HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-07-29 - Orange Coast Pilot• . . -'--· ----- -lllD• llllY 111111 I ) I ~ I\ NI 'I ( I 11 JN I '( '°' : 11 I I I '4 If\ .' '1 (. l N T ,, Mesan'S Mexico de~th disputed Brother rebuts suicide claim; family airs concern t By JODI CADENHEAD Of"llleDllr ........ Randall D>en loved Mexico, wh.,.. vacationm, wu cheap. Not one io trawl the beaten path, the dark-haired Calta Mepn. 30, often headed for the amaller towna new Mazatlan, 1peekina the lan1uage he had f ea.rnelJ well. • But lut trip he apparently strayed too far. Hla deoompoeed body WU found June 8 in a Mexican Jun8le near San B1aa, a anall coutal town known for ita IW'fina. San Blaa ii 160 miles aouth of Mazatlan. Mexican authorities labeled the death a ..wctde. A small .25 callber handgun belonaong to Ebert waa found nearby, acc:ordlng to Michael Oreate, IJ>O\temnan fat the United States Comulate offloe in Mu.atlan. But R.ndaU'i brother, Tim, believes different. "It'a a fact that it's not suldde," said Tim. "He wasn't that kind of penon. Everyone we've talked to feel it'• murder." Three daya after Randall'• body WU found by ch1Jdren, the body of John MU&. 841 of Santa Monica. wu d.18coverea ln a river a mile away. apent ei1ht daya ln_Me~l~o aeeldna an amwe:r to Randall'• du th. Ebert uld he beU.V. the .... of the bullet hole in h1a brother'• "It's a fact that it's not a suicide. Everyone we talked to feel it's murder.~' Randall, a 1974 piduate of UC Irvine, went lnto a window· cleanln8 buaine9 with Tim and a cbe friend. A health conadoua weiaht lifter, Randall wu not invOlved with dnJCI aod rarely drank, aocord.ini to hia family. Tim believes hia brother wu camping in the Jungle and probably 1tumbled upon whatever waa happening to Milla. Randall had left Costa Mesa Oreate, contacted at hia akull could not have been made May 18. Mazatlan office, conf1nned thlt by a .25 caliber handgun. The A United State government Milla' skull had been cracked. A aunahot wQUnd wu on the right offldal, who asked not. to be 60-pound rock had apparently of the akuJ1 and Randall, wu left identified, l&id, "For tourist.a who been tied around MillJ' neck, handed, Tlm claima. are traveling in reeort areas it'• Orellte uld on -ru.day, "I don't care who ldlled not dangerous. But. for people "On aeveral occuiona we've Randy," Tim aaid. "I'm 1ooldhl who atray off the beaten path asked for a full investigation into for juatice. I just want to keep thett'• an element of risk." theee deatha," he aaid. _. peole from going there. There'• U.S. officials a.re considering The vice-consulate declined to no reuon to ao down there and warning Americana to avoia comment on how cooperative have famillea worry." Highway 15, on which Ebert and Mexican authorltiea have been. The Coata Meaa family Milla were reportedly traveling. Tim Ebert said he didn't learn 1tre11ed that Randall lov~d The road has been the center of hit brother's death unUl July Mexico and that they don't of oontroveny since a Univenity 8. He and bis father, George and believe the entire country ii of Colorado profeaor, Nichol.as brother-in-law Wllllam Abbott, _crtme __ ridden ___ or_~ _ _;.... _____ (See __ ME_X_l_CO_· ...;.., _P_ac:s..e_A%_...) __ _ Big bucks· for concert by Sinatra Orange Countr, la not .. New York, New York,• but it still will be a high class place to aee Frank Sinatra when he performs a benefi t concert at Irvine Meadows Sept. 25. Tickets, which go on sale Monday, will aell for $2~. $100 and $50 a seat. Additionally, special ''packages'' of aeata are now on sale tor $5,000 or $2,500. The 85-year-old Sinatra ia donating all of hia tiQle and prooeedl for the benefit. bUJed by loc:al promoten -h1a tint ccncm t ever' In <>ranee County. All of the funda except for operating coat• at the amphitheater will go to the new South Coat FoundatQi for the Developmentally Disabled. Comedian Charlie Callu ii ICheduled to be the opep.inc act at the evening pedonnana- ·"' IN HAPPY TIME -Randall Ebert ls pictured during a happy time in Costa Mesa. He waa found slain after exploring a jungle area in a remote aection of Mexico. 0.-, Not ....... .., t......,,... PLO exit • • position mystery By 'ne Auoelated Presa Paleatinlan cuerrillaa fired mortar ahella at I.vaeU poeitiona in Beirut today, but lira.el at.ill wu obeervlnf the latest ce-.-. fire. the Te Aviv command rePOrted. Meanwhile, Paleatlne Liberation Organization chief Yaaaer Arafat refuted comment on a new drive to get him to atattt unequivocally that he and h1a guerrillaa will leave Lebanon. The Tel Aviv command aaid the guerrillas atarted 1helllng Israeli positions near Beirut'• international airr.rt around 5 a .m . PDT. an sraell army spokesman l&id. "laraell 10ldiers received strict orders to hold their fire and are intensively obaervlng the terrorist.a' movementa," he l&id. Arafat, wearing military fatliUes with a pistol on h1a hip and a daert cap on hie head. talked briefly with reporters in west Beirut after meeting with former Prime Miniater Saeb Salam. who baa been the key go -between in talka with Lebanese officials and U.S . preside ntial envoy Philip C. Habib. Asked about Habib's reported pro~ to llraeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin to let 1.srael know by Fri<fay whether the PLO w o uld leave Beirut peacefully, Arafat said, "I did not receive any official propoaala from Mr. Habib ... I have to deal officially with hit excellency, not you (reporters)." Salam said before meeting with Arafat that the PLO has repeatedly l&id it wanted to leave Beirut peacefully. "but it baa to be arranaed where to go, how to go, and lt must be tied up with the international force coming tn. all that has to be acheduled. That'• not in their hands." Arab countries have reru.ed to take the estimated 8 ,000 guerrillaa en mame, and offidalc of the Arab Leatue, Saudt Arabia. Kuwait. Syria. Lebanon; Algeria and the PLO wer• meeting in Jidda. Saudi Ara~ today to di9cula ways to combei; Israel'• nearly eight-week-old invasion. • DlllJ .............. GOOD JOB -Gov. Fmnund G . Brown Jr. commends employees of Irvine's ASTD:H firm at ceremonies honoring the company for excellence in shipbuilding. Story Page A8. So far, 30 corporations and individuals have purch.ued one of the tax-deductible package deals. For $5,000, they get 46 aeata and four front-and·center "patron" eeata. The four patrons also are invited to a private buffet after the cona:rt to rub elbows with "01' mue Eyes." SKYWRITING SQUADRON -Thete vintage Wednetday. "We've had no crashes, just a few Navy trainer pla.nea "typed" the Miller Time typos," the commander says. message you may have seen overhead The United Statee has refu.ed to agree to have ita portion of thO international force move .into the city before most of the guerrillas leave for fear American troops would become involved in fighting. The PLO says it can't leave without the international • force in place. Judge def ends residency in Newport By DA VlD ltUTZMANN or .. o.itJ,... ..... Wea t Orange County Municipal Court Judge Joanne Harrold telltltied Wedne9day that it wu never her intention to live in a $2 million hou9e in Newport Beach juat long e nough to establish legal reaidency and then move back to Riverside County after the June 8 election. "That property had always been prdmi.ed to me," Judge Harrold said, denying al8el1iona that lhe planned to deed back the hoUle to her grandmother after the election. . (See JUDGE, Pace A!) NATION For $2,500, buyen get 18 .eats and two "patron" ae8ta, with two buffet reeervations. Among the buyen of the $5, 000 peck.ages ao far are the Fluor Corp., the Koll Co., Commerce Bank Birtcher Pacific, the Bren Co., Smith International and Mamie Reed, sister of J . Robert Fluor. ' Heritage Bank officlala have bo ught four of the $5,000 packages. Because the Sinatra concert is a benefit performance, seaaon ticket holder• at the amphitheater will not have first chance to buy their aeats. However, they will re.ceive ticket order forms by mail, foundation director Barbara DeBoom said. The forms, with response carda, will be aent soon 'to a growing list of people who have Called or written the foundation about ticketa. Mrs. DeBoom said ahe ia encouraging buyers to order (Sff SINATRA. Pase A!) Balanced budget plan blasted The call for a balanced budget amendment by the bigge8t deficit ipender ln the nat1on•a history la rank bypocrily, •YI columnist Richard Reeves. Page AlO. 'Borderblaster' revs up Llstenen around the nation wm IOOn be able to tune to Uw old '~1-ter'' radJo station, XERF, which la rebulldln& tu mammoth 2!50,000-wau ttaolmltter near Del Rio, Tex.. Pace B4. Sman Hayward topless'! An AP~. Md onetlme moVle UlbeT, fondly rememben 8UHD Hayward'• brief tople11 ~-IO~ ICO· Pal8 B.1. • Artists have heads in clouds Six pre-war planes provide signatures in the sky · Mos h e Yegar, at1t1istan t director general of the Israeli Foreign Ministry, announced the cease·fi..re Wednesday night after a week of air, land and 1ea bombardment. By PAMELA STEINRIEDE oflMo.itJNot ..... commander of t he M 1 ller Brewing Company's West Coast skytypi.ns squadron. According to Stinis, the two- SJ!ater, single-engine SNJ·2 planes were used to train nearly every military pilot during World War II. Afthough 59 were originally constructed, only a (See COAST, Page A!) The voice {torn the air traffic controller's tower at John Wayne Airport Wedneaday afternoon wanted to know, "la that World War II leaving us on the fi8htr ' Aa that voice crackled over the air, the departing flight consisted of aix SN!-2 NaVy trainer planes built in HMO. Irvine opposes airport plan Unlike during the air battles aaigned to them in the pui, the pilot.a' miaaion on this 80rtie wu to perform the art of computerized akytyplng. Residents attack proposed commercial use of El Toro A "billboard in the Sky" 1,000 feet high by six to eight miles Iona ii created by the automatic emluion of smoke-like, non· polluting vapor from each plane's exhaust, releaaed when a computer tran.am1tter activates receivers in the planes. "It'a really a science and you have to be an art1at to do these thinj(t," aaid Greg Stini1, COUNTY By FREDERICK SCllOEMEIU.. of die 0.-, ,... ..... Lest there was any question about It, Irvine residents aren't bulliah on a proposal to convert the El Toro Marine Corps Air Station for use as a Southern California regional airport. And the residents, many of whom complained about noiae from military aircraft operations, have a atrong ally ln their poaition -the Marine Corps ltBelf. Commuter. airline ready to fly He la only 27 but Leo SuaJJo la rarin' to go aa his firm inau,guratee commuter airline aervic:e Sunday from John Wayne Airport to Loi. Ange lea International Airport. Page A8. Newport politics heat up The Newport BNch Qty Coundl election lln't untll November, but already there'• a cam~l1n between pro-growthen and the slow arowthen. Page Bl. Trailer teaanta aided 1 l The city of Newport Beach bu come to the r9CU8 of a ':fnaof Mobile home J>9rk tenantl by p~ their . .,.. Be. _, The al.lia.nce showed Tuesday during a public hearing before repreMntatives of the Southern California Assoc iation of Governmen\s. the regional governmellt plann i ng organiz.ation. man·made island off Long Beech Harbor as potential sites for a new regional airport. While objections to all three s ites were raised , the moat vigoroua attapm at the UC Irvine forum were directed at El Toro. SCAG has been investigating the regional airport site search for four years. Its Aviation Work Program Committee has reoommended El Toro, the eouth portion of Camp Pendleton and a David Stlls, an Irvine city councilman, aaid commercial operations at El Toro would create eevere no1ae lm~ ove1 large portiON of the aty of 80.- (See REGIONAL, Pase A!) . INDEX At Your Service A4 Ann Landen B2 Erma Bombec:k 82 Movie9 83-4 Bul1Dell A8-9 Mutual !\mda A8 c.allfomia A5 National Newa A! C..valcade B2 Publlc Noticim C4,C4-7 Oawlfted C7-12 Sporta Cl-4 Comlcs C& Dr.Stelncrohn 82 ere.word C& Stock Marketa At O.th Notices C4 TelevWoo 86 Edtt.ori&l AlO 'l'hMt.en BM Entmtalnment B3-4 Weather A2 HOIOICOpe 82 World Newt A! SPORTS •'13' lucky agaliJ /or Aa6el8 Xhe Anaell teUu!d on 'A •a Pltehina en route to a 13· 1 romp •' Anaheim Stadium. p_. Cl. ' • I .. • OtMfl OOllt DAILY fttLOTlftMMer, ~ H, 1MI ---; - - ·county approives ·medical care p ct with UCI A dl1puto da\ln11 1h& )'Hr• drew to a quiet elm. at the Oran1e County Board or f 8upervWc>ra raUlled an lndlpnt I mediaaJ car. con&ract wtlh \he I Untverwlly ot Callfomla. l Supervtaon, foUowl"/-.!!l:f d.llcull1on, voted 4 to 1 y to approve the pact that will replace a une ~ment under whJch medical care for lndiBentl i wu provided at the UC I.rvlne Mtdlcal Center at county expenae. I The 1976 ~nt led to a protracted and 11rlmonlou1 dllpute over teN of mou..ndl of blU. the COW\C)' refuaed to pey. Both lidee, at tremendoua eo1ti hired wha& one oHidal cS.crtbed u a "job corpa'' of attorney11 1CCOuntant1 and ~erka t.o blUle over the milUonl of doUara in dJ.tpute. Under tht contract, which offkilll for bolh mdea •Y w a m1.aeh more workable document, the county no lonaer wtll relmbune the univeraUy for •rvicml on a paUent·by-patient bull. !I~\ !~~~ ' 1-\\.' Continued stories $.:;.. ____________________________________ ~ ~COAST • • • 1 dozen now remain. The other SO< I are ut.llized by the East Coast ~Miller aquadron in Flushing, •N.Y. ,.. the planes soar 10.000 feet the aky. the pilota execute typing duties while in the dlUonal military V-fonnation. Ex-Marine and World War Il and Korean War veteran, Don rennan of Laguna Niguel, has n with the crew for 25 years, ~ calls the formation flying lli!emanding." He added, "You cannot be relaxed." Stinis said, "You have got to be g_~~d to survive up there," JIPding. "we have had no crashes. ~l a few typos." ' The computerh:ed system used t5y the team is credited with keeping the spelling mistakes to a minimum. Stinis' father. Andy Stiois, created the skytypinR teehnique when he became frustrated as a single-plane typer for Pepsi-C.oh1 in the 1930s. "The messages would fade before he finished," said the younger Stinis. ''That's when he ~ up with the idea of doing it )'•tn muJtipl~ planes." 1 The five-plane operation (the . ,fi?<th is used only when another ,, llas malfunctioned) is 17 times ,faster than that of a solo plane. OellJ ..... ,..... ., Lee ,.,,. CAUTION URGED -Tim Ebert, in the wake of brother Randall's slaying, urges U .S. tourists in Mexico to use extreme caution. From Page A1 MEXICO • • • W. Schrock. -disappeared there May 31. The police chief in San Ignacio 1 To be sure, the former fighting and six officers have confe.ed to men all agree thell' task LS fun. killing the econorruca profemor and considerably different from after hla truck was found at the tlie assignments they faced at police chief's home. 'Okinawa, K o r ea and the Schrock's body has not been ,Mars hall Islands. .found. ~ . I :·Mrs. Gandhi, Reagan,, meet WASHINGTON (AP) - ,Prime Minister Indira Gandhi of .lndia, bidding for "better" relations with the United States, 1Ui1 meeting President Reagan in 1an effort to overcome a decade- 1911g diplomatic chill The 64 -year-oJd prtmP. minlater, trying to walk a middl~ road bet ween Moscow and Washington, is seeking to disptl U.S . worries that her foreign pol.acy lllts heavily toward th:: SoVlel Union. lMMd, \ht oounty will mu. an annual lump«un payment tor emerr.ncy room •rvkw and pay 1t1n ardlitd dally ratt1 for lnp1Utnt treatment wlth adj\lltmontl pennltt.ed for certain clUIOt of paUentl. It ll t1Umated th• t'Ofttnct will coat the county .12.8 million throuah June 30. the laat day of the current flacal year. The coun\y'a net C09t la ettimaied to be $4.5 rnilllon. The rer-Nlnder wlll be cove red by rel.mbunementa from th.-. atate From Page A1 JUDGE. • • Though Harrold won a deciaive victory at the poU., her principal challenger -Santa Ana attorney Dan CharJea Dutcher -filed ault laat month contesting the election reaulta because he clalmed ahe waa not a legal resident of Orange C.ounty. Judge Harrold haa inalst&d, both during and after the election, that she always considered herself a legal resident of Orange C.ounty, even though ahe has lived ln Riverside at various times aince 1965. Election codes ~uire that a judicial c.andidate be a resident of the county in which he or ahe la running for at least 54 days before the election. Judg e Harrold testified Monday that she began the process o f moving Into the Newport Beach house last November after her grandmother, Arlyne Lansdale of Westminster signed a quit- claim deed purportedly tUJ'nine the residence over to her. However, under queatlonLn& by Dutcher's attorney, Judge Harrold admitted that the Nov. 30, 1981, date on the deed wu not the actual date that her grandmother signed the document. The signing took place aometune this year, afie aaid. The deed waa recorded Jn Orange C.ounty on May 17 of th.la year. The judge denied that the deed had been "backdated" to Nov. 30 even though the notary' a seal says the deed was signed on that date. The judge said the grandmother wanted the date on the deed to reflect when ahe turned over the keys to the residence of her granddaughter. "l did exactly what she told me to do," the judge said, acknowledging that ahe now know. lt was a breach qt the Jaw to put a date on a deed that ia incorrect. On Wednesday, finiahl.ng her !hll'd day of testimony In the case, the judge said she only slept "several times" in the Newport house in December and not at all m January. Fair and Warm ,foastal Ov9r OU1• waters from Poinl Cot ocep\lOI • to San Mlc:olM lllencl "°"~ wlnOS 10 10 18 krooll with 4 10 8 foot -· Ov9' Inner , ,)llat.,. Ugh! varlable wind• -' fo touthwHI 10 10 15 knoll allernoon and evening 8outhwea1 •••II• 1 to 1Z IH1. _. anemoon. U.S. sumniary A cold front tpread 111under11onM from Ille tOUtllern Plalnt la New England on Wednflday , ind more tl\und«91onnt ~ .ct'OM the Gulf CoMI and the moun1alne ol lhe Sou1'-1 A -• ltMJndera1orm w11o11 -I-* fOf Ille mlddle A11antlc eo.t fl'om WuNngton, O C., to tne N9w Yort. City ., .. Thundemonnt allO petted t,,. central and IOOthefn Rock•••· dr9nChlng the Salt LMI• City .,_ The cold front continued to hOld temper9'ur• down In the Plaine. l..UbbOclc, Te•ae. hed an Mfly attwnoo<1 reeding of 77 d1gr•H. wllll• to 1111 IOUlll Junction, Texaa. ructled 100 Light rain 1pread over Ill• Peclflc ~ coat For 1oday, widely acatttrad thunderalorma ware 1or•c••I trom IN aoutllern Plet_, and OrMI 8Mln through the IOUlhem Plaln• and acro11 th• South. Uno«lng .,_. "'' torec:ul over Upper Michigan end nonhern Maine California F w tlwougll Frldey Late nlglll end Mt1y morning low c1ouo1 llklflg COMt. Orange County can expect NaN 81 to 73 et btadlel, 78 to 9' lnlend. Uiws eo to ee VaMyt c.n tiq)eCC hlglla In 00.. 1ow1111 eoa. Mount.Mia • hrle hight 78 to H , low• 58 to 95. leolated \l'und«lllowetl OV9f northern .,... ~ ._, hight M to to4, lowl In 1o.. 8outliem ~ 1""'9 104 to 112, lowl 11 to It. ltOllltd tllvncltrlllOWtrt Ill ....,.,,...,,.,... "°"'*" and Centr• ~ .. .,. ,.., Md hot In lntertor .,... ltlfougl! F~. 'llf llklflQ oout ••cept fOf fog 1"4 low = ~ l'llClflt 11\d "'°"'*" -· TemPfJ_roture1 llATIOll t .. Le 11 ea '° .. ., ... n n. n 11 101 88 94 81 79 72 72 116 92 84 92 84 79 85 77 93 81 98 83 78 83 81 78 95 72 82 74 116 79 81 89 97 84 116 91 85 90 101 92 82 93 91 1' 87 90 92 84 93 93 83 llO llO 1oe 79 94 76 75 92 92 81 100 72 17 83 15 a N 78 12 .. ... ...,,,,. w ........ Sc!-¥CI' Ratn l\1 5f1ow [ZJ !>howersm Flumes~ 78 73 73 55 116 83 92 82 n 71 73 58 87 72 ee 78 70 75 71 82 8!1 &8 5e 72 67 55 64 52 85 81 72 llO 72 75 76 &9 72 n 73 74 78 75 59 82 73 75 81 79 74 ee 71 72 .. ee 58 80 N M 78 86 74 58 74 611 73 71 92 92 M 74 -.()AA v '> 0.-0• o· CV"'"'<"" Front5 Cold.. Warm _... Occludea .,.. .... .... .... ... a ,, a ,, • 11 • 11 Lllllt oNf'll, H 91 82 CAl.FONtlA .... ~ t 2 I "' 100 103 101 97 78 97 109 75 83 81 102 82 100 llO 83 97 92 82 86 108 76 74 93 110 91 t03 92 102 82 96 ee " 80 as .. 17 11 72 N 12 tot .... -2 I • • 7'I 77 71 Lo Extended weather 65 Sa1urday-Monday. Coaatal 71 ereaa, let• night and early 71 morning low cloud• along the 61 COHI. OtherwlH lalr High• 48 ranging 88 to 12 at bHChH 58 11'\rough mid 90t Inland valleya. 75 L~ 58 to M. Mountain .,..., 12 aom• afternoon cloud• eouth 84 portion otherwlH lair. R11ort 5-4 i..91 hlgha 77 to 87 LOW9 ,_ 60 70 10 mid °&oa 65 70 87 ee 82 ee 63 94 86 64 5' 14 70 as se 64 65 l5f u 49 ee 10 61 68 as 68 12 82 41 a .... .. IW IW IW w Smog Tiie Alf Quallty Manegement Olatrlct pr9dlcll unhHltliM air quality today In much ol th• South Cout Nr IMill. wtttl good air 1or10Ht for tll• oouttl rlglonl, lnlllnd Ofw'9I COWlty, Sig ..., l.ekl _, tM ..... llnllHlllllul air quallty for everyone I• predicted tor th• A~an hme<dlllo ., .. wit!\ l Polkltant lt8nclll'd lndlDI of U5 The S an Qabrl•I and p~~--i-Pll218. Unhttllllful tit quality for MNlttYe pt09lt .. ~led In th• San '•rn•ndo encl Santa Clttltt vtll•Y• with P81 175. Wll.,• to c111 (toll tree) tor 111 ... ernog lllf0frne110n· Or,ngt eounty. (IOO) 44114829 Lo• AngelH County. (800) 242.-.c>n ~ and "" llmarcllfto oounOlt: (IOO) M? ... 710 AOMD EPltOdl 0..-: llOOI 242 ...... Tides TODAY .__, hlGfl 1:12 p.11'1. s.1 TMUMOAY ~ IOw fl:JO Lift. 1.1 Fnt lllgtl 1:42 Lift. '" le00n6 IOW 11:17 ""'· a.a llOOtld fllQtl UO p.fl\. I.I lun -todl)' .. 1:11 IUft,, ,....~ .. 1:01-.m. MOO!\ ......... 1:1J '""'· ... ,...,,..... .. 11:41 ..,,.. ~t °' Helllh ser.1c-. OUlctal• HY the paymen& method1 1hould 10 far ln red\ldni dltpu\el betw.en the part!• over what ii or la not owed. Tho contrac t contain• provlalona tor roeoluUon ol dt.tl)Ui.e and an apPMla proc:e. outllnlna 1tep1 to be taken ln ca••• ln whic h contract ' admlnl1tratort art' unable to reach aireement. Further, either party wtll be permltted to c all for ,.....9"111111Dn oC any J*'l ol LtMt contract . OUlcf1l1 utd unc1rt1tnUn may arlH over char\1111 in Ila .. l"ltm~t for CIU"e of p.celled medkwJly lncUaent adulta. The a1reoment' will run throu1h June 30, UU aa cu~tJy MtOtllted. The county, however, la granted the option ol Mlec11Aa other hwth care provldert, auc1i aa private ho1pltal1, to tither aupplement or replace univeiraJty.provtded Mrvtoe.. I# ......... . ONE MAN'S TRASH -Co~n Denn.ii &kart, D-Ohio; Fortney Stark, D-Calif., e.nd Tony Hall, D-Ohio, hold press conference surrounded by food pulled from the trash of Washington's marketa. The solons ate a meal prepared with d18carded food and called on the government to distribute such edibles to charity. ·Two coast cities blast oil program By PATRICK J . lt.ENNEDY ~hO.-,Notalalff Officials of Newport Beach and La1una Beach pointedly 'dlauree with the presldent of Shell Oil C.o. who haa contended that Interior Secretary James Watt'• exparuive offah ore oil prosram is good for the countrv. Shell'• John Bookout Jr. uld Watt'a plan, which will offer vtrtually the entire U.S. C.OUt fo oU leasing over the next fiv• yea.rs, ia beneficial because it will generate oil royalties for the federal treasury and will allow From Page A1 SINATRA • • • ucketl by mall because "We don t have that big an office." The fOWldaUon'8 addre9s la 1501 W. Cliff Drive, Suite 205, Newport Beach, 92660. But Ucketa a1ao will go on sale at 9 a .m . Monday at the foundation headquarters ln the California Fint BanJt Building on Dover. Mrs. DeBoom said the non- profit organization ts expect.lng to earn from $250,000 to. $300,000 after ex~naea from lta first major fund ra.l8er. The Sinatra appearance waa coordinated by Milton Rudin, Sinatra's Beverly Hills lawyer. who became a member of the sponsoring group'• board of directors when it formed in January. the country to determine the extent of its oll reeerves. Thia, Bookout contended. would allow government and industry to know when they must turn to alternative sources of energy. "Watt's f,lan ia Kood for the oil oompanlea. ' aaid °Sally Bellen.ae, Mayor of Laguna Beach. "But we need to be lookin1 at alternative sources of energy now, not using UP. the reserves we do ha~." • ... She al.so aaid that state reports indicate that the oil reserves ofWlore of Laguna Beach are nunlma1 and ahe aaid exploration there Isn't worth the danger of an oU aplil. Kenneth Dellno, executive assistant to the city manager of Newport Beach, said there needs to be a "balance ln Watt's plan between oil exploration and anaJyah of potential environmental dangers cau.ed by of fahore drilling. "There are a lot of things that are good for the country,"belino said. "Certalnly oU exploration and oil independence la good, but that muat be balanced with the good that comes from a unique pristine environmental reaource." He said Newport Beech dosn't fl~tl y oppoae offahore oil exploration, but demands that environmental safeguards are analyzed and adequate before auch projecta are approved. l1Ulem1nl of &ht lon1· •tandinl ditpu'-a.bat fJ'r# out of the 1911 ~lnC't CM» al• u.. 1tHe L11ialatuH impoted a ,,_ an 11a mW.Ion ln hetJU\ cate fUnda due the county. • The county 1ubHquently af reed to pay the unlvenity • 8.76 mU1fon a&a1nll ~ta the unMrraity c1allned w• Owed. Supsvllor Rolet Stanton hu oppmed the 1ettlerwnt and U. contract. He claiml they may not be ln the bNt lntere1t of the county'• ta~p1yer1. -By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL 12 perish in Texas ,, . air crash LINDALE, Texaa (AP) -A twln-englne plane carrying five more paasengera than It was deaianed to hold craahed ln flamea ahortly after tak~ff and killed all 12 people aboard. lncludlng eisht children and a popular linger, authorities aaid. The Cessna 414, leued by the Last Days Mlniatrlea here, craahed ln a wooded area Wedneeday night after departing from a private airstrip near thla town about 90 mllea eaat of Dallaa. Eight of the dead were membeni of a Simi Valley, Callf. family "I can't say it wu overloaded until I know the a1J.e of the bodies, the amount of fuel, the amount of llJIPle," uid Randy Brooka, a Federal Aviation Admlniatration investigator from Shreveport, La. However. Brooka aald the plaqie'a manual specified lt had seven 1eeta and a toilet.. Police and tniniltry offlciab aaJd the 5:30 p.m. PDT crash kllled Chrlatlan mualc alnger Keith Gordon Green, 27, two of hi.I children, the pilot, and the eight family membera. The plane was en route to a Dallas airport where members of one family were to connect with a commercial flight, laid min.latry spokesman Larry DeGraff . Authorities used fire trucks t.o remove the bodies, ukl Smith County Deputy Larrv Willbanks. Police and church officials identified the dead as Green. h1-daufhter. Bethany Grace Green, , and hUi aon, JOliah David ~ 3, all of Undale; Diedre M . Smalley, 32, her huaband, John C. Smalley, 37. her son by a previoU9 marriage. Chet Allen Ryaell, 12, twina Jamea and John Smalley, 7, Daniel Henry SmalJey. 4 , Timothy Neill Smalley. 3, Kathren EUi.i1)eth Smalley, 2. all of Simi Valley, and piJot Don Burmeister. 36 of Lindale. Sparrow Recorda President Billy Ray Heam said in Canoga Park. Calif., that Green was a "phenomenal talent" who had sold a million records. From Page A1 REGIONA.L •. 000, further reduce air quality: add traffic to 1treeta and freeways that already are strained by south county growth and create housing problems. Silla openly questioned · analyses prepared by the SCAG staff on what not.e JeveJa could be expected if a commercial facility were located at the military base. He termed the analyses "totally inaccurate" and aaid environmental documentation could not be legally certified until new noiae studies were conducted. Irvine nixes untreated roofs City approves Sept. 10 ban on wooden shakes, shingles By GLENN SCOTT ~ ... o.iiy .... a..., New homes built in Irvine after Sept. 10 cannot use wooden ahakea or ahinglea unleaa the materfala have been treated with fire-retardant chemical•. the Irvlne City Council decided Tue.day. Council members, ln finally agreeln1 to the ban alter aeverat previoua heartnia. alao aaid any owner repairing more than half a roof muat UM aimil.arly treated materiala. The ban goes Into effect ln September unleu council members readnd the action al thetr next rneeUna. Aua. 10. It wlU not force any tmm&dlate chana-to eJdati1" home. With W\treat.ed wooden roofa. Propcmnta of the ban aald lt woufd help prevent the po11tbUity o1 a conna1r1Uon betna blown from roof top to rooftOp by hot Santa Ana wtnda. aimllar to the recent AnaMlm ft.re. -~bOJon w11 propcacl by 0 °'the Or1n19 County Jn ~t. wb.lch.handJea tire pioMdon. bi lritDI. Ottldala dllriliid WRl•tllill WaGcliiD tciD ' are more likely to allow flrea to spread than treated wooden rooftna or other materlala. such u tile, uphalt or fiberglaaa. C.oundl members voted 4-1 fOI' the citywide t.n. a-.Una Wtl Bill Vardoull1, who said the" reatrlctlona aren't merited In ''flalland'' rwidenUal 8l!CUona of the city, where he aaid fire daf\aer la &e. than lo outlytnc part•, auch •• Turtle Rock. Buyers alwA.)'1 have the choice t.o uae treated matsiala, he added. Vardoulla &creed wlth Phillp Bettancou.rt. execqtive dlndor of the Buildlna Induatry A9odation of Oranae County, who a.fl\*l that IrYint la not likely to expen.nce a bMl8 of the ~tude of the Apc1l 21 titt ln Anihelm. I Bettanoourt Mid UWt buildlbll that burned in Anlihelm wen ht 1h ·de natty apartment ltrUCWJ'el \bat. lf bWJt toct.y, would not be permlned limUar ~ povertnp becli.m of ltate bWJcMns codlil. But other council iriifiab"in. lncludlftc David am.; _.... that MW holDl9 biuOt In thi d~ - even th• ••oo,ooo 0 •• - rornmonly are placed less than 10 feet apart. Irvine officiala have been debating the ban llnce before the Anehef m flre. Because of a Vlrtual atop in new construction, they haw had the chance to tnveatlaate several of the deciaion'1 lmplicationa. They acted Tuesday after beartna a report from City · Attorney Roftr Grable that a bW In the leatllature deaJ,-ned to lmpme a atatewide prohlbltion on untreated wooden material.I la not Jlkely to pua thla year . ~yor Larry Acran Ollled the ban a form of .. lon1-term lnlu.rance fOf' uw dty ... be akl the eftte11 °of the ded8'on won't be felt * l& '° 20 ,..... The coWld1 ....... nd8ed • new q~ WW tliilit local community ..odadOftl which row allow onlf... wOodlri rooll modUy &heir architectural Nndatdlt ' Accordlna to 1t1ff reporta, treat.cl wooden •htnc1 .. a.re 1l1nlflcantly ~~~-~•peaalve than untreMiiid ~. But uphalt all,lqaJ•• t.• leu apm1'twlMID-... IS BORING BORJNG? -Vlewin~heir community are, from left, Donald , H. Vinton Markland Jr., and H. Alvin .proprieter of Boring's sole commercial establishment. King, unofficial mayor of this rural Maryland town, says some of the kids . ~~ .... think Boring ls. boring, but he doesn't th. it ls with the claurch in town and the main meeiina place al the f lre hall. They even have a ball field ancl King insists, "There's always some~ t> dd!' \ Import car bill jlilns· ground . 'Passage would protect nearly 941,000 job&' WASKINGTON (AP) -With mont than 300,000 autowotken unemployed, a proposal requlrln1 imported cars to be built partly in the United States la aainjng momentum i n ConJIJ'e9I despite cla1ms that it would ~ aoariDi car pria!S. The legislation, which the Reagan administration has strongly opposed, bas 218 lpOl*>n in the Hou.e, enough for pa-., although Its fate is lea solid In the llepubltc.n- oontrolled Senate. But Robert M. Mc&lwaine, 'J,realdent of the Ainerlcan International Automobile Dealers Asaodation, said Tuelday that he ia fearful a wide maratn, of victory in the Howe woWa IWaY the votes of senators. The United Auto Wortcen hat made the sQ11talled "domestic content" blll.iP top priority and bas lined~p alm9st solid Democratic support for It. 1'le union ia launching a petition drive aimed at building support in the Senate, where the bill ¥s 17 apm---. "PaHage would reault tn protecting nearly 941,000 jol:tl in thh COU1'try," uld 11ArW Overseas air fares ' to rise 7 percent GENEVA, Switzerland (AP) -The International Air Transport Am:iation. hopinc to cut lo11ea expected to re•ch near-record levela next year, agreed Tuetday to n.iR fares on most lntemational flights by 7 percent~ Oct. 1. It ua y declared war on the widespread nractic.@ of ''predatory d.iscounts'r:= ~ tieketa below internationally aoeed levela to fill empty aeata. IA.TA pakulates that diaowlta reduce revenues by about Sl Wllion annually from the level that full-price tlckets would bring. But IATA offidala conceded that they cannot legally enforce the ban on price cutting. A apokeaman for the uaoclation, representing 117 l.hternatlonal carriers, aald the fare lncttue would have the followtna exceptions: flieh1a to Japan; lH1hta between NorUi and South American points; and flight• 5ween Mexl~o and 1uroo.t. to ahd mm the Middle st would 10 up S percent, and fares to and from most central and we.t Africml poln1a would go up 2 pe!Wllt. Under the propoeed ~ tara, a one-way econom}" flight between New York and London during tbe 11101t expen1ive summer aeuon would cmt 16GS m.te.d of '615. The airline repraentadv.!!l llao agreed to cargo rate Iner~ In · "aelect.ed areas" 1n two ~ effective Oct. 1 and Jan. 1. -.ltl spokesman Roy Watts., wha la vtce•chalrman of Brftieh AlrWa)'I. · The fare increuea must be approved by the various l1*tiona1 aviation agencies, lncludfna the U.S. Civil Aeronautics Boeltt. The CAB, which mwt a~ the lncreuea for all aliUnet eervin1 U.S. points, has rejected IA TA Jll"opaula in the pall. In one of the ndi notable dedliona, in 1975, it poll~ approvirw low-cort APEX l&res, whldl lfve di9counta on tickets pun:hMed 30 , days before departul'e. It approved them two yeart later. An official at the CAB In Washln;gton noted Tue9d9y tlMlt the board bu stipulated that airllnel operating in the United States cannot be barred from dllcounttna tlcketa. In attem~t• to halt ticket diacountina. the alrlinef ~ that members whJch • ta below L\TA-approved 'tatel be llUbjetl to fines and U!Mlplct&d eancUona. In a reeoluUon, they tailed for the formation of mottitorlna committees. ~nt Douglas Fraser. The proposal has prompted howl• of protest from auto dealen who apedallr.e in imports and at.rang crit.iclsm from Reagan admlniatratlon officials, who warn It could trig1er protectioniat movea abroad and lead to b.laher car prices at home. '"Ille u1Umate burden of this potectioniat legislation . . . will fall on the American consumer," aaid Commerce Secretary Malcolm Baldri1e. "Buyers would be forced to pay more for their c.ww and their choke of lblMilll and perfonnance would be man limited!' The Federal Trade OJmnU.lon and tM president'• Council of Economic Advisers eatlmate car prices -both domatk and forel&n -would lncre.. an average of $1,000 if the bW becooaes law. The American International Automoblle Deale"' Asaociation, which n!praents 7,000 foreiln ch clealen, aaid a study it had commillllDned showed l.4 million fewer foreign can would come lnto the C'OWltry. It aaid the price of Jap&ne9e can would jump as much u $3,200 over 1981 prices. The legillation'a supporten acoff at those predic\lona, although acknowledgtn1 some price lncre • et will result. ''ThOM who rai8e the issue that car prioet wW go up overlook the ~ COit to the economy • a NIUlt of inaction,'' argues P'ra.er. "Layoffs in the auto lnduttry have, in the last two ye·ars, coat taxpayers an estimated ~ billion in lost tax revenues and aocial payouts." The legialation has gained the 1upport of 1everal consumer l">U~ including the 'Consumer Federation of America. Steve Brobeck, executive dLrector of the consumer federation, said the executive board da:ided to endone the bill beat~ It wanted to addrett "the br0,ader public lnterest" thAatened by the Japanese ~· e r a t I o n 1 o u r c e • acknowledaed the UAW'• memberthlp ln the federation md its tights for comumer lmua lllo play8d a role. Prop&ttentw of th~ bill ~It• a •ay to aet the dbt:llWCic auto lnduttry beck on hit ttllCb and get beck Jobi for .tiundred1 of thouund1 of worbn. The bill would require a peftleftWp -26 percent to go .,.rcent dependln1 on the number of vehic le• • rmnutacturw eella -of a car'1 contefti t<> ortainate ih the United aa.t.. The requ.iremeftt coven both W>ol' and J*1a. Mcl2waine said u many aa 2.000 dlaJen could be fOf'Ced out of bu,inea1 by the content lePlatlon. J>UttinC 6&,000 people out of wen. And be '8id at best oni, 4e,OOO new autoworker Job9 l".woMld 19Ult fnim the lellalatlon. Reag8n's 'friends enemies' WASHINGTON (AP) - Premdent Re.pn's belt friends are tumlnC lnto hia best enemies. For the aecond time in half a year, the Contervatlve Dtaest haa devoted a monthly 1-..e \lo tellJna the pretident what he'• doing wron,. The crlUciarn ran1e1 from broad-baaed attack1 on hl1 economlc and deferwe polide1 to a peek at the White HOUM guest Uata, and includes a Uat of artilta and New York bankers who have been Invited to White House parties. "It seems that ln lta partying u well u its policy-making, the Reagan administration has become more and more like a pale Imita tion of past establishment regimes," the magazine editors wrote. · Larry Speakes, Reagan'• chief spokesman, said the president has not read the current lsaue of the magazine. As for the entire thrust of its critJciam, Speakes had this comment: "It ain't so." The magazine Immediately raised the ire of Peter Teeley, Vice President George Bush's press secretary. Bush hu newr been a darl i ng of the conservatives. "Some of th09e people have very little right to criticize the president." said Teeley, looking at the list o f c andatea they suppor1ed in 1980. "First, they were for Phil Crane (the Republican congreaman from lllinoia), they were for John Connally second, and they were for Ronald Reagan third. It's not aa though they were lined up at the gates in 1t)so." In an introductory story, the Conaervative Digest, published by direct-mail fund-raising wtzard IUchard A. Vifuerie, aald that "only 18 monthl into the Beepn ~y. there ia a keen and growln1 feeling of disappo i ntment among conaervativa of all kinda all over America. The alarm bell1 are IOlna off, but the question la. wW Ronald Reagan. Uatenr· "The eatabliahment Repub1Jcan9 on ~ Whiie Howe staff are trying to muffle the alarm bells -and are m1areading the signals ... The sad truth ls that disenchantment with the Reagan presidency is now real and w idespread. It is felt by conservatives of every atripe, from every element of the broad conservative coalition that put Reagan ln the White House." There is aomething of an echo quality about this. It seems that there is a rule in presidential politics that goes like th.la: sometime in the second or third year of a president's term, he is fair game for his supporters, and they can begin their lament that he haa not remained true to their Ideals. .,. _,..., , ... MISS UNIVERSE -Karen Baldwin, 18, a native of London, Ontario, Canada, poses on the balcony of her downtown Lima, Peru, hotel suite after being selected "Miss Universe of 1982." Karen won out over 76 other girls from around the world in the contest. Voter sweepstakes meas.ure introduced WASHINGTON (AP) - Leaialation to allow a "national voter aweepatakes" to boost turnout for the 19&4 presidential election, with prize• ran1ins fJ'Oll1 automobOm to datea with movie atara, waa introduced Tue.day by a California oongremnan. Rep. Rbbert Matsui, D-Callf., uJd his bill would authoriz.e a national wniol\ of the SS mJllJon sweepstakes held in California'• June 8 primary under the sponaonhle.. of Hollywood pawter Pd~ -- Matsui Nld the measure is needed to 1et around a aut.q\.lent Justfoe Department ruling ~t such a contest could violate federal election laws prohibiting vote buying. He said his bill would permit auch a contest "as long as participants don•t have to pay to enter and as long as the only purpoee la to stimulate voting or voter ~tion." Shaw, who joined Matsui at a news confere11ee to announce the bill'• introduction, said he was prepared to ral.e $100 milllon in prizes ror a 1984 voter sweepstakes. "Yea, it's silly, but why can't we have some fun with elections?" saJd Shaw, 44, who.e previoua production credlta include the television ahow "Hurray for Hollywood" and a record ... bwn entitled .. JimrJ\y Carter's Favorite Hymna." "Some of the bil1a .-S by C.ongraa are Just • ailly," the promoter added. Shaw aaid he would travel around the country aeekin1 contribudoaa of prl.zes OI' ~ from corporations, movie ltan and "cloeet pat:riote:" "We're going to arranp dates -with Burt ~k:lrand -Hoben Redford, we re going to give away cars made in Detroit. home appliances made around Ame rica, hartaburgeu and skateboards ... why can't we throw a little show biz into the democratic system?" Shaw said, "Sur e. it's a California gimmick. Yes, at ls crazy. Maybe it won't play ln Peoria ... But this may be what it takes to get people to wake up.·· Both Shaw and Matsui cited a decline in voter participation tn recent presidential elections. "We shouldn't have to offer ~ ... but voter turnout hu plunged so low that we shouldn!t rule out any technique," Ma~ aaid. MAKE YOUR DECISION • EARLY, TOO Join These BUSINESS EXECUTIVES In Supporting ·non Strauss For Re-Election To The Newport Beach City Council -Arnold 0. Beckman Founder-Chairman Beckman Instruments Co, Walter Gerken ~hairman Pacific Mutual Insurance Co. ,. ~he'cking liouse insulation !IJ. PAT HOROWITZ '" ' f' ........... •' ~ PAT: l'Vt beea rudtaf abo11 IM l>e•n of llvbal 1D a llo11e IU b1 aru· l ormald•yde foam 1D11ladoa. Do a lot of 0.1• bve "11 ti.ad of la111ladoD, ud '°" ·pa a penoa know U tllelr 'Mme b1 WI ·'psaalatlH1 I . lt.J., Coate M ... Urea-formaldehyde foam inaulation ,(UFFI) has been u.ed ln only about ~.000 homes. Mc.t of the. horne9 and apartment. were insulated after the early 1970.. U you ~<purchued your heme prior to 1970 and have '~t added lnaulation, you probably don't have 'UFFI. U it's a newer home, check with the ·builder or contact the real tor or teller and uk. if foam insulation was ever installed ln the ._walls of the hou.e. -:storins a will c1, DEAR PAT! My nabud ud I bad ov anonaey draw 1p a wUJ for 11 muy yean ap. AllllHp oar wtaltet uve aot claaqed aa far aa tile dl1b1raemeat of tile ettate la eoaaeeraed, ov attorney ua moved oat of ~ state. We llave kept Ute wW ID 09r ufe depnlt box 1tnce, ti1t frleDd1 tell 11 tills II not wise. I lletltate ~rbll u attone~t to tell 11 wllere Hr wtll ~Id lte kept. )'H fllld oat wllat la reeo1Q1Deade'1 D.S., Cotta Men Your safe deposit box may not be the best choice for storage becau.e upon death thia box may be tealed, even il it la held jointly wtth another pel"90n. Your executor would then have to go to court for permiaion to open the box. Your safest coune, according to attorneys and banken contacted, is to keep a copy of your will at home ln a fireproof container; with the origln.al being held by your executor, often either a relative, bank, trust company or attorney. Mail fraud complaints up Inapection Service, Kina aaid there were 8,118 complaint• received by the Loa Anaelea dlvtalon tor flacal year 1981. That wu • 22.7 ~ percen& tncreaM over the previous YHr when e,814 complalnta were recorded. Nationwide, complainta about mail fraud climbed put 200,000 durlna th• lut tllcal year, and atatlatb for the f1m month.I of 1982 indicate the trend ll continuJ.na upward. Inspector Ray Chaves, the coruumer prot~tion 1peclall1t tor the Loe Angeles division, noted that the total dollar value of the oomplalnta reeolved ln 1981 in Loi A.naeles WU aJ.moet $f00,000. Chaves 8'id that dwina receaalonary tlmea, mall fraud tenda to lncl'eue. Di,u1na the put year, Chaves Mid h1a 11ectton obtained 288 voluntary diacontlnuancea of companies operating work-at-home IChemel . Pottmuter Kina aaJd mall fraud IChemea that tarpt ~tfee, the elderly or thoee who cannot leave their hornet becaUte of aome lllMll or Injury are of the highest priority for lnvestiaatkN by the inlpectlon tervlce. A l>rochure prepared by the postal 9ervice outllnln1 the pltfalla of work-at-home prornoUona, bualnem frauds, medical frauds and other• are available in poat offlcea throughout Southern California. Doesn't want travel hype DEAR PAT: I am plamlilll my flrat trlp to Bawall. Bow cu I 1•t lllformatloo aboat. lite ldaM1 aad poiata of laterett wldloat th travel ..._, Q'pe? Travel a1eata oaly want to tell .......... toll'. R.C., Buttqtom Beadt Your best bet la the HawaU Visitor'• Bureau, 3440 Wllahlre Blvd., Suite 203, Los Anaelft 90010 (phcoe: (213) ~5301). Thia atate-apoNOl"ed office provides lnfonnation about Hawaii without promotion. • Got• probl~~ TbttJ wrlr.. to P•t Horo-' '91 wJu. P•t will cut red ca~. prting I.he DEAR READERS: Consumer complaints about mail fraud in the Loe Angeles area have increased algnlflcantly over laat year, according to Poatm.aater Charles W. King. UsinJ( figures supplied by the Postal • an.wen and acelon ,.,u 1*Jd. to aolve Jn~ «Jul~ In 110vrrnment and bcMlnea MaJJ ~u q Uona to Pat Horowlt&, At Your Service, ~ Cout DaJJy Pilot, P.O. Box 1580, 0-U mesa. CA. 92828. THE VOYAGERS CLUB AND SITMAR CRUISES INVITE YOU TO A SPECIAL CRUISE NIGHT THURSDAY AUGUST 5, 1982 7 P.M. T0 .9 P.M. AIRPORTER INN, IRVINE Admlallon Free -Seating Limited Refreshments -Film -Door Prizes RSVP HAJmOR nuvn -fTl.1111 TRAYIL COUlll'T'ltY OI' ~ -111--.... WNMI TRAVEL -s..G11 ANCIBfT ~ TIUYn -.....,. TOTAL FAMILY MEDICAL CARE All NEW MEDICAL WEIGHT CONTROL New patients No fee We make welcome for consultation house calls T•r-J. Olek1lewlcz, M.D., F.A.A.P,. • Dlplomate, American Board of Family Practice Fellow American Academy Family Physician• -wlahee to announce the relocatton of her office to PLAZA Ill , 17112 Beach Blvd., Suite 305, Huntington BMch HOURS 9-6 (714) 141·15GI (211) m 44U SAT BY APPT. 1, PacTel to cut 16,000 SAN JRANCISCO CAP} - Pacltlo Ttltphont Co ., Calltornla'1 lar1Ht private emploxer, plan• to reduct throu1h attrition lt1 non· manapment payroll by 18,000 worken over th• ntxt 18 rnontha, a company ·~ Mys. Doua Cambem. llll&Nnt vb president for ntemal af faln, Mid that the plan oaDI t~ partna by attrition ~.000 poeldonla by the end of thil year and 11,000 more next year In 010lt of California and part of Nevada. Wllllam Demers, bu1lnH1 manqer of the Communicatiorw Wor9'tra of America, which repreeenta molt of Pac'I'el'• 8D, 000 non·mana&erial employees, aaid the union ha been worldna with the utility on lta reduc:Ucn plan. "We don't expect to have any layoffa." he Mid. Turnover amon1 non - management worken runt ~ to 20 percent, Cambern aatd, addina that labor-aavlna equipment la cutttna the utillty'1 worker needs. In addition, an undetermined number ot Pac'I'el employees art scheduled to be tranaferred to American Telephone & Telegraph Co. after PacTel severs tles wlth It• parent company, Cambem la.Id. Sidewalk cooker eggsactly r~gbt o.9r .......... CHADRON, Neb. (AP) -It WU hot enough to fry an eQ Oft the aidewal.ka of th1t western Nebraaka town, but B radio station kept lta aunny lllde up. OOldala at KCSR ~ an egg on the sidewalk and lnvited lis1enen to sue-how lOftl It would take to cook ln 107-deiree heat. Loia Earl of Chadron picked the correct time, to win a croquet set. Her : 50 minutes. OSPREY RETURNS -For the third straight summer, this unmmed osprey bu returned to her nest on top of a spedally built jJOle in Newport Harbor off the Balboa Peninlula. Three yean ..,, the bird built a nest on top of a boat mast and attracted attenuol'\ when the boat O'¥Jler was told by state author1Uet he C1Puldn't move his boat. The nest later was succemfully moved to the pole and has served as the osprey's summer retreat ever aince. ~ ~ I I TU[ ClASSIC MONOGMMM[D ~UIRT The ultimate 1n personal d1St1oct100. your initials on a classic oxford buttondown shirt from ~er Ashley. Choose from five Colors; whrte, p ink, powder blue, yellow. or lavender, 4-14, potyesttt/ cotton, 525 . Monogramming on pocket, cuff, or collar, SS. ~~ 1 a~ two wulcs tor monogramming. Ms. Wilshire Sportswear. at BW ~Beach. Ill lllCl&l lY 11011 HOME VIDEO WHY PAY MORE v RECORDERS v BIG SCREEN v CAMERAS v FILM RENTAL v TELEVISION v ACCESSORIES Llmltwl to StOC* 0t1 HM'ld BIGSCRE ~~~ T.V.'S forest fires destroy many homes. 83 FASHION ISLAND. NEWPORT BEACH. 759-1211, MON· 110.9, SAT-6, SUN 12-5. Anaheim Convention Center: Thul'lday. August 5 through Monday, August 18 Long 8Moh Arena: Wtdntlday, Augutt 18 through 8unday, Augutt 22 otlftll C .... DAU,¥ l'ILOT/Tftutldey, J~ II, 1111 Man, 90, a n al scream . Italian farm r out·1hmiekl 40 eompetlton I Carll Rulllllt I to•~•old farmer, 'lieu ~o .Y_oun1u pU'Udpanta ln \hi flN\ annuil Hreamln1 con\ut In \ht northw11\1rn hallan \own of Monforte D' Alba. Hta Yoke to11 to 124 dtdbeLI u 4,000 1pectatort Uatened to th• comp1tl\or1. The l1v1l of a norm-.l conver1atton ll O"'O dectbell.' Partlclpantl produced ahrtelu of joy, terror and lei.thin&. ·~woman Mid. 11111/flCll ~:·)'Mt-old~~~ --=----------eorr1ot '~~l1m, whtch _ forced him to drop out of a \htn·U.8. Anny A1r rorce ll'OUP rev l val o t th• m u1 lca l , tM\ made forced landlftil On the .. earn.lot." alader whlle en roui. to J:na1aM on July 10, 1942. Fr••-hnce atmphony conduqtor Mlelletl ONIOl'I, 29, Gay McElwalH, prelldent and and ballerina SYI EvdHlmova. chief executive offiCer of Rutar 33, wtll many Sunday, and the FUrna Inc., )\U been appointed conductor ta)'I, 11W .. ll have a IOI"\ preaident of Ra1t1r'1 parent of a jet .... t career." company Columb&a PSetum. M I a 1 Ev do kl mo v a , an Two commerdal airline pllota Columbta chairman Fraak American cltlaen, ia prlma plan to lead an expedition to f rice, who prevloualy alao ballerina with both the London Grffftland next month to die up served aa the compan y'• Festival Ballet and Berlin Ballet. one of eight World War II president, wlll coutlnue aa "We'll have rel1dencee ln New airplanes that crash-landed on a chairman and chief -.xecutlve York, London and Berlin," ~; ~? 6:~ ~,0Germantown, of=iar chairman Ray Stark ~J;>~ ~~.noting that he lives Tenn. aaid the planes, worth aald McElwalne'a aucceuor u The wedding will be at the about S2 mlllion, could be president of Rattar will be estate of frtenda on Lona Ialand. retrieved next June. Degan and ch oae n from w ith in the R•11ell Ranajl of Atlanta are Columbia-Rutar organization. u ~-. ... pilots for Republic Airlines and Prescott S. Bull Jr. withdrew Th Ro al H "'---co-owners of Pursuits Unlim1ted Actor Rlcltard BartOD, who from a primary challenge ROYAL TRIO -This portrait of eir y ig1ulCRClt Inc., a firm that recovers and entered St. John'• Hospital last agalnat Republican incumbent The Prince and Princess of Wales and son Prince William, was refurbishes ~ld airplanes. week for re-examination of a LOwell P . Welcker for the U.S. made by Lord Snowdon on July 20 at Kensington Palace, The P-38 fighters and two chronic lower back problem. has senate · n 0 mInat1 0 n in London, in celebration of the couple's first wedding Me1a tra1h collection hilted $10 .. do.ta M-property OW1W'I wUl pey tlO more per ~ t() have triilh p£cked up thallkl to j • Wt d4icWon by \he Jloard IR l Supervilon lmpolini a pi. fee ~ for UM of county dumps. i The yearly bill, ~ Cn l December, WW be• comDiNd · to the former annual rate ol 166. The actual lncreUe belinl OOt. 12 but won't be re~ ln ~ untll December, Bruce Mattern, manaaer of the Co1ta Meta I Sanitary Dl.atrict, laid. The monthly rate waa lncreued to $5.~ from $4.66. The unitary dlatrtct'a bo.rd of d.1recton had attempted. without aucceaa, to pertuade county aupervt.on to delay the gate fee, Mattem •id. The P.lckup fee for Meuna w• ' origlnfJly .cheduled to i.ncrule S 1 annually u a result of a 7 .'4 percent hJke ln w.,ea tor trash collecton. B-17 bombers were part of a been released, a h ospital Conn~cut. anniversary today . . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- • '. Some diet drinks recalfed MONTEREY (AP) - Bacteria that can cause food poisoning has been found in some Cambridge Plan chocolate and vanilla diet d r•l n k s , a n d t h e manufacturer says 1t will recall the contaminated products. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. Cambridge Plan International , which makes the drinks and other diet products, posted a recall notice July 19, said Melody Quarnstrom, director of public relations tor the company. ~ Ms. Quarnstrom id Tuesday the ba · was in diet puddings, but company officials said W ednesday the contamination was confined to specific lot numbers of chocolate and vanilla diet drinks . . M s. Quarnatrom confirmed tha t "low-grade" amounts of sa lm onella w ere discovered in raw materials used to make the product. She said the recall would involve "less th an a day's product ion" at the Cambridge plant. Salmonella can cause various diseases, Including typhoid fever and food poisoning. The company said Wednesday there are several different strains of salmonella and the one discovered in the diet drinks could not cause typhoid . Symptoms of salmonella poisoning , Ms . Quarnstrom said, "are the equivalent of the 24-hour flu." "We have notified anyone who would have purchased the product," Ms. Quarnstrom said. "We h ave been in contact with FDA (Food and Drug Ad- mlniatratton), and we're following their guidelines for the recall." Marily n LaRocque, administrator of special projects, said lot numbers of the vanilla drink cans bein8 recalled are 06222, 06322, 06202, 06292, and 07012 . Cana and foil pouches of the chocolate drink being recalled are 06222, 06232 and 06242. llUFFELL'S urHOLST!IY •••• ktau •s... lfZ2 HAAIOI IUD. COSTA MHA-"14e.1 IH· (ftJIYIU....._. to a IOltllG WAllD ltWTM BUY OR R£NT A TOO LCM UlD•Ul'f TO .. ~-~(!.. 2907 w.--.u. 12:30-5:30 M2·l712 I . l New richer taste. New to&acco &lend. Still only 5 mg. .- ~ . ' ... -~ '. Air Irvine . taking off Airline to shuttle panengers to LAX • IJ IANDIE JOY l'OWMt·u1Jll w.ekdays, two on S.twda)'I and three °'* Dillf,... twt on 8unday1 betwffn John Wayne and LAX, At U , Leo Suallo WH learntn1 to fly compleie With lnc.erllne COl\MC'donl and .,....,. ~· ttan,t1er. The day he turned 18, he Ft hJa flrwt pilot'• The commuter line w• ~ up a year and Uc.nle. a ha11110. Suallo Kid, "when economic dml9 were He turned 27 ln April and he atlll fUH better. aJrp1anel -but • pnlSdent ot A1r 1rv1M -wbkh "Since then," he uid, "IOl'IW can1ftl . • . have la about to become the newe.t commuter airline FM under. But, ab.er looldna at ttaUIUcal data of between John Wayne and Loi An1ete1 thtareJandthewowth,weteltthtUme •~t. lniwnadonal ~· "There are enougn people in thl1 area to At 9:30 a .m. Sunday, Suallo wW pilot a nine-accommodate the preeent 1ervtce,'' Su1llo Mid paHtn1er Navajo Chleftaln in Alr Irvine'• confidently. ''Thia ii prime Ume for ua." OUNG PRESIDENT -Leo Sugllo, 27, slta inaUl'W'al commuter ru.ht. Other commuter fliJrhtl between the airport in at cont.rota of one Qfi.two nlne-pauenger planes Alt.er that, there'll be four regularly 1eheduled Oranae <:ounty and LAX are offered by Golden ----------------------.;._--...;;...._;;, ________ ~----------~+-----~----------------------------~~------------~ Westandlmperialairllne9. Sugllo LI looklna for bualnem travelers to f W the eeatl in the two nlne-pu1e"1er Chieftalna the airline wW u. to ferry travelers. One way fatt to I NO DEALER SALES I AD STARTS THURS. BUDDY L CHARCOAL GRILLS 11" PICNIC Ea1y to tie oU the lrnaptackorcarryto the beach. Fow cooking helght1. 7'' #1831 Z4" FOLDING BRAZIER 10•• • 'h. '" 1\t· #2407 IT ALIAli CERAMIC FLOOR nLE FAWN 59cEA. CHANTILLY OR THISTLE 99tEA. ~'~~-,~-~ Jutta ltke Eetaly (don't 1tart with me. I ain't making fun of no one. but my pal Foglio 1ay1 It that way) 7'/e" x7'/1". GOOD LIFE FLAT LATEX WALL PAIMT OR SUNDANCE STUCCO & MASONRY PAIMT YOUR CHOICE 6 77 GAL. I'm ne"ou1. Tlmmon1 11 looking OYer my 1houlder at 1 write thit rubbi1h. Let the price and quality do the talking (weird voicH). FLEXIBLE DOOR STOPS •• EA. TbJ1 nine cent mlracle l1 what k"P• you from bla1tlng a bole wlth the door knob ln the wall and catcblng old Ned from the Mn. ROMTEK nGRT WATT 4 97 #1022 Say1 lt laat1 lO tlmea longer than the old bulb1. andglna youbetterle111badowy light. Cheaper than lbc:cmdeacent. • LAM CE VIDEO MASTER 19!? Book together yow TV. VCR. dl1e. Video fG1Mi1 etc. wttbout a bunch of cable1. S.. you Cid U.. 1toq, I want to ftnd out how too, FURNITURE ~ . I \' • ~ t _J~~Dt)· ~·~ ~~ .. ~\ --:::'~ , ir~. ... . . < ~ \..--""' . JUYEMILE \.& FOLDllG CUIR 5 99 22"8 I l 9"W #5032 FOLDllC SllDClllll STICllllli STRIP · $:: .. 24!?, Cl•'IE 39?! 44Vz" FOLDllli ADJUSTABLE CBllSE 7 99 #$120 You a•k why we .. u eo cheap. We 8CIY we llke to baYe lot1 of c:uatomen. We"" been to those 1toN1 half empty. ther are too lonely. we Uk• people around. Lla.lted qucmtlffes. • MURRAY BALBOA CRUISER 7777 #S022X42 I never taW Murray down in Balboa. 28" Men·1 black bike. foam handlebar coHr, gold Un11h rlJM. coa1ter brake. A;S#j T-':~n~1w· ldon'tlrnowbowwecan1ell TOOL BOX anything for 59", much lH• a 5 9 • tool box. MalrHa Dk• non-rutting tackle box. #ll UO BIYOLllE MOTOR OD. ARD FREE IM RADIO OFFER 72•QT. Buy 12 quart• of 30 Wt. Hcnolln.e and 1Mt a FREE AM Radio • wh!le they la1t. One n:rdlo to a cu1tomer. (but I got1 two earal). Battery not lnchaded. STP IUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS All th•M thlng1 cue auppoled to help kffp your car run.nlng better and help you get more out of oll and ga1. Hope they do. W TREATllEllT • oz. 12 oz. 74• 99• 1 17 00. TREITllEIT u oz. CIBIOIETOR SPUY Cl.EDER I 1 713 oz . IEI~ IUTY EICllE DIDI••• 111Wmllll ...... me101 DIGITAL ctOCIS 222F.A. Choice ot laga or Network. lnchadetbe battery. Limited qucmtlU••· (8Uck OM OD yow wt111, It'll make your frteDde Cl'CllJ•) . LIWI GEllE & STAmll SPRlllKLER TIMER 3297 #R406 Title tells all. Alm01t. S.t lt fOf oaeday .... ryday. any day. nen got a 1wttch to 1ktp when ltralm. SPACDlllER® BRACl£T BOIS 5 Ill 3 77 #103-5 4 Ill llllLL 6 •• #101-4 4 IJl l,IBC£ 8" #702-4 41 97 #7980 Ilg Iv, HP. 1ld• handle, lnclude1 backlog pad. IClndlng dllC cmd poUahlng bonnet. Wt th DOD· marring tool net (wbate.-.r that mecm1). 1x8 1x10 2' 12' CEDAR DECI SQUARES 377 S.t a bunch and you 'n got a draining d.c:lr by th• pool. outllde ahower. bot t@. llGb a walkwayor U.p ttatb c:oaa u trom n&1t CLEU RED OU BOUDS 8 FT. LAX la '29.90. , Pa.enpra will depart from a terminal at John Wa":fM where Air Irvine la aharln4' counter 1peoe wlth Golden West. Suallo maze. lnveetment re.ponalbWtles in the firm with Robert Walker, a Palm Sprlng1 bualneaaman. Walker LI chalnnan of the board. The duo bought Air Irvine ln March. The firm had been operating u a charier 1ervice the last aix yean. That expanded service will continue, according to Suglio. The airllnH plana to inaugurate regularly 1eheduled round-trip nights from John Wayne to Palm Springa Oct. 1 and to Manunoth Lakes Nov. 1. One-way ticket fare to Palm Sprinp will be $29; to Mammoth $76, Suglio said. SugUo, who haa been a corporate pilot for n Palm Spri.ngl firm, pl.ans to be one of the three regular ptlota for Air Irvine. Each of the three pilota has airline transport ratings, whlch Suglio explained u "the top Ucenae you can get. It entitles me to fly as captain for an airline." Air Irvine pu.rch.ued lta Navajo Chieftalna from Trane West.em Airlines, a oonunuter aetvice in Utah. New Chieftains would CXJet about $600,000 each, Sug.Uo said. He said lt cost nearly a million dollan for the legwork involved ln getting the new aervice off the ground. "I feel very. very confident," Suglio said about the new venture. "The reception we've had from local residents has really been good." Smoke radiation linked to tu:mors BOSTON (AP) -Minute radioactive particles in cigarette smoke -already linked to lung cancet -may also be the source of malignant tumors throughout the bodies of heavy smokers • researchers say. The radioactive material collected in the mucous lining of the bronchial tubes is passed from the lungs to the entire body, Dr. R.T. Ravenholt of the Cent.era for Di.seaae Control, wrote in a letter published in today's New England Journal of Medicine. "The American public is expc:>eed to far more radiation from the smoking of tobacco than they are from any other source or indeed from any other 90un;es combined." he said in an Interview. Ravenholt said the radloactlvity causes "accelerated aging, and early death . . . remlni.scent of the dl9eUe and mortality patterns af!llctlng early radfolopts and others with long,tenn exposure to X-rays and other fonns of ionizing radiation." Ravenholt's Jetter wa1 among several published in response to research conducted by Joeeph R. Di Franz.a and Thomas H. Wint.en of the University of Muuchu.setta Medical Center. Di Franza and Winters wrote to the journal in Feruary, saying polonium, a radioactive element found ln phosphate fertilizers, is concentrated in cigarette smoke. The researchers said a I 'h pack-a-day smoker receives a yearly dose of alpha radiation equivalent to 300 chest X-rays. IEED YOUR JEWf ELRY REPAIRED? We do It on the premlae1 at our Newport Beach store. Also, we do appraising, watch and ctock repairing, engraving, pear1 and bead stringing, jewelry designing and manufacturing. B.D. HOWES and SO . f l"'ll Jl~ELEll~ FOft FOUR GENERATIOHS IOPORT BEACH 3412 VIA l.l>0/675-2731 PASADENA/SANTA BARBARA/PALM SPRINGS HAWAII/PEBBLE BEACH/SAN FRANCISCO Want more business? Your advertisement will make a difference in Comlng August l Jack Anderson reveals in the Or1nge C~ DAILY "tLOT/Thurtdty, July H . 1882 MEMBERSHIP DEPARTMENT STORES FEATURE VERYDAY LOW PRIG.ES ON ~OOD)YEA• ARRIVA RADIAL TIRES $41.97 P155'80R13 Blackwall plus $1 .52 F E.T SIZE BLACKWALL P155180R13 41.97 P165/80 R13 44.97 P175/IOR13 46.97 P185f70R13 49.97 P175/80R14 48.47 P185/80R14 49.97 P185170R14 52.97 P155/80R15 43.97 P165/80R15 45.97 OPEN TO FEDCO MEMBERS ONLY FEDCO MEMBERS AGREE WITH CHANNEL 2 KNXT-TV Channel 2, Sunday June 27, 1982, televised the results of their consumer survey comparing prices of Fedco's merchandise with Gemco's, Kmart's and Zodys'. The KNXT consumer editor selected national name brand merchandise sold at Fedco, Gemco, Kmart, and Zodys. In every Instance, Fedco was the lowest on all Items when compared to the prices at Gemco, Kmart and Zodys. NOW THAT'S WHAT MEMBERSHIP SAVINGS IS ALL ABOUT! F.E.T. 1.52 1.67 1.74 1.88 1.75 1.98 1.85 1.60 1.79 $45.37 SIZE WHITE WALL P155/80R13 45.37 P185/80R13 56.37 P185f75R14 59.97 P195175R14 64.87 P205/75R14 67.37 P215175R14 68.87 P215175R15 70.87 P225f75R15 n .97 P235175R15 78.37 P155180R13 Whitewall plus $1 .52 F E.T. F.E.T. 1.52 1.91 1.88 2.16 2.30 2.47 2.57 2.73 2.93 THE SUN/RAIN TIRE -GOODjfiEAR ~ ~ • Save money. Save gas. • Steel-belted radial construction. • Even Its footprint tells you It's different. FEDCO TIRE CENTERS FEATURE GOODYEAR BATIERIES TO FIT MOST PASSENGER CR AND UGHT TRUCKS. ELECTRONIC WHEEL BALANCING AVAILABLE AT ALL TIRE CENTERS -EXCEPT SAN DIEGO &TOAi! LOCATIONS P9CO u cmRA (lt3J a,....,, · 3635 S. LA CIENEGA kW., LOS ANGELES 80011 P9CO .. Ml (113)......, 148IO RAYMER ~ET. VAH NUYS 91408 f9CO Nl~3J , • .., 3111 e. COl kvo .. PASADENA 91'07 f9CO ClllMOI (111) ,.,..,,, t 11621 IOU'TH 8'1Nr?, CEAAITO& 90701 ........ (11~7NllO IOllC) ~IL.Vb., 'A Ml!SA 82ae ...... -(114) ~,, Mth a IUCUD, IAN OIEOO 92106 fllCI01M1•u••m4J._.,,, 170 I. MT. YINC)M AW;, IAN 11ANMD1«>•10 ....... =..,..., ~Pi~l~AVI. , &TORI! HOURS WIODAYI: WA VlNG THE FLAG -Rear Admiral Wayne Meyer and Tony Vageonis, president of lrvlne-based ASTECH, display flag noting firm's award for subcontracting work for D91J,... ,...._., '*'* 0-0.ulell Navy's Ticonderoga-class cruilen. That's Gov. Edmund G. Brown Jr. behind flag, looking a bit like the legendary Kilroy. -~~--~---------~-~-------~~- PSA to reduce ticket prices Super 80 a ircraft saving a irline o n fuel costs SAN DIEGO (AP) -Pacific Southwest Airlines is saving $42 million a year In operating costs with its transit.Jon to new. fuel- efficient Super 80 jetliners, and the company has announced It will pass along the savings to customers, with fare reductioM of up to 43 percent. PSA President Paul Barkley emphasized Wednesday that the return to PSA 's original ticketing practices of a single low fare in each market IS not a promotional gimmick -ifs back to atay. "PSA 's fleet of Super 80 aircraft is saving the airline $42 rrulllon in opera Ung costa every year In compa rison with operatinq a fleet of older generation aircraft," Barkley said. "We are taking that savings and giving at back to the consumers in the form of aimple low fares;· he aaJd. "We estimate that California consumers will save in excess of UO million during the next year.'' No Money lequlred To Start Any Non·Jud1c1al Poreclosure The last time prices were at the levels announced Wednesday was in 1979, when 150 percent l.ncreues in fuel C08tS forced PSA away from ita aimple single far@ll, aald PSA spokesman Bill Hutinp BENEFACT 'ro feulonal Tru•t•• Servi~•• (714) 155-3711 But during the last 18 montha, the airline nu converted two- thlrda of its fleet to Su r SOS. Final Oceanfront Lots l'r1\.1k San l lt'nwnt1· '1111rn111111h I''" .1lt ... wrm .ind ll't1111~ 1 lub 117/so/o Financing Act now. (71 4) 498-2830 (213) 2 77-9470 INVENTORY CLEARAllCE SALE! Save Up To 803 OFF SELECTED FABRIC·SI SAVE NEVER FRIDAY 7'7 30 M-F 10-5:30 WED. 10·7 SAT. 10-S o•CO•A riv• ,A•••C HOU•• 1808J Eutlld ''E' 40J Fwy. Fountain Vall•y 963-J6J9 OTHER FABRICS AS LOW AS s1°0 a yard! LIKE BEFORE! IATUIDAY 7131 POSITIVELY THE BEST SIUmR BUY llTWIERE! WIDE LOUVER SHU 11 ERS SAllDBLASTED FREEi scone OF atDI IUltf! TO m YOUR DOOltl AND WINDOWI AND IAYI YOU UP TO ... 5 n . lllDEI • n :ILIDEI • n . llllfl ~:: '411 ~::'&•o ~::s12& COMPAIE TllEIE PllCEI. CllECI TIIEIE RATUa "' 2 v. " louver1 In decorative heavy duty frame "' Sandblast WUh or emooth flnl1hff "' Profffllonal ln1tallatlon available Full 2 year written guarantee ~~~ lrvi e firm honored • ASTEGH receives award for ship work • • hvtne-baHd ASTICH, a c:ontractl to produce a Space dre.ed workel"I from tnpytn, a divUilon of the TRI: Corp. nu Shuttle heat lhield and part, for ~J>lte from uaual chorel. r9Cltvtd an award oft~ new Boeln& 757 and 78'7 model Mtytr, n0Un1 th• alow for 1 h I p b -.a l J d I n a tor l t 1 jet llrcrah. economy and dllfk:ulty ln flndin& 1ubconiraotln1 work on the The firm, whJch moved into ltl pbl, told the crowd that tuih· Navy'• Tlcondero1a·clau new•t plant at 18e80 Annlt.ronl quality work II u important to anallen. St. ln I.rv1ne a year qo, employ. their livelihoods u It ii to the About 360 executlvt1 and about~ workert, many of them nation.al deferwe. worken celebrated their honor 1t another plant at 3030 S. Red "You can bet In many, many 'I'ultday at •uvtuee attended Hlll A ve . juat aoro11 city cues that the. who are 1ood by Navy execuUvee and Gov. boundartea in Santa Ana. and thCle who are excellent will rdmu.nd Q . Brown Jr. The f•Uvitles were Ironically alway. have a job," he Mid. Under a brt1ht 1reen-and-punctuated by wavea of nolle Brown. meanwhile, 1poke whlte tent laced with red, white from a 11pe.rat.e defeNe syat.em proudly about the "creative and and blue balloon1, the crowd -helicopters from the Marine.' productive genius that flourtahes heard s eve r a 1 • pee ch es Tu st In at a lion . Bu t the in California.'' encouraalna them to take pride Interruptions didn't stop Said the governor. "That ln thtlr-taek1 and their speaker. from celebrating their genius Ls what keepe America's t.echnolOIY. producUon award, or the caaually defenaes strong" For example, Rear Adm. W~r Meyer told the crowd: ~~·re not aoin. to 1et sear that woru worth a Clam with aloppr, people -people who don't care. • Meyer la project manager of c:.onat.ruct.lon of . the new crullen1 a nd their advanced AEGIS weapona system. Six of the $1 biWon shipe are under contract to be built by lngalla Shipbuilding of PucaaouJa, Mill. Computer repair center opens Ingalls gave ASTECH the award of excellence. Officials said it la only the fifth of Its hundreds of subcontractors since work began on the cruisers in 1978. ASTECH, which stands for Advanced Structures and Technology, produces a welded, honeycombed panel of lightweight metal used in several appllcations ln the cruisers, including smokestacks. Leo Wyler. founder and chairman of the board of ASTECH, said the patented material initially was created for aerospace use but has been successfully adapted for shipbuilding. ASTECH also has MUTUAL FUND A computer maintenance company has opened m Santa Ana one of the flnt "carry-m" service centers for amall-bwainess computers. Similar to the television repair sttops that sprung up in the early 1950s, tne computer support center, at Fairview/Warner Plaza, 2413 S. Fairview Street, Santa Ana, will operate under the name "Sorbus Station" a part of the national Sorbus aervlce division of Management ABsiatance Inc. The centers provides repair service and offers compatible supplies for most makes and models of small computers, printers and cathode-ray tube terminals. · Ribbon-cutting ceremonies wiU )~)) >'• •'ti 1•.., , ... 17' tJ'-tO t01 • . , •'• 1 ... 1•'• " • 114. .... 1011 1 )1 11)1 ,.,.,.. )1'. " ,., ' 1 , •• 17 171. 1J ,. 1• 1 19 1 • 11 l 111 • 11' J "'-IS 1 I • 1(1. 104. 1"'4 1• • • • ,,. • Jt 1,.., H'• 11 1 1•'- "' 1 ,, .. 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IS NL Tea Ml 1L4' I0.1' AIM fl~: ~Gi IUl NL CVYl4 liJt '2. 14 th A 1.0t I. II l~~ QI • S• II\ l,j.t t. .. 14! " •••• 1.'2 S2 M:llle IS.~ NL P LC» .67 A lli'lllT IG.• 1f '4 ~r4 17,10 NL ""9t1c .. fllol'dl · IA <;.nl A... t~ I.ti Yncl IU1 II.IS ~ 6 JO lllCCllll s.• 6 •4 A Mil• IG. i'" Miii Id .. ,, Ul a-I II 1' . I mN l11v I0.2' IO 61 I'd '"" I.I . s .. G 10... NL Or.ell t, .U ~ '" NL '"'°"' 1 .s• -.-11 .. 11 to ICA 1 at ,. GtOUfl · N "-" 6 a I 01 F.iM IU• lJ SI Wtl\ NII .. ,. 1 )t ew lf,j.t It. .. 11'1·~ • n • ,,.,. t= t::J ~ 'dl ·~·H I°"... tu '°;:~ a 1 .. i IS • aG.IO NL m Ill. U.4 • 11,,,. NL It t. IO;f~ • lkr0 l~ts NL or-m ~~1 ·~~ ·~°$ tt:R rf.1\ !Wiit I· • :r... "-! IUO ,,_ . if~ 7·; ~t I n411tl J 11 NL lncom I '2 NL 1'11 111~ 81111 • 11 ti ,, •l 001<A1 L" t Jt G<wll\ 6.lD .. ,. ll'LCllll 5'1 • " Ntllt.. • .. s ,, °"'" s ., • ,. Tea Ea I Cl I" 4'Wtlci •'1 111 .. 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II II d °"•" lncom Ta f't9 "''OIHI MA $1v *-T • be held on Monday at 10 a.m. MAI Board Chairman Raymond P . Kurshan , and Sorbus President Ronald A. Wallace, will be on hand. Burro ugh s su es Ibis Syst ems DETROIT (AP) -Burroughs Corp. haa filed a $20 million suit against a California computer hardware manufacturer claiming the firm stole trade secrets, Burroughs officials said. The su1t. filed July 22 an U.S. District Court in Los Angeles. alleges that Ibis Systems Inc. of Duarte used Burroughs technology to produce a high· capacity computer memory storage device. LAI 1>, .... ..... IC eH 10 1' NL :~,or., :~ ~ ~t MM8 61'0 NL Spe(I 4141 "II. S«ut11v flundl 9ollll 7CD 71l E"'lf S JI UI '"""' l .. I JI Ultra • 1'0 I J1 s.tec1ed f'UllCll ,,.,,.h ... NL $j11 Sfo& I US NL s..i..,.,~ = ... IU •7'tOO S II S SI ·- ) ' l )'J l • I'> ti )'. )'. I s , .. J•. ..... l l 1 1 1 • 1 , .. .... •.. • ~ .. °''l ()11Pc111 • I • 0 11 10 I 1 ()II II 8 ... 0 11 17 • ... ()II U 8 '-Otl 111 •• Ott IS 0 '• Ott I)/ p.. ()fl 1J 1 , Otl I) ) 't Off I ) l ... 0 11 I) 0 " Otf I) 0 I ()11 11 I 1 Otl II I • ... Otl " • ()If 11 I • 011 II I • ()II II I • 0 11 11 I ()fl 11 I J Off II I • 0 11 Ill ... Otl 10 I I ()II 10 I ... 011 10 I t -.>HICI I Jl US ,141, 'i. erlnt t 21 1.l • Vi ••llli9 • '°' '° "' ••N1 , -"'" ero" ~ I 10 Uloo .... •n ~•rPw 1 «I • 10SI It._ loo erP pl t ., 11 1' 1. ••he 1 10 n .,., • 1. .... .,.,.., 110 1• 1• .... "' ertHw 1 n u 1 01t ~ -.. •r1H pl 1 ) Cl1"° lit er1WI .,. 10:I 12'-"" H CH<i I 11 t I')• .... c:~:~c,.k 1~ u 1l~ ,!~· I~ ecoCp " • •dlS .... •le,.w • I IU U I C•l•n Pl • fO • JI "> 11•ron '° • • 1U ., ... •ntet 1 JO I IOt t7h "" .,,,.. U 10 J1 11'-It enSoW 1M • Ul UI• '• Ce!'Hl.G 1 ... • U 1tlio "' •nlll.1 1. .. t I' ISl<t-.... 1tnllPS I .. I Ht 1J C•MPw I 10 I UJ 11.. l, ~~~~·" 2 t '! r. 1:~-.... ~. C•nlrOt 109 t II. '• CnltyTI I• s .. "" -. C.nvlll • ' t -._ .... C•MMCI ' • 11i..-II. '-CHlAlr «J t ....o 1•'" + "• S10 U • l't ' 1• .... -"' .. »'-.... ., I.,, .... ISS Ho II. ,, Jl,f I .. -''• • lllO u-. •,. .. • ... 'n . ,,.. .... I S.l<t loo 11 .... .... " , ... "' 123 1llo. .... . . ...... "' 101 u 12 tt.t. I~ SIJ JJ•' toO U\t • ._,. .. \I'• I 4 JS"1 -., 2t 11 .,. IJJ ,...,. l<t ?t JI'°' i.. S 41'< 'Cl 10 114 0 .... .. ... In-"" IS ,.,, ... •I ·~-.... t ISO ,..,. ,, • 11 ,... .... • ,,. 1S-.-... 110 , • .., tO • t,, •1h .1v, ... 1 '· .... .... . ,. ,,. .... .... ~ '• Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Thuf'IG1y, July 21, 1812 • Al Auto industry reports prof it DETROIT CAP) -The teeond quarter ot 1982 wu the matt profitable for the domestic auto lndU1tr')' In three ycan, but anal)'llta My profltf don't ntf1ect a Ml8 recovery -inltead, they're tied to layoffs, conc81ion1 from workeni and luxury car Ml•. Ford Motor Co. reported Tueeday lt eemed $204.8 million tn the three-month period endtna June 30, puahina lndu.tt.ry profita for the period to $803. l mt1Uon. . General Motors Corp. and Chrysler Corp. allO reported proflta for the .econd quarter. American Moton Corp. wu the only U.S . cannaker remalning In the red. State's gas use down SACRAMENTO (AP) -California guollne aa1et dropped In May detpl~ the Iona Memorial Day weekend and the lowett gaa prioee in more than • year MYI the state Board of F.qualltation. The board said Tue9day that 944.8 million plloru were dlatrtbuted during the month, down more than~ percent from the prev\ous May and the lowest May ".nonage since 1976. Railroad to lay off 1,200 SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Some 1,200 Southern Pactflc railroad w orkers will be laJd off becawe business dipped in the last f ew weeks. the company said Mesa firm g ains investors Archive Corp. of Costa Mesa said it secured $4.3 million ln financing. Archive waa founded ln February 1980 to manufacture l/t -Inch streaming cartridge tape drives. Plana call for !acility lmprovementa to lncttase production capacity and for lncreued raearch and d~elo~t. f..rchlve'a original investora, lnatitullonal Venture Partnen and Tecnnology Venture Investors, both of Menlo Park, and Aleet Management Capitol Co. of Palo Alto. participated . Additional investors include Oak lnveetment Partners, Westport, Conn.; Kleiner, Perklnl, Caufield, Byeni, San Franci9oo; Merrill Pickard, San Fra.nciJco; Hambrecht and Qulat, San Frand.tco; Morgan Stanley & Co. Inc., New York, and Arscott, Norton & Aaodates, San Franciaco. DOW JONES AVERAGES '41!W VO!ll(IAPJ FIM I 0ow '"""' •-~·JUI 2' UPS AND DOWNS GOLD COINS HIW YOfUC CA'J -ltrloe• late Tu.Mr • told OOIM, oompnd *"" ..,.......,.._ .......... ' '"' ... -.n. oft ..... . r ..... ,~ .......... - ...... ""' 1.J "" ..... Maf.n. oft IUO . .................. ~ ... ... 11.llftl UO • .... Delk ...... ID lnG to Tm a~ m. Ml• .._ c-. Ole IO 11144 111 •S t ll.I> 10 "'1 6J JIUS JIU> aoo J .. ICM 7' 10410 101 '4 l<I U I ,. ....... Tr11t1 I.Ill• M Sol J14 IJ lU .. JOU 4 Jll 1t 4 oe uauoo t ,., .. too tlll.100 I 011 JOO WHAT STOCKS DID '4EW V()AI( IAPI NI 1t . ......, m 11U >o ,., I) Ill '4EW V0flf( IAPI JOll U __ _, Dt<llned "'t"""9o<I Tat•t '•"°" .... !\•It>• .... "'""" METALS ....... 111 CIS 1)0 ru • -0 "-•• ~T. ,., Jal 107 I• 1• NEW YORI< {AP) -Spot nonlerroue --w~ c...., 7~76 '*'" • pOUnd, us. o..11net1on1 lb L.ed 28-29 cent1 1 pound ZIM 37-40 «*Ill I pound,~ Tifl le 0065 ..... .,. w.-~· ~ 7&-77 oenll 1 pOUnd, N.Y. Merowr 1310.00 per na• ......,._ SHl.00 troy oz . N.Y. SILVER 11anoy f. Hum.,., 17 306 per lloy OU~ GOLD QUOTATIONS aynie ,, .......... "-e a-... WOtlcl gold ..-w--,. ~ morning ftxlng· *34.6 76 oft suo . LeMeftl l,,emc>Oll ll•lng: 1147.00, oft '42&. itan.: anemoon ll•ino· "41.At. Olf '4 11 '"'""'"11347 30, off IU.I. ~ , ••• tlalnO 1341.00, °" la. 71 bid. 1346. 'IS .... 134~ ~ ~ Ofttt/ dlly .,. .......... oNy dilly quot• lllwtcalect t3M:U. off ...... SYMBOLS t • esson fr.om tBe past '!oastal planniBg; Huntlnaton Beach planner• ~v• pr.opoeed a redevelopment plan for the aatna downtown that pnwidea bunatn1 lncenUvee for akinny hlgh-ri1e 1tructure1 to allow open spec:e at ground level for landacaplng and Inland vtewa to the sea. Basically, the proposal would grant developers additional square feet in their buildings lf they construct '-11, thin 1tructures near the pier in a six-street coastal stret.ch one block inland of Pacific Cout Highway. City officials. say they expect the plan to be oppoeed by a group of residents who for years have been waging a running battle against various proposals for high-rise buildings in Huntington Beach. But perhaps a look at recent h.ist.qnr in neighboring Newport Beach-.would soften the group's opposition. In the 1960s, Newport Beach residents also opposed planned high-rise buildings oh a coastal stretch that now hou1ea the Balboa Bay Club. Wtth the dtlsene' crte. ol 11We don't want another Miaml Beach" rinai"I in thelt ·ears, City Council member• re~ted the hlah-ri1e concept and the Be.ltioa Bay Club was built to the city Umlt of five stories. That fine· bayfront club almoat completely covert ha property and la known by llOme u the Chinete Wall, because lt totally blocks the view of the bay. In sh()rt, it •PPMl"I u a wall along Coast Highway .. The redevelo~t propoeal being conaide~ tn Huntinaton Beach would avoid th1a type of development alone the coast. It seeks wide open spaces at the bue of high-rise structUNI that would be landscaped in a park-like setting and would allow sea breezes and ocean views. With an eye toward the Balboa Bay Club, it appears clear that development of tall, thin structures that allow o~ views to the sea, 11 a good idea. Fun Zone I are well. One of the oldest surviving pieces of Newport Beach history -the Balboa Fun 2'.one -soon will be no more. The end of the Fun 2'.one, however, is not as sad an event as it might seem. The block-long arcade has become an eyesore in recent years and its charm lives on more in memory than in reality. That feeling was echoed by many Balboans this week who showed up to encourage the Newport Beach City Council to approve a plan to rip down the arcade a nd replace it with a three-level restaurant, specialty shop and office complex. The council did just that. "The Fun 2'.one is not the way you remember it," suggested one long-time Balboa resident. We agree. The Fun 2'.one no longer is the place it once was. The arcade somehow has fallen out of step with Balboa of the 1980s. Fortunately, though. the flnn thatis to redevelop the waterfront arcade plans to keep aome of the festive features which made the Fun Zone poJ)\l)ar foe so long. A Ferris wheel and merry~p.round are planned as is a video pme arcade. The new structure is to be designed with an open air feeling. We be lieve it will be a vast improvement and could bring back some of the longtime Newport residents who once enjoyed strolling through this area. Balboa residents and Peninsula visitors should be prepared fot what is likely to be a yearlona CODSU'UCtion mesa ln the area. Traffic congestion in this area already is heavy and during construction. it will be wone. As was the ca1e in the building of the new Newport Bay bridge. perhaps the headache will be worthwhile in the final result. A reinarkable citizen The City of Laguna Beach, and especially the Festival of Arts, will feel the lea of a fine civic leader with the departure of Helen Keeley. who is moving to the state of Washington. Mrs. Keeley, a Laguna Beach resident for more than a quarter of a century. served 14 years on the Festival of Arts board. She has resigned from the nine-member panel and John Rayment, manager of the Laguna Beach brancJi of the Bank of Ameri<:a will fill out her term, which was to expire in November of 1983. Mrs. Keeley was a dynamic volunteer on the Festival board and served on a variety of comJllittees, including scho~hip, policy, cultural and Pageant production. She was president of the FestiVal board in 1980 and served on the Festival coordinating committee which meets with city affici~ls on joint concerns. • Her leadership and c1v1c responsibilities were not limited to the Festival panel. Among other activities over the years, Mra. Keeley was a City Council member and vice mayor; a member and secretary of the Orange County Gr•nd Jury' helped eecure county .teNicel and mental health offices in Laguna; served as a member of the County Health Se;vices organization; was on the Laguna Beach Chamber Music board and was lts president from 1972 to 1974; and worked to secure Salt Clftk Beach for the public. . Thia ia ah incredible record 6f public service by an incredible lady. She will be i.mpo91ible to replace. She will be missed. We wiah Mn. Keeley all the best in the yean ahead and join the oommunity , in thanking her for all thoee yean of outstanding service. Laguna'• io. is Washiniton's gain. <>Plnklna expnssed In the space above are those of the O.lly PllOt. Ot~er views tll· prtlMd on'thls ~ge ar'e those of their authors and artists. Rta .. r c()(r\ment Is lnvlt· td. Address The OaUy Piiot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa ,.,,_, C.A tt~B. Pr\oM (714) 6'2"4l1. L.M. Boyd I Intelligence test -.. A standard inteJlilence test can be . fairly u.eful to a 1tore owner in plclc1na office help. But it does Uttle aood in •lectir\t ..... people. oddly ~. Studlel repeatedly show that the b9t clerical ttalfen turn out to be the •orkeu who paaa•d the tntelll1ence tnt whh the hl1he1t IC.'Ol'a.. But the bat -* penona out on tht flocJI' ,.,.. rarely \hole who am-ed ~ °" the intelllpnce test. WbM dO '°" make of. UMlt7 bring a Nit at law for ... wt and bantty, or for defaD\ltion. The law affords no resbedy ftw auch outra,.. that c:an Ntidy the feeUnp ol • true man.'' You can IN how nwn were trat~ ln that era, tMrn by their mothffl. to ftsht dU. Of ~. . "" Budget balancing hy.pocrisy WASHINGTON -President Reaon shattered the last of my Wusiona when he traveled up Pennsylvania Avenue to cheer and be cheered at a rally on the steps Of the Capitol to promote a • constitutional amendment mandaU.O, a balanced federal budget. "RUNAWAY GOVERNMENT threaten.a our economic survival. our moat cherished ltuUtutiona and the very pre9el"Vation of freedom it9elf," Mid the man who has proposed a budget that may be out of balance by a record one-quarter of a trillion dollars. "The American people," he aald, "have had I t. They are 1ayinf 'Enough.' .. True. I have h.ad It. Enough, I say. "No army on earth can stop In idea whoee time hu come," Reqan told the 10,000 people transported to the Capisol by the Republican National CCllnmitiee. ''Our time ia now. "Balancing the bud~t is a little like protecting your virtue, ' he said, building toward tile chuckle line. "You have to learn to say no." This from the president who not only can't say "No" to the Pentaaon. but is actually etving the generals and admirala more than $10 bl.Won~ than the $206 billion "wtah list" they aaked for in the 1982-83 buqet. Th.ta from the president who, ~er he r.lly beUeVes. does not have the poUtJcal CXK.&n&e to deel with cuta, capa or moderation In llCUll 111111 1 ·;.. .,_ 1pencUnc for middle-dau entitlement procrama -moat 1pe~ifically and importan~ Social Security. Ronald an. whatever he's capable of aaylq to bUMd-in Republicana, ii incapable of balancing the federal ~ Hia problem Ls that there I.I not enouah money in tM budot for poor peopfe; no mauer how much he cuta from welfare and entitlement programs for the lower clala, it won't be enough to make up for hi1 military-spending ~ and tlie middle-class welfare he now realil.es cannot be cut without ttsulli.ng in the defeat of Repubhcan candidaces around the country. The White Houte'• defenae is offeNe, and offensive: to call fo~ a balanced budget and attack runaway government. With luck, no one will reall:ie that President Reagan is in charge of that government. SOME REPUBLICANS, It muat be admitted, do ~ that there may be some political riska in demalOI)' of this order. "We anticipate 1torle1 about hypocrtay," said one Republican Senate'• aide at the Capitol lie-in. Well, tha is a 110ry about hypocrisy. It ii about the gall ot the biggest deficit spender in American hiltory attacking deficit spending. It is allo about condescension. On. of Pre1ident Reagan's more ou\rageou1 line1 was hi1 proclamation that he's re£lly doing this -•pending more and deceiving more -to protect my children from devils in Washington. "How can ·families and fam.lly values flourish .'' be said , "when bag government, with its power to tax, inflate and regulate, has ab9orbed their wealth, usurped their rights and too often crushed their 1pirit?" My spant ui fane. Hut my patience is cruahed by the cynicism o( politicians who take the rest of us for fools. Our school childr-en deserve better To the Editor: Thia ii an open letter to your reedtta telling them how they can help the achool children in their oommu:nky. ln the re&ntlyJ>aDed ata~ badpt; public achoob ~ived a r.ero increae 1n func:IJ.ng. In effect. due to the expected rate of inflation, that meana a five to seven percent cut in program9 and servtce1 on top of those that have already been dropped or curtailed becauae of Propoaition 13. Many achoob will have fewer COW'm9 in rading, writing. hf&ber math. foretan ~. the arta, vocational educa110n -you name SL DWcouraaed veteran teechen, who can pt higher W..-in bullnesl and industry, will 1-ve the clam'oom. Tb.la will cxmtrtbute to our 8J'OW'hla teacher ahOf'tale, esP.flCially in math, the aclencs. VOC4t.ionAl, aped.al and blllngua1 education. Some ICbool dt.tricta may eo bankrtapt and have to cbe the IChoolt before the school year I.I completed. Sipal t.ndmark ii planning to build reaidential unlta on leaaehold land. Homeowners throughout the area (Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, c.oeta-M-. Fountain-V~. e-t.c.) have found themselva in very emoua trouble becaute of leasehold problems. Unreallltic. leue payment Increases, unree1ktic land valuations. to. of home marke'-bility, inability to find first mor1pge lenders. inability to refinance MAILBOX 9ellCJnd ~ and other leuehold- related problelm, haw led to people ~.~ced from thelr homea by f • .inabmty to ~ becaUll8 of fixed tnoomea, or fear. SIGNAL LANDMARK themselves have created exactly tbe9e problems by their handling of leaHhold• in the Newport Shores community. Signal Lendtnark M9 shown no clestn to -.mt leeleholden or for that matter, to even dlacuu the probi.m. Their atUtude cert.a1Dly do-. not bode well for future Bolu Chica Slanal leueholders. We 1ugeat that the O>u1'l Commiaion eumlne very carefully all the motlYl!I of a company that would propose teuebold ~today. w. talim" th@" --\nvolved with Bold. Chica are complex, )lowever, the 1osl8 term 91pecta lncludinl how Slpal IAndmark delJa with lta te.eholden are major conakleratlom . DOUGLAS ~TURNER Commiuee ol 400, Newport Shara Unla:ir to Schmitz not making any statemenia at all. lf one proft9e9 to be a true friend, the\ It ii best for one to shut up and w1ah the Schmitz.ea courage and undentand.ina 10 • they.c&n privately J'e9Qlw their~. rd say'· "hang the party"; theee people's lives att mott important. 1be Daily Pilot went further and solicited lawyer Gloria Allred'• 1tatemenla. The public lmoW'I about the 1epl battle between the tenator and Ms. Ail.red. Ma. Allred, I believe, ii a woman. She too, howewr, failed to nen:i.e aood tute and compulion. She failed, in my eyes. to realize what it is to be a woman, a wife and a mother. U lhe cannot mu1ter silence, she should have • remembered Mary Schmits. the fact that Mary la a woman, a wife and a mother and given her consideration and cornpe.-1on. The media forgets that people In public .ervice are human like you and me. It ia timely to aitique a public offldal in the perfonnanoe of hi.a public duties. His private life la bla own and 1hould only be critiqued when his private acts involve or swey the public duties he hu sworn to uphold. FOi'-God'1 aake, the public and the media should exerclle commoll aeme in printing aubage or spNedinc rumon that can hurt others and their loved , ones. Surely. there are honllt edlton who can put a atop to rubbWl reportina. ELIZABETH l>A VJ5 Real wiurds I. I Orange Coaat OAIL V PILOT 1Thur1d1y, July 29, 1882 "I I 'Bottle law' no proteCtion against the habitual litterbug If you Uk dJr\ and vennln you will not h ta\e to vote for Propoe.ttion 11 on the November ballot. "'rhl1 11 the lr)Jtlativt meuure that would prohibit dl1po1&ble beveraa• ~onlalnen and require lnatead that IOda pop and beer b4' 10ld ln rotumable bolt.let for which a mandatory flvo or more c:en\.I per bottle deposlt would be charaed The dirt and vermin are an lne9Capable problem when 1t.orlng the used bottles In the home until they can be returned, u well u for the at.ores , which would have to st.ore them until the dlatrlbut.ora reclaim them. FOR IT IS a well known fac·t that 1nt1, roaches and other inaects are a\tr.c\ed c.o the 1wett.M11 of the bottl11 and even the. that contained t nnenied 1ubetancee. Thll 11 Juat of tht eo1ta which the llRl WITIRS conaumen would pay for the claimed benefit.a or doing away with the litter problem on public beaches, parka and highwaya. Without consldertng health problems which could &rue becauae of the fllth involved In the handling of u1ed bever.,e contalnen. an Independent 1tudy made by Ch1pftlan College ec::onomlltl placed the coet c.o con1umel"I at more than •300 mUllon annually. Thia, of couna, ph1ced no value on thtt nuJaant-e cauled oonaumen In 1tortn11 and returnlna the bottle1. , Al Dr Jamee Doll of Chapman College 11tated. "The bottle law would be an lneffldent and costly public policy." It cel'Ullnly would be an lmpoeltJon upon the public for the unproved theory that requlrlna bottle depoelta wlll reduce litter and thUI 1ave the 1tate money now spent In cleanup. Such a law may reduce litter a1 claimed, but not eliminate it. IO the cleanup work would 1till 80 on. Bellldes, .M OrflOn found out IOOn after ldoptJn, 1ueh I lawt the reduction of Utter lJ nqUJilb • At leut a report t..uec;t by Ores'*''• aovemor ao lndJcated, aaYtn1 that overall 11vtnp hid not ,....ted. And h ow could lt? Btveraa.e t'Ontalnen are not the only Utt.er found in public placee. Many other thlnp come In dlapouble bottle. and cana 1uch u fruit Julcel and wines. And then there are the cardboard and paper contalnen for plcnJc type toodltuff1 which one see. llC8ttered about in all public places. what law1 they paM there wUl &lwaya be a certain number of peop1-who are 1lobe, If the thrfft of the '600 fl.no which can be handl'd down to lltterbup doetn't atop them, how will th• rGWIU'd of a few nickel.a for fltumlna bottles do It? They won't, IO the lltterbup will continua to to11 away the bollle1, depollit.1 or not. The proponent.I wlU argue that at leut \he deposlt bottlet will Inspire k1& and 1rroupe aeelona to raJse money to so on bottle hunia. The 1ame can be uld for the preunt containers. Many gather WHAT THE proponent• and them up to aell to recyclina cent.en aupporten and other do-&ooden who which would, a«'Ordlna to the 1tudy, be would fol.at th.la nu.ilance upon all the put out of bu11lne11 If the lnttlauve public 1hou.ld recognize I.a that no matter pa&l8 -------- • . ' ' ' ( I • • '~ . _.. . '. 3tllU CAN'T PAY MORE THAN . Wl71»ltff . Wff1JMiT Wii1MIB'f WillWUt wmwm WiliWm W4t1JJEST WilJNJiGSj Bov' • Woven Lon11 Sleeve Swla Annv Shirt.. Selected styles. reg. $12 SALE ~.99 Famoua Maka Men's Sttk s~en T ..Shirt.. Selected styles. reg. $7-$14 SALE $3.99 Little Glrla Aaorted Bottoma. Jeans, jumpen. knickers & shorts, reg. $15-$24 SALE $6.99 Junior Short Sle~ Knit Tops. Selected styles, reg. $12-$19 SALE$6.99 Uttle Girl• A .. orted Knit To,,. & Woven Blou.u. Selected styles, reg. $13-$23 SALE $6. s1399 Young Men'• Long Sleeve Button Down Shina bv Berkie,. Selected styles, reg. $20 SALE $13. 99 Men's Belted Poplln Slaclu. 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S7.99 S9.99 S4.99 • 30 DAY FISH GUARANTEE • GIANT SELECTION OF FRESHWATER ANO • SALTWATER FISH • LARGE INVENTORY OF EHEIMS, PEP & LIFEGUARD FILTERS • SPARE PARTS FOR ALL PRODUCTS SOLD • MONTHLY NEWSLETTER AND SPECIALS • BE SURE TO SIGN UP!!! • TAU VU PLEXIGLAS$ AND AOUAVISION GLASS AQUARIUMS EQUIPMENT SPECIALS HAGEN AQUA CLEAR FILTER U9.99 AP()t.LO AIR PUMP 126.99 PEP PILTERS VDY LOW ..a CALL rott QUOft HEATERS 50 or 100 WATI' S4.99 RH•IM ZOt J 60 G•I. SIH S79.99 '"\ Pl.US MANY OTH•lt GltllAT SAVINGS Bring these coupons in for great savings TETRA MIN 1.82 oz.. .. .... .. _,,,.. ,, . .,.... ~ ... loodtar ........ reg. S1.49 TSTllA AQUA SAP• ..... THUMDAV, JULY H. 1111 CAVALCADE TELEVISION 82 86 • in bureaucracy TRASHY BUSINESS DEPT. -Just about the time you figure the California Coastal Commission ls going to quietly fade away into the gloom like a bad dream, it surfaces again in some --------~r-' nonsensical nightmare. TOM MORPHINE -~, This time it's weeds and .~ refuse. / ---------~.._._ It develops that a 15-acre area in Huntington Beach. south of Hamilton Avenue near Newland Street, a sort of ~-like area, has been infested with trash, weeds, rats and other rodents. Thus a Huntington Beach city crew came along and posted the property, requiring that it be cleared. The owners, Milla Land and Water Company, contracted with John Thomas' heavy equipment outfit to come out and bulldoze the bad stuff away. THIS, INCIDENTALLY, is the same John Thomas who is a Huntington Beach councilman and.baa on~own hook been the center of considerable political contioveny over the years. So the Thomas outfit went out by Newland Street and bulldozed away the bad stuff. Promptly thereafter, th~ coastal commission ecreamed foul and is threatening to sue everybody in eight. It develops that the trashy area ls a "protecJed marshland" under the rules and dictums of the coastal .. czars. You can't touch it without a coastal permit. So the coastal brass are now seeking an attorney general's investiaation and if a lawsuit is filed, Councilman Thomas and the landowner could face fines of $10,000 and $5,000 daily for each day the land remains in a graded condition. ROW YOU UNGRADE the parcel might be a bit of a puzzle. It is unclear if the coastal commission alao wants all the old cardboard boxes, trash, rats and other rodents restored. Alas, it does appear that Councilman Thomas is once again in warm civic water but this time he clearly appears "Bert~ IJk ~an ft!vironmencal impllCC ttport. Zeb, before we cJe.n tbbl ~up ... to be the innocent victim of two levels of bureacracy who were yanking on opposite ends of the red tape. After all, the city government people did go out and post the land, demanding cleanup. The city hall brass now allege that this was done by a green crew of part-timers. This temporary help obviously didn't have the depth of sensitivity to the delicate natural balance of the trash piles, rats and rodents out by Newland Street. What the heck, they just thought it was another trashy plot of land that ought to be cleaned up. Obviously, what is one man's environmentally sensitive wetlands can be another guy's junkyard. SOME TIME BACK, Thomas got himself into a legal hassle when he allegedly cleaned out some oil rig mad\inery on a lot. This, however, was on private property and developed into a fight between the councilman and the machinery owner. In the current instance, it's going to be difficult to bum-rap the councilman when his firm simply carried out the orders of a P,rivate owner after the city had posted the acreage. It has been indicated that Huntington Beach City Hall apologized to the Coastal Commialion for the wrong posting . of the marahlanda. SOMEHOW, HOWEVER, you have to have some serious doubts that the Coastal Commission brass will simply accept the apology and let it go at that. u they can do it., rou can bet the coastal czars will make a mountain out o this marahland. Classic NB race unfolding • BY STEVE MARBLE or ... .,..,,.. .... The Newport Beach Cltl c.oundl elecdoo ia montha of , but a 1teady ltream of likely candidate • ha1 taken out nomination p11pen in the put week and tM race already has started to unfold. Four of the .even council 1eata w ill be up for elec tion in November and all four Incumbent• have taken out nomination forms. The election la expected to be a claaaiC\ fight for power between pro-growth and slow-growth forces typical of put Newport council contetta. Council metnbe~ eltlct.ed by dtatrioi in N•~· ~ ~~ ~-~·i Norm Loa0,1• rt&,_~~· superintendent of m~­ Meu Unified Schoo ~haa taken out p11pe111 ~ ~ a pt"ell releaae uying *'l1 ~ a the council .. vnow~ Straua · who uya'·he'll retire , la.lml he suppott.a ~ in the city but not rampa;, d~lopment. So far, he hal 'riot taken any v e rbal pQkes .at Straum. • A former IChool ~ who ~ .. 14tta' bc-. ln t..e:ole'. Strauaa afao ha.-t•k )out n~19Jnatlon !!!f." 'llas """""" he'll ~ bl~ .. .~ A vice rat~ . ln1trum:nt1, S{~ '{its labels but hu conmten y voted Four incumbents have taken out nomination lorms. f' .... f • .,._ - in the llow-tp"OWth camp and hal been critic al of recent devdopmenl planl at Newpoct Cent.er and the Bann1nc Ranch in West Newport. In Corona del Mar . phot.osrapher and former city plannil\I commi.toner Bill ~ hal taken out p11pen and plana to take a 1hot at the 1eat now occupied by }'aul Hummel. Like Loats, Agee paints hirmelf u a middle-of-the-road type who doe sn't go for ext reme1. Agee claims the council needs to improve c ommunication in the community. Hummel, who usually shares minority view• with Straua, has taken out nomination papen but cla.lma he's undecided whether he'll n.an. H1a council colleagues, though, are convinced he will. Mayor J ackie Heather was the first of the incumbents to announce re-election plans. Her district takes in north Newport and includes an area near the airport where residents have united to fight jet noile. YMCA OireCtor Jim deBoom ha s taken out pape rs but lndicatel he will teek the leat only if Mn. Heat.her doesn't run. Airport critic Clarence ''Buzz" Turner also has taken out pepen for Mn. Heather'• district. He ha1 not 1aid whether he ba1 made up hit mind to run. ; Finally, there'• Evelyn Hart who uya 1he'll go for a leCOnd council term. She WU the first penon to take out nomination papen and already has a camp.tan manager. At th1a point, Mra. Hart la the only Incumbent without an apparent challenaer. She expects th.la to change before the Aua. 11 fillna deadl{M, ahe uid. ~.-. ..... -· .. -. -. -. --·~ -~- Shuttle control retained The Orange County Board at Supervison has decided it will maintain direct control over which commuter air lines a re permi\ted to serve John Wayne Airport. Commute r a irli n es a r e different from major commercial air carrien in that they do not operate jeta and serve relatlvely claw-by destinations, such as Los Angeles lntemadonal Airport. At the uralng of Supervisor ~ Rilt'y. the board refused to permit Airport Manager MWTY Cable authority to deal dfrectly with commuter airlines leeki.n& to initiate tervice at John w~. ~ part Of Its action, the ~ve approva1 to Air Irvine pin two other commuter carriC! -Golden West Airlines an Imperial Airlines in the airport' pauenger terminal. Air Irvine has operated charter service at the airport · yean. A.ocordlng to company olfici Air Irvine will begin servic Sunday between John Wayn Airport and Los Ange le International Airport. On Oc t . 1, Air Irvine wil initiate Orange County-Pal Springs service, followed b Orange County-Mammoth Lak service Nov. l. Air Irvine will ah.are te apace with Golden West Air offlciala said. A ir Irvine opera tes n ln paaenger Piper Chieftains. Hearing slated in-dock death Mesa man faces manslaughter charges after 'horseplay' A 36-year-old ea.ta Meu man 1s to ao to court Aua. e to tace charget he killed a friend during a Newport Beach party by droppi1141 the man off a thlrd- 1tory balcony window. Lawrence Francia Oliver, a resident of C.O.ta Mesa'• Meu Verde d1mict and president of a Lona Beech c:iomputer firm, hu been charaed with felony manalauaht.er. He la free cm $5, 000 ball. NewPol'\ police Ulert Oliver Kddentally dropped 36-year-old David Georp Chapm from the balcony of a Balboa Peninlul.e apu11nent lut Sunday. Oiapln, officers aid, landed on a docJC th.Ne floon below and Qopped ln10 the water. Oranae Count)'. harbor patrolmen reportedlY ftlhed the ct.d man out of the water l& mlnut11 later. Police aald It la st.ill uncl whether Chapin died as a res oC the fall or was drowned. Oliver was arTetted at H Memorial H08pital where Chapi wu taken. Police aaid the Cotta Mesa was not charged with mwd becau.e It appeared the indde wu an accident. rennruot11y i..&lt of "honeplay.r.--~ If Irvine stops landfill, other cities ~will ·pay . '!be cost and inconvenience for Irvine resldenta ~ dlapoM of their tnlh wtll rt. lharply If dty law1uita 1top attempta to create a new landfill In Bee c-nyon, a county 1ovemment omdal•ya. • Q\y leedel'I .,. pol8ed for a leol 'battle to block a.velopment o£ tbt MW '12Hcre dumJ> ate, but Ray llhoade, aHIUant director ot Oranl~°.:;nty'• a.Dini ........... , tlkl ... --thlt ..... would -.............. ~ ~ ldll".. thi1 tuve'!':f •tlJ or•U• for * , ........ ,... "' " •" ...... .. ~ ............... recovery pro1ram1, where rubbl1h 11 burned and· hHt U'lnlfonned ln10 oUMr --0 formia. IUKJede .md. But he added that ao J*Olll& of the ~ beCOiMI Mb which etill needl dlepo1al -and the coet to lnatltute a complete eyatem would be too •. The county Board of Supervtlorl NCllltly .-10 llt landftll haulinc rai. at t7 a ton'° defrq coRI; With~ ,.,.,...,. .,...... tblit ec.c 1'0Ukl --·hlP••••ha ......... ~ I I t , ' l ' . I• l ) ' •ERMA BOMBECK No employee pigs out at this deli's expense DEAR ANN L.ANDE.RS: You revealed yo\.11' tcnorance when you replied to that buaybocly who WU obvtou.aly envious of the women who worked ln the bakery, helpJng themaelvet to donuta, coffee a.ke and brownies and everything elR ln the 1hoWCAM. Apparently you do not know that a certain amount l1 automatically deducted from the p11ycheclu of people who handle food, whether they eat lt or not. ln mott esiabllahment.a the nnployees who are U'OWld food all day get aick of the atwf and don't eat nearly u much u they pay for, llO the txm make. money on the deal. I have been on both lidet of t.hls one -owner and w~amer -and I can tell you there is no such thln8 u a free lunch, anadt. mouthful or anyt.ht.na ei.e. Every item in businem 11 carefully considered, or the owners would go broke. Rest M8W'ed that nobody ii pigging out at the company's expeNe. So 40 la_,hes with a aoggy noodle from a high-c:laa Sacramento Deli. -A DAILY READtR D.EAR DAIL V: I can't believe t1Uas1 ue 10 dllfereat ID Sacramento. Tbe reslllta of tile mlal· survey 1.Uen by my office tell a va1tly dlffereat story. Sally Blecker, a manaser of a Fanole May store lD Cblcaro, 11ld tbe employee• can eat all tbey want -no cbarae. Punch ·---.. "No. I wouldn't call them ruins. I prefer not to make value judgments ... ~-YOUR HEAL TH ' OR PETER J STEINCROHN Heredity not only factor DEAR DR. STElNCROHN: n1a1&1n1 a.beat premature death baa caused a 1erlou depret1loa ln my busbud. Altboagb only 38 ud _.,llcally sound, accordlng to oar doctor, be lives ID fear of dylng early. He blames It on bl1 "poor bere4llty." His father died of a coronary attack at die ace of 51 and bb mother bad a stroke at ab01lt die same age. One uncle suffers from extremely ~ blood preHure. "Wltb that klnd of family history," Ille alb, "what chance have I 1ot?" A1 a renlt lte nnokn too macb. Drinks a lot. Hai let himself set faL Be figures bow be lives won't make ••Y difference. Have yoa ro1> Into maay almllar problems? -Mrs. 0. DEAR MRS. 0 .: Go out of your way to hold this column m front of your husband's noee. It will relieve his anxiety -unless there are other overlooked reasona for his depression. Yes. heredity is Important. But it isn't all- u:nportant. I've known hundreds of my patients with even worse farruly history who lived into old age. However, they took active precautions to increase their chances of surviving. They didn't invite lung cancer. heart attacks or emphysema by smoking. They didn't invite hypertension -or aggravate It -by overloading with salt in their diet and by overeating and getting fat. They didn't overdrink and invite clrrhosis. lt'a t.rue there may be a hereditary disposition to stroke and heart attack.a; but it isn't invariably true. I've known many pAUenta with aood Camily hiatory and poor livfn8 habita who died earlier than their counterpart.a who had bed heredity. DEAR DR. STEINCRORN: I've be. rad.la& Cbt compaten wW IOOD be an laaportaat ,.rt ta ~e practice of medicine. More lmportut tbn die ''lttele black ba1." · rm old eDCH1'91 to appreclate th mlalstraUoa1 of "' tam.Dy doctor W'bo manapd to keep .. alln tor IO maay years. Wbat't you oplaloa of CGDIP9len la medlc1De7 -Mn. B. DEAR MRS. B.: We don't want to hold b9ck 9111...,,.,0lf.aN&I,• do we? Yet., I 1ee your Point. Perhaps wie Of computen can be overdone durlJla the doc1or- ptdent relalionahlp for diapomi:e and u.tment. I belleve that the doctor who tabl tlme to tab caimplete hlltory may accompllth • much -or (llOC'e -than tuMna a J)IUent answer.q~ f)Ut by·~-· eo.pUCMa are lnvaluabi. when lndlcated. ffoweYW", WMn I'm about to be lh.uffled of1 rd pnlw to have a doct« hok11.nc my ~rather than have a aold campu• Wr.e my pulle. Peter &.rabaooi, tll• ltead man at All*eau dellcattHH, laformtd H tltat tlle1 laave mo objeetloa1 to die employett eatlDS w~ver tlttJ Uk•. Marian Waper, ttae oner of Kw'• Dell, Jett Iler employtea bow tbey cu eat uydllal tll•Y want. No OH claeckt and ao oae caret. Martbll Field's bakery department tald, "W• eaco•tal• our em~rz;e• to eat tile rrodacta. How cu ~·r Mil uy tr tbey doa' bow bow It ta1tetf' Mn. Doraer at RelDemana't Bakeries .. 1d, "Our employees cu eat 11 m•cla at tlaey like. Wt wo.ldll't tlllu of cled1ccta1 anytblq from tllelr ••set." Gabe SoteUao, co-owaer of Ambrfa'1 (u elepat Frenck restaarant): .. All employffl are coa1ldered family -we eaco1rase ta1dq ud commentt." " At McDonald'• company-oWlled reata1rut1 all employees wboH work time 1pan1 mealllme eat wltlaout claar&•· After tbat little nrve1 I lo.and myself wlllttHDJ, "My k.lnd of &ow11 -CbJc110 J1 ..• " DEAR ANN LANDERS: l juat married into thil family and don't want to make any trouble. (I'm a ltCCl\d wife.) My father·ln·law I.I a de.v man ln hla 70., but he ha.I MVeral mlulna teeth. The ones that are left look u If they are not very good. I have mentioned thl.I to my husband and he aald, "l wouldn't offend my dad for anything ln the world. SkJp It." I Every ti~ he COl1\M for dinner I get upset. Please tell me what to do. (Money la not a problem. He hu plenty. What can be wrong?) -E IN ERIE, PA. DEAR ERIE: Tbe old treatleman 11 probably afrald of tile plu. Re may bave been trauma~ied Princely news scarce SAN FRANCISCO -The dachshund haa a worried look. Something about the wrinkled forehead. She look.a like Peter Lorre when he says to Bogart: ''I know you don't like me. Rick. But I trust you." (We cauaJlt "Cuablanca" again the other night. Good u ever. Fact, I think it geta better.) Seema to me we're setting mighty little news on that new baby of Princftl Di's. Does he sleep well? Haa he smiled for papa yet? Gad, I used to put out tons of mfonnation on my moppets. "Yep. bat my finger for almost a minute this morning Probably grow up to be a surgeon. • Who does the diapering? Mama? Or do they have • diaptt lady-an-waJting? Are they Ullng Pampers? Or a diaper servtce? As any expenenced father (and any diaper service) can tell you, boy babies use up twice aa many diapers as girl babies. I.a the future King of England keeping up hia quota? Where are the investigative reporters of England? . "AND THEN THERE la exciting news about the medOy,'' laid the anchorman. "That and much, much more when we continue." I went over and turned off the TV. You c.an pretty well tell when there's no news. The anchorman triet to put an urgent ring on the medfly. Tries to wring out some enthusiasm. But he look.a worried. Like the dachshund. There's no substitute for ammunition. When the news isn't there they at.art dipping in the feature file. Soon "much, much more" dribbles off Into 'The Lady Who Cans Prunes." When I was second-gueaing Gesell, out~foxing Dr. Spock, I had slathers of news about babies. I was getting better at It all the time. I learned you should bathe them ln a deep sink. for they're alippery as lost 908p in the tub. U they begin to alide away from you, the only thing to do ii ~ ¢1 • ' • ~·· ¥:+ STAii DI UPl.ANf AROUND THE WORLD fall on them. Like on a loose football. Grabbing an arm or leg is no good at all. They slide right through. I! you don't have a deep sink. u.se a basin on the Hoor They can't fall far, and you can sqwrt them into a comer where they can be captured. I WAS NAVIGATING by guess and by God, of course. The flnt child and I learned together. Talk about greenhorns. The mama was totally unprepared too and there were loud shriek.a of, "Hold her! She's going off the edge!" Whde I shouted, "Put a round turn and two half-hitches on her with the towel!" Surely 10meth.ing like that ow.st be happening with Princess Di and Prince Charles Does the queen call Di saying, "Now I don't want you to think I'm interfering, but you must watch out for raah in this weather." Babies don't get in the news much. I thought most babies were born in the back of speeding taxis. ''Police Sgt .. Father of 5, Oelivers 10-pound Baby While Passing Red Light" Those were fhe moppets we wrote about. Others you could have found under a cabbage leaf and never made print Of rourse my own were different. I button· holed people vicloualy and made them listen to the latest words. Does Prince Charles come to hll club with Polaroids: "Now THIS one, he moved a Uttle bit. But vou ~et the idea." (And from the bar.' the members drilt, drift away . ) GOIEN ON lllDGf BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF NORTH •U Q AJS 0 4542 +Keo WEST EAST • K Q 10 8 + 91H3 ~5 ~8U 0 QI088 0 U +Jl087 +Q53 SOUTH •AJ O KQIOtH 0 KJ7 +A9 Th" biddlnr: Nortli l:ut S-tll West I 0 Paae 2 ~ PaH 3 "J P .... 4 + Pa11 4 O Pua 4 • Pua 5 + Pue 5 I) Pua 8 • Pue Pau Pua Openin1t Ind· King or +. Usually, you have to draw all the outs1anding trumi-before you can execute an end play. But oocaaionally that la a luxury you canot afford. North-South u.ed • cue-bidding .equence to check on outside controls in order to reach an excellent .wn. Note South's decision to cue-bid the ace of clubs before the ace of spades. Modem cue-bidding methods have shown that, when holding both black aces, it generally saves a level of bidding tf you break the rule about firtt cue- bidding your cheapest control if that control ii in spades. West led the king of spades. At fl.nt it seemed that declarer might have to rely on the diamond finnae, but he saw there was a better line available. Declarer won the ace of spades, cashed the ace-king of dubs and ruffed a club high. He entered dummy with the eight of trumps and ruffed another club high, as East diacarded a diamond. Now declarer got back to dummy with the ace of trumps. Had trumps split 2·2, the end play would have been assured. Fortunately, it waa West who showed out on the second trump lead. This was the position: NORTH +I (;) J <t A542 . - WEST • Q 10 "6 '> Q 10 I I 9 . -. - SOUTH ., K 10 .., K J 7 ·-The opening lead had marked West with the queen of spades, llO declarer aunply led a spade from dummy. West won the queen, but he had a Hobeon's choice of ~tuma. A diamond would be lnto declarer's ten.ace, and a spade would permit declarer to ruff in dummy while d~ a dlmaond from hand Either way, the defenders were not going to get another trick. How do you choate the besr opening lead? Chari~ Goren has ihe at18Wer. For a copy of "Winning Opening Leads," son.d $1.85 to "Goren-Le.els. " care of tNs newspaper, P.O. Box 2.59, Norwood, N.J. 07648. Make checks payable ro Newspaperlx:JokB. Truth hard to handle Every mother wanta to believe that her child has no reuon to u~. Every mother wanta to believe stretch mark.a tan. too. Frankly, I have never undentood the mo1her. who declares, "MY child doe. not lie. He has no rea90fl to.'' Actually, he hu lix or seven hundred reuon.s to ... or at le.ut he thinks he doe.. All of them have to do wU.h (ear of acrewtng up and getttna punished f« It. flMA IOMIKI I ATWIT'SeNa Of ~ there are the obvtoua lie9 like. "Did you wuh your face?" Then you tee a 21-lnch toniue lick • path acroa the entire face and chest aa bo 1ay1, "Yea." MAYBE PARENTS JUST aren't looking for the telltale~ of 1,yinc. THE OBVIOUS REASON children become '° When you have forbidden your child io go W'iprindpled 1' that t.l\e rW• for tell1nc the truth swtmmlnc unchapftoned while you a.re at work are to Oexible. and you come homt and h1' er-.,. plnJc from Th1I ii the way It wcru. You cannot \Ike a chlGrine, hla hair la wee, hll cheat ta Nd and h1a coollde and ~ pi dld,n't. That'• lytna. finpn lhriveled from belnc ln the water tor fou.r When a cookJe, however, &alt. Wee the bottom boun and h4t M)'I he'a been retidlnc 0lntrod\Jctfon of a hamlter caae, you can't iell the truth. You have to Math EGuJUona" all afternoon, tbue'1 a to MY lt taltaa wanderfuL That'• bein& mm:Uul. pomlbtllty tW1 l,ytnc. Some of the ~t memorable ~ rve ever q AMI LANDERS by a denU1t ln bl1 early years and baa never s0Uet1 over It. lD a kindly way tell &be dear gent tut dentistry 11 very dlrterent today and tbere 11 almost no pain. Be1 blm to let you make aa appolntmenl -and TAKE blm tbere. Good dental beaJtb 11 vital and could mean added years to a person'• llfe. CONFIDENTIAL to Say It Again for the Yallu: Gladly. It 11 wise to remember tb1t 50 percent of the 1urfeon1 now operatto1 1radaated ID tbe bottom half o their claH. QUllllll By PHIL INTERLANDI of Laguna Beach ,;-"-AHO o / ~. i WESTf RN ART -c;:f, GALLERY \ -·--* -,--., t..... . ~-· 7 Z'I c '"' • .,... ......... ,,....,. ... -,.,..,,, .. ..,.. • ._......., "He must havt· i.old somNhing" • HOROSCOPE BY SIDNEY OMARA Fridari Jaly 30 ARJES (March 21-Apnl 19). You have plent} to say -an audience will be made available. Accent ora travel, education. ab1hty to overcome obstacles. You'U tra.Ncend distance and language barriers. TAURUS (Apnl 20-May 20). Fmanci.a.1 package or plan is offered -you do have choice. be aware of optwns. Focus on a phy~al attraction, creetivity, emotional responses. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20). Low-key approach proves constructive Ernpha.sts on maJOr adjustment in lifestyle. Legal document requires revie-w Individual who cares much for you will make co.ncesslon. CANCER (June 21 July 22) Study Gemiru message for vahd hint Define tt>rms. attend to basic issues and keep resolu tions con cerning diet, nutrilaon and health. Travel pl~ require reVJew. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): This 1s your power· play day, featuring money and love. Emphasis on production, creauvity, intensified relationship and abilJty to impnnt style. Financial representative admits error -you are due for substantial rebate. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You c.an rebuild on more solid base; many methods are outmoded and some relationships are drarnrng rather than st.imulaung. Accent on security, safety, long-range implications and completion of important transaction. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct 22). Ideas click; you'll be on the move. Accent on relatives, fresh concepts, new contacia and onginal format. A votd hNvy lifting. get to heart of matters. You'U be introduced to creative, excitmg member of opposite aex. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov 21): Follow through on hunch; lntuition is on target and you regain sense of dirtttion. Focus also on payments, collections, ability to locate needed material You're on brink of important discovery. Recent loss wiU be recouped. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 -Dec. 21): You'll be busy due to Increased social activity. Travel Invitation could be part of scenario. You'll be concerned about body image -weight commands attention. Gemini and another Sagittarlan figure prominenUy. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Patience is ally; focu. on restrictions. temporary conflnement and maze of detaHs adding up to legal red tape. Aquarius. Scorpio, Taurus persons play lign.lficant roles. You'll be in touch with one who ls inc.apadiated. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Member of opposite aiex heli-make wish come true. What you need is handed you on proverbial silver planer. Gain in~ vta written word. Be ready fOf' chanae. travel and a variety of aen.saUons. PISCES (Feb. 19-Ma.rch 20): Major domestk adjustment 11 highlighted. Foc::ua &lao on career, bu1lne11 enterprise, special promotion, added reaponslblllty and chance for lncreated compenaatlon. P01 SH01S · BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT ~ • encouni.ted hu oome frail the l'DOUt.tW of 11'1 When you ditcows' your cb1Jd throwtnc a 9Met child.Nn. Now that UM~N older the trvU\ Al JWt • over a new bkyde In the ..,... and ~ 1*r bttdnnlna to Allfacii on ~ l MYW ~ ~ ...... in t1'e ntflhbor))ood uad.YCKl IM.'.·--UU ~ ~ cllkil) dMild OM ........ ..._.~­ where M ~ \be btk.e Ind be~ Mr f~ It." rd lrcnt y~ With a Stiiak kJ\lt. and hoW • blbJ•u.r '* • f.w ~ onot diaNl a quart of idD an Nft Y.-n EV.. • f.wdiloowr¥d~Um.you .. acblldwl\At I hica tO admit ll'~7. bUt I a&liindail bt .. dcl6at and hi •Ylt "Nothl.~:· ht'• IJtnC ' thlit ~.• t cta.'l 1h1M I coWd baW-hiodW tb.roulh bill *-th. the truth . ........ ~, I f you knew ~ Susie like ushers did • • • BJ OEOROB IUCKER AllU................. . SUMI\ Hayward wu a bta atar when you could eee a movie without panmtal ,wdance. In her day Tarzan provided the only frontal nudlt)' on the .Uver ICl"ffl\. Well -almost. In 19&2, Su.an Hayward appearecl fOP.leM b) aocldent ln the hit motion picture, "With 1 Sona li'I My Heart,,' the film 1tory of li1'&W Jane Froman. Mllltona of movle10,er1 mlued th• embarTualni acene becau.. lt &ahed on the IC'l'eer. for barely the blink of an .rye. ru never forpt the u:ruque performance by the beauteou. Mill Ha~ard. BecaUle I aaw the movie 23 tlmel. . The movie made itl world premiere at the Minlcle Mile Theeter in Coral Gables, Fla., where I worked aa an mher while attend.lnc the University of Miami. It wu the cloteat HAYWAllO thing to a Hollywood premiere • YOU could get -palm trees, apotllghta. Umouainee and movie stars. Jane Froman wu there. So wu Thelma Ritter, who played the faithful maid, and Rory Calhoun. the duhing pilot and KCOnd husband. It was a gala night, even though the star of the ahow wasn't there. But we 18W a lot more of Susan Hay.ward than we expected. The hHd usher waa the finrt to noUce it. He watched the IC'ene a~ time before telllna the rest of us. We fiaured it had to be an optical illusion, but we heeded fiia instructions on when and where to look. It occurred during a busy dance IClene. Aa the camera dollied in for a cloeeu~ Suan Hayward'• partner dipped to pick her up aa ahe ra1aed her left arm to put around hla shoulders. Unfortunately, her strapless gown did not reach up with the rett of her. The theater manager saw it on the next showing and Immediately called New York, where the film would be shipped next. The offendlna frame, he waa told, would be tastefully snipped and the whole epi8ode would be left tbrgotten on the cutting room floor. Before it would leave for New York, "With a Song in My Heart" would_ be ~U'.P 21 t1mea at the Miracle Mile Theater. Amazitlllt, not a sing.le theater patron would notice the acew -although it cef1ain!y became a diversion for the bored uaher corps. "The African Queen," starring Humphrey Bogart and Katharine Hepburn. began a run at the theater the following week. By Tuaday, the head usher WM aeWna color slides of the bawdy frame extricated from the previous week's offertna. freez1na in time the f"*1lty of Miss Hayward'• bodk::e. A few ~ later in the Air Fon:e, "With a Song in My Heart" appeared at a hue theater where I was stationed and my curio.tty would tab me in for a 22nd lhowfn.I. At the crftkal .cene the film jumped. The frame had been cut. And l wu the only one in the audience who kneW why. But that did not wri\e finlab to the at«y. A decade later the movte would appear yet once more on the TV late show and I would retell thia tale for my wife. We knelt befClre the TV aet. "Now watch rtght here and you'll aee the film jump," I explained. It did not. There on the ama1l 8Ct'een w-. the unexpurgated veralon of Su.an Hayward'• only ~leis performance. MMsic by 9,.,, B•ch.irach Lyrrcs by Hal D11"0id Booe by Ntrl Simon 811ml on lht tnOOrt 'Tlit A1•trl1•irnl July 22-24, 29-31 & August 5-7 8 p.m. OCC Auditorium Tkli.ru S7 00 fro 4 S.1 puform•n<t .. SS 001liun ~rfonNnctt v,,.. 6 Mollt'torJ iotl1.-C.11 JJ0.,,110 '" _,,.,,. Oi'ange 06ut DAILY PILOT frtwreday, Juty ff. 1H2 UWL ;d1t1 Gibb 11 recovert.na from a nervous breakdown and drug addiction following h1a breakup with actress Victoria 1>rtndpal. BACKSTAGE -Andy Gibb (center) viaita backstage after a perfonnance of "The Pirates of Penzance" with stars Patrick Cassidy and Maureen McGovern . ~!!N~~~-~!P> 'w!_l _ra~~~~!.1:. Country ainger Barbara Mandrell will most educational, learning experience not be'bldt on televtaJon this fall but I've ever hid ... ahe vowa to return to the tube "But becauae of my total aomeday. involvement In that show" ahe "I can't give you any detaila yet, but worked 14 to 16 houra a day, ahe aaid. we will do aome •~" the ai.nler "I just couldn't hold up." pledged th.la week at the Cheyenne Nothing beata the thrill of live Frontier Daya Rodeo, where ahe performance ahe Mid, but TV allowa performed. The 33-year-old her to "reach the people," too, and she entertainer ls on a road trip that calls will return to it. for 100 ahows in 90 days. "I wouldn't want to do without She said "Barbara Mandrell and either one," ahe laid. "I'm born to be the Mandrell Slaters," the TV abow an entertainer. I'm trying to get to the in which ahe atarred with sisters people." POL: It knows what 1can1 you, ·-··--·'IM' NOW PLAYING ...... •c:ena ... hc>ltt~Or>welll ~c:-c-. t7t NSO 97Mltl ... ·~ ~ .. ...,. ~ ......... UtU3t 511 5MO • CGITA .U EltwwdS C-5•& 3102 ......... No matter how mMY good movln you ... thle·eummet; JOU tnU8t ... .. An omc. .... o.nu.m..: HOLLYWOOD (AP) -··~of the LOlt Ark" bu captured aeven award.I to out.dlatance all wtnnen u the Academy of Selene• rtctlon. Fantuy and Horror Filml honoNd the 1981 movlet th1t amued, debahted or tel1'f1ied belt. "Ltden," the Steven Spielber1- George Lucu adventure at11l drawfna millloN in re-releaae by Warner Broe. thia aummer, waa named belt fanc.Uy film ln votina. by 3,000 academy membera for the ninth annual competition Tueeday. "Superman II," another Warner Broa. releaae produced by Pierre SpenaJer, waa named beat actence- fictlon film. George Folaey Jr.'a "American Werewolf ln London" took double Awarda for beat horror film and make--up by Rlck Baker. Universal Pictun!9 diatributed it. "Raiden" star Harriaon Ford, who portrayed whip-crackln1 Indiana Jones, was named beat actor. Co-star Kar~n Allen took h on ora aa best actnsa. Splelberf's movie aJao won awarda for himsel , beat director; IAW1"ence Kaadan, belt writing; John Wll.l.la.rns, best music, and Richard F.dlund, best special effects. ( "Quest for Fire," 20th Century- Fox's interpretation of prehiatoric life, a1ao took two awards -one aa last year's beat international movie, the other a special a ward aa an outstanding film. "Butcher, Baker Nightmare Maker." released by IFM studio, topped all other entries in the best low-budget movie category. The best supporting actor award went to Burgess Mere<lith for "Cl.ash of the Titans." Frances Sternh.acen BEST ACTOR -Harrilon Ford. shown as Indiana Jones in "Raiders of the Lost Ark," earned a best actor award for hls performance. won aa be.st supporting actreaa for "OUtland." The academy honored Bob Ringwood as coatume designer for "Excalibur.'' Other special cltatlona went to "Time Bend.its," which captured the President's Award~ Gary Sakharofl, who was saluted for aervice to the academy. and Ray Harryhauaen, be.stowed With the LUe qareer award. LUXURY THEATRES lit'-' .. tl11ttSlltiihl(10NlYS2J:QU!lltuOtllerwisellatt4 S llir1J4ij•X11ll6J6~2ss1f~"h!.) S FOi FUOI EXCrTEmEnTI V111tOur... * ARCADE of GAMES•·:,., .... :; ) ! ' Orange OOll4 OAl~V 'ILOTntiufedlw, JUty "' 1MI Sh:e'S always been one of the boys MUGGING -Clark 8Ul"IOn Ueft) and David Hughes, both of, Costa Mesa, are featured in the melodrama "The Drunkard." playing ... Fridays and Saturdays through Aug. 7 at the Westminster Community Theater. CUrtain is 8:30 with reservations at 995-4113. TULSA. Okla. (AP) -When Suale Hinton'• flnt book WU tlOCepted for publJeaUon, the WU told lhe'd be w"9r to 1.11e her firat two lnJUala, S.E., lnatead of her tint name. Th• readLna pubUc, 1he wu told, would never llCC.'ept a book about boya -rouah, rowdy .. troubled teen·•ae boya -from the typewriter of a 17·year-old strl. Her advllen may have been rlaht ln 1967, when "The Outaldera" waa releated. But 16 du.zllf\I )'e&ra lat.er, wlth aa1ea from four novela apptOtiC"hll\8 10 miUlon coplea, America'• premiere youna~dult fiction writer hu little reuon to foeter 1uch concern. And tonlsht, when Suaan Elolae Hinton appeara here at the world premiere of "Tex," the tint movie bued on one of her book.a, her ldenUty will 1urprlle no one. "I can't Identify wlth a woman'• point of view," Ma. Hinton told an in~rvtewer. "I've always been a tomboy and I found that by writJ.ni with a guy'a point of view It wu euier for me." Her point of view hu hardly been at ialue. In 198'l her books outaold her competition by a 3-2 ratio, according to Dell, the paperback publiahlna company that 1pe>NOl'ed an S.E. Hinton festival. She is a modem-day Oklahoma auccesa atory, a girl born and raiaed in Tu1aa who hu grown to write novels of such strength and importance that they are required reading In achoola aero. the nation. Each book takes a hard, realistic look at the life of teen-agers -a departure from what Ma. Hint.on 'Borderhlaster' cranks up DEL RIO, Texas (AP) -The super-powerful "borderblaster" radio station where Wolfman Jack and "Good Neighbor" Paul Kalllnger once aandwlched hillbilly and blues records between long-winded mail-order commercials and whining pre.chers, may be getting back into the mUSlc business. Arturo Gonzalez, an attorney from Del Rio, says he has been negotiating for XERF -which claims to be the most powerful commercial radio station m the world -to broadcast an early morning country music show with commercials directec:f at the trucking eet. A show~{ that type after several years of exclusive religious programming could strike fear in the hearts of executives of U.S. "clear channel" stations transmitting thei r trucker ahows at a mere 50,000 watts of power. XERF, its tranamiller located in Mexico about nine miles south of the Rio Grande - and out of reach of U.S. Federal Communications Commission power limitations -operates at 2~0.000 watts and can send ita WOLnlAN JACK signal halfway round the world And now Wolfman Jack, a DJ known 'round the world himself. says from Hollywood that he is ''99 percent" ready to film a movie herf about the radio stauon and hlS exploits as a diac pckey from 1962-64. "It's an interesung story. It's more than juat the station. It's the era. It's the music, you know," says the gravelly voiced Wolfman Jack, born Bob Smith 44 years ago in Brooklyn. N. Y. "lt'1 the preachen. reported that we were coming In loud and clear and, 'Keep playing that country music, Paul,'" Kalllnger remembers. XERF advertised its mail ont.r wares -from plastic religious statues t.o ballpoint pena and rat poison -with a Del Rio malling addreta, Kallinger says. "Del Rio had to build a new poet office t.o handle the buainess," he adch. "We kept it in operation." Wolfman Jack worked at radio stat.Iona in Newport New., Va., and Shreveport, i..., before introducing bit guttural style on a midnijht ahow over XE.Rt ln late 1962. His howling record intros euily cau1ht the attention of teen~gera aearching for music"'after many radio stations had left the air. Aft.er le.aving XERF late ln 1964, the bearded disc jockey says he went to another border station ln Southern Califomla for awhile, before workini his way up to the "MidnJght Special" television music show. broadcast from 1972 t.o 1981. Now he broadcasts ln Engllah on 200 U.S. radio stations. MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE ,--you remember the preachen back in '62. They were a little bit crazier than they are now, you know.'' ~ llllTlllCTIO u_11_,.._,." Kallinger, a native of Fullerton, Neb., has been ,_,.,_.o-.i- afflliated with XERF sint'e 1946, and was .elected in 1979 as one of 13 living members of the Country Muslc Dtsc Jockeys Hall at Fame. One night decades ago, K.alllnger say1 he asked listeners to call in to determine the station's range. He says he received 80 calls from 43 of the 48 states, several provinces of Canada, Japan. Germany. South America and Greenland. "Ninety percent of the listeners that called in that mght NOW PLAYING COSTA MEI~ Edwards Bristol 540·7444 l IH> ~-ACCUTID 'Oii TH11.-11110ff I IAU IAYllE OllH81 UA MoYltl 990-4022 Edwwtl WNA!idft SUd111111 DI 139-1770 'COST~ IHIA 551 -DU5 WUTMllSTfll H8'Mf Twin 1131·3501 MIHIOI YIUO Minton C...1111 WHt FOUIYAll VAWY V11f0 Mall 495-6220 H1·3135 EiftNrds fMlltMI Velley 139-1500 •OllAHI C-.111t 834-2553 lllCClP'T=~~"'nlT • !1Eii70MMC!GIQHHI ... CNUort.......:,_ --··~· .....-........ ,., . .. f I llo• 1••1 .... \ ~ ,.,,.... cnu•u I ·'-•• .._..,.. ._ , .... HMbrW ,_.,,,, ~ ·q u'n u• )-,Cl lllU ~ ...... "'~ '" .... ~ 9t0.t017 .. U~ I •cal&.... ll f.-0 ••••Ir\•~ '"'"''' ~· \•O 1uc ••• 'uo •-1•f• IUCll -llMle ....... HVM•~ ~ (,,,.,.,_,. l•I O'IH •Jo 1\\J lMalll& llACa Wiil-"• .# "' ' ...... .. •• , lt 0t ..... rt ••• ' " ,., ••> • "'"""' '"" ... --w:-=-~!!:!!!!!J--~ I"°' •a.hit &CCtl"l'H •a.'"" ........... , j ,, "AIRPLAN• In a hoepltlll, ... w. .wtn.r,.alcksend fumlertMnlla predec •• ····" -------,. , . ,, ...... ,,........ vulglw,eciimellmee d-..Ung,end dellghlfutlv tunnv ••• I loved It.". _...,-........ ·TY.&.ee ..... ... u the "Mary Jano I'* to Lhe prom" type of youna-adult fiction that prompted her to t>eatn her lint book. "I like teen·aaer1, and I remember well. And I 1tiU have frienda who are teen•li ra," a.he laid, explainln1 her abtUty to portray tfi• characten ln her novell with auch vMd detail. One ot her teen friend• la 18-yur-old Matt Dillon, the 1tar ot "Tex" and the bor chOMn to take the lead rqles tr. "The Ouiaidera' and "Rumble Flah." both directed by Francia Fotd Copoola, whoee work.a Include "Apocalypee Now." r.'i'he With Burt & Dolly tltl• much lbn /IUI couldn 'r IH~all CNdomt 4 Track Ma1 Stereo *BARGAIN MATIN•ES • Monday thrv S1turd1r All Perform1ncea before 5:00 PM (hcept lpecill EllpflllllfllS lnC Hlllftys) f'TH! WORLD ACCOADtNO TO GAlltP" 1•1 u---. .t ti. ... I.Al. tt .. ------.............. __ "POL TEAGEllT., tNI i "AOCKY Ill" tN1--- •m&i• 'i1•1i1;.;"°) .. THl RST UTTU I ~IHOU'! IN TIXAS" "YOUNG OOCTOR8 -· .\ IN LOVl"1111 _..,._.. ..... _ ......... _ .. "AOCkY Ill" lll'OI • 70llm OOUY STIMO ----···- lAl<fWOOO C fNlER ~OUTH WAik ... "T'HI IWOMI AHO T .. IOflCCMJr 1111 ....... _,_.__ "OINIJr tlll --- •-. A'4 .., ANAHEIM DlltVl ·IN ... ._,.1 0•~·· 179·tUO .. STAR 1"EK I: ~HE WRATH O' KHAN" .............. I .. A M108UMMER NIGHT'S 81EX COMEDY" -tua.UOOM. __ _ "'IM.AOll lll\Htllr l"l -~THI IWOtlO AHO IOflCUtvr' o•I COi( "MIVMO ---~-----.. ----MTMI MIT UTTLI ~-TUAr1•1 -MALL NIGHT LOtfO" ... .,.., II J011110 A1 • "4/i 1·" LI~ &U'NA PARK (JWIVI IN ---~ -~- ' .......... . LINCOLN 0 111vf tN l•M ..... ~ .. ••II .. '""" 12M070 •111miiRJlii Mii Ot ... '""' et -.-11v<.i (~I t'2·Hll "ROCKY r (NI ..... .. n.r (fl) CN"- Ma. r., ,.... anRA· ,..MllTIUAL" 1001 ,._ "'OUD .... DOWT ftAll PUID" (N) "TH9 WOftLO ACCC>tll>WO TOO~"l!'I -MAIJTMUf'" .... ·nt1 MIT urn.a ~ .. ftXAl"1111 "ALL NIOMT L.C*O" 1111 --"ttOCW"' I -<:L.AIH CW TMI TtT Ml" -I -.. . .. , tt. •'r.llwA .'~ •• 1 .. --.... "YOUNG OOCT~ * l.OYa" 11•1 "~"!NI c ... "IOll'IO r HlAN&l 1·~·· :1 111t Black Stal.Uon .. &Uld ''TM Godfather." "Matt'• exactly the kind of kid I wrl .. about, thb kind of kid 1 want to reach,'' Ma. Kinton 11ld by telephone from San AntonJo, Texas, where ahe wu promoUf\I Friday'• openlf\1-daY 1ereentna of ''Tex" ln theaten acto11 the nation. To.nlaht'• premiere In Tulaa ta fttUna. 1lnce all three Hinton novel1-turned-movlea have been filmed In the area of the author'• youth. It la appropriate u well that the pttmlere will benefit the Women'• Amoctation TuJ.aa Boya Homt, an estabU.hment for YOUJ'l8 boya who tall Into the kinda of hard times det1eribed In Hinton'• novela. I Ill l<'>ll \' e:oo I a 8 Hlwt WOlfDI" WOMAN • TMllAINT I l .W.A.T. HAWAM~ The huM>end of MoOer· ,.u·a '°'"* n.no.. t. lnUfci.r.d • OVPIMY ''f rlende Al Afr'/ Afe" ~·Molly Picon (Al Q • HUMAHma ~TMIAlft'I "Sc11tplure M••nfng Tivougll Body't F-" 1=.= * * "Tuc;k Ewn•atlng" ( 1979) Frtd l<ell«, JoMptl Mec:Gulr9 A Y°'.ono Oifl mMtt 11n lmMO'lef ltnllly kl\OWn M Ille Tudla HO. DO< CAVITT GUNlt' H11ry end Jimmy Altz.,(AI . ~ .. QOVEANMIHT "The l eg.i Syetem" 0 IA.....VMILLM ... !~ ,-I cu NIW8 NeCNIWI t<UHGFU I UCNIWI 1(0.JM • M•A•l•H Hur• ~ ean't cope wttll the ao-•tlng room end ~ V91• • 11\100 • JC>KUfl WtLD ......... ~ (J) 11'.M. MAGAZIHf A ~1'• c:omebec* etter • peir etyDno lnlWY; • MM1 wtlO -I Flottde atligttor l1tm 0 ENTIRTAINM€NT TONIGHT Piii'! 1WO or en 1n1.....w with PIUI Mce.rlney, 1111 nm or 1 twc>-PMI fec>Ot1 on "The P-. 8ehlnd Tiie Stitt" QI nff. MUPPETI Guest· Juli.I PrOWM a:)MOVll *.. "Agtlht" ( 19791 Dustin Hotfm1n. v- Rtdgr•.,. In London In 1929. 1111 A"*'leltl ,__ ~ r~ ""'9t• end bec:omet lnYofYM wt1h lamed myatery wnter ... thl Chrittle, wt10 hM llfl Mt unllltllfut hulbend PG' ®~ ** "H~" (1t7t) ..,,. Hamploft, Cfwttto- pt.., ~~ol the United Stet• Cevelty try 10 tdjutt to rldlnO -... .,,.,..., ol ~ In ltle untltMd . ._.... T-of Ille 1IOOt "G" (?)MOVIE • * 'Ol'I HMwnly Dog" (1N0) ClleYy C"-. 8enji White ln-1101tlng • l)Ollll- UI Ml' tc:al'IClll In London, 1 private oetecttw ta mut• d«td tnd rtlnCWnattd • 1 ecrully dog 'PG' 7:ae> 8 2 ON THIE TOWN FHtured 1 llfk with tutllOrlllu 1b0ul -.ino Ind Ml!, I prof! .. of&--.' OtMn. .. lhll precileee "«lgeml'", t look It Hoity· wood'• dlettnctlW night llf•. I QI FAMILY fBJO EYE ON LA. Fetturtd 1 ,..., to 81 TllOmH, 1 reporl on Ille hott•t lfnt ol ewl~ lromltrMI • M'A'l'H When Frtnk d«lidte lhei alcOllo4 llU become • -10 the 4077th, .. ~ lotef profllbltloft.. I (J) TIC TAC DOUGH MACNEl 11..84 .... AEJ'IOAT CHANNEL LISTINGS FAMILY MAN -Max a.er 1tan u Hearst Circle, a motor court opera'°r, whose rural family life cluhes with the neighbors iJ\ "The. Circle Family" toniaht at 8 on KNBC (4). e 'AW\. TY TOWEM Wot1d Wer IOoml In h ,_ Mure u 8yc4I .,,... the hoepftal Ind Ba.ii ....,,. d"9 tlllnge ~· tPW1 I of 8) -di YOU AIKID FOft ff F .. tuttd "Rel Celctl« Of Tottyo" and "Dtl'lng Tot F .. 11 " (O)MOVIE • • '"Search And DHtroy" (1981) Perry King. Don Stroud. A tor. mer South vi.tntmeN ott1c111 '"-' re"9ng1 90tln1t the tour American• who tb&ndoned him In en llTll>ulll during tht Wilt 'PO' Cll~ INTE.MIE.OIA TE TO NNAHCB> Get in .nape, IOok good. and .... gr .. 1 with lhl• ~ 111-ptogtltll aoo e (I) MAGNUM. P .I. Magnum encounter• • tweggenng. cowt>oy lltl· -1no T...., wno took• ... actly Nile Hlgglnl (A) a a THf ~Aet..E FAMILY A motor COUf1 o0et If or I rwet 1wn;1y .. ~ with thet Ol Illa~ • MOVIE * '* * .. Cac>te'n 8food" ( 1935) Erro4 Flynn. OtMt de Havllland A tltY9 ~ rrOnl prlaon tnd becom11 en lnfamou• pirate. 8 0 DAAl<AOOM A TV reporter •-• a lltlt enc::ho<Mllll hat met With l~I pi.y, and • men llllnkl tllel hll aon'1 rldlO II receiving bra.dctett from lheptll (AJ 0 MOVIE • • • ''The Sellor Who Fell From G,_ W1tt1 n. S.." (1978) Kr11 Kr ... totlerlon. Swell Ml•. .._,on• "°'Y by v~ MllNma. Altet dlecerdlng 1111 car.-f()f "' Englilfl. -·· io.... •• -caip-lllln , ... '°..,,...her-·· INenefy ...,.,. demtnd• lor pettedbo\ • P.M. MAOAZJNE A gymt1att'1 COfMb&Ck after • ~ lnftKV •• men ""'° owna 1 ~ llllg.llOflWrn e MOW •• * ''The Dllftl ~ .. Of Har-a Home" (Pert 2) ( 1978) !left• Devi .. OtVld Actlroyd A young couple ....... the city 1119 behind to Mttte In • r-· ..... Enollll'ld town bound by • ttrange ~rty ritual IOI crop ltrtlllty eu.1.~1 "U 8 . And Clfleda· Vlolefrt Crime" The drwnatle dtf. ferences In the 'Mlent crime rll• IOI Caneda end the u s .,. 11udled • 8NEAI( PAEVIEW9 Roger Ei-1 and Ger'9 Slaket holt 1111 lnformatlw IOok t1 wf\&1'1 MW tl the mcMel ())MOVIE * *'h "Hlttory Of The World -Piii'! I" (1981) Mii 8'oott1. Medtlina Kehn ............ llllllory - IW'Om ~ -men lo IN SC*IMtl lnqi#- llllon -II eaM'lllNd 'R' .MCMI * * ••luf\dey LOYer11' CtM 11 0.. WllOer, Roger ,,._ ,_ mlddi...gtd men In dltfetent c:ountrlea 1te followed • they pur· -lheif --.o...,,. turee ·w l:IO. 000 COUPll OtlcM end ...... spend • ...._thln·h9'>P\f vec:•tlon In 1 CatlbDMn tourltt tr14>. • IHIAk PMVllW8 Roger Ebert and G- Slilkel Met en lnlormellv• lo«* 11 wflet' I ,_ •t Ille mO'Ale ID LAST CHAHC1 OAMOE Bttd s-.. ttlltl •bout the c:tiU-ol tnd curM for poor mllMge and aluoOllll pertOflNlne» 1:46 (%) a..M•eOOM t:OO 8 (J) IUNO AM9fT'ION o..n end th•• other top White HouM lliOel tre fired by Ntaon, after 11C10Mf1nO before the s.n. ... cornn'\111... o..n 11 ludgtd guilty by Judge Jotlll SlflcL (Pw1 3) (Al 88DIWMHT IT'l'OKl8 Whllt c:onflned IO Ille IP«ttnenl during 1 lire. Arnold ~ out the IChool bully on wtltt lie tlllnlll II I m.11 phane. (Al i 0 IAAHIY -.a.I,. Crowds of Peoc>ll llor-m • '#trelloute lo oet 81 OOY· ernme nt -owned lrozen chicken, end a men -"-•~for Pf• mtlutely W9'lllng Na obllu• i :i~ ~A Tl1.EY*ON HelTCMV • .,._ llMCtont 1700.1"60" Tht ~of Vie .... liOf\ of "'9 lr"9h peop. Into two 9'0Uc>I -one Cethollc: end ...uon..... tt'9 °"*" Pro1•1111t Ind UNonill - lleumined -~ THIEATM "Pride And Pretucttol" Allhe>ugfl EllUC>elh found Ille mamer o( Mr Detc:(1 Pfopoeel lnM.tltlng, ahe ...,,,_ the truth •bout Wlclrh1m and gro •• llthwned ol her form« bllnd ~lc4 (Plltl 4)(R) ~MOYll • • •;, "Shogun Allallln .. (1N11 Tom!Ut>uto WtklY· -. M-lro Tomlktwe A fonMr ~ MMt11n wtlC> -maneuwr9d °"' of hit petition by a rutn· ._ can of ep1ea ...-., tu• bloody rewnoe CIJ)MCMI * * "Only When I l..8ugh ' ( 1H 1) M1r1111 M1aon. Krlaly McNfcflol A ~ Y Ot'li ectr-,.,IKnl !tom 1 d~ c1n1c; Mier· mined lo,_'* cer-. her ,_ wttll • "'9Y· wright _, '* relellonatlfp with her 17 ·Y•lr·Old deughter 'R' (l)MCWll * * * "Tiie LMI Of Tiie Blue ~ .. (1979) Count 0 t<NXT ICBSI 0 l<NBC INA() 0 I< fLA lln<I I G l(ABC IA8() 0 t<FMA IC flSl 0 t<HJ TV find.I Cli) KCST IA8CI CD t< TTV find ) O On TV l Z TV 11 HBO Beelt, JM Turner A docu- ....,.tr; pottrllll of Ktnua City'• co ntrlbvtlo" to mutlC le ~led • min)' jezz greet1 getller In thelor Old union hell to per. form end remln'- Cl) l((OP TV llnd I f£) KCE T tP8S) 4lll 1<0Cf IPBSI C IC•N'm<l> 1 t fWORINY ,NY 311 IWTBSI l tESPNl I l~lm~I " S(>otllgllr e tC:.ble New\ Nt•twori.) e:ae> 8 QI -...1A8NA.I< The Cf-'~ Imo • woin- .,, .. --In lllgrl ecflool ;a~~ Oet«:11Ye Frtnlt Of'lbln goee ~ ... llgtlt • ~to '"-'IOete tlle Aid due for deaf Live broadcasts get instant captions "clOled" because the captions or subdlles are embedded Inside a TV llgnal in such a way that they're invisible on a nonna1 TV eel. That is why the deaf who want to view ABC's evening rwws program must pure~ a •Pld.al decoder. AliC, NBC and the PubUc Broadcaatlna Service provide their enttrtabunml procrama to tKe idlltl.tult ln Plenty oC time tor capdonl to be ;fntten. But the ~ ~ cennot be \lltd for Uve brtwtctlta. • The~ WOIW b}',•baWtC • atenoerapber_ t1pe 11&.0rt-hand nae.a of tb9 dlalaJIUe • the TV ~ai.ra. ' · The 1ttnosraphy eqWpiwnt, 1lmllu to that uMd In moet courtrooms, la attached to a capcJoninl oom~1tt which then ttanalac.. the abort-hand lnto r•i.deble capUone. The entJre prooe. .... _, two to driit MOOIMia; lht !ft'Utute llyt; eppere111 111~ ol 1 ... , .. , ... (ll)MOVll • ~ .... °' .. ICJll!f" ( 1NO) J._. ~. °'*• ............. A.._ ...... ~.wM .... If\ ~Ml It• ... INICh \0 Ille .,..,_. Mint tN .., ................. . ..._.brenllilllntttleMP 1111119 lu flellltf'a lrom W~ Che~ In I lOllt• N11'119111 'll'O. ()) f.Nl9l..A. THON • OOfNCfltrl hoe! Md Jout -lo oon1e11an11 wno OO"'P•ll •e•ln•t Ollt enothet -... tuted In lhla unctMO<td comedy OMle ww. ~•a MIU..,,.., ... WMhlngton ~ ..,i. denoe to clew • blgollld oop Of Wflll .,,.,_,. to be 1 1eclelly mottmect ltlOot• Ing. lll'ld pr<>tMtm• trlM Ml~ P9f1n.,. Lucy end.JM~~ 11~== ~ -NoNtd ,_ • lll1ow .....,...°""" • OD'flMY .. ~,_,..Bou (1U&-IMJY' The IM Of Frtna Boel. tM 0.-phytlellt llfiguW. ., f'9eC)Onllbfe '°' INplrlg IN COU<tt of A"*'-' anthropo109y, 11 d- -~A~ Cll ·t.AUM, twaTLAUM i.,U) ~ NIW8 Ul'POMNll MCMI * *""' "8oui.witd Nlghta .. (197tl Rlch1td YnlQuu, Danny 0. Lt Pu. A Ch!U- no youth uneapectedly r•l>lf• eglllnat the •t•nd· erda 11nd trlldltton1 of Illa neighborhood geng In «dtr to lulllll N• -n detlre IO pl rnaMed and help 1111 troub6e-Pegued younger blot..., eYOld Mii· dMlruc:11on. 'A' (I) THE IOUNO OF ~ Mtch1tl Moriarty and Joanna M1• lier In Wt ~ dt81'n41 •t>oul I WOMlll'I end lier ~ plOtt· Ing lht mlKd« of ,_ Mdlllle llulbend DMOVll • • "Ftlllng In Love Ag11n· (1910) Ellloll Gould. Su.Mllllall Y or\! A men goee to n11 lllgfl &tloOI reunion In IN~ tha1 he can retiYe the good t1mte ol lhe put. 'PG' (%)MOVll * * .. Uglltnlng Sword• 0 1 ONlh" (1974) Tornlleburo W1k1yema, M11•hlro Tomlktw9.A buehldo wer· rlOf. forced to roem Jlj)ltl •• a "hired -d." ll hunted by hla IO<'INf .,.._ mlea.'A' u:00ea811>aa NIWI • IA TUN)AY NIGHT Hoit Jiii CleybJigfl GuMt '"-Atdbo<--. D YOU AIKID "'°" ff FMtlnd' ''DonUy ...... belt•' .,.d .. Auel~ 1c:t1oo1 •• • M"A"l"H Th• 1urgeon1 al Ill• t0n1h Oectde 10 .. ,_,.. .. an Army doc:-.,1ary tflOllghtlng "'* unit. e llNNYHU 8-ny .. dt-10 the mtglC °'Holly~-"-1 ....... l'WP'Uftl DOCTOft .. Tl* NOUN Mlctlael 11 MllQMd to 11a111 •tlh -o•ncy °'*"'°"'· but tie can't 11 lll'ld the alght of blOOd (HJ LAUGHt Four lltnd..Yp cornediena are lollowed through nightclub petlorm1noet end tlltir behind-th•· --"-•!hey pu.-l&lglw and,_ 11:ao • Ill QUINCY After finding • tortuna In •toltn i--hidden In • oorpte. Quincy II tlked to 00 under-to IC>Ute a 1ewe1i-. GQITONIQHT Holt. Johnny Cet90n 89 UCNEWI ..aHTUNE a ~ ••• "The~·· ( 1938) Fredric; March. Altlm Ttmlroff Pl<ate ~ Ltfttte lids v. Unlltd Stal• In Ille Wer ol 11112 • THE J9ffMON8 a.oroa tddl fuel to the llre by -ting Lionel uc> with a bMullful glfi iPerl 2) • IAHllON> ANO ION Fred le fOfced 10 find•,_ l*!llW for Ille junk ywd when L1mont ••.ti• ~I.....,.., .. • UNOIMTAIDNB HUMAH 94A"'°" ·~t>notmet~·· ID CAPTIONID MC NIWI (D)MOVll • *'h "A91JV9dY M1111" Orange Co .. t DAILY PILOT/Thurad1y, July 29, 1982 •• RI thrMlanM ~ ln>f\Ut 1110• WOYll * .... "Mllnofrep" (IH I) Jellrey l4u111tr, David JentMf'I " w., ... .,"" It ..:==:.-.~-~-;;:.,:,:"" llloohollc lnlo • nt7tl W•rn• "~•· Qayll HUM!OUtt CellM to """ to dOcltof • mo¥le IC:tHnpltJ, I l'lllffi.d KNBC (4) 8:00 -"The Ctttle Family." Family llfe of a motor court operator clash• with the nelahbon . \llOllftl IOOll«y Army Dud~ l:IO. VOYMITO IOnOMOf',.._11/1. "Felet Cwgo" ArnarlC.,, llrtdt lllmttll , ..... illQ 111 iov. wttn • mer lted lnglllh WOMM 'l'O' 11:00. * .... "HIOh ....... (Ifft) JoNt 0.911, !lfliM llewatl A ..._ ~ ~ Ille tMl« In the moun111U11 ho*I up with 1111 adulterout wl,. llld 1118 Oetlnet KABC (7) 8:00 -"Darkroom." A televt.J.on reporter f U111 a 1tar anchorman hu met with foul play. ... CC> MO'M * * •.,. • H1111en1 Above !" ( llHI ll'eter ....,., O.oll fllerller A well•me1nln9 reYtrend beoolllee 1 blthop In outer ...-.,,., l>lfng rejeattd by the PtltlllllonMt to WflOM ~ WU Niil by Mi9- ltkt • ''Wflell The Nonll Wind ltowt" (1974) Den Heo otrty, Henry Brtndon When two 81berltn tnOw 110-1 tetroru.e 1 lm4lll Yll• •aoe. • moun111111 c11m1>er 1111.H to lht lllHa In -on ortnem KNXT (2) 9:00 -"Blind Am bl lion." Conch.won of a three-pert drama about ihe life of John Dean during the Watergate crtail. (R)MOVll *'" "In God We Tru•t" ( 111801 Merty Felclm1n, Andy t<eutmen A netv• monk It Mnt out into tlle world to rllM money IOI hll U'npoverllhed monut· ~·PO' • "ft1eyCell Me~ 1111" Ge orge Hiiton. Chlll'let Soulhwood KCET (28) 9:00 -"Ireland: A Televlslon Hiltory.'' The division of the Irish people i1 examined. 9 * • ,,_ "The Kldt Are , Alright ' ( 1179) The Who ~ootege or eorne or tlle rOGlt bend' 1 1)1110<mtnOM 11e lnllfllC)IWMCI' wlJll lntw· ...... Of the llfCMIP "*'1· '*' ·ftO' (1111)...., ..,.,., Ille ~In 1"'4 ....... ~ ,.,.._ In • M\911 .,.._ ._.. uorifloee ,..., ...,...ln lM~ ..... ..,. h• • lllCW1 .,,.., ~ • oomb.M-bound .... •. 'fl'O 11:GO • ..,..,.,.AINMIHT TOHIGHT Pert 1-.o of tn Int.,.... with ttaul MoCattnev. tne Int of • ~1 1190fl on "The Pa....a 8ehlnd The, • .,. .... 80 vmAa Oen helOe •n old pr~· 1or wtic> too41 • fortune In c-. "°"' • oroup 01 gang. tter1. (A) • MO'lll * • * "In N•me Only" ( 19'9) Clll'ole Lomblll'd, Caty Grent A ttlfllll wife whote only oonotrn IOI her '-bend I.I Ille llalUI and WMllh 1111 n¥'9 ~"QI 11 eundlly rtfu... 111171 1 dh1oroe 111411 would -bit lllm to IMorr)' the women lletMlly'-. ·LOYI.~ ~ "l.o¥e And Tht l QOlcel ~Uofl" Dotty llndll • pelr of blecll pentlM In her lluebend't ur ... lo,,. And Thi Groupie" A butl- meneger _..... I rOdl linger'I ldefttlty IOt 1111 - n6ng (Z)MOW! • * * "Fwne .. ( 1980) lrent Cw1. leny Miller 8-"al gilntd 1tudtnl• t1 • ....... York high IChool fOf the performing wt• ell«i**- Ywloul tttbecil• end tuc:- -of bolll pet"torlll and profMafonet natur .. 'R' t 2: ti CC) fltlCMm • •.,. "TM GumbeM ~­ ly" ( 1978) Mk:hMI Sen• I.In, Tlrtl MdnUre A gutn· b .. mecHne .. the gt9nd pm In t ...... Yorll-«o-l.OI Angeeee QM ,_ wftldl btlnOI .. tonl °' z.tny ollartotere onto lh• 11t t1on'1 hl91M•yw •nd Ne* roede 'PO' (ll)MCMR * *~ "OtiMxy OI Terror"' (1•fl Echloerd Albert. Ertn "4lren A ~er­_,,,_. a oot.n. of ........ "'~~ .... loo6llftg tor lnOtfW _.. stretlded on • b -blddW'G plen9t .,.. 12:a0 a ca LATI NIGHT WTn4 DAVID l£TTW'MAH a..... Jofln Helll-.ll °' ,,,. rock group Super- tternc>, MhO< Ortld Wei· lectllnaky. l\aavywtlgllt l>OQt Gerry Cooney, MOY• le fight c:Ni<eogrepher B H a.ny. IF • •"' ··For Your Eve• Ofty" (19811 Roger Moor•. ToC)OI. J-Bond trte1t1 • cr1mlntl who pur10lnad • top MO"el 8rttllll defenM ~.'PG' .MO'lll **14 ••Qeluy Of Terr«' ( 1 INI I) Edwltd Alben, Erin Moren. A ap-"lp Cf- encounter9 • cotltte of lrtglltenlng 111eor1 cr .. IUt• wlllle lootllftg lor "'°''-.__. 1trtnded on I I«· btOdlng plenet 'A" tt:40. (I) MCMU.AH. WR WMn thelt ,_It rocaed by M ..ntlQIMkt, poliOI COf'lllNMIOMf McMlllM Ind ,.. Wife dlloowor • 111 .... on In the Nl>ble ot lhelt.,.._ 1:.00 • MOYll •• "'Cetlb~ .. (1952) Jotwl ~. Mene Oehl Plr•1ff In th• 1700• ettempt lo tae -1 Cw· lllOeen llland. • MOYll * •14 .. PoW!t Of Terror" ·p11111 ,..., Cetptnter. Dy.,_ Thorne. Foflow4ng a treglc cer crUll, • young 111e11'1 fMllnoe or rTIOttMd guill1 producie em._ie tf\et leltr erupt• to d .. lroy lllm. 1:108 MOvtE • • • \t "Chla.;m'" l 1970) John Wtyne, F0tr•t Tuck· tr A c.llle b1ton tnllata Ille tld of Biiiy the Kid In llgtlttng oorrupt, ~· ~ , ... ofllotr• 1.l~HIWI ()VllNQHT 1:40 CID MOVll * * * * "Amglnt Bull" (1HOI Aober1 0. Niro. C.thy Motllll'IV Bo••no ~ •• La Moll•. epllt11de for vlolanc:• bttnge lllm -In Ille ring bul d11Npt1 hi• per- tonll Mfe 'A ~-MOW * • * 'Lady Luck' t 1e.111 !Wbetl Young. Bltberl Hiia A young lady !Mia 111111 mltNlge " '"' .,,_ to reforming lier g1tnbler boyfriend DMOVIE *** "SOB"(l981)Wll- 111m Holden. Ju lie Andr-A mOVle dlrec:IOf wtic> hu )Ul1 flnllhed a rnulll-mllllon dOllar turkey eoee rrom •lltmpled ""· clde to 1 tmtrfely '"8pired r•lhOOttng ol Ne epic 'R' 2: 10 (C) MOYW * • 'h ''Shogun Auauln'' (1981) Tomlteb<Ko Wtkty· ltNI, Muehlro Tomlkewa A t0rmer ehOgun .-.In ""'° -metieuvwed ~ of Illa l)Olftlon by I rvlh· ... den of 804-YOW8 10 &ek• l*IOdy .-. 1:11Cl)~ t::IO. MOYll .... e.-t Of The Died" ( 19701 Jolln A•hley, Cttleete Y trntll A med doe!Ot •bduc:t• a young ~er tn Otder to ••pert· rnent on '-body ~= • • • ••CeckSJe (1981) ....... ~ Jtc:ll TllOmp- aon A young wom•n ,....,.. her comrortable auburbtn home tnd lier crvel huabend, determined to ttll• IUll rttp0n8lblllty lor M.tP90fllng lier Chlldrl<'I by dolOQ what..,., odd 100 .. h• can oet. a-..o!L..-wa • • • • "Regino &.tli'" ( 1980) Robert 0. Niro, Cllhy Mor1erty Boalng chetnplon Jtke l l Mo111'1 aptitude tor Ylolence brlngl IMtn -In the ring bu1 dltr\lpll 1111 per. _,., ... 'R' 1:00• IUTPAmc>L A MdlttlC SS C8')1111n err..u • Red Croa WO'k· tr wtic> 18 vedclnattng t North Alrlc:an Ylll•o• 4:00. MOYll '* ... "WW Of The Claigltl• IUM" (1NI) ....... Ttm· blyn, Kum! Mlwno A pelt of l'l\Onllltl cl&a/\ beC9IJM of oonfllc1tng pereon•t• .MOVll • * 'Sund1y LOYera ' (191110-Wiider Roger Moe><e Four mldd ... eged men In different c.ountrlM -fOllOwitd M they PIK· -their --td....,. llK• 'A' 4: 11 (Z) MO'lll • • "Otl Heevenly Dog" ( 1NO) OheYy Chue. Benji While lnYMllget"1g e polltl· cal Nit ICMdel In London, • ptllltt• d.iecllw 11 IN.Ir· ~ Md rtlncltneted 11 a 11etulfy dog. 'PO' •:ao. VOYAGI TO ntl eoTTOM 0# THI llA "Tiie l)Hdly CIOud'" Frldat1'• Bayt f 111e .ff orft-• 7.46 (%) • * * .. Tiie Gr .. 1 G1t1by" ( 1949) Alen Ltdd. Betty Flekl Bued on Ille novel by F Sc:ott Fitzger • 9ld A -tlthy 1920t boot· ltQger devot .. lltr. hf• 10 rec1 .. m1ng tht woman ne iov .. 1:00 CC) • • The Hulller 0 1 Musc:le 8Hcll 11910) Roc:h&rd Hatc:h Key l enJ A IMllllltme hulller c;on. ""'" t ~ to tum I SIOw·w•lled 1m1teur into • •orld c:la• body·bu•ld•no clltmp!On 0 •• Nl\ler~et lend Pe1u11 Clerk Cllnt · 11an Heneon A nine-ye1t· Old g111, who 11&1 ~ abandoned by both her mother and l1tllef. linda eecape lrom lier lonell..-a w•lll • aensm .... 111nlly f:30 (ijJ • • "Aunnlno Soared .. f1972) Ken W1ht. Jonn Saaon Two former Gii ltll unde• 11<J1p1<:ion 01 con- 11>irtng to uwlld• • Ctr•b· bMn c:ountry PG' t:30 IZ • * • •., 'The lut Tycoon (1979) Robefl O.N>ro "*8nne Mor-. In 11\t Holly•ood Of Ille 19308, one m1111'1 tuCCtet m&ktl hlfl'I Ille lrlend of •t«•. '"' tnyY of power 11unorv uecu11....s, end the moet ellgll>le oacnetor 1n town PG 10:00lC• UnionCtty 119801 Deb<• Harry PG $ • *''\ Where The Boys A,. I 1IMIOI Oolotft Hart Georg• Htmilton ~ YOUl\9 -IOWI l'1e llOrdet of FIOrld•bound colleg•-d\Jttng Eaater vacattQn 0 • • '>' Regoedy Men .. 1198 1) 5, .. ., Sptcei! Eric: Aob4W"l1 In t944, a ,.._ phone oper110t 1n a amlllt r .... town a.tcrllt<»I lier 5t•ndtng In the community when the llH a lhOrl 1tr1>r ••th • cornb•l·bOund ttil· 01 PG' 11 30 'Cl***'• "S.rry lyn don ( 197!>1 Ryan 0 Neel, Mar11a 8ereneon A lllll'ld· aorne SOidier tlnda ection and rom1nce In Ille t81h- G«>tury Brlllah army PG <R) •••• · T_." 1111191 NHt11111a 1(1na111 Peter Fu lh Tiie dtugllltr ol I poor Engll1h termer t>ecomes the VICllM ol '* f1tn1ly I Uj)lllllOnl encl lier own t>etuty PG 11 ·45 <% • * • Onc:e In P1r11· UO C%l * • ··TM Belttrnore Bullet' ( tt801 J1mH Cof>urn, Orn., Sherif A am•ll·llmt pool hutllw mutt rtltt &20.000 end win 1 bl9 tou1n1men1 oetore he cen ,...... • rematch with en Old oppo- nent •• wflO ha8 -toll at1nygame 'PG 2--00 D • •' • 11'1 My Turn .. ( 1980) Jiii Cl1yburgh MIChHI Oougi• A brlf· 11ent Clliea90 metll l>'OI .... 10t l'Mll-Iha probltrnl Ill lier IMMn reltt.Jon.,,1p WMn 111141 llndAJ a ,_ IOW whllt In N.-"°'" '°' her lllher'I rem1trleoa R' 2:80 (H) • • ,_. "Sllr Trell ·• Tiie MotlOO Picture•· t 1919) W~lltm Sllltner. Leont•d Nlmoy The former com- m1ndet ol the U 8 S Enterpr-r .. _.,... Na Old crew and Mt• off on • mlNIOn to tlnc:l lhe mytltrl· 001 YtlMI retlPO"Sll>le '°' Ille oeatructlOn OI numet· ~• Fedtr111on tttltU\lc>I 'G {IJ * * ··Spy With My Face ( 19116! Robert Vtughn. Da vid Mc:Clllutn r o d•te0ver the key to • ntt• super.weapon an enemy apy eoenc;y crNtn 1 double lor UNCLE tgenl Napoteon SOio 311 l "** > Tne~ Tycoon 119761 Robert O.N>to Jeenne Moreau In tne Hollywood ol the 19:10• one mll\ • ~ ,.,... .. him Ille lrienc:I ol tt••• the tnYV or POWe<· hun(lf) ••ec.Jttves. and tt>e moat e4>g1t>te bac:helOf in town PG 3:30 0 • • • ··1 Hate 91onOH j19811 Jl!lln RochOrort. Em1co Mon- teu.no Thl9Vo~ d1.c:o...., tnet 1 wetllhy no11el1s1 1 l&IMI wor~ de..:rtbft in detail 1ne ~tty sy•lem prottK;lln<;j Ille v111uablff 1n "'-"~ 41JO 0 • * • Gidget Goes , Ht•al11n (IG611 JemH Darr11n ~l>Ofah Walley A c:•111n or •ac:111on romeoc:ea •• c;omplleated by ,,... lfflYlll Of GfOOet • bOyl<tend C * * * 't t he H>gll 4nd Tne Mighty I 19S4J Jonn Wayne Clalre Trwor An ••<plan• ""1h 22 p-. gert aboerd runs onlo dan- ger en r~ll IQ San Fr1111- c11eo 0 • Ir > H11tory Of Tiie Wt><l<I -Pan I ' l.Q8 \I U. Brooks Madel•ne Kihn M•n • 1llustr10oS lltstory .. lrom Netndl!fthal c:••• men 10 the ~ 1nqu .. l•hon is exemmed R S 00 H * • Crossbt• John lrt'lond Brent C•••e< 4 n Olympic bronze medal- w1nn1ng h1gn 1umpe< strug. glea to return to IN! spor-t allei 1051ng a leg 0 • • • • Stardust Mem- ori1'5 119801 Woody Allen Cllarlotte Aampltng A IUC· ceallul duec:tor I-a pet eon•I cna1s aa lie tries to make some m11or <19c>- ••on• '" hl111tfe PG 9 20 % • • * TheOreet G111by I t949) Alen Ladd. Betty F..id Baaed on me nov.i by f'. Scott Fitzger- ald A -•llhy 111201 boot· ~ devot .. II.a Ille to rec:tt1m1ng the woman he tOYfl JOHN DARLING by Armstrong & Batiuk we:LL., .JAN. 1 Guess THERE'S REALt...Y ONL"t' ONE 1._.1NG TO 00_.;_!_.,, WHAT DO YOU SAY we 5W1TC H RATINGS 5ER"ICES! At 72, he's still in showbiz 'Tonight' producer o¥ersees popular late-night program "The show has matured the ame way the country hu," says De Cordova. "When Jack Paar WM dolnc 'Tontcht: he eot Into trouble for doina a joke about a w .c . (b9throom). In thOlle days, you couldn't uy 'PftlMJ\t' when 1how1 did venture Into the bedroom. and there were 1eparate bed1 or creaaea In M\ween them." De Cordova. 72. prod~r of NBC'1 "Ton.l&ht.•• OVerteel the ~ laie-Ngh\ proa,:ram. He clM!du the ma\eftal aotnc lnto Oaraon'1 daily monoloaue, monltou reheat11l1 for the 1on1-and-dance number., mo.. the procrem'a "*11 and ... uy .. \W chtm \he taook when the convw.Uon ,_ deedly. '1 )adp by Johnny"a.ct='t ln .. ~MdthtM 'It whW. .-.t alwa11 11 the ..-;" ..,.. Ot c«dova. 1'1 ~ for en ~of l'*'I· f dOn t J want to see 1t become too Las Ve1as s h o wblzzy. or too pretentious and Jntellectual, either. "Now that we do a 60·mmute show (It uaed to be 90 minutn), we're essentially • two-guel\ show, 10 we have less leeway." De Cordova stresses tha\ "Tonlaht," which le being challenged for v1ewel"I by ABC'; "Nlahtllne." la an mtertalnmc?nt pro1ram. lt'a never 1onc (or poUtJcal guesta\ althou,J\ Cal"IOr\ WIN his topical monolOIUC u .. aeml-whtm1lcal check and balance on I0"""1~nL Carton'• rule of noee-thumblng II to atwck the t.anpni., not the t .. uu themaelvu. Nancy ~·· china policy or the t'I cbee9e ptCllrall\ ate air pnw. "Nothlnc w taboo " 10" do l\ ln aOOd ..... and tun.·· aald De Ccriova. , Oranoe OOMt DAILY PtLOTIThurlday, J~ ... 1111 l' .. 't\.L~•Lll JO( flm UJM, Newpon IMcb leeden have~ to u.ae an unU1Ul1 IONn8 provtalon to, protact • poup or Mobil• home park tenant• by maktn1 H dWicult for ownen to convert the smk to• different ute. j Tlu 1ontn1 provlalon r~portedly never before uaed !•Iona the Orana• CoHt, waa applied thJa wetk by the City CoUncil to the 291 .. pace De Am.a Bayside Vlllqe, a park tucked ln near the Upper Newport Bay. • 'lbe moY9 preventa ownet1 of 1the mobile home pa~ from takinl ld'vaft• of the ib"N on th4t prk land wtchoUl _, throuc" ~• HrlH of p\ibllc hMl:lnll and mwttna n)AMllWI condtttona. ' Th4t DI Ania park la zoned u a planned communl\y. Park wnanta, who claim the owrutr'I want to phue out the park, apl))auded the mQve u a vtctory. 'Park ownen, thouah. blaated the uae of the 1one provtaion. Tom Peckenpauah, attomey for the ownera, charged the council wu ainallna out hil cllent and ford.n& them to aubsidize mobile home tenanta. GOOD Oil BOYS --Phtl Hams. left, and strummer Roy Clark ham it up in rehearsal for an upcoming segment of television's "Hee Jlaw0 which will begin a new season this fall. Ill THI •CURD 80UTH COAIT .-.. 2 mDICAl CIJf1"l1' Mr. and Mn OeWI .._. Costa '1:1.:' ..... gift Mf'. end...,._ Pn«to, Lligune Mr. end Mr~.:ro• An11ao1. e..tt. boy. ..... • !MM, pi Mr. end Mre. Merti Senzlg. South Jwte 7 I --...... Mr lllld Mre "-Ok*. Irvine. ------·· ....... ...... -· ...... Mr. and Mre. Jemet Hud1on. Mr end Mra D••ld Motleh•n. IMne. glt1. 111M 14 IMne. boy Mr. end Mre. Stf191*1 Thomae. "-11 IMna, boy Cynthia Stott. I~. glf'I . ..... 1'1 --11 Mr. end Mn. W1tllem Frenl. l..eguna Mr. end Mre. J-Wlnker, lrWMI. Niguel, glt1. boy. .... Mr. end Mre. Pettier Oele. Belboe boy. ...... Mr. end Mrs. TModorw CeldMI, ~ 8-:fl. glt1. ..... n Mr. end Mra. Merco1 Nunez, UiguM a.ch. glt1. lllMM .-..21 Mr encl Mra. 8ottl Oulteyto. Coste ..... glr1. ~m.DICAI.. CllNTD ....,, Mr and ...,._ Matti Simon, lrvln9, glr1. .Mr I 11l 1en1e there'• ..,.._u.ra on the COUftdl to do ~ for Dt A.Na but thll wW only encow-aae othH 1roup1 Hk• them fo demand mo ... condlt1ona and uk the council to do more and more fOI' them," aa.ld Peckenpauch. City offlciala aa1d other moblle home parka ln Newport have expreaaed lntereat ln the r.onlnai proviaJon. Peckenpaulh complained th.at the sonlna provilton la IO v.,ue ''we can't tell what we ahould do, when we ahould do It or how we ahould do lt." The proviaion -known u an overlay zone -does not erue the tNe ~dll&padon but make9 tt for ownen to make '--of ' aont. N one ctty ottldal noted, &h• overlay aone fore. the ownen to "JumP. throu1h aeveral more hoope ' before they could ~ out the park. Tenanta and ownen have been locked ln a year-lon1 dlapute owr rent l.ncreull u well u the unanaw•red queatlon of bow lon1 De Ansa wUl remain a mobile home park. MOit tenanta hold leum \bat explre ln 198& and cla1ro the o wnera have rene1ed on a prom!le to extend ~..... The ownera ltatt ttiey have not rtliC1*I 1 dlcWor\ on wM\ they wUl do. The park ownera lNH the land from the lN1ne Company. Th.la ..... txplNI ln 2013. Ho1pitals merged J'Rl'BNO (AP) -Merpr ot c.ommunsiy and Siem MIP'tall ln ~ WM announced. 'Both t.adltti• wW keep ~ 1WM1 but Will function under a non· profit h9Jdlnc ·corporation to be Called c.ommuruiy lbp&tala of C-entral Ca.Utomia. Black & Decker~ Reg. 48• 5'' Bench G'inde' Reg. 4.,- % HP Route, YOUR . CHOICE NEW ST AMP -Thia 4-<lent awnp featwina a NpCmCh wUl be l11uea Au1. 18 in Milwaukee, the U.S. POlltaJ Service announced. , Mr. end Mra. D••ld Hemtlton. uoi-BMc:lt. pi. •· itfd ..,.._ Gtant Wlftere. South l.egune. glt1. ,,... -... and Mrs. Jon Mohler. L.- ~boy. Mt. end Mre. Ju Feulker. eo.te M-.pi. ""'. a.fr. end Mra . Greg Plett. Huntington a-:n. glt1. Mr. end .. ,. ScoC1 Hunter. Costa ..... boy •alfr11•lar-·· - J•llJ , •••••• breeze away the hot spells 4••••• ........... . elttlHn, er 18 ••• 11 atJI• Alumonl o42'' table with temperoct glut top, and 4 11m chalra. Sturdy. gorgeou1. m1ny color1 to chOOM from. , • ...W COICJT..-rt • HCMPfTAI.. Mr. end Mn. ~d Hammer. Jntne. glt1 ...,. ~r. end Mr• John Walter , ttunllnOton 8-ltl, gift. EAT.HS SEW HERE • PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) r-Alexuder J. Sblsletoa, 83. fonntt chairman of the a>oard of the Callex Ji'etroleum Co rp . and ~ruultant to Texaco lnc., flied Monday. , , ; CHICAGO (AP) -Dr. ~"ert Dorfmaa, 66. an fnternatlol)ally known ~edical reaearcher and fU~ on human .C.Uca ~ tries, dled y. Mr. and ...,.. J9lf F«entl. eo.i. ~.gll ST.~ HOSPITAi.. .-.21 Mr. end Mre. K.nneth Stanton. Huntington 8-ctl. boy ...... Mr. end Mra. Peul DeMera. Huntington 8-::h. boy. Medical program offered Saddleback College in Mission Viejo ls offering fall aemes1er OOW'9eS to prepare students for employment as medical asalatanta wtth clerical or c llnlcal duties in a doctor's office or clinic. The program includes an lntemahip of about l~O working hours In local medical offices. f TOKYO (AP) -Watan Thia_program ls part of the college's curriculum Jaji, 79• a poli1ical writer for studenta to qualify t:'ble ~ ':iie ~~ for an Aa.ociate of Arta States and the Sovtet UnJon. degree i n M e d l ca 1 Mied Monday of cancer. Aas1ating, said instructor ~ Beverly Stavro. • PHILADELPHIA (AP)_ Fall enrollment begins 1>r. Rlcllard Ken, 9 l, Aug. 3 for continuinf ~rofe11or emerltui of atudenta, and Aug. 1 ~edlclne at the Temple--for ~ and returning nlveulty S c h ool of students. edkine, died Monday. For information, call 831-4700. SIMI VALLEY (AP) -s. -..., .une.a. 88, father ot 1sters get ~cton Jamea Arneu and .PNr-Grava. dJed Monday. prison terms . 'Nl:W YORK (AP) -LOS ANGELES (AP) ormer l'lfth Dlmen1lon -Superior Court Judge DuMI ae.r.J 32• wae Juliua A. Leethun haa ma blaae on me upper d s •t Side that ud been aentence two an tllberaiely Ht, official• Fernando Valley alsten to prilon after they admitted defraudJ.na the county of more than $2US,OOO I.I\ welfare llnce 1974. Deputy Dhtrtct Attorney Judy 01ty u.ld the women, another ... and their moihet all conf.-ed to cbarpe Ul8)' u.d phony bU1h cerUfkates to beck up US ~ .. cla1ml !« food ~pe.~AJdco FmnWawitb~t Chlldren and 1eneral ..mt.ance. , ..... _ Ball• quillty glau Great tor Jelll" & preselvn 8 oz. alzo1. C1aes ot 12 311 # 80800 Reg. o4 79 tl-011 f11r I 1111 twl1 ,aok 1s-oz blaall bug• right now Reg 7 49 5·~ Put a 3-•PHd. 20 .. box 22•• Ian In your window to COOi your home #3713 12• :Z..SP"d 18 88 # 3712 Reg. 25.99 .......... ..... • ........ , 0111 ..... .., .. , ... UHi wind power lnst1od of electricity to cool your home economically. W812 . 1911 !' I \ tla• st1l1 tlllf ............. , Glldden'a Boat Exterior oll stain. comoa In aolld and tran1parent. Many colors to choose from. Reg. 13.99 9~ ............. ...... ll11H I 1r111,111t "Metchlng" Olldden HOUM & Trim paint. l!xoell.nt trim paint that exlOtly matcb ... Reg. 19.99 •• Liquid prop1ne Of natu- ral gaa with po11 ind blN LP Reg 232.00 NII 119.95 149.95 #100 Reg 290.75 239'' Gu Reg. 184.00 .... a.a.a.,... 111 ... 1u.• ............................... tM Off ,,.......... . .......... .. 7'14' circular aaw from Skll. Give• extra cutting capacity combined with super comfort and handling ablllty. w. H.P. motor. 1574. Reg. 39.99. 3400 ttt•••J I" relltr trar ••• For latex flat paint Join the roller derby Reg. 3.89 ~wn Chlef~1·· rear bag mower la self-propelled. 3'A h.p. EJec. trlc atarter. #84. Reg. 269.95 24911 3U-gallon we.tar "-* wfth en.rgy Mvlno temDOfaturo ehvt-ofl. Beat 91 .... llMd tank llner In the lnduatry . 111•• lllJNll 'ofUMOAY, JVLV'lt, 1111 GllSllFllD OOMICS 06 C7 Getting a chance . Pine Brothers tak~ advantagtr,, 13-1 BJ CURT SEEDEN or .. ....,,......,. With an All-IW lineup that tncJude. the Ukea of Re11ie Jaclcaon, Rod Carew, Bobby Grich and Fred Lynn, it'a not often that you hear much of the Pine Brothen. But they're always out there, waitln1 for a chance to contribute, hoping for a chance to dent the Angela' touted lineup. Wednetlday ruaht at Anaheim Stadium, thanlu to several clrcumatance., all of the Pine Brothen aot their act tosether, and much to the delight of 32,689 fana, the Angela routed Oakland 13-1 behind the six-hit pitching of Mike Witt. "rm Just happy to be a part of it all Thia bench -the Pine Brothen aa they call ua -we do ever~thin together. We're always for each other," adml Ron Jacbon after the game. At the moment, Jackson ia sort of the dean of the Pine Brothen. With Rod Carew still suffering from a calf injury, Jackaon haa filled In at first bue the last two nights, and bis presence Wedneeday night waa a welcome sight to Manaaer Gene Mauch. Jackson finished the night with three bate hlta in five at- bata, including a two-run single in the first and a two-run double in the sixth. The Angela chased former Corona del Mar High standout Matt Keough (7-1~). shelling the right-hander for .even runa on _etaht hlta in four-plus lnntn,p to take two of the three games and open a two-game advantage on Kanau City in the American League West. '11\anka to a 10-0 lead after ju.st five lnnl.np. Mauch went to his Pine Brothers and gave the regulars a rest. But one regular -desipted hitter Don Baylor WITT -stayed in the lineup and responded with a pair of two-run homers to compliment the steady effort off the bench. Keough came lnto the game wtth a S.43 earned run average, and he had allowed 24 home runa in 137~ lnninga, unbeknownst to Bar,lor. ' No, I had no idea Keough had allowed that many homers but I do know their pitching staff has always been tough, especially when they get some early runs." Baylor said. After Oakland bad jumped on 1 starters for five-run fint on Monday and Tueedat', la returned the favbr W y, acoring three in the first and two more in the third. '11 said to Billy (Martin) at home plate, 'bow about spo~ me five runa?' He said, 'Oh no,' • Mauch recounted. But the Aria.els jumped out quickly, wtth P'1ne &other Rob Wilfong collecting a one-out ...., . ENLIGHTENING -Scott Stephens from Muaco Sports Lighting izoes to ~t heiahta to put a fUOUP of new light fixtures into _place at Newport Harbor High'• football field. 'J .R. says he'll return · and to do 1. The Mme th1na applln to the major league pya." Richard, who autterect a near- 'fatal stroke two y-.n -ao while workln1 out In th~ Hou.ton Aatrodome, baa looked ~-vety aharper ill fllCh of f°'4f Florida Siate ~ ataru for the Daytona Beach Mtrol in the s-t. month. Atta' hit Wt appeeruoe -• flve•hlt, c=m let• 1ame performance a .. t the J'ort Laud9rdalt y Oft July 14 -oUt~alt Hid they would CONldir ~ Richard to HGUlton't:.a.. AAA farm dub at ~ Aris.;, ifter one mcri J'SL .wt. But rain hat forced po1tponement of th• 8·1 nptbandr• nexi two P'~· .... 11n81e, Baylor addlna a two-out. llnale and~ Lynn knockinl ln a run wtth a hit to extend h.li hiutna •treak to 18 jamet. BobDy Grtch WU hit by a pitch and Ron Jaclmon chopped hil two-run lln&le throuch the left aide of the infield. • Baylor'• homen, living him 16 for the IMIOl'l, followed w.UC. to ReUle Jacluon ln the third and flftll l.nningJ and lignaled the end of Keouah. "I just cll<ln't do what Billy said I lhould," conceded Keough. "I didn't' execute like we agreed on In Baltimore (a three-hit effort In a 2-1 defeat to the Orioles last Friday)." r Meanwhile, Witt became the first Angel pitcher to toss a complete game since Ken Fonch went the diatance July 16. He struck out four and walked just one batter -Rickey Hende1'80ll, who was promptly caught stealing by Bob Boone. While the A's let big leads get away from them ln the first two games, the Angels refused to follow suit. "I don't think they knew what to do when we acored eeven runs on them," Baylor said. He added: "Toni~t, I waa just looking for eome breaking balls out over thef te. "Last night I hit a couple o balls up in the air and tonif,ht I waa able to hit a home run.' Keough has now lost five games ln a row and eight of his laat nine decisions. In addition, his ERA has riaen to ~. 72. And then, there's reliever Preston Hanna, whose 18.00 ERA coming into Wednesday night's game waa the result of allowing two earned runs in one inning. But by the time, Baylor, Jackson and company were through with him, Hanna had (See ANGELS, Pa1e CZ) TOPSY-TURVY Ray Tujillo, 18, of wrestling mat.ch at the National Sports Festival Northgate High in Concord (bottom) flips his in Indianapolis. 'pponent during a recent Greco-Roman Dodgers can't find relief in Giants After losing two of three, they drop lQ back of Atlanta in the NL West SAN FRANCISCO ~AP) -Joe Morgan, who had two ldgnificant hits, and other San Frand8oo batten altered the Wedneeday ~~plans of Giants Manager "Frank told me I'd ·go three inn.inga at most. I figured if I went an euy three he'd let me go four. Then we got the big cushion and he let me go five to get the win," said Fred Breining, who stepped out of his usual relief pitching role to become the starter and winner in a 6-2 victory over the Loe Angelea Dodgers. "l came into the clubhouse before the game, like startere do, but I wasn't comfortable ao I went out on the field and shagged flies like I usually do," said the right-hander who has made 35 relief ap~~ this aeuon. Breining, ~3. worked five l.nnlnp in hia aecond major league atart. He had a 6-0 lead betore Pedro Guerrero belted a two-run home run in the fourth. The 38-vear-old Moraan singled to lead off a four-nm flrat inning rally and registered the l ,OOOth RBI of his career with a single in the third. "1.mtead of using three or four pitchers, we only used two. That's a big break for us," said Robinson, who was prepared to use most of his relieven in the game, having decided that starters could use aome extra rest before a weekend series in Houston. "U noth1nR else, maybe our guys proved to themselves they can play with the Dodgers. Now I feel we can catch them," saidRoblnson, who saw Gary Lavelle shut out the Dodgers over the last four innings. Dave Stewart, the former reliever who won four straight starts for the Dodgers recently, pitched a reliever-like one-third inning Wedneeday night, allowing four hits and wallcing a batter in the firlt. "It looked to me like he juat wasn't throwing hard," said Manager Tom Lalorda. The Dodgers, after loaing two of three games at Candlestick Park, are oniy 31h games ahead of the Giants in the National League West. But Lasorda and baaeball's 1981 world champs are looking up, not back, in the standinga. The third-place Dodgers, 10 games behind the leading Atlanta Braves, open a four-game series in Atlanta Friday night. "We've got to gain ground, that's for sure," said Lasorda. "li we don't gain ground, I don't know what it will mean. I · guess it will depend on what we do after that. "This isn't the end of the seaaon. But we've just got to go in there and beat them. that's all." • Outside obeerver Robinson said, "There are two months left yet, but I don't think they can deeerve to drop any further back." The Dodgers are idle today prior to their important four-game aeries with the Braves. The two teams will tangle in a twi-nlght double-header Friday with alng)e contests scheduled for Saturday and Sunday. Swim records take a beating Johnson to replace Zimmer Hughey is the latest to set a Sports Festival mark Kathy Arencben, renowned softball pitcher suffered a rare lleClOnd defeat in the women's gold medal aoftball pine. Other llWiinmera who aet records Wednetday night were: KAREN LA BERGE, MEMPHIS, Tenn., 16:27.11 ln the women'a l.~ freestyle, a new event on the Festival program; Paul Budd, Memphla, 16:31.9~ In the men'a 1.500 freeatyle; Stuart MacDonald, Million Viejo 51.~ ln the men'• 100 freestyle; Tertianne Mdiutrk, Churchville, Pa., 2:14.00 In the 200 WOllMm11 butterfly; the West'• women's 400 freestyle relay, 3:63.24, and the North rnf.'n'• 400 freestyle relay, 3:27.09. In speed akatfna, Siepl\ana, 21, of Northbrook, m. upeet Gloria Bnjadd, 19, of Park Rld1e, W. in the women'• J,&00 And &00 meien. Stephana did the 1,&00 In 3:01 .71andthe600 in 61.92. In the previoua two F..Uvall. Bopcld won elaht sold meda1a. lncludlna four 1ut year. Merrltielc( 27, of Canoo Park. a winner of four golda 1Mt yee.r, won the 1,&00 metera ln 2:49.33 and the ~ In 47 M . Garrlaoo, ,who quit omnaatb at ... 18 for fiw monthl blca\M lhe WM •lmentally bu.med out. 0 took the all-around Utle wt th 17.40 ~ta. , ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) - Darrell Johnson, who was replaced as manager of the Boston Red Sox by Don Zimmer just over six yeara a10, wu named WeClneaday nleht to auoetJed Zlmmet u manaa--of the slumptna Texas Ranaen. Zimmer WU informed °Monday that he wu betn1 fired, but majority owner Eddie ChUe1 aaked him to run the team throuah WedneedaY'a S-2 Jom to the Milwaukee Brewera, the ~ ..,!!.~ 89tbldc ln their .. Don didn't do anythln1 wrone... Oill8I told • poltpmt news conference. But Chll•t declined to elaborate on lh• reMOel for the firiNI. "We are not a public bU11.ne9i we are not a 1overnment A(lf!N:Y.° he told ~ wbf pr-ct h1m for detaOI. .. You're Ml entitled CIO know ~ we do." S~W.don about Zlm.mitr11 fltUW :w bee ~t. ..... Monaay, W9'\ ~. ~ ·-Qdlel oantlliueil to ~ tW 1Jsnair1 ......... ~. • "l baw 'hmcl cm 1till nd601111 T.\'tlalilabttlae .............. ... ~~ Mndlld." a.1111 illd W~ ftllht. "It WoWdft~ hiW been It the sir-. bljla .. --lmlolWd In • ~ UWj ·~ ..... ~~·-~ .. ~~..,.,..'\ •titW to; l I ' I I I I I I I I ' ' ' I I Reese Prohati~n violation charged From AP cll1patc~ .. MIAMf -Former Miami [iJ Dolphin Don Rtele, who tl}C)Cked the 4 • • sporU world two months qo wtth allept.lona of wlcletpreld drua abulo ln the NaUonal Football 1..aiiue, wu cha.rpd Wedneeday with vtolathul probation. A warrant wu a1lo llliued for the 8.1Te9t of Reeme, 30, but Georp Yo., chief uaiatant Dade County 1tate attorney, said It would l'\Ol be executed because he bad been aa1ured the former football player will ~nder ln Miami next week. The action culminated a 1lx-week lnvestlgation of Reeae, who trtgsered the probe hlmseff with statem ent• In a controversial magazine article which detailed how he and other NFL players had Wied cocaine since his release from prison on a 1977 drug trafflckins conviction. Yoss and state probation officer Philll~ Ware met Wednesday afternoon with Reese s auomey, Robert Joeefaberg of Miami. Yoss said Joeefsberg bad told him Reese would surrender next week. Quote of the day Cleveland lndian.s t.b.lrd baseman Toby Uarrab frustrated by hia team's dismal season and current fifth-place standing in the American League East, had this comment following a recent loss: "Tomorrow's a new day. If we work hard, we can get back to mediocrit ." \ Ziak lltta Marinara Into third place Rlc~I• It•• belted a two-run Ill homer and a double, extendlnc hll hitdna 1tN&k to 1& pine. Wed~ to l ~.a Seattle to a 6-2 victory over Mlnneeota. The Victory pushed the Marlnera, who open a four·aanw eeriee aaalnat the An•la In Anaheim toniaht. into th&d place ln the Amerian ~e "Wett . . . Et.ewhe~ In tM AL, rookie tarmea C.1tWo cndted a two-run horMr -hll flnt ln the ma.Jon -to btiek the thJ'ee.hlt pltch.J.ni of Rick Sutcliffe and Du SolllDer and give Cleveland a 4-2 win over !Unua City . . . Eddie Muray and Job LoweDttela drove in 1ixth-innlng runs a1 ~ Baltimore edaed Chicaao. 2-1, behind the nine- hit pl~ ol Scott Mcllre1or and two relleven ... DwlOt Evam drove ln four runa with a pair of homers and Carney Lualord capped a alx-run fifth inning with a three--run lhot u Be.ton rallied from a six-run defldt to top Toronto, 9-7 . . . Ted Simmons' ucriflce fly In the elahth Inning scored Paul Molitor with the winning run wnich gave Milwaukee a 3-2 triumph over Texas, u the Ranaers M:.t their final game under Manager Doa Zimmer ... Bobby Marcer, plnch-hftting for a pinch-hitter. cracked a three-run homer to spoil Detroit reliever Bob Jamea' American ~-sue debut and cap a five-run seventh-inning rally to carry New York to an 8-7 win over the Tigers. Cardinals maintain lead In East Lonate Smltll tripled home the Ill tying run ln the •venth ~ and 1cored one out later on Geor1e Headrlck'• bloop double, helping St. Louil rally to a 7-~ t.ri~h Wedneect..y night over the New York Meta. ·~·\le Cardinalll, who let a 4-0 lead 1llp away befor e winning lt, malnta.lned a one-game lead over Philadelphia in the NaUonal League bat ... Eleewbere, the Phl.lllea kept pace u Mike Sellmtdt crrdted hla 16th homer of the ae.uon and PhilldelDhJa tallled three runs on two Pittabur~~u:w' lot a 4-3 victory over the Plratea. P ' eec:ond bueman Manny TrUlo eet a major-leaaue record for aecond baaemen, playlna In hl1 87th conaecuUve 1ame in a aeuon without an errot' . . . Art Rowe hit a two-run double ln the sixth lnning to power Houston to a 4-2 victory over Cincinnati, u Joe Nlekro t.ofl8ed a eeven- h I tter to earn the win . . . Veteran knuckleballer Pbll Nlekro became the 34th pitcher to win 2~0 games and Bob Horner drove ln five runs wit,h two homers aa Atlanta held oU San Dieeo. 8-6, to increase It.I lead in the West to eight aarnes . . . . Warren Cromartie and Tim Ralnet each drilled three hlta and knocked ln a run apiece to lead Montreal put Chicago, 5-3. Maglle continues to show Improvement Sal "Tbe Barber" Ma&lle, a II Baseball today pitcher for the old New York Giants and several other major-league teams On thla date in baaeball ln 1978: in the 1940s and 1950s, remained ln Juat five days after he had tearfully critical condJtion Wednesday following weekend rea1gned and had been replaced by Bob brain surgery, but a hospital sp0kesman tald he Lemon, Billy Martin was renamed manaaer continued to show improvement. MAlglle, 65, waa of the New York Yankees, hit new term to operated on Saturday at the Niagara Falls SI b lk t rtl t at.art ln 1980· Memorial Center to drain a bra1n hemorrhage, ms a S a repo ng O camp (Martin would actually return to the the hospital said . . . Tom Kite, who rnJaaed The Detroit Lions' star running [i] helm on June 18, 1979.) the cut for the final round of the Bnliah Open, is back BUlr Sims may not report to the •• , On this date ln 1940: among the !leld !or this weekend's c.anadian Nationa Football League club's The Brooklyn Dodgers outlasted the Open, due to begin today in Oakville, Ontario training camp tonight along with the Pittsburgh Pirates. 7-6, ln a riotous, fight-. . . Son Of Song, within close striking distance other veterans. Coach Monte Clark said marred pme ... with the Pirates' Arky of the lead all the way, rallied in the homestretch Wednesday. Sims, the NFL's first 1980 draft Vauahan and the Dodgers' Babe Phelps to win the feature race Wednesday for choice when the Llona selected him out .of acting as the main-event.era. 2-year-olds at Del Mar ... Former Providence Oklahoma, has claimed he is ln the third year of Today's birthdays: College and pro basketball star Marvin 8U"Des a three-year contract withou' an option, but San Francisco relief ace Greg Minton ia was released on $1,000 personal recognizance Lions' general manager Russ Tbomas has said 31. Cincinnati first baseman Dan Orie.en Wednesday aft.er denying he bought marijuana Collins hea(Js OCIR field By ROW ARD L. HANDY or .. DellJ ,... ,..,. RUii Collini of Hun~ Buch wt.U be amona Lhe tavorit.a uu. weeiend at Lhe NatioMl Moiorcycle Racina Auoclation'• cbampronehlp aert• u It retunw to Oranae County lotematiONI Raceway ln Irvtne for the Weet.em Natlonala. Top motorcycle dra1 racert from acrom the country wW vte for a pune of more than t65,000 with qual.lfytna and time triala 1et for Saturday. Oat.ee open at 10 a.m. Saturday and 8 Sunday. Pro qualJfyt.na LI eel for l, 3, 5, 7 and 8:30 p.m. Saturday wtth the 1lnal ellminationa gett.lng under way at 1 p.m. Sunday. CoWna clocked 199.55 ln 1979 on a btke that WU built by hll current rival, Byron Hlnel. 'nlat blk.e w11 retired and Co1Una will be debutll\I • new Honda.aponlONd .S.ttleatar. It ia the klqelt bike In the hlltory of the •port. The wheelbue ls 136 inche1 without the wheelie bar. With Lhe bar, the bike II over 20 feet long. The rear ttre is 18 lnchea wide and the bike standa up by ttaelf without a kickata.nd. The motor is custom built and runs on nit.ro-methane. Terry Vance, now rid.lng a blke prepared by Hines., ia another pomible cont.ender to become the flrlt to tide 200-mph. Vance rode hia Suzuki to a 7.17 elapK<l thne mark to aet • national record recently. Vance hu run 199.11 and m teatlng at OCIR lMt week. had a 1peed of 196.98. He uys be will deflnlt.ely be going for the record thla weekend even l1 blowing up hi.a engine ia the end result. In addiUon to the top fuel oompetition, two other pro divisions will also be on the agenda - funny bike and pro stock. Funny bike Is a new clasa with the machines having fibergla81 bodies over custom built chauia to reeemble 1treet motorcycles. · Pro 1tock la for guollne-powered carbureted bikes. Vance i4 the defending champion ln, thil division and will ai.o be competing here th.la weekend. He leads the point 1tand.lngs ln both top fuel and pro stock at the pl"t!9ent time. Along with the' pro ellminatots there will be spo1tsman claaaes .mt ET brw:ket omnpetition. A motorcycle 1how will be preaented ror th.a.e with bikes they prefer to look good over going fut. The custom bike show will be staged S-undiy from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Admilalon is $6 on Saturday which lnclu~ a pit pass. Sunday's admission fee la $10 with a $3 pit pass charge in addition. that Sims' contract calls for an option year . . . aho ii 31. on a city street. Police said Barnes, 30, was , Veteran Atlanta wide receiver Wallace Francil. arrested Tuesday by detectives of Prctridence's : · who said last week he no longer wanted to play > Special Operations Group who alleg~ly saw Schwarzstein third : for the Falcons, got his wish Wednesda~ when John unhappy with bullpen duty him buy manjuan.a from Mlcbael King, 29. The ; the NFL team waived him · · · Hans ellsen NE·W YORK _ Veteran left-hander charge is a mi8demeanor. Alisa Schw81'7Stein of Laguna Beach took third I, booted a 31-yard field goal with four plays place ln the women's division of the 1982 Amat.eu.r 1 remaining to give the Miami Dolphins a 6-3 Tommy John is unhappy after being bumped World Surfing c hampion championships at I victory over the New Orleans Saints in a from the New York Yankees five-man starting Televlslon. radio .Duranbah, Queenaland, Awrtrlla recently. : controlled scrimmage of inexperienced players rotation Tuesday night. Schwarutein and her U.S. teanunat.ea finished 1 for the two clubs. Each team got to run 36 plays, Mruu.ger Gene Michael said the 39-year-old TV: No event.a scheduled. second to host Australia in the team competition I taking three turns each . . The Houston John would be sent to the bullpen and replaced RADIO: Baseball -Seattle at Angels, 7:30 with Hawail third, New Zealand fourth, France and l. Otlers cut hve free agents Wednesday8.7bringing in th~Hroeta(Jtio.ohnn )b!._?,?yyhasnle Al.~xanpitct~ well hlA last p.m., KMPC (7~~iDAY'S RADIO the United Kingdom tied for fifth, Ireland seventh the number of players on the roster to . Among •~ and Puerto Rico eighth. those cut was Dennis Cote, a lmebacker from few starts, except one game ag8lll!lt Seattle," Baseball -Dodgen at Atlanta, 2.30 p.m., Tom Curren. l8, of Santa Barbara, was the I Long Beach State. Michael said. KABC (790). Double-neader. men'a winner. :L-..=:::..:.:.:~~----------------------------------~~~~~~~~=========~~-=::.:...::~:..:_~~~~~~~ • l f !~~s:?!!:~~~~;:~a tta 3.~~:~~~;h; p;oud I owner of a 30.90 ERA after By ALMON LOCK.ABEY Saturday Wllh crews llmited to allowing SlX more rwu over l 'h ollty Pt6ot aoeetnt wm.r two persons. . . gs The eyes and ears of the SSYC will also conduct the One~ the Angels had a 1 1 yachting world will be focused second race of the Orange comfortable lead, other Pine on the waters off Long Beach for County Women's Ocean Racing Brothers like Bobby Clark, Juan eight days starting Saturday Sen es on Saturday. And Dana Beniquez, Joe Ferguson and when the second of the Pre· Point Yacht Club will stage its Mick Kelleher got some playing Olympic training regattas gets Dana Days Regatta, Saturday time. d f{ "•--:1.os Ba d and Sunday. hi1 · 't un er way o l"Ulllm Y an Soulhem C'1llomla Yac:Mlng ~Ion Ron Jackson, meanw e, LSI\ Long Beach yacht clubs. calendar· thinking about a permanent spot The week-tong eyent will Loe~._.. at first hue, not with Carew feature Olympic hopefuls from HuntlngtOf'I H•it>our Yadlt Club -BolM around Clllca SeriM •4, Saturdey. . 23 countnes who will be using c11>n11o 8Mctl vacn1 Club -s.-Buoy "My most important job i.a to BOATING the regatta to better acquaint themselves with the wind and sea conditions under which they, hopefully, will be sailing in the 1984 yachting Olympics. This is the second of three pre-Olympic regattas. The third 1 will be held in the summer of 1983. Six Olympic classes wU1 be competing in the event. On the local 9Cene, Lido ble Yacht Club will hold its August gatta Saturday and Sunday; Newport Harbor Yacht Club will £.t.tage a one..<fesign regatta for 1'utslde (ocean) classes Saturday and Sunday; South Shore Yacht ,Club will sta rt a fleet of ~~erfonnance Handicap Racing yacht.a around Catalina laland r-. Saturday ~ Auoaatlon -Ancient ......_. always stay ready in case they race (CIMele yKtit.) Sundey. need me," noted Jackson, who .......... .., WlndJ1mmer• Veclll Club -Iron Men now has 12 RBI and 63 at-bats. Sabol race. Saturday. "I'm just glad we won the game Redondo Beach Vacllt Club -Mark because It put UI two up on PMr'IOll Memorial RaQlma. Saturday Del Ray YICht Club -Sundey Slllpper• Kansas City." race ... .,..._ Witt. 5-3, was making his first Co<onaoo cays vecttt Club -8outll a.y start in l 0 game days and s.ri.. (PHRFl S1turday, Sunday. b~ to hia second complete Sen Diego Cf\llMr Alaoclatlon -Coronado f th Cey1 tnvttatlonal predicted 1og race game O e season. Sen Diego Ntvy Salllng Club -~I "He (Witt) tightened up h.ia Sellboatd Clfc:un. s.1un1ay: Fly Navy W•t curve ball and has eome extra ~1~G.t~ Club _ ~ Settee eessions with (pitching coach) Set"'oay Tom Morgan," Mauch explained. SoulhwMlem Yecm Club -Coelt Guatd "He 1·ust pitched beautifully Auxlllaty --Seturday, 8undey ' Ml11Jon 8•y Ylcllt Club -On• Day tonight." Regena (II ~) SuncS.y ................ 81nta Bubua Yac:llt Club -Summer Regalt1 (on•·d .. lgn, PHRF) Saturday, Sunday • Sen F ... nendo Ve/14A/ Salling Club -Blue Wetat race Alemllo. Bey to AY91on. Saturday, Sunday. WMtleke YllGlll Club -Ecology A41oatte, Sunday. * ~~Sugar Ray content ANOaL NOTal: Wltll 1111 26ttl llolM run of the Ma10t1 T~ night, ....... ,,.._ ltnda lllmMlf In Hltll oi-on the d-tlrne hOIMf 11111. He Med• 25 mOf9 to cetch WlwW ....... who II In tllth pl-. JllCiceon hN clouted 10 of 1111 llOn'lef1I tn July. llOCOUn11ng ~ 22 RBI And, lie llu lllt !Ml homer• In Iii. i.t 11 ~ More on Jlldllon: Wlltl Iii. RBI Tu.day nlgftt, M rnoY9d to wttNn one of IHm leader 0eft aeJIOt wltll 59 on Ille ~. But 8e)'IOr pul a llttle bfMllllng l'oorrt belWeen them "'4111 ,. pelf °' twl>-nln llOmers -and Jldleon w• the """ on bMe both ttinM .•. When cetcner a. ._ nell9d the A'1 Mdr., ...... Mii wflO WM ttylnQ to .... In the lt*d Inning. It ,,..,,, aoon. n. now thrown out 42 of 71 would-be beM ,.....,. '°' a 59 percent IU009M retto. 8oone c:ewoht ...,..aon t.ioe Tu.dey night •.. With Tuuday nlgllt'• lour-llour·plu• m.atllon, the A'• llaw now pie~ :zt thf-llollf Of bettat ci-. TllrM of tllOM haw OOfW ""*" Ille trv.llour mlll'tl. In all, coming Into Wednaaday'I OWM. Iha A'I lllld play9d 17 ,522 mlnutH ot baNball 11111 HHOn, -eglng "* under thr• llout'I pat MlnO . . . ~ on beM 1tee11ng: tn oomparllon 10 aooria'1 numW.. A 'I C..-dlatl h9ve thrOwn out al of t2 ~be beM ...... lot a II Htctent IUCCHI rallo • . . lotll D~ oaict ... (flu) and RM C... (c.lf In,...,, ..,. onoe ~ .-.no trom Vie MtJ/flA 1ne11P Wadnaeeley n1Q1't ••• The Al1glll Ind J I \ MITCHELL VILLE. Md. (AP) 1 1-r,-S u g a r R a y L e o n a r d , 14 r~uperatlng from surgery to correct a partially d etach ed ,t~tina, saya the chances of hia ri),.turning to boxina become ,,.pnaller each day he la away from <>lift ,,. 1 "l love boxing now a1 a .,,ff)eCtator. I appreciate the talent. The love that f had, It'• died out," ~d Leonard, 2 ~ montha after 'f e wa1 to defend bl1 ... elterWelght title ag.aiNt Ropr "'Btaff ord. • ..J "Every day I am away from ttlbbxina. the chances are much 1Ummer I will ever conalder going back." said Leonard, 26. He said he i3 content now, and no longer needs box.inf economically nor does he believe the sport ii the only open avenue fn the future. "I don't even think about lt (fia)ttl.ng). I don't get the urge. I don't get edgy. I can relate to what you ~ thro~. But the ptstona don t budge.' he aaid. Althouah Leonard uld he hat not made • final declalon whether to return to the rt.nc - that announcement ta pendJ.nc for two or three montha -the MitchellvU.le, Md., teGdent ~ he may chanae b1a mind. a..m. ~ °'*' a IOI#~ --· =• wltll Miii• ..... (J-OolftG tor epnat ..... .... • a.tlA'day nfl!M'a oerna 11 tpan. lodl• , wlttl the flt1t H,000 youno11at1, 14•aftd"41ncl•r, reoetylriQ • '*' of "'°""' .......... AIJlllA IQeO, an tMm. NO TIME TO WASTE ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT OF ALLIE D'S Giant Mid-Summer SALE! SAVE S0°A> to 70°A» on Table Lamps • Celling Fans·• Track Lighting • Floor Lamps • Outside Ughtlng • Chandeliers Energy Saving Fluorescent Lighting To assure the most varied selection of all sale Items, it's deslreable to visit our showroom at your earliest convenience. •free lnstatratlon , of Cdlng l'MS Visit our showroom and tecelvf a 2~ watt night light by Ouolz~ ..... We are Southern Caltfornla's most complete selection of lighting at competitive prices. ... i • 'V . ' .. " .......... Lwue ... """~ W L ll'ot. • Attna 80 31 .119 ... OllgO 63 ... .4$1 • DMilwti 12 ... .115 10 a.n ~ •• 12 4IO 1a'4 Houleen ~ 114 443 11 Clncillwlttl 37 12 .314 24 ~Dtt9M* It. LW1t 11 42 .171 ~ IS 42 .117 f Pl1111t1Urgt1 It 41 N 1 4i. ~ It 441 lit e New Yortl '4 114 '41 12'it CNcliOO 40 N .a 11,_. •111111111•1,.. ..... SM ll'rlllClloo I , ~ 2 MontrMI I, Qlloeao 3 l'tllladelptM 4, ~ah 3 ~llMta I. IM Diego I "-ton4.~2 8t. l.Oule 7, ,.._ Yori< I TmlaM'IO-. St LOUii ,,o,..c:ll IO·•I " MolllrHI (P...,_5-3) PlltlltlUrgtl (~ 11·1! •I Hw YOftl (9-15-3) Chicago (Bird 1·10) •I Pllll•d•lohl• (---1·1) 7_.e. Diego {Wtllll 5-41 .i A11Mt9 I~ :?"'01n111t1 (PHIO•• 5·11 •t Hov1t0f'I fl<neppet ... '11 °"" 0--edledllled ~AMLaAOUll A,..e.11,A'e1 O~ C~OMU Ill r 111111 Ill rllllll llHnchn.11 3 0 I 0 Dow!q If 4 0 0 I ~.cf :I 0 I 0 ~ 30 1 0 0 0 .,,._,of 1 0 0 OI Wllono 3b I 1 1 8 --fb 4 I 1 0 1~,tf 1 2 0 ,...,,..,. 4010 R.a.tlrf2000 0.-3') 3 0 0 I ~ell 4 4 :1 4 ...... 4 0 I 0 ~Cf I I 2 1 M.rt.ol c 4 0 1 0 ...,,.._ rf 1 0 O O ~lb 3000 OttdtD I 100 ,.......,193 0 0 0 ....,.., 2 1 2 I ~.1'1 _-fTI HlllA auut loonec: 402 1 TOllAI 12 1 I I TOIAllll 35 13 13 13 .... ., ..... Ollldend 000 000 001-I Cellfornll 302 ~ 00.-13 Oft-Ofllll"d 1. ~Q8-0•lei.114 I , ~I. 28--Me)'olr~"°.J--Hll-l9YIOr 2 (1t). Sl'-FOll. ur-~ •H•llll•M> ~(l.7·15t 4 I T 7 2 0 Henlll 1'tll 4 I I 4 O Owdllnlto ~ 1 O o o 1 c........ Witt (W,6-3) t I 1 I 1 4 HIP-by K.ouvti (Orlc:tll WP-Witt, H8nM. T-2 23 A-32 .... .............. llATIWIO .. "" .... Pet. 121 12 100 13 50 .305 311 51 H I 21 .:ztt 171 • 1ot ,. 42 .291 311 41 111 11 14 .2N 14 7 11 1 It .2M 311 62 • 2S et .nt m n rt a 11 .214 al1 II ti 12 II .213 eo 11121.291 111 33 13 I M .aT 321 42 .. 11 ... .2111 ... II 13 1 I .291 .. ' 12 ' .. .211 1fl 12 tt 0 I 1U ... 4 1 0 2 .151 u.11 4114..: ,J ... 9 :m ~ • " • eo """ 9'A 1 1 .. • 1-0 0.00 I~ 3i to 2' M 1.11 ~ ....... w 3.AO 1M 14't • IO ~7 3.11 141~ 1st 41 '1 1M U7 12 .. 23 40 M 3.41 111\.\ \ 11 32 114 1-2 3.4• M '71S2" Ml.M ...... 50 22 30 •1 uo 41" 47 Z2 M 1-2 4.2!11 en. ., It 42 1-e UI .,..,. ua = "' ......., u1 N~L doctors get warning about tests ......... -.... , TCW01110 a1s ooo ,._, " o so.ton O 11 Ol 1 00.-1 14 o att.11. 1u . .ledtlon 11~· Md •. Met1IMa. Wftllt (I); • • I). =(4). ...... (l)Md .J- ...... L-IU. .i.een. •1 1-1. M19y (I). H~ IVtM t (14). l.9nlllord (ll. ~-11.121. NATtONAL LUCIUI .:.:: t, D'tlf" I L.09 .,._. =lli'"~ &u.2b 4000 ~· 111 l.Mnl.cl 4 0 I 0 IMr• 0 I 0 1111•.JI 4 I t 0 c0...r 4 I 0 0 Onwo,rf 4 1 1 2 ~Ii • 1 I 1 c:.y.3b 4 0 I 0 !'lftlltl, lb I 1 I I Grioy,lb .. 0 1 0 ...,..,t.1b 0 0. ~ ....... 4000 L.tnrO.-4011 a-,c: I 0 I 0 O'.__a 4 I I I lhwft.1> O o o o IAM*.a I 1 0 r wr;t'llJI I 0 0 0 ......... I I 0 0 '8MyJ1 0 0 0 0 b .. JI I 0 0 0 ~ 1000 ~ 0000 ......... 1000 ........ "' 0000 TOUll 34 I I 2 , T«*la II I 10 t .... ., ...... LC9 Me4i11 000 IC» GOO-a SM ll'tWICll900 4111 IOO OOl-1 l -Aullel. OP -9411 ll'fMdlloo 1. LOI -L04 Anoa1M I. S4f\ 'l'llldlle 10. sa -O'Malley. 14" -Ou4frero (It). aa - Morg9n, l41M•• lAI~ • "•••to "'"'1CL.MI 'tll 4 4 4 1 0 Wright 2 4113 0 a.~ 1~ 1 o o o 2 ,Ot914' 3 I 0 0 I 3 NledlnfUer I 0 0 0 0 0 ... ,......... 8r'llf*'l(W,W) 5 4 t• I O 4 ~.11 4 .. 0 0 0 1 P9 -....._ T -1:11 . .._ -,. ...... ............ Mont,.., 010 111 010-5 12 2 Ctliceoo 000 000 OOS-1 1 I 0 ~. "-dOll (t)MO C..: ....._ w MoH4f'l1-•ooltlll4m-m. Le. """"!ti llld J. 0.... W-OulllC:-IOll, l·I. L-NOIH , l ·I A-20.au. ................ ~ ~ 030 001 I 2 Pl1t90uf'Oh 001 CICIO 1 ~ "'? I • Ch---·· Mol'09 , ..... Cll811d .. DIG; Allodlll, T9iwlwe ltl =·"'f; ~ W--Owlllel-1. M. L 4t -M . ._ "-Cl (4~ H"-PMld 1$1 .......... (,.,, A-a1.N7. . .._ ......... ~aen 011gO to0 ·ooo 01a-. 1 J. Ati.nta 303 110 00.-1 12 H..eilnl. ~ 151. Dr-.lly ~ • IC.4fwledy; ,. N191u'o, ..,.._, ('I). 4lt and hl\edkt W-P. Nlellre, 1M. L- ...... 1·2 ~I• H"9 .... Diego, "'-· Jonel (121. a... ~ A--. Hoa. 2.J20). A-~514. ............. Clndnnlllt 100 010 000-1 r o HoU110n 000 102 10lt-f I O Soto, PrlCI m Md Tl'Mlo; J. ~Md pujota. W-J. Nieto, ,.7, L-4elo, ~7. A-11.211. c.......1 ...... 1 H9w Ycrle 000 102 200-S t I St UM* I 12 000 IOll-7 I I ~. Lrndl (5). 0roco (7). Alllrt m ... ~~.l<Mt(T).~(1).-- 1•1 Ind 0 Pon• W-~V:!· L- Lpnc:fl, 1-4 8-8u114r {21). H-. -YCftr, KingrNn f2t). Ill-f4). A-22,IN. Top 10 , ....... ,. ....... AmMCM L.UllUS ... "" ... 12111701"MI n 1t1 •1 ,.,,..,. II -5 '°' .)a1 ... 171 11' _,. 132J7 •11.121 ., 1111 11 .. '.Ut II 110 41 • .lft re••• .. ,. 11 ... ., • .1'1 IO m • tte .111 ' ........... (l.~ .............. ~ A1t9et•, II; OtlMe, Mlf..WS• II: Thor11to11. Clnelend, It: Oe•P.r, .......... 20 • ............. Mc:A... KMllJI City, n : ~. .......... 14; Tilclr'Mon. ~ 12; L~ ==sTO; Y-.t.• --(ti~, • Vullo'tlc:ll. Ml wauk... 1'~4: ht111, CNcego, ICM; c-11,...... · o.Mry, *"' YCfk, ....... =........... aw, lollton. M ; ClilNlllld. . '- MCleugfllll, TOfWllo, ' I U'nOMM. LIMUI ... "" .... IOIWIC.Hln 17 ..... 117 311 QllWr,MI'.. .. Ml .. 111 llt C.W,MI. 11 NI ti 103 .111 l Ff ""\ ..... 71 141 41 11 310 '"''" ... ,. " 11 .310 N IOI IO IS .IOI i..,... L M 117 N 112 .301 ......,.._,._O. II an II N .303 ~,A.. • 17 Ma 14 I 10 ,IOI J."9f,.._, N 117 51 117 .302 .......... KlrlOIMll. New York, H : Mllrpfly. Allellle. &::· Mantreel, 11; Homer. Allel!ta, 20; --.:;:.::... ... ~.A .... 12; ~ .._ Yotk. II; Oii*. ~ •: 'J. 8t LOull • II; 0.,ttr, Mo11trHI;, I•; ... ,,.,., ---. ::.\I':' sen ""'°"°°· .. . (U~> -'· 10•-ro, At111111. 10·3; Aog1r1, ........ 1Ml_ O. ~. ll'llllbur1111, 10-1; ,.,_, 11t. LOlll9, 1CM: LolW. S9r'I °"'°· t04;, CMlon. ...... d ...... 13-1, y ....... ~ ..... llcrnoMAL TCM~ (II'=:::..:= 1111 ) hll~~2 ....... , .. , ..... IMI AnllNlm ~ 10, Vlljo 3 (Vlelo ~ ,~ ...... tm110ldl. TOl'W"•MT "' .......... , ................ ~Wiiey 11, Cypre11 4 (Cypr111 , ....... ca-"'*'' ood ,,._ ~ Qwdlnl. 5 p"' ,CMmt MCI. 110 yttdt. W111etl4f 1t1111 rr-i 11.40 1.40 4.00 °" U11 o1e '"""' a.eo uo '"" CUpld (TOll4l1) 1.40 Alto r-ced: La VII-. Iller 111*"""'1• 8tr1P, Tek1 FMt Too. OMdy Duck. Tllne 41 ot • UACTA (7-11 plld ... 1.00" """ MCI. 400 y1tdl. fS'r•Me (~I 1 AO 4,IO UO HOI l10Clll (~ 4.00 l.40 ll'\lly A Clllc(C~ 2IO Af9o recad: Ollp'9 Uttle 9-, ~ Tlllecff, I'-UIUI MM, kdOlllo Time 20.22. lnmt flACL 360 Y9fd4. Wllldy Stripper (Het1) t.20 1.40 2.10 Fly To The Moon (MltONll 3.10 2.10 VfctOIY Mor11 (P9Uilne) UO Aleo r•etd: fuy Double Tllr ... The FeecMl._Mill lllllYt Mell • ......._ Doll, AmollO ,,,. 81-. ~TM. Timw. 17 .13. • UACTA (M ) plld 110.40. Better Golf with JACK NICKLAUS . 12 11 Clanll at ......... 1.0S •Alll• at <>Plllld. 735 G•anta 1t ...,._ 7:35 ,.I muct.1 1111 ....... ~ I~ 1.00 a oo z.eo UllllJ 1111 (V......, 1.40 1.00 ~~· 1.00 .JM ~ ~bf ..... '**· Dellll. Ce ..... "'~·..., 01.-""* l:U alt. • llAOTA 13-1) Peld '41.00. .,... ltAC& 1 111. 1911111. luMy "'dCl9 (914dil 11.00 7.IO UO A""911 au.I (81blllel UO 4.20 Coltorl = (V9llnauel&j 1.20 ~Zantlte. Ax.T~~~ 11rne: 1'45 111. . MVlllT'N AACC. t ,, 11 ,.,,.. Oii turf 9uMlllne '"8 -I 1.10 UO 2.10 ~ (Plllcey) 2.10 2 40 t.urw .._ ~ 3 tO AMO~ .-000, P·Tlt4 T .... NuClllt T1IM: 1:41115. . • UACTA (M l Peld ~·SO. • ~ "°8l.lm.(M-11·M-3=tai.4.,21.00 """ SO wlnl*lcl llcill ... llM j, N li'lolt 111 0011eol•tlo11 P•ld to.to w1111 HI """*" **• (tour ,__,. 12 "le* ... __,, 001•:'1Uo-plld SS UO wtlh 73 wlr"*'ll --(ltnl '*-· -ICl&ldl). '*"" flACI. • "'"°"91. ~ °'-~.l..~Of!) 4.10 2.10 2.20 Urlale ....... I I 3 oo 2.to ..... (lledt) Zto Allo recad. c-"°'· lletl\e'1 ...... ... llA'-1« nm.: 1·12. ...... ~11111 ..... "-otor9 Or-11.20 4.90 uo Club Au111 <~ a.eo uo ~.,_( I ,.oo -r-..: l"lmll. Miii'• ...._ 0-COfft, tao:-. .. 'T1rll« 1.41 4/S. • EW:TA 12-111*ct l'lt.IO An_,_ 11. fl2. TUMTIMll ....... .. ()t.,... Wom•11'1 doub)11 -~Mgu•rdtll• !OyomurT "'· ~"°"'· 1-2: ... .,,., -~ (li'f 1141. y.,, P•ltet1, t-: Metl'I C1oU111e9 -p~ ~eon fl') d4f Ven ~ 1~ Worn1n'1 1111oi.. -COlll11t IOJ.::!: T119'WCl4ft, S.1, Mllled Clclut*I - Moen (0) oet T~. 7-6; ·SuQer ll.bt9ek4t -..._... dlll. OflfllM, 7-6- MAIL ........... c--2.a...io. 1 Toronto 2. CHcloo I ldtnortton t , ~ I flO) li'onlenll 2. T IAM 0 ..,., Ol4go 1, v-o ' ~· .. • '• ..................... .. ·-·~ •1 .--.i...,.. SIA TTL! MAIUNE"ll -Cllled uP Alctl lofdl. pltdllr, lrOlll .... IAk• CltY Of !hi P•clflc CCIII LHgUI 811d .. ,,1 ...... llrS':f~'11;·.!! J:.,~ ~. . "WMIOI' • LOS AHO::-~ -"-di VIOlll11 "°"'°· PltdW. Oii the ~ 1111 !ind rlC9lllcl lillc8cy WrlQM, pllcher, lfOlll Albuquerque °' !hi ~ COl9I l.4191& MOHTMAL EX.POI -~ IN -*8Ct °' ..,.,, Ut111, ~. '""" Wlc:llll• ot '"' A"'1r1c:111 A11oc:l•t1on . °""°"9d Clwll Smltft.: ~· to WIOllU. 'OOlaAU. ....... ,..... ......... AT\AHTA FAL.OOHa -W.,_, W.._ FrWICLll Md MlllOlly ...,.._ wtdl ,.,.._,. HOUITOH Ofl.IM -Cul 0...... C-. and John W•d•. ll11ebec111r1, La11c1 ~ oet1W. l'lletlwd ~. lllfl! llld: end Jctwl Tol>C*ca. ~ tec*le. HEW EHOlAHO PATRIOTS -Cllllll'9CI Kktl ~. Mell recal¥er, on ...,_. lrono ti. WIMifllllVlon Alcllalna. COLL.SOS HOATHWESTtAH -H1"'1d MIU Nemeth _,. lnf0f""911on dlr-' PITT88UAOH ITATE -SIM Ok:key, ~:-le: dlrec10f ,...., elledlve AMoutt NegotiatQi-s can't find a meeting ~aund How about Pemimll~ N.J. as a place to hammer out NFL agreement? · ' . Oakland's bid -to block move Huh? PenoMlle, N.J., population 11,014. It ha ewrythJ.na todaY"• pro football neaou.tor. be he player or lawyer, needa. It bis' Ntaunnta. Bu.rar ~ and McDonald'• are within .., dltvbll dlstanm. It bM room1 for*'· The White 'OU. Motor ~ in neerby udi,. JJ, oaplUHI SOC.I :PGA junlor ti Ile °"'9 ot the mon ~ 10\U\l l'Glt.n fran Ortft.li·~·ec.i .,... ll TOny DU "Pre ol BAI fOi\ ac;untey Club. • OUAI ~j. 12, won the Bouthem C..Ufornta ~ ~chain~ reoently ., JUNpe HW. try Club ln l\1vric for• ~p 11·12. He a '7 and wu the ~t plajer ever \o ICON le·ln-ont on that eoune. Prior to that tournament. Du Pre ~ ln the Qrance C.ounty championahipe 11 rvtew Oo1f Courie ln Santa /\M wtth • 78 and l.lxth ln th• Junior World competitlao ln San amona 120 t'OmPttilon. In 19811,,.Du Pre won 2& ioumamenta u an -old. ne 11 ln hla third YHt of townament and lhoota ln the hlah 70. co.nliatently at Bia yon CC. h1a home c:ou.ne. Another area jun.tor, Cathy Mockttt, wu ln tention at tuventct. for the pla 13-14 cUvilion until ahe had the mllfortU.ne of firtna an 83 on final day. • • • &EN rox AND MICHAEL IVY, both denta of Huntf.naion Beach. were unona more sec> junior aolfen entered ln the 65th W'9tem J OoU CNinpfonahlp ln Ann Arbor', Mich. All of e entr-anta were between 16 and 19 and carried .-.-....:mp of 4-or-lea • • • • • • RAY CARRASCO OF IRVINE moved lnto the ln t.M Goldei, State Profetlional Golf Tour 11ta1Mt11\ft rerently at Loa Serranoe South Coune tn ~ HOWARD· L. HANDY . however, l1 playtna th• Grapefruit Clreuh ln Kanua and SOu&b Dakota at the pneent Ume. He opeota to retwn ln mld·AUfUlt, perhape for the event at Hunitnaton 9Mcllfl on AUJ. 18·17. Brian Ltndley, the ~-up to Nathaniel Croeby ln the national amateur. to1.U1WMnt 1ut year, hN picked up S730 on the tour in two eventl. • • • MESA VERDE'S ART SCHILLING, in addltlan to flnlahlna ln the runner-up poe!Uon ln the Southern Callfornla PGA champlon1hlp1 recently, abo won both the boya and atrll Pro- Junior tltlel with junior club memben. SchUltna teamed wtth Bill Bonnet\ for a 68-72-1'6 ICOre to win the boya title and with Kim Sa1k1 at 68-72-140 for the alrla crown in the partner'• event. A record fteld of 40 team• participated ln the event at Candlewood Country Club . • • • HERE'S ONE FROM THE PGA Southern Section newale«er: Did you know ... the estimated equipment ~huell (cluba, balla, 1hoea, etc.) by llOlfen ln the U.S . ln 1980 wu $664,900,000; for {~and beve,.....,lt WU $1,167,000,000. • • • THE WORLD'S RICHEST l9lf tournament will be lteled (where el8eT) ln Lu Veeu Sept. 12-18, 1983. Prize monlet offered wW total one million dollan. The ewnt wU1 ba patterned after the Bob Hope DeMt\ Claaic ln Palm Sprin419 with four amateun p'-Yfna with HiCh pro through four days. Then the proe wlll complete the event with a fifth round on Sunday. a total of 90 holes. Competition wW be over four 801' COW11ee with the field of 208 proe and 832 amateu... making a total of l ,040 con tee tan ta. Haynie was victim of golfing burnout DENVEK (At') -lt'or 16 aeaaona. Sandra Jbynie wu one of the main fixtura on the Ladies Profe.ional Golf A.9ociation tour, winning the LPGA ChampionahJp twice, the U.S. Women's Open once and flniah.ing among the top 10 money wtnnen a total of 13 times. She then suddenly became a victim of injury and bumouL "I needed the time off for 10me mental and phyalcal repau'S, · ane utcs. "1 had hand surgery ln 1977, but it was mainly a case of just not wanting to play any more. 1 had always played a lot, 25 to 30 toUmanlenta most yeara, and I just needed some time off. Golf wasn't all that much fun." When ahe quit, ahe did it almost cold, appearing ln only one LPGA tournament in 1977 and only 16 eventa over the next three seasons. Dwina that time lhe wu inducted lnto the LPGA Hall of Fame -the aort of honor bestowed on thoee who have re~ permanently from the game. Even Haynie f~ the had 8fven It up. She had built a suoceaaful caJ'ftr ~re.enting other athlet.ea u an &4rent and business manager, and returning to the tour 11eemed a remote PQ113ibtlity. "I clidn'.t really eniertain any thoughts of coming back onto the tour then," the laid. "Not until the fall of 1980 did I think I might give it another go. I felt better physically. ancf my mind waa a lot frfther. I asked my.elf a lot of questions, and all the answers came up 'yes'." Bo doesn't welcome USFL DETROIT (AP)-Coac::hes and scout.a from the fledgling United States Football League will be barred l'iun the University of MichJgan campus if the 1qgue g~ ahead with plana for a December draft of college players, Wolverines' Coach Bo Schem.bechler uld Wednesday. Schembechler, who la beginning hi• 14th season at Michigan, atrelaed the importance of his playen to receive their degJ'ftll before trying their hand at pro football. He said he feels a Oecimlber draft and a USFL aeuon that la echeduled to begin ln March would deatroy a player'• chance to p-aduate on dme. I l't&tC NOTICE fllCTmOUI • 111•11 K..-rn flCTTTIOYI ~U MAm ITA.,_-, PICTTTIOUS .,...,... NAMf ITATUIENT The lollowlng ~ -da91o • NAME ITAftMl#T fhe IOllOW?f19 perM>n' .,. CIC>lng ~ M The lolow\ng P«90fta .,. d<>lng OUl•nf'SS H ILACK CANVON CONDOS ~ u . WINOSLIP KITES 619 Terrntna1 18thStr .. l.CoeU~c.Mfomll LT0 .• 1llOOOMIS\81111111. .... UO.-F JRST c.APITAL, FIRST Way No 12 Coat• a.IHa CA 12927 Huntington e.ctl. Celifomll '*8 CAPITAL C 0 RP CB G & ''627 AllenH foan,2141&.Gar~, aun.t9florwlnc.,eCellflotNe A"SSOCIATES, 17891 MltCht ll OOUGLAS RAY MORAN Sant• Ana, Celtlomla 92707 corporaUon, 6411 Down Drive. Horth, lfWw, CaNl0tnla 02714 2~02 8eyv•evir A.;en,,. Sama .Ana Rey A. Davit. 17!502 Batbarc». Huntington 8eedl, Celfornla 9*7 F I R S T C A II IT A L C 0 R . A 92707 C:O.t•-....... Callfomle 0262t Tllltl bu.w-• ~ tly • p 0 RAT I 0 N •• c •I I I 0 r n.. r ..... OUl•rt•ss •• C:<>n<luciad Dy an Thoma a E Fair, 17502 limit.cl perlilellfllp. c:orpcwatH>n, 17$91 Mhc:ntll Noroi. "'<lrvoCual Bart>etoe. C:O.ta U.... Ceil!Ofnla Sunwt Sllof9, Inc. Irvine, c.ltlomia 02714 Oouglaa R M0<an OM26 ~ M. 8mltfl.. Tlllt bull,_ la conducted by 1 This srate"'°n1 w11a hied With the Ronald Houaraux. 171102 C.f .O. corpotatlOn. Covn1y Clenc 01 Orange CO\Jnly on 8aftNlfoe. eo.ta U.... Cellfornla Ttllt stti1-t -Ned wttti tn. Flr1t Capltal Corp ,.,1y 6 1982 928H County C"'1I of Or8fl09 County on Mk:llMI A C<>han, Ftt2115 Thie bual,_ la coneluC1ad by • July 23, 1992. Praalelent Publoah•CI Orange Coa11 Dsoly limited partn9rthlp. ,_ Tiiie stal_,1 wu !Ned Wllh the P1101 July II 16 22 <'II, 19112 ~ H. Egan Publlehed Orana. Cout DallY nty Ci«ll ot Ofenga County on 2035-112 Owner Piiot, July 2t. Aug. 5, 12, "· 1~ 7, 1982 DllDlfC Mnf1CE Tllltl ~-I WU filed wtth IM 1312-82 '11Z1Zt ~UUL ""' County Ctertl of Orange County on Publlahed Orange Coeat Dally .My 12. 1982. •-II' ~ • July 16. 22, 29, Aug 5. 1082 '111111 ~ ""'""' 3201-82 Publlahed Orang• Coul Delly 'tCm10UI MIH•ll Piiot, July 15, 22, 21. Aug. 5. 1M2 MMm ITA,,_-y a131-ea Ttle folowlr'8 .--doMe "'8.IC NOTICC ----------~ea: ACTTTIOUI M.llMH fltaJC NOTICC A-AUTO ACCIDfNT, 4400 ~ ITATW....,. FtCTITIOUI M.l ... H Mac:At11\vr lloulev..-d, lvlte 310, The fOll09WillQ per.ons are doing FICTITIOUI 8UIMH NA• ITATl ... NT The lollowlng oerson •a Clotng t>u••-•• CHUBBY S 2233 Feir~lew Road Cosll M•U. CA 02626 STEVEN R SHULMAN. 4002 WMI Cr;ataf Lane Sanle Ane. CA 9270• Tho& bY .. nass 11 c;onCluc:1.0 Dy an NA• ITATl•WT Newpot1 Btedl. ~ t2tlO ~ u The lol!Owlng l*Mne .,_ doiflO Al.UN l FLATT. A~ M FLVWHEEL PARTNERS, 302 Ste..en Shulman but'-u Law, 4.tOQ MKAl"lllur '°'11e'¥arct, Ony11. Balboa letand, California Tll.s lltlefMnl ,.., hied ""1h Ille 1nc>1vteluat T & J !NTEAPAISfl. H2tS lull• 370, Newport l••cll, 02ta Covn'loCie<k ot 0"""""' County on PacitlU MIUion vi.to. CA t2tl1. C8llornla 92teO Ned H LNYln Jt, 302 Otlyx, ·-.,,.. ERWIN R FREISCWLAD. i4101 Thia~ II oonducted by 111'1 e.Mlot lllend, c.tlfomle 929'2 June lll82 ,,_,.. Aur...._ Dene PolM. CA 17676 lndMdull. Rlc:Nrd H Ven 0. V..,., 2181 JOAN A FREISCHL.AO. 14101 Aotlert F. Alen .>r. Cllaleau Way. Laguna 8Hch, P1.r1>1tahed Orenge CoH I Dally Aur.ita. D-Poinl. CA t 787t Thll It~ -lllM .... OW ~ t2851 Polol July 8 15 22 29 1982 SAMUEL THOMAS STAOG, ltt. ~2 ~of Ot11n91 C«lnty °" Robert E Brown, 4401 Cl\e'Yy ________ 29ff_·_82 PtC'TfTIOUI ..,._.. 25285 Paaflca. MfMIOll VittO, CA _, • 1,._, ,_ 0-. °' . La c.n.de. Cell~ Ptll.IC M)TlC[ NAM9 ITATRWNT 92691 ..., .. 91011 The tollowtng pereon 11 doing JOAN M ST AGO. HHS ~Ubllalltd Oranee Cout Dell) Stanley H lunlltf. 225'~ P-1, PK:TITIOUI _... .. bullntla.. Pacifica Mlstlon v .. Jo CA 0Mt1 Piiot. July lS, 22. 21, Aug. a. 1862 BeM>oe ll&and. Cllllfoml• 02882 .... ITATWll9NT ATA FITN(SS CENTER. 2251 Thia buaineu 11 conducted • ~ Thie bu*-11 conducted by • Th• tollowlng 1>911on 11 doing Harbor Blvd , Colla M•H. CA 11m11«1 part....,lhlp general partnerahlp ~ •· awe. ST Stagg Ill "'8.fC M)T1C( Ned H ~t1 Jr. MUL Tl LINE. 2428 Newport BENTON O'DELL CUSHING, Thia atat.m.nt wu hied ;_.th lht Tilil etattmenl WU Iliad with Ille Blvd .. No 3, Coeta Mela. c.itfomla 3050 South Britton, Apl O·O, San•• County Clark on July 20. 1ee2. 'ICTTTIOUl IUtlllMltl ewti of Otenoe County of 92827 Ana, CA 02704. ,,_,. MAMI ITAT'llmNT t4. 1982. Ray Pltrct, 2431 Orange Thia butlNle la conducted tly en Publl1h•d Orange CoHt Dally The followlnt "'ton te dolne ,1a.t Av•nue, No 8 . Cotta M•H. llldlvlduel. PllOI. July 22. 29. Aug. 6, 12. 1082 l>utl-BRO .. CHVR'"'· •re 1'"11 Publlilhect Ortnoe Coul 0•11'1 Cellfornl• 92827 Benton 0 . CullhlllQ 3308-82 .... · " • v Piiot, July 15, 22. 29, Aug. 5, 1982 Tha bulilMIN la conoucttcl by an Tiil• 11at_,t wH llltd with Ille WHlcllll Orlva. l'tewport leech, • 320Jo.82 lndlvklual County Cleric of Ofenga County on Ctltfornra 92880 Rey Pl«oe June 23. 1882 Pta.IC NOTICE Judith .Lyn Ttmme, 804 81. DUD•.,. NOT CE Thia 11e1amen1 wu flltd with tllt "aoa2 'ICTITIOUI IUIMll Jemee Piece, Ne•port 8Hcb. "~ County Cieri! of Orenot County on Publllhed Orenge CoHI Dally NAMll ITATIMINT Cttllomlt t2M3 I( July 21. 1Ma. Piiot. JUiy I. 15, 22. 29, 19112 Tiit loltowtog perac>na are dolllQ Thi•. bu.,_, le oonductM "Yan FICTIT10U~IMH ,,_ 2985-8' bullntet u: lndl'ridlHll. MA .. ITA,..NT .. ubll1ll.O Or•noe CoHI Delly ---.-IDl-•c_NO_Tll'_r___ MA'"KETEL. 3119 "A" Altwty Judith Lyn Ttfn/N --....._........ .......... Pltot, .Alty It, Aug 5, 12. "· 1M2 niuu '~ Avenue ..... Cotta MMe. CA t2828. TNe •1•1"'*" ... llltd """"' Ille ~ "";.....,..,, perte>n• •r• --·"' 32M-ea' __ AC_TTTIOUl ___ IU_ ... -.-.--MARLO EAICKSON. 339 WMI eouni Clerli 6f'Oftnoe COl.l'ltY on 8EV!ALY Hills REAL TY ... II' -- NAMI ITATIMSHT 8toadway. Sutte 101. Ian Diego, J\IOt I. 1Mt ,,... CORP., 27271 Lii Aamblu , I'-"'"IK The following per1on I• doing CA 02101 Publl•htd Orenoe Coett Otrty Mttaioll Vltlo. CA tat2 --flte~nn""'"-"'-c~-.i~,.-............. ~ .. --~ u. ROBERT C HUBBERT, 311t Piiot July 2t. 2t. Mlf. a tt ttu &HS AHlly Corporation, t MAim 8fA~ ALLEN' co. HAIA'POAT. Alrw~ Avenut, Coal• ....... CA • • ,,, .. o.nfClf.nta :•tlon 27271 t ,. ... to!'°'fl"f ""°"I• dOl"f = ~89f'Olla, Wtl4tnlftlltr, CA ttezlll HAUAEGAAD, 8102 ... .,. -~~ .. ~::I~. • I Q AALINE GAVLI llEIEA, aulltlo Avt,,ut, Van Nuye, CA ,._ ...,,._ bdl'POflllon UIUA AN 0!81 N I 1es15 w11nu111 . '°""'"" v1111y. e1•01 MOTICI ii;ifW _. • a.is Matty eorp ~·C:,.~~ CA 1270I ll111 bullMlt le OOftduc:Ctd by 1 No1oe 11 .._ .,_. NV. "°'*i l Newbeny, V. _,_a. JoMllCll\ teo MMe in:i:u.tM111tte"eonc1ue14ldbyen genwa1~c Hubbtr\ =~·~ .. ::O..~ htt•..= ... ..,"""'' :='·~a..._,~ At-. Q, 8ltbef ~etattlMl'lt w .. ftled wtlh Ille •Ill r•t•IV• H•l•d ltlft ,0, Ci.ti Of~ COllftlt on .. fllll buell1W 18 • ..._by en Tiiie lltel._..I ne llled """'1 tilt C:Wlt of Oranot Coun~ Ofl ~ ~ ........... JUllD , 1M2 • ~. ~ C... of Ortngt County on J4kt • 1Mt. ..,_ _... • :I: • .. cAnW ' """*I. """""°" ~ ' 11112 P1a.71 Publlttltd Oren;• Coe~~ :.,-:,•on .. 111 dleefl -=~.,.., :...~ • Thia ':i:' C::~-: lllubll•"td Otl"99 Co .. t Diii) Piiot. Jiiiy II. II, AU;. 5, 12, 1MI t9'cl1 'fflalt M GIMr1y IHfllff C.... ....... CA -~ 1MI ""°'• J1itr tt, 29. Aue, 5, 12. 1912 SM.ea NODmputer -..-. lld ..._ Publllfltf Or.noe C..•1 0111 • ,_ fllot • .Mf I , 1• t.2, 2t, tM1 . "'blllMd Orant_a Coaet OellV "4t. """' ... -· .. ti. 1t, , .... practice Two new 12-metera. i1""' "Just this morning I was reading on the cereal box that .... " MARMADtKE by Brad Anderson ''Remember, don't dlllydally ... we go In and out fsstl" NIGMTTIME 15 ~IC. TO CAT~. C.A1S ARE ~RV COMFORTA&E WITH PARKNE 55 DOWN t Stumpe 2 H•dWoocl 3 fftftCf\ "'* 4Wllccwer ·~ tl.aktorlfl 7~ • Mln'•nlc*· by Virgil Partch (VIP) "Not 10 tight, Oeorge." by Jim Davis £5PECIALLV If= TMEIR PARN FLA~MLIGMT~ PON'T ~K PMNIJTI SOMrnUN6 ™'"~ MAS AAPPEHEO ! I 'VE 60T TO FIND MIM ! ~EN SOMETlUMG T£RR18t.E AAMHS. '1W'RE SVPf'05EO TO <UN AROUHP IN CIRCLES UNTIL VOV ~ INTO A rue ... J WAN'TA ~RSe PN HIJll( 10 Rive AR00Nt1 ONJ GeEl ICAN SEie rfr.x:JWL f ... ) by Jeff MacNelly SHO£ .----------. j '· THE 'WAY TO REDUCE ISIOEAT LESS , ~IMGS f'RQllf\ 1ME H l' C.HONG a. . ANtlEUT &oOIC OF CHNE.sE PMU)!i(At(J I 'LL TRY THAT WHAT ARE YOU HAVING FOR LUNCH , NANCY ? A LITTLE 9PAGHETTI AND JUST ONE MEATBALL , . • J '· .. ... '; I . , ., .... _ . • 1! ·' . • • l ol ..... . . I . .. J ' ,,. I • ' '· -..... . • I • Or"'O• OOllt DAILY PILOTITt\Urldav. July It, 1N~ MUC .TICI ML.IC M)TICI "9JC MOtlCI I Ml.IC llJl1CI WWW. t 9 1 .. F.f.I ,liffifiOUi,, ...... •• lotlu ef u t• unor th• MOtmiWWWW MOTM11 m>AmM 1--ihO'iih~~IOUI~"~ .. ~--~~ .. ~-. liAMI tf• .. ...._ ,, .. ~ pre"ltlOflt ff ,_.,tltnt IOTI tfld .... lfA,_., -NOTICI 11 HINllf OIVIN tllet . A,..,, NA1m • ..-. ti. ~ ..,...na 11• .....,. '"-•.mt '*''" a oet1111 Tiie toOtwll\f '9110n It llOlnt IO?t ot h ~ 0.0. .. TM~ Tiie ........,_ '*'°"' .,. 4'0lnf p11r1uen1 t• lttllon .. 11.1 el Trte otlo.1n1 .,_..., It dotno TIW ~ ,_.,. .,. -.. llutinMI 1111 :m.. ~... of Cellfomla. bUllMm Ill Al1111e IV, ~., VI of ~ Ill, ~""' ti! ~ ... IA.~TA A~ A"MY • NAVY, NOi ~HT\' IUllHUI UNITID VACHT l~"I Of ·•'".:'°°'t-...""°!t~JIW fat~ ot Ol"'~.l~.• .. '!!1 .. 111!.f:l~.N .. T.~ .. L. Ol'MIOI\ Vof tlW Hee/th encl le OOHaUMIR~NtOtU1Mlfw ONU IHVHTORI, I0•01 \QOJ 1 .. 1 '1111lt1te1,11111• Ana. =fllk TINO A OOl~ll<Hi, 11111 OAl.ll'SfllNIA, Ot04 \lit No, "'vii 0 -.e 30, -IOCellfot ,.,. "' " .,..,. ._... ,_ .,..,_ OMe of 1M ltete Of~ * LIM. co.ta......_ Oelltotftla ltttt "t·llMl1 ~. Hunt~on ._.,,CA Clll~~!..!.2!!.~ ,...._.. .. , .... , ..... deft Oro .... CA '•ao~J.. ewpott •••all, •lllornl• OI ~Of 1119 Itel•.,, ... Mo IOI, II Tore, CA tlt10 PUllllO 11 • .,,,,, wlll II• 11•141 011 JeyM Mllltltln. a1u lfay LllM. 2t4t ....... ,_ ....,.,.,... ,,.....,_, .. , ~ 11\t fOllOWllll Mt1'd vitflllOlee Wll lie "°""T 0 CMDIN, 11411 ,..._,I, tNl1 u 1'10 pm. ~ ttie Cottt MMa. Clllll0tnla t2tff CAHiil IT~~ll 20401 UllGWM. llYIM. Ctlllfotl'lit It? 1<1 OAANGt COUNTV IUllNHI MIDNIGHT LACI, INC 0, llOlcS •t fl\lbllo Auctton Ii 10 00 Lll'I 11'...-0.. Mllllon VleJO. CA HM1. ,.,.., ~ Ctl11Wt110e "°°"' ot tN Thia~ ii CIDl!dUCttd DV 11'1 Alloott. ~. Huntln01on leMI\, CA J otll ~>'"" lllerfl'lell'tl4111 =ITIHO AltOCIATIOlf, 11111 CA ll'O"lf..l.~1 t Ctllfornte AA'/ 21, 1~.1 111 I . Wal!M It.. .T'lllt ~II ~I.cl by an City Hall Of IM~ of Ooel.e MIM. lndtvldull ttt.4t. LllW'ltrom, uytne, Callfomll 1114 A~. Chrdeft O~. OA ~··· -Vie Ooorto. No hnta Antl 1a1tl. lndMcluel. Cllllf9fflla. 11 Mid tN IN ~ ~ I AHOM ITAHllCICafll. 20401 Louie SMrm.tn. ~o• w lero111 • o. ·~~L. NIWPOPI IHOll, 0 111101nl1 ,.,, Oecillleo Cpe O.Vllle. 10 No. l1loOert o. CMdM loercl Of Dlrettort Of .... oo.te Tiiie .. .,.,,,.,,, WM ll$ed wllJ\ tN AllOOl1 Lane Huntington .... CA o;.. 1101 ,Dini. WtMOnlln MJt1 Tllil lllUllMM It 00fldua1«1rt11111 ·-10'7tJOIOM13, Cellt. Lio. ltOllTP Tftlt .,.,,..,.., ... llltcl w11t1 Illa MIM lenll"Y QIWlot w411 llelf and Couftty Oltril.of Ortnea County Oii t2t4t ' . ' Annelle lll11m1n 301 W 1111lno0t00tllff MtOOlttlon ollltt Thlt blllln.e le~-llr • ,111111•11.0 Ora1109 Co.el D.itr OWi! of Orenot COunt; Oft MtlilM,. proteete tNf Mjeel10N. J41tt 12. IN2 CA"l ~ICQVllT, ltt ~ 8'1',ln Cl , ,01 Hunl W1teon•1f\ 11\an a Plf1Mr1Hp ~l*•llOll 'llot, J4A'/ It, 11112 l1tf.12 • 1tl2. lltld ~tor ~lone. 11 ~. '** A~. lllt>Oll l*'d. CA 63!_.7 1 ...... 1~ 11 •ond•"'I ......... 1 M°'.'i'!!:'J~~lllal•ltonneat 0M11dnc'~Of~ lno ... .,. --'"""' to 1111 p OPo"4 •n1tnmen1 tor ill'ubll1lled Oranot Coul Dally IMli.t IJOl'KQVllT, "' Onya "" .,... ·--~ "" .., vr .,,.., ..._ allto ,.,. ,..._ ""'""' ,ublle"9d DlanQI OMll o.tty llMll and Oll'Mel COllecltlon .. Mt ,llol, July 111, 22. 28. Aug 6, 1$12 Awnut. lelboe Ill.Ind. CA. Gorpo111ton. C.r~ I kOttn, ~ M. l..ee llot, Jvtr H , Aug, 1. II, If, ,... IOtlll In t repo1I llled Wiii\ 11\e :rtM-12 Tiile ~ 11 conduCted by • Joctl a11ttmen P1Mlden1 ftretldtnl YOU .-11 wALLT UMDla A 1411-t2 tecretary o1111 011111t1;t 11 the omcw Oll'Wal pertnerltllo. ~ ... ~ Tift ll~t 11111 Iii.cf 'Wllll the T1llt tt•Hmtnt WM lu.d wltll fhl Din OP ftNIT DATIO A11M. 17 ol tfle Olatrtcd, 11 , .. Drive, Cott• P\aJC NQTIC( o.t11a1 lttNec*• fn1.,pr1... County CMtk or Oranot CO\lnly on County Clettl of Orenoe ~ on •1 ~ YOU TAICI ACa ptllJC MO'f1C( ,,.._, c.lll0tnll Thie etatM*ll ... t11tO wtrll Ult MithMI Sllttl'l\lfl. Jvir ... 1N2 ~ 2~. IM2 TO "'°"'°' YOU.. HiONiWn NOTICI II Mll'IUY l'UlllTH!" Cellf•• ~ ..... c~,, Clerk of Otanot County on PrMldenl ,,..,. IALYH a ~YD IT MAY .. tOt..O AT A "'9&Jc! fllCm10UI .,_.. OIVllN lhtl 1"9 Mid~ Oii lilt In Qwlltr c-.. ~ N1y 2 . 1801 Tll1t 11a11men1 v.u llltd w11111111 Publlehtd Or•nge Coall Dtlly IMlW ....... ~ ....._. IAt.I " YOU NllD AM *ml ITATWttf Ille 011101 el 1111 Cotta Meu ...... AM....... ,,._,. Counly Clt<IC ol 0rltlQ9 Counly on ,llol, July 21, AUO· 15. 12. ta, ltU ...._... ..... Cell•n• -~t!OM OP ,,. MATURS Tll• followl"t .,_eon 11 d Olnt l1111t•ry Dltlflcl, 11 '•Ir Drive , -...._..AW. ..... -111'1.tbll1hed Or•nge CoHI Dally July 6 1992 ,1Gnl ~9M2 ,,_. °' TNI HiOCUIMMe AeAMT ~... ,CMtll ''°°'· "°°"" 417. m•y bl ......... CA ._ Pllol July 29. Al.IQ &. 12. II. 1"2 Publl•h•d Oreng• eo .. 1 0111~ Plate NOftc[ ,~~~!.!;'A.~~Y. ~~·,~. r~v W.V::' IHCM&O CONTACT A CH~T~~~2V:.:2R~:.;.~ :·:::.~the"--ol. *>T'ICI °' ~ HUMtO Wl.f1 P~ol, July 22, 29. Aug ~. 12. 1H1. YOU AM .. Ol.UULT ""°'" UU.U 19()T1CI Of1 TflUITU'• IAU IOe, MIMIOll Vi910. CA 82 .. 1. COITA MllA ""'-tCAnoM '°" WAITI 33i4-t. A DUD M TMll'f DATU UM. f .I ...... J'111 "0H'llT 0 OAIOIN. 2&412 IAHITA"Y DISTRICT CMICHAW •OUINlllllNTI -----------t?, 1HI. UNt.IH 'IOU UICI NOTICE 11 Ht!"EIY QIVIN. 111111 ft~ MIMIOn VlllO. CA 82tel l'loflnt T. "'60tlle (........., WMt °'1MMf9e "8lJC NOTIC£ ACTION TO lll'ftOTICT YOUR PtalC NOTICE °" ~. ~ •. ttQ, at Tlllt ~It oondUaled by 1111 CieB ot IN oi.t11e1 ,.........,. a,..... '-"'"l ..... flflONtth, rT MA'f' II •OLD AT A 'f'OU WIN DUAUl T UMDmR A t'OO o'clodt Im of Mid dey, In IN 11\0~ Publlthed Ortnllt CoHI Delly * AC.J:<'::.~.,, ::fNA~ i:,.y~. -:~ur. DUO°' TMllT DATSO NU 10, ;~:.7 .. ~:~~o:..:.:~ ,c::"=nJ TN• ata.='wC:. ~tll I"' PllOt. July u, 21, tffi 409~12 ~ ........... Dlttltetl Thi lolloWlng peraon• .,. dOlng °' ,... ....OCHDIHQ AGAINIT ~~u;._":f:M ...... ~·::~~ R (Al es TA" I 9 E cu RI TI u ~ty. C::-2 of 0r-. County on Nl.IC N011C( Tiie Coun~-;~~VIC11 of bull,_ d . • YOU, YOU IHOULO CONTACT A IT MAY M ~ AT A "*JC ll"VICE. IOQled •I !020 "°"h -. 2t Orange County (C800C) ll9t flied• COMGP~NOY Bl:r lF ~~~! r...?.! ~nc"'1 --··-··· ..... • 'A I... I, 'f' 0 u .. I ID A.. •OIOWIY. Suite 206. Ill "" City of ,~ C~Bl10 report of ... ,. dl1ch.,C1• end " , • .....,.._,. ...... 9 . -....-'"" •• -IX."-ANATIOM Of1 TMI MA.TUM leltll Ana. County Of Orante. llate fl'ut>llllltd Or•nge CoH t Dally NOTICI OP TIIUITll'I IALI •PPli.d for r~utremenl1 for 111• Newpot't BMcfl. CA t2t&3 T.t . No. MHO Oft n. "'OClllMNO AQ-.T ol O•lllornle, ae duly •PPGlnled lll'tlol. J;i/y It, Aug. a. t2, II, IH2 T.I ..... 'C 1t7t dilChatoe of WMlll Into Ille PllClllC SUZANNE y OOVE. 1182 NOTICE IS 11EAE8Y GIVEN Jh•I YOU YOU tHOUL.D CONTACT A Tf\111 .. ullOet Ind PIKIUlllll to Int $4l2-&2 HOTICI YOll .,. In de!Mill undef ()cMn. 'rlle prQ90Md order wlll bl ludnd• W•y. T1.11t1n. CA 82880. on Wednead•y. Auguet 4. IH2. II LAwYO. power of .... conlemtd In ,,.... -.,. Mftn..t • 0..0 of T'rvet. d•led Dec; 2. 188 I • Jotnl Perm!! leMi9CI Oy bolh Int JOl1N J. MILES, 11971 lMlllorn 9 00 o'tlOCk. m ol Mkl d9)', In th• NOTICI Of' TIIUeftl'I IA.LI cett•ln OMd of TNll .. ~ by ~ "'"~ UnlMI YOll 11111• KllOn IO prolec:t ". g I 0 n •I II 0 a rd • n d I h. °'""'· Hl.lnt~Of't 8Mctl, CA 9~11 1oom HI Hide lot cond11c11ng TI .... Mm PAMELA A SHIER. an llNMl'lied CW-IMM 'f04lt proC*tY, 11 may bl told at 1 Envfronmental Protec;tton Agency THEOOO E RICHARD RITTER. Trufl .. 1 SllM, Wllhln lhe oNi<l• ol NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN !Nit WOM6n Ind RICHARD ST THOMA.I NOTICI OP publlc ul1 11 you nud •n (EPA) Tiie Elll'A llH lent•llvely 4281 PlonMr. Ir.Int, CA 92714 RE AL Es TATE s E cu RI Tl Es on WednMCl•y AliOl.l•t 11 18S2 " Ind DIANE ST Tl10MAI. llvlband TRUITll'I IALI •xpl1.n11tlon of the nelu•• or Ille decided 10 g1an1 • varlatlCll lrom Thll bl.ltlnee1 11 condu<:led by • SERVICE. located 11 2020 NJrlll 9 oo o'cloelc a;.,,, of Mid day, In the Ind wll• .. community prop9rly, T.I • ..._ 11-pr00Mdlf19 •"" you. you lhOl.lld 1111 ••con d 1' y I re a 1m•n1 gen« .. par1nenlllp. Bfoadlolay, Su111 208 In lhe Clly ol toom 111 H ide 101 conducting r-ded May 11, 1811, In 8oOk YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A conteat 1 ~ •IQl.ll!-11 of the CIMn Watet John J Ml1411 Sanll Ant County of Orana-. Slate Tru.1 .. 1 s-. within Ille offlcee of 14052 of Ofliclel Rlcofd1 ol Mid DEED OF TRUST. OA TED MARCH On AliOl.lef 6. 1912. at 8 15 AM . Ac:I puttuent lo Stc:tton 30 l(h) 10 Thie""'"*" WU llled with,,... or C•lllOl'lll•. COASTLINE EQUITY !'\EAL EST II.TE SECURITIES County "PIO' 11199. Reeotdet. 17, 1810 UNLESS YOU Tll.KE ••vlfl9• l.Aor1gege Corp0ra11on .. 1111 C800C facKlllM COi.iniy CWk of Oranoe County on INC . a Clllloml• corporatton .. SEl'\VICE IOt•lld " 2020 Nor1h 111111-t Ho. 12e75, by flMOfl ol AC TION TO PROTECT YOUR duly appointed fl'llll .. ""'°" linCI On Ille l>MI• of pteltmll\try •t•N July 211, 19112 duly eppo1n1ed TrutlM 11n<le< end Broadway. Slltte 20e, In Ille Cit of a bfeecil or dlolllUtt In P•Ymtnl or PROPER'TY, IT MAY 11! SOLO AT A Pll•_,,I lo 0..0 of T11.111 rlCOfded review •nd eppllcellon ol l•wful f1MCM1 pu11uan1 to lhl power of u11 S•nli Ana Slat• Of CaHlornle ~AN perlo1m•nc1 of the obllg1llon1 PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN J•nuery 25. t912. n Intl No etand•rdt •nd regulellon•. lh• Publl•h•d Oreno• Coast Delly conle11ed In lllet c;erlaln OMd of MARINO .SAVINGS ANO LOAN 11cu11J lhll•by, lncludlng lhll EXPL.ANAT~ OF THE NATURE 12~7338. In bOotL NIA. pege NIA, Calllornla Regional W•I• Oullllly Pllol, July 29 Aug 5. t2. 19, 1982 Trust uecuted by PAMELA A ASSOCIATION. • C •llfornlt b<Mdl or o.leult, Nol!Oe of wtlletl OF THE PflOCEEOIHCl AGAINST of Ottic;lal Aec:otdl tn the olftc.e of Con11ol Boato. Sant• AM Region 3337-82 SHIER, Ill untn¥rled women end corporellon H duly •ppolnted wu recorded Fetlr'\lllY I, 1882, u YOU, YOU SHOULO CONTACT A lh• Counly Recorder ol Otano• ltnlallvely propoeN to•-""Mt• ------------RICHARD ST THOMAS Ind DIANE Truf1M u~ and pur9Utnl 10 Ille Recorde r't ln1lrument No LAWYER County, Slt ll of C1llfo1nl1 dlte:h•rge requ111m1n11 lncl11dlng P1Jll.IC N()TJC( ST THOMAS. h1.11b1n<t tf\d wile at power ot 1111 conlerred 111 lhal 82..o3711113. Will SELL AT PU8LIC On Frldey. Al.IQllll 20, 18112 at !Ji~eel by Robert V Snydtt tf\d 11fluenl llmll•llone and 1pec111 ... WPC>ftT -MIU UHlfWD ICMOOL DllTinCT UGALNOTICE NoUC. It hefeby given lhtl lhe eo.,d ol Educ111on 01 th• N•wport·MIU Unified Scllool Olslrlel et Ill regul•r meeting ol July 13, 1H2. dtClared 111 Intention to --the llndbelgh SohOol. loceled •I 220 EHi 23rd S111e1, Co111 M•H, C•lllo1nl1 Tiie Notice to Bidden •nd L••H Fo1m1 .,, avallebil IOI lnapecllon II Ille olf~ or th• Butlnen •n•ger. 1857 Plac•nU• Av.nu•. Coit• M1 .. ~ !he hours of 7 30 AM IC 4 30 PM, Monday 1h10UQll l'rldey SHled Bide lo LHH mutl bf 111Ce1Vec1 on or before 2 00 PM Augull 4, 1882. 11 lhl ottlce of lhc ~ Manager, II wtlldl llmt orll bldt will alto be 1-Yed TN Board of Ed~llOn wtll 11111• hn• action lo •w•d the lNM II •II regul., '""tlfl9 t>eglnnlnQ at 7 3C PM, T~ey. AUQIJll 10, 19112 Raymond R SthnMlf., ~Manager Newi>orl-M ... community p1~rty, recorded M•y oertiln o..o of Trull e•IC\.lled by AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST o 15 • m Chigc;eqo Tltle lnturanoa B•• R. SnyO... noablnd •nd w111 condition• P111on1 w1111lng to 11, 1981 In Book 14052 or Ollicial RICHARD p JARVIS end ANN R 8100ER FOR CASH. lawful money Compeny, H duly •PPOlnted • IOlnl lenanll oomment upon or ob)ecl lo Ille Rll:ord1 of said County, at ~ JARVIS, 11,uab•nd •n d wlle , ol ll'le United Siii", or I ~·1 T1ullff 1.1nd11 e.11d pvreuent to WIU S!Ll AT PUBLIC AUCTION Ploc><>Md dlech11ge 1equt1_,,t1 t701 Recorder's 1n11rumen1 t(o recorded Jiiiy 31. 198l, In Book chec;lc dr.-Of't • ttall or nallon .. OMd of Tr1.111 beculed t>y Rob«t TO HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH ere Invited IO 11.tbmft-ln wr11ln0 12676, t>y •Nton of • breeoll or 14162 of ONlclel Rtc:ord• 01 MIO bank, • tt•te 01 lederll Clldll V•n•do11 H Trut101 re corded ~peyabil •I ume or Nie 1n llt'#fl;I to the tbc>Ye add•-no lat• Vien oe11u1t in payment or Plf'f<>nnln<l41 County 11 page 1990, Record«'• union, or I 11a11 or fedtt., Mvlnot M.,cm 18, 1980, M Intl Ho. 21839, money 01 the United 1tllMI 11 the AIJ9ull 2t. 1882 AU commenll or of lhe obllQ•llon• MC:ured the<tby. lnllrvmeni No 44023 by 1euon of .no loall UIOCl1tlon domle"-d ln In bool( 13640, page 824, of Offlclal t1on1 entranoe 10 lhe Old 0rlll0' o btec11on1 received prior 10 Ill• 1nciud1no lhll bfeec;h 01 default 1 bfeaoh or o.tault Iii payment or Ihle 11111. Ill payable et IM llfftl of Rtoordt In Ille ottiol of 1he County Counly Cou•lhou11. 1oc11ed on •bolte d•l• wlH be eonlldlred In the No11c1 ol wlllch wu recorded pt1formance or the obUgellon• ule, an rlghl. llUeand tnl•MI ntid Aecordtt ol Or1ng1 County_. S•n•• An t BIYd bet•••n lormui.llOn of !Intl oe1 .. mina1tone Feb1u11y 1 1882 •• R1eo1de< • Hcured lhlleby, tncludlnq 11111 by II n frut1•• In lh .. re11 Callfornia WIU SELL AT PUBLIC Syeemore S11 .. 1 1nd B101dw1y. •egatdong the •Mii dlec:t\alae lnttrument No 82-0371194 WILL bfeech or dellult Nol~ of wHc:tl P'oPWIY lltutll In Mid Col.Inly Ind AUCTtO~ TO HIGHEST lltOOER 611111 Ana. Celltor111a aN rlglll, lltle lhe 8oerd wlthll to obl•ln SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE wes rec0tded A~ol Ill l882 u 81111. dete.ribed U lollowe. FOR CASH (pey•ble at lime of sell end lnle<M1 con~ to •nd now 1nfo1mat1on lo IUlll II In HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH Recorder '• lnJlru~ent No PARCEL I TneSoulnettte<ly2.5 In ••wful mon•y ol lhl Unlt1dhel<lbyll1.1nd11Mloo..<101 Truet dete<mlningprc>perw .. ledltch.,OI lawful money of lht United StelH 82· 132987 Will SELL AT PUBLIC ac111 of lot 313 of Newpott Sltl•l 11 Ille lrOlll "'''"'°' 10 Int on Ille p1ope11y tllu•led on H id requ11-1t Ind. lor 11191 PIKl>OM. or 1 ctslltt< s checll drewn on a AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST Helghll, H t llown on • m•P Old Orenge Counly CourtllouH jCoun_ly Ind State 0Mcr1bed M Wiii no4d • PUbMc: '-Ing MI~ et-at nationet benll • 1111te Of BIDDER l'OR CASH. lewful money recorded In booll 4 pege 83, loceted on S anta An• llvd Lol30o1Trle1Ho 1812 In Ille City OAT(· -lember 10. 1912 ltldef., cr.011 unlOll. or 1 11111 or of tl'le United Stal ... or a euh•'• M11cellaneou1 Mape 11cord1 ol t>et•••n Syc1mo11 SI •nd Coete MMe. County of Or.,. TIME 930 e.m lederal sav1no1 and loan H1oc11110n en.ck dtawn on 1 •let• or national OrlfnO' Collnty 8ro•dw1y, S•nla An•. C•llf .. •II State of Calttor1111, u W-oo a PL.ACE. Cit\' Counc:tl C11am1>er1. domiciled on this st1te. ell peyoble 11 bank 8 '"" 01 reoerel Clldll E • c •PI Ing I h" •Ito m th• rlghl, lltle Ind 1111-1 con\1'8Y9d 10 m4111 •ecorded In bool( 63, pagee '7. 3300 Newi>or1 9cule¥.,d. N~ the tome or uie •II rigllt. title end 11noon. or 1 llate °' ledelll U Ylngt So\11'-l«IY 240.00 1M1 lhereof Ind now held t>y u undet Mid 0.0 Ind "' of .......,_.. Maoa, 6Mc:tl. California onteresl lwlld t;y 11 45 TruSlee on 100 ioen a»OCllllOn domtc:tled In Alto Excep1tn&,ther1f1om Ille of Tl'\lal 1n Ille PfoC*tY 111\llted In 1cord1 of Or1 nga County. lnlet"'ed 1191~ .,, in\111ed lo lf\at r1a1 P«>oe11y s11ua111 on sao<I th•s state '" P•Y•ble 11 ,,.. 1.,,,. 01 Horl"-1•1y 50 1M1 '""eol Mid County end St11a delc1'1o.d .. tcaollfillOmla enend to •AP'-ll>elr _. on Counoy end Stale d1SC11bed "' sale .,1 right. toll• and onle<M I held Aleo E11cep11ng therefrom lhl LOI 2 of Trec1 Ho 3085 u per Tiie 111111 addreu end Olller ti-t.-retlllng to Ille •bcrte follows by 11 .. Truttei. In 111,1 reil Nort'-lltny 11111 lhereol map recotded In 800ll 85. Paige 10 °"'9f"lllon. II eny. of the w111e dltcl\erge Per.one m1k1ng Peret! 1 The Norlhw111111y ptO()tr'ty •Hull• on Mid County and PACRCEl '2 An ..._.,,.,,, for of Mlte*lant0\11 Mape In the offloe PfOC>«ly CIMC:f'lbed 1b0Ye It Pf•a.\letlon1 lho\lld confine their 40 00 1111 01 '"• Soulh1•1te11y State. described u lollowl lng1111 •nd •oreu OYe 1 tllt or the County Recorder In elld urporte d 10 b1 2 1112 Stell 11111men11 lo lh• above 11•teo 2•0 ()() r .. 1 01 LOI 313 Of Newport A Sul>leuehold E.etall Ill and No1thw .. 111ly T 00 .... ol lh• County venu•. Co•ll MH•. Calllornla •H UH bral '''''"''"" wlll IN Hllghlt n shown on 11 map 10 ,,... Souu-sterly 2.00 1191 m Lot So1.11heaa1eny 24000 leec of lot 313 The *''"' eddllH ind other 24127 newo. bl.It ror IM llCCutacy OI tne recorded 1n book 4 pege 93 19 a ll Of Lot 19 end 111 , olNewi>orlH•lgtna. .. INIWnon• commondelignatlOll."eny.oftlle T11e und1r11on•d ~\lltte record. •II 1mpor11nt tHllmony M1sce111n1oua Meps 11corda ol Noflheall.,ly 19 oo IMI 01 Loi 20. Map rec:0<ded In booll 4. Peot 13, reel PfOC*'fY delct10ed eDO¥e 1e l1c111m1 eny lf•blllly tor •ny tf\oUld bl 11.tbmllled In wrtllng Orll Untiled SchOol Otlllrlci Publlahed Oreng1 Cotsl Pilot, July 15. 22. 20. 1982 Orange Countr Callforn11 111 eioc:k t!) of TrlCI No 772. u per M11t1llan1ou1 M1p1. 11cord1 ol purported 10 be 2242 weuace rec:t,_ of tlle 11r .. 1 eoor-1111-11 tnould be t>nel to •llow 0111> Eaceplong tne11lrom lhe map rec0tdtd 1n Boot< 23. pegee 5 Oranoe County Avenue. Cotta Meu. Celllornl• other common dMIONlllOn If all 111ter•1eo ""'°"' llme 10 be Nortt>easterly nall tllefeof Ind 6 01 Mote:ell.,,.,... M""9. 1111,... PARCEL 3 An 1uemen1 101 82t27 , lflooM\ ,..,., '-td 3199-8~ Pa1c1I 2 An euemenl 101 oNice 01 Ille County iecoro.. ol MIO 1ngre11 end egren over Ill• The Ulldertlgntd dtld9lm9 "'Y 110 1119 Will be mad•. but Tiie 1eport ol wMI• dltchatge, P111l.IC NOTICE 1noreu end egreu over the County N o1111 e•eterly h a ll of lhe a11t1111tylor91'rylncx>ffec:t,_oft11e 1tho1.11 covtn•nt or w•rr•nty. re'etec1~1.tec1"-t1.1nt Northwesterly 7 00 leet 01 the Excepting lhtreliom the No11llwea1111y 7 00 l1e1 of lh• 1t1Mt ICktr ... and other Commor\ xpr ... or Implied, 1909tdlfl9 lltle. Bo11d'1 p1opo11d 1equt11m1n11, 'f'OU AM IN De'AUL T UNDER A Soulheatlerly 247 00 !Ml of Loi 313 Nortll-lerty 33 00 IMt of lot 20 Sout"-19tly 2H 00 IMI of LOI deelgnatk>n. If any, 11>0Wn herein PoHeulon. Of en<:umb<ancee, lo 1nd •II tommt nll 1nd petlllont OllO Of' TRUIT DATED """IL n , or Newoo<1 Httglltt u shown on a Tne 11,,11 eddtHt 01 Olher 313, Newport HelOM• u atlowf\ on Sttd ult woll be m•d•. but 1ne remaining ~ ... moo received me~ bl lrtspected •nd t•1 . ..._. •• 'f'OU TAKE ACTIOH map rec;orded m bOOll 4 page 113 common oe11gna11on ol the r••I a Map •eGOfded In bod! 4, P-oe 13. wllllOul cov1nent or w1111nty the nOle(IJ MCUred t>y Mid Deed of eOPled 11 ll'le RtQIOnal Bol<d olflee TO PROTICT YOUfl ~RTY. ~1ac1llaneoua Maps r1eordt 01 P«>P•r1Y he<etnebove 0Mcr1bed • M11tetl1neou1 M•P•. record• ot DPt-or 1mp11ec:t 1evardtn0 mta. T1utt. w11h '"""'' theteon 11 6809 lncllen• A--. Slltte 200. IT lllAY II IOU> AT A "'9UC Orange County purpoile d 10 be 449 Proapeel Or1n91 County pc11•1MC>n. or enc:..mbfancee. to ptOVldecl In Mid note(t), edvenoee. R1v1r11d1. CA 92!)011 tpnone I AL f , '' you H 11 D AH Parcel 3 An euemenl tor SHMI, Newl)Ofl Belen. Celila<nl&. Tiie 1tr"1 addrtH 01 oth11 pay Ille remaining pr~ tum of of any ultder IM t.,mt of MJ<l DMd 714 llM-93301 bel-the llOl.lrt of IXP\.ANATIO.-Of' THE NATUflt: 1ngreu and eg11n over"" Tf\I 1.1ndtrslglltd heriby common de1lgn•t1on ol lh• rNI tM note MClUfed t>y Nld Deed olot Trus t I••• cner;es and 600 a.m Ind 4 00 pm , M011dly Of' THI ,._OCEIOMO AOAIHIT Nor111e11terly n91 1 o f 1111 dllclelma all lllblllly ror i ny orQ98rly he<einabove detcr!Oed II T1ull. w1111 1n111HI thereon H ~of Ille Truet .. and of Ille 11110\lgll Fr101y YOO. YOU IHOUt..D CONTACT • NOllllWHll•ly 1 00 ''" ol lh• onc;orrect-•n NICI 11•MI .oo-purported lO be 230 Cec:tl Pleoe prOVIOec:t'" ...0 note, act¥~.,, trutl• created by Hid Deed ol "--brV>g ,,... foregoing 10 rne LA~A.. Sou1nee11eny 240 oo , .. , ol Lot or 01,_ common~ Coell M-. Calltorn•• "'Y· ""°" IM'""" of 1t11 OMd of Ttval •llentton of any pereont known to NOTICI OF TIIU8TIE'I aAL.f. 313. Newport Helghtt. u 11\own on Said ule Wiii be made wlth0\.11 T l'I e u n d • 1s1 g n e d he I• by Truel. '-· c:har911 and •Al*'\IM f ... tot• lmOl.lnl o1 the unpllCI Y01.1 whO WOUid !>e lnl-led 1n 11111 T.S. No. M111 1 mep rec;orded 1n booll • peoe 63. werrenty ... pr_ 0< implied, , .. 011cta1m1 ell litblllty for eny of IM Tr.-t .. lllld of 1tie 1rve1a b.,anoe of Ille otlli011lon MCurld metllf NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. lllll Mlac1ll1n1ous Map1. Or1nge gatdlng !Ille, PM'"''°"· or encum. tncorret1""9 In Mid ttrMl eddr ... cr-ed by Mid Deed of Trust. lo-t>y Ille PfOC*'tY to be told Ind Publleti.d 011ng1 CoHI Deify on Weonuday. Auguel '· 11182, •• Col.Inly b•e ncu to utt•fy th• prln· or 0111er common dteignaoon ""'' $20.00000 (plUI Int-• end euon•bl• et11m•l•d to111 Pll04 July 29 29. 30. 31 Aull 1, 11ooo'doc:k 1 m of Mid o.y, 1n ll'le The 111111 1001111 or olher Qpal bal1nc;ie of the n<>i• °' Olher Seid .... Wiii be maot wllflO\lt coet•> ApeMM eno llCI~ 91 Ille time 19112 room 111 •••d• ,0, conductina c;ommon de .. gnalton 01 "" ••el ObtlQatlOn MCUreCI II\' aaio o.o ol ••rr•nty '"'''" Or tmplled, n.. ~under Mid Dead I the 1n11111 put>hcallon of 1n1 TtuttM s Sein. W!lhln tne olllc:el of proa>«ty neremal>OYe detcnl>ed •• Trull. w1111 1n1e< .. 1 Ind otr-sum• 11garding ""' potHHlon. or of Truet 1*etofore executed Ind Notice of StM • 168, 1112 211 fltenTIOW ...... NAmlTA,._-, T lie lofloWlllO pereona .,. dolllO bl.lllfleff .. RICl(IHAW RICOR09, 737' Ot~llOrpe A--. 81*'1 Part!. CA aoe20 (RIG R£C 09'01N 0). t C•flfornl• COfPoretlon. 777 Ovall Circle, Anallelm HIHI. CA 92ll07 Thie bl.lllntll It conducted t>y a COIPOf lllOn R&Q RECOROIHO Fllc:Ntld a <HinUlhtw Preeldent Thll tlatlfNflt WN !lied wllll Ille County Clet1< ot Orange County on July 21. 1912 """y. IMITlt COUtollllORI AT LAW 6* Mec:Artllw lltvd. aulte uo NewfllO'f llMeft, CA nllO ,,.,.,.. Pubhthed OrtnQt Co•tl Otll) Polol July 29, Aug ~ 12. 111. 1982 3385-82 NOTICI 0# flUNO Wttl'TTIN MP'OAT Of' HWIMQI HttvlCI CHA9'0ll ,OA '11CAL YUR 1t12111 NOTICE IS HEREBY GlllEN lf\al the Boartl ol O+tector1 01 flnetlld Bey S11v1c1 01t11<tt edopted Otdlnlll!CI No 3 on Ap111 26. 1960. proYodong for 11tebli1llmen1 ol sewerage 1erv•c1 charge• for -age flCl~I-and llecltng 10 n ev• 1ucll aew111g1 11rv1ce ctlt1gee eo/lecled on the Oranoe Coonty tax roll for ..en htctJ yell commencing wllll tM fltcal ye11 1980/81 e nd dore cllng Ille IJ'-lllOn '"° flllnQ of • Wfl11tn •IOOfl con111n1ng d~rlPllOlll OI ••ell parcel of 11a1 prop111y r1t11111ng aucf\ •••v1c11 and tec111u... eno the •mount ol 1ne charg1 lo• t ech p111cll lor 1111 lorthtom•ng ll1c11 yetr a s preecnbed t>y Mid O<dlnenc.e S AID WRITTEN REPORT hH bMrl d!Jly prepar.O ancs hied wtlh • lh• S1c11ttry ol Emertld 81y S...VIC4 OlttrlC1 on July 20. 1982 11'<1 II 1Ylilebi41 lor 111S99CllOll on the O<a1r1c:1 Ottice 600 Emetl ld Bay Laoun• 811cn C•H•o•n•• 9211S 1 The UICI teport in<lleat• I chlfQ<t 01 $100 00 1191 ctw.iflng unit lor me htcll yet< 1982163 N011CE IS ~URTHER GIVEN tllat 11>e Boero 01 o .. ec10<1 11u ,., the ume and p1ae41 tor '-1"0 on MIO report and "'Y end •II Objec;llOflt or O•Otetl• IO .. I() report lor A\19USI 9 188'2 Ill 5 30 p m .n the olb or 111e 011111ct 1100 Emereld 8ey Legun1 Beech. Cetllomta 92eS I OA TEO .h.oly 27 1Qe2 RA Seymour Sectelary ol Emerald Bey Se<VICI O;etrtc1 Pubhtlled O•enge Coett 0 11ly Ptlol J.;, 29 Aug 5 tte2 3393-82 Nil.IC NOTIC( REAL ESTATE SECURITIES PIKP<><led lo be 232 Cecot Piece 11 IJ'Ovlded thelein, plui ldVancet. tntumbrancH. lo Ulltly th• deUYered 10 lhe undertlgned a Tne benlllcllf)r l.lllder Mid DMd SERVICE. IOCllad et 2020 N<>nll Cotta Mesa Ca11lo<n111 of eny under ll'le te<me thereof Ind PflllClpal beltnee of Ille Nell or wrllten Decl.,atlon of OeflUlt Md Truel hert'ofore nec;uted ""° B<oadwly Suite ioe . .,, Ille City ol The u n d •rs 1 on• o her• by 1111.,.,, on sucn ldVlnCM. Ind p1u1 01n.. ot>Hoaoon Me<Jted t>y Mid Oemend for a.. and • ""''"-' el1ve11d to lht und1111gned 1 Senll 11.na. County of Orange Sllll d11c111m1 111 11abil1ty I Or eny ,_ c;htrgee •nd .. ~ ol ,,.. Oeec:t of frut1 wo1n '"'"'" Ind Notlc:ie of 09llUll Ind Eltetlon to men Deaeration ol Oefaull 1inC1 CONSOUDAnD OI Clilllomia. CoulJine Eq.ii:ly. lnG. • oqconettneu on :Yid 111 .. t .011taa lri*M .no ol lhe 1,..... Cifee&td IPy Other tum a H prolflded lller•I , Sea. Tba.uodllnigaed ~ lot a.. Mid a .nu.. Celllornl• corpo11t1on, u duly 0< othe< c~mon dettQn111on u1d Deed or Trull T111 10111 1)11.11 ac1Yaneet. rt any, undet the No(a of OllllUll end EltctlOn lo lice of Default Md Elec110n lo eppolnled Trutte• under tnd Seod saie will be m&de without emo...nt of .. ,d obllQallOn. 1nctudlno ,.,.,. lllereol and fllle<MI on IUetl Sell lo be recorded In the county The underllgntO cal.IMd Mid pllrauant to the power of ul• w1rr1nly ••Pren 01 •mplled rHSOrtat>ly Hllmalec:t '-· ch9fgn adYancM, and ptua , ... , ct\91911 wfl«• IN rMI property II localed Ilea of Defeuu Ind EMctlOn to confetred 1n 1n.1 certain o..o ol 1eg11rd1ng 111111 poueu1on or and ••pen1et ol th Tl\dt .. et,,... and·~ of tlle Trvet .. lllld of Heme . St1111 Add1eu end 10 be rec;otded In the county Tr1111 eucultd by PAMELA A encumbrtnces 10 1111sly lhe 11me or tn<Ual p.,l>llc:allon of t1111 !he'""" cr .. teo t>y Mid DMc2 ol T~ H1.1tnber of Tl'\iet .. or • 1111 rMI ptoperty 11 loc:ated SMl£R. 1111 unmemeo woman Ind p"nc1pa1 btllnce ol the Nol• or Notice. 11 119,803 17 T1ut1 The 10111 •mounl of ••Id PllrlOfl eonductlnO .... • ~, Del• July 2. t982 R~RO ST. THOMAS and DIANA Other obl1Q1t1on tec:ureo t>y said Oiied .i...ty 19 1882 obllg1tlon. lncludlng •Htonebly Tiiie lnaurenc• Compeny. 32g5 Seytnga Mortgage ST. THOMAS. nuat>an<1 end wife .. 0..0 of frutt woll• 1nt1rea1 Ind SAN Mf.RINO Sl\VINGS 1111m1l1d 1111. OlltrOH •nd Wlltlllre Blvd . lot AngelH, CA Corpor1uon eommuntty ptoe>ert)', 1ecorded Mey otlle1 sum1 u provided 1ner11n ANO LOAN expen9e1 of lhl fr1.1tt-. al Ille Ume 90010 t213) 3I0-31MO 1411 W ~Blvd . II, 11181, In Boole 14052 of Otflcltl plus advancet ti lll'IY un08f Ille ASSOCIATION of lnftlal OUblicetlOn of lhe NOtlea. 1• Oeled >Jty 21. 19112 Loe Iii~ CA toOIS '*°'di of Mid County, al PIO' terms thereof an<t 1nt .... 1 on sucn 1 CeNIOlnla COtl>Of•lton 123o:i: ~ 15. 11182 CNc89e,.. ....__ Tel (2I)) 386-2te0 1195, Recorder'• ln111umen1 No aovances •lld otus f-cnasgee " Tru11.. C1-.: ;, • ,,_... By Oen1e1 Aland8. 1Ml'3, t>y r-of 1 breec;ll of Ind eapenMS or lhl Trull .. and ol By REAL ESTATE COAITUNI lourTY. INC. ,.., CMiftf Mllllaget cHllaull In peyinenl or perform-the tru1tt created by M•d 0eeo or SECURITIES SERVICE. A~ "'WM'llttoft, Publltlltd Or•nge Cont Dllll Publlthed Orenge CoH I O•tly .RE.PORT OF COHDrtlON Conaolldatlng domestic subsidiaries o l the PACIFIC NATIONAL BANK of Newport Beach In the state of California. at the dose of business on June 30, 1982. published In r•ponae to call made by COmptrofter of lhe C urrency. und8' tltle 12. United States Code. Sec11on 161 Cftert., nYmber 111ee Netloftel 8enll "-gton Number 14 Dollar Amounb In ThouMnde AUETI of lN obllgatlonl eec;u1ecl th«et>y, Trust The lolal emount ol said • C1lllornl1 corporallOn. .. Tnie.... PMOI. JUiy lO, AUQ II. 13. 1M2 Piiot Jl.liy 15 22. 29. 1912 lnGIUcllrlg 11\U br..cf1 or OtfM.111 obllgatoon. oncludong 1euon1bly 111 Aofnt •r. MAL llTATI llCUftfTtll 3394-82 3111.e2 ,...,. No11ce of which wH 11cordeo 1111m11ed tees cnerou 1nd By cSEALl o J Morger UJtVICE, I Cash and du. from bat*I .... · · ......................... 4.vvu Fet>nwy 1, 1982, .. Recotdet. expenses OI ,,,. Trustee •• Ille hmt "' PrellCltnt • 0.-.-_.,.,a.._. "8.JC ll)llCE ..a.IC NOTICE Obftgttlonl Of other U.S . Gov.'t. lntlrumenl Ho. 82·037679, Will of 1n111al p.,bhc1hon ol lh" Notice 11 2020 North Br~ay. tta ~ agenctft and corporations .................................. 1,200 S£U. AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE 123.363 36 Su11e 2<le. D..I. • ~ CON90UDATaD All t.._ fit,_ 105 HIGHEST BIOOER FOR CASH. O•led July 15, 1982 Sant• Ant. CA 92706 ~~:. .. c• • .,, •• O ,.., "9CU ,_ ................................................... .. 1.w1u1 ~of,,... Unlleo s"'"· COASTLINE EOU1TY tNC Telephone 11141 &s3-&ll1o (114),Q..,; l270I MPORT OP CONOrnON Federal fundt IOld end MCUrlttes « • CMhllf't c:nec:k drewn Of't I a Cahlornt1 COIPOflliOf\ Publl1hed Ot•nge CoHt O"!y Pubhtlled OrenQe CoHI Delly ContoNdlt*' Report of Condition of "CommetoeBank" pyrchaMd Under ag,..,,.,.,,tS =..ar cr':s~~ ! :::: : :V T~E~~ESTATE P1101. July 22 29. AUQ 5 1~~82 Pilol, .Mr 15. 22. 29• 1ae2 2970-112 of Newport Beach. Orant! County, and OomHUC to reeefl .............................................................. 6, 100 federal .......... _, loan ueoclauon SECURITIES SERVICE. Subtldlarlet at ~ ctoM of tk*'9 on June 30, 1882. a . Loen1, Total (••eluding ~i~t'Na atete, •II payable at a Caulorn•a corporeuon • ttet9 ... No. 1211 unearned Income) .......................... 7 ,214 the ,.,,,. ot ..... a11 rtoht. 1111e eno 111 Aoen• PUBUC NOTIC[ "8JC MOTIC( b. L..,: AJtowanoe for ~ "':'~· :u.~~~ .. ~ ~ J~~~ J Morge. poltlble lo.n IOIMI ............................ 36 county and St•I•. ducrlbed .. 2020 Horth &ro.oway. CONSOLIOATID AauTI o. L<>enl, Mt ........................................................ 7.249 tollowl: &11112oe. MPORT OF CONDIT10N L .... financing reoelv•blea ......................................... 12 PARCEL 1· The Northeuterty hell Sanll ...,. .. CA 92706 Consolidated Report of Condition Of "INTERNATIONAL Cash and due frori't bank• ..................................... e .834 Bank preml .... F.F.& E .. etc .................................. 1,0S1 T,~,...of'=~~.~:~ Put>h1~:o'b1,~,,~-ro~~. Oaoly CENTRAL BANK & TRUST CORPORATION.'' of 8 Toro. Investment MCUtlriM All other .... ta .......................................................... 341 on 1 map ,_ded 111 book 4. page PllOI. Mf 1s. 22. 20. 1ae2 Orange County, and OomMtlc Subetda.n. at the c:loet (Mnet value '2, 183) .......................................... 2, 187 TOTAL ASSETS .................................................... 20.118 83. M1tet11-. Map•. rec0<d• 01 29e9-B2 of business on June 30. 1912. Federal fundl IOld and eecuriu.. UA81UT118 ot~1~~~ th1111rom 1h• l't&IC NC>TICE au• 8ank No.1217 r:= ~~~==t~ .............................. 9,180 ~~~:n~f~~~.~~ ............................ 3,369 so;::~':'!P~~g~~~11i':m'°.'ne :::,.c~ 1. Loan., Total (exctudlng Time and .. vings depotlta of lndlvldua11, Hcll'tllwtll"'Y so oo fMI thereof 700 Ct•lo c-111r Dr • ._ .. , AUIT8 unearned Income) ........................ 49,680 partnerthlps, and corpe>ratlon• .................... .... 11,976 PARCl!l 2· An tHement tor 111'.0. Boa.. c.t11fled tnd Offioert' cn.cka .................................... 523 ~:,~~!~.~~l~V 1f o~·~.:t~:. '1~: ~,·;~ ~rRO... Cash and due from banks ...................................... 6,080 b . Lesa: Reterw for Total Depotlt• ....................................................... 15,8&8 Spvlneetllrly 24000 , .. , OI LOt DEll'ENDANTt IANflT c . Investment eec::urltlea poutble loan loaet .......................... 705 Total demand depoltts ..................... 3,892 31S of Hewpor1 Helghla. u .,_ CftOH, CUMt• INIUUNCI (Market value $76,540) ...................................... 79,039 o. Loen•. net ...................................................... 41,955 Total time & .. vi. cMpoalt• ......... 11 ,976 on• mec> recotded 1n book 4. page 1oc1nv. INC .. • w11eon11n Federal funds sold and securities Bank preml ... , F .F.& E .. ate .................................. 1,384 Federal tunda purchaMd and MCUrlttes 83• M~~· Mapa, recordl of c: o r Po r 1 t I o n • W E IT E " N purchased und8f agreements R .. I .. tate Owned IOtd under agreementa °'mcEL 3.' An 1111man1 tor ~=:!~"~.":~~N~x' 10 resell In domeatlc otflc.et .............................. 16,051 .other than bank pr9m1MS ...................................... 869 to repurch&M .......................................................... 80<4 1ngr••• and •1r••• 0Ye1 lh• ~ • Bank prenll .... F.F.& E., etc ....................................... 31 other .... ta ............................................................ 1,365 AJI other llabllltlea ...................................................... 141 ;::~'l,41~01_::~~~,~~; . IUflolMONa Other usets ........................................................... 2,013 TOTAL ASSETS ................................................... 70,784 TOTAL LIABILITIES of Newpoft Htlghll, .. lhOWn on a MOnc~r;:.,:~12~ eued. TOTAL ASSETS .................................................. 102.214 UAM.ITWI (exeluc:llng eut>ordlnatea not .. 11'119 recotded In book 4, PION 63. Thi-'_, decldl eglllntt rou UA•IUTill TOTAL DEPOSITS IN and debenturee) ................................................. 19,813 lrflteelt•neou• M•P•. record• or wtttlovt ,_ btltl9 .__.. .,..., TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC OFFICES ...................... 81,588 loutTV CAPITAL ~.~~~ lhererrom ,11, r::::=.:i":c:.•r1• .._, DOMESTIC OFFICES ...................... 92,385 Total demand cMpoalta ................ 19,572 Preferred atoctt ~....,hall "you"""" 10 ,.. i11e ed-.IOe of Total demand depoaha ................ 25,384 Total time & ~ deootlt• ..... 42,019 a. No. the,.. outstanding -None 'Tiie 1111e1 •d<lrtn 01 01h11 •n •llorn•y 1,, '"'' maittr. you Total time & .. vtngt depoelt1 ..... 87,021 , TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC COmmon 1tocf( common d"I011•11011 of lh• , .. 1 ltlOuld do eo promp1iy to 1h11 Y°"' TOTAL DEPOSITS IN DOMESTIC AND FOREJG~ OFFICES ............................... 91.588 a . No. lharet .uthortz*2 526.000 P'oPt"Y he,.olnebQve dlec;(fbed la Wf1 If be ~ .. &.--'-_ _... &AA --~ ~ to be· 229 Albert "'-· flied"';,~:::.""· any. may AND FOREIGN OFFICES ............................... 92.385 ~ "'""• -•-_,,.,.. b . No. IMree oui.t1ndlng 350,000 ................... 1,790 ~ Meee, Clllfomltl A y I I 0 I u 1 t e d ti• 1 I d 0 Other llablllti.. ........................................................ 1,'43 purClhelecf und« lgfterTMlnta tO 8urplut ..................................................................... 1, 790 Tu unoreton•d lltrtby c1e111and•d•. 11 trtb¥fl•I puect1 TOTAL LIABILITIES repurchW In d°"*ltlc ofrtoel ........................... 1,215 Undlvtded profttt and~ dl.Cl•lme tll lltt>lllly IOt •ny deddlr -lf• Ud tlfl wdlenc:t4I • (e>ecludlng tubordlnated not• other llablfftlel ...................................... w ............... 1,()44 f« oontlnglndel and ~~Ml~,:':,or-:::' .:" ~i. =::: and debenturti1) ................................................. SM,228 TOTAL LIABILITIES ............................................... 83,847 other capttel ,.,_ vw ........................................... (195) Ucl ...... lie made"""°"'..... 8HAMHOLDDS IQUITY tHAMMOLDllRS aourn TOTAL EQUfTY CAPfTAL ....................................... 3,30& wlli',.nty, HP"H 01 lmplled, .,I u11eo dHH eollclttr t i Pr9r.rred ttock PrefetTed atock TOTAL UAIMUTIES ANO r .. •rdlflO 1111•. poaMHfOll, Of OONelO de un llbOOedO '" "'' d No "' ..... outlt......... ...__ ,. ... PITAL -111 •llOllMbrenc••· 10 H11tly •II• ••unto, dtt>eif• ll•oerlo No. lharel outaten Ing -NoM · -......... -._,.,. !QUITY ~ .............................................. •v, ~ ~ of "" Nol• or llnmedi.iamente oe .. ,, mlllWf• Common at()Ct( Common 1tock ~A = :rt:.' ::..: = au rtlPl*ll e.Cnt•. 11 h9Y 111guna: a. No. lhet9e authoftiad 10,000 a. No ...... authOfbd 1,0001000 (•I ......... ....... ottw -· .. PfOvlded IMf .. 11, ~:;.~ro:i'.;,1~ Civt4 b . No. lharet oui.tandfng$10,000 .... 1,000 b. No ...... outttlndlna t10J,883 5,973 ... ..,.,.. ... ) lltUI -~. If any. u11dtt 1111 comp111m llu °"" l1ltd by thl 8u(l)lua ................................................... 6,290 TOTAL CONTRllUTEO CAPITAL .. u .. -.................. 6,97$ 8tlnetby IM'9rl ol credit, totll .................................. 276 NrW N'90f Md.,,..,_°" tucft s*lflllfl :r:1you.11youwlell10 TO'tAL CONTRIBUTED CAPITAL .......................... 7,290 Aetllned wNhae ........ " ................. " ......................... 844 Time OirttfloMll of cNpoltt In =:.=' J:: T':.. Cltl.:f: defend t iewtult. YoV mutt, wttntn f'etelned ..,nlnOI ...................................................... 72t TOT AL 8HANtfot.DIAS IQ~TY ......................... 6,917. ctenomtnlltoot of S 100,000 or men ................ -t , 129 M ~ CIN1lll9d by.-Deed of ~y:n •11•1 ~l~u=oni le TOTAL 8HAREt{OLO£AS EQOtTY ............ -.......... 7,Mt TOTAL UAIMUT1ll AHO TGWI ctepMMI ,_ ........ " ........................................... 14,•1 = T"9 tet• ~nt Of M id wrm.n ,..=.. 10 t11t ~ TOTAL LIABILITIES ANO IHAMHOLD!M IQUfTY ~ .......... -·~ ............. 70,78' We; the~ dnotort atMlt tM oorr_,,. ''-":. lflCJUdl1 nt i...onet>tdy \AilMe you do ao, ,our defauft w111 8HAREHOLOEA8 EQUITY .............................. 102.214 The undere4fned, 0.vld T. Blankenhom, Chief of t"'8 tt~ ol N10Ut01t and....,.._, We_..,. ••• m•I•• •••· olltlllH 911 oe eftttr~ on applltatlon of file ........_ un-~, JIOk L. Taut•, ,,,...._,, Md ='IW Offtolt Md Aoblft Cebttra, 8r. V1oe Pr ..... lt, """"at It"" --..,.,._ .... .... end to tM bllet of our ...... of tM 'Truee.. at t"9 llmt llllilltlfl, Md 111111 oourt miY ~-I ''"" ..,_ ..,,.,_ Df .......... ._... ~ --•• .._, "'7 _, ., .......... dMoftNaHOtlce.19 ~ aoalntt YOll for._,..., Den ... J, ~.Exec. V.P. of IN~ tlenk. '1nanolel Ot'br -~ ..,. .... , _. tll'\O'WtlclQI Md b..w .. tNe Md OOff'9Ct. •• • •a. 1112 •••.-S rn .,_ OClfl'IPltlM. wllldl tilCh cteottr-.. for = _.. Md not tor the otlw: t deal&-. tor Nmeltf llOM ilM not tor the ottw: I tMM 11/U.T. Thomplon Jn ~ ~ -. c q • could retull 111 oe1nftll1Mf't ol hev. pereoMt k~ of tN metterl ~ In..,.. perioMI -. .. gfld .. of tM IMttlrl oonbllnld In ..,.. '-'"*'-Lynct, • • ...-. ._. °' f!IOl"'Y or~ ~ (lndudlng UW ~ 11c11 ~ nt I ~ rt1POrt. aijd I~..___, ........ In teld r'IPOf1" /l/W, 8oott IMdch mTAT'I _,.. :.:C , .... , r1411e1ted In IM that MOit lt.elerneftl 11'1 llM NPOf1 II true. lid\ of tM ""11..bdl Gt tM Ulidlilltnld, tor '*'-" llCN'9 9nd riot Olteoeort • D11M ~ 21. t"2 undlrl6QMd, fat ............. tnd not tor U. ~. flw tM °"*• .... ..., ~of ~ ... , lhei I, Tay MoNally1 . Vtoe PrMld9n'1Ca1hler of tM e ...... LeeA9'MCfl,CW!t ~iwwftyllf~tMtlMtDf ... 191itrw .......... W Ma!M,...MM,GO.._ ........... ""°"of ._ -..,..,,..~~ ~~. 7 '·'·~1 -beoutM Oft......, p. 1HI, M Ha.,on IMctt COil--.llwelndoonwottolMlb•UfrnytN•-1 +·~ ... ~ =u:' Executed °" Jult'·ll; :lWI; it II Ten, Cllbs : ~I~!..: ........... .,,.,.._ o.-Deitr ~-.;CA ltl»a L: T...... /9fUIMll T . ..,..._,. lelf,,~ ..... -.:.,,.., ...:.~ •. ~ir~a ~.,,....~~~ ,_....°"""'--~~~. ,...... ....... ~~, ..... ' l 1 Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/Thurldty, Juty at. 1882 MllC NOTICl Ml.IC NOTICE MOC M>TICf: ":m.'°1'1J¥=· ,,i:: #'f:.on::a =v '•T~::· Tiit fOllowlnQ IMIOOna ate dOfnt t•tl..-~H YOU TAlll AC~ TN foll0w11\f "'ION ••• dotng but>Nlla II TO ....vTICT YOUR NONAn M1MM .. tAA"IA I TIJUANA TAXI, 31tOa fT MAY M IOU> AT A iOiLJO lltVIHl IWllfll'INQ ltRVICI. ttll Avenue. 8outh Llgun1, IALI , IP VOU NllD AN 19372 Con1truc11on Clrcle latt C.t1f0tnl1 IHT7 IXP\.AllATIDM OI 1'MI qfUM lfvlN CA 17f t4 M111t lllUIM!fl Mllehell ~tto4 OI TNI NOC1•1111 AOMMIT Cerl1te D Cornwell rnc 1 t111 Avtnue loutll l eguna. YOU. YOU~ COWTACT A C1lll01n1a CO'l>Orellon 1012 CaitlOtnie tH77 LA*'°IA. Con1tr11C110n Circll lut. ''""ne CA Weller Oltf0td MllCIMll, a 180a MOTICI 01 ....,.,... 14L1 917 ia •tb AHnue, Sou111 Lagun1 T.t ..... MUI T1111 11ue1-It conducled t>~ a Clfltorn11 tH71 NOTIOI II HIMIY OIVIN thet corpor1lton Tiii• bu"""' 11 conouetld t>y an on WtclMildty, A40llt 4, 1N2, at Cat~ o corn••. inc lndlVld~ t·OO o'Gloclll 1.m of Mid day, In IN C111yi. 0 C0tnwfll Jr Mari. Miich.ii room Ht H ide tor oonduotlng "•NIWnl Tiii• tt•t..,,.,,I W&I II~ with Ille fr~·-·· ...... within IN ornc.. of Thlt tlllt<n•n• WH flied Wllll Ille Covnty Cleo'k of Orange County on "!AL llTATI e1cu.-1T1ll Co~mty Clatk 01 Orange Countr on July to. IH2 .... VICI. looal.O .. 2020 North July' 108) ,,..,. lf~ty. lkiltt 200. In the 011y of '11290t Publlthed Orang• Co111 Dally ten11 AM, County of Orenge, Blllt Put>ll•ll•d Or1ng1 Coat• Oa11y Piiot, July 12, 21, Aug I , t2, 1982 OI CallfOMle, Oolltllne lqully, Inc a Piiot. Julr II 16 n 2i t~8l' 3253-12 0 1llfornla oorpor11lon, 11 duly 1102 112 -------------appointed Tru11e1 under 1nd ... _IC NOTICE pureuant to 1111 power of Hie ,.~ aonlaned In 1hal c:41ftlln Deed ol --,~IC~T-m-ou---.-.-u-.-, ... --.. --Tru11 axaoulad by PAMELA A. NAlllll ST. TIMINT 8Hl6', In unm1uled woman ~ TIW IOllOWIOQ ~ton• .,. doing .. tCHA .. 0 BT THOMAS ANO but11i.ttt u OIANA IT THOMAS, ~ Md TNT (Teeoe N Tequllal 3300 w wife u oommunllyf.rop•rty, CoUt Hwy Newpotl 8 .. Cll recorded Mly 11. lH , In look C11tlorrn 82MO 1ao12 of OMolal "-0• of Nkl I . ""'" car,•ratlon, a County, at PllO' 1et7, filec:older't <:111rorn11 cotPoriuon. 3300 w lnetrument No tH74, l>y rMIOll of Cool Hwy Newport Beach • t>fMCtl OI defeutt In payment Of Cet1l0tn11 112eeo pertorm1nca ot 1111 ot>llg1t1on1 Thia °"'"'"' ,1 c;onducled br , HCured lharat>y, including 111a1 t.otPO<allon «Mtfl or deflUlt. NotlOe of ~ f Allyn C0tP01a11011 -rec:oro.d Febtuaty t. 1882. u Allyn c eno Racordar ·1 ln1trumant Ho Presid4Wlt 12.()37871, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC Th11 lllllm""I was hied wotll In.I AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST County Cler~ or Or1nge County on 810ot!A FO .. CASH. llwtul money Julr 2 1982 Of lhe United BlllM, OI I CMhler'• '1ntn ~ dr_, on a 1tata 0t natlOnal rtllllC NOTICE flCTITtOUS 9USIHIH NAMI STATIMINT T lie fOllOwlng Plrtonl a,. de>lng bu.,,,... .. PADDY CAKIEIS, t78t6 81tyoait. Ctrcie, Suite 8, Irvine, CA 112114 THE PAOOY WAGON INC . I C1l1tornl1 corpo,.11on. 118 I& Skypan. Circle, Suite 9. 1rv1ne CA t2t·14 Tllta bu"'-11 conducted by • corpor 1llon Peddy Wagon Inc W P"rlcli Coaleloe Praeldant Tiiie 1111-1 was meo wi111 111e County Cieri< 01 Or•nge Coun1y on Jury t, 1882 ,, ... er .. r•lr•H ITA~ Tllll ............. bUllMll It M l c.-ou11 ' A11ocr t07IO W11rtet A-• .,.._ IOI, 'OUMeln Vllty, CA tJ70I OHUCIC A~. 1Ntl Mt Ac:lletm1n ,Oulllllll VIII•~· OA 127()1 10 HAYH, e6'1 lolt 0-oll. Hun11n91on IMctl, CA MOWAAD Cf'OUH. 107M 11 TlblKon, ,ounlaln v...,, CA t27ot TNa ._,_ II conduet.o by I generel pArtrwahlp Chuoll Afnolcl Thia ttlllllltlll WM filed ,_.Ill Ille County Cltrk of Orll\Ot Courity on July 14, ttU. 111.-Put>ll•h•O Orangt ~o .. t Oauy Piiot, Jul~ 111, 22 28, Aug. S, 1882 3tao..12 PtJ8llC NOTICE K.po712 IUTIMIHT Of ASANOONMINT Of UH Oii flCTtTIOYS IUSIHIHNA.Mf I h., 10110 ... ong panon• ,., .... eb•fldon.d tt1e UM ol 111<1 hClltlOUI bu"11e:1.1 n•ma UNIOUE PROMOTIONS 221152 LOvoO• StrMI M1s .. on VoefO CA 9~69• r111 Foet1tious 8u•men Name ·•••rr•d IC lt>Ov• .... loled '" OIMllQI C.O<Jnly on ftl20 79 • C HAR LES DRUMM O ND I JIANKHOUSE 129~2 lOvoOI '""' M1111on Voeto L.A 9289 I DONN.II ANN F'RANKHOUSE i'l~l l "••O• Sirffl Mission V11to. ... 'J:lb!ll RA VE A SEAT? -It may not be the quietest location for settling down In an easy chair to read the evening newspaper, but this floral- upholstered beauty was just sitting there ll'Mta llJ ...... o.r.n awaiting an occupant a few days ago. The scene is the "slow lane" of the northbound San Diego Freeway at Harbor Boulevard. Pub1t1hed Ofeng1 Co111 Deily t>•n-. • llata or ledar1I crtdll ->1101 Jutr 1 u 11 28 11182 unton. °' • •Ill• Of fedetll ~ 2933·82 Ind loen MIOC:Mtlon Clomlc;jled In Ihle tllta, all peyat>te at Iha Ume of ------------1 Mia, Ill right, tltle end llllWMI llald Put>11111ao Orange Coa11 0111y Ptlol. July 30, Aug t , 13 20 18112 3418·82 FWl..IC NOTICE P\El.IC NOTICE t>y It. II TrutlH, tn tllll rH I --------------1 prQ9ef:r.:nuata In Mid County and FICTtTIOUI SUSlldH "•·• bu•u-s "'•~ c;onduc111<1 t>y • ,tt••-'•J1 \,M1tnersh1L- Cria1 1.,s Orummona .. ,dnkhOU.>t* rh1• iflf•menl W8' hll!d Wlll'I fl\e ounty C.ler~ ol Oranq" County 1'11'1 July I 1116' "8.IC NOTICE FWl..IC NOTICE MLIC NOTICE "CflTIOUS SUllNEH NAMe STATIMIEHT The 1onow1no persont are domg bUWl-H' (AJ PES WEST (Bi EPCO WEST 16601 Burke line Hunhng1on Bitch. CA 92647 ALBERT J GIBSON 4208 R1v1r Ava Newpo11 Beach CA 92863 JEFF GIBSON 48111 Car11end Plac:anlle CA !12670 DAN GIBSON 161 S•relogl Pleeentoa CA 92670 C AR L OLSON 149 L•u•tlwood P1ecen111 CA 82670 Albert J Olt>aon TM 1111--.1 ..aa flied with 1ne County Clerk ot Orange Coonly on July 20 1~2 ,,.,, Put>llsh1d Oranqe COUI Daily Piiot July 22 28 Aug 5 12 1982 3311 ·82 l't&.IC NOTICE flCTITIOUS •u••aa FICTITIOUS •UatNIH N ... STATIMl!NT NAMI STAflMCNT (A) TEQUILA CUERllO S.A , (B Tiie lollow1ng person 11 doing GRUPO CUERVO S A , (C) 0$ bu*'neet es NEGRO SA Koll Center, Suite DRAF TI NG BOARD 2160 3000. 4000 Mac;Artllur Blvd Elden Av•nu• No 10 I Colle Newport Beaoh. CA 112660 MeH CA 92627 GRUPO CUERVO SA . FLAVIO BATISTA MOllRA Maxlean HOldtng Co , regla1ered In 2 160 Elden Avenue No tO t Cosie Mexico. Boeque da Ouramo1 811. Mese CA 92627 8oaQue oa Lomu Me-clCO to OF. Tn1s bu'""" 11 con0ve111<1 oy •n Mea.ICO 1ndtv1dull T11ca 00-11 11 conducted by • F'lavio B•l•ll• Mou•• c;orpotellon Th•S Sllllement WH hied With Ille Grupo Cuervo SA Coonly Clerk ol O•ange Covn1y on TllOmU C Snell Julr 2 1982 Oifec10t Adjunto F 192700 Thtt tlat"'*'t wa filed wotll the Puohsned Ortnge Co111 Dairy County Clark ol Orange County or Pool July II IS 22 29 1982 Juty 14. 1882 2088·82 f1N280 Put>ll•ll•d Orang• Co111 01r y Piiot, July 15. 22. 29, Aug 5. 1981 31S9-82 PlllJC NOTICE PUBllC NOTICE flCflTIOOS SUSIN!SI NAME STATUlfNT Th• lollowong p1raon 11 doing ousoness" flClrTIOUS SOSMH flCTITIOU9 llUSINIH NAM« ITATIMINT NAM1 STATlmNT SLIPPERY DUCK 1623 W Balboa B•vO ~!>0'1 Blvd CA 92663 Thi tollow1ng parson 11 dom9 Th• tollOwlno pereon It doing bullnel• at t>uai-as: I A IN A I l ( 8 I N A I L NEWPORT OUN BROKERAGE. DESIGNERS AND INDUSTRY 1S311 Newpoll Boulaverd, Coll• l EAGUE, 292S College. Colla Mau, CA 92827 M .... C A 92626 T H 0 M A S A T T I l I 0 TOM GAERTNER, 236 Tulane, SCEBfRRAS. 20e7 Saa Cove Lane, Co111 M .... CA 112826 Coate ~. CA 92827 Th11t:>u11neb11 conducte<I t>y an CHARLES CRAHAM, 840 1ndtv1duel Baker ''8·120", Colll Meaa. CA Torn Gaertner 112828 Thia 11911mlnl was llled With Ille Tiii• t>uai-II conoUC1ed by • Coonty Clerk ot Orange County on general pat1nerlllle> July 6. l 982 Tl'IOmlll SceberTu MARK STRICKLAND 1623 W Batboa 8tvd N1wp0r1 Beach CA 92663 Tl'l11 bu11111ss 11 conduc1e0 by 1n 1no1vidua1 Mark S1roekl1no Th,. 518tement wts loled wotn tn. County C1er1i. ol Orang• County on July 20 1982 1'113MO Pvt>l1shed Orengt CO•ll D111~ P1101 July 22 29 Aug S 12 1982 3260 82 ~IC NOTICE rrtCTITIOUI aUSIHIH NAMI STATEMENT The 10110w•n9 petsons ire <lo•no bu11nen as l & ~NTERPRISES 24S91 lJHermos Avenue Laguna N1gu .. 1 ....,1lltQH,lc;l 9 Terry M 111 804S Camino -o,.or Anah11m Cahlorn1e 92807 l'landall D Brown 24S9 1 ldH~""ON Avenue. Llguna Niguel ::; 1hlOr"'" 92877 Th11 busmes. 11 conducted by 11 J""e•al pa11nersh1p Tt'fr) M Eliot ll'l1s st•t-nl ... u loieo wlln Ille ~c-unly Cieri< 01 Orang.. Coontr on July 2. llla2- f1nta Publllhtd 011nge Co11t Daily Pilot July 1 14 21 28 1982 2978-82 Pt&.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUS SUSIHE H NAME STAffMINT The following pe<son~ are doong butineu u S A V E INC a C11tforn1a corporet1on IS20 P1c:ol1co Anaheim CA 9280:1 European Parts lnt1rn111on•I Inc a Calllorn11 corpo,.uon. 1520 Pac1t1co Anahaom CA 92805 Thll bU51"4!1S II conducted by a CO<l>Ofehon European Peril lntnl Inc flCTITIOUS IU ... SS Slate bed U IOllOM· NAME STATIMIENT HAMI IT A TIMINT Parcel t Tiie Nor1111Uterly natl 1 tie •ot1ow1no p"r ~o" ,,,,... Th1 IOllOWing P41t'tonl a11 doing ol 1n. Norttiwnterly •0.00 IMI of t>u··•"l'A~ ·" bvaln...... llle SoutlleHterly24000taetolLol VWP fNlfRPR1Sf', J@]C, ~"1t11tsht-d Orano• L.01s• Oelfy """' JUiy 8 I!> 22 2!1 1982 1'01·82 0RAPHtC8 ONE NO 8, 2000 313 of Newpon He19"t1, u Shown ./'1~,1 B"OQepor• Avenut! 1>nat111u" Harbor Blvd.. Suite A 114, Coat• on I map 1ec.orded In book •. PIQI • A <1;;>H04 M111, Celtlornia 112827 83 Ml-llaneou1 Mapa, record• ot MICHAEi Wll LIAM PAYNl Shar'Wln HarOld Slater. 12911 Ora11Qa County. /62'> >"IHI BrtdOtilJClfl A wenut' FWl..IC NOTICE Newhope Street. Garden Grove, Perc1I 2 An eaaement '' A1 "'"'"" CA '!?1104 Camorn1a 112840 •ngrau and egreu over tht ''"' 1Jus1M\& ., tonOu<t"o ny .Jn YOU AM ... 0.fA"'-T UNDlll A J-lle °"°'"Slater, 121111 NortllwHl•rly 1 00 fHI ot Ille ""'''"'ual 0110 Of TlltUST OAnD ~ M. J Newhope Straa1, Gardin Grove. SoullleMterly 247 00 IMI of lot 3 tl M1chue1 w Pdy11•• 1•1. UNU!U YOU TAKI ACTIOH Cellf0tn11 92840 Of Newport Helghll •• lhOwn on • . .... ~1111.,.,11111 Wd\ "'"d '"'"' lhe TO l'ftOTICl YOUfl ~""'· Thll bul4-11 COl\dUCled t>~ map recorded In t>Ooll 4 page 83 "ur•o, t,ler~ ol O•dng" t.t..ur•lr 0,. IT MAY N SOLD AT A PU9UC (hu9band lnO wtfel Mltc1ll1naou1 Mep1 1ecords 01 iv•y , •<i8? S AL IE , If Y 0 U NIE! D AN SllWWltl H Slater Or•noe County F1n110 U~ATION Of THE NAT\11111. T111e atatwnent wu Iliad wttll Ille Parcel 3 An ••Hm1nt tor Put1h~he<l Or•niw Co•'' JJ•I) Of THI "'OC«IEDIMO AOAJNIT Coonty Cter11 of OranQa Counry on 1n11reu and .,,. .. over rht .., ,1 .,,, 1 •• 1, :>e •98< YOU, YOU SHOUl.O CONTACT A Ju"' 12. 1~2 .,o 1n 1 I 00 t I h ,n n lAWYlll " ·• r wet "I ••1 0 1 e , .•• .," N()TIC! Of TRUSTU'S SAU • Put>lllhad Oreng1 Coe:.1~~~ ~=~L~1~aa1"~ .. ~1313 T.I . ..._ MOe1 Ptlol, July IS 22 20 29 A"'' S ...,.. ' .. _,, .. ~ .. on' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 11\al 1982 ..,. :~-:=:;: 4 Paga 83 •----~ __ IC_HO_T_l_C_E___ on Wadnat4ey ~ ,, 1N2. II 3142-82 E•cep11ng tneretrom the FICTITIOUS IUSINIESS 900octock1m of Mid day.in the Ml.IC NOTICE f1CTTnOUS IU .... SI N.-STAtt•NT The toltowlng P411'80r'lt .,.. doing bullflellM COURT DOCUMENT SERVI~. 285D Mee. \lard• Drive. No O. Coatl Mwa, CA 82828 TRANSCEND BUSINESS SYSTEMS, INC . a Ca lllorn11 corporallon, 21150 MeH Ve,de Drive. No O Colla Mau. CA 92828 Thll t>utinaU II conducted t>y a corporallon Tr 1n1c1nd Bu1tn1a1 Sys1em1 Inc Karl Olt>t>e NOtllleHI..,., hall NAME ST ATIEMIENT room HI ISld• lo• conducong Tnt street fddreu or olner 1"4t 'ntln,.onl) ~'""'' ,,,,. 110•nQ f•ullM IS .... 'Miiiin tne olflcaa of common dHign111on of Ille raal bv'"'t-•>" REA L ESTATE SECURITIES property 11er .. n&bove Oescrtbed IS B ... C>( BAY PRINTERS r 10 SERVICE touted •• 2020 North . Pll•PO<"led to be 231 Albe<! Pt-Nl'W'1011 '~entttt Orovro Su•I" 1 •JO Broldw•y Su•le 206 on 11\t' C.ty of Cott• Mela, Caltf0tnia Newpnr1 BP<tC:h (.A !11660 S•nte Ant County ot OtanQe. S1a1e Tlla unde rsigned hereby l'Hor • Manoo.imen• •"d or C•1tfo•n11 SAN MARI NO d11cla1m1 111 Hebollly tor any Odl01 5t'r••c.e~ Inc ~ Ca111o•n•.t S A V I N G S A N 0 L 0 A N incorrectness in Mid llreet lddrftl • o•r,,•otoO" f>IO Nfl"'OO" c,..,..,., ASSOCIATION • Ca111ornll or olllw common a-gnetoon D•·•t' Sv•I+' • • 1n Ntiwpur1 S..at.h corpor111on 11 duly appointed Seid .. ,. Wiii be mlda witlloul L,. 4?1i60 TrullM un<lat and pvr1111ant to Ille wtrrtnly ••Preti 0, omplled .,," 1>us1nen 1• c;o11duct!Kl by a power of Ille conlerred In lhll regarding title. pouesllon 0; (.1J•l'Ora1oon . c:er111n Deed of Trust executed t>y ancumt>ranc11. 10 satisfy the LfflOr • Menegemen1 & RICHARD J WINN • married men, princ1p11 t>alanoe ol ,,,. Note or Dt111 Ser11ice1 Inc recorded July 8 1981 B 1n Book other ot:>hgauon MCUred by ..,d Lewtence J NietMn Pr"' 14131 ol OfflClfl R«:orda of "'° Deed ol fruit. wttll intatffl 11\d rn.6 ~1.11Pmf'n1 wa1 '•led wolh one Coonty ti PIQ9 638, Recorder'• - other 1um1 •• provided ther11n, C•:IV"IY c 1 ... ~ OJI 01.anQP Cou"'¥ "" lnllru"-11 No 11156, by,.._ of a Pkn advancea. 11 any. ""°" Ille •u'y • Hl87 breac:ll O< default In paynwnt OI tatml 111ereo1 encl int""' on llUCh l'tt2Ma pertorm1nce ol Ill• obllga11on1 • 1dvences. end p1u1 1~. CllllQM Pun11~neo Ornnge Coa\I 0111y ••cured 111.,eby, 1nctud1ng lllet. 1'1121"4 Tllll 1tat-t..,.. filed ,_.th Ille Publ11hed Or•no• Cont Oa11y County C1eftt 01 Orange County on Peter J Pope< Prt;' Tho' 11alem4Wlt wat llle<I woth In.I County Cler~ or O•anoe Coonty on July 6 1982 Tl'lls etal-t wu nteo with tl'la County Clerk of OrlMIQa County on July 28, 1882 PtBUC NOT1C£ , 1121n Publ11111d Orange Co111 D111r ,..,._ and ·~ of Ille Trull• lllld of Potol July 7 IO 2' 28 •982 t>rNGtl Of deleutt Notk» of whicll ' Ille 1ru111 crNted t>y MKI Deed of 197!..82 •u recorded January 28. 19112. H " Trull Tlla 1otal 1mount ol H id -------------Reco1oer • tn11rum1nt No.~ ot>llgatlon 1nclud1ng rHaonat>ly fltBJC NOTICE 112~33921. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC • llllmll•d faa1 cnerg•• and-------------AUCTION TO THE HIGHES'ti: 2111·82 f1tl8S71 PllOt, July 8 IS 22 211 1882 I July 18, 1992 '1ClTTIOUS llUSMal Pilot July 8. tS. 22. 2ll. 19112 Put>lltlled Orange Coatl Dally N~ STAT'EmNT 21151•82 Piiot. JUiy 211, Aug 5. 12. t8. 1M2 a.pen-of Ille TruatM 11 tlle lime ftCTJT'IOUI ....... BIOOER FOR CASH, lawful money" ------------Put>llahad Or1nga Cout Dally rtaJC NOTICE Pltot. Juty 2 t. 28. Aug 4. ". 1882 Tiie lollowlng l*tonl -dolrlg -----------33»4~ ~ .. of wtlal oublicatlon ot 11111 Nooe. ,1 ..._ Sl Al'UllaNT ot the Untied St11 ... or a c;uNef'a. • $23,3&3 35 The IOllowlnt pet'IOna .,. dotng CNIClt drewn on • ll•l• Of nettonal ...... 3233-82 ACTIOH WORD PROCESSING CENTER. No 4 Acacia Tree ~ ltW>a, Calltornia 827 t5 fll'K:nnout 9Ul!Nlaa •-II' 111111\TV't MAMI STArn.NT """"°"' nutNt: The IOllowing pereona ate doing ~­SUNSHINE LIQUOR, 724 W 18111 StrwL Coela .,._,CA 92827 FRAHK SHOWALTEI\, tS14 E Pllln, Orenoe, CA 82887 LINDA E. SHOWALTER. 1514 £. Palm. OrlnQt. CA 92087 T'lllt ~ • conducted by lndMOuala, lluaberld end wife Frri Sllowlft.lr Thim ltlletnenl WU tiled wtttl lhe County Clertl of Or liflG' County on July 27. 1882 ,,..,.., Publl1hed Orange Coatt Dally Piiot, July 211, Aug 5, 12. 18. 18112. 34 t4-82 MUC NOTlCE ftCTITIOUa .,... .. NAmSTAT ..... NT ftCllllOUS .,_ .. tum STATUmWT The tollQo#tno paraone -~ ~-ALL AMERICAN HOME IMPROVEMENT. 18228 Wot MeOulmott, •B, WW.., CA 827 t4. JEREMY P AHWVl, 22192 Abruo. Mlaalon Vi.lo. CA ~1 CRAIG FELTMAN, 20722 OolNrwk IAne, Huntington Beeell. CA~ Thie ~ la c:ondUCted by an untncorporaled Heoclallon olhlf then 1 partnerlhlp Jeramy P. Arwy1 T1111 •l•t-1 ... llled w(lh 1111 County Clerk of Orange County on Jul)' 23. 1882. f11:1971 Publlahed Orange Coatt Dally PllOI. July 28. Aug 4. t 1. 18, 1882 331M2 OeYld T.na, No 4 Aceoia Tr• '--·tr.line. Cfiltfomll t27t5 Attene L T.,.,ta, No 4 Acec:ia T,.. Lane, tr.lne, Calltornia 827 t6 Thll 11u-.-18 tonduc:1ad by 1111 lncl!Yldual Allena L T«rlS Thie ttai-it -!tied wfttl Ille County Clertl o1 OrliflG' County on July 12. 1882 .,,.,. Put>llth14 Orange CoHt Dally PllOI, July IS, 22 211, Aug IS, 1882 3t42·112 P\alC NOTICE Fl<:TIT10US SOSINIH NAME aTATIMINT Tiie lollowong pe<sons are doing t>ua•nees 11 CWS LEASING 17220 Newhope S1roa1 Su1le 103 Founuun V1ll1y CA 92708 Tha tollowlng p1,.on 11 doing buel,_ ... DESIGN METHODS. 2205 t flta.IC NOTICE JAMES L CLAYTON . 54 Crearwa1er Irvine. CA 92714 BYRON L WILLIAMS 18272 Tisbury Corcle. Huntington 8eKll CA 92849 Hula Cll'ete. Huntington Beach, CA flCTITIOUS IU9INISa 92S..:HERI OVERBY, 22051 Hula ~ STAn.NT Ctrcla, Hunllnglon Baecll, CA The tollowing pareon Is dotn9 ~u· STEVEN J SHERWOOD 15 Sunr1M Irvine, CA 82715 82648 OIL PATCH MAINTENANCE. Tiii• ~ii conoucted by'" 11180 Lake Street. Huntington lndMdual TlllS bu-• II conducted by a Q9'*'el Partl*'"1ip Sheri Overby BMcfl, Cellfornla 82648 Thia ll•l-I WM llled ~h tlle JemH Thayer Barney. 4111 St-J SllWWOOd Tlltt atatemenl Wat hied wotll Ille County Cler1' of Or•noe County on July 6 1981 ,..~....., Clartl of a.--County on Mllrl Street, &lite 134, Huntington ~ .. , -...... Beach, Celclomla 92MS July 28, 1982 Tllil butl,_ la conducted I>)' an f1MOG f"19274t Pubtisned Or1nge Co111 D•llr PolOt Juty 8 tS 22 29 1982 3103·82 PuOlltllad Ortnge Co .. 1 Dally Ind~-T Bam.y Piiot, Jvlry 29, Aug 5, t2. 18, 1M2 Thia ttat-t -flled wtth tM _131_7_·_82 _________ County Cllr1I of Otano-County on July 12. 1982 PtllllC NOTICE "8.IC NOTICE F1CTmOUS llU ... H NAMI ST A flMINT T111 lollowl"g p1r1on '' doing bvlll,_U GENUINE JEAN COMPANY 2428 Newpon Bhrd ' No 3, Coall Mala, Callfornle 8?827 Julie Pierce 243 t Or1ng1 Avenue. Coate M•H. C1lllorn11 92827 Thi• t>u1111ffa 1s conducted t>y an Individual J Pierce Tll11 llatament w11 llted With Ille County Clerk ot Or1noe County on JUiy 20, 19112 ""'" Published 011n9e Co1t1 Dally Pllol, July 22, 211, Aug 5. 12, 1982 3255-82 NlJC NOTICE ,,.,,.,, • Put>lltlled Orange co .. t Dall~ Pilot July t5. 22. 29, Aug 5. 1882 3156-8• ~AL CO\MT Of r... STAff 0# CAUfOflNIA CIN'TllM. OftANO« COUNTY JUOtCIAl Dt9TIUCT 700 Clvtc C«I* Ortw w .. 1, Santa AM, c ........ '2101 ~-·· ~I NTIFF RICH,..RO T ..._ STAT'lmWT HORSTMEYER MD Tiie tottowtng peraone .... doing DEFENDANT DENNIS CHASE 11ua1o;.~R PflOOUCTS, 818 E-OOES I 111r~tlu11ve Avelon. Sani. Ana. CA 92708. IAAW'f"Ul OIT&INlllt (t) W. WILEY POOLE, 1118 E. ITA'n HOUS'"° LAW Avalon, Santi Ana, CA 82708. (I DAY ,_IUONH Tiltll) NANCY A. POOLE, 918 E. CAN ...... ._ MMt1 Avllon. Santa Ana, CA 82700 NOT1Cat YM M¥e lleeft eued. Thia bullt-. II oondue1ad by 1111 flw ~ IM'f decide .... Mt JOU llldlvldual (Huebend 6 Wife). 11fftMut ---1M4ftt ~ UftlaM W. Wiley POOie rov ~ with.,_ I.,._ "9ed Thia alltement waa ftled with tlla the 1nf«1Mttoft ....... County Cleric of Orange County on 11 you wl.tll to Mall tlle ldvtca of JIJ+1 9. 1882. 1n 1uornay 111 lhlt matter, you Ptm11 lhOuld 6o ao ~ly 10 tlltl your Put>lltlled Orenge eo .. 1 DallY Wfltlen tMC>Ollle, If 1iny may be Piiot, Jv1ry 21. AMO. a. t2. 11, 1112 filed on ume ~2 AVllOI Ulled 11a elda ---.-_-IC_Mn_TIC£_· ---·I d11r1~1tdlde. II trlhn•I ,••d• ,._ "" _.., -tr• Ud. 111111 Cg di a '1CTmOUI ..,.... -.. w. ,..,..... ... MAMI ITATl'lm#f de I .... &.M la~ ... ~°':"Ill '*"°"' •• doing Ti' U•t•!{ d HH •01101111 at I I) PACf(AOE DEAL. (21 THE conMjo O. un lbooadO an •ti HERi GAADEH, 11472 w.,r•n uunto , 01t>err1 h•ctrlo ~llenUt. T111011, CA tteea. tnmedlat_.,.,ta. ell •II m .... IULLSEYE. INC.. • Cllltornta IU reapueeta etetflt. el hey elgune. t:OfP(H'ltton (Incorporated Mll'Cll Pliedt .., teQiltrada • t*"C>O t914). 18472 Werren Avenue: 1 TO TH( OEFl!NDANT A OIYll Tueltn, CA talO. c:omp(alnt hM ti.Ii lllld t>y IN T'NI tlUeineea i. eot\OUCted by I plalntlfl llOlllM1 you. H you with 10 ce>rS*lllon dtftnd ,,,,.. i.wtult. )'OU"""'· Wltllln 1k11MY9 tnc: 5 dl)'t lfttl' 11111 IUIMIOM It MrYeCI N 1 U I j e l , 0 a e I Oft )'OU, 1111 with Ihle cOUl1 I Mitten ~ ' ~ 10 Ille comcitatnt. UNIM P9JC 9l1l1Cl Thia atetlfl*\f wee flied wttll Ille you do 10, rour d1t1utt •Ill I>• MTrnOUI IUlll•ll County Clertt of Orll\Ot ~on entered on 8Pplloe11on ol th• "8.IC NOTICE Dated Jvlry t5, 1882 ~ aa O•nk I 1111• or leOaral credit ~MOa COURT Of THe flla.IC N0TIC( Coe9l1lne EQUtty, Inc PEP ENTERPRISES 2214 un.on °'•stale 0t tecSeral M""'Oi afATI Of CALlfOf'MIA fOtl a Cellfomla CC>rPCW•tton Rutger• Drive. Colle MIH CA fnd IOerl ISIQC.latlOll domlClled ill f'H9 COUNTY Of C>ftANOS W..ott27 ae TNtlee, 92827 thol llel1 all payat>le at Ille ttme of CAU NO. A·10SSIS MP~ Oii 6y REAL ESTATE PETER OEO~E POCHATKO Mii. all rtgllt Ulla at>O wttw-lla6cl NOTICE 0tJ INTIWflOtl TO TRANPOa'TAnoN SECURfTIES SERVICE, 2214 Autgere Onve Coale Mna. by '1 " Truatee. "' tllat real SIU MAL "~TY AT tlOTICI TO CONT9'ACT~ 1 Caloforrna CO<PO<allon. CA 82827 property 811"'1' 111 ""°County en0. l'tUVAT'E lALa SMled propolell w!ll M r......O H11 Agent EARLENE El I Z ABET H Stet" CSMCtit>ed as~ Ellfll ot JOHN E EHRHARDT a I t II• 0 a PI' I man I O I By (S~LI D J M0tQat' POCHATKO 2214 Rutoers Drive "lll....-T A" OeGeaMO Tran9p0111t1on 120 South $pftng 1ta Prealdent Co9t• M..., CA 82827 A Condomtn+um conMtong of I~ No11c1 11 hereby given tha1 StrMI. Room tOOO. Loe Angetea, 2020 No<111 Broadway. T"'9 t>u-la conducted by • IO!lowmg IWbt•CI lo COAJ.mnat10<'I C»y UI• C1lllomt1 90012, unUI 2 o'cloct. Suol• 20e. O--al ~lhip ltAlltCIEL t: •~htle<I Sue>erlO< Court. on Pm on A1.10U91 S, f882, II wntc:rl Senti Ana, CA 82706 Peter Oeofge Poc:htlko IJnot No 1-located Of1" lot , et AU0U9I 9 1982 at 11·00 1 m , Of lime tha\t will M ~ opened T'li (7141953-MlO flits .wt-I was lllad wttf1 Iha Tretl No 80$4 Qty of Newpoft • llle•••ller wllllin Ille,.,,. ellOwed by and •Md In Room 2 It Mi<l IKklr-Pub1t1ll1d Or1nge Coatl Dally County Clenl ol Or1111g1 County on Beech. Coonty of O.ange, S111e of 11 w 1 "• u n d 1 , s, g n ad a 1 l0t constNC110n on Siila lllgtlway In Piiot, Jvlry 15, 22, 29 1882 July 8 l882 C1lilorn1e. II 11\own on 1 Map Admtn1arra1or of 1he e.111e of JOHN accordance wttll the epec:lf\catlonl 2968-32 '112711 recorded In t>oOk 318, pagee 3 I ano E EHR ... ARO T d-.aMd. wlll Mii 11 lherafOI. lo wtlic:tl epaclal reference Publllhed Orange Co11t Diiiy 32 ol Mlecell.,_a Mapa, rttc:OIO.A pr1vete Ule 10 Ull llignel1 and blst II mede, U lollowl· P110t. July 211, Aug S, 12 18. 1882 -'1 Orenge County, Callfomll. anc:t n el b1dcl•' on lhl term1 ind Onnoe County, In Coate M.a PtllUC NOTICE 3381·112 11 lllOwn on Ille Dec:laretion Met.- c;ondition• 11ereonallet mentioned 111 anc:t Fountain Vlllev. from 0.2-mlta flCTITIOUe MnlNISS -------------1 Condominium Plan rKO<Oed AprH right fltle and 1n1ern1 of JOHN E toulh ol Har1>0<' ~-d Under· NAiii: SfATU•NT P\El.IC NOTIC£ t3 UH3 as lnat""'*'' No 13388 in < EHRHARDT II ll'le 1.,.,1 ot 1111 d .. th c::tOUlng to 8rootlllur1t Street 0-· TM lol!Owlng P«IOnl .,. dolrvo -------------1 boOlc 10644. page 482 ot Olf!C1811 and 811 right 1111e end 1n1., .. 1 that cro11lng 107-0re-405-t 1 3113.81. bull,,_ 11 .. ,, atta 11171 Record• ol Orange County. Illa Ille eat ate llu KQuired on eddllton concrefe median barrier 10 t>a L y N N E V A l E N T 1 N E NOTICI Of TitUSftFS SALE Con cl om In 1 um PI 1 n") 1 no. 10111a1oldee.dentlllhetlrneolll11 ~=ructed and madtln to ba PROPERTIES. 3 Civic Plua, YOU ARE l~O=T UNDER A ~~rp:::~r8z::r::,: death on Ille "" property IOCtled Thi NlwPOr1 Beeell, CelllOlnla 82680 DEED OF TRUST DATED Fe .. "'~ 11652 5211 both of Olf'-'•' 1n Orange County. ca11torn11 • project hat • go11 of 7 Jecobe a--.., Inc., 1 Caltt0tnl• .,.v · page • ...,_ Oeecnt>ed percent m inority bu1lne11 .~,._at,__,'':1'•,,. ..._..._ Bl·~, 17 1982 UNLESS YOU TAK R«:ordt loll 4 and Son BIOcil "K" ol enterl)f'IM j)ll'tletpetlon. ~ ~·. Cfiltt;;',;v'a 9•,,,,..z-' ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR fll'AflCIL I: .. h ..... 11 H ...... No -•bid___....,. 1• ---... ..... ,.........,, '""" PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLO AT A An undMOad t/t8 Int-I in L-"'c ....., e;g1'111 .,...,111011. on Ille ... "-'""' ,. .... -.v-. Thia bull,_ 11 conducted .... 1 ... Clly ot L&gunl Baach, County of f0t thll project COfPO<lllon ¥, PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN I ol Trecl No 8094. 11 lflOWl'I on e Orange, Slale ot Cllll0tnla, H per 81d1 are requlf"ed l0t Ille enllre JICObe Aellty. Inc EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE MIP recorded In boOll 318. pagea mac> recorded In BOOI< 7 Page 22 OI wonc daeel'lt>ed herein John W. Jac;ot>a, OF THE PROCEEOlNO AGAINST 31 and 32 of MJeceM-. u.pa, Mi9eel1.,_1 Maps on Ille olloe.ot Plana, 1paclllcat1on1, Ind Pratldent YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A rec;ords ol Ortnge Coun1,, Ille County Aecorder of saod county propoHI form1 for bidding 11111 Thll tl•t-t wat filed ""''" Ille LAWYER Calllornoa. snown end defined • expt!P~:' :U~~2.!f~! current ~:::1=n':"'J1~,:=:t'1::, County Clar1I ot Orenoe County on s~tft'~~~ ~~2A:ti;t~~t~e ~.~1:r"::; ,~r9a'.~1~.'.h1~o~b~~:, 1axu c:ov•nen11. cono11oons. Plan• and Bid Document•, Room ~ 12• tN2 SERVICES. INC as duly IPPQinted Condominium Pl1111 1 11 38, TrMIC)OttaUon Bulldlng, t 120 N f"'171 Truetea under end pu11u1nt to R1 .. rv1n9 therefrom exclual'N, r~:!ch~nt. ra~~tllons. r g 'of'· Street po llox "'" Saer_,to Put>lltllad Orange Coatt Dall) Deed of Trvll recorded February HMment1 over tll• "RHlrlct~ ;;:;;:d ~w~~· .dc!"i't.!i~~ C11tiornla 94807 (phone °'lot.Jvly IS, 22• 211• Aug S311:f~2 28, 1882aelntlr No 82~.of Common Ar ... · 111the..,.,,.1<a .,. c;au110ne<1tllat11111 property 11 81~26). and m9)' be -It Olllclal Record•, axacuted by tllown 1nd defined on ••Id ronec:I R· 1 MlQla tamlly UM and IS lhl al>ow Office and 11 IN ofnc:. JIMMIE A. FALLIN end NANCY J Daeter•llon and ConOorninlum Pten not kited at a duple• llflC4I no ol the D .. trlct Otractore ot Plllt.IC NOTICE FALLIN M IMJIOB, In IM offlca of 11 1mended) lor Illa utH and variance"" bMrl gran1ecs f0t an, T~tton II Loa~. Sen Ille County Recorder 01 Or1noe purpo1e1 ••I torth 1n ••Id uM olller lllan ca , a1ng1e family Franclaco, llnO the dl9cl'ict tn wtolefl ftCTiflOUS 8U ... aa County, Si.te of Celtfornla. WILL Oeclaraoon and ConOorninlull'I Plan., unll Any Ille w(A be fn8de only on IM wortl ta ettu.led NA• STAHMINT SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO Illa batll that 1"'9 pr09'f1Y 11 a Tha 1uccautul bidder 1h1ll Tiie tottowono P«IOnS tre doing HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH fll'AACIEL 1: Single t1mlly Unl1 and t>uyet mull turnllh I p1yment bond and a bul!MH U (peyel>le at lime of Nie In llwfUI UClullve .......,,,, eppurl-t illte aut>letl 10 that condition end pertorm-bond. UN IOU El Y ACCENTED money ot the United Stet .. ) 11 10 tlle un11 o..cr10e0 at>ow. '°' ~ purchuerl shell hold 19111, Th a 0 1p1 rt men t of IMPORTS. 8855 Allenll, Sulte 142, South front entranot 10 Ille Orenge and occ:upency of the Rea1rlct.i l\almleal agelnll 1ny loll of llablllly Tr~atlon hereby notiflee al Hurmngton 8"cll, CA 92646 County Old CourtllouH. City of Common At-.,_ and dellned pure;"-might Incur by ••ton to t>lddart lllal ll wHI •fll•"'lllvaly BARB AR A DAVEN P 0 RT. Slnll Alla. State ol Caltl0tnla. all In Ille ·~ r91erred to Oeclare1IO(I the nonconlormlng uM lneufe thll In arry contract entwed 20242 Remona Lane. Huntington •tglll. tltla end inter•1 conveyed to and Condominium Plan u .,... T..... t I ...... ....... tnto ~' 10 lhll ad¥ert'--!t B .. ch c A 8 2 6 4 8 R 0 BERT end now llald by II under Mid OMd allOcaled tor Hduelve UM l>y Ille .. ·;; ~= y 11 0 ... ..,.., on an minority~ enl•prllat wit tie DAVENPORT, 20242 Ramona Lane, of Trull In Ille Pfoe>ert)' altuated In OWnet ot Illa unit delcrll>ed •boYe-. 81d• or offatt .,., invited IOt thlt alfofded f\111 opc>ortunlty to tubmlt Huntoogton Beach. CA 92848 Mid County and Stall datc:rlbed u : being. PatlO C-2, e.Jcony 6-2; end property and mull be 1n writing and llldl In reaponM to 1111t Invitation Tllot l>ualneta la Conducled by Lot 25 of TrlCI 3800. In Illa Ctly Pnlng S~ P-2 woll be received at the olfie. of Hlllia 1nd wlll not be dl1crlm1n1ted hutband ' wtle ot Newport Baach, R1cordad In fll'AACll ~ McCormack RHll)', 1000 Coatt egalnet on lhl grouncta of r-. Robert M Oaverlport Me.p 8oot1 132. Pegee 14, t5 and t8 Non-a•cluelve HHmente tor HtQhway, Lagune Ba.ell, Calll0tnl• color, or n1ttone1 origin In Tll11 •l•t-t wat tiled with Ille ot MllClll•-• Mep raeord1 In Illa acone, 1ngr ... end ao ...... u.. and 112i51, (7141 494-755t, at any time conllOlntlon for en -d. Coun1y Cleo'k of Ora11Q41 County on olfloe ot tlle County Recorder of anjoymant ot tlla Common Ar .. 111" tlrtt put>ttcallon Of lhla Notice Mlnl"'um Pf-= ""' for thl• July 8 tllU Orange County 11\0wn and defined In Ille ·~ and before miking Ille Mia. =• M at"""9d by the '1Nl10 Tha etrMt ldd••H and other referred to Decl111t1on and Tiie 1>'°'*1'1' wilt be IOIO on the ery of Labor.,. Mt torth onty Put>t11hed Orange Coatt Dally oommon deelgnetlon1 If _any, of tlla Condominium PIM. loltowtng terma: CUii tlWfVI money In Iha aptel•I proYl1lon1 of the Piiot. July II. t&. 22. 211. 1882 ,... l)tOC*1y deectloea 11>ove ta Eaceptln9 thereffom tho1a of tlle us or on l«mt acceptable lerl8ll)' nurnt>wed boc*a ia.*1 fOf 2936-82 purported to t>e: portion• of Ille Common Area• 10 Ille AdmlnlllrllOf, t0% of the bidding purpo1aa and anlltltd ... II' Ill\~ t812 ~Lane, N9wpot1 8each. l/lown and Oeflr1ad • Aeelrtcted purdl-price 10 be paid at the "Bpeot•I ProY11tone, Notice to ,..._ ""'~ CA O°""rnon "'-tn ..._, Oeota•1'°" 11,,.. of the bid t>y oerttfitd c:Mcll, Con1raotor1, fll'ropoe•t. end lllCnnoul MWU Th1 undertlgned Truttee lllCI Condominium Plan. 1 l>alance on conflrfl'latton of ..,. by ~act." and In C04)lll of Mid NW STATW dl10111me 1ny lf1bt11ty for 1ny Tha •lrHI aooraaa or otll•r ... _ •.. ..., ..... "-·~ T--... r-ta, bOOll !Mt mt!)' t>e examined at the T tncorr.ctMel Oil the llrwt ICklr-common daalgn1t1on ot the rMI. .... .,.,....,.....,. .......,.,, --· 111 h• fo"owtno ,,.,.Ol'I •• dOll'fV and otllef ....._ .._... -=:r ..........,......_ ..____, i op111 11ng and m1lntenanca tame o oat 11 daeorlbad ~ 1111: ....... mon --..n111on If ... ·--............ -- aaoellHI and premium• on heralnbelora where th• pl1n1, ONIE •TOP "UTO IU!tfll'LY, q , ehOoMI ,_., putpor Id to be Q3 Udo P., " ln1uranc• •eeeoteblt to tlla ~ ~10 ~ ttOS8 eroo-huru Street 81td HI• wlll b• m1de, but Drive, IE-1, Ntwporl Beech,• putCl!Mlr .,,... " prot9ted a of --~ ..__ .. .,,....., H\111--91ect\, Celtomle t"4i without cov•n1n1 or ••rr1n11, c:.lltomlt 111e d 1 1 11 f "**"um._., .... .,.be -.. ~. ~ Ot lmpltd, ~tide, Tll• undereton•d ll•r•br •• 0 eon nnatlOll o .... , ""*fonlyto~oftheaboW Peter D. Katt>, 20at1 pcnn1'aoi. Of~ to dteel1lm1111 llat>llltr tor.,,,, ~.,,=. ,~.:,:;·=::::.::: refer~ecl booka. If there 11 1 =c~~unllngton p.y ttle ••••*'O pnr!Cllpll 1Ut11 of lnoOrrtetneea Ill Mid ..,.... ~ lltte 1"'41ttnOt p0ttcy tllall be tt the differ-.,.._ tlla mlntmum Thia bullftlet 11 oondvC1ed .... An !tie "°'91•1 MCM'ld by Mid o.ci of or otlMr oommon c1ee9,.ftOl1 OP*"" ot thl purch1tlr or .... rtt• pr1d1llrm'"«I by Illa lnclMdUll. _, Trv1t, wltll lnterHf thereon. 11 Seid Mii wll be mede ~. pur~ llCttlery Of '-•bor 111, Ille ...... O Klllb prO\lldled "' Mid ncMe(I~ liCMlnCel. Wltlll\ty, l •Prlll or lmpllec(. The undere19nac1 raMNet Iha . weoe,.... ~by Tiiie --~ -flled wfttl the If llf1, tJfldlf Illa..,_ of Mid Oted r99ardlng tltl1. PHHHlon, 91 right to relaet "'f and 111 ~ prlOI lfll It• llor llrflllr Cll•1lfllcatlon1 CCMl:I ca.11 ot Or-"-...., of Truat, •••!,. Oll11ge1 Ind •nc11mb11ncH, 10 ••llefy Ult to 1!11"' ot II\ Ott con-the CIA llbof, the Oontreot:or .ws Na -..-__ .. , on .,..,... ot IM T~ Ind ot tM pr1noipll IMllenoe of Illa Note Of ..., ., OI '""~'¥ .mwa.,.. PllY not .._ Jvll)' 1 • tNI. tl\ltll er .. ted b1 Hid Deed of ott. ~ ~ by • Dltad .My 20 1t92 ttlln Illa,...,_ .... ,.._, ,__ TNlll, lior die emount Wiebl}' Deed OI '"*· wlttl .,,_.. lf!d .hcurlty' Paclllo ~ to eectton 1m ot Illa ~bl~t11tct,. <i:,tnll* Coae8t C?!'!Y ... 111..eect to b« 124.aO.OO. Olller Mlllll II provkleef t .... nr N 1on llMlt LAlbOr eo.. tt1t 9'f*fll ~ .......... ....... "' ... 21• Aue· • 1-ne 11e11911o1e1y ..,.,,., ..,. Died .,..,_ ldvtnOll. 11 ""' ..,.,,., " • °' weoee 11\ tne ooun«Y 111 Wfllofi lt4 t.a of T"* ,_..ofOr'I ~ Ind wme IMreof and In..,.. on llldl t,_ ~~= wortt Te tu be done Ml be9I MllC NOTICI'. ~.,Id 10 the und9f•ltn•d a 111Mrto1e, Md ,._ ..... :-:;r: ..... lfA~ Jut'/ t0, 1M2. pCWltlft, and 11111 OOUtt 11\1)' tfltlf I f1ta f ,..,_ Judo!Nftl ...... you IOf tllt t-.r olloWt"f """" 11 do'nt Put>lltlled OrMge Ooa11t Dally demenotd fn 1111 compMlnt, ~ ~-1.MNG OlltGHe. tteO '*"· J4J/ltJ 22, 2t, AIJO. s, 12, 1H2 could , .. ull In 911nl•hmtnl ol .......... llt7-0 "~-......... .... 13ta.f2 wao-, llfllna of"'°"'>' OI PIOPW1)' ,._,. • --_.. ------------i or other renet raqu .. ttd 111 t111 :::::.:.~ '=-....::.o: mmou..,.... Oflw'llt°'e"=~= ::::-~~,=-~!! M _. ...... I; .... ,.._ ..,,_, In 1M MAflll ITA~ of ~ and lltotlon to Ttutl Tiie 10491 ....... "' of i.1:i ._..... •Perlm•nt Of Tr&n1port1tlo11 The 10f10wtnO l*IOn'a.,.. dOlflO , T"9 underllQlllCf ~Mid ObliOttlOfl, lnclud.l"f ~teMMieCMOn"4 ...... MleilJ. ..,... AM, c .. .,,. "'°' ubl oallon entltl•d General buelMM u: No4IOI ot o.teulf' ll'lCt llectton to 111\m•t•d fe••· oll•rtH lll\ilt Tlh C'110 m.e474 W• "'-d9tecS JUne. PAHA 0 ~A I 0, T W 14," I to be ,.._, Ill IM oounty ~of tM TNMI. M tM .. ltubllah•d Orear. Coll\ Dally 1":t. ~ .... , .... IYl1'1MI. ·~·o Hortlt llftlOll a..~~~ 11 looMed. ~~~of -........ Piiot. July t1. 23, • fHJ AOa.a .,.."!rt1...': ~.,=. ~.:.~·.0~ ........ ~ ~Mt ti. t• .J i-----------~-'.;'~";';;ntr111 "•.'.!.!l~n• ar c.rp0ntlon, i4IOI Via C•I"'"'· !:".:rt.:. ~:_:.~o l•YU••• A -.. ~-··not .,.w .... In Mid HO l ,Ctp"""°'"°"•CAHNa ~~ AO. *0....•~· "" oPMmilWn M ~~II CiOtllduCted W a ~~ ~ 9lt MM. llTAft ~ nl+MlfOftTATlOH corllOf~ CAI'°""'" 1no. ,,_,... v..........,. .. ._•a a • o...; ? • ""--a.wt ... ,,,,.,.,..,,,.., -0..-.,,.,., .. ~ DI I a ll'C ,,. .. ...,. .. wee._._._ ~-mt ... ...-1 .. 11~-· o.t• •II R ,_,_. Cltftl ot Or-~..--. """ OM10...,. It. Mt • N;'i," 1-. _.,,.. ,_.. Mi*:rM ...,_ ..... 1-. GA 'I ,.....,_., OrMft Cout ~ f'vblllMG Orlnt* Coee4 Delf ,.,_ UllMll• """ VII ent. ...... ,..., Nit II. It, ttlt ...,._ M 1, ti, 12. "· ,... ' c... Dally """-.Mt 1a, n , 8 , ~~ ... ~~ q...-1. o..j •~ a~ 1t11 e1ra.e1 ~ ~ '"4·" 1 ':..., .... ~. OI0"91ANNA HALVPION, 0t1tc1·tcr:. t tM2 =°..:r. Ht1.0, eo... .... Piiot Logbook-c..~A'r •. KIM11., "-....... II•'_. i.," C'~ __,...,.._ ._"" ,._., ....... _..,._. C°"""8V-... •T· • ~ ....... ........, .. rlW llMl.YffDtJM't .C •. ' ..... NI·'= If °'!!9_,.... W. &. :. ~ ~ 1::1. o....= 111111 .... :::~::::.,. "5al I • ~ 0.... D* rlllll ~ Or•not COl•I 0.1"' .............. _ .. "·,.., --....... -I '.T -.. ....... ~ ... '"'· Auf. ' "· tMa N10.92 !OVAL HOUl*O OllllOIUUNITV P1M1t•er't lttlHt AM rHl Mt•t• edvwtlMd In tllll ntW•P•P•r It subj.ct 10 11141 Federal Fair Houllng Act of tH8 WlllCll makel II 1119Qtl 10 acfvefllM •any preferen· ce. llmttauon or Cllecrlml· netk>n beMd on race color. religion, e.P or natlonel origin, or any intention to m•k• any suet\ preference llmtt•· llon or CllllCl'lm1nat1on • Tiii• newapaper wlll not k11ow1ngly accept any aC111er11tlng tor rHI H · tat• wlllcll ta In vloletlon ol the law IHHl1 Adverti- sers should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m e d late I y. The DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the first Incorrect Insertion only. !'.Hf!.{~1.~t• ....... ~!!ft.!~.~l!. •.•••• !~~ff!.{'lh.'! •...••. !~!!!!.~~~'!. ••.• ,. !~!ft.~~!. •••••• ~.~H.~ ... J!! f!r.!.~11.'1.'1 ••••• !'!m.~ ...• ••• .. ~ •. ,,.-.!~~t ........ !.~~ •••111 1011 f!!'.~~t ........ J.'.fl Wtlf.tffff ...... !.~¥. ~ ........... /!ff '1.'flllt.fml. .. Jm •J:tf:"' 1111 l:ttMt.11!!.t .. IJ.ff ~.lkff ...... 11.ff FORECLOSURE -• Trtllc 1M1t An11oof!t lllb•. • .... ::: ..... ••••••••• 4 IA. NW dt!• turn. 1.o 2 ldrm, 2 ltOfY oondO nt • ..., MDT ITllTD • • • J IL D.A .. "·"· w H9wpOft 1..at1 o. Ant• oat•, PflV -"·· tennit. 1tch & tilttNI(. 1eao1mo. llYllMIT '"•••Mt ......... of univ. ll00.000. NO, b1yfron1 Pull. Mint OWnr. <tM...031 131-6"1 lft *cHn. llllLm ITUL '°"d Cotta M4IN renttl P«feot fOf the 1111111me ooo down, t llO,OOO ooncl. '71 dbl wide, fir• • ..,..., Lui 111 3 br, famlty rm, 1~ be. Pickup over 1600.05)0 EQYITX ar ... '80,000 down lo buyet or retlrtn*tpoy-A.l.T~~r,.~~=•or• gieoe, br~ P0•llo. 151 •• .-.-an ·'1rr1••••••••• frptc, new crpte, n- 1 h 0 I lllit'--rl\ 13% loln OrOlt multi pie 8hltP 3 Bdrm 1~ Vf't......... 00 . 81 I rund y WAURF,.ONT HIGH palnl POOi Oblgar.ooo overn i \, noe n a e "'"'' 1 ave plltt of 11,0. Man • bath, flrepleioe. Priced at 8"nd N•w Hom .. l e7M181• Riii OONDO: 2 Ir atH, CION to ~ n~ver ~n a better buy. Wont lut. ment hletory avalla~ only • f 10.000. Oall Condot, no mOMV down Ll'rl-4.l'rl UN PAii 2~ba. eauna/ pool. 801 & 1choo11 •.. 15 mo. Prune Orange Cty 2~ acre hllltof. ... y.At111no12aa,ooo.A a.o.11&1 fOf mored• whlla th.y •••'· (71"1 ltyouwtnttobulld Double wide utte ,,._ ~~l'" f~[·l"'~· 151-.l1t10fM2·~11 OCEAN VIEW NEW ESTATE. Poo, :\•ting 01 Dottle Valen· ~e-tm Ag1. your own cattle, large lhllno 'dining kti Alt• 76~710 oen ' Nice 3 IA nom. In MeM apa, waterfalls. electr. gates, ~800 1q ft ,,., By Ownet. Turtle Aoeie 3br ~:..~~ur~ .,~-~~patio, tight • ,, , / L" Verd•. t n6 mo. All for · f all 0 C T •· U...,I.,.. 11 11 ...... (.11: 2ba ,.,,1 t1000 mo or ..... ·-·-Int....... mable loan •••IH .,.,,,,.I• 8111 831·12M w/360 degree View o • . enn&a1 ...... vv ,.. .. Mii HIOI< 845.9&65 ~ llQ n. 3 Iota 11% plua w.1co1ne. •••••••••••••••••••••• --·------- court + HELICOPTER pad area. "Mhor•r 87S..8000 on Herbor Ridge, 640-5137 ,,.,,,, "" Dal ''"'' Jal ASS U M E L 0 A N S & TE R MS BY-OWNlR: Well IOclled 1ld .. by·1lde, with 0 ••••••••• •••• •••• •••• •••••••••• ••••• •••••• • · lrvtne Ofaogetr" oondo. pi.na for 1 10,000 '70 ""twood, 12x,.O. l.o• Alemttoe oonClo Nice 2·•tv. 4 Bdr 3 la. !amity Originally listed for $2,200,000. II• llYI 38r,28a,dble«Ofll'IOI. 1 Br a loft. Pr...-.tly aquare foot home furn .. NEW rtin0t & r• 4br, 2b•. 2 atory condo rm, trplc, •P•· 33101 Sacrlf1ce at $1 128 382 63 approx with 2 pettoe, n.;etone frl>IC. rentld for lnvntme111 w Ith T £ N NI I 'rJ· Star11ght 'Jiff, 714/ Pool & epa Relrlg, tklccaneer. "96-9476 $350.000 approx 0 ima.te cash down. e.1 bll~~llve Ir· :m,,-:O-t~h~= Fm'!:. ~0:~:1~n!~~ COURT ind pool ~oe-310:23 2 8 ' 213 1 ie~m! ~~ 1~ •••ll•sln Only the serious need call directly t.o vine Cow 8pactou1 aln· down Owner will cetry Pr I c • d • t 1c1u11 for only 12.500.000. 7&1-4589 •··· • ,,•~1 T ...... ......__ ...... 1...&nt 35 It ouetom trellef. New·•---------• -... PATRICK TENORE 760-8702 or gle etory 4 er. t•m rm 111 IOan mld-1981 purct11M prtoe ..... ..,.,.,.._ ... "',.,. port 11eact1 Rtwr Jet.... •••••••••••••••••••••• home a11uated on 1111r• •-w tit lttr of '82.600 OwMr wlN venture, tr•d• or '8.Cl .,. RmALI OC..REHT~UJ 631 -1266 RE/MAX Realton, agt. metylglotwlpool,IC)•& _, 11 'i 1 nelp f l nenc• YoU can late• owr 000 84&-0093 VMrly-WMkly-Wlnter.2. 1-5br1'200to l 2000 Brokers welcome. peddle tenn11 court Prl-141. 111 7 1 4 / 9 6 6. 2 o 3 3 or the whole ptojec1. Moblle dlbl wide. 2 Br Pv1 3,,. Bdrm• 750-331" open 7-daya R&"M* of Costa Mesa PElllllU MOIEI Pm.e West Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boat.I, remodeled 3 bdnn, 3 bath $1,200,000. Ol.·l·an & Jl'tly vil'W!> Marine room. 4 l>drm, 3 bath, 3700 sq. ft. $1,385 000 Occanfronl. LIDO ISLE HOIES Pnme Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdrm, 51h bath. Lge LR , 2 boat sUps Sl.500,000. vet• beech. ooaan view a 759-1071 Katen. S 1, 40 0 . 000 of petto. 0011 OoHn JAOlll llULn 5 Blk• 10 ocemn Elegant 2 gu•rCled gmte land In-* * * e I I u m e b I e f I• Adulta '40.000 Out Of Br Family Rm & Oen eluded In prlC• OwMf1 llAI& IUllD PREllUI nanclng. WOWI •l•t• own«. No 1g11 PROP 1850 Mo Ptu.n erpta. extremely motivated 2101 cr .. lvlew Of LOOITIOI 7141894·"192 lllAlllllT 2•,.; Ba Cedar a gleN .• Low down payment iun-deck, Clbl car prv OwMfclnn. 0~1L1 yca1"l7 .. ".onoo•n·. You ~-:u:':. 8:fn",,., or on thle 3 bdrm, 3 ba .... Celt , h• r.'712 LA0NE!.R 22"KIM' 2111<>-. 171·1111 g.,ege, luMy malnt y8fd • ., .. ... I 0 I .. llck•t• ($18 00) ~ood MocHI I I 71417'°'1900 ~.. hi.:.:.-'t8 Rb :eA,. No pell Inquire ., 527 Donna Oodah1ll, w ' · n r· ""• -., ~r le•He/~/,•r• t8th St . ....,,8331 &4•-&200. value to the vine Orov ... Profeealo- 1 ark. L-OVOf_H1 71a9. .....,. AINOLINO BROS. nally Cleoorated, up-·sa Oflve by 7 Lido Park BAA~UM & 8A1Lcv gradH thru-out. Fam. Of (5): 2 Bdrm 1700/mo 2 Br townhome with IU8-., .. rty ched gareo• Appttaru:n OllOIS rm. 1nd formal din. rm. Moblle Horne 12x50 with Y 1nc1 u d •Cl A 1k 1 n g Anaheim Convention Balcony off MBA jwt to IL"" IUIAll . h 18 encled porch, l1nl4t Ir/,.,. M1501mo. Agt 6A2·1"23 c.nter Aug. 6_15 mention • few of the You own the l111d. 2.000 '8395. High DeMrt. C1ll ~van §ep1 1: 3 Br, 11m1ty & 645--3175 Long a.acfl Arena leetur" 1169,000. tq ft, 3Br. tam rm, 2'>\ alt 8PM. lk&-3172 rm. Clock. llreptace --------Aun 1e,.22 Ba. wide Greenbelt, ,,.., $3000/mo )'T'I)' IT'S CRAZY! 3rm LOA· To ctel,;,• PHMI, call pool. F111 below market C1••lfl'f Wll Waterfront Homes. Inc OED 8-42-5678. el(t. 272 Pu-1246,000. Wiii '-op-C?!f!• lJOO 111·1'00 ocr°Y.1R1EkN11T~LMS07R!,_~333501• ... mu11 be ••changed tlon Bllr. 844-0134 •••• ••••••••••••••• ,. .,., " lor r~ ... ,. at boa Pacific View Memorial C.n•• ''' llll jZI N-Cleluxe 28' 2b• c;on. ti•·-Plllt. Nwpt Bc:h. Lot 744. ··w·· .. ·T•E•R••F•R·o·N··r·~.:o·M··e·· do im---' occup•""". O ......, prior lo parlor· New 4 BR. Backbey arM Oravee A & B, Bayview ,. n """' --, ~Macnab· lrwine meoc. 3.200 aq ft prv1 comm .. T err• c •. 1,2 200 Lovely 2·11y. catm 4 Br 2 $&OO 8282 Roma. • • • S3e7,600 WIH trllde IOI' 873-n87 tplc1. modern kitchen _s_4_4_·7_5_52 ____ _ flflHI /11 $'11 •••••••••••••••••••••• Remodeled 3 bdnn, 2 bath + large rec nn. lil••"l IOOZ beam ce1bngs. fum1Shed. pauos $420,000. MUUtnlWI ...••.........•.•••.•• 4 llRM 2 IATH $101,100 Big, big houM on large eo<net tot Brtek 11i. kit· chen noors. ~ Cit~ ting. lreety petnted In eno out. Seller highly moll· vated and wilf uallt In llnanclng Cell toClay 5-4&-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS DRAMATIC COUNTRY ESTATE 8000 s/I on 1 ecra. m11slve atec1ne get•• cobblettone motor eour- tyerCI. apectaculer entry 8 bdrm, 8 bathe. 5 lrpl huge trplcs Room lor tennll No Tu1tln Orange Hllll wnn vt- 12· 15 min 10 all trwya, airport. So Co111 Plaza 11,400,000 RICK ALDERETTE LllDl ISLE UYFllOIT Lagoon view from 6 bdrm. S bath. playroom. dark nn, den Boet slip. Now $1,000,000 llJSllE COYE Spect.acular bayfront view 2 br. 2 ba up, 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat slips Sl.000,000 COllOUIO OlYS Coronado Island cust. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock Plans avail. Red. $370,000 w/tenne. ILUFFI COIDO Single slOry end unil, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on largt'fll greenbelt $250,000. Pllll LllO 3 bdrme. 2'1i baths condo near pool. $14~.ooo BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 BO'f\•df' Or•v" ~ B b7S t>lbl • • * Four MW condOI Cape Coo Clulgn Two and lhr.. bedroom unite. OARtl HIL.&.ITTI RMdy In Fall ol IHl. 272e San Lucaa Lii Select your unl1 and col· eo.11 MeM or• nowl From 125',000 Vou .,. the winner ol 111· lMI two ,, .. t1ck.t1 111e.001 --------1 vetue to tti. FIUIGlll °"1rner wtll carry nnan- clng on thlt lovely 4 Br 2 Ba home loceted In Cotti M•H. Wilk to tchooll & lhopj)lng Full price 11,.9,000 831·7370 RINGLING BROS. BARNUM & BAILEY ••n Af\al\elm~ Center Aug. 5--15 Long 8Mch Arena Aug 18-22 To olelm PH .... cell 8'42·5878, ext, 272. Pu- ... mu•t ti. exCltlanQed lor reeerved -••at boJC omce prior to perfor- mance "' .. property, TD' a Wiii appl,, _, b8f. 3 C8f gar, 3 bdrm. 2'~ bl, l>Nu le•H·OPllon or low 2 Plota-RoM HUii Came-t>NuUtut oak cebl~ll. 1800 IQ t1 condo Avail 't513 ~NS!la·f~M Clown Ready to dHll tery, Whinier, CA Velue nrdwd .,,try upgrldel Aug 111 Poot. 1ac:. tennl9 0 w n • r I B rok • r 1 1118· Hklng s9oo thruout For I•••• end rKquetNI! coun ~U• ..,.,, IHI 714-5'4-oe14 84$-8252 12800/mo PONlblllty ol 1850 1500 Mc dep ·aLDELAOUNA.CHA.AM• BAYCREST 3Br, pool, C...tnW 111 right of re1u11111 eo.1 II" t-2"79 COMPARE Unique 2 bdrm floor apa. Hr891t, BBO Vftr/ ,,._,,, lllO Clock •l•o •v•ll Cell IHI/••· '21 Lab ~ten, 1 b8th, llv rm w/ privatel Fentutlc eeeu-•••••"';-;."·••••••••••• Peggy Patlleon 955-2473 b8emed oelllnge. "-rd· mable financing • tow.I Am.I YAU.IY wtldya 8-5 ' room cottaoe tor q\l\et WOOd tloora & co3 ~ P"loa In .,.. II 1299, Tu , .. _.._, Spill i.ve1 2Br-den, l>N· llngle. tiny yard No 000 2007 _...,. Dog1 St0\19, 1r1ge, weter burning frple. 1 18 • Vacant Holl· NMt MW 4-plex 2 bdrm med celling, S795 mo aid HO 3989 Full Price City Rd Bllr 955-2841, 2 b8th each ~nit with 840-8188 ...;.P ___ • ____ _ MISSION REAL TY 780·7292 llrepl-. encloMd patio, ,.. fnUI Jl44 4'4--0731 ll1W_.. __ o-r-oe. 9¥.-lll. Poe. CHI•""' -4 .................... .. ,,.._, --·· h 1·~ N 51&n ·····oc·····R·E·N··T·:L·s······ Lt•s1sn Ch.,mlng older cot1901. S.IM 2 BR l Be hM. CH ..,_ ow ""'· ,.. A wonCleriul oceen view lffwly l•ndecepecl St86, 500. Biil GNnCly. Rllr. 1·5br'1 $200 to 12000 3 BClrm detlCMd ~ Thr• Arch Bey · almoe1 000 with ueumable 111 67M181 750-3314 open 7-daya In axcettent are• Avella· oceanfront • term• • plua owner financing /•tt•f ,,. .. ,.,.. ZOOO Eutll<le 2 Br 1 Ba •patio, b I e Imm• d I• t •I Y ~05,000 evall 8-42-77~ •••••••••••'"";°"'•••••• n ew 1 y decorate Cl S&OOtmo °" 1 )'Mr leaM 1 ·-11 ""rf' I I Five ol~rt to chooae .._. • • (Ouplo.1 1565/mo. TRADITIO\i\L Rb \Ll \ ft1-1l ' llLIEYE n ... LAST 1151-91522 ~.orw:::.:i-. onee to LI IWI/ UITlttl La 1 .Ul1 JOll OR IOT N-2 BR condo, Clbl C8f (g CU1• 2Br hOuM Owner •• r. ... I!::· ... ····.·.··~······· :~·N:,~ :~n~ ~~ CHANCE r;·5 gioa~ ~on~~·:~. \\\l(\Cthr1.dQC -... -ne1dble Bkr 53&-1"53 •• s 63 •"'e " 5 lkaltn .,_ r~ Co-ope from 13 ,000 25.000 down •nd u-1 • ...., 1. •· ., Recently completed HOME FOR SALE by OW· equlll price Condo• eume 175.000 • 30 yr WMleide 2 Br 1 Be lncd 5SI :JOIMI cu•tom u1111 wtuMd brick ner 3 BR 2 Be . ...,.rate lrorn 76,000 lull pr~ loan s.ller 1• lle•lble, lo buy this bHutltul 3 plllo. enctad garage. l'r.111\.r~•.! Ir~ t1repl1oce. Me•IC•n ttlel, dining room. covered L .. eure WOl'ld ReNIM motlveted and Wiii c:eny YM' old. 4 unit ac>lr1· new carpett, dt1PH, llllTILI "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I vaulted celllng1 MBA patio, PonderOM St. CM. 2 .. 221 Pu.ode Vatencla balance A apaci\>ue 2 Br ment houM In San Ci. paint No ~I• $495/mo ': 1ulte wlcethedral win· 1t35,000 983--0353. Leo HIM• 714/837-5500 condo wllh community mente with ocean-n1111 & plui MCUrlty 54&-5442. dowa 2 BR rear unit & liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ---'-------1 pool and ~· I 12 ... 950 golf COIKM vi.we at I 770-5529 LIQUIDATION Forced sale, two beautiful prestigious Newport pool homes valued at $400,000 will be sold for $318,000 and S325.000 unmed. Fee land. If you are a senous buyer contact Patrick Tenore poa guet1 qtral GrNI REAL ESTATE TAX IN-By owner. Leleur• World, 144-1211 tr~• M'Ang• di· ---------1 Unanelng. 1355,000 A VESTMENTI l&OOO eecgmte28R28e.WID, rect trorn the owner~ 2Br 2b1 2 car get O/W Colllna-Hlll 11'1 . cNl'llll 1 1,.5•000 •here refrlg, utum 132.500 11 fore bel~ lllled with bltlna. lrptc. cld. no purchAM MINIMUM tu 1"% Alklng s' 19,000 brOltera Ac1 NOWlll Call k I d. I p. I I I & 0 0 • deduction ,., YMI' 110. _7_1_,.._7_8&-3e00 _____ -1 owner II (714) 842-013e 8'4S·2Se8 rt 751-1100 000 Owner (lnWSIOI') Wiii Wt '""' IHI Huge 5br/3b.+3brt3ba , .......... , lltlppty total down PIY· •••••••••••••••••••••• -.-E_L_L_l __ -.. -.-.E-owe tl1. Fte11 Term• 1• ment up to '40.000 tn WlTllfltlT " ,.... 509 Acacia CdM nr bch --------1 equity. Share purc:hue 3Br. 21..;Be. tam rm, 3 Ultll RI• «OK owntbkr 845-7048 OCEAN/MOUNTAIN VU SunM1 Btufla N-dlx 2 m ·8600 •• ...., /hffl•,., ll1·4444/ll1·1111 -et 76().8702 or 631-1266-~ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim YM.U llUIA .. Lovely t Bdrm & den In aecurtty building F•bu· foul view tnet wlH 11111 Only 1 year old and owe flnendng II 10% for 28 years In n-luaurlou1 2·3 g.,.,... ~ hOme ""' p I __...._ ..... .,.. a ...d .. • -....... .,,,......,,, r. -.1 1 mt .. ...,......,..""' ~.., t~ on t ......._tote ;!_~· .L":.'·M'::'~'..'...':'.~ owner oc ... boat . 111ng N00.000 &40-7M6 Wut C.M. 18"5•'"K' •• ...,... ...._ ........,.... 1298,000 w/20% dwn Int a.pre., .,,,., •true;.. Seiter wlll carry Ill paper 3Br 2b• EAST BLUFF s 151( on. bal II 10% lured for buy9r. poeelble 11 w.a below current Int 1199,600 SM/ IM.lopt. Mua1 Milt Bllr 8'42·9M6 4· 1 benefit Phone 581 -3'29. 556-2621 Greet term• Agt -tF IWftl•- br 2 be condo Frple. greenh1• wndw gar . ~C!, eec o••• No pell $390/mo 2157 Paclfle .S13~la·ll'hl£ Av S.. tat • then cell 551..ee221a..,.-e122 TllTUI• 1&11111 YI llLll lllE Yllt Oui.t, Plrk·llke Mlllng Am for paddle tennLa and pool Great tor orchard Cul de .. c dt 3 bdrma, lem rm 1379.500 144-4110 ~LOH cq.] -· -- HIT llY OllllU Ill llU II you ha\19 l>Mr1 looking 1n COfona d .. M11, - think you wlll recoQnlze thll U 11141 beet buy In town Located on the oceen tide of the hwy lu•t • few block• from the beech An OUtllllfl· ding rental property re- duced to 1229.000 Live In one unl1 and Uva oll thereat 1714t 613-4400 121 )I US.1121 HAR BOA ,\ flh 1'11"1111 11.irbor lmt>,lml•nl l'o YILUll GRiii Ofamlllc trl-leYel 3 Bdr 1ownhome wtwetbar. lrplo. patio. tennl• couna Aaeumable loan. Full price I 131,900 751·31111 c:. •,•11 ( ! -f"' I >I 1, !Pt 11 1 i( '1 lflt'sgot wheels, you'll move It faster Jn a Dally Piiot classlflec.t ad .call 642-5678 and a f r lendly ad· vl&erwlll help you turn your wheets fnto ca Sh. 7 1 "/ e 3 1. 5 o 5 6 , --------• e.40.9019 n11--•r Sp11e 3Br. 2b• townhM. 714/&42·2000. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil WT Siii • ll1T1 lrple, mlCro. 2 Cl( ger •-.... ..... o c w/opnr S7801mo AV911 542-8805 R&"M~ of Costa Mesa LoV91y 3 br. 2 be. lam rm. crpta. drpe, l>ltln1, 1950 mo 1 yr IH 673-5820 eves & wt1nd1. EXTRAS EXTRAS Ill OllYtl ........ IAmtrf llTf AN 2 br W nnanctng. S.pl 1 548-3278 ev .. I 3Br. 3Be. 1895 mo End •121• "" ... v-of goH courM from ...... LHlflM Wiii lake two boeta or call 851"1217 wllnd•. H0-4395 wlldya Unit, gardening lnot tht• 1oor•ble 2 bdrm ... ,. ASSllUIU Secluded 19•. over 1,000 one 80 footer VIC:lf't NII fn hit II/JO Poot. etc 857-859-4 8VM •Tllllllltol* ptul den townhouH 4 BDRM aq. It. of decking. 2 .,,. tn eenn.y VIHIQe. •••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Br 2 Ba .n11p a ci.en. E•lra nice 4 Bdrm 3 bath home hu eittre IJ)eciat l•mlly room with a -t- b8f skylight•. 2 patios. many, meny upgrad• Super lamlly home In e11tra convenient arN. • Steel It S147,500 le alt you pay when you Wrap-around deck ow 1130.000 cuatorn flf191acee. atrium Wiii Ilk• office bulldfng Ill* 11111 l1mlly oil. S850. g1Clnr WONT LAST 1br 'Pl all take over Hllllng 181 fln•nce 12915,000 Ph NR FAIRVIEW/8AKER off femlly room. deelgner with llomt •t>ove. M50. Approx '~ acre Wiii Mii lnel. 54• ""50 1>11-ln1. lndry Now ~15 TD Spacloue " br ••· 831•1400. BY OWNER drtperlu. central air. 000 lee. °' joint ventu,., Value .,......, OC·RfNTALS 750-331" ecutlve detached hOme 8'45-018-4 Renc:n 81~ 4 bedroom, 141•1200 1600,000 Cell 8-40-7855 COSTA MESA • 2br 2'~ Woodbridge 3Br, 2'~8e. Featuring frmt din. fmly -"""HI Hll"<I ~-~h;---.c:::l!'•~-~ bl. AC. lrpt, d.nwahr, ti.autlful upgrad ... S950 rm a lrplc. Only S2t2, llOMI ._ l11<. 1111111 10,. IJ. .. _.,.. ,_,, '"""' ,.... OCUI micro. prvt yard All. mo 851-9350, 559-9042 000 FEE. 2570 San Ml· Fj(AL ESfATE Exec. home, " br, form. JO ~ o.Mrf llQ9ftl. dblJ::g'· pool, $850 U .. i 31fl rs:4.1~1~7~ h II t41 ~rorm. !!.-:'. kall .. dapptc:ar3':i' Alli t~l.M'.n VIEW t_.. 3 •• 'I!.'!~ •••• '!. .•••..... ~-!ff13 ldlt1q ~ Walker G Lee SELL Idle Item• with • Deity Piiot CIMeln.d Ad. W1r1t Ade Call IM2-5e711 AfStOfNllAl REAl ESTAtE SERVICES Tll Gift ........ Move In & enjoy the Newport aummer on the water with $20,000 option money, $3,000 per month. 2 BR, fonnal dining room, comm pool & beach -a real opportunity for the sh~p~r! trll TWIY 1-1 tOH IAYllM OIYI IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 '::~::~' S~\\.Al~-"~~s· ,_..,.CU• I ~ •=...::..::...~. ~ Iii>• • ,.,,.. '°"' titfl"Ole wor4t I KLARET I ' r 1 1 1 1 I MIFLY I J• . I I I' I . 1 I A A W E G j I 1 l'l'Ih [I I r I -IHI "'"' ...,.. LOTS SENSATIONALll 3br 2ba. • • • liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii•I Pool. i-c. deck. BB, pit .. ,.,... pool. party rt'° ~76 woi l&IMI *WlTllPlll'f * & trplc 11•9.900. '30, -;::;::;;;::;::;~ Ltg Iota In gated. prf\11te, OC..RENTAL 750·331" 2554 Fordham Of ..... , •• -000 down, owe 2M at --------1 i hlllelde community <Mtr· --..r• 12% 1058 Concord. Tr181t1 Stlt... 1K :n IOoklng Dena Pt Merine HOT U1tte 2br 2t>e, lg Colla M ... PRIVATE COMMUNITY. 5-40-65e0 Ownet. EASfsloE. 11200 . mo w/vlew9 to Catalina & get. bbq, P•llO, 1500 You .,. Ille ""'"'* ol 3&4 bdrm tlornea. our --------1 Inc. llN. 2 unite. Own«/ 1K • San Cleme nte tit OC-RENTALS 750-331" two rr .. tldcell (118.00) SELLERS wlll FINANCE · OPH HOUSE SUN a...t 5'8 "380 "94-0395 Paceu11er uecuttve 71•1 .... 1 ,.305 2 .... pool unit ... _.uxe value to the or • OISCOUNT tor cuhl 428 E. 11th St ........ hOme located In W•tcllff .. .... ..... ..i h '"'!~75 RINGLING BROS Be11er hur"' on IMMI 2 8r & Cl«"I plul ... -••--Or-......_.. In ,..._ -"' Premium realdenllel lot on tcil, uge g.,, -BARNUM & BAILEY ., ..--· .,..,_ v ... ,,.._ ,,. """ OC..RENTALS 750-331" ...... .., ,,.,. hOuM. ~ acceM, 191 3 Br 2 Be. lennlt/ pool & '400,000• RHdy for cul-cs.-nc. Northwood. .. .. ltelttn T.D. 178. ~. 11 mote. Low. iow, IOw dwn. Immediate occupancy INlne. 832-3720 NEW 111119 2 8r formal Anehelm Convention *.1 ... 1-•* 11% Exe.II addlllonll Call Robert Mllllken. Ouallfylng evettabl• A-f II,._ '1 dl11lng. large private c;..,1., Aug s.111 ..., ltnancing avell 955-0782 through builder Call egt .,.. -u backyard. 1876/mo Long Beach Arena oya, 645-9557 ev... ate.4&-6092 ,,.._,. llH Daye 531-0117, EvH a.u Ownr •••••ill>••"-••••••••••• 549-9151 Aug. t llltH 1111"' 1111•--------• ~· SH,Mt To claim PH .... cell •••••••••••••••••••••• lntdtn lrt•l Bur. •tarter home In Nr S.C Plaza 3Br 2ba. &42-6578. ext 272 Pu- 3 .... 2 ... ft--'~ ':1: dedl patio = Ml mutt be •xcna......o Pletl IWllltU uurm, .... ..,,_, La • Elalnore. good • • • tor reeerved ... ,. 1i'b;; OPEN All WEEK double g8fage. •altt 1" Ill j fl.I. IOl1 cond'. High & dry, 1•k• lldren/ I*• Olt. . ' olllce prior to perfor· CIOHll. TownhOUH .• •.·!~';!! ••• ~!......... .. • view. Why "IY rent 573-llOH Of 845-38H m111-. t 17 Marine Ave w.-10 W"1clfft Plaza. ~.. • ... ::. 2 BR B f ..... NOW 126 ... 0001 On p Iced NII 1110 500 By Ownet. bee. 4 bdrm, """' .... , ... _.._97 1 •• new Joor, ciit. • "'. 30x85 ft lot. Adorable ~ e!2..ao83 · · 3 bL home. Red-a-A-t II It .... •tow & pelnt. No peta. -------- 28r tba w/brlek pello. A 1---------1 led. Tiie Aoot. 3 car ga· D --indl,c,-.,.. '"' 1850 8, Meyer Pl. (HauM * * • SUPER VALUE! II 110. rage, near 0 C, Low f l/lf:'C)(7(f l ,,__,. 1111 In beck). 1626 & dep. down. o w c a200.ooo •• :.t.~':f............ ~9-3484 - \l.'/\llHIHO'lll llllMI " l11<. REAL ES1A1 E 6 II 14r11 I Ollllll 1 at 12v.~. 15s-2013 RIAi.TY .... UIOI. •--------' PRE~fORECLOSURE 100 eor• one mlle ol sgac. home for rent. Kida 3 Br 2 81. °" lll'Of lot ,._,, ..... "" Rlwr fronteoe. TREE81 pet• ok. '926·• br. 1·~ wllh many amenities & •• -.-.c-;;;•••••••••••••• PASTURE LANDI 2 be, trplc . Roger , IP•· &rand New Homea & .... .... homea. Lot• of emenl· 845-8705 after 8. 1 115,00Q. Condoa. no money Clown "1ftl tlel. Wiii conslder tr.cse.. Small 1 br, gmr .. big Med llUll 011111• PR OPERTY HOUSE whll• th•x IHI. (7t4) Complete ocean view Xlnt nn. avail. &45-3941 y8fd. '455. Drive by 790 Rtdecor•ted 38' 2bl on Al. TR8 ~5-9522 gt. from tflla ltnmK\lla.te 3 W. Wlleon. 873-833' . .,..~ '-•tlon Oar...... 642·3850 OCEAN FRONT bdrm. 3 beth llomt with lallll • bd 2 b ....., ..... ,.,... -.-.... ,_ 1 •• ,.,. .._ ........ f"" .. r • a, carpet, IUndeck. patloe Nr. No ,,., llbJI '"' BY OWNER. >CLNT LOC. ...,....... -.,.... ,.,r_ "' ••••••••••••••-•••••• dr..,_.. Jrol, Qltd'* Incl Bay. Owner will conelder •••••••••••••••••••••• M00.000. 840·1990 ent~. lounging or .,,,., r.r.Ju.I 1825. 156?_.&et •ft• 4 ftnanclng, 175-11319 By OwMr. • 8r 3 la. ta-••-T -boat w~ Shen-*' •••••••••••••••••••••• pm mtty rm, epe, 15~ dWn. ,._ --•• pool with large dec:ll ~ '•'n"' '111 , _______ _.. c.n., l.J #II Jfll OWC 12Y_,. tit. '3101 CMrm1nQ 21A 2ba oat• IPeGe for ~· F!E ••••••••~•••t•••• 38r, 18e. dlhwlhr. lg Yd. •••••••••••••••••••••• BuccanMr. 4M-IM15 ... Huge 1o1. fllnll'I. LAND. OWlw flnancln9. TWO Na 2 br. "°"*' 2073 Monrovia. •veil Im-...... y,. tfftt • 1 bl ... ,. J-A evall . t U r.:'000 N00.000. .vell. 8eot. thN JUM. med.M21mo.911·5M3 H~tncoma ,. ... a r.u• _,, M&-1 1.a & 8424881 '700 & •tso mo. or -., ....... • br 1 ... aot Aced• CdM rw botl 'r: r"a&. ":.,\~ Mii•... 171-tee7. a1. era..t6M. 720-1«3. &ITllll NWllS 2732 Hiiitop Newport S.ach You .,. IM winner OI two trM t1Cket1 (118.00) value to tl\e RINGLING BROS. BARNUM I BAIL.EV ..... Anaheftft Conv.ttlon Center Au9· a..1e Long 8eeofl AIWI• Aug. 1S..22 To otalm pa ..... call 842-5171 ..... 272. , ... ... mutt ~ nONlnOtd for~ ..... et &ox Ottlc4 prlOf 10 pet1or• mlNle. • •• OWC 111 • ,_, Terma ••••••••••••••~•••••• -nually IHO l HOO. t;I~ Ue Co9r. C 8potteea Vecant DuPlex • N ' Pl1oe lll'<f down redlJCICI, Huoe lbr/3be-Hbr/Jtle PfTI. 131-32 150 000 dn. Plan for i.a.. 2 Br. 1 ... petlO. yetd, 2 HARBOR ~N FA<)m .....Ol< own/btlr 84&-7048 •u"-IM ui60 Sq, rt 3 bctrm, 2'it "8lalala 1111 oar garage. laundry Nu s200· iua tim on blufl. .,,i.., llf ba. Aaaumeble 1~ Prt-•••••••••••••••••••••• room. Ho P9t9-m&/mo. 1IO deg. w of twltbOr, C.aa'S BEST DPLX •••••••••••••••••••••• ~,. AJTO. OwnertAgt. 673-7300 Wlnv t• "*"211 1121 lld•n Ave. •urt, mtn1. sbr. Iba, U1'I OHN HOU81 DAILY 111-0130 W'I Noe bdrm, petlo, IH-2044 eft 1PM. Mourlty, 1aun•, apa. Compere value of mk1 3 1·1 pm r r • J: • • I a u n d r Y · 83Nl1S4 tAM·SPM. • tltS. 4 ... 100t. unit duplex for only 1 ... 12 Orlmeul L.ane, ..,.,. ~, ._., oondO, a lft .::g.~o + depoelt 3 If. t la. lltf9 yerd. No Charming bHchfront '240.000. AttrlGtlve "-nw PCH • A.dlnlrarty •1N,OOO. I If tlm. on 2 ... MO. llldg. 1011t 111p ~· Monte Vie la. l\OfM epectaculet wt. nanclng. DrM by eta Dr. Lo • bdnn. 4.,. ~ giant 110' lot. AdtOtnlno IYlll. 1100,000. ly r..... "" Imo. ltlltt• Mgmt ~~entry. 4 Nercl1e111 Ot' call '°' • 120' bM1 doc*, PoOI and nature oent.,. frade/ ownr/bler. 118-tUJ .. •••••••••••••••••••• co. M1·1S24 Ifs.,. k ll'o h"" 1 din lalte. Call &40-7ee8 1pa. (213) 4tt·Ot11 aufo or '>. Ownr/19t. M"a Ver~• Hr 111. ""· beedl ""· io. of ldWI fll• Upper In qui.t .. ealty Wortd•lo. W. D<tMMO, 414-0tM. IUILDIM IAOfWICI, 3 Itta.~ dtootit..S. 3 If. VII .... CfW nw stor~ IMlll onty. nalgtlbOmoOO. a ldrll'l I Prope. '" a 11, lua new 714 ·1'62 1.0. l'tu.. MOO/mo. call ~ fof den, 1~ ... :. lnoli.lelta UCAPI TO lllftl/111"':' rtr"& ..-r.~·o·~r· ,_,_ . ~,.. HMt44 WI ll'llPPI. ·1471-"• uee of ~ .,._, ..... TNNIOAO lllMD ~· "l-"•: r , ... , ITMU3 ' ' r.~=••••••u•••T•••: Meaa Verda 31r 21a _ .. .;..-''--------000. ey °"'*· 711 .. 141 ~ beyftont. WI I en unb•·,, v oP• o, .. eutlful~ UJIO!•ded 3 1111. NewfY cleOoleMcl °'*" *" new ..-... •*"'VrOOlftl\omet. 9rHn • · wner .... ~ J.M9 bdrm I\\ M Condo In '7M"-1asa · air II.I• ellt• • 11• bOe1 _. aeroae eo-1ot1 « 7U..,71. ::;-;• .. •••• i~ ~oo'ortdae . ''''· ~-I II C.~i= -= ~c:..~· ""'· • Ir tfl• ••• UH.HO. I .. ~~~··,..~ Alw7 o'' No ...... tm. ..... room • --Agt. . Lv"" °"" to tu-roao '°' ct..ifted Ad ... -· _, ... , 11 • , .... ..;..:-..... ___ _... _ _... I c;:,_i.aokyarcl •. Greet &,W MM; Dflft loOTlOH :.! ~i~ r::'cif ,_.=.a.: IMIMLO I.AV. • •· I Diii.·.~.,= to... --~ =:;Ori'""""'" 9' ---•"li...WM' :':~"T~-r~~· Merett to~ to _ AO-, ""' 1~f"*!"/ _, peld by~ •• ,,, mo. 11111.,....., H.-. _,,_ ... 10 ... ... I .._. Ml .... 11 .. 1$. ~ "7,000. 1111 ..... lt1 Doe11 0'11 llltd adl '°It.... lllld e& MO ... ea;.,.. -.. ... Ml Qa:zlftlld ,_.-Ml-tl7I DOLLAR DAY DOUGH IAYIRI Sett ~ no-longer-needed Item• for Ollh. If It dot1n't Mii, we'll run It another 3 day• FRE!. One Item per ad, muet be prloed. Sorry, no real •tat• or commerclat ada. Call today for full detaoe • ......... ,. A.=:·1 ,,,,, ' '""' •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~ffH!!!tl!l •• IJ.ff SCRAM-LETS '-'-!fff-'''"· .. {·>-~ .. c., •• ,., .. , ~: ~,, "'rl'r"''• A""N" ,~ "1'.w1.!f.1Hr. ..... ~.4ff1" .... HM t11! ..... ~~~1fl .•.. !.~!¥ ANSWERS 1-w .,__, 11 .. I ... !'J!~ .. ~. • ... ~ .......... ~!ff!:'. ........... ,.Pf,}1 •• f!........ ..!f. .... ~ ..... 1. ... -;J Aoommelt WMttd. m~ 820" ICI· "a· ·~t'! per .. ICI· •00-900 lllL.US 14'00 aq n Tllk.,. ,.._. ::;:••:;'!;:;;~jf{:";i Attott·lllct ld\llt treat IV .... 1 .... ua IUWlll to ltlf air IPf, C.M. llDV ·• ~ 1~i"" ..i.I . PenthouM Baytronl Bui-WIC)tr • ou'ting bdrm 11100 Ptf mo ao Plu. POOi. grdnr ,.,....... .WT 9111~.lffff ...... I!. ~ ....... , .. r..~: YIL' a•1 mo. a.oroe 6'2"'311 Afetl ... p"'1Clng, P•tloe. JAAONl!T cua'roM "IAL.TY Olu111 lr.Ho~l478 ........ mr ..... ,..... L.glbdnn 1~ba 21tory ...., ... "°' M1' 23-IO to"" 1117 W•tollff. N.I . 1M 173-1003 Let'• f-"· t,,.,. .,. 110-1111 & IH utu. '11a.HIO. '400. 2 Ir, utll. pd. •10 IHO/mo 540-UH: Motl "'Olnl tPf, bldQ. New tl2 bdrm. klJWt'y oondo 1n' Na. Own bath. to 4'000 ICI· ft. 191· floor too meny c:MmlCele In Hlgtlty Uf>QflM<I & CIMn. Harding, lalbo1. No 957•27'° 9'VM 1n Leguna e.aan. flnalt 8'>tt In t4 p!Me. l 8dtm ., trplc. SH&trno, Agent "61-&0t:I Oood P'ountaln Velley loc. food '""-d¥· LMt 111.i. ,,.,. '"' pett. 547.11aa tooellon 1n town tw.attt. frOM Uta, 2 bdrm ffom g 't.ct Aafot't daYI ,.ully rwn offloe tPec. night 1•I•,11.-dlnMt •••••••••••'•••••••••• ~ 1ct19 llOf.'":":Canyon 21r. 1 ... no P«•. petlo, talc""' ¥tewa all buttc·IM. '570. TownhOu .. trom Jf.oen •t tte or .vi * .. D lfflMI* Rent ' d.-or • llfge with• 11nn. anc1 •MAO· HOM! FOR MHT I It 2\t a. .. Winter, Seot/Junt. OOMn I a r a 11 • 1' a o m 0 .. .,, • ........, "40 + PoOla tennll. • l'rom 1 room tot room•. portion hcy/Aeoept FT 38dml.&•8drm ... 5 vi ew. poo • •P• ~t21~21A,96eo.pd. 7Wf45' · =ted .,.;;;· .-1-18'11, pond.1 a. "41ndl3t-ot24 l'roml1.1811q.ft.No lncl'd L.ow rent. -N------~~ to MOO. Fenced yttdl & 1 1400/mo 644-tOeO Imo. ast.tltl '" ·~· · tor oootitno & l!Nttng Heed""*' roorrvnat• to ..... required. AdJ Alf· 754.13419 ., ... U. II# Oatag ... Klde l ,_ti &rind MW Coron1 ct.i 5PM 1715. 1 BR, pool, petlo, t ~.!".t :::O.!,up paid. P::rOM San D1efO 1h11e with MrM 1 bite porter Inn. 2172 Dupont. I •~ ,_1 ffH ••~•••••••••••••••• weloome. 5'1·2000. M tu 2 bd 2 b4I S*IOfl, 121 J, 11th Pl. _., v•m "'· ""'""'· P::rwy drtYe North on from beactl U7t Cell AM 133-3223 1"1Nt1 ,._,~ Aoem. no,_ c!c.o x:;r11 ~m& ge-~t .. ;out,' goar.t'~ Me-51a1 an 1 tAM 1m1 ttudlo, w.111 '°town. eeecn to MeFedden to 17~ · · .U.,... A;;H0.t;;·.;·2eao·A:c; .,...,, ...,, 11W r I g e I 100 0 I mo ele1/1tor. UnNllevable 1 8A IP\. '3215 mo. Ho bMcf'I. t300. Awll Ill. a.wtnd VI~ * IAYFAOHT * St . 1640 1q ft. plu1 I 0 ."ah:. .... :-... r~ 4"'°'Ma U200/mo. 171-12'2 pece,depr9f'd nr 11th ......ao22 (71•)1f3-15111 PVT IUf'TEIOAAAQE ... .., lllTll e11 gll'IQe 841-1777 . ..,,......, JAii Ull fll k"" L.ullury CdM Bey front C.,... ltJ llu Uff & ~ llvd. &48-95T4• I.a oon vtew 18' IC)t In ..... '"' RESfi'ONSllLI N-IMKA With UM of reception, C.. ""'1 3 br, 2'A be, prof dee. condo 2 bdrm, 2 ba. ••••••••••••••••• ~ ........ 51 dwntown Laguna een .•••••••••••••••••••••• 17501mo. 113·t52t .... conf.roc::;·:1ten.~. .'!"' 4411 45!? 1 m • n It I u . S 125 0 lrp4, apee ~ rm & petlo. WU1'9 2 br, t bl, cp11. dtpe. Utll pd. 1650 mo. Cell Pool, IMnle, laM•Ei *"b, tPM :::' MIN ,-:..::,;; •• ~!!••••••••••••••• 521-8"3 New paint, carpet• & In CdM, modern 18' 8'>t Mature pref. No pell. 4M-1067 wuner::tr'V. tul/ 1:"~ F rtnn1at• to find Ind ..,., .Va11 MP41'atety If .,,. • ..., QC-AEHTAUI .,,.,i. 2 CM Glfl09 with w/cerpon or gatlQe tor '400. H7 W. 19th Jecl< I---'...,. 1111 ';::'': iui &at'.:oll Iv ehar• tpt or condo. dellred. Call: Judy, In ,,..., bldg on ec..1 L"'tK;M4 M ,.., 1-abr'• l200 lo '2000 Opener • 12500/mo. 1'9tlrlno ledy inovtno IO 546-2277 •• -• .....-;;•••••••••••••• m . 645·1881. ...,._11U 71'171C).()100 H South L I Ap- 71J0.331• open 7-d'Y9 720-0713 ., ... No 11a1r1, no pete. spao1oua 2 B< 2 B• n.w NO FEl!I Apt. & Condo 'Cl· Joen prW:,.· 500 IQ~ E11cet· '=i lall Up to l600 "'°· l2t31 erpti. dr1pH, good rentlle. VIiia Rentll1. 1275 mo, nicely tum F IOOllll 10 llnd & "" •am IUU 19111 privet• parking ~~~~~~~~~ 3 BR 2 Be l!aetbluff, •vi Al'!!.,.,•tl hnl.dll 275-2640 ~. H•Ulde loe1tlon. 875-4912 Broker. Wuner. dryer, kltchetl en:· wit~ M/f' NI !Mcuttw office In Cit\· behind bldg 1525 mo W.11 In.I II• July 18·~~ ';°· .. _·,~::••••••••••••••• If--/ .... •••~ l475fmo. Mature edulte JM 11111ft m prMtegee, pool. No ~ 5294 Carrie ' '*Y VIiiage, l4501mo. Turner ANOC. 494-1 177 •••••••••••••••••••••• • 1 ~-~.f••••••••••••"-'!? only. S.. M1t1eger 147 lmOklng. Pref. mite llu-• · Brok• 87M912 lluttt, lrg upgrlMcl 4 Bclr ,.,. .. ,, 1111 1 .. I .. a • E. 11th. St. "4", C.M. ~EW gValt'~ AQ~ ~; dentl. 541-8051 Rmm1t1 Wlflled. Em· Alrpor1 ., ... Exec Sul-,., .. 3 la. Nu p>llnt & car"""'t •••••••••r.~•••••••••• • .. orne ~ · . C .. ,., pl~ meture llbetll M 60 · ,.... . Furn. B•~de Studio. Mo Newly decor. Ou pd, 3 B< 2b•. pello. C19tl/dr1>1. MUNITV. 2 ' 3 Ir. 2'4 E aid• ..... rurn p\11 28' 28a lag Bell. tee. From 225-4 IQ. n. --ML llAI :,.°!1,~ peta. 11395 of Aug . Lee/o pt. encl gar, dwltlr, pool, '6501mo no pet1. Aft Ba. 11J00.1IOO tq. "·of room. kltch & g•r:r. 494~8218 · · l1partq.ft.Mllnyitlru. FOtH> ADS ARE FREE -l;ii9fiiilrirlljtttj S2951mo. 875-3•98 b~. Adult•. no ~·· •pm. 845-21tt pure luxur;. 011tagee, ~~l~.8 1 ... 1225, Re• , Cell 1557.7010 Otttee epece for 1 ..... 1 I "'-~ -.... F ~ d t _.. ...... h South lide of htgnw1y Block Ba a.ech, 1BR ulll 64 -50 3· Eutlide 3 Br upgrldecl apaa " every ,..,,,,. -em pr., 0 .,,, .,,..F M Catt Deen "•thbun 11 .... .., paid 1150 mo. a.a " 2 br.. 1 ba .. c1rpet1. Int. 2 llL UPC* w/decil matter eult•. dining Cheerful room. lclteh prlv, nr e. Cit ~ I pie, ..... ,. 875-5000 tor detalll, 11@1 Cal.· 3 bdm:i. 2'" bathe twnnM 1823 W Belboe Blvd, epl drepH, bullt·lne. No Duplex. 17501mo. Ottyl =-~wood mlcf':'.'!~ Pvt yard, E/Slde CM :':}~Mtge Yffd. 250• Alrpo<l ~. exec autt• l~~~~~~~~-~I !~~ •. ~7~·9:;-', d: 2. Sat 11.1 pe11. 1425. 2212 M-s>ta. 9 5 1 -5 2 8 3 . Ev•• owne. s>itveta petloe l ;rlf mldd':et'1'4 m1t1. expend•. Cially eurroun-Stor1ga apace, 315 IQ.ti . Ml·Mll 132•1023 (213) 9'1-3085 ev.'1 831·2927 649-1733 ylfdt.poener pteM-200. 648· Miii IUIW9Nltl Med• 1 dlngl, prof atmoac>h«•. •larm 1y1tem. call ~~~~~~~~~ --------1 If-----' J • ,1·-Sl>Kloul 2 Br 1 Be 1425 2 BR 2 B• condO """' ded l!Jegant tMng on4y Mature female, pvt rm & Male proteotor/llllP« h11 120 to 250 11<1 ft of· 546-3112 :: 4 ... 3'"" B "--·· • _._ I ,,.u -. '9 1 C • ,........., 1'" m'-' .... tr-F-.... .__ b1t", kit nrlu, non ~kr rmmlte In ~ N.B. -........... & ~ ..._ from L~t ,........, ... r__, --.. ... ,. a ""'"'' ~· ••••••••••u•••••••••• 3 Br. 1'A Be. ' 5 IC>•. AC. nr 8. II Pima. " "''" ..... _...,.., " ,... • _.. Pvt _,,... I ,,._ ,._ ..... ~ '-I ~ J •--•f•lf -~.,,·-_, --.. , rm, 11ardener Av111. Oce1n view, 1>e1utllullv L1"nd~ fee , pool. .u25 mo Alie for BIH llland, 1 mll'lutw to a.c. 1240 mo. "3-8218 .,.. ,._,.,. w 2U/mo. lneludlng conf .. •••nl -•I~ ~ wtllte eat w/or-_.. • ' v ,... b9'eony All hM PIM-rma, receptlonllt ana-•••••••••••••••••••••• --w:-__ ..; S1pt I UtO/mo furn townhouM. lrplc:, 548-ff 13M28e Plazl Of OC.Alrpot1. Fem ... BMut room wl 1egee "400tmo. c-11 WlrWlt !Oti of N.B 3915~1rch 3800 aq ~'!i9Y:Wt':• .._...._ 640-8290. r,o'~uo 1895/mo. 9'20/mo. ~Br. t 81. apt., ..., lut #JI = wt :Sari~ ba1tl Klteti prtv HVH Eileen dyl/me111ge1 pel'klng,':t:'Ttx 111111 It. or tw. MIA zone 41M-38721487-5"'5' •Br 3 Be. IC>• 3700 IQ ft beamed ce11ng, laundry •••••••••••••••••••••• F ·' '°1eoo,111 Diego 1280 ptu1 utH 720-4375 13~. wee. 833-9til Agent ~1·5032 OCNl'I vi.. l2500tmo 1 I r Ir.et utM. N.wty redee. rm .. pool. Avail. Juty call Super neat, email 1 Bf rwy. 2 .,.. Of mo. Room f 1 tc 640-1002 1750 2180 n tnd11-A.ward Loet. ....._ V•de 4 Br 3 Be, comm. pool, 1111. aml peUO, cloM to tor~ VIiia with courtyard. l3l-64'39, 4'" Mge or ren · non·am r. l.300/up· Carpet• drepea up ., ... 1ml M Cat, gry/ r:"c:t, 11196/mo. itorw 13&-74.47 TSL t 642-1803 qu .. t. no pete 1400 Awe., ea.ta MMe $300 mo Ir.et Ulll , pvt Fem ~ to "" 2br elf 173o1 ~ H B: etrlal . Offlce. 111091 Re-wtlt, lnlo 649--0148, i.. r~ 2 •-2 ... • 202 .,3 0103 Ba 5'a-.487 CM 1bl, E'CM 110uM wl 642.2834 ' dondo Clfcte •K Hunt-,. ..... ,.772 .,, ..,_,,.... "' ..... If--• ,1 . .,. ... ..,. 2 •· 1 •-"81-1• 4"' - ' 111T1e Fncd werd It' ' lngton. 8eactl 842-2134 .,........, comm. pool Sl50/mo .....,,, .., ---1mo. .... .... up. 873-3313 • 1 / .. , / ~1-' · --------Br 2 B pool •••••••••••••••••••••• par unit ended g.lfl09 ':'!.!.!, •••• !.! ••• '! •• ~ ate 1282 50 64&-92 .,,111 waai•u Wedding ring with dla· ~ C Pl~=~ nr 1390 Attr1e11ve putty patio, .ii bt14nl, Jaund,Y IUUll lllTIL Went quiet r'MC)Onl non-•SUITE DEALS* Approx 2000 aq ft ,., mondl 7120 11 Mu-0, 'uy ..... option on furr'I IPI lg patio. ger. rm. ·;:i-,,,, COUNTRY CL.U8 UVINO lmOil t en o.c. Airport ., ... Prof. ' well• Generou• rewetd .n" of t"••• Have Meture, quiet. No pet. T8L Mgmt 642·1~ IN .__,.AT B ... ,.H Wkly rentllt now •viii i.. • .. L r..:._.~ environment. full~. Crown Valley Pkwy, 8&9-3525 ' " ' 2234 Ru1ger1 Dr. C.M. ...., ... ,..v """"" 1140 & up Color TV ent..,ue '"...,• ,...,......... or no frllla lndhlldual of-FOf't>el Rd . Miiiion Vi. --------otherl. Fred Tenore. lgt 1_213-<t64-5104 Large 3 8r. 2 B1. Town-... ••••••••••••••••••• A toe.I environment Pf1onW In room 2274 condo 5'9-8238 ttc. or de161 IC)lal. 150 10. (7141545-0215 Gold Breoeie1 Twlat.s 83 Mtte. 831·2711 . llOUM In quiet complex, WWRITlll 8P"1"*'t oomrnunlty on Newport 8Wd CM Prof wom111 & '°" to lhr IQ ft -3500 aq n. 1 MO •n""ox 2500 ..,.. It offloe r09e 1.0 bfecelet with VerM11191 2 bdrm, 2 b• OAIA II 0110 large pool, garden Mt· 1 & 2 B<. Dlecount on the Upper Bay. Prfv•t• 64S.7445 3Br home In N B. Poet. FREE. 75M971. --;;, wwen;; epece n1me "Herrlet" Reward penttlouM, ocean view. ALL UTILITIES PAID ting. 1875· 845-33l1, IOfl'l9 rnodelt. Poot. 8'1a. ~~ :w' court,,_,'; EA nr bett & actlla Wiit eon-Ceritrli Coeta M ... _e&a __ -1_4_1_1 ____ _ petlo, 11000 541-3395 876.5048. Gym, leuna, eto. ~. c1::' 10 ~. BE I CH AR elder 1 1cm, wl1 etllld or CdM dlx Milt•. A/C, ltnf)le Fenced yd. Av111 now llUlll UT or 752·5317 Compere belora you S530tmo. 2 Br. 2 Ba. e.4eo-0819. n retired Fem pref. over '*" utfl pd 28615 !. Cat l600 per mo. &42-0850 2 4 8', den/wett>ar. dining & rene. Cullom dHlgn Town~. ear porta, '350 tum.°' unfum 1 Br. ~.!r"°"ltlopl ~ $77/wk 30. 759·9135"' meg HWY. 87M9oo 1300 IQ n 1425 ~~~uttset. A~:l ~1;: '"" rm•. balcony & aun-fHturH· Pool, bbq, p1tloe, ell blt-lnl, lndry pool, IC>9 18"2 FlorldL Ille. Vnfurnllhed bache-SHARE to condo, non-1800 IQ f1 1575 WAADI deck 2 o 'r g Ir . cov'rd g1tage, aurroun-rm, emlH pet oil. Won't "42·2834. 842-3172 lore 1 & 2 bdrm IP'I 11\d Kltet1eneU•M1ld·Pool 1mkr. C.M 1276 + 1" mOl11YI llf11I Front olnce, 11109 rear d1 ~33-8&53, - l l3751mo yrty , ... Avlil ded with pluah llndtce· ... u i~ Nwpt Blvd' Wiiton utll. 831·9197 181 ~.NB, 83t·3851 door 1ne Whittier Alie 844 .... 131 Aug. 876-9324 ping. Ne pete. TSL ~t. 642-1803 NMr beech 2 Br. 1"' Ba. $640 : ltOOO Coetl Mwa 549•9755 CdM OFFICE SUITE 0 540 9352 E 1 Br lurn. 1515 Aft 5, 642-41221 Cfl>tl. dr1>1, blt•lnl, frl*:, ., __ al .. _..........,~, __ .. 1 ••-fl •-ti'-~-. Room & botlfd In nlcie Npt A '""" ft .. ~ .~l•,...1 -· Vft l..olt 7125 Bleci< bl~-SUPER KOOL 1 bf, w/ 485 w Wiiton 8'42·1971 enclld gereoe 15951mo ........ ...,._,., ..... ... .. ...... Boh home for !)(Of. lady, pprox. ~ IQ . ._.. "'"""""° ,.,. In bfO'M'I 9houkler pool 2 Br. 1 Ba. Upllllt1. W Call 538-0921 Bdrm unite feetufl llne •••••••••••••••••••••• OY9f 40, 11rllght, non· orptl/ drepee & pllnt c:aM Gothlfd & Htill. plr1y patio. cell 1375 •utlafltl Joann St. No pell ...... wa1 • deelgnet fumltl.l(e and 1 Br. llaepe 4• acrOM the 1mkr Send lo Boll 75e, 1475/mo. 56t-et30 l•Dfll /l•ntl' HB. A.ward !>57-7470 OC·RENTALS 750·3314 .... j '"' l«Olmo. S'-11 Mgrtll. -ecceeeorlea. Mew In to-etraet from bMctl e/o Dally Pllo1, PO Bo• /' I Ext 17. 1-4 •••••••••••••••••••••• 84t-t324. • ...... 2 a 3 BR towntiouw dty or r.......,. tot 1Um· 121151w11 876-5088 ... .,,., c•• .. 2.... Pror. omc. IPeo9 In NS" lnan ---------Newport Crut Pl111 4, lmmeou1111 eond. f1n1- 11Ucl view Avlll 911 for 11200 per mo. will eon· •Ider 3 yr. I•••• 840-t201. agent 28r 2be, pvt ger epl Modern, loll of llor909. we111 In CIOMt•. 2 car prtt'g, •Ilk to ~ ( 1 Blk) 1750 Incl utH Avllt e 120 . 980-5144 or ~tt'71"(tv '"90) "SEAVIEW" 38r, 2•;,e., fllnl rm, tennla, pool, MC gate. S 1450 mo. Incl gardnr, wtr & aun. 169-1002 •••••• FllllT 8penlall &tat• L.Mngl 8-ltlful parti-1111• II.If· rounding• Terr1eed pool Sunken ~ t>bq, eperkllng fountain•. Spacloul rooma Sec>a- r11e dining ar~ Welk-In Cl<>Mtl. home 1111• kltc:h- ... & cablnete. Wiik k> Huntington Centtr. 1 Bdrm-Mn, '606 2 Bdrrn-twn from teo6 2 Bdrm TownhouM ~n lrom '875 ....... 16.._ e---~ •llPVV "" " vcv Cen&er fOt •t\Of'nly or •••••••••••••••••••••• l t B ........... le """"" NEW BAE.ED APTS. apll, yvdl, ~ gar, ~~~-= LIDO ISLE • 38c:lrm, flln other -~Ill UM ---'•-• OI rown .,_, ...._ ............... _.._ Me ...... ~ ......... ._ .,..,._ ...,.._.. I 00 •.. MIF to""'_,. E.lide C.M. .... .... _ holder con'"""""' perto. 1 Br & loft Frpte rec •..-. ,,,,_.....-. "' """'· daily rm, 2Ba. 1 ftty ...,1y .. ., of r9Cec>'Clonla1. X..oll, O.-np}tw flfJ ~-.., oom pool .IP9 0.. & Hrt>f': from 1676 Chll.-13500 Augu11. Ocean-houM. Lrg. rm Opt lew llbfary. Avllll lmmed ..... -..itrn: ••• a........ nNelB t~~ars..vi.wd ... ,. ..aa;ri9· ' • • • df'en Ot< M0-el07 front 2 .... , lba. l600 furn laundry fee .. 1325. .......... ...... , .._... ,._...,. water peld. No pell. 393 · On .a.tnbor .. Ad 11 "' ~7173 call for d9C-. ... ... or Join the IMder In the ---------Ham 11 ton , C M . D1M1a 3 Br. etpta, drpe. San~ Hiii Rd. W.-8111 Grundy, Attr M 714/MS-2'11 ew1mm1no pool eMm1ea1 ,.OUNO lge lhlggy OOg, 145-+411. bft.ftl, dbl ger, wld I*· 144-1800 87M181 AOOMMATf:. GOrlOo IW Exac Furn &Ate. prime ..vtce DullnMI e. I bN< Op ""· whit• & up S700 Call 536-0921 1 btodl from belcf\, 1 8', bMctl 0.909, rem.. H.I loc. Phof'9 Ind eo-"191fkle w1ter 1r .. trnen1 bfown 9 • 1~ .. f 71~boa. AAUNOTOH APTS SpaQ. 3 BR 2 ... tpk:, gat, ~ ... wtth gatlQe non--amolt•. 831"8029 pier avell '2251mo lyl1em• Maler .. Ue'd _N_B __ ,_ ... _. _ .... _,,.. ___ _ Oulet ~ I beadl 2 .... MOO yny. Prl'I patto. t3t-12ee •ft• 8 986-1779. 8'0-3215 t•rltory . I Vlll•ble. Male mill lf199P dcO. "°'* 2 Ir 1'~ Be = No P9Ca f'&-1882 -y lllTH • Fem 1trligflt. 2 8<, bath, (-) ~.,. Coeat ., ... no grey/wtllte & 1en M.i. ..__..... f!25f'""' -"~ -1221.50 & \4 \ltl. eitper nee W"t trlln ml11 collie .._.. & ~ .. ._.... ·1-IUlll UY A~.Aiit 87S-8110 645-M7t now Office or OWi! IPtlCI f\K. 150:000 IUll amount Mata S~d. bltrltan, O«J.NA Rew apt, laytront home. N 8 1&2 Br wet*1V ltec>e nWled Of unf\Kn. Pad! 1eq d. acme lln•nel~ c M •• ~ YOftlle AVAILABLE NOW 1 bdrm, 1 ba, utll lnef'd. io bch. 1215 up • OrMt Mlle/Female. Single Pe.-Coaet Hwy. NB IVlll•ble WHI net ... • Tefflaf Nit ' ~ 2 Bdnn t bath te>t. ,_ Tennll evlll. '876 per IOCllle 7~31 rent oil lhafe large 846-7474 000 plu1 Call eol*1 brwt1 'Mate blk a gray Beactl/Y~town 1 ehlld month yearly . heme, utlll lncld, ma.ny w ted blet ·~ of Mon-Fr1 MPM Alk for HI long haired eat Spending a.en. 2 er. w. <*. No peca. Weter plld. u~ 1.agune eotteoe ,., beach. utrM 1no1mo. .;,ox ':20~ n omce Tim 404tN7-0111 84':.38se · No pell Ba. 1400. Fenced, utll1 14251mo. 645-2000 Sipe I , 1350 wit. (Aug/ 864-8817 IPecl . prof...ionll de-lllTllllTlll Utlllt ... Fr .. I plld. Refrlge. 2 ematl Agent. no IM. l500fmo 1 Br. 1 Be. IPt. 8:rJo WINTER te6C)lmo. L.ux Dena Pt view Condo '9*i. eiu::epllonal. To .... Ind dl9fr1bute F~~ C:7~te M!.~ ~.... LA QUINTA HERMOSA cMdren <*.no peca. 2 Br 1·~ Be. '385 + '385 ~ek>Mo:~~ .. n '°' 3 mo .. mutar IUll• OCMn view. Flexlble for Netlonally ed119rtlled Illy 831-7 153 ~ =c~~'."Fu~;"'.!' 182 t 1 Parkllde ~. 1 blk tMO WlllKe .,.2 .. 905 •· Cfpti, drpe; Outet '*· no doge. ViutlM ._tilt 4111 with frple, pool, 1Pt1 P'WICV· Phone Juettee Broe 1U10tT1ot111e ---------w of Beectl, 3 blk• 8 of 1500/mo. 2 er. 2 e.. "''· OIOer par1on preferred TSL Mgml. 142·1803 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 .... M-2881, 8"-9639 ....._...140 produeti Operit• 11 Found Young Blk German ==l~e~ne,,~!~ Edinger encled 91r1ge, p1tlo, Nr e.acn Blvd & Mc-VerMltlel PH Studio. OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br. Fem. 30 thr toe iavtlh Executive office autte, your own. Mlling to auto S~d. vie Glrlleld' c •.o11 ....... 1 frpte lndry rae Submtt Fedclen. No 1>911. Securl 9500 Avlll now. Weekly thni twnhM w/reep. wortclng comer of 405 Fwy, NMr Plrt• ltOtM, ear dellera, Bu ard, FV H2·3819 ment. lub Incl pool, -·-on~. . &46-9243 & 893-4194 731l3Jr'&H--0353 aum,,,.,. 87).7113. fem. unbeltevab+e H11b0f 81Vd. Tlk• over ....vtc:ie 11111on1, & g1-_•_f1_6_P_M _____ _ llP9. 1;';'~1~5 ,.,,..,, ,.,,.. 3111 TSl Mgmt. 642-1503 3 Min to bell, 3Br 2'.4Be. UIE ••llWIUI room•. ovenooldng !MM. 1eoo 11<1·"· 11 toe r1g411. Choice 1rM evil-Found Yortc.antre T.,n.,, --------•• -.~"••••••••••••••••• EAST810£ 2 B 11;, Be frl*:, dbl 1tt gar, patio, L.100 DELUXE 2 81'. trple 1111 bfook & weterfaU. Pool, It. Cell 751-et81 ltble lndud .. Sen Cle-Nit & pepper, 'tic HlfbOf Newport T•rr•c• 3 br r. . '850 mo. 1·528"3004. lrg bride plllo OR. Adlt.. 1111 JIC, 1911•, •le. NB/CM rnent• lo Seat e.acn AU View Hom91, NB. condo 1150 Plue MCU· E TownllOUM, enc:lld Ge-"4_.133, 1_738-3395 lt050. 875-1359. j ., .. 780-804'5 Fountlin Valley Offloe with ••llltng eeeounte. 759-0202 rlty. NO pet• 6'5-3785 rega, frple. lmlil pet oil. 8teep1 I . tennta, ewtm, iapace, 2500 tq.ft. It l50t Vehlele and training ---------Greet loc. otLUXf 3 Br 2 Ba. In * BAY,RONT * hike, IWI. non-amkr onfy S.l)Kloul 28< 2be oondO, 1 ft. Good expoeure, program turntlllled Found Blk & wtllte lhort 2 Br 2 Ba & den, w111e . & ''&OOD TSL Mgmt. 642·1803 44'tex, bl14"•. Cfl>tl, R~P08~~r11EJLQE~AA ... MoeKR Ne Peta. Kid• 0 .1<. wtcty nr l>Mdl. wurtter/dryet, good per111ng, Tllb«t a Moder•t• depOlit r• tilled eat. very young lleeplngloft. TaM11ert& STUNNINO large 1 Bf. hk~ drpe, dbl ow. "'° "" .. ..., & wic.nd retw 640-9734 non-lmOll•. '365 Incl llroollhul'lt. Call quired on working In-642·1938 afl 'PM pool avlll 175011..... garden IPt. pool & rec. lrple. N60 No pet1. 1750/Mo. 87S.162t Bet Local Mounteln Cabin lor ulll 831-1098 751-41191 1191'11ory FOf Appl., call FOUND Pen Oolclen r• 642 .... 22 LIFE'' rm. l425tmo. 710 w. MO 44'' all e M·F 9PM rent. ctoM to'-•. llMpt Fem to atw new 28< 2ba .. m IUll 9-5 _.d'Y9 trtever Vic Harbor & LUXURY 2 BR N9wpof1 18ltl. St. DELUXE 2 Br. 2 ... In 28<, 281. ffple, pool, & 12. 849-S..58 ...... condo/Oulll CAMIC, Lag ...... um (111) ......... Wiiton '79 llc 76'-4491 ~:.r=~~=·.C: ~ Met ..... ...., l•llH• 4-Ptell, crpta, dl'pl, bit· r~~.~122 !Bal Pentn w1terlront, 48', :,' Tennla/pool, ~ No de90eltll L.lllCurtoul ••d•nt Wult4Hlt FOUND Large tflaggy OK IH5 mo. ,,..,,... 8oclel Actlvlllu 2 Br· 2 a"1Po~.\;!1ge :25~ ~&:~4 2 11y, Cll'IC9lt•tlon 09PtY l300tmo E~~190 new omc.. lnctudlng ...................... dog Blodl tle>Ped ..,., 844-7211 0 I r. c I 0 r . F r .. S6ff 1Bt w/ . 1 Br t ea. yrty '1000wlt. Aug, ltc>Owtl. . receptloniet .,,_Ing WANTE[)· 50% partner I Whit•. bm, blll. 8 .. n d 'lo · · aft 8 M-F l6001mo Sept. (213) 4f6-7738 Roommate to atir wl2... ___.._, · confer-lnveetor lor Pf...,,tly 645-7172 THE BLUl:'f<8 3'"• 2ILA v gatl09 1496• frplc, pool, •f" ....... C _._ -----" '----" ,.,. -.... ,...a, B<unen•8 '1• tpa, laundry. Studio w/ Olllu.1• poolllde xtni latge " --I a.Uh ,. a.,, f melel pvt brlbl. 1oae to room, etc. 752~. rented. _, • ..,.....,_, -Found---BMg--le-type--doO--ln- ancl unit 000::,,..,.bl,!.!' PlrtlM•llltl.-peUo 1314 No pett 2t>f, 2 ba. bltna, cllwtlr. Acroee from baedl. •••••••••••••••••••••• betl '300 + dep. N9wpof1 Alrpott Alea 400 Orangetrea ~ T~ M ... del Mar.,.. ~::: 2 CM -:er.. G:'1Tf9· 154v-2441· ~ mi::.l>MCll .. ::,:. 81~~~"4()..~I encl .., ........ 842 ... 761 to 2400 ICI n offlca ~.Ind'°' mc:,hy 751·9785 :: a!:t: c:~= ~I c ",'A~· 0 N: 536-8382 . ~ ~hor .. tel50/mo. ~~~~~ s= "':i •. pool • .=. ~fr;:.~~~ ~ ~c:.:: F:;,ndo!~!-:·~ (213) 395-4503 • n n 1 • ~ • • meAllJlll lnfM 2 Br. 2 81. Duptn. Neer So. Clltf. ~7t8 12•5tmo & Mkpng AIC, Ile. lmmed. occu-mld·1Ht puron ... Pf'°' 3rd. "3.2022 ~-r~ .. ri~ AlllT9lliTI-·······:·········~···· tlleoce.n. 541-1190 Prof to"" Ccndc "°"'9 759-"28 ~L.ae "" mo/mo. plld. 71'10~2033 Of ---------~~r't:::-,: ~ ClubeeSeuna• hautlMly landacaped 3 p:o: ~r :=: W!ITCLlff' 1 •. ~· 1111 emenlttM • 1285: Rrnmat• to .,,, belutlM 7159 .. 1011 Kll'ett l:T·~u:.: ~ CICM to ICtloot & tennle. Hydrom....-gerdefl 8'>tt. Pool & Sp&. WOOdQtldoe eo. LAil• ded kltc:Mn. Neo/mo. H2·2•49, "6-M79 C.M. ':· "'o':t'· =· *....., AIU ,.,.,,.,,., Club R4twlfd. 5'5-0380 982-e683. ~ Covered ~parking. No poole, tennta. t771 mo. Avll. now. Adulta, no * * * ~:.&53 r anytime! 17170 8KYPAAK CIR-a-n...1,_ NII l.cl1 1., ,,,... Cit UPPER BACK BAY. 3 BR.. • • ,. u T,, u l pell. 1471 Call Denny 148-2018 .,.. •. 873-8840. • .. IUIU 831·1145 b...,; CLE. lull• 101, IOO IQ ••• -..itrn:::-:;1........ (moetly ~ w/wtllte :_:~~vtew. A~ARTIHNTl 1 ~3~E. 11tt1. ...._..ti ::::-:;nd,. 5't-ll33 Ht nu. by Ud:pf 8' 2 Ba. 299..c'Mont• v111, IPM·tPM. ~G.1~"';:',:: l••••r't Waatt4 paw.. lg: ''"f:· 15 mo. 87M483. eee..eo.1 mo. 11n0 I e I • t & 2 1 IA Or__., .. condo ::a~·~,. er~ Coete Meea Prof. F. ehare plultl model 211-1~280 POlllbl lllty of pll't· oldl7t.h/H9w""" aco, 8~ ' · ledrooma•Fumllhed t Br. redecorated • -.,,... • · · YOt.J .,. the winner of townllorne tennte.oetae n«lhp. ,..... · NEWPOAT HEIGHTS. 3 & Unfurnl1h•d•No 1415/mo. pkla t200. lltll ~ ur:ldecl• AC,,... l.Mge BIUffl condo, 2 two tr .. tlc:ltet1 (118.00) bMch, peilo, furn. uoc) So. L.aouna at 3 Arel\ 8-y. &tab. ctleln bUllneea 541.0027. Fr• to gcoct br. 1 ba., lrpl, boet/RV Pall•MOd•I• Open pd, no pets. pool, ldMI [) .. .:. ... ~"'~ bcfrm, 2 ba, 2 ow ger value to the each. •93-4947 800 ~·"·With good hwy open.Ing In central OOUI _h_~ __ . _____ _ ltoraoe. 11•rdnr. Inc!.. dally t to I . '°'quiet mMUI' WOt111nt t«mll, ..... . ..,,_ with opener. Qr..nbeft. RINOUNO 8A08 vlllt)lllty •97-2381 ...... ,,..... call FOUND· ..... ,,.., •1000. mo. 831-64'18. ..L-.......... -~ ..... 7.:.. 4t4..64f1 IOC. ·-'"--. 8eoluded...... BARNUM a BAILl!Y Reep MIF Wfltl Of w/out ........ 111• toe/621-3015 fOf lnfor-p ........ ·s1---.. _~ -·" •--• -· -...... ti;' t8ii 830-0648 ---lurn to IN 38r 2ba NI • .,,..~, matlon --·~...,. wuraln -.... .. .... 1 • • -• ' · --heme, 3 t11111 to bef'I, ~ bee. offloel (1000" 10 · _1_0_10en_1..,..1ty._. ___ _ .. Bdrm .... battl. 2 ,..,. .......... lwtmmt."19 pool, .,.,.. ... MUI Coly a bdrm, 1 ba., ~ ZC"T;r tine. f\'ple, dbl t:· 1175, 1850 ft). Attr.ctNe ... ~ n .... " ,ound: em1 wtlt oooll• Cid PaoaN«W lldOUlll/9 --..... /... I.CS, drape•, olUn a nt ..... UIM ~ ...:"'~'.:: t.cng ~·AftN 'A utll. AMI 14 .ees1. a" rnalntalnld bldQ. Nr p;;~:·~uoc,·;o """· buff ..,., IPOt• on honie wtttl llbrrf, f~ -· brl9bt. •love/oven & co.ta ..... IOei r•. I '46-1112 Aug 11-22 12. 14MIN HOllQ HoaPtaf, ~. 10 loan on 1•t ro' on feet. ,.. "'°' Old. room. formal dining 880 IMM dlep. ~. 841 .... 127, 't'ou ... the M1Mt Of ,_., Ua • &46-112 To olalm '~ cell Prof~ low IMMlt rnW-bllnda. Dedloat.ct prime rental lncOfnt ,,,eeo. __ 2_1~11~-.,...,..,..,-~- roort1 and 3 fktC*OM. (et 18th) 711-tl2t Aot. two floet _... (ttl.()O) Cozy 2 bOrm. 1 be, bfnd 142~5171, .-t 27a Pa.-Newport lhotM home. p!1c'g. fllfof, 1nwtro1iment pr098ftY1 On1nge eo.t ,ound: Af'OHAN. 84-* 12100 mo. °' ... op. (714) 84&-1104 *MIN V•• 2 8'. 1 ... ""::;,~MOS. Oita, PMIO. oar .... Npt ... """' be Pch"'* Utll inol. '3aC). 14f.Nt7 ~ .,.._ 1464323 .,... S-8 yrl, 18'.t% .. 10 1911'\aM. H\lnt. aot\, 1114. ~•II agent it "-= ..... ,... Newly refurbltlled. IARNUM & IAltiY HU. No pea, 1628. for rwetrwes .... , et Doll No LIO OW front 2 . I polnta. Call (11•1 call 7141IM 3'M ~00Yer1~:~) ~;:o. Ho pet•. ~·~ 1~ yrty, _,. 10 =..prior to l*fOt-:::'n!.~~ fUm. itr-::Fr~~ ~="' fraf ':=~V:"i*:'C:'i 71.4' 842·511~ ,..._._::: •11 bleotl, tertGt pi1c'g, * * * ... 7-41H -• 1anta Me A11e-. CM.: ' ..... ,_ ... 147""mo no.2•M « .....-. ..__ ...-...... A .... , t w-.... Lone.. NMa "' • • * LAOIU Otfl.Y, lteut. '!.'!!....._~~ -....:::..:.: ••••••n•••••••••••••• .....-...c o -·-,, -1.... n1..a.w. -.. ...__ __.. q-._ u. •ma To .......... -_ ..... "" ~~ L --N.I . "'!" ... ...,.., . Awl loo. In Hartteie Bink ,OU!«>: ~l. ~ _.., ~ -eae1 L.Mftlllw Or. now. l4a...t • """"' Mw a M.-.. ~Ii.; ._. !Nia. ApprOI '" mo. ""' 142·1171, ... 17'1. ,... ••n•• .. •u• ••• ._1 y;;e Of. •-..... ~ In 11t & IM Hbt Mal H.1 ... 74'0 •--------• "'~ .:::-.. ~ ~ '!!:al.."!!;_~ vou ~ = of "1111!.llf.m •• tot Giant. td;;A' tor ~ TO'• *' LOec YottwNN Ten11t. ---• tot,_.._ """' ._......., wr;;;; 'i twcS hi ltoQt• (111.001 WAH'T: Oat• fDr "°' ~. ,_ ....._, lnw-~...., NHICM ._ ,_, In ,.,V. tw T• oflloe Pttot '° l*fot· ' ctr-. l&!ndtY '-= ¥lllUe to the ,... °" w P9nln. Nr ,.,. or .-.. uoo. Ultl A.e. 1rotwr M f!Wft• ~ a MIGftOll. .. ..,.... menoe. = r=..-=.. I NNGl.INO •..ot. 1WI et. C4111of7to.ao7t pd......... 141.·1111 '*-t1 (l1i) uo-115.J * * • totf OOW98 ffgM b4lftlnd IAAHUM 6 IAIL.IV . . . E a. '° .... -ll!ftA'fflfl .... IMI -w ... ,~ A""*'" Conver"!Qn ..... .. ·~~IAlaMd\MI* Pt. --1( OM o.tltat AuQ. 6-11 llWIN& ~ .,.._ OI tllllO ...... -& "° L.ong IMOfi ,.,..,,. You ... .,_...., of S:·Cellownwae(714) Aug.1•12 a~,.,,. .... ~ "'°.,.. ..... (111.00) l-4111. ~-= -=~:r.: ~= ...... ,.,,. , __ ..,_.,,......-.,.-.,....,..-1 -. to IN a br, o• be. •••• to ... '""" tie :::= 1...;.MM~-7.-•;..-~~·:.:;.,-....:....:.: 1-------1 MfCIUNG Mat. beldl. '91/~ OK. ~____.. ....... IA....W I, MILlV ...... '14-FIH. ,_.._ ------........ """!"! -0..-eld ...... ,.,.., ...... ~.to,.,.,.,,. MIM!tit C.W...tton "'· • M;.cflft ·mt; "'*· o.w.::·= ~ .. ~,~ .. ~--!!!:!;11!!"!::·~~~~--...--~---::-.;.o "°'\: ,... • hit ::.a:== ...... ,.... .. _,,.. ................. ... ,.,,...,.._ .... 1~ II& I -......... ....... """ .. ,.,.. ....... = ....... fMMe. ~IC OM-..... You can be a WINNER ~ la1t tiy 1eadln1 u1 your name and 1ddrn1 and by w1tc:hln1 for your name lft the cl1a11fled ad1 of the Dally Pllot. .. WANTED: MALE M&0 ELS tor photo wort!. LA- gltlmate. 499-MSS Tll IY PILL 1 GUAAANTttOI 1'74-0780 or 554-7840 Olelt1butM w~. SUNNY'S blouttve 8bw "•doctlon: ~ 1314317 'LAIT9' PAT~INO rm.~;;;.••••• -.. ioooe. 1n11eict. ao Tree tflmmll'I a~. yra. Meet. Pu 6454171 II..._.-, lftOl#tflf 114-7017 • t!P1flffl. •••••••••••• -.-... ---..~-.-!!r.--­...................... "Let the .......,,. tn" Cll .__ Wlfldow ll!LL kl .. lteme wltll a DellY "°' oe..ltled Ad. --·-·---- ......... ,. ........ 2lllj•¥• .. ·-. .., Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT1Thurad1y, July 29, 1882 C::l I IPtN!Pn ...... .,llM lNNnn ........ '1M ~.~ ....... "'11ftf.~ .. IJ!f ,,,. ... ft« ....... -=~ w.1 .. f .l!m!.'11m .. t!.ff IA'!'l.IM'!l. ... t!M f!~,.~ ...... ~.~'.'!.!~r.!!'4 .... :;;. OAK .. , o1 •,,.. ...-11ov ;: ......._. ,.., '*' ,.. Oalln*M wM, .r.:i:r.T~n ........ 1.~1'1 tt'll ,.. m WA ..... I a.,_. f'/:M lttr#f ........... r •• u • • • •r"' Cflf• .. IO Good 1411\; MO -·~· _.,Ion .... MM r~ -. -~ "" TrlYOO o.. Mir· M 111...,. 1115• rr.-.m ............. n M1 ., _, It •• 1"·1UI ' l·,IOP ot(, mint OOM' f7'H. 11\0W IW\lli. IR7'00. lloml1 ttft, l'Wtft bide, ...., tOI wettil ~11ff~ ~:oe ~UN~~.: 1 • • "': ... ~ ~ '.wit ..,.. Vlete Of Dining "oom 'alltt & 4 ltnllNPI ~ ttodC TrMd Miii t\JI .. MUCH. M74NI ,.., at11, roet a d..., OILY =1111 0111 u•' toort' .. Y • .-T cond aaeoo. 101.tot•• ~' ...... h I •ll Avqcldo Tr... " ..: MUOH MOii!•. ..,l •*90. ca. M\191 .... 147 .. tlth It.,, Vvu .. , .. ~ 01 ~~· GOr~~~.!"44.. Ml·41M ' •ant , 11 .... at IOtl> It. 1n '°"ooo ..._11u ..... '""' ~' .,.... 114H1'd 1,11• two tfel "'*-'' (1,..00) ........,, ~ "' NWpt loll. Cell -~/Q\,lall l te. Vou .,. tlle ~ el ••••••••••u••••• •••~ vu,e to !tit '•~ t I~ ....... -: CooilW91"1 · MW Wllef• l'f.~ 14t.IHI ·49 CMll. Motot Hom. NIW"°"T NAO.. twd ft .. tdlett ISllOOI * NNGLINQ lflK>I . ..... ............ w • MM oooct CIOftdltlon ... t tu .... II~ to the • IA"NUM. IAILIY ~lltt~ ~ "'°"'"*' fof IMO, regvler .. , ........• : .... ~~·T·•er SAIOT '90e~, OOod 2a1 I '"' It c ~ llllNOLINO '"OS 1M1 .... IT ... 1~ 2t, 51 .. 117 Mii 1•1111'1 Of ... ~PM. IMUT.,UI. H ~ condl1io;71_.t71 8.42 tS13 • '78 C1141toll .. CNel, euto. IAAHUM I IAll.fY OllYllTil&.I AnMleim ConW!'!UOll White Provincial hdtOOm H2·t:ltl ~: r,..~ Wf 'Y· quid. AC. AM/n.4, trtf .... Red w/blllClk U.ikittlul Cemw Aug. S.te Ml\1 d<>ubi. bed, a:O ~ Aollewey bed. •Int rv JOhn'• .... 1jH ""1 Lff LHtn fl.U .... "-I I.Ill .,_ NtOO ,. ... i1ea Anahtlm convention aar. 11CHfUGl Long IMcn Aren• ;',\.~ ;52_.217 · oones. SM>. 10.1w Ave.-30 dleMI •IOOC>. atetpt e ..... 1•7•••• .• ft •• •••• '11t1h lll!t WI llY c.n1er Aug. 15.10 t11.ooo Aug 18·22 • aado WllQ ctt.,.i MO. Lrg Wllarldale _...,,, t:lt,too &uMll M·' 23 n Ao.dUnw, IO ,.rrio, •••••••••••••••••••••-; Ull!D CARS I T"UCKS Lona S..Cfi Af'9f'l1 II 1-1111 To Otlllrn peeaM, call rtull ela1 bed trtme almOat t•1~ '250. 762·1119 front klteh, b-ba, '79 TOYOTA PICKUP COMI IN OR OAU. l'OA Aug. 18·22 142..,7'1. •'-171 , ... ltfllnd new .... 1or 1ao .... ., ........ .._ .,._..17 ~. 1-1• grMt oono. * ~ llU * nu "'9Wl&I. To c111m P• ..... call #fl#ln,,.. 1141 .. inu.• M ellGllanOtd oun. 968-3921 --MS.IOIO, ~I 8.....,. Mocset ........,1 m• Oofmtlr.o.Lillo 842·6'11, ei&t. 272 P ... •••••••••••••••••••••• ror r-.wct _11 at boll ai 10 leoel Cllltfon/Ntln. .... ---2 •• of Mils Trlfflr ""'' • ..--•• _.... ... ""'-* be .. aneno.cl OATOll .. WITI ol1loe prlOf to petior· White dr...., Convene Long •I-1100, _ ... ,. Many IC>eft perte All ex. r,.u,n flUJ"" IJlf IMQe, ouet whMlt, dbt 0_,_., tor rewved ... 11 at box •• tnano. 1n10 cn•nglng 109. Litt• 842-0808 Alleo l.analng floor concl. •~ 010 .•• .-•••• v •••••• ..-....... lntlflOr 11\4 mOftl 11211 HACH BLVD olfk:e prior to l)l<fOI'· 0111 PlllOll . ntw. 180. a86-04M epe&kws, t2150 MOii. Ml-27'1 or 800.Htl Tllr• Hie 6th wMel llal 11007814) Juel nMd ,. HUNflNOTON 8lACH minoe • • • ATARI 400 eomm"" boellent CondlUon. Dual bed treti.. WltOOI bo•M, l1ble party to mlJI• Ul-1111 Mf..1111 . DOWll , • • w,,:;.ER:~~"G·=.: Ntw 4:_~~0 a ~==-=· eherwOod 2~·,Ps:=. ~~I ~fui =~a~.,!~~ ='!,.,~~~,r.::;.o ' • * • ~,mei.!. :,n:~: ..... 1~kll•~lc1r·... S375, u2.12ee Huvy cMy whaalbanow. aa1 ... 1ee r._~ ... 1n1woept0f, fu~, 8'118' U11Uty Traller '275 No blM* Pl'nt• -~"'2 ... ~ Top Dolar I -•.11*.!.~.L or IOflQ twn1 tinenG!ng ~-"""' ·-· """ Of-. minor •nd nit• Oood c:ondltton. '35 ........... "*'Y "" ... 11 o .......,11·11 '°' RoM . '" _...,,,, .. rr-•511 HouN of IMC>Ot'lt, Inc Sant• Ane aiand Chlfry woocs. 844.()311 Atteo I· 18.A llf>Mk• c. cond • t 1,000. Oayw 11'Y 556-1008 PToto UM Paid 3232 Colorado DIAL 213 °' 714 Vou are Ille winner ol s100. Ph 1142·72Be t11net tao 12t31 HS-08el ••t A11t 1-mH lam F0< Vour 0.,1 Colt• M... 837·2333 two tr• ltcktt1 (118.00) Ho·1e5t ~~5,v.1 .. Ewe 17141 a Allfli-"n• HOO .18 '°'d Court.r wtlhetl You 1r1 tlltl wlnMi 01 ---------value to lhl Full bedroom Mt. dbl'*'· llTATI 1111 ..... ....., v • .... 1 r1 hltell XJ 1 cond 4'111111 I ... two lrM tlCl<lll 1118.00) Havtn'I you waited long RINOl.INO BROS 01)1(1 HMt111. Tap cond. sn ,.. u.!lty aRUN 10 ehOft wa¥9 ....................... I r ' n u ... .... value to Ille enough to own • M•r-. Stare $1000. 8d-72M Vlf. Cfyl ' q radio S1telllt1 2100 SAILBOAT, 215' ClaUlc All C"-"Y tf'VOt( pertl: \4 30,000 ml. 13250 O< be9I I I re•ry RINOLINO B"'OS cedH S.Oz? 0on·1 lei BARNUM I IAILEY antique • contamporwy . Ludln w/tllp In Npl Ion to dleMI. 'Rblt otter. 848-5300 2e2e Herbor 8lvd " 0110ft on.et, 3 dre-•. eon-furn, tempt, kllChanware. ~0-":'c; ~al G:; 8ch. s3oooioeo. Set al lr•ntMINlon from I 185 Colt• M... 540•9630 BARNUM & BAILEY 11111 oppor1un1ty P• .. you Anaheim Con'191ltlon temp SOlld W9lnut, 38 IOOls, bed•. llntne, ~ 1y 28111 8t Mlflne, & up 5&4-1850 ·79 !I Camino .Ul*·IPOf1 Ot•otl ~:nu:t~ now~.:ve 0~ c.nttr Aug 5--t8 Jt19" $98, 8&2·1443 -.n.. d'J:• retrlg, Nl-2572 213·692-4988 Set 1rudl 1ltel 9.ll0•1815. VM. PIS, PIB, AIC. pa:;;ro:1':y= aer Anaheim Con~11on modela & eolora ivall•· Loni~:.:;'"' Sola & Lo¥9Mllt (orangllll ~~~n alz.r: r~i Cfaftaman 12 .. radial arm SCHOCK 20, 4 Miii, O.B., $-ply 10·ply ratl"Q. 1750. 15000 or ofr. 1556-91'4 (lortlgn or domeatlc) L~1~1 :;,~. bl• To elatm l)aUM, call tan) & coffee tat>i., per-10-8, Sun 8-4. Mw(Lgt) ceb/ltand, 3 clean, $80001 OBO 56&-0998 In good QOl\dlll~ Aug 18•22 JIM ILl•lll 842·5878, e1tt. 272 Pu-Itel cond. $800 bladea. $350, 963·93M 873-398-4 TIAES 2 radl•I• '83 CtllV lruolc plek-up, s .. Ut Flt11I To claim pa..... cell IMNITI ... tnual be 9Jtchanoed &40~2ee Laguna F•tlval of Arte Lido 14. detk b1U1 wlltt• 225-75-15, new, sea ~ Ec~::~lonSt.~.~I 842·5878. 1111. 272 Pu-130 t Quall 61r•I for r..r.<ld ... ,. •I bo11 9 ti cull eola. gold velvet Pageant Tlek9'1 av.II. for ..,,, I lluU• dte:k, 1979 Ullmen Mlle. 857-2630 842-1363 ... musl bl IXCllanged NEWPORT BEACH office prior to perfor-$350 2425 Vowdo!n Pl ntghl ol Augull 12111. L.J .. ,.t col/If, trall9' $2700 SP'•Y paint boot" for for r-rwcl ..... •• box 111-llOO mance CM thru B•I• Clllld1'9t11 ••• '";'\':~-............. 588-8287 rtnt SlS 50 hrly $40 for , C . .-.. '"'"" office prior to parlor----------* • • 55e-0998 Foundation 11e, cotl l#•etal HIO •-11&.--J aA.11_11 3 llre 775-0278 87 hell Jr ......... 'IV .,. manca. * • * MERCEDES Wller'*I. ~ut. kg/ tot Illy deductlblt. Call ttll ••••. ••• ••••• •••• • •••• -....-nl ,_~ ft'"• New b<akH. muf· • Sofabed. Green, gold, bookcaae hdbrd/""'ddtd 4PM M-F M<>·1084 Afl 18' Avon 1nnatabl1 IPOrl SAiLBOARD·a·.ii"k," ... 2 A 1 •·• ler, .. ddle t1nk1 Aune, '87 os1eon, 4 dr ffdan. WAITED beige. good eondlllon ... rd rlll• s2oolbll. 6, 983-8183. boat good dive boll · $ er05 •I" 1'1 ~• wor1<1 grNt. 11450 EvlfYlhlng In good 1100· B46-l068, before =-1851 Gto<glan RON llerllng, !~~7"2or bell olfef' ~:· ::-e~; 55~~:..a •• IMPORTAN°TNorice-· 982•7803 .l888 llJlh01 tthd tllepa. $800 8.45-3806 "'""' hltan h lll. 9PM Reed & Biiton 8 plaot ........ • evM TO READERS ANO '89 v.w CAMPER Xlnt \ ... , •• ""'·' ~ u.uo ·n 280Z. gd cond 46,000 Cell Pacer Kay Pllr ann cllelrs, good Sola-Play p.,,, lO piece, 11lllng1, e pc• N & 10 Build your OWT\ Cetama-ADVERTISERS c:ond. Rebll eng $2500 H"'heel c:eJtl immtc:ttately ml, ale, 4 apd a.mtfm l)jaJ 213 or 714 cond. 175 both dark brown. nice cond MMnO pi.c.. $1000. ren. 2 NI• or rnolda, 1 .. ,., IU,. Thi prlc:e ol lttm• lld· FIRM. 641-1773 ,-;, your vettlcie Oo-radio c 111 8-5 837·2333 846-1088 5200 875-3223 645-9937 complete hull plu9 Low DN!t IOTO ver1t1tc:1 by vel'llele dee· .70 Ood ....,.., meeHc or to<etgn 548-5569. 111 6pm IHIJ ef l•,.m, IH Ve I &ec:llOnal I de-Boy Trell« & utlllty .necs •••••••••••••••••••••• lera In Ill• vehicle Claul· y, ton ge ..-~ up, 557-7844 PL&Y Pll 11'91P ccZa1~r mirror, p; 10°e1tc Ladlet-Need Y~~ IOV91y Mak•°"" 493-4968. ·WANT 30' lllp w/1hora fled advertltlng column• 1 0°1<1B0 90.; .. t'!~d 12400 551"8285 --------1 1110 MlltllH (Uv rml never uted. candelabl'• Light 1111• clollltla on c:on..,.nment, ~ & waltr, Inter· doet not l(ICludt 1ny ·""' · A 1 hi IH '73 DATSUN 1800 Pick· CIO IEL C IOlll Worth $1100, uc 1595 lures cott~ grinder tbl deslgnert our ep«:iallly Wanttd: N1vtoatlon In-•led In tongttrm feue_ appllcabte tUM. lloanM, V••• "11 •• '.!.'1 ••• '1!.~••••••••• Up Good condition Sedan lmmac:ul111e 1,.. 8.45-77 t t evu, wtlnds limp~ lighted otau ·ca· Wt also carry MW ck>-•1ructor on my own boat, Cell Ana-Ad •873, 1ran11., '-· flnanc:e •••••••••••••••••••••• Alla l••n 110S $2000 OBO 645-5737 ••di & outi Unde< 27 000 CIMt ~I-t•blt lop, 81X33' XV.". $400 value, uklng 1250 OBO 873-074t Like new 3 C1pt11n·s twlvel ber ttoot1. wllnut. t>rua ralt 1125 ••· now $150 for all 3 551-4438 blf\811. vinyl llflTI c"r· thee. bull~ IUltl, «»-~~· until I finally &42-4300 c"•rgaa. ,_tor air pol· ·79 Dodge Vtn Conv •••••••••••••••••••••• Wiii Mii par11 or H l••I' mllMI (1AEF695) Japa,_ ICIOll & IUals. lure, etc E.lta· get 11 Celt Ant Ad BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE lutlon control ~ * •tlT SILL * * upper '75 D111un 710 screen, wall lbctures & ~~=-~~t~ .. ~.1~0 •&09 642-4300, 24 11"* Newport Blach 25', 28' certlflcatlona or ~ SUMMERTIME FUNI Fu• c.11 536-IHl39 '"" ••• laly Ill.Ill ottter decor1tor llem• Tualln Tu.Sai ..,,, Mui•• 35• & 40'. Call 842-4844 ='!'*'tary P<~..: velour Capt Cheirs, 1111 WA llt•H .73 2402, 111190 cue. ••LEHSIY1H1~mll"IOI Call 714-844-8819 l lAM:5 30PM. Ld ••I I030 from 9 to 5 ottwrwi:"~,W::,n b Matching Sofa'*I P1nel, IPIHll 12700 -11 w Lge cull burn d•slgn un-544-9311 ••~•!f!!•••••••••••• Ille ld....0-y Ce~I. A/C, Auto., Low 8 oytlnden, 3 eatbl., 548-t531 2850 Harl)or Blvd I UI coffee Ible 2425 Trall«. new, tor 1e "Cat ,,,.,..,,,,,.. . Mllall (1E63068) Jual rfflored Leal ol lhl big COSTA MESA ~doin PL CM lll.lnJh.H•I $475 Arm •••••A.-;;. •••••••••••• btlpn/ need rtll1blt party to All• Romt<f l (OV81521 78 B210, 2 dt Sdn 4 spd. 1CO·H40 5~ ••• '!~~ ....... ~! 49H135 AA 5 or S1t ~l',nJ,•I hJ1 IJ ••• ~{1.m •• !! ....... !.{-! ~:.: N:;':S c:fr':: 111-1313 ~~ ,::"~~5o111~~~~5 ·n Mel 450S\. >e1n1 t Btdroom OfMMf from 9 I I I I OE TED Tralltr, new lor Jet Siii. .., t •••··-No ..._..... d •• thru Thur1 Star Ous1 Hole! sea t s ereo rec Peyer, ipe CAN WAN tnflat-.. •-"'--ts. •••• •••••• •• •••••••••• llHL "A"tl o -··~ _,. A•·" 1101 •111•11 11•3 con ... on 645-7884 dk, redlo, llHlllng llghtl GOOD CONO. REAS. ...,,. .,.,. pmta due Allll tor ROM •.1 '' 11. 7 30 10 4 pm ~II lor R S600 2425 VowdOln Pl. 873·5988 493-8135 Art 5 or Sat • * * Sllay repltcee: plckup1 & 842-4400, 556-1001 •io•b4i°ioociT~·~;· •··,·;:;.;.·~-.:;,;.·m•••,•i•• Baum1n 549--0117 Sole, 7'. Brown Plald. $95. CM 556-0998 "-·-. • ,.,,. ,...,.,1 wl ~. White, B~ Spin· JAOI M. LllOI coupea. 4 to chOOM Proto LIM lu"" , __ ..._.. -..-. ,75 .... n "'-.-1 SlO,OOO Good Cond. .,...,,, " .... ...-0 .. _ 111 44tll St. lromt (0087M) (Stk. 28,000 mllea. "I .....,_, HLY •-1111 '""' ...,,.._., H0-3645 to fl din Mt, 90lld birch. cymbll9 and l\erdwwe. nak•1" UMd or-.ot. "-Newf>Or1 BNch A3093). Prtoea ltlll'tlng at '79 Chevy V11n, Xlnt cond. eunroot, gd cond .• ltlc• _,_" Rebll eng 17_000 miles Ooubll m11treMlbo11 IP' wltr.,,,., Ilk• ~ $70. 84M144 •11 7pm, Shir· t.y Sol• Bed, queen llze good eond. I 125. 4~28-'8 $650 2425 Vowdoln Pl $500 080. eel-1048 boellng llams 49&-t08.4 V04J art the winner of •Y H ,lllJ low mllNQe. fully equip-new 113,400 OBO FEllUlll Xln1 cond 642·3572 CM 556-0998 • EVINRUOE two tree tlck•I• (118.00) pld, c:-ietom lotef1or. 845-8211 E-IUUHllPl 1983 Mercedft Benz Custom ceb bar wlamall ll•11~1J Ol3 40 hp outboard 1350 valUI lo thl many xtru USOO. C.al 857-"84 daya I 220S Clean body run1 relrlg Storage 9PIC9 l••ft•-tl I 6«-5585 RINGLING BROS. Donna 2131~· '78 ~udl 100LS, xlnl oond, I ~=; 1 bu1 needs englM work $300 2425 VOWC)Oln PL ···;,:v~:u·k;;::.··· '80 85HP EVINRUDE BARNUM & BAILEY BAM·5PM S24951bll otr I S495 661-2220 CM 556·<>998 $225 Of mall• otter MOTOR. POW9f' trl"' ... , '83 Ford Ven e cyl, 3 epd, 830-8845 1977 450 SEL Brown willl Oinellt tablt, 4 cn.lr•. 54t-1G40 Like MW. l llOO, Anlhalm Convention ~· S600 °" belt 1078 Audf 5000, red. wt tan Int 1 owntr. 111n1 metal b ... S50 or bM't New Martin AOOUl11c OU'-842-J068 c.nt~ 5-le otr. 846-4982 bei911 velour Int, AC, 3100 W•t Cc>eat Hwy c:onct. 122,500. 649-1945 Dining room table wl8 otter 494-4205 tar wl c.M. 1750 .. lltll IO L~ 1..,:;-'73 Dodge VI/fl, BUt>tM AM/FM ttll'eo cue. 4 Newport 8Mch de, 875-7147 ..... c:llalrl. while wly.Alow a~.,_,.,9 ,... _ _. ......... & 85l·9870 HP ...__.-1, 2•1, .. -To ... _.mug _ C8ll Atltntlon cOllec1~t 1959 top c:amp« Loeded dr. clMn. ~ E_. 842-9405 .82 3000 -urbo SllYw trim. 1150 541-7442 -,,~ ,,_,_ ...,.. -•• ...... ,.._. EdMI Ranger In good AIC. t\lnl greet 12000 wknds 844-1485 · ' tlo7vese100 s'52·2B88re7nd ,_ Rendall PA. with 15 lnc:tl l600 845-4220 842-5678, ext. 2!!~ tVnnlng C:OOOl11onl ONLY ~ 118 ! 11J fhl 112$ bl~_ma1tlbl~ sd/r. ortl~ Playpen·tof• group, grendflltltr ~. upll q~ 9tzl bed wttll ste-reo bit In headboard. ~ lilted t>edapread, velvet plllow shams. lamps, corner groop with 11ereo Ible N-water bid comp Oak mirror Other Items. PIP 645-1320 • IC)NkW'I, horn• & ~ ..,,, I.wt I04I ._ muet be ...... _.,,--$5501 call 842·2073 or •· f!f'! ...................... ... ... rNr ·•• 1' .... . "-1~ •-•1 •HS ~. $500 pr 7151·85tS. •••••'•••••••••••••••• tor rtlll""8d ... 11 at bo11 545..e974 If no _.., A•W WutH ISH •• ••••••••••••••••••• 1111 FIAT 121 lnatld mat•. muS1 NII --6• office prior to perfor-,_ k · try\ • •••••••••••••••••••••• P11t ply 7141731-0202 ••• • ••• •••••••••••••• Flf\der F35 ac:ou111e ~ Claatic 19· Laps1ra111 menee p .... a.. MP ng WE PIJ ' 4 Door Sedan. 4 •peed M1nul11Cturera Nie of tar with cue like ~ Century bay bolt, 4 cyt, · .53 Sludeblker ChemplOn lrlnt , AM/FM redlO '77 Mercedes 450SLC. hand painted wick• gift 1175 846-JsoO Gf9'f $3500 67S-e18t • • • 5 pau ...... Na c;at TOP DQWI , only 4e.ooo m-& H -brwn. chrome whit. toa-aeceu Samptes & clo-. ........ -•t .... _ 1 E eel d*<I S22_500 673-7339 seou" Wholeule Marlin D28 gullet 1750 42 H Mlt1hews, twn dal • • * $3750 2131592-1792 oeptlon .. y ...... n x · prle• 17931 Sky Perk mull..... . ' =·~ LJ~p ·~g) WALm m... 1941 Ced. Model 81 Sa-Fiii ISEI can ::'~ :::'-:10:' :i: Mil I.I c..,. Cr St• B Airport Bual· 494-8759 8ee:2561 17141 2018 Ba!Mrle [)(, dene111. mint orig, euto. at.Al ll&IHI book 11 11450 Cell Liu Showroom cond Da1k ':::..a~t· S4Me77. OIJl# hnJt.n I 180-1118~ You .,c:-::.. ~ner of ~'°g.58= ml 119• ""'1U/llldl l&lR-llHIOI 11 648-1788 •fltr 6:30 ::,~ x:~:'car :~~~ Oretn Vlbrsllng Recllner L.J .... t ,., 30' MONK F/8 TRWLR two free lloket• (118.00) 2480 Hlfbor Blvd Ll&llll p.m-on weelldlys, all vea1rnen1 $19,000. $35 "" ... ~':""-".............. Osl pwr 1200 ml/A ah'9 tlll 'll tnlllm COSTA MESA 831-2040 495-4949 day WMkends 11 no 720-1665 846-6143 ••nn •• ~ ...... '-. . v to •er:: ... u.. w•a·--an-. pleaM keep --~-----......................&& VHF, CB, auto pik)1 RINGUNO BROS .,. ... -1,..1 -trying! ·16 450SEL 521< m1 1 7 piece while Frencll Pro-5 yr. Old mere. AW! & In P c:ond 118,500 AY~llOOO BARNUM & BAILEY 32,000 ml ,900 Suaan - -28.402 Margue'1ta Pkwy ---------1 owner. beeutilul $15. vtn""al bdrm 1 yr old Arab Walt lralned. ~-84&-8.402, M2-380e -on M-F 752-7179 WE llf MISSlon Vteto ·75 Flet 12e NICI & dean 750 8,0_678• '"' •-· 18' Ota.par boat, trlr, "'" .,_ ...... 1 51 Greet mpg Only S 1700 v Orig. $2,000 • S660 or tit Nie. western PIM· Cenon Copi.r 1111g mod-45HP Jollnaon $2,000. Anlllelm Convention •157 Cad Convertlble (Avery ""11 "" • LalM"ance 7 14111e2.5047 best ofr 646-9219 aure llorN Inc. seddle & II good WOf'klng condl· 538-5341, 833-1908 Center Aug 5-18 1750/Make ottlf OLEO OAllS Open Sundays '69 MBZ 280S ong1J\al Trundel bed 175. entlque tack $1000 751·8518 llon 1350. 833-830& 28' Chrt1 Crsfl Cabin L°"tu~;.:;an1 642-4014 Jll RICIS ._,,..,,-~ 1~d~~'.,!2~~.~ dr,M~~: OWNlr. lmmac condition dr8fttng tble w11cnr Jnnl,.., HTI 2300 xerox ~. n.w ervr .... q a,,..,. re-t o clalm PUIM. cell I I•---· 1--.1-.a ~ W'L" ... S18501bst Ofr S4900 673-4728· 1500 38 X 60 In metal ••••••-'••••••••••••••• 11780 bulh r-tly refur-" -._... drafting Ible wllamp 14K gold ~mega wllci'I 1 675-3'92. Mon-Fri bl~. bell tank, radio 842-5878 9111 272 Pu-1946 Ford Woody Wa-s ..... ~~ng 642-1701. 631·4267 1978 3000. mint c0fl4 1350. new twn bid wt pc man 1· $3600 ~ Newport allp lncfd Xlnt -muat be Heh•f'09d gon, $l3,000 '111211'1 Ire lknl tlntl f1Zf Ivory sunroof, $13.900 frame bran plat*<! hd Siii $2599 obo, Ed 2i500 Xero11 Copitr. new. lhlC>I 111 500 for rlltrV9d eeet• •• bo1t Hie. s.i.c11on1 ••••• ••••••• ••••••••• • 975~578 or 675-4024 board I 100. ttlple drea.-842-2000 I 1750. 875·9565 . office prior to pertor-1929 FOfd MOOll A TOWf\ * '18 320!: auto , enlr1. ·eo Ford F ... 11. mint --------- -wldbte mirror, 1225. .. L J 1011 675-3492, Mon-Fri mmnat Sedan. $ l0,000 (438VCK) cond., Am/Fm Jlereo, #G 1142 antique cherrywood cu· ~~!~!!!1 •.•• ••. •• ••. Im IOl1 ·64 Lut;;• wlhy~d~ * * * * ·79 633cel; auto., lo. 8M mt. '4.000 646-9265 • • • • • • • •• • •• • • • •• • • • •• rtocab$500 851-9670 Compi.te C1blnet Shop •••••••••••••••••••••• ;"J·c aans~rooo ey9 CAMPER SHELL IOI' ~~S~~.:~~Avantl, ltllllJD mta.,(5535418) B ' l1Zl 7:~~~~~~81:0C: WlnllD 12IO for Nie Neat ,_ BuutlflJI Cocllatlel with 831..()~ 9eo-J494 CourlerlDateon/Toyota, Top dollll'I '°" 8portt * 80 3201. Sepd toe-•• ltf!.~•••••••••••••••• '"''bar omer ellrH Xlnt Rocllwell toola, ~ ~ UQ8 S50 ..,... etc W/boot or eotld Bug CMl dtdl ( 1BDV020J 79 Prelude 4 apd moonrl c:ond U995 OBO All e111ru 675-7736 llghl•, e1c 979--1190 845-7884 30 Cabin c:1u111r. nda wtndow Encl wtlloor & IH1Htiu.J ~i. Audl~i pers, • 77 S30I, antrl. tow reg o•. AM/FM, g<I 831-7437 Twtn bed. hOllywood 1tyte. lllutllHHH IOIO Parrot, Baby Double y... work. 271dsl.11101 mte:h door In rNr 1125. V1'11Jn fS31 Atk for U/C MGR ml• (842TRT) mech $5800 499-3188 g<I cond. S25. •• ••••••••••••••• ••••. low Heed, 9 ~1 Old. cond 12200. 538-5341, 642-5200 dys, 546-8646 ••••••••••••• ••••••••• M UllH * '79 320l, 4 tpd , AIC 8 '0 O CCORD 71 MOB good cond ln1 Call 645-9288 -·--.... S450 545.5«0 833-1908 eve COt'ielrTurbodunebuggy. (4S8XEO) ·7 H N A '4 . like new. lo ml, good _. ,_ wllrt<. 111tr• tires S1AOO. YllllWAID * ·eo 3201. 5 •pd , an/r1, hatehbeck euto AM/FM urea, $1800 833-232• SOFA BED Exoel cond 8 to 20 long, 36c per fl PIGEONS Rolltrt and 25" W .. lc:raft, ell equipped Dodge Bobble top cam-642-8447 18711 8Mch Blvd. A/C (659ZOK) cass reg g11 great ml· Bmltan 8ft $150 775-1491 anytime capucnmes (laf\Cy show to 11th & trall9' per Ice bo• •love. HUNTINGTON BEACH IH-1111 leagt, S2975 497-3958 #'I 1144 833-6071 Eric JEEPS • Go-..rnment birdsl :.~ ·~ Cegee 15 $l6.900tbeal 8404788 ~3~11'-15·000 ~ 0,.::,r:,.ors~,~~g Mt-2100 208 w 1st. Santa An• gdfcond ·;9·Ma·e;;;~1~·;,;; Contemp. designll' Surp1u1 Liited for $3, each -4 28' Montlfey ""' boeL d•YI 8.4~ 81191 Have eomelhlng 10 sett? CIOMd Sunday Jinu 1130 new, to rTM. 11erfl0 cue. (Thayer Coggin) L-198 Sold for $44 FOi' I/ H f tJw.1•1 IM Orly marine Lugger. Xlnl ••t•tilH IJkn fJ40 wtmd Clasalfled ads do II weO CHOICE INVENTORY ••'••••••••••••••••••• r1e1ng Wipe, se<>OO lhaped MICllonal. gd Into C1ll (312) 931·1961 •• ~ •••••• -;:.......... cond A9k 17500. •••••••••••••••••••••• VOLUME SALES * 875-1669 Coffee 11ble, detlgner Air Conditioner, like new mdl, walnut, 1 Yrl old 1976 Wrlld1 Mont111 23' 1250· 5"8-4988 days, 1112 Ill Y-12 'II Ill c:ond. $350. 831-3361 e11 Ext 2239 Yamaha 8' Grand 03E 875-0923 '79 Peuo.at. 3000 mllea. Q glass top on waJnu1 5000 b1u, u-tow tlec, $6800 673-8289 Day Crulaer. Guw"*1 142·130811191 & wknd1 WHAT'S NEW FOR OllYflTIIU E11tr1 cleaf\, •mllm cubea. 1175, 831-33451 5.5 emps. 1198, lftrill• llidhnllll Marine. 4ec> Uncoln 325 ·n FOXJ GT mc>C*f, od IOI I UllEI Burgu"°y wl11n, 1oo1<1 ~~~U:O ~~~ ev 551-4438 •••••""••••••••••••••• HP Fun geugee. 235 llr• conc:I., low mlleege S275 0 ind run• excellent• lor? 631.5588 Matt sew1NG MACHINE se gal capldty e.1 oBo. eso.1119 OATS llW 11BYG9S7J Sellg chrOln* rocker. fully McLene front throw reel Kenmore ,75 Cabloe1 off., (714) 847-6300 or .80 p .......... , Good Cond B Satet-Sefvtoa-LeUl:'cf. $13,500 uphol .. ear1h10nff. Gd mower. 7 bladet, 25 ... rnod ... Pll. 842-7266 842-1821 aft 8pm. •215....,,__or ......... , o"er. B 131-141113 cond. 190. 831·3361 uMd twloe. 1280 • ..... " 650 N Beach Iv . • MOB 067, reblt eng 4 lpd, over-drive •Int c:ond $1596 842-0548 Oak psrt0ne din""' rm 556-1098 l•rtBI, ~I 1fH 1980 50' HetltrU oon· 581-2932 -La Hlbfe ..... 1---------1........ .............. vertlble. fully toadtd, ,_, ltJ-1111 tble wtuphol Chrome Butche< Bt<>e* cutting tbl a.rs .__. lw., lo hrs S450,000 Eve. #•l•tqfln/ Open Sunday 1978 JAG XJL 111uA1 11SO Orig owner. S3,000 •••••••••••••••••••••• chrs (earlhlonet) $250 Rack/shell. dtwr $200 We ... ~ ~· ... , "'•allty 875-9877 hHlln IJSO The Daily Pilot will publish 111-5219 Show prt a..1.5439 v_, ...... -.-••• b d t 1••11E e11m'1 uMd t()ortlng IQUiP on 21 Ski Boat 1977 model ~;;··.v.wASAKi··.cz400 oat picture a s s tar mg ..,. OAK Rot! T09 Deak wtcnr. Ptrago twn tlroller, uMCI con910nment Snow Wtiklkl, mini Cl'\lllll', 455 OOOd cond MUST SELL. F Ida A gust 6th we'll IUIST mllet Every Mrvtoa 1cd * 11nce new $/r sliver/ ,.,, $9000, 720-1665 1111 ..... 111 Btaui. cond. $1000, catl 3 t1m11. n-$250, eac. Skiing, wind eurflng, Olde, Jacuzzi Jet. new Sacrirtce s700 o eo. r y , U -& 771·5279 S180 8.42-1107 w1ter tkMng, ltnnll, 91Jr1 cenopy & ,_ c<Mlf wt 873-7926 0V0n take a p1CtUr0 Of your OAK Teble wl6 P' ... N-Hustler II eU1om911C board, bactl packing, trllle< $&500 OBO b t f d Yo can't back ehrs Leef & Cllrn POOi cleaner, whOlelala CIOlhlng lat Ill sboYI 531·39t2, home '78 YAMAHA YZ80 good Oa Or yOUr a . U * Tlllll Red wlblaok, FIMM. 1117 """" Ill Whale Tall, RECARO otmlTIILI 1121011 peddtd c:over Beaut priced It $200 Only 1 t()ortl 84s.43 lO 1n 9 982--0034 condition s295 Prlvete beat the price, if We take coo<!. $1000. 771-5279 left Blue 760-0918 Newport 8IYd CM perty. 980-1682 t. Place your ad In the Delly Piiot Cleuftled Mcilon (lt't •• to run 3 daya for muJmum expoture). If you P.8)' fOt your ad In advance we'll run It 3 ' aaya and only merge you for 21 2. Get your FREE G.,tige Sale tlgnt (Ill you have to do la come In to the Dally Plot & pey for your ed Jn idYfnoe -we wtll g!W you two '1 x 17 aton• - FREE of ch.,ge). 3 . Price MCh ptece ~ '!'41'ctlandl9e. 4. Have plenty ot Chang• on nana 1(nlckefa, dlmet, quartert, haiv ... one n ftw dol8' *). &. ~ heW tun, and QOYnt your mOM)' • the ... of the day. 14' '41um Fllhlng Boat, 1n 75 .,,,,._11 7~ GT the picture, your ad Wiii 9 5 Johnaon Oalv Ult • uv..e ""' tnr, "Aockt1" many ClMn 1 1800 or be91 Of· Only COSt yOU $45 -jf yOU ~ 11295. 942.1026 1w. 54e-9792· provide the picture. your ad ··-HONOA MR50 $ -------, • ...,.-,_-1 1111e ,_. s.2s w ill cost 40. 13' Wlllllf. 40 lllp, .....,c. 842_8410 wllrtr. I coYlf. S3000. l--------=-:::-76t-0215. 844-6490 '81 l(awueld 850CSR, 28' Flbergls N.,., Whalt u1'161r 5K ml, llke ,_, Boat 09I motor '4500. 12200. &38-0917 842-7058 ·ae SUZUKI 1215 .. ,, .. , • ..... WOtfl, l&O. c.t~tltt ... , ' 844.15595 ••••••••••••••••• :r.... 10 YAMAHA vzao. good 40' Viking fOf Chlrttr condition. 1295 Privet• Flttllng. dWlng I tn-party H0-1M2 tenllnment. Call .... II 1182-2788. > E.llclllen1 cond. Many ..,,, i.JJ Hll ••tru, IOw mlleeot. ·····'···••••••••••••• 12400 oeo 940-ecJt1 1r.i~~·~ u:~ e.t 25, £'#9 MO.Of' ,_ 12500. e?Mflt MUST SELL 29. Flb«glaet Mflboat l<lt. '72 HONDA 500 One purc:MM buyt .. t.4001080 540-7409 =::, ~ ':.= ~~~~~.~~r ,r::: """· dlMll eng. OOfl'ICllt, 400 Honde) MO/OBO. '""' rtgging ...... "..,._1...;,840-_z,_a _____ -"'.""--I ....,, -.iw..w .. *· , .. u-··.,. 542-4674 .,.., &40-'211 ... _, , .. tor !D. 440 I. TO. 10,000 ml >Clrll 31' YORKTOWN CUTTII' oond. IHOO. SOHP dal/110V LIP dll ...... , .. .,,_ I 8lmlnt eoc.plt ~ ... ...., ....... H'!e° ~~ =~~.nrA:r· ~t.eoo AYl4f.t000 ' SAMPLE AO U1..tk 1J11J 11.11.1 S...._Sefv~LM.llng Slue wlblte:k N-paint, SlO,OOO I{)( CARVER c:hrome •nd Interior EA· 131-1313 R.l.l.S RJICE·Bl\1\V ce111n1 condllton ...,_,-.__.,...,.. (51A4284) MEISTER .. -.. ~ .... ,.......... 114,000 '70 2002 Paff. oond N-131-lHI PORSCHE/AUii int. New l;>llnt, runt pert Jt••.a• 1131 13&31 Harbor Blvd $3500 080 •• ~':••••••••••••••• Garden Grove 875-9748 '76 tnt~tor convert • laht-lerrite '151 BMW 320! 15-IP<I wtlt wtwood dllh. 39K LtMtlll AIC. 11Unrool. 8MW AMi ml. Sia.too 770-6977 114 tll·H31 ,M oeet, alloyt 113,900 ... ,..,. IJJ.I,. 11'' ..-.-~,,---,--,---t40-9132 Fred. • .. ·,-;-....-.,r.:: ....... : '110 921 TUl'bO. loa~ 'ISO 11• I -J '14 Katmann Ohta, mint 924. Tait• over ,.,... Mat ' ~I f con<I. ntW l*ldlllllf, plUI get 11,000 . ... ..-.................. ruv-. ~ COV111'9, 7141825-1808 tt ~. loldtd with bNlhld ..um .... " ... ~~~~~~~­ IVU, OOod cond MUii redial !Itel a •• kttpt '70 911!: TARGA ""' Miii 14'100. $4 ..... 748 lltt S5 OOO 94i-7"8 ..,..; 080/trtde. Muat Mil. 6. wtt'nda.' . 4116-1313. 831-2750 ~"n!'~:C: ·89: Aun• grll\, new Cor· 12 91t E. new 1n9w, •ln1 •2506. ('114"" .. ._12eo Y9tte y.1101W ~. OOllCI. a...~. · ,.._.. llllalpskln covert new 841-4888 ri Cepri. 4 ciwt. • ec>d. "'Y tir••· tw• beoo. ·10 911 s. Brown/tan llC>90 oond. 30 fn9Q, "3-40eO ln'9tl0r New valllte ~ m , tan Int a Ghia. fifed ,.. aMClll tna .,. a.en' t1M.'4~eft. NII IOf ~1Cell 11Uta. • 8afru ff, 651-7182, Wining• 84W3H ~•••••••••••••••• •• •..i... ff. 'M 912 POl'llCM, *Y ~····-······ Cleen, ~ .... 67500 1314411..-. \ ' Cll Ofange Oollt DAILY l'ILOT~IY• July II, 1111 • ATLAS CHIYS&.&ft.YMOUTH 2921 Harbor Blvd .. Co1ta Mela. Tet S.11Dl 3 blockal IOUth of San Diego Frwwll( off "-tlor 81Yd. Comp .... ,body 1hop. Sales. Sefvlce. Plf1a. Service Dept. open Mondll( thru Friday 7:30 A.M. to 1:30 P.M. end • A.M. to 8 P.M. on Saturday. llACH IMPOITS 148 Dov• StrMt, Newport 8Mch. Tel. 752-0900. C.11 ue. we're th• 1pec:lall,.t1 for Alfa Romeo. Peugeot. Saab&. MaNratl. THIODOll IOllMS .olD Modem ..-. tetvloe, .,.,.. ~. pMtt a tire d'epte. eomp.tHtve ra-. on lew I =lllN. 2080 Hatbor Bfvd., Cotta M .... 142'°°10 Of 1. . JOHNSON a ION UMC0LM MmCUIY 2e28~ ltvd., Colta Mw. Tell, ~-51 y_.. of friendly family MfVlce -Orlngl County'• oldMI Lln- ootn-Mercury dM!er9hlp. I ·MATCH THI HUMIERS ON .THE MAP WITH THI HUMIRS IN THE IOXES • NIW'OIT DATSUN 181 Dove StrMt, Newport 8-oh. T ... IU-1300. At the trtangle of JamborM, ~ & en.to! b9hlnd vtctone Station. Selel, Service, Leulng & P8'11. We meke grMt c:te*I • MAIHSCADllUC 2lllOO Harbor Blvd., Co1ta Meet. Tel. 54().919(). Orange County'• Large1t Cldlllac deeler. 8elea. s.vtc:.. ~ 1no. u ... I I 137·2400 • • . . • SANTA AMA D.11Ut4 2001 E. 17th ltr-.t. lanta Ane. Tel. aee-1111 . Your• Original o.dl~a.ct Oamun Dealer. COSTA ..SA DATSUM 2145 Hwt>or 81¥d., Co9t8 Mesa. Tel 540-6410 5-Nlng 0Nnge County for 18 ,...... 1 Mlle So. 405. ._ . SUMSIT H>IO. IMC. (Home of Wiiiie the Whate~ 5440 Garden Grow BIYd., w.tnMI .... Tel. 836-4010. • oaANOI COUNTY VOi.YO 101IO a.den Ckow 91¥d., GMlen Growe Ttl. ~t1to. Ex~ Volvo to oowr .. 'I04lt Votvo ~ Mll•'.-.. ll••L111'109P.-.SeMote8octw .... ,,.,,,,., ... In .. '*"' of Orenge County .. ~ GnM 11w1. a llrooldu9e • • . '" • . 2 -Westcllff Plaza -An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT, Thurlday, July 29, 1982 * Westcliff Plaza presents U'OO~ ~~AU'~~iJ ~A(L[? ©~ (?A~U'OO Traveling clown troupe paints fanclful faces Ch ildren live out fantasies Hey kida, have you evtt wanted to be aomeone el.le, juat for a da~? Perhaps you've always wanted to be Spiderman or Batman . . . or maybe you've always wanted to be a clown. Well, this weekend is your cbanoe to live out all your fantasies when you get mom and dad to take you to West.cliff Plaza'• "Greatest Sale on Earth." With true circus flavor, Dixie and her traveling troupe of clowns, will be available at two plua locations to transform children into the penon they've alwaYI wanted to be. .... Dixie has been a clown and puppeteer for eight yeat'I but she feels her 1peciaTty is clown face gi!lintina. "I love to .ee thoee happy faces," said Dixie, "we all love to be 101T1eOne eble for just a lhort time and face painting gives us a chance to fantaslle. '' Dixie bepn clowning at a street fair in Orange, decided that she ~r. wu a clown underneath and hun t stopped since. Dix.le and her husband Preston, who is also a clown, have appeared at the Orange County Fair, Los An gele• Fair, company plcnic1, malls, promotions and numerous birthday parties and school carnivals. At Christmas, Dixie changes clothes and becomes Mrs. Santa along with trer hu"Wbanlf who becomes Old Saint N~. This year Dixie started a clown troupe to cover all the jobs she couldn't do. She has been teaching her troupe make-up, costuming, puppeteerlng a nd, of course, c1ownm,. CLOWNING AROUND -Dixie and bw traveling troupe of clowns will appear at Westcliff Plaza'• 't(;reatest Sale on F.arth." She ii a talented face painter and will display her lkilll for children at the festivities. . - Wealctm Ptm:a--An Ad'*1lling ~t to the DAILY PILOT, Thurlday, July 29, 1982 -3 . The Best Checking Account We've Ever Offered! Our new Interest Checking account keeps your money worKU\g for you 24 hours a day-365 days a year. Earn 14 o/o on any balance above $2,000 and 5114 % interest on the balance below$2,000, FREE of all service charges unless your balance falls below $500. Westcliff Plaza, 17th and Irvine Avenue, Newport Beach • 7141645-6505 · Corona del Mar, 3021 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar • 7141675-8()(i0 Open: Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday 911.m. to 6 {>.m. , Saturday9a,m. tolp.m. ,.....) ......... - ----- -· I 4 -Westcttff-Pfaza -An Advertising Supplement -to the DAIL ~l;()l,l'hurSda~ July 29, 1982 -------------~------------------------ I N\JNP7Y DlWPW . CHILDREN& WEAR SAVE UPTO and more SAVE UPTO \ 50% ON BRAND NAMES AND MAKES . . ~ mes am1es . ~Teens . SIGN LANGUAGE -Distinctive sign d1recta motorists into WestcliU Plaza off Irvine Boulevard. Westclltt Plaza -An AdvertlslQg Supplement to the DAILY PILOT, Thursday, July 29, 1982 -5 ------------------------------------------------- Plaza boasts sparkllng history of service In this era of mammoth mdoor malls. many shoppers overlook the corner shopping center, abandonina personalized service for mulutudinous selection. Yet m spite of this growing trend, Westc11H Plaza has continued to l'xpand its clientele by o ffe ring in<."Omparable customer service and a diversity of shopping opportunities. The plaza at the corner of Westcliff Drive and Irvi n e Boulevard, Newport Beach, opened in November 1963 as the first commercial undertaking of the Irvine Company, says charter merchant Dick Marowitz. "From that day forward 1\'s been n othing but pure gold," says Marow1tz of the 22 -shop center, which presents its 17th annual sidewalk sale this year. "Historically, the center has been thought of as a neighborhood <.-enter," he says. "But what has transpired since opening day is the .• .!.growth of a community-oriented -cent.er." - Unlike major shopping malls, which are dominated by chain stores, West.cliff Plam shops are all owner-operated. Hence comes the emphasis on customer satisfaction. A merchants association has met monthly since 1963. Plaza sh ops are supplemented with chain locauons of Sav-<>n Drugs and Market Basket supermarkets, and the addition of Newport-Balboa Savings three and a halt years ago has broucht increa.d foot tralflc to tbe center, Marowia 1ays. In conclusion, Marowitz sumt up the center's heritage with a bright reference to the future: "I think our customer loyalty is illustrated clearly by the fact that we as merchantS can st>e that we'r.e serving a second generauon of <.-ustomers. Our servi<.-e has paid off " Youth soccer organization feeds festival Hot dog and popcorn concessions at Westdiff Plaza's Sidewalk Sale will be staffed by players and parents in the American Youth Soccer Organ1zat1on's Newport Beac~ Cha_pter. All proce«fs wall be directed to the A Y80 general fund and recycled into the commuruty in the form of athle\k supplies and serviet:S for the <.'Ount)'Wide organir..ation, says Chuck Hu~hes, chairman of fund raising pro)ec:U for the AYSO Th11 year 1s the seventh in succession that the A YSO has worked with plaza shops in pn!tlenting the sidewalk festivities, Hughes says Gfegance in :Jeminine Attire/ :Jop American anJ Guropean :1Je6igner :Ja6kion6 lo 50"/o off W11~tc/i/ f Plaza 1044 !Jr11ine .Avenue newport Beack 548-8365 Westcliff Shoes ~-\V. ,, 5\~8f....\,f; 9 a.m. ,,5r Saturday, July 31st Every Pair of men's and ladles' sale shoes Is You will find an excellent selection of sale footwear all from our regular stock- this is the largest group of quality footwear ever put on a Westcllff Plaza sale ... Men's and ladles' dress, casual and athletic shoes Reg. to $98.00 Saturday Only 810°0 to 844°0 Bass • Nike • Regal • Nickels • 9-West • Famolare • Clark • Life Stride • Sbicca • Dexter • Naturalizer • Florsheim • Capezio • Baretraps • Adidas • Ladle• leather end canvaa hand.bags. All 1h ·off. Alt Sales Wiii Be Anal I~ 6 -Weatcllff Plaza -An Advertising Supptement to the DAILY PILOT, Thuraday, July 29, 1882 * Westcliff Plaza Shopping · Directory 1. Mllrket Buket Weetdiff ptaza'a full-eervlce aupennatket. 2. MH Amlff C.terlng to the younger set with P'•teen and young junior fashion•. 3. Nancy Dunn AntlqUff Europeen and Oriental antiques, aH on conaignm4M'11 and low·pl'ioad. China. 4. WHtclltt Cleaners Ory deaning and hand-flnllhed laundry MNloes. Prof~I tailor for attaratlona. 5. Dr. Lou Elder Optometrist I. Hair Handlen FUlf-eeMce profeeek>nal Alon with manlcUflat end coametlden. &» and Stew Handler own and operate. Fr" conauti.tt<>M. Frlandty 1trnoephara. 1. Pa,... Unllmltecl Cerda(~) Md pwty ecv111an.. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Westcllff Drive a. Anthony'• Shoe Service Expert ahoe repelr and seYefal nnes of aandala. I . Halliday'• Men'a tradltlOnal ctothlng. Suits and lp0(1sweat. 10. Newport Bafboa 8Hlnga With walk-4.lp P1aza teller. 11. WHtcllft Cornera FUii line of lntw .. tlng glfta. Cohctablel and consumables (candy and coffee). 12. Xavier'• Flowete and Fine Gift• Florlat and fine gift• auch aa crystal, allk arrangements. 13. HlckCM'J Farma Gourmet dettc.ciM. Beefstlcit and tuty gift PKk•· 14. Humpty Dumpty FuNone for c:Md,..,,. I 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. _18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. I 18. Chari•• Barr Jeweler• Flne )ew91ry. Appl'alnla. custom design work, jeWetry and watch repair on preml .... 11. Veta'• Intimate Apparel Lingerie and Intimate apparel. 19. StorekHper tor Her Ladi.t faahlona 20. StorekHper Active apon.w.r for men 21. Crown Hardware Complete hardWV• stare, with houaewar• and glfta. Stressing Mr\'lca. 22. Sav-On Druoa Fun-..mca drugatOf'e, gtna, hou..war ... r • I I ,..._ i.. -------.__ ----.. * weetcflff ptaza -An AdvertltNng Supplement-to the DAIL y PILOT, Thut9day. July 29, 1982 -7 nuns 9:00 AM Ml\IRDAY July 31ST ALL SALE MERCHANDISE 1550% OFF we are confident you wlll find an excellent selection of Qualfty sale merchandise from our regular stock. Please be sure of sizes. All sales wm be flnal. A store Chat offers fine traditional sportswear for men, women, and boys • 1028 Irvine, Newport Beach. California. Phone 642-7061 ' ( . --~--~~--------------------------------------------8 -Westctlff Plaza -An Advertising SUpplement to the DAILY PILOT, Thuraday, Ju!y 29, 1982 Greatest Sale oa Eart• ICIDUl.I .. &.M. Stat• Ooen 11:et •·•· Jim Chmbta·a Puppet Show {b•l-n Hallt<1ay1 end Newport Balboa s.moa anc1 Loan> M••n to J ~·"'· Clown Face and Arm Palntera 11 two tocallon1 In Iha plur to turn th• kid• Into that my8terlou1 s--they alwaya wanted to bel 1:00 ........ Jirn Gamble'• Puppet Show (10 --. --.,.,...,, ""°~·Jim Gamble'• Puppet StlOW /10 ---_, 6:ao P""'-Jim Oambll'I Puppet ShOw (10 -. - -.,,.,_, There .. be a.Moon ~ In ,,,. plaza .. ~ with FAU 1M111oon1 for the It~! 1:00 ,_.... Stor• CIOM Plaza derives strength from board of directors West.cliff P1.az.a stands out among ahopping centers becauae of its attention to local affaln. Far from being the typical conglomeration o( chain atorea, Westcllff P1.az.a la anchored In the COfDDlonity. Plua ahope are owner- operated. Plua festivities, auch as the "Greatest Sale on Earth," are limply one expn!9lon of the plaza's ootnmunity spirit. The catalyst behir¥f the plaza's cohesive development baa been the mercbanu' aaaoc:latlon board of dlrecton. The 11.x-member board helpe organize and implement the plaza's policlea, i ncluding ooonlinatf~ aa1ee festlvldee. Board , all of whOll\ are merchant.a In the plaza, are: Dick Marowitz (WettdW Shoeali...:: Munz (Hidc.ory Fanna), Bill y ~r·~~ (Bank of Balboa Savtnp) and Gall ~= Amiel). Marowltz la pretident of the board. He'a an ouf&Ob'aa, cheerfUI man who baa been ln the 1hoe buslnell for 32 yean. In fad, he repre.enta the third generation of h1I family In the ahoe buainea. He WU rabeci In Marin County, north of San Franda:.o, and waa IChooJed In the Bay area. "The 1tore hu unquestionably &ODlt beyond my fondat hops tnd expec?tationl," Marowits aaya of the ~ he t>rou0t to We9teliU In Aucust of UMM. Illa auoce. 1pewned t:M opening of ~ aotber st.an. Newport ChUdren'a Bootery, ln FashJon Wand. Ma.rowitz haa four children: two daughters, Teri and Cindy, and two 10na, Matt and Steve, who is general manager of both famUy •totes. Another director la Bill Halliday I owner of Halllday's, which carrlea traditional men'• clothtna. He was an aerospece engineer for 15 yean prior to opening bla ahop In Costa Meaa In 1964. He moved opentlons to the plaza in 1967. HaWday, who bu been a board member on and off al.nee h.la ~ day, hu lived ln Newport BMcfi .moe 1958. Gail Foor, owner of Mee A.mies, J pre-teem and young junior falh1on ahop, alao aervea on the board. Colnddentally, ahe bepn work at the plaza at Humpty Dumpty, a children'• fuh.lon ll1ott owned by her parent.a Sydney and F.dna Ruth Berger., She hal been a board mem... durtna all of her two and one-half ye&r1 at the plaza. "We're one of the~ boudt of directors of any of tt)e lnadtuUona owned by the Irvtne Company,'' ahe aay., notJ.na that the boatd dertva (ti ltrength from lta ltrol\I dee with the aimmunlty. Ma. Foor la a reeldent of Newport 8-ch,amenberof thechambetof commerce and • part-dme atudent of UC Irvine, where ahe atudiea psycholCJly. She hM two dauahtera. Jennifer MdJana. Sidewalk Specials Saturday, July 31st Only Sterling Charms s2.00 Values to s2s.oo Selected Costume Jewelry, Watches, and many other items ~ price AJl sales £inaJ CHARLES H. BA RR M tnof .._...c•G..Soca.ty 9AM105PM IN I" POTI ....,,,.,. ...,.. ........ 17tlt&nMe Waatclff Pl .. ........... SAT., JULY 31st. OILY WE ARE llAVING l Wesfcllffr'faza -JJ:n"Aavertlsfnp Supp emenf to the DAILY PILOT, Thursday, July 29, 1982 -9 Westcliff Plaza presents i:roott (QmAWQiJ ~A(L(I <JJ~ ~AC9i:f00 L .PUPPET MASTE1t -Puppeteer Roger Mara brings "The Wonderful World of PuppeW' to the "Greatest Sale on F.arth" for dally performance. at 11 a.m., l, 3 and i:SO p.m. No ·Strings attached at pl~za .puppe.t premiere Aft.er laking advantage of all the bargains at the ~·Greatest Sale on Earth," why not take in a puppet show. "The Wonde rful Wor.ld of Puppets" will be presented four times daily in a 20-minute lhow at 11 a .m ., 1, 3 and 4:30 p.m . at Westcliff Plaza dwing their fabuloul sale thia weekend. Thia Jim Gamble Marionette produc\ion ~rformed by 8SIOciat.e puppeteer .KoSer Mara will feature the well-loved Pinocchio aa its opener. Following the Pinocchio perf onnance will be an entertalnlng cut of characten i.ncluding Yankee Doodle, Scooter the Skateboarder, "Tee Hee" (a tetrahedron from outer space), a monster on roller akatee, and drcua acta "EloUe Elephant," • Panda pole-balancer and cheeky clown Juuler'. Th e puppet show is an outat.andlng variety performance which should appeal to children of all ages. The Gamble puppets are in frequent demand for performances across the country and, during the put year, in Hawaii, South P.atk and FA.trope. Gamble, aided by hla staff of puppet makers a n d performers, constructs and produces hundreds of shows presented each year. Also a full-time pilot for Continental Airlines, Gamble has been active in puppetry for 35 years, creating marionettes for Disneyland and television a• well as his own productions. Roger Mara, a graduate of Columbia University, joined th.e Gamble Marionettes two years ago, after apprentlceshlp1 in New York, Kansas and Color-®. A member of the Magic C.aatle as well • the Puppeteen of America, Mar~ has.performed i:ecently a1 the L.A. Museum of Natural History "Httitaare Cn.ft Fair, The Bou1eYard Mall In La Vepa, Bullock's Stores ln addition to many private and company parties. His pleasing personality, energy and e"Xpert puppet manipulation produce a most entertaining experience in "The Wonderful World of Puppets." . I I I I i I I ZS ' . µ... I r 10 -WeitcttfN»taza -A-n Adverttslng Supplement ~o the DAILY PILOT, Thttraday, Juty-29, 1982 Board members describe their· active duties Board member Mike Munz i1 owner of the plua'1 ltickoey Fanm fl'anchile, where be has been actively lnvolwd In the merchants' a.odation f« the past 10 y.n. Mum IV e1111 the fact that the board la a atronc. active one that at1hlilbel p)I for the plaza and worb hard 10 acheive ·them. "Our plaa t. involved in the community .daily and we work hard at it," . -~ Mum. Munz himlelf ke!PI ~ ectiye -witnell hil ~ Hktiry l'atml frandUle in F~Jsland. Kelt}l·Loep. another board QM!mbet bM ~ mapeger of the plua lriacb of Suk of America for two and on.!half yMl"I, the exact amount of time be baa mpmt °" the board of directon. II.is ~yw' ~in banldni bu . -.i with the Senk of America. He la a ,,..tuate of Calltomia State University at Loiia Beach and rSdel 1n Belmmt ShOre. ·His wife of 20 yean. Barbara, la a teacher in the Lone Beadl School District. Lopp mo • on the board of c1iiiCtOii ~ Oxua .. Meu-bued non profit orgaoizatioo that aida neurologically disabled chOdren. ''We're lucky to ha.ve a ~ =of store ownen that actively pate to fulfJD the -marketing objec1Jvea 1et by ihe board," Lopp says. 'Fredric J. Forster; chairman-of the board and president of Newport Balboa s.vm,. and Loan, Uo " • board member. Forster received his bachelor'• degree from Princeton •nd his master's degree from the Harvard Graduate School of Bu1inea1 Administration. He w• appointed pnlident -Of Newport Balboa Savingi in P*'-Y 1979 Md channan of the board in June 1982. He was the first chalrman and president of the Home Loan Counseling Center of~LolJ · Anaelea and ii a ~ember or the Urban Affairs Committee of the California Savings and Loan Leape. He lives in Newport Beach with bll .wife, Aviva, eon, Robbie. and daughter, F.rnily. . J • . . COMMUNITY CENTER -Wettclift Plaza is atuated in the cent.er of a thriving community and ls easily accessible from all directiOaa. \ featuring Antique jewelry Orientalia W.totfff Plu•-An Adv.tlalAg~t to tt,.-DAILY.. PILOT. lbwwtay. July 29 1$82---11 Crown Hardware'• Sld8Walk Sale "1••1cllll: Ill••• $lore Onlr MOST MIRCHA•D1•1 O• SIDIWAl.K ~ PRICE OR . tOWER! Saturday,· July 31st · OllJ! Sale Begins At 9:00 a'"(No Pre-Sales) Be!ow Is a parttal llst of sale Items-most In llmlted quantities HEAVY DUTY TRASH CANS .......................................................................................................... 99- DURO EXTEND RUST TREATMENT-....•.............. ..-. ................ .-. .................... ~ .. -· ....................... ~ .. W DRAPERY HARDWARE & ROOS ................................................................. ············-· HALF PRICE MISC. ADHESIVES ......................................................................................................... HALF PRICE STANLEY HAMMERS ................. :.................................................................................. HALF PRICE 22112--KETTLE BBQs-mlsc. colors, some adjustable height, Weber & Happy Cooker ........... 'W' MISC. TAPE MEASURES .................... ......... ...... .. ... ....................... ......... .......... ........ .. .. HALF PRICE FOOT OPERATED AIR PUMPS .................................................................................... HALF PRICE MISC. SCREWDRIVERS ................................................................................................ HALF PRICE BLACK & DECKER #7308 7'An CIRC. SAW ................................................................ HALF PRICE SANYO PORTABLE STEREO PlA YER (Block Buster) .......... ,... . ..... : .................... 259/e OFF COMBINATION WRENCH SET .•........ ... .... ................................. ................ ... HALP PRICE MISC.· BATTERIES ........ : ........... :.................................................. . ................ HALF PRICE MISC. CORNINGWARE ........ ~........ ... .. ..................................... ............... HALF PRICE> MISC. :PYREX ........... : ........... : .................................... :................. . .......... u-·· HALF PRICE MISC ... DESIGNEA MUG$ ...... ,.............. .......... ...... .................... .............. HALF PRICE MISC. PLACEMATS, MANY DESIGNER ................ ................... . ... ,:-:....... HALF PRICE MISC. RITZ TOWELS & POTHOLDERS ................................ ,.. .............. HALF PRICE MISC. STEMW~R~ (wines, goblets) ......................................... · .............. HALF PRICE MISC. STAlNLESS STEEL SERVING & T-ASLEJTEMS ............ . .............. HALF PRICE MISC. SERVING TRAYS ............................................................. • ........ .,..... HALF PRICE MISC. DISHES ............................... ,............................................. ....... .. ................ HALF PRICE MISC. CANNISTER SETS ................................. ~'Yl .................................... HALF PRICE C~NQLES ............ u ..................................... ~.. ~Jloiyer V.CUum 1 ............................. :.. ... HALF PRICE MISC. HELLERMADl: GRIDS .................... ~ Onratock ~ .......................... ::rt"ALF PRICE UTILITY TABLE ............................................. Cleeillnce ~ ............................. HALF PRICE MISC. ACRILtc ITEMS ....................... ~ ............ ~ .. • . ., .......... ~ ......... HALF PRICE MISC. LAMP & APPLIANCE TIMERS ...................................................... ..-, a.t..7"· ... HALF PRICE MISC. CONTACT PAPER · ~·~•:r•• Full Rolls. Value $22.00 ...................................... ~c.-.., ........... Ti,..::-..... $5.00 a In• REMNANTS ... ~................ .................... ................ ... ..,,...., ........... . ........ $1.0G-12.50 FULLER 8" PLIERS ......................... u ............ :....... = ..... ,.,.......... . ................... $1.41 MISC. EXTENSION CORDS ...................................... '144" ...................................... HALF PRICE ANTIQUING KITS, values to $12.00 .......................... :.;. .... ~ ....... -;.,: ..................................... $2.00 u. . ~ "' ..;1 SOCKET SETS .................................... , .............................................. a....• ............... HALF PRICE MISC. SPRAY PAINT ........... ., .............. " ....................................... ~~~~ ............. 50" per can PAINT GOOFS, misc. colors ....... : ................................................ li..~ ... $2.00 gel.-$1.00 qt. FULLER RACHETING SCREWDRIVER ........................................ :""'-•1 ............. HALF.PRICE MISC. CABINET HARDWARE (lots to choose from) 1 Values to $5.00 ............................................................................................................. moet at 25• ~ MISC. TABLE CLOTHS ................................................. t-··· ........ ., ........ '/\ .................... HALF PRICE MISC. BATH ACCESSORIES ........................................... '2 ................ t..._ A~.............. HALF PRICE MISC. HAND TOOLS ................ '............. .. .. ......................... ~,-........... HALF PRICE MISC. A~PLIANCES ........................... ..~....................... ...... . ...... 25 to~ OFF. MISC. STORAGE JARS .................... == .......................... Ila ouu .......... HALF PRK;E .,. HACKSAWS ...................................... ..._.,, ........................... ""'"' .............. HALF PRICli KITCHEN GADGETS ............................. 'M• .................. : ..... c·······"·lf..................... HALii! "'9C:E MISC. VISES .......................................... .. .. ........................... ": ................................ :. HALf PRICE SHOWER CURT' AINS .: ....................................... '"............................................................ HALF PRICE·""• ... ~ ..... • • I- I I • -===== -= ~Wl2tt lLW!Si • 1 , , , AN 1 .1 , , 111 ~• , , , "1 1 t 1 11i "~1 A 7 ', c 1 N r • ., Mesan'sMexico death disputed Wetlands decision ~ awaited Brother rebuts suicide claim; I amily airs concern By tODI CADENHEAD or .. ..,,_...,. Three day• after Randall'• body w11 fou.nd by chUclren, the body of John ~~ ot Santa Monica, wu dt.:ov ln a river a mil• away. 1pent ei1ht daya ln Mexico Mklna an &NWer to Randall'• death. Ebert said he believes the me of the bullet hole ln hi.I brother's -. By PATRICK. J. KENNEDY • of'IM.,_., .... ....,. • Randall Ebert loved Mexico, where vecat1onin1 wu cheap. Not one to travel the beaten peth, the dark-haired C.O.ta M.,.an, 30, often beaded for the 1maller towns near Muatlan, 1peaklng the languaae he had f earn ea well. "It's a fact Everyone murder." that it's not a suicide. we talked to feel it's Randall, a 1974 8faduate of UC Irvine, went Into a window. cleanlna bualne9I with Tun and a clme friend. A health coNcloUI welaht lifter, Randall wu not lnvcilved with drup and rarely drank, aa:ordlna to hia family. Tim believes hla brother wu camping In the jungle and probably stumbled upon whatever waa happening to Milli. The California Coaaul Commiaaion i1 1cheriuled te consider the Oranae County development plan for the BolN Chica mantH>n Friday at 8u.rtoD Chase Park in Marina del Rey. But lut trip he apparently 1trayed too far. H1a decompoeed body wu found June 8 ln a Mexican jungle near San Blu, a arnall coutal town known for ita surfing. San Blas is 160 miles IOUth of Mazatlan. Mexican authorities labeled the death a suldde. A small .25 caliber handgun belongong to Ebert wa1 found nearby , according to Michael Oreate, spokesman for the United States Consulate office in Mazatlan. But Randall'• brother, Tim, believes different. ''It's a fact that it's not auidde," said Tlm. "He wasn't that kind of penon. Everyone we've talked to feel it's murder." .,.., .............. GOOD JOB -Gov. F.dmund G . Brown Jr. commends employees of Irvine's ASTECH firm at ceremonies honoring the com_pany for ex-ceUence Tn an1pouTiaing. Story Page A8. Cyclist hurt in Huntington traffic crash A 29-year-old motorcyclist was critically injured in a collision with an automobile in Huntington Beach Wednesday, police said. Identified by police as Robert Dexter Hughes of Santa Ana. the victim remained in the intensive care unit at Fountain Valley Community Hospital today with head and cheat injuries, a hospital spoke9woman said. Police traUic investigators said Hughes was eastbound on Garfield Avenue near Brookhunrt Street at 8:45 p.m. when his motorcycle collided with an auto that was pu1llng out of a shopping center. The driver of the auto, Christine Loube Scheck, 31, of Los Angeles, was not injured in the mishap, police said. Cauae of the accident is under investiption. NATION • Oreate, contacted at hia Mazatlan office, confirmed that Milla' akull had been c.racked. A 60-pound rock had apparently been tied around Milla' neck, Ores" said on Tue.day. "On several occuJona we've asked for a full investigation into theae deatha," he said. The vioe-c:on.sulate declined to comment on how cooperative Mexican authorities have been. Tim Ebert said he O.idn't learn of his brother's death until July 8. He and his father, George and brother-in-law William Abbott, Weather: ditto; ditto . • • Today's weather is a summer rerun of Wednesday, and Friday bodes ·no differently, weather forecasters report. Beachgoers along the Orange Coast basked under sunny skies as highs ranged from 75 degrees at the sand to 86 inland. Low temperatures are expected to range from 64 degrees at the beaches tonight to 65 inland, according to a spokeswoman for the National Weather Service. 'nlere is a chance of low cloud.a late tonight and early Friday mom.lng along the coast. she aa.id . Friday's weather should mirror today's. Weather conditions are being controlled by a ridge of high pnomure that remains fixed off the coast in a typical summer configuration, the spokeswoman explained. The coast will conunue to be ~pared ~mog-gy condttfons prevalent elsewhere, aocording to 9fficials of the South Coast Air Quality Manage.ment District. Air quality in the La Habra- Santa Ana Canyon was reported unhealthful today for aensitive people but good over the remainder of the county. Beach crowds ranged from 70,- 000 at Newport Beach Wednesday to a slightly smaller than usual 2Q,OOO at Laguna Beach, lifeguards reported. Hunungton State Beach had 18,- 000 sunbathers Wednesday. Light winds and small surf kept ocean rescues fewer than nonnal, lifeguards reported. Stolen aircraft parts for Libya? BURBANK (AP) -An estimated $100,000 in stolen aircraft parts may have been headed for Libya, police say. The pat18 were taken from Menuco Inc., a division of Colt lndu1trles, and similar parts turned up at Tem-c.om Corp., a Chicago brokerage firm. Two officers of Tern-Com were indicted last week for allegedly making illegal shipments of aircraft parts to Libya. Balanced budget plan blasted The call for a balanced budget amendment by the biggest deficit spender in the nation's history la rank hypocrisy, says columnist Richard Reeves. Page AlO. 'Borderblaster' revs up Listeners around the nation will soon be able to tune to the old "borderblaster" radio station, XERF, which 11 rebuilding lt1 mammoth 250.000-watt tranmnltter near ~1 Rio, Texat. Page 84. Cndli kills 4 executives HEADFORD, Ireland (AP) -A helicopter carryl~ four executive• of The Charter Co. of .,_..._.._J~, Fla. c:rMhed ln early momJ.na f~ tb8 Welt COlllt of Ireland todey. killina all , . polb taJd. skull could not have been made by a .25 caliber handaun. The gunshot wound was on the right of the skull and Rand.all, wu feft handed, Tim claims. "l don't care who killed Randy," Tim said. "I'm looking for justice. I juat want to keep peole from going there. There's no reason to go down there and have families worry." The Costa Mesa family ltrease.d that Randall loved Mexico and that they don't believe the entire country is crUne ridden or dan$(eroua. Randall had left Cqeta Mesa May 18. I A United State government official, who asked not to be identified, said, "For touruts who are traveling in reeort areaa.. It'• not dangerous. But for ~le who stray off the beaten path there's an element of risk." U.S. officials are considering warning Americans to avoid Highway 15, on which Ebert and Mills were reportedly traveling. The road has been the center of controversy 111nce a University of Colorado profe9a0r, Nicholas (See MEXICO, Page At) 1 -IN HAPPY TIME -Randall Ebert is pictured during a happy time in Costa Mesa. He was found slain after explorina a jungle area in a remote section of Mexico. The controversial development proposal for the marsh near Huntington Beach includes 5,700 homes, an 1,800-alip boat marinlr. a 700-foot-wide ocean channeJ from the macah through the 1tatt beach and a 600-acre wet.landf 1y1tem (including 300 acre1 already owned by the state). Following private meetina• between coastal commlaalon m e mbers, Orange County official.5 and consultants for ~ major landowner in the Bolaa Chica, a joint memorandum was 1aaued recommending that tlte com.missioners postpone a final decision on the plan for up to six months. The joint memo, signed by Michale Fiacher, dlrector of the Coastal Cornm.is11on, and Robert Fisher, director of planning for Orange County, recommended the delay to work out 11 compromise on controverail&l mues of the county's plan. Although the memo stated that officials of the two agencies nap i.roned out 110me differences, ~ commission officials' major objection to the proposed development in the 1,200-acre lowland portion of the manh that's been ldentHied by at.ate Fish and Game as protected wetlands habitat, remains the key Issue. Com.mission staff advilers said they would recommend denial of the county'• plan as it's currentll proposed, largely becau.e of the wetland development mue. Signal Landmark Co. ia the major landowner and h.u given lta blessing to the county'• propoea.l. The Huntington Beach City Council. whicn is consider1rw future annexation of th,~ 11600-actt Bolaa Chica, IOUth • Warner Avenue on the inland side of Padfic Coast Highway, a split 4-3 in favor of the count~ plan.--- Deir .......... ll'r LM ,,.,_ SKYWRITING SQUADRON -These vintage Wednesday. "We've had no crashes, just a few Navy trainer planes "typed" the Miller Time typos," the c:ommander says. message you may have seen overhead City officials have sent ._ resolution supporting -and a dissenting opinion opposing (Sff BO~A. Pace A%) • Artists have heads 1n clouds Six pre-war planes provide signatures in the sky By PAMELA STEINRIEDE of' IN 0.-, Nee Si.If commander of the Miller Brewing c.ompany's West Coast skytyping squadron. According to $tin.is, the two- s ea ter, single-engine SNJ-2 planea were used to train nearly every military pilot during World War II. Afthough 59 were origlnally constructed. only a (Sff COAST, Page AZ) The voice from the air traffic controller's tower at John Wayne Airport Wednesday afternoon wanted to know, "ls that World War ll leaving us on the ri8}tt?" As that voice crackled over the air, the departing flight consiated of six SNJ-2 Navy trainer planes built in 1940. Unlike during the air battles assigned to them in the past, the pilots' miuion on this IOrtie was to perform the art of computerized skytyping. Newport residency def ended by judge A "billboard in the sky" 1,000 feet high by six to eight miles long :.a created by the automatic emission of smoke-like, non- polluting vapor from each plane's exhaust, released when a computer transmitter activates receivers ln the planes. "It's really a acienoe and you have to be an artist to do these thin~s." said Greg Stinls, COUNTY By DAVlD KUTZMANN of'tM o.-, l'ltot ltaff West Orange County Municipal Court Judge Joanne Harrold testified Wednesday that lt waa never her intention to Uve in a $2 million house in Newport Beach just long enough to establish legal re1$idency and then move back to Riverside County after the June 8 election. Saturday .is the deadline the state of California has set for Crystal Cove residents to vacate their seaside cottages. But a survey 1hows no one plans to move. Page A3. Commuter airline ready to fly He la only 27 but Leo Sugllo la rarin' to go as his firm inaugurates commuter airline service Sunday from John Wayne Airport to Loa Angeles International Airport. Page A6. Newporl politics heat up The Newport Beach City Council election Isn't until November, but already there'• a campaign between pro.growthen and the alow growthera. Pqe Bl. Trailer tenants aided •• "That properly had always Deir ............. been promised to me," Judge Harrold said, denying assertions that she planned to deed back the houae to her grandmother after the election. Though Harrold won a decisive victory at the pol.la, her principal challenger -Santa Ana attorney Dan Charle• (See JUDGE, Pa1e AZ) TESTIFIES -West Ora.n9e County Municipal Judge Joanne Harrold took the stand Wednesday in trial of the suit contesting her election. INDEX At Your Servi<1e A4 Ann Landen B2 Erma Dombeck B2 Movies 83-4 BusinelS AS-9 Mutual Funds M ca11fomia A~ NatJonal New. A3 Cavabde B2 Public Notioea C4,CS.7 CJIMffted C7-l:t s~ Cl-4 Comics C5 Dr.Stetncrohn B2 ere.word a Stock Marketa A9 Death Notices C4 TelevWon m l'.dl t.orlal AlO ThHten m.. Entertainment B3-4 Weathtt A2 Horoecope 82 World News A3 SPORTS '13'lucky asain for Aapa · The dty of Newport &ach Ml come co J.h4 telCUe of a group of mobile home perk tenant. by ptotectlna ~~--·-- their ZOninl· Paae B6. • The Anae1I fe11i.d on A'• pltch.lna en route to a ~3·1 ramp at Anaheim Stadium. Pace Cl. 1 o_.., NM l'Mto by L ..... ,_ CAUTION URGED -Tim Ebert, m the wake of brother Randall's slaying, urges U.S . tourists in Mexico to use extreme caution. From Page A1 ME XICO. • • i • : W. Schrock, disappeared there 1:May 31. The police chief in San lgnacio and SU< officers have confessed lo killing the economics profeS110r ' ~ter his truck was found at the Police chief's home. , Sch.rock's body has not been ,,.(9und. COAST ••• doren now remain. The e>Uwr IUt are uUJlsed by \ht f.u\ CoMt Mlll•r equadron In rtu1hlni1 N.\'. Aa the planel IOIJ' 10,000 fee\ In t~ 1ky, the pllo\I edCUte their typtna .clut!et whll• In \M traditional mUJtary V -fonnaUon. Ex~Mmne and World War ll and Korean War veteran. Don Brenn.an of 1....-una Niguel, hu been with the crew for 2~ yoan, and calla the f ormatlon Oytna "demanding." He added, "You cannot~ relaxed." St.in.ta said, "You have got to be good to survive up there," adding, "we have had no crashes. juat a few typos." Th.-CIOQ\put.eriz.ed system Wied by \bet ~am is credited with keeJina the apeWng miat.ake9 to a minimum. St1nla' father, Andy Stinis. created the skvtypinR technique when he became frustrated aa a single-plane typer for Pepsi-Cola in the 1930s. "The messages would fade before he finished," said the younger Stints. "That's when he came up with the idea of doing it with multiple planes." The five-plane operation (the sixth is used only when another has malfunctioned) ia 17 times faster than that of a aolo plane. To be sure, the former f~h~ men all agree their task ts fun, and considerably different from the as&grunents they faced at Okinawa, Korea and the Marshall Islands. Hut even General MacArthur probably would be impressed with the missions they fly today. ~J UDGE H ARROLD ... Dutcher -filed su1t last month contesting the election results because he claimed she was not a legal resident of Orange County. Judge Harrold has insisted, both during and a fter the electio n . that s h e always considered herself a legal resident or Orange County, even though she has lived an Riverside at various times since 1965. Election <.'Odes require that a ,judicial candidate be a resident of the county m which he or she is running for at least 54 days before the elecuon Judge Harrold testified Monday that she began the process of moving into tl'le Newport Beach house last ~ovember after her •.grandmother. Arlyne Lansdale fl Westminster sign~ a quit- claim deed purportedly turning the residence over lo her. However, under questioning by Dutcher's attorney. Judge Harrold admltted that the Nov. 30, 1981 , date on the deed was not the actual date that her 11randmo_!.her signed the document. The signing took place sometime this year, she aaid. The deed waa recorded in Orange County on May l 'f of this year. The judge denied that the deed had been "backdated" to Nov. 30 even though the notary's aeal says the deed was signed on that date. The judge said the grandmother wanted the date on the deed to reflect when she turned over the keys to the residence of her granddaughter. ''I did exactly what she told me t o do ," the judge said, acknowledging that she now knowa it was a breach of the law to put a date on a deed that is incorrect. On Wednesday, fm.i.hina her third day of testimony In the cue. lhe judge said she only alept "several times" in the Newpr-t house in December and not at all m January. She lived in her Riverside home with her husband and children dunng this period. t. ., ........... AND WHEN SHE WAS BAD, SHE -Robin Hawkins, 2. shows off one of the tools she used to damage property owned by mom and dad. The little tyke has already done $2,300 worth of damage but when she gets older she had better beware. her dad Rowlf says. Allowance expended T o t e fficient home wreck er at age 2 GRAND RAPIDS. Mich. (AP) -At age 2, Robin Hawkins already is a home wrecker. When she is old enough lo ask ~an allowance, her father nds to ahow her a bill for t $2.300 worth of family ~longings she has destroyed ln a two-month reign of terror. · It all started when Allee the Cat went down the drain. "l heard her saying 'Bye-bye, fluff-fluff. bye-bye."' her father, Rowlf Hawkins said. "l ran Into the bathroom juat in time to watch Alice the Cat go down the toilet." Cost: $2.50 for the · stuffed animal and $62 . 75 for the plumber. One week later, Teddy Bear was placed in the dishwasher - on lop of the heating element. Cost: $8 for Teddy Bear, $25 fbr smoke damafe done lo the kitc hen and 375 for the dishwasher Wh e n the Hawkinses' returned from a weekend trip, th~y o ned the refrigerator and e · inmde it wu warm. he repairman touncs little magneuc letten 1n the vent.a. Cost. $3.50 for the magnetic letters, $120 for the ruined food a.,d $310 for the refngerato~. .. That evenmg, we sat down to wat.ch TV. When I turned it on, everythmg was green." Hawkins said. "Robin had twisted the fine rune '° far that it broke lnaide. Green is her favonte color." Cost: $115 to repair the televialon. The next day, Robin's mother. Bernie, went to get her husband at work. Robin wu aleepina in her safety aeat, 10 Mn. Hawkins decided to leave her while she ran in to get Dad. She put the keys ln her pune and left the pune in the car. "We hMrd the car et.art up and we ran out.aide. ju.at m time to watch the car start down the street," Hawkins said. Robin drove about 400 feet before running into a tree. She was unhurt and proud of the way she could drive. C:ist: $1 ,029.52 to repair the car. A few days later. Robm had turned on the stereo and tned lo put a caaette m the eight-track slot. She alao took apart tome of the HawkiNes' favonte tapes. Cost: $36 for the tapes and $35 for reoairs to the tape deck. When the Hawkinaea returned from grocery shopping, they parked the car halfway m the PLO. garage and decided to keep Robin strapped In her safety teat while they unloaded th e grocenes. Then they heard a loud &rinding noise. Robin had locked herself in the car and was pushing the control button to the electric garage door which was bouncing off the lop of their new car. Cost: $120. But Robin Uied to pay her parents for all of the damages. One day, after they had finished their grocery shopping and were on their way out the door, Robm chsplayed a handful of cash - $620 lo be exact. "She was sitting in the grocery cart and she must have reached in the drawer of the cash register next to us and grabbed the money," he said. "She had mostly twenties and a couple of fifties." The cashier never knew the difference until the Hawkins returned the money to her. Robin's other stunts included drilling 50 holes in the walls of o n e o f her parents' rental propertJes. Fair and Warm on attack; Israeli holds fire By Tbe Aaaoclated Preas Palestinian guerrillas fired mortar shells at Israel! positiom in Beirut today, but Israel still was observing the latest cease fire , the Tel Aviv command reported. presidential envoy Philip C . Habib. Coast a l Over out« wo1or1 from Po.nt Conception to Son Nicola ltlond ' nottr-t ~ 10 to II knou I 'wfltl 4 10 8 foot -· ()ver lo.-walOfl llgM vonobll wind• _, to eouthwoll 10 to 15 knoll oflornoon end eYonlng Southweat awella 1 to 2 fffl ~ aunny 11temoon U.S. s um nzary Thun«Mratorm1 reoc:hed from the Aoc::k ... to tho AllOntlc C0Mt IOCS8Y, wtm lliOll wlndt end '-¥y rWI thot COUMCI floo<llnQ In --Two dMthtl -• reported In Ptlllodolphlo, where a boy end on electric compeny llnomon died ·~ coming ln10 contllCt with • puddle Into which • downed power tine 11.o ro11en Sh°""e" end 111undor11orm1 Ol90 -• roc>Ofled lllOng the Gulf Coat. In ... torn Nonh Ookoto end perts of Mlnnoooto. Fk>ocllng WH reported In northern Utoll. Boot•• from Po4nt Concep11on to the Mexican bo<'der con ~ tight, vertoble wind• during nigt!t end morning lloura. becoming eoutr-terly et 10 to 111 knots Frldoy olternoon with • I· to 2-foot eouth-terly •well Wlnde Mould be ~"-1ofty 01 10 to 18 knoll with 3-to S-foot •••• lortller tllon 80 mllo1 ~· trom U.. point to Son Nloo4a lei.end Tem peratu res Albony Alt>uque Amorlllo Athevtlle Ati.nto Allarttc Cty "'-tin a.lttmore = 9olM NATION HI Lo ~ 75 61 50 90 65 83 67 84 66-132 92 72 77 62 101 n 18 112 13 82 112 94 73 81 56 80 61 7• lie 66 97 77 72 57 11 66 81 1.20 75 57 .11 92 79 64 60 .92 ~-~ Wf/).)!...., ~-Kt" -.O•A U 5 :'.><-g1 "' C.rr-1• r Rain !m) Snow fm .,howersll!ll Flumes!!!) Fronts Cok:I ..,. Warm ...., Occ.luo1.:o _. C:,!all()n,i•y •• 56 78 eo 63 73 32 75 50 83 70 16 79 72 01 ee 1• 119 Eurello Froono Lonc:atter Mwytvlllo Monterey NM<lla Ooktond Pao Roblee A*' Blult Redwood Ctty Reno Socramento SotlnH 81 53 102 73 100 79 101 62 108 74 55 103 60 102 66 112 55 92 65 95 69 66 • ., Meanwhile. Palestine Liberation Organization chief Yasaer Arafat refused comment on a new drive lo get him lo state unequivocally that he and his guerrillas will leave Lebanon. The Tel Aviv command said the guerrillas started shelling Israeli positions near Beirut's international airport around 5 a .m. PDT, an Israeli army spokesman said. "Israeli soldiers received sUict orders lo hold their fire and are intensively observing the terrorists' movement&," he said. Asked about Habib's reported promise lo Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin to let lsrael know by Friday whether the PLO would leave Beirut peacefully, Arafat said, "I did not receive any official proposals from Mr. Habib ... l have to deal officially with his ex~llency, not you (reporters)." Mosh e Yegar , assistant director general of the lsraeh Foreign Ministry. announced the cease-fire Wedne9day night aft.er a week of air, land and sea bombardment. Lawyer banned 2 years A Huntl.naton Beech attomt)' who alle1ed!)' mlahandlad hla c.Uentl' funcll 1-been twpeftded from pnctldn• law for at 1eut two yeare, eccordln1 to an announcement by the State Bar of C.Ufomta. The attorney, Henry RoH WIU.On, 67, muat pea1 a aiate ber et.ha exam within one year and mu.t make reatltuUon to five clienta before he can practice law ap1n at the conch.Won of the two-year auepenaion period, accordln1 to Marl Weaver, a apolumwoman for the atate bar. Ma . Weaver said the regulatory body investigated and held hearings on aUegaUona of misconduct by Willson, then recommended that the California Supreme Court auapended the attorney from practicing law for five yean. After reviewing the cue. the court approved the two-year suspension and five years of probation for Willaon. Among \he charges filed against WiUaon. M.. Weaver said, were allegaliona that he failed lo provide proper documentation to a probate estate client and mJSappropriated funds from the client; that he c harged for services that were not performed; that he refused to refund unearned fees, and that he failed to uae funds from a personal injury settlement lo pay a client's medical ball, aa prevjou•ly agTeed. Willson could not be reached for comment on the charges. Valley school board plans budget s tudy Fountain Valley School District trustees tonight will . conduct the fint of two public reviews of the district's $20 million 1982-83 school year budget. At the meeting, the school board ls expected to evaluate expenditures for basic programs -classroom mstruction, health services and district office operataons. aa examples. The session is lo begin at 7 p.m. 1n the district headquarters, 17210 Oak St. At the same CJ.me on Thursday. Aug ~. the board will conduct its second budget review session, focusing on expenditures for supp le m e ntal programs . tneludmg staff development and field tnps Under the current tchedule, the school board ia expected to approve a proposed budget on Aug 19 The document will be available for public inspection Aug. 25-31. A public hearing and adoption of the final budget are slated for Sept. 2. From Page A 1 BOLSA . • • the county's plan. A maJOr objection included in the mjnority view is that the 700-foot-wide navigable channel would erase prime beach front. One reason comnussJon sta1 t members asked for the delay of decunon on the development plan IS to await an Army Corps of Engineers study on the feasibility of building the channel. · Skloo -• Cleer ovor the Ohio I Volley. the Greet LOlcM end muon of Collfornlo. Skloo -• pertly CIOudy ovor moat of the rMI of the nation A 1over• wlnd11orm hit Neugotucll, Conn . on Wedne.doy night. domoglng •t leUt MVOf'I hOrnM. A lmOll tomodo WM roe>ortod ~ In JOmfftOwn, N.Y., =Ung tr-and dOITIOQlnQ bul the Notlonol we-other Service reported. Botton &ownsva. Bultolo Bur11ngton c.-CllOttatn SC Cllettatn WI/ Chorltte NC CMyerme Ctlk:OgO Clnelnmtll Cleveland Clmblo SC Columbu• Doi-Ft Wiii D!IY'on o.n-0. MotnM o.trolt Dulul.h ElPooo Fwgo RogeUtff G<.ot Folle Hertford , e2 72 64 55 1 17 79 57 S5 81 77 53 93 73 04 81 5e 911 80 63 58 .01 78 68 .29 83 ee 79 81 .20 55 70 72 04 n 66 161 74 17 84 20 71 64 67 75 Soni• Borbore Senta Mori• Stockton Tlletmot UklOll Bor•tow Big Boot 8!th09 CototlnO Lele o Anowfleo<I L ono 8Mc:l'I 78 SS 73 98 83 109 97 101 78 76 411 97 58 715 62 112 65 90 67 85 .. 75 .. t3 .. 110 7t Arafat, wearing military fatigues with a pistol on his hip and a desert cap on his head, talked briefly with reporters In west Beirut after meeting with former Prime Minister Saeb Salam, who has been the key g o-between In talks with L e banese officials and U .S . AirCal ~o ws to 'match' lower fares Huntington coed among 'top I 0' Th• forOCHt lor IOO•y Mid Frtdoy celled for 1howor1 end triunderetonno ll'om tho IOV1'-'> A11antlc eo.t. tlwough the loww hell of tho M~ Volley to tho outom hllH of the Plot-.. region. ~ --~ -north«TI Moine, with MWly to potUy eunny •IM .._ .... tom~ur•• oround th• notlOn d8MI rongod ll'om •• In Mwqullho, l.lltnn.. to t5 In ~ California 81 M TS 82 .20 t5 72 82 59 02 74 51 N 53 79 84 .27 M oe 91 12 311 •--=-=* liiiiilllii._!D~· Rl_R_IP_IR_T :=:. 1•.2 ft 1-3 ft 1-3 ft 1-3 ft 1"2 ft 1-2 ft 2 ft 2 ft 2 ft 11\ 1-t ft 1 ft ...... T-.. 66 N N M M ee 11 67 81 ea 68 11 Mt. WMaon ~IMdl Ontorlo Point Spnnga PMAderlo Son 90fnordlo0 Son JoM Sonto Alie T ohOe Volley Sm og 91 66 MN 68 5e 11 66 62 49 Whore lo coll (toll fr .. ) for iet• emoo 1ntotmat10n: Otanoe County; (800) 44W121 Loe AngolH C ounty: 1100) 242--4022 AMfelde Md San BemordloO countlM: (800) M1-4710 AOMO ~ C.tw: (800) 242-468e Tides TOOAV leoond hlgll 6: 12 •·"'· S.1 TMUMDAV ftlrlt low 11:80 a.m. 1.1 l'lr9t lllah t ·U a.m. 1.J leoond' loW t t: t7 a.m. t.t ltoOnd 1#1 1:00 p.rn. 6.1 1un .-a 1oc14W et 7:ST p.m., .... ~ .. l:Ot a.Mo Moon n.. .._ M 1:11 pm., .. ~at 1t:41 Lii\. Official.a at Newport Beach- based AirCal said today the carrier will match lower fares on Southern California-San Francisco bay area routes announced Wednaday by rfval Pacific Southwest Airlines. PSA, in a move that caught tnduatry compeUton like AirCal by IW'prlae, aMOUncl!d It was cutting lta reaular one-way fare on the roubel to $46 from $69. The n•w faree are effective Tueeday. AJ.rCa1 tmmedlat.ely ~ponded by matc.hJna the new PSA fare on rout•• on which the two camen d!recUy compew, IUCh u Ora.nae County-San ll'ranclKO end U. Mat'---Slh Jom. AirOal .., annou.nced that il 11 dropplftl a d va nc• purcbaae ~ fer ck:Ount ,__ on othiir' rout8ll in ltl n~te rout.~ llaml llata of Hwitina1on Beach, a gnduate of Cal S"tate Long Beach. has been selected u one of "Glamour" magazine'• Top Ten College Women for 1982. She was choaen trom among more tha n 900 applicante nationwide and will naive a $1,000 a w ard from the magazine. She ta featured In the maozine'• August i..ue. Ma. R'ara WU )Jl"eltdent of the Aaociated Students of Cal State Long Beach, a $l:l mllllon corporation repreeenting the university's 31,500 1tudent.1. An international marketing and muaic major, Ma. O'Hara . served aa an acad emic lell&tor, vice chainnan of the California Sta\e Student A.modatlon and a member of the Chan~11or'1 Statew ide Student Health Ad v11ory Committee. She la plann1nc to attend law ehcoo1. ' I near but · Cove residents t..• ~ lllill .. t 1 pl'obably Will R:ftd • • haw 1Mft1 ... __....._.., er,.cai .... Putt ~h .. yean -eWft thoUlh tMre wOl lle'GM ~ dlffaNla. Tbl ..... hiiil IM Jul7 81 M the dMdlh'• by which part-tlm• Neid•ni. of H cotta1" muat vacate th.Sr btloved aumrotr ·~. Their evicUon WU the fint ~ ln 1M proc. by whJeh the ttate Parka and Recreation Dlpertment pa.na to eventually open the COY9 and lCI cotiaps to maxlmum public accet1. The ~ notkm were Ont Pl...s ln cottaae rnailboxea Aprtl ·14. - But f0t the nlldentl of the 28 ranwMckle cottapt ~ the _.de blufft between COrona be -~.1• Mid a.or.e Dutra, llinSoi' JMa c wt\h the .... a.i ..... ~ lXvWoft. .. J fMl no one wW i.w unUl W9 19' • ~, ... he eddtd. 11Baiblly,·0"'8 V. ltw ... bklJ.nc cttlmw, but they'll Play th.la one out to the end. ti Dutra Hid that once th• mcucn eta•~. tho •ta• wm file unlawfUl detali\er acdont ln court a1ain1t eecb of th• rtlklenta who fallecl to comply with tN ~-order. 11lt11 reuonable to expect' July 31 will come and IO and we'll have to ao tbroqQ the Jepl proce.," be uld. ''They have nothlna to loM by ataytna and if I wtn tMsn rd probablj do the ume thlna.'' Dutra pointed out that an Aua. 6 ~ hat been llCheduled in HOME, SWEET HOME -They may appear rather ramshackle but the 23 cottages at Crystal C.ove are home and an ideal one for someone liking a lazy day at the beach. .. General Telephone announces lajof f s of -pari-ti:rite workers SANT A MONICA (AP) - About 1,000 part-time General Telephone Co. worken will be laid off by year's end becal.l8e of a rece11ion-induced business decline. A apokesman for the Senta Monk:a-bued utWty said Wedneeday that lt allO won't fill all full-time vacancies u they occur. GTE now has 28,200 workers. The company's volume of calla ii off 40 percent th1a vear, the apokeaman said, and it anticipates installlng only 40,000 of the 100,000 new lines pftVioualy expected. LOS ANGELES (AP) -A small earth~uake rippled through ooeaNlde communllies. prompting many calla to police but no reports of damage or lnjuriea, authoritiea said. The temblor meuured 3.5 on the Wchter .:ale and W• centered in the ocean 10 milet 10Uthw11t of Santa Monica, due weat of down town Loa A111elea, accordtn1 to the Callfornla Inatltute of Technolo1y ln PMadena. It ttruck about 10:50 p.m. WednMday, offida1a uid. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Actrea Stefanie Powerw oppa9eS the deslgnation of~ African Fund for Endangered Wildlife t o receive $80, 000 from the estate of actor W i lliam Holden, and 1he'1 battling POWIM the ee1ection ln court. The money should '° to Mllm Pawn oWn newly formed wildlife fund, the said in an appearance ltefore Superior Court Judge Ronald E. Swearinger. Holden died last Nav. 18 at ace 63. Me tpedtied in his will that hit executor, Title Inaurance Co., award money from the l&le of h1a interest ln a pme farm and tafari club in Kenya to a charity "that ls interested fn the preeervatlon of wildlife and the environment.'' LOS ANGELES (AP) - A 19-year-old woman waa clngpd off Sunaet Boulevard In rush- hour traffic. pulled into IODle bushes and rape-d near the University of California-Loa Angeles campus, police aay. It wu the fourth attack at the school In recent month•. The woman w•• jogging near the northern perimeter of the campus near Bellqio Road when she was attacked by a knife· wteldina man in jouing attire, UCLA pol.lee Sgt. kiri lfcm aaid Wedne9day. BEVERLY RILLS (AP) - Maurice L. Straum, a founder of the Pep Boys auto parts ltore9 and the "Moe" in the storee' "Manny, Moe & Jack," l<>so. died Wednesdal at age 85. A reaident o Philadelphia , Strauaa had been visiting the Lot Angelea area. LOS ANGELES (AP) - Federal lnveat11atora want to dupl~cate special-effects e~ on a movie set where a helJcopter crash killed actor Vic Morrow and two chlldren u five cameru ~ a movie yenton of ''Twtllaht Zone." Don Llorente, head of the National Tranaportation Safety Board'• probe of the accident at 2:30 a .m . laat Frlday, aaid lnw.Upton also would question' the CMt and crew of the Steven Sptelber1 production and examln_~ photoarapha enlar&ed from llln,Je acenee of the film footap. LOI ANGELES (AP)·- Soclallte Beiay Bloomtn1dale, of ten deacrlbed 11 ~ancy a.an·· .,_ frlend, hM been 1ued for $5 mllllon by Vtcki Morpn who IA)'I ahe WU 0 the ~ woman" au_pported for 12 yean by Mra. Bloomfnadale'1 huaband, Allied. . Oranp County Superior C.ow1 on a moUon by tM-•ta• Mklnc that • l&w1ult filed by the rHldtnta' auoctaUon be dilmillied. IA1a1 acUont ~t p&rt-Ume ttnant1 ww not oonwenoe befon that heutna. M llld. Cove rt1ldent1 contacted lncUcate t}Ua final July W•kend wW be no ,different thah any other -even a weddin1 11 planned on the beech -tnq Mid. 11rm not aot.na to pay ettention to the at.ate until aomethlna la decided," part-time r11lcfent Martha P-.dve uJd. "I have no intention of movtiur, they'll have to go throu1li the full 5'f0Cedurt. '' ~. Padve, who hatl IUJn1'nel'ed at Cryatal Cove for 2~ years, ~. "I clOft't ~ any ol w tJ\lnk Wt .....,,. ~ • .Not until wt IN told OW' pin\ of view hu abtolutely no mtrO • whatl09vel' by a court will we lMw.•• Her opuiJon ii undtrax>rtd by PM&! Ralmty, anoUwl' l*\-Ume remdent who r'llkltt In 1Notth Hollywood. "I don't think anyone'• plannlnl to mov•." Ramley Mld. "I'll ~be there 10 Y9lll from now." Surnmirla up JM anttude of cove rt1fdente, Sktp Taft pr11ldent of th• r11ldent1I uaoctadoft, put It like this: 11Unt.U our lepJ ~tua ii determined, we're not leavtna." Despite the hard-line l"t!lidenta are takinC on the evlc:Uona, they do expreaa their dJmell over the situation. I "ZverybbdY.'• fHAlnt Yery concern•d rlaht now,' Nld Ch.Ntl~ Stiirley. ''TheN'1 bo ~at WI pemt.'' 'nie •o co-.. that oompril!il the Cr11tal C"~ comm\A= beCame ,art of the ... wbn ..,.. trVtne ~1 tiala the 2,781-ecre parcel to the ltatt In 1879. • ' Built In the 19209 -ltlOI. th• cotta1e1 hav• b••P dt1lp.ated a federal hla~l lite beau.11e they are llSd to ~ the only rema1nJ.n1 eamp1e 0( a " CalifornJa bead\ commwUty Of that era. Since acquirina the cove, state oUlclalt, reatdentt and lawmaken have wrestled wttJl the problem of how to bHt acoommodate the public with the private uaea of the area. rnmu~rn[(J /1 wrnrn[rn Salyut 6 ends • • m1ss1on Soviet space craft spent five. years i~ orbit MOSCOW (AP) -The Soviet space station Salyut 6 e nded nearll five years in orbit today and 'ceued to exiat" after re- entering the F.arth's atmo8phere over tne Pacific Ocean, the official news agency Tau reported. The agency uJd the space station and a linked spacecraft, Cosmoa 1267, were braked and put Into d escent trajectory after the path waa altered Wednesday using_ the 1taUon'1 power unit. After firing the cosmos' retrorocket today, the vehicles re-entered dense layel"I of the atmosphere in a "praet diatrlct over the Pacific and ceued to exist," Tass aaid. NICOSIA, Cypns (AP) -Iraq aaya lta troops repulsed a maaive new Iranian attack near the aouthe.m port city of Sura, but Iran said lta forces succe11fully f unched through "vaat mine lelda and barbed w i re barricades" north of the city in a continuing offensive. It wu the first maj>r a~ by the lraniana reported In more tban two weeka. An lra,I military apokeaman aald raql troops lnfllcted heavy casualties on the lranlana ln a battle that began Wedneaday nl1ht and forced them to retrot, the offidal lnqi news -aJency reported. WASHINGTON (AP) - Interior Secretary Jamee Watt, apoTogh:lng for a conttoverGaf lett e r h e wrote to the l•ra e li ambasudor to ihe United Statea, aays h e w a• ''estlbarraaed'' by the Incident and Ameri c an J e W I h a d WATT "every right to be upeet." Taking note of Wall'• comments, Prealdent Reagan said at a Wednesday night press conference that he had no lntention of firing Watt over the mattel'. Jewtlh l#aden Did they felt Watt'• apology was tincere and they conaidered the matter c.Ic.ed. Watt's apol<>8)' came ln a meet1n1 Wednesday in New York with 16 top le.den of the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rtth. W ASRINGTON (AP) - to increase taxes by $98.5 blllJon la in the hands of a Senate-House conference committee where memben will try to oome up with leglalation accept~ble to both houses. The plan orilfnated with Senate Republicans and waa paaaed by that chamber. The Democrat-o>ntrolled Houae voted Wedneeday to accept the outlines ol the plan and allow the joint committee to work out a compromise blll. When the committee begins lta work next week, House repraentativea at the setslon wlll aeek aeveraJ change9, lead4!1'1 pf both pG1ies in the House say. WASHINGTON (AP) -The American public, ttlll aufferlng the paint of a year-long n?Ce9Bion, must patiently endure a "toU&h·~·· y toward economic ty. But when it comes, It will •YI Plealdent ae.aan. "I think we're Sof.na to tee an Improvement in the lleCOlld half of the 'Y'flU," he aaid Wec:tn.day n.ighL But..he.,,nehieeci to aay It would be a robuat recovery, u be had In the past. Relpn told a newa conference the early slgna of improvement already are evident. WASHINGTON (AP) -The House, in a booat to former spouaea of military personnel, aayt divorce courta must consider reU.remlnt pay u an ueet to be divided if the couple aplit up. The chamber alto patted a measure that would bar males who fail to repter for the draft from recetvtna federal colleae loam or granta. ~ llC'tiona came Wedneeday u the Houae puaed 10 amendmenl9 to i ts $177.1 blllJon defense authorization btll for the flacal year starting Oct. 1. PIETERMARITZBURG, Soatb Africa (AP) -A ~ today ordered mercenarx commander Col. "Mad Mike ' Hoare to 11erve 10 years in pUain for hJJaddnR an Air India jetliner to eaeape from the Seychelles Islands afte r a foile'd coup attempt lut November. Otf\er members of Hoare'• mercenary force were eentenced to serve from six months to five yean in prison. Act i ng Chief Judge Neville James o f the Natal Province Supreme Court pronounced the sentences two days after convicting the men of at least one oount each of air piracy. LONDON (AP) -A vacationing German woman slipped onto the around• of Buckin1ttam Palace bui waa quickly detected and e.corted away by police, Scotland Yard sakl today, announcin8 the latest scare at the royal residence. 'nle woman. who wu not iderttifled, cUmbed over the palace fence at about the time of the dally chaJlling of the guard .......... y but waa dlacovered wfthfn minutes and escorted away by police, The London Daily M.iJTor .ald .. Th• l.ntrUdu wu.. It~ releeeed, the paper ta.Id. GUATEMALA crrY (AP) - Leftitt rebel.a mauacred 22 peaaanta, includina women and children, in an attack on a northweste rn village a..nd government troops killed 20 guerrillas, including two rebel commandera, in a aeries of cl.ashes north of the capital. the military command aaid. The rebel cluhes with government fore:. took place at three villages in .n area about 110 miles north of the capital. the military aaid without elaboration. MAKE YOUR DECISION EARLY, TOO Join These BUSINESS EXECUTIVES In Supporting Don Strauss For fjef-Electlon To The Newport Beach City Council , . Arnold 0. Beckmafi Founder-Chairman Beckman Instruments Co. Walter Gerken Chairman Pacific Mutual lneurance Co. ii I • ()( .. Cout DAILY PILOTIThur9day, Jufy at. 1882 NYSE COMPOSITE TRANSACTIONS ffOT&t ..... NIC\.VH TUHI 011, ... 1t•W YO .. ._MlltWOU, PACl,IC ll>IW, ... , .. , HTIOIT AMO ClllCUUIATI tteCS HClllAMU Mlt 11 ... tl I I Y tltl NAM Allt Obfllilf Shaklee recovering SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -A strong~ by ita foretgn dlvtaon. helped Shaklee C«p. bounce back from • weak leCOnd quart.er to post third qWt.rter net Income and ale. figuree equal to the. of • )'WJ' qo, the oompuzy •ya. Sh1klee .. td that It hid 1 net income of t~U inUUon. « •1.02 per &hare, on alee of $120.7 m1lllon for the quactet ended June SO. The figure9 dupUcated thoee of the 1881 quarter. . . More banks cut • prime to NEW YOl!:K (AP) -The lrend tow&rd 1 lower prime lendlna race picked up momentum today u MON major commercial bank8, lncluclint third-ranked Chuo MM.hattan Bank, rut their rate to 16.6 percenl frqm 16 percent. Chue lnltlat.ed today's chanae, and wu joined by Mo.rgan OUaranty Trust Co., of New York, ranked ruth; Fim N1Uonal Bank of Ch.J.caao, No. 8; lrvinl Trull Co .• of New York, No. 16, and eotne un&lltt banks u well. SoCal Gas seeks higher rates LOS ANGELES (AP) -Southern Calltomia Gu Co. aaya it will uk the atate Public UilUtiea Commiaion to approve -.n $600 mllllon yearly rate lncreaae starting ln October that could nearly double residential cuatomen' bllla next winter. The commlaslon approved an $834.3 million annual rate hlke in April for the same reason cited in the latest projected request: The gas company la paying more for supplies from lta Houston-baaed pipeline companies, El Puo Natural Gu Co. and Tranawestem Pipeline Co. The utility estimated that the combined rate hikes would boost the typical residential customer's monthly bill from $3.3.26 last J anuary to $55.50 in January 1983, or about $265 more a year for each. Times-Mirror revenues up Revenues of Times Mirror Co. baaed ln Los Angeles increased to $541. l million in the aecond quarter from $539.5 million In comparable quarter of 1981. Net income was $33.1 million, or 97 centa per share, vs. $38.:5 million, or $1.13 per share, in the second quarter of 1981. Thia year's 8e00nd-quarter results benefited from inclusion of an 8 cents per ahare gain on the sale of a 50 percent interest in the company's Long Beach cable system. First-half nel income totaled $53.3 million. or $1.56 per share. against $64.5 million, or $1.89 per share, in 1981. Resulta were also enhanced by a 21-<:ents-per-.ahare gain on the sale of real estate posted in the first quarter. Times Mirror publishes the Los Angeles Times, NeW9day, Dallas Times-Herald, Denver Post, Sporting News, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, Hartford Courant a.M two other papers in Connecticut and has newsprint, broadcast and other companies. Baker earnings level i , , • j Bak.er International Corp. of Orange said earnings for the three months ended June 30 were 92 cents J>ef' sh.are, equal to the amount reported a year ago. Revenues for the quarter were $672.96 million, or $596.46 million without the recent Envirotech I acquiaition, compared to $559.3 million in the 1 year earlier period, an l.ncreaae of 20.3 perunt. Revenues for the nine months ended June 30 were $1,975.86 mllllon, up 30 percent from the $1,- 521.04 million reported last year. Earnings per ah.ate for the nine months were up 32 percent: $3.06 vs. $2.32. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT l!llEW YORIC (Apt. ....... -...... -.... cN-of .. ''""" "'°'' •d• ... -YOl'k SIO<k EJC"-• ~-'· i:.-,. ,,_,., .c mor• ,...., $1 --Qi t11,10D JD , ., SooA,.,11 eo ~.1m ., .. • eu-.... 3GD :lllh .. AnWrTU UD.•OD si• ... .. cM'lonl S10,Am ~ '. °"'Molon .... •m ~ .. e..11\Q "1,10D ""' .. TNollol qi,,1m ... 1. ........ .,1,10D , .. ......,, .. G ,7(1) JI . " Otf> El« C1111GO ~ I lllM J9'MOD 161tt .. 'MIC.ON4 »1,1m ... ... Otll.ilfrt ' 316,J(I) JI ''-SlllClllCM m em .,,, .. AMERICAN LEADERS Nf\11 YORK (AP)-S•I••. W•O price ~~ ... "r~' ·~.:::!:' .~-: ~naU-lty art more I...., $1 ~~ ' ~~ >,-:._ ~ ~! ~~9 Kll,om II -"' ... sm 'D .. ... rol.H .,~ •... -...0• .. ,~ • 1116 I 1' "°"""" wtC .~ 1·~ .... ~ eo,sm "'• , ~K J0,70D ., .. ... llllA '11,J(D " .. I• ... UPS AND DOWNS DOW JONES AVERAGES Nrw YOAIC(Afll FlnaJ 0-.JonH •119' ll:r WM Jul H nooc.s II ,,., °=' :r. '-c-<>t JD el ..... ,_., tll ,,_ lO .. 1D Tm JIUJ JIUS 1DUl D OO-J .. IS Utt 10< 2' 104 '° !OZ. t f ICI fS ~ 1 M 615 SC• Jlf.1J JIUt io. 1• >11 ,._ f CM '"""' •••• 600 TrM 1 n'to0 I.Ail' ..,,100 16 Sltl 1,011,JOO WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YOl!IC f"'PI Jul 11 Pre• ._,. o~ ,..,.-., 111 llKllntel 1n1 .. U\(:NllQOCI )IJ OS Toe.ti Is~ .. , .... ..... hilt'\ 13 u ..... ,_ 111 ,, WH'°f Alii'(ll ()I() NEW YOlllC IAP) Jul 1t ~ .. ._, ~r • ,..,._., Ill Otd ..,., •U 191 UI~ DI :zm Talel la.., 7lJ 101 Nlw IMcti• • " ........ "" '° 1• METALS 1 NEW YOAK (AP) -Spot nonlerrOUI ,,,...,_w __ ..,. c...-7~ 711 centt • pound, US. destlMtlona lb LMd 26-29 centt • pound. DM 37-40 cent1 1 pound. OellYw'ed. Tift $e 0055 Met ... W .. ~ """""''"" 711-77 oentl I pound, N Y Meroury 1370 00 per ftMlt ~ sm.oo troY oi.. N.Y SILVER ......... , Hendy l Hertnen, 17.305 pet troy OUl!Qt, GOLD QUOTATIONS - t • t I Huntln,ton Beech plannera ·haw propoeed a redevelopment ~ f(ll' the•-.llria downtown that ~ t>Unatnj ~ntivet for klnn1 hilh-rlse 1truc:tu~e1 to alJOW open •pace at sround lovel for landlcaplng and fnland views to the tea. Basically. the P!"Opoeal would lfl!ftt clevelopen addjtional aquare feet in their bulldln•• lf they con.truct tall, thin ttructw'e9 near the pier tn a lbc-atrftt coutal stretch one block inland of Padf lc Cout Highway. City 4fficials uy they expect the plan to be oppoeed by a group of residenc. who for years ha'le been wa9inJ a running battle aaalnat various proposals for high·ri8e buildlnp in Huntington BNch. But perhaps a look at recent history in neighboring Newport Beach would soften the group's opposition. In the 1960s, Newport Beach resid~w "8lto opposed -planned high-rise buildlnp on a coastal ~ Winning teamwprk· . . Huntington Beach officials are considering a plan to develop the first money-making park in the city. The proposal, already in progress. also would benefit the community and high school district. Officials of the city and the Huntington Beach Union High School District are moving ahead With the plan to jointly develop the $900,000, 12-acre community park, adjacent to Huntington Beach High School. The dty will use about $600,- 000 from developer fees and the school district will use about $300,000 from a previous land sale to pay for the park. The facility will have two S-Oftball fields, two outdoor basketball courts, two grass volleyball eourts, a soccer field, a picnic a-rea and playground equipment. The school district, which owns five acres (the city owns the other s_even) .. has agreed toa maintain the park in return for getting use of the playing fields for physical educailori eta••· On Week8ftd1 •1'~ during non-school hours, the park fields will be open to the public and probably will ~ used several night• a week by community sports teasues. To make the 1>Wk a money- maker, ci\y•olficiah are considetlng a 35-~ear leaaa agreement With ' l)ttvat4 firm that would -build W·$200,000, indoor racquetball facility. The city would get a percentage of the facility's proceeds . That percen~ ~d amount co more than $12,000 annually for~ dty. The higtr ilbrK>ol, whk:h haa a growing student population, al.lo would get free u•e of · the racquetball courts for physical education cla11e1. Ra<.-quetbaD '8 a _popular apott with a large following and probably would a}M) <et heavy use from local rep<tenta. - Thia proposed joint effort mergin& dty. tcbooLand pri'Ate business, seems U> make all three winners . Senior prograni special . It was noted here last week that the Fountain Valley Seniors organization may acquire some long overdue meeting space when a n ew senior citizen residence building is constructed . Completion of that project, however, may be two years away. Meanwhile, the club has a mo.re pressing concern: City of fidals are considering charging them a fee to offset the costs associated with the organization's twice weekly use of a meeting room at the Fountain Valley Recreation Center at Mile Square Park. The seniors now pay no rent and receive $21~ each month from the city far their program . Fountain Valley officials say the program costs the city $11,097 annually. The city Parka and Recreation Department has recommended the pro1ram be made financfally self-sustaining. Last week, more than 100 senior cittzen1 attended a City Council IJlt!eUna to protest any 1mpo9itlon of fees. They sald older , retldents cannot afford higher membenhip ~. The council f.aca a dilemma. IJecaUle recreation program1 have been auch a drain on Fountain vane,·. dwtncWna l"elOW'CeS, c1iy leederl in recent )'eal'I havf been l t Budget balaileing hypocrisy WASHING TON -Pretiden'" Beagan ahattered the laat of my Wuaiona when he traveled up PennaylvanJa Awnue to cheer and be cheered at a ra1ty CID the atepa of the Capitol to promot• a conatltutional amendment mandadng a balanced fedenl budget. "RUNAWAY GOVERNMJ!:NT threatens our economic aurvtval, our tnolJt chertahed iMUtuUona and the very preeervation of freedom iiaelt," aaid \he man who has f~ a budget that may be out o balance by a record one-quarter of a trillton dollan. "The American people," he said, ".have had it. They are aayi n1 ·Enotagh.· '' True. I have had It. Enough, I aay. "No army on earth can s1op an idea whole time has oocne,·· ~ told the 10,000 ~ple tranaPOl1ed to the C.aptt.ol !'~~~~ ~ational Con)mittee. "Belanclng the b~ is a little like protecting your virtue,' he said, building toward the chucK.le line. "You have to learn to say no ... This from the president who not only can't say "No" to the Peniaaon, but ta actually giving the generals arid admitala more than f 10 bfWon more than the $206 bllllon "wiah Utt.'' they aked for in the 1982-83 budget. 'I'h1I tl"Odl-ihe president w~, wtiatever be really belieYa. does not have the politieal courage to deal with cuts, cap• or moderation in ,. 111:1111111111 t apendJng for middle--clau entitlement pro1rarM -moat s~Uically and bnportantl~ 8'cudty. BcnaJd w~ he'• cai-ble of aa)'tng to u.Md-11' Republicans, I.a incapable of baL6ncln1 the federal budlet-Hi. problem ta that there la not enou&)\ money in t.he budget for poor people: no matwr ho9' much he cuts frotn Wllfatt and endtlement programs fot the ""'-dul• it won't be enough to make up fOr hla milltazpending increMe9 arti the middle welfare he now realizes cannot be cut without resulting in the defeat of Republican candidates aroudd the COW\ try. The White Home's defelllle Is offense, and offensive: to call for a balanced budget and attack runaway 1ovemment. With luck, no one will realize that President R«gan I.a in charse of that government. SOME REPUBLICANS, It must be admitted, do recogniz.e that there may be IOJlle political risks in demagogy of thia order. "We anticipate atorlea about hypocriay," said one ~publican Senate's aide at the Capitol lie-in. Well, t,hls is a story about bypocrlay. It ii about the gall of the biggest deficit 'J>ender in American history attacking deficit spending. (t is abo about conde9Cension. One of President Reagan's more outrageous lines waa his proclamation that he's really doing this -spending more and deceiving more -to protect my children from devtla in Washington. "How CaJl families and family values flourish," he said, "when big government, with its power to tax, infla~ and regula~. baa absorbed their wealth. uaurped their ri(Chls and too often crushed their spint?' My spi.nt is fine. Hut my patience is crushed by the cynicism of politicians who take the rest of us for fools. Our school children deserve better To the F.di tor: nu. is an open letter to your reeden tell1na them how they can help the IChool children in their commwUty. In the recently ~ state budfet, publJc tchoola receiwd a zero increa. in funding. In effect, due to the exJ)efted rate of inflation. that means a lift to seven percent cut in procrams and tervices on top of thoae that have already been dropped or curtailed becau.e of Propomdc:Jn 13. Many 9Choola will have fewa-oounes in re.ding, writing, hJcber math, foreign ~ the arts. vocational education -you name it. Dmcouraced veteran teachers. who can get h1gber wqes in bUlinea and industry, will leave the ci...room. Thia will contribute to our powing teacher ahonage. etpedally in math, the aclences, vocational. aped.al and bilingual education. Some .:hool dlatricts may go banknapt and have to cloee the IChoola before the 8Chool y..-r is completed. MAILBOX and will come up for vote ln the Allembly in AIJi'dt. Thia means K-5 students in F.V. DllU1ct dlaplaced by opentna Talbert M)ddle School may be bu..cl at parenta' expeme. Parenta have not beea lnfonned of tl1la by the cSiatrict and iM board of tzwtee baa not even acead1led this ~. 'building, we have never complained ,about the Recreation BuildiJla in Mile Square Park as not being adequa~ for the. seniors. That statement in your pgper ahoutd be retracted. l\l you kn6w, lt was stated at the council ~ting that an average of about 150 people uae the room, and it is rorutruc1ed to hold 200 people. The seniors are not complainers. they are deers. FLORENCE BURKE Leasehold risks To the Editor: We are very concerned that a major aspect of this Bolsa ChJca Marshlands development haa not been diacuaed. Signal Landmark la pJannina to build residential units on leHehold land. Homeowners throu1hout the area (Newport Beach, Huntlngtoh Beach, c.o.ta Mesa, Fountaih Valley,~) have found themaelvea in very lll!rioua trouble because of leasehold problems. Unreallatic lease payment increases, u.nreallltlc land valuatiqna, ldll of home marketability, inability to find flrat mortpp lendera, inability to refinance leCOhd mo11gage1 and other leuehold- related problem.. have led to people being forced from their home. by foreclOIUre, inability to react becau.e of fixed l.ncomes, or fear. SIGNAL LANDMARK themaelves have created exactly t.beee problems by their handllna of leaaeholds In the Newport Shore• community. Stfnal Landmark has ahown no deeire to -.i lewholden or for that matter, to~ dlacu• the problem. Thelr attitude C811alnly does not bode well for future Bolaa Chica Signal leueholdera. We •"'18 .. l that the Coutal Commlllilon eXlmine Yef"Y cwefully all the modYel of a c~,.pany that would propoee --~c:perty ioday. W• the ....... involved with 8olim a.a. are complex,~. the 101i1 term ...,ecw lnclucllnc how Slpal ~rk dee.11wtth11.1 leUeho~ an ~ Clllllldera~Qt.AS A. TUlUo:R ~of 408. N~ ~ . . I • . I llllll ~ol ll\" llJI v .·•1 1•111: <llU\N(1l<O lJNIY (Alll OllNll\ i!>CENI S Mesan's Mexico death disputed Brother rebuts suicide claim; family airs concern • By JODI CADENHEAD Of-.Dllr ......... Three days after Randall'• body was found by children, the body of John Milla, 34, of Santa Monica, was dillcovered ln a river a mile away. epent et1ht daye ln Mexico aeek.l.na an anawer 10 Randall'• death. Ebert laid he believes the aiz.e of the bullet hole ln h.la brother's Randall, a 1974 graduate of UC Randall Ebert loved Mexico, where vacationln1 wu cheap Not one to travel the bfften path, the dark-haired Coeta Mesan, 30, often headed for the smaller ·towns near Mazatlan, speaking the language he had learned well. But last trip he apparently strayed too far. His decomposed body was found June 8 in a Mexican jungle near San Blas, a small ooastal town known for its surfing. San Blas la 160 miles south of Maz.atlan. "It's a fa ct EYer yo n e murder ." that it 's not a suicide. we t a l ked to f eel it 's Irvine, went into a window. cleaning buainea with Tlm and a cloee friend. A health CONdoua weight lifter, Randall wu not Involved with drup and rarely drank. aa:ordlng to hla famJly. Tim believes his brother wu camplne in the jungle and probably stumbled upon whatever was happening to Milla. By STEVE MITCHELL oru.. Dtllr ,... .. .,. It took a steep rent increaae OI) a leued parking lot in Lagu"' Beach to convince city officiala to study future parking need• tn the t.raf(ic-choked town. Mexican authorities labeled the death a suicide. A small .25 caliber handgun belongong to Ebert was found nearby . according to Michael Oreste, ap6kesman for the United States Consulate office in Mazatlan. But Randall's brother, Tim, believes different. "It's a fact that it's not suicide," said Tim. "He wasn't that kind of person. Everyone we've talked to feel it's murder.' D9117,......, ....... GOOD JOB -Gov. Edmund G . Brown Jr. commends employees of Irvine 's ASTECH firm al ceremonies honoring the company for excellence in shipbuilding. Stt>ry Page A8. AirCal vows to 'match' lower fares Officials at Newport Beach- based A1rCal said today the carrier will match lower fares on Southern California-San Francisco bay area routes announced Wednesday by rival Pacific Southwest Airlines. PSA, in a move that caught industry competitors hke Air<:al by surprise, announced it was cutting its regular one-way fare on the routes U> $45 from $69. The new fares are effective Tuesday. (Related story Page A8). Air<:al immediately responded by matching the new PSA fare on routes on which the two carriers directly compete, such as Orange County-San Francisco and Los Angeles-San Joee. AlrCal also announced that it is dropping advance pu rchase requirements for dl8count fares on other routes in ibl five-state route system. Lower fares on (See AIR. CAL, P a1e Al) NATION Create, contacted at his Mazatlan office, confirmed that Mills' skuU had been cracked. A 60-pound rock had apparently been tied around Mills' neck, Oreste said on Tuesday. "On several occasions we've asked for a full inveaugauon inU> these deaths," he said. The vice-consulate declined to comment on how cooperative Mexican authorities have been. Tim Ebert said he didn't learn of ht5 brother's death until July 8. He and his father, George and brother-an-law William Abbott, License granted to Onofre The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has granted a full- power license for operation of Urut 2 at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station The NRC decision, which came late Wednesday tn Washmgwn, D.C .. means Southern California Edison Co. may begin scaling its second reactor up to full power. with fuU operation of the 1.1 mlllaon kilowatt reactor possible by the end of the year Edison, wtuch owns 80 percent of the nuclear plant three miles south of San Clemente, says Unit 2 wiU produce enough electricity to provide power to 500,000 homes when it is at peak production. A twin reactor, Unit 3. 15 still under construction with completion expected next year. The power station alao has a smaller, 456,000-kilowatt reactor that was constructed in 1968. Ediaon began low-power testing on Unit 2 earlier this week, despite attempts by opponents to ob\aln an injunction halting the tests. Those tests, in which the new reactor is operated at between 1 and 5 percent capacity, will continue through the fall, an Edison spokesman said. Meanwhile, opponent3 of the power plant say they still have an appeal of the licensing of Unit 2 pending before the col'Nlliaion. They argue the plant could not withstand an earthquake, and they say an adequate public safety and evacuation plan has not been prepared in the event of an accident at the nuclear station. Stolen aircr a ft parts for Libya ? BURBANK (AP) -An estimated $100.000 in stolen aircraft parts may have been headed for Libya, po11ce say. The parts were taken from Mena9CO Inc .. a division of Colt Industries, and s1m1lar parts turned up at Tem-c.om Corp., a Chicago brokerage firm. Two officers of Tern -Com were indicted last week for allegedly making illegal s hipments of aircraft parts to Libya. Balance d budget plan blasted The call for a balanced budget amendment by the biggest deficit spender in the nation's history ls rank hypocrisy, says columnist Richard Reeves. Page AlO. 'Borderblaster' r evs up Llstenen around the nation will soon be able to tune to the old "borderblaater10 radio station, XERF, whlch i1 rebuilding its m ammoth 2~0.000-watt transmitter near Del Rio, Texas. Pa1e ~· Crash lcills 4 executives HEADFORD, Ireland (AP) -A heUcopter carryln• four executlve1 of The Charter Co. of Jaicbonvtlle, Fla. cnthed ln early mamLna fOI near the w• oout of Ireland today, ~au aboard, police aid. skull could not have been made by a .25 caliber handgun. The gunshot wound was on the right of the skull and Randall, was left handed, Tim claims. "I don't care who killed Randy," Tim said. ''I'm looking for juatice. I just want U> keep peole from going there. There's no reason to go down there and have families worry." The Costa Mesa family stressed that Randall loved Mexico and that they don't believe the entire country is cnme ridden or danjterous. Randall had left Colta Mesa May 18. A United State government offlciAl, who asked not to be identified, said, "For tourists who are traveling in resort areas it's not dangerous. But for people who stray off the beaten path there's an element of nsk." U.S. officials are coruidenng warning Americans to avoid Highway 15, on which Ebert and Mills were reportedly traveling. The road has been the center of controversy !Un<.-e a University of Colorado professor, Nicholas (See MEXICO, Page AZ) I N HAPP Y TIME -Randall Ebert is pictured during a happy time in Costa Mesa. He was found slain after exploring a jungle area tn a remote section of Mext<:o The reault: A $5,000 plan fron1 a consultant that recommends a 3 1h -story parking structure bf constructed on the city-owned Glenneyre Street parking lot Laguna Beach currently operates seven parking lots m tht downtown sector. of what'h four are leased to the l aty by landowners Earlier thts year, a Pasadena bank which owns a 28-space lot on Ocean Avenue negottated a rent increase with the c.·aty that will see Laguna paying S30,360 per year for the lot 1JUtcad of the $6.000 current annual f~ And, sanCE' leases on tht> other three privately owned loL-. expire within the next five years, the Caty Council quickly formed a parking committee to explore means of expanding Laguna's parking inventory. The co mm1tt t•e hired International Parktng Design. Inc. of Shem'8n Oaks to study the Glenneyre lot (betwel'n Laguna Avenue and Legion Street) as a potential sate.> for a parking structure. That city-owned parcel currently has a capacity for 92 vehicles on the asphalt lot. which has a frontage of 325 feet on Glenneyre Street The consultant 's rt•port outlines three alt.emallves. but recommends a concept tha\ would be a 3 'h-story structuN' that could accommodate up to 334 vehicles. Included m that plan is spacr for about 4,800 squatt feet al commercial space fronting on Glenneyre. Were the commemal space elimmated from the plan. another 13 parking spaces could rep~tt. The report suggests the structure should contain parkutt meters which . af rate'> were raised to 30 cents per hour .. would mean the city l'OUld receive about $17.700 m monthly revenues. l SKY WRITING SQUADRON -These vintage Navy trainer planes "typed" the Miller Time message you may have seen overhead CWty not ....._ D1 LM ,.,_ Wednesday. "We've had no crashes. just a few typos," the c:ommander says. See related photos, Page Bl. 0<> ll est 1 mot tea for t h • consultant's ~mmended plad amount to $2.3 million. But i( the commercial shell were deleted, the cost would drop to $2. lf m111ion. the report says. • Artists have heads In clouds Laguna Beach currently has about $1 million m ats parkin& authority fund. the majority raised from met.er n•venu~ and from parking fees imposed od developers Six pre-wa r planes provide sig natur es in the s ky By PAMELA STEINRIEDE « tM o..., Not atd The voice from the air traffic controller's tower at John Wayne Airport Wednesday afternoon wanted U> know. "Is that World War n leaving us on the right?" Cypress. commander of the Miller Brewing Company's West Coast skytyping squadron. According to Stirus. the two- sea te r. s angle-engane SNJ-2 planes were used to tram nearly every mahtary pUol dunng World War II Although 59 were orhttnally constructed. only a (See COAST, Page A%) Assistant Caty Manafer Terrj Brandt said the other 1 m1lhon necessary to build such a parking structure could come from a bond (See LAGUNA, Pa«ie A!) As that voice crackled over the air. the departing flight consisted of six SNJ-2 Navy trainer planes built In 1940. Weather plods on and on • • • Unlike during the air battles assigned to them in the past, the pilots' mui.~ion on this sortie was t o perform the art of computerized skytyping. A "billboard in the sky'' 1,000 feet high by six to eight miles long is created by the automatic emiasion of smoke-like. non- poUutmg vapor from each plane's exhaust, released when a computer transmitter activates receivers in the planes. "It's really a aclence and you have to be an artist to do these things," said Greg Stlnis of COUNTY Today's weather 1s a summer rerun of Wednesday, and Friday bodes no differently. weather forecasters report. &echgoers along the Orange Coast basked under sunny skies as highs ranged from 75 degrees at the sand to 86 inland Low temperatures are expected to range from 64 degrees at the beaches tonight to 65 inland, according co• a spokeswoman for the National Weather Service. There is a chance of low clouds late tonight and early Fradav Saturday is the deadline the state of California has set for Crystal Cove residents to vacate their seaside cottag~. But a survey shows no one plans to move. Page ~. Commuter airline ready to fly He is only 27 but Leo Suglio is rarin' to ~ as his firm inaugurates commuter airline 1ervict Sunday from John W ayne Airport to Loi A n geles International Airport. Pace A6. Newport politics beat up The Newport Beach Qty Councll election isn't until November, but already there'• a campaign between pro-p wthetJ and the alow growthera. Page Bl.· Trailer tenants aided The city of Newport Beach hu come to the l9CUe of a aroup of mo~ home ~ tenanta by ptotectlna their JiOOlna. P• 88. morrung along the coast, she said. Friday's weather s h ould mirror today's. Weather conditions are being controlled by a ndge of high pressure that remains fixed off the coast in a typical summer configuration, the spokeswoman explained. The coast will continue to be spared smoggy conditions prevalent elsewhere, acoording to officials of the South Coast Afr Quality Management Distnct. AJr quality in the La Habra- INDEX Santa Ana Canyon was reported unhealthful today for sensitive people but good over the remainder of the county. Beach crowds ranged Crom 70 - 000 at Newport B e ach Wednesday to a sbghtly smallet than usual 20,000 at Laguna Beach, lifeguards reported. Huntington State Beach had 18.- 000 sunbathers Wedne9day. Light winds and small surf kept ocean rescues fewer than normal, lifeguards reported. At Your Service A4 Ann Landers 82 Erma Bombeck B2 Moviel 83-4 Business A8-9 Mutual -Fund.a AS CaUfomia AS National News A3 Cavalcade B2 Public Notices C4,C»-7 Clulifled C7-l:t Sports Cl-4 Comics ~ Dr. St.elncrohn B2 Cro.wo.rd ~ Stock Marketa A9 Deeth Not.Ices C4 Televiaion B& Edlton.l AlO Theat.en 83-4 Ent.er\l.lrvnent 83-4 Wee\Mr A2 Hor<*Ope 82 World Newa A3 SPORTS '13' lucky again for Anseh The ~la feuted on A'a pit.china en route '° a 13-1 romp at AMhelJn Stailium. Pale Cl. . • FAMILY FIGHT -Continuing the tradition of 19 summers of intramural competition among Disneyland employees •. two of the top teams in today's 19th Annual Canoe Race Fmals splatter the water of Frontierland's Rivers of America all over each other in the spirited contest held each year on the tr~ selected day early" in the morning prior to the park's openi!"'g r • 0.-, ll'llot "'°'° bf L..e ,..,... to paid visitors. Winning this morning's compelltlon was the team called Entertainment 1 (left) from Disneyland's entertainment division. Top women's division team was the Sophisticated Ladies (right) from Tomorrowland. Winning time for the %-mile run by the 10-member team paddling the 1.800-pound fiber~lass canoe was four minutes, 9.63 seconds. ') udge denies using home ploy ... ~~Joanne Harrold testifies to intention to live in county 11• By DA VJD KUTZMANN • ' 9f ... Delly "'°' lleff ,.., West Orange County •1 •Murucipal Court Judge Joanne • JHarrold tesuf1ed Wednesday that ·'..it was never her 1filenllon to hve 1 in a $2 million ho& in Newport ,, Beach JUSt long enough to •.t!!Stablish legal residency and ~ then move back to Riverside , -£aunty after the June 8 el(.'('llon ·, "That property had always .. been promised to me," Judge .•Harrold said. denying aMertions that she planned to deed back the house to her grandmother after 1 the election 1 Though Harrold won a ·, decisive victory at the polls. her ,. principal challenger Santa : Ana attorney Dan Charles : · Dutcher hied suit last month l-' rontestmg the election results ., lbealuse he claimed she waa not a .I ~egal resident of Orange County. " . Judge Harrold has insisted. • both during and after the 0 election, that she always 1ud1c1aJ candidate be a resident of the county in which he or she 18 running for at least 54 days before the election. Judge Harrold testd1ed Monday that sh~ began the process of moving into the New port Beach house last November after her grandmother. Arlyne Lansdale of Westminster signed a quit- claim deed purportedly turning the residence over to her. However, unoer questtonmg by Dutcher's attorney, Judge Harrold admitted that the Nov. 30. 1981. date on the deed wu not the actual date that her grandmother signed the dOCUrllenL The signing took place sometime this year, she said. ' The deed was recorded in turned over the keys to the res1dence of her granddaughter. "I did exactly what she told me to do," the judge said, acknowfed·ging that she now knows It was a breach of the law to put a date on a deed that ls incorrect On Wednesday, flniShing her third day of testimony in the case. the JUdge said she only slept "several llmes" in the Newport house in December and not at all in January. She lived In her Riverside home with her husband and children during thtS period. She 1a1d ahe moved in m either late February or March, after extensive repairs had been made to the Lido Isle home. Harrold denied that &he ~ht to have her grandmother aign the house over to her when she first d!X'Overed t~t Dutcher planned to make her retidency status an 1~ue in the campaign. , considered herself a legal 1, resident of Orange County. even 1 though she has lived m R1ve~1de at various times since 1905. Election rodes require that a • Orange County on May 17 of thts year The judge denied that the deed had been "backdated" to Nov. 30 even though the notar, · s seal says the deed was signed on that date. The judge said th .: grandmother wanted the date r1n the deed to reflect when shP She said she filed a declaration ' ot candidacy on Feb. 23 m which .:)he lisi.ed the Lido Isle home as her rcsidence Fair and· -warm .. Coastal OY« out., ••ter1 trom Po.nc 11' 'conception 10 Sen NICOies 111enc1 J' 1 nott~t wtnd1 10 to 18 knota ; , with 4 to 8 toot -OY9f Inner _,.,, light verleble wlndl -t to 1outhwu1 10 to 15 knoll afternoon end eveni ng Southwul 1well1 1 to 2 IHt Mostly 9UN'Y eltemoon U.S. suniniary Thur.der11orm1 reach.cl tram the Rockies to the Ata.ntlc Coat today. with h!Qh Wlndl Ind MeYy r.an that '6UMO lloocllng In -.,._ Two death• -• reported In Phlledelphla, where 1 boy and an electric company lineman died aft« coming Into contact with a puddle Into which • downed power line had 1141en Showera .1nd thunderatorma 1110 -e reported .iong the Gutl CO..I. In Hltetn Nonh OllllOie Md pert• of Mlnneeota. Flooding wae r9PQrtad In nonh41fn Vteh. Sllltie -• c;le6r oY9f the OttlO Valley, the Greet Lak• end much of Cellfomla SklN -e p1r1ly Cloudy oY9f moat of lhe reel ol the l\llllOn A aevere wlndllorm hll Neugetuck, Conn. on Wedneedey night, dameglng et ,..., _..,, homM. A 11\'1.i! tornado wM repof"ted In Jemettown, N V , uprooting ,,_ Md damlQlnQ bulldlnge, the Nellonel w1-•ther S•rvlce ,..,arted The forecHt tor todey end Friday called for ehowera end thund9tllonM from the IOUthem AttenUC Coeel, lllf'ough Che lower half of IM M1111111~~ v~ 10 vie ..-em hlllf of the Piel.-, region. ~ -. upected ~ nor1hem Miine, with llUMY to perUy aunny lll1-llM .._. 8o11eu lrom POlnt Concepllon to the Mexican bofOtlf can expect 1io111. varleble wtn<la during nlgtit and morning h6ura. becoming sout"-t.,iy at 10 to 18 knou Friday elternoon •ltt• • I· to :1-1001 IO\lth-tllfly swell Wlnclt lhOuld be n<><1"-letly et 10 to I a 1<0011 wt th 3-to :>-loot 1e•• farther then 60 mlle1 oltlhe>te from the point co Sen NICOiea lllan<I Teniperatures NATION Albany Alt>uque Amertllo ~ Auenca AUentc Cly Austin Baltlm<>fe BllinOt Blrmtnghm Bltmet<* 8olM eo.ton BrownlYlle ButtelO Burllng1on Cuper Chemtn SC Charlttn WV Charlll• NC Cheyenne Chlcego Cincinnati Ci.v.tand Clmble SC COluml>u9 Del-Ft Wlh Oeyton Denver Dee Moin. Oelrott Duluth El Puo Feroo Flegetan ar-1 Fan. Hertford HI Lo ~ 75 81 .60 90 85 83 87 M 65 t.32 92 72 77 82 101 n 88 82 .13 82 82 1M 73 81 se 80 61 74 ee se 97 77 72 57 11 ee 61 1.20 75 57 11 92 79 M 80 92 112 72 84 55 1 17 79 57 85 81 77 53 113 73 04 81 se " 80 a3 58 01 78 58 .211 83 ee 11 5e 7S 82 .20 95 72 82 58 .02 74 51 ae 53 71 84 .27 -.... w .... ,.. .. 5<-<-<I' ...0411 VS :>el>I O' C~'·" Fronts Cold .,_. Warm .... ·~ 81 HonOlulu 89 Houteon 85 lndl\lc)lil ... J9Cken MS ae JeckllW!le 96 ~ 81 Kana City 85 Knol!Yllte 90 Lu Veges 101 Little ROCk 82 Loullvllle 82 LubbOck 82 Memphl• 93 Miami 85 Mllweuk.. 74 M911-St.P 87 Neehvllle 90 New ()rle8il1 112 New v °"' 8-4 Nortota 93 No. Platte 82 Olda city 83 Omef\a 83 Ortendo llO Phledphle 80 Ptloenlll lot F'tltlburgfl 79 CAU'OMU Bek.-Sllllld 103 ~ tot se 76 eo 63 73 32 75 60 83 70 16 78 72 01 88 .14 88 711 81 20 55 70 72 (µ 17 65 181 74 17 8' 20 71 84 97 75 ea oe Ill 62 .39 I tem~uru eround the NllOn o-i rwlQad ffom ...a In ~. llllnn., to 95 In Ptloenbl. I•'------------------- lfii\;. ~ .. \ .... ,_iiiltllill•-. ......................... .... SURf REPORT !! . California ~°" 8tu1fe The HMloMI W•ther SeMoe Huntington Pier ptedlatl a hOC tun11Y Friday fOf Santa Ma Riv. Jelty 8cMMr"ll ~ °"°' ..-nlng 40th 81. N9wpor1 ~ dOllde clW. TN o-ni 22nd 81. Hewi>ort V*'t n ...-m MOlt¥9 OOUICI -"'* Wedge a:J,9" •ft•rnoon or evtnlng fltooli~ I ~w. "°"' N In Loi =: .. ~to llln in.d.,..... .... ~ , trOfll 11 to " In 1t1011nt1lne. Doheny IMdl between H and 10I In Ill• Ian Cfelnente Pl« , ,..,,._.,. ._.., end from 109 to TratllO*r . '1111........... (T·firwc) T_...'yowe .,. hlf•ut 0otton·1 ~ .,_., .... ....,l..oe~ T,..... to 94 ~ .. ~ ..-..n IO Ian Onofte ::-.~r.-ro airs:::~ :=. 1-l fl t-3" 1-3 ft 14 ft 1·2 ft 1-a ft 2 ft I ft t ft 1 ft 1·2" 1ft ·~ r-.. 96 .. .,. .. M .. t7 07 17 " .. .., . ., .. • • Eur911a 81 53 FrMnO 102 73 Lancnt9f 100 79 Mary9v111e 101 Monterey 82 Needltie 108 Oakland 74 55 Puo Rob!M 103 eo R4Kl e1vn 102 61 Redwood City 82 55 Rer'O 112 56 Secremento 115 511 S•llnu ee 48 S1nt• Barbera 78 58 Santa Marla 73 Stockton 118 83 TMrmal IOll Ukiah 117 Beratow 101 78 Big BMr 78 48 Bletlop 117 58 Cataline 76 t2 Lake Arr~ 82 65 Long e.ec:tl llO 97 Ml Wlleon as .. Newpor1 8Mdl 75 ... OncerlO 113 ... Palnl 9'1nngt 110 7t PaMClena 111 t6 Sen a.m.rdlno " ee sen JON .. 641 Senla ~ 87 16 Tlfloe V..., 82 .. Smog ~ .• Where to oall (toll frM) for 19t~~.::;:44Wnt LOt ~nttlH Count~: (SOOI 242...-022 AMrtldl Md 8fll'I ltmetdlnO countlllt: (800) atf.,.710 AOMO Epleode Oentr. (800) 242 .... From Page A1 FARES • • • some otner :-outes also were announced. Like PSA, AU'Cal 18 offering in August free passage to children between the ages of 2 to 11 who tly with a paying 11dult over the age of 21. That move as designed to boost discretionary, or non- business travel. Said AirCaJ's Mark Peterson of the PSA move . "l think generally it caught everyone by aurprise. But 1t would be an overstatement to say we were caught on guard." Meanwhile. Charlyne Shirek, chief of the Travel Adventures Lravel agency en Newport Beach. said today the new fare changes will only add mnfuaion to an already confused situation She said many agent.a were selling tickets in advance of Sunday. expectinai an Aug 1 fare increase Just thl' o pposite occurred Travel agents rect>1ve 10 percent of the jice for each ticket they sel Customers. however, pay no add1uona1 pnce for buying a ucket through an agent. From f'age A 1 COAST. • • doz.en now remain. The other SLX are utilized by the F.ast Coast Miller squadron in Flushing, N.Y. As the planes soar 10,000 feet in the sky, the pilots execute their typing duties while in the traditional mllltary V-formation. Ex-Marine and World War Il and Korean War veteran, Don Brennan of Laguna Niguel. has been with the crew for 25 years, and calls the formation flying "demanding." He added. "You cannot be relaxed." Stirus said, "You have got to be good to survive up there," adding, "we have had no crashes, just a few typos." The computeriud system used by the team aa credited with keeping the spell.tng mi.!atakes to a minimum. Stinas' father, Andy Stinis, created the skytypi~ technique whm he became frustrated as a single-plane typer for Pepsi-Col~ in the. 1930s. "The messages would fade before he finished." said the younger Stinia. "That's when he came up with the Idea of doing it with multiple planes." The five-plane operation (the sixth la Wied only when another has malfunctioned) la 17 timea faster than that of a solo plane. To be sure, the fonner fighting men all asree thelr task la fun, and consk:lerably dUferent from the uaianmenta they faced at Okinawa Korea an<S the Marehall lalanda . .8ut even General MacArthur probably would be lmereued with the mila1onl they Qy today. From Page A., LAGUNA. • • • • position mystery By Tlat Ataoclattd Pr"' PaleaUnian 1uerrilla1 fired • mortar 11\elll at laruU poliUona tn Bet.rut today, but llrMl aUU wu oblervinf the latett ceue· flre, the Te Avtv command rePQrted. Meanwhile, Pale1tlne Liberation Orsanlutlon chlef Y uaer Arafat refuaed comment on a new drive to set him to ltate unequivocally that he and hJ.a suerrilW will leave Lebenon. The Tel Aviv command aaid the suerrillas started 1helUn1 laraell positions near Beirut'• international alrr.rt around !) a .m . PDT, an araell army 1pokesman said. "Israeli aoldiera received strict orders to hold their fire and are Intensively pbserving the terrortsts' movementa," he said. Arafat, wearing military fatigues with a pistol on hill hip and a de.ert cap on hLS head. talked briefly with reporters m west Beirut after meetir1g with former Prime Minister Saeb Salam, who has been the key go-between in talks with Lebanese officials and U S presidential envoy Philip C. Habib. Asked about Habib's reported promise to Israeli PrlfTle Mani5ter' Menachem Begin to let Israel know by Friday whether th(' PLO would leave Beirut peacefully. Arafat saJd, ··1 did not receive any official proposah, Crom Mr. Habib . . . I haw to deal officially with h1i. excellency, not you (reporters)" Salam said befort' meeting with Arafat that the PLO has repeatedly &aid it wanted to leave Beirut peacefully. "but 1t has to be arranged where to go, how to go. and it must be ued up with the international force coming m. all that has to be scheduled That's not in their hands." Arab countries have refused to take the estimated 8,000 guerrillas en rnasse, and off1c1als of the Arab League, Saudi Arabia. Kuwait, Syria, Lebanon. Algeria and the PLO were· meeting in Jidda. Saudi Arabia, today to discuss ways to c'Ombat Israel's nearly eight-wt'ek -old invasion. The Uruted States has refused to agree to have its portion of the mternatJonal force move into the city before most of the guerrillas leave for fear American troops would become involved 1n fighting. The PLO says 1t c:an 't leave without the intemat.aonaJ force m place. Moshe Yegar, assistant direct.or general of the lsraell Foreign Ministry. announced the cease-fire Wednesday rught after a Week Of -air, land and SC'a bombardment. set • Ill Village Laguna tS hoeting a "candidate's party" Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at 2876 Chateau Way. A $7 .50-per-person donation ii requested. which entitles the contributor to five raffle ticket• for a color television aet and a free drink. Villa g e Laguna Is sponsoring "Doc" Blacketer for the Honorary Governor of Lagun a Beach race, a tongue-in-cl\eek election f~r • Peter Andenon, recently elected to the Orange County Democratic Party Central Committee, will be the featured apeaker Sunday durin1 aervicea at the Uni tarlan· Univeraa Hat Fellowship Center of Laguna Beach. ~. a UCI snwfuate ~ lixt.h &IUlual Vk:1.oria Sklmboard conteat will be held Auf. 14 and U In Laauna Beac h , wlth conteltal\11 ..,.nldpeun, from all over SoUthem Callfomla. The oomJNtdtlon wW run from noon to & p.m. both day. at ~ Beech Pvk, South La1una wtth an 1ward1 ceremony ~ Sunday'• DeMr ..... ,,... • .., L..e ,..,,. CAUTION URGED -Tim Ebert, m the W<fke or brother Randall's slaying. urges U.S. tourists in Mexico to use extreme caution. From Page A1 MEXICO • • • W Schrock. disappeared there May 31 The police chief m San Ignacio and s1x offlcen; have l'Onfosscd to k11lmg the ec:ononucs professor af~r his truck was found at the polwc chief's homt> Schrock"s bc.idy has not been found Drugs probed in jail deaths Orange County Sheriff's Uepartment toXJc:oloeists aided by a UC Davi.a profossor, are attempting to determine If a potent form of synthelK.' heroin played a role in the recent deaths of three Orange County Jail inmates Analyses currently are hemg conducted by a San Francisco Bay area laboratory to detcnnme If "'China White." as the synthetic herotn IS known. was present an lethal quantities m blood and unne samples <:OllK·tro from the· m<>ns' bodies. All thrl't.• died after tx-<.-ommg 111 whall• an custod~ Two dl<'d art~·r choking on their own v•Jm1t Tht• l·au.s<> of dl'ath for the third 1nmatt', who died Mond ay m11rn1ns . has not bt'en df'termmed. Mrs. Gandhi, Reagan meet WASHINGTON f AP) Pnme M101s ter lnd1ra Gandhi of India . b1dd1ng for ··be lie r .. relauons wnh Lhe Uruk-d St.ates. as meeung Prc-s1dent Reagan m an \•ffort lO U\('~'OmE' a de<.-ade· long d1plomatu «hill. the purpose or raislng funds for an md of summer party for Laguna Beach residents. Proceeds from Saturday's party wUl "go to buy the election for our candidate." said Village Laguna spo k eswoman Bel Inda Blacketer. The fund-raiaer is open to t h e p.u b I i c a n d mo re information may be obtained by ca111ng 494-1003, ext. 370. and Laguna Beach resident.. will discuas environmental management at the 10:30 a.m. 11ervice. Following the aervice, the center will lponlOI' a aocia1 hour. The center ls located at 429 Cypre11 Drive in Laguna Beach. meet. Contestants will ~Ye. Victoria Sklmboard T-ahlrt and awa.rda will be afven the flnt three place w1nnen ln 111\.eral qe aro!Jp diviliona. Entry fee la $1 and ~Upl are at Vktcrta Sk.IJnboeJda, 2036 Leauna Canyon &ed. For more lnfoTm.adon, call TH Baillet at tM-0008. I I I :. State b~dget · e~~s ;,hit college corUs~s , Saddleback Community College Dlatrici wun't hit u hard al aome dl1trtcu by recent reducttona in flnanclal support for reoteaUonal and ''self-help" enrichment. courses. Yet the dlstrtct atiU plaru to cut about 250 clueies from lta curriculum. The dlatrict, which includes Leauna Beach, lrvtne and Mission Viejo, 11 ellmlnatlng various physical education courses and reducing clusea in fine arts and other Pl'Oll'a?nS. Di1trlct officials say the reductions wllJ mean fewer a.tudent.s at the system's two campuses. resultina in a cut of about $750,000 in state funding 'based on average daily attendance. • The C.alifomia Colleges Board of Governors urge d the c uts ,rece ntly so community colleges ,could reduce expenditures to 1comply with r edu ced state funding for 1982-83. The state L e gislature's ret"ently adopted budg~t cut about S30 million in funding for the state'• 70 pommunlty cone1e dlatricta. Saddleback '1 curriculum wasn't u heavily spiced with the targeted recreational and enrichment COW'leS u were other distrtcta' off erinp. auch u Cout Community College Dtatrict. Therefore. the loss of state fundt isn't as seYere as lt la In other dlatricta. However. the new. la still unfortunate . .But it should come u no surpriae. Statlt legtalatorf have cut aicf tO dt.lee, aocial services and kindergarten thrbulh 12th grade education to balance the state budget without a tax increue. In light of thil, it must be noted that when there is acarcely enough money to educate children in the bas\cs, ifs difficult to justify state su~es for adult hobby courses, and recreational rourse. such as yoga. jogging or be lly dancing. Saddleback officials say many of the eliminated coUnes will t:>e offered this tall on a fee basis, which, tn the.e times. ls bow it should be. . Trash fees going. Up Laguna Beach property owners will be paying 22 percent more tor trash let'Vice next year as the result of a dump fee imposed on users by 1he Orange, County Board of Supervi.9ors. The increase, approved earlier th.is month by the City Council, comes on the heels of a 6 percent fee increase awarded the city's trash collector in June. Until the back-to-back hikes. property owners in Laguna Beach paid $4.46 per month for trash service. The new rate appearing on property tax b~lls next year will be $5.77 per month. And. the council was warned, it is possible another 6.6 percent increase may be necessary in July of 1983 to pay for the tonnage charge imposed by the county. That would bring the monthly charge up to $6.0 l per month. . And while the inc:reases appear unavoidable, coun cil memben IA&st week asked city officials to explote means of cutting the tonnage that leaves Laguna Bead> for the county land fills. The les&'tonnage, the less cost to the contractbr -and property owners -they suggested. If a means is fOUlkt td eort out r ecycle-ble tl'aah, auctl as newsprint, bottles and cans, then loads going to the dump would be lighter. thus cutting the charge imposed by the county. Such an e ffort. however, would require extensive volunteer efforts on the part of property owners to sort the trash themselves and possibly drop the items off at a recycling center. Given the inevitability oC i ncreand tees. the propoaa) deserves consideration. A remarkable citizen_ The City of Laguna Beach. and especially the Festival of Arts, will feel the loss of a fine civic leader with the departure · of Helen Keeley. who is moving to the state of Washington. Mrs. Keeley, a Laguna Beach resident for more than a quarter of a century, served 14 years on the Festival of Arts board. She has resigned from the nine-member panel and John Rayment, manager of the Laguna Beach branch of the Bank of America will fill out her t.enn. which was to expire in November of 1983. Mrs. Keeley was a dynamic volunteer on the Festival board and served on a variety of committees , including scholarship, policy, cultural and Pa~eant production. She was president of the Festival board in 1980 and served on the Festival coordinating committee which meets with city officials on joint concerns. • H~r leadership and c 1vk responsibilities were not limited to the Festival panel. · Among pther activities over the years. Mrs. Keeley was a City Council member and vice mayor: a member and secretary of the Oranse County Grand Jury; helped aecure county servie8 and mental Kealth omces in Laguna; served as a member of the County Health Services organization; was on the Laguna Beach Chamber Music board and was its president from 1972 to 1974: and worked to ~re Salt Cttek Beach for the public. This is an incredible record of public service b y ah ihcredlble lady. She wW be Lmposaable to replace. She will be mls,,ed. We wish Mrs. Keeley all the best in the years ahead and join the community in thanking her for all thoee years of outstanding service. Laguna's loss is Washington's gain. Opinions expressed in the space above are those of the Oally Pilot. Otn•r views ex· pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Re•der comment Is lnvit· ed. Address The Oally Piiot, P.O. Box lS60, Costa Mes., CA 9262'. Phone (714) 64-4321 . L.M. Boyd I Intelligence test · A standard intelligence test can be falrly useful to a a&ore ownu in plddns office help. But it does little good ln aeteattna a1n people. oddly enough. Studies repntedJy show that the best cler1ca.1 ataffen tum out to be the workera who paned the inw,JJtgence teat with the hl&heat ICOfa. But iM bell Mies peniona out on the lloor _. rarely them who alOt'ed hlahe.t Oil the lnc.ewP~ test. What do you maM Of d\atf .,_ -~-~ ----... ---.... ·---- affords no reft\edy fOf' such outraget that cen aatlaf.1 the f~liDp of • true man." You can '1IW how men ~re trained in that er.a. even by thetr- mothen. to.liebt duels of honor. Budget balancing hypocrisy WASHINGTON -President Reagan shattered the last of my illusions when he traveled up Pennaylvanla Avenue to cheer and be cheered at a rally on the steps of the Capitol to promote a conatitutional amendment mandating a balanced federal budget . "RUNAWAY GOVERNMENT threatens our economic survival, our most cherished institutions and the very preservation of freedom itself," said the man who has proposed a budget that may be out of balance by a record one-quarter of a trillion dollars. "The American people," he said, "have had 1t. They are saying 'Enough.'" True. l have had it. Enough. I say. "No army on earth can stop an idea whose time has come," Reagan told the 10,000 people transported to the Capitol by the Republican National Committee. "Our time ia now. "Balancing the budget is a little like protecting your virtue," he aaid, building toward the chuckle line. "You have to learn to say no." This from the president who not only can't aay "No" to the Pentagon, but is actually giving the generals and admirals more than $10 billion more than the $206 biWon "wish lilt" they asked for in the 1982-83 budget. This from the president who, whatever he really believes. does not have the political courage to deal with cuts, caps or moderation in RJCUID REIVES spending for middle--class entitlement programs -most specifically and amportanUy. Soctal Security. . Ronald Reagan. whatever he's capable of sayln.g to buaed·in Republicans. as incapable of balancing the federal budget. His problem is that there 1s not enough money an the budget for poor people; no matter how much he cuts from welfare and entitlement programs for the lower "lass. it won't be enough to make up for h is military-spending lncreues and the middle-c~ welfare he now realizes cannot be cut without resulung m the defeat of Republican candidates around the country. The White HOU1e's defense is ofCenae, and offensive: U> t2ll for a balanced budget and attack runaway government. Wath lul'k , no one will reali ze that PrC'Sident Reagan is an charge of that government SOME REPUBLICANS, 11 must be admmro. do r<.><:ogruze that there may be som~ poht1l·al raski. in demagogy of this order "We a1111t:1pate stories about hypocrisy," said one Republican Sfn8te's aide at tht· Capitol he-m Well. this 1s a story about hypocrisy It ts about the gall of the biggest de!Jcit spender m Arner1c;;in history attacking J ·def1c1t spendm~ r. It 1s also about rondesfi'ns1on One of Presad<'nt Ht·agan·s more outrageous Imes was has prodamallon that he's rl•ally do111R this spending more and dec'C1vmg mort> to prot<'<:t my children from devils 1n Washington "How l'an fam1h~ <.1nd farruly values flouri sh." h e said. "when big government. with 1ts vower to tax, inflate and regulate. has absorbf>d their weaJth, usurped their rights and too oft.en crushl.'d their spirit?" My sp1nt is tine Hut my pabence is crushed by tht• <·yn1t•asm of pohtacians who tak<' th<' r<.'l>t of us for fools. Our school children deserve better To the Edi tor: This ia an open letter to your readers telling them how 'they can help the school children in their community. 1n the recentfy ~state budget. public schools received a zero increue in funding. In effect. due to the expected rate of inflation, that means a five IO seven percent cut in programs and services on top of those that have already been dropped or curtailed because of Proposition 13. Many schools will Nave fewer aourses in reading, writing, higher math, foreign languages, the ans, vocational educatJon -you name It. Diacouraged veteran teachers, who can get higher wages in busine. and industry, will leave the clasaroom. Thia wW contribute to our growing teacher shortage, especially ln math. the ICiences. vocational. special and biliJ\gual education. Some achool diAtricts may go banknapt and haw to ~ the achools before the school YNI' ia oompleted. I BEUEVE MOST Califomiana are unaware that we are now apendlna 10 percent below the national ,average on our public schools. We rank 48th among the states -9ee0nd from the lut -In the percent of pef'IOnal income we spend on the achools .. Our pupil-teacher ratio Is an embarraasing hJ.shesi in the nation. Our children, who are our moat valuable reaoarce and our beat lnvettment. deaerve better than they are aeit1nJ. They are the new generation of aclentistl, maihematidans, technicians, manaeera and support personnel we must educate In a new highly canpetltive world of hi1h t.echnol<>O if we are to maintain our natJon'• economy, pbtitJcal and mllltary strenath. When the Legialature reconvenes ln Au1u1t, the California Teachera Aa1ociatlon wlll be puahtna for an increase in school fundln1 and the neo'l'ery taxes to finance lt. We are 1oold.na at oil leYeraDCll tax.a and any other revenu.e-ralling meana. such • the eo-eaJled "lin taxes." Pleae join us In u:rg1na the Ieplaton to 1nc:reu9 the fundl for lcboole. evtn l1 lt m.m b~ ~ Pdht out to them that \hey 'have a n!9PQIMllbUlty to eee that ibe ICbooi. have t'M nee racy fundit to provide quality education fot all C?hild.Nn. 'n\at'I why they Went elaU<I, to make •uch "hard~" {f ~.,.. ne1 uHry for our po1eetlon, the bealeh • of ou.r econom)', our POlldcel fl'Mdoln and• bet• quality otlife. 'nit'-"" II wry deer: OM ........ -...-tM dloola and -c~ « they C!*n ·~te tha bullet1• and vote for our chUdnm. -MARILYN RUl8J:IJ, mm..& Prtlldent. calllirnla TMChin Min; • Signal Landmark 11 planning to build residential units on leasehold land Homeowners throughout the area (Newport Beach, Huntington Beach. Calta Meu. Fountam Valley. etc.) have found them3elves in very serloua trouble because o ( leas~hold problems. Unreahatlc lease payment increases, unrealistic land valuations, loss of home marketability, inability to find first mortgage lenders, inability to refinance MAILBOX second mortgages and other leasehold· related prob1ems, have led to people belns forced from their h omes by forec:JOIUre, inability to react because of fixed incomes, or fear. SIGNAL LANDMARlt themselves have awaled exactly these problems by their handling of leaseholds in the Newport Shores community. Signal Landmark has ahown no desire t.o assist leueholden or fair that matter, to even diacus1 the problem. Their attitude certainly does not bode well for future Bolsa Chica Signal leaseholders. We suggest that the Coastal Commission examine very carefully all the motives of a company that would propose leuehold property today. We relllte the lllues involved with Bolaa Chica are complex. however, the lona term aspects includini how Signal Landmark daal9 wt th its leaseholders are major OCJn1lderadona. DOUGLAS A. TURNER CommiUee of 400. Newport Shores Uni air to Schmitz To the Editor: Anpr' prompted thia letter. · DWtna the p111t few day.. the Daily PUot newlJll8Per l)eefully reported Sen. John 0 . Schmlta"a penonal dilemma; a ~ painful prOblem. only he and hl1 w(fe, Mary, have any bualneu d1aculatnC anO hopefully NIOlwd. Judae Murray erred greatly to publldy report a t.elephone call from Ser\. Schmitz. The ~ either bu no eenat for proper demeanor or was anxious for penonal publidty. Reveallna • ~ telephoM call or plea, aervetl no Uleful pwJJCJee. not making any statements at all H one professes IO be a true fnend. then it is best for one to shut up and wish the Schmitz.es courage and understanding so they can pf'lvately ~Jw their pro6fem. I'd say, "hang the party". these people's laves att more unportant. The Daily Pilot went further and sol1c1t ed lawyer Gloria l\llred 'a statement.!. The public knows about thto legal battle between the senator and Ms. Allred. Ms Allred. I believe. is a woman. She too, however. failed to exercise good taste and compasmon. She failed. in my eyes. to realize what 1t is to ~a woman, a wife and a mother lf she cannot muste r silence, she should have remembered Mary Schmitz, the fact that Mary is a woman, a wife and a mother and given her consideration and compassion. The media forgets that people in public servu.~ a.re human like you and me. It .. umely to critique a public official In the performance of his public duties. H1a pnvate life is haa own and should only be critiqued when hla private act.a involve or sway the public duties he has sworn to uphold. For God's sake, the pubbc and the media should exercise common senE in printing garbage or spreading rumon that can hurt others and their loved ones. Surely. there a.re honest edit.ors who can put a atop to rubbish reporting. ELIZABETH nA VIS Real wizards To the F.dltor: The big companJes that holler about too many government regulations are real wizards. The government says they have to replace pull tabs on their beveraae cans with pop tops to ease the litter problem. Now these genlu.ses come up with a contest that encourages people to find • way to break them oft. Sure, ln Uoy. obscure print, they suggest you not remove it unlt!SI it's a winner. How thoughtful of them. Kida surely will read It and follow their direcUonl. What arnuee me ls It took them two years to think of it. Keep It up, tq IUYL You pay taxm too, a.od you don't have to protect anyone'• environment if you don'\ want to. 0 . tt.ROUSON • I' 111111 llRlll . - fllllfl•,(11\) Ill ~ ."I I'• I.' OHANl,f <.<HJN I Y < Al If Oll NIA 25 CENTS Mesan's M~xico death disputed AirCal -. ' ' • • to match ! Brother rebuts suicide claim; family airs concern -. , . By JODI CADENHEAD 0.-IMDel!J"°'IWI Three day1 after Randall's body waa found by children, the body of John MIU.. 34, of Santa Monica. was dlacovered in a river a mile away. 1pent elghl day1 In Mexico seek.in& an &nlWer to Randall'• death. Ebert laid h• beUevea the atze of the bullet hole ln hU brother's Randall. a 1974 graduate of UC Irvine. went into a wlndow- cleanln& buslneu with Tim and a PSA fare: Randall Ebert loved Mexico. where vacattonlns waa cheap. Not one to travel the beaten path, the dark-haired Costa Mesan, 30, often headed for the smaller towns near Mazatlan, speaking the language he had f earneo well. But last trip he apparently strayed too far. His decompoeed body was found June 8 ln a Mexican jungle near San Blas, a small coastal town known for its surfing. San Blas 18 160 nules south of Mazatlan. "It's a fact Everyone murder." that it's not a suicide. we talked to feel it's • clme friend. A health conaclous weight Wt.er, Randall was not involved with drup and rarely drank, according to his family. Tim believes ha brother wu camping In the jungle and probably stumbled upon whatever was happening to Mills. Officials at Newport Beach,. baaed AlrCal said today the carrier wlU match lower fares OQ Southern California -Sar) Francisco bay area routes announced Wednesday by nval Pacific Southwest Alrlmes. Mexican authorities labeled the death a suicide. A small .25 caliber handgun belongong to Ebert was found nearby. according to Michael Oreste, spokesman for the United States Consulate office in Mazatlan. But Randall's brother, Tim, believes different. "It's a fact that it's not suicide," said Tim. "He wasn't that kind of person. Everyone we've talked to feel it's murder.' D.ely ......... ~ GOOD JOB -Gov. F.dmund G . Brown Jr. commends employees of Irvine's ASTECH finn at ceremonies honoring the company for excellence in shipbuilding. Story Page AB. Onofre unit given OK to operate The Nuclear Regulatory Commission has granted a full- power license for operation of Unit 2 at the San Onof.re Nuclear Gt?nerating Station. The NRC deci.sion, which came late Wednesday in Washington, D.C., means Southern California FAison Co. may begin scaling its second reactor up to full power, with full operation of the 1.1 million kilowatt reactor possible by the end of the year. Edison, which owns 80 percent of the nuclear plant three miles IOUth of San Clemente, saya Unit 2 will produce enough electricity to provide power to 500,000 homes when it is at peak production. A twin reactor, Unit 3, is still under construction with completion expected next year. The power station also haa a smaller, 456,000-kllowatt reactor (See ONOFRE, Pa1e A%) NATION Oreste, contacted at his Maz.atlan office, confirmed that Mills' skull had been cracked. A 60-pound rock had apparently been tied around Mills' neck, Oreste said on Tuesday. "On several occasions we've asked for a full investigation into these deatha," he said. The vice-ronsulate declined to comment on how cooperative Mextl-an authonties have been. Tim Ebert said he didn't learn of hlS brother's death until July 8 He and his father. George and brother-in-law William Abbott, Weather: ditto, ditto • • • Today's weather as a summer rerun of Wednesday. and Friday bodes no di!ferently, weather forecasters report. Beachgoers along the Orange Coast basked under sunny skies as highs ranged from 75 degrees at the sand to 86 inland. Low temperatures are expected to range from 64 degrees at the beaches tonight to 65 inland, according to a spokeswoman for the National Weather Service. There is a chAnce of low clouds late tonight and early Friday morning along the rout, she said. Friday's weather should mirror today's. Weather conditions are being controlled by a ridge of hjgh pressure that remains fixed off the coast in a typical summer FC>nfiguration, t}le_ s90k~woman"­ expllllned The coast w1U conunlle to be spared smoggy conditions prevalent elsewhere, according to officials of the South Coast Air Quality Management District. Air quaUty in the La Habra- Santa Ana Canyon was reported unhealthful today for sens1uve people but good over the remainder of the cou nty. Beach crowds ranged from 70,· 000 at Newport Beach Wednesday to a slightly smaller than usual 20,000 at Laguna Beach, lifeguards reported . Huntington State Beach had 18,- 000 sunbathers Wednesday. Light winds and smaJI surf kept ocean rescues fewer than normal, lifeguards reported Stolen aircraft parts for Libya? BURBANK (AP) -An estimated $100,000 in stolen aircraft parts may have been headed for Libya, police say. The parts were taken from Mena1eo Inc .. a division of Colt Industries. and similar parts turned up at Tem~Com Corp., a Chicago brokerage firm. Two officers of Tem-Com were indicted last week for allegedly making illegal shipments of aircraft parts to Libya. Balanced budget plan blasted The call for a balanced budget amendment by the biggest deficit spender in the nation's history is rank hypocrisy, says columnist Richard Reeves. Page AlO. 'Borderblaster' revs up Listeners around the nation will eoon be able to tune to the old "borderblaster" radio station, XERF, which ia rebuilding its mammoth 250,000-wau transmitter near Del Rio, Texas. Page 84. Crash kills 4 executives __.!IEADFORD, Ireland (AP) -A helicopter carrytn1 four executives of The Charter CO. of J9C'bonvi11' Fla. crUbed .Jn early momlna fOfl near the Welt OOMt of Ireland today, kiWfll all aboard, poUCe aaid. ) skull could not have been made by a .25 caliber handgun. The gunshot wound waa on the right of the skull and Randall, was left handed, Tim claims. "l don't care who killed Randy.'' Tim said. "I'm looking for Justice. I just want to keep peole from going there. There's no rea110n to go down there and have families worry," The Costa Meaa family stressed that Randall loved Mexico and that they don't believe the entire country i1 crime ridden or cianReroua, Randall had left C.OSta Mesa May 18. A United State government officlal, who asked not to be Identified, aatd. "For tourlSts who are traveling m reaort areas it's not dangerous. But for people who stray off the beaten path there's an element of nsk." U.S. officials are considering warning Americans to avoid Highway 15, on which Ebert and Mills were reportedly traveling. The road has been the center of controversy since a Unaverslly of Colorado profesaor, Nicholas (See MEXICO, Page A2 ) IN HAPPY TIME -Randall Ebert is pictured during a happy time in Costa Mesa. He was found slain aft e r exploring a jungle area an a remote section of Mexico. Delly "°' ....... ., Lee ,.., ... PSA, In a move that caughl industry competitors lake A.trCaJ by surprise, announced at Waf cutting its regular one-way far~ on the rout.es to $45 from $69; The new fares are effectlvf Tuesday (Related s tory Page A8) AarCal 1mmed1ately responded by matching the new PSA fatt on routes on which Lhe t'\'9 carriers dU'ectly <:ompete, such as Orange County-San Francisco and Los Angeles-San J()S(> A.trCal also announced that at is dropping advance purchase requirements for dtse0unt fares on other routes m ata five-state route system Lower fares on some other -outei. also were announced Lake PSA. A1rCal is offenng m August free passage to ctuldren between the ages of 2 to 11 whb tly with a paying adult over the age of 21 That move as designed to boost d1scret1onary. or non- business travel. Said AuCal's Mark Peterson of th~ PSA move: "I think generally 1t caught PvPryone b)' surprise. But 1t Wl)Uld ~ ah overstatement to say we were caught off guard " Meanwhue, Charlyne Sturek, chief of the Travel Adventure travel agency in Newport Beach, said today the new fare chango will only add confusion to an already confused situauon. She said many agents were selling tickets an advance ol Sunday. expecung an Aug. 1 r~ inc rease Just the opposa \t occurred. "' Travel agents . receive L'O perceot of th~ pnct for eacj1 ticket they sell. Customer1, however, pay no add1uonal prict for buying a ticket through ao agent. SKYWRITING SQUADRON -These vintage Navy trainer planes "typed" the Miller Time message you may have seen overhead Wednesday. "We've had no crashes, just a few typos," the <.:ommander says. See related photos, Page B 1. The reduced tares w1u mean a l'Ommensurate drop an the f~ oaid to travel agents. she scud ._ The fare reduction. Ma. • Artists have heads 1n clouds Sharek said, "isn't going to help the airlines. It's not helping us, And it's not helping the people." Six pre-war planes provide signatures in the sky She o penly questioned how long the $45 Orange County-San Francisco fare would remam lO effect. By PAMELA STEINRIEDE 0.-tN o.-, Noc ..... The voice from the air traffic controller's tower at John Wayne Airport Wednesday afternoon wanted to know, "Is that World War I1 leuing w; on the right?" Cypress, commander of the Miller Brewing Company's West Coast skytyping squadron. According to Stmis. the two- seater. single-engine SNJ-2 planes were used to tram nearly every military pilot during World War II Although 59 were originally constructed. only a (See COAST, Page AZ) "Two months from now n may be back at $69 It's no wonder people are confused about fares.'' As th.at voice crackled over the air, the departing flight consisted of six SNJ-2 Navy trainer planes built in 1940. School off ice site a 'dileIDma' Unlike during the alr battles assigned to them in the past, the pilots' mission on this 90rtie was to perform the art of computerized skytyping. A ''billboard in the sky" 1,000 feet high by six to eight miles long is created by the automatic emission of smoke-Hkf!. non· polluting vapor from each plane's exhaust, released when a computer transmitter activates receivers ln the planes. "It's really a acience and you have to be an artiat to do theee things," .aid Greg Stlni1 of COUNTY Irvine Unified School Dtstnct officlala are in "a dilemma" - their words -over plans to build a new central district office. Staff members and lrustees would like to go along with city officials and include lhe school district office in the planned Irvine City Center along with city government offices and facilities. "Our dilemma is, we need to move rather rapidly to accomplish construction of our central facilities," said schools Saturday la the deadline the state of California has set for Crystal Cove ~dents to 'Vacate their seaside cottages. But a survey shows no one plans to move. Page A3. Commuter airline ready to fly He is only 27 bllt Leo SugUo ia rarin' to go as his firm inaugurates commuter airline service Sunday from John Wayne Airport to Los Angeles International Airport. Page A6: Newport politics beat up The Newpon Beech Oty c.ouncll electlon isn't until November, but already there'• a campalgn between pro-growthera and the slow growthera. Page Bl. Trailer tenanlB aiile'il The dty of Newport Beech bu come t.o tho reect.ae of a group of roobtle home park tenanta by protecting their zontna. Paae 86. _____ , Superintendent A Stanley Corey. "or lose the fundtng." He explained, "The overall civic center plan has to proceed on a somewhat longer time lane. If we can fit into their time line. fine. If not. w e may have to proceed independently." School board President Elizabeth Sicoli said the district has state approval to use $5 million in bonds toward construction of a new central facility but the approval is good only until December. INDEX "We are concerned that the approval would not be given again.'' she said, "so it's one of our motivating factors to get thla lhing on the road." The district leases centr1d office facilities in Irvine and warehouse facilities m Santa Arta for about $180,000 yearly. The current five-year leues explre m 1984. "We're concerned," said Ma. Sicoli, "that. if we don't have a permanent buildmg by then. the cost will go up tremendously." At YOW' Service A4 Ann Landers B2 Erma Bombeck B2 Movies 83-4 8ualnem A8·9 Mutual Funds A8 Calif om.la A5 National New. A3 C.valcade B2 Publlc Notices C4,C6-7 Clullfied C7-l:t Sporta Cl-4 Comic9 C5 Or.Stelncrohn B2 Cro.word ~ Stock Marketa A9 Death Notices C4 Televiaion 86 &ittorial AlO Thea ten 83-4 Enter1ainment 83-4 Weather A2 HO"*'°pe B2 World Newa A3 SPORTS SAN FR.ANCIS(X) (AP} "=The University of San ~. which pC"Oduced NCh 1tara M BW Ru.iell and Phil Smith, la1d today lt 11 a~ rMn11 buketbtll becauae ml&londuct hM OMt doUbt on the "lntegrtty and CNd.lblU\y of the university." FAMILY FIGHT -C.Ontinuing the tradition of 19 summers of intramural competition among Disneyland employees, two of the top teams in today's 19th Annual Canoe Race Finals s platter the water o( Frontierland's Rivers of America all over each other in the spirited contest held each year on the : •• selected day early in the morrung prior to the park's openi!'g DelfJ ..... ~ br LM ,..,,_ to paid visitora., Winning this morrung's competltton was the team called Entertainment 1 (left) from Dianeyland's entertainment division. Top women's diviston team was the Sophisticated Ladies (right) from Tomorrowland. Winning time for the )A-mile run by the 10-member team paddling the 1.800-pound fiberglass canoe was four minutes, 9.63 seconds. Judge denies using home ploy ·~)oanne Harrold testifies to intention to live in county :••By DAVID KUTZMANN ..... Qfttle Deity PUot llaff ,~· We s t 0 range Co u n t y 1 Municipal Court Judge Joanne ·Harrold testified Wednesday that rt was never her intention to lJve ·in a $2 million house in Newport . ·Beach just long enough to •1tllablish legal. residency and Jhen move back to R1vers1de • Cbunty after the June 8 electton. • "That property had always ·been promised to me." Judge ,fdarrold said, denying assertions that she planned to deed back the house to her grandmother afte r ,4he election. Though Harrold won a ' decisive victory at the polls, her "principal challenger San ta 1 Ana attorney Dan Charles Dutcher -£iled suit last month 1 rontestmg the election results ·~use he claimed she was not a .l:lewial res1dent of Orange County. f • 1 Judge Harrold has insisted. ;.both during a nd after the .election, that she always -r40nsidered herself a leg a 1 .,resident of Orange County, even ,.though she has lived in R1vers1de at various umes since 1965. Election codes require that a iudic1al candidate be a resident of the county in which he or she is running for at least 54 days before the election. Judge Harrold testified Monday that she began the process of movang into the Newport Beach house last November after her grandmother, Arlyne Lansdale of Westminster signed a quit- claim deed purportedly turning the residence over to her. However, under questioning by Dutcher's attorney. Judge Harrold admitted that the Nov. JO, 1981, date on the deed was not the actual date that her grandmother signed the document. The signing took place sometime thas year. she said The deed was recorded in Orange County on May 17 of this year. The judge denied that the deed had been "backdated" l(\ Nov. 30 even though the notary :. seal says the deed was signed on that date. The Judge said th .. · grandmother wanted the date en the deed to reflect when sh<' turned over the keys to the residence of her granddaughter. "I dad exactly what she told me to d o," the judge said, acknow(ed·gang that she now knows it was a breach of the law to put a date on a deed that ii incorrect. On Wednesday, finishing her thud day of testimony in the case. the judge said she only tlept "several tames" in the Newport house 1.n December and not at all in January She lived in her Kivers1d e home with her husband and children during this period. She said she moved In in either late February or March, after extel'\Slve repairs had been made to the Lado Isle home. Harrold derued th.at she sought to have her grandmother sign the house over to her when she first discovered that Dutcher planned IO make her residency status an ~ue in the campaign. 'She said she fa~ a declaraUon of candidacy on Feb. 23 in which she lJsted the Lido Isle home as her residence. Fair and warm Constn I Ov9f ovter wat•• from Po.nt Conception 10 San Nleolu ISiand ' n0<1h-t wind• 10 to 18 knoll with 4 to 8 loot -· Over Inn• watllfe ltght vari.ble wlnda -t to 1oulhwest I 0 lo 15 knots allarn oon and evening Southwell swell• I to 2 feel Moetly IUl'll'IY attemoon : ~~~--~~------~ ! U.S. surnnlary I Thundeot<><m• reec:hell from 1 the Roc;lclee to lhl Attentk: Cout ' 1odey, with high wind• end heavy : rain ttlat c:auMd lloodlng In tome ·-I Two deethl _., repot1ed In I PhMadelph1a. ~ • boy and an etec:trlc: company lineman died I alter c:otnlnO Into c:on111et with a puddle Into which a downed I power llne had fallen. Shower• and thunderelorm• ~ no -• repot1ed ek>ng thl GuK I Coal1, In ... tern North Dakota and par1e of Mlnn.c>ta FIOOdlng wee repot1ed In northern U11h SklM -• ciNt -thl Ohio Valley, the Gr"t t..llM and muc:h of CelKomla SkMll -• pwtly clOudY aver mo9t ot the r•t of Ille nation. A 1ever1 wlndetorm h l l ~tuck, Conn .. on Wednesdsy nlghl, dllTleglng 81 leelt MYlr' h()fM9, A amalt tomedO w.. rlC)Orted tn Jameatown. N Y , uprooting Ir-end dlllNIQlno tluMdlng.9. the Natlonat W1-11her Senrloe ref>Ol"ed. The loreo11t 101 today end Friday called for 1how.,• and ttlunder9tormt from the aoutllem Atllntlc ~· ttwough !tie IOwer llllf of the MIMINlppl Vllrly to tM Met.-n half of Ille Plat_, region. ~ -· expected -nonNm Maine, with eunny to l)al1tV M#1"Y .... .......,_._ 1emper1tur11 around th• MtlOn before dawn ranged lrOm 48 In Merquett•. ~inn., to 95 In Ptloenll!. Boaltwl from POlnt Concepuon 10 the Meuc:an OOtd« ain ••pec;l ltghl, varo1ble wtndl during night and morning hours becoming IOU1h-te<ly II 10 10 16 knoll Friday ell er noon with a 1. to 2-1001 soutnwesterly swett w1n01 ahould be n0<1hwesterty at 10 to 18 11not1 wtth 3-10 s-1001 sees farther than 60 mlf•• ol11h0<e trom the pojnt to San Nlc:olas llflllld Teniperalures NATION HI Lo Pep 75 81 50 90 65 Albany Albuque Amanllo A9Mvill• Atlanta Atlante: Cty Aue11n BeltlmOr• Bltlingt Blrmlnghm Bltm11tc:k BolM Botton Bfown•vlle Bullet<> Burlington C•MM" Charlsln SC Cftartltn WV Charltte NC Cheyenne ChbgO Cfflc;lnnatl Cleveland Ctmbla SC eo-.mbu• Del-Ft Wlh Dayton Oenwr 83 87 ~ 85 1 32 92 72 fronts: Cold.-. Warm .. Occluded ~ Stal!Onary •• 0.. Molr'9I Oelrolt Duluth El PM<> Fargo FlagstaH Of'991 Fiiia Hartford 77 e2 101 71 88 82 13 82 82 94 73 81 se 80 81 74 && se 97 71 72 57 II 66 81 I 20 75 57 11 92 79 84 eo 92 92 72 11'4 55 1 17 79 57 85 81 77 53 93 73 04 81 66 98 80 83 58 .01 78 58 .29 83 ee 81 M 78 82 .20 95 72 82 59 02 74 !II ae 63 79 84 27 Helena 87 Honolulu 119 Hc.nton 95 lndneOlla 84 Jac:lttn MS 96 Jac:ltenvtle 95 ~ 81 Kane City 85 Knoxvllle 90 Lal Vegae 101 little Roc:i< 92 Loulevllle 112 LubtlOcil 112 Memphla 93 MllllT!I as =auk" 74 pi.-st P 87 NllhVllle 90 N.-one-92 IMw Yofk 114 Hortoll 83 No. Platte 82 Oki. City 93 °"""' 83 Orlendo 90 ~~ 90 108 Pltt"""Oh 79 C~CMIMA 911cltlllelcl 103 8fy1hl 109 ~ 76 llO 83 73 32 75 50 83 70 18 79 72 01 86 14 69 79 81 20 55 70 72 04 77 65 I 81 74 17 &4 20 71 11• 87 75 86 .08 91 52 3e SURf REPORT :::.r:. 1-Z ft 14" 14ft '"'" 1·2 It 1-2 It 2 ft 2 tl 2 It , ft 1-2" , " ....... , ..... 86 ee " ee ae ee 17 87 87 61 • t7 17 .. .. .. 11:11 p.m. lwell Eur•• 81 53 Frell'IO 102 73 Lanc:uter 100 79 MlfY9Vltle 101 Monterey 82 Needles 108 Oaki.nd 74 55 Paeo Ro«>let 103 80 fled Bluff 102 88 RedwOOd City 82 56 Reno 92 55 Sac:ramen1o 95 59 S111naa 86 48 Santa Berbela 78 58 Santa Mane 73 Stocilton 98 83 Thermal 109 Ukiah 97 Bare tow 101 711 Big Bear 78 48 Blthop 97 511 Catallna 75 82 Lake Arrowhead 82 58 Long BMCtl 90 67 Mt WllaOl'I 85 ... Newport 8Mdl 75 84 Olltarlo t3 ... Palm Spflng• 110 7t PIUNldeN 91 as San l!lemafdln<> lie N 811\ JOH 88 l5t Santa Arie 87 86 Tn. Vr//Wt; 82 .. 9 . Smog Where 10 call (toll lrHI IOf 1et•I ~ormatton: Of~ ty. J.toOI 44WUt Lo• ngelu ollnty; (8001 2 .. 2~ Alwrllde Incl San a.m.cnno countt-. (8001397.,.710 AQMD ~ Cent«: (IOO) 2 .. 2 ..... Tides '\ TOOAY teaofld fllgh 1.12 p.m. .., TNUMOAY ir1r1t iow 11:10 a.m. 1 a rrnt fllgh e: .. 2 ...,,._ ....- leoorld tow 11.11 a.m. u ~ lllQtl e.oo p.m 1.1 ""' Mt• lodey at f :I? j>;ftl .• 1*'~••:0t•• ' MOOlt ,... ~ 91 ~ti p.lftl, .. Th\nOmy It 1R:41 a.rn; ' COMMANDER -Veteran pilot Greg Slims lS squadron commander for the skytypers. From Page A 1 COAST • • • do~n now remain The other 61X are utilized by the F.ast Coesl- M iller squadron tn Flushing. N.Y As the planes soar 10.000 feet an the sky. the pilots execute their typing duues whale in the traditional military V -formation Ex-Manne and World War ll and Korean War veteran, Don Brennan of Laguna Niguel has been with the crew for 25 years. and calls the formation flying "demanding .. He added, "You cannot be relaxed ... Stinis s.a.ad. "You have got to be good to survive up there," adding, "we have had no crashes, just a few typos ... The computenzed system used by the team is credited with keeping the spelling mistakes to a minimum. Stinis' father, Andy Stlnas. created the sky-typing technique when he became frustrated as a single-plane typer for Pepsi~Cola in the 1930s. "The messages would fade before he finished." said the younger Stinl.s. "That's when he came up with the idea of doing It with multiple planes." The five.plane operation (the sixth is used only when another has malfunctioned) is 17 times faster than that of a solo plane. To be sure, the former fighting men all agree their task iB fun, and considerably different from the assignments they faced at Okinawa , Korea and the Marshall Islands. but even General MacArthur probably would be impressed with the mi91tons they fly today. From Page A1 ONOFRE • • • that WU conatructed in 19'68. Edison began low-power testing on Unit 2 earlier thia week. despite attempts by opponent.I to obtain an injunction haltlnl the iests. Thoee tesU, in whlch the new ttaetor II operated at between 1 and 5 percent capacity. wlll contlnue~throuah the fall, an EdJlon apokeanan Mid. Meanwhile, o~tl o1 the power plant say they atlll have an appMl of the lkenlina of Unit 2 ~ndina before the corNnllllon. Tbe)' ~ tN paint aoWd not wltha~ U\ Hr\bquake, and they NY an adeq~ate publtc taf e&y and eweu&tian Pllin NII not bMr\ ~llf'UWtwnt ot an llCddtnt et 1he nUdMt mtlon: --~=n _...., _______ __ PLO • • exit • • position mystery By Tbe A1toel1Secl Prna PtlHtlnian auerrlllae tired mortar ahelll at Israeli J)OlitJon1 in Bel.rut today, but Iarael atill waa obeervinf the latett ceue-tlre, the Tt Avlv command reporied. Meanwhile , Palestine Liberation Oraanlzatlon chief Y~r Arafat refused comment on a new drive to set him to state · unequivocally that he and hia auerrillaa will leave Lebanon. The Tel Aviv command said the guerrilla• started shelllng Iaraell poaltiona near Beirut's internatlonal airport around ~ a .m . PDT. an Iaraeli army •po!'.tesman said. "laraell aoldlen received strict orders to hold their fire and are lntenalvely observing the terrorists' movements," he said. Arafat, wearing military fatigues with a pistol on his hip and a de.ert cap on his head , talked briefly with reporters an west Bei.rllt after meeting with former Prime Minister Saeb Salam, who has been the key go-between In talks with Lebanese officials and U.S . presidential envoy Philip C. Habib. Asked about Habib's reported prombe to Israeli Prime Miruster Menachem Begin to let Israel know by Fricfay whether the PLO wduld leave Beirut peacefully, Arafat said, "I did not receive any official proposals from Mr. Habib . . . I have to deal officially with his ex~llency, not you (reporters)." ~alam said before meeting with Arafat that the PLO has repeatedly said it wanted to leave Beirut peacefully, "but it has to be arranged where t.o go. how to go. and it must be tied up with the International force coming in, all that has to be scheduled That's not an their hands." Arab countries have refused to take the estimated 8,000 guerrillas en masse. and officials of the Arab League. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait. Syria, Lebanon, Algeria and the PLO were meeting m Jidda. Saudi Arabia, today to dillcuss ways to combat Israel's nearly e1ght-week-0Jd Invasion. The United Sta~ has refused to agree to have its portion of the anterru::tionaJ force move into the city before most of the guerrillas leave for rear American troops would become invo lved an £ighunft. The PLO says it can't leave without the mtemataonal force in place. o.llJ,.. ....... ., a-,.... CAUTION URGED -Tlm Ebert. in the wake of brother Randall's slaying. urges U.S. tourists in Mexico to use extreme caution. From Page A1 MEXICO. • • W. Schrock, disappeared there May 31 The pohoe chief m San Ignacio and six officers have confelllled to k1Umg the e-conomacs professor after hJS truck was found at the pohf'e chief's home. Schrock's body has not been found. Plane crash kills 8 from state LINDALE. Texas (AP) -A twin~ngine p&ane _carrying five more passengers than it was designed to hold crashed In flames shortly after takeoff and killed all 12 people aboard, including eight children and a popular singer. authorities said . The Cessna 414, leased by the Las t Days Ministries here, crashed in a wooded area Wednesday rught after departJ.ng from a private airstrip near th.Ls town about 90 miles east of Dall.as. EJght of the dead were members of a Slmi Valley. Calif. fanuly. "I can't say ll was overloaded until I know the size of the bodies, the amount of fuel, the amount of luggage." said Randy Brooks, a Federal Aviation Administration investigator from Shreveport, Let However . Broo\ts said the pl~ne'.s manual specified it had seven seats and a toilet . Police and ministry officials sa.Jd the 5:30 p.m. PIYr crash killed Christian music singer Keith Gordon Green. 27, two of his children. the ptlot, and the eJ.Rht family members. -. Stress on teens, parents viewed The effects of stress on adolescents and parents is focus of a free two-part seminar •t 7:30 p.m. Aug. 3 and 17 in Irvine. The Aug . 3 program, "Stress and Adolescence: Parents' Point of View," will cover helping teen-agers be responsible and improve their self-esteem , taking care of yourself and developing a senae of humor. Focus of the Aug. 17 program ... Stress and •A day at the clrcua for Irvine cb1ld.rei la 8Cheduled Aug. 5 by the city'• Community Services Oepartmmt. For tlO -=h, the ch1ldnn wlll be transported and 9COl1ed to a performance of Rln&J.lna Brothera Barnum and Balley Qmaa at Anaheim Ccnvendan c.m.r . • A 1cuba clan for handicapped people la under way MOnday and Wedne.day ni1ht1 at Herlta1e Park Aquatic• Complex, t601 Walnut Aw., IrvtN. '"nlll It an exddna chanc9 for lwldlcepped lnatvtduall Adolescence: The Klds'Sade." is on the Importance of parenting. adolescent drug abuse and the ways adolescents cope. The seminars. presented by South Coast Medical C.enter's CareUmt and StressCenter, wall be held at Deerfield Community Park Clubhouse, 55 Deerfield Park, Irvine. Add1t1onal information 11 available from CareUnit at 499-13 11 Ext. 280~. Excursion coordinator Kerea Bermla1llam said participants ahoyld meet at Irvine Civic Center, 17200 Jamboree &.d. et 6:46 p.m. and will be returned to the center at 11 p.m. l'hoae under 18 need written permi11lon form• tram their parenta. Additkmal information la available by caJ.1inc 7M-3839. to explore the underwater world and become certitied scuba divera," aaid Mlke Beuu of the Handicapped Scuba AJIOda\Jon, RegtatratiOI\ lnfonnation ii available from Beanan at 499-1801. 1 I I None of the three sites mentJoned recently as homea for a new Irvlne Clty Center ta ideal, but a location at Jeffrey Road near Barranca Parkway appears the most practical. One reason for this is because the city al.ready has contracted to pay a team of architects $127,000 '° design a plua intermingling ~ government buildings with private commercial ones. The architect.a are not being ~ to do the ume for the other altes -at the as-yet unbuilt Irvine Center near the city's southern border or at University Town Center acroa Campus Drive from Uc Irvine. There are other reasons as well. Perhaps the most important concerns location. City leaders have stressed their interest in making the City Center the premier community meeting place -an attractJon the area has sorely lacked. The Jeffrey Road site is the only one of the three that could be considered close enough ~ the center of town to act in the style of the old-fashioned town square. Members of Irvine's City Council are expected to choose a location at their Aug. 10 meeting. The Jeffrey Road location see~ their favonte. The site does have drawbacks. however. Architects already have pointed out that the Sin l'>leac> Creek channel, a eucalyp\ua tree row and ~by power U• all ' pdise multl-mruton dollar problema that mutt be 1olved before buildlnaa can 10 up. Council membel"I hope to know by their meeting day bow D'l\.lch their central locadOn .~l eosl. MeanwbUe, UCI Chancellor Daniel Aldrlctf ..Jr. n1lt recently with dty offtdall ba Jui..ninute discussicma about die . unlversity site. The center• i;;fJy was projected tor that botMod when the oamput -Qlllf city -were ftnb p~ No doubt the move wou18 add a nice touch of urbanit.:9 to the aniversity grounds. which too~ often have seemed a blt Aal>laad frtim the bustlP of l~l eommunitln. Another S>rovet&ial whnch in the declsfbn~inaking process ia how the City Center would relate to any ho•f.!!:l bunt in the community.. ttni \hem close together Make; aetwi, but t!mUar problems ~ l.bW laNe. The two strong c!a'n'\tt.dad,• tq,l)uild a hospital in~~ eyeil\i the same two sitd. Timing, cost and location are key variables Jbr ,.1 fuuO dedsk>n. Today. they .atdrA to pamt. toward the Jeffrey Road site. But there ia a fourth varlable thaf may become even more sipiticant. 4'nd that is flexibility. . . . Bed tax hike logit_al ' There is nothing wrong with the approach of Irvine City Council members. who decided this week to place on the November ballot a proposal to increase hotel bed taxes in the city from 6 to 8 percent. By doing so. they allow voters to decide whether a tax increase is an appropriate way to help balance future budgets. But city officials should be aware that winning two-thirds support for any tax increase l.s indeed a difficult political task in these times. It is not coinciden ce that administrators recommend ed to the council to seek the increase in bed taxes. Such a tax today is considered more politically feasible than most others because it doesn't take money out of the pockets of residents. A reasonable rationale for the increase also exists. Tourists and visiting busines.5 people do use city services, whether basic ones such as water and poUce..·f>ro~on or the less ob\dolMt.otM91 aacfl. a dfy- sponsored recreational f~ties. Council memben, in chosing lo place t.he ma tt&r on the November ballot, wisefy decided not to add a second proposal for a 10 percent "1tcharge· on ticket prices for live entertainment events. Tramt•ted, that meant Irvine Meadows ocmcerta. The bed ~ ~bika ii projected to earn the ciiy $3"M11ll0l'} CJYer the next five years. 'n. mosaey would go, approprlawfy.' ~anJ local projects such ts a ne-animal s h e l t e r a n d b._<>• dl h I f o r construction to bUild ~ over railroad tf*ka. '" 1,. ' City offiotals, however, shouldn't oV'erlodk, tfie lesson learned in June in~ Beach, where a similar i.~awre was narrowly d,feated. Any tax proposal, whether it directly affects vo1er8 ar not, ti going to be opposed by ICH'M segment of the community. College courses tritnHJed Saddleback Community College District wasn't hit as hard as some districts by recent reductions in financial support for recreational and "self-help" enrichment courses. Yet the district still plans to cut about 250 classes from its curriculum. The district, which includes Laguna Beach, Irvine and Mission Viejo, is eliminating various physical education courses and reducing classes in fine arts and other programs. District officials say the reductions wlll mean fewer students at the system's two campuses, resulting in a cut of about $750,000 in state funding based on average daily attendance. The California Colleges Board of Governors urged the cuts recently so community colleges could reduce expenditures to comply with reduced state funding for 1982-83. Th• 1tate Legislature's recently adopted budget cut about $30 million in func:lina for the state's 70 community college districts. Saddleback's curriculum wasn't as heavUy spiced with the targeted recreational and enrichment oouraes as were other districts' offerings, such as Coast Community College District. Therefore, the loss ol s\ate fund.a isn't as severe as it is in other districts. However, the news is still unfortunate. But it ahould come as no surprise. State legtalaton have cut aid to dties, ~~and kindergarten through 12th ar~e educaUoo io balanc:. the state budget witW• '8X lm:te11e. 1n Ugbt-ot ~. rt DN1t be noted that ~ there ii awcely tnough money ta educate chlldrea ln the basicl, lt'a difficult to jusUfy state subsidls for adult hobby courses, and n!!!Cft8tk11Wl oowwet 1uch aa yoga, JOgfU.llg or belly dancing. Saddleback offidala .-; many of the e.limlnated c.'O\U'9a will be offered tlm fall on a fee b9liai which, in U'iili titfMll; ·• hoMf ll should be ... • • T., • ·- Budget balancing hypocrisy WASHINGTON -President Reaian shattered the last of my illusions when he traveled up Pennsylvania Avenue to cheer and be cheered at a rally on the steps of the Capitol to promote a consUtutional amendment mandaeing a balanced federal budget. "RUNAWAY GOVERNMENT threatena our economic survival, our moat cherished institutions and the very preservation of freedom itself," said the man who has propoeed a budget that may be out of balance by a rerord one-quarter of a trillion dollan. ''The American people," he said, "have had i t. They are aay1ng 'Enough.'" True. I have had it. Enough, I say. "No army on earth can atop an Idea whoee time has come," Reagan told the 10,000 people traJllpOrted to t.he Capitol by the Republican NaUonal Committee. "Our time is now. "Balancing the budget ii a little like protecting your virtue," he said, buildlng toward tne chuck.le line. "You have to learn to say no." This from the president who not only can't aay "No" to the Pentagon, but ia actually giving the generals and admirala more than $10 biWon more than the $206 billion "wish llat" they asked for ln the 1982-83 budget. This from the president who, whatever he really believes, does not have the political courage to deal with cuta, capa or moderatlon In RICHARD lffffl spending for middJe-clus entitlement programs -most specifically and lmportantg I Social Security, Ronald Reagan, whatever he's capable of aayina to buaed-in Republicans, is incapable of balancing the federal budget. Hia problem i.a that there is not enough money in the budget for p<;>0r people: no matter how much he cuts from welfare and entitlement programs for the Jowtt clua, it won't be enough to make up for his milltary'..spending lncreues and the middle-class welfare he now reaiiz.es cannot be cut without reau.llifli ln the defeat of Republican candidates around the country. The White Hou.e's defenaie is offense, and offensive: to call for a balanced budget and attack runaway government. With luck, no one will reaUr.e that President Reagan is in charge of that government. SOME REPUBLJCANS, it must be admitted, do recognize that there may be some political ruks m demagogy of this order "We ant1c1pate stories about hypocrisy," S&ld one Republican Senate's aide at the Capitol tie-in. Well. this 1s a story about hypocrisy. It I IS a. bout the gall of the biggest deficit spender in Amencan history attacking deficit spending It is also about condescension. One of President Reagan's more outrageous lines was his proclamation that he's really doing this -spendmg more and deceiving more -to prol.eet my children from devils an Washmg10n. "How can families and family values flourish," he said , "when big government, with its power to tax, mflat.e and regulate, has abeorbed their wealth, usurped their rights and too often crushed their spirit?" My spmt LS fine. Hut my patience is crushed by the cymca.sm of politiciana who take the rest of us for fools. Our school children deserve better To the F4.itor: Thia ls an open letter to your readers telling Ulem how they can help the .chooI chncJ.ren tn t&lrl'Ommuntty. ' In the recently pmed state ~ public 1ehoola received a r.ero tnc:re.ue ln funding. In effect, due to the expected rate of inflation, that meens a five to seven percent cut In programs and Hrvlces on top of those that have already been dropped or curtailed becau.e of Proposition 13. Many achools will have fewer cowwes ln reading, writing, higher math, foreign languages, the arts, vocational education -you name it. Diacouraged veteran teachers, who can get higher wagee ln business and industry, will leave the cluaroom. This will contribute to our growing teacher shortage, especially in math, the sciences, vocational, special and bllingual education. Some lchool dimicta may go bankrupt and have to clme the .choola before the IChool year ta completed. I BELIEVE MOST Call!ornians Jre unaware that we are now apend.i.ng 10 percent below the national awraae on our public 1ehools. We rank 48th among the at.ates -leCOnd from the lut -ln the percent of penonal Income we spend on the 8Choola. Our pupil-teacher ratio ta an embarruaing highest in the nation. Our children, who are our moat valuable resource and our best Investment, deserve better than they are pttlng. They are the new generaUon of llCientilta, mathematlclana, technicians. mana1era and support penonnel we muat educate In a new hi&hly oompetiUve world of high technoloo lf we we to maintain our nation'• economy, poUtJcal and mWtary ltreng\h. When the Legialature reconvenes ln Auauat, the. California Teachen Aaaociatlon will be-pushing for an increue in school fundlna and the necemary taxes to ~ [t. w. In looklna at oU ..wrance taxa and any other revenue-ralsln& mean.a, auch 11 the ~ .. aln taxes." Pleue join ua In urglna the leplaton to iDcrW tM fundl fOC' acbooll. ewl\ lf it mM1W tncr.linC Wle9. Point OUl to them that \My have a.~ty to .. that the eC:hoola haw the ftlCe9U')' tunde to~ quality education for all children. That'• why they wen elec1ied, to make IUCh "hard dedllonl" lf they are ~ for our protecdoo. the Malth of OW' economy. out DOlltical freedom and a ._ quality of life. Tba _.. 11 wry o1ear: the ~ton Cllft nepct \)» IChoola aftd OUI' cbUdren • or tM)' e1n "tiilte the bWlet" and 'fOt.e for our c:ti&ldNi't. . -MAlULYN ftt188.ILL lnTLI s • Puilldint., c.liforma TMCbln Min. J Signal Landmark it planning to build residential units on leuehold land. Homeowners throuahout the area (Newport Beach, Huatincwn Beach, C.O.ta Meu, Founlain Valley, etc.) have found themaelves in wry serious trouble because of leasehold problems. Unreallat1c lease payment increases, unreallttic land valuationa, loa of home marketability, inability to find first mortgage lenders, inability to refinance MAILBOX eecond mongages and other leasehold- related probleJDs, have led to people being forced from their h omes by foreclosure, inability to react becauae of fixed Incomes, or fear. SIGNAL LANDMARlt themselves have creeled exactly theee problems by their handllna of leaseholds in the Newport Shores community. Signal Landmark bu shown no desire to assiat leueholdera or foe that matter, to even dlacuas the problem. Their attitude certainly does not bode well for future Bolaa Chica Signal leaseholders. We suggest that the Coutal Commission examine very caref~y all the motives of a company that would propose leuehold property today. We realize \he ia&.&ee involved with Bolaa Chk:a are complex, however, the lona term llllpecia lncludlna how Signal Land.mark dMla with lta leueholdera are major conaideradona. DOUGLAS A. TURNER Committee of 400, Newport Shores Uni air to Schmitz To the Editor. ' An.-prompted th.la letter. Du.rtni the put few <kya. the Daily Pilot~ aleefully reporWd Sen. John G. Sdtmltra penonal dilemma; a penonal, palntu1 ~ only he and hia wife, Mary, have any bualneu dl.,wna and hopefUUy t90)ved. Jud1e Murray erred ar6atlt.o!: tn_~,.:. =-~hu no Hnte for proper dem..nor or waa IJUdoul for pewonal p.tbUelty. Revee1ina a penonal t.mpbone call Cl p.le9. lle!'Wd no Ull'fu1 pw,,o.. LOii LtJNDaDG, the GOP C.Oril CoauDltt•• cbalt'Woman'1 •tatementa abcMlt Ow ... _.. pQUdcill tuwn and her COOOit'A about the •fttct of the .. nat0111 )!noaal· J>rob'9• on th• ..,. ........ Pw'1 dkln't help, u Mn. Lundber1,, who profeued P,fl"IOnel • fri._...lp tor ._.. .Jol\n Pd Mary 8c:blulat llllMDt ..... ~Ip. then the WoUW MW _...... dlillll bltUir by not making any statements at all. 11 one profesees to be a true friend, then. it ia best for one to ahut up and wish the Schmit.za courage and understandin&.1<> they can privately re90lve their problem. I'd aay, "hang the party'': these people's lives are more lmportant. The Deily Pilot went further and solicited lawyer Gloria Allred'• statements. The public knows about the 1egal battle between the senator and Ma. Allred. Ma. Allred, I believe. is a woman. She too, however, failed to exercise good wte and compass.Ion. She failed, in my eyes, to realize what it is to be a woman, a wife and a mother. If ahe cannot muster silence, ahe s hodld have remembered Mary SchmlU.. the fact that Mary ta a woman, a wife and a rnolher and given her consideration and compassion. The media forgets that people in public service are human like you and me. It is timely to critique a public official in the performance of his public duties. Hia private life la bis own and should only be critiqued when hia private acts involve or sway the public · duties he has swom to uphold. For God's sake. the public and the media ahould exercise common leNlt ln printing garbage or spreading rumon that can hurt others and their lowd ones. Surely, there are hon~ ed.Jton who can put a atop to rubbish reportlna. ELIZABETH DA VTB Real wizards To the Editor: The big companies that holler about too many government regulations are real wizard.a. The government aaya they have to replace pull taba on their beverage cans with pop tops to eaae the litter problem. Now lheR geniuses come up with a contest that encourages people to find a way to break them off. Sute, ln tln.y, obscure print, they auageat you not remove It unle. it'• a Winner. How thouahtful of \hem. Kida aarely will l"Md it 'and follow their d1tectiona. What amuee me ia It took them naro yMn to think of it. Kftl) lt up, baa fUYl- y OU pey •et too; and >'O'.& cto.\'t have CO protect anyone'• environment if 10'I don't want to. O. FERGUSON ' • ' flllifl',(11\y llJ(y 'I \'It•' () H A N ( , , ( ( ll I N I y I A I I I ' I I • J I f, .' I' ( • N I ' • Mesan's MeXico deaih disputed Condo i I Brother rebuts suicide claim; family airs concern • • issue BY JODI CADENHEAD OflMDllJNet .. Three days after Randall's body was found by childttn, the body of John MW., 34, of Santa Moruca. was diacovered In a river a mile away. spent eight days in Mexlco seeking an answer to Randall'• dea\h. Ebert said he believe. \he aize of the bullet hole in hta brother's Randall. a 197• graduate of UC clouded Randall Ebert loved Mexico, where vacationing was cheap Not one to travel the beet.en pat.h, the dark·haired Costa Mesan, 30, often headed for the smaller towna near Mazatlan, speaking the language he had f earned well. Bu t last trip he apparently strayed too far. His decompoeed body was found June 8 in a Mexican jungle near San Blas. a small coastal town known for its surfing. San Blas is 160 miles 110uth of Mazatlan. "It's a fa ct Ever yon e murder." that it's we t a lk e d not 1 a suicide . to f eel it 's Irvine, went Into a window - cleaning buaineel wlth Tim and a cloee fnend. A heal\h comcloua weight U!ter. Randall waa not involved with drup and rarely drank. according to hil family. Tim believes hla brother was camping in the Jungle and probably stumbled upon whatever was happening to Milla. A controversial condom1nlum conversion law that hu drawn steady protest from Newport Beach apartment renters may be headed toward an unexpected and somewhat bizarre finale. Mexican authorities labeled I.he death a suicide. A small .25 caliber handgun belof)gong to E bert waa found nearby, according to Michael Oreste, spdkesman for the United States Consulate omcie 'in Mazatlan. But Randall's brother, Tim, believes different. "It's a fact that it's not suicide," said Tim. "He wasn't that kind of person. Everyone we've talked to feel it's murder.' Deity Piiot 11.n ""°fo GOOD J OB -Gov. F.dmund G . Brown Jr. commends employees of Irvine's ASTECH f1rtn at ceremonies honoring the company for excellence m shipbuilding. Story Page AS. Mesan struck by pellets from BB gun A 19-year-old Costa Mesa man was struck three times by pellets fired from a BB gun as he drove to his home in Mesa Verde early Wednesday, policie said. Mkhael John Meyers told police that an unknown assallant fired two shots through his open car window as he drove along the 2800 block of Clubhouse Road at 12:30 a.m . Both shots hat has chest. Meyers was struck again in the upper lip when he turned to look ln the direction of the firing, police said. A search by police of the area failed to tum up any suspects. Meyers was not hospitalized. NATION Oreste, contacted at his Mazatlan office, confirmed that Malls' skull had been cracked. A 60-pound rock had apparently been tied around Mills' neck, Oreste said on Tuesday. "On several occasions we've asked for a full investigauon mto these deaths," he said. The vice-consulate declined to comment on how coope rative Mexican authorities have been. Tim Ebert said he didn't learn of his brother's death until July 8. He and his father, George and brother-in-law William Abbott, AirCal says it'll match PSA fares Offat·sals at Newport Beach· based A1rCal said today the earner wtll match lower fares on Southern Califor nia -San Francisco bay area routes announced Wednesday by rival Pac1f1c Southwest Airlines. PSA, in a move I.hat caught mdustry competitors like AirCal by surprise, announced it was cutting its regular one-way fare on the routes to $45 from $69. The new fares are effective Tuesday (Related story Page A8) AirCa1 immediately responded by matching the new PSA fare on routes on which the two carriers directly compete, such as Orange Co1;,.1nty-San Francisco and Los Angeles-San Jose AirCaJ also announced that it is dropping advance purchase requirements for discount fares on other routes in its five-state route system Lower fares on some other routes also were announced. Like PSA. AirCal IS offenng m August free passage to children between the ages of 2 to 11 who tly with a paying adult over the age of 21. That move is designed to boost discretionary. or non- business travel. Said AirCal's Mark Peterson of the PSA move : "I think generally 1t caught everyone by surprise. But it would be an overstatement to say we were caught off guard." Meanwhile, Charlyne Sh1rek. chief of the Travel Adventures Lravel agency in Newport Beach. said today the new fare changes will only add confusion to an already confused situation. She said many agents were selling tickets in advance of Sunday. expecting an Aug. 1 Care inc rease. Just the opposite occurred. Travel agents receive 10 percent of the pnce for each ticket they sell. Customers, however. pay no add1uona1 price for buying a ticket through an agent. The recsucea tares w111 mean a commensurate drop in the fees paid to travel agents, she said --- Plane crash kills 12 LINDALE, Texas (AP) -A twin·engine plane carrying five more passengers than it was designed to hold crash ed in flames shortly after takeoff and killed all 12 people aboard, including eight children and Keith Gordon Green, a popular singer, authoriUes said. 'Borderblaster' revs up L isteners around the nation will aoon be able to tune to the old .. borderblaater'' radio station , XERF, which is re build ing its m a m moth 250,000-watt trammitter near Del Rio, T exas. Page B4. Crash kills 4 executives HEADFORD, Ireland (AP) -A helicopter carrylnl tour executtve1 of The Charter Co. of Jldmonville, Fla. c:ruhed ln early JDOmina 1~ the wen COMt of Intl.and today, killing all a , police aid .. ~. skull could not have been made by a .25 caliber handgun. The gunshot wound was on the ri.ght of the skull and Randall, was left handed, Tim claims. "I don 't care who killed Randy,'' Tim said "I'm looking for justice. I just want to keep peole from going there. There's no reason to go down there allP have families worry." The Costa Mesa family s tressed that Randall loved Mexico and that they don't believe the entire country is cnme ridden or danRerous. Randall had left Costa Mesa May 18. A United State government official, who asked not to be identified. said, "For tourlSts who are traveling m resort areas it's not dangerous But for people who stray off the beaten path there's an element of risk " U.S . otflcials are considenng warning Americans lo avoid Highway 15, on which Ebert and Mills were reportedly traveling. The road has been the center of controversy since a University. of Colorado profeliSOr, Nicholas (See MEXICO, Page AZ) IN HAPPY TIME -Randall Ebert is pictu red during a happy time in Costa M('S& H<' was found slain after exploring a jungle ar('a in a remote section of Mexu.:o Daltr "°' .,.... .., Lee .. ., ... Five of the aeven City Council members, it \urns out, may not be permitted to even vote on the proposed law. The Fa1r P olitit•al Practice• Commission has been asked tO determine wh~ther the five members -bec·au~e of real estate holdings have a confhct of interest that would block them from voling. The real twist 1s that 1f tht C'ounc:1l members art-told not to vote, that would lt·avt• only two mC'mbers in the dViH not t·nough for a lejZal 4u11rum .. That would producl' an 1nt erest1ng situation." adrnowlf'dged Make Miller, t·1ty attorney "We've a!>ked the comm1SSion to respond to that quesuon also ... Council members haw been waiting nearly a year to get their hands on the conversion law, which would penn1t owners of duplexes and triplexes t.o switch units to condomm1ums John Cox, Paul Hummel, Phil Maurer. Evelyn Hart and Mayor Jackie Heather a ll reportedly own or have interest an duplex or tnplex propert, The other rouncllmcmbers - Don Strauss and Ruthelyn Plummer -don't. "It cer.aanly doesn't appear to be a strong confhct," said Maller. "I don't believe we would even have thought about 1t had several council membe rs not reused the question themselves. "We decided the best thing to do would be to ~eek a legal opinion just to dear the air:· he said . The city expects a d('(.·1s1on by the end of the wtoek SKYWRITING SQUADRON -These vintage Navy trainer planes "typed" the Miller Tame m essage you may have seen overhead Wednesday "We've had no crashes. just a few typos," the t·ommander says. See related photos, Page B 1 The conversion law was designed by the t·1ty as part of an attempt to provide more affordable housing m Newport, the thinking being that apartments turn e d into condorrumums would Ix> cheapet' than newl y co nstru<.·ted condominium.•: Artists have heads • clouds Six pre -war planes provide sign a tures in the sk y The letw would l1m1t the number of yearly conversions and f orce ownt'rs to mee t numerous cond1ttons By PAMELA STEINRIEDE of the Oelty 1'1tot Steff The voice from the air traffic controller's tower at John Wayne Airport Wednesday afternoon wanted to know, "ls that World War Il leaving w on the right?" Cypress, commander of the Miller Brewing Company's West Coast skytyping squadron. AC'COrdmg t.o Surus. the two- sea te r. single -engine S NJ-2 planes were used t.o tram nearly every rrulttary pilot d<Jrmg World War II Afthough 59 were orijttnally constructed. only a (See COAST. Page At> But a group of renU>rs, mostly senior citizens and students attending UC Irvine, have said the new law would force them out of their apartments As that voice crackled over the air. the departing flight consisted of six SNJ-2 Navy trainer planes built in 1940. Mesa consultant 'may quit' Unlike during the air battles assigned to them in the past, the pilots' mjssion on this sortie was to perform the art of computenzed skytyping Discouraged over lack of prog ress made on marina A "billboard in the sky" l,000 feet high by six to eight miles long 1s created by the automatic emission o f smoke-like, non- polluting vapor from each plane's exhaust, released when a computer transmitter activates receivers in the planell. "It's really a !ICience and you have to be an artist to do these things," said Greg Stinis of COUNTY Claiming discouragement over the lack of progress made toward a marina an Costa Mesa. a consultant hired by the city to pursue the dream of a 3.000-sllp boat facallty off the Santa Ana River IS considering quitt.mg. Ken Sampson, former county harbors. beaches and parks director, hired in 1979 said he will "meet with (city manager) Fred Sorsabal to discuss the contract." Sat urday is th e deadlin e the state of California has set for Crystal Cove residents to vacate their seaside cottages. But a survey shows no one plans to move. Page A3. Commuter airline ready to fly He ls only 27 but Leo Sugllo is rarin ' to go as his firm inaugurates commuter airline eervice Sunday f r om J ohn Wayne A ir p ort t o Los Angel es International Airport. Page A6. Newport politics heat up The Newport Beach City Council election ian't until November, but a lready there's a cam paign between pro-arowthen and the slow growthen. Page B l. Trailer tenants aided The cl~ of New~ Beach haa come to the l'e9C\le of • group or mobile liOme park tenanta b y pro~ their r.orung. Page 86. .. The Newport Beach resident who as credited with putting together plans for the Dana Pomt Manna. was hired by the city for $2.000 a month. In January has tune was cut and his salary was decreased to $500 a month. Today he is not so sure. "It's m lunbo," Sampson said. "Nut much has happened " Two years ago Sampson thou~ht that the p roposed 420-acre facility, estimated in 1974 to cost $39 million, would be under construction by 1987. Part of \he holdup has been the refusal of the U.S Army Corps of Engineers to consider the project until the State Coastal Commission approves a land wie plan for I.he area, including the Bolsa Chica marsh nearby. A hear ing on the county's (See CONSULTANT, Pa~e AZ ) INDEX At Your Service A4 Ann Landers 82 Erma Bom beck 82 Movtee 83-• Bualness A8-9 Mutual Funds A8 California A5 National News A3 C..vakwie B2 Public Notica C4,C6-7 Ctu.ified C7·l:t Sporta Cl-4 Cornlea ~ Dr. Steincrohn B2 Cnmword 0 Stock Marketa Ai Death Notices C4 Televtsion ~ !'.di tonal AlO Thea ten 83-'4 F.ntenatn.men t 83-4 Weather A2 Horoecope B2 World Newt A3 SPORTS SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The Univeriity of Sen Frandlco. which produced auch 1tarw u Bill RUIMU and PbU Smith_. aid ~ it la abolish~ men'• bNketbell becal.&18 rnlleonduct hu cut dou~ on the ''intep;ty and credlblUty of the unlvenlty." •• L 1 •I FAMILY FIGHT -Continuing the-.\radit1on of 19 summers of intramural competition among Disneyland employees, two of the top teams in today's 19th Annual Canoe Race Finals splatter the water of Frontier land's Rivers of America all over each other in the spirited contest held each year on the selected day early m the morning prior to the park's opening ' Dettr ~ f'Mto Irr tAe hJM to paid visitors. Winning th~ mommg's compet1tton was the team called Entertainment 1 (left) from Disneyland's entertainment divi~on. Top women's division team was the Sophisticated Ladies (right) from Tomorrowland. Winning time for the ~-mile run by the 10-member team paddling the l.800-pound Ct~rRlass canoe was four minutes. 9.63 seconds. Judge denies using home ploy .• 'Joanne Harrold testifies to intention to live in cdunty , By DAVID KUTZMANN Of 1tM Deify ~ Ii.ft W est Orange County 1ud1cial candidate be a resident of the county in which he or she is running for at leaat 54 days before the elecuon. · Municipal Court Judge Joanne Harrold testified Wednesday that It was never her mtenllon to live in a $2 m1lhon house in Newport Beach just long enough to establish legal residency and then move back to R1vers1de County after the June 8 electton "That property had always been promised to me." Judge Harrold said. denying assertions that she planned to deed back the house to her grandmother after the election Judge Harrold testified Monday· that she began the process oC moving into the Newport Beach house last November after her grandmother. Arlyne Lansdale of Westminster signed a quit- claim deed purportedly turrung the residence over to htt. Though Harrold won a decisive victory at the polls, her principal challenger -Santa Ana attorney Dan Charles Dutcher filed suit last month contesung the election results because he clauned she was not a legal resident of Orange County Judge Harrold has insisted. both during and after the election, that she always ' co n sidered h erself a legal ' resident of Orange County. even · though she has lived in R1vef'Slde at various limes smce 1965 Election codes require that a However. unaer questioning by Dutcher' a attorney, Judge Harrold admitt(!d that the Nov. 30. 1981. date on the deed was not the actual date that her grandmother signed the document. The signing took place sometime this year, she said The deed was recorded In Orange County on May 17 of this year The judte denJed that the deed had been "backdated" to Nov. 30 even though the notary"s seal aaya the deed was signed or. that da~. The 1udge said the grandmother wanted the date :-n the deed to reflect when she Fair and (,'onstn I Boat.,• lrom Pomt Conception to the Mexleen borde< C41n expect light V8118ble W1ndl during night and morning houre becoming southwaterl)o at 10 10 16 knot• Fnday afternoon with e 1-to 2·1oot aout"-terly ,..,I Over out« waters lrom Po.nt Coneeotlon to Sen NiCOlas 111en<1 oonhwest w1n<1a 10 to 111 knoll W11h 4 to 6 root MM. Ove< lnnet wate<s tight varleble wind• -• to southwest 10 to 15 knota afterno on and evening Southwes1 swells 1 to 2 feat Mostly sunny 1f1t1m0011 Thundaratorme r11ched lrom the Roclttes to the Attanoc Cou1 todr(. with high llrind• ll'ld heavy rem tha1 cauMd noodtng In some If ... Two death• -• rep«ted tn Phfladelphla, wtlere a boy end an electric company hnemen died after coming Into contact With a puddle 1n10 which • downed ~ llne had retlen Showera end lhunderatorml eleO -• repot1ed along the Gutt Coast. In ... te.-n Nof'th Oa.ltote and parta or MlnneSOI• Flooding I wu r8PO'led In norU\ef'n Utah. :-. Sltln -e clMr ove< Ille OhlO J: Valley, the GrNt Ultea and mucli ~· of Cellfornla Sklea -e per1ty .1i,· CIOuOy ovw rno.t of the reat of the nation. A 1evere wlndatorm hit ii Naugatuck, Conn , on WednMdey I nigh!, dl!maglng el teat ......,. ·~ : A ame11 tornado wa1 reported l!jl: In JamHtown, NY., ~;llng tr-and damaging bu • IM Matlonal Weather Service reported The lorecaal tor today and Friday called tor 1howera and tllunderstorme from the aouthefn ): 1 Atlantic CO..t, tlvough the '- , half of the Ml11l1llppl Vellley to Winds ahoul<S be nort"-terly •• 10 to 111 knota wtlh 3-10 S-foot aeas terther then 60 mlle1 ottat>o<e from the po4nt to San NteOlas ttland Teniperalures NATION Atbeny Albuque AmerillO Asheville Atlll'lt• Atlante Cty Austin Bahlmore Bltltnga Bkmtnghm Bismarck BoiM Bot1on Brown1vile Buffalo Burttngton CMP8f Char11tn SC Chartstn WV Chatltte NC Cheyenne Chtceoo CIN:lnnatt Cleveland Clmble SC Columbua ()el-Ft Wtn Oeylon OenY« Dee MolMe Oettolt OIAlttl EIPMO Faroo Flagltan Gree1Felll Hertford .. lo~ 75 61 so 90 65 113 67 84 65 1 l:i' 92 72 77 62 101 17 911 6~ 13 82 62 1M 73 81 se 80 61 74 66 66 97 77 72 57 tt Ml 61 t 20 75 57 t 1 92 79 44 eo 92 92 72 64 55 t t7 79 57 115 61 77 53 93 73 04 81 se 911 80 83 58 Ot 711 511 29 83 " 11 M ,. 82 20 N 72 112 59 02 74 51 M 53 79 &4 27 HeleNI 117 HonoMli 119 HO\llton 95 •ndnaPll 114 Jeck.9n a.es Ml Jedllm!le 95 JUMeu 111 Kane Chy 85 Knoxvllle 90 LM Vegu 101 Ultle Roel< 92 louteVllle 112 lubboc:k 112 Memohla 93 Mieml 115 Mltweult.. 74 Mpl•St.P 117 Nuh~lle 90 New Orlean• 112 New YOO. 64 Norlo41t 93 No Plett• 82 Okie City 93 Omlha 113 Ortando 90 PNlldpHa 90 Pnoenl• 108 ll'tt1~ 79 CAUPCHNA l!lellenfleld t03 Blythe 109 turned over the keys to the restden~ of her granddaughter. "l did exactly what she told me to do," the judge said, acknowledging that she now knows It was a breach of the law to put a aate on a deed th.at is mcorrec:t On Wednesday. finishing her third day of testimony in t.he case. the judge said she only alept "several tl.JTleS" tn lhe Newport house m Oe<.'t"mber and not at all tn January She lived in her Riverside hom~ with her husband and chi.ldren dunng thlS penod. She aatd she moved in 10 either late February or March. after extensive repa1n had been made to the Lido Isle home. Harrold denied that she IOUght to have her grandmother sign the house over to her whe,n she first d!X'OVered that Outcri'"er planned to make her residency status an losue in the campaign. She said she filed a declaration of cand1dacy on Feb. 23 in which she listed the Lido Isle home as her residence warm S6 76 110 63 73 32 75 50 63 70 111 79 72 01 86 , .. 89 79 111 20 55 70 72 04 77 85 t 111 74 17 .. 20 71 .114 87 75 85 08 111 82 .le eu.-a FreMI() lancaste< Mll)'IVllle Mont•ey ~ Oak lend Peso Roblea Red Bii.iii Redwood City Reno Sacremento Sellnu Santa Berb81• Santa Marra Stocilton Thermal U~leh Bert tow 81g Beet 8lShop Cetlllna Laite ArrowtleM:I Loog Beech Mt Wlleon ~e.ctl Ontario Palm 8prlngil PllNdana sen a.nardlno San JoM 81 53 t02 73 100 79 101 82 1011 74 55 103 80 102 68 112 55 92 55 95 59 86 46 78 58 73 911 113 109 97 101 711 711 411 97 58 75 82 112 55 00 87 ..... 71 .. t3 .. 110 7t I the Nllttn hell of the Plat_, 'f region. ShOMf• -• e)IJ)eCted I OYwr not1hem M81ne, wtttr IUMY : to pertly ltlM'f llllea ,...wN!e. 1 t emptraturH around the 1: nation ._ore 0.-. reoged trorn 'I 48 1n Marquette. ~nn., to 011 In ~; _Ptl_toel __ ~_~_. ____________ __ .miiiiiiii;lit liiiiillii. 2 !D ...... _R ___ f R_IP_DR_T Senta Ana Tlh09V~ Smog 91 .. N N 16 M 67 85 12 40 w11e11 10 cell (toll free) for lttMt ll'l'IOQ lnfonMllOn Al California I The NatloNI W .. tn. Service ptedlcU a 11o4 tunnY Friclmy I« 8outtlem Celfomla once morning oo.tll dolld9 ... The aw.. : Valt.y and eellem Moj.w OOUld , get an afternoon or ~tnlng r t~";a.. 1rom •., Lae Mglrle9 '° .. In .,...., .... I ~:::.::n t~1·:~: 'rt:~~~·· I "°"'*" 01Mrt Ind from IOI to ' I ti In the law -'· 1 1 TonlOtlt'• i-•e forecHt ffom If Ill '90 itOa" IM A"""9 ............................ =4'~t~'Tr rr1:1::: rr. .. ~ :=. 1·2 It 1-3 It 1-3 It 14 ft 1-2" M lt 2" I fl I ft 1 ft 1·2 ft 111 ' ft '•"' 1-t ft , ... " ...... r-.. .. " .. .. .. Ill 17 .., 17 .. .. .., 17 .. .. .. ,,,., p.m. .... OrenQe COl#lty; (IOO) 44f.312t lo• Angel .. Counlyi (1001 242 ... 022 Al'IWlkle and 81111 9tfnlll'dlt\O ~: (IOO) HT-4710 AQMO ~ Ctinltr· (IOO) 2~2 ........ Tides TOOAY leOOnd lllQtl I: ti p.m. I. i TMUMOAY ,..,. !Ow tt.30 a.m. 1 2 ,.,_ ~ t :U a.m. l.J leooncflOw 11.11 a.m. I.I ..... 1:11111 l.'00 p.1'11. ••• .,._ ..... toder .. 1111 p.m.. n.~111.-01 IJft. Moon rtlel todllf It I. 11 1>.111 , ... ~ .. 1t:4 1 ··"'· COMMANDER -Veteran pilot Greg Stinis is squadron commander for the skytypers. From f'age A 1 COAST • e e dozen now remain The other six are uUUzed by the F.a.st Coast Miller squadron in Flushing, NY As the planes soar l 0.000 feet m the sky, the pilots execute their typing duties whale 10 the tradilionaJ miufii.ry V -formauon Ex-Manne afid World War 11 and Korean War veteran, Don Brennan of Laguna Niguel. has been with the <.'rew for 25 years, and calls the formation flying "demanding." He added. "You cannot be relaxed " Surus said, "You have got to be good to survive up there," adding, "we have had no crashes, just a few typos." The computerized system used by the team is credited with keeping the spelling rrustakes to a minimum. Stinis' father, Andy Stinia, created the skytypinl( technique when he became Crwtrated as a singJe·plan~ typer for Pepsi-Cola in the 1930s. "The messages would lade before he finished," said the younger Stinis. "That's when he came up with the idea of doing it with multiple planes." The five-plane operation (the sixth 1s used only when another has malluncuoned) LS 17 times faster than that ol a solo plane. To be sure, the former fighting men all agree their task is fun, and considerably different from the assignments they faced at Okinawa. Korea and the Marshall Islands . But even Ge n eral MacArthur probably would be tmprnsed with the milaiona they fly today. From Page Al CONSULTANT proPOMl to build 5,700 homes, an 1,800-slip boat marina, an ocean channel and a 600-ecre wetland ty1tema near Huntington Beach la 1Cheduled Friday. However, advltert for th• Coutal Cornrni.ion haw recommended a delay of up to abt months. ln the put the Coutal Comm.1ll1on ataff hu oppcmd the HunUngton Beatch marina and naYlpt* channel ln favor of a dry •toract area for boata and a ama11 bolt la~ fadUty. ~ Donil Hall. who bll bMra • ~ prqpontnt of the Colt& M4iM manna. llld he would au~ "llYtnl up the Plan u Wt ... Chkla M.nna can't be built. • • position mystery 8)' Tile A11oclated Pre11 Paleatlnlan aunrtllaa fired mortar thella at Iaraeli polttlorui in Beirut today, but llrael still WU oblervlnf the latett CHJe- flre, \he Te Aviv command reported. Meanwhile , Paleatlne Llberatlon OrganlHtlon chief Yaaer Arafat refuaed comment on a new drive to get him to state unequivocally that he and ht. auerrillu will leave Lebanon. The Tel Aviv command said the suerrlllas started shelling Israeli poaitions near Beirut's international airport around 5 a.m. POT, an Israeli army 1pokesman said. "Israeli sold1ers received strict orders LO hold their fire and are lnten1lvely oburving the terroriata' movements," he said Arafat, wearing military fatigues with a pistol on his hip and a desert cap on his head. talked briefly with reporters . in west Belrut after ~ur.g Wlth former Prime M inister Sat>b Salam, who has been ·the key go-between an talks with Lebanese officials and U S presidential envoy Philip C Habib. Asked about Habib's report4.-d promise LO Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin to IN Isra~l know by Friday whl•thc>r lhl' PLO would leavl· Bt-1rul peacefully, Arafat said, "I dad not receive any official proposals from Mr. Habib l have LO deal of f icially with hi) excellency. not you (reporters).'' ~afam said before meeting with Arafat that the PLO ha:. repeatedly said 1t wanted to leave Beirut peacefully, "but it has to be arranged whe~ to go. how ~ go. and 1t must be ued up with the international force roming in. all that has to be scheduled That's not in their hands·· Onofre unit given OK to operate The Nuclear Regulatory Comm1SS1on hns granted a fuU - power hcense for operation of llrut 2 at the San Onofre Nuclear Generaung Statton. The NRC decision, which came late Wednesday in Washington. DC .. means Southern Caljfom1a Echson Co. may begin scaling ats second reactor up to full power. with full operation of the l I million kilowatt reactor possible bv the end of the year. &hson, which owns 80 percent of the nuclear plant three miles south of San Clemente. says Unit 2 wall produce enough electrkaty to provide power to 500,000 homes when it is al peak producuon A twin reactor, Unit 3, LS still under construction with compleuon expected next year The power st.at.ion also has a smaller, 456,000-kilowatt reactor that was constructed in 1968. Edison began low -power testing on Unit 2 earlier this week. despite attempts by opponents to obtain an injunction hal_ting the tests. Dellr Pltot Pf\oto by lM P9JM CAUTION URGED -Tim Ebert. in the wake of brother RandaU's slaying. urges U.S. tourists in Mcx1<:0 to use extreme caution. From Page A1 MEXICO • • e W S<:hrock, dtsappt'ared there May 31 The poh<.-c chief in San lgnac10 and six offll'l'~ havl' L'Onfessed to killing Lht• t.'<:onomK'S professor after his trurk wa..., found at the pol11-t t:hwf'!> homl Schrcx:k"11 body hai. not been found · Drugs probed in jail deaths Ordnge County Sheriff's L>epartment toxicologists aided by d UC Davis professor, are attempting to determine if a potent form of synthetk heroin· played a roll' in the recent deaths of three Orangl' County Jail inmates. Analyses c·urrently are hemg conduc.·ted by a San Frarn:1sco Bay area laboratory to det('rm1ne ar ··China White.'.·· ai. the synthetic heroin LS known. was present in lethal quantities in blood and urine samplf'S rollt'\.·ted from the> mc:ns' bodies. All thn'(· died <tfkr tx>commg 111 wh1lt-in eustody. Two died afwr c·hoktng on thl'ir own vomit Tht• t·auS<· of death for the lh1r<.I 1n matt-who died Monday rn 11 r n 1 n g . h a s n o t b t• l' n dt ·tenmned. B~s trip 'hassle free' ' Coastal residents who love entertainment. but hate to drive ca.n hop aboard "Margo's Champagne Shuttle'' to see Frank Sinalrj.. the Pageant of the Masters or an upcomtng production at the Pantages Theater. The New port Beach bus shuttle s<'rv1ce 1nc:ludes transportation. bever.tges and ticket arrangements. Reservations close Aug. 2 for a tnp to see Frank Sinatra's Aug. 7 appearance at the Universal Amphitheater in Umversal City. T1t·kets are $50. Tickets are $25 to see the pageant in Laguna Beach Aug. 24 The bus will take guests to the Pantages in Hollywood Aug. 27. "Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat " For more information call 640-1541 Riley to discuss of county • issues Orange County Supervilor Tom Riley will diacusa county government and iaues Aua. 6 at a breeklMt bolted by the New port Harbor Area • 'Ille c.o.ta Mea Senior Citizen• Club i1 offerlnt needlecraft•, bln10, card gamea, .quare dani:lng and e xcu.nlona for realde nta ~O and older. A 1pectal van la allo •A sped.al telephone line haa been Jnatalled by the YMCA t.o which parents and f rltnda of YMCA cam pen can call t.o heel' about the da~\'eft\'W'el, day, YMCA c:ampera 1t the G.tand Cany~n. Chamber of Commerce. The 7:30 a.m. session at the Balbola Bay Club will cost $10. For further infonnation. call 644-8211. avallble for seniors needing tranaportatJon to the bank, ahopplng and doctor'• office. For more lnformatton call 646-85$3 between 8:30 a.m. and 3 p.m. • Mammoth or Blb Beer la.kea phone tn a 80....:ond melMP and from 1 to 10 p.m. femily and h1endt can call to hear the recorded ~· . M'ajor high-r-ise plan . awaits city approval A chapter in Costa Mesa'• hlatory will cloee Monday, when th~ City Council votes on a project that will add six high -rise butldlnp to the largest sec.:tor of undeveloped land in the city. Curci-England Co . has proposed building 1.3 million square feet of commercial office space on 46 acre• of Sakioka· Qwned land near South Coast Plaza Town Center. If approved. construction of the South Coast Metro Center wlll begin in March. So far there has been little opposition to the project that will include buildings between 10 and 14 stones. The plan originally approved for the entire 165-acre property bounded by the San Diego Freeway, Main Street and Sunflower called for only three- and four-story office buildings and 1,500 condominiums. Plans were delayed because of economic constraints. No new residential proposaltl have been submitted. Two years ago the developer was asked to build both the res id en tlal and commercial sections at the same time. The developer says it will be too expens1Ye now to do both concurrently. Given the exlatlng market conditions, it doesn't make sense to require that both be built together . The Planning Commission last month recommended that the residential development be delayed until the building permits are issued for the third high-rise office. In the past, City Council members have been reluctant to allow such arrangements for 'ear that the whole project won't get built. Given today 's economic situation, the phased approach seems reasonable. Fun Zone farewell One of the oldest survwmg pieces of Newport Beach history -the Balboa Fun Zone -soon will be no more. The end of the Fun Zone, howeve r, is not as sad an event as it might seem. The block-long arcade has become an eyesore in recent years and its charm lives on more in memory than in reaJ1ty. That feeling was echoed by many Balboans this week who '\. ~~owed up to encourage the ~ Beach City Council to approve a plan to rip down the arcade and replace it w1 th a three-level restaurant. specialty shop and office complex. The council dtd just that. "The Fun Zone is not the way you remember tt," suggested one long-time Balboa resident. We agree. The Fun Zone no longer 1s the place it once was. The arcade somehow has fallen out of step with Balboa of the 1980s. Fortunately. though. the Hrm that is to redevelop the waterfront arcade plans to keep some of the festive features which made the Fun Zone popular for so long. A Ferris wheel and merry-go-round are planned as 1s a video game arcade The new structure is to be designed with an open air feeling. We b e lieve 1 t w1 II be a vast improvement and <.'OUld bring back spme of the longtime Newport r e side nts who once enjoyed strolhng through this area. Balboa residents and Penins ula visitors should be prepared for what is likely to be a yearlong construction mess in the area. Traffic congestion in this area already is heavy and during construction, it wall be worse. A s was th e c ase in the bu1Jdmg o f the new Newport Bay bridge. perhaps the headache will be worthwhile in the final result. Dump lee hits Mesa This December, Costa Mesa residents will pay 84 cents more per month for trash pickup as a result of Orange County government's decision earlier this month to initiate a dump gate fee Last year Costa Mesa residents paid $56 a year or $4.66 per month for trash collection. The fee was supposed to increase $1 or 8 cents a month as a result of a 7.4 percent increase in the trash hauler's contract. The Costa Mesa Sant tary District Board of Directors joined others in attempting to persuade the county to delay the increase until next year. The new trash rate will be • raised to $66 per property owner or $5.50 per month. This would be a good time to give some consideration to -a reclamation project that would weed out the bottles. cans and newspapers from the trash load, thus lowering the dump fee. A volunteer program attempted last year by the Orange Coast College Reclamation Center failed due to lack of interest by Costa Mesans. Anyone now interested in bringing their bottles, cans and newspapers to the center can call 556-5981 or drop them off anytime at the Reclamation Center at 2701 Fairview Road, behind the LaBard Stadium. Opinions expressed 1n the spac.e above are those of the Daily Pilot. Otner views ex· pressed on this pag~ are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is inv1t· ed. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone <714l 6'2·4321 . L.M. Boyd I Intelligence test A standard intelligence test can be fairly useful to a store owner in picking office help. But it does little good in selecting sales people. oddly enough Studies repeatedly show that the best clerical staffers tum out to be the workers who passed the intelligence tesl with the highest scores But the best sales pel"90ns out on lhe floor are rarely lhose who scored highest on the intelUgence test. Whal do you make of that? ln lhe last letter that President Andrew Jackson had received from hit mother was lhla advlce: "Never bring a suit at law for asaault and battery, or for defamation. Tht> law afford.a no remedy for such outrages tha\ can .aliafy the feellnp of a true man." You can tee how men were trained In that era. even by their mothers, to fight duels of honor. Seven out of every J 0 women In college uy they'r. tn love. TMt'a •t arty a•v•n time, accord1n1 to the researchers who study romantic matters. And two out of every 10 say they've already been in love at least three times In our Love and War man's files ll an e.rller report that suggests the average woman f.alb in love seven times before she marries. Does that ~und reasonable·: The law in Los Angeles makes It lllegal. specifically in the winter, to hang out women's underwear on clotheslines vtalble from the street. ''Organized chart ty la the rru lk of human klndne11 -patteurlzed, homogenized, and cut at least nine to one.'' Who aald that? Q. Which ata'" have no ule1 or income taxet? A. None hu neilher. Five with no sales tax: AJ.uka, Delawar.. Montana, New fUmpehlrt and o.-e.m. Six with no Income tax: nortda. Nevada. South Dakota, Texa1, WHhln1ton and Wyomlna. Budget balancing hypocrisy WASHINGTON -President Reagan shattered the l.aat of my illusions when he traveled up Pennsylvania Avenue to cheer and be cheered at a rally on the steps of the Capitol to promote a constitutional amendment mandating a balanced federal budget. "RUNAWAY GOVERNMENT threatens our economic survival, our most cherished institutions and the very preservation of freedom 1tsel1," said the man who has proposed a budget that may be out of balance by a record one-quarter of a trillion dollars. "The American people," he said, "have had at. The y are saying 'Enough.'" True I have had at. Enough, I sav. "No army on earth can stop an idea whose time has come," Reagan told the 10,000 people transported to the Capitol by the Republican National Committee. "Our time a.t now. "Balancing the bud~et is a Little lake protecting your vlrtue, ' he said, building toward the chuckle line. "You have to learn \0 say no.'' This from lhe president who not only can't say "No" to lhe Pentagon, but is actually givmg the generals and admirals more than $10 billion more than the $206 billion "wish lilt" they asked for in the 1982-83 budget. Thls from the president who, whatever he really believes, does not have the political courage to deal with cuts, caps or moderation in RICHARD 111¥11 spending for middle-dass entitlement programs -most specifically and Importantly, Social Security. Ronald Reagan, whatever he's capable of saying to bused-in Republicans, is incapable of balanctng the federal budget. His problem i.ci that there is not enough money in the budget for poor people; no matter how much he cuts from wella.re and entJtlement programs for the lower class, iL won't be enough to make up for has military-spending increases and the middle-class welfare he now realizes cannot be cut without resultina in the defeat of Republican candidates around the country. The White Hou.e'a defense is offen&e, and offensive: to call for a balanced budget and attack runaway government. With lu('k, no one wall realize that President Reagan tS an charge of that government SOME REPUBLICANS, at must be admitted, do recognize that there may be some politu.:al nsks m demagogy of this order. "W e ant1c1pate stones about hypocrisy," said one Republican Senate's aide at the Capitol lie-an Well, this as a story about hypocrisy. It 1s about the gall of the biggest deficit spender m American history attacking deficit spending. ll 1s also about condescension. One of President Reagan's more outrageous lines was his proclamation tha\ he's really doing this -spending more and deceiving more -to prole(:t my children from devils an Washington "How can farrulles and fa.nuly values flourish ," he said , .. whe n big government, with its power to tax, mflate and regulate, has ab&orbed their wealth, usurped their rights and too often crushed their spint'" My spirit aa fine. Hut my pal.Jenee as crushed by the cynicism of pohllcians who take the rest of us for fools. Our school children deserve better To the Echtor: This is an open letter to your readers telling them how they can help the achoo! chlldren in their community. In ~ ~ntly pesaed 5tate budget. public schools received a zero increase in funding. In effect, due to the expected rate of Inflation, that means a five to seven percent cut in programa and services on top of those that have already been dropped or curtailed because of Propoaltion 13. Many schools will have fewer counes in reading, writing, higher math, foreign languages. the art.a, vocational education -you name it. Dlscouraged veteran teachers, who can get higher wages in business and industry, will leave the ct.a.room. This will contribute to our growing teacher short.age. especially in math, the 9clences. vocal.Jonal, special and bilingual education. Some .:hool dlatricu may go bankrupt and have to close the school.a before the ac:hool year is completed. I BELIEVE MOST Callfonuana are W\aWare th.at we are now spending 10 percent below the national average on our public 1ehoola. We rank 48th among lhe states -second from the laat -in the percent of penonal income we spend on the 1ehoola. Our pupll-teacher ratio is an embarruaing highest in the nation. Our children, who are our moat valuable reaource and our best investment, deserve better than they are getting. They are the new generation of aclentlata, mathematicians, technicians, managers and aupport peraonnel we must educate in a new hithly t'Olllpetitive world of hiah teehnoloCY lf we are to maintain our nation's economy, political and military strength. When the Legialature reconvenf!S in Auguat, the California Teachers A11oclatlon will be pushing for an Increase ln achool funding •nd the necessary iaxea to finance it. We are looking a\ oil~ taxes and any other revenue·raiatn& mean.a, such u the IO-allled ''ain taxea. ti Pleue Join ua in W1Jlng the legtalatora to 1ncreue the funda for 1ehoola. even if It means lncreu1ng tax•. Polft\ out to them that they have • responaibWty to tee that the ecboola have the ~ funcb to provide quality education toe all children. '!'Mt'• wby \hey wen •1ec:1ed, to make auch "ha.rd dtdllona" lf they are ~ for our protection, the hMlih of our economy, our DOUtical freedom and a better quality of life. The isMt LI ,,_ry clear: the JePJ,a1IOC'I can nqJecrt the IChools and OW' c:hildNn ot Uwj can "bl~ the bullei" aQCl vote fOf' out cb.Udnn. -MARILYN RUSSELL Bl'ITLE Pnmdent. Calltomla Teachen Alm. PJannins miuing. To the 'lditor. rd UM '° kriow who the~ ii ln the llU'tle( TMU'I~ de~t who put up 1l1nt Ob 8w1n and Phalarope for no parlo.ng due to street work from 7 to 5. The st.reel work is great because they need redoing. But what they don't telJ you on the no parktng stgn is that thett as no al.'Ce:SS, and lhey don't suggest alternate parkmg or anything of that son for use of your car during thosC' no parking hours. But the big thing as scheduling the street work on trash pickup day and MAILBOX Glaking no arrangements for trash pickup. I know each area has a certain day for trash pickup and I'm sure this information 1s readily avatlable to anyone m the street department. You would thank they would use thts in planning the atreet work. MRS. D. STRaI'HERS Keep sign law To the Editor. The Qty Council made a good decision to regulate the proliferation of ugly signs ln Co.ta Mea. Now they are considering weakening that law. A mere beautiful city is good buaine9 for everyone. Let'• make our investment ln the future, not becbUde. NINA T. MARTH Uni air to Schmitz To the F.ditor: Anaer prompted t.hl.a letter. Du.rinc the put f.w days. the Daily Pilot newspaper aleefully reported Sen. John G. Schmits'• penon.al dilemma; a personal, painful problem, only he and hla wife, Mary, have any bu1lne11 d.i.lcuaUna and hopefully "*>lved. Juda• Murray erred greatly to publicly report a telephone call from Sen. Schmit&. The Judae either h.u no sense for proper demeanor or waa arudoua for penonal publJdty. Reveallna a penonal telephone call or plea, eervecl nou.fW~ . LOIS LUNDBERG. the GOP Ceunl Comml\tee chaJ.twoman•1 atatemenu about the etnltof'I political future and h•r concern about the efftet of the .. nat.or'• s>41rto1t11 problem on the Republican Party didn't help. If Mra. Lu.ndberl, who profHMd peraonal !ritnclahlp for both John and M•ry Schmit&. ....... t ..... friendahlp. :._then IM WOUid hiW ilrYld them bett.ir by not making any statements at all. U one professes to be a true friend, then it is best for one to shut up and wjsh the Schmitz.es courage and understanding so they can pttvetely tt901~ thtt probtem. I'd say, "hang lhe patty"; lhese people's laves are more important. The Daily Pilot went further and solicited lawyer Gloria Allred's statements The public knows about the legal battle between the senator and Ms. AJlred. Ms. Allred, I believe, is a woman. She too, however, failed to exercise good taste and compassion. She failed, In my eyes, to realtz.e what it as to be a woman, a wife and a mother If she cannot muster silence, she should have remembered Mary Schmltz, the fact that Mary is a woman, a wife and a mother a nd given her consideration and compassion The media forgets that people in public service are human like you and me. It as timely to critique a public official in the performance of hia public duties. His private life is his own and should only be critiqued when hit private acts involve or sway the public duties he has sworn to uphold. For God's sake, the public and the media should exercise conunon sehlle In pritlting garbage or spreading rumon that can hurt others and their loved ones. Surely, lhere are honest editors who can put a stop to rubbish reporting. ELIZABETH DA VIS Real wizards To the Editor: The big companies that holler about too many government regul.ations are real wuards. The government says they have to replace pull tabs on their beverage CAns with pop tops to eue th4t Utter problem. Now theee geniuses come up with a t'Olltes\ tha\ encourages people to tu.ti a way to bruk them off. Sure, lr( tiny, obacure print, they auageat you not remove it un}e91 it's a winner. How thoughtful of them. Kkla surely will reed It and follow their direct.lom. What amues ~ is It took them two ye.an to think o! it. Keep it up, b61 IU)'I• You. pay t.axet too, and you don't 6'w to protect •nyone'a environment I( you. don't want to. a .FERGUSON • 111111 CIAIT fltlJl!',[11\y 11111 . I 1 1>1 ( ) II A N ( I l ( ( JI J N I y ( fl. I I I I ) I I t H /\ •", c f N I ~ M·esan's Mexico d _eath disputed Condo Brother rebuts suicide claim; family airs concern • By JODI CADENHEAD O("t119 o.11 Net ..... T hree daya after Randall's body wa.a found by children, the body of John Mil.la, 34, of Santa Morue4l, waa diacovered In a river a nule away. spent eight daya ln Mexico teeking an answer to Randall 'a death. Ebert said he believes the me of the bullet hole an hia brother'• Randall, a 1974 eracJuate of UC • issue clouded Randall D>ert loved Mexico. where vacaUonJna wu cheap Not one to travel the beaten path, the dark-haired C.O.ta Mesan, 30, often headed for the smaller towns near Mazatlan. speaking the language he had learned well. But last trip he apparently strayed too far. fils decompoeed body was found June 8 in a Mexican jungle near San Blas, a small coast.al town known for I ts surfing. San Blas is 160 miles IOUth of Mazatlan. "It's a fact Everyone murder." that it's not we talked to a suicide. feel it's Irvine, went Into a wlndow- cleanlng bualneu with Tltn and a cloee friend. A health co!Udou. welaht lifter, Randall was not involved with drup and rarely drank, according to hla famiJy. Tim believes hla brother wu camping in the ju~le and pro b a bl y a t u m bl ~ u po n whatever was happening to Milla. A controveraial condonunium conversion law that has drawn steady protest from Newport Beach apartment renters may be heeded toward an unexpected and somewhat bizarre finale. Mexican authorities labeled the death a suicide. A small .2~ caliber handgun belongong to Ebert was found nearby. acc:ording to Mich ael Oreste. spdkesman for the United States Consulate office In Mazatlan. But RandaJl's brother. Tim, believes dlfferent. "It's a fac t tha t it's n ot suicide," said Tim. "He wasn't that kind of peraon. Everyone we've talked to feel it's murder.' Delly Nat llllff l"holo GOOD JOB -Gov. &tmund G . Brown Jr. commends employees o f Irvine's ASTE.CH firm at ceremonies h on ori n g the company for excellence in shipbuilding. Story Page A8. Mesan struck by pellets fro~ BB gun A 19-year-old Costa Mesa man was struck three times by pellets fired from a BB gun as he drove to his home in Mesa Verde early Wednesday, polke said. Michael John Meyers told police that an unknown assailant fired two shota through his open car window as he drove along the 2800 block of Clubhouse Road at 12:30 a m. Both shots hit his chest. Meyers was struck agam in the upper lip when he turned to look in the direction of the firing. police said. A search by police of the area failed to tum up any suspects. Meyers waa not hospitalized. NATION Oreste. contacted at his Mazatlan office, confirmed that Mills' skull had been cracked. A 60-pound rock had apparently been tied around Mills' neck, Oreste said on Tuesday "On several occasions we've asked for a full investigation into these deaths." he said. The vice-consulate declined to comment o n how cooperative Mexican authorities have been. Tim Ebert said he didn't learn of his brother's death until July 8. He and his father, George and brother-in-law Wilham Abbott, AirCal says it'll nJatch PSA fares Off1c1als at Newport Beat·h- based A1rCal said today the earner will mat.ch lower fares on Southern Cal1forn1a -San Francisco bay area routes announced Wednesday by nval Pac1f1c Southwest Airlines. PSA. m a move that caught industry competitors like AirCal by surprise, announced it was cutting its regular one-way fare on the rout.es to $45 from $69. The new fares are effective T uesday. (Related s tory Page A8). Al.rCa.l i.mmedtately responded by matching the new PSA fare on routes on which the two earners directly compete, such as Orange County-San Francisco and Los Angeles-San Jose. Air<:al also announced that 1t LS drorping advance purchase requlJ'ements for di9count fares on other routes in its hve-state route system Lower fares on some other routes also were announced. Lake PSA, AirCal 1s offenng m August free passage to children between the ages of 2 to 11 who lly with a paying adult over the age of 21 That move ts designed to boost discretionary. or non- business travel Said AirCal's Mark Peterson of th e PSA move: ''I think generally at caught everyone by surprise But it would be an overstatement to say we were caught off guard." Meanwhile. Charlyne Sh1rek, chief of the Travel Adventures travel agency in Newport Beach. said today the new fare changes will only add confusion to an already confused situation S he said many agents were selling tickets in advance of Sunday. expecting an Aug 1 fare increase Just the opposite occurred Travel agents receive 10 percent of the price for each ticket they sell. Customers, however, pay no additional pnce for buying a ticket through an agent. The reduced. tares w111 mean a commensurate drop in the fees t>aad to travel agents, she said Plane crash kills 12 LINDALE, Texas (AP) -A twin-engine plane carrying five more passengers than it was designed to hold crashed in flames shortly after takeoff and killed all 12 people aboard, including eight children and KeJth Gordon Green, a popular singer, a uthorlties said. 'Borderblaster' revs up Listeners around the nation .will eoon be able to tune to the old "borderbl.aster" radio station, XERF, which is rebuilding lta mammoth 250,000-watt \ranllnitter near Del Rio, Texas. Page 84. Crash kills 4 executives HEADFORD, Ireland (AP) -A helicopter carrylna four execu\lvet ot The Charter~of JaclalonVWe, Fla. cruhed ln early mornina near the wett COMt of Ireland today, killlna au a , police UJd. skull could not have been made by a .25 caliber handgun. The gunshot wound was on the right of the skull and Randall, was left handed, Tim claims. "[ don 't car e who killed Randy," Tim said. "I'm looking for justice. I JUSt want to keep peole from going there. There's no reason to go down there and have families worry." The Cost a Mesa family stressed that Randall loved Mexico a nd tha t they don't believe the entir e country is crime ridden or danj{erous. Randall had left Costa Mesa May 18. A United State government official, who asked not to be identified, said. "For tounsts who are traveling an resort areaa It's not dangerous. But for people wh'o stray off the beaten path there's an element of risk." U.S. offtcaals are considering warning Americans to avoid Highway 15, on which Ebert and Mills were reportedly traveling. The road has been the center of controversy since a University of Colorado professor. Nicholas (See MEXICO, Page A2> IN HAPPY TIME -Rand<ill Ebert is pictured during a happy time in Costa MPsa. Hl• was found slain after exploring a jungle area in a remote section of Mexico o.., "'°' ~o or ._.. ,._,. SKYWRITING SQUADRON -These vintage Navy trainer planes "typed" the Miller Tame message you may have seen overh ead Wednesdav. "We've had no c rashes. just a few typos," the commander says. Sel' related photos. Pagt> B 1 Artists have heads • clouds Six pre-war planes provide signatures in the sky By PAMELA STEINRIEDE 0( the Dlllty f'llot It.ti The voice from the air traffic controller's tower at John Wayne Airport Wednesday afternoon wanted to know. "Is that World War II leavmg w. on the right?" Cypress. commander ot the Miller Brewmg Company's West Coast skytypmg squadron According to Stanis. the two seater. single engine SNJ 2 plant!& were used to tram nearly £•very miht.ary pilot during World War II Although 59 were ora~anally constructC'd . o nly a !See COAST. Page A2 > Five of the seven Caty Council members, It turns out, may not be permitted to even vote on the proposed law. The Fair Poli tac al Practices Commission h~ been asked t.o determine whether the five members -bN·ause of r eal estate holdings have a conflict of interest that would block them from voting The real twist ts thal af th~ council members art' told not to vote, that would lt•avt· unly two members tn the d1·<.ir not l'OC>ugh for a kJ(al 4uorum "That would proriu<.·e an 1nteresllng s1tu.it1on ." adrnowledged Mako Mtlll·r. city attorney "We'v<• ask<·d the t·omm1ss1on to respond to that 4ul'St1on c1.lso " Coun<.·11 memben. havt• been wailing nearly a yt•ar to ~ct thl'tr hands on the convenuun lc1.w/ which would permit owners o duplexes and triplexes to sw1u:h u111t.s to condominiums John Cox, Paul Hummel. Phil Maurer. Evelyn Hart and Mayor Jal·kae Heather all reportedly own or have interest 1n duplex or triplex propen_, The other roum·almembt-rs - Don Strauss and Ruth<'lyn Plummer -don't "lt cer..amly doesn't appt.•ar to be a strong confh<·t," said Miller. "l don't beht>vt' wt• would t'ven have thought about It had several council members not raised the question themselves. "We decided the· best thing to do would be to seek a legal opinion JUSt lO dear the ;ur," he -said. The city exp«'<'L'> a dt"(·1s1on by the end of the Wt'<•k The con vers ion law w_., designed by the city as part of aJ1 a t t en:i pt to prov 1 de mo c tt affordable: housing an Newport. the th1nk1ng bt>1ng that c1.partmcnt s turned into condominium!-""'Ould b<> cheaper th a n n c-w I " 1· on st r u <.· t e d condomm1um"I Tht" law would limit the number of ye<irly conv~rs1ons and Corn• ownC'rs to meet numerous rond1uon.-. But a group of rt•nlPrs. mostly senior citizens and students attending UC Irvine. have said the new law would fon.'t' them out of their apartment'> As that voice crackled over the air. the departing flight consisted of six SNJ-2 Navy trainer planes built in 1940 Mesa consultant 'may quit' Unlike during the air battles assigned to them In the pa.st, the pilots' mission on this sortie was to perform the art of computenred skytypang Discouraged over Jack of progress made on marina A "billboard m the sky" 1.000 feet high by sax to eight miles long is created by the automatic em1ss1on of smoke-like. non- poUuting vapor from each plane's exhaust, r e leased when a computer transmitter activates receivers in the planeii. "It's really a science and you have to be an artist to do these things." said Greg Stlnis of COUNTY Claiming dt9COuragement over the lack of progress made toward a marina an Costa Mesa, a consultant hared by the city to pursue the dream of a 3,000-sllp boat facility off the Sant.a An.a Raver as consadenng quittmg. Ken Sampson. former county harbors. beaches and parks director. hired in 1979 said he will "meet with (city manager) Fred Sorsabal to discuss the contract." Saturday is the deadline the state of California has set for Crys tal Cove residents to vacate their seaside cottages. But a survey show s no one plans to move. Page A3. Commuter airline ready to fly He is only 27 but Leo SugUo ls rarin' to go as h is firm inaugurates commuter airline service Sunday from John Wayne A i rpo r t to Los Angeles International Airport. Page A6. Newport politics heat up The Newport Beach City Councll election is n 't until November, but already the re's a campaign between pro-1fOwihera and the alow growthera. Page Bl. Trailer tenants aided The city of Newport Beach baa comt to the rmcuo of a group of mobile home park tenanta by protecting thelr zoning. Pap 86. The Newport Beach resident who Is credited with putting together plans for the Dana Pomt Marma. was hired by the city for $2,000 a month. ln January h!S time was cut and hlS salary was decreased to $500 a month. Today he is not so sure. "It's m hmbo," Sampson said. .... "Nvt much has happened " Two years ago Sampson thouf(h t that the proposed 420-acre facility. estimated in 1974 to cost $39 million, would be under con struction by 1987. Part of the holdup has been the refusal of the U.S Army Corps of Engineers to consider the project until the State Coastal Commission approves a land use plan for the area, including the Bolsa Chic.a marsh nearby. A hearing on the county'a (See CONSULTANT, Pa•e AZ) INDEX At Your Service A4 Ann Landen 82 Erma Bombeck B2 Movies 83-4 Business A8-9 Mutual Funds A8 Callforiila A~ National News A3 Cavalcade 8 2 Public Notices C4.C6-7 Cluatfled C7-l:t Sparta Cl-4 Comk:a C5 Dr. Steincrohn B2 Cn.word ~ Stock Marketa A9 Death Notices C4 Television 85 F.dltorlal AlO Thea ten 83-4 Entertainment 83-4 Weather A2 Horoecope B2 World New. A3 SPORTS SAN FRANClSOO (AP) -The University of San Francilco, which produced such tlarl aa Bill RUllell and Phil Smith, ta1d today it la abollahlna men'• buketball becaUR milconduct hM cut doubt on the 0 lntearlty and credibility of the university!' ' t1 '• FAMILY FIGHT Continuing the tradition of 19 summers of intramural competition among Disneyland employees, two of the top teams in today's 19th Annual Canoe Race Finals splatter the water of Frontierland's Rivers of America all over each other in the spirited contest held eath year on the selected day early in the morning prior to the park's opening o.-, P'Mot '91oto br LM "lfM to paid visitors. Winning this morning's competition was the team called Entertainment 1 (left) from Disneyland's entertainment division. Top women's division team was the Sophisticated Ladies (right) from Tomorrowland. Winning time for the ~/a -mile run by the 10-member team paddling the 1.800-pound fiber~lass canoe was four minutes. 9.63 seconds. Judge denies using home ploy J . · Joanne Harrold testifies to intention to live in county . By DAVID KUTZMANN 0( ttle Defly Piiot Slaff West Orange County Munic1paJ Court Judge Joanne · Harrold testified Wednesday that • it was never her mtenuon to live in a $2 million house m Newport ·Beach JUSt long enough to . establish legal residency and • then move back to R1vers1de ' County after the June 8 elecuon. : "That property had always •'been promised to me," Judge ' Harrold said, denying assertions that she planned to deed back the house to her grandmother after : the election. Though Harrold won a ' decisive victory al the polls, her principal challenger -Santa : Ana a ttorl\ey Dan Ch a rlt>s '· Dutcher -(iled suit last mont.p contesting the ele<:tion results because he claimed she was not a , legal resident of Orange County. Judge Harrold has ms1sted, both during and after the electton. that she always considered herself a legal ~·'l'eSfitent bf Orange County. even though she has lived in Riverside at various tunes since 1965. Election codes require that a 1ud1c1al candidate be a resident of the county tn which he or she is running for at least 54 days before the election. Judge Harrold testl f1ed Monday that she began the process of moving into the Newport Beach house las t November after her grandmother, Arlyne Lansdale of Westminster signed a quit- claim deed purportedly turning the residence over to her. However. unoer questioning by Dutcher's attorney, Judge Harrold admitted that the Nov. 30. 1981. date on the deed was not the actual date that her grandmother signed the document. The signing took place sometime this year. she srud The deed was recorded m Orange CountY. on May 17 of this year. The judge denied that the deed had been "backdated" ~u Nov 30 even though the notary's seal says the deed was signed or. that date. Th e judge said tlit.> grandmother wanted the dau-~"\ the deed to reflect when she Fair and j'.~\' ; ... Coastn I 8oa1ers from Polnl Concepllon 10 11'19 Mexocen t><>rde< can e•pecl hQhl. variable W!nds duri119 nioht 1nd morn1no hours. becoming soulhwetletly a1 10 to 16 knots Friday 11f1ernoon w1lh 11 1-to 2·1001 1outhwes1etty swell Over ovtet w•t«a from Po.nt ' Conception 10 San NleolH ltland nor11!wMI Wln<IS 10 10 18 knoll 11 with 4 to 6 loot -0-..;r lnMf w1ters llQhl van•ble W1ndl wes1 lo 1outhwut 10 to IS knots 11ternoon and even1no Southwest swells I 10 2 feel , Mostly sunny 11ternoon W1n<11 11\0\Jl<I be northwesletly 111 10 to 18 knob With 3-to S-loot aeas farlher lh•n 60 mlles oltsn0<e from lhe point to San Ntcolas ltland T enipera lures NATION turned over the keys to the res1dent't' of her granddaughter. "I did exactlv what she told me to do," the judge said, acknow1ea·ging tliat she now knows tt was a breach of the Jaw to put a date on a deed that is incorrect . On Wednesday. firushing her third day of testimony m the case, the JUdge said she only sl~pt "several times" in the Newport hoUM> m ~mber and not at all m January. She lived m her .Kivers1dc home with her husband and children cl\Jring this period She said she moved in in either lat<' February or March, after extensive repairs had been made to the Lido Isl~ home. Harrold d<'nied that she sought to have her grandmother SJgn the ho~ over to her when she first COMMANDER -Veteran pilot Greg Sums ts squadron commander for the skytypers d1SCOvered that Dutcher planned From J'age A~ to make her residency status an 1:;sue Ul the cam~lgr\. _ __co AST . . . She said she tiled a declaration dozen 0 Th of ~and1dacy on Feb 23 in which n w remain e other six · are uuhzcd by lhe East Coast she listed the Lado Isle home as Miller squadr Fl h her rt>S1denct". N.Y on an us ing, warm As the planes soar 10.000 feet ln the sky, the pilots execute their typing duties while m the traditional military V-formauon. Ex-Marine and World War II and Korean War veteran, Don Brehnan 9f Laguna Niguel, has been with the crew for 25 years, and calls the formation flying "demanding·· He added, "You cannot be relaxed " Stinl8 said. "You have got to be good to survive up there." adding. •·we have had no crashes, just a few typos." I U.S. sumntarv S Thunderstorm• reaclled ,;om Albany Alb\Jqve AmarlllO AINIVMle Allanla Allentc Cty Aualln 8eltlm0ra 01n1ngs BlrmlnQhm Bltmarck 8oiM Boston 8rown1vtle Buttato Burllngton Caaper Char111n SC Char111n WV Charllla NC Cheyenne ChleaQO Clnclnnall Cleveland Ctml>ll SC COluf!llMle 011-FI Wth Oeyton Den-o.~ Oetrotl Oulutll HI lo ~ 7S 6 \ SO 90 85 83 67 "·-w-s..vc:. lj()M_ I.I S Oec>4 OI C-...c~ The computerized system used by the team is credit.eel with keeping the spelling mistakes to a mirumwn. Stints' father, Andy Slims. created the skytypin" technique when he became frustrated as a single-plant! typer for Peps1-Cola in the 1930s. the Roc:kln to the Attentlc Cout 1o<19y. with hlQh Winds and he9Yy r81n that cauMd flooding In tome a<-T wo dealh• -e repof1ed 1n Plllledelpllie. ""-e a bOy and •n etectrlc company tlnemen died alter coming Into contact with a ,,uddla Into which • downed pow9I' llne had lallen. Shower• and lllunder11orm1 .iao -e repof1ed •lonO Ille Gull Cout, In eutern N0<1h Dakota and par11 of Mlnneaota Floo<llng wu repOrted In northern Utah Skin -e clear over the Ohio Veney. lhe Great LakH and mvch of Calll()(Tlle Skin -e partly Cloudy over molt of the rHt of the nation. A aevere wlndatorm hll Nauoatuc11. Conn .• on w.oMt<lay night, dameglno ., .... , ..,.. hOmea A 1mall tornado -rec>Of'\.O In Jame1town. N.Y . uprooting tr-and damaging bullelk'IJ8, IN Natlonal Weather Service rec>Of'led El PllllO F•go f\9gltall Greet Falll H¥tford 84 65 1 32 92 72 n 82 101 77 88 62 13 82 62 94 73 81 58 90 81 74 6e 58 91 n 72 57 . It 66 61 1 20 75 57 11 92 79 8• eo .92 92 72 64 55 , 17 79 57 es 81 n 53 93 73 0.4 81 5e Ill 80 83 6' .01 7S 58 .211 83 ee 111 5e 7S 62 .20 t5 72 82 59 .02 1• 51 ee 53 79 64 .27 Front1:Cold ~ WtJ/m W"ll' S6 78 90 63 73 32 7S so 63 70 16 79 72 01 68 14 89 79 81 20 55 70 72 04 77 65 I 81 74 17 6• 20 71 8• 67 75 65 oe 91 52 36 Eurelt• Freano LencHler Mary1vttle Monterey N..Oie. Oakland Paao Robles Fled 81\.111 Redwood City Reno Sacremenlo Stlllnaa Sanla Barbara Santa Marla Sl<>4'klon Thermal Ukiah Beret ow Bio Bear 81tllop Catalina Lake Arrowhead Lono 8e11Ch Ml WMton Newpor1 a..ct1 OntarlO Palm Spt1not PllNdene Sen BernefdlnO San JON a.n1a Ana 61 S3 102 73 100 79 101 62 108 74 55 103 60 102 68 112 55 92 55 95 59 86 46 76 58 73 98 63 109 97 101 78 78 48 97 58 75 62 82 55 90 67 a& 64 75 M 93 ... 110 79 9t 65 " ee lie 5e 87 65 112 49 "The messages would fade before he finished," said the younger Stirus. "That's when he came up with the idea of doing 1t with multiple planes." The five-plane operation (the sixlh is used only when another has malfunctioned) is 17 times faster than that of a eolo plane. To be sure, the former fighting men all agree their task ls fun, and considerably different from th~ assignments they faced at Okinawa, Korea and the M arshall lalands. But even General MacArthur probably would be impressed with the miaiona th~y fly today. From Page A1 • • posit~on mystery By TM A11octaced Pre11 P1le1Untan 1uerrtll11 tlred mortar 1heU. at lll'aell poaltion1 In Beirut today. but larael •till wu oblervina the latest ceue- flre, the Tel Avlv command rePort.ed. Meanwhile, Palestine Liberation Organliallon chlef Yaaeer Arafat re!Uled comment on a new drive to get hlm to atate unequivocally that he and hia guerrillu will leave Lebanon. The Tel Avtv command laid the guerrillas 1tarted 1hetling Israeli positions near Beirut's international airport around 5 a .m . PDT, an Israeli army spokeaman aaid. ··Israeli soldiers received stnct orders to hold thelr fire and are intenaively observing the terrorbt.a' movement.a," he said. Arafat. wearing military fatigues with a pistol on hia hip and a dftert cap on his head. talked briefly with reporters in west Beirut after meetir.g with former Prime Minister Saeb Salam who has been the key go·b~tween in talks with Lebanese officials and U .S presidential envoy Philip C. Habib. Asked about Habib's reported promise 10 Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin to let Israel know by Friday whethc>r the PLO would leave Bf.'arut peacefully. Arafat said. "I did not receive any official proposals from Mr. Habib . . l have to deal officially with his excellepcy, not you (reporters)" $a[am said before meeting with Arafat that the PLO has repeatedly said it wanted to leave Beirut peacefully, "but it has to be arranged where to go, how to go. and 1t must be ued u~ with the international fon:e coming in. all that has to be scheduled. That's not 1n their hands:· Onofre unit given OK to operate The Nuclear Regulatory Comm1SS1on has granted a fulJ - power license for operation of Unit 2 at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. The NRC decision, which came late Wednesday in Washington, DC .. means Southern CalJforrua Ed1.SOn Co. may begin scaling its second reactor up to full power. with full operation of the 1.1 million kilow..U...naac::tor~ pc;mible bv the end of the year. Ed1SOn, which owns 80 percent of the nuclear plant three miles south of San Clemente. says Unit 2 w11J produce enough electricity to provide power to 500.000 homes when it is at peak production. A twin reactor. Unit 3, is stilJ under constr u ction with completion expected next year. The power station also has a smaller. 456.000-kilowatt reactor that was constructed in 1968. Edison began low-power testing on Unit 2 earlier this week, despite attempts by opponents to obtain an injunction halting the tests. Dellr '"°' fllflfto br Lee ,..,... CAUTION URGED -Tim Ebert, in the wake of brother Randall's slaying, urges U.S. tourists 1n Mexico to use extreme caution. From Page A1 MEXICO. • • W. Schrock. disappeared there May 31 The pohce chief in San Ignacio and six offic.oers have confessed to killing the e<'Onom1cs professor aft.t•r his truck was found ~t the polwc chief's homt• Schroc·k's body has not been found Drugs probed in jail de~ths O~ange County Sheriff's L>epartment tox1<.-olog1sts aided by a UC Davu professor. are attempting to d~termine if. a potent form of synthelll· herom µlayed 11 role in the re<.-ent death.a of three Orange County Jail inmates Analyses currently are being c.'Ondut'ted by a San Franc.'lSCO Bay area laboratory to dt.'termine If .. China While.·· as the synthetic heroin is known, was present in lethal quantities in blood and urine i.amplPl> collt'Cted from the· mt>ns' bodies All thret• died :tft<•r becoming 111 wh1ll• m custody. Two died aftt.'r c·hoking on lhe1r own vomit Th(• caus<> of death h>r tht• third 1nmat1· who died Monday morning. ha'> not be en d1•tt·rmmed Bus trip 'hassle free' Coastal residents who Jove entei'tammenl, but hate to dnve can hop aboard "Margo's Champagne Shuttl~ .. to see Frank Sinatra. the Pageant of lttE'" M-a'5ten or ~n lTJ>C'Oming production at the Panuges Theater The Nt>wport Beac h bus s huttle srrvice includes transportation. beve.rages and ticket arrangements. Reservations clOSt' Aug. 2 for a trip to see .frank Sinatra's Aug. 7 appearance at the Universal Amphitheater m Universal City. Titkets are $50. Tickets are $25 to see the pageant m Laguna Beach Aug. 24. The bus will take guests to the Pantages m Hollywood Aug. 27, "Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat." For more information call 640-1541 Riley to discuss of county • issues Oranae County SuperWc>r Tom Riley will d1acuu county government and I.sues Aua. 6 at a tnekfalt hosted by the Newport Harbor Area Chamber of Comme~. The 7:30 a.m. session at lhe Balboa Bay Club will cost $10. For further lnfonnation. call 644-8211- The loreCHI ror todey •nd Friday cati.cl for 1howere and thundenlonne from the aoutt1ern AllanOc c:o.t. tTlrOuQh the lo.-llatl of IN MllaMllppi V,,,,., to IN .-t«n 11111 of IN Plat-.. region. ~· ..,. expeCted -nor1t1ern Marn.. _.Ill 1UMY to partty MHlnY .... ..._.,.,. ....... t=en ..... ~D ....... R ___ f R_IP_DR_T T llhOe VW; Smog CONSULTANT • The Colt.a Mea Senlor Cltliena Club l• offerln1 needlecraft1, bln10, card games, 1quare danctna and excu.ratom for reaidentl 00 and older. availble for llelliors need.1na transportation to the bank, ahoppl.nc and doctor'• office. For more Information call &46·8~~3 between 8:30 a.m . and 3 p.m. temperature• around 1111 netlon bet~ dewn· ranged lfom Al In Marque11e. Menn •• to 06 In "'-'bl. , ·-... ,.., ,.., fair fair fair felr-poor poClf poClf ,.e;.,, poClf pool' poof poof pool" poClf A"Hfe T ..... 65 H ee H ee H 87 87 87 .. .. 17 87 .. .. .. Where to c:all (toll free) for lalMI MIOll lnfonntllotl Ofenge Countyi (IOO) «5-3821 LOI J.ngelH County· (800) 2Al2·AI022 Alvei'lllde eod Sen B«nerdlno counti..: (8001387-4710 AOMO Eplaode ~!er: (8001 242-4M8 Tides TODAY 8econd hlOll 6: 12 p.m . a., propasa) to build ~. 700 h01"ne9, an 1,800-sllp boat marina, an ocean channel and a 600-acre wetland systems nNr Huntinaton S..Ch II ac:heduled Friday. Kow~er, advlaera for the Cout~l Commilalon have recommended a delay of up to lix montha. ln the put the Coutal Commlalon .ta.ff hu op~ the HunUnaton Beach mUtnt and navilable channel in favor of a dry 1toraae area for bolta and a 111\all boat taunchlna fadllty. c.oundlmAft DDM Hall, who hill beeil • ~ ~' 0( (he Coiti V8ii millini; iild 'Iii would till~ "at~ up< tM p1an tf u. aom a.. Martna ean't be bUil\. • A 1pecial van i1 aho •A ap!Cial telephone line haa been initalled by the YMCA to wtUch parent. and friends of YMCA camper• can call io beer about the ·t!~tunll. day, YMCA campen at the Grand Canyon, Mammoth or .Blb ae.r l.akel phone in a 60-eecond ~ and<lfrom 1 to 10 p.m. family and trtendl can call to hear the recorded IMllAP· The YMCA rM111P line ia 642-6077. ---- NYSE OMPO ITE TRAN ACTIONS 1UOTAflO!tt Ut(L.\101 U AOU Olf "" ••• •o•• ........ ". ••c:1•1c. ..... NtTON OIUOll AlfO Cll!Kllflf.UI nocw •C1tANOU A,_0 lllUOIOIO l'I tltl •.UC>AllO llfUINU ' N Dow Jones Final UP .47 CLOSING 812.30 More hanks cut • prime to NEW YOEK (AP) -The trend toward a lower prime lending rate picked up momentum today aa more major commercial banks, including third-ranked Chase Manhattan Bank, cut their rate to 15.5 percent from 16 percent. Chase mitiated today's change, and was joined by Morgan Guaranty Trust Co .. of New York. ranked fifth. First National Bank of Chicago, No. 8; Irving Trust Co .. of New York. No. 16. and some smaller banks as well SoCal Gas seek s h igh er ra tes LOS ANGELES (AP)-Southern California Gas Co. says it will ask the state Public Utilities Commission to approve an $800 million yearly rate increase starting in October that could nearly double residential customers' bills next winter. The comm1ss1on approved an $834.3 million annual rate hike in Apnl for the same reason cited in the latest projected request: The gas company LS paying more for supplJes from its Houston-based pipeline romparues. El P. <so Natural Gas Co and Transwestem P1pehne Co The uulity esllmated that the combmed rate hikes would boost the typ1caJ res1denual customer's monthly bill £rom $33.26 last January to $55.50 in January 1983. or about $265 more a year for each. Times-Mirror revenues up Revenues of Times Mirror Co. based in Los Angeles increased to $541 1 million in the second quarter from $539 5 m1U1on m comparable quarter of 1981. Net mcome was $33.1 million, or 97 cents per share, vs. $38.5 million. or $1.13 per share. in the second quarter of 1981 This year's second-quarter results benefited from inclusion of an 8 cents per share gam on the sale of a 50 percent interest Ill the company's Long Beach cable system. F irst-half net income totaled $53.3 million. or $1.56 per share, against $64.5 million, or $1.89 per share, in 1981. Results were also enhanced by a 21-cents-per-share gain on the sale of real estate posted in the first q~r. Times Mirror publlshe. the Los Angeles Times, Newsday, Dallas Times-Herald. Denver Post, Sporting News, Orange Coast Datly Pilot, Hartford Courant and two other papers in Connecticut and has newspnnt, broadcast and other companies Baker earnings l evel Baker In~metlonal CQip. of Orange said ~nes for the three months ended June 30 were 92 cents per share, equal to the amount reported a year ago. . Revenues for the quart.er were $672.96 million, or $596.46 million without the recent Envirotec h acquisition, compared to $559 3 million in the year earher penod, an increase of 20.3 percent. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NE(N YORI( !API S•i.• lo"' P"C• •nd ,., <n.noit ot ttw httHn mot• .ctt~f' N•w V0t-Sloe-E>el'I-,. ... , t!?1t1':?c_~h<M'\cllty •I r:•1Mn1:,'. • " W\IC°"'A "3 .00 I~ • • M•ll•' Inc ~ ... 'IOO 11._ '> ROlhl>\ \ ~• IOO 11• "' h'4>ro Pw1 UI IOO II '' E • '°"" ~1.000 111 • ~ • I BM 0)~500 &)'"t • I. Cm•rt 43' . .800 tfi,.... '• ~~rT&T "31600 '1'• •1 c;.non\I • '2•,.00 J),.. " Wer"'(om ~ 'IOO ..... H .. rl«ttPlo \ lSl,000 •1 •• Mobil 311,000 ,. HoHO.y 11\n 321,400 111 • ... !>o r\ROl>b )11,200 lq '- ;OLD COINS Ptl VP •• VP el Up ll VII 1 l Up •• Up U VP St Up SI VP H Up S • Vo SJ Vo SJ VP SI Up SI VP SO Up ~0 Vt •• UP 4' VII 41 VO • 1 UP •I Up 0 VP 0 VP • S UP '4 VO •' Pel 011 10.S 011 10.0 ~I 10.0 I •.s f ••• 011 ... ~ ~· ,j H :z ti H M .. , h .. I W YOAK (A"l -'°'IOH 1•1• ~of told .... ..,..... ~ ~·.-.. AMERICAN LEADERS METALS NEW YORK !AP) -Spot nonterrou1 metal prlen tod9)' • c°"'*' 7N-75 eeoll • pound, U.S. destln•tlons lb Leed 28-29 cent• • pound Zinc 37-.0 cent• • pound, d9IMnd nn se 0055 Meeall WMll< ~· Alllfftl"""' 76-17 a.nit 1 poutld, N Y lhrcUrt $370 00 I* llult '1altmlm 1298 00 lroy 01 . N Y SILVER Handy & Human. 17 305 per lroy ounce GOLD QUOTATIONS 81 TM Auooleted "'"9 Slllected .otld gold ptie.t lodAy LOftdoft: morning nx1ng S340 llO, on M.!50 London: atlamoon ftxlng a:.u.50, otl 14.50 ...... •"9m00tl bing• *341 2•. oft S.22. l'rWll!Mt *'41 73, oft '5.67. ZWlcf\: lat• 11i0ng. '341.75, on '3.26 bid, 13-42.55 ulted. "-'1 • iw-: only deolly ~ 1342.llO. ott "4.50. lngtetwd: onty deify quoc• lebncilted 1369.&3. otl 14.72. ' I I I ~ I All N 11t piece of histori yit}lds to progress \ ., One of the oldest surviving plece1 of Newport Beach history -the Balboa Fun Zone -soon will be no more. The end of the Fun Zone, however, ii not as sad an event as it might seem. The block-long areade has become an eyesore in recent years and its charm lives on rnore in memory than in reality. That feeling was echoed by rnany Balboans this week who showed up to encourage the ~ewport Beach City Council to approve a plan to rip down the arcade and replace it with a three-level restaurant, specialty shop and office complex. The council did just that. · "The Fun Zone. ls not the way you remember it," suggested one long-time Balboa resident. We agree. The Fun Zone no longer is the place it once was. The arcade somehow has fallen out of step with Balboa of the 1980s. Fortunately, though, the firm that la to redevelop lh waterfront arcade plana to keep aome of the festive f~turm whlch mado the Fun Zone popular tor 10 long. A Ferris wheel and merry-ao-round are planned as la a video game arcade. The new atructUtt la to be designed with an open air feellr\a. We believe lt wlll be a vatt improvement and could bring back some of the longtime Newport reside nta who once enjoyed strolllng through this area. Balboa residents and Peninsula visitors should be prepared for what is likely to be a yearlong construction me11 in the area. Traffic congestion in this area already is heavy and during construction , it will be worse. . As was the case in th e building of the new Newport Bay bridge. perhaps the headache will be worthwhile in the final result. College offerings cut The Coast Commu nity College District was dealt a serious blow, Chancellor Norman E. Watson has declared, by state legislators w ho cut $30 million from the budget for California's 106 community colleges. As a result of this cut, the community college system's board of governors last week approved a "hi t list" of vocational. recreational and self-help courses that would no longer be funded. Though colleges can continue to offer traditional academic and vocational courses tuition-free, they will have to charge self- sust.aining fees if they choose to off er topics such as assertion training. auto repair and dancing. '?he Coast District, which includes Orange Coast, Golden West and Coastline colleges, will feel the pinch most significantly because it has traditionally offered many such self enrichment programs. A s a result of the state clltbaCK. the CoaSt DiStr\d''s state allocation was cut by about $4 million, Watson said. Also, perhaps 1,000 part-time instructors will no longer have jobs in the district this fall Finally, about 45,000 fewer student seats will be available at the district's colleges. (Each stude nt accounts for one student seat in each class h e or she attends.) While the news is indeed unfortunate, it should come aa no surprise. State legialators cut aid to cities, to social services and to kindergarten through 12th grade education in order to balance the state budget without tax increase. In light of this, community colleges should not be a sacred cow. When there is scarcely enough money to educate children in the basics, "'it is difficult to justify s tate subsidies to adult hobby courses. It is unfortunate that the "hit List" d~ision had to be made at such a late date. At Orange Coast College, about 15,000 students have already pre-registered for fall classes. Many of these classes now have fallen victim to the "hit list," creating costly administrative problems for the registration staff. Community colleges may never again be able to of fer as extensive an array of courses at little or no charge. But educators and lawmakers must. w ork together now to develop new methods of 1unding and operating the colleges. Whether through tuition or some othe r means, the system must be restructured before next year's budget rolls around to deal even harsher blows to these valuable community resoW"CeS. Coast planning lesson Huntington Beach planne rs have propoeed a redevelopment plan for the aging downtown that provides building incentives for skinny high-rise structures to allow open space at ground level for landscaping and inland views to the sea. Basically, the proposal would j{J'ant developers additional square feet in their buildings if they construct tall, thin structures near the pier in a six-street coastal stretch one block inland of Pacific Coast Highway . City officials say they expect the plan to be oppoeed by a group of residents who for years have been waging a running battle against various proposals for high-rise bulldLYlgs in Jiuntington Beach. But perhaps a look at recent hi.story in neighboring Newport Beach would soften the group's opposition. In the 1960s, Newport Beach residents also opposed planned high-rise buildings on a q)3Stal stretch that n ow houses the Balboa Bay Club. With the citizens' cries of "We don't want another Miami Beach" ringing in their ears, City Council members rejected the high-rise concept and the Balboa Bay Club was built to the city limit of five stories. That fine bayfront club almost comple tely covers its property and is known by some as the C hinese Wall. becau se it totally blocks the view of the bay. In short, it appears as a wall along Coast Highway. The redevelopment proposal being considered in Huntington Beach would avoid this type of development along the coast. It seeks wide open spaces at the base · of high-rlae structures that would be landscaped in a park-like setting and would allow sea breezes and ocean viewa. With an eye toward the Balboa Bay Club, it appears clear that development of tall, thin structures that allow open view1 to the aea. is • aood idea. L.M. Boyd I Intelligence test A at.andard lntelltaenice ieat can be fairly uaeful to IA atore owner ln packing off~ help. But. it doee little aood in eelecilng aales people, oddly enou,h. Studies repeatedly *bow that the best clerical stallera tum out to ~ the workera who paued the lntelliaence test with &he htahett ICIOft9. But the be9t .. 1. penona out on the ~ . .,. ,..,._ly lt.c. wbO I ·~~tao ~1 ~1s £No, t11.. ~'D'iNf'. HOW'S iViRVTHING AT yovR tND? • .. Budget balancing hypocrisy WASHINGTON -President Reagan shattered, the laat of my illusions when he traveled up Pennaylvania Avenue to cheer and be cheered at a rally on the steps of the Capitol to promote a constitutional amendment mandating a balanced federal budget. "RUNAWAY GOVERNMENT threatens our economic survival, our most chenshed institutions and the very preservation of freedom ataelJ ," said the man who has proposed a budget that may be out of balance by a record one-qU&rter of a trillion dollars. "The American people," he saad, "have had it. They are saying 'Enough.'" True I have had it. Enough, I say. "No army on earth can stop an Idea whose time has come," Reagan told the 10,000 people t.rarutported to the Capitol by the Republican 'National Committee. "Our time as now. "Balancing the budget is a little lake protecting your virtue," he said, building toward the chuckle line. "You have to learn to say no." This from the president who not only can't say "No" to the Pentagon, but is actually giving the generals and admirals more than SlO billion more than the $206 billion ''wt.ah list" they aslted for in the 1982-83 budaet. This from the president who, whatever he really believes, does not have the political courage to deal wl th cu t a, ca pa or moderation in RICHARD 11011 ci t. spending for middle-clasa entitlement programs -most apecifically and importantly, Social Security. Ronald Reagan, whaiever he's capable of saying to bused-In Republicans, is incapable of balancing the federal budget. His problem "' that there is not enough money in the budget £or poor people; no matt.er how much he cuts from welfare and entitlement programs for the lower class. it won't be enough to make up for has military.spending increases and the middle-dass welfart' he now realizes cannot be cut without resulting an the defeat of Republican candidates around the country. The White Houae's defense is offense, and offensive: to call for a balanced budget and attack runaway government. With luck, no one will realize that President Reagan is an charge of that government. SOME REPUBLICANS, It must be admttted, do rt.><.'Ogmze that there may be some politacal nsks m demagogy of this order "We anticipate stories about hypocrisy." said one RepubUcan Senate's aide at the Capitol he-an . Well, this 11 a story about hypocrisy. It as about the gall o( the biggest deficit spender an Amencan history attadung deficit spending It 1s also about rondl'!K-ens1on. One of President Reagan's more outrageous lines was has proclamation that he's really doing thl.S -spending more and deceiving more -to prot«t my children from devils m Washington. "How can farmhes and fanuly values flourish ," he said . "when big government, with its power to tax, inflate and regulate. has absorbed their wealth, usurped their rights and too often crushed their spmt?" My spinl as fine. Hut my pauenoe is crushed by the cymctSm of pohtacians who take the rest of w. for fools. Our school children deserve better To the Editor: ' This is an open letter to your readers telling them how they can help the lchool children in their community. In the recently passed state budget, public achoola received a i.ero increase in funding. In effect. due to the expected rate of inflation, that meana a five to aeven percent cut in programs and aervices on top of those that have already been dropped or curtailed because of Proposition 13. Many achools will have fewer counes ln reading, writing, higher math, foreign languages, the arts, vocational education -you name it. Dlacouraged veteran teachers, who can get higher wages ln business and lnduatry, will leave the cluaroom. Thia will contribute to our growing teacher shortage, especially in math, the aclencea. vocational, spedal and bilingual education. Some achoo) diatrlcta may go bankr\lpt and have to cloee the 1ehoola before the achool year ii completed. I BELIEVE MOST Califomlana are unaware that we are now spendina 10 percent below the national average on our public achoola. We rank 48th among the states -RCOnd from the last -ln the percent of penona1 income we spend on the achoola. Qur pupil-teacher ratio ii an embamming highest ln the nation. Our children, who are our moat valuable reaource and our beat investment, deaerve better than they are ~· They are the new seneratton of ICient.iaU, mathematlciana, teclu\iclana, managera and support penonnel we mu at educate In a new hithly compe1itive world of h1lh technolOI)' lf we are to maintain our nation'• economy, political and millWy ·~· When the Leil1alature reconvenet ln Au1u1t, the California Teachera A11ociation will be puahina for an increase in 1chool fundlna and the necmery caxe1 to finance lt. We .,. looldna at oU eevera.nce tax. and any other revenue-ralalrur ~ ~ M the ao-called "lln ~;T Pleue jo&n U9 In W10na the ltjlalaton to lncrw the fUnd8 fM lc.hoOla. n9ll lf it mHJW lncrelllnc iax.. POmt out 1IO U*D that 'they have a ~ty to .. U..t the IChoole have ilw neo11 ry fundl to provide quail~ edumdai'l foi all children. That'• why Uwy w.. ~ to make aucb "hard Clec:WOni" lf they ..... nec.....ary for our protection, the hlal~ of our eeoaamy, OW' DOlltklU ~ md I '*'*° quallty of lJle, mt._.. II ftl7 dl.r. tM ........... mn n.pc:t the lcbo01I ind our chOdrw. or theY can ,._,. .. the bullet" illd ¥M1 IDI' OW' dUldreft. -MARILYN RUSU' .J. 811.'ft,'& Pt~ CdtorDLa ~··.wr.; Slgnal Landmark is planning to build residential unii,. on leasehold land, ffomeownera throughout the area (Newport Beach. Huntington Beach, Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley. etc.) have found thermelves in very serious trouble because of leasehold problems Unrealistic lease payment increases, unrealistic land valuationa, loss of home marketability. inability to find first mortgage lenders, inability to refinance MAILBOX 8eCOnd mortgages and other leasehold- related problems, have led to people being forced from their homes by foreclOIW'e, lnabWty Co react because of fixed lncomea. or fear. SIGNAL LANDMARK themselves have created exactly these problems by their handllna of leasehold• In the Newport Shores community. Signal l.A.ndmark has 1hown no desire Co assist Jee1eholder1 or for that matter, to even dlscuu the problem. Their attitude certainly does not bode well for future Bolaa Chica Signal leaaeholders. We suageat that the Coutal Commission examine very carefully all the motives of a company that would propose leaehold property today. We realbe. the lalu• Involved with Solaa Chica are complex, however, the long tenn a.pec:u tnclud.ina bow Signal Landmark dea1a with lta leaeholders are major OON.ideratlona. DOUGLAS A. TURNER Committee of .00, Newl)Ort Shorm Un/air to Schmitz To the Editor: Anae:r prompted thil letter. Dwinl the put few ~ th• Daily Ptlot newspaper feefWly nportAed Sen. John 0 . SCh.lnitl • pei9onal cWetnmai a oenonal.. pelnt\al problim. on1Y he and hie wtfe, Mary, have any hu1tne11 dilcullln( Ind bopetully r.olved. Jud1• Murray etred 1reatly to publ~ • ~ call from Sen. The jl.icllt tith.r haa no """ for proper demeanor or waa arudQua ,.. ~ publidty. Revea1J.na • p.non.l .. wphane call or pa.a,~ no~~ not making any statements at all. U one professes to be a true friend, then It is best for one to shut up and wilh the Schnutzes courage and undentandlng so they can privately resolve their problem. I'd say. "hang the party"; these people's IJves ~ more unportant. The Daily Pilot went further and solicited lawyer Gloria AJlred's statements. The pubUc knows about the legal battle between the senator and Ms. A.llnd. Ms. Allred, I believe. b a woman. She roo. however, failed to exercise good taste and compassion. She failed, in my eyes, ta realir.e what it ls to be a woman, a Wlfe and a mother. If she cannot must.er silence, sh e should h ave remembered Mary Schmitz, the fact that Mary la a woman, a wife and a mother and given her consaderallon and compassion. The media forgets that people in public service are human like you and me. lt is timely to critique a public official in the performance of h15 public duues. His private life ii his own and should only be critiqued when hi1 private acu tnvo)ve or sway the public tiuties he has sworn to uphold. For God's sake, the public and the media should exercbe common eense ln printing garbage or spreading rumors that can hurt others and their loved ones. Surely, there are honest editota who can put a stop to rubbish reporting. ELIZABETH -DA VIS Real wizards To the Editor: The big companies that holler about too many government ~tiona are real wizards. The government aaya they have to replace pull tabs on their beverage cans with pop tops to ease the Utt« problem. Now these geniuses come up with a cont.eat that encourages people to find a way to break them of l. $Ure, ln U.ny, obacure print, they auaest you not remove it unlftl It's a winner. How thouahtful of them. K.kla 91.lftly will l"Md it and follow thetr dlrecUona. What amuet me ii It took them two yeen to think of it. K.-p it up. blajijys. You pay taxa too. and you dOn't ~to protect anyone'• envlf()nment Jl you 4on't want to. G.n:aGUSON