~Ing fo1r1 1,, .. raHtv• ... n,cltn• ora °"" 1e, for ctyn1· ••P•rltnoa .. P•yro UM a Mff-motlvtted. mite new prbduct, lt1Y81 oe;ti, Mlllt htlVt ti) key hpr pref, Contatl w/9r0u1t to 7 W1tt1rn "Y teudl Ind Me typing. WCl?Otntal off1ce ma-•ta'-t " t1'91n, ~ Lon term , full time M09f (~) "''•· In 1e1 edvanotd, ebove '°' Ctatlltled Ad ACTION Cell• f:t.= ~7' . c.a"""fl1saa..e~1oel . 9'Mfal precu~ ln•u· :9:r ~Cell": ~-. reno.. bktlpf. Ouellly tippt. 1~~ C.M. oflloe. SJM420 &46 03et WAWF Acf!ON? .,._ __ ..._ ____ , Claltd9d Adi IM2"N71 .. ( l ) ) WANTED ( ( ) ) Newspaper Ca rfiers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley & Newport Beach • Good Earnings Super Trips • • Great Pri1e1 1. Place your ad In the Dally Piiot CIUll1*S MC'tlOn (It'• bMt lo run 3 days tor mextmum ~). " you pay for your Id In advance M 'lt run It 3 days and only charge you for 21 2. Get your FREE G•tge Sale elgnt (alt you hlW to do 19 come tn to the o.My PllOt I pay for yout Id In llCIVanol -we wtll atv. you two 11 • 17 Slgna - FREE of charge). 3. Price MCti pleoe ~f mer~. '· t'tlve plenty ot change on hano 1(nlekel1, dll'°nff\ quartere, h1tvee. ·One and fl" dollar blll•). &. Aeleit. haw fun, etld °°""' your tnOMV It the eod of the dtry. I J f'A I I .- Orange Oou' DAIL.Y PILOTITUllday, Juty 11, 1112 tftftt•rlff ..... iMi .. &t#lr!t........ . Mv.WfN-m ... MI .. ,:;._e-"1 ~"" .,.r~,.~."~ .... 11.ff ~ ... '!!.l!!r.1ttt ....... ~ ... 11.~1,..111!ff ••••••• ~ ... w.1~n1t« ....... ~ ... '!! .. ~~ ......... .. h...._ •••••••· ar .. n ... ~fl!· OoM•• · MW. W•l~ •• mnrn .... ••• ~ ... l.~ ••• , •••• r.\111 v.. . ... ti.I J...u Hff ..u, ,,_ I.,.. F.aMJl Mlf rnTJ.-m.~ ... • 9'!19· m.ztn= l:"J:.'"::u~..;i, '1: 'zt:!f::1=n~e1~ .. .! :. • ._ 1utM1ATIMI ~"" mn ...... ,..... •• n.,.-:;;~~~·;_;~"'· '#j'D~L"ERiN°U ~·~ :;:'~·;·~~ ~{!~fJ:"~~ t,'a oall 7·1•"' or 1·1pm lflH ller .,. .. Helwerd v,;,;:-A-velour 0 1 p1. Otl•ltt, ..... Mlln't Orig own.,, u.ooo · · ~ Mtt l'~. :, f.T.e '•Ir arm 01111,., 1eott ..... ,U ll•PP•r. 11111 HU Gofon• Ml MV:, .,.,,::'\ '°''"° ""*' l&.IUT ml6M. IWtY Mtvtoe roG ~ 14~ NII-....,_ HUill\, M" -.nt. IH "°""· , ii PIOlllWI Y Otd, lllnl ftl-OMO Yau .,, h ..WW. of ~~· 1~3~to • Low t ine. new Sir, t llve r/ -C,-,,,,-,-~-....... ~-1!~1=-= ?'. X Ill! Hlfl\. Oowt\1ry .... tp oeno l4CI 101t11 •vo-""9 tr• t~.tt (11100) nee~' r!tt1blt P~)rl~ur~ ~ Nd. MOOG, 7Zf:Mlll -.:-. .. ._ ......... •• 14~:,·1U~:'nd1tlon. NY"" • .., =,::O OllPtt "° ~~"'~~:''Of· ~.~~L'rNG IPI08 m•~• •m111 monthly 'i1' ,.... 'n• --:=-..;..~ ~~ Ill II flQ11 CL.I l d pmta Ho okS COl'ttl01t s-·-._... . __ , •••• -................. ,. ClOSt O W• ........... oood ...,. ANTIQUI OAK HALL. W~;;'H&c,~11.:, a::a ' #IMU,.,,..., "•d. White, llue Spin· IAANUliof a IAILEY to 1 u111ne No blo k .,..._vlcJe..,_,"O 70 lfl111'09Slt01 '10tWW'I.. •UN04n tlOn '°:f .... NIW ~a· UMD l'NI 1110, 141-?1'1 evee, wtcnda ffMlfl 1#1 nllll', uMct ono. Ottll' ••I pm11. du. Atll lor Pio.. (O" CARVER wtit w/wOOd dun. :Stt< ,,,. 1111 et-roi.w Cell '31·S'8t wee. ---.-------1 e~U•••••••••••••••••• bofltlng lt91'1\t 48&-IOIA Anaheim ConvtnllOI\ 1•2·••00, 488· 1001 fl"tJ.Sfl.'V'l:•ftv1W ml, 111,800 770-6977 •••••••••••••••••••••• -~-'1}!;------,,.-1-f N-.4 •11 d••P•fll•I~ weinc.ct-11oreoe oeblnet, !VtN"UDI! Centet Aug a.1e Pro10 l./M ~·-.~··~~ .... ,L,, •·-~, l"ll •11 WI Tllll ...... Mutt MO, 1 po 11'1 "" ptel m•t•I. "'"P'll 11·· Long leecll Aren• '1" C"---~ ~ --I ' CONHH'. • ••••••••••••• ••• 1100firm.1 po bdrm Mt ~ &'Ill. &•i:'tl5tt, •O h.p OYtboerd. tslO A11g 1 .. 22 • ,,.vy Van, Xlnt conO, ,. .... ,..,..,. ,,. ... ,.... •••••••••11••••••••••• 8nrl, air . Plrllll tlret AP~=~:rvlCI 9'11. Din rm 6't ~76, ' 1'4·15M6 To ol1tm PHIH, 01 11 lop:c,m0::t:0• f\ltllyteqlulp. Mt, filled, US .. ,_76_2_·80_8_8 _____ 1 LHl•MvLl I . . . . . Wh~I weh1r 111. •mil .,,. ... _1 ~1 '42·15071 ext 212 Pu · " m n., or, ~ow'*. I a.. 1111 We eell f900fld,, 91111'· ... 1 ,_ •-e r•-..-• · · · man11 xtr ..... aoo Cell .... 1 .. .............. ,_,.. IPtJlllll09il. 14~77 -,.,,,..,.,, .,_., •••••'•••••••••••••••• '" mutt be ••otlenoed Donn• 21311193·89•0 ""' • ., • '" .,..,,. •••••••••••••••••••••• 'J4b 1 l<JO ----Liie S 0 t I ' ...................... l•nlo ll' LIP•lrlh fOf' ,_vtld -1• 11 box I.AM OPM ' ' '10 2002 P*ff COnd New SllM·S~~elnO 'IO MOHTI C.At.0 I Ill 1"WllMt ,,J~~:, ttOOl:.P.,,,~:U~ K~~~l:.K,:m~~·0~;: c.ntu~ t>~ bofll. 4 cyt. office prior to perfor-• • Int Nw Plllnt runi pen IUIUIA• * MT 111.L * lAI ---t sr:--1-1» br ... rall. 1121 ... now ltMI at 12•00 '48•·9719 CSrey. 6 , 8'18·8181 m1noe A1tH 111,."' lfM 13iloo 010 • • ltlAlll Cuatom Landa1, On~ Rt ltlg/ WHl\trt/dryer1. 1160 IOI Ill 3. 661·"38 . 2' H ¥•tin.wt. lwn dll. • • • • •••••• -;~ ••••••••••• ~'J 870-87"1 tl1·I040 CH-4141 20,000 ml. with 'u" Ctoth Many to ohooH !torn. 1 9ld Of , N.w M#1ln Acou•tlo gut· lrletot. Ll11e oouo •ttnhaJ a6',, 11'" WE PIJ #!a I lrll Interior pt1i• m.ny 8P- f100/up. tat.oe&2 St•r c:;:' Ho~O '°"' w w/oue, !!_60 S 119, 6 0 0 PP ( 2 13 I ~· ........ .r..~•••••••'=' ~/!.••••••••••••••••• Ill Ill f1Nll 1111 1>0lntment1 Rtfr'91rll0f lllle new, 2 F\lndtll P.A. wllh 16 lnot\ 780-1178. oond low mllMQe 1276 •lru good oond Mutt ~01 YOUI • 78 TOYOTA A/C CO<'llOll, 110. 9'6-1864 · 861-..v70 89 8-2 51 1 . I 7 141 •n FO. XI QT mOpecl, Cid TOP DOWll '18 c1pr1, 101d1d with r.J ··1·•·:••••••••••••••• AM/FM/C-., Tiii wh .. :::.r.0:0°•1 frtl 1188 llHllar Lit •• ltt 1peaker•, norn1 & 00· 30' MONI( FIB TRWLR oeo.'11&0°1178 fll 1111 GUI Niii ••100 648·4741 Ill "9Xh4ZO•. Cl!L.ICA OT (18H4147) Ju1t need,.. Net\lrll fabric. 11700 ven. 1600 pr. 761·15518 o.i pwr, 1200 ml/R. '""' p .. on-t Good ,.. __ ... WI •••• 15. .,.. n' * lllT au * liable plfty to m•k• ·-0"' E ...... rlc Dryer 11• I""' •'""2 "" --·-""'"' OH, WHAT A Fl!ELINOI ttnetl -~>ntll"' """''' No g';;d ·;oM: s 100. .. •• ,._.,.. OlllH ,.,.,,,,,.., VHF, OB, I UIO pllOI '2715 or bHI ofler PllTl&t/ll&Ull lltt•u ,,,, .... • .. ... Perteet GOmt>ln•tlOn Of Old ~tt'.::t~'t~~ Mt-8148 •ft 7pm~ Shir· Sofa,'" Brown Ptlld 196. L.I .. , "'' ltl.aoo AY&4&-9000 &81-~32 ...... 2480 H.,bof Blvd. ...................... fAClnYI economy Ind eport 11)1· No blctl pmtt dW AM ley. Good Cond •• ~:'~••••••••••O ,.,,, lt•t ,,.,.,,_,,, / COSTA MESA 1112 llTlll tt11 lllU IT USIUUUO Ull ll"Q 5 1pd . w/pow etr . lor ROM 842-4400. CALORIC OIL OVl!N H0-3S45 3:C, Dl<iHOTO CO~~ Ci~llll HIO lfffti1t 'I lllO HI QIO HOD OMNI AIC, louvrN and mor.. SSf.1008 ftroto U M. Ou r..,._, 2~ yn okl, Double m1ttrMllbox 'Pf 0,.,_,. '"7"73 ...................... •••••••••••••••••••••• Ml·l•l Automttlc Irene , T·Top (101•2b4UleBVP)•Jrutylltneedo me~·.-·73 Monte C.,.IO, •lnl Huv;ergold, blt·ln wllrame, Ilk• new. $10 ..., " or 11 40' Viking lor Charter '19 KAWASAl(I t<Z•OO & lo1decll (493el 11 • • ·79 Mud• RX7, 4 1pd, lir, " 848-8148 •ft 7pm, Shit· • • ~ ... L•-a Fl1h1ny. dtvlnf & en· ~ eond MUST SELL WI 11·y mKllo car f0< AM/FM eUHlle •Int amall monthly pm11 No oond, eteen bOdy l"8lde llmeq, dock, electronic • ... d ..... ...,, 752 ...... 88 old eontrKll to lllYmt & out. reoeotly rebuilt pilot Bought mtero, 1ey In lenteond ~ru nm en Cell •GrlllG• s700 OBO OLUI OAlll llLY 111111 con -~ . ..., No t>lctt pmta due Aak engine s1000 55t-1481 $450/t>tt olr 493-11580 Megn•vo1t French Provln· &49-8'02 M2-te06 2'2788 173•7925 HWAlll Ollletnltt #1u1atl 1131 for Rou 842·4'00, 79 Monte Cerio, iHl/9t/ el•I 1tereo Solld wel c ' ..,,, ''" '°'' '78 YAMAHA vzao good &Ill TRIOll Oove/Ou811 St• ...................... 5S6-100e Proto L/M blue lnterlOf. lllf ve. lo-Ot>I door retrlg w/frM111, detk FlllnG eeb t>k-Cenon ·~ 1979 mod· •••11'••••11••••11•••• Gonc:lltlOn 1295 Prl11•t• NEWPORT BEACH * e•I 151( mllee $5700 "tottlprt~::',':a '. g'rii ee .. 1 Ch•nd•ll•• with el, ~50~ng ~8 18' Hobie C•t, y.tlow w/ pMty ll80·l882 '82 Toy Cellea. 9Wl'f op. 6,5.8218 eryat•I• 780-0597 tlon .., .....,-330 teQ 9YnrlM Miia Liiie IH-OHI 1111 HOO IT tlon SI0,000 -------- 559-4331 Pl•yp1n-1of• group, ,,,. IOl1 MW $2500 875-e1e1 ~~N,:,~:: OllRlllTIILI 7141780-1393 111 ClleVTolel C•pr1u Wiit frig, elec: dryer, 11 It> grendlllher etock, upll ••••••••u•••••••••••• 14 C•temeren w/trlr, 642·64 IO Red w/bl•ek. beautiful 78 Cl!LICA. 44.000 ml. Cl8eeoc: CrulM control, $125; Top ol tile Line q-1129 b4KI with II• Beeutlful CoGk•tl•I with r•lnbow 11111. gem• eat (lCHF5381 81,, em/Im 18pa, IP<>k• tllt 1trg wn PfW, P/L, Litton mlcrow•11e . auto ,.0 t>ll In llHdboud. new~SS-0 allow pr lu $2700 '81 K1weukl 850CSR, $18,000 wllll $5195 VERY AmlFM Ster. AIC, Low ~ $3::;.9810 n•w fllted t>ed1prHd. &4S-T884 647-58311 under 5K ml, Ilk• new, ltll llYll II 1-1113 CLEAN 559-8861 ah 8 ~=~~-4;: Ken 11e111et plllow 111em1, 11. I o.. IOH 12200 638·0917 ll "••oL• a WAlll 2 dr Older Relrlger11or. lamp1, corn4tf group with .. ~~ •••• "':;.~'...... ll•mfl'•n 15' with Jib & '88 SUZUKI 125 Top dollert lor Sport• #1t•Hll Ila• 1140 ' _,. ... 1978 Clle11 Capr~. 28, I/WY~ ortd d atereo Ible. N-w•ter Traller lor qulek ••I• Cera, Bug1, C•mper1, •••••••••••• .. •••••••• 5 apd, AIC, atereo, •Int 000 ml $3400 859·1645 w ng oon KIMBALL ORGAN model $595 Xlnt oonc:I Riek NMC11 work. $50. 1114'1. Audl'1 cond Low, low mllH •lier 6pm & wknda. S&C. 33.9071 Eric bed comp 01k mirror 700 Swinger Ju•t Ilk• 1157·1001 or 640· 1960 64"·6585 A•k lor U/C MOR •II, prefer a Gre•t on gal Rtlrlgeretor, wuller, ~4':.~3~011 •m• P/P new $2500 C1ll39·yoRKTOWNCUTTER '76YAMAHAYZllO,good .lllllAllt•• llt41trot4•• S4750 NEWCh911YENOINE327 dryer, dlahwuher & 545-7892 50HP c:lll/l IOV LIP dal. c:ondltlon 1295. Private , Yll.llWAlll tt a atw 839-4264 eves 2·t>OH II•·~ w/350 tur-lreezef 6'6-5848 6' couch 9'"" 1682 I 1 t>o trans & 111111 kit S 1. $80 BlmlnlCockpllencloaur• party uv· 187118MGll8hld 1980 D•llul'I 8210 5 •• ,... •• , ••• I V•lk•~!f•• 1110 000 Leaalllan 15ml on Uted w .. 11nghou1e hvy 5 .. 9•3573 lftda• #1tAlll11IOll Rigged tor crulalng #ltll .,.,. 1 141~ HUNTINGTON BEACH 1peed 1ran1 .. low mu... Comp•re Houae of lm- 1 ....... ............. 11 642.4653 •ft 5.30 duty wuner & dryer, Ilk• •••••""•1111•1111••••• Herbor mooring •v•ll N2-2000 auper CIHn & In ••eel· por11 Dlrec::t lease encJ 80 '88 VW CAMPER GrHt MW. $360 pr. 87~1303 7 ~Whit• Freaot1 Pro-RJCCAA Sew Machine. $49.500 AY646-9000 lt•V.ltll~ff 110 lenl condition! 11163 11-moa. sensible pymt1. cond $2000. r1d1e1,, ·es Cor11•Jr r>Md• work. l!!r.!!! ••••••••• !.~~ 11lnc111 t>c:lrm 1 yr old. comm., new S550. NMCI p 28 ... 11 20111 s1 In .•;;•p_0•bl••::: .. ·;·3~··:,.:: WAITED! cenM IM •lrHc:ly paldl Diii 213 or 714, MER· 1600 cc 545·8178 JOlln besl oner t1k9' Orig $2,000 • $650 or c • s II· be 11 o 11 e r Nwp't Bch C•ll re dn'"""' ' t-·' Mutt NII . utllng $41116 CE 0 ES I 1 2 1 3 or 842-4336 ...... ,, ---...... "21" 754-71138 ... .,5258 CO<'I ' m•ny •• ru. L•te model Toyota•. or beet o ffer I C•ll 11•1637 2333 '65 B11g Rt>lt eog, n-Peugeot rec:lng bike, ••· ctlll. cond. '450 or bit olr 7~6 ..,.,, "" ._.,... • -...-ell-eont•lnec:I. See to .. • pnt, Int t>rks, OrNI 79 Cheve111 $30001 bl1 l•rtlaf. c..41 IHI epp<ecllte 540-11524. Volvoa, Plcitupe & Vant. 642--01311 H8119n't you w•1tect tong concJ $2200/obo 011 4 spd good eond TruncMI bed S75. lllllque dr11tlng Ible w/ 1ehr S500 35 X 60 In mel•I dr•lllng tt>I• wll•mp $350 , new twn t>td w/ frame br111 pl•led hd board s 100, lrlple d< ... -w/dtwe ll\lrr0<, $225. 81ltlque eherrywood CU· r1o cab $500 85 1-11670 Bicycle f0< ~. xlnt c:ond Under Seo C •ll 548-2481 l.iN.1•1 #1mJ1J1 lllJ .....•••.•..........•• 11w Hol n . Rtd'IWood 2K8 decking, 4-20' long;"'° redwood fencing C811 Jim 0< Ken enytlme, nS-1491 C.11 "'' WATDIOUll AR extru 87S-7738 Twin b4KI, hollywood alyie, gd cond $25, C811 &45·9288 ...................... 1--------- Hlmal•yan kltl. top qlly, 7 SOFA BED Excel cond. wka. Blue, Mal, CFA reg Br n It• n 8 It I 1 5 O He• 11 h g u., S 1 7 5. 833--6071 Eric • .-.-................ • • ... ,,, 11111 Call ui todeyl enougro 1o own • Mer· 842·4975 Moving mu at ... ,, ..... .,.,. •• ., /J#h I010 ·4a Chev MOIO< Home ltol .. LLI. ·,,.... cedH Benz? Don•t let '72 vw GHIA AM/FM 552-7629 We buy 81lc:I ... 1 qu811ty ..... ................. good GOndltlon See 11 .,. 11111 opportul'ltty p ... you --------uMCI SC>Ot1lng equip °"'WANT 30' allp w/11\ore 2 511 Fullerton ca1Mne $2500 Good 74 Cllevelle M8llbu etu- conalgnme nt Soow power & weter, Inter· e!d-1~531llth St · C M TOYOTA·YOUO N9W1)0rt ee.cll ~nl~ll~e~:,~:~·0~ runn~ cond lie PIS. P/8, Aulo. AK. Skiing. wind turfing, fftec:I m longterm ..... ""......., .... You .,e tne wlnn« of model• & colors •valla-(714 6489 ::cl/6':o ~20~'"• -ler aiding, 1_,,., -1 C•ll An1werAd •873, c:......... two lrM tlcttet1 ($11100) ble .70 vw 8ug, 1Unroot runa boerd, b•ck P•Cklng 642-4300 A•I• luriu, lut1 ,.. ••.,tJO> • 540-UU llalue to the goocJ, clNn 64 lmc>81•. 311.000 mlleS 2 e101111ng lor •II at>ove BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE I Affn111in HIO :~G~ ::~~ .ll~~~IS $1700 494 5 dOO< 12295 64~1 ~ S:.~4~~ 1779 ~~·8C::' eJ: .• :.:4 AM·c~·~;~·p;,;;_·~; WI llY OllOll 1301 Ouelt Str"1 VW Ret>l>lt DIMel engme Ci,...1,, HZS ton 10 c:1 1e1el Rbll USED CARS & TRUCKS Anet*m ConV«'llOn NEWPORT BEACH llke ,_ $1200 • •••"'•-:•••••••••••••••• PML TU&.I lrom 9 10 6 1r11nam1111on rrom s1ss co~:u =WOA Center Aug s.1e Ul·llOG 87S-ll909 CdM 1=•n~ 1~ Regul•tlon llH, aolldlWANTED Boet •11P In & up. 554-1850 LO~ Belch8 2A2rtr1• 1 81 300D d·""' "'·-! .... _ ·71 Bug. rebll wlrecetpta Aldio.' heater air eonc:I oak, mint cond $725 Nwpl Bell tor 53' H•t1•r-Cormler·O.Ullo ,..119 1 • · .... .,._ """"" new radlals, C811 Xlnt S2250 845-8001 TrM<I Miii $125 MUCH, ru 844-0159 9~~.rio~~~ ~5/~~· OllYllllT To clelm PHIH, call Int Mull sacrllkle D•r-S2050 661-3962 MUCH MORE ... •'JHI f 6•5..()136 1821 1 BEACH BLVD 842·5878, eat 272 P... rtlil 759·1221 Nice 72 Chryalef New- -HUN I T N Bc.r. H -mull be exeh•ngec:I ·77 MBZ 450SL Xlnt " ..,..v " a ru l>Oflef V8 4 dr llarc:lp Ii fOIO Spray paint booth fOf Ul-fOll, 141·1111 tor r-ved M•I• el bo.11 cond Mol'I lllru Thurs AC 18,000 ml, 5 spd vnyl auto, 111 33.000 633-3389 ''1 ~ .. T NG o ., ·c I 80 A·t11>11 c~ ·H t rf. Wl1, ··~··•••••••••••11••11 rent. 115 50 hfly $4-0 for olllce prior 10 perlor·, 7·30 10 4 ,__ AMI tor R Mull sell 675-8372 KluaJ miles $95-0 Contemp dealgner '-':':; •tt 1" IOll 19 Mercury 150HP 150 311r1 775-0278 .... , 675-44lll a.. IHI (Th•yer Coggin) L· •• !!!71.!' ............. 110-11111/9k1w/lrlrS3850 Top Dollar menc. Beum•n 549-0117 ••'88VWBug ounrool. -------- 830-9391 :':A~................. 1heped 1ect1on1I. gd BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA 894·4748 A•tll 111 •iJI * * * 1977 450 SEL Brown with S2l 50 C .. tlat8111 1110 POODLE. 7 wk1. A.KC. eon<! 135-0, 831-3361 e11 ColOr TV Nie. 2 yr wrnty. .. •••• !~ •• '!·........... Pai'd * • • 1 lan lnl 1 owner, •lnl 499·2986 ..................... . t>ut. 8•5·2420, r ... ColfH table, dHlgner $148. Fr• IM!lvery. fl,.IMllllil• IMPORTANT NOTICE O -••aae I cond. $22,600 649·1945 '74 vw Bua, xlnt cond, Lincoln Continental $150. 962-0175 gleu top on ••lnut TV Jotm'e 646-1786 •••••~••111111•••11 •• TO READERS ANO For Your Carl • •&aav•• da, 675-7147 eve n-painl. •lnl eng, * TIE •All * Puret>reed Lnua Apao, e eubH S175, e31·3381 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•C••l'n, I.Ji ADVERTISERS .1111111 I Ill 2~~~1~1~n~~ :a2 300D Turt>o Sliver S2900 646·286!> Long stetec:I aa the ultt· ~ •. 4 miles. 1100 ea. ev 1100 ... PUTI l1at llZO The price 01 ll•m• ad· u ........ ,..,., You Ille , .. _ win~ ot blue metllblue, sir, ortho ·73 Su"'"• B-lle, 9 mo mR ate In peraon, 81 luxury 1147-3228 11••11••11••••••••11•• vertlaed by vehicle dea-,.., ·~ .. ~ """ ighl now, 1ve mOc:lels 5e11g enrome rOGl<tf, fully Allee L•n11ng floor • • • lers '" llle 119hk:le ell.ISi-2626 Harbor 9111d 1wo lree ucl\ets ($11100) aea1s. rea1 neac:ls, lec1 old eng m•ny nu pr1s· ere ivallat>le posslt>ly ...__ II ••• IHS uphol . e1rtlltonet. Gd •P••k•rs. $25 ••ell Liii llMln llec:I ec:lverusmg columns Coet• M... 540-5630 value to Ille instlc:I m111. must sell 9re•I int. 1001ts gOOd one 10, yoo• Jusl need ~!!"!' •••• !~............ eond $90, 631-3361 EJtoeUent conc:lltlon. Ou•I c:lou nol Include •ny Premium prl<lea RINGLING BROS Pvt pty 714/731 ·0202 S2900 631-3059 relletlle p•rty to make Pree 10 good homes, 4 Dek pereona dining rm ~=!:s~ Sherwood 28J:i. 't:!.:C •PPllcat>le tues. licenae, p.,d tor •ny uted car BARNUM & BAILEY 77 MercecJes 450SLC 72 ~Squareback small mO<'lll'lty pm19 No ~liful kittens Ible w/uphol chrome 857_..198 You •r• tile winner ot trenster teu. !Inane• (lorelgn or c:lomfttle) OllHI brwn, chrome wttt!I, loa· $1200, 1111r conc:11t1on old conrrects to usome 631•4llS3 cnra (-1ht~) 1250. ~~~~~~~~~two trM heketa (Sl600) Cll•rg ... lees for llr pol-In conc:lltton. Anehelm ConventlO<'I dec:I $22.SOO 673-7339 •92·11187 No bllcil pmts Clue ASll ,--'t 11•• 771-S279 -value 10 the lution conlrol c;levlce F1r1U Center Aug 5-18 I tor RoM 1142-4400 .~~-~•••••••••••~ 1---------.. fr I •-J -., RINGLING BROS cerllllc•t1on1 or dHler Loni 8eech Artn• #0 141 67 VW Bug loolcs and 556-1008 Ptoto LIM OAK Rott fnn Oeefic. w/ctw ...,..,.. 8 22 ••••• • ••••• • • • • • •••••• runt good Many extru KING INNERSPRING EX-...... BARNUM & BAILEY c:locumentery prep8f•· ug 1 • ·79 MOB eonver11ble lllte $2.000 642.0219 C.nnl llJZ TRA FIRM m•llr-Mt, Beeut cond 11000, call ~~Ht OllOIS 11on cll•rge1 unle11 To elelm pa••••· eell ,,__ 10 ml. 91.,90 casa ....... ! ............. . n9llel' UMd. WOf'lh ~. 771·5279 ;::• •'1 ••••••"•-.:,;;,· Anaheim CO<'lventlon otll8rWIHI apeclfled by '42·5e711, 8111 272. Pu-r•Clng SHIP• 111000 f 1/n f 11Z 88 COrvette r•re 427 ~:!d ~:!~nd:~. ~~~~~ ob~ T~~.e L:,e l~'.: ~~~;·~;;·c:~~: C.nter Aug ~18 1119 •c:1ven aer :'r::!: .:;;:~ 675-15611 '";,"i'¥;h~'i;~i;;···1 ~1;"i,!'.1 ~~~ 1" 13119, eHll only. 1218 padded c011., BHut ran, 2 1918 of mold•, 1 Long ee.cn Aren• A..lit•n/ ofllce prior to pertor-'It •U Sec 17900 c:lel. U•ullly home. cond $1000. 771-5279 Aug 18-22 C/11ne1 ISJI m8llGe Extr• clHn. •mllm I• Iraq• CtHtyl 21319«-5810 754-7350 complele null plus Low To elalm P••ats, c•ll ....... ••••••••••••••• _'fl88 ll.11 bo•1 Hhd SEE TO OAK S.1 of 8 pr-b8Ck =:r= 44~~~~ 642·5678. •Kt 272 P... •Ill "l "sJ t ..... 1.1 \11·'·' ~) O lWI * • • ~~I~~~~ O< Ired• IAU I , HIYIOI 17 Velte Whtltan ontr 40 m1. new M!Cllelm$, llJI Ille **'BUY** • r m c II r 1 S 4 5 O , aes must be &Kclllllged Shay r~ plck.!JP8 & '77 280Z. g<I COfld 46,000 for? 63 l-6668 Matt All lUlfH 771-S271l Wanted N•vlg11lon In· lor r~ -11 •I bo11 coupu 4 to chooH Highest caah lmmec:ITetely ml, llC 4 lpd, amllm OVEASEAS DELIVERY goodiM S9 7 50 Good UMd Furnltllf'e & Appllancea-OR I wtn ... , or SELL for Yoo atructor on my own b0a1, otlle• prior to parlor· lrom• (006768) (Stk tor your 11ehlcle DO· r • d r o C a 11 II · 5 . l•••HI 1141 EXPERTS Dining Room T8ble & 4 ""99keod1 ... unlll I finally menoe A3093) Prlceaa1artlngat meallc or l ore lgn 5411 ·5589 ell 6pm •••"•••••11•••••••••• ch8lr1, CO<'lltmpor8fy, Ill "get It" Call Ana Ad * ,,. • HLY H,nll 551-8285 557.71144 LUU A 1112 673-7782 Clays 675 5467 ev IU1DI &IOTlll ....... IH-1121 wood , reducH to 44" rounc:l.221"1Hll9e,wu •509642"'300•2411"· CA MPER SHELL for 11 1d 11ZJ PEllEOT 105 S S 1 2 0 O no• S 6 5 O 1Ht1, #wt Courler/Dettun/Toyote. ~!'!!1.~I.'.'.~'!. ...... ··~i'iiiiTi.S'• TUlllO DIESEL Will Ill YILYI I ~A! ••••••••••• !.~~~ ESTATE SALE 4 Cir 77 1 llY Flllmll ~rfg~l~~;::~.dea ... ~..t!~~! .•.. !!~f !l~dc!'~~t :Jn:;": Mf!.~~ ...... 1.~!¥ llU AITllllZll Lee 957-8133 White Prolllnclal Bedroom Trallef. ,_,for 16 ft C•t c:loor In rear $125 * FEllllllll 1966 H.,bor BIVCI Dodge Otplomu w/lull COSTA MESA pwr ate •mlfm r•dio $289 ta.1101 HO·Hll , Cell Bllllk ot Amer. lor details Wkdys only 8-3 New lull-alz.e mattr ... eel, HI, double bed. new '475 Flrm 642-5200 c:ly1; 548-IM8 165 New queen elze, m at t r a a 1 S 2 o o . 4&3-6135 Aft 5 0< S•I eva 1111 ALFA llt•H IULHlllP'I A•tll UIH _P_m_7_5_9-_4_311_2 ___ _ $100 750-51132 673-0329, 752·8257 Traller, new lor Jel Ski, Slest• Ceb Over C•mper lltHI ---Full alz.e bec:l lr•me almoet lnft•l•t>le bo1t1 teletcoplc 1750 or bell Attentlo" cooect0<sl 1959 8 eyllndera, 3 cerb1., I~~ per month ptua tu ..... '/................ 78 Dodge Coll. good 48 m onth closed end AJIC llOS cond MUST SELL MO· le•M on approved ere.. •• • • • • • • •• • •• • • • • • • • • • VING S2600 obo dlt Come 1n aroc:I a« lor '82 AMC Eegle SX4 Only 645_8306 _ _. t> d _. I •20 493·613S Aft 5 or SI! ottef 546-5678 Edael Ranger In good rea1ored LHI ol the bi.. II uir-IL .. ran ,_, _, or • running condltlon! ONL y 'V M ,._. cutl 968-39211 Class1llec:I Ads 642-5876 Cleulfled Adi 642-56711 $5501 Cell M2-2073 O< All• Romeo'•· (DVet52> 141 t11 Hl·llH 1-.-.,-,-.,----,,.,-,..,.======...i.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ 545-81174 II no •n-r, 131-1311 ..._ ____ ,,,.; deta1t11 (Ser 16&85) 2300 miles Save over IUCH llPOllTS 13·000 PP 648 .... 6211 '"' H40 ••• lllll IUll 20282 Otehld ••• ..... "" •••••••••• pl-llMP trying. A•'' 1101 3100 WHt Cout Hwy 5 yr old m9fe. Appy & WHAT'S NEW FOR MOA 1957, r9bulll '"""'lne. "••••••••••• .. ••••••• Newpon e..cf\ 1411 0ove stree1 1.111 lllO "1'1"Fo1~o·M~~;;~;·a~ Newport Beech •••••••••••••••••••••• cond 3 new ur ... econ Ar•b Well lr81ned, gen· -.. IO •-..u &AAA y-...a..... 842 9405 tie Nice weatern plea· I New tr81l1. Good eon<!, ----• 752-0900 SEE US seso 494.s211 S80te Ane Yoo .,e the •Inner ot two 1r .. tlcitet1 (S 18 00) velue to the sore h0<M. Inc. uddle & Conv, red Terrific pt1oe 26,000 mllM, fUl1y IOaded lllt 111 tllCk $1000 751-8518 S36-4232 IUflroof, Cid cond Like ..................... . tor the l•roest 1ne1 bell ,,,_., 1150 Mlectlon of new end 0 66 FORD 5800 0< belt on• 639·9063 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • used Buick I In Orange RINGLING BROS BARNUM & BAILEY ... I BOA'S '53 Sludeblller Champion n ew S t 3 •4oo OBO. 1171 FIAT 121 . #atAllll!f. 1111 5 PHI cpe. Nice car 6 4 5 • 8 2 1 1 E v • • • 4 Door Sedan 4 IPMd C......... ............ •"750. 2131592-1792 857•968' daya tr•n•, &M/F .. r•dlo. * ~ £i•~h IHS omplete C•blnet Sh09 ... " ... lor 111e Near new 1941 Ced Model 61. s. 11l7e Audi 5000, red, wl only 48,000 mll• & ••· 1111 PllllOIE 111 ......•............... Anaheim Con11entlorl Center Alig 5-18 Rockw.11 toola. l>enctlM. Th D .1 p I bl' h d·-ue mint _..., -·to beige velour lnl .. AC. oepttooalty clean! EJtcel-11g1111. etc. 979-11110. e al y ilot WI I pu IS ..... . ~-v· •v • AM/FM 11areo CHI, " lent tr1n1port1Uon! ..... Red •lbl•ek, Flerea, r•dlo, e3.000 ml. 119· dr, cleen, $4800 Ev1/ king low wtloleule blue Whele Tall. RECARO TUIA llO Llncoln Town car Xlnl cond turbine wf>eelt. metelllc t>rown Long 8Mct1 Arene .#.llnJlatHI IOU Aug. 18-22 •••••••••••••••••••••• To cte 1m pHHI, cell -·-J:d --842-56711, H1 272 Pu-8 to 20' IOflg. 384 ~ ft. -muat be ••Changed 775-1491 •nytlme lor r~ -1111 boll ---------office prior to ~rlor· JEEPS -Government manoe Surplu1 Ll81ed lor $3, • • • • • • 196 Sold f0< $«. For Into Call (312) 931-1981 Ext 2239 1 ... •nm Rm Oii/ider. 6.a. ae11 aup- e11 Udo Perk Of 7A ported, (white) $75/bat N9WPC>f1 Beecti I otr. 894-8947 1nytlme. You .,. the winner ofMCJlc ltlllld Gold C•rd two Ir• tlcke1t ($18 00) I ~mberehlp for Sele. v~~L'::.a BROS. 5. 844-2815 BARNUM & BAILEY Ir Condl11oner, 111\e new OllOll 5000 blu. u-IOw elec. Anaheim Con--.tlon 5 5 • m p 1 I 1 9 8 . c.rrter Aug. 5-1e ,_55_1-«38 ______ _ Long 8Mctl Ar9ne .......... lttft Aue-1a.22 4Ni.EY bv ·~ ertord To cl1lm PHIH, cell STA.NL by llt . &42-5671 • ..,. 272. p.. Newr7~~92 .. muat be •cn.no.d 1---------for r_..., Meta at box McLAne lront throW reel office prior to perlor• mower. 1 bl1de1, 211". meoce. u1ed twice 1280. • • • SM-ION EITATI IALI boat picture ads starting 500 54s..eoo1 wt(ncsa 8-44-14&6 bOOk ., s1450 eau Lt.. p21011 ..... 0r.,.·c_... • 641-6974 ~~!!~~I ......... ~!~ Friday, August 6th -we'll IHIMtNul • ,.,, 1111 •' S41-11ae •lier 8:30 s 10.ooo t k . t f V1Al1ln 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• P m. on weekdeya, •II 131-1 313 2925 H8rbor BIYCI COSTA MESA '65 Mustang II cy1, PS. even a e a pie ure 0 your •••••••••••••••••••••• d•y weekend• If no ---------! 979-2100 AT. IO ml. 11lnt cond $2600 090 840-5144 boat for your ad. You can't Corv11rTurbodunebuggy, •n•w•r. pleH• k••P MEISTER wltrlr, •Klre Urea. $1800. trylngt beat the price. if we take a..2-84•1 -.,-s Fl-.-,-12_e _N_1ee_&_c_...,,-.' POllSCME/llDI '78 Regal Coupe. •uto, the picture, your ad Wiii RV Gener•tora, br•nd OrNt mpg Only SHOO 13631 Harbor Blvd Only COSt you $45 -jf you ,_, muat Mii 5•7·'113 L1•rtr1ee 714/962·5047 G81den Grove AM/FM 11...-eo. air, $3450 5411-8535, 673-7372 ·74 MUSTANG n COUPE V8 euto Irene, AM/FM 11.,eo tape, meg wheels 87,000 ml, 11750 c;leye. 848-8463 e 11e/ llntl 1111 laltt•ltnltt '76 Skytl-k. •Int oond. provide the picture, your ad wknd UUl-llRVIOI ·"ao·;:~·r·;·;i;;:;~·~j~~ Lttsfaa air, ,_ t1rea, stereo. will cost $40. 1.19~!.¥!!!!! •• 1!.~f Wlllt cond., Am/Fm •t•r•o. 714 IH-2333 -1-211-00-'-11-57---43-55 ---1 01'1•NJI• HIS '80 Chevy Bluer. Sll11e· 831·20•0 495-49•9 8M ml, $4,000. 648-11285 C."lllt HI$ ...... •••••••••••••••• rado, red/wllt, 350 auto, •aaaa -••• ... ---------1 '80 924 Turt>o, 108ded. '80 .........•••••••• r.'"'... 11 lt4t..Wle ~-•••I• 1111 924. Take 011er lease• otllTllPUnll loaded, winch. PIOntef 2M02 M~tl ~ ........ •••••••••••••• ~•ui,... St,OOO. •• .. L• •"t Olltlnt It~ AM/FM CUI, ._ tra:n1 MINIOn V:J<: -.-.a • ...,.,..., "" w•• _, ._ C /10 000 I •• 000 --..,_,._ 714/825-1808 ·~• t•-I ..... rulM, TH1, P , P/L, w • m . •"Q ..... . (A~ Exit hSl W• Cln helpl Before you . W• -· ". n _... A.IC. Tape Am/Fm ... SOOOO/otr •93-1320 <>pen SUndeya t>uy, check our unbMt .. Sherp 79 91 ISC, bleck for tile bu1lneu ••ecu· reo, Wire whlelt. low •6 • on bl8Ck loaded lo ml llw & profeulonet. 1,_ ... 7.,,. ,._, I( 1'!!"!~ ••.••.•••• !.~ ll\Mf'I bmWCREVtER ~:::!,on. Hlllng• 122.soo: 855-9911 1 o; l-a• ltlfftlH o:;;;:~ 9~ '" '71 TOYOTA PICKUP lx'A" logo lllYElllTY 859·1281 tf ... 1U! 1tl0 II ltfllt *HIT llU * Sa~LeMlng ULll I llUYlll P~ TSa2rge rNr glua 09411.... PS, PB. PW. AITJ.._AJC, Sport MOc:lel, grHt ml· ~I l!ll't An ltftl ..,, ... ..,_ 20 ... hi ...... » IMge. cuat. wn.ta, dlll. N ....... .,_.__.,_1 2'50 H.,bO( Biiiet 875·9909 CdM ~f1• ~1f!b cond d900. tn11 rlor •nd morel ...,. ._.... .. .,., COSTA MUA ~ ..., -.. •• mys. 115078&41 Juat need,. ~.Jc~20I: auto .• eotrt, 141-1140 L~.DE~7~t~ NABER 881-73711 EV99 ~~e,,,s:~~~ ~:a~ * ·79 83bl: 1&1to .. 1ow ---------1 Prt111ne cond. 54&-22ea (:A.DTCI:A~ ~ Ila,. "'1 old oontr8CU to__,,,,._ ':':il,6~~.,~ .• IOI• 4-~~ H~ ~~ 30. ::~or 988·3187 ev/ 2{00 ~rbor Blvd ••••••;;i•NTt•••••• 963·"881 evea. S AMPLE AO - litl.k ILJ,() 1,111/ ' . I FwM-f' ..... .....,, ohr•. e nd tbl1, mite. Ceml* Ylt\ 'OI Dod09 .. If.cont, P.U truolt, llhop equipment gaior.. cement mlxar. 1011 ol !umber, v.,loua ez. pool tum, drafting ttll, dlrtl rm eqpmt. eom• kitchen· were. Cell •"-2842 No l>actl pf!llt. due. Mk ctedl ( 110V020) 0 0 0 m I . A a d I •' • ' . J•C·0t·t.a·M···w·5•4·0··9•1oo~·1 DELUXE MODEi.-• tor Rou 842·"00, * '11 ~ fflt/ff, tow IS I 0 I /o b o . P . P 113 35&8. JClnt COnd, no IP"d. '3200 11,000 ml. 11_ .... __ tOOt __ P_rcMc> __ u_M. __ 1 ,.,,.,, (t4: ,,.•1'1T7 -a. rlllll, lltrM.-* .. '11 Se¥111e. xtnt o:ind. fl"P "2·2'7t90 ..._ __ '87 Ford F800 2~ Ion * '79 320!. "'4 , A.IC. J. fJ1f SIOOO. 873-5300 $7900. 'fl ""8 ••• e. nu 420 PttnclMon Dr. eo.tlMIM You .,.. tN Winner of two tr.-llakete (I 18.00) V8IUe 101M AINOUHO MOS. 8APIHUM I SAIL!\' -tkllcntr 810ek outtl1 tbl. Alidt/llhelf, drwr. 200. Show pn M7·6&39 Anaheim ~Ion p ............... Oen*~· 6-11 ~ IWn et • ...-. -,.,... a ..,,._, new aaao. NG. ~. 1 .. 22 1180. 142·110t To olalm PIHH, 0111 220V 1tr oond ltlonet. M2-M1t . t111t. 272. ,_. Good oondltlOn. 960 -,,... " ..ctllf\Olld ...-.1201 for ~ ...... boa lriNPt Nur.-y etodl offto. plfOt to'*'°'• A~ Treaa. IS'..: n.noe. MM1" ••• ~-~-------~· For more Information and to schedule you r ad. please call 642-.5678 and ask for Classified Advertising. Bobtall. 390 CIO engine (<lelXiQ) .MW-............... 72 811 E. -motor, Xlnl 1'2-1410 11000. 831-907' encl. van pl111 llftgete * •eo 320!. 5 IPCI .. entrf. * cond. Belt offer. ...., t ••IEIT 14900/ otte<. 17g.2000 A/C. (1161ZOK) ..._.He 111 Wiii 1.1-• d ,,,. ••t t32or561-3MO•· Ul-1111 11llmY-11 ·1e 1118.1rown111n SIUITill .:i:-:r~ ............. .. II' 4 pm 201 W. 1_., Sant• M l uu i=• • I I N 1 of late model(nlow mn.. '77 ARROW OT. depndOl QIOMd &lfldey ......,., .. _. n t., Ot, IW YI 11e,, ~ .............. •-.. "9n1 needl body wrlr. ttllOO. euraunciy •ll•n. lookt QIUtoll, llr•, very cleen. .,..,..._ """' 5'74135 . e3 Chev truott i)lclt-up, good GOndlllon. a.. •• 221 I . 111111 St .. C.M. &42-1353 CHOICI! tNVIHTORV ancf nit'll uaille ntl $12,IH. • ,....,.,. alltomtal 8" llt today! &48 • was. VOLUMll 8AlE8 (llVOMJ) ___ ... _ .... _ ....... _·~=· UIUI -431$, & a1a,&00 ---111 ,,,, ...... •• ·71~ou.c .... Aune .... • •• , 1111 ..... ~ !. ' reg.,... "'" .. • ~ •• •• ••••• ••••• ••• • •• • • teOO .. arbor llYd. ... -OM llW C08lA MHA ·~,;~,':~!.,ao,:r. Ill llfttLllll * 'II.....,. a.. llf 141·1111 T!!~ •••• l!lf '*· Uddlt taneie. Auna. 1MY 4MIAI m Manv to ohoOtl ffom. ••••••••I ea T411td. lani eoncs. wortc• ,,., 11490 s.._a.w.l.Melna .... ,.. lt'nmtdlai. ~ '""'~1 auoo . ..,... H2-1~ taO N, e.dl BMJ. .......... 11111 par1y, .-7410 La H*9 Iii.It W/bladl. ,_ '"*''· '""EV! _.. fl'UI0081 '11 ID Cimino lllP'f-liPOtl QI.UH dlrOmt ~ tnwtor. flt· .,. ...,, You Oon'1 Mid • 1Uft IO V•·t , PIS, P/I, AIC, ""'-aunct-ot llt nt condition. ... IMlt "draw faat" ~you _:U000:::;:::..0t:::...::Of:,:.:r•.:..a&e-:.:..;;l:.;.:1u~l.-:--..,_..._.".':"'."'"·-'-#'--=-I (151M~ .. ,.,,_.,, ~ 1r1 M 111 the ~-..-f9 "nCJ •hll you wa nt In Hsw ..,.,,..Mng to -"? 111t• .. ~1 HI 8 2'4 twW ~:r gJl I ..... !!!'! Mjf C.-,.. ~P~Ctaatlfledt. Cfutlfi.dldtdOK~. ~ , MeorHv __ ,., -.- ~ "6._.p=-='----- --.. --· --=:.. ... ----- Ym 11111111 llllY Ml '111 •,()/\ v Il l! · . I •'•·•. OHAN( .1 1 UllN l 't 1 Al II OHNIA 25 CENTS killer'· fighting release Mesa victim's mother • FROM YEARBOOK - Richard Cook'a photo as it appeared in the Costa Mesa High School annual in 1976 when be was a junior at the school. BY JODI CADENBBAD °'" .. ...., ........ Joen Wllllaml hll apent nearly ever/ Wakinc hour on the pboM lince ahe heard Jn Jww that the killer of her aon la about to be re1eued from pn.on. She hu calkecl to anyone she hu l'MIOn to believe could keep Anthony Earl KerMy, 24. behind ban a little J.onaer. To no avail. He'll be releued nelrt Tue.day from Vacaville state pri8on after serving 4 ~ years for the suffocation and 1exually abusive murder of Richard Lee C.ook. The victim, 19 at the time of his death Nov. 29, 1977, had lived ln c.o.ia M .. before h1I family moved to Corona a ftw montbl before hil death. 11We u a family are 1emn, a life 1entence," Ml'I. Wllliaml uid ln a phone lntervie'r. from her Mira Loma home. 'He's only -rvtna 4 ~ yean for the murder of my IOll." Cook wu an honor 1tudent at Newport Evening HJgh School ln Costa Meu when hi.I mother and 1tepfather moved to Corona. AlthoUgh he was .elected t1ul valedictorian and awarded a 1eholarahip, he dropped out a month before grad~tion. He went to work aa manager of a feed ltoN tn Riverside. He knew Keney only .. a cuua1 CU4k>mer employed at a nearby ltable. Dave Tolford, the ~iver1lde 1heriff'1 deputy who arre1ted Keney, Mid the then 19-year-old rancbhand confe11ed to the killing when arrested two days later. The 6-foot-6, 250-pound teen-ager lured Cook to the ranch by calllna the store and c laiming that an already delivered bag of feed had never arrived. When Cook showed up, he was (See KILLER, Pase AZ) Stuckle freed from jail Councilman . center of Schmitz case woman arrested on child neglect h fl 9 mars ap By DAVID KUTZMANN Republican Party volunteer fact, wol.J}d ilkely never comment Of the o.lr Not ..... worker was criminally negligent on any matter connected with Carla Verne Stuckle, the for not promptly aeeld.ng medical paternity. 43-year-old Tustin woman who attention for her 13-month-old "I don't think my mother or claimed that state Sen. John G. boy, whose penia was nearly dad will ever make a 1tatement." Schmitz fathettd her two young severed by a strand of hair that Mary Kay Schmitz, 20 said in a children, wa1 released from was wound tightly around it. telephone inverview. ' Orange County Jail today That child is currently in Police officials, meanwhile, without bail following her arrest county care at Albert Sitton said that even though Mrs. Monday on a felony child neglect Home ln Orange pending an Aug. Stuckle bu been charged with charge. 6 dependency hearing in felony child neglect, thei r Central Orange County Juvenile Court. inveatigation ls continuing on Municipal Court Judge Gary Schmitz., R-Newport Beach, is how the child's penis was injured R yan delayed Mrs. Stuckle's listed on birth certificates both by what is believed to be a 1trand arraignment proceedings for a for the boy and bl a of hair that became entangled week this morning to give her three-w eek -old 1later aa the with It. r ----- time to find an attorney. father of the children. Mn . Recorutrucdve surgery wu He allowed her to go free on Stuclde said she and Schmitz had performed o~ the organ two her own recognizance. a nine-year low affair. weeka ago at Childt'ena Hospital Mrs. Stuckle, who waa The lawmaker'• family laid of Oranae c.otmty. The auraeey arrested at her home Monday by late Mooday that he would-ha~ wu 1epo1 tied J1CJ be IUOCe9ful. Tustin police, had been held In no comment on the late.t "The lndlcation1 from the lieu of $25,000 ball . before this developments in the cue and, in (See SENATOR Paae Al) morning's court acuon. She ia ' now acheduled to be arralgned next Tueeday. Tustin Police Chief Charin Thayer aald the woman wu arre1ted Monday after the Diltrict Attomey'a Office filed a criminal ~t in municipal court in Sania Ana. Thayer said the complaint alleged that the former Weather same: beaches cool, inland hot For thoee who have enjoyed the swnmer weather along the Orange Coast, the National Weather Servic:es promises more of the same Wednesday. The mercury will again peak in the mid-70s along the beaches and aoar to the mid-80a in inland Orange County, weather forecasters said. Coastal cities will e9Cape the smog that has made breathing more difficult in 90me sections of Southern California. Coastal cities can expect gooc' air quality. The air quality will be unhealthful for sensitive people in the Fullerton-Anaheim area. according to a sl>Okesman for the South Coast Alr Quality Management District. After a busy weekend, local beaches settled down to more routine Monday turnouts of sunbathers. The state and dty beaches in Huntington Beach drew about S5,000 visitors, while 70,000 swarmed to the sands at Newport Beach. Lifeguards said the ocean water remains a comfortable 70 degrees. .,., ,.. ....... ..,, a.....,, LANDING ON THE NOSE -Thia 2-inch scale model of a 1939 GBR-1, remote-controlled by Granger Williams of San Marcos, cartwheeled as it landed in regional competition at Fountain Valley's 'Mile Square Park. Story and photos on Page Bl. TELEVISION SPORTS By PATRICK J . KENNf:DY or .. o..tr "'°' ,..., Officials of the California Coastal Commiasion have asked the state attorney general to file a lawsuit charging the crane and trucking company of Huntington Beach Councilman John Thomas with willful destruction of protected wetland& Steve Brown, attorney for the cornmiaaion, said Monday that Thomas' crane and trucking ~ompany was hired over the weekend by Milla Land and Water Company to plow the 15-acre salt marsh south of Newland Street near Pacific Cout Highway. The Milla company, headed by Robert London Moore Jr .• alao is named in the complaint which could carry a $10,000 fine and a ».ooo daily fine for each day the area remaina graded, Brown la.id. He laid the area must be restored to a ..it marsh by replanting weu,.nda vegetation. .. We've determined thl1 grading is a willful violation of the cm.t.al aict and that Thomas' Crane and TruckinR Company and Milla Land anc:f Water Co. are responsible," Brown said. He contends that Moore and 'l'homaa. who u a oou.ncilman oppoees the wetland designation on the property, wett aware of the area's protected status and knew that grading in the coastal :one required state permits. Thomas, supervising the last stages of the grading on Monday morning, said he didn't know the parcel was included in the coastal wetlands that stretch from Beach "I've .fust rented roy equipment to (Moore)," Thomas said. "I'm (See WETLANDS, Page A%) San Onofre 'fires up' Engineers at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station have fired up Unit II for what Is expected to be several months of low-power testing at the plant just south of San Clemente. The startup, at 7 :58 p .m . Monday, came on the eve of a federal appellate court hearing echeduled in Washington, D.C. today on a request by several IJ'OUP9 to halt the testing . Some false alarms that required double-chec king delayed by several hours the ICheduled startup on the second nuclear power reactor. Germans lilce 'Dallas' Lights up for Davidson What d o ther\.1t;tch on televlalon In Weit ., Germany? Why, " " of coww.-Pap A8. COUNTY Packard laclcs support Carlabad Mayor Ron Packard Hyt lre'a diaappolnted by OM group't lack of 1Uppon in a write-in campal1n agaln1t Johnnie Crean for a ~-t.PapA4. Ziuurat goes belJBins . 'Ibere'• • lot of available lpllCe at the Chet HolllieJd Bu1ldJna (the Zia\lrat) In 1..-una Nipl, ---but not too many poten1TU tenanta-:-'Lave lliOwD interest. P• Bl. • Newport Harbor High School's DavidsoD Field ii shedding aome new llght on an old J)roblem'71>age Cl. Angels lose a wild one The Angell come back from an early 7..0 defldt, but nm abort of rum in the end u Oaklarid wtna. 11-8. Page Cl. Albacore in channel • . D.-, .... ,......., ........... , OOPS -Spirit, a boat skippered by Allen Brown, rams into the hull of Fast Company (left) at the start of the Newport Harbor )'acht Club's Catalina Island race. Fast Company sustained a gaping hole to her hull while damage to the Spirit was slight. Nearly 100 boats took part in the Saturday race. Council OKs demise ' of Balboa Fun Zone By STEVE MARBLE Ofdleo..tr .......... Agreeing that the Balboa Fun Z.one isn't what it used to be, the Newport Beach CJty Council haa approved a plan to tear down the longstandlna arcade and replace it with a three-story office, restaurant and specialty shop complex. The council action Monday marks the first major redevelopment project to be approved in the heart of Balboa. Delay sought in wetlands development Advisers to the California Coastal Commission have recommended a delay of up to six months in conside ration of Orange County's development proposal for the Bolla Chica marsh near Huntington Beach. The coastal commissioners are scheduled ta consider the county plan tJUs Friday. The county's proposal includes 5, 700 homes, an ·l , 8 0 0 -s 11 p boa t ma r i n a , a navigable channel to the sea and a 600-acre wetlands system (including 300 acres already owned by the state). However, Bill Brown, the oommilaion'a dep~ director for land use, said y that the recommendation is to postpone a (See BO~A. Pase A%) INDEX The block-long Fun Zone ~ erected in the late 1930s. "I have fond memories of the place," said Ruthelyn Plummer. councilwoman. "I had my first job there. I uaed to aseodate the Fun l.one with Balboa but tt•s outlived its u.aef ulnesa." Balboa retidenta poured out their memories of the Fun Z.one during the lengthy hearing, moat concluding the waterfront arcade has become scruffy in recent years. Only Councilma n Paul Hummel voted against the multi-million dollar development scheme. Don Strauss abstained, saying he would neither support or oppose the project. In a related move, the council ordered the developer -JBS Development of Claremont -to put up $15,000 to fund a study for developing a shuttle bus service along the Balboa Peninsula. Council members said they are hopeful a tram system, such as that in Laguna Beach, can be started ln Balboa to ease traffic congestion. The approved project, which Includes a two -level underground garage, I.a designed to preserve some of the Fun Z.one's festive features. A Ferris wheel and carrousel are included in the plan aa I.a a video game arcade. "I used to go to the Fun Zone iD the 40s as a teen-ager and thought it was marvelous," saJd Balboa resident Robert Brown. (See FUN, P•ae Al) At Your Service A4 Intennillion B6 Enna~k A7 Ann Landen A7 au.me.a B2-3 Movies ~-6 Calilomla A5 Mutual Fundl m Cavalolde A7 Nadonal Newa A3 Cleeifled C4-8 PubUc Notices B2,CM c.omsc. 84 r~ Cl--3 &.°:.Note. 84 A7 C4 Stock Marke11 • B3 Jl'.djtortaJ A6 Television ... lnt.ertainment B6-6 1.'Maten 85-6 Hy Gardner A7 Weather A2 llOl'OICOpe • A7 WoddNewa A3 I STATE . • torced Into th• bunkhouH, at.ripped, tied and ,ulfocated. Tolford Mid lnw.Uiaton blUeve h• wu raped:.·Hr1 body wa1 found two claYlt later in • lhalloW ,JCrave behind the .-.ble. ~f Tolf_.... ~ , -~. now . u an t\fator ln the 11trlct y I offke, .ad Keney had &Om Indiana where he w11 that rm amna to keep ftahtil\I." Mn. wuu..m. tta)"ld ln contaict with Tolford. She called the e boerd ln San Blmardlno. wrott len.n to the Board of Teml when ... b.md out Keney would be releliMMI in AUl\ll\. ''They•ve aot to quit •tttna the.• peo,Rle out," Hid Mrs. WJlllanw. I don't want to eee another boy die. I want to eave IOMeOne e1le out there.11 area. However, city offlc;lal1 ••)' Moore= WH ordered to remove from the roadltd• frlnae ~the pr~perty where people Ye pulled vehldel and dumped . P•=:=· dty public wwkl director, Monday that Moore WU to remove W..- from a f°""'·ac.Te parcel inland of the 1alt ~anh 1lt~1 wlUoh la ldjlacent 10 the Gwr OU Tank Fann. \ i:anted In eonneciton with a 1 utal HXUal attack on a • year~ boy, three montha ore &he murder. '1 r Keney pleeded auilty to the ,alurd•r and under a ,Jiea·~ aireernertt WU .atntenced by Judie William !Mortla,nd to the maximum of M'Ven yeara. l'red Samuell, a• aui1tant manaaer of the Rivendde parole office, aald he mana1ed to convince authorities not to allow Keney to return to Riverside. "He di= pt an order to remove from that (aalt marsh) property," Cook aald. "Either he'1 cleuin8 the wnina n..n · propeny or he'• doina what he SUCCUMBS -Forme~ .LAIUY wanted to d9, and 11 blamlna ua," Pilot artist Dana "HAm Crum Cook Mid. J'. ii dead of cancer at the age of Moore~didn't want to 66. spend to clear the area. but he -1d tho\.&aht he WU ...., .......... .., .... ,.... ARRAIGNED -Carla Verne Stuckle ii led to CX>Urt by Tustin police officera Mark Bergquiat (left) and Jim Hein. She was charged with felony child neglect of infant alleged!~ fathered by State Sen. John Schmitz. Usually prilonen are returned to the area Vlbere the crime WU committed. Former Pilot under dty '° clear the area. ' •r "I think It's a cheap price to *Y for a human life," 'rolford said. '1 feel he'• dangetoua. ~ a ent of teen-age children I , ve empathy for Mrs . J.W,azrm.·· 1; For the WUliarmes the road }°'5 been tough. Two yean aao. \t(eir only daughter was killed in 'I ' car accident. Two other 'Ol\ildren are left. .. • ·1 "He wanted ., much to live," · '*'d Mn. WiUJams of her aon. ·~tf{e loved nature. He was ao irustworthy. This la aorne~ • / l . fJOLSA CHICA ,, final decl1lon until an Army Corps of Engineers 1tudy 11 '19'11Pleted on the feulbillty of we ocean channel. r He said the recommendation (4tas forged out of private 1'9eetinp with county offlcW. ind consultants for Signal 'Eandmark Co., the major landowner of the 1,600-acre ~laa Chica. '· Staff adviaen to the Couta1 Oommiaaion have crlticlzed the 'Cbunty's plan because it propoees -building homes in the 1,200-acre lbwland portion of the marsh that's Identified as wetlands Wildlife habitat by the state·Flah ~d Game Department. ', Brown said that ilsue la still the major point of contention. but be said delay could allow Accordins to prt.on records, Keraey's aentence wu reduced by one-third for good behavior. '4Qnce the judge eentencea him the only thlnH we can do is decrease time,' said Samuels. "We can't i.ncreaae it." Keney will live wtth a friend in the San. Ftanciaco area after he ia released $CC!OrdJna to official documents. A gay organization in the area has volunteered to give him a job. • • • commlalon staff members to attempt a coroproml1e with county offidala. Brown said the ltaff would recommend denial of th e county'• plan u lt'1 currently propoeed. largely bec:au.e of the wet.lands dispute. However, he said ottlctala of the two government apndes are closer to agreement 'on other planks o! the countv's proposal. The Bolaa Chic& la .Nth of Warner Avenue on the inland side at Pacific Coast Highway, bordered by Huntington Beach on three lidel and the Pacific Ocean on the fourth. It'• currently undeveloped and Includes a 200-acre 1ta te wetlanda re.eerve and an inland oil field with about 200 wella. !FUN . ZONE'S DEMISE ... l i"Now its terrible. It's not the way ~ girdle," said Su.: Ficker. She •we remember it. 1&1d the structure will be too bia. ; Not every Balboan, though, too tall and produce too mucn ;spoke favorably of the project. traffic. . . "Thia project I.a like trying to The project ia suspected to take :fit a 300-pound woman mto a size at l~ a year to complete. st al f artist Crum dead Private burial 1ervices at tea will be held this week for former Daily Pilot art director and longtime Newport Beach commerlcal artist Dana "Ham" Crum who died Sunday. Mr. Crum, who retired last August after 10 years with the Daily Plloi had been battling cancer the put year. He was 66. A native of Wuhington. Mr. Crum worked as a commercial artist in Pa1adena until 1951 when ~ moved to the Harbor Area. He was an al'tWt for Rosan Enterpriaes, an engineering firm in the Mariner's t.1ile diati-ict of Newport, before his ~lance work. A typography expert and considered by peen one of the nation's best artiata in the field of freehand lettering, Mr. Crum wu responsible for designing much of the "look" of the Daily Pilot of the 1960s. He contributed to the evolving design of the newspaper in later years and helped aet up the Dally Pilot's creative servfces dt;partment (art and copy aervice for advertt.ers and for various departments of the newspaper). An avid skindlver and deep--aea fl.shing fan. he often traveled to Mexico in pursuit of thoee interests. He abo was a golf enthusiast. He leaves his wife, Mary Helen, and two daughten, Judith Beuley of Co.ta MeM and Carol Stone of Yorba Linda. He is also survived by five granddaughters and a grandaon. The family requested that memorial contributions be made to the American Cancer Society. . -------------------------.......... ----:. Sunny and warm . Sunny_, -*1'11 today Hlghe Temperatures i-731tthe~and­'5 Inland F•lr tonight and w~.~lowe53to MATIOM 68. Hlgh8 on w~ In hlgt1 AtMny TO. to rnld-80a. El1ewher•. from Point = Conception to th• Mealcan Alh9¥lll b«<* and out 80 mllaa: Light A!Mnla __.. wlndl night and morning Allel'llO Cty houre. ll•comlng weat to Austlrl ~ s to 11 knoe. wtttl 2 to :i foot wind wa••• In th• =--e fl a r noon 1 today and 8lrminoh"' )V~. Fair loC4llly •099! 8'llNrdl patchy night end morning low Bolaa douda. Outer _t.,. ... have 1.,.tt..-wlndl 12 to 22 knob :::::.... wtth 3 to I foot -through BuffllO w~ NQht. lklr1lnglon c.,., U.S. summary g::~ ' Charm• NC Thunoeratorm1 continued to ,,__ roll acroee ..etem Cdoredo and -~-­weat..-n KanHI, with • ttw ~ .,_.. llnOl'lnG VV9f NebrMl!e. Tiler• -• wldety acalltred ~Clmbla SC ~ and thUnderltorma from wetttm New Meldco acfOM the CQ4unlbUt NtloM "-\ to the Of.at Blllln. Dai-Ft WUI 8howWI and thundefatonna alto Dayton contJnUed actoet "°"'*'" Iowa Denwr and central Wl1con1ln, with Del MollWI 11,underatorma llngerlng over = Flortde and the ~ VtlJllt. F* lklae prtY8llld -a Pt90 !tie ,... of the oountry. ~ Today'• foreoaat cat~ for Fwgo ecatt•r•d ahow•rt and =r ... ~ lrorn ArtlaNI Ind 'the ~ ....., to .. otnlral Het1tOnl • ' Plaln• and from th• ......,. mld· .. llllH lppl Valley and t:=' .....,,, -*"' al the eoutt.n Plain• to the aouthern and ~ .. .. Le .... II 5e 117 65 .211 tOO 17 II 65 91 73 ·°" 11 72 100 n M 74 12 83 92 72 11 eo .22 95 71 87 •. 03 117 79 87 83 96 51 12 12 92 75 91 ee It 74 79 eo .22 It • Ill 71 ee 11 .oe ... 13 111 ee "n 90 70 eo a .01 to 74 96 et .42, n 53 101 73 • 57 81 1141 15 66 .,. eo ..... M M 81 71 M 7t .At • 72 • 71 .OI 97 71 14 91 72 • 71 ... 74 .04 81 70 .15 90 74 Ill 72 92 IO 11 Ill .14 13 • n 13 .03 IHI 73 1.07 90 71 .111 1M 70 .to t2 78 ... 116 .03 113 73 t2 70 92 75 .14 ... 78 103 IO .04 .. 17 .Ill II lie CAU'CMlllA ....,.,. t02 fl ~ " enu a 54 ~ 100 71 ~ 17 74 lftld-Atlantle Coett atatM and lower Great L•k•• region. -,,.. .. the tor**' clltd for fl/Ill/Mt .. ...,. ....,. .... T•mc:;!urH uoun• th• .,_.. clllM\ ranged fl'om eo 111 ..,. .... Merte. \Mdl., to SIRf RIPllT ' •"' .,.. "°' r.- Cmifomia ZF. 1·2 ft 1·2" 1·2" 1.1" t·2 " 1·1 ft 1·2 ft 1·1 ft 14 ft 1ft 1ft , ft .... -=-'* poor poor Po« Po« poor poor '::' ... poor poor .. ,,. ,.., A_.... , ..... .. 17 .. .. .. .. 70 ro '10 11 10 .. • .. 10 . 10 Smog Ml II 117 12 97 ... lie 115 68 91 17 73 lie ... 12 112 5e 83 47 711 70 51 51 74 51 1111 113 eo " Ill 17 74 Ill 54 .83 92 51 72 81 ao 57 . .. 100 ... 12 16 ta M 117 16 97 .,. =~ 73 57 115 '6 72 SI 11 ... Whe1e to call (toll trff) tor leteal tftlOt lnfOtl'Ntlon: Oranqt eounty: (IOO) ~ Loa AngalH Oo1.1nty: (1100) 2~ and San 8ernal'dlno ~ llOOI MT-4710 AOMO El)llode center: (IOO) 242 ..... "'The dty Qrdered me to do somethioa I ~·t want to do in the ttm ~." -1d Moore, who ~ that · baa Iona op~ the wetland don on hfa land that f evelopmenl ''Thll la a eanup operation.'' Moore aald. • this look Uke wetlands?" he , waving hla hand at the~t up field. Attorney aald that even if the dty ordered a weed abatement at e site that Milla Land and Water Company still would need state permits. Karl Hinderer, violations coordinator for the coastal cornm1.ton. aald he wu at the site Friday when bulldozers were clearing the inland _,J>U"Cel that I.a outside the coutal zone. He said that four-acre parcel had large oat-like weed.a but that the 15-acre wetlands lite had "typical ult ma.rah vesetation." in.eluding short growths of pickleweed. "It WU a viable ult manh but when I returned on Monday it was completly graded and leveled, •• Hindel'er said. From Page A1 SENATOR SCHMIT~ . ~ .. doctors are that the injury is such Stuckle has denied she placed that It had to be accompliahed as the hair on' the child in police a willful act," Chief Thayer aald lntervlews, 'the injury was at a prea conference. detected when she had a doctor Added police Capt. Woody exam!~ the baby·two weeb ABO· Williama, "The doctors say it was The county's Social Services highly improbable It was not an Department later took custody .. of intentional ectY the baby and a petition waa filed The criminal oomplalnt-aainst in Juvenile Court alleging that Mrs. Stuckle was filed after the Infant was being kept in an po~ launched a five-day probe unfit home. last week into the child's injuries. The 3-week-old baby girl was The results of that investigation not lmmedlately taken from her. were presented to the District However, Mn. Stuck.le turned Attorney Monday morning. the infant over to her lister for Thayer said It would have care when she wu arre1ted taken three to four weeks for the Monday at her Tustin home. baby's injuries to re:ach the eta~ "We;, feel this ii ~ very serious of severity they did. The hair .crime, Williams said later in the had cut through the penis down day. "It'• a case we would to the urethra. consider shocking," he said, from He said it should have been 1he standpoint ol the aerioumes obvioua that the chlld waa in of the injuries, not beceu.e of need of medical attention. penonalitfes involved. ___ _ COUNCILMAN CONTROVERSY - Huntington Beach c.ounct1man John Thomas. who says he didri't know the area he was hired DtlJ,..,..... ~Lee...,.... to plow and grade was a protected wetlands, poees on the site with one of his bulldorers. • DIAMONDS GIFTS FROM THE HEART. The brilliant fire of rubles, the dramatic sparkle of dlomonda. The perfect moment, the perfect gift. The unbeatable combination. All in l 4 korot yel- low gold. Heart-shaped ruby pendant with dia- mond, $295. Heart·shaped ruby ring with two diamonds, $69~ . SLAVICK'§ F'lM.....,. snc. 1117 WMrt i& btst s&trpnsa ~n., ,..... ..... "'., ....... ~'*" AlloGNliltUI..._ • ...,~.'--... f I I BLAZE BA'M'Lf;D -Costa Mesa firemen hose down the roof of a Costa Mesa condominium after fire, believed started by sparks from a blowtorch, caused $12,000 Deir ,._. ,,._ br CtwtM 8tett damage to the home at 1109 Sandi Lane where a plumber was attempting to install a garden hose fixture. Owner Kim Powell was not home at the time of the fire. Funeral costs proposal due FTC to view rule requiring undertakers to quote prices WASHINGTON (AP) -A proposal reqwring undertakers to provide customers with detailed funeral costs ii coming before the Federal Trade Commission, its future In limbo after a decade of debate. Two FTC officials on Monday recommended either dropping the rule or studying the issue further. Even {f tl>e rule is approved by the FTC, Coagrem could veto it. The FTC 1taff that worked on the rule' haa called for approval, saying the evidence is "legally sufficient" for adoption. NEW YORK (AP~ -An Idaho congressman failed to report a $50,000 loan to hla wife from Texas billionaire Nellon BW\k.er Hunt in financial disclosure statements, the Wall Street Journal said today. «ep. George Hansen, R-Idaho. also failed to report an $87 ,000 profit realized on the silver market in 1979 by hi.a wife after a tip from Hunt, the newspaper said . The omissions are poasible violations of the federal Ethics in Government Act, but the House Ethics Committee has taken no action against Hansen, the newspaper said. DETROIT (AP) -Despite the recession's deteriorating effect on sales, the nation's largest automaker has posted a profit for the second quart.er. but losses more than tripled at another. major car company. General Motors Corp. said Monday it earned $560 million in the three months ended June 30, up 8.8 percent from a profit of $514.6 milllop ln the second quarter of 1981. ~ at the No. 1 domestic carmaker were off 4.8 percent to $17.2 billion from $18.02 billion. American Moton Corp. lost $68. 7 million in the aecond quarter, ita ninth straight quarterly to.. The Ion at the fifth -largest' automaker was more than three umes ita $19.9 million loss in the second quarter of 1981. WASHINGTON (AP> -Peru, which baa purchased comiderable military equipment from the Sovietl, ia now aaying it wantl to buy F-16 jet fighters from the Uni t.ed Stat.es, aa:ordlng to administration aourcea. The Peruvians recently asked to buy 26 F-16s, wd the 90urces, who asked to remain anonymous. The request was reported to have been studied by U.S . defense officials. Sale of advanced military equipment to Peru could reduoe or possibly eliminate the Ol"le major anns~sale beachhead established by the Soviet Union in South America. Seven Mexico cops face murder charge CUUACAN, Mexico (AP) - A judge in the tiny Mexican town of San Ignacio will begin reviewing evidence today against the town police chief and six deputies charged with murdering University of Colorado Professor Nicholas Schrock, Sinaloa state Attorney General Jorge Chavn Castro said. San Ignacio Judge Enrique Estrada Lopez has until Thunday morning to determine whether there Is sufficient evidence to start trial proceedings against the seven suspects, Chavez Castro said. In the charges filed Monday, the seven poliemen also were accuaed of robbery, assault and other lesser offenses, Chavez ~ said. LIMA, Pera (Af) -Miss Canada, a 1tatue1que, auburn-haired model from Toronto, beat out 76 beauties from around the world to claim the crown as Mi8I Univerae 1982. ''Tell me thi4 is a dream,'' Karen Dianne Baldwin, a smiling, but tearful 18-year-old, said as she was ~ing led off st.age Monday night to a gala ball in her honor. The five runners-up were in order, Miss Guam, Patty Chong Kerkos, 18, of Tamuning; Miss Italy, Cinzia Fiordeponu, 21, of Rome; Miss Greece, Tina Rossou, 19, of Athens and Miss U.S.A .. Terri Utley, 20, Cabot, Ark. ClaHlfled adftrtlalng 1141142-M11 Alt other depllrtmenta 142-4321 TEL AVIV, larael (AP) -An Israeli army colonel who sparked a national furor by quitting his combat command to protest the Lebanese war is to be diamissed from the anny in a few days, Israeli newspapers said today. Col .. Eli Geva, 32, was relieved as COl'1)fn8Jlder of an elite annored bripde in Lebanon lut week at hil own request, becauae he said hie t:onacience would not permit him to obey an order to attack Beirut, if such an order was iaaued. The military command refused to confirm or deny press reports that Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Raphael Eytan has ordered Geva's dismissal. Geva says he cannot talk to the media as long u he is still in the army. ~,~'!1 ""'ow.. of.---.. Tom Murphlne ,...., ~.:.~ ~ ~Goddsd Oii-. "' Openllone ~L.-n TomMceeM .............. ..., .... ....., ............ MAIH OFFICE m w ... ...., $4.., C..U Mew, CA. tMll .-...: ... 11 ... C.t. Mna, CA .... Cot»Yri9M 111:1 Of~ Coell Pulllllhlftt ~y. Ho MWt I...._ tlhltltetlorla. tclHorlel ........... werll .. IMnls ......., may lie tetlf'OCl«M wm.ue 9"(1el ..,... .... Of fGtl'l'fllflt-Mt, BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) -Some 10,000 Peronista jamrned a sports arena Monday nl.ht for their tlnt legal rally ln ~ than six yean and shouted furlou1 slogans against the military government. The auembly was called to comuemorate the 30th al'll1lvenary of the death of Eva Pet'on, but quickly turned into a demonetration againlt the. armed forcee that ousted an elected Perpniat government ln a 1976 coup . We're Listening ••• L • Whal do you llkt about the DtUy Pilot? What don't you like., Call the number below and your messa1e will be recorded, transcribed and dellvered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour an1wer1n1 service may be used to record let· tera to lhe editor on any topic. Mallbox contributor1 mu1t Include their name and telephon~ number for verification. No circulation caJla. ple,,e. Tell us what's on your mind. 642·6086 Orange Coat OAILV PILOT/Tueeday, July 27, 1982 HIP Shark attacks-surfer .1 8 1 -. Great white puts teethprints in surfboard CAYUCOS (AP) -Ufei\W'd Cal Pulukl U)'1 a p-eat white 1hark put a hug~ aet of teethprlnt1 in hl1 1urfboard, narrowly m.i.-1na hie 191. But Puluki uya he got hil board back after hittlna the 15-foot ahark ln the noee. Pulukl, 26. a llfeauard at Cayuooe Pier, laid he and Terry Schubert, 29, were paddling on their boards Saturday when they encountered the shark a mile offshore near Point Duchon, in San Lula Obispo County 170 miles northwest of Loe Angeles. Pu1aak.i laid the shark lelt an imprint of its 14-inch jaws ln hia board. "I probably would have lost a Jes if he haa bitten one foot lower," Pulaski said. LOS ANGELES (AP) -Ken helicopter t.hat killed actor Vic Morrow and two children when lt spun out of control during a barrage of explosivd may have been flying too low ln violation of federal regulations, a federal investigator says. Dan Llorente, the chief investigator for the National Transportation Safety Board, laid Monday th.at federal regulations prohibit 8.Ll'craft from flying lower than ~ feet "above persons and property." After viewing the films of Friday's helicopter crash, Llorente said the chopper "roughly appeared to be 20 feet above the ground." LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Jones, the former KNXT-TV anchorman who pleaded no cont.est ln an alleged check-kiting scheme, will spend his nights in jail for the next six months. Jones, 43, surrendered Monday to begin serving the sentence imposed June 21 by Superior Court Judge Florence Pickard. She alao placed him on seven years' probation and ordered him to repay Security Pacific National Bank the $215,830 in bad checks involved, plus a 2 percent service charge. Jones' attorney, Johnnie Cochran. said his client qualified for a work furlough program that allows him to keep his daytime van conversion job. SACRAMENTO (AP ) - Envlronmentali1t1 and pro -nuclear indu1try representatives differed at a public hearing on whether .atomic wute can be t.ranaported eafely on Callfomla'a hJghwa)'1. The hearing Monday wu the tint ot teveral planned statewide to consider a propoaed regulatJon to eatabli1h routes on which nuclear waste will be carried. A final decision is expected thia winter. CREATOR DIES -Harold R . Foster, creator of the "Prince Valiant" comic strip, is dead at 89 after 40 years of illustrating the popular Sunday color comic. DISCOVERY BAY (AP) ~ Three men vacadonln& in the Sacramento-San Joaquln Delta area have died in a 1peed~ accident on the rocky bank.a '6f the Indian Cut Slou1h. ofticUl!I said. Hou1eboat occupan= spotted an 18-foot tlber1la ifJ>eedboat overturned on t shore Monday night and alert.M the Contra Costa Co unty Sheriff'• department. The sheriff'• office identified them • 48-year-old Louil Ratto, «( Novato; 43-year-old Gary Nei.oa, of South San Franciaco, aoa 41-year-old Gary Deter, •f Mountain View. They had been vacationing with their famllies at Ordwood Resort, a few mil• north of Diacovery Bay. HAPPY CA.MP (AP) -A tik that devastated 2,250 acres ~ rugged timberland in Klamat\i National Forest ha1 been contained by firefighter. who cleared a nine-mile f~reak ~y hand. The blaze WU declart)f;I contained by the U.S . Foreet Service at midnight Monday after timber between the fire line and the fire burned out and left the blaze without fuel, said Klamath Na tiona 1 Fores.l spokesman Ron Smith. He predicted the fire would be controlled by Wednesday. 1.t spread from a smolderi~ campfire July 21, fire officials say. SACRAMENTO (AP) - California voters set a "disma.!liY low" attendance mark at tt1e polls in June. Secretary or State March Fong Eu says. Just over 52.5 percent of thoee eligible to vote cast ballots on June 8, tl)e lowest showing in a California primary since 1946. SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -'A San Franciaco supervisor has urged England's Queen Eliz.abet)l to rehire her peraonal bodyguard who resigned after admitting a homosexual affair, In a letter to "Her Most Gracious Majesty:' Carol Ruth Silver sugge.ted the monarch "strike a major blow tor freedom and penonal liberty. humanity and decency" by reinstating Michael Trest.rail, a Scotland· Yard commander. DOV\'+ ~t horYt! b~ -thtphfW/ ~e~ou tan~ (Uf\niV\tl- Use /l/ISWef /Id service when placing your ad ... a Daily Pilot ad number will appear in your classified ad ... we take your· messages 24 hours a day ... you ca 11 in at yoar convenience during off.ice h9urs amd g~t the resppnses to your ad ... this service is only $5.00 week. For more informa- tion and to place your ad call 642-5678. .. Orang• COU1 OAIL.Y PILOT/Tueeday. JUiy 27, 11fl SHUmRS CUSTOM QUAUTY SHUTTERS Daalgned. Finished Installed - - 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST QUALITY SHUTTERS AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY ... AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! can (714) 548-6841 or548·1717 HORWOOD MANUfACTOllY 19n Placentia Avenue • Cosla Mesa. CA 92627 Mt.JC NOTIC£ STA~OP~NT CM' Ul l °' ~tc:nnoot tu•••• N.-T11• followlno p•r•ona lleve eOMdoMd , ....... of , .... llctltloue ~-. C.O. CORPORATION db• UNITEO YACHT BROKERS OF CAllFORNIA, 3408 VI• Oporto. Suite 20 5, Newport 8eacll, Cellfornle 112"3 The llctllloue eu.i,,.. Netne referr•d Io ebo11e ••• llled In OfllflOe County on June 23. 111111 F-... No. F1&4704. Herold F. O•bo'", 177.F Rl11er'1d• Ave., Newport e .. ell, C.llfonU HM3 Ml.JC NOTICE FICTITIOU8 llU81N811 NAMI ITAffMllNT Tiie following peraon le doing buain.a .. AT YOUR SERVICE. l!I Sendplpet, Irvine, CA 92714 ALICE PARIS SORENSON, 15 1_,.dplper, lnllne, CA 92714 T1111 bu1lne1e 11 conducted by en lndlvldul.I Alie. Sofenton Thll 11a1emen1 wu hied wltll Ille County Clerk of Orenge County on July 18 1982 ~1ISIOll Publltned Oranoa CoHI Oally PllOI, July 20, 27, Aug 3, 10, U182 3265-82 Jacqueline C 0.bo<n. 177·F Rh1et~ Ave., ~ e .. cll , ____ P\8. __ IC_NO_T_l_CC __ _ caJtfomltt 92MS FICTITIOUS BUllHfH Thia ~ w .. conduclled NAME STATEMENT by e C«porellon. The following persons are dotng C.O. Cotporetlon buSlneu es Hwold Osborn, (1) ABES SEWER & DRAIN Preeldenl • SERVICE (2) ABE S PLUMBING Thll ltelernenl WM fl~ Wltll COMPANY 16783 Beach Blvd tile County Clerk of Orwioe Col.Inly Hun11no1on Beach. C•lllorrna 92~7 on Mr 19, 1982 Ttmolhy J K1no. 16783 Beach Pl.tbllehed OrMQe Cout Delly Blvd • Huntington Beacll Cahfomoa "llOt, Juty 20, 27, Aug. 3. 10, 1982 92647 31112·82 Roberl E Hagen 16783 Beach ----P\lll~-IC-NO--TJC[-----:~i7 Huntington Beech C11hlorn1e ---=AC=nn=~ioua~--au-,-.. ;.;:;..8-8---Tll1s business 1s cOflductod Dy • N.U. ITAffMINT general p1u1ners1l1p Tll f 11 I T1molhy J Ktng • O ow no peraon II doing Tlloa alalemenl was filed wllh lk-bu*"-9 ... • .. S QUEAKY CLEAN POOL ounly Cle<k of Orange County on SERVICE, 7833 Holder SlrH I uly 12 t982 Buena "-'11. Cellf0tnle 90620 ' f 113131 Richard J Slez.U, 7833 Holder Pubhllled Orange Coul Oelly :Je:•· Buen• Perk, Celllornla Pilot. July 13. 20, 27, Aug ~~:2 Thlt bualnMS 11 conducted by an Individual Rlclwd J Slezak This 1ta1emen1 was nled wllll Ille County Clerk of O<ange County on .My 8, 1982. F112M5 Published Oreno• Coal! Delly Piiot, July 13. 20, 27 Aug 3. 11182 3164-82 POOllC NOTICE Pl&JC NOTICE MH '2520 FICTITIOUI llU ... 11 NA•HAn•NT The IOllowtng peraot\I ere doing l>uslnMI .. THE RUNNING RACQUET. 30100 Town <A<1ter Oflve, ~ Nlguel. Celttornl• 92877 Dolor•• A c k er . 513 N Prospect, Redondo Beecll. -------------Callfoml• 90277 FICTITIOUS BUSINEH Ooneld R. Wllllemt. 10M W NAME I TATt:MENT Lomita Blvd . Sp. No 334, Harbor Tll4! follOWt"O persons are dOf"O City. Celif0tn4a 90710 bulH!esS u f POOllC NOTICE K..ooll2 FICTITIOUS BUllNEll NAME ITATEMENT Ill• rollow1no person 11 doing bUllnest H R B INVESTMENTS REAL ESlATE, 1507 N lvaun AVE Suna A. Sen10 Ana. C1lllorn1a 92701 Ralpll Braverman ln11estmen11 • Real Estate Inc a C11111ornl• Corporalton IS07 N Tustin Avenue Suole A Sanl• An• Caltlorn1a 92701 RALPH BRAVERMAN INVESTMENTS REAL ESTAfE. INC Ra!pll Braverman President Thrs 11e1emen1 was filed "'''h Ille County Cletk Of Orange County on July 9, 1982 PAUL I . OARHR, ESQ. 1120 E. Gerry, lull• 20I Senta Ana. CelttMnla 92105 F1N037 PuDhll•tl<I Orangf' Coast Delly Pilot July 13 20 n Aug 3 1982 3153·82 Ml.IC NOT1C£ ACTITIOUl9U ....... MAMllTA~NT Th• folfowlno per1on1 ere doing bu5l-.. THE COMPUTER BUSINESS STORE, 2790 Herbor Boulevard. Coat• Meu, CeillOl'nl• 92828 CALIFORNIA BUSINESS SYSTEMS, INC , a Cilllornla corpor ellon, 2790 H e rbor Boulellerd. eo.te U-. Cellf0tnl1 92828 Tiii• bull-It conducted by • corpotallOn CALIFORNIA BUSINESS SYSTEMS. INC Robet1 A. Grote. Preeldenl Tll11 ste1emen1 ••• n1ec1 w1111 Ille County Cl«1< of Orange Couniy on July 11, 11182 ALLIN ANO nAn Ar__,. et law '* ~ ._._.,d, ..,...,,. .... pot1 9Mctl, C9'ttorMI t2MO ,, ..... P\lbflalled Orange Cout Delly PllOI, July 20, 27 Aug 3, 10, 1N2 325&-82 NECl·N·ME 2400 I Cresc.enl El hta butlnae Is condvcled by I To<o, Californ1e 92630 llmlled perlnerWllo 1------------- M II r y Ann Po ri 1 e 2 4 O O I This 11=:1 ~-llled Wtlll tile 1 ____ fltBl~.;;...IC;.....N()...;_TIC£ ____ _ Crescent. Et Toro. Ca11forn1a 92830 County Cle<k of Orllf19e Counly on A119-1tl Oentse l1el1nd 27292 Padilla July 1. l982 NOTICI °" TRUan.•a I.AU MoU>On Vie10 Caltlornoa 9269 1 ''12510 QTO No..., Tllll bUSlnnll •S conducled by a Publlllled Or•no• COHI Delly "9r: .............. gerleral parlne<llltp Pll01 July 13 20 27. Aug 3. 1982 GUARD I A N TRUST 0 EE 0 MAiy Ann Ponte 3155-82 SERVICES, e CC>f'pot8110n u duly Tllos stelernenl *H hied w11ll lhe eppolnl•d Trut l•• unde r tlle Coun1y Ciarlo of Orange County on J'tB.IC NOTICE follOwing deecr11Md cl.cl of lruet June 2I, 1982 F1911121------------Will SE.LL AT PUBLIC AUCTION Publlslled Orange Cour Diiiy NOTICI Of' PUel.IC tCAfUHOI TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR Polol July 13 20 27 Aug 3. 1982 TO Bl HILD 8Y THE LOC AL CASH 0t .. Ml forth In Section 3 tS2·82 A QI'. N C y F 0 "M A T I 0 N 292411 Of the Clllll Cooe. el rlgf1t. COMMllllON OF O"ANOE COUNTY, CAllFO"NIA ON THI 111141 end lntei .. I c:onY9)'ed to end PtBLIC NOTICE f'f'OPOHD l'.NOINff"'• NO. 10I now held by It \Hider Mid OMd of 8PS 1505e ANNEXATION TO THI COSTA =~llle properly hereinafter NOTICE Of' n.u•TEE'I IAU ••A 8ANITUV OllT'lttc:T TR u a T 0 R N E w p 0 RT "°"'~OIUM NO.~ Ttw. public '-'lnO will be held tn BOULEVARD PARTNERSHIP, • YOUAREINOEFAULTUNDERA the Orenge County Hell ol Gen«elPartneranlp DEED OF TRUST DATE O Admlnt11r1t1on. 10 Cllllc Center BENEACIARY· JOHN L OOf\OIN, SEPTEMBER 19. 1979 UNLESS Pleu. Board of Supervisors 8 married man and J SCOTT YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT Heerlng Room. llrll floor, Senta SOUDERS. a merrled men YOUR PROPERTY. IT MAY BE Ana. Callfornle on WednHday, Recorded October 2l, l980 H SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU August 1 I 1982 81 Ille llour of 2 00 lneJr No 30338 In boo1t 137117 pege NEED EXPLANATION OF THE Pm °' H soon l'*Mlter u Ille 795 of Otftclel Recorda In the ofllce NATURE OF THE PROCEEOING CommlMion a egend• permlll, •I of t"9 Recor"det Of Ofll'Qe County. AGAINST YOU YOU SHOULD wtilCll time ell 1n1er .. 1ed partiea wlU Mid deed ot tNet ONctffJee the CONTACT A LAWYER be 1189"1 lofl0w1ng property: On Friday, Auov11 13. 1982 al 11 Tile anne1tatl0n lerrllor)I conietna Lot 7 of TrllC1 300, In the City of 1 m .. Trll'Mmetlca Title Insurance ep proxlmatoly l88·plua acre• Coela M .. 1. County of Orange, Compeny. a CaHfo<nla corporeuon. (Fairview Slele Hoapll.i) end 11 State of Celllornle, H per mep et duly appo0n1ed Trustee under IOcated on Iha -1 tide of HarbOt reco<ded In BOOll 4 Pegee 11 end 12 end pursuant 10 Deed of Trusl Boo....,etd, nonh and 80'.llh 01 Fair Of Mlaoellaneoue Mepe. In the omoe r,c:Mded September 25, 11179 u OtNe <••landed) In Ille -1 Ctty of Ill• County recorde1 of H id ln1tr No 29885. b<>Ol< 13323 pege llmlu of Costa M-Courity Ind Stal• of Cellloml• 1142, of Ottlclel Records, executed Tiie City of Cost• MeH IU<Hld 8 MAY BE ALSO KNOWN AS. 2328 by Gregory A. Tully, u 1ru11or(1). In Negative Declaration for Iha New port Blvd , Coate Meu. tile ottlc:e of Ille County Recorder ol ~,,,..,, of ISO dwlMllno unlll CeH10tnl• Ofange County, S1ete ol Callforn••. 0 " 111 • s II e T 11 8 N • 0•11 v • ·111 a atraet add,... ex common wtll NII et publlC euction 10 highest Oec1¥ellon 15 •1191lable '°' publlc d••lon1Uon I• ahown ebo11e, no bldoer IOI' CQll fpr;1Dte at ume of revleW 11 IO CMc Center Plaza, w., r • n t y 11 o Iv • n 11 Io 111 ea19 In lewlut money of fhe United Room 458, Sent• Ana. Caltfomla complet-°' correct..-i ... Sleles) el: 80'.!lll front entrance to during normel Dual,_ llOU•• Fo< Tiie beneficiary Utlder Mid OMd lhe Orange County Old C01Hth0uae more lnlcxmallon. le19Pll0t1e 17141 of Tru.1. by reeaon of • bfMQh Of' C f S S . 83•·2239 lly o 1n1a Ana. tele of BY ORDER OF THE LOCAL deleult In the obllgellOna MCUred c.ilf0tnle. ell rlglll. title end 1n1erM1 A G E N C Y F 0 R M A T 1 0 N lllereby. l'l«etofexa uecuted end ~ to end now lleld by 11 delivered to Ill• underalon•d • under uld OMd of T rinl in Iha C 0 M M IS S I 0 N 0 F 0 RA NG E Wt'ltten Oeclarlllon of Oef.._.,, end pr09tl'fY slfua1ed tn said County COUNTY, CALIFORNIA Demand 10< Sele, end wrluen notice and Sl•t• deactll>ed .. Lot IS In RICHARD T TURNER of brHCll and of alectlOl'1 lo ceuM &lock 11 of Traci 772, CHy of E•ecutlve Ottlot< lhe underelgned to 1ell u ld Newport Beacll. u stiown on 1 ml!D Local Agency Fom1at1on property to Mtlely M id Obllgetlont, recorded In Boofl 23. Peges 5 •nd 6 CommlUIOn °1 arid tllerHller Ill• undersigned of Mlaoellaneou• Mapa, Records of Or•noe County. Celllomla ceuMd Mid notlQI of b<Meh &nc1 Of Ofll'Qe County Cal1lorn1• Publl1h•d Or•no• COHI Oafly election 10 be Tiie 11r .. 1 addreu end otller PllOI, July 27• 1982 3283-82 Recorded Muell 25, 11182 H common deelgnetlon. If any. of Ille lnllr No 82· 102878 of Mid Ottlci•I rNI property <leeerlbed above 11 Pta.IC NOTlCE ReQOfdt. purported lo be. 231 Cenal s1r .. 1. NOTICI °' l"Uel.IC HI.ANNO Seid ule wlll be mede, but ~ea.en. Cellfornl• wllllout co11enenl or werren1y, Tiie undersigned Tru1tee TO 81 HILD aY THI LOCAL expr-ex lmplled, regarcJlng Utle. dl1clalm1 eny ll•t>lllly for eny A QIN CY '0 "M AT I 0 N Po•M .. lon. or encllft'lbrancee. to lncorrec1.-a of Ille street addreaa gg:N;~~~~~~o~:fAO~~NT~= pey Ille remelnlno prlnctpal _,,of ar)d other common desiOftallon. II -...................... ""'' NO. -Ille note(•) -ed by MIO [)Md of •ny Sllown '-eln r-n vrv ...., _.... ..,, Truel. Wllll lntw .. 1 11 In tald note s'•ld H ie wlll. be mede, Dul ANNIJCATION TO THI C08TA prOYlded. lld\lanoee. II any, vndef wllllout covananl or werranly. ••A IANITAtlY DtlTJnCT tile ,_ of Mid OMd Of Trw t, •llP<-or Implied, reg91dlng tllle. Thie publlG '-Ing wMI be llekl WI ._, Qhargaa Ind ...,.,_ of lhe ~ °' encumbfencee lo Ill• Orange County H e lf ol Trua1 .. andof thetruetacnM1tedby pey the rerMinlno pflncfpal ..,,;., of Admlnl1tra1lon, fO Civic Center Mkf OMd of Tniet thenoteC•I MC:Ufed by Mid Deed of Pina, Boerd ot Super11leor1' Said ••I • wlll be llt ld on frw•t. wllll lnter .. 1 thereon. H HH rlng Room flr•I floor, Santi Wedneedey, Auouef 11, 1982, et provided In Mid note(a) ldvanc.. Ant. Callfornl• on WednHdey. 11;00 A.M., It Ille front envanoe to 1f any und« the t•m• of Mid oeed Auguet 1 l, l982 It IM llcMK of 2:00 G U A R 0 I A N T A 0 8 T 0 I l 0 o l r i-u1t, leu. cherou 1nd p.m. Of' .. !'°°" lheraelt• .. the SERVICES. 1eoo EHt May1elr ~of the Truat .. and o4 Ille Commlealon • llQM'dll...,~ at A*-. O<ange. Ctllfomla. lrtlltl cr .. tad by H id Dffd of wfllctl time .. 111•----.... Wiii YOU AM .. DID'AUL T ""°"'A TtUtt. fOf the emount reuonaoty bt ,.._d DI I D 0, T ll U I T DAT I D ..ilmeted to oe: 135.ll•e.et. The .-nneJ1et1on terrttory contatnt H PH11•1111 u. t•. UM.Ill TM~ under tald Deed approxlm•l•ly 18 1·plua eor•• YOU TAAi ACTION TO PROTllCT of Trwt .,,_., •• execut911 and (Oreno• County F1lrgrovndtl YOUlll PAOPlltTY, IT llA\f •• dell11ered to the und•rtlgnt<I a IODetecf on the nonh lldt of Ftlr IOL.O AT A f'Ua.IC IAU.. • YOU _,.,... Dedltdon d Otftult ..i Orw.. _,, of Newpot1 loul9vard In MUD AN Ull'UMAnoet OP TMI C>enwld IOI S.. and e writt.n Ille nor1'I City llmltl of Coete .,...._ MATUltl °" TMI HIOCllOIHG Notice of OttMI and a.ction to l'-City of eo.ta M-. o.rttfted A QAIMIT YOUmi:\fOU tMOUL.D ..... ""-...._~-A_ ...... A.-1.0 Ill ~ !mpeal report f()f c-•cf ..... -· ,,,. Ul~NU -_,. ltleexpenejonoftMOl'.,.County .,...,.. ,. ... l'tOflOe Of Ott and a.ctlOn to '*rr= A _ Of 1..... Clty'I TM tot81 .mount of the ~ ... to be -dell In the county .....,.., .,. ~Of the obflOallon ~ by wtier. the ,.... ptopttty i. tocaied en11 ron111en111 ""P•c:t reJ»ort I• Mid ~ 10 lie eold. tootl'* OlllC June 2$. f"2 · '" ... * IOt publlO '~ 11 IO wllll lnterttt. lttt cmaro••· 1no TAANSAMEl'UCA TnlE Clvlo Center PIH•, "oom 451, "llmtttd colta, ppen1H , aftd IHIUAANCt COMPANY 8enU Ana. Calfomle dutlnO notmel ~. 11 Of IN oate .....,,, It •IMtTrv.._ b u 1 l nea1 llourt . For mor e llO,OOO.OO. ey. Ulle UCkMI, ~tton, ttlt pllon•: (714) O.t« J\ilt 12, tH2. ~~'=~ ev ol'io1" 0, THI LOCAL OUANl!AH TMllT DUD .,;;,,.,. eomo.rw A 0 I N 0 Y I' 0 fUU T I 0 N lllMCI.!'._ ttO -.41l'OO · C0"4MIUION 0 1' OfllAN O! :.o:-T-. bMlwMI 8t81ton COUN'n' ~~lfOMA 1900 ..... M1¥t* A....we .... "°' Ano•IH, CtUfornl• ==~Vt ~CA tltf1 let ~~toe)O t.ooll Aoenor l'onneflon ~~= ~ Hartlof ~ Oomrnllllllon Of -'-lttMt ._..,., f'r .. OOfftMnH w/TIM Ot~ ()renge COunfY.: Cllltomle P bfl ......., """ ...... c~·t O·" .. ;...,,__ ,_. --...... •• -Publllhed Of•noe l.lOHt ="' u ··-vrl • .,,... ..... ..,y ="' _, .---. -· -~· Pllol.. ...... 17. '* 12 Plol, Mt to. 17. ""°' .. tlU -....._ .._ 32 .... 2 I NAIU-:ltS CAl>ll J .. -\C COSTA MESA (71•) 5'0-9100 acm11111 A caU to "Buy American Producta" to apu.r tho econom_y and 1upport Amtirkall job. wu IOW"ldod by ~O Southern Calllomia bU1tneta leaden al tho founde~ lu~heon of Amertcallt for Amerlcu Pro41cl1, lac. T he luncheon, he ld at the C hanteda lr Reltaurant ln lrvtne, kicked olf a ca.mP&lan to tN'lOUtJ& Americana to look for "Made ln OSA" labela arid buy Americ.an made producta. Ouest 1poakM wu LL. Cov candidate Caro1 Ballon. P'oundcr1 of the A.AP are BUI Davia, HJK & A.loolate., Otl Mar commodity brokers; Ralph Leatberby, Unicant lnaurance Co., lrvlnc; Helene Ml1eol, Interior dHlgne r , Irvine; Martin C. Rlppe11, Hydro-Dig, Inc., Placentia, Matt ScbaftaJt1, Brakke-Schafnltz ln1urance, lrvlne; Bob Well1, Everett El.ct.ronlca, Anehelm; and Tbom&1 Wrl1bt, Wrtsht Way Agency, Placen tia. 'For lntormollon , call 978-3161 .U. man.apt. It. bu been with ~ l'lliCtronk9. !Uooh of America, and Canon USA. Three acoountania have been promowcl to •uPOrvilora at the Newport Beach ottioe at Ena11 6 Wi.lu•~. publJ.c ICCOUnLlnf flnn. Nr.v IUpervWon ln the •ucli department .,.. Steve Mardadalt and David OllOL 8 111 BHCed& II a new aupervt.IOr in the tax deputmen,, Beverly Beacb of El Toro h.u jolned Varl·X lac., •• r adloloary aalea repreMntatlv'" tor tht Sou the rn California re1 ion. Vul-X la • Lo.1 A nselea-bued medical dla1no1ttc ayat e m1 Company. S he waa aaht1 repreaontatfve for Hofmann X-.Ray of America, lnc., Irvine. Keuetb P. Delscb of C.O..ta Mf!U tw been promoted to a.mnstant vice president In CaJlfonWI Flrtl Bank'• conswner loan adjustment department in Lo. Angeles American Tttle Company, fonnerly a wholly 1------------1 owned aub9idia.ry of Safeco Insurance Company .. h as been p urch ased b y t hree ti tle induatry executivea. Bankef1 Pen1loa Servlcea of Newport Beach a ppointe d Mark Tboa an account ex ecutive spectalizing In IRA and Keogh sales. He h as been with the Newport Beach manne safety department. Call U2-5678. Put • tew word• to work tor ou. Nil.IC NOTICE MOTICI OP flUklC HIAMltO TO N HelD IY T.-: LOCAL AOINCY l'O"MATION COMMIHION OF OflA.NQI COUNTY, CAUPONU OM TM ~-o PtCUMUn NO. 201 ANNIXATION TO THI C O ITA Ml 8 A I A NIT A "Y DtlTIUCT Tl'lla CWbllC llMtlng wlll be hekl In tll• Or•noe Counly Hall of Admlnlttrallori. 10 Clwlo C.nler Plu e, 8oerd o f Supervlaora' HH rlng Room, llfll floor, Senta Ana, Calllornl• on Wedn .. d•Y· August 11, 1082 •I tile 11our of 2:00 p.m. or " aoon lherMlter 11 Ille Commlaelon'• egenda penntta. at which lln'le ell lnt«Mled pwllM wlll be '-'d The -•lion temtOf'Y con1t1na approxln\ltely 53 + ICIM (8outllam Celllomle COiiege • Newpol't·Meee Cllrletlen Center) looated on tile -t elde of IMwpor1 Boulellard. ~tll oC Felt Oftve In Ille nor111 dty flmlt• of Coet• MeN The City of Coeta MeN 1-...d • N•o•ll11• Oecleretlon on the eppre ol ol a Generel Pl1n Amendment 10 ellow devtllopmenl of 40 10 81 unlla wl l llln tll• enMUtlOfl lenttory. A CXJPY of tile Neget"-e ~ le evlllable fOI' publlc rev4ew et 10 CMc Center Pina. Room 458, Senle A n•, Calllomf1 during normal bl.lei,_ llour•. For more lnlorm1t1on, 1alephone· (7141 834-22311. BY ORDER OF THE LOCAL AGE N CY FORM ATIO N COMMISSION OF ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA RICHARO T. TURHER Executive omo... Locel Agency F0t1Mtlon Commlulon ol Orenge Co;.tn1y. Cellf oml• Publllhe<I Oreno• COH I Delly Piiot. July 27 1982 3281-32 l't&.IC NOTICE w~m NOTICE Of' TIIUITH'8 IALE LOAN NO. DJ0.1'11131 UHDE" DEED OF T"UIT IMPO"TANT NOTICE TO f>ltOH"TY OWNI" YOU ARE IN OEFAUL T UNDER A DEEO OF T RU ST DA T EO SEPTEMBER 23 198 1 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEOING .\GAINST YOU YOU SHOULO CONTACT A LAWYER NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Tllal under end by vortue of the prOY11oona of that oe<lam OeeO of Truat dated Sepremt>er 23 1981 encl recorded 1n lhe office or the Recorder of IM County or O••noe State ol Cll1l0tn1a on Oc10De< 2 11181. In Volume 1420 oaoa 1969 ol Ott1c1e1 Records. ueou1ed by Plllfflp Burton and Londa Burton, lluebaod 1nd wife 81 Truator. to Sunkllt S1rv10• Compeny. a ~potellOn, u Tru51ee end STATE SAVING S ANO LO AN ASSOCIATI ON • C ellforn1a corp()fatlOl'I, H Benefk:1ery And p11r9Uen1 10 Iha reQuesl ol the owner and holder of the promissory note secured by Ille Deed of Trull above referred lo And by r .. 500 of 1ne deleun •n 1118 peymenl of u id prom1s50tY nore and tne Drnch of tlle condutons m Hid Deed ol Trust provided a Mollee of 0.laull and Etecllon to Self Under Deed ol Trust having been duly recorded aa provided for by 1a .. 1n aald Recorder • Ofoee on April 19 1982 tn lnatr No 82· 133447 SUNKIST SERVICE COMPANY, a corporatiori, as the preaenl aulho11zed and acting Tru1tee urider aald Deed of Trull. 1foresel0 on Wedr>Mday. Auoual 18. 11182 •t Iha hOur of tO O'J o·clock 1 m ol salO dey at Ille Nor1h front enlranoe 10 Iha Orenge County Courtllouse. 100 Civic Cenlltr Drive Wetl In Iha City of Santa An•. County of Orange. S1e1e of Cal1fcxn11 WILL SELL. purauanl 10 the POWe• ot aale conferred 1n 1A1d Deed of T1u1t Ind w1thoul covenant or werren1y regarding !Ille. pouau1on or encumbrance•. el public auction, 10 Ille highest cesll bidder, in lawful money of 1he United S111es or Amenee ell lhal certain real praperly allulle 1ri Iha County of Orenge Stale of Cellfornoa detcrlbed u lollowa PARCEL 1 An undivided 115th tnteresl 1n and 10 IOI I of tracl NO I 1148. In 1118 clly of Colle MeN. County ol Orange Stele of C•hlornle es per map recorded In boolt 479 peges 16 and 17, In Ille ol11C41 OI lhfl County Reco<der of Hid County Excepllno rrieretrom units I 111rougll !> •• shown upon Ill• Condominium Plan recorded In book I 4081, 11 peo411 1153 Otllclel Recexd• of Mid County PARCEL 2• Unll 3 •• 1howri upon 111• Condominium Pt•ri referred to In percet 1 1bove erid more commonly known u 2182·C P•clllc A11env• Co111 MtN. Celtfomla II tllt1• 11 no •tr•et eddreu. Ollt CtlOn• m•Y b• obtlln•d by written requeet to S111e SllVlnot and Loen Alllocl1tlon, 222 Noflll 'El Oottdo Str .... Stockton, CA 95202: A tte ntion. Lo•n S e r111e;e Oepertmtfll. not let• 111an August 17, 1982. for tl'le pufµoR of pllYlnQ ObllOlllon• -.ired by H id Detd OI Trull. The 10181 amount of •lie uni>eld ~ Of tllle obllglllon la I 127.- NO 42, Int~"' 1 13.~79 U . llfld the H 11m•l •d amounl of co1t1. ~ llnd lldV•ncet wlllcll wlll be ~ by IM dell Of .. le 11 11.311.00. OAT!O Jut)' 20, IN2 lunklll 8erlllCt Con19any, • CQrPCl(etkH\ IV Tim C. PNCSMI. 4Mletanl leor9'iwy U.2 Worth II Ooredo 8toellton. C1llt0tnl1 06202 (IOt) .... ' , ,. 'Nit• l"ubtl.Nd Oranoe COMt ~ Piiot, ~ :17, MIO ~ \Q. '~ uo1.e2 I P rincipa ls in the 2S-year-old firm, headquartered ln Orange, are Kennetb W. Rldt10ut, Dennl1 R. Duffy and Darwin D. D11ncan. The trio executed a stock purchase of American Title, which has 14 branch offices m addition to the corporate offices ln Orange. Ba110 & A11o c tate1, Inc., Newport Beach-based advertising and public relations finn. named Andre Nel as an art director. He has been with Gillam Advertialng ln Salt Lake City. Doug Lane jomed Basso & Associates as a copywriter. The Natlonal Trade Sbow E x blbitor1 Auoclation will hold lta annual conference and "Trade Show About Trade Shows" Aug. 2-4 at the Ana heim Convention Cen ter in Anaheim. For lnfonnation, call 999-8999. Lifelong P roduc t• USA, Irvine, has been granted exclusive licenae from the Jethro Kloss family to r:nanufacture and market Kloss herbal fonnula products under the trade name Back To Eden. Jethro Kloss (1863-1946) was an authonty on herbs and the healing qualities. He was author of the two-million copy beSt seller "Back To Eden." Daniel DePasquale has joined the management atalf of Plelon Corporation in Santa Ana as nauonal OYER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS 11'"> JJ :p.. • ,, •• ll'• 1• , ... io tO'• • ., 9'• 15 1~~ 1zt,. ,,,,, 19'\ 1•·' 1 12 II J2 )I )1~ II 17 I I • I ... 11 ... ,. ""'· 191 • ,.,,, l't 11' llllt ·~ 1s1 .. r. ,., ]I 11 • ,., . , .... ' •'• J7' I )4 1S'• n"' 1l'" 1J'IJ 1•i." ·~ •l'• 4". ,. ' IS IS • • • • :p.. )'• • • • 7q J I •1 <;~ ~ ... 10'>. 10•. ~ ... 11 I ti\. ,. , ... 11 . , ••• ,.. . .. ,. ... 10lo ,,.,. 10-. 10 .. 1•1 •• ·~ 'h.1 1r .. ""' 1n .1s , The mayor and City Council of Tu1tln, plus other offidals, will participate Monday at I p.m. in the opening of a bi-level park ing facility at Steven• Square in 1'ustin'11 "Old Tow n." 11:2tl;tl._.-.-......L:1C The facility, a l'OOperauve TitOtt venture between the city and Gfeller Oevelopmeot Company, Inc., complements the new Stevt>na Square office complex, which was designed to reflect the architecture of the Victonan period Gfeller Development Company's corporate offices are located in the 100-year-old Stevens Mansion, which the company has restored Eber le Holdings Ltd. of Newport Beach acquired 100 percent of the outstanding stock of Direct Sales Tire Company, an independen t distrJbutOr of tires and gasoline In the Rocky Mountain States area, for $14 million T he acquisition was made by Robert W. Eberle, fonner chief executive officer of Denny's restaurant chain and a Laguna Beach resJdent Direct Sales Tare Companv, a firm w1lh sales of $122 million in 1981, merged with Eberle Holdings Capital Data Bank, Inc. Newport Beach-based investment banking fum, arranged the acquisition finandng I 1 UP\ WO.I • I ) ... 1 I J • • • I 1 I )!, 1. I 1 • 1•. 1•. •• •• 1 ti ll'I l l ~,9 u:~'.o o ' Up )) ) ' Up 1• • ... VO 11& ' \Jo ... • ... Uu 1' J I VD " J • Up t• l • UO I< I • .. VO U J I Up I) 0 Uo ,, ~ '• UP II 0 Uo If t UP •O 0 \Ip 10 0 .. Vo I~ 0 "" VCl tf , • \ 1t; Up 'I I Ut> I U0 • I ) . . jCj Up I I I ' Up '' .. , 1 • ] . . ,,. lJo 8• '4 Up I l Up • l ... °'~. ()fr0 ,, .. " .. 11 . •'· ,.... , ... l'I'. 10' ~ 11''> 13') 1'''t IS , .... " .. """' J•t S'. , •• NA~~~~ ~~IM~~~t. 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MalllK t a 11 + "-"'"flY 7' t llttGt "" + "' MIO ., n '" 19~ 1 t0 ) • u·~ ~"l,0 xii ::.::. ;4 Mot*Ot 11 m 1Mt+"' llt1"ICI u. ,.,.., '" ·~ 4 1111 Jill... IAI 110 t 16 12 '\ ltittl!I' • II •1 1t't 14 MOllill<* 41 4 U 1~ '°' ~ I• 11 I It'-+ "' ._.,.. J, j 6 UYo · l(.«I, it 11 ICISS 77,._ '' -• t ll • I p•.-,+ 111 -<fl : • 17 11 \It ~ll'!n ... 10 D .-.+1 ........ 1. ll10t 1t1'+ 16 t 11 I '5 1•~+ '\ ·~.,.-. t-1 ~ 1 I loo -'l'ftllf 1 4 J fa '4 "U11 ' 1}S ~I,.. !Nin • tS 10I IMH ... 1c""' ,..,. .• .j-t MoMilt ' • •» ...... ... ~1 I.~. 1"1 -'" ,, .ts ·; 11 S -'4 llefd .tt t 127• 1~ ·~ e ft1 ... i I) 1 + ._ MlttOU J.. tO '° "--t • • :M! ~ " M It 1111 .. , ~t 14'1 1 4 uv.-~ ia. ,.. 1; ft 14 Mell,,_ t.• • 16 ''"'• -11111 llll U J 19\4 , •. 11 l :fi f ~t •.:: ~ ~n. 1 to IS.-.~ Ii IU 1111 1 1J t '?! ft:+ °" Mol\St I.toe .. •t• lJ + 4' =q JD 2$ ji ,;~ !_ tl l1 ..,._.,. 'f t 21·~~ tt l •tol' ,. 7 tt -a'-M()NY .tlll p II ~."' ~ 1 414 -141 _ c:.c _ =-i .. : , ... ;,.; ~1• , ,. , ~. " ::;:f , . .: ~ ~, ~ .... I . ~ 114 •• ,,.,11409 , ,,,~-14 °' .. " 1 14. ~ ~,. 1 l? mt.::-. Mo"" ·'"' • ·~.... . .. • "'-.... tM • * It'•+.,. Mt U 1' •111. • • 11,_w 1114 •2 ii ~ Ii.lo Mo'91'1 ~40 • 491-l+ " ' I 1 l'°'•···· 111• '1 = "" " 1·f • 2 ,,-.,. c "~.,.·,. ::uaooa.v.-" Mor'k""'·~, , 171 ... .,.. • , ;.o" ,1 .,.0 1:rs :. n~ ~ .11 ,,rJ m:! = 1~. 1 •• ~ ~ 't: :·: =~! , . ., , ~ ~~~Iv u :·' ... : ~.. ,.:::: ··1 · ~'fl ~!. ~ ~ .lO :. ~ ......... ='. ~rolr ~'.~ ,, '' :.:!.. vp t:iJ .. ~ rs~ ... l ., "'~ I. 1 ..,+ l4t I ~-I '• ~". Mu fd .toe ' • nu 4 1i. • -Iii flC I .. "' u f ... -..... 2.411 17 -"' Mitt ... • I . " ,.1 I ... l1 • -"' h1C u ' • " lfllOIC • " 221 .. = . ' IA\f-t.• I .. 4 Dt -1-. ' : t I t .. .. i"" 11 !1A l'I t \I') Mv t.• I. 14 ,_ •• ~-1" ,. W st 1 ' 1 ' ... f·I ' "1 ~ =:' ~ • 1 lt\'lt• ' ·'' .... . tll II ... ~ ~,..,I~:..,. . J4ii 1JJ ~'.":.4' Mll~t1M~ '\1t-~11•111 .l::: ... ·1 ui. .~." ••. ,.: •' L u~· ... el 1~ ., '» I~: " M~ ·•....__.. '"'• "' ,. , ,·~: ~ lfrm i ~+" UI I 4 ·~-\Ii •"• • ' Mii• \ HllD lOe~ J 111+ • ~ I J , .. " " !'t•• 10 ,, ... el' II 2l 11. 1, ... I\ I • ' t • • ~--.. 4 .. ti 11 It M "'°'91 l M t -T: ~ • 0 • 1-. 1 lf'lllttt .... • 1IJ -~ H NI Ill 4 J It "-Orll ••• • ' ' Wine sale approYed NEW YORK (AP) -Nabisco Brands Inc. has agreed in princiele to sell lta wine and spirits subsidiary Julius Wile Sona & Co., to Whllb~~ & Co. Plc., the British brewer: Nabtaco aaid. The agreement, subject to conclusion of a deflnidve agroeement, board ol director approval and rewlamry review, la for a ule price of $1!& mlllion, Robert M. Sch.aebet'le, chairman and chief executive o(IJcer of Nabboo, Aid Monday . . Chevy planr to close \ Treasury hills tumble again SACRAM£NTO (AP) -Shurt-ierm Trealury leCW'ities yields dropped tor the fourth •tnJaht week. fallin& to the lowttt level 1n mo~ than eeven montha. About $5.~ blWon ln aix-month T-bllla were auctioned Mo~y at an average dlecount rate ol 11.378 peroent, down from the 11.441 percent of lut Monday . The government a1ao aold about •~ ~ billion ln three-month bills at an average rut.e of 10.~99 pe~ni. down from l l.14 percent. Newport firm's earnings off Smith International Inc. o f Newport Bea.ch reports a decline in aecond·quarter operaung resuJta. Both earnings and revenues for the {int six months showed improvement. Net income for the quarter ended June 30 was $25,107,000, or $1.10 per share, down 19 percent !rom the $30,938,000. or $1.35, earned Ul the like period of 1981. Net income for the six months was $60,847,000, or $2.66, which was an increase over the $5~.491.000, or $2.42, earned in the first a1x months of 1981. Acquisition announced Hadoo Corp. of Salem, N.H., announced the acquisition of Lamination Techno~ Inc. of Santa Ana, a General Automation of Anaheim subsidiary, for an undiaclosed amount. There will be no change in the L.T.l. chart.er and it will continue to provide multi·layer materials to the printed ciiruit fabrication industry L.T.I. President Bob Carter will contmue to head the venture. Firm names president Western Digital C.orp. of lrvme annowx:ed that Roger W . Johnson, former president of ~urroughs Office Systems Group, has been named president and chief operating officer. Terry N. Holdt has been promoted to executive vice president of components manufactunng. Joseph Ba.ta, company founder, has also been named vice chairman oC the board and assistant to the chief executive officer Saia had been serving as acting vice president of the components group. Johnson has been with GE, Singer. Measurex and Memorex as well as Burroughs. Downey tells earnings Downey Savings & Loan Association. based in <Asta Mesa. reported today net earnings of $54,000, or 1 cent per share, for the three months ended June 30. This compares to the year-earlJer period of a loss of $3,844,000, or 81 cents a share. For the first silc months, net earnings amounted to $1 55,000 or 3 cents, and reprettent a turnaround from the prior year's first·half loss of $8,223,000, or $1.74 a s~ . AMERICAN LEADERS UPS AND DOWNS Pel 011 ... OU IJ. Oil l l OH II 0 Off 10. °" 10' !:~ H 't I 1 Ott 1. °''I 1. 1 .• 70 H ••• :.; u • • u u u DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YOltlCIAPI FINI~-•"9~ for Ml>ftdly J u1 2• STOCKS 0.• HI• t..w CllM Ole J) Ind 127 11 OJt• 110.St IZ5 U -S 1) Z Tm Jl1 J1 lll.S JU. IS JU 81-J • " Vil 1111,.. ,aTOf 10110 lll5 " -11 u .s si' ,,, 11 no .. Jan Jt7 ~ 2.ar Ira..• J.ott. tOCl T ren llS. lOC lA•ll ISl.lOC '5 Stti •,Ul.JOC WHAT STOCKS DID NEW Y01'1C "'°'_.., Dtcloned UICll.t"91'<1 Toi••·~ ..w ~llt\\ .. w '°"" ••Pl JU' ?• MQnMy •• '151 .. , 14n 10 SI NEW YOAK IAPI Jul 2' METALS Monday 171 111 110 m 1) t2 .... .. ~Js 11"1 ?JO 7~ 17 ,, t>jfW YORI< (AP) -Spot nonf9n'OUI melll pneee lodey c~ 72~. 75 cent• • oound. u.s det11Mllonl lb LNd 26-29 cenlt a pound Z>nc 31-«> centa •pound, delNW9d nn $6 0055 MetlllS WMll compoelte ·"-lftum 76-77 cenll a pound, H Y Merwry '370 00 pW flUlt ~"""-&298 00 ltoy oz N Y SILVER Hendy & H.,m111, 17.305 per lroy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS er TM A•~-"'-S.~ed wof1CI gold pnc. fllday Lendor!: morning flatng l35l.50. oft S075 t.Oftdoft: artarnoot1 fi•lno. '351.25, off SI 00 ,"191 •ltarnoon llKlnt 13-49Aa. oft SS 77 ''"'*"'"= 1352 $8, oft M.•2 Z1Htett: L•te fhclng· 1350 75, off 11 00 bid. 135 ' 50 Nlled. Meftdy • ...,_ only dl//f//y quote WI U. off II 00 ":T'"** or.ty ddy quote I~ ~ 1, off t105 S.YMBOLS •. ( . : .. ·~ .. , . .. :· . ... ... :;. : .. ::: :· i : . . ... . ·; ·. .•. •' ... ., ... .· .. . .. ... . :· .. ... .... .· ... · .:, .. I Sports medlelne orthop••dlc Hoaplt•I'• Sporta M•dlclne Sympoelum 19 M1 fOf Aug. 211 •t the Loe Ang.lea hoeplt• !Ind wlll , .. ,u,.. dlacuaak>n• by ..,,...., IPMll..-. on • varMlty ol tubJec;t• The annual aympoalum wu 11t1bll1h1d t>y phyelden• wno oooduet • weeltly IPO'I• cUnlc 11 the ~ the apealf.er1 acheduled to t.,k ••• Ptilllp McF.nand. M.D.. I teem physidvt IOf Fullerton College· Donald L Cooc>lf. M 0., tlMI doc:tOf at 0ttlllh0Ma St•ta. and Garv TulhlM. treln« !Of lhe R8ll\I Topic• aoheduled ue. Pl•nnlng for the Emergency. Shoul<ll< lnlu<lel. A9cognlllon ot Urgent KnM 1niuo-. Eye 1nju1111. Equlbm111t e...iuauon en0 ~I. Llebillty In Spcll'le mnd Heed and Neck ~tympoelum whiCll beglN •t 8;30 Lm , wll be held 11 Andrew Norman Hall. In Orthopaedic tiC>eC>«al. 2400 So Fio-St Reglatr•llon,.. ta $15 llnd lnciu(MI kind\ Call (213) T42-t5t3 lof more lnlOfm•Uon. ff'omen's sari sports T,.,. rloneer women·1 IUrl 11cond •nnuel Mud a w l90f1 9:-11 --Ill« Ch~ _ .,, omen • Surf Sporu looatlona In San Diego C::...;"' Auo, M at rwo Cl~~~i! A~t ~ ~.,,"'9 CMiter, Smnti lmltt•r10t1a1 ~ ... ,y1a compemJon wtlll the Wind11.1rf., Competition Aug 7 SWflci . tor aurlfno, Hobie C•t chea ro Solan. flMch Pan and oura and alaJom .:n racing, wlndaurflng Int The 1va11r 11 811 0111 1 ·1 llllernt1t1on., Prot1e11ona1 c~rfl•top o11 !Illa y1ar'1 acfledula ng lwomen·a df1Mlon Stearns to compete _ Chuck Stearns, one of the most versatile water skiers in history. will come out of retirement t.o compete in the 34th annual Catalina ski race Sunday, Aug. 8. . Th~ Hall of Faroe skier will join with Burt Court, driver of the 32-f~ Spectra boat. Cask 'N' Cleaver, hoping to repeal the victory the combination won three years ago. The boat is one of the largest in the race with turbo-charged engines with 850 honepower each. They are capable of running in exce9B of 550 RPM. The boat will travel al an average speed of 60 to 70 miles per hour with a top speed of 90 around the 62-mile course. The race gets under way at 8 a.m. in the vicinity of the Queen Mary in Long Beach. DllTH NOTICIS FLEMING ZawazkL Memorial 1erv- BARBARA MITCHELL lce1 will be held on FLEMING, .she was born on Thunday July 29, 1982 at Sept.ember 30, 1919, palled 2:00PM at St. James away on July 28, 1982. She Eptacopal Church at 3209 la survived by 4 children, Via Lido, Newport Beach. St.a.ndiah Fleming, Vlctona Ca. The Omega Society, Brant-Zawazkl, Allan 17865 Skypark Circle. Ste Fleming and France1 D .. Irvine in charge o( Fleming, 3 grandchildren, arrangementa. Nathan Fleming, and Nkx>le WOODLEY and Alexander Brant-MARY S. WOODLEY, 8 , P'llllCIUOYHllS l&.L UOADW.AY MOaTU .. Y t 10 Broadway Cosl1 Mesa 642-9150 IAL Tl lllGHOH SMITH & TUTHIU WISTCUFf CHAP'R 427 E 171h St Costa Mesa 646-9371 NaC:l lac>THllS SWIJHI' MOllTUAIY 627 Main St ~ntrngton Beach 536-6539 resident of Costa Mea, C.. -..._ Paued away on July 23, 1982. She wu an u.embler for the Dl1c. In1lrument Company for the past 20 year1. She la IW'Vived by her daughtera Mary Howe of Co.ta Mesa. C.., Katherine Crawford of Wa1hlngton, ion David of Washington and 4 grandchildren. MAia of the ReeWTeetlon will be held on Wedneeday, July 28. 1982 at 9:00AM at St. Joachim'• C.tholic Church with final interment at the IUvet'lllde National Milliary c.emettty. Rlveralde, Ca . Service• under the direction of Harbor Lawn-Mount OUw Mortuary of Co.ta Mesa. 540-5554. DAVIS MABEL CATHERINE DA VIS, paned away on July 19, 1882 In Salt WJce Clty, Uta1'. She wu a raidmt of Utah for the pest e yeara. after movtna tJmoe from Torrance, c.. She wu a member of the Order of !'.Mtem SW, and a member of The Churcb of Jeaua Chrlat °'" Lett« Day &lnta. She 11 11.arvlved by her dl\.tahhtr Marilyn Gordon, broiber1 Gary and Glyde Dllvll and 9 ,..andchlldren. GnWllde ..vto. will be be1d on 'J\lllday, July 27, UU at l :OOPM at the Hi1101 LAwtt-MT. OUYI Har~or Lawn Memorial Mort~· C.,.,.lffY Park with Bl1bop Blaine Ctemetort Stnrtcln oflicMidftt ~ 1625Gtll« A\19 · '4ndu the direction of ~ Colt• MfoN o H.alW l..aWR ~ ~..,i..._,..tiii. ·• ·...., -_54()..65M _ _. __ -__ ,...i1 Mortuary of Coeta ...... ' ~. ~... =it:.U'•T11t!:J:,iff: ~"i;1;*:o .~~""':r, TO ~l llort No. 111-toO N . .,_, "lieri'r.. ffi= •ttl Utll NOTtCI II .............. tM Ne•=r• le~ell. A ttno: ltl"!I_~.~~ 'lNP111 ~ .. ~ ... ~1N .. r1• t. •10-n ""......... ~ a Oellfer e 'o'L':.:."e11, .._. • 1M-Clantnon1 ,..,.. Ne - Trpaftrer ) who1 tt111l"eu MH~J..;.11" Dr.r.• o, OA lt1 if; 41 North, IVlflhllle, t 4 1111 ...... 11 I I~ ~ 1'411Wo>t4Clll. f .... tt 111/ .... 1-4M °"** t; 8::;.•,~1:',~;~:j8~h1~1:1:~TJ or:'1~ 'a:~ '!r1lm: 11~~-1:' l .AlllllM ltaMhf It tMlll to M !Moe to 1111411 11•1 .. 11 -No. 40I -qo1 9a1t1N OMMJA"MITAUN.Nfa.INO., ._,...._ ftO-t•t L.etV.. Reaf , Dallu, TX 111141 I Oalllornla oorporatlon, IMI 4, ua v..,.._ HV Mt~; 114lllO-Mf1. °"'* ..._., Tran1faraa(1), wlloH 111111"•" 70t!Sl44111. °"'*91·14-11 •tote No,"' -11101 ~ lddt ... la 101 lo. A"lta Drive 810N H9-tla-IH N. w.or.t. U H • .1. Houtto", TIC 71"0to·1 e11he '04, Ore~2:""'W of Houaton. TIC 17011: 11JllH·IHO. 111/Ar--. °'""' •• « ...... °"*' ..... ,, e.cn No. 4'1 -4111 'rwetloll =Ill ootrtt 19 be vanetalfed II ttote No. 1a -.,.,, filldlmoftd Ava .. II. JoHpll, MO t4101; all ..... II Cemlno ..... AU • .1. Ho111ton, T)( 77011: 111/tU•Mn. ()paned 2·tM1 Ct. M011 • IMte oi.a 71attr7·70M. o,.wd .. 10.11 O.tld My 11, 1111. Cowl Ulta of O..; A1 '°''., ltor. No. 114 -~ 'M 1MO. GINQIA JAR RdTAUMHTI. 9ltY • l'oetw Otty.ca. 94404 . 1-towtOfl, TIC 1IONI 711/440-ll31. IHC'..I.. Callfomla OQtY>. 9*'" Meteo County, tele of o...: ~ 1a..,..n 1y. 111...-A. IM..,, 124 Cont,. Coate IMI.. 11'ttM1nt ltcn No. 111 -11 ti w. Alf'DOn ~t )4111, Ca. 14111 • Oonlr1 OOltl "w y :.1. • , "I ft 8 ' T x 1 • 0 •a ; ly: H1tolct , MoOtllll, county, II••• ot ca.; HI 11411N-7tH. Ooelled 1~77 e.:ntary ltotldWay, II 0.jOn, O.. 12012, 1M llOta No. tit -HOOO L8ka 'lll>lllMd Orange Oout Delly Qleoo 00\lnly, Otale Of C~i.11211 I'~ Df.1.Llgunt Hiia. OA 12113: ~.My 17, 1111 , ~tll PIMO de AilcMi, ~ ,._ 0&. 71417u.1Tt1. ~ a.14-71 tH71 Ofllll(leOoun ,8tateOIOL; ltora Ho . 1H -HO N. rtaJC MOTICf 160 I. H1mllt0fl, ampMll, Ca. Mannheim "'*S, Hlllllde, u .• eo1ear-• MOO&· 8enta Oleta County, ltele S11/644-t404. Opar19C1 f.la.11 MUN IC IP A., C 0 UR T 0, of Oa.; ATS Mira MaN ltvd., ten ltcq No. 170 -11U ~ CAU'ONM Diego, c •. '8111 . Ian Dl.ao w .. t. II , .. o TX 711211: .... ~o.~ County. atat• ot Ce.: asooo LA111a e111Ma..1aee °'** 1-1e.11 ..__ .IUIMCw. .... TillCT ,OtHI Or • l!I Toro. Ca. tH30 ltor. No. t7t -A7J Mira Mw .., .-..~ •• Dma. OfanQa County, State of Ce.; l6tO llvd. Ian Diego, OA 12128; '· O .... •10 ~t MaN IMS., 8en otego, T14/~20. Opm'l9CI 4-1 .. Tll Mew,erl laaati. 01ltretf1la Ce.. 02117 ·San C*go County, 8tore No . 174 -2021 _.1M1 Stale of Oa.. M•lroc:enlet Blvd., Nuhvtlle, TN PLAINT!": MARTIN 'fl.OMAN · Said property 11 deacrlbed In 37119: etll/251-4510. Openad end BETSY FELDMAH O--al u : All ttoolc In lrada Of 14&-7e 0 I ' I! N D A N T . N A N C Y thota certain r•Wultnl bualNeaat Sten No. 111-ltJ lleltllna Hwy OP PENH !IM llld a T EPH l!N knowrl u 101ot ..-auran.I(•) and S , , M o b 11 a , A L 3 8 I O t ; OPPENHEIM; DOU 1 tht\I 10 ioc.tad at: HS!. El eamlno "9al, ~.()paned t-29-Tll tu•OM lunnyvala, Santa Clara County, CL llClfa No. 171 -3'7to ua Vegea CAM ....... ltM MOl7; &31 Foatar Qty Btvd., l'oatet IMI. a .. Laa v...., HV 89f0t, NOncl.I Y• ............ ...... City, San Meleo County, CL M404; 7oat7S6-4601. Oper'9d 11·24-71 TM aawt IMJ .............. FW 824 Contra OoelA etvd., PleManl Stora No. 17t -14 t5 Motor St . w It ti•" t re 11 r ~ e I 11 I II a• r 4 Hiii, Ca 14523, Contre Coil• Oellu, TIC 15207; 214/l30·ff41 ~ FW ,...._.....,. • _,.. Coun1y, Stall of Ca .; 381 Opened a.1a..11 -lhe.....,,........ .....,, eroadwa_y. El Cajon. 8a11 OleQo aw. No. 1a -1060 ~ "~WWI 10 ..-..11e adYloe Of County, c.. 12022: 2112t 1 Pueo Cle Ave ., Lo1 A11~ CA 10024; en auornay In 11111 me11ar. you Allele. L•gu11a Hiii•. Cou11ly ol 21,,~T18. 1·27-71 lhOuld do ao promptly ao 11181 your Orange, Ca. 128T5; 150 E. Store No. 188 -4980 8. Wl'ltten reeponae. If My. mey be Hemllton, CampMll, S•lll• Clar• M.,ylllnd Pertr.ey, Laa Vega, NV tlled on time. County, Ca. 1!!008, 1373 Miia M..a II 101; T021T38·HOI. Ope11ed A Y 11 0 I U •I a 4 II a t f 4 e Blvd., 8an Diego, County Of Sen 3-l·TI 4a111a114a4a. II lrl1tv11al p11atfe Diego, Ca. 92128: 23000 Lalla Store No. 11& -2020 Loultvtlle . ...., -nu.. alll 1t11•1R01e • Foreit Ot .. El Toro. Orange Coun~. MOllfa., LA T1201; 311/322-4TOO. MMOe .. Ud. ,....... --. Ca 12630: 5580 Clelremonl Mw Opened 2-1-70 di IO .... a.. la 11...,..uh n ... Blvd .. Sart Oleao. County of Ian Slore No. 1111 -230 w . Laylon ....,.. Diego, Ca. 0211"1. Ava .• Mllw•ukee, WI 5320T: ~I U1tad O•H• 1ollollar al The bulk 1r111aler wlll be 414/413-TOOI. Opened 7·11-71 oon•IO de un a.bogado en NI• conaumtn•tad on Of •II• the 20tll 8tor. No. 201 -1410 8aewall a. u 111 0. d. b., I. II a c . r I 0 day of ........ 1N2. 91\d ~ llvd., GalvHIOn, TX 77560~ lllmadlalMWlte, di aeta -a. rnay be fifed at WELLS FARGO Tt317~. Opened &-22-78 au~· eecrl1a, .. hey al0\1111, BANK. N.A., &crow Daoartment, Store No. 202 -11101 WHI puede -rmot11rada a llemc>o Re; Eac:row No. 843-3122, Sult• Mnham, Little Rodi, AR 72205: 1. TO THE' DEFENDANT A cM 1230. lMIO ~ C..ler Dfllle, 501/225-7382. Opened ).22·TI ~t hal ~ lltacl by Ille N9wpor1 Beedl .. County of Orange. Slcq No. 204 -2780 Well 701h plalnlltl agalnat yOu. " yOu wiell lo 8tate of Calltomla Q2M3 81., Sllreveoort, LA T 11011: detend tllil !-..It. you rnuat, within All delma mua1 be received et !Ne 311113&-1182. Opened~ 30 day1 1ttat tllla 1ummon• I• .odr-by the 11ttl day of Auguat, Store No 208 -3317 E. OMmloll IWwd on you, Illa wllfl thle coun • 1112. un-. the bulk ,,..,,,.._, alao 8 t . Ar 1111g1o11 . T x Tao 1 1: ....nnen raeooi-to Ille OOITlplainl lnclucsea 1111 tr•111fer ol llqulr 1171&I0-02t3 Opened a..11-11 uni... y0u do ao, your default wlll NoenM, In wNQI -· .. c:l.almll Store No. 210 -2700 N.W. be enteted on apollcaUon of Ille muat be recelWd pr1or to the dlle 115111 SI .• Portla11d, OR 17221; plelntlff. 91\d tNI COUt1 may enter • 011 wlllcll Iha liquor llce11H la 503/145-81&4 Opened l-12·Tll ~I aoallwt you !of Ille ,...., trwlerrad by the 8epmrtmenl of S I o re N o . 2 1 2 -1 1 O 9 O demended In IN c:omplalnl, wNoh Alclohollc Beverage Cont.IOI Nortllweal Fwy., Houeton. TX could rHull 111 gar111111m1111 or .lotoe Aaltautwlta, inc. w4I pay tta 77012: 713/H 1-7480. Ope11ad waoee. talllnQ of moneiy 0t PfGPmrtY credflon u their Clalma become 11·2T·78 or other reflel requeated In 1111 due. Slota No. 2ta -720 E. North comoialnt. So I a r a 1 le 11ow11 to 111 e A-.ue, Carol Str.n1, IL 80187, OAT£0 Mlrc:tl 10. 1ff2 lr1111terM(1). all bullneea name• 3t2/Ml-T480. Opened 11-n.11 J. PETERSON, • 11 d ad d r • • • a • u 1 e d b y Store No. 224 -1280 w. Valley Clen, Tr--Of1a) for IN lllr .. )'9Wt ieal Partcway, Etcondldo, CA 12026': By "'-~. peel, If d~t lrorn Ille al>OW, T14174$.261S. Opm'l9CI 12·t~ Deputy _, 8t0t'e No. 225 -150 E. Hamilton, WILUAll1I aAKU a UIOClATSI Store No. 1 -4200 Mannheim c • m p b • 11 . c A I 5 0 0 11 ; WIUJAll I. IMO Road, 8clllller Park. IL 80 t 79; 408/3T4-3233. Opened &-a-71 1m N. ltaedw97, 312117a..too4 Opened 10.25-Tl Store No. 230 -2300 W. St. Paul 8anta AM. C ....... e:l7W Store No. 2 -835 S. Elmhuttt Ave., WeutcHlll, WI 53188; Tit: (TIA) *1'a-W1 Road, Dea Plal11H, IL 80019; 414/547-4243. Opened t-24-TI . Publlalled Ora11g1 Co111 Delly ~12/&I0-7350. Opaned 9-t.T1 Stora No. 231 -4811 Walum Pilot, July 27, Auo. 3, 10, 17, 1~ Store No. 4 -5HO W. Oemoeter Road. 8a11 A11to1110, TX TU 18; 3373-112 SI .. ~orion drove, IL 80053: 5121164-t033. Opened e.29-Tll 312/~2271. ()oened 12·2·71 Store No. 232 -242 E . rtllJC MOl1Cf Store No. 5 -34710 Oroeebeok Holpttallty ~. San IMmatdlno, Hwy .. Fr•irer, Ml 4802 8 ;CA 02404; T14/118-TNT. Opened P'IC11l10Ue.,._N 313/702..0050. Opaned t0.t-T2 2·22·71 MAim ITAT'lmNT Store No. 11 -2120 E. Nt.itwoocl Slot• No. 233 -4234 Dadter The followtng OlllOll I• dol11g Ave., Fullerto11, CA 02834, Drive, Baylow11, TX T7520; t>u91,_ aa: 714/524-0ltO Opened &-22·72 T13/453-5711. Opened 2·27·70 PROFESSIONAL PARK · 4, 11111 Star. No 0 -1121 E RanCI Road, Store No. 234 -120t0 Ellt Dover Drive. Suite 15, Newport Mt Proapecl. IL 80051 , Fraewey. Houato11, TX 77012; 9-:tl. Cellfomla 02983 3121253-44!!0. Opened 11·11·T2 71S/4~711. Opened 2-27-79 Jactc R. DeSruyn. 27342 Store No 12 -3511 W. Devon St«• No. 239 -980t Green 8-claa, M-.ion Viejo. Callfomla Av•. Chicago. IL 90845 , Oella Road, Fort Worttl, TX 79119; 92e75 312/saa.-0411. Opened 4-2&-T3 lt714n.1401. Ooaned 3-1-70 Thll ~ .. conduc1ed by a StMe No 15 -1150 E Oooen Store No 231 -2544 8 . liml1ed ~· Ave . Naparvllle. IL 905°40. Ly11hurat Or . l11dlanaoot11, IN Jee* I\.~ 3t2/3~teo.Openad•.?4-73 41241, 3171247-0237. Ope11ed Tllllat~twullledwl1hllle Store No. 21 -2403 9ellllne, ). 11..-0 County C6"tl of Or'WIQ9 County on Aftc)ll, IL 112002, 811/415-T022 Store No. 239 -2923 N.E. Loop .;.;, ti, 1192 Opened 11-31-73 410, Sa11 Antonio, TX 712'7: ,,.., Publllflld Orange Co11t Delly Piiot • .;.;, 20. 27. Aug 3. 10, 1N2 ~ Store No 30 -160 E. Tit! St .. 512/e&4-9172. Opm'l9CI 4-17·71 UOIMd. CA 1278e. 7t41912-8034 Store No 24t -2809 AQouf• OperW "10-21•1'$ Aoed. w..cwi. W..0-, OA. 115e0: Store No. 31 -10011 Cen11• 8051417-1187. Qoaned 7-21·79 Eapreuwey, Dallaa, TX 715221: Star. No. 244 -2521 t P-Oe 2141311M1172. Opened 11·2·73 lecla, Lagu111 Hlll9, CA 12976; Store No. 37 -3350 Partcer 714/Ht-eaM. Opened 7·20-71 Road. FlorllHllt. MO 93033: Store No. 24' -4010 ~ 314/837-3152. Opened 4-4-T4 lreet. Tampa. FL 3380T: SIMI No. 43 -9441Mllw8Ulc .. 1131171-6&45. Opened e.21-78 Av •.. NII•.' IL 110 114 11 . Stor. No. 251 -11oe w.i.y.n 3t2/9M-4155. Opened 10-23-73 Aoed, lndla11apolla, IN 49298; Store No. 44 -4750 Loa t7/872-93N. Opened 11·10..79 Co)'ol• Olagonal, Long Beacll. CA Store No. 2M -3e8 B<oedw9y, 00815, 2131517·2015 Opened El CeJon, CA 92020; T14/442~. 5-10..74 Opened 1-22·71 Store No. 48 -9075 N. Tiith 81., Store No. 257 -2235 N. M I I w a u k e a , W I 5 3 2 2 3 , Academy Place, COlor9do Sc>ringa. 414/3&4-1328. Opened 10.28-T3 co llOIOI; 303/~. Opened StOt'e No. 40 -5300 8. 11111 8t .. T-29-71 0 r •• 11 d. I •. w, 5 3 t 2 I : Store No. 251 -Q300 8.W . 414/421·T630. Opened I t-10..73 Barn.-Rd .. Portland, OR IT225: Store No 50 -17831 t7tll 8t., 503/212"°270. Opened 3-30-71 Tuatln, CA Q2980; 714n31~ Store No. 261 -1051 LBJ Opened 7-7-73 FrHway, Oallu, TX 75243; FICTmOUI .,... .. NMmlTAft-.n The lollowlng perao11 I• dol11g ~-= R.S INTEAIOR8 , 2588 Woodt1nd Drive, A111llelm, CA 92801. RICHARD OWEN SCHMITT, 31171 C•ll• R1y1101oa. #8, San Juan Cepletrmno, CA 928T5 Tilll ~ la conducied by a11 lndlvldual. Richard a-i Schmitt This ttatement w• "led wllh Ille COUnty Clefk of Or'ange County on .My"· 1982. ,,.... P1o1t>ll1fled Or•11oe COHI Dally Piiot. Juky 20, 2T, Aug 3. 10, 19112. 3214-112 Store No. 54 -11,I W. Arteala,!214/231-~. Opened 11·23-71 Comp t o 11 , CA 0 0 2 2 0 , Store No. ~ -1505 E.R.L 1-------------i 213/13M703 Opened &-2&-T3 !Thorton F. Oallaa, TX 75214; S1ore No. 51 -58 W. LU Tunaa 214/32t..oo38 Opened 2·2M1 Drive, Aroadla , CA 0 t008; S1or• No. H4 -l440 ~ Pertt 213/~T4. Opened t2-21·73 81\ld., ,.,, •• Monica, CA 00405; Store No. 5• -1212 Wat~ 213/460-e257. Opened &-a.7e Road, CrHtwood, MO 113128; Store No. 299 -t'711 Aaaade 3t4/14U133. Opened 12-14-73 Blvd . Nortllrldge, CA 91324; Stora No. 80 -13733 Aoaooe 2t31348-7t81. Ooaned ,.79 Blvd., Va11 Nuya, CA 11401; Stora No. 211 -50 S. Camlla. 2131716-3198. Opened :M-T4 MampNa1 TN3810t; 80t/52'2-1ID Store No. 93 -300 w Golf. Opened •-25-·79 S c II a u m b u r g , I l 11 0 1 7 2 ; Store No 283 -42·2M ~ 312/8a4..()()6e Opened ).3..T4 Hope Dr .. R111cllo Mirage. CA Sten No. ee -t300 Lalla 81. 12770; 7 t415H·5050. Ope11ed Louie 81., Lelle 81. Loull, MO 933M; .....0 314/l25-<t038. ()paned t-t3-T3 llore No. 2117 -15480 eoon. Stora No II -15210 W. Ferry, L•lca 01wego, OR 17034, Btuernound, em Grow, wt 53122: 503/113f.&4M. ()paned 1.1.19 4t4nH-0475. Opened 11-30-13 Btor. No. 2M -150T 8out11 Stor. No 73 -15220 N. Har'llm COMI Or., ooata MaN. CA t2e2T; Ave., Chicago. IL 80958; T14/M&-2351. Opened e.1o.eo 3121713-9020. Opened t-11·T4 Store No. 211 -824 Contra Store No. T4 -54TO N. Point Coate Blvd., PIHHllt Hiii, CA Wallllnaton. Glendale, WI 53217; 4523; 415112T-t5&0. Oo•11•d 414/33~-4030 Ooened 11-2&-77 7-2&-71 Store No . T7 -1T21t Store No. 204 -1001 8 . BrOOllllurst SI., F°"11taln Ve/Ml;, CA llra11wood, Hou11011, TX 770IHI: 027011; 7141112·2132. Ope11ed 11an23-2-423. Opened 2-11..-0 T-3-74 &tore No. 216 -T505 Oubll11 StoreNo.11-505W.RooaevtltRoad, Dublln, CA 14581: Rd. . LO m bard , IL 8 0 1 4 I ; 151~22 Opened a. 1~ 31214~210. ()oened ).1()..75 Store No. 30t -1otoc).A ,._, Store No.lie -15120!.lmpertal rea, St. Ann. MO 83074; Hwy., La Ml rad•, CA 10131: t4/423-0022. Opened 1·llMIO 2131943-9119. Opened 1-31-74 Slora No. 310 -531 Foatar City Stora No. to -2toet o..nflald Blvd., Foller City, CA 14404: Rd., Soutllllald, Ml 41071; 151172-1356. Opaned t-n-71 313/55t-1517. Opened 2·19-7' Store Ho. 312 -1525 Wftt SIOt'e No. lot -N15 Pldflo Awnut I(, LM1caatar CA 03$M; CoHt, Torrano•, CA 10101; "4M117. ap;;d ~1t-eo 213/3Te.ot22. Opened .. 1-75 Stora No. 311 -t16 ~DIM, s1cwa No. 112 -101 N I!. LoOOC) Houaton, TX noeo: 11f(.4g..T•. 410, Sa" Antonio, TX 71211; 12·21·7' 512/)41-t017. Opened 1().()1-11 ltOteNo. W -1108E.21•11., SI ore Ho . 113 -42101"~111. IN 4t211; F1edefic.1burg San Anlonlo, TX 317 . ()paned .. 1M1 THOrlf• lf2/1~2-5T10. Opened llor• No. lU -1013 4-15-tammon1, Dall11, TX 711#4; StOtf No 114 -ttoe E. °"°" 2141241112. Opal.i •t..o 1.111_ .. t.Aultl". TX 71741 : 9'0teHo.m -11111~ 1111-1411. Opened 1-1·'71 II, Hu MI> I a . TX 711 u-: ltOta No. Ito -1208 ~ 1111 ...... 1111. °"'*9........., Ro_a~hf1ato Grove, fl IOOIO: llora No. f41 -U22 8 . &1zr.w.i•1010. ()palwl .. 1a.11 MountMI Ave., Ont.no. 'OA t1'7'1: 110ta No. 1U -11114 ~ P14~. Opatlld •ICMO 81., Ho111ton, TX P701t: , 11314M-7*. ~ ..._11 ltore No. 141 -toOe ~ ltora No. 1•0 -1HH N. Dr Iva, Ra"o, NV lltOI: Central l!•or•H¥W•Y Dallat, TX sn.a..n. OsMr'9d 1M1..0 7Hl.!i 11417H·UOll. Opened ltor• No. 111 -1110 leet 1·14-11 van•. De"ver, CO IOIOt; ltore Ho. 141 -2otU CcMlrne 1111"°'87, Openad Ml-80 AOl~=UflUt, CA I t11t: ...,.. No. Ill-tat .... woocJ 1141 1'. Opelled ~ Of,. A1W1 Mlor, Ml 41104: SIM • 141 -2100 N. "8r1* UI .. 0114. °"'*' N .. 1 atvd:.t... ~~!~•rtot1. CA 11111: ._..No. MP -4000 ~ 714llTW-WD. Opened ..... ,. o . Madi•°"• WI UJOl-1 8lor9 No. 141 -t7IO Her11or • a......,..., llvd .. Co1ta ...... CA tHH: I lkn No. Ml -tleO ,_ 71,,.._1-. Opened Q.4-11 1:· oe"•"· co eo1u: ltora No. Ut -IOtl6 UNIOIO. 0...t-ta.to ""'"*"e •iv• .. l'Offettcse, "'OA lt9" No. th -ltl 1 . 11 tOIOI: 111117 t•t44,, Opened "-'.lilt•"•• CA fo40t11 1+7' 4C11MM417. ~ .,,... Speed Up Your Auto Sales '" th• Or•ne• CCMlt Dally Piiot. ca11 642-5678 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 '11J.Wlflt •••••••••• • Qr IQUAL HOUelNO Of',.ORfUNITY ! !i ... ""'*"• ....... ::: All raal .. late~ 1..-In lhla new1p1pef la :::: 1ubJaot to tlla '•deral ,. 'llr Hou.ino Act of 1H8 l:f wlllotl mate• It ltlaOtl to 1• aOwttlN "any preteren. i:;: ca, llmllatlOn or dl8Cl'lml· i• nat1011 baNd on raoe, ,.. color. rellgton, HX or :: n1t101111 origin, or tny 11• Intention to make any eucll prafaranc., llmlta• lion or dltotlmlMtlon." 1• .... '* ·-, .. ,. tlQI ... ·- Thia ~ will not know1noly accapt any ad11artl1lng tor raal M· tale wt'llch II In \ltolatlon ol the lew :l:liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ----Ult -1llt --... -~ --.. 1111111 Advertl· aera should check their ada dally and report error• lm- m ed I ate ly. The DAILY PILOT aa- aume1 llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only . -=-------· J!UO -...... ,.,,,,, ~ ..................... . -11•1111 IOll ., ....................... . := IEWNllT USO = PllTIIHlll !!: Superb oondo wltll OC9- 4JOI an and city 11g1111 vtewt <>» from Ille Bdrm and danl : Great IHumable loan -It .. ltU ---- a11d priced lo 1e11 el 1115.000·Clll IOdlyl 646-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS ~ .... Cuta88dron~MC ............... llMno 01. lltlll IHUl'11ble toan. ,Ulfprloe 1111.000. 7514191 c::.' I ' ~l'•'·•'••t llllOll Tl llLU H1tbor View Hiiie 3 Bdml 2 batll beauty! Oreat location and pttoad lor quldt Nie. Time to buy ,,....., ~t"1 Prlctd ~ low market al $ 111,500-call now I 04&-7171 THE REAL ESTATERS OllMl 1 Wa h111e 1valt1ble con-- d 01 from IH.000 to $230,000. Call now for more lnlo rmallo11 . 717-5370 .\(>Ill ti/:'// ,,, J.1 ' ... 1•,.. • t~t "-•' llAIT Tiii LEYEL ANMOUCOIEWTS, POSOMAU & LOST & fOlfllD DRAMATIC COUNTRY Lovely upgraded MeH Verde home. prime COf· net IOI, located In quiet arM Large family room, huge room1 thruoul. Beautiful grounda. eov. red petlo. ExceOan1 fl. nancing. owner w111 carry wtlh IS0,000 down, '"~· lor t5 y1er1 C a ll 542:'13 THE REAL ESTATE RS --.... Cu Pool l.taM l'<et ..... i-&Y-f'WMNlt• Sor1al C1vta• ,., .......... SCJYICES ~., AUTOS, NEW fto---... ------....... --...... __ ._,.__ - !Olll IOU ... -.,. •u -----------an ""' -ma --Ml ------ -_, -.,. ••• •n ----------tlO ---tmJ --= ::-' ... ___ _ ESTATE 8000 1/1 on t acre , mHtlve al.clrlc gatH, oobblea1one motor cour- tyard, apectacu111 entry. 8 bdrm, e bath•. 5 lrpl ---------huge lrplc1. Room lor Ill IAIY• 1an11l1. No. Tuetln • ...... Orange Hlll9 with view, Lowatt pric:.d Deane 3 12-15 min. to 811 lfWY9, BA condoml11lum. Gor- alrpot1, So Cout Plaza. oeou• lerge yard. a.au. I 1,400,000. lltul front antranc:. & • RICK AU)ERETTE =o~":r-:~h~ •• ....,, .. ,.,.,., llanc:lng wltll 20% down. ll1 ........ /ll1-1111 ...... cars•bikes• •skateboards• trucks.baby carriages•tea carts•trikes rol lerskc-tes • walker~ .oys •wagons•••• scooters• hot rods• coupes• trailers*hard tops•convert- ibles•motor homes•tawn mowers*limos •corporate headquarters •garden carts Model A's .. •• •typlngtables wheelbarrows• 'recreational vehlcles*golf carts•mode1 trains*blkes *pianos•cars refrigerators •skates•••••• If tt'svat • wheels~ you'll move It faster in a Dally Piiot classlfled ad.call ~2·5678 and a friendly ad- viser will help you turn your wheels Into ca Sh. 2 ILll DPT• Charming 4 8', & large tamlly room 2 l>rlotc flreplaeee. country tcll- che11. quiet re1lda11t11I .,.. In modem tract l>y 8ucx:>olL 10% dn. Owner wlll carry lor 10 yeare. MMl11 . ------ TAYLU H l'O IUT llY llllUllLUI 11 you have been loo6clng In Corona def Mar, -tlllnll yOY wlll recognln Ihle .. the be9t buy In tow11. Located on the OCMl' tide of the llwy. fuat • ,_ bloclc• from the beach. An OYtltan· ding rental property ,... dUC*f lo $229.000. Uva 111 one unit and llW on ll'lareat 17141671-4400 111)1 U .. JUI HARBOR I\ ()t\ ,,,1111 or llJrbor lnH•..imt'll\ 1..:0 l1tltfll• *1"nlllK* II al1 you p.y When you tall• over .. 1111n9 1a1 T.O. Speclout 4 br ••· ecutlve deteohed home. Featunng flTftl din, fmly rrn & frptc. ONv 1212, 000 FU. 21"70 Sen M~ °'* Or, """°°'1 8-:tl f ... 1801 01 fft-7171. ~ Walker & Lt!e L .. 'Don't free ·killer' Mesa Viictim's mother • fighting release FROM YEARBOOK - Richard Cook'• photo u lt appeared in the Cc.ta Mesa High School annual in 1976 when he was a junior at the school. By JODI CADBNtlEAD or ... .,..,,... .... Joan WUU... hu IJ*'lt nearly ~ waklnc hour on the phone aince ahe heard in June that the killer of her IOI\ II about to be releued from oriton. She haa talbd to anyone abe haa reuon to believe could keep Anthony Earl Keney, 24, behind ban a little Sonaer· To no avail. He'll be releued next Tumday from V-=aville state pri8on after aervin1 4 ~ yeara for the suffocation and •xuall.y abusive murder of RJchard Lee Cook. The victlm, 19 at the time of his death Nov. 29, 1977, had lived I in Colt.a Meea before hla family moved to Corona a few months before h1a death. "We u a family are eervtna a life eentence," Mn. Wll.Uama eaJd in • phone interview from her Mira Loma home. "He'• only ~ 4 \.\ ye&r1 for the mwdet of my 110n." Cook wu an honor student at Newport Ew.nina High School in C.O.ta M .. when h1a mothet-and stepfather moved to Corona. Although he WU .elected clMi valedictorian and awarded 1 acholanhip, he dropped out a month before ara<fuation. He went to work as manager • of a feed ltote in Riverside. He knew Ktney. onl~ u a caaua1 cuat«ner emple>yed at a nevby It.able. Dive Tolford, the Rlyeralde ahertff'a deputy who arrested Ker:wy, aid the then 19-year-old ranchhand confeaaed to the ldll1nl when arrested two days later. The 6-foot-6, 260-pound teen-•1•r lured Cook to the ranch by calling the store and claiml nt that an already delivered bag of feed had never arrived. When Cook ahowed up, he was (See KILLER, !>ace AZ) Stuckle freed from jail Councilm 1 an center o Schmitz case woman arrested on child neglect marsh fla By DAVID KUTZMANN boy, whose penis was nearly on any ms.tter connected with p Of 1t1e o.-, Not,..,. severed by a strand of hair that paternity. Carla Verne Stuckle, the 43-year-old Tustin woman who claimed that state Sen. John G. Schmitt fathered her two young children, was released from Orange County Jail today without bail following her arrest Monday on a felony child neglect charge. was wound tightly around it. "I don't think my mother or dad will ever make a statement," Mary Kay Schmitt, 20, aid ln a telephone inverview. BY PATRICK J. KENNEDY or .. ,_., .... .._ Central Orange County Municipal Court Judge Gary Ryan delayed Mrs. Stuckle's arraignment proceedings for a week this morning to give her time to find an attorney. He allowed her to go free on her own recognizance. "' Mrs . Stuckle, who was arrested at her home Monday by Tustin police, had been held in lieu of $25,000 bail before this morning's court action . She is now scheduled to be arraigned next Tuesday. Tuatin Police Chief Charle. Thayer aaid the woman was arrested Monday after the D15trict Attome~·a Office filed a criminal complaint in municipal court in Santa Ana. Thayer said the complaint alleged that the former Republican Party volunt.eer worker was criminally negligent for not promptly seeking nledical attention for her 13-month-old Crashes tie traffic on NB highway Beachgoers found themselves in a mile-long "parking lot" in Newport Beach this afternoon as a result of two acciden~ along Pacific Coast Highway, police said. Police said that the first accident at Jamboree and Pacific c.oa.st Highway at noon, resulted in the overturning of a boat that was being towed. Both lanes of traffic were blocked. As a result of the traffic snarl another accident involving injuries occurred about 200 yards away near Promontory Point. That child is currently in county care at Albert Sitton Home in Orange pending an Aug. 6 dependency bearing i n Ju"enile c.ourt. Schmitz, R-Newport Beach, is listed on birth certificates both for the boy and his three-week-old sister as the father of the children. Mrs. Stuckle said she and Schmitt had a nine-year love affair. The lawmaker's family aald late Monday that he would have n o comment on the l a t est developments in the cue and, in fact, would likely never comment Police officials, meanwhile, said that even though Mrs. Stuckle has been charged with felony c hild ne1lect, their investigation is continuing on how the child's penis wu injured by what ls believed to be a strand of hair that became entangled with It. Reconatructive surgery was performed on the organ two weeks ago at Child.tens Hospital of Orange County. The surgery was reported to be successful. "The lndl~auonr from the (See SENATOR, Pa1e AZ) Officials of the Caliiornla Coutal Cornmimion have asked the state attorney general to file a lawsuit charging the a-ane and truckiq company of Huntington Beach Coundlm8n John Thomas with willful destruction of protected wetlands. Steve Brown, atto~y for the commiulon, said Monday that Thomas' crane and trucking company was hired over the weekend by Mllls Land and Water Company to pl.ow the lS-acre salt marsh south o f Newland Street near Pacific Coast Highway. The Milla company. headeq by Robert London Moore Jr., also ls named in the complaint which could carry a $10,000 fine and a $5,000 daily fine for each day the aree remains graded, Brown aaid. He said the area muat be restored I to a salt marsh by replantfn& ~ vegetation. ''We've determined thia ~ ii a willful violation of the colist.al act and that Thomas' Crme and Trucking C.ornpany wld Milla Land and Water Co. are responsible," Brown a.aid. He contends that Moore and Thomaa. who as a councilman oppoees the wetland designation on the property, were aware of the area's protected status and knew that grading in the coastal r.one required state permJ~. 'lbornas, supervising the last stages of the g:nding on Monday morning, said he didn't know the parcel wu Included in the coastal wetlands ttiat stretch from Beach Boulevard south to the Santa Ana River. "I've .tust rented my equipment to (Moore)," Thomas said. "I'm (See WETLANDS, Pase AZ ) San Onofre 'fires up' Engineers at San Onofre Nuclear Generat.ina Station have fired up Unit 11 for what is expected to be 8eVeral months of Jow-power testing at the plant jwt 80Uth of San Clemente. The startup, at 7:58 p .m . Police said that a graas fl.re broke out at Dover and Pacific Coast Highway at about the same time. It was controlled in a few minutes. DllJ .......... .., CNltR - LANDING ON THE NOSE -Thia 2-tnch acale model of a 1939 GBR-1, remote--controlled by Granger Williams of San Marcos, cartwheeled as it landed in regional competition at tFpuntain Valley's Mile Square Park. Story and photos on Page Bl. Monct.y, came on the eve of a federal appellate court hearing 8Cheduled In Washington, D.C. today on a request by several lfOUPI to halt the testing. Some false alarms that required double-ch eck ing delayed by several hours the scheduled startup on the second nuclear pbwer reactor. TELEVISION Germans like 'Dallas' What do thj\.1~tcb on televialon in West Gennany? Why, " " of ~. Page A8. COUNTY Packard lacks support Carllbad Mayor Ron Packard aaya he'a disappointed by one group'• lack of support in a wrlte-ln campaign against Johnnie Crean for a oonan-ional 1eat. Page A4. ... SPORTS \ Lights up for Davidson Newport Harbor High School's Davidson Field is shedding 10me new light on an old problem. Pap Cl. Angels lose a wild one The Angela come blick from an Mrly 7..0 defidt, but run short of rum tn the end • O.lclarvJ wtna. 11 ·8. Pap Cl. D9ltJ ............. MMft........., OOPS -Spirit, a boat skippered by Allen Brown, rams into the hull of Fast Company (left) at the start of the Newport Harbor Yacht Club's Catalina Island race. Fast Company sustained a gaping hole to her hull while damage to the Spirit was slight. Nearly 100 boats took part in the Saturday race. Council OKs demise of Balboa Fun Zone By STEVE MARBLE or.,..,..,,..,..,, ~ that the Balboa Fun Zone isn't what it used to be, the Newport Beach City Council has approved a plan to tear down the lonptandlng arcade and replace it with a three-story office, restaurant and speciafty shop complex. The council action Monday marks the first major redevelopment project to be approved in the heart of Balboa. The block-long Fun Zone was erected in the late 1930s. "I have fond memories of the place," said Ruthelyn Plummer. councilwoman. "I had my first job there. I used to associate the Fun Zone with Balboa but it's outlived its usefulness." Balboa residents poured out their memories of lhe Fun Zone dwinl the lengthy bearing, f00$t concluding the watirfront arcade has become scruffy in recent years. Only Councilman Paul Hummel voted against the multi-million dollar development plan. Don Strauss abstained, saying he would neither support or oppotte the project. In a related move. the council ordered the developer -JBS Development of Claremont -to put up $15,000 to fund a study for developing a shuttle bus service along the Bal boa Peninsula. Council members said they are hopeful a tram system, such as that in Laguna Beach, can be started in Balboa to ease traffic congestion. INDEX The approved project. which• includes a two-level underground garage, is designed to preserve some of the l'un Zone's festive features. A Ferris wheel and carroU9el are included m the plan as is a video game arcade. "I used to go to the Fun Zone in the 40s as a teen-ager and thought 1t was marvelous," said Balboa resident Robert Brown. (~e FUN, Page AZ) Delay sought in wetlands development Advisers to the California Coastal Commission have/ recommended a delay of up to six months 1n consideration of Orange County's development proposal for the Bolsa Chica marsh near Huntington Beach. The coastal commissioners are scheduled to consider the county plan this Friday. The county's propou.l includea 5, 700 homes. an 1,800-slip boat marina, a navigable channel to the sea and a 600-acre wetlands syst em (including 300 acres already owned by the state). However, Bill Brown, the commlaslon'a deputy director for land uae, aid today that the recommendaUon ia to postpone a (See BOUA, hp AJ) At Y oW-Service A4 lntemUllon 88 =~ A7 ANl Landen A7 82-3 Movtea &-6 Cal1fomia A5 Mutual Funds B2 c.vabde A7 National Newa A3 aa.lfted C4-8 Public Nodcet B2,CM C.ornlm B4 rs~ Cl-3 en.wons B4 A7 Death Notk.w C4 Stock Market. B3 Jl'ditorial A6 Televialon Entertainment &-e Thea ten 85-6 HYGudnm-A7 Weetber A2 ..... . AV Worid News A3 -. KILLER TO BE FREED ... foreeC:I Into tti• bunkhou", ~Ulpped, tied and auffoeaced. Tolford IAid lnveaUlatoct beU.W he wa1 raped. HT1 body WH t~ two daya la• in a lhallow ftl'*Ye beb1nd the ..... t • ToU~ now wOrkirur u an :1lnve1t11atbr ln the a 11trict .6ttomey'1 office, Ml~ Keney had ·tiled from lndJa.na when h4t wu wanted in connection wlth a that rm P"8 t.o keep ttanttna." Mn. W1l11ama 1ta)'9d ln contact wlth Tolford. She called the Pll'Ol• boerd ln San Bernardino. She wrote lettarw to Uw Doud of Prillon Terml when abt fou.nd out KerMy would be rei...ct ln Aucuat. 1iffhey've aot to qutt Jetttna theH peo1,1e out," aatd Mra. WillJaml. I don't want to aee ~r boy die. I want to aavt aomeone et. out there." )Ii& ~the hour ... Moan, at Uw II&.. met he'd been by Uw dty to deer wMdl and tlMh fi'om the &Na. However, city offlclal1 ••Y Moore only w11 ordered to re11.ove debrtl from Uw roedldde frlnae of the ~roperty where people have pulled ve~ and dumped truh. Paul Cook, city public work.a d1rector, Mid Moriday that Moote waa ordered to remove weeda from a four-acre "parcel inland of the aalt marah 1ite 1 which ta *5jaclent to the Gulf Oil Tank rarm. brutal aexuAl attack on a i6-year-old boy, three month.I before the murder. . Ker.y pletlded suilty to the murder and under a plea-barpinlng agreement was ientenced by Judge William Mortland to the maximum of erven years. Fred Samuell, aa a11t1tan1 manacw of the Rlvenlde perole office, 1atd he mana1ed to convince authorities not to allow Keney to return to Rivendde. "He did not pt· an order to remove weeda lrom that (ult marah) property.'' Cook 1ald. "Either he'• clea.rlna the wrona SUCCUMBS -Fonner Daily · property or he'• dolnc what h!; Pilot artist Dana .. Ham" Crum O:.~ do and la blamlnl ua. la dead of cancer at the age of Moore aid he didn't want "'1'o 66. apend money to clear the aru. but he laid he thought he WU under city orden to clear the ..,.. "I think it's a cheap price to cpay for a hWJ)&n life," "Tollord said. "I feel he'• dangerous. A. a parent of teen-age children I have empathy for Mrs . Williams." . For the Williarmes the road has been tough. Two years 1 ago, their only dauaJ'lter was killed in 4 car accident. Two other children are left. • "He wanted 80 much to live," 'aid Mrs. Williams of her 80n. ''He loved nature. He was 80 • trustworthy. This is something Usually pmoners are returned to the area where the crime wu committed. • Accordina to priaon r~rd1, Kersey'• 1mtence wu reduced ~y one-third for good behavior. ''Once the judge eentencea him the only thing we can do i1 decrease time," said Samuels. "We can't increate It." Keney will live with a friend in the San Franci8co area after he ia releaaed according to offldal document.a. A gay orpnizadon in the area haa volunteettd 10 give him a job. ·~BOLSA CHICA ... - final d~i1ion until an Army Corp• of Engineer• 1tud y i1 completed on. the feuibWty ,of Ule ocan channel. He aid the recommendation was forged out of private meetings with county officlala and consultants for Signal 'Landmark Co .. the major landowner of the 1,600-acre Bolsa Chica. Staff advilers to the Coastal Commission have criticized the county's plan becawie it propoees building homes in the l ,200-acre lowland portion of the marsh that's identified as w etlands wUdlif~ habitat by the state Fiah and Game Department. Brown wd that lssue is still the major point of contention, but he said delay ~ould allow commtuion 1taff memben to auempt a compromiae with county offidalt. Brown Mid the staff would recommend d enial of the county'• plan • it'• currently propcmed. Jaraely becau.e of the wetlanda dmpute. However, he laid offidala of the two aowmment agenclea are closer to agreement on other planks of the countv's propoaal. The Bola Chica ia '°'1th of Warner Avenue on the inland side of Pacific C.oaat Highway, bordered by Huntington Beach on three lidea and the Pacific Ocean on the fourth. It'1 ciurently undeveloped and include• a 200-acre 1tate wetla.Ddl reRTVe and an inland oil field with about 200 wells. :FUN ZONE'S DEMISE ... "Now its terrible. lt'a not the way we remember it. Not every Balboan. t hough, spoke favorably of the project. "Thia project is like trying to fit a 300-pound woman into a size six girdle." aaid Sue Fk:ker. She said the structure will be too big, too tall and prodooe too much u-affic. The project is suspected to take at least a year to complete. Former Pilot staff artist Crum dead Private burial 8ervices at aea will be held this week for fonner Daily Pilot art director and longtime Newport Beac h commerical artist Dana "Ham" Crum who died Sunday. Mr. Crum, who ret1red last August after 10 years with the Daily Pilot, had been battling cancer the past year. He wu 66. A native of Washington, Mr. Crum worked as a conunercial artist In Paaadena until 1951 when he moved to the Harbor Area. He waa an artist for Rosan Enterpriaes, an engineering firm in the Mariner's r.lile district of Newport, before his freelance work. A typography expert and considered by peen one of the nation's best artists in the field of freehand lettering. Mr. Crum was responsible for designing much of the "look" of the Daily Pilot of the 1960s. He contributed to the evolving design of the newspaper in later years and helped set up the Daily Pilot's creative services department (art and copy service for adverti9ers and for various departments of the newspaper). An avid skindiver and deep-sea fishing fan, he often traveled to Mexioo in pursuit of those interests. He also was a goll enthusiast. He leaves his wife, Mary Helen, and two daughters, Judith Bnaley of Costa Mesa and Carol Stone of Yorba Linda. He is also s urv ived by five granddaughters and a grandson. The famtly requested t.hat memorla.l contributions be made to the American Cancer Society. Sunny and w-arm .... Nof1"-t wlnOt COUid r..::tl 22 knot. with 3-to &-foot -tarther than 80 mu .. otflfloH trom the point lo S... Nlcola lslend. Sunny and-"' today. Hlghe Temperatures -73 •t the bMctl9I and ,_ 15 Inland Fair tonight and Wedneaclay. ~1IOW953 to 51. Hlgtle on Wednndey In high Al"~ 10. to mld-eOs -·· MATIOlt .. ~ ,.., 88 511 97 115 ..29' too 87 Elsewhere. from Point Albuque conception 10 the Me11lc11' =::. 88 65 ~~ ~llee:~ At19'1te 91 73 .04 hours. becomtl'g well 10 Atlante Cty ,: ~ IOU1'Mell 8 lo 11 kl'Ota wtttl 2 IO AIMtln 7 4 3 toot wind waves In the Belttmore : 83 a I 1 • r n o o n • t o d • Y • n d :"':f' ~ 92 72 Wldnelday. Fllr loc*ly acept " 9 "" 11 eo .22 patchy night end morning low 8llfnardt 95 71 doudl ~ w.terw w41t heW 8o19e -03 non-w. 12 to 22 knots ea.ton 17 .... with 3 lo 8 toot -througtl BrownW'llle :~ ~ WedneldeY night. =.on ee 51 Caap9f 82 82 U.S. srtmniary ~~ r, : Thunderstorm• conllnu.cl to ~NC ~ ~ 22 roll aero. Melem Coloredo end ..,._,_"_ · wHtern 1<1n111, with • few ~ ~ r, ~ fingering OVel ....,,.... " 7. t .08 There -• widely aeatter.ct ~SC 94 73 .no.ert and ttlund«Storma from '''"'""' 99 .-tern New Mateo ICfOll the Columbul 91 Mione deMr1 10 the Ore91 8Mln. Dal-Ft Wth : Vo ~ end 1hundtntorma lleo Dey1on continued llCfOll nortnam iow. o.nwt eo " .01 and centre! Wl1con1111, with ~,.:~ : ~ .42, thunder1torm1 fingering over o::iuth n 53 Aor1da and the mld-M~ 101 13 The Forecast For 8 p.m. EDT Tue'\day July 27 • · T empefatures t7 78 14 91 72 " 7t t4 74 04 se 10 85 90 74 98 72 t2 eo .. 80 t4 a ea n 13 .03 1111 73 1.07 90 71 51 t4 70 .10 t2 76 84 86 03 t3 73 92 70 t2 75 .14 ... 73 Ram~. Snow ~ Showersl/lll FlurrlesE:!] ~~ ee ee 97 Monler9)' 82 NMdlM 97 Oak tend 64 58 Pao Roblee 95 58 Red 9lufl 98 87 Redwood City 73 5e Reno 94 82 Secramento 92 58 ~Otego 83 47 711 70 San Pfanc:llOO 58 51 Senta Barber• 74 58 3Mll M11rla 89 Stockton 93 eo Thermal " Ukiah N Barll-87 74 BlgS-88 64 .83 8llhop 92 58 Catlllna 72 81 Vt/Wf. Flk .... pnMllld "'* El Paao 89 57 the r-1 of the country. Fllift>enkl 81 118 Tod•)'"• forecast called for ,_..., 79 II acatter•d 1howera and ~... Tt 80 103 IO .04 .. 87 .55 18 M !.!•Arr~ eo 57 ong a.di • .. Monro'M 100 84 ~onN from A1t10M Md --M C_._.A the Of.el 8M1n to tile oenttll twUotd : M 11'11 lft4llld 102 78 Pleln• end troll\ lh• .....,. 1' ~ " mld-MIHIHlppl V•ll•Y and Honol\AU II • Elnl• 13 &4 .-tern MOtiON of IN -.rltWn "°'*°" t4 1t .A 1 ftmrlO 100 7 t f'lalnl to the 1oull1er11 end ~MS : :: ot ~ 17 74 mld·Atlenllc Coul It•* and ~**..,.'"-------·------------1ower Great L•k•• re9lon. • ~ tM ~ calld tot ~~~,:.::: ·-··-lllf llPIRT 50 in leUlt ate ..... ~. to • • •in Del No, r--. ' •ll'llliCii'.-..•n ... _..;.._ ... -....., __ _ • • ....... ,....,. .. 87 ee ee ee .. 10 10 10 17 'l'O .. • Ml. Wleon 82 85 ~8-:fl 13 84 Ontat1o 97 86 Pelm 8pMge 91 711 PeMdella 93 83 Sall 8emlrdlno t5 10 Sen Joie 73 67 an. Alfa 86 ea SentaCnll 72 5f TlhOe V/l/IJffy 11 49 Smog Wh•t• to call (toll lrM) for , ..... amog lntormatlOn: Ofpge COUnty: (800) A4&-3828 Lo• AngelH County; (100) ' 2'2-4022 Alvet-llOe and Sen llemllrdlno ooumtea: (800) 387-A710 AQMD fpllode C..tr. (800) 242 ..... Tides . TOOAY ~ hlgll 4:17 p.m. A.I leoond 10W H:14 p.m. U ....... y f'lrlt h4V11 A:M 1.M. U ,.,.. &ow 10:111.m. 2.0 a== :f,, 1:11 p.m. 1.1 ~ .. m. 1.2 ... .. _.., • 7:• p.tll., ............ , .... i ...... Moon ..._ .-., • 1:11 P.M., IMS Wldfl•dl., If 12:10 Lift, • "The city ordered me to do .aomething 1 didn't want to do ln the finrt place," said Moore, who Added that he hu long oppmed the wetland desianation on tu. lan4 that forbids aevelopment. ''Thla is a cleanup operation," M()9fe said. ..Does th.is look like wetlands?" he added, waving his hand at the plowed up field. A~ Brown aid that even if the dty had ordered a weed abatement at the aite that Mi.J.l.s Land and Water Company still would need state permlta. 09lr ..... ..,__ "' lM P.-e ARRAIGNED -Carla Verne Stuckle la led to court by Tustin police officers Mark Bergquist (left) and Jim Hein. She was charged with felony child neglect of infant allegedly fathered by State Sen. John &hm1tz. From Page A1 1\.ar1 Hindere r . violation• coordinator for the coastal commimion, aala he wu at the lite Friday when bulldoi.era were clearing the in.land parcel that is outside the coastal zone. SENATOR SCHMITZ • • • Trust~es eye Woodland school site doctors are that the injury is such that it had to be accomplished as a wllllul act," Chief Thayer said at a press conference. Added police Capt. Woody Williams, "The doctors say it waa highly improbable it was not an intentional act." The cr1mlnal complaint against Mrs. Stuckle was filed after police laWlChed a five-day probe Trustees in the Newport Mesa !ast week into the child's injuries. Unified School District are The results of that investigation expecied to vote tonight on the were presented to the District future u.e for the now cl~ Attorney Monday morning. Woodland Elementary School. Thayer said it would have taken three to four weeks for the District officials have said that baby's injuries to reach the state they are not reedy to conaider of severity they did. The hair future W1e1 for the embattled had cut through the penis down Corona del Mar Elementary to the urethra. School site. He said it should have been Al8o 00 the Aa=ia adoption obvious that the child was in -Stucltle has denied she placed of the board'• pro regarding the h81r on the child in police pay for cluaified (non-teachen) Interviews. The injury was employee& had doqto Trustees will meet at 7:30 ln = ~~tWb ~b q:. the Harper Community Center al T~e cppnty's. Soci~l pefVkea the baby ~d a petition was filed m Juvenile Court alleging that the infant was being kept in an unlit home. The 3-week-old baby girl was not unmediately taken from her. However, Mn. Stuck.le turned the infant over to her sister for care when sh e was arrested Monday at her Tustin home. "We feel this is a very serious oerune," Williams said later in the day. "It's a case w e would .consider shocking," he said. from the standpoint of the seriousness of the injuries, not because of personalities involved. Ponce said Schmitz ha& never been a part of the investigation because it has never been shown he had any direct responsibility for the care of the child. Investigators are trying to locate an elderly, live-in baby sitter who cared for the boy for a week before his in jury developed. Mrs. Stuckle's older daughters have been interviewed already 425 E. 18th Street, Coeta Mesa. I D;pe.r1f11eDt laleJi to01t ~tOdy of Banning issue' set for court ~ Newport officials ordereil to defend referendum wording Tbeblggstdevewpmentngnt of the year ln Newport Beach has spilled lnto the COW1rOOm. City officiall have been ordered to court next month to defend the wording of a November referendum ballot measure lor the Banning Ranch development. The Aus. 17 date in Oranie County Superior Court wu IM!t after Allen Beek, former city Plannina ~. filed a sult claim1ng the ballot wording was "calculated to cau se confusion." Beek ia an opponent of the City Council-approved ranch development ln west Newport. The development was placed on the Nov. 2 ballot followmg a successful referendum signature drive. Beek argues ln hia suit that a voter who ls oppo1ed to the project must vote yes while one in favor of the 75-acre develop~nt.plan must vote no. DIAMONDS Mavor Jaclue Heather termed Beek"s c laims "silty" and orom1sed the city would fight him The council -approved wording fo r l h e b allo t asks voters whether the Banning Ranch pro}E.'t·t should be repealed. Beek says the proper way to phrase the question would be to ask vott>rs whether the ranch plan should be adopted. The matter will be heard by Superior Court Judge Thomas F. Crosby Jr. The brilliant fire of rubies, the dramatic sparkle of diamonds. The perfect moment, the perfect gift. The unbeatable combination. Alt In 14 karat yel- low gold. Heart-shaped ruby pendant with dia- mond, $295. Heart-shaped ruby ring with two diamonds, $695. SLAVICK.§ ""'.....,. StQ 1117 Where w btJc swtpnStJ btgin . ,...,llind..,.., ....... ~~ MlltC'ifwW ............. .,... ........ ..... ~--~~~~.,._~..-.~rt-- ' • # Or1n99 Cout DAILY PILOTITueldeY, July 11. 1912 '" '41fl Htl t•'" jlj•I ,. I,,.. Cllt lil l '* Clltw Cllil ~·-C.._ &ti.. .. •• -~·, r'·I }I.]-:-,·~ 1~~::.; ·1,~ ~, :1: ... ~ i;lii .. fr.= :1; ~~~ I "'I Mil e .. v C!ll " . '1 ---.. ·:tt+ . . itJ ,.. "' M; I' VJ ltt'11 no •~, ~v.~.~ ~: ::' 1:~.~ ~~' HlHJ!l!•15= ,,. · 1 '-! ... I ~ t • "' ,. .. I f11o .. ,.. I ,. II ''"' "' = •t I ~--" 1 l • ~-:: .. " .~; .... ~ ' ·1 "4 _ti ~''-: = "" : lo). JI I • t -t f , .... " I • t ';) ~ , ' • , I " NI" Htl • .. , • I 1, ., "' ·' • ' • Ill I ~ I • .... " ,, Mlt11tr. I 1.-1. , I llM C.... (lie ' I It 5 Hlof I. -.... -~m" I} tP loo ,. 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I 11 1 22 U . \.llO'fS n t0 17 SI 291 • .. ._,.pf •IP , It f1\f), td!H1' I 9:1 I 14 1'\<o "' OtS.C. 1 lt2' l.S3 ..... _ '-6if¥tit . 7S 4 ... 11'-\.110¥5 I It 1 14.J U~ '°ldcl t J1 1 M IO • -" a 'j 1 ... U + ... OtlEG IAI t 1203 11 ... -I-. GwtlOll 1 IO ' SI) i.w-i,. l.lllltftt 17 I l 10 llltf!fl 40 12 I II . • ,1119 I 4 '42S It...,_ ~ Otll pf Ut 1100 II -o., Gwlllt• m 14..,_ '--M-M -a 50" Jlt ""-~ ..c 1, • ,,. ~ ... Otlleflf IM . no " •1~· Gwlflt pflll) .. I , ...... MACOM ••• ., •1• IS • l1t I'll I'° s 10 • .-.-.. n 2 t ti• is...... . Otll! l!I 7 u . t100 .. ..._ .... GtlStUI '.·,. • 501 ''~ "" MCA i.-" !sit ~· ""' I" .14 1 . 2 1-.. •.• ~ •1 4 11 tl'lo+ ~ 01-F 2.1.S •• 1 1""'• "' Glf'SU pr4 • .0 M 21-.i .. 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"' 1112 • • ncn1-.-~ t.1rcC ttO . :it U~+ w ~~~r .. ~·., ; I{:'!:: ~ SCrl!O I.fl I 21t It -\It SOJerln 2 IO • J 11\lt-\lo so-. ,. • ,, *''k ' • u ,,.., .. :~~~ ~ --· U"'o '° It"-• .. ~.-... 4\<) ~·i.; 10.... ~~ , .... < .. "' .... '. .. '. .. '·• .. .. '. .. ,, . I • ... .... .... ... " '• ... .. ... ,... .. 1•"-.. 11 ·~ ''• JS '-"""-. '. l'-... ,, ... 18'• .. ''• JO' I • ..~ .. HJ"'-• • 10 )\,. . 101'• '• ""' .. .... .. .. '°" .. ~ .. ""' ... 1•" ' 11' 1 , ..... , ... '8 ~ '• .. . ... ... .. '• ,.... ... )11 •••• , ... \'lo t . + ... JO-. .. 1).'6 JI • ... 1414 •• ,,... '" ... , . ~-11. ll'• •'\ '"' J'•-"" ·~ ... ,., ... v. 11'11+ •• 11'-+ ... ........ 14'\ ... 10-. ,,., "' 17'l ... 411... • ... •1'9+ " U +I 11"1 ,,.. 16'41 10 .. ·~·' ,. .. , ....... .. ,, ~ ... ... '" ·~ .,, '" '· Jl\4! .... IJ SI -I ~--._ .. :w. 1 .. $1 • ' • ..\I.e •• ,,. Treasury hills tumble · again SACRAMENTO (AP) -Short-term Treasury aecurlties yleldJ dropped for the fourth straight week, falling to the lowest level ln more than 1eVen monthJ. About $5.5 billion in six-month T-billa were auctioned Monday at an average dlacount rate ol 11.378 percent, down from the 11.441 percent of last Monday. The government also eold about $S.5 billion in three-month bills at an average rate of 10.599 percent. down from ll 14 percent. N ewport firm 's earnings off Smith International Inc. of Newport Beach reports a decline in second-quarter operating result.a. Both earnings and revenues fOI' the first six months showed improvement. Net income for the quarter ended June 30 was $25,107,000, or $1.10 per share, down 19 percent from the $30.938,000, or $1..35, earned in the like period of 1981. Net income for the six months was $60,847,000, or $2.66, which was an increase over the $55,491,000, or $2.42. earned in the first six months of 1981 Downey tells earnings Downey Savings & Loan Association, based in <Asta Mesa, reported today net earnings of $54,000, or 1 cent per share, for the three months ended June 30. Thls compares lo the year-earlier period of a lea of $3.844,000, or 81 cents a share. For the first six months. net earnings amounted lo $155,000 or 3 cents, and represent a turnaround from the prior year's first-half loss of $8,223.000, or $1.74 a share . Firm names president Western Digltal Corp. of Irvine announced that Roger W. Johnaon, former president of Burrough& Office Systems Group, has been named president and chief operating officer. Terry N. Holdt has been promoted to executive vice president of components manufacturing. Joseph Bala, company founder, has alao been named vice chainnan of the board and assistant to the chief executive officer. Baia had been serving as acting vice president of the componenta group. Acquisition announced Hadco Corp. of Salem, N.H., announced the ocquiaition of Lamination Technology lnc. of Sania .Ana, a General Automation of Anaheim sub8idiary. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW VOAIC tAP)· klft, J pm prlet -.... (~"',,,. ... , .... ,,...., ...... Now van !otocl l•c..._ It~. ,, .. ,no nahoNlllV at more,...,. '1. l<:ero• CP QS,tOO )0 I'·• Soul,,.rn Co 111, 100 • 2"" Euon Sil 000 U... lo du Pon I O\,JCX) )O• 1 •.~ C..tt ""'°40f'\ "" iGO o.. -"" ~:i1m m·:: ·r: .. . -'°"'·· JI) JOO 11 .... A ..... T&l J~.100 U '• T"lokOI l01.100 U'• (,efl flt< "" JOO •I 18M 311.100 .. ,. • 1• Sc;tellll JOJ tOO ,,., • '- Varco .1171100 S.. ~ V• EIPow ?9t 100 12'• \o UPS AND DOWNS NEW 'IORK tAPI Tho! IOlloWl"ll tltl ~ w. -v-Sloe• En...,. JIOCI<' -watr_,I\ "'al llavt llOt" .. , ... ,,_ ..,.. -""' moil -,,.. pefC .... Of (..... t~rdltH ol .......... tor ,_,. NO _..,Ille\ lfadt"ll Del-U ..... i~I .-...... Ind pefctftf-c ....... , ... '"' dill-• .. ,_ .............. ''°""° prl(e tn0 -y Ii~ P'tct Name l..t•I ChQ I E"'POE pl8 J'• • "-1 Tymtil'\Mf' t4... ''• J Un totnmrc 1•'• , .. • f'"C)4,.ln< IJ '• S Hofjy Wo )7'• 1"-4 8.idOrEf'K 1'~. 11 • 7 tkrtl'ey,...., ,., .. '• I C•lllW!Mnll 11 .. • .. l'(I Up 10 I UP t) Uo 11 Up 7 • UP •I Up •O u, i. UP SI Up SI ...... Ina •'· 10 Tl ... ~.... , .. ,._ Up S• " ........... , .... 11 Oyco~•• ""' "' ll EmorRtd \ U1 • \. U Pot.rotd )1'' t'·t 1S GTFI pt8 10 '1 1' Or•voCo I~ '• u a.er tnO s•. ~. 11 Fa<tl Entri> S ... • '• "'-~ J ... .. r, ::r:~t:_, I~~ • ~ Z2 J•rC:...P 4of U • I U MoftYMlll In ,.. ti. u s.row.1 SC:o 101~ • 1"' 2~ lv.,.P 1 IOPI II .. • 'o DOWNI UP ,, Uo H uo u Up SS Up )J UO SI VD ) 0 Up • t Up •I UP •I Up '' uo 's UP •S Up •.) uo •• I.Ht CllQ Pel ,., "' Off u 2 ' .. ()ti"' 1'• ... Ott IOS 11 • 1•.. Oii •. , 11\o l'lt 00 I.I >'• "' Ott ., 1• 1~ Ott •• ,.. ... Off ·~ 1.-. -I Off •I IO'o ... Oft S 7 ... " Ott St " .. --.onu 2Pt -flt Off , .. l~:: t 8'1 s1 :-= ~ g;: !t ,.._, ~ . Uh -~ Jt '"' ~ ~· It -~ I .t '° ·~ Oft ' • )\'t " §:! 0 U'--'" H ,....., ' lMERltAN tEADERS METALS NEW YOAK (AP) -Spol nont.rroue metal pnc:ea IOOt y. Coptlef 7~ 75 Clf'lll e 'pound, U S O..llnatlonl Leed 28-29 cenia • PoUl'4 Zinc 37-40 oantt •pound.~ T1n le 0055 Met• WMk OOft'1C)Oelta It>. Alumtft""' 78-77 Clf'llt a pound, N.Y. ...,_., $370.00 I* llUll. ~ 1298.00 t1oy oz., H.Y. SILVER Hendy & Ha•man, S7 305 per ttoy OU~. GOLD QUOTATIONS ., ni. ._ .. ,_. ~ SMclad WOrid gold pt'io. today: London! morning ft•lt>Q 1351.50, ott $0.75 L.OftdOft: anemoon llxinO 1361.25, oft Sl.00 !'aria: •fl.moon ftldng' 13411.62. °" S6.77 Frankfvrt: '352.68, ott 141.42. Zurtdl: Lele fixing '3!!0. 76, ott S 1 00 bid. Sas 1 50 ulc41d .._., • ...,_, oNy dally QvOle '35125.ott11 00 I~ oNI ~ty quOI• labrtc:aled '388:11. ott 11.0&. . . c: . .. " .. • =i~ :=1 •• . .. I' ·: •' •. •.