HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-06 - Orange Coast Pilot,h ................................ ·~-...... ----· ....... -. .. . ---........ -111111111 llllY NIU (ll(ANLt l <HI"' I 'I • Al It OHNIA 25 CE NTS Troubled Frontier jet lands sBf ely DENVER (AP) -Erneat Duane Cook said he never had a rlaky landing In 16 years aa a Frontier Airlines pilot until he safely eued down a jet with 102 people aboard and both left t.l.res blown out. The blowout occurred Thursday afternoon aa Frontier Flight 194 took o ff fro m Stapleton International Airport, bound for Atlanta. Cook aaid he and fllaht of ficer Jim Rimer heard a loud nolle, auspeoted trouble, and fiew bAck over the airport 10 authorltie9 on the ground could confirm the damage. Cook said he ''told the passengers we had a ser ioua problem. They were very c.alm. They were beautiful people." He said th e 97 paa~engera applauded alter the landing and congratulat e d h lm aa they atepped off the Boeing 737. "i tell like a country preacher.'' Cook aald . "They tried to wear my hand out." The plane flew' In circles for about two hours to burn up fuel, then made a rough but safe landing without even ignhlng :sparks when the dam a ged landing gear touched the runway near a walt.tna fleet of emer,ency vehlcl ... Cook aald Rimer told him a fter the plane had atopped, "I've eeen rougher landing• In atrong wind." "We have one heU ot a tralnl.ng program," aa.ld Cook, 48, of Fort Worth, Texaa, who la bued In Denver and has over 16,000 houn of flying llrne. He told reporters he had simulated landing, on lhe metal rima of the landing gears but had never hevd of another jet pilot having to perform the teat for real. Glen Ryland, president of the Denver-baaed airline, was on the runway for the landing and said later, "Cook did a phenomenal job." Ryland, who aeveral years ago as a pilot had to make a similar landing, said it waa an extremely difficult maneuver. A 737 baa six tires, tw o on each slde of the main landing gear and two on the noee gear. Aaked If he waa acared before the landing. Cook s miled a nd replied, "That'• not a fair question." The flight or iginated In Oakland, and was on ita way to Atlanta (See F RONTIE R, Pa1e A%) Jobless near 10% U.S. rate high est • since 1941 BOMB(NG VICTIMS RE ME MBER E D Residents of Hiroshima, Japan, pray in front of memor ial tower for victims of atomic bomb drop that took place 37 years ago today. An Al' WlrepMto estimated 45,000 participated in the memorial .service. Nearly 100 staged a sit-in at Hiroshima Peace park to protest a nuclear bomb test Thursday in the United States Judge Sod en's recal l sought Proteste r s say sente n ce in r ape case too le n ient By DAVID KUTZMANN Of tM 0.-, Not Staff Demo nstrators gathered signatures Thursday m front of the Orange County Courthouse in Sant.a Ana to protes• as too lenient Supenor Court Judge Mark A Soden's sentencing of two brothers last month for raping a deaf mute girl About 40 picketers marched m front of the I I-story courthouse ~sking passers-by to sign the ' petitions, which express "disgust and indignallon at the outrageous actions and comments" of Judge Soden. The 1ur1st. who li ves 1n Newport Beach. was reported on vacation until Monday Organizers of the de monstration said they are in 1 the beginning stages of mounting a recall dnve against Soden "This 1s not a personal vendetta against Judge Soden." said Annee DellaDonna, 19, a pre-law student at Cal State. Long Beach. ''What we're aga.lns1 as what h e's doing 1n has professional life." The demonstration was the second in less than a month against the judge. Soden m late June sentenced two brothers from Huntington Bea&. Phillip 21. and Randall Maldonado, 25. to 12 years m state prison for raping a deaf mute girl from Los Alamitos. The prosecutor m the case had c alled the attack on the 14 -year-old victim almost unprecedented in its cruelty. The girl, who testified through a sign language interpreter in court, said she was repeatedly raped during a five-hour ordeal. The Maldonados' uncle. Gilbert Aguilera , 36 , of Huntington Beach . was sentenced to 44 yeani in state pri.9on by Superior Court Judge Alicemarle Stotler for partietpeting in lhe attack. The Maldonados could have been imprisoned for 144 years each. But Soden said he believed they deserved a second chance because 1t was a frrst offense for both The prosecution had recommended minimum 63-year pnson terms. Organizers of Thursday's demonstration said they have already gathered several thousand signatures. The petitions will be sent to vanous o fficials, includ i ng Attorney General George Oeukmejjan, Gov Jerry Brown and Orange County District Attorney Cicil Hicks. Miss OellaDonna said much of the support for the protest and (See SENTENCE, Page AZ ) H ighway c arnage rampant Tra ffic accid e n t kill 7 p eople in 12-day p er iod By PHIL SNEIDERMAN I ofatle Delly~lt.ff Excessive dnving speeds and pedestrian carelessness appear to be the common factors m a stnng of seven traffic deaths that have occurred m Huntington Beach during a recent 12-day period. That's the prel1m1nar y conclusion of police traffic investigators who art> reviewing the rash of fatalities During lhe first 61/2 months of 1982, the city recorded seven traffic deaths. But in the 12 days between July i2 and Auj(. 2. the COUNTY city had another seven traffic deaths. bringmg the year's total lO 14 Several other people were 1n1ured in the recent mishaps. including two young men who r emain hospitalized in critical and serious condition. Traffic in vestiga tor Jim Dowling observed that the recent accidents were not confined to any particular section of the city He said the common factors were that several of the motorists exceeded speed limits and two Tustin man Bible sm uggler A Tustin man operates an above-board smuggling ring -he sneaks Bibles into communist countries w here religion is repressed. Page B l. Business promotions told News o f .promotions, acquisitions and new products involving Orange County businesses appears on Page 84. Bluegrass pioneer in area pedestnans crossed busy streets m an unsafe manner Police released the followmg review o{ the recent fatal accidents· •On the monung of July 22, motorcyclist Fred Rodney Moiola, 19, of Huntington Beach, was being pursued by an officer for an alleged speed violation when he era.shed in to an auto along Pacific Coast Highway near Bolsa Chica State Beach. Moiola dled one hour later. Two (Sff TRAFFIC, Pa1e At) SPORTS WASHINGTON (AP) -The nat ion's u nemploymen t rate pushed cloeer to the 10 percent level in J uly, hitting 9.8 percent, th e h ighest in 41 years, the government reported today. T he ·jobless rate had held nearly steady as the recession continued through the spring - rising only from 9.4 percent m April to 9.5 percent In May and June. But today 's Labor Department report was filled with diacouragi.ng figures. Eye, nose med ication o f f s h e l f By PAT HOROWITZ OfatleO.., .......... Consumers are being asked to return eye and noee medication.a purchased from Alp h a Beta markets t h roughou t Southern California today as the massive recall o f the products was broadened. F.sther Cramer, spokeswoman for Alpha Beta, said, "Alpha Beta has expanded the recall Into Orange County In the Interest ol public aa.lety. "No contaminated products have been found in O ra n ge County at thia time. Survei1.l.a.nce has been increased in all stores. Managers have been alerted to advise clerks that no recalled product.a are to be eold " Because the medications have been laced with sulfuric acid. at least three people have been injured so far, and acid- contaminated eye drops were found at a fourth store when a stock of Murine Plus was pulled from the shelf, Susan Bond of the state Health Departmen t's Food and Drug Section said Wednesday. "We have determined that this contamination was not an accident by the manufacturer because we have checked other containers from the same lot number, and they are okay," she said. But she said the store had received no extortion demands and that no leads had been turned up as to who put the acid t.n the containers of Murine and Murine Plus. This is the S«Ond time In eight months that the supermarket chain has been the target of someone contaminating products with dangerous adds. Last December. seven people reported suffering Injuries when a pe.raon walked through several Alpha Beta market.a and Thrifty drug stores, putting sulfur ic, hydrochloric and acetic acid and chlorine Into a wide range of eye and nose medicat.iona. CS« RECALL, P••~ A%) THERE'S A CATCH -Last·place Twins continue to give the Angels fita, winning their third game in four o utings this w eek in Anaheim a n d e nding L u la Tiant's comebac k de but after two innings. ·Detaib on Page Cl. Blll Mon roe, pioneer and fath er of bluegrass music, will bring h t. band, The Bluegrass Boys, to the Cr azy H orse S t eak H ouse for a on e-n ighter. Weekender. Snoopy star o f ice show Dodgers rall y in s.howdown • Snoopy, th•t W orld War I Oying ace and star of Knon's Spectacular on Ice, la a female called 'Pepe.' W~Cover . •• Down to their 1.ut out. the Dodgen rallied to beat AUanta in 10 inn1np ln the opener of a lhowdown 1ertas in Loi Ancel-. Pap Cl. ln J uly, the report said. about 10.8 million Amer icans were officially unemployed -actively looking for jobs but not finding them -about 360,000 more than in June. About 1.5 million more have given up, the government reported last month. July's joble88 rate for adult males, who make up the bulk of the nation's blue--00llar workers, rose to 8.8 peroent, a post-World War II record . Unemployment for blacks held steady at 18.5 percent. although the jobless rate for black teen-agers declin ed slightly to 49.7 percent from June's 52.6 percent. Unemployment rates rose 0.3 percentage point to 8.7 percent for whit.es and to 8.4 peroen t for adult women of all races. The current overall jobless rate as already the highest since the 9.9 percent for all of 1941 at the end of the Great Depression Unemployment hasn't been over (See JOBLESS, Page A%) Delft'/ Not ~ "J LM ,.,_ DRY SUMMER -Charlie Gray (left) and Scott Taylor. both 11, both of Costa Mesa. are just two of the legions of area youngsters looking in vain for water in the TeWinkle Park slide this sea.son. Slide dried Kids shut off at T e Winkle Youngsters waiting around the dirt-crusted water slide at Costa Mesa's TeWinkle Park for the gushmg water to turn back on can go home. City officials report that the popular water slide, closed since summer began, will be dismantled due to escalating water coet.a and orders by the County Health Department to inst.all expensive new features. La.st spring the county officials told etty officials to install a filtration and cholorination system, refin1Sh the slide and set up radio communication between the top and the bottom. Costa Mesa already was l0S1ng money on the slide. opened two years ago during the summer months, said Jon "Rip" Ribble, recreation superintendent. The fresh water that flowed through the winding slide and emptied into a nearby lake cost $3.400 a summer. Supervising the slide coet another $4,600. At a charge of 50 cents an hour per person, the slide generated about $5,000 In revenues. "I feel real sad about it," said Ribble. "But you're talking about a capital improvement program on a project that's losing money.'' Ribble estimated that it would cost $50,000 to repair the &lide used by 10,000 children a year. INDEX At Your~~ A 4 Boatirut C4 Buaineea 84-5 Cavalcade A 7 cw.lfled C8,Dl-6 ComiCI C6 Bob Greene A 7 CJ"'C9Word C6 Deeth Notices C7 Edit.ortal A6 F.ntertairu:nent Weekender Gardenina ~ Horoecope A7 Intenni.ion Weekender NATION Ann Landen Movies A7 Weekender B4 A3 C7-6 Mutual Funds National Newa Public Notices Resi.urant review Sports Dr. Stelncrohn Stock Marketa Television Thea ten Weather World NeW11 Weekender Cl-~ A7 B5 TV Lot Weekender A2 A3 Seven bucb foe' three llice9 of bread? One IJ'*NI for Just one bl\119berry? Bob Greene, an old band at hotel room llel'Yice, •YB it'• been known to happen. Pace A7. , J018LESS RATE lO'?o. • • 10 percent a1nce the 14JI percent of HMO. In the 1&1t 13 month•, the unemployment rate hu rl1en from 7.2 percent to 9.8 peroent, 1aid the g overnment '• commiaaloner of labor atatiatics, Janet Norwood. In that period, she aaid In testimony before the congressional J oint Economic Committee, unemployment roee by 2.9 million as 1.8 million people joined the labor force and the number of available Jobe fell by 1.1 million. Summing up the figures, 1he said simply, "The employment situation data released today show little labor market strength In July." ln advance of today's report, economists cautioned that unemployment could well climb eve n higher, despite some encouraging signs that a modest reco\l.ery from the recession is beginning -or is about to begin. Employers, the economists noted, are typically slow to rehire wd- off workers until a re<..'Overy is well under way. At the White Hous e, pre1ldenttal 1poke1man l..arry Speake• noted that t h e unemployment report amounta to a .. laa8inl indicator" of economic recovery. I Speakea alao aald President Reagan ''it 1ympathetic, deeply concerned and he believes hla program, once fully enacted ... will provide a permanent 1olutlon to unemployment problems." But Democratic congressmen attending the J oint Economic Committee hearing used today's .report to blast administration economic policies anew. Sen. Paul Sarbanes of Maryland called July's unemployment rate "abeolutely devastating" and said Reagan should "take off his roey glasses and see what's happening." Sen. F.ciward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts remarked, "Ronald Reagan's recession ia now one year old and the end is not ln sight." Kennedy recited recent unemployment-st:itistlcs and added sarcastically, "Some ·~economic policy." TRAFFIC DEATHS. • • people in the auto were injured. •The same day, shortly before midnight, Jeffrey Shawn Yoakum, 20, of Westminster, was allegedly speeding when he crashed his Dodge Challenger into a block wall on the Adams S treet fro ntage r o ad near Pkcadilly Lane. He was fatally injured. •At about 12:20 a.m. on July 24. Kim Elizabeth McEachern, 29, visiting from Canada with her 7-year-old son. had just made a fast-food purchase at Beach Boulevard and Yorktown Avenue. Witnesses told police she crossed Beach while oncoming traffic had the green light and was struck by an auto. She died seven days •later of her injuries. •At 11;:>0 p .m. on July 29, another pedestrian, Joeeph G . Chiarello, 21, of Fountain Valley, was hit while attempting to cross Hamilton Avenue near Spyglass Lane. The pedestrian, wearing dark clothes at the time, was pronounced dead at the scene. •Early last Saturday, a driver who allegedly e xceeded the speed limit and iJmored a stop sign struck a 1966 Corvair carrying a young man and his girlfriend. The mishap, at the intersection of 14th Street and Olive Avenue, claimed the life of the young woman, Wendy Lynn Lyon. 19. of Lakewood. The two drivers remain hospitalized. •Early Mo nday, a 1981 Porsche that police say was traveling at more than 80 miles per hour on Golden West Street near Yorktown A venue crashed into a row of palm trees. The two people in the auto were killed instantly, police said. They were physician Mic hael Robert Jeffries, 35, and his companion Rita Feerer, 28, both residents of Huntington Beach. Traffic investigator Dowling said officers are awaiting lab test results to determine whether alcohol or drugs were a factor in any of the recent mishaps. He noted that Huntington Beach had a total of 29 traffic deaths in 1981. "We're still behind last year," he said. "But we're catching up fast." SENTENCE PROTESTED. • e recall effort 1s coming from angry c 1t1zens 1n L o s Alamitos, Fount.am Valley. Corona de! Mar and Irvine A s uccessful recall effort would reqwre 82.000 signatures. However. it is too late to quahfy for the November ballot. Recall petitions have no t yet been circulated. • e Pat Ot*ell , who wu ~ hotne '°Atlanta~ a cattfornla vacaUon, .. ld, "We were ta~ otr and we had a 1o\lcl nollo. ~e knew aom.ihtt\a WU Wt<>na when we heard ~ M!CX>nd loud not.e. Then the pilot came on and Hid we had a problem, that we had blown • tire." Thowianda of motoriata parked car1 for 1everal mlle1 alona Jnteratat.e 70 to watch the plane aa It circled the airport. The lnt.entat.e aoea under the runway th.rouih a tunnel. No emergency exit chutes had to ~ned. Passengers left the atrcraft by the regular doors and 9~ of the 97 paasengera later took a Delta Air Lines flight to Atlanta, according to Frontier officials. The $13.5 m1lhon aircraft was only 6 weeks old and was the n e w est in Frontier's fleet, Ryland said. lt sustained large denta on the bottom half of the left engine and damage to the landing gear, but no cost estimate was given. Frontier officials said foam was not u sed on the runway because a fire was considered unlikely and airline officials wanted to bring in the plane quickly, possibly before the foaming could be completed. From Page A 1 RECALL. • • ''Everythin~ has been removed from the shelves, and we have increased seeurity at all of our stores," M s . Cramer said Wednesday. "We have nothing to go on at this t.lme, and we don't kno w wher e 1t will happen nex1 " The supermarket chain has asked anyone who purchased any eye or nose drops or nasal spray from any of its 50 area markets within the past month to return them. "This stuff (sulfuric acid) is much stronger than the normal types of acid we are used to like the vine~ar or lemon juice," said Ms. Bond. "It's comparable to the acid you put in your swimming pool." She said sulfuric acid could theoretically cause blindness or at least scar eye tissue, especially if not treated promptly "But this stuff is so strong that people onJy get one drop in their eye and immediately wash it out and seek treatment," she said. Su lfuric ac id is readily detectable because it smells like rot.ten eggs. Ms. Cramer said the products taken o ff the s helves last De cem b e r only began reappearing in stores on July 4. High clouds • remain (;oa.o;tnl Varl11ble hlgll cloudtnesa tod•y Wllh hl<JhS 111 IM be&Chee H to 77 and lnl11nO areas 82 to 118 High cloudiness 10 continue tllrOUJO!ll 1onlght wllh overnight IOW9 of ~ to 611 Salurday wttl bl • r99MI of eeme wtth high 10• et 1111 beechet end high 80e Inland Elsewher e tr o m Polnl Conception to the M1alc1n border end out 60 mtle• l lglll v11rl1ble wind• OV9' In,,.. w1te<1 nlglll eno morning nour• beCOmlng _., lo .ou1"'-1 tO to t6 i.nou during ellernoone todey anO Seturdey Wind w1vee ol 2 10 3 ''" SoulhwMI ........ Of I 10 2 feet V ariabl e high cloudtneas tO<l•Y •nd Seturdey Som. urly morning IOw cloud• ove< eouthefn coutaJ watere on Saturday ll .S. s11 nuuary Thund1relorme developeo repldty Thured•y over FIOflde and tile eoutll«n Atle.ntle: •'-'• Cloudy •Ille• with d1~oplng thuf'lder•hower• Htended rrom the southern Plete1u lnlo the eoutllern end centre! Rocklel Tllunder 1 howere 1leo developed over Kentucky end Tenn••••• Northeeetern NebrHk• end w1e11rn lndl•n• hlld eome lowtend lloodlng •fl• thunder1torme dumped heevy rein during lh• nlghl from e••lern Nebrae111 1no K1n111 Into 1n011111 For tod1y. ec.llerlld ..,_. w>d thundentorma _. ~ CNe< tile eoulhem lntermounteln r9g1on end eout'-'> Aoclllee. end from Ille ... ,.,., pcw1tone of Ille northern end ~tr81 Plaine Into the Sout"-'I California Soutllern C•lllornl• will be l'TI0811y f81r lhrougl'I S.tUtdey with 1om• high ciloud• Sllghlly wermer dlrf9 ,_ Ille OOUI. Oreng• County cen eapect high• In mid to upper 70. elorlQ l)H(::hM. 90e llnd IOW toe Inland Lowt 58 to 58. ~ v~ CM~ hlghe In the 909. IOWI In the ec>.. Mountalnl een ·~ high• In !Ni 80e todey Wld 8etutdll'f. IOWI Sii 10 86. Ch•no• ol l1ot•t•d ltlv~I. Northefn d ... ,, hlOh• H lo 102. IOWI .. to 79. 80\lllMfn ~ ~ to::> 10 1 tO, '°"" n I() 86. ltoleted ·~· ~ IOoal ouetY ~. i.orthem er)d o.ntt9I ~ Wiii t>• mo1lly l•lf •11MOt IOf pelOhy IOw ~ -~ '°' ~ the _. ntol"• -"'°'""'91 teol•t •d t11undetellower1 In toutMm IW'r• A tM1t9 WW'INI". Temperatures NATlON Albany 91 69 i\lbuQ... 92 68 Anc:llOr "09 60 49 i\t111nte 85 72 Atlante Cty 77 74 i\uetln 101 78 B11nimor e 90 13 Blrmlnohm 9 1 72 Blsmerclc 92 57 BolM 92 54 Boslon 82 87 Bulfelo 75 69 Bur1tno1on 7 5 62 Cl\lr1atn SC 89 711 Ch1tlttn WV 84 86 Chwttle NC 80 73 C1teyenne 84 S4 Chicago 711 72 Cincinnati 88 7 t CleVelend 80 72 Sen Anlonlo tOO 78 Colmble SC 87 87 S1n o+ego 81 87 ColvmbUa 85 88 Sin Fren 1111 54 Oel·Ft Wth 100 77 Seeltle 78 51 Da)'lon 87 68 s11revepo0 97 70 Oenver 811 59 Sioux Fill• 88 73 Del Mo4nee 15 71 SI LOUii 98 81 O.troll 11 68 SI P·Tempe 87 73 Duluth 75 59 Spokane 88 54 El PlllO 98 67 $ytacuee 75 68 Felrt>enlce 71 50 Topel<e 85 72 F ergo 92 &4 Tuc:90n 93 17 San Ge1>rlel Sen Oteoo Sen Fr11nc:1.co S•n JOH S•nt• Ana Senta Bul>era Senti Merl• Santa Monica Thefmel Smog 9tl SS 81 87 88 54 84 53 87 62 81 54 77 50 14 60 111 76 Flegstall 76 48 Tulae 102 78 ~~4:.~!::11• : ~~ WNhlngtn 88 77 Tile Air Ouellly Manegemenl Helen• 90 52 Wichita IOO 77 Dlatrlcl prlldlcll unheeltlllul elr Honolull.I 90 75 CALlf<>flNIA quality Frldly In moet ereee of lhe Ho.dlon 06 79 Apple \/eney 09 55 Soutll Co111 •Ir Butn. wtth good lndnepill 00 13 Beratow 99 73 air lorecHt only for the 111011 Jeclten 93 70 Beeumonl 103 511 d-1 end Big Beer like reglonl. Jecltenvlle 9 t 72 Big Beer e 1 44 Unheeltlllul lllr II forecut for K-City 88 72 Blthop 115 51 everyone In the Rlverelde-S•n Kno•vllle 82 73 Blythe 1 10 77 Bernerdlno erN, with • Po41utant LN Vegee 104 118 Cet811ne 711 80 Sl•nderd Index of 246. A PSI 04 Uttle Aoct1 we 78 Eureh 68 51 240 le predicted lor Ille Sen LoullYM!e S7 75 Freeno 06 &4 Oebrlel end Pomone valleys. A Memphle 95 80 LA1t8 Arrowtleld 88 65 PSI of 210 le predicted In the Sen Mlllml 15 82 LAnc:Mte< 98 82 Fernendo end Sent• Clerlte Mllweull• 71 95 long Beech 94 82 v111eye end the Hemet-ElllnOfe Mpi..81 P 92 88 Loe Ange1ea 87 85 erMI i\ PSI 205 It fe>feC:etl IO< NUhv111e 90 70 Monrovle 103 67 Banning ,..._ Or1Mn9 92 73 Monltlbello 92 80 Unh••lllllul elr quellty for ,..._ Yoric 17 74 Monterey 88 62 eenlltlw people 11 forecut tor Norfoll< 90 72 Mt Wlltorl 115 82 metropollten Loe Angelff with Ol!I• City 99 72 ~ t t I 7t PSI 18S. PSI 138 fOf ooeetel .,.., °"'41h• 87 70 Newpor1 8eedl 77 93 end Inland Of.nge Co\inty enc Oflan60 90 74 Olll!lllnd 80 57 PSI 183 for the low "-1. PhM8"phlll ee 73 Ont•IO 99 8t Where to cell (toll lrH) for Phoenix toe 115 Pllm Spnng1 109 74 111 .. 1 tmOO lnformellon: Plttll:>ufgtt ee 87 Pl!Mdene 115 58 Or•nge County (800) 445-3829 P11Md, Me 711 80 PMO AotllM 09 62 LOI AngelH County (800) P1111nd, On 84 64 Rlver9ide 98 59 242-4022 PrOll\denoe 13 84 ~ Bluff 94 13 ~ •nd San 9er'nerdlno Reno 89 4e Redwood City eo aa c:ounti..: <800> 397-4710 RiCt1mon<1 90 72 Sallnu 72 41 AOMO EpllOde Center: (800) _s11t ... l.Alt~•------------94--"-~ __ s_en __ e.m ___ .,_d_1no ________ ,o_~ __ "_' _,4_2_ .... _eee ______________ __ v.;,·z... IURf RIPDRT '!!!:sT"°.~3~p.m. 2·1 Aeoond high 10:42 p.m. a.7 •llilllf*llil•····St........................ aATUM>AY s Flf'tt low 1:40 e.m. o.o awt e.t e.t .... .... .... Ftm high 12:09 p.111, 4 3 ...... AW, -M A'I -Dtr 9-lcflow 6:17 p,111 2.1 Zurne 2 a 10 1 2 aw 8econd 111Qf1 11. 11 p.m. 0.4 ..,... MoNct 2 & 12 t 2 aw Sun Mt• tOCS•y et 7:4t p.m., HewpOft .._,. 2 " 12 I 2 W r1-S.~ It t:OI e.m. a.rt a..oo County 2 ' 1a 1 2 w Moon rlMt t~ 1111:11 p.m •• Outfooll fof te#uroey. Uttle cNnoe Mtl 8aturdey et 7:38 e.m. • Begin reje~ts U.S. demand to give up gains Bt ftt AHOd•&e4 p,... llr&tU J•t• and aunboatt bombarde<f auerrtlla tar1eta fn weat Beirut today alter Prlme Mlnl1ter Menachem Be1tn'1 government refuted U .S. and U.N. demands to give up military galna 1n the PLO ttronahold. "We hope to perauade our American· friend• that U .S. mediator Phlllp C. Hablb'a effor\I will collaper uni-there 11 • credible military option," hraell Foreign Mlnl1try 1pokeaman A vl Puner 1ald In Jeni.aa.lem, Iaraell officlals aaid they had not been formally notified of the AP Wlrepholo NOT VERY FUNNY -M embers of the Motion Pictures Screen Cartoonists Union picket outside Hanna-Barbera offices in Hollywood aft.er walking out on their jobs. The union, which struck Thursday, is protesting "runaway production'' wo rk being sent overseas. Toro airport site nixed by Laguna The Laguna Beac h City Council has sent a letter to the Southern Cabfornia Association of Governments, urgmg that group's executive committee to eliminate consideration of Manne Corps Air Stauon. El Toro, as a reg10nal airport. In a letter sent to Pat Russell. president of SCAG's executive committee, the council said 1t is concerned that the Southe rn Cal1forn1a Av1at1on System Study "'does no t sufficiently address the transport.auon, noise and community development pr o blems inherent. in consideration of the El Toro Marine Base as a regional airport site." SCAG 1s currently in the p~ of selecting a site for a new airport and a previous study two years ago Indicates the most appropriate site would be in the Los Angeles/Long Beach Harbor area. But the result of a later study recommends two additional potential sues, including a portion of the sprawling Marine Corps base at Camp Pendleton, and the air stat.ion at El Toro The SCAG execut i ve committee will be making its recommendation on one of these sites when It meets early next month. The council letter to SCAG suggests the panel look not only at the technical feas1b1l1t y of airport locations, "but al.so at the economic and social impacts of that location" Specifically. the council said expansion of the military air s tation for comme r cial use "'would spell disaster {or our already ove rburd e n ed transportation system and would severely and unnecessa ril y impact the lives of a large number of residents." And while the council said it realizes the same problems might be experienced at the other two locations, it urged the panel to "recognize that the least feasible location is El Toro." PL0'1 lltett ~. whlnllJ the iu•rrillu would~ Beirut within 18 day• of the arrival of an lnternaUonal petiCtkeeptna force. "Unleaa we aee lndk:at.ionl on the sround that t.MPLO ""*'1. to tuve, we remain akeptlca1. ' said an Iaraell official ln Jeruulem. "Until now, all we have heard are woe& and more words and we don't believe them any more." The warplane• 1tn.ack alter "repeated ceaae-flre vtolationa" by the guerrillu and all the Jeta returned safely to larael," the Tel Aviv command said. The planes bombed near the Lebanese prime ministry, collapsing two four -story apartment buildings In rapid dive-bombi ng sorties that shattered a 30-hour lull in the war The building• were on Aut Street In the Sanaye area, where sources close to the PLO aaid guerrilla security offices were located. PLO chief Yaaaer Arafat was seen in another section of west Beirut at the time of the bombing and Lebanese Pri~e Minister Shafik Wau.an was an suburban Baabda. There was no immediate word on casualties in the bombing. B4t ambulances took victims to the American Univenity h ospital from the bombed buildings, which are about 300 yards from Wazz.an's oCfice. One gunboat salvo struck near the abandoned beachfront Summerland Hotel about a half mile south of west Beirut's downtown. Guerrillas fired massive barrages of anti-aircraft fire but scored no apparent hits. Mesa homes hit by fire; man injured One man was injured and a two-story home heavily damaged in two separate fires in Costa Mesa Thursday and early this morning. Fire 0 Cfic1als blamed bottle rockets landing on a wood shake roof at 3262 Turlock Drive for a fire that caused $48,000 in damage and another $5,000 content loss. Admirustrative battalion chief Jim Richey said authorities found illegal fireworks on the r oo f and in the front yard following the fi&e at 4:37 p.m. Thursday Phyllis Sulkis, owner of the house, was not home at the time An 18-year -old man was tr€'ated for head injuries after fallmg from a roof while he tried to battle a fire at 3:40 this morning at 1881 Tahiti Drive . William Stanovilch was treated and released from Costa Mesa Me morial Hospital following the garage fire that app a r e ntly s tarte d from a cigarette left smoldering in a car, authorities said. Firefighters controlled the blaze that caused $5,000 damage to the garage and another $3,800 to contents in 38 minutes. W11l1am St.eel, the owner of the house, was not home at the time AMLING'S Newport Nursery and Garden Center POTTERY SALE 20% OFF ALL • POTTERY & SAUCERS • REDWOOD CONTAINERS •BARRELS • STRAW BASKETS • POTTING SOIL • WIRE BASKETS NOW THRU AUG. 31ST Qr ~ 1500 1111 coast hwy • nawport b11c~ ~ cu.~ ~ ... 644-9510 ~ . .. • • --.. CLEANUP CONTINUES -Todd Rice pulls in a boom used to sweep up oil from the Yellow Tail Reservoir near the Wyoming-Montana border. An estimated 6,000 barrels of oil spilled "'~o into irrigation ditches and the Shoshone River from a broken pipe. Some of the oil made its way into the reservoir. EconoDJic ills, vain pro1nises clouding Brazil's elections RIO DE JANEIRO. Brazil (AP) -Brazilians are getting ready for their most wide -ranging elections in more than 20 years, under a promise by the military government to move toward civilian rule . But economic troubles and recent political backtracking cloud the picture. On Nov. 15 mo re than 52 million registe re d voters will have the opportunity to pick mayors, city councilmen , state legislators, governors, federal congressmen and one-third of the Senate. The government-backed party and four opposition groups -which include leftists but not C<-mmunists -are competing. President Joao Figueiredo. a retired general who c urre ntly hr :Is the military regime that seized power in 1964, has promised that the elections "will be held." But many Brazilians are asking whether he can k eep the promise, with the economy in recession, inflation approaching 100 percent and a foreign debt of more than $60 billion. Opposition groups are calling for the resignation of Planning Minister Antonfo Delfim Netto, who is responsible for overall financial policies. Figueiredo says he will keep him on. Figueiredo sent several bills to Congress in Brasilia, currently controlled by the government's Social Democratic Party, to change election rules. Opposition politicians say the changes - which all pMSed -are to keep the Social Democrats from losing control of Congress, statehouses and state legislatures. Opposition leaders claim the people, pressed by economic hardship, would normally vote against the government. Janio Quadros, the last civilian to be directly elected as president only to resign in August 1961, eight months after taking office, now is a candidate for governor of Sao Paulo, th~ nation's richest and most populous state. He is a candidate of the opposition Brazilian Labor Party ticket and calls Figueiredo's liberalization "a farce." Labor leader and controversial s trike organizer Luis Inacio ''Lula" da Silva, a Workers Party candidate for the same office, says Brazilians who believe in the president are "fools." Despite these criticisms, Figueiredo, whose term runs from 1979-198:>, has granted full amnesty to more than 5,000 leftist ~idents who had gone into hiding or fled the country. He then allowed them to participate in the current political campaign with virtually no holds barred . Figueiredo also eliminated press censorship. But certain recent events, principally the election-rule · change that forbids ticket splitting -and thua appear,s to favor the Social Democrats over the newly formed opposition parties -have caused skeptics to ques tion Figueiredo's true intentions. In June, two French Roman Catholic missionaries were sentenced to prison tenns of 10 and 15 years, under the National Security Law, allegedly for stirring up social tension between rich landowners and poor peasants. Shortly before that the Superior Censorship Council banned the movie "Pra Frente Brasil" "Let's Go Brazi.l," which is about an lnnocent man brutally t o rtured by right-wing government goons who mistake h im for a leftist. The story is fictional but is based on events that happened during the early 1970s, when the military regime liquidated leftist terrorists. Donation limit measure killed Senate pane l rej ects use of taxes for campaigns SACRAMENTO (AP) - Denying that big campaign donations are corrupting lawmakers, a state Senate committee killed a bill to limit the size of contributions a nd allow use of taxes for campaigns. "Let me assure you we are not all a bunch of crooks," Sen. Jim Ellis, R-San Diego. said before t h e Ele ctio n s and Reapportionment Committee voted 1-4 to reject AB3 l 78 by Assemblyman Richard Alatorre, D-Los Angeles. Ellis added, "There are one or two crooks in the house. as there are in al)y organization." He comglained that Alatorre's bill would penalize all legislators. But he didn't identify the "crooks." Committee chairman Dan Boatwright, 0-Concord, said there was a pro bl em of "percept.i o n rather than actuality," and that legislators' votes reflect their beliefs, not their campaign donations. But bill supporters said there was at least a perception among voters and contributors that lawmakers are influenced by major campaign donations, and warned that it was weakening trust in the political system. Walter Zelman, executive director of California Common Cause, a campaign reform group, said unlimited campaign s~nding and contributing was · one of the greatest causes of the d ecli ne in p o pulari ty in government." He warned the commHtee that unless the Legislature acts, ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Cleuttled edVertl1lng 714/S42·5e7t All other depertment1 642-4321 Thomae P. Halev ,..,.,..,., -Olllel 6c.rt~ ~ Key Schultz VIM ,_.,...,. -DlrKtor oA ~'*'>Cl Tom Murptilne ldllOr Mike H8r19Y ~ol ..... eollng ~ Ken Godd#d OINctOrof~ ~M.cLMn Oorilr.-r Tom McCann .......... 1.-or MAIN OFFICE lJO WMI art SI • COJI• -·CA. Mell •ddt9M Box IMO, Co&IA Mew. CA ~ c...,,,10111 ,., 0r.,,.. Coe•I PY11Us111no C-y. Hon-• tlof'lft. lllustnlllonf. edlto<1al ,,,_, ... eo-v••llHm..,IJ ,_,..,n m.y be ,_Odll<.., wtthout so«l•I permlHlon of <OOVl'IOftt ........ VOL. 75, NO. 218 lawmakers could have stronger r es!ric tion.s forced o n them through an initiative cam~gn. Said another bill supporter, Robert Stem, counsel to the state Fair Political Practices Commission: "I think all of you should be concerned about what this current system ia doing to you, the political process and the public perception of the political process . . . There is a growing perception that the system we have is scandalous." Ellis said nearly 63 percent of his constituents who responded to one of his surveys opposed using tax funds to finance campaigns. But l.elman said that when public financing is tied to spending and con tribution limits, it draws support fom a narrow majority of voters. I The bill would have limited the si z e of dona t ions to gubernatorial and legislative candidates, allowed the use of state funds in general and special runoff elections, and would have limited the s pending b y legislative candidates who accept the public money. IndMduala could have given up to $1,000 to a gubernatorial candidate per electlon. Alatore'• mea1ure wo uld have allowed taxpayera to designate $2, $5 or $10 of thelr state income tax bllla to a aped.al fund to pay for the program. There have been similar propma]a in past yean, none of which reached the governor's de.it. We're Listening ~ •• What do you flke about the Daily Pllot? What don't you like? Call the number below and yo\Jr mes111e wlll be recorded, tranacrtbed and d•llvered te d9e appropriate ~ltor. Ttle spme 24·hour a,.wenn1 sentce rnay be uaed to ~ let· ters to t'he editor on any topic. Mailbox conlributora m\llt Include their name and telephone nLUnber ror verirlcatlon. No circulation calls, please. Tell WI what'• on your mind. 4 5 ph8r.maeies probe·d Superior courts restrict dispensing of drugs LOS J.NGBLES (AP) - Superior Court Juq. thla year have reatrlcted• the dru1- dl1penalna powera of flve phannadee where invettiaatora claim phony pre9Crlptiona were filled for widely abuaed clrup, authorities uy. "I can't think of a year when there have been more 1uch court caaea by this at.age," said Deputy Atto rney Gener.al William L. Marcus. The state Attorney General's office proeecut.es cases on behalf of the state Board of Pharmacies. It's not that there ls a sudden deterioration of ethic• among pharmacists or .a crackdown on phannacles, Board of Pharmacy member Marsha Cohen said in a phone interview from San Francisco. She also said polls indicate pharmacists are highly regarded by the public. "What you see happening ia just the combination of improved information about law violations plus Improved' ability to make and sustain Caseli as well as an increase in diversion of presc ription dr ugs from pharmacy to street as prices go up," she said: "The only way to account for it is demand. T he demand and temptation o f hundreds of thousands of dollars. A pharmacist could make a million dollars before we could squt them down and all we can do ls revoke their permit.'' It is often very difficult to prove criminal culpability in / caaea where pharmacists alle9edly flll allegedly phony preeoriptions, repreeentativea of the 1tate Attorney General's office told The Aaaociated Presa. "The law l1n't that good In terma of clarity In thia area," aald DeJ>uty Attorney General Alan Mange la. "We have not generally been able to convince district attorneys to take these cases criminally," said Ma. Cohen. "That makes the threat lea dangerous, given the financial rewards.'' Tho1e rewards can be enonnous. "The incentive is out there," said Mangels. "For example, Qua•ludea (~ widely abused sedative) cost an average of, say, $1 2 for 60 p ills from the wholesaler. Those same 60 pills could go for from $300 to $500 on the street." Quaaludes were one of four controlled drugs worth S4 million the state Board o f Pharmacy claimed in a lawsuit were illegitimately dispensed at Centre Pharmacy In Tustin. The state lawsuit cl.aims that in 1981 Centre pharmacist John Wachter sold four times more Quaaludes than 356 Thrifty drugstores. Orange County Superior Court Judge Thomas Crosby Jr. has Issued a restraining order prohibiting Wac hter from personally f illing any prescriptions pending an Oct. 27 hearing on whether he should be • "' Wtrepttoto BARELY REACHING -TwQ-year-old Joshua Batters, left, and his cousin, Terry Spraungel, 4, are shown seeking relief from the Minnesota h eat as they try to readjust the garden sprinkler. Joshua is the son of Bruce and Susan Batters of Little Falls, and Terry is the son of Doug and Wendy Spraungel of St. Cloud. put out of buain-permanently. '"Mle Boerd of PhartMcy, 11.ke any bureaucratic aae~, rnutt juatlfy lta exiatence, ao they try to lntlmldate pharmacltta to not dlapenae druga they don't care for," aaid Jeff Friedman, Wachter'• attorney. "Mt. Wachter L• one of 'he few pharmacilt• not Intimidated by ... the Board of Pharmacy. He has the courage to dlapen.ae. "There's not too many placea you can go to s et thete thinp. That's how they come up with these balloon figures. "The boar¥i put so much heat on pharmacists, people who have a lawful phy1lcian-preteribed Rx can't find a pharmacist wlllinB to buck the board." Ms. Cohen said that there ls a trend for pharmadsta to carry fewer dangerous druga of co mmon abuse. but a he attributed this to fear of ,burglary and robbery, not to preaaure from the Board of Pharmacy. While there is much emphasis on finding pharmacies where phony prescriptions are fiUed, the so-called "script-w riting physicians" may be next, said Mangels. "One year we g et pharmacists," he said. "The next year we get physicians. Then we start a new round." Slippery bar suspected in • • • circus 1n1ury DALLAS (AP) -A slippery bar apparently ca u sed a 19-year-old trapeze artist to loee his grip while attempting a 31/J-somersau lt flip, slamming Into his father, plunging 30 feet to a safety net and breaking his neck, the performer's brother says. The two injured performers - Gino Farfan an d his father, Armando Farfan -had checked their rigging before attempting the stunt in front of l~.000 people, said Tato Farfan, 13. '.'Right before he went to do his turns, his right hand ripped off the bar," Ta to said Wednesday. "We don't know what caused the accident except that the bar must have been slippery." He said high humidity during Tuesday's performance of the Ringling Bros., Barnum & Bailey Circus at Reunion Arena could have caused the bar to become- slippery an hour into the three- hour show. · "We are always trying to keep the bars dry," said the younger brother, who was not performing with his family -billed as th~ "First Family of the Air" - because of a dislocated elbow. Gino, who has performed the 3 'h 90mersault for the past six• years, suffered a broken neck in· the fall, said Baylor University Medical Center spokeswoman Elaine Hart. "We show no paralysis at thia time," 1aid Ms. Hart. "There have been X-rays taken. and he does have a break in three place9 in his neck.'' SPECIAL PURCHASES! \ Dawri "Sarin~ lornin1" Grey fJlst, nynasty - Green, Mint Jullp Reg. s2795 Sale S l 6951nst. li11low S1eolal 2-Tone Heavy ~ylon Plush Golden Chestnut Ree. sz5n Sile $1595 ln&l. Walters "Sea Haven" Nylon WI Scotchguard Autumn Natural Reg. s1g11 Sile s 14 95 tnst. ALL umn ...,,,., lnstal~d Price• lncliKli! NZX-3600 ~ nJbl»r P!!t! BY PAT'BOIU>Wm• °' ... ...,,......., DLUl PATl DMI ...e 1ta&e ......... a ... ,..........,,..w.cw••era..-a 111a., ntM ,.,.....,. ,...._.., r•-. • ... ......... , ........ ., .. _~.....-. K.L., OllaaM ... No. The ~u ii only concerned that product• meet minimum performance atandarda. It ai.o cannot collect money for you, recommend certain productl or lt01'9, become involved 1n dvU Utlption or live lepl advtce. However, comwnen may contact the bureau lf they are W\Able to ,..,ive a problem with a fumiture retailer or manufacturer, 11 they have a complaint or need aome other type of ualatance with reapect to upholatered furniture. The bureau'• phone number ii (213) 620-4010. Your telephone call wlll be answered by a receptionlat who wUl deecribe the l\f!Oe9U.l'Y stepe to take. U you are flllna a fonnal complaint. a complaint form will be mailed to you. The form, alona with other correepondenoe, should be malled to: Bureau of Home Fumtahlnga, 3485 Orange Grove Ave., North Highlands, Calif. 95660. Relund obtained DEAR PAT: I ordered a WC)OI blukel from Plammer-McCtltdleoll of VDa1 hlaH ae,,1N.Y.;i.lllt Nn1 ... 1 ... 'I ......... ...... ehan.1aume. ... -....aa •t1tea1 .. 1111.-1:cw.....,..U.fte ,... "81 ... '1 MF I =•lleClitCllaMa J-.·l~ .......... ,...... .... .... ~ ........................... ..... fHJll a 0•••••1 ,.,, .. ••••U•• wllo , ..... .._ .• .,,, ii ., ewll ... c'9ft ... cWtUW,....., ........ -... ..... wa1 reeel ... In• ••· I forwarlu a1111 laf .... dla lmmt61s.IY, ... SUS WU at tM ... el ~ I u••'t·Mud aaJWq 118ce ... U\lta'I W ...... C..taetiq U)' .. at IM ,. .... ,. Relf! M.D.,S..dlLqaa AYS contacted Joe DePalo, Plummer- Mc:Cutcheqn'• CUltcmer .-vice man.IQer. A refund for-$138.t& wu lllued immediately and wW be received by you within eeveral days. . -"Goe • problemT Then write to Pit • Hotvw1ta. Pat wllJ cut red C.pe, ~ amwen and .tef:lon you · ~to 1olve lnequltiH Jn n 1overnment •nd bu.Jnni. M•ll _ .. ;:"_ J : _WW' qu.tiom to Pat Horowtm, At Your .:M!IVXle~eo.t Dally Pilot, P.O. Box ·I~. a.ta Mi gJ6Z6. A. many letten • pomibJe will amwered, but phone lnqultW OI' lettaw not UCUtw the ,.....,, lull ,.,.,., add.nu and bU61nea hours' phone number &annOt be OOIJJIJdered. State has new job rules· SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Employers must let workers apeak languages other than F.ngllsh when lt E 't interfere with buainesa, and have to diacourage flagrant. on- job ethnic jokes under new at.ate regulations. The 1tate Fair Employment and Housing Commiaion rules barring employment diacrimination hued on national origin or ethnic background go into effect thia fall. Another regulation adopted by the commiaalon ban flagrant denial of er;nployment or promotion becau.e of ab individual's accent or inability to communicate well in English. Citizenship requirements and heicht a nd weight standard• allo are unacceptable unleu they are warranted by aec:urity oomiderationa, bu1inea1 neceuity or bonaflde occupational qu.eHflcaUona. The new state atandard for on-the. job~ia: "An employer may have a rule that employees speak only 1n EnaJ.1ah at certain timee-if the employer can show that the rule It jultified by bu1ine11 neceuity, and U the employer baa notified ita employees of the clrcumstancea and time when •peaking only 1n EnaJJab is required and of the comequencee of vto1attna the rule." coou orr -Wey, • Doberman ~. IMIDI thOcUd M Iba ca~het a refl'fthinl •pray from a ap'rtnkler ln IAQuJ.nta, near Palm Sprtno. The area hu ~ a neat wave with temperatures to 110 degreee daily. Heritage Plaza Store Only SAT. & SUN. AUG. 7-8 ONLY· SAL£ STARTS SAT. MORN. I A.M. Look For The Bit Tent In The Lot Just North Of The Store. fbldreds Of !Aiadvertised Buys! SS 6-10 s 11-10 N 1"12-IO M 4-10 KATE ... this teeS<ln's perfect rompUment to your fall wardrobe. Avaii.bM! In tau~. wine. gray or brown ~ with kif ~tit" trim #99 fashion Island fJ; 1.{jtj~ Newport Beach 759-9551 fJ~l SHOES ............ .. Rent A Lu;xury Apartment on Newport Bay. Gracious hvmg m a country club setting that overlooks the bay That's Park Newoort The finest .apartment c9mmun1ty 1n fash1~nable Newport Beach Here. for your pleasure. a $1~·m1l11on Social and Health club, 6 lighted tennis courts. racQuetball courts. 7 swimming pools, and acres of gardens. 'Leases are available for 1. 2 and :r bedroom units Some are elegantly furnished. 1 UL WISCIPE PUITS Annu.i color. Meorted V.n.t!M, Limited. Reg • .., •• 8 ,,., I" HOUSE PUITS Aasorted Varletlea Reg. $7.99 •3•7 II 1111 lllT -..... FMp..,_.7 ....... Y ..... ...__ .... Ill." •12•1 MILK CRATES 111T• ~­•1•• / lnYllll .... ,.. .... , ... 4F40CW""'88• Reg. $2.47 • iflaU'lll McokWS 'iii •tMU' . ..,... ..... -.-.L-. ....... '111" llL .... .. With ""' ..... trH9' oan. fteg. t11.• 'I" Hu1dnd1 of U11dt1rti11d 8111~ •••11 I IT&T '"'·-~to...-orlO _,.....,pr.-, .... 14 .... •2111 f 111118. , ...... M'' &/I atralll "'4n. '°'---.ionof ........ NOU91~ IOaAomMio --. ..... 1ut'l11 •,1)lJ 1 Hl f\Nl) m ........ ""'*'• Lmtm IYlllll It)' lrllenMllc. l V 1CIOIT, I =---=-· ...... -. ........ ., 11M.911'B WU u.T LVH04f, 4 Tl .. Welk ll9llt1. 10' O•blO, , ........ llills. ' ....... ""'" ...,. w-...,...,., •• • ••. ~ .... et.• .... ... WMl•P• ............... ~-........; ............ .... .................. .. CUL ORDmll• UNDIR -8CL n. ·--='-NI ......... -.--. • flft ... •Tl»A • .... WM -~PL .~ ........ ..._.,..~ 4,. ....... .... .............. h ................ ._ ORHM '°" ova • IQ. n. -•••PL .. _.._ PL--Delw. et.ei. °"'-er,_ D&IWRY ....,.. __ ................. .... .....,,... = .......... ... .....,.. ,,, ..... PARENTS -Mt:ronauta Robert "Hoot'' Gibson and Rhea ~don Glblon exaiplne their newborn aon, Paul. shortly after hla release from a Houston ,.. ... ,,. hospital after 1uff ertn1 a breath.Ina problem. Hoot Giblon ii a former resident of Westminster. Pageant judges named Rod McKuen, Chris Calloway new on pa.nel Poet and linger Rod McK•ea and actreu Clarl1 Calloway wlll make their debut in September .. judpl for the Mia America 1983 beauty ~~ppearing u a judge for the tint time will be CaroUDe Tose, who founded the Liberty Belles, the cheerleadin1 squad of the Philadelphia Eagles football team, pegeent president IUclaard Qammlu announced. The four veteran judges on the panel include comedian Foller Bnob, Evelya Ay Sempler, who wu Milt America 1954, musician Bermu Vmeeat and TV game show host Wlllk MartbMlale. British explorer Sir Raaalpla Fleaaes ia just days away from completing hi• record-breaking clrcumnavigation of the globe. But hold the lee cubet for hi• .congratulatory tout. "Penonally, I hope I never see any ice again." he declared aft.er he and Transglobe Expedition partner a&rln Bartoa were picked up by their support ship amid the North Polar ice f1oe9. 11111/ fll:EI companies mvowea m intematlonal projects, congreaslonal 80W'CIM said. A spokeswoman for one of the firms, San Franciaco-baaed Intemational Buaineu Government Action Inc., or Interact, said that Habib works part-time for the company u chairman, an advtaory position he baa held for a year. "We work on intemaUonal project development and finandna, almmt exclusively in Southeast A.Ila," aald Executive Assl.stant Lee Au Weeki. Singer Jimmy Baffett made a guest appearance at 10Jnethin1 more acholarly than the usual rock concert -a conference at the Univendty of Miaaiaaippi on the works of author Wllllam Faalber. "I came to this Faulkner conference because I am Southern and I am originally from Miaaiaaippi," the muactan, now from Florida, said at the ninth annual conference. "And u a writer, I see a lot of analoglea between what I am writinc about and what Faulkner wrote about." The two are on their way home to become the fl.rat men to drcle the globe via both poles. JIU.a Sadat, widow of .Ei>'ptian Pre.ddent Aawar Sadat, will resume Special Mideut envoy nw.p Bab.. tHchil1, Arabic llteratun this fall at it drawln.g 1'!-co!ll~ from three ~ nivenity. _ . . OCC registration starts Aug. 12 Mesan named to society Kevin Sloan of Cos1a Mesa b41a been named to the Phi Beta Kappa honor society at Washington State University. ~ Registration geta under way Aus. 12 for more than 2,500 fall eemester cl.-in more than 100 academic and vocational areu at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa. Fall aemeeter clwes begin .!:8.t. 7. Cl.us achedulee have been ed to residences in the Cout Community College District. Schedules are al80 avalt.ble, free of charge, in the OCC acfm!Miona office. SllJl-upe for day and evening claaaea will continue through Sept. 1. For infonnation, phone 556-5772. Sloan. a 1978 graduate of Estancia HJgh School, majoring in pre-law and political science at Washington State, where he la a member of the varsity football team. SFA's Final Consolidated Clearance ~rodaYL Tomorrow and Sundav fn South Coast Plaza/ • . ~ Off Origi~ Prices· Right here in South Coast Plaza, the best of summer fashion at simply incredible savings/ Find ~ off on selections from: • Better Ready-To-Wear • Designer Spomwear · • Better Sportswear • Contemporary Sportswear • Updated Sportdresses • Casual and Active Fashions • Right On/ for Juniors ~ AddltlotMI savlnas In men's sportswear at » to ~ off. Selected children's merchandise at Jli off. The Heritage~ Old World collection Is designed with a taste for the affluent The decorative motifs reflect 17th and 18th Century French traditions ... luxurious and very ref lned. Each piece Is crafted from exotic pecan solids and grafted walnut veneers; each Is an e xceptiona lly · warm and attractive addition to your home. Visit our showroom today to see everything Heritage! The Heritage* Old World collectJon has the superb flavor of authentic 17th and 18th Century Imported French antiques. The demlls are obvious: restrained carvings, elab<Qte parquetry, graceful lines ... everything delicately glazed in a refined Cha*u finish. Created from the choicest pecan solids with grafted walnut veneers, each p~oe Is a testament to the Heritage tradition for quality! I \ , . . # I j Judge ~igllt best leave bench now It la a sad commentary indeed when a member of our local j\,ldlclary ts bro\4ght before the bench herseU and found guilty on allegations of having fa.laJf led her declaration ln qualifying for office. This happened Wednesday ln the case of Judge Joanne Harrold of the W est Orange County Murucipal Court. She was taken to court by one of her opponents in last June's e lection . He charged Judge Harrold had falsely i,ndicated she was a resident of Newport Beach when in fact she lived in Riverside. The law requires that a judge must have legal residency in the county to which that candUiate is being appointed or elected~4 <jays prior to elecUon or appointment. This case was complex in that Judge Harrold does have a residence in Riverside but she and/or her family also own a home on Newport's Lido Isle. At conclusion of the le~al action, Orange County Superior Court Judge Ronald Owen ruled that on last Feb. 23, in an offidal declaration of candidacy, Judge Harrold claimed she was living in Difficult JC Dr. Larry P . Stevens , Saddleback Community College District's n e wly appointed chancellor, takes over the school's reins at what could be a critical moment in the development of south Orange County's two- campus community college .. Not only does he replace Chancellor Robert A. Lombardi, the man who guided Saddleback for more than half its history and through its difficult formative years, he replaces an innovative leader and resp ected Orange County educator. But Stevens, who has headed Washington's Tacoma Community College since 1975, seems ready and eager for the many challenges that lay ahead. The affable Stevens explains his challenge at Saddleback will be to "reaasert and reaffirm \he mission" of the community college. And he rightfully refers to the district as an "exciting educational enterprise." His words do not disguise t he zeal he expresses toward his new position. Stevens also seems to accept the Newport Beach home when ln fact. ahe WM not. She wu legally a retldent of Rlver.tde. . Judge Owen thus threw out Harrold'& election and ordered that a new elecUon be held between the second and third f lnishing candidates in last June's voting. At pre9ent1 Jt appean that the Superior Court ruling meana that Harrold will stay on the municipal bench until next December. A new election will be held in November and the winner will take the bench Jan. 1, 1983. The attorney for ij.arrold has indicated Judge Owen's verdict will be appealed. Based on the evidence upon which the trial court ruled, however, the verdict indicates Judge Harrold just plain falsified her declaration of candidacy. It is most difficult to understand how she oould now sit upon the municipal bench and make-judgments where truth is a pivotal element in the administration of justice. She would be doing a service to resign from the bench now. • lIIDeS the challenges they will face during the next few years at Saddleback: How to keep the district moving forward and growing -both in the educational as well• as physical se.nse -while keeping the budget trim or carefully pruning additional dollars. lmportant.ly, h e appears keenly aware of his role as an advocate or lobbyist to the state Legislature for every dollar lawmaker s can be convinced to allocate. In Washington, Stevens said he was very familiar with the legislative budget process. That will be a valuable asset in Southern California, as well. Finally, Stevens said he is com.mi tted toward bettering the marriage between the community college and the nation's job market . With the help of community businesses, he hopes to better the vocational opportunities at the college and thus, for student job-seekers. And that, of course, is one of his most important charges. Dr. Stevens, welcome t o Orange County, good luck and best wishes. ~ novel ntove for Newport In a mov e so mewhat uncharacteristic for Newport Beach, city leaders have taken a !ttep toward protecting renters. In this case, the matter involves the De Anza Bayside Village, a waterfront mobile home park on the shore of the Upper ~ewport Bay. The city, at the urging of mobile h ome park tenants, has agreed to use a newly-developed ;oning provision that makes it tough for owners of the park to phase out the complex and build ~thing else. The move was a clear victory for the Bayside tenants and a setback for the park owners, who have been fighting with the tenants over rent increases as we ll as the future of the park. The zoning provision, known as a mobile home park overlay, makes it difficult for park owners to make use of the real :zone on their land. The De Anza property la zoned for a planned community. While Newport does not have a mobile home park zone, the overlay effectively preserves the park unless the owners can prove that some other use would be better for the city. We agree with the City Council that the overlay zone is a good idea. It certainly does not take away any property rights and does not make it impossible for a mobile home park owner to phase out a park. What the overlay d oes is insure that a park owner can't close down a park without going through a public hearing process. The overlay gives te~ at least an opportunity to appear before the city and argue their side of the case. It will be interesting to see if the city now applies the overlay zone to the Marinapark, a mobile home p,ark on the Balboa Peninsula. 1 Incidentally, the city owns Marina park. L.M. Boyd I Racing wanes Fewer and fewer enthuaiuu are turning out to watch the bones run at the nation'• thoroughbred tracks. Averace dally attendance in 196~: 9,· 000. Today: 7 ,500. And most of the bettors at the $2 window now tend to be older people. la thorou&hbred racinl on the ay out? Am uked lf any of the highrollen -the ttally big money playen - who ahoot d~ In the Nevada cuinoe are women. Indeed. Many. Oldtlmera recall a lady they all called "Ma." One obeerver saw her win $70,000 in half an hour. Another about a year later saw her lose more than $2 mUllon at the $300-llmit CTaps table. She wu not seen around the tables thereafter. Albert Einstein said of the current 100 years: 1'Thla la not • aent.leman'a century -the prtncl.ple bullne. of thla century ts wu.'1 Letters to the editOr Handicapped of ten unseen To the Editor: I am writing in response to your editorial o~ handicapped parking in the Aug. 1 Daily Pilot. I agree that counterfeiters should be prosealted, but I think you need to make your readen aware that not a1l able bodied people who walk away from a handicapped parking space are frauds. I think it is vitally important that you let your readers know that there are both visible and non-visible handicaps. The person on crutcbe1 or in a ' wheelchair has a visible Mandicap. In California, the person with a severe lung disorder or with cardio-vascular di.lease la also eligible for the placard, and these are non-visible handicaps. I know of incidents where persons legally eligible for the placard have been physically .and verbally abused by so- called concerned citizens. who In tum endangered the non-visibly handicapped person's life. The fear and strea from such attacks can be fatal. I think you need to suggest that the concerned citizen can take the placard number and license number and check with the OMV to see if it is being used legally. U it was not, tt}ey can then report the offender to the police. Other states have the handicapped logo on the license plate. Perhaps California legi,slatol'$ should be encouraged to pro'.'ide the plate for California drivers who need to use them. I implore you to make this infonnation about non-viSible handicaps available to your readers, otherwise there may be people who read your editorial who may consider it a mandate to challenge anyoqe in a handicapped space who isn't visibly crippled in some way .. SHIRLEY R. LAMPERT. MA Those rich folk To the Editor: We sure enjoy reading about all thoee nice rich folks in your Sunday edition of Style. But don't you think you should, for balance, write about us hol pollol occasionally? My family would be glad to volunteer for this umgnment. The house isn't all tha' areat but if you get a shot throug}\ the weeds out back, It look.pretty aood. I I got my wife a ~tty drea down at Goodwill for J.ust a couple of bucks and she photocrapha well from ber left side. Give me a day's notice and ru get her to wash Jimmy June, Jamie and Janie'• T-shirts. Of coune, we don't have a boat but the next door neighbor has a Sabot she lets \41 uae. And we don't have a second home, but occasionally we visit overnight with our daughter in El Toro. We're into all kinds of sports, you name It. My wife hu been appointed chairman (eXCU9e the male chauvmt.t tenn) of next year's neiahborhood picnic volleyball game. Our favorite game la golf. We play at the Costa Mesa municipal course (after two ln the afternoon \because lt'a two dollars cheaper). Come anytime. Thia would give your preseniationa real good balance. After all, we don't want to ,lve people the Idea that noee tn the air ia betteJ' than one at the 81'tndstone. do we? JAlUUN' JOHN AND JAZ/.Y JESSIE DNr JJ and JJ; ~ SundAys ~pt both the Hots and the Pbll~ fn Style. - Editor. Pursuit of peace To the l:dltor: At the recent NATO Summit, Pr~ldent Re.,Jn •iated he wu "Sn favor of doiq away with the armed cams-Into which the world ii divided," and lt ta QW' ~lief that the VMt. majority of Dltional leaden and cltl.Mnl ~ With thll ttatement. P90ple ewntually Nie, and to l'W\W the trend our world II tMdlalt • a lalllil ao.w '"" bUt lib all titpl -lt ~ wtiJ.. ~ ~· w. ~ .... &ba& llnt ltep. 11P~ on Wlh.~... .award ...... lhoUld be • re.ltty iathlr tban • ~--· - MAILBOX h ls our belief that countless millions of people, worldwide, desire to be free of artificial boundaries that restrict mankind from expressing the universal brotherhood and love that is our true nature. The boundaries of mistrus t , misunderstanding and fear that are generated by a small proportion of humanity for their individual benefit must now come down if the human race and the planet it Uves on will continue. EVERY EVU. eventually shows the way to good, and the threat of nuclear extinction has shown us the way of peace which we must now take at all cost . . . or pay the supreme price. The premise and purpose of the plan we propoee is that all weapons in the world must be done away with -not only nuclear weapons -if we are to have the peace most of the people yearn for. A true brother never holds a weapon of any kind against his brother. We must become such true brothers. The time is right and we are capable of this transfonnation. U we choose not to transform ourselves now, we likely forfeit all choice forevermore. All the necessary requirements for the implementation of the plan we offer are existing -or can be fulfilled the moment the people of the world, through their leaders, make the decision for permanent peace on earth. The plan is implemented in stages, with the sinwltaneous enactment of some stages possible and necessary. 1. The United Nations should be made a true brotherhood by the recognition of every nation currently in existence, and giving every nation an equal vote in the decision-making process, regardless of fin~clal contribution or performance record of each nation in the past. The world needs a new beginning, unhampered by the past. 2. The role of the United Nations should be restricted entirely t o international peace-keeping affairs; the supervision of the distribution of the world's wealth, in the form of donations of goods and aervices from one nation to another, and the supervision and regulation of all international transfers of good s and services to enforce regulations prohibiting international traffic in contraband, such as weapons. No weapons capable of taking human life should cross international boundaries. The United Nations should not have any role or power in the internal affairs of any nation. 3. THE UNITED NATIONS should be given the abeolute authority and power to decide all international disputes that may arise. In order to exercise th{s authority, the power must be given. In thla stage of human evolvement, the only power recognized by aome people is physical power. To this end we recommend that the United Nations set up a peace--keeping police force oonsiatine of a fleet of five Trident submarines manned by an international crew; this force to be exclUlively aupervbed by a commission elected from the ranks of the United Nations dele1at.ton, and perhaps includln& a reprnentative of every naUon.. Each submarine would carry only the minimum nuclear deterrent required to prevent International U'anaareuions. Th.fee small independently Clelivered nuclear devics per 1Ubmarine should be all that it requlnd. 11' addl:=i. a select ranp of conventional war would be carried for UH ln •ltuatlona not requlrlnf nucleer warheD. 4. An tntemaUonal qrwnent should be drafted to clearly stipulate the tnvolvement of thll ...,...keeptna force tn "'wmational cli8Duta A~ 1u•dtllne would. be aa folTowl: P1le1t.lnlan1 should be provlchd a homeland, the n all i nternational boundaries should be frozen in their present locations. Any naUon violating.the boundaries of another nation with force, either active or passive, should be under immediate censure from the United Nations, and subject to nuclear punishment from the United Nations peace-keeping force. 5. THIS WILL ONLY WORK if the major nuclear powers, i.e. the United States and the USSR agree to the immediate dismantling of all nuclear and con ventio na l w eapons and the dissolution of their armed forces, under the supervision of the United Nations. In view of the security offered by the United Nations Peace-Keeping Force, all other nations could safely and confidently follow the USSR's and the United States, good example. The only weapons to be retained by the nations of the wol'ld would be those necessary for the maintenance of their internal security, i.e., civilian police forces. Now is the time to stop using the instincts of our lower nature In dealing with our fellow man. Mankind does have gifts not given to ordinary animals. Let those world leaders who know this take the initiative that is needed now. Let them construct a plan expressing the love that the world needs now. FREDERICK W. KOCH JOHN 0 . MABERRY Money power To the Editor: The Laguna Be ac h Education Foundation is the first non-profit organization formed in Orange County which specifically addresses the fiscal crisis in public educ.ation today. We're proud of the achievements of o ur children, proud of teachers, administrators and staff in our district . . . . and wanting, public education to survive. The firs t phase of the fund drive which has been completed concentrated on two thi ngs: 1) contributions by parents, citizens and merchants residing within the city; and 2) direct solicitation for financial support from major corporations, businesses, alumni and philanthropy organizations . Concurrently we have conducted several major fund-raising events throughout the year. The foundation is non-political and will attach no atrlngs to the monies turned over to the school board. Effective July 1, the district was the benefactor of $100,000. We also hope supporters of Laguna Beach public education will participate in our offering of a 1965 Mercedes convertible, also known as "The Red Machine" or "Perpetual Mercedes." ~ANDY THORNTON Director, School Power Laguna BeJeh War in common? To the F.ditor: It. was interesting to note that the ninth ceaae flre between the Israeli government and the PLO wu agreed to on the 43rd annlvenary of the Warsaw urprlaing where 150,000 clvlllana and 30,000 troops were killed in battle. I wonder what. the civilian calUalties of Wesi Beirut have In common with the civilian caaualtiea of the Warsaw uprtal.na duftng World War ll besides bullets and deatha7 NAME WITHHELD f DEAR ANN LANDERS: I WH 'aeeina a ~·~-old man on a steady bull. I am a you,na- Jooldftl 39. 1Mt December a 17·yeer..old girl mo~ lnt.o Rodney'• apertment. I thouaht nothina of it when be uid lhe wu a friend of hi.a 20.year-old niece. 'fhe arranaement WU that ahe WOUld pay half the rent, a aood deal for them both, eeeing aa how she wu new ln toWn and needed a place to live and couldn't afford an apartment alone. A friend tipped me off that the 17 ·year-old was no friend of anybody's and that ahe and Rodney were •hacked \Ip. When I confronted him, he alaplJed me around, looeened three side teeth and pve me a shiner. The following day I laid an assult charge on him. The charge got an unusual amount of publicity, and Rodney is now in danger of losing hi.a job. Al.lo, hi.a ex·wife has threatened to take away hi• viaittpg privileges. (They have three w.den&ed children). The question: should I drop the charges or not, • . ...,, :av PHIL INTERLANDI of Laguna Beach ,,.. ..•.••.• r ~.f . "I know I'm at a good marriageable a~e. But I'm also at a good slngleable age.· HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA Sahlrday, Aapat '1 I ,, ARIES (March 21-April 19): People ~nd to aeek you out. to analyze your views and to confide ~ their problems. Private conference with another ~ Aries produces important policy change. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Wish comes true, new approach proves fruitful and relationship intensifies. Focus on sentiment, romance and powers of persuasion. You'll get to heart of matlers and discover that direct appeal now is necessary. GEMINI (May 21-June 20)! Intuitive intellect is on target. Superior is willing to make room for you. You regain sense of direction. Cancer, Capricorn, Aquarius persona figure prominently. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Emphasis on movement, travel, long-range decisions and a posstble spiritual revelation. Popularity increases, aocial life accelerates, you receive invitations to im~rtant eventa. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Heed your own counsel. Select needed materials despite protestations of one who claims to have a bargain. Check hidden ooets. Be aware of small print. Don't expect something of value for nothing. , VIRGO <4L'B· 23-Sept. 22): Go slow, maintain low profile and do some private detective work. Reject superficial explanations. You'll discover hidden motives. Contract or legal agreement requires review. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Basic domestic adjustment highlights scenario. Accent on employment, diet, nutrition and health. New source of income la available. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Separate fact from Uluaion -romance is highlighted and your fantaaiee battle again.It logic. See people, places as they are, not merely as you wish they might exist. SAGITl'ARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Stick to practical iuues, take coniervative course. and remain on familiar grotfnd. You're due for promotion. added reeponsibility and opportunity for increued compensation. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22.Jan. 19): Define temlS, get rid of unneceuary burdens, reach beyond current expectations. Focus on relatives, short trips, sparkling dialogue and ideas which can become viable concepta. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-~eb. 18): New approach results ln profitable venture. Maintain independent stance. Highlight originality, dfrectness and wmm,ne. to be a fierce competitor. Longstanding debt will be repaid. You'll have reaaon to celebrate. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Judgment, intuition are on target -circumstances turn in your favor and you'll be at right place at crucw momen~ Be confident, direct. take initiative and reallu you have eomething of value to offer. I AquariUI it involved, '°' s1on BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT A'T LEAST ONE 'T.HING ~ ABOUT Ii THS FUTURE 11 19 A&SO&.UT.lrl.Y ifl CERTAIN: 1~ t after filing assault charges Aran? I can't handle thia kind of sullt and I am - VERY MIXED UP tN OHIO DEAR VERY MIXEDi Ont tile d&r1n AND Roclaey. (P.S. Ttae ... 't .. ••ful lot of soud advtce tn that flv.e·word Dt1'tr. I hope yoa take lt.) DEAR ' ANN LANDERS: We are parents who are very fortunate in that• we were able to adopt a beautiful little girl. The following year we were agaln fortunate. I became pregnant and had a lovely baby boy. I Often we are lnµ-oduced (in the presence of our youngsters) as "the couple who adopted a child and then had one of their own." Without realizing it, these people are making ft sound as if. the adopted child is not really ours. We are concerned that our daughter may feel that she is not as close to us as her brother as she gets older. Any couple who has adopted a child will tell you that once the little one ls in their anm, It ts the same H ,civlng birth. There is no feeling of partiality to children who may be blood·related. We realbe that folks who make thl1 thoughtle11 dilUnction mean no harm. They rnenUon it merely · as a point of intereet. Pleue tell us how to deal with lt. -PROUD PARENTS IN CHIPPEWA FALLS, WIS. DEAR PARENTS: The damagln~ phrase Is "and tbea tbey bad one. of tlaelr own. Wiien you bear 11, lmmecUately say, "Both cbtldren are our own -there I• no difference whatever.'' Wben your you1atera bear you make tbls statement, 1t wlll relnforce the concept that they are equal ln your eyes, and you will not be faced wltb tbe problem you fear wben they are older. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My husband's name is Robert. He does not like to be called Bob and I hate it. Robert is a lovely sounding name. ,aoi,, means to cut off. (Ugh!) • He work.I with large' numbers of people who come and go. When one person begins to call' hill) Bob everyone else picks up on it. How can he put • stop to people calling hlm a name he clialikes? - BOO TO BOB IN BERKELEY , DEAR BOO: Persistence, my dear. Wbenever someone calla blm Bob, be should uy, "Please calJ. me Robert.'' U be keeps at 1t diligently be 11 aare tO eliminate at least 75 percent of tbo1e wbo wut t• bob blo;i. r• Room • se~rv1ce gives real. charge I think it's sad and very tragic that people just don't seem to understand Sheik Mohammed Al Fassi. Sheik Al Fassi •is the Saudi Arabian multimillionaire who was arrested in his Hollywood,. Fla.~ hotel suite in a dispute over his lodging and room service bill . Police officials in Florida are puzzled that anyone could run up a $1.5 million hotel bill, as Sheik Al Fassi had done. Those police officials obviously don't understand the seductive nature of hotel l'oom service. A $1.5 million room.service bill? F.asy. Room service is probably the greatest • temptation in American life. It doesn't matter if your credit is lousy, if you-are of nasty personal character, if you can't be trusted by your own family. Once you have checked into a hotel, room service is available to you, and for those of us with little self-discipline that is a real problem. All you have to do is pick up the phone, and anything in tht! world you want will be delivered to your door. You don't have to give the delivery person money. You just sign your name. BECAUSE OF THIS, THOSE of us who are devotees of room service tend to order more lavishly than we would if we were out in public. U we were at a bar, for instance, we might order a Bloody Mary. But when we are calling room service, we invariably order a dozen Bloody Marys. It just seems right. Sheik Al Fassi obviously fell into this mind set. And for those of you who wonder how-. even a Saudi Arabian sheik could run up a bill of $1.5 million: You obviously have never had a room service breakfast. For some reason, room service breakfasts are the most outrageously expensive meals in the annals of Western man. It's no coincidence; breakfast ls the one meal of the day when you really don't feel like going out. Hotel general managers know this. They realize that if they charge a high price for room service breakfast, you're likely to pay it anyway. Probably you haven't even looked at the menu; you just mutter your usual breakfast preference into the telephone, and then the room service waiter shows up with your bill and you sign it without looking. Only when you check out at the end of your stay do you realize how out of hand your bill has become. The first thing you do is look to make sure you've not been charged too much for your room. But lt is not the basic room charge that has done you in. It is the room service breakfasts. In some of America's better hotels, it is not unusual to be charged $1,006 for a blueberry. EVEN THE MOST WIZENED room service veterans among us are in the dark about one particular bit of room service etiquette. It is t~.: When your room service waiter arrives with your food, are you supposed to tip him the same as you would in a restaurant? That is: Are you supposed to tip him 15 or 20 percent, as you would in a restaurant, or are you just supposed to give him' a couple of bucks for bringing the food up? After all the room service meals I have had, I still do not know the answer to this. (If anyone does, I would appreciate hearing about it.) Do not expect room service waiters to be impressed by your 11tation in life. They have seen everything. Once I was staying at a place called th.e Hi-Ho Motel, in Custer, S.D. There was no room service as such there, but if you were nice to your maid she could be persuaded to go next door and buy a six-pack of beer and deliver it to you. I asked my maid to do this. When she came back, I was sitting at my desk in my room, typing a story for the next day's newspaper. I expected her to be thrilled by the sight of an actual member of the Fourth Estate on deadline on the road. But all she did was put the GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF 808 Glffllf beer down next to me, say "I onoe made Harry Reasoner's bed," and leave. ONE SUGGESTION for would-be room servi~ aficionados who have early·morning busine11 appointments: For some reason, in hotels that haw otherwise exemplary room service, it is often difficult to get room service breakfast in time for a truly crack-of·dawn business meeting. Thus the dilemma: do you show up late for the meeting b~ waiting for room service to open? Or do you show up for the meeting on time and go httngry all morning? My suggestion -one that is endorsed by room service pros from coast·to-coast -is to call room service just before bed the night before, and ask for two or three pieces of white bread to be brought up. This may cost you $7 or so, but that's room service biz. Wrap the bread in one of your bathroom towels to prevent it from going stale overnight. Get a bucket of ice from the machine. Then, just after dawn, you will have bread and ice water -at least enough sustenance to get you through until lunch. U your room service waiter the night before asks you why in the world you would want three pieces of bread at 11 p.m. just give him a mysterious smile. And a final piece of advice to Sheik Al Fassi: Fifteen pereent of $1.5 million is $225,000. Twenty percent is $300,000. I'd go with the bigger tip. Harry Reasoner did, and they're still talking about him today. Eut·Weat vulnerable. South deab. Hard upon the heels of the death of Herman Filarski, we learned of the passing of another of our old friends - Eric Jannersten of Sweden, founder of the International Bridge Press Association. It made us proud to find that be was known as "the Goren of Sweden." West led his singleton dia· mond against Janneraten's heart slam, and declarer cap· tured East's eight with the nine. The ace of trump revealed the bad break. Jan- nersten crossed to dummy with the ten of trumps and led a spade to his ten. When he cashed the ace of spades, fortunately the king.dropped. NORTH +J the ace-queen; and if he jet· tisoned the ace, declarer would cash the ace of :· diamonds and lead a club, and the queen in dummy would become the twelfth trick. NORTH • QJ854% 1:>&102 0 74 •Q5 WEST EAST + 973 + K8 <:?987' '\:/Vold o 2 o KJ8f53 • K8632 + AJ1097 SOUTH +AlO '\:/ AQ,653 O AQ109 ., The bidding: Soatla Wen Non.II Eut I <:? P... 1 + 2 NT 3 1:> Pu1 4 '\:/ Pua 6 1\:1 Pua P ... Pua Opening lead: Two of 0 . Since Eric was ofien found behind a typewriter at inter· national events, many tended to forget what a ruu1 player he was. Here isanexampleofhis dummy play technique from a Scandinavian tournament. We have often expreaaed our dislike for the "unusual no trump" convention. See how Jannersten turned bis oppo- nent's use of this gadget to his own advantage. . The king of trumps provid- ed the entry to the table to lead the queen of spades, and on this trick declarer made the winning discard -be aluffed the ten of diamondal Back to his band with a spade ruffed high, and the last trump wu drawn. This was the poaition: <:? - 0 7 +Q5 WEST EAST ·-. -'\:/-'\:l - o -O IU •K883 •AJ SOUTH ·-"" 6 O AQ ... When Jannersten led his last trump. West could let go a club, while dummy parted with the diamond, but East was in trouble. If he discarded a diamond, both of declarer's diamonds would be good, so he bad to pitch a club. If be kept the ace of clubs, declarer would end play him with a club to force a diamond return into Rubber brid1e el•b• thro~at Ute eoaatry ue tlae fpv-de-1 bridp foraat.. Do tla•J kaew ... .wq , .. don't? C..,le1Gore•'•14Foar· Deal Bridp" will teada yea the atratep1 ud tact.lea of this fut·paeed aetlH pae that pnvtde1 tlae eve for UDeadJ.na nabben. For a cepy ud a ecorepacl, Mad 11. 75 to "Gorea·Fov o.al," care tlda Dew.,.per, P .O. Bo~ 259, Norwood, N.J. 07648. Malle dtecu.-rablet.New.,...... boob. Lemon aids treatment for hiccups DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: Whenever I have ena oae drink I'm sure \t) ge& a.a attack of laJccups. Daring a wedding reeertlon I bad more tkan my asaal quota of alcohol. aaffered for It. palatability. Success is defined as at least a two- bour cesaatlon of hiccups within one minute of treatment. Mra. 0 . Meanwhile, why not let your doctor preecribe something for your nervousness, For lloare I bad an attack of btcc•P9· It lasted Clllroa~ tbe nJght. I didn't find relief antll a friend HQffted Clllat I &Ue a te...-iill of aaaar to keep la my m•tb antil I 1w_.... It. Miracle of mlraelt1. wtlllla miHtel -ao more lllcnpt. I'm wrttt• H Miier ..-..n may baeftt from my esperteaee. -Ma. V. DEAR MR. V.: The ~ted 1'-'Pf "cure" 11 well known to many ~ hJccup Nffenn. It worb qUite well. lt ~a p~ (hick of the throat) reflex &Mt tnmrupta the attack. Bui tt... '8 someUUnc ewn mCJI'@ effectlve. It's • thatlillilllt that ..... betJa aua-ted by bmenden for years. Tr)' a timon ~ •tuta* wttb ~ bltter1, raptdlj ~ (except tor tM rlria). Small amounu of 1u1ar may be added for . Until a recent report. this remedy has not been mentioned ln medical literatute. Writing tn the New England Journal of Medicine, Ors. Jay Howard Herman and David S . Nolan Uled thla treatment. In 14 of 16 patients the total respome rate was 88 percent. In the future, Mr. V., try th1a method lf your sugar treatment doeen't work. DEAR DR. STEINCRORN: Wlllat'1 makbal me od my two dllldrn aerv•• 11 Clllac (after Mr dlvoree) my llubud rarely 1eet oar cMldrea. Be 1eem• DO more com=11a.ute od lovtq &PD an alley cat Clllat baa .__ ed die llUtn1. h W• comlQGm or la It JHt y nlltud'P -MRS. G. DEAR MRS. G.: I wiah 1 could help >'°" more than by aupplybi& 1tau.tb which lradiQte you we not alone. n.. averace 1qth of marrlq9I before dlYOl'CI .. e.e yeen. W. ud to report that two months ilfter the ... ----· cl9c:rw. ,.... tbali ball Of th9 fa&Mn .. ~ orw. ~ • ..,...three~ tel.Y half MYel'. .. tllllr '1btldnll. ' Jn the If,month period frOm June 18'19 to June 1980 there ...._ l,&M,000 di~. 8ool\ thin wW .,. u ~ diWl'Clll. ~per ,..r:. Many OtMI' wcnet\ :_,.In 10UI' mil!ll'Y· Dr. Steincrohn welcomes questions from l'Nders. He cannot answer all individually but will include those of general interest in his column. Send your questions to him, jn care of the Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626. Punch ( I>, New wing dedicated 0r68D taught Hospital wall ceremony at Saddleback . y ITEVE MnCHELL ............... How do you hold 1 ~breakinc ceremony for a n~w hospital wlna when th• Wrong 'john' iring upheld AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -A .. te ~ had the *ht to fire ,an employee for lnsu~tlon because he refused to uae the ~throom he WU told to U8e, I Texas appeals court ruled. Chief Justice John Phtlllps' opinion for the 3rd Court of Appeals sa.id the court WU not .. persuaded an employee's uae of a restroom he fin ds 'more comfortable' can be in any manner equated with freedom of I speech or expression." · The Texas Department of 'Community Affalrs fired Frank Curtis in February 1979 because he insisted on using a fourth- floor bathroom, instead of the third-floor restroom near his oUice. Curtis said he used the upetal.rs bathroom because it was equipped for the handicapped. lhe1l or dMt IU'\ICtW'9 ti alre9dy com~? E••r · You set county dl1n tartea, hoapttal admlnlatratora and voluntffn toaether a n d hold a 11chalk-marktn1" ceremony lnste.d. Saddleback Community Hoepltal offlclala did Juat that at a conatructlon k ickoff event for a 10,200-1quare foot expanalon project expected to be compl~ted by Chrtstmu. The $1.3 million expamlon will aee 20 new medlcal-aurp:al beda added and a new eye center fOl' the diagnosis and treatment of eye dlaeaaes. The hospital ls utill.zing apace which was shelled-in during lnitlal construction of the hospital seven years ago. More tha-n 200 hospital employees and guests attended the "chalk-marking'' ceremonies, in which county officials and hospital administrators marked a chalk line where an lnterior wall is to be placed. The addition will bring the Celling Pan1 NIW'82 V.W. RAUIT COHVERTllLE ~lly equipped: $10.500 Cap Coif $5.500 Residual. NO CAP REDUCTION. '8 month 1ea ... Payment plua tox so" OFF IT ..... UIU 1 ....... ..., .... 141-1111 .... l ..,. '20ft7mo Order Youn Todayl ··auFFELL1S Q.J.::S" c.- 1 Bob.,,,. UPHOLSTERY ......... ~. --'-" I '22 ~IOll ILVD. COSTA MISA -'141·1156. Dally Living AIDS --~===:m-•1 FOR PERSONS WITH .... -m DISABILITIES •- 00Llt us hllp you,,.., yourJMf" knoclc1 often When you UM reeult-gettlng O.ity WE DELIVER Piiot Cla11llled Adi to ";11.--.J.1_ ~,1 A- reactl the Orange Cou1 "'""'. rue, ~ ·m•rt;,•~On. a.42·5878 2907 W. WMID, S.A. 2:30-5:30 662-1712/TOO Scott Brotzman n Piano Technician REGISTERED CRAFTSMAN, P. T.G. • e F i ne T uning and Rebuilding -SINCE 1970 - Now in Newport Beach For Appointments Call (714) 675-1927 fWaltah say matching le lnl See our matching sweetheart ,(Kuulpo) sets. · 1 Many exclusively designed prints and colors. AUGUST SEMINARS PRUNING Saturday August 7 at 2:00 pm Sunday August 8 at 2:00 pm INDOOR PLANTS Saturday August 14 at 2:00 pm Sunday August 15 at 2:00 pm · INSECT I DISEASE Saturday August 21 at 2:00 pm Sund~ August 22 at 2:00 pm CONTAINER GARDENS Saturday August 28 at 2:00 pm Sunday August 29 at 2:00 pm WELCOMES Buddy Barnett For The Utm ost In Sophisticated Hslrdeslgn And Hslrstyllng GIVE US A CALL We're On The Island 673-40t3 .......... , ....... . : SPECIAL Pl:ANT FEATURES •. • • : 4" COFFEE PLANTS : : CATTLEYA ORCHIDS : ~ TROPICAL CUT FLOWERS : •••••••••••••••••••• Prices effective thru Aug . 22 ang sub1ect to quantities on hand. AMERICA~ MOST BEAUTIFUL GARDEN CENTER o,>en 9 to 6 dotty • Sein Jooquln Hiiis Rood ot MocAr1hur llvd • Acroea trom Foahaon lslonda In ~port t.och NURSERY • INDOOR PLANTS • FLOR1ST • LANDSCAPING • PATIO FURNITURE • ANTIQUES ·--··-· 1 . - 1( 85 delJsh1ed by pfice-sl~ in tbe home comw.ter market, but the 11oek market is wonied. Pase IU. ' 0 0 Park people seek • protection SEAT OF THE MATTER, DEPT.-For some haplea patients, there seems no more gruesome experience than vialting your family medic and being told you need an in- jection. U~h! lnvanably, the shot you are about to get is going to be administered in the seat of the pants. Without any pants to protect you. How well you r corre- spondent remembers the b\ last visit to the doc in La- TDll MURPHINf ~t, guna Beach when he gent-" -~ ly informed me that I _ _.. ______ _.....___ needed medicinal aid via a needle in the bottom. He was, however, a man of sensltivity and compassion. He was not about to administer a sflot in the tail-end. He left the room and mad~ his nurse do it. "IF YOU'LL JUST lower those for a moment," she said gently, "we'll have this over with in a jiffy." I lowered and she plunged. That was the last moment that anything gentle happened. "Yiill!" I screamed. "Mercy! That needle must be nine inches long." Somehow, of course, we all seem to recover from these pointed experiences with medical science. Now, however , new intelligence has come to the question of bottom shots. You may have missed the news it.em, squeezed in between war, pestilence and economic woe. THE STARTLING and ghastly news came out of the New England Journal of Medicine where a research doctor '1'hrt!'t'! patient/I ~Ing informed that the needle is too short ... Zone overlay provision eyed BY. STEVE MARBLE Of the D~ Pllet ataff Marinapark l1 a tiny, neatly groomed mobile home village on Newport Harbor. It's long been a home away from home for people who live outside the beach city but enjoy a weekend or vacation on the water In New)10rt Beach. But as the years have passed, more and more of the park tenantt have nestled into Marlnapark on a permanent basis. For many, Marinapark no longer is just a second home. Now the tenants are asking the city to grant them a special zoning provision that would offer them protection and make it difficult for owners of the park to phase them oµ t . The city, less than two weeks ago, granted the zoning provision to tenants at DeAnza Bayside Village, overriding s harp criticism from owners of the DeA.nza mobile home park. But the table has been turned around now because Marinapark is owned and operated by the city. "We feel the city would be playing favorites if they didn't give It (the zoning provision) to us." said Robert Spurgeon, a 10-year resident of Marinapark and president of the park's homeowner association. WhiJe fewer than half of the park tenants live there full-time, Spurgeon claims many want "'to move to the park permanently but are afraid the park might be leveled soon. Tenants at the 60-space park have a lease that runs throu~h 1985. -Marinapark. located off Balboa Boulevard at 18th Street, is situated on a chunk of city- Striking a PARK'S FUTURE UNCERTAIN -Robert Spurgeon , homeowner presiden t of the city- owned Marinapark mobile home complex in Newport Beach, stands on p ublic walkway between mobile home park and beach. Tenants at the park are hoping city won't level the 60-unit spread. owned land that includes a municipal parking lot, public tennis courts and the recently rebuilt American Legion Hall. A public walkway runs between the park and the bayfront beach. Park tenants believe this ensures full beach access to tourists. Ten years ago, c ity park commissioners recommended the mobile home park be phased out and replaced with a tennis and· aquatic center. While this plan eventually was dropped, park commissioners this week again recommended that the mobile homes ~o. "We're like lots of others here," says Spurgeon. "If we're evicted, we'll have to leave Newport Beach. We can't afford to move anywhere else in town.'' The zoning provision. city oUicials note, does not insure that the mobile home park won't eventually be phased out. And, they add, 1t does not mean the park lease would be extended. What it does mean, Newport officials say, is that a specific plan would have to be developed for the site and then a series of public hearings held before the city could make any moves. blow for freedom Ex-Cuban • prisoners held in CM Two former Cuban prisoners dressed in business suits and ca rrying handguns and a briefcase were arrested by C.OSta Mesa police in connection with a string of apartment burglaries. from McMast.er University Medical Cent.er in Hamilton, Ontario, has been idling away his time determining how effective it is when a medic plunges his needle into your de fenseless derriere. Countian smuggles Bibles into communist countries Investigators said Wednesday that the pair using lock picks broke into five apartments in the Mesa Verde Villas at 1555 Mesa Verde Drive F.ast. Police were called to the scene by a woman who said they knocked on her door shortly after 1 p.m. and after falling to gain entrance broke into a neighbor's apartment. His awful conclusion: The needle isn't long enough. Can you believe this sadist'? Now get this. The research doc says that most needles used for injections are only 1.4 inches long. He has to be under-estimating but if we take his word for it, he goes on. The idea of giving you a shot in the south side while you're traveling north is to hit the big muscle, known as the gluteus, so the m~icine will spread and cure your ill. BUT THIS CANADIAN savant, in his never-ending search lor the truth, X -rayed 213 adult bottoms. In this w eighty research, he discovered that women have a layer of fat 2.6 inches thick coverin g the muscle inside those high-fashion jeans. Men have a layer 1.5 inches thick. This means a couple of things. First, a 1.4-inch needle is going to miss the bottom muscle on either adult male or female. Secondly, and probably more important, the research doc is going to draw the wrath of every woman in the universe when he alleges t he female of the species is car- rying around one-inch more of back padding than her male counterparts. ASKED BY NEWS reporters to sum up his backsided findings, the research medic declared, ''I don't know whe- ther we should use longer needles until we find out which is the better place to put them. "That's the bottom line." Bottom line'? Oh, come on, doc. You didn't really come up with that witty little quip, did you? Tell me that some wise-acre report.er just made that up and slapped it on the end of your quote. If you really said that, it would be the end. Packard won't • • • • quit wr1te-1n ·congress bid Ron Packard said h e will remain a w rite-in candidate to Congiea from the 43rd District despite a plea by the Republican state chairman to support the party nominee. Wealthy Orange County bu.lneuman Johnnie R. Crean edeed Packard, then the mayor of Carlabad, by fewer than 100 votet In the June primary. In a new1 co nfere n ce Wedne1day, party chalrm,n 'nno de1 Junco called on Pllcltard to abandon h.la write-In c:ampa!iJl in 1be predominantly Rep0blican d.lltrkt repraented by retirlna Rep. Clair Buraener. R...caut. •'•t have no intention of abandoning my eampaian ''**'-lam the only candidate who often lhe voten honaty UMt IDWIJ'(ty," Packard ..ict. B y SANDIE JOY Of tlMI Delly Piiot ltan Dan lversin's office is m the Tustin foothills but his work is in F.astem Europe. Iversm 1s a real, honest to goodness smuggler. His objective is to smuggle as many Bibles as possible into countries such as Albania, Romania, Hungary. Bulgaria, the Soviet Union and East Gennany. "I'm not what you would call a Jesus freak," he explained. "I'm a believer. but not the kind of person to bang on doors... The Bibles pose a direct threat to communism ... I do this to serve a need in countries where religious freedoms are restricted." . lve rsin, who runs a small advertising agency out of his Tustin home, is head of A Bible For Russia. which he describes as "a non-profit evangelical organization serving the persecuted church." A Bible For Russia, which he founded four years ago, is affiliated with the Vienna-based Eastern European Mission which, for the past 13 years, has been spreading the g06pel to people in Iron Curtain nations. Iversin was born in the United States of Swiss parents and has dual U.S.-Swiss citizenship. He '1 do no\ believe that it la In u.. bllt in--of the l*'\Y, the CCU)try or the 4lrd Diltrtd for an"°"' .., ~Mr. en.A." R18 .. BEAT" -Bible smuater Dan Ivenln and hl1 workln1 area -th• communlat counuw of ~ Burope. lvtilln •ya He. has two passports -U.S. and SwiSs -which he said is an asset in Bible smuggling. "As an American," he said. "you never will get into Albania but as a Swiss I will." He never carries more lhan one passport at a time because if he's caught. tbat would get him arrested in some countries. Iversin said his inclination to smuggle Bibles probably began during his annual visits to relatives in Eastern Europe. "l got interested in what was happening i n o th er countries. . .For example, lots of times Christians are arrested for being psychologically unstable. The reasoning is that if their faith is in the Lord, they can't be sane." Iversin personally goes on Bible-smuggling missions several times a year but, "the more I am known, the less I can go.'' Couriers for A Bible For Russia smuggled about 300,000 Bibles into Iron Curt.am nations last year, he said. They're smuggled, he explained, because ''If you show up at the border and declare the Bibles, you will not be allowed to take them into these countries. "For the Christian, the Bible is essential," he said, "so we have t.> see ways to get Bibles into these countries." Explaining he can't give specific details about the smuggling, Iversin said all kinds of vehicles -cars, trucks. planes and boats -are used by couriers who mainly are college students and retired people posing as tourists. Summer is best for smuggling, h e said, because of road c'o n d i t i o n s a n d c o u r i e r availability. He's had close caJLc;. ''On my last trip to Romania," lversin said, "I had over 1,000 Bibles in m y vehicle. The officials searched it for more than two hours, yet never found them. "I've been stopped by pohce and questioned. On one trip, I was held at the border for several hours of questioning, then released just like that." lversin said his wife of four years probably wouldn't have married him if she'd known about his activities. On a recent trip to Eastern Europe. he couldn't call her for two weeks because of security and she had no idea where he was. Describing h imself as "a former gung ho Marine." the 37-year-old Tustin resident said he decided while in Vietnam "that there has to be more to life titan trying to settle things with war." A Bible For Russia ls hea dquartered in a sparsely fumiahed office Iversin built into his garage. It's only sophisticated equipment ls a tele~ph copier over which he receives dally tra.nSm.issions from Vienna about smuggling activities. The organization ls suppor~ by private lndividual.a, he said, noting h e never ask• for contributions and that his work la done on a pay-as-you-go basis. His "total reward," he saJd, "Is to help other people. And, I don't say that to sound like a good 1uy ... The commitment o( Chriltiana in the United States needs to be stronser. If they had to wallt three or four miles ln the rain, would they 80 to church?" The Blble-.m"gllng operation l• "1plrl\ual warfare.'' lver1ln uid. "We're not out to uproot aovernments." I would Uke every American to go to J:a1tern Europe to encounter 10me oC the pereecutlon, then come b9Ck hen and uy they wan\ to make thil a better country." H• added, "My main 1oal 1ta'*'6de 11 to wake up Atnenc.N to what men than OM hilf of UM N9t Gr dlt world II fidnl Under~ ... Rogelio Batista Gonzalez, 31, and Juan Delgado, 32, both from the Los Angeles area, were arres~ without incident outside a second-story apartment. Police Lt. Jack Calnon said that tattoos on both men indicate they were prisoners before leaving Cuba two years ago. Police believe a third man still at large drove away with the property allegedly s t o l e n Wednesday. Missing from the five apartments were televisions, cameras and jewelry valued at about $3,000. An actual figure is unknown since some residents are on vacation, police said. Both men are being held in Costa Mesa City jail in lieu of $100,000 bail. Racquetball contract set in Huntington Huntington B eac h City Council members have approved a 35-year-lease agreement with a private firm that plans to build an lndoor racquetball facility on a city-owned portion of a propoeed public park. The agreement would return a portion of the racquetball faciUty's earnlna s to the city, making the proposed 12-acre park the only revenue-produc:tna park In Huntiftiton Beach. City officials e1Umate an income of $12,000 annually from the Pay-N -Play racquetball t•clllty, which will have 10 court• and coat more than $20,000 to build. The park i1 to be located adjacent to Huntinfton Beach HJah School. It'• a )>Int effort of the dt)', which owna aeven Mna of the tlte, and ~ Hun~ Beach Union Hiah School Dlttrk:t, which owna five acres. The echool dlltrtct ,eta ..-of the propoaed patk'• aeven athletic fielda and the~ couru for phyelcal education ~ and In return ..,... to pay foe p6rk upaep. • The dty 11 ecceptlna bkll .trom con.tr\rion ,..... ~....,.., the perk. l l. I ' I I I 1 Oraote CMlt OAILV PILOT/Ml9y, At .. I. 1- Davis a Bro1111n Since 1947 Appliances • Television • Video Projection TY * FRIGIDAIRE *GE * MAYTAG *CHAMBERS * PANASONIC *RCA * WHIRLPOOL * SONY * JENNAIR * FISHER * MGA/MITSUBISHI * lu1ust Special, Mo1l 111 our Men's Dress Slacks Ire On At 50o/o Off Regular Price Polyester, All Wool. Sizes 32 to 38 waist Sale Limited To Stock On Hand Something Special feminine fashions 250 E. 17th St. ' 1W-' •1·,) Costa Mesa 645-5711 Summar Clearance ~Price (plus '1" SALE DOl'T MISS IT SHOP EARL Y FOR BEST SELECTION fil O collar 'n cuff (SELECTED MERCHANDISE) We Specialize in Fashion For The Missy Figure (Size 4 thru 18) · Men'a Ouallty Clothlng and Custom Shirt Maker 333 E. 17th St, Coat• Mell Fantastic August Sale 50% OFF 01 ILL SUMMER ITEMS SPECIAL DISCOUNT ON FALL REVIEW ll•hlnd th• Pancake HouHI 642·8788 O!Nft Mon. thru Fri 1M •Set 11>-4 ·rSALE DOES NOr APPLY TO SPECIAL ORDERS) 'hf'lhf--r II '" • tM"•wllful " -t ... d """"' rlft't \_ ,Ole•h \)VH11 9. ell t lcw .. ( omp•d Ira' rt \ IHtn ( IM .. or • • harm in' t.r•1utf•thf'r t lor~ fh .. '4-lh Thom•" f.,,.., \mf'rtr•n t fot ll 'ialr mr•n-•f•f"t'••I ""~n 1n.i• enrl llff'lt \,.fur~ 1 hb "''" •111 fot a limttf"fi 1im,. onh '" 111H> 10 1od1\o 90 Dsy 'll.--·-Lay-Away Avallsble BUCK'• CLOCK SHOPPE SALES cl REPAIRS Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Crissman C.U Stace ~ Betieh 1tudentt Tamara L. Stapleton and John P. Laram1e of Hunttncton Beach recited their weddlna vow1 In Chrl1t Lu\heran Church, San Clemente. 1M and Nuy:y Sttpleton ot o.n. Polnt and Ron and Barbara Laram1e of Huntinp>n Beach are parenta of the newlyweda. who are maklna thelr flnt home ln HW\tlna10n Beach after a ' Hawaiian honeymoon. Willison -· Sumner Calvary Ch4pel of Coate Men waa the sett.lna for the rnam.,e of Susan Sumner and Brian Wlllbon. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mn. James Sumner of Costa Meaa, ifaduated from F.diaon High School and at\ended UC Irvine. Her husband, who a~tended West Virginia University, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Willison of New Bethlehem, Pa. The couple will reside in Dallas, Texas where they are employed by real estate and stock brokerage firms. ' . Kovacs -Ward ~argaret.Lunt Ward of Huntingfun Beach and Michael Steven Kovacs of Westminster exchanged wedding vows In the rose garden of the Newport Beach Marriott Hotel. Clinton and Marion Lunt of Southwest Harbor, Maine are ~enta of th• bride, who lfaduated from d'9 UCLA School of Nu.nina. Th• brlde9room earned hla dearM at Johna Hopk.lnl Unlvend~ and II the ton of Raymond and JHn Kovaca of Huntlncton Beach. The newlywtdl wW retlde ln West.mlnater. Podley -Zelarney Krlatin Zel.arney wore her grandmother'• heirloom weddlnl dress when 1he e.xchan&ed marrtaae vowa wlth fellow Loyola Marymount University graduate Erle Podley in St. Catherine'• Church In Laguna Beach. The bride, who al.lo attended Loyola, Rome, la the daughter of Mr. and Mn. Frank Zelarney of Laguna Beach and la earning her muter'• degree In social work at San Dleeo State. Phlllp Podley and Mrs. Lucy Podley of North Hollywood are parenta of the bridegroom, who la pursuing his teaching credentiala at Cal State Fullerton. Crissman -Morone . United Methodist Church was the setting for the marriaee of June Ellen Morone and Kevin Lee Cttaaman, who now telide in Reseda. Richard Morone and Dai;lane Buys are parents of the bride, who graduated from Yucaipa High School. The bridegroom, who ill the son of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Dean Crissman, graduated from &tancia High School. Sale: A place· for everything PUBLIC AUCTION ESTATE JEWELRY & FINE PORCELAINS, CHINA, BRONZE$, RUGS, FURNITURE, SILVER, OILS, Etc. Life is easier when your furnish- ings work for you in more ways than one. Tuke Pier t 's lheerful gateleg dining table. Expand one wing or two. Serve family style on 36"x54~ Or fold it away, chairs and all, to 7" wide! Make every bit of living space count, at Pier I . Foldaway table, 4 19 9 88 chairs, from Romania. Walnut finish. reg . 249.99 Prices good one week only. Golden rat- tan chest. 16xl6xl6" reg. 79.99 59ss Butcher block table, solid wood. 4rd1a. reg. 199.99 Foldaway bookcase from Romania. reg. 59.99 49ss y Bookcase from Yugoslavia, oak finish. reg. 129.99 99ss FREE ADMISSION -PUBLIC AND DEALERS WELCOME Don't miss this Important sale! Fine China, Crystal, Porcelalns, Bronzes, European Furniture, Oils, Etc. Also many fine pieces of antique and contemporary jewelry Including fine watches. solitaire diamond rings, earrings, gold chains, cluster diamond, ruby, sapphire, and emerald rings. SALE NIGHT Fri., 6th, Sat., 7th Sun., 8th, 8:30 p.m. INSPECTION 2:00 P .M. -5:00 P .M. & 7 -8 P .M. Sale Nights Property of several prominent Leisure World residents, together with Inventory of well-known L.A. jewelry In financial trouble. Also, out-of-pawn merchandise. TEAMS: Visa • MasterCard Personal check -Cash. Some extended terms can be arranged. Property moved for convenience of sale to: 108 Tustin Ave. (Corner Pac. Coast Hwy. & Tustin) Newport Beach CONSIGNMENTS ACCEPTED 'TIL 5 P.M. r··-·-············-·······---------·--------------······· ~~ • I .:::i)_ II Pay1 To See Your Denli1I •nd , •·· Orlhodonli1I. lly d•111lll1r "Di•n•" w•• ju1I notified 111•1 "lier 1mil•" on Ill• IAllJ $mil• 1Jonl11I puts lier in Ill• 10 lin•li1ls! out ol lllou1•nd1 ol 1mil11 they receired/ Orllrodonli1t 106 Wa1/tton a11d Or. To"' Do•n I hop• you're •• ll•ppy •• we •re! W•'ll know Tu11. in Lo• An11/11J Ernie I S•/11 OPEN DAILY ,.IL I IT'S MELON TIME LAST WEEK AT EAT YOUR r----·R•l •f :l •Til-- ---1 r-----((•ltJfil•ID----,r-----((1J!I;l1Itl----, I 11 It I I VINE RIPE 11 THll LOW PRICE II FILL NOW I : CANTALOUPE : : WATERMELON II ICHERQ : I 11 II LETTUCE I : 4 '°' s100 :: 51/2 t Lb. II 4, s100 .. : I 11 II °' I L----~~~~-----l L--~·~~~~·-__ JL _____ :!..~~·-____ J r----1•1ttf :.l•T1l-----, r-----((tltJfil•IiJ----,r-----((•l!J;l•JJl----1 I · 11 It I f'MSH CUT I I LOCAL GROWN 11 91Q _. .CH. I I t I LA .. 011! 41 CRIP I 1 CARNATIONS 11 TOMATOES 11 CELERY 1 I II 11 ' :\ s1.99 DoL :: 4 s100 ,1 · 3 s100 : 1 1 t Lba. 11 For 1 L---~'!~~~:.--~-J L---~·~!.!:.t>.!:.. ___ _.L ____ ... ':.~~~ .. ____ J . ,-----C(•l•tl!hl:-----j•--:---I@.tl!T1t----1r.-----«!._1lJ;l•J1~--.:.1 II IMCUT ,: lltWYMD I' I l'Rll It COAC .. LLA I CID.LO RAP r I ROSES II GRAPEFRUIT Ii CAULfFLOWER ; L--~~~~-:__IL_~~~~!~:_l __ !t!§::__J COUPONS l!XPIRI! THURI., AUG. 11 -e A.M. ..... " ..... ITA~OP AU•Dl-h OP UllWM'm'IOUe ............. Th• tollowlnt ~1on(1> 111v1 libe11donld h -of tM tlOtt\loUI bu1lne .. name IUNllT HILLS DIVl!LOPUlHT COMPANY, 2850 Aid Hll, Col ........ Cellfofnla mH. Tiie flct1t1ou1 bu11n111 n1m1 r1larr1d to above wa1 f111d In 0.-*'0I County on May 11. tMO. MARK Ill PROPERTIES, 21150 Pied Hiii. Cotta Miia, CA 12129. UNl·CAL FI N ANCIAL CORPORATION, 523 W11t Sixth 8trHt, Suite 302, Loe Ang1111, Cllllotnla toO 14. TNl~-~by• Olf*al per;!•INp, UHl·CAL FINANCIAL COAPOAATION Jo SutW, Exec. Vici Pf• Thie et.tement WM ftled with tlll County Cllrtl of OrMQO Coutlty on Auguet 2, 1Ht. ,,... Publlellld Orange Coaet Deity Pllol,AIJO. 8, 13.20,27, 1912 354&-82 T·UMI M'Oln'Mn' NOTICI IP YOUlt PltOPlltTY ti IN POltlCLOIUltl HCAUll YOU Altl llHIND IN YOUlt PAYMIMTa, IT MAY H IOLD wmtOU'T AlfY COURT ACTION, _,,..._, .................. te INI .. '"' IOCIM11t f11 eeH ...... ..,,.,... ... ,.. ..... dM pay•et1ll plH ,.n .. ltlM ..... aM ... I Ill ........ tlww .._...._ ....... ..... ........... --... Thie.,,_.,. .. $28,010.51 .. of July 20, 1982, and will~ untM yolK IOCOUflt beoolnM ClUfflr'lt. You m1y not have to pay the entire unpaid portion of your account, 1v1n though lull p1ym1n1 wH demendld, but you mult pay the _ , ....... abo¥I. After ttw• montM ll'om thl date ol rocordatlon of ttll• dociumont (wtllotl dat• of -dltlon ~ hereon). uni-the obllQatlon being lorec:loled upon petmft1 a longer period, you llaw only thl llOll right to etoe> ttll foteClolul'9 by peytng tlll entire amount demanded by )'OIK Cl'9dltor. To find out thl amount you mutt pey, CK to arrange b'" psymant to 1top tho loroclo1ura. or II your p,-operty le In l«ldolure for any other ,_, cont.ct: MIMrl E. Miiier Vtc:. '"'911dent and Monaget BANK OF AMERICA NT & SA Anehlim Main No. 209 300 S. Harbor Blvd. AnlN!m, CA 92805 (1 t41 na-12• 1 Mongegee tt you llave any q-11on•. you ehould cont1C1 1 lawyer or th• governm111t eoancY wnldl mey have ln*M'ld YD"' loen. Remember. YOU MAY LOSE LEOAL Rl<JtiTS IF YOU DO NOT TAKE PROMPT ACTION. NOTICI OP -.CH ..._.,. WHEREAS, 11 of June 10, 19111, Dina Mln111l1n A1arlan, an unmerrled p1r1on and Victor Mln111l1n Azarl•n. 1 merrlad poreon 11 Tru110<1. 111ocut1d 1 ONd of Trul1 to CONTINENTAL AUXILIARY COMPANY, 1 Celfomla corporation, 11 TNltee for BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TAUST AND SAVINGS ASSOOlATION. 1 national banklnt aaaoclatlon, u 8enellclary, to _.. 1 prOfOllleory note of -dote tor the eum of 1184,000.00 and addlt!Onel IUml pureuanl to thl t1m11 of thl Oaed Of Ttuat, wtllctl -~ on Juno 30, 1981, u ln•trument Number 41250 Book 14120 Paoo H4 01 OMclll Alcordl of 0.-ange County, Cellfcma: and DRILL RIG CHRISTENED -Western Offshore Drilling and Exploration Co., a subsidiary of Fluor Corp., has christened ita newest offshore drilling rig. The rig, located oU the Nigerian coast, was named for John Sage, marketing and contract vice president for Fluor Drilling Services. Mexico prices 'hurt' Food, ~ervice costs raised, inflation 60 percent MEXICO CITY (AP) -A flurry of sharp price increases for basic food.a and services thia week has battered the Mexican consumer, already strapped by high unemployment, 60 percent inflation and one of the worst recessions in 40 years. Government officials and analysts are wondering privately how much more the average wage earner can take. The surpriae price hikes, announced Sunday night, doubled the price ol com tortillas to 10 cents a pound and white bread rolls to two cents each after the government slashed subsidies on both products. Both are important foods in a country where an estimated 40 percent of the labor force is either unemployed or underemployed - earning little more than the legal minimum wage of 95 cents an hour. Gaaoline prices also jumped by 67 percent -from 46 cent.a to 77 cents for a gallon of regular -and electricity rates went up 30 percent for home users and 50 percent for industry. The increases are expected to save the government millions of dollara in subsidies. The Ministry of Commerce said the subsidies were too costly at a time of economic crisis. With other increases expected to follow. Mexico's usually quiet labor leaders started calling for wage increases. "The working class is no longer disposed to sacrificing itaelf,'' said the Congress of Labor, a key union that usually supports the government. The statement was in response to appeals by President Joae Lopez Portillo for "a little time" to abeorb the price increases. Railroad workers also called for a 75 percent increase in wages, and farmers aaked for increases in minimum price supports. "This won't affect me in direct economic terms and I agree lt was necessary." aald a prominent businessman. "But it's another case of the government doing things too quickly instead of having gradual price increaaea that are easier to accept." About 3,000 teachers and atudenta from the Normal School, a teachers college often aligned with worker movements, marched peacefully along downtown Juarez Avenue on Tuesday. callln& for salary raises and oppocing the price tncreues. Fidel Valazquez, the powerful secretary-general of the Mexican Workers Federation, described the price increaaea u a neceaary step to Aid the nation's ailing economy. Velazquez, closely tied to the government's lnatitutlonal Revolutionary Party, contended there was no need to consult labor before announcing the price hikes. "The government doet not consult. It acts," he was quoted aa saying. Most obeervera expected general price increases to follow those announced thla week, especially in transportation. The government has said none are planned. Taxi drivers, who regularly gouge customers instead of charging metered fares, began lncreaalng their rates to compensate for higher prices at the pump, even though the government hasn't authorized cab fare increases in four years. Lion Country prof it first in five years Lion Country Safari, lnc. announced that for the tint Ume ln more than five years a profit had been reported for the 9eC'Olld quarter. Revenues were $826,385 compared to $565,382, and eamingll were $27- 825 or one cent per aha.re compared to a loa in the equivalent quarter of 1981 of $39,087 or two cents per share. Harry Shuster, chairman and president of Lion Country Safari, said that although there is a recession, "Lion Country has managed to increa8e revenues by the introduction of various programs which have been ~ SIJCCelSful. •• 1be company has signed a letter of intent with Sesame Place, Inc.. in which the company propoees to sub- leue a portion of its property for the construction of a SeHme Place Outdoor Theme Park. Sesame Place, Inc. is a corporation jointly owned by Busch Entertainment Corp. a subsidiary of Anheuser Busch Corp. and the Children's T.V. Worluhop, producers of the TV aeries "Sesame Street". The revenues for six months were $1,160,569 compared to $932,352 for 1981. The loss for six months was $298,987 compare to $296,209 for 1981. WHEREAS, a broach of the obllglltlone for wNctl Mid Deed 01 Truet 11 eec:urlty llu occurred In tt\lt lhlrl 1111 ~ • def_,i, In "" payment of the ln11111m1nt 01 ptlnclpel and lnteraat on Mid note due September 1, 1H1 end 111 111b•q1111n1 lnltllmlnta of pmapel and in.. dul --September 1. 1M1: and 1 def8Ult In the peyment of ..,. 11111'1 of 12 • 1°'~ ldYlnOed iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil by Mid leneflclary for the rH I PF°'*1Y ..._ on the ,.., proeieny ~ by Mid Deed of TNlt kif the .. lnltlllmant of the llacal 'IW 1NMM2. 111w PINltlel. Ind 1or IN MOOnd lnltairneftt of the llacal '1W 1N1·19a; and a...,.. In thl ~of .......... •1U~par -on euctl adwno9C•). '°""* wlltl Mur'l ldYenoll. If eny. HOW. THEREFORE, notice .. ..... ,;..,. INt by,_, of ludl -.... VII undelelgold. ffle owr. and l'IOtdlr of Mid note Ind Deed of TNlt, NII ax«ellld 1te option and llu d.olarld, and doee lloraby dlcler9 Mid~ .... -and Ill MTll llCUtM by Mid 0.0 of TNll ll'lwt ...... .,, dul and ~ Ind tl*ffleUl......,.. .... to __ .. ~ d.m1bed In .. Oeed ot Truet above , .. .,,.. 10, t~ rtOOrcl of wNdl II INldl a pen of tflll notlol tor d HOl'tptfioll Of UMt ..,......, to lie IOld lit MD D dlllOI wttll th• provlelOlll tlll llOf, to ..wy Mid otlllOl•ona. .. fC>Nt. at ~ o.llfomla, ~12.1-. IAHKM~ NATIONAL TNWf AHO MWM AMOCIATIOH .,~,... ~a.... HOT1C8 °' ~ NOON>ID: ~'fflanuMINT NUMH": . ...., IN THI OOUNTV °' ~ ~:'3~°: .,. NOTICE DISSOLUTION OF PARTNIRSHIP PUBLIC AUC.TION . 1111111 IY Tll ITTllllT ....... .,...,...,. H1ndm1d1 P1ni1n I Orl1nt1I R1111 We have been commlealoned to llquldate the entire Inventory plue othera for Immediate oaah. Al NII INITRUCTION8 All lllD8 WIU ONN AT .. ON TH9 1 DOLLAR AND LOT• WILL • 80LD PROM THI •XT lllD ION. ~ ' RUGS FROM: China, Per11a. Afghanistan, lndla, Turkey. Paklttan. Roumanta. Egypt. ~ Iran. 8tml range from 2'x3' to 18'x12'. AUCTtoN8 WILL TAKE PLACE MINDAY, AUCIU8T I ATI'& HOLIDAY• -LAPAIM), LAGUllAt&La w..-. t' ............ a LIM A.a11•dm hlil low ... I• -. ......., ntl • ftJllid n ... Uad ..... -.:,..; tl'Wl&'dll6 to llM jlllllimA. W.....-n. r..ra1 aJlo low•ed l• ..,._. on flud ...... ftXlld ... aw-,.. -.d·INI& ... to 15~ percien•-and Ndu09d ,... an ~ ~. W•tem J'ederu'a prevloUI rac.t wen 18 pnml\t Oft ttnt-tr\lft deeda and 18 \4 peft'lll'\t Oft Mcclnd·trwt .... State J'arm M•tilil ot ~ m. wtll lld.,_ auto lnlw'anct ,.._ thl"ouchOUt CalifomJ.a Aui. 10. The com~ wUl ,.... rat. .. much .. 10.8 J)e4"Cl'l'lt ln plU'U of the ltate and nduce them u much u 1a.e percmt ln other puta. The net effect wUl bt an lncNlle of 5A percent on a .iat.wkMI bMil for the 2.2 mUlJcn vwhlci. 1rwu.red by State Farm ln Calltomia. Tbe lar1eat nt• decreaaH wlll be Sn Secr..nento, San l'ranctlco, Roeeville, and eut Alameda County. 1be btgelt tncre a•• will come lo pal1iom of Loe AnaeJea and Oranp counu-. and •ubu.rban San Diea'o· Jamee C. HHS ha• been named dSvl•lon manapr of computer and system products for the WJle Laboraaorlea electronicl markettna IJ'OUP• Irvtne. Villa Pacific BuJ1dlna Co. baa named W.iker 6 J.,ee1 lac. of San~a Ana exclu•lve Hles and markeUng agent for the flnn'• Friendly Valley Vlllaa townhome development in Newhall. Pa1e Healey of Rooney 6 Bordea Jewelen, 23 Faahion Square, Santa Ana, haa been awarded the title of registered jeweler by the American Gem Society. Maarlce 8'ermu. of Newpor1 Beach, .enior vloe prmldent of corporate relationa for Nadoul Edacatloa Corp. of Newport Beach, hu been appointed to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce's F4ucation, employment and training commlttee. Geaeral Teleplaoae Compuy of Callf enaJa filed a reglatration statement with the Securltie. and Exchange Comm.lalon relattna to a propmed public offering of $75 rnilllon of flnt-mortaage bonda due 1994. Blyth Eastman Paine Webber Inc. and Salomon ,.... w ,...,,.,,, .. .._ t•llo PeMEnt 22"" n ...,.,., s ''-1CM l"Mc>Eicp ••• tll'> .... , ... uw. t•Y> Pettltlon It lt\lo ........... 111/o t._ Pi.r<.S.S 142 1142 Plftll,_, 2"'I 2"li PIOflHI a IS 1' P!Mtlne ""t ""Iii ~ 11 PrHGM 2211) DY> Prs$teyft '"" 1111'> ,.......,, I Y. t ~ ""5v"<: 1.-M Pvrt ... '~ Ul4 PutC>Cao .-.. , 14 av.krQI "" 19\'t It~ ~2214 Reymfllll • 41/o RMYft ~»IM RoNSN 3614 3611'> RMl:IMy JDllll 111, .. _ ,.\lo,...= == $1He1Gd "" • 54 Peul ·~ ·= t=:.· ,.,..,,,_ ......... ..... ~ ~~t 2t It ~ "' '"" Mwrmut ~~ Slefelb .-ii 1 Slllc-tO\lo ~ SC.llMF IN tM SWEIS¥ I~ tt\ji St_.,,. Nt "' SldMkre "" -Stdlt ... ==~ ""' t~ '2illl "" • .... w t"'-t7 ,, .... 21 rra Semlnan ot i.ET. _!fill ~\ • llm1nar on tax deferred UC TUelday •t 8:30 a.m. a& the Holiday Inn. c.o.ta -. The coune {• approved by the Callfomla Department of Real Estate for MVen boun of conttnuln1 education credits for real eatate licenlees. l'or lntonnaUon, call (918) 742-8861. MSI Data Corporad• of c.o.ta M-p...nted to Malone & Hyde, Inc., of Memphis. Terui, a= whoJ,••le food and druc dittrtbut.or, the 200, MSI hand.held CS.ta entry oomputer termlnal '"for lta lnnovaUve u.e of the ienninals ln e1ectronSe8 onSerlnf aystema ... Valada Bad of Irvine, in cooperation with A-. Calvert. a repterect inYe9tment advtler, wW present a seminar entitled "Buainea Women'• Ftn.andal Forum" Aue. 21 at 10 a.m. at the benk., 18831 Von Kannan. She ii pn!Sident of the Calvert 1'lnancial Corporation. For information call 667-2036. Barbara GroHmH of Anaheim Hllls hu joined the public relations firm of Glorta Zlper 6 AltoelaSes, lac. of Newport Beach u an account manapr. She ii a former televilton news reporter for the NBC affiliate ln Salt Lake City, and dfrector of community relationa for Western Pennaylvan.la Water Company. Amerleaa Saaaes Leaal•I named Scott Keue4y an account executive at its Irvine office. JW A. Pierce of Yorba Linda WU promoted to vice president and manager of Valeacla Duk'• operatlonl center ln Anahftm. DOWNS - .ci;i, ..... + I + \I) +S.lt . -~ IM + u. + " + IM + " + " + • .. ,. + ~ + IM + .. + 14 + IM . " . ' • \I) • \I) + "' • u. . "' + ... Pct Up a.J Up -.1 Up 15.A Up IU Up U.t Up IU Up tl.S Up tU Up ti.I Up II.I Up II.I Up II.I Up 11..0 Up U Up L7 Up U Up LO Up 1.1 Ua 1.1 ua '·' Up 7.1 Up t..t Up .... Up t..1 Up t..1 Up U Up U t~I~-t Ult Chi Pct. 211'> -~ Ott , ... , S -¥<01flJ .I h~ ll: NASDAQ SUMMAIY ! I-t4fa HEW YOltlt CAPI --ectl,.. -· S M -'-Ott IU ""' -~ Ott 11.S ,-. .... Ott 11.t .,..,. -tu. Off 11.6 17'19 ti ~ _.. -'Itel 11'¥ HASO. ' i!~~ .. v=•~"'= ~: 2 " °" 11.t l " Off 11.t •"-"™ ::F"1Md . : m:: I= 1:: + "' :~ ~ ISi!' eC . . Jll,AOO tn• t2~ -.... 12 =I~ A rFle . . . 297-1-. t 11·1' + "' ta • .... Ott lt.t • \It Ott 11.t •w. ~ OH tt.s •i.. II'> OH te.J 21' \lo OH 10.0 1-S Intel ..... 14'.190 JIW. Jt .... -ill> 1' U llii UY> 1endlfft . ttl,lllO tJV. 1SY> .. • • • U 411'> \I) Off ,. .. 2" " Ott .... -... SY<Mff • . ISUOO 1'-,.... -_, 1' ~ Jl\lo PtEuc a.. t2t,IOO ,,_ ~ -"' 17 JU. Wt OH 10.1 IJ\I) -t~ Ott II.I 2111 " Ott ,... 29--J. .. Ott ... 1!11'> l2 .WCro Z .. llt,JOO IU. 2" -"' ti J 1'-J2U. Acfor llftCed tlS : JI Jl\4 Oecll-. . . . .. .. .... .. ... . . 1ZS 21 I~ 1 S Un<."""9M1 " "" " " " "' • ' 2,JIA 22 ~ ... OtttJ ~ "°""' '"' S T.ut 1-. .. .... .. .. . .. .. •. ~12 n ti ti ...,_ 11111111 . .................. IA •"' " Ott t.l ' II'> Ott t .t 2\lt IM Off t.t 17 t H--...................... ••-~ U ~ s Totel Mi4ll .................... ...,,,.,.._ Jiit \lo Off t.t HMlll\ 1a." IS.Jt SIOC'.11 1' • HL HI Yid 14. IS IS. U St:llSIM t. IO HL llK-S• •.JI StnTil t.JI NL lf!W'lt 7M I.JS SCHlllW s.te t..11 ~ IO.M 11.llS Strei Gt!\ ... HL Tea Ea 11 .. tt.i. ~ U1 tAJ Vll&e ltA 1J.SS Te~ ta..lol tUJ Vo.,.. IO ... II.oft T 2U1 ..... ».g NL T Gt s. .. 6.lt el.... 2.14 NL T"'IM W tS.11 1t..• ~XJIC U1 NL l~J;: t.:~ tNt~ I. • \It"° '-? . ? ? Tri ¥ =: L61 t.D ::.$Ku;.~ NL l=c0t 'l: =t G,_ 11.62 NL TWft( Se1 tut HL IMO t,GI HL TWPIC U1 J.lt a.t1 IP .... lft ..... : USAA O.-• C-'l t.D tAl Grw91 ta. HL Grw91 to. ts tO.IO l11te ,:., NL = ~ HL u:'"Acoi Hf HL Cem M lt.4' NL Unlf ,,,_,. t.• =t =.. '1.llD filL Uftllld ,,..., tt.• fill = ~:: ~ IMefl'I UI Nt IM0411 t!M ...... Intl N tUt HL QM IN: t.11 t.tl MMt 6.17 HL 1'191& f'l.D a.• 5-cl .... NL HI In( ft.rt tUt tty~! = ....... = 1.11 1.at SM S.llS 1!.!!!l tl: :.-: kle.t , ..... uT. ..... 1.21 u l~ '~ tt,: ::.e.:.~t"' fill. V=-Utw~ HL = I ••• HL 1'111141 tt • Nt = ~·,.-"'="' .... '1~ UttO.~ \It"·"'"' NL ...... SM Ut lpt lit ti I) HL I . ·' ' . . Bank of lr~ine picks pl'esident The Bank of lM.ne luMt named DCllnald 'J. Milll • prtlident and chief «UC'l.ltlve ottloer. J:upne c. Aldrich, president and CJ!X) aince 1874, will continue • a di.rector. Milla. an Anaheim bualneH and banklnf executive, waa formerly preident of lRPAC, an Anahelm·beMd tlnn aped~I ln finance and rnanaaement p1ann1na ter'Vicee. Bank of Irvine w• founded tn 1974 and operatea two officea 1n Irvine and one in I.Acuna Hllll. 1be bank •lao ha1 facllltlea at MCAS, El Toro, and MCAS(H), Tuatln. Stans income drops -Stang-Hyd.ronlct Inc. o( San Clemente reported net income of $19,065 for the nine monU. endecl Ju.ne SO u compared to net income of $1,0881808 tOl' the period 1n 1981. . The company earned $,02 per share aa compared to $1.41 per share in 1981. Sttng manufactures pumping equipment 8!\d 1 other proprietary products for commercial ana mWtary appllcationa. Auto sales plunge · DETRolT (AP) -New car sales at the major U.S. automakers slumped last month to their lowest level in 21 yeara. The companies reported that they aold 189,052 new cara from July 21-31, down 8.{i percent from 206,234 in ·the same period in 19~1. The daily aelling rate was 18,905, the lowest since 1961, when 15,894 were sold. An industry analyst called it "a pretty lousy, pretty diacouraging" showing. Swedlow sets dividend The board of directors of Swedlow Inc. of Garden Grove declared a regular quarterly cash dividend of 5 cents per share, payable Sept. 3 to shareholders of record Aug. 20. . Swecllow is a manulacturer of proprietary acrylic and armor products utilized for a variety of military and commercial applications. Food cost increase slows By·Tlle Alaoclated Pre11 The increase in the OOtSt of food may be slowing even more than first ~-. An unofficial outlook issued b~ the Agn- cultur Department said retail food pnces may .go up an average of 4.9 percent this year compared with a 5.2 percent gain indicated a month ago. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW ~(AP) • Sa ... , TillKa. P<IH and -Of tM flftMn """" ecllw N•• York Stock tlx<M119e ~ l<acllng nell.....ity at more ,...,, '1. Liiiy Ell l,02t.IOO ...... ~ ,Alt•Ala n N;700 21 -111'> 1£n0tt · n >,too Mic. • Yo Hevl>Mtn 7 .. ,a S7.,_ + 'A S..pe<Oll 101,100 2Allt + Yo Werive-. "''000 ~ • '-I BM ... 100 63.,_ -._ ~~TIT == g.. :; :: Pf= !00,5GO SJ"' -Ill) NatStml 452,5GO --"' $(hi~ Cll,700 Ul\ ..... ~i.~. :fi-: m: :.:.·" conu 11c.p • <uoo " -"' AMERICAN LEADERS GOLD COINS NIW YORK (APt -PtlOH late ~Of OOld COIM, ~ M'9I r~·apnoe. ic,....,.,.-. t lTOr ... Ntf.11, °" ":.';,, ...,, , ~ .... Ntue. en ta.oo. ..~ .... 00 ............. 1.ltTOr•··-. -···· ~ -......, .MOI "ot oa., ....... fl/ff ... 11 . ...... D ..... •a DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YORICtAPI 1'1,..1 Oow...J-._ tor ~. Auo. s. STOCQ .... Lotw a.. 0. JO Ind OJ:: .. IOIA1 7".76 7tS.-S-7.61 10 Trn JOJ.13 30U• 299.ot JOt.»-"2 IS Ull IOUl IQS,34 !OJAI 1ou1-uo 6S Sta J07.JO JOU! 301" JOU5fis~ ~7!':,' .".'.'.'.':.:·::.:·.:·.·::.·::· ha.• UUl1 ............... ... ·:.::: •sStk .................... 7 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK (API .AUO. S ...... I .... (a OIC) Thura. ..... 1020 191 1154 ' 13' N IEW YORK IAPI *'"' S METALS ThUra. 160 J11 J02 m • 12 Prw. ~ ·-,,, llN ' 111 ....... ct.y "" ,.. -745 • 41 NEW YOf\K (AP) -Spot non,.,._ ,,,..., ~ l'lllndey. c...., 7~75 oenta a pound, u.s. deetlnatlolla. ...-2t-29 centa a pound. Z1M 37-40 centa a pound, ~. Tin M.2035 ~ ... Week compoette It>. AluMll!-7&-T.7 c:.nta a pound, N.Y. __, $365.00 I*' ..... ....,_ laM.00..Uff.OO troy ounM, N.Y. SILVER Handy & Harm1n, SI.HO per troy ounce. GOLD OUOTATtONS ., ................ ~ -. ..... _ ~ world OOld prioM • ·---L...-.i morl'llnO nxine: sa48.26. up 12.00. 50 UNlelt att.moon fixing: '3-48. • wp S0.26. Part. afternoon fixing: '345.ff, up sue. ,l'9llltllrt ftldnQ 13.411.48, up S 1.U . Z11rtolt lat• aftef'noon: 13•5.25, up to.25 bid. z11rlell late aftwnoon: 1345.H. up I0.25 bid; 1341.00 aakacl. He~ a ...,.__ only dat~ quota $348.90, up I0.25. ·ir.· od'I dally quote~ *313. • llP .eo.21, BRAND NEW 1982· TOYOTA TERCEL 2 Door Sedan. 4 speed transmlaelon, bucket seats and fully factory equipped. (448217). Don't mlae this ·economy special at only BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA COROLLA 2 Door Sedan. 4 speed transmission, bucket seats and fully factory equipped. (260692). This week's special at only BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA STARLET 3 Door Llftback. 5 speed trans., factory air cond., AM/FM stereo radio, pin stripes, bucleet seats, wheel weU moldings & fully factory equipped. (596687). Special this weekend at only • 55799 INCLUDIS FACTORY AIR COND.! BRAND NEW 1982 TOYOTA PICKUP Standard bed in ton model with 4 speed transmission & a 2.4 lltre engine. (053974). This tough truck Is fully factory equipped & priced to sell quick at only 55699 . BRAND NEW · 1982 TOYOTA 4X4 PiCKUP Standard bed deluxe. 4 speed transmission, AM/FM stereo, window package and fully factory equipped. (047863). Go 4 wheelln' for only 57799 ___ , ,...,_ _____ ~ Thinking of selling your car? If so, please consider our TRIEX system. We will sell your car as you would but consider our plusses! We will advertise, qual- ify all prospects, take trade-ins. have available financing & do all paper work! When your car Is sold all you do Is stop by and pick up a check! Call our TRIEX representative to list your car today! 714-646-9303 714-540-9467 BEST USED CAR BUYS ! IN .ORANGE COUNTY !!! 1978 CHALLEll&ER SPORT COUPE Auto trans .• air cbnd .. stereo tape, power steering. brakes & windows. 1111 wheel, alloy wheels. new Tu-Tone paint & low mlles. (1BJK724) Don't miss thl, great buy for only $4699 1171 PEllEOT "104" llESEL 4 speed trans.. AM-FM cassette. power steering, power brakes. power windows, sunroof & morel VfKY clean! (<M9TZU). A real steal at below whotesale bluebook at s4599 1171 TOYOTA CELICA un1ac1 Papular 5 speed, air cond .. AM-FM stereo, rear Window shade. custom 2 tone paint & morel (667WPL). A great car and a great buy at just s5799 1178 OPEL u DELUXE COUPE" Great transportation with an automatic transmission, stereo tape and morel Original and clean Inside & out. (772ROH). $2299 1171 TOYOTA OIRILU 2 DOOR Economical 4 speed with air cond., stereo cassette, exterior trim package & morel Very clean & completely original! (3"7YBK). s3999 -. 1181 TOYOTA CELICA un1ac1 Auto. trans .. air cond .. stereo. power st-Ing & brakes, aunrool, cruise control, tilt wheel & morel ( ICGP876). Exception•• In evety respect for only s7999 1179 TOYOTA SUPRA usUIROOF" The ultimate Toyota with full powe<, air cond .. stereo, cruise control. tilt wheel, custom wheels & mo<el Don't mlu this low mileage beeutyl (571XJX) $6999 1971 TOYOTA COROLU "DELUXE 2 1001" Automatic transmlulon. Fully lecia<y equipped plus extetlor trim pack•ge. New beige finish with aaddle Interior. ('476NIN). Don't miss th'9 special at only s2999 1111 lllillllll ....... ,,...,... Economlc8I 5 epeed with .,r cond., stereo oa111ette, exterior trim package & more. (728ZLF). An outstendtng buy at only $2999 1118 OPEL "DELUXE COUPE" Automatic transmission, air cond .. AM-FM radio, exterior trim package and morel An outstanding car In every respect! (85'4UPO). s3499 DIVING ST AB -Twins third baseman Gary Gaetti latches on to a Brian Downing-slapped ball Thunday. Gaettl got up and threw Downing out at first in the fifth inning as the Twins recorded an 8-6 DlllJ,... ...... "' ca.,~ victory. The Angela begin a 10-game road trip tonight at Seattle with a three-game series. Tiant lsp't the answer against Twins Last-place Minnesota sends Angels packing with third loss in four games I • By CURT SEEDEN or ... o..,,... • ..., It was a case of the older, willer pitcher trying to tame the big-headed young- sters Thursday afternoon at Anaheim Stadium. Luis Tiant against the Minnesota Twins. But. before the afternoon was over, Tiant, the 41-year-old Cuban who has been aJ'ound the major leagues for 18 years, proved to be no different than the rest of the Angel hurlers -at least when it comes to facing the Twins. . Both the Twins and the Anpll packed their bags after the game, as the Angela headed for Seattle and Minneeota pre- pared to return home. Too bad for the Twins; they were beginning to like it here. Ron Washington proved that with a three-run homer off Tiant in the top of the third inning as Minne.ota rolled to an 8-6 victory before 32, 711. The Twins maIUlled to take 3-of-4 from the Angela and spoil what could have been a SUCC'e91ful homestand. A& it On TV tonight channel 5 at 7:30 turned out, the Angela finished the stand with a 6-S mark. "We don't expect anybody to beat ua 3-out-of-4," lamented Angel Manager Gene Mauch. "1 don't give a damn who it is." The Angela had mahaged to 1COre an 8-6 vict.ory Wedneeday night, but even that required a dramatic two-run, eighth inning homer by Brian Downing. There was no drama to the final out- come of Thu.raday afternoon's game, however. All of that unfolded when Tiant walked to the mound for hia first major league start since Oct. 1 of last year. And be started off well enough, stri- king out five of the first nine Twins he faced. But Tim Laudner led off the Minnt!90ta third with a single and two 'outs later Bobby Mitchell walked. Waahingt.on then lined hia fourth home run over the left field fence for a 3-1 Minneeota advantage. It was the walk to Mitchell that sur- prtaed Mauch. "I thou&)\t the prr_>e would have to go till tomottow night before Tiant would walk anybody," the AnaeI manager uid. "When you have a .eriea when you can hit big bouncing balls down the J.lne, bunts and bloo~ you just can't do any- thing about it,' Mauch added. Tiant eventually exited after getting one out ln the fourth inning. But by that time, the Twins bad tagged the herky jerkey right-hander for five nma on four hits and two walks. He wound up fan- ning six Twins. Despite the defeat, Tiant scored some points. particularly with hia catcher for the afternoon, Joe Ferguaon. and some of the Twins. "He made one mi.stake to Washingto'?. He WM right around teh plate today,' noted FeriUIOI\. who was subbing for catcher Bob Boone. In fact, Ferguson almo9t looked perturbed when Mauch carried the hook with him (lee ANGELS, Pqe C4) Wyland idives Ferragamo's chances for sticking poor . .. :for gold : GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador (AP) :.:... Wendy Wyland of Mission Viejo captured the gold medal in w omen's platform diving Thursday, giving the United States three golds after three events in the World Diving Championships. Wyland, a 17-year-old high achool senior who placed 9eCIOlld in the preliminaries behind Chen Xiaoxia of China, won her gold ~th high acores in the final four pf eight dives. Ramona Wenzel of Rostock, East Germany, won the silver ~edal with 417.99 points and Zhou Jihong of China got the bronze with 399.78 points. Greg Louganis won the gold in the men'• springboard championship Monday and Megan Neyer of Mlasion Viejo captured the gold in the women'• springboard competition Saturdy. Somebody's got to go, but it's going to be complicated before it's over It's incredible how entertalnina the Rams can be. Heck, at times, they're mon fun to watch than a good Three St.ooaea movie or spending an evening with a Ruble's Cube. The Rams' latest bit of intrigue naturally involves the quarterbacka. AB was pointed out in a commentary I did last week, it's no secret that there's a surplus at the slgnal- calling position. Four ia juat too many. Thus, aomeone has to go. I hinted at who that penon might be in my commentary but didn't come right out and aay lt. Now, after a little more digging, I'm convinced it's going to. be Vince Ferrap.mo. Wh}' \Tl.noe' Well, prtndpally becauae the Rama pve up a lot to get Bert Jonea and the coechJ.n8 ataff believes Jones ia the quarterbeck that will lead the team blick to the Super Bowl Plu.a, to be honest, Ferragamo didn't 900re many polnta with a oertaln female owner in the NFL when he went to Canada. Anyway, from all indications, Ferngamo ia the likely candidate to depart. The problem ia unloading him. And, the fJama currently find themeelves between a rock and a hard·plaoe ln their venture. For obvious reuona, the Rama would prefer to unload their popular Italian QB before he h.u a chance to aet foot JOHN SEVANO in Anaheim Stadium. That's going to be difficult, though, becaU88 teams have juat started camp and coechee haven't bad an ample opporttmity to -their talent. Secondly, the Rama are uJdna for the aame compensation for Ferraaamo that they 1&ve up to pt Jones -namely a fim and second round aelection. That'• a steep price. Since Ferragamo was out of the Ieacue for a year, many teams want to~ him perform before they decide to make that kind of a deal. Thus, the dilemma. How do the Rama ahowcue Ferragamo without generating a whole lot of local support behind him? Well, no concluaive answer hu been decided yet, but don't be too aurpNed lf Vince doesn't play apinst Denver in the Rams' pre-season opener at Anaheim Stadium. Instead, watch for ~e bomb- throwing right-hander to make hia first lhowtnc in Cleveland. That way, the Rams can showcase Vince and keep him out of Anaheim at the aame time. Yes, the game from Ohio will probably be televised, but there's a big difference between seeing someone perform well on TV and aeeing 1JOmeone perform well in penon. Of course, -!~>nea could get injured =.,.wt Denver and 10lve the Rams' em all tcJSether. I wouldn't bet on it, though. • • ADD FERRAGAMO: Thou11\t I'd paaa along an amusing converaatlon that took place between m)'"8elf, Fe1Taaamo, Nolan Cromwell and Ulistant publidty din!Cfor Gene Ef.fler last weekend. The four of ua were talking about recent movies we bad 8eeD and the pictutt ''E.T.'' popped up. "\'ou mean you guy. haven't.seen \E.T.' yet," said Ferr-aamo enthuslaatically. "Boy, what a great movie, It's the best Utlng rve teen. Everyone who's seen it loves it You aotta go,lt'a just great." Fe~ continued h.11 flowing praise for a w611e longer and then uid, "Oh, by (See RAMS. P .. e C4) Footsteps • starting to sound? LOS ANGELES (AP) -Joe Torre, the mana1er of the Atlanta Braves, malntaint hia Atlanta Braves are far from a fiuh ln the pan. that they're ri1htfully atop the National Lqgue West becawie, he aaya. "I'd aay we're a leCftimate bell club.'' The Braves are able> a club that ia experiencing tomethina new to them: The heat of a pennant race. The aeaaon ia far from over with and the Braves have been ln firat pl.ace for all but one day of the season. But If Thunday night 11 any example, they're • diaplaylng at least 10me algns of hearing footsteps. Committing three errors, including one by second baaeman Jerry Royster with two outs ln the ninth inning that enabled the tying run to come home, they all · but handed the Loa Angeles Dodgers a 10-lnnlng, 3 ... 2 victory. THE VICl'ORY, the Dodaen' third in a row, seventh ln their last nine games and sixth at.rai&ht over Atlanta, moved them to w ithin 4 ~ games of the division-leading Braves while staying a half game in front of San Diego. Prior to folding defensively, the Braves, literally, knocked Loa Angeles starter Fernando Valenzuela out of the game in the sixth inning. Bob Horner drilled a liner straight back to the m o und . The ball struck Valenzuela's left knee, he tumbled t.O the ground and then just sat there, in obvious pain. But after several minutes he was able to regain h1a feet and walk unaided to the dugout with only the slightest hint of a limp. Dodger physician Dr. Frank Jobe examine d the knee, described it as only a bruise, but said he'll check hia most-valuable patient again today. He did indicate the injury was not serious, and It m ight be that Valenzuela will be able to make his next sch.eduled start, 1\aeeday night again.st Cincinnati. The Braves had a 2-0 lead, thanks to Claudell Washington's two-run homer in the fifth off of Valenzuela. THE DODGERS got one run back in the sixth, with help of catch er Bruce Benedict 's throwing error, tied It with two outs in the ninth on Royster'• error and won It in the 10th with aid of an error by Washington. It appeared the Dodgers would loee, 2-1, unUJ Royster blew the play on pinch hitter Rick Monday's ground ball, the would-be game-ending out. "I juat misplayed it, It's no big secret," he said of the play that let Pedro Guerrero come home with the tying run. "It's just like you aaw, r didn't get down on it. It was a simple play, I just screwed it up. "It's the biggest bonehead play rve made since I've been in the majon." Monday, who hit the ball, uid, "I was upset when I hit it; lt wu hit hard but right where the guy was standing. "Still, you can't take anything for granted. I was never one to leave the park early." Sax, Royster'• counterpart at second, empathbed with Roywter. "Yeah, I can feel for him.'' he lllid. "I know I did it once, too. "In 'A' ball." Wyland and her coach, Mike Bi'own of the University of Tex.as at Auatin, acknowledged that Wyland'• victory wu partly due to a poor showing by Chen, who entered the finals a• the le.ader. "She blew a few divee," Wyland said after the medals ceremony. "I tried to Ignore the Competition and concentrated on Oiy d.lvea." 'Best round' lifts Floyd Long jUmp nugget Lewis .eyes 30 feet Chen WM leading the 900l'inl QntU the fifth round, when Wyland bepn to ahine with tour comecuUve hl&h-.:orinl dives. POCll" dives on her fifth and ltxth opportuniUee off the platform dropped Chen from tint to llxth .... · Meuwhlle Mary T. ~ of LoWMlle, Ky., brob a &old· medal drouaht for U.S. women ln the 100.meter but1m'fly and Victor Davia 1ma1bed • .,.year-old world nconl ln the .ioc>-meter breutttroke at the World Swlmmln1 Championabl.., RobertM Zhulpa of the Soviet Union yva1 more tbaa two l9COnda behind Da¥t9, ~ the .owr mec1a1 in 1:1e.ea. wtui. John Mottet "' c.o.t. ..... wc:n hla MCOnd Individual bronn medal ln the b:culltl<IU wtth • 1:18.&4. .. TULSA, Okla . (AP) Veteran Ray F1oyd reeled oU a •tri.nl of nine oonaecuUve "3'1" on the way to the beet effort of his career, a record-breakin1. 7-under·par 63 that staked hbn to the tint round leed Thunday ln the 64th PGA n·auonal championabip. "Protiably the best round of aolf rve ever played. anywben.'' said J'loyd, who hu won 17 Utlea -lndudinl'" th.II ..... -ln two decades of competition on the POA Tpur. .. And, with It comln1 ln a IDAJor, and ell' • aoU oourm llU WI. it'•~ Ml,.....,... forever," l'loyd Mld after bfl trek tbroup 1trencth ... pptn1 =-the~ beyond .... 100 "Mybody Who thinlll he ca beat th'9 heat f« four rouftdl " ~." llAd ""1d. • ..,.. a W9t towel draped •round hh lboWden. dnnk fJ&ddl on ~ (IM ft.OYD, .... C4) . Beamon's hallowed mark of 29-21h appears in jeopardy, sooner or later B, HOWARD L BANDY Of .. Dllr ......... WESTWOOD -World records to <:.arJ Lewla mean Ve1"J little lf he doeln't have the ~Uon of betna the beet ln the world in hia particular endeevor. Lewia .recently set the track and tield wocld on the alert when he l•Ded 30-2 ln the Jona jump in Tncttanapolla at the Sport• Festival. but had the jump d1lallowed by an offldal who akl he had fouled. ··1 feel I made a leeal JUmp but lt WM one of my euly effoi1a and I felt at the time that U I had Fnt 30 feet, I could come beck and do 29 feet," 1AWtl ta1d Tbunda)' while pnPIU'tna for the AAlO J-Owena O.m.I at' OCLA'1 Dnb Stadium Saturday. • ~I th"-iunwd out ln Ind)\ Lewie had thr.e .... OYtl' 29 feet but h.d to eettle for bll fourth jump ol 28-8 for a wi!mlftl efflirt. .... ....... b8ft ju!'Qped 28 &et In the pell ..ab Bernon who• tM cumml warld reaaal ol n..2 \.t at the ~ 0-WM Dl¥tl' d... ID tt.at mArlll.fan or.,_. bli ~ -in the r...eflid air ol Maklo ~. . Lewil lm't d!8cour-aed. Far from it. In fad., he fiCurel he cDWd be the fintt to JO OYW the 30-foot mark "With a 1epl Jump and aaya ao without bnalna. "Two weeka aao I didn't feel I-could IP that far," he aya. "But now I feel I can ao JO feet. but I won•t predict when. .. I can pntdict when I am IOlna to compete w.11 ln a meet but rm not• 'liar now I /eel I ca11 p '30 /ee1, hr I won't predict when.' to being the fut.est hwnan. He nma the 100 ln c1oee to record time and feela he should have had both world recorcl9 In IndianlipoU.. "I may 10 down ln h1stoey • the best lone jl.amper of all·tlme bUt If I don't have the world record. It cSo.i•t meui a thine." he ..ya. "But the record am•t • lmpc:Jl1.Glt to me M belna the belt. U I haw to pt the world r9cionl to be the t.\, then I want lt. But thllt llll't my aoaL ''IY a penon. Lewl8 feell he can m.lt the record now but rm not Ftn8 to My when that will be." On hJI wtnnln8 effort of 28-8, be llyt he ).wt ca~t t.M beck of the taaott bOUd --~ of the foul ~ he hid eoount.nd eerlier. '-I will be dllappoi!'tlld in ~ If I aJQ under 28 f .. t Saturday. Thia 11 cW.lnltaly an n=P=l IMWt1 m &t .._ ooOdidolll .. ,... ..... ...,. ... " •• ,. im ..... ,..., • UddOWnllDd.W.thatbebMbilll fnnwll· .... • "Nein 1fl!ll wdl be _...-... -~--1 Will ... -• --......... LilWll -~.-.cu ·' I ,I , . Christian returns • to action Alan Christian of Huntington Beach will be out to repeat a strong performance in tonight'• motorcycle speedway racing program at th& Orange County Fairgrounds in Co1ta Mesa. Christian won the scratch main event .and finished first in the handicap event but was disqualified last week. His disqualification came on rough riding tactics. The Huntington Beach rider has been one of the most consistent riders this season. on the Co.ta Mesa track. In addition to finishing first in both feature races, he had a first and second plate finish in his two ICl'atch qualifying rounda. Joining Christian In the field at tonight'• event will be Mike But, Gene Woods of Coata Mesa, Dennis Abbott~ Dennis Bransford and Sterling Cogar among others. A full program of racing is scheduled with the first heat competition at 8 o'clock. Gates open at 6. Tonight's action will be a tuneup for the final qualifying round for the U.S . open championship to be contested on Oct. 9. Sophomore 'Cap set Easy Six Rocke tte, fresh off sharing a yictory in the Vandy'• flash Handicap, will challenge Laddie Handicap winner Garland Stephens tonight in the featured Sophomore Handicap at Loa Alamitos Rac e Course. Garland Stephena bu t>een assigned top lmpo8t pf 124 pounds for the lOO-yard sprint whlle East Six Rockette will '°te 123 pounds. Racing continues Saturday night with the ~50-yard Barbra B Handicap aa the highlight. Flrat poat la :'7:45 for the quarterbone 'racina that runs Monday ~hrough Saturday nigh ta. IAB'I -· ......... •ca a 1 ••• ......... ,.. MnmDOM--:It.lit ,17.,, .... TllM..,.. ·-a... ~ .......... .,_#Mt COITAlmA 641-12M ................ ....,.. VU) 495.o401 ~~z::.., Anybody lnttrHt•d In Coaching, Anl•Un! CoadllnD for ege 1 to 14 ror C91ta "Meu Junior All Ameran Footbell. MIO •'. Baltimore finally beat• Kan-Clty . Jlm Palaer held Ka.neaa City II hiU. f« ttve 1nninD and fln1ahect with a \hne-hitter for hla Mventh conMCUUve victory u Baltimon top- ped the Royall. IJ.1, Thunday nllht. The wtn anapped Balt1more'1 1ix-1ame lo.11)1 atreak qa1n9t KanMI City1 but .th• Royall Nl1la.lned in ttnt plMe 1n the AmmCaft ~ Wen, one ~ t ahead of tM Anpla ... Elaewhen 1n the AL, Dave Bot&ttler hGlnered and drove 1n four tum. IMdt.ng Texaa to a 7·2 victoliY over New York. Knucldeballer ~lie Boqlil. 11-8, ecattered etc.ht hlta over aeven 1nn1np 1n beattnc the Yankees for the third time thl• HHOn . . . Jerry TuMr drove 1n three tun1 with a homer and a single, •AUmt IMd1nc Detroit to a 7-4 win over Toron\o and a aweep of their double· header. The Ttaen won the opener, 5-2. behind the le'VeD·hit phchlnc of Jerry UJdar, 5-5 ... Kanua City outfielder WUUe Wit.-, who WU 1truck on the rl1ht cheekbone by a pitch Wednesday niaht, checked out of St. Luke's Hoapltal In Kanau City Thunday morning . Wallach -'11t• •lam Ill~' -en Former Untver11ty Hl1h and ..... , 8addleback Colltl• product Ttm Wallaell al~ a srand llam and Tim aalaH added five Mt• •• Monu.l crwMd PhiladltlphJa Thunday, .. it: I~ w• Wan.ch'• l&th homer of the 1M10n arid .~ tint maJor·l•.,u• arand lluri . . . Jouat Btadl hit a 101o homer and Wa)'H KrneMckl added. hrfo.Nn plnch hit to lift Clndnnad to. "' 4·2 ded.lion over San Dle,o . . . Kea Olttnfell rapped a pUr of two-run doub* and SttH M~a hurled a four- h.ltter, St. Louie put Pltt1bur1h, -a. in a 1ame 'lhortened to 4 Yi 1nninp bl rain ... Jay JobDltoae 1 two-run homer backed the two-hit pltchln1 of Raady Marta 11 Chlca10 downed WAU.Aett New York, 5-1 . . . Rookie BW .La1key pitched 1even shutout 1.nn.1nga and C•m Davia had three hlta u San Francieco defe.ted Hou.tton, 5-2. Grant says hf 'II coach Saturday Mlnneeoia VtkJnp C:O.Cb Biid EiJ Gnat uld Thunday nllht he and hJa 4 ... 1Wf wW coach the teun 1n the Hall of Fame i•me apinat the Baltimore . c.otta at Canton, Obk>, Saturday after'Dopn. In a 1ta~ment, Grant abo aaid the V~ "wtU praent a reaoluUon at the next lela\ae (NFL) meettna rn October to pay the COllCMI at the same rate of pay aa the ptar,era who partldpate 1n the Hall of Fame game.' •Manufactum's suggested retail price. ExdU<iing taxes, title, license and dtstin.tion charge. Ex-Jl'.di8on H11h kJddna Ital' Tn1 0 Rlcur•.. hu chanpd h.1a mind, opUftl tor Lon.I .Beach State lnlteed of the Univeralty of Kanaa. He lt expected to atart at a fre9hman for the 49en. Television, radio · Following are the top 1port1 f!Venta on TV tonight. Ratlnp are: vvvv excellent; vvv worth watching; v v fair; " forget It. (5 7:30 liTi'' Channel 6 v v v V BASEB • Angell at Seattle. ' AMouc:en: Bob Starr and Ron Fairly. Still )lat percentaae polnta behind Kan8iri9 City, despite lmlna three of fOW" to Mlnnemea, the Angell test the. upetart Seettle Marinen fO( the tint of three garnet t.ooilht. Geoff Zahn (11-5) geta the •ta.rtina .-,nment aplnlt Floyd Banniater (10.e) of the Marlnen. RADIO Baseball -Atlanta at Dodaen, 7:30 p.J!l._. KABC (790); Angela at Seattle, 7~ p.m., KMPC (710). 'I SPARK PLUGS Autolite. SS STANDARD e EA RESISTOR CASSI I IE OR 8-TRACK CAR STEREO Tone and balance " controls. AM/FM slide YOUR 599 5 selector. CHOICE fA04 •SR·200, #SR·300 COAXIAL SPEAKERS Two SY." air suspemion, with built.in cooxiol 2" tweeters, 20 oz. magnets. •SIC-620C 22~! KAKO BAnERIES 48 MONTH • 12 VOLT MAINTENANCE· FREE Fo~ most ~ & light trudi1 HAPPEN Tift DAILY PILOTS n, radio spor a p.m. <M> . .,.. _The.,,._ All· 1 OMtftl' oanmw. 1a -~ ~ ana • AUTO MARKET •.. 1tan "'· ae.t of t..*'Wirf.1-..'0ianta ,Mlum in divtnc cbam~ .. -. Guity~ lcllAdor. arva 10£ ••• IY~lild .. ~ uw~-.W~. Alao: lebeii&W -bcpd .... <•> ~ WUTl!RN n. beeome. \hen ij ~ lib an auto ,... '°I · .T:at-p;m. (&) -•MDALL -Ancell at OtJTDOOuau.N -1...-.1a on Ice ~ In 1UJ' up enthualMm amona tire~ &MW.. Nevada· r'od90 clowna. HG9' le ~ !!a~ lt't on that theme that Uwt ~ 'nn RADIO a:iO p.m. (t) -OUTDOOR UR -Tarpqn Company of America, Inc., plays out lea oantinued BMtball -Atlaftta at~ 7·p.m., KABC ~I.ft f'lalWa; • 1pol\IOr1htp of the 10th annual Brld1nton• (790); Anpll at CU., 'f:IO p.m .• KMPC (710). • p.m. (4) -IPORTIWOl\LD -The Gold SCORE Off·Road World Champion1hlp •t 0 _ Cup urulmlted hydroplane race, taped on the Rlverstde IntemaUonal R.atway Aua. 7.9, ~•d•Y O.trolt Riwr. The premiere 1pectator off.road r11Ce.in the TELSVlllON 11 a.m. (2) -TBNNll -The men'• lllnalee final in the U.S. clay COW1 &tnn1a dwnptomfilpa from Indtanapolll. Noon (7) -LONG DRIVING CHAMPIONSHIP -Oolt1 he.vy hitten tee tt up fot a fint prize of tll,000 in the National Long Driving Champlonahlp, taped at Tulu. 12:30 p..ro. (7) -PGA CHAMPIONSHIP - The final round of the final ewQt in the m. Four of golf from the Soui,hem11W1 Country Club 1n Tulu. 1:30 p.m. (2) -CBS SPORTI SUNDAY - ~ I MOTOR OIL lOW-40 GRAPHm 1 19 QT LIMIT 24 QUARTS HEAVY DUTY SUPREME 30W A·l . ••b~~f Songle Mo•••• Cyl1nde•• 14•• CHlv•Olfl 1'161 66 h e W/Me•ollt< f4CH ltntng llADIO country, a IOrt of Wild West happening that draws .SU.ball -A&lanta al Oodpre, l p.m.bKABC '\lp'!tard1 of 60,000 fan• each year, provlde1 (790); Aneela at S..ttle, 1 a>.m., KMPC (71 ). Bridaeatone with 1everal benefita, the compeny '-' • k f i I bell eve.. ' • urun1on ma e na run Primarily, the race "' the comentone of a The final a,ru.nion run of the 1982 1ummer retail cuatorner aale1 promotion t.hat often a Ford aeuon ll 1eheduled to •tart tontaht at 10:42 and run Ranger aa the grand prir.e in a ouper 1weepstakel. for two hoW'I alona Southem California b,aches. Bridgestone a1ao givee away a complew .et of tiree The four-day run wtU aet prosreuively lat,er ~premium Super Filler Radiall for the 1t.reet or each night with Saturday'• run let for 11:17 p.m. tc Deeert Dueler Steel a.dial.I for atreet and off-roed 1:17 a.m.; Sunday ewnlna lt will 11tart at 11:59 p.m -and 162 other priut in this promotion. and end at 1:09 a.m. BridgHtone dealers offer dlecount ticket GEM·S, I 7, JJ. 40, 42, 49, ~.11 ·1 •• EA AIR FILTER Improved performonce. helpa aove 901 Model• 1n uocli 10 fit moat Dometti< ponenger cart 1 79 EA -y·to-reod LCD No wiring ..-quired. 11" #WC~,12~~ for pm .. nge. (0" Ct..••olel 6 cylonde• 1962 79 194 230 2501 Eacep• 75 ·79 eng+ne Wtfh "'' f'l!lld 198 EA (h<ytltt v. 1963 '78 (b cept h, ,,.,.. & •26 hem1) 8u1cli V 8 196S '81 1£acep1 265 301 ond '7S&'78 364 400 •01 •lS 430) Chev•o let v 8 19.55 81 (bcept 301 3•8 402 4091 Oldt v 8 1965 '81 1E•<•pt_ 301 330 on.J 75 4001 Pon11oc v 8 1975 '81 lhcept 265 301 •• 350 Ty~ l''.400 3s fordV 111962 81 t221• 255 260 21'1 302 151W) fh cept 302 lloul llut<ll V 8 \975 tl~ 400 401 •2.5 •3<>11977 11 t301J Old1 v. 1975 400J 1979 3011 l'ont1oc v 11961 '76 1265 301 326 350 TYJ>• I' 31 ... 400 4" 4214551 SET coupon.a, with both the 1uper 1weepetakes and diacount coupons heavily advertlled in local media • to ~ate a fresh IOW'Ce of traffic into retail outleta. Not the leut of its 1pon10nhip benefits la the • opportunity for Brldgeatone to teat an experimental new tire In action during the Rivenlde race as proof that it does 1ndeed Ute the sport of off-road racine u a ~ting ground. · To develop the new tire, Bridgestone ltarted with Its stock Desert Dueler ateel-belted radial design, a tire that has been pl'oved in ~try competition from the forbidding Baja California peninsula of Mexico to the washboard terrain of Nevada. Greg Higham, National Product Manager for , passenger and light truck tire sales, de9Cribes the basic features of the Desert Dueler as "outstanding handling response combined with maximum impact resistance." The high perfonnance fef~ are an aggressive tread pattern and stiff bead area. But short course racing at Riverside makes different demands on tires than motoriata or even competitors 'find in the desert. There are no rocks, the ground is harder. and traction is the most important winning ingredient in short course , racing. So the modified Desert Dueler, the new "Riverside tire," has a more open tread design plua a softer compound for additional traction. All of Bridgestone's 12 contracted factory drivers will have the option to race on the new tire at Riverside. The factory stable incluqes Stan Gilbert of Cypress, Calif .. a many-times champion in his class for drivers of stock automobiles, and Baja Bug champ driver Malcolm Vinje of San Diego, Calif. t Many of the fans in the grandstands looking out over a sea of banners strung around the course and cheering for their favorite drivers will already have visited their local Bridgestone dealer, either to try to win the specially prepared $9, 750 Ford Ranger or to acquire discount coupons th.at save them money on tickets to see the race. Dealership traffic is the final element of the event promotion, creating enthusiasm at the retail level. according to Harold L . Brown. Vice-President, Sales. "We are proud of our product.s.''Brown said, "and we are equally pleased with the success of our efforts to get recognition for them through aggreaive 1ports promotion." Bridgestone ia the official tire of the Long Beach Grand Prix and is directly involved in the Bridgestone Pro-Kart Invitational race that weekend. It is a sponsor of the World Speedway Motorcycle Finals and o f major motorcycle moto-<:ross events. Bridgestone has also been a long term sponsor of the Glen Campbell Los Angeles Open golf tournament and women's world championship tennis doubles competition held in the U.S. and Japan. Bridgestone Tire Company of America, Inc., is now 15 years old. Since it began operation in 1967, it has grown from a staff of 12 to more than 300 employees. Based in Torrance, Calif .. Bridgestone offers a complete range of passenger car and light truc1c: tires, as well as heavy duty truck , giant off-the-road vehicle, motorcycle and kart tires. *** FOUNTAIN VALLEY ... Mitsubishi Motor Sales of America, Inc. (MMSA) today anJ)OU.nCed the signing of a letter of intent to appoint Jlm Marino as one of the first dealers nationally to market and service a new line of 1983 Mitaubiahl cars and trucks to be introduced to the public in October 1982. Marmo will be part of an initial group of some 70 exclusive Mitsubishi dealers planned for 22 U.S. import markets in the first model year. The new dealership will be located in Alhambra, Calif. A 30-year veteran of the automobile industry, Marino purchased his first Volkswagen dealership in St. Louis, Mo. in 1968, and made the dealership No. 1 in volume in the St. Louis area in less than a year. Moving to Southern California, he became president of Jlm Marino Imports,• Mercedez-Benz dealership in Alhambra. Subsequently, ,he established Jim Marino Volkswagen in Huntington Beach. Jim Marino Volkswagen was the highest volume Volkswagen dealerahlp in California in 1981 (and No. 2 in the entire United Stat.es). Marino ia a member of the "5~2" Club, Hoag Hospital; the Young Presidenta OrganizaW>n ~ the Chambers of Commerce of Huntlnlton Beacli and Alhambra. MMSA WU formed by Mitaubiahi Moton Corporation, Tokyo, Japan, in Decerpbe' 1981 to market and diltribute the first can and trucks to carry the Mitsubishi marque in \hll ·country. (Other Mitaubi.ahi-built can and trUCka allo are sold ln the U.S. by Chrysler Corporatlon u impon modela of Dodge and Plymouth.) The pareit oompeny, MitsubiahJ Moton Corporation, i. one of the 10 J.araeat car and truck manu.bcturerl in the world, with retail operationl in Japan and llOl'Oe 13' other c:ountriee. Tbe ncl.Ulive 1983 Mitaublahl U.S. line of all~ can wW include the Starion, a halh· 112+2" lpoctl ha'1Chbeck model f•turliiC a 2.S.Uter turbocharpl ~; the ~ • tpCll'ty futback model with • hAcb f\lel .. ffident 1.1-llter en1ln• and the roomy ~yni....-Tredia,edan. do pow.-·bJ. 1.tMttwr Mttaublah""'balatlcer abatt." eni(ne. MMIA aJ,ao wlll offer a comp)•&• Un• of. tWO•WhHl-drlve and four.wheel~rtve ~bt: ~~..;~== .... : the U.S. for th1I of truclll. SEE WHAT YOIJR ~L ~ .· AUTO D~ H"1i TO OfFD YOU IN TODAY'I ~ "I 8'ay.d with ID)' fmnlly," the • ~ Wen Covina rell&nt . ..I hedn't 1Mn them· or my ltlerwla her'9 tn thNe montha.1' He w• aUll an Ancel then, a Tbe only pre•sure ere l• tbe pres•ure tou put on youneU. 't-W. pro.pect ticketed to e bench or return to A. ~ trade to the Twtna all of that He a preaently hlttln1 .280 with 14 home runs and 30 RBI. = Uw>uch the last place look auap6cioualy like an team this aeMon. both ~ .,e and in the ltandinal, he'a tiappy to be with them. ~ "I feel comfortable," he aaid. ·~e're the Younaest club in the rbajors and we're not contendina tor the pennant. The only we-we here la the p~ you ~t on younelf." Lin contrast, every game Is important to the An1ela, who \fere n&ne too happy to loae ~ out of four to the Twins at }lome. : "Our record aaya we don't play well, 10 _we aur_prlae a lot of fE ple," BrurWlllcy aaid. "They lnk that we're patale1, but re a good. youna club." ; Brunanaky ta p1eMed with h1a first extended look at the major lNues, uying'that it's what he'• ~anted since he wu 17. The Ufestyle haa held few IW'prt.. fl>r' him after h1a three years in ttie minon. • Brunansky Isn't the only Reraon experiencing a ~. though; Thuraday's lfam.e marked Lula Tiant'-return to the major league.e. : "He still throw• hard," Brunanaky uld. "He'a aUll doing what he'• done h1a entire career. 8e'a just Lule, a colorful ~player.I' 'naaar:-:a-:.:-.. -==-~ ftnt of ~ whiffl for lb• ri1ht·Uelder. Aflerward11 twnmatel put • tWWlld ~ ~ Clallld tbl x..x.x hOod 0 lt'• Juat tometbln1 we cto here," Brunanllcy Mid. If he conttnun to tmprow, they may be Pled"I • club t.. rub crown on h1I hied ICllMday. Ebei:._11121. • •tud•nt at UC &ante .8ubua, la lnflllmlnl with the DaJJy Pflot chltl aumnw. • Promotion for Richard TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) -J. R. Richard, the onetime Hou.ton Altro taatt.ller about to belln playing a.. Triple-A bueball on the 8eOOIMl lea of hla major- league comeback effort, aald Thursday, "Everythln1'1 juat fine, no oomplaintl." Richard, promoted th1a week to the TuC90n Toroe, Hou.ton'• farm team, said he'a confident of making It all the way back. and credita h1a faith in himlelf and ln God for h1a improvement llnce he 1uffered a diaablin1 stl'Oke two yean ago. "I alwayi had the faith and . . . . never doubted in my mind one second that I would not come bllck." the 6-8 right-hander told reporten at a news .conference. He arrived in Tuc8ori Wedneeday night with hia wife and three aona after a ato_pover in Hou.ton. en route (ram Daytona Beech.· The Astros moved Richard up from their C1aaa A team after be pitched a complete pme Monday night and received a ltanding- ovation .endoff. After joining Daytona Beech in mid-June, IUchard comp(led a 3·1 record in lix appearances. Earlier, he had under1one extensive physical therapy, including weightlifting and coordination exerci8es. ~egatta tightens up • rwo races remain at Alamitos Bay BJ ALMON LOCK.ABEY DlllJ ......... .,... • With two races rema1n1ng in the Pre-Olympic Regatta out of ~-Bay at Jeaat two cluees Could come down to the wire in the final 900rlng. lL Cloee9t race appean to be in F.e Star C1aaa whee Bill Buchan 9~ Seattle la leading Buddy 1delga of 7-enda, W19c., by five P<>inta. Melges is sailing for Germany for rea1on1 yet Unexplained. : Melgee placed second and Buchan third in Thunday'a race, i>ut it waa not a throwout for tither skipper. Winner of the fifth race waa Trygve Liljeatrand et Sweden who 11 standing In fourth place. . In the Soling Claaa It ls an even floser battle with only three penalty pointa .eparating the top f~ contenden. • Joee Diaz of Brazil leads the HaH with 34.4 points; Dave J>erry of the U.S. la 9eCOnd with 3.7; Peter Gilmour of AuatralJa la itrlrd with 36 and Ed Baird of the J].S. ta fourth with 37. Torben Prael of Bruil won the fifth ~but it waa meaninglem u he ta down to 13th place. Steve Benjamin ia leadina the 470 C-after David Bamee of New Zealand fouled out in the· fourth race, dropping him to efahtb. John Loveday of England appean to be running away with the Flying Dutchman a.. with lix penalty points aplJwt &oct YC>Ung of the U.S. with 28. Craig Healy of San rranct.:o la leading the Finn clatl with 21.7 BOATING penalty points over 32 for Paolo Semeraro of Italy. Martin Pai.on of Sweden la five potntl behind Semeraro. Tburaday'1 race w• uiled in a brisk westerly breeze, but aevera1 windahifta kept akippen and crews on their toes and a 2-4 foot chop slowed their pl"Oll"em over all COW'8eS. Randy Smyth of Hunu.n,ton Beach baa the best record in the reptta with only three penalty points against him ln the Tornado catamaran clua. Bia only bad race waa on Monday when he got caught on the wrong side of a wtndahift and wu 33rd rounding the weather mark. When the wind .ettl.S down he .. ued through most of the fleet to place eighth. Thia w• hia throwout race. Hie only other lcm WU a leCOnd place. Smyth and hla crew, Jay Gluer, are considered amoac the top catamaran aailon in the world, havln1 won ln ..veral other multihUll reptta "°"''119C1 INGELS BEATEN ••. la tlae fowtla ~· "I W'oWd .,... hll U. 1UY .t up ,__ Mw ..._. to -him l&ay ID bUt ftiet1J fm' U. burit and It &oc* a w. )Ill .... t NM Che luxury to ~ bOUla. 'l"MD u.ey c:bM. do rt·...,.., now. It'•~ days pidi(ntlleWr JUeay) 8 ...... to ~t now. OW jult dldn thaw CS..t.b wtth two broiin mt hJta." &M luxui'y to let him '° llx °' MauCh .....,.... Hvenln lanln11, '' J'er1uaon 11'9 Anftla tot two blil:k In Che oantinuiM. bottmn c£ Che ll'Wftth • Oricb Tlaat, who waa purcba1ed walked and Ron JacklOn dou· frolb Tabuco of the Mexican bi.ct, and l'•r1u.on cracked a . ~ on Monday, didn't and, two-nm tiincJe. tn tic!; wouldn't offer any ex· DIC1nc. theft hit~ 20th bo- a... "Sun, lt'1 the flrat time I mer of the 111UOn tn the bottom bad pitched in about two week.I, of the etahth off Twina' .reliever It bOthenid mt a lttle bit but I Jeff Llttfe. don't want to make an excuee. The 1ame took nearly 3 ~ You make a m.llt.ake and you pay houn to complete, with Twtna for It. I paid for it," Ttant Ad· rel.lever Ron Davia ftrik1nc out min.d ... I had faced h1m twice Fft'IWIOI\ to earn hJI l~th uve of befcn in Trfple A ball.'' added \he ae.uon. And afters~ ~ Twina center fielder Mitchell. lt waa hard to remember that "He can ltU1 throw pretty well. Tl.ant had made what the Anaell He'a jult a little toua.h to get Uted were hopina wu a triumphant to." Tlant dazzl.S the crowd with return to the rnajorl. hla cruy delivery that uaual.ly "rve been there before," Tl.ant flnd8 him 1Jtarina out to center conffllled. "I just have to come field while rocldna in hla motion. back. We'll eee what happens He uaed a big bloop pitch to next time." atrtke out -: Gary Ward in the * -=ond innlng. "U he ca,n pitch conalatently ""'~~-=-=r~:;: lib be dld in the tint few in· Anae11 et AMN1m Sladlulft ""'.-.ori. Wiiia ml.x1ng up hla pitches, he'll • cM> •tMdetd ... by IN mt dllb ,_.. llli do ¥ .. 111.•••-'-ll ad"".-.& Angele' lop llllNtl IOt rnoM holMrl .. llolM ·~ ou1JoU1e ucu. wH •etabllelled by 111e 1te1 club wfllcll , The AnaeJa grabbed a 1-0 lead ~ tM luxury of p4e)ilng In tiny =r: in the aecond inning u Bobby e1ec1k-nTI1et..:' ~ 34°'t1c!: =--= i Grich opened the Inning with a ... L4lle n.t wu ma111ng 111e nrat et*1 double and one out later IOOred egelnet MIMMot• ..,_ July 2t. 1NO wtlen, on Ron. J'ackaon's RBI 11.ngle. · -:'.::..:."'~ :n'~v=. ::.1io:..; !;: i 'rhe 'rwin.l increued their ad-Geoff z.M. Tlenl'• lut major· .. ~ win vantaae to 5-1 in the top 9f the · . '?'r. en .. 2 declelon owt tM Clllceoo Ollbe • aixth u reliever Bruce;Klapri Q.:; ~:0!!~0~,1~.t:~~.:~11:~~~ ·Nie walked Ward and then hit Gii'y -doub19 extended 111e hitting etrMk to~ Gaettl. Mickey Hatcher then · = ~nW:O:~!'Ynt:'W!:;Y~: whadted one of two RBI s1naJea. game ... .._ .._r. p1nct1111t Mlgle • on the day to bring home Ward wec1,_iey T.' wea IN ftf'l1111t :z • p1nct1 : The Angela got two becli in th~ ~11~ 81 ~~.:=on .=n;~ bottom ol the sixth as Twins ... ni. AflO'le letl tor a.. att. ttie ll8"M ~ ... , .... SLIDING HOME -Bobby Grich slides safely into home ahead of the tag oU a single by Ron Jackson Thursday. atarter Jack O'Connor walked ~n'1, 1~~1 1:::: ~."t:'.= both Fred Lynn and Joe Fergu-11o.e11n1 '•oemiewtllc:tl_.be....._, IOO.. Tim Foll'• double down the on KtLA. Chennel 5. left field line brought both run- ners home. From Page C1 A ACrifice fly by Kent Hrbek From Page C 1 and RBI singles by Gaetti and LEWIS COMPETES. • • catcher Tim Laudner gave the FLOYD• Twtna an 8-3 advantqe in the • ·• .eventb, and the Angels spent the reat of the day trying to catch up -all to no avail. hole and "sought the 1hade at every opportunity. uya. "I wUl make sure I am in 1ood condition at all times. Between the coaches and myeelf we will work It out and I can concentrate and keep my goals in aiaht. But there ts no way that I will ever overwork." He has quit the University of Houston track team to concentrate ht. efforta toward the Olympic Games and·aaya his coach waan't dlaappointed in h1a decl1ion. Thie means he will bypua h1a eenior aeuon. "He told me, 'aood, now let'• IO for 30 feet• We were friends before and we'll still be friend.a and stay tft.t way and I have a good relatlon1hlp with the unlvenlty.'' Hiacoach at Houston wu Tom Tellez, a well·known field event expert. Lewia ta one of four children and has a younger sister, Carol, who la among the world'• best woman long jumpers. He haa run 10.0 for the 100 meters, the fastest in the world th1a year and won the NCAA and TAC titles in both events. He ta the tint man since the legendary Jnae Owena did It in 1936 to aacompllah thia feat. U he had to chooae between beUur a aprinter or a long jumper, Lewia doeen't hesitate with h1a amwer. '"nle long Jump ts still my No. 1 event but t consider myself a aprinter u well right now. U I had to give up one event. though, UCI oarsmen win at regatta ST. CATHERINE'S, ONT. - The UC Irvine trio of Greg Petenon, Dave Kelly and M1ck Currie captured the junior pair with cox event Tbunday during the flnt day of the Canadian Henley Champlonahfps here. The Canadlan Henley ta the laraest re1aua in the Western Hemitpbere. HAPPY HOUR MOllAJ din Frtcll,f $ to 7:30 PM with complimentary hore d'0tuvm and• Sea food Bar MBN•s NIGHT MH.., Ito 10 PM r.awrina • 75 well drinb IADIB8• NIGHT W1 .. u~l&o ltPM r.acurtna • 5 wall drink• BIG BAND8 "• ROCK A ROLL .. .., wfdl mualc d the S0'1 and 60•• I would keep the long jump." He will be J{OlnJl to n.&rope for several meetil alter Saturday'• competition but l1n't exactly comlortable on the continent. "I don't get along well by myself, but having my sister there with me will make me more relaxed," he says. "She knows what we are doing and ahe'a an athlete too." .A.ked what he would do to celebrate when he breaks Beamon's mark for the lon1 j.unp, be saya: "U it's in Europe, It will give me a aood excua to come home. And ll it'• here Saturday, it wW give me·a good excua not to go," he aaya aomewhat in jest. "But the tint thing I will do ls to call my parents and tell them. ~ probably aay, 'it'• about ~-;; Challenging L4!wla on Saturday will be Ja.m Grimes who had a recent leap of 28-1, along with Mike Marlow of California and Chip Benaon of UCLA. Evelyn Aahford, the top woman sprinter in this country, will alao be in Saturday'• meet. She waa within 2/lOOths of a aecond of Marlie• Gohr'• 100-meter record with a 10.90 record this year. Ashford ba1 run under 11 aeconda on lix oocalliom including a wind-aided 10 .8~ and baa beaten Gohr three of four time. the two have met. "Maybe I'm atronaer and more competitive than ahe is," Alhford aaya. "I always run well on th1a track and I leave Sunday for Europe ao I have a chance to do aamething this year. '!be meet. which ta tree to the public on the UCLA all-weather tnck. ,eta under way at 9 a.m. with Lewta and Aah.ford .et to eom te around noon. ''Thole three in the aeventh - thciee were the nm.a that broke ua," Mauch aa.id. He wu refer- ring to Washington'• leadoff bunt which UUJ'd baaeman Doug DeCihoes just couldn't handle. From Page C1 RAMS the way, what was the name of the little momter in the movie?'' Amid the hearty laughter, Cromwell answered: ''It's E.T., you dummy." Ferragamo must be hysterical to be around in a huddle. • • • Defensive tackle Larry Brooks ls .another interesting acenario. lt'a rumored that 1'rooka came into camp fully intent on retiring only to be talked out of it. for the moment at leut, by one Ram offidal. De1perate.ly thin on the defensive line, the official asked Brooks to come into camp, work at hla own pace "f« a couple of weeka, and then dedde about h1a future. Brooks said OK and i• currently in camp, but not parUcipatina in any contact drills. Pereonafly, I hope Brooks ataya. He may not start or be a major contributor on the field thia year, but hla leadership would IOl'ely be milled . . . and the Rama need some solid leadenhip in this win-or·•tart n!bulldlng 9eUOD. • • • ADD BROOKS: A reporter wanted to talk to Brooks the other day and Broob repll.S by vfl.ng: "I'm cunently on the ' list -Unable to Perform." The reporter didn't get the interview. "[ didn't walk down the fairways," he said. "I stayed over in the rough, under the trees." Floyd'• spectacular effort tied the PGA record for the beat 18·hole ecore ever recorded in this championship, aet the course record for the difficult, demanding 6,862 yard Southern Hills Country Club layout. and tied the PGA record for the largeet flrat round lead, three strokes. "Realiatically, If I fo out and hit the ball u well as did today, 1 might not have thil 1ood a .:ore, but I .ee no reuon for my game to go aour in the middle of the night while I'm aleeping. I 1ee no reuon I can't continue to play well," Floyd uld. Tom Watson reluctantly agJ'eed. "We might not be able to catch Raymond," Watson aaid after fighting a balky putter to a round of 72. "That a great solf ecore. He's a great player and he'a very, very tough when he geta in front." Wataon, .eeking to complete a career sweep of the game's Big Four titles and add the PGA crown to the British Open and U.S . Open champlonahipa he won earlier this year, aald "one · miatake" (a 4•iron he hooked into · the water for a double bogey) ' and poor ~tting turned a 68 or 69 into a 72. "Obvioully, I'll have to play three very good roundl to have any chance of winning -and even three very 1oocf round1 might not be ,,ood enough to catch Raymond. ' Deaplte brutal heat -the temperature v.lent past 100 degrees in early afternoon and was moving toward a high of 102 -acon!S were exceptionally low .. 1------------i ••••••••••••••••• : Wll 1-.Zl• llTllLI e 111Y11llW1111 •VEllE e.t External Oegreee and Credit• (A.Uu.1 e II Ill "•I" WIE Pl.Al e . Fully Accredited Unlvetaltlel Fii •••t · 2 LecturM o.lly 9 & 1:00 P..m. 8/8 & 817 : ... • ; at Education Ce(lter 110.00~...._Frt. & Sat. '321.0G 11111., e i I011 ...._, A". 141·10IO : • l P----~Hu-nt_i,.._ __ ...,. ____ .....,1 'l3.88 WEEI tr e ; . -~ t-----------------------...1 : 1 18,48 UY.·. :·~ =• *·: • • • A~ COrvet1e lndUdee .utCHMtlo OV91dl Ne "1lna.. • • AM-N ...,_,, T·TCIPI & new 5.1 ~ lnj9otlon.. (ler. 713'). ··c., .......... ,,..,,01 .... _ --.ooi~·--._ • . .................. .. ..._ . .,._ .. _..._. e Kttplhltht: •• .:: .. e GM Pirll I r l ~ . . . .. ..... ~., ....... .::=.=.. . " .... -~Olly • 44 ... -.._.. I047 M1 QNill90 .. eo ... • ..... ... .., ... . Ollllltld ... • ,411 " T-42 ta A04 1f\4 ~ 11 10 .au ni. beTIM---....... 11 ..... 611 11o11t°" eo ... .... 114 ..._. 67 41 ..... 314 Oeltoll 64 11 .114 7 a..-1 u 51 ,510 "™ ..._ Yortl 11 52 .... I Tewolno 4t 17 .4412 1214 na.=·---~ ... DICrtlt 6-1, Tcwonto 2~ leltlmot9 I, ~ City 1 ...... ,, ... ,.,... Only~~.._ ...... {Ztllln ; 14) 111 a.et1ll ~ 1CM) ~ City (l'n* M end HOOd M ) 111 ....._. (McOrlgot 12.a Md 0..... a.11. 2 CNcli80 (~ a.II 111 aoeton (.._.. a.11 MllWIUllll (Hl&I l ·I ) •I Cl1v111nd ~2-1) Toron10 (8tle0 11-10) 111 OeiUolt (Moma 12-11) TexH (Honeycult 5·12) 11 Hew York (AlgMttl 6-5) Oeltllnd (Noma M) •I MtnnMota (Vloll a.21 ==~ ........ -Atlenta 12 '4 .NI ~ M IO .'41 4i. a.n '*90 11 11 .u1 1 Sin f:rencleOO 53 51 .401 10 Ho1*on 41 M .453 14 ()lnc:lnnlltl 40 .. .170 23 ... ,.... DIV'8tON ~ 11 44 .511 at. LOUii 80 47 .111 2 PltUOUrQll M 41 .538 4\lo Montreel 51 50 .524 I ,_ Yorll 'i M 431 t5 CHelgo 43 .. .304 20 ,......,.. ..... ~ S. Alllntl 2 ( 10 ""*'Oil Montr.11 I, PNI• ~-'Ill 2 Ctlk:llQo 5, .... Yori! I at. Louie 7, Pltlaburgll I (4\lo lnnlngl. rein) CIMlnNlll 4. Sen OlegO 2 Sen frencleoO 5, Holmon 2 T..,._ca- Alllntl (,.._ro 1°"3) II .,_...,. (St-1 M ).n Phllldllpl'lll (fMllVIR l ·I) II ChlcegO (~Ml .... Y«k (8cott 74 end A. JoMI M ) el PM1'burafl {8ermlento 4-1 end 8lumglltt., 0-2). 2. f-t1 Mon1r11I (RoO•" ta-4) ., 81. LOUii (Andu,., M ). n Clnclnn1U (8111rloy l·I) II S.n Diogo (Sllow W). n Houa\Ofl (Ryen 11·1) 11 Sin frenclecc (Hernmlk•....,.n AlmMCAN LUGUI ,...... .......... --eoTA CA&JPCMIMA .,.... ., .... MftC:Nll ef 41 0 0 OowMlg " 5 0 0 0 WlllNngln $ 2 2 a D11C11r10a :lb 4 12 1 9Nnenllly .,, 4 1 1 0 ... JllC*8on rf 5 0 1 0 Hnllll lb 4 0 1 1 --dh 4 0 0 0 W•d If 2 2 0 0 Grfcfl 2'> 3 2 1 0 OM1t1 Ml a 1 2 1 L)'M ef 4 1 0 0 !Audnlrc 5121 ~2b4111 He1ct1er c111 4 o a 2 '-Clueon c a u 2 Flldo .. 4 0 1 0 ~a 100 0 ~pl'I 1000 'cl• 2012 TOI... 85 I 11 I Toe.II 31 I 10 I MIMllOla ..... -~ 101 300-f C111om1e 010 002 21CM Ott-MlftMlola 1, ClllfOfnle 1. LO&-..,._.. ,, c.llorNI 11. 29-9NMrlillrt. GeMll, ~ Ortoh. "°· ~. Fol. Hl\-Wllhlngton (4). DIClnoee (20). 88-Fol a. &:.it:belc· • " "a• 80 O'C-{W,W) 5Y. I 3 3 5 1 Linll 3\lo 4 :s :s 3 :s A.o..te(S,14) \lo 0 0 0 0 1 c:........ Tilnl (l.,Q.1) 3\lo 5 4 4 2 • Kleon ~41313 ._..... Y.0 0000 a.. ·2 2 1 132 ~ "0 0000 HBP -by Kleon (Gaeltl). T -"I. A -32,011. ~=-... M II t( ... ... ..... c... 121 51 II 1 2t .211 L'f'W" 163 .. 104 14 51 .295 "°· .,.._ • • M 1 14 .295 =::. '°' 71 120 11 41 .294 112 80 111 20 Iii .291 Al..,.._ 341 &4 II 25 81 .273 ...,..,, 411 51 114 ,. .. .273 ~ IM 1' 25 1 • .291 Grlctl MO 44 to 11 41 .295 ._ 312 M 82 4 se .283 FOi SM 37 .. 2 40 .aea Cllftt ... • 11 2 • .uo =c:' 51 I 14 1 I .241 126 14 22 0 7 .175 .,,.._. 41 4 1 0 2 .151 IC...,_ 31 4 1 0 0 .032 Toe.Ill 3163 623 ... 115 ... .213 ~ • M •80W~ PA ........, 53\lo M IO M 2·1 1.• Witt 1°"" 101 37 64 w 5..45 AMe 112 45 n '° w a.41 ,..o. 1aN 121 37 ee w a.ao Zetwl 1 .... "' 41 u 11-5 :S.12 fond! 1 .... 151 31 51 10-7 :S.1'7 Ka.on .... .. 33 51 11-4 3.17 aenctm ~ 53 24 aa a.2 4.aa ..... 2 232CM>4..IO Gelb 51~ 64 24 40 w 4.18 n.nt a~ a 2 t 0-1 10.t0 T 01e11 NOl4o 127 ~ 471 I0-47 a. Tl ~ .. --1 ~City 000 000 100-t 3 0 ~ 100 300 01•-I I 0 Blue, Armelrong ~;;:r::o tf) end Sl9uallt' P.,_ mnct • W4.,,_, W. l _:-. M . H,.._ Clly, ..... (15\ ~ 8um1MY (4). A-20~. .....,..1, ...... T-212 000 110-7 ta 0 .... Yortl 000 100 100-2 t 0 Houef\. ......... Ill 11'4 .,..,. ,.._ _. ,,.., 111. "-...., m a c.-. W-Hougll, 1f.,O. L-AieJlllldlf, 0·5. HA-T--. ..._... (1fl. A-11,+ee. Doll Show Sate and frM Info cnmo tNa Sat. & Sun., Aug. 7 & 8. Coflectett & unuau91 dOf'9, llOCl 111 ailea IOd houMe. Hunt~ Cent• Mal, .o6 ' & BMch BIYd., H. . _.,.. T.-. ~:\~ocl"';o•,...,. 11 l Ollf'lll ,. •1 .. _., \4 1 11.L. ....... 0.....,. .... J,~ =--=-~-=--~1.~llTI.. J/. -. ........ ,... .... Olnll. Tun. ftl. A-lt.010. MAnaMALLU'll• .&,.·· .. -m-.:.... . ,..... ., ... w.._.,rt 41Uhalh •uo ~"' 4010~Cf 4010 ~-4000 ... lf 10'1 "°"* ._ 4 o 1 O Cluerrlro rt 4 '1 O w..... 111 40100.,a. ao ' 1 Qertlerp 0000~111 4000 LlnlNIW 40 ,.,..._... aoao llMdlcill G 40 0 0 ...,. Oft t0 0 0 ..,,... a100......,• 0000 ,..,., t 100...-0 4010 CllMltlllM 11> 1 0 0 0 V....,. P IO 0 0 ~o 0 000 Ofta Oft 1000 Howt 0 0000 Aolnldll Oft 1 0 0 0 "~' 0000 T~ ~tU locale Mitt Alllln(1 ._.. •o:-=, 000 0-2 Loi AnolMI 000 001 00\ 1-3 TWo out wMll wWllllf ""' -.ct. I -a.n.dlal, ~. L09 .-Atlenla 4, LOI An(J91H 0. Ila -WlllO"· l-lfl -WHlll119ton (I). 81 -,.oyeter. Sax, ~·· a -c.y, LendfllUJI. IF - Biker, c.y. •••eo ..:::-:' : 1 0 0 ' G1tt1er CL.M l 1" a a 1 a o v::.:::r--5 I 2 2 2 4 ......,. 3 00 000 8. Howe 1 0 0 0 0 0 l'Ott4• (W,1-5) 1 0 0 0 0 1 v~ pl1dlld 10 1 bltW 1n "" 1111. 81111 -,..,._ T -3:03. A -40,I07. ........ ~. "-ton 000 000 020-2 11 1 Sin ffencllco 001 011 tox-6 I 0 AuMI. C1ppuu91~7), Moffl11 (7) end KnlOlfY: l..Mkl¥. Cl>. Mllllon 1•1 _, Mey. W-Lllke,. to-6. L-IMlll. M. 8- MlntOfl (11). A-6,311. .............. QnclnMll 001 010 ~ • 0 8ln OlegO 000 010 001-2 I 0 811ver, Kern (1), Lelle)' (II end VIII Gorder: Lolllt. ~(II end 1. l<Mnedy. W-811ver, 5-11. L-Lolllr, 11·1. 8- L11l1y (1). HA-Clnolnn•tl. 81nch (t). A-13,He. ~,.,., ..... ~ 100~4 1 St Louie 033 10-7 I 1 (Oeml C.-.0 In botlom of ftfth. rein) McWlllllll\I, H..,,._ (4) end T. Pell&: Mure '"d T•n•c.. W-Mure, 0·7. L-McWWlml. 7·5. A-17, 146. c ....... , .... Yorll 010 000 000-1 2 0 ChlclQo 012 000 02x-5 10 0 Puleo. A'-' (I) end HOdgel; MWU end J. D1Y11, Morllend. W-Mlttl. &-7. L-Puleo, •·•· HR-Chlc190 . Jolln11on1 (I ). A-16,161. MonlrMI .... ~'=-~· " 0 ..... ~ 000 100 010-2 I 1 L-. . Sltlllfl (II end Certer, ....... 9ylerom. ,_ (S). ~ (I). L)4e (I). Monge (0) end ""1111-W -L-. a.I. L -8)'9ttOM, M . S -B. 8mhll (2). HAI -MontrHI, W1ll1ch ( 15); Phlladelpllle. Schmidt (20). A -U ,$27. ca.,eowt..........,t c•• a ,, .. ~ ....... ,,.. ..... ,...,.., ""-C"-"l deif. Wlllllder ~w•d•nl. 1·1, 7·•: Jo11-Lul1 Clerc ~ .,.._ °"' f«Qlll ~). ~1. W : Mel Pl#'Oll (U.8.) .,_.,Jimmy.,_ (u.ih W . M ; Joee Hlglllra (SC*n) .,_., 011111 M0tot1on (fr-), W . 1·3; Hen• OlldlmllJler (a.le> .,.., Jo1c111rn NylltlOM ~widen), 1 ·4, 1·1: H•n• 91monn on Swldelll ct.f. Miile c.t1111 (U.9.). 2-a. ~2. 4; A"""8 a-(Eouldor) Hf. Juen ~ (9olln), w. , ... . ._..Owww ........ ..... llonrW a..... (U.4.) •• °"' .... LAe lKoree)1 1·2. l ·O: H1l1n1 8ukov1 Clldl0110v111i.1 NI. 011nne fromhollz AU91rlllll). 1 ... W . M : Vlfotnl• lllalel {"°"'8Nll ct.f. Mlclh9lll T.,,. (U.8.). 7-5, •2. ...., ........... " . ~~ Jimmy Con~~s7'T.i. Tom Celn (U.S.). .. 1. t-1: ... Qonfltecl (U.S.) IMf. tlrM Plle(U.8.J. t-1. M . .,....... Vlc1or AIMy•Henll Pfllllr (U.S.) dlf. Shlomo Ollcbllfn (lerMl)-Nleil 8•¥1MO (U.1.).1 .... 7.~~ ...... (U.I.) dell. Att6tw ~ Van'1 Hcf11\1.8.). t-1, , .. . U8TA ....... I ......... <•· $ ..... J ..,. ..... . -.. ....... ... John Leite (Ille ... , dlf. Aidt L..Nell 9eldl). • ~ 1; Mlr1I .,__ •11*'11Nm) 6f/f. • ...,., (~ N.Y.). "' .. ., . .,.....-.. .... $ Tlnl ....... ~~ ...... IOCNll ~ N.Y. ~ ~OtwMwn. H.Y.). 1..a. •1: "-,.Olllng HJll•>-L•ll• Clef. ••rr)I IUH ~ .... c-w (ael ...... oectl.1. 4·1, 1·4, 10·1: 8red Acll•rmen (Lone IHOll)·D1nnl1 Golctll (MCLHn, VI.) • -~~;Ii ~. ~.7>,-ltt.AO ..::=.i,i::• "' IM .,......, e.10 a.10 .,...._ if: t tO I tO ·-.. . --:-=J.~~-=~ iiii:::i=~ • ,_ • tw-t·l.+4! peld •.enw ..................... ,. .. ,. 8111 _......... " =..\7110 wtlll ti1 ~=~ c... Ill !Miit) 11,00 uo uo Nw1 .Ill Te <"eft) UO I 00 ~ ,...., (Dol'lllnGUlll uo AIM r....ti 11111• 1.1 011~. tov.nd Of ~. Ttw.-H ~. CMlnO, Du411 l..ldr, C'*llll ~. ~. ,... 17.11. ::.= ~.,[*" MUO Del ... TMUMOAY'9 ..... TS ,,. .. ..., ............... . ,_T UC.. I fllrlOnla, Treg!o W (D1611" o ·ur119) UO 3 40 UO """-,..,_ (CeltlnlCN) uo uo Hind 0Ver "*" (~) I to Alto tMed: Oltl Nuty, Calliornll ~. 8 1ndy Omen. •• l'r ... Oatlln Ounn1r. CoMltl~ • T""'« 1: tO •II. MCOMD UC& I IUrtonga. l'lNI ...... ,~, 15.40 7.00 '·'° ~ (Vllenlulll) 4.00 , 20 ~ .. ayoll (<Mtcie) 1.00 AllO r~: M1tllderdl, Fortunet• MIM. ~ Windy, &outhtrl\ ~. lljlkln, flfod Out, Hlllo Hlil/PIMM. Mllll'I l.lldl)' ~ 1:11111 • a DMY 00U&S (10-11 pllid H0.20. TMllD AACe. , ,, 11 Miiie. p.,,,._ eat 11>1u1 uo uo 2 80 ...,. end Aun (Toro) 14.20 4 80 S'-M GM! (1'tnc:9Vl 3.20 Aleo rec1d: T•co T.co. Liiii• Roan, Mlr=-~--­ •DACTA (~1) pllid 1320.60 '°""'" UC& I f\#'lonOI. L'~ (C..,aned•I t?.00 7.80 11.00 W1lllln low (Plnelyl 6.80 4.20 FIMtllt Hott (Blide 5.40 Allo rlOlll: Wine TrlOk, llk:lbflO, Oolclln Smlle, ~ IMul, z..ioc:, Ellll Joe M • 81nn Polntt, Berney VIiie. Oood Tr-110n. ~ 1:12.0. '1PTM RACa. I l\wlongl. QolOel\ M~"*"I 15.40 4.40 3 IO Z-tooy• ( ron) 2 80 2.80 NMty Nldlnl ,.._, a eo AllO rlC4KI: Kllhlnke. Gkl't Glrl. P1Ut1 Room. Time: 1:10 415. • IXACTA (2·1) pllid 1101.50. 8IXTM IUCI. 1 1111 ,.,...._ """°' of Not• (~ 4.40 3.20 2.80 ~aid foa (Or1eoel 1.20 5.20 Hll 9«111 (Slbllll) 4 40 Aleo rlOlll· 8lecli M-t. 8low Tape. 0-.. Qlodom e.,,,... Anol'* 8-o, MeegM, 8tar c-t. My H-oc>Y King. Oame s-. Timi: 1:44 "'· •vumt !UCL I lwtOngl. !nt ..... (Miu) 5.80 3.20 2.IO Oeclltfve °'9MI (Plnclyl 6.00 3.00 My fevorlte Aunt (Gulrr•I 3.80 A110 rlOlll: Lady Ell\llyn, Jo Jo OIMllOIJIO, Wedding "-· T1ml: 1'10 115. • UACTA 14-31 pllid S111.00. • "'°" eot (~12-2·1<MI paid 137.· 924.80 with two winning tldlec. (elll .__, S2 Pie* Six ooneolltlOft plld ~ 00 ... th 115 winning tlakell (IM i-..). l:IOHT14 !UCL 7Y. tunonge on tur1. C.-ll"'Y (Oelftlly) 6.~ 3 20 2.80 Llttone (Pilroe) 4.20 3.40 Count-Tully (Plnely) 3.80 Aleo r~: lorn God<IMI. Ap01111Ury Miii, WeyMlftrla. ~. AoM Tudor, Corley ..._, Jeyene. nm.. 1:21 415. WefN~--­C-kll~ ---·· ll1417! 2 . .._.,,.. zri.-. , ...... HI .,_. -1 YIGW °"* :a 1:111•: I JoM MOffll (0ffll M-, 1.11.'4. 400 ,, .. ,... -1. l""'9d ...... tCllnl CeY-.i, ~ ~. Oel!ld woc.ee. Aowclv OialNel. t ·1t.H; a, eovtM UlllOn, 3:21.71j :s. 8weOtn. Ul.11 400 ,,.. -1, 'Vllldlmlr ..... 0¥ , .... UnlOll), 1.11.M>: a. tvl1I01A1v ~v lklllel UlllOn). '"81 . .Q: t. ._. LAldll9Mkl I.Ml Olrll'IMY), u 1 .. ...,._.. ........... . 100 l>Vlllffl'f -1. Mery 'l . ...._..., ~.ICy~ .. .41:1 .... 0......(bM Oemlall)'). 1.00.M, t ........ 8Ud11M)• (~ .......... ,. 1:00'0 100 11r ... 1 -1. 111• Ge•enlO« , ... , 01tm•nv1 1:ot. 1': a. (Ill ) l(lm "hodlfl• b•uO" (Clnclnnell) and AnM Oltenbtlll (Cltlld•). 1: 11.03. ~ Women'• too lrM -1. Kim Ullllllll CltUOIA, I'll.), 1•2tM: 2. Jacllle Wlllnlott Brhlln). l :H.•1. Tlllllll'f C°'*I (MIMIOll .. IOI. 1:41.15: 4. Petre~ (I.NI Oennlny).. 1:42.11. ._ ......... ~ 1. Wwnd'f Wytend (MIHIOfl Vllfo); t. ,... "'°"' w .... (Eal Olrmln)'); 3. 2JIOll Jo. hORG (ONll•). ThuroaV'o treneecttone lfAUllAU TEXAS AA"= ~Cid Mickey Alvera, outl\eldlt, on IN 2 t-day dle9blC llat. ~Terry~. outfleldlt. ll'om Oenwr of Ille AIMt1c:ln AllOdellon. TORONTO BLUE JAYS -~ lor INignfMnl Otto VllU.. clMlgnalld N11er PurelltHd Ken Schrom, pitch••· trom Syr-of Ille lnlernatlonll l.eligue. NltMMIL...-ST. LOUIS CARDINALS -Optioned Tllo Lendrum. oullllkler. to LoulevMa. of 1111 Amerlcen AalOCletlon end r9"ltld DI.tel OrMn. oullllkllr l'OOT9AU ................ ~ CLEVUANO BROWNS -Tr.o.t 9Noe Hut,,.,,****"· 10 tM ChlotQo 8Mr9 for • 1983 drlfl pick NEW ORLEANS SAINTS -Acquired Lerry Jon.. running blck, on Wllwrl lrom tM Houtlon Olllrt SEATILE SEAHAWKS -Mike OeSlnlo. klcicer, IU>cl Bot nerd 8111. Miity. a.ft cemp. ltOCl(SY ...............,~ DETROIT RED WINOS -NIMICI My 0.. hied of U.S ecoutlna MINNESOTA NOA'tH STARS -Acqulnld ACllll Boutin. ooe11enc:.. Ind w .. J..W, lorwwd. "°"' WUhlnalon In ~ tor Robbie Moore. goeRenoer. end future eonelder•Uona. IOCCllt ....., IMoor ._ L...-' KANSAS CITY COMETS -Acquired Enzo OIP•d•. oo•lk11per, end 8111y Guonu, mldllllder, from lhl ,._ York Arr-. COlUOI TEXAS TECH -Announc•d the tlllgnltlon of .Jim Glmer • ......,,, llhl9llc director, to ~ 11hl9tlc dlrlClor 11 Appelechlln Sitt• UnlverlHy. Survey shows discontent01ent Nurc,;f'n: Special Floric,;t Special DENVER (~) -A Rocky Mountain News reader IUl'Vey of the impendinc NaUonal Footbell Leque players ltrike lhowa an overwhelming nuniber of respondentl oppoeed to the playen' stand in t!)e dispute. A mere 39 fans -le.a than 5 percent of thoee who voted -uid they would ltrlke for 55 percent of club ownen' grom revenue if they wtte NFL playen. ASPARAGUS FERN •Sprenger! 84«~ ~pie--- ROSES ONLY 2 .98 FULL DOZ. Sewerml Coton ' . I . : 'I 'I Only 95 respondentl -about 11 percent of thoee who eent in ballotl -u1d they would .upport the player• if. they had 1o chooee aidel in a ltrlke. Almost u many, 69 fam, uid they could not .upport either aide. Convenely, 744 f.am u1d they aupPorted the owners . TAKE HOME DOZENSl A whopping 774 fam -87 percent of all who responded -u1d their interest in pro footbell and enthusiaan for the •port would diminiah lf the playen retu.ed to play . The only question 1o which readers answered with even moderate atpport for playen concemed free acenc>'· Aalud lf they, u players. would be wW1na to strike for the riaht 1o move more freely trom teem to team. 163 -or almoet 20 percent - uid they would support a walkout over that lllUe. Since 1946 HallishYs Nursery • Florist 28'0 Harbor ltvd., Costa Mna 4dgood ........ A~10,1112,.... 111111. LlD\'D•!ii .. OOPdensho excellent cotor for Summer Sun Bud& Bloom ~"Pot ... , .... 89° SPOON IT FLOWIR FOOD Can I>• uHd on Indoor and OutdOOI' Plaflt1. ' ' I ~­.......... _ ........ Tll F,\JllLl' ~1ac1:1 "If Barfy starts meowing it's 'cause he ate · Kittycot's food ." by Brad Anderson "I'm taking your apology llghtly ... you're not really sorry you ate the meatloaf I" Jl:DGE PARKER VOU&O UP'TO 0. &. '6 f'tOOM NGIH'1' MOW,~ ... AND TeU. HEii' TO CALL ME f UNOEMTANO f by Virgil P1rtch (VIP) ....... . ,.._~7 <;p;:,'J)JJ/ ~~v"'.., 'f:tl~\ Ct~::> ~.J.J'1".. ltP l"·C. "Today, I thought we'd have leg of giraffe for a ch1nge." DENNIS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum f ~s:::::~ ---! ~ - ~ • t::=~ 8.6 I GORDO D10 'ltXJ ~E OVcF< ro 1o~r1FY A FLYING 06.JECTf by Harold Le Doux INSTEAD OI= TEL.LING Pe0PLE. 10 DO THI~, WHY OON'T "YOV TRY ASt\ING ,-------.. THEM' ~ ~ BRABBLE DIL8MOCK GReA"T"! NOW w'l"f"H 1'HA1" L.l'L.-MOA"T" A- ROC.JNP OUR. PICNIC -rAeL...e , KIPPO ..• 1!t~~~·i~i~~ ~ bAAAAAA.A"H U tl! PUlfECfl. 'f 10 l~R EtWt~MEN'f ~ t 1.tlNK t~lS ~E. 6EAlJT1fOl, k>Otl(Uf\ll. l~f~~! by Gus Arriola ~110 ~y PA!~otrr ~I~'/ MOVlf:.f • by Kevin Fagan E«f.Vl' w~N 'f"E. 'f CAAl&)l. llf' 'fOOR NECK! by George Lemont l • -;M1iii1il~mi':towr "°•'!!!!:• ~ llDTICl ~-C AND NAm A~ MAMllYA~ ..,, T '1 I T 0 Tiie lo!:*"'' ,., .. ,; It tlolnt ~'::.:::!•'"II Hf•On •• ••tno aaddleback college -~~-...community services ---...... 1 ut1~N9lat'ATSNO, ~RY'I 'AUTOMOTIVI I l~OCriu~H , 110 , 1911 Al U .. 7. M09U MIOIA NIJC. 14t ,_,_ WHtclfll Orh11 H1w11or1 a .. ch1 Saddleback Valley's "Very Own" To all hetn; bent~ ltreet, Ooete MHa, Oelllornla Cllltornla tlMO T .... 1 ntM Judith Lyn em"''· -4 t, credllon &Dd conUn1•nt ~ MOtor """'-· J4t J1m11 Pl•••· Hewport •••0111 CNdUon of 0... C. Woodl "'°'"' ttrHt, Oo•I• MeH, Cellfornlt IHU and pereon1 wlio may be ~ t2t1t Tlllt ~ 11 oonclUGtM by en GIANT SWAP ·MEET oth~ Jnwl'ISt«I ln the Jerry WHllMI Llflll*, 14t7t lndMclulll W ·-·~I louttlport Ulgune Hiii. Celltornle Jucltlll Lyn T-w .....,OI' •1&&*: . neQ ' 1111• l telemtnl WM filed With ttle A peUUon hM been fo.d ,,.. WllneM 11 oonducled 0y • Couni ci.11 of Orenoe County on by Julla C. Woode In tb. ..,_., l*tMll'INP· ~ •· 1n2 ,.._. Superior Court of Oran.ie Thie ~ ~ llled with ttll "-'bll•h•d ore no• co111 0111y CoUnty N!Cl'*Unc lha~.~ulla c-ty Oletll Of OrMQOe County°" Piiot • .hlly u. 29, Aug. 8, 12, 1N2 C. WOoda Pe appoln\C'U u ~ 21. 1eea 3313-12 I ~nonal repr ... ntatlv• to ,_ i------~""!"".'--ftaJC MJl1C( fUl.JC NOTICE admlnllter the ettat• of Pvbll•l'ttd Oreoo• 00 .. 1 O•~Y PlllJC llOTIC( "°'moue .... l'tCfriiOili ....... a.or,. c. Woodt (~r lh. Piiot, JUiy H, 30, Aug .•• '~·2:r.e2 '10TrTIOUI ....... ..... ITA~ NAiii ITA.......,. Independent AdminiatratJon ...... ITATIMINT Tiie tollOWlnt l*eoll 11 dOl"G Tt11 followlno pereon 11 doing of 1Dl1a'411 Act). The petition PUBUC NOllCE The folloWlnt ~ •rt dOll'IO .....,.. -~ -w 11 IOt for hearlnj_ ln Dept. BLA~ CA)IYON CONOOI CHUOK'I VW 'ARTI AHO THE MINUTEMAN AY, 1836 No. 3 at 700 C:lvvl c Cen~r ACTmOUI IUllNlll 1 • .. • 110 lJlllHOl..ITPY, 111 ptoppy Awnue. A·11 Whlltler A¥111Ue. Colt• MeN, KAMI ITA ..... NT TO. 1NOO Mein tfwt, ..... te • COrone dll Mir, cellfot* 82928 Ce11tonM t2t27 Drive, WfllT., 1n the City ol T f 11 wt pet.on 11 doln9 untlniiton e.teh, Celfoml4a t2e4t aw. JoM COi, 112 Poppy CAA'£NTERS SON. 1936 A·12 Sant• Ana, CaUfornla on ~ .! no SunMt "'°"' tnc .. • camom1e A,,.,_, Cofon1 def Mar. Cellfofnil Wllllller Avenue, Cotta Me11. Sept. l, 1982. !XTAA SPECIAL. 513 8ul)«lol OfPOfltlon. 8481 Down Drive, tlltt Cellfe>rNe 92t27 IF YOU OBJECT to the A....-, N-i>Or1 e.ech, CA 92te3 untlngton BMch, Celltomte 92147 n. .,...,_ 11 ooncM:ted by en MlchH I Eugene Berry. 322 ll'"''"'" of the pedtlon, )'OU OOAOTHY M 8AETTHAUEA. Thlt buelMlt II oonductld by • lndMIMIOMrtle John Coll ~·.CO.ta ~. Cllllomla 1hould~lther appear at the ~~ ~°'.1 Str•t. NewpOr1 Bffch. ll'lllled ~~~ ... lno. n. ~ -fled with the LuenM e.ny, 322 AochMter. hearing and state your Thi• 0011,_ 11 conducted by en CAobenE.O M Smllh, J4#t 21, 11112. Thie~ 11 conducted by 1 b ti Ith •'-e court Dorothy 8r11thauer " -·~· ,.~. County Qer1l of Orwige County on Coit• MHI, Celllornl• 92927 obJectlon1 or file w ritten lndlVldvel. T .. 1, 11,j.....:..1 wu lli.d with the ,,_ oen«al pennerthtp. o ec on 1 w "' Thia it1te1Mnt wu Iii.cl with tht ounty Cieri! ol 0 fef1Q41 ....... nty on Publlltltd oreno• Co••• Dally MlchMI e e.,ry be ore the hearlna. Your County Clerk 01 0 ,.no• county on July 23. 1ea2. Piiot, .NfY n . 30. Aug. e. 1s . 1982 Thi• ,111_, ~ .. lllld wttll the appearance rnay be Jn penon June 18, 1982 1 P blllhld Oflnat coe:i1: 832W2 County Cieri! of Orenoe County on or by your attorney. f1tll1 Pll u J 1y 2t Aug 5, f2 19 1982 ----.,---.,.-Mftftl'r-----Jutf 28. 1982. I F y O U A R E A Publl1h1d Oreno• Co111 Delly 01· u ' ' · 3382~2 ,._ .. ,,.,_ f1MD1 CREDITOR or a contingent Piiot, July 11. 23, 30. AUQ. 8, 1982 flC'nnOU8 .,_.. Publl•h•d Ore"g• CoHI 0111)' creditor f th d ued. 31N-S2 ..... ITA~ Piiot. July 30 end Avg. 6, 13. 20. 0 e ece lthytheou d°'"8 1982 muat file your claim w ~ ~ pereon 11 3-418-82 court or present it to the THE OAHN JEANIE. 21112 personal r~preaentative carob StrMt, H-port Beech. P1llUC NOTICE appointed by the court ~ ~ttlerine CUttsy, 2912 '1CTTnOUl IM.l .... ll within four month,11 from the carob StrMt. H-port BHch, N.-ITA,..,.NT date of firat luuance of Cllllfomle 92te0 The tollowlng l*'IOf\I ere doing letters as provided In Section Thie~ II conducted by en 1>u11..-11: 700 of the Probate c.ode of lndMduel. SOFT/SYSTEMS, 2005 W. C )if I Th ti f JeM Cethertne Curl9Y Batl>OA Btvd .. Suite #309. Newport a orn a . e me or Thl9 1t1tement wu llled with the Beech. c1111ornl1112683 filing cl.alms wlU not expire County Cter11 of Orenoe County on Howerd D1ch•l•oer. 801 p r ior to four months from JUiy 2a, 1982. M11guerlte, Coron• cJel Mar. the date o f the hearing f1ta:ll CaHlornl1 92825 noticed above. P\lblllh«I 0r.,. Cout Delly Frankie °'9jer, 80 t Merguerll1. E Piiot. .Mt 30 end Aug. 8. t3, 20. Coron• del Mer. Catllomla 92625 YOU MAY EXAM IN 1"2 Albert J Muflz. 1805 W. the file kept by the court. If 337542 Bilbo• Blvd .. Newport Buch, you are lnterHted in the -----------California 928e3 estate, you may file a request PtBJC NOTICE ™-bu.in.a 1' condue1ed by • with the cour t to r eceive generWll l)er1nerehlp. K~• f'renkle Orejer 1 p e c i a I n o tic e of t h e MOTIC• TO CMDITORS Thie ,,,,_, wq flied with the Inventory o f esUlte asseta Of' 11UUC ~ County Clerll 01 Orange County on d f h tltl ta (.......... ,-.. -...... u.c .c .) an o t e pe . ons, accoun -..,,_..,, July 28. 111&2 d d lb d · Nolle• 11 hereby given to f'lMm an reports escr e In credltore of tll• within nem•d Publl•h•d orenge co111 Dally Sectio n 1200.5 of the tren•feror lhel • bulk lren1fer le PllOI, July 30 •nd Aug. 8, 13, 20. Callfomla Probate Code. •bout to b• m•d• on pereonel 11182 Qalgley ud Livingston, pr~:ni':~r ... _________ 3_3sa-a __ 2 Attorneys at Law, U!O E. of the Intended treneteror ere: ..,_IC NOTICE Chapman Ave., Orange. Ca. WANNE8 ABAJIAN, 242'4 ---'"-~..,...~==~-1 9!701; (71') 133-41!1. Newport a1vd., Co1ta Meu, NOTICI TO CMDfTORI Publl1hed Orenge Co11t Delly Clllilomla t2t27 Of' IWL.K ""'"9f'OI Piiot. Aug 8, 7, 13, 19112 The location In Celllomle of the (8-110f.4107 U.C.C.) 3496-82 ctMf exea1tlw ollloe or P'I~ Notice la hereby glYen to bu1lne11 olllce of the Intended credltore ol the within nemed trlnlNror le: IAME. tre"lleror thll 1 bulll trsnsler 11 All other bueln-na.mea end about to be m1de on pereonal ----... ---ll'_NO_Tll'C ___ _ eddr..-uMd by the Intended Pfopeny ti.elnalter clelcrlbld. rUULI'# 1 •~ tr-'9ror within thr" yMr9 tut The ,,_ llld bus!,_. addr... K-4tto:t1 pelt 10 ler 11 know" to 1111 of Ille Intended 1ren11e<0t ere: BIN NOTICI OI' lnc.nded trenaletM -. Ceque1te. 400 Mein St .. Belboe. CA TRUITll'I IALE OLA 8 8 IC A N TI Q U E 112681. T.I . No. 1:M AESTORATION, 2424 Newpofl The locetlon In Calllornl1 of the l~AN'T NOTICI Blvd., Coot• ~. Calllomle 112627 cniel exeeutlYe olllce 0t prl"clpal TO ,..Of'IATY OWNIJt DIAMOND UPHOLSTERY. 2424 buetneH office of the Intended YOU AAE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Newport Blvd., Co111 Meu, tren•feror 11:..,.,,. u al><MI. OEED OF TAUST, DATED 4-2$-81, ~~ ~ addreu All other bu1ln111 n1mH and UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO Of th. 1"1-ded tren1f1rH 11e: lddrHMI uNd by the Intended PAOTECT YOUR PAOPEATY. IT AOOP ABAAHAM AOOPIAN trantleror within thf" yeara last MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. Tllet 1111 property pertinent put to fer 11 llnown to the IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION hereto .. dMcrfbed In generel -lntend9d tranef-err. BALBOA 0 F T H E N AT u R E 0 F T H E DESIGN CENTER Ind le localed 81: PAVILLION (Tele of the WNlle). 400 PAOCEED4NO AGAINST YOU, YOU 2424 ..__.... Blvd •• eo.ta ~ Mlln St .. Balboa. CA 1128e1. SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. ._......, The"""' Ind~ addrwa On AUQU91 18, 11182, et 10:00 Celllofnl• 92827. end. wlll be of Ille Intended trenll«• 1111: Ellen Lm AMldeo\111 Equity Flnenc:lel M ~9!~P~~ t;lt,,.t~~~·~-;:,'°M!!~~ Mery l<•n1dl1, 678 N. Miiford, du!V' appalrdM •'-t" under end Orange, CA 92M7 ~ to Deed of TNl1 rlCOl'ded ~ ~·nerne ueed ..., the Thlt tll• prop111y pefllnent Mey 22, 1081, u lntt. No. 30909. In • ,,. w1 i-eto 11 de8crlbed In Qe<*ll u: a booll 14070 page 249 of Official Mid tr-lwor el Mid locetlon II: r .. taurent end 11 IOeeted at 145 E. Aecotd• In th. olflce o1't11e County o~s"~~ !~~r~~f 11an1fer '' 19th Str .. 1. Coet• M .... CA 92627. Aecorden ol OrlllQI County. St1te Intended to be ooneumma1ec1 at the Tl>e bullneu "eme ueed by the o I Ca 111 or n I• • x •c ut• d by Offlc. Of·. QUALIFIED ESCROW said lren•leror ., Hid location le; AESOURCES 0 DIVERSIFIED EL BAANCO. INCOAPOAATED, • Okl•hom1 COMPANY. 4920 CetnP\'I OrlYe, Th1t uld bulk lf1n1ler II corporation Will SELL AT PUBLIC No. B. Newport leech. Celllornla Intended to be c:oneummeted II the AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER t2eeO on or efter Augu9t 25, 1982. olfloe of: 145 E 19th Str .. t. Costa FOR CASH (ptrfeble 11 time of .... c:i=r~ J~ft::: ~o:='cl~~ MIN. caltfornle on °" •her Augu•t In llwlul mone)' of the United 20. 1982. Stet•) et the north front entrance Code 8ec:tlon 8108. Thie butlc trenefer II rl<>t aibject 10 of the Orenge COuflty Cour1houM. Tiie n1me •!Id •ddr ... of the Catlfornl• Uniform Commercial 700 CMc Cent• DrM Welt, Sent• • l*-1 wttti wt101T1 dllme may be Code Sec11on 81oe ""'· CA 112102 .. right. title end fifed le ROXANNE TATE, c/o The neme and 1drdr ... of the lntereet conwyoed to Nici now held QUALIFIED ESCAOW COMPANY. per.on with wt1om delme may be by It under Mid O..S of Tnm In the INC .. 4920 Carn~ Offle. No. B. lltld 11 8111 Cequette. 400 Mein St., Pfoplrty lltveted In Mid County Newport IMdl, Caltfornle 92680. Newport Beech, CA (Belboa) 92861. ~State deKrlbed u · Ind the i.et day for llllno dalml by and the IMI d•y tOt llllna ctalma by PAACEL 1: .' . eny creditor """ t>e Augu1t 24, any Cfedttor •h•ll be Auouet 21. l.ot 6 of Tract 9589, 1n tha City of 1982, which II the bueln ... dey 1982. which 11 the bull"•" day Newport Beach 11 P9f map flied In before the coneummetlon dete before the con1umm111on d1te Boo6t 407 page;. 7 10 12 tnclu•ht• of ~ = 3. 1962 ~:':' :=· 2, 11182. =~eoue M1p1, record• 'lf =Abraham Agoplen Etier\ Maty Kenadla EXCEPT~HEREFROM ell oll, 0-. ended Tr.,.,.,.. Intended Trenster.. mlner•I• and other hydrocarbon Publl1hed Orenge Cout Dally Publl1had Oreng1 Co11t Delly eubltanQll lylng belOw • depth of Piiot, Auguet 6, 1982 Piiot, Aug. 8. 1982 353 •• 2 500 ,_. w1111out eny right to enter 3538-82 ""' upon the eurfece or 1he aubeurl- ol Mid lend eboYe • depth of 500 -----------------------11ee1. u provided In lnltru.menll of DllTI IDTICIS ~ .... ~ -t -=-----------------------1 ptr11culllly ... forth In the Artlc:le • •"tltlad "Ee11ment1" of the VuPUM'EN CORNELIA H . VanPUTTEN, resident of Huntln1ton Beach. Ca. Pu.ed eway on Auguat 4, 1982. She la lW'Vived by her dauehten Hmny Deering of H I B h C Dec laration of covanente. unt ngton eac • a ., condltlo"• end reetr lotlo"' R iena Vande r Linden of deaoftbld In "Subject To:" below Garden Grove, Ca .. Anna (th• "D1olerat1on") under the Goverde o f H o lland, 5 s.ctlon hMdltlQI In eucn Artlcte grandchildttn and 9 great-entitled H lollow1: "Algllte end ~hildren. Se_ .. ,.... will Outle1: Utltltl•• ind Cebl• •no •. ..., TeleYlek>n", "Support, Settlement d on Saturday, August Ind EncrOllClhlntnt". "Community 7, 11182 at 2:00PM at Harbor Fecllltl" EHeme"t1". "Prl,,..te Lawn M e m orial C hapel. StrM1 L111decepe M1lntenance" ------------, Services under the direction :z:~;:~1nege over Community Of H arbor Lawn-M o unt PAACEL 3: IALT%111GHOH SMfTH & TVTHtll WHTCLW CHAf'll 427 E 17th SI Costa Mesa 646-9371 NaCl llOTMMS SWITMS' MOITU.U Y 627 Main St Hunt1nQton S.Sach 536-6539 PACIPtC Y•W ...., ..... , .... Cemetery Mortuary Cnaoelo-QematotV 3500 Pacific View Dnve Newport Beaoh 644·2700 Olive M ortuary o f Costa e-t aver the lot• owned by atLt "Subject Owner•" tor the PllfPOM Mesa. M()..5"""· of exerdtlng the rtghtl of Otani• McRORIE '*_,,, .. en "EmorolnO <>wner" u J 0 H N M c R 0 R I E , a 1ucll term•. 1011 ind HHment resident of Coeta Mesa, Ca. right• .,, more cornc*t"Y c1-11nee1 Passed away o n Auguat 2, and dMCtlti.d '" the cv.torn Lot '---• to o.ci-tlon delct1bed In "Subject 1982. He was a mecmuuc r To:" below. (th• "Cuttom lot Slpal Gas C.ornpany for the Declarellon"~ put 10 yeara. He 11 survived The 1trHt 1ddreu 1nd other by h is deughters Jackie oommon dilelgnatlon, If any, of tlll W I ,._ ,_, property diMMbed 1boYe 11 Brann of ettm Mter, """· ~ed 10 'be: '1a Tr1c.10ar •. and Ire n e Bridges of a..ori. CA taeeo. England. brother William Th• under1111n•d Tru•t•• McRorfe of Oregon and 3 dl1c111me eny lreblllty lor any inndchlldttn servtces will lr10011ect•-of thl ltrMt edOrMe 6e held on Friday, August 6, :::. : c:," ~. 11 1982 at l l :OOAM at the Seid •••• wtll I>• m•d•, t>ut Harbor Lawn M e m orial without oo,,..n1nt or w1rrenty, Chapel with B\11 Curry, ':,'rc,~n':~n:!':; Maaontc Servlcea Bureau rncludtno fH8, ctieroH and offlcJaUn1. Interme nt •x.,.,._. of tilt True ... Ind of the 1ervlce1 lmmedt ately tnnt• oreat.O by 11ld Deed of followln&. Services under=·==~~ the direction of Harbor o.ci ot Trwt to wtt; t1llO. Lawn .Mount 0 11 ve wt1t11n1er..i thereon"°"'~ 22. t.jortuary of C:O.ta Meaa. 1N1 o to~ per erw1Um • 6f0·~!64. :::; ::,.::.. "°:''W.i:m DUPSLOFF _. __. MILDRED L . TN~Uftdet-.aOeecl DUPSLOIT, a naldent of ot TNll '*~ -.cMed end Sante.Ana, Ca. Paued :'U!t'::nu;.~.,: away on Aupt S, 1982. 8he DlmenO 1or ...., Ind • wtt1M la .urvlwd_ by Mr eon Carl, N011c1e ot OolfNI _, 11ec1110n to brothere Cbuley, Keneth w . Ttll Y1idef910!l9d _,., Milcl and °'* Ruth ... Loll. NOllcle of °"'9lllt -""*°" to N. NlclMJM, 2 ~ ::.:.:~ :':c=~ and 2 sreai.Dandchllclr.n. A 11• ;Ml.._,~ S.rvle!et wJil be held on • lllO ~ S.turday, ALf1Uiri 7. 1982 at .. ..,., ... 'al'tlWllJ, lO:OOAM at the Harbor :=,1:.m t.wn Memorial~ wHh (714) ....... Interment ••rv•c•• lijMwyl....., Immediately followtnJ. ,. =~...,-.. ..... un.s.r die d&nCtSOri .................... Grenet of Bartior Lnrn·Mount o...e • ..... Mr-. IO,~ OUve Monuary of Co.ta e. 11a. ..... N0-6&04. ..,.., NIUC NOTICE C,,DJ'a HOTICI Of' TMllTll'I IAU T.I ..... laa7/WAL.IH NO TIC I YOU AM IN Mf'AUU UNDUI A DllD Of TAUIT DATED JAMUAflY 11, 1111. l*UH YOU TAKI ACTION TO 'AOTICT YOUR ~AO,.ATY, IT MAY II SOU> AT A llU9LJC IALI. •YOU NHD AH IXl'UNATIOM Of' THa NATUlltl 0, THE ~lltOCHDINO AQAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULD Sunday, August 15, 1982 9 a.m. -3 p.m. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TAUST, DATED FE8AUARY 12, 1981, UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUA PROPERTY, IT MAY BE SOLD AT Ao PUBLIC SAl.E. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER.. CONTACT A LAWYI_,.. SADDLEBACK COLLEGE (Avery & Marguerite) FREE ADMISSION TO SHOPPERS! HOTICI 0, TltUlfll'I IAU T.I. No. W11 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the! on Ffld1y, Augult 27. 11182, et 9:00 SELLING SPACES AVAILABLE FOR s10 EACH On Auguel 13. 1t92. 11 t: 15 A.M .. GUARDIAN RECONVEYANCt CORPOAA TION. a Celllornfe Corpofltlon, H duly eppotnted Truet" un<I« end purwant to O..S ol Tru11 recorded Maron 11. 1981, M ln1t. No. 14838. In book 13977, o'ctocll e.m ol Mid d•y. In the room Mt ulde tor conouctlng Tru11 .. •1 S•lft. within the otllcel ot REAL ESTATE SECUAITIES SERVICE, localed 11 2020 North Broedway, Suite 208, In the City of Sant• Ana, Count y ol Orange. Stele of CalllOfllla, AEAL ESTATE SECURITIES SEAVICE. e Calllornle Call 831-4646 For Space Reservations Or Further Information. WATCH FOR OUR FUTURE MEETS THE SECOND SUNDAY OF EVERY MONTH! page 1130, of Olllctal Aecotd1 In the corpofetlon, u duly appolnlld office of 1he County Aeoord« of Trull" under end pureu1n1 to 11\e Oranoe Counl'f, St•t• of Cellfornll.. power ot 111• conferred In lh•t 1PATAICIA A. WALSH, hu1bend Ind cetllln Deed ol Truel exewled by 1wlle ea Joint Ten•nll, Will SELL PENINSULA ENTERP~ISES 1 . AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO HIGHEST g •II• re I p. r Iner • h Ip record. d "'lllli.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim c s iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.,, BIDDER FOR CASH (peylbll 11 time JI ary 19 1992 In tl>e'omce ol the ol eele In llWful money of the United Ci::,ty ReOorder' ot Mid County, u StatM) at 1he front entrence to the Recorder'• lnelr ument No. old Orenge County CourthouH , 82.021692 by rff80tl Of • br•ac:h toceted on 81"11 An• BIYd., of deteull '" paym•"' or-----------------------1------------ t>et-Sycemore SI. & Broadway, per1ofm1nce 01 tn1 obllgatlon1 Pla.JC NOTICE l'talC NOTICE P\8.IC NOTICE Senta Ana. Cellfornle, 1111 right, lllle eecured thefeby. Including th1l1----------,...--------------1-~~~~~~".":":'==:-=: end Int-I con""Yld to end oow breech or deleull Notice of whlCh FICTITIOUa IU ... 11 MN ~1 HOTICI OF "'9f.JC AUCTION OF held by It urwter Nld.O..S of Truat waa recorded Aprll l3. 1982. 11 NAME ITATEMENT ITATIMINT OF P £Ra 0 NA L PA 0 'IR TY '" th• property 11tu1ted In Hid Recorder'• lnetrument No. The following pereon 11 doing UANDOMMENT OI' lltl!~ ON County Ind Slate delctlbed u: 82· 127757 Will SELL AT PUBLIC t>u.w-u · UM OF FlCTITIOUt VACATED PflE•NI OF~ EXHIBIT "A" AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST MULTI LINE. 2428 N1wpor1 IUllNlll NAME ftNANT Parcel t: Unit No. 30 II lhown BIDDER FOA CASH, lawful money Blvd .. No. 3, Colle MIN. Celllornll The lollowlng per1on1 hue (CC1 .. ) end delcrlbld In the Condominium ol the Unlled Stalft, or • euhler'• 92627 •b•ndoned the uH ol the f1C11tl0us Nollc:e It llereby oi-i 1hat on Plen recorded on November 8. c:neck drewn on 1 11811 or national Rey Pierce . 2431 Oreno• t>ustneea name. "ugusl 14, 11162. at tO:OO Lm., II 1979, In Book 12918, PllQ88 901 to btnk 1 atate or lederel credit Avenue . No. 6. Co1t1 Mesa. THE AUNNING RACQUET. 30912 C1"terbury Pl-In l.agu"I 1168 lnclullYI of Olflclll Aecordt of u"lon: or • 91111 or federal AYlng• California 112627 . 30100 TOW1l Center Drive. Laguna Niguel. Orange County, California, •aid County. end 101n 1110Cl111on domlclled In Thi• bullnete la conducted by an Niguel. CA 112677. the underllgned wlll Mii •I public P11cel 2: An undivided one this llll•. Ill peyable 11 the time ol '"dlYldual. The llctltlou1 bu1tne11 name auction the pe<eonll P'C>PW1Y left torty·llrt1(1/411t)lnt-t ua tenan1 sate. all right. mle and lllter .. 1 h4lkt Rey Pierce referred to ebove wH tlled on by Raymond l . R1ymond •nd In common In Ille '" lnter•t '" •"d by II. ae Tru•tee. In lhat real This 1talement wq llled with the Oc1ober 20. 1976 RoMm•ry R1ymood to the Common ArM ol Lot 6. Tfact property lltutll In laid County and County Cieri! of Ofenge County on w I L L I A M N 1 C H O L A S Seid propefty con1l1t1 of 8592 .. P« map nled In Boole 422, Ste~. deecrlbed u lottowe: July 23. 11162. PASCUAL. 24372 Lu Ner•"I"•· mt1cell1neou1 kitchen 1tem1. P •oe• 1 to 7 lnclu•h•, of Loi 8 01 Blocll 23 of Newport f1._. Laguna Niguel. CA 92677 canned goodl. hOuMhold .,,~ Mlecell1neou1 M1p1. record• of Beach Tract. In Iha City Of Newport Publl1had Orange Cout Dally C H A R L E S W I L L t A M boo k•. • m 111 1 PP t I• n c • •. aald County ... IUd\ l~m 19 ~ Beech, H pef m1p racofded tn PllOI, July 29. AUg 5, 12, 19, 1982 WET TENG EL. 1 8 2 8 3 S 1 n I a ml~• IMn'I end women'1 In the At11de entllted Definition• eooi. 3 Page 26 ot Mlacelteneoua 3256-82 Leurelle, Fountain Vell1y, CA cloth1r1g, 10'/I, WOfll t>encn. of the Decleratlon of eo....Nnts. Maps, r9cords of Mid County. 92708. -Said 1uctlon wlll be med• Condition• ind Re1trtcllon1 The II•••• eddfete or other .,_IC Ml\~ Thi• bullnMlwu conducted by• pur1u1n1 to th• provl1lon1 ol deec:rlbld In "SUBJECT TO:" below common dHlgnatlon ol the rHI ,.~ ""'"'L General P111nerahlp Section 1988 of the CM1 Code. (1he "Declerltlon"). pr--.. hefllnabove dftcrllfed 19 Fie----.,,._11 Wiiiiam N. Pucual D•ted July 29, 1982 Parcel 3: E11emen11 11 .. , pu~~ 10 be 23 14 end 23l4'h ,.,...,.... --Chlt1el Wllllem Bank of Newport IOflll In tht Sec11on• 1nlltl•d Weet Ocean Ffonl Newport Beach T"• '~~ ITATE•NT. dot Wellengel Cout Highway "Certain E-11 for 0wnet1•• ' ' ,,. ..,...,..,ng f)ef'eonl er ng This llllamllil WU riled with the 11 Avocado d .. S S 1 d Ctlllornla buslnea U "' C I et C ty ..._.....,.,. "·-·h CA 112660 •n upport... ell 1m1"t In The um19fllgned hereby dltelllms BIRTCHER PACIFIC. I generll Cou11ty letk o Loe Ang es oun '~""""' .,_ • Encroech.".'e nt ol th~ Artlcle all llablllty lor eny lrlCO<rec:t"•" In partner•hlp, 27811 L• Pu Ad .. on July 12. 11182 entltl•d E11e men11 of lh• ••Id 1treet 1ddre11 or o ther Lagoni Nlguel. ca. t2M7. F1032l2 Publllhed Orenge c o .. 1 D•lly Dectarellon common dlllgnatlon Ron11e1 E 81rtctier u Tru•t" RESEAVING UNTO GRANTOR, Said 1al1 wlll be mede without ol Thi Aonlld E Blrlc:her Famlly ltl 9UCC41MO!'l llnd Malg"•· togetti. werrenty. e11pfeH o r lmptled. Trvet Mtablllhed Under Agreement with Ille rlgl>I lo grent ""' trenef-: fegerdlng 1111•. POIHHIOn, Of deled June 27. IMO, 27811 La Pm all or •portion of 1111'18. u lollowa: e ncumbfence1. to utlaly the Road Legune Nfguel CA 92877 Except H grented hereby, prl"ctpel bal1nce ol the Note or Arthur B Blftefl4w .. Truet" ..-nent1 end rlghtl u ~ 0111« obllg1llon MWred by H id ol Tiie Arthur B Birtcher end ~o-~1nt~~· .. ~~ .. 1"1 ~ Deed of l'ruet, wllh ln1erH1 ind Shlrley R Birtcher Property .......... tnt 0 other 1um1 H provided therein; SeUlemefll end Suppor1 Trull dltld Decl111llon, Including. without plus 1dvancea, II •"Y· under the August 28, 11182. 27611 La Paz tlmltatlon, oll, QH end mineral term• thereof and tn•er•t on IUCh Road Lagun• Niguel CA 92$77 rlghts~~tl 1111d-= 1dvence1, and plus'"'· charge• Thia t>vsl,_. r. cOnducted by• for • """'"'-"'' "' '""1 end expen-of the Trull" end of g..,...11 pertnent\lp 1y1tem and lor conetructlon, the 1ru111 crutld by aald Deed ol Arth B Birtcher dl1pley. m1lnten1nce, HI•• end Trull The 10111 emount 01 H id True~.;. of The · =~~·At "':'/!4: ~ obllgatlon. lnctudl"g reHon1bly Arthur B. Birtcher ~l ~al .Le::" Ind for wel.f estimated l1ae. chergH ind and Shlrle)' R Birtcher gq m •-v e:icpet\-of tho Tru11 ... II the time Property s.ni.m.nt and right• lhlll not re••rve for the ot Initial publlcltlon ol thl• Notice. II Support Truet Oiied benelll ol the Gre"tor #"I right to $83.907.57 Auguet 28 1981 enter upon Ille 1urface of lh• D•ted: August 3. 1982 This atatament .; .. filed with the property con""Yld '*'°Y In the REAL ESTATE Cou"IY Clertt of Orange County on exerctM of ~ -t rlghll. SECURITIES SEAVICE, July 23. 1982 SUBJECT TO. 1 Calllornle corporlllon, F1 .... 1 . cu r f . n I I Ix.. a" d .. Truet .. , HUNTER & VOSS •-l'Nll'ltl. By-D J Morger Alt0tneye el Law 2. That cert al" Oecleretlon of lie Preeldent ' Cov•"•nte, Condition• and 2020 No rlh Broadway, 19600 FOOIWChild Orlw. Reetrk1lonl (ti.eln referred to • Suite 206. Suite 1 lhl "Declere1lon") recorded on Mey S."ta An•. CA 92708 Poet Office Box 18977 81, 1978, In 8ooli 12e97, Pegee 395 Tel 1714) 953-8810 INlne. CA 92713 to 465 lndullve, of Offlclel Record• Publlehed Orangt Cont Di lly Publ191\ed Orenge CoHt Dally of Orange County, Celll0tnta. end Piiot. "UO· 6. 18. 20, 11182 351:M2 PllOI. July 30, Aug. 6. 13. 20, 11182 any •m•ndmenu there to, 11 3423-82 lmpo11d by Supplementery Oecl1ret1on of Covene nte, P\8.IC NOTICE Plate NOTICE Condlllon1 and Ae1trlctlon1 r94l0fded on Ncw.mbef 8, 1978, In OfH>INANCE NO. 511 Bo~k 121118, P1g11 898 to 1100 AN OADIHAHCI OI' THE 90.ARO OI' DNCTORI Of' COUNTY lnctu1lve, ot Olflct11 Record• of ANn'AnON DISTNCT NO. I Of' ORANGa C°""!Y~f.!:.11'~ Or1 nge Co11nty , ind eny NOIHQ ON>INAHCI NO. 111NATA...aTO1 ..... ,..,.. emendment1 thereto. I nd the NAVlaf CHAAOll ............ No "'of n...-cov.nentl condltlonl, r .. tr1c:t1on1, nie Board of 04rec:1ore of County San111t1on ..,.... .... • " ~ -'V"' rlghtl, MMmente, reHrvetlone. County, Calilon"9. dOM hereby ORDAIN .. followl. benellte end burden• therein l.oiton 1: Teb!e A. u adopted by Section 2 of Ordinance No. 511, contained. Mell and all of wNGh -Is hereby amended to fwd· hereby ••preHty lncorpor1ted MTAa.l ·~~c••. herein by ,.,.,.,_ 11 l1lough NI alNGU UNIT '"'" ... out herein In 11111 CONMECTID .nA llD 3. C0Yen•nt1, condition•, 1112..a ANNUAL Fl.I fHtrlcttone. reMNltlo"'· fight•. 1" or leM I 21.40 right• of WIY Ind -·· ol 1W' 62.60 record end epperent. 2" 104.00 Thi 1trfft addr111 1nd other 3" 210.00 common deelgn1tlon. 11 any. of the 4·· !~·0000 rell property deeGrlblld ebOYI It 6" .....,, purportad to be: SS AOCKY t<NOLL. S" 1,680.00 IAVINE, CALIFORNIA 92716, I II I peroll oontlln• more then one weler mllef, then ,,... ctoerge Tiie underelgned Tru1t•• aPPltcab!e to MGfl meter thelt be ldded taoett-. end the eum levied dlecl•lm1 eny treblllty for any ll!Qeln•t the percie4 Alt«LI tnoorrectne11ofthe1trM1 ecldr-MULTMIMff' 1 .... end othlt common dellgnatlon II Per Unit "·-9'1'1~1::":.ri· II• mad•. but · t.otloft I: Thi• Ordlrlenoe et\111 beCOfM lffecttw upon ft• edOl>llOn without coven111t or w1rrenty, t1y •vote of tvoo-b*da of ttle "*'lben of lhe 'Board Ind Ila publloetlOn. ~ « ~. regerdlftg tlClll. • prO't'lded In 9«11on 3 pc 111111on. or encumbrenc... to ... ,..._ I: The 8ecretery ehall c:erllly J~• :doe>tl~n: Publl1hed Oran91 CoHI Dally Piiot. July 30. Aug. 6. 1982 PllOI July 16. 23. 30. Aug 6. 1982 3-435-~ . 3202~2 P\8.IC NOTICE REPORT OF CONDmON Contolldatlno dom .. tlc eubeldlartee of the Newport Harbour Netlonal Bank of Newport BMch In the state of Callfornla, at the ck>M of bualnNI on June IO, 1112 pubUehed In r"pon•• to call made bJ Comptroller of the Currency, under tltl• 12, United StatH Code, Section 181. Charter No. 11131 National Bank Region Number 14 Statement of Raeourc•• and Llabllltlea. ASSETS Dollar Amount• In Thouund• Cash and due from depository Institutions ............. 2,616 U.S. Treasury securities ............................................. 117 All other securities ..................................................... 152 Federal funds sold and securities purchased under agreements to resell ................. 6,790 a. Loans , Total (excluding unearned Income) ....................... 34,296 b. Leu: Allowarrce for po61ble loan losses . ..... ..... ......... ..... 333 • Loans . Net ............................................................. 33.963 Bank p remises, F.F.&E ............................................... 611 Real estate owned other than bank premlaes ........................................................ 719 All other asset• ..................................... ......... ... ...... 1,355 TOT AL ASSETS .................................................... 46,323 • LIABtLmES Demand deposits o f lndlvlduals. partnerships. and corps ....... .............. ..... ..... .. ..... 4, 760 Time and aavlng1 deposits of lndlvldu1ls, . partnerships. and corps .................................... 3!1,805 Deposits of United States Govemment ...................... 1!1 ·oeposltt of Statet and polltloal sub : divisions In the United StatM ............................. 1,600 , Certified and officers' checks .................................... 521 • TOTAL DEPOSITS ................................................ 42,eoi : (1) Total demand deposits ............ 5,296 (2) Total time and savings deposit• 37.305 All other llabllltl.. ....................................................... 755 TOT AL LIABILITIES (excluding subOrdlnated notet and debenture•) ................................................. 43.358 pay the retnllrllng ~ aurn of Ordlnence ltltd eNlll OellM the -to be 1111--• ,_...,._..... tlll not.Cl) MCu4'9d Mid Deed of o-ner11 clrcu1111on of the 041trtct u fequlrecl by ,.,. Common atock Trull, wltll lnttre• thereon, •• PASSED ANO ADOPTED t>y the Board ot Director• ol County a.No .• aharff authOrlzed 675,000 IQUfTY CAPITAL ~II) Mid notl(•). ICNencee, Senttation Dlltrtct No. s of Or'"O' County, c.tuom1e, •t'" eclJournecl b ......... area out1t1ndlng (Par Value) 2,•"" It any. under tilt twt'i'tl of Mid DMd regular meetlno held the ~8th city ol Juty, 1982. ....., 11 ~ of fruit. feH. ourou •nCI 608.050 ~ ot thl TNlt• ltltd or tt11 surptue • .. ............... ..... ... • .. ....... ................ .... .... .. ....... 2,530 v,::· crHl•d by H id DMG ol JacQueflnt E. HMthlr UndlVfd~ profit• end reeerv• for • Th9 tot.II emount of the ""'*' eheirJNn 01 the 8oerd of Dlrectore contlngenciee and other capital belenol of 1111 oblgetlon ~ County Senltetlon Olatrlct No. I reaervee ................ , ............................................. (2,083) 11y the property to be eold Ind of°''"°' County, Cllllornta TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL ...................................... 2,981 reHonebft H !tmeted 001te. ATIEST· ....._ TOTAL LIABILITIES AND • _.,.... ~ ldvMoll •""time "' J. w.,. .. , ..... 0t C p T ~ 3~ of"°"..,..... PllblOMlon ot .,_Note llectetary of tt. toerd Of oir.ctorl EQUITY A I AL .............................................. ~ "" of ......• 11141 County Sanltellon Olltrlet No 5 MIMORANDA I .... ""r-~ Uftdet• -~~ :T~rn ~~=r""I . Amount• out1tandlnQ 11 of~ d1tt: ... ._, ~ --..... .. ' Standby lettere of °'*'ft, totet ......................... .. =~ 11~0.~1\14 .,J ~OF OAANOf . Time e«Jlftce* of depoif1 In ~ '°' ..... and • "'"*' I, J. WAYNI IYLVHTI~ • ....,,. of'"' loerd Of OINMM of denOmlnetlOne of •100,000 or more ................ at.74i NotJoe of o.tlUlt Ind lleollOll 10 C-W ._,...., Ola1rtCt No. I of~~ ~=.:i:= TOTAL DEPOSITS ................... " ........................... 42.47. ..... Thi l#idw"""" 0111.tNC1 111c1 °"""Y .,... .,. llMw end ~ OfdNnoe "' .._-. °' we the undere6gned dlreOton attett the correcu~ ~ of o.i.,.. and lleotlon to acloP141d et .. ediOUMld regullr meet!~°' latd toerct °" u. .._ of this 8tet9ment of ~ end ltebllftae. W. ...,_ =:: ~ :t= ~·A=;=.::.~.::~, JoM C,Coll, JI. W TMIMa '· that It h• *" .Xlfnlntd by ... end to tM MM rJI °'( DIM:""">' 11;.1tll · ~ knowtedae end belW II trua end oorreoL I, TNiW ~ ~••IM "900n,:•• HOU: Nona GNeftwald, Vloe ,,...., .. CeiNir/Oon ... Ollr flf M f:'~1:=1~1 Orlv• ~:Hw · ella~.-benkdo ..... ..,_ .... lhll!'ll*' ... Nottfl HOllJWOOd , CA INW"11MIMIWCW,l ... ..,__ .. ~!Wld----IA Condlli.•tnieeodoon.ctiOtlieMltOCmylmOetJdte ,,..,, Jllll1, 1tlt. .I. WtifM .,._,.._ • end ....... ~:;:~. 9eOl.-Y °' .. ....,., ~ lxecuted on JUIY at, 1M2. ·* ~ ..... , ........ ' la/TMme9 E.; ~ ,.,.,....., Oriti .. C.-. Otllj CIC Orlillllt ~. ~ ""°'· """18'. IO, Auf, I. 1:.-""""""" or.,. C... o._ !""-~ a, t• • t '\ I, I 1 ..... ~Jin~ 1 ............. ~~ , ........... ~o.· 1N1\IH 11 hrt= t lven lo At•dh•ra of tlte wt 111c_:1cl ~~ ~~ ~--~ ~-"'.'lfnnM .. -• %h&&-I l1 m•• ...-ewW..r• . _ .... w A 'lllmllAW ITAW•WESD''l• IT ww·, Tiie ....... """"' II ...... Tiie ......... ,..._ le o--;n~ ..,_. II ,_. V Oii .,_Ill G.-nW laM9 ......_.. ...._ ........ A Nnnoue.,..•11um ...... ....,_. ~1T,1 ..... --.11,1M111, AUT~d::fl.~Plr. 0 '" WAaH I NTI"• C00"91 Tiie followlng perH" llovo ~ • .:.!.l.~ CA..... ,.. a..-.. a~ -1 HAT10H4L. t•t """"'Id le., ..... II --., ...... ._. on llDe4oliM t11e -of tfle "°'"*" ••--.. _ --·••111111. .. 1 ..... 1 to IN 1119" Oft ~Ollal .,..,., ................... l...UO l•IJ, 1•~11 1111•11, .,.,, ---~ 09o1te -,rato , ~. 0...... Auf, 11 1Ml7°t1f.OCJ e.m .. II 1407 b U a In• I I ft• lft e " 6 W !:,!!!!!' ~ .. ,..._ _.__ fllltlll,CA-t .............. _.... Oetulllo I'll Dr hftl• Alie lrnut H. Mllltr.i._11H1 "~II--Of., In OnHrlo, len DIWl.OPMIHT NO. 11 01 111 ,_ .._ --•-~~~,.--._°"fen ~tffo1 • • ~.~.~.taeel l•rnordln• Oount7. tll• 1hllltroet.coete,...,~ -.-~I Tiie ,,.,... -llUlll*ll ...... it! t"• tntlflcl•f lrlft ... rcr Oto .._._, ...... , ,_.....,_ .. ____,.,,811 Tftle"""'*'leOOl.._..bftn ~ Wiii Mft • PVbaJo tU11 ... ov• Th• flollt10111 ctrAY'IOllfOMINM 1'11111111•'*"::..lllldtlltflttle IM1¥1d181-. ..... C.C.. lndMdl*PHtttH.Mll.l.U' ::=,CIO~-~ ~":'°~~ew--~ OI ftll ITATI Oii WANNH \.OV AIAJIA ... 104 Hewl>Ot1 lfVcl .. Cot•• ...... CA taa1. Tfle looMlon Ill ~ of IN oNef OllOOlltlvt Oftloo Of prlflCfpel but11100t Oii.ice of tll• lntend1d Co1M1tJ Olerll ef OGwltr on Tiiie.........,,. .. llld Wltfl IN T'11i1 ~ ... Mid with tM ~" .._,,, ~ leld J ~ Conectuotion ~. TO ..OJCAM ""° ~ ... , .. , ,_ Coullty CIMI ot °'""' ~ on eoun.y CIMI of Or.,.. COunty on ~ °' """'° fOOfll, , ..... m11 IV., Cott• MIU, ly Older °' .. _.. ~ --· ~al 1Ma. July tt. tNJ room;-bedrOOlft Mnltuttl. Oellfomla m:n '*9"' dtod '° ..,._.. befor'9 .,_ l'VblltllN Ot811te CHet DellV • ,_ ,..., I ...... Md ...,.., Md W•lloo, lno.. ,.I EHi 11111 ~ Pf9ldlna In tho ~ .. ll'l!Ot, A"I. I, '*· IO, 17, 1111 ,.ub111111c1 orenna co.er Dolly '". bll•ll" Oronto COM• D•ll~ f9dlo, ~ wlll ei. medl ltr••t. Coi t• M•H. c 111rornt1 'l'a,( ot llllt oOut1 on t!Utla. • -_________ ... _u_.u_ ,..._. -~ -10 .t.'t;. a 1• 1w Hot, J41ly to, AYg. I. 11, 30, f .. I ~nt lo Ill• provl1lon1 of 12ta7 1'30, Ullfl end 111«• 10 t11oW ow. trMOflftt It; lorne All Otller butln"' Ml'M8 end ~ .... llMd by the Intended tflneflror wllllln tflrae yew1 lat ptet •O fer H llnown to the lnt9ndecl tr1nttw .. .,.: Ol•mond UphOletory, tu• Newport Blvd., Ootle M•••· CA 82127: 0 .. 1911 thowo .. •. 1424 Nawport 1111c1 .. ' ~, • ..,, ' ....,,. -. ,.. .,.. ~?Mt 1HI of tho CMI QocM, Thie~ MUC em JSICM2 Deted 11zt1n. e-r11 pert,..,::. OOllOUet«I 11y 1 ~v"rZ. ~ '::• ~ =-===: M0'1C8 Ci 6liiOWriOii PmlJC MOTIC( Cerol lo. ....,_, Mlet\MI O. Rey IOt 0£,.AICK JAMU PAii'\ Yo11t ~ Ofl ,___., PmlJC NO~ .. ..--•~= J. "8V Ooflltrucclon Co. Cllllcl. 9'lould not tit trllltOCI. Publlo llOltoe II llertl6v otwn th«t --~--.,., .. .,,.. ,......_ Tho eaor .. of tlle ebolle court: JAMii '· Mr'f'CHfLL Mel MICHAIL PICm-~ ~ ......... lAOune • CA 12H1 Publlell•d Ot1ng• CoHt Delly 800 Union Avenue, 'Mfleld, CA IMrTHI, ,,.,.._,. dolllO ~ = eTA MAim flA,_.,, lt11blljlled 0ftn00 Co .. t Ollly Piiot, July 23, 00, -'UO> 0, 13, 1Na 14533, Oollt• ...... ~ t2t27. lt-OU7' uncter mo tlotltloul """ nem. find The OlloWlflO l*'tOn le clolnt ltio followtno "'aon l1 doing Piiot, Jut;'°• h.lv. I, 1112 "20-12 01t4ld Juno 11, ttta. ~ Of WOQO.IYI, ot HOU Del ~-: DllllNll 111! 342?·t2 ----------.... ~,........,Cwt! Th• n•m• •> •nd. bueln•n tdclree• o tll• ln t•nd•d 11.-..91(1) -: AGOP ABMHAt.4 NOTICE OP DEATH OP VINCENT C. MOila AND OF PETITION TO ADMINlSTq\ ESTATE NO. No I! , City ot Deno ll'Otn AMI.. AUTO l!"Vl()I. 2802 I )( " A .. 0 I N 0 I M A G I! I PtllUC NOTIC£ " .... 0..-, C'-" ~'=z'of•0;1 "i:· lt1t• o'i ~~~I~· Ooata Me ... wo1111<1..c>P. 2006~ N9wpo111------------------------Pub11111•d o",.r, coeit 0111y AOOPIAH, . Thet tll• prop•rty pertinent llinlo le deeorlbed In QtMt9I ... lllUQue IUmlturt f~Otetlon end .. 10o1ted et: 2424 Newport llvd,, Ooet• MIM. Cellfornle 92027, end ... bo ~ted by,,_.._ 10 2A29 Hoiwpor1 Blvd' .. Coete Meu. ~J ... 111' .. die!. on , •11" clfl'/ or Atntt llkllln. 120t2 Adft4in 11., IWll~. 200& 1111. Pl&IC ~ :&~: ifH~ o~1 • PllO'. My io, as. . h.lv· t21~ u,,, •• v Y muh18 OOflMnt. 8ullcllng S·201, Q1rd•n Orove, Hoiwpor1 loeofl, Ce11tom10 t2t00 PJCTITIOUI ......... publlc; lleerlng will M Mid by the A·UUH. To all helra, bmefldariee, credlton and conUncent c redltora of Vincent C . Morck and pef:110n1 who may be otherwt.e Interested In the will and/or estate: cllMOtve lllO Mid f*tlllfttllp tflcl CelffOtnlo fH.40 Thie buelr'98a It ooncluCteCI ..., 811 HAim ITA~ ,._,. Cl I Coe ,.,l'lllnote "*' f'lllttone .. PMllltl Thlt buelflMt la oonduGted .,, .,, lndMdual. v1 The followlflg perlON are doing City ..,.,.,nc11 ol Ille ty o •• -----------ll'leteln. ..,............ ,. __ ...___ K......... ............-.. =· M ... on Augu11 tS. 1812. In Ille •-"' MnTIC( .,..,.. ...................... ....._ ..... _ ..-...... ·--..,._ .,._, --, ~ Chambwl of City Hall. 77 r-.n. IN ...., --'".,.. .,._,. -.,.. •-'-"'""'-........, ... 1__. -.......... ..-. ...._. P,t.VRO ENTERPRISES, 0750 .. -----------_..... ....... u: ~ u.-. _.._ .,_, """' -·-· ,,_ ... _,_,, .,_ ,,_, ..,.,, """ Fair Drive, Co1ta Meee. 11 O:.,O .. .-. ..... ....,_,_ .,....,. •-•• """ -Tiiie etltement w• ftled w!tt1 IN~....__.~...._,._._,.. on Cebolloro loulevard, Buena l'arll. ..._,.. PtlY find go 1111 lloWU.. Ind Coun~ Cl8tt! of Of ,. __ .., ..,._,."' ..,.._._ """""' Ctlll0tnle 90020 p.m .. or H eoon tll•r••ll•r •• NOTIC• CM' TRUeTSrtl ~ debt• Of tlle 11nn end r~ 1111 919 """'"• on J4Jty • tM2. preatteabte, on lho followtng Item ..., ,.1na ___ , ____ ..._ ,.._.._ Jllfy2. tH2. ,~ P8'11 A. VOlpp. 2913 0-.. REHEARINGreciu-ledbyAobert 1111•01tT'"NT NOTIC• TO c.llfornlo t2027. TM ~ -uaod by Ille l8ld treMletQtia) et l8'd tocellon I t : CL ASS IC ANTIQ UE A petJtJon hu been filed by Diane Morc k In t h e Superior Court of Oronge County r equeatinc t hat Dlane Morck be appoin\ed as pereonol representatlve to 1dmlnl1ter the e1tote of Vincent C , Morck, Costa Mesa, CA (under the Independent Adminlstration of Fat.ates Act), The petition is set for hearing in Dept, ,,...._~-to u .. uom. '1Mm Publl1lled Or•nge CoH I Deity Fulierlon. Colllorllle "2833 F. Yodor. 155 Buoy Slf•I. Coeta -~--O .. _., furtllef notk:e I• llw•bY QWen Publl•lled O<ll\09 Coea\ Dally ........ ~ .... 23• ao, Auo, 1, ta. 1112 Ron•ld M. Gercle. 7S43 E. Council' ............. • • .. _... lll•t the undwelgned wtlt not .,. Piiot, July 30, Aug. o. 13, 20, lte2 ~ ..... ~. 332242 Slfldberg i.en.. Ofango. Cellfornle Meu. , ... ,Ing 10 lho City • YOU AM .. °''AULT UNDO A AUTOAATIOH. reec>OMlb4e, trom thla day on, tor '35&-82 t 2eet action on J~ 19, tH2, 1C109tlng otlO Ot11 TRUtT, DATii> tmJ. 11, 811y oblgaltlOfl lnOUrt9d by IN otlw •-"' MftftM' Thia~ le c;onduo1ed by• Ordlnanc• No 7t·32, rezoning ~UNI.alt YOU TAKI ACTION Th•t ••Id bulll 1r1n1fer I• lntonded to be OOOIUmmlled at tho olllc• ol: QUALlflED ESCROW COMPANY. 4120 C1roC>ua Ortvt •B. Newport BHch. C•llfornle t2MO, on cw ettw August 25, 1M2. In tw own name cw In IN -of ,..,_ ""'~ generel pal1Mflfllp, property at 113 Eaat Bay StrMI TO llftO~CT YOUllt ~. IM firm --"' ..,,..,._ RON Lb GARCIA from R1 10 POA2 HO, In connection " 111.'Y .. IOU> AT A 11'\mlJC OAT.ED AT Coate M•••· ... ~ ""'""" ITATllmNTOtllUAICCll...n' A M. • • wltllRaonePetltlonR,79,15fOtlho IALI." YOU NllD AN ~-~--·• ...... a111 d of • 1 C)tll UM C)tll general pertner Revetend Conrad A. NOf'Oqulet, end • .,_ ............. .,. -.. .._ __ ........,._ """ " flY .. uoua • ACTYT)OU8 llU8.... ,-mww---··,.... Thie 11a1-t wu filed w1111 the ,..,.~ ......... _. , ... -·-tH2, NAm ITATDmMT ... ..... • ..,_ County Cteni of Ofenge county on r•llHrl"g of Zon• Excepllon °' ntl l'fW>CllDINO AOAINIT Thia bulk trenafw la eubjoct to Cellfornl• Uniform Commerolel JemM F. Mllcllell Tlla followlng pereon 1, dolfli1 Th• followlftg per1ona lle ve July :ze, tH2 ZE·S2·88. for Ylrlancu from YOU, vou SHOUU> CONTACT A Publllhed Orenge CoHI Delly "'*'-M llb8ndoned tht 11111 d tho ftctl\loue ,1M01I parlllng requirement• al)(! Mt LAWYl"- coe. SeGt1on o 10e. Pllot. Aug. 0, t902 A RN e TT DES I G N AN O ~ Mme R & W O.W9'opmenl .... 0Moee of on Bay Str .. 1. In conjUncllon wll On h.lvuat t8. 1ta2. at 10;00 3520--S1 DRAFTING, 2200 P1rll N-port, ~t-.!.,888 ~ 1!!",!!.'?917 ' Sult• 2·A. DANllL J. COONll Pltlnnad ~I fOf' a 36-<unll A.M ' H duly eppolnled Tru11 .. Th• nam• and addreH ol the P4WIOn with whom cl•lme Intl)' ba lll•d la ROXANNE TATE. c/o Quelllled Eecrow Company. lno .. 4920 Campue OrlYe #B. N-port BMcll, CA 92flll0, end Ille la.al dty for nllng clelma by eny c:redllor 111811 ba Augu1t 24. 18S2. wlllch I• th• bualn••• d1y before the conaummallon dale apeclll•O -----------c.itf 1 ..,...., -. """ '""" twt. .o ltdotede ..,. ............ 8enlOr ClllHN Hou.tng Project Jn under 1nd pur1uen1 to 0..0 of rtaJC NOTICE ~220• Nowport 8-lll, om a Th• llotltlou1 buel~•H nem• M01I c• Do &.a l'lota _.., connection wllll en eKletlng c:llurCl'I. Tru11 recorded Sept•mber 25. 11>ove. Oiled Augu11 3. 1982. Ag09 Abfellem Agoj)fen Intended Tran1feree(1) Publl•ll•d Orange COH I Dally PUot. Aug. II, 19S2 3537-82 P\llJC NOTICE FtcTITIOU8 eu ..... NAMI ITAftliWNT Tiit followlno person le dolno b...,._. u: A BBOTT , CL ARK & A6SOCIATES. 23622 El T0to Road, Suite 203. El Toro. CA 112030 Edward Oro. 161M8 B"-tler Line. HunUQgton Herbour. CA 92649. This buelneu la condUC1ed by .,, lndMOuel. Edward <>rd Thll 1111-1 WU flled with Ille County Clerll of Orange County on Aug. 4, lt82. ,1 .... Publlehed Orange COHI Dally Piiot, Aug. e. 13, 20. 21. 1982 3544-S2 Nil.IC NOTICE "crmou• au .... 11 NAMlilTATW•NT The followlng pareon le doing buslneu u : CHR ISTIAN BROTHERS POOLS ANO SPAS, t3321 Gerdan Grove Blvd, #N, Gerden Or0\19. CA 921143. Nell Tiiiman Spe ln, 5t44 Conanl. Lono e.ectl, CA 90815 Thie busl,_ 11 conducted by .,, lndMdllll Nell Spain This 1181emefll WN llled with Illa County Clertc of Orange County on Aug. 3. t9S2 '1M77'0 Publielled Orange COHI Dally Polot. Aug, 8. 13. 20.:. '. 1t82 3548-82 No. 3 at 700 Civic Center '1CTIT'IOU9 ., ..... Drive West, Santa An.a, CA NAlllll ITATa•NT 92701 on September l, 1982 t>u~~o::::wlng per1on 11 dolno at 9:30 A,M . G 0 l 0 e N w E 8 T 8 I G N IF YOU OBJECT to the COMPANY, 110t W. Slevene, Apt. granting of the petition you 11. Santa AM. Callt 92707. ' 11111•1 Fellx S•lge, 1tO1 W, should either appear at the .s1evan1, Apt. t 1, S1nte Ane, CaHf. hearing and state you r 82707, objections or tile writte n Thi• t>uatnete 11 conducled by en objections w ith the court lndlvld"-:u,1411 F Salge before the h earing. Your Thia""-' w• n1ec1 with the appearance may be in penon COUnty Clertl of Orengo County on or by your attorney July 29. t882. I F Y 0 U A ,R E A Publlellad Orenge Co•:i'= CREDITOR or a contingent Piiot. Aug, 8, 13, 20. 21. 1ta2 creditor of the deceued, you 3522-82 must file your claim with the court o r present it to the ____ NIJC ___ NO_TIC_E __ _ pereonal re prese ntotive a ppointed by the cou rt within four months from the date of first issuance o f letters as provided in Section 700 of the Probate Code of California. The time for flllng clalma wW not expire prior to four months from the date o f the hear ing noticed above, YOU MAY EXAMINE the file ke pt by the court. lf you are Interested in the estate, you may file a request w ith the court to receive special notice of the ACTmOUa.,... .. NAMI ITAft_,.,. The followlng peraon la doing t>u.w-u: MOBILE MECHANIX. 245 FlahW SI.. B· I. CO.le M•M. CA 9:M2e, 8'yen Rtymond 8tttton. 13252 JatpWlon Wey, w .. tmlnlter, CA 112083. Thie ~ la conducted by en lndlvlduel. Bryan Rtymond Brllton Thie atet-1 WU flied with the County Clerll of Orange county on Aug. 8, tt82, ,1MIM Publlelled Orange CoHI Delly PllOI, Aug. 0. 13, 20. 27. 1882 3453-02 inventory o f estate aaseta "8JC NOTICE and of the petitiom. accounta ----K--4>1 ______ _ and report. described in NOTlCI TO CMDITOlll Section 1200.5 of the CM'llUUCTIWtlRR California Probate Code, (.........,4101\l.C.C.) STEPHEN J. BURESH, Nolle• 11 hereby given to th• Anoraey at Law, 15tS Soetll c:redllOfl ot GEORGE R, BRYEN end ELMA 0, &RYEN. Trenaferorl. Cout Drive, Selte 101, P.O, .._ ~ eddreee 1e 724 w, Box ll H Cotta Mesa. CA t9ttl Strwt, City of eo.t1 Meu. CA. IHH (7li) lff.1711 County of Or1n9e, St•I• of Published Oranae Coast ClllllOf'nla 111a1 • bulll 1r1n1fer le • ebout to be made lo FRANK Dally PUot, Aug. 6, 7, 13, SHOWALTER end LINDA E 1982 SHOWALTER. Trana!-whOM 353~82 bu.,,_ tddt-le ~14 E. Plilrn. City of °'11nQe, County of Orenge. State of C8llfOfnla. REPORT OF CONDITION The property to M 11-ferred II deeefibed In generel -.... 9tock In trldO. ftlCturae. equiPIT*lt Ind QOOd wlll of lllet LIQUOR STORE bu1lneu known H SUNSHINE LIQUORS end toe.led et 724 W, 19th Strwt. City of Coete MeM. CA. County of Orenge , S lit• o f Cellfomla. Consolidating domestic aub1ld larles of the Marine National Ba.nk of Santa Ana, In tM state of California, at the close of business on June 30, 1982, ~bllshed In response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under title 12, United S tates COde. Section 161. Charter number 17052 National Bank Region Number 14. Statement of Resources and Liabilities Thou .. nda of Dola.ra A88ET8 Cash and due from depository ln1tltutlon1 ,. ..... ,. .... 3,508 Obllgatlona of other U ,S , Govern men1 agencies and corporation.a ,. .......... ,,, ... ,, ........ ,,,,, ....... ,,,, .... ,, .... 800 All ot •. ., -""-urltles .,,,,,,,, ... ,..: ....... ,, ..... ,,.,, ......... ,. ......... 180 Federal funds sold and securities purchaaed under agreements to resell,,,,,, ..... ,, .•... ,,.,,,,,, .... ,. .. 4.850 Loans. Total (excluding unearned In come),, ..... ,, ........ 14,408 Leu: Alfowanoe for possible loan losses ................. ,,,, ...... ,, ........ ,,,, 67 Tlla bulll 1ran1f•r wlll b• ooneummet.cl on or altw lllO 111 day of Septernt>et. 1812 at tO:OO a .m . el GROVER ESCROW CORPORATION, whoM lddr-11 18001 lrvtne Blvd,, TUllln, CA. LHt date for .llllng clalme 11 Auguet 31, 1812. So fer •• I• known to the Tran1ftr•••· •II bu1ln•H nem•• and addre11•• u1ed by th• T,_,,1'9t0f'I fOf' tho put thfM yeArl .,. the SAME. Oeled July 2 I, 1982. ,,... ... ...., Uftdel..........., T••••-Publllhed O'lnge CoHI Dall~ Piiot. Aug. II, tt82 Loans. Net,,,,,, ........ ,, ... ,, ..... ,, ... ,,,, .. ,,,, ...... ,, ... ,,,, .. ,, 14,341 Leaae financing receivables .... ,, ... ,,,, ....... ,, ............. ,,,, .. 230 P\aJC NOTICE Bank premlse8, furniture and fixtures, and other co01111 assets representing bank premises,. ... ,,.,, .. ,. ... , .•. ,,,, 664 NOTtca TO CMDf1'0M All other uaeta ....... ,,,, ....... ,..,.,, ..... ,, .. ,, ...... ,,,, ... ,, ........ ,,536 °' euuc ~ TOTAL ASSETS,. .. ,.,,,.,. .... ,, .• ,..,.,,,,,,,.,. .... ,. ... ,,,. ....... 25,108 N1=~~!°:y~; .. :in 10 UABILfTIEI credltora of Ill• wllhln named Demand deposits of lndlvlduals, partnerships, 1ran1t.,or 111et • bull! trenaler I• ~!!" :S:~~1g0sn~epo'···9·1ii''()i'in<ii:Ad~aii:,,···"·· .... , •. 3'924 ~o,::.,:~:· ~.:;.onai '' •v The -and bu'"-addre9' parnerehlpa, and corporatlon1 .. ,. ....... ,..,. ... ,. ....... 13,747 o1 tho Intended trllMfwor-. Deposit& o f United States Government.,, ... ,. .. , .............. 37 WANNES LOY AIAJIAN. 2424 Oepoafta of States and polltlcel eubdlvlslons Newpor1 Blvd., Co••• M•H. In the United S tatee ........ ,. ..... ,..,. ....... ,, ... ,,.,, .... ,,,.,,,,.100 c.11,::::i=11n Cellfoml• of 111e All other depolltl ..... ,,,,,,,,.,,.,. ....... ,.,,,,,,,. ........ ,, ... ,, .......... 5 chief exec11t1ve office °' prlnolpel Certified and Officer&' Checkl ............ ,, .. ,, ..•. ,,,, ............ 755 bUl ln•H ofllC• of the lntend•d ToTtalot Oepl ~atan.d ... d .. e .. p"o .. ll,..t.1 .. ,,,..,, ....... ,,,, ....... ,..,..4,72'118,588 ''~1r:.~: ::.~~· .. nam•• and al db.,, ,, .......... ,,,,,,.,, ..... ,,,,. ' eddr• .... uled b the Intended Total time and eavlngs depo11t1 ............ ,,.13.847 treneleror within ,~ .... )'Mr' 1 .. 1 Federal fund• ~rph&Md and eecurltles told PHI ao fer .. tcnown to th• under agreement• to repurchue,, •... ,,,. .. ,,,,,,.,, ... ,, ... 574 Intended ,,_,.,..., •. All other llablHtlM .. ,,.,,,,.,,,,,,,, ... ,. ... ,,,. ... ,.,,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,,.196 RES;5:A~I~~ 0 2:2: i 1 QI.I~ TOTAL LIABILITIES (e xclud ing 1ubordlnated Blvd., eoet• MeM, ce1ttorni!~f:l'7 not• end debenturM) .. ,,.,,,, ................... ,,,, .. ,.,, .. 19,338 DESIGN S HOWCAH, 2'124 l!QUITY CAPtTA.L port llvd,, Co1t1 Mn•. Common etoctc _ .. 810 000 c.r-rii.-9262...:C, ~ aeldr- No. aharea authortz_, • of tll• 111tt ndod tr•n•f•rH are. No. lharee outl1andlng eoo,ooo ,. .......... ,. ..... ,, ............... AOOP ~.AAHAM ,t.QOPtAN. (par value) 3,000 Tllat 1111 property ptttlntn• ~lut .. ,, .... ,, ............. ,, ....................... ,, ................ ,, ... 2,982 "=Jr~ ~.o:'.~ MdtJed pro ... ftta ndandotr~,,!H°!' ,...--~21~ ~1; 2424 H-port llvcl~ coo .. con ngenc • ·-.._ • -·-............. Me8. 011Hom1e ta1121. n .... ei. TOTAL EQUITY CAPITAL ....... ,.,. ................. ,..,, ........• n reloceted by 1ren11°' .. •o a.•H 'roTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CAPITAL Newport Blvd,, OOll• M•u. ~ ................... ,. ...................................... 25.108 r=~~-= ~rnounu outstanding 11 of NPOf't det9: DIAMOND Uf'HOl..ttt..v. Standby leti.tl Of ~It. totel ........ ,. .................... 1,024 Tllet H id bull! tren1fer I• Time otr1lfleetM of depoelt In ~f~ ctt,~:J': ~lnaUona of t100,000 or more ..................... 9,783 .COMPANY, 4120 campue onve. A-. tor 30 catend11 deya (or caJendN month) ending ~. 1. NlwPOtt ,loed\, OOlltOtn&e ~ (9pOrt da1•: tateO °" (/If .... """"* ... 1tQ Totef ~tt ... ,, ................. ,, ..................... ,, ....... 18.28& o:.=r=" u':i= ~0:'01: • , We, the undenlgned dlrectora atteat th9 correctneee of Ooctt a.ton 11oe. Ihle 11.um.nt of rMOUtOe and Uab1t1ti.. W• c:Mdare that Tiie nemo _, lldC1H111 of tll-9 ~ hu ....,, examined by "''· 1nd to th• belt of our per1IOll """o""°!!' ..,.., 1m1r1 11e .,ft!Wldfta Ind beli.f It true end COn'ect tll•d II .. ~JCAN"I TA :.t "'' ,_,,,,,_._ ,__.__ p .. , __ _.., J ' OUAUl'llD noflOW COM,.ANY, I -II• '_,_I r, '"°'' 4tll) ClmllUt Oftwe, No, I , I Dirk c. Eldredge ~ ..... ~ tlltO, John L. CaeNOn llld ....... -'°' ..... br Dlteototl r.18 ....... °' ..... ~ .. ,, I, t<at• G.nteon1._ Aeatettnt Vkle Pr•ldent of thie ~ro~•-=-.:..::"':=-o:! ~,...,,.... ... 00 ...,_ deotar9 tMl thla A9port of .............. 11 tNI and OOff9Ct lo tM.,... Of my knowt1dge oa.fl=a. ,_ __...., _.,_.......,. --' K9r'1t Garr1eOn T1allf8a .. 1112 ..:.:-= ~ 0.... w, "4U1'*'0...~Dl9rllllllol,Mlf.l,1Mt ...a ....... Jey HOW9td Arnotl a:zoo Perk referred to above WH filed In &...,... .... Cellfom&e ma NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that 1910. H ln1tr. No. 311828 book Nowport, Nowport Boach. 08llfomle COUoJn~) ~ ~C~N~~~5UCTIOH Publl1ll•d Orengt CoHt Dally llllld time end pl-. 811 lnler"tlld t 3 7 58' pege 385' of Olllcl1I 82MO C P'"NY 1 .. ..,~ 17th SI__. PllOI, Ju"' 30, Aun. II, t3, 20, 1982 pe<IOnl miy appaer ind M llffrO fllecordt , executed by: C. BARR • " "",..., •-• ., '"" 22.a2 by the Clly CounGll on Ill FLETCHER a nd LUCY ANN Thi• bualnMa la oonducied by.,, ea.ta~ CA 92027 ' 34 eforemantloned metier. FLETCHER, hueband and wti. • lndMdu~.., H Arnott (2) WEl.LCO, tNC'.. 188 EP1 EILEEN P. PHINNEY ltu"or(•). In lh• olllo• of th• Thia •t•tement wu med wltll tl!O 17111 Street, Coet• Meea. CA 92827. ..,_IC NOTICE Clly Clerk Counly Recorder o f Oren11• Coun"' Clerk of Or-County on Thia buel.-wtl conduotod by• ..--. Publl1hed Orange Coal! Dall County, Stet• ol Callfornle, Will ., -...... ..,,.,. .. pal1nerlhlt> Piiot, Aug. 6, 111.82 SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO July 21• ttS2· Mlc:flael 0. Rfl'/1 f0< 'NOTICE Of' IAli 3509·8 HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH '1mll J Ray Conatructlon co. TO "'°"'" l'DDE" ... m•1c NOTICE (peyab1e at time of ..,. 1n lewful Publl•ll•d Orange CoHI Delly Th19 ll•t-t w• ~with the Mollee 11 her.tly glwn that bldt rUUL money of the United SI•••) et: Ille Piiot, Jutf 23• 30• h.lv-1• 1~~2 county Clwll of Orengo COunty on wlll t>• r•celved lor ••1• lo 111• NOTICE IHVrllNO 8'01 North front entrence 10 Ule COunty ,tcTmOU9 ....... NAm 8TAft•NT Th• following pereon I• doing buelnMe oa: SUPER SERVICES, CO., 424 E. lev Street Coata MeM. CA 82e27, MORRIE CLINTON OAOst. JR., 424 E. Bey Strwt. Coete ~ CA 92027, Thia ~ I• conducted by .,, lndMdual, Morrie Cflnton GtOM Thie etet-1 wee Ned with the COunty Clertc of OftnQe county on July 20. 1982. . r:..-a Publlell•d Oreng• CoHI Delly Piiot. July 23, 30, Aug. s. 13, 1982. 330142 "8.IC NOTICE Jutf te. 1902. lllgllell bidder{•) 01 ~ mechlne Notice 11 hereby given th•t tha CourtllouM. 700 CMc Ctntw OrNt ,~ toota, IOCket1, dratting leblee and Board of Trust-of tl!O Huntlng1on Wfft, San1a An•. CA all right, UU. Pubtl•lled Orang• CoHt Dally etudy urrett •.ceea to lho needs of e..cn Union High School Oletrle1 llnCI 1n1er .. 1 con~ to and now Pilot, July 23, 30, Aug. O. 13, 1902. Ille Huntington 8Mch Union High wlll receive ueled bide for held by II under Mid ONd Of Truel 3321-82 School Olalrlct. supplying Computer Malnlenanca 1n the property 11tueted In uld ------------! B I 0 F or m Ho . 5 0 4 w I I h Servloe meeting 0t equal to tl!O County end Slate deec:r1bed •: PUBUC NOTICE =:':'rt:: !'!~~t:f!: apecillcatlon• on Ille In Ille ottic. of Lot so of Tract No. t 154. In IN -----------··-, Mid dlatrlct. City of Coeta MH•. Count~ of 1'1CTITIOUI .,..... from the Dletrlct PurCllHlng Bide shall t>e clearly m1rked Orange. Stet• of Cellfomla. u per MAim aTAnmNT Oeperlme nl. 10251 Yorktown "Computer Malnienance Bid No Mac> recorded In Book 37, pegee 1t The followtng pweon la doing Avenue, Huntington Beech. CA 506" eddrMMCI to· • and 12. M1ac..i.-......,_, In the ~ u: 92640. Any llem mey be lnapected A '11 E R I p h I oltlea of Ille Coun... Aecotder Of G. FREESE AHO ASSOCIATES. II Ille Ille where It 11 localed M~ . ow •'f. urc as ng ealO County. '' 1135 LA Mired•. Laguna e..cn. ca. Monday through Friday, S:OO e,m Huntington Beech Union High The •tr••• aOdrHa end other 92051 to 3:00 p.m. prlOf' 10 Auguel 30. School Olatrlct common deeignal\on, 11 eny, ot the G~a l.M Fr-. 1135 U 1982. 10251 Y~town Aw re!N propetty deecribed ~ II Miricle. l..agun• BMcn. ca. 92851 .. Bid• 111111 b• clHrly m1rll•~ Huntlnglon BMch. CA 92640 purported to be: 4" ~. Thie~ le conduc1ed by an Ol>lolele Equlpmtnt,Bld No, 504. and received el 0t bef0te 2 00 Colla Meea, CA 821127 lndhllduel. •dOrHHd to Allyn E. Rowl•Y. pm Augull IS t882 atwtllchtlma The unoerslgned Truat•• GWENDA LEE FREESE PurcllHlng Manegei, Hunllngton ind" place bid• wlli be publloly 011ct11m1 eny lleblllty for eny Thi• ll•t-1 w .. lllad wttll lhe 8each Union ~lgll Sc:llool Olitrlct, opened en0 rMd 1ncorrec:1-of lhe llrwt tddrMa County C*1I of Orange County on t 0 2 5 t Y o r II I ow n Av• n u • • Eaclll bid shllll 'remain valld fOf' a and other c:ommon o..lgnetlon, tt July 2t, 1'82. Huntington BMcll, CA 921148• end period of 45 deya alter 1ho d1t• any. lllown herein. '1Mlll received 81 or bafora 2=00 p.m., 1pedfled fOt the r«*pl or bide. Said Hla wlll be mad•. bul Publl1lled Orenge CoHI Delly Monday, Auguet 30, 1982 at wtllcll Tho en.rd of Tru11 .. a ehall be wlllloul coven•nl or warra nty, Pllol, Jllfy 30, Aug .. 8. 13. 20, 1812 time '"° pl-bid• will be publlcly Ille IOle Jud""' of the quallty of eitprffl or lmplled, regerdlng lltle, ,IC ........ , ---11 341~ opanec1 and reed, •-~·-·• ... 11•ovv --All expenHa of c1rlag• and equipment ottered and r ... rvee the ...,_on, 0t encum.,..anoee. to NA• 8TAft•NT ----.. ---. ir -..,,.-ftl'r----remoYal er• the reeponalt>lllty of tha right to reject eny or all bid• and to P•Y lhe 1emelnlng ptlnelpet eum of The fOllowlnQ par.an la doing ~-..n. ""'""" IUC<*lalul l>ldderl•I· Sein tax will waive any lrregulerlly tlleteon. the note(•) aacurad by Mid OMd of bull.,_ u : UNIPAK USA TRAVEL 1---AC-nTIOU--.-auatNIE---.. ---be ll<lded 10 ell quotation• unlMa A.E. Aowtey. Truel, wllh lntereal thereon, a1 SERVICE, 280 Newport Conler Or,, ..._ ITATEMPIT velld reteM..,.. 18 parmll numb« Purchulno Menager proYlded In alld note(•). ac:tvanoee. Suite 350, Newport Beech. ca. The lollowtng peraone .,. dOlng la eut>mllled wllll t>ld f0tm. DATED July 29. t9S2 n any, undet lht term1 ol aald Deed 82ee<I bu*'-u: Payment In full •ll•ll t>e made Published Orano• CoHI Dally of Trull, ••••. cherge1 1no MlzMo Rogera. 3'5o E. 111 St. ECO NO MA INTENANCE, within....,.,.. daye olllle ew1rdlng of PMot. July 30. Aug. 6, 1882 expen-of Ille Truetae end Of the N<>..:J.:. Lono-e..cttle :.~8;.,~~by.,, 10783 Beech Blvd.. Huntington Ille ..... and the metenal lh•ll be 34 tO·S2 tru111 created t>y Hiii D••d of ""• bual• ......,..,....,_ Beach Clllfomle 921147 rernc>Y*I from Olalrlct property at Truet for lho amount reuonebly lndMdualMIZUHO ROGERS ~ Eldridge. 10122 ~ellet tho lime ol flllt payment l'ta.JC NOTICE "'r'::'':!,!.~1~~300~-Oaed Thie tl•l-t WM flled will! the Drive. Huntlnoton Beach. Celltomle The Olltrlct mill" no guarent... NOTICE Of TRUITEFI IAt.a of Truet heretofore eiceculed and Coun"' Clerk of Or.,.,,.,. __ .., on t20:M wrlll•n or lmpll•O. •• 10 Ille T.L No. 11111-1 delluertd 10 the und•ralgned a July 28 tt02 -.,..... ...,.,.,., Juanlte Eldridge, 10122 ~allee condition of eny 1""" llema m_,. be GA T EWA Y M 0 RT GAG E wrllt;.,, Oeclata1lon Of Oet9Ult end · ,1ta27 on.... Huntington &.ch, Cellfomle wlllldrawn trom Hie 11 required CORPORATION u duty eppotnted Damand for Siie, Ind a written Publl1ll.cl Orange Coaal Deify 92648 prior 10 bid acceptance, Tru1t•• under Ill• followlnt Notice of Oeteutt and Elactlon to Piiot • .My 30, Aug. 0, 13, 20, 1902 . .._..~~conducted by • ~~~I.LYNE. daec:tlbed deed Ol lruet WILL SEL Sell The und...igned c:auNd Mid 3376-82 "'m"" _ .. --..,... Pw-.. ....,, M AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE Notice of Oetaul1 Ind a.ctlon 10 , Juanlt• Eldridge --... an-oar HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH Sell to t>e recorded In Ille county Thie llt81ement WU flled with 1M 0.ted: Augual 4, tta2. (ptytble ti time of ..,. In lawful wh«• Ille real ptoparty 11 IOcetad. P\8.IC N()TIC( County Cterll of Orengo COunty on Publl•ll•O Orange Coul Dally money or 111a Unlled SlelH) all O.te J\11)' t2, t082 ...... July 2s. 1902. Piiot, Auguat 8. 13. 1902 right. tltle Ind Inter .. , conveyed IO IMPERIAL CORPOAA no.. 8TAnmNT CM' ABANDOlalDIT P:1Mn0 3502-S2 and now held by II under Mid Oaed OF AMERICA Publlahed Of9"99 Coeat Oelly1 ____________ of Tru11 In Iha ptooerty hereinal1er u MIO Tnntee P'tCnno:: ~ .. MAim Pilot, .My 30 end Aug. o. 13, 20, Ml.JC NOTICE deecrlbed: By Ellrellta Chamt>enaln. T f 1 1 19S2 r--------....-~---T R u S T O R , S A A R Truet" Sate~ he o low ng pereona lleve 3357-82 LI"'"'' --CORPORATION, • Ce ll fornla •7•7 Com..._v "'""'-~ the -°'the llctltlou9 ·-------------.......... " " ................. ~ -SUNSHINE UOUOR 111•-WPOlll"'-'TT·.-U """1U> corporetlon San Diego. CA 92123 M 724 W. 1ttll St,_., eo.te Me8. , ____ '1BJC ___ N011CE______ ICMOOL DetTl'JCT B E N E F IC I A R Y . 0 A N N Y Tel (714) 292·64&0 Cellfomta 92027 ,.. • ..._ ....._ !MftMe _. TROIANO, an unmarried min. Publltll•d Oreng• CoH I Dally Th• flctltlOUI buelnHI n•m• ACTITIOUI ........ .... .... -0 0 u G LA s Mc M ILL AN • • n Piiot. Jllfy 23, 30, Aug e. 1982 r•f•rrod lo abov• wa• llled In .. aa-aT•-CClfttniot Mo. C»-ll unmarried men, and JAMES J , 3280-82 -.. ,,._..,, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that SKAWINSKI, a merrled man, u 1111 County on June 17• 1982· ... ~~ .,..._ -doing th• Bo1rd of Education of Ill• tole end aeperale property "8.IC NOTICE HYUN CHOO CHIN, 101~ S . .,..__ -Newport,MHa Unified Soll ool Recorded March t4, 18SO H -----------Weyeldo Strwt, Anaheim, Cellfomlt SUNSHINE LIQUOR, 124 W, Olllrlcl of Orange County wlll lflatr. No, t8799 In book t3535 pege C"'4MM 92SO:yung Soon Chin, 1017 s. 19111 F~· eoet~ ~,fA 82112t· recel\19 Miiied bid• up lo 2•00 PM. t 158 of Ofllch1I Record• In the ollioe NOTICI Of We)'llde Slrwt, Anaheim. CalffOf'nle NK SH AL • 1514 · on Ille 23rd day of Auguet, .tH 2; 11 of Ule Rec;order ol Orengo County; TI.UITEIE'S IAU: 92805 PalmLl~'r°:· ~~~TEA 1514 the office ol Hid School 0111r1et, Miid deed of trull deecrlbee Ille T.a. Ho.. 112140 . T"'"-· • IOCaled at 1S57 Placentla Str.-1, fellowing prop«ty: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A ·-bual,_ WU conducted by E. Pun, Orwlge. CA 82oe7, Coll• M•H. C1llfornla, at I •ICh The Soulnaulerly 120,00 .... of DEED OF TRUSl'. DATED MARCH lndMOuela (lluaband and wit•). Thia bulllMM II conducted !>¥ time H id bldl wlll ba putllcly LOI 173 of Newport tt.ighl•, Clly ol 17. 1880 U~LESS YOU TAKE Hyun Choo Chin ,,.._ Mduale, llulOand Ind wife, Of**' and rMO f0t: WHEELCHAIR Coeta MHa, Couoly of Orange. ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR Frenll Showell• I/AH Stet• of Celllornl• ... lhown on I PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A Publlell•d Orenge CoHt Delly Thie N I-I WU filed wlUI Ille All bide -10 be In ecoordellc:e mep ,_ded In 8ooti 4 page 83 of PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN Piiot. July 23. 30, Aug. 8• 13, 1902 g Clerk of Orange County on wllll Condlllona. 1natructlon1. end mlecellaneoue m1p1, record• of EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE 3323-82 utf 2 • 1t02, Specttlcotlone WhlCh -now on m. Or919 County, Clllllornl1. OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST ,,_.,.,I In the o111c. ot the PurcllHlng Excepting tller•from tho YOU. YOO SHOOLO CONTACT A Ml.JC NOTICE Publlehed Oren\• Cout De ly Director of H id School Olllrlct, Nortlleaete1ly 1115.00 f .. I, Al10 LAWYER 1'1CTITIOU8 ~.. Pilot. July 2t. Aug. • 12. t9, tH2. 1857 P111e«1lla Street, Colle Meea, • X C• P II n g 111 ere Ir om I he On Frldey. Auguet 20. 1"2 at NAm eTAT'llmNT 3414-82 Cellfrwnla 8:M27 SoYtlleealerl)' 55.00 fwt. 9' 15 am ChlQcago Title l"*K.,_ •-.,. liliM'V't A Performance Bond ma7 be YOU AM IN OU:AULT ""°"'A Company. H duly eppolnted ~ ~ P9r'ICln8 .,. doing ~-nu1"4 required et Ille dlecretlon o tha DllD Of ntUtT OAftD MAJICH Truel .. under and pur1uant to LUIQl'S PtZZA. 1N2 ~ '1Cnnout WU Olatnct 11, UIO UNUll YOU TAKI Deed Of Tru•t EJtearted by Aotler1 Streot. eoete MeM. CA 92827. NAm ITAT'lmNT No Bidder may withdraw Illa Bid ACTION TO l'"OTICT YOU" Vanadore 11 Truetor record•O LUIGI CARPENTIERI, 204 The lollowlng per-.ona .,.. doing for • period of for1y-llV9 (45) days l'tlONRTY, IT MAY. SOLD AT A March 18. tt80, N lnal No 2tl39. Welle ForH t, Coita M•H, CA ~ ee; el\er tho dele Mt tor tile oponlng ~ 8AlL • YOU MUD AN In boOll tS540. poge 824. ol Ofllclel eae:ze. THE MONOGRAM STORE. 300 lhereOf. IEXPlNUTIOH CM' TI9 MAT'Ufm Aeoorda In lhe ollkle of IM C<lunty GUISEPPINA CARPENTIERI. Peclflc CoH t Hlfhw•y (Sult• "'· TM Board of Education of Ille °' THR NOCIEIEDINO AG"'"*T Reoorder of Oreno• Co11nty, 204 Welc• ~ eo.t. ....... CA N9wpol1Beach,CA112883. Newport·M•u Unified School YOU, YOU lffOUlJ) CONTACT A Celllomle WILL SELL AT PUBLIC t:ze:ze • ROBERT .... PETERSON 2445 Olatrlct ,__IN right to rejec;1 LAWYU. AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER Thia. buelrleM le c:onducteCI by en 1>11w. Newport a..d.. CA wry cw Ill 81d1 and not noc1•11Cy 242 E. 19111 Strwt. Coeta M-. FOR CASH (peyat>te et time of .... lndMduel 92083. aocep1 tho '-1 Bid, and to W8lvo CA 92027 In lewful money of Ille Unlled o·..__.__ ,.._._. RICHARD F. KOHL. 303 25111 any lnfO<mallty cw lfTOgulerlfy In any "ltt • etrael ~d•-°'common S111 .. 1 a1 tho fron1 en1r~ to tho ..........., __ ,...,_, ,,... OtM c.csar ~ IOwa Bid r9Clllved Oetlgnetlon la ll'town above. no old Orange County Courthouae. Tilll etetement ... flied~ IN 403' • ' NEWPORT-MESA w1tr•nl y I• given •• to IU loceled on Senl• Ana Blvd .. County ()en°' Orllnoe County on Thie~ la conduct Unified complet-°'correct,_)" 1>e1wun Sycamor• SI. end - .My 21• tt82. P1.,. .. ~. ed by • SCHOOL DISTRICT The beneflduy under MIO OMd 8roaow1y. Sent• An•. Cellf .. •II Aotler1 A P.tereoo of e>renoe County of Truet, t>y reuon of a bfMC:ll 0t (lglll. !Ille and lnt-t ~to Publl1hed Orenge Coe1t Detty Tllll atetement wai filed with the c.tllornle defeutt In Ille ot>llgetlonl NC:ured •nO now hold by It under Mid O.CS Piiot, Jvtty 23• 30• Aug. 1• ta, 1tl2. 1ty Clw1! ol Ofange County on Dorothy Henl9)' Fllher, lllereby, heretofota executed and of Trual In the pr099r1.Y alJueted In 330242 utf 20, 1982. O.P.M, dellver•d to Ille underalgned a Mid Count)' and Siii• dMcribed •: -----------p:1a107 PUfdltllnQ Olreclor wrllten Doclerellon of o.teutt and Lot 2 of Tract No. 3005 • per "8JC MOllC[ Publlalled orenge cout Delly t714) 7~217 DelNtld f0t s .... and written noUoe map recorded In BOOll 115, Page tO Not, Jufy "· Aug. a. 12, 19, tN2 DATED; Auguet "· 1902 of btMOh end of eleotlon to OIUM of MllcelllMOUI M8PI In tho olf1ol ACTITIOU8 M.lll•M s.coo..a:z Publl1lled Orang• CoHI Dally \II• und•ralgned to Hll Hid of lh• County Recorder In Hid ..... eTA~ ·------------· Piiot, Auguet o. 13, 1902 property to Mlllfy Mid obllgetlon•. COUnty. The folloWlfl9 l*IOM .,. doing rtalC N011C[ 3ll08-82 end tllereelter th• und•fllgned The 1trHt eddrH1 1nd otll•r bu..,.._ oe: •------------• ------------ceuaecl Mid notice of brMdl end of common deeignatlon, 11 eny, of the L, 8 . AIRPORT SHUTTLE & l'ICTITIOUe .,._.. "8JC NQT\C( .-ilon to' bo reel propeny dM<:tlbed 8bo¥e le I.IMO Sl!~VIOE, 1100 E. Flret MAim 8TA,...,.,. R«IOfded Aori1 0, 1t82 • ln1h, purported lo b•: 2242 Well1c• Street, s.n.. Nta. COllfornle 12101 TM following ~n 11 dolno NOTICS Otll ""'°"' No. 12• t tHll4 In H id Olllclel ,t.y•nue, Colla MeH , Cellfotnl• i.-o P. 8unoen, 131S Emetlldo ~IC TO llRIPAM A Aeoofd9. t2927 £!!.~If· w .. tmlntt•r, Cellfornle OE81GN M!THODI . 22051 •OATM DllCLAllATIOH Seid H I• wlll I>• mede. b11t The underllgnad dladalme eny ·~-,. .. __ ,...,11 r__... tMe Cltdo, Huntington 8-ch. CA I.Md Agency: IAVIHI! UNIFIED without covenant or w•rrenty, Meblllfy for eny lncor'rectMM Of tho .--...., _..,., -....... _ _.. SCHOOL DISl'AICT ..,.._ 0t tmplled, raQllldlOO tltll, etr991 eddfoeM end 041\er OOf'llfl'IOfl Circle, w .. tmlntt•r, Collfornll SHIRi O\llR8Y. 22061 HUia Projaot Tiii•: OIST.-ICT Pllll 1lon, 0t MGUmbrlirloM. lO deelgnellon.llM)',allOwnller.in 12'83 _............... ltOI•, HunllnglOft IHcll, CA AOMIHISTAATfVE 0~ (NEW) !>1Y tho r9ll'llifllnCI prtnc:ipel IUfn Of l1ld Hie Wiii be medt, blll 1'1111 ~le --.,, en ltroJeot Looetton: CITY O' iN llOl4(•)--by Mid O.CS of wlllloul oo=I or w•rr•nty, llldMdUll, Tllli ~ 11 «inducted.,, en IAVINI. VA .. IOU8 llTU UNDER Tf\111, Wltl\ lntot•t M In Mid not. UP<-Of • ~ tltlt. fllotlOll 0. lunoen INVUT!QATION pro¥1ded, ectvtnOM. ff ltll'f ~ ~oumle>n, Of ~ to Thie elNment -flld Wlttl tho S,., ~ o.criptloru Aoqllielllofl of lllte 1t10 lonftt of Mid Deed Of Trwt, Pf1'/ tho r9'MlnlOO ~ """ of ~ Cllftl ot 0....,. COunty on Thie et ... 1 .. 1t -Mid wttti tlle end OOfWtNc:tlon of nw bUllillftg or ...., dler9'I end ~ of tho Ille note .-iAld by Mid O.CS of ~ 21. 1"2 _ 1ty ()en of c:>renea Ocu1'y on eoq1d.,.011 of 8ICIMlnO llulldlnO llfld rn-.. end Of U. "'*' c:tMted by Tr1111, wltll lnttf"I lllereon, u r -at, t812. llte. Sito 10 be ..,,.xlmet_.., 5 Mid 09td Of Trvtt ptovtdtd In Mid note. ~ It Publllllod Ot•noo CoMt Dolly ,_... ..._ ...,. 40.000 '' to -.ooo ., le6d .... .-tio !*cl on MOndfl'/. 1111. urldtr 1M ltrrN of IN o-s of Piiot. J4l/y 13. '°• Alli· t , 11, 1Ma PublllMCI OrOflOO Oo .. t Dllty of ~ --. Auguet n. 1M2 et 2'00 P tt1 , 81 tM TNl1. ,_., oh•O-end ...,.,_ ~ , .My zt, Auf, J, 11. 19, 1tl2, I 11 I o cot f en U w I\ II 1 II t CtllliPl'Nn A--entrtnCe to ftlO Of tM T l'Ut\OI lftd Of Ille tn11b *142 roqult~•nll of 1111 Callfor11l1 Cllllo Center lulldlno. »O l••• cn.ttd by Mid De.ct ot Tn.tet, to-----'."-..,-=~---(~ Quellty Act of 1t?O, 0Mcwnan A-. 11'1 I,... ~ Of wit; U0,000.00 ('*'9 ~ Md "8JC NOTIC( •• ~dOO, 11otlo0 It given Of er.,. CA oottaj ---:-==,,=,==-=-:-=:sv=1•=•=11=---,j-"";iijC;ffiiiiiii;iiiiiiii""':_l 111tlfttlOfl 10 PreptlrO • Notatlw At tll• time of ltt• lnltlol tho~ Ufldlt Mid o.cs ,...., ---Otoler•tlon tor tlle tor•1otntr publoallOl'I Of lt\le notloe. the totll of Trwt ...,..., •ew'ltd .., llMm eTA-.-.r CltlOflbeCI PfOIMt. A N .. ellve M'IOUflteftMuncMild blleMeoftM dtltvered to tho unf.,tlOMf I ~ '°'::""° ......... dOfl'I o.oie1Mlol1 • to .. blMCI upon .. ObllfllCIOn ~ :r •. MMWe Wflttefl Oldoretlon of DlflMlft .., .._ & ,. .,,...,._ .... T -MT•• lflltlol 9'llcly Oo,119 9' ........ .,. dHotltlecl dHd 0 1'Ult 1nd Oeflllnd for 1111> ond~ .. " ,.....,,,..._""" ._.., • "'" elllllleMI • r.-. • 819 CIWNrlt """'''°° 00111, OXpentM, end Hotlae d Olf9Ult encl .. co . .;:: -"*' It.. 00..0 Mill. o.nat M11•••1w 0-W, IMt .... II "2.tol.t1. .... TM ~-_,... ... CA , AllOft "'""· IMne tr1M. Ou 1t1cw• To ...,"..,.. • ..,...,. t>lcl, Nolloe d ~end 8eotlOll 10 Hl,..1,.T E. ALMAl'IODI. °' oom!Mllll ..... lie ....... '9 '°" NW C111i11 (1") ta7"°"" -... lo IN rwoon1eC1 In tM OOUf"1 1MI lmllOll et .. OOet• Miii. CA '"• Vftder111no•. Co11u"11•flt• Olli:"* U. 1Nt wi.. IM NII..,.....,,,•,_..., ..... ~ ~ ..... ,. t. ,..... GAT'IWAV MOfmaAOI He1111, IHHI, AC1'91t11 end INIX A, ALMA.-001..=.I lleOCN 11f1 •lfl•J!'1419.-,,0f ~TION T~ ,...._ .. ~ • ... le .. eo... ...... CA tN ~ Oa:•llllft. • leld TnMae. . 111M011 aon-.i1.-. .... II a.., n. "'*'--• ......... • , w ~ .,r,o.·ll'MOI Tttto ,,....,.,... c~. a111 ...... :":.'-... grr: :WW.:•=h =~,~~.~GA ,... ......,... _....... ........ ==....., .o..M.-1 .... ~.'='""--;:: ··= S:-=Jf~-· ~=' 91\1111'*9 Or-.. 0.... ~ 11"11••·=.,,..... ~ ~ ~ Of..-Daitly ";:.rn ~!"ii':: ............ ll;Auf,1.-.............. ,... ....Nlt .. Aut. .. 11. ........ -. .. -.,... ..... ..... I 'ridmv,Augu1te, 1812 -the Complete an Looking for a career in sales? See tOday's Help Wanted ads , classification 7100. CLASSIFIED 'INDEX '-~!!!!.~~~!~! ....... !'. .. !!!!.!'.'.!.'.~'. •••••• !'.~.'!!.hl!. ...... !.'.!!!!.{'.'.!.'.~·....... !'.'.~!!!.{'.~ !.'!!. ..•••. '!.~!!!!.{-.~ !.'.~'. ... ..• !'.~!!!!.{'.~!!.~·....... !'.'.!!!!.{'.'. !!.'!. •••••• f!~~~~~ •. , ...•.. !.'!fl ¥!.-.~~~{ ••..••••• !.Of/I '1'9~'.~ •••••• ~.!.~f P!!'.~~~{ ••••••••• !.O!!~ ¥!!'.~~~{ .......•• l.0!!1 ~~! ••••••••••• !~~ !~~! ........... !~. ~.~!~ .. !~f ,,,...Y..,u.c.1 642-5678 MMUFOI UlE 0-ol , .. ....... ~ ·-=:::i= ::: c.;-... io. ,. = r.:: :: h"hll•r'1 letlett J'~ Viii., :: All rMI Mllle llCIWftlMd ._.._ .. K. ,.. In 11111 n1w1pap1r le !'.:.':. .. ..., ,... 1ubJ1c1 to th• Federal .._ llJlla := Fllr Houelng Act of 1968 = ~~: :::; Wl'l'ch mekM It lllagal to ""--' ...... i• ad\19rtlM "atty Pflfwen-s.. a.--. ,.,. ce, llmltatlon or dllCflmi.- FORECLOSllE .......... .., .,,.,....., Steal this NEW plush 2~ ACRE 360 DEGREE VIEW ESTATE. Orig. listed for u.200 .000, foreclosure price $1,128,360 appx. w/$360,000 dn. Don't delay, 'contact PATRICK TE~ORE .-760-8702 or 631-1266 RVM~ of Costa Mesa AIAllHlll IUOI 1111111 OPEi IOUIE Fii/UT /Ill 1·1 ' Exec\.ltive 4 Bdrm estate! One blqck to the blue Pacific! 3 years new! Large viewing balcony! Impressive stairway to master suite with whirlpool bath! Complete with intercom system! Lota of brick! Assume $141,000 loan at 12W~. $239,000. Call Irene 111·1111 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS t:.!~ c....,... :: nation betentlon to make '"!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seel lo..to II* any IUCll prelefanoe, tf..I; , ________________ _ =:;.r£sTAn i! ~~:1: ¥rill :: LIDO ISLAND ~~~.. !$ :~~=\~.Y~~ ~g~~~!, ':.~ 10-X. DOWll ~ .c~pu J5 :i•~,,.wt;'~.! 1' In vtolatlon Beau tiful open & airy Lido home. ~"':,~~~!';:f;tY 11!!! iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Comprised of approx. 2500 sq ft, running Dopiel H \JolU 5111e --•· • ....... l: street to strata, thJs 4 Bl' 3 Ba completely l=.~='t 111• HllHt Advertl-r emod e led home (1979) boasts 4 ~::'H~·Tr1r P•~· =: sers should check sundecks, lrg indoor jacuzzi in Mstr ~~~~.;!' .. "'' :: their ads dally and Bd r m surr ounded by greenhouse 8:.,i'::~.".;.'"' = repo rt errors Im-windows, circulating fishpond, spiral =::..~;.~..?::;... : med I a te I Y. The staircase, 3' sky lite running the entire Rul Cai.tow...... -DAIL y Pl LOT as-length of the 2nd story. hardwood floors, aOITALS sumes lleblll ty for & extensive tiling thruout. :=: :;:~~ := the firs t Incorrect PEllllllU HOIEI Prize West Bay bayCronL Slips for 2 boats, remod~led 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200.000. Ocean & jetty views. Marine room, 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3700 sq. fl. $1.385,000. Oceanfront. LIDO ISLE HOMES Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdnn, 5 1h bath. Lge L .R .. 2 boat slips $1,500,000. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ceilings, furnished, patios. $420,000. Lllll ISLE llYFllOIT * BAVCAEST ·NB * · ----------------·! S~1~1i~t9.~~o01'!.~rJ.; TURTLEROCK -TERRIFIC TARTAN ~:,~:!n~·~~r,,:.r :n~:'ci Be( audtltullyh decorated 3 Bdnn, 2 bath, tor quick ..... 1t 151,000 Ir, etac ed Luak home on premium below 1111 ygr'• appral-view lot w/cul-de-sac location. Many "' 2001 Holiday Rd. Go amenities incl buUt-ln book.shelves wet direct or call bkr .___ ll · ' 965-284 t or 790-7282 u.u. ma bu lighting & much much more! &IHMl tl40/MI $29~.ooo ~th good as;sumable flnanclng. No qualifying Pool Don t walt -call now. tiome, s br, 2 ba: formal Bettina Loomis, 552-1800 or come visit 9 dln rm. rec rm & din. Nu Rimrock, 1 to 5pm, Sat & Sunday. crpt lt1,000 CTL, 178• TOWll I COllTllY llULTOlll 112· 1100 000 bll. 968-7634. Ll1'l-Utl If you want to build your own oaatle, Ihle oPP<>l1unlty Of • llf•tlr. f'e.V« come . 3 tot. on Har or Rid~ • •lde-by-eldt , with plane for a 10,000 equare foot llomt with TENNIS COURT and p ool for only S2,500,000. Tht Owner Wiii joint Ytnture, tradt or you can ttllce over the whole project. 11.400,00 0 o f a .. • u m a b I e fl• nanclng. WOWI W9llll Cott, Brobr 71'/760-1900 -"''"°' 11•1 D11 I rtl o I c-...... , fllr• >.ao nse on n Y· Try small down and seller will carry Co111donu111w•• Uaf l4» ·--------T-r.ro w. back AITD at 10%. Very flexible temlS. Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom, , dark rm, den. Boat slip. Now $1,800,000. T:;..~~·' : ••un Ill s.l• Owner will trade. NOT lease land. ~"!..11"' ~ Contact Mary or Ken. •Q2s,ooo Afbl'ta.· ··-•••••••••••••••••••••• ~ AIUUAl"'o -••11•/ /00 ~~· ''"' : •••••••••••••••••••••• 144-MIO hJS 113-4311 E•t• -·-N -==: ::: LAST S.•-rllHl•b 4M Vw...._k ... •J1 UM -IOS..rt• Ult c;.,_,.11 ... UIO CHANCE Qrfltt 11-ol ---.11 .... ai •w ..-.1R ..... 1 ooe = .,........ !: to buu Ihle beautiful 3 ..... 11....... -, IUStMESS, IMYESJ. =• ~.: ,~n~~P~~ MQIT, nMANCE mente Yrith ocaan-h1111 & = =.,--golf cour .. view• at a io1• tremendous savings di· ::::.':::: ~.!,' :: reel from the owner be-:=: :=.!:'.:. : fore being lilted with DRAMATIC COUNTRY ESTATE UYflllT • llWll UI IP&Olffl Main baytron4 locallon, panoramic YI-from this over 4000 sq It reslden· ce Pier for two 55' yachts. Large and open 6 bdrm. maid's quarter•. 51h baths, remodeled kitchen. maeter suite with view & fireplace. owe TD at 1211.•1. Int for llYSIDE COYE Spectac\llar bayfront view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat slips $1,C00,000. ILUFFS COlllO Single story end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 ba on largest greenbelt. $250,000 . BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 8oy\1dP Dr•11t· N 8 67~ 6161 C::. <,( l { ( T -1'"" PHOPl H 1 il <., .. ..,,.1n ,Tn'1 -broll81'1. AOI NOWlll C.11 ANNOUNCEMENTS, owner 11 (714) &42·0'138. 8000 s/f on 1 acre, massive electric getea. cobblestone motor cour- tyard. spectacular entry • 6 bdrm, 8 baths, 5 lrpl huge lrplce. Room for tennis. No. Tustin • Orange Hiiia with view. 12-15 min. lo all trwys, airport. So Coast Plaza. $1,400,000. 4 yre with $400.000 cash. Full price St.795.000 -----------------1 PRSONALS & LOST & FOUND ~f'IWMt c ........ ....... -i<'n .._ .......... ""'-11• Sot1U~ta• -rr ..... SEIYICES Strv1tt 0.ffd Of)' EMPLIIYlllENT & rtEPAHTION s.-. ,...,,..._ J•WaAlff• HripV.1 .......... MEICNAllDISE =.. REDUCEI FOR FAST SlLEI ~:: Tasteful Herbor View ~ Homea 3 Bdrm 2 bath : located near greenbelt, ..,. pool & clubhouMI Priced -below market at $189, 500 ·call nowl &48-7171 - ~1~!!!~"11!!!~~!1!!!~ "°' UIWU Y.A LI. at 8'h% oo a 3 Bdrm. 2 -be 11c>me with large lot. '°" wat bar, flreplc and •n community pool. Reft1g. -frenar. & dryer a;e Incl. ~ Only $120.000. Call = 979-S370 -IMS ---. \ f >I l / 11E1/ Of A • , \ 1ft .f ', • J.-4f ..,, T <'.. -.,. ~~~~~~~~-· .,,, ... --· .., --------.... --THE REAL ESTATERS : WllUIU YA LI. -al 81h% on this 4 bdrm :: home on E'slde of Coeta -Mau with pool, IP•. and f11il tNI rM Sl\11 •112 t'IU tTl4 rm .,.. trl1:J -t'l7I t'lll lllll '1» .,,.. -..... flG ..... .... .,,., .... '1,. ""' t11I fill ! .,.. many othar amanltlea. S 110,000. In aasumable loant OWC. 0n I CUl- 0.NC tool Reduced to s 169,llOO Cell 919-5370 If it's got wheels, you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot classified ad.Gall 642-5678 and a friendly ad- viser will he lp you turn yoor wheels into cash . """ =--------. = •• ... =. -. =. • • Daily Pilot classifieds wortc for you. can '42-5671 for quick cash sates. FOtll> ADS ARE FREE Cit MMen RICK ALDERETTE Rtalter /h"'''" 111-44441111-1111 Ill CllYOl'I ,.,, .... luy •Oulltandlng Broadmoo< , HIRER YllW IEllOHll Terrific locallon and lar- ge home with forever view lor only $849,600 on lee tend • or ex- change tor smaller home or Income units In lhl1 uea Large family rm and dining rm & 3 car garage Anumable loan • 1arm1 flexible OW leue/lae <>Pl •4 Bdrm• & Fam Rm •Beaut. Poot & Spa •Electroolc Sec. Syatem •N-Cpts & Drapes •New Marble Entry FIOor I iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I OILY 1111,000 144-4110 .------- lTAYL~l{ cxz, OWllEll lllT SELLI Bea.utllul lrvtne Terr ace 3 Bdrm 2 bath home, In greet family area. Ml· nutes cloM to b11cha THE REAL ESTAT&:RS and Faahlon 1111nd --------ehopplngl Aeaume loan Fot Cleselfled Ad and Milar will carryl Sale ACTION priced 1t $226,000 -act Cell a now! &48-7171 Dally Pilot ttW?l1 1~==~=0-=2v::.~s=eo::1:=== 11111111 IAY 11 ..... Before buytn1 your oceanfront dream h ome you mutt aee thlt OUtatandina Lquna ~. 3 BR + maid'• uea & Jrs family room. The 11>1.uhlna whJte W'ater, 1umet1 & coutal JJaht1 are breathtaklna .. LITBEG I I I I' r I ...._ ... M;...A.._R ... F....;,E~1 ! I' I I r . · CAMEO SHORES $927,500 wlth land. Dr• mallc courtyd with pool Ocean •nd Harbor view. Private balchee. 3 Br 4'A ba. Call for eppt. ESTATE 111.E SH,100 This 3 Bdrm home must be sold CASH T AU<S FHA/VA O K Call 540-1151 for more de- tall1. ~HERITAGE , REALTORS ---- lMEULI UY AWARD WINNER Ocean views 3 bdrm, 4 ba, kit w/convenllnOM. lam rm. lge gerden. pa- tio. formal din rm, lge llv. rm Quiet cul-de-aac $812,000 By owner 673-4411 lluffs/Dlstress Bonltl plan, 3 Br 2 Ba. end unit. Pvt patio. greenbelt Owner 760-1097 or 752-8871. SELL 011 TIDE 1111111 lllll Prime relldentlal lot. A> king $500,000. 840-1666 104J. llWI, 104J. 11111EIT Pacuellar axecullv• home loc.ted In Weetclltf Grove priced In the mid $400,0001. Reidy for Immediate occupancy . Qualifying 1vallabl• through builder. Call agt at 846-5092 IAfflllT Beeullful mobile home right on the wat81'. Ape Pf'Oll. 1300 sq. It. 2 br, 2 ba. Auumabl• loan. $443 mo plu1 laue. $82,000. Open Sat & Sun. 700 Udo Park Or., Sp 3 t. next to Delaney'• Restaurant. 675-7888. Wl•E s1oa,ooo TE•••· TllttlSI COM DUPLEX S 12,000 down, no quail-on thl1 S bdrm. 2 bath & Aeaumable financing of. tying, 30 yr loan. 3 BR 2 den home. Sit In your fared on 1hl1 contempo- Ba, 151120 add on. lplc. tree lined yard and lleten rary Income property AV accen, w/conslder 10 the birds llng & enjoy with new c.rpete a. paint. TO's, motor hme, etc .. •• the mounllln & velley $385,000. 844-7020 down. $126,500 owe •I view. You get • IOI for Lllll IUL EITATI 11%, agta, •'V•. 5<45-7091 your money et $200,000. · IEWNIT 1111111 IY OWllER ~l\rtt'=r Older hou1e over 1300 3br/2ba nr SC Plaza. Sell ':\.MWllC .. &.... eq. ft. plu• lerge deta- 149K: rent $850/mo. ,. ... ,..,. ched double garage oo 641-8077/641Mt744 ell•y. New palnt, aome OPEN SUN 1·5 ttCltll C.O. ..,_, MW Plumblno & alectrtc. SPYIUSS 2709 Gannet Dr. ~a.-ea -· 5011117 R1 lot. Owner 6 Bdrm, family rm, lge (M•• Vetde) nHdt cuh. $188,000 • bonue rm . H~ b a , Lg •Br, din rm, bllna, 171414'4-1177 01 Santa A na Ave. Southport mdl on cul-very~~· xtnl flnenclng 631-3520, E~ & Wknd• 0.MC. 979-.,.,.,.. I I 648-5041 . l Io iJ:1~1' • r 00011 VIEW ~l.~M'~r··~· iiiillliiii .. iiiiiiliillliiiiEii A t'1./ 2 Bdrm. 2 ba, condo. Full Sharp & C1Mn bltt LUCERNE: 2 etory 3 _,_., 7 _,., B,w. amenttlea and MC . .= teril>M thl• 2 Br. 2 Ba. bdrm, metr bdrm ,..,..t l(.l [ST•T( 5•• 5397 No qualltylng with VACANT W. Nine w/frptc, view, aeeumabM " ..... down. 10.75~ loan ... on El Niguel Ool 11t. F\111 pt1oa '595,000 program available. Call CourM. MOVE IN AEA Xlnt terme, 840-1900 STiii. m Alc;h . Ownar/Agt . OYIONLY$137,500. Bt!r. Owner• mutt lfquldat• _884_-e_t_7_1 -----• LA Q u N A M I o u e deluKe 4 Br & 2 er du--UllE t .. 1WlllE REAL TY Pie•. So. of Hwv. Only 3 wtth 21.4 batht, 2 cw encl ___ c._u_ee_1-4300 ___ _. 1_Yf_•_ot_d_x_7_6e-_._1122_2._1_-1 gu 1 ywd. ISOOO down Wt,.,,.., IH c..1.... J.114 and pymt ...... td Pf'oO-•••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••• rem, Call Alctc. O~/ 1--------1 Agt. oe.-~111 Al!AI. ESTAT~ TAX IH- VFiSTM ENTI H OOO C .. hllt I 1<tl,OOO l lllre purctl ... MINIMUM tu ci.d\!C11on 111. 'iM" • 19.1 ooo. o-.n.r 11n~10I') Wiii tuppty tote down pa~­ rnent u!) to a.o.ooo In equity. Shere purollaM In new 1u11utlou• 2-3 • Bdrm. I II. Condo, Cotti Meet Maxlmutn Int. fff,)r•, ...... ,_, hnd '°' blMJ. poeeltlle <t -1 -.1n1f1t. Phone 714 11 3 1 ·1 0 1 1 . 714/Mt·IOOO .... ,., '"' •••••••••••••••••••••• .... ,.._ MYl111 ... N• new Oen• ~arbor entr8"CI. SUBMIT YOUA OWN T&f\MI. a yra MilW ---...... Complete ooHn view from thlt lrnrnecula•• 8 l>dml, 3 battl hOft1e with auper 1aroe tet...oe 19' entert4llnlnQ, IOufl9lnG or tlOlitwetcNftO.~ pool wltll large dick .-tor IUM!nO· P'aE LANO. Owner l1N1no1n9. M00.000. fll!tm.f~ .. ~.~ .. ~.~~ .. ~'!!!~If.fr.'!~ A"t;";'.H -.l:~ ~~Mu . L.w r...ld.attf f-" tr.-~ Jllf '--AM.Ii .tW lat• Au .tW .,,,,.,,, ...,, 1,111 •••• ~.!!!-.~ .....••..•• ••••nr.mm:. ••••••• ••••• • • •••••••• ~.·.r.:J':"':':T••••• •••••~••••••T•••• f'l'll,Tf'f.r:::-:: ••• r-ei•T •••••••••••••••••1'•-:-;J ••••~•••••••••••• •••• 11.... •--••a. -""r--rt.._. _.. ·-=-•.,,I .. ottpet, dr-. P•nthM, No end 3000 18211 Aein1• 1 br dpl• 21r, 2 .. , comple\ely l\lfn, .,,,..,, ---U :1!ftr..'f1111' ... ml •1 trplc, g•rd•n•r Incl. l/f, :Jlk I IQ N 1 lge blttn c.t\llCI pet. Avell now llnent, dlehH, eto, Nr •••••••••••••••••••••• ..., Jiff 1121. 1244 ldw LMI kltoh tge crnr. ''&le. THE BUT, .. 63t•f1to Hoeg Ho1p. Wiii •hort ............. 2 ..... 9 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~. ~ I"· S •u••••••••••••••••••• 117......... • ...... ..:, ... 'd " I ti 1 ,,, I 1000 __...... -·" a.,_ .. lrplo.pool tnO/mo a e". t b• rt( Magnoilia &. ......, ..,_..... ...uoe eo .. w oo .. n• Jecuut lll'ool • h • r mo crpte, dr•pH, good IHO 8aol'I. turn. 111'001, "74177 · • LIQUIDATION 1412 Santlaao-Oovf'r Shoru. Lrg Span.1th pool hom . fEJ£. lkduccd from $425,000 to •su~.ooo. Yo kl n "•mod Qlt t teldt 4 p t la toe vu, ,_. btll. bOfl. INIC>e. 2 ' n anae 81t·H") or AnlW* Ad euUlde tocatlon 1pe. 1Ht2 "orldt. ------·-----Nor~:MTO. N3·in1 G-:,d, aHCott•MtMlt. q•' 1•r Walle to town. •~l=l•h f ~~ondo, pvt •211.142-4~ 24 Iv~ '476/mo. Met1n eduJti M2·2A4, llA2-3172 9ta 111111 M .,. •1•-111.. • , 0 0 J m 0 . D y. D ... c 1 BA .... , ... on"' a .. Minto« 141 -• _.,, '--UI...,. 1,1~ uv. .,.. '" "14•1211, 1rt I l l11n -all tilt Hlf ';u .. ' py,. prop on I! '1e1h 8t "4". C.M AAUNOTON APTS -•• •-::1'e•••n•n••••• •• :'S' l!/ltde 2 Ir 1 le. n.w 4f<l.?Ht t .. 113t"'81to bay. lie• to bcl'I. Oaf, • . . ' • . Quiet, 1peclou1 to;.,n. WATU.,lltONT·SO' Al.A Large and charming 1 Clf~•. drapea, 1 etory, Wfltlll•llfl '"f ::2~:oof 31~ 8 ~ ~~: E1111lde 2 Br. 1 Ba. hOuM a It. 1i.t IL Neer OOCK 1918 Seadrift.Irvine Terrace. Remodeled pool home, FEE. Now only $326,000. These must & will bl' llOlt Call now! Patrick or Fred Tenore, =31.1266 or 760-8702. Agcnta. 8drm hOUM. ~ block• to private p1tlo. I0411fmo ~.., l~•tl Ill •••••• .. ••••••••••••• guttl, pvt, prop on bay. do w" •tit re. n • u b • • 0 n 1e2e1m0 28r duplex "' Lido vtt- Maln bHch & vlll•o• 380 10th. Pt. eet-11122 • ~i(f PA.~l<·:·;;~~i~:; 011111Q11. •hop, dbl •h•rp 1550 mo 49r, 281, 1750 uhoo11, no P•ll. eeo-eeee · ':Jr••""'&•· IO P~ f8'J)~0~ 4~: .. ~,; V 1' l.Hl•loptlon, d .. t,abl• Mdl. av11t Sept 1;..!_~ ~ 0:,_~itr~1~W::e pvt mo. Aaron from bch. $450tmo. 93t-OtSS, OELUXI! 3 Br. 2 Se. In doc!). ";~8: wit MMI Verd• lrM,. er. 3 mo. on 1 vr , ... """'... Bl!ST f. 530 8 01 8. pt.Jun •• ( 2 13) 111. 1 u •-PIH, bit-In•. crpt•. --.....,...----,....-·~ ..... 1111 Be. pool. tmmtc. oond. lot w/vlew, 2Br. dtn. " • 1 848-2232 1480/mo. 1250 MC11r1ty hk·up1, drps, dbl 0.,, •LUX. Jr 1 br VetMitlee, .;.-;c-;;;•••••••••••••• 11300/mo. 822-0332 an vaulted celflno•. lo mttr C..ltallll••• Newport leech 30th tncludlng utllltlH. No trplc, 1880 No pate. fountain vu, rtfrlg, nu W•rfrNt OPM or wtt"dl bdrm. 243H Borrego n I I &.~ ... 11 St 1 1, ... "-d • .... pets. 540-«84 atl 8 M-ff crpt, pool, •P•· H o. 111 •• 1111..... Court, H1·2230 or ., •• ,., ... "' rH "...,.room," c t8e1 83 5230 1 4 88 . 840 -0437, 1 SR. rMr houM. On Vlr-1-323-1990 •••••••••••••••••••••• blk from .. nd. 011 llfeet 11 h l· DELUXE 2 Br. 2 la. In 780-8380 28r 2'A bath, taunl/ olnla Piece, 1425/mo. WESTBLUFF VILLAGE prk'g. Avell 8ept 1a1. Laro• 3 Br 2 Be crpt/ 4-Ptex Cll>l• drpe bit·--------- p00t 001 Udo, 8th noor. M0-2030 ldt ft1••I 1111 CM. Nr new 2BA, t'A 1850/mo Incl utllltlH drpe. nr/OOC. 11~ pet•, lne, ~ 0·.,, h61°.uP11. 2 Sr. 1 la. 8tep1 to RVM* of Costa Mesa llWNITUEIT TIWlltlH 2 Br. 1 Ba. Very prfva11 rear p•tlo, Immaculate. plan i S 190,000 elf cash 645-3194 Versallfll condo. 1 Br 1 ee, aouthern exposure. 1ub1errenaan parking, security entrances. ou1111ndlng poof/ c lubhouse. By Owner $98,1100 Anumabla Sendra 842-6149 Ill DllYll IEIT VIEW Magnificent high vtata & view from this 1uperb locellon In Big Canvon This 3 BR. den. Deauvllfe has e wonderful poof & spa for outdoor enter1&1· nlng. S785,000 Terry Aune Hanes 844·8200 Spectacular HsrbO< Rldoe 3 BR 3 Be condo must sett. 5% dwn. 760·9307 Furnished. 13000/mo. •••••••••••••••••••••• BA, lrg gar., poof 1850 540·8832 1550. 751-309&. 1525 No pet• 540-<9"'84 beacll. 1825/mo. uttts Catt Rita Writer, Agent E'eldl hOme: 38R 2ba, 2 130' on water, 2 br +den, 875-0f18 aft O 'M·F. . pd. PAOPEAlY HOUSE Ot a.II Ill/ •itlll 752·5710 car gar. '800. frplc, et c. pvt dock Npl Terr•ce, 3 Bdr. h•t• l~H• 3111 I & 2 Bdr trallera, 1200 & &42-3850, &42-1010 •• !'••••••••~••••••••• S<tS..3581 A 111 t I . Sep I . 1 0 . l'150/ F H tit' •••••••• r•••••••••• up & $150 eec No c:hfl· Delu.xe poolllde xtra !Mge B""'C ... /Y'"'"' .. LY .. ,.&.J/1 BMll Wlnt9' 2 bd, 1 ba, W/D, RENT TO OWN· New 28r •101&mo. 754·7900 or rad M'7~1:Sm Y pre • Attrtcllve tudlo, empt drao or doge. 133 E. 2br. 2 ba, bltna, cs.wtlr. Dt '3e" 2b'" ,., • Avefl Aller Lbr Day 2'"'"a, -~"'a.,._ .. "''~. IVH/'Mlodl 558·"274 rem ' non-1mkr, Cable 18th SI 99. 42 CM t'A mt ... bMc:ll. Adults, *-~/mo.r•21 :· .. !!!~ fll Ill• 1100 873-3039 ,..,.. ""'""' ....., """' i TV, phone. w/d. bach ' ' u s 500/ _,., .. ~ ,_...,.. •••••••••••••••••••••• v.,., enr__." .. Clttf Hewn Own«/Agt 9&4·0t71 llhll•• VJ..M Jff '"-''!~•• ~ kttch, quaan bed, prlv 1490. 2 BR 2 person•. ~82 • mo. 81. 873--2789, 87&-9797 Newport Beach Ot Anz• -·' -........ • ........... r. •••••• -.r;. u.i11...... JSIS ant ' poof, •P•. tennll, patio, 3.25 J . 17th Pl. bavtronl Park Mint Condo 2 Br. 2 Ba. com-Dul ltlal Jiii HOME FOR RENT •••••••••••••••••••••• walk lo beech, gata M0-5137 aft 11AM 2er, 2Ba. frplc. WIN/dryr 1 Br. 1 Ba. Stepe to cond '78 dbl wide. fire-mty poof, complete w/ •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Bdrm & 4 Bdrm '895 NE w PORT c RE s T i ard pr••tlo• area """'STSt"""-Lo, 2 bdrm tn llOOk.up, new .. -. drpe beach. 1350/mo. utlt1 di ... _ TV e1c ., .. _r1 -3 Br egl level, beautlful 10 ,..,.,..· ..,_........,. y' d & TWNHS. by bch • "· 3 u ' ~ .,..,. ·-.-paid. Property HOUH place, brick patio, $58, .,.,...., • • "'"' "' qui.t •rM. nr t:IMcll no ..,,,,,, r ... ......, er • .. ''" 350. Av•fl. Sept 1. 41 le p & ptlnt. 1575 mo. 5 0 0 a 111 0 r u n d y long term. SI 000/mo. P•I• •v•lf from Sept geragH. Kid• & pets ba, w/d, pool, tee. tennis, 493-3•90. P x. rtv IUndeck and fM0.0002 aft 4PM. &42-3850, &48-1088. 675-11181. &75·1051 . '890. 493·33'9 welcome. 545·2000. 2'-' car 8'r!IQ9. 1 yr.,... Y~·.::~· Adlll, no pate. WALK TO BEACH. s.ctl, lo ClllHlltt #11 ---------•uoo ISLE· 3 bdrm, tam Agent, no fee ••· S 1 OO mo. N~•d A111t•1•t• 1370/mo. 548-1377. 11ove & refrlge, ett U1fll •••••••••••••••••••••• IEWNIT IUOI ~~ 4 Be, S 100 d1a8y. 4~:..n~~ ~:d~f.r:::,g leaN Mt11ion Vleto, 770 ~a3mdl.y5 ~101~~2. ~:~~ U•l•t•/1Atl Pa Id . I 3 5 o I mo . Near new 1 Bdrm. apt. Bel Aire Home, llghl .,...,•nfront 2 bdrm, a 28 ,., I·"-"" •soo Madrid Oel Lago. Lake 67"7"n •73_233• ••••••••••••••••••••!~ 1 Br. clean & aharp. No S30-7979 with bullt-tn1, carpeting Interiors 2 bdrm I beth. $700 mo Biii Grundy, mo. r '"'" .. ...., .. . view, ~• ..... ,, 4 er. 2v. .,. • · u "· 11/tH lll1al JI• p • I 1 . S 3 8 O I m o . · & drapee, lauodry fac:lllty, tronl kllchen, ellpanded Rllr, 67S.6~1 . 493-0202 Mary ea. WoO/;o, Owoer. Coste Meae beaullful 2 b< y;::2•bd;,;,•,•1•b;.•o:c•.:. 540·9950. · lrrlH '" under root ClfPC)f'll and 1111. dining area Young N 8,.. 0830 f 2,Ar ba dbl attached ga ., •••••••••••••••••••••• pubtlc tennl• ~urt• & adufll ' pet• welcome. Lido Isle ,,..,,,. V•lln '"' 0 Diii. U'1" • t . • ldry. No pell. 1850 2 Br. 1'Ar ea .. prl111te P•· Orangetree Condo 2 er. 1 golf COUrM right behind S.24,500 S40·S937 Lg 2 bdrm, 2 be. den, lg ••••••••••••••"'••••••• 6PM rege. $775 1-498..0353. 675·0349 tlo, no pets. Avell. now. ea pool $800/mo C P t Seek b thl 3 $526, 1552 a Elm St. · · · proper1y. '°" to ave-'70 Fleetwood, 12ll40, patio. Si500/mo owner, 00 er• 11" ' llntNtl IHti 3Zfl A f I a..~ 1111111 6•6·3627 no calla an 8. 957.0097 TrllC"f. rythlngl s395tmonth. 675-0615 Br. 2 ea home In famlfy ••••"••••••••••••••••• INrt•••lf It• l•n .. Avallable """Ult 15 one turn. NEW range & re-----------• area. 1595. Loll of lltru. yuf ILIFFI •'•-••••••••••••••••••• 1 ' l JIO 3 Br, 1'Ar Ba lownhome. ..., • trig. Sturltght VIII. 714/ BEST fee 539-8191 ", lllHI •••• !'!~!!'.~•••••••••• Utll pd 18r, $300 mo., Patio, A/C, frptc, W/D, or two adult• only & "° 8 7 3 4 3 2 8 2 1 3 / HHlfl Ua/•1al1•fl 3 br, 2Ar be, prof. dee. ri•i•Hll 3101 2 bdrm, 2 ba newer dplx. quiet, patio, nr bdl, Avall Woodbridge So. Lakes, pate. Cell OWf18I' at (714) 799.1022 · 0~-,;;;;j•••••••••;ioi H••ll•1I•• amen tt 1 e1. S 1250 . ••••••••••••••••'•••••• yrly Ma1ura non-smkre. Sept 1. 64<1·6958 P<>OI•. tennis. ·ans mo. _M_2_-0_1_3_e_. ----- l ---8-h-----1 •••••••••••••••••••••• ... fl 3240 529-8983 Beaut. custom 2 er 2 ea no pets. $750 x 3 •IUITIFIL/Olln• Call Denny 845·2018 lull .bl "" aguns c · 2 br, tge PV1 •••••••••••••••••••••• OC·RENTALS blk to beech. 1plra1 2131799·<1195. 257·9792 weekdav•: 548·5833 •••••••••••••••••••••• deck w/hot tub. Pet OK. RENTALS OC·RENTALS t 1 k"'lt 8 P 110 1 er. enctsd. balcony. eves & knd• 1 ..... ftt Ct t J7th & $20.000 494·9823 1·5br'a $200 10 $2000 1 8 rs, 9 '' • • • • •P• $450, 2 er, ulll. pd 41 crpta, drps, stove, frig. w • .... ,... · OM 0 • Yearty-Weekty-Wlnler, 2. 1·5br'e $200 to $2000 750.3314 open 7-daya & gar U t I I Inc I Hardin~, 88fboa N pool, laundn.. For quiet ' -•••••• .,&. •• _. Main. 1325/mo7.;.. I &. p t! 13SO 3 4 Bd s 750-3314 open 7-d•V• $1200/mo 673-9384 ett ., w• -·• -• 836-0.,.. Ht• tfNI • rm · EASTBLUFF: 38r, 2ba. 6. pelt '5<1 • 1155 slngte. No Pets. Waler & ••'••••••••••••••••••• ---------••••••••••'°•• •••••••• JACOBS RUL n 5 Bike to ooean. Elegant 2 A all Now $1200/mo gu pd. $375 mo. 1 Bdrm, fantHtfC view .• _., .. '--SIU ,,,, Duple• on the sand 30th Br Famlty Am & Oen. v 640.9019 . Co1••• I•/ 1111 3122 28A IBA yrly, adults. n 145 E 18th 645-2708 $650 yrly. 1 blk town & !: •• ~;';'A•••••••••••• 51 NB Newly remodeled PROP $850 Mo. Plush crpt1, ---------• •••••••••••••••••••••• pelt S600 mo Incl ulll. beach. Call 497-4773 2 bdrm duplex, VIEW. ~P=~~irc:.'' 2 3 b~r • ~ :: IAllAQEIEMT 2'Ar ea. Cedar & gtas1 .. Newport Craa1. Plan 4, Oceen view. beaulllully Agent 673-6880 2 Br. w/gar. $<950 Crpt1. private beech, no emkra. down11elrs Min 1ov, 111-111• sun-deck, dbl car prv ::,':::'~;!:"A~~~d91~·~~ tpu~ ~owpan1~oous1e89St~pmtoc. YSa500a r/lmyot 's'av'a!..,1we1tdre. w114;'571Pd·15·636-4·A" Or1ange20 !'.'!r.!!.~!! .. /e.! S625. "99-3750 • down Ow e b.lance 81 • garage, fully ma.Int yard. •-NO FEEi •p1 & Condo iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil N t I ' I 527 $1200 ..., mo. wlll COO· 673-08"6 & Co 675-"'""' ,. . 13 9% lor 5 yrs Great lor 0 pe 1· nqu re • ,..... • """" rentu. VIiia Renlall. ,._, fM summer rentals. $735, Bayfront Condo/Np! Bch 1_18_l_h_S_l_96<M3 __ 3_1 ___ 1 :!g.:;0:. Yr · t.1e1 s e · Ce1t1 ltn• 3124 Penln Pl 2er, sun deok, 2 IH• lPT 675-4912 Broker. •••••••••••••••••••••• 000 Armll•O• Really 2 Bdrm condo In ••c~mty Nr BCH 2br home w/huge eoen •••••••••••••••••••••• p11to. etac gar. tndry, l '-'t mile to beach. Pool. tennle, lake, club, BIG C·NYON 714·544-2484 bldg w/V'teWS, avall turn o•r. aunMI & pallo, $430 2Br 2bl, pvt gar. apt. CASA DE ORO evalf 9·1. $625 mo yrly Eve 6-9 631-4816 '" MlllYI m Wlahlr/dryer, Ml EITO<O n or unturn. $1200/mo yrty CC-RENTALS 750-3314 Modem. 1011 of storaoe. 675-0963 or 675-7996 NEW gated 20 Town· houM prlv. 'Ar utlla. $280 OPEii HOUSE Older Oupleit near 45th st walk In closets, 2 car ALL UTILITIES PAID 2 BR 2'h be duplex, 1600 home VILLAGE COM· let. & lut. sae....o38 iv n NB 3 br, 2 be upstairs Bayfronl Condo/Untum. Clean 3 Br. 1'Ar Ba. lencd prk'g, walk lo beach (l C1to•a It/ /tit 3122 sq.It. of fuitury. Every MUNITY. 2 & 3 Br. 2'Ar !Ng. 11 Rut' Vtrft 2 br 1·~ ba downstairs. on lido Park Or. 2 Bdrm yard , near beech. Btk) 5750 Incl utlt. Avalt Compere belore you •••••••••••••••••••••• 1tlra. dbl gar, lncd yd. ea. 1900-1900 eq. ft of Wiii sell as 1s lor $700, & den. security bldg, $875/mo Oey1 only 8120• 960•5844 or rent Custom deslgo NEW CONDO 1900 $685. 642-9666 pure luxury. OaregH, 0,11 l1llr 10.• ft 000 or wilt bu1td lo suit s25001mo. 979·5120 Mr Taylor 645 1771 (Iv ) features Pool, bbq. Ocean view 1 Bdrm, u BR 1 O/W spas In every home • I lor $875,000 & up (plans • mag cov'rd garage. surround· trplc modern kllchen pper 1 ap • • 3 BDRM ~~.~ BATH & approvals obtained) Bayfronl/Unturn. RANCH HOUSE ON HILL ILIFFS 00111 ed with plush tandaca· d.ck: gar 673·3271 o; patio lge bath. S37~ & ~~~=~ !~~':·b~~~\~~ $•99.000 Owner/B"r A r m I I• g e Ree t I Y a Reedy now Nu crpt/pt, "Br. 2 'ArBe, end unit ping. No pets. 831-0502 15145'.'15' 93R e f s re q d . ti t I .. ~ 714•544•2484 2 drm & toll In excellent k t d 1 1pa11 . s 7 5 o 2"4 12 1 1 Br. fum. 1515 rep ICH, m cro-weve 211·4l0-2UO tocatlon on Edgewater. 631·4320. V 118 Hoger. No 365 W. Wttaon 642•1971 2 er 1 ea trplc, micro· ovens. private patios & ---------ic1.,1111T Lotl $1200/mo yrty. ----------1 p e I a . S 8 5 0 . mo . wave S700 Calf l11tt1eltttl AJt yarde,gerdener pro11I· 2 BR. HOUSE $<995 760-1573. NEWPORT VILLAGE 675·7697 Total privacy. NEW 1 ded. Elegant llvlng only Elegant 3 Br & den .••• ~7~!! ........ J.~'!'J Peninsula Pt/Newpor1 Kids pet ok redone WUTOLIFF i••yf Beautlful shadv apt bdrm. gar. $425. No 15 mlnut11 trom Fathlon country style home Pacific View Memorial Custom home 3 Bdrm. 2 '-• bfl·fna tncd nr bch -Patios & deck, gas a wtr CdM 2 Br New carpet, pets 7 5 9 -1 9 1 4 . talend, 7 minutes to S.C. dFroew"sc,hhrddowooors.dbt1'0Yorw11,ln3· Perk. Nwpt Bcl'l, Lot 744, patios, remodeled kltch. __ e_E_S_T_f_ee_53_9_.e_1_90_-t "Bdrm 3'~ bath, 2 year pd. pool & sauna, tennis drapea, paint $800 873-5768 Pteza or O.C .Alrport. $950/mo yrly 1390 b b 1 1 , old Pecesettar ellecullve crts. sand. volleyball crt. 838·8838 eves & wknds. Juel e111 of Newport lrplc'a, very lga IOI OWC Graves A & B. Bayview . / l r 81 9 ngte 9 home wflh llbruv family E/SIOE Sunny 2 Br .. dec:tl, 81 d & f Sa O'-A total,5"4dwn.~1n11oca· Terrace $2200 WaterfrHfHt•H P•d1 Yd4pet&poot4 ~,. recrm, l8rturn.s470 Co1t1lt111 3124 jerage. 160 211t. "· ao.o n ._... 673-7787 .• 11·1"'00 you.539·8190sm.tee room, formal dining mo.Jr18r furnS430mo •••••••••••••••••••••• 450/mo.548·0165. Frwy . 1900/ mo. lion. $179.900. Fee land ~ room and 3 ftreptaces. Call 557-0075 1 II. 2 II. J IR. 631-5439, 2473 Orange iieiiiyiiiiiOwiiiiiniiier-63iliii·iii2il3i4iiiiiiiiiil Co••11ti1l $750 Super 3 Br 1'-' ea $2100 mo. ()< tease OP· ---------· Newly decor Gu pd Large 2 Br 1 ea. with Ave .. Costa M .... p ,., 1600 I Ibo Id ' 3206 trptc, large corner lot. 6 ~~~So9~all agent at !'.•.'!~.!!!~! .•.... !.~~~ encl gar, dwshr. poot'. ga9rag5 e. d/w, laundry rm:•--------- •••• ~~!"··•••••••••• .! ... !. ••. ~~•••••••••• blka bch. 2 car o•r. ---------Super neat lbr, sm otder bbg Adults no pets S<9 • PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS ll1rfter View Ht•H Carmel, pool, AIC, 9' • mortgage fully assum $248,000. 644-2573 UH ISLE UYFIOIT FA NTAST IC TERMS. Own~ wlll car· ry Isl Trust Deed Priced to sett Near Lido Club· house & tennis courts Wiit eccommodale a lar· ge yacht. $1,300,000 APPLE VALLEY 3 Br 2ba, yrly. Submit on 2131377"11253 Eeslbtulf exec, ocean oily v illa , court yd, prv. 642-5073 ' · AtsoA,,ialro192_e1r_ ... ~~~: .. S<t2590. T11 Shelter ch1l~ren $825/mo. call Im•• 3244 view. pvt pool. J•c .. 3 $400/mo 493·0803. • .,....,..,., 673 8821 •• ••••••••••• ••••••••• Bdr, 2'Ar Ba, din rm, fem 673-3313. Spacious 2 Br I Ba. $<125. S II 1 8 $325 1 Near new 4-ptu 2 bdrm, I I"-· LUSESll rm, beaulflul amenities. ---------• 3 Br I 'A ea $4 7 5 ma r. . person 2 bath each unit with I_. Sl500. 640_6233 B•ali•Jlla L aundry tac pool only. No pell. Go see: llrept~ enclosed pello. PHialall 3201 3 Bdrm detached hOfMS 549.9550 12·7f>M 1916 "C" W11ttac:e Ave. garage. 9~.-lat Pos •••••••••••••••••••••• In 8K~lent area Avall1· BIG CANYON TWNHSE l4'1ti 3140 ----------t Don' al t t I 3 c ash ttow Now S 159, Older 4 Br Manllon style b 1 e Imme d t et• t y on Big cnvn Golt Courae. •••••••••••••••••••••• S• tO/mo 2 Br 1 Ba apt . t w 1 on Y arge 500 8111 Grundy, Rltr. home, has tvetythlng In· $a00/mo on 1 yeer leaM 28r. 2B1 + den. prof beamed ce1l1ng. teundry Br evell with 2 Ba .. P•· 675-6161 cld fair rent. Five others lo choo11 decorated, beautllully H.l.'s FUIEST rm .. poof Avail July Catt 110 • 1" quiet area. l•roe BEST fee 539-6191 from We're the ones 10 tnd1cpd. pvt tennis & Spanish Ealale Llvlngl 10< appl pool 1675 54s-3391 °' D•1l1xt1/ 1:4111 fcx leaM8 1w1mlng facfl. $1500 mo. Beautflut park·flke aur· TSL Mgmt 642·1603 _6_7_5_·5_9_4_9_· -----u 't I • J llOO Beach. tennis club & fa· Chttd 1 2 & 3 Lrg unlls E side C M. w l car 081 s 1300. 675-11324 '"""' gc 978· 1880 or 857-4964 pool Sunken OH bbq, Townhouses. car ports. Br $475-$825/mo. Im· .... !!.!.!!.~.!...... m'~ ~mm. 2750 .. H, 2 [~ir-•brld Reta. req. Contect owner roundlngs Terraced $530/mo 2 Br 2 ea. ren we come Re sparkling lo untaln1 patios. •ff bll·lns, lndry med occupancy avail garages Low dwn. Cot1al Iii lt1t J22J illlJ 3 Yr old Npl Hts. 3 plus Spacious rooms Sap&· rm, smelt pel Ok Won't oow Mon lhru Sat. 9-5. .--------..... 631·4584 6 42-8233 •••••••••••••••••••••• •51 3000 toll or 4er. 3 ba. Frml din rite dining are• Walk·ln 1011 Corner of Adams & Fair· .... mtg Slaps to beachf 2 br. den. 3 " rm, firm, $1290. Grdnr closets, hOme like kllCh· TSL •• 1 .... 2 1503 v1-557-4785 No pell --2000 2 ba $1070/mo. 2 br IHIB1rrann rh1.lnfM Open Sat I S u n . ...gm .,... • · · lat••• P11H1hf 646-6789. 631·21n an & cablneta Walk to All 5, 642-6221 I bdrm. beam cell Nat •••••••••••""•a•••••• $795 Agt 642· 1163 ----1------t ----------• Hunhngton Center d 0 d A It I ITaiS Flreptece. poof, dish· woo ar ens. va Huge 5br/3ba+3br/3ba 2 Br & .. _duple•, 3 Ba. 1 -HURRY! 3rm w /pool Lg 1 Bdrm-furn, $505 • 17 $3 50 130 L'd R lty """'' ~ I lo 5 bdrm• starting II a t $605 washer. PVI patio x LG ,. u 0 . I 0 ea owe Isl Flex Terms car gar. pvt courtyard, · • gar. cute ktlch. NOW 2 drm-turn rom a 0 d 8 CM S09 Acacia CdM nr bch corner lot, $895/mo Inc. $450lo 11150 $375 2 Bdrm Townhouse turn Garden 2 Br $560 r 8 w y. 67J..7JQQ 440K own/bkr 645·7048 gas. No pets. Avail Im· CC-RENTALS 750•3314 from S67S 5S7·2841 Large Eaatslde 1 Br. 1 Ba. med. 303-494·7483 ----------1 New carpels. bright & COUNTRY CLUB LIVING IN NEWPORT BEACH A total environment apar1men1 community on the Uppe< Bay. Privet• clubhouH and hHlth 1pa, 8 tennte COUr11, 7 pools, doM to bullneta, airport, Fuhlon lllaod Convenient ahop1 on site. Unturnlahld bac:hl- 10r1, 1 & 2 bdrm apt1 and townnoueea. $540 . $1000 Sevwel ~· and 1 Bdrm unite feature fine d11tgner furniture and aoceNOf'lee. Move In to- d•y or r-10< eum- mer monthe. Smartly furnt1hed mod•I• open daffy. 62 Sherp Unns. 64 enclsd -::::::::: garages. 12 bldg's All i amenities Asking $3, 3 bdrm, 2 be house, lrvlne Tarr. $900/mo 673-27 17 or 644-0357 For 1 .... 0< leaae option No pell cheerv. $425. 851-9522. $2,500 mo or $890,000. Ulllllies Freel \\'e9tf"M!ld On Jembof" Rd et TradN 00t1slderad. Avalt 2 bdrm. 1 ba. delulle. 111 San Joaquin Htt11 Rd. DOYEi SHORES now. Lera make. deal. LA QUINTA HERMOSA FAMILY ans floor w/ patio. $470/mo 144-1100 Jodell model. Harbor 16211 Parkside Ln. 1 blk Baeulllul garden epll. 894-8225 or 998-1165 ---------I EASTSIOE CM. Prlvat• furn. room & balll. Utile. Incl., refrlg .. 1315 mo. 873-7544. 1 block tr bMcll, W/Oyr, 20 cx older, 1215 mo. 1at & tut. No pell. ~16 Wortllng female 25 lo 40 non smoke, th blk bch. NB. $300. 675-170& •It 4 Laguna furn rm, pvt be, non·lmkr, Ollef 40, TV, poof . Bus /Prof. 494-0451. Room for rent, lemale S275. Semi lurnlahed. 1•1 Albert /IA. CM 031 ... 3459 Fem. E'llde CM 3 er 2ba. pvt ent. f/p, pvt be. gar, S300. 031· 1093 Lg Beautltut rm w/p111 bath 10< rent nr bell, kit pm. S300 mo. llM-2951 Cofl•o• Park •POOi 1 room lncludee utll $250. S 100 depoell (non amkr pref.) 557-2783 ROOM/BALBOA. 1230 mo. view, tum. alllb 9/1, f/23+ non -1mkr. 073-9015 . ROOM FOR RENT. Non- amkr. S300 mo. utllftln lnctd. 5"8-«87. B11tl1 •• ,,1. "" ······'··············· WUUMm. Wkly rental• now a11att S 140 & up. Color TV Phones In room. 2274 Newport Blvd. CM. ~7<145 3 Bdrm home on one ot the targe91 lots In the area Par1ecl tor ent•r· talnlng and temlly llvlng Large fo rmat dining room, den, breakfast a rea tn kitchen end custom deelgned petlo with spa. Large lake over financing available $399.500 350,000 1.250,000 Down E)(lstlng 1oan 14•,.,•1. Wiii carry note. 7141645-4411 By Ow· ner Colli 11111 32Zf ~·8600 Xiii~• Ridge, gorgeous view. av w . 01 eaach, 3 blka s 01 Patlo1/d.cks Heat paid. PINE BLUFF APTS $500/mo. t er. 1 ea. apt, •• •••oc:AENTALS••••• owner 760-1977 Edinger No pets. 2 children wel· 1 Br. with loft, 2 ea. Chlld enc1l1d garage, tndry 8 E I C H A R E A 1·5br's $200 to $2000 HARBOR VIEW HOMES 147-1441 ~o;;;e 2 Ba $565 ok, on the BfuHs. patio. lac., close to beactl. Cat " 15 Units c M $40.000 dn 750-3314 open 7-days tf5?3CAMPU,Dl:IRVltCE Cu11omt:ted. 4 bdrm, tam 398 w WI 83 5583 view, trptc, encl gar., gas ok. "° ~oga. $JJ/wk equals •,o, ol eitfstlng rm, pool Exceptlonat I••••• l11tA 3141 · tson 1• stove. dtllhwasher. spa, TSL Mgmt. 8"2·1603 partnership. $18.000 de· Westside 2 Br. 1 Ba. lncd TllnEIOOI rental. $1550 mo. ••'••••••••••••••••••• Sperkllng clean, 2 Br 1'1• lndrv rm $695/mo. LIDO DELUXE 2 Br. frptc: prec1allon deductton tor pelto, enclsd garage, 1155-3"54 Cozy Laguna Treetop apt. Be $470 Fenced, ullla SPMC 631·6107 lrg brlcl< patio OR. Adlt• Kllcheoett•Maid·Pool 1982 No purchase costs new carpets. drapes. Lovely 3 br, 2 ba, lam secluded, wOOded views, paid Atfrlge 2 small S 050 875-6359 Nwpt Blvd & Wllaon 631•4516 paint. No pell $510/mo. rm. crp11. drp1, bltln1. CUFFUYEI Aug 8 10 28. SlliO wk. children Ole. no pets. D••• Pol•t JIU 1 · · Coata Miii 548-9755 Lit• 111 S•I• 2200 ~~"~.5~9urtty 546•5442· :::~~ ~ l ~~~: 3 bdrm hm w11ove1y view 494·3278 1900 Wallace 642-4905 2·arT&::~~~.~ts•5•2•5~ P~ ~Ji~~~J~GE Yearly on the beectl, hOtet •••••••••••••••••••••• lo N:!~e 3~nler. S875 FREE. welf.lurnlslled ba· $500/mo 2 Br 2 Ba apt, 1 Br $400. Both with RESPONSIBLE N-SMKR room, klteflen & ehower. HlRIDI llHE 2 Br. 1 ea. w/ crpls. drps, Turlferock 1750 111. 2 mo 4 • 494-0395 chelor apt Cable tv spa, enclsd garage, patio, f!W & stove. 661·1192 1750/Mo. 073•1521 Bel. 1320/mo. plus eec. d• .. , Wiii 11 yard, E/slde $595/mo malr bdrm1. country kit· Underslaled Elegenoe aaune, pool Excl'leno• trplc, lndry tac Submit S 7 1 2 b 9P.. posit 2308 W. Ocean· ,.pproll , acre 58 675·5068. chen 2'-'ba, next to I T "' tor oc:calllonal night t>efl 4 5, b 0 r, ocean '" front, Newport Beach. or joint venture Value ---------1 pool Ava If Sep I 1, IW IWI•-• call 11 our Inn Want on pet vl-. C-25081 La CrealL 073--4l54. $500.000 Call 640-7665 38r, 2'~Ba Condo, min to 833.a277 752-11492 Fcx le&M 2600 eq ft. 2 quiet. retlnng. u'*1<:Um· TSL Mgmt 842·1603 Owner 494-68-48 1 er 1 ea. yr1y --------- 142-1200 J PETE lt0Ht1Ja, D111rt, ~~~:;.~:~~:a:; CALL N~W 2br 2ba bdrm end den, 2th be. berad person 681-4808 EASTSIOE 2 Br 1'1t Ba •Lg3er 2BanrSC Plue. ~~ !~!!!.~~.'f!!.1/!!! ~~~~~~~~~ lo111t t400 $765 mo. 11t & IHI + SUNNY pool. epe, bll·ln• g~~.cnou~~flv::~u~l~r 1111~ t •-, .. &. 3111 TownhouM. •ncfld o•· Fresh, sunny, airy, edit 4 New Decor ser. 2'"-........... WUILY IBTAU --~. dep. (71•) 7""527.. .. .... A , ., I -•• rage. frptc, amatt pet ok pfew, no pets cpl pref ..., .. .,... • J, •••••••••••••••••••••• ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Club wfth pool. spa. ten· •••• ••••••••••••••••• Gre•t loc " gatage. 2 bike 10 bch. Aveffable. Agt.175-1170 J BARRETT ~~. REALTY ~·· II• LAKE ARROWHEAD OC·RENTALS 750·3314 ni.. 714-673-0475 Versaftlel, trg 2 Br 2 ea TSL Mgmt & .. 2_1603 $525 979·2418, 8·115-e ly 673 2571 C••i•tr••o 1011 PT HAMIL TAIR HOME 2 BR I ea. new noor. cpt, penlhOUM, roomy klleh., ..... 2 a 1 a ' t cf•"" yr • N.B. 1&2 er. weekly, lltipa ••··~•••••••••••••••• Fantuttc L.ake VlffW stove & palnt. No pell. Tur1te Rock" BR 2'A be, 3 Roomy 2 Br. 2 Ba. Condo din rm. frptc, bHul vlew STUNNING large 1 Br. r. a pr va •"' .... lido beyfront. yr1y leaN. to bd'I. 1275 .up. Great $600 mo. payment for Gelid area. dock $499. 1950 a. Meyer Pl (HOUN car gar. tam rm. patio. In Cflll Haven, frptc. ol ocean Year leue garden tpt, poof & rec. patio & garage. 101• 01 er 3 ee. 4t3 Vie Lido locUL 7~31. ~0a;~~a:.~~~gos~'Z~rit ~1~1~37-0671 O w ner ~4~~;;.!· $525 & dep. i~~7~~J;.~~~7 mo ~TJ~1~. $850/mo. S900. Sandy 642.0149 rm 110 w t81h s1 i~~t f;i;'4~t• ~7o~ssN1~5J~ or Bal Pentn., btk to bMcll. 661•3360 Oat,, c ••• ,, 1 Br. I a . hOUM, OH·•t. 4 81'.'2 ea. 18971 Antioch. CHARMI 5 br, 3 ba HVH. THE LtSll, •lll•4J , ...... ,. s .. t1.,1.. 28r. l'AB• TwnhH, din ::~;.,::.·of:~ lllk. 2.11 ACRES Z5SO pkg .. encl yard. Utlf pd. $1100/mo. French drs. & bays. Sky· I 18r pootelde w/ger•~• J.1t• 3140 rm, 2 palloe, belcol')y, BAYFRONT. PVT BEACH. with 3 bedroom home •• !.~~!~••••••••••• Agt. $375 mo. 675·1642 Agent 541·5032. lfghll, Jacuzzi. $1600 , 1485. Bach w/pallo, car-•••••••••••••••••••••• garage, no D•l•.i.. seso Balboa Pentn. Juat oom- Owner wltl help finance SPEOTACILlR VIEW Speclet 2br 2ba w/huge Rare 3br 2ba w/gar. poof, 640·2523, 833·2375. ''GOOD DOrl s4o5. frptc, poot, WlllFfLmU mo. 111, 1111 ...,. dep. plated • fabuloue view. $239,000. Cati Ann Har-Exec 38r home, poof, gar, patio. bfl·ln1 S495 wife aall8f1 kltch, multl· NWPT HOTS AREA spa, laundry. Quiet. "0 1 & 2 Br. Discount on 842-2949 ev11/wknd1 Pvt prtc'g, Spec;. 2er 21>8 pa r . <I 9 6 • 0 <I 9 5 o r ape. hae evetythlng + 10 OC·RENT ALS 750.33 14 lam ok. $435. Kida & am 2brl 1ba. No Piii•. $825. Pe 11 • M • 1 • p 1n e9 some models. Pool, Spa, 10< appt, plul conllltl. den. alpe 8. 681•3380. pet tlo•. &45-8"47 LIFE'' s.9-2447. Gym. Sauna, etc . 1 Casablanca Real Eatele asaumebte & bonus tot. THIS HO'T cule 2br home BEST'" 539•8191 ue-oe19. WHtctltf erM, •tra large 1 750/Wkly. 752-9511 or Trade/sell S 138,000 w/hk·upi, blt·lnt 1325 llUllLY .. Br. apt, pool, patio & 075-8491 ll1lll•d lOl4 eqully.(7141741·5408 OC.AENTALS 750-3314 3BR2B1condo,nope11, 2 BDRM&lott.2'1\t>eth. VIAii~ FUN; NMrl>each2Br. n.~ee. carport.8"5·1152. -----,._----••••••iY.tWiiii•••••• 1111 £1t1t1 Charming 2br w/doubl• ~-"'~7 ~7.0: 8~0; ~ Splclo\la & bf'tgllt condo. Soctal ActlvltlH llfe81iBllU crpta, drps, blt·lns, trplc, BHtl•flfa ,1200~ avalf. 814 to Private Beech commu· lxtA,.•1 2100 oar. p1r1y patio yd M25 552-115.411 NHr upper Back Bay DI rector• F , • • lPUTllllTI ~':~ir· $560/mo. lfiNI "41 10/2112. Executive 3 •••••••••'•••••••••••• OC-RENTALS 150-3314 wl111 mini \/law, Flr&91ace, Sund a J, Beeutffullv tend1caped •••••••••••••••••••••• bdrm end den, oc11n "!11Y· ~ 3 bdrm, 3~ be. Let's ... , A lt1ll 3 8 den 1 pie d fncd Turtle Rock, trl-leWI, 3 br, large patio, AC, 2 ca.r Brunch•B 0'1• garden apta. Poo4 & ~· view. tennla, pool, tPL Jae. roo o-sgen Pano-Co(poratlon de1lr11 to dr. pattO rq ie. :i· MP 2·~ ba condo. Pvt patio. gar•o• w/opanet. Spa. ~~ ... ;:~~ Covered parking No Kennebun' kport?. 483-e20t r~,'g.~.309~~~i I trade $35.000 equity In Y , 185 ~ S8s0/mo frplc, alt. 2 car gar., HOO. &48-5092 Q" I AT P•tt 2 children wet. -Le-gu_n_a_B_ch_C_o_t-ta-11-••-.• Surfllde, ()perl 2-6 excepetlonal 3c er. New-g~-1833, 64M287. • ~'"a2n"5 clc•.hpoollldr•+n"'°'oK·· 3Br. 2'.4BI. Btck Bay RECRI ATION: come, B ••'fa Wasn't he the Ambas.sador from Wood• Cow. 38t. rrpic, port eech ondo All • · area. Ohtldren ok . T r. -tk t b .. •5001 .. S. tj i.-.. IOll u1umebt• financing. 3 er 1'Ar ea. garage, fncd 1151·11'2 s 1 o00 1 m 0 . Ag, •" n 11 •Fr•• 131 E. 10lh, ~10 w 0 o ... • w ... •. !' ••• r.4'::-.~........ Went tncom• pro1>111y. yard. 245 E. Wtleon 3 Bdr 2'A ea townhome 042-3850. LIMOfla (pro & pro Australia under Teddy Roosevelt? ~1 • 4t4-ot•2• •CHARMING e..cri Cot· rffteurant, 0< wtiel haW 1695/mo. 6"0.3827 no fem rm, patio. A/C, up.'. 8 ho D) • 2 H • t Ith 3 Br, 2 Ba. S629 !age. 1 Br-Owner wltt you? AMllng $2211.500. calls an a. graded, poof, termle, GOLF COURSE VIEW CllJbrSauna• 151 E. 2111 St. 548--2400 J ~ro~ ~4~=~~~59• Agent 6"0-I044 E/Slde3br,2be.lgeenc:I. perk, avalt lmmed. Big Canyon prof, dee. 2 HVdromUI~ LC• 2Br 2b1 ~ndo. Nr •-· Merell to your pnone to back yard, frptc. t750. 18e5/mo. ~ 1643 11Y. 2 br, 2 ba + Otn, din. ~~~· So Cit Moel utll pd II'•. BREEZE place • fut·ac11ng cl..-540-3600 ··-... ....... rm. Agt "'2•1183 •• Au TI, u L A.IC. pool, •P•· H71 "JOU tt llOt SUit who (or wtlll) Ktn•'*'°'1 •U. Cl...illed Ad• 642-M78 llflecl ad. M2·58'78 3 br, 2th .. _ ~-. 2 A&i ~ON GOL ........ , C"" ... ....... 0( ..... option ,.,_ A, A" T .. INT.: 832· 1100 don I "" llld -yov'rt not llolll KtnNtllln&,ort ll ,.,.,.. ...... u .. • -· .,.. ....... ...,... ,,_ • ..,,.,. vun-ge 4 Br. canal front, 81nOIe1 , 1 & 2 1---------·1 Olit of 14 41\l•"'lrwtly O.lltrtlll tPJr1mtnl floor plans •••••••••••••••••.....,;r I~ lfiNj IHI • ..-11 .,.,, 1-gar. Pool, •p•. tennl•. BE. Spllt levet. 2 br. den, "JM'~, IMlll t-1. GOmml'f Bedroorne•Fum ... ........., Nr. S.C Ptua. 3Br 2be, •I $t'11•n4 V111Jtt rn 1ton111-c1on ltldl SallMd OC:IANf'1'0NT 2 I 4 Ir, • .-.-;r.;••••••••••••••• .. -.-... .-••••••• :;........ StOOO/mo .-,g1142·118S 2\t ba, a/c, xlnt View ~ • ttnnla, waltl to l Unfurnlahed":N;;' :· d«lc patio,=· V...._• 11 1 m11ll of lollllJ 11t1~"11d piolasiaMI .-.ve11. now. w..ty ttwu .. ----------------• 1325 2er HOUMI H75tmo. Alf.ii. Sept. 1 beech, 110001mo femuv. Peta•Mod•I• Optn rwi/ Pill o11 60, OIJ""'"I 1111 •illd ot 11111111Cft ro11 dewn A peilect tul'llmlr. tn.nn. PRESTIGIOUS LINDA ISLE am'" UM111 75"-noo: 9111 65t-4214 M&-3310 att s wt(clyl. dally e to 8 ,•:::~.°:.:!~, ~~ ~ts~nc1b~~1Po::t~oo~ ~'=:: *\M(llel 11r .._ • ·· H,100,000 2 81' 1ba, $$00 Dkll utlt., f'91!ff.~ ••• 1.~ff 8reu°:"lif"c~a~ :i.8:,· OakWHtl pool No Ptt• AdUll tpt. ocu11 bftttt$ Add to ltlat ttMis tovm. i-11-. .,., cly. oon vtn. L ....... '''"'"'" ~r d . n 0 g. r. g •• !MEAALO 8AY. 3 Br. 2 p 0 0 I • t • n n ' • : .... ..23 w. a.y. 541-t!l 11 POol~ • \1)4 1nd • ton""""' locatlOft 1101 "'*'Ill ~10, zn ..... 41 u....... 8-0113. ea. frplc. b~J)lttowtth $1300/IHH. 0••-1 .. 2• kart1111tt AYllUILI llWI *lld tmploymtnl Mid JOllff aot a fllat• llltont •OIM o4 bdrm, 2 ba, flreplece, • P a • • I & 0 0 • 2 1 3 I Bkr .. .....-. pt04ldlr uM f\onlt (htft l\1n11tblin•po11t) ...._.. a. ........ 180 ctea. Bay view from th.II majestic: MeH d•I Mar. Large 8'78-2265. • lntelt ,_, 1 bdrm, oarport, DOOi, IJnf ind two bedroom. oM •1111 '"° btth ;;n;;;:.JH11'11'.re~ 6700 9Q ft e.tate. Encloeed pool and rrd wttll fruit trHe, I I I Mni ...... JrtM ... 880 lrvlM taundir No P9t1. '*•to ;ip.1~11ta Ir~ "1Ht epa.h~-~· pler1 ~ tlfp for 8~ ft A~~i ~•,t;:-~:~3;1i £§}}1i:ii!:iJ!:;.;, ~1~fl'/bt"1~1=o~ (T11;•Jt~>10_. ~ .. t.~IH=•nt w w · •IH??ftR yac t • ...-ume ex 1t.na lat TD of i..ve,,,.... ...... 7eo-t37e Wlc:J: 1*2·1023; f\1916 ~ ..... 1.._ ---..•• I Ill flll•I t=ut=.t. favorable tenna on 31.~~.:d.~~.car o-. MC::': 1:.:,.~ ..-, .. ::.:-.-(~ 1:011~~) •••1•11 Oii VO"Qt =:,.~ ~ bllafteit of ~· Broker (.'()oo()p. '7wo.te POftOflna .;.., a Ddml, IMPI 10 ~. I tw •12 (71~) t<42-611:j knodl• Often ..._ '°" _.... • •••-. Qualtfled=contactJ~ffJam.llon. 11200 mo. per• 111rn. a a._.bdt,tgebonuam1,J fr/ilc. l dbl. oar. 9tcr. ~:,~""\c1~ 1~m~~hfttlaftVtlllit l,. 1ti111t~0111eD.~ Ct9dlll::a.ni.,1 .. 1 = (714·549·8811, Xt l)OOfhOuel,lldr,39&, eundel*t.pel10,lfrplee, _.;....;. ..... ..;...1..;.l..___...,..._~~===:--.... -._-_-_-_-_-_-_o.J_ t...n ... 0..,...COlll \ll•lntMll a-.: Glod--~ pool.I. f$9 PtHldlo A11e1t. 111 ltlOO mo A t way 1 e 1 • 1 I ft mett19e rro111 IM Slil Dlflo r~·1 *'" ll6r1l4 .. _,, 19 .-......TM Tl -.... 802/ ). 8H-o3H, 831·7370, ,_.,...,....., ~,.....,...,.a.ti thlnOafMtwtlll Dllllr ,..,,,. ... ....,. wr*"" ll!ill••'* .._.tes.wMW!llt M1·7ta2 ~UM 1M ~.._~!r~ctay~,,! .. ~2~.Mf~l!.__j_dflllot~~W~an~t~A~da~=~J_-~--_:~-J.: ..... !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!'-J:::=====~ l "t l DO IT HOWi, ........... VOVt ~ lllllOt llMoe~ "-' .... 11-tl'Ye Ml-llll, tlLlff ,.lf!t":!!!IJI ••••••••••• DON'T Rl!AD TH19 UHLU8 You're tired ot l ank Stetementt Of k.-Plne 8utln ... Aeoofd1. Call the Aocur•t• ~· H68 Aoc;tg ~. (714) Ml-7444 M~~~ ••••••.•..•••. ~aye. Parking Lot Raptlrt, S.-1C01tlng. S&S Atpt\lt 531 .... 189Uc ~!!$~~-~;1~11!111 ........ ~ .... ~ .. == iii HMJI~ eAADINCI ..................... "'· eoncw. • .,... r~. °'**.,., .. ..,.,. --------1 llr.tfR HAUi.iNG 6 MOl/Na IM'lrilfl .....,.. ... ,... ....... .~=o~ .. a .... Ne' DIWwM.tii.Ciu;ie· L~~~~~· 1.ow .. Arii·:c;;fi;;·.~ by bodV .,... lloM.-. llPT. tlTr "-.!tter ......,., new 6 Oid. t l Complete l awn care 111c11f.. v----. 1tt1p & lullla I wataltl,let1. 1 Newl l1M "'°· Open Y"I _, 1Wc1 Na-NU O!Mn upt, ,,.. _. HU!no l ~ ~. w I•. • 1 c . 0 H" 11 ~v....,::~· t :30AM·lll'N, ••"• .. •I w-~~IC ~1~::r~'·"· Miii ~~· ...... ~ 714-eeo,.&3M lnlllxt. IOWHt tltH, PLA8Tll\lllATCHIHO ~~ fm!!. llr.lf! ~!!ketnowdn•/dl_!.!!!:.,.,r, ~-::-··-Mlidl es1-0etl, kite tH.otl3 ........... _. Pfornt>', Mal llMol. 10 A•el11cco1. lnlle•I. 30 p~ •.:.!!.....! :..• ..!!.~ ..... ._...... ,...... ...... ---. J.":i:?AnJ.......... ... ........ --...................... ·-11 ..... -· .. , _ ... _ No =N6~· H.I . g1•t l40 .... Uc. -·-·-- -""°'· llAVIOI ... awm "'''" ., .. -·-,.. ,_,, ... __ .,....... lnttNCt« ... ..,... r .... et.lniO.cl ... ,ut • ., ....... , =-:::i. HIWl:"t • yrd clWI up lod, 8')rlnklef ' tllrub illifiop ' Son Pilnllng 11··"-r•t•. Mld!MI ....... 124 d,., '~•t'. :: ... · 1'"'"'" f'!!*'~~fl fmlfl :J1.r.-:r.e•••••••••••• -..... ----• ""'-·"-"-............. ,,.. Mt I I 30 yre ••P In 811ch ••mtt':"'••••••••••••• f'"· ., ·-.., .,.. "'"' ILIOT•ICIAN I' le d ••-trtm..r...,..,,,.. ...,_ -· n1t1ll1t on. Our work FM .. •• ~2-1711 ATLAS PLUMllNO 6 ... .... .. • • • ••• " -r • l.llWI\ cal'e-fi!Otot~ t7M64t only look• ••P•nelve. .,.., r .. .,.. H••TINO • S ...... 111%1..,. •••••••••••••••••••••• Shlll'lpOO • '*-"' cie.n. AIMODIUADO-OHI right. ,, .... um11e on , I 84 s c,._,, ..... ..,. ....... .... TILE INSTALl..lO Cofor llltlabt•n••· wht & CWPtnlry. UO'd. l8 •erve or tmall Jc>bl. rM Mt mate .,.,...,_.,_ ~o'""'u kbi°"'1 LPflclOM20"""'4• ore, .. , Ouatom work, Int ' Ht, In Repelre ' Replace· II Kl 0 1Md orpt1 • 14 min, blefot\. yra •· lrwtn &41-2111 Uc. HM21. 97~.0359 11. ·• '1!!!nJ. ••••=~•••••••• u u llo'd 20 Y'• In.,..,,.... ment (714) ~5-teet A 114•; .... ~'!~ "'2t7 w•#u AOllN'I OL!ANING all Ju y, &4f·t~01. H.,b (7141 521·80t2 att _RM_•_. __ ...,._"_'.....,.. __ .,_ Hall, ~/din, nM Sta;~ WAY CONSTRUCTION LIC'D ELECTRICIAN D~~-~~·i:;~:idetfi~: 8«Vloe ·I tllorOUQlllY UeJ•'t .., ... ..., &·30PM l•-'111••19~-..I• Ch F Tli. Wortl room t7.10; OOUOh •1 : "-"odel • Acldtt!OM OUaL WOttc • Aeu. "* _........ oleell houM. 640-0'57 · ' ........ :•uir.:r:::... FrM ~It.~ 040-0188, ctlr 15. Ouat. lllm. ,,_, UC. 420802 eq.1200 FrM eat. '31·6072 Tom feet. IQud _.,._. P Brlok·Block-Tlle•Conc L. BATES PAINTING M4'1t•............ .. .,,. 00 odOt. Q-pt ,..,.,,. 16 )ft dlllrltl. kk• 11. COit Joan'• C!Mnlng a.rw:. 0.Ckt, covert . fencM. 8PECIALI ~t. egl 1600: FrM ... RM• prlcM EYS. wtind• 175-51 Hp, Do work tnyHlf . ...,.. ...... •••••• fLICTRICIA,.. Meee. 979-MS3 Houw-Apt .. ~t•12'11 •le. Lio. Doug. 846-0711 ~~!t.l3 •• 3eoo. 1 coat Qual. woi-tc. uc.' 3371et. ,,.. ,.,.,,,, fW'L 58 t..0101 FfM eat. AMI. pricea. Sml Job9/Reclelta. Uc. ... OfftOM. .....,. ----------1 ,_.,.., .. 13 t-2345 ..................... . ~~~!l Quel, wonc. Lie $37tet. 23310l-C-10. 546-0ao3 ..... ~ ........... Uffd. maid or. h••· •.-.w CANYON PAINTING. 14 ILOW RAnll ••t ....... .._., _........ m""'nt ., ...................... yr• In o.c. 8a11•f .... 11on ROOM ADD ITIONS. Tree tr'--'-&removll. ••• •• • •••••• •••• -• .,._., RESIDI COMM'L/IND. -• .......... _.. • keeper? Hrl'I or wkly? BRICKWO .. t<· e-a1 • ......., ..... .. ...... , ...._ • .._. "'"'-"' C •p .... & PH C •• • ~ :~t ., • """ ,..,.,_ ,..,.,_ 4M-45'4t nonett,,_.1.,.. • .._.. Ill~~ ft mowing An .. • V' L Lc;:,o• .. Ila-Mn• 20 yra. Do lf'tl own wotti '"' F0t compl ~. call Newpot1, eo.1a M--. •-reno.. JC&8 Conel. uo. 10 t1 HERZ.iii uo. 278041 AJ 04M12ti MtY. 15231 Vl•lo 8ervlo• Agli. Irvine. Reta. 175-3171 OUALrTY PAINTING· &I/ #347117. 974-7M8. • ~ou· '3.,.s;.~15• ... ""3 '" ~TEs~'~ -.-.~-~-------1 C•. rpen'6,· C1bln•t• o9t73-c!00°111 .• bonded by 1. Cuetom.Brlek-Stone ln1. "'' tit••. Lie -,---,.,-m----• fa,.1111• ...,.,. ""'""' .,.. _..., -·mb -'-,.....,..J.uo. • 8348271 "'"8-"3""' H .. I ti •••••••"'••••••••••••• MedlterrenMn •••••••• •••••••••••• .... N •• -· ---... ---,-...,....,,-.,-~~=-810ek-Concr9'e-Stuoco -.,,. ' vu M t b!IC' K 14 C.IJQ• ~lltN Conitruc1ton 1nc. MOWIHO ·CLEAN UPS Elect .. Tiie, Ref a TIRED OF HASSLES? Ret1. FrM •t.849-9492 EXTERIOR PAINTING P•RO.FeseioNAL.RE: D:-y,,:'. &a •'i101tw. ••••·~'r.::•••••••••• 1549·1978UlcforJoe Heullng -Landecaplng _eee.o __ 1_49 _____ _. RellableclMlll09help l1 Cu•tom work. FrM .. I. SUt.U8 & CAREER Mt,M"""tn045·5178 Paint tt.ON cllrty celtlnge. FrM .. t. &42•9901 MO-t239 Mfll Refl. M0•7452 Brlckwork-111\lll or lge R .. 1. + fine Int. & ltll· COUNSELING 851..()700 -• Avg. 3-8r hH 12215. Cat,.• WlllWtkla!f C 1 lo loba. tOO'• 10011 ref1. nlng. Steve 547-4281 !!.ff m .~!~~'····· aa1-ea18 • ••••••••••••••••••• • ,,... ... , Gerdenlng all °' '"'' conitruct n HOUSECLEANING _s_1_noe __ 19_n_. _84_&_·_8_5_12_.1 11~11•!( ----------4 1<11. Aemod .. warnlO tile. 01Mn-up1, trM trim & repelre, •leotr .. plum By Scandlntvllll Lady 1, Dan Hallberg Grading C..1•l'C..1m1 c;eblnei1. Call now. free mefnt. MN. 540-8035 bing. 36 Y" ••P· Exp'd. 548-2171 #1m• •• •••• ••••••••••••• & Paving Co. Ret/coml. i •••••••'~••••••••••••• .. t'-·te ..... "••t ••••••"••••••••••••••• Farthing Interior Oellan ~'!~I. ............. . Hublf Roofing-all typN. "Let trle Sunltllne In" Call Sunlhlne Window CtMnlng, Lid. 5'48-e853 20% Monthly Ol1COUnt Lie 397804 842-}720 . Cement·Muonry-Block ..... . ~.......... ...... Lan • ..... Cerpenlry • Muonry TtlOrOYgh old-fUhloned • ABC MO\llNO • HANGlNG/STAIPPING Lh.IHI-I wa11..cu.t. wonc. Lie. Decorltor •tvte Int. .,.,.., lenlH H1.f141 ~~St=~·~ COmplet• hMOIMnlng. Oulek. c.,.lul 8etVlo. v1u-MC Sc011 tMS-9325 N9W-rte0Yet-<1ecaa LIC. #411802 548-9734 ':::'~-;';.-:-:r........... •38t057 Rob 5'47·2M3 ~·!!~.:..!!~~~..'.....~~~ ---.s-'G--R--NO--Remodlf J.B. IM&-Reft. Jan 153M199 FrM Mtlm1t111552·0410 ASA PAPERHANGING 8ABV81TTING·my home, Concrete-amall or lge '·1-,.._, .,_.., ..... • RON A OEHi -• ...;..._;.....;.J~;.;;;.;...__; .. .;,;;.;. •• ..;.1-1.;..,.;;.~ MAIDS °'ORANG! CO. •&· 1 •YIH• 7 yra loeel e•P· Gutr !~!.~~!~~!'!.C ••••••••• BUDGET RATES Low min Stm f0b1 OK Lie. Free est IM1-758t !!~.rmm!!1 ..... . fncd yd. hot mMla. Any-toba. Remov9, replece 0t ceMlrlg. Lie. 53&-23ee 8 Y"' MB/CdM. Quall~ .,._ ,_ OullllY Teem Clelnl~ Top qulllty. Special car• work. PrlcH •tart 11 time. 548-2874 repllr. 045-1512 ~J.•••••••••••••• L:C,':p.~t91·8~t~ ••;;;:i~~A;n~c~·· Bonded, 1n1. 131·8 2 1n handll"G. 25 yr1 exp. $8/roll. Alec 751-7027 Computer word proc••· lllng. Fut. acx:ur1t1..,.,, R .... rat ... Notwy. Fr .. pkup & delivery. Len. 751·t3t8 INFANTS & UP Ol'lvel, petloa, wallcl. Free 0 0 ti terproof Wu. Sweclllh c:retttmll\. General Houaecl11nlng Coml)e11t1Ye Alt• Wallpapeflng-Pllnllng Day or Night, $50~. Elt. No l<>b too llNll. •c " ve we Yard malnt. & clean-up Since 1947. Comm/r... Rellable, refa. 10 yrt IJIP. No overtime. 730-1353 Ree/com'I. Scandinavian Cotta MNa 046-5769 53&-2807 ::,kl~:·~:; =: e';.~C::~::fN!.'Y & M1-11ffl727·3740 9U-0010 aft. 4 STARVING COLLEGE quallly. Hiimer 548-7875 ktfHI ...................... Child Car• In my Cotta Cua1om concrete brick-F'leld1 Co. 873-5779 •••II•• Exp.,, Hou11 CIHnlng. STUDENTS MOVING Expert wallcoverlng In· M111 home, newborn/ block w1111.p1t101· .. Ii lar .. llu Walt.. ••••••"'•••••••••••••• Rallable. Aefa. CO. Lie. T124-431 1tallat1on. Re11 prlc11 MOBlLE SERVICE Reeereana/New 1e1ean1 NB/CM 1542·9552 To place your mMNae before the ' up. Full or P/T. t46-0327 foundation 1 , Lie' d •••• !! •. ~••••••••••••• Mowing, ecSglng, rlkl~, DUMP JOBS 1553·1575 Insured. &41·8427 Conaulttnl AHlgnmenl Selllng anything wllh el . 636-l50t3 •KATRINA'S· LI VE-IN aw11plni: Free HI · & Small Moving Job• Thorough hHCIHnlng. __ w_A_T_c_H_u_s_G_R_O_W_l_1 581-8590 Selllng enythlng wllh 1 reading publlC, phone Diiiy Pllol Claatlfled Ad New In town? Cluallled hllcPfl, dilly ~lid ..,.,,, mttM. 04 5737. Call MIKE 846-1391 1pecl1I rate 130 a day. s.tl With EASEi For quality ln1tall1tlon. Delly Pllol Clallllfled Ad la a 1lmple malter . can help you meet many office clean Ing. crpt "nd what you went In Sell 1111ngt tut with DalfY A 111 10 r p 1trIo11 II'• 1 BREEZE call • PRO. Comm/r". 11 • •lmple melter • . Ollly Piiot CIMlllfled, 042-&e78 Jull call 8't2·5578. of your nMde. 542·5&78 ~ng. 936-2111 OIJIY Piiot CIUlltledl. Piiot Want Ada. M&-8088 Claallfled Ada M2·7M7 Mf Velenle 492·9755 1M jult call M2·5578. DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run tt another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for full details. (Non-retundeble. Extre ltnn SU>O) 3 3DAYS LINES CLASSIFIEDS642-5678 OLLA RS !!'!!1.!!.~ .. !~ .. mt.~.!.'.8;!~ •.•. !~!! -!~~! .. '!.~'!!. .... !.~~' ¥!.'1.."!!!1.'!. ..•. !.1!J. l!•J1..'!!!t'!. •••• !.1.~ !•11..'!!!~ ••• ~!!.! Pv1 ln~Of 11u $500.000 LOST: Fem. Biii Lib mix. Young married man wlll IMllllPll Deak Clark. Motel, nee-Help 10< counter w0<1t In \o loan on tat TO on Downtown HB .,.. do general handy worlt Part llm• 5 10 8 hr1 <Md, 3 ewnlng ahllta. 2 fat food l«'Vlce. Full O< prime rental Income 960-3839 -Calf evea & wlcend1, Accounting end typing nlghl 1hlft. t0m• ex1>4t" PIT. Wiii Train. Call Bill property. 3·5 yrs, 18'n% G 972-9525. Stlurd•-In H B ott•-rlence, c11hltr/ phone. 0< Erika, 873-3152 Ct Found Blk/wht erman ,. · · '"'"" WI 1 I Siert S3 75/h 4.5 poln11. •II (714) Shep. very friendly. vie Mature Ledy. live In com· Cell 891-0206 8 thru 11 C ~I ~;7~3'>63 · r. Homemaker'• Helper, 499-5254 Santa Carloltl & Ellll, panlon to lfder1y, N-· AM. Sal me><nll'\Q. 11 • PIT, needed, ldHl,.,IQr 11•1'11,. fj1n 4311 •••1•11 II fj111430tJ Ollln 11•1.I 44IO Olllt• l1al1l 44H #';::J,"'' 11 ftlll F.V. 962-2288 port Beech, Laguna Car....,1er OomHtlc Hou11keeper, ·student or retired per-•••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ., ·•• area, some hou..work. ··J~· r All T dee" llv• In, experienced. En-eon. LagUne Nlguet are•. llJ ... _... Rm In ,,. 4Qr, 281 dplx, •Ill.ID lffllD* lllf lnlH LH. •••••••!•••••••••!~. FOUND: PARROT have c Ir & r I I , a . help b~lld ou:•n-8~~ ¥ I I a h a P ' I k I n g . _4_9_S-_53_1_88 ____ _ ~~~l~~~~g.::.:1!~~ ~:.~y~l~.o 0~~~5 ~21c~y~ ~~= S11f.r~ioi3·r~ 11 MacArthur & Jambo· 1,1, Umll PleaMIMo;~7~2~entlfy, 760-0823 daya. aallboatl. Grett Mure. 51·9655. Holl .. a/CHhler d rH lnteraectlon. Lovely .,..._111 0. llt Bel• Wi•IH 1100 MacGregor Yacht Cor-DRIVERS. mu1t be 18 or Tile Good Earth Rettau· So. Calif. 540.6118 Imme occu~ancy . ..... Ired. di. Air-garden 1tyl1 bulldlng. S 1~:1 1 1 't 6 2'rnJ Found: email black dog at •••~•••••••••••••••••• porlllon 1831 Pl--.tla. older wtdependable car. rant & Bllctty 11 looklng 831-9242, 845-3 43 porter n. 2172 Dup<>nt. 820-12001q It. Month to pecTD' ng n 1'........ Cameo Shor11 BHch, Account• Recelv/Recep C.M. neat appeer, pleue 19· lor 12 full lime herd Gorgeoua 2bt, 2ba condo Rmml• wented to.,,, 4 Br Call AM. 833-3223 monlh avail. Cell Sandy • llnce ~· CdM. w/lluh. 845-0970 AI R compuler exp er. CLERICAL ply In perlOO wt proof of working lndhllduals wllo ~rm~c ~~·r ~t~':!: condo, Npl BMfl, '240. ......, llm 7 1 4 • 8 3 3 • 0 8 2 0 or =0:\3 S:.!ller Bd .::J.CM t, I} 13$1 R11pon1lble for entire Entry levet position wt 1n1. Relltble MelMnQlr en toy working with Ille OCC. Flour. ee2•2247 aft 720..()572 ExecutlW offlol In Can· 213420-8857 e:.2~2!71 ., 54~~ .!!J!!.!••••••••••••• AIR lor 1 growing PfO-varied dut .... tor• young Service. 300 t Redlllll public. Good pay, com- 4 & ..... _ .. , ~ t7" •tao 1 d H bo VI •• 501 * * * perty management co. outgoing _,.,..n•llty 10 Ave Bldg 1. Ste 217. pany rnauranoa & veea-""''"' ..,. -. N.B. u• co. n 0, ., r nery 11199. .... mo. Xlnl Hll'bOr Blvd ·-Juel .. _ I ..... ........ -~ I II ble A ..... I * &AYFRONT * Rldoe. att'y lhr, atralght Brotiter 175-4912 No. ot Boar s7°:: CM. lllJ LllE lfll•fit Parltr =.:!~~~7651, work In plu111 Npt 8cll CM 751-0451· ~~·T~ Goo!"~~ PVT SUITE/GARAGE US'O. 752-9442 dyt, AlrpOt1 .,. • ex.c. Mo 580 & t250 sq.It. IP*)el. There tre Hvlrtl OP· °'*124hfl1 dey Lindi o I I I c • • For IP P 1 DRY Cl,J:ANING RHtlurtnt & Bakery, RESPONS18LE N·SMKA 540-2434 ewe. t.._ From :l25-450 lq. ft. FleJdble ....... Call Prop tlon1 rather than fore· 7 daya 1 week S«-2iWn7 lmmedlll• •tart for M 210 Newport Center Or $750/mo. 873·152t Bet. Privet-. entrance, deck, Sl per ~It. Miily .tru. Mg r. 6 4 5 •• 8 1 o O; clotufl. Wllhoul COit or Jecuzzl, Sauna. Local• AllE/ft•llt 0 DPllT experienced belwMn 3-5 PM 9PM I .. I kit Call 557 O 10 540 13&1 obllgltlon, get the flctt, " w •II 11 t 0 u r 1111 · 40 I 60 old I D I prv•t• P•tn. men • . • • then decide whlell plen BankAmerlCard, Maaler o yra ooara Store tm•nager, bl· n C llftlf HOUMkeeper. child care. Lux Dant Pt view Condo Chen lo a1'1te. Female mll11YI Ami JaiJ•lll ••at·' ~~, would be belt tor you. Charge, American Ex· 1°' 94 yr old, aeml·lnvalld lingual Germen. Mull be • Excai11nt Hiity and mature, PIT, xlnt ~lfY lor 3 mo .. m11t., aull• preferred. Legun• Be1Dovet,NB.531-3651 ••••••••••••••~•~•~•• Circle Home Loan1, • pre11. Dlnere. All wet· man. Hrs: Sun, Tu11. ex per I In col lee atrongComp1nybeneflt1 Muat llave drlvera llc with trplc. pool. ape. BHch. $425/mo ff1Cld1 Ret1ll 1tor• al 2650 Avon d Ir• ct I ender . come 714/846·3433. Tllura, 10pm to Tam. Sat (roalllng, mlxlng, •wall you 847-8973 1·496-266t, 644-9539. ullla. Daya Mike RUIMll Prof. offlce llP-In Npt. St .. t840 tq. ft. plua 8 7t4/499·2281 2112 Harbor Bl. CM 9•m to 6:30 pm, ABSO· tHtlng), supervlalng In • Gr"t opportunity with: ---------7141140-3225. Ev•• Canler ror •Uorney or 641-8777 LUTELY NO 1moklng. makll'\Q expr....-: Cap· tnt'I recognized Orapery lllllAIOI Mature Lady to 1h1re 499 .... 254. olher profelllonll. UM car garage. · WIDOW HAS SU for TO't COEDS • Would love to drinking or druga Mull pucclno etc. Muat be Cl .. nlng firm. F.G.S. lnaurance 1111 home In Co111 Me11. "Ulguna Chermer" 2 blka 01 rtcepllonlat. Xerox. Office and Laboratory RE Loana, 10K Up. No perty with you. Call Sue have own relltble trana-f1m1Har w/expreao mt· • Extrae><dlnary reputa opening In renewal d• MoYe In Sec>t. lit. '325 from Beech. 2 BR houae. l-llbttty. Avlll lmmed .. ap-. up to 7500sq11 Credit Check, No Pen· or Kathy anytime. portellon. $450/mo chine. 7141898-5111 lion pertrnent tor person to plua in u1111. 540...,.979. 1340/mo. 111 6 IHt. call fOf detalta. Mikki or 645-211 t Aak fOt Joe alty. OennllOO & Aatoc:. 953-113$3 548-8691 OllSlllfTltll quote and tollow·UP on Btwn 6-9PM. 497-2621 Art 7141955-2411 S..UlllUI executive off"=-573-7311 btt llns Int.Har 140-1318 r-.11. Auto rellng °' Fem. Rmmte. 1 blk from IUlte plua WtrehouM In ••• Tl u•. Y1Clll'I l&Lll COIT underwriting Hpet pre-bMch. reap, sa25 tit & Prof11alon1I M•I• Excellenl Ofncel -Up to & Exp1rl1noed In all Full 0< part time, car.., ferred. Salary oommen- laal. S3MiS88 -· Straight. non-amoker. 4000 eq It. lllOt Newport pr•tlglou• dealgn ceoler On San Clemente du-PHOTO MODELS pl\eMI. 40 hra a.nefl11 opportunity In Hlllng llAPllY OLIAlllll surlle with experience 2S-3a. to at1are 3 Br. 2 Blvd. C.M. ~2111 Alli ~5~~~;· 1~7;! ~-~; plex. 21% yield. 134,000 ESCORTS/DAN~4ER~ Hu" t Ing Ion B ch .contracll for conatruc-Call Ralph, 5494909 ~~~,:~~A& c~o~1~: ~~y~~l~~:~:' l!::ii~: Extoctc~. Furn Suite, prime 644-9539 alter e. Pr/edP ·~~gatlt1·2075&-0K 1~8TO, OUTCA~MfOl H 53M551. lion ol .~!e bulll homes 1211 l.a&ll Aft C. .. JR. ACCOUNTANT w/ $l50 dep. 1164·3654 HB, ,_, •• Babysltler l) .. ded In on lndl .... uel loll. AYe· mlllll good principal ac:coun· OCC 950-2471 N.B. loc. Phone Ind co-C.•altdll owner occupied reald't Hunt. Bch'1'iome tor rage contract now $35. ting l>kgrnd to 111111 ti nr Newport Beectl townhou--pier IVlll. 1225/mo I l.tll 441 prop. Prln. only, pleue. WANTEO: MALE MOD-1Hcher w/2 children. 000 lor • 1536 1q. ft. PAIT n•E nancltl 1naly11 wllh Aeaponelbl• rmmt CdM, 1e fully furnlthed. Fe-988-1779, 840·5215 ••••!!•••••••••••••••• T.L.N. 177·F Alvaralde ELS for photo work. L• Mual be non-1mkr, home Flrm now oper•· Be• carrier counselor budgeting for property $325 plua utlla, pool, mete 25-35. Own bdrm (eve} lffllE II lllf Av., N.8. 92153. gltlmate. 499-5835 · 842·2811 ling sltl• wide. No 11· lor • local newspaper. mgmt co. Xlnt company ttpk:, carpon. Avail. Aug and b•. Pool. tannl,• Executive office auJte, In ~ blA.. on Coul M•IUHal•ll'/ cenae required. Con-No experience necel· benefit•. send Reaume 15111. 720-1495 coun. IP'-$425 mo, ~ corner of 405 Fwy, Near ....,, SUNNY'S Executive Btlh aide 7 AM· 1 PM, 11rucllon or rHI "tat• ury. Work only 12 hours w/llllfY req to: Peraon-utn. 040-8004 Harbof Blvd. Tue over Hwy, South Leguna. Ap-l.,,...Jt/ Str .. s-Aeductlon: Mon-Fri. Newport VIiia Hperlence preterred. I week. 175 to 1tll1 plua nel. PO Box 14M. Coate P • r k N • w port 3 Br. prox. 500 tq. ft. Excel· i.tl I 1 ... 1 Offlc9-tlm-outc:all 4000 Hllarl• Wey, NB Som• evening• & w... lddltlonal lhare of Plfl· MeM. Ca. 92828 TowntlouM, pool, termla. 1250/mo. Avlll. 1mmec1i.-...... 1600 eq.lt. II 904 lenl private parking •••••••••••••••••••••• IM2·5881 kenda required. Training nerthlp'a profll•. vllw Back Bey. Jan lely. C0111 M111 n .. r ft. Call 751-6191 behind bldg. 1525 mo. I.HI I 1 ... 1 n• 531-6377 & ..... tacllltlea In Dana A real tun !obi 759--0048 S.C. Plaza. 850-9180 Fountain Valley Office Turnet Aaaoc. 494-1177 •••••••••••••••••••••• Im PAIT·TI•E Point. Interview 1ppt. Mr. Management opportunt.- Lqal .......... Newport Center i. .. 1 Eatlle Litigation Firm Mid• •xi>er legll MCre-tary. Xlnt typing, diet•· phone and ahorthand • muet. Salary open. 640-6980 Newport Beach Iott fot M/F to ahr condo. OCMn tp11Ce. 2500 aq.ft. at SOt Wlltrlal i..1.JfJ Need Panon to ehere Ill· M II TIWI Howe (714) 493·3074. 1111 For Interview call rent. Famlly 1tmolpfWe. v 1 e w • 1 m 1 n 111 1 1 • ft. Good expo1ure. •••••••••••••1•••••••• pente on trip to M~. Mon & Tuea 2-5. •11• 8.00 PM. 642-5678, Full uM ot llOUM. New 1350/mo Incl. utlla. good parking, Talbelt & N.B. 3975 Birch. 3880 eq. fNllll'\ 1n5 leevtng Sat. 846-3t24 Be• 1e1ep11one p.-omo-economy Certlll•d ut 312. pool & palk Rent Incl 842~t 8 rook h u rat . C 111 ft. or le11. MIA tone. Wnu l\U Prof man d_.,_ remlle tlon c:terk tor local -Homes ----------' utll. '375 mo. 7159..()780 751-6191 Agent 5'41-5032. ·RE FREE houMkeepet a girt Fri-•P•P•r. Prlvll• dHlc. 34177 Cll Hwy, D•n• Furniture ---------28' CdM Cottage to ltlr, ft d ..... muit be 0<genlzed cuual attn. Only requl-Point. Wiii Jll Muter Bdrm, be, ~-In M /F. non·amkr. 1325 llWPllT 11&11 $750 up. 2160 ft. lndu~ ., 1 remenl la• good phone --------- c10111. Nr beach & mo. utll Incl. 720-1828 IEltlll UTll atrlel ·Office. 18101 ~ & capable 0 h•ndllng voice Ind loll ot enthu· 111111111&1 Plmll 11110 Ad 1m1. Pvt. yard . dondo Circle # M & T Cal: 11ou..no4 1 Id dukt11H. 11h~ llaam Experienced. Part/time. Immediate opentn9 for U•MI E•perlence preferred, but no1 necnaary. lll•ry negotiable with expe-rlenee. Apply In person between 3-5 PM, 210 Newpor1 Cenler Dr .. Npl Bctt. 125otmo. 980-7814, 2 reap. nontmlcre to ltlr No depcnllal Luxurlou1 Huntlngtort. Beach. N•·Nll ping t coo ng. n a .. -· Houri Harbor Gleanere , quellfled and experd Jig 980-9030 nice 3 bdrm furn. H.B. new of11c11. lncludlng 842·2~4. & change for •Pl In So. Mon.frl. 5:30-9:30PM 839•2555. ll•tur .. end pattern m.- Female to ah•re 2 Br. 2 Be. duplex, turn except bdrm. 1315 plu1 ut111. Age 30-39. CdM. Avlll Sepl 7. Daya ~ J1Vknd1 759-0302, 4-Mldnlght 833..()()()() Mk tor Llut1e houN, 1250+. 840-t238 receptloni.t. 1nawarlng Leguna on the bHch. Sat ll:30AM-l :30PM leer fOf caM good• fur· M/F lh bttl c M H service. confettnce "flOI WAIElllll Ple•H call Terry (7 t 4) l84.00 to ata'1. otlml 11&1 nltUf'e mfg Co. on Walt Jlmkr bt<.. 1• mi~ C:::: room, 9'c. 752-6408. Approx 2000 aq tt. Nr FOUND: Shep ml• pup, 979·2230 blwn 9-6. or After tit weel(, lhare In DRY CLEANING PLANT. COU1. apa. W/D. S3t..()192 tvg 40().900 PLUS 14001q. It. Crown Valley Pkwy, & Vic Victoria & Monrovte. 499-2293 -· pertnerthlp pronte. 30841 Coat Hwy, South I. p, Ml mag PenlflouM Bayfront Sul-Forbel Rd .. Miiiion Vie-CM. &4~2892 LADIES: Lei Tom allow Fe>< lntlN\eW, LegYna, 499-1985 fl,....t Non-amkl M. nMdec1 tor te. perking. patio•. fO 17141545-0215 Found. yg M Phereoh you :,.yreet time! F0t • cell •it. &PM OO I..,., .. l'W .... UITI Equll OP9 EmplOyer Ir" Npt home. '350. Die-173-1003 1300 aq. ft. $426. Hound. can'I keep. ow-dlact Intro ' '!'-200bM5l IU·llll .... °'t .. l clromlaple ..... te aclltfcoun· !__...1_ ._. 1•111' " 53 1800 sq. ft. $575 ,,.,. or good tiome. (2t3) elCOC1 wrtte #11u, .. , " _... -& LIVE IN: 2 or 3 dayl per na. M 2M • Avlll. now. IEWPllT IUOll Fronl office. large r11r 578..()1~ W. 81lbo1 Blvd .. N.B. elT 112 ting •klll• to run IC:• 1_ ... -weak. '35 per dey. Deya Femai. roommate want· Exec. ofllcel (1000 ft to door. 1779 Whlltler Ave. C.. 92M3 ~~~~~~~~~ counting dec>I for multi. ~--... r-mutt be veraetlle. ed: Lag. NIQuef home. n. 1650 tt). AttrlC11ve well D1y1. 540-9352 Evea Found: ltllh Setter M . • ~· _..... BOILER MFG CO. CEO mlllton ~t Co. Ute bkkpg. potting. IY· 573--3023 amkr, 1275 y, utll. no maintained bldg . Mr 0415..()681 ' purebred, 2·3 yr1 old, --...... Proven record .. eit9C In In Newport 8Nch ~.. ping. R.E. loen back---------- .... 0,, F 2,.3010 ahr 2 br, 2 pet•. &40·3742 deya. Hoeg Hoepltel, cerpeta, vtc. Nwi>t Boh. 5'46--7091 Eam Money .._..._ bu• ......... :ir,:1_.., Salary commen1urate ground uHfUI. Salary UW In oompanlon IOt 11-,.., .,.. 53t.aot4 tll 11 Alie 1lnl-lnd1. D di Id •a1'11 W1•tH 4,,, 953-3337 .....,,., n-,_, w Ith e 11 P • r . C •II oornmeneurate w/exper. derly lady on Bilbo• be CdM apt w/trplo & pm. m n bl n 1· • 0 •1 •••••••••••••••••••••• Found: M•I• kltl•'11. •P· Wiii head co. w/unl mlted 714-146--4458 for Inter-1 .:9::15::5-00::::::.:,:73:_~Ulc=.::'°':::....:G:::.ll~I':....... ·:-:P:--enl~n~eu~la.:-:780-80-=-=-30':'""'.:--ger. '338 mo. Nonamlcr. tor CwOI pr'lc'g. Prof. environment FAMILY need• 4-br. ~ prox 3-4 mo. Grey & blk ,,,,...i potential. F1n1u11c op-view llP~t. •· ,. HouHm•I• wanted for 2 Br l\onle In College Pie, C.M. 1335. Cell AO titter 1259, &42~ 24 Iva. 873-17 7 5. 833-088 7 lu n ,_ ._1 fJU -quiet arH. 845·3323 10 rent or lease. AEA· Tebby. 0415-7240 ,,,.,,,., IJ porlunlty for 1t11 right --------General Office, lnter•tlng Maid Wanted. PIT 5 daya Nancy ••• ~ •• :::.............. dYt. SONA8LE. M2~160. Found: Whitt ltrn pu,... ••••••••••••••••••••• per90n. Send reeume to: UT& EITIY II.DI potltlon for an •lert. In-• weelc. Sea Cliff Motet ---------Garage wemec1 for tl'1tM 2nd floor waitt-uci omo.. can to Identity Boller CEO Bo• 147, San lmmed opening for ao· telltgent IOPllclnt. Mac-_4_114-_9_7_17 ____ _ M/F •hr 88drm twnllM. IPO't• cer. Vici C>Mwooc:t 1150-12!50/mo. CWP9'•. Contlderal• M. atuct.nt MS-9194 Juan C1pl1tt1no, Ce. meon• 111par In D•t• Gregor YKhl Corporall-M1lnten1nce/G1rdener :C~i[~~~~~~ Gwdene.. No. 945-7278 dr~. penlllng, Cd"4. 20, IMk• room, It tllton. --------92&93 entry. Comphtt• reap for on 183t Pteoenlla, C.M. for tipt. ~. UP9-"4-~ lit•~ SINGLE GARAG! FOR 762-1830 Ptiv In ftmlly Mttlng.,.. Found: WM Samoyed, •w• _ Input ot merchtndlH ..... n -rlence neceuery. G 20th 8 CM OCO. 842.a331 Fem, •r.1t 1 yr. Vic. -l!WUS Info & "'•P of ....,,rt• __.._ ... r._ ..... .,.,.,. .. t2 7PM -Su_nny __ Cd_M_twn_hM __ •_wll_ STORA E. . t. • 8ctllng Down? 8t•nlng Megnol 1/T1lbart HB lllEl1 WNI tral~. Full b;Mm.; Slit .. .,,., l'9qUlted tor -U' ....... . . 10 9ttr w/t.m 2s-.30lltl. M5tmo. 131-<>921 out? Lower overt\Hd Jium/1-ml/ M2-32et .,,,1 worttlng concse. Send 1m111 office. Typln'° m....-ePIAIM 2Br. 1~ ... POQI, gerdnr, GARAGE STORAGE S60 ~tllrl ltnaoe.C ~ •t n..... i.F....;.o....;.u....;.n_d_· -B-.-,-,,-t-t_H_o_u_n_d f11nl H If VOii we • Ml Oh#ge brief letter to: Admln Mgr pt\onel, flll"G, 2 Y" Oft Alllelant. Front office 3 bMI t bOh S300 mo SEE RAPP After 1 PM negency enter, .. xec •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 • 11 •••••••••••••••••••••• bkkPf wtlO II worth 111, Bo 819 11835 1g •llPI' ~·Mr OC ~. up. lnlurence & actle-+ ~ 'u~I. Pie11• ca1i 1S06~. CM • ~~ 1Ntwpot11 "!fl',· ,..,,,,,, mD~n•,·JPPnrroL•a c~11'· Ttlc3k•otoe,h1bo••g,01. o111,1nfo,•,•· 000 and c.n prove It, we qu:i. H.B. 92049. A on• Cell A. Anderton Co. °'*nG 819neftta. PIT,,,. Conni* wt( t41-9911 Of po ... rvl y equ pp... .. "" .. ..... ...... would lltl• to llllll IO Yo"· 54 .. 1343 temoona. 841~. twnlmag 7eo-ee.s9 11114-••W Hll eteffad for ...-.ry l>u•I· ••• ~!r........ GOid. Lantern. 4M-3826 _e_s_1_.1_1_ee ______ 1 we .,. • young. rapidly ...... ......._. ---------:f:::'ttr.:':•••••••••••• ne11 need. 1114111 offloM Join the leader In th• FOUfld: Femele wflt Spitz. m...._MI growing Hrvlc• com• elltngwal and ADA Pfef'd. 1111111. ..... MEDICAL REC£PT, pert. NB townhouM, 3 bdryn. Ullllftl Slf'fll mol mo. trom U7S. l'#fmmlng PoOI chlMICaf flemale beige ~d· ';':'X';'"'-'::............. pany wtio !Niii prOY!de • nie. ow Ftl, t-12 8at. Lit• accounting, typing ume. no ~ nee. wlll 2._. ba,m, Jtic, leun~. IAVINI. ,hont an.... 833-9971 Mr'llce bu-1nefl, e. 1 I.lb mh1, Numeroua cete ,,...,, .t ctitl .... and a tutUN. ~2411 80, ~ One~ treln "15-27M :~~1 :,:~15i~i;: U\11· ring, COllf. rm, utll f:· SO LAGUNA 3 Al'dl BllY .. .,,.,__.,. tf'Mtment & 1 ~ulpy, Newport lutrw"-llfl Located 1'1 01rcS1n MITAL. &llllTlll offloe. N.8. 151·9 20 New AOGOUnt• ,_. .... ,1. :~~': ::~~~. ~t:eo1u~~ 15cio eq ft with aood iw; 1yateni• dfffer." t.lo'd IHo nlm11 8fl•ll•r ...... -:r.::......... ~1~1~;1~13 C • 1 I , 111 1 1 G«wel Help, ..,., up to alive, fot f .. t orow•nG Lllkdo•. !~ -~·nbd·':'d ~ 840-t748 vlllblllty. 4914J11 territory •vall•bl•. &4+4ut A':>A t ~:,:~f:.!. ·~~~~ t400 wit t1111ng •n•p bank,°""'"',.. office ~ .... ..., -· ..., ----------1 Orange Coltt lrM. no 'ound' IMefl" ..., red a ,.. " lhOta In Yo'K .,.., AIN-In N~ hecll ,_. Club prtytlegee. &360. 1" •-4-50-eq-. -ft-. -,-1.-00-Ptf'--eq-llllTIPIL Hper. neo. Wiii 1r1ln. Wiit M In~~· •••••llllil•llllilll! South Cout Pine. teur pfle)toOr..,._.,... QU1r912yr1...-1nntiw utll. ttt and Int. ft 4001 llrcfl N 1 •• ,,., -H0.000 f\111 1moun1 .......... u .... ,D ' IMMM3. dad. Plf lime. no..-~ "~ lst-1973 If\ I ~ 541..ao32 ·• • • w -·-req'd, aome flnencfng Tn ... ....,... Dental A11ltt1nt, FIT, or tellna ,.q'd. wrtt. to HI 1AA a t<aoGH. ,._, 1111 u .. ot rec.ptlon, av•tHa. Witt not '40. Found: Coflle, uble t froftt I beck lllCl*ltnCe, l.JnNerelil, l'O 101t 1223. 11 Orane• City lenll. ":v".:..:=F= 1 .. 81~~ .. · ~··~ ::..:· :":;,:"!:: ::J~ueM. ~I ~!1_~ =1ferft11 • ~· c:Mlfl .. ~Wt• ROA, -.y "° ~. Mol Ulnla, CA. 90940 •HI Mecwttw1 r1111vd •• ,.._.., to -.,.. • .... -· -.. & rr· " .-,.. ..-"" ;.....,. Sel1ry open. hf'lente. Newport eao • IM =a-ea.a":<.:::::'' Agltlt a.1-ecm ;;;.-;....~ ...,.,"':;': Tim 40ll"7-4t11 --:.a-.,_ .. , .. ,...., Of WllndtleWI I I' ... flt ....:JO;...;.~:...:-.-.-~-------.....,,,.- dellred. L•wnllry Met, Herbof A $CRIU'l£TS -" en-MOa. NPt ldl ..._ Meture ..,_ ...-..11. STftD MllW~ call: Judy Adami. OrOM fnOOIM ,... Dependallte woman""" ~~-1ur .-ul\llftl 11•neM100 !!.!.!!>':.~ ... '•"!! pdr1~· ••--s ·NtltlOMI _ AlwfMnl ""°"'""'on•lfty•• ;;;:"'~";;"~: ... ci tY:T 1'lm .... ru1111• ._.,.., rtVn .-Ole .... C::!'~.. ~ ........-'"companlOl'll ... '°' .......... to!.-Clllllllled ••: , ... Lawyer• Group lutt :·:. ,cMA' A¥OICI. ~ ....._.... • ~ l~~~~!!!!!!!!!j =~0~:0.:0:.=; =.•:,,. 0::0:..: llM£ lllEY moved °"'· Catpe~..t !., ---......,,. KUL 0VM ·Ao01'911 Memtllf Nti .....---1 i•••-,. . .--dreped, ~. 1llUU own ,_, ---..· ...,... Did " er ttop to -corr.1"'81dent tml Miii a Wo11•M VNftd ......, ·-·-.... -v•• WI • ...._ 141 ft, H71tmo. T•p Oollllll.·--~.,.bull-0 "**~~u..:v .. ,_...,In ef 81t•""'9·=•t .. T.J.O. llt.O ... lt4,.l..,;;;~-;.;.;;;~ll'IUlf~--~ otMfl .._....._ 8M io.tlOft btwn I '~· ..... ....,.._,, •'*· ---~ wawtcl PCM ...oMIAT10H ,_........ .1-•_ .. _oa.__..o.; __ ... __ , ...... _1 _,... ....... .... 14IOI IHOlt llvd. "'°"" .... i ,. ,...,....,... ..,.. Dalt"' ll'llot Ct led ........... .,,........ • ........ 1u• If••• .---...... -... .................. -·-.. __ -• ..._or_t.... K .... ,.........,. .. ,.,..,..... Am.~,.... ta11 u••' vu. £iiiif•• c.t"81 0.0. 1.0Mtlon. Man tft-eN .,,... '#' IWJ I Mo::.':..: Ml 1111 :::==···-~:'*'...,* ......... YW*i ,... .... .... • • 0-.HUt •• ~1 :. ... ,.. IOlfl ... I -... ..... ••I'll•'~., ,., .. ..,.. .... 4 .. ........ ....."""*' .. 11............. L.-. --!'P." -~--=11,11•·1141 r-·1-~N-=~IAVIR, uu~rti a"~ Nif • 1111 ,llHlllll =: 1•'• 10 ·~ = ,._ ,.., 900 W ="N), .. ~ ...,., a a.. tMI• I 1°11.. = Mw,/JllA W =---Xlnt '='·.:l: ·~~;-.::r-.=.·· ... ~ """ pp ..... .,. ... ?MIWM'Ott ...,._.,.., ~et ute~ 11Mf ~.~ .. ~.-.~,-----' 11, _.., ...... ~ ... W1111ed Mtf ... t1¥1tecl &nM I °"*II"" ........ I ..,.....,, NL WJIJI • ll!ff -~ ............. to I t , ...... 1 ..._ • ..... '*9 Wit """"9d ... .....?II. IC J WOtla wtlll.)'CMltfl (ire; Hr•on•_ n ., .. -ft ...... Ant••·~ .... • ·a;a+ .... n101t1 "'-'' & ..... • ... m1.-....... 10-U~ Cati •·• -~~ ~ ~............... -....... ~· ....__.._ .. a,,..~ ..... imr b ll .. I • 1100 Jla ._ ....... P.A. .. , ..... ----- INTHIWA,_. ......,· bl M wt ..._ ...... PfO-I ...... '*"' ... llO. I -·.., -r\a:'J --'!f/ft lo o I n . . Jl'r.lTA••••••••• • .,....,., flOtM & 00-t, duot. .,.,. ... ,.... ..... .. ,00 ......... ~= lrv11"· r1·••11' I , ... ,IOI ...... I 0... DleMoftd, .... MOO Pt. 111.u11. f '9 IM8 n1Mecl. '" "" Int' I uoo. 1119 40 *" "'91'9 "9cN:ood b ~~ Kint •• 0111apy Md f'ncl ldlll M Vl1 mt' BOAT IUftW ~·....,. lllMI ...._ (~14) Ut•lttt dy• or apon. JMllett '.l#I IMh .,. .. .. 4-IO' ::'!.... lolld 0811. wt mirror IMOO .....e·• ti llN. VIOi.iN: laron• .wwun .... *tllllOllUlll•· (71•Jt1M411--. '*"......... . .-r.11:::=· ..... ==.m.-=1~~ l1too,7 .. 110t • ~~~ty . 01·011 =-~·X:::"O::~:': ~, •• ntnoa. ;:::J,:.' CM.It• t11W lllbr 1100 Arro•hHd, :**" It b ~ ~ • IOOd ....._ ~ oo......_ "°"" ollO. Tl'liCyt7"4071 17Moct•U•toeo• ~ baOCllnu ir= ~';';~ ~ °"' :-:.= ~-:.~_.t:.nJ. 0:: llon, 1 .. 11-111.IO out =·:"= .=.. 9:: .... ~~II-lbanN 1oe77•n 11.otrlo I& I ... Hie• OOUftHlor. Call ....... .-.";Rn'm ••••• Dlltll9 fald). Many mllo .... ewie. atH Lw1I '*1)1. .... ,uo and.....,...~~ outtat .• , •• Cell.,... ~NMwmlrtl 2·8PM. '411·4'2,, ht. llTIY/-.T 8•1 cinlY 218111. 0owt .,..,._ht 7 ·11 4. 21N ~on "d. Laguna. eAaY , 8 1 ,, GIA;;;;;..,~ Daft, .,.7tM1 VIOMe llHD IUllUILI ..e. •o. ..._ "-'> ~ lfl Ir· llYd (otf ~I A.trn. iewn Orenot Av.. CM 1" ewt :,"·~• .;:_ •· 111-0M1 oa. 11a..uee TMvey atudlo prof. to " 1 w. OOllll Hwy IMIT IUL DYITI UUI ~ 1)pfnt. llH,-flllno& mow Mlllo Antlquee. tum .. a mleo.AI ''lnlcllft Ito~ & mlao. e13liao • er. ., nt1 amptlnet. t100 « ~ , 0 _... ~ boolft Need 1 ..,_.people In phone !~'* requfrff . .....,_. '-1,.,, ll'Mt go lat M . 201•1 fl11ture1. IH0/010. 1 ..... , -ul ~!:•1."0.•11 aft I, Don ~ W. M .,_ nd llt; oommerolal and lnouF Cell.,..,._., He IU4 m;r.o;............... Bayvtew, IAH Ma.7730 (1,.:30pm) ~:"' ~ ~~·'"!....~ -__. ---' ,1• Pectlett Oleaelo "' ,.,..., ru•o•d, NHer ltriel .......... '°' "'°" &culptUNCI nell ~ lupert> gareoe ..... pelft-Glln Aobert9 Weletln ., PaUo ~ lnlUlated .... ng..!. _..,' :..~.... t700 '40 .... '*'° KlmOall 001110-.... ......, lntlfAIOINo 4• ~. N9dy '°' "°" o .. 1tu1 and 9rownlng w.nted. Leoune IMdl. Uno•. 111t1que1, turn.. hood extra tono ~ wood greln..,. pane11ng, -· __., ---~· 1~ ct Diamond .......,., peoej, x1nt oond t1200. oon90le .te.r. t 4Ho. eon 0t dauQlllW to• firm. a.et ..nlng oon-..... n . Imported cpt1, tllVlr, t1H. New M7W 11" .\lum. roof, 1 yr nh. Queen ...... bed With Appr. "200 tab t4tOO ....Sa. oeC>. '40 Ille o.l Mllleewe, 14f.OIOI dltlont ln_.~~ort mlrp.;tc3:•ta/UO· 7, ohaln .MW 21 eng tf8 1lxt2' tOOO. Clll fl'llMttto.Almoetllft. betOfr.PPi31.a11 Y•malla acouttlo gultat Mu.t NQuldat• H ' W .... 23• lier "**'8 Sloop I e..dl. 1141 , IRllTMY/1111. t · • 2 ornlng 333 I! 11th' l42-S37i MO-Ott1 720-1070 w/Q91, ~ UMd, Xlnt or.n Nova w/Mr, 8tpl 4, tnr, ~· fllt oond. Cenyon,CdM Frtla.t ., __..a-.. lfl-ll.a11111u • ....., .... ... Jdnt oond. tl.2,000/blt. 1•t t1tOO tallea. Ill&. llTITI Illa Mulretlng dept. hH IBM Selectflo ~ f\111 Toole, Por1. •lee n•~~ ....., -.... ::.mr. ••• ¥......... oond. -H· ·-1·, 1 8er'°"9 bWef9 onty p, ~ Do you nave: fl£. Moan-~enlng In NPT BCH. Ion fi... fftc. 2 lllk-. Kitchen let, T0yt UMd. Dr*t \4, .. I ~ Ear1tltone pWd 11111. t ml& J11 Ill• BAl.DWIN Fun maicftlne 9'5-7230, ?.......a , • ~-=---~~· =~-~ •? 2 yr-. :c•I09 1n pl~~ ':"-Nit.~~ :'~ ecceee.. • n!u.., & many hou11hold & tt0-145. Orlll 8ta,11d~ round brald•d M/.'· 1 10 llO' long, Me per ft. With 11 rhythm, 10 1,,; ...., ...... L!_~un1d4, ,121 11 23 1 ••. Cllelr\H"'·oi'd ~:!rltlou ... de or.:.:; reqTd. Non•ttnllr perf. holO good1. Cofn., o1 ~ r,:-~= u:::e·='~ ·,!. =ii= :ox 10 ~ 77S.,4f1 ~lml. atru"'ellt *710 080 For 28 ft llbllallll boat c;; .. ) 52M&47 ..., Sufficient flnance1 to Cell &40-0123 Sendcutle I Ce.lama-s.1: 046-8074, ' 10" S 16-tU. Cati 20 ft, t100. Port. oolofecl L.-m Spenltti, reocwd9 & '42'431t wtttt 111p In Long 8Mch. ~--------- aipport your..it .....,., rand. Fri noon ttwu Sun. • ,,_,_ ..... ...~64. TV too. 640-t1M b 0 0 k.. • a 0 0 b 0 . -halt.... Greet fOI ""*'Cl and .. c:-~~-;:' inontn. wtlh beoornlng ICfR.W W SAT ONLY M..,~~:,.~· ••~~;-;-: .. ,.,.,. ... C.-11 f NEW MATTRUI 8&T8 l•I l 40I ,,_,,_, ... Cvtngi IFlyAbridge. 'W'k drl it or age 15200. •tll!>ll9hed In oommet• and nimble mind requt-vine Terrece. ,....,. ...,,,. y ARO SALE· ,urn1t1,1r1 I ... King f"90. t530-'2... Plnb .. Maotl (P•• Hand •• ~':'X':':":":.......... • . " d' ~ . ea Me2 . clal anOfor 1xc1u11v1 red tor tut paced con--=o~:.'8:ui:O-~,:; •PPll•ncei'. clothlng: •• ~!......... au.ft. reo. _.1211 Jubl,..) 4 player UOO a:':!:'.,.~,•= ~~t~• home .,., : ..... & ,._., ...___ ..-cMntlat ..... In New-1Uttlng firm. Word pro-d ' palnt1ng1, bOokl, utan· f\111 .._ & whit• dftum Ceall. oat. 1M-1'a0 080. 511-1013 da, cond ... 50 M2 ml .. ., .._. .. ...,_., .._, por1 BMch? 11 80• call oeutng, Meg Cwd &tor goo 111· Very worth· 1111, 1H41 Providence 111~ trom en&erger to 501·2140 l!vea • -' • 1t ' Glaetron, ctr ooneoi. lllp ..,.,._ AMlft Ht lftCI, Leo Henne. 81'. V.P. 1peecl typing exper r• white. The price,. flOht. Lene, CASH ONl.Y. Sat tray• t 125 complete K~ze mattrH:.: 81xon 1 office copier, fllhlng boat, 125 Jofln.-ford Interceptor, fulfy • ...., I. Tiiier... quired. Non-1moker1 GARAGE SALE Incl new 8--' 883-3890 9';6.re4':"" "'-"· · ~~~EJ; 8 ~~ taoofblst otter. eon, IMdem trft. Comc>f !ceded, "'MY xtrM, Jtlnt Aelltort °k4-411,0 only wedding gown u 10 qn w Ina ....,....,_, 913-4221 eqpd. All In xlnt oond. cond. 111,000. Daye REAL ESTATE LOANS COLLINS ASSOCIATES lldbrd Ht. 4501 Oor· MOVING SALE: Color-T~ wfbla 13" mlr· K=n M•ttreu & box Beaullfully flnl•h•d In ,. __ .. lfUI 0 ......... MllOO, 631-1820 (213) H5·0111 Ht. NewportCenter cheater Rd., CdM. Fri/ trlk 25 .. TV 4 ,,,.,.. ror. Dob1onre11. 810. Jllntconcs.a120, polyureth•n• '110. _,, ek.,,,_delk, 17 •• .___...__110HP,llO 1405, ev11 (714) fll1I IOI (71•1144.5771 s.t e-2. din _. ~ J" bdrm "460/ofr. Doug 556-2164 11 640-11aa. "45. Cell Steve _,.._ ~,8 Aggreulve Newport · · ,.,... ng rm I • -•••&Ila M&-1111 w/traller, grHt family "':""'."'.~=----,.--BMch firm Melli motl· Servloe 8t1tlon Attendant. .... ...... ,I AA-""~ 2M1t1.32H?~fyerd toola. ti.II 111 Medlt. 9ty1e ctrtt wood or\ld _ .. -TR., '"" mdl 3 ...... 2 d'-bOat, FWl/lkl, "'MY ex-11' KITE w1tr11,.,. Xlnt Ex 'd Apply Shell St.. ... .,..... ~h•..._, •••••••••••••••••••••• off• bf Send tome0ne you kMa ~ ~ ~ ttM Sf 100 112-&512 cond ISaO vatld lndlvlduel. Terri· II :pr 17111/ti'vlne NB F1nt1atlc Hl•cllon of 1184-2047 s1s'1-5 Hlmel1yan Kitten•. NII, ~ .. co.:!. ':::12g2''22'8op, • beautlflll .._,_,... otao tlrlv••. printer, muoh ' ' . 5e1-eia11 ..,.. t~ open. Herbor· on, • · de1lgn1r, cotllllon, blue, blue crMm point ....... t. --·" • • hlllum ~P9rfect 1oftware asooo. 11' a.a UY a..---------- P fie. t55-0073 s w I M M I N G echool, •kl, ICOUt .. Multl-femlly Git. Sell CFA, .not•. 131-1507 8' COUCH for all ooc:alon9 . .,..,. 175-5225 Only 3 mo. otd, .. fiber-2t~U.:::. ~-u:;,:c,• 1...,./....... 1~~;1~~.~T~:j~~~~ly ~~:1Js~:~~-~nn:11~ 8701 Lerkport Dr. Fri. a..1 "'' MO the "hedc" out of roe.. Im 1#1 g ..... repro of Tum-of· no-aen 11CMt12 · New condominium.~ ~ t 010 1111...,. d 1 g FemlMt CdM 12-5; Set. & Sun. 8--' ~•••••••••••••,.••• 549-3573 17~11. •••••••••••••••••••••• century pacttet, w/blue ,..--..,--·-----lect n11r 8C Plue. 5 ;:r:uln C.M~-C!:.111~~ • • BIO MOVING 8ALEI 5811 AKC AMER. COCKER Vlnt11g41 round D.R. teble, Lethe 10 .. South Band wt Teme Cockatoo w/oa91 aurr~ top+ 1ld4I cur· Vegebond 14, wftrali.r, daya .,., WMlc. a5 per 567•723-4 tor eppt S.tfSun hm. Remodeling View Ctrcte Se>rtnodlle/ SPANll!l. 8 wka., with , unique, tsOO. Antq pine etand & 8CCIMOl'lea teoo or best offer. t•ln•, ~ wttull co-Ilk• MW, blue ..... meny hour. tOAMto8PM. · yerd Hle.ChHt1, 1nt1-Wem« s.iJSun.~5 lhot1, buff, male, S150.I c upboard , suoo. S860 046-1704 &42-880e .,.., 12hf9ononec:Mr-xtr-. t1700. 4 .... 1443, 549-3421 Swimming lnttructor C'*' quH, well covering fe-• · · 1-359-7317. 501-233t Oarll"" pul>04ee, Cock•· ge. Purchued for S17, 851-3231 Crose Clftlfled) wanted brlcl, levelor1, wt~. ~ Auitrlllan Shepherd r• .... mu, PoO··moc, ·~· Alto nice 0 0 0 . 0 f I • r • d • t • •DI• RMI Ealate La.na for llttle girl, 4 yr <*I, In TVC, tlr•. toys. clothM, •••••••••••••••••••••• ,,11,, pupa, blk-trl. le-M(!tdllngld • ~own myt .ota) & For Miii ~up. '300. kttttna. ~21 S14,ISOO/bat olr. PP. ,..Ul Wll'IB I.Ill ,.... private pool, 3 llme1f bootee. M<>r9. Mike of.. llir ......... , ~ ~7214 aft epm " • ~ .... d, quMn POllUm poudl tor tructl 173-3147 Renoer 33' Sell wlttl tip Aggreulve Mtlbtlthed weelt. ~1 lere. 332 Evening C•· Fri-I' at t -4. 10 yre of cbalr IOc*e 1111• leather. bed, roll toP MCffCerlilll IUw I a.-•• W at~ Mame (next firm IHkl quellfled Telephone 81111 nyon Rd. r::! stuff. GrNI dllla. .............. I '385. 9'4-n01. S75. Roa Dune Aldlt, 5 ., .... ~-;;·~ 1811 27'Af1 IAYLINER to Belboa B9Y CMI). ~:::~=~~:r;:~: :!':c~t~s%o~ s,~b:S1t":~ ~~~~ ~~~.0~!: Slg'C::f./.:e~: ~CC::~.-:-.:_:. :.•~00~:::1.':,otr 1=·:~ng:atoo 010. ~~~:':i~. ~~1~'1':~: ~~:.~451mo. Mell. Call ~75t1. 11ec dryer '38, •te pool 4t72 Rochllle, IMne (In frff to • lovlng home, llte-1311, 522-3t04 Shoea R 7_7,,. allm nar~ depth tinder, outnooan. -:-:-~~---...,~=---.... 'I.I' tbl wfstldt1&bali.S175. the Ranch) Au1trall"'A S"'"P d-. wort! row •r:.a 12 . Ledl•• 8-IUtulO.Ul)fiGflt,,._ WltreMlr.W•~for 1•· Catamarwt, AMF .... -Coun Clu Bch Ttl••••11 ... Mlle. 0031A L.atlrapur. SATISUN. oiu-.,.. Old fem., ep';Yect~ 1 yr oid. T'Mn *9 mattrw & box bloue~; n 10,rug w/ no, ""'flnlah i lleya. •22.ooo, ucrlllce •t cort tree 14 wttnr, ,,.., Miki~.::~ e..t pey In townl Apply MOVING SALE bookl, uaortld ltem1. lrllnclly, ure.t with klda. IC)tlnoa. Good condition. towelt 110. Sewing Sl!IOO. 541-7272. =~LtOO. HAVE TO ~:. ... S2500IC>ffer. nlat. Muat be arttculete. ~:~ P~:,:. ~ 8ATISUN 1o.m-..om 3921 Scot_,., Irv. 132-o23T, 840-4423 $40. '42-3272. m • t • r 1111 11-I 2 . Sf.:"'' :=i Xlnt cono 846-2'43 ~o·~-=:: full 1111'141. SH NARCISSUS, CdM La..H •Ii NI Adoreble 8 moa. F. Shit· Movtngl 1.lvlng, dining, 552-0481 00. u• 2,. .. 1 11 ft ...... ~•7 ~.,....----.,,....,......---1 C#t•.... ':':7.-::: ... r........... lend Sheep.dog, lhol1, bdrm, Plnbelt mech, TV, IBM PERSON Al ..._. ..,. 111118 1f111M. Complete S 1100 de ::.:~ .::::...·= T~ r~:!rt ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• MOVING SALEI 489-1035. ~ 1 d .. AK C SU O. teb1-. mar.. 9'4-1755 C OMPUTER/ 178K, MOVING . Muat Seit 22' Ctn Craft, 180 HP t~.:::g3, .., l wlrnda weekend hour1. Call for • --· Shorea Pro-Liii• new piano, hulch, eo-84UI. Saalflca Lo.-. blue ftoral prlnler, 10f1war1, wer-Wurlltzer eplnet piano, lnbrd, cutty cebln, all --------844-5404 Diane. --SWAP mf weterbed, poker teble, ·-7 renty. Mu•t ... , *5500. xlnt, "25. 120-111M N• d le 11' HOBI CAT & trlller I ~~:::i ~ Every Sundey, lam-Spm. ttereo with rMI tor ... l A:~ ~emci.ti Doberman, ~~~8a & ~~:r::.~· 1:2o5d Donna 807·2812 dy1, ._,_ •• _ _._,___ i~~g~''or ~r!de 0 f0 ; °'9nal, mu1tk1otor ... : ...,lll•IT Tim tam-epm · Orange CoHt College. much mar.. 548-7311 &40-63ea. 484-4254 · 859-1871..,.., '::~':'"A.~=~: ·10-·io Merceou. I ullo. 873-4H 1, Who enJo'll peoptl end 48+47... Ftlrvlew & Arlington, • .,...,, .... j Butcher block cutting SEWING MACHINE 557-7188 131-!721. can handle buly phonea. Coete M .... AdmlMlon •• -.-;r.;;•••••••••••••• Pit Bull Pupplea. 8 week• Sofa & Love S..t •250· table ra lhllf dl'Wf Kenmore t50 Cabinet -.-•• ,-.. -........ -.~----._--, Mull be fuhlon con-TOPLESS MODELS free to buyer•. Seller GARAGE SALE Set. t--3 <*I, ~re. good eoloflng, Comer group, Stereo & Sho;,,, priu . 1.200 ·. modlf . &42 72M 1175 18' Tri Hull 140 110, --SI - ldoU9. fOf elegant Salon a75 DAY• PAID DAILY Reeervatlonaf Info. Oddi & endl & u...blet. S50-S100. No p1p1r1. Lamp 1125. Plctur11, &47·51St • 'Ptl. • lraller S2tt5 1314750 •••••••••••••••••••••• fun tlf\'141. no exp nee. 826-2513 656-5880 2385 R1dl1nd1, Back-IM2·54e&. Lemp.•. t7t-Ot87 or 1,.-11-.... ,,,, 31' s...:..n ;;.bln cul 8AILBOAAO: 881~. 2 RC R OUELLETTE ue..1947 -.... .r.::::.•••••••••••••• on r • moe. <*I. New ....... 95, I HA 0 TIUI ••• bay, bit. 23rd a Santa GOLDEN RETRIEVER . -... TULi ... twin Chry ..... very Now Met.to. 502-7448 200 Newport Center Or. lube! Chimp Eng bloodllne, Special order lulllt>y P• RACQUET and SPORTS lo h,., tie.rt cond. New---. NftportBNd'I lllft.AJ-.m BOISE WAY BLOCK SpyglwHlllG1t11g41S.1e. CALM, At<C, thot1, 8 c:an8ebyCrlb.S160.Cell club, fountain Valley. Regulatlon •IH, tolld port 811p SO,tOO. -::---~~---- Receptionist · AIR GARAGE SALE. Doz.en 11 Point Sur Or. COfOM wll1 1 mete. t275. 645-0406 a1200. 549-3208 Olk, mint cond. 1725. 813-7435. .. .. , Ill,. Receptionist, typing end E 8!;'r ~ fam!IM. Sat. August 7th def Mer. c.,., Vent, 041 g.w..2470 French Provincial Living Out1tendlng OE WINNE ~~H ~=~5· MUCH, '711 Cf)amplon S... Boa1, ••~•••••••••!!!! vulou1 dutr••.-AI R •Pr n ca net m~ 8-5pm. You Neme It. Pelntlnga, Office M•· CHINESE SHAR PEl Room Furniture. Sole o ll P•I= 30•38", 133-3319 150 V8 Mere, Troll Wentld: Sllp for 25 ft. computer experience. k ing, •ltlmitlng & We've got It. Barg1ln1 cnrn.. HOUMho4d ltaml, M• .... 1 blectl, 1 dirt! S125, cflelr St5. end *4!500 ( 11M thin motor, dual locatore, 2 ~beet. R11pon1lbl1 for entire aupuvl1lng. lmmed. GeloN. 1'1M 9o1ee Way, Pin Ball M•clllne. t ·2 fawn, 8 moa. 541-1396 table H5, coffee table gellery). 875-7t78 US Olv1r1 Cuetom wo-chopper prope, tourney "24788 AIR for a growing pro-c>penlng. 831-0115· Co111 M .... (north of Set. S75. Wlll ... entir.QtOUP ,. .. RPET 1 .... 12 ............ men'1 dMng tult, hood, rlg,.62 2 ·+ 1 MPH. S7ff5. =a... -aar_,. pert~ manegernent co. TYPtst. full time. McJn..Fri, Felrvl .. & Paularlno). Ctlrlltmu In ~I ~'°=~dog IOf '350. 831-707t. '-; par1 SlOO. --· "" =~nt oond. t 115. ~ .., ir.--~ 551• Linda 8:30-5. 15 per fir. 50 54e-02ll3 "Jull I 11eond ' yard 645-7872 . ITALIAN GAME TABLE: 144-7701 -.n--S_Kl_M_AS...,.....T_E_R_20_',-4S4--f Qll ... R9pe.. Exciting nlW com-wpm minimum. Call Pllttl ..... Aug. M . 1o-.duelr. Rouliett9, en-, Chedc· Femlly room cer-pet plald °l:nHtar lkll• with Sal. Penth~ Jet, Stringer llJ.tlll pany, ground ftl' oppty. at 541-6525 MotH=rl. Baby furniture, clot"'... 818 W. Balboa Blvd, N.B. ........ ....,. era, Beckgemmon, felt 12'x24', 1111• new. u". 28. S125 ~-lgn., tandem tr1r wfmeg -------- nwltl-lewl mktg highly ...... ., "' " AKC f 3 f: 175 OBO d It I f -117W.,... whll & brt1a.. '5250. PP. Sllp1 evalleble, Corona Con.um.bl. Pr,oduct. ''tWIP toy• houaehold ml1c OARAOE SALE -Bllgaln1 · · cer p Y ng 1ur •c•. 644-ee52 ... • · ....._ .......,._ 1 ... _ J•nnl• 8 1-t8ll, or Belut wood lnla6d Ro-· w· wet tuft medium .a. ~170 del Mer .,..., -Pf ft. Min tnveatment, .. _ or ' lnveetment ..... officer. Sat-Sun 11·4, t82 Gol-g_..-., ..,_.., empa, ,,_.. ,...,. ,...1.. · XLHT ~.. v-.. ....__ .,__ p 1 ,, g y 0 r C 1 rr I1 -· '73-8302 _,. Mull be prepared tor detwod Costa~ tNe. Set only. 328 Pro-.,...,....,. " =-· .......... s;:.;;.10'.""s,25 ,950. Exc•ll•nt cond. ·74 Glencoe 2t• Oeycn#-855-'2•73 wtidyl a-5 repld adv1ncem1nt to GARAO~ SALE M apect S t. NB (Newport fr# ,. ,.. ,., · T104371 54I U40 831-22,8. w 454 Olde eng, Jue. · llllTlllllT Viol Pf ... of Mwttetlng. s · ;_ny Shot•) 84M75t •••••••••••••••••••••• Twin bedroom aet, mat-CalyptO regulator good Jet, new tlcH. PP. t5, 40' lalbo• eov.. Avail The "'-' _..._.._ ~ 3-5 )fl uper pref In oil goodCo~tPllSuCnM. 5. New ll"htlnn flJCtur .. 2 Young gray rabbit, pretty, treelll, df....,, mirror, P9r9Qo Twin ltroler. New condition. "40. • !500. Dye te3-4228, Evea "°"'· S300. Pwr or toed-,.....,._ ·~ program lnv .. tment & 222 • ....,.. · · · • • ' Nft Zeeland giant fem n it• •t end. a315. cond.8acS200. 131-2211 546-1257 Oown me•t . Ag t. t • u r • n 1 1 n Or• n g • venture c:.pltel. Looking 2544 Orange. Sat/Sun. ~~~.• !'~y ~ ra b b 11 to Q d ho m • 652-5112. · 13 ,-4il74 9'M 100; 1Mt-13ee County II lnter .. lld In for perlOn with entre-... ,...,_ m.._ __.._... ....., ·-s"-' O 9'8-IM05 Oymn11Uc1 1ld1tlor11, 14' Alum. Bott. Lone 8Ulr ---------qualm.cl personnel. W• ... ,.,...._ -·· -· 1t1m1. at 1 ••. t501 Modern ao••. Whit•. CRAFTSMAN REEL MO-rernovebll oak pommela. "Big fllhermen" w/5t\p 40' Newport Hetbof ~ ere ecceptlng appllc•· preneurlal iplrlt, prof blH , con1ol1 llereo, Anltt ln. WMtcllff. 14 mo. old Golcs.n R• btownse:tr ...... Xlnt WE.A Seer'l lif oooted 08. Xlnt r1na wt~ for 8* tion. ~ t-11 am ipproach & creativity. coucn,toole.toya. I O d -..... 1250·131•2211· c ond. •500 firm . tliJ.,500.137-8228 Salary negotiable, awtd 2 FAMILY YARD SA E Wrought Iron tbl & I ctwt, tr ever nea a goo cond. pm. -"· -• delly for the lollowlng l home 831-7892 541-2"88 • '" WJ.. 545-6087 poeltlonll lnqulrlu to Attn; Mr. S & Su p ..... ....._ B&W l1mp1. cemplng gear, · 9• 1ta1fen Provtndel wood t..=. 'I • ..... ,,.. I HOSTESSES Ctlarlll Clrol, Exec. V1ee •t n .... ._ wlllcllr, euthentlc ~nil Pleyf\JI Lab mix, bledc F, trimmed couctl, 8 100M LAROE LAWN VACUUM ml!t. ,,,,., ,,,, •• 1fU11 'iii "" WAITRESSES p,.., Oouglu A. Spltil1 TV. i::•.o:~:"'t llQht. ml1c. S I S H 2 5 lb .. frH to good cu1hlon1 uoot ofr. '200. BEAu.TiFui.. .. 25~~·RCA Winner of Charect•r •••••••••••••••••••••• 3338ay91deDrlw Cotp.808E.Octenfront, :;: 2s90•Cor1t •Pl SMta~ve.NB h0me.(213)55M21M 541-8454 Sat/Sun 541-2"88 ColorTV .... 2yrwmty Bo•t P1red1. 17' Xlnt '7121'HowardDeyCn.ll- Newport Beech, Callf ~~fort Beech , CA C.M~· a on ., GARAGE SALE-Ouelltl Dog houN for llfOll dog. 8:3()..4. DARl<ROOM SET-UP, S1 .... Fr .. ctietwry, . bey crul11r. '2500 or nr, wf Blue-prlnted RESTAURANT Walt Engllah Cott11g41 .,,... You haul. MOVING -Mu1t 81111 COMpllt• • btend new, TV John'• 64$-1781 bell ott.r. 173-78n. Chell'/ 454 V-dr. ss.ooo b b ,.. Wllltr-'Walter experlen-Garage Sale, Aug 8• Set. copper, many fine d•· 545-8743 w 11 1t 1 w 111 u n 1 t •, never been UHd. In· R 1 d 1 0 24• Sea Re Wllkender c 1 t m g n t I 0 b · ~~~'Le:~!~·,,~::~~: ~~.°~·J~~!' .. •flop. ~~.~t.'~~.Pl.Odd1& tlgnar lt1m1. t ·5 Seti 18"X38" wlOe, S75. cludllOum8&W35mm AEmquTp'fn'•~{.swen 350 '77 mdl, 2~51280 voivO S14 ,t0 f b1t ofr . F .,...,..,_.., """ ''"" .,.,...,.,, Sun. 1835 Port Tiffin, *ADORABLE• 7.,.,.1...... enter,_ ..,. _ __,......_ 0 a 0 750-0824 morn & 91111. rl. ·F. A&H Famlly SHEPILA8 MALES ,.,.. ~ ..-.=.."'=...:=;:!-:.:::V trenacelvar wit" 117c 11 • tr Ir. t 7. 0 0. Reel, 145 E. 18th St. CM. Waltr11111/Welt1r1 PIT Lot1 Of furniture, beby N.B. 8 wlrl Old. 64$-5184 Sofabed, queen .a.. V9'Y you~_,J4ao"'7~1; power aipp1y & ..,.aker. tee-11711 17' LARSON 81<1 BOAT ROUTE PERSON de, over 18, wlll tr•ln. Crib. baby clot11•. blk•. Guiga Sal•, Saturdey Klttene Black I n...~ comlortallle, xlnt cond, :.. .• 4t2-71l3 .. _ , AllO 0104 mlclophone, 23' 8EACRAfT, Sceptre wp1'u'1&mO•n' v'tlxetrrc•u· ry. 845000 Soft Water Co. 8JC .,.., Shlru 548-7848 ~· Hamlllon Sat/Sun only, Aug 7th, 9-5, t742 wll tum... ahoU &•,.;:; $185. 4g7.2933 • -1• ''1•re tub11 all 1225. tune tower wtduat •t• AM'°' w;y.., 4~70 Tru ck drlvl11g Hper ... ~ ·--8• C41ntella Pl. N.B. terlng. 546-,328 MOVING . Mu9t Selll 1'i\ ct OfMIOnd Solltan, ( 14> 144-1215 controt, full ln1tru twin -------- helpl\.ll Good drtvtng r• -.A-u Moving S1111 Mu11 NII Yero S•I• "Glr l who 8'1Pf. '8200. '811• '4!500 Obi. Stereo Cebln11 & Mere 0 /8, meny xtru. ~,._ cord 1 ·--t. Pd v~. 1n1. •••••••••••••••••••••• furniture, ml1c. lt1m1. ·-· ... n't ~ no" col'--Gentle mele SemoyeO Whit• hen:ulon 90fabed, °'bit ofr. PP 131-1218 M I • "'0 f !!~-.T.T.••••••• ... c .. ,,;;~53,. -Aletl--1"5 SatJSun. 2253 Rut,_.. ........., -1 _. d need9............. S100. 720-111M lhelvel, 111!1 new. Dat1I Utt Ml •'•· OOf o r . .,-:,.;_ .. ..,._ .., ••• -.~-:.-:. ••••••••••••• CN. 631-1171 .-·-· tlonl Shelv••· wooO-og, -·~...,home, Adult llectrto trlqlol9, 20 ltelned oak. t700 . MS-2188 c..,.,,, lall _._ burning frplc. chelra, l'n )fl. C.. &4M284 a:'~~~~ ml, range. Colt tHO, 7a.120t '7t Invader. 11' II.Ill bey a 6-1 IJM Acco unt Ex1 cutly11 WES.:r=TER GARAGE SALE: Come :0::: =~Br= FREE KITTENS '350/0BO 720-te9.. ' NC. $285. 55g 1141. BIC Tumtbl. Hltldll 3 wey lkl boet. 2tO hp. setoo ........... ,. .... ,. ... . wanted lor Pereonnel ANTIQUE MAU ... at 2208 Elden Ave., St White, ahot9, 14 Ma. to . Kie» tmell lllie motorqode ipkra. PanHonlo r.c, 780-1334. OoOgeper. 114Jc•bbtebox'.°"•tc:amove·. "**'-'t F1nn No Ill· . C . M . Sund• y on t y · good ~ 536-t525 SOFA, OB brown naug. helmet•. • 15 or 2 for Jtlnt tf,S firm ~ perlence requl;eo. Celt 1 17G5!~mlnstO~EAWJ. 1G-3pm. u......... Sele, 1830 lrvlnl NEW S225 "' ' 23' 1811 FO RMULA port-1-pottle '5.000. """"""' nv • ~"""' lhaN Apeo purebr'Md, F. . 7flli..o74 S25. 64$-15883 R.oto Motorola, CB b.a 240hp 1/0 Men:rulMr 531-4312 D • n F r• n II 55-4-8103 Th/FrlfSat. UMd Auto· Av. (cnr Franct9co~ N.B. epeyeo, 4 yrs. M<Mngl st.uOn w/rM antenna. 4 low hri. dUil .... trlllter: -. -------- 7 t4155&-1172. motive equipment hy-SaVSun 1CM. 642-&3119 131-2134 Hldelbed dbt good con-Cordi... tel w/lntercom. cti a1oo ~ BAYSI DE MARINE 82 camper. Longbed, •a• RI Oreullc ,,, .... elr ieclr. •·-~-•--hn.J "" dltton, .:.......· prtnl 170. ID11gll.•!...~'~~."k• nu. . . . SALES 173-e510 blue I light ~ BrMCI .,...s; ''''C''' ..... ........... -·· w --..... •12-;.·-7 15 ............ 2 Alfel•ioe 310L.. L-• .... S50{). M2-1310 gal cornpt-...cw. "'-~. •••••••••••••••••••••• ..... ~ g v---., ~· ~·uiw IAIL.t&l lf!t_ A""-.&T -. I -with P one, Amerlcen mac hlnl1t too11, Lot1 SATl8UN Aug 1-7, Anti-•••••••••••••••••••••• CU a TOM I. u MB ER llneer pfllM ~.,.. '" ,_. • .. ..._ .. ......,. • .,.,.,_ ""-llfl Unlqu9women'1dothlng Oak St200. Old MOiier mcn.2086-BPteoentla. qu11,too11,trect0f,lgl& **'BUY** Sofa & love ... , •150. AACK.Forfullalz9S>tc*· Muat ••II. t200/pr. Gd.COnd.M!500.dleMt .•••••••••••••••••••••• •tore 1Mll1 energetic S ale '850. 81ngM Se-aml 9'>PflenoM, eqptmt ::").•C:b~~ up. xlnt cond. U50. 875-7738 1142-1051. Puck moped, good oond .. people with ftalr tor f• wtng mechlnu• $l50. F::!,~i=:.;J::Clo-tor hanOlcapped, mlec, ~~urnlt1 ~ ... & .. 45•8072, •7.:381 ; 4H-11'19 Moving, mutt ... I: MCS 20' ~Mt CHAIS CRAFT lo ml ISOO. thlon &/or -IX· Secretary deall, cheat hOUMhold lt•m•. 1308 ....,...__.,,'" -v " "' ---. 1 .............. -.ffm, Super 8'/.ort. FG, wt 720-1111. 544...QI05 ---... ...W,~".::.._ 1n type. SIOO. Burl wood dleal Sat/Sun M . 814 s BI h 8 SA 0t SELL for You Hwpt 8cti lfllall 1m II ·--'' ...., _,, --------Pl'--. ._.....-. .,.,....., cane d\lllrl S12S-. DI--Ballow '--(o41 El C.. o · 'c I · • MM1tl tumtbl, a100. 720-111M lnboll'd 10 eryg. ldHI -.. ltl.11 pereon 9t Alellll Nalural nlng room t&btl I ft X 5 mine, o4f FelrvMr) 135-07119 ll&IJm *Im a..utlfUI otdt bamboo furll. bcY bo91. 9AYllDE MA· Futllon9, 280 Forest Av., ft, 12 high bKk chelrt .. ... IH een nlture. 200 for •. LAWN !OGER, brand .. ,, • ..,,., RINE SALES t1s.e570. Aeoond. M1-ION ~ Beech. MINlon Oak aeooo Alf .. _,,,_,, #II 541-8572. new, never u1ed, 2HP ...,_, Clllforntan 11~ fQ, OMC ·eo v...,. Gnndl mQCMld, 8elM mint cond. Mud\ muci, ~·•• 1111 :17.":••••••• ......... ~ I llY l'WIM """111n #II 8 & 8 E n Cl • • 1 2 5 . ...~;;ir.;;:".......... IO Chell'/ eng. wftr....,. rll<ik, look, good oond • ...... •... more. 833-338t ' • "t.:4'RB<)R.AREA••u G.E. 12 cu. ft. lr .. Hr, l• 9674133 ......... , ............ M7·8to5 ~ 1111 S 1100. P vt Plrty. *450 bit ofr. 501-al'4 Conald•rlng •career An t q . Pine Hutc h , APPLIANCE SERVICE XLNT Condition. t1eo. Cdntemp. oealgner Dining room table w/4 Land•caplno? a•" box •h••••••••••••••••••• 538·3008 or work 111t Palgeot,,..,. eng, change In 1882? Con-38"x58", country 1tyte, WeMllrlCOnd.,guar. ~7t4:r1 !!!·1800• (Thayer CoOQln) L-:.-"~ca:-nt::*~"::: n., muat Mii ~ Sabot~ '47-MM. oood oonct. 1250. elderlnv entering th• g 0 0 o c 0 n d . s 3 15 . appliancM. 54~77 • •"•P•d 11ctlona1. Qd -ta.50 76t-OS2a on wt\tMl9, 8at Aug 7. IJ&-e4f2 30, commerolal boat, 4M-2470 ranh of the Hlf •m-548-8234 I ltf ~ El.ECTRIC CLOTHES cond. '350, 131-3311.-tlPM ~1 ~ L.800. dMng/MwO!dfWI, '2000, -80_V_M_o_t_o_b_l_Ol_n_e_w_lt_h ployed? If )'CU.,. Inter-...... S'"" .. "'ER TR N DAYER, w .. unghouM, 8lflg Chrome rociker f\illy Ctedlftaa, Antique wtllte LIOUM H • or eppt ... ,., ,,.,,_ no engine. .... , HIM :::t.•"• raoll• Xtnt :,_ect in"'-°:'~ '"":,o(,";"'.,... ~. K L• 11574133 hvri duty, xlnt oond. uphol. ••r1hton ... Gd &~. Dteicll. t100. ollil. 1+4 144-10CMI . ...,_, ,,. 01c1tman'1 loelt, but •. ~ 1*1'1. i300 im.. 1 llourOfyourtlrne &46-n 30 c1.g:30pm) R1frlger1tor, wuher, •1 $. 781-1344 oond. '90. 131-3311 1 Juklbo$ Wur'flr:.',-= .. ra;w:;;; .......... Ollll IMM7111. tsf..a42 et our feot1 Seminar. Antique wetnut & mert>le =-~her & Antq. '9fl10, FUii bedroom-. dbt bed, BedfoOm • Dbtl bed w/ ~riooo. 567 1, 1::.;o=:r'°'°"O:,:-C: '8110' Bolton WMler, 15 PUCH MAXI II. Call Bonnie tor dltaMI •t wunetand, t20010BO. . tW~t ~.,a: Oper\ Hwttl. ToP oond. cMIMr.7~ lllboat. at& f1Wl32 .~· ~ tanlc,teoowrtOO 2 fl)d, l*e ,.., tooo. "3-4611 9'&-7730 (7-9:30pm) New GH Stove, never .....,_ "' ·...,.. • ...,.., tlOOO '4t·72M Owner Member•hlp In ""• -• MW. • Ptl 116-mt S.... ueed, pilot..... Mayteg Wuller • Eteo . prtvN campground, 11 17' CHHTAH .... ltlf91 • ....,_ llU -. '380. '11414311 ....._ Almoet Nlw Xlnt Cott" tbl, IOlld ..inu1 1-11 amA - -con v •"I• no .. • "r Jet. .. MW pnt/ Intl ene.1·4~1:":''""'.N~--=.~"--~,-'71 Puotl mope!, xlnt OEHE'8 8. c. P1au.,.. ... & ... _ v.,_. . contemp. 87x24" ex---· • I ,, ... ll"'lld mu••·· .. to appr10. ,Pt 0 moor nl oond .......... lo ml °'**'tfor8rtdal~ ... t ....,,Aug J-8. TappanMlcrowav•wf c ond. t&OOfflr m t1nd•to82".t125, IMl=tweedltlaO •nnng vY .. ' ..... 1.PP,tM-1'41 w/11 lnboltd,Dlntt t380.MCMl7t 1u1tant, ••P•rlenced, Frwe admllllon, exhlbtt e. ptOt>e, "91oW \-.d rltall 141 M31 ~1443 Wfttl _lndl. !!.~.!,1or trade fM t oan 11101. t 10,100. ~"iiC*i;QiM:-(Mi;id)." metur.pereonp...,uecl. ..... S500: 127S.142..00. ~_.,__ I I lft. l'.30 --· •VW\ldl I .I ttlOtt lfNuf'I ..WJM '7& Mo101111111ie (Mooed). f'rln"e benef1t1 plu1 Huntington c.n.. Mii ' --#II Ch•et, S dre-., con• MUeT 11U ldrlt oond. ao.. U11C1 .. , lo ml, p.,feof ooncf. Oom.ml••lon. Call 8 . 405 ~ &H Beech Bfvd, KEHMOAE wr,:ER •••••••••••••••••••••• temo 8oftd ~t M 11 9 t IO O he..., IA cm. °""'-~ 0.. r.: mt ftoo.. ...w ·..,., WOfidna 10 ,. .... -. • ._ "" aMa Trw '° Qlll. tlll ..,.-• • •' · • brldt• nu votwo HO -· ... ,. • Ptllmpa MM1'24. .8 . Call taf .. ttT PVeUC ~ 111' • • _..1443 r.:'~r••••••••~ rtufft, .11. tll·CUll •M·l'114 •tt,1IO. Hind. t~ttll __ , •11ot ..._ .,., ..,.... ..,_ Antq. t111 Porttlblll 8lnger . *AUCTVW* t tt ~ .-. ooeci w AntlQue maM,;ci ..,... AlrtN TiciMt. """" ,.. ..._ ._ _.. av ~ ·to Y--. xo.o ..,.. pref' ct, cell or' apply ~e~ICI ,,..........._7332 D=.H~~lnt IMt =°' t411 ~ "'· &"r=d~~ llnea, Aut 10, LA to r.:;n."~ ...... zr.;: M ft Orend ..,.., Xlnt :, ~~-WW;~7'm Cfown tWdWtte, 1114 Y9llow MO «U .. ttr-9 lltn ...... ,.... ... Olll "JVC" table AM"M Plttlburt"· IUO, Cl•HIO 11 L•6Htrllle oond. ..... I ... .too. -a a" MI I u e I , NI • ~ gataleg table, ' ' ldrun"IMng rm .... rm ...,_ tedlo w11f1 t ftdl -1111 CenlllfY ._ llOel. 4 M fllrl. AV91. 7'44,...1MO -,..--------~':.ii ~~~drop t<U:OO:. °=" :::;:1:::. :i::.'~;t9~ 1'ue~.J:' ,~.':i :..= ~ ':' :=. C:~ ::·:::'!"~ ::.::.: 714·140·1100 •:.1:-1 t For""' ..._.:Z Ottentll Dragon tabfe a *181 .. "7 LOT1MOM. lowdotn " CM **11t1dler&t*-••lltl ••••· 14•1. lrl•tot. Llwe a'°41ttl. • ... -• .!f ...... .IJ.ff ... ti......... ohelr•. 11180/010. REAAtGIAATC>f' .. MW, Uft ... un ... °"' ..... -~. ,...,. 141,IOO~Pft. "ti) -'-"' v., ..... "--=: .. ..... ... ......., OI 2415 l r vlne. OM . ffOllF•. Twoctoor w. lton•r lofA, MC. tft .... rm·!· ~oor .... !• .. ""Ll IAUllCW ~... ••·IN1, (l 14) ...... ...., ~l =~ ~.,M .... oMll ... ape..:--. '2Wa13 1156 -..olO vtaA, c.tullr'I Olteok• ell, Ndl9. 1111ft!.1i. ~--lt0rn' .,_ -..... !!If ft0.1111; Ml~· ftO ~ • .,f4111. ..... ..... a c:!;t•,*,ooto~ ~~--= ~.r::.. "· :!tr!:'J:-~et-uo:ool ::r.W.' ~1 °=' e-·c: :.'! ~.i.j';i..~o:r. ·~~=-nae: ·~:=·=~: =:.."!.::~::~· ...... ,... . : r .... """' ...... 'l!dlrt ... IOld ....... ,~:.·.:.":.: .......... r=m= .,.. . fff & Prr. ,.... eaa 11tt ...,. ,..,.., t!Otl oond 1""1 • • . 1411 ... dOIM& lieor ...... c•~.oo: _,.... ~~-~~~--., • .._..,,_ = 010 D " ... -' !~ lflOI. :aot. MW 14 .,.... .._ • .. 1111 ~~ oeo. i•'11i1 "-"""' ~-PL OM ,,,,., (IMW'1 eet ·el .. W ......_ _. ~--~~~I .,...,, I.tidy tcer"'*9-.... .... .... .... .. :.= ... -~-= iJ!! =·pt=.·.: ~ ............ -~.:.r==: .... ". ........~ .... ~·fl~"'}w-= " .:., .,,.I i.o.M ·~ .. , .............. 11T:'~ rtt'.:.=2..,. ' y .... Yell ....... .., ,., r.;"···· taLI. ............ a .... Q I '*• .. .-? t•••, Ill, ICnl• ....... 00. "'-'I ,... 0 5 ° M. -tlllsd......... .,...,. ...... . - ' .. I . ! .. 31' Uflfl.IGHT Sport Sedan· Fresh 310 h.p. eJ18inee, new canvu, aleeps 6. LOADED. $29,500. '644-5983 33' 8PORTFllHER CRYSTALINER BOATS "Quality First" 11'.....,....... II' l•Htflllltr ' 11' ""' . 41' ..... PenoNlllzed to meet your requir.menta. AU models avaltatM with gu or dleMI englne11. Order Now. 54&-1315. 1utfta11ltla,U. DEALER REPO 1981 dle9e~, ~. ~ BELOW MARKET $47,000!0ffenl IALMAR 201 Ent Cont Hwy, Newport Bath 675--3212 (714) 642-1400 ••;::,_!'!. llR ~= II 1.~.~ .. l!ff !.¥.! ............ IJ.tf •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• 1111 Timi '79 Spor11m1n, Dod,. '80 Yamaha XG650, ..,._ Attention collectoral t9S9 4U ..... VM, $1500 ObO clel, ctlerry1 Blk. mega. to Edael Ranger In good lllll one "-• "*' and call 979-2523 mt. $1800/ofr 831-7517 running condition! ONLY an AMIFM. (13485). '89 Dodge camper, A·I -15501 Call 142-2073 « llLY ll•I cond. ve. auto, nu .. ..._ •--~ •-•i/ 545-41974. If no.,,.._, -. btek•. S1175. 414-44M ·--, ... ;, .,...... keep trying. ... .~Uf!!!!r. .•.• J.!f -. .. .,,11 YUaw.. ~!'!!...'!.¥.'!1. ••• 11!! Rent: 28' motor home. Shay r.p41c:aa; plckupe & 18711 ~ 8t¥d. WE PIJ llpa 8, fully loaded. coupH. 4 to c hooae Hunttngton Beactl 14Me18 froml (008788) (Stk. Ml·a.I TIP MWI F«rent:20'rnotorhome. A3093).Prlce91twtlngat '78 4114 ~ton PU w/ Very clHn. Comp. •t ...... Qmper IMll, a1r & pwr. • .. llD 1111 equipped. 873-5133 Tracie f« ¥9n of equal AUi 1°11" For rent: Clue A rnotOf' value. 8e2·2173 9VM. P111111/- home, ale, micro, comp!. 71 GMC Jimmy, nHd• 2480 Herbor lltvd. refurbllhed, 32'' llpe e. I 0 m • b 0 d y w 0 r k . COST A MESA $460/Wk. 983-0694 $1550/ofr. 8e2-2718 .... .. 'trlll#I "•"' 1111 '19 CJ7. Qudatr9cll, lo ...... , .. ., •••••••:f•••••••••••••• ml, xtnt cond. ll500/blt , ____ ...__ __ _ ~ light ~ tent '53 Studebakw Champion of r,. Ca II aft 5: 3 0 , WI llf ~ •::"' f.: Wit~ 5 PHI cpe. Nice car. 552-&511 OLlli 1111 An 1. 912...()IJ18w.g · $3750. 21s1s92.1192 rnm 1111 • Tlllll 195~ T Bl d . •••••••••••••••••••••• '79 28' Wlldemela. Like " • r orlg, IM to Mutt Mii ·n Ford Step. new, A/C & awning. appreciate. 114,950 llde'AT.Snr1,wldetlrel. S 8 3 0 0 I O b o . OBO. MO·ltOO wkdyl, a u t o • IC I n t CO n d . 714/385-4419 857•5237 S 3 0 0 0 I b 1 t . P . P . 5th wtlMI treltw, 1974 30• .... ..... ..... 846-7230, 764-8882 Overtand, fully Mlf con-1948 Ford Woody Wa· 1981 TOYOTA SR5 1t1ort talned. ~ Ila bed, gon, ~13,000. bed, new clutch, tlrn, •le, am/fm a track, 4 x tnt oond. •ssoo. 1 P••k er 1 , • 1500. 1929 F«d Model A Town 545-8395 Sedan, $10,000 1NO Caci 4-«, all 9leGt. F~ tft.9wr. t 1480 080 td-0011 '72 OATIUl'f 8110 ........ ., ~to~ ••• ~ .......... . Haul 1##11 • ~ ·11 ..,. l)CI, I'll .... 141M711 bniMI. ....... ~ --------1 FIVM Oood. ndl minor work t1ttllorr t45·4fH Flemovable roof. CONMHL O UVROLfT ~..... . r ' \I ~ S 4~ I 100 '71 FIAT 124 SPUR 5 apd., ltereo a tradl, ouatom wflla, =.Vllll"fpt9lty r.cr. 1-owner. ( ). $5495 '79 FIAT 124 SPllR ' 5 apd., ...,.,, ...... "'9t, blue. Mint car. MUil ... ,.~ ,.,..,~ ~ $6495 '77 RAT Xl/I COii£ .......... fNlll, ob-co brown mint. (tHIM"l. $3795 f WH~ENfl '.··H·r.1 1H S WEEKEND SPECIAL S DICK MILLfR MOTOll<. ,\ " " ' .. ,................. tltl.tld .......... . -..... ._.. •mn1111111 ..... •• -,. -:.11ra.w,v "' ~ ... I 'miM m 1 "'r••utfl Crleliat. ::.... ,.. ·~::-..-u ' !'~~= ......... "'~,,, . .,, te=. tw '= UMMl Mil .,. ..._ Tc:i. •AOO 'tl .... lll1U11• 11....,1c1r,tawt ==:~f -v ....... '"· ,,., 91110. Alt, ON ... oont. ,,.,,,. • AJA/PM ....... ..... Xlnl ....... 119-411t0 Mu1leal horn. I ttOO • .......... • 1-;;-.;~~;;;~1.r090".'."'ii .... ii'•·iii~-·1"4"~~~-·~ ~.:: ... •n 1'12 .,._, ~. .,.... •tJN. Ml·~· Al L.OW Al Tt •1111 frtll 8ro111n. wfllta 1eat11er •u OOIWMt ltlOO '78 o.wttry ..,.,_ It.. ~72 All option• l oolora inwtor, OOOd oondltkln, Ml-1t00 uon w.,on. 4to •no. avalla\>le. l'tUtry, Wlllle N1N, 1to-OHI. '12 lllo a* ~.. """ tleliltlNllY ••• oP-"" H. 0 .A.C . .-.tton ...... . H cad,, MW bttca, ~. I ovt, 0111 ile nu pMit'. tioM 11IOO. '11-4111 'II Pllhll t1• 10., .. vwt to..,r oamoopa1~1oond. an:: vw "°"90 .. t AUOI • Wt'rt..... ti'"· weterpu!ftP, ,,.,. 111001oeo. ia1-1111 11tl Lft •.... 1111 r-month & tu on M . l1IOO, ,,;;_, ee1r ~CCIM~ --=/:.T ta~~·t Hll, HIO. 11 Chevy 2•dt, cl .. n A001ftY °"' A/O~ ''-::1:.~n::~~TPii;~;~ IM-40H tt3.oeoo 2524 Harbot lfVd, O.M. 1HO Cad '4-dr, Ill .iact. ~::lit ~~~i:C,~~':'. ~or.a~. HI m· =al of pmti. IUH a . 11:.ww '78 Sclrooeo, X.lnl Nnnlng &48-I023 Mi-7710 ifaa t~, 114'0 090 Of Mrtp, 131• "'iZM2fl eft I, wllnd9 ooi'.nl*'able mattc•I y .. c.r, radMl!e, am/tm GUI, ._,.., Mii M1-01 1 ·1s o.,,nc. otNtlc CIOf\· '81 l.ICIOf'I a11tton weoon. kit on: ~ lnolude an AM well maintained. ':'~•••••••••••1•~•• '11 ELOOAAOO vertlble. XLHT Cond. A/C, P/$ Like new. 'II .la. fM I euntOOf. (18019). 13800/offer. 49Meff Ill II Loaded, lo .=:J14,600. 124H. l\tel, 4M-65et MeOO. 112-2357 'II ..... 'Ii'•' ·~!n~~ o~ri~~·r Pd•:,':,~! fOf the largeet and belt 141 1 ... m1Y ~!r° ,,,, 'II W --. ... 14400/blt 875-8177, Hlecllon °' new and 1111 IAMIAI •Hill ~1r&oecAr:·,:~·~·-~ 'II ... Piii •-•"' 873-5171 uHd Buletod~~ln Orange • lnlUI 29.600 mllea, oood moonrool, IUOO. 'II ..... Huntlng1on 8-d'I '74 Thing, good tire•. AblOMelY IHc•MW· .... n .. __ • • man. fWIL 831·1153. LIIV• m••· You Mlec1 IM payment 187118MCl\111Vd. ~ ....... ~ 4~ \ .. Ml·lm brekll, muffler. Xlnt power wfth all optlon1. 13995 0 O. 142·'891 eege on phone. you can afford. --------1 cond. '3000. 761-7821 I.lo IOO_eeee, ,,... ~ '71 Colony Pant. eupetb TAAOE•INS WELCOME ·~ Bug, 1:1:r:; '7l vw. Aeblt eng. with '77 Monte Carlo, bNutlful cond .. w/trlr hitch & ~• magnon ofter.~ ... ...._._5 112u~ _:x~1111 oond ...... cond. SM t~ta. tran1. COOier. IMO or be1 __....... I ~ _ .,.., : 111 i. ~ c...., ' '3000. 875-ofr. N2.fe14 '88 ~-91:s-1as5 2925 Hlrbor Btvd. n-,_ 1111 •~ "'' ./,..~• Aurll t:.·· 11600. Alldlo. 1970 VW Bui, Ian I white, COSTA MESA VW POASCHI AUOI •:-:1.w:•••••••••••••• •• -. ..... •••••••••••••• .. U 562•1 1· aunrf, compl reblt ·75 111-2110 ~ea-:..:~ ·~d=.vcr,c~c,~'~fi:: '11 FIU •mAH ••·ee vw •UO•• dual Pon. c1een. 12100. 173--0900 E'<'I 87Mlfl07. Fll.1UOI 11"'i':C:: :.:'Dr Su(wf.:....~. ~..:...A~~~· 875-1528 Buick '79 Regal, like MW. .,,.., Al•••• "~" • ..,.,.. u .... 14•7 S1""'1 .. ,....., • ..., Al I Ult 1913 Cedltlac Sedan De-72 Newport Cu1tom, all -•-_. '"-..vv .,....., u 1110 vw Rabbit Conv. '11 ~ t~.P:;:~·s~"o, 01: Vllle, •Int cond. Full po-pwr, ale, •mllm, good AM/FM etereo, • epeed, '78 Grand Prix, loaded, lo 24000 ml A.tr s1 5 Low mll11, xlnt cond. 1.,.. PIP 7~1257 wer. $1975. 842-8752, cond. 1750. 494-5080 overdrive tran1m1111on, ml, 1p'd , t1e;_,,11i1 =·d . te795. MMt5l. ·n SKYLARK 12850 648-6748....... •14 .. dr Chtyller ~-PGWW 1t..,ln0° (103450) Aft 8:30, 559-5584 I 1 9 5 O . A • k I E d 79 Rabbit, 4 dr, d!IMI, air, 4 dr, xlnt cond, ale, am/ •79 FlMlwood Brougham. 49,000 ml., ..ono owner. Flnanelna Available. '85 Lemana Pontiac. 2 dr. 548-'7245 xlnt cond. 13200, Mon· fm 1t•eo. 644-2152 lmmac:ullte, low mlleege, Brown metalllc, vinyl roof a magnon Exe.ti.tit running. $495. '11 vw Ragtop aunroof. Fri. 730-5757 1987 Buick GS400, xlnl 17495, 875-5977 1950. 545-1718 • 980-6375 Rbf1 eng. S1550 or bat condition. Full power. C,.,,. Hll CMtlal•lll H# i~1-11611_F_lr-eb-lr-d-. •_ll_or_lg-.-53-. ofr. 873-0881, 739-8278 $1750. &42-8752 ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• pont1'ac/"•-""'U 000 orig. ml. Xlnt cond. '14 BOO. xlnt cond. nw/ 171 lecll ltl,. '71 ~1ma~o, 1~·~:1:i ·~i:;~~u!~::'.C 23• ~ 13200 ITrm. 492-820.. tlrel,_.• ~-~2caa-o··.!"u11 Ar~.0~r~1~.; .. ~~~W5 ~;__c:'w1oi se.ooo 545-1718 Hatbof Blvd 11 Fair Or. fi•u11tl1' 1110 9&VVY .,.. ~ -.. ~ In Coeta M-• • • • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • I 873·7372 '75 CAMARO bHutllul c.rntlt HJj 7 '77 T-81rd Town L1n<mi ·::'~1:,c' conc1., l 1 VW Wiii W 1980 Skylark, x1nt cond. bluetblk Int. 3so. 1111 po-·;;·.~c~~:;1~ .. s:~,;:;.~ 54i-43C>O 54e..145 Loaded, gd cond. 12480 548-8159 VU 27,000 ml, 18,000. or war. 12450. &44-4028 movie Cir. $9,995 nrm. '11 •11t T·Tff or bit ofr. 979 .... 188 •70 vw Poptop camper, >CLNT condition. 1 owner. $500 I ueume IN. at Qwnht HJI 759'-143a or 547-1939 ~good condition. 12800 y,.1 H11 ctMn 4 1 pd. New T 1r•1. 1230.43 per mo. Mon-•••••••••••••••••••••• 79 llYr al bu ayet 499-4287 ••'••••••••••••••••••• cu.t1lnk°"', F•~1'c111. ·1::~: (50SDTJ) Fri, 730-5757 IU II FllSTI ·, ... · top' ',·.,,.:gilt. --~ '82 CONVERTIBLE ·79 Ve~• low, ml, rune ,.. 13211 Ht• II • .,...., • .,...,.. i~Mt 1 250 78 ~ 549-3192 CMJllM ~ We have a DOtMS Mlle-rnage, to ml, mint c:ond. Cabrlo wtth everything. • · .. ._ •••••••••••••••••••••• lion of NEW I USED 112,500. 848-5479 CalJ cottect after 5PM. 200. daye 957·188e '83 vw 800 reblt eng .• Jdnt cond.,. MUST SELU I 1850 OBO. 581-2932 eve 'lt..VUTllU 8upw Beetle, bllCk W. gold ttlm, xlnt c:ond. Al- king '9500. 142-1820 73 8liper BMlle. 13.000. Of belt offer. Xlnt cond. &45-3173 DICK MILLER M O TO RS 1\ "' • · •. ' ~ . WEEKEND ONLY MllWUlm Chevl'o1et.at Cn HU :m.1iu583. 1111 LM1 ... 1¥................ '65 Mustang 2 dr hardtop H111e tou read today'• We apeclal~• In i..... 87 Cou1;11r $850. Auto-288. 3 •PHd manual. Cl•~• fled Ada? If not, tor the butiMll execu-mallc. power. 289 $2000.833-l8e1 you re mllllng the belt tllle & prolealonlll. w/30,000 mu ... FASTI bargain• In townl I wt ltltltlN Cll.1540-3177 '74 Muttang. 55,000 ml, -• orig owner. 11400/ftrm. A•t" UiH It ... 1111 Hll lmm1c. Mon thru Fri, ••••• •• ••••. ••••• •• ••• ...... '74 v good rebft ... ................. 8-5, "3-1000 8rUCI ... la ltetl1 need-:' minor woB. :!'. XL~tMR~~~T~ND. 1984~ Convert., comp. NABE~ ~Ing 11 5 11 2 . '550/bat ·ofr 8 CYL reblt. ,_ paint & tlrM. .55-30 ~ 1 or1g rtma, Ill• Y9110w w/ CAD.LL 4 · C I I blk Int & lop, amog cert. NABERS CADILLAC • Whit• 1978 vw ConY9rt. 'II YW Ill ~ '73 Monte er o, x nt 78 4 Dr. Dodge Colt. 111,500 or bell ofr. PP. 2600 Hlrbot Bl11d. c:ond, cleatl body lnalde A I I I d V 8 4 8 8 2 2 2 d Cosu Meg 5'40-9100 I out, recentll rebullt u 0 • x n con · ery 8 3 2 • •• 0 5 8 1 Y0' r; CLEARANCE SALE! .. • Ctlampegne Edit. CIMn. many utru. $8000. Ex· eel c:ond. 838-82« 'H BUG. Rblt 1ng. outtom lntr. Rune grMI. $2300/flrn't. ee 1-3042 72 VW Bug, nu paint. rblt eng, clean, mu11 ••II 129SO. 7~572 70 VW Sqrbk, auto, good tran1, 11klng 12000. 780·3834 9·9:30 AM/ Ewe. Automatic, Mags Vwy Shirl> («85) 11111. DICK MILLER MOTORS l.' I fl ft.Jrl\I'' 4,e 'i.111!.1 ~f' I '1'1. !l L' Sell with EASEi 11"1 a BREEZE Cllllllled Ade 842-5878 d1~d1ble transport• .. engine. 11000. 5~1451 tlon. I 1300/bat orr. 213/592·3 7 47 e1111/ Thinking of buying or lea· '75 Malibu Ctllllc, good 898-7405 wknd1. sing • brand new Cadll-cond/1 ownr, Moving 1' IHI :-2 -::10-r-1:--=s~.1~e:-:-::::.8-:-5-::6-:-::::.8-=81 lac? Call Jack Kimmel· 111911475 nrm 955-3052 .!•••••••••••••••••••• Muatange, priced right man at '71 FORD M1verlck. OOQd for h0bbyt1t or collectOf'. IOI Ll•PIE For CIUllfled Ad cond. 3 new llrM, econ. $2500 both. 551·3299 LUSlll ~:°.N $850. 494-3211 13800 Belk:fl Blvd. Dally Piiot '78 Ford LTD, 4 dr, air, WESTMINSTER AD·.VISOR cream colored, all alee •• ('114) tit-IMO 142-5878 ~~~~. "::1.'fl:':. ('114) ltl-Mt1 4 ........ 857 ·97 Mu1tang. Cpe. Rblt runnl, 289. partly ltrlp-ped. 395, 842-0291 Laura '85 MUST ANG Futblctl t--------~.8.'!!i.!'!! •••••• !!.'!f ~ ... !-,i.!'!! •••••• !!.!f ~ ... ~'.'i.~'!! •••••• !!.ft ~ ... !~.~ •....• !!.!¥ ~.'.!~i.!~ ..•... l!M ~~~~~ow~'"~t"~·~l2~·~000~otler~. OWmtl& HSJ AN AMERICAN TRADITION SINCE 1908 .•.................... 111tll.lllllU .nm .... •'7F'P....., Loadedl~dle­ sel power! Handaome car1 (ee5Y JE). ., ....... ....... ""'' Dove/Quall Sta. NEWPORT BEACH UMUI '81 Old• Oen• 88 Broug· ham. dal, loaded. Ilk• new, la.495. &48-8440 1979 MllCIDIS llNZ 3000 "SUNIOOf" (735WOO) $}7,495 1980 CADILLAC ILDOIADO llAlllTZ (154~U) $13,995 1911 CADILLAC SIDAN DIVILLI D'ILIGANCI (10f"H731) $12,995 1979 CADILLAC COUPI DIVILLI (316YBM) sg995 · "Any Car Dealer can promise you low prices. JOHNSON & SON has been giving Southern Californians low prices and the finest quality personal service for many years . Come in and we will help you select your new or used automobile." '81 Old• Cutlau, Broug. ~1~:~·, 18200 1981 CADILLAC WA.NT A NEAR NEW CAR A. T THE NOT NEW PRICE? Look over our excellent Selection or Ford Exec, low mileage cars at hundreds, even thousand& or I under dealer Invoice. New car warranties available. 1981 FORD FAIRMONT WAGON Yellow & youthful, air, AM/FM, atereo, rack, automatic, 4500 mila. Reduced to '8788 1981 COUGAR XR7 COUPE Sleek., 1il11er metallic, air, AM /FM, epeed control, option power door loch . Only 12,000 milea. Uke New! New pri<:e $10,552, tpecial price 1 7758 1981 COLONY PARK WAGON Wrute & immaculate air, cruile, automatic overdrive, AM/FM 'rape, Power window•, · 19,000 Milea. Reduced to '9450 1981 CAPRI BLACK MAGIC Beautiful fliptop, air, AM/FM cauette. TRX tirea & wbeela, lo.de of acceuoriea. 9,000 miloa. New price, S8768. Special price, only '8718 'lt lfadll11 ......... ~~" Old• S11r1fre. Sporty "ASTROIOOF" hatchback. Air, Am/Fm (1CRR592) llerao CHlllll, IUIO. s14 995 ,,_ & power 11..nng. , 12.aoo oBo 951-n98 ,,_,. HST .......•••.........•.. '78 Ford Pinto/Wagon. Rune I look• good, re- con d. engine. 11400 OBO. 873-9299 or 848 4306 '79 Pinto Runabout, $2500, 37.000 mll11, autometlc. Uk• ,_, Call 540-31n r~ ........ ~ ,..,, Pl.-nl .... Thie economy car 11 ex· tra clMnl (079RXK). llLJ 12111 .... YILUWllU 18711 Bead'I Blvd. Huntington 8Mch Ml·llOO 1911 CADILLAC SIVILLI "PACIOaY ~TONI .. (689179) $16,995 1977 CADILLAC LDOIADO COUPI (487SPL) $6995 Off« Good Thru Monday, 8-9-32 ~~m~ 2800 HAR80R 8LV0 • COITA MHA 540-1860 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ ~ 8 cyl .. atenderd l!,i t r a ns .. powe r ~ 1teerlng. power ~b r akes . S er . @A 2722 1 , S tk . @ T1588. @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 198011ADA .X.7c. .... s7595 E.xceptlonal value In a Sport• Carl-Rotary engine. 813835). 1979 ClllYY c-••• ua s1995 T·top. VB. auto. traN., loaded with all the lea. (DUN538)." 1978 AMC ...... $3995 Auto. Irani.. cu1tom paint, air cond., 8 cyt., low mli... (281"0X). 1978 .. C9Y C. ... y..__. ..... s4995 '6995 .J!) @ @ @ 4 cyl., 4 apd. tran1., @ pin atrlpe1 , @ b o d y-glo. Ser. ta. 129599. Stk. 1177. ~ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ <I @ @ @ @ @ @ @ .@ @ 4 cyt • 4 1pd. trane., ~ --..__ b o d y I I d el!,i mol d lng1, pin@ 1trl p.e1 . S •r. 130400, Stk. 1178. @ s3995 With 8 cyt., 1\110. trans., air concl. Real Cleanl 1572HM . 1979•- L.l.D. w_. $6395 Auto. tran1., power 1eat1 & lock1, am/fm (3a5YPH). 1979~C 1.....a- s 7995 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ AMdY to Gol AM/FM cuaatte. Extra c ... n •low mllel .. (11001A). eekender 'd ll I{ ( .( )\ 11 'I .L 11. ( ,I · 11 lL I ( J ( lit\\.( .I . ( .l l. \~I Ill\ I .l{~IC l\.~ Darlene "Pepe" Anthony. in her "Snoopy" costume. goes through her routine with the chorus line. Snoopy • • Look. there on the ice. It's a World War l flying ace. It's the leader oC a troop of backpacking birds. It's Charlie Brov.'n's best friend, Snoopy. But r«-'ally, it's Darlene "Pepe" Anthony Before the ke Spt."'<'tacular show at Knott's Berry farm begins, children m the front row frc-quently peck under the red shirred curtain of the Good Time Theatre st.age and attempt to catch a glimpse of pre-show pn•parations If thc-y were to snN1k a look under the black ancl whitP furry costume used rn the show to portray America's favorite beagk, tht'y would discover tht' fi vf'-foot one-inch muscular brunette skater i>verybody callc; "Pepe" (her maiden name 1s R1pepe). Pepe's 25 pound Snoopy costume was approved by "P eanut-;" creator, Charles Shultz, who preferred the smaJJer stature. According to Pepe. it's "brutally hot and the head is very heavy." "But I like performing without my face showing. I d on't have to bother with all the usual makeup," she said. • "It's easier to get into the personality because when you are entertaining without a skin (show biz talk for a character costume) you have to w orry about constantly The beagle's a female called 'Pepe' By PAMELA M. STEINRIEDE Of the Daily P ilot Staff smiling." said Pepe. "My interprtation of Snoopy was that he's really cool and hip and solid," said M rs Anthony. Although she doesn't claim to be as suave as the famous canine. she believes everything she docs is solid and together. Whatever the quality. when Snoopy--t'r, Pepe comes on st:'ge. it results in the ultimate delight of children who atte nd the daily "Snoopy & All That Jazz" s hows at the park m tluena Park "You can't beat kids," said the self-taught skater who was born in Mich. and loves catering to smaU children "They are used to seeing S noopy in car toons and then to have him life-size in front of them. Well, they love it," sh e said with a giggle. "It's one of the best jobs I've ever had." Some of her credits are: 12 years on the Ice Capades tour with ice comic partner, Hans Mueller, several stunt acts including a surf scene from "Charlie's Angels" in which she doubled for actress Cheryl Ladd, and her performancet1 in the 1977 and 1978 Knott'• ice shows. Her theatrical family has influenced her growth as a comedienne, skater and acrobat. Her father. Frankie Rapp, has performed worldwide as a comedian and MC Doris McKay. hc:r mother, was a dancer. Pepe, born in Dearborn, Mich., began skating when she was 11 years old and JUSt watched everybody else. "[ guess I'm a so-called natura l," she said "l didn't compete formally. That's alJ so political, and you are wasting a lot of yea rs unless you are tops," she explained. Also. the North Hollywood resident's strength and control is chronicled by the fact that she is the only woman in the world capable of performing a cantilever. This is execu ted by bending the knees and leaning backwards until nearly flat on th e ground. It is often considered the most difficult movement on ice. In this year's show. Pepe's Snoopy is a ringmaster in a fast-paced circus number, a chorus line member in a Broadway spectacle and a World War I fiying ace still attempting to rid the world of the elusive Red Baron. The extravaganza, which is included See Snoopy, Page 12 The plot ix Tile. The acri11K 1s medwcre. And .\·omt' of the Jituations are too unreal even for a magic-fantasy film. 'The Sword and the Sorcerer' sur e-fire hit, but little else By STEVE TRIPOLI Of th<' Daih Pilot Starr V1ew1ng tht· movie, "The Swurd .mu the Son:erer.'' brought to nund ;111 old put-down llS<.'CI (rt.'qUently Ill my youth -"My grandmoth<'r muld do that." Your grandmoth1·1 t·ould have• writlt'n this script So l'ould you. your 6 year old n1e<'t' 11r m.1ybe your JX't c·anary But you probably would have Ix-en l.0<1 d"hamrd t.o show 11 to anyonE• Neophyte filmmaker Albt>rt Py un wasn't afraid to display what lw .md two co-writers wrought. howC'ver And like so many ondll·~ Ginrl '">tlh-~ o f blond 101 1h,11 O'Xlr,1 guara111t·1· of ... at1:,,f<.tt 11011 Tht• plot 1~ 11111· (4-vil king 1•nl1sL\ ;o1d of 1·v1l son·1·n·1 lo !Opp!.• good kingdom. blll orw or tht• good guv ... ge~ .iv. ay 111 da1m vt•nge:uwc• yl·,1r... l..11t·1) Thl· dt ting 1-; mt>d1oc. rt· And sw1w uf th(· s1tuatwns arc· loo unrf'cil l'Vt'll for 3 magw fantasy (dm I lollywood stones, the poor product was no bar to fina ncial success "The Sword and the Sorcert'r" already has gros.c;ed more than 10 limes its $3 million procluctmn l'OSt Like when hero l...Rt· Horsl<>y who plays Talon (th<' good guy who got away), rips both of his handi. from the· x ~haped c.·ross to wh1c·h he has been crucified with large sp1kC"i, then Jumps down Gind immt>dialf'ly engages m the film's dunactic sword (aght and free-for-all Weren't lh0&· hands even a little sore? Le~ Horsley 1s Talon in "The Sword and the Sorcerer." The formula was <;1mple Ont> part med1C'val tall• ( thry't\ popular tlwse days), Ont> part mag1t:, nm• <;wa<;hbuckhng ht•ro, ont· winsome• la<-.<> and one gimmick (a three bladed sword capable of launching its uutf'r two blad('S likf' mcdwval gu1dr'<I m1s.<;1les.) O r course the evil son:erer Xus1a (Richard Moll), who had b<-<>n double-<'rooscd by C'v1l King Cromwell (K1chard Lynch) altt•r h<' aided Cromwell'~ c•v1J plan. also geto.. his final unv<'1lrng in his own bui h• avt>ngP h1mSl'lr on Cromwell. Ht• <'Vt>n pops back to snarling, loath<'SOme life for ,. brief mstanl even a fter absorbing one of Talon'i. gu1dc-<l -m1s.silt> hladt'S at thl· climax. ;ust when Wt• thought ev!'rythin~ was gomg to tx· all right Very ungmal to like it the rught I viewed 11. There were some cheers for the good guys and an apparent appreciation for tht• gallons or blood and th<' occasional bared breasts. Vo1la a summt>1 movie hit AmJ JUSt to be sun· 11 didn't miss. P yun and Co adrl1-.I thf' pcrfunC'tory As theatril'al rom1-<l1l'S go "Th<> G a7A'bt>'' 1<. one· of those m1ddlf' of lht· road plays which will nt'llher double you up with laughlt'r nor 5C.'rv<· as a stand-in for Somtnt'X As prescntl'<l by tht Hunttngton F\t'ach PlayhouS<'. wh€.'rt' 11 will ronttnue through August. n's a lightweight hut t·nu•rt.aining tnfk with an attracl.lv<' cast and an t-vc•ning well spent ILc; f<Jl'Us 1s on murdt'r or what happc'ns wh{'n a wrrtrr nf dt•tet'llV(' ficU11n tnri; to t11mm1I a hom1nrlt• of his own That c-haral'l<'r. thl' t't•ntNpl("('f' of AlPX Coppel's comedy. 1s s plf.'nd1dly enaclt'<I by Jim Whaley, who conv(•ys all th<' requ1s1tt> nC'rvous anxiety demandl'CI of htm Whaley, a new fat'{' on thC' local scene. has a particular aplltudf' for humanmng his role an<l dil·tting audierl{'(' empathy • Li.c;a Stack plays his wife, a soap opera heroine, with just a dash of showbiz sass. sh<' could eamly be another suburban housewife Jim Flynn turns in a solid .performiul<.'e as Whaley's buddy, an assistant district attorney, who could tum into an adversary Kathle<>n &oiler as h1·ro tnt firebrand Alana tries hard le.. t•ombmC' the pouty, winsome>, tough but-sexy qualities hf'r role demands but doesn't SUC'C('('<! too lf that's your thing, go to It. My vote 1s to do beller things with your $4 50 than spend 1t on a wanned-over television plot spiced with perfunctory blood and nudity and little else W('ll 'l'hP only pos1t1vc• thing that can lx· sa1d about "The Sword and thP So~r<'r' 1s that the crowd st-emed 'The Gazebo' offers light entertainment By TOM TITUS Of tht' Oaily Pilot Su ff "Kls.<, of Death .. ) tht• one y11u'll rC'mC'mlx•r fnr good or 11J Dirf'<'tor J n lh-1cheldNfer has mounted a fme production with but one irritation the tendl'nt·y to play to the front of the three quart.er thea\.('r at lht' {'Xpen.c;e or thl' other two sides. This 1s puuhng, sin<'C Rt'1chelderfer is no stranger to horseshoe st.agmg "The Gaz.ebo" will be on the boards for four mort' WeE'kends, playmg f<'ridays and Saturdays al li.30 through Aug 28 at thC' playhouse. Mam Strt>et at Yorktown Avenue in the Seacl1ff Village shopptng cent.er. * BACKSTAGE -The Laguna Moulton Perfonnance Workshop will offer a full-scale production at the end of its six-week program at the Laguna MouJton Playhouse . . . an all-work.shop cast will be featured in ''The Robber Bndcgroom," to play Aug. 27-28 and Sept. 1-4 "THE GAZEBO" A comedy by Alec COl>i>el directed by J 0 Reochelderter P•Oduce<I IJy Vern Oart SIAQe Manager Xiomara Suro. lect>nical dtreclor Jolln Shaw pre~led Frtoays and Salu•day• Al 8 30 lhrough Aug 28 el the Hunllf19lon Betlcll Play11ouse. Main Street el Yorklowr> Alfenue ••unhngton Beach Re'4tnlahons 8H~•6S ftlloll Na~h Nell Nash Harlow Edison Malltda Mrs Chont1>~ Mr fhOtPfl The Oook Lou•e Jenkins Or Wyne< Oruker/Cep rH£ CAST Jim Wllaley LI~ S111c~ Jim Flynn Jenntler Smllll Sandre Hunte< Burl CArlson Jllci< W1llenbKhef Oen Ostro JOl>n Mertna Melinde Tyi.t SI~ Avery ongmal musical for children about the computer revolution the show will t.our schools and community cen ters from January through June. and booking information may be obtained from Kns Hagen at 957-2602 . Tickets are on saJe for two perfonnances by Up With People at Oran~ Coast College on Labor Day weekend . . . the shows are set for Sept. 5 and 6 at 8 p.m. m the <XX: auditorium. with reservations beml( taken at 556-5527 Alex Koba, managing director of Showcase Productions In Westminater, hu a role in the TV movie "Forbidden Love" wtth Andttw Stevens Character roles abound m "Thi? Gazebo," hkc the flighty realtor (Sandra Hunter), the folksy handyman (Burt Carlson), the aristocratic hood (Jack Willenbacher) and the tough-tallung rop (John Merina). All are handled in standard style -which renders Dan O.tro's egregiouaJy overplayed psychotic thug (probab!y modeled aft.er Richard Widmark's giggnmr .J'ommy UdQ in 'P ')1\1) , .. South Coast Repertory's 1983 educatJonal and Yvette Mlmieux ... the ahow ii 1eheduled ~·.• to,1u\rl11ll, P.roc1 .•.•. ,.\-lcti!>,", •• wVl.,P<>,. "Bits and Byte..',·,.,a,,n,,...... for a fall a'~ng . ,. ~ , ,:-, ' ,. '·'•"'!•'•·' '• .... '-.r•' ·.' 'r .•.•.• ',• '' .~ .... ,. , ,i.. ' At one T 111e the v ii of Christ holding the globe of r he world was thought to have b ee n b y a s 1ud e nt oj l~eonardo. M odern n1a sters art works now on disp l ay Uy JOD I CAD EN HEAD Of l h t> l>u1h Pilot ~t aff A 1i1llt'<'l111n of mo Kli·rn m.1slt·rworks on lo;.in lrom Lht• Must•um of Mtl(h•rn Art ts on exhibit at thl· San D1t·g11 Must.·um of Art 111 Balboa Park "M1xlt·rn M.t.\ll•r. :Wth Ct•nturv Paanungs f1om tht Coll<'1. lll>n 11f th1· Muwum of Mi.>dt·1·n Art' 111duu1•' 50 1Tia:-.t1·rworks by :.ut·h anfl'llentaal Jrtl!>.L'> ,1, M:m· C:h<1g,1ll, Pc1blo PK·asso. Georgia 0 K1•t'ft•, l h•nri Matis.st.-. Joan Miro. Paul KJe<> and t\nw1ko Mud1gliani Thi· l'Xh1b1t1on. spon:.orro by the Wells Fargo 13.mk Jnd Wells Fargo Foundation. will con unue until &•pl 19 Cubism. 1•xpressaonism and surrealJsm are the I hn-t• m<1J0r mov1·men ts spotli ghted an the colltxtton that lrll'Udt>S works from 1907 to 1959 Th£' MuSE'um of Mockrn Art is offer ing -;(·v1•n1l m llc"<:ttons for tour around the country while· 1•xpans1on plans at the New York museum ,on• under way Ourang thC' 1•xh1b1t the San Diego Museum will show a t•ontan uously playing 25-minute tape 1·;.illt"CI "M1·an1ng an M1xlern Pam tangs." Early morning tours by lcx:al arts scholars will .1lso Ix• available for $4 In addition. the mu:.c•urn will also continue its ••>.h1b1t of "Lt'<mardo's Rc•lurn to Vind" through Aug 15 lndudc-d an thl• LN>nardo da V1nc1 exhibit are four works of Rcndt~<.anl'.'t' garments. two mc1nusc:r1pts a nd one of the master's controversial 111! painttngs "Salvator Mundt." At one lime the oil of Chnst holdmg a globe of thC' world was though t t.o have been done by '>tUdC'nl of Leonardo ~nt scholars have 1ltsput<'d that theory Museum admission 1c; $2 50 for ad ults. $2 for sentors. $I for students under 19, 50 cents for children under 13 and children under 6 admllwd fr re The: museum 1s opcon Tuesday through Sunday from 10 a m to 5 pm For more informa tion call 232-7931 Works from th e Museu m o f Modern Art e xhibit. which 1s now showing at th e San Diego Museum of Art in Balboa Park. include such paintings as Jean Dubufeet's "The Cow with the Subtile Nose" (above), Georges Braque's "The Table," (right) and Paul Klee's "Cat and Bird" (below). The exhibition will be on display throug h Sept. l 9. f -,,; CD ::i a. ~ ,, 1 0 Q. ~ > c co c Ch - .... <D 00 "' California artist show opens at Laguna Something for everyone at Newport museum An exh1b1l o f dra w i ngs a nd illustrations by Southern California artists before 1950 opens today. at the Laguna Beach Museum of Art. T he exh1b1t, which is funded by a grant from the Laguna Beach Festival of Arts. will run through Sept. 16. Curated by art h isto rian Nanc y Moure. of the Los Angeles County Art Museum. the exhibit ui a survey of more than 100 works in pencil, ronte crayon. charcoal. pastel. pen and ink, and watercolor. Drawing enjoyed a ~naJSSa~ In Southern California during the 1940s under the influence or Rico LeBrun. An increased emphasis on teaching drawing at local art 9Chools persuaded a numbe r or Southern California artists to conside r drawing as their major medium. Accompanying the ·show 1s a 64-page catalogue containing four essays and 100 blac k and white ill us tr a tions. The exhibit will be on view daily except Mondays from 11:30 a .m. to 4:30 p.m. and on Fridays until 9 p.m . The muaeum is located at 307 Cliff Drive in Laiuna Beach. An historical overview of animation and a showing of Alan Saret's sculptures, together with David Amlco'a painting exhibition, are on display at the Newport Harbor Art Muaewn through Sept. 5. Over 100 "masterp iece• of animation histor y" collected by Jerome K . Muller feature art u8ed ln animated fUma from 1914 to the preaent. The drawlngl, cel-painttnca and other catepia of animated art reveal animation'• importance u an art fonn. AJ,o, aculptor Alan Saret's works, made of materlala ranging from copper to ribbon, rubber and chlcken wire, are dl.ipla~. In the "From Matter to Aether" exhibit, the F.aat coast ~rtiat studies the balance between the organic and structural, u well aa the WU80f")' and non-WU90I')'. Another summer event at the mu.um la a Claalk Cartoon Festival of animated ft1ma to be ahown July 23 and 30 at 7 and 9 p.m. Cb.Udren under 12 are admitted for $1, muaeum memben, atudenta and llelUor dtirens an charaed $1.50, and the 009\ for non-members la $2. The mu.eum la located en the edce of FuhJon Ia1and ln Newport C.etater. I Houn are Tue.lay ~ 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Friday un tl.1 9 i>·"" LAS BRISAS, 361 Cliff Drive. Laguna Beach. 497-5434. Lunch -served from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m . Monday through Saturday. Dinner served from 5 to 10 p.m . Sunday through Thursday, 5 to 11 p.m . Friday and Saturday. Sunday brunch from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Lunch from $5.50 to $11.95. Dinner from $7.50 to $15.95. Sunday brunch Las Brisas offers t he best in Mexican food and service the best in Mexican cookery coupled with excellent service commands a prke. On weekends you should expect a wait of up to two hours, though diners who arrive before 7 p.m. usually can be seated in 15 to 30 minutes. Even those with reservations were waiting up to 45 beyond their scheduled time. By JOEL C. DON or the Daily Pilot Staff - _ $11.50. Reservations recommended. Valet parking. The folks who own Las Brisas had a tough act to follow when they decided to open a Mexican restaurant where once was located one of Laguna's oldest and much-revered establishments. The venerable Victor Hugo Inn, after ail, had been the haven of many a local and out-of-town celebrity during its reign of more than 40 years. C-elluloid heroes DAY!O ~ f'IU.S<HTS flocked to this bh,1fftop site, with its commanding view of the surf and lavish flower gardens. French cuisine is out. The continental finer y that once graced this Orange Coast landmark has stepped aside for a decor that offers diners the flavor of the Mexican Riviera. To be sure, Las Brisas, named for an exclusive Acapulco resort, hasn't sacrificed any of the elegance or charm of the old Victor Hugo. The KRISTY McNICHOL CHRJSTOPHER AOONS .. 'THE. PIRATt MOVIE" " • ., ... , TID HAMILTON.,,..,.,.,.."""" Bill KERR ·GARRY McDONALD· MAGGIE KJRKPATRJCK \ Ofti<r()t Of "10~ .\Sj()(t.'n ""°°"'-Ul dUCU1M NOOUCU. :¥t/I ROBIN COPPING, AC.S. ·DAVID ANDERSON· ltD HAMILTON )~ r"IOOUClO IY w: ~· av OMtC'TtO ·~ DAVID JOSEPH · TR£VOR FARRANT · KIN ANNAKJN '-, ltRRY BRJITE.N, KIT HAIN. 'SUEsHIFRiN and BRIAN ROBERTSON Yrar:u.{ Ill .... M·~1WYa.aU100UI ......,.,...,~_:i•.:.1 • J=-•'M':':'°,.,::-=.--------~ ...., ... -.c.., ........ . • uOfVClcu IPGfWT• ltlMm iOCliill o---N CXJlaa.STWm>f• '" """' i;.;------'!rio.~ ,. •~-•"ttc•to , ..... , .. , CITY CEnTER f'.J "'THE Ct TV CO•TAE 0"AHGI • Ut t1t1 --------------------"'--------~-- abundance of greenery is set off by white linen, fresh flowers and attractive place settings. The charm of this restaurant is made complete with mirrors, which add just the right touch of warmth and spaciousness. Service also must be noted, for we found it gracious, prompt and helpful. The efforts of our knowledgeable and courteous wait.er, Ernie, more than made up for the 90-minute wait for our table. Indeed. Las Brisas suffers from a terminal problem fac.-ed by most restaurants of its caliber: popularity. Once seated, however, you'll enjoy an unhurried meal and some of the finest seafood prepared in a savory style that quickly transports your palate south of the border. Though the cuisine is Mexican, you could hardly describe Las Brisas as a fan.cy taco-and-enchilada house. It's owned by the El Torito chain, See Las Brisas, Page 5 "~N OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN' IS A MIRACLE THAT WILL LEAVE YOU FEELING 10 FEET TALL." -Rex Reed NOW PLAYING MllllOM YIEJ O ORAIGE OllAIGE WUTMlllTlR &twards Viejo Twin Cinedome Pacific's Orange Drive-In Edwards Cinema West 830·6990 634·2553 558·7022 891 ·3935 ll'WPollT IUCH Edwards Newport Cinema, 044·.076Q , , ·"' • ;1 • ; ., ,. • ~ t.1, , •,. , . 1., • • , • * , ... • _., • • • --------------------------------- ~----------""'""~, ___ r_o_b_1_._,_o __ T_o_b_,_• ___ ~~--------~ Las Brisas qffers the best From Page 4 which already is well-established in the art of Mexican foods. (Cano's in Newport Beach also is a member of the El Torito fold.) Las Brisas has made some changes since it opened about two years ago and it has emerged with its own distinctive atmosphere and fine list of menu offerings that have attracted a loyal following. Dinner prices are remarkably t-ompetitive, with combination plates at $8 and seafood specialties running from $10 to $13. At the higher end of the pricing spectrum are Mexican-style veal, filet mignon and New York steak entrees. After savoring an enormous appetite from our wait, we decided to start the meal with a couple of selections from the seafood appetizers. My guest selected the shrimp cocictau l$ti.'f:>). a rather traditional offering served with large, tender shrimp in a tangy sauce. I opted for steamed clams served in a cilantro-flavored sauce, but there had been a run on clams earlier in the evening. Our waiter, sensing my culinary preferences with an uncanny C;;P-like ability, recommended the squid cocktail ($3.95). Delicious chunks of ailamar were flavored in a cilantro sauce with avocado, tomatoes, onions, spices and lime. The tortilla soup ($2.25) was.a splendid prelude to our main entrees. It is a fish broth with onions, tomatoes and peppers bathing crisp tortilla slices and shredded cheese. My friend chose the Costa del Sur combination ($7.95), a handsome plate with a seafood t.ostada and chile reUeno filled with a choice of seafood or cheese and accompanied by _a special rice and refried beans. The eloquent t.ostada shell included bay shrimp, crabmeat and red snapper. The chile relleno, with cheese. was a delicious C\Od succulent addition. Searching the menu for one of the seafood specialties, our waiter once again tapped my mind to suggest Camarones Tampiquenos ($12.95), jumbo shrimp sauteed in a garlic-butter sauce with hot pepper sauce, cayenne pepper and paprika. It turned out to be a fine recommendation. Diners fearful of spicy foods shouldn't be alanned by the spice list in this entree. The sauce would hardly do any damage to the tender taste bud. The shrimp entree is served with freshly steamed carrot and zucchini slices and Las Brisas' special rice with bay shrimp, peppers, peas and a hint of saffron. There was little room for dessert, though we were tempted by a house specialty, fresh strawbenies and ice cream injected with Grand Mamier ($4.95). That'll be a must for our next visit, which will be soon as Las Brisas joins the list of experiences to be repeated. - Triumph "ZIPPED" (I) "DIVA" (A) "Th• Youq IMten I• Lew' ff A ••vie el soarl•• l'leasares t6at yoa 6ope wHI never end. To be seen •6•la and •6•ln ••• and treasured." Geme S••Ut. NJIC.'1'¥. THlly § ... ., A STEVEN SPm.llOG l'U.M E:C THE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL A STEVEN SPIEUIUG FILM E.T. 11tE l!XTIIA·TDllEmW. DEE WAUAC£ P£na OOYOTE H!NaY lltOM.U AS EUJ01T M~ IJY JOHN 1VWJAMS waJTnN llY MEUSSA MA11USON l'tlOllUCED llY STEVEN 5"El.80G II ICAno..IEN DNN£DY DfllEcnr> f/Y STIV!N 51'1El.9DG A UNIVUSAL PICT\JIE ... '""" ",,, 1\1-4. I'\ f I•\ ' .... I 'l,.f \ ~ 5 .... co OCI l'I) ------------------(Coming Attraction•)~================ Bill Monroe at Crazy Horse !D CODDY BIUBB O• !Bl Dill "A llUS! 101 •011'!1' PftJIO• lADf" _ .. 11, ••• ,, ••• Bill Monroe still bluegrass pioneer Traditional bluegrass musicians, who abhor electric instruments, are tel.ling a joke these days: How many bluegrass players does it take to screw in a light bluJb? Six -one to put it in and five to complain becauae it's electric. Bluegrass traditionalists may tum their backs on electronic gear, but they are sometimes willing to try the unusual for the perfect sound. Just ask the father of bluegrass music, Bill Monroe -the Kentuckv-bom mandolin player who de finitely k~ps the modem electric instruments out of his repertoire. He went underground -to a cave, that is - to record an album. Monroe and his band, The Bluegrass Boys, ventured more than 100 feet into Cathedral Caverns near Woodville, Ala., to give a July 4th concert and record an album -whJch might be the first ever done in a cave. \w 1. U ,._, \t_,. t i .... IMPORTANT llOTIC(' CNllORH UNOlfl 12 f"U! ....................... , •• w., ............ Clllf..A ICIMI • fQla AM CM MOIO II -llUilll .w toO UI CM MOIO wmo llNIDI ac;a._., IOSllOI --AM 1'11111*1 t•AU Cllt-4! -D Oii Ml MOIO ANA.Mf1t.A ANAHEIM ORIV(·IN J ... ....," o• l-St 179-9150 THS•aTUTTUE WHOfa[HOUN .. TUAI flt -UMAN COW.OY IN! Cllt( Fl-------- ~1111 ft.U9 ~ UDUCTIOtt Ill! CM fl- &uf N,t. PAP• BUE NA PARK 01/IVI IN Ul'C-A•• W ... ot IN>H 121-4070 811i ,..,. ...... A"li LINCOLN DRIV( IN THS PMA ft lllOVIE 11'1 -z°'"'o·,.... GAY a.ADe ,,., c ... ,,~u LT~ Tite qTRA~'n::1'­ CMIAO _,. DON'T W11M ~ CNI NOW PLAYING -----llncoon ...... ., ot ·-" _COSTA MESA Edwards Cinema Center 979 -4141 I l2Hlo7o THS WORLD ACCOllDING TO OAAP 1•1 "LU. Aln'HUfl !NI ~~~~~~~~~~~~~t1 1 11.111:•.i"I THI KIT LITTLE ~HOUIE IN TEXAI "'' -t#leAN COW90Y !Nr *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday All Perlorm1ncH before 5:00 PM (Elctpt Spedll Engagements and Holid1ya1 l A U lli1A(1A MAU LA MIRADA WAU<-IN '4TitE WOM.O ACCOROINQ TO QARP" C•l __ ,...._ "AN~l!RANO A GENTLEMAN'' 1111 ----- M11000 or too•c•on> 994·2400 -NtQHT SHIF'r' llll -· .... --- wcHEECH a CHONG fll) THIHGa "THE PIRATE MOYIE" CN> ARE TOUGH ALL OYER" 1:00, a:ao. WO. "1!0, 1°'20 ------LAKEWOOD CENTER WAll< IN "THE lll!IT UTTU 41'11 WHOMHOUU IN TECAI" ----- 1tOCKY M".,., • n • 00&.8Y .,_o ___ ,__,_ l Al<fWOOO <:fNTE~ SOUTH ,... • "' ,ocurrv or Conarewood 212/131·9510 Son 0••90 '""' 01 Ito"'"""' (So) 962·2411 ''"'"- 'l\lf ~T M,h~'f~ Hl·WAY 39 DRIVI IN hoc ft ti.a SO OI G.Ho .. G<-,,. • ...,. 891·3693 NIOHTu.TllO """ ANY WMCM WAY YOU CAN !NI c••·- l j. ~•ft .... LA HABRA 011,vt •N I YOUNG ooc~1 .. Low (111 -~ ... , ~-fl sou..o;;:._ __ CHIRCH a CHONG n.GI AM TOUGH AU. OVEI t•I """ ·~Ill} Cllt(fl- n. •IT UTTU WHOM!HOUM .. n.XA8 flll --·-• ~ ... • -.... UMAN COW90Y CPOI 17H16J - I 1QAN<.1 ORANGE D~IVC IN .. .. .. ... .. ~ ..... MISSION OQIV( IN . ' ' W A ~N lP ''~""' •N S:of\tO Ano •!"W'¥ • Stat• COM•o• 634-9361 "THI NtA~lllOYIF' !NI "'ZOMO, ,_ OAY M.ACMI" CN> AT CRAZV HORSE Bill Monroe ond the 81..,.gross Boys Monday, Avg. 16 Shows at 7 ond 10 p .m. rtdcen now on sole The bluegrass pioneer, who turns 71 in September, had performed previously in the cave and was impressed with the sound. So he and· MCA Records decided to record there. Monroe will bring his special brand of music to the Crazy Horse Steak House on Aug. 16. He will give two performances at 7 and 10 p.m. The Crazy Horse is located at 1580 Brook.hollow in Santa Ana. Tickets are now on sale. Monroe created bluegrass in the 1930s. It was the traditional string music of fiddles, banjos and guitars often accompanied by tight vocal hannony. His bluegrass festivals in Beanblossom, Ind., are legendary. He has added similar festivals in Shelby, N.C., Waynesboro, Tenn., and Beaver Dam, Ky. A descendant of the nation's fifth president, James Monroe, the bluegrass music king lives in a 140-year-old house and raises cattle, quarter See Bill M onroe, Page 12 SCOIT dWIIJJE BAIO an AAMES ·~ -11:111,,11~1.1. ~ ·-. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CurrentlyScre~nln~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~! M • h • with a family of five children and no wife. It's rated ~ A MIDSUMME R NIGHT'S SEX COMEDY: Rated PG, stars Woody Allen, Mary Steenburgen, Tony Roberts, Mia Farrow, Jose Ferrer and Julie Hagerty. Not many laughs or new ideas in this tale of changing romances at the turn of the century. AN OFFICER AND A GENTLEMAN: Rated R, stars Richard Gere, DaVJd Keith, Debra Winger and Louis Gossett Jr. There are very few surprises but some beautifully drawn performances in this tale of boot camp and romance. It's rated R because of language, sex and adult si tuations. ANNIE : Rated PG, stars Albert Finney, Carol NOW PLAY1NO COSTA MU.A ll TOlllO •OIWIGI •WllTllUllTEll Eowa•Os 1 own Cefllt1 (Owilfds ~-AMC OlillOll ~ff EdWilfds Cinema WHI 151 4184 581 5880 637 0340 891 3935 ~~:!~4~ Edwate1SClnefna Cenl1t ~I UA 01y C.- ·cu-.... 1 '"°'--'°"~-1 Drive-ins Open 7:30 Nightly Chold••n UncH• U FAEt Uolft• Not-.. 0VleS nOW S 0Wlng PG because of mature language. f I 0 C BAMBI! Rated G , is the Wall Disney animated :-Q ong range oast clasmc that first hit the big screen in 1942. This :> sentimental tale of a baby deer should be a treat for i' younpien of today, just as lt was years ago. • "" Burnett and Alleen Quinn. The film is based on the popular musical. BLADE RUNNER: Rated R, stars Harrison 5: Ford, Sean Young, Edward J ames Olmos and ~ Rutger Hauer. Harrison is a police "blade runner" • in Los Angeles in 2019. His assignment is to bunt ~ co AUTHOR, AUTHOR: Rated PG, stars Al Pacino, Dyan C.annon, Tuesday Weld, Alan King, Bob Dishy, Bob Elliott and Ray Goulding. Pacino plays a playwright who suddenly finds himself See Currently, Page 8 ~ - "IT'S A VERY VERY FUNNY MOVIE:' -KNXT -CBS-lV "I WAS LAID OUT WITH LAUGHTER. .. I LOVED IT:' -WNBC-NBCrlV "INVENTIVE ... VERYVERY FUNNY:' -LOS ANGELES TIMES "WRINGS OUT BELLY LAUGHS:' -NEW YORK POST "A BRACING NEW COMEDY SLEEPER ... SHOULDBEONEOFTHE . BOX OFFICE SENSATIONS OF THE YEAR:' -WASHINGTON POST "NIGHT SHIFT IS A GUT-SPLITIING LAUGH RIOT:1 -TORONTOSUN HT____. T A BklAN GUZER PAOOUCTION A M>N HOWARD f IL" "NIGHT SHIFT" ,, HENRY WINKLER • "ICHAEl KEATON • SHELLEY LONG btc11u•t P1ocl11<tr DON KRANZE Wt1t1t11 111 LOWELL GANI afld BABALOO ttANDEl Or111t111 """' ~ BURT IACHAUCH °'''""' Lynu by CAAOLE BAYER SAGEi 00--1~ rrtductd br BklAN GWH DlfK1MI 11, M>N HOWARD --·---. M!I!!!tR A _.,. ...-. ...,....,_., ALADO~AB.EASE IRl-·,,-r.·r=-1 -·-.. --....... -..inru. ·---o .... -· ,,,,,Wft _,_, .. ._. .......... ~ .. ,Oltt t°""""'"• 0-, ..... 4......, .. ......, ..... _ .~ . .... .. ·' ~- edwards cinemas 111 r dw.irdc.. NEWPORT "(J 'CfWPURI CE.,UR "'fo!UI PAC COAST HWY 644 0760 L. BE TWEE "' JAM80 Rlf 6 lilac.ARTHUR • You May ~ Hevet S•ocr·~n l;iuglwlQ -' •••• ' .. ,.., l!l DAILY UICI, 3:00, 5:00 1:00, t:OO, 10<45 " ... , ........ _ .. --' ~ DAILY 12:30, 2:30. 4:30, 1:30. 1:30, 10<30 (PG) CHEECH I CHONG'S H(Ml\Y 'tillMKl.£1\ THE WORLD ACCORDING Yli!:P~ "THINGS ARE TOUGH ALL OVER" DAI\. Y 12:45, 2:45 4:45, "45. 1:45, 10'-*I (It) DAILY 2:00, 4:00 1:00, 1:00, 10:00 (It) Glllt ~Jt!J'-! ~~SJ~ DAILY 1.30 ~d~ 0 3:45, 1:00 IN 1.15. 10<30 IAI "'They're here." POLTERGEIST.~":, DAILY 12:30, 2:45 5:00. 7:15, 9·30 DAILY t:OO. 4:IO, 7:15, tO:OO POLTERGEIST.~. a.-. 1;11. "ltAIHllS 01 THE lOST Altll" INI DAILY 12:30, 2:30, 4:30, 1:30, l:JO, 10'.JO (PG) "THINGS ARE TOUGH ALL OVER" DAILY 1:00, 3:00, 5:00 1:00. t:oo, 10;45 <Al DINll ~..,...., ....... ,, Ill A N.IDIU .. M&ll NIOHT'91D 0 CO .. •DT "THINQI ARE TOUGH ALL OVER" OAll Y 1:q, >.», l:tO 1:JO. e:ts. 11:00 ,,_, MONTY 'YTHON'I "THE SECRET POl.ICEMEN'8 OTHER BALL" OAl.Y 1.S. .. 7+1Mt (I') ----- WHERE THE BEST PICTURES PLAY edw.Hds HARBOR TWIN HARllOR BOUlfYAllO AT WllSQN COSTA MESA .... ~lllltl ~ '\-'\N tot• -u-. ,,.., "' ... ....... ,, ...... ,_. ~ FRI. .. .JO. 1:30, 10<30 SAT/SUH. 2:30, 4:30 "30· 1:30, 10:30 631-3501 T.~Ot ~ ~11: E.T. JEff GPJDGCS TN& E"Jl.T"-A· GIWC:C OOlCUITNCi' ~ • TlrllllUTIUAL DAILY 1:30, J:30 O\'&e DA .. Y 12:30, J.oo 5:45, 7:30, t:30 11:.41, 2:JI, '=JO S:JO, a:oo. 10:20 (PO) l:JO. .... 1UO N IN) ftl ,, .... .._&(» flttlt MC.••• M• ........ _.., VALte6fl. AT 901 Of9tCe .... "''' ''-'" ..... ' ... "'4 '"••• "'~"' rcJ,c~ ~Ulf•= ~ ,.11,UO -.••;:.•~• SAT/IUN., 4:00, I;~ ••• -• fEl "STAR TREK 11 flN. lc10, ll2!9, 1o-.20 Fllt. 1:15, 10;40 IATleUM. 1-4 eATltu.t. 1:IO tdl a:ao. 10-.211 ,,, ' _,._.-.oe "THE 8EST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS" ,.. •• 1:00. I;,.. 10:30 IAT/IUM. 1:10. I:• 1-00 •• ,,., 10:36 Cl'• ===(Currently Screenln11 ),_ __ From Page 7 genetically engineered hwnan replicanta who bolt from slavery and cause problems. It's rated R for bloody violence. CHARIOTS OF FIRE: Rated PG and starring Ben Cnm and Ian Charleson as runners ln the 1924 Olympiad, who run races for diUerent reasons but manage to win just the same. The PG rating must be for ita lofty themes; there is no nudity, no violence and very little offensive language. CONAN TUE BARBARIAN: Rated R, stars Arnold Schwarzenegger as the muscle-bound Conan, a pagan warrior who seeks revenge against the other pagans who killed his other mother and father. Directed by John Milius. The R rating is for violence and sex. DAS BOOT: Rated R, is a German-made tale of the crew working ln brutal conditions aboard a Nazi submarine ln World War II. The film stars Jurgen Prochnow and Klaus Wennemann. The R rating is for violence. DEAD MEN DON'T WEAR PLAID: Rated PG, stare Steve Martin ln a spoof on the detective Cilms of the 40. and 50s. lntercut with the film are "guest" appearances by Bogart, Lana Turner, Veronica Lake, Bette Davia and Burt Lancaster. This PG rating ia for adult humor. E.T. THE EXTRA· TERRESTRIAL: Rated PG, stara Henry Thomas, Dee Wallace, Robert =~ton and Drew BarT)'more. This highly ICience-fantasy film deals with a young boy who befriends a little lost alien from outer apace. 'Ibil family film haa been touted as one of the best ln yeara. FmEFOX: Rated PG, start Clint Eastwood who ia alto d1rec1ol' and producer), Freddie Jones., Page9 C""Cff & CHONO'e 1'THIN08 ARE TOUGH AU. OVER" ,..11. .. DAILY S:SO, 9:1$ YJM~'"CI' Off IV'LOST Altll ll!l: D ... Y 1:40 l:OO, 10'.JO "THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP" "NIGHT SHIFT" DAK.Y 1:00. 1:00 1.-00, 1:20 •.. .20 (It) ... AIOUltwfM a.oar A••~ 0411.Y 1111. 7141 POLTEAGEIST_G!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~ CurrentlyScreenln11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: returnirtg to live on Golden Pond. He's filled with POLTERGEIST: Rated PG, stars Jobeth g anxieties about death; she's intenninably cheerful. Williams and Beatrice Straight in a tale of the E They bicker politely until the arrival of their supernatural. Tile story is by Steven Spielberg; the I daughter (J"1.e Fonda), her latest boyfriend, Billy direction by Tobe Hooper. The PG rating is for ~ From Page 8 David Huffman. Warren Clarke, Ronald Lacey and Kenneth Colley. Eastwood is an American pilot who tries to steal Russia's top secret superjet and fly it to the West. It's rated PG because of some violence. (played brilliantly by Dabney Cloleman) and his suspense. ~ 13-year-old boy. The PG rating is for language. o. THE WORLD ACCORDING TO GARP: Rated ~ ROCKY Ill: Rated PG, stars Sylvester Stallone R. stars Robin Williams, Mary Beth Hurt, Glenn -n as the ~tsk Rocky, who battles to defend his Close, and John Llthgow. This film gets to the heart 5: crown. e rating Is for violence. of author John Irving's sprawling novel. It is deep, ~ --------------------------------------meaningful and speaks directly to what really - matters to us, in films and in life. It's rated R f' because of 90me bad language, sex and violence. cg ON GOLDEN POND: Rated PG, stars Henry Fonda and Katharine Hepburn as an aging couple ---NOW PLAYINQ,--- 111EA lllVINl • OllA•Gl UA Movin 990-4022 Edwards Wvodb11d91 c-dot111 83•·2553 COSTA MESA SS! 0855 WHlMIHTlll Hlrkf Twin 631·3501 MISSION VllJO M1u1on CHI.-Wtsl 50MY HO PASSES V1110 M.n 495·8220 891 ·3935 ACCEPTED FDA THIS ENGAG£M£HI •Sim 7QMM\S .. -w--=---1 With BID't & Dolly thl• much lbn )rut couldn 'r ~legal/ ~BEAM YOURSELF ABOARD. !i ITS A HECK OF A RIDE ... -Joel~. GOOD MOll.NIHG NIDJ<:.A STAR TREK II: Rated PG, stars William 5'> Shatner and Leonard Nimoy in the continuing fD quest to seek out and explore strange new worlds. co The PG rating is for action. Directed by Nicholas N Meyer. AAIAllG1'll PCllll ~ -. ..,.._ I • --··-·-.-.--... · COSTA llDA OIWllll OIWl8l WUTillllTU Edwlnll Soulll Plc:lllc·s ~ 00¥1 In UA City C.-UA Mii ~· P1az1 sse 1022 634 3911 u s os4e 546 2711 fOUlfTAIN YAWY FllmlfV Tw111 962 1246 THE BEST LITTLE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS: Rated R, star s Dolly Parton, Burt Reynolds, Dom DeLuise. There's not much sexy or lively action in this film, which inflates the characters portrayed by Part.on and Reynolds to larger-than-life images. It doesn't hold the audience's attention . It's rated R for language, sex and bawdy situations. YOUNG DOCTORS IN LOVE: Rated R, stars members of various TV aoap operas. This uneven but frequenUy funny comedy is set in a hospital. It's rated R becauae it's too rlaque for y~. NOW PLAYING TOGETHER AT THREE EDWARDS CINEMAS The Retum of the Great Adventure. 'J)ERS OF THE LOST ARK ~~·-•LUCAlfll.Ml.N.- 4 l'IWVIH ll'lll.llJIO,.,,, tillnint HAA .. ISOH ,ORO (!!!3 un11M.Ln1 ~&Ul.•1111" .... -.OU>CIT --votl OINMOUI n.uon 880WTUIE8 .4.T TOWN CENTEll a.UDEIU -D.4.IL'Y lal&. 71.Ca POLTEaGEUT-DAIL'Y .... a11a. 19: .. 9dwan1s SOUIM COAST PLAZA . TOWN C8ITll MM~JWY.J..f ... TO&. '151 j184 ACAOll~~~~HOTIL ""I SHOWTIMM .4.T 8.4.DDLE8.4.Cll R.4.lD£R8 -D.4..IL 'Y bee, es ... 1 e11e POLTERGEl8T-D.UL'Y l1H, 111& edwards SADOLEBACK PWA a TOIO •T•oc1 ..... aTOIO .. l.11~· S•OWTIMEI .4.T CINIBM.4. CENTER RAIDEU -D.4.IL'Y l 1le ...... t•11e POLTEalilEllT-a.4.ILlf 114&, a.aa ·= . ' ... • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....,~ Dlver•lon• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- "' : -PLAYS------What's happening ~ "DEATH OF A SALESMAN," Arthur / 0 C g' Miller's classic, completes its run for the a Ong range OaSt < Saddleback Company Theater at Saddleback >;College in Mission Viejo with c.losing ~ performances tonight and Saturday at 8 p.m: ~ and a 3 p .m . matinee Sunday. Reservations ": 831-4656. .... C> ~ c Q) ~ ~ THIS SUMMER'S DELICIOUS COMEDY HIT! ''The most satisfying film of the year so far." --0.artu caa .. ,u ..... Alf4ilUS TIMES ''Extremely funny.'' -VIHUI Cua.,, NIW \'OH TIJllS "One of the year's surprises!" -lln lltt4, Nft \'OU D.\11.\' NA'S NOW PLAYING COSTA MESA Edwards Bristol 54 0·7444 Silverfem ... A short and pant you'll find you can't live without use it to ploy hard or Just to lounge. Available In 14 colofs. "THE DRUNKARD," a melodrama from the 19th century, is closing this weekend at the Westminster Community Theater, 7272 Maple ROCKY ID •fUOl:lllll 1' '"-'lll'lll•V•"' ""'" "' U\IAllUI WIA._ yiw.; CAll.MA'O' ff'llli'l \1111!•· ......... _.., I '<rl ·~ "'•l• •H<.,..lllllUJASC ""'lllllt Ullll "'" , •A •ft 'l"~nt•8~1 11W111ll ............ ,,.,bl\1'-~USfollUUICD--' ••• pg_._ _ _... ' .. • # -·· "" • .. • .-.............. --------__ ........ -"'--... , -- NOW PLAYING eona 1111sa u TOllO ld•l'lh '""""C~1t1 (dw..,d' ~' 11u 1n1t11• 1'1•1 ~1•)110 CYP'llUI CyO!f$\ 111•1111 1810 (!O'AUU~C1"110 '0!'' .... rHGaot .... fj fOIHllAI• WAllU • -(d•UfO\,°""l...,,VI~ C~ 111•11J9 t~OO flltJ63HSS3 OAllOH GllOYI v ..... v,.w flUi et• S3J8 • Pto.,n1eo '" 3Smm[X)l.:,....,._,I ~~~ 56 FASHION ISLAND · NEWPORT BEACH · (714) 644-7030 St., Westminster. Curtain ia 8:30 p.m. tonight and Saturday. Reservations 995-4113. "THE GAZEBO," a mystery comedy, continues at the Huntington Beach Playhouse in the Seacliff Village shopping center at Main Street and Yorktown Avenue, Huntington Beach. Curtain is 8:30 Fridays and Saturdays through Aug. 28. Reservations 847-4465. "GEORGE M," the musical biography of showman George M. Cohan, is running through the summer of Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse, 140 Ave. Pico, San Clemente. Curtain times are Tuesdays through Thursdays at 8:15, Fridays and Saturdays at 8:45 and Sundays at 1:30 and 7:45. Reservations 492-9950. l "INHE RIT THE WIND," a dramatization of the Scopes "monkey trial," opens tonight for the Irvine Community Theater at Turtle Rock Community Park, Sunnyhill Road off Turtle Rock Drive in Irvine. Perfonnances will be given Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. through Oct. 28 with tickets available at the door. Information 557-7297. . "OKLAHOMA," the first Rodgers a nd Hammerstein musical, is playing at the Curtain Call Dinner Theater, 690 El Camino Real, Tustin. Curtain times vary nightly except Mondays through Aug. 22. Reservations 838-1540. "PROMISES, PROMISES," the musical version of "The Apartment," winds up its run in the Orange Coast College auditorium in Costa See Diversions, Page 11 "AIRPLANE in a hospital, and it's swifter, slicker and funnier than its ......__ ___ " ..... ~ ... ___ .._..nu_ 11lrreverent, vulgar, aometlmes di99usting, and delightfully funny ••• I loved it.'' --..-""'"·"'·""- --~~~~~~~-------------------------------------------1!1111 ........................... .. :---~--~---------------------------\C-______ 0_1_v_•_r_•_lo_n_• ______ ~~----------------------------------~: ~ From Page 10 Mesa wilh perfonnances tonigh and Saturday at 8 p.m. Reservations ~56-5527. "SUGAR ," the musical based on the movie "Some Like It Hot," continues its swnmerlong run at the Harlequin Dinner Playhouse, 3503 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa An.a, playing nightly except Mondays through Sept. 5. Reservations 979-5511. "THORNHILL," a new play in its world premiere, continues through Aug. 14 at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse. 606 Laguna Canyon Road, Laguna Beach, playing Wednesdays through Saturdays at 8 p.m . Reservations 494-0743. "HELLO DOLLY ," s tarring Carol Channing in her original Tony Award-winrung role, opens a five-week engagement Tuesday at Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, Los Angeles. Tickets (213) 460-4411. -AR · "CONTEMPORARY CALIFORNIA ARTISTS VII," featuring works by Bret Price and Jane Sinclair, is at Laguna Beach Art Museum, 307 Cliff Drive, through Sept. 9. "Drawings and Illustrations by Southern California Artists Before 1950" opens today for MOYIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE "" --., .. ,._•lo.....,.. _.00.. ....... ,,.,..,,, -... -.. .... ..._11y,,,..,_ RlSTRICT'EO Undlt 11 '~'" accomipenyJnQ p.,.,, °" A.du" 0uwd"8.n •••••• ~~§TVIDEO ENTERTAINMENT NfWUT REU:ASU • NOSTAUMA • CO#CEllTI • IULIOIOUS Sl'OlnS • CHllDllENS• AOUlt • OOCllMUITAlllH INCLUDING THESE TITI.ES PIN'41ES FROM HEAVEN THE DllWR KIUER SHOOT THE MOON ALADDIN & HIS WONDEIFUl LAMP WHOSE UFE IS IT ANYWAY SOME KIND OF HERO (OPEN: M-F,10-9-SA.T,10-7-IUN,12-ll ·-. *~ VIDEO GAMES ~.(r ·. · 369 EHi S-..-Hnlh SlfHI e c,,.,.~ ... CMllon11• 11U1 Ulft6!1a I I f7t4J 63t•STOI' ot HI 1167 WIUl;U ACROSS FROM RAL~'S "The Store Jhat Hat All The Movies" six weeks. Gallery hours 11 :30 a.m.--4:30 p.m. daily except Monday and until 9 p.rn. Friday. "IMAGES," a photographic exhibit by Daniel Birman and Joann Verduyn, Is at Huntington Beach Library, 7111 Talbert Ave., throughout August. OLD WEST ARTISTS' ROUNDUP is 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday in palm tree grove on east side of Beach Boulevard near Knoll's Berry Farm Lagoon and Independence Hall. Sponsored by Buena Art Guild, show is free and open to the public. Included will be paintings, metal sculpture, collages, pollery, needlework, wood carvings, macrame and papier mache crafts. AMONG EXHIBITORS at Laguna Beach Festival of Art la Joan Christensen, a founding member of the Sandstone Gallery, 384 N. Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach. Her works will be featured at Sandstone Sept. 6-0ct. 4. O~ AND WATERCOLORS by Jane Shuss are shown at Challis Gallieres, 1390 S . Coast Hwy., Laguna Beach, Saturday through Aug. 29. "PEOPLE OF THE SUN" on view at Bowers Museum, 2002 N. Main St., Santa Ana, through Aug. 29. "Chinese Art: T'ang to Ching" on display through Sept. 26. Open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday and noon-5 p.m. Sunday. Admission by donation. OUTDOOR ART-CRAFI' FAIR, sponsored See Diversions, PB.Re 15 A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment Center Bilbo Baggins. 545-1718 • Coco's, 540-9651 • Hamburger Hamlet. 546-7392 • M1ones. 979-6735 • Reuben's. 540-9672 • Swensen·s. 556-6937 2701 Het'bor Blvd. • (Harbor I Adams) Coata Mesa, CA •• J • L > t I '1 • \ ~I ,, a: ~ )> c IO c C4 - .... co OD N • • • l!~------------~--~-f Mead on Win• )~----------------N ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'""" -tasted made from Cabernet. It has an almo8t lrideecent salmon color, a big fruit aroma and flavor, and a just off-dry finish that makes it fun to drink alone or with food. This one is co ~ CENTRAL COAST WINNERS - (/j The odds against a single winery _ winning the "Sweepstakes Award" ~ for best red wine and best white gi wine at the recent Central Coast < Wine Competition must have been >.. great indeed. Over 200 wines were ~ entered, with most of the top -c:: wineries from Santa Barbara and u.. San Luis Obispo counties i participating, plus wineries Crom as i:> far away as Napa. ~ The requirement being that the ~ wines were made from at least 75 i percent grapes from the tw<KX>unty ~ area. The fact that the requirement § is local grapes, not geographical n: location of winery, makes it a true ref'onal competition. will eventually get around to telling you who the big sweepstakes winner was, aa well as other gold and silver medalists, but first a little infonnation on the competition itself. A single panel of seven members judged the entire field in two days of intensive tasting. The panel was made up of a mix of winemakers uninvolved with the region, retailer&, restaurateun, but primarily of joumaliats. Yours truly was one of the panelists. A unique 12-point sco~ system developed by Beverage Testing Institute was employed, with medals awarded by majority vote of the seven panelists, who tended to be on the stingy side when it came to passing out the gold, silver and bronze. The winery that walked away with the two gold medals that were ultimately voted best of show, sweepstakes winnen, was Zaca Mesa. Zaca's 1981 Sauvignon Blanc, which is just being released, received almost unanimous acclamation in the Zaca Mesa wines sweepstakes winners at Central Coast By JERRY D . MEAD 8peelaJ to tile Dally Pilot final balloting, and is a perfect example of the region'• restrained but pleasantly grassy style, it sells for about $7, and represents very good value. The Zaca Mesa 1979 "Special Selection" Pinot Noir was the other top wine, and I might observe that I can't recall the last time a California Pinot .Noir was voted best of show at any competition. To make ita win even stronger, the wine won ita honor on first ballot. It is not inexpensive at $13, but It is a very classy, almoat Burgundian style of Pinot, with more complexities in ita aroma 'than most wines offer throughout. What is available is already in retail channels, because the winery ia virtually sold out. Snap this one up if you can find it. One of the wines that I peraonally put forth for best of show (only gold medalists were eligible) was the Ballard Canyon 1981 Cabernet Sauvignon Blanc from Santa Ynez Valley. Not because it is a aerious wine, nor because it should or could be compared to the clas&c styles that eventually won, but because it is such an outstanding achievement for what it ia. What it is is simply one of the best blanc de notr wines in the state, and perhaps the best I've ever only $5. One ol the more unique gold meda.lia1a was FAtrella 1979 Syrah, a huge red wine, spicy and pleasantly pungent, that will handle the boldest of fare. Three Chardonnays captured gold, and while the grapes were from the area, none of the wineries were. Chateau Chevalier, the Napa Valley winery.-won for its 1980 "Edna Valley" Chardonnay, and tiny Leeward Winery from Channel Islands Harbor in Ventura County won two Chardonnay gold medals, one for a 1981 vintage from Santa Maria Valley, the other for a 1981 wine from "MacGregor Vineyards" in San Luis Obispo. I prefer the Santa Maria wine. Only one gold medal in the Cabernet Sauvignon cl.ass and that of Santa Cruz area winery, David Bruce, for 1979 "San Luis Obispo" Cabernet. It is one very special and complex red wine, with that pleasant oedary quality that comes only with a pit of age. At about $11 the wine is a fine value. In three competitive outiJl&' Martin Bros. 1981 Dry Chenin Blanc has done progressively better. Way back in May it earned a bronze at Orange County, picked up a silver at the recent San hanciaco judging, and finally earned the only Cbemn Blanc Gold medal at this Central Coast event. Being of the dry, well-oaked 1tyle (poor man's Chardonnay), I suspect that time bas worked in its favor, with each month's passage providing more development. A "Best Buy" at about $6. NOW PLAYING ----. "DANCIN' IS ENTRANCIN' AND BOB FOSSE HAS SCORED AGA/Nf" AoWI t.aoe. WABC-tv LIDO WINE AND CHEESE RESTAURANT 1<>t-' .. ~ot0~ t:nsses -~u IJ{~ • ' pre6enf6 ..... , ......... NIGHTLY PIANO MUSIC WE WILL OPEN ANY BOTTLE OF WINE IN THE STORE FOR A $1.50 CORK CHARGE /,attu'l11' • Canaway • Cuvaison • Chateau Ste. Michele • Corfans From New Zealand Located In Lido Marina VIiiage On the Waterfront In Newport Beach 3446 VIA OPORTO (714) 673-3735 ... 2131462-3104 RANTAGES BOX OFFICE NOW -OPEN! 1 ................ -- OPENS AUGUST 10th ... CA.rp 7'lchClbrMoa•: 213/487-1199 MUSlC aNTER 'ncket• •t ·~ eo. Otflce and .u 0. .-.-v ~ Tkketron Outt.ta. Group S&te.: PAVILION a1314&ws21 Slll>AY Aue. Sth MOll>AY Aue. 9th LANDING l 79 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa In Vons Shopping Cu. 642-9855 SPECIAL-SAVIOR Fiii THE HUT TtlS.' WED. 10th & 11th THE SNAPPERS THs. IO" 111.,s I T•••ll• ~si,~~·1:~AT. llliHn FLYERS SPEClll OPPY IHI ... -Tltll. 4 tt l FllllY 4 te I Country Western Music Live Entertainment 7 Nights a Week From 9 p.m. Orange County's Nicest Country Western Night Club Tues: Talent Night Cash Prizes Thursday: Ladies Night Appearing August 18th- Hank Thompson 2118 OCUIFROIT IEWNRT BUCH 813-&894 LIVE ENTERTAINMENT 7 NIGHTS & DAYS SATlltDAYS & SUfl>AYS F••tur/ng SOUTH CITY Mon. & Tues. Nllhts STAN ORLOW Wed. ttru Sat., 9-pm -2 am PIOA surt:>AYS (Forrn#ty Iron 8utterlty cl Blw lmag9) NIQHTL Y DRINK SPECIALS _ __,;~-·--------· --------- Appearing at Calabash Landing are the Snappers, singing tunes from the 50's and &O's. Catch their show Friday and Saturday, August &th and 7th and Tuesday and Wednesday, August 10th and 11th • AWARD WINNING BY THE SEA World ol Jazz • llRI llLllOR& MELLOW JAZZ PIANO AND VOCALS SUNDAY THRU WE.DN~DAY 7-MIDNIGHT • -IERRY llRIS 11• RIEIDS. DIXIELAND AND SWING PLAYED WlTH VERVE THURSDAY 7-12 •SUNDAY AFTERNOON 2-6 • I TOUCI OF CUSS· TRADITIONAL JAZZ SOUNDS EVERY FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 8-1 A.M. 317 Padflc Coast Hwy. al the Pier tb'ltqtan Beach 536-2555 . I RICI I llLL llllT OLUI 50' Wei Drink• Every Night Tl 10 p.m. Wed. Night 50° Wei Drinks Al Niiht Thws. Night -Hot Tub Fever Wettest T ·Shirt Show In O.C. Fri. & Sat. Live Entertailntnt ti 4 a.m. 21 Md OWi "'°°"'9 Claa ..... .. AT THE NEWPORT PIER Newport'• Olde.st Bar-Since 1912 San Franci.co Style Bbtro Cafe LIVE EITDTAllMEIT 7 llCBTS A WED Freah Shark Daily Froin the Doryinan Fleet FAMOUS CIOPPINO .................. $6.98 SEAFOOD MOSTACCIOLI ........ $7.95 LlNGUJNI AL PESTO IN FRESH BASIL SAUCE ........ : ... ~$5.95 Monday Night Special '3.95 Linguini In Clain Sauce With Garlic Bread • D&ll1 Lucia l,.clala • O,.ttr llWm ZS• • 81f'1 Bear 3 It I 107 Zht Pl. IEWPOIT IEACB D•m» To Lin Rock N Roll 7 Nigh,_ A WHk SKYLAR 8R01"ER8 WED.· 8AT. 8URFTONE8 8UN., MON., TUES. FROM I P.M. • UPPY-•Ylt •lnnllll ....... ·-l&lllllt • ... .-r -MlrllUIT ....... .-r ..................... , ... ,. 13 . ..._ • ... C\I co a> .,... qi -Cl) :J Cl :J c( >. CD "O ~ u. .: Cll "O c Cll ~ 3l :i: g Cl. • • ---------..( a 3 CE The lntertaln•r• Bill Monroe to play at Crazy Horse From Page 6 horses, fox hounds and game chickens on a 288-acre farm. Monroe had successful colon surgery last year and is still adding luster to an already glittering career. In July. he was one of 15 people honored by the National Endowment for the Arts at the Smithsonian Institution In Washington, D.C. He's currently looking for a wnter to help him with an autobiography. Monroe has perfonned on the Grand Ole Opry for 43 years, and has been cutting records for MCA for 32 years. In 1970, he was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. And now he says that there are no goals left for him. "There ain't much I haven't been into," the graying, reserved musician said. Birthdays, he says, "roll right around fast. When you are younger, it takes forever to reach 21. When you get up there, they come right around. "I've seen a lot of people at 70 break way down," Monroe said. "But I get around pretty good. I like to work and dance. f've never smoked or drank, and I think that's helped me a lot. "Pd like to be remembered as the man who started bluegrBM and as a man who respected people and treated them right." Gridiron show scheduled again "Deadhne Can watt." Well maybe, but don't tell that to the editor of thls section. That rather nondescript phrase is utle of the second gridiron show by the Orange County Pr-es.5 Club scheduled Aug. 14. That's nght, the county's newstypes are hitting the boards. This year's show is moving uptown, the South Coast Repertory Theater m Costa Mesa. Curtain is 8 p.m. Much of the show is "top secret." A usually reliable source, as well as a spokesman who asked not be identified, re fused to issue any information. What the show hopes to give its audience are some laughs about the county's mfamous politicians, its big tune mmistnes (i.e. that huge glass house m Garden Grove) and .some natural phenomenon -Santana winds and fires -that when they happen are big news. Members of the county's fourth estate do the acting, dancing and excuse the expression -singing. But please -don't bring any tomatoes. Tickets at $5 each are available from members of the press club or by telephoning 556-3600. A no host cocktail bar opens at 2 p.m. There is more but deadlines are deadlines. Darlene "Pepe" Anthony (inset) putting on the dog. . . . Snoopy on ice From Page 1 with the price of admission to the park, also features Dianne de Leeuw, the 1976 Olympic silver medalist, and former U.S . National Figure Skating champion. Atoy Wilson. Snoopy and friends perform for more ( than 2,000 children and adults at 3:30, 5:30 and 8 p.m. each day. 0 . :JOINING & ENTERTAINMENT GUIDE Real . Cirif0nese FOii Ht here or t•lr• home For Dine Out Advertising And Info Call Brenda Caponera 642-4321 exc. 269 .... . .. . . . .,. /1_olJen 9-J~.& ~ ..., . ~~ S/:;;,agon ·-~ faUINf CHfNISI MANDMIN DISHES Specializing In Chinese A lo C.Orte Dishes Lunch Ott1oer 011.b' • Food To latte Out 4711Ci..-•OIM .. 1 zou...._-.. 750.7171. • 750-IOfl COlfAMISA ' ...... ,__ . 642·11'2. 631-ttll Each month a new, full cour~ dinner menu features the superb cuisine of one of Italy's 21 regions. . I!. l"o<h-M-F I A v 110011.M,JOOPM ~ Otnn~r-M·S.,1. • ~nilt&T?M r1.lnn Snlni•I N1Mhtly • 8.lnqu I Fac•l1tits 3520 E Cl\.bt Hwy. C(lmnil 1.M M"r • 114 075-1022 f 5 Dlver•lon• )\.--------------------:2 -g = -----( From Page 11 by San Clemente Arts and Crafts Club, is 10 a .m.-5 p.m. Aug. 14 and 15. -MUSIC--------- DANcEas VIOLA FARB ER AND JEFF SLAYTON perform Aug. 13 at CaJ State Long Beach. Tickets (213) 498-4280. -ETC.------ "sNooPY AND ALL THAT JAZZ," Knoll's Berry Farm's ice spectacular, has three shows daily . World Champion figure skater and Olympic medalist Dianene de Leeuw is featured. ALL AMERICAN CIRCUS is at Orange Coast College at 7:30 p.m. Saturday in LeBard Stadium. Adult admission $5, children unde.r 12, $3. Tickets available at the door. AUTOGRAPH-SIGNING, hosted by Romance Writers of America, is 3:30-5 p.m. Saturday at Rembrandt's Restaurant, 909 E. Yorba Linda Blvd., Placentia. Writers to attend include Patricia Matthews of "F.mbers of Dawn", Clayton Matthews of "Power Seekers," "Dallas" and "Birth Right" Joan Dial (aka Amanda York and Katherine Kent) of "Dreamtide" and "Midnight Tango" Dell ecstasy authors Jayne Castle and Megan Lane. Public may attend. "A CONCERT OF ZOTH CENTURY MUSIC" by Chapman College Ensemble for Music of Our Time is at 6:30 p.m. Aug. 15 at Laguna Beach Art Museum, 307 Cliff Drive. Admission free. FLUTIST MARIANNE WHJTMYER AND PIANIST EIKI PAIK perform with violin.isl Pe.ter Odegard and percussionist Eric Wright at 5 p.m. Sunday in Newport Harbor Art Museum, 850 San Clemente Drive, Newport Beach. Admi~ion free. JAZZ PIANISTS Mark Davidson and Gerald Schroeder perform at 7 p.m. Sunday at Evelyn Potter Coles Recital Hall, 126 ~ Glassell St., Orange. Seating limited. Admission $8. Information 633-2621. \~JOINING & ENT.ERTAINMENT GUIDE The REV CARDS JULY 27-AUG. 21 DINNER SHOWS NIGHTLY MAKE YOUR RESERYATlONS EARLY! (714) 775-7727 SUSHI BAR TEAHOUSE & TEPPAN-YAKI. OPEN EVERY NIGHT AT 5'00 PM LUNCHEON•MONDAY ·FRIDAY 11 :30A M. -2:30 P.M. ~no~~w.~ii no SOUTrl 11AHRUR ROUlfVAR[). )ANTI\ ANll DIXIELAND JAZZ FRIDAYS 5:30 to 9 P.M. Dancing & Entertainment For The Whole Famlly (. ......... ~+ FOT1.lllG 10 llTDlllATOML ltOTUANll 4111 BIRCH NEWPORT BEACH ITEAKBOUIE le S&LOO• ~;~1 .~ i,_ llfll TAMIOUllf .. ._..._ "TIIE UllElnOa" Sunday, Augu1t 8th A VERY SPECIAL JAPANESE RESTAURANT Award winning traditional Japanese cuisine and superb wes tern-style specialties. Your favorite seafood, chicken, and steak. Delicate soups and delightful salads. Impeccable service in a most beautiful setting. Discover Yamato ... a very special dining experience. 60 Fashi°" Island Newport Beach / 644-4811 OF NEWPORT Formerly the Ritz location Announces the riou11mfJl6/ //~ Valet Parking On the ocean across from the Newpor1 Beach Pier 2106 West Ocean Front, Newport Beach, CallfOf'nla Reservations 675-2568 • ...... ! .. I I l 1;; :J Cl :J < ~ 'O -c LL. .: «> 'O c «> ~ i ~ ~ a: CRIME - Cf HE ~HcllOUSE Dining and Cocktolls qnn · · Dining For Romantics -Breakfast Luncheon Dinner on th• surf at 61 Q Sleep1,1 Hollow lone laguno Beach Reservot1ons 494-9707 Complete Dinners from $5.25 to $5.95 5:00 PM -7:00 PM Daily Your choice o f soup or salad and one of these entrccs Fettuclni "Neprune" The Weight watcher -broiled. freshly Ground Beef country Fare -broiled. breaded Pork Chops Fish and Chips Omelette du Jour ... p1us your choice of dessert. Including Haagen oazs ice Cream or Apple Strudel and a selecllon of beverages from coffee. tea. Iced tea. milk or Sanka. ~ luich r>A.PRICCIOC•A.FE ac ~~iet( ~ ""C:~ 0110 Nt-wpoft CMIN D'1Vt' I N("WJ>C>l1 fl('A)('h, C\ .-2600 / 171 •I 64Cl-MMIO, f\>11, 013" LONDON BROlL. DIREC'l'ED BY Allan Hunt Slices of marinated steak topped with burgundy wine sauce. A tteat with gprden fresh vegetables and potatoes. ALET OF SOLE BONNE FEMME. Sole filers poached with mushrooms and scallions in butter and white wine. Served with po<atoes and vegetables. FFTTUCCINE ALFREDO. De11C3tc ribbons of pasta. mssed with a velvety sauce of butter. cream and Italian cheeses VEAL MARENGO CREPE Tender veal. tomato and onion in white wine wrapped in a crepe. Surrounded by potatoes and vege tables. There's a world of new dishes at the Magic Pan. Including these four European clC1$iCS. ~ch dinner comes with your choice of a mixed green or orange almond salad. You can enjoy any one of them for just $5.95. So visit us soon. There's always something new to come back to. South Cout P\ua (714) 556·1225 Brea Mall (714) 990·4S43 Offer good 1(\et S PM --------- Stunt mentality. • • Rhoda's mom. . . TV Antenna, Page 3 TV Teasers, Page 27 ..------------------------------· Pvt. Benjamin. • • Inside TV, Page 28 ,... 8 "" :l. ______________________________ _, ~ ~ •Aug. 6 -Aug. 12• New face ... British actress gets role of Holly on 'Genera l Hospital' There's a pretty new face brightening up the popular ABC soap opera, "General Hospital," these days. However, Emma Samms is much more than just another pretty face. She's bright, beautiful and she's British. She's also emerging on the American entertainment scene in grand style, having won the important new role of Holly Suttpn on daytime television's top-rated series, and being chosen as one of 12 potential stars by the ABC Talent Development Program. Born August 28 in the Honey Pot Lane area of London. Enuna hails from a family rich in theatrical background. Her father owns a camera rental bustness, her mother is a former soloist with the Royal Ballet, and her grandfather was the foremost British producer of silent films. The actress began dancing at age 2, and would perform with the Royal Ballet whenever the company needed young dancers. When she was 10, she enrolled in the Royal Ballet School, where she studied for six. years until she suffered a hip injury. While she was recovering, Emma decided to pursue a long-held interest in medicine and later entered Harrow College of Technology and Art. She took a pre-med course for one year, but opted to forego a career in medicine to dabble in modeling. Less than satisfied, Emma then set her sights on becoming an actress. With no professional training, Emma was signed by ICM, and made her acting debut as the fem ale lead in the motion picture, ''Arabian Adventure," starring ChristoJ>her Lee and Mickey Rooney. • _ The actress then traveled to the United States and landed her first American role in "More Wild, Wild West," a motion picture for television. Next came a atarring role in "GoUaUl Awaits," an Operation Prime Time mini-.eries, soon to be releued theatrically outside the United States. Emma's face ii a fammar one in Japan. where for the put four years ahe hu been spokeswoman for a large cosmetlc:a company. Althouah she didn't punue a career ln Mediclne, :£mma bam't loet intereet in the field. S~ recently plmld a coune to be come a certilied emer~y medbJ techmdan. > c '° c ~ 51' cD ;,; ::> Q ::> < ~ ID i::> ·;:: ~ 8>-------_J ~ AUTHORIZED SALES/SERVICE/SATISFACTION -!2 0: AMC.-JEEP ORANGE COAST AMC-JEEP~ULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa ..:... 549-8023 SADDLEBACK BMW /SUBARU 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640-6444 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 CADILLAC MAIERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.9100 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH ATLAS CHRYSLER-PL TMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 FORD THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 Harbor· Blvd. Costa Mesa 642-00 I 0 -540-821 I LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.5630 SAMTA AMA LIMCOLM-MERCURY 1301 N. Tustin Avenue Santa Ana -547-0511 MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA 1425 Baker Street Costa Mesa -545-3334 ANAHEIM MAZDA 601 S. Anaheim Blvd . Anaheim -956-1820 PEUGEOT BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove· Street Newport Beach -752·0900 PONTIAC BOB LONGPRE PONTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd. Westminster 892-6651 -636-2500 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSON. INC. 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -673-0900 MEISTER PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove -636-233'3 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303· MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Btvd. Huntington Beach 847-85Sf· VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. C.Osta Mesa -646-9303 Daily Plat MAIN OFFICE 330 West Bay St., Costa Mesa, Ca. Mail address: Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Ca., 92626 ·Telephone: 642-4321 TV Antenna ~============~-=---~Tel evision p rQ ducing C Index ) ------a 'stunt mentality' TV .Anrenna .......................................................... Page 3 Inside TV ............................................................ Page 28 By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Daytime Schedule ................................................ Page 4 0(111e D811y "°' Sblff Sports Highlights ................................................. Page 6 Evening Schedule ................................................ Page 7 When the investigation of the "Twilight Zone" TV Puzzle ........................................................... Page 25 helicopter mishap that killed Vic Morrow and two Return wirh us to ............................................... Page 25 child actors is concluded, there will probably be Daytime Drama ... -............................................. Page 26 plenty of blame to go around. Letters ................................................................. Page 27 Was the helicopter pilot at fault for flying too TV Teasers ............................................................ Page 27 low? Did the director unwisely order him to fly 1oo (~om G"";~:::~~: -) .............. Page 27 ~:7e ~~~~t!~ s~ th~~pl~:'es ha;: o~ _ _ resemble an attack in Vietnam? Should the child e KNXT <CBS) · actors have been working at night? Should the 6121 w. Sunset Blvd .. Los Angeles, Ca. children have been working anywhere near the 8 KNBC CN"C) dangerous explosives? 3000 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank, Ca. When these questions are answered, many e KTLA (Ind.> people aseociated with the ''Twil.ight Zone" filming S800 W. Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Ca. may be named as at least partially responsible for fl KABC <ABC) the tragedy. 4151 Prospect Ave., Los Angeles. Ca. But there are others who ought to shoulder at ·(8) KFMB <CBS> least a little of the blame: you and me, the people 7677 Engineer Rd., San Diego, Ca. who view television programs and movies, the 8 KHJ-TV (Ind.) ' audience that aeema to have an insatiable appetite 5515 Melrose Ave., Los Angeles, Ca for outlandJsh stunts and colorful destruction of (10) KCST <ABC> 8330 Engineer Rd., San.Diego. Ca. propertyln ~·--like "Smokey and the Bandit'' and • KTTV <Ind.) .uuua 5746 W. Sunset Blvd.1 Los Angeles, Ca. "Raiders of the Lost Ark." and in television aeries • KCOP·TV Clnd.> such aa "CHiPs" and "The Dukes of Hazzard," 915 N. La Brea Ave .. Los Aqgeles, Ca. automobile and motorcycle crashes are the mtin m > CBS Cable attraction. By flocking to the9e movies or tuning in 8 JtctT <PBS> these programs, we are telling Hollywood what we 4401 Sunset Blvd., Los Anielea, Ca. want to aee. 8 KOCE <PBS> • You only have to consider the inevitable 15744 Golden West St., Huntington Beach crowds drawn by a traffic accident or a fire to know <0> On·TV that mc.i people are curious and a bit faecinat.ed by 1139 Grand. Central Ave., Glendale. Ca. extraordinary death or destruction. Hollywood <Z> Z·TV ~ this 2939 Nebraska Ave .. Santa Moni~a. Cli. traditionally has been adept at ca to (H> H8Q ' · curioeity. But in recent years, a "top · one" Time·Li.te Bldg., Rockefeller Cent.er, N.Y .. N.V' mentality seems to have aet in. < c > Clnemax · F.ach new movie or television show seems to Time.Life Bldg., Rocltefeller Center. N.Y .. N.Y. boast a new record in rnoet~-crashed or highest iJt wv • ., fall from a rooftop. Producers apparently believe N.Y .. N.Y. people won't be happy with a simple two-car (17) (Wl'BSi' smash-up or three-story fall anymore. Atlanta. Ga. It's an unhealthy trend for 11eVeral reasons. <E> ESPN First of all, as special stunts loom more important, ( L ) Select intel.ligent scripts and three-dimensional characten <S> Showtime become a secondary consideration. <S) Spot.1.ight In the "Dukes of Huzard," actors Tom Wopat (Cl (Cable News Network > and John Schneider have failed to report for Vic Morrow died recently in an accident while filming a motion pictu re called "Twilight ?.one." Two children were also killed in the mishap. filming on the coming season's epiaodes becau.e of a financial dispute with Warner Broe. On many shows, the loss of two major stare would be fatal. But here, the producers have simply hired two look-alikea. Byron Cherry and Christopher Mayer. to portray "Duke cousins," and it's on to filming as usual. The people who make thia ~believe the real star, in any caae, ia the Duke• car, "General Lee." unknown, Tom Reilly. to ride alongside Erik Estrada in place of Larry Wilcox. Does anyone- really care, as long as the show deliven its usual doee of freeway mayhem? There is another unhealthy aspect to the new "stunt mentall\y.'' rm no\ amona thoee who believe violence on television will cau.e all younoters to practice violence when they grow up. 'But rdo have concerns about what the proliferation of driving stunts may teach childn!n. When aorneone uaes a gun on televiaion. at least it is shown that the weapon can inflict injury or death. Stunt crash.es on shows like '"Ille Oukes," however, create the imp.n!lmion that high .... peed driving is fun and i.f the car crubes. well, you '11 just See Stunt mentality, Page 28 VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE ........ I ,OOO's of Movies For Sale or Rent See ~ Video Experts at • • • Yh111 •• , ......... W t•4 I llft~··· COSTA MllA • 6464921 * PRIVATE BINJAMIN * UNDER THI RAINBOW * ARTHUR * FIRST FAMILY * PRISCO KID • *OUTLAND * aODY HIAT * SOMI KIND Of HI RO * nt1 •1G aus * THISOIDla .,, s: - .. !Daytime m :l gi < -• 5:008 SUMMER SEMESTER ~ ~MOVIE] HR., 30 MIN.~ w.ON) ~ MOVIE 1 HR., 67 MIN. ED) u.. MOVIE 1 HR.. 26 MIN. HU) • • 5:051MY REESONS 8' 5:15 SPOTLIGHT ON JERRY LEWIS (THU) ..J 5:30 JUNTOS (MON, WED. FRI) ~ PORTRAITS IN PASTEL (TUE, THU) JIMMY SWAGGART DAYBREAK L.A. LET THERE BE LIGHT (FRI) INTERNATIONAL HOUA (MON. TUE) TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING (WED) PUBLIC AFFAIRS (THU) NEWARK ANO REALITY (FRI) MEET THE MAYORS (MON, WED) NEW YORK REPORT (TUE) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (THU) MAKING IT COUNT MAYBERRY R.F.O. (FRI) MOVIE (1HR..30 MIN.) (TUE) MASSAQE: THE TOUCH OF LOVE (TUE) 5:361 THAT GIRL 5:46 8A.M. WEATHER 6:60 NEWS 8:00 LA. MORNING HEALTHAELO HOTRJOGE 0 ABC NEWS TiilS MORNING MORNING NEWS COMMUNITY FEED8ACK (FRI) YOUTH AND THE ISSUES (MON) MEET THE MAYOR (TUE) FRANKLY FEMALE (WED) IT CAN BE DONE (THU) STRAIGHT TALK JIMMY SWAGGART VILLA ALEGRE HERE'S TO YOUR HEAL TH TO BE ANNOUNCED (FRI) MARY TYLER MOORE (MON) RHODA (TUE) BOB NEWHART (WED) CHICO AND THE MAN (THU) WRfTING FOR A REASON MOVIE <TUE. FRI) RACOU£'TBALL (FRI) SPORTSWOMAN (R) (MON, WED) INSIDE BASEBALL (R) (TUE) GYMNASTICS (THU) MOVIE ( 1 HR., 46 MIN~HU, FRI) KIDS ON THE BLOCK A MOVIE ST AR'S DA (WED, FRI) MOVIE~HR., 34 MIN.) (MON) MOVIE 2 HRS., 8 MIN.) (THU) RICH PRYOR IN CONC£RT (1 HR .. 30 MINNI (TUE) 8:06 Mo~ 8: 10 MOVIE (MON) 8:15 THEGOlOBUG (MON) (%)MOVIE ( 1 HR., 38 MIN.) (MON) 8:30 I CAP1' AIN KANGAROO EARLY TODAY 80'8 WOMAN (FRI) GAUERY (MON-THU) IT CAN BE OONE (FRI) COMMUNITY FEEDBACK (MON) YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES (TUE) OFF HANO (WED) FRANKLY ftMALE (THU) GREAT SPACE COASTER FELIX THE CAT CAPTIONED ABC NEWS (TUE-FRI) PR£8ENTE (MON) INTAOOUCING BIOLOGY =r'~:m) (FRI) t«>RSE RACING WttKL Y (R) (MON) SPORTSCHALLENGE (TUE) NASL WEEKLY (R) (WEO) MOVIE (1HR.,4'5 MIN.) (TUE) MOONCHILO (1 HR.) (WED) MOVIE (1 HR., 3" MIN.) (THU) - STEVE ALLEN 8ALU'1Ea TH£ OE II (1 HR.) I CHINO OUT (WED) MOVIE (1 HR.. 51 MIN.) (THU) 7: !;MOANING NEWS TOOAY a.ue ~ING AMERICA ..OUPER ROOM ~WOOOPECKEft ... 1!11 flEl'()A1' I SPORTSCENTER MOONCHILO (1 HR.) (MONi PETER ANO THE WO~ (FRI A MOVIE STAR'S OAUGHT (TUE) PETER ALLEN ANO THE ROCKETTES ( 1 HR., 8 MIN.) (WED) 0 THE GOLOEN AGE OF TELEVISION (1 HR.) i ON) MOVIEJ1 HR., 24' MIN.l MOVIE 1 HR., 6S MIN. ~~) MOVIE 1 HR.. "3 MIN. ~WEo) 7:16(%) MO E (1 HR., 6 Ml .) (FRI) 7:30G THERE IS A WAY SUPERHEROES FRED FLINTSTONE ANO FR1ENOS YOGA FOR HEALTH MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING RACE FOR THE PENNANT (WED) WACKY WORLD OF JO~ATHAN WINTERS Jov1e i1 HR.. "5 MIN.~ WON) MOVIE 1 HR., 35 MIN. FRI) MOVIE 1 HR .• 31 MIN. U~) 8:00 Cl) SUNUP SAN DIEGO JIM BAKKER TIC TAC DOUGH BATTLE OF THE PLANETS CARTOONS MISTER ROGERS (A) BODY BUOOtES MOVIE (MON. WED-FRI) MOVIE 11 HR.. 58 MIN.I ~I) MOVIE 1 HR., 57 MIN. MON) MOVIE 1 HR., 34 MIN. ED) MOVIE 1 HR., 60 MIN. U) PETER ALLEN ANO THE ROCKETTES ( 1 HR., 8 MIN.) (FRI) IMOVIE (i HR., "3 MIN.)~ PETER ANO THE WOLF' HU MOVIE (1 HR.. 30 MIN.) (M ) PtECE Of CAKE (THU) MOVIE (1 HR.. 31 MIN.) (MON) 8:061MOViE 8:15 MOVIE (1 HR., 6" MIN.) (THU) 8:30 LEAVE It TO BEAVER BUU.8EYE SPIDER-MAN VILLA ALEGRE (R) Q OVER EASY = n':.~ .. 36 = (TUE) SPOTt.aG 1HT ON J Lf:WIS (WED) THE GRATEFUL DEAD (1 HR., 18 MIN.) f:~~EJ1 HR., 67 MIN~ ~El MOVIE 1 HR., 37 MIN. lf) MOVIE 1 HR., 26 MIN. FRI 8:46(%) MO E (1 HR.. 35 IN.) ~ED) 9:00 8 Cl) ONE DAY AT A TIMl: ~R) OIFF'RENT STROKES (R) OZZIE ANO HARRIET A.M. l.OS ANGELES JACK LALANNE NEWS THE ROCKFORD RLES I LOVE LUCY ROMPEAROOM SESAME STREET (R) Q OOHAHUE VIUA ALEGRE (R) 0 PGA GOLF (MON~FRI CA. FOOTBALL PKA FUl.l CONT CT RA TE (WED) MU JUNIOR OLYMPICS (THU) MOVIE MHR.. 35 MIN.) (WED) MOVIE 1 HR., ti MIN.) (TUE) 9:308 Cl) A E (R) WHEEL Of FOM'UNE THE RlflEMAN MIO MORNING L.A. MAKE ROOM FOR DADDY UTTLEST HOBO ELECTRIC COMPANY (A) AEROefCISE (MON, W£0, FRI) TONY BENNEtT SINGS (1 HR.) (FRI) RICHARD PRYOR IN CONcERf ( i HR., 30 10:00 ~ ~k PRICE 18 RIGHT .TexAS EMERGENCY 0 LOVE BOAT (R) JOHN OAVID80N TWICE A WOMAN (FRI) RHODA (MON-THU) OOAeOAY VEGET A8l.E SOUP (R) Q 8EBAME STREET (R) Q MOVIE TttEOEADlY QAME _(2 HAS.) (FRI} MOYIE a HRS.) (MON) MOVIE 1 HR., 36 .... THU) UCMI 1Hll,41M9t. ) · MOYll 1 HR., 21.... ~ "'> MOYIE 1 HA., M ._ ~ 1HR.,46 (%)CHARLES CHAMPLIN TALKS WITH... (FRI) 10:05 al) MOVIE 10:15(%)MOVIE (1HR.,36MIN.) (FRI) (%)CHARLES CHAMPLIN TALKS WfTH... (TUE) (%)MOVIE (1HR..67 MIN.) (THU) 10:30. MY THREE SONS ~IOOAY PEARl.8 (WEI>-FRI) BIG BLUE MARBLE: (MON) REBOP (TUE) SPORTSCHALLENGE {WED) MOVIE 1 HR .• 30 MIN.) (FRI) MOVIE 1HR.,36 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE 2 HRS.) (THUl MOVIE 1 HR., 26 MIN. E) MOVIE 1 HR., 6" MIN. WED) 11:008 Cl) THE YOUNG AN fu'1 RESTLESS THE DOCTORS BONANZA 9 FAMILY FEUD BULLSEYE PITFALL PLEASE DON'T EAT THE DAISIES MARCUS WELBY, M.0 . ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) RICHARD SIMMONS • VEGETABLESOUP {R) Q HORSESHOW JUMPING (WED) MOVIE ~HRS.) (WED) MOVIE 1 HR.. "3 MIN.) (MON) 11:30 8. S FOR TOMORROW RYAN'S HOPE ;~GAME MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT MtSTER ROOERS {R) NASL 800CER {MON) TOP RANK BOXJNO (TU~ MOVIE 1 HR., .-0 MIN. U) MOVIE ~1 HR., 29 MINJ FRI) WHAT'S UP AMERICA (1 HR.) (THU) .\l·· ll.IC\< >< >~ - I ~~ TUAE (TUE-FRI) STRUMPET CllY (MON) MOVIE (WED) CFL FOOTBALL (MON) FLASHBACK: WALL STREET CRASH 1929 (1 HA.) (FRI) I MOVIE (2 HRS., 15 MIN.) (TUE) MOVIE (1 HA., •s MIN.) (MON) THE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION ( 1 HR., 30 MIN.) (WED) (%) MOV1E ( 1 HR., 35 MIN.) (TUE) 1 :35 I OZZIE ANO HARRIET (MON, TUE. FRI) 2:00 Cl) GUIDING LIGHT I CHIPS (A) JOHN DAVIDSON 0 GENERAL HOSPITAL IRONSIDE HAWAII AVE-0 (FRI) MOVIE (MON-THU) I OPEN LINE LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE BOTANIC MAN (FRI) MIXED BAG (TUE) QUIZ KIDS (WED) I COLLLLLECTING (THU) UP ANO COMING MISTER ROGERS (R) THE TALKING WHALE (THU~ INSIDE BASEBALL (A) (TU MOVIE (1 HR., 31 MIN.) (TU FlASHBACK: WALL STREET CRASH 1929 (1 HR.~O) I AEROBICISE (MON, WED, FRI) MOVIE (1 HR, ..0 MIN.) (FRI) RICHARD PRYOR IN CONCERT (1 HR., 30 MIN.) (THU, FRI) (%)MOVIE (1 HR. 26 MIN.) (WED) 2:05 ltl) THE PAATRK>GE FAMILY (MON, TUE. FRI) 2:30. BEWITCHED SUPERMAN MOVIE (FRI) SINGIN' (MON) EAR\. Y DA VS (TUE) DANCE (WED) AM9'CAN CHALLENGE (THU) HERFS TO YOUR HEAL TH MATINEE AT THE BUOU (FRI) UNDERSTANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR (MON- THU) I SPORTSWOMAN (TUE) AUSTRALIAN RULESFOOTBALL (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 60 MIN.) (FRI) VIDEO JUKEBOX (THU) PETER ALLEN AND THE ROCKETTES ( 1 HR.. 8 MIN.) ~FRI) I ~~:::;:::~! ~I MOVIE 1 HR., 57 MIN.~]U) MOVIE 1 HR., 30 MIN. E) MOVIE 2 HRS .. 8 MIN. HU) 2:36 ltl) H (MON, TUE. I) 3:00. THE ROCKFORD ALES DONAHUE RICHARD SIMMONS EOOE OF NIGHT MERV GAIFFIN BEST OF OAOUCHO BA8EBALL (FRI) LAVERNE & SH)RLEY & COMPANY THEWALTONS MIGHTY MOUSE (FRI) CARTOOM8~MON-THU) SIGNATURE MON) OCEANUS ( ) IMAGES OF INOIANS (MON-THU) HOUR MAGAZINE AMERICAN 8TOAV (~THU) CAIJfAWAV (MOH. WED, FR) DON'T CHANQE MY WORLD (TUE) = ~':/oTRE DAME FOOT1W.L (TUE. FRI) I MOVIE 11HR,34 MIN.I =·WED) MOVIE 1 HR., 60 MfN. ) MOVIE 1 HR., 60 MIN. OUTSIDE THE LAB -Susan Monts plays Prof. Aja n>yan. a beautiful scientist who experiences romance both in and out of the laboratory, on NBC's daytime drama series, "Search for Tomorrow," weekdays on KNBC (Ch . 4) at 11:30 a.m. (%)MOVIE (1 HR., 25 MIN.) (MON) 3:06 (ll') MY THREE SONS <MON-WED, FRI) 3:16(%) CHARLES CHAMPLIN TALKS WfTH ..• 3:~ RICHARD SIMMONS PEOPLFS COURT WHATS HAPPENINGll CHARLIE'S ANGB.S ONE IN A THOUSAND (MON) A PLAY FOR LOVE: TH£ PUMP (WED) THE SOHO WRtTER8 (THU) OVERSGHT (WED. FA) FASTFOAW~~ FROMJUMPST MAKING IT: JUN IS IN AMERICA ~NG YEARS (MON-THU) CASTAWAY (FRI) !RENE MOVEa~) =umw~~:~~:[:· M::) MOVIE 1 HR., 26 MIN. FRI MOVIE 1 HR., 67 MIN. MOVIE 1 HR., 42 MIN. ) MOVIE 1 HR., 31 MIN. fU) 3:361FA KNOWS (MON-WED, FRI) 4:00 8AAHEY MILLER NEWS COUPLES WELCOME BACK. KOTTER MOVIE ENTERf AINMENT TONIGHT {MON-THU) THE FUHT8TONES BUGS BUNNY (FRI) =-~THU) =HOUSE &l~e PRAIRIE SESAME STREET (R) Q ~~SPOTTER (MON) FR:>M THE 16-YARD LN: (THU, FR) INBl>E BA8E8AU (MON) Scott Brotzmann Piano Technician lECISHllfQ CllAfTSMAN P.T.Ci. --·--.. 1t1t rOll~Q4.c.b I NASL WEEKLY (TUE) SPORTSFORUM (WE'.D) MOVIE (1 HR .. 30 MIN.) (TUE) REACHING OUT (FRI) MOVIE (1 HR., 57 MIN.) (TUE) •:05 (ll') WINNERS (FRI) (ll') GREEN ACRE$ (MON· THU) •:308NEWS ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT aJ ABC NEWS (MON) M•A•s•H YOU ASKED FOR IT (MON, WED, THU) BASEBALL (TUE) PEOPLE'S COURT (TUE-FRI) GROOVY GOOLIES SIGNATURE SESAME STREET (R) Q HOlWHEEl.S (TUI:) MOVIE (WED) SPORTSCENtER SNEAK PREVIEW (FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., :W MIN.1 ~I) MOVIE 1 HR., 30 MIN. MON, WED) MOVIE 1 HR .. 35 MIN. THU) MOVIE 1 HR., 53 MIN. FRI) MOVIE 1 HR., 28 MIN. 0) MOVIE 1 HR.. 30 MIN. HU) CH CHAMPLIN A KS WITH .•• (MON) 4:35 (ll') ANDY GRIFFTTH 5:008 8. (I) (II NEWS I STARSKY AND HUTCH I, Cl.AUOIUS (MON) = ~feNNESSEE: A MUSICAL AFFAIR U) THE BRADY BUNCH CARTOONS (FRI) 8ANFOAO ~SON (MON-THU) ~~G ,J.~ FRI) ~(WED) BOTANIC MAN (THU) UVEATFIVE I MOVIE (FRI) AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY (MON- THU) THE LITTLE DETECTIVE (MON) 8IU Y GOATS BLUFF (TUE) MOVIE(TH~ PGA GOLF E. FRI) MU JUN Ol YMPICS (MON) AUTO RACJHG (WED) SPORTSFOAVM (THU) MOVIE (1 HR., 46 MIN.) (FRI) THE GOLD BUG ( 1 HA.) (MON, THU) KJOS ON THE BLOCK (TUE) MOONCHllD (WED) MOVIE 0 t<JNG OF THE MOUNTAIN" (1981, IA~=~(~~ Bottoms (Fri) MOVIE (TUE-THU) STEVE ALLEN SALUTES THE OE II ( 1 HR.) i~ CHAMPLIN TALKS WITH •.. (FRI) ~HR.,43MIN.) (MON) MOVIE 1 HA., 67 MIN.) (THU) 6:06~ &15 MOVIE}1HA.,36 MIN.) (FRI) 5:30 (llBASbAU {MON) l ~\:'tb ~~(~MOH-THU) THE CHAMBER M 80CElV OF LINCOlH ~~~YS(MON) =~(WED) ~~N4V(R) FOCUS ON IOCETY fMOH-THU) ~~~(THU~ MOVIE (1HR.,45MIN.) flCHAAO PRYOR IN (1 HR.,· 30 ~1 HR., 31 MIN.) (WED) 5 -co Q) "' ; Sports Highlights ?'" Friday AUGUST 6, 1982 EVENING 7:00(IDTHEWAY ITWAS 7:308 BASEBALL California Angels at Seattle Mar· lners (2 hrs .. 30 min.) (ID BASEeALL Atlanta Braves at Los Angeles Ood_g_ers (3 hrs.) 7:35 Ill) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Los Angeles OodfErs (3 hrs .. 15 min.) 8:00 SPORTSCENTEA 9:00 CFL FOOTBALL Ottawa Rough Alders at Cal~ry Stampeders (3 hrs.) 12:00 U III PGA GOLF "PGA Championship Highlights'· Coverage of the second round from the Southern Hills Country Club In Tulsa, Okla. (E) SPORTSCENTER 1:00(() PGA GOLF "PGA Championship" Coverage of the second round from Southern Hills Country Club, Tulsa, Okla (A) (3 hrs ) 4:00 (E) SPORTSCENTER AUGUST 7, 1982 MORNING 5:00(() ALL-STAR SPORTS CHALLENGE "Super Bowl XII Rematch" World Champion Dallas Cowboys vs. Denver Broncos (A) 5:06 a:ll BASEBALL BUNCH 5:30(() FROM THE 55-YARO LINE Action hlghhghts from the Canadian Football League (A) 6:00 (E) Al/TO RACING "SCCA Super Vees" from Milwaukee. WtS. (A) ( 1 hr.) 7:00 (E) SPORTSCENTER 8:00 (!) WRESTLING (E) THE OLD BALL GAME (2) 9:00 ([) NASL SOCCER KICKS (E) PGA OOLF "PGA ChamplOnshlp" Coverage of the second round from Southern Hills Country Club. Tulsa, Okla. (A) (3 hrs.) 9:30 Cl) OlJTOOOR LIFE Stu Apte fishes for tarpon In the Everglades and In open water ofl the Florida Keys. m THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 10:001 ABOALLA~ SHRINE R00E0 10:30 (II NFL FOOTBALL "AFC/NFC Hall Of Fame Game" Baltimore Colts vs. Minnesota Vikings from Canton, Ohio. (3 hrs.) • NASL SOCCER KICKS 11:008 BASEBALL Chicago White Sox at Boston Red Sox (3 hrs.) CD BASEBALL Regional coverage of Texas Rangers at New York Yankees or Chicago White Sox at Boston Red Sox (3 hrs.) AFTERNOON 12:00(() HORSE RACING "The Hambletonlan" Live coverage from the Meadowlands. East Rutherford, N.J. (3 hrs., 30 min.) 12:30. VIC BRADEN'S TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE "The Lob And Drop Shot" Vlo Braden demon- strates how a well-timed lob snot can break an op~t's rhythm. (A) O 1;309 ()) TENNIS "U.S Clay Court Champion- ships" Coverage of the women's finals from the lndlanapotls Sports Center. lndlanapolls, Ind. (2 hrs.)_ 8 0 PGA GOLF "PGA Championship" Live cov- erage of the third round from the Sou1hem Hills Country Club In Tulsa, Okla. (2 hra .. 30 min ) 2:06 THISWEEK IN BASEBAU 2:36 MOTORWEEK ILLUSTRATED 3:00 RAaNG FROM SARATOGA 2:001 W£8TERN OlJTDOORSMAN 3:05 WREBTUNG 3:30 (I) SPORTS SATUROAY Scheduled· c<>ve<- age of the 1C>-round heavywelat\t bout between Tony Tubbs and Clarence Hill (from AlbUquerque, N.M.); the continuation of the World Swimming and Diving ChamplonShlpt (from Guayaquil. EcuadOr) . !_1 hr .. 30 min.) (I) ALL-8TAR SPORTS CHALLENGE "Super Bowl XII Rematch" WO<ld Champion Dallas Cowboys vs. Denver Broncos (R) •:OO Cf) BA8EBALL New YC>fk Meta at PlttabUrgh Plta~g.lr'I.) 4:~. 800CER MADE IN OERMANY ca> 8UPEMOWl 8ASkETBAU Memben of the o.aaa COWbOyt rlval membeft of the San FranclloO 49-s In a tOUtnatnent f()f the btntflt of 1he u s. iT'f~~~'Il30f'l'lln.) . 6: ~ O(.~Pte& A ont -. ·----.. DODGERS' VOICE -=. Vince ScuJJy, recently inducted in baseball Hall of Fame, continues to be the voice of the Los Angeles Dodgers. In the thick of a diy-ision championship battle, the Dodgers will talc~ on the division-leading Atlanta Braves tl11.s weekend in Dodger Stadium. The games wil1 be broadcast on the SuperStation, WI'BS, (Ch. 17). hour docu-spor1s special featuring the largest pro- gram ol athletic competition fOf the mentally handi- capped In the world ( 1 hr.) (E) CFL FOOTBALL Edmonton Eskimos al Toronto Argonauts (3 hrs.) EVENING 6:30(]) GREATEST SPORTS LEGEN08 "Ted Wll· Iiams" Host: Tom Seaver. SI MAKING IT: JUNIOR TENNIS IN AMERICA Ten- nis professionals and some of the finest young play· ers In America and their parents discuss the training and commitment necessary for success. 7:0000 BOXING Live coverage of the 15-round WBC light·heavywelaht bout between Dwight Braxton and Matthew Saad Muhammed, from the Spectrum In Philadelphia, Pa. 7:05 a:lJ BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Los AngeleS Dodgers (3 hrs .. 15 min.) 7:30 e BASEBALL Callfomla Angels at Seattle Mar· Iner& (2 hrs .• 30 min.) 8:00 i SPORTSCENTEA 8:30 RACING FROM YONKERS 9:00 WRESTLING (I) PGA GOLF "PGA Championship" Same-day coverage of the third round from Southern HIHs Country Club, Tulsa, Okla. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 11:30 (I) SPOATSCENTER 12:30(1) NFl FOOTBALL Edmonton Eskimos at Toronto Argonauts (R) 3:00 (I) BEST Of NOlRE DAME FOOTBALL "Pitt• bUr~ • '75" (A) ( 1 hr.) 4:00 CIJ SPOR1'SCENTER Sunday AUOUST 8, 1982 MORNING 6:00(!) HORSESHOW JUMPING "I Love New Yont Grand~~~~ ~~~BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "USC· '78" (R) ( 1 hr.) 9'.00 (J) PGA OOLF "PGA Champlonthlp" Coverage of the thlr<LJ~ from Southern Hiiie Country Club. TulsalOkli. (A) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 10:00 WESTl:AN OUTOOORSMAN 10:30 THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 11:00 (I) TENN1$ "U.S. C&ey Court Champion· &hips" Live coverage of the rnen't flnals from the lndlanapollt $pofts Center, lndlanapolll, Ind. (2 hrt-;J!J min.) 11:30w MU JUNIOR O\.YMPIC8 UY&~ of competltlona Ill track and n.id. swimming, and gym-nu1fcl from Memphis. Tenn. (3 In.} AFl9'NOON 1~· ......... lelflal ~ .... ~ ships lrom the Southern Hills Country Club. Tulsa, Okla. hi .. Liv 12:308 (fl PGA GOLF "PGA Champions ps e coverage of the final round from the Southern Hills Country Club,_ Tulsa. Okla. (3 hrs .• 30 min.) GD OUTDOOR LIFE Stu Apte fishes for tarpon In the Ever_g_lades and In open water off the Florida Keys. 1:00 OJ SPORTSWORLO Scheduled: coverage of the Gold Cup Unlimited Hydroplane Race (from the Detroit River): women's Survival of th~ F,itt~st sur- vival run (from New Zealand) ; Al McGuire s 81 ~un for Cha~ (from Milwaukee, Wis). ( 1 hr , 30 min.) 1·301J C1J SPORTS SUNDAY Scheduled: coverage 'of the World Swimming And Diving Championships (from Guayaquil. Equador). ( 1 hr., 30 min ) 0 WESTERN OUTOOORSMAN 1 :35 (I?) WRESTLING 2:05@ BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Los Angeles Dodgers (3 hrs .. 15 min.) 2:30CD SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES Louisiana vs. Rocky Mountain (2 hrs.) (E) PKA FULL CONT ACT KARATE 3:00 ()) BASEBALL BUNCH 3:30 O OUTDOOR LIFE Stu Apte fishes for tarpon In the Everglades and In open water off the Florida Keys. ())BAJA 1,000 -4:00 O SPORTSWORLO Scheduled: coverage of the Gold Cup Unlimited Hydroplane Race (from the Detroit River) women's Survival of the Fitte£1 sur· vtval run (from New Zealand) ; Al McGuire's '81 Aun for Charity (from Milwaukee. Wis.) (1 hr .. 30 min.) 8 GREA TESf SPORTS LEGENDS (I) SPORTSCENTER 6:00(1) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL Carlton vs. North Melbourne ( 1 hr., SO min.) 5:30 t1J GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Roberto Clemente" Host: George Plimpton. Guest: Willie Stargell EVENING 6:30 ~HORSE RACING WEEKL V 7:00 SPORTSCENTER 7:30 NASL SOCCER Tampa Bay Rowdies at Port- land Timbers (2 hrs.) 9:30 (E) PGA GOLF "PGA Championship" Same- .day coverage of the final round from Southern Hills Country Club, Tulsa. Okla (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 10:301 SPORTS WRAP-UP 10:46 SUNDAY SPORTS PAGE 11:30 SPORTS ANAL ()) WEE.KENO SPORTS WRAP-UP 12:00 Cl) 8PORT8CENTER 1:00(1) NASL SOCCER Tampa Bay Rowdies at Port· land Timber& (R) (2 hrs.) 3:00 (I) BIUIAROS Irving Crane vs. Lu1her Lassiter 4:~)~1S~ENTER Monday AUGUST D, 1982 AFTERNOON 5:30 8 aJ BASESAU Regional cOV8f8ge of New York Yankees at Detroit Tlg0ra or Cincinnati Reds at Los Angeles Dodgers (2 hrs.. 30 min.) EVENING =-~~~NG From Atlantic City, N J. (R)~2 hrs .• 30 min.) 11:,"l 8PORT8CENTEA p 12:30 Pt<A FULL CONTACT KARATE From rem- ler• Center, Detroit. Mich. (R) (1 hr., SO min ) 2:00(1) INSIDE BASEBALL 2:30(1) AUSTRALIAN AUi.ES FOOTBALL Carlton vs. NO<th MelboUrne (R) (1 hr .. 30 min.) 4:00 Cl) 8POATSCENTEA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------7 I HAWAII AVE-0 \ Friday \I< >It\ I ~< ; \I< )\'I ES 6:00(C) "M" ( 1930. Suspense) Peter Lorre. Ellen Widmann CID "The H1deaytays" ( 1973, Comedy) Ingrid Berg- man, Johnny Doran 6:05tll) "The Bride Came C 0 D " (1941, Comedy) Bette Davis. James Cagney 7: 15 CZJ "Killer's Kiss" (1955, Mystery) Frank Sil- vera. Irene Kane 7:30 0 "Raggedy Man" ( 1981, Drama) Sissy Spa- cek, Eric Roberts 8:00(C) "No Nukes" ( 1980, Musical) Jackson Browne, Crosby, Slllls & Nash. CID "Clash 01 The Titans" ( 1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamlin. Laurence Olivier. 8:05 (fl) "Stranger On The Run:;_ ( 1967. Western) He~ Fonda. Michael Parks. 8:30lZ) "The Kiiiing" ( 1956. Drama) Sterling Hay- den. Vince Edwards. 10:00 CC) "Pap11ion" ( 1973, Adventure) Steve McQueen. Dustin Hollman. (]) "Shadow On The Wall" ( 1950, Mystery) Ann Sothern, Zachary Scott 10:05(11) "Copper Canyon" ( 1950. Western) Ray Mil- land, Hedy Lamarr. 10:15(%) "Dulcima" (1971, Drama) John Mills. Carol While. 10:30 0 "Tell Me A Riddle" ( 1980, Orama) Metvyn Douglas, Lila Kedrova 11:30(]) "Stardust Memories" ( 1980, Orama) Woo- dy Allen. Charlotte Rampling. . \l· .. 1 l~H~< >< >~ \I<)\' I ES 12:008 "White Cargo" (1942, Orama) Hedy Lamarr. Walter Pidgeon. m "Anzio" ( 1968, Orama) Robert Mitchum, Peter Falk. e "We're No Angels" ( 1955, Comedy) Hum- phrey Bogart, Aldo Ray. CID "The Spiral Staircase" (1977, Suspense) Jacqueline Bisset. Christopher Plummer. g "Back Roads" (1981, Comedy) Sally Field, Tommy Lee Jones. (%)"Victory" ( 1981, Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine. 1 :00~ "The Girls In The Office" ( 1979. Orama) Susan Saini James, Barbara Eden. 2:00 ([) "The Survivor" ( 1981, Fantasy) Robert Powell, Jenny Agutter. g "Blackboard Jungle" (1955. Drama) Glenn Ford, Anne Francis. 2:309 "Dodes'Ka-Den" ( 1972) Aklra Kurosawa. CID "The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia" ( 1981. Orama) Kristy McNlchol. Mark Hamill. 3:30(%) "The Kilhng" ( 1956. Orama) Sterling Hay- den, Vlnoe Edwards ~OOG "Johnny Eager" (1942. Orama) Aobe<l !!)'tor. Lana Turner (k) "Toby And The Koala Bear" ( 1981, Fantasy) Rolf Hams. t 4:30(1) "Treasure ISiand" (1972, AdVenture) Orson Welles, Kim Burfield. CRIME-FIGHTING FRIENDS -Michael Knight (David Hasselhoff) fights for the underdog with the a.id of his sophisticated ally, Devon (Edward Mulhare) on the action-adventure series "Knight Rider," beginning this fall on KNBC (Ch. 4) on Fridays at 9 p.m. O ''Hawmpsl'' ( 1976. Comedy) James Hampton. Christopher Connelly. 5:008D "Gulliver's Travels" ( 1939, Fantasy) Ani- mated. CH> "The Hideaways" ( 1973. Comedy) Ingrid Berg- man, Johnny Doran. (OJ Three young L.A. bachelors devote their ener- gies to the sport of drag racing. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 mln..l_ 5:05(11) "Angel In My Pocket" ( 1969. Comedy) An~ Griffith, Lee Meriwether. 5:16CZJ "Oulcima" (t971. Orama) John Mills, Carol White. 5:30 ~ "M" ( 1930, Suspense) Peter Lorre, Ellen Widmann. L \ l ·. '\ I '\< ; e:ooee•NEWS l ~WOMAN C88N£WS WILD, WILD WEST ABC NEWS S.W.A.T. Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities ··scn·ing All Faiths" OVER EASY Guest: Mitch Miiier. (R) Q NBC NEWS LAFf-A-THON A comedian host and four comic contestants who compete against one another are featured in this uncensored comedy game show. 6:30 (I) G) NEWS 0 BARNEY MILLER 9 STRUMPET CITY Peter O'TOOle stars tn this sev- en-part drama of Ille in Dublin from 1907 to 1914. :!! 0 - ia&Jk6~~ SLIM CUISINE )> MOVIE "Stardust Memories" ( 1980, Orama) c5 Woody Allen. Charlotte Rampling. A successful c director laces a personal crisis as he tries to make ~ some major decisions in his life. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 29 min.) g MOVIE "Smokey Bites The Oust" (1981 , Come- dy) Jimmy McNlchol. Janet Julian. A high school delinquent gets the whole town on his trail when he makes oH with the homecoming queen and heads across the state In a series of stolen automoblles. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 7:00 8 CBS NEWS I NBC NEWS HAPPY DAYS AGAIN ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A visit to a Phlladelphla school Whose students are infants; a couple who keep 400 I birds al home. THE SAINT ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M•A•s•H JOKER'S WILD ID BUSINESS REPORT TMEMUPPETS MOVIE "The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia" (1981, Orama) Kristy McNlchol, Marl< Hamill. A brother-ana..lster songwriting duo have many adventures while trying to eke out a IMng on the country-western circuit. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• SO min.) ([)MOVIE "Boardwalk" ( 1979. Orama) Ruth Gor- don. Lee Strasbe<g. An old couple refuse to leave the ~hborhood they have spent most of their lives In despite urban crime and poor IMng conditions. ( 1 hr., 40 min.) lmTMEWAYITWAS (%)MOVIE "Hardly Working" (1981, Comedy) Jer- ry Lewis, Susan Olive<. After the circus closes down, a veteran clown tries his hand at various jobs, falling miserably at them all. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) 1:osmNews 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: a visit to Egypt and the tombs and temples at Karnak and Lu>cor'. the tomb of King Tutankhamun. the Aswan Dam, a chat with Omar Sharif and an art school where i1~ children learn tapestry and pottery. • FAMtl V FEUD BASEBALL California Angels at Seattle Mar- iners (2 hrs., 30 min ) e EYE ON LA. Featured: a report on microsur- gery; a look at bullet-proof fashions; a profile of a train collector. I . TIC TAC DOUGH YOU ASKED FOR IT w•A•s•H SIGNATURE Guest: Fefix Rohatyn. MACNEIL / LEHRER REPORT WAU STREET WEEK "Wllch'a Brew" Guest. Joan Huggins of Sloete, Weisman, Mofray & Stein- .... <O CD I\) Harbor Lawn· Mount Olive Men1orial Park· Mo11uary · Mausoleums Burial In Any <:emetery -Shipment -'Cremation. Plans Available~ 1625 Glsler Av~ .. -;coata:Mesa .. ~Q .... , . ..,._. P.ll.~540-&114, 8 Friday (continued) N· co 0) -berg. CC) MOVIE .. Hondo'" ( 1954. Western) John Wayne. Geraldine Page. A cavalry dispatch rider encoun1ers a woman and her son. an Apache chief's blood brother. ( 1 hr .• 25 min.) ©) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves et Los Angeles Dod_g_ers (3 hrs) 7:35 (1Z) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Los Angeles Dod_g_ers (3 hrs . 15 min.) 8:00 6 (J) THE DUKES OF HAZZARD Boss Hogg appoints an attractive woman olflcer acttng shenfl of Hazzard (R) ( 1 hr.) O ONE OF THE BOYS Adam's first assignment for the college newspaper is to review Jonathan's play (R) fJ ®) BENSON Katie fails In love with the gover· nor's press agent alter he takes her on a '"date .. to 1!11ymnastics meet (A) Q U WOMEN IN CRISIS Gary Collins end Carol Law- rence host this examination of the phght of the 1 6 billion women In the world's developing nations through the stones of six of these women ( 1 hr.) (!) PAUL HOGAN • P.M. MAGAZINE A visit to a Philadelphia school whose students are Infants; a couple who keep 400 ~t birds at home W MOVIE .. The Wings Of An Eagle" (1976, Adventure) Documentary. The hie of a rare Cahfor· nla golden eagle raised in captivity and set lree 1n adulthood 1s chron~led. (2 hrs.) @ MIXED BAG "Mom Art .. Fiimmakers make mov- ies about their mothers with approaches ranging from anger to humor. (Part 3) 18j) WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW LOOK ALIVE SPORTSCENTER MOVIE .. Darby O'G1ll And The Little People" ( 1959, Fantasy) Albert Sharpe. Sean Connery. An old lnsh caretaker who is about to lose his job to a younger man captures the ktng of the leprechauns and forces him to grant three wishes. 'G' ( 1 hr .• 35 min.) 0 MOVIE .. Victory" (1981, Adventure) Sylvester Stallone, Michael Caine. During World War II, Allied POWs see their ticket to freedom In a match between their soccer team and the German National Team in Paris. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 57 min ) 8:30 0 GO CHICAGO STORY Dutton tries to find out why his prosecution ol a murde< suspect was hind· ered and Megan tries to prove negligence against a policeman. (R) (1 hr .. 30 min.) 8 0 MAKING A LIVING Maggie !alls in tOlle with the director of Dot's theater group. (R) (!) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT •ooocouPLE 9 THE CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY OF UNCOlN CENTER Soprano Judith Blegen and trumpet sol0tst Stephen Burns 1oln this group In this h<>Ur-long spe- cial. (1 hr.) 69 WALL STREET WEEK "Witch's Brew" Guest· Joan Huggins of Sloate, Weisman, Murray & Stein- berg. iii) VOTER'S PIPELINE .. Warning! Child Molestorl" Pedophilia is examined In this show with speclal emphasis on the Increase in chlld sexual abl.lse tn Ora!!SJe County 9:00 U (J) DALLAS Sue Ellen accepts J.R.'s 1nvita· t1on to dinner at Southfork, J.R persoades Ray to sign over his voting shares ol Ewing 011. and Ray and Donna discuss divorce. (R) ( 1 hr.) fJ 0 MOVIE "Inmates: A Love Story" ( 1981, Ora- ma) Perry King. Kate Jackson. An executive and a street-wise woman are thrown together when they serve time In a co-ed prison (A) (2 hrs ) I) ENCORE NEWS "March 31. 1971" Highlights· Charles Manson av0tds the death penalty In his sen- tencing; conviction of Lieutenant Wiiiiam Calley ol the Massacre at My Lai. Cf) YOU ASKED FOR rT • MERV GRIFAN Guests. Val Diamond, Bruoe Boxleitner. Cindy Morgan, Arsenlo Hall, former DIA chief Lt. Gen Daniel Graham. ( 1 hr.) e CRtSIS TO CRISIS WITH bARBAAA JORDAN .. How Much Is Enough? Decision-Making In The Nuclear Age" Barbara Jordan looks at how ma)of decisions were made as the U.S expanded Ila nuclear arsenal over the past two decades. ( 1 hr ) ID U.S. CHRONICLE "Crime Victims" Robert MacNell reports on vlolent crime from the peerspee· tlves of the vlctlma, their families and the criminals. CC) MOVIE "The Fixer" ( 1968, Orama) Dirk Boaarde, Alan 88tes. Based on a novel by Bernard MaTamud. A turrH>f·the-century Jewlah peasant It wrongfully Imprisoned tor the death of a child In Klev. -(2 firs .• 10 min.) Cl) ~ FOOT8ALl Ottawa Rough Aldn at Cel- Q!.'Y Stampedefs (3 hrs.) (If) MOVIE "Tan.an, The Ape Man" (1981, Adven- ture) Richard Harris, Bo Defek. A young woman searchet for her mllllng father In the African Jungle where she encounters an unclvlllad white man and an oranoutan. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 52 min.) CD MCW1E "T .. Me A Rlddle" ( 1980, OramA) Met- ENDS TOUR OF DUTY -Gayle Grether, KTTV's fourth "Bedtime Movie Girl," will end her tour of duty tonight with the showing of "Lm.Je Women" on Channel 11 at 11:30. vyn Douglas. Liia Kedrova. A withdrawn. elderly woman, unaware that she is dying, embarks on a long 1ourney to reacquaint herself with her geo- graphically and emotionally separated lamlly 'PG' 1_! hr .. 30 min.) (1) MOVIE "Victory" (1981, Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine Dunng Wor1d War II, Allled POWs see their ticket to freedom In a match between their socoer team and the German National Team in Paris. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 57 min.) 9:30 I) ERIC SEVAREID'S CHRONICLE Cl) MOVIE .. Fiith Avenue Girl" (1939, Comedy) Ginger . Rogers, James Ellison. The wealthy who have made It Inspire the would-be wealthy stlll on their WflY up the social scale. ( 1 hr • 30 min.) ta STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars in this sev· en-part drama of life In Dublin from 1907 to 1914 {Part 3) ( 1 hr.) Ci) EUAOPEAN JOURNAL 10:008 Cl) FALCON CREST Lance stands up to Angle when she tries to destroy his romance with a }'.2Un.a._woman. (R) ( 1 hr.) U OJ CASSIE & CO. Cassie trlea to find the souroe of a series of death threats against her ex- husband (lhr.) l aemN£WS LOS ANGB.ES WEEK IN REVIEW CRISIS TO CRISIS WITH BARBARA JOAOAN "How Much Is Enough? Decislon-Maklng In The Nuclear Age" Barbara Jol'dan looks at how major decisions were made as the U.S. expanded Its nuclear arsenal ov&f the past two decades. ( 1 hr.) (J) MOVIE "S.O.B.'' (1981, Comedy) Wllllam Hol- den, Julie Andrews A movie director who has just linlshed a multl-mllllon dollar turkey goes from attempted solclde to a bizarrely Inspired re-shooting ot his epic. 'R' (2 hrs., • min.) II MOVIE "Friday The 13th" (1980, Honor) Betsy Palmer. Adrienne King. The reopening of a sommer camp, closed 20 years earliel after three murders. attracts a vindictive killer who knifes unsuspecting teen-agers. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 38 min ) 1o:ao•NEWS I SiGNATUAE GU8tlt' Felix Rohatyn. MATTERS OF LIFE ANO DEATH MOVIE "Tarzan. The Ape Man'' (1981, Adven- ture) Richard Harris. Bo berate. A young woman searches for her mlulng father In the African jongle where she enoountert an uncMtlzed white man and an 0<angutan. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 52 min.) 10:60«!) MOVIE ''&perlment In Terror" ( 1;e2, Suspense) Glenn F0<d. Lee Remick. A terror-atrlek- en glr1 aids the FBI In the capture of a master crlml-rial.J: ::. 4? min.) 11:0011iri&'f M NEWS I YOU A8t<ED FOR rT JOE FMNK.l.IN u·A·e·H IEHHYHIU MDC£D BAG "Mom Art" Almmakera make moY- lee about th9if mothlrt with ~oectwe ranglog from enger to humor. (Pan 2) I BUSINESS REPORT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE THE UNEXPURGATED BENNY HILL The wild and wacky British comedian portrays various char- acters. including a circus clown and a French exchange student. In numerous sketches. ( 1 hr.) , CD MOVIE "If You Don't Stop It, You'll Go Blind ' (1975 Comedy) Keefe Brasselle, Pat McCot'mack Ribald.stories. jokes and sketches illustrate the fun- nier side ol sex. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 23 min.) (%) RICHARD PRYOR IN CONCERT The well-known comedian shoots pointed bar~t almost every Institution imaginable In this uncensored. no-holds- barred concert performance. ( 1 hr., 30 min ) 11:308 MOVIE "Young Maverick" (1978, Western) Charles Frank. Susan Blanchard. Ben Maverick dis- covers that he is the heir to a hand in a high-stakes poker game. (A) (2 hrs. 15 min.) D Gl)"TONIGHT Host· Johnny Carson Gues1· Ken· i R<>gers. ( 1 hr ) 0 ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE RICH MAN. POOR MAN: BOOK I Rudy (Peler Strauss), despite the strong objections of his mother (Dorothy McGuire), finally marries Julie (Susan Blakely). (2 hrs.) D MOVIE "Johnny Eager" (1942, Drama) Robert Taylor, Lana Turner A young sociology major falls in love with an Important gang leader. (2 hrs ) • MOVIE "Little Women .. (1949, Orama) June. Allyson. Peter Lawford Based on the story by Loui- sa May Alcott. The four March sisters forge emo- tional ties never to be broken during the hardshtp- filled days of the Civil War. (2 hrs.) I SANFORD ANO SON THE CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY OF LINCOLN CENTER Soprano Judith Belgen and trumpet soloist Stephen Burns join this group in this h<>Ur·long spe- cial. ( 1 hr.) I UNOEAST ANDING HUMAN BEHAVIOR CAPTIONED ABC NEWS MOVIE "No Nukes" ( 1980. MuSlC81) Jackson Browne, Crosby. Stllls & Nash. Footage of a set1es of anti-nuclear power concerts held In New York City during September, 1979, featuring the Oooble Brothers. Carly Simon. James Taylor and Bruce Springsteen, Is complied In lhis documentary 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 43 min.) 12:008 ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT 8 0 PGA GOLF "PGA Championship Highlights" Coverage of the second round from the Southern Hills Country Club In Tulsa. Okla. Cf) MOVIE "Anderson's Angels" ( 1976. Orama) Dorri Thomas, Scatman Crothers. A young Wave pays dearly for an earlier Indiscretion with a U.S. senator. (2 hrs.) I LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE SPORTSCENTER MOVIE "Clash Of The Titans" ( 1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamlin, Laurence Olrvier. Mythic hero Perseus Is helped by his father Zeus In a series of dangerous tasks as he tries to win the hand of a Phoenician princess against the wishes of a vengeful sea god· dess. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 58 min.) (J) MOVIE "Looking For Mr. Goodbar" (1977, Ora· ma) Diane Keaton, Tuesday Weld. A socially repressed schoolteacher seeks e>Ccltement tty fre- quontlng slngles bars and luring various men Into one-night stands. 'A' (2 hrs., 15 min.) fa MOVIE "Back Roads" (1981, Comedy) Sally Aeld. Tommy Lee Jones. A hooke< and• down-on- hls--luck boxe< meet and head west In search of a new llfe. 'R' ( 1 hr . 36 min.) 12:308 e SCTV NETWOAK Guest: singer James Ir~. 30 min.) EVENING AT THE IMPROV THE AOCl<FORO Fil.ES LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE STRUMPET CtTY Peter O'Toole stars In this sev· en-part drama of life In Dublin from 1907 to 1914 ~rt 3) ( 1 hr.) OJ ONE NIGHT STAND "A Keyboard Event" Aimed on location at concerts In both Loa Angeles' 0orothy ChendkH Pavlllon and New York's Carnegie Han. this epeclel lnclUdeS the jazz keyboard artistry ol greats ~· Herbie Hancoc:J<. Ramsey Lewis and Bob Jtmes. ( 1 hr • •O min.) CD) MOVIE "laat Tango In Pans" ( 1973. Orama) Marton BrandO. Marla Schnelder. ·x· (2 hrs.. 9 min.) (%) MASSAGE: n.e TOUCH OF L.OVE The steps Involved in glYlng ind receMng a mosuge are por- trayed u couplet demonstrate how to relax each erff Of the body. 1:ooe MOW: "They Shell Have Music" (19~. Dr•· ma) Joel McCree. Waltet Brennan. A group of young ~ gathers at a Mttlement houtJt to P90I ft'4lr telentl. (2 his.) •MOVIE "O..th Smllee On A Murderer'' (1973. Horror) Ewa Aulln, Klaul Klnakl. A YOYnO men 1ampen with the all)efMttM'al llf\d attempt• to reatme Nt. to the deed. ( 1 ht., 30 min.~ (I) PQA OOU' "PGA Champlorlthlp' Coveftge ot the MCOOd tound tcam,Souttwn tt.IU.. Ooi.IOtfY .Pl\lt>. TUiia. Old&. (R) (3 twl.) • • • • --------------------------------------------------------------------------------~g Friday (continued) (%) MOVIE "Killer's Kiss" ( 1955, Mystert) Frank Siivera, Irene Kane. When a prizefighter intervenes to protect his girlfriend's honor from a dance-hall owner, the result Is murder. ( 1 hr., 5 min.) 1 :20 CC) MOVIE "Shogun Assassin" ( 1981, Adven- ture) Tomlsaburo Wakayama, Masahiro Tomlkawa. A former shogun assassin who was maneuvered out of his position by a ruthless clan of spies vows to take bl()od_yre11enge. ( 1 hr . 26 min.) 1:30 D PORTRAIT OF A LEGEND m MOVIE "The Demon Plane1" ( 1965, Science- Flcllon) Barry Sullivan, Norma Banguel. Several space crew members are murdered on the planet Aura by superior beings who require new bodies lo inhabit end a space vehicle to escape ( 1 hr.', 45 min.) (Ill MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 1:459NEWS 2:00 0 8) NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT D (f)NEWS g MOVIE "Happy Blnhdey To Me" ( 1980, Ho1- r0<) Melissa Sue Anderson, Glenn Ford. As murder begins chopping away at her circle ol elitist friends. a prep school senior worries thal she may be the next 11ict1m -or possibly the killer 'R' ( 1 hr., 48 min.} 2:05 CID THE DEADLY GAME Three retired criminal lawyers play a game ol cat-and-mouse with a seem- ingly innocent 111ctim; George Segal, T1ev0< Howard. Roben Morley and Emlyn Wllhams star (2 hrs.) 2: 15 8 MOVIE "Alvarez Kelly" ( t966. Western) Wil- ham Holden. Richard Widmark An adventurer bnng1ng a herd of 2500 cal!le to the Union Army is abducted by Confederate guerrillas. (2 hrs.. 10 min) CS) MOVIE "Return 01 The Street Fighter" (l975, Adventure) Sonny Chiba, Yoko lch1jl A loner takes on 1he Far East Mafia and a legion of black bell ~rls in an incredible light ( t hr., 15 min.) lZJ MOVIE "The Killing" ( t956, D1ama) Sterling Heyden. Vince Edwards. An ex-con11lcl's faltering marriage leads 10 his downfall when he plots a race- track heist ( 1 hr .. 25 min ) 2:30g) MOVIE "Night 01 The Sorcerers" (1970, H0<ror) Jack Tayl0<. Simon Andrue Evil and danger befall the members of an expedition when they acci- dentally stumble on to a sacrihclal oorlal ground deep in the iungles of Africa ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) (IZ)RATPA~ 2:35(!) MOVIE "Bedlam" ( 1946. Drama) Boris Kar- Iott, Anna Lee. A girl crusades to Improve the horrid conditions in London's infamous Insane asylum ( 1 hr., 25 min.) 2:45 CU) MOVIE "Expectations" ( 1980, Drama) Suz- elle Holland, Desiree West. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 2:SO(C) MOVIE "Hondo" (1954, Western) John Wayne. Geraldine Page A cavalry dispatch rider encounters a woman end he< son, an Apache chief's blood brother. ( 1 hr .• 25 min.) 3:008 MOVIE "Woman Chases Man" ( 1937, Com- edy) Joel McCrea. Miriam Hopkins A female archi- tect sets her romantic sights on her weallhy bOSS. {1 hr .• 30 min.) (IZ)I NEWS 3:15 MOVIE "War 01 The Monsters" (1966. Sci- ence-Fiction) Ko)lro Hongo. Kyoko Enaml. Gam- mere end Barugon wreak havoc In Japan until they are destroyed. (1 hr., 45 min.) 3:30 (I) MOVIE "The Unseen" ( 1981, H01ror) Bar- bare Bech. Sidney Lassick. A TV newswomen and her two assistants find lodgings et a boarding house Inhabited by a disturbed brothe< end sister and their monstrous offspring. 'R' (1 hr , 35 min.) 3:45(%) MOVIE "Dulcima" ( 197 t, Drama) John Miits. Carol White. A young housekeeper covets 1he stashed fortune of her miserly employer. a seeming- ly l~erlshed old farmer 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 4:00 Cf) NEWS Cl) SPOATSCENTEA Cl MOVIE "Janis" ( 1974, Biography) Documente· ry. Janis Joplin rises from an unhappy and obscure pest In a small Texas town to head the charts as a top rock end blues singer ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 4:06 (Ill VEGET ABlE SOUP CB) SNEAK PREVIEW Host Leonard Harris. Saturday \I< >IC\ I '\< ~ 5:00 Cl) CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP m MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE (!) All-ST AR SoOATS CHALLENGE "Super Bowl XII Rematch" World Champion Dallas Cowboys 11s. Denver Broncos (R) 5:06 (Ill BASEBALL BUNCH (I) SPOTLIGHT ON JERRY LEWIS The zany come- dian performs on stage at the Sahara Hotel In Las Vegas. Also. a backs1age Interview and clips from some of Lewis's fllms. 6:30 8 VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA (!)NEWARK AND REALrTY CE) FROM THE 55-YARO LINE Action highlights from the Canadian Football League. (A) \. (%) MOVIE ''Hardly Working'' ( t 981, Comedy) Jer- ry Lewis, Susan Oliver. ( 1 hr., 31 min.) 5:35 al) THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY 6:00 8 SUMMER SEMESTER SERENDtPITY PUBLIC AFFAIRS TEEN TALK APPLE POLISHERS NEWSMAl<ERS FAMILY AFFAIR ROMPER ROOM AUTO RACING "SCCA Super Vees" from Milwaukee. Wis. (R) (1 hr.) CS) MOVIE "Up River" ( 1980, Adventure) Morgen Stevens, Jett Carey. (I hr. 35 min.) O MOVIE "Tuck Everlasting" (1976, Adventure) Fred Kell~r. Joseph MacGulre. (2 hrs , 6 min.) 6:05 (Ill WAR ANO PEACE 6:201NEWS 6:30 DUSTY'S TREEHOUSE THATS CAT PACESETTERS VOICE OF AGRICULTURE SLIM CUISINE DAVEY AND GOLIA TH IT'S YOUR BUSINESS WATCH YOUA MOUTH REBOP CAPTIONED ABC NEWS OR. SNUGGLES MOVIE "A Global Attair'' ( 1964, Comeay) Boo Hope, Lllo Pulver CID MOVIE "Coast To Coast" ( 1980. Comedy) Dyan Cannon, Robert Blake (l hr .. 34 min.) 7:00 I KIOSWOALD THE FLINTSTONES BIG BlUE MARBLE 0 SUPERFR1END8 INTEAHA TIONAL HOUR DAVEY AND GOLIATH OOCTORWHO TEEN SCENE INANITY FACTORY YOOA FOR HEAL TH WAmNG FOR A REASON SPORTSCENTER MOVIE "Old Boyfriends" (1979, Drama) Talia Shire, Richard J0<den. (1 hr .. 42 min.) 7:05@ MOVIE "Golden Boy" (1939, Orama) Wll· liam Holden, Barbara Stanwyck. 7:30 I MR. MOON'S MAGIC CIRCUS SMURFS DR. SNUGGLES 9 RICHIE RICH I SCOOBY 000 INTEAHATIONAL HOUR DAVEY AND GOLIATH DOCTOR WHO CALIFORNIA PEOPLE QUE PASA, U.S.A. 'I BIG BLUE MARBLE WRmNG FOR A REASON MOVIE "Breaking Glass" (1980, Orama) Hazel O'Connor. Phil Daniels. (1 hr., 34 min.) 8:00 8 Cl) POPEYE / KING'S CHAMBERS -The ever-popular Smurfs will make some human friends this fall when they kick off the new season with a 90-minu te "Smurfs" on KNBC (Ch. 4) Saturdays at 9 a.m. Shown here are (clockwU>e from lower left) PeeWee, Dame Barbara, th e King and Squire Johan. 11 MOVIE "Keep Rollin' " (1940. Western) Gene IAutaA~K • WRESTLING MOVIE "Dimples" ( 1936, Comedy) Shirley ITem~~UM~~ REBOP WRmNG FOR A REASON MOVIE "The Gumball Rally" ( 1976, Comedy) Michael Serrazin, Tim Mc intire. CE) THE OLD BALL GAME (2) O MOVIE "Victory" ( 1981, Adventure) Sylvester Stallone, Michael Caine. ( 1 hr., 57 min.) 8;301Cl)TARZAN I LONE RANGER I KIO SUPER POWER HOUR FONZ I HAPPY DAYS GANG GETilNG TO KNOW ME WRmNG FOR A REASON MOVIE "Something Short Of Paradise" (1979. Romance) Susan Sarandon, David Steinberg. ( 1 hr. 27 min.) 9:00. LEAVE IT TO BEAVER I LAVERNE & SHIRLEY WILD, WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS NASL SOCCER KICKS ~EST ANGLEY MasTER ROGERS TALKS WITH PARENTS ABOUT SUPERHEROES Fred Rogers deals with the Issues and concerns of perenta about how 1helr chil- dren look upon telelllslon superheroes and frlghten- i monsters. (R) ( 1 hr.) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT PGA GOLF "PGA Championship" Coverage ol the second round from Southern Hills Country Club, Tulsa, Okla. (R) (3 hrs.) (%)MOVIE "Beyond The Reer• (1981, Romance) Oeriton Ka'ne, Maren Jensen. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) ~06al.I MOVIE "Cry F0< Happy" ( 1961, y) Glenn Ford, Donald O'Connor. 9: 1 30, ~~MBUNNY I AO RUNNER OZZIE.A 0 FF & MARMADUKE • WILD WORLD OF ANtMALS ~·di:falkn Crcari vt.: Jcwd crs, Inc. ·V!fAt/i;~ ~HAW & li,I' cY~, /" NATIONALLY KNOWN AWARD WINNING JEWELRY 0 SIGNER HJr~w ~$1'4rH1 . . WILL CREATE A DESIGN THAT REFLECTS YOUR TASTE AND LIFESTYLE! • Orlgfn8f Oeslf}nlng • Custom Remounting • Rt1styflng • De.signer Collection of Gold lJnd PlstlrkJm J6wolry • DIAMONDS • PEARLS • FINE COLORED GEMSTONES 10 N Saturday (continued) c:o O> r" Cf) OUTDOOR LIFE Stu Apte fishes for tarpon In the ] Everglades and In open water off the Florida Keys THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL Oi AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 5, MOVIE ''Clash Of The Titans" ( 1981, Fantasy) :I Har!Y Hamlin. Laurence Olivier ( 1 hr .• 58 min) < 10:00UG)SPACESTAAS ~ ISHANANA 'l:> THUNOAAA ;f MOVIE "The Bushwackers" (1951. Western) John Ireland. Waylle'Moms Cf) MOVIE "Desperate Women" ( 1978, Wesfern) Dan Haggerty, Susan Saint James. @) THUNOAAR I GOLDIE GOLD m ABDALLAH SHRINE RODEO I BOB JONES THIS OLD HOUSE AMERICAN GOVERNMENT MOVIE "The Way We Were" ( 1973. Romance) Barbra Streisand. Robert Redford. CID MOVIE "Heaven Can Walt" ( 1978. Fantasy) Warren Beatty. Julie Christle. ( 1 hr .. 41 min.) 0 MOVIE "Hawmpsl" ( 1976. Comedy)· James Harrpton, Christopher Connelly ( 1 hr .. 53 min.) 10:30 U AMERICA'S TOP TEN 8 9 NFL FOOTBALL "AFC-NFC Hall Of Fame Game" Baltimore Colts vs. Minnesota Vikings from Canton, Ohio. (3 hrs.) I NASL SOCCER KICKS SQUARE FOOT GARDENING AM~AN GOVERNMENT MOVIE "Easy Living" ( 1937, Comedy) Jean Arthur, Edward Arnold (1 hr , 25 min.) 11:000 BASEBALL Chicago White Sox at Boston Red Sox (3 hrs ) I TARZAN SOUL TRAIN THE PRINCE AND THE PAUPER Canty leaves London taking Edward with him; Tom becomes a tool in the hands of the scheming nobles as King Henry lies on his deathbed (Part 3 of 6) I COOKING MEXJCAN BASEBALL Regional coverage of Texas Rangers at New Yori< Yankees Of Chicago White Sox at Boston Red Sox (3 hrs.) G!) PERSONAL ANANCE AND MONEY MANAGE- MENT 1 1:308 Cl) BLACKSTAR I WILD, WILD WEST THE ROOKIES MAGIC Of OIL PAINTING PERSONAL ANANCE ANO MONEY MANAGE- MENT Cl) MOVIE "Lost Horizon" ( 1937. Fantasy) Ronald Colman, Jane Wyatt. (2 hrs . 15 min.) 11:35@MOVIE "The Devil At Four O'CIOck" (1961, Adven1ure) Spencer Tracy, Frank Sinatra. 12:00. Cl) TROLUCJNS • LOST IN SPACE Cf) MOVIE "A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court" ( 1949, Comedy) Bing Crosby. Rhooda Aeming . • MOVE "The Thin Man" ( 1934, Mystery) Wil- liam Powell. Myrna Loy I RICK'S ANIMALS PEMONAl. ANAHCE ANO MONEY MANAGE- MENT ct) MOVIE "The Hunter" (1979, Ofama) Steve McOueen. Ell Wallach. Cl) HOA6E RACING "The Hambletonian" live cov· erage from the MNdoWlands, East Auth9rlord, N.J. @hrs .• 30 min.) (II) THE BEACH BOYS IN CONCERT The famous group from roctc's gotden er• perfomi 1heir g<Ntest hits. Including "California Girls." "Surlln' U.S.A." and "Barbara Ann.'' ( t hr.) (0) CLOWN WHITE Jason. a 9-year-old boy, finds his perfect teacher. O MOV1E "The Green Horizon" (1981, Adven- ture) James Stewart. Philip Sayer. ( 1 hr., 30 min.} (%) AICHAAO PRYOR IN CONCERT The well-known comedian lhoots pointed barbs a1 almost etvery Institution Imaginable In thhl uncensored. no-holda- barred concert J)«formance. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) 12:30. (J) TOM ANO JEMV e MOYIE "Sedman's Tenltory" (1!M6. Western) Randolph Scott. Gabby Hav-. •ADAM-12 W: BMDEN'S T9N8 FOR THE FUTURE lob And Ofop Shot" Vic Braden clemOn- watet how • _..tltNd lob ahot can break en ~t'•thVfh!n. (A) Q PINOHAl. ~ANO MONEY MANAOE- aelT t.-OD~KOALA 1.,.. .'nit Liie 04 Jlelk L~" ( 19'3, 81og-~1:r" 6&w Haywtwd. \ DIRTY LAUNDRY -Ageni Kelly Robinson (host Robert Culp, left) poses as a tennis club towel boss in an attempt to uncover the commercial business dealings of his former partner, Alexander Scott (repertory star &Jdie Murphy as Bill Cosby), who has made a career out of endorsing products, in an "I Spy" parody on "Saturday Night Live" at 11:30 p.m. on KNBC (Ch . 4) GI) INTRODUCING BIOLOGY (8) MOVIE "Victory" (1981, Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine ( 1 hr . 57 min.) av THE NEW MAIO A new maid becomes a much· needed friend to a little boy. 1:30fJ Cl) TENNIS "U.S. Clay Court Champion- ships" Coverage of the women's finals from the Indianapolis Sports Center. Indianapolis, Ind (2 hrs.) I F-TROOP O PGA GOLF "PGA Championship" Live cov- erage of the third round trom the Southern Hiiis Counlry Club In Tulsa. Okla. (2 hrs. 30 min.) e NOVA "Palace Of Delights" A behind-th&- scenes look Is taken at San Francisco's Expforatorl- um. a unique science museum featuring close to 500 exhibits. (R) Q ( 1 hr.) ID INTRODUCING BIOLOGY CO) COOKIE GOES TO THE HOSPfT AL A young glri conquers her fear of the hospital with the help of her tr lends. 0 M0\11E "Silence Of The North" ( 1981. Adven· ture) Ellen Burstyn, Tom Skerrltt ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) (%) MOVIE "Victory" ( 1981, Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine ( 1 hr., 57 min ) 2:00 8 WESTERN OUTOOOASMAN I GIUJGAN'S ISLANO MOVIE "Lone Star" (1952, Adventure) Clark Gable. Ava Gardner. Cf) OUTER LIMITS e MOVIE "llttle Women" (1949. Orama) June Allyson, Peter Lawford. I StGNA TURE Guest: Felix Rohatyn. MOVIE "G,.nd Prix" ( 1966, Orama) James Gamer. Eva Marie Saint. • INT'AOOUaNG BIOLOGY CC) MOVIE "Drive-In" (1976. Comedy) Glenn Morahower. Lisa Lemole. av C.B. HEROES A trucker father and his children set ou1 on a delhlel'y convoy compoaed of two flashy 1&-wtleelef trucks and a auspicious-looking taxi that seems to be following them Cl) MOVIE "Th4t Maltese BiPPy" ( 1969. Comedy) Oan Rowan. Dick Martin. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 2:061 THIS WEEK IN BASEBAU 2:30 AVE MINU'Tf.8 TO LIVE I l..UGAN'818lANO MIXED BAG "Mom Art" Fiimmakers make mov- ies about their mothers wtth appr09Ches ranging from 8llgef to humet. (Pert 2) 1RELNC>: A m..EVl8ION Hl8TOAY lfTAOOUCNl BIOl.OOV MOVIE "8aok Roads" (1981. Comedy) Sally Tomm~ Jonee, 2:151! &K UU8TRATED :tC10 TALK A80tlT PICT\R8 • ''Tha t<Jd From Brodctyn" ( 1948. ~ (J/~'W:;..~~ !o~:::J~~ .. (1962. Chma) 9 THE CHAMBER MUSIC SOCIETY OF LINCOLN CENTER Soprano Judith Blegen and trumpet soloist Stephen Burns join this group In this hour-long spe- cial. ( 1 hr.) 8i) INTRODUCING BIOLOGY CB) MOVIE "Coast To Coast" ( 1980. Comedy) Dyan Cannon. Robert Blake ( 1 hr . 34 min ) ([)MOVIE "Chu Chu And The Philly Flash" (1981. Comedy) Alan Arkin. Carol Burnett 0 JOEL GREY IN CONCERT The versatile talents of the Tony Award·w1nn1ng entertainer are feawred 1n this one-man show which includes a salute to Geoi e M Cohan ( 1 hr ) 3:05 WRESTLING 3:30 Cl) SPORTS SATURDAY Scheduled· cover- age of the 10-round heavyweight bout between Tony Tubbs and Clarence Hill (from Albuquerque. N.M ): the continuation of the World Swimming and Diving Championships (from Guayaquil. Ecuador) l hr .• 30 min.) AGRICULTURE U.S.A. MAUDE WERE YOU THERE? "The Cotton Club" Five entertainers whose careers began at the legendary Cotton Club in Harlem In the 1920s are reunited (R) 9 8!) SURVIVAL "We Live With Elephants" David Niven narrates the story of Or Ian Douglas-Hamil- ton's five-year study living with his family amidst a herd of wild elephants 1n Lake Manyara National Park, Tanzania. (R) ( 1 hr.) CE ALL-STAR SPOR'tS CHALLENGE ''Super Bowl XII Rematch" World Champion Dallas Cowboys vs Denver Broncos (R) Cl) THE SOUND Of MUROEA Mlcnael Moriarty and Joanna Miles star In this suspense drama about a woman and her Jover plotting the murder of her sadistic husband (2 hrs ) (%)MOVIE "Hardly Working" ( 1981, Comedy) Jer- ry Lewis, Susan Oliver. ( 1 hr., 31 min) 4:00 D MEDtCAL CENTER I GOLOtE GOLD HEEHAW BASEBAU New York Mets at Pittsburgh Pirates I hrs .. 30 min.) THE ROCKFORD FILES MOVIE "Scalawag" ( 1973, Adventure) Kirk Douglas, Mark Lester. 13 Sl'RUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars In this sev- en-part drama of lite In Dublln from 1907 to 1914 (part 3) ( 1 hr ) • QUE PASA, U.S.A.? "The Nephew From New Jersey" The Peoa family suspects that their guest for the summer, a nephew from New Jersey. Is Into the drug soene. CC) MOVIE "Heavens Abovel" ( 1963, Comedy) Peter Sellefs. Cecil Parker CE SPOATSCENTER 0 MOVIE "Tuck Evetlas1ing" ( 1976, AdVenture) Fred Keller, Joseph Ma~ulre. (2 hrs .. 6 min.) 4:308 WEEKEND SPEOAl "Zack And The Magic Factory" Two young people combine their talents to tn up a magic shop. (Part 1) (R) SOCCER MADE IN GERMANY WORLD SPECIAL "SuM\lora" Archival footage. animation and lntlHViews with American citizens who were In Japan dUrlng World War II recall the bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. ( 1 hr.) (D) SUPERBOWl BASKET BALL Members of the OeUaa Cowboy$ rival members of the San Francisco 49era In a tournament for the benefit of the U.S. Olypm4c Training Center. ( 1 hr., 30 min ) 5:008 CAl.IFOANCA SPEaAL Ol VMPICS A one hour docu-apoft~ apedat featuring the larQBSt pro- gram of athletic competition tor the mentalty handl- he world. ( 1 hr.) AU f\J AMERICAN BAN06TANO Guests: A Rock of 1 hr) IM*A*S*H GRIZZL V ADAMS NEWS SOUOOOLO THE TREE Of W000EN CLOOS A IMm by Ermanno Olml portreylng the llvee of a group of ltaJ.. Ian peasants at the rum of the century. (3 hrs.) • LAW'RENOE W£U< (I) Cfl FOOTBALL Edmonton Eskimos at Toronto ~UIS (3 hrs.) Cll) MOV1E "Heaven Can Walt" ( 1978. Fantasy) Warren Beatty, Julia Christle. ( 1 hr .. • 1 min.) CD THE GOlOEN AGE 0# 1UEVl8K>N "No Time For &.rgeants" Andy Griffith port,.ys a Geotaltl bOy who. one. Inducted Into the Army, 1eta the mlll- t~ on lta ear. ( 1 hr.) ~ CHM..E8 CHAMPLIN TALK8 WITH ... "Marte 5.111~ "Th4t ...._n From l.Mamle" (1955, Wtltttn) Jwnee Stewart, Wdaoe F«d. &16(%) litoYE ''HettM ~. U.S.A." (1978) Ooa#nent*)' (1hr •• 43mM.) etao •NEWS (I) iWl,COME MOC. KOi I EM • llllCMa ''Tha F.-ng Of a.~-,...,.~wr· ( '971, Dra- IN) Jet'9~0Nf\9-0i* ... I \ Saturday (continued) &D ONCE UPON A CLASSIC "The Leatherstocklng Tales" Hawkeye and Chlngachgook. now scouts for Sgt. Dunham. once again meet up with Le Renard. i art3) (R) 9 SQUARE FOOT GARDENING MOVIE "Lost Horizon" (t937. Fantasy) Ronald Colman. Jane Wyatt. (2 hrs . 15 min.) L\. E:'\ I:'\(; 6:00 I (I) CBS NEWS Q NBCNEWS 9 MOVIE Tidal Wave" ( 1975. Adventure) Lorne Greene, Keiju Kobayashi. A giant tidal wave engulfs Japan. ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) I PORTRAIT OF A LEGEND KOJAK S.W.A.T. MOVIE "Shark!" ( t968. Adventure) Burt Rey· nolds. Arthur Kennedy. A huge white shark attacks a diving party searching for sunken treasure. (2 hrs.) e RICK'S ANIMALS 81) WOOOWRIGHrS SHOP "Lathe On McOutt" Roy Underhill demonstrates and compares three turning lathes. (R) (C) MOVIE "The Way We Were" ( 1973, Romance) Barbra Streisand, Robert Redford. A yoong college coople in the 1930s discover that their political dif- ferences are strong enough to jeopardize their mar· rla~ (2 hrs.) (IJ THE SEVEN WISHES OF A RICH KIO An unhap- py rich kid. who has everything except friends. finds that his Ille changes dramatically when he is ottered seven wishes by a fairy godmother (Butterlly McQueen). (t hr.) 0 MOVIE "In God We Trust" ( 1980, Comedy) Marty Feldman. Andy Kaufman A naive monk Is sent oot Into the world to raise money for his lmpov· erished monast~ 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 37 min.) 6:30 8 •(I) ID NEWS D MARV TYLER MOORE (f) GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Ted Wiiiiams" Host: Tom Seaver. 8 MAKING fT: JUNIOR TENNIS IN AMERICA Ten- nis professionals and some of the finest young play- ers In America and their parents discuss the training and commitment necessary for success. Ii> MOTORWEEK 0.. neat Driv• Education session Is Wtd. Auf. 11th •Get your permit a'1« 1 day ol Orfvef Education Cal now MS-0686 or 599-3058 t30 E. 17th St., eo.ta Meea VOLUNTEER 6J1•1Jll we rMltze y0ut recommendation II our beet tldVer11Mment BASEBALL SPECIAL -Babe Ruth, the New York Yankees' legendary "Sultan of Swat," will be one of many baseball Hall of Fame members spotlighted Jn the NBC special, "The Garfie and I ts Glory: Baseball's Hall of Fame," Saturday at 10 p.m . on KNBC (Ch. 4). (Q) MOVIE "The Shout" ( 1979. Horror) Alan Bates. Susannah York. A disturbed man confined to an Institution believes he can make a "death shout," a sound that will klH. 'R' ( t hr .• 27 min.) 7:00 8 IN SEARCH OF ... I FAMILY FEUD WHERE WERE YOU? NATIONAL CRIME ANO VIOLENCE TEST "Bur- glary, Robbery And Theft" Art Llnkletter and Jayne FAOUTllS I UDll u Kennedy host this special which Informs people on what to do to protect themselves It they are ever :2 faced with the problem of robbery. ( t hr.) _o 8 THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW MYSTER- llES AGRONSKY ANO COMPANY ~ PEOPLE'S COURT ~ LAWRENCE WELK IO CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT ~ THE MUPPETS ..-. U.S. CHRONICLE "Crime Victims" Robert ~ MacNe1I reports on violent crime from the peerspec-';< tlves of the victims, their families and the criminals. > ~l~~~~el~~~ ~~rag:,:~t~e ~~~ngr:~ ~ and Matthew Saad Muhammed. from the Spectrum ~ In Philadelphia. Pa. ( 1 hr .• 30 min.) fl> ([)MOVIE "Paradise Alley" ( t978. Orama) Sytyes--A ter Stallone, Armand Assante. Three scheming co brothers from the Hell's Kitchen section of New ~ Yori< City combine their trails of brains and brawn In their efforts to create better lives for themselves. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 47 min.) (%) MOVIE '"Victory" ( 1981, Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine. During World War II. Allied POWs see their ticket to freedom In a match between their soccer team and the German National Team In Paris. 'PG' (t hr .. 57 min.) 7:06@ BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Los Angeles OodQers (3 hrs .. t5 min.) 7:30 8 DANCE FEVER I LOOK AT US BASEBALL Cahlornla Angels at Seattle Mar- iners (2 hrs .• 30 min.) I PEOPLE'S COURT LATIN NEW YORK EYE ON SAN DIEGO Featured: new research concerning prehistoric man; an Interview with Ray Walston; how 10 bUlld sandcastles. I PRESENTE WEEKEND MAGAZINE Olivia Newton John appears with the best San Diego clowns who are auditioning tor the Barnum And fJaJley Circus plus a Q!_theflng of the Air Reserve. • CD SNEAK PREVIEWS Roger Ebert and Gene Sisk· el host an lnf0<matlve IOOK at what's new at the movies. 8:008 (I) WALT OtSNEY "The Strange Monster Of Strawberry Cove" Three teen-age detectives become involved In a coastal smuggling operation while trying to save their teachef's job. (2 hrs.) Q D HERE'S BOOMER Boomer is placed In the A ONE TIME SPECIAL MEMBERSHIP OfFER FOR THE YEAR 1982 FUU TE1~ ~98ERSHIP (a .. utorly $1200) DUI TO THI OUTST AICMNQ lllSPONSI Wl AH CONTINUING THIS 0,,11 I THIU THI MOHTH Of AUGUST. The Newport a.ich Tennis Club Is the site of ..ien prestlglot.9 eventt M the 1977 Davia Cup, the Annual Pacific Southwest Seniors Tourn•ment, the Orange County Adoption Gulld Tournament end othere. Member•. however. seldom !Ind ~waiting '°'one of the t9 ~The Club al8o boaall a JunlOI Olymplc-alze pool, jacuzzi, dining room, and ber. to Increased Sales Is Finding the Right Buyer. • 19 T_. (;(Mft (13 lighllldl Membets frequently t•ke edvanlage of the attract!w laeiltlee for pnwte pertlee. W90dtng receptlonl, eto. Other 90ciel actMtles Include t>rldOa. becko-mmon. ecrabbte. aerobics. end our new ..,,.._ on "Body Succeu" lnetNCted by Phi Jotlnlon. For your convenience. try OUf new "MATCH MATE" bell mec:tl~-. Call the Orange Coast Dally Piiot today. 642-5678 • JI Olymj)oc Sil• Pool • Olntng Room • Bar • ~C°" el!CI • New Maleh Malt Be• ~ • JecuUi • VIOeo EQL!ipment • Appetel/Pro Shop • ... ... oble Cle-. • Summtl ~ Te<Vllt Cllnk:t • Body &lCCeM Sernolllw A limited number of Reguler, Corporate, SWlm. Aleoclete, al'ld Junior Executive Memberahlpa are now evall•bfe, plua our new "ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP" 8nd "JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP" (12· t6 yra.) FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONT ACT OUR SALES DIRECTOR FROM 10:0C>-e:OO TUES.·SUN. CALL 8«-00&0 -//e~cJJead ~ w~ It N Saturday (continued) Cl) O> dog~nd alter he is accused of biting a man (RJ 8 (I§) TODAY'S FBI Ben and his agents go under- cover to crack the robbery ring responsible for a senes of hOld-ups (R) ( 1 hr ) 8 MOVIE "Psychomania" ( 1971, Horror) George Sanders. Beryl Reid A motorcycle gang leader inspired by the secrets of reincarnation Ines to per· suade his cohorts to die with him (2 hrs ) (!).PAUL HOGAN m MERV GRIFAN «!) MAKING IT "How To Survive And Succeed In The '80s" Five of America's most successful sell- made men talk about how to hve with inflation ( 1 hr) @ THE TREE OF WOODEN CLOGS A him by Ermanno Olm• portraying the hves of a group of Ital· ian peasants at the rurn of the century (3 hrs ) f!) PAPER CHASE "Moot Court" A black studenl. Intent on winning the moot court compe!ttlon. drives his poor parrner to open rebellion ( t hr.) 0!) MOVIE "Captain Kidd" ( 1945 Adventure) Charles Laughton. John Carradine The notorious pirate of the Seven Seas is brought to justice by the trickery of one of his own men ( 1 hr . 30 min ) (t) MOVIE "The Cumball Rally" ( 1976. Comedy) Michael Sarraz1n, Tam Mcintire A gumball machine 1s the grand prize 1n a New York-to-Los Angeles car race which brings all sorts of zany characters onto rhe nation's highways and back roads 'PG' (1 hr . 47 man) CE) SPORTSCENTER ©) MOVIE "Carbon Copy" ( 1981, Comedy) George Segal, Susan Saint James A successful white businessman discovers that he has a grown son who is black 'PG' ( t hr. 35 man.) CS) WHA rs UP AMERICA Featured a humorous look at the meat industry. a modern-day bounty hunter. three of America's favonte skinny dipping holes ( 1 hr) 0 MOVIE "Tarzan. The Ape Man" (1981. Adven- ture) Richard Hams. Bo Derek A young woman searches tor her missing lather in the African 1ungle where she encounters an unc1vlhzed white man and an ora~ran 'R' ( t hr . 52 min ) 8:300 11?1 HARPER VALLEY While chaperoning a school camping trip, Stella d1sco11ers the Ae1flys "roughing It" nearby (R) (!) RACING FROM YONKERS (JD MOVIE "Friday The 13th. Part II" ( 1981, Hor- ror) Amy Steel, John Furey The grisly killings con- tinue at a summer camp that had been closed down after a series of bizarre murders occurred there. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 27 min.) 9:000 ID THE NASHVILLE PALACE Guests. Tanya Tucket, Jerry Reed, Miss Ametlca Elizabeth Ward. the Rev. Grady Nutt. Woody Hennan and his Thundering Herd. (R) ( 1 hr ) • 9 LOVE BOAT Doc gets married f0< the flfth time, a safety inspector falls for a gorgeous glr1 and a female executive who just quit Is followed by h8f stu=-(R) Q (1 hr) I Tl.ING JULIE ANO otCK IN COVENT GARDEN A CH9LO'S CRY ODYSSEY "Shipwrectc: L8 Trinidad Valeooefa" The artifacts found on bOard the fourth largest ship In the Spanish Armada. discovered otl the coest of Ireland, tell a unique story of life on a 16th-<lentury warship. (R) Q ( 1 hr.) (I) PGA GOl.F "PGA Champlonship" Same-day coverage of the third round trbm Southern Hills Country Club. Tulsa. Okla. (2 hrs.. 30 min.) CD MOVIE "Victory" (1981, Adventure) Sytvest8f Stallone, Mlcheel Caine. During World War II, Allied POWs eee their ticket to freed<>m In a match between their soccer team and the German National Team In Paris. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) (J) MOVIE "Clash Of The Titans" ( 1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamlin. Laurence Olivier. Mythic hero Perseus Is helped by his father Zeos In a lef'leS of dangerous tasks as he tries to win the hand of a Phoenician princess against the wishes of a vengeful sea god- dess. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 58 min.) (%)RICHARD PRYOR IN CONCERT The well-known comedian ah<>Ots pointed barbs at almost every Institution Imaginable In this uncenSOfed. no-holds.- barred concert performance. (1 hr .. 30 min.) 9:30. MAT~EE AT THI: BIJOU Featured: "Between Men" ( 1935) starring Johnny Mack &own: a 1935 cartoon: a 1937 short; and Chapter 1 of "Lost City 01 The Jungle" (19•6) starring Lionel Atwlll and Ruuell Hayden. (R) ( 1 hr., 30 ~J..Vff.W 10:00 8 (I) C88 REPORTS "8/tteraweet Mem0<les: A Vietnam Reunion" 8111 Moyett talk• with a group of Vietnam vet8f'ana wtio Mrved together about the war and their return to the United States. (R) ( 1 hr.) e e THE GAME AND rT8 GLORY Actor Donald Suthefland tak .. vlaWef'I on a nostalgic tour of the ~· Hell of Ferne In Coopentown. N. Y. ( 1 hr.) eeNEWB ---------__ .....,.,,.----=--- SOLID COMEDY -Marty Cohen, one of America's hottest young comics, is seen each week as fast-talking "Partyin • Marty Hardy" on "Solid Gold" Saturdays at 10 p.m. on K COP (Ch. 13). 0 l1I FANTASY ISLAND An amnesia victim longs to regain her memory and two game show hosts play a winner-takes-all, loser-faces-dealh contest lRl O (1 hr) 6 MOVIE "Lust For Lile" ( 1956. Biography) Ktrk Douglas. Anthony Quinn. Based on the novel by Irving Stooe. Painter Vincent Van Gogh leads a tumultuous, troubled existence (2 hrs. 20 min.) (!) MOVIE "A Bell From Hell" (1970, Mystery) Viveca Lindfors. Renaud Verley. A deeply sensitive young man vows revenge against his aunt and three cousins aftet they commit him to a mental Institu- tion. (2 hrs.) I SOUOGOLD SURVIVAL "We Live With Elephants" David Niven narrates the story of Or. Ian Oou51las-Hamll· ton's five-year study llvlng with his family amidst a herd of wild elephants in Lake Manyara National Park. Tanzania. (R) ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "A Little Romance" (1979. Comedy) Laurence O!Mef. Diane Lane. An elderly con artist joins two young runaways In love on a mad dash across the European continent with the children's parents and the police In hot poraull 'PG' ( 1 hr .• .a min.) 00 LAUGHS Four stan<HJp comedians are followed through nlghtctub performances and their ~ the-eoenea lives as they pursue laughs and fame. ( 1 hr., 15 min.) CD> TOTALLY 00-00'8 One of the country's hot· test new rode acts ling 19 songs lnclUdlng their hh alngles "We Got The Beat" and "Our Ups Are Sealed." ( 1 hr., 15 min.) 0 MOYIE ''Eye Of The Needle'' (1981, S~) Donald Sutherland, Kate Nelligan. While on a remote Scottish Island to meet a German subma- rine, an Axis spy finds lhelt« from the storm In the cottage of a young married couple 'R' (1 hr , 5 t mini 10:20 NEWS 10:30 INSIGHT (%)MASSAGE: THE TOUCH OF LOVE The step& Involved In gMng and receiving a maaaage are p<K- trayed as couple8 demonstrate how to reWI each area. of the b()dy. · 11:00•8 e (I) 9 •NEWS I EN't9n'AINMENTTHIS WEEK MOVIE "Scalawag" ( 1973. Adventure) Kirk Douglas. Mark Leater. Based ()(ta story by Robert Louis St~. A one-legged vagabond searches for a fortune In rd with a drunken parrot as his only ctue. (2 hrs e MOVIE "Roman Holiday" ( 1953. Romance) Gregory Peek, Audrey Hepburn. A prlncea lab In IOYe• iJ a newspaperman While on vacation In Rome. ~ QI OF WOOOEN CLOGS A mm by Ermanno 04ml porlraylng the llvwt of a group of IU1~ len peaant1 at the turn of the c.t\IUf'Y. • MAINTENAHCE SHOP BLUES CC MOVIE "Some Call h Loving" ( 1973, Drama) ~ Kina, Richard Pryor. A wealthy eccentric belleY99 hit lantasltt •rt fulflled when he meets • young women por1raytna a 11eep1ng t>eauty tn a car .. ~ ahow. 'R' ( 1 hr.: (5" mln.} (I) BIZARRE "Blind Date" (%)MOVIE "Malizia" ( 1974, Comedy) Laura Anto- nelH, Turi Ferro A new housekeeper becomes the object of desire for a widower and his young sons. 'R' (1 hr., 38 min.) 11:20(1.l) MOVIE "Only Two Can Play" (1962. Come- dy) Petet Setters. Mal Zetterling. A library board member learns to appreciate his wile after she has a bnel attalr with a librarian. (2 hrs .. 10 min.) 11:308 THE ROCKFORD FILES 0 CD SATUROA Y NIGHT LIVE Host· Robert Culp Guests· The Charlie Daniels Band. (A) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 0ABCNEWS (() RICH MAN. POOA MAN: BOOK I Tom Jordache (Nick Nolte) returns to Amenca to land his son. Rudy (Peter Srrauss) and Julte (Susan Blakely) learn thal they are too late ro win the alfechon of Juhe's boy. (2 hrs ) ~ MOVIE "The Cowboys" ( 1972. Western) John Wayne, Roscoe lee Brown Eleven school~ys become toughened men when they participate in a ~cattle drive. (2 hrs. 15 min.) SPORTSCENTER MOVIE "Victory" ( 1981, Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine. During World War II, Allied POWs see thetr ticket to freedom 1n a match between their soccer ream and the German National Team In Paras 'PG' ( 1 hr. 57 min.) ©)ROCK ON TV (I) MOVIE "The First Nudle Musical" ( 1975, Come· dy) Cindy Wtlllams, Bruce Kimmel A down-and-out Broadway prodUcer plans to spark inrerest 1n his latest pro1ect by staging II completely In the nude 'A' t1 hr . 36 mtn ) 11:'5 D MOVIE "The Horsemen" ( 197 t. Adventure) Omar Sharif, Jack Palance The in1ured son of a champion equestnan sportsman In Afghanistan attempts to regain his glory (2 hrs ) 11:55 CC) MOVIE "The Way We Were" ( 1973. Romance) Barbra Streisand. Robert Redford. A young college couple In the 1930s dLSCover that thetr p011tteal dillerences are strong enough to Jeop- ardize their marriage (2 hrs ) 12:000 BLUE JEAN NETWORK (!) MOVIE "Samar'' ( 1962. Advenrure) Geo<ge Montgomery. Gilbert Roland When the comman- dant of a penal colony In the Phlllpptnes Is reprt- manded, he takes his people through the jungles to freedom. (Q) MOVIE "Fast Cars. Fast Women" ( 1980, Ora- ma) Kay Parker. ( t hr., 10 min.) Ct MOVIE "Friday The 13th. Part II" (1981. Hor- ror) Amy Steel, John Furey. The grisly kllllngs con.- tinue at a summer camp that had been closed down alt9' a serleS of bizarre murders occurred there. 'A' ( 1 hr., 27 min.) 12:208 MISS BLACK AMERtCA PAGEANT Magic Johnson, Kim Flelds and Roger Mosley guest &tar In this annual event. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 12:30 8 MOVIE "The Disappearance Of Aimee" ( 1976, Orama) Faye Dunaway, Bette 08vls. A dis· trlct attorney tries to prove that the 1926 "kidnap- ping" of evangelist Aimee Semple McPhereon was really a ruse to concal a romantic tryst. (2 hfs.) Cl) HR. FOOTBAU Edmonton E9k.lmos at T 0<onto ~ ,(.~ Immoral One" (1980. Orama) SyJ- WI Lamo, Yvea Jouffroy. A amnesiac young woman SNfdq tor her ldenttty dlacovetl tNlt ahe may have been a te>p Parla&en proatltute. ( 1 hr .• 25 min.) 12:46(%) MOYIE "Old Boyfriends" (1979, Orama) Tda Shire. Richetd Jofdan. A confuMd divorcee trle9 to find the key to her present probMtm& by embeli(lng on a journey to loOk up ttyee bOyfrleods from her past. 'R' (1 tv., 42 min.) 1:ooe ROCK CONCERT e MOYIE "Night Star Goddess Of Electra" (1965. SClence-Flctlon) John Barrymore Jr .. Susi Ander· een. A Roman centurion and a slave girt attempt to reco\19f' •cache of atolen Armenian trenure. ( 1 hr .. 45~ • EVENNG AT THE IMPAOV 1:i'ZCID MOVIE "Friday The t3'h, Part II" (1981. Horror) Amy Steel, John FUrey. The grllty klllings oontinve at a summer camp that had l>Mn clOMd ~ after a aerlet of blulfre murders occurred there. 'R' {1hr .. 27 min.) 1:aoe MOVIE "Jesse Jame9 Meeta Frankenateln's Oauoht•" ( t966. Soienc»oAcllon) John Lupton. Cal &Ider. The daughter of Ot. Frankenstein tume Jesae James' friend fnto a hoolbte robot. ( 1 Iv .• 50 min.) e MOVIE "The Hoatage" (1867. Drame) Denny Martin.. Don O'Kelly. A 6-yeat-old boy hldea-Out In a moving van unaware that the drlvw la a klller on his way to pick up the corpee of his lat•t murder llk:t:SG'~e ai TitE BEACH 80Y8 IH COHCSn' The famoua group from rook't goldatl •• perfom\ tNf Qf .. 19'1 Ms, lndudlng ''California Glrtl." "Suttin' U.S.A.'' and "Barb9fa Ann." (1 hr.) (II) MCME "Chattl" (1980) ..--St. JemM. E:r1c £~ (1tv •• 12 "!'·> __.. Saturday (continued) 0 MOVIE "Little Darlings" (1980. Comedy) Tatum O'Neal. Kusty McNichol A1 summer camp. two teen-age girls compete to see who will be the first to lose her virginity. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 32 min.) b45 ®J ABC NEWS 2:00 fl) NEWS CC) MOVIE "The Hunter" ( 1979, Drama) Steve McOueen. Eh Wallach Ralph "Papa" Thorson leads a dangerous hie as a modern-day bounty hunter 'PG' ( 1 hr., 38 min.) 2:05 C1) NEWS 2:308D NEWS C1) THE NEW AGE: A FOCUS ON THE OLDER AMERICAN @ AGRICULTURE U.S.A. CID MOVIE "Coast To Coast" ( 1980, Comedy) Dyan Cannon. Robert Blake. A runaway housewife and a scrappy trucker hauling callle coast to coast become the target of a wild cross-country chase 'PG' (I hr., 34 min ) 2:40 ~ MOVIE "Soldier Of Orange" ( 1979, Drama) Edward Fox. Susan Penhaligon. Six classmates at a Dutch university go their separate ways when war breaks out in Europe. 'PG' (2 hrs ) 2:45 CD MOVIE "Horrors 0 1 The Black Museum" ( 1959, Horror) M1ctiael Gough, June Cunningham A cume w11ter supplies himself with story material by getting his mesmerized assistant to commit ghastly murders. (1 hr':, 45 min.) (%)MOVIE "Beyond The Reel" (1981, Romance) Denton Ka'ne, Maren Jensen. A Polynesian-Ameri- can girl who has been educated 1n the U.S. returns to her Island home and talls in love with a pearl diver. 'PG' ( 1 hr . 25 min.) 3:008 MOVIE "Panama Lady" (1939, Drama) Lucille Ball, Evelyn Brent. A pre11y dance-hall queen influences the hie of an oil prospector (I hr . 20 min.) i STRAIGHT TALK NEWS BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "Pitts- bur(l!! -'75" (R) ( 1 hr ) 3:15U MOVIE "Hardcore" (1979, Drama) George C Scott. Season Hubley. A concerned fa1her leaves the peaceful surroundings of his home town 10 search for his daughter. who has become heavlty involved In a big-ci1y pornography racket. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 46m1n.) 3:209 RAT PATROL 3:40~ MOVIE "Drive-In" (1976, Comedy) Glenn Morshower, Lisa Lemote. Several Texas teen-agers meet during a night of romance and excitement at a drive-In theatre featuring an Improbable disaster film. 1 hr., 40 min.) 3:50 VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA 4:00 OR. PAUL YONGGI CHO (() ENTER 4:05 ltll BETWEEN THE LINES (B) MOVIE "Friday The 13th, Part II" ( 1981, Hor- ror) Amy Steel, John Furey. The grisly killings con- tinue at a summer camp 1hat had been closed down after a series of bizarre murders occurred there. 'R' (1hr .. 27 min.) 4:15(%) MOVIE "Easy Living" (1937. Comedy) Jean Arthur, Edward Arnold. An unemployed S1enogra- pher crosses paths with a milllor)Slre banker when he tosses his wife's sable coat out a window. ( 1 hr , 31 min.) -4:20 LAST OF THE WILD ACUPUNCTURE Clllll-llW& CIDI, C.l. AUTHOR OF "ACUPUNCTURE 6 SCleNC!" Formet' Chairman, aemlne.r of ChirMM Acupuncu1re Founda11on PROFESSOR OF ACUPUNCTURE. GRADUATE: CHINA MEDICAL COLLEGE WHO'S WHO IN CALIFORNIA, 13th Edition 545-2438 Moft.·Wecl.-#rt. .,. ......... c...w l'P20a • .,...at. ........... IANTA ANA -- Sunday 6:00 (!) NINE ON NEW JERSEY (() HORSESHOW JUMPING "I Love New York Grand Prix" (R) (2 hrs.) @) MOVIE "Silence Of The North" (1981, Adven- tur~Ellen Burstyn. Tom Skerritl. (1 hr., 35 min.) 5:05 JAMES ROBISON 5:25 MOVIE "A Global Affair" (1964, Comedy) Bob Hope, Lilo Pulver. 6:35 CARTOONS 5:45 CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 5:301 DAY OF DISCOVERY 5:50 VIDEO JUKEBOX 6:00 MUSIC ANO THE SPOKEN WORD Cl) SUNDAY MORNING I YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES ORAL ROBERTS BIBLE ANSWERS ROMPER ROOM WAIT TILL WE'RE 65 The importance of under- standing the aging precess and the altitudes toward Q!9Wlng old are examined. (R) ( 1 hr.) CZJ MOVIE "Kiiier's Kiss" ( 1955, Mystery) Frank Silvera, Irene Kane. ( 1 hr .. 5 min.) 6:06@ LOST IN SPACE 6:15()) THE SOUND OF MURDER Michael Morlany and Joanna Miles star In lhls suspense drama about a woman and her lover plo11ing the murder ol her sadistic husband. (2 hrs.) ROBERT SCHULLER DAYBREAK L.A. SLIM CUISINE POINT OF VIEW 6:130,~~TIMES (R) OtRECTlONS Teen-age suicide, the third leading cause of death among young people. is examined. CALIFORNIA PEOPLE i an 2) MOVIE "Scour s Honor" ( 1980, Comedy) Gary Coleman. Katherine Helmond. ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 7:008 TOOAY'S RELIGION THATS CAT UTTlE RASCALS IT IS WRITTEN KENNETH COPELAND • SUNDAY MASS PUBUCPULSE DAY OF CXSCOVERY CARTOONS YOGA FOR HEAL TH AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY MOVIE "Oh Heavenly Dog" ( 1980, Comedy) ~~ i MOVIE "Darby O'Gllt And The llttle People" ( 1959, Fantasy) Albert Sharpe, Sean Connery. ( 1 I hr., 35 min.) 7:05 all LIGHTER SIDE OF THE NEWS 7: 15(%)CHARLES CHAMPLIN TALKS W!Tti ... "Mar- ie Windsor" 7:308 FAITHWAYS II WHITNEY ANO THE ROBOT NEW JAPANESE RESTAURAN TRY OUR DAILY SPECIAL Enjoy Teriyaki • Tempura Shush.i bar prepared by our (amou1 Japanetie Chef • Beer • Wine •Said ® JAPANESE ~gc.sa. RESTAURANT NOW OPEN FOB LUNCH Mon. thru Prt. 1t:30 to 1:30 Dinner from S p.m. lun. from 4 p.m. CloMdWedneect.J ~=~ 171-1111 3840 £. COAST HWY. Cc.<NDRMM .~ .. - MORE OF THE DUKE -"The John Wayne Film Festival" continues with the Duke starrin}( in "The Conqueror" Sunday afternoon at 3 o'dock on Cinemax. Wayne plays Genghis Khan, who kidnaps and la.IJ.s in love with a Tatar woman, played by Susan Ha)'\l(ard. G CAMPUS PROFILE: VIEWPOINT ON NUTRi- TION TV-3 LOOKS AT LEARNING THATS THESPIRfT SPECTRUM JIMMY SWAGGART FELIX THE CAT MISTER ROGERS (R) THE WORLD TOMOAAOW AMERK:A: THE SECOND CENTURY MOVIE "The Killing" ( 1956, Ofama) Sterling Hayden, Vince Edwards. ( 1 hr .. 25 min.) 7:35 al) MOVIE "f1ed River" ( 1948, Western) John Wa~. Mon1gomery Clltt. 8:00• SUNOAY MORNING THIS IS THE LlfE POPEYE ANO FRIENDS PERSONAL DIMENSIONS LET THERE BE LIGHT LLOYD OGJL VIE MUSICWOALO JERRY FALWELL CARTOONS El..ECTRIC COMPANY (R) REX HUMBARD AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY BEST OF NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "USC - '76" (R) (1 hr.) 8:308 OOYSS~ Guests: Rev Warren "Bud" Day, NEWPORT DATSUN 13 :2 0 -~ r-$ "" .. a: Ill ~ > JS c !! !" _. U> (I) N . -------,.. . --- 14 ~ Sunday (continued) ~ campus minister. L.A. County Community Colleges and coordinator ot Southern Africa Resource Project, Or James A. Sanders. president of Ancient Bit:>hcal Manuscript Center. School of Theology. Claremont: Rhea Zak1ch. creator of Christian ames TODA Y'S BLACK WOMAN THELAHAYES • MEETING TIME AT CAL VARY REX HUMBARD FREDERICK I(. PRICE ELECTRIC COMPANY (R) • KNOW YOUR BIBLE '1!) AMERICA: THE SECOND CENTURY CB) SHE'S NOBODY'S BABY "A History 01 Ameri- can Women In The 20th Century" This documentary traces the growth of women's roles In the home. at work and at play from the turn of the century to the present •• featuring such famous personalltles as Mae West. Shirley Temple. Eleanor Roosevelt and many more ( t hr ) (S) MOVIE "Treasure Island" ( 1972, Adventure) Orson Welles, Kim Burfield. ( 1 hr . 34 min ) 9:100;~:,:;~E ROBERT SCHULLER IT IS WRITTEN SESAME STREET (R) Q YOU ANO THE LAW MOVIE "Mahogany" (1975, Orama) Diana Ross, Anthony Perkins. (!) PGA GOLF "PGA Championship" Coverage ol the third round from Southern Hiiis Country Club, Tulsa. Okla. (R) (2 hrs., 30 min.) 0 MOVIE "Toby And The Koala Bear" (1981, Fantasy) Rolf Harris. ( t hr . 20 min.) (%)MOVIE "Victory" ( 198 t, Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine. ( t hr., 57 min.) 9:301(1) FACE THE NATION I MEET THE PRESS DIRECTIONS Giora Feldman presents a per· lfor~~~~ &~~lsh folk music. (R) KENNETH COPELAND THE WORLD TOMORROW YOU ANO THE LAW MOVIE "Hardly Working" (1981, Comedy) Jer- ry Lewis, Susan Oliver. ( 1 hr . 31 min) 10:008 NEWSMAKERS Guest Gubernatorial Candi· date Tom Bradley. D ON CAMPUS "The History of Claremont McKenna College" LOVE STORY -Diana Ross stars as a designer climbing the ladder of suc:cess in the fashion industry on "M ahogany" Sunday at 6 p.m. on Cinemax. She has a brief interlude with a fashion photographer. portrayed by Anthony P erkins, who helps develop her career. CHJ MOVIE "Under The Rainbow" ( 1981, Comedy) Che\ty Chase. Carrie Asher. ( 1 hr .. 38 min.) (%)MOVIE "Old Boyfriends" ( 1979. Orama) Talia Shire. Richard Jordan ( 1 hr . '2 min ) 11:308 TEmY COLE-WHITTAKER I CHURCH IN TAE HOME GROWING YEARS AAU JUNIOR Ol YMPICS Live coverage of com· petitions In track and field, swimming, and gymnas- tics from Memphis, Tenn. (3 hrs.) 8 MOVIE "The Kid From Brooklyn" (1946, Come-qy_) Danny Kaye, Virginia Mayo. U KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO Guests: John Ritter. 12:00 0 WAIT TILL WE'RE 65 The Importance of soccer star G1org10 Ch1naglla, Scatman Crothers, understanding the aging process and the attitudes 73-year-old runner Marilla Salisbury. (R) ( 1 hr) toward growing old are examined. (R) ( 1 hr.) I WESTERN OUTOOOASMAN I LOST IN SPACE HERALD OF TRUTH OJ) GOLF National Long Driving Championships MOVIE "Some Kind Of Miracle" ( 1979. from the Southern Hills Country Club, Tulsa. Okla. Romance) David Dukes, Andrea Marcovicci G SEARCH I REX HUMBARD Cl) MOVIE "Two Rode Together" ( 1961. Western) THE LAWMAKERS James Stewart, Richard Widmark. NEWSCENTER WEEKLY • MOVIE "Where Angels Go. Trouble Follows" SURVIVAL "We Live With Elephants" Oav1d {_1968, Comedy) Stella Stevens. Rosalind Russell Niven narrates the story ol Or. Ian Douglas-Hamil-9 PAPER CHASE "Moot Court" A blaci< student, ton's five-year study llvlng with his family amidst a Intent on winning the moot court competition, drives herd of wild elephants in Lake Manyara National his poor partner to open rebelllon. ( 1 hr.) Park. Tanzania (R) ( 1 hr ) tB GROWING YEARS (S) MOVIE "Outlaw Blues" ( 1977, Drama) Peter cm MOVIE "Manny's Orphans" (1980. Orama) Jim Fonda, Susan Saint James ( t hr .. 40 min.) Baker, Malachy McCourt. 10:308 INTERfACE Cl) MOVIE "Tim" (1981, Drama) Piper Laurie. Mel ARTS OF ASIA Gibson ( t hr., 35 min.) THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL D MOVIE "In God We Trust" ( t980. Comedy) ROBERT SCHULLER ''Mar~ Feldman. Andy Kaufman. ( 1 hr .. 37 min.} KJOS AAE PEOPLE TOO (Joined In Progress) 12:308 ttl PGA GOLF "PGA Championships" Live JERRY FALWElL coverage of the final round from the Southern Hiiis OPEN MINO Country Club, Tulsa, Okla (3 hrs., 30 min.) AGRICULTURE U.S.A. G MOVIE "Invasion Of The Zombies" ( 1962, Hor- MOVIE "The Mysterloos Stranger" ( 1982, Fan-ror) Armando Silvester. Lorena Velasquez. tasy) Chris Makepeace, Fred Gwynne ( 1 hr • 30 e Ol/TOOOR LIFE Stu Apte fishes for tarpon In the min l Everglades and In open water off the Florida Keye 10:36Ql) MOVIE "A Summer Place" ( 1959. Orama) • GROWING YEARS TroL Donahue. Sandra Dee. 1:00 8 TALI< ABOUT PICTURES 11:00 • Cl) TENNIS "U.S. Clay Court Champion-I THE MUNSTERS snips" Live coverage of the men's flnals from the ADAM-12 Indiana.polls Sports Center, lndlanapolls, Ind. (~ DANGER UX8 "The Pier" Brian's llfe hangs In hrs., 30 min.) the balanoe when a mine explode& on a booby· U AT ONE Guest· photographer Roy Decarava. ( 1 trapped pier. (Part 12) (R) Q ( 1 hr.) hr.) e 8POATSWOALD SchedU!ed: ~of the I 0 ntts WEEK WITH DAVID BAtNKlEY Gold Cup Unlimited Hydroplane ~ (from the MOvtE "A Majority Of One" ( 1962, Drema) Ottrolt River); women's Survive! of the Attest eur· Alec Guinness. Roealind RUS9811. \/f\l•I run (from New Zealand) : Al McGuire's '81 Aun e MASTEAPfECE THEATAE "Pride And Preju-fOf Charity (from MllWaukee, Wis.). (1 hr .. 30 min.) dice'' Elizabeth vltlts Pembertey Mid meet• Mr. Oar-• PAOJECr UMVEA&E cy again; &he begins to regret ~t oC>J)OrtunltlM and CC) MOVIE "Shlpwrtck" ( 1978, Adventure) Robert ts dlstretMd by the news of lYdla'• elopement with LQOan, Mikki Jamlaon.Olton. Wlc:lclrm..Ehtlm. (Part 6) (R) C (~.;.)-.! <Bf MOVE "SOout'a Honor" (1980, Comedy) Gary I ~OH TffE ,.-,,,.unlC eoi.m.n. Katherine~. ( 1 hr., 36 min.) GAOWINGYEAAS Cl> MOVIE "Joe Hlll'W' 1971, Orama) Thommy MOVIE "Young Joe. The fo'~t1en Kennedy" kW~~ Schmidt. 1 hr., 64 min.) ..,.,_..--.Um 0rwuu flt• :iJc•• --·~:..-..---~··aa. ... -. ........ .am ea x 8Gbtc11Wt· C<>Y«• -of the World Swimming And Diving Championships iom Guayaquil, Equador). ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) WESTERN OUTOOOASMAN F-TROOP AOAM-12 PROJECT UNIVERSE 1~35@ WRESTLING 2:000 SUNDAY Location hve trom Oak.-{>rove Park, Pasadena. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) \ GILLIGAN'S ISLAND IJ MOVIE "Dark Victory" ( 1939 Dre~/ 1 ette Davis. George Bren1 •1 .:; Cf) THE HARDY BOYS I NANCY DREW-~\~. IES '\., m MOVIE "Little Women" ( 1949, Drama) June Allyson, Peter Lawford g) MOVIE "Sands Of lwo Jlma" ( 1949, Adven· ture) John Wayne. John Agar. 9 THE TREE OF WOODEN CLOOS A film by Ermanno Olml portraying the ltves of a group of Ital- ian peasants at lhe turn of the century. (3 hrs.) 8D INSIDE BUSINESS TODAY "Llfllan Vernon: Making It In Mall Order" One of the nation's leading mall-order entrepreneurs tells how she did II ID PROJECT UNIVERSE cm MOVIE "Take This Job And Shove It" (.1981, Comedy) Robert Hays. Barbara Hershey. CS) MOVIE "The Stratton Story" ( 1949, Biography) James Stewan, June Allyson. ( t hr .. 45 min.) ct TONY BENNETT "My Funny Valentine" and "I Left My Heart In San Francisco" are among the old standards pe<formed by Bennett at New York's Bot· tom Line Cafe. ( t hr.) 2:06«l) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at Los Angeles Oodgefs (3 hrs .. IS min ) 2:30 8 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND I PRESENTE SUGAR RAY LEONARD'S GOLDEN GLOVES Louisiana vs. Rocity Mountain (2 hrs.) fB PROJECT UNIVERSE (!) PKA FULL CONT ACT KARA TE 3:00 B 2 WITH YOU 8 MOVIE "A Song Is Born" ( t94a. Comedy) Oan- i Kaye, Virginia Mayo. BASEBALL BUNCH THEY RUN FOR THEIR LIVES Johnny Mann nar- rates the plight of Ethiopian refugees In Somalia. ( 1 hr.) I CALIFORNIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT PROJECT UNIVERSE MOVIE "The Conqueror" ( 1956, Adventure) John Wayne. Susan Hayward. CH> MOVIE "Attack Force Z" ( 1980. Adventure) John Phillip Law, Met Gibson. ([) MOVIE "Where The Boys Are" ( 1960, Come· W Dolores Han, George Hamllton. g THE GOLDEN AGE OF TELEVISION "Wind From The South" Donald Woods and Julie Harns star In a dramatic tale of unrequited love centered around several American couples in a small Irish Inn {_!hr) CZ) MOVIE "Kiiier's Kiss" ( 1955. Mystery) Frank Silvera, Irene Kane. ( 1 hr., 5 min.) 3:308 MOVIE "The Big Mouth" (t967, Comedy) Jerry Lewis. Harold J Stone. D OUTDOOR LIFE Stu Apte fishes for tarpon In the Everglades and In open water off the Florlda Keys. I BAJA 1,000 · CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW HUMANmES THROUGH THE ARTS 4:00 D SPORTSWORLD Scheduled: coverage ol lhe Gold Cup Unlimited Hydroplane Race (from the Detroit River); women's Survival of the Fittest sur· vival run (from New Zealand); Al McGuire's '8 1 Run for Charity (from Milwaukee, Wis.). ( t hr .. 30 min.) I GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGENDS STAR TREK MOVIE "Psyohomafll8" ( 197 t, Hotror) GecHge Sanders. Beryl Reid. Cl) QI ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK m MOVIE "Scalawag" (1973, Adventure) Kirk Douglas. Mark Lester. e lk>VIE "Charro" ( 1969, Wn tern) Elvis Presley, Ina Balin. • WAU. STREET WEEK "Witch's Brew" Guest: Joan Huggins of Sloete, Weisman, Murray & Stein- berg. (RJ. · I HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS 8PORT8CENTEA MOVIE "Only When I l.auah" ( 1981, Otama) Marsha Mason. Kristy MoNIQho[ ()}THE GRATEFUL DEAD The Grateful Dead ere aeen Pf'1ormlna many ot their greatHt hlta In this cone.rt taped Ftalloween night 1980 at Radio City Mueio Hall. (1 hr., 18 min.) e MOV1E "Kiii Or Be Kiiied" (1980. Adventure) ·James Ryan, Charlott• Mlehelle. (1 hr .. 30 min.) 4: 16 CZ>.~ CHAMPLIN TA KS WITH .•• "Mer· le Wlndlol''' 4:30e MOVIE "The Slltncefa" (1966. eom.dy) Deen Martin. Stella St~ I WASHINOTON W!EK .. AEVIEW (A) MOVIE ''Ditty~ Mtgte" (19?0. Comedy) Ft•~~ARTIJ 1~-~lil\&Y·'lA~-O+Anlef ..... I, Sunday (continued) can Women In The 20th Century" This documentary traces the growth of women's roles in the home. at work and at play from the turn of the century to the present ·· featuring such famous personalities as Mae West. Sh11ley Temple. Eleanor Roosevelt and many more. ( l hr.) (%) MOVIE "The Killing" ( 1956. Drama) Sterling Hayden. Vince Edwards { 1 hr . 25 min.) 5:00 D KUNG FU ; M•A•s•H STRAIGHT TALK NEWS STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars In this sev- en-pan drama ol life in Dublin from 1907 to 1914 (Part 3) ( 1 hr.) 80 ARING LINE "A Prayer Amendment?" Guest: i ndicated columnist James J. Kilpatrick ( l hr ) HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS MOVIE "Mahogany" (1975, Orama) Diana Ross. Anthony Perkins. ([) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL Carlton ~. North Melbourne ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) CD MOVIE "V l.P , My Brother Superman" Animal· ed. 5:20(JZ)NEWS 5:30 8 C8S NEWS I NBC NEWS waCOME BACK. KOTIER GAEA TEST SPORTS LEGENDS "Aobeno Clemente" Host: George Plimpton. Guest: Wiiiie Stargell Ci) MONEYMAKERS CH) MOVIE "Hardly Wotking" ( 1981. Comedy) Jer· ry_ Lewis. Susan Oliver (1 hr . 31 min.) (SJ WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Guest: Pet Boone. 5:35 ltl) NICE PEOPLE 6:008Q8NEWS 8 MOVIE "Strange Bedletlows" ( 1965. Comedy) Rock Hudson. Gig Young. After considering dlVOf'ce. a corporate executive attempts lo reconcile with his wife, whose fiery temper could harm his Image (2 lhrs.bas NEWS KOJAK rT IS WRITTEN THE ROCKFORD FILES M•A•S0 H MOVIE "With This Ring" (1978. Orama) Scott Hyland, Joyce DeWitt. As their wedding dates draw near, three modern couples get caught up In a round of last-minute decisions end social obliga· tlons. (2 hrs.) @ SINGIN' II Karen M0<row and Nancy Dussault sing a variety of songs about singing itself. I GREAT RAILWAY JOURNEYS OFT.HE WORLD NBC NEWS NOVA "Palace Of Delights" A behind·the- scenes look is taken at San Francisco's Exploratorl- um, a unique science museum featuring close to 500 exhibits. (A) Q ( 1 hr.) (Q) MOVIE "S O.B" (1981, Comedy) Wiiliam Hol- den. Julie Andrews A movie direct0< who has just finished a multi-million dollar turkey goes from attempted suicide to a bizarrely inspired re-shooting of his epic. 'A' (2 hrs .. 4 min.) CS) MOVIE "Tim" (1981. Drama) Piper Laurie, Mel Gibson A young retarded man and a sensitive, mid· die-aged woman develop a close relationship of mutual need end understanding that leads to an unorthodox marriage ( 1 hr . 35 min.) 0 MOVIE "Darby O'Gilt And The Little People" (1959, Fantasy) Albert Sharpe, Sean Connery. An old Irish caretaker who is about to lose his job to a younger man captures the king of the leprechauns and forces him to grant three wishes. 'G' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) (I) MOVIE "Hardly Working" ( 1981, Comedy) Jer- ry Lewis. Susan Oliver. After the circus closes down. a veteran clown tries his hand et various jobs, failing ml sere bly atthem all. ·PG' ( 1 hr .. 31 min.) ..... -n1vORCE MEDIATION-- A NON-COMBATIVE PROCESS COUNSELOR·ATTORNEY TEAM REASONABLE COST FOR FURTHER INFO CALL 752-10l4 I Robert 01 ....... Att~ 11_ .. ._ ____ ...... __ •.•.•.•.•.·.•-c.c _____ .. \ ENTERTAINMENT HOST -Steve &Jwards, who is one of the regulars on "2 on the Town," also co-hosts "Entertainment T hi s W ee k " with M a ry Hart . "Entertainment" is seen Sunday at 8 p.m . on KTLA (Ch. 5). 6:05 ltl) WEEK IN REVIEW 6:30 Q FIGHT BACK !THATS HOLLYWOOD GD NEWS THE WORLD TOMORROW THE JEfFERSONS SIONA TURE Guest: Jerzy Kosinski HORSE RACING WEEKLY 7:001(1) 60 MINUTES Q THE FLINTSTONES The Flintstones and the Rubbles meet some strange characte1s while visiting Aocksytvanla. (R) ( 1 hr.) 1J (ti MOVIE "The Bad News Bears" ( 1976, Com- edy) Walter Matthau, Tatum O'Neal. A whiskey- sipping Little League coach transforms his losing team into pennant contenders by signing up two of the meanest, toughest players around. (R) (2 hrs.) I PAUL HOGAN · JIMMY SWAGGART ROCK ANO ROLL: THE ARST 25 YEARS "The Geography Of Rock And Roll" The Captain end Tennille look at the music made by Paul Anka. Bob- by Darin, the Rolling Stones, the Supremes. the Temptations end many others. ( 1 hr.) 9 ONE IN A THOUSAND A docodrema eboot a family helping out a child's Ille of misery from the disease Spine Biflda and Hydrocephalus. ( 1 hr.) e ARTHUR RUBINSTEJN "Poland" At the age of 91. Maestro Arthur Rubinstein talks about Ille. music and people while traveling throughout the Mediterranean end Europe ( 1 hr.) ID VICTORY GARDEN ~ MOVIE "Shipwreck" ( 1978. Adventure) Robert Logan, Mikki Jamison-Olson. A widower. his two daughters. a reporter and a runaway are stranded on an Isolated Island after encountering a violent storm at sea. 'G' ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) (!) SPORTSCENTER (ff} MOVIE "Under The Ra.lnbow" (1981, Comedy) Chevy Cha1e. Carrie Asher. The 150 midgets whO are in town f0< the fllmlng of "The Wizard Of Oz." turn e Callfomla hotel upside-down. 'PG' (1 hr., 36 min.) CD MOVIE "Flash Gordon" ( 1980, Science-Action) Sam J. Jones, Max Von Sydow. A trio of eerthllngs travel to the net M and help Its oppreued * PUBLIC IGTICE * 150 CASH REBATE or 10% off our regular price "you own 1 home OONINctld ...-. vnna, t....o 1nc1 ..,_, tiv ao. cei, a. eo .. rou·,. ........ 1Df 1C'* flMN*'ll ll IOW ~ J.'11. ~on ttle purOlllM 0# tOO aci, n. "'more""""~ ... llf'"8 ._ _.,. .,_.,.._ lttlG ... up to """..,.,.,. 'nlle 1110!-r MOii offtf II OOod on ~ pwdllMd ~.utllatndMJa .............. ~. Of NICilllOld "' Wit~ PfW jMllo nob. ~ Olllf .... -'""' ,..,... -cndllll IP!lfY, ..... , llllla" ...... ,. Inhabitants in the overthrow of the evil Emperor Min~'PG' ( 1 hr .. 50 min.) 7:05 NEWS 7:30 • FOCUS ON BRITAIN ID PORTRAITS IN PASTELS ~ (!) NASL SOCCER Tampa Bay Rowdies at Portland "!!!nbers (2 his.) b (.Z) MOVIE "Beyond The Reef" (1981, Romance) co Denton Ka'ne, Maren Jensen. A Polynesian-Amari--n can girl who has been educated In the U.S. returns ~ to her Island home and falls in love with a pearl 1» diver. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) ~ 6:00 8 Cl) ARCHIE BUNKER'S PLACE Archie gets a > new lawyer who wants to run the bar his own way i& {R) c D fl) CHIPS Jon and Steve track down a hit-and~ !! run driver who turns out to be a master thief plotting 57' a major diamond heist. (R) ( 1 hr.) MAUDE I ENTERT Al NM ENT THIS WEEK rTISWRITIEN NATIONAL CRIME ANO VIOLENCE TEST "Bur- glary. Robbery And Thett" Art Llnkletter and Jayne Kennedy host this special which Informs people on what to do to protect themselves If they are ever faced with the problem of robbery. ( 1 hr ) ., MOVIE "Cry Of The Wiid" (1974) Documenta- ry. The behavioral patterns of wolves are studied, dispelling false beflets concerning their Innate sav- 1!.e.efY· (2 hrs.) 13 STRUMPET CITY Peter O'Toole stars In this sev- en-part drama of life In Dublin from 1907 to 1914. {Part 3) ( t hr.) e NOVA "Finding A Voice" Several victims of severe speech dlsa6illtles relate how they overcame their handicaps. (R) Q ( 1 hr.) • I!) MASTERPIEC~ THEATRE "Disraeli: Dizzy" Encouraged by his sucoess In ve<bal debates with some of England's most prominent politlcians. Oi!Y raeli decides to stand fot Parliament. (Part 1) (R) Q..(1hr.) (DJ II MOVIE "Clash Of The Titans" ( 1981, Fania· sy) Harry Hamlin. Laurence Ollvler, Mythic hero Perseus Is helped by his father Zeus In a series. of dangerous tasks as he tries to win the hand of a Phoenician princess against the wishes of a vengeful sea goddess. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 58 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Eye Of The Needle" (1981, Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Kate Nelligan. While on a remote Scottish island to meet e German subma· rine, an Axis spy finds shelter from the st0<m In the cottage of a young married couple. 'R' (1 hr .. 51 8:05 JERRY FALWELL mini 8;30 Cl) ONE DAY AT A TIME Alex goes out on his first date (R) I> THE WORLD TOMORROW (I) EVENING AT THE IMPROV 9:00 8 Cl) ALIC~ Alice Is reunited with her best · friend and singing partner from high school. (R) Q CD MOVIE "The Archer" (1981, Adventure) Lane C8udell, George Kennedy. A young wanderer In a w0<ld of witchcraft and black magic sets out to find a sorcerer whO Is the only person who can help him regain his rightful title. !R) (2 hrs.) I WILD KINGDOM 9 MOVIE "A Ster Is Born" { 1976, Muslcal) Barbfe Streisand, Kris Kristoff8fson. Feeling his own popularity slipping as his young wife's career Is on the rise, a big-name star turns to the bottle for com· lfortcJ.r~<j2 hrs .. 55 min.) MERV GRIFRN "Salute To 'Sophisticated Ladles' " Guests: Paula Kelly, Hinton Bettle, Gregg Burge. Dee Dee 8rldgewa1er, Terri Klausner, Merk Fotopoulos, Sondra Gllman. { 1 hr.) 9 SINGIN' Karen Morrow and Nancy Dussault sing a variety of songs about singing Itself. • MMTERPIECE THEATRE "OiStaetl: Dizzy" Encouraged by his success In verbal debates with some of England's most prominent polltlclans, Dia· raell deeldeS to stand for Parliament. (Pert 1) (R) i ( U\YTERY "Rumpole Of The Balley. Rumpole And The Man Of God" Rumpole defends an elderly. absent-minded vicar on a shoplifting charge. (Part ~ ~( ~.~J, Joe, The Rx en Kennedy" James L. Zimmerman Certified Public Accountant Full ranoe of personatlted · professfonal services for small boslnesses & lndlvlduals •tr .... ....... c .. 11111:-645-1940 .,, _.._ -" • .. ;;:r .... a .... co OD I\) -·-: t . t6 ('I Sunday (continued) CID ~ ( 1977, Orama) Pet8f Strauss. Barbara Parkins. !he eldest Kennedy volunteers for a dangerous wartime mission which. If successful, would bring him beck a hero and one step closer to the White Kouse. ( 1 hr.. 35 min.) CB) MOVIE "Eye Of The Needle" (1981. Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Kate Nelligan. While on a remote Scottish Island to meet a German subma- rine. an Axis spy finds sheller from the storm In the cottage or a young married couple 'R' ( 1 hr .• 51 min) CD MOVIE "Cutter's Way" (1981, Drama) John Heard. Jell Bridges A maimed Vietnam vet and his best friend. a social dropout, focus their energ\eS on solving a murder case 'R' ( 1 hr .• 45 min ) (%) MOVIE "Old Boyfriends" ( 1979. Orama) Talia Shire, Richard Jordan. A confused divorcee tries to find the key 10 her present problems by emban<lng on a journey to look up three boyfriends from her past. 'A' ( 1 hr .. 42 min.) 9:06@ OPEN UP 9:30 8 (J) THE JEFFERSONS One of George's stores Is destroyed by a fire. (R) Cil WORLD OF SURVIVAL 0 JACK VAN IMPE (I) MOVIE "Doomsday Machine" ( 1972. Scienc&- Fictlon) Henry Wilcoxon. Mala Powers The crew of a spaceship faces the challenge of an uncertain future attar viewing the destructiOn of the Earth by nuclear holocaust (2 hrs.) @SIGNATURE Guest: Jerzy Kosinski ([) PGA GOLF "PGA Championship" Same-day coverage of the final round from Southern Hiiis Country Club. Tulsa, Okla. (2 hrs .. 30 min.) 10:00 8 Cl) TRAPPER JOHN, M.D. A social work8f is brutally beaten while trying to rehabilitate a pair of teen-aQ!_proslitutes. (R) ( 1 hr.) l •mNEWS THE WORD FOR TODAY ONE IN A THOUSAND A docudrama abOUt a family helping out a child's life of mi58f)' from the disease Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. ( 1 hr.) • KIENHOLZ A dOcUmentary oo the November, 1981 exhibit In Los Angeles of recent tab'eaus by renowned sculptor Edward Kelnholz and his wife Nancy Reddin is p<esented. 1.9 FLAMB.AROS "What Are Servants For?" The new family at Flambards celebrates harvest time; Dick and Christina rekindle their earlier romance. (f)art 11) (A) Q (1 hr.) (0) MOVIE "Student Bodies" (1981. Horror) A klller runs amok on a high school campus Iha day before graduation. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 26 min.) Cl) MOVIE "History Of The World -Part I" (1981, Comedy) Mel Brooks. Madeline Kahn. Man's Uluatri- ous history -from Neanderthal cavemen to the Spanish Inquisition -Is examined. 'R' ( 1 hr • 33 min.) Ct MOV1E "Seflal" ( 1980. Comedy) Martin Mull. Tuesday Weld. A happily married Marin County cou- ple are spurred by their trendy neighbors Into exploring alternative lifestytea. 'R' ( 1 hr. 31 min.) 10:06(1Z) MOW: "The Swinger" (1966. Comedy) Ann-Margret. Tony Franciosa. A young glrl trying to get her work published writes a steaming porno- graphic novel and claims ~ Is autobiographical ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) 10:30 8 LON~ RANGER I SPORTS WRAP-UP JtMMY SWAGGART JUNE WAYNE -THE DOROTHY SERIES The Los Angeles artist presents and discusses her litho- graphic works which portray her mother Dorothy's Ille. 10:461 SUNDAY SPORTS PAGE 11:00 8 (.l)eNEWS I WILD KINGDOM COME LOVE THE aillDAEN Hosts Art Link· letter and Carol Lawrence focus on the hopes, dreams and survival of the world's children. ( 1 hr.) I JERRY FALWELL STRUMPET crTV Peter O'Toole stars In this se..,. en-pert drama of life In Dublin from 1907 to 191.4. 'a~~ ~EWS Roger Eberl and Gene Sisk-e! hoet an Informative look al what's new at the movie&. (R) CC) MOV1E "Jory Of One" (1g14, Orama) Sophia Loren. Jean Gabln. A mother uses under#Ofld con- nections to get her eon acquitted of rape and mur- def charges. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) CB> MO\llE "Tarzan. The ~pe Man" (1981. A~ ture) Rlchald Harrla. Bo 'Derek. A young woman searchea for her mls8lng father In the African Jungle where lhe encoontera an uncivlliied white men and an cn~an. 'A' ( 1 hr., 52 min.) CD MOVIE "lneefta" (1978. Orama) Richard Dnry-tuee. Jeaa1ca Ht'l*· ·x· ( 1 hr .• 57 min.) CJ) MOVE "VlctOtY" ( 1081. Ac:tv.nture) Svtveater Stdone Mtct1M1 CaN. Ourtng Wcwtd Ww ti, Med POWa e.. ~ t.lcket to f,..som In a match t>etw ..-.,.... 800Clf 1...-n and the o.rman Natlonal T.-n In PMa. 'PG' (1 tw. 51 rNn.. ----=--=-- ART CELEBRATION -Kic~ing off a series of stories to celebrate the visual arts, KC.ET (Ch. 28). will feature a story about artist &J .Kienholz in ''Kienholz" S unday at l Op.m . 11:151 CBS NEWS 11 :30 SPORTS ANAL I PACESETTERS WEEKEND SPORTS WRAP-UP UFEOFRtlEY = "Computercide" (1982, Mys1ery) Susan George. David Huddlestoo. In 1996, a prlllate detec- tive Investigates a mysterious death that the aophls· tlcated polioe computers have labeled "accidental." (8) (2 hrs.) (a> MO\llE "Honky Tonk Freeway" (1981, Come- dy) Beau Bridges, Hume Cronyn. The tourist-hun- gry residents of a sleepy Florida hamlet are raady and waiting when they team a new freeway will com· i>fetely skirt their town. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 47 min.) g MOVIE "Gas" (1981, COmedy) Donald Suther- land. Susan Anspach. A radio OJ and a rep<>rt8f try to expose an oil magnate's plat to drive up gas prlj:- es by cootrllllng an oil shortage 'R' ( 1 hr . 30 min.) 11:46 8 THE ROCKFORO ALES 8 MOVIE "Comput8fclde" (1982. Myst8f'}') Susan Geo<ge. David Huddleston. In 1996, a prlllate detec- tive Investigates a mysterlOUs death that the sopht. tlcated polfOe computers have labeled "accidental." {B) (2 hrs.) Cl) THE GAA TEFUL DEAD The Grateful Dead are seen performing many of their greatest hits In this concert taped Halloween night 1980 at Radio City Music Hall. (1 hr., 18 min.) t1:50(1Z) MOVIE "None But The Lonely Heart" (1944, Orama) Cary Grant. Ethel Barrymore. Accompa- nied by his understanding mother. a wandering Englishman searches for spiritual lulflllment (2 hrs •. 30mln.) 11:658NEWS (JI MOVIE "Man With The Icy Eyeil" ( 1971, Mys· tery) Keenan Wynn. Faith Oomergue A young reporter covering the murder of an eminent senator discovers the Identity of the assassin. (2 hra.) 12:00• 700CLU8 Cl) STAR TREK (!)I MOVIE "Higher And Higher" (1943, Musical) Michele Morgan, Frank Sinatra. A men devises an lngenlOus scheme to compensate his household ser- vants. (2 hrs.) I MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE TALES OF THE UNEXPECTED SINGtN' Karen Morrow and Nancy Dussault sing &>~bout llnglng ltMlf. 12:30. ABC NEWS • MOVIE "Wlnda Of The Waateland" ( 1938, W•tem) John Wayne. Phyllla FrllMf. A st-oecoech owner races against a rlvaf to obtain a valuable mall contract In Callfomla. ( 1 hr.) 9 ~TURE Guest: Jerry Koatnskl 12:A6 •MAME OF THE OAME e MCME "The Female Trap" ( 1988, Drema) Jeck Lord. Sutan Strasberg. A mele hltchhltctt ee~ta • t1de wtth a young glr1 newr , .. 11i1no he ta to becornt the unwtllng captive of hef moth« end ala'*'8 1t1 • ~ d9Mit outpoet. (2 tva.) Cr:> .MOYIE "CeboBllnco'' (1961, SulptnM) Cfiettee Bfoneon. .man Aoberdl. An tded Hal who ,_ bOUOflt ol Iha kal OOIOI 0011"1.,_ • small Peruvian coastal town during the 1940s 'R' t! hr .. 32 min.) ClJ MOVIE "On The Air With Captain Midnight" (1978, Comedy) Tracy Sebastian, Mia Kovacs. When Los Angeles' most popular disc jockey plays "not·lor·broadcast" records, the FCC tries lo have him stopped. ( 1 hr .• 30 min ) 1:00 G) TEEN SCENE 9 ONE IN A THOUSAND A docudrama about a family helping out a child's life of misery from the disease Spina Blfida and Hydrocephalus. ( 1 hr.) (!) NASL SOCCER Tampa Bay Rowdies at Portland Timbers (R) (2 hrs.) CH> MOVIE "ll's My Turn" {1980, Romance) Jiii Clayburgh. Michael Douglas. A brilliant Chteago math profess0< realizes lhe problems in her llve·1n relationship when she finds a new love while In New York for her lather's remarriage 'R' ( 1 hr., 37 min ) O PURLIE Melba Moore. Robert Guillaume and Sherman Hemsley are featured in a performance of 1he hit Broadway musical based on Ossie Davis's ~Y "Purlle Victorious " (2 hrs . 20 min ) {Z) ~VIE "Dulcima" ( 1971. Drama) John Miiis, Carol White A young housekeeper covets the stashed fortune of her miserly employer. a seeming· ly l~verlshed old farmer. 'PG' (I hr., 35 min.) 1:05(.i) MOVIE "Oullaw Blues" ( 1977. Orama) Peter Fonda. Susan Saini James When a country· western singer steals his song, an ex-con tries des· perately to retrieve his rec0<ding rights while beffhng thei tee 'PG' ( 1 hr • 40 min ) 1;30 NEWS 1:46 AT ONE Guest· writer /director Jesus Trelll- 1:65 ABC NEWS 2:05 NEWS 2:15 NEWS no.,hr.) 2:20 WORLD AT LARGE ·2:26 MOVIE "Mahogany" ( 1975. Orama) Diana Ross Anthony Perkins. A young black woman rises from 0the depths ol the ghetto to international lame as a fashioo designer and model. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 50 min.) 2:30 8 TODA V'S RELIGION Cf) MORNING STRETCH (Ill rrs YOUR BUSINESS 2:36 CB) MOVIE "Hardly Working" ( 1981. Comedy) Jerry Lewis. Susan Olthf. After lhe circus closes down. a veteran clown tries his hand at various Jobs. faill~ mlse<ably atlhem all. 'PG' (1 hr., 31 min.) 2:40(.Z) MOVIE "Joe Hiii" (1971, Orama) Thommy Berggren. Anja Schmidt. A look is taken at tt-.c t1te of labor leader Joe Hiii. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 54 min.) 2:468NEW8 (I) MOVIE "Funhouse" ( 1981, Horror) Elizabeth Berridge. Sylvia Miies. Four teen-agers spend a frlghf1vl night In a camlval lunhouse Inhabited by a demented barker and his monstrous son 'R' (I hr , 35mfn.) 3:00 8 NEWSMAKERS i JOE FRANKLIN NEWS BIWAROS IMng Crane vs. Luther Lassiter (R) L! hr.) •MOVIE "Clash Of The Titans" (1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamlln, Laurence Olivier. Mythic hero Perseus Is helped by his father Zeus In a serleS of dangerous tasks as he tries to win the hand of a Phoenician princess against the wishes of a vengeful sea god· 3:~-·~F'Acf' mtn.) 4:00 (!) JtMMV SWAGGART (!) SPORTSCENTER 4;06 al> FUNTIME CB) MOVIE "Eye Of The Needle'' ( 1981. Suspense) Donald Sutherland. Kate Nelligan While oo a remote Scottish Island to meet a German subma· rlne. an Axis spy finds shelter from the storm In the cottage of a young married couple. 'R' ( 1 hr., 51 min.l 4:20 CC) MOVIE "Shipwreck" ( 1978. Adventure) Robert Logan. Mikki Jamison-Olson. A widower. his two daughters. a reporter and a runaway are strand· ed on an Isolated Island after encountering a violent storm at sea. 'G' ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) Cl) MOVIE "History Of The WOtld -Pan I" (1981, Comedy) Mel Brooks. Madeline Kahn. Man'a lllustrl- ous history -lrorn Neanderthal ctivemen to the ~inlth lnqUisition -Is examined 'R' (1 hr., 33 4:al0 JIM BAKt<ER 4:3& I DREAM OF JEANNIE 4:40 MOVIE "B!}'.ond The Reef' (t981, Romane.) Denton i<-ne, Maren .Jenseo. A Poiyn. alan-.Amerlcan glrl who has been edueated In the U.S. returnt to her laland home and rans In love wt1h a f>Mrl dlvef. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) Jack Anderson · reveals in the lllily lilat. ~ r '" Monday 5:00 O "Kill Or Be Killed" ( 1980. Adventure) James Ryan, Charlolle Michelle. 6:00(.S) "Treasure Island" ( 1972. Adventure) Orson Welles. Kim Burlteld 6:05@ "Embraceable You" ( 1948. Drama) Dane Clark, Geraldine Brooks 6: 10(C) "The Baltimore Buller· ( 1980. Orama) James Coburn, Omar Sharil 6: 15(Z) "Malizia" ( 1974, Comedy) Laura Antonelli, Tun Ferro 7:30CS) "The Hideaways" ( 1973, Comedy) Ingrid Berg__man. Johnny Doran 8·00CCJ ''An Enemy 0 1 The People" ( t977. Orama) Steve McOueen, Charles Durning CID "Victory" { 1981, Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine O "Falling In Love Again" ( t980. Orama) Ell1oll Gould, Susannah York (Z) "Hardly Working" ( 1981, Comedy) Jerry Lewis. Susan Ohver 8:05@ "If A Man Answers" ( 1962, Comedy) San dra Dee. Bobby Dann 10:00 ~ "M" ( 1930. Suspense) Peter Lorre. Ellen Widmann. CID "The Other Side Of The Mountain ·• Part II" {1978. Drama) Marilyn Hassell, Timothy Bottoms CS) "Any Nur.1ber Can Play" ( 1949. Orama) Cla1k Gable, Alexis Smith. 10:05@ "The Killer Who Wouldn't Die" (1976. Mys· teryL M11<e Connors. Samantha Eggar 11 :00(%) "Harlan County. U.S A " ( 1976) Documen· tary .\1-"llJl:'\< >< ):'\ \I< )\'I I·:s 12:00 Q "Curse Of The Swamp Creature" (1966. Hor1or) John Agar. Francine York. tD "Talk 0 1 The Town" ( 1942. Comedy) Cary Grant, Jean Ar1hur. II) "Chain Lightning" ( 1950, Drama) Humphrey Bogart. Eleanor Parker ~ "Papillon" ( 1973. Adventure) Steve McOUeen. Dustin Hoffman. CS) "Vlct0<y'' ( 1981, Adventure) Sylvester Stallone, Michael Caine g "Hurry Up Or I'll Be 30" ( 1975, Comedy) John Lef1towltz, Linda De Cott. 1:00® "The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia" 1_!981, Drama) Kristy McNlchol. Mark Hamill. CZ) "Old Boyfriends" { 1979. Ofama) Talia Shire, Richard Jordan. 1:300 ''The Kids Are Alrrght" { 1979, Musical) The Who. 2:00(f) "Koroshi" ( 1967. Adventure) Patrick McGoohan. Yoko Tani. co "Seems Like Old Times" { 1980, Comedy) Gol- die Hawn, Chevy Chase. 2:30(1) "The Hideaways" ( 1973, Comedy) lngYld Befg_man, Johnny Oofen. ~CHJ "Coat To Coast" (1980, Comedy) Dyan Cannon, Robef1 Blake. CZ> "Easy Living" ( 1937, Comedy) Jeen At1huf, Edward Arnold. 3:30• "Smokey Bites The Dust" (1981. Comedy) Jim~ McNlchol. Janet Juftan. 4:00• "The Trojan H<>r11e" (1962, AdVenture) SleY& Reeves. John Drew Barrymore. 4:30(1) "Thundert>lrds In Outer Space" (1981, Adventure) Puppets. 5:00(%) "Hamm County. U.S.A." (1 976) Ooc:umen- tary. 5:06llll "Sabrina" (1954, Comedy) Humphrey Bogert. Audrey Hepburn. aooeeNEWS I WONOE.A WOMAN C88NEW8 wtLD, WU> WEST MOVIE "A Tale Of Two Cities" (1935, Orama) Ronald Colman, Elizabeth Allen. Based oo Charles Oiokens' classic. Two men Who look de fall In love with the same girl during the French Revolutlon (2 hra .• 30 min.) 18.W.A.T. HAWAII AVE-<> OVER EASY "Hearing" Guest: act0< Keenan 15..eJ~ HUMANfTIES THROUGH THE ARTS MOVIE "An Enemy Of The People" (1977, Ora- ma) Steve Mc:Oueen. Charla9 Oumlno. Bated oo lbtten'a play. The citizens of a amall town flrtt applaUd then petMCUte a toe.at phytk:lan for dec&ar· THE PORTRAIT -Posing for a portrait that Col. Potter is painting for his wife are 4077th m embers (front row from le ft ) Klinger (Jamie Farr), Father M ulcahy (William Christ opher) and M argare t (Loretta S wit) and (back row) B.J. (Mi.Jee Farrell). Ha wkeye (Al an A ld a) a nd Winch ester (David Ogden S tiers) on M•A•S •H Monday at 9 p.m . on KNXT (Ch 2). ing the local hot springs unsafe due to pollution 'G' {_1 hr .. 43 min.) CID MOONCHILD A re-enactment of one person's journey Into and out of the Unlficalioo Church Is presented. ( 1 hr ) cm ~OVIE "Paradise Alley" ( 1978, Orama) Sylves- ter Stallone,. Armand Assante. Three scheming brothers from the Hell's Kitchen section of New York City combine their traits of brains and brawn in their efforts to create better lives for themselves. 'PG' (1 hr •. 47 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Seems Like Old Tlmes" ( 1980, Come- dy} Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase. A soft-hearted law- yer is torn between her hopeless ex-husband- turned-bank robber and her uptight present hus- band Who Is running for C81itomla attOl'ney general. 'PG' (1 hr .. 42 mfn.) D MOVIE "Falling In Love Again" (1980, Orama) Elliott Gould, Susannah York. A man goes to his high school reunion In the belief that he can relive the~ times of the peat 'PG' ( 1 hr • 30 min ) 8::30(1) e NEWS I OOKCAVETT AMBICAN OOVERHMENT 7:008 C88 NEWS l ~T P.M. MAOAZJNE A oompany that rurw an ln- holJee heelth club fOf fts employees: a pearl farm In ITa~~ JOKER'S WllO SINGIN' Karen Morrow and Nancy Dussault sing ~~Om the BroaA,.stage. l.1He-..=a THE BEACH BOYS IN CONCERT The tamout group from rOci<'• golden•• perform their greatest hlta. lnduding "Callfomla Glrla," "Surlln' U.S.A." and "Ba<bara AM." (1 hr.) CC MOVIE "Etcape From New York" (1981, Sci· enoe-Flctlon) Kurt Autlaell. Adrienne Barbeau. In 1997, a hardened criminal le ottered• pardon If he can rescue the ~t of the U.S. from the prlton city that Manhettarr ha. become. 'R' (1 hr., 40 min.) CZ) MOVIE "Dulclma" (1971, Orama) John Miiia. Carol White. A young houlekeeper covets the stashed fortune of her mllertv employer. • Memlng- ly clshed old ta1mer. 'PG' {1 hr .. 35 min.) 7:25 HEWS • 7:30 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: an In-depth look •t tome of lltMl~ta. 1 -~JOOUGH llOHAT\JAEGuett: Glende Jaokaon. MACNBL I LBiAEA REPORT ' '------------·--- EVQINQ AT POP8 John Wllllema and the eo.- ton P~ .Orcheltra art Joined by )In dNmnw 8UCldy ~ !Ota "W .. t Sic:JI! St~" ~ and a ~·. perf0<mance of Gershwin's "Strike Up Tha Banet" (A) (1 hr.) • 17 :2 0 -8:008 Cl) PRIVATE BENJAMIN The troops at Fort Bradley are ordered to stonewall a reporter check- !~ out rum0<s of polluted ground water. (R) U e LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE The Ole- sons tal<e In a girl from the orphanage to take the .g_r- ptace of Nellie. who has moved to New York. (Part 1) (A) Q ( 1 hr ) "T1 8 MOVIE "Cattle Queen Of Montana" ( 1954. ~ Western) Barbara Stanwyck, Ronald Reagan. With ID the help of an Indian, a girl tries to ~rotect her prop-':C erty from a ruthless land-grabber (2 hrs ) > IJ BEST OF THE WEST Parker Tillman's scheme to ~ open a bani< backfrres when he is taken hostage by c robbers. (R) ~ Q MOVIE "Scalpel" ( t978. Suspense) Robert Lansing. Judith Chapman. A doctor whose m1ss1~ daughter inherited a large sum decides to substitute one of his patients for the girl and collect the money L2 hrs) ®) YOU ASKED FOR IT m IKE: THE WAR YEARS Rober! Duvall. Lee Rem- ick and Dana Andrews star in this film that fOllows Eisenhower 1n England from the tense weeks leading to 0-0ay through the culm1nat1on ol the battle that turned the !Ide of World War ti (Part 1) (2 hrs) Cl) MOVIE "And Then There Were None" ( t945, Mystery) Louis Hayward, Barry Fitzgerald Ten peo- ple 1nv1ted to a remote deserted island are mystert- ously mur{lered one by one. (2 hrs) @MIXED BAG "Eye To Eye" Photographers Rob- ert Frank and Wilham Eggleston discuss and dem- onstrate their work &!) EVENING AT POPS John Williams and the Bos- too Pops Orchestra are 101ned by jazz drummer Buddy Rich fOf a "West Side Story" medley and a performance of Gershwin's "Strike Up The Band." LR) ( 1 hr) ~MOVIE "Nightmare" ( 198 t Horror) Barrd Stal- ford, Sharon Smith. Despite a dru9 prescription that Is supposed to soothe his homicidal tendencies, a severely disturbed young man contrnues to commit ~sty hatchet murders {1 hr., 37 min.) SPORTSCENTEA MOVIE "Tha Other Side Of The Mountain -Part II" (1978, Orama) Mar11yn Hassett, Timothy Bot- toms. F0<mer champion skier. Jiil Klnmont. rendered a quadriplegic by a tragic accident. wrestles with self-doubt when a new love enters her life. (2 hrs ) cm RtCHARO PRYOR IN CONCERT The well-known comedian shoots pointed barbs al almost every lnstllLltlon Imaginable In this uncensored. no-holds- barred concert performance. (1 hr .. 30 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Vlct0<y" ( 1981, AdVenture) Sylvester Stallone, Mlchael Caine. During World War II, Allied POWs see their ticket to freedom In a match between their soccer team and the German National Team In Paris. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 57 min.) 0 MOVIE "Tommy" (1975, Musk:al) Roge1 Dat.- trey, Ann-Margret. Based oo the rock opera by The Who. A VoUOQ bOy struck deaf, dumb and blind by the sight of hla father's murder becomes a modefn- day messiah exploited by a greedy uncle and a wor-shlff' public. 'PG' (1 hr .. 50 min.) 8:26 IN THE FAMtl Y 8:30 (J) Wt<RP tN OINOINNA TI Jennifet pla09 to use her pretty faoe and feminine wiles to calm an enraged a~ltef. (R) • MOYIE "The Wild Bunch" (1969, Western) Wll- Uem Holden. Ernest Borgnlne. Outlaws caute vlo-~ wld destruction wtWle bettllng the Mexican ar"'lJ~ 30 min.) ~ ENTERTAMENT TOMGHT § EARLY DAYS Sit Ralph Rlchard9on stara In David Stoney'• play aboUt a young. wild acting chap that behavea more crazy then before when he finds out It annoyt relat!Ye9 and neighbors. (1 hr., 30mln.) • GREAT PEAFOAMAHCE8 "Three ChMYef St~ rles; 0 Youth And Beeutyl" Kattyyn Walker •nd Michael Murphy are feetu1ed In Ct!Mver' I atoty about a mlddllt-aoed executive'• st~ to recap- ture the glory of h& oolleQe Y"fS. (R) (1 hr.) 8:40(Z)CHAALES CHAMPLIN TALKS WITH ... "Mar- ie Wlndeot'' &.56dl) MOVIE "Helf On Frllco Bay" (1955, Orama) Alan Ladd, Edwa1d G. Robinson. A formef polio. man It releaMd from prlsoo and sets out to clear his name. ~tn.) e:ooe Cl) w•A•s•H Hawkeye moves out of the Sw8f!\P attar a fight With B.J. and Chariee. (R) •• MOVIE "Thou Shatt Not Kiii" ( 1982, Or.ma) Lee Grant. Mlohael Gwynne. A detatmlned defenM attomey fight• to clMr a young man of two MPM•ta murder chef~ delPlt• ov8irwhelmlng evidence ar=-·~~~~ .. (1978, HorrOI') a.tie Davia, ~en Black. A te rent• • haunted Vlctori.. en manelon wtth a wtl °' tta own. (2 twa.) • OAEAT PEAFOAMANCE8 ''Thr .. ChetWr Sto- ries: 0 Youth And a.eutyl" Kathryn Weftw and MlchMf Murphy .. ...tured In ChMYer'.! atcxy •bout a mlddla llOed tQCUtt¥e'1 at~ to recap- ture Che akWY o4 hie oolagp _,... CFJ) l 1 tw.) .... IO OD N 18 &1 ·Monday (continued) ~ (() TOP-RANK BOXING From Atlantic City, N.J. • (!=!) (2 hrs .. 30 min.) co (JJ MOVIE "McVlcar" ( 1980, Drama) Roger Daltry. Ui Adam Faith The true st0<y of British criminal John & McVlcar's life In prison, his escape and his new Ill~ :-, on the outside Is chronicled 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) < (%) MOVIE "Easy L1111ng" ( 1937. Comedy) Jean ~ Arthur. Edward Arnold. An unemployed stenogra· "O pher crosses paths with a m1lhona11e banker when ;E he tosses his wife's sable coat out a window ( 1 hr . 25mln.) g 9:308 (I) FILTHY RICH (Premiere) A Tennessee _J land baron leaves a videotaped last will and testa· > ment for his snobbish family and their poo< rela· I-tlons -.Q il: (!) MOVIE "Peking Blonde" ( 1967. Drama) Edward G. Robinson, Claudio Brook. The beautiful mistress of a Chinese scientist suffering from amnesia attracts the attention of several internation- al secret agents Interested In recovering a famed black pearl that she reputedly owns. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 8!) HOWARD NEMEROV: COLLECTED SENTENC- ES A profile of America's distinguished poet and novelist features Interviews with Nemerov. his family, friends and colleagues. ( 1 hr.) cm QUINCY JONES: REFLECTIONS Patti Austin, James Ingram and "Toots" Thleleman are among the artists performing songs with Jones from his hit album "The Dude." ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 10:008 (J) CAGNEY & LACEY Cagney and Lacey are assigned to protect the Ille of an outspoken ERA Cfitlc. ( 1 hr,l l a•mNEWS , SINGIN' Karen MOfrow and Nancy Dussault smg songs .from the Broadway stage • HOWARD NEMEROV: COLLECTED SENTENC- ES A profile of America's distinguished poet and novelist features lnte<Vlews with Nemerov, his family, friends and colleagues. ( 1 hr.) ct) MOVIE "The Baltimore Bullet" ( 1980, Orama) James Coburn. Omar Sharif. A small-time pool hus- tler must raise $20.000 and win a big tournament before he can have a rematch with an old opponent -who has never lost at any game. 'PG' (1 hr., 43 min.) (8) MOVIE "Victory" ( 1981, Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine. During World War II, Allied POWs see their ticket to freedom in a match between their soccer team and the German National Team In Paris. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) Cl) MOVIE "Seniors" (Comedy) Dennis QuaTd. Gary Imhoff. Enterprising college students turn their fraternity house Into a bordello. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) lit MOVIE "Smokey Bites The Dust" (1981, Come- dy) Jimmy McNlchol, Janet Julian. A high school delinquent gets the whole town on his rrall when he makes off with the homecoming queen and heads across the state In a 5efles ol slolen automobiles. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 30 min ) 10:30. NEWS I SIGNATURE Guest. Glenda Jackson. U.S. CHRONICLE "Crime Victims" Robert MacNeil reports Of'\ violent cr1me from the perspec- tives of the victims, their families and the criminals. al) MOVIE "Schlock" ( 1973. HorrOf) John Landis, Saul Kahan. A monst9f believed to be a genetic "missing link" goes on a rampage of terror. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 20 min ) (%)MOVIE "Hardly W<><klng" (1981, Comedy) Jet· ry Lewis. Susan 011\/er Al1er the circus closes down. a veteran clown tries hhl hand at various jobs. failing miSerably at them all. 'PG' (I hr .. 31 min.) 10:65111) MOVIE "Storm In Jamaica" ( 1958. Romance) Virginia McKenna, Bill Travers. A hand- some young schoolteacher becomes the object of atteotlon f0< a love-starved wife and the impetus 10< an llllclt love affair. (2 hrs.. 5 min.) 11:008 8. (J) 41. NEWS I 8A1\JAOAY NIGKT YOU ASKED FOR rT JOE FRANKLIN M•A•S•H SENNYHIU MIXED BAG "Eye To Eye" Photographers Rob- ert Frank and WIUlam Eggleston discuss and dem- onstrate their wori(, ·~IH~OUSE (fS SIZZLE Anything and everything goes on Ladles' Night Qui at LO& Angeles' wild and sexy nightclub. Oeko't. 11:30e (J) QUINCY The head of a hospital changes a report on the death of a hear1 attack vtctlm who waa tr .. ted by a deffnatOk>glst. ( 1 hr., 10 min.) 8 • THE BEST OF CARSON HOit~ Johnny Car· aon. Gueits: Omar Sharif, Kareem AbdUhJabbar, Sharon GJeea. Chuek Mangione. (R) ( 1 hr ) I 0 ABC NEWS NIGKTllNE WOMEN IN CAl8'8 Gary ColUna and Carol Law· r~ holt this examlnetlon of the plight of the 1.6 blRlon women In the world'• developing nation. through the atOfles of lb! of theM won'Wtf\. ( 1 h<.) NEWS STORY -Pvt. Benjamin and Capt. Lewis (series stars Lorna Patterson and Eileen Brennan) are the center of a news story when they a.re confronted by an ace television reporter (Peter H obbs) on "Private Benjamin." Monday at 8 p.m . on KNXT (Ch. 2). I THE JEFFERSONS LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE EARLY DAYS Sir Ralph Richardson stars In David Stoney's play about a young. wild acting chap that behaves more crazy than before when he finds out It annoys relatlves and neighbors. ( 1 hr .• 30mln.) I CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTSCENTER ROMANCE: LAURA. SWEET LAUAA (Part 1) MOVIE "New Year's Evil" (1980, Horror) Roz Kelly. Kip Niven The disc jockey at a punk rock club recel"es a series of phone calls promising that someone will be murdered In her hon0< every hour between nine and midnight on New Year's Eve. 'R' (1hr .. 30 min.) 11:"6 ct) MOVIE "Back Roads" ( 1981, Comedy) Sal• ly Field, Tommy Lee Jones. A hooker and a down- on-hls·luck boxer meet and head west In search of a new Ille. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) .,.. 12:00 8 ENTEAT AINMENT l'ONioKT • 41 MOVIE "This House Possessed" ( 1981, Mystery) Parker Stevenson, Lisa Ellbecher. A rock singer has a nervous breakdown and goes to five In a sinister house with his young nCJrse and compan- ion (R) (2 hrs .• 45 min ) (!) MOVIE ''Crack-Up" ( 1946. Mystery) Pat O'Brien. Claire TrevOf A museum cura10< becomeS the victim of a killer who deals In loroertes of art treasures. (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "My Olr1 Tisa" (1948, Romance) LUii Palme<, Sam Wanamaker. A young Immigrant girl tries to get her father out of the old country and put her boyfriend through law school at the same time. i hr .. 30 min.) LOVE. AM~ICAN STYLE MOVIE "The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia" ( 1981, Drama) Kristy McNlchol. Mark Hamill. A brother·aOO.&lster songwriting duo have many adventures whlle trying to eke oul a llvlng on the country-western clrcuft. •J>G• ( 1 hr .• 60 min.) (JJ MOVIE "Together?" (1981, Romance) Jacque- line Bisset, Maxlmlflan Schell. A young woman tries to pursue a career despite the chauvlnltt attitudes other llve--ln lover. 'R' ( t hr .. 30 min.) cm MOVIE "Penitentiary" ( 1980, Orama) Leon Isaac Kennedy, Thommy Pollard. A y~ b'ack uses hit boxing skllls to survive In prlsoo. 'R (1 hr .• 35 min.) Cl) MOVIE "La Cage Aux Follet II" (1980, Come- dy) Ugo Tognazzl. Michel Serrault. A mlddle-eged gay c:oople ate the quarry of a teefet organlatlon trying to get the mlctofllm that one of them twe\:- lowed. 'R' (1tw .. 39mln.) (%) RtCHAAO PAYOR IN CONCERT n,. ~ comedian ahoota polilted berbl at a.imo.t fNfKY lnathutlon Imaginable In this uncentO<ed. no-hold9- barred concert perl0<ma~. p hr .• 30 min.) 12:300 e LATE NIGHT WITH DAVID LETTERMAN Guttla: 8ll1y C.rt.,, fllmmakef Enol Morrie. comedl- , an ~ttld, 8111 Murrey. (R) (1 hr.) I MOVE~ Tro)ln HotM" (1082. Advtntut•) Steve Reeves, John Drew Barrymore. The Greeks and Trojans engage In spectacular battles for LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE i'remacy. (2 hrs.) PKA FULL CONT ACT KARATE From Premiere Center, Detroit. Mich. (R) (1 hr .. 30 min.) 12:40 8 (I) COLUMBO A physlcal fitness zealot mur· ders his partner who was close to revealing his fraudulent business practices. (2 hrs • 5 min.) 1:00 8 GENE AUTRY g) MOVIE "Stanley" ( t972. Horror) Alex Rocco. Chris Robinson A rattlesnake becomes a Vietnam veteran's personal weapon of revenge against man· kind. (1 hr .. 30 min.) @ MOVIE '"Tll We Meet Again" ( 1940. Romance) Merle Oberon. George Brent. An ocean voyage brings happiness to a terminally Ill girl when she falls in love with a convicted murderer. (2 hrs.) QI SINGIN' Karen Morrow and Nancy Dussault sing S0119! from the Broadway stage. (2 hrs.) 1:26~ MOVIE "Paplilon" ( 1973, Ad"enture) Steve McQueen. Dustin Hottman. A pair of Devil's Island convicts spend their time planning their escape. (2 hrs .. 35 min.) 1:30 DID NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT I GENE AUTRY MOVIE "It's My Turn" ( 1980. Romance) Jill Clayburgh. Michael Douglas. A brilliant Chicago math professor realizes the problems In her li\/e-ln relationship when she finds a new love while In New YOfk for her lather's remarriage. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 37 min.) (%) MASSAGE: THE TOUCH OF LOVE The_ steps Involved In gMng end receMng a massage are por· trayed as couples demonstrate how lo relax each area of the body. 1:40(1) MOVIE "Challenge The Dragon" (Adven· ture) A ruthless business operation's attempt to destroy a family's land and tradition Is met with a valiant light. 'R' (1 hr .. 30 min.) 2:00 (()INSIDE BASEBALL CID MOVIE "Allen" ( 1979. HOfror) Tom Skerntt, Yaphet Kot1o. The crew ol a spacegolng setap car· rler follow a mysterious signal 10 a supposedly dead planet and. otter landing, discover that the message was a warning to stay away. 'R' (2 hrs .. 4 min.) CI> MOVIE "Old Boyfriends" ( 1979. Orama) Talia Shire. Richard Jordan. A confused divorcee tries to find the key to her present problems by embarking on a ~rney to look up three boyfriends from her past. R' ( 1 hr .. 42 min.) 2:05 Cl) NEWS 2:30 (!) MORNING STRETCH eNews Cl) AUSTRALIAN RULES FOOTBALL Csrlton vs. North Melbourne (R) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 2:~88NEWS 3:00 Cl) JOE FRANKLIN lll)NEWS ct MOVIE "The Kids Are Alright" ( 1979, Muslcal) The Who. Footage ol some of the rock band's per· fOfmances are interspersed with Interviews of the grou_e_ membera. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 45 min.) S: 10 (I) MOVIE "Seems Like Old t imes" ( 1980. Comedy) Goldie Hawn. Chevy Chase A sol1-heart· ed IYwyer Is tom between hef hopeless ex-husbaOO. turned-bank robber and her uptight present hus- band who is running IOf Calif0<nla attorney general 'PG' (1 hr., 42 min.) 3:158 MOVIE "NotWood" (1970. Comedy) Glen Campbell, Kim Derby. A Vietnam veteran returns home and finds that he Is bored with his job and disturbed that his 81ster has married an overbearing man. (1 hr .• 35 min.) 3:60(%) MOVIE "Manzie" (1974, Comedy) Laura Antonelli, Turi Ferro. A new housekeeper beoOmeS the obleot of desire tor a widower and his young sons. •A' ( 1 hr .• 38 min.) 4:00 'l(i JIMMY SWAGGART ~ ~VS IN CONCERT The famous group from rock's golden era perform their greateet hlta, Including "California Girts," "8urfln' U.S. A " and "Batbara Ann." (1 hr.) 4:05 Gl) FUNTIME ct) MOVIE "M" ( 1930, Suspense) Peter Lorre, Ellen Widmann. Polloe paralyze the underworld u they search OusMldorf tor a psycttotlc child mUtdet· er. ihr., <40 min.) 4:30 JtM BAKl<EA 4:35 I DREAM OF JEANNIE 4:'46 MOVIE "Tommy" (1975, M~) ROQ9r Deltrey. AM·Margret. Baled on the rock opera l>y The Who. A young boy ltNCk dell ~b and blind by the sight of hie father'• ITIU(der beCOmel a mod- em-dtly m.alah txplolted by • greedy uncle and a worsNpplng publlQ. 'PG' (1hr .. 50 min.) _ Scentsible Advice « Every Sunday ~------------------------~------------------------------------------------------19 (0) BASEBALL Cincinnati Reds at Los Angeles Tuesday \I< )ll:'\ I:'\(; \I<)\' I ES 5:30(S) "Thunderbirds In Outer Space" (19A 1 Adventure) Puppets 6:00CC) "The Fixer" ( 1968. Orama) Dirk Bogarde, Alan Bates. 6:05@ "The Whiplash" ( 1945 Orama) Dane Clark, Alexis Smith 6:30CID "The Hideaways" (1973. Comedy) lngnd Ber9i"'an. Johnny Doran 7:00 l;J "The Incredible Shrinking Woman" ( 1980 Comedy) Lily Tomlin, Charles Grodin 7:30 (%) "Hardly Working" ( 1981, Comedy) Jerry Lewis. Susan Oliver 8:00(S) "Shipwreck" ( 1978, Adventure) Robert Logan, Mikki Jamison-Olson 8:05@ "The Night Walker" ( t965, Myslery) Robert Taylor. Barbara Stanwyck. 8:30ct) "A Global Affair" ( 1964. Comedy) Bob Hope, L1lo Pulver CID "Allack Force Z" ( 1980. Adventure) John Phil- lie_ Law. Mel Gibson U "Victory" ( 1981 Adventure) Sylvester Stallone, Michael Caine 9:00(%) "Killer's Kiss" ( 1955, Mystery) Frank Sii- vera. Irene Kane 10:00 CC) ''The Way We Were" ( 1973. Romance) Bar- bra Streisand. Robert Redford CID "Scout's Honor" ( 1980. Comedy) Gary Cole- man. Katherine Helmond CID "Penelope" (Comedy) Anna Bergman. George Murcell 10:05dl) "You're Never Too Young" (1955, Comedy) Dean Martin. Jerry Lewis. 10:30 0 "Darby O'G1ll And The Little People" ( 1959. Fantasy) Albert Sharpe. Sean Connery (%) "The Killing" ( 1956. Orama) Sterling Hayden, Vince Edwards. . \F· 1 ·EH:\<><):\ \I<)\. I ES 12:00IJ "Reptlllcus" ( 1962. Science-Fiction) Carl Ottosen, Mimi Heinrich ID "Flight For Freedom" ( 1943, Adventure) Rosalind Russell. Fred MacMurray m» "Grear Missouri Raid" (1950, Western) Mac- donald Carey, Wendell Corey CID "Clash Of The Titans" (1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamlin, Laurence Olivier CID "Stardust Memories" ( 1980. Drama) Woo<Jy Allen. Charlotte Rampllng Cl) "Beyond The Reef" (1981, Romance) Oenron Ka'ne, Maren Jensen. 12:30(C) "The Spirit Of St. Louis'' ( 1957, Biography) James Stewart, Murray Hamilton 0 "Under The Rainbow" (1981. Comedy) Chevy Chase. Came Fisher 1:30(S) "Lost Horizon" ( 1937, Fanrasy) Ronald Col· man. Jane Wyatt. • Cl) "Duleima" ( 197 t. Orama) John Mills, Carol White 2:00(!) ''Mission: Monte Carlo" ( 1981, Comedy) ~er Moore, Tony Cur11s CID "Hardly Wonting" (1981. Comedy) Jerry Lewis, Susan Oliver (I) "History Of The World -Part I" ( 1981 . Come- dy) Mel Brooks, Madeline Kahn. 2:300 "Tell Me A Riddle" ~1980, Orama) Melvyn Douglas. Lila Kedtova. 3:30(8) "Some1hing Short 01 Paradise" ( 1979, Romance) Susen Sarandon. David Steinberg. (%) "VlctOl'y" ( 1981, Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine. 4:000 "An Eye For An Eye" (1966. Orama) Rob- ert Lansing, Pat Wayne (I) "Countdown To Disaster" (1980, Adventure.) Puppets. Cl "Victory" ( 1981, Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine. 6:00 cm "Birch Interval" ( 1976, Orama) Eddie Albert, Rip Torn. 6:06Gn "two Rode Together" (1961, Western) James Stewart, Richard Widmark. 5.:30(C) "The Fixer" (1968, Orama) Dirk Bogarde, Alan Bates. 00 "The Hideaways" ( 1973, Comedy) Ingrid Berg- man, Johnny Doran. l \ l . " I "' I I DEDICATED -Cynthia Sikes, srorring as Dr. Annie Cavanero, is part of the large cast in NBC's "St. Elsewhere," a realistic medical drama series that will debut this fall on KNBC (Ch . 4) on Tuesdays at 10 p.m. ~NBC NEWS HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS MOVIE "Raggedy Man" (1981, Orama) Sissy Spacek, Eric Roberts. In 1944. a telephone operator in a small Texas town sacrifices her standing in the community when she has a short atta1r with a com- bat-bound sajlor. 'PG' (1 hr .. 35 min) 0 MOVIE "Siience Of The North" ( 1981, Adven- ture) Ellen Burslyn, Tom Skerritt. In 1919, a young woman's marrlaQS to a trapper leads her to a life of hardship In the wilderness of northern Canada. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 6:30 Cl) CD NEWS 0 BARNEY MILLER @ A PlA Y FOR LOVE: THE PUMP Inner thoughts and fantasies of a man undergoing heart surgery are 9s~c~~ f1i) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 1:1oo~y P.M. MAGAZINE An Interview with Blny Graham: lav~~~::~=:11on M*A•s•H JOKER'S WILD ID 8U8fNE8S RePOAT TIEMUPPETS MOVIE "S.O.B." ( 1981, Comedy) William Hol· den, Julie Anc:k'ewa. A movie director who has just finished a multknlMlon dollar turkey goes from attempted ~ to a bizarrely inspked r.-.t\ootlng of his epic. 'R' (2 his .• 4 min.) cm THE WAY rt WAS (%) MOVIE "Klllef's Kiss" (1955, Mystecy) Frank Silvera. Irene Kane. When • prizefighter lnt8Mtn8S to protect his glrttrlend'• honor from a dance-hall owner, the result Is murdef. { 1 hr .. 5 min.) 7:051NEWS 7: 10 KINER'S KOAHER 7:30 2 ON THE TOWN Featured: e jOumey through anctent and modern Israel. 8 800Y WORKS "The [Mgestlve System" Or. Tim- othy JoMaon studle& the process of dlgestlon. 8 EVE OH L.A.. Featured: a f)f'Oflle of a tra~ tlte: a loofc at the llves of airborne traffic reportera; a ~ unutU&I pollattr. Cl). TIC TAC DOUGH (!)GREATEST 8POAT8 LEGEN06 "Hanle Aaron" I-~=~~~ MAQ&. I LEHAIER REPORT FNA.Y~ MONEVMAICIN , 8fl()flT8Cte..·" I 9GF 5"l)lf 8oM )(II OwMilr 9'onoc» w. .. OOlA !Mkttball BNlf1S <ID RACE RJft THI P9INAHT 8erry TompldM and 'fiin ~ oowir .... tmell ..... to the 1182 WOfkt 8erM. Dodgers (3 hrs.) 7:35 dl) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at San Francisco Giants (~hrs., 15 min.) 8:00 II Cl) UNIVERSE Walter Cronkite reports on various occurrences and phenomena In the world of science. D G') FATHER MURPHY A miner and his partner team up with a schoolteacher to protect a group of youngsters left orphans by a gold claim confronta- 11on (Part 1) (R) Q (1 hr) 8 MOVIE "The Last Outpost" (1951. Adventure) Ronald Reagan. Rhonda Fleming. Two brothers f.!.ght on opposite sides dunng the Civil War (2 hrs ) U QI HAPPY DAYS Roger and Fonzie unknowing- ly date !he same girl, and Marlon learns the secret behind Howard's old love letters. (R) Q O MOVIE "Pyro" ( t963, Horror) Barry Sullivan. Martha Hyer Alter losing his wile and child in a fire. a disfigured man plots to avenge their deaths (2 hrs.) (f) YOU ASKED FOR IT • IKE: THE WAR YEARS Robert Duvall, Lee Rem- ick and Dana Andrews star In this film that follows Eisenhower In England lrom the tense weeks leading to D-Day through the et.1lmlnation ol the battle that turned the tide ol World War II (Part 2) (2 hrs.) • MOVIE "The Mystery Of The Golden Eye" 1976. Mystery) (2 hrs.) OUIZKIOS DANGER UXB "With Love From Adolf" Brian's Injuries have left him shattered and he wonders II he can return to nbrmal Ille or If he has become addict- ed to the dangerous Ille of bomb disposal. (Part t3) (R) O ( 1 hr.) G NOVA "Anding A Voice" Several victims of severe speech dlsabllltles relate how they overcame their handicaps. (R) O ( 1 hr.) CC) MOVIE "The Way We W8fe" ( 1973, Romance) Barbra Streisand. Robert Redford A young COilege couple in the 1930s discover that their political dif- ferences are strong enough to jeopardize their mar- riage (2 hrs.) CE SPORTSCENTER (H> MOVIE "Attack Force z·• ( 1980, Adventure) John Phillip Law. Mel Gibson. A top-secret Austra- lian attack unit penetrates <enemy Japanese lines to ~orm a daring rescue mission. ( 1 hr. 35 min.) (I) MOVIE "Fists Of Fury" (1973. Adventure) Bruce Lee, Maria YI. A martlal ar1s expert finds unexpected danger when he goes to work In a Bangk<* tee factory. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) CJ MOVIE "Get Out Your Handkerchiefs" ( 1978, Comedy) Gerard Depardleu, Patrick Dewaere. A young and optimistic husband goes to almost unbelieveable lengths to ensure his wife's hap~ ness. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 40 min.) 8: 15(1) CHARLES CHAMPLIN TALKS WITH ... "Mar- ie Windsor" . 8:308 Cl) THE TWO OF US Nao accuses Brflf'lt· wOOd of•being disloyal when he comforts a rival talk show hostess. (R) 8 0 LAVEANE & SHIRLEY Lenny and Squiggy's friendship Is threatened by the reappearanoe of S 'a father. (A) O NG FROM AOOSEVB... T NCE "Tapdancin"' Almmaker Christian Blackwood features the redlscowry of tapdancing through ofd ~eatsand new ones. ( 1 hr.) (%) MOVIE 'The Kitting" ( 1956, Orama) Stefllng Hayden, Vince Edward's. An ex-convict'& tattering marriage leads to his downfaK when he plots a rec. tracil heist. ( 1 hr .• 25 min.) e:oo• Cl) MOVIE "Th• Solitary Man" (1 979, Dr• ma) Ear1 Holliman, Carrie Snodgress. The world of a blue-collat f.mlly men It tom 9P8'f when hit wife in.~ demands a cSWotce~R) (2 hrs.) 9. BRET MAveAICK Me trla9 to catch the lead« ot a utopian group thet ha& fleeced Sweetwa- ter farmers out of their land. (PM 1) (A) (1 ht.) 8 9 1"AEFS OQfAPAJN Janet undetgoea a drastic peraonallty ch8nge when she becomM • blonde bombahell. (R) c:;i· (!) MOVIE "Shan We banoe" ( 1937, Mystery) Fred A.ltalre. Ginger RogerL A pair of danoerS ere fotced Into manlage becauM of pubNc opinion. (2 hra.) • MY8T£'R'( "Rumpole 01 The Balley. Rumpoi. And The CaM Of Identity" Rumpole takes on the cue of a man who 1tends aec:uMd of attacking the manager 9!~ llQuot atOfe. (Part 2) (R) Q (1 hr.) • DANGER U)(B "With Low From AdOtf' Brlen'a Injuries heve left titm lhatter«i~ he wondett If he can return to normet llfe °' H he hu t>ecome addict- ed to the dl~oua llfa of bomb ditpoul. (Pwl (iJ ~ ~ cb.n-ACT KARATE From P11olllt9 c.m.t. o.tn>it. ~-(A) (1 tw.,30 mtn.) l:OICDCRRA t:30• 9 TOO CLOIE FOii' OOWORT Apfl and Jlcklt lfY to force • ~tton bltween H«l'Y andHl~BIL (A) • A '1\.AY fOA L~ ntE ~ lnnaf ~­and,.,...... of. "9\ "-*OC*'O ~ IUfV8'Y .. 8ICM'INd. ( 1 tw.) Cl)..,_...~ n. 13lh,...., r · Hiit Hor-,., A""f .... Jd.n ~ ..... ~ .... OOfto ~ 0 - r $ ...,, ..... a: ~ )> c IO c Ill - .... "' CD I\) -t tO ~Tuesday (continued) O> ~ 11nue at a summer camp that had been closed down after a series of bizarre murders occurred there. 'A' U hr., 27 min.) ([) MOVIE "For Your Eyes Only" ( t98 t . AdVen- ture) Roger Moore. Topol. James Bond tracks a criminal who purloined a top secret British defense device. ·PG' (2 hrs .. 5 min.) 10:0011 GD MCCLAIN'$ LAW The only witness who oan Identify a pair of robbers Is a tO-year-old boy whose fearful mother refuses to let him testify. (A) l hr.) • mmNews I HART TO HART The Harts decide to play along when someone tnes to break them up. (R) Q (t hr.) 8D WITH OSSIE ANO RUBY "Two From Langston" ActOfS Robert and Kevin Hooks -father and son - join Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee in the dramatization of two short stories by writer Langston Hughes. (R) i> MYSTERY "Rumpole 0 1 The Balley: Rumpole And The Case Of Identity" Rumpole takes on the case of a man who stands accused of attacking the manager of a liquor store. (Part 2) (A) Q ( t hr.) ct) MOVIE."Cheaper To Keep Her" (t980, Come- dy) Mac Davis. Tovah Feldshuh. In order to meet his alimony payments. a recently divorced private detective tracks down delinquent husbanos for a divorce lawyer 'R' (1 hr . 32 min ) CS) MOVIE "Return Of Tl"le Dragon" (1972, Adven- ture) Bruce Lee. Chuck Norris A martial arts expert 1ourneys from Hong Kong to Rome to help a friend who is In trouble with the mob 'A' ( 1 hr, 31 min.) (3 MOVIE "The Incredible Shrinking Women" ( t980, Comedy) Liiy Tomlin, Charles Grodin. A housewife finds It hard to cope when she suddenly begins to shrink in size. 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 24 min.) CI) MOVIE "Victory" ( t98 t, Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine During World War II. Allied POWs see their ticket to freedom In a match between their soccer team and the German National Team 1n Paris. 'PG' ( l hr . 57 min ) 10:30m NEWS @SIGNATURE Guest Quentin Crisp 9 WERE YOU THERE? "Ponrait Of Two Arttsts" The work of master painters Hughie Lee-Smith end Jacob Lawrence ls featured. (R) Q ([) INSIDE BASEBALL (Rl <'.m PLAYBOY ON THE AIR 10:500!) MOVIE "Susan Slept Here" (1954. Come- dy) Dick Powell, Debbie Reynolds. A Hollywood scriptwriter Is given custody or a vagranl girl during Christmas. (2 hrs.J t 1:00 8 II D (J) 0 GD NEWS SATUROA Y NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE FRANKLIN M·A·s·H BENNY HILL OU1ZKIOS BUSINESS REPORT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE NASL WEEKLY (R) RACE FOR THE Pl:NNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim Mccarver cover all the bases leading to the 1982 World Serles. 11:30 8 ()) ALICE Allee and the gang decide to kick their bad habits onceoend for all (R) II GD TONIGHT Host: Johnny Carson. Guests: Dr. Ruth Westhelmer. Roy Clark ( t hr.) I tII A8C NEWS NIGHTUNE MOVIE "An Eye For An Eye" ( t966. Drama) Robert Lansing. Pat Wayne. A bounty hunter seeks revenge on those responsible for the death of his wife and son. (2 hrs.) I THE JEFFERSON$ LOVE, AMERJCAN STYLE DANCE "Tepdancln"' Almmaker Christian Blackwood features the rediscovery or tapdanclng through old greats and new ones. ( 1 hr ) I CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORT8CENTER MOVIE "The Enforcer" ( 1976. Orama) Clint Eastwood. Tyne Daly ''Olrty Harry" Callahan Is joined by a female rookie In his pureofl of a group of Calltomla revolutlonaries terrorizing San Francisco 'R' (1hr .• 36 min) CD) MOVIE "Coast To Coast " ( t980, Comedy) Dyan Cannon; Robef1 Blake. A ruMway housewife and a acrappy trucker hauling cattle coast lo coast t>ecome the target of a wlld croos-country chase. 'PG' ( t hr , 34 min.) Cl) ROMANCE: LAURA, SWEET LAURA (Pan 2) • MOVIE "Tell Me A Riddle" ( t980, Drama) Mel· vyn Douglas, Ula Kedrova. A withdrawn. elderly woman. unaware that she 111 dying. embarks on a long Journey to reacquaint herself with her geo- graphlcalty and emotlonally separated famlly. 'PG' (1 hr .• 30 min.) t1:40(C) RICHAAD PRYOR IN CONCERT The well· known comedian •h0019 pointed barbs at almott f/llflfY Institution lmaglnable In this Uncensc>fed, ro- holds-"baned conce11 perlor~nqe C t ht .. 20 rnln. l SLEEPYTIME GIRL -Anne Marie Le Veaux checks in as KTI'V's new "Bedtim~ Movie Girl" Monday at midnight. She will be hostess for five Channel 11 movies - "My Girl Tisa," "Son of Lassie," "Ma.gic Town," "The Judge Steps Out" and "The Harvey Girls." 11:46([) MOVIE "Maid In Sweden" ( 1970. Drama) Krrslina Lindberg, Montl<a Ekman A young girl dis· covers that she likes the big c11y Ille more than the confined existence of her own small, rural town 'R' ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 12:001) ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT • fl 9 FANTASY ISLAND A beautiful deaf dancer wants a chance to become a star. and a compulsive gambler crosses fantasies with a social worker. (R) {1 hr .. tO min.) (!)MOVIE "Affair Wilh A Stranger" ( 1953. Com&- dy) Jean Simmons, Victor Mature D1\/0fce seems the only alternative for a young couple untll they adopt a child. (2 hrs.) CD MOVIE "Son Of LaSS18" ( t945. Drama) Peter Lawford. June Lockhart. A reluctant soldier leaves his girlfriend and dog to serve In the war (2 hrs.) ., LOVE. AM~ICAN STYLE Cl) MOVIE "Raggedy Man" (1981, Orama) Sissy Spacek. Eric Roberts. In t944, a telephone operator In a small Texas town sacrifices her standing in the community when she has a short affair with a com· bat-bound sailor. 'PG' ( 1 hr •. 35 min.) CI) MOVIE "Beyond The Reef" ( 198 t , Romance) Denton Ka'ne. Maren Jensen. A Polyneslan-Amerl· can girl who has been educated in the U.S. returns to her ISiand home and falls In love with a pearl diver. 'PO' ( t hr., 30 min.) 12:05 8 ()) MCCLOUD McCIOud finds a dead girl on an apartment balcony, but the body disappears before he can start his Investigation. (R) (2 hrs • 10 min.) 12:3011 CID LATE NIGHT WrTH DAVID LETTERMAN GUHts: author Jan Harold Brunvand, Frank Zappa and~~ter Moon ( 1 hr ) I LOVE AM~ICAN STYLE A PLAY FOR LOVE: THE PUMP Inner thoughts and fantasies ol a man undergoing heart surgery are examined ( 1 hr.) (I) MU JUNIOR OLYMPICS Coverage of competi- tions In track and field, swimming, and gymnastics from Memphts, Tenn. (R) (3 hrs.) 12:50(11) MOVIE "The Unsuspected" (19•7. Mystery) Joan Caulfield, Claude Rains. A radio announcer, the quiet guardian of a wealthy young girl, plots to murder hef (2 hrs .. t 0 min ) 1:008 MOVIE "Cynara" (1932. Orama) Aoneld Colman. Kay Francis. A British barrister uses his wife's absence as a time 10 laka up with a girl from the working class. ( t hr .. 30 min.) e MOVIE "The Dirty Qame" (1968. Adventure) Henry Fonda, Robert Ryan. An American spy chle1 recalls three of the most daring axplolta In hit career. ( 1 hr .• 30 mtn.) CC) MO'VtE "Shogun AA8881n" ( 198 t, Adllenlure) Tomlsat:>uro Wakayama, Masahlro Tomlkawa. A for· met lhogun assataln whO wos maneuvered out of hla POlltlOn by " Mhlaa ctan of aplel vows to takt bloody revenge. l l hr .. 26 min.) 0 MOVIE "Happy Birthday To Me" ( t980, Hor· ror) Melissa Sue Anderson. Glenn Ford. Aa murder begins chopping away at her circle of elitist friends, a prep school senior worries that she may be the next victim -or possibly the killer 'R' (1 hr., 48 m1n.1 1:05(11) MOVIE "Allaci< Force Z" (1980. Adventure) John Phillip Law, Mel Gibson. A top-secret Auslra· llan attack unll penetrates enemy Japanese lines to per1orm a daring rescue mission. ( 1 hr .. 33 min.) 1:108 MOVIE "Assignment K" (t968. Adventure) Stephen Boyd, Camilla Sparv. An Incognito secret agent becomes Involved with a Swedish heiress, also an agent, who is trymg to discover his contacts U hr .. 30 min.) (II NEWS 1: 15([) MOVIE "High Country" ( t98 1, Orama) Tim- othy Bottoms. Linda Purl. An escaped convict and his handicapped girlfriend flee to the mountains. 'PG' ( t hr • 32 min ) (Q) MOVIE "Carbon Copy" ( t 98 t, Comedy) Geotge Segal, Susan Saint James. A successful while businessman discovers that he has a grown son who is'black. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 1:308 GD NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT (%) MASSAGE: THE TOUCH OF LOVE The steps Involved In giving and receiving a massage are por- trayed as couples demonstrate how to relax each area of the body. 1:36(S) MOVIE "The Unseen" (1981. Horror) Bar- bara Bach. Sidney Lasslck. A TV newswoman and her two assistants find lodgings at a boarding house 1nhabtted by a disturbed brother and sister and their monstrous offspring 'R' ( t hr .. 35 min.) 2:00 G) MOVIE "L1hth" ( 1964, Drama) Warren Beat- ty, Jean Seberg An employee at a menlel Institution falls In love with. one ol the patients. (2 hrs. 15 min.) (%) RICHARD PRYOR IN CONCERT The well-known comedian shoots pointed barbs at almost every institution Imaginable in this uncensored, no-holds- barred concert performance. ( 1 hr . 20 min ) 2:05iNEWS 2:16 NEWS 2:30 VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA i MORNING STA.ETCH NEWS MOVIE "The Fixer" ( 1968. Drama) Dirk Bogarde. Alan Bates. Based on a novel by Bernard Malamud. A turn-of-the-century Jewish peasant Is wrongfully Imprisoned for the death of a child In Kiev. (2 hrs .. tO min.) 2;40flNEWS 00 MOVIE "Hardly Working" ( 1981, Comedy) Jer- ry lewis, Susan Oliver. After the circus closes down. a veteran clown tries his hand af various jobs. falling mlS8f'ably at them an. 'PG· ( 1 hr . 3 l min.) 2:46 8 MOVIE "Gunflgh1 At Black Horse Canyon" ( 1962. Western) Date Robertson. G80fge Kennedy After being released from prison, an oullaw gels even with the Wells Fargo agent Who put him there by making him the target of bounty hunters. (2 hrs., t5 min.) 3:00 (!) JOE FRANKLIN al.)NEWS ct MOVIE "Under The Rainbow" (1981. Comedy) Chevy Chase, Carrie Fisher The t50 midgets who are In town for the lllmlng of "The Wizard Of Oz," turn a California hotel upside--down. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 38 mlnJ 3:10(S) LADIES NIGHT OUT STARRING PUOOYI Comedienne Pudgy hosts an all-male strip show In a sensational evening of entertainment from Chippen- dale's nlghtclUb In Los A~eles ( 1 hr .. 15 min.) 3:20(%) MOVIE "Dulclma • f1971, Orama) John Mills, Garol White. A young housekeeper covets the stashed fortune of he< miserly employer. a seeming- ly lm__poverlshed old farmer. 'PG' ( t hr., 35 min.) 3:30 9 VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA (!) SPOATSCHALLENGE Super Bowl XII Denver Broncos vs. '68 UCLA Basketball Bruins (R) 4:00(!) JIMMY SWAGGART (!) SPOATSOENTER 4:05 (fl) FUNTIME 4:10 (JI) MOVIE "Clash Of The Titans" (1981, Fanta- sy) Harry Hamlin. Laurence Ollvler Mythic hero P81'$8US IS helped by hla father Zeus In a aeries of dangeroos tasks as he tries to win the hand of a Phoenician princess against the wishes of a vengeful sea .QO<Sdess. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 68 min.) 4: 15 • MOVIE "The Camp On Blood Island" ( 1958, Adventure) Andre Morell, Carl Mohner. The Inhabit- ants of a p<IM>n camp on Blood Island wage a revolt to overthrow the vicious camp commandant. ( 1 hr .• •5 min.) 4-30. VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA Cl) JIM BAKKER ()) MOVIE "Stardust Memories" ( 1980, Orama) Woody Allen, Charlolte Aampllng. A aucc:eaal:ll director faces a personal crllls as he trlet to makt some ma)ot decision& In ht. Ille 'PG' ( t hr., 29 mini 4:96 I DREAM OF JEANNIE 4:'6 MOVIE "Get OUI YOYI Handkerchiefs'' ( t878, ~> GltlWd• Oeoard*l ' 1 V\Cdnesday '.\I< )l l:\ I :\'( ; '.\ I< )\ · 1 LS 5:00(%) "Victory" ( 1981, Adventure) Sylvester Stal- lone. Michael Caine 6:05 tIZ) "Romance On The High Seas" ( 1948. Mu!>l- cal) Doris Day, Jack Carson. 6:30(t) "Marco Polo. Jr " ( 1973. Adventure) Ani- mated Voice of Bobby Rydell 7:000 "Hawmpst" ( t976. Comedy) James Hamp- ton, Chnstopher Connelly (%)"Harlan Counly, US A " ( 1976) Documentary. 8:00(.C) "A l1llle Romance" ( 1979. Comedy) Lau· rence Ohv1er, Deane Lane CID "Coast To Coast" ( t980, Comedy) Dyan Can- non. Robert Blak.e 8:05@ "A Touch 01 Larceny" ( t960 Comedy) James Mason. Vera Miles 8:45(%) "Dulc1ma" ( t971. Drama) John Mills. Carot White 9:000 "Silence Of The North" ( t98 t. Adventure) Ellen Burstyn. Tom Skemll 10:00a:) "Mahogany" ( t975. Orama) Diana Ross. Anthony Perkins CID "Heaven Can Wail" ( t978, Fantasy) Warren Beatty. Julie Christie cs:> "The Straiton Story" ( t949, Biography) James Stewart, June Allyson 10:05@ "Nobody's Perfect" ( 1968. Comedy) Doug McClure. Nancy Kwan 10:30(%) "Joe Hill" ( 197 t. Orama) Thommy Berg- gren, Anja Schmidt. 11:000 "The Blue Lagoon" (1949, Romance) Jean Simmons, OooaJd Houston 11111lMIIl>altlllll! 12:008 "Carry On Constable" (1962. y) Sidney James. Erk: Barker. '8 "South 01 St. Louis" ( 1948, Western) Joel McCrea. Zachary Scott &) "You Only Live Once" ( t937, Orama) Henry Fonda, Sylvia Sidney a:) "lady Takes A Chance" (1943, Comedy) John Wayne. Jean Arthur. CH) "Wiiiy Wonks And The Chocolate Faclory" t!971. Fantasy) Gene Wilder, Jack Albertson. CS) "Darby O'G1ll And The Little People" ( 1959, Fantasy) Albert Sharpe, Sean Connery. 12:30(%) "Hardly Working" (1981. Comedy) Jerry Lewis, Susan Ohver. 1:30 a:) "Hondo" ( 1954, Western) John Wayne. Geraldine Page. 2:00(!) "Mr Jericho" (1969, Comedy) Patrick Macnee. Connie Stevens CD "Times Square" ( 1980, Musical) Robin John· son, Trinl Alvarado. (%) "Easy Living" ( 1937 Comedy) Jean Arthur. Edward Arnold 2:30(I) "Breaking Glass" ( 1980, Drama) Hazel O'Connor. Phil Daniels. 3:00(8) "Coast To Coasl" (1980. Comedy) Dyan Cannon. Robert Blake lit "I Hate Blondes" ( 1981, Comedy) Jean Roche- fort. Enrico Monlesano. 3:30(%)' "Old Boyfriends" (1979. Drama) Talia Shire, Richard Jordan 4:008 "Bootleggers" ( t974, Orama) Shm Ptek· ens, Jaclyn Smllh. 4:30(J!) "Marco Polo, Jr." (1973. Adventure) Anl· mated v~ of Bobby Rydell cs:> "Invaders From The Deep" ( 1981, Science-Fie· lion) Puppets g "Mr. Rock And Roll" ( 1957, Musical) Alan Freed 5:00 Cf) "MystertOUs Island" (1961, Sctence-F'ic· lion) Joan Greenwood. Michael Craig. (JD "The Bank Dick" ( 1940. Comedy) W.C. Fields, Una Merkel 5:06 all "Junlof Bonner" ( 1972. Orama) Steve McQueen, Robert Preslon. 6:30(%) "Hardly Working" ( 1981, Comedy) Jerry Lewis. Susan Ollvef. 4:100 8••=AN ~ WILD. WllO WEST ABC NEWS 8.W.A.T. HAW llFIVE-0 O~ E'ASY Gue8t: ac;tress Gloffa Swenson. i}tic NEWS HUMANmES THAOUGH THE ARTS MOVIE "A Uttle Romanoo" (1S79, Comedy) LMKenoe O!Mer, QI.,. l..eM. Ari elderly con •rtli1 AGREEING TO DISAGREE -Natalie (Mindy Cohn, le ft) and B l air (Lisa Whelchel) trade charges in. the "Mind Your Own Business" episode of NBC's "The Facts of Life" Wednesday at 9 p.m . on KNBC (Ch. 4). joins two young runaways In love on a mad dash across lhe European conrinenl with the children's parents and the police In hot pursuit. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 48 min.) (E) AUTO RACING "IMSA GTU Race" from lime Rock. Ct. ( 1 hr.) (8) RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim McCarver cover all the bases leadlng to the 1982 World Series. CS) MOVIE "Clash 01 The Titans" ( 1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamlin, Laurence Olivier. Mythic hero Perseus is helped by his father Zeus in a series of dangerous tasks as he tries 10 win lhe hand of a Phoenician princess agatnst lhe wishes of a vengeful sea god- dess. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 58 min.) 0 MOVIE "Hawmpsl" ( 1976, Comedy) James Hampton, Christopher Connelly Members of the United States Cavalry lry to adjust to riding camels Instead of horses In the untamed. lawless Tex.as of the 1800s. 'G' ( 1 hr., 53 min.) 6:30(1) ID NEWS 9 BARNEY MILLER 0 THE SONG WRITERS "Burton Lane" Composer Burton lane joins Larry Kerl, Bobbi Baird and Mar- tha Wrighl in singing hit songs that are still magic 10 ears. ( 1 hr.) I DICK CAVETT AMERICAN GOVERNMENT MOVIE "The Black Pearl" (1978, Adventure) Gilbert ROiand. Cati Ander&<>n A teen-age pearl diver must contend with a deadly manta ray In order to retrieve a valuable black pearl. 'PG' ( 1 hr •. 35 min.) cm ON VIEW Colin Oangaard visits with Bo Derek and Sylvester Stallone. 7:008 C8S NEWS I N8CNEWS KUNG FU ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE A took at the making of a teen- age Idol; an 11·year-old cerebral palsy victim who aks through a computer. THE SAINT NINE ON NEW J~EY ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M•A•S*H JOKER'S WILD •BUSINESS REPORT 'fHE MUPPETS BEST Of NOTRE DAME FOOTBAU "USC • '71" (1hl) ([) MOVIE "Only When I Laugh" (1981, Orama) Marsha Maeon. Kristy McNIChol. A New York actress returns from a drying-out cllnlc determlntd to renew hef carMf, her romance with a ~t and hef relatlonshlp with hef 17-year-old deughter. 'R' (2 hrs.) CD> MOVIE "Which Wey II Up?" (1S77, Comedy) Rlohlrd Pryor, l.onette Mel< ... A ••~ triJlt picket 1e caught 1n • comtc croetflr• '*-"" his union and the Mob, and a hypoctltlcal preach« flndthMvtn In• 18dles' choir. 'A1 (1 hr., 34 min.) (%)MOVIE "Harlan County, U.S.A." (1976) Docu· mentary. Kentucky coal miners becorM Involved In a year-I-Ong struggle for survival and respect which also affects their home lives drastically. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 43 min.) 7:05 (11) NEWS 7:30 8 2 ON THE TOWN Featured· a gentle jungle ,- where anlmats are trained for movies: how to cope ~ with accidents thal are likely to occur at home: a .,.. muslcal essay· leaturlng a Simon and Garfunkle 1 BM FAMILY FEUD ~ HOLDING THE LINE Tony Hernandez and Ann Martin host a look at what's In store tor the 1982 l Los Angeles Rams 1ootb8JI team. including Inter-c views with Georgia Rosenbloom, Coach Ray Mala-~ vasl. Burt Jones and Vince Ferragamo. I., TIC TAC DOUGH APPLE POLISHERS YOU ASKED FOR IT M•A*S•H SIGNATURE Guest: Benny Goodman. MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT PORTRArT OF MARCEL MARCEAU The univer- sally acclaimed pantomlnist Is seen at home In Paris discussing his thoughts on philosophy, art and the evolution of his work In a tilm review of his career. ( 1 hr.) 8:00 8 MA. MERLIN Would-be rock stars Zac and Leo are conned by a shady concert promoter. (R) D m REAL PEOPLE Featured· a reunion of POW's: a professional roller-skating team: a woman who makes bikinis for men and women. (A) ( 1 hr ) 9 MOVIE "Tennessee's Partner" (1955, Western) John Payne, Ronald Reagan. A drifter lnadvertenlly befriends a gambler who is Involved in a bitter feud. (2 hrs .. ) D (1D MOVIE "The Renegades" (Premlere, Ora- ma) Philip Casnoff, Patrick Swayze. A tough team of undercove< investigators from rival stree1 gangs are recruited to shut off the flow of stolen guns. (2 hrs.) Cl) LA TIN PROFILE II MOVIE "The Magnificent Malador" (1955, Ora- ma) Anthony Quinn, Maureen O'Hara A man defies death when he enters the bullring to Impress the woman he loves. (2 hrs.) Cl) PAUL HOGAN • IKE: THE WAA YEARS Robert Duvall, lee Rem- ick and Dana Andrews star In this film that follows Eisenhower ln England from tlle tense weeks leading to 0-0ay through the culmination of the battle that turned the tide ol World War II. (Part 3) (2 hrs.) m MOVIE "Sudden Terror" (1970, Mystery) Mark Lester, Susan George. A young boy known for hav- ing an overactive Imagination can't convince any- one that he has witnessed the 'murder of a promi- nent black man. (2 hrs.) al COULLLECtlNG Featured: a look at people Who collect Scrimshaw and Folk Art. • PORTRArT OF MARCEL MARCEAU The untver- satly acclaimed pantomlnist ls seen at home In Paris discussing his thoughts on phnoeophy, art and the evolution of his work in a lllm review of his career ( 1 hr) ~MOVIE "Flash Gordon" ( 1980, Sclence-Flc1lon) Sam J. Jones, Max Von SydOW. A trio of earthlings travel to the planet Mongo and help its oppressed inhabitants In the overthrow of the evil Emperor IMl)l~~~~mln) YESTERYEAR. .. 1947 BIZARAE "Richard Dawson's Marriage'' MOVfE "Student Bodies" An eggplant. paper cllp and blackboard eraser are some of the "lethal weapons'· used by a killer on a high school oam- pua.'R' (t hr., 30 min.) 8:06 all ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:30 9 THE ASTRONAUTS The occupanta of an earth-orbiting NASA vehicle discover they have even less privacy than they ex~ted. Cl) IRONSIDE tJ1 AMERICAN CHAl.t.ENGE A doc:Oment of rMn and women who beat survival and took a trip acrosa the North Atlantic solO tor honer. ( 1 hr ) • EVENING AT SYMPHONY SP£aAL The Boston Symphony Orchetitra under the direction of Seljl Ozaw1 presents an evenlOQ of musical works, f .. 1urlng the complete pertormanoe of Arnold Schoenberg's dramatic ''Gu11el~~ Cl) PETER AU.EN ANO THE The Rockeues join singer Peter Allen on stage at Radio City MUil<: HaN In thls mustcal apeclef. (1 hr., 8 mlnJ_ ; a:S&m MOVIE u • (1938. Ot•ma) Watter Huston, Ruth Chatterto • bullneeeman twldl his bucOllo llfe dltlrut)ttd wheri he end hill Wife retire to Et..w~ where they er tld by a new llfeltyle andY91uet. {2tn.. 10~.) 8:45 (%) CHAJILE8 CHAMPl.IN T AU<8 WfTH ..• ''Mar· .. ~·. e:ooe (J) ~ ''TNn tee" (1981, Drama) Kate =="~PrO:::C'S:~i~ e •THI FACTS 0# ~Blair tntekt and 1'91dt .......... diary. (ft) -co CD fl,) 8i) EVENING AT SYMPHONY SPECIAL The Boston Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Seljl Ozawa presents an evening of musical worki. featuring the complete performance of Amold Schoenberg's dramatic "Gurrefieder." (2 hrs.) (E) MU JUNIOR OLYMPICS Coverage of competi- tions In track and field. swimming, and gymnastics from Memphis. Tenn (R) (3 hrs.) CID MOVIE "It's My Turn" ( 1980. Romance) Jill Clayborgh. Michael Douglas. A brllllant Chicago math professor realizes the problems in her hve-in relationship when she finds a new love whtle in New York tor her lather's remarriage 'R' ( 1 hr .. 37 min ) CJ:) MOVIE "AJlantlc City" (1980, Ofama) Burt Lancaster. Susan Sarand<>rt The estranged hus· band ot an oyster bar waitress arrives with her preg- nant younger sister and some stolen heroin, which he wants an aging hood to sell tor him. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 44 min.) cm MOVIE."Only When I Laugh" (1981. Orama) Marsha Mason, Kristy McNlchol. A New York actress returns from a drying-out clinic determined to renew her career, her romance with a playwright and her relationship with her 17-year-old daughter 'R' (2 hrs.) CZ) MOVIE "Joe Hill" ( 1971, Orama) Thommy Berggren. Anja Schmidt. A look Is taken a1 the life of labor leader Joe Hiii. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 54 min.) 9:30 II flD LOVE. SIDNEY Laurie decides to move In with her new boyfriend. (R) (!) MOVIE "Ouackser Fortune Has A Cousin In The Bronx" ( 1970. Comedy) Gene Wilder, Margot Kidder When his livelihood Is taken away. an lrlsh manure merchant turns to other ecoentrlc. bot more palatable ways to make a living. ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) al TH.E SONG WRITERS "Burton Lane" Composer Burton Lane joins Larry Kert, Bobbi Baird and Mar- tha Wright in singing hit songs that are still magic to ears. ( f hr ) 0 MOVIE "Delta Fox" ( 1978. Adventure) Richard Lynch. Stuart Whitman A professional smuggler meets his match In a beautiful woman who traps him with a million dollars In hot money. (1 hr., 32 min.) 10:00 II CD QUINCY Quincy tries to exonerate a nurse who was charged with negligent homicide i)_J.1£·~ NEWS 0 DYNASTY Fallon ls rushed to the hoSpital where doctors try to save her baby, Krystle and Alexis get Into a fight, and Claudia romances Jett (8) ( t hr.) CC) MOVIE "Young Joe. The Forgotten Kennedy" ( 1977. Orama) Peter Strauss. Barbara Parkins. The eldest Kennedy volunteers for a dangerous wartime mission which, II soccessfut. would bring him back a hero and one step closer to the White House ( 1 hr .. 35mln.) Cl) MOVIE "Loose Shoes" ( t978, Comedy) Bill Murray, Howard Hesseman. Nothing is sacred In this satirical look et Hollywood movie-making and genre lilms. 'R' ( 1 hr. 12 mln) 10:30.NEWS I SIGNATURE Guest: Benny Goodman. INStOE BUSINESS TODAY "Two Good BU$- ness Ideas That Failed" Two entrepreneurs with good intentions tell why their businesses went broke (Al (8) F\.ASHBACK: WALL STREET CRASH 1929 Actual new111eels help dfamatize the stories of four survivors of the petlod 1ollowlng the October. 1929, New York Stock Exchange crash. ( t hr.) 10:46 Ill) BASEBALL Atlanta B<aves at San Francisco Giants~ hrs. L 11:100ftf&IA~J!.f NEWS YOU ASKED FOR IT JOE~KLIN M"A"S"H BENNY.HILL COLLLUECTING F~atured: a look at people wtlo collect Scrimshaw and Folk Art. ~ BUSINE88 REPORT OOCTOA IN THE HOUSE MOVl.E "Goodbye. Emmanuelle" (1977, Ofa~ ma) SyMa Kristel, Umberto Orsini. A t>eautitul woman's search tOf the ultimate erotic experience br~her to a startling realization. 'R' ( 1 hr • 40 min. (D) VIE "Hometown U.S.A." ( 1979. Orama) Gary Springer, Dave Wllson. The problems and anx· letles ol thrM adolelcenta coping with growlng up In the '60ure exptored. 'A' (1 hr.:30 min.) • MOYE "EY9 Of The Need'e" ( 1~ 1. Suspense) Donald Sutherland. Kate Nelligan. WNle on a remote S<iOttlah llland lo meet a German eut>ma- r1ne, en AJtll epy flnda lhelter from the storm In the cottage of a young married couple. 'R' ( 1 ht . 61 $~"Old 80)'triendl" (1979, Orama) Talla Shirt. Rtchard Jordan. A confuMd dlYOrett tr• to find the key to "* prnent probMlme by ernberklng on • ~r~, ICI Jook 'IP fhrN boyf~ds ffOfJI her patf. ~ f1 l\r .• U'rnln:) " AERONAUTICAL ERAS -Two i(enerations of airborne heroes will be featured during the month on Cinemax. In "Flash Gordon," (top). which airs Wednesday at 8 p.m .. Sam J. Jones stars as the intergalactic superhero who must save Earth from destruction and in "The Spirit of St. Louis" (below), Jimmy Stewart plays Ch~Jes A. Lind~gh as he makes hiscory flying the AtlantJc <kean solo Friday at 6:30 p.m. 11:308 Cl) MOVIE "Parts: The Clonus Horror" ( t979, Honor) Peter Graves. Keenan Wynn. Despi- cable characters grow clones 10 be used as sources ol replaceable human limbs and organs. (R) (2 hrs., 5 min.) D GD TONIGHT Host· Johnny Carson. Guest: Jerry Lewis. ( 1 hr ) I 111 ABC NEWS NIGHTLINE MOVIE "Bootleggers" (1974, Orama) Slim Pickens. Jaclyn Smltn Two back hills lamllles fight tor the rights to a moonshine run. (2 hrs.) I THE JEFFERSONS LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE AMERICAN CHALLENGE A document of men and women who beat survival and took a tr1p acroa5 the North Atlantic solo for hone><. ( 1 hr.) fl) CAPTIONED ABC NEWS CB> MOVtE "Massacre At Central High" ( 1976, Ora- ma) Andrew Stevens, Robert Carradine. A crusade for revenge begins after a prank that went too far was pulled on the quieter students by a group of bored high-school lrlendA. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 27 min.) Cl) ROMANCE: LAURA. SWEET LAURA (Part 3) 11:46~ MOVIE "Hoodo" (1954, Western) John Wayne. Geraldine Page. A cavalry dispatch rider encounters a woman and her son. en Apache chief's blood brother. ( 1 hr • 25 min ) 12:00. ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT 8 (fl LOVE BOAT A college prolessor tests the romantic responses of his student. and Isaac gives a new outlook on Ille to a former profeaslonal football player. (R) ( 1 hr., 10 min.) (f) MOVIE ''The Catcher" ( 1971, Orama) Michael Wltney, Jan·Mlchael Vincent. A former pollce detec- tive loins fO!'ces with an underground newspaper publ(sher to "catch" wanted persons for private cli- ents. (2 hrs.) m MOVIE "Magic Town" ( 1947, Comedy) James Stewart. Jane wyman. A amell, peaceful town undergoes a cNI~ for the worse af1er being publl- clt.ed as an exam to other towns. (2 hrs.) I LOVE. AMER AN STYLE SPOATSCENTEA MOVIE "Claah Of The Titans" (1981, Fantasy) Harry Hamlin. Laurence Olivier. Mylhlc hero Per$41U$ Is helped by hit father Zeus In a aerlel of dangerous talks as he trlea to win the hand of a Phoenielan princ.st against the Wlahe8 of a vengeful sea god· ~ 'PG' ( 1 hr., 68 min.) 12:309. LATE NtGHT WfTH DAVID LETTERMAN Guests: J::., muelclen Toot• Thleteman. comedi9n ·~~IT!l~~·-.. ~ ~on Lant lolns lArrY Ker1, Bobbi Baltd .nd M•r· tha Wfl:otll In llnglr\Q hrt ~ thAI are ~ti~ ~ 19 Mrt (fhr.) cm THE NAKED CIVIL SERVANT In the 1940s a British man refused 10 apologize '°' or even com• promise hls homosexuality, choosing Instead to make it obvious and flamboyant ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 1:00 8 MOVIE "Hell's Island" ( 1955, Adventure) John Payne. Mary Murphy. A lormer prosecutor is encouraged to track down a missing precious ruby. especlally when he learns that his ex·girlfriend holds some key Information ( 1 hr , 30 min.) ti) MOVIE "The Vlslt" ( t964. Orama) 1ng11d Berg· man. Anthony Quinn A wealthy woman otters a generous endowment to her home town 11 the resi· dents agree to murder her former lover ( 1 hr . 30 min) (E) AUTO RACING "French Grand Prix" (A) ( 1 hr) CID MOVIE "Heaven Can Wait" ( 1978. Fantasy) Warren Bea11y, Juhe Chrlstte. After a pro lootball star's Ille is prematurely claimed by an inept angel. the man Is given the bOdy ol a millionaire Industrial- ist to continue living In 'PG' ( 1 hr., 4 1 min.) CD WELL IT SE.EMEO FUNNY AT THE TIME Impro- visation. magk: and sland·Up comedy 1s performed ~Martin Mull and his guests. ( 1 hr ) g MOVIE "Blood Beach" (1981. Horror) John Saxon, Bur1 Young. A pair of police otflcers have their hands full when they investigate lhe cause of beachgoers being sucked into the sand, never to be seen again. 'R' ( 1 hr , 30 min.) (%)MOVIE "Hardly Working" ( 1981. Comedy) Jer- ry Lewis. Susan Oliver. Alter the circus closes down, a veteran clown tries his hand at various jobs, tailing miserably at them all 'PG' ( 1 hr . 31 min.) t:108 MOVIE "Run Wild, Run Free" (1969. Ofa- ma) John Mills. Mark Lester. A mute boy regains his speech when his beloved colt becomes endan- Q!red. ( 1 hr . 30 min ) ONEWS 1:16~ MOVIE "No NUk86" (1980. Musical) Jack· son &owne. Crosby. Stills & Nash Footage of a series of anti-nuclear power concerts held ln New York City dunng September. 1979. featuring the Ooobte Brothers. Carly Simon, James Taylor and Bruce Springsteen, 1s complied In lhls documentary 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 43 min.) 1:301· NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT 1:36 NEWS 1:46 MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE 2:00 MOVIE "The Pumpkin Eater" ( 1964. Ora· ma) Anne Bancroft. Peter Finch. A woman dlscov· ers that her fourth husband Is unfaithfUI. but decidM that her unborn child and her love tor her husbanc are more Important. (2 hrs .. 15 min.) (E) AUTO RACING "IMSA GTU Race" from LlmE Rock. Ct. (R) (1 hr.)' Cll MOVIE "The Children" ( t980, Horror) Martir Shakar, Gii Rogers. A strange radioactive clouc turns a group of schoolchildren Into murderous zom· bles with bla<:J( fingernails. 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) 2:058 MOVIE "Paint Your Wagon" ( 1969. Musi- cal) Lee Marvin, Clint Eastwood During the Gotc Rush days In Callfomta. a pair of prospectors share a wife bought from a Motmon at an auction (2 hrs.. 45 min.) (f) NEWS 2:30. VOYAGE. TO THE BOTTOM Of THE SEA ~MORNING STRETCH 15 =E "StUdent Bodlee" An eggplant. paper dip and blacJ(bOard eraw are some of the ''lethal weapons" used by a killer on a high school cam- ~ 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.) (%) MASSAGE: THE 'rOUCH OF LOVE The steps lnvotved In giving and reoeMng a massage are pot• lrayed as couplea demon8trete how to relax each area of the body. 2:~1 NEWS 2:.S WOALO AT LARGE 00 MOVIE "lt'a My Tum" ( t980. Romanoe) Jill Ctaybutgh. Michael Douglas A brllllant Chicago math professor realtzea the problems In her llve-in relatlonshlp when she finds a new love white In New York for her father's remarriage. 'A' ( 1 hr., 37 min.) 3:00 (f) JOE FRANKLIN ~NEWS SPORTSFORUM (R) MOVIE "Joe Hiii" (1971, Drama) Thommy Berggren, Ania Schmidt. A look is taken at the llfe of labor leader Joe Hiit. 'PG' ( 1hr •• 64 min) 3:05(C) MOVIE "Lady Tak• A en.nee· (19-43, Comtdy) John Wayne. Jean Arthur. A woman llnclt an unwilling candidate for martlege while husband- hunting In the F8f W"t ( 1 ht .. 25 min.) 3:30 e VOYAGE TO THE BOTTOM OFlHE SEA Cl) SPORTSWOMAN (A) 3:36(1) MOVIE "Sr..klng Glass" (1e80, Orama) Hazel O'Connor, Phil Daniels. A Bfltllh punk pop star'• llfeetyle ultlmlt-'Y leads to tragedy. 'PG' { 1 ht .. ~mln.) ·'--·-~00~~ i MOYE "E~ Of The Needle" ( 1981. Sulpente) Donald Sutherlend. Kate Nelligan. WhMe on a remott SOOttllh lllAnd to meet • Gtr°t'IW\:~ rint an >.xi. IPY llnda ahelter from ~~ cottage of a young merrled couple. 'R' (1 hr .• 01 I Thursday \I< >Il~ J:\(; \I<)\' I ES 5:00(%) "Easy L1v1ng" (1937. Comedy) Jean Arthu1 , Edward Arnold 6:00CID "The Hideaways" ( 1973. Comedy) Ingrid Bergman. Johnny Doran 0 "Tuck Everlasting" ( 1976, Adventure) Fred Keller. Joseph MacGuire. 6:05@ "San Anlon10" ( 1945. Western) Errol Flynn, Alexis Smith 6:30~ "Pinchcllfl Grand Prix" ( 1980, Adventure) Animated CS) "Treasure Island" ( 1972. Adventure) Orson Welles, Kim Burfield. CZ) "Hickey And Boggs" ( 1972, Adven1ure) Bill Cos_EY. Robert Culp 8:00(k) "The Girls In The Office" ( 1979. Drama) Susan Saint James. Barbara Eden CID "The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia" ( 1981. Drama) Knsly McN1chol. Mark Hamill 8:05@ "The Hanged Man" ( 1964. Mystery) Roberl Culp, Vera Miles 8: 15(%) "Joe Hill" ( 1971. Drama) Thommy Berg- gren, An/·a Schmidt 8:300 "n God We Trusl" ( 1980, Comedy) Marty Feldman, Andy Kaufman 10:00~ "Drive-In" (1976. Comedy) Glenn Morshower. Lisa Lemole · CID "Breakthrough" (1979. Drama) Richard Bur· Ion. Rod Steiger CS) "Shadow On The Wall" ( 1950, Mystery) Ann Sothern. Zachary Scon 10:05@ "But Not For Me" (1959. Comedy) Clark Gable. Lilli Palmer 10: 15(%) "Victory" ( 1981. Advenlure) Sylvester Stal· lone. Michael Caine. 10:300 "Blackboard Jungle" (1955, Drama) Glenn Ford. Anne Francis I 1:30CID "The Spiral Staircase" ( 1977. Suspense) Jacqueline Bisset. Chrlstcpher Plummer . \l .. l lJ~~< >< >~ \I<)\' I LS 12:00 fJ "Johnny Apollo" ( 1940, Drama) Tyrone Power. Dorothy Lamour. m "Lady From Louisiana" ( 1941, Romance) John Wayne. Ona Munson. m> "The Rainmaker" ( 1956. Romance) Burt Lan· caster, Katharine HepbVrn. ~ "The Hunter" { 1979. C:Xama) Steve McOueen. Eli Wallach. 12: 15(%) "Hickey And Boggs" ( 1972, Adventure) Bill Cos~. Robert Culp 12:30(1) "Seems Like Old Times" ( 1980. Comedy) Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase. g "Janis" (1974, Biography) Documen1ary. 1:00CID "Running Scared" ( 1972, Adventure) Ken Wahl, John Saxon. 2:00 (f) "Saint And The Brave Goose'· ( 1981, Com· ~) Ian Ogilvy. Gayle Hunnicut. (JJ "Silence 01 The North" ( 1981, Adventure) Ellen Burstyn. Tom Skerrltt 2:30(1) "Victory" ( 1981, Adventure) Sytvester Stal- lone, Michael Caine D "Tuck Everlasting" ( t976. Adventure) Fred Keller. Joseph MacGulre. 3:00~ "Shipwreck" (1978, Adventure) Robert LQOSn, Mikki Jamison-Olson. 00 "The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia" (1981. Drama) Kristy McNlchol. Mark Hamllt. 3:30(%) "Hardly Working" ( 1981, Comedy) J8fry Lewis. Susan Otiver. 4:00D "Way Of A Gaucho" (1952. C:Xama) Rory Calhoun. Gene Tierney. 4:30 CJ) "Captain Scarlett And The Mysterons From Mars" ( 1981. Fantasy) Puppets. g "Duel Of The Titans" ( 1963, Adventure) Steve Reeves, Gordon Scott 6:00ct) "The Glrls In The Offloe" (1979, C:Xama) Susan Saint James. Barbara Eden. cm "Carbon Copy" (1981. Comedy) George ~I. Susan Saint James. CJ) "Victory" ( 1981. Adventure) Sylvester Stallone. Michael Caine. 5:06al> "Donovan's Reel" (1963. Comedy) John W•"{!1e. Lee Marvin. 5:30QI "Ugetsu" Kef'ljl Mlzoguc:hl. e:1•••NEWS W0NoEA WOMAN C88NEW8 WILD, WM.D WEST A.BCNEW8 &i*.~t.~;.:..~ . HRMM,.••IC"V1 'I .. ... ..... "EARLY TODAY" TEAM -Bryant Gumbel, Willard Scott and Jane Pauley (from left) bring the latest in overnight news developments and the weather for travelers on NBC News' "Early Today" broadcast weekdays at 6:30 a.m. on KNBC (Ch 4). 89 OVER EASY "Second Marriage" Guests. Ge<><ge Shearing and his wife Ellle. (R) Q I NBC NEWS HUMANITIES THROUGH THE ARTS MOVIE "The Hideaways" ( 1973. Comedy) Ingrid Bergman, Johnny Ooran Two children run away from home and hide In New York City's Metro- politan Museum of Art, where they are befriended ~a spirited recluse. 'G' ( 1 hr., 45 min.) (I) THE GRATEFUL DEAD The Grateful Deed are seen performing many of their greates1 hits In thlS concert taped Halloween night 1980 at Radio City Muslc Hall. ( 1 hr., 18 min.) 0 MOVIE "In God We Trusl'' ( 1980, Comedy) Marty Feldman. Andy Kaufman. A naive monk Is sent out in1o the world to raise money for his Impov- erished monastery. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 37 min ) 8:30(1). NEWS I BARNEY MILLER DICK CAVETT AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 7:008CBSNEWS I NBC NEWS KUNG FU ABC NEWS P.M. MAGAZINE Effortless exercise through electric stimulation: a 24--year-old man who looks like an &-year-old. THE SAINT NEW YORK REPORT ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT M0A•s•H JOKER'S WILD ID BUSINE'SS REPORT THEMUPPETS MOVIE "M" ( 1930, Suspense) Peter Lorre. Ellen Widmann. Polloe paralyze the underworld as they search Ousseldorf for a psychotic child murder- er. (1hr.,40mln.) (IJ MOVIE "Victory" (1981. Adventure) Sylvester Stallone, Michael Caine. During World War ti, Allled POWa see their tlcJcet to freedom In a match between their soccer team and the German National Team In Paris. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 57 min.) cm MOVIE "The lrlshman" (1978, C:Xama) During the 1920S. a proud lrlth-Auatrallan refuMa to give In to progreaa when motorized tranaportatlon threatent his boslness as a teamster (1 hr .. •7 min.) (Z) AICHARO PRYOR IN CONCeRT The well-known comedian thoota pointed barbs at almoet every Institution lmaglnable In this uncen80fed, no-holda• barred concert performance. ( t hr., 30 min.) 7:20 al) NEWS 7:30• 2 ON THE TOWN FMtured: • d8y In th9 llfe of a member of th9 L.A. Pola Oep8rtment bOmb tqUad: kl8lng weight tleetroolc811y: • profile of Hen- ~~AMIL Y FBIO • EYE ON LA. Feetur9di a humofout 100tt at 8an Fral'\CttCC); • report on ~uty P8ge8ntei; • proJllt of M8'cua Alen. . 13 enc TAC DOUGH MEET THE MAYORS :2 YOU ASKED FOR IT g M"A"S*H SIGNATURE Guest: Don King ;:! MACNEIL I LEHRER REPORT r- ' FAWLTY TOWERS ~ AEROBICISE Get in shape, look good, and feel - great with this physical fitness program. ~ 8:008 Cl) MAGNUM, P.I, A former Russian pilot g. who has defected hires Magnum to help him kidnap ':c his fiancee, a member of the Soviet track team. (R) )> ( 1 hr_.) c II GD FAME Mon1gomery Is faced with deciding 4D who will and who will not perform In a student bene-:ii fit and Bruno struggles to overcome stage fright. - (A) ( 1 hr.) !'> e MOVIE "Tropic Zone" (1953, Adventure) iO Ronald Reagan, Rhonda Fleming. A banana planta-a> lion is saved from swindlers by a lone man. (2 hrs.) N G 9 MORK & MINDY Mindy Is jelled for refusing to reveal her news source In a bribery trial. (R) 8 A CHILD'S CRY This documentary presents a cles&-up look at children struggling with the dally threat of violence, hunger. oppression and spiritual darkness. ( 1 hr.) (f) PAUL HOGAN m P.M. MAGAZINE A look at motorcycle safety, a 24-year-old man who looks like an 8-year-old. m MOVIE "The Desperate Hours" ( 1955. Suspense) Humphrey Bogart, Fredric March. A group of escaped convicts hold a terrified family captive In their own home. (2 hrs.) 9 BOTANIC MAN "Potential Ene<gy" A descrip- tion of the vital s1age of evolution from sea to land !limed from Brunel. e U.S. CHRONICLE "Crime Victims" Robert MacNeil repons on violent crime from the perspec- tives of the victims. their families and the criminals. ID SNEAK PREVIEWS "I Was A Teen-Age Movie: HollywOOd 198 1'' Roger Ebert and Gene Siske! examine the reasons why the teen-age audience is now determining HollywOOd's biggest hits. (A) ([) SPOATSCENTER CH) THE UNEXPURGATED BENNY HILL The wild and wacky British comedian portrays various char- acters, Including a circus clown and a French exchange studenl, In numerous ~etches. ( 1 hr.) CS) MOVIE "Seems Like Old Times" (1980, Come- dy) Goldie Hawn, Chevy Chase. A soft-Marted law- yer 1s torn between het hopeleSS e)(-husband- turned·bank robber and her uptight present hus- band who Is running for Callfomla attorney general. 'PG' ( 1 hr., 42 min,) D MOVIE "Friday The 13th" (1980. Horror) Betay Palmer. Adrienne King The reopening of a summer camp. closed 20 years earlier afte< three murdefs. attracts a vindictive killer who knifes unsuspecting teen-agers. 'A' ( 1 hr .• 38 min.) 8:20 al) ALL IN THE FAMILY 8:308 9 BOSOM BUDDIES Kip and Henry remin- isce about their college days and how they 'tl(ound i worklng for Ruth In New York City. (R) Q RAatilG FROM ROOSEVELT CHEEA 'EM ON Several young women audition for the Rams Cheerleadlng team. 18 MOVIE "Ugetau" Kenp Mlzoguchl. Two men leave their families to fight the war only to find that happiness isn't so easy to keep as they 8)(pected. {?hrs.) • SNEAK PREVIEWS "I Was A Teen-Age Movie: Hollywood 1981" Roge< Ebert and Gene Slsket examine the reasons why the teen-age audience Is now determining Hollywood's biggest hits. (R) esEAPOWER (%) MOVIE "Hickey And Bogga" ( 1972, Adven- 1ure) Biii Cosby, Robert Culp Two down-an<k>Ut detectives attempt to successfully complete a case 'PG' ( 1 hr .• 51 min.) 8:50al) MOVIE "The Ride To Hangman's Tree" (1967, Western) Jack Lord, Jamet Farentlno. The Infamous "Blaok Bandit" e&011pee being hanged and becomes the scourge of the West. (2 hrs .. 10 mlttl 9:00 8 Cl) SlMON 6 SIMON A.J. and Rick travel to Mexico to find a 7-yeer-old alr1 who Is believed to have beat! kidnapped by her father. (R) (1 hi.) De OtFFRENT STROKES Arnold hU nlghtm•res that he wlll be orphaned 1galn. (R) Q • O BAANEY MILLER Barney and his men acr•mble JO cope with gang w•rfare In Chinatown whefl th9 mayor demands action. (R) 9 ( 1 hr.) I PAULHOOAH MERV GAFf'IN Guests: K.al AudrNn, Sheena Eaaton, Chllllw8Ck, Bertie Hlgglnl, RlcJc Springfield. l hl.) le.ANO: A TB.EVIStON HISTORY MASIERPIECE THEATRE "Dllr•ell: Dizzy" ~ by hie ~ In Yett.I d8blteil with tome of England'• moet prominent poflt~ Ole-rHll decldM to ateftd for P8111emtnt (Pett 1). (R) Q..(1 hr,) (I;) MOVIE "C.boBlanco" (1981, S~)° Chafin Brqn.on, JI~ Aobllrdl. An .~. Nut who .. boUght 'Oft the local P'** ~ • .- M ~Thursday (continued) O> small Peruvian coastal town during the 1940s. 'R' (1 hr , 32 min ) ([) Al/TO RACING "French Grand Prix" (R) (1 hr) CID MOVIE "The Spiral Staircase" ( 1977. Suspense) Jacqueline Bisset. Christopher Plummer. A beaulllul deal-mute 1s terrorized by a mysterious killer who lurl<s 1n the shadows surroundlflg an ele- Q!!_nt mansion ( 1 hr . 40 min ) (JJ MOVIE "Eye Of The Needle" ( 1981, Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Kate Nelligan. While on a remote Scottish island to meet a German subma- rine, an Axis spy finds shelter from the storm in the cottage of a young married couple 'R' ( 1 hr • S 1 min) CO) MOVIE "Take This Job And Shove It" (1981, Comedy) Robert Hays, Barbara Hershey. A young corporate executive runs into resistance when he returns to his hometown to revitalize a company brewe'Y.:._'PG' ( 1 hr., 40 min.) 9:30 D fl) DIFf'RENT SmOKES Willis loses his spot on the high school basketball team to a white play- er. (R) O (!) MOVIE "American Guerilla In The Phillpplnes" ( 1950. Adventure) Tyrone Power. Tom Ewell. An American leads Fllipfno patriots on daring World War II ~lonage missions. (1 hr., 30 min.) 10:008 (IJ KNOTS LANDING An old flame of Val's pays her a surprise visit, and Karen is reunited with her brother. (R) ( t he.) D GD HILL STREET BLUES Captaln Furillo and Joyce Davenport get In a courtroom battle over the possible entrapment of a suspect, and Estemaus learns he~ soon be a father. (R) ( t hr.) II em NEWS 20 / 20 OE KOONING ON OE KOONING Film clips and Interviews with Willem de Koonlng -one of ~merl­ ca's most Important l1vlng artists -and his wife pro- vide a special Insight into the 7&-year-old abstract expressionlst's life and work. ( 1 hr.) ID ODYSSEY "The Incas" Three archaeologists trace the extensive network of roads. towns and agricultural regions responsible for the prosperity of these 16th-century Peruvians. (R) Q ( 1 hr.) (I) Al/TO RACING "IMSA GTU Race" from Lime Rock, Ct. (R) ( 1 hr.) (I) BIZARRE "Sam's Slow Food" Ct MOVtE "Friday The 13th, Part II" (1981, Hor- ror) Amy Steel, John Furey. The grisly killings con- tinue at a sommer camp that had been closed down after a series of bizarre murders occurred there. 'R' ( 1 hr., 27 min.) 10: 16 CZ) CHARLES CHAMPLIN TALKS WITH ..• "Mar- ie Windsor'' 10;30. NEWS ~SIONA TURE Guest: Don King. AA SHOWCASE LAUGHS Four stand-op comedians are followed through nightclub performances and their behlnd- th&-scenes lives as they pursue laughs and fame. ( 1 hr . 15 min.) Cl) WHAT'S UP AMERtCA Featured: a humOfous look at the meat Industry: a modenHSay bounty hunter. three of America's favorite skinny dipping holes ( 1 hr) CZ) MOVIE "Malizia" ( 1974, Comedy) LaU1a Anto- nelh, Turi Fetro. A new housekeeper becomes .the ob)ec:t of desire fOI' a Widower and his young sons 'R' {_1 hr., 38 mln.l_ 11:00•••<1>aeNEWS I SATURDAY NIGHT YOU ASKED FOR rT JOEFRANKUN w·A·s·H BENNVHILL BA8EBAll Atlanta Braves at San Diego Padres Q hrs.) QI BO'r AMC MAN "Potential Energy" A descrip- tion of the vital stage of evOlutloo from 8811 to land fUmed from Brunel. I BUSINESS REPORT DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE MOVIE "The Great Texas Dynamite Chese" ~~· AdVentute) Claudia Jennings. Jocelyn Two *'*9 bank rObbers outwit po1ce aa tn.y ,...,. the mile poputeca With = tlhoo-IOUtl. dylWnite b&aats and OutrtgaOUIH 'R' { 1 tw .. 29 min.) (I) F..oM nte &g.y AAD UHE Acilon highlights from the Canadian Footbell L~. (R) (I) MOV1E "Let's M• A Clfty McMe" (1971, Comedy) Two producer9 eutmpUno to n\lb a mtef\.11 '°'"°mow..,.~ by .. ~· rw cMt ~ artW, • ..--. clrectar -.tao~ budget. 'fir ( 1 .... 2a min.) •• tiD.-·~TM Tltw~t91. ~) ......... ~OIWef. hire~ *'•---Z-·--°'·-~ t-. .. ht tJtee to ..... hef'4t cl • ,... ... ,...,.,.. ..,_ ttle ....._ ol a~ --- ' ~ 'llG' GW """·> '... .. .. ...,..... .... ~ . SLEEPING SCARED -When Arnold (Gary Coleman) dreams that the "Oogies" are chasing him, his lat.her ~ a child psychologist (Lee Chamberlin) to find out what's behind the nightmares in "Dreams." on NBC's "Difrrent Strokes" Thursday at 9:30 p.m . on KNBC (Ch. 4). agrees to help a young woman clear her father of manslaughter charges. ( t hr .. 10 min.) 8 e TONIGHT Host: JohMy Carson. Guest Charles Grodin. ( 1 hr.) 8 9 ABC NEWS VIEWPOINT The Invasion of pri- vacy and the ways In which it affects the everyday lives of American citizens Is explOfed. ( 1 hr.. 30 min.) D MOVIE "Way Of A Gaucho" ( 1952. Drama) Rory Calhoun, Gene Tierney. In the late 1800s, a young couple try to carve out a IMng from the pam- J>aS of Argentina. (2 hrs.) I THE JEFFERSONS LOVE. AMERICAN STYLE MOVIE "Ugefsu" Ken)I Mlzogucht. Two men leave their families to fight the war only to find that happiness Isn't so easy to keep as they expected. CAPTIONED ABC NEWS SPORTSCENTER lhrs.) ROMANCE: LAURA. SWEET LAURA (Pat1 4) MOVIE "Llttle Darllnga" ( 1980, Comedy) Tatum O'Neal, Kristy McNlchol. At summer camp, two teen-age girls compete to eee who will be the first to lose hef virginity. 'R' ( 1 hr .• 32 min.) 11:4600 MOVIE "Tarzan. The Ape Man" (1981, AdVenture) Richard Harris. Bo Derek. A young woman searches f()f her missing father In the A~ can jungle where she encounters an uncMllzed white man end en Ofangutan. 'R' ( 1 hr .. 52 min.) 12:00. ENTERTAINMENT TONIGHT (!) MOVIE "The Unguarded Moment.. ( 1956, Suspense) Esther Wlmams. George Nader. A young music teachef receives threatening lettel'S from one ol her high .ahool a1udents which nearfy deStroya her Hfe. (2 h<a.) • MOVE ''The Judge Steps Out" (1949, Come- dy) Ann SotMrn. Alexander Knox. A J'ldge hiding In the ob8curlty of a ahort·Otder oook'a Job reluctantly retums home when he learns he 18 to beoome a i ndf•ther= LOVE. A N STYLE MOVIE "Soldier Of Orange" (1979, Orama) Edwetd Fox, Suun Penhallgon. Six cl8aamatea at a Dutch untverllty go their .ep8rlte weys when war braetta ouUn Europe. 'PG' (2 hl'S.) 1215(%) '"88AOe THE 10UCH Of ~ "1he atepe lnvolloltd In gMng and rec:eMng • muuge are portrayed u CClJPlel demonetr•t• h9w to re1t.x Mch MM of the body. 12:30. • U.TI MQMT WITH DAW> LETTERMAN Guen: "Meat le*. comedian Bob Shaw. ~of the Neu-exet* m8ChN Nflu '°"98. ( 1 hr.) ~""'tiillo. •--CAI , = ) MM" (tll1. ~ Slli9y fltc In 19". ... , • .,,_. °'**' 1n •.,.... r.-1GWn MCrlftoea ,_It.II~"' tne ~ ~ ...... "'°"' ....... oom- 1>91--bownci .... 'P.O' t 1 ""~· • ~ ..-cm._. . ._.ADadll"' c1•c.• •M,.. ly Fleld, Tommy Lee Jones. A hooker and a down- on·his.-luck boxer meet and head west in search of a new Ille 'R' (1 hr .. 35 min.) 12:408 (I) MCMILLAN & WIFE Enright announces his ret1remen1 from the department and his engage- men1 to a wealthy young lady. (2 hrs.) 12:45(%) RICHARD PRYOR IN CONCERT The welf- known comedian shoots pointed barbs at almost every institution imaginable in this uncensored. no- hOlds-barred concert performance ( 1 hr .. 15 min ) l:OO U MOVIE "Manllsh" ( 1956. Advenlure) John Bromfield, Lon Chaney A Jamaican 1reasure hunt turns 1n10 an expedl11on of deceit and terror. ( 1 hr .. 30m1n.) D MOVIE "Divorce His" ( 1972, Drama) Richard Burton. Eltzabeth Taylor The effects of a marital split are seen from 1he husband's standpoinl ( 1 hr., 30min.) ®)NEWS Cl) MOVIE "A Bell From Hell" ( 1970, Mystery) Vlveca Lindfors, Renaud Verley. A deeply sensitive young man vows revenge against his aunt and three couslns after they commit him to a mental Institu- tion. (1 hr., 30 min.) <m MOVIE "Carbon Copy" (1981. Comedy) George Segal, Susan Saint James. A success1ul white bUsinessman discovers that he has a grown son who Is black. 'PG' ( 1 hr .. 35 min.) 1:308 S NBC NEWS OVERNIGHT la MOVIE "Summer Camp" ( 1979, Comedy) John C. Mclaughlin, Matt Michaels. The owner of a falling summer camp decides raise money by holding a reunion tor the now-matured alumni 'R' ( 1 hr., 30 min.1_ 1:'6(8) MOVIE "Eye 0 1 The Needle" (1981, Suspense) Donald Sutherland, Kate Nelligan. While on a remote Scottish Island to meet a German sub- marine, an Axis spy finds shelter ffom the storm In the cottage of a young married couple. 'A' (1 hf., S 1 min.) 2:00. MOVIE "Ride Beyond Vengeance" ( 1966, Weetem) Chuci< Connors. Michael Rennie. A bUHa- lo hunter seeks revenge on several outlaws who attacked and robbed him after his wife rejected him. i hrs.) MISSION; IMPOSSIBLE MOVIE "S.0.8 ." (1981, Comedy) W1111am H~ den . .Mle Andrews. A movie director who has just finished a multi-million dOllar turkey goes from attempted suicide to a bizarrely Inspired re-shooting of his epic. 'R' (2 hrs .. 4 min.) (%) MOVIE "Hickey And Boggs" (1972, Adven- ture) Biii Cosby. Robert Culp. Two down-and-out detectives attempt to successfully complete a case. 'PG' (1hr .. 51 min.) 2:06 (!) NEWS 2:15~ MOVIE "Jury Of One" (1974, Drama) Sophia Loren. Jean Gabin. A mother uses undefworld connections to get her son acquitted of rape and murder charges. 'R' ( 1 hr., 37 min.) 2:30 I =GE TO THE BOTTOM OF THE SEA • MORNING STRETCH ~ MOVIE "The Evff Eye" ( 1964, Mystery) Leticia Roman. John S&Jlon. A young girt in lhock after the death of her aunt cannot convince anyone that she has witnessed a klnlng. ( 1 hr., 30 min ) 2:408NEWS 3:00(!) JOE FRANKLIN ~ ~IAAOS Joe Balsla vs Irving Crane (R) (I hr.) • MOVIE "Friday The 13th. Part 11" (1981, Hor· ror) Amy Steel, John Furey. The gtlsly kllllnga oon-- ffnue at a summer camp that had been closed oown aftef a series of bizarre murders occurred there. 'A' ( 1 ht .. 27 min.) 3: 10 e MOVtE "One Touch Of Venus" ( 1950, Com- edy) Ava Gardner, Robert Walker. A Windo'# ttlmm91' Is surprised wtlen the statue of Venu. s:=w ~"1o'G ~~~~ Wo#~J.: THE SEA 3:'6(%) MOVIE "Victory" (1981. ~d\lenture) Sylve9- ter Stallone, Michael Celne. During WOf1d Wat II, Allied POWa see their ticket to freedom In a match between their aoccer team and the German National TtamlnP.i.. 'PG' (1tv .. 57 min.) 3:6000 MOVIE "Artt Ftmlty" (1980. Comedy) Gil-- di Radner. 8ob Ntwtlart. The Mxudy repr-..d dlughter of the country'• welrd99t pre91dentlal ..,,,... ty cOmplcaf• '* falhe(a •ttemc* to condUet the .,...,. of atata. 'R~ mlt\.) · 4tOI(!) .IM/N SW • MOVIE "Zlttk" (1157, AdY9nture,) Victor Matu,., Mlchatt Wlldlng. Drfllen floOr'l'I hit vtllagil. 8 men beCOmae • ruthleu outleiw !Mdlf. (2 t'n.) ~ MCME ''Tlw ~· t t97' Dr..,.) S.. Mcai 11~ ~ \,.,__ •• lMlon ..... ~· ?~~· n:* trdlr ~.,.~ ~ .. 4.-iff)~ "' c1'0CI) MCWIE "Vlctcwy" (1981, A~) ~ .., =MICMtl Catne. CM1ng ~ -•• • ~ Aiied .. M..i-.:11~1111:~' ... 'llliti .. .ii!!."!""!!'!lr' .... ""'!'rft ----------------.... -----------------------~~~----- ~-------------------------------------------------------------------15 (, _____ r_v __ P_u_z_z_I• ______ ) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 18 23 38 44 48 53 57 58 ACROSS 1 7 Shown Romano on T J Hooker 11 -House on the Prairie 12 Moss Kazan 14 MISS Derek 15 "-the ramparts" 16 Blythe or Sothern 17 -Act of Murder 18 Compass dir 20 Masterpiece Theatre hOSI 22 Numero - 23 The -of the Affair 24 Heand - 32 -the 1 own 33 Jame!> Gainer role 35 Seven PM staple 38 Hush hush agcy 39 Molinaro and Pacino 42 Pronoun 44 -Lips on M ·A· S · H 45 -Landing 47 -toBillyJoe 48 At home 49 Carl. 10 Rob Reiner 50 Rosalind s nickname 52 Mr Russell s ins1gne 53 MISS Tyson 13 14 25 M" A ·s· H people 26 Harper Valley star 29 A Fonda 55 Plays Louise Jefferson 57 LeeJ - 58 Ohve Oyl s love 31 Ne1gt1bor ol MD DOWN 2 Miss Warwick 3 Played John-Boy lnll • 4 Curney co-star 5 Guinness 6 Peter and Wolle 7 Marro Lanza role 8 -and Bill 9 Mr. Nugent' slgn-oll 10 Nancy on Eight Is Enough 12 Veronica or Arthur 13 Role for Shroyer 19 Played Kool<.oe 21 E><clamat1on 22 Coffeemaker 27 MISS Arden 28 -King Cole 29 Ponch's pal 30 Sue -Langdon 33 The -Woman 34 -Patrol 36 -Done II? 37 Role for Tony Randall 38 Elegant 39 60 Minutes essayist 40 Tony -Bianco 41 Sunset - 43 Miss Oberon 45 Newsman Marvin 46 Mediocre 49 Society page girl 51 Move with sudden force 54 Business abbr 56 Played Jed Clampett. lnrt SOLUTION ~~ EMERGENCY DOCTORS OFFICE THE ATTENTION YOU NEED-WHEN YOU NEED IT MOST A convenient alternative to hoapltal emergency room• for: ILLNESS INJURIES FRACTURES Thorough, Professional & Personalized Care ADULTS ANO CHILDREN No Appointment Needed • Immediate Attention Given WORKMAN 'S COMPENSATION ACCEPTED OPEN: 7 DAYS A WEEK 345 DAYS A YEAR 8 A.M.·11 P.M. (714) 752-8300 •MIERG•NCY DOCTORS Ol'FICIE 4030 Birch St.. Suite 107 Newport Beach 405 FWY o.c. Alrpo!! ( Return with us to ) ~~ MEL BLANC THE MAH OF MANY VOICES WAS -'U O\IER ™l' RADIO DIAL IN THE 1940~ .. G~~;; AS JACK MNNYS 0.0~LL AUTOM081Lt' ® -. Y' AS 'THE HAPPY POSTMAN' ON ~ANDAUL'N (~ WA6 THr ANflTt1ESl5 OF TH.AT OESCRIPTION ~AlW.A\"9 5POKE OF CHt'fRFUL MATTfRS IN "'MOUln#Ul VOICE Gh-'WI.al; up :boc?rw. ~ l STARREO ON HIS OWN RADIO 5HOW Tl1AT WAS OR101NALL Y CALLfO Thi' filf· ff SHOP. HIS SUPPORTINS CAST INC'LUOEO MARY JAN! CAOFT, JOE l<:t'AAM~ HANS C'ONRlfO, JIM e.AC'l<US ~l eLAHC'B \IOICt'S OF $Yl.Vl!STt'R & rwee TY, 51'£EOY 60NZAlfS, PORKY' PIG, MLt' E. CO'IOTE, F06- HOIUf ~, !I.NIER FUOO OAFFY CIUCK, Y'~MITt' SAM AND j:'{,5 MOST MMOU9,9U69 91..Nt~A~ 8UT A Ft'W OF ~ Ol5TINCTI~ ~ Ot""'AC r£RS 8Tlll Ol!!Ll6HT'Pt9 AN ffJTIMATrO 50 MILLION PfflSONe C>'llLY THAOU9110UT THE WORLD. --- -~ , Al«) Al.AH ~~O. IN T£UVISIOH HE CRfATeO THI! \ll'X:f Of" ~y AUeel.t' OF TH£ ~l.IN1"8TONl!'S. TOC>"Y et!TM!fN R£CCR)IN&S, TV COIMMrACIAl..6 .N.o SPeC""'-6 Mt'L t'HTfR TAINS AT cou..eees THRC>UeHOUT THt' <XlUNT"lrr. WHIT WOULD YOU LOOI UIE WITHOUT YOUR 11.ISSES? Sometimes it's what you're not wearing that makes you beaut/full! ·------------··········-·····--------------············ 1 w..td ,._,. NEW LOW PRICES $59 * : : MIMI I Lim MR.DI • I nt'r THIM AT NO OtAIOI I I w._,.,.,. ... ~_......-.,....,.._w._,_,... Wlttl~ : • ..--.... ·-··-1 ········-·············-----------------···-----········ FLDllLE CDITICTS 111111 CDITICTS US PElllUILE CDITlm EXTEIDEI WW PLUM CALL fOI SllVICI N a) CJ) ,... ii; :::> Oii :::> < ~ l >aytime ~ Carrie has second LL ! thought of marriage ~ By LYNDA WRSCH ~ ALL MY CHILDREN: Thugs attempt to kill Benny 0: ,In his hospital room but are thwarted when Phoebe walks in. Carrie accepta Chuck's marriage propou.1 but has second thoughts when Phoebe disapproves. A coatly mistake causes Nina lo consider resigning from the electroniai company. Cliff Is pleued, but Steve convincee Nina to stay on. Jenny's modeling assignment includes posing in lingerie. Rick gives EsteUe money '° Benny can pay off loan sharks, but when Rick tries to km her. EsteUe pushes him away. Liza uiee to 9educe Greg at Willow Lake. Learning Mark and Pam had an affair, Ellen walks out on Mark and takee over presidency of a Bogart International company. In New Yock, Steve apota Daisy's nightgown in Palmer's hotel room and reallzea she ia Palmer'• lover. Langley and Opal'• interlude at Myrtle'• i.s interrupted when Myrtle arrives, causing Langley to sneak out wtndow. He falls and his back condition flares up. ANOTHER WORLD: Lany decides to put tap on Blaine's phone lO prove she ia ~lvina haruaing calla. Steve's condition worwna u he goe11 into ahock and Rachel givee him tranafuaion. ~rs· attempll are halted when another part of the building belfna to collapee, and Brian decidm the atructure muat be tom down. Sandy and Jamee decide to lower tbermelves into building to remove concrete block which ii pW\ing St.eve. Sound equipment on the movie aet la destroyed, causln& another lost day In 1hootJng. Cecille hires AhM u Maggie'• aovemea. AS THE WORLD TlJllNS; James wanta custody of Paul in orde!-to keep the Stenbeck fortune. Tcm and Margo retwn to Oakdale and dedde to have an offidal wedding. Ellen and David rw:eive their divorce decree and • depremed Ellen tuml down a date with Ben. With their perfume bullinat down the drain due to the leaked formula, Dee and er.., cae buli-. and wonder about the future. Barbara la renting the Stuart home. Bllan baa a reunion with Miranda, who coafemee her pest life In the underworld -a past which Dilan acceptl. Dilcovertng Annie's pregnancy testa were tampered with, Davki NtpeCta Karen WU the culprit, but C)'ndUa, Who knows his ...umptlon is oorn.ct. denies It. John and Ariel marry in Jamaica. CAPITOL: Man walehel u Wally playa hjgb-ataket poker and Matt thinJa the other playera are letting him win. Julie's jealousy la obvious u she and Tyler double- date with Sloane and Trey. Later, Julie and Tylef-make up, but Lawrence again IOWI leeda of doubt In Julie'• mind. Lb.beth agren to a New YOTk weekend with Thomu. 'Brenda gives Jordy an Idea on how to 1et Lizbeth beck. He goes to Llzbeth'1 IOl'Onty howle aport.l.ng unneeded bandages. claiming he was roughed up in the police cell the night ·Lizbeth had him arrested for serenading her at three in the momlni with a German band. Shelley decldea to adopt the name "Kelly Harper." DAYS OF OUR UVES: Roman'1 wife Anna ahows up In the hollpital emergency room and explaina that ahe was held captive by a band of white al.avers who also held their daughter captive. Eugene promlMs MeU... he won't t.ell about her hidini OlJver If she won't reveal to Chril that Euaene la buildina a robot. LU ~ Marie Is in love with Nell Benee purpoeely ,eta henelf lllranded with Davki, cauaing Kayla to became fUrloul. AlthouaJ'i he II Involved with Sandy, !lvan ukl Kayla on a date, NO LONGER A MENACE -Jay North, known best as television's "Denn is the Menace," has joined ABC's top rated daytime drama, "General Hospital.'' He plays a Port Charles re&ident who makes a mysterious oil discovery and will play opposite Demi Moore, who plays a crack reporter for the Port Charles Herald. explaininc Sandy la In Ha wall and Kay la ii "here." Tc:ny'a dect.ion to have Woody C\rt an album crwbee Trish. FeeJJnc Triab'a lnt.elWl tn a ~ cam1nl before Scotty'• welfatt, David dedda to take the cbl.Jd. UJ t.elllnl everyone she no ~ lovea Neil. Mitzi tries to 9educe nou,. She la ~ • " Douc In getting any Information about the Demeer.. &cm her. DOCTORS: Matt IUff ... an a~ but won't tell a terrilled Map what la Wrof11 wttb him. Na\alie bniaks Into the Manning mansion, but lscaucht by Billy. Na&alie becomes the latest victim of the blah fever that la a1IO plaguing Mona and other Madi9on. residents. Adrienne still pursuil'\C JeU. Mona celll Billy to get out of her life. EDGE OF NIGHT: To uve Ch.ad bun Pietro, Jodie 8il"t!eS 10 go to Eden. Gavtn arriwe before the departure and saves Jodie and Chad. Pietro la taken to the ho!p(tal but manqes to eet'.8pe. Joc:Ue baa a dream that a.he la a detlcendant of the martyr of Eden and decides ahe mwrt 10 to her people. Didi upeet when Calvtn an-estl her brother Troy foe C8lT)'ina a concealed weapon. Starr tella Calvin the'• presnant by another man. GENERAL HOSPITAL: Jackie give. hoepltal lab technlclan ahale sample from Holly's property. Testl show there 11 no oil, but befo.re Jackie can get the result.a, the technician ii murdered and a positive ahale sample la aubstituted toe the negative one. Holly tells her father she ii fallint foe Luke but will ooatinue the 1Cam. Holly'• dad fe-.n what Buil will do when he learns about Luke and Holly. Llla aurprlam Edward with a gift of oil project shares. Scotty takes on Suaan'a cue to aue Alan for nearly 0 million. Suaan then an nounoe.,.•he 11 again pregnant. Scotty clbcoven Demley ak.lpped town the day Bualtt waa murdered. Rick ,eta half of the apc:inae from Scotty. Fearini Hand wW hurt her. Johnny want.a to become Amy's bodycuanl fire statia1ery . 2823 e ast coast highway • ·- GUIDING LIGHT: Although police believe Nola left town of her own volition, Qulnt does not think a.he would have left Kelly L.ou.i.e t>ehlnd and deddea Sllaa has taken her. Holdinl Nola on de1ened freighter, Sllaa decides to uk foe gold cndle as nu'llOm lor Nola. Quint beads for London to try and find Nola. Heiena discovered 1n ll!Cret ~y of Quint's manalon. Tracking RJta down to Toronto suburb, Mike and Ed plan to confront her ao that Ed can be given dJvorce. Ashamed of her affa.lr wlth Mark, Amanda confides In Sara. In St. Croix. Kelly numb when he learns Morgan is on the pill and walk.a out on her. Josh lea.ma of the rift and rushes to St. Croix to be with Morgan. Derek ~ Leslie Arin lO keep the doaler about her past a secret and she swears much of the lnformat.lon ls a lie. I.V. suggests Quint is in on plot to get Alan, but it is really Mark who holds the other half of Alan's photo. ONE UFE TO LIVE: When Kat decides to fight for custody of baby, a tortured Jenny tu.ma to Marco ·for comfort. Will la fearful that he will loee post as chief of ataff, as he thJnks Peter was behind baby switch. A nurse leaks the baby..-witch story to the press and a scandal sheet headlines the tale. Bo goes to New Orleans to fi()d the Ralston family and comes across Euphemia Ralston, who gives him a cold recept.lon and secretly fears his p~ will ruin her plan. Bo decides to hang around and contact Drew Ralston. Serving as Marco'• assistant, Kyle lands Cassie job on the movie. RYAN'S HOPE: Johnny furious when M.eve goes to Danc:eland, enters conteat with Dave Newman and beoornes a regional finalist; Johnny considera her nothing but a pickup. Mitch Bromkl, a apedal agent deal.Ing in organiud crime, ulu Siobh an if Joe 1tlll hu any underworld deallnp. China, an underworld member. plots Joe'• demlte. While playing ball in park, Pat accidentally strikes windshield of Amanda Kirkland'• car, but she II unhurt. SEARCH FOll TOMORROW: Travis and Liza are trapped in bun by man who looks like Travis' father. He hokb gun on them. Suddenly a man who appears to be hia double calla out the name "Alex." and ahooU him. "Alex" manaaes to return fire briefly and wound the man, then dies. 'n,e wounded man clalma to be Travis' father. Martin ,ets Lee lO help h.lm with ltinl operation and Sunny ,eta Stephanie 10 let her in on the deal Keith la hired by Stu to work on rtvuboat aloq with Brian. Keith'• liAel' Amy la hostile to Wendy. Brian's eyaight suddenly retw1w. He prof-. his lave for Sw:f, but lhe rejeda him. Jenny tean into Tom for meddling In hla fat.her'• bulinem. TEXAS: Aabley tella T .J. the ii aoine to dlVOl"Oe Justin. JUltin dedde. that ht wanta c:wtody of Grepy and Mb for Bena'a help. The Billy Joe lhow tril9 10 pump up ratin&I by hl:rlnc Stella Stanton. a vk:b.11 .-ap colwnnlft. Joef underaoea eye IAIJ'lt!rY and the ~ remain. • he dr'Mlllll of reaalnJ.ng hit lilhL Rena. oaw working at KVIK. oUera Oeorae a position. Georse vow. revenae aplmt Crane, who WU jury foreman at bia lilt.er'• murdec' 111&.l, at which ahe wu found guilty. When Ruby aubelituta for Bllly Joe ln a World Oil oommerdal atandup. lhe fl hired to be apokespemiin.. YOUNG AND THE RESTLES& Patti upet bec:a1.11e Jack not aa aympethetic u Danny about <:.arl'a bein,a found guilty of otortion. Victor decides to give Laurie Prentia lndustriee aa a weddlni pn!Rnl. Paul baa Tony a.rnsted., and then -his cannectiona lO help him 10 that Tony wW be Indebted to him. Alli8oo celll NUdd that Carolyn and Kevin alept together, but Carolyn confemm lo Earl that ahe couldn't go ~h with it, and then reveala that A1lilOn put her up to tryfn8 to aleep wtt.b Kevin. Carolyn lle'lxb Kevin a eoc>db)'e Jetter. WhOe he reada it on consuuction lite, part of bu1Jdtns toppa. on him. Kevin ii n.aahed to ttc:.pltal In critical condltJon. and there NlklcS vows to have no romantic thouahta of Vidor if Kevin aurvives. Lucas aatoniahed u Laurie bw1lll her d&m8lin& biot!Japhy of Vet«. llllve • 9U11t.lon about yow-l•vori'"" -.p or _,, •tar1 Write to Lynea Htrxh. clo Field New•,,.~r Syndjc:lltiit, P.O. BoJt ll¥20, Irvil», Calll. 9Z714. Sbte wtl1 antwer -man..>' quertlom -.ae Qin in bu colWWl. but w volwm oJ nWJ llMkm peraor:W ,.u-1mpo91tw. ( _______ L_e_t_te __ rs_· _______ ) Mr. Spock will be missing I or while TREK ATTACK -How long does it take to make a movie like "Star Trek II"? I need to know when we'll find out if Spock is saved. Also when will we get to see Han Solo rescued? For big spectaJ effe<:ts-laden fihns expect 12 to 18 months from the beginning of princ ipal photography to release date. As far as a sequel to "The Wrath of Khan," it's definitely in the air, but no star date has been set. A script hasn't e ven been written. Shooung wrapped on "Revenge of the Jedi" this s pring, but Han Solo won't be thawed out in theaters until next summer. FIVE TO THREE -Since seeing the "Star Trek" movie I've been arguing with a fellow Trekkie as to how many seasons the TV series ran. I say five. He says three. U you Trekk.tes can't stick together what hope ts there for the rest of mankind? The series ran for three full seasons on NBC from 1966-'69 before being destroyed by bad ratings. OLIVIA'S ORI G INS -Please settle an argument. My fnend says Olivia Newton-John is English; I say Australian. Who's right? Olivia is an Aussie songbird, but her family origjnally hails Crom England. MEASURE FOR MASUR -What is Richard Masur up to? He was so good in "Fallen Angel,'' and I thought he was aJso great in ''Who WW Stop the Rain." Masur is set to tackle another unsavory subject -housewife prostitution, or how Mommy makes pin money after the kids go to school. The ABC movie is called "Money on the Side," and co-stars Jamie Lee Curtis, Linda Purl, Susan Flannery and Karen Valentine. BYE-BYE 'BUDDIES' -Is it doubtful that we'll get to see any new 'Boeom Buddies" episodes? Doubtful with a capital D. ABC gave Kip an'! (-~~\V_o_r_d~G_o_~"'e~~-) FIL L I._, THE Ml~SING l..ETIE~ IN I HE ''TV l>.mOS" BELOW. I I ICITIOIRI IBK>IRK?I IRIOI I ISi I IPPIR l11SI I IAI IEIRI 1 IC IKl ~::;'~i /le fftfl/J ? 11 Ii. NQ;J ~tARfA~GE THE rv• l V £.ET'f€RS You FILLED ltJ ~~ :,.-o ~ll IHE ~£~A "' :---.. 1 1''1Pe Of rv f tNft'RfAINMtNf: \ \ q i CD 11 11~ I! : Order Today -Not Available In Stores .., • ·~llOY(, J\L-')bl1;1fl'M ~ I Please Rush Me ..... "Valley T-Shlrta" At •4_70 (Add 30' ~ ~ ~~If\·~ : Salee Tax In California), Plu• •1 .00 Pos1age And Handling _ : For Each T-Shlrt Ordered. Styte: o Bltchln' O Gag Me Henry a couple of repneves, but the boys still failed t Sex: Size: Color•: D White D Yellow to make the grade and are out of business for good. : Name: ............................................................................... .. BONKERS FOR BERENGER -I really : Address: ............................................................................. .. ~~!:i~ ~= ~~u:' f1ha~~ "~eshag~ l ~1~1~ .. ~~ .. ~~·~ ~ate~~"(j"~;;~~.~,'=~;;·5;;;; .. ~, since "The Dogs of War." What eJse has he done : . '3.00 each. Mall To: 'urbl Promotion•. 4000 MacArthur and what's his next project? : Blvd .. Suite 3000. Newport Beech, Ca. 926&0 Pa1 ... 1 Per>d"'O On TV Berenger once played a role on "One --------------------------------------- Life to Live" -Timmy Siegel. who was killed off in a fall. His other films are "In Praise of Older Women," and "But.ch and Sundance: The Early Days" (as Butch Cassidy). Berenger just wrapped "Eddie and the Cruisers" on the Jersey S hore, playing the title role of an early 'tSOs rocker whoee music was ahead of its time. Send your letters to Pepper O'Brien, United Feature Syndicate, 200 Park Avenue, Room 602, New York, N. Y. 10166. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i\:cNE PnooLEMs?? • Do something GOOD for your skin .... • Call for FREE analysis! 675-0727 Babor Kosmetlk Depot •••••••••• HEADACHES1 YOU DESERV£ TO FEEL GOOD CALL 64S.5JOO For eo_,N .. •t.y Caalllllallw WESTCUFF CHllOPIACTIC OFflCI. ,, .• ...,.J.. ...... 2043 Wntclff Dr .. Wt. IOI .... ..,.... .... ' ..... c-.,..1,.. ... ....... Mo1t 1n1uran<lel Acoeciitees V2 Price On: All Sundaes Banana Splits All Ice Cream Cones All Pints & Quarts In front of K .. Mart Harbor & Wilaon, Coata Mesa Look for our ad n•at w .. ld We•re sonna c•t youl Yea we are! Every Sunday t7 r-~ ,, 1 Q. ~ > c CD c ~ !" • l----.. 28 N ( Ins/de TV ' ) ~ H~l Williams tough, ! but good-hearted ~ By JERRY BUCK UTelMWoftWrtMr ~ LOS ANGELES -Bill Cosby became a star on ~ "I Spy" and that was all the encouragement Hal ;f Williams needed to quit his job and see if he oould make it as an actor. ~ "I was working a.! a center director for the ...J antipoverty program in Columbus, Ohio," says ~ Williams, now one of the stars of CBS's "Privat.e -Benjamin." £! Williams, who plays the sergeant caught 0: between Pvt. Judy Benjamin and Capt. Doreen Lewis, felt he had reached the end of his rope. He says, "I was recently divorced and 1 was becoming more and more frustrated with my job. "I sat down and said what Is the one thing rd enjoy doing. Everybody has a secret thing. 'I Spy' was a hit and Bill Cosby was one of the stars. I told my parents it looks like black actors might be able to make it." Williams headed for Hollywood. with his three children in 1968. He gave himself three years to make it -and it took exactly that long. He was attending an acting workshop by day and working at the post office at night when he landed the role of Officer Smitty in "Sanford and Son" in 1971. He kept his job at the post office for another two years just to be sure. In "Private Benjamin," soon to enter its third season, Williams plays Sgt. Ted Ross. He and Eileen Brennan, who is Capt. Lewis, were both in the movie with Goldie Hawn. Loma Patterson now plays Julie Benjamin, the pampered aoci.alit.e who thought It would be a lark to join the Army. He got the role in the movie when be answered a casting call and auditioned for it. He says. "Goldie was there and she asked me to demonstrate bow I was going to lift her off the ground when abe was doing pushups. She Wall wonderful to work with. SheE th.e tone for the whole film. You'd never kno that ahe was also the executive producer." e was happy when he was asked to repriae the le for the series. "I never th<>URht about a series when we made the picture," he says. "I thought we'd probably do a sequel" WUUams says he has gradually altered the character of the gruff drill sergeant for the aeries. "In the film he was hard-nosed," says Wi.llia.tns. "In the series I wanted to show more compa.Mion and more about hi.a penonal life. In addition, I was the bulfer between Eileen and Pvt. Sports Highlights From Page 6 8:30(1) RACING FROM ROOSEVELT 9:00 (!) PKA FULl CONT ACT KARA TE From Prem- iere Center. Detroit, Mich. (A) ( 1 hr .. 30 min.) 10:30(!) INSIDE BASEBALL (R) 11:00(1) NASL WEEKl Y (R) CH) RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim McCarver cover all the bases !Mding to the t982 World Serles. 11 :30 (!) SPORTSCENTER 12:30(!) MU JUNIOR OLYMPICS Coverage of com- petitions In track and field. swimming, and gymnas- tics from Memphla, Tenn. (R) (3 hrs.) 3:30 (!) SPORl"SCHALLENG~ Super Bowt XII Den- iler Broncos vs. '68 UCLA Basketball Bruins (A) 4:00 (!) SPORTSCENTER Wednesday AUGUST 11, 1982 EVENING 8:00(!) AUTO RACING "IMSA GTU Race" from Lime Roek. Ct. ( 1 hr.) CB) RACE FOR THE PENNANT Barry Tompkins and Tim McCarver cover all the b8see leadlng to the 1982 WOOd Serlet. 7:00 (!) BEST Of NOTRE DAME FOOTBALL "USC • '77" (1 hr.) 7:30. HOtJ)INO THE LINE Tony Hernande% and Ann Martin ho9t a loo+c at whet'• In •tOfe fOf the 1~2 Loe AnQelee Rams footb911 teem. Including lntetVleWs with Georgia Roeenbloom. Coech Ray Ualavut, 8vrt Janee and Vince ~agamo. Actor Hal Williams came t.o Hollywood after Bill Cosby's success in "I Spy." Benjamin. Capt. Lewis frequently flaunted her authority and J knew It. The turning point for the character came when Capt. Lewis tried to stop the girls from having a party. I found the party, attended it and didn't tell her. "That's the first time the drill sergeant really sided with the recruits. Before that you only saw me sigh under my breath when Eileen did something crazy." The longer the show is on the air the more difficult it becomes to keep Pvt. Benjamin a perennial recruit. "All the characters chanRed once the girls got out of bas.ic training," says Williama. "Eileen and Lorna got cloeer together toward the end of this past season. I don't know if we'll go back to the oonflict. Capt. Lewia became the Inspector general. Benjamin got a job in her office and I became the sergeant-major. t don't have to harass the recruits anymore. Now the conllict comes from Robert 8:00 (I) SPORTSCENTER 9:00([) MU JUNIOR OLYMPICS Coverage of com- petitions In track and field. swimming, and gymnas- tics lrom Memphis, Tenn. (R) (3 hrs.) 10:46(11) BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at San Francisco Giants (3 hrs.) 12:00 (!) SPORTSCENTER 1:00(!) AUTO RACING "French Grand Prix" CR) ( 1 hr.) 2:00(1) AUTO RACING "IMSA GTU Race" from Lime Rock, Ct. (R) ( 1 hr.) 3:00~ SPORTSf!ORUM (A) 3:30 SPORTSWOMAN (A) 4:00 SPORTSCENTER Thursday AUGUST 12, 1~2 MORNING 8:00 Cl) GYMNASTICS "USGF Single Blminatlon Championships" Brian Babcock vs. Jim Hartung I Kym ~lecher va. Kathy Jonnson (R) ( 1 hr.) 7:00 (!) 8POAT8CENTER 9:00 (!) MU JUNIOR Ol YMPtC8 Cove<age of com- petlnont In track and field, swimming. and gymna~ tics from Memphlt, Tenn. (R) (3 hrs.) ~ 12:00(1) MOTOACYCt..E RACING "Daytona Supet· croee" CR) (2 tn., 30 min.) 1:06(11) BAStBALL Atttnta Bravee at San Diego Pedree {3 hta.) 2;30 (I) AU8TAA1..IAN AUlE8 FOOTBALL C&rtton va. North M.lboume (R) (1 ti( .. 30 min.) 3:30. MAKINO rr: JUM10A TENNIS IN AMERICA Teoni. Pf°'-.jol'l•ll -nd totM of the. llnelt young players In America and their parents discuss the train!!lg and commitment necessary fOf success. '4:00(E FROM THE SS-YARD LINE Action highlights trom the Cenadlen FootbaA League. 4:30i SPORTSCENTER 5:00 SPOAT8FORVM 5:30 TOP RANK BOXING Live from Nashville, Tenn. (2 hr.. 30 min.) EVENING 8:001 SPORTSCENTER 8:30 RACING FROM AOOSEVEL T ~00 AUTO RACING "French Grand Prix" (R) ( 1 ht.) 1(%00(1) AUTO RACING "IMSA GTU Race" from Lime Roek, Ct (R) ( 1 hr.) 11:00@ BASEBALL Atlanta Braves at San Diego P9d,... (3 hra.) Cl) FROM THE 66-YARO LINE Action highlights from the CaN1dian Football League. (R) 12:30(E TOP RANK BOXING From Nashville, Tenn. (R)_{2 hra., 30 min.) 3:00 (I) 81L.UARD8 Joe Balala vs. lrvlng Crane (R) ( 1 t'!Ll 4:00 (I) 8POAT8CENTER 'Facta' film set in Paris HOLLYWOOD (AP) -'The Facil of Life Ooelo'1o Parie,'' a two-hoW' movie bued upon the NBCTV •rlea, la bting produced ln Parts for future broedcMt.. The movie cmcenw 8Chool nutriUonilt J'4na Garrett, played by Charlotte Rae, who coe. to France to tnroU In • cookina .chcd. She take. alor\C tour ot her Y~J.. char1ee, played by Lt.a Whelche.l, K.1m N.mcy Mc:Keon a1xl Mlndy Coho. • 'J • f fl ., .... , , • E LEPHANTS WALK -What was balled as a spectators- invited parade turned out to be a quiet elephant walk when Ringling Bros., and Barnum & Bailey Circus unloaded its animal train 90 minutes early in Anaheim and marched ... 11m111111uc11t11111111aw1 OIU\N 1 .t < d11 N I\ <A l II OHNIA '1!> CENTS o.-y "°4 f'hoto bf htrtdl o'OcM\nell e le phants, camels and oth er assorted animals to the Anaheim Convention Center virtuall y without fanfare. One lad on bicycle did manage to take in the parade and even · joined in. Oops, s o sorry Nonparade produces chaos Dear Be.: I'm 1ure thl1 wlll appear as an incr edible display o f incompetency, but I couldn't find the herds of elephanta, hol"llell, camela and 1.lamaa that traveled the streets of Anaheim Thuraday afternoon . 1 know It doesn't appear to be a difficult task -locating 1uch an array of animab among the extremely common sites of houaea. restauranta, parking lots an d cars. But I arrived on time for the Ringling Broe. Barnum and Bailey circus parade that should have begun at 4 p.m. However, the cavalcade instead embarked in its march to the Anaheim Convention Center at 2:30 p .m. This left me and countless others wandenng and wondenng. The early unannounced starting tame, together with erroneously advertised parade routes, evoked chaos resembling a three-ring circus. Ooops! Well, I apologize for the absent elephant riding article that otherwise would have appeared in today's paper Even though the Greatest Show on Earth wasn't the most organized show on Earth for Thursday's street parade. performers and anunals will exh1b1t their rehearsed acts at the convenllon center through Monday, Aug 16, unless they decide t0 l~ave early. Your obedien t servan t, PAMELA STEINRIEDE TV no-deal expensive FV man owes $7,000 though games off By PHIL SNEIDERMAN Of the Dally Piiot llaff Fountain Valley businessman Roy Englebrecht w1U have t.O pay . $7,000 for the right t.o prt'SC'nt six high school footbalJ gamt.'S over cable te levision this fall even though not a single one of those games now will be telc..•v1sed Charles Hess. the Huntington Beac h Un i o n High Sch ool D1 str1ct's assistant supenntendent for businC'SS, said the district will hold Englebrecht to his contract even though his cable deal for the l'ommg season has collapsed Hess sa1d the contract contains no "escape clause .. covenng thlS contingt:-ncy "He knew that when h<' signed the t'Ontract, .. Hess said Meanwhile, Englt"brc<:ht says he only signed with tht' district after h e'd rel'e1ved verbal assura n ces from D1 t'k1nson Pac1f1l' Cablesystems that the firm would telecast the fall football games to subscribers who would pay an addauonal fee. &>cause the cable company has now backed out for th1S season, Englt!brt'<'ht is hoping to convince the firm to help pay the sum he still owes the school d1Str1ct On July 13. district trustees County nia y lift ban on daytinie surfing Orange Coast surfers may get a big break Crom the county next we l'k when supervisor s will c o nsid er lifti n g surf ing restrictions o n county owned beaches New regulations C'ould wash away the county's 11 a m to 5 p.m ban on surfmg at Sunset Beach, All.so Beach , Niguel (Salt Creek) Beach and the Santa Ana River beach Ins tead , li feguards w ould allow sur fing all day o n all secuons of the beach unless they determin e the arC'a as too crowded with swimmers S ince th£> earlv 1970s. the county has restrictt•d surfing hours and limited surfing to small ll('('tlons of the beaches to keep the sport from dangerously interfering with swimmers During crow ded days . lifeguards also have ordered surfers out o f the designated areas, virtually el1m1nat1ng surfing on many hot summer days. However, John Mosqut>da , superv1Sing park ranger for the county. said that on overcast days the beaches are prac t1 cally unused m the afternoons because surfers a r c• banned bv the regulallons He said the new regulations would conform with policies employed by tht> c1t 1cs o f Hunt10gto n Beach, Newpo r t Beach and Laguna Beach. In COUNTY those c1t1 es. surfers are only orderl'<i out of the water when the bt>aches ar e crowded with sw1mmer.:1. "Black ball" yellow and black tSee SURFING, Page AZI Valley plans r e duction of s treetlig hts Fountain Valley will find itself with 269 fewer strecthghts on its arterial streets as a rC'sult of a lighting reduction authorized by the City Council Although a reduction m city lighting standards and the removal of the hght poles were ;ust approved th1S w(.'{'k by the counc1l , city officials say 240 of the targeted lights already are gont' Public works d irector Wayne Osbor n e says a program to reduce local streethghtmg costs was begun last year with the council's knowledge He said the council's action Tuesday was done to put the city in a stronper positmn in the event a laws uit is ever flied by an acc·adent or crime victim cla1rrung the city's streets are unsafe. (See VALLEY, Page A%) Tustin m an Bible smuggler A Tusun man operates an above-board smuggling n"g -he sneaks Bibles into communist countries where religion is repressed. Page Bl. Business promotions told News of promotions, acquisitions and n e w product8 involving Orange County businesses appears on Page B4. Bluegrass pioneer in area Bill Monroe, pioneer and father of bluegrass music, will bring h is band, The Bluegrass Boys, to the Crazy H orse Steak Hou se fo r a on e -n ig hter. Weekender. Snoopy star of ice show Snoopy, that World War I flying ace and star of Knott's Spectacular on Ice, ii a female called 'Pepe.' Weekender Cover. .. approved the contr act with Englebrecht, gtvmg him the nght to cablecast six games involving the district's schools for $7 ,000 The F'ounta1n V alley busmc·ssman has the rights for 1983 games also, although the fee has not yet been det.ennmed. With this contract an hand, Englebrecht met again with executives of Dickinson Pacific Cablesystems. which provides c able televisio n se r vice to Huntington Beach , F ountain Valley and Westminster. three c1t1es represented by district football teams. A week ago. however, the cable company d ecided not to accept Englebrecht's proposal, saying there was insufficient time to plan the innovative programming. School district officials then informed the businessman they c:ons1dered the contract still bmdmg and expected to rect>a ve the $7.000 pledged by Englebrecht "I'll be happy to pay the d1stnct because we have a signed t'Qntract." he said thi4 wet.>k. He added that he does not want to .ieopard1u hl.S relations with the school d1Str1ct because he hopes t.o a rrange the football cablecasts next season Englebrecht 1s n ego tiating with Cablesyst.ems to de t.ermme 1f that firm will absorb some of the contract fee for the games that wiU not now be televised. "l don't thmk I should be stuck with the entire $7,000,'' he said. But EngJebrecht added that he hop<-s to remain on good tenns with the cable company to pave the way for the football telecasts he wa nts to offer next season Breed e r Re a c tor building OK'd WAS HlNGTON CAP) The Nuclear Regulatory Comm1ss1on has given the Re aga n administration the go-ahead to star t const ruc tio n o f the controversial Cli nc h River Breeder Reactor in Tennessee. The NRC's 3-1 vote Thursday to waive its basic rules was hailed by Shelby Brewer, an assistant energy secretary, a s "a watershed event" that will e nabl e the natio n 's first plutonium-fueled power plant to begin operating in 1989. SPORTS BOMBING VICTIMS REMEMBERED - Residents of Hiroshima. Japan, pray in front of memorial tower for victims of atomic bomb drop that took place 37 years ago today An APWlrepMto estimated 45,000 participated in the memorial service. Nearly 100 staged a sit-in at Hiroshima Peace park to protest a nuclear bomb test Thursday m the United States. Judge Soden's recall sought Proteste r s sa y HB brothe r s' rape sente n ce too le nie nt By DA VIO KUTZMANN 01 the Dally Pilot Slaff Demonstrators g a the red signatures Thursday m front of the Orange County Courthouse m Santa Ana to protest as too lenient Superior Court Judge Mark A &>den's sentencing of two brothers last mo nth for rapm~ a deaf mute gtrl. About 40 picketers marched in Cron t of the 11 -story courth ouse as king passers-by to sign the peuuons, which express "disgust and 1nd1gnatlon at the outrageous actions and comments .. of Judge &>den The JUr1st , wh o lives 1n Newport Beach, was reported on vacation until Monday. Organizers o f the demonstration said they are in the beginning st.ages of mounung a recall drive against &>den. "ThlS 1s not a perso nal vendetta against Judge &>den," said Annee DellaDonna, 19, a pre-Jaw student at Cal State, Long Beach. "What we're against is what he's doing in his professional life " The demonstration was the THERE'S A CATCH -Last-place Twins continue to give the Angels fits, winning their third game in {our o u tings this week in Anaheim a n d e n ding Lui s T iant's come bac k d ebut a fter two innings. Details on Page C l. second in Jess than a month against the judge. Soden in late June sentenced two brothers from Huntington Beach. Phillip 21 , and Randall Maldonado, 25, to 12 years in state prison for raping a deaf Edsel fans celebrate DEARBORN. Mich . (AP) - Owners of the Ford Ed.sci, proud of their cars even though its name came to symbolize failure, are gathering here to t'elebrate the 25th anniversary of the ill- fated model. The F.dsel was named for the only son of the compan y's founder, Henry Ford. The car as considered en antique and an E.dsel is on display at the Henry Ford Museum, near a h o te l where 100 cars ha ve been brought for the weekend by the F.dsel Car Owners Club, which has members in the United St.ates. Canada and nine foreign countries INDEX mute girl Crom Los Alam.ito6. The prosecutor in the case had c alled the attack on the 14 -year -o ld victim a lmost unprecedent~ in its cruelty The gtrl. who testified through a sign language interpreter in court, said she was repeatedly raped dunng a five-hour ordeal. The Maldo nados' unc l e, Gilbert Aguilera, 36, of Huntingt o n B e ach , was sentenced to 44 years in st.ate prison by Superior Court Judge Al1cema rie Stotler for participaung m the attack. The Maldonados could have been imprisoned for 144 years each. But &>den said he believed they deserved a second chance because it was a first offense for both The p rosecution had recommended minimum 63-year pnson terms. O rganize r s of Thursday's demonstration said they have already gathered sever al thousand signatures. The petitions will be sent to var ious o fficia ls , inc luding Atto rney General George (See SENTENCE. Page AZ) At Your Service Soatina A4 C4 B4-:> A7 Ann Landers Movies A7 Weektnder 84 A3 C7-8 Business Cavalcade Classified Comics Bob G reene era.word Death Notices Editorial Entertainment Gardening Horoecope Intermillion C8,Dl-6 C6 A7 C6 C7 A6 Weekender 0 A7 Weekender NATION Mutual Funds National News Public Notices Restaurant review Sports Dr. Stetncrohn Stock Marketa Television Theatera WMther World Newa Weekender Cl-:> A7 B5 TV Log Weekender A2 A3 Dodgers rally in showdown Seven buckl for three alice9 of bread? One grand for juat one blueberry? Bob Greene, an old band at hqtel room .ervtce, aaya it'• been known to happen. Paae A7. Down to their last out, the Dodgers rallied to beat Atlanta in 10 l.nnJ.n,p in the opener of a showdown eertes in Loe Anplea. Page Cl. • I I T ALLEY LIGHTS 01borne maintained that 1httn1 alone the ctty•a main ta II atill at a Mfe litY9l. But elbninadon ot 2et unmeded Ill will MW the cfty $30,000 ually, he Mid. , None of the Uahtt ta on a dential street, he said. The public worka director said t during Fountain Valley's 1fP'OW1h rrtod, dewlopen were :r equire to instaU numerou1 ltreetllghta neu their projllctll. The result, he saicl, wu that ome major streets were so ,brightly muminat-4 tbat • rrnotorlst could drive at tllaht ~thout headlights. But • the t of electrtdty hM lncreMed, e city no longer can afford IUCh cesslve lighting, Osborne Mid. In addition to removtna 240 of lhe targeted lights, the dty a1llO 1;~s switched from mercury vapor bulb• to more ener1y emctent hJah pnmu.re eodlum. Abo, the tllwninalian letel ot remalal•I 1treetU1'hi. w11 dimmed. Oabome ..W .._ ltell9 halve saved the c:Jt)' en ·addlUon1l $130,000 per )WU'. Oaborne uld City Hill h .. received~ no oomplainta from re1ldenta reaard.!::J the rnilllnl lttll•t1W>ta. lt. • four homeownett oc:r6'ned •bout the remoY9l ol pole b.mu. It had "!:'~nat•d their backyardi. ~ belltwd waa a cl•t•r en' a1alnat' burglari• . The public worka dtrector aaid the remalnlns 29 taraeted streetliahta along Hell Avenue and Bushard Street wlll be removed within the next three years. SENTENCE PROTESTED. • • Deukmejian, Gov. Jerry Brown and Orange County District Attorney Cicil Hicks. M1~ DellaDonna said much of the support for the protest and recall effort is coming from angry ci tizens in L os Alam! t os, Fountain Valley, Corona de! Mar and Irvine. A auccesaf\U recall effort would reqwre 82,000 signatures. However, it is too late to qualify for the November ballot. Recall pe titions have not yet been circulated. SURFING R ULES • e • flags are raised at lifegua rd towers to get the surfers out of the water in crowded conditions. Mosqueda said. . "During the month of June we had a lot of cool weather and it didn't make sense to restrict the surfers when there was no one e lse on the beach," Mosqueda sald. "It was a difficult regulation for the lifeguards to e nforce when beaches w ere nearly vacant." Court OKs Pac-Man book C HICAGO (AP) -Video-the latest Pac-man llterature Rame fans who like to gobble up have won a round out or the Bradley campaign ready for TV LOS ANGELES (AP) Mayor Tom Bradley will launch his broadest advertising campaign tonight in his race for California governor, a month or roore ahead of his rival. Attorney George Deukrnejian. arcade and in the courtroom. Pac-Man players can keep rea ding "How to Win a t Pac-Man," a book that tells them how to get the most for their money, a court ruled. U.S . District Judge John F . Grady said the book was "clearly superior" to books licensed by the game's maker, Midway Manufacturing Co. Midway had sought to enjoin the sale and recall the book. near 10% W ASHINOTON (A.P) -The n1Uon'1 unemplo1ment rate puabed '*-' '° the 10 percent Wv.l In July, httd.na 9.8 percent, tbe hlfhe1t ln ff yHre, the ~t reported today. '11he JoblH1 raw had held nearly ·~ u tbe NCeM!on cond.riued th.rOup the 1P11DC -~ only ~ 9,4 pel'C)9nt ln April to 9.5 Pfl'Olftl ln May and June. But -today•1 Labor De~tment report wu filled ~~=-tol0.6 percent In CaUfomla In July, well above the l"Ationwtde rate, state offtc:iala Mid today. The seuonally adjuated rate for the state ro1e from 9 .3 percent ln June and 7.3 percent' In July 1981, said Fred D . Bre nner, aasocl at~ regional admlnlstr~tor for the state's Employment Developm e nt Department. ln July, the report said, about 10.8 million Americans were officially unemployed -actively looking for jobs but not finding them -about 360.000 more than in June. About 1.5 million more have given up, the government reported last month. July's jobless rate for adult males, who make up the bulk of the nation's blue-collar workers, roee to 8.8 percent, a post-World War ll record. Unemployment for blacks held steady at 18.5 percent. although the jobless rate for b lack teen-agers declined slightly to 49.7 percent from June's 52.6 percent. Unemployment rates rose 0.3 percentage point to 8.7 percent for whites and to 8.4 percent for adult women of all races. The current overall job!~ rate is already the highest since the 9.9 percent for all of 1941 at the end of the Great Depression. Unemployment hasn't been over 10 percent since the 14.6 percent of 1940. In the last 13 m onths, the unemployme nt rate has risen from 7.2 percent to 9.8 percent, said the govern m e nt 's commissioner of labor statistics. Janet Norwood. Hani111er believed beating weapon Orange police officials aa1a today that a hammer ma1 have been used by Billy Ray Bryant, 30, t o beat his wife, T r isha Bryan t two days ago. blows allegedly inflicted by her husband. Bryant appare ntly shot a nd killed John Brooks, 29, and then fata ll y w o unded himsefl Wednesday. according to Orange police officials. investigation, sparked a five- hour stakeout at the Bryants; Orange apartment on Wednesday. Mrs. Bryant , 27, is in fair condition in the intensive care unit of the UC Irvine Medical Center after s uffering head injuries due to the numerous T h e Incident, still under Their 3-year-old daughter was safely taken from the scene after police found her in the house with the bodies and a loaded shotgun 1 Con~tnl Over the outer w•t•rt lrom P04nt Concec>tlon to San Ntcol• 1s1eno northwesle¥tnds 10 to 18 knoll S..a 4 to 8 feet. Ei.ewi-e wtnda weet to '°"'"-' 10 10 18 knot• attemoon Sout"-1 ...-1 to 2 !Mt F~ecut mostly t.W. u ... 4'. su111n1ary Heavy lhunderatorma were .cattered In perta of the South. tM Plalna and the SouthWMI !Oday. white , .... Soutr.ut l\ad '°' Md haze Showert and lhundentorm9 'tonllnuecl In lhe aou111ern ....., IJf 11119 mkl·Mlaaoufl Velley. ~ : Alabam•. t outhweal Geortl•. ·1nor1hem Olltal>Oma. cantral ~ 'Oako ta. thrOIJ9h nortti.ul .._ ~Mexico Into aout-1 Amon.. I Sk ... _. mostly C'-In mllCft , of lhe GrMI Buln aoc:I Ille Pedllc Nonh-t : The for.CHI oelll f~ .,,_.. 1and lhunder1torma from th• f aouthern Atlantic CoHI 10 lh• : tower and mld ·MIPIMIPl)4 Vallfty, • and In Arizona. It wlll be 9Vnny ,e!Mwh«• ~ Temi>«aturn around the n.uon 'oefor• dewn ranglld from &t In Alpena. Mich . and Houlton. M alne, to 9e In Phoenix. Al1t I The Nattonal WN!tl« ~ ~MY9 Southem Celfomle'• ....... •ahould be hC>I Seturday wltll • ~c:tl-Of afternoon and -- dM«t •r-Hlgha Mii '81198 ,..om 92 Ill L.oe Sunny days Blrmlnghm Blamerck 9olM Boat on 8rownav1111 ButtalO 9urtlng1on CQPel' Charlsln SC Chat19tn WV Cher11te NC Cheyenne Chicago Cincinnati C.._..,and Ctmbla SC COlumbua Oal·Ft Wlh Ceylon Denver 0.. M04ne9 OetrOlt Duluth El Paeo Fa1go Flaigatan OrMI Fllllt Hartfo<d Helena HonokiN Houaton lndnaptl• Jadtan MS J ec:tc .,, Ytle Kana Ctty KnoxvMi. LH VeQH Lttlle Rock Loulavili. Lubbock Memphla Mlemt MllweukM Mpi.-S1.P N..,,,,.. NwOr'IMnt .... Y0'1l NofM4ll No "-l1e Ollie Qty OrNllllt Oflllndo '9lfledpNa l'tloenl• PlltM>utgh 91 71 Tt 92 82 92 59 82 es 97 75 15 sa 75 S4 92 58 89 74 84 71 80 N 84 55 01 78 87 12 88 72 80 ee 87 64 92 15 87 100 74 87 17 aa eo .02 ea n n N 76 57 911 71 04 t2 .. 7t 56 M 53 90 83 90 57 to n " " to ,. 01 t3 74 11 71 M 74 .03 12 70 .03 t04 10 ee n 17 73 .23 94 19 9& IO 17 t2 7t • 1& 71 M .OS tt et IO 81 M 92 n t2 n .II IO 74 .. 11 .. 71 17 10 tO 74 .. 72 10I 10 .. . 78 52 .. 59 83 .. 01 ft 70 02 19 49 90 74 94 59 100 70 78 57 97 73 .. 96 N 74 05 87 75 . to 70 53 ae &a ae 12 22 93 72 M 77 .'<I 100 13 CAM.ADA ~'IOl~h 71 50 78 48 Mont1'9111 73 && Ott.-53 Aeglf-.. 14 59 T Of'°"'O 70 67 y__. ee IO WlnnlOeo 82 .. ti~• In mountlllrt ri ~Mge!M. lo 1CM In 0-.a Vf/lltly, In ""flllllll'!'-----•Jioi.. __________ _ ~he eot In mountain ....... lromM ~~ to toe 1n northern ~ 10 1Clt • • t;~~§:~~:E~ ·. ·. -~ ... IUlf RIP8T tnlghl an<I morning hourt. ·'..c _ beoon>lng ~erly It '° to 18 1cnot• during 1tie efternoefl w11t1 I a Me>-2-IOOI aout'-1 IWlll. Noni-I ""'* OOUld ~ to J knot• durlng the •fternoott wfltl 4-IC>+fool -farther 1'-IO mllM offth<w• lrom Sant• "°9e ltland Temperature• ' ............ 11 N NN .... ., 11 . .. 11 • 101 14 10 n ~ .., 1.;!fl 24 2·1 t·J 24 2 14 ,_, 14 2~ 24 24 14 14 14 ...... T.-... 11 ea 70 70 'l'O 70 70 70 ~ 70 70 .. .. .. TOM0""0W'I TIOl8: tfltfl 11:0t '·"'· Low 1:40 a.M. 1-.11 ~~. Extended weather SOUTHERN C ALIFORN IA COASTAL A N O MOUNTAIN AREAS -Fair all ... ue91>I pwtly Cloudy 1r1 tl\e mount•lrl• wflh • """ afternoon a nd evening thunder ahowera. Patchy early morning low clOlld• nMr the cout. High• mid to upper 70t at Iha beac:llM to 95 10 10& In valleyl. mountain• In lhe 10.. Lowt eot coeatal .,._ to 60I and OOt In IM mount•ln• Smog Tl\e Alf Qu_,lty Man~1 Ol•lrtel precAcw unhMllfltul llM queltty Frtdey In ITIOl1 .,_of !tit Sou1h Cou1 llr Bain. with OOod air forecHI only for lh• lltofl dM«1 and Big 8-Lak• ~ Un'-lthful air It forecat fOr •veryone In lhe Rlvertld ... IM Bem.,dlno .,.._ wllh • Poflutent Slan<lard ln6ek of 24&. A PSI of 2 .. 0 la predloled for th• l•n Gabriel and Pomona 11.atevs. Where fo call (toll lrM) tor 1a1ee1 wnoe WOl'TM11on: Of-ioe county: (IOO) 445-aaH Loa AngefH ~ounly: (800) 242-4022 ,._.,. a,Mt San .......,...'° oounn.: (IOO) :Je7"47t0 AOMO lSlllOde Cettler. tlOO) 1 .. 2 ...... Tides TODAY 8eooncl low 4:3t p.m. t. 1 leconcl hlOfl 10;'42 p.m. u IAT\MDAY '"' low 8:40 Lift. 0.0 l'lr'lt lllafl 1l!OI p.m. 4.1 leoond' tow 1111 p.m. I. 1 • l900flltl lllOfl 11: 17 p.111. ..... ...,, .... lodtly .. 7:4t ""'" rtlea~ltlMa.191. Moon""' 1odey. t;1? p.m., .... ..,,..... .. ,.~ .. '"· LUXURY HOTEL PROTECTED -Jogger is blocked from passing by Del Monte Hyatt Hotel on Monterey Peninsula struck by hotel and restaurant workers. Buaboya, bellhops. .., .......... : waiters and bartenders have walked out of six : major hot.els and restaurants on the penlnaula : and intended to extend picket lines to 16 other : area establisjments today. : Beirut assault continues. Israel spurns U.S. call to give up gains By The A11oclated Pro11 Is raeli jets a nd gunboats bombarded guerrilla-held west Beirut t oda y a f ter Prim e Minister Menach em Begin's government refused U.S . and U.N. demands to give up military gains in the P LO stronghold. One seven-story building was demolished by t he warplanes The Palestine L iberation Organizatio n said 250 people were e ither killed or wounded, but Red Cross rescue teams said 10 were killed and 25 wounded in the strike. As resc ue w ork ers du~ Wieder asks • moratorium on roof ban Supervisor Harriett Wieder is asking that the Orange County Board of Supervisors delay an ordinance requiring thot fire re tardant material be used on all new roofs. Citizens in the unincorporated community of Rossmoor will be put to undue trouble because of the ban, Wieder said in a letter to her fellow board members. Before the ordinance went into e ffect on July 8. contractors canvassed the Rossmoor area urging h omeowners to reroof their houses with less costly non-retardant material. A local newspaper inaccurately reported the deadline for obtaining permits to build untreated roofs. Citizens who acted on this information found that the ban already had taken effect. Wied e r is asking for a moratorium on the ban from Sept. 20 until Oct. 15. During this time, homeowners could obtain the untreated roof permits. Supervisor Ralph Clark o pposes the delay. Clar k proposed the ban in April after an Anaheim fire left l,500 people homeless in his district. through the rubble, a car packed with explosives blew up about 25 yards away from the building, killing f ive p eo pl e. cor respondents reported. No group claimed responsibility for the car bomb. "We hope to oersuade our Amer ican-friends that U.S . mediator Philip C . Habib's efforts will collapse unless there is a credible military option," I sraeli Foreign M i n istry spokesman Avi Pazner said tn Jerusalem. . i:raeli officials said they had ! not been formally notified of the : PLO's latest proposal, whereby : the guerrillas would evacuate : Beirut w ith in 15 days of the : arrival o f an in ternational · peacekeeping force. . "Unless we see indjcationa on ; the ground that the PLO is read~ : to leave. we remain skeptical, ' . said a n Israeli o fficial in : Jerusalem. ''Until now , all we ; have heard are words and more '. words and we don't believe them : any more.'' · • antique sho~s planned Art and antique exhibits and a beck-to-school fashion show are planned during August at the Huntington Center shopping mall, 7777 Edinger Ave., H untington Beach. An art comp e tition fo r young people will be he ld Wednesday through Sunday A grand prize w il l be awarded at 2 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 15. •Mtcbael 8 . McCalllster, exec utive dir ector of Huntington Intercommumty Hos p ital in Hu nting t on Beach. has accepted the volunteer post of chairman of the professional division of the 1982-83 United Way of W est Orang e County campaign. This United Way group provides fund s for 33 An antique exhibit and sale will take place Thursday through Sunday, Aug. 12-15. Oils. watercolors, graphics and other creations will be included in an art show running Thursday through Sunday. Aug. 19-22. Back-to-school fashions shows will be presented at 7:30 p.m. Fnday, Aug. 27, and at l and 3 p .m . Saturday, Aug. 28. community service agencies serving Huntington Beach , Fountain VaJley. Garden Grove. Westminster and Seal Beach. The profes5ional division will contact doctors, dentists, attorneys. accountants and other prof~iona.b as part of Lhe fund-raising campaign thaL begi n s in mid - September. AMLING'S Newport Nursery and Garden Center POTTERY SALE 20% OFF ALL • POTTERY & SAUCERS • REDWOOD CONTAINERS •BARRRS • STRAW BASKETS • POTTING SOIL • WIRE BASKETS 1500 1111 c1111 bwy • nawporl bucll ~ ~ 844-9510 ~ I I i STATE Bill ·would bar pound pets for research SACRAMENTO (AP) -State Senate Preeident Pro Tem David Roberti eaya he hal won a victory for ~e animal loven: His bill to prohibit the uae of pound animala for reMU'Cb haa cleared the upper h<>Ule. Thursday's 21-14 vote aent Robertl'a SB1438 to the ~bly, I The bW oouJd result 1n fina o! \.Ip to $500 for poul\Cb or an1mal aheltera that provide an1malt to~ tedlities. However, pound an1mall wi\hout collan, tap, liceJ'\lles or other form of identification ~d be used for IW'gical Instruction at medical or veterinary achool.a. Medfly 'eradicated' in northern 'area LOS GATOS (AP) -State and federal officials today. planned to declare that Mediterranean fruit flies have been eradicated in a 320-aquare-mile area of Santa Cruz and Santa Clara counties. "We have had intensive trapping in these areas, but no medfly has been found there since Oct. 19, 1981," aooording to Glen Lee, a U.S . Department of Agriculture official in Washington. The declaration means a quarantine on the shipment of fruit and vegetables from that area will be lifted. Brown joins lawsuit against gas firm WASHINGTON (AP) -California Gov. F.drnund Brown Jr. has joined a suit against a natural gas firm, claim.ing that a court ruling could set a precedent coating California conaumen $200 million annually. The suit by New York, Arizona and the federal Energy Regulatory Commission against Mid-Louisiana Gas Co. is pending in the U.S. Supreme Court. The court la not expected to WORLD decide until October whether it 'win review the <*e. The Mid-Louisiana case involves the technlcal question of whether the transfer of natural gas from wells to biplanes owned by the same firm constitutes a sale. But the ruling on whether that is a sale affect.a bow that natural gas may be priced under the Natural Gas Polley Act of 1979. ,iexico floating its weakened currency MEXICO CITY (AP) -Running out of dollars for the second time in six months, the Mexican government today freed its weakening peso to float to a sharply devalued level in free trading. But it set a preferential exchange rate for aome importers and debtors. (Related story, B4) The two-tiered exchange system, unprecedented here, was announced Thursday night. It ls aimed at halting a speculative run on Mexico's central bank reserves while protecting consumers from higher prices for imported food and some companies from an increase in the peso value of their dollar debts. Italian Socialist Party resigns post ROME (AP) -The Socialist Party resigned today from the five-party government coalition, a m ove that could bring down Italy's 4lat ,,ustwar Cabinet. A brief s1atement released after a caucus of party leaden said the seven Socialist rninisten in the 28-member Cabinet had notified the presidenta of the other parties in Parliament by letter that they had resigned. It Mid the ministen had resigned becauae the government had lost a vote on part of its austerity plan in Parliament. U.S. envoys barred from Moscow beach MOSCOW (AP) -The government has banned American diplomata and the families from a Moscow River swimming hole in retaliation for a New York town's decision to bar Soviet diplomats from its beaches and tennis courts, the U.S. Embassy said today. An Embassy spokesman declined to discwla the action in detail. But a State Department source in Washington called it "a further escalation of the whole restriction game ... They NATION restrict and then we restrict and then they restlict.'' The ban on Nikolina Gora Beach, in a wooded area 18 miles west of Moecow where many members of the ruling elite have summer homes, was relayed to a senior American diplomat Thursday by the Agency for Diplo~c Services, which handles rental of recreational fad.llties to foreigners, the spokesman said. Higher taxes a 'price we had to pay' WASHINGTON (AP) -President Reagan. who says he had to swallow hard before calling for higher taxes, is having little luck convincing aome coll8e1"Vative allies in the HoWle to help him win a $98.9 billion election-year tax increase. A tax boost is the "price we had to pay" to win further spending cuts in a campaign to reduce interest rat.es, Reagan said in a letter to colwnni5t John Lofton, which was the subject of a copyrighted story in today's Washington 'l'imes. Reagan recalled the coalition of House· Republicans and conservative Democrats that produced major tax and spending victories last year. "We found we could not put lash year's coalition together again unless we agreed to some increases in revenue," he wrote. Manufacturer recalls arthritis drug WASHINGTON (AP) -The manufacturer of Oraflex, an arthritis drug, wh09e sales have been halted worldwide because of safety concerns, says consumers returning their medication will be given refund.a. The Food and Drug Admlni3tration said Eli Lilly and Co. began recalling supplies of Orafle~ on Thursday, a day after the Indianapolis-based pharmaceutical company suspended sales and distribution. The once-a-day medication has been ·8880ciated with 61 deaths in Britain and 11 in the United States, as well as a range of side effects. ~=:: ... ....., .. ~ T °"' Murptllne ..... =.,~ IQNll If ~ l(.n Goddertt ~·~ =.....,......., Tom MoCenn ............ ' ........... '"" ........... CltHlfted ectv.rttafng 7141142-Mn All ottt.r depertm.nts 142-4321 MAIN OFFICE Dt WHt 89\' St .. C..W MIN, CA. INN...,_, Boa ls.cl, C .... ~.CA.,... c...,rlOM NI 0.-.... C... l'Wtl ..... ~. ... MWS""""' lllllltr-1, -..nel ....... .. ·~llMl'MMI _...., _,, .. ~ .. wltNut' -··· ,..,.,. ........ 'C,...,._ __ VOL. 75, NO. 211 House· rejects nuclear freeze WASHINGTON (AP) Pretident Reagan aays the Hou.e of Repreatnattlvea' dramatic rejection of a nuclear weapons freeze J>rop<>Nl "alpals tb the Soviet Union" America'• 1Upport for h.ls arms control policy . In a blow to the nuclear freete movement, the Hou se voled 204-202 -.alnat the reaolutlon Thunday liJaht by aui.ttwttna a Reagan-bac'ked meuure ttiat makea no mention of a frtiellt but inatead aupporta U.S .-Sovl.t neaouauona now undm' way In Geneva to reduce lfnlf.e86c amw . .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.....;.----.~ We're ·Listening ••• What do you Uke about 'the Dally Piiot? What don't )'OU Uke? Call the num~ below and your m•••at• wUI be recorded, transcribed ancl dtllvt'red to th. ap~rtate editor. The same M·hour an1werh11 H{vlce may be •td to tffOl'd let· lers to the edlt9r 'On any topic. MIUJbox contributor• muat lndudt• their name and tetephone numbtt for vertflcaUon. No clteulatJon cali., ple.ue. Tell tat~··• Y*' mlt14. · • CHANGE OF COMMAND -With a huge American flag serving as a backdrop, change- of-command ceremonies were conducted aboard the carrier Constellation. From left, Capt. Dennis Brooks, the ship's skipper; Adm. James Watkins, chief of naval operations; Vice Adm. Robert Schoulti, outgoing command~ Pacific Fleet Naval Air Force; Rear Aclnf. Crawford Easterling, who is relieving him; Adm. Sylvester Foley, commander-in-chie~I U.S. Pacific F1eet; and Cat. William Willlonh Navy chaplain. Welfare f rand nipped ,., Crackdown in county saves $11.6 million I I Supervisor Roger Stanton says a welfare fraud crackdown in Orange County baa prevented $11.6 million in benefits from being paid to welfare cheaters in 17 months. The success of the program, Stanton said Thursday, has sparked interest at the state and federal levels. The Fountain Vall e y supervisor, who has been the fraud prevention program's chief advocate, told reporters he was sched uled to leav e for Washington D.C. today for a week's meetings with House and Senate subcommittee staff members. He made the announcement during a press conference in Anaheim at wh ich GOP gubernatorial candidate George Deukmejian and District Attorney Cecil Hicks voiced s upport for the so-called "Welfare Fraud Early Detecticm/ Prevention Program." According to figures released by Stanton, the 17-month-old program has presented welfare cheaters from collecting $629,395 in county funds; $5, 198,337 in state monies, and $5,827,732 in federal funds. That amounts to $11,655,464 that might have been paid to applicants who submitted fraudulent forms, Stanton said. The county disburaes all welfare funds. The cost of the program is $747 ,000, which means the government spends 11 cents to save a dollar, the supervisor said. The detection program emphasizes the use of fraud • investigators in welfare br~ offices throughout the countT, rather than having them all, work in Santa Ana. '. • l l) Thia makes it easier for eligibility workers -wh~ suspect an applicant 09 s ubmitting false forms -to immediately have an investigator check it. .:,.. Deukmejian, the state attome¥ general, lauded the prosram fol preventing the d efauding of taxpayers. He said welfartt cheaters were not being given the chance to get. their hands on money before the fraud i~ detected. Hicks also touched on this point, saying all too often welfare fraud is uncovered after th~ money is disbursed and spent by' recipients. County landniark issue due Ownership of Santa Ana ·courthouse to be discussed .. By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL \ 0( tM Delly "°' le.ft Negotiations are .cheduled to begin in earnest n~xt week i.O determ ine whether Orange County government or the state will own the old county courthouse in Santa Ana. Scott Morgan and Dan Miller. two aides to county Supervisor Roger Stanton, will travel to Sacramento on Tuesday to discuss the issue. with aides to Amlemblyman Richard Robinson, D-Santa Ana. Robinaon is carrying legislation that would permit the state to take over the historic, tum-of- t h#-cen tury courthouse and c<t"tvert it to house a new diviaion of the state 4th District Court of Appeal. But that bill likely would be dropped lf a.ides for Stanton and Robinson are successful in working out an alternate agreement under which the county would retain ownership of the building and lease a portion of it to the at.ate. Morgan said Robinson, his current bill notwithstanding. is not opposed to the county retaining ownership of the red sandstone building. County supervisors ~ntly set aside funds that could be used to renoyate the building and make it earthquake safe. Cost estimates have ranged as high as $3 million for that work. Stanton has argued Lhe county should keep possession of the building so that it could reap revenue from a lease with the state. He also has suggested that 90me of the space m.lght be made available to Orange County historical groups. Under ternlS of Robinaon's bill, the s tate would acquire the building without pa ying compensation to the count~. Morgan said he was opfunl.stic ·' an alternate plan accept.able to both the county and the atai,, could be worked out during next, week's meetings. , Legislation ~ed into law iD, 1981 created an Orange County division of the appeals court. N~ justices have been appointed, however, because of a lawsuit contesting the legislation. The case is pending in the stat~ Supreme Court. In other court matters, the Senate Judiciary Corrunittee baa sent to the Senat e Financ~ Committee a bill that would add three addi tlonal posi tlona to th , county's 50-member superior: court bench. It would alao add a' seventh judge to the aix-memberi bench in North Orange County: Municipal Court. ; The bill alao would pennit u.e; of municipal court Cacllitiea for: superior court matters if 4.1 majority of superior court Judgeel d e termined 'such use wa•• neceaaary. • SPECIAL PURCHASES! Dawn "l1rl11 lornin1" Grey ~lat, Dynasty - Green, Mint Jullp Rec. $27" Sale $ l 6951nst. li11l1w •••olal 2-1011 Heavy Nylon Plush Gotden Cheatnl;lt Re1. •25• Sale $15 951nst. . . W1lt1n us1a ll1v11" Nylon WI Scotchguard Autumn Natural Rec. $18" S• $14 95 1nst. Eta11 I llaok l•Htia Anso IV Nylon Dark Brown Re1. •2011 Sale $} 595 ... ,. S~T OF THE MATl'ER, DEPT.-For some hapless paUenta, there 1eema no more grueeome experience than ~ting your family medic and being told you need an ln- )ection. u,h! Invanably, the shot you are about to get is going to be pdministered ln the seat of the pants. Without any pants to How well your corre- , (;';) protect you. 1 • f& spondent remembers the t /.':<a'\ last visit to the doc in La-Jll IURPHllf ~ft guna Beach when he gent-,~ ly informed me-that I needed medicinal aid via a needle in the bottom. He was, however, a man of sensitivity ~ compassion. He was not about to administer a shot in the tail-end. He left the room and made his nurse do it. "IF YOU'LL JUST lower those for a moment," she said gently, "we'll have this over with in a jiffy." I lowered and she plunged. That was the last moment that anything gentle happened. "Yiili!" I screamed. "Mercy! That needle must be nine int:hes long." Somehow, of course, we all seem to n:p>ver from these pointed experiences with medical science. · Now, however, new intelligence has come to the question of bottom shots. You may have missed the news item, squeei.ed in between war, pestilence and economic woe. THE STARTUNG and ghastly news came out of the New England Journal of Medicine where a research doctor Thrre pat:lenta being informed that the needle i8 too short ... from McMaster University Medical Center in Hamilton, Ontario, has been idling away his time determining how effective it is when a medic plunges his needle into your de(enaeless derriere. His awful conclusion: The needle isn't long enough. Can you believe this sadist? Now get this. The research doc says that most needles used for injections are only 1.4 inches long. He has to be under-estimating but if we take his word for it, he goes on. The idea of giving you a shot in the south side while you're traveling north is to hit the big muscle, known as the gluteus, so the medicine will spread and cure your ill. BUT THIS CANADIAN savant, in his never-ending search lor the truth, X-rayed 213 adult bottoms. In this weighty research, he discovered that women have a layer of fat 2.6 inches thick covering the muscle inside those high-fashion jeans. Men have a layer 1.5 inches thick. This means a couple of things. First, a 1.4-inch needle is going to miss the bottom muscle on either adult ma.le or female. Secondly, and probably more important, the research doc is going to draw the wrath of every woman in the universe when he alleges the female of the species is car- rying around one-inch more of back padding than her male counterparts. ASK.ED BY NEWS reporters to sum up his backsided findings, the research medic declared, "I don't know whe- ther we should use longer needles until we find out which is the better place to put them. "That 's the bottom line." Bottom line? Oh, come on, doc. You didn't really come up with that witty little quip, did you? Tell me that some wise-acre reporter ju.st made that up and slapped it on the end of your quote. If you really said that, it would be the end. Packard won't • • • quit write-in Congress bid Ron Packard Hid he will remain a write-in candidate to Concz'eea from the 43rd District despite a plea by the Republican a1ate chairman to support the party nominee. Wealthy Orange County baw-111nian Johnnie R. Crean edjed Packard, then the mayor of <Arllblld, by fewer than 100 votee In the June primary. In a new1 conference Wedneaday, party chairman 'nno del Junco called on Packard to abmdon hll write-in campaip In the predominantly Republican diatrkt re~tecl by reUrlrC Rep. Clair Buraener. R-Callf. .. I have no tntentlon of abandonina my campatan ''*91• I am the only c.ndklate wbo oUen the voten honesty end bitlllrity,11 Pldwd aid. ~ do DOC believe that It la in tbe .. tn--of the JMll't.v. the ...., °' the ... ~ to. .,... to~ Iii'. Citiiin." H/F Be D o· Park people seek pFatection Zone over.lay provision eyed BY STEVE MARBLE or .... ~,...,..., Marinapark ia a tiny, neatly groomed moblle home vt.Uage on Newport Harbor. It's long been a home away from home for people who live outside the beach city but enjoy a weekend or vacation on the water in Newport Beach. But as the yean have passed, more and more of the park tenants have nestled into Marlnapark on a permanent basis. For many, Marlnapark no longer 1a juat a 9e<.'Ond home. Now the tenants are asking the city to grant them a special zoning provision that would offer them protection and make it difficult for owners of the park to phase them out. The city, less than two weeks ago, granted the zoning provision to tenants at DeAnza Bayside Village, overriding sharp crl tic Ism from owners of the DeAnza mobile home park. But the table has been turned around now because Marinapark is owned and operated by the city. "We feel the city would be playing favorites if they didlt't give it (the zoning provision) to us," said Robert Spurgeon, a lO·year resident of Marinapark and president of the park's homeowner aaaociation. While fewer than half of the park tenants live there full-ti.me, Spurgeon claims many want to move to the park permanently but are afraid the park rllight be leveled 900n. Tenants at the 60-space park have a lease that runs through 1985. -Marin.apark, located off Balboa Boulevard at 18th Street, is situated on a chunk of city- PARK'S FUTURE UNCERTAIN -Robert Spurgeon, homeowner president of the city- owneq Marinapark mobile home complex in Newport Beach, 'tands on public walkway ' between mobile home park and beach. Tenants at the park are hoping city won't level the 60-unit spread. owned land that includes a municipal parking lot, public tennis courts and the recently rebuilt American Legion Hall. A public walkway runs between the park and the bayfront beach. Park tenants believe this ensures full beach access to tourists. Ten years ago, city park commissioners recommended the mobile home park be phased out and replaced with a tennis and aquatic center. While this plan eventually was dropped, park commissioners thls week again recommended that the mobile homes go. "We're like lots of others here," says Spurgeon. "U we're evicted, we'll have to leave Newport Beach. We can't afford to move anywhere else in town." The zoning provision, city officials note, does not insure that the mobile home park won't eventually be phased out. And, they add, it does not mean the park lease would be extended. What it does mean, Newport officials say, is that a specific plan would have to be developed for the site and then a series of public hearings held before the city could make any moves. Ex-Cuban • prisoners held in CM Two former Cuban prisoners dressed in business sujts and carrying handguns and a briefcase were arrested by Costa Mesa police in connection with a at.ring of apartment burglaries. Striking a blow for freedo01 Investigators said Wednesday that the pair using lock picks broke mto five apartments in the Meu Verde Villas at 1555 Mesa Verde Drive Eut. Countian smuggles Bibles into communist countries By SANDIE JOY Of tM Deity Nol 118ft Dan lversin's office is in the Tustin foothills but his work is in Eastern Europe. Iverain Is a real, honest to goodness smuggler. His objective is to smuggle as many Bibles as possible into countries such as Albania, Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, the Soviet Union and East Germany. "I'm not what you would call a Jesus freak," he explained. "I'm a believer, but not the kind of peraon to bang on doors... The Bibles pose a direct threat to communism ... I do this to serve a need in countries where religious freedoms are restricted." . Iversin, who runs a small advertising agency out of his Tustin home, is head of A Bible For Rus&a. which he describes as "a non -profit evangelical organization serving the penecuted church." A Bible For Russia. which he founded four years ago, is affiliated with the Vienna-based Eastern European Mission which, for the past 13 years, has been spreading the gospel to people in Iron Curtain nations. Ivers.in was born in the United States of Swiss parents and has dual U.S.-Swiss citizenship. He has two purports -U.S. and Swiss -which he said is an asset in Bible smuggling. "AB an American," he said, "you never will get into Albania but as a Swiss I will." He never carries more than one passport at a time because If he's caught, that would get him arrested in some countries. Ivers.in said his inclination to smuggle Bibles probably began durin(C his annual visit.s to relatives in Eastern Eu.rope. "I got interested in what was happening In other countries. . .For example, lots of times Christians are arrested for being psychologically Wl8table. The reasoning la that if their faith is in the Lord, they can't be sane." lversin personally goes on Bible-smuggling rnlsaions several times a year but, "the more I am known. the lea I can go." Couriers for A Bible For Russia smuggled about 300,000 Bibles into Iron Curtain nations last year, he said. They're smuggled. he explained, because "U you show up at the border and declare the Bibles, you will not be allowed to take them into these countries. "For the Christian, the Bible is essential." he said, "ao we have t.J eee ways 10 get Bibles into these countries." Explaining he can't give s pecific details about the smuggling,_lversin said an-kinds of vehicles -cars, trucks. planes and boats -are Wied by couriers who mainly are college students and ret,ired people posing as tourists. Summer is best for smuggling, he said, because of r oad conditio ns and cou r ier availability. He's had close calls. "On my last trip to Romania," Iversin said, "I had over 1,000 Bibles i n my vehicle. The officials searched it for more than two hours, yet never found them. "I've been stopped by police and questioned. On one trip, I was held at the border for several hours of questioning, then released just like that." Iversin said his wife of four years probably wouldn't have married him if she'd known about his activities. On a recent trip to Eastern Europe, he couldn't call her for two weeks because of secunty and she had no idea where he was. Describing himself as "a former gung ho Marine," the 37-year-old Tustin resident aid he decided while in Vietnam "that there bas to be more to life than trying to settle things with war." A Bl ble For Russia la headquartered in a sparsely fumlahed office lverain built into his ,...._ It'• only 90phistlcated equipment ia a telegraph copier over which be receives daily transrnimiona from Vienna about ID'lualin8 activities. The cqaniration is aupporied by private individual.a, he aaid, notlna he never aak• for oontributiona and that hla work ia done°" a pey-u-you-eo buia. Hlt "total reward." he said, 0 la to help o1her people. And, I don't aay that to aound like a aood auy ... The commitment of Qn.tianl in the United Statee .... to be atronpr. u 1hey had to walk three or four mu. In the nlD. would they ao to churchr' The Bl~ualina operation la "apll'Uual warfare~" Ivenln uJcl. 0 We•re not o.ut to uproot ~ta.'' I would lib~ Ainerlcan to 10 to Zaatern ..,. to mcoun• IOll'9 ot the .-..:udon. thin oomt blltk tiin iinil WI they w.nt tD m.b thll a ..... caumry" Be acid.cl,· '"My main J::l -•r'tllltDwMeupAmll to *'-1 man tlllin om Mii of tlllii .-of &M"fttd II ....... ...... wet. Police wen! called to the acene by a woman who said they knocked on her door shortly after 1 p.m. and after falling to gain entrance broke into a neighbor's apartment. Rogelio &tista Gonzalez, 31, and Juan Delgado, 32, both from the Los Angeles area, were arrested without incident outside a second-story apartment. Police Lt. Jack Calnon said that tattoos on both men indicate they were prisoners before leaving Cuba two years ago. Police believe a third man still at large drove away with the property allegedly stolen Wednesday. Missing from the five apartments were televisions. cameras and jewelry valued at about $3,000. An actual figure is unknown since some residents are on vacation, police said. Both men are being held in Costa Mesa City jail in lieu of $100 .000 bail. Racquetball contract set in Huntington Huntington Beach City Council members have approved a 35-year-leaae agreement wtth a private firm that plans to build an indoor racquetball facility on a city-owned portion of a propoeed public park. The agreement would return a portion of the racquetball facility's earnings to the city, making the pro~ 12-acre park the only r~eru.ae-productng park in Huntine\Oft Beech. City offlclala estimate an income of $12,000 annually from the Pay-N -Play racquetball facility, which will have 10 court• and coat more tbaJl $200,000 to build. The park l• to be loc•ted adjace"t to Huntlri(ton Beidl Ht,h School. It'• a jotnt ettan of the city, which owna ..,,. ..,.. of the alte, and the Hun~ Beach Union Hl1h School Dlltnct. which owna five ...._ The ldm dlluict ...... ot the· ·pr;&:,:'d park'• HYen ithlMk .... tbe recq111• 1n oourte for ~ ed..-Uon ~ ... la ,...... ..-'° .. , ... ,......,.... ~MJlp'P, ....... _.,,~::...... 0114 .... \ f I Utility to save $42 million SAN DmGO (AP) -Sen D1eeo Ga & J:leciric C.o. aaya It~ to •ve customers an av~ $2 per month on eJei:tric bWa by renegotiating contracts With two~ fuel suppllen. ~t ~ •·move expected to win approval of the CallfcriJa Public UUliUes Commlasion. The utility will avoid expemtve oil purchaaes after October and uve CUit.omen "approximately $42 million" wtth the purcl\.ue of le11 expenaive natural gu. a apok.eanan sald Thunday. All-Savers interest to fall W ASHJNGTON (AP) -People who wait until next week to purcha.ae tax-exempt "All-Saven" cerU.&at.ea will be loalng money. The intereat rate on new certificates will fall Sunday to 8.96 percent and remain there until Sept. 4. The current rate ia 9.99 percent. "All-Seven" Interest ia limited to 70 percent of the aver.,. annual investment yield on one-year ' Treasury bUla, whkh are auctioned every four weeka. The yield in Thunday's auction was 12.80 percent, down from 14.27 percent July 8. Datum announces revenues Datum Inc. of Anaheim reported 8eClOnd quarter revenue. of $2,897,000, a decline from the priory~·· $3,222,000. Thia produced a net 10fl9 of $106,000, or 5 centa per share, compared to the prior year'• loes of '84,000, or 4 oenta. For the six mont.ba, there wu a net loa of $185,- 000, or 9 cents, compared to the prior year'• $82,000, or 4 centa. "EECO declares casli dividend The board of directo.n of EJ!XX) Inc. of Santa Ana declared a quarterly cash dividend of aeven centa a share, payable Sept. 1 to shareholders of record Aug. 16. EJ!XX) manufactures el«tronic/el~hanical componenta, mini computer systems and related equipment. DOW JONES AVERAGES NIW YORKIAP) Fl,..1 Oow.J--~~ ....... s. UPS AND DOWNS JO Ind ~" =e1 M:'r. f.s":-~ to Tm Jm,IJ J04, .. 2".0t J01.D-J.J:J 1S Ull 10U3 1C>S.i4 W.'2 10U7-OM .S SU. J07.JO JOUI .,_,. •.U-tM '"""'' ...... ......... ... ... •.m.-Tr•n . .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. 1.Ml.• Utllt . ................... 1.,.. ... USU. • ................ 7..-S,lOD WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK IAP) A ... S -•I AMUOO TIVI. ..., ICIQO ,., ·~ • ,. HEW YORK CAPI 1WO. S 4 METALS """" ltO J71 -m • 1t -· -;, ·-"1 1-.i • 111 -dlJ. "" -745 • " NEW YORK (AP) -Spot nonl.,ro... ' NIEW YORK CA~ -n. ~ ,.. mM111 Pf'-lodlir: =:: ..= .. ~"=-e:::i: ............................ ~~ ,...,..... of -... ·-,. .. ;c;t"9 lrM!fte ..... SJ ... IM:I> ~ .... end ~<Mll9t• .,.. .. dlffw.nce ~ ... ~"'*'• clotjftg ,,. -lluMl!ft=-- .....,. ...... ~ PC\. I~~ 1•+ Up IU 2 Am$1eN1 1' + Yt U. U , MIMMI .. 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I CY -· ..., .............. , •• ... ,., .. ~ ............. tc111• ~:!!!. ... , ..... ) I r .ELEPHANTS WALK -What was billed as a spectators- invited parade turned out to be a quiet elephant walk when Ringling Bros., and Barnum & Bailey Circus unloaded its animal train 90 minutes early in Anaheim and marched Jobless near • . .,..,,... ....... ..,,...~ elephants, camels and other assorted animals to the Anaheim Convention Center virtually without fanfare. ~e lad on bicycle did manage to take in the parade and even joined in. 1.0% Oops, so sorry Nonparade produces chaos Deu Bo.: I'm aure thia wlll appear as an Incredible dllplay of lnoompetency, but I ,couldn't (ind the herdl of elephanta, honef, c:amell and Uamu that traveled the atreeta of Anaheim Thunday a.hernoon. I know It doesn't appear to be~ dlfflcUlt wk -locatlna such an uny of an1mala amonc ~~ly common sites of houlea, rwtauranta, parking lota and can. But I arrived on time for the R1n&1Jnl Bros. Barnum and Bailey circua parade that should have begun at' 4 p.m. However, the cavaJcade lnltead embarked in lta march to the Anaheim Convention Center at 2:30 p.m. Thia left me and countlete others wandering and wondering. The early unannounced starting tlme, together w ith erroneoualy &klvertiaed parade routes, evoked chaos reeembllng a three-ring clrcul. Ooopl! Weij, I ~logbe for the absent. "elephant riding article that otherwt.e would fiave appee.red•ln today's paper. Even though the Greatest' Show on F.arth wasn't the molt organized show on Earth for Thursday'• street parade, performen and an1ma.la will exhibit their rehearsed acts at the convention center through Monday, Aug. 16, unleaa they decide to leave early. Your obedient servant, PAMELA STEINRIEDE U.S. rate highest since 1941 WASHINGTON (AP) -The nation's unemployment rate puahed closer to the 10 percent. level in July, hitting 9.8 percent, the highest in 41 years, the government reported today. The jobless rate had held nearly steady as the recession continued through the spring - rising only from 9.4 percent in Citizens OK asked • I e 1n annex issue By STEVE MITCHELL Of h Delr .......... 11 Laguna Beach ta to bring any portlon of South Laguna Into the municipal fold, Councilman Dan Kenney wants assurances Laguna residents themselves Rpport the notion. And, h e to1d fello~ couneil members this week, If l..aguna .._ the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFC) to conslder t.wo separate South Laguna annexation t>ida at the same time, ~d the panel approves the almexation, "Laguna residents )\rill have no say about it, and that ls a mistake." . · K.enney's comments came after Councilwoman Sally Bellerue proposed the council ask LAFC to delay a hearing «heduled next Wednesday on annexation of a portion of South Laguna from Laguna's southerly llmlts to Aliso Creek. She said a delay in that hearing might enable supporters of annexation of the rest of South Laguna , w ith the fXception of Three Arch Bay, time to submit petitions to LAFC. That way, she said, LAFC could consider annexation of the entire community t . one time, rather than piecem ...t. But Kenney db greed. "We ha ve wo distinct (annexation) pr posa1.s for South Laguna," Ken· ~r said, adding he personally would consider annexation • , Ali80 Creek, "but I orobably 1ouldn't go for the rest." Kenr .y received support from Mayor ."lell Fitzpatrick. who said, "I'm .tearing public support for arm xation down to Ali80 Creek, bv we don't want to torpedo the v nole thing by combining fhe .nnexations at LAFC." COUNTY . Kenney said Wednesday's LAFC meeting on the Dumond Drive-A.llao Creek annexation propoul should go forward a.a llCbeduWd. And if s u pporter• of annexation of the rest of the unincorporated village want to get in, they shOUld continue to pursue • 11epara~ tonexatlon. he said. ' Mrs. Bellerue withdrew her motion to seek combined consideration of annexation after aeveral Laguna residents (See ANNEX, Page AZ) Paramedics to cost more in Laguna It will cost Laguna Beach $20,- 250 more for paramedic ~ after a one-year agreement was signed between the city and Oranse County. 'Ille new contract calla for the city to pay $134 ,591 for paramedic services during fiacal 1982-83, coml)an!d to a $114,341 contract for the same 11ervtce laat yffr. · City officials said the i.ncreue ls due to labor costs and expenses experienced by the county, as well as an increaae in population within L.guna Beach. The county baa provided paramedlc aervices and automatic aid to Laguna since 1977. The county provides the paramedics for a price, and, in addition the city provides automatic aid of fire fighting equipment and firemen at no extra charge to the county. Tustin man Bible smussler ... ' April to 9:5 percent in May and June . But today's Labo r Department report was filled with diacouraging figures. Unemployment soared to 10.5 percent in Californ ia In July, well above the nationwide rate, state officials said today. • The seasonally adjuated rate for the state rose from 9 .5 percent in June and 7.3 percent' in July 1981, said Fred D. Brenner, associate regional administrator for the state's Employment Development Department. ' In July, the report aaid, about 10.8 mlllion Americana wer, officially unemployed -actively looking for joba but not finding them -about 360,000 more than in June. About l .5 million more have given up, the MOvemtnent., reported 1alt month. .. · Juf)"s jobless rate for adult males, who make up the bulk of the natiOf\'• blue-collar worken, roae to 8.8 percent, a post-World War II record. Unemployment for blacks held 1teady at 18.5 percent, although the joblea rate for black teen-agers declined slightly to 49.7 percent from June's 52.6 percent. Unemployment rates ro.e 0.3 percentage point to 8. 7 percent for whites and to 8.4 percent for adult' women of all races. The current overall joblelS rate is already the highest alnoe the 9.9 percent for all of 1941 at the end of the Great De=ion. Unemployment hasn't over 10 percent atnce the 14.8 percent of llM-0. In the last 13 months, the (See JOBLESS, Page Al) Soviet sp y ship changes course SEATTLE (AP) -A Soviet ship, parked off the Waah.lngton coast since mid-July, bu moved to a new position, the Navy says. Meanwhile, anti-nuclear protest groups are gearing up for the arrival of the Onited-States' fil'lt Trident submarine. The apy ahlp Gavril Sarychev &bowed up beyond the 12-mile international llmlt about three weeka ago. A U.S . Navy spokesman said he could not aay where the •PY ahlp went. BONJING VJCTJMS REMEMBERED -Reskl,nt.t of Hlroehima, Japan, pray ln front of memorial tower for victims of atomic bomb drop that took place 37 years ago today. An ............ estimated 45,000 participated in the memorial service. Nearly 100 staged a sit-in at Hiroshima Peace park to protest a nuclear bomb test Thursday in the United States. VW drops • JD on • • quiet party Dune buggy ro lls off mountain road o nto cabin Frank Doyle and a neighbor were trying to enjoy a cold beer Wednesday In his retirement cabin in Clevelal\d National Forest when an out-of-control Volkswagen Oipped off Ortega Highway, rolled down a 70-foot ravine and bounced off the cabin roof. "We heard it corninc, like a rumbling notae and then rocks and dlrt •tarted pounding the roof and aide of my cabin," said the 74-year-old.Doyle. "My friend said we abould 1et the hell out of there, but I didn't know which way to run. ''Then we beard a loud crash and everything started coming down and breakin1 In the kitchen." Doyle aaid he ran outside and found an em pty Volkawagen dune buggy llelng ~gainat the aide of the wood cabin, leaking guollne. The driver, Stanton K . Denham, 31, of Lake Elsinore had been thrown from the rootle.e dune buUY at the tof of the ravine after ro.lng contro on a wi.nd1ng tum . No one was injured in the accident, but the vehicle and cabin are a little the WOl"9e for wear and tear, said officials of the California Highway Patrol. Patrol offidala say the vehicle knocked a hole four feet in dianeter In the roof, but that the break didn't reach the inner oeWna. "It l ooks terrible in the kitchen," said ,Doyle, a retired airlines em~~h who lives in Manhattan . "'The ceiling ta splintered, the cabinets are all ec:rewed up and my dishes are broken. But rm not losing any sleep over it; that doesn't do any good." -Doyle says that every week he comes to the cabin, located about 13 miles east of I-5 freeway, to get away from Loa Angeles smog. "I get away from a,nos but I sure can't teem to get away from traffic," Doyle said, adding that seven .years ago artother car drove off the winding, two-lane highway and struck a tree a few feet from his cabin. "That one was cloee, but thia one was cloeer," Doyle said. County may lift ban on daytime surfiiig 0ranae Cout surfen may get a bl.a break from the county next week when su pervlaors wJll conalder lifting aur fing re1trlctlon1 on county-owned beaches. INDEX NATION New regulations could waah away the county'a 11 a.m. to 5 p.m . ban on surfina at Sumet Beach, AU80 Beach, li~l (Salt Creek) Beach and the Santa Ana (See SURFING, Pap Al) A? Weekender Bl AJ CT~ l . OBLESS RATE 10% ..• ntmployrnent rate baa rlaen even bl1ber, dHplte aome rom ?.2 percent to 9.8 percent. ~ .,._ Chat a ....._. • I d t he a o v • r nm • n t • 1 recoverj .-Crom tbi NC 1 nQm II J'OflrwlimiODlt of labor ltadltb. ~ ~ w .. ~ ........... anet Norwood. l:riiployeft. die • 11111csm:lllli llOtlid. In that period, ahe aatd ln AN ty)*ally llow to reh1re lakl· eatlmonr before the oft worbn unUl a reoovwy a. onareaalona Joint Economic well under way. mm$ttee, unemployment rem At the W h It e Hou• e , y 2.9 million aa 1.8 million pretldentlal apokeanan Larry ple joined the labor force and Speakea noted that the number of available Jobs fell unemployment report amouni. to y 1.1 million. • ''laalnl Indicator" of ecooornic Summina up the filu,ree. ahe rf!JCt111ffl'Y· • d &imply, '.'The employment Speakn abo aatd Preaident ltuatlon data releued today Reqan '11 aympethetic, deeply ow little.labor market •trenath concerned and he bellevet hta ~July." p r o g r a m , . o n c • f u 11 y In advance of today'• report. · enacted ... will provide a onoml1t1 cautioned that permanent aolullon to emplo~t could well climb unemployment problema." URFING RULES e e e River beach. Instead, lifeguards would allow surfing all day on all -.Ctions of the beach unlesa they determine the area is too crowded with awimmen. Since the early 1970s, the county has restricted surfing hours and limited surfing to small sections of the beaches to keep the sport from dangerously interfering with swinunen. During crowded da ys, lifeguards also have ordered surfers out of the designated areaa, virtually eliminating surfing on many hot summer da~. An afde said that Clark had talked to Supervt.or Tom lUley and that tbey "share the aame viewpoint." Clark haa yet to con tact Supervisor Bruce Nestande or Wieder. . No one in the unlnoorporated areas of Clark's district has protested the ban, the aide added. "The F'Ourth District was most heavily. hit by the Anahe_lm fire," he said, "people are aware of the fire problem and want to do what they can ~ reduce it." The pro)>C*d moratorium will go before the board on Monday. ANNEX SUPPORT e • e • expresaed doubts about bringing all of South Laguna into the dty. r Lagunan Linda Rlltow said Laguna citizens have not even been asked if they want South Laguna to become a part of the city. She said that, to date, most of the support for annexation bas come from_South ~· Were the counc11 to seek conaideration of both annexation =:.at one time, ahe said, themaelves would be left out of the ~-Wedne9d~y's 1.AFC meettns will be held at 2 p.m. in the county's Hall of Adminiltration, 10 Civic C.enter Drive in Santa Ana. .Cops think hamnJer used in slaying Orange police offlclata aa1a today that a hammer m&.}' have been used by Billy Ray Bryant, 30, to beat his wife, Trisha Bryant two days ago. Mrs. Bryant, 27, la in fair condition in the intensive care unit of the UC Irvine Medical Center after s uffe r ing head injuries due to the numerous bfows atlegecliy inflicted by tier husband. Bryant apparently shot and killed John Brooks, 29, and then fatally wounded hlmsell Wedne9day, according to Orange police officials. The incident, still under investigation, apariceci a flve- hour stakeout at the tsryanUJ· Orange apartment on Wedne9day. Their 3-year-old daughter was safely taken from the scene after pollce found her in the house with the bodies and a loaded shotgun. L.,una Beach hu joined a o&UDbiw ot other on.t County cltlH ha banntna non-Ure retardaat rooflq material on but ..... CcRml nwnben appnWwd tb. fim 1WdilUI of an~ tha1 wouJd· reqUlre '11 new .tructww to haw tire recardant · roota; Th• ordinance abo eaUa for tlr.-.retardant rooft.nc material on uildnC structurea where 50 perCllilt or more of the roof ia to be replaced. 'nle cound1 will hear a aeeond reed1na of the ordinance when It meet. A~. 17, and, lf approved, the new liw would ao irito eUect 30 ~ys later. *** Wieder asks moratorium on roof ban Superviaor Harriett Wieder ia aakinR that the Orange County Board of Supervisors delay an ordinance requiring that fire retardant material be used on all new roofs. Citizens in the unincorporated community of &..moor will be put to undue trouble because of the ban, Wieder said in a letter to her fellow board members. Before the ordinance went into effect on July 8, contractors canvaeaed the Roasmoor area uraing homeownrra to reroof their houaea with leas costly non-retardant material. A locat newspaper inaccurately reported the deadline for obtaining permits to build untreated roofs. Citizens who acted on this Information found that the ban already had take.n effect. Wieder is asking for a moratorium on the ban from Sept. 20 until Oct. l~. Dwina this time, homeowners could obtain the untreated roof permits. Supervisor Ralph Clark opposes t he delay .. Clark propoeed the ban in April after an Anaheim fire left 1,500 people homelea in his diatrict. Bradley campaign ready for TV LOS ANGELES (AP) Mayor Tom Bradley will launch hit broadest advertising campaign tonight in hia race for California governor, a month or more ahead of hia rival, Attorney George Deukmejian. Su.nny days ·Coastal Over the outer w•ter• from Point eooc.pt1on to Sen NlcolM 111anc1 northwat.amm 10 to 18 knot• Seu 4 to 8 feet. e....... wtnd8 ..i to IOUl'-1 10 to 18 knot• •flernoon. Soutllwwt IW8ll 1 to 2 !Mt. F~t: rno811y lelr. U.S. sumn1ary Heevy thunder•torm• were llC8ttered In pert8 of IN South, IM Pleln8 end IN Sout"'-1 tod8y, wt111e IN Souti-t lied log end haze. Shower• end thund•ntorm• continued In the 80Uthem helf of I.the mld·Mlaourl Veile)', 80UI,_, Al•b•m•, •outhwHt O•orgl•. I northern Qklelloma. 08fltrel North ouot•. through nortlleUt New MeJdOO ln10 80UIMMI Attzona. SkJee -· moetly dMr In much of the 0rMt Bain end IN P8dftc NorthwMt. The forKQl calla IOf' etlowefw and thunder•torm• from th• •outhern Allantlc Con t to the 10WW end mld-M~ V.,,.,, end In Arizona. It wllt be MIM)I ..... trtwe. Temc>er8tlH'• wound Ille n•tton before d•wn renged trom 52 In Atpen•. Mich .. •nd Houlton, Mlllne. to M In Phoenlll. An1. I Calilornia ; The N8tlonal WMthet 9eMoe NY' Southern Celltoml•'a ....,.., •hould be hot S•turday with • ~ of afternoon end ....ino t~ In mounteln end ~-Htgtw ... ,.,. Prom 82 In Loe Angele8. to 1CM In <>-11 V..,, In ttie eoa 1n mow11a1n .,... "°"' " to toe In not1IWn deMrta to 1oe In the ._ deMrt. ao.t .. from POlnt Coooepllon to tne Mel<lc:an border can 9"C1 110111 v•l1•ble wind• durlno llM nlghl and morning houra, b«!Omllig ~ • 10 '° 11 knot8 during the llfterTloon wilt! t MC>-2·foot ~ ...... Not1hwelt _. ~ l-..dl IO knot9 duflnO tM "'9tnoon with •-to-9-foOt .... fertMr lllM IO ,,... ~ "°"' lenta AoM tmnd. .. "-..... If .. .,. .. . ., 11 •• n• 101 1• IO n . ., Blrmlnghm 81 71 .78 8lematdt 82 92 Bola 82 59 Boeton 82 85 8rown8Vlle ' 87 75 &lttelo 75 58 Butlngton 75 54 Caper 82 5e CNrtetn SC 118 74 Ctlw1stn WV 84 71 CNwttte NC llO ea CM)l9nne 84 55 .01 Chicago 79 97 . t2 Clnclnnetl aa 72 c~ llO Ml Clmbla SC 87 64 .82 Columbue 85 87 Del-Ft Wth 100 74 Oeyton 87 87 o.m. aa llO .02 O.Mom. 85 73 Detroit n 85 Duluth 75 57 SPao N 71 .CM F8f90 92 • AeQstatl 79 56 ptland, Me 79 62 Extended Greet F•lhl IMI 53 ptlend, Ote 84 68 HllrtlOf'd 80 es PrOYldence 83 64 .01 Helena 80 57 R8lelgtl n 70 .02 weather Honolulu 80 n Reno 89 49 Hou.ton M 81 Aldlmond 90 74 lndnllpla 80 74 .01 s.111.M• M 69 SOUTHEAN CAlll"OAHIA Jacbn MS 83 74 sen Antonio 100 70 COASTAL ANO MOllNTAIN ~ 81 71 S..ltllt 78 67 AAEAS -l'"elr ..... lllCCePI P«'!Y ~City .. 74 .03 = 87 73 cloucl)l In the mountain• wtltl a few Knoxvtle 82 70 .03 ae 95 •lternoon •nd •v•nlng LM Vegu 104 llO St Louie N 74 .og tllund•r•llow•r•. P•tolly ::::J. unte Rock " 77 St P·Tampe 87 76 •I morning low cloud• 1-the • LouleYtlle 87 73 .23 St Ste M811e 79 53 High• mid to upper 70a at Ille lubbodl IM • Spolc-ee 58 bMcti. to 85 to 106 In v::. ~ M llO .n SyreciuN 83 mountelrl• In the 801. LOW8 MWnl 82 7S .18 T~• ee 72 .22 ooutel .,_ to 60a end 90e In IN Mllw9ull• 71 95 .03 Tioon 83 72 mountalnl.. Mpfe-81.P 92 ee Tulle M 77 .40 ~ 80 • .... WlcMa 100 73 .... ~ 92 n CAMADA Smog NewYortl 82 77 .66 Nor1oll IO 74 =.:r.on 7t 50 No.Plett• .. 91 79 .... The Air O\lallty~t <>Illa City " 78 M~ 73 51 Dl•trlct predict• -Omit'!• 17 70 on-~ t•Nty Frldey In moet ..... of the Otlendo 80 74 Regina 84 " O\lltl COMt air ..... "$ =::-• 72 Toronto 79 67 •Ir lorecaat o~ for th• loh 1ot '° VMOOUWF et eo ...,, encl "' Liii• PttUburgtl M ea Winnipeg 12 84 UnMlllltlfUI "" .. --for .,:,_ a B~lf RE.Parr ewryone "" IM AIWf91ff.een llarMnllno .... wltfl • "*""' 8tanderd lndel of 241. A PSI ot l40 la predicted lor tM Ian G•btlel Ind ll'ofnonl v ...... Wlltrl IO~lr .. ) !Ot ...... ~ :, ~ .~f00)44Mll l.oa ne•IH ou11ty; (100) Z:rf. ·~ 142-40t2 ~ T ..... ..._...... end .., ...,,. ... HllnOllttOft lluffl 71 ~ (IOO) M7 ... 710 =-=:.:,Jen)' ,... .. AOMO .,_. o.rMr: (IOO> ~ 70 ,., ..... .... It. N9wport 70 t2ndk~ 14 10 Tide• .... __ I 70 ~ ..... 14 '=' 70 TODAY == t~ 70 ~-•:aep.m, t4 .. 10 leOofld ..... t0:4a p.m IMO... 1-4 :::: • •'*"-"'~ 14 70 IA'l'U9AY :i! .. ==-I .. •.:.:,• 1'I """ ... lc40e.& ... ---q 14 • 1:'1,.,.. .. , =::..... 14 -• • '1:'1..... ... 14 ... • ..... , ...... ~OMOAAOW'I TIOU: Hlfh tl:OI '·""' ~ 1:4'0 a.M. .... "':... ,._ 91•.;j ~ lt.lft. ......... -~ .......... ., ........... NOT VERY FUNNY -Members of the Motion Pictures Screen Cartoonists Union picket out.side Hanna-Barbera offices in Hollywood after walking out on their jobs. The union, which struck Thursday, is protesting "runaway production" work being sent overseas. Judge ·under fire for rape sentence By DAVID KUTZMANN Of tM Deir ,... • ..., Demonstrators gathered signatures Thursday in front of the Orange County Courthouse In Santa Ana to protest as too lenient Superior Court Judge Mark A. Soden's sentencing of two brothers last month for raping a deaf mufi girl. T he Maldonados' uncle. Gilbert Aguilera, 36, of Huntington Beach, was sentenced to 44 years In atate prison by Superior Court Judge Allcemarle Stotler for participating in the attack. The Maldonadoc could have been lmprtaoned for 144 years each. But Soden said he believed they deserved a aecond chance because it was a first offenae for both. The prosecution had recommended minimum 63-year prison terms. I raelis bombard Beirut By TIM AIMda ... Preti llraell Jell and 1unboat1 bombarde<f Q\ierrllla-held wen Betrut tocfay after Prime Mlnl1ter Menachem a.,1n•1 aovernment refWMld U.S. and U.N. demanda to llvt up mWwy plnl ln the PLO~ One tnen·atory WU aemoll1hed by the warp . The PaleaUne Liberation Organization aatd 250 people were either killed or wounded, but Red Cnm reecue teaml Mid 10 were killed and 2~ wounded in the 11rlke. As rescue workers dUJt through the rubble, a car pack~ with exploalves blew up about 2~ yard. away from the building; killing five people 1 correspondents reported. No group cla1med responaibillty for Q\e car bomb. "~ hol)e to penuade our: American friends that U.S . mediator Philip C . Habib'& efforts will oollapee unle.s there. is a credible military option,'~ Israeli Foreign Ministry apokeeman A vi Puner .. ad in ~erusalem. : .1raell officials aafd they had ! not been foqnally notified of the . PLO'a latest proposal, whereby · the guerrillas would evacuate J' Beirut within 15 day• of the arrival of an international peacekeeping force. . "Unless we see indications OJ\. the ground that the PLO is ready . to leave, we remain 1keptical," said an Israeli official In . Jerusalem. "Until now, all we. have heard are word.a and more words and we don't believe them. any more." The warplanes struck after' "repeated cease-fire violations' .. by the guerrillas and all the jets returned safely to Israel," the Tel Aviv command said. The planes bombed near the" Lebanese prime ministry, colla psing two four-story apartment buildings in rapid: dive-bombing sorties that; shattered a 30-hour lull in the; war. About 40 picketers marched in front of the 11-story courthouse asking passers-by to sign the petitions, which expresa "disgust and indignation at the outrageous actions and comments" of Judge Soden. The jurist, who lives in Newport Beach, was reported on vacation until Monday. Organizers of th e demonstration said they are in the beginning slagett of mounting a recall drive against Soden. ~'" ,,-"Thia is not a personal vendetta against Judge Soden," said Annee Della.Donna, 19, a pre-law student at Cal State, Long Beach. "What we're against ia what he's doing In his professional life." The demonstration was the second In less than a month against the judge. Soden in late June sentenced two brothers from Huntington Beach, Phillip 21, and Randall Maldonado, 25, to 12 years in state prison for raping a deaf mute girl from Los Alamitos. The prosecutor in the case had called the attack on the 14-year-old victim almost unprecedented in its crueltv. The girl, who testified through a sign language interpreter in court, said she was repeatedly raped during a five-hour ordeal. Optometrist 'Lion of Year' Laguna B each optometrist Dr. Leoa Axelrod has been named "Lion of the Year" by 57 Lions Clubs in Southern California. He was lauded for his work • South Coast Medical Center in South Laguna has been awarded a three-year accreditation by the Joint Comml.aion on Accreditation of Hospitals. with Project LOOK, an organization he founded more than 20 years ago that sees several d07.en optometrists go to Enaenada to examine people with eye problems. Th e co min isalon'a endorsement came after a lengthy, in depth survey of the 268 bed acute care hotpltal. AMLING'S Newport Nursery and Garden Center POTTERY SALE 20" OFF ALL • POTTERY & SAUCERS • REDWOOD CONTAINERS •BARRELS • STRAW BASKETS • POTTING SOIL • WllE BASKETS ELEPHANTS WALK -What was billed .as a spectators- ' invited parade turned out to be a quiet elephant wal~ when Ringling Bros., and Barnum & Bailey Circus unloaded its animal train 90 minutes early in Anaheim and marched JobleSs near DlllJ,... ...... ~ ......... ~ elephants, camels and other assorted animals to the -Anaheim Convention Center virtually without fanfare. One lad on bicycle did manage to take in the parade and even joined in. 10% Oops, so sorry Nonparade produces chaos Dear Bo.: I'm aure thti wtll appear aa an incredible diaplay of lncornpetency, but I couldn't. find the herda-of elephant.a, hones, camela and Uamu that traveled the at.feet.a of Anaheim Thunday afternoon. I know it doesn't appear to be a difficult task -JocatJnc auch an array of animala amonc the extremely common altes of hou.ea. rettaurant.a, park.lna Iota and can. But. I arrived on time for the Rtncllnc Broa. Barnum and Bailey clrcua parade that ahould have begun at 4 p.m. However, the cavalcade lnatead embarked in lta march to the Anaheim Convention Center at 2:30 p.m. Thia left me and countleta others wandering and wondering. Tho/ early unannounced starting time, together with . erroneoUaly advertiaed parade routes, evoked chaoa resembling a three-ring clrcua. Ooope! Well, I apologize for the abeent elephant ri~g artJcle that otherwiae would liave appeared in today's paper. Even though the Greatest Show on F.arth wasn't the most organized show on Earth for Thursday's street parade, performers and animals will exhibit their reheaned acia at the convention center through Monday; Aug. 16, unlea they decide to leave early. Your obedien t servant, PAMELA STEINRIEDE U.S. rate highest since 1941 WASHINGTON (AP) -The nation's -Unemployment rate pushed closer to the 10 percent level in July, hitting 9.8 percent. • the highest in 41 years. the government reported today. The jobless rate had held nearly steady as the recession continued through the spring - rising only from 9.4 percent in Frontier airliner avoids disaster DENVER (AP) -Erneat Duane Cook said he never had a risky landing in 16 years as a Frontier Airlines pilot unUl he . safely eased down a jet with 102 people aboard and both left tires blown out. The blowout occurred Thursday afternoon as Frontier Flight 194 took off from Stapleton International Airport. bound for Atlanta. · Cook said he and flight officer Jim Rimer heard a loud noise, ~pected trouble, and flew back lnrer the airport IO authorities on ~e ground could confirm the ~e. ::--~~ Recall eyed 'for judge • 10 rape case By DAVID KUTZMANN or IM DlllJ "°' ae.n Demons trato r s gathered signatures Thursday in front of ~ the Orange County Courthouse in Santa Ana to protest as too-- lenient Superior Court Judge Mark A. Soden'• sentencing of two brothera last month for rapin8 a deaf mute girl. About 40 picketers marched in front of the 11-story courthouse asking passers-by to sign the petition.a, which express "disgust and indignation at the outrageous act.ions and comments" of Judge Soden. The jurist, who lives in Newport Beach, was reported on vacation until Monday. Organiz ers of the demonstration said they are ln the begjnn.lng stages of mounting a recall drive agalJ\st Soden. (See SENTENCE, Page A%) COUNTY Cook said h e "told th e paaaengera we bad a ser ious problem. They were very calm. 'theY were beaudful people." He aaid the 97 paaaengera applauded after the landing and congratula~ect him as tbey stepped ofi the Boeing 737. "I felt like a country preacher," Cook said. "They tried to wear my hand out." The plane flew in circles for about two hours to bum up fuel, thep made a rough but safe landing without even igniting sparks when the d amaged landing gear touched the runway near a waiting fleet of emergency vehicles. Cook said Rimer told him after the plane bad stopped. "rve seen r~ug~er landings in strong wind. "We have one hell of a training program," said Cook, 48, of Fort Worth, Texas, who is based in Denver and bas over 16,000 hours of flying time. tf He told r e porters he had simulated landings on the metal rims of the landing gears but had never heard of another jet pilot having to perform the feat for real. Glen Ryland, president of the Denver-based airline, was on the runway for the landing and aaid later, "Cook did a phenomenal job." Ryland, who several years ago aa a pilot had to make a similar landing, said it was an extremely difficult maneuver. A 737 has six tires, two on each side of the main landing gear and two on the noee gear. Asked if he was acared before the landing, Cook smiled and replied, "That's not a fair question." The flight originated in (See FRONTIER, Page At) Tustin man Bible smuggler A Tustin man operates an above-board smuggling ring -he aneaka Bibles into communist countries whete religion la repremed. Pa,ie Bl. Business promotions told ... April to 9~i percent in May and June. But today's Labor Department report was filled with discouraging figures. Unemployment soared to 10.5 percent in California in July, well above the nationwide rate, state officials said today. The seasonally adjusted rate for the state r ose from 9.5 percent in June and 7.3 percent in July 1981, said Fred D. Brenner, associate regional administrator for the state's Employment Developm ent Department. , In Jul , the report said, about 10.8 m1 llon American a wer• offictall unemployed -actively loo for jobl but not finding them about 360,000 more than in J . About 1.6 mJl.lion mott have ven up. the government repo last month. July' jobless rate for adult ··--~ho make up the bulk of the tion'a blue-collar workers. ro.e to 8.8 percent, a post-World War°'II record. Unemployment for blacks held steady at 18.5 percent. although the-jobless rate for black teen-agers declined slightly to 49.7 percent from June'• 32.6 percent. Unemployment rates roee 0.3 percentage point to 8.7 percent for whites and to 8.4 percent for adult women of all races. · The current overall jobless rate ls already the highest since the 9.9 percent for all of 1941 at the end of the Great Depression. (See JOBLESS, Page Ai) Medical Center request filed Calling Irvine the biggest city in California without a hospital, a ·community group today announced that a formal appllcation for a major medical center in the city haa been filed with at.ate health officials. Plana were unveiled at City Hall for a multi-milllon-dollar health care facility to be called Irvine Medical Center (IMC). The first phase of the complex includes a 222-bed hotpttal, an outpatient clinic and facilities for a nursing school, educational programs and research. Price for that phase ls set at $95.8 million. SPORTS ,., ........ BOMBING VICTIMS REMEMBERED Residenta of Hiroshima, Japenr pray in front of memorial tower for victims of atomic bomb drop that took place 37 years ago today. An estimated 4~.ooo participated in the memorial service. Nearly 100 staged a sit-in at Hiroahima Peace park to protest a nuclear bomb test Thursday in the United States. New church planned for Irvine ... Members seek approval despite neighborly objections By ,GLENN SCOTI' Of Ifie DelJ ....... ..,, Theology aside, members of the latest church to seek approval to build in lrvtne are discovering the secular significance of loving thy neighbors -or at leaat getting along. The Church-in-Irvine, a group ol 80 to 100 people who have been meeting ln cluaroorna at University High School, ia hoping to construct facllJtles at Culver and Irvine Center drives. Members plan to construct a 14,200-equare-foot assembly hall and a .epa.rate six-bed.room guest house on their 2.4·acre site at the northeaat corn er or the intenection. Members or the Deerflel~ Community Association, however. have appealed a July 1 ruling by the city Planning Commiasion to allow the construction. The issue goes to the Irvine City Council at its 7:30 p.m. meeting Tue9day. The neighbors have objected to several points. They say: -The guest house is an THERE'S A CATCH -LMt-place Twina continue to give the Ance1s fita, winning their third game in four outings thta week In Anaheim and endin1 Lula Tlant'• com ebac k d~but after two lnrunp. Detalt. on Ptae Cl. , inappropriate land use next to their residential district. standards, which require wooden roof a. -The plans for red tile roofs contrast with ,.the community association's architectural -More landscaping ia needed to shield homes from the church. Godfrey Ot.uteye. a member of the church who haa dealt with the city, said today that he thinks most of those concerns can be ironed out during Tuesday's he~ng. Edsel fans celebrate DEARBORN, Mich. (AP) - Ownen of the Ford F.dsel, proud of their. cars even though ita name came to symbolize failure, are gathering here to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the ill- fated model. The Edael waa named for the only son of the company's founder, Henry Ford. The car Is considered an antique and an Edael la on dlaplay at the Henry Ford Museum, n ear a hotel where 100 cars have been brought for the weekend by the Edsel Car Owners Club, which has members in the United States, Canada and nine foreign countries. INDEX NATION 1n a recent letter .ent to the city, he noted that the guest house will be a permanent home for a "leading member" of the church and his family, who will serve as hosts and caretaken.. Other church 'Workers from outside the community and missionaries w ould use the lodging on other occasions, he said, speculating that other guests would stay there 50 percent of the time. He said members are happy tO mak e adjustme n ts to landscaping, and already did agre~ during planning ~rnmissJon meetino to add more trees along certain lot lines. The red tlle roofa, however, (See CHURCH, Pa1e AZ) Ann Landen Movies A7 Weekender 84 A3 C7-8 Mutual Funda National Newa Public Noticee Re9taW11.nt review Sporta Dr. SteLncrohn Stock Market.a Tel.evtakln ,,... .. W•tber WOrld HeWi Weekender Cl-6 A7 B5 TVLoc W•kendet A2 .u .. • • 11Tbl1 ii aot a p~l ........... J~· ......... Mil Annee DellaDonna, lt, • pre•JaVLi 1\udent at C.l State, ' i.ona BIMb. "What we're~ ii wtiat h•'• dotn1 in bl• prot....W life." The demon1tration wa1 the a requiremen\ added by the lne Co., noi the chW'Ch. Ken neth Noll, community evelopment director for the pany, aald the tile roots are t to Identify the church u elon9in1 to in1Ututlonal ulldln11 along Irvlne l:enter ve, aa oppoeed to the adjacent omes. Ctty plannen, who are mmending the council deny te appeal, added In recent ports that the tile and roof are mpatible in other aectlona of the dty. ' Otuteye lild bt be~ that member• o f the nondenomtnat lonal church, whoee memben are almOlt all from Irvine, can addre11 any problema railed by neithbon at the meeuna. "We f"l that it they come and they hur what'• happenina, that 80 far thore ia not.h.ln, that we are unwlUlna or that 11 too difficult for UI to addre11.'' he said. ONTIER LANDING .. · d and wa.s on its way to aircraft by the regular doors and ta ' 95 of the 97 pasaengen later took pat· o t we 11 w h 0 was a Delta Air Lines flight to letUming home to Atlanta from a At~anta, according to Front~r California vacation, aaid, "We off1ciala. were taking off and we hard a The $13.5 million aircraft was loud noise We knew something only 6 weeks old and was the was wro,;g when we h.eard a newest in Frontier's fleet,, aecond loud noise. Then the pilot Ryland said. It sustained larr came on and said we had a dents on the bottom half of t e problem, that we had blown a left engine and damage to the tire." landing gear, but no coat estimate Thousands of motorists parked was given. cars for several miles along Frontier officials said foam Interstate 70 to watch the plane was not us~d on the runway as it circled the airport. The because a fare was considered interstate goes under the runway unlikely and airline officials through a tunnel. wanted to bring In the plane No emergency exit chutes had quickly, possibly before the to be opened. Passengers left the foaming could be completed. J01BLESS RATE lOo/o ••• Unemployment hasn't been over 10 percent since the, 14.6 pereent c)f 1940. In the laat 13 months, the unemployment rate has risen from 7.2 percent to 9.8 percent. said the government's qommissioner of labor statiatics, Janet Norwood. In that period, she said in testimony before the congressional Joint F.conomlc Committee, unemployment roee by 2.9 million as 1.8 million Court OKs Pac-Man book CHICAGO (AP) -Video· game fans who like to pble up the latest Pac-man literature nave won a rouna out or &.h~ arcade and in the courtroom. Pac-Man players can keep reading "How to Win at Pac-Man," a book tlijlt tella them how to get the most for thelr money, a court ruled. U.S. District Judge John F. 9rady said the book was "clearly superior" to books licensed by the game's maker, Midway Manufacturing Co. Midway had sought to enjoin the sale and recall the book. people joined the 1'.abor force and the number of available jobs fell by 1.1 mllllon. Swnmlna up the figures, she said simply, "The employment situation data released today show little labor market strength in July." In advance of today's report, economists cautioned that unemployment could well climb even higJier , de.plte adme encouraging signs that a modest recovery from the recession is beg1nnlng -or b about to begin. Employers, the economists noted, are typically slow to rehire laid- off workers until a recovery ii well under way. . At the White House, presidential 1poke1man ·Larry Speakes noted that the unemployment report amounta to a "lagging 'mdicator" of economic recovery. Speakes also said President Reaaan "is sympathetic, deeply concerned a&td he believes hi• pro1ram, once fully enacted •.. will provide a permanent solution to unemployment problems." But Democratic congressmen attending the Joint F.conomlc Committee hearing uaed today's report to blast administration economic policies anew. ~\' Sunny days Blrmlnghm 9t 71 .19 Bismarck 92 $2 BolM 92 59 eo.ton 82 85 Btownavlle 97 75 Coastal 8uttalo 75 58 8urHngton 75 54 Over the outer water• from Caec>et 92 58 Point Conception to San Nk:olu Chwll1n SC 89 74 1a1and northwest .wtnd1 10 to t8 Cllarltln WV 84 71 knota. Seas 4 to 8 fMt. El~• Charllte NC 80 88 wind• weat to touth-t 10 to 111 Cheyenne 84 55 .01 knots afternoon Soul~ .....,. Chicago 78 87 .12 1 to 2 feet Forecast moatty felt Clnclnrnio 88 72 ~nd 80 158 Clmble SC 87 64 .92 U.S. sunimary Columbus 8$ 87 Del-Ft Wth 100 74 Dayton 87 87 Heavy thunderatorma were Oen~ 88 80 .02 -tiered In perts of the South, Ille 0.. MolnM 85 73 Plelna and the Southwe91 todl)'. Detroit 77 as wtllle the SoutheUI l\ed fog Ind Oututfl 75 57 hell. El Puo N 71 04 I Shower• and thunderatorma Far90 92 ell 78 continued In the IOUlhem II.it of Ae;atett 78 55 Piiand, .... the mtd·Mtuouf1 Valley. aout'-1 OreetFllb 88 53 Piiand. ar. 94 Al1b1m1. IOUthwHI Georgl•. Hlr1ford 90 83 Pro~ 83 northWn Okl1h0me, central Norlh Helena 90 57 Raleigh 89 I 011Cote, through nonlleUt New Honolulu 90 n Reno 811 I Mellle<> Into .outi-.1 Atlzona. Houston IHI 81 Rklhmond 90 lndneplls 90 74 .01 Sall LAik• 94 Sk• -• ITIOll'Y Clear In muc:f1 Jedi .. MS 113 74 Sen Antonio 100 of the Great Buln I/Id the Paclllc Nonr-t Jedllmlfte 111 11 a..n1e 78 I The f0tec .. t call• lor all-. K-Clty .. 74 .03 s"':'r.: 111 and thunderetorma from the Knol!Yllte 82 70 .03 SlouJI 1111• .. eouthern At11ntlc CoHt to the l.n Vega 104 80 St louts 118 ._ and mld·MININlppl Valley, Utile Rock IHI n St P·Tempa 87 end In Arl:ron• It wlll be sunny loull\tttle 81 73 .2'3 SI Ste Marte 18 --'*•· lubboclt 94 ell Spoil-88 Ternper1turea around the netlon Mempt\19 115 IO .n SyrecuM 83 'before dawn ranged from 52 In Miami 82 78 .15 TOpelte .. 1 Alpena. Mich , and Houlton. MltweukM 71 85 .03 Tuceon 9i) Mpi..St.P 112 ee TulM 88 , Maine. to M In Phoenix, Artz. Natwtlle llO • .... WlcMe 100 ! Californ ia NewOriMne 112 11 CANADA '"-Yorti 92 77 ,55 Norfolt llO 14 Clllgllty 78 No. Ptlfte .. 81 Edmoftton 78 f The Netlonel WHth« a.rVIC9 Otlla City " re Mont,.., 73 • MYI Southam CllHfornle'a -Cher °"""9 17 70 on-I ahould b• hot Saturday with • Or1endo llO 7• ~ 94 I~ of attemoon end ~ PNtedplW " 72 Toronto 7f ~ In mount.in Venoouwt ee jdeMrtar-. Pfloetl!K tot llO Wlnnlp9g 82 Plttlburgfl .. as 1 Hlghl wilt r:t' from 12 In Loe Angelee, to 104 OwMI Vf/ltr/, In 1 Ille IOI In mountain er-. "°"' M ttcond Sn le11 t han a month -C '-:: ~june .,.tenced two Wothen from Hun~ Beach. Ph1Wp 21, and a.Nsall MaldonaClo, 26, to 12 yean tn 1tate prl8on for raplna a deal mute alrl from Loe Alamlt.a.. 11\e ~tor In \tut cue hlld called the attack on t h e 14·Y••r-old vlcUm almott unprecedenced tn •lta crueltv. 1'he alrl, who t.elltUled t.l\rouah a 11an lanauaae lnterpreter in co~. uld 1he wu repeatedly raped d uring a five.hour ordeal. The MaTdonado1' uncle, Gilbert Aaullera, S6, of Huntington Beach, was sentenced to 44 yean ln state prlaon by Superior Court Judge Allcemari'e Stotler for pai-t.idpati.ng ln the attack. Th• MaJi:lonadoa could have . been imprieoned for 144 years each. But Soden said he believed they deserved a second chance because It was a tint offense for both. Tne prosecut.ion had recommended minimum 63-year prison terms. Organizers of Thursday's demonstration said they have already gathered several thousand signatures. The petitions will be sent to various officlala, including Attorney General George Deukmejian, Gov. Jerry Brown and Orange County District A"?mey Cicil Hicks. Miss DellaDonna said much of the support for the protest and recall effort ls coming from angry citizens in Los Alamitos, Fountain Valley, Corona del Mar and Irvine. A successful recall effort would require 82,000 signatures. However, it is too late to qualify for the November ballot. Recall petitions have not yet been drculated. Bradley campaign ready for TV LOS ANGELES (AP) Mayor Tom Bradley will launch his broadest advertising campaign tonight in his race for California governor, a month or more ahead of his rival, Attorney George Deukmejian. The first in a aeries of 30-second, issue-oriented commercial.a will air on television stations throughout the state and Bradley al10 has bought time Saturday morning on seven radio stations statewide for a talk on U~e crisis in the California housing industry. 52 Extended 611 64 .01 10 .02 weather 411 74 511 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA 70 COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN 57 AREAS -Fair lklM ooept pan!y 73 doudy In the mountalnt with • lew 85 11ternoon end evening 14 .05 thunderahowera. Petcmy Hrty 75 .10 morning tow c:touda llMI the C4UI. 53 High• mid to upper 701 11 the 68 bMdlM to 115 to 105 In velleya. mountelria In Ille IOe. lOWI 80a 72 .22 _,., .,... to SO. end 809 In the 72 mountelna. 77 .40 73 50 Smog 48 Tile Air QIHl!lty Man~1 56 Ol1trlc1 Pfedlct9 unhMltf!M llf 53 =lty Frldeiy In moet 11tM1Of1M 59 th CoMt .,, a.In, ~ 57 air lorecHt only for th• loh IO .. deMrt tnd Big 8W I.all• \Jnt!ellthful llr le for.c.t for e11eryone In tll• Rlll9f1lde-81n llernetdlno .... ,,.th I POiiutant Standard lndell of 245. A PSI of • 10 1oe 1n notthem 6-U to 1oe ( In the IOw "-'-SURf REPm uo I• predicted for th• l •n loet41t9 from Point ~ Clabrlel Ind Pomona Velle¥8. . I to IM ~ bof<ler CM .xpect Wll•r• to call (toll lrH) for 111y111 111rlable wind• durmo Ille !. ~ lateet~~· n ght and morning houra, & ~ ·IP) '48-382t beoomlng _,.,_,arty 11 10 to n o ng1IH County: (IOO) 1• knota cMtng the atternoon wlttl lifF .... A..,.._ Q42-4022 a 1-10-2-1001 aoutt-i ..... ~ ...... , ... A"""1lldl end Bin llmwdlnO Not1hwtlt wlnde could reed! 20 Huntington etutt. lllr100(I 11 coumi9a; (IOO) 3e7~ knot• cturlno tn. •tt9tn00n with """::t:' Pier l-4 '*-fOOd .. AOMO l'1llOdl . (toO) 4-to--e-f~ .... fartMr tMll IO e.m. ..._Jetty w tllr-fOOd 10 ,42 ...... mllM oHlhot9 front 811'11• llloea 40ltt It. """"°" w •r 70 lllMCI. HnCI ,st. """"°" 24 70 Tides ..-.w .. 2 10 Temperature•· E'S--, .. 10 TODAY , .. 10 8eClond lo. 4;31 p.m 2.1 ,4 10 8eClond high 1o:•a p "'· S.7 .. ... ..... .. a.-... • Mfilr/ 11 M e. c:.-M ,..., , .. 10 U~AY =: ta a T~ ,.,.. ._ t:.o .. "' 0.0 ... .. " ) M ·~· 10 = 1totp n1. u ~ • 11 11 o.Mlt'•,. 14 • -l;t? -.M. .. , f Mante .. .. , ..... ~~ -• . :rt tt:tr ""'· 1.4 Mento c.y 71 • .. °"°"9 .. • ... .... 1:4' ..... Alie*' 101 74 • ...... ...... Mia.II\. ~ eon ~·· TIDQ: Hllfl tl:ot P·•· Lew 1·40 L ift. ...... Meoft ,_....., • t:t? P·"'-• Mnoe n., OllWlell -At••· . ... ..... •?;II ...... ' LUXURY HOTEL PROTECTED -Jogger ls blocked from passing by Del Monte Hyatt Hotel on Monterey Peninsula struck by hotel and restaurant . workers. Busboys, bellhops, ,., .......... waiters and bartenders have walked out of six major hotels and restaurant.a on the peninsula • and intended to extend picket lines to 16 other j area establisjments today. l Beirut assault continue~ Isr ael spurns U.S., U.N. d emand to g ive up gains i By The Associated Prosa correspondents reported. No spokesman Avl Pazner aaid inf Israeli jets and gunboats group claimed responsibility for Jerusalem. ! bombarded guerrilla-held west the car bomb. sraeli offlclala said they had l Beirut today after Prime "We hope to persuade our not been formally notified of the j Minister Menachem Begin's American friends that U .S . PLO's latest propot'>al, whereby, government refused U.S . and mediator Philip C. Habib's the guerrillas would evacuate! U.N. demands to give up military efforts will collapse unless there Beirut within 15 days of thel gains in the PLO stronghold. is a credible military option," arrival or an international' One seven-story building was Is r a e 1 i Foreign M l n ls tr Y peacekeeping force. demolished by the warplanes. The Palestine Liberation Organization said 250 people were either killed or wounded, but Red Cross rescue teams said 10 were killed and 25 wounded in the strike. As rescue workers dujJ through the rubble, a car packed with explosives blew up about 25 yards away from the building, killing five people. Surfing ban lift seen on beaches Orange Coast surfers may get a big break from the county next week when supervisors will consider lifting surfing restrictions on county-owned beaches. New regulations could wash away the county's 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. ban on surfing at Sunset Beach, Aliso Beach, Niguel (Salt Creek) Beach and the Santa Ana River beach. Instead, lifeguards would allow surfing all day on all sections of the beach unless they determine the area Is too crowded with swimmers. Since the early 1970s, the county has restricted surfing hours and limited surfing to small sections of the beaches to keep the sport from dangerously interfering with swimmers. During c rowded days, lifeguards also have ordered surfers out or the designated areas. virtually eliminating surfing on many hot summer days. • on stress coping A free workshop on penooal stress management is to be offered Irvine residents at 7:30 p.m. next Thursday at Universi!}' Community Park. Jane 'f11bmu or Problem •The Latest. a rock 'n' roll band, perfonns a free concert for Irvine teen-agers from 7:30 to 9 p.m. next Thursday at the Herlta1e Park Youth Center, 4601 Walnut Ave ., Irvine. · Sponsored by the city's Community Service s Department, the concert is • Depression and anger are topics for free workshops to be presented Sept. 16 and 30 by the Irvin e Coh\m\lnity Services Department at Northwood Community Park. "Understanding Depression and Coping With It" is focus of the 7:30 p.m. Sept. 16 "iesslon to be run by Bill Talk Shop ls to discuss ways to identify and handle streu at the session. sponsored by the Irvine Community Services Department. Registration information is available al 754-3814. o n( of a series of free "Conet'rts Under the Stars" being held at the teen center each Thursday night during August On Aufl. 18, a band called Works , ... to pt>rform and, on Aug. 2ti. c.mtert.ainment will be provided by a group called Burnt Party. Mor ris or Problem Talk Shop. Registration deadline is " . Sept. 9. . ... "Dealing With Anger 1s topic of the 7 p.m. Sept. 30 session to be headed by Jobn Taylor. Registration is due· Sept. 23. Details are available at 660-3814. AMLING'S Newport ~ursery and Garden Center POTTERY SALE 20 1 oFFALL • POTTERY I SAUCERS • REDWOOD CONTAINERS •BARRELS • STRAW BASKETS • POTTING SOIL • WIRE BASKETS ELEPHANTS WALK -What was billed as a spectators- invited parade turned out to be a quiet elephant walk when Ringling Bros., and Barnum & Bailey Circus unloaded its animal train 90 minutes early in Anaheim and marched Mesa residents protest police coyote killing By JODI CADENHEAD Of ... Delly Not • ..,, Police armed with shotguns have given up shooting wild coyotes in Costa Mesa following protests from residents living near the city's bluff area. Lt. Les Harrison said police patrolling in h eli copters Wednesday night shot one of the many coyotes that has reportedly been prowling city streets and killing small pet cats and dogs. "We thought we were doing a nice deed because we had so many complaints about the coyot el," said Harrison. "But now it looks like it's going to backfire." Although the coyotes are known to frequent the bluffs along the west border of town, in recent weeks the animals have been a particular problem, said Barrison. ~: Police shot one coyote May 17 tit the Costa Mesa Country Club after employees and neighbors began complaining that the Cops kill dog after Mesa teen bitten A dog that bit a 13-year-old Costa Mesa youth was shot and killed after leading police on a 30-minute chase. Police said the tan and white Akita escaped from a backyard at 1010 Oak St. at about 11 a.m. Thursday while the owner was on vacation, and attacked the male teen. The victim was not hospitalized. • The dog then ran into a ravine before turning on police officers who were aided with a helicopter. Sgt. Clifford McBride said he was forced to shoot the dog. "He was coming right at me," said McBride. "Very obviously, he wasn't going to atop for anyone." COUNTY animals were killing cata on the golf course. Later that month police found remains of small dogs and five coyotes were spotted from the police helicopter roaming along (See COYOTE, Page AZ) Newport judge targeted By DA vID KUTZMANN Of ... Delly ..... ltafl Demonstrators gathered signatures Thursday in front of the Orange County Courthouse in Senta Ana to protest as too lenient Superior Court Judge Mark A. Soden'• sentencing of two brothers last month for raping a deaf mute girl. About 40 picketers marched in front of the 11-story courthouse asking passers-by to sign the petitions, which express "disgust and indignation at the outrageous actions and comments" of Judge Soden. The jurist, who lives in Newport Beach. was reported on vacation until Monday. Organizers of the demonstration said they are in the beginning stages of mounting a recall drive against Soden. "This is not a personal vendetta against Judge Soden," said Annee DellaDonna, 19, a pre-law student at Cal State, Long Beach. "WhaC we're against is what he's doing in his professional life." The demonstration was the second in leas than a month against the judge. Soden In late June eentenced two brothers from Huntington Beach, Phillip 21 , and Randall Maldonado, 25, to 12 yean in state prison for raplng a deaf mute girl Crom Loa Alamlio.. The proeecutor m the caae had called the attack on the 14-year-old victim almost (See SENTENCE, Pace A%) Tustin man Bible smuggler A Tustin man operates an above-board smuggling ring -he sneaks Bibles· lnto communist countries where religion is repreeaed. Page Bl. · Bu6iness promotions told Delly ,.._. ,.._.. i., httMll O'OeftMI elephants, camels and other assorted animals to the Anaheim Convention Center virtually without fanfare. One lad on bicycle did manage to take in the parade a.nd even joined in. CHECKING HOT SPOTS -Firemen clear shingles from roof at 3262 Turlock Drive, Costa Mesa, as they hunt for more hot spots from fire believed caused by illegal fireworks. Firemen Oops, so sorry JV.onparade produces chaos Dear B<.: I'm 1ure thla wlll appear as an Incredible display, of incompetency, but I couldn't fJnd the herda of elephanta, hones, camela and llama.a that traveled the streets of Anaheim Thunday afternoon. I know It doesn't appear to be a difficult tuk -locating auch an array of anima1a among the extremely common alt.es of he>Wle9, reetauranta, park.Ing Iota and cars. But I arrived on time for the Rinalins Broe. Barnum and Bailey circus parade that should have begun at 4 p.m. However, the cavalcade Instead embarked in Its march to the Anaheim Convention Center at 2:30 p.m . This left me and counllea othen wandering and wondering. The early unannounced starting time, togelher with erroneously advertl.8ed parade routes, evoked chaos resembling a three-ring circus. Ooope! Well, I apologize for the absent elephant,. riding article that otherwi.Be would fiave appeared In today's paper. Even though the Greatest Show on Earth wasn't the moet organized show on Earth for Thursday's street parade, performers and animals will exhibit their reheaned acts at the convention center through Monday, Aug. 16, unless they decide to leave early. Your obedient servan~ PAMELA STEINRIEDE found evidence of bottle rockets on the roof and in the front yard of the two-story home. Damage was estimated at $53,000 to house and contents. Man hurt, fire damage heavy One man was injured and a two-story home heavily damaged in two separate fires in Costa Mesa Thursday and early this morning. Fire officials blamed bottle rockets landing on a wood shake roof at 3262 Turlock Drive for a fire that caused $48,000 In damage and another $5,000 content Joa. Administrative battalion chief Jim Richey said author ities found illegal fireworks on the roof and in the front yard following the lire at 4:37 p.m. Thursday. Phyllis Sulkis, owner of the house, was not home at the time. An 18-year-old man was treated for head injuries after falling from a roof while he tried to battle a fire at 3 :40 this morning at 1881 Tahiti Drive. William Stanovilch was treated and released from Costa Mesa Mem orial H ospital following the garage fire that apparent~y started from a cigarette left smoldering in a car, authorities said. Firefighters controlled the blaze that caused $5,000 damage to the garage and another $3,800 to contents in 38 minutes. William Steel, the owner of the house, was not home at the time. Mesa 111an laces fraud in Reagan deal A Costa Measa man has been charged with fraud in connect.ion with falsifying escrow figures In an attempt to buy Prealdent Reagan's former Pacl!ic Palisades home. William C. Ogle. 54, fosta Mesa and Roger E. Wright, 48, Pomona, were indicted by a Los SPORTS Angeles grand jury Thuraday on one count of conspiracy, nine of mall fraud and four of making false statements to a federally insured lender. Assistant U.S. attorney Julia Barash said the two attempted to falsify loan documents In an attempt to show that the $1.3 THERE-S A CATCH -Last-place Twins oontlnue to give the ~ls fits, winning th third game In four outings this week in Anaheim and ending Lula Tlant's comeback debut after two lnnin~•· Det&il1 on ~ 1. million home was worth $1.9 million. Ogle was identified as the president of Zoller Group, the investors attempting to purchase the home. The two al9o were accused of submittiq financial statements showinR: that Zoller Group had INDEX At Your Service A4 t:r.=. C4 84-5 Cavalcade A.7 Cluaifled C8,Dl-6 Ccmics C6 Bob Greene A7 ero.word C6 Death Notices C7 Editoc1al A6 Eniert.alnrMnt Weekender Gerden1na a ~ A'I Weekender NATION assets of more than $1.9 million in bonds. No such bonds existed,. according to the grand jury. Ogle and Wright will be arraigned Monday In Los Angeles federal court. Upon conviction they tould face a maximum tentence of 12 years In prison and a $39,()(}l) fine. Ann Landen A7 Movies Weekender Mutual Funds B4 National Newa A3 Public Notices C7..S Resiaurant review Weekender Sports Cl-5 Dr. Stelncrohn A7 Stock Markets m Televilion TVLOI Tbeeiera Weekender Weether A2 World New. A3 ....... in'ted ln '" cn.t~. atrl. who i.ufted UircxWl 1tp 1aapap interpreter ln rt, Mid lhe WU ...,..~ eed durtna a fiv.bttur . The Maldonado•' uncle. tlbert Aaullera, 38, of untlnaton Beach, waa ntenc:ed to 44 yean ln •tate by Superior c.ourt Juctae licemarle Stotler for patina in the attack. The Maldonad01 could have n imprlloned for 144 yean . But SOden u1d he believed ey deaerved a second chance uae it. wu a tint offeme for oth. The prosecution had #e()ominended minimum 63--yeer n terms. Organizers ofThursday'a . delDCllWU'adon Mid they have alr•a!Jr 1athered 11veral "'?• ~ The pettdam WW be aent to varloua 0Ulclal1, lncludln1 Attorney General O•orae Deukmejlan, Gov. J.,ey &town and Ora~ County Dlltrlct A~y HJek:t. MS. OellaDcnna Mid much ot the aupport for the proi.t and ~effort la com1na from AncrY clthen1 in Loe Alamltoa, Fountain Valley, Corona del Mar and Irvine, A aucceaaful recall effort, would reqUin 82,000 aipatu.rea. However, it la too late to qualify for the November ballot. Recall petltlona have not yet been circulated. COYOTE HUNT e e e the bluffs near Victoria Avenue. A 3-year-old female coyote was captured allve Aug. 1 at Our • Town apartment complex at 2300 Fairview Road and taken to the county animal control shelter. Harrison said that another coyote was spotted the aame day in the backyard of a home in the 700 block of West Wllaon Street. Both areas are several miles from the bluffs. The an1mab had to travel city streets to reach the homes. "The big problem la catching the coyotes," aaid Harrison. "They're clever animala and very difficult to capture. So far they have us on the run." Harrllon warned residenta not to attempt to catch or comer the animah themselves. Generally they do not attack humans unless provoked, he said. In the Loa Angeles area there have been several reporta of coyotes attacldna young children. In Coat.a Mesa no one has been injured. ~ops think hammer Used in beating Orange police offtdala sa1a today that a hammer may have been uaed by Billy Ray Bryant, 30, to beat hia wife, Trisha Bryant two daya a.go. Mrs. Bryant, 27, is in fair condition in the intensive care unit of the UC Irvine Medical Center after suffering head injuries due to the numerous blows allegedly inflicted by her husband. Bryant apparently ibot and killed John Brooks, 29, and~ fatally wounded himsett Wedneaday, aax>rdina to Orange police offidala. The incident, atill under investigation, aparked' a five- hour stakeout at the Bryanta' Orange apartment on Wedneaday. Their 3-year-old daughter was safely taken from the acme after police found her ln the houae with the bodiea and a loaded lhotgun. Medical Center request filed Calling Irvine the biggest dty in Calilomia without a hospital, a community group today ~n noun ced that a formal application for a major med1cal center in the dty has been filed With state health offidala. 'Plans were unvelled at City Hall for a multl-mlllion-dollar health care fa::illty to be called Irvine Medical Cent.er (IMC). The first phue of the complex includes a 222-bed bolpttal, an outpatient clJ.njc and facilities for a nursing school, educational programs and research. Price for that phase is aet at $95.8 million. a I rate 10% • near WASHJNO'OON CAP) -The nation'•· unemployment rate IJUlhed c:a.r to the 10 p.rctrlt l.vel ID Jul)', bltttq 9.1 J*Cllllt. the hllhHt In 4 f yeart, the p•nment reported today. The Joble11 rat• bad held nelll'ly ate.dy u the NCHalon oondnued throuCh the tprtna -rWnl only from 9.• percent ln A-pril to 9.0 pen.nt tn May and June. But today'• Labor Department report wu tWed with clLtcow..,ana ficu.r9. Unemployment I09!'ed to 10.5 percent in California in July, well above the nationwide rate, state of.flciala aaid today. The 1euonally adju.ted race for the 1tate roae from 9 .5 peroent in June and 7.3 percent' In July 1981, aald Fred D. Brenper, aaaociate regional administrator for the 1tate'1 Employment Development Department. In July, the report aau1, aoout 10.8 milll9n Americana were officially unemployed -ac:tlvely looking for jobl but not finding them -about 360,000 more than in June. About US million more have given up, the government reported laat month. July's jobless rate for adult males, who make up the bulk of the nation's blue-collar workers, roee to 8.8 percent. a post-World War 11 record. Unemployment for blacks held steady at 18.5 percent, although the jobless rate for black teen-agers declined slightly to 49.7 percent from June's 52.6 percent. Unemployment rates roae 0.3 percentage point to 8.7 percent for whites and to 8.4 percent for adult women of all races. The current overall jobless rate la already the hiahest since the 9.9 percent for alf of 1941 at the end of the Great Depreaaion. Unemployment hasn't been over 10 peroent since the 14.6 percent of 1940. In the last 13 months, the unemployment rate haa risen from 7.2 percent to 9.8 percent, aaid the government'• oommlaaioner of labor statistics, Janet Norwood. In that period, ahe said in testimony before the congressional Joint F.conomic Committee, unemployment roee by 2.9 mlUion aa 1.8 mill1Qn people joined the labor force and the number of available jobl fell by 1.1 million. Summing up the figures, she aaid •imply, "The employment situation data released today show lltUe labor market strength in July." Sunny days !Coastal Over 1he outer wetera from Poln1 Conception to SM Nlc:o4aa ttland nort'-1..wtnda 10 to 11 knota. s-4 to a !Mt. E>Mwtletw wind• _, 10 aou1n-1 10 to 16 knot• 1f1emoon. SOuthwwt IWlll 1 to 2 IMt Forecut: moatly '*· U.S. suntmary He1vy thundentorm• were IC8ttered In part• ol the SOuth, the Pleine and the SouthwMt 1oday, wt111e the ~I heel log and haze. • Shower• end thunderatorma : continued In the .oulhem hllf of , \t,. mld-Mlaeourl VelWy, .out'-1 •Alabama, aou1hweat Georgia, ' fl()rthem OltlahOn\I, central Not1t1 I Oako1a, through northeut H-I Mexico 1nto .outi-t Arttona. • Slclle -moe1ly clMt In muc:fl I of the Greet 8Mln and the Pac:Hlc :fforl~. • The forecu1 calla for ~ 1nd thund1ratorma from the aouthern Atlantic Cout to th• 'low. and mld-Mllliaalppl Vrlitff'f, ' and In Artzona. It wtn be aunny ei.wnere. Temperaturel atCM'd the nation before dewn ranged from 52 In I Alpena, Mich., and Houlton, Maine. to ff In Phoenix, Atll. ,--.----------------i California : The Hltlonll WM!het a.vlCa 91 92 t2 12 97 75 75 92 119 ... IO ... 70 .. ao 17 85 100 S7 .. 15 77 75 N 92 71 .. llO to to .. to 93 ., .. 12 104 .. 17 94 " 92 71 92 tlO 92 92 llO .. .. 11 to 18 IOI .. 71 79 82 59 16 75 58 5-4 51 74 71 ea 55 .01 17 .12 72 .. 14 .92 67 74 17 IO .02 73 16 57 71 .04 .. 55 53 13 57 n 11 74 74 71 74 70 IO n 73 • IO 71 ea ae • n n 74 ., Tt 10 74 7a to ea .01 .03 .()3 .23 .n .15 .03 .... .16 Piland.Me 71 Pti.nct. Orw .. Pl"cMdel IC9 13 Aelllgtt 119 Reno .. Alcltwnond to Seit Lall ... 8M Antonio 100 '""" TS Slw:1.: 97 Slowl .... .. St Louil .. 81 P•Tempe 87 St 811 Mllrll 79 8poll-ee ""-as Top9k1 ee Tuceon ~ TulM .. WlcHla 100 CANADA CtlOerY 71 Edll'IOMon 71 Mon'*' 73 ~ ~ ... Toronto a Vencovvtr WtMlpeg u 52 59 94 70 49 74 5t 70 57 73 15 74 75 53 58 72 72 n 73 60 ... 55 53 59 57 ., .. Extended .01 · 02 weather SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL AHO MOUNTAIN AREAS -Fair lklll Ile.capt pet11y doUdy In I.he mountllnt with I few afternoon and e11enlng .05 thund1nhowera. Patchy early . 10 momtno low doud• -the OOMt. High• mid to upper 70• II the beac:hM to 95 lo 106 In ~ moun\alnl 1n the aos. Lowa IOI 22 coeatal .,... to 50I and IOI In the mountllna. .40 ____ ..._ ________ .._ __ Smog The Air Ovellty MIMgl!Mnl ot.tnct Pfedlat9 ~ ., qulllty Fr*'f In moet .,._ of the Soutn eo.t .,, Blaln, w11$ elr torec11t o~nly tor the loll dlMf1 and Big ........ lllf llPHT UnMllltlfUI alt II tor...t !of 111eryone In the Rl111r1ld•l•n Bem•dlno ..... Wllll • Polutem Slandll'd llMMI! of t41. A NI Of 240 la predlollcl tor Ille 8en Oabrlel and Pemona 111111¥a. Wll•tt to 0111 (toll ''") for z:ac t-4 14 24 w 2 , .. , .. t4 ... ... ... ,.. :2 .... --:::~ A ..... , ..... 71 .. 70 10 70 10 70 70 70 •• 70 70 • • • ~~~:......._ Loe AntllH County: (IOO) 242-4022 .......... and .., lerMldlllO oountt-. (IOO) 3'7-4710 AOMO __. c.nter: (900) 241-4111 Tides T'OOl\Y a.onct IOW 4:11 p.m, ~ """ 1cua p"" M~T """ -1:40 .. "". ...... 111111 1l:OI ,..... 4A ........ 1:11 ...... l.i • --.. ..... u :11..-u ... .... , ..... ~ ...... ,.... .... 11 l:Cll a.lft. T~W't TIOai Hlill 1a. •. -. 1.w le40 .. "". ,_ -... fllll ,._ 111:11 .....,_, ~"' .... ' .......... ,~ .... ' l ? • s County may lift IMn .. on some local beaclie11 . ~ ca.t IW'fen may 19' a sna11 --o1 die beldwia '° Buch and La1una Beacti'. ~ bit bnU fraaa die aounty nat tn~-!'~~~•.«• thOM c1u ... 1urt.1.,. ~ week when 1uperYl10t1 will .... ·--. ...... ...,.u__.. ordtNd out of u,. ..._ w)Wt Con.td.r 11 ftlna 1urftn! Durln1 crowded day1 th ..._ __ h ded wt•.: ' Jl'e~uard1 alto have order·: • ,_ • .,.. ~ .... re1trlctton1 on county-own• ' tG twimrr\era ~ beechtl. . 1ur era out of the dHlanated •--•· .:._.. __ ...... ,__..t New resulaUona could wuh artH, virtually ellmlnaun1 .. B~ gau" yellow -_.: away the COW\ly'• 11 a.m . to D 1urftn1 on many bot 1ummer flaaa are ralaed •t llfquardj p.m . ban on 1urttna at Sunttt da towen to ~t the IW'fert out of' BMch, Allio Beech., N ~(Salt &w~ver, John Mo1queda, the water crowded condJUOnl.i = f1 the Mc*iueda aaid. I O'eek~ and the ca Ana suOtl'WllM nn.-t or ''Duri"'• the month of June we: River h. c:oUnty. Mil tan CMK'Cllt day. ... • .. ___ ... , • ..:,. beach•• are practically had a lot of cool wee~ -It, Intttad. llfe1uard1 would ~0 didn't make aeNe to ratrtct the; allow 1urfin1 all day on all unu.d In the altM'noolw bemu.e au.rfen when theN w .. no orwt: aecttona of the bach unlaa they 1urfeu are banned by the else on the beach.'' Moequeda I determine the area i• too re"4a~· ... . uld. , crowded with IWimmen. Ht ..... tM MW replaUont "It WU a difficult felU)at.lon: Since the early 19701, the would conforsn with po)tclea for the lifeguard• to enforcei countv hH re1trlcted •urflna employed by tbe cltlea of when beache1 were nearly{ houri' and limited aurflnR to Hunttn•ton Beach, .Newport vacant." i Beirut· assa;_,1,-oontinue~ . Israel spurns U.S., U.N. demand to give up gains ! . . . . By 'file A11octatecl Prol1 Iaraeli jets and gunboau bombarded guerrilla-held west Beirut today after Prime Minister Menachem Begin'• government refused U.S. and U.N. demands to give up military gains in the PLO atronghold. One seven-story building wu demolished by the warplanes. The Palestine Liberation Organization said 250 people were eitller killed or wounded, but Red Cross re9CUe teams said 10 were killed and 25 wounded in the strike. Aa rescue workers dug through the rubble, a car packed with explosives blew up about 25 yards away from the building, Frontier jet lands safely • in emergency DENVER (AP) -Erneat Duane Cook said he never had a risky landing in 16 years as a Frontier Airllnes pilot until he safely eued down a jet with 102 people aboard and both left tire9 blown out. The blowout occurred Thunday afternoon u Frultler Flight 194 took off from Stapleton International Airport, bound for Atlanta. Cook aaid he and flight officer Jim Rimer heard a loud noiae, suspected trouble, and Oew back over the airport *> authorities on the ground could confirm the damage. Cook said he "told the passengera we had a aerioua problem. They were very calm. They were beautiful people." He said the 97 paaaengera applauded after the landing and congratulated him as they stepped off the Boeing 737. "1 felt like a country preacher," Cook said. "They tried to wear my hand out." The plane flew in circles for about two hours to bum up fuel, then made a rough but safe landing without even igniting sparks when the damaged landing gear touched the runway near a waiting fleet of emergency vehicles. klllinl five people , correspondent• reported. No group claimed responalbWty for the car bomb. "We hove to verauade our American friends that U.S . mediator Philip C. Hablb'a effort.a-will collai:-unlela there ii a credible mUltary option," Israeli Forei1n Ministry spokesman A vi Pamer aaid in Jerusalem. hraell ollldala eaid they had not been fonnally notified of the PLO's latest proposal, whereby the guerrtllaa would evacuate Beirut within 15 daya of the arrival of an international peacekeeping force. • ID The Family Crista Center of Costa Mesa hu received a $6,890 gift from an Orange County phllanthropical organisation that wanta to remain anonymoua. The family counaellng center th•t waa l!ecently forced to cloae ita youth shelter due to fundir:ig • A faahlon ahow and wardrobe selection seminar for both men and women is acheduled at Saddleback College'• new Center for Adult Career and Life Development in M.mion Viejo Aug. 18. The "Strictly Business Seminar for Men and Women" la an approach to building a bU9i.nel9 Y..ardrobe. said a collep spokeswoman. • Co.ta Mesa ffiah School graduates of 1972 are aeeking claaama tea for a l 0-year reunion Aug. 21. "Unless ~ see tndk:atlont °" l the ground that the PLO la reactr, 1 to leave, we remain akepUcal, ' i said an Israeli official tn l Jerusalem. "Until now, all we I have heard are worda and more 1 words and we don't believe them: any more." ' I Government sources lni Jerusalem said earlier that Urael: was giving Habib time to: negotiate a PLO withdrawal.: Habib met again today with! Lebanese officials, who said the! Pa 1 eat in e Libera t Io n • Organization wu ready to leave. within 15 days of the arrival of a. multi-national peace force. cutbacks, plans to use the money to atart a new counseling program and a referral directory. Family stress worbhope, parenting claaaea, marriage and family counseling are available at the center. For more information call 642-8380. It's from 7 to 9 p.m. in room BC-13. The seminar and fuhion showing of the la1est in fall business/campus attire is open to the public at the price of $10 per person or $15 for two people. It includes fashion by Nordstrom and color commentary by hMge Works. For furthe11 infpnnation on this or o t'ber college programs, call 831-4530. Anyone interested in participating in the reunion can call ~-459S. AMLINC'S Newport Nursery and Garden Center POTTERY SALE 20 1 OFF All • POTTERY I SAUCERS • REDWOOD CONTAINERS •BARRELS • f' • STRAW BASKETS • P01lll8 SOIL • WIRE BASKETS --- OFF 11.52 CL081NO 714.U gas shortage SAN DIF.00 (AP) -California faces a major guollne ahortaae in the next 10 years that could bJ'lnS( f3-a-gallon prloe1 and a return ot raUontna, 1tate Energy ~ Geno Varaninl predlct.I. . ''The lituaUon 1n the Middle Eut ll eo un1table," aald Varaninl, "\hat we can count on a dramatic 1hortfall.'' ~ Speaking here Thursday to about 100 hospital administrators at a conference on ene.rey coauervaUon, Varanini said if Call!orn1-'s oil supply was reduced by 5 percent, prices at the pump would lncreaw by 50 cents. · Utilit y to save $42 million SAN DIF.GO (AP) -San Diego Gas & Electric Co. says it expects to save customers an average $2 per month on eleetric bills by renegotiating contracts with two major fuel suppliers. It is a move expected to win approval of the California Public Utilities Commission. The utility will avoid expensive oil purchases after October and save customers "approximately $42 million" with the purchase of less expensive natural gu, a apokesman saJd Thursday. A ll-Savers interest to I all WASHINGTON (AP) -People who wait until next week to purchase tax-exempt "All-Savers" certificates will be loli.ng money. The interest rate on new certificates will fall Sunday to 8.96 percent and remain there until Sept. 4. The current rate is 9.~ percent. "All-Savers'' interest is limited to 70 percent of the average annual investment yield on one-year Treasury bills. which are auctioned every four weeks. The yield in 'fhunday's auction wu 12.80 percent, down from 14.27 pem:mt July 8. Datum announces revenues Datum Inc. of Anaheim repor1ed second quarter revenues of $2,891,000, a decline from the prior year's $3.222.000. This produced a net loss of $106,000, or 5 cents per share, compared to the prior year's loss of $84,000. or 4 cents. For the six months, there was a net loss of $185,- 000, or 9 cents, compared to the prior year's $82,000, or 4 cents. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT UPS AND DOWNS NEW YORlt CAP) -T ... tol-1"9 lllt tt1ows IN -v-Slo<k E "'"-U«u -w.,;.,,u ,,.., ,.. .. ....,. .,.. .... ,,_, - - t .... "'"' ...... °" perc-of <"-,._-dint of ..-IM FrlOly. ...::. r:.r111e ~'?.:~:~~ dlfle,..nce ':\.= IN ..,..., ..... , clOM119 11<lc• ...., -'(• t~m. l>(lce. -LAii C.W Pel. I PSlncl ),5C)pl K + 11'. VP 12.4 2 H~ Ull> + l'-Up ll 1 l~I )4 • ... VP 11.l 4 •ut1es 0.S "' • 'Ill VP t S S ~ W1 I" + 'Ill VP t 1 • "-!IC» I + "' Up &.S 1 1(-P\. 2.2Jpl lt'lll + l\<o VP I I I Si"'IJ P.i I'-+ II> Up 1 0 t ~YSI-II" + II'> Up •·' 10 llMttM Inc INll • ... Up • a II Mattll LSllPI 2'11> + Ill> VI S 4 It OuQU 2.l1pr ISll> + ~ Up S. I 1J ~-21 + I Up S 0 I• O.WT.,.rn SI.to + lo. Up S.O IJ ~ n 2-. • YI UP U 11 OAFQI pl U~ + ._ VP '-' 17 Alleefl Inc I~ ~ YI Up 4.1 11 A<:MtTrsl Sii> + 14 VP 4.1 .. Ole! ... IMI IYI t ~ Up U 10 o..tellnd "'-+ "°' Up 4.S ll C-1"""51 ll\ + ._ VP U 22 VnEnAfl U'-+ I Up U 2J H..-Mng IJ + '!II Up 4.J t4 lftdiM USl!f 1S1<1 + '-VP U n WlsEI 7.7klf u~ • 2Yo Up • 1 DOWNS ~ Ult CllQ I CltieSSIKe *7\lo -~ t tm.n~ Ullo -1'11 J -~ .. pl H -1'-4 Tr'"' l""-1W. S VNC!ln 4* -.. • OU.LI U1111if 11-. -I 1 =-2111>-ll'lo e IM ll1--"' .~ ... "-1 10 AelllMEIW , .. -"' II a-'CflftHV '"' -111 12 l.l'-1. ~ ... -4' ,.~ ,~-... ,. OulMr Oel -'"' 1$=1"" -YI I Teldl ,,_ I. -~ ,, 81KIJ!!.li.-liM' -'"" :t i:r.c~ = = ~ ·IO IWC ,i.r,r =-1'4 21 ""11111< ,,_ -' "ijfc' .,,._"' u M ' ~""=f: lt PIA .. -I"' COlD COINS • AMERICAN LEADERS METALS NEW YOAK (AP) -Spot nont9'r- -t91 pne. •oci.r c.,, .. , 72"·75 cenll • pound, US ~· LMd ~29 C*lt• • pound Zlno 37...-0 _,. • POUl'll. ~­ Tift *4.2114 Metall WMIC compoeill lb ~ 1e-17 -'8 1 POUf'CI, N.Y. Mercury sses.oo per """"· "'•""-S284.00.13te 00 troY ounce. N.Y. SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS 8y n. A I II 1'"84 ,.,_ s.lecled WOf1d gOld Pf1cea lodey: Londofl momlng Ricing· 1346. 13, off S0.37. ~ lfltmoOll llJdng. $344.76, off Sl.16. ,.,,, 111.,noon llalng: 13'3,38, off 12.20. . ''*"'""' tudng: 1348.00, on I uo. Zurich 1111 1ft1tnoo11: $343.&0, off 11.75 blel; 134-4.25 llllM. H•lld1 a Hlf'"'Mu only dally quote '3«.75, on 11.n . ir,...._. °""" dlllly Quote 1344.n. off af.76. ·~ """" dlllty ciuot• fllblated 1360t. on 1u~. • •