HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-07 - Orange Coast Pilot, _.. ........... . . -... . .. ,,. Ylll HllODll IAllY PAPll SA lUfH)J\Y AlH .ll.I 1·1ti,' l •·J\NC al <:OUN I Y C l\1 If OflNIA 25 CENTS EVACUATION -Paramedics and f1re f1ghters rush strt't.cher carrying Ramona Lauriano, st>raously lOJured an Laguna Dellr l'llot l'hoto bJ P•lrlck O'Don...i1 Bcac.h crash, to helu:optN walling to carry her tt1 UC Irvine Medical Centi:r. AddataonaJ photo. Page A2. fPCH accident injures teen in Laguna A 16-yeor-old female reported .to be a Laguna Hills resident W<l!> serio usly injured Friday m an !auto accident on Pacific Coast H ig hway JUSl norlh of th(• Laguna Beal'h city !me Ramona Lauriano had both legs partially severed when the car she was attempting to U-turn on the busy coastal road was struck by a mail truck, officials of the California Highway Patrol ond UC Irvine Medical Centt.>r reported According to the CHP M s Lauraano's I Y70 Ford had bt:t>n parked on the side of the rood 's northbound lane near El Morro Road when she attemptPd the U turn at atR>ut 4;40 p m and rnll1ded with the mail truc:k , r e p o r l e d I y d r 1 v 1• r b y independent conlraNor Daniel West. 27, of O range West was uninjured, and thr~ passengers m Ms Laur1ano's car '>Usta ined m1mn to modt•r ate tnJuries, the CHP sc.tid. Ms. Lauriano reportt'dly wus pinned in the car for n1:arly an hour before being freed by a ";aws of lift''' device She was removed fro m the Sl'ene by a helicopter, wh1<'h landed on PCH. backing up southbound lraff1l' UC I M ed1t·al Center spokeswoman Toby M11l1gan said Ms. Lauriano was cxp&·ted to remain in surlo(l'ry fur much or Friday night T h e C HP 1s continuing its 1nvesttgatmn of the JC'\.·11.Jent. Few tax hikes seen on By PATRICK J . KENNEDY Of IM DIMIJ ~lot St•ft Officials of Orange Coast c1llt>s -except Irvine -said Friday they foresee no local impact from the state S upreme Court ruling that mun1cipalit1es may 1mpoS<.· general revenue taxes wnhoul the two-thirds maJOnly r~u1n'<.1 ror "special Laxes" under Prop 13 Irvine off1 c1als said tht>Y art' de1erm1n1ng If a prop.ost>d incrc,ase in the city's hotel lx·d t<1x would rail under thl' court's ruling and only require a s1mpl1• ma Jori ly voter approva 1 to b{....:ome law The ctty proposJI will ht-on the November ballot Off1('1ab or otht•r area l'1tws, rrom Huntington Bt•ach to Laguna Bc·ach , expn•sst>d subdued approval of the ruling, but said thl" ruling probably woull.ln't spawn local ballot rnt•asures for increased taxes In 1lS 5·2 ruling Thursday, th1• l'OUrt upht•ld a $17 millton annual payroll and gross rel'e1pts tax 1•nal'l£•d in the c:·1ty of San Fran1·1sc·o wt th 55 per-C'f'nt vott•r Coast app roval m J une 1980 Th<' city claimed that Prop. 13 requiremen ts were ainwd only at "spt'l'lal taxes" for "special pu1 poses" and that the city's tax mt-<.1sure fut general government pur~-s d1J not need two thirds i.liJprnval In <& 14 page ma)Urlly op1mon written by Jus11w Stanley Mosk, th1· t·ourl agreed wtlh the• c·1ty In J1ss1·11t, Just1t·es F rank K Hu h,.1rdson and O tto M Kaus ~<i1d the majo rity's dec1s1on l'fl11 fl1 l'tt·d with the in1 t1ative's ... tJlt·u <um of 11m1t1ng th~· abiltty 11f l1":al governmC'nt lo increase otht•1 taxes to replac.·t> the lost pr•1pt•rty tax revenue· San Fran(·1sc·u Mayor Dianne F.-m:.tt•1n rt•actt-d enthus1a.st1cally tu ltw ruling , 11:-rm1nl( 11 t he "most s1gmr1cant dec'1s1on" smcoe l'111p I:\ was µosst·d Orange C 11.., ., t u f f 1 c 1 ci I :. w l' r t' 1 rs s l'nthUSla5lll "C.ovt•rnnll'nt orf1l·1ab an• Vf'ry r1·IUl Ldnt lei dll<."mpt to IOlTeas-: t,1X(''> unll'S.'. absolutply forced to .tnrl I <l•m t think you t'uuld <'Ven 1See PROP. 13, P~ge A2) Medical complex viewed Irvine g roup r equests hospital., clinic., nur ~in!Z school ATTENTION-GETTER -It's not easy sneaking away in a red and chrome 1923 08ily l'tk>t l'tloto by LM l'e1ne Ford T -Buckel roadster, but Ja('k Can ch has fun trying ·Rev up red roadster 'Adult toy' goes for pins early on weekend mornings By GLENN SCOTT Of It.. D•lly Piiot 8tett Jack C'anch 1s not exactly a famous guy. but tht>rl' are limes he must feel like one Thost' arc the instances whl•n the 30-year old Costa Mesa resident hops m has 1923 Ford T Bucket roadster and goel. for a ride Not too many people have such slick-looking cars with 350-cubic-mch Chevy V -8 engmes and more chrome than a Hollywood d1sro So even though Car1ch asn l 1n 11 for the attenu on. he gets 1t "Wherever you leave 1t," says Canch, "1t always draws attenti on People always want lo sit in It and 1 usually say 'Thanks, but I'd rather you didn't' " Carich isn't mterest.ed in tht• drawing power of his roadster Mostly, he's JUSt mterestro in its driving power P art o wn er o r Amburge y -Ca r1 ch Const.n.1ct1on C"-0. he says the red roadster 1s his NATION "adult toy," a car for weekend fun "l try to get up early and sneak 1t out l•C. tlw garage before my wife gets up," he savs "'ThC'n I take 11 o•tt for A little spm." Carich bought the car a year ag'l through friend Larry McGavran, also from Costa Mt-sa, from builder Lee Gibson of Orange h 's not original, but then, the origmaJs didn't ha ve 350 Chevy V-8s He chooses not to divulge 1ts pri<.'(" He alc;o has no plaru to enter the roadster m car clubs. exh1b111ons or other auto oriented act1v1lles H's a car for him to en.1ny. pure and simple So 1f you rise with the sea gulls some misty weekend morning and you spy a gleaming red roadster hanging a t ight corne r o n some forgotten coastal road, don't bother following You'll know who it as and what he's up to And one more thmg You'll know he's smiling WORLD By JOEL C. DON 0 1 tt.. OeUr "'lot Stett A form;;! permit apphcal10n for a ma1or medt<·al cente r 1n Irvine has been filed with state healt h off1c1als by a group o f t'Ommuruly leaders The mulum1lhon-<l0Uar health care fac-1Ji1y 1s to be called Irvine Medic:·al u n\er (lMC) and tl IS su pported by a grass-roots t:oallllon called People for an lrvme Community Hospital. A 222-bed acute care hospital, oulpal1e nt clinic and facilities for • 1 nursing sc:-houl. educatio nal programs and r('c;(·an•h mark the first phase of the romplex Pnc:t> IJg fur that m111al phase has been '>t't at S95 8 m1l11on Al a press .. -onfc>rcn('(· al Irvtnt' City Hall Fridav IMC off1t1a ls ~1d latt•r stages include a library, health museum, r('s taurants, 400-sPal .iucJ1tor1um . exen·1st• field and howl like lodging for patients whc, do n o t req u1n' husp11al1zallun rur treatment ThC'y declined to st.a lt' the cost o f thOSE" rac1lilt(.M'; A :12-a{TC' V11lagt• 12 planning an•a 11ear Jpffrey Road and Barranco Parkw<1v has been sde< ted for lht• mt~itcal center IMC off1c1als are negouaung o land and rduca t1 onal arrangenll'nt with Saddlcbal·k C(1mmu111ty Coll<'ge. wh1<h 1•pC'rate:-. 3 s atf'lltte campus arlJ<ll'ent to th(' proposed health ~a1 C' eomplex OH1C'lal:. .ilso S<Jld they would l1kt• lo arf1lial(• with the UC Irvin<' Collegt• of Mf'd1c1ne IMC 1s now the SC<'Ond group lo fil f' a n•rt1f1calC' of need (CON) applicatwn with the Office of Statewide Health Planning and fX>vclopml'nt Chatsworth-based HealthWt'Sl Foundation rect'ntly submitted its application for a ma1or rnedtt·al l"entcr to bc- located al UC lrvme Tustin Community Hospital ulso has s h o wn interest 1n building o hospital in the city WeslC'm Mt'<.11l·al Center. once a h ospital proponent, p lans to request pc•nmss1on from thf' state Reagan to push for tax hike Nessie jJst a gassy log? WA S HINGTON (AP) President Reagan decided Friday to delay a Cali fornia vacation he planned to begin next week so he can lobby Congress for a $98.9 billion tax increase Freeze backers claim victory WASHINGTON (AP) -Leaders of the nuclear weapons freeze movement claimed Friday to havP scored a victory even though the House narrowly voted down a freeze resolution. Nixon opposins tapes release WASHINGTON (AP) -Ric hard Nixon on Friday uked the Supreme Court to bar the releue of White Houte iape recordings spanning about two years of his presidency. \ -------~--------- ,IC There have been many e xplanations for the origin of the Loch Ness monster legend but the latest is particularly bizarre. A scientis t speculates the "monster" is nothing more than an old pine log that surfaces periodically to belch. Page A5 South America: Overall view South America: A continent o( high hopes and nearly Intractable economic and political problems. See Page B6. COUNTY Listen tor the barp in Laguna Look.Ing for aural aa well as vi.aual pleasure at the Sawduat Fettival ln Laguna? Just listen for a lilting votce and a harp. Page A6. .. for a $1 0 million outpatient medical din1l· in Irvine Construction on IMC, one.~ It has rect'1ved state approval. 1s set ror 1984, with completion of the hrst phase by late 1986 Funding for the facility will come largely from d onauons and 1t will b<' managed by H oag Memorial Hospital m Newport Beach, dl't·ordmg to IMC president Dave Baker G r oups vying to bu ild a hospital in Irvine are expected to mt'E't opposition from the state in tht• wake o f an Orange County Health Planning Council rt•port '>la llng the Irvine area has loo many hospital lx>ds to warrant tht> add1uon o f a ne"' inµallt'nt ranlety through 1990 The health planning counci l makt•s n~:ommendauons to thf' l >f f1t:<· o f Statewide Hf>alth Planning and Devt>lopml'nt on J n y pro posed pro1cc:l fo r the t·xpans1on of St'rv1ct.>S or fac1ht1es in the county The stau.> health u ff1ce adopted the Orangt' County report on J uly ao a!> pan of 1 Le; genPral he<tllh t·arr plan. at't·on.ling to Tom Hinton, CON n•vu·w ofr1cial with lht· health planning coum·il JMC 0H1 ci als have disputed th(• ht.•alt h planning i:ouncll plan . .,.,ytn.(! thl'tr studH·s Jnd othi>rs ... hov. <1 nt•t'rf fo1 <1 ho:.p: ta I in lrvint· Howt·Vl'r. Bakt.•r ackn\Jwl t•dgec.I the medical C'('nter faces "an uphill battle" to t(a1n approval from st.a h• offll'!als Judge orders Cove lawsuit changes 8)' JEFF ADLER Of lhe oe11r Piiot Steft Attorn<>ys for both th1· '>ldlt' and the Crystal Cow R<•sadt-nl-. Assoc1auon tangled m O rangt• County Superior Court Friday. but thC' outcome did l1tll<-to untangle the legal s tatus of residents laving 1n tht' sta lt• park's aging colta~e community Judge Ph1l11p A. Petty gave the reside nts' attorney. Craig Dumm1t, 30 days to amt>nd a law!>Ult so that 1t addresses som1• particular issues argued when a state motion to d1snuss the su1l. t·alled a dcmurr<'r. was bt'for(' tht· l'OUrl Before the demurrer will bf· hrard again, Dumm1t must address whether state off1c1als Wt'rP acting on the exprt"ssed authority of the direct.or of th<' General Services Agency when long-term lease extensions were promised to both Crystal Cove INDEX Comme nt B6 Death Notices C3 Entertainment B9-BIO Movies B9-l 0 National News A3 Public NoticesB4.BlO,C3 SPORTS and El Morro Mobil<· Homt-Park rt'Sldl•nL'> In 1979 Atkhllonal argumt'nls on th<• dc•mu1 n ·r c-ould be heard before Aug :m wh1•n ~ ht>aring on a pr(•hminar:--1nJun<:t1011 bl()('ktng n·sidt•nt t.'Vll'l111ns 1s schedulf'd J-1 0wt•ver. 1t 1s possible that arguments on both motions will bl• heard on Aug :lO. Dummil -.aid During th<' hearing. Df'nnas Dawson . deputy a tto rney ~<'neral representing both the <>tall' Parks and Rec:-r eat1on Department and the GSA . argue-d that the residents' lawsuit should ht' dismissed because it is w1thnut legal st.anding Among reasons t 1ted to the murt for gran1mg the demurrer WNC' that The court lal'ks Jurisd1ct.Jon in that matter because the st.ate Legislature already has enacted (See CRYSTAL, Page A!) Sports Television Theaters Trivia Weather Youth Bl-5 Bll B9-10 B9 A2 8 7 Karate instruction a kick Barbara White's present for h e r · kara te "graduation'' was a swift kick ln the stomach -from her husband. Page B4. Angels, Dodgers win Reggie JackBon popped a grand slam to pace the Angela over Seattle, 11-9. The Dodgen scored twice ln the tenth inning to beat Atlanta, 5-4. CRYSTAL COVE • • • a law detenninl.na the resldent.11' fate. -The aNoclaUon failed to show that the GSA director approved the leases in writing. F o llowing the h earing, Dummlt commented h e w as pleued at the outcome because It moves the lawsuit o ne ste p forward. ''I'm feeling pretty damn good," Dwnmit said. "If all we have to prove is that these guys (certain state of{lclala) were not acting on their own volition to win the case, well, ['m feeling good." Company. On the other hand, Daw10n argued that the lawault bolla d o wn to a landlord -te n ant matter. "Just becauae a landlord rents to some tenants, he doesn't have to rent to all," the deputy attomey general said. The residents association lawsuit contends that the state reneged on ita prorru.e to provide tenants of the cove'~ 45 cottaaes with the same 20-year lease extension offered to El Morro residents ln an effort to open the park up to the public, the state has tn1tlaled plans to remove the tenants and use the <..'Ottages for hostels or rental units. I From Page A1 PROP. 13. • • aet • majority ot voters to •r. to a tax Increase unle11 It • a ' drutlc tltuatJon," Nld Charles 1'hompl0n, city edminla\rator of HunQ.naton Buch. I "f think It'• a al11Mlcant ruJ4lg because I believe the majorlly I ahould rule in a democracy. but J don't think lt'a going to cause any drastic changee." Evelyn Hart, mayor pro tem bf Newport Beach , aaid she agrees : that a simple majority of vote)'s ahould decide tax issues, but 11t)e alao said she believes the court's , ruling "violates the spirit of Prop. 13." "We've been very conservatiye In budgeting and l don't see ¥8 aakJng voters for funding in the near future, at least for the next few years," Mrs. Hart said ~I think the majority rule is fine, as long as cities don't abuse it ijy repeatedly putting tax measur" on the ballot." During one heated exchange of the complicated hearing. Dummit told the court the treatment cottage resid ents have been accorded is "an embarrassing, sorry saga m the history of the state's relationship with Its citizens." He added his clients have "been bounced around hke a pingpong baJJ" by the state in the years following its purchase of Crystal Cove from the Irvine Eviction noti<..-es already have been ser ved on p art· ti m e residents of 23 cottages; however, the st.ate has agreed not to begin unlawful detainer actions against those residents before the Aug. 30 hearing. The state had set a July 31 deadline for cottagers to vacate their part-time residents, but none have complied. ACCIDENT VICTIM -Sixteen-year-old Ramona Lauriano receives medical aid Crom Laguna Beach fire and paramedic personnel after being pulled from wreckage of her car. D911r ..... ..,_...,,....... O"OeNlel struck by a mail truck as she re portedly a ttempted a U-tum on Pacific Coast Highway Friday afternoon. Story, photo, Page Al. Fountain Valley officials haVe proposed a spedal tax to he~ fund police and fire depart.menta, but city officials said they belie-.ie the November ballot measure b still subject to the two-thirds requirement of Prop. 13. 'We got hi111 breathing' Mayor Marvin Adler said he d<><>sn't forsesee any o thPr tax measures in Fountain Valley. ·•1 don't think any of the c1t1es art· thrilled with the idea of im- posing new taxes," Adler said. Ex-judge Gardner Lifeguard handles first life-death s ituation with aplomb on way to Samoa By STEVE TRI POLI Of the Delly Pllo4 SI-" Longtime local reside nt and ;udge Robert Gardner of Corona dcl !\far has made good on his proruise not to stay retired Gardner, who reured from the state appeals court in December after 44 year s to preserve retirement benefits, will start a three-year term as the c hie f justice of the High Court o f American Samoa Sept. 1 Gardner said the c:1ppomtment was confirmed Friday by the U.S. De part- me nt or th e I nt e r ior , which admin· 1sters Amer- IC'a n Samoa (neighboring W es tern S amoa is an independe nt t·ounlry.) Cl.umMO Jt wasn't a complete surprise, Gardner S8.ld. He's been seeking the job for a wh1Je Asked why he sought the post. lhe 70-year-old Gardner replied, "Why not? I've done everything here. I'm reured now there's 110 more mountains to climb "You're not 70 every day of yo ur life and the brass ring doesn't come by every time," he >aid . Gardner, who has been a state a ppeals court judge, superior court judge and a city judge, had managed to stay on the bench ,Without pay after his December retirement. He said at the time, "I am not going to sit around and play golf or take trips like other people who retire do." He also has written a weekly column for the Daily Pilot. But he also had no desire to return to the private law practice he left in 1938 ... I aJways say, 'I wouldn't hire me,"' he said. He described his new job as the top legaJ post on the island and one of only two positions th e r e still f i lled by U .S . government appointment (the court's associate justice is the other, he said). The g oal of Am e ric an administration of the island has been to preserve native rule, he said. There is a popularly elected governor. lieutenant governor a nd legislature, all land is communally owned. and villages on the island of 32,000 are still ruled by chie(s, Gardner said Gardner, a local resident since 192 1, said he and his wife probably won't return lo this area until the three years in Samoa are completed By GLENN SCOTT Ot the OellJ Piiot Steff Eleve n-year-old Horace Lin of Irvine was close to death Friday in a College Park Community Association s wimming pool in Irvine before lifeguard Clark Paul pulled him from the water The youngster had been expenmentmg with his brother to see how long they could hold lhe1r breath under water when Horace's brother yelled for help. Il was 12:40 pm. on a hot day. But the Elm Avenue pool was not busy. ln his three years of lifeguarding. n o thing so desperate had ever happened to Paul. he said later Horace had no pulse a n d wasn'l breathing when the lifeguard placed him, face up. on the deck. "He w as all black and blue. He wasn't doing too well," recalled Paul "l JUSt pulled him out of the water and told some parents nearby Lo call the paramedics. Another woman, who said she was a nurse. assisted in giving CPR " By the time paramedics arn ved, the boy was sitting up He was woor.y and reeling from the sudden surge of oxygen back mt.o his brain But he was aJert enough to know his name. Paul said They took h im to Tustin Community Hospital, where he was hsted m stable cond1t1on. He was then tr ansferred to Ro:;s- Loos Hospital in Los Angeles for High clou s Baltimore BlrmlnQhllm Bl9ma1ck ---------BolM N01'1hwM1 wind• 12 to 18 knots OVM outer COfflal wat8fS from Point Conception 10 Santa RON l alano Seas d e creas i ng e._._. winds mos11y llQnt •nO varleble tiecomino well 10 soulhwetl 8 I O IS llnOI S ahemoon Soul'-1 ..,...I 1 10 2 feel Forec:M1 Fair wtlh varlable htgh clouO'-with palcny foO or tow clouO• ove< oul• -•er• Botton Bu Helo Burllnoton Charl9'n WV Cherl11e NC Cl1eyilnne ChlCaOO C1ne1nn111 C1eve1ano Clmt>4• SC Colurnt:>ua Oel·FI Win Oaylon O...ve< OM MQ4nes ----------Oetrool V . .'ii. s11.n11nar_y Tt>unOtwslonn• -• acet1ered lrom ll>e lower Mluourl Valley lh•ouoh ttl• lower Mln lu lppl Vlllley on Frleley, at welt U 8Cl'OA K.ntu<*y and ll>e Vlrglnlu llnd M aryl•nd to southern New JerM'(. Thunduatorma alto wera tcallered from Florida acroq the southern Atlantlc Coaat, and trom aoutheallern C•lllornla 1cro1t aouthern Nevada 10 nortl\weat Arltone. For lod•y. scaller.O thOWefl llnd tllundetllorme -• for-t from the cenlral and southern Attantlc; Coaal llCtOA the ~ Ml11l11lpp1 Valley, and from 1outhern Utah and soulhern Nav•da Into central Arlrona Wldey -tiered ahowera were lorec:Mt ove< oantr el Taxaa >utu1n El Puo Faifbanlts Feroo A 90a1att HO!'Oluk.t Hovaton lndnlPfl• JM:kllon JKktNWlle Kan1 City Kno•vllle Lu V90as Ume Rock Loultvllle Memphis Mleml Miiwaukee Mpl11-SI P N .. lwHle New 0.le•n• New YO<k No<fOllt Okla City Omaha ----------Orlando Phied(>hl• California Southern Cellfomla wt11 lie llllf thlll ....icencl Wllh Vlfleflle lllQh cloud• lltll• 1lgnlllcan1 temperatuni menge Orange Count y c an eapecl hlgtta from mid to uc>pet 70. et ~. eo. to low 90e 1n1.na LOW9 ..._uy In 809 lnl8f'ld vWyt Cllll •otpect Noh• In the 90e. low9 In lhe 60t Mour>l-1ne -,..,.. hlO"• In the 80•. 1ow1 65 to es lto1a1ed aft e rnoon a nd e vening t~ Gvsty wind• In .-u. HIQhe In llOf'lhem ~to 100, io-. 66 to 711. Soulllef'll ~ hlQhl 98 10 108, low9 75 to M . leOleted th~ PhoeniJI Pltlat>urof' ~ Richmond Sell L.alt• Sen Al'llonlo SMlll• = SI LOUl9 St P-Twnpa St Sle Mwle T~ TulM WuhlnQtn Wlchlla 73 67 62 76 85 93 11-4 71 60 79 84 86 83 81 89 82 87 88 103 57 r-~T'l1:--"=:::~--,----....--.-r--------.-;;:;::;;:=-~,...,,.,.....;==; 65 58 S4 71 68 55 67 72 66 64 67 73 67 00 89 90 82 85 78 99 73 91 60 89 95 88 ~ 91 87 88 73 ..... _ W .. "'9< 5efv<e 100 ~~ NOA1' U S o.c>t Of C<>mm•c• 11 Fronts: Cold ~ Warm .,... 102 92 86 87 8o4 77 87 87 88 n 91 96 82 91 82 101 87 91 90 92 100 81 97 &4 86 85 79 115 tOO n IM so 69 55 76 81 7'l 73 71 74 70 79 75 73 eo 67 65 66 69 76 70 74 76 70 74 H 77 86 48 74 S8 89 Sol 73 M 74 73 53 72 79 73 73 98 &4 ~ 70 79 67 Culve< Clly EurM<e F~ Lale• Arrowt>eed Llll'CU14"' Lono Beech Loe AflOllet Monrovta Hewpo<1 BMcln OaJcfand Onter\O Pelm Spring• Pasadena Puo Rot>IM RIYerelOe Red 81uff Redwood City Sacramento Sel4nu Sllllll Ana 5-nta Bwt>v• Senta C"4 8-nte M8"8 Senti Moolc:a Slod<ton T et\oe V .. ley Thermel Torr..- 92 S9 82 S3 96 64 &4 56 92 64 101 87 96 70 106 65 79 65 97 60 103 67 109 82 101 69 102 00 96 83 104 64 96 59 96 56 87 49 97 t;/ 19 60 89 58 111 SI TS 64 99 61 83 45 97 83 88 &4 98 11 85 73 90 87 112 90 90 72 87 116 90 13 90 77 90 73 i4 77 73 48 90 73 90 78 87 611 83 73 Occlv<Jed ...,. Stationary •• Ca!Qary Edmonton Montreal Aeo1na T0<on10 Vancouver Wlnnlpeo CANADA Extended weather 60 49 73 48 76 S5 90 59 77 57 73 59 81 64 Monday-Wednuoay Fair In coutal ., ... wllh hlQhs ranging from ml<I· 70• at t>eecf>M lo 909 In valley• lows In 60• F•lr In mountain ere•• except some ettornoon end ttYel'llhQ c:loudlnMt With • ,_ thunderltlowerw mlllnl\I aouthern reno•• High• In 801. Lowt 1n 50t al1d tower eoe. S mog The Air Ouallty M anagemenl Ot1trlct predict• unhe1llhful lff quality today In moat ., ... ot the Sou1h Coul Air 8uln Unhealthful air 11 forec .. t ror everyona In lh• San Gabriel· Pomon1 valleyit wl!h • Pollut1111t Stlllldard Index of 275 9nd tn the Sa n Fernando-S1 nt1 Clulla vllleyl with I PSI of 210. Unh111thlul air for Hnaltlve people 11 l orec11t In the Alverlld•·8•n 8efnardlno 1re1. !>SI 191: the M«Mf·a.lnore .,.._ Fair and hOI over Notthern Calif°'"" with a r.. petol$ of COHt•I foO or low ctouda over oanlral co.et. A llttle ~ ti0110 -..---------------------metropollt•n Lo• Angel" end •~ Banning, PSI 183, and lh• low ooeet Sundey. 19Clletacl --· or lhuoidei.,_.,.. In Slwr• Temperatures • 71 56 t4 t3 .. t1 .. te 70 .. 102 73 dw«11, PSI 118, · ·. '* 0~~lf llPDIT ~i€~~'l , .... A"t 1 1 t I .... -2 2 2 i .... .,., IW aw · IW SW Tides T'OOAY tun "" toaey It f:4w p.m~ ri-htUl'dlty II f-of Lm . Moon rlaM tOdey It t :l7 p.m,. ... , SetuNey et 7:M a.m. observation. The lift>guard, too, was reelinR from the incident by the time most t>Vt>r y thing had settled down Although people were congratulatory, lhe event had caused quite a shock for the CaJ State FuUerton sophomore. He had, For example. already forgotten the name of the nurse who came to the boy's aJd He wished he hadn't "It's the first ume thlS has ever happened to me," he said. Maril y n Han cock, the rnmmuruty association's aquatics director, said it was only the second time in nine years t hat paramedics had been called to one of its pools. And this case, Li ke the last, is expected to have a happy ending. She said Ho race was an excellent swimmer and a bright child and the incident showed the need for s u pervmon. For Paul. 1t was a matter of training and execution. Said the relieved lifeguard: "We got him breathing." Officials of Costa Mesa. which bene f1ls from large influxes of sales tax revenue from loc:al shopping centt'rs, also said there are no plans for add1 uonal tax proposals H ow(•v.:>r , Mayor Arlene Schafer said. "It (the rulinv) has to Ix-a posll1vc step Nuw we have to look and see what it's going to do for our city " Laguna Beach of f1<:1a Is said they are awaiting a detailed analysis of the r uling but that no tax pro posals a r e currently planned improves surf conditions for Sunset Beach Shore • erosion Huntington Beach lifeguards say that because of natural shore erosion nearby Sunset Beach is making a comeback as one of the best surfing s pots a long the Orange Coast. But along with larger waves come stronger riptides and lifeguards report that in recent years the number of rescues at S unset has increased 500 percent. T h e 1.2-mile-lon g county beach is located near Huntington Beach city limits just north of Bolsa Chica State Beach . The co unty c ontracts with Huntington Beach lifeguards to patrol Sunset. "Sunset &ach used to be one of the best surfing beaches m California," said Mike Eich, a 12- year veteran lifeguard at Huntington City Beach. But he says surfing conditions were ruined in the early 1960s when homes were developed alone Sunset and the Army Corps of Engjneers moved in 100 yards of sandy beachfront to protect the ho~ Crom waves. Now, natural erosion is undoing some of the damage to the surfing conditions and long a nd well-shaped waves are forming at Sun9et, he said. "The Army Corps changed the beach slope and the good waves disappeared," Eich said . "But natural erosion is flattening the shore again and the waves have noticeably improved in the last five years." He said •he shore is flattening out similar to the Huntington Beach coastline , whic h is recognized as one o r the top surfing spots in the st.ate, Eich 88ld. However, he said there still are about 100 yards of protective beachfront between the houses and the waves at S unset. "The waves at Sunset aren't as good as Hunungton or parts elf Newport, but in a few years ll looks like they'll be as gooo and theri better "But along with that, riptides are stronger and the rescues havf> gone up d ramatically in the last five years.'' Rating the surfing condition& (See SURF'S, Page A3) NEWPORT BEACH SPORTINC HOUSE-NEWPORT BEAC.H SPORTINC -NEWPORT BEACH SPORJ '"~NEWPORT BEACH SPORTING HOUSE WHERE HEALTH IS A WAY OF LIFE & CONDITIONING A WAY OF LIVING . --------------. --- I I I l· ., " Stoett market takes' dlve NlliW YORK (AP) -Tht 1loc:k market tumbled to lta lowest level ln almolt 2~ y.an Friday u lhe .Ude o( the put two w .. kl continued. . Anal)'lta wd Gulf OU'• dedaion to drop lta b1d for Citi• Servipe Co. 1ent a jol\ throulh a market already troubled by wldeapread concern about the economic outlook. The Dow Jonee ·~ ctl 80 lndUl\rta.la fell 11.01 to '7&6.$4, lta lowllt clme line. It 1tood at '7&0.18 on April 21, 1980. 8"a July 20, the •\l'el'al9 hu plu.nced more than 49 potnta. Volum._ on the New York Stock khana9 caiM to 48.ee mllllon thane, ap1n1t M.'to mlUfon Thunday. Money up, little ellect seen NEW YORK -The Federal .Reeerw Mid Friday the nation's basic money 1upply roee $900 mHllon In the week ended July 28, an increase credit analysts said wu generally in line with market expectations and that ahould have little effect on interest rates next week. "It's essentially a neutral number." David Jones, economist with AuQ(ey G. Lanaton & Co., said after the Fed reported that the basic money meuure, Ml, roee to a 1euonally adju1ted avera1e of $461.4 billion from a revited $4~0.0 blWon a week earlier. lniereat rate9 for government acuritiea in the reeale market, which alttady were rtaiJ\8 prior to il\e Fed'• announcement. ed1ed ati11 higher after the announcement and bond prices fell. Controllers knew of win shear WASHINGTON -Air controllers were alerting pilots about possible "wind shears" at the New Orleans airport minutes before Pan Am Flight 759 took off and crashed into a suburb, killing all on board last month, tower radio conversations show. Transcripts o r airport tower radio conversations released Friday confirmed that controllers were concerned about sudden STATE shifts of wind in all of the airport. At least four times within minutes before the Pan Am jet took off, ey advtaed pilota of SCH:alled "wind shear" portl. Federal inve1ti1aton previoualy have said thal the recording of · conversations in the cockpit of Flight 759 indicated the Pan Am crew had heard at least two of the wind shear advisories. Copter struck in Morrow death LOS ANGELES -Federal investigators said Friday that flying debris from a apecial- efrects explosion -including a metal fuel canister lid -hit the helicopter that crashed and killed actor Vic Morrow and two children. "A blunt object struck the helicopter tail rotor's trailing edge," said Don Llorent.e, chief investigator for the National Transportation Safety Board .• He refused to speculate on the probable cause of the crash, saying more investigation was needed. The crash occurred at 2:30 a.m. July 23 aa Morrow, 53, carried Renee Shinn-ya Chen. 7, and My-<:a Dinh Le, 6, across a shallow river amid expl06ions depicting the Vietnam War for a segment of a movie revival of "The 1:wilight Zone." FBI probing aeid eye drops LOS ANGELES -The FBI entered an investigation into acid-laced "eye drops Friday to determine if recent incidents of apparent sabotage at Alpha Beta supermarkets are related to a similar case seven months ago. Pasadena police turned over seven vials o r eye drops, six or them contaminated with suHuric acid, to the FBI, which will analyi.e the containers for latent fingerprints, said Pasadena police officer Jay D'Angelo. He added that the vials were being sent to an FBI lab Friday and the results could be available shortly. "We thought this case was connected (to the previous incidents) and they agreed," D'Angelo said. "Baaed on information on the previous incidents, they had the same m.o. (method of operation), the same con\ent." Recall moves out of hand: Bird SAN FRANCISCO -State Supreme Court Chier Justice Rose Bird warned Friday that an '"invisible gun of fear" may soon be pointed at every judge's head unless bullying in the form of recall threats is stopped. Ms. Bird, who faces a recall effort filed Wednesday by anti-tax crusader Howard WORLD Jarvis and others, told a luncheon group that there "has seldom been a major cue before the California Supreme Court in the past few years where 30l'Tleone was not threatening one or more of the justices with some form of involuntary retirement should a certain result not be reached." Israel arms eurb move vetoed UNITED NATIONS -The United St.ates vetoed a Soviet resolution in the Security Council on Friday th.al called for a worldwide anns embargo against Israel for failing to pull back from west Beirut. U.S. delegate Charles Lichenstein, who cast the veto, said Washington rejected the resolution "because it calls for sanctions and because 1t will not contribute to our goal or achieving a peaceful settlement ... Britain, Togo and Zaire abstained from voting and the other 11 council members voted for the resolution. ln Moscow, the government news agency Tass reacted with unuaual speed in denouncing the U.S. veto, saylne it proved Washingwn is an "accomplice of 'Pel Aviv's brazen aggression in Lebanon." Gandhi pleased with lJ.S. visit NEW DELHI, India -Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, returning from a nine-day trip to the United St.ates, said Friday it was a "good visit," but some disagreement continues m a nuclear fuel issue. where she met Prime Minister 7.enko S~uki and other Japanese officials after her U.S. tour ended Wednesday. Mrs. Gandhi told reporters, "I was surrounded with warmth and triendlhip" in the United States and her talks with President Reagan "were frank and friendly and cordial." Several hundred political leaders and government officials greeted the 64-year-old leader am':'"ing aboard a jetliner from Tokyo, ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomu P. Helev --Clllol 6-~ ~ Schutu Vlee--~.,.....,_, .... Tom Murphlne EdllOt Mike Harwy onctor ol Mer\ellng C~I Ken Goddard ~oleo.- Ray M.cleen •c-ollet Tom Mccann -......Edllar CIHalf'IH ed¥efti81n9 714"'42·5171 All other cMs>•rtmenta 142-4321 MAIN Off!CE DI We.i ..., It., CO&te -... CA. Mell ........... , 8o• IMO. CO&\e -... CA. tl6I' (epytlelll I.a Or .... c-"''*'"""-~. Ne~..,....,,...., .. '°"" .. ltwlel ......... VtttlM-b l'lerelft ~ .. , ___ ........ '"''-' P9fm1Mleftef<_...,. __ Second cl••-1-Pllkl et COiie MeM. c.i.......i .. IU PS 1...-1. Sullkrlptlon by c.,ri.r '4.1S -'I' Dy mell. ... JO ..-INy, VOL. 75, NO. 211 Steelmakers nix import pact WASHINGTON -The nation'a large1t and third-larc-t steelmaker• Friday rejected a, ·proposed settlement that U.S. and European offlml.I !worked O\lt to limit the export of steel to this country. David M . Roderick. ch.airman of U.S. Steel Corp., the No. 1 pl'Oducer, Mid the eettlement WM ''nei\her fair nor equitable.·· Jones & Lauc>illn Steel ~· .. td throu1h ~pokeeman Jot\n Purter it "oould not eccept the terme of that propoul." D.-, ,... .... ..., ......... .i We're Listening ••• Morocley·'•>dltY II "°" M !'GI,,_ • --Dy s 30 p "' cell IMbe , •"' -"°"'GOO";'"'" be...._. What do you like about the D411Y Pilot? What don't you llkt? ": ~ tl'O 5-U~y'I r.' ...'°:: llelOte ,r.-,., c::r ¥Out CoPY •N bt :; ......,.., Call the number below Md your me11a1e wUI be rteOrded, tran,cribed and dellvertd to the appropriate editor. The ume 24·hour Af\tWdt"I eervlce raat be used to ret0rd ... ten to the editor on ant topic. Mallbo• cont.rtbuton mutt llWIUCS. their n11me and telephone number for vertnoauon No etrcuJ1Uon ,. calls. pleue. 'T'ell ui whafs on your mind. Orange COMt oAi~V PtLOT/latiwdey, ~at 7, 1N2 O•ll)' Pllol Pftoto bf L .. ,..,,.. HYBRID -It looks like the manufacturers couldn't decide whether to build an airplane or a helicopter. but this is a prototype of the XV-15 Tilt-Rotor rese arch aircra(t demonstrated at MCAS. Tustin, Friday. The craft can operate vertically or horizontall~'. Copter-plane prototype put through paces at Tustin station By STEVE MITCHELL of'ho.lrPlotlUft The prototype aircraft is ugly as sin , but its gravity-defying maneuvers impressed the 300 or so Marines and their dependents during a demonstration flight Friday at the Marine Corps helicopter station in Tustin. Aa an announcer droned on about the XV-15 Tilt-Rotor research aircraft, the twin-rotor Cl'088 between an airplane and a helicopter swept over the control tower at a speed of 220 knots. The prototype is one of two that have been developed in a joint $50 million project by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the Army and Bell Helicopter Textron. The XV-15 is the latest concept in the evolution of vertical takeoff and landing technology. and Bell apokesman Richard F. Spivey says the tilt-rotor could serve as a helicopter escort ship for the armed forces. Spivey said a larger version of the XV-15 will be produced, with 1,084 of the aircraft scheduled for delivery beginning in "the early 19908." "This is nothing but a concept demonstrator:· Spivey said of the gray and white tilt-rotor. The two huge prop-rotors, driven by two 1,550-ho.rsepower turboshaft engines, are located at the ends of the 25-foot long fixed winp. The turboshart e ngines are modified for both vertical and horizontal operation and both rotors can be rotated 90 degrees at the wingtips during conversions from the airplane mode to the helicopter mode - or vice versa. During the demonstration, Bell pilots put the test plane through its paces in front of one of the huge hangars at the helicopter station. Hovering just feet off the ground, the prototype danced to the right, then to the left, scooted backwards. and seemingly s pun out of control. As the copter/plane rose off the ground, the twin rotor engines began to rot.ate Crom the horizontal to the vertical and the aircraft sped off toward Red Hill Avenue. Then, banking steeply over the roadway, the pilots flew back toward the crowd, reaching speeds of 300 knots as the prototype zipped past the control tower and out of view. The Bell s pokesman said a From Page A2 larger aircraft to be develoJ>f'd fro m the prototype will far surpass any helicopter escort a1rcraf1 currently m the air. The prototype was brought to !ht• helicopter station for the demonstr ation before being flown to Nellis Air Foree Base in Nevada for testing. SURF'S UP AT SUNSET . • • along the Orange Coast, Eich said the eight miles of beach in Huntington are the best year round for consistently long and well-shaped surfing waves. He says the beach is flat and on a point and gets the benefit or swells from north and south. Newport Beach, which usually gets only southern swells. also has several excellent surfing &reas. but the wavea are "faster lhd steeper" because the shore is sloped more than Huntington. He said Laguna Beach surfing conditions are unpredictable because o r the rocky bottom. He says if sand gathers properly on the rocky bottom, the Laguna surfing also is excellent. In Huntingwn Beach, he said, there are two sets of waves rommg m at the same time, one 50 yards from ~hore and t he other between 100 yards and 150 vards out · But Eich says that·some of the hundreds o r su rfe rs that frequent Huntingwn Beach may begin straying to Sunset Beach. '"The oldtimers say Sunset was better :Ind more consistent than Huntington. and it looks like in a few yea rs Sunset will again be the best surfing spot around ." FV trustees targeted Members of a Fountain Valley School District parents group were expected to begin walking neighborhoods this w eekend to collect signatures in a campaign to recall three district trustees. Janet Schmidt, a spokeswoman for the Committee Advocating Responsible Education, CARE, said the group's petitions aimed at recal ling trustees Cheryl Norton. Roger Belgen and Suzanne M oore have been approved by the Orange County Registrar or Voters. She said separate pe li lions have been printed for each of the •trustees, e nabling r egistered voters to consider individually whether any or all of the taq~eted trustees s hould be included m a recall election. To obtain such an election, the CAHE group must collect more than 6,000 signatures before the l•nd of November C ARE has targeted Mrs . Norton, Mrs Moore and Belgen for r e call bec ause o f these trustees· s upport for a school reorganization plan that will con vc•rt three sites into middle schools (gra des six throueh eight). All three trustees have said they st.and by their decision on middle' schools They have said they are not mtmudated by the recall attempt BRAOn SALE I DEMONSTRATION -- I I l ' \ , 'i J . l..:: ____ J .. -KF35 MR6 ' ~~I MADA MtNtPtMl!R VANO MP50 NICI EXTRACTOR KSM 2 MINI GftlNDeR SALi SALi SALE SA ti •59e,99 . •49.99 ·, '69.99 •19.99 lr111 l••••mlflt• Jo-.,, .I... 1 It Ill Stores EJ I' Actor Vic Morro" hu left the older of h1I two ~uahten the bulk of Kia estate while will1nl only f 100 to the younpr woman under a will filed few probate ln Loe Anaelet Supertcw Court. The actor, who died July 23 ln a helicopter accident, 1pedfied ln the will that elder daughter Cante Au Mapel, 24, be granted power of attorney over hla account at Foreign Commerce Bank in Zurich, Switzerland. Bjeside1 the $100 awn he left to daughter Jenntfer Lee Morrow, 20, the AC10r left t&0,000 to a fn.nd. ~ 8iUit of Bewrly HU11. He a11o umed him executor ot U. "Wt1l C11Mtrfnl the eetate, the v.Jue of which wu undetermlMd. Deputy Whlte HOUM pr"8 1ecretary Larry ,, .. ~.. wH blunt in hll an mment of On Moln•p,~wa, "ft.!~•, even before •-• Arrived there. . s.,.ak• wu Soi"I over the prt1ldent'1 act\edule for the 18~-hour vtalt when he tot to the late aftemoon and wWninc even ta. Aa tor the evenm.J lie Mid: "There are no nlahttlme actlvitJet tor the premdent." "In fact," he added, ••there are no nighttime ac\lvltlt1 In De1 Moines at anytime." ~~=---== •---Sl a 11111IOI\ ~and ._ ~ a t2,aoo bond, Hini:ll County authortU. NJd. Jonili9 •Pl*l"*i before Judp ltarta Gilfoy to an1wer the char1H 1temmln1 from hi• Maret\ 29 .,.....t on Intentate &&. Juctce Gilfoy declined comment on the appearance, which wu ahftJUded In llCl'flCY. ---AUlltant 011trlct Attorney T•••Y Mayfield confirmed, however, that Jone. had waived arnifnment. ----Ktrelak ZJol .. wUJ. ine· man wbo for 30 yean has been rethaplns • 800-foot JQOWltain lnto a monument to tbe Stoux chieftain erur a.ne, 11 reported recovertna af tel' heart bypau ~ow1kl, 73, under~ent Nraery :-rul 27 at a Hartford, Corin., hos ta1. 1pokelman RM DeWall . in Irvine Doa ownen can 1•t their anJ.mala rePtered OI' vaa.inated for rabiet at a cllnlc 1ta1ed Thunday at th• parkln1 lot ouulde the Irvine Pollce Departmtnt. The clinic will run from 7 ·to 8;30 p.m. Vaocinationl wW cost U each. Doa• ahould be on leash.el. The Mllior\ ii 1pomored by the Animal Servicel l>ivllion of the Police Department with aid from the volunteer aroup, PAW1 (Promotion of Animal Well•belna). The PoliL'e Department la next to Oty Hall at Jambocee Rold 8ltd M<.'Gaw Avenue. For more Information, call the city at 754-3734. Taxes topic Israelis due on interview shows Steelworker Daa Caton paid hip dollar, picked up the aleldgehamm~r and tt>olc three awing• at an already battered Fiat -the late1t gimmick to raiae grocery money for his Jaid- off colleagues. . A eemtnar on "Tax Haven ill: The Legal U1e of Tax Havens" will be offered Oct. 5 in Newport Beach. Here are the scheduled guests on the major television network news interview shows Sunday: ABC, "This Week with David Brinkl ey," former Undersecretary of St.ate George Ball from Washington. NBC, "Meet the Press," Israeli opposition leader Shimon Peres. CBS, "Face the Nation," Moshe Arens, Israeli ambassador 1nance t . ourses offered More than 30 counes in accounting wUl be offered at Orange Coast College in Cost.a Mesa. Semeater clasaes begin Sept. 7. Day and evening accounting courses include: "Bookkeeping," • • P r i n c i p l 'e s o f Accounting," "Basic Accounting," "Off ice Techniques," "Full Charge Bookkeeper," "Federal Income Tax," "Accounting for Medical Asaiatanta," "Managerial Accounting," "Cost Accounting,'' and "Intermediate Accounting.'' For information, phone ~!WJ-~772. Investing • seminar planned John Allen, a senior vice president with Grubb and Ellis, an Oakland-headquartered firm, will be the speaker at the Aug. 18 meeting of Southern California chapter 12 of Certified Commercial Investment Memben. To be held at the Airporter Inn in Newport Beach, the meeting will begin at 9 a.m. Allen, director of investment marketing and investment fund marketing, will analyze trends In real estate investments. For information call ~0-1236. Accredited The Western Aaaoclatlon of Schools and Colleges ha1 reaffirmed it• aocreditation of Cal State Long Beach for 10 years. Bible graduate Bandy W. Jones, son of Mr. and Mra. Ruaa Jones of Costa Mesa, gr"aduated from Miuourl 'a Ev angel College with a B.A. In Blbllcal atudiel. Doll Show a. and "" Info cllnfc thll S.t. & $un., Aug. 1 & 8: Coflectort & UWI dOll. ICcellONe and houMI. tun~ . Ctn•• Mel. 408 . . & ...,, llwd., H. . I to the United Stat.el. CBS, 1160 Minutes" You're Under Arrest" - report on drunken driving by Harry Reasoner, ortstnally broadcaat Jan. a, in2. "So You Want •to Make a Movie?" -b7 Morley Safer. "Left City' -Ed Bradley report• on the city of ·Santa Monica. "We try to help one another out.'' the 30-year veteran at J&L St.eel Corp. 'a Aliquippa Works aald u he paid one dollar to take three swings at the car. "I feel good hitting it. I'm taking out my fru1trationa on it because too many of my fellow workers have .lost their Jobi ... 25 FAMOUS N~E MANUFACTURERS O .. ANGE COUNTY RETAILER$ CELEBRITY HUG -Cherie Kerr Doremus gets hug from singer Kenny Rogers at recent Celebrity Tennis Invitational in Redondo Beach. Ms. Doremus is president of Huntington Beach-based public relations firm which publicized the event -Kerr & AssociateS. The sponsor will be The Center for Organi%atton and Management Development at San Joae State, and the principal speaker will be J. Ben Vernaua, a. tax planning expert. The program will be held at the Marriott Hotel For Information, call (408) 277-3450. elior- sJ~8: ~ ~~Pv1 55 MILLION FURNITURE I VENTORY SALE OVER 150,000 SQ. FT. OF FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES MUST BE SOLD! EVERY MAJOR LONG ESTABLISHED ORANGE COUNTY RETAILER AND MANUFACTURER SELLING BETTER QUALITY ·FURNITURE ANoANTIQUES . WILL BE HERE AT CENTRAL AREA OF ORANGE COUNTY FAIRGROUNDS NEXT "FO SWAP MEET CoME EMLY, IRINO YOUR TRUCK OR TIWLER. SPECIAL SALE HOURI WILL BE 8 A.M. TO 8 P.M. FREI 'AMINO OFF ARLINGTON STREET. '1.00 ADMaaseON, UNDER 18 FREE. .1 INDUCTED Airline executive and former astronaut , Frank Borman; above, and Arizona Sen . . Barry M. Goldwater were among four aviatio n figure s e n s h rined i n the National A via tion Hall of Fame at Dayton, Ohio. , Saving power 'costs' SAN FRANCI SCO (AP) -Conservation didn't pay for a family of six which shut off their home's electricity for a mon th to save money. After living in th e dark a nd wa shi ng clothes in cold sink water for 30 days, the family received a bill from Pacific Gas & Electric Co. saying they owed $83.64. "I think I've been ripped off," said Gene Radin, who shut off his family's power June 24 as an experiment. "I went into this to see if PG&E read its meters correctly," he said. "I· think I've been ripped off over the years and a lot of other people have, too." The power company said the Radins used 999 k i lowatt hours of electricity from June 24 to July 28. The family. which kept track of the meter readings from the time the power was turned off. says they used two kilowatt. hours. PG&E cu.stome r supervisor Hank Zager said he was puuled by the fo.ulup. "It doesn't sound plausible. does it?" he asked. ''We'll have to check that out. We're very careful about our r eading and very stri nge n t a bout our accuracy. There's no way we could have a reading like this." For a month . the family cooked meals on a small camp stove. and washed clothes in the sink, in cold w ater. It also meant no Pac-Man on their home video game machine. PG&E officials said they would investigate the meter foul-up. Official gets aide Assemblyman Richard Robinson, D-Sant.a Ana, has named Westminster City Coun cilw o man K athy Bu c h o z as administrative assistant for community relations. As former mayor of Westminster, she was active in establishment of the olty's Neighborhood Watch program. LONDON (AP) -,,..._ aa \MIMh~-= .veryy..... ....... t Nllliemay 'llllliDalatUl but a &ota P,,. u.d fr.a the bottom "of \ht lake ID 'the surface perlodlcally by a buJld-up of natural pa. Robert P. Cral1, • retired Scottl1h electronic• en1lneer, preeented hla theory ln an article \hit apP11red ID &he reepected ~Uah ........ ,,. NeW -.S hil theory WU bu9d on the eoNtderabl• d"~t of the -'104 , .. , -fact that ttt IWTOUnded ~ U pln", which l!OW to 120 feet. M O'IJC teU. It. OM or Nveral may have fallen Into the loch, become waierloaed, 1r1dually .unk to \he bott.om and been parjly covend lnlilt. The enonnout p,....ure al the bottom of \he lot'h ....Wttna from the depth 1quHzed tocether the layera ot Mn·laden trunk to form a 1tron1. waterproof outer akin around the q . JU th• lot cfecayed. natural 1uee built up lnalde the aealed trunk, d.rtvina resin and tar Olla in the tree BIRTHDAY SALE RCA i.::::!:~n I" diag. toward \he atwnps of t.M branches ud U.. ends of t.M trunk. ''Thete Ndha and ot1I thUI form extl'\lllanl or bU1tt-rs filled wtth minute 1u bubbles,1• he wrote. ''The ~ continue. and ln Urne the bllatera in effect become buoyancy tanks. The 1<>1 once more can float." On nearln1 the 1urface, the internal p...,.ure of the gu lr\lide • FISHER VHS VCR • 5oft T ovch Controls • 24 Hovr Pr09rammab!. • Electronic Tvner SAYE $.5000 PORTABLE COLOR IOW $52095 OILY e No Frost Refrigerator /ffM%Co frols e Separate Adiustable Templ. n e Porcelain on Steel Inter!« iner e Twin Cri1per1 e 10 Power levels e 2 Speed Fan e Cooktop light ~-....... the trunk Is well abov• the · pretaure outiide. The las breaks the aurlace, the buoyancy bU.tera lfve out and with • hill of eeeapan, gu the 1<>1 linka back to the bottom to repeat the cycle. The releue of pa and chemJca)8 in the lotr u it reachel the turlace would acco\.t'lt for the foamine that lar1e numbers of Nftlie spott.n have nnt.ed, Cral$l wrote. DISCOUNTS? YOU BET . PLUS: * FllEE DElllEllY * HUIE IELEctlOI * FllAIClll * f UIGUI BIAIDS YIU llOW I TIUIT IEIEUL ELECTRIC RCA 50" Dll&OllL PROJECTION TV MGA/MITSUBISHI 1 l" DlllOllL COLOll e 100% Solid State e In line Black Matrix Picture Tube e Auto Color Control I ·'''s1vi;'Q'~O\fC"IOW s299ss OILY RCA 11" COLOR TRll w/REIOTE • Dieltal Scan Remote • CaW. Ready • Ouatta Crystal Tvnln1 I ti ' per,ormance \ 1 I'\ f Vt A IO N " . .. IOW OILY e Full Function Remote e Electronic Tuning , e 2 Channel/4 Spkr. Sound e 120 ft. Lamberti $1,699 PAllASOlllC .MICROWAVE e Large .9 cu. ft. e Variable Power • Turntabt. 5 0 H DlllDflll PIOJECTIOI TY e Super Bright Picture • ·cable Ready • Two 10 Watt lamps ., ' SAYE I ..• $&0000 ~· ' • Jenn Air ; Her dream 'a st-age career' Young arpist entertains at Sawdust Festival• ~ BilllY·BllRLINO •10, when her boyfrttnd 1avt Hrly '701, and h11 traveltd to tour1ests lie Wr Net ...,. her a harp u a birthday pNMnl. acrou the nation. Her Income For Carol Kltyn, Dlaytna th• Otawtna on her clulkal piano comes from tJp and from Mllinl lw'P and l1natn1 at the SawdUlt and oboe tralnlnc, •h• tauaht • recordlne of her eonp, entJtJe<l SAN DIEGO (AP) -'Ibe dty FeaUv&l la bualne.a u usual. her.If to play. "Taldn' tht Ttme." of San Dleao la apel'ldinc $15,000 111 play In falra al'\d on the Soon ahe wu writtnc her own But Ma. Kleyn haa bl11er to tell vl1hor1 who atayed In atreeta all yHr," the La1una· aon11 ln a claulcally-tmplred ambition• than belnl a atreet hotela and mot.eta from Apr111Mt bued artlat Mid. "A lot of Uroet I atylo which ahe aald la her own. mu 1lc11 n, a 1 the album year to Dec. 15 that they can Juat ~et by. Sometimes I don't It la aoft muaic, with her voice ln demonatratea. Like a prevloua dlvlde up to •2.6 million. work.' harmony with her hi:.rp rtffa. effort, ahe acraped money The money waa aet aaide on Her career started 10 yeara She took to the at.reeta In the to1ether, bought atudlo time, and order of Superior Court Juqe recorded it hereelf. Earl Mut. rullnft that after April Bottom line "I flaurea 1t wu the only way 1, 1981. the city leplly collected to get ona out," ahe aaJd. ''The a 2 percent tranalent occupancy record lnduatry doesn't feel I'm tax earmarked for bulldln1 a commercial enouah, but I hope convenUon center. Shot in buttocks questioned one day they wlll. Curtis M. Fitzpatrick, senior "My dream is to •llll with a chief deputy city attorney, aa1d well·known label and have a •2.535,589 will be dlvtded amorur stage career," ahe continued. visitors who pajd the tax. BOS-JbN (AP) -A study saya doctors and nurses may be literally missing the mark when they give patients Injections In the rear end. Researchers have found that ~ standard needles used to give the Injections aren't long enough to penetrate a layer of fat surroundlng the large muscle called the gluteus, the target for many intramuscular injections. "We want to make people aware that although they think they are injecting In muscle, they are injecting most often in fat in adults," said Dr. W . Peter Cockshott, who directed the study. Coc k s h ot t and other resear chers at McMas t er University Medical Centre in Hamilton, Ontario, reported in the New England Journal of Medicine that they used CT scans, a kind of X -ray , to measure the depth of fat on the buttocks of 213 adults. C•ll 642-5678. Put a fe w words to work for ou. They found the average women between the ages of 30 and 40 have 2.6 inchea of fat surrounding the gluteus. Men' have sli8htly less -about 1.5 inches. Yet the needles used for the injections are usually 1.4 inches long. As a result. they found, the needles actually penetrate the fat and reach muscle in fewer than 5 percent of women and 15 percent of men. • Cockshott said little is known about how well medicines are absorbed when they are injected into fat. But he said fat may be even better than muscle for injections. "It's probably all to the good, I believe, that they are injecting into fat, but no one's ever shown it," he said. The practice of injecting medicines into muscle is based largely on custom, Cockshott says. "Nursing is a profes&on that's hidebound by tradition," he said. "They haven't gotten rid of Florence Nightingale yet in some of these areas." Ma. Kleyn knows what lt'a like "We're advertiaing in about a to play before large crowda; ahe half-dozen newspapers and a faced 11,000 people 'A-hen ahe half-dozen other periodicals, was the opener on a Greg Allman largely picked at random," toUr. If ahe la unable to b«ome a Fitzpatrick said. commercial arttat, ahe aaJd ahe "Frankly, it poled a bit 9f a w I 1 1 r e m e m b. e r t h e s e dilemma, how tp tell everybody performances a.s her greatest that the refund was available musical thrill. without it costing the city too But although she lists college much." amona her options, she's not F o r e x a m p 1 e . t h e ready to abandon music yet. announcement In Phoenix, Ariz., "I couldn't live with a nine· appeared as legal notices in The io.five job," she said. "I've got no D8'tr f'tlot ""°'0 l>1 P•trlcll O'OoftMll Pho en i x Gaze tt. e and The timetable for succeeding. Right FESTIVAL ENTERTAINER -Carol Kleyn strums the Arizona Republic. h ow I fee l that I 'm still strings of her h arp as she stops for a while during the Fitzpatrick said Phoenix was improving." Sawdust Festival in Laguna Beach. She roams the grounds picked because many people She also expressed a halting now and then to perform. She is there T uesday, from that city vacation In San commitment to her singing. ·Wednesday and Friday from 7:30 to 11 p.m ., and Saturday Diego ln the summer. He said "U I communicate with God on d S d f ·1 4 J 1· f h 11 similar ads will be placed in the any level, this is it," she said. an un ay rom noon untt p.m. ust !Sten or t e i ting Wall Street J ourna l, Sunset voice. "And, although I put out a lot of Magatine among others. energy, I also get a lot back." r----------------------------=------==------- An appreciative crowd reaction to a quick set at the Sawdust Festival underscored her meaning. Ms. kleyn playa in various locations at the festival on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7:30 until 11 p .m. and on Saturday and Sunday from noon until 4 p.m. Plummer·s value for the gOOd 11fe1 l\ ., 51 :J ?I ;C-W\'L•l ;I! I] Priced Out of A New Home? Living the good life is easy, and economical when you shop Plummer's tor fine HOME VIDEO WHY PAY MORE V' RECORDERS V' BIG SCREEN V' CAMERAS V' FILM RENTAL V' TELEVISION V' ACCESSORIES Limited to Stock on Hand BIG SCRE T.V.'S Here's Great News! • 10 87'W. APR U your gross annual household income does not exceed $38,496, you can qualify for a truly alforda· ble Aliso Meadows home contemporary furniture! Shop and compare! Danish Outdoor FumltUre Plummen 1ow prices on oanlsn outdoorfumlture make fun In the sun even nicer• The pieces are constructed of natural beecnwood frames and have durable canvas covers In three colors vou·u want the l----~ convenient little table too• Club cna1r Table Deck cnalr 549 value S28 value S39 value .,,~s 35s19 s29 47" dla Table s 99 $13~val ........... . White Patto Fumtture I space· age plasttc coverlny sturdy steel gtves long-term t>eautv for lounging or entertaining convenience! Ptummen ttallan patio table ;iccompanles handy General Electric Just Think! No more rent incrusea or payments-ever' Most of your home payment will be lax deductible and the rest 1s an investment in your future' No aslung per- m1Ss1on to hanq up a picture You can paint, paper, even panel. Build in a stereo, bookcases, or a bar. It's YOUR home' ~~l... ........... ~69 occasional tables and your choice of smart chair Stvlesl YESI ~0~:::0 24 DELUXE PIECES All 24 PIECES $1495. lllZllC 24 PIECE PORTllLE VCR IFFEI l :lll ;I ;13t tii i fl I 11 £11;1iij1l;I1]j ;I Wlrele11 RCA Infrared Remote Control Single frame advance Stop actton Double speed Stow motion Great Homes! Plenty of room for two-or a young family-in these clustered sinqle-level 2· and 3-bedroom, 2- bath homes. And no·one hves above or below you• Your own entry and a pnvale fenced yard. Super Location! AlJaO Meadows 11 In convenient Laguna Huls, lS·mmules from John Wayne A irport and aU its 1ob opportunities. You'll love the clean fresh air, the rolling b1l111. A safe place for c~ldren to play. Your Opportunity! Don't Qive up your dream of a new home! You'll never get a better opportunity. Prices atar:t at $79,950. Low, low down payments. Thlrty-ye&r 10.6% loana. (.AliJIO Meadowa hornea mual be owner-occupied and the buyer cannot own other improved real prop- erty at the close of escrow.) Act Nowt Jump in your car. Go down the Santa Ana-San Oieqo Freeway 10uth lo Alicia Parkway and turn right (from the 10uthbound oUramp). Drive! Ya milea to Vta Lomu. Op.n daily, lOa.m. todutlr. For more information, call (71A) 643-0547. Perfect for entertaining. lnctoorsand out. Natural Wood frames. with a vartetv of bright canvas co•o~. $39val. s22..-.. Outdoor stacking $ 24 OutdOOr dining cnalr~~s vat table. 35" dla $ 65 4for~ sasval ......... .. ~~~~ck cnal~ $29 ~i~~.s~~~al tables 19 $35val .............. $ -, --·· IATV•U)AV, AUG.?, 1111 OCC qu•rlerbaclt l!NTEATAINM!NT TELEVISION 89 811 Clay Tucker 'break• ankle. Bl. . . Reggie's slam fue-s Angel victory But Lynn's two-run shot that follows proves to be the dill erence, 11-9 Sl'.ATI'LE (AP) -Regie Jecklon'1 ninth career 1rand 1lam and Fred . Lynn'• two-run 1hot hlghll1hted an etibt-run llxth inning Friday night aa the An&ela held off the Seattle Marlnen 11-9. Mick Kelleher off Seattle ltal1er' Floyd Bannlaw, 10-7. Bob Boone'• ucrlfiee fly ICOl'ed Lynn. The A.naela took. 1-0leld1n the first lnnln1 wl\en Benlque_z doubled and acored on DeC1ncel' linll•· Seattle tied It ln the bottom of the flnt on Julio Cruz11 double and a alnale by Bruce Bochte. GolU: and hndy Hualer came on ln the ninth when Seattle scored four timel before HUiler fanned Cruz with two Larry AnderMn replaced Bannl1ter men on bue for the final out. ... JllCUon clubbed hll 26th home run of the eeu:>n ~ff reU~ver F4 VandeBerg, Seattle'• fourth pitcher of the inning, lnto"°tlle rlfht field ·seats to give the Anaela a 9-lead. Ron Jackaon followed with a llng1e and Lynn ripped his 15th homer into the right field seats. The Angela, who entered the sixth .trailing 4-3, loaded the bases with non~ out on singles by Lynn, Bobby Grich and On TV tonight channel 5 at 7:30 and walked Brian Downing to reload the bases. Rod Carew batted for Juan Beniquez and Mike Stant.on walked him to force in Grich with the lead run. Stanton struck out Doi.qr DeClnces, but VandeBerg c:ai;ne on and served up the homer to JackJOn. Seettle went Ahead 2-1 ln the second on Cnu'1 RBl an,te, but the Anaela took a 3-2 lead In the third on Grtcn'• two- run si!\81e. Seattle tied lt In the fourth on Gary Gray'• aolo homer, hla third. and took a 4-3 lead In the fifth on Richie Zilk'• RBI dduble. An&el third bueman DeCtncea, who had elght homera ln the previoua eight gamea, suUered a 1pralned ankle ln the lixth lnnlng while anaring a pop foul near the 1tand1. He was taken to a hoepltal for X-rays. The Ancell actually 1oat ground in the American Leque West chase cte.pite the victory, as ft.nt.plaoe Kansu City swept a double-header ln Baltimore. The Royals own a half game advantage over the Ancell entering today'• play. Lula Sanchez, 4-2, took over for Angela starter Geoff Zahn with one out ln the fifth and waa the winner. Dave i Big day for Germans I I !'Records tall at Swim Championships GUAY AQUIL, Ecuador (AP) -Birgit Meineke and Kristin Otto won their third gold medals of the World Swimming Championships as part of East Germany's record-setting women's 400-meter relay team Friday . ht. Mean~e. Michael GC06S of Weal Germany and Petra Schneider of East Germany became the first to win two individual golds. Gross upset an American world record-holder for the .r second time this week, beating Craig Beardsley of Harrington Park, N.J ., in the 200 butterlly. Gross, who edged Rowdy Gaines of Winter Haven, Fla., in the 200 freestyle on Sunday, was passed by Beardsley at the 150-meter mark, then overhauled the American to win in the meet-record time of 1 minute, 58.85 seconds, .84 slower . than Beardsley's world mark. Sergei Fesenko of the Soviet • Union was second in 1:59.91, while Beardsley faded to third in 2:00.08. 1Louganis qualifies top of list GUAY AQUIL, Ecuador (AP) -Diver Greg Lougania, winner of the gold medal in springboard competition. was the top qualifier Friday for the finals of the-men's platform event at the World Diving Championships. Louganis, 22, of the Mission Viejo Nadadores and a UC Irvine student, earned 621.63 points in 10 dives, putting him 31.26 points ahead of the second highest q1AAlifier, Vladimir AJemik of the Soviet Union. The preliminaries reduced the number of divers for the finals today from 25 to 12. Scoring will begin at zero when the competition begins for the three championship medals. Another U .S . diver, Bruce Kimball, 19, of Ann Arbor Mich., who ia entered in international competition for the first time since recovering from serious Injuries received in a car wreck 10 months ago, finished sixth in the preliminaries with a ICOt'e of :no. 75 points. The platform competition today will be the third and final event in th e diving championships. Wendy Wyland of Miaion Viejo won a gold in women's platform diving on Thursday. 1 Other men qualifying for the finals today were Thomas Knutha of East Germany with 518.55 pc>inta, Vjacheslav Tro8hin ot the Soviet t!nion with 573.81 polnt1, and China 's LI Konamena with 572.01 points and Li HONPinl with 550.47. Alao, ,Falk-HOffrnann of East • Germ~l wltb 548.34, Dieter Doerr o West Germany with • H5.94, Chrtatopber Snode of Britain with 528.93, Miauel Z.vala of Mexico with 527 .61 and net.er Plewka of Wert Germany • with 523.44. . ' I r Carza to drive in Off-Road race Otto swam the backstroke leg, Ute Geweniger the breaststroke, Ines Geissler the butterfly and Meineke the freestyle on Eaat Germany's world-record medley relay. Otto previously won the 100 backstroke, while Meineke was the 100 freestyle champion, and both were on the victorious 400-freestyle relay Tuesday night. Their time of 4:05.88 broke the world mark of F..aat Germany's 1978 team by .79 seconds. The U.S . team of Sue Walsh, Kim Rhodenbaugh, Mary T . Meagher and Jill Sterkel was second in 4:08.12 and the Soviet Union was third in 4:12.36. SURVIVING -JoJo Toeppner is doing more than just surviving in her aquatic o.11r Net ~ "1 LM hfne endeavor, she's thriving. She goes through her paces on television Sunday. Schneider, who won the 400 individual medley in world- record time on Sunday night, barely missed another world mark in the 200 individual medley with a time of 2:11.79, just .06 off Geweniger's standard. Geweniger won the silver medal in 2:13.38, while Tracy Caulkins of Nashville, Tenn.. won her second bronze medal here with a 2:l!'i .91. CaulkJna also aaw her 1978 meet record of 2:14.07 fall to Schneider's perfonnanoe. She's thriving on surviving The relay triumph and the 1-2 finish in the individual medley added to the dominance of medals the F.ast German women won here. They now have eight gold, seven silvers and one Competing has been her springboard to travels bronze. • The U.S. women, winners of nine golds at the 1978 World Championships in West Berlin, now have medal totals of 2-3-6. The second gold came Friday night as Kim Linehan of Sarasota, Fla., pulled away to win the 800 freestyle in 8:27.48, far ahead of silver medalist Jackie Willmott of Great Britain. who was timed in 8:32.61. Carmela Schmidt of East Germany won the bronze ln 8 :33.67. while Schneider, swimming again just one hour after winning the individual medley, was fourth and Tiffany Cohen of Mission Viejo was fifth. The East Germans also con- tinued to make inroads in men's swimming as Dirk Richter won the 100 backstroke in 55.95, only .09 ahead of 200 backstroke world champion Rick Carey of Mount Kiaco, N .Y . Vlaclimlr Shemet.ov of the Soviet Union was third in 56.42. By BOWARD L . BANDY Of .... DllllJNM8e.et Racing a kayak or competing in an outrigger canoe la a thrill for Newport Harbor High graduate JoJo (Perrin) Toeppner but nothing compared t.o participation ln NBC's Survival of the Fittest competition. Toeppner has become proficient in kayak racing and is a member of the Newport Beach outrigger canoe club team. She has also participated in the Survival of the Fittest competition each of the past two years (the final gment this year will be aired Sunday at 4 o Channel 4). "l was f rtunate to be chosen for the television s w and I finished second overall this ye • JoJo says. "They select the contes nts by word of mouth from other athl and they are looking for certain types of thletes with upper body strength. "l have a real go-for-it attitude in the competition. I think this la necessary because they put you out there on life and limb and sometimes no holds barred. "Being a television-sponsored event, you sit around waiting for them t.o decide the light is right and the camera angles are what they want, then they say suddenly, let's go. "The girl who won the competition this year was there for the third time and she's a rock climber, gymnast and runner and is very well aet. "Sure. I would do it again lf I was aaked." Toeppner donated her money from the televlalon 1how to the American Canoe A.s8odat1on becau.e ahe wanted to retain her amateur st.anding. She says the biggest thrill she has gained from all of the competition ls the chance to travel around the world. "I've been t.o New Zealand, Australia, 'I have a real go-lor-it attitude in the competition. I think this is necessary because they put you out there· on life and limb and sometimes no holds barred.' Nova Scotia, Hawaii and Canada in the last two years and I love to travel," she says. ln school, she competed In gymnastics at Newport and at Cal State Fullerton and had dance u a major. But her sister Sue got her started In kayaking aoon after graduation. At the Sports Festival ln Indianapolis In July, she finished aec:ond ln Kl and K2 and . third ln K4. The tlwnber indicates how many are ln the kayak. Her doubles partner was (See SURVlVING, Page Bt) Heat biggest adversary for PGA field Floyd takes precarious two-shot lead at half way point of tournament in Tulsa TULSA. Ok.la. (AP) -It was a struBJle with humid, 100-degree beat that occupied Ray F1oyd on his weary way to a aecond· round 69 and a two-shot lead Friday in the 64th PGA national c:hampionahlp. "The heat, that wu the tou&h part of the round today," Floyd said alter he'd completed two trip• over the 1teamy 6.862-yard Southern Hills Country Club coune ln 132, eight under par. "It'• gotten to me now. The toll has been taken. At times, lt got 10 bad I felt I l\a4 to pull away, back off from the ball and tal<e a deep breath." The temperatures were not quite ao htgh aa ln Thunday'1 opening round, but the humidity waa much higher and the effec( more oppreaive. But Floyd got th.rouah lt, even thoq.h · his game wasn't ao ahu:'p u in the oprnlna round, with two~ of hla three-ebot lead remalnlng. That, however, 11 not the critical conalderatton at th1a •taae• only halfway th.roUah the toumammt. J1oyd inl:iltAtd. "A two-1ttokt t• I.I nothina. lt can dl1ap~ar on one hole," be 1ald. The Import.ant thlna. he aidd, la that he'• in the chaae. "l like belna in contention. lt'• ..neth1na l enjoy. That'• what lt'• all about out hfte. Tb.at'• what we're all tr)'lnC to do, put younelf ln pOllUon to wtn • tow"Mment, .. aaJd '1oyd, now ln hJt 20th )'Ml' of PGA Tour activity and S-t.Nn • tnelftth away fnn bla 40th btrthday. "lf you. don't mJoy that. then you'r. ln me~bulln9." Bob Gilder, like Floyd a two-ti.me winner on the PGA Tour this aeuon, waa leCOl\d at the halfway poU\t of this toumarnent the 1Mt of the year'• Bta Four events. G~ acattend alx bUdia acnm h.11 card ln a round of 68 that put him at 114. Orea Norman, a 1001-htttin&, 1lobe- U'Ott.lftC Awattallan, and aoft-1p6ken Jim Slmonl were next at 130, fiv. under per and three *ll of Floyd, who opened the tounwnent with a record-eetUna u. "l had a ,....t clwa 1D mo9e on Ray, but I never made enou1h putts tb 1et dole," NonMn Mid aft« pmUnc h.11 early 89. "I WU ~ teylna to finlah," panWd Slmorw. who new a IO-tOot .-S lhot Into the cup on the way to a 81. •1Jt ••awd more • ltnra).e with the ,..t. s-... In the 18th fairway, I felt my•~ top 'way on me." ti ... anothilr' two ----to Jay Haas and :t5-year-old Nick Faldo of England, a three-time Britl1h PGA champion. They were tied at 137. Faldo matched par 70 and Haas romped into contention with a 66. Fred Couples and Lon Hinkle followed at 138. Hlnkle ahot a 68 and Couplet had a 71. Two of the game'• greatest players, however, were unable to make the bla move they needed. Jack Nlcklawa, who countl five PGA champlonahlpa amona hla record collection of 17 ma.jor profesatonal titles, could do no On TV today channel 2 at 1 :30 be«er than • round qf par 70 and waa at 144, a distant 12 strokes beck with 36 holea to f.O· Tom Wataon, winner of th• U.S. and British Open• earlier thl1 1eaaon and ' needJni a vktory here to complete a career aweep of the pme'a major titles, ehot a 69 and w• one aver par for the tournament at 141. "I'm pretty far out of the leecl," Mid Wat1an. ••rm Pnl to have to haw two YW'J Foci rouridl to heve a chance to wtn le." ..--. dYmpion Crail Stldler matched ~ 'JO and WM at 141. Amold PaJIDlr, who WM aUll ttyinl for ...... ..,.. .... &hat had 91udild lib. f.8&W ome.._.. a. .....S the Ni r. .a.. tanal two rouadlf.IOfi_J and lud.:l, lhooUnc ....... Nurill." far. llO CLUTCH HIT -Bill Russell's single in the bottom of the 10th inning tied the' game , whic h Dodge rs eventually won, 5-4. Braves let game slip away LOS ANGELES (AP) -Los ~ ' ..... ! -· . '• . ... ·- A n g e 1 e s c a p i t a Ii z e d o n .. ~ 10th-inning errors by Atlanta first baseman Chris Chambliss and shortstop Rafael Ramirez and rallied for two runs t.o defeat the faltering Braves 5-4 Friday night. The victory moved th e .. : ... Dodgers to within 3 'h games of : the National League West lead. : The win was the Dodgers' : fourth straight, eighth in the last J nine games. and seventh in a row over the Braves. Los Angeles has shaved seven games in the last eight days from the Braves' once-hefty 10 1h-game margin. After Claudell Washington broke a 3-3 tie with his ninth home run of the year in the top of the 10th. the Dodgers came bac~ ln their half of the l.nnlng. Chambllu, second bMeman Glenn Hubbard and Washington in right field c:olllded whil"e chasing Ron Cey's pop fly down the foul line, the ball bouncing off Chamblla' glove for a two base error. Then with two outs,r Bill Russell lined a single up the. middle to drive in Cey with the tying run. After Ron Roenlcke walked to I I I I I I I I I I l I t I I ·1 ' I ' ' load the bases, Steve Sax sent a chopper to Ramirez, who juggled the ball and threw late to first, enabling Russell to score the ••. winning run. ~~ : Steve Howe, 6-2, took the • • victory despite giving up three of ' : the Braves' four runs. Steve Bedrosian, victimized by Atlanta's shoddy fielding, fell to 5-4 with the loss. Atlanta rallied for three runs in the eighth to tie the score 3-3. ~ Dave Stewart blanked the Braves on only two hits for 71h I innings. at one point retiring 12) consecutive batten. But after giving up a one-out homer tol pinch-hitter Larry Whisenton. his fourth of the year, Howe tooJ over . Washington greeted th , reliever with a single, Hubbard doubled him home and Terry t : Harper tied the score with a : single th.rough the middle. $ ~ The Dodgers tallied their firaW A t: run on a run-scoring single ~ ."' 1 right by Sax which acored Mlk • : Scioecta. Los Angeles added two more in the fourth whe n Pedro Guerrero singled, took aecond on an infield out and came home on Russell's two-out lingle. RU19ell then stole aecond, took third on a wild pitch and acored on a slnile by Sdoada. Valenzuela OK'd to start , j LOS ANGELF.S (AP) -Loa Angeles Dodgers' left-hander Fernando Valenzuela, felled by a line drive that hit him in the knee Thunday nt1ht. 1uffered jult a bn.t1ae and la not expect.d to rnl11 hl1 next turn In the pitchln1 rotation, • Dodier 1pokemnan said Friday. v_.1en1uela, the National LHcue'• Rookie o1 the Year and Moat Valuable Player lut ...eon, bu • 14-3 record thJa year. He left Thunday !'ilbt'1 ~ epiftlt the Atlanta Brava In the llxth tnntna. after Bob Homer led olf the trune with • Unar that ..,.. him Oft the ....... '1be Dodlm'I wen tra1li"I 2-0 at the Ulm, but mma '*k to WtD a-t. Valenluela had "'-. lmM X-~ l'rldey ahilmoan Ind the ........... ~ .... , .... ~ l to Or. ~ Jabe. ... ~ ..... ~ -· --..-. .. --' . back situ ti9n wide open at 0 ange Coast I {or 1lx ,.,.,.b wltlt 1il}"'1, au//ered wltUe playln6 the role of receJver in ploltup" game • BY C\JRT IDOSN or .. ..,,... .... , Or-. Oout Co1Wp quarterbKk OaY Twlker ftpred ht'd alv• hll dad, OCC Coach Dlck Tucktr, H much time 11 polllbl• to enjoy h,la Hawall v.atlon. ·~-1n...,.i put ln !Ml~. 1 II an u:ndentatmnem. • doctm-aid it wtU be three WMb 1• the q\Jarterback for South CoHt1 Conference rival San DlefO M-? "Mllce GI~ OM ot my NC»tv•rw and 1 went down to UC Irvine to play a Uule catch and we met eome defeNSve blc:ka and a few other auy1 down there," Clay recouni.d. wasn't thrtllld, bUt Ke wa.n't mad,'' Clay recounted of hll "°"vwutlon to the Jalandt. "He WU us-t and rffily dlaappolnted." attw l haw U. CMt taken otf before l can 8\U1 p1ay1na· eptn.'' ~ Clay 8dmltted. U that1a \JM CMI, TUobf lhould be reedy to play by Uw th1td w.ek o( ta. IMIOn, meen1nc he coWd be artna &hale bullft..UU r::n.tplftll ~ ~Wed Pmdena So. wheJl Dick Tucker opens regular prllCtke he'll be ta.k.lna a doee look at three frHhmen to fill ln while his son r.cuperatel. $o, he walt«I und.1 thil week to tell hi.a father about a bed bNek that OCCUf'l'9d lut Friday. 'n\at break la In youna Tucker'• rlaht Ubula and will leave the OCC quart.rbeck ln a cut f o.r the ne>et 1tx weeka. 4'l'm pickin1 him up at the airport lonJlbt," Clay aald Thunday. "lt'11olna to be_~e lonpst day bf my life." It will be hard enouah for the 1enior 'l\dcer to believe hi.I IOn even broke the bone, but the way in whkh ·Clay dld lt thould really provide for a lively dilculllon. How Often doea a quarterblick break a bone while aolna out for a pau -rn AU&Uft -and the IUY who threw the pue To make a abort story even 1horter, 'l'ucker d4ldded to ru.n a llmple out pAtWl'D, and when M .. QB Bill TOlheff 1hrew a low ~ Tuclr.w "keeled over to pt the ball and my ankle popped. '"the minute J heard It, I knew, but I dJdn't feel anythina. It w11 just the aound of the mae.. I ~to Mike, 'pt me to a ~ta.I','" Tucker added. Headln1 the lift UI PalOlt Verd• Hlsh if'ad Orea Oenhern, a 0-11, 186 pounder, who wu .cheduled to play In Thursday ru,ht'• L1ona Eut-W•t. football game at. El Camino Colle1e. There's afao Loara High grad Craig JohNOn and Sacramento-area tramplant Eddie Aahen who'll be among the sign.al- calllng prmpecta. OUT ._ Clay Tucker is sidelined for up to six YOU tee, Clay became the Plratet' all· time freshman pallel' lut year, and to MY NFL Alumni picnic follows scrimmage When was Ule laat time you had a [iJ c hance to rub elbows with a ••• 250-300-pound lineman or to eat a sandwich with Vince Ferragarno, Bert Jones, Jeff Rut.ledge, Steve Kemp, or any one of a number of other Ram players? Do you have a question to aak John Had) about the quarterback situation or Ray MalaVllll about the Rams In general? Here's your chance to get lnto the swing of the fall football campaign and at the same time aid a worthy charity. You can spend a day ln the sun watching the Rams scrimmage the San Diego ..:.~oc::-, Chargers beginning at 12:30 1 today on the sununer p~ field of the Rams at Cal State Fullerton. After the scrimmage ends, a picnic will be held nearby with the public invited to partidpa.te. It is the annual National Football League Alumni picnic. A Ram spokesman says all of the CWTent Ram players and coachiDfl staff have been invited· to participate in the picnic. Food and drinks will be furnished for a $10 charge with proceeds going to benefit the Albert Sitton Home for Abused and Bat.1ered Children. A charge is also being made for the scrimmage with the Titan Athletic Foundation u the beneficiary. Adults will be admitted for $2 with children admitted for $1. The Rams will continue working out next week preparing for the opening exhibition game with the Denver Broncos at Anaheim Stadium on Saturday, Aug. 14. They play two more games in Anaheim before the regular aeuon begins, Seattle on Aug. 28 and San Diego on Sept. 4. Quo~ of the day "I still eat whatever I want and the only exercise I get ia watching my players run." -John Tltomp1on, Geor~etown University basketball coach, de9Cnbing his off-season die t. And how dtd hla father take it7 "He Cooper ties, then beats Cleveland Cecil Cooper tied the pne with Ill a two-nm homer ln the eJahth inninc and delivered a tie-breaking tingle ln Milwaukee'• three-run 10th u the Brewen came back to beat Cleveland Friday night, 6-2. The victory pushed the Jnwen' lead to 2 ~ aames ln the American Leque East .. second-.plaoe Bolton was beaten by Chicago . . . In the White Sox's 6 .. 3 triwn~ over the Red Sox, Carlton Fisk belted a ~run ,homer·and Jerry Koosmaa picked up his aecond victory over Boston ln 1lx days. It wu Chicago's seventh victory ln it1 laat eight sames . . . U.L. Wultl•atoa hlt two aolo homers and Hal McRae added another aa K.anaM" City I completed a double-header COOflD sweep of Baltimore, 4-0. In the tint game, Geefle Bren hit a 80lo homer in a 3-1 ~ . . • Dan WlaOeld homered and he and fteJ Smalley drove ln three runs apiece to help Dave JUPetti earn hia tint victory mnce June 16 .. New York blanked Tena. 6-0 ... Luce Paniu'• pair of two-run homen helped Detroit club Toronto, 6-0 . . . Oakland'• Rickey ReadenH Ued Maary Wills with hi.I 104th stolen bue and Joe RMl homered u the A'• downed Min.nelota. 4-1. Mlke Nopts, 6-6, earned the victory with relief help frOm Dave Beard and Tom Uaderwood. , . Oakland stymied again In Raider case Oakland clty officials were EB •topped in two attempta Friday to 4 t keep the Raiden in their clty. • Monterey County Superior Court JudRe E.J. Lead Jr., hearing the cue ln Salinas on a change of venue, denied Oakland's attempt to reinstate a prelimlnary injunction or to get a new temporary restraining order to at.all the team's desired move to Loe Angeles ... The United States Football League has awarded a franchise to the Phoenix area and deferred plans to operate a franchise in San Dieg~ USFL Commi-.ioner Cltet Slmmoe1 announced Friday . . . Quarterback Joe Tlaebmaan of the Wuhi.ngton Redakim, who croaed a players' picket line to play ln 1974, ha.a said he would join his teammates 1f a majority voted to strike. Football coaches are human, too WASHINGTON -A pro [iJ football coach has a lot of things on •. • hla mind and that can mean a trace of at.mt-mindedness. It happened to Joe Gibbs, coach Qf th.e Washington Redskins, when he couldn't recall where he had left his car. "I thought. .omeone had stolen it," Gibbs said. ''Then I remembered it was at the hotel at the airport. I left lt there one week before and became an abeen~minded proieaor." Buckner's blast decisive for Cubs BUJ Baclmer'1 Ue-breaklns two-Ill run homer ln the alxth lnn1ng Friday , powered C'hicqo to a 4-2 victory over firat-place J'Shlladelphla ... El8ewhere in the National League, Cllrl1 Speier'• two-out aingle capped a two-run rally In the le'Venth inning, helping Montreal cla1m a 6-3 win over St. Louia in a game delayed 36 minutes by rain In the third inning. By loeing for the sixth . time· ln nine games, the Cardlna1a missed a chance to close in on Philadelphia'• two-game lead ln the East . . . Jasoa ftQmpson, Mike Euler and Jollnny Ray knocked in a pair of runs api~ as Pittsburgh won the first of a double-header, 7-3 I over New York. The Mets, however, rebounded to win . ~ the lleCOfld game by the same acore, u EWa Valeatllle mapped a aeventh-lnnlna tie with a two-nm single and Randy Joae1 earned his lOOth career victory . . . Rookie Eric Slaow hurled hia fint major-league abut.out and LaJs Salasar drove In both San Dieeo nans to lead the Pad.res to a 2-0 triumph over ClncinnaU . . . . Danell Evans' pinch-hit, run-acorlng sinale capped a three-run, ninth- inning rally .. San FrancUco climbed back from a 6--0 deficit to nip Howton. 7-6. Jack Clark and Regle smru. started the winning rally with ooo.aecutlve homers to open the inning. Baseball today On thia date in bueball in 1907: Washington'• legendary Walter Johnson picked up the first o( his 414 career victories, beating Cleveland 7 -2. Today's bir1.bdaya: Former New York Yankee pitcher Don Lusen, who in 1956 hurled the only perfect game ln World Series history, is 52. Chicago White Sox outfielder Steve Kemp Ls 28. . Logjam at top of LPGA tourney DANVERS, Mass . -Veteran l!I Sandra Palmer fired a ~-under par 67 for a 36-hole total of 141 Friday to pull lnto a four-way tie for the lead in the LPGA Boston Five Golf Classic. Moving into a tie with Palmer at the halfway mark of the 72-hole Ladies Professional Golf Association test were one-time New England Champion Jane Blalock, Vivian Brownlee and Muffin Spencer-Devlin. Blalock, Brownlee and Spencer-Devlin each shot 71 to go with their opening 70s at the 6,008-yard, par-72 Radisson Femcroft Country Club. Palmer, Blalock and Brownlee are veterans trying to break long winless streaks. Spencer- Devlln, a 29-year-old former fashion model, is looking for her fint victory since joining the tour in197~ - weeks. McConnell wins cycle feature Sbawn McConnell of Brea came out of nowhere to capture the handicap main event and finish second to perennial favorite Mike But in the scratch main Friday niRht at the weekly motorcycle speedway races at the Orange County Fairgrounds in C.OSt.a Mesa before 6,803 fans. McConnell was followed aCI'068 the finish line by Alan Christian of Huntington Beach, Jim Lawson. Tom Morley, Dennis Bransford and Mike Maz.zacane in 'the handicap event. Tom Burba was third and Steve Lucero fourth in the 9CT8tch feature with Alan Chriatian failing to make the finals after three starts in his heat semi. McConnell hasn't won at Cost.a Mesa In over 1 a year but has been doing well in Ventura and is seventh overall in points for the U.S. finals. Third division winner was Ken Bencheck of , Newport Beach with St.eve McFarland winning the second division feature. Sweet Game takes Sophomore 'Cap Sweet Game s teadily pulled ~\ away to easily win the Sophomore Handicap Saturday night at Los I Alamitos Race Course. It was by fa r the biggest win in the1 3-year-old filly's career as she had only $13,728 · in earnings entering the race. Despite her slight· bankroll, the crowd of 10,326 made her the second choice at 7-2 based on her closing third-' place finish two weeks ago in the Vandy's Flash . Handicap. :- Breaking alertly under James Lackey,: Sweet Game had no problem outdistancing 1 Golden St.ate Derby winner My Startime by a ! length. Ashley Lynn was another neck back. The 8-4 favorite Kellys Coffer -the brilliant filly who won more races than any other ' quarter horse in the nation last year -broke I sluggishly and could only finish seventh. ; The victory marked the second straight year · trainer Gordon Steinmiller has saddJed an upset 1 winner in the Sophomore Cap. I Scott to run in Fifth Avenue Mlle I Steve Scott, the premier miler Ill from UC Irvine, has entered the Fifth j Avenue Mile, it was announced ' Friday by Fred Lebow, president of j the New York Road Runners Club. organizers of , the race. Scott has broken his American mile • record twice this s ummer ... Newpo rt j Harbor High senior Lance Betson is competing this weekend in the AA U Junior Olympics in : Me mphis, Tenn. an the pole vault after S qualifying with a 14-4 effort earlier in Fresno I . . . Victories by the teams of Juli Inkster-I Carol Semple and Kathy Baker-Laney Smith ; paced the United St.ates to th~ title Friday in the 22nd Curtis Cup golf competition in Denver I . . . My1tlc Park and Arndon have been listed ' as favorites in tonight's Hambletonian harness , race at the Meadowlands in East Rutherford N.J. , :smythe, Glaser clinch title Irvine foils Costa Mesa Youth sought out 'Pre-Olympic Regatta concludes today in Long Beach I Sailing opportunities offered • , D.J . Harding spoiled a Costa An expanded Los Angeles includes soccer , sw imminlJ I LONG BEACH -Randy Smythe and Jay Buddy Melges; sailing for Germany in the Star I Glaser of Huntington Beach turned in the most clua, dropping him 13 polnta behind Bill Buchan of Mesa comebacTt with a goal 33 Olympic OrganizlnJ Committee sync h r o n i zed s w i mm in g, impressive record in the Pre-Olympic Resatta with Seattle. Before Friday'• race the pair had been only lfour wins and a second for three penalty pointa, five pointa apart. second.a into overtime to carry (LAocx:;) youth sailing program a rchery, baske tball (three or the Irvine Rebels to~ 4-3 victory in Long Beach and Marina del tl}ree) gymnastics, and athleti~ in American Speedsoccer Rey will be sponsored through (track and field.) Boys and gir Aaodation action Friday night at 1984 by United Airlines, it was between the ages of 12 and , the Loi Caballero11 Racquet and announced by LACXX: assist.ant w all be i ntro duced to al !clinching the championship in six of the .even Me)ges., a former Olympic gold medalist from races. Zenda. Wiac. was sailing for Germany becau.e the Smythe and Glaser did not have to race today ! as their nearest competitor was Alex Welter of B01 ,. Tl~£' Brazil with 27. 7 penalty points. :I'S l " " Sporta Club. vice president of youth activities, instructed m Sabot cias., saili The Cowboys, who suffered Daniel A. Cruz. in two weeks session at Lo their tint lo. of the campaign M o r e t h a n 3 0 0 y o u n g Beach and one week sessions t agalnat seven wins, trailed 3-0 Southern Califorrtia sailors are Playa del Rey. ~ . Another skipper who acored an overall win ln t races was John Loveday and Jonathon Ward of gland who wrapped up a serles win In the nytng tchman class with nine penalty points. Loveday ~unced that he would not race today. jl The big lurpri8e of the day was a foul~t by f 1 From Page B 1 !! SURVIVING ... I Kathy Moreno Gregory of Huntington Beach. ! ''l missed mak:lng the national tMm by I l/lOth -ef a second thl1 year," Toeppner I says. "I figure I can make that up in a year'• lime with constant practice. 11 "My goal is to make the Olympic teeQ1 ln If 1984 but you have only one chance to do that and I hope to have my best race when the time comes. "l would hate to put all this work lnto it and not qualify. I'll Just take my time and work my way up llow1y. I work with wetghtm all yee.r and rm on the water from March throUlb Auguat in ac.yakl or outrlgen. And that's twice a day. "In the Wint.er I do a Jot of era. country aiding and.that helps to keep me ln shape." Rer ou~r canoe team fln1ahed aecond ln the Molokai r.oe In 1978 and fourth lMt year. Tbe event wu canceled by 20-foot ... in 1979. The team wlll 10 to Hawaii in Sepiernber for the r1ee·on the lS>t.h of that month and JoJo ll hopeful UMr)' will finilh tint. In ~tri.aer' l'lldn&. cban&el are allowed an the boelt. i1J. power &oet .-an trcnt of ue and drops oft ~ peddlen and when the ouUillM' .-bf, tlwY .,m the aunwaJee and ~ la •the odJtrl th* JIDp out." Toej>J>M.r hu reciid one UJM ~ foriDel' Olympgn Julie J.AM:h ot. C'.oroltii del ............ to JoU-aniotba' .... rtillideftt, smo. Cl1nowr, on tM watld Mmn nat ,..... owner~lkipper of the Gunther Haack boat had a entering the fourth quarter expe<:ted to participate in the A UAL Olympic youth · back lnjUry before the start of the aeries. before rallying on goals by broadened program. championsh ip will be held Chris Law of England won the Soling Cl8ll Manny Cuenca. Tavlo Zambrano "The UAL Olympic youth Long Beach Aug. 27. The t 10'.l~ .. to 'thin te ths f · tbeind and the equalizer by Juan sailing program will enable kids three saJlors from each trainirur .. -.,..ayte movewi aeven-n ° apom Gardenas with just 2:12 who would not ordiharlly have session w i ll be e ligible--tJ the cl.all leader Joee Diaz of Btazil. Dave Perry, rema.ihing. this experience to enjoy an participate in the regatta. AP Southport, Conn. is 5·7 points behind Law but hi9 Irvine "had manufactured the Olympic sport,'' said Cruz. p a rticipants in the aailini sixth place finiah la under l:!:test by Hant Fogh of advantaae with Keith Walley To e nsure that. the 1984 pro.,..am will receive certificatea Canada who le ln fourth p . • k •· J Craig Healy of San Franciaco f1nilhed fourth ln tc0rlng twice and Don Bur e Olympic Games are a beneficial of participation. the Finn Claaa )°'riday but is being protested. If the addin1 a goal. The triumph event for young p eople In Youth groups i.nterested in ,_ held 1 ould dro him f first ... 1..-upped 1.rvine'a mark to 5-3. Southern California, LAOOC, program should contact the Cit ~tesi .. up tw P outo ~ A double-header ia on tap wlth the support of their of Long Beach Department ths=Ben;..mm of Oyster Bay, N.Y. still holds toniCht at Los Caballeros with aponaon. is developing organized Recreation (213)439-5427; th the lead ln the 470 clua despite a sbcth J!i.ce flni8h ~~~~'!~YV~a~~:f~ ~~:!1~ti~~f1 l)~;k!;1rt'! ;}'Yr ~re 1::a ~~ !;1d~k in Friday's race. Hardluck skipper ln e 470. hM 0:.:r.c:lock o..-.-P and Huntin.gton before the 1984 Games. (213\ 485-5558 or the LA been David Barnet of New Zealand who hu three --~ ' flrat place flnlahea but la saddled with two Beech meeting Newport Beach in Wi\b LAOOC coordination, Youth Activities Departme di.q•&Aliflcetiona -one of which he has to keep. H1a _the....;_;__nlgh...:,._tca--.:p_. _____ ___,..---th_l_1_s_u_m_m_e_r•_s.-y=-o-u_t._h.....:..p_ro....::g=-r-a_m __ <_2_13....;.)_2_0_9_-1_9_8_4. ______ .., other finl8h wu a fifth. Frlday'1 race WM p1-8ued by 2$-k:not wlnda with a 3-4 foot chop. Two boata we~ dlsnuted, one had a broken rudder, and aeveral abandoned the nee bee.al.lie they couldn't handle the heavy llDinl· The regatta ooocludet today. ~ will be held next year at about the ume time to atqualnt Olymp6c hopefuls with the wind and .. concliUom they can expect ln the 1984 Olympic yachtfna ,..,_. There were 206 teema from 22 oountrtet in thJa year's aerlel. Anybody lnt!r••t•d In coaofllng , i"••l1 .. nt oo.onlna for ... 1 to 14 fci Coate lteeu Junior All AmenoM FOOU»ell. AIM . . ' MMOft UA-ITMDltlll ••• ,. ... Lw -.,..~ WL,,__ a.Cl) :; , :m ... M 50 .Nt 4°" 14 14 .IOO '"' o..Wld •t ea ,421 11i. T-41 U .400 tt ..,._... 31 71 .Mt 14 IM,__..,.. .....,. 12 44 .aea 1o11o11 eo 47 .M1 1-.. ..,..._. 51 411 .NI I °'"" 51 51 .11t 1 ~ M 51 .508 .... New Ycwtt 52 52 .900 t Toronto 411 51 .451 13)4 ,,...,.. ..... ....... 11. 8Mtlfe. Ct*-80 •• lloetOft 3 Mllwa* .. s. ~ 2t10 lnnlnOll DMtOll t. l' OtOftlO 0 NNYcwttt, T-0 ~ 4, Mlnneeota 1 ~ Olly ,.., BlllllmOr9 1..0 T...,...._ a,.. CWltl WI at Saattle (PWTy 7 .. ). n Toronto (Clancy &-101 at OMroll tPlllhnk* 2~) Oelltand (K-.gh 11-15) at M""-ta (8. Caatlllo 6-11 Te .. 1 (Tanana s.121 at New YOfll IMotoen M) Chbgo (Oot1«1 6-11) at Boe1on (Tudor 7-t) Kanau Cl1y (81edl 3-3) at e.ltlmote (D. Mer1lnu 11·111. n MltwaulcM (Mc:Clure •·•I II Cleveland (&llc:lfte t-4). n :r.=:i.= WLPct.M 82 4$ .5711 llO 50 .645 3'A 58 51 .532 5 ~ 55 .4115 II 48 511 .4411 14 40 911 .3t7 23 IAITRM~ PNladelPf'lle 01 45 .1175 81. lOUla 60 41 .5118 2 Plllebutgll 57 4tl .531 4 Momreel 56 50 .521 II New YOl'll 47 llO .43tl 141141 Chbgo 44 .. 400 1tl ,,,..., .. .__ .,....,. 5, Allentl 4 (10 inninge) CNcaeo 4, PNledelptila 2 Plltltlurgtl 7~. New YOttl 3-7 MontM 5. SI. Louil 3 San Diego 2. Cincinnati 0 San Frandeoo 7, tbnton II T..,.10-Allanta (W.ak 16-7) II Dodtletw (ReuN l~tl).n Plllledelphla (Cllmten1«1 7 -5) at Chtcego (Nolea 7-111 HoU8ton (J. Nlel1ro 11·71 •t San Franc:lllCO (Mwtln 4-5) . New York (Falcone I · 7) at Pit II burgh (Rhoden 6-11), n Montraal (Oulllckeon l ·tll at St. l®ll (Slupet 4-2). n Cincinnati (Soto tl -71 at San Diego (Hewtltn. I ·21. n AmNCAN LEAGUE ~11,llllertMnt C~Oftlu MATTU •• 11... ..," ... OowNno 11 :a tt o Jena 211 e 2 3 2 8aniqlM rt 3 It 0 Edler 30 2 0 0 0 C.-pl 0 0 0 t CaslllO 30 2 1 I 0 Cllttlrf 11008odlle" 4121 O.CW-3b 3 It 1 Ziak Cllt II 1 2 2 Wlltong3b 1000 C-rt 5120 Aa.Jec:bon dh 5 1 1 4 Gr111 Jb 6 1 1 1 AoJaclll«I 1 b 5 2 3 0 Handarl«I ct 3 1 1 1 Lynn ct 4 2 2 2 TCNZ .. 4 1 1 0 Otldl 2b 4 1 2 2 Btown ph 1 o o 1 FOllll IOOOBultlngc: 2010 K.....,11 3110 S-c 2011 Boonec 4001 Totale 37 ti 12 11 Totall 41 II 15 ti ._....,......,. c.11torn1a 102 ooa ooo-11 s..ttla tlO ti 1 004-II E-K.......,, WlllOft9. DP-Calilomla 1, Seattle 1. L08-Callfomla 7. Seanla 10 21-l•nl,uar. J Cru1., Ziek, Cowan• HR-Orly 3). Aa. Jacllson (H). Lym (15) S8-J. Cl\a. S -Edlar. SF-Boone. ~ • H "a•eo Zahn 4'~ I 4 4 3 1 SancNI (W,4-21 ~ 4 1 0 0 3 Goltz 'lo\10001 H ...... (S,3) I I 3 3 3 0 0 ...... '*"*'" (L. 1~11 5'A 1 e e 4 e Anderl9\ 0 0 1 1 1 0 Stenfon .,.,0111 1 Vandekg 1 3 3 3 0 0 9ofell 3 IOOCJ:t HIP-by Bordi (Kallaher) Baltr.-a..ci-. T-3: 15 A-20.074. ,...,QAm ...,. a. OrtalM 1 ~ Cl1y 111 000 ooo--3 ti 0 lltll\lmor9 000 100 000-1 5 0 Fr<*, Annatrong (7) and °'*'t; 0. Davia, 8oddk*at (5) and Nolan. w-Froat, 11-4 L-0. Davia, 3-2. S-Atmatrong (4). HR- KanNI Cl1y' 8ratl ( 18). •CO.OOAm ...,. .. OrtalMO Kan.a Chy 100 111 000-4 7 2 8alllmofe 000 000 000-0 • 1 Hood, Qul11nbarry (7) and 81auglll: McOtagot and ~. Nollwl. N-Hood, :i-o. L-McOragor, 12-t1. s-~barry (H) H,._~ City, U.L WMhlngion 2 (4). McRM (20). A -15,7841. ............. ..._ ... CNcaeo 1oa 020 ooo-e 11 o eo.Otl 000 010 002-3 12 0 K-. B«otae II). Hlc*er 191. LM10 tt11 ==-~~ ~ ~.:.,:~ :t. I-Lamp (4). HR-Chicago, Flltr. (ti. A-33,010. NATIONAL LIACIUI n • ..,,,. .. .,..... ATI.Mff Loe ........ Mtll... •rll" WNNnglon rf 5 2 2 I Su 2b t 0 t 1 Hubtlerd2b 4' 11 ~lief 1112 HlrPW" 3011 .... .,., 4010 a.droan p 0 O 0 O Ouanwo rt 3 I 1 O Homar3b 5010 .._p 0000 ~Sb 0000 Ortlptl 1000 Muf11t1Yd 4000 Oly3b 11100 C1wnt* 1b 4 0 0 0 Oet\11¥ lb I 0 1 O e.nedlclc 4000 ~-12U 1tam1re1 • 4 0 0 0 ldoacia c II 13 I HIMcro p 20 10.S'-1 p 2000 ~1onpt1 1111 ~art 1000 Llnataa it 1 0 0 0 Tottla 17 4 7 4 Totale 31 5 t2 4 Atlllnla ._.. '&io-=r 030 1 -4 LOI Angella 001 200 000 2 -I r-out wtlel'I winning run -..f, E-GIN9y 2, SU. ~. ~ A. ltalnlrez. L08-Allentl e, Loa ,...... 12. 2&-A1.-91, Hullbmnt. H"-wtllllnlofl (4), w11111n11ton (t). ••·"uueo t . a-8tewwt. 8aclroMn. Hubbefd. Ml9Ma • " ...... to PHl9ilto 7 tll44 ladromn(L.MI 2'l I 2 0 2 I LAe~ s-.,, 7Y. 3 1 1 1 3 s. How9(W,&.2) ~ 4 3 3 0 0 WP-P. Nlaltro. T-2:57. A-111.423. c.-.......... ~ 200 000 000-2 7 1 CIMCaOO 101 002 00.-4 7 2 Rulli-., RMd (7). MOft9a (II and 8. Ot.u: Rlpley. Le. Smith (I) and J. Davie. W-Rlolev. 4-4 L-Rut"-1, IJ-10. 8-La. Smlltl t4i HRa-Phll•delphla, Scllmldt (211: CNc:eoo. 8uctr.nar (Ill A-17. 1113. ""8'T QAm ,.,....1, ..... New Y Ott! 000 0 11 OCll-3 II 1 PltUOurgtt 020 200 301<-7 I 0 M. Scott. Lynell (5), LIKll.(7), Oroaco (7) and ~ Sltmlenlo and T. '"-. W- Satmiento, 5-1. L-M. Scon. 7-1. HAl-Plllaburgtl, J. Tilot'n9aon (20), Elllar (8). MCC*OGAm ..... , ......... New YOttl OOt OOt 200-7 II 0 Plllaburgh 000 020 001-3 11 4 R•. Jon11, Allan (7) and llaun•j 8aumgar1en. Scurry (1), Takulw (8) ano Nlcoala, T. P«>a. W-Re. ,P... 7 ... L-~. C>-3. S-Allan (ltl). t1Ra-"- YOf11, IOngman (2711 Pl1t1b<ir9'1, Lacy (3). A-21.210. ~ .. ~. Montrlll 020 000 210-1 13 0 91. LOUii 011 00 I GOO-I 11 1 R091<1, Fryman (7). A..,don (I) and Car1at; Anduflt, 8W (t) end D. PCHlat. W-Rooan, 14-4. L-Andujar, t-10. 8- Aaardon ( 111). A-21.224. ,..._2,lllMIO ~ 000 000 000-0 1 1 San 01aoo Oto 001 00•-2 t 0 a . Shlri.y, Harrie (II and V111 Gordlt. Trl\llno: Show and T. Kennedy. W-Sllow, tl-3. L-8. ~lr19y, 3-tl, HR-San Diego, Sllaur (I). A-11.331. GlalD 7, Aetree 8 "-Ion 300 102 000-11 11 o San Franctaco 000 001 303-7 t4 1 Ayer>. D. Smlttl (7). Moftlt1 (II) and l(nloaty; ....,.,,,,.._, Holland (II). 8arr (7). Lr4lll (8) and May. W-UWlll. &-5. l -Mollltl. 2~ HRe-Houalon, a...., (11). J Ct\11 (7). Ben Frllnd9co, R. Sml1ll 2 ( 111. C 0..... ( 11), Clan< 2 (22). A-1,430 ..................... Major LlllgUI 8-blll'1 lop 10 .... time 1111 ~ (With number of -p11yec1 and 10111 hlUt. I Ty Cobb (24) 2. Hank A1<on (22) 3. Pate Roal (20) 4 Stan MUllll (221 6 Trll SpNk., (22) • "°""9 w.-(21) 7 Eddie Colllnl (25) •. w.. Meytl (22) t1 ean Yaat,_.11221 10 ~ Lajole(21) UTT\.E liAQUIE AU. .. TA9'1 ·11~i~==) <•~...__ .... , ,._. ..... W111 YOfbl Linda 4, Central Chrden OrOY• 3 (Waa t Yorb• Linda win• ·~1) 72-74-140 73-73-140 73-73-140 73-73-140 M-71-140 73-73-140 71-70-140 73-74-147 76-72-147 77·70-147 72-75-147 72·75-147 71-72-147 89-7tl-141 74-74-1411 72-711-141 7t-77-t411 75-73-148 711-12-141 73-7t-14tl 77-72-14tl 73-711-149 77-72-149 7(>.74-1411 71-13-1411 7$-74-14tl 71-13-14tl 72-17-1411 ,,..,._, ... 74-75-14tl 77-n-14tl 74-75-1411 71-13-14tl 71-13-14tl 74-71-150 76-75-150 74-71-150 73-77-150 76-75-150 74-71-150 74-71-150 77·11-150 77-73-150 71-75-151 74-71-152 73-71-152 71-el-152 711-,._152 n-74-163 77·71-153 7&-75-153 7 ... 74-153 U.Alla .... f!M>AY'e M8ULT8 CD.it ...................... , ~ uca. 360 yardl. ,.. ean (..,di 5 eo :uo uo Utlla ~ lAclalrl 3.40 uo 8cnmllng Joa (Clrdoul 00 Aleo recect: AllY• Wife, liatnl)atl Man. TlnH Reb, Toki Time, 8onol1bl111ar, '41ec11CU111r llld, Pueblo T ,_. Tlmr. 17.to. a lllACTA (tl-7) paid 115.40. •COMO llACI. 400 ywd1. 811ge1 Kitty C.t (Hetl) 14.80 7 .40 3.80 Go Btflde Go (Craaget) 4.80 3.20 &'-P•I (C.OO-> 3.40 AlaO r~: Tugt>oel Ta, Clllc:aQo ~. E•llY Roqer. Hector Joe Jr. 1111 Crlmeon Bella, Hydromatle, 8lllc T ~ Time: 20.30. TMR> MC& 650 ywda. AMII ~ (Hatt) t7 .to 8.20 5 40 ~~~I IUO 7.20 Cllly (CerdOla) 4 llO Aleo r-0: Go C-d, l'tlan1om Aooue. 1'rudcara .»t. Jaton Jamada. Take A Walk. T'lmr. 2UI P:outn'H Mca. 350 y111da. Frat•(~) 111.00 tl.00 7.40 8toadw11Y ~· (Dcmlnguu) 17.60 15.80 Btown 8u111on (T onlc1) 14.20 Aleo r-0: Rallroacl Watcn, Jultllk• Don. 81111 Boogla, fly To The Moon. Tu Tun John, RMI Threat. SupatllMC* Time: 17 .80. a IXACTA (1~5) paid 1277.00. N'TM llAca. 1170 )'ll'dl. Hlgller' Order ~I tl.20 6.20 uo ~1enn1a1 aar CTonll•I 4.00 a.oo F1ali King (0.-l 4.20 Aleo recad Speedy Ball, Diamond s...-a, Spanlell Amante, Sir LOYM Gefn. Khalada Kopy Tlma: 4&.30. Ill"" llACL 350 yardl. Kay Roan Jet (Hatt) l .llO 4.IO 4.00 Katyw K-. (Pllllenton) 12.70 11.80 Nantallaroe Star (Adek'I 11.00 Aleo raced: KJaay Juanln. Shel A Windy o.a, Outatron, Wannetta, A'waya On Top, ArQantlnl Roal. Mtz Chic. Tim« 17.71. llt IXAeTA (7..el paid $134 20 MftNTM llACI. 870 ywda. RetallalOt (l"aullna) 12.40 4.40 3.00 8ounc1 ,._ (Mylel) UO 2.IO ~ ACM (llr'ooU) 5.40 Aleo .-0: 0-Charolr. M Mm Win. Oober Too. Lorrta eo. ~ Cer1 a. TlrM: ...... a UACTA 11· 11 pllld 13-UO llQHnt MCI. 400 Y8"da. Pllnt W. S.-(""1) 7.00 UO :UO Jiiiy Lundi (Cerdou) UO 3.00 ~ .. Play (Bard) 4.40 Aleo reoM: 8hacty Moon Sir. How Aidt. .. lllYI P1rtnat, Flora11t1n1 Moon, Ea1y Hoofer. ~31. • A (2·7) peld 121.00. • lllCK ... ((>.tQ-&-7-2-2) peld 11.781.40 with v Wining llcltata (1M hof.-). 12 Plclc 81• conaotatlon paid IH eo. with 273 Wining tlcltetl (lpur ~I N9fTM llACI. 400 ywda Sweet 0-(l..acllll'fl ti 00 UO 5 00 My Stattlme (T,_e) 7.00 8.20 A6Hay Lym (ClrOoul 7.80 AllO rec:ed. MIN Celli Cfedn, Oatlend StepMna. l(.tly9 Coflar • .llltewey Euy. 891t o1 M9, fay Six Aoclcatte. Tim« ltl.81 llt IXACTA (W) paid 173.llO. 1Df11t llACL 350 y11tda. TnlUfe (lac*l'fl 4.20 2.llO 2.60 Sir Ronny (Pllttanton) 7.20 3.eo P-Em Boy (Hart) 3.to Al•o raced: Tonk•••"· Schuyler Kid, Racllum 8ecll Jedi. Ima Faat Jal. a-oar Go Big. T1me' 17.M It DACTA C&-2l peld 121100 Attendance -10.32e MD~""'-Ta tt,..,..., ... , et•_,_..., ,..,. llAC.. • lutlonga. Cantury•1Lady10uarr1) 24.20 ll.40 10.IO Pr"-1A11a11 Mlz•I 20.llO 17 .eo Patlte P-(Hlt\Mn) 11.80 Aleo raced· Wand(• Aoanette, My DuicllaM, Ferrari E .. Otra Promeea, Flip A Nickle. OoNlll, ~ Joura, My Shining Ltdy. Timi. 1' 11 115 What 1 Wonde'rlvl Worid of Shopping. right 11 l>:riy~~c~ Adi. To plllQI '/04K ad, cell &42-5e78 end .... Ol .... fled Ad·Vleof help y()U. I ~==~~7.40 too Hll =~= .. , uo ::: AIM rac.cf: Wi-ood Hoa«, Gtttl Md 'lfta. ~ 0.-, Sir o.n.c.. MIMy 1' , ltMlt P: ..... Hard IO L.ee, 111111 TWo. Time 1 Ot 115. a DACTA (e.11) paid 1128.00. 8IXTM llACI. 1 ""• rnllel. TlWI (\.lpllam) 211.00 t:UO 1.00 8t111n County (Hnll';'l 7 .20 t-20 Gt.-y !<nOll (Ortega) 11.40 Aleo rac:ad: "GY•I 8u1ton1, N11rutl1h OcMi•IM, llef\lndar, ~tuat1, lllc:k N SOMlly. My111eat 81111-. Cfllal JuetlQI, Tiie CMIUan, HOb1a Putt. Tltna: 1:44.0. a.Vllmt RAC.. 8 lutiongl. hploalve ~ (Plncl'fl 1uo s ao uo f/\ljMM ,..._., 1:uo 1 .eo HOllll)' O'TOOla (C...llMdaJ uo Aleo '9Gld: Ccllmel\, Helan'1 S.U. Walk PMI. ltovel Memory, Gantla Sun. M«Mlar• TllM: l: 10.0, • UACTA (Ml paid a.u.ao. • P1Ce& 8IX 12·2-7.._..t1> paid 131.eu eo with two Wining lk:ll.ata , ... ~). 12 Plclc 11• con1ol11lon plld ltl& 1 40 with 21 winning ... (five~). ltCltfTM MCL 1 11111 mllal on turf. Wild Mt (Plneay) 10.80 4.60 2.40 Mlllp_on (McHatgua) 4.110 2.40 OH·luan Cftlc:o (ltbMla) 2.20 OH·Tllly Ho Ula Fox (Ori.) :uo AllO raced: Lunar Rey, le Due Oa Bar. OH-OeadhMt tor tlllrd. Time: 1:43.0 ..nll MCL 1 t/111 mlee on IUrl Model Aull ti.-l 23.IO ti IO 8,20 Wtfo/ ZlnlM (H~ 5.00 3 80 Ona Oft .. Houle (Caatanedl.) • 80 Aleo rac.d: ec.nmon· o..r. Victoria "-1. Ml. lold Tll1ma, Mining In Action. fllllClll... a-a.. Jel1lnQ Angel. Roy.a Oartl(• Gitt. Time: 1:45 1/& a IJIACTA (1 .. 1 paid 8270.00. Allandance -17.3AI ' ca.,c... ............. (.all e1 I ·:,: ....... ow. ...... Jimmy MM (U.8.) def. Hana -,......, (Cfllla>, 8-4. 1-3; HW SimOl-1 (9-dan) def. Andrea Gorn. (Ecuedof), 7-6. M ; Joee u.i. Clare cu.s.1 cMtt. Met """*' cu.a.i. ._., M , M : JoM HlguarM 18'*'11 dtlf. Pablo Atrrtta (Peru), 11-4, M . ·-··----........ Virginia Ru1lcl (Romania) cfal. Bonnie Gaduaell (U.S.), 1-2, &..o: .....,,. Mll'IA (CndlOliovallla) Oaf. l<alhy Rlnaldl (U.8.), ,-5, ...... 1-4 lileft'• towwMftt (alC t ' OMI) 0.. .............. JtttnmoJ Conncn (U.S. I dal. Mlf* ,...... (U 8.), 1-4, ._.; ._, Ool1lrlad (U.8.) dlf. Hid!......_, (U.8 .). 7-4, 11-3; ._.. .._ cu.a.1 o.e. a-o.nton (U.a.i. 11-4. 1-4. .,...... Milla Gof'"'odolfo-...,...iAonAan H~ (U.S.) ... Tim ~lalwl LaConta (U.8.), 74; a.1, 7 .. ; Mil'/~ 8adl1 ,u.a.J dal. Oellld Oowlln-tan Harrie (U.&). 1-4 .... M. MT'S ...:=o-::.=i .• , -., anolare 31 bonito, 1Stl c.noo b111, 1 halio<Jt, 20t macllaral. 3t rodt ""'· 1 Nl'd blll, 7 •culpln, 1 white 111 ban, 1 ~. DAWY't LOCKP (....._. ...... , - 232 &nQ11r1. 3 barracuda. 151 bonito, 58 Calleo b ... , I halibut, 1, 135 mack .. al, & roctr. ""'· n7 aand baa. 3 bonito ltlllfk, 1 blue ll\arlt. DANA WMA9'P: -344 anglare 4 barrac11da, 132 bonito. 1 hallbut. Htl madlaral. 20 rod! 11111, 115e eancl o.e, t wNte-bllll. llAL 81ACM -167 1n111ere 2 berrac:uda. 4 hallbu1, 872 macitarel, '70 und baa1. 1 eculpen (1Nf9e) -148 anglare 1 barracuda, I hallbut, 480 rnac:karel, • Nnd bllll. 310 ~ ""'· "° """1• CfOlikat IAM DllQO (HAM La11•t111) -155 anglare. 803 aio-.. °"'"'°" l'UM TonfWll -11:17 p.m. to 1:17 Lm. Sunday -11:611 p .. m. to 1:611 Lm. Mot.Jay -12:48 Lm. 10 2:41 1.m. (Note. 11111 11 llC1ually Tuaaday morning). A Clllfomla rtetllng llCenM II t9qUlrad to , ... grunion. • , .. • _.,,., 'I _ 100 lly -1 Mloll .. 1 fOllll (WHt • , ~ 1;11M ,,,_. .....,. 2 ....... '""""° t....._ Unloftl. t:IU1t 1. Orile ,~ ... ~ ~ Pwtl, N.J~ IMOI. 100 ~eek -1. Dlrll •1011ter (hi t Oarlftany}, es.ti: t. "'°" Cet~ (MO\lftt •• iu.oo. "v .), .... : • Vllldll!* llllfNlO¥ (lcMte UnlOnl. ~ 1,toO lrM (quellfW!fl9) -1. Vllldlllllt lletlllo¥ e UNof\), 115: 14 11; •• ....... • E.-.. ( 11111. no ~ e. 01«f1 Olcetto (~. f'ld.1e. ._ .... 14 • 200 IM -1. Palla IClllMldar (!111 OelllllllY). 2: II. 7tl 2. Ull QI ...... (!Ml O"manr). 2:11.H ; I. Treoy C1u1111111 (HllMllel. 2:1U1. tOO rrw -t. KIM UneNn (..,MOta. • • fl~_.)1 t :27.4t; 2. Jaolde WllllllOtl (Gf4'91 ~ t DmM!). 6:32.81: I. car...... lklwnldl If.Ill \ G1tm1ny), t :l3.e1; 4. 8cllnelda r (lHI Oarmany), no llma; I . Tlll1ny Collen (Mlallon VlejO), no time. 400 mect'9y , .. .., -1 llel o.,_,, t:' .... Ullo,~. lnM Oellllar, llrgle •I. 4:06.tl l-1d ~ 2. UnlMd *"*lb Wattfl, ICllll ~.Mary T. MMahar, Jll lterUI). •:0t.12: I. 8oMeC Union. ~:12.M. umucM.....accn AMGCIA'"°'9 ............. w ... Co91aMau 7 1 IMne 5 I Newpor1 llMdl 2 5 Hunllnfton &..di 0 7 ....... DMllM w l MIMlon Viejo 5 2 Fountain Vlllay 5 2 Orenge 4 .. Santa Arni 2 • ,,,.,. . ._.. lr'flne 4, Colla Mau 3 (O'I ,.._ 175 .1125 .ue 000 ,.._ .714 .714 .500 .250 -~ ... .... - 1'AI 3~ T ........ G-.. Fountain Ve/llay w.. Mlalb'I VlelO (7J H11n11noton 8aacfl v1 Newport llaach (1:45) ,......,.. ............. 8A-N' ....... ........ 808TON RE.D SOX -Acllllatad "9ld Hldlola. °""'9ldlr. and _. fd Jurik, ,,,.,.. .,..._., to P~ flf ._ 11•1111110n11 ~ YOM YANKEU -l'lmacl "°9lf ~. pttdlar. Oft Illa 21._ ......... ratroectl"9 to Aug. 4 llld rac:ellad Dew L.aAoc:M. pltdlat. ffOfl'I Coll#ftllua flf Illa ln'*""1onll lalaua. SEA TTL£ MAJllNU18 -llgMd 0."9 "'-'"II· ,...... .,_..,..,, ............... NIEW YORK Ml!T8 -llacatted Miiia Howard, outfleldar, ffOfl'I Tideweter of tlle tnlematlonal LMgue. '=!:i' 8UFF~ILL8 -"'cTa1'mad Art WNl1tnGIOtl. Nlftlacll. "°"' tlle ...,_ .... CtHCiNHATl IE.NGAUI -W.,_ Aleola Fowtw.~ • SAH FRAHCISC<i 4 .... -w..-"-~. ~ ~: N l(Jtote and Jimbo Whalley, wide racetvan, StaYa Kt91noctr.. querWbac*. and .... WWame. ~H~TON REDSKINS -Welllad Alan Bolllnger, Rod Salata and Miia Jerzulln, klek.,. ""'*'.,...,,..... ........ CHIC .. GO BLITZ -8 tgnad Ttm Wrlghlman. light and. to 1 two-year contrKI MOCUY .......... ......, ....... CALGARY FLAMES -Signed Pierre Rioux. rlglll wing. • 90Calll YUGOSLAV SOCC£R FEOEMTION -Announced th• ra1tgnat1on ol Mlljan Miljanle, c:oecfl flf ... l'llllonlll 1-...... ~ ._ L.- SAN JOSE EA,.THOUAl<EI -~ tlle raalgnatlon of ..... lltlorl, ...., coectt and ... fie~ by ......_ -JoeMllllell. COLUQ9 CANl81UI -Named l lln Pelchat .... 11an1 baaketball coaoh MONMOUTH -HamM ,,_ COlclOYOll athlattc dlrtctOt. .. PUBLIC AUCTION Pacific 4 Ct Coast Audio V/JJ Video NOTICE DISSOLUTl~N OF 'AITNIRSHIP PUBLIC AUCTION ESTATE JEWELRY.& FINE PORCELAINS, CHINA, BRONZES, RUGS, FURNITURE, SIL YER, OILI, Ito. FREE ADMISSION -PUBLIC ANO OEAl.ERS WELCOMI Don't ml•• thl• lmport•nl .. 1.1 V;J.o .SavinfJ f .... " -·~ ...... .,...l'W l11dm1d1 P1nl1n I Ori11t1I R111 ~.00. Ane China, Cryatal, Poreetalns, Bronna, European Furniture, Olla, Eto. Alao many fine pieces of antique and contemporary )ewetry lnctudlng fine watches, solltalre diamond rlnga, eerrlngt, gofd chains, clutter diamond, ruby, aapphlre, and emerald rlnga. SALE flGHT Frt., Ith. Sit., 7th Sm., Ith. 1:30 p.m. -"'--· . -- llSPECTDI 2:00 , .M. • 5:00 , .M. 17 -IP•S.ll&Ms Property ot etMlraJ promltlent Lelture WOftd realdenta, together Wtth lnwntory ot MR-known L.A. jewelry In ftnanotal troub ... Also, out-of-pawn metehandtle. IJ CURT IEBD&N °' ..... ,... .... You juat •pent teWra1 yeen worklnt hud "> llC.hieve a bia pl and f1nally you p-aduate. What'• your r•,inrdT A new carT Trip \0 Ha wail? In Barbara Whlte'I Cllt, It WU a quick k1ck to her atomllCh from her hwbend Bob. Ev n Bob'• former lnatructor, Ed Parker took a thot at Barbar•'• amaU flame, I\'1 a.II part of an lnttl•tion ritual, which fortunately for most JHtdple, l1 reaerved for ,...duatee of karate. "YOU'RE ADVANCING \hrouah th.e art, IO there'• a little pain. We ~ you have to have the humlllty to take paln, ' Bob White, a karate tmtructor in Costa Mesa explains. Hia wife adda: "The kick is hard enough to knock the wind out of you." ~Bob and Batbata White have been married for n1'e yean now. Between them, they have about 34 years of karate experience. Both are black belt rectplenta, with Barbara recently being promoted to third degree black belt. Thus, the irµtiation kick to the middle. Actually, Bob would prefer not to damage his wife. "I DON'T THINK brut.es are very attractive.' Bob says of his hesitation at eeelng Barbara compete l.n either full-contact or semi-contact karate. In fact, the last tJ.me Barbara competed at the 1.ntemational championships two years ago in Long Beach, she accidentally broke her opponent'• nose. It Jed to her dilquaUfication. "It's OK to hit. but you can't break noses," Bob .. ,... ln their classes, Bob and Barbara teach their studenta how to defend themselves In a real-life situation, rather than l.n a ohe-on-one meeting with another karate enthusiast. WE PUT A LOT of emphasis on self defense situations. We really try to emphash:e what you should do l.n a real life street fight," Bob says. Even \.heir eight-year-old daughter. Alla, own&. a purple belt. which is the third lowest on the karate totem pole. _ "She's been studying for about nine months now. It's the best thing l.n the world for kids these days." Bob says. "They have to work hard in achoo} and the result is good grades. They work hard at *arate, and the result is another belt." Zorn ~bjects to strike CHENEY, Wash. (AP) -Seattle quarterback Jim 7.om aays all Is going smoothly for him at the Seahawks' training camp despite his opposition to a threatened strike by National Football League players. "I haven't felt alienated in any way," said 7.om who. along with friend and teammate Steve Largent, said earlier this year that. striking was out of the question for him because of religious convictions. Asked if he or Largent. the Seahawks' All-Pro wide receiver, had altered their anti-strike stance, 7.om replied: "No, there ha.a been no change." l't8JC NOTICE • IUT COULD AUA defend henelf qalnlt an older1 bAfler bully? "She'd probably be able to hurt eomeone •nouah to 1et away. It dOffn't take much to tem~y blind aomeone," Bob •YI· Karate, It ahould be pointed out, II • Mlf defenM i.chnSque, but It l.nvolvee mor. than ~t prolaC1.inc yow111lt with whaiever k.araw mow you know. lt'a a thinktn1 penon11 defeNe, too. "8elna able to control emottona II important," White •YI· "That'• why a lot of f&ahtl dart. ln a man'• cue, h1I manllhood baa been threatened and he thlnkl he bu to prove eometl).lna." WITH &ARATE, White polnt1 out, hla daughter probably can defend her.elf u lol'\8 • ahe doesn't aet emotional ln the procem. We put a lot of emphasis on self defense situations. We really try to emphasize what you 'Should do in a real life street fisht. I ___ ...,.. Bob White became lntettsted l.n karate 18 )'uni ago and wu an inatructor at the Ed Parker Karafi . School in Garden Grove when he met Barbara. Karate wu a sports Interest for Bob; It was a eelf- defense lsaue as far u Barbara was concerned. But alnce then, Barbara haa won the International title ln 1971 and captured the Callfomla state title l.n 1971 and '72. She waa only a brown belt when she defeated several black belt holders to take the international title. THE WHITES FOLLOW the Chinese karate style -one of four practiced. The others are Japanese, Okinawan and Korean. "Actually, it's a combination of Chinese and Japaneae," notes Bob. who himself was the California heavyweight champion 1972 and 1973. They're content to inatruct the approximate 300 student.a who come to thelr studio to climb the belted ladder of success -from white to orange to purple to blue to green, to brown (three degrees) to black. ' "IT'S JUST LIKE COLLEGE. From day one, It takes about four years to become a black belt," Bob explains. "We have our own list of requirements and we put a lot of emphasis on certain self defense situations. "In competitive karate, you know what's coming. But when you're sparring, you don't what your opponent is up to," he adds. Barbara. meanwhile, can advance seven more degrees at the black belt level, which, of course, means seven more kicks in the stomach from her loving husband. "I think I'll promote her more often." Bob pked. "Yeah, and I'll have to atart doing little things like putting more salt In his food," counters Barbara. As they're so adept at doing, the Whitea will have to keep an eye on each other's moves. GETTING HE:R KICKS -Barbara White h:iis her own ideas on the best way to get a Dtlllr ,.... ..... PtloC• kick out of things. She has a third degree black belt in karate. · Hall of Fame game kicks off season today CANTON. Ohio (AP) -It is no surprile to their friends or foes that Sam Huff. Doug Atkins. Merlin Olsen and George Musso are joining the Pro Football Hall of Fame today. Their inductions will come prior to the season's opening exhibition game between the Minnesota Vikings and the Baltimore Colts, before a Fawcett Stadium sellout crowd of 22,000 plus millions "\°re watching on ABC-TV. Minnesota Coach Bud Grant and hi! staff had threatened to boycott the game because the coaches do not get paid for the exhibition while the players do. However, Thursday night Grant and his staff agreed to coach the game. Grant said the Vikings would present a resoluUon at an NFL meeting in October that the rtlllJC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICE coaches be paid the same rate as the players for the Hall of Fame game. He said the resolution would be retroactive to include this year's game. The late Vince Lombardi, already enshrined. once said of Huff, "It's uncanny the way he followa On TV today channel 7 at 10:30 the ball. He seems to be all over the field at once." Huff, a linebacker, played 13 years for the New York Giants and Washington Redskins. In eight seasons with the Giants. the West Virginia All- America helped New York reach the NFL title game six times. Nit.IC NOTICE F1CTmOU8 .,._.. F1CTmOU8 _.. RCTinOUe WU P1Cnnou8 .,_.. PlCTI1"IOU8 .u .... u l'tCTmOU8 au..... l'IC'1110U9 8U8INEU NOTICE TO COM'TIIACTotta um 8TATDIDIT MAm 8TAtt..,.,. N.um 8TATE•NT MAim •TATDIDIT ..... 8TATE•NT NAMR aTAff•NT ..... tTATDmNT CAU.INO '°" eao• The folowlng pw80N .,. doing Th• lollowlng pereon I• doln The t~ perllOnl Ill'• doing The followlng per1on It doing The tollowlng pertor> It doing The lollowtng pereon le doing The tollowlng pertOM ere dol School Dl1trlct OCEAN VIEW ~ •: bulinfta u : ~ u : bu.._ M : ~ u; buliMM u . ~ M: SCHOOL DISTRICT HIS PL.ACE. 1118 South Cout ABLE & ACCURATE TYP C 0 RN 8 0 FT WARE , 2 8 STRICTLY MAZOA, 18081 P~ES. 1525 w MacArthur TORESCO, 1780 Monrov11 PLAZA RESUME SERVICE BIO Deedllne 2.30 o c;loelt pm ol Hlgllw9y. IAguna BMctl, CA 12651. Sa En ~\llWC~ Rl~I: ~ 0 C: SC8ll ~ Whitewater Dr .. C«ona del Mar, CA ~ Clrde. Unit E, Huntington • 10. Coate Meu, CA 9282e Ave , Unit A•. Cotta MeH. CA 2021 ~ Cenler Drive, •212 the 23rd dey o1 Augutl 1982 SHIRLE\' WEISS, 3302 CeHe · hoa t re • flt25. 8Nclf\, CA 12e48. L-enoe T Lydlcil, Jr . 32041 92827 IMl'le, CA 12715. Place of Bid R.ee1pt Buelneu lAYeta. San Clemen1e, CA 12672. Fountain II~. CA 02708 MlchMI Hatold Comeliton. 26 RONALD KENNETH HOL8EN. \llrglnl• Way, So Ltguna, CA Adrtaan C. Pruyqera, 323 Eul PLAZA SECRETARIAL Oltlc•. OCMn \/ ..... Scttool Dlttric1, ELAINE DAL TON, 383 Cali. • Joye• Irene Cluck.,; Klnnu Whll-1« Dr .. Corona <let Mar. CA 21141 Shepherd Line. Huntington 92877. , teth Slreet. Co.ta M .... CA 92e27. SERVICE, e c.Nfornla COfporatloll 18040 °8 " Sir Ht, Huntington Cuaymu, San Clemente, CA '1/85-=H RChAo!f_.•08Clrcle, ountafnl 92925, e.ech. CA 9264t. Thl9 •t•t-t wu filed with the Thie bull,_. la c:onduc:ted by.,.. 2021 au.-center Dr .. •212, eeacn CA 92&47 92972. · ... l Robert Leroy Cornellton. Jr. Thia bull.-la conducted by.,, County Clari< ot Orange County on lndllllOUal IMM, CA 92715 Pro1ect tdantlllcat1on N•m• Thia ~ It conducted by • ~ Is conducted by .,, 26 Whlt-•1• Dr • Corona del MM, lndlvlduel. Aug 4. 1982 Adr1un C P~• Thia ~ It oonducted by Replacement ot Root Covering general pwtnerthlp. lndMdual. CA 92625 Ronald K. Holt>en ' ,,.... Thl9 •l•t-t WU llleel with the corporation. Golden v-ScllOOI. 1725 t Golden St*tey WelN ~"-Kinny Marc SHI, 32 Point Lom1, Thi• etat-1 wu ltled with tile Put>llthed Orange Co•I D•llY County Clerk of Or•noe County on Plue S ecretarl• v-Lane Huntington BNch. CA Thi• ttatement WU llled wtth Ille Thie,,.,_, WU filed wlUI the Newport BMch. CA 92ee0. County Ci.rt! of Or•nge County on Pll I A 7 14 21 28 10112 Augu11 ... 1982 Servloe 926"7 County Cl«ll ol Or•llGI County on County CMrlt of Orwige County on Scott Emigh, 27 Monaco. July 28. 1982. 0 ' ug. · · · ' 3479-8:1 '194111 Eva C. Moore, Prw. Place Plans we on file: ~ July28. 1982. JtjM 17. 1982 Newpor18eech,0A928e0 ,,.._ Put>llthed Orange Co .. I Dally Th19tal-IWMl\ledw!lh Olllce . 1fi9•0 B ' Strae1. f1M290 '~ Thll ~le conducted by• Publl1hed °'•ng• Coul Delly P\lllJC NOTICE Piiot Aug. 7. 14, 2f, 28, 1M2 County Cler1l of Orange County Hunt~lon 8NchAi:v92&47. Put>llthed Orange CoHI Dally ...!!'t>~~ed17 024ran3o1• ,.?!H71 1'?_~l!Y general pertnerlhlp. PllOI. July 31, Aug. 7. 14, 21, 1912 K-0ll'1'1 ---------34-9()._112 July 22, 1982. NO ICE IS HE Gl'l/EH lt\at PllOI, July 31. Aug. 7. 14, 21, 1982 ,......,.,, _, • • • --v· • ...,. M. H. Comeliua 335-82 •-IC NO'""r f1 .... the abo~•med Scnool D11trlet of 3439·82 $222-82 Thi• tt•llf!*ll wu llled with U"te NOTICE OF DEATH OF r~ 1-. Publl1hed Orang• CoHt Dall Ofange Covnty, Celllomla. 1Ctlng ---..,---.,.-Ml'\-......,----Nit.IC flJTICE County Clef\ o1 0tange Coun1y on ..,_.,.NO......-VINCENT c. MORClt AND ACTTTIOUt.,._•• Ptloc, July 24. 31. Au!J. 7. 14, 1982 t>y 1nd through 11a Governing ~ nu•~ -~~=~~~~~--1 Aug 4. 1982 ~ ,._ 0 F p ET J T I 0 N T 0 ..._ tTAft•NT Board hef•n•fler refeffed to u NOTICE OF DD "TR OF F'IC1 mou• ....... f1M72 NOT1C9 Of' Al't'UCAnoet ADMINISTER ESTATE NO Th• following pereon I• doing 'DISTRICT .... recelVe uo to, llu1 ~ MAm 8TATEmlff Publlthed Or•nv-COHI Deity '°" CHANM .. • ~ ea: not later than the abov•·ll•••d GEORGE C. WOODS AND The tollowlng pereon I• doing Piiot, Aug. 7, 14, 21. 28. 1982 o...,... Of' A·llUH. AD.YANCED MOVING AND P't8JC NOTICE lime, .-Jed bldf IOI''"' -d of• 0 F P E T I T I 0 N T 0 but1t-. ea: 34n -e2 ALCOHOUC •YDlAQa UCINH To all heln, benefidaties, STORAGE co .. 421 Fek °""9, No. contract tor Ille above Pfoje(:t ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. GOF WEST '83, 2750 s. Harbot ~ dlt d t i g t 201. Coate MMa. CA 9262t. PICTmOUS 9US4MIU Bld1ll\alttie~1n the~ All ..... ,. Blvd .. Unll D, Sant• Monica. CA ---.---. .,._Ml'\ ______ To WtlOm It Mey Concern· creditou an, Vcion • n teen PETER ERNEST STONE JR., ..... aTATS.mNT Identified •bov•. and •h•ll ti• T.... ,._, _ _._ 92704. r\IUU\< "'"-. FISH KITCHEN, 1r-.c. 1a ~ ere o rs 0 nc.,n · 421 Fair Drive, No. 201. Colla The lollowlnQ ""°"' .,. dolf'9 opened and publldy read ~ •1 o all heln. bene1...-.-. DALE P. MA.STELL. 27802 'iiiTiiiiioor-Oi~UiiiDi*iiiiiiT lo the Department ot Alcollollc Morck and penons who may Meaa. CA 9282e. ...._. IN ·~1111ed ume end pl-c rediton and conttneent Tr...,.. Lw, El Toro, CA t2e30. 8TA~ g: ::::,.91DfT a-909 Control for • "'1'' OH be otherwbe lntere1ted in Thie bu"'-1 11 conducted by en All CHURCH SOFTWAAE Each t>ld mutt conlOl'm and be Cftditon of Geol'ge c. Woods Thia~ .. conducied by.,, eu..... ..... SALE SEER & WINE (Publlo Ealing the will and/or estate: lndlvldual DISTRIBUTORS. 24322 P•rk•:;i• respontlve to ,,.,. contrlCt and n..--ons who may be lndMdull. D.P .•• _._., h Place) llcenH to ••II alcollollc A tit.I h '--n filed Pel• ErnMt Stone Jr. Drive EHi. Laguna Nlguel, A document. r-• • ..,_,_ The followlng pe,.one •v• P'.'! on as ~ Thia ll•l-I wu llled With the 2677 Eecfl bidder thall tut>mlt. on the otherwlle interested ln the Thie .c.t-• -fllltd wtth the abelldoo•d the~ of Ille Flcthloua bevaragu •t 10085 Garlleld, by Diane M o rck in the "-·-tl c.-. ot 0r-Coun ... on RICHARD A. lESNETT. 24322 tonn turnlthed with the cont...cl ··-'" and/ Eklti,_ Name: Fountain V~. CL 92108. $ Co f "-""""" -..,... •• ._,.. ot ..._ __.... wU£ or estate: County Cler1l of Or-.nga County on · .-ubllttled Orange CoHt Dally uperlor urt o vrange Jl/ty 2 • 198.2. Pnetde Drive Eu1, UQun8 N._, doc:umenla. • 1191 1 ... pr.,...,.... A tit.Ion bas been filed Juty 22 1982 NEWPORT MAIN, 258 E.. 20th Piiot A 7 982 C . h t '1taM CA 92871. aut>conlractor1 on thl1 project H pe h ' · ,,._ St .. C:O..•MeM.CA92t27. ug. · 1 3553..a2 DlountMy rekq~est1n11.~a Put>ll•h•d Or•no• coaat Dally MARJORIE M. LESNETT, required t>y th• Subletting •nd by Julia C.. Woode In l e Put>ll•h•d Oranqe CoHt Dally Robef1 W. DaWIOn ane ore ""'appo n"""' as Piiot, July 31, Aug 7. 14. 21. 1N2 24322 Pwlltlde Dflve Eul, ~ Sut>contrtlciing f/IH PrlM:tlCel Act Superior Cour.t of Orange Pllol, Juty 24, 31, Aug. 7, l4, 1992 Th• Flctltloue Bueln•H Name personal representative to 3-42'4 N!Quel. CA 92677. 0ov1 Code Sec. 4100 .. eeq. County requesung that Julia ~2 r•l•rr•d to •t>ova w•• flied In "'8.IC NOllCE admlnl1ter the estate of f111a bullnet1 It conducted by Eech bidder mus1tubm11w11tt1119 C . Wooda be appoinLed u __ .,. NO'""r Or-mnge County on Mey 8· 1982· Vincent C . Mo r ck . Costa Nit.JC NOTICE lndlvlduele, huaberld and wife. t>ld certified or cHhler'• ch.ck r~ 1-. Robert W 0.-, 11952 Mfltt>M K...,121 Richard A. Leanetl pay•ble to the DISTRICT Of a bid penonal representative to•---------~=~:---Atctl. Sant• Ana. CA 92705. NOTICI TO CMDfTOA• Mes a, CA (under the ncnnoua .,...... Thia •tat-• _. llleel wtth tile bond 1n th• form NI l0t1h 1n the adminl1ter the estate of FlCTn10U8 8U ... H Aobet't A. Ziemer. 251 E 20th St.. cw llUUC TMNWIA Independent Administration .. .._ aTATnmNT County CMr1l ot Orwige County on con1racn oooumentt 1n .,, amount =~~~~~:~~: ~':?·~:·=~• doing c~~ ~ .:::~ed by• Nd= ~~:=e~~fu~N to ~ ;::a;: ~1;l~i:e:~ ~o::=_wtng perton le doing ~ 2•. t982 ,,.._ ::io~.\:~~":':t.~~,,i:e~~;:do~!": Of -.tales Act). 'Ibe ..-tt.1on p•AK ,. ,,,.., , .. LON, 19171 general par1nenNp. credlto" of the within named No. 3 at 700 Ci'vic Center KTM. 2824 Carob, Newport Publltned Orange CoHI Delly guattntM that tt>e bidder wll enter ... ,_.. " ""'""" ..,. Robert w. o.-lreMfWOl'9 thet • blilll tr_.., le BMc:h. CA 12eeo. Piiot, July 31, Aug. 7, 14, 21, 1982 Into the propOMd COfllrllCI If Ille Is let for hearing In Dept. Magnolia. 8ull• 19. Huntington Thia •t•t-1 _.. flied with the ·~out 10 be mad• on pereonal Drive Weet, Santa Ana, CA Jull•n Feldm•n. 2124 Carob. 3397-82 eame I• awarded 10 him. IN THE No. 3 at 700_ Civic Center ~;:~~-MARCEL~. 2033 Counly Clerk of <>renee County on ~ lwelnafter deaorlt>ed. 92701 on September l , 1982 Newport BMcn. CA 928e0. EVENT OF FAILURE TO ENTER Drive. West. tn the City, of Bai.er le Ofl~•. Co••• MeH, CA Aug 4· 1982 F'M1al of~ :::.:::.:::: =-at 9:30 A.M. ~ ~ la COl>duet«I t>y an ~~A~~~f ~:l~~i1T".UCH Saata Ana. California on 12t26. Publlehed Orange Coatt Delly JUOITH MOAT~ Ill• JUDY IF YOU OBJECT to the Jullan Flldmtln "8JC NOTICE DISTl'ICT ,__ the r191" to 8egt.. l, 1982. Thie~ le condUGt«I by.,, PllOI, A...g. T, 14. 21. 29, 1982 MORTON IURLl=GHAM and &rantln& of the peUUon, you Thie 91ai.Mnl waa llled With IM 1'1CT1TIOUI .,._.. rejeel any or•" l>ld1 or to welve any tF YOU OBJIX:T to the lndlvlduel Joen Mary Meroalla 3411-82 A08ERT R. 9UALI GHAM, 5394 ahould either appear at the County Clerk ol Orwige County on MAim •TATllmNT 1rH9utar111et or tntormelltlea In any F*fttlng of the petition, you T ....... ••••-t _!!led with IN -----------w'9nut, Un11 C, lrYIM, CA 12714 hearlnt and 1tate your Aug '· 1082. Tiie loieowtno ~ .,. l>ldl or In the blClcfln9, .: .. ~·•d ........ _ th ·--·-· The looltlon 11'1 Cellfornla of IM f , 1 f1M11'1 ~ _. Pur•uant to 1na provlalon• of .. ~ ~ .. ..,r appear at e County Clerk ot Or-ange Coun1y on P\BJC NOTICE chief execullve otftce or principal obj~tlona or 1~e wr tten Put>ll•lled o renr coea1 Deity SOFTW.AAE UNLIMITED N82 Section t773 o1111e LabOf COda of hekln& and state ;rour ~ 2S, 1982. ,,_1 f1C'TT110Ua eu••ta bu•lnH• olflc• or th• Intended objecllon1 wllh the court Pilot, Aug 7, t4, 2 , 28, 1ee2 Harbor Point Clrc:le Huntington th• Stat• ot Calltornla, th• obj!ictlon1 or file written Publl•h•d Oran • co .. I Dilly ...._ aTA...-r trlNHtor la: same. before the hearing. Your 3552-82 Beec:tl CA l264e ' DISTRICT hH obtained trOtn 11141 obfiectlon1 with the court Piiot, Juty 31, Aug.l 14, 21. 1082 The tOllOwfflO penol19 are dolf'9 All other butlne .. nerMa end appearance may be ln penon ..a.JC NOTICE CHARLES A. WA8H8URN, Director of tll• O.part!'l•nt of bef.tre the hearing. Your 3379-82 bull,_ ea: lddr"-uNd by the Intended or bt your attorney. 9192 Harbor Point Circle, lndu11r1a1 Relatlona the general CHARIOT AUTO LEASING tr-1ef0ft within thr .. ~ !Mt f'tCTITIOU9 .,_.. Huntington leeclh· CA 92t4&. prevailing rate ol per diem W1i11'W aptiMrance may be in penon rtaJC NOTICE · p .. 1 eo 11r u known 10 the I Y 0 U A R E A MM9 •UTDmlfT RICHARO L: HURWITZ, 2 and 1tie gene. .. prevellng rM for « ~ your attorney 11220 ~ Street. Fountain '"'9nded ,...,..._, ... -a-. CREDITOR or a con~t T"'-followln" -eon la doing .._..........., eoun. ...___ a.ct\, hOllday end o"'9rtlt'ne wortt In ttie I, y 0 u A ·a E A ACTmOUe ..,..... 11~1g'!.~2~CAPIK 10?te The NIMI 9lld ~ addrW creditor of the deceued. you ~ u; ... -. ~ ___...... tocellty In whloll 1111a WOf1I .. to be CRSDfrOR or a oon•1 .. -nt ..... 8TAftmNT UFO d• Fo ntaln Vell•Y CA of Ule Intended tr---8re! muat flle vn&IP clahn with the AM 8AN01~8TIMO. 325~ Thia ~ .. OOl'lducted by • petlormed tor each c:r-'t « type of -.. ,. The followlng person It dOl"ll n ' u • AATHUA O. MALLORY end ~--.,_... 8elbOe lllencl, CA 92982. bualrleM tnMt. worker needed lo eHeute th• ~tor of the deceMed. you~ -9270~.IOK VAUGHN '1222 COrtNIE ... MALLORY. 11 court or present lt to the ~AYMOND NYLl GAUlT· ~ ... Wlllfltun. contrac1. Theel,.....,. on ... ac mUIJ ffie your claim with the . SIGN AN 0 DE 8 I G N Ne•llo.,_, founteln Velley, CA ,.,..,_on, !MM. CA tl?14. peraonal repreaentatlv Z~ACHllll HI ... aepphlre eo.own.wNp the DISTRICT otllc;e located el ce>Vl or present It to the ENTERPRISES, 1101 8ellflM Aw .• 927oa Tnat ~erty pertinent appointed by the court 8altloe i9iii.c1 CA neea, · Thia -..-,t -Ned with 18940 ·•e "StrHt, Huntington per•onal re preaen ta ti ve CoetaRO.....,BERTCAwr'sN'f9Ew' SKI. 1101 Thie bulir-1a oondl.ICt«I by • i.10 II In 9'f*'9I eia: .. within four months from tM TIW ~II oonduc:1*' by an County a.ti! of Ofanoe eoun1y on Beach. CA 9"47. Ooplea INY be ~ • d b th t• llmlted pennsahlp tttOdl In ttade, nxturw, ~t. date of first laa·uance of lndlYMlull ....... 22 1M2 obtained on ,..q...-tt. A oopy of n.e Y e COU • 8ellnH Aye., Cotta MHe. CA . tMotleli 0-olk tr•d• ne!'le and good Wiii Of a ·~ ~ -, ' . ·-thele , .... """'be ooeeed II tM four months from the 12t2t. Tiiie ~ -fllad with tN _.. ,...*""" IMlnete. and II let~n u ~ ln Section On*aulllCMr flubllehect Of•• CMll O•I tob lllte. ' date of first luuance of Thia bulllNea le~ by.,, Coun1Y a.. ~ er.,. County n lot&led at: UM Wllnin, UM C, 700 of U.. Probete Com of Thia •au••• w Mad""" "'9 Not,~ 24, 11, q. f , 1•. 1tl2 c~~A~T~~h'::' ,':: letMrs • pc'OVided in Section lndM$*. "*"' Wlatllaw•I N'J 22, tM2. ~ ~4~ "* by the California. The time fo ~ ca:"i. ~ ~ 0oun1y on ™2 cornr~ 19 .....-cltd. encl upol'l lft1 700 of the Probaw Code of Thie ...._,, -fled with 1t1e ,_.. ._ wrifetM 11 .-loOatlon 1a: rmn, dalml wW not Mt at. 1 ,,...,. eu9*nttectot ~hint, 10 .-r fl04 Catifornla, The time for County a.ti! ~er.,. County on Pub~~•d Ofanoe Coeet ~~I) OAn coo FllH co. prior to four montN from 'u""'I·...., oranoe Coat D•llV .... "*'IM Mlcl '"°"*',.... '° fiUn& claiml will not expire Juty 22, 11t2 Piiot, ~ a4• l1. MIO. 1• 11a1;;a Tiii! u td bulk tr1n•l•r 11 th• date of the hHrln ....,. "',.':.71 IWf. "l, 1" 11. 1182 PWlJC M01'IC( Ill~~ by~ 11'1"" prie' to four months from ,..., IMelldtd to be~ at Ole ftOUCJed bov ' _, ' ..CUtlOtl Of IM~ th. d.t. ""f the hearln& Publl111ed Of•noe Coeet Oelly ---,.--IC-..,-TI-IC( ____ --of: IUMOW lSCAOW co.. YOUaMA·v· ·xAMlN w.. HClfliiOUllUID•M No bldOar,,. ......... "".., ~ Not, My a•. S1, ~ ?, 14, 1 .. 1 IOfO H. Tu.tin Aw., lanta Ana, 11t MMm STA,_-, fOf 1 period 0( 'lfl"" (111 dere U MAY. EXA"'"lNE ~a MmlOUI ...... Clllfomll t270I on or.,.., Auoutl the file k•pt by the court. 1f Miihoul WM ~ fd0w"'8.,.,....,. MIO 1,,., Ille °'te ... '°' 1n. °'*""' ot m ..._ ITA~ ut,;.;1112. you are Intern~ In the ...-ITA,_., II: " 0 bide ... _~"-.,_ b ... _ -·-u •-ec ..,,._ 11u111traMter1e "'4>'-" to file ..,. n. --.,. ....-WllTll'IN u.1. IN.Ill' H· A peyment -on ct •"• • UW' .u• -.-. y ..... _.. .._ ""'-. The fCllO'#tng perlClft9.,. doklt Cal"'--1• "nlfOfftl Co1t1,;"'•r'e111 Mtai.-. you may • ·-.... .........._~_ .. ----... "11NTAL PlllOOUOTI 1no I!. -10lrm--bond .... _......, 1n are lntereated In the NTlrllOUe W• bualnaM 111; c.ci."'"~ '*· with tha court tO receive -r'i 1 l.AUNO"OMAT, 1oa Olrrv ..... ._ 111, aanta Ana. p;jor ,0-~ 114 .,. ;;;;;;; ..... youmayfilearequeet ...... ITA~ MILll·AANDOLF. H17t ~ nafM end ldctrM• ol the 1peclal nollce of the ....... llleoe.OA .. t. OAft70I elldlhellbelntMIOn'll ... tol1hlll wl.., the court to receive Tiie tolfowtno PWIOn I• dot"ll ltodCPof1b ~~CA 1216S. Ptr9'll -"" "9IOf'll cMlrN !MY be Inventory of estate auet IMY~L• -MMOl'll'I. 11-. T,W, AllOCl~H. 1,.0., • the CClfltraat ~ta. ap•clal notic• of th• "'-::' ClllATIONI, .. Fl/It aa1f.A.~~ ~=~ Ned II •Ul'IAOW t•OAOW c~ and of the dtiona.a«'OUn ~UM."""*"'°"~ QallfOrftl• .. ,i:.:auen, U4 ,.___,.to ..... 4HO ~­ lnftnl.ory of •tat.e .... ta °"""' Oollt8 ..... CA t2?01. '*3. ' =:.~·~~..:;:; ~w~n-a •"d ... poru dncrlMd l CA~ .. WAGOONllll. =~rl•I M .. CarlOI, CA ="' .... c:::.. ":.-::: and bf &t'9 peddorw, accounle MICttAE. DAI.I TY..,._ 1CMta IHIALlY LAWION MILH, .. , My fof """'olelllM i.y Illy lt~tlOft 1200.&. qf th tt•aYM. "'"'*"'°" lMe ..__Iii_,.......,. by• =::'•'*11••41MM mnt• and reportl d..erlbed ln a.nca Ana A~ •O • .._Ma. 2111• at~. ~ ._, OA ...., INI w ~ 1•. t• Callfbnaa Proba• C.S.. ~ _,...-.. to ....,.. ...-"' 8ettloft uoo.& of the CA~ ... 11 ..... -. 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I Today' A-..l•NIUe•1CU .,, AL Ti CUlillliill: Royal Ohamp.,n• lrunoh •7 .95 10:30 to 2:30 673-3322 Newport Be.ch Featuring Eggs Benedict tt-s111lar M•n11 Also S..v•d Sunday Brunch 54.75 $s'.$0 With Champogne SUNDAY IRUMCH 01 THE WlTERFIOllT 10 Al to 4 Pl Featuring Huevos Rancherot 675-0474 2318 W. Newport Blvd. if:Zeia SUNDAY BR UNCK 11 A.M. to 2 P.M. COMPLIMENT ARY COCKT All 759-1854 3901 w. Coast ""'. Sunday Bruncb 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Complimentary Champagne Fresh Summer Fruit Buffet ,By The Bay CHAMPAGNE •UNCH 1 10.95 (14.ff Un4er 12) Satur~ay 11 to 2:30 Sµnday 10 to 2:30 liillttAlP.mtl On The Waterfront In lido Mertna VMI ... ALL YOU CAN EAT Sunday Champagne Brunch 10 a.m. to 3 p .m . 56.95 Mal11 '4.95 C~Uuta S.atii\g Available For Large Groupa THE JOCKEY CLUB 1'4-Q~ . ~ .J&l'.. ....... ror- T N''r ~~ .. ' ~ . .,,,..-......__~ .. OPEN AIR PATIO D~ Oh.,,,pap1 Brunch '4.16 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 5ATU•DAY 994 lllAICFAST I A.M. to 11 A.M. 3300 Coast Hwy. 548-2224 llewport IHch • Sun.day Brunch & J~m Session DINNER & JAZZ NIGH Tl Y 675-7760 ~··························· • ORIF:NTAL (:HAMPi\G~E : : RRL~Cll : • • I I ::SO T o 2:00 Ch111,11n1 Buffet Brunch •1.11 10:00 to 2:30 14982 Redhill AT Ed;nger • .-d ' ,lj, I .6'S 1' I ' I OO[U]tuJ ~mu South America: A land of unfulfilled dreams P1~~~ ""1"ANTIAOO, Chtle -Delph• vaat ~ and pc>-.ntial, South America NIDl.1nJ a pnim1le untulfru.ct for the 246 m11lion people who live on the poverty- ftridcen continent known more for lta thortcominp than for what hu been 9Chleved. Six of the 10 countries rooted ln the Iberian Penln1ula of Europe are 1overned by the military. Only Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela have elected dvillan aovemmenta. Even ln tbOM countrle1 polltlclan1 tread warily around armies they can 9 hope to control. Terrori1m from both ends of the . Utfclll lpeCtrUm has ICa1'l"ed all 10 of natlom. 90meti.mes polariJina their ople and of\en eroding hopes etlDOa'fltCY might fiowiah. 01 T B E R E G I 0 N I S r i f e w i t h 91lpoverlshed masses a!ld myriad w;xompenytns afflJctiona: illiteracy, high liflant death rate, poor nutrition and health care and shortened life 1pana. The wheels of modem industry spin in dties like Sao Paulo In Brazil, but a few thouund miles away ln Amaz.on jungles and ~ villAUles. Indians still live as their ancestors dld centuries ago. All South American nations depend heavily on mineral or crop exports. The ~rrent recession in the West has lhrunk markets and deflated prices for their exports, leaving economies in s'harnbles with unemployment climbing ana foreign debts aoaring. t A. if this weren't enough, almost all ~th American countries have border ~putes, a few of which threaten to erupt into armed conflict. ~South Americans are not without hope, however. Many believe their nations will one day be world leaders ~.Argentina's bold bid to recapture the r~ rekindled the desire to give ~e industrialized world a run for its • ' money ln all fieldl. Turbay Ayala'• main h .. dachff but Early ln tbe ralkl&ndt w•r, when ~bWUa for al.leYtad"8 both are In Araentlne pllotl were bombln1 and .,. GUYANA qht. The M-19 orpnb:atlor\, the major rocketlna Brittah wanhlpe, It llffmed VENEZUELA auerrtlla group, h.u offered to dllcull to many that South Amertca'1 challonge SURINAM 1ul'l'C!nder with Betancur. to the lnduaUialll'ed world had beaun. There are 1111 violent and more encoura1tn1 1limmer1 of accompllahlnent: -Nuclear power.planta are on llne In Argentina and Brull. -Brazil h.u plant to enier the space age by the end of this century, 1endlng lta own home-built ptellltes into orbit on lta own home-built rockeia. -The world's Jargnt hydroelectric project ia going up on the Paraguay River between Brazil and Paraguay. ' -:-South America has produced some of the world's leading novel.i.ata, and the current United Natlon• secretary· general, Javier Perez de Cuellar, is a Peruvian. -On what once was a flat wasteland, the capital city of Brasilia thrives as one of the modern world's architectural wonden, Here, country by countr:y, Is a picture 'of South America today: BRAZIL, Pop. 125 million: This Portuguese-speaking and Portuguese- founded nation, largest on the continent, has been under military rule since 1964 and is currently struggling with a $60 billion foreign debt and inflation rate that hit 120 percent last year. It is the world's largest producer of coffee and sugar, but the growing list of manufactured g~ includes compu.t.t:rs. aircraft and mihtary tanks. Brauhan planners see the nation as a future world power. President Joao Figueiredo. 64, a retired army general. took office in 1979 for a six-year term -the fifth general to rule Brazil since the military took power from a civilian government. Figueiredo has promised to bring back civilian rule but has set no timetable . ARGENTINA AP ARGENTINA, Pop. 28 million: Gen. Reynaldo Bignone. the fourth military president in six yeara, was sworn In July 1 to replace Gen. Leopoldo Galtieri, forced out after the Falklands failure. Bignone, called back from retirement, has agreed to restore civilian rule by March 1984. Argentina. a major beef and grain producer. is in the midst of its w~rst r ece11sion in half a ce ntury, with unemployme nt a major pr.oblem. Bignone says he plans to stimulate industry and end the recession by taxing o.-FALKLAND ISLANDS imports and easing credit -a policy unlikely to ease the pain of inflation which hit 130 percent last year. In addition to claiming the Falkland Islands, Argentina also has a dispute with Chile over territorial dividing lines south and east from Tierra del Fuego, at the tip of South America. COLOMBIA, Pop. 28 million : Bellsario Betancur, a 59-year-old lawyer, has replaced Julio Cesar Turbay Ayala as elected president. Leftiatt guerrillas and poverty-stric ken masses had been PERU, Pop. 18 million: Pet'\lvlanl are living throuah bard t.imes u their new clvt.Uan aovernment 1trualea to rebuild an economy left ln ah.amble. by 12 years of leftlat rnWtary 4lctatorshlp. Peruvians have re1alned l con.1tJtutJonal liberties, but many are hungry and without work. It I• estimated that 60 percent of the work force earns less than the minimum wage of $75 a month. President Fernando Belaunde Terry, who took office last July 28, la trying to restore free enterprise, at.tract lore1gn Investment and sell off unprofitable government enterprl.aee. He has been challenged by a Maoist guerrilla organization that recently declared It.self in open warfare against his government. VENEZUELA, Pop. 14.8 milllon: This nation, believed to have the world's ninth largest oil reeerves, is one of the few civilian-governed nations of South America. Its last dictator, President Marcoe Perez Jimenez, was ousted In a popular uprising in 1958 and the country since then has been governed by an elected Congress and president. Luis Herrera Campins. a Christian Democrat, is its current president. Until the Falklands conflict, Venezuela was one of the United 8tateS' strongest allies in Latin America . Venezuela sharply criuciz.ed the Umted States for siding with Britain and strongly supported Argentina in the crisis. The Falkla nds war brought Venezuela into closer contacts with Cuba, after two years of cool relations. Venezuela claims about two-thirds of the territory of neighboring Guyana, the ·penefit cuts increasing threats former British colony. ~ CHILE, Pop. 11 million: Gen. Augus Pinochet has ruled since topplin Marxlst Salvador Allende in 1973. In 1980 plebiscite Chileans voted 2 to 1 f new con s titution granti ng the 66-year-old Pinochet near dictatorial powers until 1989, when the armed forces will ch005e the next president. BY ANDY O'CONNELL -.......... ,,_ ...... ·.&>cial Security officers in Michigan have put up bulletproof glass and Nebraska case workers are refusing closed-door meetings with recipients because of threata from people whose payments are cut off in a stepped-up review of disability caaes. .Nebraska officials have held workahops on how to handle potentially ent situations and have considered fictitious names for case workers. sa Doug Williams, director of ~=ka's Disability Determination "It'• a:ary," Williams said in Lincoln. "We'll have someone get a letter that .,,-. 'U you try to cease my benefits, I \liil1 iret you -and I know where you litre.',.' tHe said a threat is made about once a nt>nth, in a face-to-face encounter, over tlie. telephone or through the mail. ~ AREAS OF THE country have rted no threats or acts of violence. a hou1h the accelerated review of l'Wl\tnw!nts has caused "quite a furor," as Clark. an official in the New York nlOicllw Social Security office, put it. where threats have been made, have come from mentally disabled , officials say. " had one threat to kill me (last year) u\d th.la one I took seriously becawie the Individual's disability was mental and he Nii a history of ~ve behavior,•· said Jame1 W. Keener, operations auipervt8or for the Social Security office in Georgetown, Del. On June 15 in Modesto, a man upset a ut a decision on benefits marched blocks from a Social Security office an Army recruiting station. fired a t into the floor and ordered Sgt. John to come with him. The man lllC\.lffled with F1ood outaide, re 1hota were fired and Flood was _.1ou1Uy wounded in the abdomen. ann dd leg. Glen Alrnanson Lynch, 53, was c ar ed with kidnap and attempted Ill Michigan, officials say they have n an increase in threats from people lng benefita under the accelerated review effort. "The majority of the threats are lng from the program'• mentally bled clienta whoee cases have been ,_,,..,,ed and c.kleed," said Ivan Cotman, te superintendent in the Michigan partment of Education, which ministers the federalJy financed bllity Determination Service. Wicks Congress in 1980 ordered periodic reviews of all those among the 2.8 million Social Security disability beneficiaries with n on -pe rmanent disabilities. Social Security Commissioner John Svahn says Social Security is reviewing more than 500,000 cases this year. up from 155,000 in previous years. He said about 40 percent are cut off the rolls. "We have found that as much as $4 billion a year is bei~ paid out to persons who do not meet the criteria ... out of an $18 billion program," Svahn said last month. "It's a mess, it truly is." He said it takes the average person wrongfully cut off the disability rolls 12 months to regain benefits. but he said the age ncy b elieves that disability examiners make the correct initial "on a weekly basis," said an decision in 97 percent of the cases. administrator who asked not to be In Michigan, the Traverse City office identified. made bulletproof glass part of a recent r e mode ling job. Exterior signs ide ntifying the building have been removed. "In the past year, we've had 12 threats against staff members that we felt were real enough to report to the state police,'' said Gary Smith, director of the office in northern Lower Michigan. The office in Lansing has taken its address out of the telephone directory, hired security guards, locks all doors and requires employees to wear identlficaUon tags. A man with a gun was arrested near the olfice a year ago and threats come in OFFICES IN DETROIT and suburban Southfield have electronically locked doo rs and security procedures are reviewed with police. "It just has to be related to the fact that we are taking benefits away from people who have developed a habit of depe nding on them," said Robert Hurley, the program's Detroit area administrator. His office gets one or two threats a month, he said. In Lincoln, Wllliams said workers no longer have conferences with recipients in private offices. Initiatives give voters real power By THOMAS D. ELIAS ThOl'DaJI Ellu la a free-lance columnist hued in Santa Monica. For the next few months, Ca.Ufornia's elected legislators will again be passing and rejecting proJ)Olled new lawa. But action on the most important and emotional muea before the state will have to wait until November. That'• when voters wlll rule on initiatives Involving gun control, wa\er conservation and reapportioning of legislative and COJ'gl'eulonal dlltrlcts. They'll abo decide whether to advlae President Reagan to pu1h fqr an mediate freeze on Soviet and erican nuclear weapons d lopment. COMBINED W1TB THE votera' June dec::IDonl on the Peripheral Canal, crime, inheritance taxes, lnCome taxea and the Democratic redlatrlctlna plan, the November lnltiatlwa make it clear who 1.1 deddJna the really lmporwn 111uet in c.llfornla today: the people. In t.ct, the comblnadon of Proposition 13 and eeveral later tax reduc:1ion t.llot meMUre9 haa reduced the Letialat~ l&raelY to a body whoee chief taillt '8 not maldna policy, but decldtn1 wblc:h prosruna and tervScee to Nduce and by bow much. Elected polltldanl haY9 .._ poJJcy-malltn1 ~er today than lnJUatiw wtbon lm'llh 10 --what the pubUc ,..Uy -.nta. And --Of tbcMe authan ~ tune In to lhit publle mood flil' man eUectlvely than leplaton. Wtt:nem the almost 2-1 defeat of the Peripheral Canal, which had been approved by the Legislature. On the fall ballot will be two Initiatives creating laws that leplators have failed to pa.as, primarily because of lobbying and flnancta1 preaaure from special inten!9ta. Every poll show• that the public ClllflRlll flCUI IJ"OW'ldwater than la replaced each year. Farmers will argue that thl1 meuure would greatly increase food COlta and thett wnpalin may be enough to override public eentiment In favor of water corwervatlon. All thll power for the people la once apin arowdna rwentment amons more traditional poUUclans. Early In the 1prtnc. a former deputy chief of 1taff in Jimrny Carter'• Whli. HOUie complained that ballot propolitionl ''leldom receive the touch ICl'U\iny lefious candldataa under~»'' That was befor• the voter• very wanta aome form of gun control. But fMf carefully -and knowledaeably - of electoral repri.lala, in the form of turned thumb• down on the canal campaign contrlbutlona to future project and tnherl\ance i.xu, whlle opponenta, hu allowed the National a~ bondl and the eo-called d h ' .. •• of~-" Rifle Aasn. an ot er pro-lrearm -lnteresta to stymie any controla. ThOM nsulta ndloate rpoat votera They will 1urely 1pend rnUUon1 of kntw euctly what they ~ dotn;. dollan fl&htlna th• gun control imuu:re Af&•r the June return• were In, thia fall but tl publlc rewllloo aptnat former J\lchud·ifbmn e.iltant DouclM hand~ la_. •tr'onl u the pc>U. lhow, a.nett complained about ''Uw continued It may.not matter. ' dilin'91ntas ot the 0.Ufomla pqUUcal SIMILAltY, VOTERS can npect a maMivenvlronment rid lte replacement by campalcn ...inst the w•t.r comervation ~t-tJy·lnlt&attve-and.extnva- meuure, afrntd at encUna water-price ~· 1ub1ldle1 for fa.rmera. The m .. ture The ~ti deiiV "'' the~~ would require water \mn 10 "s-y their' U.C. Oaimpl.an"' • • tine .....-_, full proportionai. Iha.re of the amt" of the ._ oC ,,.,.._ 11'91 know ltl own water tbey recelve. It would forbla wt1be1 bett.r \b•n IU elect•d ~ &he rwYCIR behand tblt .... Np& I I lllltfta clo. Md clllplti tM V.. ..... Dun ...... 76 pW Ol 111 -~•11111111atwaz:-.lhll'e .... -............ aut. ... • .. ............ that .. -w.ald'f9t*' AtGI .,... ..... ,,. ... lafl~ than poUUdU1 •1 old: la any Hll•• that pu•~ aore Wtm.d .......,. A downturn this year in the ec: .. onomy spurred by low international prices for copper, Chile's largest export. have put thousands out of work. ECUADOR, Pop. 8.35 million: This Colorado-sized nation is struggling to keep alive the civilian rule restored Aug 10, 1979, with the election of Jaime Roldos as president. Rold0& was killed in a plane crash May 24. 1981. and was replaced by Vice Preside nt Osvaldo Hurtado. 43. Elections are scheduled for January 1984. but persistent coup rumors are circulating as economic troubles worsen. Ecuador has a longstanding dispute with Peru over their Amat.Oman border. BOLIVIA, Pop. ~.5 million: Right- wing military men have run this coup- prone Andean nation since the July 1980, takeove r that topple d a constitutional interim president, Lydia Gueiler. who re placed a previous military go·.rernment. In the latest government turnover, G e n. Guido Vildoso Calserson was designated to replace Gen. Celso T orrello Vllla as presidenL Torrelio announced recently that elections will be held next April 24 for a civilian government. Vildoso Calderon said he would stick by that promise. Bolivia is on the verge of economic oollapee. It is unable to meet all of its financial obligations and inflation was 51 percent in 1981. Tin mines, once the country's leading export earner, are playing out and have given way to cocaine as the major foreign exchange producer. Though nard to measure, u:s. officials estimate the Illicit cocaine trade nets Bolivia up to $2 billion a year. Bolivia lays claim to a piece of Chilean land that would give the landlocked nation a corridor to the Pacific. PARAGUAY, Pop. 3 million: Gen. Alfredo Stroessner ls South America's longest-reigning dictator, ruling over this backward nation for 28 years. A constitutional amendment in 1977 paved the way for a lifetime presidency for the 70-year-old strongman and the only poliUcal question ts who will take over when he is gone. St.roessner is fervently anti-communist and has tried to cultivate good relations wi\h the United States. But his spotty human rights record and dictatorial tactics have harmed Paraguay In the eyes of many nations. URUGUAY, Pop. 2.9 million: Gen. Gre1orio Alvarez, the president, has promised to return this cattle and theep-ranchlng nation fO civilian rule by March 1985. The mllltary bat run the oountry since seizing power tn 19?3, amid growani terrorism from lehlat Tupamaro gueml.J.as. ORANGIOOAIT The comment P•I• ortht Dally Pllo\ ttolc• to Inform and stimulate readtr• by prntnl in1 a vl.l'Mty of comme~taey on topic• of lnterHt and 1l1nlflcance from Informed ob aervera •ndtpokesmen. T'humai 11 llri.J~u. l~hl1rd1er ~'·~"·'- I. E. T.s have families, too Uncle Len was 8Cal"ed to death when he opened thl1 week'• mail. There were pictures of all these little, bug-eyed creaturet. But, aa he was running down the hallway, he remembered thla week 's E .T . conteat. So he returned sheepishly to his desk to pick the winners. ln case you forgot, the conteat was to send in pictures o1 E.T.'s relatives. And the pictures were ao realistic that ol' Len started wondering if E.T .s and UFOs really do exist. Finally he came to a conclusion: he doesn't know. But he's thinking of spreading Reese's Pieces all around his yard to see if any show up. If nothing else, maybe an E.T. could cure the headache he got from picking a winner. The choice is agonizing when all the drawings are so good. ~:f.'5 DAD Agonizing but not impossible; the $5 first prize for this week goes to ... (dramatic pause) ... Roya Fouladi, age unknown, of Corona del Mar. FIRST PLACE: Roya Fouladl, Corona de/ Mar Roya's depiction makes E.T.'s dad look like a '60s flower child, doesn't it? Len wonders if they had that fad on other planets. Moying right along, the $2 second prize winner is Julie Watson, 11, of Costa Mesa. Notice that E.T.'s grandma is wearing glasses? Her eyes must be as bad as ol' Len's. But Len can still see well enough to appreciate art masterpieces when he sees them. And he received some gems from the following people: From Corona del Mar -Misty Balley, 8. She pictured E.T.'s dear old mom. From Costa Mesa -Michelle Frenz, 11. She drew E.T.'s t}'\'in brother. From Huntington Beach - Karianne O'Guinn, 6; and Kelly O'Guinn, 9 lh. Karianne depicted E. T .'s sister, and Kelly drew its great-great-great-grandmother. E.T.s must have long lifespans. E .T . :.s Now Uncle Len has a really off -beat, surprising, and thoroughly bizarre idea for next week's pictures. Send in drawings of your favorite vacation spots. SECOND PLACE: Julie Watson, Costa Mesa Mail them to Uncle Len, The Daily Pilot, Box 1560, Costa 'Mesa, CA 92626. Use a 4 by 4 inch piece of paper with your name, age and address on the back. Make sure your entry arr ives here before Wednesday. As for UncJe Len -well, he's going to spend a few more hours admiring this week 's pictures. Ill children granted wishes VISALIA (AP) -Visalia police are in the business of granting wishes. Recipients are a select few children with debilitating diseases. They have been recommended by their doctors to the new program called "Wish Upon a Star," which borrowed its name from the tune made famous by Jiminy Cricket. Beneficiaries include Clyde "Tugger" O'Banno n , a 15-year-old cancer patient; Ronald Barnes, a 15-year-old victim of a rare disease that dissolves bones in his extrerrutles; and Brian Gosvenor. a 17-year-old with a severe blood disorder. "It's kind of a light-hearted thing," explained Maureen Logan , crime prevention coordinator. Volunteers, who have cleared the move with parents, basicaJly tell the children, "We care about you, and we understand there's something you'd like,'' she said. "It's not brought up that they're terminal. We don't use the word ever," she streued in a telephone interview. "It's just Dog of tlte Weelc-----. .,..,,... .......... FRIENDLY -Stormy, a year-old male German lhepherd mix it available for adoption at the Oranp C-ounty Humane Society, 21632 Newland Ave., Hun~ Beach. Stormy II houlebroken, a good watchdoi and Ultee chlldren. done on the basis of caring and is handled on the most part, in a light-hearted way." When the O'Bannon boy was confronted, he asked, "Are you for real?" In 15 minutes, he decided on a Yamaha 80 dirt motorcycle. "We just about fell over. We were just afraid that might be a little much for him," Ms. Logan said. Cancer was diagnosed in the Exeter boy at age 9, and It recurred In February. But his doctor approved his riding up to two hours a day. "It helps get rid of a lot of his anxieties," she said. Barnes, a Farmersville boy, asked for a two-seater, three- wheeled bicycle that would allow him to ride while someone el9e pedaled. Police Chief Roy Springmeyer tracked the bicycle that Barnes had aeen at a swap meet to a Porterville family and bought it. The department followed up with a weekend trip for the boy's family to Disneyland . A corporate jet and hotel rooms were donated. , Goavenor wanted a stereo. "That'• a pretty nonnal request for that age group.'' Ms. Logan aaid. He opted for a passive wiah mainly becaUle of a heart atiack he suffered two months ago. The withea do not have to carry a price tag. "U a kid wanted to be a poll~ officeJ', we could include him in a lot of thfn&s," she uid. Another t ... heralded part of the prosram la a support group for parenta of wlah redpienta and othen with aiclc children. "You feel very inadequate becau1e you caQ't make your child better. You feel you ahould be able to hold up perfec:tly and do an the r11nt thlnp," ea.Id Ma. Lopn, de9Cl1bina the feelinp of parent•. "We try to 1•t the perenta totrether to 1et a place they can talk about all the 1traint \hey're under." The department al90 keepe in touch with famillft afterward, becomlnl almoat like a foater t.mQy. "h ju1t 11 a very warm prdpam.'' ahe 8aid. ''There'• a )Ot !" cartna that I"* lnto-U •• " SOME MOUTHFUL -With hls hand and arm protected by a piece of pipe, Sea World veterinarian Dr. Deke Beusse carefully reach~ into the-jaws of a sand tiger shark to remove a hook. The foot-wide jaws had been propped open prior to the maneuver. The 9~-foot shark was awake and alert throughout tM: operation, and both the Orlando vet and ~ shark came through the enrounter just fine. •1f ... ·~ Popcorn Inakes lads laugh 14 What Americans take for granted impresses Irish youngsters,: FRESNO (AP) -Things Americans take tor granted are what impressed and amused 67 children from Northern lreland on a six-week break from their strife-tom nation this summer. sheriff's office, a truck show and a walnut farm. But most of the amusing di!ICOveries were made at home. ... the children's accents, but ~ words got in the way. The boys with the Stewart.a explained how their mother• cooked with minced steak, diabes· that Mrs. Stewart didn't think.. she could prepare until ahe 1~alized they were talking about hamburger. Tony Knocker and Bruce Stewart, both from Belfast, were spending their vacation with the Kelly and Teri Stewart family in the Sacramento County community of Elk Grove. "I thought they were going to flip when my husband took the lid off to s how them," Mrs. Stewart said of the popcorn session. "We let it just pop out all over. There was no other way to show th em . They were hysterical" The children wanted to take tortillas home with them when they left Wednesday because of the ir newfound love of tacos. They blanched at the idea of drinking tea cold but gradually developed a taste for it. For Nancy Hinds' charges in Fresno, potato chips were a favorite. "That was the one thing they could just eat mounds of," she said of Sonya Banks, 10, and Noel Adams, 13, both of Belfast. ''I learned not to put them on the table until th e dinner was served.'' The children with Mrs. Hinda were most impreseed "with the freedom. They could go out on their bikes and ride around, ride to the store for me and not be • searched." Host families In 22 states volunteered to take two children, one Roman Catholic and one Protestant, to try to remove religious and political barriers that had built up during their short lives. Small l>ut regular culture shocks were cited by the children and their hosts reviewing their time together. Sunny weather and temperatures above 100 degrees were a radical change for the four children. Their response was to spend as much time as possible in swimming pools. The point of the Children'• Committee program organized by substitute teacher Vincenq Lavery of Fresno was to give the<. c hildren a break from the squabbles of Northern Ireland. It ! brought together children who : were implicitly barred from • contact at home. : "The Protestant and the: Catholic child got along very, • very well. It was lovely to .e," Mrs. Hinds said. "I just hope It'll" carry on when they get back ' home. I just hope that they'll ' start to ask questions when they ~ get back home, that they won't ; be as comfortable being divided." ~ The 11 -year-old boys with the Stewarts went to an amusement park, rodeo, almond plant, "If they could just pick anything, they wanted to go swimming," Mrs. Stewart said. "They were just fascinated with outdoor pools." Families adjusted quickly to THE QUIZ world scope (10 polnls for each quHllon •f)swered correctly) 1 In what could be ;;i resolution to the most recent Mideast crisis, President Mohamed Nimelri of .. l .. became the first Arab leader 10 open his country to Palestinian guerrilla forces trapped in West Beirut. a-Libya b-Syrla c-Sudan 2 A jump in gasoline prices boos1ed the inflation rilte a full percentage point In June. For the first half of 1982 inflation Increased at an annual rate of about .. l .. percent. a-2 b-S c-11 l The outlawed IRA recently claimed respon- sibility for several bombings 1n London. What two countries does the IRA hope to reunite through the use of forcel ' 4 Interior Secretary James Watt gave final approval to a plan to lease most of the (CHOOSE ONE: U.S. coastline, national forests) for oil and gas drilling during the next live ye1rs. S The first of about 1800 .. l .. detainees were released recently after a judge ruled it was illegal to imprison those lacking proper Immigration documents. a-Cuban b-Haltian c-Mexican newsname ( 10 poJnta II you can l~tlfy ttii. peraon In lhe news) Some ilnalysts 11id my recent visit to the U.S. Is a sign that I want a more balanced relationship with the super- powers. I told President Reagan that the U.S. can have friendly reluions with Pakistan as well as my nation, \' the world's second most \ 1\ populous. Who am I and whit ~ country do I leadl matchwords t• point• tor each correct match) 1-upend a-remove, evlC1 :I-expand ~xhaust, consume 3-expound c•perlsh, die 4-e11pel d-grow, Increase S...pir9 .-.11pl1ln, Interpret Answers appear (upside down) beneatlt cplz • ., I ; j •J news picture (10 point• II you •n•-r Ihle qufftlon correclly) ' ;~ Years of demonstrations and prote.is finally paid off when the ' • International Whaling Commission voted recently to ban all r- commercial whaling by 1986. While 2S member natiom : · supported the ban, the world's two largest whalers voted against • ,, It. Which two nations are responsible for about 85 percent of the l whales that are kllledl , 1 peoplewatch/sportftght~ (2 points tor each qufftlon an1wereel conectty) 1 Oftlclals announced an Investigation into the death1 of KtOI Vic Morrow and two children during the filming of Ste¥en , •'l Spielberg's new movie "Twilight Zone." Morrow, SJ, was bet .. h known for his roles as a (CHOOSE ONE: romantic hero, tough • rt guy with a soft heart). 2 Preiident Reagan began a search for a new Chairman of his Council on Economic Advisers after .. f .. resigned trom that post to return to Washingtoh University as a profeuor. a-Murray Weidenbaum b-Oonald Repn c·Ed Mene l Kuen Dianne Baldwin, an 18-year-old Toronto university 11udent, became the first Canadian to be n1med •. f .. In Uma, Peru. Miss Guam was the first runner-up. 4 Bernard ttlnauh, 27, won his fourth Tour de France In five years, covering the21-lea journey In under9l~rs. TMTout de France is .. l.. a-an auto race b-a blcyde race c-a series of mat1thont s The U.S. has been conslderlna whether to arant poOttcae asylum to the top female tennis player on the,CHOOS(ONI: Soviet, Chinese) national team after she c:t.fe<ted recently durlna the Federation Cup tournament In Callforr1la. roundtable ,lmMy clltcUHlon (no KOl'e\ Should the U.S. r.coanlze the ,LO and tndude It directly "' Mideast pe1ce 1Mtotlatlonsl Why °' why not? If you _... -" lsrMll citizen how would you reef about wch • dedllonl • J YOUllt ICO!ltl: It to 100 polnl1 -TOP ICOlltll 11 lo IO polflla -lacefltftl. l't to to polnte -QOOd. 11 to 1' ,...... -''* ( •lllC. Inc , 12·12 • ' 'hina '~ religious revival in r ... A11oelaied Pre11 ~ht 1cope of ret11lou1 revival ln Ina hu aatoniahtd both the pem· t and reUatoua commw\iU. Uwtre, YI a U.S. authority on that eountry, t he abo Ifft potential danprt to the P.;.doxically -the rlllnl at.ream of oung people into the churchee "poMS he greatest potential danaer to the urch'a relaUona with the state," •ya aul RiChard Bohr, a ChJna expert and :Xecutlve director of the Midwest China ter ln St Paul, Mlnn. With an estimated l mill.ion youna ple now publicly attendlna worship rviCM, he uya, the government hu tepped up warning• that "rellaion Ult not be allowed to become too at- active to diallluaioned youth.'' Should it be ~n u do°" ao, he adda, 1tolemion of lt coUld be revened. tht Mia Sodety In WMbini'Gn, Bohr uy1 rellaton tn the conununl•t•run country hie mede • ~ cameblick. 1n the ,... ol Yii1ld rtlninta and virtual ~ cd Vlllbll re~ lift tn th• .. cultural revolution ' of 19ee·'78, Bohr uya aun.. Ch.rlatlanl attained "PIYC~ maturity." 0ur1na that ~rtod. h• uya, .. both Protestants and C.thOUcl olat.m they acquired a deeo uncleniandlnc of po- verty and 1uffer1na, patience and faithful.nete, whlch they a.aclated with the original New Testament experience "They have emeraed wlth aelf- confidence and vltallty -and with their numbert expended • . . Clergy and lay leadert }lave been returned from factories, labor campe and prilon cells ' .. ''Thouaandl of Chriatlanl a.re emer- ging from private worship to profess the faith in the open." rayer measur.e· hacked . ., .. Al ........... The nNl'rtftl ,bett.18 0¥8I' c.lulroom Pft1• '" 'NIDbUni aMW in eo.i,,..... but th.II Ume with new clout -that of the ~t -bthJnd the move. There a1lo wu owrwhebning public . 1upport tor It, u lndkated ln varioua opinion NrVeyt. Over the put 20 yeen. l.n the fac:e of oourt dedaiona prohJbltJnc ,roup prayer in publJc achoola, perennial~ efforta have t>.n rMde to overturn th• ban. bu~ previoully without pr't!llidenUaJ a.pport. Prelident Reaaan. however, lnatJaat.ed the propoled new measure. "No one will c:onvtnce me," he aaya, "that a moment of voluntary prarer wUl harm a child or threaten a achoo or state." At current heattnp of the Senate Ju- dldary Committee on the matter, aome top Proteetant and Jewish 1poke1men have 1tron1ly condemned' the move, aaylnl lt would viol.ate the nation'• his- toric separation of chu..rch .00 state. U ao, that wu done regularly until 20 years ago. Cluaroom prayers were a widespread American custom untll the Supreme Court in 1962-63 ruled that government-preecribed prayers in public achoola were unconatitutlonal. dt.., lnc)udlftl the SoUthem •PUN.t the ~ PrOl.Mant body w~ con- wntkln In June endoned tht •ftort; U.S. Roman Catholld9n, which lalt month vokled 1Uppon ~ lta naUonal ad· mlnluraUve board, and Greek OnhodoXY. the 1arplt l'Aatem Orthodox body, whoee July conwntion bllcUd the 1 proposal. Coneervatlve evanaeUc•l IJ"OUPI al.lo 1upport tt. A recent Gallup poll found 7~ ~l't'ent of \hole 1urveyed tupport lt. An nrller Hatril poll found 69 percent favorina lt. r Opponents of the/ropoeaJ argue \hat il'OUp pra&'er woul offend mlnortUet , and non-believera, putting ptycholoiical · preaaure on them. At the aame tfme, opponents aay prohibltlna group prayer puta no preuure on chlldren aaatnat praying privately. Opponents alao aay religious attain belong ln the home and church, not Uw • 11Chools, and that group prayer there 18 contrary to the Firat Amendment J! prohibition against any law establilhina ;. a religion. ·· However, supporter-a of the school/· prayers say that the First Amendment also guarantees free exercise of religion . and it ls suppressed by federal courts banning prayer from the schoolroom. I "Al.reedy, at leut in rural areu. of- 1ficials are skeptical of 'modernization,' •saying it's not a good thing and religion !1a not a good thing," Bohr said after hls latest trip to China. . Nevertheless, in a 20-page summatJon of recent religious developments in China, issued by the China Council of However, Bohr saya there "la no guarantee that the current climate will continue" as it depends largely on the present reform-minded leadership staying in control. CHINA EXPERT -Paul Bohr, ·director of the Midwest China Center, says religion is making a comeback in China. Seeking to o~ercome this ruling, which haa ~ widely interpreted by lower courts to ban any IOrt of group prayers in public achools, the newly propoeed constitutional amendment says: "Nothing in this Constitution shall be · They maintain <;hurch-state separ~­ tion never has meant total exclusion of religious expreulon from the public sphere, as in the motto. "In God we trust" on U.S. currency, the "under God" in the pl«!dge of allegiance, and opening prayers in Congress and many ' ~eligious beliefs class to be offered · conatrued to prohibit individual or group prayers in public 11Chooll or other public institutions. No pel'llOn 1hall be required by the United Statee or by any state to participate in prayer." While Jewi1h and many mainline Protestant bodies oppoee the proposal,· the move for the flnt time has the back- ing of the nation'• largest ttllgioua bo- legislatures. ;j Supporters of the proposal say the ban . : on prayers has produced a totally secu-~; larized atmoeptlere in schools. implying :·' religion has no place in knowledge, thus ;i) fqstering non-belief. ...~ ! THE NATURE OF religious thinking llillUI llJIS ~d belief will be examined in a fall RI l W'8e at Orange Coast College, Costa esa, beginning Sept. 7. ---------. The course will take 8 look at religious Universalist Fellow1hip of Laguna patterns that have developed and their Beach. relevance to the contemporary intellectual world. Registration opens Thursday at the ,Admissions Office. VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL will be held for children, kindergarten through eighth grade, next week at the Harbor Trinity Baptist Church, Costa Mesa. Hours are 9 to 11 :30 a .m . Monday threugh Friday. THE UNITED NATIONS' role in the world and in the United Stat.es will be the topic of John Osborne, president of the Orange County Chapter of the United Nations Association. MIND "shaper-uppers" to wake up affirmative thoughts are held every Wednesday from 12:10 to 12:50 p.m. at the Church of Religious Science, San Juan Capistrano. A CHAMPAGNE opening of the Judaica Plus Gift Shop and a tour of Temple Bat Yahm's new facility in Newport Beach will be held Sunday at 7:30 p.m.. Services 8:30 A .M. & 10: 15 A .M. GUEST SPEAKER Sunday at 10:30 a.m. at the New Thought Christian Church, Costa Mesa, will be the Rev. William Curtiss, founding minister of the Camarillo Church of Religious Science. A BRUNCH for new and prospective memben of Temple Beth El of Laguna Niguel la to take place at 11 a.m. Sunday at the Mlssion Viejo home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moss. Cotono ct.I Mot High School, 2101 fcntblulf Dr .. Corono del Mor Osborne will speak at the 10:30 a.m. service Sunday of the Unitarian- "Tbe Vncrltlcal Christ" Dave Sloop Speaking For Info: Call 644-1350 - Orange Coast RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY . "You've Tried the rest. NOW try the BEST/" Rev. Dr. E .. anor c. Jack.on -T'-OM Clw*'8tl E~ NEW THOUGHT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday Service & Junior Church 15th & Irvine, Newport Beach 10:30 A.M. "The final Verdkt" .. v. 1111 Cutti.., -........ Church Office: 1929 Tuatln. CMt• MeN Phone 146-1032 Olal-A .1•11•1199 ... ltH 1st CtlJRCH of RELIGIOUS SCENCE Of NEWPORT BEACH Member Cllurcll Ulllted Cllurcll of Reliclous Sc~ Ce.LEBRATION OF LIFE RRVtcE 10:00 A.M. .. .. Sv'"6ay w-1-CNW C-. ~~ "Yow PleaSll'e Plan" ~ j Mcwilyn Ko.lpp, -...... :::iG" ..... Judy Oatle "Dlal-An-lnaplration" -760-0504 1011 Camelbock, Newport leach (effJami-..t.M) . Mutk ow.ct« • Marie lnttlhh 760-9474 Church of St. Matthew by the Sea (Tradttlonal Epl9copel) HOLY COMMUNION -Each Sunday -9:00 AM (Book or Common Prayer -1928) MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar Th• Rev. JamH Hohteld -512-2201 ST. JOHN'S THE EPISCOPAL CHURCH IH COITA ME8A B•r Street at Oranoe Awenu. Holy Eucharist 9:00 lnfont ancl Child Cote the ..... Conred Nordqul•t. Vtc:.r 548-2237 ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL WElCOIES YOU 3209 Via lido, Newport Beach luftdeJ l:OO A.Iii. ,,.,., ltooll, "°" Com""""°" • a::= t:OO A.Iii. Ctwch lchool end Adull llducettoft 10!00 A.M. 'Inf lundeJ, ,,.,., .._ "°" ComflMllon ._.,. lhefMfter, Hoff IUCl9ftllt, Rtte II t:OO a 10:00 A.M. NWMrJ e .. CHARllMATIC MAl8 Flfel 8unday of the Moftlh -7:00 P.M. n...cleJ -10:00 A.Iii. "°" llucNrlet HMffnt ......... Uflnl °"Of .... The ""· "°"" '· MhleJ ....... -,.... l7Mll10. • NEWPORT HARBOR LUTtDAN CtutCH M DoWt Dr. ...-oM 81.ACH ....... , .................. ca.-.e A. Miner, p_.., WORSHIP SERVICE ....................... 8:00 A.M. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ............... 8:15 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE ..................... 10:30 A.M • .-...,CMSA'I..,._. ftLCOMI CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES ll'IAHCHU Of THI MO™"'~ THe ,INT~ Of CHNST, ICle.HTIST lfl llOITOtl. ~ "SPIRIT" Sunday, Augu1t I , 1982 Coat• MeN -Flrat Church of Chrl1t, 8clentlat -11euven1eor .. eo. .. .._. Church a lund9J lohool -10!00 A.M. .....,_.....,_11euven1eor. I A.llA:IO P.M. Moft. tlwu .. t. Wed. 7·7:11 P.M. -~ P.M. lrvlne -Flnt Church of Chrl•ta!:o,lentlat "9ncho .............. "'*"'•die• •1 ll1lc:MelMft (.._, Y•) CtMch a 8und9J kMol -10:00 A.Iii. CHILD CAN: PAOVIOE.O AT IUNOAY 8ERVU Huntington Beach -Flrat Church of Chrlat, Sclent11t Ith a Oltn, Hun:w::: .. ch Church a 9undey -10:00 A.M. Reeding Room -221 MaJn It. Newport Beach -Flrat Church of Chrl1t, Sclent11t 3303 Via Lido, Newport a.ec:h Church a Sunday School -9:00 a 10:30 A.M. AHdlng Room. 3315 Via lido Mon. lhru Set. -11 A.M.-5 P.M. Tuee. -7·11 P.M. CMld C.,. PYovt<Md T.-ayo -1"30-11 30 AM l0t Slucly Ttme Newport Beech -Second Church of Chrlat, 8clentlat 1100 PecHlc View Dr .. COf'OM def ... Church a 8und9J lohool -10:00 A..M. ~ Rooftl -MOO "9" L eo.t HwJ-. CdM WED. EVENING Te8TIMONY Ml!mNG8 - 8 P.M. ALL CHURCHl!8 All •r• cordially lnvtlecl lo •llMd Ille Cf\urCll ~ and enjoy Ille ptt\lleoel Of IN .._.. flloome. Cflld C.. Prowlded AT AU WVICal . WESTMNSTER LUTHERAN CtlJRCH 1M41 Mlltoft An. (Next to hn Diego'""· a WMtmlneter lllvd.) -WORSHIP aaRVICl!I - l:aO a 10:00 A.M. PAITOR JOmL A. IWIQQUM "40Nm _._ AU SAINT'S AHGUCAN . "\.I -· -· .:..=-____ _.._ ~ ___ _:...,-: Acc .... t.tlle lfZllMlll.tC~~ 18al2 Bushfrd, Fountain Volley 963-3801 11¥. STIPtfll" W.,....... HCTOI HOLY cot tt "'"'°" .......................... 1:00 ..... . • MOii .... PllA Y•.CHUICH SCHOCK. , ••.•••. t 1 I I A.M. MCI.._ PllAYOI & SllMOH •••••.•...•. , • I hot AJit. Sermon Topic Augu1t 8th 9:00 & 10:30 A.M. "It's Happening Now" CIUICH OF 1£1.l&IOUS SCDCE Memw of CM United Chul'ch of AtlfQloue ~ SEACL"F Vlu.AQE 8UIT8 415, 2223 ~AIN STREET HUNTINGTON RACH, CA nt48 Ad\lta & Jr. Churoh 10 l 1CUO '°' lnfon'Meton 5314150, HI 1311 A CORDIAL WRCOME FROM TIE UNITED CtUtCH Of CtlUST HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dledptee of Chtlet) 2401 lntne et hnla leebef t41-1711 • COIMJNITY CtUtCH CONGREGATIONAL 111 HeUotrope Ave. CorOM def Miit 144-7400 Doneld W. ICutz, Mlnletef 10 A.M. -lunday Wonttlp Ctudl 9dlOQI end HUr.-y Cer• NEJHORHOOO CONGREGATIONAL CtUtCH 340 St. ...... Pllct " ... "' lleiN .... 494-8061 JOHii ... ll£YllUS MMGM£T Alll EllOUIS ..... 10 Ul -StMay ""1Np a.o Set.I ' ....., .Y Momlng Wonttlp 10 A.Iii. GefM 1 .. neon, Mlnleter Attend The Church of Your Choice ST. MARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH hetblutf Dr. a JMtboree. Newport .... ""· wtlffem McOuold ""· Tonr Wotte P..tor AMoctltte ..... LMh lroollmen, MUllc otr-.r Church School & Adult Cl ..... -9:00 a.m. Worship SeMce -10:00 a.m. NutMrJ Care at lloth lervloee '°'Info: Call 144-1M1 A Cordlel Welcome from The UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Coeta Meu FIRIT UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 19th St. & Harbor Blvd. Cludlldtoett:JO Worehlp-.. CMr1ee D. ctat1!, Mlnlat• ea.ta Meea Nor1h Ml!IAWRDe UNITl!D Mll'THODl8T CHURCH Wot'9hlD & C._. hhool U0· 10:00A.M. Dr.WlleMLI .... CHIUIT CHURCH HunUngton Beech FIRST UNITED Ml!THODllT CHURCH 2721 17th St sse.-3537 Wonhlp ....,._ 11t11 a.m. --,c.. ....... Churdt ......_ .. ....._ HUntlngton a.ct\ Nontl COMMUNITY UNlnD Ml!THODl8T CHURCH 8"2 H.il Ave. 842-4481 Wonhtp lentoe l:30. 10:00 l:IO..., lohool ... IV nte ll!A Fountain V__, totewport a.ct\ __, 1~ w. Balboa BIYd. l'IRIT UNITaD 873-3806 MaTHODtlT CHURCH Rev. Robert Sheperd Jr. 11225 8ultwd 8t. Wonttlp a CtMINft 8°""' MHlll 1111 A.II. Dr. carro11 e. wons, Mlnllt« Wll_, PWICIMol WenNp a C.... ....... DllfC.. .. A& .,. ...... ~ ,.... ...,... ........ NeWPORT CSNTaR UNITU IST'HODllT 1111 ... 1u11 .. A-..C.... .. - Mt-o74I ·/ Worlhlp ' Church 8otM>Ot -9:30 A.M. J Rev. Ken McMHlan \ This Sunday Worship In ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 800 St. Andrewt Roed • Newport Beech • 631-2880 °'·""""A. ......... ·~ P9tw Worship Services -8:45 and 10: 15 A.M. "Is Yours A Singing Faith?" Or. John A. Huffmon, Jr. l"r-hing PAOG~MS 8:45 a.m. -Infants Thru College 10: 15 a.m. -Infants Thru 6th Grade ABC Hetpllne-145-2222 Community Preabyterlen Church 411 '°'"' Awe.. LlljllM llMdt ..._79 Rev. Arthur J . Tankersley Rev. Crelg Wiiiams WorshlJ> -9:30 A.M. NURSERY CARE PROVIOEO OVRtHG SERVICE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF THE COVENANT -,antew Rd.. c.eu ..... -1174MO 8tuce A. Kunte. hetor Terry McCanne, Director of Youth Mlnlstlea Howard Kiiiion, Director of Adult Mlnlstrlet Don Maddox, Director of Singles Mlnlatrlet IUndeJ Wonttlp -l:aO a 10:00 A.Ill. Church kMol -ChlldNn tttru Adultt 10:00 A.Iii. ........., care .. .....,.. -l:30 a 10:00 A.Iii. Veepen -7:00 P..M. CHURCH OF CHRIST 211 W. Wllaon, Coate ..... M64111 We're A Going -Glowlng -Growing Church A IUNDAY HllMCH a.u ITUDY I A.Ill. WOR .... 10 A.Iii. a I P.M. 10 A.M. -CtdCH SERV1CES 6 P.M. -CtdCH SERV1CES f1eu1 Thome&. ......... -DcM'I Cote, Youth M"""9r SHIR HA-MA 'ALOT HARllOR MfORM TeMPLE ............... ''*' '"'*"' a11 , .... ,......, ..... t Q2 SP 2 "· ,.,... ,,.., of............ ,. ..... Rabbi Bematd P. King Jamboree & &llbklft Or. Muelc:: Arie Shlld• Newpor1 a.ct\, Cellf. Educator: Nancy Levin '°' ............... Olll ...._,_ "".,,..,.... W9lacwN ---s.-.ua _,_ """'' ................ Ortnot Cout DAILV Pll:OT/8aturday, Auguat 7, 1882 • in trivial tussle 2. Kat>itiine (JUUi PU'Mr't wH•) 3 Dtek Manno (M'l'M ldtten) 4. Southnn Made Dou1hnu11 (!lvtt Onll one 1eore tn do1.&blp 1t1urH1 Tracy QodfNy • 10, plCld IM vMel tr•ld tlu• w .. k and farced a tbne-way "-tw ~ honol"I tn TrMa Bowl XXVD. .Rlaht behind were Ed Behmer* and the Over tM Hl1J Gena at nine oorrect aNwen apiece 'whlle Cobra n acta9d •lcht to th• C&UM. The Oroup, thOUfh ldJe, ma.n.ated to move up a notch in the atandtnp neverthel-. Trivial tidbit: A.lthou1h "Moon River" wu Andy Willlunl' theme IOft8 on hla TV ahow, he never had a hit llnl1e of the tune ..,.... lt wu Included ln an LP album alter he aana it on the Academy Award• ahow. On to the next element of ~naequentla. 1. Lawrence Tero waa I 1howblz novlce Ul.l he found a name that really 1U1Wd him. What was it? 2. Nam~ the head ran1er at Vogl Bear's COITA MllA ll TOllO fOUllTAlll HLUY l~m •~n CeAlt• (Ow.,10-. ~biCll fd...,111110\ foon1,.n \/•!tty 11u11~••••• ,,,.,~•·~aao ''"1819•\00 c•Pillll CY11tK\f7 ICj 111 I £60 f .O•UIU .Ca"'-D fOfll , ... 1"4.MU.tWT .J 1'ft~ World Ac~ort111•• l u arP rz~OO' :~.o ~ .. R i5:1' 1:00 U :4S J:10 S:JS 1:10 10:35 ~ J10:40 I= ~~~:o'-f-,5-0-6--4-.T-rg-r.:--~-... -=--~ 4:001:10 ~ ~ fll~ 1:2010:>0 od.1 rn . f!r.,. ~1,52:14:1.. rn 1ii0Ciim.. ~-Oam Sftow1at 1210s 2:10 11:JO 1:JO J :JO 5:30 7 :30 AVIS&& l t30 '0:25 I : JO lr.con.S.ts 111tHr.Only .-4lliiti3'1\ia~1216:s~ 92s21~~r) TRIVIA BOWL xxvn STANDINGS 1. ,,., GMfrw 110) .. Id '°"""'* ctl 41 Ov9r IM Hiii ClllllO ltl 41 a, OotH1 n 111 43 ' flrtlCh M~temp (81 41 4, Tiie -..W ,IGtt (8) U I, 'Th41 Qrl>Uf) (I) 21 Jellyetone National Park. 3 ... Moonll9ht, you're juat a heartache tn dl1gul1e" ls a lyric from what popular 10n9? 4. Harriet Atwood carved a nJche ln hlatory u the !int what? ~. ln which of his movies was Spencer Tr-acy given the UUe of "temporary honorary colonel?" 6. ln the TV ae~ "It Takes a Thief," Jl9bert Wagner hiid been tncarcerated in what denal It k11ows what scares you. ~ -~-.. ···--· NOW PLAYING COSTA MUA fl TORO ORANGE •WESTMINITlll• (d1u<O\ Town Ctnrer Ec!w.ud~ SolOOIM>J<:k A"4C Otdfl\11' M1 I ldwi1d\ C•ottnJ We\I 751 4184 581 5880 637 0340 891 J!t35 COSU MlSA [dwa1d~ Cme1111 Ctn1e1 •OlllNO( UA C11v C1~mJ 9791141 6343911 ...... _ (NO , .. su •cc1•110 •o• '"'' uoo1oo1111•• J NOW PLAYING TOGETHER AT THREE EDWARDS CINEMAS The Retum of the Great Adventure. S•OWTIMF.8 AT TOWN CENTER B-'18ERI -DAIL\' lall, 7141 POLTERGEl8T-D-'IL\' laM. Stll, IOtff 8dwanls '°'r~O~PLAJA •c't"ou":°~: :l..':!1~~1751 j 184 CotTAMllA :-J 8KOWTUI -'T CINEMA CENTER a .. IDEU -DAIL\' Jale, •aM, leaae . POLTERGEllT-D-'IL\' 1141. •II • ln1tltutlon? 7. Only on• ~ Bowl aame wun't played ln Puadena. When WU lt played? 8. Ptlrice 8ombelln may be found ln what 1taa pla)'? 9. "Nothln.! do r tee that 11 not perfection'' were th4t htro 1 flrwt words to the hel'Olne, who lA~r repeated then\ to hlm. NarM (a) the movt and (b) th• lWO ltarl. 10. In an Ollcar-wlnnin, movie, the hero told the heroine, •11 may give It to you, Cherie, but you will nevel' take It away from me." Name the Qlck. LHl Week '• AJ11wert 1. Lili St. Cyr (name chanie) commerctal) G. ''TM !\laldve" (former TV record) e. The rat ·J.tan (Bred Runyon) • 7. Rabbit MaNnville ln 1919 (inllde homit NM) 8. "Bom Y ....... " (Norval ~) 9. (I) Olin Marie irv. (b) I.mat Stavro Blofeld ("For Your &Y• Only'') •• 10. Jack Lemmon ln •1MJater Roberti'' (rnoYie • quote) (&nd your an1wen to TRIVIA, clo rhe IJal1¥ i' Pilot, Box 1060, O:.wta Mt!M g2tJ28. All ent.rlt¥ m&#t ' be rec.Jved by Wednnd•y, otherwlu hall th• player'• Jut .core will~ •warded) > ~c;:HEERFUL AND INGENIOUS.,. 111• •eturn ott1te Great,....,...._.. -Jonec Mollln, THC NI" YOM TIMES COIT A MEIA OllUG( OllAlfOE WEITMllllTlll fdwa1d~ South Pac111n Ot•not DllVt In UA C.1~ C1ntma UA r.Qll c();b1 P1<Lt1 558 1on 634 3911 893 0546 546 2711 lfO•UUIAC:Cl"10 foutfTAIN VllllY fa ........ '"''" 96? 1248 'Ofl TM11.-DtJ1t l•lllllM 8'*P1111" rnaue COITI Miil Eowaios Coneml c...i .. 819 ... , COIUMlll fdwMcl\ '""" Ctftl11 751 .... ll TOH f Ow.Wei\ S-IW.l<' 11Ul 581 ~HO fOUllT lllf HlllY ~·M;"' fuutllTOll •o• $25 .,., -AMC Olano-Md 837 0340 OllA..a UACdy~ 83• 391' llllTmallll UAMal 193 0518 .f. I ~1 INfi@j ~~ '! ~ ... Stldlum Ol1Vt In 6391770 HO PAMU ACCl.l'tfO •oa O .. IMOMtMtlfT .. , • I You May U~ Nevl'I Slop,,,,.~.,-~ lolUQhlng , • .. , , , • (!l OAIL Y 1:00, 3:00, 5:00 7:00. 9:00. 10:45 CHEECH I CHONG'S ' -· -~ "·-·. ..... . DAILY 12:30, 2:30, 4:30, 6 30. 1·30 •. 10:30 (PO) THE WORLD ACCORDINO Yli!P~ ''THINGS ARE TOUGH ALL OVER" DAILY 12:A5. 2:45 4:45. 1:45, 1:45, 10:30 (R) DAILY 2:00, 4:00 1:00. 1:00. 10:00 (R) ~~fll~ DAILY 1:30 ~d~ D3'45, 1:00 ,.. ~ • 15. 10:30 (Al "They're here .. POLTERGEIST.!.'.?. OAIL Y 12 30, 2 45 5·00, 7 15. 9·30 DAILY 2:00, 4:30, 7 15, 10:00 POLTERGEIST. ~· . 3:.45. 1:1S. "RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK,. '"°1 DAILY 12:30, 2:30. 4:30, 1:30, 1:30. 10-.30 (PG) ANOFFICER ANDA GENTLEMAN DAILY 12:30, 2:45 5:00. 7:30, .. M (R) "THINGS ARE TOUGH ALL OVER" DAILY 1:00, l.'00, 5:00 7:00. 9:00, 10:45 (Ill DUNE A 9'tl , .... ., ''i ~ A MIDSUMMllA NIOHT'S SIX 0 COMBOY "THINGS ARE TOUGH ALL OVER" DAILY 1:4$, 3:30, S:JO 7:30, 1:15, 11:00 (R) MONTY PYTMON'I "THE SECRET POLICEMEN'S OTHER taALL" DAM.Y 14+7• .. 10-AS (10 ... ....... "' , .. &.Olf AMC" r,_1 DMLYll1t.f141 ............. ~ ,_,.. "••·Mfl trt • ... ,1"'8(,1 ................... ~ "' • ..,.._ o.uo•111 '""roe•*' o.u .. ,,_.oft.II 'I•\ tO•fl A f ao• Ol'PICI FRI. 1:30 SAT/IUN 4:00. 1:30 "STAR TREK II FIU. ~L. 1:20, 10-.20 FRI. 1:15. 10:40 IATlaUN. 3-4 IATISUN. 1:50 1;20, l:JO, 10:20 1:15 10:40 lllllf M~NOU>I "T'HE BEST Lin LE WHOREHOUSE IN TEXAS" nu. 1:00. 1:1s. 10-.- I AT llUM. 1:30, 3:45 t:OO. 1;1$, 10:JO (fl) I I ' . , LOI ANOEL.18 (AJ») -Produetion for &he llxth IMIOI\ of N8C'1 'icHi.PI" Iii ew~. And ftik lltrada, who 1\art •• officer Frank "Ponch" PoftceNllo, will be~ by two new motorcycle pannen. Tom Reilly replac.. the deperted Larry Wlkox and Tina Oayle becomel the ahow'1 flnt re1ular female motorcycle officer. Both are newcomer• wlt.h llttle profe11lonal ex.,.rtenai. . &t.rada pinned CHP blda- on \hem ln ceremoniea 1tqed for . photographen. Rell1y, 22, of Bergenfle1d, N.J .. 1tar1 u Bobby "Hot Doa" Net.on, a young California Hlahway Patrol probation officer who think• nothlna of · 1tunting on the freeway when 1uperion look the other way. •• , UllAl.U.ll.Y naa C)OIODY-HAllA. '81ND' •AN IJNllP&aU Ml•AQI." -Mldlltl s,..w, IOWNG STOr-a 1'1nr1r ..,_... ••Nl--ce ...... __.ll't NOW PLAYING COSTA MESA Edwards Bristol 540·7444 I"° •AIM! •W"1l ODU111HO 1H11 rN<iA4lM(NT I With Burt & Dolly thl• much /bn }ual couldn 'r 1>e1.,i1 ri-; ..... lllllr/ SCOTT and WILLIE BAIO AA~ ew cops for 'CHiPs' Nlll Gayle, 21, a former Dellu Cowboy• chHrlMder, · DJ,aya Kathy Llneham, one of the hifhway petrol'• MW f.m.Je rnotorcyele of&ert. 0 It'1 .,.., havbw the new people tn the ahow," aa1d l'atnda, who llld he had a himd in 1electJna Wllcox11 replacement. • "l cel1alnly want.cl to t. Involved," he uld. "rif teen ICtorl had llC:teen teeta and 1 worked with all of them. I wanted to work wlt.h them In penon '° I could look at him ln the eye and ... how we dld 4t "IT'SAVERYVERYFUNNYMOVIE'.' ' ·1\1011 .1.ns rv "I WAS LAID OUT WITH LAUGHTER. .. I LOVED II.' ·V.,,llC NllC TV "I NVENTIVE ... VERYVERY FUNNY:' ·l 0$ANOC.LC.~ lll"lt .. "WRINGS OUT BELLY LAUGHS~' -ntv. )0111\ l'O'>I "A BRACING NEW COMEDY SLEEPER. .. SHOULDBEONEOFTHE BOX OFFICE SENSATIONS Of THE YEAR:' \IMltlN<Jl()nl'O"ll "OFFBEAT COMEDY THAT HARDLY MISSES A BEAT .. '.' '~nrKAnll'lO< rtKl)nl< 11 "NIGHTSHIFT ISAGUT·SPLITTING LAUGH RIOT:' IOllONIO'>!tn -MtGHT SHJn ~ -·-- .... " ~ ~.But thl flnal ~ WM Up to NBC and MOM." mnnda iakt b. ex1*'9 no major~ ln the ahow UU. ~. althcM.ilh Panah, the on,1naJ "hot dot.'' now flnda himMlf In th• Odd potlUon of havtni to keep ano\Ml' 0 hot dot'' ln Une. "Hot Doc Nellon lllUll to pop wheeU. on the freeway." h• l&ld. "I'm h1a probedon officer and I have to keep hlm ln Une. But the way I '" Ponch, he'• •till aotni to have all hJ.a charm and ht. habit of dob11 thlnp hia own way, not the book way." .. ..... ..... vu ...... ........... d ........... ..... delightfully funny ... I loved It." _...,, ,_ ..... llOIT • .,,,,~.-.. *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All PerlormancH before 5:00 PM (Except SptCill En .. flllltlltt 11141 Holidays) I /;.. M l61A(1A MAii Mnodo 01 to1ecro"1 LA MIRADA W ALK IN 99'·HOO "THE WOftLD ACCOM>INQ TO GARP" t111 ·---- "AN OfFICIR AND A OINTLIMAN" (Ill ·-----"CHEECH A CHONO t•i THINQI "THI PIRA Tl[ MOYll" tN I ARE TOUGH ALL OYIR" 1:00, l:lO. 1:.40, uo, 10:20 ------LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi< IN focu11y ot Cot\dlewood 21J/H1·9HO .. THI HIT LITTLI 1111 I WHORIHOOH IN nXAI" "YOUNG DOCTORI . .t·u~.:..~ ----· ... - "ROCKY UI" '"' .. 1'0 -DOUY STIMO ______ ..... LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlM IN "NIOHT IHtFT" 1•1 ----- ITAR TREK I : THI WRATH OP KHAN'"'' I ~ ... ---- THE PtAAn MOYIE'"' ,_ __ k ... - lkADC llUMMIJI ,., ---TltlT'HMO(ll) -- •"" ~ • ..,...., ... " J•JO '" \111• 7: U , .... , \1.,.,. hu IMPOIH&NT NOTICl1 CHllOREN UNOlR 12 fRU! ......... ·-.... ""'~· 7:ot • S.1, .......... ,. "' Clllfll IOllOIO • TOUll AM CM IWllO IS 'l'OUll stOIUll 1• 110 AM CM llACll!I Wlllt IGHl1IOH ACClSIOllY l'OS/l10tl -tllllC Mt IQllTMU I• AU CINNl OIWMIS D Oii Ml IWllO A.~A .. lf!~ ANAHEIM DRIV(·IN TMllMITUTTU WttOlll.HOUll IN TUAI (Ill -&Ma.AM COW80Y 1N1 fteewoy ft 01 lemon It 17t·91.;_50.;.._ __ r--_ . Cl!!!!'.~---- Tltl P'IRATI MOVIS 1•1 ~01 11') fl\.UI Tltl KOUCTIOM l"I CllOl 11- " I •4 a PA~· BUENA PARK 0111\ll IN ,,,__ ....... Of lllOO" 121...070 -- • '~A 'IA ~t LINCOLN DRIVE IN hM.OlA Alf/a ...... lftO" •21-~70 -• ~4 ! .. ·~ FOUNTAIN VALLEY DRIVE IN -ZOMO, THI GAY kAOl tNl C"'t li- LT~ Tltl DTWA·TPMI~ -.,.. DllAO MIN OOWT ftM PLAID - Tltl WOM.O ACC~ TO 0.,. 1111 ... ~'"' TMelll'TUTTUl WMOMMOUll .. TUAI 1111 """ UMAtt COW.OY !NI SOii O+e9a ,,,,., al "004lft"'11 \10 ) 962•2411 • Collf 1• IOUIOO l ...... _~;_-;_ftf_f_.;_3_"_, _) ......,...., .. , ""' AMY WHICM WAY YOU CAM INI "'" f<IOUllll .. . .. ~ ' lJ\ H i\HRA '~ .i " --· .... -·--• ,.. ... 1 • ... /Jf'fNI ., .. ,...... lMI WRATM CW llltNI re1 . . . MISSION 1.1111o1r IN . . .. YOUNG OOCT,S:I .. L.OVI 1IQ AlflPUMI '"' (; "tOUllO ---CHU CH A CHONG~ ARI TOUIM~ omt 1111 ,,,....., Cltll!hlOUll '"'~um.a ...0•1~ TUAI 4111 UMAlll OOWOT ,... .oS ~J'l~lh .. .,v .::.:. ~~ ~~ . ~ TNT ( ~J ·~ DYNAMITE gge BREAKFAST' Saturdays 8 a .m. to 11 a .,m. "" w. CHll .,,,. 541-ZZl4 ...,, flCTmCMle ........ NAmlTATDmNT The lollowlng '*'°"8 .,. doing ~-: ~) l(IM'AL 8TAIH GLASS; (B) KIM'AL DECORS', 2e22 J-enda, Oranoe. CA 92eM. ICIMBERL Y DIANE GARBER. 310 Tangartne Lane. Sant• Alla. CA 92704. ALLEN LEGOW81<1. 2822 Jacaranda. Oranoe. CA 928ee. .. Thia ~ Ta conducted by • general partnenhlp. l(lmbertey D. Garbat Thie .... _, -tiled with the County CWll of Orange County on Jvtf 22. 1982. ,,_ Publlehed Orange Cout Dally Piiot, J1itt 24, 31, Aug. 7, 14, 1912 3230-t2 a:it1114 NOTIC• OP D•PAUL T AND IUCTIC* TO llLL ,UftlUANT TO DSCUMTICMI OP COVINANTa, CONDITIONa a ••n.c110lea ...... "llllPORTAlfT NOTtCr IF YOUR Pf\OPEATY 18 IN FOAECL08UA8 BECAUSE YOU ARE llailHO IN YOUR PAYMENTS. IT MAY BE 80t,O WITHOUT AH'( COURT >CflON, and )'OU m.y .._. the ll09J right to bf'lng )'Ollf llCCql.W'll In good ~ by peytng .. al your PHI due paymanta plue ~rmltt•d coat• and eapeneu within ltw• 13) monlha from the date thl• Notice ol Default ••• -ded .. etlOWn In the upper right hand comer eboYe. Thia ~ la 11,885.00 .. of ~ 10, 1912, and ... lnaMM dally un1M yoiw account becOmM flCTmOUa ........ CUN9nt. Yt:N mtr "°' haW to PllY MAim ITAft..,.., Ille entire unpaid portion of YOU!' ~:='Ilg a->n• at• doing :::;=. ~ ~~ THE HOUSEHOLD STAFF. amount ltated abow. 2813 Newport Blvd .. Suite 124, Unl•H the Obllgatlon ~~ Newport Beach, CA 9*3. loredoled upon permit• a CARAL MUSSELMAN, 811 period, )'OU haW the leg.i right t Onltlld, Corona cM1 Mat, CA 92e26. ttop the loredoeure orly by paylnQ JOYCE INGALLS, 401 E. Iha entire WTIOUftt demended bX Martpoea, Altadena. CA 91001. your Ci'edllor wtthln UV.. (3) montrll bAYNA PETTIT, 1741 Ptau Del atler IN daa. of ti* documant'1 Sur, Balboa, CA 92881. recordetlon. which dete o Thia ~ la conducted by a racordlnaT ~ lleNan.I --generW partnerlhlp. To find out u,. -..i you •• -. Carel Muee9lmen PllY· or to anwige fof ~ to Thia etatanw1t -flled with the etop Ill• forecloaure, or If your County ewti of Or.nge County on property la In fClfeC:loeuf9 for .,,._ July 22. 1982. oth« r~. coiuct: p Lee H. Dunt, Attcmey el Law, Publlthed Orange Coaet Dally 8"' T-CenMr DrM. Sutt9 800, PlloC. J1itt 24, 31, Aug. 7, 1~~~2 ~M~~ g212e. Tat: " you lla¥e any ~ you •llould contact a lawyer or 111• govoernmei1t agency wtlldl nwy lla¥e FtCTmOUa IU ... H lneured 'fCNI' IOM. NMm STAn.NT REMEMBER. YOU MAY LOSE The lollowtng l*'tOn9 ate doing LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU 00 NOT ~ u: TAKE PROMPT ACTION. SINBAO'S. 3811 South Main TH~~rg~: ~~~E °bW:E'= Street. Orange. California 928&1. ..,.,OC .. TIO~I .. _ ,._ Boonchoo Vongnik1Ukd4, 2™ ~ "' "• · ·-• -· UIPOf' EHi Walnut Avenue Or1n9e Iha real Pf known N 90Q Celllomle 92887. ' ' Wee1 Third ll'Mt, C.104, Sente Sengdao Vongrukeukdl 2234 Ana. Calllornla1 which It legally E t WI A o' ~bedaa: C::.om1: e';~1. venue. range, Unit 42 of LOI 1 ol Tract 10880 Thie but!,_. le conducted by en u per map~ In Boole 4t7, Individual. Pagea 33 & 34, lnc:lutlve, of wtllcfJ Boonchoo Vongrukeukdl Oelot98 cnewon la the owner of reco«I and Nici Lien Ilea atte.I by v i rtue of a Oeclaratlon ol Th .. tt•t-t wu ftled with the Covenante. Condition• •oc( County Clerk ot Orange County on Reetrlctlona thertlinaft• "ce&R'•"I Aug. 5, 1982. -o.cs on M~ 8, tMO In Boolc '1M711 13CI03, Pao-en, 1nc1ua1ve. Ofllclal Pubtlthed Orange Cont Ually "-de of Nici CclunlY. Callfomla. Piiot. Aug. 7, 14. 21. 21. 1912 ·=:siJoF~T-:::rcil~t _________ 3_5_so.a_2 • btMCtl ot the obllgeUon 1or wNc:tt PlllJC NOTICE Nici uen -__, • ~ 11a1 -~~~~~---~~--1 -'*' In ..... 1M ~· ot NOTICI INVfTINO •• HHHment• and Cflergea duly lllO ITDll NO. m la'lled by aakt A-Mtlon agalrlat NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the aut>ject proper1y ... not paid Ma6ed propoult ... be reoeMld by when due. end •• r9IMln due, the City of ea.ta ..._., to wit: The owing and unpe(d • tolowE City COundl, P.O. llox 1200, Coal• A•-menta wtllch •r• more MeH, Celllornla 9212&, on or than thirty d•Y• paet due, plue befoni Ille ~ ol 11:00 a.m. on 1Ubaquenl 1111111neoi., t009ther Fr1day, Augult 20, 1912. It thall be wlttl IMer9lt t'*'8on ll'Qft aakf dete, the ~blllty ot the bldW to et ttle ret• ol 10 percent per 8fllVll# dellwr Illa bid lo IN City Clatk·• In .odttlon to ettorneY• ..... ~ OHie• by the proper announced and lete eflerva-• • lotth In Mid time. Bide wltl be publlcly OC*led CC&R'a tao-tf* wttn any end .. and r...s aloud in t t:OO a.m., or • euma advano.d by the Aaeodedof\ 900ll 1hefMft9r U practleable on Ot lta egenta, Yncr. !tie twme and Frld•y, Auguet 10, 1H2 In the provltlont of_, CC&A'a. Councll Ctlambera, City Hall, 17 Fair NOTa 18 FURTHER GIVEN tMt Dr Ive, 0o11 a Mau, 0 a Ill or n I a Mid Aaeocllat'°"-ttwougll lta """" :i.m..~~""=.:'.'H':m: = ~=. ~ INSTALL ~RPETINO AT THI CITY dehlUlt and fof ..... and POLICE llUILOINO. hH eurrendef •II doeumentlli' Addition al ••t• ot th• evldenotno ob 'J:::':, .-cureo •l*lll'lcatlonl ~ be oblaiMd .. tflereby, and and 008' IN OfflOe of \fie Pul'dlMlnO Afent '*wt dlcWe al eulM MOUnld at 77 Fair Ortve, Coll• Meu, tll•r•by lm~11tely due enct CellloMIL llde eflOllld be r«wneO ,_..., 8114 ~ and ooel to the ~ of t"9 CICy 1~d eleot t• oeu • 11111 property wtWn Mkt lllM lelnM. In a cteecrll»ff ebqve to be tole to enwlope. ldentMled °"IM~ M':rt the OHgaUOflt due Mid wi.ti tt1a lld Item """'°" and tt1e A-. .... utan. OpenlnoO... 0 DITlftM I NI II' Each bid "'811 apedfy aedl and 9'11NITATIMINT II ,OllllL( •v•ry Item ..... forth In th• AND THI AMOUNT I. IF ANY.J' epeclllcetlona. Any and all NICltaAftY TO Ou"I THmr e11ceptlont to tne ep9olftcetlone Dll'AUlT, CONTACT: nM.iat be deerty lt8'ed In the llld, Lee H. Durtt. AhefMf M and ,..,. to aet tonll MY Item In IN Town ~ OfMI. .._ M the ~-lflal be 8'ounde co.le ...... C9lltofnle ....... '°' retec:ttoft °' 1M !Md. (114) .. 1.1•1. !ad\ bid eN1 ... '°"" "" f\111 DATED: J\#19 10, 1ta 1"'" e11ct rHldeno .. ol 111 THI TOwN IQUAM wt pettlM lnteretted In OWNIM AllOCIATIOH lie PfOPoMI, If the bid .le by I INC. ICOt"DOt'9tlelin. .._ ttla Mn* of "'9 ~ L.ll H. DUMT, ....:OofO:.~'= aTATa~~ re lnOre thin OM ollloer muet • 11 ttle bid ta by a,_. ..... or OOUNTY "" ~ _..,., .. the _ _, °"June'°· tta. --.-. .. ~111'91 ................ ,.,.._. Ill ........ ~"*" 111..-. ........,...,.,......., ... for Ill•••••• of 011Uor111e1 pr~er-enetty ~nelly appe1red UI M1 .._ IMlllNla_., e--. T, It-to IM ...... .._, , Ille lltd .,... lie In lie real 111t11orlHd end cle111111tei 1111e It tlle l>ldder With a ~~ of the A.UIClltll: Hltn•tl•tt fellowlnt 1llowln' whloll euoutecl the •Ufll 'DI~ (tll• tlttltlOlll n•m•I' : lnMr\llMftt, ""°"" .. "" IO ...... ~ ~. no fletltiovt "'"" WtlO •eoulM ~ ..... M be.-W-...,. II I lnatfllMlllt Oft l>tflat ef 1••• 11., ....... o... .......... -........ " 0111tty ,.._., •• ,. l1t HM it ,,.. ...... 'ml'mr ......... ~==~................... . 11 ,, Jlt "'--'· ~. WITMlll MY MAMO ANfl ~· ()flP1CW.~ ' n.: -.a:: .=:1 : ,........ -=iUI ;:..-,.:.: r:,.-,... ,..., • ... ,, ,. . ~.1~ ~ t--.....:7"=Rn"-::C:~!lr"'I~ .,... i '• .. ... .....oN: ~ I* Cl)WOTUGHT OH J/Ptl('( LaWll The on, _.,.,..,, '*" tonna on •teoe at .,.. Sah.,. Hot., In LM Vee-. Al90, I bac:kll11ga lnlar• view 81\d dlpe from 101M ol lawll'• flllnl. l:aO e VOVMMI TO THa IOTTOM OI THI llA CZ>MOVll * *'A "H1tdly WorklnO" (1981) Jfifry L-1•, Suun 0tiv.r Altar the clfcue doeel down, • Yellfal'I down lflM 1119 hand at VIII• lout jot>t, lalllng ml-•bly at them all. 'PO' l.<00 I IUMMIR 8EMESTIR UMNOIPfTY TUNTAU< • 'AMllY AFFAIR ., AOMPl1' ROOM CJ) PU8UC AFY'AIR8 ttll HEWSMAKEAS cs:J MOVUI * •;, "Up RIY9t" PNOI Morgan Stavan1, Jell C1tey A young ~ becomM ob-..cl with r.,,...119 lltfif hi• wlle It kllted by 1 loc:al l•nd b1rOt1 who r-11 his SUCOISI. 0MOVIE * * "Tuc:lc EvetlutlnO" (19711) Fred Kaller. Joeepl'I Mec:Gulre. A young girt meet• 1n lmmorlal l1mlly lcnown u the T uclta. t:20CBNEW8 t:30. DU8TY8 TREEHOU81 Q ™Ar8CAT G PACESETTER& 0 8UM CUISIHI .., WATCHYOUR MOUTH m RE80P 8i) CAPTIONED ABC NEWS (J) VOICEOF AGAICOI. TURE 9 lr8 YOUA BUSINESS CB DA. 8NUOOl.E8 ~MOVIE **'A "A Global Affair" ( 1964) Bob Hope. LllO Pulver A baby, lound by a bachelo< In lhe IObby of 11>1 United N1llon1. It clalmed by aJj IM "'-'ber nation• CH)MOVIE * * "Cout To Cout" ( t980) Dyan Cannon. Rob- ert Blake A runaway houMWif• an(! a ac:t11>9Y trucker hauling c•lll• coat to coast btlCome tile tar119t of a wild crou· QOUnlry ch-'f>G' 1:00 II 100eWOALO Q CB THE FUNTSTONU 8 IMO 8LU! MARBLE D 9 8UPE.AFNEN08 0 DAVEY AHO GOLIATH .., TEEN SCENE .., INANITY FACTOfl(t( 9 YOGA FOA HEAi.. TH a!) WNTIHO FOR A REA80H (J) INTEANA TIOtlAL HOUR (%)MOVIE * * •;, "Old Boy1r11n<11" (19791 Talla Shlfa. RIChlfd J0<dan A confuMd dlVO<· oee trlM to find 11>1 key to lier pre1«11 problem• by emberklng on a journey to loo!< up three boy1rlen<l1 lrom II« put 'R' 1:30 II MR. MOOH'8 MAGIC ·~ CIACOS ... '• .. O CB8MUAF'8 8 DA. 8HUOOLE8 D 9 RICHIE RICH I acooevooo 0 DAVEY ANOOOUATH .., CALIFORNIA PEOPLE ., QUE PASA, U.8 .A.1 flil IMO 81.UE MARBLE '1l) WRITING FOA A REASON Cl) INTEAHA TIOHAI. HOUA cs:J MOVIE * * "Breaking 01111" ( 1980) Hazel O'Connor, Phil Oenlala A Britilh punk Poe> star'• Hlastyle viii· m•taly leld• to tragedy ·pa· :·~II CJ) POPEYE G MOVIE '· •• "Keep Rollln .. ( 1940) Gene Autry 0 MAVERICK .., MOVIE * * ·~ "Olmptes" (1938) Shirley Tempi•. Halen WMtl8y A llllle glrl llngs and dllnC98 on the •traeta of New Y Ori< to eoppor1 herMlf 81\d ,,., grmMf• Ill« I =..JUMP8TAUT '1l) WNTINO ~A AEAIOH ~MOVIR * *'A "Thi Oumb811 Rll· ly" ( t9711) Mich_., Serr•· ztn. Tim Mclnllfe. A gum. ball macHM .. the "*"' pttn In• New Yont·lo-Loa Anoelel cat ,_ which llflngt Ill aort • of zany charectert onto the nation'• hlghw1y1 and bec11 roldt ·PG· .MC>Ya ..... "Victory" (1981) 8~11" Stallone. MlehMI Caine. Owing World Ww II, Allied POW1 -their tlelcet to lrMdom In I m1tch t>atwaen their llOCClr t_,, and tile Ger. INTE~VIEWS -Newsman Bill Boyers interviews a group of Vietnam veterans on "Bittersweet Memories: A Vietnam Reunion" tonight at 10 on KNJST (2). man Netlonal TMtn In Par-ployed 11enoor1phar II. 'PO' er-patha with 1 INl- t:IO 8 (I) TARZAN I LONI llonalr9 l>enkw wtllf\ he ~ t-1119 wff•'• Mble ooat IJ al KJ0 9""" out I Window POWE" HOUR 11:00 II MIUAU D <II FONZ/HAPPY Tuu II New York DAVI GANO Y111k- • OETTIHO TO KNOW I T""lAN ME IOULTIWt4 ID WNTINO ~A THI llNMCI ANO MASON THE PAUPI" CID MOVN! C1nty ,__ London tllil• • * 'i\ "Something Sho<l Ing Eclwerd with him; Tom Of PerldlM" (1979) Susan becofftM a tOOI In tM Satandon, Oevld Stain-11enc:19 of the ~ blfg Two young New noblea 11 King "-"f 1111 Yorker• learn about love on hta deathbed. (Part 3 ol Ind the YiclaellUdea Of 8 8) on•to-ona relatlon.hlp. • COOt<ING MEOCAN ·PQ· I!> PEMONAl. lllHANCa 9:00 I LEAVE rT TO MAWR AND MONEY l.AV£ANI & IHIRl.EY W.."'MllMIHT WIU>, W1l.O WORU> CB BAIUAU Ol'AHIMAL8 Reglonll -·of Ta•· • ERHUT ANOl.ff II Rang«s 11 New Yant MIST£R ROGERS Yenk-or Chlclgo White TAU<a Wrnt PAMNT8 Sox II Boaton Red Sox ABOUT 81.Jf"£AHPOU I 1:30 8 Cl) M.ACKaTAA Frid Rogera dell• witll 11141 I WILD, Wtt..DWUT '-and ooncieme or THI AOOtCU p1rent• about how their MA04C CW Oil children look upon talavl· PAINTINO •Ion euperheroe1 1nd I!> ~ F1HAHCE lrlghtlnlng rnor11tere. (R) ANO MONS'( D AMERICAN ...,. .. AOEMINT GOVERNMENT (I) MOVM! (Z) MOVIE * • • "Lo11 Horizon" • • "a.vonf Thi Reer' I 1937) Ronald COiman ( 1911) Danton Ka'na. J-Wyatt A kid~ Mlfen Jensen A POlyn6-diplomat dlacoveta the .,.,._,.,,_lean glf1 whO hat Hlmatay•n kingdom of ~educ.led In Ille U.S Sl\engtl·La. a pl-of retUfne to II« Island home eternal pe-and lmmor· and 1•11• In lo\19 wlth a tallty. PM'1 dlWt. 'PG' t:ao 8 CJ) BUOi IUNHY I AOAONJNNUI lal~N OZZIE AND Hll"RIET <II H&A THCUFP & MARMADUKE D WIU>, WllD WORLD OIAWALI • THIS WEE< IN 8A80All ID AMEflCAH GOWAHMEHT MOVIE * * * "'CIHh or The Tit_ .. (19811 Herry H.,,._ Hn, L111<enc. Oflvl9r Mytt.- lc hero p.,_.. Is helped by hi• 11111« Zeua In • aerlM of dengeroue tatll.• • he trlel to win the hand of a ~an prlnCMI agtlnat the wtlhn of • ve"119lul H• goddeu. ·PG' 10:00 I a uAca aTARS SHANA NA D THUNOARR G MOVIE * '"' ··n.e BushwKkfifl" ( t951) John lrel1nd. W1yne Morris A Conlld· erate veteran sworn to ~ II lorcad IO pick up Ill• gun• d<King • raid • AllOAU»4 SHRINE RODEO g) 808JONE8 • THIS OLD HOUSE C!)AMENCAN OOVEANMEHT 0 THUNOAAA I OOUXE GOU> (C)MOV1£ * * * •;, "The W1y Wa Ware" 11973) Berbre StrelSMld, Roba11 Redford A young collage couple In the t930I d~ lhet their polltlc:al dlffer- 1111 llrong enough 10 jeop- erdlz• their marriage ®MOYIE * * * "Heaven Can Wiit" ( 1978) wwren BMtty, Julie Christle. After 1 pro loot· ball 1t1t'• Ille It pnim• turaly clalmed by an Inept mno-i. the man le glWr\ the l>ody of • mllllonelfe lndua- lriahlt to oontlnue IMng In. 'PO' OM<>'M * * "Hewmpat" (1978) J-H..,plOll, Cfwi8to. !If* COnnelly Meml>erl ol the United Stetee Ce'lalry try 10 edJutl to riding elm- ... lnetMd of !IOI'-In tile U(llamed, ~ Ta11N of -1IOOa. 'Q' 10:tO I AMINCA'l TOft TIH <II NF\. FOC>'TMLL "'AFC-NFC H811 OI Fame OWN" 8altlmor'e Coltl YI. Mlnnffota Vlklncie lrom o.nton, Olilo. I NAIL. IOOCa" KICKI • ~P'OOT ClJ4lllC •••ca • MI•CAH CICWllMMINT (%)MOVll * * * \4 "E .. y Living" 11937) Jean Arthur. Edliwerd Arnold M ""*"'° 12.-00. CJ) TROUJ<JN8 8 1.081' IN 8PACll • MOVll * * * \4 "The Thin Meri" ( 1934) Wllliwn '"°""""· Myf· ne Loy Nlcll ancl Nofa Cherl11 get deeply lnvOlved In a murdlW --• AICIC'I NM1114LI -~FINANCa ANDt.KINaY M•NAOe•IT . 'Ottllr lnveatlng C)pc>or'tu- nltlea" ~MOvta * * * "The Hunter" ( 19711) St-~-EllWll- lach Ralpfl "Pepe" Thor. IOl'I IMds • dangerou9 Ille u a modern-day bounty hunter. 'PO' (]I) THI IEACH IOY8 IN ~ The '--or~ 1rom roek't OOldln.,.. pertorm their gfMtMt hit-. lnclucS- tng "C•lllornl• Olrla ... "Surfln' U S.A." and "lat· beraAnn" ClD CLOWN WHrT'l Juan, • 9-)'Mr-okl boy, llndt hie pet19c1 INCMr. DMOVll * *'A "Thi Q,_-i Hor~ ron" (1981) J-St-· •rt. Phlllp Sayer. An lmneMllC zoologl9t In Afr!. ce finds 1 re4Uge on the wlldlif• ~ ol 1111 .,.. fifly m111 end hit grand· daughtfif (%)RICHAN> PJWYOR IN ~ The W91-11nown comedian lhoota pointed barbl at llmoet 8Y9fy l!Mtttutlon lmeglnable In '"" .,,_ '°'"· no-~aned concwt paobn..-. 12:*1 I ~AHOa#Wf * .... "Badmen'I Tafrlto- ry" (11Me) ~Scott, Gabby~ °""-"'" ~t ltvOUQft i.rrttoiy .... fledaral control, • ADMt-11 • W:IMDIN'I ttHMa l'OR,... flUTUM "TM LOb MO CJrop thot" Vic Bride!! ciemofMlhl• hOw a wel-tlmed IOO "'°' can breek .., OppOMflt'• ~.(RIO llD PIMONAL l'INAHCm ANDMONIY ~-IT' .. ~ ~ '°' ~ement" 1:00 I CJ) KWIOKY KOALA THIMUNITIM • MOVll • • • "The Liit Of Jedi London" 11943) Mldlaal O'ShM. 8wen H9'(!1Wd. -~ "8_. In The Stock Mll'ket" • tnftOOUCING 9IOLOGY (]l)MOVW ·-----~----------------------------------- ..... "Vlolory" (1N11 ,~,., Stallone. MldlMI Caine. OurlnO World Wttf II, Allied POWt ... ~ tldlet lo hedorn lft a 1111tch btt""n tllelt 80CClr IMlll and !tie 0.. "*' "-t!Onfll T atm In '9r· i,.·PO' {CHANNEL LISTINGS ' 0 On-TV II Z·TV 01, HBO 1c:1 cc1nem1111 ) IWOfil HY ,N Y f1I IW'TBSI Ill (ESPNI ell (Showllmel • ltM>tllot\1 • IClll>lt N.wt Network) CD) THI NIW MAIO A-meld~• .-oflonll ••• trl9nd to • ... ~. , •• <I>,... "U.S. ~ Court CNM-~ .. eo...-., ... won*I'• llneJt "°"' "'8 IMllro ... O .. ..... c:.nter.11 ....... .... ........ •......:'A ......... _ ......... .............. ... ., ............. ...................... ................. ~=~ :.-a.~= --.::&--,. ,,._..Of TN ~ f111'1 ... ._... ~.,._ ...... 1111t1t. ·~ ....... ··~ t01w.., i..-1Wto• ... -................ ..,,... .. .,....~ •·'"°' (J)MOY9 •*"" "VIOIOfY" (1MI) ~ ....... Mid-' CelM. °"""I WOf1d W11 .. ,.....~ ...... lldcet '° hldOln In • match betwHn their -leMI and ti. Ow· mat1 NatloMI Tetn1 In p.,. la.'.-0' bl08WUTW OUTOOCIJlll 1'._ • CM I ...... llt.AHD -~ ........ ~ ltat'' (1962) .lattt .:=-·Aye Girdner. • * * "Little WO!Mn" ( 19<49) June All)'ton, Peter Lawford .• 8aMd on me llO- ry by LoUtu May Alc:ott • ·~ICING ~· * * * \4 "Grand Prl•" ( tMe) J-Garner, live Marie 81lnt. ec>Mc:Ma • • • "C>r!Y9-l"" 1197t) Glenn Mot"~. I.Ila Lemole. 811191'•1 T• .. • t..,,.agen meet during a night ol romance 81\d ••dt~ at a dfi..Mrt the•tr• featuring 1., knpfobable dltaeter lltm. cmc.a.HCEAOU A tructcer flther and hie Children Ml out on 1 dellv· ary c:onwy C>OfTICIOMd ol two llHhy te.'jft!Mler tndll 81\d I 11.1epidol• lool<lng lUI that aaam1 to bl followfng them. (J)M<MS * * "The Malt-~ .. l1Ht) o.tl Aclwln, Didi Martin. Two unemployed ptoduoert ol porno moYlal become the llOll IUl'YlvOl'I ol • --of multlple mUr• der1. 2:aO 1J fllVI MNITD TO uva 8 CM.1JGAH'I lllAND • Nl.ANO:A TUSVlltOH ~ • "Famine: 1U5-1'48" The -ol the IO<aMed potato fltlllne II lreced elong wfth the -11 !Md- Ing to the o.ol!Mtlon ~ Cethollo w.land. ID IHTROOUCING 9IOlOQY (ll)MOYll *•"A "Bick Ro•d•" f19l 1) Siiiy Fleld, T Olllf'll)' lee Jonee. A hOokw and I down·on-111 .. luek boxer meet and heed -In ~oll,_ .... A' a!OO 8 TALK A80UT' NmJlllll • MOYIE * * * "Tiie l<ld FrClfn Brooklyn" (11Me) o.My Kaye. VWQlll!a Meyo .MCMI •**"A Ma!jarity 01 OM" ( 19112) Alec QulnneH. Roaallnd Ruuell. • INT9'00UCINQ 8IOl.OOY (]l)MOVll ** "Coalt To C-" ( 19110) OyM Cannon. Rob- ert Bl1ka. A run1way llOUMWtfe ancl 1 ecr IP9Y trucker hlullng oalll• COUt to COMt ~the target Of a wlld cr- country CllM9. 'PO' eJOELGMYIN CONCl.RT The Yer'Ntlla telenta 01 tile Tony Award·wlnnlnt entert..,,_ -IMl\lred In ..... -.man llllOW wNdt tnclud•• • Hluta to 0-__p M. Cohan. uo ew lflORT8 AATUN:IAY 8cheduled: -· OI u.. 10-round MeVtwelOl'ol bout"'-Tony Tubbe and ~ Hiii (from Al~ HM.I: Iha contlnulltlon ol Ille Wond Swimming and Olvlno Ch1mplon1hlp• (from ~.Ecuador). I MINCULTUM U.l.A. MN YOU THIM? "The Cottott Club.. ,..... entert..,_. .tlOM c.arewa begar'I at -legendlly Cotton Clul> In Han.m In the 1020a -reunited. (1') • IUIWIYAL ''We Uw With E~tt" OeYld NMln Mrrtt• N 1tory ol °'· Ian ~ Hllnllton'• "'4-,-atucty llvtng with hie femlly lltllldat a herd OI wtld llllpllanta In I.Me....,.,.,_~ Pllftt, TatanlL (") Cl),...'°"'"° cw MUN>P Mlcheel Morlert)' and Joltnna MMM Mar In lt!la ~ dr9me llMMlt • womatl and ... IO¥W pion. Ing the l'llUrder ol ... MdletlO flultland. (J)MOYll **14 "H~ WOl'lllnQ" (, .. I) ,,.,,... ........ 8'*'" OIMr. After Ille droue .... dowft,. ~ olown trtee ,. MM at ,,.,_ kM.te joba. lellflO ,.,.... at tllem ... '"°' '*' 1.-.aAI. 09fT'9' ---~ HmMAW ~~ Mloec~ o~. Jolin~. Cart'"""" .r=·· ... .. ........ " ("1t) ~ C>oullla. .... i..w • ...... Oii • ...,, Ir ...... ert L.oull ... , ..... • QUI ,AM. u.a.A.f "TN .....,_ "'°"' .... ,,...,...,....._ ...... .... .. .. .......... ...... ------·-...... -. a ne..a1111NN» ..... C>--•••14 "Haav1n1 :Abovel" ( 1983) Peter ...... c.cll Pll'ller. A w.O•mMnlno reverend MoonlM • blallOP In outer IPaGt ·-belnO ~ by the per~i-. to WftOl'll .,. ... ..,,, by mil· ;~ * * ''TUoll EYWtaMlng" t117t)Fred Kaller, Joeeph MeoGulta. A young git! meet• at\ ~II family II-M the Tuc:kl. 4:ao. WllKIHD IPICW. "z.aca And The Meglc Fee- tory" ~ ~ people oomblne their laMlltt to °'*' up • rnaglo tnoc>-~art l)(R) • IOCCM MADE IN GEM&ANY • WOM.D 8PICW. "Survivors" Archlval foot. age, animation and lnllt- vlewl with American cltl· Zllnl whO -· In Japan dUl1ng World Waf' II rec:lll the bombing ol Naguakt and Hlrolfllma CD> IUPEMOWI.. aA8KIT8AU Member• of the Oellu Cowboy9 rtyll IMmben ol the Sen FrendtoO 49-• In • t~t for the Ilene-- flt ol the U.S. Olyi)mlc Training Center. ..... CAUFOfNA 8NCW. ot. Ywtea A -llOUr docu-epo'11 ..,.aar ... tunno the taro- ... ptogram of athletic oompetttlon for the IM"- tllly handicapped In the wortd. l ~u. KUNCJ l'U • luMl!ftC>.N UNOefAHO Gueeta: A Flodl of Seao· •• • QNZZL y AOAM8 • 8ot.I) GOU> Mo91a: Mwllyn McCoo, Peter NooM. Oueats: UM Hartman. LIO Sayw, Kid Cf'90le Ind The Coconuta, 8111)' Oevla Jr.. l'lendy ~d. PMrlc.-Ru811en. (I) w•A•a•H The II"* man makl8 1 much-needed aurgleal Clamp for the 4077th Ind Klinger throwa out Hot J'~ ~::::"°mg. § 1.AWNHC& Wftl..I( "Mu91cal Tour Of Europe" (]l)MOYIS *** "Heeven Can Walt" 11178) W1tren 8Mtty. Julle Clvlttle. After a pro loot· bell 8llt'I lite II Pf9"1• turef)' cleln1eO by an IMpt angel. tile man II OlVen the l>ody Of • mHllonelr• lndul- tf'lalilt to cont"-IMng In. ·pQ· CZ)CHMLD CHAMPUN TA&.K8 Wrnt.- "Mari8 WlncNor" 1:11 (%) MOVll * • * "Hattan County. U.S.A." (19711) ~ tary. l<antuc:llY COii minlrl l>ec:ome lnYOIYed "' a v-· long 8trugole for turvtvlll enc;I r.apect wtllcfl lllO affec1• "*' l'IOIM "-drMtlcallY. 'PO' l:IOI NIWI OtaUPOHA cuu.c "The 1. .. 111er•tocklng T ..... Hewlulye and Chln- gachgook, llOW ICOUta for Sgt. Dunham, -.., ,._. up wfth La ,__d (~art3)(Al0 • 8QUAM l'OOT GMDBt•ICI (I) Wll.COMI Mb<, Kana 0 MOVll • * * ''The Falllng OI ~ mond"' ( 107 t) Jane wvnian. DMtl a1ao11we11 Cl)MOYll . • • • "Lo•t tiot~on" (1037) Ronald Co4m1rt. Jane Wptt. A II~ dlpl°"'et dillCoYefl the Hlmelayen kingdom ol 8MnQn•L.a. • pl-ol ~ ~ and lml'nOf· tallty. .. The l•mou1 group from roclc'1 golden era per!Ofm their grMIMI l\01, lnclud• , Ing ·celllo•nta 01r11." •Surftn' U S A .• and "Ber· ., l>lr• AM .. •, . (Q)MOVIE •: ··enart1" ( 19&01 J .... s1 ' J-. Eric Edward• 0MOYIE 1 * • '"' "1.1111• Darlings" ; (tNO) Tllum O'Nttal. Kri. ty McNlchol At aummer eamp. two IMn·ege glrll ~ compete to -whO wlH lie • the llrtt to IOae ,_ vl•glnl· • ty. R' 1:<4a ~ ABC NEWS 2:00 NEWI ·:: MOW :i * • * "The Hunter" (1979) , SI-Mc:OuMn. Ell Wiii· • tech Ralph ··P119•" Thor· IOl'I laad1 • dengerous IHe"" .. a moOern-<11y bounty hunter ·po· 2:801~ * * ''CON1 To Cout" ( tNO) Oyllfl Cennon, Rob- ert 81ek• A runewey houMwffe and • IC'epp)' trucker h1ullng cattle eoatt to COUI become t~ target of • wild er-. country ChaM 'PG' 1:40 CJ) MOYtl *•*IA "Soldler 01 Orange" ( 11179) Edwtird Fo(. SuNn PanhMIQOll Sbt c:lellmlltM 8t I Dutoll unNw8lty go their ..,.. tall Mys wNrl Wit btealll ~ out In a.rope 'PG' I t-Me MOV1I j * t... "HOl1or1 Of The f' ' IMaGlt M-" ltHI)' • MIChHI Oougll, Jiine4 ~= l * • "teyond Thi Reef"~ (11181) Denton Ke'ne,-:: 1 Mtnn .,.,_ • a:oo. MOVll • • * "Pan1m1 Udr" • 11939) Lucllla &alt. (~ 8nont. A 11119MOYll J. • • • ··Hardcore'' (19711~ 0-0-C. 8ooH, leMafl Hubley. A concerned J llther --the pelOlflA ~ofnllhOtM lown 10 ~ fOI' 1118 deuelllt•. MIO llel l>tCOfM ~~In• 1111- dlty pomootlPf\Y ,.-.-, 'A' ... MOATMM. MO CJ:) MOYll ••• "°'1vMI\" (111'1) 0._, ~. l..IM I._,.... feWtal feQt .......... mMt dUftllO • nltM °' romanoe ..., ......... ,, ., . ~ OIHlt• taa1ur1n1 •1 ~ lll .. ....,lllft I ...VOMa101'MI . c:;::.=~ ! \ S~bS ~part swap GRAND OPENING SUMMER SALE Italian Tennis Wear, Women's • Men • SHORTS Rec. $40 ......... Now $12 • SHIRTS Reg. $40 ....... , .. Now $12 • WARMlWS Rec. $120 ..... Now $39 • DRESSES Rec. $55 ..... Now $1295 • JACKETS Rec. s10 ..... Now $1595 • TERRYCLOTH SHIRTS Rer. $39 Now $10°0 TENNIS SHOES ON SALE: Adidas, All Models from $19 to $25 SAILBOARDS as low AS $499 C°""'te 1111 IEWNllT ILYI. COITI MESA 141-4110 (Across From The Grant Boys) Hours: Mon.-Sat. 10-6 J l CARPET~ Come in ... and See our new look • SALEM • PHILADELPHIA • CABIN CRAFT • MASLAND • ANSOIV • ULTRON Z • ANTRON Ill and many more Large Selection of Remnants YOUR l·STO, DlCORATIVE CIHTIR 1. Sal's Sports Swap 2. Harbor Lites 50% OFF 011 ALL . CEILING FAllS -~~ , : .=:. -·---c. ..... ~ ~ ------------~~~·---.... ~. <R·~ ~G ···.., ....... c...... ........... .. H ·U6-. ................... ., . .....,,, .. ~ Eneru S1vi111 F1n1 from the leading manuf actll'ers of high-quality decorative ceiilg fans. 1805 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa Open every day U (714) 645-7301 (Across From Cal's Camere) ALL STYLES OF SHORTS 40% OFF LOTS Of BMGAIG SlllB SAU SPORTSWEAR 3. J.C. Humphries Jewelers 4. Carpet Barn 5. Reinerts Dept. Store ..:....------ We Repair Your Jewelry We repair it here on the premises in Costa Mesa. We appraise and cus tom design jewelry. We also restring pearls and bea ds, do engraving as well as fine watch and c lo c k repa1rmg. MEMBER AMERICAN GEM SOCIETY w~ 1809 NEWPORT BLVD .. COSTA MESA • v ._, Since 1946 BankAmer1card-Master Charge PHONE 548-3401 SPECIALLY PRICED FOR CLEARANCE t ' ... ~ 19th STREEf COSTA MESA • letUt •• ~ 1, 1112 LboldnO for a career in tales? See today'• Help Wanted ads, clauifWation 7100. ••••I"""'' ffn.f.hM# .... 11.ff .......... llfl..'l'!'!l-... 1.{!f P!!l..,M'!l. .... IJ.ff ~.-~;..:V. ........ '~· lwnjt, " ,.. & ' IOk.D ~co CIO Ii 111 l.M In ~ ftlf .... lllliit-; nl.F':!'•........... • M, In Nol1l'tWOOCI, If.. lu9?tts ""°*' NOOfd • u.o Ill PMf Tm dtrty 11dv on l elbo• The ftrMet NMl¥llM ,.. 17 • P-W.. Mu9t IO 111.aaat .... e.'il"l'•"nli =-i.u.:::-1== .. a .., ...,,. ... 0, neula. Teo-tOIO ti 11 r ant In or an 1 • llrfftff'llr. W 'ounct: 0~1'9, telll• i rao..:= ,;....IO .for a~......,_"' Meld w ented. PIT e d4IY9 Oovnty 11 lntefeetect In j;in ti!• tHda~·j~·;~: =1 ':;"' °'*'• chair! ,.,,11n1i.:.:r th• ,i!ft No •=.rte.!!.•,;!!.~ ::#;1 ... OIHt McMt. ::'".':::i::'.;11!:. ~ PoCll ~ --------'**"'· .....,,,..,.; ..,y. -,_. . \Ion• between t-11 Ml ~ bualneee ... • t.OeT: ~ Ill LAD mill, 9ollt C10 8oll 147, 8M :=.:~ ":' l::: Metnten•noe/Oardener dally tor 1111 followlng ".-rtile •ttr tfMtment ~own HI .,_ J11an C1p111reno, Oe. __..._, _.. • for .,,. comp1e11, ~ • Po91t~t 1~tem1 dH ler." Llo'd ttO-MH~ -~ --tHN ·-.. 'l~~·JObl rlenu neouury, Hoa=.\\ t erritory evat11bte, ,ound ~Cler· .. ........ ~t -&41-HM tt-7PM WAIT or.,,.. Coa11 ., .. , no 8 ... _ 11 d T •--...,.,._. • 333 ..,.... onv. '11P•· neo. Wiii tr a.In. m•n nwP ., •P.CMM· mn ·tll:.' I ... ,. """ • to I ""· 11... or Interview cell ., ..... --Hewpott ...,._ calf uo.ooo lull amount rancM. Vlo. Mw Verdi; 1f11A Accounting and = •tter e:oo Pt.a. IU·M1t, by"'"°' o11 ~to ' req'd, 1ome flnenolng C.M. IMO-MM • 8aMdaYI In H.1. . 9lC1 312. minag1 Mii Mtve gu R!STAUAANT • Wll'"9- av1ll1ble. Wiii net 140, Found 8111/whl German ·National 'Job plliOll'Ml'.lt Cell atf-G20e J thru 11 Fumltur• 1t1t1on1 In Orano• •••. oook1, bu1boy1. 000 plul. 0111 oollect Shit>, '*Y friendly, ¥IO ~ AM ... 1 lltOmlnO. W. • County. Compenv ••· A~ly btwn 11-3 Mon-fllono.Fr1 MPM. Mk f« S1nta Cartolta & enla, ·'1nanclal aid 1Y1lllable pendll'lg a Mede~ ,rl. M·F. A&H fl1mlly Tlm 40l/M7-4111 , V. IU•2288 ·Aocted Member NHSO PA11111 ... td per90t\I to grow Witt! "•It, 141 e. 1g1h It. ··------·-------·-------~• oCofreelRMldent trno tmmedl1te openln9. for 111, oen•r~• 11t11y & CM. Leundry Ml\, Harbor & FOU"O: PARROT qulllflect and:;d j10 banellte. A~ In r.:r-•·.,-_.---.~-1 -----1 11 ___ 1 11~ .. .,__ •··"~ •-~t Adame. OroH Income PS-cell & ldel\tlfV, ftxt ..... ....-. • et ..... ,._,_,_, _., .,__ -•1 ;':":llJ;;';'. -· t 4000/l'l'IO. Full prll;e 14~·1221 FOR INFORMATION urw ...... me• aon ..,. .. , . ., I...,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••• •••••••••••••• llOOO. Fluff & Fold In-114/t34-3HI 2""'9 k• tot ca. goodl fur-M •• n & M. 0 A, th u r . w I R E H 0 u s E 3 piece bdrm Mt $50. 2 Biby lurnllure, cloth••· a10 MOVING 8Alt:I I* 11 Found: ernal1 bleoll dog et nlture mfg Co. on W•t Senti Anl. Mon thN Fn " JenMn S8100 S,,..kert 10,v1. 11ou1ehold Mite. View Clrcle, SP4'1nodM/ CIUded. 940-t7M . C1meo ShorH Beach, 1725 s. Ooua111. 8ulte I COi.it. gem to 2pm. REST 1200. Siu 40 long ment Sat-Sun 9-4, H2 Got-Warnet, Sa118vn. t-5 . • ........, •• CdM, w/leelt\, 648-0970 AnaMlm1 Ca. 92IOI I. f , .W.. ..... -~ , 1por11 j1cket1 & m1ny denrod, Co111 M.... llllT ... 1 1 Qentr1I O.C. Locetlon. Lott Cit, BurmeH Rel. t . Rlalto Ca fltlMwt ~ G0<geou1 gala & h1nd-more I._.. 81t. IMiM. GARAGE SALE. Miny .....,. MoKyrlygr 138 2tl1 L Manulecturer of ro-eome rnenl Hiring noet/ 12260 Arrowhe1d, oodlel Sit/Sun 9•5 twin bed•, drtlMI'. or- ' 714) 63$-4.;:5* ·000· (NB•rwopwonrt). c'~•m•t•1,•· NV.ale. J'-L. •u~ •fff lrtr II. mechen1C1I equipment 11o1te11. bu• people, Stanton. 6364450. ~2 Cott..,... Pl c M · gan, recliner, din rm Mt, -.-i ,_ 6' ........ ftlll needl eaper pertonnel COCktall waJtrHI, head -..-' ' WOmen'I CIOthll, mite F•LLB,.OOK: Bu1lne11 Reward. 541-3 l08, •••••••••••••••••••••• In the lolloWlnQ areM: 11011/holtHI & lunch Antique mlhog1ny c1bl· 2544 °'''"""" 811/lun. geo-o5e0 ,, 642-9142 Young m1rrlect men wut ••• a-•-a... ..... .a.. RCA .... 1 . ..,_ ---------oppot1unlty. Ft1h RH· do oen«ll hlndv wotic. -'•-•• ....,....,_ wlltrMI. Pick up epp11-net with orig. r ... o Antlqu., mite .. ooli.ctl-lnlll taurant. Good loc1tlon Lott: M Hlmal1y1n cat, C•lf IVH 6 wkandl, tor Mii MrV• 1t1tlon1. ..... WtNtn cetlon & job delcrlpUon & record pltyer-176.00: ~~.!:. cooo1n1011e 1tereo, ••••• !•••••••••••••••• end money maker. J38, neut. & declaWed, might 972.g525. Apply In peraon only et .....,. Mon.-Frl. 2-4pm: Line "JVC" table AM/FM ....,.,...,, t 1, ave lndla'• King BedlPfd. dl- 1000. MIHIOn RHlty. 111¥1 10. TurtletocJc. Irv. ---------1---------1 ARCO Station, Sand up '°"Interview tn per-llereo radio with 8 trldl 2 FAMILY VARD SALE n•tt• Mt. dtpl, CIOM1 114n2~10 833-3708 Reward. Mature Lactv. 1IW In com-CLERICAL Canyon Ave & 1•5 Fr... •.ttrlll lttltnl aon 8em-10pn\ Aug. 11 & reco<d player-S75.~i Sat & Sun. Portlble dra, glll & dee. Item•, ••-•• pinion to elderly, New-Entry level po1ltlon w/ Mly. Irvine, deity before 01tft & 18 only. 3460 VI• b1throom "metble type B&W TV. bikes, record•, loll more, reu, nice -·--11 ..... I .. port Beech, L1gun1 verltd dutlel, for 1 young noon. EJCoellent w...,_ and bl-. Oporto. Lido VIiiega, •lnlc In 1 door & 2 dra-dlahwllhef, Iott of odds 1t1m1. Sat 8-•. Sun Went• bU11nee1 of your Orey and blk, wilt flea llM. 1ome houMWOrll, outgoing peraonlllty to ----.-------1 ..,,.. 'N • w port Ba a c II war c•blnet plua met· 12 , S'-I T rtle-own f« minimum oott? co111r. Loat vie Cecll & II• v • c Ir & r • f ' 1. rk I I h N Bch lllllAL .... neflll. Located In Sen 673--4700 · chlng 2 door wall cabl· & end• 2390 Carlton • .., .. • rom u Comp!. Mtup plu• bu• Orange. 5-48-3543 760-0l23 day9. :f.1 c ~ .p ~1o r :~ p 1. Ute bllkpg, PolllnO, ty-t~•8"f.n ~eplltreno. Cell net & "marble type" PL. C.M ;~~:2 ~[err! ic~:.pua. neea coneuhantl. Guar. H 644·2507 pl11g. R.!". loan beck-1 ~ ,..,1 """~" Salea well 1helf. 111 lor only Lot1 ol lurnllure, b1by1--...,....--:----- proflt. 850.()21g LIST""' ••'1. WutM 11 ---------• ground u11ful. Salery .... ..., .,._., Account EKecutlv•• I 1 O O . O O: ho r 1 • crib. baby cloth••· SAT/SUN. Glauwere. White with b11ck Shih ~i;·~:i~.. -.t:I DPllT commenaurate wtexper. Ml ........alT1I wanted lor Peraonnel blanket-S20.00; girl'• rl· blku. 634 Hamilton Old book1, auorted "1fr'' fn1t •••f Tzu L09t 8/6112 Coron• AIR computer eKper. Store men1ger, b l-g55-0073 (Ilk for Giii). Alllt.tant. Front oflle• Pl8Ce1T19nt Firm. No •x· ding hit (1mall)-S25.00: Sal/Sun 9-5 1tem1 3921 Scottld .... .,_ del Mlf ArM 720-1148 lingual German. Mull be perlenc:e required. Cell new car floor mall Irv •••••••••••••••••••••• · RHpon1lble tor entire • x P •, 1 1 n c 0 ff e • 0.0.11 Office, lnterM11ng np. lnaurance & IC~ o an Fr 9 n k (4)-$20.00: ,_ 14 Inch Moving s11e1 Mull Hlli--------- LI. Umll F= Ti:"fY1t'='9, ~ =~:n:~~tp~~~ (routing. mixing, f:'~ ~'!~~M~= dullng. 8-:"~4:31T af-7141558·1172. light 111oy rlm1 (BMW'a) furniture, misc. llama. lil••&t •l••tl ....... le IM .....i d tatting). 1upervl1lng In Gr::::; y:':0:-1 cor''poratl-ternoon1. 1 . •uEI ae1 of •-S200.00; two Sat/Sun. 2253 Ru1ger1, ••'•••••••'••••••••••• Spectlllilng 111 l;t & 2'nd lllll. 646-&223 tlonll1 t,.,.ng In malling expreuoa: Cap--·-· _,, MEDICAL RECEPT, pert-... new contlnent1I llHI CN. 631-1971 M 0 V ING SALE 1 TD'1 elnce tlM9 Found White S1moyed r::-dullea. 53&-7&5l, pucclno etc. Mutt be on 1631 Pl-tie, C.M. hme, no e>Cper nee, wlll ..... I llllS belted rad lat tlru GARAGE SALE: Come 499·1035. Like ,_ pia- Robt. Settler NH/CM Hu1ky, approx 1 yr. ----------1 familiar w/•llPf'eMO me-lllllAL "'* train 8g5-2798 Unique women'• clo-195170 HR 144100.00: -11 2209 Elden Ave .. no, hutch, wlle<bed. PC>- ... E. Broker 8d Realtor• male. Vic Magnoll• al &111/ .... Allll chine. 7141898-5111 Self lllrter required for Medlc:al thing llorl Hake ener-B M w 3 2 O I c . M . sun day 0 n 1 V ker llble, 11ereo wi th 842,:1171 54S--0611 0., II el d , H B. 8-3. for eldefty women. Uva 11 111 T 1 getlc people with flelr hoodm11k-S20.00: mlr· 10·3pm. reel to reel & much 962-3261 F/ t 962 1&43 1111111"'111 •m• 0 ce. yp ng, flHT tfftOI fof tuhlon &/or mod• r or m • d I c In• more. llT Liii In. 1 me. -UUS phoneae,lll~ng~ yra olc Newpl Bell P1ych Group ling eKperi.nc. helpful. eeblnet-$20.00. c111 Th/Fri/Sil. U11d Auto-i--------- Tlltre ere 11111rel op-FOUND: Fem wt\lte Sc>IU, llH/ft•llt Full°' part lime, car-c:r rR.' A~der~'C'c!: t146-3g16 Apply In pereon It Ale-642--0138. motive equipment. hy-·~rt IHfi t1on1 rather than tore-~l~c~ Lab~C ~~· 40 to eo yra old to care opportunity In ••lllng 54g.1343 New Account• Repr9Ml'lt-1111 k1tur11 F11hlon1. draullc preu. air laf, •••• •••••s•••••8••••;•3• • n oap. · e ,,.. d I I lld contracll for con1truc-at Ive. tor 1111 growing 260 Fore1t Av., 1 ...... ,,., ,,, ... l11"•1tll1 gas compreHor • gr n-GARAGE ALE 11· • c:loeure. WllhOUI cost or M. neutered cat, M wt\lte tor~ Yf o1 • Mm -nva llon 01 •II• bulll homea IOlllL lfflOI f. S..Ch ,_,,_., •••••••••••••••••••••• der. m1chlnl1t 10011. Odds & end• a u•••· obllg1tlon, get the lecll. kitten wfblaek 1pot on man. Hr•: Sun. Tue1. on tndlvldu•I lots. Ave-Liie atcountlng. typing bank, opening ": o -· Sil only 2152 E. Ocean Loll more. 2066-B Pia-blH. 2385 Redl1nd1. !!'::1c1d~d:e:;h~~~ ~~ head. 644-3656. NB :~'io1~ ~':S:~ rege contract now 135• eo. phonel. One pereon =~1~.!'~~~tex.,!c~ Sala Blvd (off Alley) Furn. cent11. B1ckb1y. bet. 23rd & Circle Home Loan1. a Shelter LUTELY NO 1moklng, 000 for • 1536 1q. ft. olflce. N.B. 851-9520 new a ccount 1 w I FAl..S t11 llHP tewn m<>W« Mlle: Furniture. some oak, ck>-Santa lubel d Ire c 1 I ender . 1tn••ll1 $3$1 d<lnklng °' drug1. Mutt home. Firm now opera-b1ckground In IRA & Con1lderlng • carHr C..a1 Iii #u lhes. kltchenw1re, goo-Spygla11 Hiii Gar1ge 714/499-2261 •••••••••••••••••••••• have own reliable tran•· ling 1t•te wide. No 11· IDllAL lff1ll KEO Q H . App 1 y 1 t ch1nge In 1ga2? Con· •••••••••••••••••••••• dle11 811/Sun 9-5. 2864 8111. 17 Point Sur Or. * * * portetlon. S450/mo. cens1 required. Con-Part time 11tarnoon1. Orenge City Bank, 4525 alderlng entering the Superb gareoe Nie. pain· Ballow Lane (off El Ca-Coron• del Mar. Cera. WIDOW HAS SSS for TO'• Aflattlt Parltr 548-8691 1truc9on or real Hitt• Lite typing. phonee end '-lacArlhur Blvd., New-rank• of the Hlf em-t1ng1, antlquH. furn.. mlno, off Fairview) van1• Oii Palnlloga. Of-CR~1oan1 C~:...,.tkO,KNUopP. 9N0o_ n----24 hit• daw a..a.. ••~ .__...., experience preferred. tiling tor tmlll CPA Firm. Por1 Beaeh, ... Jc>yee. pioy.d? II you are Inter-Imported cpt1. 1llver. flee MachlnH, HOUH· .... "~ ~..-· _, ...-. -... , Some evening• & w .... 641--0126 EOE .. tad In op«atlng your mite, etc. Sit. Aug. 7, Antlkl: oak. Orl1n1111, hOtd Item•. Pin Bait M•-~ llty. Oerlnllon a ANoc. 7 days 1 WMk EKperleneed In all kenda required. Training own lnsurenc• agency, 9·5PM, 302 Morning ctlr1, Ible, dr111. cloek1. chine. 9-2 Sit. 873-7311 Jacuzzi, S1un1. Local• 40 hf' een.tlt & Mies lecllltlel In Dina General Help, eam up to Pert time. Sell the molt lnvell t hour of your Canyon. CdM 2485 lrvlne. Frl-Sun1----...-~--- u well u t ourl1t1. ph..... t •· B 11'· Point. Interview appt. Mr. $400 wk t1klng 1n1p adYenC*l Burglar Alarm time II our Facts Semi-10am Chrl1tmas In "'1gu1t1 JH Tl CB~1krgAem.erAlcm"e~ic1Mn11Et~ ~~~f. g on c . Howe (714) •93-3074, ahota In yOYr area. Ame-Syllem 1001$ below n11. Call Bonnie tor de-IBM Selectrlc. 4·dwr lull lr...t. 11~ lar •-•-"Just e Heond" yerd On Sen Clemente du-" • ----------1 Mon a Tu. 2•5. teur phOtOQrephefl ,__ competlllon. TRUE 1111111 ~518 au1pen1lon 11111, omce ._., 111 .... Ille. Aug. 5-8. 1(kj1Jak_ plu. 21% yield, S34.000 pre11. Olner1. All wet-Automotive ded, P/F time. no oper S2000 per month. Aleo --furn. & 1oc:.11.. hou ... 8 It llb1rgl111 boat. 819 w. Balboe Blvd. red'd. Agt 1-758-0318 come 714/845-3433. p ARTS HEL PER I Cert~ ~ Mlllng req'd. Write to nHd 4 to build mrktg Sllel hold gooo1. Corner ol wicker buslnet. Antler•. N.B. 2112 H1tbor 81. CM DRIVER UnlverMI, PO Box 1223, teem . 633-8g43 & GENE'S S. C. Plua hat S1ndcHtle & Catam1-typewrller, bedding, GARAGE SALE _ B • PIP need• $t20K lat TO, COEDS • Would love 10 Cl11n driving record. ~177 Cal Hwy, Montebello, CA. t0640 855-e807 opening for Bridal Con-rend. Fri noon thru Bun. Army end camping gear. ar own« occupied re1ld'I Some p1rt1 Hpr. nee. Dan• Point. euttent, experienced, DA~. CM gain• galore, bed1, pr09. Prin. only, pleue. party wtth you. Cell SU. Wiii train. Good worttlng •ma.., llmAL "'* f/T PAIT W mature peraon prefer-GARAGE SALE Incl new lampa, CIOm.. Sat only. T.L.~: 177-F Rlveralde ~: .. ~ .. !,.hY anytime. condltlonlandco.btne. ORY CLEANING PLANT Mlture •xPer aect9tary, Evea and/or ..-entll. red.Frlngebenefttaplul w•i~';,~ gow~'f~· Ant1que1. lum .. Sa m91~. 328 Pro1pect St. NB AY,.".B.92M3. ·-·-Harbor & M•cArthur · Kint typing, phone per-RetpontlblelldUlt1,aWJr.COmml 11lon. Call B. qn Mt. • All mutt 11° 11 ··(Newport Shor••) ,..._.--------iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil Sal .... 3084& COUt Hwy, South tonality, thinking lblffty. 21, with -·t'"'andl""'. It-Phlfflna 645-0724. cheater Rd.,· CdM. Frlf 20141 Bayview. SAH 64M75g t>EIPERATEI Mull Hll lfM. ary upon q ..... Laguna. 4ff-1985 N k Cdu S d -•• • .,, .. -Sal 9-2 --------Std TO of S12.500. 12% &.ma 1 llllt'I Poreche Tuning Shop. ---------• on-am r, .... en trectlve peraonalltlea to SALES Order dHk for · · 2 boat radtr1, comm'I n tlew lighting ll11tur11. 2 1tl"lllgtlt 4 ~ note. $9, PHOTO MODELS ANOIAL ROAD RACING. IPA Ir Ae1111tMt R""me' to: CllUlfled work with youth (ege1 wet ~It mfr. Accurate M•ne'1 ...... thing gear. 3hp meat Por. 914 alloy whit. 000 or belt otter. Ir-ESCORTS/DANCERS A 111 for Arno 1 d . with complete aceoun-Ad #889, Dally Piiot, PO t0-14). Cell 2-5PM, typing a. gd. phone FantHtlc Hlectlon of grinder. lreeier com girl'• doti-, many hou- a fter 6PM & wknd1 OUTCAU 24 HAS 714/t57-3900 ting 1klll1 to run 1c-Box l&eo. Colt•..._., 642~21, Ext.~. EOE manner a mull. Stert dealgner. eotllllon, preuor. m11c. 225 Hhotd Item•. Sal 10--4. 554M211 ......., -BA-e-v"'"sme-........ R-W..,....an_t_ed..,._,--ln-i count~I fOf' mutt.,. Ca. g262e· Tm SAi.ii 111. at S780. c 111 for In-1chool, 1111, acout & Co• t • M • • • St 1501 Anita Ln. Weetellft. ~~~~~~~~~' my E11t Coata Mell mUllon opment Co. GROUNDSKEEPER OM· eni!'worl(lng with kld1, trvw. 642-1912 M-F. baby. lnl1nt1 thr\.1 teena. 642-0433. Sat/Sun 9·2 Wrought Iron lbl & 6 ,..,..,.,.,./ WANTED: M ALE MOO· home. 549-3200 or In Newport BMch Are&. dad full time II publle and with lnc:rMMd eer-••••-Fri/Set 10-2 et 5l5 Glen Roberts Weldell w chrl, l1mp1. cemplng ..__ __ ,..,, ELS for .,...,.0 ..-.... •~ aa'"""""" 81lary commen1ura1e garden In Coron• del ---Fernleef CdM .. ~ e-9 1,..,.,, cable ............ .. le ~I .,. ... , ...,,,. .._. ...........,"" c M nlng1. utlllt•Jour out-· • '"""' •• r -··• gear ........... r. aulnenl •--..a •--J gltlmete. 499-58SS ---------1 with e xp er. •II ar.Someknowtedeeof gotng peraon lty. 1eam FO< MW ledlea' cloth1ng Sat/Sun 9am. Remod•· $136. New M/W 16" algnel light. mlec. SIS _, • ,.._ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Beby1lt1er needed In 714-M5-4458 for Inter-tree pruning & 1aw11 how 10 .. ~om• a tral-ator• In Lagun1 Niguel. llnH yard ••le.Cheat•. chain Mw 2. 1 eng sg6 52e 811t1ta An• Ave. NB •••••••••••••••••••••• Hunt. Bch hOme for ,... vleW appt. m1lnten1nce required. .,... Secretll1el or bookk... 333 e 18th 642 337 ·'-"I 1..U $3,. SUNNY'S Exeouttv9 char w/2 children MUl1 C II Te Mo Fri ned lllH counHlor. ping lklll1 1 ....... Mu-int qua, wall covering s -GARAGE SALE-Ou•llty •••••••••••••••••••••• Str .... ..__.. .... lon: · Oe11"9f)' • rry n-· Call 2-5PM. 642·4321. ,. 3 .... -lebrlca. levelora. win-Fri/ •t E...-... ,.....,._ br-& ._....., be non-emkc. 642-2811 ··-, ......... , 8:30-4PM 673-2268. .. ... EOE ela. 831 ....... 52 . d TVC ti " ' • '¥-' ....,,,_,,... ~m-outcalt ---Ext........ ows. • r • oy • 2 Blkea, Kitchen Set. copper. many lln• de- FOlN> ADS ARE FREE Cal: 142·1111 ;;~~~~ 'ound: Wiii Samoyed, •. •Fem, 1p11 1 yr. Vic. ::-.Mag noll1 /T11bert HB • 982-3261 ~!~~:.: :::::!' 1~o~;.~ Dene Pt, nr La Cr .. la/ Gold. Lantern. 496-3e26 •.f°'-lnd: Female wnt Spitz, .-F'oemale beige Sheptlerd· Lab mix. Numeroua call •• & 1 puppy. Newport Beach Animal Shelter &4-4-3658 83t-6377 Baby*tler needed -& 10 ~ nMOed to de-Im llTLJIT SALESPERSON. Chll· ctothH. book1. More. Toye & many holJNh signer llema. g.5 Seti l~~~~~~~~~I wkndl. Exper1eoced. San ltver ahopplng tprM,,.. ~. ltyllat •lcOentele IUL man l&LU dren'1 1tore. EJCpr'd M•k• offera. 332 Eve· & 11wn Item•. Nothing Sun. 1836 Port Tlllln. Prof man deair• female Clemente. 498-7364 gltt certificate booldetl. to join p<ogreutve Nlon. Do you h~~l<:en-only. FIT & PIT. Petite nlng Canyon Rd. over 125. 3125 Lincoln N.8. .... F Jenny. No Mlltng. Mutt be ntlll S 1 I / comm I v e c . H'1 2 yrs e....-.... -In Mllc:he, CM. 642-4714 Set 9•-. Antlq·~ dlnlnn Wey, Sit 546-9074. ---------hou._eeper & girl rl-1 M 1 real Hiit• 11le1 or 5 """ .... ...., l1r1ge Sele. Saturday day, mutt be organlnd Bath ai de 7"M-1PM. n appearance . u1 S40-8889 1 t.. 1 Id Sain tibia 170. refrlg 1140. 1.,.1 ••••ST.• only, Aug 7th, e-.5• 1742 Mon-Fri, ...._..... v11•-. h1111 economy cu or Y" n ° .. er ou 1 • llmllEl1 elec dryer •35 •l•t• - -a c1pabl• ol handling ·--...... • .. Help for counter we<k In HIH? Sufflcllnt flnan· • • King __ ..,. a o-. c Centell• Pl. f:'.B. houHhold Laguna on 4000 Hltarle Way, NB motorcycle. Apply In 1 food kle F 11 " pool tbl w/1tlek1 & bel1I ..,........ • .. - the beech. PIHH cell 642-58e1 person It 32141 Allpaz, ut aerv . u or cea to auppon yourH Looking tor Htre In· $175. Mite. 803'h Llrk· th ... m lac. Set/Sun Yard Sale. ''Olfl who iiiiiiiiiiiii~iiij Suite D, San Jullll Cap. PIT. Wiii Train. Clll 8111 11verel month• while come? Try Part· Time ""'ur. 8:30-5PM. couldn't uy no" cotlec> Terry (714) g19-2230 or Erika. 67S-3152 becoming eatablllhed In Nlel. Tueaclay thru FO--.. 1 1 S 1 d btwn 9-5. or 49g.2293 • ..., p•-.-Dentel commercial end/Of' •K-MOVING SALE Gareoe Sale, Aug 8, Sun. ton he ve1. woo • -•• _, •-Homemaker'• Helper, day, g AM to 12 Noon. 265 #2 16111 Pt Oddi & burning frpl~. ch1lra. -· M. f1W1 Experi.nc:.d R.O.A. net-P/T, needed. ldHI for clulNe realOentlal Mlel Apply PENNYSAVER. SAT/SUN t0em-4pm S50 bookl much more Sat LADIES: Let Tom 1how Be e telephone promo-d•d for Orthodontic atudent or retired per-In ~ e.ach? If IO, 1860 Placentia Ave, 517 NARCISSUS, CdM end•. 6-· · & Sun' 9am. 2915 Broad you • great tlmel For • tlon c1ertt for local new-practice In Miiiion Viejo eon. Laguna Niguel area. ceWI!_;::, HLannT~ V ... P. Coll• Mau, A1k for Sofa & matching chra, Bullanaa lfffj St. dllcreet Intro & the beat 1p1par. Prlv1te OHk, _,_,.._._830 __ -3_7_0_3.___ 495-S3f8 ...... , .,.... • Mra. White xlnl eond. Stereo & TV .•••••• ;;ii;;••••••••••••1---------- etcor1 write # 116, 2005 cuual attire. Ol'lly requl-IUT.u ---------i Realtiiii°"iiiiiii644-4iiiigii10 In coneole. 8_ 10 Sund YARD SALE: Furniture, Moving Siie. 1830 Irvine W. Balboa Blvd .. N.B. r_,I II 9 good phone llllPI..., HOltelllCUhler AM eo7,_. Larkapur In 1ppll1ncu. clothing, Av (cnr F~I. N.B C4. 92663 voice ano Iott of enthu-Experienced, Ml time tor ~~ = i:j~y~ Real Eltale alteY • P,~1nt1fl:41b;ok1idu1en Sal/Sun 10-4. 642·$399 LtH __....... .. ..,,,_ bu•y office. Neer 8.C. KING WITH THE PU-.. _ .._._..., ~-~ CASH ~~lv ·5~~ GIANT GARAGE SALE· .. .._... Houri ...... .,,..... •• •-Y/11-11 •• ,... ...... • • Lota of treuur .. 20332 Earn Money .. FI ,. .... "30PM PlaZa. 545-4553 BLIC. Oood pay, com-for uperlenced. aggr.. -·· -rt -• ·-9-4 ... ....._.A-. ~-ta ·--963-3337 mon-r . .,:..v-.: pany lnautence 6 vaca-1lve re1ldentlal re1ale Sllel Rep Agency In Ir-•••••••••••••••••••••• .,.,.__ •• ..,_., ...,,. Sii g;30AM-1:30PM Dentel Allllllnt, FI T, Tyi>I .·Si tt filing ~·· S•t SINGLES EXPO 1982 184.00 to ltert. tront & bed! experience, ;!"ec!i~-~~~~~ ~~·lnc;-':11~: u~~-::: ~";ion.,':;., reciulred. BOISE WAV BLOCK MOVING SALE: Color --·--· ----- Aug 27/28129. Owntwn Alter let week, 11111• In RDA. x-ray Ne; required. Rutaurent & Bekery, opportunity. c 111 J • • n n • 11 •. GARAGE! SALE. OoHn trlk 25" TV. 490 maple faafl Aa1 LA pllf1nerlhlp proftt1. Salary open. Benellt1. 210 Newport Center Or 548-8444 lemlllea. Sat. Auguat 7111 din. Mt. 4pc; King bdrm •••••••••••••••••••••• Info 213/98&-g255 Ad FO< lntervl9W, 642~ or wknd•/-between 3-5 PM ........ l•.ttr 8-5pm. You Name It. Ill. HouH/y1rd 10011. SAT/SUN Aug 6-7, Antl- --------~1 gd for $1 off-any_,, cell 1ner 6PM 67~. Npt 8etl .,.._ ........ 111-.. 11 We've got It. Bargain• 21132 Lodlhaven. qu., tooll, trec:tor. lge ··-----.-.. -FREE EXHIBIT 142-llll Oependeble women with HouMkeeper, child care. 1111nu11mo. Ollor•. 1194 eotMWay, 964-2047 SIS 8-5 & •ml •PPll•n cu . ---------ttr"""' -*'I"' at !Ive matur., PIT, 11lnt Mlary. REAL ESTATE LOANS Marketing dept. h.. Costa Mu1. (norlh of eqptmt for handicapped. 1mt•ll tlT 112 In ~:=' .. j;,/ ~ for Mutt have driver'• lie. -. • opening In NPT BCH. Fairview & P1ularlno). Multi-Family 0 11. Sale mlec, hou11hold ltema. ltrrifff ''" -· 847-1973 n-. 1m Fin. IVOM firm. Oood ty-54&-02D3 870 I Lerkport Or. Fri. 13Ge So. Birch St. SA. •••••••••••••••••••••• Newport Boll women, ---------Aggreutve Newport pl~, S/H lklll•. &per.l1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~gg~~l 1~2~-5~;~Sa~t.~&~S~un~·~9-4~~~83~5-0~799~~~~~~ To piece yOAK .,,.._. Mlary negotlable. R.,iy ~ Buch firm IMkl motl-req d. Non-1mkr perf.1: EllllSI lll'TLllUI bef01'9the wlthtW.lmelrefetencee F.G.S. ln1urance 1111 veted lndlvldu1l. Tefrl-Cllll840-0123 EICort tor women , .. ding publ\c. to T.J.O. P.O. Box 814. opening In renewal de-tory open. Harbor-=========I 4 9 7 -:~8µ, b • 1 w D~ ::!°;;.'::, ::.~: nM-:~~:-:~d1%1=: ~~ Pac:lflo. 9 55--00 73 Service Slll!on Atten-¥!!1..'f."-'!l. •••• !.~'!f ~'Jr.!.••••••••~! ~//}}!!!!!. •••••• !~!! -c --·•R-..t ·~2 ...... 78 "' la A t It""' 1..-i..a--""' dent. Expr d . Apply ... HARBOR AREA ,_,_,, -• ..., dad, 3 awning lhlfta, ~ renewe · 11 o t ""' or ....,...... S II e I 1 S t I l I o n , ............... , WESTMINSTER •PPL'"'..,..., SERVICE If it's got wheels, you'll move r::~::.· ~\l'4llA-~~~s· -"' CUT &. POUM •=...:-.... :::-~:: ............... ._....,.._ I WARDTY '. I I I 12 I I MADDY I: -· .... It faster in a Dally Piiot classified ad.Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad-viser will help you I' I I r · _ l I A " H " E I { ...., btother·~law .... the II r I I the1419ht of ~yment. II ... __. __ ._ _ __._.._~ _ __,_ ;i; lie Wlln'I able 10 90 to Ille Of· turn your wheels Into cash. .--------., tic.~ day, he would,,...., I s 0 8 H I p I get --. I I' I I l•e~:-.. ~: ""' .............. ,...,w.w --.un .................... ... . ~·------..., You can be a WINNER Just by sending us you r name and .address a nd by watching for you r ttame In the classified ads of the Dally Piiot. Win llckeu to th• circus. arta amusement attr•c· tfons or •porUna •venta. JUAt fill out th1a coupon •nd mall It today to lh•. J' .. . Oautnff _DefartJ11eit,,Oally Piiot 1 .. w. Bay 8&~ ee.a·•--· CA... I . .! • night lhltt, eome expe. underwriting exper pre-FIT. must have 3 yea,. 7 h/IM NB lnvwtment ..... oftloer BBEV " "'~ rlenc., ceahler/ phone. ferred. S1lery commen-Hp. In receiving. Imm 1 t · ne. · · A we ..,I rec:ond gu11 IU at. with eK,_,,__ Open. XLNT Co. bane-S W I M M I N G Muat be prep•••d for ANTIQUE MALL _..,..,,1ncea. $,4g-3077 Wiii train. Start $3.75/hr. ' ,.....,.,....., INSTRUCTOR E II flpld advancement to 11751 Weltmln1ter Ave. ___ ,... ______ _ Ca11 g57 .. 30e3, Cell Ralph, 54M909 ~.~.::.'='11"fo~~~ -qu1 Y Vlee Pr•. of Mlf!letlng. GARDEN GROVE I 11f APPLJUal OomMllc HouMkeepet, Janitor, p /1, eve1. F/H quellfled •wlmmlng 3-5 ya exper Pf'9f In Oii 564-et03 L" 967-8183 live In, _,,.,.IOed, En-Mon-Fri., 1:30 pm to ln1truetor/Hfegu1rd for program lnvHtment I. ~~~~~~~~~j.,--------- g I I 1 h 1 p 9 a kt n g . 11 :30. M l11lon Viejo Real Eltlle LOMe park In C.M. Certlned. Y911tUrt otpltal. Loots.Ing Refrigerator. w11her, 751-9655. area. $4/hOur. 541~11 Liii ..... 657-7234 for appt. for peraon with entre-Ttlt••111 letttl dryer. dl1hwHher & 11ter 9 pm. Aggrenlw .. 11blllhecl Teachere-Pre School, preneurtal 1plrlt, prof with phone, Amerlc1n treue<. Mll-5848 DRIVERS, mutt be 18 or ---------firm uek• AjUlrlllled Huntington 8elch, full/ 1ppro1eh & crelllvlty. Olk 11200. Old Moller iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim o1clet w/dependable car, JR. ACCOUNTANT w/ FNMA/FHLMC peraon. Plf1 time. AJdea. ~ Salary negotlatMe, Mnd 81fe $950. Singer Se-WAREHOUSE neat IPPMf, pleue ap-good prlnclp1I eccoun-N. a . office. Hubor-& bentfttt. e.it Marttyn lnqulrlH to Attn: Mr. Wing machlnue S 150. SEU. OUT pty In pereon w/P">Of °' ting bllgrnd to 111111 ft-Pacfflc 956--0073 641-62M • CherlH C1ro1, Exec. 8ecret1ry de1k, CllHt SAVE TO~ OFF Ina.. Aelable M•••nger n1nel1l an11y1t with Vice PrH. Oou1ta1 A. 1ype. HOO. Burl wood Refrtgeretora Service, 3001 Aedhlll budgeting for property U"'1mlT Teacher, p,...echoOI Full Sp1rk1 Corp. 01 E. cane ohal,. 1125 ea. DI-W~Otytr'I Ave. Bldg 1, Ste 217. mgmt co. Xlnt company Who enjoys peopte and tlnll Immediate employ-OcHnlront. Ne•port nlng room tibia 8 tt X 5 04ehwuMn CM. 761..()451. benetlt1. Send Rnwme 0 1 n hand 1 • · bu 1 y ment. BtMf111.. F« Info, 9Mcft. CA 82M1 n, 12 111g:. bac:k Chelr1 at C<* or Below --OR_f_v_eA/0£--UV-EAY__,,--. ~':"Ptl= ,~~ phona Mutt be luNon Cell 5*-1911 Wllltrlee/Waller uperten.. M4..ion M500. All GAA0£N GROVE Full Titne. Mutt haw va-Miu, Ca. 9282e conectoua. For ~ant Tllephone S.... oect only. con .. ahop. ::::!. ~~· MUCtl APPLIANCES lid C11lforn11 Or. UC. & 1---------Salon fUl1 time. Eatn Big Money by the 64Mtoe John • 13191 Harbor Blvd. Olean driving rlCOl'd. Im-Ltcel ....... .,, RICH~RO OUE.LLETTI! bHCh, *300-I 1000/ Ah t q . p 1 n e Hu t c II ' Garden Grove medl•te oPtnlng, XLNT Newport Center 1'111 200 NewPQn Cent• Dr. .-. Call 631-1611. Wlltre .... IW1lten PIT ae··xea", oounlry 1tyte, 537-1333 Co. benelitl. 549-HJt Ee late Lltlg•tlon Firm Newport 8Mch di, over 11. Wiii tr1ln. good con d . S 3 15. OPEN SUN 11_.PM EOE MIF/H needl ~ legtl ~ Aeoeptlonllt. "'" T~ ~ ":: Shim 548-l'MI j648..tn4~~~~~~:_~~~~~~~~~~ tary. Xlnt typing. diet• "9olptlonltt, tYDlnQ end for ~· lhof9e Pro-New Gae Stove. never ORY CLEANING phone an~ 9h0rthand • 11artou• dut fea.-AIR p erty. xrnt wor111no Mx .. 1.Uw w 1 -ultd, pHot..-.. tmmectllte 11.,, tor fUlly m111t. S•l•ry open. computer •xfcertence. cond. To coM1>en1a• ~··•••••••••••••••• a.~ AUii 7_.. sseo. ...1-t31t 1111:pe1i.1Ced "'°"'"° Reeponefble Of .,,U,. tton. Cal~ fWn.4prn f!'1!!!.-..... l'!!f Free edfnlellon, exhibit T1ppan Mlorow1ve W/ ........ I.Wit Detvtfv ot1t1 Nld AJA tot a Otowtna pro-'*"MIT... M"'°""' ~ table. & ... protie, newr uMd, retal cfllly, AP'PfY in w. ftth. .,.,., menegem91'1t co. ,....,_ ..,..,.. . 1ega. OYit drop HWltinO'Oft o.ntw Mell MOO: 121&. 642-tOOI • E ant ••l1ry and Suite H .. eo.ta Meal. &St-7111, Unda lelf. t 100. '1J.-10M .OS ""Y & IMofl &Nd, A!FRIGE!RATOR Ilka ltrong company b«leflt• ' Wlbl•H ....... Oriental Dr~ t1bte & H.a. ne•. Fro1t ''"· T•o await you Lm .. for front -.......... ,... ... 1 I 101010 •'--......_ • OfMt oCIPQr1Unlty wtth· I! I I ad ..,,,_ .... We n..CS fOOCI ~ 0 ... 1 r•. , • Antq. '* ~ --"""" lnt'I eooonlled ~ xper •nee pre err ' lndude ~ & '"*'°• to NI up ..,... .... ..,. t 4 I I 1 r" In•. CM. ~ "*1fllne, ttU ~ ~nnn: · ~ ::.o=•:Yti :: good lllltll l lblltty to trom tNf ~ ~ ttWS13 111. ...._.m2 Brown 0 E 11ee1rto dlt'J(lt • Elctraordln1ry rec>ut.,. ~ ~ In _... meat the publle, bS--office In ~.~ngtr-~ ..... -..... lflf ~ oond. t 100. Oaal tlon ..... .._____ . ~ ... 10 rleftoa not teQuWect. a.. ~ ,,,.,., ..... ... .-..,... .....,.._..1 ... I "" .,.._, 'o; • lwy °""' Call 048n9 at ck*. 1e1ery + oommfe. dllllflf 11 .... , 4 Chet,., • • • • •••••••••• .,.........., -1 .... 11 I ::"'°" c.nter ·• Npt 94}-4074 or Cindy at 1ton + unua. Ce ll mllt. Mt'!:=tl150. 114ayt .. Wuh« & 11.c. IMn ""1o, good oond OllT ill .. UITI 6441&2 ett. 1. 13W140 after 1 pm -... -dryer. MnOet Hew. Xlnt t 1fo 010. D. ~. let ........ Ao.a. ·--...... ~ "" oom-TCXll.UI MCJOrLa ANTIQU9 ITOW c 0 n d . • a D 0 '' I, m uoo 080. &41 HM IUlllf •l'FI .....-..._ ~·-~ . .,.,,y, ~"' OCllP«Y· t11 DAY • ,NO DAILY ..i:.-14e taa ILICTPUC CLOTHH 1Jtl .............. LMeMMMuffilt•on• ~ ...... NI'* ............. m.tell1 Ktn1 II Wlt•r•M.t_cn. Of'YIA, w .. ttngti.-.. Tuffet, •lone c•me • con11itlft•bl• pro4uo1, ~ ...,..,_ l!Cllwd, ........_ AM, 'tlvy d11ty, xlnt con•. What 1 ~ Worfd llPtdet MO rted In the ............. , .. Of llOO Olll '4M141 t12t. 1•1M'l •f lho,ptnt . '''"' •t ~l'ttet o1 .. 1ttled w. fn.t:IOt tn-eorJ 1·-· v•", L ... • ...-. Mw. -. ~,...,..,_..._, ~MMMuf· .,.,...,. ._ "'·-_ ....... D•ll" ·;;o;o, ••• f,i;, ..... T""9l Ind ........ " ""'" .... •tt•o•u"""· 'l~D -,,,.~To '*°' 'tOW .. tot .. ff. You ..,. _. 171. Oii M-tf41 ,....,71,, ~ Olll ~• end let e 10W tllffet end Iota Of ctffttr•t "c::1· Wl\11•. I Hn 1Cetu11or• O u ~ »~ ,_ 01t1er thine• tt1ro11911 .....,.. ~ 1100. °"9!:· Liie w . .-. .·~ :10:•~.... ..... .., ... I \. T•I l ',\•ILW Cl•Cl'N by 811 Keane "Daddy's woihing the gross." ~ Virgil Partch (VIP) . ~. t -'1 "Oh, no! Howerd Coatll." '9.\R'9:\Dl'KE by Brad Anderson DE:\:\IS THE MEN"CE Hank Ketchum ~8'1 ~ . ~ ' 1 i • .. . ~=== .. :;;;i~-~, ...... ,......... Ole "Oh,oh ... I hear the phone ringing!" ~JM NOT UP10ANY!lllNG,MR.WIL50'J ... lM JUST USIN' ~ SAAtnv 'IO COOL OFF ~ • Jl'DGF. P .\RKER 8 ·7 r:::===::=:::::::=:::::::-----;~ STILL . t;U~ MJ<iftr ACROSS 50 Formerly I Meel courN 52 Pr...,..t 8 Topttnot 53 Umbra 10 Hom eouncf 58 \'lgorOUI one 14 ~ 57 .J4icy 1s •'Gotdlef": eo Soft.. 2 wordl 82 Get together 16 ~town 14 Auttior 17 Feb61 man Ambler 18 State es Stltdled 20 Scoundttl ea Of Pl#lllh· I 21 Sudden ment °""' 87 Electrlc untt ' 23 Mott cunning ea Blrdl ~4 ()per• ••• 88 Expand 25 0iobl* 28 P9Mlln DOWN 30 EwemlnM 34 Vlltdated t Bo• 35 81-0 2 Space 37 Plft of "lo I 0etten bt" 4 HubbUb 38 Aun 5 oe.pa 11111 3t 9lltt* e Htir cotor 41 ~ 7 l(tndofcat 42 Mede of: I~ Sufh tfdgr 43o-d 10 .... ..................... 4t Al 11 nn or ti -oul: ~ ........ ........ ti ... 2 ......... NOT BE THE ~E:,AST Brr SUSPICIOUS ... by Ferd & Tom Johnson YES; Miss BoN·BON ... UEU·Uf~ .. SOMETIMES A LITTLE SW~ETN~S5 IS IRRESISTIBLE. • .. l1M GOfcNA MELP l('OV wm~ VOUR M5E8AU. PR08lEM, 816 BRO TM ER ••• SHOE l1M WRITIN6 A LETTER To JOE 64.KAblAblAAIOLIA WE~E~~ 11W'1 lf.,ERJl;CfF flat CAR. by Jeff MacNelly ---AND NOW WE'LL HAVE YOUR DOG OBEY YOU TEACH YOU HOW TO--- GORDO 'ffiE RIFLE" -rtAM RCAU.4 toor::s SHARP, H~4> ! OR.SMOCK J1' / .r DELIVERY ROOM by Gus Amo1a· CONFtJCIU.5 SAY. LIP.STICK IN 1<1€7;/T OR WRDA/GI PLACE CAN SAVI? PA~/ by Tom Bat1uk 1 fHINK. IHA'f HAVIN& 'lfiE/V\ PAAeflc.t WrTH Fl XE.D ~ONEf5 C.EKfPINl4 H8P5 KEEP IHEM ON -mE1~ 1DE6 I JJJ J jJ / l&MO K~? IN A fEul ~ '4£.AA~. I MIC,~'f t~N 6€ PE.RSU~OE.0 'fo ~ ~ f\>el.\l Of~KE. ! by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont DELIVERY ROOM 1 HE. ADS F\i?ia.l1 lf<.FNEU\NG sy -IRRIN ARE. K\&n1LIZ . ' ~ t ..... " .... i. ' .,...,.,..... STILL RUNNING -This 80-year-old wooden 1.rolley car is probably the oldest inter-urban transit vehicle still running in this country. Visitors to the Fox River Trolley Museum in Sough Elgin, m., can ride the car on a 1.5-mile route. IRAs off to a good start Survey shows 'new money' flowing into accounts By JOHN CUNNIFF ., .....,_. AMfpt NEW YORK -A survey of the public response to tax- deductible Individual Retirement Accounts suggests a new pool of savings and invesl.mt.'nt capital is being created, as Congress intended. And the survey has quieted fears that individuals would finance IR"As simply by withdrawing funds from other accounts, such as bank savings or stocks. · The survey, by an insurance organization, showed 62 percent pf thoee who opened IRAs in the 'first three months 'of the year :financed them, at least in part, from regular income. That ls, the tnoney was "new." , Some "old" money alao was used, but perhaps to a leseer extent than critics had foreseen. Fifteen percent of tboee eligible said some funds came from passbook savings, and 19 perce,nt said they withdrew funds from money-market mutual funds or matured certificates of deposit. In general, the survey of 3,634 ~ligible households, by the Life Jnsurance Marketing and Jtesearch Association, which represents most of the large life lniurers, showed IRAs gaining more acceptance than had generally been anticipated. 1 Robert Waldron, spokesman tor the American Council of Li.fe Jnsurance, the life insurers' public relations arm, said the respome has been "beyond the moat optimistic expectations of Vigorous supporten." IRAs, which allow you to deduct from taxable income up to llEWI 11111111 $2,000 a year in new savings, had been available since 1974 to workers not covered by qualified retirement plans. Under the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, eligibility was extended to any worl<er under age 70 ~. IRA.a abo otter tax deferrals. Interest, capital gains or dividends accumulate untaxed in IRA accounts. Only aa the money is withdrawn in retirement, when tax brackets usually are lower, are taxes we11ed. Despite this, public acceptance of mAa in the first le'Vell years of their exiatence waa considered disappointing. One insurance industry study found they were ut.illz.ed by fewer than 10 percent of thoee eligible. Walter Zultowski, economic research director f or the Hartford-based marketing and research organization, estimates that 33 percent of all hOU8eholds eligible to open accounts will do so this year, and that 17 percent already had done so in the first quarter. Such percentages are beyond most earlier e stimates by institution.a that stand to gain from IRAs. such as savings and loan a ssociations , banks, insurance companies, mutual funds, stock plans and bond funds. Almost all savings a nd investm e nt institutions developed programs to supervise IRAs, although individuals can create and operate their own programs after gaining approval from regulatory off.ldAls. Among the eligible houaeholds surveyed who have or planned to buy an IRA, there was a preference for certificates of deposit. About 29 percent choee CDs. Money market funds accounted for 20 percent, savinp accounts 14, and annuities 8 percent. Self-directed accounts amounted to 9 percent. The remainder had not dt"Cided which type of investment to u.e. When Congrea expanded IRA ellglbllity to include thoae covered by existing pension plans, it 90U1bt thlft thingls: an inCreue in savings, development of a new capital pool, and relief for Social Security. For the time being anyway, the survey suggests strongly that savinp and capital are indeed being i.ncttaaed and that, should the trend be maintained, relief for Social Security could be forthcoming. However, said Zultowski, explanations for the strong acceptance of 1RAI in the early months of the year aren't well known. and will be studied in a later survey. Some probable factors include the existence of high interest rates, publicity about the advantages of reducing taxes, fean about the flnandal integrity of Social Security and other pension systems, and a more cautious attitude toward penonal fl.na.noes and the future economy. The unexpectedly strong results of the first three months don't prove the IRA concept will prevail, but suggest it strongly. IALTI lltlGHOM SMfTH & TVTHtu W'ISTCUH' CHAP'tL 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 ITATDmNT CW UANDCIWNT 0# u.a °" AC1'1TIOU8 .,... .. llAm The lollowlng pereon h•• at>endoned the UM ol Ille FlctltlOue ~HwM: Home computer prices decreased NICINO™-S SMITHS' MOltTUAI Y 627 Main St HunllnQton S..ach 536-6539 PACIFIC Y•W MIMOllAl. p All Cemetery Mortuarv Chapel-Crematory 3500 PK1f1c View Drive Newoort Beacn 644·2700 McCO.MICll MOITUAlllS LIQuna Beach 494-9415 LIQuna Hills 76&-0933 San Juan Capistrano 495-1776 HAaOa LA~MT. ouv• MottUlllV • Cemet•rv Crenwtorv 1625 G15* Ave . Costa Mesa 5"40-SS54 ,.c111onms ~llOAOWAY MOllTUAIY 110 BroMtway eo.taM.N 642-9150 TORE8CO, 1780 Unit A -4 Monf«Ma. eo.ta .._., CA 92827. MlchMI L. Sweim, 320 7tll St.. Huntington 8-:h, CA t284t. Thie ~ -conducted by an lnOllllduel. Mlch..i L 8wWnl Thll Itel-I wa tlled with the County C1ertl °' Otenge County on AuQ. 4, 1982 ,1s1• PublleheCI Orange Cou1 Dally Piiot, Aug. 7. 14, 2f, 2S, 1182 3489-12 Ml.JC ll)TIC[ . ACTmOUe ...... ..... .,..~ The lotlowlng ~ -doSlg ~-RICtiA.AOeOH INTEANA TIONAL 10 WlnC11ong Court, Newport e..dl, CA tff63. CHARLES R. MACFARLAND, 10 WlnClaong Court. Newport leech, CA t2A3. CINDY R. MACFARLAND, 10 WlndlOng Court, N.wpoft llMCll, CA t2te3. Thia ~ .. conducted by.,, Clwtea R. ..,.,, ..... Thia • ...,,.,. -lllld wtlll tlll CcuntY a.ti Of <>r.,. County on J4b2t, 1N2. ·-Pubilltled Orenoe CO..t Ditty -Mt 31, Auo-7, 14, 21. 1"2 S3IC).82 NEW YORK (AP) -the suggest.ed retail price P r i c e 1 o f h o m e of its Atari 490 computer computen are falling aa to $349 from $399. And the machines' makers Tandy Corp., maker of battle to increase their the TRS-80 model, said shares of a market that ls recently it would ee1l the eXJ)ecied to double to $1 $400 oompuer outside its billion next year. network of Radio Shack Consumers may be stores in a bid to broaden delighted with lower its market. pric:es, especially u the c o m m o d o r e I n - C h r i s t m as s e a s on ternational Ltd., whoee approaches, but the cuts $230 VIC-20 home are drawing frowna from computer t. conaldered Wall Street. the market le.der, lllued Stock prices of .everal a 1tatement late Tu.day home-computer makers sayina 'l'exaa lnltruments' fell Tuetlday and •lain rebate "should have a Wednesday in heavy onlyaminlmaleffec:t"on trading followina Te~ lta aalea. Commodore Instruments Inc. • made no mention of announcement of a $100 cutttna lta price. rebate on lta 99-4A hmne computer , w h 1 c b When homecom_puten pnerally MUa for $299 arrived on the scene retail. about three yean a10. LMt month, Atari Inc., many COit upwards of a uni\ of Warner $1 ,000, and 1ale1 c.ommun1cat1om Inc., cut dr..,.ed. Ml.IC llJTIC( Ml.JC llJ1a f•I 6ft'W~IJ( Word machines open new field • By SYLVIA PORTER It you are • Yourta man or woman 11eeklna • career ln • field certain to boom, to atve l.ou a dynamk future and alrHdy one of lhe aatest trowifta, ncUJna e&reel"I available, \he job la: Wcic'd ~ operator. TMre • a definite lhortqe of worken today - and younpeen who set in on the ground floor now wW be tile onee to move ue .. tht. t.echnolO(ltcal revqlution demands new 1ervlcea in every conceivable way. Word proce9lina may, in fact, be your survival kit by the year 1990 -only eight ye4fS from now. "The profu.ion of new technology that'• either here or on the drawina board wW change the way we wor~." •'II William Oiiton, chief executive officer of the company bearing h1a name and a leader in lhe word-proc:e.tng field. "By the year 2010 there will be one video display tenninal (VDT) for every office employee," predicts Bernard Schwartz, dlrector of communications for the International Information/ Word Pl'OCe9ling Alilociation, a profe.sional UllOCiation in the field. There are more than a million word-proc.."eMing s)"ltema already inltalled in offices acrosa the country. Connie Taylor, president of the word-processing aaaociation, tell• of a typical '°"TII" example of a woman who was selected several yeart ago from a aecretartal pool and offered a chance to learn the electronic equipment her company installed. She started honing her skills on the electronic t ypewriter and moved on to supervisor of a word- procesaing operation. Then she was gjven the added responsibiliti es of working w i th telecommunications. Now she has an executive, responsible, high-paying job. Any secretary with a logical mind who is intrigued by today's ''thinking" equipment can duplicate -and outperform -this woman's progress. Simple as word processing ia to learn, you well may be wary of it, resist the emerging technologies, worry about being replaced by machines (as in today's movies). But o n t he contrary, word processing systems will liberate the office worker by mechanizing routine office operations and helpinf. you to work more efficiently at a higher leve . By definition, word processing is the use of electronic equipment to type, edit, print and permanently store infonnation for future use. Once typed into the word-processing system, the infonnation can be revised and reprinted at any time in the future. . To start, your first step will be preparing younelf for a job aa word-proce.or trainee. Your functions will include routine tranacription and manipulation of text from various types of aource infonnation (dictation or handwriting). You also will proofread and main~ production records. You need adequate typing skills (4~ words a minute), and a good knowledge of grammar, punctuation, spelling and the English lan~e; ability to use dic\ionaries, handbooks, other reference materials; good reading comprehension: willingness to work; a desire for accuracy; curiosity about the new machines; an orientation toward teamwork. HllllCIPI Sanday, Aaguat 8, ARIES (March 21-April 19): Now you can successfully break with past for purpose of pioneering a f.roject. Emphasis on new starts, direct approach, sel -o:>nfldence and ability to get to h eart of matters. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Utilize element of surprise. Success indicated through unorthodox procedures. Answers come via intuitive flash. You gain backstage view. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You could win contest. There is rea.;on to celebrate. Wish comes true. You successfully utilize powers of persuasion. Accent on 80dal activity, travel, opportunity and da%zllng display of intellectual curiosity. CANCER (June 21-July 22): What had been moribund will now be activated. Career gets boost. Aquarlan becomes ally and you are capable of breaking down restrictive barriers. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Puzzle pieces fall into place. Good lunar aspect coincides with education. travel, communication and ability to create new marketa for your products. VIRGO (Aua. 23-Sept. 22): Invest in your own talents. Take greater control of your own destiny. Individual who makes offer may not have authority to carry through On financial promlae. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Defer to wishes of partner, mate. Do more llateninl than asaert.lng. Review contracta,· check IOW'Cft, define tenns and at.rive to obtain story behind story. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21); Aa:ent production, added re1ponsibUlty and plans for improved lef'Vlcel, Older lndlvidual lends support. Focua abo on employment, diet, nutrition and resolutions conceminl health. ·8AGITl'AIUUS (Nov. 22rDec. 21): Penonal rna1netl1m 1oar1; people are drawn to you, fudnated by your vtews and w1llinf to Klve you benefit of any doubt. Strive for univenal appeal. Aatulese to req\M!lt for tamlly reunion. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-J~ 19): lnltlate 1tep1 which *id to IJ'Htef leC\lrlty. ~P retolutiona concemln1 Mfety and a "better dlet." Lunar em...-on conclUllon of tranlactkJn, lhelw Mad blllilc .prosMll'ty value. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-hb. 18): Check map. Sc:imeoGe may be ~ to Med 10U en Yfild aooee ctiw. Be aware, as.t and Mk qdlltfoDI Shari trip nay be put of ICIMl'lo . ...... (N. lt-Mudl 20~ c.a &\am lnto ~ ~-· Influence, ~ • ....-...,._. .... With one wt.Oalded ~ .. ~.~~-'~Be awant of ao:o::'.~roceclu.r•, ~~ ...... media -.; t ' . ":i"' ;~e;:rao ...... Mn#... • ~ .. ,... .,.. ..._ • ... ~ ,,,. ............. l•Mlllftt .. ,u,, K* ... -...... ~ MfM I tl1 .. tl: =-....... ·ttl •I,:; .._ ',., .. , ·1~0~--~---- 1...._ • MUIT 111.L Li,J.· •• •• IC•••I Cl·rN Oen-tole ==-~1':*· ,...i n ••••l....IMt·tor all, Trve to .... 1811 ..,_. ;o;;o ifi. 1 iid9d-. eor-... W •'""'"*" ::,..,. Oftty,: me °'4f, •1-nta M ~ _..,... IMfti IH 111-o'B le wll 1t1at.-1i.i...:::; Oltltal tlocitci lllle nu: Muet ':r11tc.~ iH"oi. Gyi""Htloe aldeflOfN, .... ...,.. '='b ! I u. tl? .. tN Dlnlnt roolft talll• w/4 AAllM Tic*4'l. ~ Air-otm ~ ttN ...,.,7 · .,...., removebl• oell ,.,,.. ;etlO .... llt..-1; Ito. .. &f;;; t'4 ~ _._, :.-:..=-... ::-~ ': ll11H , Aut tO, LA to ~'=~etlllM I HO CU ITO M LUM I I,_ lleo VIOLIN1 hroue· "*' tltO ll1-Zftl. c"._ ,..._1.....,11M ladtm ""*-,,... ••nd• •• H • ttH, CtecSenu. ~ttque Whit• lend tow * J...,y trs.«>Jt C.-144-1007 MTflllYM.: M~I Lhottlt. ·'"~· Hft,.m,: 17~.u·r··· ... ,....a ~."'·"· tuo, ""'ULUI• :::~1t!ro~:-.r.t ::~·,:~~"o~~~ ::: ·w..~~ OALM. AKO, lftetl i ..... ,,.., e.4-t~ • Ml-1'41 & ~. Dreaat. 1 180. ":! :~ ':;.:~·=~ a bee~.J:"uet ot &YllUI f9 • OOLD l'!HH MEL •a-•h ~ "'•'•· 1.V1 • .__~.._"°'"o" .. '· Sdraw•r•,con-7&t46n eolld wood. 101, IOhellumbelloOne.flW· ....,...1" OllMihtalllltl eo11t._.l3IO a..-.... M4-M10 rel eofa & l••HHt, ~11, .... loflcl_:~~· M hdroom "'· Obie bed r to.ao?4 lect tor •!! oc~~lone. 0 L.J-t ,. ~ 144-10tYf •• mmsm..... • IHAR,. looct .. ..-• .,,,., , .. , • · -· -wl ....._,, 1100 ... t• tt'te '** out Of LAWN 10 1.-. brend .... ";l";XT.tt •••••••••• .. •in Mei.e , btao* 1 dartl •••• ••O·••••. a. ......... ClefM .... 4 1-.0la ~ wlorw CAI• roaM. .,, ..... ,.. new. never UIH. 2HP 3-M ORY PHOTO CO"'· "'-~" "9ftood -.xi cMokl • f9wn. a moa. 141-tMt ,.....,... _,....,. ~ oot;f(:. :~, '::ir ':r;r. \"aol. t.attle 10•· eou.11 ~ wl f..~.:.O\ n t , I 1 2 I . '4t ~>'4oao •• ~.!~ ... 11.'!f A·IO' ~"· •••o ,:J. Cute, IOVlbt•. •llaaay lofe & LO'll .... ileo. =--~:;e?; NI (• 1nt1 ... "' Me-ton. or 111·Htt = l ~-1704 Landeceplng? 24" bO• 0111 '•13-J3t; llAUTll'UL 21" .-oA wood "9· Cell JIM dOg Meda IOVtna home. Comw ........ I ltue= tweed elleg Nwpt lotl t'9M, muet NII 8(1.~ ---. •• lfUI ,._ .. ..-~ ~ COIOty 11 ... JV .. ~=wmt-o r Kan an y t Im e , Mf.1171 Lamp f1H. ttlotvr11, ~ NIW IOf'A. fMttl-Wltfl ... .. Am dMder fX8 M1t _,.,.. ff wt'llNle t A 1 -· .,_ .,.,,... ,,_, • • r•- 111-1 ... t. • .... ......_ L1mr.•· t7t•OHJ Ot tOMa. Muet .. JI. Wiii aft t :ao ,.:!. t= .. ~~~-~ ported, otr white, HO t11PM 232S1 ~ '1eo: 14&. Clll14~~n TV John'1 ...._tr . Ae11toact ttea. DOOd .-0-I -~I. tM-'41'. W NOQ. ,... dlt. ter ISlfl'I 01!10. tt4-lt47 M)'tlme Laauna Hlff1. '°' appt. A m 1 t e u r R a d I o tlon 1•.11 I 1S.90 out AKC JI. I f: Ire oeo. 8peclel order Lu11Mr .... lff.lr:U hautt"'4 dWnCI room Nt ' ceK 8'4-7008 TRf..O mdl 3 49K, 2 dlec 1!qulpme nt-Sw1n HO .... ewitl. iaM·LlfuM ~~~.· t·Hti•. or Oln l~rllJ. IHO. Cuetom love wt,,_,.. good oondltlon, UOO'. PagMfll Of Ille Maetere u.t1 mt1 Jukebox Wurtttzer good drlVH, printer, much tr1n1celver with 117c Canyon Rd. L11un1, Cell84 ~HY atyle upllot. 144-1~ ~=-~;7o!;~tH. Foremellp!Ollup.S300, cond 91000 116,:jl4 1, 1oftw1rf' uooo. powweuoof'llepaMel. 4toM1''4 ...... Frenct\ PrCWIMlal l.Mftl "°°'1111• new. r11-120e WATl!RaED queen IL... . Pouurn PoUCh tor Ina n2.0.11 . -. e7a-su& A190 DtO. inlcrophe)N, Pillo l!noloeu~. 1"1411e-Nt-oeM/7to-lt11 ROOM ,urnlture. lot• Ouatom TV cabinet, ..,. l'llO•t new. Nie• h••d-flee ,~ ..... WMflet l bed. roll ,.., llCf.J'.,atitl 3-M DRY PHOTO co-~.,. tube• •II 1226. ted wood 1r•ln ••II GOLDIN MT ....,_.AKO 1125, c1111r IH. end mounted. Adluetable bo1rd. U2&10BO. dry« l15-84ta 171. Roee Ourw • 5 PIER. 149/tm ofr. 14t e.u.t211& paneling. Alum. roof.1..1 cllemp 11,,. ·•Int t'tlpe table S48, 'CoffW tMlfe ..... '400, flt-1208 111•&3S3. llPd ltOO. 54f.7"4 ....,...,., Cll 873-7311 Dbl. ltereo Cabinet & rr new. 1b12' Hou. Uc;:· 'pp, en-tut: 1n. Wiii H ll •nllr• °"""' "" .... otwome & 2 !Wrio.t•tort. deell, kit-W9ddlng drHI, u 6-7, Bat' 2 ltOOll l1SO/otr. ,,,.,. "'' ~. Ilk• new. Defk Cell '4CMllt1' . g r1?7uop t Or t I IO ' .... U1b1e wit import• ollen table, lquaflum, OOOd cond, Off wtllte 'WI SllOee II 1·1'A llltn ,,at• •••••••••••••••••••••• hi. 1#1 ttelned Ol k. 1 700 · Tool•. lton ... eo newt m, 83 11. ed ltelen _..a Clt'9 bbq. 1 42•9702 or race cape . 180 . row te-812. LedlH WANTED 2 redwood ...................... 75 ... 120t llled. Drtll 14, ~ & w· ·-•• _, ITALIAN GAMI T=: bHll ot'telre. 1 1700. f30.U02 882-2029 blOUHI H to. H·H. chelr• with p•d•. T= ;.o::it:;lc•g• ,,..9.,.,IC,......,,T_u_rn_t".""b".""l,~H~l-t•-c~ll-1 °""3 I 10·141. Orlll ltanda AKO. '· I )WI. 1160 ~. ai., • 7al-1IOI .... 'I -... _......... ---l.ldlee :S-4 pc ault• 11 wtougllt 1'1non • ..!ru...'!!~ 142.atoe way 1pllre, P•nHonlc tu-•21. lawe/Clr ?", 090. 111 ..... ' era. lacll1emmon ._.t --tu . ..__... _,,... 10. lt54IO. Q,.., M-:=:.=" .... ,t ....,,... rec, •Int 175 firm . I " Ste-SO. Ofleln a... cerd pleylng evrlHe. King llH Canopy b9d. lfAUT.,UL. cuetom 176 146-&tOt tllroom rug ,i,1tow111 Darllne pupplel, Cock•· "3--3tt0 8", 10" l tl·IH. Call Beeu1. WOOd lnlald "°" lolld Olk w/mlrror. made 9adroom HI. TV TABLE for 17" TV. ltO. ,_,,,, m1t1rl1l1 poo ml•, 125. Allo nice.,....------,,...,.--- MM314. ,,_., f• lflf men ec.ne. Xl.llf oond. 11800, 7•1208 Deak, Dr111er. corner Wood Xlnt OOf\d. lt5 11-11. 511244tr ... al khtent. Ut-11-428 "-<tlo, Motorola, Ce beet ---------••••••••••••••••••••• .. b d 11•-.. ' •-----11 •-• t11tlon wlcer antenna llf--· I 14 mo old OOfden R.. 1500. 710-a?t OomflDrtabta ,_ touch group, • • '· qu ,.., 848-HOI Jftllu-• -... · _.. • • I ' d d nt ~ t~ COVlfl & plllo••· Like ...... ..O••••••••••••••••••••• llon f a.-. •• "" 40 di. 1100. 14a.e3&.4. ~, --:.~.•.: .. 1n_•r!...' goo TWtn bffroofft •· "'4t• t-..:.... ........ -r-· newt ... to epprecl1te. 1•" Wll'llf .... 111 · Poly Tone Ampllfter Mini ••••••••••":~ •••••• -,..,.,,. ..., ~"' 11 ...... ~ mtmSr --"" .,....,. RACQUET and SPOA'TS •-~. JCI t c-.. '12..,. Wutlltnf a.c ~. xlnt 2 Refel•ICI 310l, 3'-we'/ ••• •••••••••• • • New 12250/1111 for >Ont cond. Mtr6tol 1 b , 1 I y II -u• • " "'"'· -· d S"'2• llnear pll••• •-•ll•re FullBlaclClwtlltedrtcrmpieytulLabmlx,blackF, nlteetend. 8S7f .,\H'nftute:comf)leta ~· 11595.64,.9223. c u . oun1n ••Y· 4.....,.1 con ...... 1nold1car-.. -· ... ..., f\'om anleroef to 2S lb .. free to good 5U.a17t. MM., .. new 'new, NW TV TRAYI, SlT OF 4. l t2SO. ~208 ryl"G cete. 414-4H,1 Mull Hll. 1200/pr. t ltH I I home (2 3) 55M2t4 1100 I MCt't piece Pvt Good cond S5 Out111ndlng D! WINNE lbane.,;r llo1•7~·~-~leacntr~o Buut!f\11 Oe1t uptlQ"t Pla-1.,.-8-7&-..,-T_TH ____ ~.,,.. ~"° comp 1 • ,.._ .. ~ ... 1 '°' ,,. ....... ......, M:C:::,~:t,:.~~t petty. 145-t320 · !'!1!! ••••.•••••• l!!f 14.se01 oll painting, 30•38", p::; ;...,.7841..,,.. v , no, n-flnl1h ' kay1. Moving, f'l'Nlf Mii! MCS ..... '""' -""' VVV· cond 65t-1363 8 BY • 8 Id A & COORS a BUD •lac 14500112000 .... lhll'I • $1500. 649-7272. .. ...... 1.,, otd • .,,_,fm, TllMcope w/blQ 13" mlr-You haul. . pm, A rurn. Hlnette, 5 yr. o mire. APPY aalletv). 1711-71178 THvey etudlo prol. 80 turntbl, ltOO. 720-1814 ror. Dob1onfan. 81c. 54M743 1wtna, cw bed. walker. Areb. Wiii trained, oen· llQnl. for den, l1SO. :.;;;...;;.,..L watt amplttler. 1100 or Spinet piano, xlnt oond 1--------- I 4 a 0 Io Ir . Doug 9• ltallen PrCMnc1a1 WOOd ln-1120 tie. Nice wettern plee-71........_7007 CAAPET, l()x12 lheg. All bHI. Cell afl e, Don sroo. ~n .. ,. I ,,,,,,,, &a&-2111-4 s~:~e= tnmrnect eour,.0e IOOM orean vtnyt vtbratlng NC> :ur~ .~: '$'; O-:'o~ ..... lllP pr part 1100. Me-714t 541-2411 ._,, 1 C.ll lfll 8 wk• otct. 11M cu1hlon1 Ololr · tining Chllr. tllnt oond. r51-a518 MAGIC ISLAND. Gold 844-7TOt Plano, Kimball oontolet· MOVING -MU918eltl ••"':'..f!!I!.••••••••• •••••••• .. •••••••••••• 548-84114 l•tllun s:sa. Ml-8141 Shlrtey. · M41111berllllp 1850/otfer F•mlty room cerpet pllld t• pecan xlnt cond Wurlitzer aptnet pl1no, ...... , lfll Perllan Kitten, whtt• ,... Klttene, IMaolC & Orano-. l::JO.<t. Queen •Ire water bed llllLI 597-2058 12'1124', Ilk• new, 160. s12oo 64~54 xlnt, 1825. 120-1894 ••••••••• .. ••••••••••• ='. "'°'9, reg.54e-9M5 :lno. "'"=-= l neu-MOVING . MUii 81111 with ffeme $190. Atmo.t (SIMCO WESTERN). Golf ~lubt, Wiiton. 3 844·8952. Y1m1h~ 1cou1tl;Jull1r BUSH & LANE Upright Sabot~ ...:::.:..:.;_ __ _:_.:.:....:.:.:.:.1·--:F:R:f.,:-:-:l(r::~== .. 8--White wall unite , new. Jl().t070 Hardly uMd, model No. w ....... 1. 11 Iron•. carrier VAR Ha•-Forum wt~~ ~ u xlnt piano, hand carved, er• ...... Hlm1l1tan Kltten1, ... 1. "" "'""" 18"X3t" wide, 118. 4128. 1450. 840-9188 Sm 845-3998 -· -· -·-·---~ ........... 1 ......... to 7""'1"""'.. • .............. .___.... . September 10. 125 cond s'225 873-1r71 $2200. MO-Hal. blue Ille CrMm poln1 "rn' ...... .., '"....., "'"" _.. _.,... IWWW u f I r 548-8540 . . Rowing Shell. 17W LI- • CFA: lflote. 131-1807 · good homea. 531-tUS e.ttltone plaid 1176, 2 ·-= 0~ yl:ir Back Swing. new. reg BALDWIN Fun m1clllne, Intl•• llffil•nllfZ 1 • r . X I n t o on d . ,.,, l .................. ""r•br--"", MOVING· Muet telll round braided rug1, led! ng ~ 5"5-"rN · $349, only $279. Ft11 Perego Twin 1trol111-. New with 18 rhythm, 10 In-•••••<l'I••••••••••••••• 1950/obo. 83MIM ..,, .. _ .......... ... ...... Whit• llerCU!Ofl eofetied. ...____, .... -d •••• 1 HOO. ., dllv. st ..... 840-2088 cond SIC $200 FMl.._.,,hl SI,.,,.., WI 87 r 8 a... F. apey9d, 4 yra. Mo· 1150 720-1814 """"'" ..,., •• ...., ---a.-u ~--· · · 1trument $750 OBO ·~--"" ···-· d'I' 5-0M tan . ~~AM.EA~·coCKEA vlftOI 131·21S4 MO;.,,NG . MUil Selll r:i~ .~~ll 0: !~~.~ .... ! 831 .... 274 142-3379 ~:;,~·~·nUi5~81 t ... ,. ,,.,,.. SPANIEL. e wkl .. wltll OuMn 11 bdrm ut, 5 ored TV ISO. M0-9188 Pr1nC1N Houae 48-~ SCRAM·LETS CRAFTSMA~:eEL MO-ALTEC·LANSING 1205 I tlla fMI llH W.:.1--i "" lhot" bUtf, ~ 11ao. llWI a.n.. M .• ~. pc , s 3 1o 1o1 o . K=n •IH meureu 1 :\~~~;~" price, ANSWERS 'Z,5 powered P.A: 1pkr1 .• r.~ ... f•••••••••••••• ··"':-~..-•••••••••• 1-35t-r317. 2'A yrl, lov•• llld1. 720-1894 ..... lflM ... 185. 5-411-2~9 Built-In 100 watt lfl'lpll-Ptk T&lll 2HP Jollnton Outbo11d ~7091 ...-... ,1_ ll"I flers with erouovers. motOf Ideal fOf Oklgy Of Au1trlllan 81\eoMrd r.. SOFA, Dfll brown naug. ..._ 141 J.w~. 6' Tawdry -Dll'ldy LARGE LAWN VACUUM Xlnt oond., loud, cl11n Regulation l lH . tolld Mllbolt. $275. 875-3732 gl1t. pup1, blk-trl. fl· ,,.. to good home, dar· NEW. 1225, .. & •••••• ••••••••••••••• Henna • Bltllop 5250 tound Ideal fOf ludlto-oak mint cond 1r25 1---------m1IH. 839-7214 aft ll"G. playful, Tabby Kit· 780«)74 K=n ... attreu box Beeut. 2 carat Diamond. ANY REST 6411-2499 rlume and/or large Tr~d Miii $t25. MUCH: ~lnrude 9.9 lflor1 thafl 8pm tan 4-5 mo ~7 JCfnt cond. '125· And ldMI cut, VSl, ... My brother-In -law group•. Outlllndlng MUCH MORE. xlnt cond. ~ uaed at ' . Hldea.bed, dt>I. good OM-19 k'g M500 (appr1'd 112, drHdt the thought ol DARKROOM SET-UP, buy. 1700 for the pair Of 833·3389 B I g Be Ir . S 8 0 0 . ... •••1111 .... r.n.Jtut "" dltlon, llvely pr1nt 170. vlnteoe round D.R. table, 000) Prv Pty. 492-0889 une mployment. If h• complete & brand new, wlN trade fOf other mual-US DI c 848-8714 Sign Ut:> nowt For Info: •••••••••••••••••••••• 983-5125 unique, *300. Antq pine TERMS wun't able to go to the never been u••d. In-0 1 1 • q u 1p m en 1 . , vert u1tom wo-1--------- Cell: Mr-71188 FV Vlctorlen ~ Sedroom 1920'• gm Ylctor1M iov. cupb o erd , It 100. 1.alet -.ua office every day, he c ludu Dural B&W 541•1845 man 1 diving eult, hood, .. ,. ,..,, 1fH Set. '400. t & chf .._ 4......., 551 2389 • "--would never o•t ANY 35mm enlarger plut boo11. xlnt cond. 1115. •••••'•••••••••••••••• Frff to • lovlng llom•. 636-1613 ... . -· '"''' • 1700 840-INI REST. =hl~you need, In. V/IOLIN, lull·l lH Roth. e.2-e294 GRAND BANKS 38. '80 Au•trallan Sheep doO, cllre on c .. 1ter1, brn, U d E 1 230 rem., ipayed, 1 yr old, 2 eouon.. 195 M. Cof· wr. Iron wooden table Sofabad, queen au.. Wiry ,.,... ct Diamond Solttalre. e ud "9 mlcale. 1.450. H one year. xee -Dyn11t1r 1kll1 with Sal. ""· A• new. loa- trlendly, ll'MI wfth kkl•. tee tbl '20. HOO. HldHbld ltOO. coml0t11ble, xlnt oood, eppr. 19200. talc• 14500 Find what you want In 4 9 e -tee 9 , • v • 1 : lent tor •tudent. MAKE 628. $t25 obo d • d . I 1 3 O , o o o. 832-0237, M0-4423 ..... &472 All JClnt cond. M1·7111 t1ea. 497-2"3 or bit ofr. PP 831-9278 Dally PllOI CIUllfleds. 492-7873. d1y• OFFER. 648-8549 979-2523 873-7118 Here's ttow You Can Use Our Fanf»us Dimes-A-Line Our famous DIMES-A-LINE DIMES-A-LINE ADS MUST BE • Bring them or mall tt'tem with correct cuh to 01Hy Piiot, 330 W. Bey St .. Coate Me11. PLACED BY 3 p.m. ON FRIDAY. CA. 92821 • E1cll ttem mutt be priced with no Item over S50. 20c per line -$1 .00 minimum. FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS, 642-5678, ext. 319. • No t1 v11tock. produce or pl1nt• • No commerclal 1d1 allowed 24x79 Inch U . 13. TWO orlental p1lntlng1 ACCORDIAN 140.H . I OY'S 8ctlwllw1VWllty10 OIOITAL clock $2. Hair COMPLETE twin bad S25j UHIOOE 241nll20 trlplque 3 EXPENSIVE boatdt to ANTIQUE electric wattle NORELCO 12 cup con. PtMter bolrd X.8x'A sa. t rom Cllln•. Temple Electrtc lewn trlm1t1er apeecl ISO. Man'• Cant· dryer '2. CUI won petlo Secretary dHk $20. with Intricately worked dleplay en or adVeftlalng won 17. Squ.,. Shooter mailer '20. Toestll'\89ter PtlMlng 4•8 mllhogeny, dancere done In gotct on $15. WeadHter 130. urton 10 •PHd ~25. tlble NM 15. Pleturee Small gH heater 115. metal frame $25. Ra-StO Md\ 9ftx541nx31n. 4 2 Polarold camera $5. &oiler OVW1 '20. 2 Bur· wood grain 110 for a. black cloth 840 11c:11. Carvlne Mt 15. Pr•to Lawn edOer 94. t2 Inch S245. 9ufllt bed ladder V.ln 30x40 wall mirror mlngton Rand 141l21 I u m b • r P I • n k • Colorburst 50 Polerold ner electric hot plate 2424 Holldey Road, Welleandt 558-""· Chicken fry9r $19.10. ten 18. sc-or "** M. 12. Brown twin tire $15. Two end tablH ~ 2 tllelf •tMI II· 21n•9fnx8tt $2eecll. CUt cam1r1. uHd 2 tlm11 $10. Wwdfobe tr.-....ng N9wpoft 142·t&25 0.tlC' Jule« 116 Hand 8U •tt 1prHd1 S2. Antique COflH table. French brary C.r11, sturdy en· Iron laundry llnk $5. 3 $20. UMd Iron $2. Brand big $5. Hl·FI t51n Co · · OOOD Ur .. 116-75x13. food grinder ts' War· Oone ~th the Wind lamp provenclal 150. Old ough for Micro or TV Hand lawnmower• $5 ,_ gultw. ueed 3 1m.. Axial tpe8ker In~ FOUR 1-oe lt..O ~ 146x13,....._110 Mdl mt t ey 13.SO 'eoot11 AIP-.-A~ (broken con· beee 135 DMder doors World War II wind up S12-t18. Unique old 111 e9Ct't. Hand 119dger 12. paid '80, wlll Mii IOf $50. $25. Small component kere HO H ell. llecll H78"14. 070•14, S10 50c~$2r eooei oi Know· Crete) 4 ,.., by 4 feet 17 M.pie ct'tllre, need phono 150. 2·171n modll wood baby buggy frame, T1ble lamp $4. Hangi"G Stereo, no 1p11ker1 1 ceblnet 115. Old German =lhyde Chllr 125. ead\. One of Mm. "9-ledge .Ht 15. Sewing pada,. P':: terr:fJ"J: recovering $20. 9332 "B" wt'tM11 125. Toyoto whMll, even top bow• I 1 mp $ 4 . Po It yHr old, llH record turntable SI. Aluminum end ctwome ~ buftt Dodge Altemeter. llem1 t2.50. Pet11rna ::'.,;:.; WlfS Molotlal DrWe, Hunting-P. V. rHr glau S 10. ~· $50. Safe e«ry 41nx5ln• 12ft S3. Air con-player, e trlM:k, AM/FM crutchea. lo rnllege, SI. =ISO. Ctlld ~ n • • • r u I• d I 2 6 . 50c. 3 burner Co1em111 ton 8Mc:tl. 9:00Jl20 truck tire 150. pecic~ of fire 1t1rtlng dltloner (Siient Night) radio $25. Handmade Old night 11and, anUqul tao. Queen 131-3701 ttove SS. C<*1nen oven BODY building equip-SPA 4n flberglu no ao-250ft neoprene 123 ex· gel fOf BBQ Of c:.mpflra t500 BTU gOOd condltl-Afo-n1 $t5. Artist ..... white $20. Two bar I • ~ ~~1 STAINLESS ttMI lnaul• 13. Air mettreuH inent: Nft Dureflu, rn-ceeior1e1 $50. s4e-2565 tentlon $50. Utlllty cabf.-!Oc. Huge Hlectlon on 150. Storege booth 17. Delk Of IYPl"G cllllf 110011 wttll bacll $25 "· 11 .,;re ,_.. ted picnic drink Mtver 12.50. Children'• teble neea bench. 8 toot,_ n11 $20. New Gabrlal flrepltc• endlron1 ind 871nx581nx281n $25. uted t wo month•, each. Old 1m1ll win• boerdt20. Four Pint::! uvw 10 gallon 135 Stud end chllr Nt $10. Doll prof1ulonal bubell. JVC ,..,.. radio, 8 treck, thock• 9dJ "E: $10 Meh. todl Htl $7-125. Fun 99lnx411nx461n $50. Alu-•wlv•I•, recllnH. ad-p,... ISO. 844-1033 c:..,a 11·1~ro:'lll l3 dffY9r t20 BoJtel Ot fine crib 16. Hair~ 15. bott't ISO. 142--0955 record player 150. e.. UHd lumber 2x 10 S8 AdVIC'tlll"G clock•: 331n. min um frame, gl111 jutteble $30. Two black STEEL lpe rencllH !~0~· .....!....._ otct~plateonlOlld lnltetllltlc 414 camer1 TINTED reer truck win-ttwoomrnatbla\fpellf* MehWrougfltlronpatlo llsllt•d Hlfood S25. IWl"GlnGdooowltllllftt'te n1ug1hyd1 ermleu tel Stfeect1w24tn.S23 ......... . -uo" and Pl'Wt S15 8tifM projeetor 125 $50 Matelltng C4blnet• table S15. G33 E. 11th 3 In. Peter Mu $38. pertt to ln1t1ll 150. chalr1 $3 Heh. Four .. ~h. 381n. s35 Hell. fleeter S5 · Two tebl• O:r:'":. 1 bowr. Da;kroom equipment: dow, fltl •73-·eo Ford and.wall lllelf $50. Tem-Street, Coate Mau. Coca Cola 115. 181n. Mahogany veneer pertt-Beglnnere tong book• 12•3 extent lon cord• l1mp1 126 eeot't. Table :nc, uma's1~5 8 lnCh 35mm mm loader $2. 135. l3r-202e pered gl111 111ower 1142-3379 round telecron $9. 50 11-c I• b o •rd• ( 3 ) for guitar. 110. 16912 117 $1' 17 200 Amp 'a;nc>11~6,:,.~= ~ pollell9d brHI 'anchor Enl•rr;-O·M•t•r S2. WASHER '60. Dryer $50. doors 160 .. HorN blanket SURF fl•hlng pole 117. ghtt 1nd r1m1>1 from 2 3 1 n x 7 21 n x ¥•. ( 4 > Standish Lane, Hunting-250· volt double pole fu.. g IP g door knocker 17 Hend· Ct'tang b?c 14. Print OllhWMll« $50. Powei: $20. Glrl 1 rldlni hat Pier pole or rHI 18 evety lfa for floo<. table 19¥·1nx85'hx¥.ln. (4) ton BMctl. 893·8053 Hble dleconnect 125 ::8"a3~:•~r1~~Y Yo~~ri made Cr1tt1min 101n dryer 3 . 0. Trey1 edger ISO. Elac1rlc mo-(tmall) 1125. New 1 'snc:tto Oce1n reel or heavy d1ndouoelblellng1113ud-1S50n1' eflrolllor 21e3~.·1'nnxx1~L'A1n'xn.!1'An.'na'11 (°'8) TWO French provlnclal •,•ch. 1 v.1nx t21 and • · u copper bowl se. HMvy 1144.50. Contact pttnter wer MO. f leclrlc edger llgllt a loy wllHlt 5 P 0 1 • s t 8 . L 0 n g T• .. ~ n t bed 135 11 1 ~• 10ln plumbing nip. Aw. Colla Mae&. Chin••• -•r braH 17.50. 180 E. 2111 St,_, 110. 22' FlowlC' StrMI, Mdl. N-19S-7~R 14 handle boet net 112. tamp $30. All bra• • ...,.,.. $25. Two wood louver canopy 1 •tc · n! ___.. ~ ... _ .. _, ,..._. • ,.__. ................ ,,...,..7 ,.__. • .___ radl1l1 $50 ••ell 3201 •h•d• table lamp $15. lhutter• 3'"'41nx34tn $5, Box aprlng mattr ... S30. plet •1 -·· .... ....,,,.. OLD c1mer11 14·$8. emboued $5· 15. 10 ..,...... -_..,.. · ...... a -· Tackle box 1tem1 GrlQeful 5 1111 421n. mo-13) 38111n.x13wn $&, 19) AM/FM radio $5. Four num fl•• 11 20cf1. 11n Electric com popper '3. Inell •nllque Cllln•11 VERA twtn 1pr .. d• (4). RATTAN lounge chair, ::,0::"',8: !:: ~er.= 25e-$3. Biii trout POie dern chrome table lamp, t21nx201n S5. V1nltl1n piece comer group 150. •tMI "° 11 30c fl Hanel Craig o1lcul1tor $4. bfUI candle 1tlc:tt St2. Two Deity end 2 r:ern upf!Olltentd lwlvel bot· 120 MICl'I 642-0t38 U . Pola hOlder $2. 81ar· moon globH $21. Un· bllndt different llZes $2 Wicker h .. dboatd $10. opwated winch $7. ROl)e Apollo 200 TV game, Old E"Jlllh allver wine LHf pattern $15 nc:h. tom 1111. 14&-580r · ra pole Of rMI $14. HI-lque l9fn tlble lamp with Mell. Ice lkatl"G lhoee French provincial bunk ¥·In et 10c ft. Circuit new t 12. 4 er ... CIMlng Hrve 5. Old money Solid batt't lowell (I) sa MOMELITE chain uw bachl $4. Fly rod $15. oval hind hammered 15. 2214 Elden Ave.. bedt, white $50 Hell. brMkera St.25 MCll. 3 fldure1 $15. Fireplace dMinger 14. t.Jnlque o4d ..:11 4 l\end towm St AQUARIUM 10 g~lon, (181n.) with caH 150. Tllermo1 Jug S2. Penn copper b•M $20. Solld Coate Meta. 548-5143 Doll and stuffed anlmll• M.P. g11 mol~r $24. equipment 13·18. Can· Revere 10110 copper Mdl. a feca duthe 50c :r.'ted t()C). Pump ,_, 1e1n. chain• 12 Heh. 85, 140,5000 tpoolt 15. copper hanging llurrl-20c-S2. Sky boet1. dltfe-Ollvanlad pipe ~ 30c ...., .., sa. Olrtl,..., coolelng pan St2. Hand HCh. Two Ht• king • I IOOHIOrlH $20. Electrtcfryl*\$1.50.aM AC/DC radio 18. B8Q can• lamp $7. 20 Inell ANTIQUE CHt Iron HW rent 81z• M pair. TOfO n ¥-in 40c fl Pipe ban-•k•I•• 14. Mini grMn t'tammered COppef v ... thHtl H Hcfl. King Me-6807 Coffee 15. Preuure motor ta. Petlo wood 1 11 d ,15 machlnebale,neettable rotary mower $15. Two derll3end'4.Electr1c:al llouM 15. G)( cer ... t ~~copper~ m1ttrH1 pad $5. Twin TRANSMISSION cooler cooleer $5. Upt'tolltertd love IMt S~. Newt-ttaln g 111 ' 1 • · b ... $38. Schwinn 10 llectrle ~ $5 Mell. twitch•• 50c ea ell. 15. tee Cream mall# 15 ........ -· Muak* --pada (2) 13 eecti. 2.,... sas. 2 2-5 5 tug etwvy IWlwl rocleer 110. Cep-temant In 23 Ill fl, new ~= "=:-'t!: •P9ff M5. 8 bin Cro-Two bNn chelre $5 Plu11C 11g111 bulb protee- 81fd ~ $5. 8ldt Peoe decanter 17 · Antique low Meotrlc twin""'*"' -~ 125. s .. 25lnx191n telftl Chair $10. 30ln. ~ record• $23. 548-9832 m 1~ 11 · ~. 130 Cut ~t el $8. 50'1 Coca MCll. eee.-to o tore ~Oc HCll. Ser aw ft~ 2:::. ~i ~n~·~~ $20 w:tl. 844-1033 = t;::..; ~·~ ~:~~ta"t~~:c!d!; STEREO 125. Ple11Ke1 S8 ~~tft va~lty lwnP. 112. l~ ~u~~ NAVY blue tofl bff fOf ~~~~·r~r>is.:~a= 5C)o.t3. Ailocwda 25c>-t1. Meny 1ntlque wooct.n YELLOW CS.-10h f40, U0 1ttn Kl O Lewn wttll ..,,_ $15 9 boolC.I llcfl. Trl)'I $1.50. Cu-Ten dining tnd lamp italnleu ateel llOH van. never uHd 150. brMker bollet $3, $5, Puttlee 2k-t1. = tna'IU. c:tl8lltl and tioac. Yellow bOOICC ... uo. ~.:.-.. $10 ::!... ' blue ~ ttampe $2 50 lfllon• St. toeo Concord llbl•• S20·S50. Maple ctempe tire 'Ii Inch lo 8 145-0758 $7 u Wood IU(let' dr1ll 2•-... .. ___ _. 12 • ..,. • ··-........__..__ s~~t ..._.. • ..,. ,._,__ --· l'Wtflgela °' · StrMI Coate Mela Bet-drop IHf S50. Maple 2~ ---.. 10c..., ..._ ' .:. $1 Sl t ,.~ ~ ,........., • ...., ........... --·-· ,......, -...... ......,..... dolley S:SIS ·at Cllavy MCh Sabre ecrOll uw • · 111 .... _,. 11• Authen-lnel'I .,.._.,, v1 .... NEW louvered door•. blll -· • . VV'f•'" bing 50c42. Table c:lo-of antique end vintage nlal table SH. Brown !ell llOod f de 15 7' gallon gtaaa bottle WHn Fairvi ew ind r.:'iob.'t'; tr:p coffM 100. Ntw~neMddle 3-201nx991n, 2h80, bl· preHed e lr llne water t llH 500. Cl othl;J rarm end llltchen toote Io '::J: o t't 11 r S 3 5. ~ "5 Md!• .;~ c!: 12: 8tt 1tep laddlf SI. Brls1ol. tabl• 135 Antique oak IMtller •mall carry eMM fold blrcll 98d0 S20 fll1• St. WIN rope lllngt 25c:-l20. Toys 10e-· ~=-2eo.t.!!!t :r Ito"'°"' ~~I':°" maro r .. r end UO. Old L.P. r1cor01 25c PAIR tpeaker bout I ldlSL d~uble church with 521n. edr.lt lhoul-Nell. 844-1033 15. 17. It. Wr't rope I»-~..'::"' ~103:. brW t• k.:r't.Me, g~!!n lem;•;16. c:~ Cdrllu•!Y1 i 11°.k uOpwebrrloaikde =·~w.!terpot~ ..:· H221nW 131~D81n. SI~ s:. . L111ge Mlac11on :!:i:~•f. !m.,D.:'t= MEN'S bicycle 10 •peed :l'i~1~·s':':.~ Sa turday ancf Sund1y Tw1ty bllql'9 flgwtnee 558-«>et S..urdey encl '" • "· • • Plant ~. ae-254) Inell Woofw, .. In. iw.ter of lnter•tl"G and unique H . 8rau Coleman llte lt5. Croquet Ht 14, 12:a5';4ft CliMttc: barrel 9-4. 2H ROH lane, 1345. Oermalrl l9dWood Sunday ell de~. After '9f'tnoe IS& • .:., ~ MCt1 209 Del Mer Ave $30. RHllatlo SA-t01 Chllre for t'torne end of-$9. Old oak hanging Crockpot tlow cooker 12.50. ~ Clllln binder ,._ •"---......, -.-.~ lt2 __ .. 111 "'·30 u-..-.z ~ up ,_ r 13S'. · ·· Solld Stat• •tereo am· lie• $4 S50 Set of 4 14 'A 1 S4 ...,.,a-. ~~of .. ~-..... · ... ...... .... r-r . 2.-1a~prOf*!eSSO. Coeta Mele. pllfler 1 20. AM/FM -. porch IWlng $18. Large . awnmower . 114. 100 lf'llP 220V me-',,._..,. .,.....,...._.,. I o M C"hew t l"'a1 ... 5 tturdy o4d hardwood fol-Nleetlon of vintage el-Garden tool•, weed out. ter 1ocllet and circuit HEW and uHd hollow ted bHCh e rH poet SEWINO meclllne 8 • ·-·, I ·v I -· BARRELS 50 g1llon tr~or radio 18. C9'-ding chelre 125. Tiit awl-ecttlo fani, much br ... tar, Plcklork. 9dger $1 brHker box $11. 200 core doore 24, 2r. 28 c.rda "°"'so· .. 16 for 11. Nine dr..., ~ '25. Aquerlum ::t1~;:11· drurn1 15. Stll wtlMI IOf culator with pawer sup-~office ch1lr1 S26-l50. S844S. tlnoll thlrty'llrt 11ch. Pott digger 13. amp 220y meter IOCkat lnctl $3. Wooden louver Oorgeou1 bronze and Drafllng tOle UO. MlfY'• 880. . Mml tNdl $80. Pipe l9n-ply 18. a Inch ei>eaicer In 4 oatc roclelt1 120-l50. deco fen $8. Antique end Animal cage, 2 1tory M. end main br.Uw with foldlneic:oore 481179, matble 21 Inch 5 cando-1182·2020 LIKE new boy'• 24 lnoh oe po1t conttructlon ••II box S7. Ovll """°' Vlntege oall and maple vlntege door H t• and Ford Fairmont 01rbur .. box 123. 125 emp circuit 24•79 M.13. Piute leebr• from tll• 1aoo•1 CHEST of wood ctr...... red AMr: tO apead 945. ttMI toc-13. From 21n to In wooden holder 15. 15 eohool da1k 112. Pair plumbing flxturH of tor I tO. 1712 WHt-break., bO• with main b"•d Xx8x'A 12. p.,. ISO. Nft lleevy cat~ 24x1'"30S20, EtectrolUx Hamiter oage, new, with &In pipe. 011 tleld boolcl on bl.lllMll lt5. OOOd ffnllh Old DOid Olk porcel1ln. brHt and mln1ter Ave .. Cotta br11k1r 145. Rubb•r ~~d 4•,~i:':~J>,:rn': lllh9d brue bird• end tri vllCIUUftt "8. Ol'llfd'• acceHOf"I'• t tl. Four .,.twee ~to 81n. br111 Elecfronlo book• H dlnlno oh1lr1 l &o. N221°'~ glH• lt-St5. Twenty'• Mela. 549-01185 tepe soc roll. Strong at1lmela ta.SS. 843 W. WOOd tM11e 810. Cfllllt'a 144n. "'9fl for Chevy 150 and 1teel from H •SI. MCl'I. New Reellttlc: AM roc:enfoot ittool~ IM2ttler8..._...,.... oaet Iron por<*aln blth TWO blkH, lidy'e Soh-lhelYM ert t .. by 2"111ft 2424 ollday Road, '5th att.at .. eoet. Me.. rodlef 117. CMd'• blle• for 11. Nelt'ly new etaln-Fib« g1aaa pipe lln10ft Digital L!.O. clodc rldlo .-....,..,, elnk wl ti br fl 1 119 each 8 ...... tMI . 142-1$21 ~ ,.....,....,, ..._ wt S7. High ctl* 112. l•H enl"''' o•a• for to 25ft length 12 Plf It. 12(). GIW vw It.~ Oov 9redtord high beCll t ut x urea wlnn and crulHr type . P•"'V ' .=::::'-:-~~r.:-"=""~r-I wHn 1t11oent11 and vanity benOt't 8 tf. TV rebblt, IOLl11Wm1&H Never deterlorete. Hunt· lamp Ir. e lnc:tl epeak• wdwooci .W. llde onalre S4S. 9k7c kennel S 16· 135. Heh. Norltlk• •n•k•• 13"-14. 8tMI Monrovia 8treete. tlbte 12. PYar ............. t1e. t7t.04t4 aft., t lng1on Blecll. 147-2203 S5 pllr. 2130 Doctore 145 All tientWOOd Sten-Meny P cture fremH, °"'na Mt 135. Polorold tank• 801nJC381nd81n ""'""'""' Cl OI .. pt D Co1t1 d"' ·A.oo.o.,... ....,_.. .... much oak 11-$10. Un• 11 Swim fins 15 e .... '20. 30lr\XSOlnlt40ln ISO. 141·0138 8 eturd•y PieOM .,o.tn. F~ --. ceM only. NEED more otoaet epaoe7 r 114i,7 • ,.'.!" .. ~~" .;; lque 11d4 ornately !>.ii gloYe 15. 831._..218 M•t•I ator•o• tlo•'• l-lpftl only. ICf'Mn u. TW4il ....... CM Md~ DOOd ... ,. port1b .. OIONI ....... • N9 ....... ,_.....,.,., r wor1ced OY9I IMlll maple 71ruc13ltuctln 40C each. 2 · t1. Toweea ~1. ~ ..,...... 110 Two trt-with doort and llgllt. SOFT chain llnk .... "'. It. Old flt eoUd Olk teat ac:hOOI detk $16. LADIES BHcll crulHr H.P. Lewn King 9dger ~N . .,_. qonier JEWELRY l&c>-15 . .,.. verury cloell UO. ~ • • ~ Ml r0tnH1t411nx251n, Orio!-bled fll'°9 10ft teetlone POfdl ewlnG l tS. a.tr:! Authentlo elllp1 hatch bike l50. Biby bike C*· ISO. A"orted platrng table tt. Lampe 11..... .....,_ candta 9'ldC holo-Cuckoo Olodl t10. ll'to-ffO. Hie'! .... .. Mt n a I 8 7 8 1 e k I I 8 . Olua ... MO. AttlC 000-Olk MW mlClllM • cover table $35. New r1er S:S. Hin Schwinn 10 "ulpmMt 12, 13. llJ. ttereo•a .... ,7. ''°· OW. '2 .-. ~ turwe 1t410 . ......., VlctOM. ~1131 · 4M-8SM ler Turbine ven1lla1on, dfewet9 StS. 7 drtwer 1r1caon yact'tta. 1olld tpeed,.., wMat 17.60. '20. ~ teln40m. , turH, picture fralftff wlotlef delll MO.,.,.._ SCfofOOl ~ f:" Clf. new I 10 8cllwlf\n WOOd111 PllMCNrtlei:.oo1' ~OOI~ teak 01 mahogeny c•-StMI aenera111 Fre<llel tire 129 w. 11tt't It., Ooet• 800-f.1. T~ Md .... ,,... ICNlfl ... u.-.. 8 --... 1Cf08 ~Mt, your• DANISH etyle atlC'eO.,.. ~ ~ x ISO . ~ -blnw9Y leddlfa. OM to 4 JRrl-15 SI. ,, .. ,.,, • .,.... rao.11o. ~ deflee antl9ue beadH .. ft4 ... ..._ 1 · • ....,. mo.t 110. lealletbell blneit, tMk ...,...., Meda Tutt whell• ttO Hell· ecooter • Unique old etepa m•ke unl"u• 'Wtlfte 115-16 tW.18. Car -------- lo·IOo. HOUHWUH 111Gao.w.·a ... tao. ~~'o:: IJIOlcbHr~1 t'toop end I01't• work 1r1n.1ong SonyT11'9NOOfdef,...j P9dfl05r-.:bevw: lfMMli11-121.eo•ot top carrier 17.80. LAMP.,_,.,.deeot•tOI 50o·ll. Tr1¥9f .. rode ~ fWll• , .. ta. _,,e., Tepe-tlMI -920. Nt 10r9W drto '20. 4~ to rMf 138. G.!. Potlabte or«* It l4S W. 15 boet gew~ Hna and MW13e ootdlalf I~ .... till MO. tt. lurf tl•hln9 H nd ftaataurent ltfftOtOe t• •pelle;. HO Wlcller .. tao. ,._2'11 TWO Bl·fOld louvered ltweo NOOfd pte)'W ISO. ~ ~ ~ 1 tO. Nft .. PORTAl!ll! trewl kltot'taft _770-4 __ 1144_1_·-----=. flftlrdtfl1 ~ mer UO. Ledder U. chair with plli0w ,18. .,...,..... Md~ door1, nicety painted. ~ TV, IWeo, r• centla end Monrovia ~ !'.!.!..! .. ~· ~ wtth elntC. wet•, ~ Cedllleoa to Go.c.rta Cell.,.., ......... lrownandJotdoncMlr'I Wllat not all~lrf H 11.60·110. IJeotrloal 'r" •tending $18 tor cord pteyer (Megnevo• ........ , ........ ""'" ,,,__.,.... _. ..... ratow and lt0¥9. flta In ~ ,,_, .... 110.ttractlU Toot• TV • plllt• .,., oord• pair . 3011h791n. 140).Bedfr•m• 7. 11,....,_-13 ........ peeeln.Menyvtntaoe venl50.Ne•ct•IYH "<lll 'emotfw.m:t.. -TW-0-1a-r1-.-o-o-dg-.-v-.n-i aac:-aa. beotrlo 11111tet nr-'L 81 .... H ::r. tO•·I '·'°· ,.,,.09 •••NM Scovt outrtte 15 eeott. de'/ only..... t1111 pot•• end r .. 1, roHewey bed sso. Heel With• 0 _...... M ohel" 810 ••oll. It. 'our JV treya •net ~i=v:...·-tl.IO•l11. ~.,,. and eLACK and wNte TV 115. ea,. belOll 3 P-. Mt, ''fllPLACI! .ecreen and ...... Merly*-'Oand and a6r oondltlon window CM Nowt Ma .... 1t e•• Mii ltand ... M.,..twln.,... ----t-111 .,_t ateft -:; ... no u worn on~. alM 14·11 andiron• ••· llectrlc vtntaoe Mo wwo.1M 1111tt NO 91t-tT7' s 1a. Twin box ,.,,1n1 ;r~~ 111 ,.0,;;;·1 .,.... """ in' Crib rnattr ... 15. TWln OC11t 1112 ... '40. ~ aon.. pot tA.90. hd· end lltH 11-sn. Old1----· ------1 Cil,AMIC pt1111ter pote '20. Port1ble .. wing :i·U8. l~d t1i.IH Of.-vtnt' = 811: w""'o·"' 8!~ .. eeot1145·, OouCoublecll penone NfHOlretor, not ~ lt4f. ~ ttO. euto tnlM ta&. hlenty MR. Coffff H . Warl!'JI 11 .... e>moe euppl,_ rw.fW NO. MMt tllOlt 16·\~r~l4 \t Weet T 111 oil I t bu vu .,... wor1tlng. 111• Port ler· CM1o1na and W1'1W m tlt9e and wt1Mfa 154t0'. Ju6Cer M. Hand ........... -------• tt4 • ._., "9 • ! llowll"ll ..-w lleG 1tttl Aoroal'""" ~;. d& ~L•J19. ':: :,V: ::=.· g: moutll. Newport IMctl. SS·t"I. lyPftrit• 'I· I I P!Y t8.b10 lood U""'9rNI •fh melc41t If lt'lgatwMetl b In. t • • • • M ... I ...... d ~ --d Stet••· betllftd ...,., -~ --tn. TV ISO °"'* 259430 "H~ ~ ....... Ar· Adding machine 2 • ue. ,... ..... 1 "'°" and ...... J.C. ~ iou'lt move It ••or• ury otu I r 2·te'"'~ ~Clf'!HY· ltON. hldln oonvartllll• l • m • 1 1 6 a 1 0 • thut and.--.. Wlollar b1u1net Ht. 110. I Jeguer wire bll!ftier II. IP•throoin .,..,•-a 116. TWo ~~ _.... --· Qeele _.., ... lp1n eldt mp ;,.,.7 . HANO I d b I IOOke llOo-11. 1 ... poea .._.. tlS each.14S W, loelll a . '--lttak 14. "' ii -...... °""' 100 ....... = 111. ••t'-"" t_ .. ,_ ·-U S-OllM, Ml··-Of oome • G• end r·"· .. Clott\H '"' ....... =-= CrutoMI a<. H .. ~ D•llY ..... --,,..., .. ..._.. · ...... .,., ...---..,. t17•110I drape1 40ft,.ttl 821>. . · -11 • .-._ ..-... .._ I-..-1~ 't~f:'. ·;.;~:·.t.-:•,::: ~0:.--: U.il'a=; :.;:!: GUif.,. ., •. -::::: =:"".O:· ::::,:i '::~=..!:;~i ;-o;;;-.r..:.r.. ••• ;;;;.. -;;o. -...-cl•lllfted ,.._ H1••11111 ;I ...... n> •JllMIJ. A•retetw ....... ftO. 111. ToeMer SL Heir trto,..., 820 and ..... Q.t . OIGltll ofete* AMi th•ll. TY 1taf10 $1, Moorowta ......_ .....,_ doll. ~ ~ ~ ad. call tt.tl. ..-1• 1 ,_...,an~ .. •. :=:•on. '1~~·· ff:''°·'•.,..••• ... .......,.. tl•Slt Oto-,~·tadlo 111• 1,.,.0 Tt•llfOl111MN e.trio dlfonly . .._. lk·l1. 1to·ot11 Co-MJ.;l61land I..,,.,. ~· tM.......... · ~'lo•u• fraMH lllflt too OW.. ~ ...._ tf.to. TWo wr F.:ltO, lpeallet H. OUHN m•ttreae '40. """dll ._,, • ,...__., eoeta ..... Wiii fl • a,....... . 11.11M1t M~ ..... ta. fto Kn°"", ..... 1ft ........ 110. ..,. ~..... Queen ... 1Pf1ft1 940. ...,.._ =ll....... .... ......... lfMI H..-, -• .._._ Ooete M .... let Mt .... rnMor M. Mlfl: '""-,..,.,iltll ... °"' ew..,., t•I. "OTA"Y pow"'°"' M:¥llilfwlll N "°"""-1 ,,_ 1~.-~:: •• 8,0. Two lftotororote lftd .,._, -" ooffM ...._ 111. Orut• Ave .. 0.•t• "'"'J.?..;:ktaP tebte rune ffecl, .. ., etar ................ OM"lfliill It~ ~"--~.... radlll II HO"· Kini Jll,_lltLAC:I t6011 t20. ICodlll ,._...Ma""'° ....... .. 111. r>9llo !!!.:,-: 11111 II. 'P. •~ PllP~.,:. .. ::'~!.""'* •• ., •. E:l~~~ t~0.,~~. =-s'.ir.::-~,.::...-:.: ~.; an.s:oc:= =·:.= ~ -~= ...... r= = ~-l . ... . ...-r. . la'"''" ... ., ....,.,.. IQ47aa " .... 7to-4ttt Co-; Of1Jll' • ••• .... ..... ...., '""" ------ I I { "Let the Suntlhlne In" !'!!!"-•••••••••••••• Call Sunalllne Window Huber Rooflng·-11 type<J. Cleaning, Ltd. 646-8863 New-rtc0vet-<leck1 20°.4 Montney Olacount UC. #411802. ~8-9734 WM' h•nll• ···············'······ la•')lHll•• Computer word proces· •••••••••••~••••••••• &Ing. Fut, acc:urate Mf"V. BUDGET RA TES ReN. ratea. Notary. FrH Low min. Sim joba OK pkup & dellvery. Len, Lie. FrM eat 841-7681 75 1-1318 ~1!'!:7!-~:·t;:~~ ~;'!~~!~~l.·,·;;~! ~~!~;~;.;~~·;~ C'j:::'' lal1 II A•: 1::::!1~~ •. 1.~fi~'iiitii!!.!¥ ~!.'!! •• 'f~f#. ... !t. 140hp, pwr 1111 & trim, c.tllul)' bey boat. 4 cyt, 10 HP, Lll<e new. Extrul •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• WE PAY ~ ... ~ ... ,. !'!!!.'.'.'!....... ~,.~ ... ,. !'!!!.'.'!!....... ~ ... '.'.'. !!l!r.!!!~ ...•... lllW 1112 ClttH• 1111 Fi•t nzs ··················~··· .••..........•.....•.....................••• uaed 10 hra. w/17' boat Grey. $3500. 875-e181 $11,500. 21~25-5231 Muet eell Full equipped . $prey paint bootn for UC PIOllP & tllt trailer $3985 . c Ibo v • r c • m Per, rent. $15.50 hrly. $40 Thia OM hU a ehell end TOP DOLLAR (Motor only 0 $29951: 42· H Metthlwa, twn del. 27 •loop. ~ 8, galley, S500/bllt olr. 842·2804 f()( 3 hra. 77M278 an AM/FM (134.65~ 83t-0298 =~1=~~o~1~8p~~~•1rg) ;~P~181~~toM 110·900· '82 cemper. Longbed, 78 350 automatic w/4CO OILY 11111 FOi llEI O&llS '73 Citroen S.M Derk 76 Flat 124, must sacrl· blue, 5 apd One Ownef r.ca. $1000 or bit olr $15,000 645-3194 673-0205 28' Chrla Craft cebln 8 9 6 . 2 5 8 1, ( 7 1 41 blue &~ht blue. Brend tr1n1, rebll. 131 Eeat .... UJIH IUI ..... C1Jt 1111 _'7_0_F_l_11_8_50_Sed __ an-.-n--- orulaer, eng. & trane. 760-1178. PAITlll .. WAITll n-. S . 842-8310 2111 St. Apt A. CM. YIUIWAlll NllTIAO/SllUI •••••,,.·••••••••••••••• paint. recond. seoo 1111 HllE 536-3262 ' reblt, recently relur-28' RYAN Custom FG Renger 33' Sall wttn atlp ll11trhw I/kn 1141 1973 Pinto lflQlne, good 18711 Belc:'I Blvd. 2480 Herbot BIVd. blahed. bal1 tanl<. redlo. c:rulMf. ONC, ne.d. r• a t Bayahore Merlna •••••••••••••••••••••• condition. $125. Huntington Beach COSTA MESA SWS-lllYIOI LUllH CILT 1 ··-79_F11_t_S_pyder ___ 2000 __ •• -,n-1 4 speed 1ransmlu10n & cond. lo ml. fl•W top, N:':' !"Ps 1~~\ ~l~t frig. loeded. Trlr. very (nut to Balbo1 Bay Puck moped, good cond., 881-5880 142-2000 Hl-4100 1 P · • · cleen. $9500 or tr1de Club). lo ml $350. IU-1417 an AM/FMI (345YOW) c e e e . S 5 8 O O FI r m 675-9585 for amaller boat+ c:uh. $13,800 plu1 1145/mo. 720-1698, 544.-0805 '72 DATSUN 1200 7t GMC Jimmy, nHd• ---------1 11' RIO UY UMI (213) 37t-t815 m.inten!:'1ce·1595. 1979 Peugeot, reblt eng, G~o:oR::1'~erl some body work . WE llY 831-2040 495-4949 UllLEUOl IMW 28402 Marguetlte Pkwy MIUlon Viejo (Avery Exit off 1-51 Open Sund1ya OILY $3411 676-0468 "" ood d 11550/olr. 882-2788 Only 3 mo. old, an fiber· Cluak: eteal • muat Mii. g con · Haul -•Y · enydeyl CLW C&llS gl.U, r89fO of Tum-of· 18'6" South Coaat Bey 14' C111maran, AMF al· $260. 499-2470 SA0-5721 ·79 CJ7. Quadratrack, lo All century packet, w/blue Launch, 8 cyt grey, Int. oort t...c 14 w/tr1r, new, SOV Motobecene with 1980 VW Mden trenapor-ml, xlnt oond. $6500/bat TllCIS 1urrey1op+eldecur-juat re f ini shed rein bow ••II beggege racka. Xlnt olr. C all ell 5 :30, taint, comes w/lull co-$3500/btt olr. 642-3836 S2500/ol1er. 847-5839 cond. Prlv "-"rty. S300 tar motor, 40 H.P .. 12 552·6511 ver, 12 nra on one cnar-ll ft .... ,,._. 83;:-5342 volt Porache generator ---------1 ge. Purcnaaed for ll7. 1980 50' Hatterae con-• .... & voltage regulator. 1t••h lfll ooo Offered et vertlble, lully lo1ded, Complete 1 1100 de PUCHMAXJll. g.o.o1d2.~ond . 1200.1::1•T•0••v•o•T••A••s•R•5••::::. COMMfLL CHEVROLET '\.?di 1rl111 r I~ 1 I ..... \ \1 ~ ..... \ s 14,500/bet ofr. pp. reel lo hrs. 1450,000. 846-4483, ev & wknda 2 apd, llke new. $500. M .,. "" bed. new clutch, tir""••'. 873-3147 Evee 675-9877 831-3659 Ph 955-2325 Aaftl I# ,.11 x Int con d 15 5 0 0 . ,_..;;;__.;;;;;;;;;;====~ .....,... 18' HOBI CAT & trailer. '78 Moto~ (Moped), •••••••••••••••••••••• 840-8709 Ill 8PM / S46-I 200 WI Ill 1978 27'.Mt BAYLINER 23' 88'1Cfelt, turbo d• Orange, multl-oolor NM. lo ml, perfect cond. wtinde. "Victoria." Fly bridge, NI, AOF, LOfan, 2 redlc> I 1800. 87 3-4991 , Great gu ml. Orig IMPORTAHT NOTICE -,7-9-C-n-ev-~-1-0-n-S-l-lv-.-. VHF redlo, belt lank, 1. tower, plank, 3 et•· 831-5721. ownr. $255. 7511-1108 TO READERS AND redo. A·l clean, lo ml. ~~.!~u 0:~~ tJon eteerlng, too muctl 12' Sunllen wtcar top '80 Yamahe XG&&O S.,.. ADVERTISERS auto. PB. PS, AC, Ult $22,000. 11crlllce et to llat. lmmac. boat. rack. Fbfglua, $325. clel C herry. Mega, Thi prlo. of llama ed-whl., r e laed by A ir s 13,90 0 . HA v E T 0 $25.000 nrm. 875-78&6; 846-8079 S 111O0 ob o . Chuck vertlaed by vehicle dM-Sdlocka. Chrome whl•. SELL. 879-2840 831-7517 evee. ler1 In the V9hlcle Cll..._ lg Urea, cemper ahell liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilSAILBOAT, 25' Claaelc lied edvertlllna C01umn1 end boota. s6500. &4&-2843 IN THE WATER Ludera, w/1llp In Npt. '80 Motobecane, llke doH nc>t Include eny 68t_2212 Bch. $3,000/olr. See at new. lo ml. $390. applicable tuea, Ileen----------• 1975 16' Tri HuU 140 110, treller, $2995. 637-8780 31' Siiverton Cabin Crui- ser, twin Chry. enga, very lo hre, beaut cond. Newport Sllp 141,900. 963-7435. BOAT SHOW 28tn St. Merine (213) 840-0408 aa, trlN!er teea, flMnCI '79 ·~T Ctwv P.U, lo ml, 592-4988 .79 Puch Mui. •79 Puch cnargea, 1 ... tor air poi.. xlnt cond. U950tbo, Augutt 7 & 8 Lido 14 & triller, #1975, Spot1 2-al)d. Both reblt lutlon control device 844-1395, 760-1488 good cond. $975. Mu1t 61 1 2 I 8 2 S 3 5 O •a. c:enlllcetlone or dHler '78 t ton Chev P.U. 16. 17 Model• 26• to 50. Miii 842-9736 960-5809 documentery prepare-000 ml. t ~ $8000 •••La NWll lion cnargea unieu w181t camper 545-1718 -11' 111111 UT otherwlH epecllled bY1---------i Rlcf\ard'1, Newmarll wttrlillr. good cond. #~Jn/ the actwrtlaer. LARGEST '77 SKI MASTER 20'. 454 Spindrift Yechta $1500. 84M533 Sn.ttn 1111 JEEP DEALER Pent her Jel, Stringer 2751 W CoNt Hwy •••••••••••••••••••••• A,afjtr,nr/ In The w .. t lgn .. tandem trlr w/mag N-BelCtl Phoenix Reclng S1bot. Vespe Scooter 100. Uke Hu Uaad Jeeps wnle & brka. $5250. PP. ~~~~~~~~~ Compl, gd ahape. $400, new, 1200 ml. All xtru . C.1ul•1 1111 ·75 Jeep CJ. 4 al)d. Am/ 644.8170 :: 839-919 4 e v, work $950.~7 •••••••••••••••••••••• Fm C•••. eherp unit ---------1Muet liquidate 26' Well· 675-0647 Sten. llMl, MA"l1 (530WDI) S39U '78 ·74 Gleocoe 21· Daycrul-craft Nova wltrlr Sip• ---------1'76 BMW 900cc, 10.500 Shey rec>llcu; pldlupa & Jeep CJ5, Reneged• .. , 454 Olds eng. Jue 4 • x Int con d • S!!,~,'r!,4!: $3;~. 1111• mllea. Ml dr ... $3000. coupH. 4 to chooae with otf road tire• & jet, new Urea. PP. $5, S12,000/bat. Ser1ou1 875-0297 673-7no. lroml (0067881 (Stk. w n 1 e I•, A m / Fm USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR Fill AnUIUL Cormier-Delillo CllYllUT 18211 BEACH BLVD. HUNTINGTON BEACH Ml-tOl7,14t·lll1 Top Doftar Paid FOf Your Carl MUHAlll U..•·•rollfJ 2628 H1tbor Blvd. Coate Mesa 540-5630 Premium prlcee P•ld for any uMd car llOfeign or domeetic) In good condition See U. Arau 500. Dy1 983-4228. buyere only . P.P . 1981 Yamaha 550 Seca. A3093). Price• atertlng (tCOV987) $498~ '79 Eves 54&-1257 . 645-7230, 754~62 H Ft lrfelff llHp Mlot cond. 2,000 ml. 11 Jeep CJ7, Off road tlr .. lt!llllllll'illl 14' Alum. Boat. Lone 17' Mercruleer 110HP, with uae of Newport $1795. 538-41122 •Y 11,Hll & wheels, Am/Fm tape. Ster .. Big Flehermen" 1/0 w/treller. greet le· Beech 1Up. $ 10,500 ()( •78 Yemahl 500cc Twin I e • s th• n 3 O t< m I. w/5hp Sears air cooled mlly boat Fleh/ekl, beat oller 875-3922. lmmec. Owned by lee· (1BWT450) 15989 '80 CHOICE INVENTORY VOLUME SALES Q IOI MoLlllEI lllW Salw-Servlce-Leaalng 850 N Beech Blvd La Hebrl 122·11H Open Sunday HUIE Ollm'S OLlllT OB. Xlnt cond. $500 m1ny utr11, S 1,800 772~701 tory rep. $ l200/0BO. Jeep CJ5. 4 apd, off firm. 546-5087. 962-8582 770.-0737 road tlrea & wheela Salee-Servloe·Leul"" ----------1---------133 ft Dunnlgen CleHIC (864Z8K) 18989 '8t "" *Ill lfL&SI Sloop. PO Cedar hull .• 80 Yamane X'tii5() ·~ JHp CJ7, 4 epd, p/a, .'88ll lla1'11rn Hhd IO' CARVER Winner of Cheracter IHl11 l••I Uveat>oard, crulM. $24, clll, cher'll Blk, ~age, Am/Fm etereo, low ml l'tl'lll \l,·~.1 ~0"10 Of"-. 1 c.~ ...... ,,.., Boat Parade. 17' Xlnt Qmn Hfl 900.0ftrede lo ml . 1800/ofr (tAPM9931 17989. rt..J\..L.J~~t; 1J1v1n .llM IWUll YILISWAIEI 18711 Beech Blvd. H:inhngton Beach H2·2000 '73 240Z. auto. cleen & 1herp, nu paint. many e11tr11 14600 1n11e1ted. youre tor 13900 642-4588 1980 Deteun 3 10 OX Blue/Blue Int . llawleu cond . $3850 Aak/Ned 548-7245 '77 B2 10. excel!. oond, 4-spd, AM/FM Clas w/equll . $2700/bst 759-9032 '74 Deteun 710 Wgn, •tra cleen. $2000/bet olr. 673.-0491 '76 B210, a/c, nu tlrH. 1Clnt cond, 57.000 ml S2100 631-4979 bay cruiser. $2500 or ••••:••••••••••••••••• 83t-2820 831-7517 eVM OVER 50 JEEPS TO Hlghelt cash Immediately ...,_, ... ~ '"" beet ofter. 673-7877 40 Viking f()( Chlll1er 42' BENET EAU High '53 Studebaker Ctiampl-CHOOSE FROM tor your vehicle Do-,.,....., ..... -~ , ... ,...,..., '73 Detsun 240Z, wnlle. Fl1nlng. diving & en· F · .all&Jll on 5 PIA cpe. Nq car. -•-• -·-m • 111 c 0 r 10 re I g n • ·10 2002 Pert. cond N-stereo cass. Mull Miii 24' See Ray Weeltender, tertalnment. Call quality. rencn racing-YAMA.-lA, 200 cc. alee· $3750. 213/592-1792 --• 551·8285 Int New pa int, rune $2700. 548-1531 ·77 mdl 265/280 Volvo 662-2788 cruising eloop. Offered 3000 IM/.,/llUILT 110. 1 ;1 r . S 17.000. · nr Dlr'a coetll uMd In trlc •tart. onty mla. 1958 T·81rd Of'IO, -to Vvanted. reuonable tr1n1 perl. 12875 Firm HAUL AWAY·ANYDAYI ~8179 IHI 1aJJ IHI LB ehow. Can be Dir· S595. 545--9223. 1pprecl1te. I 14,950 ;.~:o~bot B~S:~o car Of truck w/pay Cllh. 675-9748 ·72 Dete11n 1200 nol . • ••• !'•••••••••••••••• financed 1 yr et 12%. OBO. 840-8900 wlldya, 682·?788 ·79 8MW 320 S-packege, running • goes to bHI 23 SEACRAFT, Sceptre 16' Hobie Cal yellow w/ Pie ... call Eric f()( de-•• ,,, .... 1arz 957-5237 '79 DATSUN lONGBED recaroa, elloya. elc otter!l 5-40-5721 tune tower wt dual •t• teq aunrlae '18111 Like tall• at Nord Yechta. I ti • ' z11.• •--.a .... I • __ .,._.,. 4 llPCI. wnlte, $2950. Aal., l••llH 11000 t1ke over P•"· lllO DlTSUI 210 control, full lnetru twin ,,.._;_ 12500. 87w;61 714-873-8878 ••~.•,.,!fl -.... -842-8717 •••••h••'"9 •••••••••• ' Mere O/B, meny xtrea. · R•••• 26~ ... •••;,••••• t948 Ford Woody We· All• I••,. 1105 manta. 963"04 18 5 apeed trensmlHlon, Muat eell $19,000/ofr. 18' Flt>ergtUI SIOOp, lfpe ldU..1'1 IHf ent: motor ome. gon, 113,000. .7 t GMC "El Camino". •••••••••••••••••••••• '77 830 CSI, 1Clnt oondl· low mllet, excellent con- 963·2869 2 very cleen fut xlnt •••••••••••••••••••••• llpa 8• fully loeded. Aebultt 1111 1111 tlon. aunri. $15.500/beet dttlon. cle1n, AM/FM 79 lnvlCMr. 19, lux bey & t;lr. 12500i b1t ' ofr. SAILBOARD. Sallrlder, 2 94s-eei9 1929 Ford M ode I A Poal raer'":: :;"'~,.,,._ Fii otter 951-7323 radio, 2 new tlrw. ·93 11- akl boat. 260 hC). $89<>0. 559-4095 aft 5Pm. =· :'ee.':$. 5~~:~ Fnor rentV: 20· m1 otor Town ~an. 110,000 645-1554 or 842-8107 Option• Include el r '78 2002: Sliver blue, cenae p1ld & MUST 7,,,,13.34. p ..._ ..... ,. __ .,. .... __ -ome. ery c ean. cond. & an AM/FM Schnelde bit e SELLI $3995 Cell """ ,,,_, __.... · Comp. eq uipped . 1983StudebekerAventt, 195 •• ''~ ng, • 23' 1978 FORMULA 1958 Hallbetg P-28 d.._ WINDSURFER, Ilka nu, 873-5133 $5500. 875-e181. '79 Chev. Scottadale, i0-1>·LJ s•lll new brke. M~ ,,, .. ,air, 875-3017 ()( 642 .-0 138 · 240hp, 110. Mercrulaer, set. See at 20th St. cetm 1111. 1750/0BO. 4x4, optlone, roll ber. • em/Im caH. 4 epe8ker•. '80 M odel 210, 2 dr tow hra. dual ule trllW. New po r 1 Beech . 648-7933, 873-9439 FOf rent: Cl ... A motor .VOTllU xlnt. 17100 beet ofter. M llUlll Clun $7780/0BO $3450. AM/FM, redl111. BA y s IDE MAR I N E 645--5258 home. Ile. micro, com-'83 OORVAJR $1500 951-9981 (I.Pe F~1~ YILllWAlll 85t-3121 evea & wttnd• lo mile•. Pertec1 cond SALES 973-957o. 18' Alphe Cat. Perfect. IH.!!!..!_U,. ,,,.. ~ ;:~~~~~9..llpe 842"7500 VUI 1111 t8711 a.ch BIVd. 842 • 2458 673 " 179 - 4 -- 1 --- 26' NAVY WHALE BOAT. 11200 ()(tr.de. Jim St• ••• ~!' •••••••••••• ~'!' '73 HolldAV 25', ~ tra, 1HI ,.,.... 111 •••••••••••••••••••••• Huritlng\on Beach 1111 ... 1101 ·a 1 M odel 2 10 S/W Gd. Cond. 14500. dleM4. vane 549-7782 deye, :c:--rHt H• ••• -• "9 " Reblt mtr. n•w pilnt. 1978 Dodge Van. lge win-'41·2IOI Excellent cond. 33,000 $4750. lo mllee. radial" 842.705e, 759.1405 eVM. .... -curtain• & formic• top. New upholatertng. Extre dowa, twlYel ... ta. eofa m I . 8 4 8 • 4 4 8 3 d e . AM/FM. Like new cond. 1211... c""8e comrot p/a, p/b, c.... ,7000, o8o bed, aunrool. 11ereo, ·74 All• GTV ope, nice. 831 -3859 evea and 1_8_73_-_1_1a_4 ______ 1 2 8 0• 1H8 8 CHRISFCGRAFT 111111 IHIHHLI llMtll =~~1080x In ~. o,,.o n d . 1111· ... h-in 15000. (7~4) 6785·t371 an.rp, 5 IC)d, rune xlnt, wknde. 7• 2.,,.z. b"~ ... 000 _, uper port. • w / IAllT ...,.,., -r-.110. --. or ~13) 47..-544 . $2995. 54e.40SM " ""' """• .... ""· lnboerd 210 enP>£lde11 F/O Mut cu~ boOm 811pe avellable. Corone '1.Um rrntl 1111 ~~K)x,ht'Co.xi~~-~~:f. •79 sport•man. Dodge 1!!:,~~:.!.2~~i<~~ ~.:: '5~: :t'a~a8e bey boet, BAYSI MA-Lee Sell Ail llnet nd ni: del Mar arM, $9 pt' ft .••••••• :r.............. . .. 2 7570 Van 11500 obo 8 .. 0 ... 4. 3 • •• v •• , ,_..._, ______ _ RINE SALES 873-9570. llnga, tMboard. rudder Peggy or C arr I e Colern9I\ llgflt MIOl'lt.ten1 ... • • call 9794523 497-1005 '",. 'l4 2MZ l+I CellfomlW1 17'A FG. OMC complete • rHd" for 955-.2413 Wkdy9 t-5. trailer, •aay pull with 1MI llA.M.. •1 Xlnt runnl"" oond Gold • I _,,., .-'H DOdge camper A-1 79 8MW 2002 I ... 10 CM\ly eng. w/1rllW 'fOIJi' eon Of daugtll• to 40' B.iboa Covee. Avall •ny eme I car. A1klng l!xoelltnt meohenlcal cond. va. auto: nu • mmic .. w ith ai r , tan111tlc $ 1800. Pvt Party. r.~o~. Call Mike ev ... now. S300. Pwr or IOld-MOO. Alt t. 912-0018 condition. 13,000 rec• 01 a k • • $ 1 1 7 5 , muel -. l8400. atereo/c:aae., AIT, mega. 53 e • 3 0 o 8 IJ"t work 505 d ow n m 11 t. Ag 1. ,79 29' WlldetMN. u.e enuy lnvHt•d In new 484-4459 ' '11 Alf A .... 714-675-4775 =~2C?,f~r 9.,551;.~3:"'41 or 847-&eee. 2~· Star Raclng SIOOp a 845-4100; 54t-1368 new. A/C & awning. P,"'"· Need• P-elnt and ~ • '""' 30' commerctal boat, trlr. complete. '•Ir 40• Newoort Harbor M~ t t 3 O O I o b o . ntertor wonc. MiOOO or Ail# WutH llH IPIHll C.-' 1111 • -1 l'l dlvlng/ewordtlef\, *2000. cond. tet 11900 takM. ring w/Mllboet tor ule 714/88~19 beet oftlr. t40-llaf •• .. •••••••••••••••••• 5 8pd, Ster.<> c .... AJ.. •• r.:••••••••••••••••• ,m•n WEEKEND SPECIALS '78 FIAT 124 SPIDER 5 apd., etereo 8 track. custom whle. lug. rack. Very pretty brlgnt red. 1-owner (41296) s5495 '79 FIAT 124 SPIDER 5 sp<I ., at•eo. mega. met. blue. Mint car. Must ... to believe. (755t) s5495 '77 FIAT Xl /9 C<Xff 4 99<1 . atlfeo. mega. co-co brown mint (659SMR). s3795 '78 FIAT Xl /9 C<Xff Factory air. 4 spd., 8 lracl<. mags. rack. Very pretty . (1BUC707). s3995 Arc> MA"Y MORE! w. belett .. ""'• .. Tlwpltt ' llwe$t Dfkff Flett ~s..c•. DICK MlllfR MOTOR<, fl i'1 ' • '. ' . ~ "°oi ~· See at Halie 536-taot. $1:1,500. 837-8228 6th wheel tralllf, 1974 '&e T.-ct. Alt• all tt1W -11!11 loye. Black with Ten 1111 ... , 0 iiiiii.iiiiiii" ckman • Boat•, but UDO ,4 12323 claan & '°' av.rl•nd fully Mii yr11, Mf9 o . .,.. ~ Top doOere for l.,orte t r I m 0 n I y I 1 K . W11 ..e lt cell 845-0TK aound, 11195', Harold .. ,.,''"' I oontelned. OuHn alae to NII"-' "t>lrd", 44, Care, luge. Cam~re. (2S2ZAH) Thi• one It extte cletn •• AITIH DI • _ _.._ 1"1 '81 1&' loeton Wl'laJer, (714)521-5547 • 11:1 "" bed,e/c,em/fmttraoll, 000 Of'lg rn11 ... 2 tope, 914'a,~udl't lllll. I llaa an AM /FM . PEIQll ~•••••••••••••••• e&8u:rukl,balttan1c.oo-• :' .... ~ ................ , •l)••k•re. tnoo. Mint cond . (20t> AilcfofUICMOR (9131). ••••• _..,.., ver l trlr Ilk• ne Ctit.allne 22 w/lr1f, .-wn 78 21 Howard Dey CNI-841-e398 632_...e3 M -llLY .2111 we CM\ .._._I ~-· ..... 00 ...... to,..... •· pull>lt, llftllnee, Dena Pt. 1er, w tllu•·t>rlnted --... -,...., ,~ -· · .. .__.., dry atorege 15200. ctievy 454 Vodr. U ,000 'st 171A' Prowler, Hll 1MO Cad 4-dr, .. eleCt. ~•' • --I buy, ctllCIC °"' ~ 40' Npl Bch moorlnl 552-5512 o • t m g n t Io b . contelned, al••Jt• e, ::06-06~· 11480 090 HJ~~:::C.. ,....... ::=, ='c;:;:,r1110• w/18' lnboerd, Dfnk 29• Sabfe Craft Naiwpor1 $ 14. 9 0 /t1 • t of r . Maltr, Moll & mirror• 1 •••--?!~n11 IMcht-~· I 11 .... ..w o ett Incl. 1 10,1100 • ..._,avail Atoti 299 7eo-ot24 mom & M . Incl, mint cond. latOO. 'ff CfMalC Pontleo. '400. --nvl_~ ~· _.. ni." .. '' 548-8734 Ford lnierceptor. ~y 17' LARSON SKI BOAT Me.not Cell 11•IH0-11H or wg1 Ml•Mll 3100 W• C.... Hwy. U&JI I -- .... ~ 24' ceb. oni11. loeded, mainy lltYM. xlnt w/I & 0 . Mercury 140 rr•''-ldll'9 II• 1141.......oM .._,. llnt•.....;;-------1 Newpon leech 2'60 H.rbor IM fly bttdge nu vol'tO .tto cond. 11 t ,000. t>aye plua ma11y xtrt. tt600 •• ::=7••••••~••••••• ·eo 'LYMOVTH Lat• "'~' oyoiaa, nn"•• ••••••••••rr.-;i Cec>rt II 1971, exc.Men.t MM406 COITA MEtA $18,?IO. Hlnd. 119-1"2 (t1i) H5·0H1 ext. A e II for Wayne , OILUJCE CU8'TOM TOOl. .t dr cpe Deluxe 11tnt Votwoa. ,.....1·v-. • W -f"'9 ::"°IOO" ~1.~.,----fff• 1!lf ••• aao _--. ... ,. 14011 . Evu (114) 4M-4370 1'RAIL!R, XL"T COM, ooM 11NO ..... 2,.. ec.lue ~·000 =-....... , ·~"'"'--"-"_ .. ___ ..,,.._ ..... __ ~ .......... '"' ..,....,_ 894-0019 • look•ble & waterproof, ' • ,_, oa-·-• ••••••••••••••• •••• ae ft Grand..,.._ >Ont 14 1111 boet w/78tlP Evin· "MIO.._.. tt• lltft.cf ,., T·Blrd lmm•cYlttt eel llUfttOO. Oct. OOfld, 'ft C•P'I II Gt111, ale, 1111 NT '72 ticndt SL 100. Mede cond. 91eepe t ..... IOO. 11• KIT! w/trlllef. Xlnt rude tandem trlf, OOOd rtdllM, .,.,f.ct ,_ .,. Artaon• oi ... 1o. trede Ukt new. 113,400 oeo. en11rm at~. euwwool. 11 ,,.... wonc. 160 An. Aval!. 114-t~tteO ooncs. tM0.1 ccnct. 11eoo. 1Mt-al04 pent•. '*"""' fiend• .,_,. ...,, .,...,.1 I 4 a· I 2 '1 r v •a. OflO owner. tM loot '• .• , ..... 1-te1 ... 40ea •"d•, 114·140•1800 N1,.1•"" )'"' •" o' ' 6 I 0 0 • M'7.etl4 ~. '14 Ca.,,i, 4 cyl, 4 epd Option• lnolude • 4 Honda. T~ta. Dlttlvll, _..... a~~ 1 frwwMdM -...11 • "*"' •1 ..._. 1 +I...,. OOOd oone1 11400, cei ~,,,~-1 "'AMI .. ..--. 11•-.. •· trlr Uni ue ttt~p •• ...-,..-.............. f tf m ~row .... MO-lltl -NO t1tor• No~ 1111 '•nn Ya11. II' IUfO. ~'10 -1993 ~..,. ... ......,,,,,, ~·•••-••••••••••••.. 1~~· .... oyt.M:..l~ ,., llMI alt • .-11o,.e . .,...,.,_ .,. ~center CIOftoe 11M111 • li81 11• • &sv1s1._. ·MM 11 '°°"' IX2. "" ttw. Mll'M a"'"-" • -.,. i-, ~ .., .., -*..1. Ml c.tbln..,. II ......................•• n.-:: •• -. .,m.i-.. lJ bratl9I. --.,...,,,, ...,.~~ _ _.... 0¥9f41Ur ..... M .... no wt drtvit .., ..... ,.,.· VlllMM "· wttretlef, OoCI04t ..... lop OIM• NA Qleoir "'*' --,. filuM ~ ...... miMf ._._ l.Mlll;f. .... . 0911 tor ., ,no. 1111• n•w, blue Hiie, P•r. loe boa, atove. tort lo 411Hfk'f""· •or II t 1I0 0 I• fr ~t8,. 117,, IMdt w.il. _ QMC ... o.. 1 • "'•"" .,, ... 11 uo. U:'J·r•"'• 11.000. 11••11•1•an "°"' 11t1 •••·•H• "•Move111e WtY ..,.._ a.o ~ ..._ ..... ,,. ...... Clil .-.1..a. 11741:11 1 & -.., 114-ltlO ,..,, •<ltf L•,...... .. :-..B .. .; .. ,,.,._,. .. • J• 1 ' i 11 J••• '· " 1130 .. ,. ..... , ..••.•..... '71 x1<e:~ power, xln1 cond. t~, $44-2264 '64 Jag 8'4, blk, 4-dr. . auto, e real claulo. $4500, "t!226 ,_._1.'!IM.!~ •.• !~~1 1t1f VW ........ Thi• one ~real clas-slcl (~ OILY 1115 -... YllDWAIEll 1871~1'1 Blvd. 11101111 IUZ 1111num11 • mm~-·····=:, Mtill •• .... ···•· A9! ..... ·~ • ............. mr ffP.elW ........ MI ...... mr • .. "' ... ,.. .,. ~ olililO ... 'II ., ,... ...... -.... • 11erUtll, XL'tT Cond. • • °"*" ~~I ' -1.=;9..w '2411. •· 414•Nll Old• llarffre . lporty-• ,. M .. 1 0 ••, •-,...... t• -hetohbllotl, Air. Am1'm • • r • n ' 11 __ .. , •ttreo OHHttt, evto •• --------• (1MMOI), nltl trant & Po"* '*''""· ,, ..... ........._ n•f llLY MHI Tt ~ Prt• u,ooo mllH, good IUOO o.o ff1·77tl • ••••••••••l'···t • -•tl•P•• 4 •P~. men. tm ""'I All opt one a aolqn tr•n• IUH 010 .,.,. Hl1 • llMW W YallWIMI =:i::1.:'""· •hti. t42·eet' cteyt. • ~rr .................. . fOOllOmlCJel Tovota 11711 leeofl lllld. ...._, ...... ,80 !I 0 1 Ht< 1 "rt ,ord Plnto/Weoon. • Cl I --------• "-Ol'ltt 10,000 mlteal HUI\~~ a llll'f Ve. 1::0":: 00:'1: ~~~~~.~~.~~· .. to • ••••OU . ur..m (7?0>CZM). __ 1_1._ .... , 673·1842. 840·7814 lg 080. 913 .uu or Cl ! R,N ·l -J t•711 1980 VW "•bbll Conv. -_. -MtO 848-4308 • earanc• • !' • 24.000 ml. Air, Stereo, o 262<' Harbor ltvd C M --·------NlllOll/ Al• •.... epd, ttawlaH concl. a.1-eon 045-17ro ·r~MonuXLN'lcdr, d4 CV1·1c5 '79 Pll\to Runabout, •••••••••••••••••••••••• 13131 Hatbor II~. ........ • 7" 8 0 . A. k I Ed .L "'' ... ,... M on 'p1"s1 $21100, S7 ,000 mllH. *'"·· ... '12 AL-" Ow• Grove · 1f711 lelatl Blvd °'48 7241 .. ,,. • ereo, •ge, • 1utom1t10. Like new. • .... • ............... . . f'tt't................... P/8, 111195. 133·0328, Call 840-3177 011 .Al .............. LI L .......... ,~~.:i8°h 1tlt "' 111 11 ..-: 84e..oe23, d•yt , •• •Y•nl lllV-H• e •---. . t! Ml·lt M tor 111e targeet encS t>ett c.,..,,,,,, H ll 111111 WAHi Auto. trans.. tlf com .. "'°" 71' 111·2111 ~ T~ ~ ~ ot> Option• I~ an AM/ .. 1eotlon ol new and •• ;,.~•••••••••••••••• Neecfawor'l<.1550. .Olr l~w SU79. No .• 1 . &ea• --1-1-1-1-,..--.--1-··~~ 19.&oo FM & eunroot (18011), uffd eu1cke In Oreng• ·1~ Newport Cuetom1 all H2·&984 • 8060/6963, • t14 "'" 1111 Tim& '81 --cond. $750. 494.50e0 r!~~!l ...•... ~~e •••••••••••••••••••••••• 714/78().1383 OILY lllll C~odayl pwr, ate. am/fm_, ooo4 ... ..., lh1~:~· ~~ ·:c:,~~ ••au•• vuaw_. 1c ·~,~. d19$ti;i•::r .• N:,r; 11'11 -~•"'••"" • *•r••d l•w '12 011•" • $ 0 (307MEI"). Thlt tC>Olt'f 11tti. Toyota 18711 8Mch Blvd. owner. Brown metallic. -Ch ff Di I A... ! • OILY 1111• "'9 loW mlletl (433ZLJ) Huntington a.aeh v 1 n y I , 0 0 f s 9 6 o . Thie economy c;ar 11 ex-• IVI I Ill vwl,. "' ML Y 14111 •41·2000 I 111 It! or-. c.-., 546-1716 tra ci.tnl (0111RXK). £con. S·~pd. Ima .. pwr • vi.=. ~ -..... MUST SELLI '83 vw 8•· 2925 Harbor Blvd. c •• 11 ••• ,.1 llJ OILY 12211 • $\fflln~ etc Off Inv 16873, $ I I 9 8 •11 n~A .. 81 cl , -•1w••n farl Bue. 811de rt. nw COSfA MESA .•••••••••••••••••••••• .... l&llH • Ho. 10 /7089 • DOWN LEASE 1., 1 _,, v • .. _. -1 Ill 2100 ·n Llncoln Town eer. 23. y•• •sw••i. '" hfJ Huntington a.ae~ 1 ~~Jnge:::n a!~~· ri rn!, 1 "."g4 ~r;~'2 ;'ea\•: • 000 ml. Au1t matallle 187~ eee:' Blvd. • • • • •• •• • e •• •• e •• ••• ee e • 111.t't rl&MI It frHt ___ 14_2_·....,1• __ __,1 Ml·I• 64..,.9539, 1963 Riviera. PIS. P/8, 16•000 645-1716 Huntington Beach • *Brand llW '12 Ohevv e ••HJ re4111re4 •• ~11t ~ P/W. New engine a '6S Llncoln Cont. runt 142 200I ., , • ., , .... •r•41t W1ii1ca OT. 5 1pd, loa-'74 BUG. lllnt eond. nw/ trans. $900 645·2020 gooo. look• gooo. $4-00 • • Cava1· •• , Fou·-Door! • & 0 0 dtit, epotleu, $7496. tires, AM/FM ca1. mutt or belt offer. 1875 Ant· 'l1 FIRY SllOtltt ' (0 . • .). all fir •• .-.;:.PP. 846-47"" Mii 12000. 642-0584 '77 SKYLARK S2S50 helm c M 645 9658 • Pwr. ~twin&. tour·Sl)eed. etc. • • • r • ,....,. ..., 4 dr, xlnt cond, ale, am/ ' · · -• · 642•4497 • Di r. Inv. $6995 "0"$6898 I•• 00 "'11111 TIYIT& 'SS vw. Sunrf, gd cond.. tm atereo. 544-2152 C•rnlll 1131 '71 Pl~moutl'I Cricket .• 37.a/7072 • tlttallt... ••·II • ' -HLlll rune good S 1750 ••••••••• • ••••• ••••••• Stick Shift reg gas . JIM SLEMQNS 12 NlllONI ......,,.ti: trana. and en . 54 6- 6159 1~:~d?i~~~~ ~~1~0g0.;~~~ ·~0~1~0~~~."=9~~~~~: 1799. ~· 54S-1716 ••••••••••'=•':".•••••••••• OAlllOLET . ~/FM. 1014UBA). 70~.~ fn~~~C:~.·~g:: sn50. SA2-8752 . 759·1438 or 541.1939 ·1.991Hyo(tzmo1n1•Tsc. ·3L.o2a9d.oooed .• *Bran• llW '82 Chevv e IMPORTS Super Sharp, All New, •LY 11411 sink, FM caa1. S2S60. 'll I al O 9 .. , Red with Black Trim & -.... 549-3192 Automat~~ AM~FIJ9ate· ~yeie~.v~i.!l~op~~~: clean, '4395. 636-2951. • Two-Door Cavalier! • Authorized Mercedes Dealer 1301 Quall St. NEWPORT BEACH i1°fs&..~~) ortglnal Mii.. YILllWAUI '72 VW Bug, nu paint, reo, air. $3300 648-8535 tit, crulee magi, lo ml, l••ll1e lllS • A11 cond .. 4·lpd. trans., LA • Huntington Beach S2850. 72C).()672 19SO Skylark, iclnt oond. a • Hunt~ton Beech ·71 Mercedes Benz 250 IQ•IOOO Sadan. Fully equipped, 19110 8111 eeaen Blvd. rblt eng, clean. mutt eetl 673-7372 :;'41;._~4~~nd . s12.5oo. ····O·T·····,·.·;·····o········ • e9"2'6·1'1101•~·a.ln~ $784~. No.$7798• M2·2000 ·so Rabbit dal, AIC. anr1, 21.000 ml, se.ooo. or Coe•ll 1133 AS LOW AS law ..., • DICK MILLER ' 5-apd, 37K ml. Sa250. $500 & assume tse. et •••A................. • ·74 Kat.,,#JJ\• Ghia, mint Mint Cond. Sacrifice, cond , ri~ headliner, $4995. 494·0 135, 497-23SS MOTORS j I' {', '/i '' '" ' ~' TtJMI 41 4 675·1579 P.W. Auto S230.43 per mo. Mon-'67 Cougar $950. Auto· $172 •••••••••••••• •••••••• ~n bed, am/Im, enug Salee 10S36 Fri. 730-5757 :;,~~1.gc,l~~.~~ ·F!:~, PER MONTH . O.A.C. • *•r••• ••• '82 Ch•YJ • ?-W:":~:d s1oK .... ·so Dsl. vw Rabbit. De· '66 Le Sabre. orlglnal air Call 540-3177 '12 NITIAO T1000 • Citation Hatoh•aok Sedan!. rugs, ~kin covers, --------i brusMO~ wtils, steel '70 MERCEDES 280S radlai Ur4t•· Garage ·· XLNT COND. $6000 kept. S$,<IQO. 642-7986 548.·39471645-6960 eves/wtcnda. '11 SI I 12111 lu•e 4 dr, AM/FM ean. cond. pis. p/b, e11t./lnt. A...& ll'~S $172 per month & tax • 5 spd, A/C. $5200. good oond. runt very 1'Vll•f .1 on 4smonthe.Cap.eoet e 1o1r eond .. auto.lrans.,more! 768·0580 760· l334. well. $795. 673-2572 •••"'••••••••••••••••• Ot I $8 3 7 8 No sa 2 1 8 '80 924 Turbo, loaded. ' btwn 8•2. '64 DART $800 S81SS, residua! $3617, • 600r217~;2: ... ...,· : '80 92'4. Take ovef' IN-'J't'(;ellca ST: 4 spd, n-1111 YW V&llA8lll XLNT RUNNING COND. total ol pmts. SS256 & " S.i11t i A11, '>', : · , ·74 KarnfJ8n Ghia, mint cond , n•w'l'leadllner. rugs, sl'leeptk.ln covers, brushed~ Wl'lle, steel radlal «.res. Garage kept. S6,000. 642-7966 eveslwkf!d•· .... 1131 ···········~·········· 1 •• 1 .E•CEIES IEIZ ees ptua get $1,000. 11,., 61 ,000 mlles. Sii· C. ... lll HIS 6 CYL tax. • •oo st"Ti'""'a llesef . 114/S25-180S ~ am.1!r:.,_r1u7n8s great. XLNT condition! low ml· ••, It 548-0641 Comparable market va· ••••• •••••••••••••••• • • ~-~ ~ ~...... 1eage. 4 spd w111'1 ••ereo ••••0·,·m····1·ru····,·1•1•1•••• 1ue on=,,. 12000 e *Brand lew ,82 CheYJ e Hes only 2S,OOO mites 66 912. 6 spd, •II or · . cassette. Lie 1CMT736 · 76 4 Or. Dodge Colt. & • and Is flawless with all Muat eee. SS ,00 .1111T0yo1a Wgn, dapen· OILY 11111 OAllLLIOT Auto, 11lnt oond. Very 'I"' 11000 • S • p· L ! • options Including leather 640-7912, 544.9455 deble, only 2,000 ml on We speclallze In laasee dependable transport•· & • El Camino • an-•••• , and eleotrlc sun rool. ·74 914, 2.0. $4600. ac-completely reblt motor, •i1 for the buelness execu· tlon. $1300/bst otr. '12 PllElll • • t nd 1, • LlcN3674B oea.grp.gold.2ndow-·l._~100.496-5559 --llve&protenlonlll. 898-7405 '12111111-ll ,.uto. rans .. a1sr•cos6 "~c.$85 I 8 OILY S21,195 ner. 644-2078. ·ii Corolla SR5, good --Lars•"'"".. ,.,, IH '12 F1H1lii • W61Js&s s • "0 • II 1975 914·1.8, app. co.,,lllon.S1800 " VWPORSCHEAUDI lfhw 1112 ... ••••••••••••••••••• You select the payment • ......, • .. . i r 0 u P , AM / F M , r 840-1447 445 E. Cout loiwy AA..1lll '79 Ford F250, 4114, full you can afford. •••••••••••••••••••••• --. .AM NAWOV\rt Beech -eot lllt kit, $8500/ofr. • .. -... 5~21.g~5fBo. Pvt 'Pty ,,. Gelle• Ufthok -673-0900 •••I•""" 631·7834 TRADE-1Ns WELCOME •*Brand l1w '82 Chevv vw PORSCHE AUDI GNat cond, must sell. RS a magnon .. , • ~~~~~~ s~;;~~~;r~~~~~~r~: ~~~8~~J-~~:~ ·;~~1~~~~::1~~:~r:~~ ~~o1tfi .. A~ ·=:~J9~rH!: • : fu~~r!:~~~!nd~!!~•ntr! e ___ 6_73_.0_900 ____ 1,68 SILVER 912 PORS-"ZM~ir::.11~·1:r:gdc:::. $3900/olfer. 498-8695 2600 Harbor Blvd. '69 English ford Cortina. pont1"at/"18""'U • ~~6/~~0; $87S 4 No sea I 8. lllT I.I CHE stereo, mags, gd. new radial tires, icln t ·71 vw Cmpr. perfect C~ta Mesa 540-9100 xlnt running cond. New )UUOI Sii US . '70 300SEL 720·0290 cond. '4995. 645-6359. cond. $2500. 6.42·1085 cond. Call for detalls upl'lol & paint. $925. Harbor Blvd at Fair Dr • 1tw hlJ • ---------1---------1 $4400/bat 675-8177 971·9181. 673-4839 Ask In Costa ••asa •••••••••••••••••••••• H>I 1'0UI ·75 450SL, metallic gold, ·n·1r 914 Sunroof. Orig '74 CORONA. 1 owner 673•5871 • Thinking of buying or lea-tor Laurie M • • NOTMAIOA. xlnt cond, $19.000 or owner. EJ!cellent cond. gd. cond. 24 mpg. sing a brand n-Cadll· 549.4300 549·1457 *Iran• llW '82 Chevv -n& bstotr.552·9835 32,ooomi.s7200 $1495 . 720·1698, ·74 Thing, good tlre1, lac? Call Jack Klmmel· ·79 Granada. 2 dr, 6 cyl '78GrandPrlx.toaded,lo . •11 • ··-497.2993 544-0805. PP. brakes. muffler Xlnt man at auto. Air, cruise cont. ml C1'tat1·on HatchLack Coupe! "lllT • 8 "' WOT TO HY ·so 924 red xlnt cond. 76 Corona. air, AM /FM cond. $3000. 751•7821 IOI LOllPRE · Xlnt. $4900. 559·0t60 'Att e:3o. 559·5584 • Air cond .. auto. trans .. V6~ • fAClml ~;~ ~~%~cnt~~:~-·~: lo ml, '1oad~d. $13,000 tape, 4 spd. $3,000 firm. '71 vw. Reblt eng. with LUSHll '74 MUSTANG. 2 plus 2. 1969 Flrebird, ell orig. 53, • elt Dir Inv $8966 No s99 I 8. 14Hllllln.Cts1A M!U~U1ll lmmac. Wiii pay max. or bst. 768·64S9 548-6061 guer. E11_cellent cond nw/a .t .,palnt, t ires. 000 orig. ml Xlnt cond. 236.7/7389 · · $15/S20K. 720-1665 $2500 or beat 13600 Beaeh Blvd. $1795. 842-7394. $3200 firm_ 492·S204. • hw htr • --------_________ ,·77 911S Targa. Bronze/ fd••·• 1111 673-1835 WESTMINSTER '75 R l'I t II 1.l •... ,,ll '74 Mercedes 450SEL, tan lthr. New tlrea & ••••••.-••••••••••••••• (114) llt-2100 anc aro, mus ae • '73 Pontiac Grand Prl11, • •••••• ••••••••••••••• • llll 0-0IPE new S3.000 pnt. must top. All pwr, ale, blau, 1llO TllllPI 1970 VW Bus, ten & (11t) 112·1111 351 Cleveland. fully runs xlnt. look& good. *' d II '82 Chi see . $13,SOO Firm. am/Im can 54M ml lll OHN White. sunrt. compl rebtt automatic, AC, mags, Crager wilts. S700 or • ran •• YJ • Options Include a sun-675.046S perft car muit -$16° '75 dual Port. Clean. good tires. Sl950/bst best offer 1975 Ana· M t C I S rf C f (r2oS90Ylxs'). a Ir c 0 n d . -.7-5_4_5_0S_E_L_. -b-lacil-/-bl_ac_k_,I 500 obo 'ph 631-5797 . ;~~1g'."&n•.~e~~~·F~~ $2700. 875-1528 --THE UllEST olr. (213) 834-15S7 helm, C.M. S46-965S. • on • ar 0 po oape •• OIL' .1 .. 1& sunroof, alloys, 46K ml. (1AP0224). '71 Squareback, good SELECTIOI '75 LTD: 2 door. radio. 65 Pontiac Convert runs ~':rcont~:utoi¥2nt'ilo~~·$9399• ,. u $15,500. 642-7S66 H1,!lon2 INy ~OIOl,000Eolrlg114nal OILY 11111 body, needs tune-up. of late model, low mllea-air, new tires, S2,000 good, must sell. • 0858 7452 111 .... 111 -.. $475. ge Cldlllaet In Southern mllee. Xlnt cond. 12100. $400 644•7902 I · • • -'78 MB 300D, xlnt cond., mites. Custom paint, .fll IUllll 645-6079 Callfornlal See us todayl 642·136S. · • ... ..., VllHWllEI yellow. Sl3,T50. Pvt Pty. ~~~· 1~~1'1~~~11~1stt~:'a VILISW&IEI 0 -11....,• ir IAIERS ·s 1 Escort Statton wa. T!!!/!!~}!~ •.••• !!.~f e•••• •••••••• ••••••••••· 1S711 Beach Blvd. 96-4-5152 t8711 ""Aae• Blvd. 'll t.... n.-••c PIS Like n~ *' • II '82 Ch Huntlnglon Beach and custom wheels, Ste-gva " Low mlles, xlnl cond. CADILUC g~~;.,.."' .,.;2 2357 v-. '87 Bug. all orig .. •Int ran •• • .. 142.2000 'll 410SL reo Cass. and more. Huntington 8"cll $6795. 646-4151. 2600 Harbor Blvd '""""'·"" • cond. Inside/out. $2400. • S d., f • n~::.w~11::~~1~1~.e~ ~~·is:GG~o appreciate. IU-2000 79 Rabbit, 4 dr. dlesel. COSTA M!;SA . '74 LTD. 4 dr. pwr. 108· 645-9938 . • Maliltu Four-Door • an. • '74 RX4, $900/0BO GOOD GAS MILEAGE 552-0701 tops. must see to appre-'72 AlftS Spitfire. sport air, xlnt oond. $3200, 540 1880 ded loml sa.75. pp, v .. , 1114 A11 cond .. auto. trans . lo~ 1 1 $27 500 PIP tires, mint cond. $2300 Mon-Fri, 730-5757 • 760-0738· ••'••••••••••••••••••• • Dir Inv S9935 No .$ 1 898• ca e 6-4S.25S5 ev or best offer. 657·2560 '72 Eldorado convertible. ll1tHrr llSO ·~~e~•p1a2~~·7~1;,,~~ • 5574/7490 ... ..... • 70 TR 6, beaut. cond, Brown white leather ••••••h•••••••••••••• S2 ' 957 866 ....... , llQ 1142 VW PORSCHE AUDI new Int., 41K ml, Cell Interior.' good condition, '77 BOBCAT. Auto.. OO. days ·I ••• eeeeeee• •••eeeeeee••. .·;;·;.;1~-,;;t·;.;:·;1~;~h~ <1<15 E. Coast Hwy SS0-9105 $2195. 760-0785. :;-'3~~,"1~~.0 [9.~~ 5m°e~~ Aatll UiH *B a II llW '82 CheYJ brks, top end, more. N8'6~~ctl Y, Jk 11'/0 68 Cad .. new brks, ball, sage on phone. •••••••••••••••••••••• • r ~ • Xlnt In/out. $1700/bo. --------.! .• !!!~,~~........... tires. waterpump. star· .. llSZ • Celebn'l Two-Door! • 631-3771 •77•;, 92'4: Maroon w/tan 1111 YW 71 YW WlllOW ter. Must sell. $550 . ,.DllUf. NABERS 1 --------1 Int. Xlnt cond. sunroof, 642-9006 ••••••• •••••••••••••• . o. "" cond .. auto rans .. loande! $ 9 9 a· ·~~nt~~nd~~~~. Conv. ~8-~~·:0 mites. $6900. Great sum~! fun. Only XLNT co!d~~on, 1 OW· 1960 Cad 4-dr. all elect. '11 FORD MUS• CADILLAC • ~Us/g3S $9972. No. 9 • 751-8162 23,000 low mllesl ner, 4 apd. New Tlree. Fae trl-pwr. $1450 080 TAii • ... htJ • '79 Midgel. Nw top, e11cl. '¥3r:~\~·7~~s'f<1~;~7~ (472YKC). (505DTJ) 6"5-0511 f&STIACI CLEARANCE •••••••••••••••••••••••• ~:~.R~!!~ ~~1 , ~~-~·1.:;~;:0~a2~~900· 390010Bo. e15.3977 o:~' ~=I $321& Loi::~~~~~~~500. UTU 0Lw1 • *Br1nd lew '82 CheYJ • N~~ach ·-.-c-,-----1-1-44-• ·75 Porsche 912E. 18·000 VILISWAIU 847~ ~!'4:,~~v!'':r~.~~=: SALE! e Station Wagon lmp1l1! e --------•••••••••••••••••••••• $1! 3ooi 1trk ~48 ;6:5w · 1s111 Beadl Blvd 1111 OUILUO power steering. (103450) llM~tl,!~~2~:4, .;2 PO:~CHE.914 Huntington Beael'I. smLLI a Ftnmlln()lang,.gAvnall•oblen. 1979 MllCIDIS • ~:n~o.'d~I~~; I~~'. s 10 399• WEEKEND SPECIALS '11 MAZDA ILC 5 SPD, AM·FM ONLY 4<1,617 mites. (AJHS42) $2495. DI CK MILLER MOTORS l /ii 'Ii ti.,rner AvP 631 _.oo3 Xlnt cond, 15500/0BO. 142·2000 Absolutely llke-n-· FuM llNZ 3000 • $ l o . 2 8 o. N o . f • 6-40-SS67 power with all options. • "SUNIOOF" 4467/7180. llew..., 1111 VW Lie 1008888 • e • e e e e e e e ee •• e e e e e• ee e • WEEKEND SPECIALS '11 .,. ROADSTER <I Spd, Alloys, S track. Only 41K (838 VDK) $7915. ~ .. ~~!!t•a.····!~!¥ Thi• on~'.E~OP·TOp OILY 11111 pontiac/subaru $17,495 • *Brand .••• '12 -Ch•YJ • '12 ..... "Lt Oar model. < 126RGA). .... ' Harbor Blvd 81 Fair Or. • Blazer With Hard Topi • Oii OILY 11411 . -----In Coata Mesa 1980 CADILLAC A nd auto I A I J t I I I I I .Ill llUfll vw PORSCHE AUDI 549-o4300 548· 1'457 ILDORADO • tr~ns ~o 00 .. tit. Dir. s 1 0 5 9 8. Frt•• VILISW&IEI 'II YW Ill 445 E. Cout Hwy 'S2 CONVERTIBLE llAlllTZ I $10 062 No • Ex: Bucket Seats, Ra.II)• 1871 1 Beeel'I Blvd. • t t"" M ........._,,,n Beech • nv. . .... _,,, ' Mags, Reek & Pinion ,.u oma "'• age .. v~r-Cabrlo with evary1hlng. (154ZRU) 4U8/7400. ..., Steering. Front Wheel Huntington Beaeh Very Sharp (4<165) 673·0900 Call collect after 5PM. •••••••••••••••• ••••••• • Drive & Morel 142-2000 $1915. 1973 Cadillac Sedan De-20S-726-8563. s13,995 *' d • '82 Ch EPA Est: 30 city, 40 tlwy '70 BUG. New paint, new VIiie. Kint oond. Full po-'65 Mustang 2 dr hardtop • ran IW eYJ • $4981. lntr, runa graat. $1800 wer. $1975. 642-8752, 2S9. 3 1peed manu•I. 1911 CADILLAC • z 28 Camaro Coupe! • ob o . Mu et a e 11. 548·5748 -· $2000. 633-1661 ,. ,. • , . ll1r*n .... 1140 WE'~~~~1~~os1 968-40~:·17~856 ·~!~'::::.' f::~u~7~':: 1~e~~;~ n~n;:r~i' &c~1':'!: s~:L~:::~LILE • ~::~·~~n:.~r ~r~1:~'. s 11 998 •• •••••••••••••••--••••• tlllltl OIUT •A1a--pu dick mlller logo ge, $7495, 675-59n orig rlm1. Ille yellow w/ (10FH731) • ',}.Sl/,7~J474 . :.:·-..... ' Ila SHIT OOIPIS &10/.IHP/lll&IU ---C. blk Int & top. 1mog cert. $}2 995 • "" • ... , • s.in' ,, Ana ~S 7 213? DICK MILL ER MOTORS )/11 'ti W.HPP' A1•' '.'..mt.1 And 'i~i : 1 J.1 • 2524 Harbor Btvd .. C.M. Automatic tran1rrilsslon •••t• 1111 Sll.500 or best ofr. PP. _.!,__ ••• •••••••••••••••• ••• We have over 10 pre-t>-J 1141 649•8023 645-7770 & an AMfFM. (63954). '72 Convertlble Bug :••••••••••••--••••••• a 4 8 . e 2 2 2 day 1 : • *Brand llW '82 Cht" • vloualy owned SL• In :r.••••••••••••••••••• OILY lllll Red. gooo Int, runa gd. 78 Camaro. new paint, 8 3 2 4 0 5 8 stoek. Great ae*tlon of Opet station wagon. 1973 l•ll• l•wn 11$1 _ .... ,. GrHt ahapet Beet off« x0 1 1n,.,t .0~.n~._,1s027.ooo1beat ~~~.5.92·3747 eve0s~ 1979 CADILLAC • Coneffe Coupe' • quellty SL• ranging In model 1900, motor ••••••••I•····••••••••• ••• -over 13500. 673-4351 _.,._, ..... ,"' • price. colors & ye1r1. reblt, cutting dwn to 1 #}DEALER lN US A YIUIWAIEI '69 Sunroof Bug. nawlesa '75 CAMAAO, beautlful ' ' COUPl6~81JilLLI • A I trans 00 • Come In & oonllder our car. $1200. &48-1196 • • . 181'11 Beach Blvd. paint, body, Int. Reblt. blua/blk Int. 350, •II po-2 for 1 Sele: 6li & ea (31 p~:erl Oh .' In v'' 15 998· ~~~~~11~. 1•••HI 1141 ~CARVER HunttngtonBeael'I $2275.661-3982 wer.$2450.644-4028 ~~~;:~,p~c~~!~ $8995 • S l6 ,133. lh. ' DIAL 213 or 714 •••A••••••••••••••••• 0CX15-IOYCE 142·200I 72 1.. IOL ' I H' .. $2500 both 551~298 7533/7640 ... .., • LUii A 1 •• 2 · Bug, 10K, reblt .ng, :O~~W.~~•••••••••••~ · ••••••'•••••••••••••••• e 637·2333 .•• --,,-·~ ~'10 VW Bue, gOOO oond., orig. It blue paint, n-'67 M C R I 1911 CADILL C '82 300D Turbo. Sliver PlllEIT IOI I ·t6«1~~ Ii~~"' xlnt 'or camping, 2nd tires, xlnt cond. $1895. IEE n FllllTI runnt~·:;:.· pa~fy •tr~ A • blue mett/blue. a/r, or-Ttlll •SEL ClOSEOSUNOAYS ownr. 11800, muat NII. 842·8717 We l'leve a good Mleo-pad. $385, 842·0281 PLlllWOOD • · tho ...... rHr l'leada, 559-4()15 '71 l(armenn Ohta. auto. tlon 01 NEW & useo Laura HOUGHAM COUN fact ln1t1d meta. must $289 ld•n 1'111 1111 VW '67 Bua. ean tor detalle CheWoletel "ASTRO•OOP" • • • 11 . pvt p t y . •••••••••••••••••••••• 957·1048 ·as MUSTANG Futbaek OCRR502) 1141131-0202 IOTlllll DIWI ,.._ orig. owner. 12,000 of· $ 4 • '81 3e08El.: Under 9000 per month plue tax Option• Include etr '70 BUO. a att•ll auto. tw. 557-6658 1 ,995 11 0 1 1 R. d 48 month eloaed end M Low A• eond. a an AMI FMI trant. rebuilt eng. 1950. • ~hr~ 'Rl~:.nsunr:O.: leaH on approved ere-$ (1CHH98). 855-2898, perfect eond. 144,000. dlt. Cap coeteer.t&ea5). 148 llLY 111,411 r-,7-0_V_W_B_Ul-.-A-.-d-V-.-,-y' ·~~ •• ~~~.1·:1..-0:)~·.r:t:. 1911 CADILLAC • Wkdy• 7141557-0111. IUOll llNITI PER MONTl-i. o .A.C. M •• ctean.121501080 ,7~ v-a. ,,..,.,. ~. -•• s•o.9 .. 51 SIVILLI • • v • • I w k n d • 848 Dove StrMt '12 •-••t IUT -•aw•-144-0S30 '" ... •"""" .......,, -.. ''fACTCMlY 'JI.TONI" 7141675-246-4. NEWPORT BEACH --.. _. --needl minor work. Mo-01 Mueteng dusk: r•blt (M0179) • 112 0 •• 1 ~~88 ~~"bl'l'f~ c:~ 18711 e..ctl Blvd, V•I,. 1111 vlng Hie. 1550/bet olr 2U, new paint xlnt • '81 3000, Ivory, fully loa-• ST09'T, rHldual. 31&0, Hun~l119'on ea.en ••••••••••••••••••••o 955-3052 cond. auto Tran, 13500 *16,995 • • ded, Immaculate. A•· total °'Ga''· ST11J.« Ml·lm #t f"'9 lnltr ,79 Ctwtette, 4 dr auto, obo. 902.7959 :~~: ~~:~af:~12~Jk1~ r!.11!~! .......... !!.ff 6 tax. ( 375) '74 vw ~. idnl cond. .. ....... """" blue, nu redial•. Blu blc tllbltMD• Hll 1-,,. .. DILi ac • Yt Mle South of Thi Aiport, "•are .,..1141921·1236 911SC Por CABRIOLET Comparable market va-Aun• euC>erb Ut&o or --S2"5. 414-0451 ...................... .,, , --M • th Jamborte Bristol • iueon:RW Liii ~!.'!1..a Oall now. Mlfi::::.· '7!\ Mlllbu Clutlc ~ 11'11 alllllll LDORADO COUPI • IC"r ur, ' '7:1u2~t~\l~R~1v~x:~ = O:~~= ~'.':t.1 __ ...., conCS(1 ownr, Mo~ Im.All mil II ('978PL) ·••••••••••••••••••••••. etaan, nu radltl tlrH, orowd·Puller. TradH? 'II IL 'el vw A,top t41nroof. • OVEMIAI Dlll\llAY ••I• I 1 4 7 5 r Ir m •1111111911 S6995 mecl'I. xlnt. Mutt Hll. S2UOO. 676~9900 COM '11 IT&Tlll WAHi Ablt tng. ,NO or bat ~8 ISS..8042 Loaded! t!conomlcal oi. • DY• H5·0123. evH ·•e 912 o I I I '111... ...... t13..;ou.1, r.e:r1a '72 Chev C1prlce~d HI power! Handeome • aaM3e2• Mil fol' ain. " r g n1 owner. "" UIU m Cllr1 (866YJ£). • --------1 Engine rebuilt, S8500 You Mlect ~ ltOU oond. NeMt P"nt. Otfw Qood ThN 'II ,_ nnn. &4e-4H8. GM affotd. ..... °'' aae..4a1:r •Y Matll Mond11Y. e-M2 • ·~:=:~;:c ·~i·:~~1i~."1;\:~ii: f°'mag·'NawifOri I ~:~.= .;..:"1'.~, '63~~~eoo ':"~~~":' NABER." •. "K.I .u:=:.. •P~ : 4 cyt, ldnt oonct. "4200 7 1 •• 7 7 •• 1 0 e 1 ' • wortc -'11 ~ Votvo Wagon. '82 81eo. ; dr. r•!'>lt a Ill ... {!A~· ....,....71'4&-eMO 780-l444. -sM1J ,OU. C:.11 240 DL. Mu at Hlf Of epd. 1 oyl, •13 ue, nu •11 OICll Olllt • 11-oug. -HA--"'' .-~ • ••••••• ••,••••• •••••••• •11 MR 2206 oomert. e ·71 Por90he 124. Blactt/ / M2·5'71 tatie owr11 ... ~, _... paint. 112001010. ham, d•!:_.. toad_., 1111• .._. _ .. .,. • Pf1eel Qood n Hra. Aftlt ~ • •• brOWn "'"'""top bleck AM1'M 8 tfHk • .......... --u 117-111'1 """· ... _. t41 t440 COITA •u lmtolO.a lnGludl PldGfy HoldtllDll, a. lftt, a11 new, 47K "''· etereo. Air. Hew fir .. _, H""°'1n,,'!!:'.~Dr tor~ 'It flll. AM/,.M, n.w"' ._ ... , •71 cuUHa HO, A/O, 54" '1860 • 1noen.,,..&Ad'MMlll9'-• 11 "'"' -..Utlful car, 0000 co11cl. 17900 ....,.., -• Ca9"Ulel. ..... ,......., -OOfld, "l..,. eGIM'I'"'• to•-Pll PIW,.,._ Pl..... r J17.100f090. 11Ml81 MM431 04f.1487 °'4t-4* arnlO. 17HM lllOIC. OI--... don.... f·toP tt300. 141 IM • • • • • • • •••• I 1 * ' s i . . l ' . ' l . t . . i .. . •I .. DEADUNES For Tu.ctey through Saturday ~5:30PMthe ~a,. For Sunday and ~ publfc:Mlons, 12:00 llDOf'I Saturday. ERRORS ~ thOuld check OW edl dally and report ST'OfS lrnmedlntly. The DAil. V Pll.OT -.me9 llablNty for the flr9t lncorrwc:t lntertlon only. 642 .. 5678 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE: All ,.If ...... acMt'tlted In thle M" 1PIPlf II altljed to the Federal Fair Hou91ng Aid°' 11ee wtllch ,,.._It l"9gll '° eiMrt1ae "any pmeren~. Nmltation. or dlla1m1Mtion ~on ,..,., color, retlgloa, M il. or natk>nlf 01191n. or., ll1te11ltorl to nu .,.,, euch preference, llmltetlon, or dlterimln.lflon." ' ( HARBOR RIDGE MllWUI Professionally decorated split level, 2BR wi den & library. Reduced $100,000 for Immediate sale. $450,000 1nun Highly upgraded 2 BR w/Spa and Sauna. Immaculate throughout. Great assum. financing. $465,000 IWIWOI Large 3 BR. Fam Rm w/Spa and Spectacular Ocean View. Low Down. $555,000 ....... Dramatic 2 BR apllt level widen & library. Great location and terms. $580,000 llEllODI IDT YllW Prestigious Seawlnda beat view atreetl Carmel model done to perfection. Kot Pond In lovely yard on this view site. Seller wlli coop w/flnanclng. Bring your offer w/low down! $310,000 Jane Paquin (N25) EIHIT1YI TIWl .. 111 Immaculate "G Plan" Newer Bluffs with 4 BR. 3 BA w/many u~rades & extras. Corner locatlon. Private spa, near pool. $300,000 Incl. land. Good financing available. Dick Halderman (N28) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-5 . . . 224 Nata -The Bluffe, Newport Beach. WllT IMU IE kl ID 2 fplca -3 BR & a Catalina vtew. Lovely la lot·beautlful location - dose to achoola & Fashion Island. $244,500 Leuehold. Barbara Aune (N27). OPEN SUNDAY 1_., 2333 Arbutua, Eaatbluff. ,._ PDllllU llPLll 3 BR, 2 bath duplex n~ block• from the ocean. F11nt.Mtlc lnveetment winter Of summer rental. $290,000 Low down and owner wll cany AITO. Sharon Smith (N28) ......... Shake roof, brick & ehlngle cottage. High beama, French doors & windows. 2 used brick fplca, Hdwcf floor1, woodsy setting. $250,000 Fee Beverty Morphy (N29) .......... Mariners School -2 brick patloe, epa, fam rm, Private. •239,000 Bevet1y Morphy (N30) ••••••+Plk Don't ml11 'hla Immaculate home In NotthwOOd VIiiage. Perfect family home with solar heated pe>Of, eeparate famlly room, oountry kitchen & io.da of 1torage ip9ce. $230,000 Anita Schandel (N31) LICElllE Spacious 3 BR, Including Master BR Retreat w/flreplace. • Ocean/Bay View. $695,000 LIOElllE Interior Designer'• own ho,ne. Elegant throughout. Unobstructed Ocean View. $725,000 IEYllllllE Free-standing 5 BR w/extenalve use of Oak & Mexican Pavers. Sweeping Ocean/Bay View. $1,495,000 CaJI Bette Partch or Maureen White "YOUR HARBOR RIDGE SPECl!\LISTS" lllnl Ml-ITllY lllffl Three BR, two bathe, condo on greenbelt. Nftty painted, carpeted, wall-papered. Excellent financing. Perfect for email family or retired couple. Community pool nearby. $226,000 Jan Young (N32) •WI .. OUY• -Absolutely Immaculate 2 BR, 2 BA, bright & cheerful, highly upgraded throughout. Condo. Showa like a modet & can be occupied lmmedlatety. Excellent financing. A residence of unending pleasure. $205,000 or furnllhed at $215,000 Suzanne Shuler (N33) ITTD1111 lllUll REllUl Opportunity knock• on this one of the loweet priced homes on the eut aide of Newport Bay. 3 BR, fam rm, Lusk bullt home now avaJlabte. $189,900 Coby Ward (N34) UST lllTI MIU IUlllll 2 doH hou ... , each 2 BR, Seperate yard and garage. $180,000 Bertt MttcheH (N35) .......... Charming "~wood"' moc:MI • 3 BR, 2'AI bath1, dining area. pr~ dtoOt ated In eprtng colota. LO patto -air conditioned. Community -pool, tennl• courts & lake. $155,500 Fee. Donna Godlhall (N3e) • IAlml• ""' NW! VeraaJllee condo. lmmeculllt• tlWOUflhout. Upgraded, eecond floor wltowitaln ~. Clu~ pOOI a epa. Excedent flnandng. $94,500 Incl land -Dick Halderman (N31) , .... Tll Ull I .. , II.IP $525,000 lmmec:ulate & beauttfulty fumlehed home on a sandy beach .. In a private community. Profeeak>natty remodeled. Mary Lou Marlon OPl!N SUNDAY 12..e ••• 10 e.lboe Cow.. Balboa Covw, Newport Beech. I -·-----...-.. . Orange County Re.a Estate/An Ac:MlrtJe&ng Supplement to the OAJLY PILOT/Saturday, Augu9t 7, 1982 - 3 WE ARE PLEASED TO AllllOUllCE THAT OUR NEWPORT BEACH -,,,,, .... SALES FACILITIES HAVE Bllll RILOCATID TO: #2 CIVIC PLAZA -SUITE 100 NEWPORT CENTER TELEPHONE -644-6200 Please Visit Us Soon! ,l· Tom Queen, Vice President Uffllll DlllllYE Custom designed for casual Indoor outdoor llvlng. this professk>naJty crafted resJdence of 3 BR occupies a stte most desired on Newport Bay. Tastefulty finished In Imported ma.rble & atone & white oak doors & floors. Pier & sup and security. $4,750,000 Barbara Aune (N11) · ........ IE" UYFIHT CUTUI This unique home approx. 8,000 aq. ft. Is an entertainers paradise. Large slip, bayslde lawn, pool, 3 fireplaces plus his & hers bathrooms, den office/art room, library, gymnasium. Unusually deep lot w/approx 74 feet on the bay. Onty 5 years old. $4,500,000 John Macnab & Berlt Mltchell (N12) SPECTACIW llYFllllT PlllUlll Unparalleled 240 degree view of big bay & Islands! Five BR suites, entertaining rms Include playrm w/fully equipped bar & upstairs bllllard, w/fam rm. Sllps for 3 large boats. $4,300,000 lnciudlng land Cathy Schweickert (N13) ••• 1111 ........ Total security In this beautJful luxurious condominium -Bay & city view, undrground aecurtty parking, Pool & spa. Magnificent entrance sak>n w/crystal chandelier, Pool rm & deck a.rea to private boat slips. $845,000. Barbara Aune (N14) ....... This sunshine bright 3 BR, den, Oeauvtlle In exciualve Big Canyon has a view you will want to call your own. The apartdlng pool & epa over1ook all of Bia CMyOn & beyond to the hill• & light• of Harbor Ridge. 1785.000 f eny Aune ...,_ (N15) .... ,.111.L OlstlngulsMd executive location In exdualve Big Canyon. 4 BR, bright and *Y home w/Jg patio, pool & ape area for your corporate and family entertaining. Priced aub8tantlatty below the market for Immediate ..,. & occopancy. $849,500 Incl. land. Tom Alllnaon - Teny Hanel (N18) ,.. • lll YUi Aecentl)' redecorated • 8R. 3 bath home In tight MUtrat tone1. poof, apa. oustorn built bf'Mkfront on the entire wWI In dtnlng room, all Ihle & moet netting view In the.,.._ 1515,000 Maxine Propp (N17) 10 YUi 111111111.E LIU Best financing ever -Harbor Ridge -$75,000 wlll move you In "Aennalssance" Model In fantastic location. Be sure & see this one - $475,000 Anita Schandel (N18) UM llWI Ill.ID .-E Lovebrlght 5 BR formal dining rm, fam rm, wet bar, sunny patio! Tastefully decora1ed. Assumable 1st. T.D. Priced right at $485,000 Berlt MltcheU (N19) IEW ''IMISIT" usn• Prestigious HARBOR VIEW HOMES -5 'BA, fem rm, formal din rm, plus beautlful pool & epa. Completely upgraded -French doors & windows, plantation shutters, pane&lng & new kitchen. Too many amenttlea to llst. $429,000 Incl. land. Donna Godshall (N20) . YllW-WIEW-YIEW Lovely 3 BA, fem rm, 2 flreplaces, JacuzzJ . Immaculate "Fantastic" Financing. Avallabte. $425,000 Berlt MHchell (N21) llllmllft The "legend" model -one BR. den condo situated with 1tepe of the bay. Completely redecorated. The master aulte occu. plee the entire second floor. Financing 11 excettent on thl1 preatlglous home. $395,000 Fee Donna GodaMll (N22) .. MIH•mD Gate-guarded communtty. ~BR+ den. TMt9'utty deeorated. Ctoee to pool & tenn61. $386,000 8ertt Mttot<el (N23) • • ---,--·--ca c-::::----. -· -I·,_-___ _ ,. • • .!' -4 • • I •"' • 1"f .,\ • .. ~ " t 4' -Or8nge 'County R~ Eatate)An Adverdalng Suppliment to the OAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 7, 1982 I. NEWPORT BEACH BEACH COMMUNITIES CORONA DEL MAR lllffl 1111 .... Best buy In the Blutfsl Ready to move Into. Spllt level 2 BA condo. Greenbelt vista. Excellent opportunity In Newport. Good terms. lllffl 1111,IM Thia 3 BA condo Is In mint condition. Plus neutral carpets & good location. Priced for a fast aaJe. Great assumable loan tool UUM••a.s 1111.111 Beautlfully priced 3 BR, 2 bath home on quiet Newport Beach street. Well maintained with nice ftoorplan and eeveral large trees In private yard. Owner wltl cooperate with financing. m awn u11.- 3 BA Carmelita with prtvate patio overlooking putting green & pool. Very CREATIVE FINANCING & posslble lease option: Price reduced. .......... ..... Fantastic financing fOf" a fantastic property! 3 BA Carmel plan. The owner will carry with only $30,000 down or lease option! Name your terms & move lnl WTlllff Ull,111 Executive elegance In Eastblutfl Fabulous 3 °' 5 BR family home In parklike setting with reflection pool, spa & lots of emotion. Very anxious owner has priced to eell qulck,Y. '• UITUff 1211.-Prlvate courtvard entrance leads to aradoua entertaining & vtews of Newport. large famlly rm, breakfast area, 4 BR or 2 den/offices. Own« will help flnante. ........... ....... You aay you can't find a 10% loan today?? Look no mOf"ell The owner of this moat upgraded Portoflno plan wlll carry the 1at Trust Deed at 1 oe;. with 20% down. The perfect famlty home with perfect flnanclnglll .. ....,. ........ Deane OMuvllle. Superb location overtooklng the 18th fairway. Thia dramatic 3 BR famlty room townhome h• H alt. Huge maetw lu1te, glaaa MC:k>Md patk> 1°' outdoor !Mng. ... ...,,. 11-.111 3 BR. dean, bright & tuteful. Harchw>od floors, akyllte, noor aafe, lnatant hot water & a bee1 buy however you look at It. Good tocatton near schools, pool, ahopa & freeway. --.___--~---~ ·.z--• -~ - ......... u .... Loweat priced duplex In the area. Newly furnished makea It an excellent rental or a beach retreat for famllles. Great location near beach. Sell8' financing available. Ill.II& ..... Why rent when you can buy this summer your beet buy on the penlnaula within 1tep1 of the bay and beach. Remodeled 2 BR & famlty room with ekytlght. Owner will help finance. ...... 1•--Select Lido Isle location features charm, privacy & a country Englleh flavor! 3 BR, 3 BA, 2 story home. 2 ftreplaoee, remodeled kltcben & lrg brick patio. Outstanding value + owner ftnanctng. .... Ml .. Elegant country setti ng. 3 BR & large remodeled kitchen. Beam ceilings, wood floors & Iota of charm. 2 fireplaces. Large assumable loan & owner carry 2nd. A good house wtth greet financing. .. ~ Mtl• Safe. Secure. Scrumptious describes this Immaculate 2 BR separate office on Fee land. Large secluded sunny patio + fre1hly decorated makes this an outstanding buy. Sef18' creative financing. ULllA--1111.-You muat 9M this vtew property before buying. Excellent overaaed comer location with view from the home & the apt of lovely So bayfront. Large guest room with bath. Steps to sand. ...... 111..- 4 BR Den, Formal ' dining room, gourmet kitchen. ELEGANCE ABOUNDS In this ldeaJ family home. Seller la offering excellent flnanctng at a very low Interest rate. ... ..,.. .. ..• Barefoot on the beach! Super lnvostment. Best oceanfront location, quiet gorgeous sunsets. Duplex, each wtth 3 BR'S plue a large bonus room. Acrou from tennis & racquet ball cts. ....... ...... Leut e~ve home on thl1 gate guarded .a.land. 6 BR, family room, large Pier & 1Hp for 3 boat1. Lovely bayalde deck & located acroee from tennis & eandy beech. Excellent ftnandng. OTHER AREAS I llP All llY .... When you want to ltay fOf" a fft more auneet1 we've gQt aomethlng for you In Emerald ~ tt'1 unconventional, tuM of excftlng fea1urea. 3 BR. A prtvate beach, poo11, apa & tennla courts. CMG&. .... ..,u r • unua.ao ...... _...._ ._, _ _, ... .... mw au 1211,MO Ideally located 3 BR & den home. 2 cozy flreplacea. Lovely peaceful setting with beautiful Catalina & sunset views. It la near shopping, beaches, schools & friends. Owner wlll help finance. .... '1IW.... u ...... Very anxious Miier hu made this a great buy! Lusk built 3 BR family home with large secluded yard In quiet area. Can't last at this price & owner wlll help finance. ---...... Excellent ctoae to the ocean location. Spacious 2 BA home with a 2 room guest/rental. Extra side R-2 lot. Owner financing with 25•1. down. -llLUI UH,111 Sparkling clean on wide greenbelt. 3 BR with large muter aulte. Plan 6 Earth tone decor. End unit. Priced to 881111 llllM Y1IW -.U P'fl,111 Comb4ne trees, tailored landscape, park llke yard, accented by covered patio & spa with upgraded 3 BR home & decorator totlches plus great terms, & you have something special. .....Ill.. HN,111 Builder-owned duplex. 4 bedroom + 1 bedroom. Custom decor; antique beams & mantel; walnut paneled oelllnga leaded glass, prtvate master aulte with Japanese tub. Lovely fixtures & details. Owner aaaJated financing. _..... M1._ The most popular model In Seavlew & the only one on the market. Single ltory, 4 BR, family room, utility & m•ter aufte. Views. Seller wlll be • creettve. Gated community with swimming & tennis. ... _. ...... Beautiful ocean view 2 BR & den residence. Extra large courtyard, nloely landscaped. Great home fOf" remodel or add on. Owner will help .. finance. F~ Fee Fee. _.... .. ..... Imagine If you will a large completely r~odeled Cape Cod 1hat overlooks Little Corona Beach. Aecognlie If you dare that this II tod1y'1 belt value In COM locatlon. Quallty tennl. ~--., ...... Ocean & ctty Nght• from tbl• private 4 BR •ate on nearly ~ of aore. Selected u home of architectural 1lgnfflcanoe. Re1tored In '81. Gazebo, greenhouH & hardwood beam1. Privacy. ~-,. .. f . .. Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 7, 1982 -5 760-8333 Ul.F Olllll YIEW Outstanding Monaco with terrific location on fairway in Big Canyon. 3 Br, formal dining oak panelling, boOkcasea, delightfully decorated throughout, 3 car garaae. $625,000. Owner will finance at 1~. IUll On estate siz.e lot overlooking golf courae in prestigious &g Canyon. 5 BR 4 BA, <avem room. study, formal dining, gouimet kitch~n. AJC, auperb cust.om construction, covered patio, pool. $2,650,000. • 111111 ... Tiii 'Llle best money can buy! 3 BR located on exclusive Big Canyon Country Club. Amenities include an old 1800 English Pub, all beamed & paneled study, muai~ center, Fr. doon & 2 frplce, beveled glass & wine cellar. Everything for ~e dilcriminatingl $!115,000 ... ---·· 5 Bdl'Jns.6500 aq ft with beautiful and taste and quality throughouL Beveled and leaded g1-. onyx & marble be&ha, elevator , wine cellar, pool, apa. eecwity aystem and much more. $1,995,000. Offer your trade u down payment. I I · 1 '. I 6 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlalng Supplement. to thtt DAILY PILOT/Saturday. August 7, 1982 COit KL/\LTT @ InVLSTnrnT conrnrrr ROOM FOR TE ... S COURT NMrtr 1.1 ..._of llDhlltlcd ,...._, ... e Mlfll81ffl>!Jlnallllllll pool end .......... , ............... NIWl'OllT llEACHll OW... .. hde end.._. le,_ ter • ...... court. Good _w ... ftnelldntl Md oww .. _. .. .... ced to .... ... UDO ISLE WATERFRONT llecettUJ NdttOed ........ tMe ••'"' I Mdrootn ............ Clwtee lclldwft .............. ........ ooolL........, ........ "" .................. ...... con...._., Ne-=.._.....,.._ A pier end eltp to eccommode e e u9. !Met te lttoludod, owner wlll exc:Mnge. S't.-000. LOCATION-WATERFRONT-LOCATION 1NI Llftde .......... ,..... .......... a. ... Me ,......, ...... ,...... to St.as-. ......... In ........, end reedJ tow In. tNe ........ "-I •1atrM1M ..td • pier end llp to ilCDllftmDIWe I ....... 0... ... ded Wntl lte own pm.-beeoft Md teMle court, INe ,...., hofM hea H ._Owner •• exchllnge. LINDA ISLE'S BESTn • Witry FNMh ....... lldr .. ,.. ..... end hnlnt ...,,. ••T" .. ,.. llnenoM, JOU Mod look ftO twther. °"' t,IOO ............. 127 .............. ..., end • ,.., ..... llp '°' .............. ......, property ....... C8f ................. ........ SPECTACULAR BAYFRONT On,,... .................. --~-............ ... l,000 ...... toot cuttoM, ....... fllOdern ldklMft .......... lnclliudee ,.., .... '°' ..... ..,., _., e ..._to ttwel _,_.•HUGE AIONf YAN>~ -.. ...,. Pwtl8CJ ...... ., '°' ...... ·---........... Dtd to M-.-. ON THE 11th FAIRWAY Oneof ... ~ ............................. . ........ 2 ••• ,..., ................... ....... ....... • MCtud•d pool md , ............. c:Md ....... Oii the 1teh ..... .,. TM owner .. ...a.t Wnt1 h llnendftg md .. TRADE ter ...._ prop9f1J In eouth ~ c....,. Priced ....... ., ....... CONTEMPORARY GOLF COURSE If ,..,.,. tlrwd ~ countrJ PNftdl or OOWttrJ balWI then .... '°"" ........ c..,... Mine...., be Ifie ... '°' ~~...., ,_ .......... 1,.. ............... . ............ •....,,... AND .._.,, ........... le.,. #dlllllattnl ....., .................. WRY~ ..... ..................... ~-·---",,..... .... ...................................... A PRIVATE WORLD • OWertooktnl ... ._... ...... • • nr wtew, .,. ....... ......... ,.11111_.. ................ ,...... .,.,.. ..... _... ............ ,. ....... ... .................... M llll~llllllllDlll•AI .. ...................... ...,., ..... HIGHONAM.L v ................................... ... •y, ......._•_...Mel_, :i::. AND• f1lll1a QAZPPO to,_ .... le llf11•1 ..... elf .. !' _ ....................... ,.,......o..r1 ..................................... ,.... ............................. LOT.a-LOT ..... OTa-t..OTa-t.OTS .,.. .......... ,_ ............... :=-elf• ........... _ ....... , ..... ....... ..... = :.c;-:· ................ ..... .. ... ,... -...., ---Tiii °""" ............. .,... ., ,.. ...... ..., .. ............... tt.--ef111 1t11llt1 ..... lll"'WOWI NEW ON THE MARKET 801 UDO • PREMIER ADDRESS Loceted on the llh floor of the mo1t preatl9loua • ............................... Onn9e eo..tr ......... OftlJ wtM ...... 2 •1dr00Me, l'h iNttM end epecteculer a..,, ooeen 6 ftlPt ............. M hour ....... MCWttf • row own doorMenl tnl,IGO. OCEANFRONT CONDO -LAGUNA BEACH Sttuetod ,..., _ U. bMota, W.1•1•....e. I beth home ...... '°' .... N4lred ....... ...,. ............. ... ..._. wta:tli• ........... M Mw wttJ Md VDY d11lrllll1 looeetoft INllle ... U.-. Aor• oflennt • ......... .-.ow.. .. ..... LAKE FOREST • CORNER LOT HlghlJ upgreded 4 1tedroo111, 2¥1 beth home on pc>oHlaod comer loC Wlttl cuetom ahutters. ,..,... cerpet and plllnll floora. ,,. ...... ......, Mine "' • '°"'Y fomltJ "tttng 9'd U. °"'* hea Matod the propenJ Mlow meft.ol .. 1211,000. OPEN HOUSE • SUNDAY 1·5 S IAN eE•AITlAIMtANI NDGE 12. 100,ooo 11 IAN IHA&TlMMIARll RIDGE 11-.- 15 RIDQaUNl.ffAM --....... 1132 E..,..,..ftAM VIEW HU.a --211 VIA UDO eouD-000 ISLE • S't-- H IHOAL .... A-CN!IK ---·-----21512 CAMINO TN!90L-t.AKI FOR£8T --··-1111,0DO CALL FOR DIMCT10N8 ESTATE SALE • ESTATE HOME EMer ... 21' .................................. .... ...... wtth ....... Allng "*"Md• VERY .... ....., f'OOfft. Urge ,,..... .... and ...... deoor msllle ..... ..... ............. home. ~ .. tno.ooo .. behind. guerdod .... . NIGHT LIGHTS • DAY LIGHTS ,....... of .... ....,......., ............ Cote......, ........ .....,K..,..._MOd9l...._..41tedrOOIM end• loft plua....., room·:~......,. end• WCMldefful °"'·:'C view. T _..,. .. ,, loeM Md pftcod to ... et .000 FORECLOSURE SALE • BIG CANYON TNe ~ ...._ (M Mode c:erpet _. ,....., ... '"""' rHoHrH '" • torecleHre PfoeeHIRt. ..... , ..... Md • deft ................. "' ._. .. ,.... ...... ,. ...... d ....... .. = .................... ... 9"-i.-IMl.11 .......... --. ... 00.W fM ....... .. ,... .......... ,.. ""'1. Prlood .......... ... HAMOR RIDGE .. OCEAN VIEW CONDO a...ted ................ .,... " .............. -= .. .................... ....., ...... .., .............................. 1 .. ,,.. ,..., ..... 9" Ille ..... lltlMI Ill .... fto ........................ ..--........ .. ...... .. ..,...Prlood ......... ... GOLi' COURIE CONDO • BIG CANYON .•.... ,..... ................ .....,_ ............... ~ ............... ,........, ........... ----·---··-1:' .... o • ., ........................ ...... • 12 aeu 1th_....., ......... ,...~ .... ................ ,...... .............. ..... ........... OwMt ...... ,...,.,..... \\ ACRE • OC£AN VIEW .. ........ 1111.-. ... c..... ..... ouetcMRIAd ...... ........ ., .......... oflertng In .. oMJ • ....., ....... ,. d ......... , ............ end wtnc1e•a. • ..... ,... (V'lllY ":.A.:l Md e hft1 Jerc1 tbet loob ............... Pwtl(,.... .... ~ ............................. 11:= wt1h .. ltted a1•1nM1Md11111l 1na11 tt1 .IASMINE CREEK· Rea,,., ___ . -·---·--- TNe ....., I .............. aecwy ........ wtttt .... ::t. ....... IMNIMI e c:ded ...... OM .... beet ,_,. "' c..... .. , .,. Md unit .-lte own !putting ...... ,.. good ....... imiu..oe .... ...., to •C8n'J e .... ftOte tor e '°"I tlMe. You Ne1r eMued ... 1""9 OM ••. "'a e buJf WIN exchonfe or ..... /option. • LAGUNA BEACH-SPECTACULAR 8p1alaue enoultM 4 •••roe;.~.::"'~..,,... .ne. w and ...,,,_ ..._. Md leod1a:lll«f .. ,.. .... oul .... JOU ... wrroundod °" ..... br I ........ ,.,.-...._, llelaJt lft J0UF OWft ....... poof, .. °" .............. ....,... .............. .. ..,. 1NI epoolll wed ......................... .... ...... of~ Md llltood ................ .. 8IG CANYON TOWNllO• -UNIT. &....er ..... ,, ........ 1111*1""1 Md ......................................... ,..e _.Ai.I. .. C• IT Mm PAINT .... -a Md :'ii.............. • .. , -.. ......... .. .... ,.. ............... ....... WAft ..... ONT CONDO-WITH 80AT .... nle L ... NeflflRI ....,lllNI ...... wft ..., .::::; ....................................... ,. Oll ....... ..,....,.. .. ..._._,,,tlf•••-•••11• ........ 11 .. If .. r::l•lnill~ ......... ,.. .... w, ... ::::S::-=sq .. ---------- IEIA YElll Outstanding 4 Br. 3 Ba. 2 Story home. Very private yard on cul-de-sac. Seller will help with flnan. Full price $207,000. Call AllH ...... IM 631-1266. • IEW H lllln Prime cul-de-sac loc. Hunt. Bch. 4 Bdr. + bonus room. NEW BLENDED INTEREST RATE AVAIL. Only $216,000. 'attlt ........ 631-1266. lllUT TEDI Best value In Costa Mesa NEW LOW INTEREST FINANCING on 3 Bdr, fam rm. home. BRING OFFERS! $115,500 , ..... ........ 631-1266. . •Ll.llllTIH• Forced sales, TWO BEAUTIFUL NEWPORT pool homes valued at $800,00o+ .• Will sell now for $325,000 and $318,000. HARBOR RIDGE lowest priced. Steal It at $399,900. W/v'tfM. BIG CANYON lowest priced. Won't Last at $179,900 Wt Pool, spa + tennis. NEWPORT 2 lrg '4 Bdr. beauties. All new decor. Only $215,000 & $199,500. Must see. NEWPORT full on OCEAN VIEW 3 Bdr, only $259,500. These won't lastl NEWPORT 2 Bdr. beauty NEAR BEACH. Take It at $149,900. No better time to buy. All with TERMS. Wiii sell, lease option or trade. Serious only call Patrie• or Frei T1Hrt, 760-8702 or 631-1266 now! HYEll SllllES 1412 Santiago. Lrg. 4 Bdr. Spanish Estate W/Pool -$318,000 Steal. Drive By. Agt. Patrie• er Frd TtHrt. 631 -1266 or 760-8702. lllYllE TElllCE 1918 Seadrift. Remodeled 3 Bdr. + Pool Home. Only $325,000. Drive By. Agt. Petri .. er Frt• T111rt 631-1266 or 760-8702. Orange County Real Eatate/An Advertlltng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 7, ~982 -7 01101 TIEii IEIT UYI v1rv1ne 3 br. corner lot home $129,000 vNewport Bch. Nu 3 br. pvt. yd.$169.000 vCDM 4 br. pool fee $349,500 VE.astslde. Nu 4 br. mini ranch $199,000 All have tremendous financing tool Call ........ 759-1221. 111 IUll ILIPPEI has been found In THE CASTLE a 4 br. 4 ba. masterpiece w/whttewater vu, former co~ preview home of the year. $910,000. Call IH biter for epeclal showing. 759-1221. FID ... Just buy this lowest priced bulldable R-2 lot In Costa Mesa and we'll Include a move-In condition home! All for only $89,900. Cati ... Wter 759-1221. 30 lllTS • I.I I 11111 Assymable 8'h•t. 1st T.D. plus owner fln~nclng 12% -Hurryl ••• Llut1 ...... ,,...., 759-1221. llYEI SlllD LUii '4 Br. 5 Ba. pool, spa, formal din., fam. rm .• fab. view, wlll lease option. $1 ,850 mo .... ., ... 1..,. . UM WITEIFlllT LUii 2 br, 3 ba, f.r., sec. bldg. Underground park. Approx. 2600 sq. ft. Poss. boat dock/fantastic vu. All nu palnts/crpts. $1800 mo. IM tr llYll HIP 759-1221. 1111101 lllME LUSE 4 br. 3 ba form. d.r. f.r., study, beautifully dee. lge decks, tab. vu. Prl. grd. gate, pool & tennis. $2500 mo. Submit all offers. Ml tr llYIE II• 759-1221. WYIEW LUSE 4 br. 3 ba. f.r., d.r. city a. ocean vu. Grd gate, pool a. tennts. S 1700 per mo. IM tr 11¥111• 759-1221. CllEI SllllEI Ocean view, 4 Bdr, formal dining, pvt pool 11nd pvt beach acceaa. Fee land. Oceanside of PCH. Asking $649,000. 119 UUI 559-9400 808 and DOVIE KOOP OdEI illlEI Fab. Ocean & coastline vy, 3 br. 3 ba. form. d .r .• f.r., study, lge. pool & courtyard, prl. bchs. $895,000. Fee. IM tr lml 1-759-1221. UllllllME 5 br, 4 ba. game rm. form. dr, hlghly upgraded, Italian marble In l.r., d.r .• ktt f.r .• study & f.r. has beaut. panetlng & shutters. Fab w 2 tge. patio decks. A must to see at $895,000. -ar 11111UIP759-1221. IOUIFlllT -IOUIFlllT Convert ex. lge duplex to your prt. res. & llve on the finest beach on the coast. S 170,000 1st at 11•1 •. 2nd of $250,000 at 12•1 •. Steal at $650,000. IM ., lft1I DIP 759-1221. llYEI Sl•ES Name your terms on this lrg. 4BR, 4BA. Home W/ocean View+ Sep. ln·law qtrs. $297,000. Steal! L.H. $200,000 1st T.D. 12V•% with excef. terms. Low dn. or trade equity for C.M. or N.B. home or condo. ... ., 111111•. 759-1221. IEW OllTIM FIElll lllllllY You must see to believe all this fine wkmnshp 4 br 3 ba, form dr, 3 fp, oak cab. beaut. tlle, choice of crpt. Npt. Hgts. Only $385,000. Sir, carry lge 1st at 13-t •. Ml tr ... ••• 759-1221. IEWNIT llEllm 4 Bdrm 21n Ba w/game room. Beaut. decor In every room. Over ~ ac. w/jac. Asking $340,000 Fee. Wiii trade for smaller home or condo. • tr llftl 1•, 759-1221. llPLD--Country antique, different. A gift for your mother. 2 Bdrm 2 Ba & 1 Br 1 Ba, highly upgraded kitchen, brick fptc, $295,000. Seller wlll finance. Must see. • tr lftll ·-· 759-1221. LIM PllllMll 2 bd. 2 ba. The flnett vu avail. In Newport. Sec. Bldg., pool, bo9t dock w/notlce. $525,000. -., ... ,., 760..1221. 1m1111111t ... 3 br. 3 ba. t.r., d.r., tM.tQe matt# ate/ .. ttlng rm. vu, tatgeet model. '210,000. 8ubm" any off9r on ...,,., • tr ...... 759-1221. '1 ( ·. Tli~ U~l()U~ ~()LUTI()~ I A full time employee, 3 computers, a committee of appraisers and 25 "lean, , _ qlean and attractive" salespeople to determine the precise value of a property. UYFlllT WITI q n WP -View, airy, 4 Bdrm, large master suite/fireplace. 3 sundecks. cheerful and quiet. Owner will finance. $595, 000. FlllT Liii '1IW -Best from Irvine Terrace. 4 Bdrms, pool and owner wlll finance. Only $600;000. Leasehold. UYFlllT, 1111,000, 10"J. IPR -Vacant In Bea- con Bay, owner retired, wants to sell 3 Bdrm, 3 ba bayfront. Financing at 10•1. APR Asking $695,000. Fiii Ill llEAll -Family home, Beacon Bay waterfront, tennis, needs TLC, owner will fi- nance. Leasehold Is attractive. $850,000. MIU FlllT llOLISllll -Little corner of the local coastline: surf, dramatic rocks, exquisite 4 Bdrm, pool and spa. Nothing else Uke ltl $2, 500,000. --.. llllllll Pltll -Big Canyon (McClain). Tasteful upgrades, gorgeous ap- pointments, assumable 11•1. l'>an. Security, serenity, swimming & tennis. $320,000. Ill OllYH MUii -A 3 Bdrm, 2 bath. town- home, security & financing. $259,000. TIE YllW Hiii llYlll -Turtlerock Glen, woodsle, top view. Dramatic 3 Bdrm Jasmine model. Upgrades, Redwood deci< near pool & tennis. $269,000. UST 1111 11111 •UA -Cul-De-Sac locatlonl Nothing this low on this 4arge of a lot. 3 Bdrma. owner will carry. $134,900. · • YDY l&YllMU -Cottage nr. beach, country k"chen, ~ floors, 3 Bdrm•. used brick fire- place, patio. Ananclng. $335,000 Leuehold. E X A ~t P L E S l&O• l&Y Piil Ml 4 Bdrm. 21/t baths. vacant OPEi THIS WEEIEID wl1h 30 yr . loan of $150,000. Anxious. Reduced OPEi IOISE UT to $279,000. 67 Canyon Ridge, Irv ................ ........ $269,000 PllCO llUT Ill • IHIFIEU 3 Bdrms, 21h baths, Turtlerock, view, 3 Bdrm Immaculate, Air cond. Patio, financing under 910 Nottingham, NB ......................... $279,000 12%. Priced below competition. $149,500. Traditional. Dover Shores. pool 111 1t•E -UTTU &PT. Charming 3 bdrm, den SUIDIY large family area, up to date. A block to the 4 Rue Fountalnbleau, NB .......... ....... $350,000 beach. Apt rents at $600/mo. Large 1 H~01• Big Cyn, lowest price, seeks cash. 2 Bdrm loan. $495,000. . 415 Heliotrope .................................. $449.500 11111 UlllL/nH AM II.DI Cute clean, 3 Bdrm 3 Bdrm home with apt., 10% loans with dock for 2 bOats. owner financed. Priced 420 De Sola Terr, COM .................... $3~9.000 at MAI $575,000. Highlands, 3 Bdrm, view, lse opt. 304 Goldenrod, COM ....................... $495,000 mn.i Ml Pt.R &PT. -3 Bdrm with sunny Big beach home, solid, W/apt. kitchen & courtyard. Spacious 1 Bdrm apt. 100/e 13 Canyon lsland, NB ....................... $249,500 loans available with $150, 000 down. Reallstlc Big Cyn. townhome. fine cond., Mclain at $449,500. 1800 Port Sheffletd, HVH ................. $249,500 'mt llYUMIT _Solid rental area. $50,000 Carmel with pool, spa, EZ loan down to 13'/, loan. Gross multtpller of 11 . 21 Beacon Bay, NB .......................... s595.ooo Management history avallable, $225,00Q. Bayfront, 109/e loan, 3 Bdrm 5 Point Loma, COM .................. ........ $925,000 I J S 1 Be s 1 5 Bd IU1 sau• AIU -Low malnt .• no nose. a-naz:zy st on PYO ass, rm smlne Creek 3 Bdrm. one level, Immaculate 601 Patyollta, COM .......................... $352,500 SS OOO Irv. Terr., 3 Bdrm, 2 frplc, Fee 55, . SAT I Ill ·llUI .. , IUT LMI -Jasmine Creek slngle 2221 F 1 NB s279 000 level 3 8drm condominium, lush patios, spa. ranc sco, .......................... • Assume loans -1818 than 12%. $369,500. Back Bay, pool. 4 Bdrm, vacant 2706 Lighthouse, NB ........................ $429,000 .... , WIU ,.._ • •UIHI -Harbor 4 Bdrm, fee, ownr fin., vacant VIMr Hilla. Owner will carry $250,000 @ 12°1• 978 Sandcastle, COM ....................... $275,000 lntetnt. No point• for 5 yrs. Nr. comm. pool. 4 Lowest price. view, desperate Bdrn'I 3 bath $429,000. 2515 Windover, COM ....................... $460,000 a..T 11111 s _South Coast Center, neat ____ 0cea __ n_vtew....,-_4_Bd_r_m ____ ~--·--·-.,.-':':' .. ~-~~'!!!"!.•~ u a ptn. 2 Bdrm, AIC, wm work t ... selll $88,000. = *MISA DEL MAR* Assumable financing. Spacious 3 Br ranch style home. Featuring family room, central air cond. & private location. Close to all. Only $132.900. 2670 San Miguel Dr .• Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. / -- •AR'JIS'TS*PRIME RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY* ~ned. for art studios, gift shops. antiques, etc .... Owner will carry fmancmg for 25 years. Only $135,000. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *$48,500* TOTAL PRICI For this smashing home m one of nicest parks m area. Two large bedrooms, formal dirung & air conditioning. Call for detail!!! 2670 San Miguel Dr .. Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *103 DOWN* * 113 FINANCING* When you takeover existing T.D .. owner will assist at 12% on this 3 Br house on FEE LAND in BACKBA Y AREA. Featuring hardwood floor and shingle room. Only $135.000. 2670 Sap Miguel 759-1501 or 752-7373. *HARBOR VIEW HOMES *SEA WIND* Lovely MONTEGO plan feat11ring 4 Brs, private location and assumable financing. Only $249,0QO!! 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *$19,500 PRICE REDUCTION* NITELITE VIEW Highly upgraded end unit featurmg 2 Br + den, fplc, wet bar + panorarruc view. Reduced to $175,500 with assumable financing. 2670 San Miguel Or., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *$8,000* *REBA Tl* On brand new townhome! Featuring privacy, 2 mstr suite & de/loft overlooking !iv rm. Only $123.950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach 759-1501 or 752-7373. *FREE RENT* Choice 4br e xecutive ranch style home m prime TURTLEROCK location! $1 ,200/mo rent all applies towards purchase in 6 months. Large. low interest assumable loan, formal dining, frplc. and FEE LAND. 2670 San Miguel. 7141759-1501 or 7141752-7373 * 121/• 3 FINAllNG* HARBORI~ OME Gorgeous MONTEG-0 mod-s .,r, parquet entry, & FEE land. Priced at $279,000 wi. :oawnable loan & seller assisted financing!! 2670 San Miguel 1 •• ewport Beach. 759-1501or752-7373. * 11.25 3 PINANCINGt HARBOR VllW HOM Sensational MONCACO model on FEE land with large assumable loan!! Featuring 3 br, home warranty & LOW PRICE. Only $223,950. 2670 San Miguel Dr., Newport Beach. 759-1501 or 752-7373. NEWPORT BEACH OFFICE' 2870 San Miguel Drive ... wport leach, CA l28IO (714) 711-1901 *DI IRATE* Owner says aell it!! He will finance this six year new home for ZERO INTEREST!! 3 Br, 2 ~ ba, plush carpets, ceramic tile, parquet entryway, the works! $20,000 down and it's yours. Priced $20,000 below market @ $139,900. 963-5671. 9032 Adams Ave .• HW\tingt.on Beach. REALTOR MURDERED This could be the headline next week if we don't sell this spacious 4 br home near Huntington Harbor. New decor inside. Seller moving out of area. Asking $125,000. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *TROPICAL *PARADISE* You must see this backyard to believe it: pool, waterfall. Koi pond & mahbu lights. The house comes in threes: bedrooms, fireplace and ovens plus a wine cellar. Sacrifice: $185,000. 556-7035. *ABANDONED+ Artist's chalet w/panoramic ocean view aH the way to Catalina. Sacrifice price $15,000 below market. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. $765/MO Buys this charming 3 br townhome w/on1y $8,500 dwn. Bicycle to the beach from superb location. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *TURN A FROG* lnto a hand.some prince. Spacious 3 Br 2 Ba home w/dble attached garage. Needs help. Seller anxious. Sacrifice $103,500. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035, *53 DOWN* Brand new townhomes near Huntington Harbour. Two and three bedroom models with two baths. Builder will finance at 12.9% and pay bl4)'ers non-recurring closing costs. Prices start al $105,990. Call (or c.'Omplet.e details. 963-5671. 9032 Adams, Huntington Beach. 556-7035. *OWNER DESPERATE* Must sell this cozy custom home near the ocean in "Old Town" Huntington Beach. The soaring cathedral ceilings with 5 skylights and the romantic bay window add grace and charm not nonnally found at this price. Secluded patio/courtyard with low maintenance yard completes the picture. Sacrifice for $171 .~. 556-7035. 9032 Adams. Huntington Beach. *$45,000 TOTAL FEE* Real Estate Licensing School. Walker & Lee Real Est.ate. (714) 963-5671. *BELOW MARKET+ This Mesa Verde beauty is at least $10,000' low at $124,900. Coey country kitchen, a brick fireplace, and fruit trees at back add up to irresistible charm. 556-7035. *OCEAN VllW* *STIPS TO BIACH* Sensational Beach cottage with 1241> usumable 1st T .D., payable $400 per mo. Only $165,000. 2670 San Miguel Ur., Newport Beach. 759-1001 or 752-7373. HUNTINITON-IEACH OfflCE IOl2A.-.1Ave . Huntl""°" leaell, CA 12141 (714)111-JOll . --. . 10 -Orange County Reef Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the OAlLY PllbT/Saturday, Au utt 7., 198 REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE. 1949 . COME WITH US TO ••• lltsmlU . . . Bayfront Mediterranean villa In exclusive Bayahores -on fee land. Wrought Iron gated private courtyard entry. Ma11lve hand carved entry doors. Hardwood floors. Library with stained glass skylight. Spectacular bay view. Antique mahogany fireplace. Country kitchen with all amenities. Five bedrooms. Elaborate sound system. Owner motivated to 1- sell. Wiii consider lease/option ...... $1,650,000 Open Sun 1-5 ................ 2500 Bayshore Drive • llWll _, ... Even with Aladdin's lamp, you would be hard presaed to conjure up a more 1 spectacu1er home . . . or a better value! Two muter bedroome In one wing. Separate third I bedroom In the other wing with own entry and private bath. Fascinating sit-down view of ocean, upper bay and city lights from family, 1 llvlng and dining rooms, also kitchen. All rooms t IPYIL&ll llLL ... Elegant English Tudor. 1 Superbly crafted. Two story beamed celling living room. Formal dining room. Family room with wet bar. Gourmet kitchen. Ave bedrooms. Gold plated fixtures In bathrooms. Spa and wet bar In master suite. Four fireplaces. lovely mountain view. Four car garage. You own the land. Seller extremely motivated. Submit any open to ·indoor dehumidified pool. Security 1 system. Servac vacuum system. Located on 1 cul-de-sac street with only eight homes . . . 1 1 1 ~ou _own_ the land ............................... $835,000 1 I otter ................................................ $1,395,000 Open Sun 1-5 ........................... 4 Rocky Point llYllE TUUIE . . . life Is never dull In this enchanting three bedroom home. The spec1acular ocean and bay view Is enjoyed from the entire llvlng area plus the master bedroom. Imagine lylng In bed and watching the boats go by . . . or the Catalina sunsets. Huge patio with spa. You own the land . . . worth as much as the total asking price. . . .. . ...... .. . .. ....... $985,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ........ 1301 Dolphin Terrace "'8 1111U ... Dramatic entry of carved wood and Italian fossilized marble . . . and your Impression becomes more exciting as you continue through this spacious four bedroom home. Carved wood and marble bar with temperature controlled wine vault. Solar heated fool. Spa. Barbecue. You own the land ···························································· $895,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ............. 1244 Polaris Drive • l&IYll ... This elegant four bedroom home measures up to the name ... "The Versailles." It Is rich but not gaudy . . . glamorous but not ostentatious . . . just a comfortably prestigious home. Custom decorating throughout. Extensive use of beveled glass. Parquet floors. Corner lot. Great view of golf course. ........ ....... ........... $850,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ...................... 12 Rue Verte IPHLlll llLL . . . Undeniable value. This property takes the laurels for amenities and comforts. plus a dramatic front row view of ocean and city lights. Four bedrooms. Pool. Spa. Liberal financing ....................... $625,000 Open Sat 1-5 .... .. . . ......... 11 Carmel Bay Drive llYllllT . . . Expansive five bedroom home &deal for large family. Master suite on ground ftoor. French doors opening on to wrought~ron fenced pool. The only home In Newport Beach wtth a cupola! You own the land ..... $600,000 IHll SHIH . . . Owner wlll assist with ftnanclng. Impressive two story home. Lovely t bay view. Excellent bedroom arrangement with one downstairs and three up. Sparkling pool In front courtyard. PRICE JUST REDUCED $150,000 ................... ; ............... Now $550,000 .. llY . . . Over half acre early Callfornla Mtate. Six spacloua bedrooma. Huge llvlng room. Formal dining room. Sunny morning room. BearMd celllng•. lncredlbl• storage. • Three e11r gart1ge • .Hor• corral. Sepwate lot ~ enough tor ten!)la court. ......... $550,000 HHIHT ... Custom bullt home. Five bedrooms. Family room. Dining room. T.wo fireplaces. Island type kitchen. Built-In barbecue. Brick patio. Pool size yard. Paddle tennis court. Three car garage ........ $495,000 HYH IHIH ... The quality runs deep. Fantastic view. Four bedrooms, Dining room, Family room, Pool. Excellent owner financing ···························································· $475,000 WUTOUFF ..• Prominent builder's own home. Prestigious four bedroom home. Lavish use of french doors and windows. Extensive built-Ins such as bookcases and china cabinets. Loads of storage Including attic. 90x132 pool size yard with gazebo and off-street parking for six cars. You own the land. Liberal financing! $475,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ......... 1118 Somerset Lane IU OllllA IEL UI ... Reduced $35,000. Two bedroom cottage on great corner lot. Ocean view. Attractive owner financing. Now $340,000 Open Sun 1·5 ............................. 222 Marigold llYllUT . . . Attractive four bedroom home. Brick driveway, Single front. All of the warmth and comfort of "Country Style." Sparkling pool .........................................................••. $339.000 Open Sun 1-5 .................. 1924 Leeward Lane Ullll YllW llW . . . Conveniently located. Expanded Tiburon model. 88x109 view lot overlooking canyon. Five spacious bedrooms. Parquet floor In den. Extensive view decking. Beautifully maintained grounds. Immaculate Interior ............................................... $330,000 Open Sun 1-5 ............. 1034 Sandcaatle Drive IAHHIT ... Wonderfully diverse three bedroom home. Designed for easy entertaining. Huge llvlng room with &oaring beamed celling. Quality and Informality. Just reduo•d $40,000 ..................................... Now $299,000 Open Sun 1-5 ........... 1827 Commodore Road UUll ••A• ... L~ · tne Ill* atreet. Three spacloua Mdroom• plu9 matd'• quarter• ""'" bath. Form• dining room. Fmnfly room With wet bar. 8ignlloMt uPQr9dlna lnctudlng new root. Priced reduoed 12t;ooo·~ ,- ................................. j •• ••• •••••••••• •••• NOW' 1211.oc>o 11U ftm ... This sensational four bedroom ~ling has It all. Oversized yard. Poof. Spa. Mufti-leveled used brick decks. Great for entertaining ................... .................... $279,000 Uf llAftl ... Three bedrooms. Dramatic llvlng room. Secluded pool. Owner wlll consider lease-option. Call us for details. Reduced $10,000 ........ ., ........................... Now $269,000 TIE YEHllLLH . . . A place ot dignity and elegance. Two bedroom penthouse overlooking the bay and ocean. Security gate. Poof/Spa. Clubhouse. Gym. Excellent ftnanclng $259,500 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 .... 100 Scholz Plam PH 10 WU1IUff, .... PW-.. ,.ARl•ll ... An abundance of reasons to buy. Conveniently located. Three bedrooms. Open floor plan. Pool and spa . ....... .......................... ........... $255,000 TM M.lffl ... The popular "Franciscan" model condo. Three spacious bedrooms. Two tiled patios and gas barbecue ................. $229,000 MYEI SIMD ... Exceptional value In this lovely foijr bedroom home. Located In an attractive nelghborhbod . . . well screened from street noise. Restful family room and formal dining room. Fascinating upper bay view framed by two huQe ornamental trees. Motivated seller leaving area. Price reduced· $40,000. .................................................... Now $209,500 111111 •• •• ... Never a better time to buyl This three bedroom dwelling has extreme value. Large secluded cul-de-sac lot. Pool Lease/option avallable ..................... $199,900 Open Sun 1-5 .................. 512 Rockford Place 111111 Ill •• ... A two bedroom (plus den) condo with a fabulous view of golf courae and greenbelt. A total delight. Just reduced .................................................... Now $179,900 ULNA PlltlllU . . . A flxer~upper duplex. Prime beach area location. Three bedrooms and bachek>r unit. Generous owner financing. May consider trades. Leaaehold ...... $179,500 WLU ....._ .•• Lovely one bedroom and den condo. Pleasant view. Community pool and aoa. SecYrlty guarded gate. $104,000 Joan at 10'A%. Owner wtll carry aecond trust deed. ............................................................ $149,500 NII L.91 •• ,., .•• Neat end dean condo. Three bedroom•. ov.rtook1 pool and garden. Convenient to ahopt, banks and beach ... Qulck·poaeealon. SUbmlt offer •..•... $145,000 .............. Prime location tn EMtak:te Coat• Mesa. Nearty a full acre at 18th Street and Orange AVMUe. Plane and permJta far II COIMloe .. 11¥1111111e. Purchllleprlce..., ............... ~ Exe 1'9nt twrn.. OWi* Wiii con..,. triidil.. c.11 Hantet. ~ , •••• , ............................. 11, 11Ct.CICICt -----~------ , SOUTH BAYFRONT WITH VIEW OF PAVILION Located Just one block from the Ferry with boat mooring available, this 6 bedroom Balboa Island residence has 2 kitchens and assumable financing. $1,095,000. SPYGLASS HILL WITH $224,000 IN FINANCING! Safier packing, looklng for offer on this 3 Bdrm 2 Bath residence w/famlly room, fireplace, wet bar, aeveral eating areas and views flt to klll. $495.000. EXQUISITE WHITEWATER VIEWS A country kitchen and skylight windows wlll llght up your Ille when you move Into this 3 bedroom, 3'..'. bath wood condo near beach and shopping. Reduced to $249,500. WATERFRONT TRADITIONAL HOME on the bay or Linda Isle, this 5 bedroom, 4Y. bath residence features a large brick courtyard entry with spa, a spacious bayslde brick terrace and approxlmatety <4500 sq. ft. of living apace. Sllp and alde tie for 60 ft. boat. Setler wtll help finance. S 1,-450,000. ANNIVERSARY ESTATES NEAR THE GOLF COURSE This rambling ranch home Is Ideal for first time buyers with an oversized tot, 3 bedrooms, 21~ baths, country kitchen, room for pool and reduced price of $163,000. Setler will carry with 15% down or wtll consider trade down. OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX JUST STEPS TO SAND On Oceanfront Blvd., this duplex with a 2 and 3 bedroom unit could be converted to a comfortable family home. Setler wtll carry at 12.5% with 20•4 down."$475,000. SEA VIEW PRIVATE COMMUNITY HOME This well ~ for • bedroom, 3 bath home has Impressive city and Catalina sunset views plus good assumable and seller financing. $465,000. LEASEHOLD UNITS JUST A HALF A BLOCK TO BEACH These two bedroom units carry owner financing with 20-25•1. down. $225,000. RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Leasehold, this duplex with 2 two bedroom units has seller financing with reasonable down. Just a few steps to the sand. $235,000. SUBMIT ALL OFFERS-OWNER FLEXIBLE Try ArTD or trade on this 6 Bdr 4 Ba beach house with 2 frptc, skytttee, French doors, gorgeous pool, spa, Kot pond and huge lot. $495,000. Open dalty 1·5. LUXURY HOME WJTH 35' BOAT DOCK 'Spacious 3 Bdrm, famtty rm executive reaidenee on Trinidad Island, Huntington Harbor. Aaeumable 1st with additional eefler ftnanotng available. 1399,950. NEWPORT GLEN-PRICED TO BELLI Just 2 ml. to the Orange Cty airport, this 2 Bdrm light & airy upgraded townhome features additional den + use of pool, spa & ' "JODELLE MODEL" FOR 20% DOWNI Assume $564,500 at 11.7591. on this 3 bedroom, 21A bath gateguarded home convenient to the Harbor, Newport Center and airport. Residence features panoramic views of Catalina, Harbor and city llghta from large decks. $895,000. "LUCERNE MODEL" WITH TERMSI Seller wtll carry an AITO of $519,000 at 12.75o/• for an extended term for a quallfled buyer. ldeaJty suited for entertaining with approx. 3050 sq. tt., 3 bedrooms, 3Y. baths, large decks. 3 flreplacea and family room. Views from this home are lncredlblel S850,000."DEVONSHIRE MODEL" FOR TRADE Assume existing 30 year $295,000 First at 13.25•4 fixed or aefler wlll consider trade on this 4 bedroom, 31"' bath home with 2 large decks, private yard, 2 flreptacea, atrium and panoramic ocean and city llght views. Seller relocation. $850,000. AMENITIES THAT JUST DON'T QUITI Elegant 5700 sq. ft. home with French marble flreplace, Jacuzzi tub and steam shower In the master bath, 4-car garage, Insulated wtne room, 3 additional bedroom suites, elevator, full aecurtty system, • fireplaces and much, much morel $1,895,000. "CASABLANCA MODEL" WITH DESIGNER UPGRADES Mirrors, cefllng fans and pavera accent this llke-new • bedroom, 2'...i bath home In ctoae proximity to the tennis courts and pool-spa area. Only $520,000. CUSTOM HOME LOT IDEAL FOR , BUILDERS OR DEVELOPERS _ Premium lot with plans for a 10,000 sq. ft. formal French hQDW with no houses behind or beside It. Create your "estate" that Wiii rlval all others. Seller must liquidate but wlll consider a Joint-venture agreement. $1,500,000. CUSTOM 8,500 SQUARE FOOT RESIDENCEI Located on a lot. that la unusually large for thla area, this panoramic View home can be traded for reafdentlal or commercial property In Orange County or seller will carry at belOW· market rates. Wlth 6 bedrooms, 7 baths, projection room, wine cellar, famlly room & large kitchen. This home h~ It alll $2,700,000. COMPLETELY RESTORED TAADmONAL HOME Located on a large comer lot, this 4 bedroom, 3 bath art deco home has a large patio with spa, custom landscaping, ramny room and full uae or recreational facilltlee. Try leue/optlon or low down. $825,000. $117,000 ASSUMABLE AND SELLER WILL HELP Speciacutar 2 bedroom oceen vMtw home wtth IWfmmlnQ pool and additional Miier nnanctng. seao.ooo. WALKING DISTANCE TO THE PARKS, TSNNl8 AND RECREATION Charming 5 bedroom, • bath home In exdualYe gate-guarded community. S7QO,OOO. SWEEPING OCEAN VIEWS Superb quality 5 bedroom home With den, OCRJntry charm, · hardwood floors, format dining, central courtyard with spa, separate maid'• quarters and 3 flreplllQM. t1, 100,ooo. BBQ. S 120,000. Call for addresses 644-7020 Newport Beach • Laguna Beach • Dana Point • Sa;; Clemente "On lh• Southern Oranlie Coa•I • Loolt to Lingo Flr•ll" ,. l 12 -Orange County·ReaJ Estate/An Advertising.Supplement t~ the DAILY Pli.OT/Saturday, August 7, 1982 This Weekend! Keep this handy directory with you this weekend as you .90 house-hunting. All the locations llstH below are cMsc:ribed In trHt•r detail elsewhere In today's DAILY PILOT clas1Hlect .cts. Patrons advertising open houses for wte or rent tn The Dally Piiot may list suctt Information In these columns each Saturday and Sunday. HOUSES FOR SALE 1 llEDROOM 31264 Fairview, So Laguna 495-4488 $159,500 Sa 11-2/Sn 12-5 1 BR pe. FAM RM or DEN 300 E. Coast Hwy Unit 113, N.B. 675-3347 $60,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 29EDROOM 430 Catalina Or .• Npt Beach 675-6670 $209,500 Sat/Sun 12-4 452 Morning Canyon, Corona del Mar 673-5354 $259,500 Sun 1-5 #40 Canyon ISiand {Big Cyn) NB 642-5200 $219,000 &m 1-5 2308 Cliff Or. (Nwpt Hgta) NB 642-5200 $397,500 2020 Tustin Ave. (E/Slde) CM 549-1400 $129,950 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 117 Marine Ave .. Balboa Island, NB 673-6900 $254,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 222 Marigold, Corona def Mar 631-7300 $340,000 Sun 1-5 2 BR plue FAM AM or DIM • 19 Curt Dr., Jasmine Ort<, Vu, CdM 640-1515 $438,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 7 Lago Sud, RSJ, Irvine 759-1501 $175,500 #1 Pandora (Irv. Grove) Irv. 642-5200 $139,500 1754 Santa Ana St., Costa M888 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 673-0359 Sat/Sun 1·4 #4 Rue Fontalnebleu (Big Cyn) NB 675-6000 $350,000 Sun 1·5 **827 Via Udo Soud, Udo Isl, NB 873-7300 $1,850,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 #3 Barrier Reef, (Jumn Crtt) NB 875-5511 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 I 81DROOM 1985 San Remo, Leguna Beach '494-11n Sat/Sun 2-6 242 Cedar, Newport Beech 548-0728 1139,500 savsun 3-7 1218 Devon Ln. (W.cllff) NB 831-1288 $239,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 12 Ru Verte, Big Canyon, N.B. 213/ .. 70-2880 $499,000 Dally 10-6 288 Joann, Costa M ... 645-5808 Sat/Sun 12-4 2331 Cynthia Crt, (E.elde) CM 751-3191 1115,000 Sun 1·5 20141 cape Cottage, Hunt. Bch 842-4474 '$139,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 315 Ina, Corona def Mar 644-9060 $309,500 Sat/Sun 2-5 *3225 Dakota, Mesa Verde, CM 545-9904 S139,900 Sun 1-4 11 Rue Marseille. Big Cyn, N.B. 644-9060 $450,000 Sun 2-5 703 St. Jamee ptac:e, Newport 8ch 6#-8200 $295,000 Sat 2·5 113 Via Ravenna. Lido Isle, N.B. 873· 7300 $349,500 Sun 11· 1 1911 Court St., Bal. Penln, N.B. 673-7300 $399,000 Sun 1·5 2672 Anz.a Ln., Mesa def Mar, CM 831-7370 $132,900 Sat 1-5 601 PatoUta (Irv Terr) CdM 875-8000 $352,500 Sun 1-5 **1418 W. Bay1 Penln. Pt., NB 875-6181 $1 ,ot00,000 Sat 1-5 **21 Beacon Bay (Beacon Bay) CdM 875-6000 $695,000 Sun 1-5 1808 Port Stlr11ng, Newport Bch 720-0505 $214,900-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 •2001 Galatea Terrace, CdM 759-0480 $995,000-fee 27 4 E. 22nd St., Costa Meta Sun 1-5 831-4648 $650,000-fee Sun 1-5 1838 Port Charles, Newport Beach 844-4065 $330,000-fee Sat 1-5 2753 Drake (M ... del Mar) CM S.0·1151 $124,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 118 Via Quito, Newport Beech 873-6915 $299,500 Sun 2-4· I BR end GWIT 41S Heliotrope (Old CdM) CdM 875-6000 $4.49,500 Sun 1·5 I M plue FAM RM 0, DIEN B-111 Surfelde 213-592·3807 $370,000 Dally 2-6 *32641 Adriatic, Laguna Niguel 494-11n St.In 2-6 4107 Calle Abril, San Clemente •98-4950 S169,500 Sun 1-4 •197• Port Loclcefelah (Hrbr View) NB 6«-257~ $248,00b Sun t-5 22 Falrdewn, ll'VIM 857-8383 11$0,000 8at/8un 1903 Yeclht CotlM. Newport 8Mot1 6«·1017 $485,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 **38 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 675-7060 $525,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1901 Galatea (Irv. Terr.) CdM 873-n61 $795,000-fee Sun 1-5 2029 Port Cardiff (HVHme) NB 673-7761 $199,000 Sun 1·5 25 Malneall (Jasmine Ck) CdM 640-9592 $372.500 Sun 1-4 15 Rue Fontaine, Npt Bch 675-6670 $976.000 Sun 1-5 4714 Cortland, Cameo Hinda, CdM 673-5354 $220,000 Sun 1-5 870 Sandcastle, Corona del Mar 644-9060 $312,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 #2 Schoel Or. Jumlne Crtt, CdM 760-1900 $369,500 Sun 1-5 **301 North Star (Dover Shrs) NB 642-5200 $525.000 Sun 1-5 25 Ruettlng Wind, Trtl Rk. Irv. 759-1501 1269.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1607 Cornwall (Weetetlff) NB 642-5200 $289,500 1397 Gallway Ln, Halecrest, CM Sun 1-5 979-5370 $120,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2501 Harbor View Or .. CdM 875-6670 $585,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *1906 T4ff'9Stta, tffwport Beach 546-2313 $189,500 Sat 1-5 108 Turquolee, Balboa Island, NB 873-8900 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2405 Cllff Dr., Newport +ielghta, NB 831-1400 '820,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •204 Via Ebotl, Udo Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $595,500 Sat/Sun 2-5 2011 Paloma, Eaetelde. C.M. 646--9498 $199,500 Sat/Sun 12-5 1301 Dolphin Terrace, Irv. Terr, NB 631-7300 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 512 Rockford Pl.(Cameo Hghlnde)CdM 831-7300 $199,900 Sun 1-5 1837 Commodore Road, Bayerest, NB 831-7300 $299,000 Sun 1-5 2611 Circle Or., e.iy9horee, NB 645-6218 $299,500-L.H. Sun 1-4 *151 .. Ruth Ln .. Newport.Beach 646-9028 $234,900-fM Sat 1·5 *248 Flower St., Costa M ... 845-4707 $209,000 •13'4 Harbor latand Rd, N.B. 648-7171 $650,000-fee sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 *1472 Galaxy Dr .• Dover Shores, NB 642-2510 $739,000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 4 UDfllOOM 2709 Gannet Or. (Meea Verde) CM 979-5099 $182,500 Sun 1-5 2124 ColleCle Pr .• Coeta Mea 759-9100 $129.000 Sat 1-5 222 Coral, BalbOe llland' 875-8921 $539,QOO Sat/S1.1n 1-5 3113 Mlldelra, MeN Verde, C.M. (213)827-8001 $130,000 Sun 1-4 760 Via Udo SOud, Udo ..... NB 873-4208 1575,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 *2832 Vista del Oro, Blufta, NB • M0-8931 $185,000 Sun 1-5 189<4 Myrtlewood, Coet1 Meta . 548-2313 t1•2.ooo Sat 12:30-4 **2804 W. Oceanfront, Belt>oe P«lln, N8 831-1400 MtS,000 Sat 1·& 20522 Suburbia Ln., Huntl"Gton Bch 873-7300 t1ee.ooo set 1-& ; . •2221 Francisco (Back Bay) NB 675-6000 $279,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4626· Roxbury, C&meo Shores, CdM 675-5939 . $692,()()()..fee Sat 1--4 16412 Grlmaul Ln., Hunt. Harbour (213)439-0271 $1 ,575,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 ... plue FAM RM or DEN **542 Hert>or Isl Or(Prom. Bay)NB 759-9100 $1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 210 Via San Remo, Lido Isle, N.B. 675-30-48/673-2556 Sun 1-5 678 Diamond St., Woodscove, Lag Bch -49-4-8595 $695,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 2862 Tabago (Mesa Verde) CM &42-5200 $169,000 Sun 1-5 1600 E. Balboa Blvd., Penln, N.B. 64-4-9060 $725,000 Sun 1-5 600 Begonl.a, Corona del Mar 673-5354 $585,000 Sun 1-5 *21512 Camino Trebol, L'llke Forest 760-1900 $216,000 Sun 1-5 748 Via Udo Nord, Lido Isle, N.B. 64-4-9060 Sun 1-5 * 1132 Ebbtlde, Harbr Vu Hiiia, NB 760-1900 $695,000 Sun 1-5 11 San Sebastian, Hrbr Rdge, N.B. 760-1900 $1,600,000 Sun 1-5 1007 TUler Way, HV Hiiis, CdM M-4-9060 $349,000 Sun 1-5 **2616 Bayahore Dr., Bayahrs, N.B. &4-4-9060 $1,750,()()()..Fee Sun 2-5 101 Via Quito, Udo Ille, N.B. 64-4-9060 Sun 1-5 3105 McKlntey Way, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $139,900 Sat 1-5 1251 Surfllne Way, HVHllls, CdM 64-4--4910 $299,000 Sat 1-5 1-4-41 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shores, NB 548-5&47 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 18 Cherry Hiiia Ln., Big Oyn, N.B. &4-4-9060 $1,095,000 Sun 1-5 213 Diamond, Balboa Island 64-4--4910 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1-4 Burning Tree Rd., Big Cyn, NB 64-4--4910 $695,()()()..Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 *1801 Antigua ~rcie, N.B. 644-6200 $42-4,500 Sat 1-5 * 101 Via FlcHwloe, Udo lele, N.8. 873-7300 $595,000 Sun 2-5 131 Via Undlne, Udo Isle, N.B. 673-7300 '539,750 Sun 1--4 222 Via Palermo, Udo tale, N.8 . . 673-7300 '389,000 Sun 4-6 2706 Ughthouee (HVHls) CdM 675-6000 $429,000 Sat/Sun 1-S 9451 Gateahead, Hu~lngton Sch 983-8767 $329,qc>O Sa 10-5/Su 1G-3 *1924 Leeward Lane, Baycreet, NB 631-7300 1339,000 Sun 1-5 , 1118 Somerset Lane, Weetcllff, NB 631-7300 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1 .. 5 10$7 Corona Ln, M ... del Mar, CM 631-7370 t149,800 Sun 1:30-5:30 *1244 POlartt Ortve, Dover Shoree, NB 831-7300 1895,000 · Sat/Sun 1-5 12 Aue Verte,. Big CettYon. NB 631·1300 '850.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 11 Camlel Bay Or, Spygta HIM, NB 631-7300 $625,000 • Sat 1-5 . --.. _,. _________ ...._ ~ I Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement 10 the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 7, i982 -13 1948 Port Chettea, Newport Beach 640-7877 $330,()()()..fee Sun 1-5 ~Mendoza Terr, Corona del Mar 64-4-7211 $495,000 Sun 1-5 2021 Port Bristo! Cr., Nwpt Bc:h 760-1290 $347,500 Sun 1-5 4 8R plue FAM RM or DEN end QUIST *2211 Tustin Ave., Newport Beech 646-4360 $335,000 Sat 1-5 I RDftOOll **-4028 Channel Pl., Nwpt Island, NB 673-0202 $965,000 Sat 11-5 532 Emerald Bay, Laguna Beaeh ·-49-4-1177 By Appt. Sun 2_. **219 Via Udo Soud, Udo Ille, NB 760-1900 $1,995,000 Sun 1-5 **1038 West Bay, Bal. Penln, NB 64-4-9060 $1,050,000 Sat/Sun 2-6 * * 708 Via Lido Nord, Udo Ille, NB 675-6181 $1 ,500,000 Sun 1-5 2912 Carob, Eaatbluff, N.B. 648-104-4 $2&4,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 I 8R plue FA.II RM or DEN **618 Harbor 19' Dr.(Prom. Bay)NB 759-9100 $1,350,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **752 Bayahore Or. (Byshrl) NB 759-9100 S895,000 SaVSun 1-5 1219 Emerald Bay, Laguna Bc:h 551-123-4 $1.925 million SUl'I 12-5 #5 Twin Lakes Cr, Spyglass, CdM 760-1468 $495,000 Sun 1_. *35 Rldgeflne, Harbor Ridge, NB 760-19b0 $2,650,000 SCJn 1-5 #16 Rocky Pt., Newport Beach 675-6670 $1 ,975,000 Sun 1-5 *#3 Muir Beach Cir, Npt Bc:h 675-6670 $2,295,000 Sun 1-5 226 Poppy, Corona del Mar 64-4-9080 $585,000 Sun 2-5 2591 Bayahore Or., Baysttorea, NB 631-1400 $725,000 Sat 1-5 * #2 Winged Foot Ln, Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $975,000 Sun 1-5 I ... Rocky Point, Spyglua Hiii, NB 831-7300 $1,395,000 Sun 1-5 **2500 Bayehore Or., Ba~ea. NB 831-7300 $1,850,000 Sun 1·5 1034 Sandc:utle Or.,'HVH, NB 631-7300 $330,000 Sun 1-5 5 Point Loma (Spygtua) CdM 675-6000 $925,000 Sun 1-5 *2~ Francisco, Npt B<:h 873-7771 $379,000 Sun 1--4 *2885 Europa (Mela Verde) CM &45-0303 $249,900 Sa 1_./Su 10-1 * 1800 Jamaica (Meea V«de) CM 645-0303 $429,900 Sa 10-1/Su 1_. 45 Royal St. George (Big Cyn) NB 64-4-7388 1895,()()()..f• Sun 1-5 I • ptue FA.II Ml or DEN *18-48 Newport Hiiie Dr E., NB 644-7020 $495,000 Dally 1·5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 mDflOOll •300 Cagney Ln #107, Veraelltea, NB 831-2918 $120,000 Sun 11-e 1119 Spurgeon #2, Santa Ana 963-8767 $62,950 Sat/Sun 1-5 2•DR0011 # 15 Evening Song (Trtlrk), Irv. 875-6670 $169,900 Sun 1-5 100 Sc:holz Pleza PH 10 (VerMIU.) NB 831-7300 $259,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1640 Iowa St. #0, Coeta Mesa 966-5292 S89,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 8R plue FAM RM or DEN #1 Rue Cannes, Newport Beech 675-6610 $450,000 Sun 1-5 209-19th St., Balboa Penln, NB 631-1-400 $319,000 · Sat/Sun 1-5 19EDROOll 411 Dahlia. Corona del Mat 673--8494 $300,000 Sun 1-5 *2428 Vista Hoger, Bluffs, N.B. 673-7300 $124,500 Sun 1-5 a 8R .... FAM -or DEN 7 Rue VIiiata (Big Cyn) NB 759-9100 $725,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2645 Vista Ornada, Newport Beech &40-0020 $315,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4 9R ptue PAM 1111 or DEN * 1 Rue Valbonne, Bia Canyon, NB 673-9060 $795,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE a -.... FAM 1111 or DEN 10178 Durango RIYW Rd, Ftn Vly 675-1771 $124,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 816 Marlgold, Corona del Mar 875-551 1 $370,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 2•DR0011 1133 Laguna Canyon Rd, #21, Lag. Bch 49-4-9423 $20,000 Sat!Sun 1·5 700 Udo Park Or., Sp 31, N.8. 875-7888 $82,000 Sat/Sun DUPLEXES FOR SALE .ziiR a 1 • 315 lrta, Corona del Mar M-4-9080 $30t,500 Sat/Sun 2-S , ....... 1911 314 Mar!Qold, Corona del Mar. NB es1-14<>C> seee.ooo Sat/Sun 1-5 408 Pofneettla. Corona def Mar, ~B 831-1-400 $272,000 Sat 1·5 ............ !509 ~ (ocwMlkte of hwy), CdM 845-7048 $44e0,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 HOUSE FOR LlrASE ....... l'All .. ., .,... 1865 Port l<lmbetly, HV Homea, NB .1~1501 t12&01mo. Sun 2-5 .. Poof ** WatMfront *** Wa'*1r0nt I Pool --;--,- I I ·. • # \ ---,t .. - BAUOAIS&>_M) PRiii! SOUTH BAYFRONT wrrH PIER a SUP Family Eatate Conalstlng Of Two Detached Single Family Homea. Two Adjacent Lota. Deetrabte Comer Locatton. Commandlna View Of Newport Bay. Walk To Shops. Owner May AMlst With Financing. $2,700,000. Cd Don OeThomM. . FRENCH PROVINCIAL CUSTOM -810 CANYON This Elegantly Appointed 5 Bdrm Homa ~· 8th Green. Views From Moet Rooma. Form .. LR. & D.R. Richty Paneled Library With Cotfeted Celling. Paneled F.R. SptleloUs Master Suite W/Hla & Hers Baths. Pool, Spa. M.id'a Qtr9. The Uttlmate In Quality & Charm. By Appointment $2,290,000. call Mlnle Howe. UNDER CONSTRUCTION Magnificent View Home In Newport Beech's Gate Gu#ded Hatbor Ridge. The Styte Is English Tudof. The Blueprlnta Are In Our Offtce.·Wlll Be Spec1ecular. $2,200,000. CM Suaen Trtvtson. HUGE COUNTRY MANOR -NEWE GAIL RANCH Anxloua Owner/Builder M\'9t Sel Ht8 Newty Construct9d ~ Home On Apptox. 1\oi Arne Of Hllttop Ylewa. Soertna Cellingl & 8pecioue Open Rooma FOCU9 On A UV Atrium W/WatMfallt & Even A R8lrl ~ An Entert81ner'a PartldlM. Cel 8U9M Trtvllon Or .• Metllyn Hll For A Private S~. OLDE CORONA Del MAR On The Bluffa ~Ina 811'1 & 0.:.... Cuat~ Home. Archttecturally Deelgned. Mag11lftcen1 Views. 9elluUful Wooda. Halld9ome ~tL Abundant Ooeet & St0tage Spece. 160 A. Front-oe On Oceln Btvd. For More Information, Cell Cathryn Tenntne. CUSTOM BAYFRONT 811 HARBOR ISLAND DRIVE. NEWPORT BaACH, OPEN SAT/SUN 1-5 Promontorv Bev. S Bdrm ~ Lllfoe LMna Aoom, FCIRMI Dining. F.A. Powder AQom. GounMt Kitchen. Sip Fot 55 Fl Yacht & Side Tie. YOU OWN THE LANO. Owner Wlft Aaa1St With Financing. REDUCED 'h MIUION SS To 11.350,000. Celt Cattwyn Tennlk PENINSULA Waterfront W/Ooctt. Penotemle vi.w. Gf9et Locatton. Redwood Ao9t +50 Ft. Dock. Custom-Built Home W/3 BAa. KltcMn W/Vtl#I Window HM All Modern Amenltle9. Uled Brk:k 880 In OutstMdlng Patio Nee. Tiied G8l'llgeL Greet Of'fer1ng. 11,295,000. Ceil Dion Sctwnetw Or MMe BerccMtz. • EXCLUSIVE BAV8HORE8 BAYFRONT Pie!' & C>oc*. Quality 5 Bedroom In Dlllrabie Oeeed ~. Privete Beech. 8-.ttlfullY Upg(eded. Probably One Of The Flneel W~ V.... AVllH9ble. Right At Turning Duin. R8c1uced To Only S895,000 Lnutlold. Cell Marllyn Twttchelt JUST COMPLETED Custom-&.lllt 6300 Sq. Ft. Home. Mariners Point, San Clemente. Gorgeous Oceln View. City Ughta. Entertalner9' Oetjght. Numerous AmenltJea. See To Appr9ciate. $875,000. Ownera WTU Accept Syndicate Or Trade. Submit All Offers. Call Marla 8erCOllttL EMERALD BAY MODERN Exciting OcMn View Home. Superb Contemporary Sty11ng. In Prestlgloul Community. 3 BRs, 3 BA + Oen. High Beamed Celllngs In Oen, D.R. & LA. Sun Decks. Spa Off Spacious MBR. BBQ. Priced At $635,000. Call Jove-Dabolt. JASMINE'S FINEST Top Quality Home. In Gate Guarded Area. 3 BR End Unit On Quiet Cul-0.-SllC. BeautlfullY Decorated Home.-&.irroullded By Wk:M Greenbelta. Parillng Spaciee Galore. $427,500. Cail Murie. Barr. . BIG CANYON TOWNHOUSE IN l~EWPOAT BEACH'S PRESTIGIOUS BIG CANYON. SHOWS LIKE A MOOEL -BRIGHT, CHEERFUL DECOR. HUGE MASTER SUITE PLUS PRIVATE GUEST BEDROOM & BATH. OWNER/AGENT WILL ANANCE $405,000. CALL JOHN MERRILL HARBOR VIEW You Can't Find A Better Montego, Ex~. Uoonlded. Must S.. To Appreciate. Tlp. Top Condition. Four Bedrooms. Large Sun'1y Rooms; Alenn System, Automatic Sprtnklen. Tiied Entry. Choice Wallpapers. Community POOIL Cloat To Park. Altclng '385,000. Call Joan Lambe. WOODSY RETREAT 5'>flt Level Home Ovenooklng Cherry Lake Prlvat.. Secluded Location. 3 Bdrm. Remodeled Gourmet Kitchen w~ Tiie. Owner Wiii Carry Financing. A81umable 1st. Truly A. s..utlf\11 Spacious Home. Huge Price Reduction, Now $285,000. LUM/Optton Conaidenld. can Binnie Dixon. EASTBLUFF Rare Flw BA L~. Two Flrepleeea, L R. & F.R. Hlghly Upgraded. Kitchen Remodeled. 3-Car Garage. Excellent Financing. Only S274,000. Call Sally Shipley. 8UNNYMEAD EIGHT .. PLEX Two Attrac11Ye Spanish 2 BA Fumlshed 4-f>teXM. No Vllcanclea. South Of Riverside Just Off Hlgh'ny 60 Ne.r Heaooclt St. Exc:eflent Terms. Reduced To $249,000. Cell Sally Shlpley. BLUFFS BEST BUY EXCE1.LENT FINANCING AVAILABLE. Large AasumabM Loan @ 11'h% & Owner Wiii Consider 2nd. Beeutlfully Upgraded earm.uta W/3 BRs + Cozy Oen. Lllfge Patio On LOYely Greenbelt Neer Pool. Vacant. REDUCED TO $225,000. Call Salty Shipley. · CHARMER OellgMfUI 2 BA Tredllion.1 Spanish In Costa ~ Recently Remodeled & Redecorated. Spettdlng, With All Air Of Perfection. Aaumable loan&. 1159,000. Ceil Binnie otxon. MOVE RIGHT INI Four Bedroom. Two Bath. WM191de Costa Meu. TOTAL REMODEL, lncludlng F~-Ooc>t'9. CellnQ Fans. TexJured Flnlsh On Walll, & Celllnga. New Cerpets & Paint. SHOWS LIKE A MODE'L On A Quiet Street Neer S~ng & Schools. $129,000. Call Mary Ann LaFleur. COSTA MESA OPEN HOUSES FWnodeled Home W/Lov.ty Decor. New &itc:har Bk>ck Counter. ~-SUdlna Glaaa Ooot Oft ~ Al9L EndoMd Patio. Large Yard W /Frult T,..._ Only $111,900. call Donna Web91er. THIS WEEKEND 818 kAASOR ISLAND OR., Prom. Bay, N.8 . $1,350.000. SAT/SUN 1-6 542 HARBOR lSLANO DR .. Prom. Bay, N.8. $1,200,000 .. SAT/SUN 1-8 . 2124 COLLEGE ORJVE. W~ COSTA MESA 1129.000. SAT 1·5. 7 RUE VILLARS, BIQ canyon, N.8. S725,000. SAT/SUN 1-6. # 2 Corporate Plaza Newport Center ------------------------------------------ ., .. ...... • ... ".,,.¥-••• .-~ .. • •••• ·" UR.ar. • • • • • . SPECIALS Many owner s "cash spe aks" your offer ... are offe ring substantial price Lower than listed price, if reductions and terms. Some will exchange and you have cash ... Call for details and submit I'--_;' 1_1_L1_01_1su_11n_I .._I _11_Ew_P_oa_1_a_u_cH___.ll __ 11E_W_Po_a_1-_w_1_TE_R_ PRICE SLASHEDft ONN ALL WED, 117 M9rtne Ave. NOW l2M,GOlll On iOx11 ft lot. Adoreble Br 1 be w/INtcll pedo. A IUPER YALUEI BALBOA IS. CHARMER -Reduced! Cleaft a c•t• I bed. cotta1• with patio, beam• I .......... You w IN• le or eftntUlllJ bulld MW. Plane '°' Cape Cod ... lnduded w/ ..... prtce of 9215,000. Drtwe bf 208 Topez and c*I. BALBOA 18. HOME + + REMICED TO S•,500 Quiet Uttle le. comer w1th I bed. home bf deoorMOI' + ,_ ... unit I malde. 171-41900. LITTLE IS. DUPLEX LAROE Two unite..., a., I beecMa.. 4 and 2 bedloome...., ,_ted ewnmer/wlnter.1571.000. 111 Cryatal.171-41900. I CORDiil DEL llR I OWNER SAYS "NO QUALIFYINGI" .... ONLY t:MO.GOO Md no ,..... to~ tcw loMI •.. •ewnaMel Adoreble OOfW I bedr00tn, 2 betlt pll'8 poot and ,.tto on corner. NMr FeaNon lltand and beecMa.. 0w-ta deeperatel Open Sat.faun. 1AI a.""8de Ten-ec9. CHARISMA-CORONA DEL MAR Two COftdoe wfth ......... open ....... aolar ...... and ..., l,llO eq. ft. lrl~ ....._, ....,_. rooma Include 1 llt*°°"' .... .,_ . l'MftJ ........... ~ ....... Md ....... . SHORECLIFFI CORNe:R -REMODELED aw...,c .. oomer looetlon whit complete retnedel a redeoor ..... 4 Md IMMM with Iba.+ I oet ...... ...., motlwlltecl ... .....,.,.... ot help ............ -.._.,..on 9Uft. 1_. P.11. tal,000. NEW CAPI COD -IXTRA SPeCIAL A Wand,... tw• .... , ......_ °""" ltC --:s•td ... .... llhoft ........ c.r.... ...... 111111...... ....., ............... ....., ................. ....... LARGI V.. aUMDICIC. Call tor tlMMlftt ~a. ...-. .. EXCEPTIONAL VU -BEAUTY OPEN 8AT/8UN 1-5 2d Clfl Dr. On COf'Mf bf pelts w/pmecf, ....., .._ .. __,,...and bMutlNllJ malnWnied -rou can .....,. rtgM In. 0.... appeel from IM atr.et and lnelde a 1p1CIHI 2-9tCWJ .,_ with arand ltwtng rm, t..mty rm, ltvee kttcMft. bllllatd room, s bdrm + much mote. can tot detalfs. "20,000. NEWPORT VER8AJLLE8 CONDO Specloue I bed a 2 be wtttt ...... ........_ OWNER MU9T SELL SUl,.000. 111-1400. NEWPORT -8LOCK TO BEACH Two Wei ptloed ...... lft 8 ncetloft lltfttHpflere ....... the tun aftd aun. Two bedr00tn1 '" eeclt 1Htlt with ftt1pl1c.a .......... Good ......... --.,..... NEWPORT 18. REDUCEDI Appaallna a Md. + .,. oottage ............ _,.,_." ... Rechtcecf S20,000 and the owMr wilt help ftftance. sno.ooo. YIEW·VIEW·VIEW CONDO XLNT eftd •ftlt tocatlo" with YU froM all '""''· .......... ltvtfttl '°"' ............ .,., --" deck. FCN'tNI ._ a c1an and a 1111 .,. ..... CeMM. poe1 a teMte-lxatlttftt ......._ ... ,.. BAYCREaT -LARee HOME Al°"..,.....,.-,.,.. a ... "'"''''''' 1 bed:..._ """ ... rm. .... ~ ........ ~--.... 11~% -11~% -11~% NPT. Mew IUJl"'f NMloe, atepe .. NJ 6 ....._ UftllH&.I 1MM2Md. + ..... ow..... ....... ''~~ ., ............. Oft .... -..211 ...... .,, '""" *'11,0oo. LIDO 181.E -LUSCIOUSI ~......, ......................... , ..... ... '"'· •Ml c· •••'""''· IN•tlt•t onto• ffclor '°' ..., .......... 1111,Ga ..,.,., NEWPORTIS.BAYFRONT Aft ....... , •• prtoe Oft .... w ....... ,..,, .. '°' .. boat. ,,.,., .. ,.., ffvl"tl with large patio a deck. ·d~ta r11td1R11 ... be._. or hoMe. owe-.. 2IMI .D. ·--,... BEAUTIFUL ON WATERI am, 1 a cable ...., and good tea• lft INe warm and open ta•Hr ltoJll• Oft the water. Cteulc lftterlef with 2 tltlllCNNM ....... and ........ ilDIJlld,... ......... ......-8fMI Ire ""9-Yow OW11t Mel .. rllM ..e .r:: door '°' .. beet. Oww ............. fer ... e.u,.,. •11,ooo Oft ........... 111·1400. .......... ..,,... BAYSIDE COVE BAYFRONT PrflM9 .. .,...., .................... 2111 ...... 2 ................. , ............... ,.,....... ...... ..., ......... ..-.. ......................... .... ,.. ........ ~. OCEANFRONT-CAPE COD ,,,,, ........................ _...of lllnOM ...,.. •Oft Mel beeolt.1-. Open...._, •1pt1oa and ...................... .,1-1400. BAYfRONT-YU-FEl-UCHANGE car.tllDIMlflt ...... VUMll~==--..... wfthl '-1. +++ =-2 beeell. I LOAN of ....... ., .......... .., ........ ., ............ UYFRONT--ENCHANTING _....," .... .,... IMMtlteet ......... l••tory WA1WfllllROM'f . ......_ ~=--.ealMd ...... ....................... ...,. ...... ........ Mala.,.., ..... 111 ............................ ..... ......"" .......... ., ....... . NJ•ttuLA llAYPRONT~ a. DcmNe NW Md .. _.. ..... Ill .... pafld c ................. ....., ·-~ ....... •Ml .... , ............... .,,,..., I I I J J I ' I I I I I I -' , I I -~or~f)·-.;$p~ "~~~,x -~.~~~pp~ .._----------~··.mi~iaiiiiiiilliiiiilii/i9i~liM--illiiiiiiliiiiii~ .... H~Uf ....... ~p...;;.._~~ ... ~-,.,--i/#~l.tJ~~~--_,..= ... --n~/#-:,,,.~---IPl~~~-1 ~;;j·········i·Oii 'ii,;,;;;;i·········i··· ~;;;i·········;·;;~ EOUM. HOU11NG OPPOIHUNITY h~li .. tr '• l•tlet• A ll rHI fflOl8 ed~Uted In thts newspaper Is sub1ect to the Federal Fu Houllng Act of 1968 ~ tNkes II ltleglil to .o-llM "any p<eleren· ce, llmitallon Of dlacrlml· nation baaed on race. color. religion. HK or nallonal origin, or any lntenlton to meke any such preference. tlmlta· tlon °' dlllcflmlnatlon .. Thia ~ will not knowingly accept any advert11lng IOf real el· tate which 11 In vl04atlon oftl'Mt l- 11111$1 Advertl sers should check their ads dally and report errors lm- m e d I ate I y . The DAILY PILOT as- sumes llablllty for the firat incorrect insertJon only. LAST CHANCE to buy this beeutlful 3 year old. 4 unit apart- ment house In Sen ci.- mente with oc.an·hltll & golf courH views at • lr8me<ldoul N ving1 di- rect from the awn« ~ lore being ll1ted with bfolc«a. Act NOWlll C.I ~at (714) 142-01311 UPI Ulal EHtelde, •Ingle atory townhome In perk-Ilk• Mttl"" Pool, dubhooH, putting green end large lhade ,,... enhenc;e this lrHh 2 Bdrm 2 bath home with fireplace $135.000 142-1211 j PETE ' 8ARRETI .. R LTV lllEOLISllU SAU 11 Cherry Lek• •late. 3 Bdrm Tudor Vacant Mey talle tradea 21 Coate Me11 3 ldr IMKIM, S t 10,000 Wey below market. Goo4 aondltlon. Cell '°' lnfO(-"'etlon on otfler "91 buya. Diena Cappel. ISMltt , REIM~ ~ -- 111 Yll Liii 1111 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Jua.t listed th1 is cotm2plhedtely NI PlllT ..ea Best Ever: lBr, lba, C~g '?~ea remodeled e egan rm f 1 H trl-leYel w/f<><mal dining home plus study. Also features single story w /cozy rp c. uge a tamlly rm. e1oom1ng pier for large boat plus small greenbelt. Garage w/opnr, red tile roof, gerden• suiround poo1 & I i i t BIG CANYON JS pool. spa & tennis. 1 yr old. Jog to bch. patio. Pric ed 10 aell boat. Ideal ocat on on qu e f promptly wtexcellent end of Island. Only $1,850,000. Assume $70,600 ln loans, mo. pymt 0 owner financing. Full SPIOHOIW YllW $894. Hurl)' -won't last. $87,900. P, 1 c: • s 1 9 6 •00 o. =P .... , Cliff Haven custom home with Very Best Buy MITl•Tll Tl-1•11 3 BR, ·~ ba. 2 751"3191 180 degree bay and ocean stry. Bltins. ASSUME $68,000 in loans view. 3700 sq.ft., 2 master w /mo pymt of $642. Seller may call suites. 3rd bdrm w/bath. Oak • l11tstH11li•c lre.a..er .... back. Perfect for invest.or oc lsl time floors. formal dining room. 2 • F111r ldrH•s t Fa•llJ ••· buyer. Patio, comm. pool Nr Huntington fireplaces. wine .cellar. Creative • l11c• let-leallfif"81J LH4M.,.4 Hrbr. Don't miss ouL Only $99,500. terms $682,500. • I Oar larqt -'" Pttlet .. ent -Call 968-9222 111 CUYll • le111tif11I Mtatt4 PHI I S,a Most unusual customized home • EleotrHic Sec11rlt, S11tt• In area. Indoor-outdoor pool • Mtw CJarfefs, ,,.,., I hctr with sliding glass roof. 18' bar. • •ew M1r~l1 E•frJ FIHr screening rm, gourmet kitchen. • Wet lar -Twt FIJtflHH play room w/full kitchen & bath. ONLY $695,000 Good financing. $975,000. IEWPHT UEIT Tius is not the usual rundown hard lived Plan 4, 3 bdrm + retreat end house, but an immaculate t<ome which unit. New carpets, one of a will please the most fastidious. We kind. Customized throughout. cannot find any other top condition Pool, tennis near beach. 3 car separate home in Big Canyon for less g a r a g e . N o o u t s i d e 1lhan 1200.000 MORE. maintenance. $249,900. II UILY -•T IMlY amme1 14 Burning Tree Road 11aar tnu OPEi SIT. I SUI. 1·1 Charm on a huge lot across the street from Newport Beach. (lto11rlt, late &Hr414 aru. Call 144-~tlG Room for horses behind fer •tr•inl .. te titer). custom r anch home. Good financing. Owner anxious. You llW DIUll 111.MA l$Ull will love this one!! $299,000. First time offered for sale. Charming nr. Ult asu new 2 sty. architecturaJ gem. Quality llW UIT1ll thruout. Designed for guest quarters. 4,L bdrms. 3 baths, family & Realistically priced $595,000. Seller will n finance. No Joan fees. dining rooms. Large 50 foot .. 1111 ..... 111 -UT I Ill 1 I corner lot. South sunny private ., ;a _._ · patio plus pool. A dramatic ************ custom L~:Us~g~o. * 118 CllJOI 1 Extra wide lot plus pool. 3 * EI f I • f • ~ bdrm, 3 baths. fabulous decor. * IC I I I J I I I 0 Jt. Assumable financing. $595,-* hlo1i1I * 500. ....._ 111 O&IYtl * Prime location overlooking the .....-Split-level condo with great golf ....._ 8th green of golf ooune. Cuauirn * course vtew. Pool, spa, tennis. .......-built by owner/builder for hia Owner will consider taking In Jt-own personal realdence. 5 * MBZ 450SL or power boat as ....._ bedrooms, 61h baths. Elegant Jt. part down. Good assumable ~ master suite. Abundant with ....._ loan. VACANTI · Alllf" fine marble and wood paneling . .....- UH ISU * Air conditioned. Refrigerated * Can only be appreciated by a ....._ wine room. Billiard nn. Family ....._ visit. 3 bdrm., 4 baths, den, 3 .......-nn. Truly a masterpiece for' the.....- car garage Romberger design. ....._ di8crim.lnat:in8 bu,yer. Seriously Jt- Aadiant heating, 2 pattos. Built .......-for sale at $1,950,000. Excellent ....._ In storage plus many amenities, •*fin*anc*ln~*vai*lab*le. ****.....-on 60' tot. $675,000. * JI{ Ull llLI -.,...... -.... llW Ultm Earthtones thruout. 4 br, 2 1h be, tam.Uy Large lot, 4' bdrms plus den, 3 rm. dining rm. 2,378 sq.ft. View of car garage. Spa. 2 lovely Pavilion, nit.e lit.es & Ca&allna. patios. Large master suite. 1111 ..um, -.... SAT. 1·1 Located on central corner .... ftlW -.U _ _, Y• st rad a . Generous owner QuJet, park-like aetting, Rm for paddle financing. $650,000. t.ennia and poQl. Great for orchard. Cul .lllT Ul1D de sac at. 3 bdrms, fam. rm. $379,500. 2 bdrm. 1 beth home I n J ...... Tl •ltlll - prestigious North Santa Ana. Charming 4 Br. & t.rnUy room. 2 brick Large lot, room for RV. Owner fireplaces, country kitchen, quiet Wlll cany Jst T.O. with $25,000 reaidentlal nea in modern tract by down. Close to park & echoo4 & Bua:ola. 1()11 dn. Owner carTY 10 yn; shoptng. $13i.~. ""' -La a-. -...... Two Story Nantucket 6 Sr with beautiful St.an.et pool Uned wtth 14,000 red brick•, T•atetul~f decorated tbrou1hout with ••IJpapera and 1hutten. Show1 like • •odeJ ~ Many uptradea.. S.Uet~ ......,.., FORECLOStlE ................. "' Steal this NEW plush 2 ~ ACRE 360 DEGREE VIEW ESTATE. Orig. listed for $2,200,000, foreclosure price $1,128,350 appx. w /$350,000 dn. Don't delay, contact PATRICK TENORE 760·8702 or 631-1266 RV M ~ of Costa Mesa Pmllll.l.-S 1411 W. UY Ml UT 1-1 Prize West S.y bayfront. SUs-for 2 boata. remodeled 3 bdrm.. 3 beth $1,200.000. . Ocean & jetty vteWI. Marine room, 4 bdnn, 3 bath, 3700 aq.fL $1,W ,000. Oceanfront. &.81 llU 11111 lMN&.m_. INl•1-I Prime Udo Nord bayfront. 5 bdnn. 6\o\ bath. ~ L.R .. 2 boat slis-$1 ,500.000. kemodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath + large rec. rm. beam ce:tlinp. furnished, paUOll. $420,000. 1.1111 ISLE l&IFlllT Lai9on view from 6 bdrm. 5 bath. playroom. dark rm. den, Boat &Up. Now $1,000,000. llYSM COYE Spec\llCUJar bayfront view 2 br. 2 t;>a up; 2 br. 2 ba dn. 2 boat Ills-$1,800,000. ..... CAYS Coronado la1and cuat. bayfront lot. 85' boat dock. Plana avail. Red. '370,000 w/tenns. ll.lf'fl-&nale atory end unit. expuided, uSC*ded 3 br, 3 ba on -.-peen.bell. ~.ooo. BILL GRUNDY. REALTOR _: -, t, • • •• LIDO ISLAND 10% ... Beaut.iful open & airy Lldo bome. CornpNed of approx. 2500 IQ ft, running street to ltrata, th.la 4 Br 3 Be completely rem9deled home ( 1 t7t) boa1t• 4 aund«e:ka, lr1 indoor jlcuui ln Mitt Bdrm surrounded by 1reenhou1e wiodow1, circutacan, f.iahpond, lp(ral tcainme, s• tkyU.. runnin« the endre lensth of the 2nd • ..,. • Mrcfwood noon. & extenlive Ulinc thiuout. UYlll ., Tl1'I adofeble EASTSIDE R-2 home • not In mut· ttple. Not only doea It heve 2 roomy Bdrma. It he1 1 workshop w / zoning to build above. Fruit ,,... abound. Ae- itlble financing. Don't delay Call Diana today! Diana Pietenpol-Volpe 559-9400 UHUJ• I ta LI. et l'M4 on this 4 bdrm home on E'tlde of Cot1a MMe with pool, spa, and inany other amenities. $ 1 10,000. In auumable loens. OWC. On a CUI· oe-uc tool Reduc.d to S159,900 Cell 979'-6370 \ f >I I. I ti F tl • • •••••• ( .... > USlmU Y.A LI. at 8'h% on e 3 Bdnn, 2 be hOm8 wfth IWge IOI, wtt bar. flreplc and COfnmunlty pobt. R4tfrlg, lreent, & dryer ere Incl. Only 1120,000. Call 97i-5370. \ f >I l I ti F II ... , . DRAMATIC COUNTRY ESTATE 11000 a/f on 1 acre, maHll/8 electric gates. cobbfeatoM motOf eout- tyard. •pect~lat entry. I bdrm, I betlla, 6 frpl huo• frpfca. Room for tennla. No. Tustin • Orange Hiits with view, 12-1 & min. to .. frw)'9. alrpon, so Cout Plaza 11.~.000. RICK AlDERET1E ..... "'''"''' 111..-.m1~111 ....... ' 8'41' 000 "" 3 Br-t10i.OOO FV/SA 2 8' a .. l1ot.OOO Irv 3 Br 2 9a S tOI;~ Irv 4 lr4114.IOO C.M. i lr'41",IOO H.8 . 4W1H,IOOCM. c.awetor~de­ lell! Nt-7370 Subndt 40.wn. $780,000--.~-..,>,_..~ --![i~iitia:-t: • .:-~!!!!!li!li ......... liiii*"~~;!lic::-~, I ..... \' .. .. -........--....... !!!!!.~!!:'t....... ~.~!:tit ••••••• !~.~!!'! ....... !~.!-!!*....... !!!!!!.;.tM .•..••. ~-~!!'!. •••••• !~.!~:W.~...... ¥.'.~.'!.'.!!!!. •.••. ~..... 'l!P. '1!'!!.'!. ......... ! ..•. !-!'!~ ......... ! .... ~'!. ..... -.. !.lj1 !'!!!! ......... ! .... ~'!~ ......... !!!! ~.l!!J..lffl .. !!!I ~.~!!e •. !!A -"· •• .., llw.T BOAT ON THE BAY, PL.AV OH THE OCEAN Spaclou1. open & aunny all view home wt panoramic decks. on huge prime !eland Point, + docttlng & PfkG galOl'e, +you own the land. -t OwrHlf financing, ell for $965,000. Open Sat. 11-5. 4028 Channa! Place, Newport · laWlct, N9wpoft a.cti. en-o202. ...... 1111111 ..... .. Mllnl/UT/ .. 1-1 Executive 4 Bdrm estate! One block to the blue Pacific! 3 years new! Large viewing balcony! Impreelive stairway to master suite with whirlpool bath! Complete with intercom system! Lots of brick! Aasume $141,000 loan at 12~~. $239.000. C.all lrene 11Wll1 THE REAL ES TATERS UIE ILIFFI IPPllTlllTY Just listed-front row view. Lowest priced "E" Plan 3 Br, family room. $197,000 Assume loans. Submit on dwn. 2645 Vista Omada $315,000 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 ILIFFI WSE 2 Bdrm, water view, prin. only. $950/mo ...... 1 ... 1111 BEST IN BLUFFS IDT MY. Lovely 2000 aq. ft. 3 bdrm, 21h baths, fam. rm., wide ~eeobelt, ne.ar pool.= $249,000 ..... ,. u-. WILL IPt-. ~ 1lpt. 1U a... = 1 ........... lk Nl.,_ •1 ..... 2 .,, 1 ........ .,,.,.. 2141 Yhta ~ I llr w/.. ..,.,_ HREN B. DOWD llULT•!, Ill. 144-111• NEWPOIT tDiltTS ~ Cuatom country kltch. w/antq. l.ce curtalne ln breekfaet nook. 4 Bdrm •111-. ~ 1f/89 & ,. '·"' deck, 4 ~ trpb, form. dlnlnl, Uipl• p.r, S200 ..... 2,.,. ..... ~ ...... ,! .. 41111 ... 8~YCAE8T-HB * · lfllll 11111 BELIEVE IT OR HOT. II f AM IPlll llT 1·1 1111 • .... -TllUll -Only 1289,000 1 ... Loe 2 1torH, t block to vacant famlly Of ant•-ocean, 215% down. <>w- talnmanl homa. Prlc.d nar wlll carry balanee. for quick Mle. at $61,000 GOOD FOR OWNER below IUt year'1 appt91-USER! $2M,000. ul. 2007 Holiday Ad. Go ..... .., --.. direct or call bkr. ..,.,.. t5&-2Mt Of 790-7292 ltlbwt ••n.t•• Cadlllcl 10 Go-Cetta Whatewr tN Fed Thlnk~of • new home ROii 'em off ll'le rneniet fOf 1 •-t ....... With I Cluelfled Ad 111ttnga In I~~"'= c.. Howl &42-5e78 flad columM. 142-5171 11.\IUl()U HE.\ LT\. IEIT Ill 1111111 HL .. lllTI U you have been looking in c.orona del M ar, we think you wllJ rwx>gnim thia as the best income property buy in town! Located on the ocean llde of the hwy. just a few blocks from the beach. An outst anding rental property reduced to just $229,000 and earning $1,450 per mo . UllN llUll llfflllT Newport'• moat preatigloua addresa! A beautiful bayfront lot with private pier and float. 40 feet on the bay suitable for large yacht. Aaaume low intereat T .D . $1,915,000. 11Y111•1a unam Private pier and float with 60 feet on the bay. Ideal family home - spllC'ioua with a large beyside patio. 4 bdnna., formal dining nn., family rm., breakfast rm. and a hobby rm. Thia is a great hom e for entertaining. $985,000 L .H . FllllOlll IS TIE ID With only $78,000 you can move lnto this sharp Bluffs "C" Plan the one with 3 bdnns., upstairs and 1 more bdrm. or off.ice downstairs. Located near the pool, a terrific home for entertaining! The full price is $279,500 L .H . and the financing is 30 yrs. fixed rate. SPECTIOIUll IOUIFllllT Located on the front row In exclw.lve Cameo Shores. A lovely 4 bdrm. home designed for California living. Formal dining nn., family nn., h~~p amd wine vault. Large patio with orchid hot house. Owner moving to Hawaii and priced to sell a t $2,500,000. Cllllll IEL llAll YIEW LOT Ocean and bay vlewa from thll oversize R-1 lot in a quiet lection of Corona del Mar away from the summer crpwda 75" financlnt available $695,000. Coles worthy &Co. ™5 EASTBLUFF OR. NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 640-0020 Ill llllllTlllD U111LIFF •UllflFF Adult occupied, move-in condition. 3 Bdrm 2 'h Ba Lusk bwlt home. Pvt courtyard entry. Formal dinina +warm family room. Call for show1nc $225,000. m•s, TEa•s, m• Full price $183,000, lst loan. $143,000 fully uaurnable, 11 w~ fixed rate for 30 yrs. Can't be beat. Blutfa 3 Bdr 2 ~ Ba home. Fresh paint. Vacant. OWC 2nd T.D. • Tll llY FUIT UW -111-11-1 2 Bdrm bachelor pad. Privacy, forever IHIAY 1-1 420 Dahlia. COM. Slape lrorn NnCI • .,t, ex-call. prl 1 - bran I •FULl OCEAN vu• 13.6% loan Jeemlne Cr Owner agt 640-1515 W-UT With 3 8<. 1¥. Ba. frplc. By Owrier. MMS&e ..... , ...... . Homa+GuMt+tncome owe tit -Flex. Tenn• 509 Acacia CdM nr bch SpolleU VIClnt Duplex Huga 5br/3b.+3br/.3be 440K own/bkr 645-7048 IULm&llUUI area .. or S1ln!l*P'I F\11 or Perl Time 90% John Cerwy GAi, RECI FIRST TIME OFFERED Thl.t naat 3BR 2be wtl OY9r 1800 aq ft with I ve1y patlot end garclani 0Wner wtlt flnenca 1U atantlal 111 TD at 12 Int. 7 yr l•m. A ..._... hold aatata. Priced to NI In fee. ..... 1211 • ... llllUT 38R3Ba.2BR28a Immaculate cond. 1296 000. $58,000 down. e1s-eooo; en.seae bay view, fireplace. $172,000 of lowl-::::=====::1 111,000 MWI Interest financlng available. Original ... YllW Premium duptu, So. o aection of Bluffs. Priced $242,500. >Ont tocatlon 3 8<. 2 Ba. beyalde. Derrell P11h WI-YHI FED WIEI ,. WYE ltv&dlnrm,lg famrm,all agt Ra/Max 759-1221 rm; emanltl•, tg trMd lot. F.utbluff potential unlimited. 5 Bdrm, By Owner. '309,000 F.L. CllU u•n I country kitchen, extra Ira family room. & 640-7007 s~ cetm 4Br 3 e ba. 3 frplce. Poot. jaQ.12 3 Ba. Thla home has been bet.rayed, IJ ......, zl. pond. volleyball en.I abuaed and then abandoned. Premium I BMutlfYI Carone del Mar pvt t>eacf\19. Ht2.00oll location. Fabuloua neighborhood but the =-•3s~r;o'cf9l~: ~ae ~=~~~t·· • home needs everything. BofA financing 1·942-8580. Agt. of $154,000-total price $205,000. Not for Quiet n•lghborhood, 2 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil the faint of heert. 2800 Carob, Eestbluff. bdrm plua d«l home with • Iota of ~. Owner will Of••..-' Charmlno 4 Br & large carry et 13% for 5 year• Of wtlf COMlder price ,. ductlon 'with caeh lo ,_ loan. $289,000. By owner 71'/759-9149 c. )) 2 11.U ""' •. Rt • • a. ' family room. Brick n... pfeoee, countty kitchen, ------- l71-H1 t·~· _ . Quftl rHldan\lal ar~a. CllEI llllEI _ Owner wlll carry 10 $927,500 with land. Ora- years. m1ttc courtyd with pool. lfll ....a 1•1 llLUU P• PllD <>c.-n and Harbor view. ••fllATD 3 Br. 2 b&. Prlee reduold Pr1Y1t1~3Br4Y. ""snu -$5,000 to 1114,900. b&. Cell for tppl. INt ltfMi ..... Drive by 253 Hanc>v«. Loweet Pftcl In .... SPYILlll ........ a.... .......... 5 Bdrm, family rm, lg• la ltWllilHH •IH bonue rm. 4 '~ be, , ......... UllWll/tn. ....""" 4 Bdrm, fncludlng 2 muter ault.., 3~be. tga~ family rm, 2 lrplca, Nlllc. wood, bMm cella -.. In • wetk to pvt beech\ tocetlon. The 1*1~ mlly hOme In the neighbortiood. 1495.000 with PERFECT nn.ncing FM land. I .... 1211 fa•llJ r& Willa ef Southport mdl on cut- &llH •rill Ht•etr gooaac. Red to S495, I 111•1aa lite 1•1llt -lti.14U l~Hl ,..... 11' , ...... lllM. ldal l!ft ••111•cs. •• "''"' .. iii.iii.iiidii.. L,,, ~ ~.. c.t• ..., '"' t11tfD tMeltlt Miii Redlcor9ted S8r 2ba on IUL lSTATE 644·6l97 ..................... . /Jn NIG[l HA1Ll 1 1'. ASSUCIAT l ll Mt..._.,..._, le-prime 1oca11on. o.raa-. s-a• m 3 1111• STOL ......, ...... ...... Mlndeclt, petloL Nr. No. • uu. A t>Mll~ on Golf Caine. '1alMe ...... lfttr• Bay. Owrier will con..cs.r Ownare mutt llquldal• l12A.t00. Agt. Fred l• .......... 111 ·.~~!!;1 875-5319, deluq 4 8r .. 2 Br®-n«•83t-12M I __ .,...... ,.,...._. plu. So. of Hiity. Onty 3 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ...... yra old. OrHt 1erm1I LUll/"11111 S-419.000. Darrell Palh, Z ST(IY MIUllll IMll YllW AdOf•bla 2 ttort comw aoem. Re/Mu 75t-t221 COl.OflAl. f trfffh · "• I, .,.. home • for ..... or ..... TOWNHOUSE 2+ Bdrm, .... rm1•1M ..... option. I 10,000 optton 2'h Ba. 2 fxplct In Ca. Backs!:r. lltew 4 BR, clan ......... ........_ ,__ monay a11d 12100 ,,., nyon Crut, walk to plu n..i.. * .. -_-mo. for t yr. Full prtoe ator. a FMl'llon llland, • · """7 2vt,500. tit, IHtl .......... 1595 ooo. with pool, jaouul, tennll. HurtYI •• '. ... I • - • Under '200,000. By Ow-645 0303 ' J Ill tr Wl\fl Hf HONT ner. Wiit cooperate. • ltef llOMI ' llllC· 840-()289 REAL ESTATE -,-.. --... --.-.... ---• -• -•• -, SJt-14(~) --r-. '~~~~~~~~ ff )QI "--CW! Of t>or-mM.~ 1.:; rowtng power, let's talk. I HteL ..... ...,. llava a wide lot with COLDWell BANt(eR O c-•-hOn,a & rentel lf"'9et M .. -... ••••-.. -· 17._.111 liti';;;;;;~;;;;-, :s~o~.~0~1~H~w~y~1~o;ca~1~1o~n~.~==;E;;i;~iijz I f~· ..... ............. tat TD ~ •.OOO Mew flt"""91M. OwMt .... catt1 2nd TD atM. i .,,,,. ..... .,....., good 1 ... tlOtl. OWNl!lt ~N· ~ ~·fl'.IOO. Otl ..-.:01 f ... " -Hf RrTACt F f ' ' I I I , ~· • I 0t.nge county A•• e•i1>.n Advertising suppfemem ta ttte.'DAtLY°P1t-c>ti$atutday, 'Auguat 1, 19e2 -19 ~.'.~!!!.{~/!!!. •••••• !~~!!!.{-!.!!!.' •••••.• !~!!!.~~ ...... !~.~!e.~ ...... !~~!!!.{• ... "". • ..... ,,, ,.. ,, ..... -,.. . ......•..........••..••...•... •••···•··········•···• ••nl#i.1• •...••.•••........... f!!!~.!re ...... !.~¥. •-=• lHI •-.::1• lM ~ ........... !.'.ff ~ ........... !.'!ff ~-.m!.flff! .. /!!f f!.'!r.!!.~ ... J.~! Plllll IEITT11 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• , • ..., IOZ4 .......•............ --· mATLll.ll1111 £tVE bedroom• end fHAEE belhl in lhll two 1l0ty hocJM neat SA end Newport Fwya. Cok>rtul front petlo and lheded emall bad! yerd. HAVE 0000 INCOME??? SHORT ON DOWN PAYMENT??? PAYING TAXES??? With our lm1•t0f, llYe & Two of the bedroom• geln appreciation In with one ot the balhl end rantutlc 3 8' 3 Ba. MW MP8f*te entrance make condo, next to all "'<>P- up practical, Hparate ping. No down peyment, m o t II e r • I n • I a w minimum cHll needed teenager?) quarter•. for cloalng coat. Phone Another two bedroom• 831·5055. 8'42-2000. and • bath we upatalra. Perfect floorpl~ °' 3 Fireplace In LR, alldlng ::_~~:h:: 'Nlth f~-:~ doora from LR and FA ex.It to co11ered rear Pl· Of relative. Enjoy bene· tlo. Sliding dOOf In MBA flta (tax & appt"eclatlOfl) ::::n onto the VERY ol owneralllp. Super 1 front patio location wl1h 111 amenl· · ties No down. minimum Asking S149.900 with c l oalng co at. Call $85,000 UIUmeble and 831·5055 Of 8'42·2000. -will cooperate In II· Exec Home. Owner uym nancing. FOf ule by ow-••Ill S 10.000 under ner. maltlet. 5 8'. 3 Ba. 12% 979-2748 (Pteaae call 9-5) UITlllE IDIOEI sn,IOO Thia 8 yr old home la lmmac. 3 Bdrm, lamlly rm. gt'eat tlnanclng. Cali now tor ahowl"fl, RAE RODGERS. 831·126e. ln .... t. Only $165,000. Prlnclpal• only. Tony, Agent, office 730-1222, home 548-9633. .. .........,...,. 2 BR. 2 BA, 2 car enc g• Tot S1835 PI M, lncit PIT t5% APR. Adult. t500 It uppet unit. Can you qualify? Prln only. 7 20-0220 Agt &11Mt1a,IM S 12 .000 down, no QUall- 111 EITlllJ . :r:,o;~6 .':°o!.6,:.:. Elccepf!onel value. 4 Bdr RV accn1. w/conal"- 2 ea. ,_ paint. carpet & ro· •. motor hrne, etc .• u drapea. Auuma &103, down. $128,500 OWC at 0 0 0 In Io an 1 for t1,., ag1•, 4%. 546-7091 t1098/mo p.ymen1. Al-OPEN SUN 1·5 tclng S1211,to0. 031-7370 2709 Gannet Or. I TR \DIT 10\ \I ~I \I I' (M ... Vwde) Lg 4Br. din rm. bltna, very deen. Xlnt flntnelng 979-5099 .......... , 1 .. tlltTLERQCK • TERRIAC TARTAN LIQUIDATION Beautifully decorated 3 Bdrm. 2 bath, f/r, detached Lusk home on premlwn view lot w/cul-<fe-sac location. Many amenities incl built-in bookshelves. wet bar, mallbu lighting & much much more! $295,000 with good a1Sumable financing. 21122•-Ull.U. off Brookhurst & Hercules Drtve. Super family home, only 2 miles to beach, 4 bdrm, 2% baths, family room, dining area, utility room. Large yard with covered patio. First time on the market. Asking $189,000. 1412 Santiago-Dover Shores. Lrg Span.iah pool home. FEE. Reduced from $425,000 t.o $318,000. AUi Don't wait -call now! Bettina Loomia. '52-1800 or come visit 9 Rimrock. l to 5pm. Sat & Sunday. TIWI I •llTIY IULTMlll2·1IOO 1918 Seadrlft-Irvine Terrace. Remodeled pool home, FEE. Now only $325,000. Theee mUlt ~i¥ be POld· Call now! PatrlCk or enore, 631-1266 or 760-8702. A4fenta. 1-J LITS -YllLllT 2 lots or 1 large lot. 2 miles from ocean. Good location. $140,000. Submit on financing. Corner of Huntington and Elmira. c:nr:: 'rt a:::; Turtlerock lghlanda "Monteclto" 2 Br. & den. lhltng rm With frplc, fem rm with lrptc, wood floor• &. shutter• thru· out, tu9h landecpg, atone patio•. epa, mountain view, a/o, SS0,000 up- gredH, "Country En· gllatl". AppnllNd l*ot9 upgrades at S276,000. Aaaumable financing. Aaklng •210,000. Muat NII nowt eon.lderatlon toAQen ... R&IM~ of Costa M~ Lido Realty 673-7300 EllSll SCIOIL llSTllCT Fresh new carpet & paint accent this 4 Bd.r 1 ~ Ba home. Located ln EdilOn 8Chool district, it Is situated on a cul-de-sac w/extra lrg yard. Priced $10,000 below market this home oilers a 30 yr. fixed loan avail. w /10% dwn. Full price $112,500 O • .a. T&IUI OI. ......... 979-to32 955-0745 2 er. Reduced p11ee see. 500. 14078 Golden Olen. 497·1037 Woodbridge lmmac 2Br 171,MI ... TIM oww ~·on belt located "1EW pro- perty In the hlb of T\11111 Rock. 3 bdrm, 2'A bL, librery, hm. rm. Din. rm, and bfeekl .. 1 nook oft kltc:hln. All rooma ti.ve unobttNC1ed vlew9 Ill· cept Fam. Rm. Appr• elation potent.., excefo. lent. 2ba A /C, 8y owner . ..c.<H/' .. ..-fti.. .... __, Mu at Hll. Bkr co-op. ~'~ ~MCtf\~~- ............. ............ Secluded ape. OWll 1.000 aq. ft. o l decking. 2 cuttom ~ aVIUnl off Mrnly room, dellgr'9r dreperlff. central air. ~ 1tyte 4 bedroom, 2 t>eltl. Ellcellent eaau--m eble loan. t1t5,000 equity, wlll consider trltde fOf' Norttl Orlllge County property. M6aalofl VleJo Aealty. Owner/ aoem. Alt tor Catol. 1 ...... 111-1• ~.rr.n.~ .. !Mf 857-2045 ,___..,.. "" 1441 Galaxy Drlw ·--na--ru--,-.. -1-.-•...,.-:e. ••••••••••••••• C 38 / 2 .. 4 Br. Den. Formal Dining ute r bl .. ome. -·UY Room, 2 Flrepleca, ~ Own land. Low malnt. AWARO WINNER car gerege plus large L.ln-lm If Vo" Mint to ~ your own c••tl•, thll~Of • lhttmer. ,..., come 3 loCa on Har or Rldg•. llde-by-1lde, wlth pler'9 tor • 10,000 .ciuate foot home with TEHHIS COURT and pool tor onty 12.500,000. The~ wtl Joint venture, trad• or )'OU c:9n take OYlr the wttole proj9ct. $1 ,400,000 of a11umable fl• nendng. WOWt --.c:.tt, ... 714nM-lMO Muat -to ~eclata. Ocear1 "*"-3 bdrm. 4 Hobby Room. Poo4 alMd ~114~:5•1~°et wner · be, kit. w/conwnleooee, lot, beeut. landac:aped. rem.""· 1ge g«den, ~ Owner wlll INiet at ft. ptt11•• .. C.. ... lllf If.... Uo.formeldln.rm,tgellv. nendng. Only$420,000. HllVU • •• H••••••••••••••••• CLOSE TO OGUI Open houM SAT-SUN rm. Quiet cul·de·llC. Open Set/Sun. 1·6 SectucMd 3 Bdrm luak No money down, no 22 FAIRDAWN '812.000. By ownw. Aobtnaon: Aeettcw home nr FMNon lllend. II IOWll quallfylng • o-..n your Woodbridge Summer· ~~~8~73-44~~11~~~1:;;;·;·;-;;l;;~i~$3~7~5~,0~0~0~.~P:•~t~rlick~T;e· Brand MW 2 Of 3 bdtm home Ql1 our unique • fWd -..,:. ""'9. 7~702 AQ1 t~ Park view. •hated appreciation II· 3 bdrm, 2 bL many ax-French Countty Chateml. John, Agt 831·2242 nanclng. We ll1ve 5 trH. Lg 1uum. loan. 678 Olamoncl St. Open 1'1111 .. NW -,,..-.-,.---"-1---1-,.-1 homes In Hunt. &eech., 3 S180,000 12~. Sat/Sun. $200,000 equity In thle •••••••••••••••••••••• BA 2~bl. 1800 to 2100 867-83«3 Armbruater, Clurman, hOllle ~~ ,._.. aq It . .Reymenta run•--,-,-ST--......,---.,--1 Blown & Co. tnc. port bl)' and ocean. laM NW -$1200 iO s1eoo per mo. nu• 494-15,05. Ttede tot untt1 ot t1ouee. -' •111 &M Cell Geo. Brook• at ... If I 1 .. ..,. --TR-.--,-, -----1 Call Llnd9 o.th today. ,... 714/191·655& ....... .....,. ·-....... .... New new Dena HtwbOr ----------t Preattge upgraded 2 8dr on lflls 3 bdrm. 2 beth & ..a .., .. entrance. SUBMIT YOUR NO QUALIFYING &. den plua 2 Ba Ind dbl O.n home. 811 In your OWN TEAMS. 2 yre ..-. AvaJl&bM now · 4 bdm'I, ger1ge. Panoremlc ,,.. llo:J:".d and llaWI iv bdl, frptc, mlCJOW11'te. ....._.... -pool , ..... _ to -........ '_...._ ~ • '"<Sty & mclf'e. Jult 1119, ~ ............. ~ ' ....... .... _.., .. .,.,., .. -too. with ,102,000 In Htlc financing. Only the mountatn a valley -' 1 a 1n1. Don't mlu It. lkr ~~·~e:' =:~:=: =·~":' ai:,~~ 9"!~~~~~~~ ••~e ;;;'~, 1111 = . . . · .. · A PETE BARRE TI . REALTY 41M2tl -.1141 OD* ~·&M~ ll.lff I F•e lend. 2•aty 4 Br apedou9 ~. new lnter~r. V9Cent. Call un•-•111 Wl1ll Uft aDow 'fOAJf oftlc:e °' ltore. can..._ out rNer 'fOAJf ooet petted on the AlllM. Room to pert N • tra Cati evellabte with tlll• proPlfty lor yovr commefcl8' ent•prtee. Meny u1ea for thl1 .. terlront '-lot. Cell f0tmor9 ...... M2·Ull j PETE J BAAR[TI REALTY ,... ~ 131-1211. iii!~~~~~ AliklnO '211.100 = ----------1,.. lend.cont~ alnole lev•I. Vtawa of beck t>•v & trHlllon lllend, ..,. off ..... Ae- ~Ult.GOO. ca.,_ JeMIOn Ut-1 ......... ........ ,.,..S9drNw~ to ''""~· •t9P• to aenc1. owe '°' 10 ,..,., 'te•lble i.rm1. Olen• >' • -... -- R&M~ A tf'ttl ... N ... .. ~ ........ ... ...... -----...... "9MWef 1111, - .. 20 -OrMQe County Real Eetate/An Advwtl•ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, August 7, 1982 R&'M ~ at Costa Mesa PRESTIGIOUS llfl>A ISLE ...... ............... .......... 180 def, Bay view from this majestic 5700 eq ft estate. Enclo8ed pool and ... wine aellv, pies' and alip for as ft. yacht. .A.u.me existing lat TD of ,1,650,000 at 13. Lender will neaot. favorable terms on balance of finandna. Broker co-op. _,.,£WU..QI( .. ,... • 4 bdfm, 3 baUI, lanMt dlnlnt. lamly. $ "1*a. .... 3000 eq, "· t2tOO mo. .. rOrang'e County ~ Eat~tefAn' Advert~ng Supplement to tlte DAILY PILOT/Satuf~ay, Allguat 7, .1982 -21 ~!.~!.lf~f P.~!t.~ .• '1J.!!!.f~~~f! l!f!!!!.!~!~~!~ •• ~!.~.'!~ •• ~~!!':..~ .. ~.'/~ •• ~~,'~ ........... A,.rt•••I• ~!!!'!..~!1.!!~ .. 1.¥.1 f!!!~.!!!!t ..... 1.#.i ~! ........... !~ ~l.'!!~.1/l!!t.!¥.l:f!.!P.!!~!!! .. !¥.f ~¥.~.t .... ~.!.. ~'!m!.~.~I!.!. ·•:~!ff!!~#. ..... .. ........ =I 1 BR, r-"°""· On Vlr-I •asESIJ LAKE PARK • Fo11gtov•1 Und41fateted EJegence "·. CUZZI, POOi el'in1nc• -hOme In...-,__ p $ 11.E Mdl. avail Sept 1. MOO .. T .. atyllah 2 br oondo, pvt •~'---•-•••7 .,...... ......., .,... glnla lace. •2e1mo. 3 Bdrm detaohed homea mo. on 1 _ ...... ,..__ ~··• ger-o-& "'°'9 .. !'.~:!:4 .... ~. • bdrm. 3 ba, game 640-2036 I _ _..__. ,. ·-.,.,.,..._ For '-._,... IQ It 2 ....... c 8 room. Spectecular entry. • n e11.....,,..,.,. 1rea. Avalla· lot w/vlew 2Br den "'"""' <!>I • ......,. ell the 8f T Va a r I y tea•• 1 Br. Intercom. vac. Some Eslde horn« 3BR 2ba, 2 bl• Immediately . vaA.llted cell~ IQ nmr bdrm and den. 2~ 61. t•53H190 ''l•D '600/mo. Sa1111ge, Wilde view of min Ind ocean. car g.,.. $800. $800/mo on 1 Y9N leue. bdrm. 24355 Borrego Golf cour" view. Near w .._,_ · • a Co. 875-6806 $2•000 mo. 759•1015 fi4S-3561 Five others to chooae Court a31•2230 or Ocean. Full Hcurlty . .,,.,_,,., '"'' Penln Pt. 2Br, IUfl deck, patio, alee gar, lndry • evllt f..1, $826 mo. yrty 157M>H3 or 676-789$ from We' e the onea t ' Club with pool 199 ten-••••••••••••-•••••••• 1 C..t .• llU RENT TO OWN: New 2Br call ,c,, -0 1•323-1990 nit. 714-67~75 ' Gw.oe, lhop, 1M>t anarp 2 I 'I FE" •••• ~ ••• ~••••••••••• 2'~ba. condo. can Rich. Niguel Sheree pvt comm CHA · br, oour;,try kltclr, pvt I. OC-RENTALS Owner/Agt ~-6171 fl] 4 br & remlly 2 ba RMI 5 bf. 3 bll HVH, fncd M 7 • Kida fine. I YuR.-uNi> PUN: 1·5br's $200 to $2000 So. Coast Plaza-Santa \\bodbrklge atrium, S ear gar. Pvi Fi'~t h. drsJ • & bleya$.1~0· BEST.,.. 539-8181 So,.111 Aetlvltlea 750 3314 7.. o •• h beach & rec center. ug .. •, ecuu · vv • f'==4 1 I " -open -..aye Ana. 2 Bdrm. C4tnl. air, ~ I $l250/mo 759-1465 e.40-2523, 833-2375. _.Jl.W Dlre~tor•Fr•• WMtslde 2 er. 1 Ba. fncd ~lio, full MC. $550 In-· fllhutdlW Ull 8 u n d a y patio. enclsd gerage. eludes gaalw1r. lmmed. S51·3000 WI rw..t aU NWPT MOTS AREA •••••••••••••••••••••• Bn.tnche880' .. new carpelt, <irapee, o e cu p an c y . Ag 1 lt!lllurura l'll•),lt•IM" •••••••••••••••••••••• 2bf/1ba. No P9l9-$62~. lux. 28r, 28e, S.C. Ptua, f'*11M•Plua paint. No pets. $510/mo. 957-0222 130· on wal41f, 2 bf+ den, _ 645-1447 Vu, AC, pool, IVllll 9-1. mudl ~. plus MCUrlty. 648-5442, Roomy 3 Br, 2 a. .. gar. lllTILI Ir.pie, e/c, pvt dock. IUILY.. $576 mo. No pets, Sher· Q It I A f , 770-5629. Pets welcome. $875. 1 to 5 bdrma, .tarting at Av a 11 · 8 tf. t · 1 O · 2 BDRM & loft 2'~ ti.th ry 97e.2390 dya It• C It• A Tl 0 •: 2 Br. 1 Ba. w/ crpts, drpa, 537·3233 Agt chg. $450 to $1150. l1075ino. 7 -7900 or Spedoua&. brliaM condc) ,........., T • n n I•• Fr•• c... '"., "" •••••••••••••••••••••• NEW CONDO. $900. Ocean view. 1 Bdrm, frple, modern kitchen, deck, gar. 873-3271 "' 831..()502 2 Br. 1 Ba. frple, mlc:ro-w.ve. l'TOO. c.11 875-7097 yard, E/alde: $595/mo. Back Bayl 2 bdrm. gar. evea/wknda 659-'27• Near upper Back Bay t.ndd'1I 1111 ~:!'p~•~e'ar:~ 87S-50e8. h u 0 e y • , d • $ 4 7 5 . lllaJ•• J/.,1. ,. with mini view. Flreplllce, •••••••••••••••••••••• ClubeeSaluna• CdM 2 Br. N-C~"""t, A •••••••••••I•••••••••• large patio, AC, 2 ear N E WP 0 RT C R ES T ... -38r, 2'~8a Condo, min lo 537-3233 gt chg. HOME FOR RENT / S ...--...-drepe•, paint. $800. 3 8d & • 8d .... 5 coo• WI°'**. pa, TWNHS. by bdl. • br, 3 "~7'""''_.. 83&-ee38 & wlcnds. bell & •hopping. Pool. E/Sld• 3 br, lge yard. rm. rm _. 8'e..&092 be Id pool ,...,. tennis ...,.. Jae, & aauna, annual IM $650. Sept. 1 "' 15. No to $800 f<enoed • da & • ' w • ' ,_, ' • a A U T 1 , U L 1 " ell• 28r 2be aitte, c»-1785 mo. 1st & last + peta. 845-4481 ' garege~. Kid• l9'P••• 3Br. 2 •Bl. Baek Bay 2~ r,'&:· Z 'r" -aec. dep. (71') 750-5274 A12.-860() welcome. 5415 ·2000. area. Children ott. :iiy 9117:·2 . 01 ~ APAltTlllNT8: ~5~ &:~2eE'tlde. --------3BA.famrm,MeaaVerde .w.T' Agent,nofee $1000 /mo . Agt 83,_5806 , eve~. Single•. 1 6 2 2 BA 1 Ba, MW floor, cpt, Hlglllanda. Grdnr, fncd. 8'2-3850, 875-....,.n, 6,,.. .,...... Bedloome•Fumllhed 1tove & pelnt. No pet•. Clllldren, amall pet OK. , L .... Minion Viejo, 770 •• '"""~ & Unfu.rnlahed•No 1950B,MeyerPl.(House $795. Avt eppr 911 . IJ523CAM..,Jla:flv1Ml Madrid Del Lago. Lake UY I -.U WllW Peta•Modela OJ>•n In beck). 1525 & dep. Ownr 645-8100 view, pool, 9PI. 4 Br. 2v. 3Br, 2Ba. trv Terraoe ~ ........ ,. r.-l•lllM dilly t toe. 548-3484 ' lllft.8* Ba. $1'00/mo. Owner. Hm. trple, grdnf. $1:400 ~.";'; ••••• ;::r.;r... • ...... $500. Collage 2 BA 1 BA, lllTllT lll Lovely 3 br, :z ba, lam No pets. 855·0830 alt mo. Au 11 Aug 1 5 . ..,.. bllM ,,,, dJ I ._ _ _...,. 2 8'. 1 Ba. hOUM. yetd, t d bltl 8PM. 875-1641 •••••••••••••••••••••• ......_ n ng area. mw 1v, gar. enclsd ,..,.,,,,..Small pet rm, crp a, rpa, na. On Peet1, 1Br1 Ba. winter ..--very oleen. Children OK, • _,,.. 050 mo. 1 yr IU .• _..,, ..... 11f GOLF COURSE VIEW $500 ........ no pets. 213-•471-1871 ~·laundry rm. 873-5820 eYM & wknda. ··-·•r.e••••••••••••••• Big canyon f)fof deo 2 v ':t i;::~L«a -lealftl .. btwn 7 & 8PM wlidya. L Momt 642-1803 T 2 Bdrm & den home, sty, 2 bf, 2 bl+ den, din. _111Ce ____ r _____ 1 ---· ,. ___ •-'-••-urtleroek 1750 elf, 2 Ne. •POrt Hnta, 3 ear rm '"'"t 642-1113 "-~-.a-••--,.... 880 trvlne $325. Cottage/duplex, ~.!~! ••.•.• ft.':! mstr bdrms, country kit· perk. l1050Tmo &. gar-· ....,, · ~.~!:'!'f •••• ~~ (et 16th) newly reconditioned, 3 Br agl level, beeutllul chen. 2~b•. next to dener. Rae Rodgera, LeaM or IMM option lat· Ocean view. beautllully (714) 645-1104 new carpet, 1 BR w/ quiet.,..., nr beectl, no pool. Ava II Sept 1 • 631-1266. Agt. ge • Br. cane! front, furn. townhouM, Jrplc, -..... , ... nun• & fncd yard. No pets. avail from Sept. ~33-8277, 752-6492 )'Mlly, avail 9-1, ClOmmty pool &. .,_tlo. 1895/mo. ...._1700• 16 ... St. pat•. 213-471-1871 btwn $690. 493-33•9 CALL NOW 2br 2ba 111 lllffl pool• & tennla. •Ilk to 673-0896. "' Nice cteen 1 Br. 1 Ba. ~ o-rage, ~tlo. No peta. $625 plua tat. & lut. $200 eec:urlty, &03 Martgcld. 6'3-2778 c.n.... 1114 •..•....•.....•...•... , .. , ..... Newly decor. Gae pd, encl gar, dwahr, pool, bbg. Adult•. no P•t•. 642-507$. Speel0u9 2 Br. 1 BL 1425. 3 Br. 1\-\ 8a. 1475. Laundry fee .• pool. 548-9566 12·7PM. 7 & 8PM wkdys. SUNNY pool •na bit-Ina 3 bf, 2~ be, f)fOf. dee. l>Mdl, $t300/mo f9mlty. -.-~-------1 (Dover at t6th) ---------•Br newly redecorated ..... ' amenltlea. $1250. 6'5-3370aft5wltdya . .,_._.,.,pvt ant. off• (714)642-5113 1 8', 1 Ba hOUM, off-et. hM, oloM to KN. $800 ~RENTALS 750-3314 629-8883 ley. Avocado. $385. $630/mo. 2 8r. 2 Ba. p«g., end. yard. urn pd. mo. 2Br fUml9hed $500. CITY UGHT8/0CN VIEW Avail. now. 17~11 Townhowea. car port&. Agl $375 mo 875-1&42 '493-0202 Mary • Br. 2 Ba. 18971 Antioch. OC.RENTAlS 2 Matr bdrm ault ... dbl . petloa ... bit-Ina lndry . . . -----'-----! $1100/mo. 1·5br'a 1200 to '2000 gar, tfH!, Ill xtra. $825 C..11 .... 1114 OCEANFRONT • aharp nn M.all pet ok 'Won't Special 2br 2ba w/huge f; V. 750-331' ~ 7-deya mo. 864-3'4M •••••••••••••••••••••• 2BA, wtntar, noiiet1. ger. 1ui1 · ~.f:~tt'n;~~14 .~!l!!~~ .. ~.l.~f ~t S4t-5032. EAST8LUFF· 38r 2ba 2Br, HUa W. Nwpt Ull 11 Ill $650 mo. 876-3033 TSL Mgmt. 842-1803 POOi Seekera grab thla 3 Air• 3bf 2tle w/gw, pool, Avail How. i12001mo. . Condo. pat.0, pool. ape, ALL UTILITIES PAID 28r, 28a, ~ ..... tum, Aft. 5, e.42-8221 THIS HOT 1 2bf home Br. 2 Ba home In fMllty wife uver• kltch, rnuttl· 2 Wik ~,..,....,_, cu e area. $595. Lott ol 111raa. fem Ok. MSS. Kida & am 6'0-9018 ear gat. to bch, Compere b t o llnena, dlahH, etc. Nr Fireplace pool dlah-wlhk-up1, bit-Ina 1325 pet fine $700 mo. 873·1856, •ore Y u Hoag Hoap. Wiii lhort weaher ~ pattO x LG OC.REffTALS 75()..3314 BESH•63M181 BEST,...539-6191 Eastbfufl3Bl.2Ba.2ear 487_.208 rent. Cuatom dHlgn term . ltOO'O mo. G d • 2 B 'suo 'IRtLEVEL 4 BR, 3 Ba enotad ger, VI•• or 8lg featul'H: Poot, bbq, 87s.2543 or,.,..,,_ Ad s:,r2:_.~ r . · Charming 2br w/doubl• gar, party patio yd 1425 OC.REN't AL8 1&o-331' houM. 11lnt nbrhd. fem 3 BR 2 Ba eondO, oo pell, greenbelt, dOM to CdM Canyon Condo 3 81· eov'rd oeraoe, aurroUnd-#281 642-4300 2• tire ------· -----rm, lplc, 988_2720; pool, A/C, $100 mo. o.-H.S .• commty pool. lull golf court• view. eel with Plu.11 IMd.O.· • · """5520 nlae t78 "'857 or $850/mo ptua aee. Po o I , t • n" ta . '*"'·No.,.._, 1 BR, quiet, pvt, f)fop on &''--=tftield, ....... • ... 562-7502 or 551-1880. 11300/ ...... 8'4-14.24 1·8r. tum. 1615 bay. 81ka to bch. Gar, www:m -· 3 Br. defl, fri>ic, d.r .. fnod 662·85<4f ..... • 9 5 ... yd, patio, quiet at.. aep ... -. 3 8dr 21A Ba townhorne Newport Creal, Pfan 4. _.. M5 W. Wlleol'I 8'2· 1171 • ' . I 1 3 • v 3 3 8 ; .-. y IPft. gar. 186 Eklo)'. $650/mo. llM) 1'41 fem rm patio AJC ' fmmec:ul1te eond. fa11f· ..... ..... ... NEWPORT VILLAGE u 2-Hte: Otx 1 BR, 8e1utlfUI g1td•n apta. S58-l833, 6'"5-8287. •••••••••••••••••••••• 'graded'. pooi, tenn':: •tic "*"· AVlll. t/1 for Beet bey vw tn 8IUfYa. 3 e.utlM "*'Y ept. t:t. pvt, P'C9 on bey. Patioeldedle. HMt ptlld. 3 Br. 1\-\ Ba. ganage, fned OC.RE"1ALS ~t' av all. Imm ed. 112$>0 S* IT)O. wll oon-br. 214 ba, t1200/mo. Pab & dee*, 9119 & wtr 67~bctt. Gar. M9S. No.,..._ 2 dlllchn walo- rard. 2'5 E. Wllaon. 7~~~4S200toll!:° /mo.ee8-1543 alder 3 yr. leau. wti~~t0:13:.W.& pd.PoOl&uune,teniW OOIM. $686/mo. 1548-3827 no open •vs t40-t20t. _,.,,,, • wkndl tn.t818. c:tt., uncs, Vole)'bllll m, 2&, 1Ba. 1550 mo. •Br. 2 Br. 2 Ba. S5e5 ea111 aft a. 15 Blka to ocean. Elagent 2 .._ IU --a--rec rm, 18r tum. "470 2Be, $750 mo. Acroaa 3M W. Wltaon 831-5583 Br. Famlly Rm & Oen. Twnha ON Gou: COUR-_...... .. ••• W mo. Jr 18r fUm ~mo. from bch. Sept-June. SpetkflnO dWl 2 9r tlol E/Slde3bf,2ba.lgeend. $850 Mo. Pluah crpu, SE.Sptltlrf'll.2br,den, 4Br. 2'.'8a. end unit. Stepetobeectl,6brw/2 Call657.0076 (213)148-2232 ea. t4fO f.M.d ·th ~d, frptc. $750. 2~ Ba. Cedar & Ollal.. 2~ ba, ale, Jtfnt view. ~~1f 8 ~ll~ee ~eoo~irm ~o ~f'e & dbl. gar. 8kr .... lfhl JfM Newport Beach. 3tth p1ld. Reirlge. 2 t~all aun-deck, dbl ~r prv 1875/mo. Avell. Sept. 1. 780-167'. · · 6-*12. ••••••••••••'••••••••• SkMt 1~ bedroom, ~ chlldren Ok, no pelt. 3 bf, 2'~ bt condo, 2 c:at gar11ge. fully malnt. yard. 75'-7900; 9119 569--4274 3 Bdr, den. NPT HTS &IC* nMt 1br, am OICMt bit rtom aeind. Off street 1IHIO Wellece 642-4905 j"· Poot, apa, tennla. No peta. Inquire et ~27 Super dellll •Bdrm, 2~ ...... -t>f1metocedon,onl)'3~ viii•. oourtJd· prv, ~rk~. Avall Sept tat. Sl500 1300/mo. Agt 6'2-1183 18th. St. 960-4!331. Battl, Fm rm, gar. 1875. • Bdrm 8.,. bdi. 2 ~ otes. 11360/MO, CeJ1 ...._ $.400/mo. "'1· OM. 65 /mo Incl uttNtlea. enc~=· g2•~o! 8:'a~· 1325 28r HouMf Hr BCH 2bt' home w'= 587-3233 Agt Chg old Peceeett• 9UGUt"'-~ 131-1-.......... ~ frjMe, lndry teo.' Submtt IDT ... NM 1• gar, ~lS· ~7~· .... ,. Untv. Prtt 1 Br & den or 2 flOfM wi:h Hbrer':.. ~. ..,,i ... n .... ......_ on pet. 2 Br QC..,""'" ~ Bdr den, mo. to mo, room, orme .. nlng ...................... ••••••:;a~•••••••• TSl Mgmt. e.42·1803 11>1. MOO pf\» utll .. CIMn 3 Br t>A Ba r.rlCd 1750/mo. A.gt. 552•7502 room end a ftreptaae1. • AUreetlv• Studio, non-....... TSI,... 2 8r 1 yerd, no oarege . yerd, n'ur beach . Of6tJ2•7tM. '2100mo.O#'-ot>-•1 .,1 ._.,, 1mkr,phone,w1aher/c;,...T ,,; .nc.:sa. ~8-0na. 1075/mo Da a ont tton. Oell agent •1 3 Vr otd 2 ttofy ..,.,.. 3 -. r_., dtyef, l>edl k11ch, ~ own •· GI· 4 bdrm. 2 ba, flfeplaee, 81f..8120 Mr T"°' Y 2 Bd · 2 Be. condo . 6'&-5092 or 4 bdtml 3 bath• 8Plnllh ~ LMnol bed, prlv ant .• '°°''"*' rage, fri>'c, emall pet Ok. Meaa det Mar. L.arge . , mlcntv .. pool, jeez. $735 Eutbluff 3 Bf 2 Ba 2 cer I 1180/mo. f41,.f71t: 8eautltul par\.ftke ...,. ten111•, W•lk to bNch, ~ ~ M2 1803 ~•rd with fruit treea. RANCH HOUSE ON HILL mo. •IM-80e3. end. 9.,, comm.' !>Obi, 831-2177 toun.dlno1. Terraced get• auerd ~ .,.._ __.... • $850. lat, 1ut and MC. Reedy "°"'· Nu ctpt/pt, '--•• INfi. 1141 overlooh grHnben. --4 bf 2~ k .. pOol. Sunken QM bbq, Ullef. Avall. Sept 1. STUNNING terg• t Br. Avell 8115. 552·3252 k I 11' I p• I 1 . I 7 5 O. ::J'.";; •••••• n ••• 1•••• oloM to grlmmlr. achool .,._ penc; Hr ~t •P•rkllng fount1ln•. 483-3480. prden _,, pool l ~ IMvemesaege 831 .. 320. EMERALD BAY. 3 Br. 2 &hl~.N91!¥oerpeta, achoole 1•p-:;;7· ~r=W~ _._._ nn. T10W.°tlttl.St. 3 bdrm. 2 ba. 2 ear gar, 2 BR. HOUSE "495 Ba. fri>'c, brlekopatlO wtttl fnlahtv pain~. $1100. & 11000/mo ~1 . -.. tlOfM .lc. k.tteb-...,.._,. .,._ d 1725 Kida pet~ ~ IP•. $ 1 5 0 . 2 1 3 / MC, '52.·7502 . ~ --yer • . hU bit-Ina fnod nr bch 87&.2255. HU .. AYt • I W•ttcllff ' Bdr, ••cell. ~..!'~..!-to ..................... . e13-304& BEST ... 639-8190 ., .. rm w PO~I ~g aond lrO ... lefldecped ·-·•ft_.. _,,... . ..... ~ ·===-11200 mo, pert furn. & fuo, modem 3 81'. 3 a.. ~'· cute klteh. NOW y"rd ~/garcfeoer aeo 1 ~flJ!'n, td08 ............ ......... ~ ~ 6 Bdf, 3 Ba. $390/tbr: beat ••not•'• lantatttc oceen, c:oeat 711 ayatem tt1IO/mo' 28dnl'MUlnftofllllOI Y11yt bdfm. bl. Dd, pool, 836 Pruldlo peen Yd 4 pet & pool 4 v 1•1lf • $ 9 7 5 /mo · AEHTAl.8 7d0-9314 833.taaO ' 2 Bdrm TCIWMOUle fUm tesry, No Pita. IMO ... u~ tand~ 9H·530t, 631·7310, ~· 58M190 am.,_ 213137e.ant For._ Of ..... GP'IOn SMr99 s ftofll .. f~ •?a-OMt !:-:':edo ftoot&tpe. Mt-7122 1750 Super 3 81'. t'A Ba. lurll1• I... 92,.500 mo or 14190.000. ~~-to:.!: No-Yrty 17S.. Detua I! llt, otver•1 P1•drklng. No 4 Br. 2 Ba. cerpet, dfapea, f\tl!C, letge eotW !04. 6 oOlAN VIEW. 2 ba, 2 T...O. ~llldered. Avail • '° ~ l ..,,,.'. ~.-.. ter .. prlg, NMr w.et4r. pea. ctl I r•n ••I• frptc, g•rdeger Incl. ~~~!,C!!..i.-~ Hr g1r. "Pet11501'110lncl .... now. IAla ~a dMI. 982~. 11'"*1,tn-1111 ~ t41S ..as. 32'4 kSelM> Lane .. ·~•~• ,~ 7eo.e37' Jodell model, Herbor · I.A QUINTA HlftM08A y.-.y 1 bdf'lft • _,,... ,,1 e_ ,...._ ......,,. 557_.sef •· 546-tUt Lafoe 4 &dtm, 2.,. '-"'· MIOl'llllC9flt ''° _,.. = r..o= *'-·IV a:, ~o;~;· ~=: :'H ~ t..n. Hlfll tw1 .. 1100 Inoa ""': =-,,:C:...1.:=.t :::.::·~a..:a~ =..:-..... ~ HAABOAVIEW HOMIS .,,._ ....... ,1N · M:.~·Olul.al = ~l~E~~9t.641= . t7&-1_. . . :: tn . 537..am Agt :.=.,~~nn. , f:.'=r'£~~':1 B~~.~~;.~ ..., .... , ,_,_., 1 Ir, aao. _., ""111 Coeta.,...~2br. A alt ., t 12 rentet.e1eeomo Hcurlty, fUOO 1no. 1-.. a.... •••-......... _ ....... poGI.,......_.,....,.. 2'A bl.~~ .. WAt.K TO IEAC"I 3 A!t.n..c..d mo, ... ,.... e.«-eoeo~. :m.-:;:.~ ...... I" a ............ aaw. ~ ....... ,. reg.. '779. l~. =·l,~A41t'°Y:: 4M-(16&4iN1!11N . ...... .. C:::':o~:-~ ;c;T-~. lkr. -··--~~~..:::. 1 Yr Old Mr, Ma, 2 ~ P''"fti ... Pio. end. 3000 3bdtm'-"~Yh t m9lr ...._ l\t k I ~: U. ttM Wit ........ ,_......,= 1 '*-·.:"*'-~ prtvate .,_1lo. '84l/mo a.tlaCW oeraoe. fnod 111, 3'lt 9 to be. llM ~ to ,..._,,. Center. "71 ltOl'Y ~. K..,_,. ~-...._. ,.._._ t::f"e:.: I MO tilt!. Pl. tl1-I022 · ~.lblllahmbcft.$7IO •ttoh. let• 'Ctnr, frp10. mo. MM*, 4t4 °"' pet oe.. '10flft, Att ,,.._ .... fWnlehld .... "°,,.., t7'0 X 3 •a QM 111 W mo. 1......W :,~ g:"~/coutH"; ~tllt 2k~ N1;n41 1 ---~a. . .-. l'lllnMM.117...,. l=~:~~,=~ ~ wllo wet.,.. c.:i gar. w• ;:=.,.. In CIUf H··~•n. flPIC, ~.-.. .. ~. ::"' ::'-. r.:.i:.-= ~ • "· -• •• • •••• ea. poof, lmtlli90. 09ftd, lflOIM .... ~... • 'I 0 0 I Ill 0 . Dy. ~.pool • ...,~. "'iiiir.m t .,... NU •• our loft. WMI """"''J ........... ~ • Ir ..... orpCI ••aoo1"'°. 1122.o332 ett ~ Otreoeo.y 1n • .... 1ao, ttt e a eclrt • ..., , ,.... ..., ....-, ,..... ...... -. 1M1-11• ..._:•IOOC: .. ,.... tN«'tlltl.nda. ONLY,.&.OT 4M·71M antAM c.11-.....n ~ ............ ,.._. • .._ .... 'l'M 1111 • I I .... _,,. .. .. ' 22 o,ang.· COunty Re9J &t~te/An AJWiitts1ng~s~ppeeme',,t to .. the OAfLY PfLOTi~t~~-~-A~u~ 7, ·;982 ·• •--..... ~-" ...,_,, .,.,, ••• ,, ~,, .__ . ~ !P.~.!!.9!'!.9.! ~"'1-~.ffe!.e!! ....., ......., ......., falu.UW ll•ladl.6" llal•1al•'-' ~~................. 2 Fem. to lfw9 3br, 3be •••••• .. ••••••••••••..,• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••::"•••••••••• ••••••••••::'°• .. ~••••••• ,_,,_ E lktei CM 3 8t 2ba, llf 11198* condo In ~ Wlll//I. to e.t.... -CMI... 1114 ....... ...,,_,. .....,_ . ~~~~·o:;' .,._ ger. ~::t}:!n!:O.::.!.!~~ i-:ti. MS-9463. •••••••••••••••••••••• ...................... 1111)--..a 1141 11..t 1111•---·--~------i ~ 2 Br, 2 Ba. ,_ 2 bdrm, t b4 dtluxe, 111 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••-·••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Lo eeautlful rm w/pvt So. Oellt. 54().47ta Newport 8ead'I towilflou..F · crpt1, drapH, good floor w/ Plll'o. $470/mo DELUXE 3 Br. 2 Ba. In Jll -m ()p«I & Airy, 1 Bdrm, em bath for rent nr bd'I. kit * BAYFROHT * H fully furnlan.d. • u1t1ld1 locatlon . ~25 or n&-1165 4-Pl•x. bll-lne, crpt1, NEW ~tttd 20 Town· c; l ctllld ok. S3e0. Cell priv. S300 mo. eel-2951 PVT SUITE/GARAGE ~:: :~~o~•~nr. ~~~ =:-eoer ~; v~ "L:O~::= ::t ~rk~:t,·1:5~'·N!b~:~!: ~u~rTY.1L2L~GsE ~~~~ a.:;:~a:;Y llt• cr~ca~ ;t~o~~~ :;~~~~1~~"= cour1, .._ '425 mo. y, E. 18th. St. "4", C.M. chg 540 4484 aft t M-' Ba. 1800-1800 aq. ft. of kitchen, 2 tr'ptc'a, 3 s1oo depollt (non' srnkr 9PM utU. ~ EHttlde 2 Br. 1 Ba. Gr .. t locetlonl 1 Bdrm DELUXE 2 Br. 2 Ba. In pure \ux~ri G~~·,::·~ Bdrm, 2'A Bath. With .. Pfef.) 557-2783 Lux o.na Pt vlft Condo ~~~~01~!-:..':":'! down• ta I r1 . n • • r •300 + h • 4-Plex. crpt1, drpa. bit· •P•• n v ry the exp9Cted ~-A a230 f0t 3 mo .. muter tuft• 1choo11. no peu. · i;ra~•· • c g . '"'· enGled g•. hk-upa. meeter •ult•. dining can f0t appt 537-3233 ROOM/BALBO · with frplc. pool, •P•· s. ·Plaza. BS0-9180 '450lmo. 831.,e155. 1·3 33 Agt chg. 1525 No I*• ~ room•, wood burning Agt chg mo. View, tum. allfb 9/1, 1_.H-2ae1 ....._9539 M/F to"" condo, OClNll ------°""""-"."' 2 Bdr w/w ca1'P9tlng bit· •fl 6 ·M-F · llr•placn, mlcro-wav. · r I 2 3 + n o n • • m k r . • · 1 1 1 1 & 2 Bdr tralltn, S200 & In cabinet atove. 0 Ilk• . oven1, privet• pallol & 3 Br 2 Bl. fplc, patio. Dbl, 673-9015 · . Mature Lady to share v e w • 1 men t ~11 · up & $150 MC. No dlll-,_ 548-4182 Deluxe poolllde xtra tero-yard1,gardenar provl· 11epa to water. No pet1. ROOM FOR RENT Non-home In Coat• M•••· :!i~~o Incl. ut 1 · dr•n or dogs. 133 E. · 2bf. 2 be, bltna, dlwt\r, cled. Elegant ~ only 20t 411t St. 1725/mo. "'* $300 ·111111es MOYe In Sept. 1st. $325 16th St, ap. 42. CM Bach•lor, utll. pd, good l'h ml ... beach. Adult1, 15 mtnut• from F..nlOn 673-3067 1nc.J· ~'"f· u ptu1 'A utll1. S.0-4979. 2Br CdM Cottage to llw. WESTBLUFF VILLAGE .,.., no pets. '275/mo. no P•ta. $500/mo. Island, 1 mlnutee to S.C. STEPS TO THE OCIEANI . . Btwn 6-9PM. M/F, non-smltr, $325 C.M. -ocean vi-. Nr &4&-3420 53&-83e2 Plaza or O.C.Alrport. LatOI 2 Bel yrty ..... Emptoyed M., leundi f• Non amkr 3 BR condo mo. utll lnct. 720-1626 new 2BR. 1'11 BA. lrg 2 Br. 1'A Ba. No pate. 28r. 2Ba. frplc:, wahr/dfyr Jull Hit or N•wport S·tSO mo.' no · pets'. cit, qui.t CM area. 189· lum, l200 mo. & 'A ut11'. Ammt wanted, non-amkr gar., pool $650 . Llundry.Avall.Sept.1at. hootl-up,newruga,drJ>a BlvdF ·'''°s·:08:'J~ 975-7907. -::-=:!.lOAMSaU $150dep.~HB. FemW.1blkfromoc.an 875-0116 $450/mo.831-367' & paint. $575 mo . rwy. · · · nrOCC $200, y, ull. C<•ll Roy 840-6082 afl '4PM. 631·5439. 2413 Orange Verulllel Condo Studio, Room In 2 8d CdM horM 1-------..,..-..,,...-53&-7960 $490. 2 BR. 2 per1on1'· 21BrBr. ,11Basa'!!615''"°1mo·. WALK TO B"•CH ... _ ...... Ave., Coat• MeR. HCurlty. $500/mo. Nr bch F . quiet frp1: PT•~~~~P~ 3 BL·•-------.._,.--patio, pool. 325 J. 1 th .,. ..,. .....,, 731-3371, 558-0353 w/d, av.;., 911. 1325 mo. "'"",.,.,.., ,....... tenn .. , 2 resp. nonamtlra to lhr Pl. 846-5137 att 11AM Unfurn. newly redec:or• atove & (9frige, Ill utltl LO-pvt ..,.nment. Mo-~28 aft. 2:30. v7!!~~!ck Bay. Jan nlc. 3 bdrm furn. H.B . ., .. .,TSIDE. 1,, 2 bdrm In t•d. d /w, 1/c, gH & pa Id . S 3 5 0 I mo . ..._ /bit'-· 2 .......... '•:;:::L"'"iiii:;:::L"-:ttiil~~::::::::;~--:---:::-:-houM, '250+. 840-1238 """" ._. w11er paid, balcony. 53&-7979. ...... .. w "... """ ..,, • ....,,, ....,, fl 4/plex. Prtv IUndedl and carport pool & party Wtllk YI blk to belletl. 2 ••••••'•••--•••••••••• Mu1er Bdrm. be, wtk-ln M/F w btfl, C.M. Home, get. $510. Adltl, no peta-room ..:.V.tor & leundry Clean. 1 Bdrm. c:ttlld Ok. COUNTRY CLUB LIVING car pll1dno. Lerve do-pu .. llTU c I 0 •• t . N r be.ch & smkr OK. t ml "°'" bdl. 752·2550 room'.979-1911. A53117",!233119 ~;..~_1375. IN NEWPORT BEACH Mta.Oreattoralngleor2 Adema. Pvt. yard . ape, W/D. 631-4192 tvg ...., ..,. -.. •A total environment couplff. Patio. Laund Wkly tent• now 1vlll. 1250/mo. 980-7174, meg 1 Br. Garden Apt. ltove & 3 bdrm twnh•, t~ ba. OLD HUNTINGTON! 2 ~tcommunltYon tacll. $100/mo Ind 11111 $140 & up. Color TV. 9e0-«>30 •----------r e f r I g • . N o P • t • . gar9g1 patio. No I*• the Upper a.y. ~at• Drtve by 5403 FUwr Ave Phoo•• In room. 227 4 F...,. houlem1te, , .. l37oimo. 548-13n . '495. Nr 19th/Pomona bdrm, 1~ ba. c:ttermer, clubhouM and l'leaJth Then ca11 875 1111 1~ Newport BMLCM. Female to ._. 2 Br. 2 pon . .nr 2BR 28A CdM 1 er. dean & lhwp. No 548-«l&t ~t'::· '475. 5374233 apa. I tennla courtl, 1 mag or te0-5844 ~7445 :=-r:.~5 ";::.,•~':':. ~~42~ +~ utll. p • t • . I 3 t 0 I m o . -..a ...,.., ........ poola, ctoll to bullMea. 2 er. 1 ea. yrty MSO. Mini 8 E A C H A R £ A A09 30-39. CclM. Avail 1-------5*"50. .-w _, 2 Br. 1 Ba. Mlnut• from altpoft, Faaltton lalend. S t 1 D & k-... F~•te roommet• want-Ltg Bach w/frpl, patio & o c •an . $ 4 6 5 / mo . Conv•nlent ahop1 on vu from llV rm. ep · •Y9 w '"'1 ~ 2 Br. 1~ ea .. private pa.-car port 1395. 1 Br up, 72(M)644 Of 720-4891. tit•. Unf\inll9hed becM-.-111Ln $J7/....&. 759-0302, •·Midnight =:;k~~i275 'Ai~· n':; tlo, no peta. Avail. now. poolllde w/trptc, c:athe-ten, 1 & 2 bdnn ept1 and ,_ 9...-.T tn 833-0000 uk fOf Laurie pet1. 6'40-3742 day1, $525. 1552 B Elm St. dr•I celling, d1hw1hr. 2 BA & den or3 BA, walk townl'IOuMI. 1 __ .. 11• Kltchenette-MIJid..POOI HouHmate want•d for 831-8064 tH 11pm. -'911 646-3627 no c:alll aft a. bllcony & gar11Qe. $495. to beach, $800 P« mo. $540. 11000 ·-• Nwpt 8tYd & Wllaon 2er home 1n College Ptt, for c...ot Utll pd 1Br, $300 mo., No P•tl. Mua PlnH. Bkt. "2·5511 ~el ~ and 1 ,.. a-te Jl1f Cotta MIN 548-9755 C.M. 1335. C .. A4 lltt9r i-------- qu6et, patio, nr bet\, Avail s.49-2447 2 BR & den, 2 b• twnhM, Bdrm unit• r .. ture ftn• •••••••••••••••••••••• Yeerty on the beedl. hotel #259. &42-4300 24 hrS. Rm M/F, P"' bath. water- Sept 1. ~ 54251mo. 1 er. 1 Ba. apt., tennis a ape. Nr beactl. cSMtgner furniture end Near n-1 Bdrm. apt. ~. kltc:herl & lhowar. Prof. F 25-30 to lhr 2 br, 2 front. $350 mo. lnchll111 •IUl11flt./tlm• frplc, lndry rm, Ill bull!· 2202 Hw Cr. 960-3745 ~ ~ ':u!: :'~~-=~~~~ 1320/mo. ptue aec. de-b• CdM apt w/frptc & ~~~3~::.:~ ahr 4 br 1 Br. •ncl1d. balcony, Ina, car port. &42 1603 lnlw 1144 mer month1. Smartly under roof c:arporta and poell. 2306 W. Oc•en-gar. 1338 mo. Nonemkr. ....... Inc M Avail $l80 cri>t•. drpa, ltOV9, trig. TSL Mgmt -•••••••••••••••••••••• furftlthed mod91• open publlc tennl1 couru & front, N•wport B••ch. 673-1778, 673-8340 i."':t':.. 850.0eo1 . pool, laundry. FOf quiet .... ,.,,, "" OrangetB '"1Condo1•0~1·· 1 dally. golf COUfM right bet.Ind 873-4154. N.ncy .ingte. No P«a. Wat• & •••••••••••••••••••••• •• poo . mo. pr~. CloM to eve-,,,_ ... ,lb f M/F •hr 38drm twnhM. LIVE ON BEACHI gu pd. 1375 mo. 2 Br 2 Be. ocean vu, 1525. esr..aoa7 Tracy. On Jamboree Rd at rythlngt $395/month. •••••••••••••••••••••• Po.of. Fnt. Veile)', cloM tc M/F to lhr 2 br apt. 145 E. 18th &4~2108 1 Br $400. Both with 3 Br. 1'Ai Ba townhome. San Joequln Hllll Rd. Available Auguat 15, one WlllLY mYILI 1Chl1/ hwy. $350+ utll. Xlnt toe. 1ao-a510 O/W & slOV9. 861 » 1192 Patio, ~IC, frplc, W/O, ..... _1100 or two acluta only & no Available. Agt. &1'5-8170 964-5303 late evea. Couple or llf'Nlle to lhr 2 Br. w/oar. $450. Crpt1, $"'7"' big 2 br OCHn Wood..__ So. Lek... ..... p«a. Call owner •t (714) ...:..;...::...:.:.;..:.;..;.,;:.;....;.. ___ +:---::::-::::--::---:---:---::: •114;'5~· .. A .. Orenge ;...:: C-26081 t.8 CnlltL poota,-t;:,r.. $715 mo. SSOO/mo. 1 8r'. 1 ea. apt, &42"°138. N.B. 1&2 Br • ..-iy. lt9'll SUnny CdM twnhM avail =II~ ~P':: 1-5 ""'"' .. 120 Owner 494-e848 Call D•nny 845-2016 encslad gar.ge lndry . to bch. 127.5 up. GrMt to lhr w/fem 25-3011h. tennte. eacurlty. $300 . ........., w .. kdaye; 548-5833 fee., ctoae to~. c.t ... Jua loc:MI. 7~. 2Br. 1'M5a. pool. gerdnr. 240-2148 2 IM WT evea a .tends ok no doge l!.afllfth,,,. 1111 .... -3 blk• to bch, S300 mo. •-------••~ . Ts'i. Mgmt . 642-1803 ••• ~~···••••••••• -r.m• +.YI utlt. Pl•••• call M/F nonamkr * ltVlne 2 l 'A mile to beach. ,._. "41 ,____...,. 1lfl · ~ 28t 2ba condo. Pool. $1200 mo, avail 8/4 to Connie wk e..1..-11 or br, 2 ba Woodbrldg• Eve~9831-481t ••••••••••••••••••••••::'A':'::' ••••••••••••••• LIDODELUXE28r.trplc deck , gar, no P•t•. 10/2/82. Executive 3 hm/mtg78()..6159 Cheteauxw/M,32&4"/f 2 BR 2y, be duplex 1600 ....unD 1 Bdrm, fantuuc vi-. I~ bt1ckJ>:tlo OR. Adlta. $550/mo. IN. 497-1874 bdrm and den. ocean Lek• Foreat 3 bdrm con-old eon (reeldee wkndl). sq.ft. of luxury. 'every 1 & 2 er. Dtacounl on =~ei.14:f_.~ & S 050. 6-8350. i..u Au 1lll :~i;nla, pool, ao•. do. 3 be. sun end Sall Walking diet. to lake. xtra, dbl ~ fncd yd. aome models. Pool. Spa. · * BAYFRONT * •••••••••••••••••••••• dub prhlllegel. SSSO. •4 lhopplng,. Att. git. $310 S665. &42· Gym. Sauna , e I c . ~ ...,. Jiff PVT SUITE/GARAGE 1 Br. Apt. cio.e to 17th. & Laguna Sch Cottag• • 1 u tll. 11 t and I u t. mo. & 'A utll. 552-9018 upper 1 BA apt. 0 1w . 846-0619. No"Feei·A;.··&•ctC:.;J~ RESPONSIBLE N..sM.:' Main. '325/mo. woods eov.. 3Br. ffplc. 1 15e-1913 an e Almale (25..:JS) non emkt patio lge bath. 137~ & 1350 Bach. furn. Pool, rentlla. Villa Aeot811. $750/Mo. 873-1521 . 83&-0706 wlk lo bch. HOO/wk. NWPT: reap .. clean F/M to wanted '°' 28r 2bl Pro- 1a1 t. R•h req d . •P•· 18092 Florida. 675-4912Br0ker. et>M ,,.,. ..___ 1111 495·0571, 494-6042,. lhr nice 3br/2be home mo n tory Pt apt . 646-1693 e.42·2834. 842-3172 tnvnac. 2 Br 2 Be nr Udo •••••• .:e.11..-.......... '494-0349 on Canal. ltepa to oce.n. 875--3390 .......... a,t NMt beach 2 Br l'h Ba. New Dec()r 3Qr. 28a, h'plc, lrpl, plltlo, cpl Of 1 :r· 2 bdrm dupl•x, VIEW. BALBOA ISLA"O 3 Br S325. 645-2495 (Molly) '1·rvtnw--lf-g-rm-.-non-........ --r-.-F Total privacy. NEW 1 crpta. drpa. blt-tM. frplc, ~,.rr'3-:5f~ks to bch, no pets $195. 875--009 r:r•4:::;'&e no ""krl. compl. tum. 116 .'11:,· Fem, 45 ahr 1ge tavlah 25-35, all •IMl'ltfM, IA bdrm , gar. 1425. No enclld gerege. $580/mo. 2Br, 1~8a TwnhM, din · mond, ~ ~,2~t · twnhM w/reep. WOttdng um., $300. 5"44-8018 p • t 1 . 7 5 9 -1 9 1 4 . Call 63&-0921 1 Br 1 ea. yrty rm, 2 pattoa, balcony, 1 bf, MOW. refrlO. 3 bike &44-4003, 1 tem. unbelilllable rooma, Mlture w<ntng f lht my 673-6788 ARUNGTON APTS MOO/mo. garag•, no peta. M80 to bHCh. S450 mo. J .. dM lalabf ov•rlooklng brook & hOm•. '240imo lnclda Larg• 2 Br. 1 Ba. with Q I t clout town 873-3355 mo. 1at, l11t + dep. 499-5251 . .. ..................... waterfall. Pool, jlle. lake, ~:l~ Own.rm & garaige, d/w, laundly rm: ~·2'&: 1•4 ea._,,; 842·2949 ava1/wknd1...., fM OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br. etc. N8/CM area, from ba.. :121 $495. b •a ch . ·15 2 5 I mo . •-:.."":'-•-• few.-. • ........... 1 ·~!~•••:.;.•b• ~f~~ thN 1325. 7~ .... PmJ • U. Aleo "" 2 Br 1 a.: $480 ~ Mt} ...,. ....-..-..-11tra ._ 1 Poot. tenn •· -.e • .-• • · Rm In ... ._ 48' 2ea dplll. Avaii~1.·~5 · ••••••••••••• .. ••••••• i7";t"';;'ot p;;;'i:"°& ...,./ctr.,.,,hllliilToro IAlll/M... •t•p';-'ro bcn. 1225 F, Non•1m11rto •h•r• -~. 'MM162. '*-Pf'fv. ~ utlll. '280 "-:z er 2 ea. COndo.. mo.-yfly. or 175 wtlly. with 2 M ~: M, 214 Smell 1 Br. s:m. ~'**"" Kennebunk. port?. .............:. ·-~ 2 er. 3 ''*· & tut. see 4038 Iv Pr1ncev11'1e area. Fur-lmm•d occu1>ancy. ~.~. 1215. ·,~ ~;~f .~~-e::-oA:.-: "kir.,.c""':"'.,:;i.l730/mo. ING· nllhed, fully equl~, e31·t242, 645-3'743 Ill •"'Die>. AV .. Sept Wasn't he the Amb ............ , from 957-3171. EAST81DE CM. Privet• tennla. go«,~-$peclel fi move '" iov•ly hom• 1. f7M14~. • Don't wait only 1 1aro-3 ~ tum. room & bath. Utlll. Summer or , .. ra• bf CM Pvt rm ea & cornt)I. •-------- &. avail wtth 2 Ba., Pl-Australia under Tedd" Roosevelt? mra .... ., lnol., rerr10 .. tats mo. • .. k or b.Y l'lllono1. he>Ue~otd ' prlv. lHll• Prof rem. Weetdlff--. tlo. In quiet area. llfO-1 ... • _.,1 871-7544. 2'3/173-.5at1. . 6"2-3217 pool, non arnkt, no peCa. pool le75 646-3381 or .., ,_ . a2 to. a I 7 ·tt41; 87~9.. ~f"V"'\~ WAT!AfROtn·SO' ~ pref'd. non 9lnO-lK. AAAOWHEA0-2aty Ammtewantadtolhr48r &7a-4CMIO ChUdren welcome a & 3 Br. 1415-1121/mo. Im. med. occupancy tlvall. now. Mon ttwv Sill ~5. Comer of Adame & ,,,,,,_ vtew. 557 .... 71&. No peC9. •L.9 38r 28a "' 8C .,.... frell'l, aunny, .i.y, *'" 4 pleiit, no pet• cpl pref 1125. tn.J411, .. 1/M 1 l>dfm. beam oe11. Net wood. Oerctoan•. Avall Auo 17. UIO. u o ........ CM UfV11~11f.1 ... New c•"'9t•. brlaflt._ a ~.'411.111.tln. v-"'~l "-I\.;:/' ... ......:.J DOCt< king. 1240 mo. plu• ~ new 48r + loft, 28e. 2 oondO Npt Bluffs 9240, 1-...-------nr ~ nt Udo VII· utll. WOOdbftdga, IMne trplca, 2 l>atoont., ca-120-06r~ ' M/FP(ofnorurNl.rlfWtpt 1tae ..,._, le patio, 551-7271 <:.-~ tMdr'll ClllltlQ. OOlof TV. In Irv, 2 8fll 2 8a. USO.~ WfS M0._ (9750 WlltW.)Ut bloc* fr baedl W/Dtr 81p1 14. Noftft e"«e. N .••• Jux condo, HertHw utM. 857..t'lll, $40-SOllO, dodt).11s.oe&I t29 Of otder. l21S lllO. t.i UH!wk11d. SHI/Wk. :i:t· att·~.':::.~ •tor A,oM •LUK. Jt 1 bf 'ff11 .. u. & ..... No peM. MCMltl llllllM. IDW1 ::C,.~5..._ y ' F9111 ,........, ....... .:- touftteln vu, retrtcr. nu ,...,.... n '° 40 ........ to ..... crrt, pool, 1pa. HO.~~ bll lldl.. mo. AW. 1"""9d, ~. '~ 840 • 0 0 7, ~ t300, 171-1?0911t 4 1_Ml_ft1__..,_4 ____ _ 2 Ir. 1 Ba. 8tep1 to~--~ c!': f:' f: LM.IM8 1*C+t~~ pool . 81111Pio1 '. :.-=::.:: S:t4llO, IQ.to10 4M-04at Mo. ... 1171 ~Y ,..._ '°' tent, female Ohl I Br Iba, ear• ,~.~··,. =:: t ~~ -c;cu;tFiai'f.iiMWl 11001mo. at 1. .._ ~ .. · •. •~znt. fn..17'7 1...;.'*.;..;·--~~-~~-1 OMen frCNtt ...,... •ttt ,...,....,_ ""· IW't ~ ..,., .. CIO'I arc. ...... ,_, ............ ,..... ...... ---- t lk. t ••· •••tt• •o oua.t .... .._ '°' 1>uey .... .......... ........,...,, .... ._.. Mlittll•I ... . ...,., NouM ~...... Dllr .... Cll& •• AdL::~~~~~:--:~1 .. ........ .. ..... .. . .... ..... . . . _;...;.;....;.----~~"":"-" c, ......... ,.. .... .,. ...... ....... ~-- Or~J~ounty~Real Estat~f.An ~d.'!ertl~ng Su P,lement to ~he p~tLY, ~ILQT/$ turdayt-AllQUft,.7. 198~- fe!P...~.,.·!tH.ff !'!!'!! .. ~~ .... !~!!I~'!!!!.~!~!~ Storage gatage '°' ,.nt 80. LAGUNA. 3 Atctl Bay. 1300 eq. ft. "425. on Batboa Penln1ul1 500 eq " with QOOd hwy 11100 eq, ft. $575 n a 11 t to Fun z on•. vlllblllty. 497·2351 Front office, large rear 10'hx20~'. 173-2943 IUITlrlL door. 1179 WlllttJer Ave. 12x20 a.,. fof rent pYt Daya 540-9352. EvH entry at°'age or ears •WNIT Biii _l4&-0l8 __ 1 ___ _ StO ~ 148-2551 ' With use of reception. ._1.i, ,, .. ,.,, "" cont. room, kttch, phone, •••••••••••••••••••••• MW ... ,'1 "" a.cretartal & WO<d PIO-FAMILY Mids 4-0f. home :;;';".~••••••••••••••• celling. Mall & ~ to rant or leue. REA· ID•11fl llllll MfV. avail. teparately If SOHABLE. 142-2150 IRVINE. Phone •n•-dealrad. . ring, conf. rm, utll pd. Call: Judy Conaldef'ate M. 1tudent aetry 11rv1. etc. Aleo 7141780-0100 20, Mek1 room. tt kltch. datk 1pace. $1 50/up. Miumrwmiiiiiiiftnl prlv In family setting nr 540-9745 lfflll WISIWTD OCC.142-8331 Lawyer• Group fuet •-------450 eq. ft. $1.00 P9f lq. 11 .• 4001 Birch., N.B. Agent 541-5032 moved out. Cerpet9d, l----.... -- 1117 W•tcUtf, N.B. 251 to 4000 sq. tt. 111. floof. Agent 541-5032 WESTCLIFF BLDG Nf l/P(,h • Bl A(.H A • • • '·• -=. J V t H<._1 wi. )' ~ 0,4 ~ ti 1(•1 drap9d, panei.d, 1200 aq. ft. 1875/mo. Top location btwn 2 Frwyt. 14302 Beach Blvd. 979-8889 or 880-0144. Harbor & &.kw, 1 room. No smoking. $100. SWra Mgmt. 141-1324. ••PllTB'l'B ·~--.......... Ftom 1 room to 3 roome. ...... Pref II ...... From 11.11 a ~ No ...... ~ ~2 ..... .,,.!:!~ From Sult• with MP•· ...--..._.. rate entr11nee to tingle Cell AM. '3S-322S 120 sq ft omeea 1ub- •INll IUll IHHd. Seeretarlall cars*bike • Ew:utNe offtoe In can-~ ttMPtlOlrel s nery vmeoe. s.uo1mo. oop1er1MMoa1 a'4Mable . *skateboards* Brok• 11M112 ~~= pet111ng. trucks*baby Airport.,..· exec. au1-1~~~·~·~·~-~~~ carrlages•tea •From 226-450 eq. ft. 1 _ carts*trikes ~~J'1oMMy xtraa. •11•1 IUll rollerskates• -Prof-. -oflloe--..,__--ln-Npt--i. kOIFFICNI! 8UITporEt ~Harbor Walkers*toys Cent• for attorney or ••ng •w · •wagons•••• other feuiof\81 u.. LAllt ~ avell. Approx Of r~lonlat, Xerox, 1 • 0 0 0 • q ft . scooters*hot ... •brwy. AV911 tmmed .• 714-645-7100 · rods* coupes• e.il for detalla. Mikki or Sub-let Exec.. offtoa trailers*hard Art 714/956-2411 Prime alrpot1 loQle on topS*COOVert· -&-Allel--n-t_Ofll_ICle8 ____ \.lp~t-1o MacArthur Blvd. Price lbl • t '4000 eq n. 1eo1 Newport reduoad. ~ .... es mo or Btvd. c .M. 845-2111 Aak ~2111 homes*lawn tor Joe •25001<1 ft lndultrtal""" mowers* limos ~ac:. Furn Suite, prime :3: :i~ •corporate PNi:~ ~a~2;:,:c; rad a MtCed ywd. headquarters •2400 aq ft lnduetr1el untt * den 9H-177t. 140-1215 with 9000 aq tt of up-gar carts ....;<'--...,.-'>'-------1 grlldad omca. Model A's•••• ~1:~1~~~ ::>,~~~ •typingtables Hart>or Blvd. Tau "'* :_~ omc. . .._ aut>-wheelbarrows* ...... 1eoo ~fl at eo. tenant tor eoo aca" recreational fl ca1151-e1 1 ~~~ vehicles* golf Fountain Valleft_ Office tty to mate a deal. Cell carts*rnodel ~o~ ':xpo~u~ !.,!!1!!,!.·•71o. Prlnel· tralns*bikes oooct ~ Talbert 11------------~7•• ----• *pianos •cars a r o o ll" u "t. c •" On 1eeo .Newport INYd.. refrlnora\'?rs 751-1111 1200 aq.ft. SISO mo. Yrty _. .' _a.. .... Agt. a1-M11 *skates•• • •• --·-" -·· l&ID f!~~!!ff!!.H... @ No depoeltal L,uxutloua AMa11 atcn at 2l50 AVOlll ,,.. ofttcee, 1nc1uct1ne at.. 1840 aq. "· Dlul I recapttonlet, 8118WMng ear gel'llg9.141..-t77. 1erv1oa. oonferanoe Offl d L .. t room aee. 112-a..oe. ee an auora ory • ..,.. • up to 7800 aq ft. 400-900 PL.US 1400 aq. ft. 145-2111 Aak tor Joe ~ Barfl'Ont w-a.utlfUI naoutM offtoe ta, parking, patios. Miile Pll'9 ~ In f1S.1008 ~ deelart ... .. fllT ... on ,......, 1711 aq. n. Exec.. oflOaa ,1000 ft '° 170·8112 lrom 10·5; 1llO b). Attracttw welt •144 t8'I .._, t. maintained bld9. Nr C....a.I HOlll ....,, cerpett. IMWt Hn mln&-bllnda. Dedicated •••••••••••••••• •••••• prt('g. Prof. tltWOlllMUt ...... • ..-.,.._ 146-3121 In ...., ..._ on c... • Hwy. ~ L...-. ~ Ind ftoOr ~ oflloea. ptox. llOO aq. lt. IJIOel.. t1IO-t2501mo. CarDet9. lent private parklnt *-'*• P8Mllno. CdM. lbaftlncl btdf. 1121 mo. 711·1ad -Turner A1aoc. ..,._1177 If lt'sgot wheels, you'll move It faster In a Dally Pilot 'lasslfled-ad. call 6"2·5678 and a f rlendlv ad- viser will helpyota • tum your Wheels into cash. 8caltfl9 Dowft? 8tertlng ~ ... ..,, .. -'ovt? "'Lower overh••cl rii:f.i:r ... 7JT ........ .-------....,._......., _._ .. N.9. lt75 llralL MIO aq. ~1 c.ftttr, a .. c ft, ot leN. MIAH..,., ..._In ~ fV NI· Agent IM1.ao32. ~"'t ~..: 1790 ~. 2180 "· lndll· -·-' ---, *'la!. ()Moe. 11101 .... ,_. need. "* ..,... dondo Clrcle #M & T 1110/mo. fro111 1171. Huntln1to11. Seeoll IN-ll7t 142-2134. ' Put the Power of thl Daily Pilot 3-D Ads to .work for rou by ta~ing advantage of this special offer • • • DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS . 3 lines, 3 days $3.oo Here's how It works for you. Run a 3 line ad for 3 days for $3.00 -If you don't sell your Item on the first 3 days just call 642·5678 and ask for your 3 for FREE and we'll run your ad an additional 3 days absolutely FREEi If you find you have your Item priced too high on the first 3 day run we'll -even let you lower the price for your FREE 3 day run (no other copy changes allowed) . Each additional line you wish to run wlll only cost you $1.00 such as: 4 lln•, 3 times = $4.00 5 llnee, 3 tlmH = $5.00 8 llnff, 3 tlm .. = se.oo No matter how many lines you run, we'll stlll give you 3 days FREE If you don't sell your Item on the first try. Rules are simple -one Item per ad -Item-must be priced -sorry, no com· merclal ads allowed. · · .. ,. I .· I I 1 LUii ~ -Hold the price for 1 full yearl Fabuloua S&S home ... former modell lmpre11lve two 1tory ottera high cathedral celllnga, cozy f ireplace & central a ir c onditioning! Aaaume 8~% loan! Only $166,0001 Call 963-6767 · a... ... a... ... ---New llstlngl 4 Bdrm homel Onty $14,500 downl Aaume existing loan• and owner Wiii help ftnancet Paymenta flexJblel Don't wal1 ... Cd 983-e787. .._ llTT•+ _.LIT -Ck>ee to beachl Build a eecond home on large Iott lixlatlng home la a ma1erplecel ~ long term financing; no qual!tylng, low downl Call 963-6787. Ull 18191 -Pluah 3 Bdrm~ bath Brookview condo with cornmuntty pool, tennis, apu and ·morel Minutes cloae to South Coaat Plaza. Priced to sell at $139,SO<k:all todayt 646-7171. I -fllll, •HD -Super ftxer located In good area of Costa Mesa. big bonus room and all on a huge lot. Take some paint, cleanup, great for the -handyman and you wlll make dollars. A great buy at $82,000. 546-2313. ~---Lese than 2 years new with excellent fulty ueumable flnanclngl 2 Bdrm 2 · bath, Ideal for two slnglea. Prime locatlon neer tennla court• In preatlge complex. Just reduced to under $120,000. Be flrat to seel e.47-6010. IDllD,. HIT llLI -Tasteful Harbor Vtew Homee 3 Bdrm 2 bath, located neer greenbelt, pool & clubhounl Priced below market at $189,500-call nowl 646--7171. . I Pll TH Pllll IP 1 -Fantattlc buy at $1-40,000. One 3 Bdrm home Md OM 2 Bdnn duptex. Property zoned R-5, high ~ .,._ Ctty uya you CM bufld up to efx wtlt9. C.,. for detdl. 54&-2313. llYHTlll -4 unit• In ab1olute "Pride of Ownership" condition. Onty 4 years old, so no deferred maintenance. Excellent rents with no vacancy. Call now for more details on financing. 847-6010 LUii WITI ~ Tl ,. .... -Lease this sharp 3 Bdrm 2'~ bath deluxe townhome, with the option to purchase next year. Enctoaed two car garage ldealty situated In prime complex cloae to all amenltlea. See today. 847-6010. 11,e11 ••••• 1111111 11 e1aun1l1 Abandoned 4 Bdrm, 1800 square feet garden home. Needs work. Aseume existing financing( Full price onty $135,500. Call 963-6767. ... mlT Ill.I. -Beauttful Irvine Terrace 3 Bdrm 2 bath hOme In g,...t famlty area. Mlnutea cto.e to beachel and Faehlon Island shopptngt Aasume loan and .....,. wlll carryl Sale priced at $225,000-act nowt 648-7171. lUll, lUll, 1'llll -3 Newport Beach ocean view propertle1. Owner wlll trade for wit deedt. Over ae50K In equity, fantastic opportuntty to make your money work. Call this number for det9118. 546-2813. .. ,_ KL ~ -Or you can ueume the existing low Interest VA loan. Either~ you're getting an excellent buy on thla llated sharp 3 Bdrm 2 bath home. There'• an encloeed patio for added enjoyment. Priced at a moat reaeonable $119,'900t ·see today, 847..ec>10. -.ua •••1m Pl~• nm -3 Bdrrn home with" "uge ·~amtl~ml Brand new oarpMJngl ~ V'Mttnent or ttarw1 Zero down VETS or Hiier wlll 1ubaldlu payJMnttl l10t,IOOt 111,000 down; long term ~ IMIMablel Cell MM9797. " mlf I l'lllf • Ill I, 11..... -8eautlful authentic 8par1let\ home wtth Nd tile roof, tpenlah erchee Md adobe ...... Original hardwood tloora, cOV9d celllnga. Huge INlng room, formal dining, country kitchen wtth brMkfut nook.. Den with creckNng . ftreplece and golden Oak doon. Aaeume a low Int.,... VA toen. Ywr drMm come true at a Mellftce . prloe. 546-2313. YllTllta• IHI Tll IAlll -Archltectural masterpiece wl\h waterfall & Kol pondl Assume $83,000 In .loans, 10'A91t EFFECTIVE RATEi $830/mol $129,500. Call today 963-6767 . ., ... YILU + .... 11 ...... -Super sharp 2 story garden home! Bike to beachl Zero down VETSI Cati today 983-6767. t1..-i ITUL IT .:_ Steal this 1700 aq. feet Huntington Beach Homel Huge famlly room! Wine cellefl Onty $6500 down, $97 4/mo. first year. Call for detalll, 983--e787. •Hl&L Ill.I -Udo'• belt buy In a charming 3 Bdrm home wtth den and former c!lnlngl Juat reduced for fut aalet Now onty $299,500..ea.ll todayt 846* 7171. .. Ullm • UUY -Beautiful Newport BMch 3 Bdrm pool home In WMtcllffl FeaturM treah paint, new roof, Indoor BBQ and morel With 20% down Miier wlll carry ., low ratel Priced to Nit at '234,900-caJI nowt &t&-7171. ... l&J 1111&11 -4 Bdrm 2 bath cu1tom hotne wtth pool and twMPlna view of the upps Beck Bay and city Hght.t s.r.-mottvatedt Onty $210,~I todayf 64&-7171.