HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-01 - Orange Coast PilotDRUGI COAST YDUI HDETDWN DlllY PAPIR •,lJN OAV AUGUS I I, 1'1!1 ;1 On AN GECOUN lY . C A L ll OHNIA SOCE N TS 'Fair view' lures investors, commerce Mesa becoming 1 huh of coun.ty I ~ I t' I r I l By JODI CADENHEAD Of tM oa111 ~1101 llan F rom her fifth floor office at City Hall Mayor Arlene Schafer has a view of tht- expansive Orange County fairgrounds across the street. In the distance South Coast Plaza and its high-rise neighbor Town Center loom whert' beanfields once flourished. City officials in Orange have told the Costa Mesa mayor that on a dear day they can see the row of high-nse glass buildings ghttenng against the horiron. It's a remark that pleases the mayor ln the past eight years the pro-growth City Council has approved the development of millions of square feet of commercial, industrial and residential development. When all the SUNDAY SPECIAL projects are completed, only six percent of the acreage within the city limits will be undeveloped. "It's progress for the city," says Mayor Schafer. Its image as "goat hill," a reference to past rural days, is outdated and Costa Mesa now is basking in its new found recognition as a cultural and L'OmmerciaJ center. This reputatJOn has come with the development of South Coast Plaza, Town Center, South Coast Rcpt'rtory Tht•ater and the futurt> Orange County Performing Arts Cent.er. AU are part of that ghttenng L'Ompll'X that can be s~n from Orange. Says Wilham Dunn, thl' city's planning director for many years: "Costa Mesa has a very good shot at txc'COming the downtown of Orange County." ~,~ - r -• :all . ·+• Costa .Mesa's story 1s one of rapid growth that began in the 1960s with the arrival of (See MESA'S, Page Al) PRIME PROPERTY -Glistening financial towers at Town Center dom inate the view of Costa Mesa looking toward Santa Ana from the San Diego Freeway. The commercial complex and adjacent cultural sites could become future downtown of Orange County. AP Wlreptloto HIGH-TECH HORROR? Nol quite>, nor 1s 1t a rl'hcarsa1 for TRON II. It's the arm of f'ng1m·er Tim Armentrout working ,in a crawl space at Comshar<'. Inc. in Ann Arbor , Mich. He's tracking down cablc-s tb make room for new soCtware service machines. WORLD Bomb blast injures seven MUNICH , West Germany (AP) -A bomb apparently hidden in a suitcase went off at the El Al tenninal at Reim Airport Saturday, injuring seven, authorities said. Iraq, Iran trade claims NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) -lraq claimed Saturday iUI troops killed 228 lranians in fighting near the port city of Basra, while Iran said its forces were holding on to their captured Iraqi territory. STATE Film may be completed LOS ANGELF.S (AP) -Steven Spielberg's film "The Twilight Zone," slapped with Labor Com.mission fines followtna deaths of two children and actor Vic Morrow, still may be completed. 44 children crash victims Drivers reportedly racing in fiery French road disaster M ERCEUIL, France (AP) - Forty-four children were among the 53 killed in a fiery highway catastrophe Saturday when a pair of camp buses reportedly racing on a ram-slick highway :-rashed mto a string of vehicles. The pileup was France's worst road a<.-cidenl. All of the children who perished were aboard one of the two buses bound for a summer camp in the Alps. Seven cars and a German bus also were involved in the disaster. over their loads " Mothers in the northern town, Crepy-en-Valo1s, wept as they read lists of names taped to the door of. the town hall. "l looked first at the list of survivors for my two granddaughters," Liliane RoUet said. "When I didn't find them, I still had a small hope - who knows? Then l saw the death list." (Photo, Page A2) The c hildren, two camp counselors and two drivers were all trapped m one flamin~ bus. its front doors Jammed by the impact of the crash There were no casualties aboard thC' St.>t:Ond bus, but five adults burn<.•d to death 1n two o f sev<'n cars involved tn the L'oll1s10n. The children Wl'fl' aboard two buses traveling in eonvoy from Crepy-en-Valois to a thrl"C·W<'ek summt>r camp in thP Fren<'h Alps. A heroic t•ounsdur hustlt-d 14 children to safl'ty out the· bal'k door of one burning bus LOCATION Map s hows location of French traffic crash in which 53 people, most C"hildren, d1C'd Scene is :WO mill·s south uf Paris. lt occurred at a notoriously c·rowded highway interchange as millions of Europeans began their annual vacation exodus. The respected Paris newspaper Lt-Monde called the pre-dawn acc:1dent a tragiL· example of "innoce n ce killed by the 1rrespons1bility of those who call them.'*'lvf'S adulLc;" Optirnisrn on economy turning to uncertainty in White House D1Jon public prosecutor Bernard Gauthier said th e investigation was still at a preliminary stage and "it 1s impossible to say yet 1f anyqne w1U be chargea." He and an investigating ma~1strate questioned the surv1vmg bus driver as well as witnesses and the buses' owner. The newspaper France-Soir quoted witnesses as saying the bus drivers were "racing each other at 75-80 miles an hour, flashing their lights in the rain." A relative of seven of the dead children said before the buses left a little town north of Paris "the dri.vers were disputing among themselves a ngry they were 45 minutes late and arguing NATION WASHINGTON (AP) Almost over night . the unshakable <:onf1dence the Reagan administration had in its economic program has givPn way to growing uncertainty From their first days in office, President Reagan and his chief advisers believed thev soon· would put the nation ·at the t h reshold of a long-term econom1e boom. with low interest rates, low inflation and low unemployment But a much more sober view has dramatically replaced that optimism dunng these dog days of summer. F'rom the president on down, lower expectatio ns about economic growth . interest rates, budget deficits and v Prime drop to 14% seen PITrSBURGH (AP) -'l'he prime lending rate could drop to 14 percent within the next few weeks, the chief economist of Mellon Bank sa)'tl. Mellon was the first bank to cut the rate to 15 percent. New neutron bomb studied WASHING TON (AP) -Pentagon leaders are considering a third type of neutron weapon that could be used against attacking Soviet tanks and help neutralize a Warsaw Pact armor advantage in Europe. COUNTY • Customers roped in Buslnesa is jumpina for the Laguna Beac h inventor of a long-handled exercbe rore. Page A 7 •I J NIWS ANAlYSIS •Jnemployment are in voguC' <tt the White House The admin1strat1on's nt•w J t t 1 t u d e s t e m s f r o m t h c• perplexing fact that interest ratt>~ have remained high throughout a recession they helix•d ereate and are now prolongin>{ This altered outJ.,ok was reflected Friday in the new forecast the administrat10n 1ssut>d on the budget and the economy It predicted a record budget deficit of $11 5 billion for fiscal 1983, an economic recovery for 1982 tha t would bE-only modest INDEX Books E5 Bridge E3 Business Outlook 0 5-7 Classified EX>-8,F 1-6 Consumer Close-up DB Crossword E3 Death Notices E5 Delaplane C5 Editorial Page A6 Entertainment El-3 Featuring C6 Finance Dl-5 Horoscope ~ SPORTS by post-World War lI standards, an Unt'mpJoyment rate of more than 8 percent through 1983 and the !)f'rs1stence ·of double-digit interest ratc-s for at least another 18 months In earlier times. that would be ~l>en as a pretty gloomy forecast. But even at that, administration officials conceded the report was still too opt1m1stic -a view shared by just about every other forecaster 1n and o ut of government.· The only bright note in the report was a p rediction that inflation will remain in single digits for years to come. Nonetheless , the administration is not throwing in the towel on Reaganomics. Ann Landers Movies Orange County Public Notices Real Estate Records Sports Stock Markets Style Television Theaters Travel Weather C6 El-3 A4-8 E5 B5-7 E5 Bl-6 03-4 Cl -6 E4 El-3 C5 A2 Dodsers move closer . Fernando Valenzuela pitched what he called his ·best game as the Dodgers topped Atlanta, 3-0. Page Bl. • I ··~ ., • f l I I I I I ) I I I I I· t:t• Orange Coat DAil Y PILOTllUnd1Y1 Auou-t 1. 1112 sraelis hell LO .. y TM AllOclated Preti IarHll tank• and artillery unched a heavy overnlsht uault &(alnlt Pale1tln(an Dlian111ta, endlni 27 houn of calm eaed west Beirut. There ere no air 1t.rikea. • The Lebanese ahorellne luhed a~ wl th oranse !:H!Lam• and of black smoke arly today aa the barrage ontlnued, Aaaoclated Preu o.:_r_!!~onden ta ln Belru t v~ guen11.las, fearing lsraeV onslaught, had spent aturday reinforcing their fenaee. But the invaders made no ove t o storm the PLO nghold durtna the day, and it . u Tong past midnight when ells b egan falling in west irut a nd areas around the • ty'a paralyzed international .• radic exchangee of automatic I ~ port. The shelling followed I r eapon fire and artillery. •• The Israelis 1008ed scores of -!·their long-range rockets from ~~sitions south of the airport ~~· Some shells also fell along the AP Wlfephoto AT BENEFIT -Frank Sinatra belted out some favorites at benefit performance in Los Ange les Friday for the New Universal Amphitheatre as part of opening ceremonies. Patrons paid $1 .250 per ticket for the show. ..11<>-called "green Une" dividing • Jhe Leban ese capital into ·• Christian and Moslem sectors. : :Israeli tanks blasted away at positions in west Beirut just a Cities eye lawsuit I • few hundred yards from the L .. :green line." •• Lebanon's M oslem prime ... tytlnister, Shafik Wau.an, said in .\ nationally televised statement over OC duinp fees · ~\}lat he has conveyed a proposal ~ U.S. presidential envoy Philip C. Habib that fuel, water and food supplies be brought in from donor countries by ships escorted ;<by the U.S . 6th Fleet in the Mediterranean. Check Outlook, D5 Independe nt banks ope n almost wee kl y despite tecessionary pressures and increased competition from all sides. In Business Outlook, a new ad vertising supplement in the Daily Pilot, two bank presidents f!rom Huntington Beach explain this phenomenon . They also describe what's needed for a financiaJ institution to succeed m the c urr ent eco n omic downswing Organizing banks takes creative and profess ional managem ent as do o the r corporate, career and investment o pportun1t1es that wtll be featured on the firsl. Sunday of every month in the Daily Pilot Today's Outlook starts on Page 05 in lhe FinanC'e section City <'ouncils in Orange County's 26 municipalities are being asked whether they support 1egal a ction to block imposition of dump fees at county landfills. The r equest c ame 1n a resolution adopted Thursday by the Orange County division of the League of California Cities. The vote was unanimous. County supervisors July 13 approved the landfill f ee program. after rejecting requests from the cities to delay action for one year. Under the fee s t ructure scheduled to go into effect Oct. 11 , a $7 per ton dump fee will be "charge d . Rubbish take n to transfer stations for later dtSposal at landfills wou.ld be assessed a $10.60 per ton fee. Dump fees were recommended by a consulting firm that studied the cou nty's solid was t e management program for one year . Among other things. the study pointed out that Orange County is the only county m the state m which some type of dump fee 1s not assessed According to the League of Cities resolution "a romrruttee of ('llY attorneys has rev1ewed the county's action to appn•ve the gate fees and has suggest.t!d that several legaJ violations may have been comrmtted ... " City representaUves say they are angry supervisors decided to implement the fees only three bus in ess da ys after the consultant's re~rt was released. County officials say 1t was weu kno wn t he con sultant was ('o n si d e nn~ a landfill fee program Woman killed in accident A pickup truck smashed into a Corva1r l'arly Saturday in Hunttngton Beach, k illing one young woman and leaving two men in cntical condition at a local h06p1tal Wend y Lynn Lyon, 19, of L ak<>wood. was killed in the 12.17 am accident at 14th Street and Olive Avenue, two blocks inl a nd fro m P ac1 f1 c Coast Highway Hosp1la l 1zed at F ountain Valley Comm unity Hospital are Jim Black, 20. the dnver of the Corva1r in which s he was a passenger, and Robert Lyon, 29, of Huntington Beach , the dnver of th<' truck Fair skies l Con.ottn l Over outer waters winds llQlll and verteble winds morning becomlng-110 nO<l"-1 12 IO t8 knots sMernoon en<I evening Se•a 4 lo 6 leel Over Inner watera. wiOd• light a1'd varl&bl4! m orning becoming mostly 1outhwuterly tO to IS knots alter noon end eve ning Soul~t 9Wtllls t to 3 leet Low cloud• morning clearing by ahernoon ll.S. su1111uary • f\liln and thuno«atorma tP<M<I lrom Oelewere Int o the Tu•• :Penh1ndle on S11urday and ~eaoea the Southeast Into Sou111 )C11ollna. ~ Thunderehowere al10 were ,.IC8ttered from New York atate llnto wHt-cenlfel New England #.and lrom norllle<'n Wyamlng Into ~1outllern M o nllna 11nd over •'oentral New Mexico ~ Skin _.. 8Unny over mucll ot ~·the r111t of the nation J Thunderl1orm1 were lorecHt t for today from the Tenne111ee !Valley to the eutern Gull C:0.11, and ~om oentrll Aottde througll the c.ro11nu Cloudy lkles -· i ••peoted over the P 1clllc 1~. end fllf lklee were In , lt«e for moc:tt or the r•t ol 111e ~netJon. ·--~~~~~~~~--- ! California Southern c.ittom1e wm be ,.,. ttwougl't Mond.-y. wtth low cloud• night• and morning• •long the oomt. Orange County can e11peot high• n ear 7 4 et beac hH. tnid-80e IN9nd Low. 64 to 68 lrlleNI vlltey8 wlll hew hlghe In ltle 809 today. 909 Mond.., Low. In eo.. Mountlllne _... heve high8 82 to 17 !Odey. 711 to 64 Monday Lows I n 60e. Slight c llenc e ol thunder1howera over aouthern '"'=h.m "-! high• 102 lo 110 1octey, 06 to 10~ Monday L.ow. 76 lo M Southern ~ hlall8 1oe to 114 todll}', 102 to · 1cJI Monday. Lo*• 78 to 88 . 8llgtlt Clhenoe of ~ 0¥9( l«l"'8m ~ .. Nor1Mrn end Centrll ~ ~ ..., trwougfl tocN!Y ~ IOI tow oloude end }00 along ooe.t. teolat9Cf ttlul~I owr 1outller n ti.rre. Cooler lnllnct. T ernperature8 , ....... =-a M :: :: . -..... Atlsnle Atlante Cty Austin Baltimore 81rmlngllm Bismarck Boise Boat on Bult1lo Burlington Cllarlstn SC Ch8r1Stn WV Charltte NC Cheyenne Chtcao<> Cincinnati c~ Clmbla SC Co4umbus OeH1 Wth OIY!on Oenvflf OM M04nM Detroit Duluth El PMO Fairbanks Fargo F'l&gl1•tt Great F11111 Hartlo<.d Helena Honolulu Houlton lndnaplla Jack an JackanY1lfl June1u K1"' Ctty Knoxvllle Laa Vegu Llttle Rock LOUllY111e M8nlphls Mia mt Mllw1ukee Mpb·St P NUhYllle New C>neeo• tt.wY0111 Norfolk Oki• City Om!IN Orlando Ptllledphta PtiOenl• Pttteburgh Pli.nd. Me Piiand. Ore Pr<Mdenoe Reno AMltlmond Seit Ullce Sen Antonio Seattle 81\reveport Slou11 Fiiia St loult St P-Temp1 The Forecast FOf 8 p.m. EDT Ralntml snow[m 19 n Sunday. August 1 75 67 •H1 h Tem atU<eS S~I-FturrlH 100 78 8.ot es f'Y1i~Le~o:L.~~..:~'" 84 74 ., 92 60 95 59 81 67 15 86 80 59 90 78 84 69 80 73 86 S4 85 63 84 64 81 61 88 74 83 6S 9S 14 N1110na1 wu111er ~<• t 00 84 S8 NOAA u s Oec>t ol Comm8'ct 87 60 .,,__ .......... ~......;..--_.;...;.,.,.-~.;_....;:._,, .................................................. ,. 86 62 Fronts· Cold .,... Warm W'W Stationary • • 79 S7 77 60 95 67 54 47 86 79 85 so 93 83 82 62 93 86 90 77 95 80 84 61 89 75 96 73 70 52 811 62 78 72 109 80 87 73 82 70 90 79 88 84 8.ot 64 89 59 87 74 .;1 10 83 71 60 72 88 73 92 63 93 76 64 70 t07 64 112 82 78 S4 70 58 79 81 9S 43 79 7S 96 63 99 77 64 54 94 75 90 8 t 68 ee lit 74 Spoktine Syracuse T opf!lca Tucson Tulaa Wuh1ng1n W1ch1ta CALIFORNIA Appl4! llallity Baker sllefd Barstow Beaumont Big Be1v Blythe Catalino Culver C11y Eureka Fresno LIOCllllM long Beach Lo• Angeles Monterey Mt WW.on Needlel Newport 8-:tl Ont at lo Palm SPflnoa Peaadena Peeo Roblft Red BMI Redwood City Sacramento Salina Sen 8em81dlno San Diego Sen Fr111C•aco Sen JON Senta Ana Santa Berb811 Senta M81i1 Senta Monte• Stoctiton T1h08 Valley Torreooe Yuma 811 60 80 62 69 S3 96 74 92 7S 82 72 93 87 PAN AMERICAN Ac.pu1co Barbados BM mud a Bogota Curacso frMPOrl 93 77 6'4 75 90 82 77 48 88 81 92 79 84 61 93 82 93 7S 81 64 100 70 90 70 110 t07 109 102 116 109 77 86 6'4 106 tOS 83 87 86 90 112 15 97 109 g4 107 09 114 94 67 t01 78 64 8t 83 73 73 79 103 8f 82 106 GuAdelftJara 68 MNatl&n 79 Merida 84 MHICO City 83 Mo"ter1ev 49 San Ju1n. P A 88 T 11guclg11lp11 6'4 Trl"ldad 83 8fl 90 73 90 72 86 Vera Cruz 5t 68 73 88 87 5S 72 89 85 8S 64 6S 55 87 6S 80 47 67 9g 52 ~ 85 &e 49 85 82 40 ee 88 Extended weather T u&lday T hurldey -Fair e11cept low Clovdl near the COUt kl the late ntgllt ind Mrly morning hOUn. High• r8"Qlng from to. 70. et 1he beechM to the 80a In the QOMt.i cute• i nd mount1ln1 and In the 901 In Inland valleys Lowa &a to 68 e~c;ept mountain .,_ '" the !I09 10 the mld-80t Smog The Air Quality Menltgement Olllrlcl predlc11 unhealthful air qu1llly today In muoh of the South Coall Alf 8881n, with good air lorecut tOf the to. "-'.., Intend Orange County end Ill• OOUllll regkln1. Unheel1hlul air quality t or -vone la Pf'8dtcted for tht Sen Fernando end Senta Ollrlte • ~~.,::---------------------valley• end the Rlvtr1lde·San lernerdlno er• -Mth 1 POllulent . .· ·, SURf Rf PORT St~dh•~~11~h%~':1~1:ue11ty lor 111n1lt1ve ~ II ptedlaled In the Sen Oet>rl•I end Pollione ••t.llii,.;iliil.li.,._i·ll' _.., ___ _.. ______ vett.y1 Wftll P81 1M. llt her •-• , Lake an<f tf\9 hlQll ~•• Wfll ...... ~ .. t 1 I I . ... .... 2 2 ' ' . ... Dlt 8W 8W 8W •ew lie,,. Pft 134, wflh rMtropolltan Loe Anaele1, 8am1tng end the H«Mt-tlelrnore reoton wtll 118'4 PSI 11:1 Goodw~lt ~tor t11e IO* d•••rtt wlth Pit 1.!t ""encl 0renoe ~ with NI w ind 00911 II reglcww t1W1 PSI 42. - ( (f)v;err.eguliltion blamed . Hallett NY• airport, business climate woes linked It BAl\RY EBl!:RUNG or .. o.-........ CalJfomla'• airport expullion woee and ,eneral overrei\llation can be combatied by cooperation and educ.tion, Aalemblywoman Carol H1Uett, (R-Ata1c1dero) and candldate for lleut.eenn.nant aovemor. laid Friday. Ma. Hallett wu apeakina 1t a luncheon at the Airport.er Inn Hotel, Irvine, after chairing an Aasembly Select Committee On Aviation meet.Ing. Buslne11ea are leaving or refualng to come to CaHfornJa becau.1e the 1tate haa the second highest busi ness tax in the nation. ahe aa.ld. ''And industry cannot survive in California without commerdaJ and general aviation," ahe continued. - Linking airport and business overregulation, she SaJd that "the legislature is n ot hearing our voices." She then introduced · a three-point plan to remedy the situation. First, sh~ called for unity among overregulation oppone nts. Secondly, she called for public education. She said that children are taught in some schoola that the t>rofit motive le bad. More specific to aviation, she said that the public is unaware of its importance to the state economy . Thirdly, Ms. Hallett called for SEES LINK A ssemblywoman Carol Hallett says a better busin~ climate will help solve airport expansion problems poUUcal action. She aaid that th.ta 1i.p wW culm1naie in IUCClll. ''W. need people lnterMted ln aviation to run for offk:e on all levela,'' 1he aald. "We need more people to lobby their legialaturee, becau.e the voters wWhlve I.he ftnal word." Mt. Hallett denounced trends by the Legislature towards overregulation .. particularly the prol)Oled plant closure bill. Thia bill would requir~ that employers with 300 workers nationally who want to lay off l~ or more in California must give them one year'• notice. The penalty would be a •1~000 to Sl0,000 fine per violation. "l que.tlon that we Uve In America when 1 hear about a bU1 like thal," 1he u.ld. She added that the bill would jeopardize employees rather than help them by 1carlng bu1lneuet from Call fornia. M s . H al le tt p oi nted to Propositions 5, 6 and 8, which all paued on public initiative balJotl after failing In at.ate Legialature, as proof that the people's voices are not being heard. Records OK'd for Esperanza probe Despite objections by seven Jehovah 's Witnesses that their privacy is being invaded, an O range County judge says the state may u se their medical records in a license-revocation action against a surgeon. T he state Board o f Medical Quality A ss uran ce is investigating Dr. Ronald Lapin, who specialized in performing bloodless surgenes at Eaperanza Community Hospital in Yorba Linda. The state conte nded Lapin performed unnecessary surgery and used impro per ~ures. The r eligious beliefs of Jehovah's W itnesses prevent them from accepting blood tr)lnsfusions. Lapin has been credited with pioneering a bloodless surgery technique to meet their medicaJ needs. Orange County Superior Court Judge Linda Hodge McLaughlin said F rida y she was not convinced that irreparable harm would come from u sing the patient records in the medical board's investigation. The witnesses sued the Department of Health Services to keep officials from using their records. Their attorney, Evan Ginsburg, said the department had no authority to turin the records over to the medical quality board when Esperanza was closed last win ter . Deputy Attorney General Gayle Askren said the state had a "compelling interest" in using the records, saving, "We have s ummaries o f five doc tors showing that certain thmgs were done wrong to these people " Lapin's a ttorney, !',rank Barbaro, d isagreed, saying the patients would testify at Lapin's hearing before the board that "they had no complaints against the d octors and that no harm came to them." The health department began investlgaung the bloodless surRNY in June 1980. It later contended that Lapin performed 13 unnecessary hysterectomies and gall bladder operations and u sed i mpro per medi ca l procedures. At l east e i ght rormer Esperanza docto r s f ace disciplinary actions by the board, many in connection with the use of bloodless surgery techniques. The agency concluded that the hospital board failed to monitor surgi~l te<'hmques. ,. BIOOdless surgery is the use of techniques to reduce the amount of bleeding dunng operations. It includes the use of a heated electric knife to cauterize blood vessels. and immediate attention to bleeding, including operating sooner than one might otherwise, Lapin said. "You have essentially only one chance at controlling the person's bleeding and so you have to do it the fir s t time and do it definitively," he said Saturday. Lapin continues to perform bloodless surgery at Bellflower City Hospital in Bellflower. he said Lapin called the use o f the patien ts' records "a breach of patient-doctor relationship" and accused stat e ofticials o f "utilizing and making a public record (of) patients' charts who had no problems." WarJD surf, sands bring beach crowds He said he believes officials are persecuting Jehovah's Witnesses for the ir unorthodox beliefs, adding, "I am not one of them but I think they have a right t.o decide which way they want to hve and die." Orange Coast beaches were busy Saturday w ith an expected assemblage of fair weather fr ie nds and a t l e ast o ne unexpected arrival.- About 85,000 people set up camp along the Newport Beach coastline and another 100,000 were counted at city a'nd state sands aJong H untington Beach, life~uards said. Large crowds also gathered in other areas. including Laguna Beach. It was the hot weather and invitingly warm water that attracted the crowd -conditions that are expected to continue today. Corona del Mar State Beach was awash m actJVlty Saturday. with Jet S kis and satlboats rommg from the jetty m numbers rivaling the sar dine-like sw1mmrng condi tions~ Water temperature was measured at 71 degrees in Newport. Lifeguards r eported small waves from one to three feet, so few resc ues were r equired despite the large number o f sunbathers. Winds blew 5 to 10 mph from the southwest. Newport Beach lifeguards did get some practice at 8 p.m . when a 27-foot cabin cruiser owned by Augustus Van Reed of Cerritos developed engine problems and drifted onto the lip of the 44th S treet jetty. All five people aboard the craft scr ambled o nto the jetty uninjured, but the boat remained stuck on the rocks He said other doctors have at times re fu sed to c are for members .. of the religious group or have given them transfusions "without them knowing it, telling them it's red medicine, or giving them plasma and saying it's jwt white liquid." Laguna street blocked imbroglio • 'gun' ID Laguna Beach police blocked off a portion of Cliff Drive Saturday evening as they surveyed an apartment for an inu:h:icated man armed with a gun, but they found neither inside Sgt. Paul Workman said the area around the a partment at 376 Cliff Drive was sealed off as a safety precaution following the 6 p.m . arrest of another man on suspicion of battery and being drunk in public. Daniel Hicks, 41 . reportedly from Long Beach, was booked into the Laguna Beach jail on suspicion of beating Margar et H1rokawa. 31 , who was staying in the apartment with Hicks' mother. said Workman. The two apparently became involved m a drunken argument over a gun believed kept there and s he evl'ntually fled across the s treet to Heisler Park, officers said. The third man, seen staggering into the a partment, apparently left before officers surrounded the residence and called for him to exit. Officers finally entered the .,apartment at 8:48 p.m. and founcf it empty, Workman said. Abo ut the g un he said : ''I wonder if it ever existed." 200 miles eouth of Pana. ft wu tho wont crab ln French btstory. See ttory ~ Page Al . ~ \' From Page 'A 1 • • ~~newcomers IMl'ChJ.nl for ~P IMcl. . TM DODUlation that nMrly doubled f.rocx\ 87,000 to u;.u2 between lee<> and 1970 tMChed 82,&00 tn 1980. D~rfnA the lHt d•cade ~etaU aalea akyrocketed from t260 mUUon to $1 billion. 1'Th• late '60. and hz-ly ~70. were our aold~ y-.n," •Yt Nate Reade, director of the Co.ta Me.a Chamber of Commerce. But with the' aplrallq growth came a new •t of problema that the cf\y muat learn to cope with. Traffic anarla are common on major atreeta. Plana to turn Newport Boulevard lnto a freeway have been bc>mled down for more than 20 years. The groWtb ln the north aection of town has left "downtown" merchanta tn aouth Costa Mesa looking for new waya to ap~ce up what had once been the heart of the city. Alao, the days of cheap houaing have come to an end. The apartment vacancy rate is less than one-hall percent. "' The city's early pion~rs could hardly have imagined the problems of urban sprawl when they looked out on the vast miles of vacant land bordered by the sea and the hills and declared it a fair view. POINTS OF PROGRESS -Costa Mesa's historic &tancia adobe and last slngle family residence neighborhood, Wimbledon, are '\l(en A.L . Clarke first saw the area he dreamed of a railroad bringing wealthy passengers from Santa Ana to Newport Beach. But it wasn't until formed. He reasoned that they'd need a place to stop. So in 1887 he created a boom town called Fairview . But two years later the town was dead. Clarke and a group of investors declared bankruptcy. Along with the new residents came jobs. By 1976 there were 1,842 firms in the city. Employers moved in, brlngtna such names as Edwards Labs, Fairview State Hospital, South Coast Plaza, The Los Angeles Tirnet. Orange Coast College, MSI Data and Stale Farm Insurance. The dream went up in a puff of premature hopes and poor planning. The town was not ready to be born. The city grew through annexation from its eriginal 3.~ square miles to its present 16. Nearly live decades of slow growth passed before the city found itself in another flurry of [ _Jvity. World War II brought thou.sands of airmen to the Santa Ana Army Air Ba.9e that once covered much of what 1S now Costa Mesa. Many lat.er returned to raise their families Y ou can't talk about Costa Mesa without mentioning the Segerstroms and South Cout- Plaza. And you can't talk about the 98-acre shoppi ng center without mentioning the dramatic rise of Town Center across the street. The story of the family's transformation Predicament prompts retorts Comments on• Sc't!mitz, child abuse span political spectrum The John Schmitz imbroglio ma-de a ready target f o r individuals and groups scattered across the political spectrum. Everybody had something to say. Now the National Women's Political Caucus o f O r ange County has stepped forward with its comme nts on the Schmitz tuckus. "We are appalled at the violence done to this child and at the lack of comment by elected officials about the abuse issue," states the pre pared statement released by the caucus. "The g ood news is we are thrilled that the senator continues to do things ensurmg h e will not be elected in the future. He has now offended all groups of people including the self-righteous. Should he run for office in the future on the apple pie and motherhood platform. our advise (sic) is to stick with apple pie," the s ta te m ent concludes. **** TO RAISE MONEY to defeat an initiative measure that would outlaw the private possession of handguns, the Shooting Sports Industry of California will host a "Guns 'Unlimited Dinner," Aug. 15 from 4 to 11 p.m . at the Airport.er Inn across from John Wayne Airport. With a goal of raising $250,000 to fight the initiative, handguns, rifles, s h otguns, shootin g accessories, big game hunts, duck and pheasant club memberships, fishing trips and fishing tackle all will be auctioned off. Only 440 reservations for the dinner are available. Pnce is $100 per person or $1,000 per table. "It's going to take a lot of money lo send those anti-gun social jackals pack ing." said H arvey Naslund , who 1s coordinating the fund-raiser. M o r e inform ation can be obtained through the Shooting Sports Industry Association at 546-4370. **** REPUBLICAN DORIS Allen, a candidate in the 7 lllt Assembly District, r ecently ope n ed h e r campaign ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Cl• Hffled edvetttalng 714i4142·M71 All other depertmenta 842-4321 Thomas P. Halev ~ -CllW ~ Olll<* K8Y Sctlultz Vlllt,,......,. ... ~of~ Tom Murphlne · ... MlleHIWWY ~ .......... ~ Ken Godderd DINctorflf~ ~MecUen Tom McCann ............. / MAIN OFFICe 2JO Well 9ay St.. C..U -·CA. Mell~: 9oa 15'0, Goat.I,,....,, CA. tM» c..,.,...,. 1"1 Or-~ P ... llMlftt ~. Ho,._, tlurin, lllvttretlons, edll...WI m-et ... v~tl .. ..-b llenln ....., be,__. wllNllt NJe<illl ._,,,,.Hlon Of capyr..,.. -... VOL. 75, NO. 213 headquarters at 5911 Cerritos Ave., Cypress. Mrs. Allen, former president of the Hunting ton Beach High School District, addressed the issues of government excesses, crime and education during the opening. The district Includes portions of Westminster, Los Alamitos, La Palma, Stanton, Midw ay City and portions of Garden Grove, Buena Park and Anaheim. **** UNIVERSITY HIGH School senior Amy Berttn, of Irvine, has been selected to participate in the Youth Leadership for Action internship program this summer. Spons o red by th e Constitu ti o n a l R i ght s Foundation, Miss Bertin will work as i nt e rn for Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach. This m o nth , she will participate in the Victim Witness Assistance Program. Following her internship, Miss Bertin will write a report on h e r experiences. **** ROV "PAT" ARCHER, the Democratic nominee tn the •3rd Congressional' Dl.trlct. bu said' the Orange County Republican Party "discredited it•elf for decldins to work for (Republican nominee Johnnie R.) Crean." Archer went on to aay of Crean, ''His hypocrlay la IW'pU8ed only by the nlppancy with wtuch he eXCUleS hi.a lai-e-on integrity, 90 graphically dlaplayed for all ~ obeerve." Hts comments about the comin1 campaign were made during a recent meeting of the South Orang e County Demooratlc Club. We,. L. t . I re. 1s en1n9... · .. What do you like about ttM bauy Piiot? What don't )'Ou Uk•? Call lhe number below and your m,su1e will be remrded,. transctjbed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour answmna aervlce <nay ~ used to l'ffOl'd let· tel's to lbe editor on any topic. Mallboit coninbutora mq\ tnclude their n11me and telephone number for vertftcatlon. No drealaUon calla. pJease. TeU ua what's on your mind. Dellr Niie ....... .., u. ..,_ shown below. The new C.Omnu.tnity C.enter is part of the redeveloped Superblock and cacti dot Noguchi Scenario gardens in Town Cent.et. • from llma bean growers to developers is legendary .. In 1968 the successful shopping center, built on land once farmed by the Segerstroms, opened with 78 stores. Today there are 185. Some say that the family's Town Center development, which began in the mid '70s, has shifted the center of Orange County to Costa Mesa overnight. There is no doubt that the explosive growth of sleek high-rise office buildinss, nestled along the San Diego Freeway, has ~ady changed the city's skyline. So far 1.7 million of the planned 3 million square feet of commercial development have been built. "They were willing to put their money where their;nouth ls," said veteran city planner Donn. "In lbany ways we're a small town. We don't deal with the type of developers they have in Los Angeles. With the exception of the Segerstrorm." Town Center is home for 10 banks, one hotel (another is planned) seven restaurants, two movie theaters, South Coast Repertory, the Noguchi sculpture garden, and the future Orange County Performing Arts Center. The cluster of high-rise office buildings now boasts such big-name tenants as Rutan & Tucker, Daon, IBM, Imperial Bank, Bank of America, E.F. 1iutton, TransAmerica and three of the Big 8 accounting firms, to name a few. Location and liming have been key to the family's success, said Chase McLaughlin, a spokesman for C.J. Segerstrom & Sons. The family turned down earlier opportunities to develop a two story industrial and office complex In favor of waiting until the time was right for hig~-rise. said McLaughlin. Backed by a city that has welcomed the ~ced image of sweeping glass towers, the troms have had no trouble getting their plarui proved. In contr ast, the Irvine Company in neighboring Newport Beach has seen its plans for expansion thwarted nearly every step of the way. Less than two months after the Costa ~ City Council approved the construction of the $59 million performing arts center and agreed~ help the Segerstroms finance a $10 millio~ parking stru<;ture, tt)e Irvine Company was forced U¥it February to back away from plans fo'1 $123 million worth of expansion at its Newpo~ Centt>r. ' ni Chip Collins, a representative of Frostt Spence Trinen, the leasing agent for Town Center, said that the Costa Mesa complex ilt pulling a lot of bvsiness away from NewpcSIC Beach (Daon) and Santa Ana (Rutan & Tucker• DOWNTOWN LIMITS SHIFTING Costa Mesa redevelopment, Page Dl "It's not until people actually get here and walk through the whole center that they reali1't what kind of a neighborho6d is here," said Collins. 10 While Newport Beach's name may ha-. been the drawing card at one time, there l.s 09 doubt that a prune location and.the city's backirfl have given Town Center a winning hand. Q "I don't think that our success is at the exp e nse of anyone," said Segerstrom's McLaughlin. "I don't think that anyone in tfiJ county has that kind of power. "There will still be people who want to sta in Newport Center. But we're trying to carve o a piece of that market for us." In the beginning, the Segerstroms and Prudential Insurance of Ameri~a. a general partner in Town Center, had a tough time le • majo r co mpaniea away from pri'm metropolitan areas, admitted McLaughlin. "The image of Costa Mesa was really a problem when we wete looking for tenants fOt' the Imperial Bank building," said McLaughlin. "We tell them now, 'you can be next to the Music Center or the Noguchi garden,' " h added. 'Eve~ne knows it's in C.OSta Mesa and they're proud of It." .:~G--------------------------~--- Cheese Balls, Logs and new Creamy Swiss Bars. Any two for just $5.00 For every one you buy, e1l give 25• ro the M~ Dystrophy A.ociation. ' HEIGHT DIFFERENCE -Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi meets economist John Kenneth Galbraith at a Washington dinner . Mrs. Gandhi Sa.ttirday called for cqoperation between India and the U .S., which. have had a t£f.1Ch y relationship for decades. The prime minister will visit Loe Angeles Monday. . A look back at } air strike BJ fte Associated Pre11 }n the flnt days of August, the Professional Aft Traffic Controllers Organization vowed to aHbt the nation's airway syitem in a strike for ~tter pay and working odbditiona. I-n 1 t e a d , t h e government shut down PATCX>. While the controllers never came clo1e to ~the airways, the strike• fallout is still alive. One year later: .._ There are fewer controllers, working long hdttra with few days off. E9'!!n IO, officials say the skle1 are sale and point oUt that no commercial air accidents have been a ttri buted t o th e controllers' situation. ~ Fl y ing is l ess convenient. There ar e fewer flights at ruah hour -at many major airports, one out of every four prime-time flights has been eliminated or ahllted to another time sldt. 3.17 ~~:~·cans Hamms'® Beer On your nex1 picnic, take along a 12-pack of Hamms' 'Fl oz -'·" .... 1 ... 1. . ' . 1.77 .. 10~44 Steam/Dry Iron lighter in weight than ·many other irons. Steam spray feature is includ- ed on this fine Proctor-Silexe prod- uct. 77¢ -On some routes, flying may be more ooetly than it could have been as new discount carrie rs have b e en unable to enter markets f~ly, as intended by th~ 1978 deregulation. M\De Air, for example, cauldn't expand its Texa s-to-C h icag o operation because of tifht controls on flights into Chicago . Chlnet' P8per Plate• Your chotoe of 50 plain Of 35 divided sturdy plat"- Northern NapklM Strong, toft ... Strott. 140 napkins in package. ..._ Paaaengers a re sitting through continued delays before tak eoff. At man y aitports it 's still not unusual for a flight to be dekyed a half hour or more waiting for an approved flight path. -The a ir l i n e industry, practically ddegulated during the cater admlni1tration, DOW {a operating under atltct controls established by-the Federal A vlatlon Admint.tration. Yin a lot of reapecta. we gave up CAB (Civil Aeronautic• Board) economic regulation and b.a to substitute FAA recuiatlon '' on airport ~. complains John R~p_b , 1enlor vice pn.ldmt for operatk>N anl a1rporta at the Air 1'riqlport Amodadon, an airline tnde group. -T The FAA •YI the ..-cy will •ve about $1GO million th'8 fl8cal Y•4kr becauae of th e Codtrollen' ltl'1ke. and ta mUlJon mon ~ &ml ,.... 'nMt ..-.:'! attributed the aavmp ( l~•lY to redut'ed i ::= t ha t off1•t ; and tralnJnc iDl1iL ~~rt landi~ ·~ .. ~· : (lee ..... ~ Al) • • • , . Kippered Snack• M•M' .. Candle• Slightly smoked herring fll-The c19ndy that •melts In feta, 3~-oz. •tin. l°"' mouth: In 1-lb.• beg. Net#I. Journal seminar offered by UC~ e x tension program A two-day seminar in journal writing ii offered thia Saturday and S unday at UC Irvin e Extension. ., - Called "The .foumal Pl'0Cetl5," the .claaa hi. listed as Ps_ychology '05.4 aud is tO be tau11ht by Dr. Debra White .. a co unseling peychologtat at Sonoma State University. · Fee for the workshop, to run from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. both days in Room 108 Physical Sciences, is $70, including parking. Proapecti've atua ts can 1.97 Men's Work Socks Comfortable cot- t o n wit h ·cush- ioned foot. contact UC I Exte nsion at 8 33-54 14 for regis tration information Payback ordered ~ ' -JA~KSO~VIL~E. ~(AP) -'l'l)e city of Apopka has been ordered b y a federal judge to repay nearly $54,000 in federal revenue-sharing money spent in violation of hla ruling in 1981 that It must be 1pent equally in both bl ac k a n d whi t e ,nelghborhooda . 7.77 Sizes 10-13. 30-Gal. Garbage Can 1.57 Lotion T~n PKk Two 16-oz. • bottles cocoa butte!' IOtlon. Tough, all steel construction. Fire and Rodent proof. 1.47 Arrld • Extra Dry• Solid Regular, unscented or baby fresh. 2-oz. • "Net wt. 7.77 Rod And A..a Combo Zebco 202™ reel and K mart$ apln-caatlng rod. A1rrv.1 All' f•H .. ,IW-l'llll w11n • ·•J\> ~()1 1v r«11tlt.! nrot11r I~ ri••'J1il1l1tt\ C.IUt J11\ •Tittl 11 Jilfl)ltr rlJbt.•ir ''" ''t"J' ~fll'll•J ~bt hOme cor or bOot ' ,, Nt.Bl:f~E . il;'t.lit at a wblw-halred man whl~ II !~ 11 mom, the OW. Of Huraid ind '~i~• Jed Clampett of Bev•rly HU..,_ famie, one Amuk:an wood carver hu •X19dlci dw art .,_ye>nd lharp Jtlctca and Wien NI finely~ w.,.a to M!a1 Africa, South A!1*to1. Dlrope and thit YMI''• Art-A-Fair In i..w.... . Lmn J. HuTil Jr., 6~, of Laauna run._ forml duclca frcm bloc:ka ot avocado wood, pellauw ' from ~. and human head bultl from upen and othw wood. ~All tbt ftaw'e headl are of llvtna penona. I don't ~ aboUt who or what wu 1ri the pMt tha\ 1Jlucb, I Mid ffarril. However, that'• w~ the llmllarity of hit IUbjecta endl. They are u d1vene u a shelk from Palmtan, en anti-Gandhi politician in Ind.la, a Bavarian mayo!' and Harril' wife of 40 years, Mary Anne. "U it has taken me four or five mdntha to do one, I deliver it penonally, and that'• a good exc:t.11e, if you need one, to travel." he said. _ _. When the Harriaes are not in a hurry to get where they are going, they prefer to travel by ocean liner. This allows Harris to perfonn his artistic whittling ln his favorite position -sitting on a deck chair. "I love to carve on ships," he said smiling broadly. He prefers hand tools for hia work. "I don't ~ to uae power tools for my ACUlpture, but have ~. (powerf!(i) dental tools to do some fine seatures,.. said Harris. . .. . Otherwise, ~· skilled handa glide simple paste-up knives through the wood to create the desired effect. "Wood 9CUlptures are to be enjoyed by two se~-:-sig~t and touch," he stated. Originally, the wood carving we a relaxing exercise for Harri.a afier his retirement from the Aluminwn Company of America in 1970. But it •baa become a.diaciplined (but still fun) art for the talented Hanis. iiiil 12.88 K~ 12t 1Mtlmatk:9 Camerw KJt Deir ........................ CARVING -Lem Hanis Jr., a Laguna Hills wood carver showing at the Art-A-F..U- in Laguna Beach, shows off a sculpture of a pelican resting a~p harbor pilings. Altllough hia work.a are eold for sizable fees -the Bavarian mayor is worth $2,000 -the former ALCOA executive ea.Id he doesn't care if '1\Y of his works m purchased. Gandhi ·du~ on NBC I Here ue the guest.I acheduled for today's network interview shows: CBS "Face the Nation," Osama El Baz, political counselor to F.gyptian President Homi Mubarak. • ABC ''This Week with David Brinkley," no guest annouhced. NBC "Meet the Presa," lnd~an Prime Minister Indira GandhJ. 0" .... •••• 1:1111111 .... •••• • Digit CelcuaetOf WlthMemory Hand·held model features l.C.O. readout, percent and square root keys. With ba.t· teries., · '• IY .10SL C. DON .............. Tliie ....... aJcioho1Jim ... ~ .. \I ....... M ~that affecta an ..umatect 10 mmm AadcMI. Ji "-ON* oomklered a limple lll'ObJ«n of t•U-conuDl, tnd doctora were le11•than• entb~Uc about treatln& pah•nll whote dainldnl ~ MVOC wtth work, IOC'ia1 Uva -~ Medlcl1 ~hen now believe the t>eUIM of akx>bolilm may be more complex \ban waa ~~., eodal envlronment playa a role in oootributmc to a (lrlnk1na problem. But effar11 .... belr'I m.de to cU.covir • aenet1c link to the dileue; Ultimately to prove that parent.I may pa11 \he dlteue to their children via cbrcnd•n• the aeneUc blueprint.I of life. .. It'• real clear that lJ1 certain famWee thwe ii a Naber incidence of a.loohoUam," aa1d Dr. David l..anier, a UC Irvine uslatant c11nical profeuor of family ~·''It lleemS to be that in aevere forma of the dbleue a penon will probably develop Into an alcoholic at an early age. "There clearly appe~ra to be a genetic component." Lanier is one among a legion of scientists searching for the heredity factor in alcoholism. He Is participating in a research project studying families that have experienced LANIER alcoholism in parents and ofJspring. The project la a joint venture of UCI and the Newport Beach-based Comprehensive Care Corp., a national health care company that operates nwneroua alcoholism treatment facilities 3.33· I In.• HMgtng Patio Plants • lnctudes Kodak9 X15 camera, Kodak• 12 exp. color print fUm, wrist strap, and initial monograms. ••• •••• Bring your house, parden or patio to life with thete healthy pla.nts. I 43.·aa Bug Control Ught Has 3500-volt kllli~ power effective up to acre. Savel 1 O" Olag. Men. Porta-Cok>r TV AFC-Automatic Frequency Control. 100% solid-state chassis. In-line picture tube system. Low power com- s ump ti on . Model · 10AB2406W. 'ConW!rwlire Model BT 4000 $99 · Evap. Window Cooter Enjoy cool comfort for very low cost. less than one cent per hour in mostareaa. - 5 Iba.• ROM Food ' Used at planting time. Yietds more buds and big· ger roses. p~\\tro. 1.7·7 Zippered Piiiow Cover Kodel• Polyester /Cotton blend. Machine washable with rust proof zipper. #,8101116 22.88 7 Pc. Cookware Set Aluminum construction with non-stick Silver Stonee inte· riot, Dishwasher aafel call4ld car.unA& hmpl&U. ecmpean hM the • wtih a n~.ooo .,am. " ~ ltudill ~ "' • and DinvMrk have ihoW1fa'~t bide~ ol alL'ohoUlm amonc ~ childnn w natural father or mother w• an aJmholic. ~h on ldentll:al twtnl, who haw lhi C 'makeup, lncUcatet a hlah ~ ot amona both. Lanier .aid. yet no one hu di9coYered which. lf an wayward 1enee may' oontrtbute to •""~~u .... 'Some IClenURI t.rled but failed to prove 80l:~ae acla1 IJ'OUP9 have pnee that prod dift fonnt of alcohol dehydrotenue, u; e involved in alcohol inet.aboli.m • er Mid the UCI-CompCare ttudy will l~~O different enzyme1 produced by thi body. He emphaliz.ed that the enZ)'1n8 doo't .n y have anythihl to do with aJoohoUlm. How~er, subtle chaJ\ael in the chemlstey of thne eruymet1 among mernbert of the um family may show pne connection between. diaeue and genes, he edded. "The question of llnkap of alcoholism genes hal to be answered before we can down to the.next level of which eruyme9 likely suspects in the problem,," Lanier 18.ld. "W are trying to find markers for ,u th chron)oeomes in the body to ~ If there ia pattem of inheritance in the chr<>rnOIOl1leS that the same pattern of inheritan<:e In alcoholiam." . . So far. three families }\ave volunteered participate in the study. Lanier said about 20 be needed for the six-month project. • ~ • .Families must have one parent ~ tw children who~ alOOhollc and one.child.who not. And testing must be done on aU availa\) family members. · • Participants are asked to give a blood and saliva sample following a brief interview, I..an.ietH said. Families interested in volunteering for thru research project may call 633-9582. . 'w If scientists prove there is a genetic predisposition to alcoholism, Lanier suggest.ecf>O pa.rents may one day be offered education aNP'..l ~dance. , a -· AOYtllYIMO lllUC--ICY ... -~.-...... ~ ...... ............................ ",,. ...-....................... .... .-.................... -·-.""I ... -"'-# ........ _ ... ......, ·--........... --·~ ............. ,.,..__ ....... -~ ... ................. _ _....... ·--~· ...... #-. ... '_, ........ ,..,_...,..., •.. OurReg.3.91 ·'2.88 ....... 'Fun a Fashion T·INrta Choose from this season's newest oolors and styles. Polyester I cotton blends. $6 Pr. Women'• Sneakers Canvas casuals with pad- ded terry collar, lini'?Q and accents. In blue or wt'iite. STRIKE.-/;; !• We beUeVe the cttje. are In error In ~ a court flatit. J'or years, operation of the •county's aolid Wute manqement program hu been conawnln1 a btaer ~ blaer portion ot the couniy'11 general fund budget. Until thls year, Oranae County waa the only county in the at.ate that did not oharge landfill pte fees. Solid waste management OOlt8 , are not golng to drop. They are · going to inCreue tub&tantially due to the high coat of locating, developing, opera ting and eventually cloain'g landtll'ra, There are other ooeta, too, such aa those related to inatitutlons, effective resource recovery a.nd reclamation systems. · I Thus, '\fe think supervisor.a had little choice but to act as they did when they dld. We wo.uld be the first to · admit that the landfill fees will cost the cities, and, ultimately, each Orange County property and business ownet. But should even higher coats be incurred by expensive and lengthy legal action? We think not. Punish parkil)g. fraud ., Sometimes we complain about ving too many laws. Then along es an unexpected situation t makes it plain ''there ought to a law" -yet another law. So it is with the incredible k market in the handicapped- king placards the Department f Motor Vehic\es issues to andicapped persons and the ople who must drive them und. The blue placards can be played on the dashboard of a that does not have a "disabled erson" license plate and a thorizes parking in a dicapped-parkJng space. The p.cards are useful for persons ho are temporarily disabled, as an injury, or for friends of disabled who chauffeur them t.o medical appointment.$ or on marketing or shopping trips. Unfortunately, the chronically lazy types who cannot endure the strain of wall;cing a few extra steps from a legal parking space have discovered that the placards are a wonderful solution to their attacks of inertia. There's even a thriving black market in cotm\ttfeii handicapped pl.acai-ds which are relatively easy to duplicate and can be used on any \tehicle. , So, we're about to have another law, AB 3053, which will make the fraudulent use of placards or their counterfeits punishable by up to six months in jail and a fine of between $500 and $1 ,000. The bill, which has passed the state Assembly and is now in the hands of the Senate, also will raise the m.iniJnu.m fine for parking in a handicapped space without a valid placard or license plate from $35 to $50. And it will permit illegally parked cars to.be towed away. We've all seen these selfish drivers pulling into spaces designed to provide at least a little convenience for the disabled. When the new bill becomes law they will stand to get more ,than angry looks -and that's just as it should be. Beware of water and wilds Randall Ebert of Costa Mesa was worried enough when he left May 18 on a camping trip into the Mexican jungle to carry a gun. Authorities in San Blas found the .25 caliber handgun near his body three w~ks later and calJed his death a swdde. His brother Tim Ebert is certain Randall was mur dered. The gunshot wound was on the right side of his skull and Randall was left-handed. But Tim Ebert said he can live without knowing who killed his brother, a 1974 UC Irvine drama graduate. He just wants to warn others not to travel to some of the more remote areas of Mexico. Ebert'a body was found near San Blas, a popular surfing town about 160 miles aouth of Mazatlan. · UnoUidally, American touristf are being warned to be careful • when traveling along Highway 15, the area where Ebert and two other men have disappeared in recent weeks: "For tourists who are traveling in resort areas it's not dangereus. But for people who stray off the beaten path there's an element of risk," said a United States government official. It would be ridiculous and inappropriate to tell tourists to stay away from Mexico, any more than ii would be fair to tell Mexicans to avoid American cities such as New York, Chicago or Loe Angeles. Crime can happen anywhere. But in the absence of 8.QY official State Department wb-0ing, Americans looking for adventure off the beaten path in Mexico should be aware of the dangers they may face. I Opinions exp1'9ssed In the SPke above are ttfose of the Dally Piiot. Other views ex· pressed on tnls ~e are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is Inv it· ::2.~~ss The Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mese, CA 92626., Phone <714> L.M. Boi d I Shakt:speare calling In 1886, a book aalemnan named McC.onneD•pw free perfume nmplel to boyen ot.·tua ~. Didn't take him lq U> ftnd out thme caMtomen wanted the ~ more than the books. So he fOuildld the C°Allifonua Pwtume Company. Half a century later, nmemberina the clUlk: boOka that Cot him etarted, he renamed his perfume companr in honor of Shakespeare'• bf.rthpl..-.: Avon. Peking, China, is thl• En1li•h· language sign: ''T~th examined while you walt." Yea. l_f you tattoo a pkwre on a baby'• chest, the ptcture will 8J'OW wtth the baby. Farroen who work thelr own Wid in Norway pt afcJt pay and p11Jd vacaUons, too, from 1overnment funds. . Music puts 'em in the mood By HOWARD SEEL YE Howard Seelye is a political consultant who lives in Newport Beitch. It was Tex Beneke, all right. A little gray around the edges, hia hair a blt thln on top. The horn- rlmmed glaaees for reading music. But the rest seemed pretty much the aame. The ruggedly bandaome face, the infectious smile and the voice with a hint of a ~x.aa accent. The voice, that WU lt. Unlike hundred• of acing lingen before him, Tex Beneke ltill aoU.nda, well just like Tex Beneke. There he was, leading the Glenn Miller band which you somehow knew didn't need leJding; moet of its 17 members bal~ or white on top, playing the old Miller renditions, to perfection. You could cloee your eyes, oblivious to the 12,000 or more people who crowded the oourt at Faahion Ialand the other night, ignore the J .C. Penney facade under which Tex led his charges and remember one glorious week in the spring of UMl, when just for a few days Glenn "MJ.]Jennania" hit the small city of Fuller1on. . NEVER MIND THAT thRVwe more people at the concert stars in Newport Beach than the whole city of Fullerton 41 ago. Or Anaheim, for that matter. There were a couple of us at Fullerton Jw\ior College who were dyed-in-the-wool Glenn Miller fans. Like the cults of Elvis and the Beatles, it was Miller who tu.med us on in 1941. We would sit by the radio night after night and listen to the 15-mlnute live Miller CBS ~ to the nation from Hollywood. We played a game, knowing every hit Miller number by heart, trying to predict which number h~ would play next on the abort broedcaat. "' Would it be "Pennsylvania 6-5000," "Sunrise Serenade," "Tuxedo Junction," "Anvil Choru s," Gardner's colum n "Little Brown Jug" or, perhaps, "In the Mood"? My good friend, Lee Oliver, now of Corona del Mar, and I could never get enough of the Miller Magic. We wouJd fonn a Glenn Miller Fan Club, we decided, and, both being aspiring journallsta, would start a national fan club newspaper, which would grow to greet proportions .. Then one day we learned that Miller was opening at the Hollywood J,>alladium, an engagement that would keep him and the orchestra occupied a t night while 20th Century Fox StudiOll was filming the movie "Sun Valley Serenade," starring Miller, Sonja Henie, John Payne and others. Somehow, with the exuberance of youth, we made contact wjth Miller's {Jlanage r . Could we come to Hollywood and interview him, we wondered? Not having our Glenn Miller Fan Club newspaper off the preaa yet, we toad~ arrangements with Bill Stocks, then editor of the • Weekly Torch, the student newspaper at Fullerton JC, to print our report. Not only was an interview granted, but Lee, our photographer friend Dick Gearhart, and I were invited to the studio to watch the filming of the movie and later to 1pend an evening at the Palladium. It's all right there ln my 1941 scrapbook. · · Glenn Miller and the three of us at 20th "Century Fox l'n a photo, autographed. Other photos taken at the Palladium, not only of the band but opening night celebrtties, such .. Micke>' Rooney and his then wife Ava Gardner, Red Skelton and, of oourae, Tex Beneke, without gLuaes and a full heed of dark hair. IN THE SCRAPBOOK iJI a sheet of letterhead. with a photo of Glenn and hl1 trombone. "AU-States Glenn Miller Fan Club," it says, with the further information that the national headquarters was in La Habra, Calif., and that Lee E. Oliver was president. As far as I can remember that's about the height of the f.an. cl~'s fame. It died a quiet death and the nostalgia of three oollege freshmen has dimmed with time. But at Newport Center the other night, there were thousands of Miller fans for whom it appeared 41 years might just have been yesterday. Tex Beneke and the band sent their finely ctafted .melodies through the cool night air. There was enthusiastic applause. A couple here and there danced the Balboa on the perimeter of the crowd and one man called for "Chattanooga Choo Choo" during each break. Finallf; the concert was near its end. Beneke, with that unforgettable grin, looked across the crowd and said, "Now, we are going to pl•Y the number the fellow over there has been yelling for . . . an4 if I have trouble remembering the words, help me out." And, there he was, the immortal Tex Beneke, just like rd remembered: "Pardon me boy ... " Neighborhood houses view of past By ROBERT GARDNER Robert Gardner Is a semi-retired jurist, frequent emcee and aenlor body •urfing enthu.last along tbe Orange Caaat. Somethi.Dt( strange has happened to names in our fair ci\y during the last few ~ears. Balboa seems to have loat its identity as Balboe and ls now known as The Peninsula, whereas Balboa Wand ls often referred to as Balboa. Nevertheleea, Balboa, the area terved by the Balboa Post Office, does exist - from 9th Street to the end of the penlnsula, And a part of Balboa ii Eut ~ewport, a diltlnct vllla1e wtthln a villqe. Unhappily, Eut Newport hu almaet entirely loat itl identity. 11'.ut Newport la that area of Balboa from Fernando Street to Buena Vlata Boulevard and from the ocean to the bay. It tndude. Coronado and Alvarado streets and Montero, An.ad~ Island and Undo avenues. Alvarado ls more of an alley than a street and Buena Vilt.a is only a aidewalk without a street. AT ONE TIME the Pacific Eleciric had a atop in Eaat Newport, the cars started in Balboa, went a couple of block.I and stopped where the library is now locat~ with the announcement from the oonductor that yoU were now in Ea1t Newport. All this was to the llCCOlnpanlment of much bell clangina. . . "":"'\ u ·anyone hu a deatre to lee what this town looked like 70 years ~ take a walk through F.ut Newport. The area hid been laid out in ~t 1904 and by the Ume I arrived ln 1821, It W81 built up with pnictically no v11Cant Iota. Today, moat Of th.me orfllnal hOU8el still aiand. Some have been rsnodeled, all have --.~ -bmldl .. of t.im.. 'ftwre are few ~ .. ~ in BMt Newport. IDllllftlnj ..... built after 1920. aa people bepn to live in the ~ on • )'ev·round bMia. thn found that the porcbel were too coJd-at nfOt ., the parch ... endc:.ed. Thus. iii' --after hou.e, you now .,. a new ih ml-In frOilt room beck to ~~ tllil ortainaJ front n>om. YOU ).alt dc:ia"t ... that lcinid of ardlltectwe wery ckj. THE OLD BOUSE& In l:MtNewpon ... veey in ...... "'*'h .. ~ .... hu Ila own penonallty and lf tMn w. a bWJder who built more tMn one~ l\ do.n't thaw. • At 39 years of age, Miller is the best example of the benefits of bouncing. He says he's lost 25 pounds since producing the Gyro Jump, and hi\ resting heart rate has dropped to 44 beats per minute, compared to more than 70 just two years ago. When it comes to exercise, Miller has a handle on it. .,..,..., ........... ROPING IN CUSTOMERS -To prqmote his long-handled exercise jump rope, Laguna's Robert Miller broke his endurance record last weekend at Main Beach Park. Alter 3 hours, 3 minutes and 30 seconds of jumping, Miller was six pounds lighter, but had gained publicity for his invention. ..,, 1n public, please TM Oty C4usld1 in VUJa P•k Saine n.lnbera of tM :..__.~_ ({ bll bUanc.d a vote few dvtlilied J'armen ot ~ whkti, C:telleaoy •1•ln1t the learnln1 propam1 tn U b1'I! .choOla.ta experfeDce, decldinl that Oft the ~ al Phil F youn11len 1tudylnt antmal the only ~kW bu~ lift huabaftdry 1t1ll can 1lau1hter . the ciounty. JM inakM ~ Uve.t.ock they've rau.ed -but only Otherwl1• they tend their tn prlvaie. -animall to a PAddna hcM.-or llrJi 1'he decillon last week pleued them before they b8Come an~ Villa Park paren\a who complaJned dinner, aald DGrothy Weftck, i;<i tbtlr youna children 1uffered county 4·H direct«. ~tf "ludna psychological effecta" from Oran1e County'• chief M the llaht of teen-age neiahbol"I veterinary aervlCft, Dr. RO;t ldll1na anlma1a bred througn 4-H H a~h t, sa l d home an i m programs. ala terf.n8 it legal under oe It drew acofft from realltta who au1 ellnes; The proce91 m~ aay kfda should know their meat aanlta.ry, humane and a llOUn:e and milk don't grow in the family food; lt alao can be res ' · aupennarketa. by community ordinance. "rm just at country boy from The Villa Park council wat Montana. and my father butchered implement lta decision with 1etted a few cattle ln my presence. I to 4-H club officers 1uapt.ing thG lived," Villa Park Councilman tell membera that neighbon ~ Jarnet Fubender aaid a~r the not want to watch a 11aush~:s vote. ''Of course, I understand that Yorba Linda adopted a timillfi there are people who want their policy five years ago. I cl\fldren to believe that the The cl ties of Orange ar/ ultlrnase origin of all steaks is Anaheim restricted hom Ralph'• mNt market." • butchering after problems 't'.',tth Jim Bailey. an. agricultural Indochinese lmmlgrants wh~ teacher at Sunny Hills High School slaughtered dop for dinner. ni welt of Villa Park, noted that Randy M e1llnger, a codf junior high teachers commonly ask enforcement officer ln Orhnge, aaHt him if their classes can experience he invoked th~ statute last ~ 'an anlmal slaughter. He bemoaned against an Iranian family ln Nol:Jll the urban.lz.ation that made a milk Ranch who planned to begin a cow a novel sight at the county fair backyard barbeque by slaught.ering1 earlier this month. a lamb. The law in Orange penni~ "People will stand ln line in home slaughter only of chickens~l.O order to get the chance" to milk a In Anaheim, would-be butch6't cow, Bailey said. "Here in Orange must live on at least an acre of ~ County, a lot of us believe that and pay $250 for a livestoatJ milk comes from a carton." slaughter permit, L'Ode enforoemeQl) Supplyln.g onn-own-·beet--or officer Whitey Walt said. ·tjj pork was common back when the Fairchild, the custom-kih county was an expanse of fanns butcher from Cypress, ·said and ranches. Today, it's done only complaints from disgusted city-fol by aome of the 1,900 county teens surface "once in a blue moo in high school agriculture or 4-H u'lually from someone two mil programs, acco~ to the state away who drove out of their way Department of F.clucation, to see what we were doing." ---------------------------- Women workaholics ... increase Hawthorne Christian School · "'or Th• Right It.art In Life" , N E W Y 0 R K ( A P ) Workaholics· tend to avoid are nothinR new. Females have Workaholism, traditionally relating to famijy or friends in a been worTcaholics inside the thought to be a male syndrome, is personal or emotional manner, household for centuries. affecting more and more women Ms. Person explains. Reluctance "Compulsive housecleaners as the y b re a k t h r o u g h or defensivenss in admitting any d · 1 "chau·""'"tl·c barrie .... " and fill bl . ti __ ,,_.-a b th an overorganizers are a so .. ...... •"' pro em l8 ra Oiuuu.cu Y e workaholics," she adds. increasing numbers of top workaholics'. belief that ther, executive positions, says Dr. provide "the beuer things in life' One way to.spot workaholics is Ethel Person, a psychoanalyst at for dependents, t.hinp that are by their ~ability to enjoy .. " Join the Summer Fun at DAY CAMP!! GIVE MOM AV ACATION .•. e Field Trips e Crafts e Picnics e Swimming JUNE 2 1ST THRU SEPT. 10th the New York State Psychiatric possible only because of the high themselves on days off from the ~tute in New York City. salaries they earn. ~ office, the psychoanalyst says, •A Private School of Disti-....:on Foun..a-..a 1·n 19 112• 'Most women who suffer from "Women workaholics are since they can't relax and they , ... ., ~ ~ this problem don't regard noticeable now as "the workiri feel guilty about not working. ~-E-n-ro_ll_no_w----Fa_l_I ~-----....... -,-.. IN FOUNTAIN VALLEY __________ _ themselves as workaholics," she wife and working mother These guilt feelings often are ~19 n SUMMER SCHOOL said. ''They simply can't see how become common socie1al roles," unintentional smokescreens Stom Sept. 13. 16835 oROOKHURST ST. others derive any pleasure from she said. created to 2'tave off personal Reasonable Tuition (714) 962-3312 JULY 6th THRU JULY 30t+l non-work-relatedactivities.;:_";;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~e~mal~e~w~o~r:kah::o~li~cs~,~h:o:w~e:ve:r~, .... :co:n~tac~~~s:h:e~sa:ys~.---.....:--~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~'!'---------.!::==::::=;::::==========:::::~ If you don't smoke, I can offer important savings on auto insurance. Claim your reward from: RA88ITT INSlaAHCE 441 Old Newport Blvd. Newpon e.ach, CL 131-7740 SPECIAL Uy 11, 1911·Aut. 3, 1911 ubro lronltus: 5.99 I have a sleek streamlined llbino body. pectbfals, ventrals, dorsal, anal and caudal fills blood red. I will heitMen the viewint pleasure of most any aquarium. See me at Aquatic TroPicals where I am on sale tor orly 5.99. PUBLIC AUCTION ESTATE JEWELRY A FINE PORCELAINS, CHINA, BRONZES, RUGS, FURNITURE, SILVER, 011,.S, Etc. FREE ADMISSION -PUBLIC AND DEALERS WELCOME Don't miss this Important sale! Fine China, Crystal. Porcelains, Bronzes, European Furniture, Olis, Etc. Also many fine pieces of antique and contemporary jewelry Including fine watches, solitaire diamond rings, earrings, gold chains, cluster diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald rings. SALE NIGHT Fri., 30th, Sat., 31st Sm., 1st, 8:30 p.m. INSPECTION 2:00 P.M. -5:00 P .M. & 7 -8 P.M. Sale Jlfhh · Property of sever~ prominent Leisure World residents. together with Inventory of well-known L.A. jewelry In financial trouble. Also. out-of-pawn merchandise. TERMS: Visa • MasterCard Personal check -Cash. Some extended terms can be arranged. ._ Property moved for convenience of sale to: 108 Tustin Ave. (Corner Pac. Coast Hwy. a Tustin) Newport Beach. Thru Aug. 28, 1982 Shrimp, Fish & Chicken Special •zgg Three for the money-two tasty shrlmp, a fish fillet and "whltemeat Chicken Plank served with r~esh coleslaw, fryes and huthpupples. 3095 Harbor Blvd. In Costa Mesa ll\ltt So.11]1 of \.In Dlt'llO hwy 1100-0 frOll'I fl'Cko 1"715 ~rey ltd • .c Wllltlut tu•I 04' 5oon11 ,,,.. '"'~ lrvlnr / Terrific Selection ! low Prices I Carpets A val lab le In Every Price Range · All At Fantastic. Savings 100% NYLON PILE PLUSH • Tight Firm Dense Pile ·I • Soil Resistant • Hard Wearing • Fabulous Colors s • Solids, Earth-Tones & Tweeds • Immediate Installation 99 P.er Sq. Yd. . · If you are In the market for car~et we strongly urge you . to v'lstt BALBOA CARPET MILLS Orange County Plant -You'll be surprised · at ttie large s~lectlon and low prices -closeouts, mHI ·trials and slightly irregulars are priced .b.Qlow mill cost -If you REALLY want to save money come to where the carpet values. speak for themselves. ' --Balboa Carpet Mills manufactures a wide range of quality carpets. In·-adQition to our st~ndard numbers _we , specialize 'fn custom carpets and color$. ·aPE Only . at Balboa Guaranteed Installation . ~ and Heavy ~ .. e-Bond Padding Avallable At A ·N.omlnal Charge MON. thru SAT. 9 to 5 •You Have One Source Of Responslbllity· •Because We Make, Sell & Install Your Carpet • 100°/o Guarantee ·Of Assurance I . GUAY AQUIL, &:uador (AP) -Megan Neyer of Mission Viejo ~ Chris Seufert of Ambler, Pa., ashed 1-2 Saturday in the m e n ' s s ·p r i n g boa r d ~petition at the World Diving Qtwnpionshipe. Meanwhile the UA.it.ed States ed AJJstralia 7 ·5 to remain defeated in the round-robin ter polo competition at the rid Aquatic Games. Neyer, 20, a University of Florida student, had 501.03 WORLD GAMES points to win the gold medal, while Seufert, 25, a University of NiChigan graduate, had 490.02. Yuang-Chun Peng of the l'eople's Republic of China qptured the bronze medal with 482.10. .Neyer, the 1982 NCAA c~ampion in one-meter and &meter diving, was in third after 8eVen rounds in the ve finals. But she earned points with a revene 2 ~ ersault to pass Martina ber of East Germany and -Chun, who were in fint aod second place, respectively, 'ft« seven dives. J Neyer called her world Utle "a ~tastic thrill," comparable to nning the springboard an<\ atform titles at the U .S . CJ'~pic Trial.a two years ago. ' I felt I would have done well 'n' the Olympics, but then we didn't go because of the boycott," ~er said. "We have a lot of Work .un to do before the next Oltmpics. Two yean u a Iona ... rm just happy now that we Ql(ahed 1-2." ~&ginning today , U .S . b Mark Schubert and ht. •rtdent band of swimmers to begin a week of world -1ettin1 performances competition start.a ln the Id Swimming pionahipm. • goal here ls to win, and in r to win, we will have to aet ld records," Schubert uld Ncht. .. rm confident that will 1et world records here • at 1-t five." a Schubert made that t, his No. l 1prtnt Ml', y Oa&n. at Winter Hawn, , who wu •hUftf neuby, tu. heid and held up 10 HARD AT WORK -Rams' quarterback Vince Ferragamo (right) lets fly wi~ a ~· while tight end Walt Arnold (84) .............. ..,CM!tw makes reception and Mike Barber (left) takes the pause tha refreshes during workout at Cal State Fullerton Sat~y. Bannister tames Angels, 9-3 Dod.gers :'.. AL West lead shrinks to .one, thanks to Seattle left-hander By CURT SEEDEN or .. ..,,......,. There was a stretch not long ago in which every opponent the Angels saw threw a surplus of left-handed pitchers, and the result was a surplus of Angel defeats. Unfortunately for thie Seattle Mariners, there is only one southpaw among the starting corps. Unfortunately for the Angels, he was on the mound Saturday night and the results were predictable. Floyd Bannister, the Mariners' contribution to the American League All-star team, tamed a Reggie Jackson-less and Fred Lynn-less Angel lirieup for a 9-3 Seattle victory before 41,770 at Anaheim Stadium. Angel Manager Gene Mauch gave hi• regular left-handed hitter• moet of the n.i.K_ht off (Jaclmon and Lynn pinCll-hit in the ninth tp no avail), but it hardly mat!.ered to the 25-year-old lefty from Pierre, South Dakota. Bannister picked up his 10th victory against six defeats, lowering his earned run average to 3.22 In the process, as tile Mariners took the third game of the four-game lerles and snapped the Angels' four-game winning streak. "I just try to go out there and keep us in the ball game. Tonight. we took advantage of some clutch hits and it really helped." Bannister said after the game. . • . The Mariners put the 1ame away early with a six-run fourth-inning uprising that featured RBI doubles by Manny Castillo, Todd Cruz and Joe Simpson and run-producing singles by Gary Gray and Bruce Bochte. Sealtle sent 10 batten to the plate in that Inning, chasing ,starter Dave Goltz (5-3) and ! reliever Mickey Mahler before Doug Corbett came in to record the Jast out. But even a six-run inning wasn't good enough for Manager Hadl sees no I . QB controversy No less than four players are ready, willing and able ~ Appearing on tbe list of Rams corporate executives is a Mr. John Had1 with the expensive title of offensive ooOrdinator and it la explained that his duties include supervising the quarterbacks. It neceasarily follows, then, that Hadl would be in charge of the Rams' quarterback trad.iUona. Most notable of theee, of course, is the one known far and wide as the quarterback oont.roveny. "There is no quarterback oont.roversy hert at the moment," says John Hadl but, of coune, he ls putt.ihg you on. Hadl was part of It when he labored for the Rams as a quarterback in 1973 and '74. "What I know for sure," coach Hadl saysj "la that I ~ve four very nice young fellow.. AlJ of them are very good playen." I The thing is, Hadl ia probably riaht. One. equander considerable time lookln1 around the National Football League for such dept of quarterback quality. SPOATS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER Rene Lachemann or his team. The Mariners used back-to-back home runs by Todd Cruz and Slmpeon in the eighth and an Al Cowens RBI sin.tie one inning earlier to build a 9-1 cushion. "I've been checking out the papers with these Angels and I know they came back a couple of t.j.mes after giving "'J> five runs to Oakland," Lachemann said. "I remember I had one game when we were up 10-1 in Cleveland. It brin,gs back qot so many good memories." Lachemann didn't say what the final outcome was, but it la presumed the Mariners let it get away. ' So, Lachemann stuck with Bannister, even though he plans on using his current ace on three · days' rest when the Mariners and A's play a double-header Wednesday afternoon. Bannllter came into the game on a roll, winning four of last six starts including a two-bit shutout of Baltimore on July 16. He also came to the mound as the current · strikeout king in the American League with 123 and promptly struck out •ix more Angels throuah elght innings. "All four of my fitches were working tonight. was realty soing out there and ~ to get ahead of the hitters. I know I had a pretty good ratio of firat-,pitch strikes torught.~rBanni.ster s&ld. "Winning has been tough in this ball park. for µa," Ba{lniater continued. "But tonight, the offen1e really took charae." It was SJ>Orta Sock ~ight at Anaheim Si.dium, and while Bannl1ter mowed down the Angela, the Marinen provided (See ANGELS, Pqe BS) . Bamberger says he may step down (opgle Braves ATIANT A (AP) -F't>rnJanrt.1 Valenzuela called it his best· of the year after f~ a 5'i shutout Saturday as the · Angeles Dodgers blanke Atlanta 3-0 anc:f moved · 7 ~ games of the front- . Braves in the National· Le West. '•I pitc hed very well,' Valenzuela said. "l think ~ my best." . The Dodgers' left-hander · eight strikeouts and walked On1 one ln recording his 1:1.:t complete game and sec9 .. ahutou_f of the season. : Dusty Baker drilled his iB homer In the fourth inning o.f Paacual Perez, 0-1, for the ~ On TV today channel 11 at 11 run Valenzuela needed an Steve Sax •dded a two-ru aiogle in the fifth. · "It was a very Important for the team and a little bit important for me because haven't pitched very well in · park," said Valenzuela, who lost .. his'l only two prevlou decisions in Atlanta Stadium. "I ·think it means we have chance to win four here-," Manager Tom Laaorda whe asked if there was psychological edge in sweeplna , double-header Friday rush before winning SatwdAy'• · The tea.ma wind up their. four game lerlee today. . Quot~ of the day - ~ Tom Wa&Ma. asked about the Jack of · r colorful penonalltlee orl the pro golf tour: "If you call peraonallty the battle of .•Hollywood ~ 'then. yes, we do lack · penonality. But~ penonality of go1f ii good Solf. U you want to aee a cxmedian, ·!l:'e:~ht to tune in 'Saturday Nisht OrlOijia fellltlo ._ dlr lhUtout v ...... .a"'' IM m.111 ... on '"91 hi• -... Olla~ bla return to the ~'-· 1 ~ht wltb an •• ......... ill<· i!. KanlN °" '°. 2-0 ~ OWi' tM 'I'm wtn ~·the Rojall to WlllWl one·pma &he . ~la ln tb• ~ lAque w..c 1 ••• J:lltwhfn'ln the Ai;. Mllwaulcee scored ttWe Urat·l~nln1 runs "'!hh tho help of three 0.WLand ~ errort on the llamt play t.o down ~ lndiana, 4-2 . . . Jim hMhq =,. thf'M.run am lnniM with a twoanm • twx..•hi.ftdild N.W York a S..2 eetbeck. the flnt vlCt.ory for new ltanaen' Man.acer Danell J-... .. ' .......... drove ln two rww with a bamer and a double and T•J Beruaanl tripled In a pair of runa, l~ ~ to • 7-"5 victory over Boston . . • Miki Beadl 1 two-run a1nale wtth two outa ln the bottom of the elabih helped O..k.land edce MtnNW>ta. 3-2 . . . Rookie Jim Gon scattered 4 nine hill in pttc~ln1 hla fl.rat rqajot-leal'U• abut.out and Jeue Battlelll llnPd in the tame'• only run in the bo«om of the 10th tnnt.na ln Toronto'• 1-0 triumph aver Detroit. Oiiers' Casper unhappy with paaalng Houaton tiJzht end Dave Catper EIJ admits that tlie Ollen are not a • • • powerhouse team and won't make an • Unmediate reb(>wid from la8t year'• 7-9 tailspin. In·an Interview with t~ Houston Post, CuJ>er abo aald the National Football League team roust improve lta paulng techniques, which he called pre1ently at the kindergarten level . . . Rookie quarterback t'llrlt Garrity'• eight-yard ~bdown pau to Alvia Garren booated the Waahinaton Redskina to a 21 -14 victory over the Baltimore Colts in a controlled ecrtmmap Saturday at the Redskins' training camp at Dlckinaon College . . . Two San Francbco defensive starters who played ln the 1982 Super Bowl were let go Saturday. Ardle Reese, a noeetackle. w• traded to IC.anus City for an undiac1.oeed 1983 draft pick, while two-year veteran inaide linebacker Cral1 PHI was put on waivers. _-Knight supports move by USF INDIANAPOLIS -Indiana m j University basketball Coach Bob Lietzke retains two-stroke advantage Knight says he supports the · · University of San Francisco's decision ' Bnce Lletllle, ifinding away in !I to drop its scandal-ridden basketball program. pw.iluit of his first title of the year, The Rev. John LoSchi.avo, president of San pu~ together his third consecutive 68 Franci9co, announced the decision Thursday. He · and established a two-shot lead said dropping the program _ which suffered Saturday alter the third roCmd of the Canadian from continuous rules violaUons ·since 1979 -~n Golf Championship in Oakville, Ontario. was necessary to save the school's reputation as Tommy Valentllle, a journeyman tourist who bas an institution of higher learning. yet-to win in six yean of PGA Tour activity, "I was shocked that a university president reeJed off a string of five comecutive birdies on would be willing to do that," Knight said. "It was the way to a 3-under-~ 68 and second place. a courageous move. Bal S•tton, the rookie pro who shared the "The move that president made la the only second round lead wit.h Lietzke, was third. four way ::::::J athletes and coaches will ever = t:,:~ ~· wi~1! ~~~ trih •unde that control rests with the president. hole to retain a two-stroke entering the final We need more presidents like him." round of an LPOA tournament in Denver. Patty Although the decision was baaed on a long-~. Pat BraclJey and Sudra Bayale were term aeries of inddents, including recruiting~ two abota beck . . . Marta Pt-eru-Dottt of violations, the catalyst for the decision appeared .-to be the Quintin Dailey case. After Dalley waa SWn finished one stroke ahead of American charged with assaulting a student nurse, it was r Rote Jones and Jeuy Lee Smida of Britain to learned the all-America guard had received up to [ ~~~tish Open women'• title in Southport. $5,000 in under-the-table payments from \ ' Laoano PGW•• Padree to ~ ............ ilainmed thr .. lriOinli'I IDd dlVft la ..... NM to s:••r laa l>'-10 &o a d;:f.'-2 lblr ,. ..... ~ °' ... " .....,~~--ed~MMI draft In aD ii ... Pldril' ruDI In tlij ~ ~.,tMft~ to .... ~ ........ . with the fO"' run in the fifth Of the nilbtcaP . . . Miii &....-a hlt a home run and Georl• B...,._ delivered a two-run tbot t)\at.cartled St. Loult to a 10-1 ~t tn MoDtnal . • • Mae ...Wl'1 19th home run and the~ tbrw-hlt shutout pltchlni of 11u1J Bpnm and Perft AltamJruo cam.a Pbo.delpbia to lta fourth 11nfcht wtn, 2-0 over Chl:C! . . . Mike Jer1eHOD and Joel Yn• 111• knocked ln two rww apiece u New Y otk rallied far four runa ln the eeventh to beat Pittlburah. 9-4 ... M.lb IAColt and Fn.U Lac.rte comblned on an e!alht-hit shut.out t.o help Howton eem a 1pllt of ita double-header with San 1'rand9o. ~.The Olanta pbbed the opener, 5-4, u Jaek Clark belted a 80lo homer and Jeff LeoDud ripped a two-run double. Baseball today On this date in bueball ln 1978: Atlanta pitchen Larry r,tcWIWamt and Gene Garber combined t.o Mld Clnclnnatl's Pete Roee to an O-for-4 night, endlnc Roee'a National t.e.&ue record hlttina 1treak at 44 oonaecutl\>e pmet. The.Brave. won 16-4 at Atlanta Stadiwn, With Garber striking out ROie for the ,aame'• fin.al out. On thlt date in 1977: San Frandaco'a Willie McCovey belted his 18th career bases-loaded home ~ - still a National League record -u the Giants beat Montreal. 9-2. On thlt date in 1972: San Diego'• Nate C.Olbert hit ftve home runa and drove in 13 runs as the Padres swept a doubleheader from Atlanta 9--0 and 11-7. Today's birthdays: · New York Meta manager George Bamberger is 57. San Franciaco catcher Milt May ta 32. Philadelphia outfielder Greg Or<a is 30. , Arguello records early knockout Alexis Arguello used a powerful • -right to knock out Kevin Rooney in the second round of · a scheduled 10-round fight Saturday to set up a showdown this fall with World Boxing Association junior welterweight champion Aaron Pryor. Arguello, making his welterweight debut, maintained the momentum from the start , although Rooney valiantly charged him repeatedly with combination punches to the bodS' . . . One unidentified patron selected five winners to collect a record Del Mar Pick Six payoff of $131,035.40 Saturday. surpassing the previous mark of $115,250 established last August .... Keuy Roberta maintained the pole position for today's British 500cc· motorcycle Grand Prix after the final session Saturday ... The hotel rooms of nine members of a champion Yugoslavian aoccer team were burglari7.ed on the group's last day in Los Angeles, the police said. The Dinamo team of Zagreb al9o lost its soccer game. nearing mark Brewen over~werin6 IOM MILWAUKIZ (AP) -When the N.w Yarts Y_... ltpPed MO bo1D1 n1n1 m llet pen aC ..... ~ Wll attrlbUted ID tht f.moul "'lhari ,.." Ii\ van-. Stedium1 Nht anL ...,._.. Harvey Kuenn and .,... ~)'919 aa tbe 1"2 Milwaukee BnrWen,: who are ~ a run at that major-leque ..onl, uy they haw not benefit-' from auch a coiy environinent. • "Tlll8 18 the belt power-hlttJ.na team I've ewr tj .een,'1 Mid KUMm, wh() pa.yed for 15 teMON wttb five different teama. "We've Ft IUYB whC> can hi• homen any time, any place." . ~ " ~l\e Brewen, nicknamed Harvey'• Wallbantel'I, had terrorized American Leaaue ~itchen for 141• home runs ln 98 p.mea ~ Thursday, _bf far the mott ln the majon. BUt they had been dOlJ\8 matt of their banging in other AL ballparka. Only 52 of their home.rs -37 percent -had been hit at County Stadium. Since 1978, when the Brewen became "Bambi'• Bombel'9" under then-manger Oeorae Bamberger, they have hit only 360 of thelr 798 home runs at ~ty Stadium. Still, becaUM of Milwaukee'• prodigious long-ball feats, County Stadium hal gained a ~utation u a "home run hitters' ballpark.'' "Thia place is a bandbox," Toby Harrah, third bueman of the Cleveland Indiapa, aald. "rm not saying Milwaukee doesn't have the hitten, but I remember one time I got jam.med with the ball. my bat broke and I atill hlt one out of here.'' County Stadium ta 315 feet down the lines, 392 feet ln the alleys and 402 feet to center field. "When the wind's blowing in it'• almost impossible to hit one out here," Kuenn said, MIKE HARGROVE, Cleveland first baseman, l4lid he was surprised that the Brewers have hit ., many of their homers on the road. Still, he said, ~ "The ball seems to carry well here:• Ben Oglivie, the left fielder for the Brewers, has reason to disagree. C>.glivie has hit 125 homenln his Hi aeaaons with the Brewers but hu amuhed 7fi of thoee long balls on the road . In 1980, when he hit 41 to share the AL home run leadership with Reggie Jackson, Oglivic 11et the Brewers' club record with 26 road homen. And this aeaaon. 13 of his 23 homers have a;>me on the road. "To hit one out of here up the alleys really takes a lot of power," OglMe aaid. Robin Yount, the all-star shortstop of the wers, has hit only f.ive of his 29 home runs over the last two eeaaons at County StadJurn. During the strike-shortened 1981 campaign, Yount was only able to manage one home run at County Stadium. ·This season, 15 of Yount'• 19 homers have not been witnessed by home fans. "I'm not totally sure why there's such a difference. But here in Milwaukee, the foul lines shoot out pretty fast and the wind probably burta more than it helps," Yount said. Brooks' physical · · proble111s linger From AP dlspatcbe. Defensive tackle Larry Brooks, a 10-year pro-football veteran, will be placed on the active- physically unable to perform list Monday, the Rama announced Saturday. Brooks, 32, has had "rehabi..l.U.ation problems on the right knee," said team spokesman Geno Effler. The player has been on the disabled list several times because of th knee. His latest surgery was in the off-season. I wealthy alumnus. ~~!'------------------------------------------------' . Brooks was the last of the veterans to report to camp, arrlving Saturday. He di.tcus9ed hia future with Coach Ray Malavasi and Jack Faulkner, administrator of football operations. 1 1!1.ecord-setting performance by Johnson. l.£ymnast claims seven medals to set mark as Sports Festival comes to an end The player, a starter for most of his career, can stay on the list until Aug. 31. •' ! JNDIANAPOLIS (AP) -Scott Johnson, a ~ men't IYftUlUl. shattered a National Sports Festival :mark wltb eeven medal&, including five on the final ,day .of competition ln the record-breaking amateur ·~.spectacle Saturday. . 'nle 11-day Festival concluded with basketball. : 'The Sou.th won the women'• gold medal for the ~ •eeconc1 )'e9l' lo a row, beating the West 74-64. ? Jobnlon. a 1Ju'ee.time all-American gymnast •from the University of Nebraska, did not even .realize be bad broken the Festival medal record. "l won .even. didn't I?" aaid the 20-year-<>ld from Colorado Sprinp, Colo.. when asked hia ;~ to the aooompllahment. , Johmon had forgotten the bronze medal he ;won • a member o( the West team two nights eer!Wir in the Indiana C.Onvention Center. • Johmon'• feat included two gold medals, in the ~l hen and floor exercise; a silver medal in the Ul--.ound mmpetition, and bronze medals, coming in tbe pommel horae, vault and still rings besides 'the...tcem meda.L M ~ports on TV "I'm really happy,'' said Johnson. "It makes you feel real good.' · He added, "I've never won as many medala in a national meet and I don't even think I've ever had that many at any level, even in high achool." The previous medals record for a 1i'!f!: Festival was six, first &el by swimmer Cyn W oodhead in 1979 and equaled last year by kayaken David Halpern and Terry Kent, and canoer Bret Young. The 33-eport. 2,600-ath.lete Festival aold more than $1 million worth of tickets, turned a profit for the fi.nt time and had total paid crowds of more than 200,000, au records for this four-year-old competition. The 5-3, 117-pound Johnlon posted a winning Saturday total in floor exerc.be with 19.45 ~ta, tying with triple gold-medal w inner Mitchl Gaylord of Los Angeles for the championship. His gold· medal in allel bars c;ame alter an 18.95-poiht total. Gaylord, 21 , also won a gi d in the borit.ontal bar Saturday with a 19.65-polnt tal. His third aold was in the all-around. · Chrla Riegel won the v . g gold despite a painful left hip fractur~. Because of it, the 17-year-<>ld from Wyomlasing, Pa., could not warm up. He still came through with a wlnn1na total of 19.50 polnta. Roy Paluso. 21, of Santa Clara, added the *** *** Festival a big success INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -The-recotd~ 8UCCe98 of the National Sp>ttt Festival hu Unitecl State. amateur offJdala llUiH1na lndianapolJa •the PQ81lble lite fo. future l>an Alneric:an Om.w and World BMlcetbell ~ Thia 33-aport. 2.eoo~atbleie aplllCUlcle, which ended Saturday nlaht. told more than $1 million wonh of ticketa. tumed a l)rofit for the flnt time ln lta four-year history and pwnped an eatimated $7.4 milliOn into the lndlanaDOlJa ec:ortoMY· . ''It WU • pertect 'N~Uonal Sparta r.uv~" Execullve Dttector 'J'. Don Miller of the U.S. Olympic CommJttee t.okl a newt conferera on dw 1ut of the event'• 11 days S.turday. . pommel hone champlonahip to his gold won as a member of the West'• team two nights earlier. Palauo earned a total of 19.45 points. Matt Amo" 19, of Albuquerque, N.M., won the stillrinp title with 19.20 points. Madeline Doucet. a 5-10 forward from LSU and LeBeau, La., scored 14 points and Teresa F.dwards of the University of ~rgia and Cairo, Ga., added 12 for the champion south women's basketball team. Cody Jones wlll become the defensive tackhf starter in his place if Brooks is unable to play. The Rams also announced that tight end rookie free agent Robin Andersen will be out approximately tight to 10 weeks on the Injured reserve list. The 24-year-old Brigham Young graduate suffered a dislocated right ankle Friday and underwent surgery Saturday. The Rams' first pre-aeuon game will be Aug. 14 at Anaheim Stadium against the Denver Broncos. Ovett returns in style ... The South jumped to a 40-19 halftime lead and easily comple~ Its Festival recx>rd 4-0. It had beaten t9e West 115-84 in the tournament'• opening round. Kirsten Cummings, from Long Beach State, led the West, 2-2, with 13 points. UCLA teammates l)ortce Mcli'adden from Oakland and Angelique A:ardy from Loe Angeles added 12 points apiece. EDINBURGH, Scotland (AP) -Olympic champion Steve Ovett of Britain. sidelined this year· by injuries and i1lnesa, returned to action with an . effortless victory In an 800-meter race in an· international track meet at Meadowban.k Stadium Saturday. \ Becky Hargerdon set a Festival free-throw shooting record by hitting 24 of 30 foul shots, leadlna the Eaft t.o a 91-88 overtime victorv over the North for the brome medal ln women'• basketball. Ovett easily beat compatriot Peter Elliott in winning in the modest time of 1 minute, 47.59 seconds. Elliott, unhappy at being left off the British C.Onunonweal1' Games team, was outcla.ed by Ovett, who moved Into hiah aear over the final 120 meters. Elliott was clocke<l ln 1:48.0S. ·"'Dining For Romantics . . . tlie ~t>1111ds 1111tl s{11li1., 'f tlit• surf 011 tlit• bet1di 111 L aqtma -· ft~11111ri11q . . . ~ . . . . · Frcsf1 ~~'tu• •[11qlm1d £.obsta aml otlwr Jn·sfl · fislr . . . ( ~a11Jld(qfit ble11dt1d ll'itfi tfi,· s11ra~· ·tf lfrt• • P11c~fic Ort•an . 8rtakfost lunctiton DIQQI{ ......... 619 ~ HellOw lane ~leodt • MD..WAUltD, Wla. (AP) - Jlm Hickman, th• 1982. liMl1&napollt 500 rookie of th• ~Hr, WH crltlcally Injured Saturaay ln a 1rlndln1 craah durtn' a _j)ractlce aeaalon for today 1 Provlml Ve.al-Tony Betwnhaueen 200 tndr-c;ar race. Hickman. a 39~year-old veteran · of l'Olld radna. wu reported ln "extr•uely critical condlUon" at <#nearby COunty General Hospital, reportedly 1ufterlng from mu1lve head lnjurle1 and a broken rllht arm. Dr. Steve Olvey, medical dlrec1or for Champlonahlp Auto Recln' Teams, aaJd Hickman's vital llgna were stable and that he ~aa brea.thing on his own when admitted to the hoepltal. 11\e driver later was placed on a life-support system. · MCKMAN LOST control going into the first tum on Wisconsin State Fair Park's one-mile oval with le11 than five minutes remaining In the final practice le9Slon prior to the race. ;ms C.O.Worth-powered March racer l1ammed into the concrete wall at the entrance to the first ' turn and apun several hundred feet. The mangled car finally stopped near the outside wall at ·the exit of turn two. A witness to the crash said it appeared the th rot lie on Hickman's car stuck when he applied the brakes going into the first turn. It took safety crewmen, with the aid of a special prying tool, about 15 minutes to get the Chamblee, Ga., driver out of the car. DR. JACit Klleger, the track ~bysiclan, said Hickman had 'cardiac activity " and "spontaneous respiratory activity (breathing)" when he was placed in an ambulance for the trip to the hospital. Hickman was being given oxygen as he was placed in the ambulance. Hickman, a car dealer, was a Super Vee mini-Indy racer in '1981 and moved up to the Indy cars at the beginning of this season. Mears on pole for Bettenhausen MILWAUKEE (AP) -Rick Meara. regaining the edge he canied through the early sea90n, roared to a track record Saturday, while winning the pole po1i tlon for today's BettenhaUMSl 200 Indy-car race. Mears, who set trac k qualifying records at Phoenix and Atlanta early this year, then went on to win those races, toured the one-mile oval at Wiaconain State Fair Park at an average speed of 143.839 mph. FAT AL FLIP -The unlimited hydroplane Miss Budweiser, ridden by Dean Chenoweth, flips during a qualifying run Saturday for today's Columbia Cup race on the Columbia; ...., __ .., ,, .... ,, .. " ....... River. Chenoweth died of maasive head, chest and neck injuries when the boat landed on him, officials said. Hydroplane driver fa tally hurt . Backward spill claims the life .of Dean Chenoweth PASOO, Wash. (AP) -Dean Chenoweth, who survived three previous high-speed crashes on the unlimited hydroplane clrailt, died Saturday when his boat, the Miss Budweiser, flipped over backwards tluring a qualifying run on the Columbia River. Chenoweth, a four-time national unlimited, hydroplane champion driver, was preparing for tOday's Columbia Cup race. The 44-year-old Tallahassee, Fla., beer distributor suffered massive head, neck and chest injuries. He was pronounced 4ead at Kennewick General Hospital in .nearby Kennewick. A doctor said Chenoweth waa uncoNdoul and had no pube when he waa pulled from the water. The highly suoceaaful red-and-white 00.t was traveling about 175 mph on the front straightaway of the 2 ~-mile river OOW'le when ita naee lifted off the water and the boat went over back'warda. FOma r evealed the boat landed upside down, with Chenoweth still apparently in the cockpit, and then bounced right side up. The cause of the accident wu not lmmed1ate.ly determined. Chenoweth'• death came just nine months after unlimited hydroplane racing la.t the man considered to be its greatest name, Bill Muncey. Muncey died In a boat crash in the last heat In the lut event of 1981 at Acapulco, Mexlco, on Oct. 18. ~Chenoweth was pranounced dead at 10:25 a.m., YJ1T1·. The aecident occurred a.bout 9:40 a.m. Sam Cole, the Unlimited Racing Comm.iasion's executive director, said today'1 race would go on as tcheduled. Chenoweth'• death waa the first driving fatality In the Columbia Cup'• liUtory. Chenoweth, who cruhed at more than 230 mph In 1979, was survived by a wife, Jenny, and a daughter, Kelli. HJs wife was with Chenoweth Saturday. "His injuries were IO rMmlve they were not compatible With ute;• said Dr. F. Slnclalr Flnch, chief medical officer for the raclnc cm>mt"'m. , He Mid when Chenoweth w• pulled from the water, he b8d no J>Ulle and wu uncomc:ioua. "It looks like he weni aver with the boat and it came down on top of. him," said Lee Scboenith, the <YWJUDiMlon'1 chief referee. When Qenoweth was brought to Kennewick General, a team of doctors was Wlab1e to Inflate his lW\gll. A incheotomy. an Incision of the trachea to aid bn!athing, WU performed. Dr. Robert Axford, a member of the hospital 1taff and the attending physician, said Chenoweth'• lUllgll were filled with blood. Los Al, Del Mar results Loe A....tltoe IATUN>AY'& NIUl.Ta """ ................ et'tlofM """""') MST MCS. 400 yerda. .... Relroed (~) u o 5.60 3.80 a.tec:tme =doza) 8.00 5.80 Dldte (~) 8.00 A110 • 8-nah Book, Pnnce ~pld. ~ AwwcM, Slllpe Triple a.el. Woody Run Time: 20.U . a UACTA (8-1) peld $59.20 •COND uc:a. S50 )'lll'da. Moo!'I oe.ie 1~1 u o 2 eo 2.40 ~ si.r (P'lltenlonl 2.80 2.40 Aoi••llne MOon (Cf9eger) 2.10 AllO raced: ~-Dahcuh. Balley Jet Leo. Tllnr. 17.13. nmm uca. 110 ywcta ~ ~ (l..ecMv) 10 40 15.40 3.20 Pew Que Pllr;enlon) 10.80 5.AO ....... allgfll •Pllullne) 3.20 Also raced: 8a1urday warrior. Kinda =::...Higher Order, ~Niwa. Mlgtity Tima: 4Ut. ~ llACS. 400 yer6-. Oo l'nludly (P8Ullnl) 2.80 3.00 2.CIO JuellM Teddy ~Rydav> 15.00 &.CIO Loe. A ~ Cfwgilr) 3.CIO ~ reoad: Polreroe Gold, CauM Ima ,.Otley, N11hvlll1 Shadow, Oonldlal Im ~~"' 8pffd, Jenulne June, Timi: 20.04. • UACTA (2-7) paid 178.00. ..,,.. RAQI. MO '{)"da. =~~=-) 7.80 ::: :~ ~ ..... (eir...) 5.40 o\llO raced: MTH Dffp ~11~y. Forll'ta l.awofttooay, Ploa. Gina Ranae. Ruby a.. 11IM To h. Mlle Tiny. ""* 17.71. ... um. sdo ywdt. .. ---(Hirt) uo 2.80 2.40 ,.,..... ec., JI 'LT I uo uo .... ..,... Dlaa °'*' uo lta. r-.ct Tiie , 8llWr ~ Fox, =~~~"r-_Reedy· E-Alb. ~., (1.., P1110 12UO. in911N uca, '60 Ylrde. ~ .... ....,,, 7.20 UO UIO Tulf ""=-5.00 8.40 ...-.w ) IUO 1.10 Jiit£~=r~:t .• ,..,, .,. (>1) '9111 f21.20. A (1•1) paid ..... 40. ~ Six COf\IOllUOn paid 144.80 wltll 418 wlnntng tlcicelt (five lloraM). ....,.. uca.. 400 ywd1. 01n11Hle Statlofl (P8Ullna) -3.80 2.20 2.40 LNdlng Ster (Laelley) ""'-2.80 2.~ My Honey and SplCe (Fryday) 4.uu Allo reced: Calle can. Y04K ~ Of Mini. Pretly Rabelle, Sey Chick, Wr1"919 AIOI, Rodte11 Baina, Marry Wegon. Time: 19.95. 'nNTit RAC.. MO yerdl. Go Goa Ct>o1c:e (Peulna) 3.20 2.80 UO PIMMnt POiiey IPlken1on) 5,80 4..20 Limited Polley (Craagar) 3.AO Alto raced: KIP• Cam1101. Doe AoJoa, Hlpplty, Ala H091. Time: 21.93. *2 EXACTA (8-51 paid '23.80. Attend-18,109. .,.. .... 9ATUllDAY'9 ..... Ta (10ttl .. .,.., .................. , ,...., uc;a. • furtongL OUlclt ~ (PW:8y) uo 4.40 uo Squara Peg~) 5.40 3.20 Extra Quidc on) 3.00 Aleo riced: SuHnne'• Boy, AIM 'Am, Clpt'n Arptrf, Ctwle'• Led, Ima 8mler. Rotary Table, 8rlgtlt lale, FIMt Batter. Tim« 1: 10 2/5. HCONO MCS. 8 M1ongl. Volage (V~ 8,40 5.20 UO Couos'• Matti~ 1.00, 4.20 CU• Sombflta (04 ) UO Alto racacl: LAI VtrM'I sonata. A ~ We, Hempen'• NurH, Solar Gold, Candy'• Valenllne, Ky. Couneelof, Third 0.. MefttlOn, Timi: 1: 10 4/6. WDAl.Y DOU9la (e.10) peld ta.40. THIM> UCL .. IUl'longl. My Nallva ~(Pre) auo tuo uo En*-(JMD) . 21.eO 1UO T~~~lll.Till:,-: We w-. S-.1. Prompt Git, ,_..., T,... Siient Mullo, Mayo Moo ~ "'-111 ""'*°"· Time: 1:10215 . • DACTA (7·21 peld u,oef.IO. llOUWTM MC& 1 1/1t """"' Dane«lo <tt-) 1UI 7.tD 8.00 Ct111r On ~ 1.00 t .00 Codly ooet.-(MoC.roft) t.OD Aleo r_,..; AIM W... Wftl'n On Tiit ~ Chargeur. Heron'• Boy, Sllclt N 81111tn', · Countenhndl, Email E., SutMllr Cf9111, lrOn "'tm.: 1:42 215 • ,.,.... .W:L One m11e on turf. l(erlan (~ uo 4.40 3.00 TIMI Haaua (~) 4.00 a.oo , ~ 1'11 09wrl (Plllcey) 2.IO Aleo racacl: With Olecretlon, A.-o 0 ., a.__ lllY. Cryetal ~ Unde'e 11roe..., OUt 9lfOt9 o.wn. Pr'llftlUm Dlpollt. TirM: ue 315. • DACTA (~2) paid 181.10. ICmf MCL e fUrionoa. a. A 8dloler (V~ es.so 1UO 1o..tO 'J::1. ~J~;·• 12.00 ,~: Aleo race : Conci«ga, Tiie A .. 81rd, Oonc8neoo. Lawo Prlnlero, NMtty 0.-, Tllundlr Of Zion. • Tin!« 1:11 318. lftaTM MC& • furtonQa. FWIO/ l.Q. (o.lltto 11.,..) 1iAO \ ... 1.• BOid Md W1mnO CVerv-1) 11.80 t.80 MllOe La Q. (~ I.JO Allio r.-1: Terra :-0 ~ lt*ft, ._ '-~lm~Jla~~~·,~~·:; o~';~y ~~~':~: MlnicUloul Kat9. Tim« 1:10, .. W DACTA (S-12) paid ..... ()(). I ea PM:• ••• 110- a1at. 035.40 Wiit! one winning ticlt9' hOnle). 11 l'lcll 1111 OOl*lllllofl peld 14 4.IO w1ttt ti MWfltttdcltl(tC*ltOflM). -.n1' UCL 1 111t mlla on turf. ~ Tia ( 5.80 4.00 NortMro ~~:a:.20 4.80 • ..., Ms! L.-AM CMotW l.40 ~.:,.-:-'.;.. Agltataid • ~ c.. nm.: 1:.Q Ill. Accident mars ARCA 200 race TALLADBOA, Ala. (AP) - Stock car racer Rick Boland drove bia Pontiac to ,,lctory Saturday In an MCldlDt-marred A.RCA 200·that cWiiled die life of drtvw Gene lUch8rdli at the Alabama lnter tlonal Motor 8~'1':•1'. Rlcbatdl. 28, of ~ ... lnwlwd In an -.nt -...- 31at Jap:-lt .,_ tbit tbtrcl flililltJ bmllYtliC. ,_ ....... In .... talitlar1 GI tbe ..-_ &rtC l'fOid ... ldDid ~ • ........... J. ... MMllMITOUft ..... .. a. ... ..,. ........ n a a .......... , ........ ... ...... t.CMll ........ .,.... .... .. Ollcl ......... ~ ..... 1 .......... -~._..... .............. t ps o aEc.uDd St ight tiJn alCllMOlfD, Va. (AP) - Wa.ltledoa champion Jlmm1 eon~ fou.ht off four Mt ,.... Ii the thlid 11tt, th.en wmt on lo • e-•. s-e, 7.5, e-a exhibition victory over Bjorn 9ors Sat\U'day nl&ht. the ~ dine he haa tielten the Swedllh Ital' in u daya. Th• triumph ••rned the 29-yeu-old Connon $40,000 la the match played for the benefit ot the TeMil FoundaUon of Richmond. Bora earned t2Q,000. Bors. who bad beaten Connon 11 atrailht times until he Jic.t a five-1et match lut Sunday In California. held a 5-4 lead on his own eervioe ln the third aet and W• up 40-love when Connon took command. 1be American fought off three •t points to reech cleuce, saved another set point and had the advantage thl'ff timea before breaking Bora to pull even at 5-5 In the aet. Connors then held service, wtnn1ng with hiJ only ace of the match and broke Borg, losing only two points in the 12th game. Connon quickly built a 4-1 lead in the final set, breaking Borg In the second and fourth games. The 26~ear-old Swt!de rallied momentarily, serving two aces and another winner, then· breaking Connors in the seventh game to trail 4-3. But Connors broke back In the eighth game, then held service with the.· Joa of only one point, winning the match when he. slammed a weak lob put up by Borg. The match was announced as a sellout for the 10,820-seat Richmond Coliseum, but there were a number of vacant seats. Each player lost his own first serve, but the first set then followed serve until Borg double-faulted in the ninth game to set up a break by Connors, Santa Ana win~~-10-5 Santa Ana broke open a cloee game in the final period Saturday night to earn its first win of the season In the American Speedsoccer Aaociation, 10-5 over the winless HunUngton Beach Dolphins at the Los Caballeros Racquet and Sparta Club. The Winda held a 3-2 halftime lead and 6-4 edge entering the fourth quarter before blowing the game open. Brian Boyle had ~ goela to pace the winners, while Zavln Anbarcbin and Frantz Krauthuse.n chipped in with two apiece. For Huntington Beach, Rico Gnaulati 1cored three, goals, wbile teammate Val Femandez neUed the other two. The Dolphins dropped to 0-7 with the lo.. ANGELS. th• llOCk. In ·a11. they pounded out 14 hill with Sim'plon. a reeerve center-fielder, knOckinc in three runs. .Former A::.i Bochte, Ziak and Cowena had a paSr of hlta for Seat1le. The victory helped the Mariners gain ground on the divi1lon-leadtn1 An1el1. but . · more Importantly, it allowed 8K'di:ld-ptaoe Kanau Ctty to pull to within one 1atne after the:· Royall blanked Baltimore 2-0 The Angell spent molt of ~.­ evening lrYina to set an~ •. going. Their attack throujh thi · fint seven l.nninp oonaitted of:· one run in the fourth lnnin(,. compliments of• llncle by JuaJ), Beniquez, a wild pitch and an RBI single by flnt bueman Roq .. Jackson. ;·. Catcher Bob Boone led off ~.'* bottom of the eighth with hit' fourth home run of the "~' and the Angela put togc:t~e~: · consecutive singles by Brian··. Downing, Beniquez and Doug'• DeCinca to load the baaes wlth none out. ,: . But Bannister got Don Baylor •. to. hit Into a double play, allo~ .. one run to score, and Ron · Jackson then grounded out In tq-· end the threat. ; In the ninth, with right- handed reliever Larry Anderaon on the mound, Mauch u9ed both Lynn and Jack1on as pinch- hitters, but Anderaon retired the side In order. * ANQllL NOTIS: Sinoe tne All-9'11' 11<9111, IN 0 I . . ... Anoell haw po9tad a rllCllClabtl M '9COfd (prror 10 Saturday ntgh1'1 oame), wtllch 11 • aon'leWtlat eur1>f1llna COftllldlr1llQ IN pit~·· alatf'e EAA ol 4.8" during that epan. lklt dllplfl lhe .,._d 11tp !fie etalf ""' i.ikerl,) ' I AllQll pllehlr• ........ l1Jll car'<lad a prllty good . niche tor 1h1mHlh1. Kan Pareoll, tor ln•t•nca, lead• lh• American League 111 lhuloull wllh IOYr. He alto hie nlnl ce>mptatf • 11-thil ....an. one thy Of hla ~ bait• . • Ml In 1979 white lta WM wtltl Houeton and tied 1811 -· .......... mMnWhlle. : l>OUll thl ball wll'lnlng parcanlega It: .,,.. r Arnarlcln !..ague (.818) wlltl hie t-2 ~ ·i . And thin "*-.. OMft" z.e.. ""° """' ......,. ... cornt>llll ~ II llllO among IN Al. laedar9 ~ '::t'J:I hli n;., ::::~·.::: ancf II now wlthlll OM Of AL IMdlf .,.. Q 111nli HFJ, 1111 •.co.ta ..... Hlgft and. Oranoa COMt Cot11g1 huftlr . • • Arif·· ~ .... c.... rNllild ~ nlgtlt'•. ....,. • lta oonen.. to allow ....... ~ .-itohlll. Hier pt 7*11, ... ,...,..,. ... bMtlnO .375 Cl-tOt-111 ............. '°' .. Illa All·elat flre1 baMntan A"4ll "°OMPI~ ' ~lnlllllllrltlWOM-Mtt~....,.:·. ••• Seattle ~1119 ............... llJlllt. : m.tOad .... "'"'"' ...... to 18 .... ...,__, 1111 tourl"·lnnlng l•adff •Ingle. lt'I th•· • 1acond·long1a1 11rea1t In tll• M111n«1'>:• hletory. Former Nallf Oal..=I: •tar ~ · ...,... 1'111 In 21 ltnllgllt for "°'" --... t-30, 1879 ... Tiii,. ..... ~.· --ttlle .,...,_, (1:0S) ... ... ; Mndlng )'OUOll Nlfl ................ · .. (10-6). !Wdl .. Ill '"9ldng .... ,,..,..._., debut alter poet1ng a 1M l'900f'd and 17.7 \... ... ERA al Saft Lake City ltlll aa.on. '(L'. 01h an ,b Ji.i as ~ scf~ io· il£· 9?.;. en·. a£.t l f) t sv., l 8 I I ~ sL S J .; ni m. £ ~I . 9r1' !JI#, 1£.- 2:>"· a.1 .~. '(C oJ : n r 1 91. 8' 2i~ .. 9' ,,,, an ~ . ' • • llMOll LSMUI ITAWI ·=.!!mt ~ ..... . ...... .. ..... .. ..._City M '4 .MO 1 Qllol90 ., 4' .110 • ._.. ea 10 .110 I o.i.id 44 IO .413 ti T-31 .. .-17 ......... .,. • .aao ,.,.,. IMT11MDMIM* 111 ... llWI,..,._... II 42 .MO ""°" / .. '3 .114 " ...,_.. 8' 44 .611 I ,._ Y01111 IO '1 .111 I.,. Dllfelt 60 .. ..aoe 7.,. ~ 4f '8 .600 I TOftlfllO .. Ila . .ao 10 ............. ........... , . TClfOMo 1, OMroll 0 ......... ~2 ~l • ..,,,_..2 ~ Clly 2. ....,_. 0 :w:.~~~ T .......... ....._ 18or• ().()) .. a... (z.tw) 1Mu DeCroll u.torrte 11-10~ foronto (....,a. .. =-:i .. ~M endMd~wt1 2-6)9olton (Tudor M) •I Ct"°4lgo (~JI Balllmot• (PmllMI' 1-3) •t Kan ... City l'"*M) .....,._.. (Vlol9 ~2) 111 Oelti.nd {Nottl9 ~ VOt!I ~organ 5-1) •t T-(8ulCMr °"~ n ::=:,:a: W L Pet. Giii Au.nt. I 1 40 .904 8en Diego II 48 .~ 1 .,...,. 61 41 :129 .,.,. Sen~ 41 114 .411 1S Howloll .. 115 .411 11. ClnciMltl 31 II .1811 24 ~DMllOM PPllllll91•d11itp:ii.1t1111.i. 51 42 .llO 81. LOUl9 II '4 .see 1 l'ltllDwgh 53 .. .w 4.,. ~ 13 41 .630 I .._ Vortl 45 H .448 1S'4 Clllmgo 40 II .311 20.,. .J ............. tn95~~4-2 Sen 5-0, Houston 4-1 ...... U1$1'6a 2. ClliceaO 0 St. LOIM 'ii, MonvMi 1 NM Yortl I, Pll19tlurafl 4 T....,.eO- ~ (St-•r1 5-1) •t Atlante (P. ...,.., 10-S) 81. lo11111 (And11J., l ·I) •t MontrHI ~~~89umgllrlet'I o-4) •t NM VOt!I (M:-'°a:i'Y'.ll1 . Clllugo Nol•• l ·t) et Phll•delphl• (,.,..,_~, Sen OlegO (H•wtclna 1·21 •t Clnclnnau C8* a.n I 8en Ftwldtco (R. Martin 4-1) •t Howton ~11·1).·n ~.....­ -...,. 1. ,,... • OeCroll 000 000 l)OO 0-0 ' 0 T-to 000 000 000 1-1 t 0 Uldl#. Allcker ( 10) end P.m.11; Gott end Whitt. W-Oott, 2·1. l -R11cker, 1-1. A-21,on. ................ llATTU ~ .,.... ., .... J.CNl.b I 0 0 0 °"'*'OJ' ' 1 1 0 M.~I 1 s 1 llMqw.l1 ' 1 t 0 8odl..., $ 1 t 1 o.once,3b ' 0 2 0 zi..dh 1120leWIOl',dl •OOO ero-,pti 1000~.rf•021 c-..rl ' 1 2 1 lt,QMl,d 3 0 0 0 hMt,c • ISOOOLY'lfl.$111 '1000 ~.1b I 1 l 1 Grldl.D 4 0 1 0 T.CNue ' 4 2 t t FOii.ii 3 0 0 0 94ftloln.cl ' 2 2 s ~"'""' 1 0 0 0 BooM.c s 1 1 1 Fflll*!,C 0 0 0 0 Total 41114 t Totlll 3& S t 2 ..... .., ....... a..ttte ooo eoo 120 -t C&llfornla 000 100 020 ;_ I E·Klton. DP·8H111• 1, Celllornl• 1. l08 SNttle 1. Celltomle I. 28-M. C.llO. T. CN&, Simpton, Orlcll. HR· T. Crua 111. ~(1),~(•). ...... • H llD•IO I' . ...,....,11Ml I t I S 0 I ~ 1 00001 ~ GOitz (L.&-3) ~ I I I 2 1 ~ 0 21100 CottlelCI 3'A s 1 1 0 3 Kleon 2 S2201 ....,,.., plldled to 2 tlel*'l In .. 411\. WP-F. BaMlller. T-2;'.38. A-'1,nO. MCOMDU.. A*ee ....... San FrMCitc:o 000 000 000-0 I 2 Holleton 100 100 30x-5 5 2 ~Mcia-~w~~.' l -H•mmaker, 8-1. S -ltCorte (4). A-28,180. , ,.._l.CUMI ChlC8gO 000 000 000-0 I 0 Phile6elpNa 000 100 10lc-2 t 1 Rlpley, Tldrow (I) end J. o.itl; Byetrorn, Allarillret'IO m end Vlrgl. B. Dia (1). W-BYttrom, 1-3. l-Rlpley, M . 8-Almnlnno (f). HR-Pllll•delplll•. 8ohmldl (11). A-60.20S. ..-a.:'"~ ....... ., .... ... .. ........... rl 4000 .......... 000 ~-4010 ..... •111 ......,..., 4010 ..,..If 010 Honw• UlO ...... If 0000 ~"' 4000' 0-111 Oto l.IMNel 4010 ..,.,_ 1b 40 1 0 l11wcll110 40 1 0 ...... '110,_,._• 8010 ......... 4110...._pti 1UO v...,...., aoao .... P 1000 w ....... 1090 ~P•OOOO 'MlllMol'I pt! 1 0 0 0 Ber1ler, 00 0 0 Tot* MllU Totell 14010 .............. Loe~ 000 1IO ~ Aller* 000 000 000--0 t--o..1•0. Df'-A--2. I.~ Ano•••• AA A:a:"!• 1. H-~ey. au. ......_ (1A a-v ......... ..._ • M 11••to ...,_1L.o..11 • 1 a 3 o o ledroelell 2 2 0 0 0 0 o.w 210000 Lee~ • v--...iw.1._.> • • o o • T-2:11. A-4e,eM. ~-··· ,.•r-, .......... W 12 100 11 IO .218 311 51 II 1 U .218 387 12 113 11 ,, .2t2 13 7 21 l 1S .2t2 .. .. 111 11 15 .211 sea 13 101 14 " .2111 327 52 to 21 IO .211 300 24 81 ' 31 .270 93 1' 25 1 t .298 311 " ... 2 31 -* 331 42 81 11 48 .293 ea 1 11 2 s .2114 61 5 12 1 4 .218 111 12 11 0 5 .1 .. •5 ' 1 0 2 .111 a1 ' 1 o o .032 3,•7t'8t861 107 '85 .273 ma.ca • M • IO W~ IRA 1 ' 4 I 1-0 1..29 ~ 3t 30 2t 2-1 1.71 1~ 111 31 18 t-2 ~ 103.,. ti 31 ... w 3.4Q 52 " 2S 40 w 3.44 1411' 132 '1 ,., 1o.a 3.17 .. 71 32 ....... 3.te Ult llO 31 11 10-1 3.7' !ICM 50 22 30 3-1 '·°' 13 13 2' 31 1-3 •.75 7~ 13 31 " 1.. • .• ., Ml'A 171 33t '39 151-44 U7 UTTU UAOUll AU.4TAM ~J:JU-=:a=> c•a..........,_, ... , __.. ..... WHI Yorba lln~trlct HI n . Nor1Nlel ~ Ana . -'°" I'~ p.m. - )-. ' •" •.It I /J. - Nefttt.,.ll1t'lilllld CMAtplallllllp , .. ~. a..etet Mot1r1111 (lrltaln) def. llllclllrd i... (811ta1n), w. f<l. .............................. , .. ....., ....... , °"" ~ ~::;,:.-~ Hanlka (WH t OetmMy), 2·1. a.3, 1-S: Bettin• lklnge (Well! Germany) def. Sue ..,.., (8t1taln), 4-11, 6-3, 6-3 ....... ~. , ......... .._., Tr.ay Aid~) '!:P.":.lhy JOfdan (U.8.), g.1, 1-2; Kathy llllneldl (U.8.) def . ~ v.,.,, (I'-). •1 ....... Misc. ..... ~ ....... <•:=;:.:=-). ..... ~llltl 1. Megen Neyw ( Viejo). 801.03; 2. Chrft 1911~ (Ambler, P•.J, 490.02; 3. V1111n9-C1111n Peng (PeoplN Rec>11blle 01 China), '82.10; '· Irina SldMova (8oYlet Union), '71.03: S. lrlta e~i:L':, (1111 ~ '51.11; .. Mertine (Eatt ' . ~=-· llf'llce Ulotllle I II II II 2041 T~ Vellnllne 7o..tl-*-20I .... ""'°" ...... 12-20e °'WV Homier\ 17·71-11-209 Mlle Nlcol9ne 11---11-210 "-....,,_ 71-12-17-210 Atttdy Ileen 70-11-lt-210 P9ler Oo91ertllllt -.n.ee-211 Uny Ntllon 13-11-17-211 Derlle WllllOll 11*"71-211 NlclC Feld!> 11-70-73-211 Jerry Mderwon 13.70-lt-212 ow-Aoee 11-12-11-212 Wt/I'; Atmetrong 71·72-11-212 Jack l'tewlon 70-72-70-212 Johnny...... 71-11-70-212 Morrie Helaltky 11-11-10-212 w.. Pllll 11-70-11-212 Keltt!~ 81-75-70-213 0-V-llumt 72-73-el-211 BoObV WadklM 71·12·10-213 Berry JMdctll 7Cl-7S.70-21S Ron 81Tack 71·10-72-213 Chlttet Coody 11-70-12-213 Loll Or8hem ea. 70.. 71-213 w~ L..c ea.10-15-213 Den PcN 73-11-74-214 TCllMIY Arrno4lr Ill 11.-..11-214 Pll UndMy 81-11-71-21' Bob~ 14-711-10-214 811 Caltee 15-70-10-215 Ed Flor1 10-14-71-215 J. c. S.-0 -.11-11-a.11 ·o-ae c.... 70-14-11--215 Gery i<odl •7&-11-215 Den H811dofeon 70-73-12-215 Fred~ 71-72-12-211 Pet• Jecobeen 70-1S-12-215 Bred 8tylnl 11·15-73-215 OIWI GtllNm 611-14-13-215 er-Do\lolMI 17-14-74-215 0... Do\lolMI 10-11-14-215 Bob Mllrpfly 72-73-11-211 8Qoll ~ 11-74-71-211 Perry At1tu 11-73-72-21& 8lalr'9 Mc:Callatet 71-19-72-211 Marti lye 12-10..14-21& De'fld E.clwetda 11-74-12-211 Skip~ 72-13-72-217 MIU DoNlld 7.,.._12-217 Jim Rutledge 12·72·73-217 Jtm Thorpe et-75-73-217 Mike 8oll 76-ff-13-217 Allen Miiier 71-72-14-211 Lon Hll*'9 71-12-14-217 Torn Jenttlnt 73-70-14-217 Tom Wei.kopf 12·10-71-217 Jeck F--72-10-11-217 Mika R4lld 11·70-71-211 8te¥9 Melnyk 71-71-11-217 .,... ... lleNng MT'.~ ............. )-11& ang1era. 13 •ii-e, 1 bonllo. 3 halitMlt, t tock 11th, ts lend beM, 1 ....,.._.,, 7 IMP!n. 10 kelp .,.., DAYSY'8 LOCttUI (~ lleeoh) -275 englefa. It barrK\ld•, 11 bonito, 122 callco l>Mt. I03 maac••. 139 rc>c* 11th, 111 lend"-· DANA WHAflP - 353 angler•. 40 •lb9Core. 1,530 b~, • bttrllaida, 314 bonito. I Mllblll. 1 mackerel. MAL •ACH -1 MQlere •• , llallbul, 1,300 mllCkerel. 835 * llth. 322 tend b111, I ewlptn. .., -II •nglera. 4 hallblll, IOO mackerel, 1 llnd bMt, 1 eculpln. 350 white croaker. 192 ~ twl. Seymour'• remarks will colnclde With the openln,a of the Sacramento of!lces of CallfomW\a for Housing ~ ~e f1nt 81ic:ramento meeting of the coallticm'• executive committ.eE!. With Seymour will be Dorl Crocker, vice chairman of the coalition. Crocker is president of Lincoln Savings and Loan Leque. rluo,.1 ~of corporate ...... _ . ~-tat the .... Oonl ........ be the ~ OUIOIN of ihl COllUUoll wbO .................... oC membenblp. "'"" c~. ilOaftdMae CbilllilillD, NII' l lhtll the JatiDI' ~~tlw 11 eaeu"" 11CntarY Of dw IM Aapi. Bulldln1 and Con1truotion Trades CounCll. Lee Goldin, treuwu. it prelident of the California Bwldl~ Industry AaOcfatlon; and Seb Sterpa, eecret.ary, lt 1982 prelident of the California A11oclaUon of Reelton. Seymc)ur and Crdcker will addrell the need for a collecUve a_ppn>llCh to the cUrrent hoUl1ng depremion ~h the coalition. T}le c:oelJtion'• sreatnt impact will come frotn ita ability to develop a comprehemlve houlina program to au.ck trnmedlate .na crl tical problem• affectin1 hou1ln1, Aa well 11 produce Iona-term aoluUooa. By the nature of it• comp6sltion, Callfomiana for • Housing will serve as a J. Robert Fluor, chainnan of coordinating body· to maximlze the coalition board, bpngs-the each partlcipatin1 group's corporate perspective to support or oppdaiflon to Californians for ~ousing. As legislative prop<mls. It will al80 chairman of the t>oard of the provide a forum for working out Fluor Corporation, one of the necesiary compromises and principal employers in Southern agreements on key iaauea. >..the Californ.la, F1uor is acutely aware first group to repreeent all major of the effect the housing crisis is components of the housing I Having not only on current market, including major I employees, but alao on potential corporate employers, this· or-· ..._ ... .r.ecrult01ent of employees_ ganization can make a vital I throughout the nation. F1uor will contribution to developmeJ)t of a be represented at the press comprehensive legislative conference by John Burton, houalng p~. PRIZE WINNER -This custom home on the Newport Beach oceanfront earned a Gold Nugget Merit Award for the San Clemente architectural finn of Keisker and Wiggle. The ,,,.,. .. . company also was honored for designing the international headquarters ·facility of Shiley Inc. of Irvine. Economic factors i01prove honie buying ·picture . f Spfflal to taie Dally Pilot LOS ANGELES -Several Important econ<?Dlic factors are combining to make home buying more affordable now than at any .time during the last 12 months, according to the Ticor Reeearch Council. . The council was formed to ·analyze trends affecting the real estate and housinl industries, which are aerved by 'ncor'a title insurance, mortcaae i.murance, home warranty, re.lty, tax and trust divisions. Martin Stanciel. vice president and director of financial planning for Ticor Mortgage 'Insurance Co., chairs the cOuncil. "Prospective home buyers should consider the ae encouraging developments: real personaf and family income is up, lntlation is down' and the real cost of a bclme ~ -u a function of finandna -is down," Standel said. Specifically, real per capita personal disposable i ncome increued 7 percent to $9, 14 7 in the first quarter of 1982 from $8,504 in the like 1981 quarter, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce. Irttlatlon-adjust~ median family income advanced nearly 9 percent to an annualized ~ of $25,000 in the first quarter ot 1982, u from $23,000 in 1981. "Thia growth in consumer ~ will be enhanced by the 10 percent federal tax cut, which became effective this month," Standel said. The dramatic rise in home prices during the late 1970s was lueled, to a great 'extent, by inflationary expectations, council members noted . "The unprecedented price escalation retlected expectations of future appreciation as well as actual appreciation,'' Standel aald. The rate of inflation has been reduced significantly during the last two years. and home prices · have moderated as well, risinB at a slower rate than the overall rate of inflation. flJE~ II ham. OWYMnh1p • " tnv= did you hMI' that qu.dall aw 19119 ·•10. ThoH who did a•k found 1 bu1htl of -affirmative ~. Now oeooJe uk the qumUoin ~day. And in ...... tt..y aN lhow•ed with • Nlhel ot no.. • · lwt\ ao utute an oblerwt • Nr.lhaid Pratt, ~.~l\Cl~~~t= public: no lon,•r percelve1 owner11hlp aa an •~w place OC' tUnda. · M alwa)'I, Jack Cari.on, operatJ.na heed of the ,Natl.W Amocfatlon of Realton, •jumped to the deteme, proclaiming, "There'• nothf.na wronc with TAX DBDUCTIONI. Hl1h lnt•r•t ratet obYtoully rnU.e monthly ciuTyifC ~ Gnll'OUI. Ot~ Chia. ti> ... extmt. .... tax dilducdom. Tb• 08,000 loen In thla lnatance IMaDI ' inonthl)-peymen111 of el31.U tor MO mandw. •a total of tlt7,Hl. Sha the loan w• lor tae~ the Nmalnder, t141,1'1, WU tritenlt that bt deducted on we.. Real ..tate tax• alflo can be deducted. And U the owner rent. out part of the hOUlt, 11 • arowtq number of Americanl lltll'n to be dotnl. M may quallf y for depreciation deducttont -and a1IO amal.l dfductlonl on lnlurance, maintenance and utWde1 -to oft.et the tncome. hou1ln1 mark'eta that lower intiel'tllt ratet wUl not remedy." t'rom other• came the reminder that lf houalna ha turned bad then 10 have 1t.ocka, aavlrtp accounll, automobile. and other productl affected by Theee deductiorw lharply cut the effectl~ CUTYlna char&M, which many farnilJe1 view .. almOet fnaunnountable ot.taclee to ownership. NEW IN IRVINE -This is the newly completed •a.~ mtlllon research and development"""faclltty ot Racal-Dana lnltrwnenia Inc. in the Irvine Industrial • Complex-Eut. The 96,000-equare-foot bulldlnc hoUlel 230 employeee and wu clalCMd by Howard F, Thompie>n '1'd Mlioo:lata of Irvine. SHBL TER. No lenlible evaluadon of ~ M an lowatment am f.al.l to lnclude the rent equivalent. How much would lt have COit the owner ' blah. lntere1t rate1. Nothins 0Uf1u1\.aal about housing, they 'said. Whtie tho1e responses c~ PJ'Oduced confirmation, if any was needed, that , • he>UIJ.nl ii hurt by high borrowing t'Olta, ~did very little to show whether buying a house y is a worthwhile investment. . to rent apace elMwbere? Perhap1 '80,000 for 20 yean? MOre perbap1? It hardly 1eem1 likely ihat would-be buyen are unaware of IUCh adv=. More to the polnt, it aeema, ii that they ve advantac-but don't have the finandal w th.al to exploit 1&m. ''The va.t majority of American famlllee are priced out of the houslnJ market at today'' mon,pg. rates," PQU\tl out Tbe Mor1an Guaranty S\lrvey, a monthly analyat. and dlacuuion of economic ~tters. Sea Ridge has Jo .w financing Huntington ~artdmark off er,s Varied lifestyle · Neither have analyses of varto1,11 IM!CW'ltie1 firms, which meas~ the price appreciation of a ~ but usually lgn6re the dividends, which lnclude low down payment, big tax deductions and shelter. These three benefits radically change the return of\ a home Investment. LOW DOWN PAYMENT. Housd still can be . pli.rchased for 10 percent down, venus 50 percent ln , the stock market. Such leverage works wonders. I • I Assuming the house is bought for $70,000 with · $14,000 down, a rise in market value to $72,500 ln the first year means a paper return on the Building costs up $.3% NEW YORK -The cost of construction materials and labor acroa the nation increased an average of 5.3 percent during the 12-month period that ended in March, it was reported by the C.OSt Infonnation Systems Division of McGraw-Hill Information Systems Company. ~ · A leading source of information on the construction market, the firm produces statistical and economic data, construction cost guides, Dodger Reporta on construction activity and Sweet's Catalog Files of building product information. It estimates that only one in five houleholda has auffJctent income to carry a median-prlced new home at1 17 percent mortpp rates -.. wnlna · principal and intete1t ~enta do not exceed 2! percent c>f. gram income, a rul.e ·of thumb that baa been ln use since the 1930s. ~ That· rule la now being exceeded, of course, often with the complicity of sympathetfic lenders. who know that young aouple1 are wilUn« to cut spending in other areas to pay for higher nousing costs. Still, many would-be buyers are unable to qualify for loans at today's ratel. To say, however, that people who are shut out of the market perceive housing to be a poor investmeht would seem to be incorrect. It might be more accurate to say th.at lenders pereeive them as poor investments. Only one thing will prove Pratt'right or wrong, however, and that is what happens to housing sales when monthly carrying charges once again are affordable. Failurt of sales to rebound would suggest he is right. The new Se. Ridge townhome community In ·Dana Point4"'\1 now offering a complete new ~~tha~ "earn" u low u 5~ percent lnte~ for the flrat two y4!an. The two story, two and three bedroom residences are priced from $165,000. The unheard of figure of 5 ~ percent ls available with a 50 percent down payment. However, the sliding acale developed by the. La Solana Corporation of Irvine --Permits buyers with smaller down payments to also enjoy the benefits of extremely low Interest rates fot ~ fint two years of ownership. Allowing homebuyers over 40 yean of age to chOOtle the home ~t ta best suited to their individual needs and lifestyle, five, on~story floor plans are offered at Huntington Landmark, an ocean -close condominium community in Huntington Beach that ia limited to adults over 40. According to Jim Leishman. sales manager at the Signal Landmark Properties development, the homes at Huntirtgton Landmark are especially designed to appeal to mature adults. "ltanging from a one-bedroom, one-bath plan with 834 square feet of living space to a three-bedroom, two- bath model with 1,336 square feet, these well-planned homes are ideal for adults who place a strong importance on convenience when aelecting a home," Leishman said. Priced from $94,450, each of the condominium homes has a fenced, private patio. In addition, one plan features an atrium that can be viewed from the living room, dining area and master bed.room, whil~other has a large entry courtyard"" that is viewed from the living room, d.inJ.na area and kitchen. All homet come with one-car encloeed 1.,..,es. A 24-hour manned entrance pte provides unu.ual eecurlty for the community, which al.o feature1 extensive recreational facilities. A huge recreation center includes a kitchen, lounges, game rooms, hobby and club rooms, a photo lab, art and ceramics room, wood shop, lapidary room, sewing room, gymnasium facilities, billlardl room and card rooms. Outlide are a putting green. large swtmming pool, apa. two tenni.1 courts, gazebo, fire ring and barbecues. Financing i1 offered with an interest rat.e of just 13~ percent, available for a llmlted time only. The sales center and fiv~ decorated models, open dally from 10 a.m . to 5 p.m., can be visited by taking the San Diego Jt'reeway to the ~1ia Street exit, driving aouth on Magnolia past the intersection of Adams Boulevard and tun\ing right into the aalea center parking lot. More information is available by calling 536-8847. The price information, in the form of. individual Dodge Building Cost lrft:lt!xes, is based on the Cost Infonnation Systems Division's semi- annual survey of building trades unions, contractors tand materials suppliers in 182 cities in the continental United States. In the meantime, it seems to be a safe bet that young households are aware that housing as an investment offers various attractions, not just appreciation, which was the measuring stick during the 1970s. That, for example, you can live in a house but not in a security. Sea Ridge's-model homes and information center are open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Call 714/661 -4192 for infonnatlon. Fixed home fin~ncing rate offered in Niguel WHITE WATER VIEWS! GREAT FINANCI~! Flexible developer financing now makes it easy to own a beautiful new townhome above the Dana Point marina Breathtaking sunsets are part of the priceless ambl· ance of this exclusive residential address. The homes at sea Ridge are · all two-story offering two or three bedrooms. Contem- porary exterlo( styling offers unJque character and charm. and provides the appear· ance of slngJe-famlly homes. Heavy shake roofs and generous use of exterior siding. Large entry court· .yards assure maximum privacy. Interiors are designed for comfort, offering many lux· ury features. Soaring catpe· dral ceilings, skylights and creative use of windows provide a pleasant feeling of open space and light. Lovely greenbelts and winding pathways, heated -.pool and jacuzzi. dramatic clubhouse and professional tennis court. ~ft.· •. ~,, NEW Flnancl.rul Plans Now Available 1. 9·3/+1 INTEREST First J·yrs~ l<>' Down. 7 year due- Amonlzed 30 )'Cats. 2. EQUITY LOAN PROGRAM* Direct loan to you on your property. 3. LEASE OPTION PROGRAM* 18 Month oPtlon.ftx sa&es price now. 4. NO LOAN POINTS •. We wlll also tailor-make a financing program to suit your Individual needs. from s1os.ooo .. Imagine having flna.ncing on your home fixed at the low rate of 11 ~ percent (12~ percent APR) through the year 2e12. It's an o1fer now av~ble at Avco ' Community Developers' four single family home communities in Laguna Niguel: 30-year financing at 11 ~ percent (121/B percent APR). In addition to the low rate, says Jim Saivar, Avro's director of marketlnll, Catalina Island condominiums ' . . proving popular In lea than two months a total of $20 millioQ in sales have transpired at the luxury condominiums at Hamilton Cove on Santa Catalina Island. Homebuyers have visited the new condominium community in large numbers, coming by aircraft and yachtl to be among the first to chooee from' a aelection fo remdenoes ranging in price from $199,000 to $1.5 mUiioD. The ialand is located approximately 26 miles offshore from the Southern California mainland. A joint venture by developer/ contractor Tamut.zer-Hamilton of Costa Mesa and Daon Corporation. th1a mUlti-milllon dollar project. fronts on three separate beaches. Although lecluded from the main harbor at Avalon, Hamilton Cove is only a abort dlltance from shops, restaurantl and other attractions. The exclusive community ia the result of more than a decade of planning, and when completed will encompass a total of 330 residences. Move-ina for the first phase of 165 condominiums are acheduled for early W. OOl'ning winter. The project baa been created by architect David Klages and A.odatel, Inc. of Costa Meu, .wlth a diltlnctlve vUJaae theme. Ii. dMipl U:-tes elements of the lalarid'atlOn.i Santa Barbara Spenilb motif whlle utillsiq modem construction and deQn lnnovadom. Tlie areaa 1urroundlna the1e unu1ual home•. are bein1 profe91ionall&cc~ped. Private recr.Uonal Include • million dOllm' dubboUle with •UW. exerd8e room; k.llthel'\. 1ou.r'PI and other 1oetal amenltle1; a lUJUt'lou1 ~ PGOl;·i.nnll Ol'Nrdand dry bOlit .,.....; The thrw bwhel .. condudve to beeahcomblna, IUM1nl -IWlrnmatta. A ·larie ae1R>9lt, held In an In---~=~~ Ii~ to~~-~., HiiDl11Dft Cove.~ liillill at'thl dlullDpcmnt are tor ta J9.UW; ftlr ~ ~dano ~ the niatNand lbmlltioG CcMt --...... 19' a. .......... An ..... ... aHD ..... °""' la ,..,... ., lH ~ 8a.i. Ttii p1jeiiie •-+Ir Ii (211) 110.llTt - - mar..-ln de'w•\t. IUt &ht reward of .._ Pi"icli malcm the tftDrt wonbwMle. Althoumh tcinclmUN ~urw dnmd on tta'9 law wlwe the ~ ti located;'?tM ~ ....... llmtllif. ( l) LOCATS TH• POBSCLOIUa& PROPSBTY, To l•arn Yihlch homH have ~In default requlrel detective work. When the linatr ftlCOll'dl a notSol of loln default. ln eome countiel the property llddr-. ......,, name, atMl bom>wer't name are publl8Md ln a JoCal newspaper Quail Creek conllos popular • Quall Creek in lA8una Hilla offers a l.cq,tiort that IWimmi.n8 pools and 1pu. All theee recreational la 1n much demand amonc Oranp ~ home ,,menitlft are maintained fOC' the enjoyment of lbqppers. residents. 8eft of all, prtcee ltartina at $79,900 for one- bedroom eandominiUIDI and 1ran $89,900 for twO.. bedroom Oooc plans place Quall Creek within the budcm of 11.ngle adultt or couples purchasing their firlt home. Makin& the price range even more feulble for firlt-Ume buyers are affordable monthly ~ymenta baaed on a low 11 ~ percent intereat rate (12 percent APR) fixed for 30 years. I Quall Creek'• covununity environment, compoaed I of a network of streama, lakes and open green~lta, tncor~ratea two lighted tennia cow:ia, two Activities offered for Paseo people Sports, excursions, performing arts and aped.alized clasaes are offered this sununer for all Irvine citii:ens, and residenta of Park Paseo, a tingle-family, detached-home couununity in Irvine'• Village of Northwood, may participate in all. Particularly cloee to home are the activities offered in the Northwood Community Park where Park Paseo residenta will find a variety of programs for all ages. Built by Ponderosa Homes. one of the Aetna Life and Casualty Companies, the four floor plans available in the one and two-story Park Paseo homes offer oonvehient living ao that homeowners may uae their time to pursue lelaure activities, including use of the private recreational facilities which they share with nearby Park Place. Floor pl.an arran1enient1 are deaiped to accommodate active profellklnal tchedulft while malntalning a aophlaticated atmo.pbere for-at-home . entertaining. For example, alldlna l1ul door accel9 . to water-view decks or patim oonvert IJ)ldoua living rooma into indoorloutdoor entertalnment centers. Contemporaty one and two-atory conddmln1urm are alto appointed with separate d1nlnc rooms, woodbumina fireplaces, vaulted ceil1ngl in eome plans and pluah carpeting. Kitchens feature General. l:lectric appliances includina diahwaahers, lumtnou. celllnp. furniture finished cabinetry and pantries. Greenhouse windows highlight 10me kitchen de9igm. F\all financing details may be obtained at the sales office and model homes open from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. dally. For information, phone 831-6700. To reach Quall Creek in Laguna H.i11s, take the San Diego Freeway to the La Paz offramp and oontinue to Moulton Parkway and the community. Single-£ amily home Irvine project selling More than 50 percent of the 29 homes in Phase IV have been aold at WlndStream, a single- family, detached home, luxury community in Irvine. Ranging in size from 2,452 to more than 3,290 Yale put Hicks Canyon Road to the sales and information opnter and the fully-furnished models on the left at the end of Yale. The center and m<¥fela are open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (I) CONTACT THE LENDER. However, befcn oonilctlnC the borrower, but at$er drivln& by the houie to be IW'e lt la worth ownLnc. a potential buyer ahouJd contact the tender to lMrn the detaila ~~4-\ SCENIC -Water-oriented landaca~~fs is featured . at Quail Creek in Laguna · , a condominium development with homes starting at $79,900. • con&~-=. ~di~=----='1' chedled. 1nm am be CS.. .i ltdl _. • ... w . fr1endly UUt b-.arance ~ atiwa..., °' dtlt / •of attorney who hoPll to pt your'"•••~ ~!)L ~the ~ from tfw cWatl:a2.4-•v••· la' t! aon ... ~ ... ~ Uent ...,,_ .. e;m1t1 • ._ 11 sure a Cna:a .. m.de for any judcment ..a .._.. tax Uena, too. 1 t ,,,, . U> CONTACT THE BORROWS&. If ,~ evel'Ythina ti •dlfactory to tar, then 1M bai!'?'4 • ahould be -contacted abou& •Wna the -... --X borrow .. hope f« a mu.de anicJ •Y they won't bit '' aelllnc. Bu& lllW1 bu)WI know ft pa11 to keep !!f'' ,~,, touch with th-. people .. ~ often decide to 8111: ... Molt baaaowen Clo cure tMtz-default. However •time getl c'°'9er to the foreclolure aale four to ,.,(1>' 1 mont.ha after die default, and the bon-ower r.lbll ~ · he will Jc. hia home If he doem't l"ftnltate the l;I,~ mortpp, ihe borrower becoaw modvated to eeD.; ,.,.J (I) CLOSE 11IE SALE. When the Owne11 .... ~ acrees to .n,. set hla deed 11pec1 • qWckly .. ·r~n pcmlble. Tbe ala of a real estate attorney, e«:rOW ···"'j Qtticer, or Utle Lnaunnce aaent will uaually be. • needed to UIW'e marketable t1tle la transferred. Of courae, the buyer will then have to pay the miminao :: ,1!~1 • mo~e payments to reinstate the IDOl'tpSe. •JV •• ;, 111 · (I) BRING CASH TO FORECLOSURES.ALE: :f~ However, if your work proves Ul\IUCCe9lful and thew 3· : houae gc:>ee to the foreclmure auction ule, you atill 191 have two mote chances to buy. At the forecbure1 we, caah or cathler'a checka are requlred. Your1 , , .I MasterCard. Vial, or American Expn!lll card won'ti-'.,"N work. A day before the aale, talk to the trustee or :tt other penoo who will be oonductina the tale. Learn'. the opening bid (the amount ol the defaulted '• ,I t mortgage) plus any other OOl18: 'Then decide your ... ;~ maximum bid in caae there la competition. Few 1 • l bidden UllUally. ahow up at forec:bure ulel since 1 cuh bl required. U there are no b6ddel'I, Utle to the .: house goes to the foreclosl.ng lender. l (7) BVY FROM THE FORECLOSING LENDER. After the sale, If .there were no bidders the lender owna the bowie. Many lenden, especially' "'r• forecl~ banka and S&Ls, are anxious to quickly ·n dJapoee of forecloeed houeea they own. Cantact the .·t~ REO (real estate owned) officer. He la often 1'! authorized to aell for little ·or no cash down •'• payments oo v!!zy attractive tenns. Typical RIO 1 mortgage terms today are 30-year fixed interest •:·., rate Joana at 12 percent interest. The loan terms are .~.. 1 negotiable with the lender. '~~ I There are opportunities in virtually every town 1 , I I to buy foreCloeed homes. Before the foreclosure sale, both the defaultiqg borrower and the buyer " · , benefit from. a negotiated aale. However, if the 1 f I' house goes to sale, smart buyers ltill can buy at a · ' bargain price. But before buying foreclosure ' ' property. to. avoid a caetly miatake oonault a local : ' real estate attorney for further details. Two swimming pools, a Jacuzzi, a 4,200-9quare-foot clubhouse, two tennis oourta, a l8lld volleyball court, tot lota and a wading pool are among the features which can be enjoyed by residents of Park Paseo. A homeowners' amociation, whoae budget is available in the sales office, maintains all recreation facilities and common 1quare fee~ and atyled ,..-~--~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-- with the elegance typical of Ponderou product.a, WindStream homes appeal to the h1gher- t han-average-income homebuyer wh o recoenizes the value in the three and four- bedroom homes which are priced from $259,990 (Plan 303B). All prices are quoted in effect as of July 12 , 1982 . Subsequent sales may have resulted in the unavailability of aome or unds. Priced from $163,490 (Plan 183C), the three four-bedroom Park Pueo homes alao offer ·ous fenced yards ao that families may enjoy tally private outdoor recreation. All prices are uoted in effect as of July 19, 1982. Subeequent may have resulted in the unavailabllity of or all price categories. Using the innovative lot-line concept, Ponderosa HOmes placed the o and 2 'h-bath Park Pueo residences to one side f the lots, thereby gaining more usable side-yard pace while retaining the full rear yard. Home ~ppers interested in viewing Park ueo homes may take the Santa Ana or San Diego way to Culver Dtive, head north on Culver to Boulevard and tum right on Irvine to Yale v~ue. Tum left on Yale to the sales information ter which la open Saturday through Wednesday 10 a.m. to 6 p.m .. e;ccept Monday when the are noon to 6 p.m. The center is cloeed on ursdays mp Fridays. all categories. Shoppers may find WindStream by taking the San Diego or Santa Ana freeway to Culver Drive, going north on Culver to Irvine Boulevard and turning right to Yale. Go left on Housing changes told by Newport architect amenities and unique design characteristics. Small PUDI allow homeowners to share in the amenities of previously established facilities auch as city parka, pedestrian and bicycle paths and lb like. Another benefit of many PUDI la relief from burdenlorne government approval requirementt. This is often pcmible becau.e many small PUDI are the long-term focua of local governments 'for urban renewal pro~ containing 40 to 60 unitt with "Small tcale housina development.I, c:ommon interest and fµnctionl have raultlng from changes taking place in been ahown to be an optimum me in the industry, are not neoeaarily as promoting good ps)'dlological health, M one might think -actually aa well aa ~ community they may be a hilhlY rewardlnl style ties. enhancing klentity -... creettna al ho-....,," Martin aald. the common 1ntere9t MCle9U.rY to '!be ~ proliferation of thele support common cau.es. Nlidenl.al p&.nned unit developments The re a re a 11 o a e cu r lt y (l'UDI) can be atu-tbuted to large conalderaUona which at.em from lnc~uea ln realdential density, adaptfna a 'new development into co~~ with the aimultaneoua eatablianed urban areu. "These em on develollma land lnaide, aolutionl mt.lilt be clolely .related to rat er than outalde-the urban raolvinl proprietary int.ermta and framework. penonal aafety q\.leldonl," M.rtln HPUDI hold many advantacea over wamed. -...-eca1e ~ developments," Martin d1xu.ed eeveral other ~Mid. facton of Vital lm~ when The amall«ale reddential houeina plarWna PUDI. Site plMninC ind the d • v e l op me n l r • q u l re• • arcbltectural dealgn •hould be commeNUratelY.1lmnaller ftnanclal I ex>mpleted at the ume Ume. J>e.1cn oommiUMni tUD • lalpr IC*le m~coordlnated 8nce PUDi ... IO tlftd ...... t. Duii to the location anct o(ten· o11arF deveJopmefta ~ .,........ with the alto ha"' ~ ..... ,~ turrouncUnc GIDIDIDualttel, more be!ns able to be bUDt In°"'·,.._, faVwable ~of taa.. ,.._.le ~~ the ~ GI lnuld-~· · · ~.non.. Thll. cOmbUild WH11 au lnbel'mt ... and terntn pr'Obleml the o&ber ldvani..-Of thilil mMll ollln Ml6dat.ed wttb tt..e s-n-11 ii:ale developmelill, can a.M t0 .., .,. cumed to edvutap .., ....... .,,, !ltetqt in "°" ua ~11. enalln1 vlew1, apec:lal pro~t Martin cCndudla. . ' ) i . r . · a Door Sedan. 4 speed tranamlUlon, bucket ..... Ind fully flletOIY equipped. (448217). Don't mlae thla econo;ny epeclal at only • <ff. .• " 54191 . ,, 2 Door Sedan. 4 apeed tranamlaelon, ~Ucket aelltl and fully · tectory equipped. (283857). Thla week'• lpeclal at only Standerd bed deluxe.· 4 IPeed tranamtllion, ~M/FM stereo, window package end fulty f.atory equipped. (~7863). Oo 4 whee41n' for only s,,,,. ' I 1171 tiiLLEllEll '""'ONPE ~uto, nnit., al( cond., eter.Cnape, power 1teet1ng, brakes & windows, "" WbMI. alloy wtteeta, new Tu--Tone ""1t & lqw mlle9. (t8JK724). Don't· ·j.,..,.,. .;~ for °"'Y. t4699: 11TIPllCllT. .. 114" lllSEL 4 _.,. tren1., AM·F"' ~ power 1t .. rlng, power brak .. , power wlndOw9 twiroof & morel Very clMnl (04ifz'U1. A real steal et belOW wh*e ... bluebo9k at '4199 11tllATlll . •11•••"PllllP . Dleset. IP••d trans., stereo ~.~~ roof, ctirome step """"*' • mor9I (2Ae3865). Juet owr 10,000 mlllt A 1tMI at onty' 1111 IPIL MHLID OllPE" . Great tran1portatlon with an automatic tr1ntmlnlon. stereo tape and (.YIOfel O!'tgtnal and clean Inside & out. (772RDH).' ·-2~99 1111 TIYITI llUUlllPE Popular S IJ)ffd with air cond., PD"f atMrlng & brlkH, •t•reo· caaaette, "loy wheel• & ext•rlor trim p•ctc•O-· (1DMHS38). Don't ,,,... thll ~ .... bMuty fOr -~,199 1111 JIYITI OOllOLU "UmACI" A\lto. tr.ans., alr ®nd., power steering & brakes. AM..EM radio, exteri or trim package & more. (1BPD577). Greet 9e;0nonw & super • atytlng et only · P , t $·~·· . 1110 JIYITI CELICA u~f. LIF111CI" Top performa~ d 1pMd wtth air c:ond., AM-FM. •erao. tilt wheel. rear wlndo'lllire1'fde & more. Sparkling red )'neWlc finish with under 16,009,' lt1Ue11 Must seer (1AIKS60). • $ 899 1m ........ ..... unllll &:EcOl1G1"~1mm11111*-1~ I .-with * oond., 1tereo OHHtte, exterior trim pac;ho• & more. (72tZLF). An outat9ildll10 ~ at only s1999 1111 IPEL "IELliE CllPE" Automatic transmlatlon. llr cond., AM-FM radio, extertor trim peck1ge end morel An outstanding car In every respect! (854UPO). ~3499 ' t \ . , THE WILSONS: Audrey,. standing, and Kim, Mike and Bill, at home In Irvine T t~y own a second home. · "No~ In the famlly plays he Wiison family of tennlsr,, said Kim, and yet their Irvine may have netted another 'I I' I '1 . . . l 1 t I ~I !'I I' . I I I I r sunscreer:i and a ·che0p par of soap 1 By VIDA DEAN o.llr ............... t What a contrutl · The place 11 B4,&Uock'1 South Cout Plata. In , progreu tJ the •tore'• annual two-week beauty and fitnell promotion. Women gather around co\.&nten ln the n cosmetic department and repreaentatlv\r!a 'of 1 major makeup companlee are putting their latest colon on wornen111aceJ and clerks are showing off the creema and potions made to flsht aging and bid akin. About five feet away from a counter, Dr. /' ~Lawrence A. SherWtn ia lecturing to a small grouP. on skin care. 'I don't endorse any pr~uct," he was Lsaylng, "medic:ine bu a different perspective on tmakeup." , He then goes into akin care . . . ''The best thing to wash your face with ia ·whatever doesn'\ irritate lt. Plclt a aoap with tew chemicals, the cheapest you can find. "Why would anybody want to put Vitamin ;E. coconut or avqcado oil on their face?" asked the Santa.._Ana dermatologist. 0 1 eee ingredients 11.i$ted on aoap labels that I don't know, can't find 1 them listed . . . what are they?" His blasphemy continued ... ''As to astringent, it's used simply to remove oil from , the skin," be. said "lnd rubbing alcohol will. do the job. It's cheap and is as good as anything I more expensive." DiscWJSing moisturizers, Dr. Sherwin said ·they are all temporary. "Use them if your skin is dry. They provtde an occlusive barrier that keeps the water from evaporating from the skin. In olden days axle grease was uaed. Now. there are iiiiiiiiiajliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiii ...... ...;...-.. mo(t~ sophisticated moisturizers that aren't greany." · ' 'A void moisturizers containing avocado, aprioot and coconut olla," he l&ld. ! le alao advised women to stay away from 1anoti1n-~ moisturizers. •' La.polb'I ia oka)t for the body, but lf you uae it on the face or any of thoee other exodc lngrt_dienta, you wiU run the riak of acne," be warn•ed, and added that acne la not confined to teen 3gers. · ''And collagen rubbed on the akin la a biC ripo! f. It does not penetrate the akin"' he char~yed. "A little moisturizer will do just aa much good." Dr. Sherwin said a person who baa sood skin I >rebably inherited it. . Une of the major problem.e, Dr. Sherwin said lhe finds is skin cancer. · . •'Stay out of the sun aa much aa possible. Wea.Jr a su~reen and whenever possible, wear a hat tc!1 keep the sun off the face. ' "Recently, I've seen five C&lleS of skin capcer in yo1.mgsters under the age of 18. Children in Callk1mia begin swlmmins at an age much CRUISE COLLECTION -Stuart Weitzman shoe d•!Signs available in Nove mber include, upper left clockwise, espadrilles with escargot designs $105; crocheted moccasins, $80; pumps inspired by a museum painting, $110, and polka dot purnps styled with split-level wedge heels. ' HIS FAVORITE Shoe designer Stuart Weitzman's favo'r ite s h oe f r o m his collection is this white lace on mesh. 'It's perfect for b1kes and can be dyed.' The price is $120. ~ tb9ft U'°'9 in other stata 1'heY are ln the am more, and 1he rtalca are si-ter. V ou can ettMr ,,_, a hat or IWWCNel\ or nan the Nk o( autln maiira and a 1 matkl on the face.'' Dr. Sherwln :'r blond, blue-eyed people ...,.. the blaelt problem wtth the tun. Theee pe0p1e ahou.ICf' e1p8clally avoid the tun when It la at lta hot1fllt. ._ ''You can avoid dry akin on the rett of the boct~ not taklni hot bath.a. It your akin la ea y dry, just Ule IOaP on the odorlferoua parta of the boclY and just rtNe off the rest of the body with water. ''Creanw that fade ~k 1 ta °" freckles balk:alJy don't work," he Mid. I them, and 1l they do work, aood· There are ucta that may work but you Will need pdona. '40n most product&, you can believe the labela. It a eoap label 11ys It contalnl more oOt for dry lkin, It probably does, and most comneUc com~ are careful about in8redienta. ~Y don t want bed publidty. But if tometbina you are ulln8 caU8el you to &re.k out, 1top ustna it." be adviled. Dr. Sherwin attacked another theorr, dea11na with diet. "Aa tar u food ia ooncemed, ' he u1cJ "your akin ii not what you eat. Diet won't ' If the sho·e fits- By VIDA DEAN °' .. ~,... ..... Fashion quiz. How many me. dealgnen can you name? Ten, 20 or more? Now, a little tougher question. How many ahoe designers can you name? It you oould name none or maybe just one or two, lt probably wouldn't lurpri8e ahoe designer Stuart Weitzman. Recently, he obeerved that footwear teldom geta the glamour treatment fashion wrltera give to other apparel. He's probably correct. Not much ia written and not much ii known about shoe designers. We all just walk around and take it for pnted that 90IDeODe ii delqning "-ehlnd the brand names. And yet, ahoea AN' an important part of the -all-over f.allhion look. Weitzman watches faahlon trendl and they have an influence on the two collecUons he lntroduces each year. He wu at Neiman-M~ recently to promote hll latest designl. For instance, the tuxedo look ii beini shown for fall and win• and Weitzman has the perfect aboe for·u -a black patent cloeed toe pump with a bow. AllO polka dot.a are showing up ln a lot of dre. collectiona and WMtzman has designed a 1 ~-inch aplft wedge pump with polka doi.. Small rpulti-colored dots are in8erted in alota of the shoe with the atf1Chlng cnming each dot. Th.is model ii part of hia crui8e collection and will be avallable ln November. . Weitzman deaigna for Mr. Seymour/ Martinlque ahoea, a company founded in 1959 by hia father, Seymour. Weitzman is now desicner · and praident of the firm whkh producee its ahoea in Spain. The company moved from Mamachuaetta to Spain in 1971 because, he aya, high, quality • affect your akin -chocolate won't 81w yau acne. 'lbe food you •t 1:l. affect your nvw, but not the akin. If certain f make you break out, don't eet them." A. I drove away from ~·· ihinldna about Dr. Sherwin'• talk, I a mental calculation of the coet of hll auu-ted buic lk1n care. It WU probably letl than $10 for a U month aupply . . . a bar of cheep 80ap, a bottle of alcohol, a bottle of mlneral oU and a tube of luntereen. I've known only one woman who uid ahe followed a routine aa simple u that the doctor preacribed. The malmtay of her 1kin care Pto1f8Jn wu a bottle of baby tp. She uid ahe uaes It for clea.nlmi and rnoUturlzlni. When I told her I like spendlna money for ommetb and feel better about buytnc them. ahe wondered lf I would feel jmt • FOd Ulina simple things ~ my face and •vtnc the money for clothe9' and really expenllve l*fumes. I 1Uapect mmt women will stick to products they are accwtomed to buytnc. Aa I WM leaving the store, women ltill wen croWded around the· counters. ' Maybe what the c:omnetic Cl()fnp8Jlies are selling la hope: with the aoep. • • materials and skllled handwqrk labor are, available there. . • The factories produce almost 3,000 paira of shoe. a day and almost 400,000 of thOle are aold annually ln the United Statee. AIMl. why do women buy Weitzman'• desiJPlS? "In lhe first place," he eXJ))aina. "They are · marketed throiJgh stores whk:h attnct fashion oomcioua women and 9eCOndly, becawie of the unique materlai. of the shoes 8nd attention given to styling detalla." And. he ls a stickler for quality construction and says he visit.a in Spain at least every three weeks to keep a cloee eye on the operations. The stores ln Onuuze County that~ h.is1 shoes are Neiman-Marcus, Amen ~ ~·s and Robinaon'•· . The unique materiall of hil shoes include exclusive leathers he hu designed, tweeded reptiles, lacel and net. , Some of hia ~ have been inspired by a painting he saw ln Madrid's Pndo, or by a child's ~r,la painting or the lntricate caninS of a chair Prices on Weitzman'• shoes~ from $80 to $195 and they come ln all widths ln aiz.es 4 to 12. Weitzman has definlte ideu about shoe designs and quality oonatruction and definite ldeaa on the care of shoes. 1 "You should never wear a pair of shoes two da¥S ln a row. You change your aocka every day and lW~sh~~ ~~hd,htaofyour heels for beaith reuons." • He advocates the wae of -shoe trees for low-heeled shoes to help them keep -their shapes. "Men uae shoe trees, but women don't. Shoes will last longer with better 'Cafe. After a day's wear they should be wiped clean before storing." SPORT SHOP WARffiWEATl-IER SALE • · 1/3to·112 off* ' A new roster of N-M designer activewear including cool coordinates, T-shirts and Bennuda shorts.Our swimeoits have taken even a deeper plunge, now reduced 50%. One-and two-piece.designs by Gottex, Gideon Oberson, Cole and more, for sizes 6 to 14. We've gathered all in our Sport Shop . • reg. and Orig. prtcee. lntenMdiate price reductions ~hive been taken prior to thil ..... , Jewelry to be shown at Robinson's · "The Treasures of Yves Saint Laurent," YSL's first jewelry collection, will be modeled from noon to 4 p.m . Friday at ROBINSON'S NEWPORT BEACH in the fashion accessories area. A trunk show of imports and jewels by Miki Wollman of. Madame Butterfly will be held Saturday, Aug. 7, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in NORDSTROM, South Coast Plaza, in the jewelry department. Also. at NORDSTROM on Saturday, Aug. 7 and Aug. 14, the Women's .. Tailored Clothing Department (second floor) will host informal modeling of fall suits. Emphasized will be navy and flannel basics from PBM. THE BROADWAY-NEWPQRT is I ' interviewing children to model in a 2 p.m. Aug. 27 back-to-school fashion show. Open auditions will be held Monday, Aug. 9, from 10 a.m. to noon for boys and girls, ages 4 to 12, in the Children's Department on the second floor. Informal modeling of the Nipon Boutique dress collection for fall 1982 will take place from 1 to 4 p.m., Friday, Aug. 6, at ROBINSON'S NEWPORT BEACH. Rosemarie Troy, fashion merchandise <Urector, will present a showing of Evan Picone's fall collection of suits at BULLOCKS WILSHIRE, New'Port Beach, at 10 a .m . Thursday, Aug. 5. Reservations can be made by calling the store. · I 5 win paint_ings at fund-raise~ ARTISTS PARTICIPATE: Five lucky people carried home watercolors and etching by Laguna artists when Debussy Chapter of the Orange County Performing Arts Center held a 9-md-raising dinner at Tivoli Terrace. Mrs. William F. Shields was in charge of the prize drawings and Mrs. William Knauer and , Mrs. Robert Hillis co-ehaired the event. After the dinner, the 200 guests attended a perfonnance of the Pageant of the Masters. Artists donating the dinner prices were Doris Adams, Donna Bradford, Sue Krauae, Charlotte Myers and Mirian Smith. llEED YOUR JE\YELRY REPAIRED? We .do ft on the premises at our 'Newpor\ Beach store. Aleo, we do appralatng, watch and clock repairing, engraving, pearl and bead stringing, Jewelry designing and manufacturing. B.n HOWES and SO FINE JE~ElERS FOil FOUR CENEUTl()NS ..alTIEACH 3412 VIA Ll>0/17S.2731 Scentsible ' Fine J.vel, BulJocJr'I wllJI. (714) 761~ DON'T BEGINr FiALL WITHOUT THE NEW CALVIN KLEIN.· Now, look f9rwsrd to the new, longer proportions. The slim topper sliding over the lesn cardigan. The skirt, straight, snd above all,· narrow. Sum total: layering that's more /{near, more polished. Designed to project your image perfectly. From our new collection for FIJI/ by CaMn Klein. Black wool jacket, Sizes 4 to 14, $'26 Wool cardigan In crimson, malachite or black. Sizes XS to L, $143 Ivory silk crepe de chine blouse. 4 to 12, $185 Black wbol skirt. Sizes 4 to 12•, $132 "Not an sizee In stock. Fashion Gallery, 332 South Coast Plaza We're ,,,...,.,,,,,, Calrln Ki.In tor F•ll. With Brady Hannah, his persons/ envoy, on hand to help you with your sel~ctions. At South Coast Plaza, Tuesday, August 3. Informs/ modeling, 11 to 3. Formal show, 1 p.m. RSVP: 556-0811, ext. 371. .-. knows how to ay 'Thclnk ·y0u' OOIDll••• ., -..... i!D ..... wu ap~\Mled ~ wl IUYW C&rcle ,,... DOi i€ rednnc ........... of .. of trul .... , Mn. Irwtn D. , MaW'ffD Dil>oilae._ lln; D a AAlneipt wl Dr ......... l.'.llGare. ~~,.--~,,... &spu of eoeae1 Jrom .-ca ,,..~.;-· Pr11ld111C.. Who Wtll oaillUaue to ..w .. ... Y9U'.ini tD ..... , ......... H*lda .......... °'*' a.utfawy ...... ~,...... Alli» ~:djd,,~r.J~;_. IDd D&llD; D6lbl; ~ ibe htahly 1UOcellf\ll auciton, Jai:gft Dlftwood, l'ACl'S chCmD and.,.. J'rMndl of 8CR l\dJdl. cMiNd by Deborah Andlen. Hailed u tbe 11I>ynam1c Duo," ardltic dbw:1Gn Davkl ........,... and Mardn Benson 1poke briefly to expre11 their thJnlu for the trecnendow encouraaement they haw rec.lved' from aupporter1 and to announce that •ca ha~alned ....... ahlftUaD tor, .. ~"""" °'--'~ ~tile lilt....-. 12 p&Qt ma dae ........ and 8eoond 8~ .... produced with a total of ate ~ ....... fNS a •1-..---. The liumbir' ol ......... on both ..... mcr1111d H ~t fNfll Chi prevtou1 HHon. Thil yHr the ~ ~ to a cioUecttW .. ...._of 00,Nl. '· !&lllT llYEITORY CLURllCE! I • Up To 811% OH Selealed Fabrio1 Olhen A1 Low A1 '1 00 A Yard Don and Lou Smallwood with Maury and Caroline DeWald .• and the Wll.lWn , *IN HOUSE DESIGNER AVAILABLE ~ DICORATIVI FAB•IC HOUSI M-F 10-5:30 WED. 10-7 SAT. 10-5 18085 IUCLID @ 405 FWY. FOUNTAIN VALLIY 963-5659 Paid Advertisement Effor't~ess Exercise: Paid Advertisement The Story· Behind El8ctronic Exercise Using the muscle stimulator, combined with Bio-Health Center's favorite diet, Brad Aspin went from a size 38 pant to size 30 in just 2'h weeks. His mother Norm a saw s imilar results (size 12 lo size 8) in the same 18 day period. These are just two of the many successful & happy Bio-Health Center customers. That's why people are flocking to Bio-Health Center on 17th Street in Costa Mesa and becoming regular participants of electronic exercise with amazing results. The principle behind this phenomenon is straight-forward.· In a so-oalled "voluntary" contraction. that is to say during e .. eryday movement, the brain sends a signal along a nerve to the "motor joint" of a muscle. This signal, similar to a weak electric current, is a message to the muscles to contract. In e l ectro -mu scu lar stimulation at Bio-Health Center, electrodes in the form of conductive rubber pads are placed on the surface of the skin over the motor points of 16 major muscle groups., When a. very weak electronic current is applied through "1e pads, the 1i1nat finds its way through the akin lo these motor points and causes the muscles lo contract, Just as if lt had received a signal trom the brain. Durtn1 the contraction of these muscles, the muscles are actually expeDdinc energy and doing tbe work. Patrons of Bio-Health ~ comment that the exerclle feels thorough and really Work.I the entire niuscle. Most say you have to try it lo appreciate it. Doeton aay that 45 minutes of stlmulatlon la equivalent lo 800 to 1,500 ait·UPf and/or te1 raiaes. Despite exerclsinl your muaclea 800-1,500 tlmea ln 41 mlnutea, persons feel no pain durin1 treatment and most don't even feel that familiar soreness like in normal exercise. The current stimulate• clrculatkNl 1'btcb •t the.same t.lme ridl the mu.sci• ii 1¥Ute producfl and to•ln1. Blo·Heal(h Centu· 'partlclpMta do f"I a tllhteninl. .and finntAI of their muscles and' 1•nr1 often after tbe 11t .......... As Seen on Channel 7 Bio-Health Center is currently treating men and women from the ages or 18 to 87 years old. Some come to Bio-Health Center just for the exercise firming up their rtabby m\lscles a nd improving their overall body tone . Others, who are over- weight. combine this electronic exercise with Bio-Health Center's favorite diet program allowing a substantial wei1ht and inch loss. At first people say it feels strange and are amazed al.ttow thoroughly it exercises the muscles. Then they relax and prog~essively wor k through their 45 minute treatment. A(terwards persons experience a five minute relaxation cycle that feels like a massage. Doctors are sendin1 their patients lo .Bio-Health Center for this outstanding exer cise program. In some cases, these persons are unable lo do normal exerclse due lo back injury, etc., allowing them to now exercise muscles for the first time ln years. Bio-Health Center bas a nominal charge to try this wonder machine. On your first visit a trained technician will do a full set of body measure ments then let you Ue atop a padded table for treatment that wUI take approximately 4S minutes. DurinlJ this Ume the technician will educate you further on what is transpiring, which glvea you further understandln& of the sensaUoos you are feellnJ. After your first treatment, the technician w{ll remeasure Is calculate the result.a . .FirJt Ume uaen haw ~ chaw vatJtnc fro,O.: lo t " overall. Tb.ls chanae ii prlmarU1 caUMd b)' th• tonln1 of tbe muscle clue to the m..lve nercile lt bU Just COftQJleted. • Thia type of equipment hu been widely used ln both the medlcal field and lo areu or profHflonat •Porta. . In medicine, electronic atlmulatlon haa been wldelY. used In boapltals for the r.e -educatloa of paralysed muscles. In tbeae cuea, where voluntary •••rche ts lmpoaalble, there ii obvioutly no . au batttute for tlectrlcal ttlmulatlon. In caHt of paraplegia or homiplegia following a stroke, e lectro usc ular stimulation is valuable for preventine loss of ne or atrophy in affected muscles. Other areas of medical use include the treatment of bed sores by improving muscle tone and blood circulation. In Sports, hamstring, muscle strain arid other injuries have ~en treated by doctors without risk. Top soccer clubs in Europe have long known the benefits of muscle stimulation in the treatment o r muscle and ligament injuries. The practical advantages of ereaUy reducing the time spent by top playen inactive due to injury can be imagined. East Europeans became the foremost exponents of electrical stimulation for muscle power training. Other countriea are ualng muscle stimulation to train every type or athlete - from the endurance needed by long distan ce runners , to explosive power required by s printers a nd high jumpers. The fastest girl in the world, Angella Taylor, for example, uses muscle stimulation in trah1lng. Electronic exercise, however, is not for e•eryone . The stimulation could interfere with pacemakers .,vorn by peraont with heart dlaease, pre1nant women and persona who carry metal ln their abdomen• because of aurcery. Lone IOC>e are the daya when control of calorie intake waa believed lo be the only. w= k"P ln ...... Modem lb now caael.W.. that e1terctae ii an euaatlaJ 1actor ID the quest for total body healt.b. Blo-8-lth Oenw tn ca.a Mua, Huntlncton Beacb • Million Vt.JD. Uo ..,.....u_ ID other European oanoepca which include Cellulite Concrol Ud U.V.A.. Tanntna Bede and EqUlpment & a new pow.I' unlt lcwm&ale~ If you want lo "be more ad.lw, • 'alive and have a cnat lookln1 body wttbout the drud1ery ol stren uoil• exercise and uncomfortable diet prosrema, a•t ln OD tbe aeUoa aM UT vtn1 Bio-Healtla c.at.. • ,,... CiilL .. ,,17. Kelly Young Is In her bathing suit, catching up on the local news, while her machine is keeping her in shape with Its electrical lf1lpulses. .. .. I ' , . • It doesn/t always riain in Emerald City l\_'J.ID.fl'l.S 8CHO&M&RL • Then are eome mytha about Seattle \hat lbCiuld be cleared up. · A. It ii not cloudy every day. B. It&. not rain every day. While It. ahouldn't be auaetted that Se.ttle ii the IUmblne capital of the West Cout. it r9bould be pointed out \hat the weather ii not u a.ct • aome would 1hink. "' Recently, the mercury ahot _up to 95 d~ in the Emerald City on Wuhlngt.on'• Puget Sound. Seattleltea, aa they like to call thelmelvea, say Au,uat typJcally brings lots of clear daya -the klnd custom made for ai&hael.ng or just plain bwnrn1ng arOun~- And there ls a lot to !lee ln Seattle - partk:ularly from ita best known landmark., the Seettle Center Space Needle, conatructed for the 1982 World's Fair. · The Spece Needle, recently sold to new lnveatora by the Weatin Hotels chain, la wwlergoing a bit of a tranafonnation. TrUe, the ~ elevators convey visitors - at $2 each -to the obeervation deck 520 feet abOve the city. You can still buy everything from ~ Needle allver spoons to bill cape, and cat.ch a ~oee up view of the Olympic Mountains or 14,410-foot Mt .• RalnJer with the pay teleecopes. But you can also eat at one of three new rartaurants ranging from inexpensive to the expensive. At the "moderately" priced Space Needle restaurant, just below the observation deck, diners sitting in the rotating glass-in room are in.ted to a 360-degree view of Seattle and its environs. It takes one hour for the trip -just enough time for one of the $10.25 Space Needle punches Price includes the glass. ' For thoee more comfortable on the ground, there's always the bustling Public Center Market and historic Pioneer Square. As is the cue with most areas with a high tourist draw, there's the usual compliment of streetoomer hucksters and entertainers. Don't mind them. They're harmless. Once you've explored the city -perhaps taken in a Mariners' baseball game at the enclosed King Dome or enjoyed a leis'urely supper cruise around the sound -Seattle remains an excellent starting point for any number of ~by destinations -eruptive Mt. St. Helens, the less feisty Mt. Rainier, the Olympic Peninsula, the city of Vancouver in British Columbia, and picturesque Victoria on Vancouver Island. Numerous tours of the Seattle area, including those listed above, are offered through Ed Cedergren's Gray Line franch~. You can pay just about as much or as little as you want to stay and play ln Seattle -ranging from $14.95 per night at the Motel 6 to upwards of $125 per night ($80 weekends,. one or two. people) at the restored Four Seasons Olympic Hotel. U you have the opportunity to spend a weekend night at the Olympic, do so. The downtown hotel rece ntly underwent a $55 Up the lazy • river million restoration to bring back its origiNlI elegance. It iB a remarkable hostf:lry experience . -right down to the complimentary robes and shampoos. telephones in th"-bathraoms, custom made furniture and rnini-suiie. in which both • • • By STAN DELAPLANE he drives the boat's Volks minibus PARIS, France _ At a o'clock in used for shore excursions. the· cool Paris morning, I got on the The fare . includes ~-meals, all barge Etoile de Champagne to float on wines.. all drinks. Then: s a bar. the Seine for an hour. Cruises run from Ap~ to ~e end of After the hour I said: "I think. I'll !.!... ~r and E'O'~ said he s usu~y sta for lunch " full. (For-a cruise map of Seine iy eveiµng' I bad dinner and the villages, write F.splanade Tours, 38 owner said: "There's a cabin open. Newbury Street, Boston, Mass. Why don't you spend the night?" 02116.) So I did. A ragtime cowboy among After a while I went uo where tbe paaaengera got on the out-of-tune Evans was steering. A working piano . H e d i d a o we 11 on barge flying the Gennan flag passed "Hard-Hearted Hannah" and us going down.stream. We'd left the "Cbaitanoop Choo-choo -(MY city and'were in.the countryside. kind of aongs) -that I got out the Evans said: "You can barge all over guitar. Next atop Carnegie Hall. Europe. I had this barge made to Barse trips are a new t.h1ng in order in Holland and brought it tourist travel, and owners have been through Belgium and down to Paris. doing '1Ver hulla that uad to haul coal We dO two cruises -one to the "and putting on gourmet chefs and Chablis country and one to floating people through Europe. Champagne because I think they're Pet.er Evans baa been on the river the prettiest trips. for 15 yean. He came on a vacation. "We get in one shore excursion a "When I saw how much it would day. U people want to get off and do cost to buy a car, I bought a small boat antique bunting, the minibus picks lnatead. Got some other people to them up and brings them to us again share it with me. After that barglng at the next lock ... wu a natural thing to do." It wu Sunday on the Seine. It was homey and gOlllipy as a weekend in the .uburt:.. Barge mammaa came on deck and hung UP' washing. A barge captain took a bike off the atem. Got on and pedaled up to town for morning bread. One barae had a playpen mounted OD top. All bar~• had TV antennas whlppina in the air. Evana said they take down when they move. The baraea are low aluna - ''There'• little c1-rance under the Seine bridaee,'' be llid. ''A yeer aco when the ralDI flooded the river, a.ra-couldn't &et PM\ Parta for two mcnthl."' It aeemed to me we were barely ecraplna throuah. Under the AleuDdte bridae. Under Pont Neul. It'• a eOeftlc .-rt of Parlt, for you cldlt paat the oldest carved atone arehhletun. lt'a the Pan. C...ar conquered, andbw ·a bMrded tribe ln ektril who .u.dlhmmlvea the Parlllt. It cmte $1,430 a __. on the Stolle .. a..ms..n. -abOut the .... -• end-. elilp: n.. are u cab6na, ........ died Wtt.b bMhioam and ..... nMft'• • .-JJ.y, two iow.,. Ind ...... room. 111'be "forwud deck IMil ...-i Ill up • a •mdec:lr' wtth a ... Nd bliecb umanDa. A boJ ~ AullnUa doublle .-. a --.. the lodil. Bitweert them I ' f It was a sunny day floating between the green fields of France, some that were headlines ln two world wara. (Hard to picture them filled with cannon fire and death.) It'a easy golng at seven miles an hour and noliocly rocks the bolt. Each momina the minibus .. ~p to town and the chef shops \lie aWU. for the day'a meals. The meal.a are flrst--daa. Hot hon d 'oeuvres at a>ektail time. Evans aid: ''The French tnad Lt different in each iown. You wouldn't think that, would you. There'• a ilJlht difference. "I can taste breed a1ona the rtver and 1ell you what vW.ace 6aked It.'' On a clear day in Seattle, of which there are many, Mt. Rainier can be seen behind the downtown s k yline (above). Another towering landmark is the Space Needle (right), built at the Seattle Center to cornrnernorate the 1962 World's Fair. Restored lobby of the Olympic Hotel (left), subject to a $55 million renovation by the Four Seasons Hotel chain, shows private investors are taking renewed interest in the Emerald City. early and later riaera can enjoy the same room. For the more sporting vacationer, there's always the F.dgewater Inn where, as they say, you can "fish from your window." Your cat.ch will be prepared for you by the c~ef. U you're lucky, that is. Seattle can be reached on Interstate 5 by car, on Amtrak by train and, from Orange County's John Wayne Airport, on AirCaJ by jetliner. One way fare is $139, discount $104. Paris shuts down • 1n Aug . By GREG MacARTHUR AMMteted "'-Wrttw PARIS (AP) -The Ministry of Leisure is determined to do something about August -when practically everybody in France goes on vacation. It brings the economy to a stazidstill and it's costly, the ministry maintains. Every August, droves of Parisians abandon the broad thoroughfares and tree-shaded streets of Paris to the foreign tourists and pack the overcrowded resorts along the Cote d'Azur. The pattern Is repeated throughout the country, shops and factories cloee, workers and management flee the towns and the country's economic life virtually shuts down between mid- July and late August. According to government figures. one out of two businesses closes in August, lnduatrial activity plummets 38 pecent while exports drop 25 percent. By comparison, Weat German economic activity dips jqst 10 percent durlng the sumin.;r-vacation period, and the dro'p ln Ja~ and the United Stat.ea ii almost neg).igible. "France ia the only major industrial country which has not apread out its vacation period," according to Andre Henry, the m1n1ater of leiaure. "It's an economic abberation." Hia technical counselor, Max Salomon. aaya there is no "scientific way to meuure the economic cost, but clearly it runa into the billions and biWona of francs." Bia industries find it cheaper and easier to abut down for a month a year, retool, lntroduce new modela and perform malntenance that cannot be 9000mpliahed while the factories are ln full swing. • The entire chain of IUbconU'acton and suppliers follow suit, schools c10&e for summer vacation, weekly government Cabinet meetings are suspended in early August and ·the entire phenomenon is reinforced by Ule average French worker's desire to take off for a month just as he and his family have been doing for 40 years. "The whole thing began in 1936 with the adoption ol the two weeks' paid vacation," Salomon said in an interview. "A modem nation simply can't function efficiently with half its industrial power shut down for a month every year." Trying to convince the average Frenohman that off-seuon_yacations are cheaper and more comfortable than peak peri6cb backfires, Salomon said. "The little guy becomes suspicious," he explained. "He's worked hard all year saving up for his holiday and he wants a vacation " 'like other people.' · He thinks the government is preasurlng him Into accepting something second-rate. "Generally spreaking, It's the wealthy and the sophisticated who have figured out the advantages of off.season v~tions.'' The government ii left with little power other than persuasion. So far, only one of France't thn!e car makers, state-owned Renault, has a.p"eed to stagger its vacation schedules. According to Renault spokesman Andre Carle, "It's eo1tlng ua more money than U we ahut down for August." The Mlniatry of Lei.sure plana a new campaign at the end of this year extolling the virtues of "June u the aunnieat month of the year," Salomon . aaya. : AND 81TMAR CRUl818 • /NvITE YOU TO A SPECIAL CRUISE NICH1' THURSDAY A ucusr. s. J 982 7 P.M. 10 9 P.1'. . . I I • ' 1• ' I[ 'I I • Christmas • • • It's not /)orothy and Chris Houghton .Houghtons e~joy 50 golden years Dorothy and T. Chris Houghton celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary at a party in the Newporter Inn. Eighty guests attended the celebration hosted by their two sons, Dr. Thomas C. Houston Jr., a dentist in Tustin and Dr. Richard A. Houghton, a Newport Beach pediatrician. , The Houghtons were married July 3, 1932 in Santa Ana. They have four grandchildren. Houghton retired in 1980 as founder and ahairman of the board of Southern California Motor Parts, based in Los Angeles. He is a $hrlner in the Al Malaikah Temples in Los ~les and Mrs. ·Houghton is a member of the ttern Star. 1 .-.ODmpany halted a lunch recen\ly a\ La Strada r.::)141\aurant In Corona del Mar to honor tt.1 major "Uniderwrlten. Donota atlendlric tndudiid IXck IWtd, ~ Coalt Savtnll: '-ta Reblu of Rabitt ~.i. /fll!Y Mcelelliin, denu.to Tom 8'"9NOn of ~<>CE-TV• Bob Belt. Wlltar Alloda•: Tom Su\Uey~ 'hctftc Mutuil; Mike VeDanl, KOCM Radk>; NchUd Li~. Saa SOuth Cout PIUa; Kathryn ThomplOI\, A and C ~rtl• DnUc Gfeller, Gfeller Propera-. Bruce LawreN?e, Southwett Mortpge; Bob DiOruc:do ot DiGruccto and Co.; MJu-Manahu\, Irvine ComPll\y; Attorney Pa"l Hear-and Lance Blue. Commette &rik. Fund-raisers win works of art .rive lucky people carried home watercolors and etching by Laguna .n1ata w}len Debussy Chapter of the Oranae County Performing Arts Center held a fund-raialng dinner at Tivoli Terrace. Mrs. William F. Shields was in ,:barge ot the prize drawings and Mrs. William Knauer and Mrs. Robert Hillis co-chaired the event. • After the dinner, the 200 guests attended a perfonnance of the Pageant of ihe Masters. Artists donating the dinner prices were Doris Adams, Donna Bradford, Sue Krause, Charlotte Myers ~nd Mirian Smith, The fund -raiser was a topic of discussion when the group met recently at the home of Carol MacDougall, curre11t president, for a luncheon and swim party. Present at the affair, were board members aarbara Krogius, Elaine Bonugli, Jean Patterson, Nancy Lawrence, Mary Lou Delaney and Marien Knight and members who' take office in September including Cheryl Moore, president; Kitty Knauer and Anne Hillis, vice president; Susan Schaar, treasurer; Madeline Anderson and Bettee, secretaries; Kathy Smith, Connie McKibban, Sue Boyce, Betty Andrews and Ruth Mills. CH.EX:KJNG THE CALENDAR -Christmas Company Chairman Sally Lawrenc.oe, left, and supporters of the Junior League project, Tom Santlcy and Donna O'Bryan find there's only 91 days left until the shopping spree begins. PRAIRIE PICNIC Anne Miller, left, and Arlene PichotUJ were two of the committee members planning the 'Prairie Picnic' held at Irvine Historical Museum. Guests dined on gourmet picnic basket and listened to the music of the FfvP~String Blue Grass Trio. And they donned their Sunday best prairie duds and paid $25 each to support the museum. Highlight of the old- fashioned fun evening was !je auctioning off of homc>baked goods. The matUre ·person refuses to settle for mediocrity DEAR ANN LANDERS: Over the past ~veral years you have printed many versions of your definition of maturity. My favorite is the one I clipped when I was in high $Chool.The date Os blurred and I can't read it, but I am sending it on in the hope that you will run it again. I want to give it to my son, who is exactly the same age as I when I first read it. Thanks a million for serving two generations. -H.G .. GROSSE POINT, MICH. -Dear Mlcb.: Here lt is -wltb ple.asure. Matcuity 11 many tb1Dg1. First It 11 the abtllty to baie a Judgme.nt on tlle Big Picture - tbe Long Haul. ft means being able to pass up tbe f1lD-for-tbe-l1)inute and select tbe course of action that wlll pay off later. One of the cbaracterlstlcs of Infancy 11 the I-want-It-NOW approach. Grown-up people are able to wait. Maturity ls the abitlty to stick with a project or a situation 1lDtU It ls finished. Tbe person who ls constantly changing job~, changing friends and changing mates 1s qANN UDI$ immature. Everything seems to tarn soar after awhile. Maturity Is the ability to face o.npleasaotne11, frustration, discomfort ud defeat without complaint or collapse. ~ mature person knows be can't bave everything bis own way. Nobody wins 'em all. He 11 able to defer to circumstances, to other people -and to time. Maturity means doing wbat Is expected of you, and tbls means being dependable. It means keeping your word. Bound in with dependabUJty Is personal integrity. Do you mean what you say -and say what you mean? The world ls filled with people who can't be coa.ated on. Tbey are never around In a crlsls. Tbey brea~ promises and 'Substitute alibis for performance. Tbey show up late -or not at all They are confused and dlsorganJzed. Their lives are a maze of unflnlsbed basiuess. Such behavior suuests a lack of 1elf-4isclpline -which ls a large pu1 of matarlty. Mahrlty Js tke ablllty to make a decision and 1tJck wltb IY,rldiag out the storms &bat may foUow. This requires clear thl.nk.lng. A.ad ~be courage to stand by your position once you ve taken It. Immature people spend a lifetime exploring po11lbUltles and tbeo doing notblng. Action requires courage. And courage means maturity. Maturity 11 tb~ abllity to harness your abilities and your energies and do more than ls expected. The mature person refuses to settle for mediocrity. He would rather aim blgb and mJ11 tlle mark tban' aim low -and make It. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I must have extensive dental work done soon. and my dentist is my husband's brother. I ain the world's worst coward when it comes to pain and hafe asked to be put to sleep. My brother-in-law says it can be done, but I must go to the hospital. I have never had an anesthetic before and am worried that maybe I'll say some things I don't wish to have known -especially to a family member. Advise me, please. -MUM IN MO. Dear M11m: People rarely 1plll tbe beaD1 while under a general anesthetic. They mumble, but tbe words don't make much sense. Yoa might, however, mention a name you'd rather not. If you are really terrified, consider a local anesthetic. Wbat'1 pradlsb? Wbat's O.K.? II you aren't sure, you need some belp. It's a11a/Jable ID tbe booklet: "Necldag aad Petting -Wbat Are tbe Llmlts?" Mall your reqae1t to Ana Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, Ill. 60611, eac/oslng 50 cents and a loag, stamped, se/J-addre1Sed eave/ope. Aquarius: Behind the scenes action very important Monday, Aug. Z ARIES (March 21-Aprll 19): Work week begins with challenge, restriction, opportunity for advancement. Superior asks for self-sacrifice, makes unusual demands but also makes clear there will be room for you at top. Watch Scorpio! TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Emphasis on travel, communication, sense of direction and spiritual values. You become more familiar with abstract principles of justice. Accent also on writing, publishing and ability to express views "' dynamic, challenging, creative manner. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Family member discusses credit, budget and unique manner of flnancial manipulation. Highlight moderation, common sense and principles of morality. Important domestic adjustment is part of .cenario. Watch Libra! CANCER (June 21-July 22): You could receive offer which contains loophole. Be aware, alert, ready to protect your own interests. Element of deception exists. Define terms, ask fbr additional information -and time. Pisces plays important role. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Tasks which have been postponed can no longer be delayed. Focus on time, responsibility, intenslfied relationship and vitality. Basic services can be improved - you'll know what to do and how to achieve objective. Watch Capricorn! VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You'll get to heez:rt of matters; relalionshlp is put to test, uaigrunent is completed. Aries, Leo, Libra natives figure prominently. Scenario features • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA speculation, children, creativity and physical attraction. Number 9 is lucky! LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Be ready for new start, chs.mce for added independence and opportunity to elevate standard of security. Focus also on property. dealings with older persons and conclusion of long-standing transaction. Keep eye on Leo! SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Follow through on hunch; ideas are numerous and key is to be selective. Young Gemini Individual presents concepts, ideas, formats. Be receptive, but refuse to be stampeded into premature judgment. Heed inner voice! SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Enlarge Dally Living AIDI FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES .. t,," lttlp J'Ofl,,,,, ~- WE DELIVER ';i/"4(t-"'"' e.. 2907 W. WMID, S.A. 2:30--5:30 662-1712/100 C•ll 842-5878. Put • few words lo work for ou. horizons _../'financial opportunities multiply. You'll locate 10&t 8f\icle, popularity will increase and travel plans will tnateriallz.e. Gemini, Virgo and another Sagittarian figure prominently. Check messages! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Cycle indicates greater freedom, break from restrictions and successful utilization of surprise element. Judgment, intuition likely to be on target. Aquarian shows how to earn more money. Completed survey will vindicate view1. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): What occurs behind scenes becomes very important. Piece together bits of information -be creative, analytical and willing to face facts as ~hey exist. Member of opposite sex pays meaningful compliment. Get ideas on paper! PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Family member helps make Wish come true. Simplicity dominates scenario -it would be foolish to deliberately complicate matters. Domestic harmony can be restored if you remember special meeting or anniversary. Buy that gifl! RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTHY • 4t11.a ... .-.... IUJ ...,IOllUD. NOW IN HUNflNGTON BEACH COSTA MllA-'14~1116-714 ADAMS AV!. SUITE IOJ .. STOIUP.S lty JODI CADENHEAD .,. .. ...., ......... "n>wntown c.o.t. Mesa la the 1!ot.pot of Orange Coaat are• deWlJopment, the hub of future ~ activities," -PubUc rel• tlon• conaultan t Georg~ K.areber, In af)ef!Ch to Costa Mesa Tomorrow, Pet,nwy, 1967. --''-l . · ft tot of young people don't realize that Costa Mesa baa a downtown," grumbles J .C. Humphries, who claims to own ~ oldest shop ln town. J.C. Humphries Jeweler that he opened in 1946. "They just go north to the plaza," he said, referring to the Segeratroma' 98-acr~ shopping center along Bristol Street. "The heart of Costa Mesa is downtown," added Humphries. "This is where the real people are." . For those who .don't know, Costa Mesa's downtown district stretches from Bay Street south to 17th Street and from 19th Street east to Orange Avenue. It was once the hub of town. Time was when anyone in Costa Mesa who wanted anything, from a baby bottle to a wrench, bought it downtown. But not anymore. Aa the city grew northward, downtown lost its central location 8nd became a traffic-<:hoked path on the way out of to~. City reports generally refer to whole sections of downtown as "blighted" and speak of "negative conditions." Nearly every square inch is slated for redevelopment. Signs of aging are everywhere. Pedestrians find boarded up shops and "going out of business" signs. Businessmen who keep \.P their store fronts are outnumbered by those who have _I I -, " I -·-' . I -I _I! ....., I I N " ~~ GROWING PANES -It's easy to reflect on Costa Mesa's high-rise ambitions at Town Center. failed year after year to paint their sun-stripped buildings. Clothing stores, unable to compete with nearby malls, moved away. Shops selling records, televisions and electronics moved in. A recent city report shows that 93 acres of downtown accounta for 4 percent of Costa Mesa's retail Sales. while the 98-acre South Cout Plaza mabe up 2~ percent. But It wasn't the development ol the money-rnaldnl~ center that atifled the o downtown •• muc a1 the Impending path of the Costa Mesa Freeway, uy merch.anta. "Everything hln1e1 on that g()(idamn freeway," u.ld Peggy 1\einert, president of' Coeta Mesa Tomorrow, a group repretenting downtown bUlinea people. "It's an awful thing to wake up to." There are 1lx plan1 under consideration for completion of Route 55. Several woufd 8o right th.rough downtown. Until the outcome la known, ,nerchanta are reluctant to 1pend money apruclnl up their property, said Ma. Reinert. "A Jot of people have the tdea that downtown la dYtna," aajd Ms. Reinert. "We're still fighting. We're still here." One of the thingB that has given downtown merchants a ~al ahot in the arm has been the decision by Pacific Federal Savings and Loan Aasoclation officials to locate its corporate offices in the heart of the city's redevelopment area. The 130,000-1quare-foot, Spanish-style building at the comer of 19th Street and Harbor Boulevard promises to be the cornerstone of the city's redevelopment plans when it is completed in late sununer. The thrift and loan also has first dibs to leaae The R edevelopme nt Age ncy's "superblock" bounded by Harbor Boulevard and 19th Street between Park and Center Streets. In 1973 the city establlahed the downtown redevelopment area, (See MERCHANTS, Pace DZ) COMMUNITY CllANGING -Residents from Center is in the red Superblock and the yellow 1 the '50s recall \vnen the blue-green area was area within the dashed lines is undergoing definitely downtown. Tcxlay the Community various stages of redevelopment. 1 Fast expansion takes its toll Newcomers, growth bring poverty, im.personality When Jean Forbath and her hu1band 1tarted Shate Our Selve1 in 1970 to provide emergency food and shelter, they eJCPected tO help people living In otMrd~. "We dktn't think there were any problerm in a.ta Meaa," llld Ma. Forbath. 'We ihouaht · help the l"t!9t of the county." But Co1ta Meaa haa found what laraer urban centera around the country learned lOf\I ..,: Growth, development and mwcamerr brtna poverty. Me .• r.orbath 1tarted out feedire hot lunchel. to children In am.ta Ana. During the first nine ,eare only 20 ~rcent of the .. wmtna to 908 ~from Coit• Meu. Today it'• 60 ~t. . -"Coeta Meea'1 need1 are ............. ., illNi:IL ~. Jw& fi' tip Of. the lcebe~ Mid Me. l'ortiatK ·~ onee w *l'f hurt the wOrtdnc pool"!' ~arder economic tlmea are " f compared to the countywide averap of_ 738. Althou&h eenlor dttlenl make up only 9.7 percent of the dty'e populadon, 40 percent reside ln • 1ow-lnQQMe poCket on the west aide of town. ''I feel ao frustrated," Mid Ma. Forba\h. "~ lbalter. 11 nearly non-existent. Twenty·Ove dollars wOl set • family out of the cold f« a nicht. But wba''" 80inl to happen to them!'' NEW DIRECTIONS -Competition from shopping malls and condemnation for freeways have taken their toll on the business district,, Delly ..... Pllotoe ~ .... ,..,. but the c9rporate heaqquarters for Pacific FederaJ Savings and Loan, above, is expected to be new cornerstone of Costa Mesa. Dream land disappears1; . . Economic constraint& lock developers, buyers out of homes · The cheap land that att:racled n~wcomers to the city years ago. no longer exists. The average price of a home in C.OSta Mesa is $107,000, according to the la~t data. At "ohe time c heaper land meant more development. In the 1970s Costa Mesa was a dream come true for investors looking to buy property at a good pri~. But the dream has turned into a nightmare, as developers now claim tha\ they are caught io the same economic constraints "that have locked others . out of the home buying market. In 1977 CO.ta Mesa gained l, 105 unite. By 1981 the number had trick.led to 152. Meanwhil e, dev~lopera oomplain that they're now being forced to look outside of . the county in order to find the attractive opportunities they discovered .in Costa Mesa a deade ago. Dick Sewell, who has built 800 apartments in the area, said that a 19-unit condominium project he finished last year could be his last in the citY. "rm looking at a · propoaal to build an apartment in Montana and one in Sacramento," said the Newport Beach builder who has concentrated his effortS In Costa Mesa. · "I have capital available, but I can no longer do it here. rm going to be driven out of the area," he u.ld. Sewell pointl to the 19-unlt condominium project on West 19\h Street aa an example of •etealatina coats. He purchased the property in Un6 for '4,000 a unit. Today the land alone aelll tac $30,000 to $46,000 a unit. Not wanting to risk waiting lot ~ Sewell decided to rent the unita for $700 • month. He fllW'ft he'• loelna $120,000 a year on the deal. .. What we did waa pr lee· ouraelvea out of the rental , m.tlcet," eald Sewell. "Unie. I want to tnoYe rve been forced lntlO~t.11 In a.. M .. , the problem lln't CIJly expenlive land, but flndlna ~ of It. Only 2.5 peralllt ot the proper1Y, ta left tor nlktlntial ~' For that nMOll thit dty hil bell\ ~ deYelopen IO ~· nm~ pr.,...dei anCI combkl• lotl In order to Obi.an liqlr'",ehunlla of Imel. Budll' ~Corp., NM in lrvtne, ..,..iiy .. with ... .pr<>jects. Last year the flrm became one of a growing number of developers taking advantage of Costa Mesa's density incentives by purchasing /our lois at the corner of 18th Street and Orange Avenue. T he ?6 units on ~ acre will range from $125,00 to $145,000. "lt'a better than having to go to Rialto,'' said Sharon Mills, project manager for the firm's commercial and industrial development. "tt's the way to do it. It's not feasi6Ie just to build five or six units." The small plots of land that are left in the city dQn't really interest Jorge Alvarez, vice- president with the M.D. Janes Co., developers of the award- w Inn t n g Peotrldge condorniniW"n&, Brighton Springs and Mesa Pines in Costa Mesa. · The 18-year-old firm moved from Los Angeles to Orange County in the mid-'70s in order to eecape the same rising land prices and acarcity of open space that is now plaguing the coastal pa. "We relocated to Orange County because this was where the action was. But I don't foresee a lot of new developmel)t in Costa Mesa. Peraonally I don'I s~e us going after the small projects (that are left)." McLain Development Co., of Newport Beach may bear the distinction of having built the )pt ~ngl«! family housina project in Costa Mesa. The fut phase of the 189-unit Wimbledon Village at the comer of Sunflower Avenue and Fairview Road was completed last year. The homes sell between $157,500 and $228,000. "I think u·vshame." said a company spelreswoman. "I think there's still a need for single- family homes. But people who want them are going to have to move out of Orange County to Riverside or Corona wher• there's still land." The only vacant land left for a large tract would be the Sakiokas' property near the San Diego Freeway and South C.oaat Plaza Town Center. The family has not decided what kind of residential project.. lO build. but city officials believe that single family homes would be an unlikely choice. Projects rise North side of town busiest Most of the following recently approved projecta In Costa Mesa are located in the north section of town. . -BARBOR GATEWAY: 1.4 million 1quare feet of J office and industrial apace at Sunflower Avenue and MacArthur Boulevard. Now open. -TOWN CENTER: 1.7 milllon of the planned three million square feet of of floe development have been built ~ Bristol Street from South Cout Plat.a. Included are South Coast Repertory ~ter and the future <>ran;e County Perfonnl.nl ¥tt C'enter, ~ 'i . -SAK.JOU ROYAL: The City C.ouncil will vote Monday on a plan to build 1.3 million equare feet of eommerdal office development on 60 of the J8t5 acrell.:eMt of South 0.-t Plaza Town Center. '-A. 1 · '.\ Ir / I ... ·' .. 1. ,. , Here are l he atock market actlvltle1 of publlcly traded Orange Counfy tlrma tor the week ended Friday, July 30. Data provided by Newport Securities Corp. . ••• I '"" I ........ , .. l.tCAflOtl I • "OOllOT' 1 llAHIT 'flf .. :m.. t OT•l>otf·l• CIAIU 1 t .. ~c I I • If• P/I tfMI -·r·· tllT llOt ' ' "'"' 11 '"''• ....................... ·········-· .. ··· ················--··-· ...... ······•····· ·-··· ..... ······-··· .. ·· ·-·····-··--· It C.•lt HUO Ill . 11 r.~i.::·!::~. m~ I Cllu e,.altt CRU ~ Clllt ... t .... . II tt::~a S~w. . . 11 c-...... 1 .... 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ULPaT11lCI, PllSIODTI .::ill .• ; H J:nt n::i~ . : •. 1P '" ··•Pa •T O -:fi ... . 1:m ,,, -a·U t:m HO 1,01 f:fi~ z ••• ·1· .. 1 • , I) "'·'Z f :!-: 12) .901 _,,, l 1Tl5 ,,, 1.sn ·1'2 )11 161 TO& -Ul l,ll _,,, )7' •l,11• ·202 •J• 112 •.uo s.199 919 ,,. ,,gi 6 -1.•10 •1il 1,009 MU .1, :~1 ,:m J:ffi 51 606 'h 18' 1;;:~li ' _,,, -1,811 f;U; l,110 '1' -1 ,8 9 ., .. ·'·~U ;371 1.•~ 1,899 22,)06 ·SOI -1.m _," ':ll 1,z•9 .m 10,616 A l 'I lll!llC&TIS ?11AT l lllPOH SICOUTllS COIPOliTIOll 11.U A l'IJILUlllll llSl.UCR •IJ'OIT AfULULI Oii ?111S COfll'&n bt.•t\lhe ttfOr\.1 •r• ••• t.o ••w" U.• aoo111reop end t.l•l lo••• or the data oont•l••~ t•••• ta•l••• w't'lloa .,.. M••• oo •OUl"C•• Mll•weid t.o .... ,...lla••·· Mt euotl MOUl"IOJ aM tl•tlln••• .,.. aot IMr••t-••4 ... ~,., a.011..-U.l•• •Ml thl• ••••• papief" ate._. M llaltllttJ (Of" tar laa•cvraotea Of" UllitiM llntee ot t."a d•l& piuttlla ... ,.. •• COief1le• ltf la& fene.J. R ... 1111 Sll'C llJMID11AID ising food costs are tough ,, is more serious proble m / ut shoppers r e port joblessness LJ.()UISE COOK j4lill0dllled "-WrtW percent -replied, "No one." Fourteen ~nt blamed the government, 10 percent singled out middlemen, 5 percent cited the economy in general and 4 percenl said unions were responsible. Supennarket shoppers are more worried t rial.ng unemployment than they are a bout prices, but they still say it is harder than er to make ends meet and many are gloomy t the future, according to a recent industry ey. : The survey was conducted by Louis Hains pnd. Asaoc:i.ates Inc. for the Food Marketing jlNtitute, a trade a:saociation whose members eccount for about half of all grocery store sales. l· Almost two-thirds of those questioned -63 ~rcent -said that If they had to choose ~tween higher unemployment and rising prices. ~1:0'.lld select jobleasness as the more serious ~ 24 percent saJd inflation was more -Consumers are worried about food safety. Eighty percent said they were concerned that some ingredients added to processed foods may be harmful or unsafe to eat. -At least seven people In 10 said they were trying to economiz.e by buying more store or lower-price brands., using more coupons, stocking. up when they spotted a bargain and doing more with leftoven. Hall of thoae questioned said they look in the newspaper for specials almost every time they shop. • which l1 rw n by th• RecWwloPl1'9ft\ ~. wa. mem~ are an dM dty coUndl. The redevelopDMn' area la bounded by (in a .._ pau.m) Plumer , 19th and Bernard ltrMtl to the nOrth, ()ranp Avenue on the.-.. 17th Scnet on the aouth And Pomana ~venue on thew-. ~lll Dunn, who recen&ly tetiNd M dlrec:tor of \he •uper ~. admltt*' that wCll'k Ma been llow. "You've ~t to htve patience. You jult cant dolt over Di ht." ~ome of t h·e major . redevelopment projec:ta already completed, Include: -C.U. Bella Senior dtlzena · h<>Ulfna development . -tJp1radln1 and 3.5 acre expansion of Lions Park . -Conatruction of a new fire station. -Completio n of the Neighborhood Community Center. -Con struction of the Historical Society building. -Acqulsitlon of 15 acres for the devefopment of a oommerdal center, known both as Superblock and Fidelity block. The Redevelopmen t Af ency has recently taken poesealOn of all of the property at Harbor Bou levard and · 19th S t reet between Park a n d Center Streets. _ Existing tenants JAre expected to be relocated by late summer . The problem isn't just clearing run.down buildings, say officials. In Costa Mesa's redevelopment area "there is also ltnrae9uate parking, small odd-shaped lots and conflicting uses, such as auto repair shope alongside homes. Using the agency's power to condemn property, the cl~ plans to stop future develo~nt of what it calls "blighting conditions." The narrow lots tha\ worked well as combination homes and farms back in the 1920. have become a "1.i,ghbna.re for modem developers wanting to build condominiwns, said Dunn. For that reason the city has encouraged lot combinations. With only 6 percent of the city's land left for development, Dunn predicts "Wh at you 're going to see in an awful lot of Orange Count y cities ls redevelopment. Ever ything is already built out." B etty and Charles Beecher were forced to sell their home and triplex on one. acre at Bay Street and Newport Boulevard to the state . Highway authorities gave the couple $54,000 and six months to get off the property. The freeway was moving in any day. That was 23 years ago. And some say oompletion of the Costa Mesa Freeway (Route 55) is no closer today. 'Tm not happy about it," said Mrs. Beecher. ''They could have gone ahead and built the freeway like they were suppoeed to in 1969 and then we could all be moving on it." The Beechers tried to buy just a nearby acre with \heir $54,000. The property owner laughed. Instead the couple wound up buying a tract home in Costa Mesa. The state turned around • and sold their home dirt cheap to Deir ,... "'°4o .., c..... ,..,., TAKING A BREAK -Visitors and Town Center employees can wander through the Noguchi Scenario sculpture garden with its geometric groups of of plants indigenous to various California locales . someone willing to move it. Mrs. Beecher feels cheated. "We didn't know anything," she said. ''The prqperty was worth twice that. We were just Inexperienced." The story of the Costa Mesa Freeway, known as th e "phantom freeway," began in 1944 when state officials began turning their eye toward the growing city. . So far the freeway hasn't gotten any farther south than Mesa Drive. Cal Trans officials say it would be difficult to calculate how much has been From Page 01 CRIME. • • the town to grow a8 quickly as it did in the 1970s. "People don't realize that when they bring in buildin~ they bring in more people," saad Neth. Costa Mesa's rate for major felonies dropped 3.5 percent lasi year. Most of the ctimes are shoplifting or purse snatching, and most of them oc.cur at South Coast Plaza. "It grew a lot faster than we expected," said Neth of the city's , development. "I think that It might atabllii.e." spent so far on freeway studies.· In 1969 state officials adopted an alignment for the Route 55 freeway that would follow Newport Boulevard south to Bay Street, and then swing west and continue w est o( Supe rior Ayenue, before connecting with what was then to be the Coast • Freeway. Courtlendt Burrell Jr .. project manager of IWute 55, said the death of the Coast Freeway and lack of state funds made it lmposaible to merely dust off the adopted alignment plan when the freeway study began again in 1979. Caltrans officials are currently comple t ing s ix draft Environmental Impact Statements ranging from doing nothing to a full $159 million freeway. The public will have a chance to review the report this month. A final EIS is not expected until summer, 1983. "Realistically if one of the major rout.es is chosen it's hard to envision construction starting before 1990 ," said Burrell. Meanwhile. the city is choking on traffic. All that exists of the state's efforts to construct a freeway is a weed-filled ditch that runs down the center of Newport Boulevard and greets motorists entering and leaving the city. FORECLOSURE TRUSTEE SALE Yes -we can handle your foreclosure regardless of named t rustee on Deed of Trust STAN-SHAW CORPORATION (714) 542-5811 Protnalonal Exoellence ltnc. 1151 1 In.a similar survey tast year, 50 percent said ~ployment was more ~rious and 37 percent ,aat<t rising prices were a more aevere threat. The ;emamder of the survey participants in both s:uea said th ey were not sure whether pnemployment or infiatron was worse. 1 Sixty percent of th e shoppers sUNeyed said 1 were finding tt harder to make ends meet a 34 percent said there was no change in their nonal flnanclal situation. Only 6 percent said twas easier to make ends meet today. The number of people who believe that are riling faster than they were a year ago ~:llnc!!d from 1981 to 1982, but a subetantial lilelimt!!llt of the public still worrlee about the 4'-o.~ ua=-0~CCM1PUTE -'ti "A Fun Ser'llce Lwntng Center" 552:0503 [Q)I A unique computer etor.. ".fe rent tlm. on mlcfocomputera. A comfortable environment to IMrft end UM ttMt Apple Computer for penonal, bu•lneu and entertainment purpoeea. FIXED HATE MOBT6A6ES Forty-five percent of thoee questioned in the test twil'ey aaid prices were rising rDO?'e rapidly y, compared to 72 percen t of thoee polled a •· TWenty-nine percent said , however, that were n.tna as rapidly as they had been, tine that three-fourths of thme questioned 75 percent -do not think that inflation bu Lettw-quallty printer anllable tor NpOrt9 Md malllng ......._ PROGRAM URYICES FOR RENT OR IALE • vi.leak:. , • Oata Bue ~gmt. System• • Accounting PllcieeQM •Word Pr~ • letter Ou.my Printer 8UMMER CLAINI • 8u8'neu: Vl*81c • Appletoft BASIC tor Kid• • Appletoft BASIC for Adult• • Pucal OTHIR llRYICE8 • Stock Market • Gift Certlflcatee • Flnanclal Planning ai,d Model& OeYelopment FULLY AMORTIZED SECOND TRUST DEEDS CALL (714)754--1801 FOR CURRENT RATES · ~SK FOR: LINDA SHEA ASSISTANT VICE PRESIDENT 1700 ADAMS AVE. COSTA MESA, CA l l • I ,1 I I I I ..... ..... ... High 825.44 Low 808.60 Closed 808.60 • • ·t 'I' ,, • ll An Advertising Supplement to the Daily Pilot · .. Sunday, August I, 1982 ; Business briefs Basso & Associates celebrates 10th anniversary· Basso & Aaeociates, a N e w ·p o r t B e a c h advertising, public relations and marketing agency, celebrated it 10th anniversary July 1. "It's been a challe nging and rewarding 10 years," said Joseph J . Baaso, agency president, ''an we are looking forw to the next 10 with great expectation. "At a time when"th~ general economy is dow,p," Basso said, "we .. al;'e proud that our ·r.t'lla~~\6 asency is do~ very well and that 1981 was the best year in our history. We are adding new staff members continually to cope with our expanding client base and increased activity." The agency has received awards from almost every major professional advertising organization Including the coveted ADDY from American Advertising Federation. nnounced th Tool mit International, Inc. Board of Directors declared a regular quarterly dividend of 24 cents per common share, payable August 31, 1982 to shareholders of record August 17, 1982. In announcing yesterday's board action, Jerry W . Neely, chairman, president and ch1et executive otfJcer, noted it is the company's 82nd consecutive quarterly dividend. ti ~.:. ,. ' ••• •t• • 11 ' :a •• World Savingi 1) makes ~ii acquisition ~ World Savings an4' Loan At~~rilon, tharl Oak.land-.aubUd.lal'J', of Golden West~ Corporation, ha~ acquisition of Fint · announced *1h , Sharee, Inc., a $1. t billion savings and lc:>aq' holding company out °'l Dehver, Colo. •· ., In connection with th~ transaction, First S&L'' , Dentrer-based subsidiary Majestic Savings an l Loan Association, wa" merged into Worl~• Savings to form th~• nation's sixth large•ll savings and lo•9'tt associaton, with assets <>fr $7 .2 billion. .., "The merger has giv1&1-us the opportunity greatly expand Worl Savings' presence in ttw.H Colorado market and a chance to enter th~ Kansas market for the;s first time," said Her9e~~· M. Sandler, chairman ot?f the boa·rd and chieC executive officer o'f both:c'. World Savings and~. Golden West. ~ Independent banklilg holds· its own J:iasso & A1&ociates began in 1971 as ~. Buechting, Boatman, with $2,000 In capital and two .clients with a combined billing of under $30,000. In 1974 the agency moved to 1300 Quail Street; Newport Beach a.rid the name was changed to Buso/Boatman, Inc., when Jan Buechting left to pursue other interests. In 1977 Bob Boatman left to pursue a writing Smith International is a leading manufacturer and supplier worldwide of a broad range ot drilling, production tools, equipment and related services to the energy industries. It also is a leader in the technical development of these tools and equipmenL _ In discussing the temoi of the transaction~~ Sandler said that ~~ S&L s10ekholders wi~, ~Ive $15 per share f~~f the 1.,253,076 share.s~ currently outstanding. f; Experience, support and location are key factors in Huntington Bank's success Liberty Bank looks to creative~;::~· i~~0e 1~:e0n:~ and professional management ~~;~~~~t:d 3J~1~~ Independent banks the current recession as a adjacent ~o tCe John open almost weekly problem, most new bank Wayn~ Airport. The despite rece11ionary organizen view it as an agency s name w~ again The primary markets it serves include oil and gas well drilling, c ompl etion and production, and mining. World Savings an~:, Loan Association;";tf founded in 1912, is ~'­ fed er ally-cha rte re~JI s a v i n gs a n d l o a 'tri association with 10,,1 approved officu iO~ C a l i f o r n I a , 8 3 i fl't• Colorado and eight id ' Kansas. ·;: By JIM POND ........ 8ectloM Wrftw A troubled economy may spell the doom of many financial institutions, but oddly enough the current economic downswing has failed to bring about the demise of smart independent banking. In fact, applica\ions for state and federal bank charters are at an all-time high. Given the present recessionary conditions, the ca,aual obaerver might speculate that financiers' credulity has also reached peak levels. A suci:essful Huntington Beac h independent banker would disagree. "I think now is a good time to open a bank, although it's going to be harder to be successful than it's ever been," says Jlm Davia, president of Huntington National Baiik, in Huntington Beach. · Davia haa guided Huntington National since its inception three and one-half months ago. He is confideRt the bank will prosper. And his opinion is not to be taken lightly; he's been a banker for 23 years, many of wh,ich were as a senior officer with Security Pacific. The recent history of banking, Davia says, has been marked with transition. Until very recently, banking was conducted much as it had been for centuries. But with the advent of computers in the late 50s, banking underwent phenomenal growth and change, leaving those that couldn't adapt in ruin. The next major development came in 1964, when decreased Look! Sensational '82 Camaro Coupe! * * and -......a ni changed -this ume to pressures incre.....:u opportu ty. Basso & Assocl tes Si competition from aft "They have the vision 1972 th taU ~ · nee sides. to look beyond the es as grown Within the last three current economic slump from ~ to over 30 years, more than 140 and plan to be able to ~~ l:>illinBB of over $13 independent banJai have take full advantage'-of million. Smith lnte rna-tional's results for '81 included revenues of $1.2 billion, net income of $133 million, an't! return on shareholder's equity of 25 percent. !} regulation opened the door for independent banks. The number of independent bank charten decreased in the mid -70s due to recessionary pressures. However, further deregulation in 1980 stimulated renewed interest in independent banking and charters once again were on the increase. opened ill California, and the inevitable period of an additional 90 or more recovery and economic appijcationa for charters growth that follows each are on file with state and recessionary period. national bank regulators. "Further, few or- During 1981 alone, more ganii.ers have failed to than 40 new banks notice that many prenuer ===========================================--==============" ·This mOnth in bus.ines~ Today, record numbers of charters continue to contradict the economy's ill health. That fact doesn't surprise Davia and, although he predicts a revenal in such trends, he maintains that independent banks can achieve success provided they possess three essential ingredients: skilled management, far-silhted direction and good location. =========...:==-======================================-====-'':: .. ~ opened in the state with performing, independent Aug. 4 somewhat more than this banks today began expected to open in 1982. during our last major 'this activity would recession of the 1970s," appear to go against the lnglee says. "In addition, conventional wisdom many of the same banks that su.ggesta investment that have recently been Aug. 10 constraint in a time of sold for a high premium. Jinancial uncertainty. also began during this On the contrary, same period." suggests PhWp S. lnglee, G o v e r n m e n t Aug. 11 president of Liberty regulations have rigidly N a t i o n a 1 B a n k , controlled banking since Aug. !4 Huntington Beach . the early 1930s, lnglee Instead of viewing (See UBERTY, D-t) (See HUNT, D·S) FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS As of June 30, 1982 --~ %of June 30, 1982 June 30, 1981 Increase Total As.wts 570,764,000 S44,629 ,000 58.5% Toal Deposits S6l,588,000 $40 ,322,000 52.?% Total Loans S49.660,000 S27 ,232,000 82.4% Shareholden' s 6,9 17,0001 s 3,348,000 106.6% Equity UNAUOl'ft:D •lncludet S2.9.l2.000 raised rrom the ule or 292.000 shares or the Bank's Common Stock ln mkHl/tSI. ' HEADQUARTERS OFFICE COMMERCE BANK BUILDING tlOi~Sc N~putt Bctcll. CA 9~ 17141 llSl·IJllOO BUENA l'AR9' REOJOl'IA~ Of'flCE f>lll Knoll Ave tKll04t & S.nt11 Alli fwy.I 811«1\1 P.rll. CA ~21 17141 7~·2711 121.\1 m1-0)~1 SOUTll COAST • RCOIONAL OFFICE 3210 P.rk Center on~ Cost• MH!I. CA 92fl~ 1°"9t11n11 Fill 1~21 Paine Webber Breakfast Seminar Bob Bums Restaurant, Fashion Island Small Business Computer Seminar Airport Inn Hotel. Irvine Reducing Income Taxes Seminar Adams Financial Advisory Corporation Paine Webber Breakfast Seminar Bob Burns Restaurant. Fashion Island Reducing Estate Taxes Seminar Adams Financial Advisory Corporauon Our Huntington Harbour office is open SatUrdays, 9 om · 1 pm and Weekdays, 9 om -6 pm 16902 Bolso Chico Huntington Harbour 92~9 :· (714) 8A0-132l ,,,t 7:30 a.m1J1 640-1850 x. 1o;R ... u 9a.m.1 836-2281 •fl ·'II\ 'U ,.!~ 760-1515'"1: .. •.. 7:30 a.m. ·~, 640-1850 x. 70 ~~ .. ,, •'Ot • ''' .1¥ 760-1515:.~: :a~ " ~t ... I(( ol Mr extenllw tnncb 1')~°'115 ........... co .. ,.;s.n,, their '"91 of hulf-•• ancl loan HrvlcH at Hlec&ecl braaohtt," lqlte .. ,.. '!Thia'. bu left ....... ., -.u a....u- .. Nd Will become U. and profs 1loaala with meet ~t factGn In reductd 1eWI °' bt.nldfta the .,.rformanct and Hrvlce In thelr ·local ..,.,_ OI ~ bmU. c.'IDl1UDUlllUe .. "To fW th1a vokl tn the Tholae banken and m 1 r k • t m a n y orpilben who .. ddle lndeptnde,;t banlu are tbenilit!vtl with the DMl now wt.ely aerotna-tn on mlttallet of • hll~ the amall bu1fne11 • protected industry p r o fe a 1 t o n a 1 a n d 1tru!e and pouibly upper-Income retail fail. e efflclent and 1 e 1 me n u i n the l r adapta le bankers will communities." 1ucceed ln the futurei Inalee ta)'I that even whlle ,!he beat wll tn 1 troubled economy, proeper. . thee& banlca are fllldlna I n a d d t t l o n t o theee particular marke1' deueated government a "profitable and ready f'elU}atlon, lndependent source of loans and bankbw It stimulated aa deposits that may not major banb -due to have been so easily prolonaed Inflation, available ln Ute put." record level interest rates But Inalee wama that a n d I n • u f fl c i e n t only In California ha~ mana1ement penonnel independent banks' been -reconllder the value achieving such ()pinion Money market vs. rare coins BJ HANNES TULVING EDITOR'S NOTE - e,aaea Tahl•c h 1~1ldeat of Baaaea TalYIDI Rare Coln . 1Dvntmeat1 In Newport Bea~ Many of our clients and subscribers have invested tome funds in Money Market Funds, CD's and T-Bills. As such, we thought it pertinent to present a compe.ri8on of rare coins to tne.e interest bearing 1.nstniunenta. using 19e2 tax rate tables. - Ra.re coins, tWen at the same rate of return (15 percent) as the money market fund, returned a net profit of 54 percent , more after the five years. • ) Huntington a.nk. • • (CoaU.atd J'rom J)I) 0 The key to aood bankln1 Ct to attract depoalta and have • manaplDnt team thaa ~wloam."•ya A c:iornmon pract.lce tn the 60a WU the hUinc Of a local branch ~r u the pi'ftklent of a new bank. Thia individual usually r•e•ed Um1ted sklll1ut had lfttle trouble achJevinf 8UOOe8I In an lndu1try where little competition existed. Not 10 an~re. Davia says. Today, banks have to seek out top executives for the p,oaitlon of prealdent. 'Executive experience la critical Jn independent banking. The bank team of old won't succeed 1powadays," Davia ~rta. A second eaaentlal ingredient for BUCCeBaful inaependent banking la a bOard of dlrectora that support.I management's psoposalt. A board of directors g·en erally consists of se ven t o 12 non - profeaalonal members who establish bank policy based upon the recommendations of the executive officers. If a board becomes either tyranni c al or subservient, the bank will struJBle, Davia says. Balance is eSllential. Thirdly, but of equal i mportan c e as mana1•saent and dtreetora, h tbe ~to1i..tt-.m 1GUW Iii L ... laHI-. you're In real cl••p, Bandin! tn banklna. ' Davis •YI· Of COUtH, the last lnaredient may not alway• be as •••Y to control, but common tense lndlcatea that a bank will fare belt 1n area least IUICtPdble to economic lrreplaritlet. Once thote three condltlon1 are met, accord1ni to O.vlt, the indepe~t bank 1tandl as sood • chance of makina It u the banker· attached to a major flnn -: perhap1 a better chance. "The only reaton independent ~came into exlatence lfl California la becau.te the majors dropped the ball," :O.via says. Today '~ troubled economy , Davia continues, hu prompted major banks to cut back on 1ervicel at the the branch level Many have also decided t.o centralize their credJ.t, ~ a major bank whh 500 branch offices will only offer major loans at, say, 40 select offices. Such cutbacks, obviously. extract many 1ervices from the community level, leaving a vacuum that independent banks are readily filling. 'I dine • ~~:=.:. on caviar, With high °Interest rates over the past two years, lnvestmenta such as money market funds. CD's and T-Billa have seemed to have been a very tood investment vehicle . H owe-ver, research conducted concludes that these lnvestmeJltS for the Investor In a high tax bracket are not as beneficial as they appear. For purpoees of this example, we'll compare rare coins and the extremely popular money market funds. 'Ille tax effect on a CD or T-Bill will be the same. The difference ls the tax advantages that rare coins enjoy over money market funds. CD's and T·Bilb. After a one year holding period, profits on rare coins are favorably taxed at a long-term capital gains rate, while interest earned -on a money market fund is taxed eac.h year as ordinary income -often at a rate significantly higher than the long- term capital gaina rate (maximum 20 percent). Remember, the tax I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~===:.1 obll(atlon on coins LI r. travel first-class and, of course~ live o.g~~~~~fidge:' ~ For the sake of simplldty, we have made some aaaumptiona to illustrate our example. First, the client Involved makn $60,000 a year, haa two dependents and hat Itemized deductions of $15,000 per year. We allo aaaume that the ~ la going to invest $50,000. We foll o w th e progrt!98 over five years and at that time all Investments will be liquidated and taxes paid, leaving the client with a net profit on each investment. Alao, we are going to aaaume the client receives 15 per- cent interest per year on his money inarbt fund and we will compare thlt with appndatiom of 15 pen:ienf, 20 percent and 30 percent a year for rare coina. realized only when the coins are told. The investor in the upper tax bncket incUrs taxes whid\ take a 1arae . bite qut of the interest 6e receives on one of these interest bearing tnvestmenta. Rare coins are an excellent alternative lor that individual. U rare coins appreciate at 20 percent per year for five years, the investor makes 125 per- cen\· more than if he'd invested in money market funds, CD5 or T-Billa. At 30 percent in coins the Investor makes 304 percent more. Private San Clemente community with private beach and private swim and tennis club. 117/s% Financing Act now. (714) 498-2830 (213) 277-9470 hims ti a >p;arkhnx social ,,·en..• • rtge Rccrca11onal fuc1h110 mdudc ~ 5 eO nu lal'JtC h~a1,-J ~wlmm1ng p<~il w11h 'Jlt.awhni; •Urt<lt-clt, whirlpool >J>a •nd an OflCll b.11hccuc p11 And, 11 'lo conly mllf1l4.'flts aW11y frnm f:tw111111 l•land, th.. Newpon Y•u11 Club and .all th~ r<>Sh 1J Ncwron Rach T1lc chlC IOIOllll'\ al th~ 2 .and l bcdmum homt.., .. Qlll\U m<: )'\JU r a11en111•1 wu h ~•ult~ cc1l11~ pn•a1c atnum ~ and ~n->torp1nx view' from $159,950 30 yr. Financing Available c;RANl) ()PENIN(; • \oh.-. Olhc• Or<;n doily II OD• m 111lfl'OOrm t.lt"'<.I Frkby. 217~ l'*-tfo~ A\'C'Olll: C•"lll M<U, 1121117 171•1 Ml·2H7 With these figures behind us, our firm believes that all individuals should take a serious look at all of their investments to see if they can match the appreciation rates and t-';===============~~~~======:::::=:::::=::::::'.=================================================== tax advantages of rare coins. NOTE -At wltla uy lDveatmeat, a degree of rbk may be preseat ID 1Dveattn1 In rare cow. Tiil• article CODt&IDI ceaeral Information aboat certal• taz matten. Yoa 1liloald c.Rlt 1ear CPA • tu tdvlaor eoaceratq tlletr 1peclflc appHcatloa to YOU' OWD tu llhla1IOD. 111 Marine National lank Announces The Placement of Conttructfon Fln1ncln1 for 3 Oakmont Associates In the Amount of s 3,300,000. Contractor: Davcon, Inc. Architect: Oeorge W. Seltz, A.I.A, For Construction Financing Information, call; lllTRODUClllG A N.EW Don't Settle For An Old-Fast,ioneCI Bank Checking Accou".'t. UNDER $2000 •.• it looks and acts like the state-of-the-art f;ee checking account you should ~avel • OVER $2000 .•• stand badd we "sw .. p',' it all Into a high-rate money- malket lnv .. tment dailyl •1 JUDITH O. RHOADES ~...,.. ...... Q. I laa•e alwa11 ......... wlay t0m .. ne 1lao•ld record a dted .... t..y ......... ,_ lt.M., Baller, Ore. A. The major reuon la that you want to offidanY let the world know tl\at your hC>UM la youn. It la not often that you would find eomeone who II not honest, but lt h poaslble that a dlationeat peraon could •ll the saine property to you and to aomeone elae. The recording of your deed ls evidence of your public record. Q. My-wife and I have beea lookln1 Into tbe puc•aae of our lint lloaae. Are there tlllD11 we .. 9uld be aware of, or ways we s boa.ld protect ouraelvea when It comes down to the actaal bayla1? D.N., Eagle Rock, ~lJf. A. Well, first oJ alf, you should make certain that you can afford to buy the house you are purchasin~. You and your wife ahould dedde how you want to hold title, whether as joint tenants or as community property. (You probably should discuss this with a lawyer, as it could make substantial difference if you were to dissolve your marriage, or one of you should die.) U you use creative financing, don't eommlt younelf to a balloon payment Too many tndlvtduala are havlna their homea forecloted on them when the balloon payment becomea due. · Q . Wlaat'• tile difference between a mort1a1e aad a trait deed? -P .8., Norwood, Oil.lo. A. When you have a trust deed, there are three partlea to It, and with a mortgage, ·there are only two. U you have a mortgage, you are called the mort,agoi, and if you are the ender of that mortgage, you are called the mortgagee. With the trust deed, if you are the one that takes 'it out, you are. called the truitor. Your \e.nder ts called the beneficiary. The third party who holds title to the property, is called the lru.ltee. Where the difference becomes important is if you become delinquent ,n your payments and are facing foreclosure. Foreclosure can occur mor~ quickly, if you signed a trust deed. Foreclosures on a mortgage however. could take up to a year. Your lender musl first declare a default . Then a foreclosure action must be filed. The court will then order an auction sale. You ~ bid to get your house back. If 1omeone elae obtain• yoW' hex.-, he cloeen't alwayt receive elev dtle, and can bav• only a 1herlff'1 certificate of aale. A• the orl1tnal borrc>wer, you can come back and take OWi' the ~...in by pa)'inc Up ,11 tlie pHt-ctue payment•, penalUea, lnteftsta and COits. Forecbwe on a trUst deed ia much atmpler. U you are delinquent, and foreclosure proceedlnp have been started, tfie truslldeed empowen the trustee to sell the property If you have defaulted and to deliver a trustee'• deed to anyone who buys it at foreclosure. Which is the better way to have your iiiiiiiiiiii i!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii----::====----i f i n a n c i n g ? W e 11 sometimes you won't have a choice, but in California it appears that most lenders prefer trust deeds. RIALOllOMICS CORPORA ft°" Commemal Brokeraee Property Management Specrahsts ~ Cost1 Miu Ind lflwport """ •• 1964 675-6700 Call 642-5678. Put a few words to work for ou. NEW'l2 MERCEOIS·IENZ DIURSEDAN Fully equipped: Cap COit $20.QOO • Realdwl $11.000 NO CAP REDUCTION. 60 month Leoa.-Povment pfus ten *3565°mo Jadltb Rboadea It The Maserati Ouattroporte. Perhaps the ultimate auto- m obile. A select few are made for a select few fortunate individuals. You can be one of them. see the Maserati Quattroporte now at Beach Imports. : I ~ IMPORTS 848 Dove St . Newport Beach (714) 752-0900 /\ I• "4 I, .. H-EJ IntoGraphica Inc of Newport Beach now o en )>oth an euy to uae ~~ and a computer ayatem I to facU1ta'9 the translation of numerical lnlonnaUon l..Dto color graph form foe bulinem' preaenta\tona. Th• color graphs are avaUable in hard copy luer print.I,.., Hmm 1llde1, and overhead tran1parencte1. The unlquenem of the lnfoGraph• Service la '" llmplidt)' -• reault of ~· D•1l1n In~tiillware. • .. ' ~ ,, ' . I • " • .. ~<' .... " ··' ... ... Data ..-..s In the form of • COior ... prtnlllld IDfoOnph. ~ .. ""'*' conc191, and ..aly·undet-- VlSIT ONE OF OUR LOCATIONS, LEA VE YOUR BUSINESS CARD Al"D WE'LL GIVE YOU A FREE OOPY OF 3M'1 GUIDE "A 3M AUDIO VISUAL APPROACH TO INCREASE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT PRODUCTIVITY.'1 InfoGraphks• Servioe <:enten ln Oranp County .1an to Jesse ca~? Detoµr arou~d · drawbacks CIJN\UMlR Cl USt UP doll not ~ the l'ftidual or "brina·blck" valu. eped!lld In .. "'1111 o( the lelle. ror ..-pse. let'• aay you Jeut a t12,ooo car for four ~ Under • eontnct that •Pedftel the cu lhould haw 1 Nlklual valu. of $7 ,000 at the md of the i.w. It the wholelti.t valu. of the car at the · But whlM ~may be 1 ~idea for 'am, 'd beuer compare ·all tha coeta CANfully bet°" Un on the dotted Une. TM main edvantap of leMlrill Ii that~ don't u money \hat couJa be u.ed illeWhin. ThJa ii conalderatton with today'• blah lnterat ratet. YIM you could Nl'I\ a tubltantiAl amount dwin, three or four yeen of rn..t leuee. The ~ drawback to car leulna 11 \hat you • nothinl to show for \hree or f(>ur years of kln1 paymenu. In fact , under some you can wtnd up owiric more money I )C Jr " :~). --· CORTIZONE·5 HYDIOCOITIZONE CIDIE For relief In seconds "-fr<Un skin Irritation. •it1ii·'* INTtRMAGNtTICS CASSETTE TAPES ...... PAKOfJ.29 end of~·= II S-than ,7,000, you may owe the ...._ y ~ diffeNnee. In theory, lf the car ia ~ mcire than $7,000 you -\80 1re entit.led to the c:Wference. With a clmed-end, or "walk.away" leue, you have no fll\andal obliptlon after the tut monthly P*~t ~ the car la ln reuonably aood Cond&UGIL The wholeeale value of the car ll the .._. company'• problem with a cloeed·end leaae, but the monthly paymentl may be htlher becaute the J.eMtnc firm ii llCCePtina the riak. •i"i'·~ AD PRICES PREVAIL: SUN . AUGUST 1st THRU TUES AUGUST 3rd QIUITTE WIDGET CUTTER a SCUPU FINAL TOUCH FAIRtC SOfTUtR MOL 1.99 • 20" a 32" ltUC • 20" a 24" COffTOUI ltUC •LID COYO • TAMl TOP lSSOl:TtD COLOIS 9.99 KT ~ MIST 'N DRY Heats 24 curlers of 4 different sizes using moist or dry heat. HOZ. EA. 2.39~ TAMPAX TAllPONS • ltEQULAll •SUNDER •SUHI • IUPO PLUS You are rtlpontlbJe fot lftlurance ~a ma!J\tenance OOltll with either 1 clmed...nd or open-end leMe. There ii a third tYJ)e of i.... known u a nW.a\tenance 1eue under whJch tht .._.,. oompeny Weal care of maintenance, but it'-are much men expenaave. A.a with any corwwner expenditure, you .tioWd ahop around thOrouchlY befbre ~ acr-to any car • leale. lt'• very, very euy to think only of the JOw monthly paymentl, but the tmnl of the la. are crttlcally important. Be au.re to reed th• eontrw:ta carefully and compare the cmtt, edvantq• and drawbackl of uch deal. The belt way to make the final decillon ii to talk to 1eYeral cuatomtta who have dealt with the leui.nl compeny and can tell you about their experience with the firm and lta pel"IOllMl. .. ,.,,,"_ ., BAYER _.:.._---... ....... Easler to swallow ... •i4i§f.1S-. ¥05 HAllSPIAY Assorted formulas . . AIM TOOTMPASTt with Fluoride Reg or Mint •i§f}- SUPER POLI-GRIP DOTUR£ ADMESM CIUll Call 642-5678. Put • few words to work for you. "' "llllE" <N> "DIVA" (R) "Th• Younc Docton ··~;,:.~ Holding a bouquet of red .im:es presented by the orchestra, Beverly SiDs (above) takes her final bows at the 'New York Oty Opera as a •hower of balloons and confetti · fall on the stage. At a recent news conference in New York (left), ahe discusses plans for the touring of the opera. . -. Tiie Retuntoftlleare.t ~. u•••• Founa .. waun lkOOllhutil Flmll\t T'#lll ' 172 l448 962 1241 COila... flllllllTOll EdWwdt CWltN ~ fo• 97941 41 &2$ 4141 COila ... £0WltdS '°'""Cent• 751 4114 A WU~ UA Miii 8930$48 1u111s•~~ .... ·-Slaclull DIM Ill 1:11ano MIDSl MMER IC;HT'S ~()MEJ)Y EDITOR'S NOTE -Open •tar Bewrly SUllJ la ~ a new tune. The tamed sin/lflr. now dJrec the New York City Opera, wanta to aee a nad opera compMJY. And lhe t.hlnka the Oty Opera can be the bull for It. BY MARY CAMPBELL ., ... " ........ ,.,..., NEW YORK -What Beverly Sllla wanta most t.heee da~ ii for the opera company lhe heads, the New Yotk City Opera. to be America'• national opera company. "Moet every country ln Europe hu it," ahe •YI· ' "We certainly have our great intematlonal company, the Met. I think we should abo acknowledge the fact we have now a great national opera company. · "I just want aome recognition for the American artist. That really la my goal. I'm det.ennined to tum this company into the American Q.ational oP!".8_:_ If it means a name change, It'll have, a name c~. , • I want the youngster in Davenport who wants· .. NRYWNU .. IA. "NIGHT SHIFT'' DALYlll0,4.ao ......... (R) llOlllll ft.LIAll9 "THE WORLD ACCORDING TO OARP'' DAILY llOO, 4111, ma,~(R) OM. y U:a, !:JO, '4:tO, l:ao.l:ao.10:11 (PG) ''They're here." ,POLTERGEIST-II!!! POLTERGEIST..!'!· ... 1111, "ltAINltS OF TH« 1.osr A•K"'"' DMY_... ..... .:·~1111 t ,_. • • : 1 to be an opera l1npr to feel it la a pomlble aoat-..i · the culmination would be to appeAr wtth; *l~ American National Opera ln New York Ctty."·· . The New York City Opera now hat fall anll sprtna teuona in New York, Loe A:npl.ea and neu.,. Wuhlnaton. "I don't eee why we can't·•~.~· towing actlvttlel," Ma. Sil.It •YI· :: .•. "We'd do different repertoire. We •· · · exist 20 yarda fl'Om the mOlt formidable com · ln the world. the Met. I don't think it la nec•ui for anybody to be the only game ln town. "We're called the New York Ctty becaUle our t.hMter happena to be in the ct~ New York. The slngera come from almost state ln the union. W-e had eight s4ngen from · states on that concert from the White Hou. December, each one extraordinary, young and ~00.:y ":,:°;·employing the n~ American singers, conductors, eet and cos designers. Probably about 98 pe~t of our are Amerl~an . It ~e l(ot governm~n (See Beverly Siila, Pace E3) . ;. ~ -...... HT/ ... 4111 SM "AUTHOR! AUTHORr .............. IAT/euN. 1:11. ..... ~ =.,,,, ""'e:tt IATllUM. •:OO. l:JO "ITAR TBIK II ....., ..... aAT/1UM.1• l:t ..... '• reheanlna here f« a lllJ'IUnel' tour ln I Dk1 Lut Summer," a comedy by A. ft. L ... irm.•v, author of off-Broedway'a hit 16The Dlnlns .; '• playtna an uptiaht Eltabllahment mother to steer her teen ... IOI\ Into • traditional life while an eccentric artist friend tries to the lad towarda his life atyle. t'• afoot here la "a atn.aale for cuatody of 1'• mind and eoul." uya Mr. Feldon, whole t>ows A._... 8 ln Cape Cod, Mui., then pt'el8el on Westport., CoM., Denver and, lf all goes well, way. ot counting her crawl-on, Ma. Fe}(lon made her way debut last year, when ahe co-starred wi~ Laurence Luckinbill in "Present Tenae," a drania of • fail1nl marriage. Jt wu her f1nrt staae work in 16 years. "I was ciylnt to do lt," ahe says. "After all, I .did beain as a ~ actrea But this is what happena ln llle. You bepe getting bumped down paths you hadn't expei:ted to travel. even thou&h rou're fortunate lO . ::1:' pth ln thle buslneea.' reJdon. dauahter of a cardboard box , was born in Pittblburgh. She studied dramja at Carnegie Tech, then mlg.rated here ln the belief It'• where the action is. ~ a few tiny ro1t:e off-Broadway, abe leerMd that when It comes to bein8 an actreaa, it'• ai.o where the starvation is. So ahe oommenced bumpnc down paths she hadn't expected to t:ra She became a contestant on the old "The $64,000 Question." She brushed up on Shakespeare and won the maxin\Wn. $64,000, as an expert on the Bard. She al8o worked aa a model and ran a do'Wntown art gallery with her husband, Lucien Feldon, a young advertising man. Both marriage and pllery eventually failed. .'Wicked Lady' cast set . HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Faye Dunaway, Alan ·Beta and Sir John Gielgud star in ''The Wicked Lady," a Cannon Films production that has begun production ln Lonclon, England. Mia Dunaway plays Lady Barbara Skelton, a real-life titled lady in 17th century England who, "bored with country life, goes out at night as a hlghwaywoman, robbing and killing," the films' produoen said. The film is baaed on the book by Magdalen Kin.1.-Hall, with a screenplay by F.dna O'Brien and MJcliael Winner. Winner directs for producers Menahem Golan and Y oram Globul. Wllh Burt & Dolly ,,.,. mach lbn }mt couldn., -~ .. ''A MOVIE YOU'VE liIST GOT Tt SEE!" -.Joel Siesel ~ Moming America Alk:-TV I • I . I f . i • - tour w:itlJ comedy = e 1.=r:i' Cul two-n-r w la TV llJ-~ wM& W9 ~1tl • toO.. ""~~ 11d .. fol • IMn'• Mir Cl"Mln lhow," -~......_ 1 OeUed. 1.. Whiin thly Ala wlUah ••...wcl °"'' an a u.r-lllin and lhow9ll t1 It .... au .-adw ......._ at 1M liurNi. l.llfo all JO'& ~ FOWWI" lfieWll one of ~ die a.-1 of' ~.·itocicl" up Md b'9 an. moc1e11 to mu. the i..p to .odne· Mid. -rur1 MlttJ produd.. • • ''Ncibody blnld me blcl\m Of the aaaimtrdall. 'llJ'M ....... tOld me be knirw Lt •• d£>a med MCllt D90Dl9 thouabt I ....Uy WM • moet.1, that I at tha& point. ... laya Mill hJdon: 11It WM the am didn't lmOw,how to Kt, and .... eWft &bouebt my t1m1 rd cl1ecl &ocn dill~trMnt tn ·yean.•• vo6ca WM dubbed In." •YI Mill hldoft. w!Qe In idd&Uon to Mm J'eldon .hoN • aharpt •dear voa and ....-. dk:tion tnaU. twr cable-TV ...... "The 80'1 amen." And lhe .!19"! liMnd UM ·111uy Tyler MOcri, oft-duty bauft worklna for .,._,. of 1ht DIU&I She did Oddl-and...mdl roi. tn wlevtll.on R.llhta Ammdment. lhowt. H•r break WM role ln "Jr.Mt Side. Welt Two dllparat.e tacton led to her Involvement ln SWe," • 90l'M1irnee controve"'811eriel about IOda1 the women'• n,htt movement and ERA~ workers atamna ~ C. Scott. the Hid: Mal• dominance In commerclal "He wu 1t1ll married then to Colleen ·~ work lbe'• IOUlht and a quote trom Dewhunt, with whom rd done 1ummet ltodt," lbe Ollvw w-.u Holmel she hu pU\nid m her uya. "And JUlt out of frlendlhlp. Oeorp Mked If bedroom mirror. rd like to play opposite him ln the next eetment." "I think lt went, 'Not to have parUdpated In Talent Amodates, wh.Jch produced the .nee the act6onl and the~ of one'• t1mt II to be wu produdna "Get Smart." and uked her to be-Judelid not to have lived."' come Aaent ~. Thouah the abow died ln uno, the She Uvea the quiet Jlfe nowadays. Uaht yeara 1Ull l1va on ln that role ln afternoon and late-nJcht away hem the Hollywood nu:nbl.e and the naUonal rerum. fame "Get Smart" Ft her. Stranaen ltU1 po6nt at "It wu abeolutely the old thlnc of belna ln the her on the street, tiut lhe c.to.n•t mind. not even right p14Ce at the'rf8ht tline,'~ she aays. when the lhow'• fans tell ex-Aaent 99: "I Ulled to She no ~er e&rna raiduall, but uya the enjoyiPi." " show ave her a. very good deal" flnandall . It • make me feel I'm a member of their allows ~er to live comfortably ln a large, IUMY ~t .family." e Mid. "I wouldn't want to have to cope Side apartment. Two auttan bani on the walla, with the kind of celebrity that a major movie •tar mementol of·the ~effort to muter the copes with. Not that I wouldn!t have liked reelly art of claslical-muaic picking. good rolea ln movte.. After "Get Smart," s!l• did a pt)ot by wrl. ter "But that kind of celebrity ii a neaative.11\ll la Reginald Role for a aerieti in whk:& ahe played a different. The people who say hello aren't ln awe. widow with three children who move Into a New They feel they know me and I know them. It makes York tenement. the world a friendly place. • J COITA MlU OIWl8l OMll&E wun1•ra Edwatds Sooth City Cenlef Pacilc's Orange Onvt-ln UA Mall Coast Plaza 634 9282 558 7022 893'°648 546-2711 .,,~ACCIPTllll FDUlfTAI• YAWl Family Tw111 962-1248 POaMS_..._,, " •Firefox' ia one of Clinl Eastwood'• beat moviea. h's fun-with le•ping, vaulting, shooting. flying •pecial eUeeb." -JOEL Sll:CEL COOO MOlfl'ilNC .ulElllCA .tlJC.TV •• •firelox. • A s lic k muscular thriller that combina a pionage wilh science {iction." . -ROCER EBERT CHICAGO SIJN Tl/tfES liiJ 0 "" •-,., ,._..,~~OW PIAYll"IG FOUMTAIM YllLEY FUllERTOle CMWIGl Family Twin Fox AMC Orange Mall OUllGI UA City Cflema 834·39tt -962·1248 525 4747 637·0340 I HO l'AllO ACCfPnO FOii THll llfflAGllllPT I \ ''lrreveNnt, vulgar,....Ume9 dl9gudng, 8nd delightfully tunny ••• I loved It.'' _...,,,_,~.w.~- "'AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN' IS A MIRACLE THAI' WILL LEAVE VOU FEIUNG 10 FEETTAU. It ti.,.,., bit•...._ r--. extrilCllf•:-.&. end fultllltng • .. -.:.'.,,....Md....... '*'· It .. one vi the moet-= ig. •11p1nMfut end thorougbty MOWtng he IMft ... .,.. •• ..-. ..... • BACK ON STAGE -Barbara Feldon talks ~ .. about her summer tour with the play, "What I did Last Summer," a comedy by A. R. Gurney. Bobbe Michel now presents Commercial Actors Stuclo in Oran1e ·Ccurty • Afflllated with a major L.A . commercial production company • Students learn from well eetabllahed actors, casting directors, agents, and directors from LA. • Extensive vtdeo tape work with follpw up critiques. Lwn tiow to be euc c • 11ful In the eotnmerclel buelMM from the people who .,. curNnttr doing It. ................ beglne lflllf •• For more I~ eel 211-tt11-1-. · 'lllOl.l.Ell-COAS .... " llllA IQllo llloa 1'1111 52t.53l9 COITl lllS& EOWiWcll C<nenl1 Cent11 919 4111 -~,..-~ll:JNIGHT .... --· ....... -. PZQi NOW PLAYING •COIU lllHI ..._ WUT-TDI lCIWaidl Soum Coast l'Wa AMC°'""' ..... ( .... °"""' Wiii $16 2111 637 03'0 ltl 31U UTOllO .... EdwtlllS ~ UA Olv C.-•CDi!i!i!!!!IJ $81 5110 63Ht11 [iiOOAiM• -•!!_,.. r-••••seij!Ej) ==~~w:.~"'Z..,...." lllllt 11111-'' II well knOwft; ti • AIDldaan WMJ ._.. an oper:a lt,.\perdar In Amertaa. 8~ ialdt ,_. debut al the N'.W ~York Qty 0ptra M .......... ln."a. n.ctermita" Md u Y9Arl .... In die fall of lM M"I btr farewell·~ - the ... role In die lleCOnd llCt ot the ame Ol*"a - ta a .... .wn1nl tlUed "Beverly!". Hall the~ ... ~ by Other .ian. lnicludl.nl IAOntyne 'Price • .l:UMtf Mennen and Carol BUrnett, and r.1-d •1 ilWJJon for the opera compuly. Mili SD.Iii had becc*>e oompeny director the year bef~. · J\unninl·the New York City Opera, MiJI Silla aays, "II more rewarding and harder than I expec:Clld. I didn't expect .to be apendlna 16 and 16 hourJ In the fl.ace· l didn't think lt would be a plece of clk.e, that 1 for ~· l'I try to come to every performance. In Call(omla. ln December, I think I m.i8led three out of • performances. l'The most exciting aspect for me la the linger. we·~ belna robbed blind by all the otner companies. I want them to go on to other houae1. But l'm glad I've got aome of our young lingers in cbalm for pert of each year throuah 1986. "I went on to La Scala and the Met and I allotled a certain portion ol my life to th1a company. 1 ec>Wdn't pt the same satisfaction or excl~ment I aot out ol working here:• M l11 Sills bas faced criticism on her perf~ as an Opera compahy director. Thor Eckert Jr., writing after the 1981 fall seaaon. said, "While I have no wish to rain on Miss Silla' parade, it must be said that the level of performance at the Ciby ia not better than it was before she took over, and in IOll\e cases, it is actually worse. "Overall, what is lacking is a firm sense of autdfnce. There is no look to the productions, just a 6odopodge of styles' and approaches and a very unewn lineup of directorial talent. The casting is erraclic, not particularly gauged to show off the ' Bingen to best advantage." iss "Sills is aware of the problems and the en . She says, "The big difference in the way things are now compared with before I came is Jong-term planning. There are so many opera companies now and almost not enough singers to go around. "You have to secure the services of singers long in advance, taking into consideration their development. Someone today who is a lyric soprano might in 1984 have moved into the heavier, spinto soprano area. I have had young women ask for much heavier repertoire. It worries me a lot and in most cases I hold off. I try to talk to the singers a great deal about the direction they plan to go with thelJ' teachers or coaches." Miss Silla also has to raise money for her opera company. Criticisms about that go from hearing • • • that ..... UMllll .............. Ind .... ,~ .............. -= ............ . =a ::.::c ==. t c i:l::ll:." .......... ~butnot ..... Win..,.~ it'° be, Mill ... ~ ''WMn t ~ up cr..·~~ 111"'11 to a ~y exeeutlw .... ..,, ~ .. ~SW. and rd like to haw an ~anmt to talk to YG'I ~' the opera compuy,' rw newr .,um a 1umdown." ,... tor n-.... •ll! '-41t a.p. In tM ~ ot the public ttwN la IUdl a Wftl •an AIDll'iMD ~de 1Upentar. In my cue, lt'• pelt.._, ft can ~ aaatn ahd aptn aAd I've aut the company ttiat ta produdna &Mm. "l tlilnk our lure It that every penny that ta atven to ua •'-YI in thll country. lt IUpportl OW' own artlltl. That'• a peat lu.re to a ar-t many companl•." . And her own perfonniJlC? - "l don't mill pert~ at an,•• the •YI· "I do mill lln&tnl becau.e I al~ loved to lina, eYell when I wam't necemarily doln& It on nap. rloobd forward to coechina ~ day. "There '8n't a mon\ent when I 1ilten to any of thae you.na people~ and w1ah I wu dolna it again. rm a1.mmt w.rpriled to be able to aay that. "Sometime1 in the apartment, when my husband lan't there, I get an intem. deltre to go over to the piano and ling a little blj. far rve resisted th«l temptation. I mill aingina • epherd on the Rock.' I Uled to ling it at home all y. rd Uke to s1na that again. Now I don't Bina a . "If there were no music in file perh.aJ» I would. There's 10 much music I certainly don't feel deprived." Glaser stars in TV movie HOLLYWOOD (AP) -Paul Michael Gluer and Dee Wallace will star In "Wait Till Your MOOI'HER Geta Home," an NBC-TV movie about a macho htih echool football coach'• aummer u a "househusband." ~ Gluer, the fonner star of "Staraky & Hut.ch,'' takes charge of the household when his wife gaina her tint jol> in 16 years. en:! AllCD&IM •• IOlAI WATl!I MIAT'lte IATMIOOM WOW "' .... 21707 a.-Time,,.,. Illy-Docw (Cell I-....... y-Nee) COSTA MllA 641-1219 11ff ............ MISSION VllJO 495.()401 utnC...CJPfwww I'-.... """'·. A-.....,., . TIDAT'I CIDSSIDID PVIZLI ACROSS 60 Runner 107 Lubrlcat• tenn llowera 1 :fe>ung horM 81 Window ,108 Herd of 22 card suit 71 Copper 5 89entatt hanging whalM 30 Ctothel: Sp. ~ ralaln 82 R(>ct(y hlH 111 FMther 32 Frendl 72 Oomeetlcat• 9 Hwmnr.,. 85 Rub off, In 113 Type of pronoun 74Wood-15 Small drums IWIY cloV9f 34Above dlopper 21 Corundums ee Theater 118 Product 35Mud 715 ChlllenOll 23 Jlefore thla 1reu Identifier: 2 38Yawna 78 Auttl« Vidal 24 Blbllcal 87 RvfflMS word• 37 Mimic 78 Axed mountain 118 Hlghw1y 118 King 38 Book palm• rou1lnel 25 H1P990: divider Arthur'• 39 Bridge 798und ... 2words 89 Plant parts burl .. 40 ··-to ao Rubik's 28Of1n Iron 70 Dernollshes pl.ce pick"': 3 puJZle Age culture: 71 Cuts short 119 Overjoys WOfdl 81 Pllred up 2worda 72 Captured 120 Boaom 41 .. _ oftM 82 Grottoee 27 Woolly 73 Printers· friends: 2 pen"': 83 Shel1•ed 28 Abatrect need• WOl'dl 3word1 Inlet being . 7 4 Unger over 121 Montan• 42 Spotted 85 Churcf't rfte f:h!!! 29 Dismounted 75 Loved ones city cavy eeCeyton 30 Polynell1n 78 Most 122 Silty 43 Gambol meuu,. c:r-trwt spirited 123 Neckl~ 44 Picnic 87 Choollng 31 Cuehui.ln't 77 Actreu part benctt 88 Buebell wife Remick 124 King of 45 SIUlt -lelgue 33 Small bird 78 Place anew Sodom Marie 89 Pecldoctt 3' Asiatic plant 79 Combot 47 Heap dWlller 35 nny par1icie 80 Battle DOWN 48 Biblical 90 Gerden tOOI 38 Pearly 81 Grass cutter weeds 91 Glen port II• 82 Biii of fare 1 Delllny 49 Jump• 93 Specimens 38Also 83 Make-II 2 Scottl1h 51 Disclose MTlme 39 Uttle fellow 84 Water leapor1 52 Measured Ind teat or 42 &mok• lhOp barrier 3 Blbllcal steps 95 More teut purchase 86 Leglsl1t1ve boats 53C1mpu1 97 Hulen 43 SIMYeteu bodies 4 New Guinea bigwigs 98 Ill-humored Larment1 89 Uncles \Own 55 Auction 99 Fonned 44 ountaln 90 Lounging 5 Post 1ctlon1 10 1 Mec:tlclnll Ilk .. garment 6 Adventage 56 Light beer pllnt 46 Noggll\I 91 Duct: Anet 7 School, 57 Leta flll 102 lf'l9h upon 47 BrlZIUan 92 Click beetle following 59 Mlk•lec:e 103 lMtlt rubber 93 Rescues 8 lbaen char. 60S"-deof 104 Colorful ""' 48Small 94PoSMSS Icier red 105 8'eellng c:endle 95Small pin 9Tell 81 Exit• 108 Btackwood: 49 l.aslo 9e Networks 10 AboU 82 Accept I Ind II 50 Cttuc:ulen 97 Jack rabbit• 11 "-• Challenge: 107 Hertldlc lllngutige 98 M1nufac· horeel": 2 3word1 Wt"Mth 51 Blue-green turn WOl'ds 83 Individual 108 Pledge pigment 99 Slugtests 12 lndlYldu11 preference; 109 Love, In 62 Journ.i 100 Spanish 13 Prnidentlal 2word1 M,clrkl 63 Generll rout hero nlci<narne 64 Sublet 110 T1blellnd 54 Cape 101 Monkeys 14 More augary 65 Seed 112 -d• 56 Geological 102 Solitary 15 Stories coetlng Frence ~ 103 Scottish rain 18 Brazilian ee Rodof 114 Words with l>eRoman spout tr .. tennis mode god• 104 Ear: Comb 17 Prohibit 67CIUIJ-1115 Spltt pu ... 57 T1'811MO-fOfm 18 Rhetorlcel lleltlon 118 Smlll fllc> tlonl 105 Horn sound t9Sene 88 Meek beUt 117~.'• 68 Aelment 108 Bullfinch 20 Prln1er'a 70 Gerden neighbor fl' I 'I .: •I ~--u1··-.. , . U wWe ... I .... -.;. 'fft.'1::!.~~ _ ........... ..... .......... c "'"' Norllt ... , ,..,,. l O I• P ... I• P .. I <:> Pue INT ,... ,.. Dltlt , .. ,,.. ..... I,,..__. &Mt t .... ,....te· .... "& ... t ..... tii.U..~..Wb1•-•1 ... W 8 itMn. Tllllt did Ml ,..,. .. t t.M weU. la fact, Mlarer ....,. W1 c:oetract wttll &we overtricu. Aa- .U..r ltd w..W llave beatea lite c:oetrect, '"' r. aot ,.. &.I t. reveal U.. 1111&. Wlaat w..W JOU It.ave led, and wliJ?-L. Grut, HoaoluJ11, HawaH A.-Over the years doubles of opposing contracts. where the defenders are clearly outgunned, have eome to mean different things.~he moat famous of these is he Lightner double of a am contract, developed by the late Teddy Lightner, which calls for an unusual lead. The double of a no trump c~ract by the hand not on lead aaka for the rollowing, in thia order: 1) If you and your partner have each bid a suit. lead your suit. 2) If one of you has bid a suit. and the other has not, .... , .. ,~ I) U Dlt& ... r Of JOU havt tNd 1 autt, leH a ault bid by du••1 • Uaually, you •hould lead u .. ault that ~ .. nrat bid by dummy, but aom .. time• you can ttll from your own hand that putner want. JOU to lead dummy'• eeeond ault If dummy haa bid twice. .. ') If no 1ult ha1 been bid. you ahould lead a 1hort ault. Partner'• double la probably b11td on a lonr •ult )Vlth an entry or two, and you 1hould try to hit hla auit. .,... MtdM 1'J ..... ld•f· and doub~m la &he other thrH .ult.a. Eatt Md ..ven heart.a IMaded b7 ~­ thf'l"t top hoilon. to he doUbl· td -conftdeat that, on tM auction, Im~..., .ad to tit ehort In hearu. Unfortunai. ly. Weet had a doubleton In each major, and •von aaddtr, he choae tQ lead a spade. At a reeult, declarer mado all 13 trick• lnttead of belna down three doubled! Q.1-Both vulnerable. .. South you hold: •Knl3 c;;iAs on2 •1H The bidding hu proceeded: North Ea.t S...t• 1 <:? z. 7 What action do you take? On the hand you submit, you opened the bidding with one diamond and partner doubled their three no trump. He 1hould have a reasonably high diamond honor and enough In their 1ult1 to auggeat that the op· Q.2-Aa South, vuJnerabJe, ponents will not be able to you hold: run nine tricks before your +AKQJ3 ~AK872 0 83 •1 aide regains the lead. The bidding has proceeded: Therefore, lead a diamond. South Weal Nertlt Ea1t Doubles after an auction I + 2 • Obie Pa11 that has been unreveallng 7 can sometimes lead to funny What action do you take? incidents, especially at dupli~te bridge. I recall Q.3-Neither vulnerable, as 1ome years ago at a tourna· South you hold: ment in Asbury Park, N.J. +105 ~A87 OA62 •AN53 the auction had gone: ) The bidding has proceeded: South )"et~ North Ea1t North East 8Hth WHt I NT PHs 3 NT Obie I + Pua Z • Pa11 PHI Pa11 Paas 2 + Pa11 2 NT Pa11 3 • Pa .. 7 North was looking for a What do you bid now? top score, and he had jumped to three no trump on· seven Look for answers on Monday. ~"9".'Tr~~l"Tl~lrr.,~r-r'~,...~~r:l *BARGAIN MATIN8ES • Mondar thru Saturday All PerformancH before 5:00 PM (hcepl Speclal Enp91111111t1 aftd Ho!Wtytl IA "-41.,.A.l>A M.A.11 Muooo ol to1ec1on1 LA MIRADA WALK ·IN •••·2400 "AN OFPICIHI AND A GIENTLmMAN'' 1111 ·---.-- "ANNIE" IN! ----·"- "POL TEROEl8T" <"°> ----- LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN "THE HIT LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS" "" ___ .,,.,_ "NIGHT IHIFT" 1111 _ ............. THE WORLD ACCORDtNiQAI TO GARP".., __ ,__ •oca1lty 01 Concllewood 211/111•9180 "YOUNG DOCTC>tt8 IN LOVE".., .-.---- .1.[0lll.1; IOI MIU -llJM\ •lW.l'O "ROCKY Ill~',~';:> .. STAR TREK ft: 1THEWRATH OF KHAN"poe 1lll 'lOllUI ll.t.Oll~\4' ro klllr It"' ll[Tll 111 IT l.U.\' IUN '°"' UTIMJ'& ·~-.......... ,,TllQ QlU) ........... ~ \T[\t: TOJCH ....... -· jOH\ 11\l\i, _,.,, t.wlll4 IOI HIU _. llOlf.IT l Clll'lfOID -.. • ~ IOI lllU Ellf! ~mm llT_ .......... T-• ___ ... ?_ -_. . -.:.I-~ ..... _:.lS....:.:.:::11 . ~..::ao .. ?IMM~'f 0 ,..... __ ?lll,_lttlll LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAIN IN "NIGHT SHIFT" 1111 ·----- " ... ___ _ ..... fll.1:Jl -W..S.. 7;l5 ............. IMPOflTAMT MOTICl! CMllORlM UWOlR IZ fRH! .., .. •-..... rll 1• • w.. s... llllAJI l:tt Clllf.fl IOOllO • 'IOUll ,.. CNI llo\DIO IS 'IOUll Sl'fMlll tF 1C1 Ml CNI IWIO lllllTM tGlflUI llCaSDl'I fOSll9I _....., ,.. '°'"*' l•M.I. QNf..fl lllWMG ..... Mall .tiNAMf'~ ANAHEIM ORIVf ·IN "CONAN TMl~IUN"1111 I ..,.... n.o•.,., .,...,._ ~l•t ""'A i A iJl BUENA PARK ORIVf IN --- M' ',..A 0 A,~ t. LINCOLN DRIVE-IN llftCOlll AH W•lll Of .... n 121-4070 I•' ....... FOUNTAIN VALLEY DRIVE IM "flOOK'f ill" CHI .... "CLA8" CW Titl TITANI" tN I °"" . " SOUllO ~:!!'""• ._., -.t WAY 'tOU CNr' ..... Clllt ,....., ~ ... tt.L\okA, .. ·., -.... ----..,,. MaT UT1U ~HOUU_.. ffllA8" 1111 "ALL NIGHT LOMG" 11•1 -Cl!! !I.~ --- "IW>Cll'f r .. 1 -"TimP".-. CINt fl MlUlll.• 1.T., TMI En"RA· ftMlll.,_AL • INI -'UAD .... DON'T WINI Pl.AID'" 1N1 "n.ll WOM.D ACCOM>IMO TOQAlllP"11•1 -"AftTINft" INI ".,.._ MIT UTTU WHOMHOU~"' TUU" (JI) •AU NtQNT LOHO"IWI "TM THING" 1111 -"llLAO« """"°" I'll ;:MA_., __ _._ "YOUNG DOCT=-"' LOVS"' fill -~"' Clllf " 10UllO - •. I R /\ N G L l h' .. I ' ~I r. -···~·:.: ··;. :.· :,~·=· 'id"" .. , .1l, w · :~I .· I ~I l 'f.11 od . If. 16 . .a '• 8 J q ., -. . J .. } j ., ... ~ I •• ~-' , I n t I j DOWNFALL -Faded movte atar pro\ree to be the downfall of a ICfteJ\ writer, portrayed by WU11am Holden, ln the Academy Award-winnlnl movie, "Swuet Boulev.,M" at 2 and 9 p.m. today on KTI'V (11). ~ Or. .Mt'/ CMMI. pt..._ .. tfle \.w-1lty "' Judlllm, L.A.; Rev. Moullgoor Feb D!onw· tlctl. p(teet .. 8t. Anthon(• Croetilin P.rWI. LA: ..... Anthony ~ St. Gre- gory Nazlannn Pariah, L.A.: Pa.tor John WOid. ITllHllc director of The Church on the Wf(t/, Van • Nuya. • TODAY'S lllACk WOMAN • l8TING TIME AT OAlVAltY • fMllENCI( K. PNQ! • IUCTNC OOMPAMY (R) • AMENCA: THI llQONDCINT\MY I THILAHAYU 1CNOW YOU9' lml.E INIAK "'IYllW HCNlt Leonetd Herrta loc*a •t the movt.a. ..,.aa end aporta -ta coming up on Home Box Otttce. (I) A MOVIE STAR'S DAUGKTl1' Frri ~ and Trtnl ~ ... In tNa atory "'•~Qilrtln•­actlool, who audffltty becom.a auper~ -'* her ~ find out her fat.her .. • mo..ta at#. DMOVE * * * "The Conoar1 For f<amCludlM" (1980) Paul MoCertMy, The Who. A hoat of rOdl petformel a. many of whom gtt t~ er In an .-..uir rOdl orchM1ra, -t.turect In thla rac«d of • --of ooncerta held '°' tfl9 .,.,. flt of,....., to..,~ c.mbodle. t:OOI NIWI t".CCJNlll,,.._ll_!llG~ NOPl.a7 Cll OML.1'11 •na-o.,41,.6 ~8TNETCR> I YOU NfO THE LAW rT•WNTTEN MOVE * * ~ ''The Olrta In The Offlca'' (1t7t) &.wt a.Int J-, ean-. Eden. An amtMlloua women ltopa • noctllng to oonnM '* "Y Into • poaftlon of pow In • fMhlol .... depettmant store. (ft)MOVE * * * "Cluh Of The ~ .. (1881) Harry Hllm- Un, LMNenca OIMer. Myth- ic NfO .,_ la l*P*d by .. tau. i.. In • --of~tMka .. he IMa to 'lltn Ille Nrld of • Pnoellk:MI• pt*- agelnt1 the wlatl9I of • vengeful -god<lfta. 'PO' a:aoe Cl) fli£2 THE NAT10H IGl.-TTHEPM81 NIWZOOMWE DAY 0.0 DllCOWRY THEWOAU>" TOfilOfWllW ·=THELAW ... ~ (l)MOYIE *•'A "For Yow £yea Ont(' ( 1881) Aoo-Moen. Topel ,,_ 8ond 1r8Cb • c:r1rMlal who puriolMd • lop ..,.. 8'tdlh ...,_ dMce. 'PO' (%)MOYIE *. "Md9y The 131tl, Pan II" (tttt) Alfrt S ..... Joftn fw9r. The ~ kllnga conttnue •t • """"* C*llP tMt hlld ~ a-cs down .,,. • --of ~ murdara OOCl.WT'ed IMr'9. 'A' -· NEW9MJ'ICW ONCM4PW ··Food ,._ J'rogr'MI" -~Cellaga. .MCMI ··~ "The Emnd eoy· (1N1) Jany Uiwla, Min OonleYy. An enand boy .-.lta IMl'loO ttwoughOut • mefOI' mooM Mudlo. I:=;:;:: ........ .., THEl.AWIWCW YOU NfO THE LAW ..__,,,. ·~°'"'"' ""'"* ••••• C8IT'a --. .. . ..,.,. ·~ "U!War n. Aalnllow'' (1'11) ~ c.-. CWrte Fw.. n. 1IO ........ wtlO-ln~-.. ... Of ...,,. Wlm'Ct Of OJ. .. twll e Caifornle tlOMI ¥ ldt d-•· 'PG' 10:IO ••••• ACE I MT8 °'" Al&A 0!0D9AN NIOflUTOO ~ Aencty ~.,,,..""'· ~u..w ..... • Cryatil, anllNll QPWt• I~~~ YOU NfO THI LAW TMtWBK• Mla-.U.. I AGNCULTUM u.a.A. 10:90 DOOGa .... GA.Ml 11l00 Cl) NA GOU' "Canedlan Open" Liw cowrage of the flnal round from the Olen Abbey Goll Club In Oakvtlla, Ontario . 8 ATOHE au.t: Diahann carra11. • MOYIE * * * ''A &.lrnmef ,.._ •• ( 11168) Troy DonaN». San- dra OM. • MA8TIJJ._,, .. lll'CW:E THIATM "Prtde And PrefUd'oe" AMhOugfi Bubattl toulld the~ of ... Dwc(• prOj)ON/ 1naun1ng. "'* lewna the !Nth about Wickham and grow• Mlwned of ,_ '°""*' blind pratudlce. (Part 4) (~ i~~~ THE PftAlflE (C)MOVIE • * .,. "The Gumbel! ""'" ty" (1878) Mldlael Sarr• zln. Tim Mcintire. A gum. ball mec:hlne la Ille grand prtu In a New Yotk-to-t.oa Ang14ea car l'90* wNcft brlnga .. aorta of Uttry character• onto the nation'• hlghwap and badl roeda. 'PG' (8) "-MHePt; WAI.&. STMPCMIH 1tQI Actual MWarMla help drwnatbla the atortaa of tow Mnl¥ora of the period 1o11ow1ng the Octobef, 1828, New York StOdl Elldlange c:rattl. (%)MOYIE ***~ "The lHt Tycoon" ( 1878) AoOert DaNlro, ~Mor-. In the Hollywood of the , 1830a. one man'a -,,,... him the fnand of ltMa. the .,II)' of PCIW• huflgry ~and ... moat ellglble '*'*°' In town. 'PO' 11:06. MIEMU. Loa AnoelM C>odgara •1 Attantaer- 11:.IO. 0 TH8 WEB< Wl'TM DAVID ....c.LEY G TEMYCOUS. Wt«TTN<ER • OAOWINO YEARS KTTV ( 11) 1:00. 1:00 -uaunaet .............. Olar1a lwlUlllDDt WWWn HOldla ... In o..r .. wtnnlnl movie MMilt ml Mina KU'W WM diWml of a ~-.. -~.Jett. KC&T <•> 8:00 -''COMt to co.t." LudoYtc x.&n.dy trava 1a1ne of the, moei tamoua r.ilway l1MI li\ the h1atory of America. KA.BC (T) 8:30 -•ion Ker Majesty'• 8ecftt Service .•• Jamee Bond take. a wife and almolt lOlel h1a life. Movie 1tara Oeorae Luenby, Dlana Ria. KNXT (2) 10:00 .-''Trapper John. M .D." A Sifted doctor and a couple of patient.I frustrate Trappet and etatf. ...cMlf ."'°'*7f~ (!)==W.8'.tNCH • * * "TM~ Cl.MaOy" (1 ... ) Alan Ladd, 9lltty Flald. &Med on the ,_... by f . Scott fltlgarald. A WMlttlV 18209 ~ deYOIM --to~ ~the women he io-. woe OUTDOOR UN Rodi aw Cot9Y w ... and Lefty l<Nfl ~ tor brown trout In~·· ~ CtMk; Tony At"411 and ~ let1lat1 hunt gr-In aoutllem Ver· mont. • CALWONM W!l!K .. MVllW .HUMAHn'W TMN>UQH,.. ART8 "Paint~ Thlnga W• Have P-.cl" Cl) WDIW OUTDOOMMAH (8) _.S NOeOOV'S M8Y "A HlatOty Of Amertcan Woman In The 20th Centu.- ry" Thia documentar'jl tr-the growth of wom- en'• rotaa In the llorne, at wOf1I and •t Pl«Y from the tum of the oantury to the ~t -fMturtng auch f-peBOllaltlaa -Mae Weat, 8lllrtlly T.,,., £JeMo( AooN¥elt and manymora. 4:008~ Scheduled: ~ of the~1~ mlddlawelght boul ~ Tony "EJ Tortto" Ayala and ~ £ppe (from Sal\ Anton6o. Tea.); -·· 8uM¥el of "'* Flneat Mrlal obatade courM (from ..... z.. land); "Y ... Aoo Tod-V" fMturea tfle opening °' ttle 1934 ~~In Bertin, I .• MCMI ••• "lwtlng" (1973) Elllott Gould, Robert Blalla. .MCMI ••• "TM Fl¥e Pwnnlaa" (1958) o.wiy ~ • ..,.,.. r•l!.*'Geddaa. . • WAU. tnm:f W&K "Badl From The 0-." OuMt: ~ Prioa. .. prelldant. Mutual -CorJl.(A) .HUMANna TIW>UQH'"' MT8 "sCulpture: Mirror Ot Man'•Belng" (I) ITMTMK CC>MOYll • • ... "The Glrta In The Office" (187t) ~ 8elnt Jam.. 8erberll Eden. An ambtOoua woman stopa at nothing to connlw her W1I)' Into a poaltlon of ~ In • lllllhlOnabla ~ ator9 .• (I) THI FOUC MUaeC M'lNON The l<lngaton Trio hoet a mutlcal apecial leaturtng Judy ~ The lln*- llera, Olen Yarbrough, Maty Trawra. John 8eb-. tllll'I, Tom Paxwn, The Brott.. Four end The Fnllgn Theatw. .MOYll ** "H~I" (1871) .i-Hampton, awtato- pr. Connally. Membera of the United 8tatea c.-ry ti')' to ad)umt to rtdlnO - ... lnaMad of horMa In "'* untamed,....._ T-ol lhe 1to0a.'O' c:aoeMCMI . ••"~OfTheS­ Corpeea" (1172) Feith ~. Jotln lrwtlnd. Wiier\ lllrnlMken ..nw .. • .....,., l'Mlllllon '° .tlOOC • lftCIOlte. the dwillo lno'• akllatw PHt la ,...,. • _1 __ .... ___ lll'OJllllllwmt •MVWWCllll • NUtMtGIW nw>U11H THaMTW .. ~ EllineMe Of ~" , . ..,.,. •• ''Alllurn To ~ County'' ( 1171) Nie* Nolte. Don Johnaon. -®MCMI ** ''eoe.I To Coelt" (1tl0) ~ C*Wloft. Rob- ert IMakt. A rllMWllY ~-·~ '"*'" llaUltng oatti. ~ '° .... beoolM .... ..,... Of • ... or.. oounltY ..... •flO' (ll)llCMm • * "King Of TM ....._ Min" (1ttt) IWTy HMlln. Joalpfl .,......, nw. rCK1nt L.A. MGMlon ................. ....... .,, ........... .... .. <I>.. ' ***" "Tiie La .. T')9Mll" (..,., """' ~.--...-... ... ............... ~---··­..._ ............ ...... ..., .. ,..... fllllllW I I &• .. .. . "'°":I'!'.' ...... "' .. r...-... a.. ............ .... Iii ell ---• .. mr ..... ..... . .... ~ "1""941 W• Del•111t .......,.. .... : ...... ................ =·· ,... ... ....... ,.! .......... ... = ... *** "How To Marry A Mllllonalte" ( 1853) l.Mwen Becell. M.ntyn Monroe. • M•A•a•H Tlfed of the GI diet of ._ and flltl, H.wkaye ~ to CNcego for an order of rib&. euovw * * "Gae Pump Olr1a" ( 1178) l<lreten Baker, Huntz Hall. • GMATMILWAY JOUNtrYI M THE WORLD • "CoMI To CoMt" ludcMc Kennedy trawta -of the moet r-"'-In American r.a hlatory In • lrtp from New Yorlc Ctty'a "*"' Station to Loe Ange. .... 1mpoa1ng Union si. tlon. • HOYA "Moving Sllll" The world of hlgt.-and ~ photography .. captlnd In thlll program wNdl tollowa the exe>«lmental work done In the llald and lta poe91bla appllcatlona. (RI ti> C.NEWS 0 THE M>CKFOAD Ala al.CHEWS CC> ...... OC>NCaT (D)MOVIE * • "Juat T.. Me wri.t You Went" (1878) Robert HegyM, U.. Hartman. A IO¥e-a1nldt c:ollaga drop- out ciomM to Hawaii lor • llielt and deQdea 10 at.y. 'PO' .MOVIE •.,. "Under The Rainbow" (1N1)CMYyChaM, Cenie Reher. The 150 tnidget• wtio are In town for the llltnlng of "The WlrMd Of Oz. .. tum • Callfoml• hotel e:aofS:~' A 17-V--old boy'a world la llhattared whaf'i he di .. covara hi• father I• Involved with another womllf\, I PAULHOGAH THI! Jl!FFER80H8 Cll8NIWI (8) 8NfN< PMVIEW Hoet Leonard HifTl9 loolla •• "'* movt.a. ~and apor1a _.. coming up '·if~~ A mratertoua-* of llr9a -·~offtr .. Jlghten to -.di lor ., eicplenlltlon Of the ...,. ~ PAUi.HOGAN Ii "°'* NfO AOll: THI AMT II YtAM "The ldola Of Aoc:k And Roll'' 8moMy Roblnaon IOok• ., tile hlatory of the t.n Idol from Elvia In the ·50a ttwougll the 8ritilh 1nwa1on of the ·eoa to the popular perlor!YMfa of today. . • MCefr(WMAN "The long Ohlldhood" Dr. "°"°"""I ,.... the VIII'• led l'ilatoty of man'• aooornpll•llmenta and • """ .... die ,......., and ... """'*' of manlellld'a MOant. • 1:.r•WDIN • * ~ "Tiie Oumtlell fW. ~· ( 11711 ...... ..,.,. .,. ...... A= .. ............ .. llffitlL In ..... YQrtl.tto-l.ol ,.,,..... -,.. ..... .............. ~ cl'iateetera onte tile natloft'a ~re and ._..,_..,"'°. QDlllCMI *. • "Cteltl Of The TillN" ,..., ltlrry ...... In;~--.~ 1owo,._ ....... !Ir .... ..... Z!lue In • ~-...-.... ............... of a ""° •allft ~ ................ °'. _....,_......_ ..... (ZMCMI ·~ "UftdlrTlle .........,. (1ttt)0..,0... °""' ....... .,,. , . ...-.. ..... "' ........ .. ...... 'm. .... Of Ol."Mft•~ ..... 1 18 fl "'.,.. Mt ..... _,... i MMICU•C. TMaATM "Pride And Pr~" EltDbelh \lllltAI p~ and meet• Mr. OarCl'f again: Illa bagllw to regret lost oppottunltlaa and .. dlalr~ by the -of l)'dl•'• alopernenl with Wlcld1am. (Part I) (A) Q (D)MOWE * "Tan.an, The Ape M1111" (1841) Richard Hama. Bo Derek. A young --en.. for her mlMlrlg father In the Alrlcarl jUngle wtler• ahe encountara an unc:Mllud white man and an orangutan. 'R' (l)MOV'IE **~ "Victory" (1881) S~er Stallone, Mlc:Nll Caine. Our1ng Wortd War 11. Allled POWa -!Mir tldlat lo tr-sc>m In a match between their llOCCef IMITI and the Ger· man Nation.I TMtn In Par- la. 'PO' •uov. ***"Eye Of The Hea- de" (1881) Oone6d Suthw· land, ~e Nllllgan. wtll6a on a rarnot• Scottlah la6arld to rr)M4 • Germen IUl>mar'lne. 1111 Axle' apy find• lhelter from the storm In the c:ott.oa of • married couple. 'R' l:*>n ONEDAYATA TIME Grandma Romano lllld Grandma Cooper Yla tor Bertlenl'a affection&. (A) •O MOYIE ***"'"On Her MajMty'a Secret Servloa" (18") George l.azenbv. Diana Rigg. G THEWOALD TOMOMOW • 9"AAK ATTACK t:OO 9 Cll ALICE D8MOWE "ComputerckM" (Prem- iere) Susan George, O.Yld Huddlaalon. • WllD 1UNOOOM "World Of The Black· Maned Uon" ~ Per· 111na tr...,. to Rhodtala. Africa lo tna6te a ben-. vloral study of the bleclc· maned Non. (R) DOR.CHO • LOW. AMERICAN STYLE 19 MASI EHPIEICE ll4EATAE "Pride And Pr•fudloa" Elizabeth Ylalt• Pembel1*y and mHla Mr. Darcy agWi; ehe 1>eg1rw 10 regret io.t opponunltlaa and .. dlatr...ad by the -of lydl•'• ~· with Wlcllham. (Part 5) (R) n • MYSTERY . ..,. ··Malle• Atoretllougllt'' An"Mlad and bfougflt to trial tor Ille murder of hie wife. Dr. Blddalgfl f9n'Mllna ealmty con~lhal - Scotland Yard can't prCMt 1U cue agalnat 11111'1. (Part ~~ **"' "A Global Atlalt" ( 18&4) Bob Hope, lHo Pulver. A baby, found by a bactia1or In IN lobby of the United Natlona. la clalmad by .. the tnetnber nations. (ft)MOYIE •"Tarzan. The Ape Man" (1881) RldWd Herrta. Bo Darell. (%)MOYIE * * ··FrtcSay The 13th, Part 11" (1881) Atn'f Stell, John ~-The gtlaly kllllnga continue at • aummer oernp that tied tie.\ cloMd down alter • --of blDrra munMr9 oocurT*d "*-·'A' ..... Cll Tltl JEfffMON8 • wOiLDOF • IUfWIYA&. ' I .JAO< V/IM ..... . 10:00 r TMPPl!ft JOt4N, M.D. Tr..-. OoNo. StanNIV Ind J-.,ot -fnlatrated by • C11ftN doc1or end • --ol~(A) ...... lHI WON>'°" '°°"y • lHIHINIT.wM ""'1\.1 M ........... ofN """"°' .. 1(-.np'• Ncl9r -..... end ........ llonef .,,. fo -" "°"' ~-.. -· ... ............ "Pnaonwl Of .... awt.- tlM ,....,,.. ,.. .... to • WOlkltlt ........ Dial'• ..,. (ll'wt to)~ c (II) lllCMI • • *. "Nrp1911a4" (1MO) "°'*' ...... Julia .....,. '1· Cl)MCMI ~ *... ''Nltlltllewlta" ,.,,~ ...... .. -.,. .... .... """'°" ......... ..................... Clft9 fl .. aortd'I .,._ ~Niii lt,,erltte r.:.·•·* .................... .,. ._... ..... .. lt&tlaet'll .... .. _., ......... ..... .......... ._ ... -·=-: ........ Olita ...... ~. .._.c.,.-. --..,,.,... .. ....................... ''"'"' "" .......... .................... (!:;::'"' ***~ "The i.:a.1 ,_... .. (1t7t) ...... o.Hlro,.-.. ....... IM HolrwOod of IM 1 ... --··--..... """'""' ...... "' ewa. tn. *'WI of Pl!llW· hunerY-'-IWI. Md .. "*' ...... becNlor Ill town.'l'O' 10'M. IUNDAY~ , .. 11·1u.:= "Muak Owtn At ~ .. I.Ill'"-oacMut• huge .., INMk oicen and tr.,,.._ "*" to Wrenoet lillend, u.a.1.1t. (It) .OURPOMOTTBe 'Alll..Y Hoatt.: Diiie Ev.., 81811 MOOI~. 0ueata: ... Douglea, WIMam ~. • caroi ~~W!U NATIONA&. UM/IM LUOU1E COtl l!l EU C.0-age of John Jacob'• keynote eddr-lndudaa commentary on ,ll:a lmpect by Mark Glbaon and Delor• Handy. (8)MOV'IE ··~ "Vlclor(' (1911) S~ter Stallone, Mtd'8ll Caine. Our1ng World W• II, Allled POWa -their tlc:llet IQ. freedom If! a match t>atwean their aoccar tMm and the 0.- tnan Nallonal TMln In Pflf· la.'PO' 11:181 C88NEWS 11:30 8PORT6 FINA!. PACEATTEAa OHIWS TALDMTHI UNECPfCTED ''The Boy Who Talked Wltti Anlmala'' A young boy'a Int-lntareat In anim-. C11UaM • few ralaed e)'la- browa. Cl) WEBCENO 8PORT'I ~ 8MOYIE * • ~ "Another Man, Anolhw Chenoa'' ( 1817) J-Caan. ~ Bujt>ld. cmuow • * "Panlt .. tlary'' ( 1980) Leon l•••c Kennedy, T"°"""y Pollwd. A YCIW'CI blec:« -hltl boxing ... 10 aurvtve In prtaon. 'A' .MOVIE **~"Happy Birthday To Me·· (1NO) Mallau Sue Anderaon, GlaM Ford. 11:48. ,.. AOa<.FON> rMOVIE· * *"' ··Another Man, AnoUler Chenoa'• ( 1877) J-c.an. ~ Bulold. (I) LAD1E8 NIGHT OUT 8TAANHO PUDClY1 Comedienne Pudgy '-ta .,, alMnala atrlp lflOW "' • MnNtlonal evening of entertainment lfom Chip-penc1••• nlghlclub "' Loe Angela&. 12'001100 CW8 A8CNEWI Ml88IOM: IUP088l8lE • MOYE .. * * ·w•• Of TM OMcSe ( 1833) John Waynia, Gabby Hayes. Cl) 8TAA TASC Ouow * *. "The BrotherN>od" ( 1888) Kirt! DouolM, Aiex C«d. . 12:11. MOVIE * • "Roll. Freddy, Ror (1874) Tim Conway, Jen Muney. 11-.21 CC) MOVIE **~ "Boulavvd Hight•" (1878) R!cflard Y~ Danny 0. LA Paz. A Chica- no y<>Ylll u~11pectadty ,.,... agalN1 the atancs- ard• and tradlllona of .. neighborhood gang In order 10 lulflll 111a own dellre' 10 get tMn1ed Ind help hie trou~ ~brother avoid .... dell ruction. 'R' t2:al (%)MOYIE * * "Outrageoual'' ( 1817) Craig Au1aell. Hollla Mc:laren. A goocl-natunld "9rdr-. who ~ light• u 11(1 11npei-•or of female celebrlt .... INw•an~tand• platonlc: relallonlHp .... ~young-.. an. 'A' 11:..ee NA-..M~~ Glenn How9rd ....,. Imo • wortd of rnyatlca wMl'I ... Mtaoutto-the~· CUtnltarl09I ..-roundlnq • ~ girt'• aulolde. 1:00 cm:::::.. flC9fa * • "Only Mien I IAulll'' (1H1) Maraha Maaon, Kflatr McHICtlot. A .._ Yortt act,_ returna """" • drying-out dlnlc .....,. mined to,.,_,_~, her~....,,. wrigtll end her .....ao.-wlth her 17-reat·9'd -..1.er.'A' (l)MCMI ••i.t ''leftllY (1M0) ...,, tin Mull, ~ Wekt. ,. fl~ marrled .. .. Courl'Y 00\ipla .. ..... by !Mir tNndy ~ Into apcwtng .....,....,. ...... A' 1•1= ... * "ltanlne ~· ~~"1i ..... ........ llna....., ....... band 1Nt ~ ...... I aatu•111,.. .,... _.,.. tiiet. A'r ONI ' ........... GM!ln. 1111•M0-11•~~ ... 1nilit = c:.eu:.= ....... --lllillea ....... .. __ _ .... ....... ................ 11111!1 ... r .... • oods to ,,~ POaT or wn YORK -H.-., Hudeoa. U.e e~r. o,.eed hli u111111ll••• to world .... WW. he twapped .... ihl~ ....... Wt\b the lnilaiil b ~ oylWs. .. that drDe,.1808, It .. ..lei that ... tblld ot UlYUl.lria that SVl:Jl urt• tn Am9dca tindtd ta N1W York: Tha& lndudel the animate: Lord Comwallla and Andrew Carne1l• and your AmmAarant lnrid,_,..ntl and the !chapn beeile, a ttowaway from Inclla. And U. lnanlmata: Italian cookln' and Saudi oil ind Bubridoi rum and Hoq Kcca JMN and four-wheeled Jipaneee beetlel and CoJcm~ coffee. Same for exporta: one-third. Only I.Mt year, mainly becawie of what, did New Orleant break New York's monopoly aa the natlon't preiniei IMP.Ort.. 1 The harbor is an artery, a coronary artery, through which a conauming nation consumes and a selling nation aella. lt'a hard to imagine an American life lta trade does not touch. Seventy-five percent of Imported oil Janda .here at 34 tenninala, for lnatance. .. Am--la • ........ IQI JoU l'alftll ~ .. ~ ......... ........... u ....... wM4t. bait ou• oorw•tlou WMiW haW • CIU& ~ ..... totally de~ade•t 011 many ~·· ;n~rtel1-#::r latl from Mn to 371 ,..... from Am'hw_ Dlnaw1i; ID. of CIOUIW, ZllmbU'. One such ahlp .. BMba' Priam, a T&O·foot ware'hOUH·pra1• with a h!lhway nmp ~ off the •tern. She'• called a "ro-ro," a klnder1arten d..apation mMnlna CU'IO rolll on and rolll off tne ramp by truck. She'• owned by Norw~ Swedee and Brltona. Koreans built her. Americana ~ for her frelaht. Encliahmen' ..n her. Intematlon&l trade la just that: International · Yet the harbor ahe la ..run, into la an artery clo11ed by neltlect, mlamanacement, labor ·atilfe, crime and blithering government vaaarlea. The flnt view ta of decay. Piers rot. Railroad• are in wheelchairs. Abandoned lighten molder on Staten laland mudbanka, homes for eela. ' one AaMHoa·· ......... •ariM ..... llbolhorn In ........ ,_.:..._ ~ ,... IM at nat u a lawyer'• brteftue. ... JtO. t;·~~lt 11 IUh Wltb eomoam. do no~ but fix but 1.4 percent ol the world't broien 'l>oxH. There are km •• ref rl1eHted box•• for N•w Yet, vital 1lp1 rematn,. A Z.tlanCI meat, tank bnee for NYOludon helped.· lt came ln a Scotl$ tildl. bmc. No one \btna McLiian II rDld n.. box, or conta&ner, wu the any more. bira1nchild of a tr'\.ldc.M-, Maloolm The chu\MI la another _... MeLMn, who wu li1aDlnd 28 Eich ,. &be Corps of ln&tneen ~.·· • to Clarey tnlGi, tNii.n dreda9110 m01ion cubk yards of on the UDiiiied d9di8 Of t.lnken. 100 and an occa1lonal Som• thouaht him mad. He Revolutionary cannon ball bun ree~: Utt ott the box, put it the harbor, enou1h for a back on wheel• and drfve lt wheelbarrow full for everyone 1n away. the ll'Wtropolitan area. Tht box tu.med tidal marsh In .. Scarcely are Bart».r Prlam'1 Elbabe\b and Newark. N.J., Into lln• uhore than towerln1t $4 ::r~Ji ~~f'N~ million CIW9 be8ln hcUt1na her York'• commerce. Manhattan, deck boxee. TrucU and forkllttl wlth outmoded piers and no bwTow lnto her holds. She will room fOI' ~.ooo trucks• day, died. be ro-roed In 18 houn and on her Slnce a container ah1p CAJJ be way to the Red Sea. Time ta unloaded in hours lnatead of money. w • e k 1, there are 9 , 0 0 0 One hundred feet above the lonphoremen where once there tumult la Tony Cace In the cab of were s~.000. They don't pilfer hi• crane. Eighteen yean a because you can't stuff a truck loaohoreman, he could paa a trailer In your pocket. 40-foot container through the eye Computers track where In the of • needle. and can unload ln world millions of boxes are.' three mlnuf.es via box wruat a Speciallats drum up· cargo 10 · ~·man gang ueed. to take a half boxes don't sail half empty. hour to do with cargo allnga. . RO·RO YOUR BOAT -The Barber Priam, loading at Uf-. Port of"New York, 11 a "ro-ro." Cargo, packed in containe!W, ~ ·rolled on and rolled off. Unloading.Jl ahip with cargo~ and plenty of muscle is a thing of the past. ~ Ptennoue WM Ptennoue WM Ptcmnoue .,.. .. MAm STATBmMT MAm 8TA~ MAim ITA~ The foffowfng ~ le doing The. following penon 11 detng The ~ per-. -dolllQ ~ -~Ml buall'9ee -COMPUTER TEACHER, S105 KENT MANAGIMENT LEISURE MARKETING Harbor Blvd., Coste MeH, CA COMPA!h', 17 Roctcy Knoll, !MM. INTERNATIONAL, 22974 El Toro ~ ~W~ ~El~CA~ GARY OAVID FLANZER, 10 l'AANK J. FISH!fl, 17 Rocky LAURENCE Al'HHONY de Cherry H• Lane. Newpor1 e..cn, Knoll. Irvine, CA 92118. COSTA, JR., 24942 Dove TrH CA 9Heo. Thie ~ .. conduc1ecl by an Lane. El Toto, CA 92930. Mailer tells ~f being out of step with '70s in book • • } { ' I ~ Thia bue1neM le oonduc:tecl by an lndtvlduel. GERDA de COSTA, 2042 lndMduel Frank J. Altier ~ T,_ lane. El TOl'O, CA '2930. . 0"1 David F1ennr Thie ......,_.t -flled with the WALLACE SUMNER, 10001 Thie etetemen1 -fled with the ~ a.tc of Oranoe County on Wtllppoonrlll Avenve, Fountain ~~of Onlnge County on Jultt • lM2. , ....... v~l~~~~·MNER, 10001 ' ''IMm Publlahed Orange Cout Delly Whlppoorwlll Avenue. Fountain Publllhed Orange Cout Dally Piiot. Aug. 1. I, 15, 22, 1982 Valley, CA 92708. ftllo1, Avg. 1, I. 15, 22, 1982 33""82 Thie ~ le c:onduciecl by • a34M2 OfMl'al pettnenhtp. •-.,. Mil~ L.A. da co.ta. Jr. '111711 Publlahed Orange CoHt Oalty Piiot.Aug. 1,8, 15,22, 1982 3437-82 Ml.IC fl)T1C£ r-.n. nu1-. Thie NI.,.,. wae ftlecl with the IEllH llmcll P1Cnnou9 .,11 .. , County a.tc of Or-nae County on ~~ .... .._ -·-J4itt 2fl. 1M2. ---1 -.... • _,,.. • r - , The lollowlno pereon 11 doing The IOllowtng pereon I• dOlng Publllhed Orange Cout Dally ~ ae: ----------~. ~ITES OF AMERICA. PMol, Aug. 1• I, 15• 22• lM2 2 atrt!.~~1. =· =.1~9th SCRIPTER «3-8 ~lllon St., Coeta Meu, 3440-9 JAMES & JANZ CHUNG, 8721 PIECES AND POr(l'IFICATIONS. By Norman Mailer. Little, Brown. 192 Pages. $20. · He has his detractors, but no one will dispute that Norman Mailer la a major literary.figure of our times, and aa such, what be aaya or writes ls of Interest to many. "Piece• and Pontifications," consisting of 12 articles by Mailez: DAVID B cm""""'° a CA 92827. Nor1no Offle. Huntington llMch. CA ' ~1-U' "'"'"""' KENJI BUNASAWA, 439 "8JC M)TIC[ 92847 tJd realdent of Huntington Hemllton St., Coate M•H. CA ----------· J-Chung 8001 lfVlfW Beach, Ca. Pu.eel away on 02827. ACTI110U8 Wll Thie etat-t wM 111ec1 with the July 29, 1982. He ia IW'Vived Thie~ 18 oonduc:ted by an NAm STATDmfT Coun1Y C1ertt of Orenge County on by his wife Arlyne daught.et lndMdual. -The lotlowlno pereon I• doing July 16, 1ee2. El a in e Z em It~ and 3 Thie~= w11t1 the ~ ~EVEL STUDIO, tH t Publl•hed orange Coe:.'= aa well u 20 interviews of him 1randchildren, Chuck, ~ ei.tc of Onlnge County on F1.allerton Avenue. No. 4, Coste Plot. July 11. 25, Aug. 1.1. 1M2. by journalist&, academicians and =:i;e ~Y.;Jr:,: Jultt • 1912· ,..,. ~~DREW LUP. 1981 3227-82 othen, is, in that sense, a .__,.. ..._ .. _ .._ .. __ 2· Publllhed Or•no• Cout Delly Fullerton Avenue, No. 4, Co•t• PtaJC ll>JICE • welcome addition to one's ,....,.. on _....,,.y, ·--· • Piiot, Aug. 1, I, 15, 22. 11182 ...... CA 92927. -----,_,......,..,.......~-1982 at 2: 0 0 PM at the • a.401.e2 Thie bulllnMI " ~ad by en IUNJllOR COUllT OI' TM bookshelf. Harbor Lawn Memorial "8JC NOTICE lndWldl.lal. ITA'n OP~'°" Moat of the contents were Chapel with entombment Ronald A. Lvp wtth the THE ~=--OIWIGm written or spoken in the last aervicea immediately ~.... ~·g:i::r=.flledCountyon ORDDTOeMOWCW decade, a decade in which Mailer following. Services under ~o1ro!1ng .-.on 11 doing oM1 2'. 1982. '°" ~ OI' um aaya he waa "much out of step." the direction of Harbor ... _.___. '1Mt11 lnlNMetteroflMAo&llc:donof R gt g in sUbJ"ecta from Lawn -MOU n t 0 Jive -DiAMOND STAINED OLAH Publletled Orange Coeet O•lly JOHH FREDE.RIQ( ~-an n Mortuary of Coeta Mesa. STUDIO. 414 w. Rowtend Ave., Plot. Aug. 1 .•. 15. 22, 1"!~ ... •2 FR~ ":E~ ,,c:.: mani.a&e to literary status, they Senta Me. CA 112101. _... fled wllh IN o1e111of 11111 court'°' show, the author 1aya, "my M0-5554~ KRYSTYNA DURIAN, 20151 en order changing Petitioner'• well-ahocked despair ol the SUSANNE WIMPRESS, ~~ Huntington Beedl, CA PtaJC NOTICE name from JOHN FAED!RICK Seventies." former resident of San Thie~ le conduc1ed by en ~=:.,u ~~:~.to JOHN FREDERICK A.. one browaes through, one Marino, Ca. Beloved wife of lndMdllel. Kryetyne Ounan The following ~ -dOlng IT IS HEREBY OAO£AED 1Mt.. ootea with dellgbt that Mailer is a keen social and literary critic as well aa an outstanding novelist . With a piece entitled "Narcissism," for example, he neatly bores into the very core of Henry Miller as no one has done before. · Mailer seems to feel a little apologetic about presenting a body of interviews between the hardcovers. "They were," be writes on the preface, "part of the philoephy I promised myself to fashion and never did, never by formal means, and as the decades go by, and I come to recognize that. I, too, can grow old, and never write all of what I thought I would, 10, in reatgnation, I consign large parts of what I know to conversation." Thia doesn't mean, of courae, that Mailer -who bunt upon the world more than three decades ago with "The Naked and the Dead," and who recently won 4l Pulitzer Prize for "The Executioner's Song'' -will not do any more major works. Judging from the interviews, he has apparently been working on a aupernovel, some kind of trilogy. STILL WRITING -Norman Mailer is believed to b• working on a supernovel, some sort of trilogy, but the acclaimed author has give!) few details. R. Norman Wim,1>re11 of Thie .......... -..., with the ~~GY MAINTENANCE =-~"'.•::..do!.t~ti! Huntlnfton Harbour, ~ C1er11 of Onlnge Cowlt)' on COMPANY, 18871 Beach Blvd .. 1. 1082. In th• eou1room of mother o Pamela MJichell oM1 · • 11182. eun. 100. Huntington 8eeoh. CA [)ec)ertmen1 3, 10:30 a.m., to .._ of Irvington, New York, P1Mm 92647. ceuH why thl• eppllcetlon for Cecily Farquhar of San Publllhed Orange Cout Dally RON E. LUCERO. 1121 Fry change of name •hovld not be Cl te ,.._ D •-'--....1 N Plot, Aug. 1, a, 15, 22, 1982 Clrcl•. Huntington BHch, CA granted. emen • ~ .• ~" . 3381-82 02tM& IT 18 FURTHER OAOEAED thet e 01' Man River's story told . "f . . f Wimpr~. Jr. of Houaton, PtaJC fl)TIC[ JOHN R. BLAIR, 4901 Hell oopy of lNll order lo etlOW ~be Texas, alao survived by 1 Ave., Huntlng1on 8-:tl, CA 02849. publlahed once • week tor four brother B. Arnold Otis of AC rmoue .,_.. Thie bu*-" conduc1ecl by • ~..-.""°'to file d4'Y of Pebble Beach, Ca. and 4 MAm STA,...., oener8I ~. alll6 '-'"Cl In 1'tl9 Daly Plot,• 1randchlldren. Funeral ~=wing person 1' doing Thie ~t~~ with the :S-e.-'h''C:::.~1on aervlcea will be held on GENUINE JEAN COMPANY, Cowlty Clettc oC Onlnge County on DATED: .Mt 19, 1182 Monday, August 2, 1982 at 2428 Newport BM!.,~ I. Coeta J4lt'f 14, 1912. ClAOOE M. OWENS. 2:00PM at St. Jamea Mw.CAHG7. ,,_ !=~-Epl1eopal Church, South RAY PIERCE. 243 1 Orange Publllhed Orange Cout Delly "' v .. l>uadena, Ca. Private A~~~~byen PllOl,Julyll,25·Auo-1·8•1*· Publl~•~Coe1t Dally Interment. In lieu of flowen lndlvlOu.i. •-.,. MftnM' Piiot. Jli'f 25, Avg. 1. a, 15, 1982 donaUona to Scrippe College, R. Pierce r~ nu1-. 3345-82 Claremont, ·ca. Turner & Thie et•t-t -111ec1 wttti the STAT'llmJn' OP MA.ar••NT Stevena. Alhambra dlrectora Cowity c._. of ar.,. County on °' _. °' Pt8JC fl>TICE • July 29, 1982. , F*'1t PICTmOU8 MIH•ll MAim :,;;====:::;;;;:::;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;~ Publlahecl Orange Cout Delly Th• followlng person• have Plot. Aug. 1. e. 15. 22. 11112 ==~~of tt1e flctttkMa ,_CIUOTMHS l&L•OADWAY MOtl'TUilY 110 Broadway Cotta Mesa 6'2-9150 IA&.Tl IHG>BOM SMITH & TVTMtU. WISTCLW CHAPR 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 846-9371 ,_Cl.OTHIH SMllHS' MOUUA&Y 627 Main St. ttJntington Beach 53&-E639 PACIFIC YllW ~, ... CenJa*Y Mortuary • Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pacific View Ot'1wt Newport Beach 644-2700 MICOlb«JI MOnvARIH Laguna Beach 4M-9415 L'1~1a s.n JUM Caplatrano 495--1ne 1--------So404-82--HUNTS Gl.A88 & MIAAOR. 83t NI.JC M)TIC[ :=1"°· Coeta Mw, calfomla Ftc:Tn'IOUI Wll Th• FkltltlOUI Bueln•H Nam• NAm ITATDm:WT referred 10 above wH flled In The following ~ " dolllO OrMDe County on Auouet 24, 1081. ~ ee; ~llll•m Ii. Diamond, 15111 SOUTH COAST WINDOW &t#boerd, Garden 0to¥e. Cllllfonle FASHIONS, 1904 Haven Piece, ~ N9wpor18eeoh.CA9289S. Rutll I . Diamond, 1581 JOHN R. Md<ION, 1904.._ Starboard , Garden Grove. "'-. Newport Beed!. CA t28e3. Celfomle 112643 Thie bl'*-II oondllCtied by en Thia~ .. oondueted bye ~ gener8I 1*1••lhlp. Jom A. Mcf(eon Aulfl £. Diamond Thie etaMrnanl -lied wttl't the Thll etatarnen1 -ftlaCI w1Ui. 1M an of Orenge Covnty on CovnlY a.ti of Orange Coulftt on July 14, 1982. July ~. 1982. ,,.... ·--Publlehed Orange COHt Delly Publl•hed Orange Cout Delly Piiot. Juttt 11. 25, AUG-1, a. 11182. Plot, Jdt za, Auo-1. a. 1s, 1082 3182-412 a20l-a2 ACTmOUI .,._ .. NAmSTAftmWT Tiie lollowlng per.on I• doing ~..: CONSOLIDATED LIGHTING, 208'A Colline, Ba1boe lelend, CA t2M2. MARC D. SLOTI, 20e'A Colline, Belboe laland, CA 92M2. Thia buelneN le ccnduatecl by an lndMdual. Marc D. 8lot1 Thie ~t WM lllecl wlttl the County Ci.tc of Orenge County on J4itt 14, 1982. F1mll Publletted Orange Cout Deity Plot. July 19, 2&, Aug. 1, •. 1982 31113-C MIGHTY MISSISSIPPI. By Marquis Childs. Ticknor & Fields. 204 Pages. $12.95. Marquis Childs began this "biography of a river" in 1932 when he was 29. But he put it away to enter on a long and distinguished career in journalism whi c h was highlighted in 1969 when he won a Pull tzer Prix.e. Now, Childs bas finished the manuacrlpt he set aside so long ago and the reader is the richer for it. For "Mifhty Mississippi" is both in ormatlve a nd This week's top country, pop records • Beat 1elllng country-Western record• of the week based on Cuhbox magazine'• nationwide survey: 1. "'Tll You're Gone," .Barbara Mandrell '2. "Take Me Down," Alabama 3 ... I Don't Care," Ricky Skaggs . 4 . "Are the Good Times Really Over,'' Merle ~ 6. "Honky Tonkin', Hank WUllama Jr. 6. "Bom to Run," Emmylou Han1a 7. "Heartbreak Expreaa," Dolly Parton 8. "When You Fall In Love,'• Johnny Lee . 8. "I Juat Cut Myself," Roo.n1e McDowell 10. "Nobody,". Sy1vla Beat selling record• of the week baaed on Caahbox MaPJ:lne'• nationwide survey: l. "Hurta So Good," John ~ .. Eye of the Tiger," Survtvor 3 ... Don•t You Want Me.:• Human~ 4. "Rotsinm." Toto &. "Hold -".J'leetwaod M8C I; "~i • .... A Lltde Bit Harcl ..... " Aiat N.wtaa 7. ·~'I.Ow." Soft c..u 8. AlneWhtn;" Swve MIDlr. 9. "Only the ., ... The ..... . 10; ~ .ad I~:· Paw ~ ente rtaining reading, and it contains within its pages just about everything the layman might want to know about the great river that baa figured In almost every phase of American life. Childs, born in Iowa on the banks of the Mississippi, begins his informal biography at the beginning -with the European exploration of America. The S paniah e xplorers apparently came upon the great river first but did little about their diacovery. Then came the FrencK, and they did. especially the fur traders. The~ert quickly followed by the but the river came into tta own a great aorta of commerce the Americans. Childs ls at his beat as ht desc ribes the effort~ of~th Americans to tame a nver won't be tamed. Hla aneccJ about the men who worked river· and, In some cues, fortunes from it are alwa revealing, sometimes am~. ~'fto_J APBoobFAJ~ Fonda still tops with 'Workout' I ' ( i 11 I j I I I ~r=r-Tl'll fOll~ PtrMn 11 doing bUltl*l 111 POMONA AUTO IOOV, , ... ~A~. Ooet• ~CA .1081!' Dominguez, 11 tH ludlltl A--, Fountain V~. CA n10a. TNI bU11r1111 11 oonclUoted by 111 lndMIML Jolt' == ~=i:·c:.~: -Mt • 1182. '"'* ltvbllthtd Orantt Coall Diiiy ..... .,..., 1t. 215, Aug. t, •• 19'2 • 314t-82' MUC flOTIC( PICmlOUIWN MAim ITA,,_..., Ttlt '1Gllowtng P9fl0n 11 doing bu111'911 at: C•) SUN COAST SEAL (bl s.c.a .. 1835 Whltu.r A*-. A-10, Coe1a ~ C8lfomla 112927 Frtdel1dc E. Tullptr, 7 l<Ml.ill COUrt, N9wport BMctt, Clllllomlt t2t83 Thia bu8lntM .. conducted by Ill lndMdoal.. Fredtt1ctc E. TuNper Thl9 1tal11M"I -filed wllh lhl · Countv C1tttt ol Orange County on .My R3. 1t82. I • ,,..., Publl•htd Orang• CoHt Dally Plot, July :ZS, Aug. 1. 8, 15, 1N2 . 3M4-82 NI.IC NOTlCE f11Cm1CIUI WU U..ITA.,._..., The lollclWlg penon8 -doing bu111'911 • ( t) TREASURE HUNTERS. L TO. (2) TREASURE 11, L TO. (31 TREA8UAE 8ALVOA8, LTD. -82-1 (4) 8AH JOIE, LTD. (5) VEN CAP, L to., 4tf7 MaeArthur 8MI.. 4th Floor, ~ ~. Celllornl• fiUt J .C . PATTERSON & A880CIATE8, INOOAPORATEO, • Calllornl• corporation, 411117 w.cMtu llMf .• 4th Floor, N9wpof1 a.di, Clllfornl9 ~ T1* ._.._. 18 conduc1ed by • llrnlttd S*ll•8hlp. J. C. PAfTERSON & ASSOC .. INC. J. 0 . Patterlon aMllnnan ol th8 Bowel . Thl8 ltat411Mnt ... flled wllh the Cowlty Cler1l ol Or911ge County on Jutt ~. 1982. . . , ....... Publl1hed Or•nga CoHt O•llY PllOt, Jvlly 25, Aug. 1, 8, 15, 1982 3311.a2 ncnnouawN ..,.._ STA.,.....,. The followlng peraon 11 doing ~-IMPACT MEDIA, 10182 V*'t Forge, Hunllngtori Beech, CA 826441. HOWARD L WANOREY JR , 10192 Veney Forge, Huntington Beach, CA 020411. Thia 00.W-.. conduettd by "' lndMdu81. Howwd L. Wandrey Jr. Thie 11•1ement -Ill«! wl1h the County Clertl ol Orwige County on Jvty 18. 1882. . ,.,.,. Publl1hed Orenge COHI Delly Plot, July ta, 2s. Aug 1. a. 1te2 3232·82 ACtmOUaWN MAm ITAra.NT The lollowlng pereon 11 doing ~ .. : .JR'S USED CARS, 4222'~ Campue Or!Ye, Newport Beech, CA 82te0. JOSEPH YURKA, 21281 Sanddollu Line, Huntington BMCh, CA 8211-411. Thia bu.I..-.. condocled by '" lndMdull. JoMph Yunce Thl8 ... ,.,.,,, -ftled with ,,.. County Clertt ol Orenge County on Jvlly 14, 1982. ,, .. Publllhad Oreng• CoHI Dilly PMot, Ju>t 18, 25. Aug. 1. 11, 1882 3,711-82 "8JC NOTICE ..... l'ICTIT10U9 ....... ..,._ &TAlum:NT The lcllowlrlg penon8 ... doing ~-JANES VICTORIA STREET DEVELOPMENT, 211150 Alrw•y Avenue, D·9. Coil• MeH. CA 9212$. M. 0 . JANES CO., INC .. I Cellfoml9 ootpOr81IOn, 2950 Nr#r; A--.ue, 08, Coeta .,._,CA 11~. Thia bulirllM 18 conouctad by I lmltad PllrfMnlhlp. M. O. ,,.,_ Co .. Inc. Mlc:Mll D. JenM Pr881dent Thia 11•t.menl -!lied with the County Cler1! ol Or911ge County on Jvlly 12, 11182. . '1tll117 Publl1had Orange Co111 Dilly , Piiot, July 111, 25, Aug. 1, S. 1882. 3250-82 D. A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • The waarketplace on the Orange Cocut ... 642-S618 • d ,_..., .. c.. ..... ......... ...._ '-•"-...._._ s....,a. .. n-...... SEIYICES ''$211 • l![US'' ................... All,.., ...... ~tied In 11111 new1p1per I• ~::l~t~ ~~= l!XCLUllVltV POR =~r=: REAL EST.A~E "1"0" bued on r•c•. PROFESSION'&'L.8 oolor, rellglon. H • or ft n1llon11 origin.,. or 1ny REALTORS lnlenuon lo mike eny IUCh P~. Nmlta• a :::=·::·~ -BROKERS knowln~ly 1cc1pt 1ny ii r.:".:;.o1.'r~ :t:; ASSOC IA TES ·-°' tllt '"'· ;1--iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii M A K I ·M G A : 1111111 Advertl· CHANGE? : sere ahould check : their ad1 dally and Before you do, STOP-explore our -report errora Im-career beneflta and BRANO NEW LOW -mediately. The COST 100'/t COMMISSION CONCEPT. si• DAILY PILOT 81· THE 5 1ume1 llablllty for ''$250 PLUS PLAN" the first Incorrect :5 Insertion only. F I n e 1 t q u a 11 t y o c e an v I e w • : sultea-prlvate and semi-private at "" NEW, LOW AFFORDABLE PRICES! =!'!'.!!.'!!.le! ••••••• Exclusively at our Faahlon Island : ,...,al 1111 location. Call Bob Licata today. i5 ·······Loos······· 759-1221 ::: II IEFAILT 1~ Corporate Plaza, No. 100, NB ::: And mu1t "" nowl Light •• and airy 3 Sdrm home. .w EoJoy the ocean bfMll. R&f Mfti)< of Newport Beach : Bike to the bNCh from 11111 Marin• Hlghlandt home. Prlc9d to Mii at . 546-2313 i1~1!'~jl=~l=~\::~ .. ;·-DR_A_M_A_T_IC-j ::!:.~ fll8EAORGLIASINSllE COUNTRY Huge 3 Bdrm home In pre•tlglout Jatmln• ~· eo.t• Miu. 1110. ESTATE ~~ ~~~':31:.~: ... F« more Info call: Stew , .. CdM tr1plelt. ...,15,000. Wiiie. ASSOCIATED = Cd fOf' flnanctno d91allt. 8000 1/f on 1 ac re, REALTORS. 581-1100 Very Best Buy .............. ....., .... . ............ ...., •.. • Lars• .............. , LaMM.,.4 • I lsr lliaa• -Twt Pltlet ................ , .... .,. . .... ., ... '"''"' ,,.... .... ..,,..., .,.,.. ' ... ., .... kMt '"" ,..., .... .., -, ............. ONLY $695.000 This la not the usual rundown hard lived houae, bt an immaculate home which will pleaae the most faatidioua. We cannot find any other top condition aeparate home in Big Canyon for less tthan 1200.000 MORE. II OILY -llT ... , 14 l1ni11I Tne Ro1d OPEi SIT. I SUI. 1-1 (lt11rftJ l1t1 .... ,.,. area. Oall 144-4110 fer ,.,.111111 tt titer), , YllW-Ull a llllL -IPYIWS Two Story Nantucket 5 Br with beautiful Sunaet pool lined with 14,000 red bricks. Tastefully decorated throughout with wallpapers and shutters. Shows like a model home! Many upgrades. Seller will finance. Submit down. $760,000 incl. land. I IUOll Tl .. NIT -Channing 4 Br. & family room. 2 brick fireplaces, country kitchen, quiet residential area in modern tract by Buccola. 1~ dn. Owner carry 10 yrs. Ill• Y11W RU -1M1 YUi . Quiet, park-like setting. Rm for paddle tennis ,iPld pool. Great for orchard. Cul de sac.at. 3 bdnns, fam. rm. $379,500. s.nw. Dlredoey otPLonmn & NfPAIATION 5_111m,-·-~-=~·ffi ~-.:~= l!l!-••11 huge frplc1. Room for ring 3 ldr"", 2 Ba Ind 11111 IHt AAA _ .,._ FIU II•• YEllE tannl1. No. Tu•tln • 111 owner *'I fl9xlblt on ,... ••• ~lfllltfwtloe .. Orenge Hiii• with view, 1erm11 ~II pnce 1133, Earthtones thruout. 4 br, 2~ ba. family FllEll t2-15 Jnln. 10 811 frwyt, too. 751-3191 rm, dining rm. 2,378 sq.ft. View of , ........ ««!• .. . ·-.... ,. MOCHANltSE -m: LOWHI priced 4 Bdrm home In M•H Verde. ... Llglll and •paclOlll airport, So Coat Plau. Pavilion, nite lites & Catalina. lf.400.000. -. .... room• thruout. Huge cul ALDERETTE 1111 MIR.m, -Ul/1111·1 RICK WISLEY •• TAYLll OI., IUL"JI ......,,..,,..,., ·-=VIWll=--.--a--· 21111 .......... 111h ,,., -. . _. de NC lot. Super IOQ- 111.....,.1111-1111 DrlfMtlC trt-11W1 3 Bdr IEWNIT oama, 1.1. . 144-4110 lownhoma w/wttber, • = .......... -llon. NMdl tom• TLC c:-u • r..w-"' : Uld Wiii bl worth much = ~ y~ = more. c.u 646-2313 ~... i tt~tatt1 IEIT llllUll lrplc. pello. 11nnl1 lovafy Npt. Hgta home courta. ~ loen. -------· loctltd on lrg R-2 lotl Full price 1 131,tOO. wum1-1 llllUUMYll UTUS mus ~ . .,, LOI AlamltOI condo: Nici ==-= 4bt, 2ba. 2 ltory condo. ::::,-.....:;:...i DJ Pool & 1pa. Rtfrlg, orl\N ,..,.. • E4W• = wuher & dryw lflc!udtd. ,.. . .., 1 15,000 down or wlll t::._:C.. : trade IOf c1..ic momo- ~~ -bllt, motor home or-7 Seller wlll carry llnendng 751-3191 on thll one. WeM prtmo at 1139,500. Call now. M&-1171 THE REAL ESTATERS c:. .. '' --t-'1•~. ~ • •• I', UY ftlW ._. ___ ... = Ovtn«/ eg9111. ~111".sw.. -7~589 oeE-Uld comfotU-IUTS & MUIN[ Lido 11111 Chumlng 3 . Custom bulfl exew- Lido l•I• 4 Br on lrg comer lot. Sep. 2 8' unf1 over g119Q1. Large lo.I ln1tre1t loan. OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5. 780 VIA uoo.souo. 1575,000. ElllPlllOIT Bdrm, den and lormal OYI home with •lf«da· c-a1 . •• dining room. Tremen-bi. tarma. 20% down & tll-.. -. ........ Sn•1<• -dOUI ltrml m8kl 11111 OWC total baltnCI at t::::=:' C.• : our Lldo'1 bllt buyl Only le8e tlwl Pf"l'l1llllno rite. D4 VIDS ON REA LTY -.a-a.aru. . -1299,500. C•ll today! Pric.d •t $250,000. Call =::::::. o...-. : al'n for d91alta. 549-9213 =~·ITATIDN~: iil!f \tl-lp;;Z;;;;E;;;;L~;;;~;;~;;,,~g4~~~ES:;;;T:;;;16;::~~ENT~~::"::::"':':"'~";:"d'-"""1 ~~"-\ ::: --=~st-s· . ::: P1101 wum ~~.~ 1''" ::: LtwllT PllOI ~i:.~i.... :c': II llWNITI 111T-lllE For • Minny, bright 2 Bdr '"! -townhome. Only 1103, =~1ciU..C. =: 000 for the corntf unit ~~!.:" = ~~~'~1~~ J~t:°:,.:.~ ~-u . :: llng• and hardwood floor A=tAu.81 .. -& 2 cat garage, 2 UIU· A-....... -mabl• lo•n•. C•ll LOI• QTIS, IMPGIT£1 Miiier 831· t2945. =-.::..· . = LIWl1T ,.. A.... ... ..., •.UYDIE =:-~, :i': F« a luhloNt>i., 2.200 c_. nu 11q ft 4 Bdr pool and 8PI ~ :rn home. Model perfect ~--with 1p.ctacul•r fln•n· r\!:"' :;: clog. Set I« you,..n on -tm Sun 1 ·5 at 3 1115 Bar· 1:= ~ mud• or c•ll Lola r-r;£r : a31-12ee. on1y 11&0. ........ ,,. 000. ::r-...... ::: LIWllT PllOI lllGI ,,.. .. U111Llff1 ~. :::; 110,000 IOMI' tlwl •ny 5:.-: . ES ::..~"t i=~'b.: ....... ,.. . .. -will carry huge 2nd .,.,. ~-,,,, ting 10% -Only 1175. s .:: ... : ...... : ... :\: 000. CaH Loll for f\lrthlr 11 ...,. · ............ • .• :: Info 831-12945. +:;. .:. ·::· :·: · ·· · "" LIWllT PllOI v-··-. . .mo v....... ... . . . I'm ti ...... ~ MTDS, NEW F0r a WarmlnQton town- c-.1 -hOme. 2 Bid 2 Ba, bu-MTOS, USO mid vaulted cellln~• 2 _., . . . .. . •• doof9 to tdult pool, blk AMC .. .. . . . . . -to lake. Picture '*19Ct. =ti· .... ·' · ·' -1137 000. C•h Lola c.~.::..... . =~ 831-12" ~. = LnllTPlllll ~-.. = &1111.aJ a::·. .. ..... ~ = In Newport'• """' mo-........ ···-· -bll• home park by th• · · ... • • .. • -bey. 1-2-3 BdrrM from I:':".:·:·· ........... = 11',000 to 1135,000. ........... .. • • ... • . ... -Vlawt. llreplaoat, ~. ......... ············ = ......... dock .. --==...·."::.::·-.:·:·· -:;;.ti:-OWI' 1a ;;"io R;"'....ia, , ".'..: ::: = 11¥1 htrt. Cell Lplt --. ..... • .•..• -131-1291 ~ .. :·.-.·:·:·:·:·=: .......... P1MM call Loll Miiier, ege, lo tallat YOU In lln- dlf'I YOUR ll9W home, • ..... ,... .. l•tt Pt'Of ... 1ron1t, Hrvtno your ~ '°' the Sleet 11 f". AMate Buydown Mortgage In a buydown or d1&e0unted mortgage a fee ts peJd to t.he lender to reduce the amount. or interest. to be charged on a new mortgage. The amount or reduction in t.he interest rate desired and t.he ant.1c1pated t.erm or the loe.n determines t.he amount or t.he ree. Certatn be.nks and savings and loan tnstttuttons offer t.he buydown plan. Impact on buyer • Man&C .. bl• moMh.17 ~ment • Can quaUJy wUb • towel' Income • '" mt«M be •!Uble bu\ can be peld bJ buyel'. Miler or any U\lrd J>U\.Y • Por\lon er ree paid by eacb parlJ I• negotiable Impact on Hiler e orrer t.o p-., all or pul or tee makH the propel'\y more Mlable e OCH nO\ h.eve t.o provide prln .. tln•notnc • Receive• all pl'OOMda " CIOlll\C While t.he funds required at. closing oould be large, the buydo.wn mortgage could be t.he method or financing tn cert&ln situations to produce a aale. Cont.a.ot. a real estate expert for the needed gutdance. llftll ........ South of the Hwy. l:::.: few blocks bun the beKh. at lot value at $229,000. Curnnt lncome $1,450 per mo. Owner will help finance. - •UYfUIT* BOAT SLIP, private beactt. Lit• and chttry 3 bdrm, 2 bath home. Flrtpl9ct. Price rlduc.d to 1 525,0001 CASH TALKSll Or 1200,000 down & Nii. will cwry t•t T.D. •t 12% for 10 YM'•· Submit all otferal Owner/Agent 873·9187 °' us-toeo. Extra nice 4 Bdrm 3 !>9th home hu eirtra tpeelal llmily room with • wet· bat. 8kyUgtll•. 2 ptlloe, m•ny. m•ny upgrade•. Super lamlly home In IX1r• conVWlltnl arM. • Staal •t $147.500. 548-2313 THE REAL ESTATE RS ************ * Biii CllYOI ~ :El11111t l1j11tio* * Colo1i1I . * * Prime location overlooking the * ~ 8th green of golf course. Custom * "f'" built by owner/builder for his * own personal residence. 5 Jt ~ 4Mltiroorna, 6 ~ baths. Elegant )f-l: master ouite. Abundant with ,,,.,_ .,.....-fine marble and wood panel.Ing . .,.....- ,,,.,_ Air conditioned. Refrigerated Jf- .,....-wine room. Billiard rm. Family ,,,.,_ * nn. Truly a masterpiece for the .,.....- ,,,.,_ d.l.lcriminating buyer. Seriously : .,.....-for sale at $1,950,000. Excellent Jf-financing available. lf-For appt to 8ee call; · * * WISLIY I. Tan. OI. : * 144-4111 * t*********** ,.111n•1 UY Custom Bayfront. FEE LAND. Parquel Fin. New Cpta, 4 BRI + . F .R. 3 ~ Ba. Sel)anlte D.R. Huge F.R. W/Wet Bar. Kitchen W/ Pantry. Brkfst Roam. Sauna. 3-Car' O~. Wood Deck. Bay, Dock. GOOD ASSUMABLE. Owne WW Carry Lr1 2nd. $1,400,000. Call Marilyn Twitchell. .. 1111•11• Lovely Newport Beech C.ondo WI Lr1 Patio On Greenbelt. Xlnt nnana.n.. Amumable Loan, $110, 000, (·10\f•. Owner Will Conlkler 2Dd 'I' 1>. & LeMe/OpUon. Reduced ro ttt7.ooo. ean Sally Shi,..,. N01111 DOWN ...... , ...... . .......... IH-IMlf tllltil ...., ........ Jolln M8l'ltllll, Aft, u1-11a ONN IUNDAY 1..S 21'D llndlen.,.... Df, .. -..... 1111 IClftte IN, ............. • =·= 117 MMtM A"" .... flL -... .., .... Df. . ..,.._...,.. mr.- .., ..,... Df, ,,..........,.., .,= 411~--.... ---1-.~~::-ia· -... 1t:ML ...,,.... _ 117--..... .,,, ........ -~ 1• ......... Tarr, hi.; T.,, ••• LAKE FORl8T -aaAUT1fUL .............. a toW1J deaorae.d I llM. ........ to ,.,.. ............ ....., ........... Qreet ............. , ... BLUFFS -WITH FINANCING Upgrldld 2 •torJ oond9, 4 Md. 2Yf ..... '*"""'· + .... .... petlo. end unit. '1•.000. l1'MllO. VU-VILLA BALBOA~ LowelJ -bed.+ deft"' • ......, ....... .. ...... w ............ °"'f.1,..o'9 aowc.......,.. ... ,~,_•,.... Im~. ON WATER-FORMAL a LARGE LM9Mt of the ...... "' = 1111 Udo ,...., oondo oompt9L -... n. .................. -:..1'' ... , .. ,""' ............ , ... lrd ......... J...~ hlft ..... .., to IMUfttelM. tip .......... Deoar .. ...,..wpetwttlt*IMlweloeuarlll .... "'°.000. Uf1te Met llp 8W1l1'1h( LOCATION! YUi LOCATIONf Remad1l1d 2-etofy ....... """ Dlllt elP w .. .., ................... ....... lnt•rt•h• :J.~YIJ from tl!ila I Mel. fMt.nft. + ....... OWnw ....... """ .............. ····-........ FOREVER VIEW -REDUCED! Terrific looetlon a l•rt~-holfte with ...... view tor°"" ..... Oft .......... Or ••oMfttla ,__....,.._..cw lnoelM un1t9 In thfe --. LM1te klofJ I bed. + .... falft. ""· din. rm. + I oer ....... A"umebl• loen. TerM• flaxlbJe. OW ~opllon. BEAUTIFUL a BIG 8AY8HORE8 llnnd MW OU9tOM ... ,. .............. frolft ••f· Lergo, qui ltJ I bod. with tam.lift. 4\41 .... a=.,--...._ TMe II the bait of .. ~ wttll wonwttL '721,000. IT'S A ...... ""10'""'"" 10 ........... ~C...dellllert 1K..._dl. 11 -Y1RW (on a .... of 1·!!1_.. It's ~· In quetltf • --• '"'10'-.. the ..,. TWo ....., """4 ...... 4\41be.1l11ance + ..,.,... "19l'llflceAt brio II:, baa ma a wuMtl!i '•"'·' '"'· Graanerr a prl••cr wltll Vll!W ..,........ .,,..,..... ..,. owe 1at T..o. @ 1K......_t..M.-O BAYSIDE COVE BAYFRONT ............ Dl8Mond ........ -...... wttlt '11drOCNM. 2 llthe ,.._ din. ,..... ,.._, dloof ......... ~ ..., .... . pool end .... loowtty .......... .. ........ , .. lend • ..,,... OCEANFRONT HOME REDUCED! 9aeutlful ouetom with "prld• of ownenhlp" 0.... ....... TWo ...,, 4 bed. 1¥1 .... OWnw .. ...... ftnerloo lupet MIMI a ... lll!AC....otff. Now • ..... Well bJ 2IOt W. On•1,._t a .......... UNDA ISLE/WANTS EXCHANGE OWnw ...... ,........ -.,... .. oomlll•rctel, lnduelrlel er Ill••• IR ...,.,., ............... Wr, ,.., ... .. boet ....... On ....... did ........ Mklntll1....-. BAYFRONT GRAND & SPACIOUS ...... ..,.. ................ 111wtew fWOM tNI °"' 4000 ... ft. N 1lll1noe. ... .., two .. ,.... .... lftd ........ . ......... qtn. 1¥1 -............. ~ den eftd Mitter Hit& Wltl!i •low A ::••n owe TD et 1n IRt.., 4,... ...-... 11.~-llM. SPECTACUl.A"-OC8ANPRONT WATERFRONT HOME.5.ll"lt llt. \I '1011"' --.. -....... ..._., ,._, , ........ A .. , ......... ~ a.modtled a bdnn, 2 mth + -.. no. nn . ....... ~. t""""9htd. paUoa. tll0.000. a.wm11n1111 LUoon view frotn e bdrm. a bath, l)Uyroom. darlc rrn. den, Boet .Up. Now $1.~000. . llYllll 11¥1 s~ beyfront vt.w :l br. 2 t:-up: 2 br. :l ba dn. :l boat allpa .1,800,000. 111 .... llYI . ~ 11.l&nd cust. bayfront lot. e · bolt dock. Plana avail. Red. $3'70,000 w/t.enna. BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR 9'DIMIY1-I ----........ Drastically reduced! Now the finest buy ln Jasmine Creek. Thla beautifully redeoont.ed 3 BR + FR Nine baa it all Thouaanda of$ in upgades. Exe. affordable financ1n& @ 12". Take advantage. 'J ••. , .. ,,, () .• ,.'II ti '·'' ' f1 LORETTA CURCI Cail! 844-1387 ... _ .... , 1·1f& a1.,.a1t.1Mrs• BIG CANYON GREAT VALUE! One of SIC Canyon'• finest homa Pwtect for arac:toua entenainlna " family llvlna. Quality crafuman1hlp thruout, exten1lve u1e o f Oak. Macn1ficent pool & .. ~ BR, 8 BA. lam no. fnn1 dine rm. Good Flnandnc ~.000 THE REAL ESTATERS .... • , 11 WllTIWl'lll llnmll . " ....... The definition of quality: ';l'h1I truly magnificent newly remodeled custom home. Steps to private beach . Kitchen for the discriminating cook. FamUy entertainment room. 4 BR. "°IT itl1 llnmll •M IN NEWPORTCENttR 644-9060 •10" DOWN• •IAYCRIST ARIA FIXIR• Huge executive ranch-style home featuring 4 br'a, family room formal dining on cul-<le-uc w / room for R.V.'s. Only $2",ooo'. 2670 San Miguel Dr. 7141759-1501 or 7141752-7373. •ARTISTS•PRIMI llSIDINTIAL PROPllTY• Zoned for art studios, gift shops, antiques, etc .... Owner will carry financing for 25 years. Only $135,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. ' •$11,700 PRICI REDUCTION• •9% FINANCING •• •* When you takeover existing lat Trust Deed on this abeolutely beautiful PLAN 4 in HERITAGE PARK. Thia fonner model features 3 Br 2 ~ Ba & extensive upgrading. Only $139,800!! 2670 San Miguel' Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. · •$48,SOO. TOTAL PRICI For this smashing home in one of nicest parks· in area. Two large bedrooms, formal dining & air conditioning. Call for detail!!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •$915 per mo ••• •* ia all you pay when you takeover existing loan on this bright and airy townhome! Featuring 2 stories, 2 Br, r suite w / balcony & 2 car garage. Priced to aell at $129 Sari "guel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. 1,279 l'IR M NTH •TURTLllOCK• ia all you pay when y takeover existing lat T .D. Spatjoua 4 br executive detached home. J'eaturing frml din. fmly nn & frplc. Only $212,000 FEE. 2640 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. \ v •10% DOWN• • 11 % PINANCINCh When you takeover existing T .D., owner will aasiat at 12" on this 3 Br hou.ae on FEE LA.ND in BACK.BAY AREA. Featuring hardwood floor and shingle room . Only $135,000. 2670 San Miguel 759-1501 or 752-7373. HAllOI VllW HOMIS •SIAWINO. Lovely MONTEGO plan featuring 4 Bra, private location and aaaumable fl.rwx:ing. Only $249,000!1 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •$19,500 PllCI RIDUCTION• Nlllllft VllW Highly u.PIJ'aded end unit featuring 2 Br + den. fplc, wet bar + · panoramic yiew. Reduced to $175,500 with uawnable financin8. 2e70 San Migut! Or., Newport Beach. 75~-1501 or 752-7373. * 101/t" PINANCIN<k •10% DOWN• Brand new end unit featuring 2 nwtr adtes, 2 car prap & numerous. uptndea. Owner wan ta tb .U TODA Y I! Bring Checkbook & make offer. Only •149,950. 2670 San Micue1 Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1&01 ar ....... __ 11 ... -Bla ~ (McQmn) townhome wttl) tutetul uparadea, 1or1eoua appomtmenta, ..umable 11~ loan and competitive price-plua security, •renity. awimn)lna & tennia. ~ $320,000. A liadn& of Bert Reedy . .,.. .. 1 .. ,..1 • ...,.. ..... ,_..., •• -•• -3 Bdnm 2 \.i baths and immllCulate . Quality decor, air cond. Private petio and flnanclna under 18. Priced below much of the competition at $149,500. A li1tlng of Nancy Laux-Nychay. .... 11111 1-1 ,., I .. , ...... -. ._ TllL ,_ ... Ill• -Fee land, 3 Bdrm home hu mini-view of bay and ocean, 2 fireplaces, a large f.unl1y room and the ownen will carry the lat Trust Deed. A liat1ng of the Von Geldema at $352,500 . .,.. .. 1.1,.,.1 ........ l ' I~-' l I I' I I\ I l 1 f\ \I \ 'l I Current S.leahle'Soludom _lQ. Tranaacdom LMt 30 Daya _n Volume LMt 30 Daya S.lmtl, U~l()l.JI: li(Ml:i REALTORS, 675-6000 1441 EaM c.... ........ c:o.-... - .. _. .. ... ., .. , ...... ., ..... .............. ,..,....,,., .... ............... ........... = 11';sth,. .... ............ •••• i .... ., •••• '" ..... 411 ..,. .. Ll ... LI. • ••••• , '9111 ... _111~ 111 lllL IU: ... llllllm TIM1 .. Wltll 20·25% 0 .. 11 dn payment end buyer .,_ ran9ed 11t ••ll•r wlll carry bal. lntereet rete ~ 12~ for 11t l 2nd 'f.De. UMWP ... Md qullttty, old w0tld CIMrm, IOlld noora. oek belrN. rod! ..,..._, a are lncludlng m .. t•r lllllllttlllll• ., IUlte, 3 b9, fem rm, <#-..,.. ..... n1n9, rm. roof did!, .............. ~UR, .............. ........... ,,, . ••• ., ,.. ..... tf ...... , •• , '"'"' ~~l~-~~ ... ~"~~1:1 ,., .... l•t• '''"' f CUSTOM HOUSE re•••· 11' '""'' :Xce111nt t1nenc1ne me: 1ttll111t ....... ,.. 000. ...,., ... , ... ...., 1'87M921 ................... ,,,.. ~ ~ ....•• ~ ••••• !.'!!! r-.__ ....... OCEANFRONT HOUSE M .. tit.,_. t11 3 Br 1'h ea. owe. llartpN. S5H.OOO. Coat Proper· COUOP....,_T RIALJ'OM lltll.C......,. c.-..... 111•Htt u. '73-6410 •12•.4" PINANCINCh HARBOR VIEW HOME. Gorgeous MONTEGO model featuring 4 br, parquet entry, & FEE land. Priced at $279,000 with large ,... ,mable loan & Eller ulist.ed finandng!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. . .OWNll DISl'lllATlla. Must .U this a:rr:y custom home naer the ocean in "Old Town" Huntington Beach. 'lbe aOaring cathedral ceillngl with 5 skylights and the romantic bay window add grace and charm not nonnally found at thia price. Secluded patio/courtyard with low maintenance yard complete the picture. Sacri.fioe for $171,500. 9032 Adama, Huntington Beech. 556-7035. •PRll MONIY• Owner desperate, will finance home at zero interest for 5 years. Beautifully decorated home in mint condition. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$12,000 DOWN• Highly de.irable single story end-unit decorated in 1umptuou1 · earthtonea. Two car garage with electric o~. Great assumable lat Trust Deed of $68,807 at 11.25~ payable '795/month. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •53 DOWN• Brand new townhomes near Huntington Harbor. Two and three bedroom models with two bath& Builder will finance at 12.K and pay buyen noorecun1ng closing CIOllts. Prices start at $105,990. Call foe complete detaila. 963-5671. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$7'D/MO.• Buya thia channing ~ townhome w/only $8,500 dwn. Bicycle to the beach from superb loaition. 9032 Adami, Huntinpm Beach. 556-7035. d>IMOLISHID HOMI -CHIAI'• 963-5671. 9032 Adami, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •$999/MO.• Ia all you pay for this 3 br, 1 \.i ba cuUe with aecluded patio. $10,800 dwn and it's yours!! 963-5671. 9032 Adami. Huntington Beach, 556-7035. •AIANDONIO. Artist's chalet w/panoramic ocean view -all the way to Catalina. Sacrifice price •15,000 below market. 963-6671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. •MllA VIRDI• Affordable llvlnl with superb f1nandn& available. Spedoua home meticuloualy maintained. Only $13,500 down. Alk1ng $135,000. 9032 Adams, HuntJ.ncton Beech. 556-7035. •$9,600 DOWN• Buya thia bia 4 bl' pool bGme. Owr 2000 *l· ft. Loera Schools. Aaldna $159,900. 9032 Ad.Mm, Huntlnpm s.cb. 556-7°'5. • •t»,OOO DN.• Spfldoua family home with IOUb\I cathedral ceillnll and bdaht anc1· airy country kitchen. With 4 ...... bn, 2 be'• and a family roam. It'• a barpln at t154,900. 9032 Mum. HimUnctm Be.ch. ~7036. . •TURN A PROO. lbto a handlurm princ9. Spec:&oa. a bl', 2 be home on larllt conMI' lot needa help. Seller an.xb& s.crt&e .110,900. 983-W71. 0032 Adami. 752-7373. ··--'--~ .HunUnaton Beech. 6tMl-7036. NEWPORT IEACH OFFICf 2170 San MlgUll DrlYI Newport ltaclt, CA t2MO (7J4) 71•1801 1'11 '"' • IPllUll. The finest ocean & bay view from thia · beautiful Southport model. Cu.tom pool, ape & much more, 5BR, 4 'A Ba. Owner transferred & eager to aell. Will aaS.t w/finandng. Submit all offers. $995,000. Myrna Boom 551-8700 . (M43) 1111111 114,ttl - "Kenainaton" w/loft. SUPER plush carpeta, stained glua, ape in entry. Thia home hu it all! Aasumable loans + owner fi.nandng. Now only $595,000. Darlene Herman 752-1414. (M45) Llllfll HI l Hilt Private lender just forecloeed -Must aell immediately! 5 BR, SpyaJ-Hill home with pool, & putoral view -under market it »15,000 including land. ~ Macnab. (M~) 111111 11111 ltTITll. Beautifully decorated 2 BR, den "Miramar" Plan ia the ultimate in design & llvabWtyl Great for F.ntertaining, dining & relaxh'i· elepnt llvlnl room, gouimet kitchen, and panoramic view. Priced for a fast sale. $450,000. Anita Bradshaw 752-1414. (M47) 111111.f INJAlll Ill& IUIU ..a. Overlooking re9el'VOir & mountains. Decorated in earthtonea with lots of wood flooring & ahutter1. High uawnable loan. Gi8ela Jenkina 551-8700. (M48) W•llllll ..... Channing "Redwood" model -3 BR, 2\-i batha, dining area, profeHionally decorated in spring colon. Lg patio -air conditioned. Community pool, tennis courts & lake. $155,500 Fee. Donna Godahall. (M49) llll11f1L Ullll .., ocean vfew on lg lot. This fully restored 2 level aeaaide cottage offers warmth & c harm w /"early country" flavOI'. There are 3 bedrooms, 2 'h bat.ha, f.am rm. country kitchen & guest qtn w / 3 lin!placel, vaulted beam ceiling & French windowa. The large lot offers aundeclu, flqstone patio w/apa & richly landacaped garden. Don't mils th.is one. Offered at $425,000. Bill w~ 551..a100. (M50) ...... .. 1111. •101111 - Attention decorators! Thia luxurioua 4 BR tri-level home needl your creative decontlnl toucbee. Fonnal llvtna area with vaulted celUnga. l>atk-like garden. Seller highly motivated. Bell Partch $369,IM>O LH. (M51) 644-6200 " \':>0 "~ I ~-. , l •• 6 ... ;• od < I AT •l TJ • l ~ ·A .J .M •S "'' • ~ J'• • ,,q "d ~l .e r,r .IJ ... ,.,; ,') . ~ ··~ ... <~ ~· .ul .. ' •<i .. ' • • 1 .. ~.' I ,_Q : ... ~ ': :~ ... ., .. 1.!) 4 ., :.:·,.1 ' ('~ } I I I ll '~ 1 I ' .•. ,.J . J -.-~ t3tt.iOO dOWn. ....... 1iW~ 111 TO & bd TD et 11~. IHt dtel In OdM. o•,..,... t&e. HW1 r•Rt•I. Cell Jolin 7.,,, ..... ---------_....,.. UDGrtided I bdnn llOmt, pinto, flrtptaoe, new rOOf. 2 rOOl'I! & beth ltu- d lo tor Income. Only 1229,500. On tM back of • valua- ble A-2 condo lot below CoMt Hlgtlw9y, 2 bdrm, 2 ~· °"'Y_~·ooo. Oldlr but gooclte c:tuplex. 2 bdrm oott•o•. flre- pteo9, wood & ltUOOO & 1 C'Zi°"" ~· * 673-M!# ...... c...., .. c. J -· - - ------ I 1 ....... ft UllLfUl/W'MI .•.• ,." 4 Bdrm, lncludlno 2 1N1W eu1-. 3'Atbll. IQe f8mlly rm, 2 lrplca, ruetlc wood. beMI call'• -... In a welk to pvt beach lootltlon. The parf9ct ,. mlty holM In the parlact '*Vflbortlood. '485,000 with PEAFEOT llMnclng. F• llnd. .... 1111 ....... ~-48r, 2'A8a. megnlflclnt ocn-jetty *"'· .... ..,.,. uMd brick. 1135,000. 8-44-42" Owner. Xlnt tocatton 31r' 2Ba. llv & din rm. lg f8m rm. lg treed lot, by owner. SSOl,000. IM0-7007 ---~ 1 blk tro1n the baechl Bait buy In CdM. XLHT "~· Z!l.LN~INVESTMENT COAPORATION 54t-t2\3 • _. -Hf RIT4f.f Jft Ai f I oil'•. - Sun 1·5 24721 La Creeta Dr., Dana Potnt 497-3511 $139,500 S.t/Sun 1-5 2137 E. Ocean Btvd., Bal Penln, NB 831-1400 S306.900 $at 1-5 101 Scholz Plaza #217, Nwpt Bch 831·1400 t149,000 8at 1-5 #3 Lago Sud, lrvlne 844-"7020 $158,000 Sun 2-5 512 Redtanda, Npt Bch 875-6670 $189,500 Sun 1-5 2182 Maple, Cotta Mesa 546-2313 $95,500 Sun 1-5 117 Martne Avenue. Balboa 111, NB 873-8900 $254,000 Sun 1-5 21ApluaGW8T 2571 Waverty Or., BayshQrea, NB 831..cM75 $235,000 LH. Sun 1...- 2 IA plua FAM Ml or ~ •2011 Weat Wind, Santa Ana 979-0139 $145,000 Sun 1-5 * 19 Curi Or., Jaamlne Crll, Vu, CdM 640-1615 $438,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 **827 Via Udo Soud, Udo ..... NB 873-7300 $1,850,000 Sun 1~5:30 227 Via Orvteto, Lido ..... N.B. 844-9060 Sun 1-5 #7 Lago Sud, RSJ, lrvlne 759-1501 $175,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 **833 Udo Park Dr (Fw) Udo Vig. NB 760-1900 $495,000 -Sun 2-6 1123 W. Bay, Balboa 84~220 $275,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 I aaDR00M 1218 Devon Ln (W.cllft) NB 831-1288 $239,500 SaVSun 1·5 587 Bay Street (W.alde) Costa Mesa 759-0100 $111,900 Sat 1...- 819 W. Bay St. (W.alde) Costa Meea 759-9100 $115,900 Sat 1-4 SaVSun 12-4 11 Rue Vertt, Big canyon, N.B. 213/470-2880 $499,000 Sun 9-6 15 Landfall Cr1, N8wport Beach 644-7020 $249,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 *1218 Parnell pt (Hatecseet) CM ~1151 $118,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 * 1018 Oowr Drtve, Westcllff, NB 831-7300 $255,000 Sun 1-5 1911 Court St, Bal. Penln, N.B. 873-73<?0 $399,000 Sun 1-5 *204 Via Eboll, Udo ••• N.B. 873-7300 $595,500 Sat/Sun 2-5 1824 Pt. Stirling (HVHma) NB 648-7171 $214,900 Sun 1-5 1312 Santanella (Irv Terr) CdM 648-7171 $225,000 Sun 1-5 134 Harbor laland Rd., Newport Bch 846-7171 $650,000 Sun 1-5 1718 Port Westboume, HVH, NB 759-1501 $2.28,950 Sun 1-5 120 Shordtf, Corona del Mar 844-8200 $495,000 FEE Sat/Sun 1-15 314 Martgokt, Corona def Mar. NB 831·14f>O $819,000 Sat 1-5 1901 Yacht Marta. Newport Beach 720-0928 $355,000 Sun 1-5 1824 Port Stlr11ng Pl, HVH, NB 720-0505 $214,900 Sun 1-5 408 E. Oceanfront, a.lbQa 873-5410 $598,000 Sun 12-3 21 Beecon Bay, (Beecon Bay) NB 875-8000 St$5,000 Sun 1-5 1860 Port Wheeler, Npt Bch 831-1288 $289,000 Sun 1·5 3048 Royce, Costa M..a 548-2~13 •1211500 Sun 1...- 3073 Monrovia. eo.ta Meaa 548-2313 193,500 Sun 12-5 * 1883 8reemar Way, Newport BMott &#-e200 ~.soo sun 2-1 * 1130 Penlbrok•, w .. tcUtf 844-0200 $289,000 Sun 2-6 1N1 Mlnotca, Cotte Mtu &44-f200--$1381900 8un 1-5 *1883 Breemar Way, Newport Beach; ~ 844-e200 ~.500 Sun 2-5 102 Via Koron, Udo Ille 844-6200 $665,000 Sun 1·5 1903 YKht Colina, Newport 8tach 644-1017 $485,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 2921 Jacaranda (Meea Verde) CM 751-3191 $134,500 St.1n 1...- **38 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 67,5-7060 $525,000 Sun 1-6 25 Malnaall (Jumn Ck) CdM 840-9592 $372,500 Sun 1...- 1218 Keel Dr .. CorQna del Mar 831·1288 $376,000 FEE Sat/Sun 12-8 307 Sapphire, Balboa Isl. 873-5281 $385,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2011 Paloma, E.slde, Costa Mesa 846-9<498 $199,500 Dally 1-5 2916 Cassia, Eaatbluff, N.B. 720-0290 1285,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 82 Drak• Bay, Corona del Mar 844-7020 $495,000 Sat 1...-1sun 2-5 *1974 Port Locklleigh (Hcbr Vu) NB 644-2573 1248,000 Sun 1-5 1301 Dolphin Terrace, Irv. Terr, NB 631-7300 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 218 Via Koron. Lido Ille, N.B. 844-9060 $430,000 Sun 1-6 321 Klnga Rd, Clltf Haven, N.B. 813-7300 $882,500 Sun 1-6 1607 Cornwall (Westclltf) NB 642-5200 S289,500 Sun 1-5 *512 Rockford Pl (Cameo Hghlnda) CdM 831-7300 $199,900 Sa\/Sun 1·5 1907 Tradewtnda, Baycrest, N.B. 844-9080 $325,000 Sun 2·5 •11 Monterey Cir, Spyglass, CdM 't 844-9080 $489,000 Sun 2·5 1118 Someraet Lane, Weatdlff, NB 631-7300 $475,000 Sal/Sun 1-5-' 1837 Commodore Rd, Baycreat, NB 631-7300 $299,000 Sun 1-5 1930 Port Bristol Cir. HVH, NB 831-7300 $288,500 Sun 1-5 1901 Galatea (Irv Terr) CdM 873-7781 $795,000-fee Sun 1-5 2011 Paloma Or. (Eaatslde CM) 8-46-9'498· $199,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2298 Redlands, Newport Beach 831-1851 $259,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 *452 Broadway (Eaatalde) CM 846-3369 $191,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 717 Kendall, Laguna Bch, 92851 497-1781 $589,000 Sun 1-5 26 Auatllng Wind, Trtlrk, Irv. 759-1601 $269,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 I * 134 Harbor Island Rd .. N.B. 846-7171 $650,000 •2001 Galatea Terrace, CdM 759-0840 $995,000 1312 Santanella Terr., CdM Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 640-8771 $225,000 Sun 1-5 * 1472 GalUY. Or., Dover Shores, NB 842-2510 1739,000-fee Sat/Sun 1-f 4 BEDROOM 2127 Indian Spring• Ln, Back Bay, NB 831-1400 $539,500 Sun 1-5 607 Bayside Or, Promontory Bay, NB 831-1400 $1,200,000 Sun 1-5 9159 Dogwood, Coata Mesa 6-48-2313 $1Q7.900 . Sun 1...- ••1024 E. Balboa Blvd., Penln Pt, NB 831-1400 $1 ,750,000 Sun 1-5 2832 Vtata del Oro (Blutfa) NB 840-6931 $195,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 133 VI• Undlne, Udo Isle, N.B. 644-9080 $745,000 Sun 1-5 760 Via Lido Soud, Udo lale, NB 873-9080 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 19<48 Pt ChtlMa (HVHma) NB._ 648-7171 *330,000 Sun 1-5 * *2804 w. Oceanfront, Penln Pt, NB 831-1400 $895,000 . sat 1-.5 222 Coral, Balboa laland 875-8821 *639,000 Sat/Sun 1-.5 3113 MacMfra, ~Verde\ C.M. 213/927-8001 $120,000 Sun 1-4 4 M DM GUSIT ltOUlll ••1100 & 1l02 8 . Bayfront, ....... 751-8100 $2,700,000 sun M .J .. 242 Poppy Cofone del M• 7M-1t21 •10.000 . Sun 1-5 **1817 '-'1"' Dr.• Iott 871-ee70 $1,418.IOO ht/Sun 1~ **25 W8"'MPttftQl'(Wdbrg) Irv 751-3191 '331;HO Svn 1·5 1412 Bant'8oc>, (CM 9"!'1) N.B. 831·1288 '318,000 FEE Sat/Sun 12·8 410 Morning Star Ln., CdM . 87&-6611 '875,000 SatJSun 1-5 1255 8ofMrMt (Beyctwt) NB 83.1-7370 S*,000 Sun 1-6 1251 Surfllnt Wey, HV Htlle, CdM M<M910 •291.~ Sat/Sun 1-5 14 Bumlng Tree Roed, l'O Cyn, NB 844"'"'910 SH5,0()().fee Sat/Sun 1-5 •101 Via Florence, Lido ..... N.B. 973-7300 $595,000 Sun 1-6 I • * 1924 Leewerd Lane, BaycrMt, NB 831 .. 7300 S33t,000 Sun· 1.5 *1244 Pottlltl Dr., DcMt' 8hQrta, NB 831-7300 $881,000 Sun 1-5 12 ~ut Verte, ~Big,~. NB 831-7300 '899.000 Sun 1·5 *11 Cetmel Say Or. (Spyglaae Hin) NB 831-7300 1825,000 Set/8un 1-5 1112 Weatclttf (Weatclttf) NB 642 .. 5200 $255,000 Sun 1-5 #8 Rut VIII.,.., Ila <>Jn, N.B. 64CM137 m1.ooo Sat/Sun 1-5 1007 TUW Wtfl, HV Hllta, CdM 844..eoec> 1349,000 Sun 1·5 877 Sandcastle Dr .. Corona dtl Mar ' 844-9080 t3t5,000 Sun 1-5 2872 Baythore Dr., ~-. NB 844-9080 S795,000 Fee Sun 2-5 2001 Yacht Vlgllant1 &eevtew, N.B. . 844-9080 '499,050 Sat/Sun 1·5 i8 Cherry Hiiia. 8ta Cyn, N.B. Sun 1·"'" 944-9080 s 1,ote.Ooet tl ~ 40 Vienna (Hbr AfdCl9) t11111--wpo1rwvtrt 8Mct\ 759-9490 red. to taM.000 Sun 1~ *910 Nottingham ~1 ~ Shatee, NB 875-tOOO $299,uuu Sun 1-5 *1878 Maul Cr .. ~Verde, C.M. 751-3191 1395,ooO Sun. 1-5 434 Beaonta. Corona del Mar 844-1211 SSH,000 Sun. 1-5 3133 Keery Lane, ea.ta Mtaa 841-te28 S 138,800 Sun 1-5 210 Via San Remo, (Udo) NB 875-3048/873-2598 Sat/Sun 1-5 115 ~ Bay Dr., Ug e.ach '497-2338 "90.000 Sun 1-5 1097 Corona ln (MeM def Mar) CM 831-370 1149,900 Sun 1-5 . 2021 Pott Brtatot C1rcde 760-1290 $347,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1132 Ebbtlc:N, Hrbr View Hiiia, NB • 790-1800 $995,000 sun 2-5 * 11 San Sebastian, Harbor Ridge 780-1900 S1,800,000 Sun 2-5 19<48 Pott Chet .... HVH, CdM 640-78n '330.000 Sun 1-5 14'41 Galaxy Dr.,~ Shor•, N.B. &48-5847 $420,000 Satf$un 1-5 2412 Cliff 0..., NewC>cwt Hghta, NB 845-7189 t58t,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 8085 Loren LAM, C4*I Mtaa 8n-&027 t122.000 Sun 1...- #1 Trafalgar. Npt 8c:tl 844-7020 $1,815,000 Sun 1·5 *2049 Tustin, (Eutlldt) CM 645-0303 $299,500 Sun 1-4 14 Morro 88y, (SpvglMI) CdM 5~1714 S&t&.000 Sun 1-6 1111 TllMQtr 1~a Mela 54&-231S NWU,000 Sun 1...- 320 Seeward, StkJIMMtfa, CdM 831-1400 $475,000 Sun 1-5 1077 Corone. Cotta MtiM 548-2313 114',900 Sun 1-4 421 Pttate RdL.Newport Helgl'tta, NB 831·1400 N49,SOO Sun 1-5 . . .....,.. **40!8 a..n.l "·· t8pt Ill, NB 973-0202 ..... ooo Sat/Sun 12-5 **1411 &ate.,, Biii. Pw'tln. NB 144-eoeo s1,eoo,ooo aun 2-a **708 Via Udo~ Udo Ill, NB 87M111 S1,900,000 Sun 1-6 1808 GeilMy Dr., ~ 8cfl 64&--1171 ........ Sun 1-5 " ~f:· WoJo"' 01n> N8 eun 1-a ••21• Via Udo loud, Udo, .... 1eo..1t00 .1.-.000 8un 2-8 ••2111._..,. Dr.(~) ... 1 ..... 100 .-e.ooo 1un 1-1 •2..ot ,rindeoo, Npt .._., en-1111 '37t,ooo eun 1-4 .... Aoyel St. George (Big Cyn) NB 848-7171 tlff,000 Sun 1-4 •12 Trafalgar, Newport IOh • 875-el70 •2.500,000 8at/8un 1·1S *#3 Muir 8Mch Cir, Npt Bch • 875-el70 t2,291S,000 &at/Sun 1·5 1•9<41 Rancho Cr, GrMntrM, Irv. 079-5370 S189,900 Sat/Sun 12...- 1741 Port Sheffltld, HVHma, NB 844-tOeO '370:000 FM Sun 1·5 **2500 Bayehort Or., BaylhOrM. NB 831-7300 $1,850,000 Sun 1-5 *1448 Galaxy Dr, Oowr Shra, N.8 . 875-2373 $895,000·fet Sun 2-8 2724 Mendoza (Mesa del Mar) CM 831-7370 $159,000 Sun 1-5 35 RldaeHne Or., Hrbr Ridge, NB 790-1900 $2,850,000 Sun 2-e •1eoa Galaxy Dr •• ~ Beech 831-3550 $849,900 Sun 1·5 *45 Royal St. GtOfge, Big Cyn, NB 844-7388 $895,000 Sun 1-5 I lfl plue FAM RM or DEN 1848 Newport Hiiia Or. E., NB 844-7020 $495,000 Sa 1-5/Sn 1...-:30 *10 Hiiicrest, Big Canyon, NB 760-1900 S1,595,000 Sun 2-5 32 Mlulon Bay Dr .. Spyglua, CdM 760-1900 $815,000 Sun 2-5 7 IA ptua FAM RM or DIN * 1406 Lincoln Ln, Dover Shra, NB 213/289-7728 $598,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALF' 2 •DROOM ' 1040 MacArthur (Vig 4 #103), SA 979-2390 $99,900 Sun 1-5 <M Chardonnay, Woodbridge, trv. 546-1188 $139.800 Sat/Sun 11...- 100 Scholz Pima PH 10 (Veraalllea)·NB 831-7300 $259,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 824 W. Wllaon, Cotta Mesa 759-1501 $129,500 Sun 1-5 2 llR plua DEN 934 HOUOwbrook, (Vig Ck) CM 979-2390 $133,000 Sun 1-5 209-'19th St, Balboa Penln, NB 831-1400 $319,000 Sun 1-5 **821 Lido Park Dr (C3) 831-.1400 $580,000 Sun 1-5 I BEDROOM 411 Dahlia, Corona del Mar 873-8494 $300,000 Sun 1-5 *2'428 Vista Hoger, Bluffs, N.B. 873-7300 $124.500 Sun 1-5 I IA plue FAM RM or DEN 7 Rue Vlllars (Bg Cyn) Npt Bch 759-9100 $725,000 Sun 1-5 •2842 Vista Omada. Bluffs. Nwpt Bch 759-9100 $229,500 Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 9517 Bickley, Huntington Bch 983-8787 $105,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1095 Sea Terrace, Coate Mesa 845-0303 $144,900. Sun 1-4 I BR f.UI FAM RM or DEN 818 Mangol • Corona del Mar 875-6511 $370,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1 9R ptua FAM RM« DEN 300 E. Cout Hwy Unit 113, N.B. 875-3347 $60,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 28EDROOM 700 Lido Pn Dr ( # 1 ). Newport Bch 875-7383 $47,000 Sun 1-5 700 Udo Perl( Or (1), Npt Bch 873--3164 $48,000 Sun 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 3 lfl plue 2 aR 209 David Dr, Newport Beach 875-1842 $285,000 Sun 1~5 I IA phaa I lfl 509 Acacia (Ocean elde of Hwy) CdM 646-7048 $440,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 HOME plua INCOME FOR SALi! 2•1We aTUOIO 415-415~ Naroe.u.. Corona del Mar 873-8494 '229,600 Sun 1-6 HOUSE FOR LEASE 48R ..... FAM Ml or Db 18971 Antioch, TUrtlerook, IMne M1·I032 S1100/mo. Sat/Sun 124 I ( "JODELLE MODEL" FOR 20% DOWNI Assume $564,500 at 11.75-fe on this 3 bedroom, 21~ bath gateguarded home convenient to the Harbor, Newport Center and airport. Residence features panoramic vtewa of Catalina, Harbor and city llghta from large decks. $695,000. "LUCERNE MODEL" WITH TERMSI Seller wlll carry an AITD of $519,000 at 12.75-fe for an extended term for a quallfled buyer. Ideally suited for entertaining with approx. 3050 sq. ft ., 3 bedrooms, 31.i't baths, large decks, 3 fireplaces and famlly room. Views from this home are tncr6dlblel S550.ooo."DEVONSHIRE MODEL" FOR TRADE Assume existing 30 year $295,000 First at 13.25-fe fixed or seller will consider trade on this 4 bedroom, 31.i't bath home with 2 large decks, private yard, 2 fireplaces, atrium and panoramic ocean and city llght views. Seller relocation. $850,000. 'I. AMENITIES THAT JUST DON'T QUITI Elegant 5700 sq. ft. home with French marble flreplace, Jacuzzi tub and steam shower In the master bath, 4-car garage, Insulated wine room, 3 additional bedroom suites, elevator, full security system, 4 fireplaces and much, much morel $1,895,000. "CASABLANCA MODEL" WITH DESIGNER UPGRADES Mirrors, celling fans and pavers accent this llke-new 4 bedroom, 21.i't bath home In close proximity to the tennis courts and pool-spa area. Only $520,000. CUSTOM HOME LOT IDEAL FOR BUILDERS OR DEVELOPERS Premium lot -.ytth plans for a 10,000 sq. ft. formal French home with no houses behind or beside It. Create your "estate" that wlll rival all others. Seller must liquidate but wlll consider a Joint-venture agreement. $1,500,000. CUSTOM 8,500 SQUARE FOOT RESIDENCEI Located on a lot that Is unusually large for this area, this panoramic view home can be traded for realdentlal or commercial property In Orange County or seller wtll carry at below market rates. With 6 bedrooms, 7 baths, projection room, wtne cellar, famlly room & large kitchen. This home hu It alll $2,700,000. COMPLETELY RESTORED TRADITIONAL HOME Located on a large corner lot, this 4 bedroom, 3 bath art deco home hu a large patio wfth spa. custom landtceplng, famlly room and full uae of recr .. ttonal facl~lea. Try leueloptlon or low down. $825,000. 1517,000 ASSUMABLE AND SELLER WILL HELP Spectacular 2 bedroom ocean view home wtth 9Wfmmlng PoOI and addltlonal Miter nnanctng. '850,ooo: WALKING DISTANCE TO THE PAllK8, JJ. 1 TENNl8 AND RECREATION Charming 6 bedroom, 4 bath home 111 exctu..V.. gat~ar<Ud community. 1700,000. SWEEPING OCEAN VIEWS Superb quality e bedtoom home wtth den, country Charm, hardwood floore, formal dining, central courtyard with 1pa, eeparate meJct'1 quartere and 3 flreplac)lt. $1,300,000. 1 Went'° mow up 4100 eq. ft.; b6i .._ tq romm:.·c.uxunaw home. HaiM ~· hill top view, 4 CU' -.. to ~I CoNader ifadit 7our hou• e or?? Special tlAandnc· A UT SEJ.L SALEI Ooen House Ev"' Afternoon 2'331 Sorrel Pllct,, (Off Budlsldn) Jensen & Co. 714/759-0706, Aft-..,. 131-6301 • ONEOFTHE. FEW LIEFT In Real Estate For Assistance can Patty '-'loore Laguna "Nlgu•el Realty Monarch Bay Office SOUTH BAYFRONT WITH VIEW OF PAVILION Located Juet one block from the Ferry with boat moo r ing avallable, this 6 bedroom Balboa Island residence has 2 kitchens and assumable financing. $1,095,000. ELEGANT EASTBLUFF HOME ON LARGE LOT Mature trees and custom landscaping greatly enhance thla Pff'-1ate and warm 3 bedroom home with attractive financing avalla ble. Seller will consider trade for San Juan. $259,000. MAKE YOUR MOVE TO SPYGLASS HILL Elegant and Immaculate 3 bedroom, 2 bath contemporary he tme with family room, dramatic wet bar plua existing mountain and city light views. $495,000. EXQUISITE WHITEWATER VIEWS A country kitchen and skytlght windows will light up your life w·hen you move Into this 3 bedroom, 31~ bath wood condo near berach and shapplng. Reduced to $2-49,500. WATERFRONT TRADITIONAL HOME On the bay of Linda Isle, this 5 bedroom, 4'~ bath resld8111ce features a large brick courtyard entry with spa, a spacious bays Ide brick terrace and approximately 4500 aq. ft. of living space. Bllp and side tie for 60 ft. boat. Seller will help finance. $1,450,00n ANNIVERSARY ESTA TES NEAR THE GOLF COUR!l9E This rambling ranch home Is Ideal for first time buyers with an oversized lot, 3 bedrooms. 2'A baths, country kitchen, room for pool and reduced price of $183,000. Seller will carry with 1 5% down or wtll conslder trade down. OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX JUST STEPS TO SAND On Oceanfront Blvd., this duplex with a 2 and 3 bedroom "1nlt could b4r converted to a comfortable family home. Seller will ca rry at 12.5% with 209" down. $475,000. SEA VIEW PRIVATE COMMUNITY HOME This well cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath home hu lmpn99Slve c: tty and Catalina sunset views plus good usumabte and HI Iler financing. $465,000. LEASEHOLD UNITS JUST A HALF A BLOCK TO BEACH These two bedroom units carry owner financing with 20-2f i% down. $225,000. RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Leasehold, this duplex with 2 two bedroom unit• hu Miller nnanctng with reasonable down. Just • few ltepa to the 1a11tld. $236,000. SUBMIT ALL OFFIRS·OWNIR FLEXIBLE Try AITO or trade on this • 8dr 4 Ba beech hOUM wtth 2 frpl b, lkylltee, Frenc;h door•. gorMou8 pool, 'Pa. Kol pond and huge IC•t. $.498,000. • ". °"'· ,..,,,... DIMl8 "°°"'· I ,.,......._ I l===;:;:::;:=:::J HI tar ... PNI let .. WON'T LAIT: ~IO ~ "°°'"· ftOd leld 1111,000. Noro1w004. lot, Neut. 1Mdeo9"d. ......... Sit, ep.a, J! Owner wfH ..... , at ft. __..... ... ~ ......... MflCllnO, ~ "420.000. -· ---· Open let/lun. 1•1 IUfM ft<4,400 at t .8%. ~: "9altor owe t>ai. •• 1~ w . 552-7602 RANCHO SAN JOAQUIN: 2 If. 2'1t be. upgr•d•• ..... ttlru-out. t128,000. OPtn SUnday 1"3 at I Segur•. MciLaln TowMOMJ wfltl Bkr. 152·7502 gr.at view of golf oourN --------• and o•nyon. One I.Vt! HUIT I IUIY 3 Bdrm btauty on grtenbelt oorn•r rot. "'•wly painted and 1qu••ky OIHn. ldHlly located In the P< .. llo'°"• Ranofl ., ••. A•klng 1151,500. f lllLlll fAlllU lllE Expended Kenllnoton In the Oe•n• Homt1. 4 bdrm. 3 b•. B•y win· dowe. 2 nrepl90M. Thie home I• exoeptlonally decorated and l•ndeea- P • d. A m ull b1fore OakcrHt model, good Hourlty. Community pool and t•nnl1. '219, 000. :.Tt~ MZ·IZll J PETE ' BARREn .. REALTY WEITIUFF 3 Br 2 Ba charmer •t 1211 Owen Ln. 12% ft- nenolng wlnomW clown p1yment. H. Frederick. 83112ee ·-lll a&. deciding on • n y I '11 ng' Jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii elM. $275,000. ...., ... " Belt value In gate gulf· ded ar ... 4 BA. lamlly room, torm•I dining rooin. 2 fireplecel. low down payMenl, like over $311,000 IOWI. $375.000. Tnll llOl IAY M0.000 below m.ncet. 3 BR 3 ea. den. take over 1178,000 lln•nclng. 12911,000. DIDILl IAY Prtoe 1luhed $50,000. 3 BR. pool •nd 1pa. Pflvate beech. $399,000. .... 1111 .................. ----· 11,000,GIO Oce1nfront. Prlnolp•I• only. 4 Bdrm home. double lot. ·~1526 SAU Ill TUii Gr••t ~•n vu. ThrM Arch Bay, 3 Bdr 23 B .. tamlly rm, compl. ramo- High level !lome wJth penor1mlo view. Tr.O. OK. s.. one or the belt for only $397,600. IPU IMAY 1·1 1111 Olfff .... ••2-1200 PETE BARREn ... REALTY Lin-Un If you want to build your own cattle, thll opportunity of a llfetlme wtll nevw come again. 3 lot8 on Harbor Ridge, 1lde~by-1lde, with plen1 for • 10.000 1quar• foot home with TENNIS COURT and pool for onb' $2,500,000. The Owner wfll Joint venture, trade or you can t•ke over the whole project. $ 1 ,400 ,0 00 of a1aumable fl· nanclng. WOWI .._c.t •. w. 714/760-1900 de I ed . 873·211311 , -------1142-1 183 Br1nd New HomH & Condos. no money down FOllECLISlllE whit• l hey IHt. (714) Cintom lpllt level home 5*-9522 Agt. • er 2'A ea. OONn llde1---:oc~.,....-;-,,..,.----of Hwy. OoMf'I & nlte Nie EAN FRONT YUi. W•lk to perk ' BY OWNER. XLNT LOC. Crt1oen1 B•y bHch. $400,000. 840-7990 or .. t 1114.1mab1e nn•n. IPll UT/Ill 11-1 ctng. .e1-233I, aot IY ·- II.II LAI.a LIW, LIW ... ..... T•k• over beautlful Remtnleoent of a bygooe Newport deelgner home erel That'• the theme of with country Fr•noh thl1 wondefful old hOme. on1rm. 1 • ·• Unique 2 bdrm. floor Wt h•ve Spared no ex- Pllll INCd by one bllh penM In thl• MW remo. teaturt1: llv. rm. w/ deled 3 BR 2 Be l'lome. beamed celllng1, hard-All modern kltch w/ Wood floor• & oozy log 1ta1t1n tlle. French dOOl'I burning trplo. Loo•t•d •nd window• thruout. Ju1t • lhot1 atroll from Prof. l•nd1c•ped, lg• the beach, on • tr•• corner lot. RV •oc:eu. lhaded lot & off..-.d for $259,000. Xlnt flnenolng. only S197,500 FULL Hff ......... - PRIC£1 8edt Bay WM. MISSION AEALTY 831-1151: S31-IOl1 fWTie NI So. Cet Hwy, Lagune (11•~111 YllUl.LD -·--.. ---.-.-.--,-1 .. --· ~:";:.1...: 11l DI I"' pr1ce ~no *"Y CUMomSOOOeqftnome leeal 1120 ,000. ~ ~ ...., Vlew9 ''°"' 1=ii83ii1ii-niii11ii. iiiiiiiiiiiiii moet roome -oomplete 1. w/POQ!l.,e.31!1R$t)e-~--..... formal dlnlnO ·...,,. ""· ,..~ ..!..~ 'C --.... 000, VW-"'91, ......... ~-· Lllp9e .... U ~ 144-2173 •1•nf1 •• ,.,,. mT 111 t.J.. ,_, l•I Outatandlng lrg family ~................. ~~_,oo11aoe= "-du. oed "I< to h1'.000 . ............. ~fMYll ........ . IMlllLt•lll• •• ,~ .... --......,......, ._ 1,000 811n 1-4 John 'c.Nr, 141. tt. of deolll"I· a Bkr. °""°"' ....... • ' lllrfllm °",..,.room. ...... dr...-, ..,.,, .. -.,,. IJrJiTf i' llHI • • I l .... . -. ..__.. ............ I .....,_ la111rtt _... .....,----~--- mea91t toel\. I 111.000 f;;iiii;i:;~ e41u1tr, wlll eon•t•er ..... ,.,..,...=:.= !Sfif'" llAVllW • Elegant l 0111rmln9 Harnsiton model. r1~I011e view.. decor: 1p1, p¥1 comm w/poo4 & ttnnll raoHttlte ...... 000. Open HouM 81t/811n 12•6, 1103 Vaol'lt Collna &44-1017 New 4 BR. °W1>ay ., ... 3,200 eq. tt. PM. CO/nm., '3&7,500. Wiii trllde ror prop11ty, TD't . Wiii le•••·OPtlon or low down. Ready to deal! Ownar/Brol(ar 114-«4-0e 14. OUffUYll $198,000. 3 er hm. on giant 170' lot. Adlolnlng nature center. Trade/ auto or 7. Ownr/agt. ~3e0. '94-0395. Bayfrofltv1eWcondo,2BR 2 Ba, MC. bldg. Boat altp avall. $500,000. By ownr/blcr. 1176-"37 BUILDERS SACRIFICE. 3 BR 3 Ba, IUX new condos .. great loc. 1150, 0 00 & $160,000 . 1176-4333 POATOFINO 48r, 2~8a + bonu1 rm. faa land $3.47,500. 760-1290 Anxlou1 Owner moving. Mull aelll What a buyl Bring the whole family. 5 Br. huge 2 level utate sized lot. completely pri- vate plus Owner wlll fi- nance. No lendere. As- king $264,500. LH. Tlerre del Sol Realtors. Hedda Marosl 6411· 1044 BAYCREST: 38r. pool. ape, flreplt, BBQ. Vary pr1111tel Fantaatlc auu- mable financing -lowest price In are• at $299, 000. Vacant. 2007 Holl- day Rd. Bkr. 955-21141, 780-7292 HARBOR RIDGE .,.. 111417 12-4 View ol ocean and city llghll 3 Bdrm, 2'~ba ptua oHlce, 2 trplca. Jo- della Model. $649,000. 3 ST TROPEZ TRi.\DJ T 10\,.\L f.?F.ALT\' IEWPOIT IElllTI Beaut. 2 BR 1 Ba hae. Newly landacaped. $1115, 000 with assumable 11t plua o wner financing avalt. 642-n« ..... ,. ... .. .... .... " 1·1 HHWlltlHUI Lowest priced 3 bdrm, 1 'I& ba. 2 atory In the Bluffs. Freshly painted, clo$e to schools, shopping & pool. VACANT. Reduced ~o $124,500. · ,A..,..1.llll , ...... ·•M.a ~ llff ~ ~-· .. lllft.fflnsiMI .. IJlftt,fi/matMf.. -a!! H.l.'s FllEST Spanltfl Estate lMngl Beautiful park-Ilk• 1ur-r oundtng 1 . Terraced pool. Sunken gu bbq, 1parkllng f ountain•. Spaciou1 rooma. s.pa- rate dining 8111. Welk.Jn closets. name 1111• kttcn- en & e<ablnet1. Walk to Huntington Center. 1 B<lrm-lum. $505 2 Bdrm-furn from $805 2 Bdrm Towmouae tum. from $e75 No peta. Utllltlea FrMI THE ''liOOD LIFE" .,,,,.,.,. --•• 11 ,,. r •• / ..._ a. .._..,.lf .... a. ........ .., ~_._._Ml ..... rl .......... ,,,_,,,~ .... MralcW •~ ..,._,_... ~ .....-:;1' ..... , .......... ':':n7n'. .Tr:'IT.~ rn-.nnm .... .-.-.n ~nrrm .... ;.~ 'J"l'.oii ..... -.mmm. nn .. ~ ... "-"'1' ·.:.•u•n'• ......... , .... , .. mnmer.' .... ·~.:~ ... m:;:;;;n-., ......... mnmr.r. ....... f'ool'll Pot rent. non-.nkt, .., ••••• lmlTM..... loellng Down? 8tartlno WANTID: I0'4 P•tMrl '°""°: WM._..,., ..,.. i!..11 --. .U.w a.-1J.J.1 w • f ..,.. .WI tJOO mo Incl. utM., pvt Contact te ,1ett Chy 1.-v1N1. fthoM enewe• out'? Lower overhHd 1nv•1tor for p,...11t1y l•t1•'1"etrlevet "''•· ,_.,.,,, :::' ... nm ...... r.; •• 'l'mlelm'leuu•l'ml .. '!ff'fi.r.::rt .. ~ k 54..,..11, CM> ~ ,..,.... lervtoe In rtne. oonf. '"'· utll pcO m .. n181n im.ee, omoe at rented, we11.1oc11ed l .A.H ... ,....., ...................... 1 ar. new carpet, n.wty Super neat, mall t Ir. O "" Apt. & Condo IAITllDl CM. l'ftv•t• to. 9!1!!. t!C):!111 101ry aefVI, e10. Al10 "eo•noy Oant•r. !Jt10 °'.,_,.. .,,.. TIQ flound ....,_ •.,.. Doo lHI n• ~.,.... l>U'lted, *418/mo. ptue VIII• •Oh courtyard. ,..., .... V1119 ,_,,... unfurn. room a bath, GOf090UI Dr. Zbtl OOftdO d••" •P•o• 1160/up IUlf .. In Newport'" Mf· ell tu Ind ,..,..tton .,. ' • -.1c1 ~ edUlt, no peta, 1200, utll fee• no pet1, 3u111, no Pl''· 1400. 111-41'2 ltoM;. ,Utile. Inell., ~ .. a 15 wfpoo4, ..,., amenftlle. f40.974t ' ' port, fully equipped ' 1>e11•tl1I for mo:::z T rmen em ' / utt11pMd.10n.BeyApt pool, ldeel Of qui.t,,,.. e1~~=1 • 93·0101, Yll lllllVI m mo. 1 73·7544, bllwn Xlnt 100. Wr IC l'lu, 20 eq. ft, tt.OO per eq, =~~ .:dfvFYJ: ==--=----.,, ...._,. •• 8el~ Ptnlntula. lure working couple. New t .. •o T 4-8PM. 000, l'lour. 882•2247 •ft ft 3975 Birch N a mid 1M1 of\Me---~ ..... • 11~-· ..a...1 •·· ••11 ...... .,.... U home 01I L1L .. •0•1 OoOw~.· •ud 1----. 1 r--, rum 4 & wtcnd1 or t7M1IO. ., " • • mo/mo. ''om 075. • pur ..,_ ,,,_..,, . ""1 .... _ _ _ _ v .. .., ... ""'..., ..._.. --~~;~;;-;~::.:..1-;AOlf'l~~t 5'~1~-603~1!.___ 133-N71 peld. 714/H&·2033 or t'llOI old. 2 oo1er1. •••••••••••••••••••••• *MeM Verde 2 Br. 1 Be. 1141 lliCUNITY. 2 & 3 .,. 2-A 0, "n' u, ". '" I.It 11 . • MY~ * 1117 ••• tc-N -2•• tn-6 ._.._ • --TM-107, ~ ...,.... W111'11 N1wty refurbl1h1d. ••••• • •••••••••••••• la. 11()().1800 eq. ft of S1fl5/mo tetllHt. OM PVT IUITIJGAAAG~ to .000" '"" .u. '"' ~ ..-.--In CdM, mod«T! tlr apt SOS/mo. No P•h. WM\l'lla pure luicury, G1r•o••· 131-5510 RESPON811LE .......... (.. Agent 5'~e&21"· floor. 11 MecArthuf & Jarnbo-,..,,,.., , OU n d Ma I am". •I wfcarpot1 or gatage tor ~74 1 & 2 I r. 04ae°"nl on •PH In every l'tome • 1750/mo. 173-1621 &ef. ,.. lnterteetlon Love!Y .._._.,,. 1111 lhepllerd mlic. Vfo . re11flng l1dy movfng to Lge 2Br 2b• condo. Nr llOIM mc:-e. Pool, 'f'• mHter 1ulle. dlnlnt F:f'O:-s':fodm~lu':~ tPM f men AOffk/M Jn Of. 1•rden atyle bulldlng. •••Wln'l;n';,........ BlaChfA.dame, H.8 . ~o~5·Jrm~(r,t:i !~c.c:~o~~·~.~·~5~:: ~1t .. une, • c . ;1i:::::c.:.0~1o~~:!!~: ~~~::,Of'~,~ne ':;~:t·;.::.~;:. °¥14-'?:r...f'er' ~t~av:.~Mol\s:: ':':=:~y ~~~-F~-~...,., mele. 215-25.40 ....... 132·1788 1350 E\Jc:h. furn. Pool, OV901, privet• pat'91 l -.tblt, tge yard. 1250, ......... 7 t 4 • 8 3 3 • 0 I 2 0 Or ,_.,. VIC. Cf~ v-..; & Le 1 Bdrm In 4 bdrm apt. New 1 1,, gw~, OIW. :::.2~e:..~J~~;tde. ::,~·~~n:.,gr:~ N~w:'~c! ~C~ot'': 167.oett ...... , lll'lll 2l3--120-8857 E1tab. 'chain buelneH Pa. t31·21t1, ~~15/'."°M~ f~ ~-no peta. 1400 mo. Set ' 15 mlnut• from Faehton •xecut!Ve, Non-11'1\0klt M~':. K~~::::t'o ~:a With UM Of reception, •al-• i.UJ lffl ~ ~.:::: ~ ':c'~ I'~:' 7 .,._ ... .,. 5 Avocado. 759-111 14, Near~ 2 8'. 1~ BL laland, 1 mlnv* to 8 .C. ~ beth. Avail. 911: rmm ... t ......... ! •. !N •9r oorif. room, kltoh, ~. T'~•••••••••••••• 805/5164015 for lnfof· F. c· oc· lcepoo b ... 1• .... n·. _....,.. 131-5788 crpta, •· bl1·lnl. ffplc, Plue or O.C.Alrport. mo. ~. • • '" ..,.._ · • MCtet.lrlal & word pro-"-'all atore at 2850 A matton '" _. -=c:":"H:-:A:-:R:".M:-:7'.IN~G-::-. -:1:--::B-::R:--.-:l-g-. i...;;;;:..;,..;/O::..::;:______ enclad Olf9ge. SHOfmo. Jull .... Of Newpott ., ... Pv1. quariert w/ ceeelng. Mall. IMMAge St., 1640 tq. ft. Plut . . Numerout c:.t.' ltltteifle. deck BEAUTIFUL 2 8'. 2 ea. Call 536-0921 Blvd a'° of Sen Diego Npt. Penln. rm, pvt ent., balcony. All fl•• prtvl· MrV. avllll . ...,.,-1111y If car g&regl a..1-an1 ng nim-m--. need NB Anlmat 8heftet 12& :':..,, r~i~!~:.o~:~~~~ Mw Vwde, 1100 eq.ft. F, w y ; 8001 m 0 bath. 1275, 1100 dep. legH. 1400/mo. Oall dHlred. Cell• Judy ' · s12,000 In vent\n caP'-MMa Of, CM. M4 3151 S.W5 tplc:, lndry, patio.~ I" ... WW 131•143, 2473 Ot•nn.o: 754-1581·& 513-4~. EllHn dy1lmHHgH 71417~t00. · ' Olflc:• tnd Laboratory tal for Independent mo-LOST blk M LAB. wt · ww. Olf, no petL '550. L-2 a 3 BR towntiouM .. ,.........: .. -·..-8 3 6 • • 4 4 • • v • •. epac:e -up to 7500 eq ft. uo •·t F 309-4 Mace. 64&-4011 .,.... ....... , ......... ....... C.egune, turn., kite, ldry 5.40-1002 ' ..... 84s.2111 Atk fOf Joe n p,.. ur1. or more cholte clleln 7 /S O 2 Br 1ba, g11age, patio, ---------• epta, y1rd1, 1nc:t.,ear, '5001mo. 1 Br. 1 Ba. apt, pt'lvll. Non amkar pleete. &ecutlve office In Can· Info write: Wedgewood REWAAO l45·0H3 cH ~~:~1:85°· 1 Br, S3to, 11ove/ ~/ ~·r.~~577. c~:: enc•l•d garage, lndry 1225mo. 487..30t7 Prof women & '°"to anr nery Vlllege, ••&Olmo. C...mW ~~~1~· ~!~i' :3..Bg:.,_548-0,........._515 _____ _ -L 1 -2-Br-1.,.-ba-twn-hN--a-pt-.1 ~W~B~·541~1;iit. dren OK. M0-45807 lac:., c:IOH 10 bMcft. Cat Private BA. private en· ~~ beh~ .: .. ~<!in~:!: Broker 11~112 lnt.h 4411 t2MO LOST 10 yr old Fem•,. ltlna, Frplc:. aundec:k. at•• H• • -Deluxe 3 8<. c:rpta. drpt, '*•no doge. . tranoe, H.B. nr Wem.r, alder 1 adll, w/1 chlld Of WhiWllid ... ~·~·-···:.=••• --• .... Siiky Terrllf. M'" l'ter Lota of wood & charm. •--•• b11-I dbl TS!. Mgmt. 642•1803 Oolden Well 1 25o. retired. Fem pref. over 1200 or 2400 aq, ft. 0.. r-_,.. -·--• WllY much. 548--7119 1 bdrm, carport, pool, ne, gar. wld I'll<· Beaut. d~or., ocean vu 53e-o794 30. 759-9135 Iv m-. luxe otflce or at ore In blelg on Coat ..,...... NI • ~•·. ,.._......, .... ..-,., ........ $750. 801'1~ J11mln1. leundry. No PetJ:· Bike to up. 1700. Cell 53&-092t .... -. Hwy SouU1 Laguna Ap-.. ...., "'"""' ,....._ "'"'" 7fl0..fl520 Beedll *425/rno. 931 w ARLINGTON A.'PTS. penlhOUH, frplc:, D.R .•• ,,1. ••ifl1 MOO M/F to anr my E aide c M •P•O•. 14302 & 14304 • 500 f1 eXcel Serloua lnVHIOll thrll Or, lrvlne. 8:15 pm, Fri ._ • Pool, IC)I. All rec. fecll, ••••••'••••••••••••••• houte Lrg · 0 · t' e .. ch Blvd. Blwn 2 r:~~· prlva-:i. p'arltln:. MeJor Gem Import Co., JUiy 36, Aewwd ........ &!!~.!f~ .....• t!.~1 1tth s1t.•CIMO•l2 ~:· 2 '&r~c:;~u: .. t:; MC. 8~'• & park. Unfum. IUWI •m. . furn l~nd,.Y ,':;· $3~5• Frwya. Civic ~ VII· behind bld"g. $525 mO. for roul.hlcut 1tonH call 644...,.49 111 111 I U • • • beech, 1525/mo. $10 • Furn 11500. Wkly renta16 now a11111. 64~7873 ., . lege Shopping enter. TurnerAUoa. 494-1177 (714)17 74'0 FOUND 2 Coc:k•r Spa· , , • t&0-885e 875-9111 1140 & up. Color TV. Prime ~tlon. t79-888t • .,,, fl 1 tel ~:;,1~.~~odo;ah~~~J>:i: LU5~;:0~'A5~•0!3'~~'l: LIDO DELUXE. 2 Br. lrpl<: Phonet In room. 2214 Move In lovely C.M. home, or ~144. Storage"'=· 385 eq.ft., 1lf:I:'' hi ll1I ~ 01~ ~ :'~·0 ~ ~~ bbg. Adult1, no peta. 957·27"' .-.. AVAILA.B_LE NOW lrg brick patio DR. Adtta. NewPOft Blvd. CM. pvt room 6 bath, c:ompl. AlrPOft arM • exec. Sul-alarm ayst 'call •••••••••••••h••••••• 857-8227 642-5073. ..., • .., 2 Bdrm,1 bath apt. neer $1050. '75-635t. \ 84f.7445 r:,~·~~~3~~~vga. Call IH. From 225-450 aq, n. 548-3182 U. l&nul i--------- 2 br., 1 ba., cupete, 2:'ar~8;9~01~ro p!t:: ~:=~C::i~ = * BAYFRONT * B [AC H IR [A ROOMMATE, condo nr ~~1:Tsr.i1~i0Manyxttu. !!~~!!!!!-!.!!~!t!IW. llttfpct ....... f!~! ........ P..ff drepH, bullt·lna. No 873·21'45 1400/mo. 545·2000. PVT SUITE/01\RAGE ft b 1 h OI I N.B. 3t75 Blrc:h. 3660 aq. Spec:lallzlng In 111 & 2nd * * * pet•. $425.. 2272 M1ple. ·---------· Agent, no fM. RESPONSIBLE N.SMKR $77/ k n~n~1mok.:.·\~·,.:02e HU Olllll ft. or, .... MIA zone. . TO't tlnoe 1"'8 ltllllfts ,.,.., _63_1-_29_2_1 _____ 1 's!:. =~•~d.':·1~~ 2 Br. l't\ Ba. 1385+ ~5 $750/Mo. ~1521 Bel. W after 8. llWNll IUOI Agent 541-5032. Robt. Settlet NH/CM Open 24 lv'I •day Spaolout 2 Br. 1 Ba. $425. & NWpt Blvd. 548-9574; dep. Crpta, drpt; Quiet KJ\c'":"9e:!:-~~= Lu.x Dent pt view Condo COMPLETE EXECUTIVE 1750 up. 2190 ft. lndu-~~.::~er 8d ~~ 7 drf9 a W.-3 Br . 1 'h Ba. 14715. •499-4451 old« perlOl'I prefwred. 2Br. 2Be, frplc:, pool, 6 Nwp fOf 3 mo., mHter IUlt• OFFICE SERV ICES llrlal . ~. 18101 Re-Jecuz:zl, 8euna. Local• Laundry tac .• pool. Nr Beach Blvd & Mc:-relrlQ. $450 mo. Cotta MUI 548-9755 with frplc:. g::_ot, apa. FROM I 115 to Stfl5 . dondo Clrc:le #M & T WIDOW HAS US kw TD'• H well H tourllla. 54a.9558 2 br, 1 ba, c:pta, drpa. Ftdden. No peta. 8'f.H25,&4f.3122 e•"" t"""...__ .. hot'"' 1_..9 .. 2881, 9 .. .,9. UNEXCELLEO SER· Huntington, Beach. RE L.oant, 10t< Up. No BankAmertoltd, MNtw ---------• Mature ~ref. No peta. 64f.9243 & 8t3-4894 1 8' 1 Ba. yrly r;,;:,,o:;'11• g~ -~!f ES. ENVIROttMENT. 842·2134. Credit Chec:lt, No Pen-Cflarte. Am•rlc:an b -spac~' OllE. s"'ld• ~Pll. t~22~ W. 19th. Jeck WALK TO BEACH 1 Br. $800fmo. $320/mo. plut MC. de-Fem to ~~.~ 2Br 2be ATFF ......... ,. ... ..-waa-• alt)'. DennllOf't a A.Moc:. prna, 7Dlnertf. Al31 .3. •~ " & 1 173-3355 poalt. 2301 w. Oc:e•n· condo/.__ Creek, Lag N ,._qu ... era n•• -873-73.11 c:ome 141 45-43 . End ger. patio, dlhwtht Spac:loul 2 er, 2 Ba, ,_ ~;~. ~;~{8. g • · front. Newport Beach. Hiiie. Tennie/pool. c:IMn Companlel Approx 2000 tel ft. Nr 2112 Hlltt>or Bl. CM & atove. Moat utll lree. c:rpta, drepea, good Ac:rou from beach. 873-4154. and re1pon1 lble. 714/851.oell. Crown Valley Pkwy, a COEDS_ Would IOV9 to No peta. euUlde loc:allon . 3 Min to bch, 38' 2'hBa. Studlo/l'ty. Pool, encl S300/mo. Evea 843-21to CdM dtx aulte, A/C, emple Forbes Rd., MlMion vi. A.M..,..Mll/ patty with you. c.. Sue 1 BR, 1 ~ $435 $475/mo. Mature adult• trplc. dbl •M ger, patio. get S3t , 640-5078 l•-•t •ntw 4111 Roomm•t• to shr w/2 te-pkg, utM pd. 2855 E. C11 Jo. (714) 545-0215 ~/ or Kathy anytime. 1 BR, 2 pert<>nl $485 only. See Manager 147 $850 mo. 1·525·3004, WESTCLIFF 1 Br. upgra· •••••••••••••••••••••• melel pvt brlba. CIOM to Hwy. '75-e900 1300 ...... ft. $425. L#f f fnN 953-41383 2 ~~23 ~1~1J~10 E. 18th. St. "4", C.M. 964-4&:p ded kltc:llen. S550tmo. 1 Br. tlMps 4, ac:roa the b c: h . S 3 O O + de p . motTIYI lltTfl 1800 '";q. ft. 1575 •••••••••••••••••••••• jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 642 1905 $375. 1 BR. pool, petlo, 1 DELUXE 3 Br. 2 ea. In Avell. now. Adulta, no 1tr .. t trom beach. 642-8165 881 Dover, NB. l3l-3151 Front oHlce, large rear Aaal..,..••11 1111 1maa a ------·-----1 P9fton 325 J, 17th Pl. 4·Plu. blt·ln1. c:rpta. peta.. 173-6440. '2t5lwk. 875-5068 Super view, pool, 1pa, door. 1779 Wtllttler Ave. O~·:;;·:~~h~·,j~~~·M;F ;O M~DaS $410/mo. 2 Br. 1 Ba. apt., 64f.5t37 •It 11AM hk·upa. drpt, dbl gar. Nr nu. by Lido. 2 Br 2 Be. LIDO ISLE -3Bdrm, lam aeo. get•. tenolt , Prof. olflc:e apace In Npt. Day• 540-t352. Ev•• earn 11 you leern to ESCORTSIOANCERS beelMd celllng, l1undry 3 Br 2ba, petlo, cptlldrpt. ';:.~-.:.e;: 1 N.J_,f•••· trplc, patio, cpl, or 1 tgl, r,m. 2Ba. S 100/dy July. $24 51 mo. & ha kp ng ~t~~~erp::f.!'t:;~~yu: 64f.068~ $1000 mo. Of more. PIT OUTCALL 24 HRS ~:·~· Avall. July. Cati 1550/mo no peta. Aft no peta. S6t5. 675-00t7 3600 Auguat. Oc:Hn· 759:1429 ol rec:eptlonlat, Xerox, le•la/1 Wulflfl 4M u • tra\1111 c:lub ooneuf.. llM211 TSL Mgmt 1 642·1903 4pm, 845-2199 DELUXE 2 Br. 2 B•. In Large Blulfa c:orfdo, 2 front 2br, 1b•. ISOO Rmmate to lhr beeulfful law Hbrery. Avatllmmed., •••••••••••••••••••••• tent. II'• MIY. II'• fun. ~;:::::;; L_ar_ge_3..;;._B-r.-2-B-a-. _T_C1W_n.-•2e 18 fa d I I u111 4-Plex, c:rpta. drp1. bit· bdrm, 2 b1, 2 cer gar :::~1:\11 Grundy, f\ltr. C.M. home,"' bc:tl. W/0, call IOf detalla. Mikki Of FAMILY need14-br. home. Mr2~nk1 HO·l888, i hou ,_ S~ao ~(,'9N/~t:C~3; Ina, enclad gar, hk-upt. with opener. Ore«ibeft. spa, tmkr OK. 1300. Art 714/t55-2411 ISoONre..nBtLoEr l~'2"2•50REA• 1-54 ___ 7 _____ _ M lo qu ... t complex, · ,..... · $525. No peta. 540-4484 Bay View Secluded pe-1 block from beech 1 B 6 4 2 • 15 5 3 any ti m •; " · "'" • 1 · :~~r. m'5.g6~~~33~et :~~1:: St. 831"3278• •ft 8 M·F. llo. 1925 .. 830-0645 1leep1 4. with garag;: e 3, -8 t 4 5 b I w n ~~~ ~ ····-, ••• fl. I'' SCRAM .. LETS 175-5849. . Deluxe poolllde xtr• large c 2 bd 1 b Prlv. patio. 631·12et_ 6PM...9PM. f~vdJ. C.M. 845-2111 A•k .:':.._'£,•' 'lft t _________ 12 bdrm, 2 ba, llreptec:e, 2br, 2 ba. bftnt, dlWhr. ozy r~, •··1-------...;...:;;;;;.__I---------..... ...... •NSW£RS $530/mo. 2 Br. 2 ea. dlahwHher gar prkg 1'h u .. be.c:h Ad 11 beamed c:ell a, Patio. WIDLY IUTW Prof. F. lhare plulh model oe •••••••••••••••••••••• ft TownhouNI, c:ar ports, yard. ™5 ' . ' m t $5001 u '· Garage, Npt Hetghla. No Avallable. Agt. 875-8170 lownhome, tennlt, getee, Exec. Furn Suite. prime l•1bln1 Endure . Ollley Prof man dMlree female palfoa. •II bll·lna, lndrv 930-44541 ~el:e2'· mo. Pe\a, $525. '45·1'82 NB 1&2 B ...---..,,ty t baaotl, pelfo. turn. $500 N.B. foe:. Phone and n-..... '"' ,,_,, Rltual. AbUMd houaekl •!,t~.: muat b• -'· d · · r.'"""" • 1 epa Heh. 4t3-41M7. I II 12251 :-;<r.;,::-• ;«, -~ Mllhap Column ..,,., n .....,.Ing, ltloP-rm, amall pet ok. Won I $820/mo. 3 8<. 2 ea. F.R. .._._ 1_ ... ___ . 1 b rm. yrty, atepa to to bc:h. S275 up. Great cop er ava . mo ••• ••••••• •••••••• • ping & " cootdnO-Orge-lutl Clean, freahly painted. -••J _.._. bHc:h. garage prk·g, locate. 754-0939, Retp M/F with or w/out tl8·177t, 840-821$ Join the leader In the HAMBURGERS nlzed w/good refa. In TSL Mgml. 642·1903 iood neighborhood ~ 2 bdrm, 2 ba, no pet•. 1415/mo 770-2484 or ~ turn to ''" 3Br 2be NB ( ..... ) twtmmlng pool c:hernlc:al Afler dlnn., at a very exdllnge for apt In So. A.fl. s. 842~221 ....._ 8 amaH chlld <*. $315 mo. 731-6448 n• Cottege nr bellc:h. home. 3 bike to bc:h. bl-MtVlc:e bu1lne11. Be • expenllW 1'91teurant, my gent, no ,_ 71•2299· 9e8-t174 S P• I . $350 wk. (Aug/ tint, frplc:. dbl '"''· 1375, I.I. •Pelf llU "aparf(fe -ter trMtment teenager remattled aad· Laguna on the b .. c:h. Fl replace, pool, dl•h· Eaatald• 2 Br. 1 Ba. llfl • ltlAl Sept.) WINTER $650/mo. ·~ ulil. A.Mt 642."37. aft 130 1q. ft. f11ll Hrvlc:e 1y1tem1 deel•r." Ltc:•d ly. ••Juct thlr*. kw Wha; ~ ~ r'tilllme to: wahef,pvtpello.XL..O down1telr1 near 28'.2Ba.llght&eunny, WI~ 4t4-0077 12.645-2583 exec:ullveofflceavaHlm· territory avallabte. we •pent tonlgflt, we Mr. Daniel, PO Box C., Ge rd en 2 Br. 1580. • choo I•' no' P •1 •. enclad garege. private ~ m • d . C or n • r o I Otenge Coast .,.., no could have had fttty.flve C· 1t525, lrvlne, Ca. 557·2841. $450/mo. 831-8155. ~· $525/mo ....... ..,.. II' llAT... Balboa Island 2 Br. SIHC>• Prof woman lo lhf bMut Jemborff/Mac:Arthur. e11per. nee. Wiii treln. HAMBURGERS:· _92_7_1_3·-------.,.. .....--28r, dplx. nr Udo Vlllaoe. fl. 1450/wHk. Winter Newport ShorH home. BHulllully ,decorated tso.ooo lull amount 1---------1.Juay ~ wMrl .. 2J:'~n1n 8:-t.ur:::,.n;;.,V:· 2 Br. 1V. Ba.. frplc:, pool. ~ "44 own gera~•· lg patTo. $850/mo.175-2910 Utll lnc:I. 1350. 645--85e7 wllh bey window•. req·d. aome nnenc:lng you?=r .,,t -can Biii $440/mo. Sierra Mgmt ape, at~ cri'age. No •••••••••••••••••••••• sa75 mo. I 50 w/o dock. 3Br •IP• t , pool, CdM, No. Lag Oc:e1n front. 2 752·2517. available. Wiii net $40. m/.!f.~ .... !... von . 213f5'8-3ee2 641•1324 P • 11 · v • n ° w · Orengetree Condo 2 Br 1 175-0952 $400 wtVS1250 mo. Aug. bdrm, 2 ba. Beau rum. 000 plua. Call collect Of 213 134-7213 $825/mo. '31-4ta4 Be. pool. 1100/m.o. New0ec:or3Br,2Ba,trplc. 525-5359 $425 mo. Sharon ~~ ~f~p~j Mon-Fri MPM. A.ale lor NEW BREEP APTS. 2 t>drrn twnhM. l'h ba. 857-8087 Trecy. gar1ge, 2 blk• lo bc:fl, CdM 2 br, 2 ba ap1. So. of 4t1-415t c 0 •• t Hwy N . e . Tim 4081&67-0111 fNllln •ns NEW! :~. ~'. .~t~·.:-: garage, patio. $495. Nr 3 Br Ht iia townhome yrty 573-2571 PCH. eundedc. Avail. 818 LADIES ONLY. BHut. 845--7474 UUl1U NI MIDY lllD" water paid. No peta. 393 1 9 t" 1 P 0 m 0 n a Patio. A.IC. lrplc:, W/D: Udo bayfront. yrty ...... 3 to t /4. 1500 wk. or N.B. prlv home. Avell ---------! Join Natlontl Co. ID[ FREE Melc:hlng toothbrush & H 1 m I It o n , C M S4e.e357 Woodb(ldge So. l.ak .. , Br 3 Ba, 413 Via Lido St800 mo. 813..3415. now. 845-9516. Wanted t7o20tubleftt ~ We WIN Train M rlZOI' Mt pool• ..__...... '175 mo approx. eq. • U1•-H...., eam1-.. _ w--X l'M-411. • .......... · Soud. 113· 1283 or eat p 1 blk t bellc:t1 ep-. prof ... tonal de-.,,.. • ... ,..., ,,_ • -Rated Shepel le. 0.nt "IU Cell Denny 145·2011 875-3551 11250/mo ~_,1oen n., $3500 ' Fem non-.,,kr to ltlf 2Br algned, exc:eptlonal, ExcJullve TerrltOfy Cal•, -Hiked Ledy Stylel ~ fil-Lll 2 er 2 weekdeya; 548-5833 · ,,... • ape. pr wtl. hM, Eutllde CM. $215 Call Jim Swyer ~ wn::.l IEiii !Ina. 91~~·~1:=,t,loi3~ -& wkndt. In Cln1nlf Jl11 855-1743, 813-931-4 mo. 631-5390 ocean View. Flexlble for Toll Free M2-llll : ~~ rUOf IPllTlllm dep. 851-0424 !11! ... 1' ifWll' ...•......•..••.•..... BAYF ONT. PVT BEACH. Fem to •hr 2Br. 2B;p;fk pr Iv. c: y . p h 0 n. 1-800-433-3322 bl.0. •---------U I• .,_ Neer new 1 Bdrm. ept. l6~4~4'.:'.4~1~40~ . ......,...,.....-......,...-1~~~~~~~~~~1•~~~~~~~~~1 Beautiful garden 1pt1 4 U 1 •• •• ••••••••••••••••••• with bulll·lna, carpeting Balboa Penln. Jutt c:om· N.wport, $285 mo. lnc:I ::-_ -comM In Gift Boxl Patlo•td9ckl. H .. t paid. & • -IOUIFllll & drapes, lewndry ftclllty, pleted • febulo.u1 vi-. utll. Debbie 840·4320. Executive office eulle, 1111'11111111 11111111 UT S7.95 P9f Mt No pet1. $490/mo. $250 eecurlty Moat el-ant apL b,,.,.. u-.. -· roof ~ .......... , and Pvt prk'g. Speed . 2Br 2b• 752-8888 cornet o! 405 Fwy, Near To Hll end dlttrlbute LOST·. Sat, July 2•1... Order Nowt We P•Y 2 IS 2 Ba sses lnc:ludlng Utllltle• No ... '""' ""'" .... ........ • n1u1 convert en II"'" 8 Hetbor Dlvd. Take over .. " nnat-r. · pet · In Laguna Beac:tl, llneat publlc 1ennl1 c:ourta & i7solwkty 752_9511-,x Fem roommate to find hN leaN 1800 ft toe Natlonally advertlHd Eeatbluff Area. RE· .. --- 3t8 w. WUton 131·5583 ~lit Beth ll3t-523o' loc:atlon In town, breath· golf courM rfght behind 8'75-84t . & lhr with. Call 54t-3497 ft. ca.. 751~-;t,. •t Juetlce Broe. eutomotlve WA.ROI ST. opegR:g IMPORTS Sparkllngaean,2 er. l'I• laklngvlewa,altbullt·tna, property. CloH to eve· 1 ~ark 1----------1 produc:t1. Operate 11 da 133-8853, evu · · ><164 ea. $490. Fenced. utlla Lux. 2 BR 2'h ba twnhM, h ea t e d P o o I . rythlngl l3t51montn. CdM. Avell Aug t, c:om· •---------Fountain Valley Olflce your own, Nlllng to auto 644-4838 WOODLAWN STATIOH paid. Relrlge. 2 amtll fplc:, gar. $700 mo. Call 1ub.-garage, elevator. A.vaHeble Augual 15, one pletely turn 38r home. Mature Female. 2 bdrm, 2 tpaee, 2600 aq.ft. et so. pane ltOI' ... car dealers. NEW YOAI<: H.Y. 10470 chlldren ok, no peta. 5-45-7780 Of 557-39'e Le ... only. $850 & up. or two edulta only a no Short welk to bc:h. be., Non-tmkr, $235/mo a fl. Good expoaure, HrVlo• 1tallon1, & oa· Loat 1125. Black blnocu· 1SHIO Wallace 842-4905 Lar"• bachelor w/patlo, 330 Cliff Of. 494-8083. peta. Cell owner at (7~) $500/wtny plua dep.1_963-6 __ 2_18______ good parltlng, T1fber1 & rages. Choice area a'IW-11rs In brown 1hCM.1lder ~ " 842.-0138. '73-834t Fem. Rmmte, 1 blk ll'om 8 rook h u r 1 t . ca 11 labl• Includes Sen Cfe.. c:He. Ootflerd & Hell. ,_ Ull $500/mo. 2 8<. 2 Ba. apt, llnglee. 859 W. 1t1h St. beech 1225 1 t & 751~181 mem. 10 Seal BMc:h. All HB. Reward. 557-7470 ... ;.!!!!. ......... .. encl ad g1rage, patio, Cotta Mesa. $315. Deluxe Old Spanllfl, lg• 1 VMllNll lnl.J14ZJI · rap. 1 -liii:wiiMiiiiti"'.UiUiil-1 with exl'11ng ac:c:ounta. ext 11. M Engath o.ntternan lrplc. lndry tee. Submit EASTSIOE 2 BR. 2 Be. br. 2 ba, d111 rm. frplc:. ...................... last. 831•55&8 -· .. PllT 11111 Vehicle and training Found: Me,. mlll lhMp Eac«1 for Women on pet. Gu & water paid. LllU()-COUNTRY CLUB LIVING $475· 49f.7151· OCEAN 2 & 4 8'. Non amkr 3 BR condo llMll Um progrlm furnished. dog. grey/White & t1n. 4t7-5725 (b9t ~) TSL Mgmt. 842·1903 dry lac. dltl-6 dispel. IN NEWP-ORT BEACH e .. c:h Apt. 100 yard 10 Av . ow. Weekly thlv turn, S200 mo. & 1"' ulll'. No depoalttl Lu11urtou1 Moderate depoall re· lal9 "'•STSIOE 2 er. ,,._ ... I am 11 y c: om p I e x . A total environment Mnd 2 Bt. 1 BL,,.., mmer. &73-7973. $150 dep. 964--3854 HB, ffl 1 1 di quired on working In· Mhal mMI• c:o1111, Sh. ~d& '11nl · UH ""' ,. .... -n OCC new o <:••. nc: u ng w te. • • ep .. er , •••••••••••••••••••••• Townhouae. enctad g•· 1525/mo. ptua $300 clep. apartment community on $305. 49f.7151. Ulll/UWlll , __ r --------rec:eptlonltl, 1n1""ng ventOfy. For A1>9t., call blkllen, C.M. tega. Fe-LAX to DALLA8 •• 17t. rage, lrplc, amatt pet ok 1 _5-48-4 __ 14_1_. _____ the Upper S.y. Privet• •·-ll N-2 er. 2 ea. Condo. Prof tam OYfl( 30 wentlCI 1ervlc:e, conference W weekdays male YCl'tlle Ter-rW, Ult LMVlnO ,..,_,,., AuQ. 6th Gr•t toe:. 2 BR ou...a-w *.75 clubhouH end hHlth _. .,... Prlnc:evllle area. Fur· to atw Promont""' Point room. etc:. 752....a8. (211) ... -· & pepper brwn. Mate bill 541-78" or t42-n70. TSL u-1. 642· 1603 • . ....... .... . •P .. 8 tennl• courts. 7 ~ •• 1~·-· ,, • ., I .. _.. full I ..AA 2 BR 2 Ba -' .. ~bor & --Him long heired, _______ _ ~.,... N-paint, lerge ended -""uu-6 ' n ,,...,, Y equ p,....., • OCMn, 1-Harbor & Baker 240 tq, ft. Leundry M•I. Harbor & ,.._, ---------patio """'1 ...... p~1• pooll, c:IOH to bull,_, •••• •••••••••••••••• 1-n ... ..,..., pool 5..-.. , au n a• t v I• w • w I c:a1 144-3158 STUNNING lerge 1 Br ccv " -·~· Lg z21l"" 2•· • ..._.._ m: -· ••· .,....., · ....--lat ftool' .......... -t,_ •dam1. Groat tnc:o""'e · •....&.~•· I 845-9"484 airport. Fuhlon ltland. ~ • ... """'""'• • Summer Of Fell rat .. by arc:hl1ect·llyet. Cultural 6 S200i .., 1'&..1 °1324 1" 40 0 "' L t y klhl T I --g111den apt, pool & rec:•---------Convenient ahopt on , gar, no peta. 75 week or by month . health oriented perton ce. mo. -0 /mo. Full prl~• 01 or r• wrer. ,.,,,..,,_ 1M rm. $425/mo. 710 W 1 Bedroom wltll yerd. lite. Unfumlehed bac:he-mo. lee. 497·1114 213/173--521'. prel'd. S450 & \t utll. NewpOf1AirportArea400 $6000. Aun & Fold In.-:::, ~~· ·~~··········••11•m••ili•ili•11•m•rii•ii•11•m••ii•ii•ii• ~etn. St. Eutllde Coeta M.... lcn. t & 2·bdrm apla at\d ..... "" PALM SPRINGS 873-8047 to 2400 eq ft office _cl_uded __ ._840-8 __ 754_·__ 1213) ..;c,:r153-,. • ..... ...... ...., ....... 541-4589 townhoulea. •••••••••••••••••••••• apace. from 90e alf In-TRAVEL AGENCY -•- 2 Br 2 Be wlgarege Large 3 Br 2 Ba. crpll s.ver!.54° ~and 1 P~9J!.'!!!:,,1:~El~!!!>0 N9W 3 ~~Vt~r hornee. R::rsn:I~~ ~~~ ~:~: ~8,ln:o~'f~-:-V~ •-~.NCOwnHIS~~· L8!im· Gso:.~enp. ~·.b~alrnddl t.-.... 1585, 1Br. poolalde w/ drpt. crpn. nr/OOC. no .... nit f -1-"' pool ape bbq t ..,. I= -•-" .. ... ,...., ....,... g•r•-1415. Bec:h w/ peta, $550. 751.seee. .,..rm u • Mture nne houN prtv. 1"' utlla. 1210 • • • a er_,, • --·· "'-· ... ug pency. LH or mo/mo. Complete Setup Both lolt In Woodbr1dge. --&!&& .-dHlgner furniture and 1it. a IU1. 588-403& Iv dally maid H rv. From t th. 720-14t5 540-29e0 a training 5$t-443t patio. carport 1405, 1 & 2 Bdr trallerl. $200 6 ec:eeeeor1ee Mow In to-mtg 1125 night. ch'"" · ... lrplc, pool. ape, leundry. up & 1150 MC. No c:ni.. dsy Of ,.-,.... tot tum-1-....;..·-------1 Pllm Sprtnga Reeon lrvlne 2 Br. 2 Be. ~t. *llLID ..... * ex ""' butlnMa Loet ONnge & wtllt• male ·:& I ~1~·~9-/.:~~· Meaa dren or doge. 133 E. mer month•. Smartly 1275 mo, nlcely furn. Rentala, 213117M208 ~. '=·o!2:5bdrr! From 1roomto3 roome. Av';:':'.:,. c:at, 1 yr Old. 18th St, ap. 42, CM ~~~~hed model• open ~r~~~~g:~·~:o:',t~'N~ LK. "':BRO+WIHttEA028·2•t2y :~~uo•t llk•·a,5~·-2A1v2ell = ~!!..,.dJ~· ~~ M1ae1on,_ .. ~teto t-L"'.:O-::S"'.:T-.-~-8=-h-,-54...,,-,-C,,..o-.-I ~ Job ~ 2 Br townhou•• apt. On Jamboree .... at tmokl't Pref. m.,. ttu-new r o , a. ,,...,. ena"' •• .,, .__,_,,_ ,..,..., : w v , -"" "" frploa, 2 betconlea, ca· POft« Inn. 21'12 Dupont. Anaheim · '-1na on 7/24 2 band Flnendel lld ~ ..... ~-nu s:;llttld•. Frplc:, g1r, s~ 1_,.uln HI"' .. ,. dentl. &-e058 Park Newport 3 Br C II •M ..... "223 -.-• ~I'll laund tac:ll, no peta. -· .,,._.. ,,... thedral ci.lllng, color TV. · • " · .,._.... Alto, other.,... In wedding nng Mt. 6 dla-·Acor1dlt•d member INIYmt1 1625/mo. 144-1100 Cfleef1VI room, lcttch prtv, Sip• 14. North Shore. Townhoule, pool, tennis, 1._..., IUll Oranoe Count)! mond• total. P-.. cell: N.H.8 .C. BHutlfully l•ndac•Pld ALSO pvt yard: EtSld• CM. $215/wknd. 1St51wk. view Bac1' Bey. Jan ""''""" · Jl!snnll.I 1 1 4 -8 • 8 • 1 0 0 2 . ·Corrupondenc:•I garden apta. Poot & Spa. Bach. ap1. 12751mo. • rt a.a.A _.. Pref middle~ man. SSG5/mo. 522-ae3t 758-0048 exec. offlcle (1000 ti to 11......._1111 714..U2-te17 r..io.no. training Covered parking. No 641-3'420 ... '!lf!;.-:::z:o ... ::-;;i $200. IMl-6 Bel Penln w.terlront 48' Rmmta wanted. NB 3Br 1150 ft), AttrtctlV9 Well Found Med u Calleo cat pete. *2BR . $420. Beem<*-Spec:.3 BR 2°8a.fptc:,Q9', Female, BMut. room w/ 21ty,c.ncellatton0ppty' c:onoo . Pool /l ac , melnlllned bldg. Mr Wenl e ~of your long flelr vlo Clay l 'OAMOAEINfO 113"1;. 1..... 1475 ~No peta beeOtl 2 .,.., MOO yrty. bath. Kltct'I prtv. HVH. 11oobwti. Aug, ltc>C>wtl: $225/mo. Non-emkr. Hoeg Hotpllal, carpet•, OWn fOf minimum coet? Allio N'wpt Hgh 17258. Doua6el.._ 8 "'-,..,. 64f.8818 . O M-1e· .... ......... No peta. 641-1112 1280 plut utll. 720-0315 Sept. (111i) 41f.n3t Aval.I now. '45-0644 ml~l·bllnda. Dedlc:eted ~ Mltup plua ~ 14&-45h . AnefllWn, C.. tatoe ... ililiiilriliriiiillliillliiliiriil ...,.. ............ _ Pftl IJ. Prof. envtronmenl ""' ~ontultenl. Guer. 1----------1 7Wl34 HM Newport BHch loft for -quiet ., ... 645-3323 profit ~21t Found: Gr"" PM'akMt Kennebuiikport? Wasn't he the Ambassador from Australia under Teddy Roosevelt? rem. FemNy atmoepher•. dy9. • Vic of Mama end Meel (AH. Training, Rialto, ~" UM ol "'°'*· ...., --WT .. Verdi e&f....at !dint. pool & park. Aent lnol Full MMcie offloee. Hunt-p~fllebll. prl"'9 loca• 1~;;~~:-c;iil~fi~~!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!~ utll. $376 mo. 76f.OHO Inf to" Itch. 1375 mo. lion. Good 1 ..... 120, !found 3 'If old Part Ter-(7 4) ......aa1 ,...,, 8rwn .,,,.,,.,. peldl ,,. .,...... 11'11 Lrg N.a. tiome. PfOf. M .. 1---"---------t o o o • 7 5 • 2 5 o 2 or on...,, ca1ar. MV .,..., •-•••••••~••••-••• non-wnttr, 2W5. AVllM. 8hate office or~ Furn, 17W77t. 8'14211 Young fMn1M INlfl will now. USO. Diana. "'**-CopMt. ~ n•lB0 .. 18' .. NO dO generet ~ wortL 831·129' toe. In H•rltqe .. nk _, .. ""' ~o .. Siam.M Cat Vic f ev4 a wit F,..~ ..... • .. __ ,. bldQ., Adam• & MM• Sandwl"' ettop_ w/ .. t. Wer1t1r/Qrall•"' • H.1 : ~.!::' l w e nd•, ,,_4 ... eptto .. -•WJ• V d Of or--. ~ ..... .000.Al.80 TM....,_...S.'40.MIS1-"''-•._ _ _,·-....---~ '230 plUe '411\1, .: J.m..• J;F.:: lflOI 9'0fw. Qr'9et 1oc9d-........ ..,, to eMktftt 54t.oeot "'"'"" ,.... ....... ......... on on buly M.-Ave. a. GMIN .. NIPIGYIM"I "' 9'0fM •---------• r-.orM1C1t9.llOO.Uttl ~~·v··~•••.... ~WHn'aQ 11tpl•• tHe ,..,-~CN CM;i ..,. ... __ w..... """'c ~'" _..,a IAof /ltd ttlfree, rtYere lte • ..... --· t~ C.. M2~ 4M 4IOO ltwe MW oftlae IP wtttl 111 "-' Qww, llA .. to 700 eq. f\! ,,.,., Ina . ... ,or....,._.,.. 714/IMNtlO • ' --,...1•····~~ ··~··... .. .. _ ·2C:' .._...... ..,.. . . ~c....,.; *:tr: :.r.-: .. ~ "":J:I ~ ....,..,.... ....,....._ lrflM.""'-tfM' ..... ~-.-.-;;a ut.••u•.....,.. J: ~ ~:.:-~=-......... -=-~.a::. Iii.ti ............. ,......·1· ... . ,,.. ..... ...... Ol'llo9e. l40-1H1 ...... ,,_ ... .......... ':::a=t..= H~~ fJ•li••c. .......... N:::.:,r~~ °!, • ... T;; HLLr::~·HOU· ·t·~~·'":1"a1°' ,,.. VIM-MC loolt ...... ~,::-. ,.:. iiNif"'HAHOYMAN '« OOfNt ---. ..i Ml o 1' 1 ... ~ .. o:.:: '· Atllr PA~ ........... ~~13 Vl•I• lervtn Au. L;w:"::r."b-r:-:l'r. !!9 ~:::.'~.~'l~ •• ~~·~i m~·iiiWa••• DO rTNOWI .......... YOAlll o.IV Pltot leMoe Dtreotory .._.., .. ,Ive --19;:;;;;;-;;;;;;-1 t1a.IOOO, bofMMd by It. ""'' oom•IUJ mMlt of c.iw...,,.._. to -.. lft ..... • .............. N/rOll A.Ito 711·7027 "'9CI•-',.._.,.... I ~ ~·· TINO Ofl HANlU1 In Newport. L•tU!?!J .• AIC MOVINO • W~P*"lnl NI/CM . tu teez ~. ft4.lnt ~ ~ ,. It ~tlfttton °' ......_ "" °'**· C4lteM letvloe. Aee1oom·1 ~an ._,_.,_ ----.-----I!.• • ~-1..;.. _ _... ______ Oerpent ry, Oebln•t•. ,_., ...._ MO--?•u ::.;-,:.::"~·k:!: ,,. .. ,..,,., .. 112"°410 quality, HNmat e4t-111a rn~~;,-,w;At; .. ..,...,., ....... 1!...-1JJW..I..._ r~'!f.ri!ffr.l'if.'w. Plumb., Df'91n Cteenlng, HOUllC' •aN•a.n oi..n, IWldle m=i.e •&-1--· expert wellooverln~n· v-~ ._......._ ,._ Cr.'f!!•llT4~•W:-:::& •u•:•Hz:wl.d Cl••:~•. Kh • ....__, ow-a.. tile, ~ •I e o t T II e • e f 1 ...,... ,,_ --~ ~ ~-· 11 Ion • -· _,,_ ....,.. ""'" ,.. """ .._....... -·-.. :.J.. • " • By ~ Ledy WN .,.,.,. "" no • Top quellty. .. ~ ... " • " ... pr • 14) •H .... NI" cel>ltMta. Celt now • "-••••••• •••••••••••• tte-01... llcp'd. 54f.2t'f1 II "°'* f6' Nie, ~ In hendtlfttr yrt .cp. Conaullant A.Nlenment ~~~~~~~~ 3 ""'· ta5. wood ,., .. Mtlmata. M2.oll1 TIDI teo-n3t rtenoed, referenoH . Competitive "RelM Nt-NOO 'llJt · WOtll ..,.., 131-614$ Tapped/r.mowd. a.wt Call'-tmt-.. -""" Honie Oleenlnv, honeat, ~240 No cwertlrM. 730-1353 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~If .--· JffwM lwn 1114'7'8 "" ....,,..,_....,,. ,.Clable, IWdwon(lng & 1-----------__,~....,,,...,,...,,..-,, .. ,__aJ TIL£ IN8TAU.!O ~· ............ a. .. l!MJI-. .II di ...... ~ .............. Ill>• ~ replfre, efectr .. plum· ,_.IOll.1554 44u ITA..VINO COLL£GE .. ,..................... A.II Klnc». ~ ~:.-:::~L04 :r.:o.-... mr.: ..... Deooratlv• ••l t rproof MOWINO . CL!AN UPS I ~blno~!:.,·!H~yrt~exp~;_· ___ ,-:Tn .. =-==;-: ..... :iA:,;:;; .... :;;;~;:;:,._;:: .... :;;-JMl"""1 ITUOfNTS MOVINO ••8AYANrs•• ""'· John 14CM2t7 ._.. oal Pr,n• thole"""'"" ---I·••-. r~llrt' NC· H:':.'f.. ~ I• ................ M-... "'" ....... ...,._, •••••••••••••••••••••• co. Lio. Tt24-lt38 W~ne "9moval S&S A8'lfWt 131"'41'9 -·• -~ ... .... ""::!':"'"' ·-=-··• Com e llMdMnlr'~. LOW AATll. OflloH, 1-·-~ ..... 1.• .. 27 All~-....... , .... 3 Ctludt '°' Tiie Work vg.G-19rhH.S2&v •. rNerlP9Qlll.ltt.Oouglu Free •. ..,.a 7 nuuflnG -.-,... .. blng .,...._ J ..... ~ ~VMJenolet ,..,., ,..,.,_,......... .,.,.... ~· -F "''"' ~ ... ,. .... Den ~~O Orlldlng 815f-ta78 l'leldt Co. e7~577t ~d -&tuooo. 1'IM .-.. an ........, .....,,... • '""' WATCH US OROWI IJIJN~ ,.. -·· ..,,. -v1 • I P•;;LCo. Aet/ooml. c=~~~' fWnodel J.I ....... "'° MAIOCS Of OMNOE co. ~,~:. c HR I 8 ---------• •••••••••••••••••••• eve. wkndt 97w 1oo Uc 397 e42-1720 ~!L~!! ..... ¥!!!!.'.I/fl............ rnelnt. MN. 540-8035 a:~"-' :::IT:" ~.:L CleMtnO. Mlntlno. tlh.'P.t............. . ~~8s!~~=~ 1m.1!n!tt .......... A•IMtJllft Cement·Meeonry·Bloca ART Deoo<atlng Mtvtoee. lalf, Law j ..... .. .... •0 •••0 • .. ••0 ' ' . hendymen. Aee/Comm'I. -..... All TYPES 11..0W MTESI •••••••••••••••••••••• Wlll..ou.t.wortt.Uc. Oecofate YOIX office or • .........__ ••1 .. 1•1 INll.._Aeflrlllltl-C!Mn Generel HouMCleanlng ,,..teNICeeavalt. by Richard Sinor, Lie. 6'5-82111 Tr•ttlmmlnglreMOY91. Automotlle Air Cond. #381067 Rob 547.2913 home w/art. Prine• --. - • Wu. 8wedltfl Ctl lttman. Reliable, ...... 10 yru xp. 150-4219 2808'4. 13 yra ot hippy PLASTER PATCHING all clMnuOt & mowlnG ~eOr,~:C:-::a."A: Co11Cr•t•·•rn•ll or lg• poet1 ers1Lttd Edit.kind lo-11 RON'S OAR0£NINO 8~ ~~.!nCornn\121 .. 1 .. '!'-982-0510 eft. 4 • local cuatomttL Ae1tucc61. lnWex1. 30 664-.7017 Joba. AemoYe. ,_,.ace or ca art•• wor ave • I Yf9 N8/CdM. Quellt'I 1 __ vv_-_ .... ________ ,!xper. Houae Clelntng. """'* Thank you, 831""'410 yra. Neet. Paul &411-2977 f•-'- repalr M&-81512 Free oonaultatlon. at r .... ,..-. Mllnt/ ••!!/M Reltable. Aefe. ..... VANDENBERG..... PAINTER NEEDS 1/iilJlll• ... ·:::1. ........... .. Lh.lfdlt• · ·~ Ilk F 5841-3082 L.nd~ 8711-9388 •••••• •••••••••••••• ~1876 wo•Ki .... we -p Intl ••••••••'•••••fl"•••••• Moet eubJect•. K-14 :'::"'4'-':"••••I'••••••••••• Oflvel, pat .... , W t. r .. --DUMP JOBS LAN.OSCAPING n ~ ,. ·~ a 15 • BABVSITTING·my home, Eat. No Job too email. ..__n tJI Verd m1tnt. & clean-up & Small Mo~ Jobe Complete Vacant apt Malnt., aod, plenttng, Eltt« Acouttlc ~Inga. ATLAS PLUM INO 6 o.yteve 1 •10thr. lnod yd ..... , ---11 An1'-....... 2 .. "7 -"' Jobe. Locel ref. Day & "-It MIKE . 13"1 -'---'"", ......... ~ 6 -··· ---.... 1-1, ......,.-~·r • Davli Paint!"" a.47-15188 HEATINO • SpecllllJ.lng Mr. Mofgen e4M178 ' ""' "-. ' ~.,.. "" •••••••••••••••••••••• .... 2 •1"• ......_. ..,. "' ..._..... ,.._.. ..., -•"" .._,.,. • .,. In R•rr;tra & Replace· time. 54 .. 2874 Cuatom concrete brick· •KATRINA'S: LIVE·IN _evea.. __ .,.._...,_,._.,_._ ___ 1·----------·1 pet care. 8'2 1 John ,_trlm_._Uo_'d_._9_7_9-_5_1_4__ HOU8EPAINTING rnent (7 4) 8'5-1888 W""-1!1.aa•l- hak""" d...., aid aerv HAULING-GRADING .-In & out Fr .. •t y.-•••••••••";=-'••••• INF.v(TS 6 UP block watl•·P•llo•· ..... -• m • ........ WMIH demolition, cl,an·up. Piii ll'Tm&TU · · ,_-.,,. ,19..,.1,, "let the 8unllllne In'' Dey Of Ntghl. S601Wt1. loundet1on1. Llc 'd otllce cleanlny. crpt Mowing. 'edOtno. raking, Concfet• & t,.. removal. •HMI"'•• Sod. aprtnkl9' I lhrub cell Bruce 172-0118 ........ ~1.~r:-::... Call SunaNne Window CO.ta MMI 848-6769 Me-6013 c:IMnlng. &35-21 8 aweaplng. Fr•• ettl· Quick MrV. 8'2·7838 ....... :.T:r.......... fnatellatlon. Our work Int/Ext, lownt ratn, M4'M• ...... 11•1•. Cleenlna. Ud. 54f.ee53 mat-. MS.5737. HAULING & MOVING ~ cc>I. mid 30'• only lookl expenatve. promp,, DMI ..W., 10 Fr• eet. RMa. = 20% Monthly Detcouftt ... ~ .__,_ QJJ' ~ n.-.ll K&D Land Mal Local. Student w/trudl. footling to tlouMalt ttll8 ,...__.,, our ............ .._._ ure In -...... ......... ,...,_, ........... Lie 11•"' .wnr;.. -::.1. •":•::".••••••••••••••••• ....... nt W 'II I ..,._ .... ----· " --· .,.._....,.... ...,. •. ...,..,., · -· ..,FINEST IN O.C.• ••••• •••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ___.... • • I -..la 97• •1eo fUmmef', • car• or you buyl I IC, ~045 18, 63 23415 .. Women doea not radiate Meture Mother Who DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC Reaid/Comm. Clean-up. ........... ....., plantt houN, etc. Cell Celt Judy 64e-1&51 Cuatom WOfk, Int & ext, 1-• Aon'• WlndoW Wllhlnll by body wrap alone, <*-Caraa. Beby11t1 In my Aepelra, new I 01<1. 11 Ute haullng. 5.ca.2438 Hauling & quick clean-up, Ken Heven, 780-5078, 1.._., :.............._ .;._ llc'd 20 yre In ., .. , r9'1. ROOM ADD IT ION 8 . Aelld. Rea. 8*77ft lullle & weight 1011. ho m •. Any a g •. yr• exp. Bud 552·8582 Ol.lal. weeding, rtmember yda, garagea, job-elt• & r.ta avail. . -r• I --...., Herb (714) 521-8012 alt Honett.Rellable 6 Aefe- Debby Yeeger. 54a.2949 &42-eb72 Wall telc1u,...Aooultlc the 3 A'•• r .... '911able, prop.o;amt. Aide 11 your tlOll8e untold but Brtck-Blook· Tiie-Cone· 5:30PM. • ~9:::1ftf .. ~.' Lie. !~.!!!ffffl'!f ...... C. I Inti C. lrHlm ... II ~7a:::-81'~;:9 CRolckmp• ",.',7•-30L7a0wn care, 131 • Krla 131-ot53 need to mow? l'M '11ou-Dec~~·~::· leltelii Pll9tlu ...... LIYJn Computer word proce• •• fr.. •••••• !!•••••••• •• f'.•••••••'••••!fe••• PROF. SERVICE 1e11t, do repalrt. Very etc. ' 1 2a yra exp. L.JC: 4o3J41 •••••••••••••••••••••• ting. F19t. eccurate aerv. No Steam/No Shampoo REMOOELIAOO.ONS DRYWALL TAPINO clean-upe, tr .. aervlce, Hauling· yrd clean up rellable bullder. Pref91' Sprlnklert lntttlled, Ir.. Bonded ln1. IWs. Color PROFESSIONAL AE· RMa. rat•. Notary. F,.. StalnSpec:llllst.Fut &Cerpentry.Uc'd.25 AllTextutee&Acoultlc aprlnktere . Mike Ol.llck&ctMn.F,...eet Beach ,.,,_ trimming & plentlng, expert. 983·0911 RI· SUMES & CAREER pkup & dellvery. Len, dry. Fr .. eat. 839--1582 ';fl exp. Irwin 548·2719 Frea eat Kevin 875-9088 631-7670 873-0548 714-!51-1433 Larry 1145-723<4 ctlafd COUNSEUNO 851-0700 751-1318 -!~.'!~'!I. .••. !!!.! !'!.'l..Vf! ... !~ .... !.{'!9 !'.'.11..Vf.'!.!~ .... !.{'!9 '!.'.11..Vf!!.!~ .•.•. !.{'!9 l!!tl!.~'!l. .... !.1!J. !'..'11..'!!!~~ ...• !.{'!9 !'.11..'!.~'!!i •••• !.~! !•!1..'!.~'!!. •••• !!.!f ~.'!I..'!.~~~ •••• !!.! !'11..'!.~'!/. •••• !~!f IUJ II -.EUTTD Bed 6 boerd In exchange Dental ofllo• manager llllL flllllf -------• s.rvtce Station Attendant. AHp employed bull· for exp. chlld care 6 (mature) w/v.p. In gen-... lll•IT SALES Expr'd. Apply Shell SI•· DEOITIYE llllETUY n.awomen avail to bl· llol.llekeeplng. 788-3788 eral practice, lnlurenoe. Entry level poeltlon with PBX dlmenllon QPer9tor UST •GI! tlon, 17thllrvlne, NB. by11t Fri & Sat ev9. or t>«kpg. Oulllty C.M. ot-varied dutlet and good nHd•d for long term • We seek a h i g h 1 y qua Ii fie d houHalt wkndt whlle BOILER MFG CO. CEO lk:e.131-1420 ty91ng lkllll • lor plull'r IHlgnment In lrvlne. .. ..... lalfttalt confidential aecretary to a CID Who ""'"r• --. Vic Newport Proven record .. V.IC In DENTAL Newport 8eadl ofc. For Muat heYe preYloul ... One of the netlon'• lar· needed for buty 11lon. 11 • ,~ -• boiler bull,_ r~. appt. clll 844-2507 ge11 m1nulecturer1 ol Lie required. Newport possesses exce ent executive support, or Lido area. Rel a. Wiii heed co. wtunllmlted llllPT/... petlenca. Celt 752·8109 fighting product• for BMctl. 831·1380 clerical and of(lce mAn, .. 7_,.,.....nt skills. 8 7 3 • 8 1 4 8 b I w n ...._t Beach Ortho olflce Hair Of-needed, Vlf.. lndut1rlal end comm«· --------·-----7PM·8PM. potential. Fantutlc op-RDA rea. abllltlaa 11j lege Fair• Miii. Laguna l\orrell ' ITllllO/•· .. -'• The ability to take charge and work portunlty lor the right .. ,_,.,,, .,_ .. ~·-to Beectt. 40-4-1800. clel account• ha• ope-.... flexible h""-as needed are a mua·t. ""'"'e Nurae wentt private duty peraon. Send retume to: ....,.... .,..,... • ...., .. _ nlng1 for .. ,., prol••· needed lor prlvete tennla """''" u1 nurllng In home, over 20 Boller CEO Bo• 147, Sen Cluallled Ad #888, Dally HAIRSTYLIST. Prefer m.. 11on111 In l O CAL club In Npt Bch. Rel1. position also requ ires exceptional ye119 up. Wiii conllder Juan Caplatreno, Ce. Piiot. P.O. Box 1580, ture with cllentete. CM $14 40( i't-a11• KllVIC(t NC AREAS. Mutt be non-req. 6'4-0052 speni .... and a good vocabulary. We offer Dre. ottlee locally. For 82893 CoeteM .... Ca.82828. aree. 648·4291 or preuure. honeat and---------~'fS 1n1o. 6'2-1353 •---------S-4a.27&e. N re111 .... tlncare lndlvldu111 loo-S w 1 MM 1 NG a competitive""'"""', good benefiea and a !WJllPll Dental A11l1tent, FI T, PER I R °' emp -v king lor their LAST JOB. INSTRUCTOR·Equally b ll . _.....d, .t . k' U. ~ W tllf front & bedt expetlenca, Hoapltal ~ Mutt be quellfled to quallll ad iwlmmlng c a engmg an exc1 mg wor Kang ... r. .. !-f'............. IGIED1 ADA, x-rey lie required. &111wl1 .......... OUlll open n-accountt H ln1tructor/llfeguard lor envirorunent. Interested and qualltied 11 you .,., • lull charge ::~~p;nw.i~~~ General office po11tlon M EIPll llllllUY R.E. Salee/Lie. Aeq. well 11 upgrade aat•· park In C.M. Certified. candidates may send their resume in MIHIW ILlll bldtpr wno 19 worttt Ste. 873~. Npt 8ctl area. avallabl• t~~?'bP19oraott• 11-•t _ ..... ......,. bll1hed u11r•. Afv•PHt 557•72M for eppt. confidence to Box 990, Daily Pilot, P.O. Immediate Opening for ooo and can prove 11. -account• r-·• • at Jf ""'.r•• 11111111 bullneea, aecure ture, Telephone SaJea Bo 560 C.os M C 9 EO ex ~enced payroll would like to talk to you. DENTAL ASSISTANT • flee. Madleal bllllng ••P-114-11-full compeny benefltt In· Earn Big Money by the X l • ta esa, A. 2626 E clerk. Must have 10 key we ere• young, rapldly Xlnt pay wtbenefllt & « pref'd. Good commu· Call Sun-MQO-Tue-Wed Today there -unllmll· duding major medical. bHCh, $300-$10001 by touch and llte typing. growing Hrvlce com-bonut, ~t Bctl ofc. 3-'4 nlcatlon1, mathematleal ed opportunltlet In real week Cell 536-751 1 Long term, lull time pan~ w1n provide a dey wtc. &4Mato and typing tklllt. Mu1t •t•t• ...... II you join Call: BOB GUGGEN· · · polltlon. Call 752·8109 cha and 1 Mure. __._. •~~ be dependable, reepon-Part time m~lc•I front the dynemlc tHm of HEIM Ttll,IMH 11111 BEST PIRT•TllE I Loceted In Garden -• --llble and Mff motivated. office uat. needed. Ty-profMalonela at ea.dwell l14-lll...... Beat pay In town! Apply Gr 0 v.. c. II 8lllngull and ADA pnil'd. lfene Rutz 714-64()..195() ping, bookkeeping, Bank«. Foreet E. Olton, Mon-Tu. IAM-5PM n8 w. 19th St. St• H. •01 II TOWI 7141881-<>253 Tuee ttwu Frf. 9-12 Set. •AlllPll/.. 40-4-1511 except Thin-AHltora. Our program Equal Opportunity Costa Meta. Pen time or U ,._ .... KJMa• iec CHEF, experienced. 11 •• ,_M&-__ 2•_1_1_____ Belt>Oll a.y1ront notne. 1 dl'J9. ~ ~:~.! ': 1~~~Em~=~~~M~t~F~~ _1u11 __ ti_me_._. -----Be a teleph one p r o m otion clerk for 111n tood, Ilk tor Merell, Dependable women with w.-oniy. Elderly gent-p•RT ya1r IUQCetl. 1~ Telephone to11C1tor9 nee-local newsp aper. Private desk, casual 487""'555 or 487-3188 atrong pereonellty u llYI teman l'ld• v.pr'd peraon " 11111. s11eapereon on atralghl dad. 1at rat• reeort co. attire. Only require m e n t Is a good Apartment Man-oer. ex-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil In companion/ oook IOf from Aug 29 to Sept 4. • R.E. LICENSE COURSE oommllalon IOt Compu· fOI' Lagune Shor .. Pro-perlencad, mature cou-CLERICAL Newport Boh women. Mutt haw own car 10 do 'TRAINING (2-csey. $481 t•r qenereted bu1lne11 peny. x1nt worf<lng oond. pho ne voice and lots of enthu siasm . ~l~n't-~~ bu•n,•ttu.t~~.y , .. ...__--.:..---a lllary negotlable. Aepty marketing. Salery open. ·COMPLETE SALES 9fepf\laervlcea. llWOl1191 Top compenaa\lon4 Call H ou rs: ..... .,,...., ......,., •-r ... -with r-.ne & 1ef9i .. IOM Bob 4ee-22at Your own houri to tMCh TRAINING ~ on bullneaw In Tlm 9am-6pm M F I S 30 g 30 ~:::. ·;.~~· :::,~~~.~ Tu.I :..~oc:·~~~ 814, ....... uus ~::;:~~ ~~=~~t~ :~ TION·COHTINUOUS EDUCA-~9i!c. c~~.Gra-494-0748 °;~t. ~~~ a.~:~~3d p.~:m. no P •". 54 o-8 5 2 8 Compeny wlll ttetn ...,,· 1--s;iiiiiiiiiiiiMM"--Ow h I $84 00 t t rt dependable lndMdual to1 nu II n your own agency. c ew ng gum atop• ·SECURITY OF A LAA-Sllel llama . 0 s a • w:c:,·Au't Manager• =:: ::r~-:n~ PAIT rm ~~11:·%u ":'r~· Ke:~ }~~gO:::bJ!in. ~ ::~YNAMIC COM-.,.,.. ........ ,,._ TR•INEE After 1st week, share In Experienced/active w 't •Y•t•m for , new car Be • ~rrler c:ounHlor prHent Job while tral-more. WE TEACH YOU •HIGH INCOME POTEN-..... ft partnership p r ofits. manegement •couple tor dealerahlp'• Hrvlc• for • local newapaper. nlna. Farmer. ln1Utenoe. HOW TO MAKE MONEY. TIAL A• additional llne tor POSITIONS For Int erview, call after 6 p .m . 200unlttfamllycomplex dept.Goodatdetall1,no No experience necaa· Edl.anl, 752·1147 Ginnie •MGMT GROWTH OP· .. i.. to echoola, tMml, 64 2-56 78 ext. 3 12 In E.loondldo. 960-41591 typing. Apply In peraon ury. Work only 12 houri Interior Accaaiorlzor _ 7t4-4~924 PORTUNITIES ho1p1t111 & doctor•. 33 People needed 10 llll on 812/82 btwn 10.12pm • week. 175 to lllft plut ··--Mutt have IC>Of1• beck· 11 I Aquarium ter'lloe pereon, 11 Nu Orm Plant, 3194-C additional lhere ol part· Good color knowledge, -• •-UcenMd or unttc.nMd, ground. 840-7007 Biii entry level poa tone n mutt know marine & Airport Loop Or. CM. No Ml"lhlp'1 P1'oflt1. wtll train. 1-836-..()538 EVM Wld/Of w.ekendt. If you would Uke to know SaVSun OK. dlllrlbutlon staff. 1re1h water ll1h, have ~p!\one~~~Cllla.~~~~~~I A rial tun Jobi •mLllY •••es Aeeponatbte lldultt. <Tolfll more about • ~ 1n -------- Typlet. lull time, Mon-Fri, M-&.--.61 8:30·5. SS per hr. 50 ,._H own transportation, ... -~t QPPOf1~ • .,._ 21, with outttandlng, II· rHI ettete, call the SALES I.,., ..,.._ 1142 6405 H...,. line 1tont must be trecttw ....,.,...alltlet tO' -' __... -. CLERICAL Clerk·1yp11t. I tervlew call ~iced. 3S Fllhlon work wlth~~th (1ge1 company that~ Attractive Git Sopnlatlcated, attrectlYe, well groomed glrl to model privately for In· dlvldual 3-4 hra par week. Strlctly private Ind In good t11te. Utmott dltcretlon a11ured Gr•t pay • llelclble hrl. Send photo and detailed deacrlptlon to Box. Ad No. 1011, Dally Piiot, Box 1580, Coate M8N. CA 82828 Dlverallled poaltlon In alter 9:oo PM. 6'2-se79• ltland. 844·2484 for 10-14). Cati 2-5PM, In IUCCMI. team oriented olllce.1_•_111_3_1_2_. -----tppt. 642-4321, Ext. 343. EOE 1n..tf~.!._lnat1~~ Hindi• phonH, llllng, F 0 R c 0 M M u N IT y --------"'......« s Vt.-"' typing, and other clerlcal WORKER. uat. In court Les.a leentaft Permanent, part time. Biii B ..... ng dutlea. We dont need • related victim w1the11 Newport -clnter-RHI awlmmlng pool aervtce In 7141894-7521; IMl2-5585 tot ol experience. W. do program. BA In Soclal Ettate Litigation Firm Newport BHch, work In <Cotta Meta nHd eomeone who 11 Science or crlmmlnal need• ex.per 1ege1 NOi'• Thu,._, Fri., Mm seo • Jacque Kemp aager to learn. XLNT juatloe pral. Min. 1 yr. tary. Xlnt typing, dicta-week IOI' IPPfOX 10 hrl e4ll-0303 Saler';. benefit•, & worf< experience In human ptione and thorttland a woril. Mutt have mec:n. environment. MNlce progrem. Bllln· mutt. Salary open. nlctl ablllty 6 rella.bl• Apply. Suzanne HelM gual 1111111 dnlrable. ~ Ir• n •port at Ion. TME IRVINE COMPANY 11050 per mo. xlnt ti.-840-8501. 1061 Clmelbeck neflta. apply via reeume LIQUOR CLERK, lull or1-P-llone--Sol-lc-lt--f--ln- Newport 8Mctl no later than 5 pm, part time. 278 Broedway, ranee olfloe. ~ ~'::; COLDWeu. BANl(eRC Telephone aollcllora wanted, no exper nee. Tuet thru Fr1 8 AM to 12 noon. A&>PIY Penn)'llver. 1880 Placentia Ave, CO.ta M-. Salee Wanted lllf-motlvated pereont lnterHted In developing own t>u--. w/rwwty marketed pro- duc:1. Mlnlmel lnveetment nHded. Ph PBR lnt'I (714) 831·3288 dye or (714) 876-6418 evet.. 720-2678 8110182, to YSP Inc. Uigune Bctt.. Tue. 557-1882 ...... "" '' '"" i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilCDCKTAIL wattr"' want· 2803 Royal Palm Dr .. Llve-ln An Equel OIJ9\y Co. ed, n~hll. prefd. A~ Cotta M.... luell WlltH Prlmr'I ~ •-f/IEOPT am...-. ••Tune up w/amog lie. **Brak• & front end **Hvv line M I 1 1 AM • M to ~·re for 2 yHr old ...... 1..--, llt-Ml Aettaurent .., '" 54~nw.' Baker si." CM'. llm&L ..... FIT -.. __ M•v•rhoff'• primary , •• , n•E ......... H· ... ...._ MetUN exper MCf'et#'J, boy. llVH with !ether. PIT acc:urete typta1I rec-eupptler of good food to .,. ''"" """""· xlnt typing, phone per-=~ Mlery, room a.::,c' epilonlll, alternoona. the lrvlne Corporate 12 hrl wkly to~ to , .. ,..., ,,..,... aona11ty. thinking eblllty. Cl3s-rr1~. · 6419". oommunlty ~.,, -=· ~'Y ,.::=.: euay & flll1 grOWlng in.. .. ._, I 1" 1,,_, ~ Non·tmkr, CdM. Send p .._ ••• -thu1lutlc, reaponalble 1_..~ ,. ... __ .._ ,... ,._. -.,...... .. _ .. _ to· c1 .. 111•-.. ... ....... _ ·•--• employee for counter ....... ..,.....,_ Vt ..,.,., .. dependent ll'rop llaa Im-wanted part time wit "·-· .. •• · ....., • .,_ ....., food pr-& dell-merce. 2801 McGaw • med operilngl. Top pay ••per In BASIC PASCAL ~ '88S:C, ~Pl~ Buay pedt. Exp required. ~ :i~ k.':: verlH. M·F ...... 8·3PM. lrvln•. CA 82714 Call & xlnt worf<lng condition• lor DEC PDP 11123. c.\~e29' 1 • fS4.4-ot70 ' nlnga, utlllze riour out· Good drMng r900rd ,,..1~~M~1·~1H~7~~~~~~I IOf qualified lndlv. (7t4) GrtD ... ICI background . . ol , ... .__ c II M F It 482-7815 ... MEDICAL RECORDS. g no pereon• ••• -m ceuary. • • • • pref d. Innovative pro· General Offic e. An• Prtltlme clerk. te houri how to become a trained 1PM. 5e1-t232. Secretary, Ute bkkl>il & jectt. Info Grapttlct Inc. phonH, filing, typing per wHk. Apply 340 HIH counHlor. Cati Aett-.nt typing for aml bu"'-t. AUTO_,i.. I Udo p~~ :;~;;;rn• Ame for Bob Vlctor1e St., CM. 2·5PM. 842-4321, Ext. Experienced full-time ftOO. 957-8381 $l,!?5 MARKETING SECRETARIAL WAREHOUSE LABOR It hferltHe 11 n•• flel•s (lH)IM-Mll I e Daily Pilot e classifieds work for • you. Call • 642·5678 e forquick e cash sales. I wpm minimum. Call Patti • • • •••• ••••••• •••••••• al 541-5525 Mon--Frt. • •• '!J!.'!;. •••••••• ~ •.tAM.a. " +•1+o Pr ol old hand crafter ...... , ......... , tlralght bacil c:ftB. Dettc ln11e1tment 11• officer. wood, carved llnlala, up. Mull be prepared lor hol1tered tHt & back. rapid edvancement to Attrectlve Spanlth/ Vice PrM. of Mer'ketlng. Medlterrunean accent. 3-5 yra exper pref In oil 145 ea. or 185 both. program lnvettment & 844-5977 venture capltel. Loolllngr--------- lor peraon with entr•· Antq. P ine Hutch, preneurtal 1plrll, prof ~8"x68", country atyte, approach & crntlvlty. good cond. 1315. Salary negotleble, Mnd 548-6234 lnqulrlH to Attn: Mr.-------- ChartM Cetol. exec. Vice Old Pteyw Pfano end tar· Pree. Douglu A. Sperka ge coltectlon "Of old roll• Corp. eoe E. <>oeanfront, 11400. 879-6027 Newport Beach, CA 112ee1 , ........ ..... ' _ _.... .-.a ........ ~ with f hone, American •• __.._ Oalt 1200. Old Meeler We need • ttrong and Sale $850. Singer S.. dependable young men wing machlnue 1150. IOI' yard maintenance. Secretary dHk, ch"t ___ &_7_M_5_8_9 ___ 1 type. 1800. Burl wood Oflr'9 ~ 1125 ... Di- ning room table I It X 5 It. 12 high back chalra Mlulon Olk 18500. All mint cond. Muotl, much more. 83S-3Sl9 Are you plennl.ng a move? CllMtlled adt wlll point you In the right dlreo11on to llnd the home you need. e42-5878 r---------Medical Aellttent needed 3"8. EOE Wllltel&. ::: In pet• 8elnlary Needed. HOUf9 111••t1:•1 Concm• a Muonry G«!efel Help, ..,n up to WL -·n .... ---u-~ ............ ··--r .. I!~-______________________ ,..... • 0 1 for grQ'¥1na !>fec11ca In _.. _. eon, • ,.. ......_, ...,. _,, __. ... ......,.. Bnlk• I front.-id artd/ 5 yr pool dec:ll e1tper. .40 wk tak ng anap So.~ Exper. ~ Need 2 exper l*>de In 8111 ~ Holow un.. g•n oft tee 1ktll1. or heevy41ne rnechenlcl 8rya'I 548-SS.S lhota In your., ... ...,,,.. !erred but Wiii train • commercltl and lndu· Leguna Beach. 4114-9707 54Mt78, M Mon-Frt. needed! GM el{p • .,,.,_. teur photogr..,.._. ,_ 1-;:;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;:;;;:;;;;;I red. Exe. pay, tote ol NlllD IL.Ill ded, PIF trme, no exper bright, aaaer pereon. •trlal rMI •tate '°' "'°" Retell Sal•• for qualtty I• work, nice working con-Mature peraon. Dry or Mlllng req'd. Write to Salery oommen1ur1te caaelul and grownlng man'• & women'• lhoe 11911TUY/IDL dltlona In John Weyne clHn•rt, 3 daya per Unlvertal, PO Box 1223, wt~xp. 491•1394 firm. Beat worttlng con-ltOI'•. Opening fOf UPtf Marketing dept . hH ( l ) ) Orange County Airport week. Newport 8eectl Montebello, C .... tot40 ....... Alahtllt dlttont ln~ort Hle1 rneon. Top .. r. opening In NPT BCH. complu. SH Service '48-7821 G«!efel office, varied du-Back office IOt Huntlngl· Beeoh. 7141 1 ntnga. 59-1551 An. •YON firm. Good ty.. •NTB I Mgr ... -.. ellt CUSTODIAN for privet• tie• with buty madtc:at on 8Hctl ArH. !11per IUL llTlTI Ill.a ... / ...... Ip. ~d.8~0:.',':itr~: " community ckib llOl.IM. d19trlbutor. Good typlnG neoeaaary. Exoe41ent ti.-Do you have: A.E. ~ Meturt WOl'Ml'I to llll6et Clll 84CM>123 Do¥elQuell Sta. Ref't required. 0111 tklb with dlc1aptlone'a nefttt. M7 2 yrt exper1enoe In owner In l'MINIClln9 ct. NEWPORT BEACH US-8170, M :30, Mon-muet. AIR. phone exper. 8'7-eoo.t ,..., ...., • ..,_or 5 'J'9 11aner lingerie 1hop. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii11 .. _.....,..., & HouMll--Fri. needed. Beneftta, salary &w"-' In Oii!« OllttlcM NIM? 8 a I et e JI p r "e o .11 ....,.,_.. ............. negotleble. Call ~ ---Su!Uclent flnanoH to 81~7710 llll !Of Judy. wHkd•y• 8AM·8~M1 l&Tl DTIJ II.DI 9 1 m _ 1 2 n 0 0 n . Country Club tn Npt Bott auppon youl'Mlf ....,_., --------• NeWpoft home. Mr. tfooo lmmed opening for to· a.41·2tle5 ..-. full time r90lll)U0-mont'-. wtlllt becoming 8ALUIADVEAT181NG 7eo-eae3 lneone exper In Da1t G«!efll nllt. Muet be "'1loulate, •tabilihed In oommet• I LOVl ITll -Blby--,..-mer-· -,_--d-,..-.,-• ..,Cd,_..M-,1 entry. Cc>mpl«e reap fOf che«ful &~al. cltl and/or exoluellle ::;."''' i:! our~ 11111414111__..... part 11me. Englleh IPM-Input of m~rchendl•• HARD A~ to ..... , r..,_,tt.I ..... In ....,_ ut.1 l ~ 1 -1 king. Cell 7~ Info & pr~ of repona. bO.rd I Hoell. typ ng Poft 9each? " to, oeM v•fUI no mer .. et no _....;..... ______ • Wiii train. Full ~ lllnDllERS ... we .-.ntlal. some leo Henna. Sf. Woe~ oonoept. lrlt•m•llouelly HunllnaCon llMatl ""'°" lrilng xlnt ~ conde. ftUl\ft WH kend tioure. Call tldent. toolelmed. Call Now Hlgfl ld.ool ~ Ml We.,. a majOr 8&L with bf1tif i.tt. to: Admin Mgr 144-IM041Dllne. ..., I, ,.... ... tlS1·11MO. aft lnll•'-Cllete open~ 2 poeltlont avllllaote In Box 819, 1N35 Aloon· II ...... IWrltcn ....... ,0 --.. -.--.-----· tor .... ~ .... our Newport lolln aervtoe quln, H.9. 12Mt. ft • @ , be ..... to 1)"P9 llO wpm _,., l liiiiliiiiiiiiim-I ULT I I I. IL I W CO.. MeN l tat!OM(9 1nd have 1h ortt1and ~AN COUNSEL.OR llU •HID -• 210 !. 171tl 9'. It. COM8 ... ot IO wprft. reQUINt • mlnln'Mn of 8 Full 11me, mu.t be~ ,_, M9a. NI n p.n..,.. moa. exp. II I lolln ~ 18. S.. H..._, 4N £. ' You',. ~ ~ '-· ~y 1 .. 11 .... Appf ... lone ere befng lec:tor. 17th St. CM, IOt • .,._..,,....... ""91-..._.,lllllOn ~ IDDl'ted deity. Pl4aM 2~~o1n:':~ l!llVEAY D .. IVIA, F/ =-=~..,;: T~ I . ''" •r.t=d r.r :.-'In "°°"' l"kpg/ecc.:'g bt cll-Um•, for b~?,!!~to .. 12. e4S-4164 ..., •• ...,.., ground ~-. ·~· Good~,... Of 111-4147 Both poeltlone requ1,. ficordiiiiii 1 iiim1aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii -~£L.... -=~ ~ eg: ICOUf•t • typing of ............. """·'-"",.,. ....... ,.14 .. 40wpm, good vetl>all ~Olla Lu Del9)'. ~11uel, NI. 144-1110 written (IOfT!muntoaoon --Malt SECRETARY I ,.... RH 1111111 w. , -~--,.., ..... , a.. ...................... llf Aft .... '*·"°""'' a ...... .. "'°'"IOM9f ~ C .... XL~ •1ut '"'"'_..;,.....,. rli:lt a.Ill ............ , .... ' ( ( ) ) Newspaper Carriers tor routes in Huntington Beach, Fountain \/alley & Ne~ort Beach ' • . ... . -· ........ . Mii .... -••• • ........ . llfl ,....,,,.,9"041 L....._.._ ,_. = • ._,_... 1t,:.rt1 Ot1tt 01tln --~ •• ... • ... , .... r~.-. rr 0... "::.:O a. ~~\ 1110"''"' 'Nlw --"'Gal ... ,, A"' I I I" r Ill I• IO • ... I"-... lll:a;,al ... I 'It feewlMllf ... Cllll tine. .... ..,... i4MIJt HU 1111 .......... IW •it-,_. ·~"'-"'"'"''""HO ttwllt, rHi= '=· ~·1~ •.. 00 '"I• •lflt OOfld~ ftlti ............. ...... I.,."*' =.,-:_.::, _. trl"eNIWf wttfl 1111 :i• ~ • 41!1 •IOI 1ver/f11lmat 111•1. ~ •.:,::" 0,~.:;~1h Ua •t•ah. eual1, ""'· ato. 11:: ~D~~=:: a hoe .~ 1T;-i'lr. ,,,. fi IJ!j tiOD, 0-4·110t, 'Hf'onl ~ lt•er ~.-,..;..;.;..-~-...;....;.-~room-. .. wooci. ~~. ~~1':1.':T.:. jf,~·.:n;:.'" 1111 .. ..,...... ,,. .... a:;,•;;;.., •'' ''"'"' Mo·l'•di x1n1 "•d• for f•~lly ur. ... MM 4 11tiM1 (00¥afed), teble T u 1 t I n , l' u 1 . 8 a t M 1..-WI w~. l'IW '*!. eunr• ...... UICI IOfld low mll11. Mu11 l.!1~··~·~·!•!...,_2_:._: l'nl\ ............ mn "" ....... ..... ... I 1 AM •• : a 0, M . OfllUNDICI ltlOtt weva :es·=~~ ........ ., ... ,.,, -•. Ma4leO 1t11 ,Ofd Truok, NO 1 'OODLI. 1 ..... AKO, ate. 111.... 541+'311 rtdlo. 111111111 2100 131.011' e-MO-tc1'4 ... .__ •*'-~ ton, ttake bed, pwr ltUI. 10·100. ,... .... • ...__.. -0 "'andlfl DI WINNI 10·b•M Otltfftal pao· . '70 Colulftllle ... II.DOOi ~ ~ dump. v• .• .,.. ,,.,. t1t0. •·C>17' l'IW -· .. ...,. u g .. ., ~ llld _,,.,.ty. 8eat 15' W ......... ....,., wt• .,. ew11at-. Ce1 L.1~ II '*'· ell* WflW. IUmllW "KC ........ 000 I _. ..._,, ~ .. Oii ''lSnt n 10 )CH oftW. Io 'f II h I I re Ile f,. .. ~ ...,...__ .::;;:V.Jm"";rl••••:,r•• rilOll lllOO. N1.ooll .. .. ... "· K fll lld wooci. uoo. 1'4800 belGw aai. -.z1n ,.,,.,...,.._ .£A_.7M · ,_.., .,......,..., "•nt: It' motor home, • · .... hfll-.r. 6.1. ._. 81'ANlll., t wtc1.1 With M1-4197 iWV) I oll U"dO" ' ,,,_....., -llPI t, fUllV loedld. Muet ... '77 FOtd ..... nn"l'Alellffill1'91•'• mn.nm, .......... lhota, lluft male, 1160. fanlHlla buy .4U. Alfjjna*'41fto,2lptltkar•, 21' Montwey fllh boat. •tTA" 11221 ....... ,. · llde.,.T,tnff,_,....., MOVING! ~ .... Garao-ru11 of """"'!'~J t~•1a11. NIA" NIW eMA. laritl· e11-n11 :l.~~11 conOlllCW\. HOO. arev mlllt!e l.UGQat Xlflt ttttt ~ '"'· auto 111 n t o on d ~~=··~=: =~·n~.~~i::llk.fltm,_;,tyr.mlicecl, :=,,~,Wll4NCDblmau: .. ,,8t•tntl ti oonO. Aek naoo . Hptlcflt7 .. f215 Sl~l:'t.oo~.:i;.,. '300°0/blt. P.P: °""' )..,._, lck'll'l Mta. Fullet1on Ave, o" 20th ~m 1T11, 1raln10. 5d-1'711 ,01t1r HyOa l'artt, 11tre Solid walnut Paettard a.II 171.otaa '7t lrloaon H+ fully ml. 551""22, """"7i2, "'6-7230• T8'WM2 l~fllfttl MUIT GO. at. 12, .._7114. tlrm. Almo•t ntw HI. ettreo. radio, pllono 197t Wn.ctt "on\al'a aa• equipped Including In-842.alOI Va1 lf'lif l1t/8un. '10am•tpm. A=uc:r Oatc llall tr • PIT eULL Pupplla. Ul<C. 8;_':,.., Mn::d•~~~~ 8"t.ol64 •100. Xlnt 8'4f.0318 Dey OtulMr. OuardlM board dlelel, atlp 111111 •• 72 Ohelftplon Motor .................... .. 1701 ..._. del IM d annon 1a:1. PIA Good prtoe to good .. 54f.3123 t man tent new 1t1tt In Dbl Stereo Cabinet I Metlna. 4tO Urtooltl '25 t24.llOO. IM-0428 Horne n ooo ml 88 v .w . POI' TOP CAM-~ .r-1 w.. ' ' honiee M7.aott ' ._ ' .~lllM lltca MW D k Hft. "-'II oaua-, 236 lltt. I , · • · PEA Xlnl cond. Aeblt _,... & chr1, or••••r. • BABYCAIB bolf,0t,.l134.Nowl'75. 1 'ct .. ,· er 58 gal. oapiolty. eeit •bot, good condlllon. .,.2·1.U5 eno. lt500 '"'M · F• •••••.;.;• .. ••••••••• ·HS·SHO. 10ll14 new h,. fH #fl UKE NEW 8'42·2~ ;A: ":. o.,,... 700. otter (7'4) 847.&300 or Mid• Mii. '350 or bit 79 Paoe Atrow, 21', e1 ... 541-1773 ~, w. .. "",~or. ~lllt !!20·11!: 0.1 Mar •••••••••••••••••••••• HO t5S.2t4t TENNIS M!M81!MHll' •1 '-842-1821 aft fPfl'I. Oftlt. 171""840 A rnotOf hme io.dld w1·•·-_._.....,--..,--~---,-, ... ,.-.._,.., -· fllxtutM. ..--• -· Yr old Ke .. hond l"IX t" ooo •wrz • 11 11" Peck111d Biii eontOle · ......_ • ~ • -~ •· ......... ..!... s21 9.,. --•M Bite ... Iota of large A male. All lhoti tr9ined TE!AK STUDENT DUK 3 •• "•• '"•'"' Y 0 lo TV (antlQue Wht) 1980 00' H1ttera1 con• _, .... .._. ....... ......., ""• ' uv. •••••••••••• •••••••u small mlao. 521 AYO• l...u& ,,.,,_ loYlbll 842-IM3 ' drwr ext1n1ton IHf membar1hlp 900. ~: • .1100 5~327 Y«tlble, fllltyloaded,,... 30dlaMlllOOJ> • ....,,.t. PP.157-3634 WE PAJ a.do. •••••••••~·m-'~•••••• . S150.'142-ot15 aft ept,1. Hfl..90J1 .vii. ' ' lo llr1. 14150,000. !Yet ta~,100. 8uHn M·F fr•I'-rt1N/ fJJ ~ ar-a DON T Ml88 Ff.a adorabtl "khten1, 10 HUTCH Plnbell Macn. (Pat Hind "'" I #wt 879-987'7 752·7119 •• :;:n7•••••••••••••• TIP NWI ...... m;:........... ~M,'C,.!TJ Wlll{a, 842-8415 Hard mlf)le $.450. i>":g">s~ 1P':i~3 •:oo r..1-1 24' SEA RAY WHkndr 28' I.I 8allbo1t 13.500. c;:an Moh~~~= •• llD •••• H;To :rnae0u .. pa...1 ... ,.· Po-:', Aetet'• .,_,11tu1 ooflac11-• 630-1497, 538-0187. 551 :r2..o ~ •· •• rn:xn•••••••••••• w/SLIP. ~"opt•. Lo nrs. Poulbl• •ftp. Dir. 1m11i ':::VAlklnO •eoo .... .. blls. FlM Oii pe1nt1ne-Fr• to OOCd home Doxie . • •••i•l Hll 1 mm a o . I 1 2 , 9 o o, 875-0915 . An 8 Ni.oo18 • AUii ·-furn., plc:turee, mltTort, turnllure rug• tllvar' Tamer mix, R~wOOd petlo Mt, love Moving Sele, dlneue Ml •••••••••••••••••••••• 815-2129 '88 Columbia 22' Sloop • ""111/ .... all kinda Of JoodtH. cryei.I, m'trrOt't, beautlfUi 145--001<4 ;rst, lJ~7e:"· arnl tl)I w/8 Chait., antlq~ bad, Wlnled: Navigation In-1 •• Alum. Fishing Bo•t mint cond. Muat S.ai 23 ft Aoedllnaf, lg refrtg, 2480 li.rtior BNd. ~~0;~ In 1:!:':j & e.iegant~. 181132 Gray l<llten, pretty m., Ill· ' . couch & Chair, 10 COUCll, ttruetor 91' my own boat, 9.5 Johnaon. Galv. ttlt W/new Honda 7'AHP. front lcllcll, bactc be, COSTA MESA H · Mount Whit taln ter tralMCI, checked by Dining rm t•ble, formal, e mllo. 979w0975 ~~~ .. untJJ 1 llnetly trlr, many xtru 11215. Lo" or Jttr.-.. to.eoo. great cond. .......,.. nr Ubol'/Nutmeg. Valley, 2 b • No. of vet & In good llHlll\ ehrs. Med. oak. Xlnl PICNIC SET 8 lklad teblt gel 11 f .. ~ ~~· Ad e.42·1025 ewe. Ca 11 aft 5 PM , 8-45-SIOSIO. 838-3905 ~ ... 1 ... 1 · 111111 Ill.I Warner on Euclid, Fri· 8-45-5148 eond. $300, 839·5409 w/8 mitchln benehH #509 542.._.,.,, ~ hra. 71'4/988-1278. A•le l#rln, 1utt _. - China Cabinet, tbl & 8 Sat-Sun a.-9. 83W007. Free to OOCd home S.heg.. Oak \(lctorlan McCarthy Be1utllully Rnllhed I~ Or-......,t 2:;ul~~A~N~1"~.: ~! Sa.llboat 24'/trlr. a uJIS I,.,.,,.,,., H WE llJ chr1, wNte BuMtt 3 pc • ~-,., .a. gy dog, whtlbrwn/balge. dtlk. Cost 11900. aac polyuretll•n• 1110. ..,.., frig, lo•ded.'Trlr. very 10 HP. Liii• ""· IEICtrui •••• .. •••••••••••••••• OL•U• 0111 bdrm Ml, Ftench Prov. ..,...,.. f• Nead• 1ovlng home $1200, 845-1410 540-1735. · YHltt .. ".,. clean SHOO or trade for S11500 21M25-5231 UtlNty tNCtl bedw/loClklng """ dbl bed Clland•ller & •••••• ~............... 8'45-7872 .,.._ II f .... ~ ... . • • b a•1 ... ,,. hanging' lamp•. mlic;. WANTED: Slngte bad, STROL~ TWIN 1troller In';'.'':, 3;,~;Hon IJ:, f~~~ smeller !foal + CHll. RANGER 28'. Elccl. cond. ,:~1:.t~:,o~~~:it ,.... '" I hthld ltM!t. Flatt aqua-BLOCK GARAGE SAL.E OREY KITTEN, FREE m~ 48" width, $60. Excellent condition. (213) 371·18115 price to 1111, Newport num & much much more. SPECTACULAR! Toot•, Young Male ~8-9692 546-0318 po .... CAPT. LAA ON. IWM-• mooring avail. 5'48·7912 Datsun Chrome etep-up COMM Ell 31'.8 Sn L CM motOf~, doubtl oven, 1197 9181 Matr. Sul'\llYOf, Newport. ...--bu l30 ~. aron n., . . dlsl\waaher lt•eoe golf • Custom Cabinet 9' long, O OLD PENN REELS 2 • 11 r p a g a r 23• Seacratt, turbo die-...,.., mper, · 557 nes elubl, touter ovwa: elo-To gd home. Ftutty orange 20" deep, 28" high. 2 20 / 80 • t Wholaule 714-954-9809 eel, ADF. Loren. 2 radio., 23' Stet Aeelng Sloop & 842•2304 Garage Sale 9-5 Sat/Sun. thing & many mite. Sat fem. kitten, nas 111ots. Bltn eprkra. Space lor prices. Also FIG 8 1COC>P tower, plank, 3 etallon trtr. complete. Falf cond. A•IH 1..,, •·•i CHEVROLF.T ....... ~ 111f'i.' t' I ' I f i \ \1 ,. " \ 207' Miiion way CM 8 -5pm: Sun 8·2pm 881·4182 ; aft 8 , component & record bait tank .,$275 .... ,,, u.J_ 11eerlng, 100 muon to 11t S1800 iake1. ,.,...,, ''L1111e of evefYtlllnQ" • • 17202 St Andrew• Ln. fS30.3330 storage. $250; 673·1433 7141644-7007 , .. n_ ll1t. lmmac. boat. $25, 538-4809 ••IMPORTANTNOTK:f°" -"'..;..;;;=======- YARD SALE. 180 Merrill H.B. MOVING-King a mirrored Computer TRS80. Mdl Ill .•• ~!!r!!~! ••.. ~! 000 firm. ·875·78118; FLIP.PER, 8' Sall Boat, TO REAOERS AND IU llYll S4i>-I 2 00 Pl., c .M. Off orange, hnll•n 1010 top water bed w/reg Tape, J/O, P.Ktree. $795, 2HP Johnaon Outboard 879-2840 complete, t295. ADVERTISERS Top dollar• for Sport• .,.twn 21122nd. sat/Sun 3 Femlly Sale. 1~1 Pit· •••••••••••••••••••••• mattress, hide-a-bed cell 551-6511 motor Ideal for Dingy or , 875-41199 The price of ltema Id· Cars, Bug1, Ca111per1, 9'"" cairn Ln. Brooklluret/. **' BUY** couch, tbl & ctire. COCKATIEL with cage sallboet. $275. 875-3732 *31 SOARD* vertllad by vehlcle dee· 914'•· Audi'• BIG YA1t:1D SALrSat/Sun. Ward/Yorktown. Fri· 548-0108 $55. Kitchen table with 6 AVON Rad t rt I n ble Whllew/sunburtt strlpea Racing Sabol. good i.r. In Ille vehicle cllnl· AM for U/C MOR " ., Sun Good uMd Furniture & h 1 s65 557.a393 s • n at• .. on trailer, g11. tlnoe.,.. eond .. ,_Mil .• 500. fled advertising eokJmns ., ..... 189 Oak St, Costa Mesa. . Appll9'1CM-0R I wllt Mii Cable Neleon Plano. Up· c a re . boat. Xlnt oond. $350, Tw in 370 HP. 4 bolt 873-0-422 doea not Include any lo Is of good I••. or SELL for You right $900 Like n-. 18" Shirley Temple, com. 8'48-9877 melna. $69,500. NEW· 1t72 Hobie Cat wllh trail· applicable tax ... lloenee, vtlllWllU _e.4_2_·_130_7 _____ !'!!r.!!.~!!....... llUTlll llOTlll 759·l206 po martt,.9,.d· $280. ...,, 1trtll IHO CPO RTGEv Ap,.H7T 800EX· er & cat box. N-Lie., transler feea, finance HJ~~~~=a8J'tcH QUALITY YARD SALE • Furniture, Rollaway bed, 141-1111 lll·H2I Cuttom Love seat, tape. ...,9.1021 •••••'•••••••••••••••• HAN 71..-.. 6-1 aoocf .. 111, S1800 080, charges. flff for alr pOI· Wlmbelton Vlffage,-$469 corner eole unit. wool st r y • 1 y I e up ho I . CEILING FAN brau ne-Clusle 18' Lepstrake iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ~ 9 3 . 1 3 1 8 , 1 ve1 . lutlon control device 142-2000 Windsor court, C.M. carpet, clothes, games, I Ill fllllll'llllE $500/llke n-. 759-1206 ver used. 4 lullp lites. Century bay boat, 4 eyl, IN THE WATER 581-"4242, days certlflcatlona· or dealer -------- SaUSun. record•, more. see ~·• c t ,230 11 f se9 Grey. $3500. 875-6161 •••:r ... -documentary prepare· WAITED' DlmH·a·Llne Sat/Sun L.ee •· 957-8133 Custom TV cabinet, wall 01 • H or • ---------1 -LIDO 14, #1222, racing llon charges unlep • sun only 9·<4. Antique ea· 9•4. 1909 Diena Lane, New full-size mattresa eet, mounted. Adjustable 552-0796 42' H Matthewa, twn dsl. August 7 & 8 18111. new rigging, blue Olherwlae epeclfled f>y Late model ToyotH, blnet, pulb mower, Kirby N.B. s65_ New queen size, shelves. S-400, 759-1208 Aquariums. Complete with Brletol. Live aboard. 17 Models 28' to 50' cover, trailer, Ilk• new, the ad\lef1leer. Volvoa, Pk:«upJ & Vena. Vae. Lot1 ot goodies. 1---------1 $100. 750-5832 Dining rm sel, chrome & llah. 100, 56 & 28 gel. $ 4 9 • 5 O O PP· ( 2 1 3 > SAil I PIWll $1350. 873-3800. ---------1 Call ua today! 2829 Europa Dr. (Mesa MOVING SALE-Fum, etc. glass table w/8 Imported $150-$500. 641.0140. ~809 ~1;:856 1 • ( 11 4 > Rlcllerd'I, Newntark -2-7.-etoop--11--6---I Cnn1l Ill Verde) 4S35 vs111a (TErucha, N.B. Flowered 80" Sora, 3 at· llallen suede & cane 1 · Splndrlf1 Yacht• • f' ~alley, •••••••••••••••••••••• GARAGE SALE. Sat & et & un ut Bluff) taelled cushions, very back chalrt. 11700. ndoor jogger treadm111,lcS:--K-1-PJ_A_C_K_2_4_1t-. _O_P_E_N 2751 W. Cout Hwy ~~d, 10, . P.P. Is It True you can buy fOYOTA·YOLYO s N 8 3 Femlty Garage Sale g 0 0 d c 0 n d · S 1 2 5 · 759· 1208 wood rollers, canvae co-CRUISER, 130HP. dlffet ~~~New~port~~e..c~~h~~I Jeape :fr $44 tllrouf" the -..-............ ..-..... -..-un. oon· pm. Anti-Extravaganza 9.4 Sall 982-2751 vere S75. 548,..413 eng, auto pllot, Iota of = -Sabol 8' flberglus, ready U.S. overnment Get ltU...,..••• 1~· C.~·s~~: = Sunlothea. 1ome furn. T Cu11hlon Chair, nylon °ic;:\~~l~g!•:ie:c~:':C,~ ll•lifll-xtru. $15.500/ofr. '78 25' Apollo Flybrldga to ull, row or motor ~~~.::i.':1~d:X~'4~:~~ c .... ..._ iniriOfiiiangaiiiimiiiiiiiiiiii~8;1;8;C;luiiibiiillouiiiiMiiiiSiii1iiit1iiisiiiuiiin;.I upholstery 125. riff, 759. 1208 &1t1••1al1 IOl3 642-6540 -· Sportt1111ar-226HP Vol-_s_2_2_s_. 963 __ ·5_2_1_2 ___ 1 (OPEN SUNDAY) " •4'·001 • uo-•01 962-2751. •••••••••••••••••••••• 17' Stevena V·drlve, ski, vo. galley, head, VHF, Ptrfett Ot11lltfH ---------i--------- ------------------4MARBLE COFF~E TAB· King Site Canopy bid. Kaelno 6 eh. PA-Heed, 440 Cllryiler, many ROF, CB, OF, FF, 120 1958 Hallberg p.28 die-Aallf•ll/ WE llY llmj~H A••ll ... en UIO LE 20"x60" wtlron Solid oak w /mlrroc.. 125 watt RMS,..2..Peavey xlru.-Must -· $4500. volt generator. color TV, HI. Sae 81 20th St. Cl11lle1 1$ USED CARS & TRUCKS •••••••••••••••••••••• .-;r:-:::;.•••••••••••••• base. Lk/new, $75. $1800,.759·1208 < ca_!>lnats w/15" •pkre & 548.0802 • dinghy; 1llp Huntington Newport Beach .•••••••••••••••••••••• COMEINORCALLFOR A.a~ I• Refrigerator (Seara) Fret 840.5287. Comfortable new couch h 0 rn 11 · $ 4 5 0 I Ir m • Harbour. 118.950. 17141 845-5258 Miil "l"sl FIU IPPllllUL •••• •••••••••••••••• fr•, bottom frzr. 16 cit, . Ttt. Hl-quaJ tapestry 642·8155 1978 20' Sklpfeck. 594-8422 ---------1 Shay (eplleas; plelcupe & Cormler·OeLltlo French Polish Walnut wilt. $295 551·5511 Pallo chair, Kint eond. fabric $665 845-5668 Randell P.A. with 15 Inch VOivo Penta. Owner -2..,.3-.-0pen--Fl-e-l'lerm--,-n-•Necra 5·2• '81• cuatOfl'I eoupea. 4 to ehooee o-... ·-1,..--,---' ---white w/blue pad. 135. · · want• otter. See et -oolor aalle, rece .. 11. full from I (008788) (Stk _,.._, 1845 baaullful 19th LadY Kenmore w~ & 831•1087 speakers. horns & co· lnbrd. V8. peel. eteerlng, • 16211 BEACH BLVD. century Bosendorfer gas dryer, Harvest gold, Btllll IHO vers. $500 pr. 751-8518. New P g_:;_3:S:, e 111 0 · fully equipped, radio. ~':!,r~;. ,T!f&':;.~~:; A3093). Prtces starting •t HUNTINGTON BEACH co~~~~~· ~:.!~~~:Pv~~ C~~ PLAY PEI llMP ;·;;:;:i;s";;~;;:;:;;;•& Concert Flute-French Set· *1 -••••••* ~~~:l~~~~~4~gy _d_•...;.Yl_..;.(80_5.;....)14_<4+_2_3_51 __ 1 •Y 11,Hll Nl ..... l, 141-1111 (Liv rm) never used. Arab. Well trained, gen· mer. Cla11le/Sterllng .,,_ cavalier 39' SIOop Beautiful ti Claw & New G11 Stove, never Worth $1100, sac $595. lie. Nice western plea-Sliver. Mint Cond. Va-LllUnll 15' Packett Clusle FIB A unique blue water B 11 b han que used, pllot·lela. 845-7711 eves/wknds sure h<>rae. Inc. saddle & lued at $2000, must sell In harbor to the Cape. lepatreke, lnb/Alomlc 4, craft. Must be seen. bl~ ,;~~~1:i:,2~1um-$500. 641-8378 Oak paraona dining rm tack. $1000. 751-8518. $1250. 581-5376, evee. Thi• 40' twin dsl Fiber-console/steer. $4250. Finn Flyer 31• ---------1Tapp1n Microwave w/ Ible wl uphol chrome r l 1010 Kawai CE·7N Consoli ~tau Trswler 11 under _6_40_·8_9_8_5 _____ 1 HI queffty racer/cruller. Adorable old enameled probe. neY9f ulad, ratllll chre (a111htones). S250. 'f!!'!..11. ••• •••••• ••••• Plano. Onty 8 mo old. priced it $81,500. NEW· Mual liquidate 28' Well· Dealer demo. Offers THEODORE ROBINS FORD 1060 HARBOR BlYO CO~TA MlSA 642·0010 gu stove, work• great. $500; $275. 842·9008 771·5279 .95 Carat round brllllanl Full Tr.ant. 10 yr wrnty. P 0 RT YACHT EX· cran Nova wllrtr Sipe <4 N 0 R D Y AC H T S $350. 979--5027 KENMORE WASHER OAK Tabla w/8 preu dlL In ladles cusl gold Muat ucrlflce. $2300. CHANGE. 875-1800 xlnl cond. $12,0oo/bst'. ___ 6_7_3_-88_7_8 ___ 1 _A_tt_en_t_lof\_col_lect_et_st __ 19-5-91 ~-Jl.uf'tl 1111 175 beck ehrs. Leaf & eatm rlns. Appraised at 13, 837-8635 '57 Cflrla Craft Capri, 19'. Serious buyers only. P.P. ...... lfMlall Edsel Ranger In sood .,r.;................. ~:ic:f.9197 p•dded cover. Beaut. 80 • sec $2200. P/P Signet Selmer 100 Cieri-very r11r1. re1tored. 845-7230, 754-8862 Lido comp. 11700 running condition! NLY HARBOR AREA eond. S 1000, 771·5279 496·5147 net, s2oo $fr 5 0 0 or b st o fr . P1f1M Wlllfff $5501 Call 8-42-2073 or APPLIANCE SERVICE DISHWASHER. Working OAK Set of 8 r ... bactc 2 Carat Diamond solltalre. 955-2949 645--6600 For 25 ft f~ber"IUI boel s~,1;,~ :J.t:p~tti::i 5'45-697<4. II no answer, We .... reeond., guar. condition. Bulltln • pale r h p $ 4 5 0 Apprallad $9000 Take CABIN CRUISER & I .. o·na.. 23 Loedad .. _ fr pteue keep trying. awnanees. 549-3077 yellow. 155, 631-9197 7a71"!27c9 r • · • $4"'00IOBO .• 31••9278 Elec. VIOLIN: Bercue· • tr r, wllh lllp In Long 8Meh. ......, .,.., o • ----'--.;;._"---I ""' ., v Berry. wllh hard •hell 24 oldle but goodle. Greet for fllhlng and di• Santana 23 Bargalnll ·53 Studebaker Champion I llf IPft.llml KENMORE DAYER Coffee lbl. eolld walnut P/P case. $550, obo. Tracy $3500, consider trade 75 vlng. Fly bridge. $3400 673-2050 5 pan cpe. Nie• ear. I.es 957-8133 !.~, .!rtG1·"1661"7 contemp. 87x24" H · .95 Ct round brtllent dla, 873-8071 or 78 Llnc:oln or Cad. Ca 11 And Y. Wk -3-3'_0_u_n_n_IO_•_n_C_l_a_11_l_e1 $3750. 2131092-1792 .... ...., • • I d Id 1·529-7597 714·538·2547 home Aefrlg/ wHhers/dryera. tend a 10 82". s 125, • lea cust go ring. O!Jl' ~ It a. 1l4-980--0698 Sloop. PO Ceder hull, '83 T·Blrd, all poww, 571( Many to choose from. UPRIGHT FREEZER. 682·1443 App. value $3,800. Sac il:I ~•1• Ill• '81 Baytlner 23' Monterey Uve-aboerd, erulee. $24, orlglnlll. $2950. ...-- $100/up. 859-0882 15 cu n. xln1 eond. 9 It _.... f old ....... 12,800. 498-5147 L1l••••I IOll 1unbrldge. Low fire. 15' O..B, 55 hp, Chrysler 9 00 or trade. PP. 646-0389 $150 759-1208 · ..... , so•. g ..... vet ••~•..,•••••••••••••• Stiowrm cond. Full cruise b 111 F II I 'd 71'4/831-2820 Hotpolnt Upflght Frecer • $350. 2425 Bowdoin Pl. Beaut. 2 Caret Diamond, Exec Wood Desk, 7 dra-accommodations. PP. $~5~5. 'wi~afllf~~1g95: ---------1'60 Auburn rapllea, beaut. -28" wide 57" high' GE 1all·elean, 2 oven/ CM And Ideal cul, VS1, Uk'g wer u t. top + 1wlvel s 18 000 17141598•1315 646-7878 '81 30' Hunter Sloop w/ condition. $19.000 or ofr. Top DoDar Paid For Your Cert ............ Uttttte-lltrnn 2828 Harbor Blvd . Co4ata MIN 540-5630 Premium priees plld for any U8ld cat (foreign or domestic) In good condition. See U1 Flrstl SOLTH COAST Dodge $100 C8ff 552-1070 · range. Elec., 1 yr old. 558-0998 $6500 (eppre'd $12.000) c 11 e Ir I 1 O O I 0 B 0 ' · dleset; all or\.\ ptnr. Low 840-4962 ·' $150. 559-9590. P rv Ply. 492-0889 548-9111 1965 26' Owen Cabin For sale by Owner. 38' S. 751-8384. ---------1 -~a II bl HI d CALORIC 08L OVEN Lge cust burn design un-TERMS Cruiser, 8flCt head, ~I· Grand Bankf, xlnt eond., 19•'1 Cad. Model 61. S• • ar ir •.. \ \' Gu range, 2'A yr• old, I '' 1 ••-lque coffee tble. 2'425 IBM EL.ECTAONIC 50 Ty-,_, fully 1 N 1 sleeps 8 s 59 500 Fl s.JJM.1'1. IOll danette, mint orig, auto, r•i:-t:1 ~l,-,t;1 ;,.w ru:lO Harv111 gold, bit-In .!!f!!!! ••••••••• ~'!? Bowdoin Pl C M SIOllFICll pewrlter,11~yraold,llke ;{jp .::~t s':'ooo . nancing avall. e79·tss0 •••••••••••••••••••••• radio 83000 ml $19 timers. elodl, etac:tronlc 24 .. boys 10 spd bike. 556-0998 lnveetment grade rublee, new. Inc 4 elements 642•6274 wkdys, 840-8800 wkndt. CUelom lnftnlty Mltboard, 500 645-8001 · • Hlghett call\ Immediately pllot. Bought micro, Yellow Volkecyele, top 9 ttatw~recpla)'9',tepe llld sapphires. 70% off $875. 840-8050 or 2 aalle, sell bag, $975. for your vehicle. Do· $.450/bst otr. 413-9580 co nd. $85 . Kevin dk, radio. nuhlng llghll. GIA appraisal. 752·8261 Classic steel . mUll sell. 40' Npl Bell mooring 846-7200; 875-5115 'It IHllSTIB meatlc or foreign . Obi door rafrlg w/fr_., 675-3732 $600. 2425 Bowdoin Pl. 873·0841 da, 673-2366 1111 IOl1 18'6" Soutll Coast Bay w/18' Inboard. Oink WlllHIFEll lttlltl _5_5_1_·8_285 _____ _ Wlllrlpool ~ .... -& d CM 558-0998 ffV •••••••••••••••••••••• Launch, 6 eyl gTay. Int. oars Incl. I 10,500. . 17,,5 32 •. 000ml.18.900. Susan A•t·-la'/!'!!!!. .. __ ryr, 10 Speed, red ., .LI IO"I "IOEONS: Rollere and just reflnltlled $3500/bst 545-8734 • M F 752 7179 .... top of the llne, Call Good cond. $55. 10 pc din Mt. solid birch. ,.lt•••lf1. 1 , r Capuchlnes (fancy show ofr. 642·3838 New and uaed euetom • • •••••"••• •••••••••••• 551-<Wl 673-9488 ~M50s~:O-doln Pl. c~;~i:.~· C;bi;:tsh~p blrda).12each.Cages l 5 17' "Claulc" '85 Chrl1, 1~~h~~:s~: •• ~~r.;i:~ ~i:J!i~~~·~H~~.~ '8~'t,~~:,1e ·~d':J.u$;~ Rdafrlgerdat1ohr, washer. Boyt Bike, f or aale. Near new each. 842·<1653 euper •port apd boat, son. t1ndem trlr. Compl of N-pt.'.Btvd. behind 842-401'4 Cell 548-6159 ryer, • wa11)er & Schwinn Sung Ray 24", Custom cab bar wlsmell Rockwell tooll, benches, Oueckless baby duck. w/trlr. Brl1tol. $9,450. eqpd. All In xlnt eond. M c fr...,. 846-58'46 $40. 955-2949 rel rig. Storage apace. llghte, etc. 979-1190. Muscovy, s5.oo. 552-482_1 Ive mao. 14500, 538-1820 ° P e d 1 t Y · 1962 Ford T ·Bird, fully A•ll 1111 $300 2425 Bowdol PL 714•642•1400· reetored. S7,000 apenl. •••••••••••••••••••••• F~~~';;~~'ro't Lad.I.•• Schwinn Blcycla CM 5ss.-0998 n #luilluH•• IOIO 5<48-9985 ,..,, 1111' M9001b•t ofr. 831·9276 IO IHI HOO Tlfh 98()..8302 or' . 28 ' •Ingle epeed, $50. • ••••••••••••••••••••• Coe)(atlels, Baby Alblnot. ~&.... _.,, 1956 T·Blrd orl • -to 26,000 mlle9, fully loaded ---------8<42 ... 917 New wood drop leaf di· Antique mahogany eabl· $40 each wuAT'S NEW FOR -_,. g sunroof gd cond Like 13.9 cu ft, no frost refrlg. Ladle• 10 epd bike Ex· nette, 2 captain'• chairs Mt with orig. RCA radio 9;.9•9348 ...., •••••••••••••••••••••• appreciate. $15,000 $13 400 OB $22"' Practleall" new. __,.__. eond· ... 5 . 1125. 657-3119 & record playw-175.00; BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE: OBO. 840-8900 wkdy1 8n~w5. 8 2 1' 1 E O. ... ' ............ ·.., • "JVC" table AM/FM •• I th IOH Newport 8Meh· 25' 28' 857 5237 ' .. • v • 1 • -Worb great. 840-9079 CALL 546-2855 ARMOIRE (antique) ~llh •tereo radio with 8 track !!~!! ••••. '!I~'...... BOATS 35' & '40'. Call M2~844 • 857-9884 deya, beveled mirrored doore. & record playw-175.00; from 9 to 5. leH ..... ltt4ff 80 Audi 4000, 24,000 ml, . WAREHOUSE 1"""111 w a I n u 1 v a n e er . bathroom "marble type" Be•utllul 19th Century .a· BaU>oa CoYQ. Avella· · 1948 Ford Woody Wa· AC, AM/FM case, 4 dr, SELL . OUT ll•ltdall mS $1000/obo 498-2800 llnk In 1 door & 2 drawer Bo111ndorter concert ble now. s27s. Agent, gon, $13,000. $7800 OBO. 552-3876 SAVE TO 1300 OFF ••••••••••• .. ••••••••• 8 eflal,., IOlld walnut, xlnt cabinet plus mstd'llng 2 grand. Rosewood 1875· 845-6100 5'49-136& ---Refl1gerator1 •W llo/n. cond s 120 tor all door.1.wall c1blnat & 17500. 545-3888 P.P. ; 1929 Ford Model A Town '11 ...... I+ I ... w..._.,0ryera · · "m"°"' type" wan tllelf The Daily ' Pilot will publish w1n\ad: sup tor 25 rt. Sed1n. 110.000 s &pd, 6 ey1, AC, Blpmkt Dllhwuhar• !~=· ~ ~~ 844-<4157· N.B. all tor only $ 100.00; Baby Grand Plano, 5'9" power boat. AM/FM ca1e. Sunroof. at Colt°' 8efow f9nolng. C~I Jim or Ken Couch/ IOYHHI AVO· horse blenket·$20.00; Xlnt eond. $4000/bsl. boat picture adS Starting 882·2788 1983 Studebaker Avantl. Perl eond. 113,500 OAAOEN GROVE linY11me. 775-1'491. cado, CUI velvat.C•rved 0 I rl •• rid Ing II u 5-49· 127 7 u t 10, Friday, August 6th -we'll Free dock apace In H · 1-ss_soo __ . 8_7_5-8_1_6_1·---1----4_9_7·_2_ooe __ _ APPLIANCES back '200. 49~1 (•m•ll)-$25.00; new eer 827-3044 t k I t f change for UM of power Ctaaelc '70 Opel GI, t>Mu. ""' nu 13191 Hatt>Ct Blvd. Rallroed Uel, good Mlec-..._ floor mall ("4)·$20.00; 1-P-IA_N_O __ R_b_l_t --,-ll-t-1 even a 0 8 p C Ure 0 yO)Jr or Hllboal under 20'. eporty, 30 mpg, reg g .. , •••••••••••••••••••••• Garden Grove tlon, H .70-113.50 cut Setting lnythlng with • new 14 Inch llgf\I alloy XI • e ,_ uprblg . boat for your ad. You can't 87S-..200 nu paint, tun•uP. etc. '73 Capri, stick, tier-. 531-41333 llna avail. 2595 Laguna Dally Piiot CfaNlflad Ad rim• (BMW'e) eet 01 , nt tones, n ..... ea net. .... OPEN SUN 11 ... PM Canyon Ad. Laguna, It a almple matter . 4-$200.00,· two new oon· ss95• call 847•70l7 beat the pricel if We take ... ,, •--1 f Aeblt eng, ttana 11•800 super Clean, n.tnt Cl'•· 4 7"'" ._. calf 142 ""'78 -=._•t •r-080 412· 1222 ISIOO/obp, 8-42·~ ~ ,.... ,..... ...., • tlnental 1teet belted ra-Large club chair. 1lat1 the picture, your ad Will Ml Hll die.I tire• 195/70 HR blue. IC.Int cond ..... to •••••••••••••u••••••• '54 Ford Creslll~. 4 dr . .v"".~ 1. Ptac• your ad In the Dally Piiot ctMllfted aectlon (h'• beet to rurt 3 d.ya tor ma>etmum ~). " YoU pey tor YQUr ad '" advance *9'11 Nn It 3 d9Y9 end only ohltge yotl for at 2. Get your FAU Gatage 8.i. ..Ona ( .. I YoU heve to do la come In to tM ~ Pilot & pay tor your ad In ldVanOa - •Witt give you two 11 x 17 Signs -r:AE£ of cNt'ge). , 3. Prtoe ~ ... '!f '!l8f'Oh8ndlM .. 14-1100.00; BMW 3201 appreciate. 1219. Only COSt YOU $45 -jf you It' M1teury 180HP, 110-Orig. Xlnt eond. $750 ~-~ hrooordmllkm·l 820d.OIOc; 1mnlr8-1_6"4_co. __ 90_7_9 _____ 1 provide the picture, your ad f11h/1kl w/trlr 13850. OB • 645-768-4 SCHAFER a SON '-~1-. 1198-45378 -TllU. S~Leulng cablnet-120.00. Call "' upr"'l'lt will COSt $40. _,_ •11-•t •-.__I .... 2_,.138 piano. New, ex<* tone. '78 21' Howard Day Cnll-1H2 Bulolc Spacial. ·• &WI .... _. .,.. .., · berlch, $895. 8<47-7017. Hr, w/81ue·prlnteo Compact cw. e cyt, red Na Selectlonl AWM Id --• ,_ ~ IOH SAMPLE AO Chevy 454 V-dr. '5,000 w/whltl conYal'llbtl toP. * '78 2002: 4 &pd., tt1/l'f. 8 to 20, •--g. 3a.. ,_ ft. •fMtl,.• ...,,fl o • I m g n t J o b • s 1 8 5 & • B r y a n (917PV8) ""'' -,.... ........ .-.. •••••••••••• I IO * '7" 3""' auto.. A/C 775-1491 lllytlme. -y•••• 14, /bit ofr. (714)840-3328 leave " '"'' • r_. ,.... -7eo-oet4 "'°"' a. eve. m e • • • g • . J o II n (&487750) JEEPS • Qovernm•nl Regulation alza, solld (7l4)879-243t. * '79 3201; • t9(1 .. loe- Surplu• Lleted tor 13. oak, mini cond. 1725. Frut:-.t dH dedl (T78YPC) 19f. Sold tor 144, For Tl'ltld MIH 1125. MUCH, ••••• ~ ... ~ •••••••••••...... dllNJ * ·ao 320!; 5 apd •• tnkf'. Info CaN (312) 831-1M1 MUCH MOAE. ~ 11J. ,...,. ,,. (859Z0t<) EXt 2239 833...3S1t lfttl II• ••-••••••••••••"•••• * '80 5281; auto .. an/rt. Watton prof alee muuga Scuba Tanke. u..s. Diver, •••••••••••••••••••••• AV 01nerator1, brend (4MZOJ) rolterNkenew.Co•tS370 Twln60Wltl\J.Vllve(c:.n Carnt* thell, thort bid. naw,muetMll.547-4113 NM1l1 Nit 11eo. 548-4413 be -n 11r a1nta Ana) mull Mii, good cond. day1, eo.ue3 •v•/ 208 W. 1et, 'Senta AM P9rego twn itroller, UNd 1200. 7iJ..Ot18 •rt 8PM. 170. "2·2304 wtlnd Clolad Sunde)' 3 tlmat. new 1250. -. Pool Table, Ragulallon •1ao. 842·1t07 1111-~" elate top. Oak L P Tick ""'"'· ~. 0.111. aowr !llQUl'I• ag,ant els. & pool lamp Incl. 11000 For TllWI ~ 12. a1e. oeo 1u-3&T'f d1~. Pam aft lpm, tf3..818' 15Nl538/8 pm •rv=~ ~~ 1•~0:. us Divert Culto~ "o· 4'45-t 1• man'• dl'llng .ult, f\OOd, boot1, 1111\t COnd. S 180. Coolcwllfl • ,.._, Wit.,_ 1_ ... _2_._t_284 ______ 1 Illa, It._. ...... 8eN M•-t ... _.. • .....__...._., -'°' N.o. ""'"' 1&12, 1Too._. •. ;;t"•-· ,,_., oall T·-t•m or 5·7pm, g:j, ..,...1aas Na-138e 111 ...... "!!ca,..qu:Ht ~Gtm ... "-'f • ... , ~,. • ..,. 't llAUTIFU'-2$" AOA ~ & oont11111p01•y ColOfTV..ie.; iyrwmty, """i lampl, kttdlll--. 1141 ,,... MwlrY too 1, beda. ll•teftl. . TV . .lalln't -.1n. · •••ti•r, drrer, refrlg, ~ mllO. 1 .. ,._ Dr., Ma~• Yfft 1,.,...WtllOfl Orange. ''' 4•1, ... Cllf'IMI • llOIM oaftlPllW. 111!:"!!!!!""'!!! .... !!!!!!!!!!! I .... t., ""'•oa"' •= I~ -..._.tor...: . I °*91 ~ ..._,., F-~~==·=· \ t 11M llTlll 11111 ... Loeded with 111 ol 'h• toyel (3524) HLY 11111 ...... ........... 19111 IMCl'I llvd. H\lfl_ll".19ton 8eeoh Ml·IMO ' •HM(l HPll 1• t I ', 4~. '<l'J '14' C11t ..... lalon, LM-1t7I ........ _______ .._, uu too. •Int oonct , new Al o, ,,., ,,., = 11re11 brallee , v--to Ml tl000/010. brw1t/tat1, _, _., • lo6f.OH1 r'"-1 ..,-;11iiiiiiiRiiM-- "73 C011n1ry 8Q11lr• 81•· 'It cuuan lupreme -m .. ,. ...... llon Wagon, •80 eng, lrCKiOhtM dll, loaded, rune betlltlfullY. w. op-eteo moonroclf, very ~ "91.-nlu l:on. 1171 ...aft tlon1. 11800. f'1M827 Oood t11e1 ml T•e CN91 POW9t •eertnf, aw oon-... Ula.ti '111 Aanchero. mutt tell, IMIY"*"''· o• ~1-1UI dlllonlntl, power *In· Landau C~ LMCMd 3&1 ¢11vel1nd, fully an llPM. dowt, t -..i, orulae "lean t'"-·-·· 1 (ft1won' 1utom1tlc, AO, magi, •81 Oldt o.tte 81 11,,...._ oontrot, tu-tone paint. "' ll"L'"""y ·i•*lll •1 good llree 81950/btt ,ham, 0 ,1, toaded, ilk'e Vtry Cletnl "nanolng .. otr. (213) 83.._111'7 new P4'98. Ml..U.O Av.u.l>le.1074fWW) ~~Ou~... 1t'fa LTI 4-4r '81 ~Ide CUllNI, BrOYQ-a ~on • •1 o£•LER IN U.S.A. NIWPO"T IH!A~H Roomy cer A/C, 'IM reg ham. All optlont. 18500 I ""'I'' ,. 11• •1tt gu, good cond. HI ml-PIP 714-040-et3.1 , rv ltte>e. to pr~. '80 CutleH Auna well pont·~c;N~I "1lf .~ ..... 1.~!f '73 Monte Cerio, xlnt M0.5228 an 8• wkndt $400. Ctll lhtton tV ~U _ cQfld, dMn body lnlldt £/anh IHI 7511-1383 dye, •94-1819 lierbor llYd. @ Flk Dt. _ _.;,_..._ ____ 1 t9ao Deteun :no. 5 tpetCI & out, rect ntll rebuilt •••••••••••••••••••• .. II It Hit In Coete Me.a '79 820!, IUIVOOf, elf. new Irene., low mllM, IUpef ~~~ 1--,--,....-------1 trlglne. 11000. 49.1411 '74 Mark IV: 16,000 mlMNI, •• ~................... 04~ 049-1467 Pftlnl 11iel( mega, OU. clMn & In Hoelllnt con-CLOHDSUNDAYS ·~~~~-~v:!!"'~~~ ·ea CHEV. CONVERT!-full power, new tlrea. 'lt ""' ltltll ·p OTO ctn rblt m1f Bi. •t•~. pert cond . dltlonl 19&3 llotnM fM Comt In and con1lder 1-1-97-1-R-01-,.-A-0.-_..-8-1-IY«-'3800 o.ii 973-4351 or Ill! Ntw paint, new VOid me1. vldnytltop35•0 1m-0 ..... OOOml.Newbftc1,dutdl. 18500/ofr. 931-4721, already paldl Mull our IMM arrangement• TV• 873~1 Urea, mecll'ly 1trong, mac con redlele lhoc:ka I/fl/""/ • 6'&-t030 Hll ... 11klng U 1H or or tong*"' llnancing. Shadow, •fiver blue w/ • 1h1rp. 1819 Bedford 1175-8974 Automatic trlntmltelon, / "~ 19 ~ t1 ------.,.-.~1 beet offw. Call &42-0t38 HouM of 1mpan1, Inc. 1r•y Interior. lmmao. 1111 YW Lane, apt t NB, nr. air conditioning, only ... ~Ji obo 3o2t I<~~ '70 2002 Peff. cond. New or 976-3017. OIAL 2t3 or 714 U ,000 . Pvt Pty. • ... .,.LI -17thllrvlnt. WHkend #1ntl1k IHT tOO mu.. IEJltra cleanl CM 6'46-2135 Int. New paint, nine perl. 837_2333 5"3-4115 _, -• onty •••••••••••••••••••••• Financing avall1bl•.1---·------12760 Ann '77 8210, excetl. oond, Option• Include llr con-• '14' Maverlc:lc 2dr. 781< ml. C27TTZS) '82 Tem~t Wgn, com·..,,,, e7S.974& 4·1pd, AM/FM CUI 1Ht 1011111 lld lfll dltlonlng & a 1unroof. mllea, 2 clean. $2150, a magnon pletely reblt. Lo ml. w /equll., $2700/btt. ,.. •• ••L,.. --·~·;::~,···,· .. ·•:•::~:_·• CtBOZSO&). e-0681 &42·7056 tUU. 8"5-0739, '78 2002, mtnt cond .. nu 759-9032 .._ - • ..,.,.. ...-& -II I II a ~•70 tlr• 6. bfakM, AM/FM --------• Sedan. Immaculate In-tlO twit.-.... LY I Z '79 Chevett, 4 dr auto, • • ._M_ ........ ______ _ call., 10 ml. Htv. re-Dlltun 280 Z, 1978. A/C, aide a. outl Under 27.000 • M..... blue, nu r Blu bk #llfl!f 1110 fjw tlnl H11 COldl $e700 or bit olr. AM/FM. d""99 xlnt, dark mlMNll (1AEFll95). $328 60 YILllWAlll $2995. 494-04'51 •••••• •••••••••••••• nnnti~c;"'•"'u ...... !! •.••••.•••••.• 953-6781 ¥5=7r,.400. 73t-8t87: ... hty tH,111 19711 Beach BIYd. '77 Malibu Wagon. 4111< '73 COUGAR XR7. Lo t""l\tV ~ ·~;1~eir:._~·~ cond. •IYllsm 1 Huntl....ton 8eeoh '78 Skyllawtl, xlnt cond. ml, tmmao. '3000. mllHg•. A/C AM/FM Harbor 8111d. !Qi Fllr Or. or •· C.-' 1111 Ti arl 1113 th p1ut • ..,, air new tlrea 1tereo CtJI 8"0.2033 Xlnl transportation car In Coeta M... 5"&-3933 •• r.:••••••••••••••••• .!!!r.:............... l&Lll I lllYIOI 49 ~0r;;:>;;' olouJ-:nd U2·200t 128oo. 857~55 • It 8 o O. 6 • s · o 8 8 O. 549-4'300 549.1457 '63 T -Bird, 1mmacul1te, 1111 mY tu111 •1YY'I 2850 Harbor 81\ld I ·n VW BUS CIM '87 Impala. " dr, auto, 751-0538 '77 PllTI mu1t Hll. Reduced to ••-• lllPI COSTA MESA . •1ue0on appr1o~,. ~r5e-I · n, many '78 Skytiawk, 8 cyt, auto, 213V8, PS, tllt wf'll, AC, •~ 750 7.,. 1,.1 .. _... llU 11111111EI .,..,.1 .... ,. d t. 011 • 1v,~ : extrat. 6700/bett ofr. air 1unroof cuatom newtlretlpalnt,lookt& s1ooo.113'i.9078 ..,, · ., ... • Tlllt one 11 extra clean FEIUIAlll __.. -118112 cath r1,ulred. Sunroof, am/Im. (7t•I whMla a. moidlnge 4'1, run• xlnt 1750/bet ofr. IMComet.vetYClean,new _;_.:..,_ _____ _ 1nd hat an AM/FM. '81 380SEL: Under 9,000 Come In & Hk or d•· 992·9992 500 mllet. Xlnt cond. 554·8082 llret, r1dl1tot', bait, $700 '78 Lll1beck. auto, air. pi t, ~.".'.'.'..'!~~ ......... .. (9131). IULlllllPI m 11e1, Or I en t A• Cl , tall•! ( 111924). I 1 YW 13800 or bHt o ff tr. 080. 644-9015 eves p I b , x I n I. 12 2 0 0 . •••••••• OILY 12111 . Chrome Rims, Sunroof, IUCM llPOllTS 1 1 839·1135. 'll ltH l1ttlllt1tk '77 BOBCAT Auto 673-3828 NABERS Y.LllwalEI Wkdy's 714'/557-0711, NEWPORT BEACH Thia one l1 lmmacule1e, "'-• ' AMM/FM cu111te stereo. 1131-1153. Leave mea-F\un1 & look• good, r•· CADl.LL AC. .llM 11&1111 I~ parfecl cond. s•.-.ooo. 8<48 Oove Street OAllPll 1HI llYllU 350 V-8 auto, PIS, P/8, moon roof ' ·, 1 5 0 0: '78 Ford Plnto/W1gon. .. • e v e s / w k n d 1 hu an AM/FM eteteo & Formerly Andy ..,...Ina 1. utlcal horn. $1200 sage on phone $ ~ 18711 Beach Blvd. , 714/876-2464. 712-0100 low mllell (317SZG). Xlnt thruout. Loaded. 080 842-1506 · ~ong . engine. 1"00 ' , Huntington Beach ~ • ' OILY 11111 New tire• & vlnyl top. C '71 Colony Park, superb 84B8··3·06673-9299 or CLEARANCE HI-HOO 310-0 Wett Cout H-wY. 72 Mercedea 250C, orig ld•n 1111 S2500/b1t ofr. 642-1701, 'irP..l•r 1111 cond., w /trlr hitch & .. Newport Beach owner. xlnt cond. 8rwn/ •••••••••••••••••••••• .llM 11&1111 831-4'267 ••• •••••••••••••••••• tren1. cooler. $950 or bst 642•9405 tan. $6995. 759-9557 Salet-Servloe-Leulng "1U1W••t1 1H 2 Chryaler Newport ofr 962-9614 11 .. Hli IHO Cl' 111~ •••.a•••-., -'80 Buick Rlvlefa. all op-Sedan, mint fac orig. · ••'"••••••••••••••••• SALE1 , •• !!!! •••.•.•...••.. ! llll 1115 '61 250S. AIC. Power -1.a-18711 BMotl 81\/d. 11on1, black. 18200 PI P F\adlo. haatet, air cond. llllt••t. 995z 1f71 PlY9HTI 1 ,73 Citroen S.M. Dark •••••••••••••••••••••• windows. Mint Cond. lllMI Huntington Beach 7 14-64M931 $2250. 6"5-9001 ••••••• •••••••.,•••••• ARllW blue, 5 ·-· .. One Owner. 1111 FIAT 121 731-5079 $5900 firm. 111-•,.,.,. .-la ........ U2·2000 1HI ~-..&. 78 Ford Mustang V-6 . .,,.. •-• --•• 1975 Ch~ Cordoba gel Must NII, have co. car All original Equipment •15.ooo. 845--3194. 4 Door Sedan. 4 ~ #C 114Z '12 lllUI ·es a.title, 1uto stick. new AIC, Pwrwt and ... ta. cond. Pf:Ntfl'. E';efylhlng. Srlck shift Xlnt mech tnclud91 • 4 •~Hd c.Jt 1111 trans .• AM/FM radio, 7;·~409•··~·~~·1~i 4 door. 5 epeed. (003821 paint. clNn, rune good. Tiit wf'll. Make offer SUIOO 080 631-7135 cond & tires. 60.000 ml tranaml11lon. (079 XK) •••••••••••••••••••••• only 48.000 mllM & ••· Ilk • g 1 1 · N a-.11 11900 540-9537 8"0-5228 111 9 wkndt "'••~-. t·' H•O Call 1tter 6 or on wee-OILY 12311 '74 COLT, 2 dr .. auto. xlnt ceptlonally eteenl Exe.I-• new. 0 m • good ever • ....., terldl · · ' ~~ •• '.'!'.~.~•••••••••'!• kenda 640-0222. •tM •••tH running condition. gOOd lent tran1portetlonl As· tlrea, 11800· 833-2324 112H 1t1t YW Buick '79 Regal. Ilk• new. '74 MARK v • - tlxet, 72,000 ml. $1,1195 king low wtiotesale blue '73 MGB GT, ,_ eng & a magnon ··-· . Air, po-r. crulae, 1111, IV, ery Clean, '66 Mustang PIS A/C YIUIWAID O.e.o . 857-281" book at $t•50:. Call Llaa .Palnt. ~ --... Rune --t~. 32M. $5895 or of-all !either Interior. Sun-Ilka new • · • • .. .......... Thi I d f ,-..... PIP 75"'1257 roof. 720-1111 $3500 . 5•".9•59 t8711 Beach Blvd. at 548-1788 alter 8:30 great. 2450. 548-8169 • . • one • rea Y or er. ,... '"" .. Huntington Beecll Pm on weekdays; all eummer lun. has low '-~'" -JS C.rntt• H3J '7t I .... 2 2000 ,,,,,.. ITZO day w .. k•ndl. If no .,. 1144 ont1a' C/subl mile• & ,, very cleanl C....u•6 ,, •••••••••••••••••••••• • .... , -• •••••••••••••••••••••• answer, pie••• keap •••••••••••••••••••••• p U (30591). ···=~.··· a·n·· .. ·•••• 1110 OllYETTEI PS, Air cond. am/Im '70 Duster. orig. o-. 8 ·77 280Z. gd cond. 48,000 1 1 1 1979 MGB. low-low mlles, OILY Sllll .,_,~.,. .. 1 11 1 1 stereo 8 track tac>e All yt 1 1 1 ml, a/c, 4 1pd, am/Im ryng gorgeous burgundy A!-RU&A! c"oundo.m&a .~•Y•raanpipe .• 811}1 leather interior. Very c •au 0• ar, pwr 1 ear, r 1 d I o C a 11 8 • 5 , 1978 Fiii 128, 4 dr, xlnt bOdy. not •scratch, rune Har'f,; g:;.~i 'f.~r Dr. .Ill IUllH W• •~• ":i '""' (18EB0871. cieal). Lo ml.(20,000) :~.~~~k::ar~•~ ~~~: 548-5589, lft 6pm cond, new tires . Muat Ilka • dream. S4850. 5"9-4300 549-1457 YtLISWAlll for the bullnNI execu-720-1111 radiator. Clean. $1095. 567-7844 ue. $1850/bat ofr. 5"8-7245 18711 e.KhBtvd. tlve&profeutonaJ. OILY 112,tlll &45-5657 '73 DATSUN 1800 Pick-6"2•1701• 631•4267 '79 MGB, t owner, 33K Stll IOWI Huntington 8eeell •-·11 s.•-...&111 1111 _.Ymtl ----------' U ,, d di 1 1 .... ..... •-'71 Ply Dutter. Run1 weo. p . .,.oo con t on. '79 Flat 200<1 Spider Con-m . stereo/tape decll. IUll llW 142-2000 tf In 1112 Loaded with options, 4 6 cyt. reg. g11, $799 11 $2000 OBO. 645·5737 vert. Mint cond, to ml, w l r • w h 1 s I 5 0 0 0 . 1112 SIUll WHJ ·~ tr1111. & t>eautllull • Ii. 982-0397 Wiii NII par1a or as fllcer $8000/b11 ofr. 673-91711 499-4287 4 W.tel lrttt '7n~!~~Ji:~'. ~~~~l~t In I ~kl (1CBU4'27) '70 Sport Fury, run• good, u~r. '75 Datsun 710, '74 128 Sport L Coupe, 2 ltlffH •::•• $2350. 881·3982 1 OILY 113,llll 'll IUSTllfi stereo. clear tllle. '75 280Z, sharp, stick, air, Sl325. 544•2168 1111 .. fr 1170 YW · HWUI Cllttrtltt fiHIA COUPE 1979 MHCIDIS llNZ 3000 "SUNIOOP" (735WOO) $17,495 1979 CADILLAC SEDAN DIVILLI "ASTaoaOOF" (081XNZ) $8995 1911 CADILLAC SIDA ... DIVILLI D'ILIGANCI (10FH731) $12,995 eel 6311-9639 evea. Cir, 4 1pd, mint cond. NABER~ $300/best ofr. 990-0879 1 1 14800 Cap. co1t 17517.30, ptp TIP HI CADll LA '72 Valiant S3000 Needs sunroo , aereo. . Finl• 1111 residual $3382.79, To\al • , J ~ Oove/OuallStt. 1 owner. M int eond work . Lealle Oey1 19IOCADILLAC 7141760-903f •••••••••••••••••••••• (134"2). Thie ce.mper 11 a 2600 Harbor Blvd. NEWPORT BEACH MUST SEE THIS CARI 8 3 ,. 2 6 E E 0 0 ·79 Flll1• Ghla, air cond., 'll Ill of payments f or 48 •t•al at the low price of c~·· M~· s~"-9100 1•1 0111 3 • " 1 . v e. LD RAD COUPI MIZ 1.1 OllPI 1unroof, xtraa. $3200. month• 17726.00. OILY 12•11 v• .. ~-""' • • Factory A/C, P/S, Sun 760-1157 (602277) Showroom Condition. 848-5869 COIYEllTllLE (3"643) • 1171 .......... n Roof. Stereo. Alloys, 4 s12 99 Om blue/tan lntr. Fully • -~ 11-4 s p d • M • g • ' a magnon ,. .... '11 mn.u ..::::..:-new radlal tires, Low ''•''" IHS ' 5 equipped. Xlnt car & In-11•-• •1 Ster~c 41 K V "1U1W••-59K ml. elec: eunroof ..-wiu •~ Miies. •••••••••••••••••••••• ve1tment. 1 19,000 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 188" · ery • • -Th1t1port1car huevery (it6S831 '71 PtllttN Oatlll1a 720-1865 lhtt stft. Ult 1tw Nice. 1871t Beech BlVd. 56395• 5"<>>4M72 toyl (878NIT). $2996 Sef1tl ltlflH WMH 1911 CADILLAC ·~a=.1=5 ·11 •::.:..:1111. pont~c;•u Huna.i~n..ewn ~tf:.~~r o~~'.U:' =-~~·,;.~: .. ~~ 536-3008 liar.._. Blvd .-.. F·'· Dr '78 Sclrocco, xlnt running, va1 •SWllU dltlonlng, crulM control, "•s-oaOOf" --------'79 Prelude• 9')(1, moonrf. ""' · ..,, ., · tune1, tires, t;omfort. of late moo.I, low mllM· .,_. AM/FM, lµggag• raotc ~ "' 1980 01t1un 310 GX reg gaa, AM/FM . gd In Cotta Meea $3900 080. 498-effS ge Cadlllaca In Southern 187l1 BMch Bl\ld Clean througlloUtl Finan· (1CRR5i2) Blue/Blue Int .. flawle11 mectl, sseoo. 4"-3188 5"9-4300 S49-t4S7 Callfornlal See us today! Hunllngton Beach ctng Avallabll. (107924) $14 99 ~~07·2• ~•5395o Aak/Ned '80 Prelude. 28,000 ml, •.itNtl 111" MUST SELLI 'e3 VY' s... UllllS 142-2000 12111 , 5 ~ .. !}i••••••••••••••••••'! larl Bua. Sllde rf. nw .. Ji"· am/fm CH . al e, perf. '78 TOYOTA plllnt, eng. tr-. Nit•. GAllLUC 79 Corwtt•. alt pwr, xtru. •n .... ,_,., a magnon .. t ITIJ con Cl . $ 7 0 0 O ob o ~I l'l.~I CELICA GT t Ir• a . • 98-29111 , 2600 Hartl« Blltd. 350 auto. new tires. good condition. $2800 • •••••••••••••••••••••• 842-8155 9¥91 . , ..... n.53ft 499-4287 • •••••••••••••••••••• * lllT 1fU * _..-.. •· COSTA MESA custom wti11 641-4913 '711 wagn. 421<, air, AM/ '74 Manta. xlnt blue txt. OH, WHAT A FEELING! '72 vw SUPER BEETLE 140 1180 liiww;::----=---~ .. ~,;;;s:liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii WEEKEND SPECIALS 1981 CADILLAC SIVILLI "PACTOIY ~JONI .. (889179) " -... ... ~ -. r .. -... -.. --~ .... --:r ... .. 4 . *FANTASTIC* *FIATS* tlJGE SELECTION PRE-OWJE> FIAT SPl>ERS ' Xl/9's MANY TO CHOOSE FROM EXAMPLE '17 FIAT 124 SPl>ER 5 spd, stereo can. Oil .Green, Beige Int. Very Sharp, 1 owner. (1ACP577). s4995 '17 FIAT 124 SPl>ER 5 apd, Maroon Ext. with Tan Int. Mags, c .... 43 K, Beeutlful Cond. (4' LOA). s5295 '71 FIAT 124 SPIJER 5 apd, stereo, atioy., Lug. rack. Bright Red, Black Int. (#4'1296) • s5795 '79 FIAT 124 SPaR 6 lpd, metallic blue. 81....o, Ractt. Mags, Only S7 K. Very Sl'larpl (AOL TYOE). $6495 'IO FIAT 124 SPaR a tPd, Fuel 1n)ec11on. Ott Green, 1 owner, only_ 13 K . (18ZN289). s7295 All> MANY MDREI ............... ..,... I ...... lltcM fleb .. Se. C4I. FM. rack. M 900. white many 11tra1. Reblt eng, Perfect combination 01 nw/ttret. needs eng. • ••• ~!_••••••••••••••• '65 MUSTANG Faatback ponti~c /"•~"'U w/lan lnt 552-1551 11100.494.2239 economy end epor1 •ty-$990/trede, Champegne •77 Fltwd 8rm, low ml, ESTATE SALE. 4 dr ·77 ~.~.$2.000offer. IU ~ '81 Civic 4 Cir, 5 tpd, air. r•tuil 11SO ling 5 apd., w/pow. atr.. Edit. 5"8-5212. perf cond, leather, all Dodge Diplomat wlfull 55 •5659 · Harbor Blvd. ~ Fair Or Mu1t NII •••••••••••••••••••••• AIC, louwea and morel ,97 vw Bug. LOok• and xtraa. $6250/bat otr. pwr, a/c, am/Im radio. In Co1ta Meaa $16,995 $6400. 559-&086 1171 PllSOIE (024'UBV) Just need re-runt good. Many extra. 642·35~5. Call Bank of Amer lor 0111•11'11• 991$ 5411-4300 549-1457 --------124 OllN II able party to make $2 000. &42-<>219 deta111. Wkdya only 8·3 •••••••••••••••••••••• '71 Nll ...... O TUIS u1 1979 CADILLAC 1981 Honda CVCC, White Thi small monthly pmta. No • '85 Cou!MI de VIiie. comp pm 759-4382 1171 tLISIOllLI '"' -~ very clean, Auto Trana.. s one hu every con-old contract• to uaume. '70 BUG. New paint, new ovemaul, 1974 Swinger. Pwr brkt, & OITUU llPllEIE FtlllU ILDOIADO COU'I ~~k. ~~C:::~'.'~~:; (,;~~~~ • o Pt 1 on I No beok pmta. due. Ah, lntr. rune great. t2100 $900. 631·3216 •t-lng Gd cono. $1195, lllllUll OllPEI Automatic tran1ml11lon, (260XSO) S OILY .II.I l or RoH 8"2·4"00, obo. MustHfl.998-4018, '67 Cad Convertible 6"8-1078, 8"11-2371 power 1leef'lng, air con-$11,995 leaee. 167.84/ mo. End 5511-1008 Proto LIM. 968-2866 $58S/Make offer Loadadt Economical die-dltlonlng, power win· of lea1e, 6-30-83. Buy .Ill IUllH 8"2_..014 l•rl IHO HI power! Handsome dowa. 1111 wheel, metallic out $4185.89. PurchaN YIL1S·w•1u 1110 '''"' '79 Rabbit dtl, tl\lr, 4-dr. •••••••••••••••••••••• earl (665YJE). gold. vez Clean! Finan- price now. $6013.13 firm. • •••a& u AM/F~ 081615.' greet '72 Eklorldo convertible. ·79 Ford F250, 4114, full Ifft OJILY s4•111 Cl"" "'val a .. •-. ("73YUT) C111 An a A d #1192 18711Beact1 Blvd. _.._ cond .... 100. 1-58&4 Brown, white leather klt,$8500Flrm831-7834 v .......... • 01fer Good Thru Monday, 8-2-82 942-4300. 24 hra. Huntington Beach ~':..°'.it';7~'f.°" coupe '87 vw, good cond, new Interior, good condlllon, '7 0 IOWAH Ollttrtltt UHi 142-2000 OILY ••••1 p. In I & up h 0 I . $2195. 780-<>785. , F RO Maverick. GOOd Oove/Ouall Sts. a magnon '72 Honda 8000 Cpe. _________ 1 cond. 3 new ur ... econ. NEWPORT B"'ACH NA~S Great cond. $1700/obo S 2 3 00 I be II offer. '81 CU1tom Claule Sev-$850. 4'94-3211 ""' 646-9974 ask tor Joan-MEISTER .11• Wiit 645-25"7 all llPM .. Ille, 12,000 ml, loaded, tH2 Ford T-Blrd, fully llMHI • • CADILL C ne YILllWAlll '71 vw caniper, orig. ow-dal, 36 gal luel tank. rMtored, $7.000 tpent. 1979 Olde Cutlass Super-t /""'."' J. 1130 POllSCllE /1111 18711 8eactl81vd. ner, rblt eng., 12600/or $2 2 ,000. (Cameo M llOO/bat ofr.831-9278 me,$1600betowwhoi. pon laC ~u ~~:::c:.~:~vo . . !/.'!!!............... 13631 Harbor Blvd. Huntington Beech tHlt. P.P. 213/592·204'8 Highland•). 780-(M()5 sale, ell orig, air, lthr, 78 XJ8l. Sable. xlnt cond. Garden Grove 142-2000 ·79 Granada. 2 Cir, 6 cyt crulae, etc etc. 29MPG. Harbor Blvd ~ Falr Of 540 1860 Loaded. S8,000. pp ..........,.... 'It ... ,.,.... --•1111 1 auto. Air, crulae cont. Flrlt 13895 takes. Mr. In Cotta Meea • 714-497-1037 Lt~'ll Mu1t NII '78 Toyota Co-New engine, xlnt cond. _., _ _, Xlnt. $5250. 559-0160 Wllllama ~7245 5"9--4300 fi4t.1457 '!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~ -rolla Good cond. S2800 Wiii trad9 for mini truck ·77 C0Upe de VIiie, 391<, ---------l·--------1---------·11~ 611•,.. 01• 1134 lH 111-2313 o eo. 714/844-0309 or $2900. da 842-4'142, loaded, IMlher. STEAL A•tn /It• 1100 A•tll /It,, 1100 Aat•• Nn t •••••••••••••••••••••• --------ev 841-5383 AT $5.850 Flrm. •••••"•••••••••••••••• •••••l••••··~··••••••• ••••• i•••••••••••••••• 1170 YW '60 924 Turbo. loeded. ·ac 1171 TIHTA 8"0-1149 l&IUll Ill& 924. Take over IHHf otltt.U 70 VW But. good eond .. Option• Include an AM/ plus get •1.000 This economy Oii Is ex-xlnt '0a ::Omplng, 2nd -.7-2_C_ed_A_tw_d_lo_w_m_ll_ .. -t FM Thi• one 11 a.tra 714/825-1808 tra clean! (285UJE). ownr. 1 ' muat NII. loaded. alw1ya garaged. ctean1 (3t6BXA). 1978 Por9Ctle 92•.12.000 OILY 12111 -5-59-4095 ______ x1n1 cond. $1850 080. OILY 11111 below low Blue Book, M IUIJH '7R~n~~=··~o~j ___ 5_57_·5_7_9_1 ___ , M IUI.. ~oeety ~· frm:'r':: YIUIWAID now,• 96 ea Cad.. new t>r111. t>ett, "1L1-••ir Urea, waterpump, 1t1r· ., •w-1 $11895/bHt. Call Jim 18711 S..Cll Btvd. '83 Bug, Xlnt cond, new ter. Mutt H ll, HOO. 18711 Beacn Blvd. 548-72"5 Huntington 8Mcll tlret. Mutt ... ti 8.ctlflcel &42~900e Huntington Beach ·93 356B, xlnt cond .. no U2·2000 11700 080. 591-2932 142-2000 ruat. rt>lt, xtraa. mutt aac '60 Tel'eel, 1•,000 ml. per1 '87 BUG. Xlnt cond In 6. '74 Karmann Ghia, mint $8000. 1173-6309 cond, am/Im 11..-.0, all out. Good llr•. S2600. cond, new llHdllner. 72 911 E. new motor, xlnt xtraa. "4600. &42-3555 Call 8"5-9038 ruga, lheepakln covers. cond. Beet offer. 1171 TIHTA '89 Squartbeelc • brushed •lum whit, 1teet 6"6-4&e9 ••a -••• Rune gd., t1eoo. Radio. radial Urn. Gatege kept. --652-1551. t 5,000. 94'2-7996 .VM/ Thlt 1porty cer hu air--------' wkndt. oondltlonlng and an '71 Bug, reblt w/receCptt, •---------• ---------• AM/FM. (89228) new radlal1, caaa. Xlnt WEEKEND SPECIALS OILY IHll 12350 ee1-31182 M ..... **'88 VW BUG** ' .. ...... Sunt1t, clMn, AM/FM, -11960. "89-2988 18711 Beeetr Blvd. liuntlngton 8Mdl Ml~HM '79 Cpa de VIiie. 32,000 ml, loaded, xlnt oond, Beat ofr over S9000 taket. 5"9-5383 GOOD SELEC ION OF 1982 CAMAROS NOW IN STOCKI I IMMEDIATE DELIYEIY ON UAERICA'S HIREST . SElU• CAI IY FAl I NANCY MY UNCLE CAUGH:r THAT BIG FISH So she took him to task. I'LL BET I CAN HAW HAW CATCH ONE HA HA HA . JUST AS BIG . He qidnft qet back · for three weeks., BOY, THEY'RE RUNNING-VERY SMALL TODAY • ~a.JDGE -PARKER ------... -... <l <J <l -- PLEASE, DON'T 6POU. "THE ll:.LU510N ! _; . . t • ··-.·.SETTER GET SUSY, LORD P.-- )t>u PRQM ISED. ~~o FIX ~RES~MENTS ~MVCLUB '-"MfSTING ~1joN1<&HT. ....... ..{ ' •i;, . ,, .. ' . ~ . No ... 1t)O MANY-O·' COOi'$ ••• .TONIGHT? BUT, EMMA-- by Ferd and Tom Johilson . I i~INK LITTLE I WAS UP YotJ PftoMISEO! ~M . GUICHES WoOLD SO lATE · NEXT TIME,, OFFTO BS NICE: --Now LAST Nl<SHT. LOOI< BEfO ~OR~ PUT YOUR You LEAP! ow. SHO\IU>E~ ;o-r~E WQEEL! b . • • W~T ABoUT TWO HE,.\t>S AR~ BETTER No··· Ye\IJ MA1>E You~ BEt>--NoWLlli IN IT!/ OUR L.ANC4UAGE J.IAS SOME MARVELOUS IDIOMS ... IHAN ONE? M II -r. Pl"ffS, M. P., CAliiA-r'OA OF -r"HS '-r'UAN Y'OUF.t HSAP ANP COUCSH' SC.MOO&... OF ME!P.ICI NI!" • ..... '-~----• M ............. ''S&...VIRA LAU:::>&ACK, tNNOVA-r'OFt OF -rME! ·NOW WIPE!&...Y ACGSP-rl!P PUNK SHOT"" I ·I I ·I ~ I Our ctOwn frteM ~ ... ~ -NCIMtr\lct a .......... All fl ... mllllnt ......... .. ~ ...... tap. They .... to ... IMlf1ld to '°"" .... eccordmO to._...,.nltlcn: 1 ...... 2. ....-. t5• .::r. '·· t. • a. ....... ............. ...................... .... ,:-a ·~ .. ..._, ........ ,..,..,:~ . by Lynn Joh~ton . LlZ21E oust' R>K MoM L · · ·· · BUT NO DU&T. GORDO · ~ . llllJ Plat . FOR BE.401UCE SlRAIGKT, star of Polleigdll .An~~ Into ESP and•.,._ ct.lb? -G91., ~ N.Y. •Oh yest'& started ln England, where I was brought up. Once while walking, 1 came upon a ruined castle and saw a man at the top. I went around the back to dlmb up, only there was no back. h was just a facade. Then suddenly when I kded up again, the man dissolved Into Straight Isn't apoobd bv apli'fta. thin air. I also had an experience In my old family home, when three tables went flying around the room. I believe ln poltageists, who are mostly earthbound spirits. They don't mean harm but wtsh for earthly existence once again. U an evll penonality gets Into control, however, an obsessed splri~ may be <iriYen to Insane and o1minal acts. · FOR HARVEY C. GORDON, author of Grime and PUHthrMnt (Warner Books) WhM'e the malt ~ pw> yoA/ve ewr cocne up wllb?-1.V.,.........,Vt. • Once the receptionist In my law office announoed, "Your wife just called," to which 1 replied, "Which one?" A senk>r partner looked at me dlsdalnfuDy and sniffed, "You have more than one?" I shot back: "Yes, and It's bigamy to admit It." FOR PAT FM.KEN SMl'lll. cabW lV wrtt• WbMdt ra•do~-..abewfla11 t:tnmln the ..a 50 ~? -0.B., Monm.v. Calll • At. the moment, businessmen are called dynamic, adtlng and outspoken, while businesswomen are ac· ~of betng bossy, ~es.We and emasculating. The role of women will continue to change as we gain the con6dence to speak out the way men do. wtthout fear of damagtng our status In the business world. FOR ~ B. EISENBERG. director of more than 2.000 lV c:ommadals Do cellbrtdle .,. ~ • ha"d time ...... ~ WOii& .... dMID cm com~? -'·'" Fort Colline, Colo. e Not any more than unknowns do. Sometimes It's educadonal, too, like when I worked with Henry Fon- da on a Ufaaven commercial. He was natural and at ease and taught me a great deal about acting just by doing a 30-Mcond ad In ~ Omaha hometown. THSll YOURSELF FROM ntE .. ASK'" EDrroR MODESTY: Other than the Tony award for outstanding performance by an ac- tress In a musical, what has been the most wonderful thing that has happened to .lennlllr ......_. ltar of Dreamgtrla? She said, self.:.COnsciously: "When ~ Poitier came backstage and told me I was wonderful." ... Andrew Good- _, mm, chairman of Bergdorf Goodman, '/ . honored by the National Jewish Hoepttal ,,,. J § on his 75th birthday, was Introduced as Potder put ator In teuenth heaven. an enormously wealthy man. "But," added the M.C., "he st111 llves ln the same apartment where he started life -29 rooms above the store." ... MEMOS: Gilda R.clner, star of Hanley Panky. has laid· low a bad habit -her addk:tlon to buti-le gum .... Henny Voungnwn said his wtfe, sunning he:rseJf on the beach, talks so much that her tongue Is !R.Ulbumed. "When she complained that she bit her tongue, I said, 'How did you ever catch It?'" ... The talents of s-1....,, 6-year-old son of Yoko Ono and the late .lohn Len- non, lie In comedy not musk:, according to those who saw h1m lunching out recently. He was hamming It up, In &ont of a fun-hoUM mirror, like a aeasoned vauda- vllllan .... Phllppc Amot, who's dying to be known as a realtor, and not the ex-tpOUSe of F'lkK:W Cmollne of Monaco, Is busy buying up ht>ldlngs ln the U.S., Canada, Europe. He feeJs that now, even though It's recealon time, Is a good-time to buy .... .lob.a Tunney, son of the late Ga.. 'lbnMy, world heavyweight champ, wlll play a cameo role es his father In The Sting D .... MONEY: When 9-l Ful- ton was .ullng In at the apartment that was to be her .... , tiemp01my home while podudkxl of As the ~ Tums Junot shifted to Loe Angela, the noticed that she lacked a ·- mop. In true, blg«m faahk>n, the took off for the aipennarbt -via ll:mo. Her chauffeur chole·a mop but she turned It down for another and said, beaming, "Mine la a bmgaJn -It's $2 k!sl." And in the checkout lne, the 1e>1p-opera queen, drated to the nines and ~ autqpphs, M.d the mop ~ a rebate - and happly podwted another $2 on he' buy .... Midi._. Nfu9ed to tend an autcqaphed LP for a raffle to niM funds for equipment to a spec:lal school. "Don't bother with the raffle," wrote beck Mick. He endoeed a check b the~ amount . I 4 ' Do You Wish You Were Some 67 million American adults are single. Are they now swlnging ••• or singing the lonesome blues? ne out of every three married persons reading thls article will be single wtth.ln the next ftve years. One out of every two will be single In the next decade. They wll1 join the ranks of the 67 million single adults In Amenca, a group comprised of divorced and widowed lndMduals as well as thoee who have chosen to postpone mar- riage or never many at all. Whv so many sln!jes? For one thing, traditk>nal moral and re&gjous pressures to many and stay married have lessened, and the process has been hurried along~ the Women's Movement , which has encouraged women to culttvate careen, many later than their mothers did. Of not many at all, If they to~. ABo, t's now as ea.y to gat dM:xad In this country as It Is to get married. Alternatives to men1age are more plendful, too, and bvtng together, once a kind of Bohemian oddtty, has adUlrwd general, If tornewhm embemissed, re- spectabUtty. Overall, the stigma against not being married Is slowly eroding In this country. Today It's aD right to be single. Along with this comes the men's caD of the Sex- ual Revolution. Sex, we know, Is now more avail- able In our culture than ever before, and the media have done much to advertise tis purported de.lights. Some people arw th~ severing long-term marttal Ha not out of any pertlcu1ar ~ wtth their spoUM, but simply In Clda to taste the onoe- forbidden fruits of the swtnger's life. Popul.w faldnatlon with the stngla' worid is ~· The word ~ ltMlf has ber.onw evocanve of both tnct.pen<Mnoa and sexual fuMIU- ment, t\UO mlghtiJy esteemed AmeJ1can goals, and .locqueh SI~ oncl Dallfd Ctrrol-. ti.-•udKirl of d.- ,_.ndy rwlNeed book Sing191: The New Arneltean• (Simon atld Sdu.,..J. Slmtnaulr It oillo U,. co+Ollllt« of Beyond the Male Myth Oftd Carrol ,... ...... " JJ lllOrb of~ . • • ,lllll!llU WIMl..Y. ~ 1. - By Jacqueline Simenauer and David Carroll for many ~ lt conjures up pictures of the beautiful people, erotic prowls, penthouse pads and the freedom to enjoy It al. · Am1dst the hoopla and hype, howewr, ~are many unraolved ~about being WUNl'ried today. What ts It lll<e to llve stngle 1n America? Is tt truly that orgiastic spree some would have us be- lieve? We spent three years ftnding out, as part of the research for our new book, Slngla: The New Americana. The first step was to put together a lengthy questionnaire COWl1ng ewry aspect of ~ ltfe -dating, sexual peaems, IMng alone, IMng together, single parenting, pros and cons - which we then twned over to MARC, a major testing raearc:h company. MARC brought it to '37 diffen?nt states, to singles' natural Mbltats: singles bars, singles restaurants, resorts, apartment com- plexes and dubs. We di9cowred that smg&e life ls a mixed bag, an ambivalent, bltt~. confused and sometimes desperate medley of experiences. First, the good news . Far and away the most vaunted aspect of being single, say *'Qies across the country, ls the fn?e- dom ... Being single, .. says a man &om Urbana, m .. .. js really all about being.unattached. No responsl- biJWes to anyone but yourself. FREE, FREE, FREE" And another: ... For me the real pleasure of this bfe style Is being on my own. Making my own house the way I want It. No one telling me what to do. Freedom, thM's the best part." Singles often speak about the Joys of betng their own boss, hav- ing no one to report to but themselves, being publlc or private, as they so choose. Espedally for those who have recently dtvorced, thls kind of autonomy can prove a blissful high. Other elements singles praise include the oppor- tunity to make new frtends, the chance to apand one's 90Cial life. The pleasures of pursuing personal creattvtty and, espeda1ly among divorced women, liberation &om housework and looking after a man. Singles daim that being unmamed aids theJr careers. Where once their energla went Into a family or spouse, now they an funneled entfrely In- to their work. Ptomotiot IS, salary hikes and greater job Involvement are the rewmds. •When Donna walked out·on me, [thought the world would end," says a man &om Marni. •1 100n found out that I had another wife to tum to: my job. rve buried myself In It, and so far It keeps me has:J0' and sub- stltuta b family life. My work has also~·" Women speak of ftndlng their niche In the bumas world, of dill:ovemg ..,cttudes they nevm knew they had. Men speak of having more time to devote to ·thetr professk>n -and more energy. Many.singles speak with appreddon.of the new roles they are being allowed to take on In their ~ mantle lives. Over the past years, women have de- veloped an assertive dlude toward the dating/ mdlng game, and men have generally been willing to acknowledge this change. Thus, It's now more ac:ceptable than ever before -so we are told by singles -for a woman to ask a man out, pick up the check and usher him around town. SexuaDy there Is a new feminine boldness, too ... I do ask men out and I do suggest sex," states one woman from Los Angeles ... rve had a few bad times at this and a few good times. The potnt Is that rm /ru to do It tf I want. I have a choice now to be a sexual aggressor or not, as It suits me." There are mixed feelings on both skies In regards to this Issue, though. It's 0 .K. for a woman to in· itiate sex, say men, but -It should be done in a "subtle manner." Happily, single9 report that there are many posi· tive aspects to their ~ of IMng. Energy level can inaease. So can sexual response, overall health, teeflrlgS of sd~rapect, happiness and a seruie of penonal ~-Though the single years can be tumukuous ones, surveyed respondents show, Im· provement generally outweighs deblltty, and the ftnt year of being single ls often one of deJlghtful self-discovery. Then the negative side. Loneliness~ first place among problems here, far above all competi· tors. Dtvorced people espec:iaDy have a dJf6cult time. They speak of the cold, unoccupied bed at mjtt, the lack of someone to talk to and laugh wtth: "Everywhere I look tn my apartment, I see emptiness," says one single woman. Another woman sums It up with particular sadness: "Lone- liness Is worse than cancer." And explains a man from HoDywood, Calif .• "For the first two years after my divorce, the most horrib&e thing was being aD alone 24 hours. eating alone, sleeping alone. everything was always alone. You feel l1ke you're ..._ ... 'I CJVdld:'Ml8 .. --... mnclwtt dltt-1 al'i'ts*I dowlf tw a.M•~ lar\. b,.t I poWJly hM ID do .e thelldl of ......... 1Y d:lll tt ,_. md .-lll wlh t.dlllbtlOOd. But I don1t -.~1Dbe*91. Thewontplltclths~· .. -..... ... -. ... c-,..... YOik v..... Cllt:hmt: ...... of ~ .... II ~ mt 1 •• adds I ID 'Rick C.U... md gDllt.' S.... fa nat ..mcl. I cm choom mv OMl ......-. n.. ._. .• twt.:t t1111t 1 c:.n do-..1 MN..., I ..a. Malt ......... ~ I~ MY OWN COMPANY. lcm'tftit of ~llll*t of....,_ d\ltl dlAa od'9' .............. J..,. to mm my own bed and ..Id my own dad. out ab tt. dim. ... ........ (IV wt .... coawdilnne): "Sqile? Whb'• *""1t? rm a1*ulcl The bell~ of beirw *9' II the~ When )IQ'& MN ID do ............. .,SIO'ldon't....lto .... ac w• I ..-..mc1t11111a •.a.. Yaucaa do a...,'°" WJ1. -... fO'& ..... ~ dan'I .... to~.*""' med.. lbs ilalte-.111"0'lhwanoonelthmdto ..... ,. M S M PS '(IVmd_,.._.:.,laWL 1b8 Imo 1 .,..,_..,a.a__ --·-·M:lge· .............. m:6b ........ _ .. , '•• ............ O<.iy °" <M6w L4gNt: ..... ..,.. _ __. ... IJl'I¥ lc:.l-~lnbm -....-.~lli6-tD111JflilfNc. .... ~ 111!Y )Mlllh. N bJlr ._Cills _, -bul rm net --..Iv locilqa. Malt ........ ~lglemlM.lllDID _....,. Wltl no nd. ....._or C10114 ... a lbcJUI awdll; tum h ..... anlll3A.M., l.dmdoat_,.pu_... ..,,.,.., md I can am a llw poar.ta ....... en,_.. eommna ~ my new law hwlla. 1hl ty lr11he *Va cAllllr..a It hit tt.. II no one" 8" to wl*l I -.up1114A.M . .,_.,tolwWw. NO one to ... ., ~ID .. the MjtS a *8 of ba1r'9 ..... Ail ·rm lllana. J t..noonatom..~ .......... . Allio, on a mare *"'-le nor., tlww'• no~ lo• out ._...,....no one lo d.dt the°' In h cs, no one to ....,.,. • "** '°"' ttw ~.· _...... 818-- going to get aazy after a while." Stngles often WOITY that lMng alone will make them selfish and tnfie>db&e. .. Pec:>pW by their very nature need one another." states Judd Marmor. psychJ.atrlst at the lJnJverslty of Southern California In Los Angela and past presj· dent of the American Psychiatric Association , "and loneline• Is a prominent problem among singles. In my opinion, however, we often stras emotional independence too much. It's as If we don't live up to our pkture of how independent we should be and then we feel guilty about It." h ls not only dlvorc:ed singles who experien<:e loneltnas but also thOl8 yo\Ulg *9a who have delayed man1age and are, by aD appearances, single by Choice. Over the past several decades, methods of meeting among singles have moved &om the ptfvate l8Ctor (Introductions made through family, &lends, IChooJ, church, neghbors, a:.) to the pubic l8Ctor (meeting et ban, singles ~upa. danc:a, dating servtces, pickups, etc.). nus 1nc:rea1e Wi pWl!c, .. tntrodudlonlesa" meetings ts due to many rasons, among them the breakup of the nuclear family, the dedne In the author1ty of the church, lhlftlog moral valua and the tncreas~ k9Y mobile, Impermanent quality of American life. -\Ylth more and more single people moving to the dtles, the tradJdonal prtva network of meedn9 •· raogementl ii repAeced by the anonymous publk: network. The rauk Is that, whlle lt ii ..., than ever before to come Into contact wllh other unmar-- rieds. the tmpenonal, tramlent qu.llty of thae meeting• laYll many llngla unllltll8ed and un- c:omrntied. Many *9a tpeal< negmtYely of the Mpopular" mlthodl of~ In the *Va' world. ~ 40 ~ of eemple womm In our ltudy Jepoimd having apetenced tome kind of phY*al Of~ ..... *'9la bar. Add to this the fact thM alngles ott.ri entllt' the dlldng world wlh mrem.iy ~ .xpe•sb.a, formed •• Neu.It of wneilldc hopes and the In· luera of media popaganda, and we 9nd lhM many.,_ people today cWey Mln1lgl *"PIY on IM ~ thlll 1'1 harder now thlln tnY time .. ..., MMU WOii.LY, ._.. 1, -e a 75yeat s g1eat GM has been serving Americans with great products for almost seventy-five years. Robert 0. Sexton Quality C.OOtrol But even so, some of you might be asking, "What have they 9one for me lately?" Well, GM's done a lot. In fact, we're not Of!ly the best, we're the best GM ever. First in~ Start with technology. Nobody in the world ~nds as much as GM ($10 billion in 1981 alone) trying to make your car better. This includes new prcxluds, plants, and man- ufacturing processes, as well as advances in metallurgy and aerodynamics, new power ~==::i.. train~' and precision worlananship through the use of the latest romputers, lasers, and robots. Tlestsel81'a. l~e result is that now GM has seven of the top ten best-selling cars in the u.s~ Chevrolet's Chevette, Citation1 Jmoala/Caprice, and Camaro, Buick's Sky~ and Oldsmobile s-SS and Cutlass Supreme Grupe are all winners, but they're just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak, of GM value. We make all kinds of cars foc all kinds of people. With all kinds of needs. cs P .M Fuel ec:onOltix pll• Everybody needs fuel economy, and GM has done some~ about that, too. What wtth all the technological breakthrouJdis we've made, we think we now offer the optimmn balance of room, comfort, ancf mile.age that people want Industry leader: We're very proud that in the latest ~of the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, GM had the eleven top-rated cars.• which they were involved in accident injury claims and The report ranked cars a<ror~ to tlie freouency with I rovered 1978-80 models. •• We believe these results reflect not only our cars-their quality, size, weight, and design-but how and where they are driven. It shows that our cars and customers go well together. ~ Anewkllid dmlence. Promise. We have the rorrunit- ment to quality, the resources, and the track record. , And because of these, we just happen to think we're the one company that can ron!=ffi· ue to meet the transpo$tion needs of a changing wood better than anyone else. And there's~ else. We believe GM stands for somethllu[ else in the eyes of the American public. It stands for excellence. And con- tinued excellence. So that now, next year, and the years after that, we need always to be: the best GM ever. ,. IGMl -1 ...°' Chevrolet R>ntiac Oldsmobile Buidc Cadi1lac GMCThlck \ When'• ......,. ... .,. O.,? July 4, you say. when those JWlllrlob o11n6puttheirllws and s1g- ~-natures on the Une? Think again. That's our holl· ~' day, ol course, but the "Un~ Colona " really -. .,. dedared themse!Yes free ol King George Ill's rule on ~On the 4th. the Dedandon of Independence Itself wa.s adopted, but its signing had to await the actual parchment document (that annlwrsary ls tomorrow. August 2~ And independence itself wasn't fonnallzed until the Treaty al Paris ol 1783-rnoce than eight years after the initial "shot heard roond the U>Of'ld::' The potnt? Simply that lndepcndencc isn't a one lhot aa:omplWunent. E.spedal1y .. mergv ~,.-a strugg6e that has already bedeviled America longer than our original War o( Independence! And the battle's not owr. whatever th~ situation right now at your local service station. Unlt9cl we n..d .... The U.S .. JUlt one link ln a~ .. __,, ond.>top" enagy nctwod. buys oU from clolOu ol counb1a. For aD udoaa .. not craUd equal; Though ....,...tch America'• oil wnlth • edlpMd ~ jult one huge 6eld In Saudi Anbia. SK could be .,t#te Saudi A'°'*' ti cool ... But II wW t.U ...., ysan to dcwlop thOM raava and other altemadva. So energy Inter. dependence must continue while wie eeek mon Independence. "If thats John Hancock., rel/ him Its In the rrKill:' Call up the raervel Deep in salt caverns. the U.S. is stockpiling a Strategic Petroleum Reserve that already could replace at least six weeJu ol Imports. For the long haul. America has slashed total oil use 20 percent In thze.e years and shrunk Imports from almost half ol our oil use In 1979 to Just about a third now. Yet c:onaerwdon ~ llMlf ..,..t enough: "A ~ aaual" helps provide for tomorrow, but It's nd "a barrel~" for aD the .IOrnOn'OWS after that So produdng mor. mertw is nec11191y, too, If there's to be economic growth to dewlop more ~and lmpr011e living standards. Revo1at1oury aodw. Since .. o 111ort1 to the'°* .. w ltill adft- dalt. Arnartc:.'s '°"' dedlne In oll pl'OductJon cMtng the 1970I Mil ftnally been revened-thanka to more drtllfng, new produc- tion. Md new ~to wring more oil out ol old wen.. Bot thoM ..._ coet IDOlleY to eccompitall. So thanka alao ought to go to Pcaldeitl Rupn'• hMtenlng ol , the end to oil price~ Now we need to conekler .. Mcontrol" b America'•..._...-raourcet. too ... CrkW' m., hliwfaded ..... maw rallying cry. but "complocenq.r!' .. our Founding Fithen rallnd. only muM .. ,dtbt9 ~do''"···~ lt'1 a feet: Durlng the 1970., Mobl.I spent over SS billion to seek and produce energy In the U.S. ...., a <oon11nued} -A gro&lllng rlpple o/ ~nt Wc:9 found Utfth IM "tlollfngfng 11/8.,. ~com· plained about th• tTUnalent, tmper90nal quallly of their rw&IOmhtps. bef0re to 8nd an acceptable mate. On the debit side, also, slndes mention confusion over sex roles and dissatisfacHon with the wxUIM rat race. While many people are experiment· Ing with casual affairs and one-night smnds. few are satlsfled with them, and most claim that after a period of time the 9eXUal whirl becomes more a burden than a bliss. SJngles speak of the anonymity of sexual encounters. They use words such as .. piece of meat," "MX object" and ,.meanJng)ess contacts. n They also complain about the qua/tty of MX they e>epcrlence. OnJy one-third of the single men and women who raponded to our ques- tionnaire rate their lovers as .. sk1Jled, Imaginative and cartng." And many assail ~UIM pmtnerS with a wide range of pejoratives: "mechank:al," "repressed ," "unimaginative," '"harsh," "anxJous to plea.a only themtelves." Random M'X gets apec:ta.lly poor maks. Few tpeak In b faVOf and most claim It Is unfu16111ng, tf not ~ demeanklg. "At. b VoU f HI like a kid tn a candy atoN," ays a recently divorced male ... After a whit the c:at\dy returna on you. Sex ~ to get dull. u. It rts ugly If you haw too much of It. There can be pe~ un· married people, y horn employm 8'd i.ndloldl7\\bnln 1n general and .. mothers kl .,.,. &u1w hav. the molt dtfftr:uJt ttm. be· Ing tlrlgle, :i::: ti they rMn1ed ..ty withe>~ of bW* educa- tion. Such WOCMt'I often ftnd them - .... ao-d beck Into the ~ worid Without the IOdal or profei· sk>nal skills needed to survive. -t .. Economlcally. there Is no qucsdon that women suffer more than men," relates Or. JoMph Pleck, dlrectot ol Wellesley College for Raearch on Women. "'!'hey h.V. .fewer market- able skills, las experience, hrwar ae- dentlals. However, on an emotk>nal basis ~ tomdrna tee women coping er than men as llngles, simply use they are bcu.r at maintaining a home, taJdng cant of their emotional needs and starttng up new relationships. In general, It'• pret- ty tough out then on both slda." An eye-open.Ing ftndlng from OW' survey: Seventy-ftw percent ol the singles dahn d\ey would rather be mam.d. Whet wtll be the future of singW life In the United Stata? The 81\swm' Is quite deftntte among the sing* we ln- tcvlcwed. Slng&enaa, say a majority, Wiii conttnue to SPOW. continue to pro- IS*' 111 a IOdal movcnent. It Is not a fad. It Is l'\Ot a momentary tnnd. However, they maintain . 11ng1en .. wtll neither nrp&ac. nwriegc nor, they warn, be a cure·aD for the problems ol : marriage, or ewn a subldtute for lt. It ; Is, they av. *"PIY one ~ l(yle of fife among MYC'81, OM opdon among many, not ~ betw than Man1lge end not ~ wont. JUlt clll«ent, that's ... "Being *tde or ~ m.n.d," atet one ._ penon, ~• 1'alt llN, you mus rat.. The ~·· ltlll above you and the wee.r's .all wet, and you d have to live~ to day. Mamed -.. -whit doel It mak, they've bod. ·gc>t tt1* ups, and they'w both got ,_ 1 their dOWnl." .., ts&... .£ -·-· ts j &GUSE& . --• ___ ...,.&. G .. ---------·------------•• ... : •t-'!&111!1111!111111!£11112~.&Sl!!llllll!l&•&lllll!l&•B-.. __ .. _ ----.. --- The Franklin Mint Record Society in rollaboration with Count Basie, Les Brown, Lionel Hampton, Woody Herman, Harry James, Sammy Kaye and a panel of distinguished music authorities, is proud to present ... THE GREATEST RECORDIN.GS OF THE BIG BAND ERA ARCHIVE COLLECTION The most comprehensive collection of original big band recordings ever assembled. And the first ever issued on superior proofquality records. &I ·we wamrd this collrcrion to haw it all! Tht great bands. tht soloists and tht singtrs. lt'r 9ood to know this music u all htrt al/ togtthtr for now and tht futurt. --Count Basit --------- T he greau~s1 authoriues on America's big band era-musicians and music critics alike- have joined together, for the first time. to assemble tht dtfimriw coll«tron of big band rtc0rdings. This ls a collection unlike any Issued before. i:or the bandleaders. writers and critics who com- p~ this panel are the very same ones who shaped the big band era. These ex~rts enlisted the cooperation of the record companies which now hold the original mllS- ttr r«0rdi,,gs of the big name bands. Thus. the pant'l was ablt' to make Its selecTk>ns from virtually every big band performance ever recorded-ma.king this the first such rol/Lction tvtr assembltd from all tht big band record labtls. As a result, this will be the most complete. comprehensive and authoritative collection c:vc:r devotro to big band music And It wiU bt' the first ever available on procfquaury rt'Cords of excep- tional lidelity. All tht grtal bands. srngrrs and wloiru m thtir grtattst rntJrdtd ptrformanctS The Archive Collccuon of Tht Grtattrt Rrcordings of tht Big Band Era will be all-encompassing. A coUcc- tion which reOccu the musical dJvc:rslry of the era. The crisp swing of Benny Goodman and Artie Shaw. the relaxed rhythm of Coum Basie and Jimmie Lunceford, rhe bright dixieland of Bob Crosby. the sophisticated stylings of Duke El- lington. the dreamy ddicare sounds of Ray Noble. the soft, sweet musk of Guy Lombardo and Sammy Kaye. It will also include: Tht musicalfortrUn.ntn of rhe era-the tower- mg genius of Paul WhJteman. with Blng Crosby and Blx Beldcrbc'Ckc; Flt'tcher Henderson, who Influenced Benny Goodman and many others; 1hc early sounds of Glen Gray and Fred Waring. Tht nostalgic thtmn of rhc big bands-Glenn Miller's -Moonllghr Serenade" ... Tommy Dor· scy's ·rm Getting Sentimental Over You· .. Louis Arm.strong's ·when ll's Sleepy Tunt Down Sou1h . . . Vaughn Monroe's ·Racing with the Moon.· Tht grtattst hits of an emlrc: generation- Charlie Barners ·cberokee." Dukl' Ellington's a .. Take the •!( lraan," Artie Shaw's ·prenest• Tommy Dorsey's •opus One.· Eddy Ouchin's "Stormy WeathtL" and Benoy Goodman's "Slng. Sing. Si g,tt with Gene Krupa. Tht · band vocalists thar audiences loved ... and still rem L Frank Sinatra with Tommy Dorsey. Peggy Le with Benny Goodman. Doris Day with Lt-s B , Anita O'Day wtrh Gene Krupa. Bob Eberly and Helen O'Connell whh Jimmy Dorsey. And many more. Including Ptrry Como, Lena Horne and EUa Fitzgerald. Tht ultimlllt "11/«tion of original big lxmd rtc0rdinp This is a collect1on that would be di.fficult-or impossible-for any Individual w assemble. For thtse selections have bttn drawn from the cu- chives of such major companies as Columbia, Dttca, VictoL Capitol ... and such vinuge labels~ Brunswick, OKeh. Vocallon. Bluebird and Perfect. Many of tb~ r«onllngs-like Wayne King's •Melody of Love--have been unavailablt for ytan. Others are hard to foul rtt»rdings of early radio broadcasu ... such as Frank Slnarra's emotional farewell to the Tommy Dorsey Orcbt'Str.I. dolng hJs sp«tacular rendlllon of "The Song ls You.· Still othen wt're only n-leascd on 78s-and newr rr- 1ssutd: Bob Crosby's "Black Zephyr" and Gus Arn- heim's .. A Peach of a Pair" with Ru~ Columbo. In many c~. rftc panel considered several dtfltrmt vtrsions of the samt song. before selecrtng a particular reconllng for 1he coUl'ctlon. Thus. rwry sdection will be a classic performance. An original recording or lht' era ... recaptured on rtt0rds of superior listening quality. RLcord.s of superlt qualily for today"s aMdiJJ systmrs Tht'Se records will be produced to the blgbcst srandards possible by The Franklin Mint Record Society-judged by audio expens to produce some of the fmest r«ords available today. Each recording wjll first undergo a palnsrak- ing restoration proccss-t'lectronkally "cleaned# groove-by-groove to climlnate surface noise and presuve the original br1Ulance of the music. The rccorda will be pressed in a dust-fttc ·dean room· using a special vinyl that contains ilS own anti-static clement. This mc:tkulous pressins technfqln!, together with the spttial rttord vinyl, results ln a more rigid, durable and dust-resistant record . A proof-quality record that actually w1md.s bmtr than the ortgina)-and may be played through any of today's audio systems. Hardbound a/111mu and bi9 band ltutorin prov;dtd In keeping with the importance of thls collectloo, special hardbound albums havt' been desi1J11ed t() house and protecl all 100 proof-qu.illty ttrords. Each album holds four long-playing records. together wtth an ex~rtly written commentary -prepared by memben of the advlsory panel, and illustrated with photographS of the bands. A t'Omplcte reference index to blndleaden. sonp and solo art1sts will also be provided. Availlib« by nlhtriptton only If you remember the bia binds ... if you've ever wished 10 relive lhe mwlc or that pcrlod ... or lf vou'vc only jmi dlscovc~ this unique sound In American popular music ... thll ls your opportu· nhy. An opponunlly cos~ and enjoy-whh all the memben or )'OUr family-the unforactuble sound of the bta bands. The collection may be .-qutttd only by direct sub9cripUon. It wtU not be sold In record stottJ. lb 'ubscrlbc now. mail the anach~ 1pplic1Uon by AIJIUSt ll, 191l. 5S 3 &il&LLS- The Advisory Panel COUHT 1.Ul! for -rr tban 40 f"•" lucl•r uf Cl'!• of tlw -co1u1tmuly •wlAllAI ...... ._.,. Lf.S UOl'IN OUl ... ndlna wdllt _...., Miid lelldu of...,. f>f c.hrna\-....,..W~ Nr..t• DAVI! OEXTra 111. a tttord "'°"'""" tor ll y«n. fonMr Z:W... It• ..,,llor and ..,tlloot of ""' Jen s-, •nd ,..,...,... UOllU 11..UtPTOll a leader whow •aubornnee l\a• lftllllmil •ldlCIAm •nd •uctkn<n Aliff b ,,..,,.. 11\an fin cl«cNn. WOOOY Kl!llMAH who .-lnton to i.. -of dlr -~ ancl IUCCfttfvl Of ell ~..,..,-dUtolPtter of_, laAtnlil!d .... w.n.m. RAIUIY JAMIS a lonDlant tl'lllllPtUT of both bc'aollllll bllllad> mol rtp-..,.Yllll , ........ ··--r·---------SUIKllPTIOll AJ'PUCA710M ----------.. I I THE GREATEST RECORDINGS : Of THE BIG BAND ERA ! I I I I • • I : '°'"CHIV& COl..l..llCTION PIN.u mail by ANgUSt Jl. 19&. Tllot PrWlln M Int ll«Ol'll Soclft y Fflllllklln Ct111Cf. Pmnsylvenla t9091 Pkor m~r my 1ubtatpacm lt>r'l1wG,.., ~o/llN llif --" IN. ~ of 100 .-of-qu.llltr ,_.,, IA tp«1AI twdbcWlld 1lbumi. at dw INuc ~ o f10.1r pa record plus UJ shlppint and Mnllli,.. No l)lyrDml 1s ~ -· ·~ ~ nlCll'llh, 1 w1a tf\'dw 1 4·rtcOod alburo. ~nd I wll be bllled ~r etch album In two C'C(IMll ~ ... .,,.,, ~ .,,._ my n..,. .uivm Is rtedy 90 be tc11t 90 mr. t ~ lbiit I nwy dlk'ont.ln~ my (uMmpUon M llftf alnw VJIOll lhlny deyr nolkc .,,,...,_...__ 0 c~ hue co ,~ .. , lhe ~llKtloft OCl sta.14.nl Dolby"• mcodtd llpr C&Mtt,._ SMM tubemp&loft pl.. SI HfTII PCT (.UIC!t~• .....,, I _.fl,_...,~ I si,n.u~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~ • M.L "'"~._.. ......................... I Ma. Ma·~~~~~~~~~~- I I I I l I I I I : ' I I I I • t : : I I I I i i :----~· I I '' t . ' : S&AM.l)p I r CWMAIQllO~t llt ... ., ...... ~,_...1. t ' .. ._.. ..._,. .. ,..,_ ef .._,, "' l'ft!lllt • tu.n ,_ I L_:::::~=~.:'~-:'_':':.:~---~ ~~------------------...................... .... If You Bat .300 on Thia Quiz, You're an All-Stat So you think you know a lot about baseball, huh? Well, you might, but players have been generating trivia at a nrte of more than 1,000 games a year for over 100 years, and some- thing has probabiy happened thlJt you 8y BIO Jamea State Fann agent Ted Martin, Bainbridge, Georgia. "Whether you have health insurance through an employer or buy it yourself. see a State Farm agent We'll help you determine if your coverages are really right for your needs today. The personal COllllSeling won't cost anything but a little time. "If you decide you want State Fann Health Insurance, we'll provide it with the same personal.touch. We'll be there to answer your questions and give you prompt, one-to-one service when you need iL'' For the personal health insurance help you need today. check your Yellow Pages for the Good Neighbor agent near you. ITAfl •A•M & llOUIAHCI . haven't heard about yet. If you can answer a couple of the questions below, you know a litde baseball, all right. If you can answer half, you're a hard-core fan, the type of person who probably has Vin ScuDy Mrrate hls dreams. If you get more than that, you probabiy should consider gtvtng up the game and devoting some time to making a Uvlng. 1. Who was the largest man ever to manage In the major leagues? 2. Among the 26 major-league managers, one once led the A.mert- can League In hitting, and one once led the National. Who are they? 3. In alJ of ba9ebalJ history, only two third t>asemen have won the bat- ting tide more than once. Both still are active. Name them. 4. Who hit Into baseball's only all- Cuban tr1>1e play? 5. True or False: Ralph Kiner twice hi more home-runs. In a sea5Qll than Henry Aaron ever did. 6. Who has been traded for Willie Montanez twice In his career? 7. Among the 12 players In major- league history who have hJt 500 home runs, four were born In 1931. Can you name them? 8. Has Nolan Ryan In his career won more: Cy Young Awards, \\Uid Series games or E.R.A . .ut)es? 9. True or Falsa: No active pitcher has ever won 50 games over a two- season span. 10. Playing for the Minnesota Twins In 1980, I 98t at American League record for ftelding percentage at second base. Who am I? Anlw9ra (.6uoJ11M qo}f V Sf iv°4M 'SJ UOQSanb attt MON ·6UOfll.M qo}f WV I 'Ol . 69-996 t 'UTVl:>w ~uuao svM s.RM ~ .131\o sawvB OS UJM Ol Ja\f.>lld 1SVI 3'U ·an.11 .6 ·sawvB S8f.l3S .lO splVM\{ 6unOA ~:'.) OU lnq 'UMO.C ·v ·lf·3 3UO UOM SVl.I UV~lf '8 ·apuvw ~ puv Q{\.mg .. u.g ·~vw 9tlJIM 'SMe~ 8JPP3 ., ·aunw ulfOr ·9 ·arui ·s ·Olplt\IPM esor puv •nb:>eg Oflllr fV\JOWWl 9\U (.tJMvt<f IMfl\laJ8P ~ -~ 9qJ. 'ivn:-d O(IW10 18M ~"' ~ 9'P '9\41 6UIMHl8 q 11pa.c> •.qxa ON ·6amH ~ 't ·~ ~ puv >f>OPW 1118 ., ·1L6l UI .TN~ Pet NJO.L 90f' :996t UI SuJllt\f UI ~ u&> -µfUJ\{ etp P9I ~ ~ 'I ·ct.i PPU"I Mfl oiu<> ~ JO 'fdnOO e peMIS ~IMC~ Mp '.-pl(--~.~ eplAOld Q,L '00& ...... ~ pue ... "'P'll 8 • .... 9" ......... t9llp9cf ollillcJ ... U!'S •11961 ·~ .-.:I ·1 .... ~--------~·--------------................ .,..s~:l!l!llm•22•-~&•2•2•a .. •a ... 1s!!!lllllllltl£El&l __ ~-~S!llmll .. ,. ltSyourown time ... Relax with a Silhouette Roman . SUP AWAY FOR A WHILE ••• Come .. .let Silhouette Romances sweep you off into an exciting, love-filled world of fascinating men and women. A wortd of exotic places In distant lands ... of surging emotions, stormy relationships and breathtaking intrigue. A wortd filled with age-old conflicts of love and money, ambftion and greed, jealousy and pride-even life and death. EVERY BOOK AN ORIGINAL • Every Silhouette Romance is a full-length story, never before in print, superbly written by your favorite authors to give you more of what you want from romance. Start your collection now with four Silhouette Romances -yours free with the Certificate below. Yes, all four absolutely free. 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Delley'• THE HOSTAGE BRIDE: ramara·s ng aecretwessafe. 9hethought. until she could repay roman~f1·11ec1 novels the funds she "bonowed" to help her dying mochef. . ~ Then the c:ampany1s taken <N« by Bk;k Rutledge (A $7 value) who wants Tamant from the moment he sees :=m':n.~~.~heoftefwher by beSt-selli · aUthors ..,,.. ... ...._.A PASSIONATE BUSINESS: ' Hlery made It plaln to Logan Saber-lhe would not be wooed by MY man her fasher tried to arrange for her. All they cared about wa the FOf'relter l'9lfaUrlnt chain. Even login saw how IMIMa It WM-Or had lhe lmlglnect • IP&ltt of d\ellllnge In .. gttl'f eyw? Nora Aoblfta' IMHTHOAOUOttBRED: ~ JcrllW that 1hlYia GfanC could~,... a1roi1g911 ~on hieMarytlndterm. &ll could "9. In. of her nllNe ltlltt wll. l&Jbdue hlf? ._.,. demendld a 1Ubi'til111an lhe wa not Y9( rMdy to~ he had tpOken lhe WOftll lhehadk>heet. ,, fi ntlN W..U. llND 'IOU A._. OP 0.,,... BOOK EVOY llOMnt t..n twdy'• IUN•tea •ror 111:,..,.. convinced t*Mff.,,. __, lhe dM:M'oe lhe WI Miking. NW ... nhlld giver\ 8'lw achl6c1 tis fTMllNge Ol<*'Mt'-tnd he Md da.l lhe dlnglroul .. d • .,,..,bon9IPQl ... ll n. onen6ghts..wr..-.~to~-. Her heed tell her not lo-Wt how CM Nlcala llOt1I herhellt? Get the best In paperbacic romances each month wtth this money- SIVing preview service. ..... ~~~~_,....~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~ Qty-==~~~~~~-:-....:.:..--..~~'-""""'"""= Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 4 mg "tar;' 0,41119 nicotiM tv. per cig•ltll by FTC method. - How to Beat High Health-Care Costs By ffierrle Spaeth Health-care costs have been rising faster than any other sector of the economy. Jordan Braverman, a con· sumer advocate and auJhor of The Consumer's Book of Health: How to Stretch Yow Health Care Dollar (The Saunders Press), believes you can cut medical costs. He spoke with FAMILY WEEKLY about what consumers can do. Q : Mr. Braverman. reforming the whole health-care system will take time. Are there Immediate steps in- dlvid uals can take to reduce their costs? A: Yes. and the first things to look at are drugs purchased outside of a hospital setting. MUlions of people aren't covered by insurance when it comes to medication. so they pay the fuU amount. Compare prices when you have a prescription filled. But the big money saver Is using generic drugs instead of brand names. (A genenc drug cames the chemical name of the compound rather than the manufacturer's brand name.I In some cases. the generic equivalent costs as little as 10 percent of the price of the brand-name counterpart. Your doctor or pharmacist can advise you Q: What about in-hospital expenses. such as surgery? A: There are mdrrect ways to reduce 1he expense of surgery. such as hav- ing the procedure done as an oucpa- oent. But the most Important question IS to ask the doctor about his fee Most ITTsurance plans have a fee schedule. that is. they pay a set amount for each type of procedure If a panent IS covered by Medicare. for example. some doctors accept this "assignment .. as payment m full. But many don't. You pay the resr. Asking first could save you up to 80 percent Q : What addltlonal steps can people take to cut health-care costs? A:. Emergency-room provisions vary so enormously from one insurance plan to the next that It's up to each consumer to know exactly what his coverage IS before he ends up In the emergency room. Some plans do ?lot cover an emergency-room visit at all Q: Shouki health consumers be more aggsessive? A:. Consumers should ask more ques- tions about everything. For example. many doctors still routinety pcmbw annual X-rays a!though the consensus \f..,... SPMM It a freelance wrttcr 111/Ut a '"mtc"r'• 6egra In b""'-odmlnltdJUfJon. ~AMllY WEEKLY. ~ 1. 1912 • 1& of experts Is to minimize them. Another area Is the traditional an- nual checkup . The Kaiser Perma- nente and Mayo clinics now have guidelines that recommend only one checkup every five years for people In their 20's, with a gradual Increase in frequency to a yearly exam for people over 60. The point Is to ask your doc- tor if you really need the exam, pro- cedure or test. and make sure raw! you understand his explanation. l&J .. NOW AT LAST, YOU CAN GET IT TOO! The Amazing "Face-Lift-In-A-Jar" Used by Hollywood Stars Who Lose Their Jobs If They Don't Look Their Best! Have you 1ea1 Tova ~ lately? She rally k>oks pat! In fact, according to her bUlband Er- nest. Tova now bas the *in ma teenager! And what about Ernie himldl'1 Hil frimdt are aD saying be looks younger oow than be did 10 yr.au ag0. Actually, be looks so fOOd maoy of Im co-an have acculed blm of having a face.Uft. But Ernie hasn't had a face--lift and neitb« bu his wife Tova. Bothof them, howevtt, dobaveacertain HttlelKl'd. Fortuutdy, for the rat of us, dlil "liUle Holly· wood ICCl'Ct'' Isn't 10 eecret llllymott. Soon It will be In stores all over the country and even now you can gd it by mail! OfUdaDy, It's called TOVA 9W but ewryooe in Hollywood simpfy refen to it• ''Tova's f.a-Uft·ln·A·Jar." It iscauinly not cheap but the 1W1 who lite it say it worb • aiaDc. The whole procr9 tak.a only half m hour ..wtlnaden aay then is DOCbJng like ft for aa=r who wants to look yurt younger than their calendar ._ It is easy to lite. All you do Is apply the cram to your face and wait. "Tbe cream Ii pink when you apply It. md llWhWIY tums white," •YI TO¥a. •• Aftu It rums White It a&ould be ranowd. Oneof the pat tblap about it ii that there ts no guess wort. It 'knows' what to do by ibdfl'' Mra. Borpine says the leCret of dm remarbbk look-young treaCmmt ... Ont dJsownd by the Aztec lndJam centuries ago. She says It a.:nea from the roota of a very rarecactul plant and that It Is I 00., natural pun md, matil Tova~ I.Dao tbe ~.it was only available in ca1mD very mnote leCtiom in Maico. But what about the reatlu? Doa it really work? Hett ii what otben uy: .. TOVA 99 has a /rah ju.rt Jhowred/Mini ~n wlwn chantlltl mokntp In IM ntltJdll of tit~ daJ. " -ConnkS~ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • · "I have not lrad a facelift. The only reason I look yo11nger today than I did 10 years ago is because of what my wife has discovered." -Ernest Borgnine November 3, 1981 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • It pa on aodoo. A complete Hit of everybody who ma TOVA 94l would fill up this entire page and it would rad like a virtual ''Wbo'a Who In Holly· wood." S&ars like Doc Severimoo, Marty Allen, BCf. nadette Petcra, Eydie Gorme, Joenne Dru and douot of otbm llb9ofutdy swar by it. In fact, au~ tbor HMold Robbms (The ~a • •> 111)"1 ftllt. ly, "I woa•t trawl without it! Would you like to try thU ranarkable ctilco9ery'? Would Pl like to have the beauty of YoUdl wtihou1 the QJICI* .Mt laallae of odler mitboda? 11 IO, heft'• ~ can try TOVA 99 without 8JY. ri* at aU: So *ad llDCI order the TOVA 99 collecdoa by or~. nm. try it out in tbeprtnq~ your home, Ind tab • cm look at 111e ...,.zq r-------------- 10: IMS. ENEST 80AGNl'1IE CIO TOYA-9 Cotpolation 5833 COrwtte St., o.pt. 172 carnmero.. CA 90040 Out Mrs. Borgi. ie: dl.loae you will aee in your m(rror! After that, if you are not JOO., saddled, limply lend back the empey CODtmner and Mn. Borpdne wDJ penoaalJy trie to it ::.r1 ... c::omplete refund wit.b 00 queldoras Rt9te1flfbn! You ot1n 't #au rnottq but JOU con IOSit J«llS oJ1""" appeonutttl It la t.My to order. Just BU out the coupoa below and lead it to Mn. 8oqnjoe whh your peymm&. Or, if JGU willl te order by Visa or Malurcard, you can dJal (800) 82.4-7888 (lo Califonda dJal I (800) 852-- 77771 md .. b ()pentor 471, Depc. 172. £ltber way, ,_..orc1erwm 6e1ent promptly by mum maa. 1bmak you. --------------, Y•. I want to try, your amazing TOVA t-~ tt11t .ii !he aw. are cdng "'Tcwa'a Face-Uft·ln-A-Jw. I am• ldOllllQ '38.00 pllae S2. 79 potfllge llnd handling {Toc.I $41. 7&) llnd I undltltand I mutt be 1~ aatided or lhlt lfW ~I retum the empey product oor111it• Ind natw a~~.., noqueaione .-,, NOTE: 0 QMldt '*9 K Y'O" wllh to Ofdtt by ad catd. Nln1e of card ------ Card Number ~ °*-------- PmtNaml ---------------------------- ~---....... --~----------------------------~ P.8. 0'9Cb tnd Morwy Ordn *>Uld bl nwd9~ID1°"' t• Ind Clllforn6a ....... ... nutaddft ....... ..M)b• ........... Cl .... Ol.Aalo.llorcln .......... 14 .... ,.,.. ....................... '""" ............... .,,.. yau. L~~~-----~-----~----~-~-----~---~~-~---J PEACH KUCHEN 2 Iba. padM9 l V. cups UNlftld all~ lour J Olp .... v. '11 1$ Delfi All ~ • Bf ooe bllldog powds V. aip buder or mar..- 1 V. s -~ diwMlll l .. 1 aipeow~or~ 1. Peel peaches. halve and remove pits If neceSA.ry to help loosen skin. 9CAld peaches in boiling water. 2. In large bowl. combine ftour, 2 tab&apoo.11 °' the !JU9111'. salt and baking powder. Cut In butter with two knives or a pamy blender un111 mealy. This may al9o be done In a food proc:a!IO(, using the metal chopping t8de or the plasdc mix.Ing blade. If us- ing a pnxalOr, do not O\llllrmbl. add butter In pieca and proc:ais a mlnW. or two until aumbly. s. RanoYll y, °' Bour miJlt\.n to a small bowl. Pat mnaAnlng flour mixture CNS boaorn and halfway up IM .m of a 10-tnch quiche pan or a 9-blch lqUlle pen• maldng a aUlt. Place peach halYa cut 9'dc up 00 ault. 4. In • tmal bowl, ~ re- maining .... and cinnamon; ,. mow 1 ~· ol this mbd\ft and combN It wlh Bour mxturw. 5. Pour mnanJng IUgllllf and dnnamon mbctunt °""' and around pe.aches. Bake In pre- heated 3500f own for l5 mk\uta. 6. In~ bowl, .... edd eour crum and beat egalrl. Pour rntxturc owr pucha. 7. Rub remved 6our-tUgm>-ctn· Peachy-Keen Recipes By ffi01llyn Hansen One of the joys of summer is the sheer, sensual pleasure of eating a ripe, fresh, juicy peach. Nothing can cheer me more than a bushel of fresh peaches to • prepare In dellclous ways. Here are three favorites. .... ,_.._ l "4 QJpe .... lllllk:cM .... 2 QJpe,...... ...... .._ ...., . anpe - V.anp ddlr' ........ 1 'J np a• l'vmd ±m r. ',4anp ........ ow ,,..~pts ... ,. 1 anp,... ....,. ..... dMlpped v. anp bnmdp 1. Scald the peaches, peel, halve, remove pits and dice. 2. SBvcr apricot$. Mix peaches. apricot•, brown sugar, ~ulzl18d sugar, vtriegar and dnnarnon in a large llock pot or Dutch oven. Cook over high hut for about 15 minutes, stir- ring oc:cal6onally until juice thickens. It will thicMn more as lt cools . S. Remove from heat, stir ln angelica, nuts and brandy. Pour into hot, ~Jan and teal. Procas in bo4lng WatA!r bath for 10 mlnuta. Maka about 4 plnla Not.: Recipe &om Mary Anne Gucnder, food lnformedon ~­ dalllt, New Jcay State o.p.t- mcnt of AQncukure. namon mixture together wtth your fingers, making crumbs. Sprtnkle crumbs ovu sour aeam·egg layer. 'Bake about 20 to 2S minutes longer or until juices are bubbling. Serve ..harm or at room temperatu~. If store-to-store shopping is not rour cup _of l~a, Sears Fall Catalog 1s. Molces 6 to 8 srrulngs COLI> PEACH SOUP 2 .... ,..... 2 Q!pl dry while wine lc..-..... '4 mp ... J whoa. cb.w '4 0 ,g_any,.,... •,las r.,...-lct N '4 anp cold dllb 80Cla. or ..,.... ............... 1. Peel and haiw peaches. ff nec:amy. tc.ald peacha ln boil- ing Wlllllf to loosen 9'dns. 2. Combine an ingredimts, a- cept club aoda, kl • large mx:k pot Of °'*=t\ own. Harapd- ly to boG!ng. lower heat and *1'vner for 10 mlnullls.. S. Remove whole clova and peach pis. Pureuoup, a lil:dll•a time In an electric blender, or put to up ~a6oodmll. "'*l9 a madtum blade. '· Pow IOUp Into • stainlaa ...., °' ~ con._; cowr Sid 1cfltgeillll until c:h9ed. 5. Jult t.fol9 ~. bait wllh a -. whllk. add dub IDCt. to ~111n and .... 80Up. Sew. Maira 8...,,. Not.: Thlt ~ r«:tpe wet a-.d by~ cMf Rot.rt Poech ol The Rcaurant School at the New Vo.k Qddng Centa. Make your Fall shopping easier on both you and your budget wit h Sears Fall Catalog. It's over 1500 pa~es big. And you II find great brands like [evi's•, Jack Mul~een, Cheryl liegs , Craftsman•, Kenmore~ and Winnie-the-Pooh • So don't wait. You 'll find the new Fall Catalog atdour Sears Store. An charge everything on your Sears Cre<fit Card. Save 7% to 50% on 48 speci~I items, when ordered by August 18th. WllOUKD ............. , Go west, young man: You may feel better about yourself. That's because Westerners have the high- est level of self-esteem In the U.S., accordlng to a new study by The Gallup .. . .. ·-· Organ.izationfur1Vevan-.__--------......-------------------- gellst Robert Schuller. Forty-five percent of Westerners have high self-esteem. f ollo\Aled by 36 percent of those In the East and Middle West and 33 percent of South- erners. In general, 37 percent of Amert-~ c.ans have high seV- . ~ esteem, 33 percent ~ average and 30 per- cent low. lnterest- ing}y, more of those with feelings of low J self-worth reported symptoms of sttess -:;:::a~. and poor health. J Overall, those " more likely to feel good about them- selves are married, ages 30 to 49. white, college educ&ed and earning over $20,000. They al.so tend to equat~ suc- cess with happiness, peace of mlnd and a good family life, while those with low self-esteem place more weight on material things such as achievement and success at work. DIAllOllD a ... You might call Bill James, the author of page 12's baseball quiz, an eccentric. He pre- fers "sabermetrl· clan," a term he coined to de9aibe a growing breed who brtng mathematical and statistical anal-811 and Su.srl .. at home. ysis to their love of baseball b'Ma . For the past six winters , James, who holds a~ 1n &'9llsh and economa (he's wodf.ed as a teacher and boiler au.ndant). has slaved In hll tiny l...awnmoe, Kan. home, putting out his annual Bateball Abmoct. lt'1 fwd ..t ol a c:uk folow- )ng (including Norman Malllr) before go(ng mall . rnmbt thtl yur. Uling c:ompilx formulae, Jama, 32, in*I, for ln- ltancll, that IUN-handeci Llny eow. II lll:tualy a ~ thonltcp ("He hat the tlf'9' of tM 8kdman of Alclllr-") and that Rep ("Mr. Odober'1 Jadclon perfoc I I IS bat in front of smoR aowds (.325 baaing average when under 20,000 fans are prdent; .238 whlntt..are owr so.on. He even succeufully predicted last year that when Botton'• Fred Lvnn was traded to Caafomla for Camey Lansford that Lant· ford's ttod< would eoer (he lad the league In hmlg) wtlle Lynn's would plummet (av- GllQI .. from .001 to .219>. But to tar Jama'• only concalk:>n to axx:ae h11 been recently 11\0Vtng to • lllghtly -*ty hoUl9 out-.s. lawNnce to blue' 8C'- commoct. both hll ave· 1nau1tng Net a 41\W-en- durtng wh, ~. "'-"f ........ WAIDIGAft'S BonOMUN• It sure twned out to be one of the more lucrative "third-rate bwglarles" In histCJIY. In honor of June's 10th anniversary of the Watergate break-In, Pfay-•-------------------t bov magazine recently SAYS UNCLll ova AUNT A medical student at a lmge Southern wWenlly recendy came face to face wtlh a ratMr grtsly ootnddenc:e. One of the cadaven about to be dill 1 cud In her anatomy dw turned out to be t. great aunt. As reported recently Jn the Joumal of the Amenam Medlcol Associa#on, after the ftnt day of dt•e ction, the young womsi tnbmed her tn9trudDf of the poeslJdlty that one of the cada\lel'I looked like a releave. &.n ~. a8il!r a dam ~.,, they reelmd tt was. The poor student was tpered fur1her trauma ""4icn another cadawr was tubsdtuted. compUed an accounting of the total dollars that Watergate pumped Into the economy. Including money generated by books (IOl'ne 169 tides In aD). megaztne arUdes, 1V dcak, the lec- ture drcuJt, legal tea (Richard Nixon's alone ran $750,000), Government oott1 .nc1 prt1on oott1 for 15 members of the W...ga a9W ($150, 750), the stag-·------------------t total ls an admat8d 6.683. And bs; the ~~Anal DDJ,11 lni Al the Pr ..... ~ Men ~ the book Ind the movta)' NJ>01•• Bob \\\>odwad and Cad a.n. ... ~ Unolt half that tom[ ~ TMH~ll.,.,_ 9'1 tM,.._,. ,__ ,._ ** H "• ,_, ..,._~ ... Ytoe~-­ lllleutM IEllltof. Mf'N# Cooper °'9lf'mln Emerttvl, Mcwton F,... ~aa lllRTllDAYS (Al Leo) Su "" -Dom Dll •M 49. MllilMllw - Cmol ~ 58; Pmr crroo11 49; Mvrna Loy n . 11 ..., -'tony s.na 56. ~ --John H.,. ton 76; l.onl And .. 011 36; Ne8Annlb01.iS2. Fltdlw - ~ . ~-~~~·~~~~~~--~--------------~...,...--------------------------..... -----"!!'--.... ~ •RI~~ ~sry7boclllslDfJUlt• .... rlf..,.19md~11Amei•w• •RISK-FREE .mm. bl cm ~,.U..~boca wlNn JO-,...•a..-epeNe.fnal ?' p I ............. tHp wll be cm.-.. md )10'9 .. 0lllle UI noting. • •RISK-FREE ch*:Jes.-Owr met~ ow~ Siie t*M-. )'OU get mo1ed*l JOO Ma a rt tc>dtobee fromeedl monft •RISK-FREE ptces •tc>!SOI df pdllll-.' ..... pctca. •RISK-FREE .pecillmonlhlye.."*-S l1;tan_.. ewll flll"l*I' -• • ap lo fiOL . •RISK-FREE ............ lbucm lllllllft,«cu It M .-...apw*' = ......... ~·--...... a. ...,,... ... ,... I I f, I BASE AWAY TilllET STAm Billllm 111ly. _.ITalilv '9iltt stein• wltfl Rillt &... . Sllllply n* llOURd bowl likt ., __ .......... -~I lonlult d... dloroulNY. llSily. Won't 1Cf1tc:h. &Ilk ti.rd I01IMlilll with 1111'111 abrnin ~rlllllewltllhMdl•. H12IO Ring ~ .......... S2.ll ,. PERSOIUI RED UCSISE FUllE Ycu own ..,.... tlllldl far car, c.per, rrliltr. Your,...., CB lmdle, f1r11, r9dl or~ .,.._..., wen.a-up to 12 llttt11 I.,_.. on top. 12 oa liattia. Bia wtlit'I lettwl Oii bllCt acrylic. ..... witfi llc9oM plm bolta. 2-4 ... dlliwry. 04011 UoenM ...... ffwM,. .. 11.ft I Just look at all these c 0 ; (J G> "' Wonderful ! Walter fisiak0 .. ~ & Q. 0 .r.: en :c .. Cl>-· > c: as : m1 fWSO.UTTEI STAYl*EllY Your 111• and return eddrtss in eltglftt raised letters end a distinctive twin- stripe ecxent this handsome ltttionery. Choose deep blue on soft bJue or rust on ~-50 per-.lizld m.u. 25 pa.111, 7'4 1 10", 50 eouelopes. Gift-bned. P1035 ,..._Blue~ M,11 P103I ,..._ IYCMY St.lldonefy M.N .. RmM ..... lMEU Ouick and easy way to put yoor name and return address on letters. records, books, etc. Any name. address and zip code up 10 4 fines beautifully printed in bl.let on the finest white IJUIMlld l.tJel peper .veil.tale. 1"· 1cJao. fT8e decorative bo1 for purse or desk. $717Setof1000 Ubett ..... lt..29 • IUTAmT Mn IEMll Make quick, profess.iOMl-looliag re-,.,,,,,, ~~-pairs on barns, rqss, holes. Easy IMthod SELF-me• RETU• ADDRESS lAIElS n die perfect ftf to~ alize your letters, identify valuable reaints. boob, camem. tools, etc. Setf. stick. they cling at a touch. Your name, address and zip code, up to 4 linei. 22 letters a spaces pet line. Printed in bleclt on glossy wllttt labels. 2 .. 1 ~: Palla''RfD ITACMIP .... Your ....,.. printed in flowi119 blact letters on 800 colorful IMtlMI lfleeta. Cllstal clnr culae meaum 3'4 • x 314 • 1 3% ·; lets you pic:t out one at a time. Colorful t.,.n of pink, green. end yellow notn. Please print. lets you matdl cokw end IJ'llin on vinyl and plastic matwieh. RepeiB almost impossible to d8tlc:t. Gnlat fof car ... ts. luggege. fumitwt, etc. Generous supply tor asy. inexpenaive repairs. H1:M5 Ylnyt ............... H .H N030 250 White Gioe. Ubell 12.91 P1030 IOO S-... In Cutle •• 14.H P1031 1po P9n. Refllls ..... 13.H SAnSFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONmY BACK ~ VISA FAST SERVlce -CHARQB IT, use YOl!R ~ P'.u.llLY WUIQ.Y, AUGUlll 1. 1m !Iii lllf-11111 111• U.UI LAliU$lll Selkla ......... _., .., _,to ,._.ia ..... i.ab.llC.Al#f-...... .. z;,c* .. to41i .. i..ti-""" ~ "' ......... r..a wtlite lllt-ttidt ..._.,. I ,. I 1lllH1. 1"· ........... I fllll•WNPL-..ltl9 I . E...-.,. .......... .. I -.-.... • ,_ _,,-*f ·---------- LOOIE-RT laTMTLY &ill '""°""" ......... of '""" ttClll ..... of lou wllfl these Nay-to-uM adjult111. Just mlp clear vinyl bend to flt lftlide rt1111. and slip it in. Special dellta stays in place Haily. 6i¥ll you cuat0111 lit. Sat of 6 _.to flt MY ring. ~costly jeweler's dllfges. A1IO s '"ng 81m A411Jlrrt '1.18 lt'1'-"F.a~ TO ORDER BY MAil FROM WALTER DRAlE s..-cs-'10ol 3-YEAR APPlllil1111T GALElllAR Keeo tnlCk of '""" contlng 1111 fn 1983 thrv 19851 Put 111 ,... -down ilt ....... ..... you _, ow.took .-.. &di ~-ll 11· ~ .................... wittl ,...., ..... far dlilr ..... 3 full ,_.. witfl eecfi moadt tab llldeud. lutMt· Klatc::awer. EWllY!llilll ,.. 11W llM ...., Or.k1 11 ............. _..., __ , UFETIME ADDllHI IOOI Alwrts up to date. 1!wlyl 1lphllletic:el. To llllke • dlellge, just repllc:e 1 loole-Mf anll Enda 111my croSHUta-book Is alwayt sat! llltlllf-lib aMf. altlhabttiCll dMdll1. °"" a fi" 11 714: pociaC lizl ~· x 6". R1fill111111ll. 150M Poc*et &a. 100 w• '2.H 15058 o.t au.. ioo mdl .. fl.ff Sterling Silver Pattern Matching Service We have your petteml Sterling and Sllverplate 1,366 pt1nenu iA """ N11ln tlle IMy tltir"" ...., pre~ •Replace lost or um11pd piecn • Compkte yo11r ltllrter set •A tit/ K'1'Utf pittes We have more than 2.000 sterling and ACTIVE, sllverplate patterns in our vaults- INACTIVE, active. inactive and obsolete. Many OBSOLETE cannot be bought in retail stores at any PATTERNS price. We specialize in inactive and ------obsolete patterns, and we have a huge selection of active patterns, too. Most are oUered at tremendous savioS' over retail pric.cs. I I Just tell us your pattem name and manu· EASY 10 factluu. We .nu send you a list ol ~e ORDER pieces in llock io your pattem and the .. _ ------price for eac.b. Theo, you can ordeT just what you wanL We wiU put your name in our Sil~ R~er IO we can notify JOU • IOOfl a we haw 8dditioaa.I pteces you mlgflt want. No obliptioo, of course. JO.day return privilege on all silYCr you buy from Walter Drake Silver EscbaaBe. If you ~ not sure of the oattem name, uk for · our fftie catalog ol ,,.nena. We.,_, cub for all stcrfing ud for lilve~ WE BUY plate in aood condition. lf you want to SILVER, tell such items.quickly, safely and con· TOO vellieotly. send the coupon today. Or for ------f.alac terYicc, c.Jl our tolKrcie number. We buy and sell lilwr every day, IO our SEND THE io¥Cntorychangeseveryda.y. TbCIOOOCr COUPON you send the coupoo, the sooner you11 TODAYI get the piecea you want. First come, first sct'Wd. We 'keep ouf pri<ies as low as we can, but inflation affects the pnce of silver, too. It probably cos:ts lea to get the silver you want now than it ever wi1l again, so don't delay. Send the coupon today. HUNDREDS MORE ·PATTERNS THAN THOSE SHOWN Walter Drake is the nadon's largest silver pattcm-matdiioa service. If the pattern you want is available anywhere. it will be at Walter Dralte. E.en if your pattern is not shown or listed. send the wupon today. Walter Orate is the plAlce to get thoee bard-to-find pieces, thOIC unusUal patterns-current patterns, too-most ------at rug savi.ap. PHONE lOU,.fREE ..... _, . .,, 1-800-525--9128 M00-126-9827 ~ ......... , .. ... 7••7-.... 11111-....... Mllit 1 .... ..... CUP AND MAIL THIS COUPON TODAYI Walter Drake Silver Excb1111t1e 6112 Drake Building, COlofado Sprlngt, CO 80940 r wmeRD'= s1LVER excHA"NGE'...,I I an2Drm1ie CO!orD--.co-.o '\lbur..... I 1--.. I I ~ .......... "" o ..,,..,. o ..... a .... o ........ 1 1~ I ~NllM I C .,..__.'Me_...d_.,.. ... .....,,..,..... _ I .... __________ ...._. IUmlAlllAR HAii IAfB.Y! Good ~ demlndl that unsightly heir in nostrils • _.. be rltllOWed-and now yo11 131 dip it out uttt,t Why risk infection by pluc:kjng, or by nic:king with scissors? n llltlti- blade iVt.y shear is aefe, gentle, e;f'ectiw. Finest 1U191cal steel. F418 IUlpetle' .•............ $3.99 fW bit-. IDO, wlttl l'llstw9 lb eo.lart- ..... llatic ... AlpllDl't ~ llOlda ,.. ............... you ...... Ar1lillita .... .... ·~ ....... Wlli'9 *1aoa/cotw. ~ wtdl paws lllt. Elatic: 1tt9p1, lide I llDnDm ..,.. Or1llr "' In aim: IJCai f3481 11088 i34CI 11091 t40CI llC)8813881 110881•1 1109313801 11087 13881 11090 38CJ IU094 380 Illa. ••.........•..• fl.ft PllOTICT IWMO AS YOU REEP ..... ...., ............ ""' ... ltlis bDMel. Collfortlllle llllt flrlll .. ldlutts ID ..., coifflH ID k.., it ,.,.,,, llllt 11111 UllCMMd-"911 If you fOSS .... turll Vll-ao· c-...tloldl.._.-.fy.~. ~ ..,...,. ..., lest longef .......... N50l3 S6Mp c.p. .......... '2.ft mw YOU CAii USE YOUR -~ TO ORDEI FROM WALTER DRAIEI ...... Am.,_HiMepa11111¥7 Pvt It In Its pf-.! Wllist 8ett ati1111 you .. the.,.... you put it oa. !Mteal-FP \ltlcro. cloaw9 ..... It MSy to put Oii 1 .. 1 off. 1r wide, ldjum from 28"' to 60" Elesticind cottoa f« usy wuh '1' WNr. Helps rtliwl bed! l1tigue, toot For ..... wometl. N2044 w.isl Belt. .......... 15.. H I YOUR II.AME I RETURll ADDRESS ia millifta calligrlllllit styli prUcine wilJ ICfld I distlnctM touch to your ltttlrs, pecbges. 1 ·etc. Gteclful princ rlSlllllMs ellplt ltMI ~ 1111 1 .....,_ colJ i.:tground. IJJ ti 31i1111. 30 llttn I ..-a ..0. Set al 2!i0. w.a, .., dilll • a a.di. P407I c •a _.., U11M111. ••• U-18 !. IAll PIWlll • 11111 TIP St~Top Oftft does '" IOft1 of _.ti biking jobs-uses only lbDUt 1/12.tht '""VY of '" own! 6fut fof potlton. brOW!Hftd.MM rolls, cust1nll, .,.. Fine Cfl!ptf 1nd !!on wtrmlf. SIVit 1n- tf1Y lcttpt ldtchtft cooler. Chrome tlnlift. Far 111 « 1llc1rlc f1ft91. K51M l&oN-Top OWen .••••• *'·" -.-- IA~ UD I IE.AT C8VEll lnurioa COllloft fir ,..; inttY ..._ look tor your blthrooll. Warm, soft llt Cftll"I lid, .at with wehely, ..._.. 111 .. Fit.a ltllldR uMtl. Ont. eolorllr 1111.,: H7106 wt lf7108Pillk:H7107 ei.: moe White; K7108 A..-0: H1430 ar... 2.fl'leoe ... •Uds.t ....... ..... l!~Pmll*lm ...,, .•• tift ........ tt ... • ............. loss. ,., tint t htt with t¥tfY ,_.. lcholer an _, lllt ... ,.. wlM, .. """' your list -11U1lity V.... pencils to 1 .... futl iilt 7W' l*ICill with his or htf OWft ftllftl Imprint· with ......... lti19 llo. 2 lttd lftd td In goldl Kids love 'tml Glut rubtw wum. Plllu prlllt 111111. for homt, officn tnd atOf•, too. SIM 12 Pws. ,_. ..... ti a ~---.... °'*" ............. ., ....... , - Cllerge to my: ·=-= .. ....en~ .... -k ..... ....., .. ......... c:.. Nm I.-! ... ....... __ ....c. vi..aa.. .... ............. _ ......... ,,_ AUlllmlD-.tm .-............ x NMl•MflLLlmm-.. ..,.. ___ :.i ... i.: •SI.II-MU .. ttUt•SUa-MtQM •• ... -MU ta SIJ.11 • IDM-Mt.._. ... •llUl-MtG.tl ._ IDM-Mt GM c.. ........ 811PP.a AllD HAllDLlllQ ,., ....... TVTllal:llPD......_..., .... ......, m-----------------~ •