HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-08-11 - Orange Coast Pilot1 •• •• .. -mtnl llllY Ml ,·,1 1,r\ll .J •n .. , "'' 1 • •• • ( ) H I\ N 1 1 l ( . ( H I N I '( ( f, I 1 I U ll N 11\ / r 1 C I N I ' 1 AT&T death nixed 'Ms.Coffee'hailed . t ~ ' Judge ref uses utility breakup Commuters honor San Juan depot hostess WASHINGTON (AP) -A federal judie refu.ed today to approve the antitruat aettlement proposing the breakup of the American Telephone & Telegraph Co .. according to a court clerk. Andy Pincus, a law clerk to U.S. District Judge ~arold Greene, said the judge would release a lengthy opinion in which he d eclined to sign the propoeed settlement as submitted b y AT&T and the federal government. Pincus said the opinion suggests a number of proposed modifications to the agreement which would make it acceptable. No further detalh were available. A:;&T 1pokesrnan Pie W~r aald the company had n o lmmediate comment. The propo9ed qreetnent WU announced Jan. 8 by AT&T and the Justice Department to •ttle a 1974 antitruat suit filed by the government. The proposed aettlement would requite AT&T to atve up ita 22 wholly owned Bell Syatem operating oompa.nles ln ex.c~ for the freedOm to enter unregulated buaine81es. Greene is the federal judge who had been overseeing the antitrust trial. Hia approval of the aettlemen t is required before 1t can take effect. The Juatlce Department's antitruat dlviaion and AT&T have maintained 11.nce January that Greene cannot unilaterally modily thelr ag?Mment to auH hia taste. Both sides have aaid, however, they would be willing to oonaider !~J ... e~hanges suggested by the JU AT&T and the Justice Department cannot agree on changes augested by the judge, they face the prospec t of a resumption of the antitrust trial. The propoaed antitrust settlement contemplated the largest corporate reorganization ln American history. The 22 Bell (See BREAKUP, Pa1e A!) By STEVE MITCHELL or .. o.llJ,... • ..,. Her name la Marguerite Kennedy, but the 80 or 80 early morning oommutera at the San Juan Capistrano train depot call her "Ma. Coffee." She'• the woman ln the w ide- brim h.at, dispensing hot coffee and dose• of idle ch it-chat to buaine8smen in three-piece auita and legal secretaries, bound for Santa Ana or Los Angeles on the Amtrak 571 which pulls away from the station at 6:33 a.m. Ms. Coffee operates out of a colorful wood pushcar t, laden with a 32-cup ooCCee urn, fresh orange juice, tea, hot chocolate and her own crumbly concoction called "Com.muter C.OOkies." Newport firm cuts back It was barely daylight Tueeday morning aa commuters began showing up to help her celebrate her first year in busl.ness at the depot. A four ·p1ece band played country music and yellow balloons reading "Grand Opening 11" floated on strings from the pushcart. Will not expand into Fountain Valley By STEVE MARBLE or .... o.11 "°' • ..,, In an effort to cut expenses, Newport Beach-based Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. has d ecided against settling a 400-person insurance division in Fountain Valley. The employees were to occupy more than half the square footage in a trio of three-srory buildings being constructed in Fountain Valley. The insurance firm employs roughly 1,500 people m Orange County It won permission to build th e structures at Brookhurst Street and La Alameda Ave nue last year al ter baclung away from plans for a 14-story tower. In a related cost-cutting move, Pacific Mutual announced it has imposed a companywide hiring freeze and is considenng layoffs. Tom Santley, a compan y spokesman, said Pacific Mutual a lread y has laid o f{ 250 employees across the country, about 100 of them 1n Orange County The work force that was to be shifted to Fountain Valley m 1983 currently is scattered to offices in Costa Mesa, Tustin. Newport Beach and Santa Ana. Santley said the gro up Defender to • train Newport Beach • 1 1n By ALMON LOCKABEY ol'ttie D!lllr Not Steff From Newport east lo Ne wport west and back again. That is the itinerary fo r Defender, the newest 12-meter w be launched, and her trial horse, Courageous. Charles E. Kirsch, chairman of the Defender/Courageous Group, has made 1t official that the two racing sloop; will be Ill Newport Beach from Nov l to March 15 for winter crew training and speed tnals Home base for the two twelves will be BaJboa Yacht Club, which has agreed to provide the group with two moorings for the racers plus dock space and room in the parking lot for trailers. Tom Blackalle r o f San Francisco who has been selected as skipper of Defender. had hinted the two yachts wouJd t:>e brought to the West Coast this winter The choice of Newport Beach was made aft.er Bill Ficker, 1970 Cup defender, had done research for the group. "It is important that crews have as muc h continuity as possible in training and speed trials," said Ficker "W e considered several other sites m California and F1orida, but none provided as many similanties U> Rhode Island Sound as the Newport area Housing for the crew and support team , a s well as transportation for the boats and their tenders, is still under consideration. (See COAST, Pa1e AZ) insurance urut, nol!faed ttus week of the change, now will be moved to the company's headquarters in Newport Center. Despite a reported glut of office space an Orange County. Santley said the finn is hopeful it will not have diff iculty leasing out the 267,000 square feet of office space ln Fountain Valley. Pacific Mutua l recently completed a pair of seven-story towers in Newport Cf'nter adjacent to the firm 's mushroom-shaped headquarters. Santley and nearly half of the office space in the new twin towers has been leased out to 10 major tenants. Santley said it haa not been determined how much of the recently completed towers the insurance company will occupy. That deciaion coUld hinge on a ~ expeNle level recluction report that is expected to be unveiled prior to Sept. 1. The report will detail ooet cut3. Santley said the finn ha.a let a dollar amount It wants to shave off and is scrutinizing several wa ya of acoompllah.lng th.is. He (See PACIFIC, Page A!) "Have some co ffee," the attractive e ntrepreneur smiled as her friends gathered around the familiar cart. "It's on the house to<fuy ." The band members, attired in cowboy outfits, slugged down sh ots o f tequila, chased with coffee, between sets. As Marguerite passed out the popular whole wheat oats, nuts and carob cookies to her friends, she glanced down the railroad tracks. "The tram should be here any minute," she said But the commuters didn't seem con cerned. They just stood around sipping java and chatting like old friends. Which they now are, thanks to their personable depot hostess. The coffee woman lives just ac ross the tracks in a 100-year-old wood house that has been declared by the state a historic home. "I used to look out my window and see the commuters JUSt standing around, nobody talking, nobody smiling." she srud. So, she had a friend build a pushcart and she began selJing coffee each weekday morning at the depot. She gets up at 5 each morning. brews the coffee and loads up the cart for the short, 30-foot trip ~the tracks Marguerite does a lot more than sell coffee and cookies. Her friends say she lends them change wh e n the y find themselves short. She also hands (See SAN JUAN, Page AZ> -Bandits bind pair, hold up Mesa station Police in Costa Mesa are searching today for two men who lied up a service station clerk before fleeing with $120 Tuesday night. The two walke d into th e Chevron Station at 3190 Harbor Blvd . a t about 8 :30 pm pretending to be interested m purchasing a tire "Balboa Yacht Club ls the ideal location for us because o f Its proximity to the open ocean, .. said Kirsch "The tenders will only have a lO·minute tow from moorings to the race courae " Dllllr Not ""*° bf Gery .,,._ OPERATION STING? -The wince of 5-year-old Todd Mcllwain proves his prowess in a Newport Beach bellyflop competition. His brother was a winner, too, as shown on Page Bl One suspect simulating a weapon forced the clerk to hand over a key to the cash box before tying his hands. One suspect is described as 25 to 30, 6 feet, 150 pounds. The other is 25 to 30, 5 feet 9, 175 pounds with a beard. Both are black. NATION She's too fat to work The courts say a Pennsylvania utility company acted correctly in denying a job to a 341-pound woman because she was too heavy. PQ$Ce A7. STATE Manson girl seeks I reedom FRONTERA (AP) -Convicted murderer Patricia Krenwtnkel makee a bld for freedom today at a parole hearing juet one day after the 13th annivenary of the Sharon Tate-LaBianca murden. Utility stoclcholders win Stockholden of San Dlefo Gu & Eleci.r1c Co. have won a laWllUJt aver a botched oil deal. P..-AB. J I I COUNTY Charity units burglarized Officials of three charitable groups are trying to pick up the pieces after losing almoet all their office equipment in a weekend burglary. Page A5. Job lair st Irvine High-tech typea went searching for job possibilities at a job fair at Irvine's Registry Hotel. Page Bl. TELEVISION Another first for 'M-A-S-H' LOS ANGELES (AP) -"M-A-8-8 11 and CBS, two perennial wtnnen ln the prime-time rat.Lno race, IOared to another win for the week endina Aug. s. ftcune froal the A.C. Mellen Co. show. o...,...._...,....bf•'-~ MS. COFFEE -Marguerite Kennedy sells coffee and cookies to her commuter friends at the San Juan CaplStrano train depot. Her clients turned out this morning bright and early to help her celebrate her first anruversary. _ ~~-=-~~~~~~ Newport neutral in church hassle? 'l'he Newport B e ach C ity Council, asked to settle a dispute bet ween a c hurc h and neighboring residents, has balked at takjng sides in a fight that's been summed up as the good guys venius the good guys. The neighborhood spat centers on plans for a n 85-foot-high sanctua r y at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, lo,.ated adacent to Newport Harbor High School The l oCty wave shaped sa n c tuar y w ould be t h e centerpiece of the church's $9 7 rrullion expansJon. Council m embers said th e dispute has generated more mail and phone calls than any other project in the city in recent years. Al.'Cordingly, the council acted Monday night with ca utio n , una n i m o u s l y agree ing t o postpone the item to Sept 13 The c ouncil a s ked representatives o! both sides to meet with two council membeni lo stnve to settle the fight and resto re peace to r esidential Newport Heights. R esiden ts, wh o have complained the six-floor sanctuary will be too tall and too massive, criticized the project Monday. Homeown e r Bob Coop e r suggested the towenng structure will look like a "Chicago grain e levator" while another resident said the ~tuary is "an office building disguised as a steeple." Resident Barbara Jean Wh1 tford worried that the church expansion would incre8* traffic and described Sunday mornings m her neighborhood as a pr ocessio n o f peop l e "performing U-turns, $-turns, Z·turns and jaywalking." Church member Milan Dostal, ISee ST. ANDREWS, Paee At) Death wish reality for convicted slayer RIC HMOND, Va . (AP) - Con victed murderer Frank J Coppola, a fonner polJceman who o nc e studied to be a Roman Catho!Jc priest.. asked a minister to ''look after m y family ," embraced him and strode off coolly and willingl y to the electnc chair. Supreme Court acceded to tus hand·written plea for a speedy execution. The decision ended a day of frantic legal maneuvering by lawyers who sought to postpone the sentence against Coppola's wishes and st.ate attorneys wbo fought to carry it out. Coppola, 38, was pronounced dead at 8:27 p.m. PIYr Tuesday, 61 minu te s alter th e US Coppo la insisted h e was innocent o f killing Muriel (See COPPOLA, Page A!) INDEX At Your Service A4 Ann Landers All Business 84-5 Moviea 82-3 Herb Caen All Mutual Funds 84 Cavalcade All National News A3 Classified 04-8 Public Notices B4,D3-4 ComiCI B6 Sparta Dl-4 Croaword B6 Dr. Steinc:rohn All Death Notices 04 Stock Marketa 85 Editorial AlO Television 87 Entertainment 82-3 Thea ten 82-3 Food C l -12 Weather Al Hy Gardner All World News A3 Hon:a'Ope All SPORTS Dodgers take NL West lead The Dodgen complete their amazlng climb to the top with a victory aver Cincinnati. Page Dl. ~ ,. i'ACIFIC MUTUAL • • • declined to •1 wbat the dollar 6c;:: layofft, Santley Mid Pactflc Mut&&al 11 lookln1 a\ '(Pulling back from purchulna 11~pnent and encou.ralina early nttu'Wnen1. Pacific Mutual moved from Loe Anpi. to Newport BMch 10 yeen aio; It ll the larptt CaUfornla-baHd in1ura'i'c• ~· ;S'AN JUAN HOSTESS ... Am~ 1ehedule. and even Pat Marovich, who works for r e1 blcycle1 for commuter1 the Fa1hlop ln1titute In Loa ho for&•t t~elr chain locks, An1ele1 aO'ee1. "Thia la my ~ping them In her hOWte acroea favorite train station," ahe Mid, 6traeka where ahe l.nstalled a munchina on a cookie. "I tell all '! e IChool clock on the outside my tnena.. In Loe Angeles about · to aid commuters. Ma. Coffee." 1~1·1 · And It appears no one enjoya id /\4She really geta my morning the rnomln8 coffee klatch more 88i to a good start." said Barbara than Marguerite. f!!Y, a legal aecre\ary who "I love It," ahe said. "It's like '> utes dally on the 571 to Loe Inviting a neighbor In." ie.. More like 80 neighbors. . 1SJ . ANDREW'S CHURCH .. •l.llllformer 'Newport Beach mayor, adding that the church has been ,; lad the expansion project has forced to build upward becauae ·1~ in the works 20 years and of ita limited real estate. o dwlt the church needs to expand The sanctuary would increase i'4a facility. Dostal noted the seating from rou&hlY 700 to !,- church already had dropped 335. Architects for the church, In plans for a 105-foot sanctuary to an effort t o m eet parking meet residential concern. demanda, are striving to reach an Dr J agreement for u sing parking · ohn Huffman, pastor of f Uities t the nearby high the 3,000-member church, said a~ 1 Sunday worshippers have been ac ~rt Curtis chainnan of the turned away becauae of lack of church's building committee, seating . He described .St. which baa rai.aed more than $6 Andrew's as a good neighbor in million for the project, said h e Newport .~eights for 30 years. believes the church has done all "l would not want to pastor a it can to meet the worries of church that has in any ~Y raped · residenta. He said he is unsure or hurt the community," he said, what further negotiations can do. ~ewport rejects '~ondo conversions ~ ,'1 A controversial plan to pennit u~~.hdominlum conversions in ' ~wport Beach, more than a · ju in the making, has died , ently and quickly. · fhe propoeed law was undone '.~Y an apparent conflict of ,~ferest Monday night on t_he rt of five of the seven City uncil members. , ~'llhe propoeed law. unpopular with renters in the city, would lluive allowed persons owning .duplexes and triplexes to convert itheir units to condominiums after meeting a long list of conditions. •0 :five cowlcil members -John m. Evelvn Hart, Phil Maurer, • aUl Hummel and Mayor Jackie ' 'ther -own or have interest uplex or triplex property, it ~. ' reported. Council members tsed the conflict-of-interest ') ' . concern tnemaetvea. The state Fair Political Practices Commission, asked by the city to Investigate the potential conflict, ruled that there might be some. The commission said It would need details on each council member's real estate hoJ4ings to make a finaltu~t. Hather tn.an go through this process, the council wu adviaed it could simply ship the condominium law back to the city Planning Commiuion and ask that unit to 1ti1l it, The council unanimoualy took that course of .action without comment. CwTent law in Newport makes it virtually impossible to convert apartmenta to condominiums. EXECUTED -Convicted murderer Frank Coppola waa executed Tuesday in Richmond, Va., for robbery and murder. From Page A1 COPPOLA • • • Hatchell, 45, whose skull was crushed during a robbery at her home in Newport News in 1978. Testimony revealed he repeatedly pounded her head into the floor becaUBe she refused to say where she kept her money. Others involved in the crime said he was the killer. But Coppola, who said he was ready to die to maintain his dignity and spare his family agony of further appeals, resisted attempts to have his execution stayed. He was the fifth person to be executed in this country since 1976. He was the first since Steven Judy was electrocuted in Indiana in March 1981 and the first to die in Virginia's electric chair in 20 years. From Page A1 COAST • • • K..ir9ch said the group expects to return to Newport, R.I. for further training by May l, 1983. The prel.im.inary America's Cup trials are scheduled June 18-25 on Rhode Island Sound. The Defender/Courageous Group is one of two American syndicates vying for the right to defend the Cup. The other ls the Fort Schuyler Foundation of the U.S . Maritime Academy which has laWlChed two new Twelves for the 1983 trials. Dennis Conner of San Diego skippered the Fort Schuyler Foundation's Freedom to victory overtheAustralianchallengerin 1980. In the winter of 1979 Conner brought Freedom and her tr1al horse to San Diego for winter training. but has not diacloeed whether he will bring the two new yachts West this year. Low clouds return light rein epreeel ecroN tM centr.i Pl91ne to tM Ohio Valtfr/ on TUM<Say, wtille nott'*'Y wlnde brought coo .. r weeth9f to the Greet LekH r•glon 1nd th• rnldd .. Mleelulppl V .. ley. ~d bnMlklng cool WMther htl the North Centrll 1t1i. -iv In the dey. end cloudy ...... and tight r1in conunue<S the trend through the di)'. WtJrm, humid wellher continued 1crou th• South. Thunderatorrne were acett9f•d 1Jong tM Gutt Cout For todey , 1cet1ered thundlretorm• -• fOfKallt OY11 the eouthHttern third of the netlOn, with • '-thundlnltonne t ov•r th• Rockl11, the Pl1te1U , region end lhe P.clflc N«1tlwMI. Sunny 1kle1 were for•c11t ~. Ca lifornia Fw ttvough Thur90I)' but i.te night through mid morning IOw cloud9 "°"9 oOMt Or•ng• County c1n expect hlQt1I It the ~ mid 70. end "*' IOI lnlend. LowS 82 to ea. .,,..._, ~ cen u"9Ct hlQN In the uppw 801 1nd low toe. l.oWI In the eo.. Mounttln 111gt19 ao to ae. 1owe 55 to 86. w.i to~ wind• 15-2& mph In cs.-t• 1ft9fnoon Ind ~ hOuf'I. Nori'-" "-1 111gt19 16 to 104, iowe 86 to 7& ' aoutMr11 deMrt hlghl 1oe to t IS. &.owe 78 to ee. Mottlr l1lr Northern ind o.ntr., Callfornl•. Low cdovdl •nd tog •long ooHt. A 11111• o09M' ilortlletn lnteftof todey. w.,.,,. Tlluredey. Temperatures unoee .. IO ... :: Le 14' .. ... 70 Atlante c iy Austin 811tlm<><• Blrmlnghm Blem#Ck 8olM Botton Bullelo Bu~ton Cl\atlttn SC ci-tttn WV Chlrttt• NC Cheyenne ChlclQO ClnclnnlU Cllwllnd Clmb11 SC Coklmbul o.1-FI Wlh Oeylon o.n... 0. MolnM Oelrolt Duluth El Puo Flll<benlc1 Fargo ~·" Gn11t Fella HW110fd ~ Honolulu HOUiton lndnaplll J1clcln Jecktn'lllll Jur-. K11n1Ctty KnollYllMI Lii Vegu Uttle Rode Loullvllll Miami MllwM .. Mple-St.P .......... .... on-. .... YO(Jt Norfotl! Ollle City OmlN Ortendo ~ Phoenix ~ PtWld. Ore ~ Aeno Alotvnolld Slit I.Ml• ~Anton6o Seettle === 81 Loull 8tP-T~ ~­!YJ.-e 78 lM " 119 75 92 117 87 77 90 111 ... 7& 1111 73 70 1111 74 95 72 711 72 70 &5 98 1111 72 a5 90 1111 93 90 90 10 92 92 81 83 1111 t07 88 113 117 70 7S 87 91 ee 118 92 88 92 88 110 74 ... 71 86 M 88 N 90 88 111 78 87 91 73 73 '88The Forec11t For 8 p.m . ED:T n Wennesday. August 11 71 •H• h Tem Sll.lf8S Ra1nlDI Snow~ 71 TO 39 5e 71 IS3 ea 72 83 70 57 55 511 62 70 58 76 59 ... ,.,,,.,. w ....... s.r..c. 58 .,OU. US C.01 ot Commf<c~ : Fronts Cold ..,. Warm W"'9 4e 87 51 43 65 52 88 64 75 74 eo 73 72 44 511 72 eo 71 62 S2 54 ... e& 72 71 T3 70 &4 71 74 Ml 59 IM 81 71 40 70 88 70 &7 71 43 62 73 et 81 I ()C)9111 TUC80<> TulM WUhlngtn WIChlta CAU'ORNIA ee 101 94 89 11 HI 98 95 104 t03 &4 911 110 78 1111 98 85 98 u 118 101 lM 87 113 75 73 97 110 96 94 88 72 ee 86 103 lM 78 ee 78 79 7' 80 N 112 Sent• MonlCI 711 Stoclcton 74 88 eo 62 57 40 711 eo 112 72 T lhoe Vlllly 74 Thermal 108 81 108 72 T Off 11\Ce Yumt Lo ----------~Smog 75 eo 47 49 79 &3 63 &3 54 &3 84 1111 eo 84 54 115 &4 57 eo 71 &3 50 84 &6 &e 50 $3 eo 70 &2 &4 82 57 &e 51 The Air Ou1llty Men•gem«1t Olllrlct pr4Kllctt un"-91thtul air qu1llty for Hnllllve people In 1ome 1re11 lod•y. but good quellty In metropollUn, · mountain and coutel .,. .... U"'-nntut 11r tor 1ne e.ltltlVI It fOf-t In th41 S.,, 09brill Ind Porr.ona v.ileyl with 1 Pollutent St1nd1rd Ind .. ol 188. Al10 !>'.ctlct.ct to ~ unhMlthtul 111r 1r• the Sin Fernando Ind Senta CIMttt vMleye Ind tM Alwnlde- San B«nerdlno WM. with 1 PSI ol 176 Good air quallty i. 1>'.cllct.ct IOf IM!ropolltan L09 ~ With 1 PSI of 100; Banning and th• H91ne!.£111ncn -with • PSI of t2: tM low dMM1 wtth • PSI ol &e; Intend Or-. County with • PSI of 50, end OOMUll.,.... BIO Beer Llk• and tne high d-1 with 1 PSI of 42. Whu• to c•ll (toll frH) for lit-lmOQ lnfomletlOn: . 0r-. County: (800) 44&-3&21 Loe Ang•IH County: (800) 242.-.022 AMnldl end San e.m.rdlno oountlle: (800) 3e7-4710 AOMO ~lode C41ntet: (800) 242-4MI lit, Ji~Rf REPIRT Tides TODAY 8-td high 2:11 p.m. 4.9 ~ low 9:84 p.m. 1.?. TMUlleDAY Fnt hlgl\ S:40 a.m. a.a liiit .................. ...... A• -llN .~~ -Jt ~ i• 3 '1 1 2 1W a.a~ I 4 12 1 2 IW ~1..:11 I 8 11 2 I IW left Ol8oo COumy a I ta I a 1W au.ro. -~ lllOfll ~In .... • """ low f:l1 .. "" 1.1 leoorld 111g11 1:14 p.m. l.t ~low 11:n p.m. 1,1 II.Ill ... t~ .. 7:44 p.m., ,... ~ 8t S:11 Lltl • Moof'I ,... ~ .. ~ .. Thur9dey .. 12:40 p.in. ' l'..'m~~ . The "rana• wan11 over lh• wild coyotM rouW.nl Che w•t ... of c.o.ia "'-appMr '° be over, but th• oontroverey IUITOWldinc Lut week'• ahoodnl la ltill lbmnertna. Policl llld they beaan ahootlna th• anlmal1. from n ellcoptert aft.er recel vlna numerou1 aimpi.&nta from relid«lta a bout co~otee k1111na pet call and dop. But then nel1bbora be1an comp1alnina about the ahooUna of coyotes and IO It WU lt.Opped. Police lnalat that the only 1hootln1 111t week occurred -ru.day nlaht, while netahbon and city official.I •Y that the 1hootlng continu e d until Wedneeday. Police Ca.pt. Ed GIMcow laid be ordered the shooting stopped Tue9day after nelghbon becran ~~about the noi9e from "l don't believe that wu the cue.'' aaid Glugow when told that nel&hbora believe the shooting continued Wed.needay. "I would stake my money on the fact that when I stopped it they did. They would be insane to do that." Allan Roeder, assistant city manager, said he ordered the shooting stopped Thursday after receiving a phone call at home Wednesday night from councilman Donn Hall about the shooting. R oeder said It was his understanding that the shooting continued Wednesday fro m From Page A1 BREAKUP. • System operating companies, which serve more than 80 percent of the nation 's telephones, represent roughly two-thirds of AT&T's asaet.a, or ' about $80 billion to $85 billion. The settlement called for AT&T to give up all ownership of those local companies, in exchange for the Justice Department's dismissal of the 1974 suit. AT&T wou ld be allowed to retain its long- distance, equipment, research, manufacturing and Yellow Page facilities. Newport joins fight against Frontier line Newport Beach has agreed to put some legal muscle behind Orange County's legal fight with Frontier Airlines over the 588-mile perimeter rule at John Wayne Airport. The Newport City Council un.animou.aly agreed Monday to support the county's effort to preserve the perimeter rule and asked its attorneys to appear at a legal showdown on the issue Aug. 16 In Los Angeles. Frontie.r, baaed in Denver, has challenged the rule which prevents airlines from flying non-atop from Orange County to destinations any further away than Salt Lake City. The federal government has intervened on behalf of Frontier, supporting the move to strike the county perimeter rule. /l#Mapt ... COOLING OFF -Gina Manchester, 4, of Costa Mesa may have eyes bigger than her stomach. Still she's fou.nP ~ good way to beat the heat at a Glendale ice cream parlor as temperatures hovered in the 998. Habib, Begin meet on PLO exit plan By Tile A11oclated Pre11 Israeli j ets and tanks hammered guerrilla-held west Beirut again today and Prime Minister Menachem Begin met in Jerusalem with U.S. presidential envoy Philip Habib to examine U.S. propoaala for evacuating the PLO from Lebandn. Begin waa quoted by the Israeli newspaper Yedloth Ahronoth as saying in an interview: "li all goes well. the evacuation will get under way next week." A major breakthrough in the negotiations came late Tuesday when Syria reveraed it.a earlier stand and said it would take in all Palestine Liberati on Organization fighters the PLO wished to evacuate from Beirut. The Tel Aviv command said the new air strikes followed cease-fire breaches by the guerrillaa that wounded three Israeli aoldlen. The jets sw ooped down in rapid d ivef>ombins. sor ties, 11etting fires and 11ending ¢ouda of smoke spiraling over the Chatilla and Bourj el-Barajneh refugee camps -the PLO nerve center in the Fakhani area. Guerrillaa fired groWld-to-air missiles but n one was seen hitting the jets, making their third aeries of strikes in three days. Israeli tanks and baiooka- firing guerrillas al8o claahed at the Nation.al Mueeum checkpoint on the Green L ine d ividing Beirut into Moslem west and ChrllUan east. The city haa been under siege since t he week after Israel invaded Lebanon June 6 to rout the PLO. The Begin-Habib meeting in J erusalem e nded with no statement and another session was set for later today. Defeme Minister Ariel Sharon and Foreign Minister Yltmak S hamir also attended the meeting, at which Habib was reported to have presertted a list of Arab countriee willing to take in the guerrillas. Cracker Jack apologizes CARMEL, Ind. (AP) -The makers of Cracker Jack have sweet news for a girl who sued after finding no prize in her box of the candied s nack : She'll receive an apology and another box of Cracker Jack free. A spok esw oman for the Cracker Jack division of Borden Inc . said Tuesday that the company h opes 9 -year -old Wendy Pota5nik will drop her legal action. Wendy filed suit seeking a prize from Cracker Jack and reimbursement for $19 in court costs. In the suit filed In the small c laims division of Hamilton County Court, Wendy claimed t he company had broken an advertising promiae by selling a box of the snack that did not contain a prize. 'luorescenf 5hop &ighf ' . ."' 2.Jlte, U-lncll worQhop ,,, .. Adde #gltt Jn ~ ~ l«lndry N:10tM wld '""* ...... ~.,,,, 3 ..... «Nd, pie.Jo, MnglnQ oNln •· .. at f11 1141 w11ttn.11 ,,...., Sale Price '12.BB Reg. Price $19.99 °"91' Good Thro Mon. 811el82 more than you expect In a hardware store caow•. a HARDW•RE ~· W.tcllfl Plue 1024 !MM. Ave. ·~r """'*' T1I • p.M. ) t I J r PRJioN ART SALE -Sgt. F.dward Bradley, prilbl guard, holds a painting by John Wayne Gacy, who was convicted of the aex slayings of 33 ~men and boys. The painting, entitled UW'hpMto "Hi-Ho,· Hi-Ho," was offered for sale at the Dlinoia State Fair, along with other art objects by prisoners at Menard State Prison. Gacy is currently on death row. (See Page A5) Space shuttle a money loser due to 'cheap' cargo rates CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) -Taxpayers will foot most of the bill for space shuttle flights for several years because NASA lsrl't charging enough for hauling cargo, space agency officials say. F.ach of the five shuttle flights acheduled for next year will cost at least $266 million. At the same time, NASA charges customers only about $38 million to rent the . shuttle's entire cargo bay to carry satellites or experiments aloft. That is less than one-seventh the true cost of the rught. The discrepancy ia mainly due to inflation. the reduced nwnber of flights and a three-year delay in getting the shuttle off the ground. space agency officials told The Orlando Sentinel. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration had hoped to fly 44 missions by 1985, but is now aiming for 32. "We missed it," Chet Lee, dJ.rector of customer services for NASA, said Monday. ·"We underestimated it. When we set those rates, we were planning 672 flights (by 1994). Now we're taJ king 311. That's almost half." "We didn't realize that we were in for a dramatic increase in inflation, cost of materials and labor," added BILI Saavedra. chief of mission analysis and integration for NASA. Space officials have told Congress that the total price tag for the shuttle program now is expected to top $21 billion. including $18 billion spent by NASA and $3.6 billion invested by the Department of Oefen.ee. A report by the General Accounting Office says it wtll be 1989 at the earliest before NASA recovers the full flight cost from shuttle users. The shuttle Columbia is scheduled to carry 1ts first satellite cargo in November, during its fifth trip to space. Each 1983 shuttle flight will cost between $140 million to $160 million in 1975 dollars, space agency officials told a House Budget subcommittee in April. That equals $265 million to $304 million in 1982 dollars, said Bob Haltermann, NASA engineering operations manager. Meanwhile, other costly matters have ari8en. -A shuttle engine blew up during an April test . Replacement cost is $30 million. -Each a!Juttle can carry 40,- 000 pounds of cargo, not the 55,- 000 pounds that NASA originally planned. Shuttles can carry even less cargo when they are launched from California without the added boost of the Earth's rotation. PAC spending at record level $100 million flowing into '82 election campaigns WASHINGTON (AP) - Fund-raising and spending by political action committees (PAC) la 8etting records in 1982, with more than $100 mllllon In PAC money already flowing Into this yea.r's election campaign. Aa:ording to a Federal Election Commi11ion report, the more than 2,000 PACs have raised $138.7 million and spent $105.7 million from Jan. 1. 1981 through June 30, 1982. The National Confressional Club, the politica arm of CON1ervative Sen. Jesse Helms, R .N.C ., is the top money- fatherer, having collected almost 7.7 million in 18 months. The National Comervative Political Action Committee (NCPAC), a leading "independent" PAC of the New Right, is a cloee second with $7 .2 million in contributions. All told, PACs had $54. 7 million in cash on hand on June 30 to spend in the remaining three months before the off-year election&. These figures cover the first 18 months of what the FEC defines as the two-year election cvcle. The record fund-raising and spendlng reflects the explosive growth of the PACs in the past few years. For the entire 1979-80 election cycle, PACs raised $86.l million and spent $62.8 million, the FEC said. The wealthiest PACs were those technically unaffiliated with any organization, like a corporation , labor union or professional association. These groups have raised $42.6 million and spent $39 million. Both the Congressional Club and NCPAC are in this unaffiliated category. The Helms group has spent $8.4 million thus lar, while NCPAC has spent $7.3 million. Since these groups often have surpluses at the end of a reporting period, they can spend more than they raise in the following period. All these unaffiliated groups had $6.2 million on hand at the end of June. The second largest group is trade and membership PACs, including groups sponsored by the National Association of Realtors, the American Medical ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat CIH•lfled adYeftl•lftll 7141842-54178 All oth~ «Mpartmenu 842-4321 ThomM P. Halev ,.......... -Clllel t.-... omc.. MAIN Of'FICE J:JI W..C 8<ty SI , Coote Mne, CA Mell--: h a U.O, Coa1-Mne, CA. "63' Cepyr'9hl 1"2 Or .. c ... 11 Publltl>l"I ~Y. No_. ••IH, llhntratlofls, ed"orlal m-or_. YMIM.._b ..... n may be re~ without _ ... penn1,.-of ,....,,lgllt _,., VOL. 75, NO. 223 Association and the American Bankers Association. In total, they have raised $32.8 million and spent $23.5 million. They had $14 .1 million in the bank at the end of the period. Third and fourth are the traditional big spenders of American politics -corporations and labor unions. Corporate PACs raised $32.l million and spent $22 million, while their traditional opponents, labor unions have picked up $25.8 million in contributions and spent $17 .9 million. The corporate groups have $16.7 millon In cash, while labor has $13.8 million in the bank. An assortment of other various types of PACs made up the remainder of the money raised and spent. Political action committees are groups set up under the campaign finance laws passed in the wake of the Watergate scandal in the mid-1970s. The PACs col le c t voluntary contributions and spend the money In an attempt to influence election outcomes. Neither direct corporate contributions nor direct labor union contributions are allowed in federal elections. These figures do not include fund -raising efforts of the poll tica1 parties. Marriage a first A THENS, Greece (AP) -An 18-year-old village girl manied a construction worker from the Cyclades Ialands In Greeoe'1 flnt civil wedding, a family spokesman reported . The wedding took place on the remote laland of Dwia. We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Piiot? What don't you llke? Call the number below and your mea111e wlll be recorded, transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour answerln& service may be \llff to record let· ./ ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their ume and telephone number for veriflc1tlon. No tlrculatlon calla. pleue. 1'.ell us what's on your mind. I• AJ'TON, Okla. (AP) -The ranks of unemployed aovemora: produced the 1.ut two ptelldenta, a bit of poUUcal trtvta tantallzJ.ng to the poUtictaN who 1pent the lHt three day• at a lakeside reeort near here. Rare UI the governor who does not think that belni president would be no more difficult than runnlna a great bli state. Remember Jimmy Carter? House Speaker Thomas P . O'Neill Jr. complained during a particularly frustrating moment in the Carter years that the president aeemed to think dealing with Conjlress was no different from dealing wtth the Georgia Legislature. During his campaign for the presidency, Ronald Reagan repeatedly cited hla experience as governor oL California as proof that he could handle the job of governing the United St.ates. After all, Reagan would tell audiences, if California were an Independent nation, it would be economically, the seventh-largest in the world. Gerald Ford got some mileage when he defeated Reagan in the race for the 1976 GOP presidentaJ nomination with an ad that pointed out that as governor of California Reagan did not have access to nuclear weapons. Now comes a new crop of governors harboring those same .... ,, natlonal ambhlon1 thai tradJtionally infect perdcipentl at govemor'1 oonfetelCll. Thil year, the meeUn1 attraoted former Gov. Reubtn Alkew of Florida, who LI tryt.n, to take the Carter route to t.be White Howe. Askew haa been unobtN&lvely cril9-crolllna the country ln tearch of IUpport for a 1984 presidential bid. Tell Askew that no one leefJll to give him much of a chance and he'll point out that at th1s atap no one took Carter's presidential ambitions aerioualy. But the real veteran of presidential campaigning to attend this conference was Gov. Edmu11d G . Brown Jr. o'f Call!omla. At age ,3, Brown haa already made two wun.acceaful runs for the Democratic presidential nomination. He claims he baa temporarily shelved his White House , ambitions to concentrate on moving to the Senate, a prospect that ao disturbs Reagan that he has gjven top priority to helping Brown's Republican opponent, ~yor Pete Wilson of San Diego. Brown was un c har - acteriatically s ubdued at his final governors' conference. He sat quietly through a hearing ,., ........ ZERO CONVENTION -Former hnperlal Navy oonunander Minoru Genda, who helped plan the infamous aerial attack on Pearl Harbor, addresses a convention of fonner 7.ero pilots in Osaka, Japan. The convention drew 172 former pilots of the legendary Japanese fighter plane of World War ll. Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES Cutified Gemolog111. AGS A HISTORIC WATCH from a memorable fli8111 at wblcb Interior· 8•cre~ry Jll'Dft Watt deftnded poliei" Brown bitWly ~ The cba1nnan of the ~. DemocraUc Oov. Jay Rockef.nir of West V'~ lOoMd ~ at Brown when he t cil4 parddpantl there ... Umt. f,or one more questloo. But Bro'ffl'\ tcnortd the apparent invtta~ Another 'rown wltb w How.e dreubl ii' Oov. J6 . Bn>wn of Kentuaky, the ·eel chicken mllllonalre who i• married to a former M~ft' Ammca, Phyllla Georp. '1-• Brown devote. a lot of ~ and ener1Y to helpina fel , Democrat• raise money, n activity sure to attnct poli\ff;lal allies. . And when lt comes to rnonet. Jay Rockefeller qulcldy comk.to mlnd . The West Vlr10da Oemoc::rat haa shown the ~ ~as his late Republidln uncle, Nellon. to spend wbataW!r' it takes to win. • • GAO says stockpile reduced ,t i WASHINGTON (AP) President Reagan is using mQPeY from the sale of critical metalii f.O reduce the federal budpt de(idt rather than re-investing the funds to build a national stockpile of defense materiala, the General Accounting Off~ says. • The way the president manages that stockpile oonlUc1. wtth instructions from Congrelp. the GAO said in its repot~. scheduled for releaae this w~ . The report was requested by Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich .. who was to refer to lt In a speech~ has prepared to give to die Senate toda)', acoo~ to bJs aide Burl H6f1man. The National Defen1e Stockpile includ es 1caroe materiala such as chrome, nickel and titanium nee ded to manufacture weapons and kept ln reserve ln case o.f war. The GAO, an investigative arm o.f Conare11, reported that Reagan BM allowed money ~ aeJ.llni excess materiab to pile up In the federal treasury. Tbe money helps lower t~e government's deficit while materials needed for defen1e purpoees are reduced. •'It appear a t bat t h 'e administration bas given priority to considerations ov,, oa=':!l'ense-related needs.:' the GAO report says. The House Armed Services c.ocnrotttee has said no more than $500 million from stockpile _. should be accumulated by thf! Treasury Department. acoordlrC to the GAO. • The accounting office quota! the armed services oommitteej saying that the stockpile was ,. eerve the Interest of the nati defenae only and is not to be uael:i for economic and budgeta'~ ... ....._.. -y r-r-· I \ J When the fam«J avitrrix AlDdJa Earh&rt Dew the Atl.andc more rM1I 'O yean ago, she wore • 1g13 Longlns watch on her wrist to help t1me her navigational cw.Jculatlona. Wrl•t war.chn were not all that common Jn the. m,... -but AnwUa wu an u.ixommon wormn. WhftJ the Intem1'tJOIW Orpn.Jutlon of Women Pilot• recently beld a apeclal ewnt to mmmemontllf Ma. Earhart'• tll1ht, they went to Amell•'• blrthpla~ In Atcbl.an, K.aMas. wh«w the 6J'OUP malnr.Jnt a lolwC Jn Che Aflcblaon .,._ In lwr memory. JU pal1 of the ll.llKlraJIJlrv •llort to malntaln the memorial lor.t, UWt Utdy pl.1oa held • ram.. Qw ol the nxwt prUed /ten» .,.. Uiat 1g1a W1Vt Wltlt'h. It ~t • ~ AUJJ ••• .win t»tore the bU,)w' wound Jt up and found th•t It adJl •••P• perfect Ume. A 1004 Omepl«lt Ill aomeW,,. Chae mo bold ,,. value -both #IJUmentl MllJt/ ~ -LOI' tDMJy ,_,... And ~ It cu ewa ,_,_,. a p41rt ol bl•toty. Are theN &ny tn .. und ••Jd.1e1 •mPnl your b.m4y'1 lwttJootmT A carat or more. When a man's achievement becomes a woman's good fortune. •I ,, tl Overweight? Just~ little out of shape? Or both? Dont give up. "Live-Ir' up at Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum. Now with 5 locations, and many more to come. ltS all here. The fun. The fitness. The results. All the right Ingre- dients for ~ur ~uccess formula. Join on a 1-year , membership and get 2 years of fun and ff~ free. ThatS 3 ye'" for the price of l. Get :5tarted now. Rtcha(d StmmonS "live-It" concept wlll work for ~u. ~ an exciting combTna - tJon of exeg:Jse, proper nutrttJon and a positive ._.tma ._... ••wit. Yau a1n d9dde on Dae~ of tM UIUM •••n._t ad Ulo on &he....-whaab. ~-.-wm be lbotrn (alll ,_:.., ••rnble dmll. etc.). , · NeYiir edrnlt uyam Into YQUI' hot..-who cla&ma to be a reel •tate .,. .. , uni... a ~ ... ii pr91eni.ci to 10U and .. ~II wtlllll to wait whDe ~ vwtty hit or bir ~t with &he ...i .... olaae. If you want more totormaUon, contact •h• Newport Harbor ea.ta M .. Board ot a.It.on by ~ .we.oen or ttMt ..... Real J:llta1e Deputmem by p~ (213) 820-5808. Cleaning up a cat DEAR PAT: M, cat m•t uve beea nllilla la art daat W tar la It. Be'1 a real meu."11 dler9 UJ wa1 I caa pt Mm deu -odaer dlaa a .. .., ft.let. M wiUlll'1 telenteT A ....,...., told me IM ......... ••• ...., no. W1 la you eolam.a .... time•· C.F .. Badqtea Bea~ Y.our nel1hbor probably wu talktn1 about the comatarch bath IQluUon. Part your cat'• hair and april'llde comatarch into the coat. oi rub it into ah~haired cats' coeta. Leave it on 1ooa enouah to at.orb all di.rt. on and greue."1lben brush vtaorouaiy. Tbla treatment generally cleans the C09t and la especf•IJ! rec:ommended for removln& mWl lfeUe apo . Road tat can be removed by nibblna mineral oil into the fur and wiping it off with towelina or other ablorbent material. U your cat IOt tar on hla pawa, rub them with mineral oil and confine him to a amall area where you have spread out newspapen. The tar will drop off within a abort time. Check shop insurance DEAR PAT: Wlao womd be reapoulble ti I &Goll a televlaioD Ht ... repair Mop ud It WH deatroyed by fl.reT Tb.11 polat came •P ID a dlaca11lon at my office receady, ud no OH waa nre aboat .._. auwer. L.E., Costa Meaa U you take any item, including a car, into a shop for repairs and there'• a fire or theft that ia not cauaed by any negligence on the part of the owner ,you are not protected. um.. the shop ii covered by tnsurance, it'• your i.:.. ' There ia no law that aaya a bual.ne9a must carry l.nlu.rance. Your own penonal ~ insurance may cover YQW' lam. but it• a good idea to ..flnd out if a repaJr shop carries inlurance before you leave valuablee on the premiaes. • Got • probmn? Thttn write to Pat liOro-• 1 wtu. J>at w. Ill cut red s.pe, 6•Ctlng the azu\4-ws and action you need co .Uve In-.... i'm9 equities Jn ~~mment a'!" buaJnees. M.n you~~tlona to Pat Horowlu, At Your Service, Onn.ge a:.t Dally Pilot, P.O. Box lMID, Cost.a meu,. CA. 926J6. mental attitude that can last for the rest of your life. Call or com e In to Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum today ~u carr do It Join now. URRV/, FINAL DAYS ro" ~·~ONST,.UCTION CHAM~" MtMtr~P5. Chlt~r membelsltlp9 now awllllble. Join toc'8y arid fat. he IUcltMI 5lmmotd AINltOmy ~ 'Fflhlrt. Tunnel open OBERWALD, Switzerland (AP) -The world's longest narrow-gauge railway tunnel, running 9.5 miles through the Furka Pua, waa Inaugurated, opening a year-round Alpine link between eutem and weatern Switzerland. , APWlq' I OUT FOR BLOOD -Magistrate Wayne Wi.llia hu been called "Judge Dracula" by his legal compatriots. In the put two weeks three defendants have accepted hJs off~ to reduce their sentences if they will donate blood to the American Red Croes. lllTRODUClllG ANEW l!JPER CHECKING ACCOUNT Don't Settle For An Old-Fashioned Bank Checking Account. UNDER $2000 .•. it looks and acts like the state-of-the-art free checking account you should have! OVER $2000 .•• stand back! we "sweep" it all into a high-rate money- market investment dailyl Reol checking account convenience ond doily access 10 your money. Write os mony checks as you wont, whenevef you wont, in ony amount ... we outomotlcony "sw-.p" ony bolonce obove $2,000 doily ond outomoticolly into o high rote money ITIOfket investment account. Your s11<plus funds outomoticolfy eorn money market rotes wilhovt management fees/without "in onct out" poper work. To invest, simply open o "sul:>er checking occoont" 01 ony of the convenient Equitoble offlees. Equitable ~Savings & Loan (Formerly Bellflower Savings & Loan) 16 1 08 S.Uflower Boulevard Bellflowe< 2 13 867-7241 21552 8'ookhorst Street Huntington Beoch 714 964-3424 12775 Beoch BoulevOfd Stanton (714) 895-1181 1 .lf9ver eat at a place called "Jllom11," never play cards with a man named "Doc," and never ask Jeulae Bloyd to speak up, Failure to heed that final warning co~ld leave your eardrums pounding for minutes, if• ho\an. Tom lllyder, the former NBC and Loi ANMIM nl'WllMft vtho h0tted tb;~-Tomarrow'' tho• el,ht yeara, w 11 J.o 1, Chan.net 7 lD New York in September. Snyder'• Job• will Include an- chorln1 •the 11 p.m. "9wa show and other a1-INYDD aianmenta to be worked out at .VfABC-TV. Ernie ADa1to1, who anchors the 11 p.m. new a show, will continue workina (or WABC-TV but apparently Tt baa not been decided exactly what he will do. 1 '1 -~ li.i. 1 L.;.\_ The parenta of Cleme•ttae Ba mfuo. the youn1~1t brid-mid at 1-t yeu'a wed41111 of Pn.ce a.atlei and Prillceli Dlua, were diVOl'Ced afw eiCbt ~ ot marri.119. C•arleUe Bambre · 28, a 1TJJlddau1hter of Str Wla1toa ClaucMU and daupter of Lord 8oamff• WU lfanted a decree in London Divorce Court on the grounda her marr1qe to ~ Rlcllard Bambro nad broken down irretrievably. Hambro" 86, New York-baled · prealdent of Hambro America Inc., a br.anch of the famUy banking emp,ire, did not contest the action. Prtace AMnw pf.lot.cl Im Sea Kin. helicopter with 1& MUlh 1olcJter1 on board to a Hf• landina on rouah terrain onJ)' three or four feet from an Ar.-UM m.lnefle1d durlna the beW. for the l'llkland Ialandl. the Dally Mall Nported. The London newapar:r Nld the 22-year-old aon o QH• EH1aht~ D landed en a narrow, rou1h road while he w aa ferrytna troopt to the Sapper HW baae 1bortly before the Araen.tlne llW'render June 14. The newspaper quoted Jou Roberti, a aoldier in the Welah Guards: 0 He muat have known the risk he was running. He could have been only three or four feet from the nearest mine when he landed." Jolul W. Gacy Jr., infamous for the aex k11l1naa of 33 young men, la exhibitina and wiling ~tings at the I1Hnoi1 State Fair, Tenneaaee trucker Jimmy including one of the Seven Dram is enjoying the sweet, if Dwarfs headed merrily off to eomewhat stitky, taste of auccemJ work, plck-axa over their · as the foundinB father of Tok'• shoulders. · first watermelon festival in Gacy's work is part of a Wiiliam Vargo emerged a Alaska. display of 500 paintlngs by winner after a lenathy aeesion in The festival came off without a prisoners. W!thln a day of the a smoke-filled room. But his hitch and was the rlvat of any fair'a opening, four of Gacy's six Mra.tl!loyd, 26, of Canton, m., tooll;Jop honors in th~ husband- calllng contest at the Illinois State Fair. The victory marked the third time in four tries that she has shrieked her way to the championship. victory had nothing to do with watermelon fete in the lower 48 paintings were sold and taken politics. states. In addition to the 3,&00 away by buyen, including an oil ., ..,......._ Vargo, 52, of Swartz Creek pounds of Arkansas entitled "Hi Ho! Hi Ho!" "GRAB IT" -Lee lacocca, cbainnan of Chrysler Corp., has near Flint, Mich., puffed on his watermelons, there were The 12-by-24-inch painting, parodied his own television commercials in saying of President Italian pipe for one hour, 37 hamburgers and other all-upbeat in mood and brightly Reagan's proposed tax bill, "it's said you know, if &Omebody . In Washington, there are official• who . lik• to remain • anonymous sources and then the 34th annual World Plpe sack races and other games. style of Dis ney cartoon White House Tuesday, is seekin8 support for the bill, saying Smoking Contest. That waa more Drum paid $4,500 to ~ve ·the characters, jarred some viewers. any alternative would be "chaos." ,-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ minutes and 58 seconds to claim American foods, tugs-of-war, colored with it.I dwarfs in the can find a better tax bill, grab it." lacocca, shown leaying the I Ch8rity thefts I upset officials Stunned officials of three Orange County charity ~cl.es say they are trying to regroup after the th~t of. office equipment and supplies from their offices in the United Way Plaza in Garden Grove . .Burglars broke into the offices of the Salvation Army, the Dayle Mcintosh Center for the Disabled and the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program over the weekend and made off with virtually all the office equipment used by those agencies to serve society's needy. "We're still trying to get over the shock of what happened," said Muriel Greensaft, director of the Ombudsman Program, a non-pro"fit community-baaed group that investigates comp1ainta from senior dtizens living In nufsing homes. "It's ~ affront that people would steal from '*· What kind of individual would do that?'' she aaked. The Ombudsman Center lost all of its typewriters, mimeograph machines, and a load of new audio-visual equipment used to train its volunteer workers. Total 1088 was est:lmated at $5,-000. • . The Mcintosh center l08t about $5,000 worth of office equipment, including two special telephone devices used to communicate to its deaf clients. The Salvation Army, which bad a storage area in the complex, lost paper products and foodstuffs intended for distribution to those in dire need, and Christmas toys which would have gone to tots at Christmastime. Police Sgt. Bruce Beauchamp said his department was investigating the burglary, but had no solid leads. However, he said, most of the stolen items were branded with serial numben which could help in their recovery. The break-in was reported by a bookkeeper arriving at work Monday, Beauchamp said, adding that several other agencies also loc~ted in the complex apparently were undisturbed. . "We're struggling to stay in business," said Peg Hall of the Mcintosh center. "It's just ironic that they would hit this type of business, one that serves the needy." Hotel drops 'Tar' SAN FRANCISCO (AP).!-The Jack Tar Hotel has changed its name to the Cathedral Hill Hotel. The 22-year-old, 400-room hotel is in the midst of a renovati.on and redecoration that has coat $4 million. LoOk at all the shrewd ways you can use it: Take advantage of tax-sheltered investments By investing in a tax shelter, or another investment offering tax benefits, the.tax dollars you save may offset the actual cost of your Homeowner Equity Loan-while your investment increases in value. Save now on home Improvement The next inflationary surge will drive home improvement costs up. Now may be the ideal time to add the room you want, build a pool, make any major repair ... in effect, let your house pay for its own , improvements. Pay for a college education Today, the average cost of a college education can be as much as $7,000 yearly. And one of the few financial resources that has kept pace with that rising cost is the value of your home. Why not free some of your equity for this important Investment in your children's future? Get a special deal on luxury items Right now it is a "buyer's market " on items like cars, vacations, home furnish· ings, boats, and other luxuries. There are special opportunities on nearly everything. Now may be the opportune time to buy- with a little help from Security Pacific Bank. Start a business, or Improve on one Do you have an idea for a profitable new venture? Or a way to improve an existing one? Your Security Pacific Homeowner Equ,ity Loan may be the shrewd way to finance it. Plus you have all these extra advantages: •With continuing inflation, the dollars you borrow wlll be worth more than those you have to repay • The interest on your loan i~tax·deductible e And best of all, you don't have to give up yoµr home to enjoy all the profit lt has earned. ' Shop and compare. We believe you'll find our Homeowner Equity Loan program to be one of the most attractive available: • Competitive rates • Flexible terms • Loans available from $5,000 to $100,000 Tell me more about your Homeowner Equity Loan. 0 ·1 want to save $150 ... send me an application now. AOOf'llSI I .. Interns. ha W.t.~ , Mo1t reporter• and ~~~ Summer job. 'awalcenlns' for I uture Jour•alists loo prf.Dt.,r'1 lnk w tbout an ....-&p uDdtr &M wa1ehtw akin to a 100-IDNI' .,not..,. to havt a 1po111 Unao whacb I In &be imanume, lhe'll ..uJe. ·~-...-.... ""odlk>r. ...... ~. ~ ......... -... ... • Job wllh 11111 ~Ill Aadtblthneinw.alpendlni While a fre1bman at He Hrved aa a reporter, ~country when lhe ua• tMlr MDII*" YWUoN W:ortdnj Unlvwaty Hijab 8cMal In. ~1 idltolial tldlw and ~ edit« from Saa Jm. State ntver1tty at the Dally Pilot are no lbeflinl dec:M1ed to wed hUMell for The Untvlne, Unlver1tty next year. 1nnpdan. to• typewri'411', ped of papirand Hla_h'• 1tudent new1paper. In The 2~ear-old Dana Polbt ro,. a..-. Bbe u p la a copy :of Strunk and White'• 1878, Eberline became a free· J'.'elldent her belt expe~ 8~~ =:f·w:... "The :&menta of Style." lance lpor1I wrt• f« .aw lrYlne U\il IUINMl' Wll a ohanoe to lit thlt9ailmetolhtldabltohhe He'1nowa22-year-okl~ World .N•w•, a community 1n the Pf"' bo• at Anaheim ideallain !ottered ln coll••• major at UC Santa Barban and WHkly. Two yean lat•r he Stadium. • JDUmaUlm COW'lm and exchani9 hopet to parlay bit IMWI~ .-ved a 1wnmer lntemtblp at An avid tpOl1I enthuatut Ml'9 It f« the dally ui.tyle«:if'tM lntemahlp experlencet into a that paper. Steenri.ede' wrote a flnt-pel"IOn ~ pntt. 1port1 wrtU.nc career. "What t like belt la wrtttM." piece on how veteran 1port1 It'• an active life that moat "I've always been a fan of the be continued. ·~ iln't .twaya a wrtten ClOY9I' a bueball p.me. ~ to laY9 and desplM. Some Anpla and the L4akeJ'I and 11-..d delk job. You llt to pt OUt and "Everythlna that happened call It a.,...., and the-i.t )Alt ~portlna New1 and Sport• meet people In .aw tieJd. That'• w• unexpeCte(l and St'• k1nd of Jook at It• a ..n of endurance mustrated, .. he aid. "You haw what l Wie ..,.. .... belt... fun to be turpriMd." ahe laid of ----:-:-~o::--:----~---~---.,...,--,-..----.:::...:.--'------..-~.,;,...;.,.-'-""---her nJaht at an Ancela' pme. "I Plenty Of ~Parking OPEN 7 DAYS 8 til 6 2ftr 1 1°0 Reg.t.80 ... House or Car (AMERICAN KEYS ONLY) Offers Good Thru Aug. 18, 1982 cHm low s311 .. ......... fl.EA STOP -6 oz. New formula Flea Stop kills both pre-adult ond odult fleat. tot to aee how proftllional the reponer. are ,, # Mi11 Wachter, • Newport BMch native, would like to forp her love of eamera and 1enl lnto • .career 11 a faah1on or corporate photocrapher. "I ml1bt want to be on a newspaper naff in the future but I wurt to beocme a ·~ form of pboto1rap~er,' 11id the 21-year-old Cal State Fullerton Mn.lot. Mila Wachter w11 a pboto1rapher for her atudent newapaper and yearbook at Corona del Mar High School. She'• now majoring in photocommunica tlona at Cal State Fullerton. _.. .............. FIRST·RAND EXPERIENCE -Pamela-Stelnriede, left, Deborah Wachter and Barry Eberling are gaining practical experience as journalists while interning this summer at the 0raye C.oast Daily Pilot. I First Lady's father ill WASHING TON (AP) -Nancy Reagan will travel to Phoenix today to see her father, Dr. Loyal Davis, who was admitted this week to Scottsdale Memorial Hoepital with a aerioua heart condition, the White House announced. · The first lady also visited her 86-year-old father when he was hoepitalized earlier this year. ---•nroll ow-.... FALL SEMESTER ST ARTS RPT. 13th Enrollment Now· Being Tllken RH80Mble TuHion CALL 497-4403 ,,__,..,,_a.""'*-*',.,,,. -Hlf* .rddnltc stalltd .-,,... .. ', .. ,.,., , ... ,,,,..,) --. """"*·,....... In Fountain Veller 16835 Brookhurst 714) 962-3312 240 BROA~GUNA BEACH COMPUT~ PW ICA&rGLASS DIPTS. "MAKING IT" IN A RECESSION WITH NO SPECULATION, NO NEGATIVE CASH FLOWS, NO "BALLOONS" AND NO RISKSI -- "There are at least seven ways to make money In real estate assuming no appreciation. Real estate Is the only major Invest· ment that did appreciate last year, but you can make big money safely even H It doesn't!" -Bob Allen "If you're going to make money you've got to be out of step with the world. You're buying. when others are selling •.. selling when others are buying!" -Hollls Norton Gold has dropped from S800 to the S300 range. Silver has dropped from SSO to SlO. Diamonds have dropped about 50%. Most other major investments have gone down in vaJue, but REAL ESTATE went ~ in value about 39' la.st year. For those who knew how to buy it CRE· ATIVELY, It went up much more! BUT ..• )'OU don't even have to buy It to make great profits in real esbte. Many people are becoming CREATIVELY SELF·UNEMPLOYED because their no·cuh investments are bringing them more income than they could make on their JobJ . A little Information brings FINANCIAL FREE· DOM, and it can happen to yau! Can't do it In a recession, you say? YES, yau can! It's even EASIER In so called bad times, and thousands are doing it (as shown on the TV documentaries, "Making It!" and "Success!"). Over 90% of all millionaires made their fortunes in rul estate and with the NEW. CREATIVE methods of buying, plus recessionary drops in some rul estate prices, there's NO BETTE~ TIME THAN NOW. It takes little or no cash, and only a few hours o( simple Instruction. A major university studied the successes o( thote who practice the methods taught by Robert Al.lat ("Noth Ina Down" and-"CreatJns Wealth") and Hollis Norton ("How To Make It When ba're Cuh Poor"). They projected that 20,000 persons who've learned the slmple concepts tau8ht by these men buy over s20,ooo,ooo worth o( ral estate A WEEKI That's over St BILLION A YEAR! • Almolt ""'1 one of those peoplt Started larn· tnc "how·to-do·lt" In a tree ittnlnar prttented t,, RoNrt Allen and Holli• Norton. The free n1""'1Dlnlltt 1mlnar wtll demonstrate s<>mc SPICll'IC "NOTHINC DOWN" techniques you CM illc ~away. \'Ou will allO learn one of the many ways to ELIMINATE NEGATIVE CASH FLOWS, how to become FINANCIALLY FREE in FIVE YEARS OR LESS. how anyone can quickty establish GREAT CREDIT. how to earn MORE THAN 50% on your little·or-no·cash investments. and scores of other NEW. creative facts! You can buy depressed·prke real estate with LESS THAN 10% INTEREST RATES. and even get interest-only financing NOW! Just want to own yaur own home or trade up to a better one? Five years ago about 10% of aU home sales were creatively financed . Now, the "ROBERT ALLEN NOTHING DOWN~ revolu· tion has occurred, and in the past year. MORE THAN 60% of all home sales are financed with the techniques taught in "NOTHING DOWN'.' (In some cities. more than 90% of a.II home sales involve creative financing.) Most real estate experts agree, if you want to buy a house in the future YOU MUST know CREATIVE FINANCING techniques. Take ninety· minutes out o( yaur life to attend this no cost. no oblls,ation, illustrated lecture. You11 learn about America's fastest, simplest, safest road to success and financlal freedom. The "Nothing Down" seminar Is not just a variation of the old, "fix·up·the·dump" concept with a different name ... it's a whole new 1980'1 pro· gram for success used by thousands across the co untry. •ttend the no cost, no obligation, nlnety·minute "Nothing Down'' success seminar. It's presented by a successful associate of the two famous multi·milllonalre Investors, ROBERT ALLEN and HOLLIS NORTON . (Starting time is 8 P.M .• but come early'10f a good seat. Please ... no children under ten!) -LOCATION8- 8 P.M.-WB>NESDAY, AUGUST 11th HYATT LONG BEACH 6400 E. Pacific Coast Hwy. (across from Long Beach Marina) Long Beach 8 P.M. -nutSDAY, AUGUST 12th SOUTH COAST PLAZA HOm 666 Anton Blvd. (1-405, Bristol exit) Costa Mesa • A Prlwte School of O#Mlncllon Foundf#J In 1942 PHP.1100 IP9Kh lynthe111er At Super lavlft91 lets yaut home computer talk' (ReQuires cuatomlzed cOtTVnond moduleS that use sc:>Meh.) Software for the who .. fomtlyt K mort carries o wide selection of Tl software for the Home Computer 1n easy to use plug·1n command modules SubJects include Home Finance. Education and e)(c1t1ng games. all at attractive prices •I selects head Jerrold A. Bloch hu been named chairman of the i..,una Beach Arta Commlaaion by a unanimous vote of the nine-member panel. Bloch, a four-year lA8unan. ii an attorney with the•Santa Ana firm of Rose, Klein and Mariaa. He is a member o f the UCLA Chancellor'• AS8ociatea and a bQard member of the Lacuna Beach Arta A11i•nce. The nei* chairman intend• to PIJUUe a 1 policy that encourages art ln public placee ln Laguna Beach, both display and performance, aa well aa programs dealped to coordinate a ctlvitlea of all the orpnlzationa ln Laauna devoted to the arts. 1 Bloch replaces Henry I Hampton al chairman of the commiaaion. 125th D iv . • reunion Oct. l -3 Veteram who eervecl witP the 25th Infantry Division (Tropi c Ligbtniq) durine World War II, Korea and Vietnam will hold tbetr 33rd annual reunion at the Sheraton-Anaheim Hotel in Anaheim Oct. 1-3. I Gen. J . Lawton IColllna, dlvilion commander i n the Guadalcanal campalp and U.S. Anny Chief of Staff dUl'lng the Korea years, la the honorary president of the a.oclatlon. Amona the gueeta at I the reunion will be Lt. l General Stanley R. Lanen, a regimental 1 c ommander ln t he PbllipP.nm, now retired in San Frandaco. For info rmation, contact William M . Frenc h at 22022 !'.splendor, MJallon Viejo ~91. Fee pay order OAKLAND (AP) - ~)'_must pay tnor'e than '20(),000 ln fea to a law firm tha t aucc:iemfully challenged a campalp-contrlbutlon law u uncomtltudonal. ....... .... .... 'nit ........ ~lwlila -•• •·1•••-old law barrl•I ~ta.onU..-.Ola ~·•oa··Jd' related haadleep or ""'*8ftYt9:A Jt .... * ..... ..... t • ..,,... -eYm • ealntWa °' =: thM, , Ma. INdlib WM '~ or dllablM ta_ aay manner. J\adp Joha MacPbail .,.,., .• CUTEX ., .... ...... Atsortld Fonnutaa. 9;TJf1 .. Biby IOft. blby H ie CALDECORT llll'lll C.---. For r•ltf of ltctllnt. flsMI, I~ irrltltlOM. %0L 1.49 ...__. WET WIPES --~ Moist pop.up towelettes. ~ ~ •. 1.49 MYADEC -POTDCY wr.-s OittlfY supplement ror 1dutts. GREAT T ·f AL FRY PANS ..,.. 3.99 •NIB·• aav•eo• , ..... MAXITHINS ..,.. 4.991rm1m• M•8MlaWT1,1tm SIHll Cll ... fl , ..... b••• AT MO ClfAW TO YOU. PABST RUE .... 1111 ltMa) .. ,.. COOKIES ·~--a. :::m-= 119 :=-:... ..... ,.. ae.11 • IA. sav••t.oo IONUI PAK MEMOREX ... CAlllTTt TIPU •i§!lh,_ DOWNY , .. ..,.aa For aofter. frllMf. wtllter clothte. MOZ. 1.89 I oz. 1.59 • •• 2.39 .. ,.,,,,,1) TINACTIN Ill.NIU&. Kills a!Hete's foot 1\111111. . is ... 2.49 •11116·1 24 TMlets TYLENOL mu,......, .,....,.., l•CAPIUl.D ' . ' -............. . "TVLENQ . ..... - And too devastadng to ignore. Beyond the Immediate mental and physical su.lfering that abused chJldten endure, there is evi- dence that many chUdten never outgrow the effects of that abuse. StaUstlcs show that an abused childhood can affect a person's entire life. Many teenage drug addicts and teenage proetitutcs report being abused as children. So do many Juvenile dclln- qucnta and adult criminals. The fact Is, a large percentaac ol many American social problems stems dlrcctly from chlkt abuse. Yet child abuse can be prevented. The National Committee for Prevention of Child Abuse Is a private charitable orpnizatlon that knows how to prevent chlld abuse. But we need your help to do It. We need money. We need volunteers. Take the ftrst step toward pre· venting child abuse. Send us your chcdc today. Or write for our booklet. Because if we don't ail stan somewbcrc, we won't get anywhere. & N1tton11 Commttt11 tor .. Prevention of CMld AMI Help us get to the heart Of ttie ~ Write: Prevent Child Abuse, Box 2866, Chlcqo, U1lnola 60690. toolrbolden 10 pt IS.B mlllloll IAJf IUOO ~) -A fed9nl ~~ot"lt~&1:: B'fT Ou and &lectrlc Co~ -• "den, tii ~' of • lult .. , --tM ""1:ity °' ~. ... Wtti • KoUlilOn oU brQMr>. ,..... .Wt Wll toed ~ a New York -...--on bebalf Ot l~ whO Own.d etock ~-a. ~-~· hlid *' purche9iid ma Nov. l, 1879. u.s. Deltnd Court Judft Howard 8 . Turrentine approved the MUlement, hacth1dln1 iaterHt ~ta k> the pleqlUffl from April 11 the date they aareecl to the payment, throu1b eomettme next month, whn the ll)OMY 11 handed over. It will take until 1983 f« all the award to be dl1triln&ted to th• ~ 'Me are Pd that llail chapW ln .... hllWY iii cha ~y ta behind •".1aA&d '8JXJalS 1pc+.enan Nchard ~ Ttiit ~' Mid that Sl)(HdC Md dlven.d 2.4 mulion banltll of f\iel oU which It didn't need ..... had DO room to l&ore to ~ Unit.eel Petrolewn Dtltttbudoe IDc, But an equivalent MDOUDt of. oil - worth more than PG m1lUon -wa not retu.med to the uUUty. Th• 1taie Public UUlltlH Commlulon bu a1r:,i3~ordered SDG&E '° pay a f'.4 penalty to cu1tomer1 becau1e of it• "Imprudent behaVlor" in not check1na the oil deeler'1 c:ndh. 28 Years Experience Manufacturing Quality Shutters FINEST QUALITY SHUrrERS'AVAILABLE ON THE MARKET TODAY ••• AT FACTORY DIRECT PRICES! can (714) 548-41841 or548-1717 HBIWOOI MANUFACTllY 19n Plaoentia Avenue • Costa Mesa. CA '1Sl7 OXYOOL ,1~DASH 6 LAUNDRY 699 DETERGENT ................ 211 CZ. Box ~DAWN I> DISH "'67 DETERGENT L- ················· .48 oz. 8tl. ~~.~.~~~~~.T. .. 49 en. so~ 2°3 I DASH LAUNDRY ~~!~~?~~oz eox 351 Ir BOLO DETERGENT 697 Laundry . .. . . . 171 Oz. BOX COMET POWDER CLEANSER 44 ................... 140z.can • r BOLO LAUNDRY ~~!~~?~~~ OL Box 349 I DAWN DISH . ~~!~~?~~!n oz. Btt 127 Al'Wlf191•1h ROME COMP ANION -Arthur McD>upD, 88, take. hl1 French poodle, "Jacque", 15 yean ol~, for wheelchair ride at Romie Lane Convale1cent Hoapital in Salinas. McDougall refu1ed to enter the ho1pltal without the dog IO "Jacque" ~ a private room with his muter. Parents ·to get schoOI survey Parenti in the Huntington Beach City (elementary) School Distr ict soon will have a chance to say what they think the local 8Chools should be doing. A parent attitude survey will be mailed next month to 20 percent of the district'• parents. 'Ibe survey will seek opinions on discipline, baalc • subjects, report cards, homework, acience, health and other oonunenta. It will mark the first time in five ye.a.rs that a survey has been taken. Katherine Bruhn, a district administrative a!Wstant. said the datrict will be atiempting to find out how best to serve the children and community. The survey was developed by Superintendent Lawrence Kemper and his assistants. It is designed to ensure the anonymity of respondents The 10 achoola in the district are expected to have an enrollment of about 6,000 when school ppens next month. SF zoo gets $1 million l SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -The San Francisco I Zoo has received a $1 million grant from the ' William Randolph Hearst Foundation toward a $6 milllon primate center being built. • The gift brought the construction fund to $3.b million . let Scandia Down-help you choose the perleci g1tt IOI' the bode As In the airopeen tradition. make YOUf choice a bfatime investment 1n quality Choose a Sqlndla ~ COIOIA IB IUI 2156 E. Cout HWJ. T2MfU UCUIA llACI comforter and fashion ~ aemble. Now IOI' a hmrted time we have lmpcwted European 1~ cotton ahHtcau ensefl'lbles ON SAl.E. GNe • gift made lor memories Um!* Tt ~On Mend "Your l.Mal OOW'N £1.pttll~ August ~a.le 15 to 25% Off t AltllJO ~~\\iDEBS Sll~pl~ ~I• Ifie c:Oordlutlon ol ~ d«ontln bardwan ,.,,..yo11r proj«t. Flillllwd ll•l"flWlin ,.,,.: SAT. SUN., MON. ~·. 3 DAYS ONLY . . .. CELEBRATING OUR NEWEST STORE IN LAGUNA HILLS .. , . ' Beautiful New SCHAFER & SO SPINET -PIANOS Mediterranean Oak, French Provlnci~I Pecan, ·1talian Provincial Walnut ALL FOR ONLY <·. , · · /=:~-. · · s1395oo ; ~ • 1 THIS SALE ONLY . ' Includes FREE Bench, FREE De- livery, Lifetime Guarantee exclud- Sillilar to lll1Stratio1 ing tuning. lleautlful New 9CHAFER a SONI 5'11" AU FOR ONLY s3995oo THIS SAl..E ONLY lncfudes FREE Bench, FREE De- livery, Lifetime Guarantee exclud- ing tuning. NEW 52" Artist Pianos for the Moat Dia-THE FANTASTIC ALL NEW GULBRANSEN CUPRiGHT· PIANOS ·. COMPUTER KEYBO~~~ Hand rubbed Hi Gloss Ebony, and Mahogany ...,_- Sl•llar to lllutr1t101. ALL FOR ONLY s2295oo THIS SALE ONLY Includes FREE Bench, FREE De- livery, Lifetime Guarantee exclud- ing tuning. Good USED Trade-Ins GRAND PIANOS SPECIALLY PRICED FOR THIS SALE ONLY ' AS SEEN ON TV s2495oo MODEL 120 Includes FREE Bench and Oe-Si•ilar to llllStratioa. livery. · Good USED Trade-Ins PRACTICE PIANOS llew PLAYER PIANOS FS149500 $!;9500 $299500 lncludM FREE Delfvefy, Includes FREE bench, FREE Includes FREE delivery, FREE FREE Bench. 1 yr. Guarantee. 2 detlvery. 2 yr. full trad•up bench, and rotls. 1 yr. yr. full trade-up priVllege. prtytlege. Guarantee. lAMIRADA The Classic Professional RODGERS ORGANS 32 Pedals. The ultimate in Church or Home. I . s759500 Si111li.r to lllustratiH Good USED Trad•lns THIS SALE ONLY Includes FREE Bench and De- livery. SPINET & CONSOLE ORGANS ~~ .. '-FROM Sl•llar to llllStratiOI s59500 FREE Bench, FREE Dellvery, FREE.group 1M1ona In etcn. NEW PIANO ROLLS '250 EA. AE~ STORES ON THE FREEWAYS EASY OF.F RAMPS • I • TERMS On Approved Criidlt 5 FREEWAY BETWEEN KNOT/ARTESIA AND VALLEY VIEW EXITS ON FIRESTONE NEWPORT FREEWAY EXIT DYER RO. IN SANTA ANA IN LA MIRADA (714) 111-2124 ' ~ . l ~ I I John Seymour. former AJi•h\!rD Jn•Jor and Oranae County 1 newe1t 1tate aenator, may have 1ummed it up pretty well when he aua-ted that too many oraantrattona are competing to charl the county'• futut'e transportation policy. • Many orpnlr.attona there are. 'fh~re 1• the Oranae County 'franaportatlon Commi11ion, a atate-uea~ ~·aupported body, made up of two county au~rviaora, two clty councilmen and a fifth at-large member. r There is also the Orange County Transportation Coalition bf 52 firms, including major ~mployers like Paci.fie Mutual and µte Irvine c.ompany. ~ There are other forces -the unty Board of Superviaors, the unty's 26 cities, the chambers of mmerce. Seymour, remarking on the arious forces at play, sai~ that eveloping a unified position on range C~nty transportation atters could prove impossible nless some middle ground is ound among their respective tions. Seymour's comments. eertainly proved prophetic. He made them only three days before a legislative bill to allow a vot.e of citi7.ens on county transportation funding was scuttled by ita author, Assemblyman Richard Robinson, D-Santa Ana. The measure would have ~nnitted an election in which unty voters would have decided hether or not to increase the sales tax to finance transportation improvements. · Robinson submitted the bill at the request of the Transportation Coalition. Everything seemed fine as the bill moved through the state Assembly. It was passed out and ¥nt to the state Senate. . Then the going got tough. The coalition with backing from me transportation commission sought to delete language that would require the measure be decided by a two-thirds vote. They -¥anted a maprity of the voters to decide the issue. That rankled, among others, Bruce Nestande, chairman of the q0unty Board of Supervisors. Nestande also said he didn't want the transportation commission - an appointed body -levying taxes. He said only elective bodies 8"tould have taxing power. N e s ta n d e , a f.o r m er ....m~. broupt RoblnlOft around to hla way of thlnklftl. Both oftioiala aid tbey would aoly support the bW and the majority vote provlalon lf othera would acree to a change 1n the 1trUcture of the tranportation commilllon. Neatande and Robinson proposed an 11-member c-ommlssion made up of all members of the county board of supervlaora, five city representatives and one public member. Representatives of the cities oppoeed this change. They viewed it u a power grao -a move by Nestande and Robinso!\ to give Qle county Board of Supervisors control over t~e transportation oommission. , 1 Also upset wer~ the two county supervisors who serve on the transportation commi.ssiori - Thomas Riley and Ralph Clark. By the day the bill was scheduled to be considered by the Senate Transpo rta tion Committee, it was a foregone conclusion the measure was dead. There simply was no consensus on what fonn the bill should take. An angry Robinson accused the Transportation Coalition members, with the exception of the FJuor Corp., of acting irresponsibly and accused the cities of being paranoid. Then he killed the bill. · In the sum, Orange County's transportation measure appears to be dead for this session of the California ~ture. We commented earlier in this space that even it the penny sales tax plan had gone to Orange County voters, it might have faced grave difficulties in achieving approval in these economic times. ' By going to the vote , however, it at least would have given our elected leaders a yardstick by which to measure how seriously the citizens oonsider Orange County's need for improved transportation facilities. Chances are there will be another push next year to pass a measure placing a transportation taX before our county voters. For the bill to clear the Legislature, it will be necessacy for considerable compromise and a unanimous front on the part of all of Orange County's leadership on th e transportation ~ue. Unfortunately, that unanimity of approach does n ot exist today. Brighter tomorrows? Perhaps there is a brighter future in sight for Orange County building, housing and job opportunities after the county planning commission this week gave preliminary approval for construction of a new community on Rancho Mission Vie)>. • Known as Plano Trabuco, the project is ambitious to almost ilwesome proportions. It calls for a high-rise employment center, }\omes for 53,000 residents, and expanded freeway access. R ancho Mission Viejo planners have ~ted the new cornmuruty could be under way as early as 1984. They believe it would take 23 years to complete the planned community. Certainly there are environmental and density cautions to be exercised when the Orange County Board of Supervisors begins consideration of the project on Sept. 2. I · Yet in these economic times, it is pleasing to see that there remains a strong faith in Orange County's economic viability in the future. ~rystal Cove 01oves ahead r Throurh the good offices of Assemb ywoman Marian Bergeson, R -Newport Beach, it !\ow appears that some state ~ will get under way for CrystaC Cove State Beach Park between Laguna Beach and qorona del Mar. Gov. Edmund G. Brown, Jr. posed Mrs. Bergeson'• plan for the state to spend million armually on the k he next 20 years. ~, ijowever, it appears that a promise has been reached that at least allocate $5 million for orldng drawings, construction of trooms, a visitors center and • some parking. While final eannark:ing of the $5 million is not a certainty, because the Legislature has been known to blow hot and then cold on the Crystal Cove project, there should be some increased optimism, based on M rs. Bergeson's hard work i1' Sacramento. Because of the increasing popularity of Crystal Cove with the beach-going citizenry, and the attendant congestion created, atate planners should put heavy emphasl.s on safety elements both on tlae highway and the beachfront. pinions expressed In the space above are those of the Dally Pilot. Otner views ex· essed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is lnvlt· • Address The Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (7U) 2·4J21. Thomas P. Haley Pub II sher Thomas A. MUrplaln• Editor Barbara Krelblctt EdltorlaJ Page Editor. Letters to the editor On Canyon / road danger To the F.ditor: Ordinarily I do not complain and I do not write letters. There are aeveral points on our Laguna Canyon ~d, however, that still should be gone over from a different standpoint. It hasn't been a year since the road from El Toro Road on out to the San Diego Freeway has been improved, anJ widened to include two extra paaa~ lanes hopefully to gain greater safety for all. The moat recent work saw many varied public reactions which were published thN the media, however, the most daily reaction is actually how the public uaes the Laguna <.:anyon Road in and outbound! I SET UP RESIDENCE in Laguna Beach back in 1967, and I boUibt the present property and home here in 1974. This is the only place to live in peace. quiet and beauty, even though my business takes me up through Santa Ana and Fullerton daily, and 1 have to navigate the "canyon road" every day of ~e week. In or outbound, I simply hold my patience and pray that everyone on the road makes it along in aaleiy. AlJ a fonner long-time police officer and a professional driver, I am appalled at the atrocious exhibition of vehicle operation that I see each day! A MORE OPEN e~ple of wanton aelfishneal you will never eee. Since the latest addition of the third lane in the two areas, we have still had head-on collisions and lives have been needlessly lOl9t. The chief problem that now exista, that which leads to actual head-0ns and near-misses, is stemming from the signing of the road. The motorist entering the widened area is instructed • either "Slower Traffic-Keep Right", or "P~ Lane Ahead". Neither of theee seem to register on the bulk of our motoring public. THE GREATEST PERCENTAGE on approaching either end of the "passmg 1.0ne" veer to the left, as though . taught when operating a motor vehicle, to keep the front left wheel on the double yellow line! There they remain, and quite a few at a a1ow speed, so that the only way to attain the maximum lawful speed ia to overtake the vehicle and pass on the right. There is a universal rule of the road that at.ates -Keep to the Right. THE TWO AREAS that are widened for passing lanes also serve as safeiy buffers -if everyone would carefully obaerve -so that any vehicle that tends to stray over the 1me ln meet instances, would be in an open area. The large number who do overtake and~ another vehicle, simply remain in the center lane until it narnrws, rathu than to pull back over to the n,cht. For great.er understanding, the signs should read-''Cent.er Lane f<W Puslna Only" and large white arrows lJ> the center Jane at intervals, ahould point angularly to the right. Much aimpler marking, and much greater results! Our Automobile Club of Southem California employe a group of traffic engineers and conaurtante who are available to dilcu.ll many a highway or urban traffic problem. I DARESAY THAT they have never been conawted on the canyon told, at leMt not lately, for much of th1' traffic~(?) bu been lett up to our e>CP,trta from Caltrana! Until pr0per lip lnatruc:tlon (and followup 1rom law-enforcement) le lmplermmed the i...,una Can.yon Rold wW continue to be a aamble to all who travel from LMuM Beach to the San Dlefo ~Th either dlredlon! It ta ., clme to being workable in lta pnleftt oondltioft, yet \W c:an•t .. ihe tcre.t for the treelf .. ww .... ~~~ tab .... a.ct~ ...... -;c • ..., Yau will .. a.9 ~.....-ii fiPt ~r ..... ll'RANX L. MAC Clt&ARY MAILBOX · Ever backwards To the Editor: The political movements oi t.oday have lost their aenae of direction. The Libertarians want to take America back to the com plete individualism and cha06 of the Stone Allfhe Reagan Administration, with its "new feudaliam", wants to take America bllclt to the bl.las of eerfdom, lQrdahip and rule by force; the bliss of freedom from government intervention. The Neo-C.onaervativea want to take America badt to "the good old days" when the reward for infidelity was a scarlet letter and the penalty for not haying a job was not havinJ food. Progress is not regreaa1ng to times when each individual had the freedom to fall at his own oost or succeed at the oost of another. Progress ls striving towards a time when we can all succeed at the cost of no one and for the gain of everyone. When will people r:ealize that we must learn from history, not try to NH:reate it. STEVEN A. CANCIAN Bowled over To the Editor: We at the Laguna Beach Lawn Bowling Club enjoyed the Daily Pilot's remarks (Aug. 3) about lawn bowling, otherwise known as bowling on the green. We all know that it i.a a slow and ex.acting game. But most enjoyable when you get•the hang of it. Please one day, tell your earnest readers to venture down to our greens. The lessons are for free and there are nice gals and guys. Often the gals win the cups. We welcome new members. Compared to yachts and golf, it's a bargain. We charge 50 cents a day to bowl. Can you beat that? R. ELLIOTT DA VIS .Bridge passable To the Editor: Today, as I drove over•our impressive Coast Highway Newport Bay Bridge, I whispered my usual thank you to all the forces which had combined to make it poaible. To glide acroea town .at 5 p.m. during the peak of vacation season is a tribute to th1a ~ feat. No longer does the clock or the eeason govern when one can travene the town. I uae the word town because the bridge has renored the unifying tnaredlent that identifies a town. 1th.e above were my "happy asphalt thoughts" when it occurred to me that I have not read many letters praising this new structure. During pre-new bridge daya, one could expect at least one disgruntled letter per week. I know I speak for every citlren whoee life baa been facilitated by it U few have written, lt ts perhap11 that without traffic marls, there is no time to ait and think about it. Sign me ~-app~tive driver. KATHERINE K. BAZAc;:AS Some corrections Alliance supports controlled I development under the clty'a fonnal general plan -we don't consider ourselves as "no growth or limited growth advocates": 3) We have no objection to the liR of · the developer's project -only ita impact · on our lives: 0 WE ARE GRATEFUL for the democratic referendum proce91 which . allows the resident voter the opportunity : 1 to approve or diaapprove t.hia mulive project before concrete la poured - a council decision which radiCally ch.angies our city's general plan zoning towards high density commercial industrial development, and away from low density, residential/recreation growth. The Beeco 75-acre development will create a drastic lncrea9e ln (1) traffic, (2) noiae, (3) pollution, (4) drainage, (5) city services expense and (6) airport dernipwl. What may ~ of greater concern is the potential Beeco uae of the rema1n4er of ita adjacent MO acres of county bluffland over which the city will have no control once aocess to Pacific Coast Highway la provided by this project. The qualification of the Beeco Referendum ia ample proof of Newport residents' 1erious concern about the I\ n egative impact of this huge development, and the direction belna taken by the current Council ~~.:I Chairman, Re~;~~HNeon!i~: I Rammed again To the Editor: I think 1our sports writers are the ones who have a problem with the Rama quarterbacks -not the Rama. FRANCIS DONNELLY Laguna flayed To the Editor: Your town of Laguna Beach is no place to bring children. While picnicking on Cliff Drive at the picnic tables near the restroo~. we noticed a continuing parade of young men, in pairs and single. Not being used to deviant behavior, it took awhile to recognize what was goin8 on, Your restroom loca ted at 1 approximately 500 Cliff Drive la a meeting place for silent individual homosexuals who stand at the rail, meet another of their ilk. go into the restroom and leave together. What a sickening tragedy. And they say it's not a mental illnesa. rve got news for them. ALEX MICHAELS Claremont Some dry humor To the Editor: I just read in the pa~ the other day where Oranste Couniy s official can are going to start getting fueled with . methanol. Isn't tha\ what we used to call., in the old dayll "Alky?" If it is, l guem that could be when the OOUflty worken 8'.Y they're Fina to &et gassed, they really mean it. WW they start bu.ildlJll legal aUila 1n the county praae now? They're gotns to have to add eome1hing else to the County Seal on the alde of county cars. That will be a revenue stamp. ALKY JO&' To the lldlior: The Pilot'• July 1~ lead editorial on the Beeco Referendum needs aome cornectina. Bad thoughts To the 'Editor: I came to a reallr.adon this mominl which made me f4Ml betts and ~ wOl'le. Wbeb ww m ata111i Premdent Reapn won't push the bUtton.; he'll be 1') The City Council majority'• compl'OD\We plan induct. 400,000, not , 300,000 a~4t-feet of commercial/ lnduatrlal ~t. (corn~ to one and a half t1nMI the equare t-. on vacaaon. -& ... -& .. .r STEVENA.~1 tn the Fluor 12~1tory headquarters bu1Jdlna for this low demi$)', rellldentlal roned area): a projac\ which wW lncreue 1 dail~ hour traffic by C1W!r 2,000 w an alrel4Y ovtrloed.ed Pad& CAut Hiahway and Newpo11 ~. 2) The W"l N•wport Le1talatJve • L1U1rt /rom ,.,""-r• Gl'I wlc:omt. T,.. right to concUnft ltlt.r• to µt ~ or 11im•notf ttbtt. it rett1Wd, Lcftn1 o/ JOO word• or ''" Will b« gf"" pr~mw:t. AU ltUtra muat tncludf ttf'Mllurt Giid MldUflg addrtn '*' Mme. maw i. wkMdd °" ,... q"''' If •uflicient rea1on ft appGNftl. PHcrv wW "°"bf pubbfMd. lAftm f"'9 bt ltl~ lo .. 2.-Nam• ciil ~ """'"' .., '"' c:Olllnhlor '"..., IJil ~ tOr utn~ton J*rpc>MI. • •HOM>ICOP! - • She SR}'S al1mon:y makes women dependent Dlill ANN LANDaaa: 1 would Uk• to .......--llDd ~ aiavtailld me that I could Dau1hton-ln·law who are nasty t4' their !IJMl!M'MDt on yuw-,.,. DN1 to 1'Y.wn, Foul." the do • lot better without.-~ and I did. -hulband'J ,...,,_ are kooka. Nothtaa WW~ ...-d wti. who Wt albDcmy w a r.cket. You BLOOMING IN BLOOMINunm them. That 3,000-mlle buffer ii a &OdMnd. 'Ibey laid It •• .. the hJah con ot lNviftl." There•• lhould be thankful tor It. We llw fOO mu. from ~ tkle. our kook and talk to OW' llOD on the telephone What II the w;c=:n meanie from the DEAR BLOOlls ~-MWI ,.. .U ... .,... lia frequently. It SUN bea~ putttnc up with hll wtte•a woman who coli.eta ~ Ia ahe not -~"I UM .... llq. Widell 11 ....., ........ 1"11• _., lmWta. Ute ii We> abGrt to let others ruin~ J• die Nier ·--.... llii' .. -.... ~ • Iden BetW heae in Buffalo than am ~ton you. like an~ c . I f..Uy,HYerwerW•_...IM .... _..llll• ~ yean. to . r . cannot IDlllce it without a man. I am not., brfaht or tldlll' Or. ID8JM Mr ...... II ~· ._.. 1111 Ill L.A. -~ PROBLJ:M IN LARAMIE • competmlt • a male0 ? We mi&ht u well put all sllrowa Ht ••• sl•n •• flauelal a11latue• divorced wom,n on welfare. It la equally tlmlll.J MeaW Mr ........ llu MeW•• lie wall ~w to thelr .it-esteem. ... -.. wUe er NO Wdtt WMt MMI tM-... I hope all llplit « splittinc,Jemalm will dwell WM,., w ..... ,. ..,..... law.--er •..aeal IM1oully on what I am saytna. Remembet, your icMOI luteM of MntUT T--. .... wemte M9't ctauahten are watclllng. __. ......_, Ud ...,_. It, .. , let'• ,._ tt: .. , When divorced women atop thinklna of lf 1 u fenuate a1 -ud I Be Jalr themselves .. 1econd-cla11 citizens, 10 will ~~~r e • ,__ . • DEAR ANN LANDERS: I'd like to aay a word In defenN of the worker who tumt out sub· ltandard merchandl.le. I am ashamed of the ~uallty of the piecel that come off the line but I cant help it. everyone elle. I n>eak from experience, Ann. My husband left me 'for another woman. I told him I wanted a clean break and NO ALIMONY. He · decided not to marry the woman after all and wanted me back. l aakl, "No thank you." Time, Punch 8ANX ._...,.,_..., ... "Y ... lir, we try our best to keep them In their natural habitat." .T. rou1 HfAlTH DR. PETER J . STEINCROHN 1 His symptoms show 'status' DEAR DR. STEINCROBN: I uve a pecaliar aele wlto It pread of Ilia lllaes1es. YCMI mlpt call lalm a walttal eaeyeloped.la of complal.Dtt. He 11 $ and abo.t H years ago. after 1affer1D1 from 1tomada 1ymptom1 for yean, Ill• eondltio• was at last 4lapoted as ucer of tbe 1tomacll. Wotlld yo• believe be was 11.aDDy aboat It? "AcconUaa to wllat I., ... be taf4. "alcer 11 a bad1e of lll(!eell. Everyoee ep't set u lllcer." After tUt, fer yean. be lwt severe lteadadla. Be was always popping upirlll tablets. ODe day Ill• Meter made a dlapotb of mla:nlne. 'nat made ldm UppJ. "I've been readla1," lie said "tllat most aalp1dae nHeren are people wltll a Mp degree of lateWgace." ·. LUt mondl be received a dlapo1l1 daat made lalm really prod. Tiie paln In lilt knee was ~u1oat. "'ftat't for me," be tald. "Everyone bows tlaat tills 11 a disease reserved for kings and t8Cefttfal ezentlves." Wllat Hrprltet me lt tbat be 1eem1 10 Mllesoplllcal &beat lllt lllaettet. Never complal.Dt. WUt dO JCMI WU of a cUr&cter like tllat'? -MR. J. DEAR MR. J .: ru repeat the old line: "People are funny." Most paUenta require narcotics to relieve their pei.na and eedaUves to quiet their nerves when they are W. It aeemt that your uncle's pride is sufficient to keep him physically and emotionally comfortable. I wouldn't want to spoil it all by saying that anyone can get an ulcer, successful or not; suffer from migraine, intelligent or not; and have attacks of gout, whether kingly or a commoner. DEAR DR. STEINCROBN: Wbat 11 tbe dUfermce becweea Javmlle dlabetes and tbe a1ul lJPe of dte dlteatef -MS. O. V DEAR MRS. 0 .: The juvenile type may develop at any time between infancy and the late 20. or 30.. The juvenile type usually requires treatment with lnsulin. In the mature ty)>e, beginning in middle or late yean. I have known many patients who controlled their dlabeta adequately without taking lnaulin - proper diet and control oi excea weight were ettective. Dr. Stttlncrobn welcome• queatlona from l'Mden. Ir. cannot W1ftr all bxllvldwilly but will Include Clx.e of feMZ'al Interest In h.ts column. Send .)'VUr ~ to hbn. In CAN of,tbe Daily Pilot, P.O. Box lMIO, a.ta Mea, CaJJI. 13628. DEAR ANN LANDERS: Your aclvtce to the soon-to-be-retired couple in Buffalo wu wrong. They were the ones with the spiteful. c.automia- bued daughter-in-law who ueated them like dirt. All efforts to be friendly fell flat. Their IOI'\ wanted his folka to move to the West Cout, where the weather Is better, but his mo~ wu worried about being so cloee to that miserable alrl. You aaid, "Move and make your own friends. You don't have to be chwnrny with the witch." I work in a tire company in Oklahoma. U we don't produce all that la required (called rate) we are thlpped to another department. I work hard but I know I am not turning out the best tire pomlble becau.e the company keep1 rall1ng the rate. I worked in Kanaaa City before th1a job and It WU the same story the~. So don't blame UI. -ONE OF MANY Austerity all the way COULD ANYONE aa famous aa Mother Teresa come to San Franct.co withoUt attracting attention? The answer is yes. Early in June, u the med.la reported at the time, the Nobel Priz.e..winning nun, renowned for her work amona the poor of lndla. came here from Calcutta to speak at St. Mary'a Cathedral While in town, "the aalnt of the atreetl .. toured the poor aectiona and decided "I could do some good work here, too." ~ HERB MEN In late July, without fanfare, Mother Teresa returned for a few days to take over the vacant convent of St. Paul's Church, on 29th St., and tum it into a novitiate to help our own destitute. OUR MAN IN SAN FRANCISCO She has eent 10 nuns here to fW\ the place. DOUG LOONEY CRACKED up Jerry D. And, typically, one of her first acia was to ltrlp ~ old convent of its creeture comforts, from the red carpets to the private bedrooma, and turn the library into a dormitory. With Mother Teresa. it Is austerity all the way. Lewis with th1a line about one of our duller llOdal heavies: "She underwent the only 1ucceaaful ·charisma bypass." Coup de grace from Suzy Strauaa: 0 Not only that. lhe has a black belt in boredom" . . . C.erta1n nitpickers claim I'm showing my ase by writing about "ba~ suits .. when the more current term is "awim auita.' Jeepen l::reepers, doesn't anybody go bathing any more? CAENDID CAMERA: A Meter Maid pulling into a apace with an expired meter on Irving between 21at and 22nd and sauntered into a nearby Ito.re for a spot of lhoppina . . . Spotted by Dee Vinton at t&e Iron Pot the other night: Claude Raymond. the Montreal Expos' spon.caat.er, lining up with the ...i of the fans to get Joe DlMaak>'• autograph . . . Big Builder Al Willey, at the controla of h1a helicopter, bu.zzina Mildred Pien:e'a, the 1nfonnal eating place near Levi Plaza, which wu celebrating ita new liquor lloerwe and dinner Rl'Vice; among the tint-nighters: Mary Martin, Gerson Bakar, Novelilt Ernie Gann. POINTING TO A SMALL undistinguished building in Civic Center, a Japaneee visitor asked Jack Noreen: "How can you have 1101Dethhlg 11.ke that in .uch splendid IUl'l"OUndlnp? Don't you have a Planninl Commi.Nion?" Jack: "That IS the Planntna CCmm1amion! .. ADD INFINITEMS: Alan Fiaher. the Bing Crosby factotum who Is now buttlJ.na for the Prince and Pr1noesa of Wales, denEi' printed reports that he "curled his lip" over Croeby's recent auction of Bina'• things: "She · always remain to me what she amusingly said I tried to make of her -real lady!" I· LIVING IN DREAD: When someone aay1 cheerily, "No problem!". you know your problems are about to be8in (rec.')'cled thouaht), but that'• not the only portentous phrue. A few others: "You can't mill it. Go to the first atop ttgn and hang a right." "You won't need novoca1ne for th1a -it won't hurt." "That•• not poi.on oak. There's no poison oak around for MILES." "Thia la a conflrmaUon -the compact Japane911 car you have requested will be waiting for you at Santa Barbara Airport." "You have at.olutely nothing to worry about -your bags are on the very next fliaht.'' GOIEll ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF Neither vulnerable. South deals. NORTH +K85 I;? It 10873 ¢ 84 •&o WEST EAST +Q914 +Jl01 1;?Vokt 1;?Q95 0 Q10152 0 J96 •Q972 •AJI05 SOUTH +A32 7 AH42 O AKS +se The bidding: South Wut Nortll Ealt 1 1;:;i Pat1 4 I;? Pad Pad PH1 Opening lead: Five of 0. The leading French bridge magaz.ioe Is "Le Bridgeur," edited and publiahed in Paris by French internationaliat Jean-Paul Meyer. This leaaon in technique. which appeared in "Le Brldgeur." wa1 con· trlbuted by Robert Berthe. The contract or four heart.I Is normal. After W eat leads a low diamond. obviously there la no problem iJ trumpt break 2·1. Declarer, at wont, will lose two club tricks and a spade. How should declarer tackle trumps? West. la the danger hand, and he should be kept. off lead If possible. Therefore, declarer should play the ace or hearta from hand. If trumps break or 11 West has all three trumps. the contract ii home. But what if Eut t.urns up with three trumps? It seems u if declarer will have to rely on finding the ace of clubs with West. If he could strip out spades and diamonds while keeping West off lead, he could assure the contract by fir1t atrlpping the hand and then givlnr Eut hia trump trick, forcing either a ruff.and·slufi or a lead up t.o the king of clubs. But ii It pouible to achieve that poaltion? Y ... It lal Follow with t.he ei1ht of diamonds from dum· my at trick one and, when Eut plays the jack. allow him to win the trick! Best.. defense is t.o shift to a spade. Win the king. cash the ace-king of trumps and the ace-king of diamonds, discard· Ing a spade from dummy. Now cash the ace of spades and ruff your last spade In dummy. and you are home. If East can overruff. he is end played. If he does not rurr. you simply present him with his trump trick, and he wHI not enjoy being on lead. Whichever route he chooses. one of your club losers wlJI disappear, and you will make the contract since you will lost only one trump trick, one diamondUI and one club. Have yoa he• r1lll.8bic l•te de•ltle tre•W.? Let Claarle1 Gero M .. ,_. llad , ..... ., .......... tlae .... ef DOUBLES tw ,_.au.. wtw&.ak...n.Pwa-.,ef 11119 DOUBLES 11ee1rJet. ... t SI.II te -0..•0..W... .. can el dde .. ,,.,....,P.O. ha Ut, Nerwe.4, N.J . 07148 .......... ,.,. .... teNew1 ....... 11ka. ook about Bing no attack on dear dad Q: ..._.,, wt .... , a "Moaml• Dearett," .,,_el Mell MW ~wrtu. -.t Blq er::'J ..,, ....... _., ......... write .. ....._ m. n1 IUD ft • ..... Wmtelf? -a.usou.J' ........ A:. tt•1 Dine'• aon. Gery. who'• wrt=book illout bll fatbir. And tt.e ln the lmlat it d DOt be matt.ck an dear oW dad. But who .......... tbr01 frmn ,.... all the rvtten wrta.n about Joa O.wbclb)' ... 8dopted :'°tit Cbrtldna. .,. looldna fcwward lo WI ...... m.h. can.d-"Bbut• Boy: An lattmate Memoir:• It will H pul>llahed by DiNbleday. (In our book. the late. p-eat Bfn1 · ... PllSOllAlln Q.&A • BY MARILYN ANO HY GARONER \ ) ----------..... ----------' l DEAR ONE: nub for a voice fnm LU.r~ Are '" u. ....... Muasem•t? n> you lee/ •wkward, aell~ -lomlyf. Welcome to the club. 77Jere'• Mlp /or~ In ~ l.Anden' booklet, "The Key to Popu.11111ty." &nd 6' centa with your request and a lOIJ/I, •taml'tld, .u~ addr~ envelope to Ann Landen, P.O. Bo%! 1199$, Chi~, DI. 60611. l POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT ONE' THl~G LEADS TO ANOTHER._. -OR IS THAT THE BAD NEWS'? HOIOSCOl'I BY SIDNEY OMARA T .. nday, Aqut U ~(March 21-April 19): You're on brink~ ~r diacovery. You'll obtain needed fund.in . You'll a1ao locate it.em that had been among ml8sing. ~ i TAURUS (Aprll 20-May 20): Study Aries message for valid hint. Cycle high and you could diacover real estate bargain. Family reunion 1' indicated and scrumptious dinner could bt, featured. 1. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Look behind' ecenea, protect teU from individual who feela y~ abould give up something of value for nothing. Y<M.l could become center of controversy -aome defd your idea while others attack them aa result of. being envious. -h CANCER (June 21-July 22): Focus ~ lntenaifled relationship, production, definition o , desires and a favorable businem or career repo . LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Focua on responaibWti,1 pre91W'e, challenge and career advancement. You'U' finish one phue of activity and begin another ~ revi9e routines, review procedures and ~ techniques. ti ;I VIR~Q ~~US· 23-Sept. 22): Pre9ent orildnal material. HJghllg.tlt communication, oonfidenoe-and punult of true values. You'll have chance to be more independent, to imprint your own style and to be rid of unnecemary burden. Keep eye on Leo~ LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You can delv beneath surface indications. Material that had hidden or auppreseed will now become available. Wat.ch Cancer. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Perceive poten~_;! 1ee entire picture, leave fine points and detaila f~ another time. Public appearances are highlighted -o you win plaudits as popularity increues. s~ honor due, you could win contest. "' ) SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 31): Stick iq. routine. If persistent, you make major breakthrough and could strike pay dirt. It will ~ necessary to revise some plam and perhaps ~ rebuild on a more eolid bue. rt CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-.Tan. 19)~ Good Jun.at! aspect ooinddes with change of heart. ahakina ofb lethargy and intensified romantic situation. Member of opposite aex aids in obta.i.ning needecil material. · AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): lmporta~ domestic adjustment occurs -by makln intelligent conceaaiona, you restore harmony home front. Your position is atronser than Originally antldpated. A PISCl!'A (Feb. 19-March 20): A relative ma~ attempt to outmaneuver you. Be alert. aware antAi maintain .eruie of fitness. Another PilCell pla~ aipWcant role. J P ILES SU IT - Fonner Alabama first lady c.omeua Wallace / has filed a $7 mlllion fraud 1uit charging that her ex-huaband George Wallace interfered with her attempts to set up a (leal for a television m.ln1aerles on her life.· Crocker I to aid center The Crocker National Bank Foundation has pledged $100,000 toward the construction and endowment of the plan ned $59 million Orange County Performing Arts Center in Costa Mesa. The fou ndation gift brings announced contributions to the center to more than $22 million. offida1a said. "The bank has followed with interest the remarkable progress of the center," said Robert Correla, vice president and regional manager of Crocker Bank's south county area. "We are pleased to make this gift that will assure the finest cultural opportunities for the people who live and work in this region." When completed In 1985 the main 3,000-seat theater will be only the third in the nation capable of offering ballet, musical theater, aymphony and opera. The complex in South Coast Plaza Town Center along Bristol Street and the San Diego Freeway will a.bo be the site of a smaller 1,000-aea t theater. Music center officials plan to raise $40 million for the construction of both theaters and another $19 million for endowment purpoeea. <ftlt Y<U PHOIE.K All) BUSK$S to a tDRllG M'AltED Rn.ATM BUY TDD RENT UM UTD•EAST TO USE ';ilddt-~ e,. 2907 W. WARID, U . 12:30-5:30 662-1712/TDO tt you don't smoke, I can offer important savings on auto insurance. Claim your r-ard from: ~ Wl8ITT tmaMCE .. , Old Newpott ...... Newport lleectt, Ca. 4-· Ut-7740 ... -:~ FABERGE WHEAT GI .. Oil & HONEY IEG. ·1 1.49 YOUI (1101(( Choose shomP-oo, conditioner or creme rinse, 15·01, Save todoyl DIXATRIM D1U STIDGTll CAPSUUS IEG.S3 9 YOUI 4•2 CllOICI MISS CLAIROL CllME iOIMUU HAii COLOI IEG.•2 2.19 Choose from o selection of senso· tionol shades. Super saver special! EKCO ETERNP\ qpmmet Cutl~~Y' HEAVY DUTY ST AINlESS STEEL Now 8 l10 85 Gourmet cutlery comparable to the finest on the morketl Mode of high quality stoinleu steel that holds Its ed9e. Three rivets '9Cure full·length long to beochwood handle. Don t pou up this big buyl ... --~----~~===:s::=~--------~ MEN'S OR BOYS' OVER· THE-CALF TUBE SOCKS llG. 6.•9 PACI OF • 5 AND 6.99 6 PAii Soft and absorbent, with striped tops. MEN'S & BOYS' SPORTS SHOES llG. Sft 11.tt ~ .... /jJ·X ~ IEYLON =:ic s3 SHADOW ANCHOR HOCKING® 'MOROCCO' GLASSES 4•1 f 01 Choose 12·01. Beverage or 9·oz. Rocks. U ·OZ. COOUI •.••... 3 f., 1.11· CASIO SPOITS WATCH •9 CutEX NAil ENAMEL 'I WHAM-0 WOILD 27"x 72" VINYL 20-0UNCE GLASS LACQUEIED StllW BOIES CLASS FllSIEE All MATIIESS IAWIClt •4 'Ol lllACM • 2 & WllGMTID .. OICAlll 1'1 GUMS PAITYMUGS SOOA. MOii! IACH IWIOCHnll, • 1 IU.NT OlSIGNSI ...... ,... .. i! ...... -.... , --··..:.":" i :-.............. .. -~.:!··,··-· .. . ...... ... .. ,., ........... .. ................ Mlt.._CIC II It .... •Ill , .... ~ C.4 !Iii.., ............. . ................ 1wtl!Mlt 1.i1 ... , Ml •Ir It ( ........ , .......... .. ~ ................... .. ...-.111.w··-- KALKAN NUTllTIOUS DOG FOOD :~~·3•1,.,. EA. FOi CllOKI Choose Chunky Beef, Stew, or Liver Chunk, l '6·01. Stock up nowl DAKHAM IMPOmD CANNED su;E•S2 PllCE Ready to eat cold or heat 'n serve. Hurry while stocks lost. limit 6. LOWRIY'I DIUCIOIS lllf JlllT SUPll ·1 PllCE 2·01. gr.,t-to1ting snack. While stocks lost. limit 6 per customer. WHIATSWORTH NABISCO SNACK CIACUIS SUPEI • 1 PllCE 11 -oz. boic. Stone.ground. While stocks lost. limit 6 per customer. '°'•u. 'I NIW FRllDOM IELTUSS Ull PADS SUGAR WAfl ---------.... -------....+-----.....-.----+---------AUSTllAN mu, IY SPiii llG.•3 3.59 MAY•ILLINI OIUT USI IUSCAU 4.JS '2 Mfl'S. YALll For beovtlful laah•• ond o lon9•last· ln9 hold, lrown or"ltown/llock. .... , ...... Cll ............... .. , ..... .,,...._ ......... ' • 11111 ..... .w. ......... 7" to 9" IUST-OUUM STIAW SPIAY TllYOS PAINT !'I !.'5 HANO·WOYIN lS OUN<IJ 3-o&. While 1tock1 lost. Um it 12. ,_,AmYALUY •1'Ml ........ a~• . ., ... ~ ... , ... _ ........ . .. ..,..., ..... ~ CARLO ROlll'I ••••W.U ••• J.tt '2 l.5 Uter. Stock up your bot & aovel .,,...,. .... --Cillll .... ..... (-. ............ _ ........... c... WHITE SHELF PAPEI 'I HllNI RILllH FOi SdOWIC•S ,.,.. flllCI 211 f OI SUPEI 5 ·1 PllCE F TOii 01 CMOICI 2· 1 /8 oz. Hazelnut, lemon or Asatd. While stocks lost. Umit 1~. ~JJy Rarton'• "B&t link 1Htorelaome" and "E.T." continue to lead ibe 1ummer box office P,ce. Pase B.2. APPROACH ALL WET -Ross McDwain, 9, came down with the most reeounding results in the 15-year-old-and-under wetsuit division of a bellyflop contest conducted by the Newport Beach Parks and Recreat ion Department. 0.-, .... ,,........, ca.,....._ Life~ judged each flopper five times for creat1v1ty and pain before joining the fun themselves. Each ~inner got a ribbon; everyone got a sting m the Newport Harbor High School pool. Applicants judged at the fair tRecruiters urge, •!:;;tep right up it' you have advanced technical degree' By GLENN SCOTT Of .. DtilJ ......... At a time when high unemployment rates are making headlines for perseverance, a job fair aounded about as likely as a flower child at a punk rock concert. But the two-day event began as '8cheduled Monday with 32 firml re~ted under the roof of the Kegi8try Hott:J in Irvine and a crowd of determined applicants going booth-to-booth dropping off resumes as if they were diacount ~ coupons. It was, to be exact, a technical job fair. That meant it was not for everybody. Virtually all of the companies were in h~'JS.~technology or aerospeoe fi Recruiters said they were looking for highly- trained types with a few good ye.an of experience. Aerospace or electrical engineera and systems analysts aeemed the most in demand. And an advanced degree or two helped. One of the booths was run by IRW'a BalJJstic Missiles Division. Placement Manager Bud Nuon said t h ey have about 100 TECHNICAL MARKETPLACE -Deborah Morphet and Gordon Wimpenny examine oxygenator from the display of Shiley, Inc., one of two Irvine finns at the job fair. ()penings in their electronic defense sec tor. They need engineers. Of their current staff, 68 oercent have advanced degrees, he said, and 25 percent have doctoratee. "It's difficult for us," he explained. "There are a lot of people 1ookin8 for work, but we• need individuals with seeclfic· sk:illa who are not always out there." Even at a job fair, these ~ten were picky. The fair was organized by Bualneu People Inc., a group that will apomor 25 such ahows in 13 cl tlea this year, said Gregory Nelson , sales representative. The fair cloeed Tuellday night after an estimated 2,400 people droooed bv. Of thoee, about 100 may land jobs through contacts made wiih recruiters, it was predicted. Ad.mission to the fair was free. Organir.era made their profit by charging each company a fee, which Nelson was reluctant to divulge. But because companies otherwise must resort to e»penaive classified advertising or hiring executive aearch firms, the fain can still pay off. "The fee, if we get just one person out of this, is a great deal," said Linda Paraona, employment manale r for Computer Automation, one of two Irvine-based firms at the fair. The other ia Shiley Inc. Other firms in the fair included McDonnell Douala• Corp. ot Long 1*ICJl. 1Cockwell Intemationaf of Downey and Northrup Corp. of Gardena. Ei"bt firms came from Santa Clara County's economically fertile "Silicon Valley." In aome respecta. the job fair 0.-, ................ ~ FILLING IN BLANKS -.. Like most of the 2,400 attendees, ~ Thomas Kent completed applications and dropped off resumes. was not unlike the traditional county fair. Each firm had deviR<I the same sort of folded panel backdrop so common to fairgoera. In thia case, they were altarpieces to high-technology imtead of the more mundanP 1miracle vacuum cleaners. The aura of optimism was there, tnough, And so was the conventional faith in the giant marketplace. Applicants were likely to ask about openings, on ownership and job altea. Recruiters were likely to fl nd out about expenence. Then tney'd shake hands, exchange a resume for a brochure and move on to the next in line. As one applicant obeerved: "No one seems to be making any commitmenta .•• But the initial contact is only the first phue in the complicated process of finding high-tech teammates. Said recruiter Parsons: "In my opinion, no one should expect to , come to a job fair and be hired on the spot:· Whatever we dump .in it, the· ocean never forgets ETERNAL SEA DEPT. -Coastal residents who have long lived by the ocean note that the blue Pacific has of ten demonstrated a particular characteristic when it'• Wied as a dump. That is, often what gets dumped in the ocean, the ocean toaes back at the dumper. There have been n~ examples along our own stretch of coastline. Once, aome of our state authorities came up with the brilliant . notlon of buildlna an artiflcial reef off the 1111~-llllilllU.I,;.~;:.~ Huntington Beach flats to attract fish and cau.e them 111 lllPllll, to multiply.~ . 014 rubber Ures were eelect.ed for the reef. The wom-out tire carcueea were Welahted down and then plopped on the ocean bottom to fonn the artifida1 fish habitat. TROUBLE WAS, the ocean did not like the old rubber Urel. It pitched them back up on the beachs from time to time. Sometime1 .urfen 'f(ould be ridln& alona on a wave, mlndJ.na their own buat-e11, and abruptly cli8cover they Md coq>eny. A ~ truck Ure carc811. We baYe lone beliewd that the CQall w.. a wonderful pa.ca to dump••• from our YU1oul dvilbationl up met aown the COMt. ~ in the o1d day9. they ju8t built one Mck al a .. ppe out into the .. ms JM it fly, pretty mueh In lta natural Coridlticin. All toO ~ the oc.sa pve it t.c:k to ua. WW, the daft Wll liWD 9vwai tr.Wenll before it got piped into the briny deep .. BUt then, we've had trHtment failune and aaiJD, the bldtwMb hM ruAntd many a nice 1Wm'De1''1 day upon the ~t; Some untJunk.l.l'll-boaters bave used the ocean as a place to diapoee of seaboard wastes. This stuff, like plastic drinking cups, is usually floated back to haunt civilized eectora 6y an unforgiving 1ea. Judging from these experiences over the years, you would think that people might conclude the ocean should be prelel'Ved for its natural marvels and forsaken as 80IDe eaay-accees dumping ground. But we never really learn that. Radloeciive wutea that were generated in the United States were dumped at aea 10 years ago and earlier. 'l1M!D aome people got ihei.r hNda together and decided th1a wu an extremely poor pndice. There were grave safety and • enviroNnental questions.· 'E. T~,' Dolly Parton movies continue on top NSW YORK (AP) -8-ble Huw:ock may a.ted the lNOI hit .. Watermelon Man" in dbly 1& minute.. but compollftl nwlic doee not .-~tohlm. The Jau keyboarda artist~ that eomettmea t)e can alt for day• without batcbiq a 1ood p;':' ..:::-. ... , ho~peN la that flnolly I to atop dJamrd1rur everyt.blna that 18 comlna to .-y hMd,"..-aaid~'The next Idea, I'm.,._ to t:" on. ·I mi1bt wind up wlth aomethrn1 pli9tely different, but at least I finally at.art IOmewhere and develop it." Hancock ponden bia composing while he's driving on Califotnia freeways or working in a studio in his garage, where there's "no phone, no family, no refrigerator, no piano. "I have a style of piano playing," be says. "My fingers may be used to certain directions on the keys that can inhibit the free flow of muslc&l thought." SETSAILFOR THE MUSICAL COMEDY AfNENTURE Of THE SUMMER! 1 A JJ1~A: A 0~1~• 1•. ~ -...._. __ coUerilcl te.a m.lWon at l UT U.Mn DWI' IM W•tkMCI. dDwri from .. ~ a w9ekmd .....U.. Th• muateal 1iarrlft1 _Do~p!,-ton and Burt ~baa p:111d MQ.l In IT daya. ChMCh and Chonl'• new film. •-nun.a An Touah All Over,'' proYid tM ltrGnlllt thlr(l.D11C9 entry ln w .. u , arabbln.I t&.9 million at 1,610 ecnem IA ltl U.S. debut. 8Ua the Columtu tum WM NI••• ii In Cllilda a week wuer, lta total .. _... ..... o••nm PUuiioUDt'• "An OfftDit and a Gentleman." ihOWllll··~·-~ Me theaWI, C1 '3.1 mll1km foi')a·l~ sro-Of tt.8 mil TM l'OIW- Actor returns LONDON CAP) -· Actor Robert Lon1den hH returned to the mualcal "Windy City" afW slUU.. out with a 1pralnecf ankle, a apokeaman for the Victor1-Palace theater hm .ud. ll)m-------n: In the lhow, blllld Oil 11DIV A'' c111> the •t•I• play "The Front Pa1e." Lonaden P.t--------1111 p 1ay1 con v 1 ct e d HT11t Y11q murderer kl Willlum. He wu ·hurt in a chMe IMftn .cene that calla tor him I Lo ,, to make a daredevil leap l'-'lllllllililll-•'•'-•ll through a window. ,. -A RAST RATE. BEAUTIFULLY ACTED THOROUGHLY INVOLVING ROMANCE.· -.lenet Meettn, ...W YON( TWU A MJlAMllUllT N:n/11&0 -•WOIAJUCUI.,___ I ,. __ -. --~~NOWPLA~NG~~~ _.....,. ..... OtlWm WUTMIUTtlt £#11111 VlltD TwWI Clnldclnl Plctlic's OrlnQI Ollve tn Edwards C:W-WISI "° '"° $34·2&53 5587022 891-3935 SC01T uct WIWE BAIO AA~ . dnmA 1&A1'rina Richard 0... and Debra Wf.nalr hll oonl:ocaiNled o6wWn who dJd not expect it. iO buck the tred ot llOtwelcht aummer entert.MnlMnt. ' TM w .. 1l11 other new film~ 2~ Century-l'ox'a "Tbt Pirate Movie" •tarrina AnRY McNkbOl and CbNtoDher Atkbw. cnw a ~ Q .6 mW.lon at 767 tbeeWI. Other filml 0-.. in e-°' u mWJOn OYW tbe ~ MOll·UA•1 "BoellJ III:' tu mUUon at l,OM th4iawn: Ledd Co.~wamer ..._, 0 Ntaht Shift,0 12.a mWJon at M7 thcNai.n; and ABC-20th Century Fox'• "Youna Docton In Love,'' t2 million at 728 tbeaten. Wlllr Burt & Dolly "'" nUldt ""'Jut t:ouldn'r be kfoll *BARGAIN MATINl!IES • Monday thru Setunley All P•rformancH before 5:00 PM (Except lpedel Eftfl .. lllttlll IN HtldlJll l'THRWON.D ACCOADtNQ TO QARP" t•t __ , __ "AN OfflCIR AND A QINTLEMAN" II'! ____ .., "NIQHTatW'T""" -----· '"ttOCKY 111" ,..1 8TAR TMK I: • 1111111 DOUY a.,...o THE WRATH OF KHAN CN> -----·------ LAKEWOOD CENTEi:l SOUTH WAl• , .. "NIGHT ...-r' .., ----- THE l'IRATR MOVIE"' ----- aMMI ......... ---TH9ntM0 111t -- -....... -7:• ...... 7:1S -'-• .. ,. IMf'OATHT llCJTtCll CMll°"H UltOl.R tz ftlHl .....,_..._.._ftlllfll1M•W.lii&:iii1Luti'll a.14'-•'l'Olll Ml CM IWIG • 'l'Olll llUllll If ..... CAii..., _,. 9l'OI MDUllllY ..... ----,..,.,.Mi Clafl ......... -.. ""-a •I lo" ANAHEIM DlllVH N ,.._,, .... '--" 179•981() Clllf.ft ------------------- "' t ~ "' ... " ~ BUENA PARI< P~l\11 IN \lftC-... '"" .. ,_ I 121...010 • . ' .. LA HABRA .>Ml N -.. ORANGE ll"'"" IN TM9 ,..,.. llOVll ... ZOMO, TM9~Y IUll9 INI Ctttt • " '°""° CMlll----CftllCM a CHONQ T.-oa AM TOUOH& OWi! • • .,...1111 Cllll ..... Elysa Pauley, Stephen Del Guercio i Pauley-Del Guercio Mr. and Mrs. Richard H . Pauley of Newport Beach announce the engagement of their daughter, ~ Dell, to Stephen Albert Del Guercio, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J . Del Guercio of La Canada-Flintridge. Miss Pauley and her fiance are seniors at USC. They plan a May 21 wedding in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Christina Johnson Johnson -Newman '82 USC graduates Chriltlna Kay Johnaon and Michael Stuart Newman will be mauled Nov. 13 in Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in Newport Beach. Announcement of the couple's engagement was made by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Charles Johnson of Newport Beach. The future brldearoom ii the son of Mr. and Mra. Jlarold J. Newman, also of Newport Beach .. 1 The enpaement of Julia Ann Matloff and Kelly O.vid Conway ha1 been announced by her puwnta. Mr. and Mn. Victor M. Matlotf of Corona del Mar. The future brldecroom, who m:wtuated from UCLA and use, rt the aon of Mn. Jamee Conway of Corona del Mar and the late Mr. Conway. The bride -to-be, who sraduated from UC Irvine, ii P1annlna a Nov. 20 weddJ.ng ln St. John Vianney Chapel on Balboa Ialand. Smith-Shea Community Church Congregational in Corona del Mar bu been reaerved for the late Se~ wedding of Janet Leslie th and Terry Patrick Shea, both of Balboa Island. Their parents are Mr. and Mra. Michael C. Smith of Costa Mesa and Mr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Shea of San Clemente. The bride-to-be belonged to Delta Gamma a0rority while she attended UC Irvine, and her fiance was a member of Kappa Slgma fraternity at Univenity of Puget .Sound and Cal State Fullerton. , Leva-Noel Mn, Mary Leva of Corona del Mar and Arthur Leva of Playa del Rey annouace the engagement of their daughter, Barbara Louile, to James Noel, son of Mr1. Edith Cantor of Cinclnnati, Ohio and the late Mr. James Noel The oouple plan a September wedcllni. . NOW IN HUNTINGTON BEACH ET THI EXTRA· 'DJJJDlAJ OF THE • '· TERRESTRIAL ~-..osT ARK IS) "" O..cl~J!M OQJ>'t Also Playlnt wur ~aid (f'Ol 'J..o PUHt Blade .-unner (R) * Oriv&-ins Open 7:30 Nightly C h•lclren Under 12 FREE U11l•~• No1ecl i + 531-2541 + S! MILA UPMOL Call 642-5878. Put • few word• to work for ou. THE ORIGINAL IS BACK. »mg MAAK HAMIU HAAPJSON FORD CAARJE FISHER PEID\ CUSHING crd ALEC GUINNESS ,,.. by ~ l!r.__ ~and CINold by JOHN WILLIAMS GAAY KUl~I L GEOP.GE LUCAS t 14 ADAMS AV!. SUIT! IOJ FRIDAY KNOB presents ·M & M's Week. begin. nlng August 16. Listen for your chance to wtn tickets to see Melissa Manchester on Sunday, August 22 or Anne Murray on Friday, August 27 at the beautiful Bradt ord-Patrick · A Sept. 1 i wedding in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Newport Beach ii planned by Karen Dee Bcadford and Pat Patrick. The bride-to-be, who ls the daughter of Mr. and Mra. Gordon Bradford of Costa Meaa, graduated from Cal State Fullerton. Her fiance graduated from USC and ls the eon of Mr. and Mn. William Patrick of Newport Beach. c.111 .. ••n• so" OFF &T ..... UTll ,. llewfe'i .... .... 141-1111 .... l..,. ----, •• I I. ROY AOQIR8 a DALE EVANS INTRODUCE ... ~CHECKING A:.9 ' , FAR WEST SAVINGS and Loan Associat ion ROUND-UP EXTRA CASH EXTRA SECURITY TOOi 0.PQSot any amount 1n •Round-Up• ch«klng 1nd u rn 514~ If your bal1nce la under s2.ooo When your balance exceed• $2.000 the 81g Money Wrangle,. II Fir Well SIYi,.gs will c:GtTal tl'lat e11ceu c:ath and herd It Into a high lnlerNt fund ~I PIVS our high repurchue plan re1e1 Vour bala~e over S2.00011 not lneured by Ille FSLIC,*- It I• not • N Ylng1 account or de~I ln11ud, II le MCured by obllg11ion1 Hc:ured by 1111 u I Government or • U S Oovlfnment Agency The MCurllles .,, lleld In 1 11per111. third party Tru1t11 accounl at one ol the largeel cornmetelaJ bank1 In Iha United SlatM, al>d pledged 10 Fer WHI Aound·Up Ct1s1c>rne<s Vou~I Hrn thoM ratH on every doller over S2,000 unUI you nHd your money • dly • -k. 1 y11r or longet1 Al>d your money ts 1n1ured by en ageocy ol ll'le Federal Government up to S2.000 So. roul>d-up your r11dy Cllt't and apply lor ~­ checking, todayl r~--•OPEN YOUR "ROUND-UP'' ACCOUNT AT ONE OF THESE LOCATIONs---, ... DANA POINT 24501 Del Prado Dana Point, CA 92629 (714) 661-3356 HUNTINGTON BEACH 19114 Magnolia Ave. Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (714) ~2900 NEWPORT BEACH 4001 MacArthur Blvd. Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714)~ • G:l llML-LENDER PlBJC NOTIC( ... ,,.. NOTICa OP PUaJC 8AL.m OP llD80MAL "'°"""" Notice 11 hereby gl111n that ~to MCtJon 1981 of the CM1 Code, State ol C•llfornla, the UIMN!lllgliecl wlll ... It publlc .. by oompetltl¥I bidding on the 24th dlly of Auguet, 1882, at 3:30 o'dodl p.m., Oft ~ prernleae where Mid property has been stot1d, and wtllcll -located at Pubic Stonioe, 1no. 2085 ~ A-In lhe Cltr of Coeta MHa, County of Orenge, State of C1llfornle, the abando"ed good1, chattel• ot ow-* propef1y decir1bed l*ow. In .. IMtter'I of: lddl• Ziemer -T 0011, copy IMCllllne. Qar'lld L.me -CIQ. rnldllne, full• bo11, 3 Ill• cab1, 1dd'g tllld*le, 2 cablMte. refrtg.. mllC. boXa. Gt9lll 8. Biddle -880, .... • Ur-.lboMt. LMldlord --the rtght to btd at the Ille. Purch-mu1t be ..... wllll CMll't ody end peld lot • the *"8 °' purctwe. All putCfleeed oooclt -IOtd .... and """' ba NmCWed 81 Ille tlrne of purchllM, .... IUbleo' to prtor canoalletlon In ,,,. e¥ent of Mttlement .,.._ IMdlord and obllalded perty. o.ted ..... 4ttl Ind 11tft day of Augwt, tta. Pub11o Storage lno. landlofd. Publlllled Orenge Cout Delly ..... Aug. 4, 11, 1112 ,.... ... 2 AUETS OVER $1 BILLON • SAFE stNCE 1• PlBJC NOTICE NI.IC N011C( 111 ACTmOUe WM P1Cnnoue .._.. • ... 'S MAim aTAT'lmNT MAm STA,._,-.... . Tha followln l*'IOM -doing The following peraon le doing •• ...... ,.. ~-~-A11oa1•1m•11 DELANEY 8 A8H & DOOR, CHILD'S WORl,IO PAE-IOIMW'91U- INC .. 17100 Giiiette, lrvlne, CA SCHOOL. 2129 w. Edlnglr. Santa "'""::'~ 92714. ~ CA 92104. WARMINGTON INTERIORS LOUISE PAGE EAGLESTON, -=--=-lw'8 et v-Ooor ANO DESIGN, • Callfornla 1212 Mun1ter Drl¥9, Huntlnoton _.. ... -~l"-_1 Nml289 corporltldn, 17100 G1119tta, !Mne, 8eadl. CA 92148. ..._, .. - - CA 92714. Thie~ 11 ~by en 1116 ............... Thll ~ .. conducted by • lndMduaL corporation loul9e P. ~on _... YUi 495-o401 Wltmlngton lntertora & ll1ll ltMamellt W91 fllad lliflfl IN ,!!!_ft2 ... ~.::.:..1_::..) Otligll County o.tc of °'lllOI Coulltv on ,_ ..-yo ........... .-.. Mn. 8. Krallle. Sec:r. July 10. 1Ma. ,_. ~~~~========~ Thll llatemant ... flied wftll the .... COUnty a.ti ol Orw\ge•County on Publlahed Or1nge Coe.I Deity July 10, 1N2. Plol, July 21, 21. Aug. 4, 11, 1tl2 .. ~ 3251-82 KINDn. ANDD90N NI.IC N011C( -~...... PICTmOUeWM 10e11 ....,_,_ MAim STA~ Newpott Beadl, CA 82te0 The tollowlng s>eflOll la doing Publl•ll•d Or1noe Cout Dally ~ ar. Piiot. July 21, 21, Aug. 4, 11, 11182 E & S SALES-'_1~221 Slat• 400a-a2 Awnue. Suite 103, !"OUl11aln VIier, -----------CA t27oa. "8JC ll)llC( EARLE H. HUMMER, 10702 ---:====-=:===~-Momlngllde Drtw. Garden Grove, CA 82e43. Thie ~ .. c:onducted by Ill Tha followlf'O penone -doing lndMdual. ~ ar. IE.Me H. HUflllMf W I 8 T C L I F F E A R L Y Thll etat~t WM flled with tt1e OHILDHOOO CENTER , 2025 County Clertt of Or1nQ9 County on Oarden Lane. Coeta Maaa. CA JvkoJ 23, 1882. 82U7. ,,_, aiewn P. Smith. 314a SMron Publl•lled Of•noe Cout 0111r Ln., Co.ta MeM.. CA 82ea. Piiot, .Ill/If 28, AUg. 4, 11, 11, 1MI. Ml.JC NQTIC( l"ICTmOU9 ...... .-ITA,_,- The followltlo per10M -doing ~..: (a ) HILCO. (b) HILCO, MANUFACTURERS' REPRE- SENTATIVE. 1158 iUl*taf A-, ea.ta Mela. CA t2U7. Hllllard _, E lne., • Ofllo oorporatlon 1'58 SUP9flor Avenue, Coeta a. Callfomla ·~1 Thie bu*'-lei~ by • COfl>Of lllon • Hllllwd & AMoclat• Inc. Jofln H. HllWd, Plwident Thie •t•t-1 ... flled wltll .,,. County Ctattc of Or1nge County on Jut'( 18, 1..a . ,,_, Joyoa A. 8fnltll, :S t4a 8llafon !\29342 Nl.IC fl)TIC( Ln.n.:--~~by an NI.IC MDnCl Publl1hed Orange Cout Dally Piiot, July 21, 21, A119. 4, 11, 1H2 S2"-C2 ~--------~~ .... --llndMdUIA. MOT IC I 0 P N 0 M • ~A.. SmlUI PICnnGUa MlllllM • ...,111.am lteo41\P 8mttll MMmeTAW Notto9 11 ~ aN9'I lflet the Tillll .....,_.. W.. Mid wtt11 u., The foflowtnt l*Mn le dolf'O UNITD 8TA1U •TRICf l#'ldlt ... iecl .. not be,...,....,.. county °""' °' Orlllgt COUnty Oft ~ -COWlf cmrrw. for 9"LdebU or llebllltlH Aug. e, "'2. ~.......!!!!.~Lane. •nlOT OP CMJP0NM welll..olld by ~ ot11er tllan • ,,.... eo.ta Mw. _._ Hll'r PLAIMTIPPr IMIAfllOM/ ~or.,..tt19dllle. PublleMcl Or~ cou1 o= O...J.Mlu.*ltl, 1017:=J ~--11..0. *2 WI 2nd day of Auguat. Piiot, Aug. 11, 1t, a.pt. 1, 1 ~ c:::-'°"-:' = ~ ..::::~::.-::. ::::~~.'; ....._. MorahoWe GS1&-at ~. ...,..,.. 2114 MolvowM A-, "8JC ll)1lC( Oerllel J. ~ CAl9 .. • -MH C6tla Me11, C1llfornl1 It.-TNl•~~ltC:.....,~':: ~ HChllOUa-M ~.1112. TO THI AIOVl•NAMED NAm 8TA~ ~ OlflHOAHTI: Tiie ._.,. penon1 .,.. Cklll't PvbttaMd Orange c.-Oeltr YO'.! Ml _..., ..,..let 9N tM1r1911.: Piiot, Jv/it 21, at. Aug. 4, 11, ttll ,....,.,.. 10 .._Ip\ "°9Mf H. M~S. 2414 Nor1t1 LOClANLof KlllAI., YOUNG I Aven11a, lanl• Ana, C ellfornle L 0 GA ", A ,. r of••• Ion• I 92701 Ooi11CWlllll -__... ....,,., RIAL HTA'Tl COMP'UTER Nm'IDUe IUll•M ..._ ...,,_ II: ,,., , • e.91 IY8Tl!MI, INC ... Oallfornla ..... IT.,_,. -P'.O ... "'!.1..LAllll ....... cor~111on, • g::• Piila, The folowl"8 petlOft It dot"I 011iom1e toeoMrw. ,.......,_ ~ ~. blm~ tll 4IMOl1 • ...., ID "" Tllll ........... oonduotad by. • IOOf w. 1.-o. lhd., ................. ,_ ... OOfPO' ... r. """""' ..... QA..._ ~II wttMft IO fafl affer ...., ,.... .llwt COfMW .. Jr., IOOI W. Of .......... ,_ ~ ...... Ina. =llwd.,.._.,. ..... OA .............. . ....... Murptiy. ... .................... ~ ~ TNl ............ t ••• _.. .. ............. .... TNI , ........ w tllCI _... tlle lll«tf.... ... eHef feMHle-fa tae ~ °""' .. 0..,... Ooilney Oft """~"· ~:tt,t•. TNI=•·----~,,.. ._,ll .... ~ "'~.... ~ """'*'• ~ e>r..,.. c.....,... ........ ... ..... N/lflt, •• -. .. 1~ ......... ~0.-~ I::'· ......... 11; 11,•. --~t.1111 ~··!!) CllllJllM Niie '41-N71 ............ Mt .. -, 1t, 't.er.;. .... ,... .. v ....... c ........ tae., bu n\ablilhed co=.ie hHdquartert at 18009 ~ ~Y'• 11.ooo~uan foot buUd•nc hoUIH admlftlavatlve, Nln and Ml• Mrvlee amc.. -well • a metmwr pr-.&ab fMWty. ~ ..... Md llrVb oftlOlil ... ICheduW tto OJ*' ln downtown La. Al. ..... AMNtm .nd ln the San hmando Valley ..... within tlMi next q\lal'Wr. MlM OeraptJ of l.a'vtae, Mtocla'9d with CeWna Delap 8yNIDI ID liWie, bu been te· ~~t ~h°".:::'=.~of Of&.n .... fin& vice~ ...... .,. ...... (Commercial BuUdtn1 SupJ'JY.>;. H~ond vice pNlldent, DaYe Leraillll (Haa'rSIOn/LoNminl 1 Archlt.ctl)i wretaQ, ...... LJ111 (Slnelalr Paint); COUN8ELOlll -Donald J. Namet of and trwurer,~Ra1 CruitM (J'.~. Andrewa. Inc.). Capi8trano Beld\ hu beera appointed., .. ,.,,.. Dr. MD•~ of Newport a.ch bail been counaelor and h1a wife Peay a partner fot named prel6dent of N"'port Corp. of J'ountaln General Bu.lneal Service. whtch providet Valley, manuf.ctunr ancl euppller of vlbntlon fjnanclal management tervlcea to small leolatlon equipment, t ... r and electro-optical businell. componenw. Chana "llC.lCWla Dr. John w. MattheWI, who al8o rell.cned from the board. Matthews will remain with the company In a technka1 advilocy capacity. Chana hM been with the company eince 1970, when the company operated under the name of Newport Re9earch Corp. Paal K. Garretaoa hu been named prodUt'J marketina manas~r for Ceatwry Data SJt&e•I C2000 Seriee of •llht-lnch Wlncheeter dlak drtvea Garrei.on replaces Arnold Hoffman who left the Anaheim company to punue other lnt.eresta. Shach1h.ata, Inc. (U.S.A.), a manufacturer of Xatamper re-Inked rubber atampe and other office 1UppU., hi launchlna ltl moat extensive oonewner advertising caml)aian, accord.Ina to John C. Cox, Jr., president of Tlli Cox 6 lfarcb Advertl1in1 Compuy ln Newport Beach. Construction A nationwide consumer print push, the fint for the rubber stamp industry, la targeted at buainesa women between 18 to 34. With an estimated budget of $600,000, full-page, four-color ads will appear ln Cosmopolitan, Mademoiselle, MS., Working Woman, and Thb Secretary during September, October and November. under way Ground-breaking ceremonies were being held today for a three-story oceanfront commercial building featuring 10 ground level reiail stores and 10 offlcea overlooking the Pacific at Capistrano Beach. Amerlcu Telecom, lac. of Anaheim named Jose Relaea president and chief executive officer. 8 . Marc~etelll, who had been the cro since the inception of the company ln 1976, will continue aa chairman of the board. He will a1ao serve aa consultant to Fujitsu Limited, controlling stockholder of American Telecom. The project ia located· at 34700 Pacific Coast Wghway (El Camino Real) adjacent to Doheny State Beach Park. Developed by Capistrano Surf Center Ltd. (Carlton A. Poat & Thomas J . O'Keefe, general partners), the building waa deaigned by Donald Storm Cue. Mark Co. Ta the general contractor. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NEW YO::cJAPI ~ ~IA~ IK IOOllo II ~:u: 4\ll 4~ SltrlSt 2\'I Jh NASDAQ iofll .... s-. ·:::"""' w. ' I tV. Strawa 2AV. UV. ttlowl .. hiOflftt rTle IM~ I ti """ '"" PeMEl'll t2'41 129-SWaru JO-. Jllio and ._. Of!W• 11¥ 742 '"'rcE'll' a a.... Pentar • IS\ll l~ l!J 7o,;, '~ fi:'~,=rlc, ~ orn IH -"'~ "" ...... 1~" ...... .. ·~·n. rfM1 DC 1111'1 """ Ute. CmlSN 12 II lntrned 22-. tt'llo Patrll• 2A . U Y, ~ "" tnc••r.u11mant1• E'tl 1211'1 14 ''"'"'°' ~ICM Pellllle!ft 14"" ISV. T== M\'I M'-mar-ore_,,_ P• U\'t 1' l118Wah "' . Pllila!WI U-.M IS\lo IS'lit lu lOn for T'*Mley, 1 14\lt 2J lwaSOUt U\ll~ Pltrc.eSS 1~1~ TacumP SJ ~ Slack IUd Alll ~l"ltTrt 1Mt~ Jamllf¥ ltl '°"" Plnkrtn S1 tO tlcft'IA ·~ ..... AllL llld 12"" 11\lo utlr'"-a 1\lo lilt Jerico '"17\'o PIOllHI a %2 22141 Ten-IJ .... 14 Al'APnlt 21\ll U ~ftl"Oll , '"'" YjJlffy 7-32 1142 Plfttlnl .. IY, l:.31c;r, 4" 4"" AVM ~ J'llo 414 Oft llYI 11\lo Jotlyn s 2t 2tWI PQsMs ""'1011'1 2V. 2~ AcedlM t ... 11\o'I YIM I '""' .. ..,, l<•llSC fl' ts.,. 't"' PrHGM 2J'h Dl'o Toyota ' '"'" "" ~= ~.g" --' ' ..,, ~:~ P"SI..,,, 21--,, .. TWllE• SY\~ Advl'ou • o' 8:~ """ 12 1""' 17 Pr~f11 n. 2 .... TrlcoPd 21..., U llo 11 """ KttySv s u\f,t ft~ Ptl$Y~ 12 12\'o Ty~FG 16 16~ Aflllll 14\ll 14'1* , ,..., Klmblll l"Vrtlltft UV. 14"" UnMcGll IS 16 Alleolnc 2tYt 'l ~,:I !I'll 23'h Kint Int 1111 I .... ~ """ 12V. us e nr 7 ... I Amert• s 14 Plxncni &...=: KIOOfG 211'>""" 14"" u o,;, us~ IW. 20 Aprurft ,._ Stll Oecut .. ~~:r:v l4YI 14"* == sv. s .. US Trell 9h1~ AGrwt n:i. n OoltrGft 17\'o 1714 . ... ~ ""' 17 UVa8111 ,,...., »"" Al~ S7V. 57\'t Oor::i IS\ll I' Kurlek• ...... '"" .. _ 2SV. UV. ~~~,, l 3\f• ANalN 1N IJ = 171'1 7-Lance I 22 221/o 9'-Sv 1"llt 40 12"" 12-. A= "' ... 17-17~ u.no1t .. ,_ '"' .. ~ ,.... 104't YMIR • .... A •IMI 1-. "' ~rll"Oll ' tv. LanaC.o 25 ~ .. _ 17 17111 \lalNatl IJYI ,,.. AW.Id 27\lo ~ lllVnc l14 121'1 Lffl\VS ~-Sedlltr ~' Van Dus 1\11 w ANdlte ~ S'llo c=r. U118nl 1 20 20W. Sa taco JD .. .-. Vtlero 12" IJ\'o ~:zoto ~ tv. "' EIPes I 1114 ··-"' I~ UV. EHa'Gcl %2\.'o~ Vk1r11St ' '"' ~ » l!IOW .. IC ~av. PMll ._. ... ~~ 7-'"' s ""' = 13"' IJ\lo E .. NUCI "" • I wt .. 19\'a nCIH s I~ II 17\lt "" ~ IS\Of l!JMod • 12 121'1 M0" Oii ,.. n. t:::-. 10 wan1e1 12-ll ...... IW. ~-:'u~ 1!t 1!: I'"°"' 1"" " af ~ WshEnr 12"'1~ J\I) ~ 1¥CM9r , .... ,~ WllCIJm s s~ AU.I' D"-U-. nr-'M Wt l" = ~-A""'* I 12 .. 1J 1 ~It I S-1' r ... == 21 21"- l\lo "" • 21\ola 21\11 """ e.I~ ~ S-. £119'111 Wt J"9 LP 2t JI == ,,-. 24 WmorC IS IS'Ao ... lyP S4' Sfll I;:;'''" I~·= ypt ... .,_ ''"' IS Wltt..u 12\'t I~ BelleHE ~ 10.. E~~ 11M1 111\ ""'-~ ,.. '"' Sllkonll 1.-IS\11 Wl..0 1 IS U\'t 20 ... ~ sc.IWlr 11"11 ""' WolvAtv s-• hsk lt f u.M I 15-16 ;i ... ~ ~ lo~ =1'¥1 ~.--. S..EISv IS ISV. WOmet ~I~ S.utk M ~ F141tcor 11 11\'o *t:l, "'" 10 St8fldY!o U-.14\ll -LAI ~2'\fo &.yr.-N 10 Fl911.Sys a 2llto Melt 11 ........ SCdMkro .... ""' Wr~ 11"11 11-8"11"9 S s.... ......... ~ J1 Mio.W 17\1) 11 .. rt!'= .. 42 Zion ' 23'4 ,,_ '" 1 .. '°"' 31\ll llanlPI 11 "1E~ 11\jo 11 ~ n.a.·Hae--~ I t-16 I 11-16 FIWn In 3 )~ MIOl!ltft .... ~ kb.L 1 UV. 1S\ll Fll'c1'..Bkl 25,.. 2~ MIOlllk I IN 20¥> h¥Mll I~ '"'° l'lk ,; I'°" '"'-Miiiie'; 1.-. ..... Bll*Go ,,,_. !4\11 FleN la IA 14~ Mill IO '"'" ..... 81'11Son 4'1't S\'o FtwO<D S Siio Mo .. a ~··"'· 81nc:tw llio 1" l"erestO 1~ IMll MonfCol .,_ 1 Blyy-"'°'"'1{; f\o l =t 1'\'1 1~ 7 1)..1' 7 IS-16 "'•'* ICM II MIOra 17 21o,;, NASDAQ SUMMARY ~om ~_. ~ "r•llllE ti l)o,;, =~~" 11'111 ..... '°"" 10.. Buell-11\ll "" FraeSG uh 21'1!1 ~CIUb 7"11 1-,.,...,,,,, • '"' MUtller 11 11 NEW YUNI<. IAl'I --· acll\OI over• 8uflals 2A"' ~ FUl,tHll 1~ I~ JIM 211'1 8~ 10 10\'o Nar~ lhlt<-ar lloclts ~led by NASO. CNL In 2\lo J Gil IM ~ J~ HO. 14"" 14'\ H-VolwN Allled CPT 1~ 12-G11Devca ll'o 2\.'o NtlwllS 17'111 11 MCIC .. .. ..... \'o ... ~ ca1wts.. M'h • f:Ril!ll .. 11'111 NVAlrr I'll. 1h :r,r.:ec .. 501, 100 13\lo IJ\lo + '-<:alll'd4 J J\l'J vEFn 12 f)'llt NlckOG ""' s 5 ..,. . .. '45,300 --.... + "' c..pln II) -.. Graph5< ll't 9 N .. 1111 A •11it ,,_ FllllllG 1.. 1'4, 100 f\l'J 10 C.Sw s II 12 GreyAdll S7 61 Nltllfl 8 -'6\lt ~nlel ..•.. •'7,:IOO 79\ll ~ :..:·it: 3'\11 JJ'4I ~Air ~ 4'1!1 Olffnlst t t\l'J Nl•t e Gletlllls IMl,000 UV. 2~ • lllo NC:p 19\lo 20Vt Gyrodyn .._ 1.\t NCarGs 1111/tl~ "lt'i". . I S7. 900 ll'o t + Ito Gatvs I V. 9" H.oton 5¥io 6 NwtNGs 10\4 rs"" Air r• ... 1S2,t00 1 2 ,_.. -.... Che<'RIY 19 30 H•mrl't 12 12\ll NWllP$ U Siio £11R1v ... ••.JOO 3"" ,~ OlrmS fft 10 Har-I'll l'llo HoHll ~ ~ lloedSY • .:.:·ii; 1J6,200 3"llo 40 CllartH ·~ 11"-Hrplt-"" ·~ vJNucrp I I .... OomLM ,.... IOV. Ha~ 22 2211'1 0c .. ,.,. 111'1 ..... Adi<-................ 0.SUll H\ll 17 Ha f 21\'o 21\lo ~::;z: \ 31'111 12 DKllntO ................. c.... ., ."' =...~ ~ m:: >•"',I ... ~ ................. Clrlk.o ~ ~ HOIOllm 2"-2..., OfoFtrro 4~ S ot.i I-.................... Cll~ 7'1!1 7-'lit HooYa ...., "-OtlorTP 17\lt 17'1t l'Mw lllOflS ..................... CIUU\A ~ 3' Horll~I , '"" PCA lnl , .. SY1 Haw IOWs ............... , ••• , .. CtuUt• •• Jl\l'J ~ IMS,... ·~IS ... ~-:~: mz u:· MUTUAL FUND NL lrtw s.I .... 7.14 NL In" Var 7.ot 7.61 NL hw 1'9"' 1J6 J.67 NL llWI llAI NL NL ~~ ~ ,:.-: 11~~ NL JP Inc. 7.21 7.M NL J-1.00 NL 8olld G..- ... S» 2.111 .... 16 .. UPS AND DOWNS NllW YOl'K (AP) , Tiie 191~ II• ti• Over -llw • ~ acb .,.,_rlfltt thM ,..,.. -.., molt and doM> ttoa ,_t bellCI on rteflt of c-. reoanllels ot -TllllCM~ Ho 1«url tr=:-"1 .,.. lftcl. ........ perc: c-....,.. .. dlff~ .,.._ ... ~ .... <ic.lnO btd Pl1C» Ind T'*-•• IMt prk». UP'I ~ L.nt .c'1. Pitt. I ~~~ s UP 21.2 2 ..... • I Up 1!:~ 3 Mkr Z pf 1 • 1 Up 4 ~ 101'1 • l\'t Up 16.7 s I~ • 2 Up 1S.1 • "-llNPtl 2 + .... Up tU 1 Scotln&I J • v. UP 14.I I =i" ' • .... UP M.J • l\1o • -Up 11.6 10 HHOllT "" YI Up IU • II ,_ ,..., • .... Up tJ.S IJ HMWyn ,..., • "" UP 12.S IJ RAI ,,.. • \'t Up n.e ' 14 ~= ... s • "' u. 11.1 IS 211'1 .... Up 11.1 • .. Tr-ea '"' + .. Up II.I 17 WMlm 2\'I "' Up U.1 • .. ~Plal IM IS\'t • 1\11 Up l0.1 " 91«11$ ,,..,, • 1 Up 1U 10 Cofntll. "" • -Up 9,7 21 AlllMMI '"' • " Up t.1 22 llllnElll' , + "' Up '·' 23 Nw'llltft '"" • -Up .... JA 0\.109t 11"11 • " Up LS u Ac~ 3 .... • "' Up L1 • MPV Incl . ... • -u. L1 21 TPC )WI "' Up L1 + DOWWI -...... "°" Pct. 1 Bloloe 2 OH 27.3 2 Vantrex J\lo -1 Off JU , DOC 2\fJ -~ OH 16.7 ' GtEltEn ·~ n "" OH M.J s MTS~ I°" -'"" Off MA • =.:. s.--"' Oft :tl· 1 '"" -' Off I M9t!WQ s ,.. OH 11.0 ' Mltral I"" --Off 11.0 10 Al~ J -WI Off 11.1 II Ar .., 2 n "" Off 11.1 12 Mllllslr 7 -\lo Off II.I tJ Wekr I 10 -1\lo Off lt.1 14 Af•llB<P Jllo n " OH 10,7 u :r&iO: " '"" Off 10.J ,, 214 v. Off 10.0 11 Crllala 2W. "' OH 'lt.0 .. :=1 .. E~, 2\lo "' Off 10.0 1' ~ ... Off 10.0 • Mltr1 ... ·~ -OH 9.7 11 Hlc1IOO '"" "' OH t.S %2 ~o 2'1!1 .. Off t.S za An*w• s "" OH t.I IA ••• un 21'> \lo OH '·' ts Llncua 10 -1 OH '·' M .llMyn()ll 14 --Off ,_, I I I. -L:.--~ I - Cutback idles Viejo S&L eaminss up Beverly Hilla Savm,. & Loan Aleocladon of Mt.lon Vlejo reporU net eaminp of $2.2 rnlWon, or $1.80 per ebare, for the MCOnd quarter CIOnl.-red with a net io. of $1.7 mlWon, « $1.39, for the like period lut'}eeX. ll'or the lbc months ended June 30 the ueoct.adon reported a net io. of $1.8 million, « $1.52, compettd with a net lom of $3 m1Won, or $2.f9, for the like period a year ago. The improved resulta were attributed primarily to a gain of approximately '9 million on the previoualy announced aale of a pol'tion of the umoclation'a Joan aervtctna portfolio. Home loan rate at 15% The rate for Federal Housing Administration and Veterans Adminlatration home loam baa dropped to 16 percent. The half-point reflects the recent easing of interest rates. CompCare joins Tier 1 Comprehenaive Care Corp., of Newport Beach, announced that laat-aale quotations and running volume figuree on the company'• common stock are available through the NASDAQ national market ayatem. CompCare, along with 12 other NASDAQ companies, waa designed by the Securities and Exchange Commi8llon to join the Tier I group of 48 securtties which have been quoted on the NASDAQ national market syatem since ita public debut June 1. The companies qualified tor Tier I on the baaia of their stock's performance during the firat two quart.en. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW VO.K<API FIMI ~ ...._ .. Mlndrt.Aull.•. STOCU ..... ~ .. g~=-~fl » Tm ftlUt 1t1At •w tll.,,_ &JR IJ Utl 'llM.01 lCM.1'0 •U •tt-..... '6 Siil MM JDUI JeUI •..M-1.91 ........ ...................... S.Jllt..M Tr.,. ...................... t.J91.• Utllt ...................... ,...,.,. 6$5411 ....................... ...... WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORIC (APIA .... 10 TU91day .. .. s 47J "" 5 11S NEW YORI( (AP) ~. 10 METALS T~ 22t ,,. JM 153 I u ........ .... UC11 ., t11• • IV • HEW YORK~-Spot non..,,_ ITMll81 pnme T • C.,... 71.74 cent•• pound, U.8. de9\lnetl0n9 • ..... 24.29 oenm • pound. n. 37~ oentt •pound,~. n. M.1500 ........ W.. OOf'nC)09ltla lb. ......... 1&-11 Olnl9 • pound, H.Y • ..._, ~.00 pw ftelk. ......... ~14.004288.00 troy ounoe. H.Y. SILVER T"9edeY H•ndy & H•rm•n, te.S7J per troy ounoe. GOLD QUOTATIONS "Wish they had something like this between our house and the school." MARMJ\Dt:KE by Brad Anderson ''Honest, Dottle and I weren't srgulng ... we were diSCtfSSlngf'' .ltDGE PARKt;R l 'M GOINC':r TO GIVE. iHAI 'THIN() IN THE STUMP A TASTE OF THl5 ROCK r-11 . UWhat'1 1 picnic without people? .. Hapk Ketchum ~ 8-11 I •Q ? ,, ..._~.I l 'Bur, M~ I J IW/TO !WA MV HAT 10 6EO. ~.WILSON ra.o Ni samHING J~ ~ "D KEEP UNDER rr ~ • by H~rold Le Ooux I PION''T ~NOW STONES MAP BONES by Jim Davis SHOE OH·OH--- I WONDER 'WHERE SHE'S BEEN MY DOG IS TO THE FOOD STORE GOROO ,..,, ·- Ft:Nk" W INKERBE.\N CAN W; GET DI~ 1H1N&5 ON EKH ~LF OF ~PIZZA~ Ba.SMOCK we1..t.., we 'Re OU'1" OF 6AS A~IN, 1"WINKle!1 SO &..e1"'S PO WHA'1" we c;:JIP -n-.e LAS'1" TIMe l"f HAPPeN f!P ! by Jeff MacNelly by Ernie Bushmiller ONE OFTHE9E ()6.YS YOU'RE GOING 10 BE ARRESTED FOR SHOPLIFTING by Gus Arriola· by Tom Batiuk 8-1/ by George Lemont .:; SIGH ~ NURSE!S ARI! FUN PAIE!S! . , , • f PORTRAIT OP SILENCE -Tbi World'• 1reateat living pantomlml1t, Marcel Marceau, ii the subject Of a film portrait t.oniaht at 7:80 on KOCE (00) and at 8 on KCET (28). ...... Oholf.'A' (J)MCWll ..... ~ C-ty, U.l.A.'• (117') DoQ- Mry. ICMU*y _. ...... ---llMIMIS In.~ ..... ... '°' ..... Md ....... --...., .,... ..., '*"" ... .......... "' ,1':111 • I°" Titl TOWN ~eoen• ..... .............. lfelMd for mooMe; .. to coe>e .-ti~ tllet .. •tty to OOCUf' et home: e muelcel -..y tMtunno e llmon end Qerlunkl• Id ,AMILV fllUD HOUJNa TMa UNR Tony HerlWldea end Mn ....,.. ,_. e look .. ..... In et0telettf'91912 Loe~ Ael-. lootW tw'A. lnc*ldlno .......... wtttlGeorgle~. Coecl'I A.y ~ 8un ~ end \llnoe ,.,.,.. mo. • u•A•a•H ~f'enll --In .. com-mending olfloer only to M"9 e new one epp«*lted _ .. heed. I (I) TIO TAO DOUGH MACf9,f~ fm'ORf -~OF ~W.ftCllAU The~..a.1iec1 pentomlmltl •• ...., et home In ,... -.... ,. ltloughte Oft ~ ptwy, ert end IN~ of ,. wort! In e """ ,_..., of,. oer.er. 9 YOU AllCID flOA IT ~ "DllllnO ......... end "World'• Sl'Mlteet Tlleelre." .............. ~ roct ..,. Zee end Leo .. conned by e IMdy ~ ptOmOter. ;.MM.~ Feelured: • reunion ot POW'1; • profeeelonel rofler·lk•tlng 1aem; e -wttO IMll• blkMll let men end-. (R) • litCWll + + + "T.,,._i• PM- ,_., (1H6) Jotln Payne. Aon4lld AallOM· A drtlter .. ...,...,tty~ e gMltl6ar wtlo .. lnvoMd In ·--~. •• MOYll 1lle ~ .. (,,,._ lera) Phlllp CHl\Oft, htrtdt 8weylil. A tOUQll Melft ot 111•~ ..,_ t11JMor9 from 1"'91 lltrwt .,. -NCruMed to...,. off .. flow ot.,.., guna. • MOYll * * + "The Mllgl\ltleent Melador" (1865) Anthony Quftl, M-O'H-. A men ""9e dMttl wt1er1 "- 91t.,. Ille bu•rlfllJ to ...,.,,_ IN _, he .... • Im: TMa WAR Y'IAM Aollert °""911; Lee Ren** endDene~--ln !NI 111'11 !NI ..,... a.rt- ,_ In England from the ..,_ WMka i.dlnlJ to I). Oily through IN culn*-' "°" of tlw .... tNlt IWMd ._ tide el WOftd Werll.(~I) eMCMI ** .. ~ .,.,,., .. (1t70) MMe IAIW, ...... o-ta. A ~ boy known for havlftt WI overeOll\'e llNgt~tlol\ oen't conWloa ~ ttlM llatlM ~ 1111d thamur• ., of e Pf°""••t Ille!* men. -~°" ~~· The ~ aoalllmed pantomlml1t 11 '"n a t • hOl'N In ...,.. ~ llll'lt :::r:~ WOftl In e 11111'1 ~ fll .. ..... ~=,..,..... ••••• ,..... Gordon'' (tMO) Sam J . .loMI. .... VOi\ l,ctow. A tno of ~ ttWll to tlw --Mongo end .... Ila oppr 11 d ' lnflllbltante In the ovstlltow of tlw el/II Elllt*O' Mlnf. 'PO' ~~,.., "RldWd Oeweon'• .... ,.... .MCMI • • "Studlnt lodlM" All eggplln(. peper Cllp end blecllllOllfd .,_ - _of._.,.,. .... one"..-.,,ek..,one hip edlaol OMICM-'A' ... THe A8T'N)MUT'S The oooupente ot ...... Ot1lltlnO NASA wt*-~ -~11eve.-.. ... ~ thell tN¥ ..,act• ... -~AT eYWtOft' 1ND1AL The loaton 8~pflony ~under tM dlreo-"°"°' ... a... .... ---~°',,.... Qll "°"'9. ...... IN _.,._ rierbn•-of AnlcMd lclloel ......... matlio~." Cl) NT'M Au.IN AND 1'MI ROOKlll •• The Aoc*ettM join 111\ger Pat• Allan °" ... .. "*"° City M\lllc Hall In .,. mutlcel ..-.... 1:41 CZl CHAN.-atAWl.IN TAUCawmt... ........ Wll\deor'' MO. (I) MOYll .... "'TNn lei" (tN1) Kate Jeckeoft. Oererd Pf9nder- IJllllt. A hlgll 9CflOOI ~ .... lnlo.awlth-ofher ......,IRl •• TMa 'AOTI OP LR ........ end,.... ......... diary. (R) etvw..AT IYWMOWf INCIAL The ea.ton 8~ ~,. undar the dlrac>- tton of a.Ill az.we .... Mnteen~of.,.... cal -"' ..... tM _..,.. perbn•-of Amok!~···· mMic ''Gurrelleclw." <lDMCMI CHAtlll LISTINGS + *°" "11'• My Tum" 111101 Jiil ClaylMlroh, MldlMt 1JouG191. A bf1I.. !lent Ohlceoo math .,,... aor,.....thoe~ In tier ~ r..-0.19Np wharl ... flrlde ..... love wtllle In New YOf11 for her ........ _... .... 9 ICNXT (CBS) e ICNBC (NBC) e ICTLA (11\d.) e jcABC (ABCI e ICP:M8 !CBS> 0 ICHJ·TV !Ind.I e ICCST !ABC) e KTTV (Ind.) 'e ICCOP-lV (11\d.) •• ICCET ( P8SI e l(OCE {P8Sl CDl On-TV (I) Z·TV (JI) HIO (J:) (CllWmHI (J) CWOAI NY., N.Y. C (WTBSl <I> cts"'I Cl> (1flowtlme1 • 5"tllght e (cat>I• News lfftwork) (D)MCMI + + "Only When I Leugfl" (1111) Manha _.._, ICrlllty MclHlchol. A Ml!!" YOltt ecm...e ,..,,.,. f\'Olln • drylng-eut ~ ..... mined to,._ her~. ,_ r---. .,..,.. Mtaflt end,_ 1elllllarl1Np with hef 11'-yeer-old deugtltar. 'A' (Z)MCMI *** "Joe H•" (1171) ,,,.. (I:)..,. ••• "HClftdo" (1154) ... w.-. Gereld!M ,..._ A Woltlrt ~ ,.. tl\OOUl1•• • WOINl'I Md'* ....... ~ .....,., tllaOd broeNr. -&:.':''"" ... " Altl!IMrMwwithl'rrile · v ... ea LOWIOAT A ool90a proMlaor ta.ti tl'9 rOIWltto NIPOI-of hie lllldent. end IMIC --• -outloc* Oft ... to e ..,_ PfOlllllD I.& rMOYll.,..,.(R) .,. • .,. "Meglo Town" (1N7) .Jamee 8tewet1, JIM ~ A emall, ,,...,. town undargoea • .._,.. .. "'-WOl'9a •fl• Mirto SMitMlolnd M 111 .campla to 04tlar towne. •LCM.~ ITYU "~ And 1.M Vegu" Herwy end Juf1r decide to get INf'ltecl In LM Vagee. "~ Md TM T~ ...,.. Miry end Joe ..,,., ..., 9CWI .......... e girl Cl)MCMI *** .. ~ Of The TitlN" , .. ,,Heiny Ham- ""· (.---Olwter. Mytfl. lo hero ........ helped by hie Nltw Z-In I ... of clal\gerOUI tulll • he ttlal to win the hand of e "'-llciall P'"- ~IN WWIM of• ~I -goddeM. 'N ' - tl:lt •• LA1'9 NIGHT WITH DAVID Ll1'T'IMIAN Gueet•: jan muefelan Toote ~ oomecl-en AlofWd ....,.,, ·~~ 8'M.I "'--Md The Belhful Gtoom'' Cal¥ln end Unde -IMl'1'ted In • nudlel col-on,,. ''I.ova And The fllgll clad Wife" A wtl9 .,... .. pr'CMllk• )Mlouey In •hl.llMnd . CD) TMa NNCID CMl _,NIT In ... 1MCl9 e llttlell -,__,to....,_ tor or ewn oompromlH hi• ,_a 1 • llllty. dtoollnO ....... to,.... .. otNloiM ....... *°Jrent. 1•• MDVII • + * "H .. I'• lelend" (1NI) .Jofwl Payne. Mery Mwptiy. A lormar .,,_... tor 19 9"00Ufeged to trectl doMI • mmll\g pr9doue rvbf, ~ "'*' he ...,.,. tMt '* -~ hOldl -lie,, lnforma. "°"" .MCMI ··~ ''The Vlllt" (1984) "9td letgmen. Anthony Quinn. A ...itti,, women Clf9lr9 • ..,,._ endow- _.. to her home town It ... ,..._,,.. ... to ,.,...., .., former l0\19' • <lDMCMI *** "HaewrlCenWelt" (tt71)W.,.,.,. e.tty, Julie ~ AIW e pro foot· bell .......... pr- ~ dmlmed by an Inept ..... the ""'" .. ~ tN body of e mllollelre ll\cll.9- ...... to OMtlnue Mng In. i:~ •• "llood ........ (1911) Jo11n ~. Burt Young. A pelr of pOlloe ~ he¥I ' tlwlf MNleM ..... tM)' In ............... of btecihOC*• Mint euoktid lntO tlla Mftd, ,,.,,,., IO M Mellllflln.IA' '(Z)MOVll ••'A "HIU'dtlf WOltllf\g" (1Nt) Wry L.awle, 8uNW1 Olhllt.: the~ o6oeae • • 1191•111 CIOwn ,,... hit hal1Cf et ¥11( • loue JoOt, fallk1g mlMrllbl)I etthtln•.'PO' ,110• MOYtl ++• "Aul\ Wiid. Aun ,,... (1M8) Jotln Mlll9. Mtll LARlr. A mute bOlf reoelfla hie ~ \'Alen hie l*o\l9d OOlt ~ andang•ad. 1:11!= *** "No Nuk•" (tHO) JllekeOft ·-· Crotby, 8tlllt & Naah. Footage of a .., ... of llrlll-nuotMr pow- • concart9 held In New Yortl City dul1ng a.c-n- blr, 1179, .... urtno the Doob11 lrother•, Catty Simon, ~ T~ el\d lnlOa &pnng;• 11 n, le oom- pled lo t"'9 ~tery. 'PG' 1:IO 8 8 NIO NIWI OYBNGHT 1:1111..wa l:OO MOY1I • • • "Th• Pumpkin Eetar" (1884) Anne Ben- crofl, Pater Flnotl. A wom- 111 dleoov9'1 that her fourth lluebel\d le unl81th- lul, tMlt decldee that .., unborn c:hlld end her IOve tor her hulbend -more ~ • ''The Chlld<en" (18801 Martin 81\eker, Oii Rogers. A 11r1ng• redlo•ctlv• cloud tumt • group of echoolchlldran Into mur- deroue U>mbiee wllh bllCtl ~.'R' 1:e11• MOY1I • + * "Pelnt Your Wig- Otl" (1M8) LM Mwvln, Cllnt E.utwoocl. During tfle Gold Ru.II deye In C811tof'· nla, I peh' of proepec:tol's 11\er-e 1 wtte bought ffom • Mormon et an .uc:Uon. l:IO e va'fNlll TO TMI IOT"r'Otll Olf THI MA "O.Ctoy a-... · 1= •• "ltvdtnt lodlll" An eggplllnt. p.,., dip el\d bl•ckboerd er•-et• eome of IM "leth81 WMP- one'' uaad by • killer on • ~ IChOOI ~·R' CZl ..,,._GI: TM1 TOUCH CW l.OVI The IMpl lnvolv9cl In fl/N- lng Md reotlWlg • - .... port~ .. cou- plet demonetretl how to relax Mell -of Ille bod!f. t:•• NIW8 ~<lDMO'.'W +•'At "II'• My Tu'"" ( 1180) Jiii Cl•!fburgh. Mk:hMI Douglal. A bl'K- Uent Chlc:ago m•lh prot.1- _. rMllz• the probleml In her ll¥e-ln r•tlollllhlP when Ille 111\de • MW loYe wtllle In New YOltl let her tether' I,_.,....,., 'R' a:OO(Z)MOYIB *'** "Joe Hll" (1871) Thornmlf Berggren. AnJe 8dvnldt. A loot! II tllken It ...... of lel>or ...,., Joe ~.'PG' l;Ol(J:)MOY11 *** "IAd!f Tek .. A JOHN DARLING Thur•day'• Bayt l•e Movie• -MORNl«i- l:OO <lD • + "The Night The Ugllll Went Out In Gaorg- 18" ( 118 1) Krllty Mc:Nlct!ol. Mwk .. .,,,111. A brolher· and-Mter IOf1gWrlllng CIUO h•v• meny 1d111nturH while lrytng to •• out 1 IMng Oft the country--I- em circuit. 'PG' 1:18(Z) ***"Joe HIM" (1971) Tilonlmr Berggren, Anjl 8dvnldt. A look la teken II Iha Die of labor INder Joe H*'PG' l:aO e +'..\"In God WeTruet" (1180) Marty F1tdm1n, And-f K.ufmlll. A ntMI monk la 1«1t out Into the worlel to rllte money for Illa lrnpoverhllleel monut- 'PO' 10:00 (8· • • • "Orl.,..ln" (1978) Glenn Mor.mo-. LIN l.Almole. S-•I Tex- M l..,,.egerl rnMI during • nlgllt of romenoe Ind exctt-1 •• • drive-In th11tr• f111urlng •n lmprobeble dluater film <lD • * "8tNltthtough" ( t179) Richard Burton. Roel 81eiglr A NIZI --gearll ~ lmbtOlled In • plot to ~t• AdolfHltler. (J) * + + "ShldOW On Tha W•ll" (1950) Ann SOthern, Zachety Scott. A peychl•trlll nnda that • -·· l\ulbend la not r..ity • rnutderer 11ter working wllh ~ deugh- ter •nd curing her amnMll 10:11 CZl. *" "Vlct!Wy" ( 1981) Sytweter s.--. Mich ... c.in., During World Wer It, Ailed POW• -their tlc*M to ~ In • malc:h b•twean their eoc:oer team Md the Ger· men Netlonel Teem In P11r- l1. 'PO' 1c>.a0 •••• "81eckboerd Jungle" (1155) Glenn Ford, MM Ffendl. A dedlc:lted young leec:her lltwnpt. 10 re11or1 order In • big-city tr•lnlng echoot wh1r1 teen-eoe .........,_ Ind \Olo6erlCI !\role taken root 11:.to <lD •• ',.\ ''The Spire! Stalrc:Me" (1177) ~ Mne Bluat. Cllrlatopher Plummer A ~tltul Cltill- mute 11 terrorlzael by 1 myttertoul kilter wflo lurt<I In the lhedoWI 1Urround- • ~ an eleg•nt m1111ion. tl:OOD ••• "JohnnrApollo" (Ulo40) T!ffOl)I P-. Oor- otll!f Lamour. A college ,,,.,,, dlelllueloned over his l•thef'• conviction tor embezzling, decldet to eblndon the llrelt end nerrow In ''"°' of • llf• of crime. •• ••,.\ "Lad)'l'«>m l.oulalan•" ( UM 1) Jolln Weyne, Ona MunlOl'I. A 1.oul1l1na tewyer'a ,....... ........ .............. ............... ~·..c:.i •. ;r.,-. .... Y,111' • ~ ........ ... ................ ,.. ...... ..... In ......... , I ii IOWft, -... .,... ,.....,...........,.,_.. ---toe......, (I)*** "The~ O•nt._.~-.• ................... 'f'--' ............ ---. ,....,.,..,. , bol.-.y ,_,,...,, 'N' tl!,.(Z) ··~~Md ...... (tt11) • ~ • ....,.. Culp. Two ,._. •nd•out dalactlv•• etlelftpt to ~ comp6ela e e ... ''°' fl:IO Cl) • ·~ .. ...,,. Liii• o.ct TlmH" (1HO) Qoldle H._, ~ OflaM, A IOtl-Nel1M ~ le tom ~ ... ._..... .... hUlblnd-turfttO·b•nk tOOtlet end ,.. uptight ptaMnf hulberld wflo .. runnlno lor Callfornle atl«ner geMrll. 'PO' •••• "Janle"(1174) Oocumentery Janie Joplln r .... from en~ end OblWre peel In • Ml .. TIJIU town to heed the Chert• u • top rock end blUMellllJW. 1t00 <lD * * "Running 8cated" (1872) Ken WIN, John Suon. Two former Gle , .. under IUIOIClon ol -eplrlng to lnY8de e CMU>- bMrl countty. 'PG' l::aO (J) **~ "Vlctcwy'' (\Mt) S~er Si.Ilona. MlchMI c.ine During Wottd Wer 11, Allied POW• -their tldlet to lreedem In • metch between tllalr eoccer tMlll el\d the Gel'· men NlllOMI r .. m In Per· 11.'PO' II • + "TUCll EY«tut-lng" (19711) Fred Keller, Joeepll MecOulre. A young 1Jk1 meete en lmmorttil ten11ty known u the Tudca. 1:00 a::> *. "Slllpwrec:lt" ( 1978) Robert Logan, MlkltJ J~ A .idow- er, hie two daughters, a reporler end e rUMWtl)' •• •trended on en leolet- ed lllllld 1tter encounter- ing • violent llorm •t -. 'G' CID •• "The Night The llgllll Wenl Out In Georg. II " (19111) Krllty McHlchol, Mn Hllnlll. A btofher· lllld-lllter eoogwrlllng duo hev• m1ny •Clventurea while trying to •• out e llvlng on thl countly--'· em cltc:ult 'PO' 1:30 (%) * * 'h "Hetdiy Wortt- lng" (1981) Jerry IAwll, Suaen Oliver. Alter 11'111 clrcu1 cloeee Clown. • vet- er1n clown trlll hll lllinCI It Yllrioul jobl, fllllng mlMr•bly II lhlm ell. 'PG' 4:00 8 + *'h "Wr; Of A Geu· cho" ( 1952) Rory c.11\oun, Gene Tierney. In the llte 1eoo. •• young couple tty to -OU1 • llvtng lrom th41 pempu of ArgentlN. 4:30 (I) •• "Clpteln 8certett And Thi M!flterone F«>m .... ,... ( tte 1) P\jppell. ~ Sc:wteri IJoel Into deep ~ 10 ttop tile deadly Myetaron• "°"' daltro,,lng Eetth. ••• 'h "Duel Of The Tll•n1" ( 1983) Steve Reeves. Gorelon Soott. Rornulu1 end Remus. Ille tegendery founder• of Rome, bettle MCh other tor control ot the enc:ient city end the love ol • ~ """ gk1 5.-00 (1:) * * 'h "The Gltte In TN Otficl" ( 1179) Sulll'I Selnt J-. Barbera Edin An 1n11>1uou. women !Mope et nothing 10 connlW .., WW)' Into • potltlon of poww In • fuhlonlble Clepertment ••or•. CQl • * "c.t'bon Copy" (11181) George 8•g•I, Su .. n S11n1 Jamee. A .ue- c:eulul Wllll• tMI..,_,,_ dleeovw• 111a1 he hu e grown ton who II bledl. 'PO' (Z) **'I\ "Vlc10fY" (1M1) SylYelter SUillone, M1ctie11 ~ During Wend War II, AllleCI POW1 -their tldtM 10 freedom Ill • m•tc:n between tb•lr eoccer teem enc! the 0.- ,,,.,, Nllion.I TMm In Per- la. 'PO' by Armstrong & Batluk CORNELL ''150'' FOR COMPACTS, DOMESTIC, & IMpORT CARS 5 23~~ 600· 12 eV.CICWAll $1 ,3 F E l HO O C ~Ill PRICE Id ai . ...Cll IUalll~ - 560-15 $28.99 $1.55 6()()-15 S3\.99 $1 .62 ffD UC ~·ll PRICE t.A• Wtilfl 1uat1 [\~ 600-12 $29.99 $1.43 560-14 $3\.99 $1.54 560-15 $32.99 $1.55 PEP BOYS STILL GIVES A LIMITED ROAD . HAZARD WARRANTY* AT NO EXTRA COST! THf '" IOl'S GIVES A LIMlltO WAUANTY ON C04tN!ll llltlS f04I A SHC»ll!O NUMIH Of MONntS AGAINST AU ~O HA.lAROS IN ~I '-"'SSENGU CAI USE. OMIAGfO llRU W1U IE Rfl'VICfO WITH NOllATIO MONTHLY ADJUSTMENT CHAllOf &ASfO ON lfOUlAI SEWHG NICf AT TIME Of 'UICHASf. USE YOUR CREDIT NO TRADE-IN REQUIRED . . • FREE Tiii MOUNTING WITH t.x.nx.x.). LIGH1\WIGHT 'O•MULA BODY FILLER PINTI QUAIT I GALLON l~L 2~!L7~k PULL -IT-OUT THIN 'ILL A SAND DENT PULLER "X DINTS UICI 1HI PltO,ISSIONAL ~ fiM:i!ri ME FORM POCKET PLAIE Podiet-slze cuttiftg and e.1--'-.. tool. ;:.;;:~._, blade cuts wood. pbtks,tl.. • Save• fuel • la1ler Starting • lncr .. M1 HorHpower • leducH lml11lon1 YOUR CHOICE IOW 119 OILY... EAOI CORNELL RADIATOR HOSIS IASYTO•• ...... "'fOIAmATCU ·~--ttoi.199 wmt Al'PLICATOll INllDI PACUGI IACH llKllAltl • • 11 *' unms Y ........ . ... BATTERY CHARGER IBP YOUI SUJS loom& UD mv wrro llSTAll I \ lJoulllul prodaDe iee,,. JMH wJdJ Morber Nature'• "1•••·· .. ca Everybody loves sweet ·cOrn Kernels are finger-licking good, allow two ears per serving 1•Mahb" or mall8 la the Indian name for it. Botanllta cell it "Zee maya'' and we know It • corn. /ta a ~ it la called 1he ataf.f of life, and lndeed, the Indian word mMnl "our We." /ta a vetetabJe, the 1ucculent IWfft corn we :.:i:li.!::ay bean 1mall to i11 touch lt.Uchy anc.tor. North American Indiana cultivated mal%e and ta\llht early 1ettlen ita many uaet. Early recorda mention corn ln pones, Hmp and hominy. There la evtdellcte that com wu cultivated ln Mexico 801M 7,000 yan ago, lone before Colwnbua re.ched the new WOl'ld. After Colwnbua and othet' explorers introduced com to Spain .net then to !'A.arope, It spreaa widely all over the world. Peasants in Southwestern France included com porridae ln their diet and uaed ' a corn dumplina known u mique to bolster their aou.-and stews. In Northern Italy, polenta, another type of com mush, is conaumed and in Mexico, the kernels are bolled, then sround to make dough for tort111aa and tamales. As hybrid• improve, corn become• more tender and flavorful, with hundreds of varletiea produced in this country. Continued research lmprovea nutritional qualities and increuea field yielda. Com la high In carbohydrates and contains vltamina A and C u well u certain minerals. U eaten unsalted, it ii aood for low~salt diets alnce it contains little aodlum. Fresh sweet com, ita tender, plump, milky kernels drinled with melted butter, is synonymous with summer. Al freeco chefs wW be wile to figure on two ears of com per penon, although true comfans are not above hiding leftover cobs to remove evidence of the number they conaume. Two average ean yield about 1 ~ cu.- of kemela. Serve crisp or crea:my GOLDEN CORN FRY 2 tabtea~m butter or marprine 3 cupe (4-6 medium eara) tre.h or mnen cut corn ~ cup light cream 2 tablespoons snipped chives 1 clove garlic, minced Duh of alt and pepper 1A cup shredded Parmesan cheese. Melt butter; add com. cream, chives, garlic, salt and pepper. Cover; simmer 10-15 minutes, stirring nccasionally. Sprinkle with cheeee. Remove from heat and cover until chee1e melta. Makes 4-6 ae~. CORN FRITrERS 6 ears of fresh com Milk l 'h cupe sifted all-purpoee Oour 2 teaspoons baking powder ~ teaspoon salt 1 egg Remove husks and silks from corn; rinse. Cut off just the tips of kernels holding kn,ife at an easy angle, then ~pe the cob. Drain uncooked cut com, reserving liquid; add enough milk to liquid to measure 1 cup. Sift together flour, baking powder and salt. Beat egg with the milk mixture and fresh corn. Add to dry ingredients. Mix just until flour is moistened. Drop batter from tablespoon into deep, hot fat (375 degrees). Fry until golden brown, about 3 minutes. Drain on paper towels. Serve with honey. Makes 18 fritters. Here are some ways for serving corn on the cob at outdoor events: BARBECUED CORN Select sweet com in the husk. Tum back the huaka and remove the silk. Soak ears in cold salted water 10 minutes or until ready to cook. Brush com with 90ftened butter or margarine and season with salt and pepper. Then bring husks back up around corn, malting aure the entire ear is covered. Secure husks with thin floriat's wire or picture hanging wire. For grilling, place ex>m on top of glowing brlquet embers . . . cook 10.15 minutes, or until done . .. and tum cobs often.· When com ls done, remove wire and husks. Serve immediately. Com prepared for barbecuing in the foregoing way may also be barbecued in a spit basket on a rotisserie spit with motor for about 20 minutes. To roast corn without the husks, remove husks and silk. Season the com, then wrap each ear in a double thickness of heavy duty aluminum foil, twisting ends of foil thoroughly. Place corn· on brlqueta and barbecue ... 10-15 minutes, or until done . . . and tum them frequently. For gas barbecuea, preheat barbecue rocka on hJ&h for about 3 mlnutet, place prepared.for, barbecu1n1 ean on poeJtloned 1rill and barbecue ... 10-U minutes, or until done ... and quart.er-tumJ.na 4 Umee. TO MJCROWA VE CORN: Remove huab. Wrap in p1utlt wrap, leavtna one end open 10 allow steam to eecape. Place oe paper plate. For 4 earA. microwave at htgh for 4 minu~ Tum and mk:rowave on high foe 4 more minute.. •" Or, remove allka, 1prinkle ·~ few drope of water on ears Of, com , replace huska and fo~ same microwave lnatrudiona. ti .f! SIMMERED CORN S'J Husk and remove the silk fl'Oft) the ear. Drop ears ln bofl.Jnc\ salted water. Cover the kettle and bring the water back to boiling as 900n as p<aible. Lower temperature to simmering and tlme the cooking. Generally 3 minutes ls enough for youn1. tender com; 5 minutes for com that needs longer cooking. STEAMED CORN • Place husked, silked com on a rack above boilinJ water in a sauce pan with a ti8ht fitting lid. Steam 10 to 12 minutes. TO FREEZE FRDB CORN Purchaae com u 900n aa you can after its delivery to the produce department. Remove husks and silk. &.Id small to medium ears in boiling water, covered, for 5 to 7 minutes, large ears 7-9 minutes . Chill immediately with ice cubes ab running cold water. Wrap secur~ly in molsture-proo!. wrapping. ~ KERNELS CUT FROM CO Prepare com as above, but cut scalding time to 3 to 4 minutes. Cut off kernels as aoon u com ls cool enough to handle. Package as above, allowing ~ inch headspace. Pack tightly to : remove air pockets. If tomatoes could talk -- they'd ask for TLC If tomatoes could talk, they would surely say "pleue handle us with care!" Proper care of fresh tomatoes la the key to maximwn flavor and texture. Start by buying tomatoea that are smooth, flrm and plump, with good color. To enjoy fresh tomatoes at their very best, they must be fully redripe when you eat them. Tomatoes need a cool place to ripen properly. However, they should not be refrigerated unUl completely ripe, oiherwiae the flavor and texture wlll deteriorate. Keep tomatoes out of direct sunlight whlch causes them to soften but not ripen properly. Once they're fully red ripe, they can be refrigerated. Fresh tomatoes are truly delicious and versatile. They :i:J!lement aandwlchea and and are a main attraction when stuffed or broiled. Tomatoes make tantallJ:ing aou.-, spices and camerolea. TOMATO CHEESE SOUFFLES 8 medium tomatoes ~ teaspoon salt ~ cup butter or margarine 1 ~ tablespoona flour ~cup milk ~ teaspoon dried leaf tarragon "' teaspoon salt ~ teaspoon hot pepper sauce ~ cup shredded cheddar cbeeee 3 ... .perated Wash tomatoes. dry and cut a aUce off stem end. Scoop out pulp with • spoon. leavtq • abell ~ inch thick. (Reserve pulp tor sauces. .ou.-er nrwa). Sprlnkle 1nlkSe ol. tmnato with salt, invert and drain 30 minutes. Melt butW In • larae •ucepm; blend in flour and stir OWi' low heat tor 1 minute. ~ from heat and ltlr ln milk; ooc>k owr moderate Mat. ltlrrlna conttantly, un,U aauce thickens. Remove froini hMt and .ur In tarraaon. .ii. hpt P'PI* .... and .... Bee~~ 11 the ea 10Uca, OM at a Ume. ~t ea wN• until ltiff but not~· Add llbGut ~ of U. .. whl• to tlw .... •tam and mix llahtly bUt ~· Gently fold ... Nmal~ ea wbJtet. 5 mtidW*lntQGlit ..... &Mm to tbe top. ,...,. -a lined --.. end bake tn 170 d~ oven for 2& to $0 mlnuta ...._ 8 .mnp. f TOMATOD ROCKEJl'ELLER 3 1arp tomatoes, cut in half 2 table9poom minced onion 2 tablespoona minced parsley 1 tablelpoon marprtne or butter, softened W cup chopped, cooked tr.h .pnach. drained (about 1 ~ c.'Up freah spblacb) ult and pepper to taste Paprika 2 tablespoon• Italian ~ brmd c:namm Preheat oven to 370 deaJw. P1am tomatoelt eut akle up In a U1htlr oiled bakln1 dish. Comb ne onion, panley, =="-~·~= °"" tGIM11Dm. TOD with cnana. ind mu for 1& mi\ut-. MP-e ..-vlnp. caBAMY TOMATO DIP 1 l ·ounee packa1• cream me.M,eot-.cl W a.;ap mayonmlM 1 lar1e tomato, cut in quart.en 1 mmall onion, quartered 2dovee prlic 1 1up rib celery 2 tablespoon• freahly aquened lemon Ot lime juice w teeiqJoonl salt Few droJ)I hot pepper sauce Aaorted freth vepiablea: carrot strips, celery strips, 1ucchinl rounda, broccoli flowereUH, cherry tomatoet, and radilhel . ~ =:= or food procwor, combine cream cbee1e , mayonnalse~ato, onion, prUo, celery, or lbne )dee, Hlt and hot pepper HUee. Proceea until •mooth. Cover. Chill. S.W whh .....S euc..up fNlb ~bl. ........ about 2 eupe. 3 cu.-fresh bread cubes 3 tablespoons dark brown sugar 1 teaspoon salt W plus. ~ teaspoon ground cloves, divided w teaspoon cinnamon 4 tomatoes, peeled and sliced In large skillet melt 3 tablespoons butter, add onion and cook until tender, about 5 minutes. Add breed and tout to a light brown color. Stir lh brown sugar, salt, ~ teaspoon cloves and cinnamon. In a greased 1-quart casserole place half of breed cube mixture, then a layer 'of tomatoes, repeat with remaining bread cubes and Uimatoea. Dot with rema1nlng 1 tablespoon butter and sprinkle with remaining ~ teaspoon cloves. Bake ln 350 degree oven 30 minutes. Maloe9 4 .ervlngs. CHERRY TOMATOD VINAJGRET'l'E ~ teaspoon salt ~ teaspoon sugar "" cup fresh lemon or lime juice ~ cup aalad oil 1 clove garlic, minced ~ teaspoon dried leaf baail ~ teaspoon dried leaf thyme 1 tablespoon chopped parsley . , 2 plnta cherry tomatoes In a bowl, mix all iJ1iredlenta topther except tomatoes. Waah cherry tomatoes and remove tt.ema. Add to dreminc and chill 2 hours or ovemiaht. Makea 6 eervinp. GJlOJ.ED TOMATO-BACON-CllEUE SANDWIClll!:S 8 .UC. blcon. c:ut In half 8 .UC. breed, touted ~ c:up butter or marprine, IOftened ~':::::.~~ •UC:. ~pepper ~ sliced Swill cheme 8 tomato .UC.. about \ii-inch thick Putially cook beeon; drain, Tout bread. Bluel to1•ther ~tter or maraartne. lllUltardt WorceaterahTre ·aauce ancs :I.T .. i:r~::.: ~dd tomato 1lleee and bMOn ~ ... ~llriablilfrom thi Miit until m... II melted, tolUtD .. ....... aid bM:oll a. cftlp.M.-4~ PAP A YA PLEASES -Sour cream dressing and Yogurt C.Oro : Muffins are healthy accompaniments for Luau Salad. : Papl!fyas beconie niainland treat • i..•. ... ~· WUd-wiki, an Island tenn that means fast, is also a good deecrtption of the way In which the aolde.n Hawaiian papaya ia moving into marketa all acrou the Mainland. Thanks to Its venatillty and delicate Oavor, the exotic papaya la Hawaii's most celebrated In.alt and • real comer thro\llhout the country. Papayat wefah in at about a pound ap(ece, to you can count OD two~ teMnca In eecb piece offUtt. At a mere 78 calortee per half. the pa~· ia a welcome addition to ~ IDMl. no matter how you aUoe lt. LUAU~ 2 cups chopped cooked dUekell "' c.'Up aUced~ Salt and~ ~cup IOW' 1~ Ume 2 papayH, halve a~d liieded 4 allC99 bKon. cooked and cmlnhJed i..... Combine chicken with almandl; lllllQ1\ to ..... With ealt md pepper. Mix IOW' er.ft) wttb lime Julee. Fill papaya cavities with chicken salad. s~ over sour creiun cm.mg. Top with crumbled bacon. Serve chilled on a bed of lettuce. Accompany with com mufflN (recipe followl). Makes~~ YOGURT MUFJ'INS 1 cup flour ,, ~ cup yellow cornmeal ... . ~ cup....-r .... ; w tetllpOCln aalt i'I ~ teupoon bakJ.na' aoda I\ ~ cup aborten1nc .,, 1 ea ...... 1 cup plain JOIUl'l • W cup mel'8d Dutter , Sift dry lniredieote Into mlxinC bowl CUt ln ~ unW mixture ntembl• ~ meal. In unall bowl, b9at ~ ~~i~!:.r:"~~ 1Urr1n1 Ju1t until flour li ~('-t1m'wlllbe~ 8'90ft batW lnto ........ . Inell ~uffln CUpl Or .... .... au. m an ._...!5 lS.IO mlnu• or wi"1" llri (decrllLll beldlll ..... ~ a aunutet for mlD..l-• . .... 1 doilil ..... OI I ani~ I . ~ooking with class •During August, M narch Bank la aorlng a recipe open to all in the tegorlea include aerts, entree1, table dishes, hors 1 whatever. t recipee to Carole man at Monarch no.lat.er than Sept. fl from the Brus oon and Crown Restaurant will e the entries, with flm 100 contestanta iving recipe card courtesy of the · will ~ awarded our winners with in ~aah for first ; •100 lift certificate -Moore, A Store Cooks, for aecond e and two third of dlnnera for two Bram Balloon and own Houae uranta. kick off the recipe estival, employees of he bank are distributing eir favorite recipes to ustomers and friends. or' more information, ontact Bowman at 95-3300. . •Kay Pastorioua ffers cooking clasaes at herman ~ardena, oro na del Mar . ~tPatration is $20 per 19' and pre-registration s required. A food - prooe90l" picnk supper ii on the aaenda for AUIUlt 24, 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m . Menu Includes Spinach Cheeae Tart, Carrot Salad with ~pberry Vinaigrette; Curried Beef and Rice Salad and Caramel Crunch Cookies. Menu for Sept. 14 clall, 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. includes Chicken with Freah Lemon Sauce; Fried Rice; Hot and Sour Soup; Fresh Aaparagua Salad. A Moroccan dinner ta on the agenda for Tueaday, Sept. 21, 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. ButiDa. an elegant chicken and almond fi1linC enrr e d in fillo douah, will be prepared alona with Stuffed J!'.aplant with Pine Nuta; 0ranae Salad with Roae Water and Marrakesh Soup. Final clul on Sept. 28, 11 a.!D. to 1:30 p.m., will be a Japanese dinner, including Tori No Matsukasa Ni (Plnecone Chicken Patties); Spinach with Toasted Seaame Seeds; Negi Maki (Beef and Scallion Rolls); Kobaku Namaau (Radish and Carrot Salad in Lemon Cups) and Gohan (White Rice, Decoratively Shaped). Call 673-2261 for tn0re infonnation. oppers say • osts to rise y BOB FICK 41MCIC:lmted ,._ Wl1W WASHINGTON merican conaumera elieve the trend to gher and higher food rices la not over yet. but of them don't want ... ~&UC any particular in the nation's food a consumer 1UrVey wa. e survey, conducted or the Food Marketing tute by Louil Harrla nd Associa tea Inc., hows that at leest eilht ut of ~ery 10 aboppen elieve grocery atore rices will continue this year. Three of very 10 still feel that hoee price 1ncreaaee will substantial. colleagues as attacks on the consumer. The survey was hued on lnterviewa with more than 1,000 penons aero. the na tlon. It waa conducted ln January at the request of the Food Marketing Institute, a nonp.roflt ueoclatlon of food wholesalers and retailen with membera in both the United Statee and abro.d. The Agriculture Department lut week aald food prices, from May to June, roae .6 percent on a re 11 m•Dy- adjua ted baala, with higher red meat coats the major reuo11 for the increaae. But when it oome9 to With that increaae, aying blame for the retail food prices lui creasing bite that~ · month were 5.2 percent kly grocery bill hifher than in June family paychec , 19 1, and USDA analywm e than half of the predict food prices will O,Pping public either rlae by no more than 6 ~t want to point the percent tbia year. That at anyone or don't would be t.he loweat who to point it at, annual increeae aince the .... ..un., ... y showed. 3.1 ~t hike posted one consumer in ln 1 76. hundred blamed The inatitute'a aurvey ~ American farmer, lhowed that 60 pereent of ii faclni his third Amerk:am are flndina It -.. ...... t year of decllninc .. harder to make end.a income followlna meet," and becauae of t year'• recora that economic aqueen ~eata and fla11tn1 larae number• of meatlc and world 1 h o p per a a re econom1J1na • much • polUble at the p-ocery ltore and ln the kitchen. At leMt IMl'V9ll out ot every 10 conaunen are atnckina up on bar01n iiema when they find them, uaina price-off coupona every chance =---==..== the~ftore. bnnd equ!V.-• Nearly et.cht out of fJWf:Y 10 CONUDWW Uo Mid they' ... doinl .... wtth•.leftoveri at home and ., i..t two-tblrdli Hid they're takla1 =~·~ chen cool ,,..,.,, ab 1eIp0 0 n ~=-..rd IC1t~pat8d ~ct-.. M ._,paon lllt W tea1poon each pepper and IUpr ~ tea1poon 1•rllc powder Peel carrota. Cut carrot• and unpeeled aqu.uh into a or •·lnc:h 1Uck1, W to ~-Inch \hklk. In • mbdnc bowl. combine remalnlna in1redient1 for a marinade, mlx1na thorouab1.Y With a whlak or fork. Add vetetahl• and chlll aevera1 hours or overnlaht. Pour off exCetl marinade before aervtn.K. 12 aervtnp. . OOOL-AS-A· CVOOMBER DIP 2 tarae cucumben 2 tableapoona cider vlnepr 2 teaspoons garlic alt l •~(lW.-) 80Ur er.m ..-... mtx l pacu1• (1°01.) c:r9AID me... aaftllied w ••1111 ........ Hot pepper --Pftl, IMCI, and chop cUcwnber to the .. ol. 1mall corn kernela. Combine Y(ith vtaepr and 1arltc 1'a'It; reftl1erate ovnnl1ht. Juat before 1ervrn1, prepare aauoe mfx accordlna to pack••• dlreetion1. To prevent dip from beeotnins too thin, thorou1hly p ..... liquid out of cucuma.n u1tn1 a sieve. Blend cucumbera wlth cream cheeee; at1r ln pnpand sour cream sauce mix, 1ugar, and hot pepper sauce to taate. Serve with chilled ve1et.able rellahea, crackera, or chips. Makes about S cui-dip. RAW VEGGIES -Cool garden produce, oourtel)' of Mother Nature. provldel the malringa for retre.hing snack.a and meela that keep kitchen heat and humidity down. I ~, DOUBLE COUPON ~, PWS DOUBLE .couroNS I :;:.•::::::::.;-..::::=::~-:: I Ground Beef ~~= I 70 1!i ~) , ... ,.. lb. -.. -..... o..u.-...... 1 •• SAFEWAY QUALITY MEAT Beef Stew Meat au.:'.:.... Boneless Beef Steak~~ Fllet Mignon Steak 1111~r=.t.. 7 -Bone Steak .... .:•c::iv '1" IO. lb '22• lb '4111 ~~=il ..,_,E:~ *1'98 = •a...tiC...• ......... a....11 ....... . .... _ .. ..... ..... lb. ..... 6 Raw Shrimp ~· Fresh Dressed Catfish Breaded Perch Fillets ':1 Whitt Pearl onions = Valencia Oranges ~' Crisp CelefY 111 =. Crenshaw Melons t:t: lb. '7" IO. •1H lb •1 1• • •11• • 59' llllldl 49' • 39' Premium Ground Beef~~ F• '• '1" Arm Pot Roast 51~ 111 •1 •• Italian Sausage Ff=.-.:::i... " '239 Swifts Sizzlean •=:.-1'1: '1 59 ~===:1 ..... ·---- Sliced Imported Ham ~ Snapper Fillets pJ:',.. Cooked Shrimp ,:::",.':. ~·12' Ill '1" ~·1· GROCERY •oeep Rock Water o:::.i 4 &a110n1 '200 •ory Roasted Peanuts 5::' 1tz-'1" ~Creamy Mayonnaises;:" 32_: •1 1• ~Whl Pini 1121 emonade ":::... ... 3t 11 0 6-oz. ..... •J" Con -............. 0....~ ..... %!1$ceCream tu4:.t m¢<lcean Spray~ _,,aper Plates ~. ~ Hiii •1311 Giiion =·11· -"°99' ll'filfI·';f;l·*W 1:111 •UCenM ~Clllh) •earlo Rossi's :=. =-u~'2" •colonyWlnes.a=i.._~ ~~1279 •cremaretto Liqueur ~~ r:SS" ZllC Gin or VOdka W:::"()IJ U! '6" •01d Crow Bourbon :=. I ------~----I I ...,.,-" ..... ., ....... ...._....,...__. I .. ...,. ............... _.._r........., ....... I(\) =:.c:. -==-=-..::.= (\)I 1-----------------1 ' JS! •I•XIJ :J' l(•XIJ ;t1J: ~ "--............... ........_.. ................. I ::::-....::;.~-::., ..... ..::;:_-.=., '::.: I I .... _.. .. ..._.,_....._ ...... ._. .._... I 4-----.----1 · -c:. -... , .. , .. ,.., • ·-I 1(\) -· ~~"i'"'.__ • ..,... ( )I ~---------------~~ Safeway' s lo l ame Has A lame ••• Scotch Buy -......... ""' ..................... """-4. ....... ........ _ ........... "'_.....,_.._ .......... ...... _..,. .... -......., . ..., """"' w.-y. -... ,, ...... ______ ..__. -=,,,_..~ ...... .-..... -............ ·--........,,. -,,_ Whole Com .c......s..,.. Orange Juice ......... ·~45' ·:.:-89' White Ike._-. ...... 4:!;. 'I" ...... , ................... 2-..75• ..... ... llMdl... .. ..................... 73• me Lucerne Yogurt ~Grainbelt Bread ... ~~";.. C-i Big G Total Cereal 3~·1 00 2~:: 89' 11: •15• HEAL TH & BEAUTY St. Ives Aloe Vera Lotion Buttered Aspirin $Mway Gerber Nurser Bags OllCIOUI* Plastic Strips ~= Assorted Plastic Strips Sallwt ~·2" lloftlt •1 35 of 100 11"L'1" ... 1115 ol 10 .. 1131 "50 I r · 1 saves Shlllcea lile-•lesot lamb, that It. For a chanae-of-s-e barbecue tbla aummer, lamb dellven an excepUonally rich. robwt flavor and juicy tenderne11 that outahinea oU.-meats. One lea of lamb conveniently dlvtdea into ateab for the pown-upa and appetlzina burpra for the ldda. "'lb.at'• an • eoonomkal dividend you won't aet with more expemlve cuta of meat. It'• Important to letve your family the hiahest- quallty meat. In '"New Zealand, an old-world eeme of pride and ultra- mod e'rn facilltle• combine to produce a 1uperior meat. Lambs there are raised on a hNlthy diet of mother's milk and grua on rolllni. areen putures. Then the meat Is aged to perfection in .opbiatlcated faciUtiea and quick-frozen at peak quality. By serving a lamb barbecue you can allO be uaured that your family ii pttlng a rich source of protein, B vitamins, thiamine, riboflavin and iron. To make your luactoua lamb steaka and Lamburgera, almply have your aupermarket butcher cut 1everal ateaka from a frozen lamb leg on bis bandaaw. You can then thaw the ahank end at home and grind the meat from it in a meat pmder or food procemor. A five to seven pound leg of lamb will yield four one-inch thick 1teak1 and enough around meat for four aeneroua Lamburgen. Accompany succulent Grilled Lamb Steaks with New Zealand Mint Sauce. A quick-and-euy, aweet...and-90W' dremtng, ita cool. refrea.hing lute perfectly complements the hearUne98 of lamb. To make your barbecue the best ever, here are tome ttpe culled from expert outdoor ooob: -Cover the bottom of the grill with aluminum foil with boles cut out for the draft openinp. -Make sure you have barbecue acceaorlea at hand: tongs, a long fork with a handle, a apetula for t~ng meat, fire. rem.wit gloves and pads and a bMtlng brulh. -To get ·the coala buminl. t.eer empty milk cartona Joc9ely. then pile briquettes around the cartons. LAMBURGERS 1 pound 1round lamb, cut from lea of lamb " teaspoon salt "" teaspoon pepper Combine meat, salt and pepper. Shape into 4 pattiea. Grill 4 inches. over medium-hl&h heat 10 to l:S minutes unttl dell.red daoene-. Yield; 4 aervtnp. GRILLED LAMB STBAU 4 lamb 1teak1 (1-tnch thick) cut from lea of lamb Salt Pew-Spdnlde lamb en both 1lde1 wUb salt and pepper. Grill three to five lncbea over medium-blah heat 10 mlnuw en one lllcle; tum ancl arUl 5 mlnut .. lanl'el' or until dlll.red donenMI. Serve with New Zealand Mint SMace. ~Wow). Ylelct 4...W.. NnDALAND ~ IAtd • W cup chopped freltlmnt I UtlblDllhll!l~~nil . ~ ~-1a11111waw "eupGldtr'vtn.pr' ln • 1mall bowl Wi:"9t.ck-: ~-= '1*11.l awb mint. Add boWna water; mix ~11. Cool. Add vtneqar; ltlr. Yield: ~ cup •uce. tta .. MiaudMl1.'lA':• l (U-ounce) can ~ ~ ~ tWHt•n•d condenHd -· 'ndl m...._ ~. Jnllk (not evaporated teuurtn1\ .. • ,ll1ht, milk) de1'otcNI Cl'9UIWMll. la 1 (8 "'-ounce) can ~ a ---1"1 all· flak*1 coconut ~-rQUnd mmit.... lAnuce 1-WI Quickly and ••ally 2 to a cupe mix.cl mede by comb1n1n1 fre1h trulu or whole 1weetened condenMd berry c::nnbln'y •um milk, 1elatln, cotta1e In amall HUcepan. che•H and coconut aprlnlde~latln' over before otillltna, 1t'1 the water to · ltir over perfed comP*Mnt f« low heat unti 1elatin any number of freeh, dt.olve1. Cool. In Jarce canned or froun fruit bowl, combine cheese, combJnatlona. 1weetened condenaed SNOWY COCONVT milk and coconut; mlx OO'M'AGB JUNG well. Stir In &•latln. (Mak• II Nrvlqt) Turn into lllhtly olled 1 K envelope• 1~-quart rln1 mold. unflavored eelaUn 1 Chill 4 houra or until 1~ cu59 cold waw firm . Unmold onto 2 ( 1 8 • o u n o • ) lettuce; fill center with SNOWY COOONUT RING -rwect Wt1h fresh fruita and bordered by a green frtll Of lettuce, • oontainen cheeee tr u It. .;;;.;;,;-;-----------...,.,...----------------------------....:....:.._ __________________ ....... ~.:..:_ ______________ _;._~ •• STORE COUP<>t>! DEALER: Johnaon a JohMOfl wlll 1 psy tece 1191119 plue 7• h:l '°' MCh Cueto='='v:==.~i:~~ J " taxed, reftllcted. or prohibited by lllw; " ,...,,.., , , by unauthortnd ret.llen; " eAigned, """enoed ot '9C>'Od~: or If lrwolcff CO'f9ftn9 *<* • the ,... • • • of redem9'IOn -noc produced uPod l'9CIUMt. Felk#9 \:. to comply CONlltutff RWJD. ea... --1/20ltl of OM cent. Send coupon• to Johneon a John.on, P.O . .> Bo.II 1381), Clinton, iowe. 527 34. I ~ _____________ ... _. Limit one coupon per l)Ulcil-. 01043 50323.b CUNICYDfN"' (or) CIJllJC..r. (•) ClltlCGIT"' OJa.i~• ·12 ---------------.SAVINGS. Save 35cton any Maxi cosmetic from Max Factor. --n..~F0t __ ,._~ ..... -·-•....-e1..,1MX1....._,.,f_&Ct •'IJ,_~-lc ...... I -·---~ .. .,,.. ...... _ ,,_..,_.,.....,Mii~-·-,.,..... .... _.., "--...--·---....... ....-........... __ .,_..,,_..,.._ ..... _ .... c-" ..., .... ...,...,....., ... ,,,,,,.ia_ .. ,.._, .. _ Ollol,......, .... u.u .............. ., .... ._......,.,. .,. _.,..,. c.11.-tnoc ~....__..,.,._ • ..,_ ftl...,_. ...,._ ...... ,_,c...,o .. 1111.Clollil. IJ lo-1 ~™ u s .. ,,,,, " • :;.."':::=-!!;:_Olltlf MAXI-_.am•tOCllllQldte i lil rt! l i ;: .. Cl1181MuFOC!Or&Co .ANorlOnS..-lne~ 1 -.. - u~ 4b200 · l047bl 314 o warm weather tea -ea aalad hllled melon - enUy find their '° IUJ1lJDet" meals. y they are eerved tely, but put them and you have a refreshing entree or supper. tlier cantaloupe or ~ melom can be •u the hue for this meal. Chopped ._,lfa>OkA~ eQ11. apple. , nu1a, ralslns and dremlng combine m u-..w the nuvttioua for the melon. '.'marry•• the IflWIP. prepare the ea aeveral hours lel'Vina and chill mpletely. Then it In U\e center of ·juicy, ripe melon MELON AND EGG SALAD ' 'terVlap hard -co o k e d =ppedapple I" c up chopped table 1poo n 1 <WI~ nuta tableapoona raisins tableapoona l'IMI~ dre9lina tat?leapoona [~.;;JJ ---_______ ........_ __ _ 5:..+..::::-:.::::: --·---·-----:. · -· . ..,_, __ JVAlmTB :=.TJ::r~ .. ~.~condition tbat weul41 virtually ~daetW'Oll• ....... ___ .... m'CI_ I --ti Pl1o!t reduoUODI •• u th• ...... boliclay IMIOft f alll '• mov• lar1• .-nffmoCwtmd~to th• ttaht money lltuadon. ll:a eciall when lt BEEFCHuat BONELESS ......... ........ ...,. I U 9 9 Fa111ll)!. Steak LB. ffATlll ___ '°" -··· --..... iiiiiv'E' .. '1.U iiiiiii.. _., .. ------•1.n sma.m - ---11 H Slllllm . . ... • WI_. LllI DRESSlll OICOflATlll WHIR Oft COLOM GALA II TOWELS hli'Clto~•---· Sven tf th• bottom doe1n't fall out of ~ Wine liridnar, I can almoet · 1uaranlee beer, tht1 haw ~ ~ tMre wtil be 101M pub Uc paUence and • ._ ... eYUJable in acceptance beyond the next lbc montm. and NMDll. "Meld On Wine'' .W, of In th• caH of the CO\U'M, tell you about French, lt WH' y•~r• them • before public oonfidenice WM repined. An lmue OOPlt -A reader of "rlp .. off" prtdn111 from Menlo Park called the other day, .. ,raatlu mon infcnnatlan on. thal 1'41 Cabernet Neeatly releeled by lebuuant under the Caaa de 8onomia label. I tbmk rt. Wiii malnly ~ for a ahouJder to cry on. seem. .that IOmet1me ln the early '60., thla 1entleman ran into the late AUl\llt Sebudan1 at h1a SonOma wtne,ty, and u ked to urchaae the aldll&wtllelatlle__. ~lold--~..,~~ the 1Ml b' Maul .... In lteO, .... wtn. IDld -tl the bonle, wliOe In tti currmtrwleiiiedleWtail il~tlOOtbe bottle. The readerl wtio admit• he 1 no connol-.ar', jult a wtm lover, atllf haa four bottles of the \lrine f « (See MEAD P Ct) 9t·s ~ult vUeot ffiat vUade ~ 'C1amousf pYouSa~el aBULAaOBSND .Rib · Steak IEU LAllOf IJIO Im $lUI ,. • J • IMSf .. • -IUOl4JT •1 29 ICUO..O ·11 Rib Bout m SlUI .. 12.41 •ii1n am CIT .. I • ---· •a 11 ••IMST •1 "'I 89 ~ .. . ---... 1 11 • Slll & .. 12.. .... IMST .. • • L& ••-•wm-Ja•a.11 ;"Miiis91U .. 11.11 tVAMTIA IMMMO KAl KAii CAT F• • "°" DllHWAIHtNO DAii LIQUID • '°" LAUMOf'\' KING~ DASH omRGENT Sewree <:Mt .9pecl.Oesl .. ~·------040'$ ac man w.u .... ......... lWIYIEST ANTIU'INQ: MCICl&Sl .. u 11.ll .... •1.21 .. I .1 TrY , Caa ,,. '" lrH• Ml~ c...r. _...... tG a crt••· lpoo.n lq&o 1 teHpoon wla• ab'+• 11 ChcpJllCl cmil6 r.:c:r••· ......... baG ....... ,.:-. ....... ~,_In~ ........ ~. ...... . .!:-..•·llllhtly tin.cl eubll lft bUfter « marp:rtne ln a •klll•ti r•move and rHerve. Crumble aauaa11 ln 1klllet and cook until triwn. Drain. Add bnad cu .... On.Ion, .... tomato and remalnlna "" • ~poon Mlt. Mix well and 1poon lnto drained peppen. Place~ ln a.sane =~from a ~ ••••· RtinoY9 the _. 8lld --· · Y-. yuucan wt flWlb Gewatll' ana Cover and •k• ln a tlbl from th~pe ~n IAUIAO .. AND-\.t cup chopped pln•apple ln 1•latln lft':y. to dratD S.ut.e prehHted moderate and cut them wm TOMA'l'Ool'l'Unl:D p.itWd tamlto r.otpe:e. but lt muat be prlJc. onion Md brNd o V • n · (I 7 5 .f..) 2 0 Into atripe l· wide. PBPP&U WUh ,..._ peppen. cook 1 d Uu t • Raw cub.. 1 n butt• r or m I n u t e • · M • Ii• • e Cut t.he OnAOnl into Cbkk 4 P'W' p1ppen Cut a Chin alb from the pl-.e~pple contain• • ~ unCU OnJon t. ~ ~. In a Wlil .acm.t .8oU.1na water IMm end• of eKh arid natunJ eubl&ance whidl trana,.,.nt and bread PIU&O PBPPll:RI heat oil. Add •b• 1"" ...,~salt, remove 111d1. Place ~ta ... formatloa. cubel are IO)den brown. 8 1ari9 pwi 01 Nd peppeu, onlon1 and divided · peppen ln a uucepan HoWevw, thil eubetance about 8 minutH. Add peppers 1arUc and cook over 1"" cup• cubed with bolllnt water to la dmt16Y9ci by hMt. IO muahtooml and 1amon OI" 2 medium onlonl moderate heat for 10 flrm·t.extured bnad O<Net and 1 ~of cooked lneb plnMpple lf.me ju1ce and cook. 2 to 3 'A cup oil~ oU minu• Jonaw, OI" until S tablelpoo111 butter the aalt. Covet. to can be 1uccHlfully mlnute1 . Stlr ln 1 clove 1arllc, 10ft.enad. SU.on with ormarprtne boWnc point and O combined with plaUn. remalnln1 \Ii tea1poc:m minced aalt. pepper and vtnepr. l pound HUHI• minutn. Remov~1 from a cauerole. e; and bake ln 3~ deaee oven 20 mlnutet. l\emove cover and bake 10 minutee J.onpr. Mak.tl9 4 To prepare tr ea h eah, Italian aea.onin1, \Ii teupoon l&lt Serve hot wtt.h uu.pa. meet waier and lnvwt m drain pineapple for 1elatln pauley and heavy \.t teupoon pepper bamburten, veal or 1 tablelpoom finely well. LI htly brown reclpea, place raw'TillITTllllmVlllllllUJiillillllllJiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiii~!li:~~~:!!iiiilii~~-plneapple plecea In II bolllna water, reduce heat immediately and 1immer 1•ntly untU tender. Di> not overcook. Drain pineapple, cool and crush. Look for freahne11 when you aelect freeh pineapples. The crown leavea should be dark green and fresh-looking. A fragrant pineapple aroma la a1ao a good lign. Choose fruit which feels heavy for its alze, and aa large as possible . Pineapples are ready to eat when you purchase them so uae them as aoon aa P<mible. Please offer some ldeu for using bell peppers. The crisp and crunchy green bell pepper la a versatile vegetable. Because of its year - round availability, the opportunities for using peppers are endless. On the other hand, the sweet red pepper has limited availability. It ia actually the same variety as the green pepper but has ripened on the vine. The sweet taste Increases as the red color develops. Their crunchy texture is best savored raw. Strips of raw pepper make excellent low calorie dippers. One large pepper has only 36 calories! Raw green and red bell peppers are also good containers for light main course dishes like chicken, shrimp and ham salads, or cottage cheese. Just wash peppers, cut a slice from the stem end and remove inside leeda. If a pepper won't sit upright, take a thin slice off tne bottom to o\ake a flat base. Try roasted or stlr- f r led peppers for a different side dish . Combine the distinctive flavor of sweet peppers by sauteing str ips in olive oil with fresh garlic and onion. Baked stuffed peppers are a p o pular a nd economical main dish. For this purpose use green peppers because they are firmer and offer more support to fillings. Traditional pe ppe r fillings are ground-beef m ixtures, but experiment with other pepper stuffing combinations like diced cooked potatoes and cheese, sausage and tomatoes . or even leftover tuna casserole. Peppers are low in calories and are a good so ur ce of fib er. Substitute raw pepper squares for dipping into your favorite ch eese fondue recipe. It's a fresh twist to a traditional dish. MUSHROOM - STUFFED GREEN PEPPERS 6 medium gree n peppers Boiling water 1 ~ teaapoons salt ~ teupoon finely chopped garlic 1,4 cup finely chopped onion 4 cupe touted bread cubes ~ cup butter o r margarine 4 cups diced fresh muahrooma 1 teaspoon ,freah lemon or lime juice M teaapoon Italian eeuonlng 1 \Ii cup• finely chopped perlley \4 cup heavy cream Wuh peppers, cut tops and remove eeeda. Place ln a uucepan with bolling water to cover and 1 teupoon of the Freeze crepes ctrel* are really fJMY to inake and tr... wry well. Cook a double bitch and interi.f wtth =-~cC:-='r~ aluminum foJ and freese. Thaw an4 UH acoordln1 to your favorite recipe. PRICES GOOD THRU AUG. 17th, 1982 ' ·y.,'tJ~ -·,. ,,,. Oii Golden, ,,,.,-Ol·tM NS60n, (f'-..'-..l~j ·~~:,:~~~~SEEDLESS ~I GRADES 98~. local! HMd plck«J, packed In bl and dellVflred within houra every day to each lrvlne Ranch Farmers Market! '--.. j PICK OF THE SEASON TREE RIPE 49~. . COMPARE OUR PRICES LUNDBERG'S UNSALTED RICE CAKES 4 oz. b.g HEAL TH VALLEY ~NUT BUTTER 16 oz. • all navort HAIN SPICY BAKED BEANS 15 oz. PURE & SIMPLE NEW ITEMll SALSA No Sall -12 oz. HAIN BARBEQUE SAUCE 14 oz. CAESAR CARDIN! SALAD DRESSINGS 10 oz. -All Flavors RAW SUNFLOWER SEIDS Bulk or Pac*aged THOMPSON SEEDLESS RAISINS Bulle or Pac*aged :. TOASTED / CORN KERNELS Bulk or Pacltaged TROPICAL TRAIL MIX Bulk Only AT OntmR ITOMI: 2'5 } 32 }49 159 }95 ('1 REG. l's.,. 1"· ... 21s.. PEA.CHES •••••••• .JUMBO SIZE NEW SEASON HILO HAWAIIAN PAPAY A. •••••• I 'b~ LONG, GREEN CUCUMBERS. 29~. GREAT FOR COLESLAW CABBA.GE •••• l 9t. REG. SPECIAL CHEESE OF THE WEEK . . REG. SPECIAL IMPORTED 3 29 DANISH CREME HAVARTI 3''1i. Ht. 219 159 15s 1 s1 CIAL 12• .... J 31 .... 1 31 .... 1 89 .... Imported LONGMONT 41 ~KT1f 0r~KEY BREAST S•'ll. 4 Ila • .,.._ __ _ r TUSTIN & l-JEWl:>O t O~L Y FRESHLY WRAPPED BULK STRING CHEESE 3 49 37'11. Ila. FROM NEW YORK HEBREW NATIONAL KOSHER 441 BOLOGNA OR SALAMI 4''1>. 11t. FRESH -BAR-B-QUED BAKm BEANS Wllh Ham Addedll 1°111. 1 19 Ila. IRVINERANCB FARMERS MAllKET BAS WHAT YOIJ NEED TO QUENCH YOUR SIJMMEB THIRST ••• ltq. Prtct 79c 89~ HANSEN'S HAMAL SODAS 21 oz. (AH Flavors) R. W. KNUDSEN HIBISCUS COOLER 149 32 oz. t4ANSEN'S APPLE JUICE 4 29 10don 219 QUENCHER NAT\ltAL SODAS f/10 oa .. ~ Ftavon exc.pt Guarana 1 •• 2•• 249 . MARINATED REG. SPECIAL · · KABOBS 349 :. Great For The Bar·B-Oua 39S..,, lit. ' l "'I>. I 21 .... '. MARINATED BEEF BACK RIBS BONELESS BEEF 1 89 21911. lb. BRISKET Excellent For Pot Roaall FANCY STUFFED PORK CHOPS 249 11. -----~ E Tf C:TIN. ,~EWP(')f y Freth Peclflo REG. 141 Red Snapper ........ 2.79/t lb. ~: ................... 9.98 8 4.:. Mont•ey & Flot"entlne 2 81 S~ed Sole ........ 3.98/lb eaeh Nz:'F~ ............. 3.98/lb 2 ~?. ~.BAKED GOODS . Hi)ME MADI IRVINE RANCH • , 80UlllCAIAM CINNAMON COFFEE CAKE '-CALLED 80UAIU88 SPECIAL UnftM plum weda-; ,.._ ... ,...., ._-. •ltted (1atout l ~ DnlliN oa "8•r of pape ol~ _,._ llllllldl.Y""'-Tllll"'* ~ lar1• ouncl planer. peaeh '••4wlelae1 lbaUTd ie 1t•d• _. -.,, Peaally Yoaurt Circle wltb 1plnach. iround•-*'*"°' brul1e-tr•• an41 * 1.. ~,_,= ~ YGl\llt DI 'nc . po1Ulvely 1bow no __.!.•~U•• 11£,:.!Z and.....,.. on . Then watob 1our wrinkle• (which ~.......... PortAGe cmto mull~ cMlappw. lndlcatee 1brlvel and a fr••hr um1, ""''ft• plate~;~•J>OOn t Ve,, 1 0 at la~ e) p I W9W lmf). ~ aDd ... clr11d9-11 Mr. llabi 4 thelnltlv• '° • do-It· PSACll •'A K poun 1upe ~ ~ fruit ..a.ct. aoaalA IALAD di1M1 N p' a e II 1 y •I• r t lt'1 isnpdnant to"*' 2 pldr1r (I....-In 1mall bowl beat 0..*1' bl oontalDer ot MEAD. ON WINE frelh, ripe fruit for thil each) crHm eb•H•, ~ oh11111 Spoon eJectrtc blender ccmbme • • • t'edpe *-the •Uni ii aot...n.d -..i mnountl of d'--1 cup plain yo1urt, 1 _ .... _ almo1t out-of ·hand. ~ cup crumbled lolJiture on f ,peach larlt fn.h p.cti, dkledz (r.--~ ... C4) To nmlve your t"C>py, ChOOM ~with a bleu cbHH (abo'&t 2 balvea. Sandwich 1 ta~ honey ana which be paid rouably tend tl to~ Wine Fair ~ ~ ooloc' ~) ~ Wltb ~ W teMpOqn ult; "blend tl.IO, but wtahel be had I11ue, P .0 . Box 208, that 1tve 1U1htly to 4 1ar1 • fr• 1 b ~ halwe. Pia bowl 1mootb. ChUl. Make1 !>ELLA ROBBIA -Three-fruit aa1ad and peach Nndwlch make1 a tuty menu for a ~ luncheon. Chi Nit ol the cw. J!:nalewood, CX> 80110. aentle paw p,...ure. peachH, halved and of Peachy Y 01urt about 1~ a.apa. What~tothe,.-.-------------------------------------------~----~------'""'---------------------=-~----,~---------,------------------OCMI' ~a tioU199? Well, be pw • ooUple away• atft•~ but mottly he'• uatn1 the wl-.• In hi• cblcUn c:ecdatore recipe. After an. the wine east him ._ tM!l anytbtnc he could buy at the~· SP .ARI.LING BEST BUY -Cham~ and aDUklJna wine pricel an ... alway• nlah (partially ' becau. of WC. b1gber than tho1e on still wtnea), but in this day when It's touch to find a French 1parkler for much 1-than $20, and molt of the really good California bubbly is pl1ced at $12 and up, any price relief on a quality product la appreciated. WEIBEL-CHAR· DONN.AY Cham - paane 09 or le11) Thia dry (brut), relatively crisp sparkling wine, baa clean, unclo:Yina flavors. and an abeoliat.ely efferveacent per•onallty . The ·carbonation la lively and Iona-lasting, and the Chardonnay character is appropriately subdued. One doesn't drink the bottle, but the fact that the ,wine comes in an attractive package that make• it appear more expensive than it is. may be oomidered a plus by aome. Compare this one to some of those $12 bottles from Napa Valley adclreeles, and you may ~ pleasantly IN BRUNCH Vineyards Summerhill Vineyard near Gilroy la oonductll\g a 1erlea of Sunday bnmcbea, camplete with Champagne and table wines and either light jaD or chamber music. The lab la $18, and you can get complete details on the 10 a.m. events that run through Oct. 24 by writing: Swnmerhill Brunch, 3920 Hecker Pua Hwy., Gilroy, CA 95020. MAJOR TASTING - The next major wine ~ of the aeason is the ' Cae1ar's Tahoe Wine Extravaganza" scheduled for Saturday, Sept. ~. 1982, with more West Coast wineries than you c an prob a bly imagine, and certainly more than you'll be able to taste. The aurroundings will be grand and ., will the wines. To make sure you receive an invitation, write to : Win e Extravaganza, 3415 Alemany Blvd., San Francisco, OA 94132. More detail• as they become available. DENVER RESULTS -Colorado now has its own California Wine Celebration, including a judging of California wins. Alu! I don't care for the judging's pbllot0phy which says that the best examples of wlnea from 1uppoaedly lela than great varieties aren't worth a gold medal A1 far as I 'm concerned, the beat Cbenin Blanc ever made la a 801d medal Chenin Blanc. Not eccordlng to the 1poD10n of th& event, however. Their view, a~tly, It that gold medah 1hould be Nl8l'Wd for the ao-called ·~· vuletall IUCh aa Chardonna)'. Cabernet ~dd.:>on. Tbe .-alta have been publl1bed in a local oew1leUer called the ••Socky ~lain Wine Gulde,'' and CODIUJnefl may ftnd it Inter.tin& to com_pare tbe J)enver ....... with NIUlta from the maz C•ltfornta , ......... .· . . FEATURING USDA CHOICE BEEF, OEE SMITH pf\ESIOENT SAVE 2. 78 WITH THESE COUPONS! ( ~ ~ 11 l i ( h \' ; I I I ii,••!'" jl, ' ~ • ·'-' ' ' INTRODUCING SMITH'S DOUBLE COUPONS I . YOUI UllUFACTUIErl COUPOl 11 WOITll DOUlt.f THE FACE AMOUlfT WITH OME Of SMITH'S DOU&E COUPO•. ID DOUIU COUPOM FOi COMPUTE llFOIMATIOI. H•R• 18 AN •JCAMPL• ~~:ii:~~~+ r-g-frr~ff l=&•c L-~o~~~-J L_CO_!JPOf!_J .FF OOU RL E COUPON SAVINGS f ' I 1 1 rre1h ._,pr.~ chlct•' ............. ,...,. owa...-•~ ........ , ...... ....... ..... tNo1abM ~......,and ~I t ti p r o p e r ........... fri1111dQ1, .... Gltbat~-­be ...u~ pr .. rwd few u. on the diMet' cabllt filht dvouih wlnW and tprinc. Mott fruits and vecetablel can be ~ ~y ln the home food f.rener. Arnone ..... few exception• are H lad-type ve1etable1 1uch u lettuce, celery and tomatoes. Becauae of theU' blCh water content, freedna produce• undeelrable textural cm.na-. Fruita are u1ually pecked for freezin8 with auaar. ucorbic acid or aynar 1n mcUture-vapor- proo contalnen. Moat fruit• can go rtaht trom the garden to the freezer with minimal preparation. V ete1ablea, however, must be heated before freezing to halt the ripenlna proceea, which continues after plddng. The heating proce9 u.ed to prepare vegetables for the freezer is called blanchlng. .· The microwave oven has proved itself an excellent blanching tool. atnce it eliminates the need for large pota of boiling water and cull down op work time. 'lbJa mAea it eesler to freeze vegetable• in small batches throµghout the life of a home garden. Many newer mkrowave cookbooks con taln ina t ructlona for blanching vegetable. with ea1y-to-follow chartl. For example, here are the recommended ateps for blanching one pound of asparagus in a microwave oven: -1. Waah vegetable and prepare aa for cooking. Thia should be done just prior ·to the blanching and freezing procem. -.2 . Select an appropriately sized microwave -safe container wttb a cover. For example, a pound of fresh asperagua. cut into one-or tw~lnch pieces, can be proceHed in a two-quart container. -3 . Add ~ cup water. (Amount varies for other vegetable9.) -4. Cover container and microwave on full power. Recommended blanching time for asparagus la 2 ~ to 3 ~ minut.ell, but vegetablea should be checked after ' the minimum time. If pieces are not unifonnly bright in color. Shake or stir thoroughly and continue heating for full amount of time . Vegetables 1hould be stirred once half-w ay through blanching and again afterward. -5. Immediately after final atirrlng, empty vegetables into a colander and plunge into lee water to atop the cooking proce98. Chill for a period equal t o blanching time. -6. Drain vegetables, shaking o ff e xceu moi.sture, then pat dry with paper towela. -7. Li1htly pack vegetablet into a pint· alze container, leaving about \Ii inch of head apace to allow for expansi on dur i ng &eemlg. -8 . Labe l eac h New Yumkins appealing SAN J'RANCISOO - Del Monte Corp. wlll ... the most extemtw conaumer promotion ln ltl 86-year hlltory when the Del Mante Country Fair be8t111 oat month. The _._t II mntered on a caw..,.. prm:mum -ao ori81mJ line of mft. fruit and ve1etable lhaped cloO. kiMnm u Country Yumklna. · "The Country Yumldm IMY be toyl, but we bell9Ye ttwy WW ·mouvate conawnen to buy more Del Monte lll'Odueta," ..a.s a..._ o, Botb1cbtld , vice .. =~-~lld--!~~ f ' wa r e wb.en '6 vegetables I srlto .,t( HI» nlau birf:> .ilA m.IJ1 f.> scf 12 !l18 FINEST. QUALITY FRESH PRODUCE~ NATIONAL BRANDS AND SERVICEI w oa It i.q ROUND STEAKS UI DA CHOICI 8UF BOMl lN II LB. BONELESS RUMP UIDA CHOICI aHP e ftOAIT e ROUND I'!. BONELE88 ROUND STEAK 111 --------··-···--.. ·-·----· L& STEWING BEEF 211 -----•-.... -............... -....... --·-·-·LA. !2!.!2.~~,!!!~~ ......... _.......... L& 1•• HILL8HIRE FARM 'Mt -...--...uu--. LA.&- PACIFIC SALMON WHOU Oil HAU' e PllODN 11! ~~!..-LA.21• CUBEITUKI ~ -CMllC9111P.---........ -----·---L& & -- PORK IPARRRIBS 111 -IT'ft&..-··--··----·-·--·-L& QUARTERED PORK LOIN 111 -~-··--·-...... L& rlT ~--------------.. fCfol GAME HENS PAmaAN Z. MINIMUM WllGNT It 1 I W •C:>ruJ oedG 1-; G td"l.8:) ,nc.f Ulrl::J ;3qa lJJod 9 111 ,.UJs .>lnm ~)(9 ') ~J ~------------' >moc: RIB ROASTS URKEY DRUMSTICKS BEST OF THE FRYER LONDON BROIL I nod i obr. I • :t d UI DA CHOICI HIP • LARQI I ND SEEDLESS GRAPES ~ _ l'LUMI' .IUICY • ~L 8UNCHll ~~ .,, YELLOW PEACHES FRHITONI MIATY HONEYDEWS IWH TWMOLa MLONa ITAL!!!zu~IYASH ~ ~( 31~.~ II~. FRESH BREAD IMITH'I • WHITI • I ANDWICH 11-0Z. LOAP ·~· COKE, TAB, SPRITE 11..0 CAN '•2'' 'PAK GRADI AA aun•R 1•• ~' ..... °""---.. -----.... ·---··-----BIE, RAVIOLI 111 0-IOY..-eli -.OL OMI -.................. -... -..................... . TOTINO'I ftlZZA 111 l...a.Mll.--···-··-·-·-·"""'--··--............. ._ __ _ GRAPRFRUIT .IUICI 89• TM91WWY, IMll.OAJI.-... -..... --........ _ ..... .. PEANUt BUTIER I IUl'IRMAN• CRllAMY• CRUNCHY• 11-0Z..IAR PU .~~ •· ..., .., ..... ,-1': ~ ( ~~.~!~~.~.~\ l '-., ZACKY OR POITmft PAMll CHICKD FRESH BROCCOLI GARDIN TDIDU 4t. ~~s.~~~~·--·---......... -... s:•1 CRISP CARROTS s~·1 ,..._ -·----·---... . OAK LEAF IVY 311 .._ __ ----·----------·--· .. ··-- COLORPUL MUMS 411 ...-OUMIT'r.----............. ___ ................. . 1~1 PREMIUM POTATOES SALAD LffiUCE PllllllUM ORA.DID • PIMI RID • Qftll!N LEAF • BUTTett • llOlllAINI 3~1~111 l'Altltt • llNQU ROLL ~~~A ORANG~ .IUICI ...... _ 111 POTATO CHIPS 89• LAIMA eo--. r.oa. -••c• .......... -.......................... . ORANGI JUICI 111 ,_....,,.-.OM, ................. _. ____ , ..... _ .. __ PARTY TIMI POPS 141 ·--------·---·-·-· .... ·----· CHICKEN OF THE SEA UQHT CHUNK TUNA• OIL Oil WATIA l'ACK • t~-OZ. CAN POeTD PAMll e t<U.; Pile. n~ J n o ratfJ ' '(d ·1.na P.Uq s:~e M 9cfT dJ£BJ ~tf ! n lW l9ti'.>2 I Jq!JG r?:9W uo v }limi nom &J or IT ~ 9d 30lW 9'.>91 1W Jx3 •9lA 1 81~ 'loM 009<:1 to t .:> - n wo 191~ 11but 9CllW "'0} tlirlq J81fJ 1n iw ae1 a111 J>9m A IUO'> 19t0 n~ )ff noqe wofi sqq• H~m tM9'l Mb" !arl::> IU~ fI' duq wsn >OSI'' :')tu{) '(-.m IUO? tlJlirJ odt ll'r'ICX> ltdenoee. The committee arUcularly urged onaumptlon of fruit• A and predu•• b•I tor "If~ lt llll't I ~ ldH to hold fruit for ~~a'!\~·=·~' "tM.the" blca'f119 lt Ain't poto\U. Tbu1 the motlture the fnaJt lfwe oft pie traNed ln th• plutlo, ooftaiO..., and prorM.tel tpoUaea eaUltd by mold or blcteria. U you want to speed up the ri.,enln1, put the tru.it ln a ~ peper bae· The paper allows mollture to __. ... ~ .... ~:--·.a= ~ ... Q. I baw a .,_ loeded wlth ~ and want to ,, .... \Mm quickly and with no 1u1ar lt ~bli. WMt'I UMt belt lnitthod? A . The q_ulokelt, eaa!Ht metnod 11 to frt•• whole peachH with the 1kfn1 on. Simply pack In =q ftenet beat and • However, th• peach•• uce chances of cancer? ,.._. dYI VJn WW DOI frimil WW haW &ht bM WI and aJIO tedUOll t.M n'teia l.betr color aad retenUon of color and action of~ ln the '8St\&n Yel')' w.aJ aiMI tatui9. U yo\l JlftfW not f r \.l I \ t h l t C: a U I • you Would ... , to -to '* ........ you could ~· them lft cooked d18MI. Ult fn&l~_ )&IOI ot a puree Q. J •tocked up on aour Hold tbe froMn peach iudt &Gm• ~bei ud Cl'Mm when It wu on undH ruMln1 c:old wa• to which~ ..sci , 1pectal and now it'• wawuntUthelklnpv.Ue ~add. almou r•acbed th• ott ...uy. CciOk at °'* All ~ !Nit hu a expiration dai. on the btcaw.e . .PMled peachel bMw titxWre It you ••i canon. Could J f,... it? wUl cluMD quidC!y. (\ while 1tlll all9htly A. Flrat, you ahould P'9C:hH eltctd Into froaen. Jee cry1tal1 know that the date cold IYNP (for example formed dµrtnc freeztn1 11amped on the au10n of a c:Upe •upr to 4 cupe \end to tnak down the aour cream u well u on water) to which you add· clelJcate ctUa of the fruit all other dairy produots ~ teapoon MCOrbic add cauatnc lt to .. t mushy. such aa mtlk 11 not an per quart •~P aod then Sucat helpt to prevent expiration date. Jt la a pull date. A pull date rMan that ,,., the wt day the ps:Oduat may be .,Jd. A.her that claw tt°I tuppmed to be "pulled" from the dairy caH. However, the product II not ,om, to be 1polltd after that cla\e1 and In fact may keep ror tome time afterward• (thus, It'• not an expiration date). Milk, for ex.ample, wUJ keep HVen t'o 10 days after the pull date. Sour cream may keep much ion.er becaua of 111 hf.ltl ldd coa•t. Tbt add prOl«1I ft ban the arowth of apolla1• or~. AtW•~eaw cnamll~.we don't recommend tt. Free1ln1 bl'fflu down the texture of tour cream, cautll"I lt to become nanny Of' Wl\ery. However, the frosen IOW' cre.vn could be \Med in cooked c:Ulhel wheN you're Interested In flavor and the~ II of no concern. ' d veaetablea ht1h in tamtn c and carotene. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.,...-"'-~~~~--,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......._ tene la the aubetance hat 1ive1 carrot•. •acbea, aprlcot1, etc. Ir oranae col~r. In the it i. converted to iam1n A. Summer 11 an ideal tor ua to follow this vice when we have an bundance of vitamin C- d carotene-rich fresh irutta and vegetables to qhooee fl'OIJl. ' , First , there 's ~antaloupe -high in ijoth vitamin C and carotene. One-fourth of a melon will aupply almost your entire day's need . for both vitamins C and A at a calorie coet of just 40 calories. A food like this is considered to be high nutrient denalty because it la high in nutrients ln proportion to Its calories. Pea c hes and nectalines are abundant right now too. And they also are high nutrient rf sity foods. although t as high as taloupe. The orange dolor tells you that !Jiey're a rich source of ""°otene. One peach or rjectarine supplies about }jalf of your day's need ~ vitamin A, but only ut one-fifth of your y's regutrem. en ts of tarnin c. Apricots, oranges, and t;Bngerines are some other fruits that supply carotene and vitamin C. Apricots are very rich in carotene and not so high in vitamin C ; the opposite is true of oranges and tangerines. Among the vegetables, chrrots always come to mind as being a rich source of c arotene l)ecause of their deep orange color. And, in fact, one medium-size carrot provides almost twice the vitamin A needed in a day. Bu t dark green vegetables such as Romaine lettuce, spinach, kale, and other "greens," broccoli and green pepper, along with deep yellow or orange vegetables such as sweet potato and winter squash all are excellent carotene sources. Some, such as peppers , broccoli, spinach and kale also are rich in vitamin C. Are you wondering why dark green vegetables are high in carotene when they are not orange in color? It's because the green color of chlorophyll, which they also have in large amounts, covers up the carotene color. . Tomatoes are another vegetable that are a good source of carotene. Here the red color coven up the carotene orange. The same isn't true of beets, however. Beets have little carotene. For better nutrition, eat beet greens instead of beets. What happen s t o nutrient• such as carotene or vitamin C when the fruits and vegetables are stored, cooked, or processed - for example, canned, dried, or frozen? Carotene is fairly stable and little la loet in cooking or proc:esslng if the food la handled correctly. Vitamin C. on the other band, ia very unstable, and eome la I.oat during cooking or proce11ing, e1peclally when food1 are overcooked or are allowed to atand at room temperatUJ'e after they have been peeled or allced. Of tbe proce11ln1 methods, freednc 11 1-8' likely co cauM lou of nutrientat clryina la the moat dHtructlve of nutrten• and canning la ln between. QUESTIONS WE ARE .UUDt .J·=.!.~~ not fully rtpe and~ ~ lhoUld be allowed to ripen at room ..... ture. r. lt best to I 1eiY9 chem ln the pJaatjc EXQUISITE FlAVOR L8. e UMIT 8 LBS (REOUlAR PRICE LB '9) PRODCJCE """°'~ Large omatoes l&.39 ~, ... Oc.r<tf't" ruh Cucumbers tA.19 $\lio'fCt (. v:bow Large Y Peaches Le .59 O(D>PAA IA ... () COIL KA .. -Jt 1 5 Garden Fresh cabbage LI • '~"' fll(AI Hawaiian Papayas L8 .98 ~{°" ~'ICM. e Rose Potatoes l .. 25 •l'C'l<OOT ll.ISt'OllUJ"l!AllU Tropical Pothos tA .99 FROZEN FOODS t ,. t "°' §9\ nestle CNnch Bar 2-l.T. COKE, TAB SPRITE 1.39 HUNTINGTON 9UCM mil ..... .,. •• , .• COeTA..U LIQUOR l>:s'~u'i:d:'r°"~~LMD 289 WIT\'O()ll~T~ aylof Ug t bl11 349 X:.dr:'Ch:n.-wtflt re mp11gne 2~500 f.c"":drR -· Oii 'l&.\Q ar I um 499 ~fr.Oii~ e m NICO 239 "~ ~ ttG<.l.AA ()0~"'1 49 sil~~~ 749 DELICATESSEN h=~~ ~"'o~1n ~th~ ~~;;·~ !l<XI'<?. ·~ ~ >CAt ~ osc.r Mayer Beef Bologna .39 '8 199 }19 J59 .98 , ... mil..,_._, 0..,.. AM. GROCERIES f!~U'~~ru~k'a'~ .83 A.T.t,; ~k:"""' 219 ~j:~\ CodctAll .89 st'(((, ... -~ oe1tring otatou .67 trer."C~--nz amburger Relbh .59 c~-cr ~ sco a OH ) 19 ?()O'(( llO~ Creamttte Elbo Macaroni .33 sor<'~CM I tr• Preserves 249 ~~s·'°-~ . em weet el• )89 ·-~~·~ IVOl)I .s .. .84 SU{VICl. Sf AF OOD ~.;~F9eta ~c:&ti ~~Fmeta PLUS DOUBLE COUPOlll 0 .17 MEATS MEATS IAkr t<l'oG WV~ CUT Porterhouse e.aks l.1 2 57 ~ Ttewtng Beet UI } 89 ~~t>':s=-Ul 2 48 ""°"ls~ f~»Ol Com h ame ens ... 99 s~t~ .. 248 ~~ed~~ UI 159 l'lll.t n=lllU ~ Chuc amltji St L.8 229 ':;f ~ ·=v:i .,.,ltUM p UNge nks ,,..69 M~ ~Cf1'TVICUI~ uck. teaks UI 1 79 ~-"~ urt<ey Dinner Ham LI 1 79 T"'8LL IU'«)~..fllQlErl VAl.UE PM:!< 1 79 OOU~~AT I.an Plitllea LI Q9CM ""vt.ll. ~trlP T...SIV W 00 ~ 1 69 Breakfast • 11o.i ... o "' SLIM PRICE SLIM PRICE B~~~~:~.99 ~~ Puc:h Hatolu .59 i~ Reh1ed Bean• .43 !~e Clr11pe Jelty 109 §~'e~~n.i;e .99 g~ ~·Oii ~"<"' e eanut tter } 29 r~4P1e JuJc:e } 39 fm='\:o'· ...a } 49 g~~-..s .99 r~~~t•t } 69 • L .. i $ ' IJ ' ~< ~-~;::!:#-. ~ ~ e~ ~/ ~. __,, _ CENTS-OFF CRAZE -While coupons lead the way to •vlnaa for man1 at the grocery store, conaumer actlviata claim lower-Income families benefit least from their uae. Pros and cons of coupons By LOUISE OOOlt d i s t r i b u t i n I a n d A111 i,.11•,.._...., hanc:Wngcoataofooupona •bed and emotced up to 30 "°"'· •SOlral lllced around the bone. • eovered with out Met•t gloze. •8-t ot room temperoture ao no heotlng nec:euory . • Jutt col, Ofder and plctc It up, WE DO CA TEAING •GIFT CERTIFICATES Almo1t everyone la without benefJtlna from clippina coupons to tJim their dlacounts," the grocery btDa theee daya, USDA ,,_ y s. It a la o but a new study ahowa ooncludee, however, that that the centa-off "there la no hard promotka vary widely evidence that food prices in value and type. would drop In the t----------..,,.------------..,..-----'- Tb 1 tu d abaence of coupons, e Y w a s becaute manufacturen co n d u c t e d b y t h e could ah1ft to other typea Economic Research of ad'~-.... Service of the U .S . •,.;&-.. D e p a r t m e n t o f Gallo and the other Aariculture. Preliminary USDA reeearcbera noted findinp were published that up until now there in th,e latest issue of bu been little concrete National Food Review, a information about quarterly journal put out coupon redemption on by the agency. specific products: Are Anthony Gallo author conaumen using coupons of the article, ~ya that for bu'ttc .,food items? For cents-off coupons have luxuriea. For non-food been the faatest..growtng itema? form of food. pramotion One phase of their and adve.rtuiria alnce the study centered on 16,329 mid-19701. ln 1974, manufactuera' coupona 1 coupons represented received by a large about 6 percent of total grocery chain with stores food advertising and ln the Washington. D.C., promotion; by 1980, they and Baltimore areas accounted foe 11 percent. d u r i n a th e w ·e e k Coupons still las beg1nn1na Nov. 2, 1980. behind broadcast and print ~v•dl&lol ... a AIDOllC tbe (jnctinp; meam of promotion, but -About three out of ltudia have shown they five coupons redeemed are used by four were for food items, hooweholds in five. although they were rarely for ataples like The coupcms al80 have fresh meats, poultry, come under attack, egp and produce. Only how e"V er . Some about twe>-tentha of the consumer activi1ta say ooupon1 redeemed were coupons encourage for meat. fiah, poultry oe people to buy products eggs; an equally small they ~n't re.tfy need. number were foe fresh They say the money fruits or vegetables. spent on coupons would Leadlna the lilt of fooda better be \.-cl to lower for which coupons were prices in 1eneral. And used were coffee, they point out that prepared fooda, cereals coupon usase la lowest and cake mixes. ' among poor familles who need the savm,o. most. -Non-food items '1be Bureau of Labor accounted for about two Statlatic1 1ay1 lower out of five coupons income famillet spend redeemed . These 1ignlficantly le11 for product• included readina materiala than bou8eho1d supplies, pet man alfluent oamumen food. tobacco and what's and 90 percent of all known as general coupons are dJatrtbuted merchandt.e -health th.rougbDewspapen or and bNuty aida, school mapliDe9 supplies. etc. 'I'bele items represent about 15 The USDA study says percent of all gr::2 that peopae who do not stone saJee on a na use coupdns aubsidlze b a 1 11 -b u t t h e y t h o 1 e w h o d o . aooounted for about 40 "Non u.eia of coupom percent of the coupon pay the pr i n ti n 8 , redempticna. 111:•111 1:111111 l{ecipe Tacos for two • • easy in microwave Supermarket shopping will never be the same. Now you can find all the finest, freshest, most natural foods available anywhere in the world-all in one great new money- saving supermarket! Truckloads of beautiful top-grade produce fresh from the fabulous fields of Irvine Ranch, A full-service butcher shop and huge meat counter stocked full of fresh seafoods and premium cuts of the very best grain-fed veal and lamb and pork and poultry. Primo Natural Bccf™-grown on a spe- cial natural feeding program and certified by the Phillip's Cattle Company-so low in fat, so high in nutritional value, so narurally tender and full of flavor you may never cat ordinary beef again. Specially selected wines, delicious high-protein drinks. fresh fruit and vcgeta· hie juices. Quality packaged foods and 150 varieties of money-saving bulk foods-all preservative-free. Carefully :selected ~Hf.ND r~1 ·f 'f:~:~ l il LI~ l ··11lv.1vJ kncv. na1ural fooJ• v.crc hCncr in 11 lex of Wll) •. Since Primo. l'\'c coun1cJ IZ,5Z7 bcucr \\'II~/ =SAll>WICtES ............ $22~ =;ck: ........................ s 12~. =~~ .............. 49t ;:KtedR; ..................... s 13l ~m~: ..................... s1 ~~ r..;;:~.~ ....................... s7~ •ARERms ..................... SJ 11. gourmet foods and kitchen things from around the world. Home-made pasta and sauces and bread and pastries made from scratch right here at Primo. The highest quality and freshest vitamins and natural dietary supplements you can get, plus expert nutritional coun- seling. Even a natural gourmet restaurant, Cafe Primo, where a fascinating variety of flavorful dishes arc pre- pared completely free of harmful artificial ingredients. I ncmliblt q110/i1J is llalf tllt Primo story. Tiit otlltr /Jo/f is sovi11g mo11~. As the world's largest natural food supermarket, we go direct· to the source of the world's finest food-from the farmers' fields of fresh produce to carefully controlled catde com- pany feed lots. Our staffs long years of profes- sional experience and Primo's tremendous buying power result in great deals on great food. And all those great deals, all that savings. all the remirkablc<1uality and value we're able to achieve-we pass along straight to you! You've heard that the best costs less. One visit ro Primo and you'll sec that it's finally true! Supermarket shopping will never be the same. Not since Primo. I I I I I What'• UM aa~•••r cup of U••· w~tpp•d 11 ... tt pllft • mb COpp(na; ldd ~"Cake •-.: layu and top wllh Aftlr.U.Cikilllantof rematntn1 cherry the aoet tradlUoaal ml x tu re . 8 ,Pre ad demit..,. to e1h••w remalnlnf whipped or .. r.tllllh even th• topptna over 1ldH of. """"" meal. c.ouftt on cU.e arid on outer edae the .onftftlMa -.,.., of top layec". freah ta1te, too -of Note: Cake 11 beat m.n whipped tc>pptna when made and l9l'Ved to fancy up llUa Cherry-the llD)e day: •tore any Coconut Up1lde-Down 1 e f to v e r ca k e I n Cake. llnJoy \he plua of ntfriprator. u.an, a pilCkaaed cake .~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~--;:~~~~~~~--:~-.-~~~-:-:-~-=:;~;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;~~;;:::;;~;;;::::;;:::;;:::;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;:;;::::::::::::====-~~~~~~~-~ &nix. j Certainly the recipe II remlnl1cent of yeateryear'• popular uplllde-down caltm. The toppiq-UlllnJr mixture which lnclucf e1 flak;.d coconu t and maruch1no cherri-. ii 5on the bottom of p.na before prepare cake mix la poun!d over it and baked. It couldn't be euier. Result? A cake with ita own baked-on topping and filling between layer1. Cake 1lde1 are "froated" with thawed frozen whipped topp,lng. Show off your artistry by piplna add itional whipped t o ppin g; garnlah with atenuned maruch1no cherrie1 for a real profellioml touch. . Clip and· uve the recipe for Cherry- C hoc o 1 ate Cake. Chocoholics wlll rave about the combination delicioualy com - plemented by the whipped topping. CHERRY-COCONUT UPSIDE-DOWN CAKE \.'i cup maraachlno cherries \.'i cup butter or margarine, melted ~ cup firmly packed light brown sugar 1 \.'i cups (about) flaked coconut 1 package (2-layer siz.e) yellow cake mix or pudding-included cake mix 1 container (8 ounces) frozen whipped topping, thawed Greue and Oour sides only of two 9-inch layer pans. Drain chenies, J"ellervinl 2 tablespoons syrup; halve the cherries. Combine butter. sugar and reeerved ayrup; atir in coconut and chen1ea. Divide between pana; spread evenly and set aside. Prepare cake mix aa directed on package. Carefu lly pour over topping in pans. Bake at 3M degrees for 30 to ~ minute• or until cake tester 1naerted in center comes out clean. Cool in pans 15 minutes. Invert onto cake racka; remove Cereal, chicken contrast Like a best friend, a good chicken salad ia alwaya welcome at a summer luncheon table. And thia one la just lively and different enough to stand out taa very spedal. The delicate crunch is from celery, yes, but allO from a sped.al ingredient -natural cereal with raisins and datea. Elegant, eaay and just plain moutl\-waterlng. FESTIVE CHICKEN SALAD 2 cupa chopped cooked chk::ken 1 cup freah or canned pineapple chunks \.'i cup celery allcea \.'i cup mayonnahte or aalad ctn.Ina \.'i teupooo alt \.'i teaapoon curry powder (opdonal) 1 ta b leapoon pineapple juice « milk ~ cup natural cen.1 In Jarae bowl. combine all lngredlenta except cereal; mix well. Chill. Immediately before aervtna, •tir In cereal. Serve in pineapple boa111 or on lettuce leavH. Sprinkle wtth eddltional cereal and om'8b With oran ae 1llc•• and 1tnwberrill, lf dellred. MakH a b out 3 cupa chicken .i.d. l'ttlC!S EfF!CTM 7 DAYS 8 A.M. THU.S., AUG. 12 THRU WED , AUG. 18, 1982 Former John. Ful_!r Coolted BUTT PORTION HAM ... . LI 1.29 forlMr John fully Cooliecl Bone-In HAM CENTER SLICES...... LI 2.49 U.S.0.A. Choi<• Beef, Round cul, 8o"eleu SIRLOIN TIP STEAK ............... LI. 2.49 SHANK PO•TION FA8Ml8 .IOHN HAM fUllY I 09 COOKED 1.8. • BEEF ROUND THICK CUT • LIMIT 2 U S O.A. Choice a..f. ,ull Cut BONELESS ROUND 'STEAK ... LI. 1.89 ElweH formt 7·o&1 CHICKEN ROMANOFF . EA .• 99 U S.O A. Cholce S..f Boneless · Reo.I McC~ Voe Podi I 2·01. Pkg. TOP ROUND STEAK • I 98 SLICED EEF BACON e· I 79 Otcor Moyer, Reg .• or Thteli. l·lb. Pkg. ........ · · L... • . • . ~. • SLICED BACON EA. U S.O.A Choice kef, Round Cut Hormel Mid~t .. l•lb. 2.•9 BONELfSS RUMP ROAST ...... L8. 1.98 PORK LINKS SAUSAGE ll. 2.S9 0Kar Mayer Wofer 1201 U.S.0.A. Choice loneleu Bfff Round Hormel COIJntfy Brand. l·lb THIN SLICED BACON SIRLOIN TIP ROAST ............... L8. 2.39 PORK LINK SAUSAGE . L&. 2.59 Reol McCor. Elwell forma .. ,S '1 ·01. Otcor Mayer I 2·01 CORNED BEEF ROUNDS ........ la. 2.39 CHICKEN MONTE CRISTO . , EA .• 99 PORK 5Au°SAGE LINKS EA 2.49 EA 2.19 FISHERMAN'S B~ Y ~ FRISH RID INAPPIR PACIFIC FILLETS l&.1.39 '••oh Whelt 'o" lleody $cotcli t...,.,.i.cl (S.......td Codi 'o" 11....ty Froun 0.frolled EASTERN I.AKE SMOKED EASTERN WHITEFISH ............. .ll. 2.•9 FINNAN HADDIE ..... L1. 2.39 LAKE SMELTS . ..Lt 1.39 • I LARGE SWEET 2-01. Aast. 59 LI BBY'S DRI NK M IX ........ EA .• LIAN GROUND BDF OOESNOT I . 79 EXCEED 22% FAT La. • I f'OOCS fif' fHf f~£~ 19·0 INOUl"9$M_,Of" 59 Fii1H TOfU ....... ........... .. .. • PKG Marukan Su ... 25.4-oi . Bottle 8 S Dy!'o•_ty •.. I 1 ·o&. Con 69 RICE VINEGAR ............... • LYCHEE NUTS ............... • Kikkomon, Milder~.B.S-oz. Bottlel SS Wel·Poc ... 1'·01. Con S9 r;J t:::~;~·, 9·• otO QI COHO lottON .Ol fl 0-.. QI 0 llO ~ SCHLITZ ~359 ~ BllR ~~a'c-c,•;;_, -V..~ 1.SO Ml fllflXfNfT COllDON NfGllO SPANISH SPARKLING WINE .... ................ ff SOY SAUCE .................. , BOILED SQUID ............. • 'l/inosty $olfun ... 7.75·01. Plcg. I 39 Morgorlto ... 7.75-01. Con SS EAN THREADS .......... • COCONUT JUICE......... • 1)01 IHCU '°' OH #Cl SO Off HEAD & SHOULDERS 2•74 ~~~g~::~~ 2 62 SHAMPOO . ............. .. • 7»ML llGHT & OAlllC PLAIN LABEL TEQUILA 1 ., "i l 16-0Z. . .: LOAF Hite; Sodo, Glnoer Ale, Minerol Wot•• SCHWEPPES MIXERS ....................... 69 I-Liter R~. or Sugor FrM SCHWEPPES TONIC ........................ 79. JUMIO •OU ASST COlOll BOUNTY TOWILI u~:79· 6-l'ACK 11-0L CAMS GIW'f, Amf, STllAW~C'f WILCH'S IODAI 1.69 14-el. Cream, Ant. Var1etie1 MORTON PIES ........................... 71 20-oa. Shotl1rit1gt e \ U-aa. StrtvNI 11-01. , • .,. LYND~N FARMS POTATOES ... ••• ·SARA LEE COFFEE CAKES .... 1.93 22-01 lulltr C~IP.I I I 9 VLASIC PICKLES ......................... , 15·or R•i ·• Hot t •3 HORMEL CHILI W /BEANS ............ • 1 ·lb. Con·All Grinds 4 S9 HILLS BROTHERS COFFEE ... .. •• 12·01. Sovr Cream ~.a9 LASCCO HERRINO FILLETS ... I ... GoUon Jug HUGHES BLEACH 20·CI. 80• GENERIC TRASH BAG .... 69 ....... 9 J • virtues to man\lf ao1urer'1 ;ft»OD.fSOClllOa lmaub-.a fllW at• um., I CUPI JoW•fat IDUk m •nu f •ct o•IONI ~ ITl.AnDllY D ~ ~ .._ • 8 ounce cu Juice· dlrlcUoril. ,.... 1 lrtl '' l .... wMITlll, ~~" IWitch ol tlw Pa C k e d Cr U I ft e d .,. JiMt ... and • IANANA RUii -wllhlid.·lftd bun.cl .. food procH1or, until ~.undrained Don't blow your cool \ •••r oa the calorle1t 8\lt.&ltu .. 2 teu~ ~ C\lp ooJd water m 1 x tu r • I• 1 l u • h y. 2 t•Hpoon1 rUll\ wt th heavy ~I rill!' ~ ,. .... la flawr rum flavorlnc for the 2 tuapoona lemon Trwfer to a metal boWl; flavorinl homemade low~cal ice, • 1' Cl m u c b m o r • vanilla. ~ cover and b'ffM firm. 2 -..poon1 coconut --•. ____ ._.., Cl"MIDI and b'OIM tr.ta .......... than &ce cr.m e t ab 11 • f o on• Remove from freaM' to fla~ up and beat lmOOth wtth add• 8 calortei per (no epecial equipment J or GOIDmerelal froHn aso. WBITll: AND sranulated frul IUIU the Hfrlrc:•tor 20 Supr eubltitute to an electric max.. ,.,.... Ml'Yinl). needed), .MS a ltalQped,... cll9Mn.. What'• more, BLUB PAftPAITlh (or equivalent 1u1ar mbW* be W"V1na. equalftab*poonuucar until nearly tinn. Breek •lf-.ddrwd et\V.iop.,, they'r• euy to do, ~from banana and eubltitute) to IOften .u,htl.~. Makel i 0 pt Ion al : e up and beat 1mooth; WITB ICE C&E4'M and 00 centl to SLIM thanlu to modern YOIW't tn 1lul parfait Combine ln,..edlentl atx Mrvlnal. 80 caloriel t_ea~poon1 toa1ted then, cover and freeze MACHINE: Combine OOURMZT FROZEN , helpma• Uke bJmc19n, diahel wtth l C\IP blue ln food~. Uldni each wiih. 1u1ar; O ahredded coconut firm . Tranefer to ln1redlenta tn blender DESSERTS, P.O. Box f.ood ~ and lee berrlet and 1 ~~iced the It.eel blade; Pl"OCell caloriel .ch wtth auaar Combine lnlJ'edi•ntl, refrl1uatqr •ofteh and -t ll1)00th. Then. 624, Sparta. N.J. 078'71. 1) c:r.m-maldna machlnea. atrawberrtel. alx anoqth. Pour into metal eubltltute. e:uept COUted coconut. ~tly before 1ervina. pour Into lee cream Copyriaht, 1982, ,1 L 0 w. ca I fr 01 en Hrvlnat, 8& calorie• Ice cube tra.yt and tr.Im. PINA OOLADA In blender a"d blend Sprinkle wlth toHted machine AJ\d proce11 Un l t e d re a t u re) de•ertaarealloawayto wh. Procett the atrawberey . ICE~ 1mooth. Pour into a coconut, if dHlred. acc o rdtn1 to Syndlcat.e,Inc. :) "" up over-ripe frW.~ 1~~~~~~~~~~....,-~~~~~~~__;,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=-~~~~__:~~~~~_;;, bananea or berri11 that tute Sood but ate too taft to 1erve. Kffp ln mlnd4bat over-ripe fruit la naturally sweeter and more flavorful, Just the vlrtuff yqu're looklna for in low-calGrle treata. FROZEN BANANA YOGURT 1 lar1e very ripe banana ' Bi CUpl plain low- fat yoeurt 1 teupoon vanilla .extract Qpt lonal : 8 tabl•poona fruit qar, or aranuJated 1u1ar au~= to equal 3 I tab (or to tMte) 1eqwbite pine$ Of .Ut In electric· mixer bowl, blender or food '. flrooeMOI' <Ullns the steel blade), comblJle banana, yogurt, van illa and sweetener, l1 desired. Beat until completely smooth. Pour into a shallow metal pan; freeze uncovered, until nearly firm. Meanwhile, combine egg white and salt; beat until stiff, using a clean ' bowl anc:t b eaters. Remove ea white from the bowl and eet aalde. ~up frozen yogurt mixture and beat in the electric mixer bowl until arnooth. 'fhoroughly, but gen Uy, fold in beaten egg white. Return the mixture to the freezer and freeze film. Transfer to the refrigerator before eerving to allow mixture to IOften allgbtly. Makes four eervinp, 90 calories each (sugar adds 35 calories per ierving). WITH ICE CREAM MA CJl. Jilt:_ F ur~ e ban~a:yOj\irl mtXture in blender. Beat egg white and salt ln electric mixer b owl. Fold together, !'reeze in lee cream machine aocording Tea for I j you If you are watching your waistline, here are some cooling beverages that are long on flavor, I short on calories, and look as good as they taste. They're made with flavored teas, available at supermarkets and other food retailers. CHERRY BLOSSOM PIZZ Pour cool cherry tea over ice to half fill a tumbler. Stir in 1 table"spoon of unsweetened grapefruit juice concentrate. Fill tumbler with low calorie tonic water . Decorate with twist of grapefruit peel. ORANGE MINT JULEP (DOD aleollollc) ~ cup mint tea 1 tablespoon unsweetened orange juice concentrate Low calorie 'tonic I~ In a large glaaa, combine Cr e me d e Menth-e tea and orange concentrate. Add ice arid stir. Then add low calorie tonic. For eye appeal, decorate with sprig of mint or 1twtst of orange peel. i ••• • Club meetbll• Golden Pre mt um Beef Round London Broll per lb. J89 Fresh Fryer Legs per lb. .19 Frozen RCilpJ; monade PWNWRAP NapJdns 140ctpkg, .63 Sweet Mellow navor oneydew Melons per lb. .15 Sllced·Single Food rden's ertcan Cheese 8 or. btl .59 Over a Mllllon people have been winners ... WW the next Winner be you? Details available at all Ral hs Stores. Split opor Sandwich· Whaator Ralphs White Bread .69 fld?D Assorted Ralpbs Sliced Meats Anti·Persp1rant Dry Idea Roll-On l\.'J OJ.pkg. J67 . Save .47 with Coupon raraeeAA 39 Eggs Cdtonz.. • with coupon Dairy/Dell Values Grocery Values Personal Care Values Sh•-Polnl Cut 1.49 Corned Beef Brisket -lb. Oolc»n Pr•ml11m•Bffl Ro<lnd•B-less 1.99 Rump Roast ,.., lb. Gold9n Ptemlu,,,.llMI Round "r:. 2.89 Eve of Round Roast Ooldtn Pr•mlllftl '\:~ 1.49 Fryer Breast 1;;:;i" httles !tor. 2.59 l>lll· Fisherman's Cove Values- Fronn-0.lroat~ Z••ltnel ~ 2.39 Orange Roughy Fiiiet Fresfl·Flllel Dover Sole ': 3.29 ,,._ O.ff .. '"410 ... 1.99 R1lnllow Trout -Ill. PLAIN WRAP Values 1.49 .99 ii·;g.;i~• .79 , .. tub 081lofll F.,ma·V. M-':: 2.99 Miid Cheddar '"' ;.~: 1.89 Armour Hot Dogs iif cott1 Clliese U oa. Clll> Special Bakery Values R~Pltln "ii'iii Of ot DOI uns i:,11, chiniiiit;itiiaii;d or pll"' ot iird'f1°~i.1oned Donuts . . Frozen Food Values F.._.ul·09flo Sweet Cherries r;iftie Juice Ei18W1rne 1toa. .... .99 .49 .99 Hunl'• , .... 39 ii:etie11nce Pork and Beans 1.97 c•n • lot.. bit ... Of19d c-S.....lctt 1.19 SMl!llii or CondlU-1.57 Mother's Cookies 1'V. 01. SH lance 1 oz pllg. btl . Ch'ii'nkliii.t Tuna .77 FK• c,..,,. 2 or. Of Lotion 3.19 I V. OI. Sllldence loa. can bll. Hffll·l-t .79 Cucumber Siieas ,. OI. Produce/Floral Values ... C-ol M...,._Of Tontalo .79 Fr.ah Hawlllall Lipton Cup-A-Soup t.aoa. Plne1pple -pkg. Ill Wtndowci.-1.48 c;~;e,, Melons 11111 Plus 22oz. -Ml. llt -......... 4'tlor. .55 ,,.. .. C;lt Tone l1r Soap C1rn1tlols -.., ...... rl ( u •> " ., ' d d n d .. , ~-I .. ~ ,, .. ) ) .. ,, • ... ·1 'l i ·~ (I '• II -. . ' J> b .: rt ti •) ) ) ) .. c r l 1 l 1 3 q ;c ,, • ration • the kitche ~tkii'I la a ~ weU-l9UOl'Wd Muct •It browllln1 hu been 2 C'Upa c hopp d Juke, 1tlrrtn1 until chojll. SU., ~. ounc11) Sloppy Joe hour '-tfore~ amt. Word around molt hoineil bake1. Top with PCJtk ellinlalted. ce)My 1mooth. Comblne wlth lS minut41 ion.r. unUl lellOl'Unl mJx Combtne rice, (2'-f eup1 thw daYI! With Mom cho~• and bake -Strieelth rmamdllh I can (l~ouncH celery, carrou, and tender 1nd 'll1hLly 3cuptwa~r water, and the nuowMid workln1 . out1lde \he there 1 no nMd to brown With toiMG Mlad, cruaty llioed carrote, <trained muahroom1 Spoon lnto browned. 4 toe ..mnp. w cup oU meat rnlxtw.; 1poon Into hornl, dinner becornel a them flrtt. brtad and •n lnl\ant l can (3 of' 4 ou.nC!el) shallow 2.qu.an bakLna M 1 crow a v e : \.6 cup Vtnepr ~ 2~ or~ lhared re1ponatbU1ty. Lamb Bak• Mar-pudd!N, You'll enjoy• muahrooma. dralnttd dlah. Top with chop1: Microwave, covered, on 2 to 2 'A pound1 CHHrole. Cover a nd T h eH two reolpH ra k .. h la a no th er hulle-free eveniJla and 4 to 6 pork chop1 aeuon liibtly with salt HIGH 20 mt nu t'1t1, lamb shoulder chop1 batt. at 400 ctetre-tort bave been apeolally ... y.to·prepare main the k1dl will be proud to Salt al\d pepper and pepper. Cover and turnlna chop1 and ti cup uncooked hour, or unuJ inMt II developed to enable dJah. Marinate pt~ of aa 8 1y ~·JLheL01DtdE"o· ponr or marl !~~~poon. __ 1.~m.er tefrlprate; NmC>ve frCJm atlrrlna ca ... role after reauJar me tender. Stir before Mom or o.d to u.emble lamb moulder chopt ln Cn i"pl! n a .-.me ...... \CU rtfri,erator 1 hour and half t6e cooklna time. Parsley flakes 11rvln1 and 19rlnkle 1n1redtents the night oU and vtnesar tealoned CHOPS AND 'A cup dry bread 15 minute. before Sprinkle chop• with Combine aeaaonin1 wtth pllraley flake11 .. 4 to before ani:l leave with Sloppy Joe VEGETABLES crumbs • Hrvlna time. Bake, prepared crumb• and mJx, ~cup water, oil, 6aervtnp. lnl\ructlona tor the Seuonlng Mix. A\ 1 cup tomato juice ~ teupoon paprika covered, at 3~ dqreet microwave, uncovered, 3 an0 vinegar. CUt meat in M I e r ow ave: younpten to pop In the baking ti.me, comblne the 1 en v e 1 ope ( ~ • \-i t.eupoon poultry for 1 hour. Combine to 6 mJnut.el. cubes, dlacardlng fat and Microwave, covered, on oven. seasoned chop mixture ounces onion gravy mhc teuonl.ng butter, bread crum b•. LAMB BilE bonea; add to seaaonlng HIGH 25 to 30 mJnut.e1, Even 11 and 12 year with uncooked rice and 1 tablespoon lemon Combine tomato Julee, paprika, •nd poultry MARRAKESH mixture. Cover and stirring occHlonaJly. olda can help lf given water. Once again, pre-Julee 1ravy mix, and lemon aeHonln1; 1prlnkle on 1 envelope ( 1 ~ refrigerate untU about 1 Sprinkle with peraley. exact inatructlons . ,.......;_;_;,__....;..;...;...--...":~_;.,,.;~~.i-~~--:-~~~~~-..1!1:....;.....:.....;...~--:-~~--~--~...;........::.;__:~~~~~~~~~~-=-__;~~..::...:.:.:.;.:~::.:.:.-=.:.:::...::.::..:..:.:.:....::_:~:.=::...:.:.:.::.:....!~==~ El&abllah your own rules about proper use of the oven. For example, two dry pot h olders should be readily available to remove bot dishes from the oven as well as a c.-oollng rack or hot pad lor when the caaaerole is lemoved from the oven. Impress upon children the need for accuracy when setting the oven temperature and timer. Make sure you tell them exactly whe.n to begin ~~ped Pork Chops and Vegetables couldn't be easier to assemble. This dish can even be prepared in the morning before work. Simply stir together vegetables with t.ornato ju.ice and an envelope of onion gravy mix. The gravey mix provides a Cucumber spar k s salads Salads are an important part of a well-balanced die t. But the same old lettuce and tomato combination can be an appetite turnoff. A molded salad can provide a welcome change - especially when lettuce is in short supply and priced extra high . Creamy Cucumber Salad is a budget s tretching taste treat, and teams perfectly with any en tree. Begin ~th unflavored ge latin, and after the addition of cucumber dressing, chill the mix until it is the consistency of unbeaten egg whit.es. Then the rest of the ingredients are folded ill -chopped tomato, hot pepper sauce and cut-up cooked green beans. The b ea ns provide a vegetable base, and a spot of green color. With today's high food pri ces, it pays to experiment with lower cost vegetables, and new salad Ideas. The variety of dressings and sauces available make cooking more fun and the results more worthwhile. And wbo doesn't like family and guests raving over a n ew and unique sensation? CREAMY CUCUMBER SALAD 2 e nvel opes unflavored gelatin 1 tablespoon sugar 1 cup boiling water 1 cup cold water 1 cup (8 ounces) bottled creamy cucumber dressing 1112 cups c ut-up cooked green beans 1 c up c hopped tomato 5 drops hot pepper sauce In medium bowl, mix unflavored gelatin with sugar; add boiling water and s tir until ge latin ls completely dissolved. Stir in cold water and creamy cucumber dressing. Chill, stirring occasionally, until mixtur e is conaiatency of unbeaten egg whites. Fold In remaining ingredients. Tum into 5-cup mold or bowl; chill until firm. For 6 to 8 to enjoy. Ideal for brunch or as a light dessert, fresh fruit co mpote ts elevated to guest status · when based on eleaant crapes. Halve fresh red, blue /black and 1ree n 1rapea, seedlna if peceasary. Combine with crunchy diced apples or pears or other frutu tf desired. Pour eparkling elder. b a m p a a n e o r• a com blnatlon of fruit Julee• ovtr lb• frulll. .. ne in cry.W 1obl.U ud 1arnllb with 1llced alnaondl. ~- ~ -_..c- Get your pick of produce values at discount prices. Lucky is proud to bring you the freshest best value for your produce dollar, all year 'round. Fruits and vegetables are gathered from trusted growers in only the finest growing regions, then rushed to our stores, so you can enjoy them at peak flavor. With summer here, you can pick from a wide selection of vine-ripened melons and tropical fruit favorites. And best of all, every item in our produce department is discount priced for basic value. PRODUCE ITEMS COLDEN BANANAS ltl~ ltfllOV to Ut LARCE YELLOW 49 PEACHES JUICY SWHt lb • FRIAR 59 ~~~s~~ l b • SEEDLESS CRAPES Tl\QmOSOn U S I«> 1 HONEYDEW MELONS wonoerlul Eltlllg ...19 DELICIOUS 98 APPLES Lb NlllCY lttcl 3 Big e RUSSET ~29 ~J~TOES 10~ao . I FRESH MEAT FRESH GROUND BEEF SlM or Mort DOti not tXCltO 10'4 f &t WHOLE BEEF BRISKET Tr••i Style 7 9 lM BoneleH londfd Bttf SIRLOIN TIP STEAK ~129 _.""''-..... . .. 2.17 FRYINCi CHICKEN ~ aoov. soumem Grllde A ~.55 BLADE CUT 95 ~£~ RO~STlb • LEAN GROUND BEEF OC.-\M:>T llCHO 1,,. '"' .. 1.49 .. 2.59 FRESH FISH ITEMS CANNED & PACKAGED !~~~~'!_~l~E~ , .. UOUA11•99 !!~!.!~~~ES_. •ore" 1.39 !~~11:~~~ ...... lt0l(M ~45 CANNED & PACKAGED r STAR·KIST 159 ~~~.K T~,!4!r'can ON or Wttll' Pack HARVEST DAY 57 2-~Y~8~~E . ~ICI\ °' aoono roo r LADY LEE ~~~R r VAN CAMP'S 69 PORK &BEANS l10LCMI. !52!.~~~!,, ~T,!~ BR~~~°"' • 79 ~MEDAL ~OUR_ m aAG .89 !LIBBY'S VEGETABLES Cll'CllflNM--1 39 IDtMi COIN Ot "'" , , • • • . , , , •• ,. ot (NII • r ~AW.SERR~ ~ESE~~~ 1.69 KOOl·AIO DRINK MIXES 59 10• -••Um•o-"o '" ... ,., • • • 1101 .-c.. r ~~~.Sa~~9H~T:l.S~~! 1. 79 I ~~~~1;A~ DR-~~~~NfOl IT\ • 73 CIGARETTES KINO SIZE 51s C(CARETTES cartoo W1111H19 Tiit s.,_. lit11t1al Hu 011-lllff Tiiie C..,. ~ Is o.,...,. It Yew llullh. DAIRY & FROZEN ~OOENIZE~,.193 ~~FAT MILK .. CAl•n 1.88 !~Yoo~!~.~~!; 101 ~.33 DFl IC ATESSEN ITFMS f~SwtSSCHEE~~ 1.39 I ~s ~~ER~~! • ., .. 1.19 Louise Barrera Saved s16.13 ''On an order of $91 .46 I saved $16.13! '' Louise's own week's shopping totaled $91 46 at Lucky The same or comparable items at the supermarket of her ch01ce totaled $107 59 That's a savings of $16 13 at Lucky' Tes1 taken July 26 111r.1 DELICATESSEN ITEMS S~;'RN "229 . 16·2• Oz Pllg R~ Wflght I f!~~pt.ONE .CH~ES~OI -.c 1.19 !~A.K SLICED HA~ 101 .. , 2.19 ~~~!~FRANKS ••Ol OM: 1.51 r LADY LEE BOLOGNA ~-:;_. "°'~ 1.69 !!J!~N SALAMI ''°' e>u3.59 !~PY LEE BE~~ s.~~!i 1.69 GENERIC ITEMS APPLE JUICE &00lm 1.49 ~~~~,l~1~EVERAG~~. •n. 75 ~ZEN WAFFLES 1101 -.69 B_.B.O. SAUCE crtelN: 11011n .98 IOOC1 N.Q .99 PAPER PLATES Cf!llK tltlCM LIQUOR & WINE !~GRAM'S Q~n1ft It\ 10.65 r ~~~~s .v-:~1~~111 10.89 !~~~~0. t>HTUT\ 14.99 l2;~~.!JAIL '"'"ST\ 6.39 HOUSEHOLD I ~!.~.~,~~~'-~ T~S-~~ttO(t eo-.59 l!!"~~R~~T M0fl1\ 3.49 It!.':!!, r .. ~sH s.~~~" -2.29 r~~X TISS~ .. ~•et~· 73 l!!PR~ T~~~l~ ..... ,, •• r ~~~~~ ........ ., .... 59 I~~.~ .... n .. 1.39 IFllD ~ What a switch! D.odgers first, Angels tied • Ill But Lasorda and company bave a giant order to (ill • BY BOWARD L HANDY or .. ....,,... ... LOS A.NGILES -Dodaer Blue 1t orbitinl the National Le..-Weat and the way the team ._ been playlna recently, tt may never end .. The Doc:laen completed the tint phMe o1 orbit by ataatn. an mcredlble ltreak that ha.a teen them come from 10 ~ 1amea behind to ~-pme in front in leel than two weeb u the Atlanta Bravee cmtinue to falter. 'J'uaday nlll!t. before a c:rOwd of 50,266, the Dodaen pounded out an 11-3 decl•ion over the doonnat Clncinnati Reda to take over the letld ln their d.lvilion for the tint time aiDce they were. tied with the Braves in April. , Shou ld the Dodgers falter, however, there are atant atepe cloaln1 in behind them. San Francilco added to the ecstasy of the Dodger camp by defeating Atlanfa, 3-2, for ninth straight Victory. . "It feela good to be in flrat place," Manager Tom Luorda says. '"1'hla us one ot the most unbelievable t.hino I have ever teen in •port.a. we have gained 11 games in 11 days." Tile Dodaen have won 12 of the.ir last 13 games on the way to taking over the lead. "I think Dusty Baker put it best last week when he aaid, 'We're operating on all cylinders now'.." 1.-irda added. '!'heir reaction wu ao ~t. They showed the entire ball club they were behind them when they heard thai acore from San Frandlco. "The aerie. with the Gianta ahould be very intere9UDC. You can't buy this kind of exdtement anywhere." The Giants come in Thunday I didn't see one p y on Ibis ball club wbo d i d n .'t b e l ieve we could do it. They all pve it their best. -TOM Llleorde afternoon (1:05) for the tint of a four-game aeries on the heels of a nine-game winning streak of their own. Fernando Valenzuela pitched a complete game, his 12th of the season and 15th victory. Rick Monday and Steve Garvey hit home runs and the Dodgen had their easiest game in several weeks while pounding out 13 hi ta. Valenzuela started the game in a shaky manner, giving up two o1 the Reds' six hits and a run in the first inning. But after Monday got that one back in the bottom of the inning on a towering drive to right center field, Valenzuela settled down and retlred 15 betters in a -row. Nobody has an explan ation for Minnesota's m ysticism • • • MlNNEA.POLIS (AP) -The Ward al.lo eeenw to have a blt of M1nn.ata Twim eeem to have m)'1kilm amna tot him ap.lnat aome myatlcal power over the Ansell wfllch Mauch can't pennant contenden this lleUOn. f~ out. "Hey, Foxyl Next year why 'Obvloualr we haven't found don't you .:hedule ua to play jult · the answer,' he aald. · .• . 1 Milwaukee, Boston and ButWard1ayathereilnouuna California," Minnesota'• Kent mystical about it. Hrbek aaid after the Twina hJ play hard all the time," he whipped the Anaeia 5·2 TuetldA)' ntaht behind Gary Ward'a aolo home run in the sixth lnnlna. Foxy ii Twins Executive "Vioe President Howard Fox and H r bek was referrin1 to the Twina' aptitude for beating all three pennant contendera this aeuon. The Angela have been the latest victim, l08i.ng three of four ln Anaheim and tne opener of the three-game aeries Tuelkiay to drop lnto a flnt.plaoe tie with Kanaaa City in the American LeMueWest. Tiie answer to the mysticism et1CaJ)ed. both managers Tuelday. "f don't know what it is," Twins Manager Billy Gardner aald. "We played 90 bad against Oakland (swept in a three-pme eeries) and 90 good tonight. "We do well against the teams on top but also clubs below ~t we're going to have to learn to do well again.st if we're going to move up.'' Angels Manager Gene Mauch couldn't pin it down either. You can say we Jet down against them but they beat us three of I our last week. I can't explain it. said. "I don't try to overdo it. When J stay with my game I'm successful. When I overdo I'm not successful.'' Pete Redfern, 5-9, the third Minnesota pltcher, picked up the victory, while Ken Forsch, 10-8, took the loss. Ron Davia, who came on in the ninth, posted his 15th save. Ward's homer was hia 20th of the year and came with two outs after the Angels had tied the score 2-2 in the top of the inning. The Angela scored in the second inning when Don Baylor hit his 17th homer of the aeaaon. a solo shot, off starter Al Williama. "It was a funny thing in Atlanta when we were 10 ~ pmes back. J didn't aee one guy on thia ball club who didn't believe we would do it. They all pve it their best. "And how about the fans. "The difference before and now is that we weren't getting the hits when they counted." Valenzuela explained. "We're playing well right now. We just (See DODGERS, D3) ON TOP -Steve Garvey and Rick Monday each powered home runs to help the Dodgers move into first place Tuesday night. Gary Ward (upper right) and Pete Redfern (lower right), meanwhile, did their best to slow down the Angela, who are now in a tie with KC in the American League West. "I really don't know," said Mauch, whose team went into the game with a one-game lead over Kansas City. "Matchups are a funny thing. The competition isn't it. You can say we let down against them but they beat us three of four last week. "I can't explain it." Minnesota added two more runs in the seventh. Hatcher led oU with a single, went to third on a single by C.astino and llCIOf'ed on an infleld aingle by Bobby Mitchell. The Twins loaded the bases and Luis Sanchez, the fourth Angel pitcher, walked Ward to foroe in a run. Vikings f oothall still has some pitfalls to clear Here's tale for Marina teams, who can't s e em to g e t attention Ring! Ring! "NBC Sports, Ma. Jones, here." Yes, eh, Daily Pilot here, we think we've got a great idea for your Survival of the Fittest series, you know, ti» gJmmid< show with people climbing through ropes and thJ.rig. while banging over the rapids. "I'll put you on to our head cheese, Mr. McDonald ." "Yea, McDonald here, let's hear lt." Well, eh, we thought you might use Marina High School as the site of your 6urvival series, the craters in the various fields the football teQm trie11 to practice on might give them a little extra to overcome. And, aince the achool diatrict needs money, maybe they could use the fee. "Boy, you thought you had yourself a pigeon, 11 but just by coincidence, I've got a brother-in-law who has an insight to the mess at Marina. It's no secret, you know. "We wouldn't consider such a place, it's too dangerous. You can get hurt there, just walking around.'' "Remember Scott Ijames, the kid who worked for three yean to become a starter? "He had to have knee surgery because of Raiders w in yet another court ruling SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - "'111e Los Angeles Raiders are a reality now," attorney-Joeeph L. Alioto Nld after the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Tueeclay turned down a Nadooal Footba1l League bld tor a atay of a ruling which allows the teain to move from Oakland. The league had asked the court to delay the move pendin9 appeal of the f'U.llna. Alioto, who bu repretented the Raiden in their two -year fight to move to Loe Anaelet, add ed, .. That'• our last le1al ob1tacle now. The NFL baa r.ched the end ol. the rope u far • the aou:rtl are concerned." The lea1ue, however, wW continue to pre11 lta appeal. laid Ji.in Heffernan, ita director of . publlc relatlona. • .. We haw done all we could to PREP SPORTS ROGER CARLSON falling ln one of thoee craters. Got into one game for a few minutes before it completely gave out. "We know of at least three knee injuries and, would you believe, a broken thum!>, which KO'd Marina players in the last three or four years. "Bill Macias, Marina's 6-5 ~, 225·pound college prospect. got it last year, but it wasn't too bad. He only mlaaed a game or eo because of the injury. "Hey, even John Seeley, the asaiatant coach. Didn't you hear about him limping around the campus for a couple weeks last year with tom ankle ligaments? "Where have you been? How about the kid who got caught ln one of the traps (the holes are camouflaged by 1ra11), buckled and was simultaneously hit ln the foreheed by an onrushing runner? It wasn't until later he found out he had a knee injury too, ln addition to the coocumion. praerve tht --quo f« the 1882 ~·· Hett.nan lakt in New York. "The Mn.. of ooune, doa not .... that the Raid9n ahould leew OaklaDd pend1nc ·ultimate determtnatJon of the club'• location. We wlll work w hhlo the lea1ue pr~eu to c!on9ct the 11\).wtkm .,.... done to the OaklaDd community and &be NJ'L under currently ~hie cou.n nallnll·'' lied lf the latHt rulln1 -thelWder9wWatleMt Rart tbe 1912 · MUOD In LOI ~~Nplied. ... ••it• LOOSENING VP -DOdaer pitcher Fernando ValemuelM bowM:9 a bw bUl off_·hJa lcme ~r-lt)'Je • he wanm up prior to bM iia,t apiMt ClndnnilU n.day. Valenzuela may Mve bieri cloWn1ng in the d\llOUt., but he WU all buaf"ell ~theRedl. .. You think we're got.na to aend our contestants to a place like that? We'd be wide open for a civil suit." Ob. Geez, I didn't t.hJnJc it was that serious. I just thought it might serve double duty, as an obstacle COW'lle and money rai.er. "Are you kidding? You know the coach over there, Dave Thompson? Well. ~story goes that the only t.hings be hasn't been able to aocomplish is a championship and a decent practice field in the four years he has been there." Oh. "Marina only has a 50-man aquad over there, and the rumor is that the other 20 they were counting on got anart and escaped. "How about the blue chip prospect who got the knee injury and m.ll9ed almost all of the two.a-days last fall? After getting behind, he juat dropped out." Ob. But . . . I don't think there's been any docurnen~tlon on thia, "Documents? It's one of the best told stories around the maintenance world. Marina's practice fields are legendary. Thompeon, himself, has been squawking for years. Everybody at Marina knows about it. "But, because you're such a good listener, I'll let you in on a little aecret. It's a conspiracy." Huh? TODA Y'S QUIZ: What is this? Answer: (a) moon craters; (b) Marina craters; (c) a bad case of acne. "That's rlsht. The inside story is that Westminster Htgti fans have been employed as the maintenance people. (;(It it? Drive Thompson crazy enough and he'll quit. "Remember the good 'ol days when Westminster used to use the Viklngs for their annual laugh? Well, the theory is, you get. rid of Thompeon and chances are a lot better those good 'ol days will return." Golly, I never thought of that. But, in aJ1 seriousness, how about it? The Hunti.n,gt.on Beach School District could use the dough, at least enough to buy some po/aon tor the gophers. "They're going to need some money, all right, but it won't be for _gophers, it'll be for lawyers. Forget it." Click. • • • Quiz answer: (a). It's too soon to pop corks Middle of A ugust doesn't qualify for Series ring LOS ANGELES -John McKay, who never could decide whether God was a Trojan or really Bear Bryant, once went duck hunting with The Bear. Th.is aort of pastime was ~y McKay's cup of tee but he WU visiting Bryant at hia Vatican in Alabama and had a:arcely any choice ln the matter. Some hosts will take you water ak1ins or bowling ... or wone. J Anyway, McKay and Bryant sat quietly in the duck blind for aeveral houra looldn1 up at an unpopulated aky. P19ently, a lone mallard flew directly overhMd. "I'LL TAKE BIM," The Bear aaid. "Watch cloeely now and you will aee how it ii done." The Bear fired. The duck new on. The Bear .fired apln. The duck flew on. Thie tieat took careful aim and equeezed oU his third ahot. Still the duck new on and out of range. "John m'boy.'' The Bear said, "you are witne911.ni a rare llllbt. There flies a dead duck." All of thl1 la a deucedly clever way of introdudn, comment on the ~ confulllon in the National LMlue West. dee e • !d, 10 ~ pmem behind the Atlanta Bravt!ll, the Jlodaera went to the whip and two four-pme swee .. later, the IDU'lin WM lhaved to 1 ~, then jult a half pme Tumey. THIS CREATED much n.uuiin, hither and yon. clapp&nc of hand8 and .i.PSIWI of bidra and 1ereamfna of 1uperlat1ve1. Qulte -naturilly, an Utterance WM forihcam1nt fr'Cl(D Tommy i..rda. "The are-teet helat llnce the Brink'• job," bellowed the rnaMl9I' of the IW'linl warn. Not to throw a ~on tM rivelry, but it la entirely pomble the are In \M....,. m te .. Bear Bryant'• duck. y ..., still be de9d and do not know It. in. point ... tt .. only thit mkldlit of Aucuill .nd there la 1Ull a month an.cl a half to ~ID the tourn ament. Taldn1 notbln1 away from the SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER Dodgers and a remarkable accqmpliahment, It should be mentioned tha~ catching the Braves in August will not mean the championship of the West. AUO, WHILE ONE IS PEDDLING negative thou(Jhta ln the beat party poopet tradition. the question ahould be railed as to whether the Dodgers were good during the IW'&e or the Bravet were 1~. There la evidence that the BraVf.9 folded up like a cheap auitcue and were clutched at the throat by the invtalble hand. Certainly, there ..... evidence of fW'l).l.na durtna the four-pme aeries Atlanta let~wa1 a~ Dodier Stadium. Ex.am : The Dod&en are traWna by a run ~ the ninth and have a runner at teCOnd bMe 'Ibe batmnan 11 a blshly ordinary puunder ~ Jerry Royster who puta tbeae th1Jlll in hla biP. pocket day in and' day CM&t. The ~ ... throuab 'Jerry'• 1ep. The acoret. The .ooq.n 'are allve and IO on to wtri pme in •Xtra ~-'nlll aort ~ thine li not oeCuliar to any 'Ibe f.a• CM &um on one .,.a embr'Mle ~ a any bwtant' and a .,_, many evenw cu between ~ and the end ()( SepWDbil'. ' OOMIC ~ TlllN& OF IT, San DM8o ii .U.0 ... al=the Padnl .,.. ...... UDdll' twd .... .... Tb* plechbW ital( .. ~ .... of .uuna 1n UM beat or IWDlnS • .. .,,.,... II not-.. incM:llh to mant~te ....... ,.,.,., . -· • •. From A.P ·tliuatella Sll!A'M'll: -A ~·year-old man ll appu-ently bu caueht a mlWon-dol.lar aalmon, but be may wind up wtth nothina more than a fish dinner. Joe Smith of Edmonda landed the almon Saturday while ~ with Ilia '°!!l Roe, about a mile 10Uth of Whidbey Ialand. ·11\e filb had been tagged for the recent Schucka aalmon derby in Puget Sound, and WU Worth $1 rn1Won if caught during the 12·hour derby. No one caught the elulive fJah in time, but 1 derby spomon prom1led $10,000 to any derby entrant who caught it before Oct. 31. U it wu caught b~ a non-entrant, the prize would be $5,· Giants continue torrid pace 000, wit another S5,000 given to the United MUt May lined a home run off A.I •111 Way. H _ ... __ ... But Smith may have unknowtnaly cleaned r._ .. y in the seventh lnn1ng to h1mlelf out of the money. He kept tne tag, but Rive the hot San Franct.co Giant.a cleaned the fish immediately and threw the head their ninth atralaht v;idor'y, 3·2 over overboard -along with a second tiny the &lump.ridden At1anta Braves. '!'be Braves Identifying marker that officlala ,implanted in the loat for the ellhth ltrailht Ume and for the 12th fish's head to avoid fraud. time in the laat 13 pmm. The Glanta trail the ''They'll look at the tag and make a decision Dodgers by five garnet . . . In other National next week, I guess," said Smith, who added ~-....... action Tueeday, Vera RUie 1eattered he won't be too upset ff he doesn't get paid, eiaht htta in 8~ fnninp and "because it should make a pretty good meal." Pill Ganer clouted a three-run homer as Hou1ton downed San J>ieao, 3.1 . . . Garry Maddos'a three-run homer and two-run ahota by MAU Sebltdt and Pete ReH carried Phlladelphia to a 9-5 win over Pittat>urah. Before the regular_ly-1cheduled game, Mike Easler'• home Quote of the day "Garvey says it's dehumanizing. I say it's dehumanizing to use druss." San Diego Chargers' owner Gene Klein. speaking out against Ed Garvey, National Football League Players' Association executive dir~tor, after launching a drug testing program in defiance of a NFLP directive. Malone wanted secret donation HOUSTON -Calvin Murphy, m the crack guard of the Houston Rockets, believes actiona speak louder than words, doubly so in the cue of his big teammate, center Moses Malone. Murphy recalled the time Malone donated $3,000 to a baton-twirling group he heads. "He came ue to me, stuck a wad of money in my hands and said 'That's for the kids,' " Murphy said. "I trie d to get his OK to make the contribution public, but he wouldn't let me." Walton to play at Loyola tonight LOS ANGELES -Bill Walton, m the oft-injured center of the San Diego Clippers who has expressed hopes of returning to National Basketball Aasoc:iation action, will play in a Summer Pro League contest at Loyola Marymount University tonight, a league spo~espenon said Tuesday. Walton, 29, played in an all-star pme at the University of Nevada-Laa Vegas on July 31, acoring 24 points and grabbing 21 rebounds while playing 35 minutes. Walton, who led the Portland Trail B1azen to the NBA title in 1977, will play on an all-star team that includes Kiki Vandeweghe of the Denver Nuggets, Kenny Carr of Portland and Greg Lee. a teammate of Walton's at UCLA. MAY run, single and four RBI triggered the Pirates to a 9-6 triumph in the completion of Monday night's SU1pended game . . . Steve Mara hurled a llix-bitter for his fifth atralgbt victory as St. Lou1a whipped the New York Meta, 7·2 ... Rudy Marh ecattered llix hits over the first seven tnntnga and JHlor lteuedy drove in ,two runa u the Chicago Cuba stretched their winning streak to six games with a S.3 decision over Montreal. Watson Joins Long Beach State staff · Mark Watson, who helped coach [iJ the defensive secondary at USC the 4. • . pa.at year-and-a -half, was named a full-time assistant football coach at Long Beach State Tuesclay. Watson. 31, will be in charge of the secondary at Long Beach . . . Veteran strong safety Bill Tbomp1on announced his retirement from profeulonal football to become a fut-foods restaurant operator in Castle Rock. Colo., the Denver Broncos announced. A strange golf reservation COLUMBUS, Ohio -The n owners of the Foxfire Golf Club didn't give it a aecond thought when they got a phone call uking them to raerve four tee times. But they were surpriled Monday when a 30-foot motorhome pulled into the parking lot and a troupe of bearded golfers emerged. It was country linger Willie Nelton and his band, back on the links .,am. ·Ax falls on Virdon Lillis becomes Astros' new skipper SAN DIEGO (AP) -Longtime Houston coach Bob Lillis, handed hi.a first managerial assignment. at age 52, believes the struggling Astros have the talent "to make it interesting" in the newly-tightened National League West race. "We still have the tale.nt. we just have to put it together," said Lillis, who was elevated Tuesday after the fifth-place Astros fired Bill Virdon. in the second half of last year's strike-caused split season before losin~ three-game playoff to Los ~irdon. interviewed at a San Diego handball court, said he accepted the firing as ''part of the business. He (McMullen) called about 9 a.m. and said he was going to make a change. He gave no specifics." KICKING BACK -Dalla• place·klcker RafMl SePUeri bMkl while the l"e9t of the Cow~ sweat in pr.CUC.. Ferragamo doubtful for Denver Rama quarterback Vince • Fe~ _worked out on a Umited • • buta Tueeday, but • ltra1ned groin . makes bla 1tatul "UJ)C)ertain for the exhtblUon opener Saturday aaainat Denver. Coech Ray Malavui aaid ~ will decide Thunday whether the quarterback will play, but he added he probably wtll u.e Bert Jones and Jeff Rutledge for a half each. · Ferraaamo, who hurt himlelf Monday. l8id it would be "premature" to rule him out of Saturday's game. Baseball today On this date in baaeban in 1970: With a 6·5 victory over the Houston Altrol, Pbiladelphia veteran Jim Bunnina became the first pitcher since th~endary Cy Youns to win 100 games in of the two major leagues. On thla date in 1961: Milwaukee'• Warren Spahn scattered six hits to beat the Chicago Cuba 2-1 for h1a 300th major league victory. On this date in 1951: The New York Giants fell 13~ games behind the National League-leading Brooklyn Dodgen with a 4.0 loss tcNWbin Roberta and the Philadelphia Phillies. The stage was 1et for the Giants' amazing oennant-winnlng stretch drive, the 7'Miracle of Coogan'• Bluff." Del Mar harness gets extension The California State Senate voted • 27-0 Tue9day to allow up to 12 more weeks of harness racing at Del Mar . The measure would allow the state Hone Racing Board to allocate the additional race weeks of four or five racing days between October and January . . . Three off-road race vehicles worth a total of about $95,000 were taken from a hotel parking lot Monday, after thetr ownen took part in the weekend SCORE Off-Road world championahips at Riverside. Television, radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Baseball -~els at Minnesota, 5:30 p.m., K.MPC (710); Cincinnati at Dodgers, J :30 p.m., KA.BC (790). THURSDAY'S RADIO Baseball -San Francisco at Dodgers, 1 p.m., KABC (790); Angels at Minnesota, 10:15 a.m., KMPC (710). According to an article in 1ime magazine(May 31, 1982 ), O\'er 4Yz million peop'e in this tountry had serious debt prob- lems last yeru: It doesn't happen all of a sudden. h sneaks up on you. The~youbuy during the month are • just little things. No diamond necklaces, "After what happened to Atlanta last week, anything can happen," added Lillis, referring to an 11-day <il'l~ that saw the Braves' once commanding nine-game lead in the NL West disappear. W1TR THE firing, Virdon became the llixth major league manager to fall under the axe this season. Low-key and non-controversial, Vlr<ton has a career won-loss mark of 544·522 during stints with the Pittsburgh Pirates (72-73), New York Yankees (74-75) and Houston. where be became the club's winningest manager. Boyd claims FSU is clean Not poker or gin rummy or black.\ jack. But Master Card and VlSA and American Express. no big deal. But they add up. At. the end of the month you get the bill and it's $400 and you ask your- self shall I pay it all or just send them $20? What the heck, you send $20. Manager of the Ast.roe aince 1975 - the longest stint in Houston's history -Viraon was relieved Tuesday mornf:ng, a day after the Ast.roe lost five games in a row at San Francisco. Virdon said he plaN to return to his Houston home for some relaxation before making any decisions about his f\lture. The firing caught him by surpriae, be said. "I WASN'T expecting it," said Vinion, whoee job was reportedly in jeopardy after the Altro8 were unable to Shake oU a slow start and an l.nju.ry al~~ disappointed, but injuries are .-r:t of the buainel8. We lost (relief ace) Joe Sambito two weeks into the eeuon. It wasn't just one th1ng. We didn't play well early and later on we ltarted havina injury probJema. YOU have to weather clMllle 1tonn1, but. we couldn't teem to work It out." Vlrdoo bad stated in •Prina training that the Attn» bad .. the belt team l ever had In Howton." FRESNO (AP) -Fresno State University buketball coach Boyd Grant has denied that a star player was illegally provlded with a car. Both Grant and Frank Atkinson, manager of Fresno Dataun, said Monday that Roel Higgina test-drove a Datsun 280Z twice and both time. returned the car the next day. The Pacific Coast Athletic A.asoclation la trying to determine whether there wu a violation of a National Colleaiate A thletlc A.asoclation ban on athletet beina loaned a car for an extended period cil time. Grant said Hi&lnl f1nt test-drove the lportl car a60ut the time of the teem banquet, March 23. That was after the completion of the 1981-82 ~ in which Hialnl led the Bu.lldop to the round of" 1n the NCAA tournament. Hla:lM Cried the car out aaam abOut AJ>rU 18, Grant added. Credit cards is America's game. But it's a game a lot of Americans are losing. And the pattern builds on i~. And the debt load builds. Aiid maybe~u're forced to "con- solidate your debts" with a second trust deed on your house. ' And then you start using your credit cards again. Just little~ No diamond necklaces, no big deal ... .... , .... At Allstate Slvqp )(JU can get a oud that solves the OYerU9e problem by eliminating the tern~tion to ~· The Allstate~ VISA Debit Gird. · Soeeer le6tl11•l lA)ng 8Mctl " the hoe( dty for 8oooer F9ltMI USA, NI l0t A1JO. 20-22 and tMtUflng a celabttty 1occer game. 1occer 1klll1 cont11t and two toumamenll. Team• from u 111 awey u Btlllltl Columbla. Arizona. New MexJco and He¥9da • OOl'llPlite In both a United 8111.. 8occet '.0.ated (U88f') toufMr and M Alnartcain Youth ~ Orglilllaltion (AV80) toumeV· In addition to tM toumamente, organl:nrl ,_ planned a F~ night dinner IAuo. 20). wtlloh le he to tM pleyw• and co.en.; a C91ebttty IOCOll' oerne; and a IU(pf!M eehedui.d IOt 8alutd9)', Auel. 2"1, Mor• l11tormatlon on Soccer FHtlvar USA 11 available by phoning 833-1740. lunlor swlmmlnl M0te than 1,000 young IWlmmert trom ~ Callfornla are competing In thl• 1ummer • MeOonald'• SwlmmlnO JunlOt OtymplCI. The mMI hoeted by the CW><.-Aquallc8 Club, wlll deter~ln• the ~t 1wlinmeu In Southern Cellfomll In fM. groupe; 10 and l.W'der. 11-12. 13-14, 15-18 end 17· 18. Ac:tlon hat llready bell hekl In Cypt.a for the young IWlmm«S. 12-end und«. Youngaten. 13-11 Wiii compete at H«lt8Qe Perk In lrvlne beginning Thurllday and contlnufng through Sunday. Meet• begin at 9 a.m. MCh day. Admllalon 11 frM. Phone (2131 583-908e tOt more Information. Sarllnlf trl•ls A tun lineup of te>p IUrlet'I from Newport 8eed'I Ind Huntington Beach l\lghllghf fh4I Stubblee c.lllomta Surt Trial• .!. I IOUrth annua Lower TrHU .. n .. , lh• San cf Aug. 25-29 al f'~leton border. •men1e-C1mp ~gton 8Hch 1urfere Pat Allen. Scott p O Bobby 8urcMll, Ian Ca1rne Bud u.m.. w .. ~ ulnn. Chip Rowlend. 8111 Wud Scott •r ng, Sieve Webb end Randy Wed .. en wlll compete. 0 Newport Beach wlll be repr"ented by John othlrd and Danny Kwoc:ll; Cotta Me1a wt/I be ''Pf-tad by P,...ton Murray and Jeff Patti Fountain Valley wlll l«ld Pelw T-.. •, • ~ competition. v-........ 0 .... In Th9y wNI be among Iha " IUrf .... aaekfng S7 200 ...e_ money. Including 12.000 wtllcfl ... 00 •o the The te>p 18 llnleherl will r~ prtze Call Sob va1111ng •t 43t-a1211or lnOte 1rirorr:::r just as if it were a credit card. So you don't have to cany around a lot of cash. But the purchases aren't credit transactions, they're debit transactiom. ln other words, instead of being ~ put on credit, the amounts are auto- matically dedocted (debited) from }O\lr Allstate Savings checking account as - soon as the paperwork is processed. It's like paying by check without the bother of writing a check or con- vincing the clerk your check is good. Our VISA Debit Caro looks like a VISA credit card, and is accepted wherever VISA credit cards are accepted, which is a1rnast everywhere. 1bere is.only a $15 annual fee. ' And the balance in your Allstate Savings checking account earns ~u 5.25% interest (5.47% when rom- pounded daily). There's no service charge if ~u're at least 62 years of age, or if you maintain a minimum bal- ance ($500 in checking or an !RI\, or $3 000 in savings). Otherwise, the fee is just $3 a month. To §nd out more, stop in at any Allstate Savi~ office or call collect (213) 240-5913. There's nothing inherently wrong with credit canh. Just with the way some people use them. \\e'd like to help. A 111111 John J. McMullen. chairman of the A.atroe' board, ~ "We made the dedliort that the .Houston Altro8 were lo&na to need • new manacer. next year -ln the inten9t °' both the balldub and Bill Vlrdon, tbla leelned However, the J'r..no .. r.ported that a prot__. at ~)Wno gtate IUd he •w HJa1m drMna the car ••qutte often" '1V'fll' a period ol 18\Wal we.a. Wth the \'LY. Debit QUd ,oq can~ ttiqpand ~t ~card, ~'re all in this tqJediec to be the appropriate time." Vlrdon had Mlped molci •.he A1troe lnto contmdie.n after taJUnc over a lut-pi.o. dub that flnJahed 41~ 1p1111•.•~ behind In 18'1&. Houston I tlnlllwd 8ICODd In 18'79, WU. the NL W• In 1880 ID a ~ plaYQU ~ L08 ~ tiDd ftnllhed .flrlt ... ' .. Atkinaon aaid he auumed that Hialm WM considertnc bu)'inl or ~thecar. I that Rod w.a .... to (NBA) draft C:tMJD;., a.t y ~wUfled! him to ~ a tar Uk• that," Atk.fnlOD Hid .... od ap~ on our lot thHe or four Um.t" ' Allswe ~ & LOan, a~ c:J. the Se.li'S ~ Ovel' $3 biDion in amets. Cl982 Allstare ~ & Loan. ~ . . .. ., ~ 11At10tt LIAGUI ITANDINCl8 .................. .. .,......,..... . .. ..... -_. ., ~ .... ~Qty 13 41 .... Ct**to n •l .131 s~ a.ame .. ll1 .491 I" Olitll!lf so .. -14 ... T-~ 17 .391 19 ... MlnMMI• .. 13 341 24 ... dlAe1'DN DMIOt ....... 1141 .ltl ._an It IO .l60 4 ... ~ 51 51 .131 I ,_Yori! 18 M .IOI 9Yt Olilralt st .. .508 9" ClwllallO 14 18 495 10 ... Toronto 114 ea 482 ti ,.....,... .... ~5.~2 T-'04,8111191on0 o.tr1* 10, NllW Yen I OltlclOO 9, lalllmore .. .._..11.T-I ~ City •• ci...i.nd 1 8eattl9 4, Oekland 2 T.._..._ Ana••• (Zehn 11·5) el MlnnHote (O'eorw-W). n T•XU (Honeycutt 5-13) at MflweukH (H-M) 8oe1on (Hurtt 3-11 •1 Toronto (Clency 1-10).n New Yortt (AigMttl e-5) 11 Oelro4l IMorrla 1~11). n 8altlfMf• ID. Marl"-ll·ll) 11 CMcago (Dol9on &-1 I) n C~ (WN1_, 2·11 et Kanua City (8pllltorfl 7-tl. n Oekt1nd (Langford I · 121 et 8Hllla (llaMlet., 10-7). n NatloNILeeaue nwn• DM80N W L f'cL 09 64 &O .Ml 82 411 569 ..... 110 53 .531 3'A &II 65 518 & &O 82 448 13 40 73 364 23'A usrm.M OM9IOM ~ 63 48 see St. LOUle 63 41 513 Yt ~ 511 52 532 4 Montraef 57 63 518 5'A .... Yorlt 48 83 432 15 CNcaoo 48 ee 421 ,,.,.. TWedlr'• ._... DMaere 11, Clnclnnetl 3 PttteburQll t-5. PNladelpl>ll ... 1111 v--·~· of~gemt) St .. LIMM 7,....., Yorlt 2 CNcaoo &. Mont,.., 3 Hawlon '4 San Dl9QO I San Fr~ 3. Atlante 2 T~O..-Clnclnnetl (Shlrl•Y 3·9) at Dod91re (H004on 1~). n Atlante (P. Nlellro 10-3) 11 San Fr"'°'9clo (H-...erMl ChtclQO (Rlpley 4-4) 11 Mon1f'MI (LM M), n 81. Loul• (Andul•r 8· 10) II New Yo1k (Zadlry M). n PUUl>urgh (8aumg1111n 0·31 e1 PhfladelClhla (l\ut"-' a. 101. n HOUiton (Ryen 11-11) 11 S111 0.00 (Sl\oww 9-3). n lillftMft4.A .. a oaldancl 02.0 000 000-t • ( ....... 002 000 20•-4 I ( McCatty, ~o (I) and M. Helltl: I . Clark, Stanton (1). V•nOe Beto If) anc S-. W-VMde 8wg ( ..... ). L-Mc0al1) (8•2). HR-Oelitend, &urroug111 ( tlJ A-11,llOll. l'#IM .. Maele 2 O~ ........ IOTA altrlllM altrlllM o-tklQ H 3 0 0 0 Mltc:ft40I 5 I 1 1 C:W.. fl> 4 100 A.WlftOI • 40 10 o.cnce '" 4 0 :s 0 Brnnelly r1 4 0 1 0 ReJcken rf 2 O O O H<blll lb 4 O O 0 L)'ltl'I Of 3 0 0 1 Wetd It a I 1 2 8ey1o1 Oii 4 I 'I 1 GMttl 31> 2 0 0 0 Or1Ctl 2b 5 0 0 0 LluOnW c 3 12 0 Foll 11 4 0 I 0 HatcN dll 4 2 2 0 Boone c 3 o oo c .. 1tno 2b .• o 2 2 T otllt 32 2 & 2 TOllll 32 8 10 6 ._.. !tr ...,..,... C&lllOfnl• 01~ 001 000-2 Min-ta 020 001 20x-6 DP-Celllornl1 2. Mlnneeo1e 1. LOB-Callfomll 8, Mlnneeoll e.. 28-DeC!noM. 11.Waahlngton. 38-C••llno. HA-Beylor (17). W11d 120). C.....,.,. IP H fl IR N IO For.ch (L. 10-1) 8 7 5 & 4 3 GOitz Y.20000 H...., •1.00001 SancMr tY. 1 0 0 1 2 """-4a W1111arM 5Yt • 2 2 3 3 Little 'It 0 0 0 0 0 Redfern (W,&-9) 2•,r, 1 0 0 0 0 II.Davie (S. 15) I 0 0 0 0 I Redl.,n pttdl9c:I to 1 batter in Ille 9111. T-2:40. A-17, 1811. flram P•D1 DODGERS • • Nwe to Miit ... ,.. • bari. ' •fl ... llnWat•'a•I' ..... ol the .... &Ml ~)' llJMj lllllb& ...... ,, • 0 • ....... .. ,. 1 10 a:... J:;su :.~ T_.. .. ~ .,_. ..... r-a .. .... ...... ., •• , 11 .. .. v ........... ,,. " .., ''1 ~ 1 ... t4t .. 111 , ... , "°"" .... .. 14 ... .... • Wl'llllll 11 1 I 11 1-0 ...._.... tt~ 9 I •• M -.... ,,.,... 1.. N tO .W ~ aft •• ,,, .... NlldenMlr .... ~ ,. ., ,.. ...... 1• .... •! , .. ~ 11 .. 11 .. 1• Tolale 10l1'4 ... ut 111 Moeo -.... ., .. ... 11' -~ .. .,. ..• , •• 1.17 1.a1 UI .... t.n a.11 U7 t.U bother 1D1 but lt dkln't IDd l wm able to 10 all the w.y." v~ ... lrnO+.t c1own by a Tom 8ee\W dtcb lblt WM thrown hlO Md fmlde. Ke -Mked If tJiJa ratiled h1m. .. When you.,.. hi~ ad - ....... ~ 111 ... a ckm pttch, lt'e jult pu"t of the dtl~IRlllllJt pme,'' be Mid. ...J-:..=--1.r:• Before the 1•m• at.uted. 1v111 Ltfldl ICllClloel• 1e1 Nf. AIMl't former Dodf er pl tcher Al A'*-cu.n .. 11.'°".' vie. Otniillllle D l ved about (U ... I .... --dO --(c:Nt). •a W ; OWD n& 0 ler Lto'tCI 1011rM 1u.a.1 d•f. wo1-.. ,1«>•11 Valenzuela: (l'dilldl. f-4, .... e.t1 llfte Denton (U.1.1 UUI-•--"'--" 1-'-•-....__. pitch. U def. Jolln f"ldlM (CIMCl&l. M 74: 1'1111 n.. ~wmu .. ru-..-~ ...... t~.a..i,=· o.VICI ,._•tu.a.). 8-4, a I.UY_ doean't have a aood Mj Tllll (V.I.) def, Ji,li Ourtlln futbal.l., he doeln't pt Vtflf'Y far . ~,...... ~akl.1';!1.t:;1ft:'.1~-\~·~·/111~ -.,,_ •'--.J•-'-•"--the It Louie 40C> 000 1ao-1 t 1 Coflncn(U.a.ldlllPlfc.11<-'UW•>. f-1, uu• la ww _..u;u v .. t .W up "':J:"'w1 o. ,..:::., ,:0 ~~ "~ M : 01• .. °' .. '°" 1~,·-1 o.1. a-ecrewball and curve and he hat PelcoM (I). ~ ttl 9"d Hodoae-W-nJ:.~tt M~ (U.e.1, W, M , ,... all three. Mura~~~-;-"--.ion. 11"'). J4,._...,. --.., "But the aecret ls ttt.t you Yorti. <11 A-11.m. ~et ......... ..,.....,,. --L11u• ..._,,,...,.. ,..,... .. ,..,_ , ...., MC&.* wa c•...,,....; IU.) !have to pt them out." ... ~ v--.-CT,...> 41.AO tl.oo ti.AO _...... ~ ~ l I U _,.. b •2 ~ 1L uu 1~ ~· ........ , -i·..._...._, . ,,.___ -............. v a enzue • a ow cu ut one ~ 000 003 001-4 1 1 • ·-"' '"'-I to .._ .....,._ -·-.,.._.. _. -----i and 6 L..1.-6 SM D19fO ooo ooo .00-1 1 o Moo11mW FL"' 1.00 0 '° ~•II•). ·•· 1*•.1.. .. 4; Ken "'-•11 e&incu run except &.or a ~1111:~ IMll9; Moftltt (t)-AlllOr. ~. \AWMr Dl~}<ll'Y <a. f .__ ~ 1111) •• ~t'Ad lllllalle ~Yllnllla). .. l . moment in the -'• .. th, had the ~n ~ 19l and T, ~. w-,_,. -'llillM: -· -· ' • •• _ ... ~ "'~ -1 a.I). L-Loller 111·1~. 1-Molllll (2). TOUle l40t fOlll't..1.00fct OouelfltllM, llf'llOOlfl game wlUCr compn:ac COOwv • ,._.._,.'°"· a.. 1ai. Alftllr Cl). 1w1 l..OUIM, My.._,,..., "-A OWWl't· NaA .......... , "W had lot f _ .... ____.ty In OleQo. T. ICaMtdy (13). -11,IOf. T1fM: 1'·"· ( .... , y • ) e A 0 ~v.i::._. '1MT um • IXACTA (7-51 P9kl l2tl.eo. °""""' .... .,.... the earlfu:9eal0n, but now we're (c I I f ....... -.--......... .... Miii• OUnl99Yy (Houtton floclr•l•I def. 1-~.... •"--•--that p'-*"'' ., ... • _.,.. ................. MCOMO ucc. aso yw.,.. Joflfl L~( roil l'l•tone:i.,a.o: CaMn p-,,.... e WM:! ....,.... peo so .._., "' .... ....i (Clteager) 1uo • 40 4,to .......... =: .--. ... , .. L. ,.__ .........,.._.. .. Garvey ,_, ... ...,.....,.....,.9 Ooldenlltfd~~ 11.20 t.40 -...... -.... ...... e .. .,_..._ __ , -.iu. PlnetiurOh ooo 012 2.40-9 t1 o ,_em Olne 11 1.00 (8o9lon M . "We've got everybody going PllN•delpllla ooe 001 000-1 1 t Aleo '*911: frlple 9omp1n Wlnd't. ....._........ U ri ht and the guva are McWllHat111, Quent• (II. E. Romo ~I, Gabbye L&Oy ... 119 8• Zut•. YellltyeU, ~.!~an Rodi ... ) def. ~ We ft J\OW ~- Tel!IM <" ~ T. P.-ia; '""*· MollQ9 fl TNmotef~. Tn.tlyl Well. J°!:;'~ ~lane P-•J. l...O; Murphy contributing off the bench, too," J. Reed 11>. "'· A-s ()'), Mo0f8W 111 TllM: tua. {H<Mt,...__1•7>."'· CNttle C<1N (891\ n -'--r added Vlrgll. W-E. Romo {7·2). L-A. Reed (3-3). 0teoo .........-• • ""• ~ · 8 -Teku1v1 1111. HRe-l'hlt•O•fphl•, nYlllO RACL 550 ywdl.. ......._.... --~t "Every game is a bla game al Schl!lldt 123~ AoueYo (2). Ptt19but0h. bll9r Lona•• ~. 1 26.40 uo 4,eo --;: c~ the season dwindles, ,f' Monday C9~ •cOND ~ ~ ;-:z: ~?~llYI uo ::: ..,.. .-..... .,....._ confided. "Momentum? You can ~ t. ..., .... I Aleo reHd: Tl!) Your Hat, 81r Fllrtln 8rf1n Gottfried (U.8.) def. 8gott Davit talk bo t it but VOU really don't Plt1•bufOll 001 101 020-5 10 1 Around. c:au.. '"' Fw. ~-9.J. e-2, W ; Ille Nett-(Romania) def. a U • B J h 11 Phltlldllphle 014 200 20x-9 10 o Tim.: 21.11. IM MYtiuro (U.8.), M , 7-S; Sendy Meyer talk about it. ut you sure as e 811tmlenlo, OuanM (S). I!. Romo {7) and T. (U.8.) ... fllarti Vln9e (U.S.), M . t-0; Hank welcome it." ,._; Byttrom, Monge (81 and Vlrgll. W-,OURTH ucc. 400 )'lfcll. Pftsler (U.8.) ... Miii Anow (U.S.). 1-e. 7-5; Byatrom (4.,..). L-8111mi.nto (5·2). HR-~ ..-ei (Dmng&I 11uo 1a.oo 1.00 Victor AIN't• (U.8.) def. Matt Mllchelf (U.8.~ The Dodger clubhouse, well Pl1u1>urgh. EHier (101. Phll•d•lphl•, 19.eo 12.00 1.00 w . &-7, M . aware of the situation and Maddox (4 ), AoH (2). Schmidt (24). UttJe Tiny Olrl 1.-.-1 1.00 3.eo A-su2s. ~ Aod\91 CTonkeJ 4.00 Atlentl Ci..tc: knowing that they had overcome Cllefttil a,.,_ 1 Aleo 1~: MUOho Fl/Nt'f, rr....i On F111t, <• ,. ...... , th Br finalJ was __ ...... Atlante 200 000 000-2 7 0 S1v1nnah1 Te, Wind And "r•. MHl!ed ..,... ......., ........ e &Vetl y, f 'd ~ Vh'l:'I aan Frandlco ooo 110 1ox-3 & 1 E.c:l>o. Mt COlllll 11r-. COlllll ~Duk•. Mlc:Nlte T-(U.&1 ctef. K•lllY Jotdan and quiet. A con t ence t at Mllhler.Hrabolil:y(fl.~<•>llld nm.:20.se. (U.8.J.M.M .WIChtteEvertUoydlU.a.) bodes a warning to future Pocorobe. Benedict (I): L.allley and Mey. 11 llXACTA (10-2) peld 1141.40. ... Kirn Jonee(U.8.). ... ,, e..o: Iv• Bllderova ., W-LHk•y (11 ·1). L-H1e1>01ky 12· i). ~Vllcla) def. K•t• l..lltlam (U.S.). opponents. HRa-Atlent•, MUfplly (251. 8an F~. .::'w~"<;.::lj"a 7.eo uo 3 oo w11i1:-1~~ .~ <:f91;~.~·u:::= ' • As defend Ing w or 1 d c-. I. ._.. • Toy Feature (Mytee) 5.40 a.oo (~tel ... Alyda Moulton ru.s.1. champions, we have something to Chlcego 020 200 010-5 8 0 A U1t1e Uk• Rib (~I 3.40 8·1, 8-<I; Laure Afleya (U.S.) def. Kate d that are in Montree1 ooo ooo 030-3 e 1 ..._ r-.,: 81<111> A~. a.ti a-ON. ~ (U.8.J. 2 ... e-2, 7.._ prove an now we N .. T10 .... L ........ ,_ Mtttz.W HemlndG(8).T\dr-(l)andJ. Wr911Q19Alot. first place, it 's up to us to stay .. .... ...,......,.. Davte, ~ a. &nllll m. ldwtillCMI 1e>. nme: 11 92 h " dded G Dodaen 11. Reda s Rewelon (91 anc1 carter. w-Martz (e-1). · · t ere, a arvey. CINCIMNA'1 LOe AWL.a8 L-Rogere ( 14-6). 8-Tldrow (3). HRe-Fht~ ~:, yer~SJ>O l..20 4.20 ••11111 •r11111 MonlrMI. SC*Wl3). M111(1). A-30.911. T· ... =CrNCllrl 8 .... 8,00 * Lewleu 2b EMllner K 0.1•• Cncpcri .. Prleep Hem. p Benell 3b Cedeno cf Dr ...... lb H<Mhldr rf VanGrdr c S..yerp l.ndeely .. 701 ... 4 1 I 0 Saa 2b 5 2 2 0 "'' -• 1 1 o Mondey rf 4 1 t t Top 10 Ole Oen (Plk.,tonl UO DOOG1Jt NOTll -With the r9d-<llot San o o o o MWWlel rf o 1 o O C---lft Mt et .... , Aleo • FUnny Me, ~ Aftn. M~ Fr1ncl1co Olante coming to town for • 3 o 1 o BM• " 3 1 t o AmNCAN Lall._,. Matcul, Dupe De Lu, Ou, Muz 8 Fut. Thuiadly lfl«noon game 10 begin a fOIK-0 0 0 0 Roanlck tt I 1 12 Q M fl M .... lrWI Mlel. c Mt1ea, tldlet Mlae -booming. The o o o o Guerlero e1 4 3 2 1 w Wiiton, KC H 372 63 12' .347 Time: 11.21. >0g-• h•v• annou•A-.. that all __,al 4 0 1 , Cey 3b 5 0 I I Htfflh, Cle. IOI 429 13 , .... 331 a DACTA (9-71 II.id 188.80. admfe';,on Uckell fOf 'tt;' temalndw"oi~Ui. 3 o 'O Ganoey lb 3 122 Cooper, M•. 103 434 72 140 ·323 aa-••cL .,.,.. ........ current hom• et end wlll b• eold on • 4 o O o Aulllil • 5 O 2 3 Yount. M•. 104 427 12 137 .321 .... ,".... '"""',--. f 4 0 0 o Scloecil c 3 o o o Pactot .... CN. eo 293 37 e. .321 Proud PetrlCI< (Pfllenton) 5.20 a.80 2.80 0... 1 ....._ guarantHd •HI bHll. Th•t• are • •w 4 0 0 0 Vllnzull p 4 , , 0 Oarcla. TOf. 108 4416 10 148 .318 LOIUI T1rry Gay IH.nl a.to 3.20 MT'9 LAICllfto ~ ~) -75 -11wed bole and raMrWd Mat• rernM1lng 20 00 McllM. l<C 111 422 M 134 .311 HMzCleNy(Adal!) 2.80 1 4 ... r e~ude •1 "'onlto 7... . .. Dodgat Coectl O.W., Oaat1I flal "-' 2 11 o 01111.-. MM. M 289 32 ti .315 AlitO raced: Speedln Ven, Tt1•r•1 No •na •"· v ' v • ~ "' • • ., around the baMball bM1 '°' a number of 34 3 111 T01all 37 1 I 13 10 Hrl>lk, Min. 17 379 llll 1 ti .315 Dollb1, Uloo. TOU111 Moon Duh, Cfelg Go. "":::.:+: =p ("""""' ._., _ yeere Na coecti and menager. Bu1 lie do&M't eoot. bJ 1M111p . E. Muirey, 811. I " :Me 62 108 .313 Time: 20.23. 207 anglwe. e barrlcuda, 115 bonho, 92 recall a llreelt Nka the Oodgarw ,_had In Ctnclnn•ll 100 000 020-. 3 .._""'"' • IXACTA (3-5) peld f2'.90. ctlloo ii-. 1.490 "**""· 163 r~ lltl'I. hHd-to-haad competition with Ille Atlanta Loi AllQllll 101 020 25X-11 0. TllOmM, Mllwlul! .. , 28: "9. .-a-. 29 Mnd baN, 2 yellowtall, 8 IOulpln, 1 Sr-. "fl'e dlfflc:utt 10 comc>Wa llldl ltllnge," Cl~c;n~ ~-ti~!in'::: rL; ~=--llnd~2T4';°'~~.~-~~:.-ah• Ct~...::,~=, 'fll::.Oo 1UO 1.00 ~,.,.. _ 251 ~· 207 i-. ::r.=r.-·,;;.-c::. ::n: ~n.::. ~ ,11..:,.2! -L_,_(12). SB~~,; McRH . Ke':::•~ ~7; 7hornton. :=aoreo!('~~I 18.40 ::: 30 bonito, 61& mai:hrll, 3 rod! lleh, ~ etralghl In llttle ~ a wealc ••• The Olante Munuay " ~ll'V'IY --·...,' ~ Ct.veland, 87; Cooper, MflweukM, 17: Aleo '9Ced: Pley Tuff, Pll And Pet. VegM wfltt• -~ 3 eeulpln, 3 ~. have e nine g-win llraak et;and wMn .. __..._ __ I~-Ru .... I 191o Su (3'). 79 0 T 8o .......... ~-..... VII L cabuon. t-WWII In lronl. 3-2 on. homer Milt ... _ ._.....,._, ...._ c......,_. • H llDMIO Luzln•lcl, Clllcago, ; · llomee. • ........,..,. .....,, ou. MAL a.ACM -136 enge.,., 12 bonito. ·~• I dd w.. au t. OrtolM 4 s........ (l.&-12) 1 10 8 & 5 5 MilweUk•, 78. Time: 20.13. 860 mad<aral, 900 rodt lleii, 80 a.Id.,_ TuHday night, Dod~ lane •iU au • &lltlmcn 000 001 030-4 10 0 PrlOI 0 2 4 1 1 0 "*'*'e (14 o..eMM) 111.llACTA (4-1) pekl 14311.80. (& • ., •• , -97 englert. 1 ll•llDUI, VOOl•~ .... ~!Y~ ~·-· 0:-:: Ct**IO 003 060 10x-9 11 1 Hem. 1 1 1 1 1 1 8urn1, Clllca~, U-4; Vuclcovlch, 570madl ... 2eanc1.,_221whltecrOlker ~·..,........., -.... -·-·-.,. •- McGregor, Boddlclcer (5) Ind ~; Lei ~ Mllweuk... 12-4; ....... Yorlt, 1 ~ II ptCJ( ••• ~3·~!.,.~·~9,. 27& ~ ""' 1 eculgln. • won't ~ We W.-and. Thureday'• gan'9 Bllfnl end Fltk. W-Burn• 113·4) L-velenzul(W,15-t) II • 3 1 2 4 Caudill. a..tlle, ICM, ....... 1-t37.40 Wiil\ -~--.. , ......... ~ ·--. IAlt 01100 (MaM Llndln9) -488 Ill I bull~·· epeclll ttlat etana at 1:06 McOregor ( 12-101 HR-81111mar1 PrlOI p1tc:Mc110 • bettera In 111111111. Pe!ry. Detroit. 12• Our.. ~City. 13-8; 12 Pick Siie Coneolallon qeid t1eeeo to N .....,... 1.oee ~ ... Dodgat lhofUto,, • ....._. Clll IM Roanlcll• (II~ A-19,871 PB -Ven Gorder. T -~51. A -60.:zee lalMr. c:w..iano. 11-7. ~ llCMtl <'-~). lllMk agalne1 Ille er-"unbll9¥abla". L-----_:_~----~--------------,.--------------...,...--------------r:::===rtaJC===,.,==ncE====::r-===="8.JC::::~,.,;;nct;:::==::r-===::;rta.IC=:~NO:::::na:;:;:-__: Ml.JC MOllCE Ml.IC NOTICE Ml.IC MOllC( Ml.JC NOTICE OTICE OP D.,."TB OP vouAM•DU'AUL.TUNDllltA "~ NOTICll Of' TllUl1'U'I &AU N .:.A D 11 O 0 F T " U a T D A T I D NOTICI Of' TIIU8Tll'8 &AU ...cnnou1 wu ACTITIOU• eulNH NOTICE INVITING..,. NOTICE OP DEATH OP T.a. ..... WM CBARLOTl'E MABJOIUE DICIMH" 1~-~-"1• uNLHI T.a. ..... ~ ...-aTATu.NT .. ,.,... ITATDmn NOTICE 18 HEREBY 01vEN ttiet RUTH E . PEBRS, AltA T.o. $EfMCE COMPANY• dlJl'f c LA a & A N o o F you TAU ACllOlll To ....aTlcT ..cMITANT MCmCS To ! The tolowing pereone -doing ~~~... l*IOft9 are doing Ille Boerd of Tl'Ul1eaa of IM CoMt RUTH E. DELLINGER =:,i:.;•~H un.dar, ~ p E T J .T ION T O YOU" P"Of'IHY, IT MAY H NOfiPrY OWND: ~ M: .,..__ Community Coll•g• Ofetrlgt ol AND OP PETITION TO _,.._. ~ ~"' ~R -ATE NO IOLD AT A~ IAL.L ••oo YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNOEA A I K. c WAREHOUSING & EOADD ENTERPRISES. tn96 Orang• County. Calflornl•. Wiii Con~ WILL SELL AT PU8UC ADllPUl'HD&K:. ..:..>& • .-ED AN IXl'\.ANATION °" Tltl DEED OF TRUST. DATEO MAY l4 • ...WNTENANCE. 8082 Stoneridge. Olk StrHt. Fountain V1lley, CA r-lv• •Hlad bide up to 11:00 ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. AUCTION TO THE HlGH!ST AU.CH. NATUN O' TH• HIOCHDINO 1t8t, UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION Wastmlnlt• CA 92983 92708 a.m .. TUMday. Augult 24, 1t82 It AlUOl. BIDDER FOR CASH (payabl• •• To all heirs. benefidaries, AQAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULD TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT Keith MIChH( Baca, 9082 EMERSON D DAVIS, 17798 the Pufd\Nlncl DapartmeM of Mid To all hein, benetidaries. time of .... In lawful money of Ille credltora •nd contingent CONTACT A 1.AWYIA. MAY BE SOLD AT A PU8llC 8Al..E. 8tonerldge. WHtmlnll•r, CA ~2•7k08SlrMt, Founteln Valley. CA colleg• dlelrfct locat•d II 1370 creditors •nd conUnaent In~ 8con'81M2_!11to~ !'!! ~ redltor1 of Charlotte NOnc.. Of' TRUaTll'I IM.R IF YOU NEEO AN EXPLANATION 92t83 "' Adame Av•nve, Coeta Maea, E. p• ,.,_. YWywv • .., ·--,,_. Tl. No..... OF THE NAT URE OF THE • Carey Mark Bae•. 9082 C,AROl A DAVIS. 177.e Ollk California, at wt1ICn tlnle Mid bide credlton of Ruth ehra by It under Hid Securlly Land Marjorie Clark and pel'llObl NOTICE is HEREBY QlVEN. that PROCEEDING AOAIN8T YOU. YOU • Stonarldga WHtmln•t•r CA Street. Fountain Velley, CA 9270&. wm be publldy OC>W'9d and teed lor: and per1on1 who rNlY be Contract In 1ha property hereinafter ho may be otherwise on Wednwday. August 26, 1982. at SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. : 92983 • • Thi• t>u.in-( b.'! .. conduel& Wlf ,ee1 by STATIONE~ 8UPPU!S otherwiae Interested_ In the ci.c:r1VEN~~ .. JEFFREY K. COLL.I""""· .__..... In the wW and/oc 9:00 o'clodl a.rn. of Mid day. In the On Augull 11. 1N2, .. 2:00 P.M .. ' _,_· ... ....__ Is ___.,....__. by • lndlviduale Hva .... •. •p bid ara lo ..... In _.danCla ~ ·~ ""'._,_. f d 11 "~ "~·1 .. _,,_ Inc. M ~ • ,,.. --...,.,,._,.., emer D OllVll " • ... wW UKl./or estate. .......... man tale: room HI Hid• or con uc ng .,.. ....,.. ...... •......-. • and , genar .. s::'ttt~MI eaca T111u1e1...= .U n1ee1wttl\111e ~tt1e~!,T~::::-~ A petldcnl bu been tiled vE'NooR: RONALD o. LEE, a A petition haa been filed i~t'·~~TThlsE'a-u~EC: ~r~:~: ~·:;;,,:~ Thleltatamantwullledwtthlh4 Coun~ClerkofOrangeCountyon 11ranowonn .. andnwybaMQlfad by Arlene Rid.Be In the men y Fay Layne in the SERVICE, locatad at 2020 North May29, 1981,Mlne1.No. ,In i county Clertl of Orange County °" July 2 · 1982· ,11972 In ltl4t ollloe of the PUrCllNlng Agent Superior Court of Orange dad Daoamt>er 6, 19711 • uperlor Court of Orange Btoadway, Sult• 206, In the City of boOk 14078, ~ee. of Ofllclel 1Aug.6,19S2. ,,..,. PubHlhedDrengecoaa1oe11yP11o1. of=::~,::ri:,.bmltwtthhle County requeatlng that ;1~r·of~~·~~~ ty reque.tlng that Fay :,-c:i.~°=iHr:.8;.~+:~~ :=:!,~'c!ttieOrange~~ i Publl•h•d Otang• CoHI Dally July 28· Aug. 4· 11· 18· 198~1w2 bid a cHhl•r'• check, c•rllfl•d Arlene Rid&e be appointed of the Aeootder ol 0r*'91' ayne be appointed as 0££0 SERVICE CORPORATION, a ol California, axacutad by JAMES 11 1 Pll9I Aug. 11. 18. 25, a.pt. t, 1982 gh•ck. or bidder'• bond mad• at pereonal repreeeniative to 01.1nty ; uld 8acurlty Land nonal representative to Caflfornl• corporation, " duly FARLEY and SHARON FARLEY. ' 3673-t2 PtllllC NOTIC£ payable to the order of the <:out adminlater the eatate of ootract deecrlbee IM followlng dmlnlater the estate of ippolnt•d TruelH undar and hullband and wife, WIU. SEU. AT !--------------..,..=~'."::"".~====--Communl1Y COiiege Dlltrtct Boerd Ruth E. Pehn (under the ~·3 .. of Tract 30M. aa _ harlotte Marjorie Clark purauent to th• power ol 11•• PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE 1 PUBUC flJllCE AC1'mOU• .,..... of Trust-In an amount not .._ lnde--t-t Administration ~ 111 .. ._.. A-. P_:--;. under the lnderendent conferred 1n th•t oertein Dead of HIOHEST llDDER FOR CASH • _. .. ITA~MT than nve percent (5%) of the MHn .,............. ·--'"""" ... -• Tru1t executed by BRIAN I( (peyabl9 at time of Ille In lawful ACTITIOUI .,..... The fOllowinQ pereon• ar• dolnQ bid u a guarenl .. that the blddet of Eltatee M). The petition o 11 lnclulllve of Mlecetlao.oue dmlnJ1trat1on o EatatA!et c RA w F o Ro and ANN r E mon•y ol Iha Unll•d 8tatM) at MAim ITAT'lmNT ~ ae: wlll •nl•r Into Iha propoHd ii set for hearinl in Dept. In IM oflloa of tM County ) The ~tlon ia eet for CRAWFORD. hu1band aod wlla. Front lobby of Hunt and I• ~ot:;-ing parlOn 1• doing GOODSPORTS. 901 Dove Cont11C1 If the -Ill -dad to No. 3 at 700 Ctvic ~nter YOU~~ ~~'lr UNDEA A . In No. 3 at 700 and MURIEL GLASS. an unmarrlild F•n•l•rm•k!!J.. profH= ' CLASS N' GLASS. 20711 Str~o~~·Rc:.9~8:~\ ~~·~~~~.:";::.:': Drive, West. In the Qty of EEO OF TRUST DATED vie tel' ve, West, in :=r=~~~::. ~=· 2il. ~ lwlfl. Chaucer. Huntington B••ch. K--0ri.... eor-del Met, me c:hec:ll w111 be for'911ad, 0t In IN Santa Ana, California on VEMBEJUO, 197'. UNL.E88 YOU he City of San ta Ana, uld County, at page 1579, calllom&a. .. right. tm.and ..,.._ Callfomla 92648 CA 92$25. CAM of• bond. tM lull eum thereof ~ l, 1982 at 9:30 a.m. AKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR ornla Ob Sept. 1 1982 at Aecorder'• fnarumant No. 7337, by ~ to _, now Mid by It Stav•n R. H1rv•y. B201thl w CHARLES BRANOE. 1402 wlll b• forf .. t•d 10 Hid college fl' YOU OBJECT to the AOPEJ'n .. '! M1FAYYllEOU~A'!_ AH 9:30 a.m. ' raa.on of a b<each or dafault In under aald Daed ol Trwt In tM Chaucer. Huntington .. c . Clay Street. Newpor1 SMch. CA dlatrict. srantina of the petition, you Tio; OF THl"NA'TUN; IF YOU OBJECT to the ~ymtnl or perlormanc• of Iha ~ eltualad In .., County ~J~ 20711 ,...__ 92983. No bldd« ~wltlldrWw .1n,. b4d .;.a..-·'d ei•t..-arvWAr at ,,__ TM"' .....,.....,.,_.,. .,. .. ,.,.1' .i-.. of .... _ --H~ you obllg•tlon1 Hcured U•areby, Slate deect1bed -.._ · ·-....,. "''-· Title~ le conduc:1ed by• lor a period o1 llYe (4 ... deY9 .. llU\U W.llCT ......-...., '""' ~ .. .....,._., ..... .,.., ...... --..... Including tha1 b<.acfl Of default, Lot lM of TrlCl No. 74e5 •per ~ Callfornle 92&4e general .,.,inaran1p. aner the d•I• Mt or Ille opet*'ll hearlna •nd 1tate your OU. YOU SHOUU> CONTACT A either appeu at the Notice of 1lltlk:ih.,.. ..-dell April rnap-dedln8ook~44 Ind~. II candUcled by WI TNe .t!f"'~/.:Z fled with the ~Board ol Truet-,...,._ obbEttllOnlnl :it~l~h=r~~~er~ m:"oold•n CltQI•. Newport hearln1 •nd r'l1ate Y, our :'o. 1~,;~:.n ·~~~ ~ ~c::i~ ':: -·~ ,._ R. Harv.y County a.ti of Orange County on the prMlege of rejecting """ and II o o . CA obEtlona or l e Wl' tten Pu 8 LI c Au c TI o N To THE Aacordar ol 0r-. eounry. Thll lla'-lt waa lllad wtttl the July 2t. tt82 bid• or to werv..,.,., lrreQUletlll• or be ore the hearing. Your ''(" a etr..i ~ or oommon ob tloiu with the court t4IOHEST Bl DD EA FOR CASH.1 Th• llrffl adare" and otfltt County Qarll of Orange County on ,,..,1 1nl0fm1llllM In any bid or In the •Ppeu1LnCI! may be ln penon nation 11 ehown above, no be on the beuing. Your lnM money o1111e Unltad Slatea. oommon daeignltlon, "W'l'f, of ttlt J4il't 11. 11192. _ Publlehed Orenge CoHI Delly bidding. or by your attorney. arranty I• given u t~ 111 ~. -..v be in peraan °' a O&ltlle('• ohectl drawn on a ...., pr°'*1'f delcr1bad above la .. ,_,..., Piiot. July 28, Auo-4, 11, 18, IM2. NORMA.NE. WATSON I F y OU AR E A .,w or oomw:tnaae).I a r bv YOW' -~ Ital• or national bank. e Ital• or purported w be: ...:;,~1>~"-f1."ir1-:'ls~~ ... t~~~ _________ 33_9_4_92 t:::Trrwt-CREDITOR or a cootlngent ,r:; =.o~ =•~ °"1 t~~·u·-x·a E A =~':::'.O:~~ic: Cd::J:9:~:("''horn, lrvln• _________ 3_sao-__ 82 PUBUC MOllCE COaa1 Community creditor of the deceu e d, you b<MClll or default In IN ~ttone CREDITOR or a COlbti.ngient domlclad 1n 1f11e state. 11 DeY9l>la at T fl• un d•r •lg nad Tr u •I•• P\111.JC NOTICE ColleQe Dtstrlc:I mutt We your cl.1m with the •cur•d ltleraby, h•ratofor• cndltor of the dee ned, you the lllM or .... all right. dtte and dl1clalm1 eny If ability for an) ACTITIOUa .,..... Pubfl•h•d Orenge CoHI Dilly court or preHnl it to the xecutad an•d ~·'~at'1onh• mutt file ,,.,,..r claim with the lfllerwt held by 11. u Trvat ... In lncorreet-of ttie etrwt eddf-fltCnnoul .,..... NAlm •TATIMRMT Piiot Avg. 4, 11. 19112 ~·--e2 1 ti ......... .,--that real pro~y tllu•t• In aald and Olher common deligNltlon, II MAim eTA,.....Nf Th• foflowlng pareon I• doing -· pertona repre1enta ve DefalHt and Oelnand for ..... court or preaent lt to the County and s11ta, deecrlbad •• 1111. ~herein. the lollowlnO .,.,_ -doing buSI..-•: appointed by the court wr111en no1io. Of brMdl and o1 puional represent.aUve follows: si1d •••• w111 ti• mac(•. but bu"'-•: PACIFIC VIDEO. 150-0 PtllllC MOllCE within four montha from the to cw 1fle 111!Clailillled ~~lnted by the court Lot~ (7). 8IOCtl "O", o1 Tract wltho111 cove nant or w1rranty, (A) CIRCULATION NOW; (B) Adami. eo.1. M-. CA 92828. --·· Wll date of flrat l11uance of to ... Miki~~~ f"'--u.. from the No. 618, .. per mep reoorded In • ..,,_ Of ~. ~ ~ MARRIAOES MADE lN HEAVEN. ROXENE JACOBS. 2278B ................ le _,,.dedinSeictlon obll9Mlona.-.. --·--.,_ ......... 8ook17.pfQ99S3to361nCk#veof pOHHtlon. or encumbr•nc••· 2ttl Vl1tat Entrada, Newport Pomona. Coeta ~.CA 92827. NAMI ITATl....-r ~ra aa rovn Code Hid notice of br .. oh and of date Of flrat IHUance Of Mleolllneoul Mape In the o1f1ca of lnoludlng fHI, ohargaa •ncl BMdl, CA t2IMIO. ™• bu9lnaa le oonduoted by an The followlng pareon I• doing 700 of the Probate of aMcltlon to be Aacor~ Mardi IO, Je«.en M provlded lo Section th• County Aeaord•r of nld upanMI of the Ttuet .. and of the : GEORGI! KAUO. 2181 Vlete lndfvtdual. a-x-Jacob• bual=~RT OUN BROKERAGE, California. The time for 1112 •,..:::r.,;.. No. l~tOUU In 700 of the Pr-obete Code of eotintv. 1ru111 created by .. Id o..ct of Entreda. ~ 8aacfl. CA 92MO. T'hlt .,.,.;;..,. -flied with tM •1931 N-pOft Boulevard, Coela rum, c:.lalme will ~-~ hid .... Wiii b• m•d•. bul c .allfornla. The time for Th• ,,, .. , •ddr•H or olhtt True!, lo Pt't the~ 'Ent~=t:.':l. ~n= COUnl't C*1I of Orange County on ..._., CA 92827. prior to four mon ..... '"'""'" without covenant or w1rren1~. fl.Una c:.lalme will not exp.re :=; ,:W-= ~':.:,~ = ~ ~~ wtt: 141 ~~ Thie ~ 1e oonouctad by -Mt 1D. 1982. TH o MA s AT T 1L1 o the date of the heartna or ..,.._,...o.:=.. 1119. prior to four montha from p_u1po11ad 10 «>• 2124 Mlram•r wttfl 1nw..t lhereon fforn FebNaty fluebend Md wife. c ~'':": ~:e=C:-~ CO¥e ~. notked above. pc n•t:n, :i. ~ to the date of the hearing om.. Newport 9allclfl, Callfornle. 1, 1t12 at It~ per arWMn • flr.abeth Krug Publlehad Orange oHt • Y OHARLH CRAHAM, uo YOU ... ~A y ~ ... ~MINlfJ: ="~:, ~Y ;.k1"1eo11tlt7 '-= oodiced ebov9. Th• undaraien•d hareby provldad In Mid ncM(1) '*" ooatl 1 ·~:=:i:.11=:-~i: Pt1o1,Juty 21 ' 21'""9·4 · 1~~ Bek• "B-120", Coat•~. CA Lheflle-ptby~court. eomttiet, _. __... • "*-' YOU MAY EXAMINE ~~=~':Jo.•~~:..:.~ :.d;.::o;•J!,0 J: J4il't at, 1tt2. ·-.,. llftftM t2e2e. you are Interested ln th• ~. ~ Jf ~· 11t101r uw file kept by the court. U or ~ OOl'MIOft ~ ln*'9t. • •-.-~ ""',_ ntle ~ 19 ooncNctecl by a eatate, you rm)' file a request IM tarTl'll °' .., ~ L.aftcl you are lnt.ereeted ln the Seid .... Wiii be ~ ... hOUI The ti. .-clai • undlt aald Dead PublllMcl °'INIO& Cout Dally genar91~"'!·-..-with the court to receive Cont1101, feu. oltartH and _...J:'-euea---warranty, Hpr• .. or·1mplltd. of Tr\ltt '*9toe-..caMd Ind Plo4. J4il't II, Alie. 4. u, 11, 1982 ,._._ -•• l 1 I f th ......-o4 ~ TNMll 1M flf 1M • ---., ·-.~ ree•rdlft9 tltl•. poaMHlon, or Cltll\llfed to Illa unclar•lgned a 3:95-82 doing Thlelt8lelMtlt ... fltdwtlhtht 8p•c a not ce o • INltmOl'll!ledb¥..,._..,L.Mct ~Ith e court to rec:ielve enciurnbranc••· 10 111111y 1111 ""'* oec-.r8'1o11 Of_... IN -----------~oi~lng peraon 1 ' c-itt a.ti°' OftnOt ~on Inventory of ee&at.e aueta eonnot. ..... .-,.. 11e 11a111 °" 9peclal notice of the ~balance ot ,..,. Hot•°" OtlNfld IOf ...., 1114 • ..,...,. •-""' MmC( • •LMNG 0€SIGN8 H60 Jul't 111· 1982• Ind of the petlUian.. aaooun111 Tilurlclllr • .,..... 1'· tea • l:CIO lAvento-of .. t.ete ~ other ~tlon -.o 11y Mid Mo4tol °' ~ ""' e.otlOll .. .--EA .. Y • ._,.. d d , ... _ .. t m at Illa Cllapman Avenue •1 _ _. wttfl ~ ............... --~oh.---......... NC1UIOUI. H•M Harte #217·0 • eo.ta ..._, CA Publlltled Ora11te Ooaet Deity an reporta HCT ._.. ft nlranoe te tll• Olvlo Center and of U. peddom, llCOOW\'31 oth« :m~~ provtct";;l,_:j;; ~·Ot "'D:17'i:f ~ ..... .,..~ ~EOROIANNA HAWERSON Piiot. July 21. u. Auo. •• ,,, 1"2 Secllon 1200.0 of th• .......... .., .. ~A--. and report.a d.-cribed In plUe actvanoaa. If My, Ulldar Iha ... ~ .. raoordtd In"" OtNfft'/ : The •ollowtn9 penon •• dotno H60 Hal1a. 1211-0 Coata......: 3n3-a2 c.lifomlaW ~~~ lntMettyof~CA. Section 1200.0 of the ....,,..._..and.._.on_,. ..,.. ... ,..~ltio.ad. I ~~ CA 92121 • rtaJC MOTIC( llBNT • --· ... _.... Al lh• Um• or tfla lnltltl c..llfomM ...... C.ode ldWMOea. and '*-..... :':Tc: Datt; Nit IO. 1MI· ! aoof~M~A ~:~=E~ Thll --1e oonduc1ad tiv n A.......,1 a ~ 't"z y AND .. .:.::..rio::.=or-:: 11:, A\' er 1 Cr a r,. e I :: :::i:-.:."':,1:t,::: ~ =-~111 Inc. o.ea ..... C.\ lnclMdllal. ~ PtCmt10U11U11111.. • 1 • 0 ...,,. ."!..... .. ~ Mmav11:. MUllP a • .,.,,..,, rt11 10ta1 lllftO\lftt ot ..., ao ~ o..... DtM I ~-.... Wm, 1171.Ulnd Tflluta~flladwltlltM llMileTATW lllLDIUl:Tll ..,,..._ --auom otllltallofl. lnctucllflel flMONlbfV ... ttt. •et., ........... CA..... CounlY a.ti of Or-. County on The tottowlng f*tofl la doing 1111 ..... An.. hiM IHl --·~-~ ~, Md ..... ..,. M Lew aatlMll•d t•H. olitrgH and ..._.., e.cf1. CA t1MO , TNa...,_llOOldaldbyen Jvt, tt 1N2 ~-Su ~·CA tllll __ ,.. ll•CU.-Drh'e _....ot-.Tl'llMae.atlht..,.. 7M.......,.11 l llldtAlf"• ' ._,. COAeT JA.HITOflllAL ('JU) lft..llll 0.:t.'&~COMftAHY Ne~-....;CAtl... OfllllllltpuDllDMtonofWtnotla..11 9'ArtPw ... n.._ ' I 1* Im)( fl.:---:. .... tM ,iubUlhed Ota119e Coalt De~ HRVICH. 1t1H M•= •1. Publlahed Oranp Coatt .i e. T..-... (tU) !11-1111 '':!f.~ 1 I. 1111. 'ulllleMI Or .. ~,:;-r j County'~':{ C:. County on Piiot. July 21, 21. AuO· 4, 1~2J:.S2 =:._20a, Huntington • OA Dl1lY Plloi. A-.. 10. 11, 17, ly. Lonte w.....-, PubllaMcl <>I' CoMt • ~~-""'°'·Mr II.~._ 1 'a:Ml-lt I AMO. t, 1tea. lryanl l11dlvar, 22111 1981. .ltlllllellt ~ DllQy 111t... ·~ .... 1 11 17 ==-=~"°" I PvlMftMcl Oranot Co~''J!: =~ngo It. Grand Tarrace. CA J07W2 QM oi.y ~lh•d w.t. lllf . ..--"-· 10, ' 1 o• 1•~ Ir 4 lllot. q . 11, 11. a . 8-t-~1"2 Utu. Mtel Mllftlll.., on• ~ INlltlMI ia ~Dr.,, t ~":J: · 357142 ~Aft 8IGUllTn I 1 .. 1 TuU•t, along cam• • lndMcluel~ ..,_ · Pll t L ..._..... · Nllllltied...., .-"::°"~ ~io • ••AArii4 I I lt'HllW; ~ I .. and ,. In .,. Thll ~ ... Iliad with Ula 0 °'"""" -Dally Nod, Mt II. ~ 4; ~ "I II 1 ·'HiikJ ~.,:=:;5 ~r.=.°'°'--ec::; CG*tid:~. 1,1911 Mil-It ~ =..: ... I ~ Sll'WMKll1"D""411C '°' ...... You oen ... ftubllaflad Oran" Coatt OallY ,... .. need ...... ~ -:<iii ,... ...... °"'* ,.S!Ht De.tty ~ ----"°"' ...... anct -°' l'IOt, Aug. 11, , .. 21, ··~~ ,,..... wtwt lM .. Alll· " "· 11. ,_ ;_~;:::: ~~i~ ~~1~,o~,~~.~~:: ~"J:i8lOfW '#.~ =:-.:=.==:"_, Ade. Cll 142·Mfl Want Ade Cell Mt-1111 It 118"lltl Qan• I Mii ..._ • .... If It's got wheels, you'll move It faster In• D•tyPHc>t ctaMttted .ca. can 642-5671 ; I far~ JIM Aire &fl llN ,..,,,,.. II• t'Mkw •..U7 "-poadeal ... W>eX (AP) -A ·ll\IJ"'1H coatrael •feillioa -for a_:fl1h_t -. .. WorW ~ :!._ ....... -=~ andf!:dy Cobb wm farce •*' . ..,. ... Into federal court here to dileu8I the validity of anotMt tlti. ~t ~J*t, the CIMar1 eakt ~· ' &'~ lblN~,:..-==·=: ::=.-... ~ •·~~;A•'mf1 "°'*• 111111Mll':!':P"Jldaliiin,.._ltw.m't10b9d •M~••ow--.. ID Che Giii ol lllaM 'l'tleDmy John n4 Whm hi D)aYtna JDU1b1 cM&ft with hJI OAn:-:... _, _, Wiii "" oidlilft.F,....J.:'cy the 9' ~... manac•r1, but ihere-were I!:.!: wUb tht ~a..., 0r11111 ~ °" ... ..;;.~ ......... y--Plmtftp!ll ......... , of the............ And )'OUnt Tilil ..... lleclftdulMd~M On Monday, U. 8 . Dlatrlct Court Jud1• wma. c. Connor Nlid that r:--Dan KJnc had riahla to handle • ftcht between w .. ver and top -ranked challenaer Michael Dokee. which would be 1t11ed sometime in October . That aettlement, however, was baaed on the prernlae that the WBA had refueed to extend •the deadline tor a Weaver-Randy Cobb ficht. acheduled for Aug. 3 and delayed by an IJtjury to Cobb. DEATHS -. ELSEWHERE ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) - WIWam B. Y 001, 80, the father of apace shuttle utronaut and moonwalke.i John Youna. died Saturday. SALT LAKE CITY lAP\ -Ma .. e a. Campbd.I, 83, the fint woman to buy a tlcltet and fly on a commercial acheduled airline, dled Friday. She made the trip June 10, 1926, ln an open-cockpit wood and fabrlc plA.ne, the Douglu M2. LOS ANGELES (Ap) - Jo-• CeltraDe Jr ., 17-yeu-<>ld aon of the late Jan aaxophonlat John Coltrane, died In an auto miabap Saturday. DElll IDllCEI HOWBERT ....................... a; ... tUnaed Into • °"* How•. lncMMI °""" Ollflder ....,. ol ridicule. The .................. Tiiie ilfalenMM .,... ftlM _.. ine .. a.._. Stlllnbnnnw -ft.red U'OCW --WOIW.t OYW the 1alt couple of County a.ti °' °'Mte Courity on fDINaW-hil llOOftcl IMl' .. il'W ~ UUI ,_, 1W'i-Bali ............ brOeder.ed the ,...,.. of My 1t, fH2 the,nmth In 10 ._,.,. ' •001...,~~ 'ubllt!MO Ora.nee oo!~ Old a.or,. la at It apln. 'Jr.iracJ ~ i ~RY ,..., -11, ae. ~ 4, 11. 1111 But th!I Um9 lt ii mare than • w.ry cUche. u:s1 The IUddenn..e ot the acuori and the mun..-In ftte ad WI no one immune. "9lJC MmCr :O~·~:l!:•~ht, h:!l~ -~~ T~= MJckey Riven ~A~ .. White Sox -added a iouch of ~ '° the oTd ~ .,.._ h1a belt and molt~ ~oll.:-'nt ~ It dOlno ICetW'lo. ·' ~omm,y John, wflo became • pltc •taff (I) "ILO MAIU<ITING. (b) Stalnbrenner~a man of .....,..,,Nd bullnw •talwart wttb a NetructW'ed arm, •• •'--la'"_., PRO-MARK (ol Pl'IO·MAllll( .,.._,~ la t..•-'--'-" ~ U .ot..-~ WMI -• I! l'I VIC l t d ) MULTI . --"t .,.. w~ '8un Into a ltate of peet ... t John hadn't rneMWed ue to prevt.oua MA" I< IT IN cl ' (.) Mu LT I· d.iSfrray -almoet every one of them publicly statlltk:8i Stembrenner Mid, ''Tommy John 11n't the ~Rl<fllNO w~ ,..,Olllld ~ In -.ne falhklri. Golden., .. ~... Boy we thowdtt be wu." He aid John wu ~let m 13 The Bou wu known 11 an lmpaUent and ,..._,. and •'1eedec:f a crutch." ~, 1n1ne~~":;.: :1ft Tree impetuous man, but he outdid h1rme1f um time -Tommy ii naturaU.v ~. ~ to be ,_.!~.~. "oonduot9d by 1111 ltorJnlni into the locker room at 1 o'clock in the tr.ded. 0 1 can't ltand af1 th1I turmoU." Johri 1ays. ,,_eracnwd Piia rnomm,, firi.ng MJchael on the spot and offertna Stet.nbrenner complained ~t Dave Winfield, Thll .._..,_,. -fled w1tt1 tne the cuatomen • ram check for the bad-performance h1a $24 U\WJon outfielder who hu been til!ldf.ng and eouni Clerti of OrMge County on to whk:b the=been subjected. hittin& •plendJdly, "can't carry the club the way .kine 3, 1912. ,....,,,. I.a fiery Martin and mft-shoe Bob Lemon Reagle did." He Mid Gralg NetUea wu alowing Publl•lled Orano• coa1t Diiiy before h.bn, , the beloved "Stick" whom down. Piiot, .Mt 21. 21, Aug. 4, 11, 1M1 Steinbrenner said wu like a son, became the third He has been sharply criUcal of IUck Cerone, 3nw2 manager twice hired and twice fired. GOOle ac..,e, Ken Griffey and others. He hu Michael waa rlaive. He had been awarded J made Randolph and other !onetime Yankees work r--:1111C=1=11:::110U1::-=-::•::0:0~11~.~ .. =-- three-year contract, a_tarting in 1983 after the out on off-days for punlahment. um ITA,,_., faithful Lemon -.. old Lem wu always there In ~ Michael. be said, ·~ are a lot of ~°':'119 peraon •• dolno when I needed him," Steinbrenner aald-had been men on thia team I would like to trade.'' WARSHAW, ~04 7tl! a1 .. allowed to manage a full 1982 1ea1cm aa the &. The team'• morale 1a shot probably beyond Hunt=. -=:n C:-~504 Tttl promiaed. repair. Poor Cycle Kina. the new manager, a nice st. Hun~ Bledl, CA 92&48. It was a promi8e u,hUy liven. never kept. man -what can be took forward to but llimUar Thll • oonducted ~ • Michael should have known better, ~u indignity? lndMduelMere11e o. 8"8w Lemon must have reali%ed that a job wtth Only one man can manage tor George Thll etat.,,,.,t waa flled •th the Steinbrenner hangs by a &lender thread -to Steinbrenner. That's Billy Martin. He takes Coun~ Cllrtc of Orange County on mapped at tlie Boes' first llnirY whim nobody's-· Don't count him out. Aug. '1982' ,,._ It is getting t1re8ome to heat the ~om refrain· Publl1hed Orano• Cout Dally "It's George's ball club. He ahould be allowed to ~ NlJC M)TIC( ---NlJC--NOTICE-----Piiot, Aug. 11. 18. 211. Sept. 1. 1ta2 with it what he pleues." T-~ T ·--"17.aa True, but with retervaUons. Thia is a franch1ae NOTICa °' 'nlU8Tll'8 •AU ~O.. NI.JC *>TICE the spirit of which hu been wrecked. When Charlie · 0n ~~5~Jr.: 10:00 Lm. ~ ACTmoua .._ .. Finley ·r•d to deatroy a lranchlae at SHEA ___ ... -·--·-· -... ,_., Oakland, stepped in t.o prevent it. ESCROW COMPANY, formerly DSID °' TIIU8T DATm ..... The followlno l*'IOn I• doing known .. Southern cm. Eaarow .,.,... YOU TAICIE ACTION TO ~ ea: F • • Compeny M Trultee. Of Su•'OeMOf' PltORCT YOUll PltONllTY IT COMPUTECH RESOURCES. am y SWJm passes TNll• or 8ubftltuted Truat•, of MAY •• IOLD AT A PU•LtC 173 Broadway, Co1ta MMa, CA that certliln Deed of TNll toceOUted a A L • • IF y O U N •• D A N 92827. by PRAPHAJ AMORHSRJSAKUL, a ~TION Of' THS NAT\MS TI mo I h y SI mar O, 173 a ·1 bJ • N l Single Women, Ind l'900fdad J\lkr °' n. PltOCUOINQ AOAJNaT BtoedWay, Coeta ~CA m21. va1 a e 1n ewpor 2'3.1Nt•lnltrumen1No.s211f.You,YoulHOUlDcOHTACTA Tilla~llc:onductedbyan In book 1 .. 152, peoe 320, of Ofllclai LAWYU. lndMduel. Summer Family Swun' p .. -ail.ab' f Record1 of Orano• County On Tiluf9day •·--2e 1ta2 at Timothy C. Slmwd _. .. are a~ 1ce or Calltornle, and pureuant to thai 9:00 A.M .. Title.,;;;:--ino TMI Thll llatement -llled With tne public swimming at the Newport Harbor High certain Nolloe of Default ind Company, a1 duly appointed County Clertl of Orange Coun1y on 50-meter pool, through the Newport Beach Parks EJec:tlon to Sell lhareundlr 1-ded Tru1tM under and pureuant to Aug. 8• 1N2. Beaches d R ti. De ' Aprll 7, 1'182 H ln1trument no. Deed of Trwt reoorded Auoult 28 ,... an ecrea On partment. 82·120029, In book -, -. ol 1NO, M lnet. No. 341388, Tn book Publllhed Or1nge Coa11 Deity Admiasion i8 $1 per pel"IOn per session but OffldalAacordlofMklCounty,wtll 13721, page 239, of 0 ,,,0111 Pllot,Aug.11,18,211.~.1.1982 with a Family Swim Pass, an immediate family can under Ind PlnUant to Mid Deed of Aacoroe 1n the ofllol of 1he Coun1y 8&4M2 use the pool the entire ... --..... .. for •2?.SO. Truet Ml at publlo ~for Clllfl. Recorder of Orange Couniy 1---""."""---------.......... ~ • i.wf\11 mon9V of the United Stalel of Celltomla, WILL 8E1.L AT PUBLici PUlJC *>TICE Public swimming ls held from noon to 2 p.m. Arne<lce. at the front ertlfanoe to AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER NOTIC• TO c-·CT Mondava thro~ Frida to 3 Sa ... ....1-the oounty OOUf1houM. 700 CMo FORCASHORCASHIER'SCHECK ...,.,,_ Olla J-ys; noon on ~YAuay& C.nter Drive WH1, Santa Ana, (payable et time of 1a1e In lewfvi CALLING ,Oii _,. and Sundays. ere are also evening sessions on Callfornla. all that right, title Ind mon9V of the un11ec1 Stat•) at the School Dl1trlct : COAST Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8 p .m .. lnter•t ClOIMyed to and now held front erttr~ to the Old Orange COMMUNITY COUEOE DISTRICT. A full schedule of' tnuimmino 1-.... are -'~ by It under Mid Deed ot Truat In the County CourtllouM located In the Bid Oeedllne: 2:00 o'dock p.m. of -·· --·--o ..._...... ~ propeny lltuated In Mid County 200 8foca of WMt Santa AN Bf¥d the 2tth day of Auouet. 1N2. available for children through adults. Call 640-2271 and Sta•• d9c:nbed • (fonnerty weat etn St.) Senta AM.; Place of 8ld AacelClt: Ofllce of the for a current schedule of classes. PAllCB. 1: c:.mom&a. a11 right. tttll and lntereat Director. Pwcnae1no. tote. Matien Unit 153 11 lhown Ind~ on conveyed to ind now held by It Perrin, COU1 Community Col!eQe rtaJC *>TICE fltllJC 1111\Tll'C that cert1ln condominium plan under Mid Deed or Truit In the Olttrtc:t. 1370 Adame A~. co.ta ""',_ rec:ofded April 21 , 1178 In Boole propeny lltuated In Mid County ..._,CA 92929. ~ ._. t2&44, P-oe 915 of oflldel ~ Ind State~• ProJect Identification Name: NOTICS Of' TllU8TD"9 IAU NOTIC• Of' TMlflU•a aAU of~ County, Cellfomle. PA.llCa 1: Lot 91 ol Tract No. Orange Coa1t Collete Rerooflng T.a. .... Mto1 T ....... T·......., " I: 3433 In the City of COit• M ... p: BID #1045 You ·--~·T·--. ~~TO AnlUnCIMOld 1190 lntwaat In Ind c;:oun1y of Orano• State 0 j ..._ .............. ~ -on Ille: OfllOll of -....,. __ .. ~-... ., ... _ to Lot 2 of Trac1 Ho. 10187. 11 c.ittomla. • per map ·-dad In u,. --. John Potter, PhY9k* nt9ID DmlD Of' TRUST, DA YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A .,_,on. rMP reoorded In book booll 178 Peoee .. to 60 lndullw FecllltlH Pl1nnlng. Coa1t ~t.-.UM.aalY DEEOOf'TRU8T,OATE>10-27-e1 428. pag .. 48 to 50 ol ofMllol4taneOuaM8pe lntheotb Community Colleoe Olatnct. 1370 TAIC• ACTION TO PllOT•C UNLESS YOU TAK£ ACTION TO ml-llaneou1 f!lapl, record1 of of the county recorder of Hid ~ AYa., Trailer Facftlty, Col11 YOUll flttOHllTY, IT MAY • PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT Orange Col.my,~ t~ CCM'lty. -CA 92828, (71 4) 65e-5707. IOlD AT A PUllLJC IA&.I. • MAY 8E 801.D AT A PU8LfC SALE. With all lmprovement1 th-n, PAliCIL 2: #-non·excluiln NOTICE _IS HEAESY GIVEH lha1 • 5 6 7 8 D. A I L y p I L 0 T AGNES KELLY HOWBERT, realdent of Irvine, Ca. P...ed away on Au1u1t 10, 1982. She 11 aurviv~ by her daughter Nancy Chech of TuaUn, CA .. brothera Jon Howbert, Daniel Howbert both of California, Don Bucher of Callfornla, aluera Helen Weber and Kathryn Caaldy both of Ohio and Edna Buc her o f California. Slumber room Yilill!Uon will be held on Wedneaday, A~ 11, 1982 from 12:00 noon to 8 :00 PM at the Harbor Lawn Memorial Chapel. Mau of the Re.urrectiCn will be held on Thunday, August 12, 1982 at lO:QOAM at the H oly er,. Cemelery Chapel, Los ~ c.a. Servbir under the direction of Baltz Bereeron-Smith & Tuthill Wftltcliff Chapel 846-9371. NllD AN UP\.AMATIOtt Of' IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATIO~ elCCll>tlnCI ther«ram coodomlolum •8"11'1ent tor lnorw llld -the lboY9-ttamed SdlOOI Dlltrlct of NATUM Of' THE PltOC OF THE NATURE OF T .. E unite 8.,thr<>uoh 158, lnolullve, fnlmMldParcetflhrougtitZ1115 0tMge County, CaUfomla. ac11ng AQAINaT YOU, YOU IHOUL PAOCUDINQ AGAINST YOU YOU located thelwon. Ind 191 of Tr.ct No ~ In 1he by and 111rough 111 Oovernlno COlf'i"ACT A LAWYD. SHOULD CONTACT A LAW'fiR. Exc.ptlng therefrOftl Ill oil. oll City of Coate MeM, CoUnly ol ~~~-rlifwt'ed to 11 On ~ 8, 11182, at 9:1 On September 1 1N2 at 1o·oo rtohta, mlner111, mineral rloht1. Orenga. State of cat1tom1e, .. per ..,_,.,..,,, • w4I reollw up to, bu1 A.M., Ex.ct\enol Tltllhotder1 Inc., A.M., CENTURY ESCROW; • natural g11 rlght1 and other mac> teCOl'ded In book 178 ~ 48 not later lhan the abova-11ated dvliy eppolnl*' Trwtee under Calllornle corporation, 11 duly h)'drocatt»on IUba\anOel betow 1 lo 50 lnolUllva, of Mllcallaneoui time, IMled bide for the -d ol • Pl#**tt lo Deed of Trwt -appointed Tru1tH under end depth of 500 ._under the parcel Mapa, In Ula offloa of the county conttac:t tor the ebow project. Jen11ery 29, 1H1. H ln1t. No. ~Ito Deed of TNll -dad of lend hereln1bove dHcrlbed '9COf'dlr of Mid county 8ktl INI be recltvad In the place 3258e. In book 13929, page 1327. November 2. 1981. u lnet. No. 792, wt1tlout 1he right ol-111eeentry, M PAllC •L I : An e•clu 110 ldentllled above, end ahall be of Offtdal Raootdl In the office In book 14277. p1ge 1109. of r.-vad In lhe deed from Quall MMmant to place and malntlln ~Ind publldy r~ lloud at the County Record« ot Orang OtflcMI Aecorda In the office of die Run· North.woo d , a 11m1 t • d utlltty "'-acroM lotl 1115 and 188 .... lbov9-ltal*' Ume Ind plaoa. County, Slate of Callfornla Counly Recorder of Orange Pattneflhlp recorded MeTch so. Tract No. 3433, In the City of There wlH be • $25.00 depollt &ecu1ed by Thomae Laieno. County. Stat a of Callfornla 1919 In Book 13087, P1Q9 1ooe of Coate M .... County of Or1nee. required for H eh Ht of bid WILL SE1.L AT PUBUC AUCT executed by MOUNIR DAOuo: omctel '900t~ Stat• ol Callfornl• u per m1p documenll to ouennt• ttlelr '9lum TO .. IOHEST ISIDOER FOl'I CA8 MARDINI WILL SELL AT PUBLIC PMCa. recorded In book 178 PtQll ... to In good oondltJon within 10 daye (peyai)le at lime of .... In AUCTION TO HIGHEST 81DOER An ••clu1lve eaument lor 50 lnclu1lve, ot Ml1ceflineoue aft• the bid opening elate. 81..ANKENSllJP money of 1he United Stat• .. FOR CASH (ptlyable .. time of .... peltllng and ,....., j)UrJl'OMll over Mapa, In the omoe of the county &cfl bid ITMllt contorm and be DAV I D C . front erttfa.noe to the old Of In lawtul money of the United lhet l>Ottlon ol Loi 2 of Mid Traot rwcorder of lllld COi.Wiiy 10 provide re1pon1lve to the contract County CourthouH, loc1ted o Stat•) at the Horth tront entrance No. 10137, M "-on &Nblt HA" ater, llectrlol~=.' taleph-document.. BLANKENSHIP, a resident Senta Ana Blvd .. betwee 10 the oounty ~ 700 CMo to the dedarstlon of reatJ!ctbw for and ._.,.age for 11~ fAlctl bidder lhall IUbmlt. on the of Santa Ana, Ca. Paaed S~ St. & Btoadwey, Sent Center Drive WM1, ainta Ana, the..,. condomlulum, recorded ,._...,tlal i..10 lllld Paroei form tumllhed with the c:ontract A ........ 8 1982 H Ana. Celll ... rl0fl1, 1111e Incl 1n Cllltomle 11 right, tttle 1nc11nterwt """21. 1978 1n Book 12M4, Page 1, Mid ___,. to be llano the documents. • 11st of the propoeecS away OD --· • • e conveyed to and now held by 1 .conveyed to and now held by 11 820 of ofllolal record• and r•· and moe1 ~t l'OUt9 IUl>contrac:tore on thl1 Pf'<>Ject • ia llLU'Ytved by hla mother L. und• Mid Deed ol Tru1t In t under Mid Oaed ol Trult In lhe recorded May 3, 1978 In look ~· the lllc:I Parcel 1 Ind the required by tlle 8ubletUng and Jean Blankenahip of property lltueted In Nld Coun pr~ lllll•led In Mid County 12980. PllQ9 571 of of'lldel recordl Hreat publlc utlllly ••tement SUtlconttac:tlng Fak Prac:tJcee Act. Fountain Valley, Ca., sister and State deecltbed ea: and State deecribed ee: of Oreno• County, Callfornla, on tne m1p of Mid trect. Govt. Code &le. 4100 et eaq. Barbara Gu le w le b 0 f Peroet 1: That l>Ottlon of Lot 1 Lot 93 Trwct No. 7838. In the fh•r•lnetter referred to H 'AllC•L 4: A non·e11clu1lve Eacft lltdder ""* IUbmlt with hit of Trac1 No. 10491, M etlowrl on City of Hawpor1 Beecfl, County ol 'Oeclar1t1on" u carport Space over Loi N of Treat 3433 bid oertllled or CHhler'1 check Ore1on, niece Sierra '1NPraoordedlnbook4elPtQ11 Ortnge, State of ClilfonW. •per 153. Said HHment 11 turtller theQlyofeo.ta.....,Countyot c::': to the DISTRICT "' a bid GuleWich and nephew Cody Ind 41 Of Ml1Cell1naou1 Map1, m1p ,_dad In book 308, peoe 1 d9fllMd Ind o-1bed In Altldla n a, &tllte of Ca1ffom1a, M per In the form Ml '°'1h In the Gulewich all of Oregon. ,_di of Mid County, "'°""Ind 10 9 lncllullve. mltcilfa.190I.-mape, and nl of tN dedaretlon. r«lOnted 1n book l78 ~ 48 contnict dooume1111 In an amount Funeral eervk:ea will be held d • f I n • d a 1 U n I t 5 o n 1n tile oMoe of the County Recorder PAllCB. 4t 0 ISO lnctullva of Mlawflaneoue not lea• than 10 percent of the S Condominium Plan recorded of Mid County. A ~ wement for !Ma apa, In the oftio. of the county mulmum amount ol bid a1 a on atu.rday, August 14, 3, 1MO 1n boot! 13824 PllQI )207, &o.pnng u.wllorm 11 ol, GM Ind en~ of tna oommon.,.. acord• of NJd county for the guarani• that the bidder wit enter 1982 at lO:OOAM at the Oftclel Recordl of Mid Countj. and other hydroc.rtlon IUbatWIClll ~In !tie dedllatlon Mid i.ianoa of party w.M. or Into the J>rOPONO oontract If the H b L M l 1 PwOll 2· An ,........._. 111'" ... ..._.__ ..._.... ~ ,._ eaaement ......_ fUt1fter.............:. •--' --..... -.... ............ ......._on atne 11 aw111ded to him. In the ar o r awn emor a lntereatlrtandtoM ... ;;t;nofi'.;M ;;;.'~~"but'-:.=: deecrtbed~11.;;d'i~';;: LotaM':nct-...d'P:'oei1_, Mid awnt of hillure to enter Into Mid ~2!1--Serviceaof :r . ...._~Lawn~ 1 of Tract No. 10481, in the c right or entry t...Gn. • prcMded Dedlratlon. The _,.. addreM of PARC•L I: An undivided .e2 contract, 1uch Hcurlly wlll be ~"UUU ~ ::_0renga. State of Cell'omla. M In an lnltrument recorded on Mid pr09ertY: 158 StrMmwood, ercen1 lntereat u tenant In ~RICT Mount Olive Mortuary of on a m111 ~ 1n book Auouet ao 1973 In book tosn !nine, CA 9211•. 1n 1nc1tolotl 184 and 188 ..,.., reaarvea the right to c.o.ta Mela. 340-5554. 488 , pag .. 40 and 41 ol peg1127, bniClei Aecorda. ' Name and addre11 of the Trac1 No. 3433. In the City of rtflct eny orllbldlorto nlvaeny -----------IMl-llaneou1 Mapa, raoorda of Parcel 2: Non·••clu11ve beneficiary •t wt1oM requ.t Iha oat• M .... County of Orange, ~or lnlonnllltlel In MY Mid County, "-and dellried • ~1 ....,,_,. fof ,,._ •a I a I • b •In II o on duo t • d : tate of California a1 I*' map bide "' In the bidding. / PlllCI l90THaS SMmfS• MO?TUMY 6Z1 Main St. ~nt~ech · · C o m m o n A r • a • • o n a and egrw -~ ......,.. • 8HEAASONIAMERICAH EXPAESS l:'I book ti8 PtOll 48 10 Pureuant to the ~Ilona of Condominium Plan rwcotdad """' .. , forth In thou certeln MORTAGAGE CORPORATION 0 lnclualve, ol Ml1cellaneou1 8ectlon 1773 of the Code°' 3. 1MO In book 134124 PllQI 1207, declara1lon1 ol ooYenanti. ~fact tor RHODE ISLAND epe In the otf1oe ot the county the State of Callfornla. the Offtclal Aecordl of aa6d county. oondltlon1 and l'Htrlotloni HOSPITAL TRUST NATIONAL . ' of said county DISTRICT hu obtained from the The 1tr"t 1ddra11 and other recorded Aprll e. 1971 In book BAHK. 1201 E. ~ A¥9., 4en No 81reet eddrHi or other Director ot the Department ot oommon dellgnetlon, " any, Of the 96N1 page llO:Z, Otnclal Aeoorde Bernetdlno, CA 12~; Olrectione to ommon dHlonaUon hll I>"" lndu1trlal Retat1on1 the general ,..I Pfor-1Y deecrlbad above II and reoorCled November 15, 1972 In the above property may be to the TN91ee. )'OU may pr9'l9llr\g rate of per diam wagea purported to be: 2241 Pacific boolc 10427, P•G• 80. Olflclat obtained by requeat}!lo aeine In dlrec1lona to the Pt'oC*tY ~ and the ganeral PNYallng rate lor c L A s s I F I E D PACMCY•W ~PAii Cemetery Mortuart Chei>eJ.CrematOf)' 3500Pacmc·view Drive Newpor1 Efeach 644-2700 I d Avenue fA·105, Co1t1 Me1a, Aeoor-. and .,,.ldmllitl .,_.0, wrttlng trom lie be11ellol11t....,.. 1 ~ requeet lllttNn holiday and ~lme work In the CeMomla.. The etrM1 addrH1 aqd other 10 ~ ffom die llret puOtlciMlon of 10 daye lrOltl the f1r9t puOlcetlon of loollty In wflldl tN1 WOf1t II to be Th• u n d •re I g n • o Tr u 1 t H oommon dellgnaUon. If lllY Of the I.hit notloa. "* n<Mloe to· Alfred J ~ Ind perton11ed for eecfl crltl or ~ of dl1olalm1 1ny lleblllty for any real propeny-dMCrlbad above 11 S.ict llM will be made win.out Gerald c. v.;. Der Klcimo. P.O Bo• loe:elll1 In wflldl tNe wottt II to be lnootr~ of ttw ltraet eddr9 purl)Ortld 10 be: 11 9um1na Tree covenent Of ,,.,.,anty, ..,,,_ or u Fullerton,~ ~i pertoimect for eecfl cntt or type of and• ~ ~ d•gnlltlon, If ~ Newport a..cm, c a1Tcom1a tmpild, • to tltta, ll o Hern or tn;t; or reoord -.: OAOE worlcar ""dad to uaoute the ""'1 ....... , n_, encumbranoM to aatWy the l.Wlplld EHT'EJVINIQ, INC. · oontract. n-ratea .,. on Ille et 8ald Hie wlll be made, but The undenloned Truitee blllance due on the note Of notea The underalgned Tru1tee "* wltllout covenent or warranty, dl1olalm1 any lfablllty tor any ~ by Mid Deed of TNlt, to laolalma any lfablllly for any .. ~~ ~of'lloe loclt9d at Ca.t _.,,.. or tmpled, ~ lltla. "'°°'"°''*' of the._ ~ wit. -•.IOO.oo, '*-the ~ of the ._ ~ -···-·., OtRtct. Offtoa POIUlllon, Of ellCUmbranoet, to and other oommon dellgiietlol ff Htlmatad OOltl, Hpen ... anCI 01fMr --.,..,.idol\ ff of Phy Fae 1870 Admna ~ the rlfMlnlno pttncll* Mim of any, lflOWll '*-"'· " ~ 11t the ttnle of the lrMlal .,. "'°""1 herein. A_,., Collta Meu. CA. Coplee the nottC•) MOul"ed by llld Oead of Said •••• wlll b• made, bllt publlOatlon of ttlll Notice of ~ aid aale wm be made but may be obtllned on~. A OoPY e:~wlth Int.,_( lhW90fl, .. without covenant or warranty, eat..-.o... .,,......, ,._ and OOlt9 without covenent or warranty, ~ ~ niteut ... be PGMed at the In .... ,..,. ICMnoaa. ..,,.... « tmplad, ~ -of 2.00, plUe lftt•eet Oft the ....... Of ..,,.,...,, ~ -,_ .... """· undar ""*""of Mid Deeci r.011H1lon, or enoumbr1ncH ~ pttnclpll belanOe • the,... SI a 11110t1. Of ~aneia, to " atlll be lftend•ory l4Mlft tN ot Trwt, t••!.t cllaroH and ncludlno , .... oharoH and ot'.17.5 PM*lt per ennwn. ffom pay'"-unpaid balanc• 01111• CONTl'IACTOA to w110111 '"• ...,._of IM T"*'9andofthe...,._of1he TNl49e and of ... 1·1·12 to dale of 111a. plua no4e(a) Mevrect by Mid Deed 01 oonlNlot 11 IWWdlcl, ~upon any truata oraatad by Mid Oaed ot tru1t1 o,..tad by uld Deed of ~ ltW"" ~ 11"1 Tt\llt, to-wit ... .IU.00 lnOllldlng IUUO,..,-.WUNlrlllM,topeyno« T~ ._,_.of the unpaid!':·:&:~~ ~~to...,..,.,_.._... 11 provided In Hid' note(a), ::.=,.-:::•:::..."":'.: ~of ttlt ~ 8IOWed Deed of TNlt t11 wt1! '81100000 YOUANINOU~TUNOIJU ~:'l~ ..... = llllCUtonoflheoonhDC, :'!.~":n~~~tl!~:O:~ ~~ ~pe~n~ r:.'f. ~ ~~ :: :-..:C.tfle +,,.... Of tor": = ~~41)'*C:: ..,_.Md~ .. lhe tll'lle prcMded In llld llOM(•I ptue OC*a TO l'lltOftCT YOUR~ IT TNlt. ~ aald Oaed of .,.., tt. dlla •tor"" opantng of Of th• lnJtlal publloatton Of the and -ld¥anoea ... , ..... to be MAY• IOU> AT A ~t.Ali: The tlel<ldc;y under Mid Oaed bldl. Hotlceofllltllll1,llt.M. ~and'~ 0.... "YOU NUO Ml fJCPLANATION o4 TMt ...... __,...;and ~payment bond and a °'~·.:=.~~~~.......... tolle'4.0IOM•ofllll 0, THI NATUAI 0, THI "'lvettd to.,,. llnderalgned. '*'°'"••bond•lleNqWad -.... -~ AGAIHIT ~!00 ~ DI 111 ....,, of D1i1111M and ~ ..!'!., Wlllon Oii ... .,._. dellv.rtel to the unnratonect a Tiit .. .....,~~...,. DMd _........., OONTACT A LA'"U\ Defl'lancl '« .... 8114 a "'"* -.. _ • In "" """' • '°"" ""'-Daol111•1oti Of o.t.1111 and of Tl'Ult heNt "*lUted ind ·-....,•• allw ..,,_ Not1ot Olf Oeftult ·_, ~ to In .. OOfllrM ......... ~d for ..... Incl • written dellveted to 1 11nden1lped a ...._ O {.' &. f •4~ .... .,,. ,...,. .... ....i llld ~ .. '°~Olf 4M Ill "" ~-!' OM8IM and ~ to Mtttln 0111f1n1llo11 of .,.,,. and • -.a Nollol of~ and e.o.on to,. =•'"1fl*" -lhe -. Olf -' .. llndarlVwd a.md .... OMlafMt for ..... .,,. • wntl9ft 0 , ••••• --to be r900rded In lhe ~..... ~ ... ---.. °"*"' Hotioe of Def9Ult"and 8aotlofl 10 "°'*of Dat9Uft and....., lo ·~-!IA. ........ -,1 ,_,...~lllOOMeel ........ ,.. ......... lfllJfll ... to lie NCIOtded In ... ~ 1e1.. TM_..,_,.. ....... ,. .._ ....._ Tllta 1r191nnoe tnd lltdcllt to ......,.. ...._ for ~.;:.~.. .... ..... of Dlfd and_..,. .... I.............. T,,_. ~ ~ lnOll•t• Wltllllatd by Ille ·I. '9M ... to 11e ,_,,_ in .. _,,.., ... a •CA -11 aa6d T,_.. .-1..~ to ..,,. l*fOnlw ~kl····· ....... ~~ • loOlleed. ..,,.. ---·-...... o.wta • --...... • OINTUl'IY UCf'OW ...,.. TNMe • :t...... ' •1111 '""*'-" ..,.._ a~ •Polllioi• PublilMd Otanoa Coaat Dally ,.,._or p.rty ---=:.:~ _ ~YIAw,OAll7UI ..... tr\lllla. /4ut.4tt,1" tll2 ~.... • -·-(114) ea.em UH Oamll\O Del l'llo • • ........ rm.a INIUMHOI Orange COMt ~ ....._~ey .. o .. •Merla 111111• toiMt • Tm.alT OOfll1' NC> "°" ,..,._ 4. H;tta -·-.., Dle9o. ..... = 1411 ... Or!lftle 0.-.,_ (714) -..-=•tot .. AiMif M1111e1. CA iiotO "°"Al41f,tt.n.,.._ ~11a · ... 1~d• ............ ~ ~ ......... -~-=.~~ tl)JM.tl0011d.171t NlfllllM ~ °*' -,..... ... -c... =.:'t.~o.-,_.,. llLL Idle ltCHlll Wllfl e -... ....._ '1, -,. ,.._,, ------.... -.., 1t, -__,, Delly"°' 0 11 lllllsd Ad. .. _,. .._ ... ...,.. ....~ 141.-n .. _, ._... -........ ~,..... ... In !tie Welt ••• a O•ltr Piiot Cl& IRsd M. CW Todey .......... • 5 6 7 ~ ·a· ~· SOWCES ........ oi,......, OIPlOYMDfT & PIEIAIATION ··--·-· "-•-11•·r MEICNAJflNSE ""°""" Aftli- fOlll) ADS AIEFIEE Cit ..... --i ... -:r:: l: .., = 11111 lilt ·--·~ .... Im -·-·-·-t: .. ·--... = = -= -- -ms fl• -.,. ....... ,, ....... Al,..,--~ In thta newapepor la aub.i.c1 to the ,_,.,., Fw HOUtlng Act Of 1 ... wNct! mek• It ••Ho acMttlat •• ,,.,., ~~ oe, llmttallon or ~ nation bu.ct on race, color, rallglon, MIC or nat&onll Oflgln, or any Intention to mat!• eny MICh Pf'efWOnee, llmlt• tlon or dlaor'.mlllltlof.," Tilla nt\!J ,,,_,., _. not knowlngly accept eny advertlllno for r.., ... tat• wNcti .. In 'ttoleUon of the .... 1111111 Advertl- Mr9 should Check thefr act1 daJly and report •rrort Im· medlately. The DAILY PILOT 81· aumea llablllty for the flret Incorrect Insertion only. ........ •••••••••••••••••••••• .. • .i lln •••••••••••••••••••••• uu ... WITYJ ......,,. loane al low rate lll1d Mllef wtll carry on tlllt Hart>Ot View Horn. 3 Bdrm 2 bath on '" landl Owner mwit Niii Of\ly 1214.000 -call to-dayt 848-7171 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS llYlll = ., 111ZS Thie adorable EASTSIDE -R-2 home la not In mui.. -------"" = ----------... --= ---- tlple. Not only doee It have 2 roomy 8drma, It haa • workahop w / zoning fo build abow. Fruit traae abound. ~ Xlbla flnandno. ~··ctetay Call Diana 10deyl Diana =VOipe 411,21A REOUCto~a~ .. on comer lot. 8r1dc tllad kitchen roor, new carpeting, b ig room1 thnlout. Freahty palmed In and out. Owner wlll aaalat In financing. 54&-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS --~ 10t.MWI 011 llft.D a lncomea • Qtr9l'llely OOocf oond. 'IW-r-:!'f low price. Call Tim Rhone, 1G1831-12M R&IM~ THE REAL ESTATE RS -THF REAI. Es·1 Ar~.t.. ~ * 8AYC .. HT•Na '* • atLllVI IT 0" NOT. Otlly .... ooo .... 1.91 Yao.flt femlly Of' 9nler• lebMnt home. Prlotd '°' CllMk ..... at 111,000 belOw ......... ........ .... 2007 HOldtY Aid. Go direct or call bkr . 916-2141 or 780-nN .. Liii ---' OoMI\ & bay *'-trom lheae 2 con~ R-1 lol• on a qul•t "r"t away for •ummer crowd•. 1595,000 Heh 75% llnandno ~. 67J..44ot HARBOR A Division or Harbor Investment Co. W'nml.& Cute 3 Bdr on~ at. 8elel' ... half> flnlln. ce. Large Htumebl• loen. Full pttce • 115.000. ---Exc•ll•nt financing. South Of Highway. Two atory. two bedroom nw- Mln front. One bedroom unit In ,._.. Conwntent to ahop1 and bank•. 1299,500. U1·7• DRAMATIC COUNTRY ESTATE 8000 elf on 1 acre, mualve electrlc gat ... cobbleltone motor oour- t)Wd, epectaculw entry. e bdrm. 8 batn.. 5 1rp1 huge frplc1. Room for tennle. No. Tultln - Orange Hiii• with view, 12· 1~ min. to all frwyl, airport. So Cout Plaza. 11,400,000. RICK AUDETTE ...... 1 ..... .,., 711 ......... /711·1111 •ATHPlllT /IHT .. .......... Pr9at~ Linda '* w/ aecurlty. tennl1, olub- hou1e l beach. Over ~ 9q "· 4 bdrmt. 4ba, maid'• quwtera. Sunken wet bar. L.ow9tt prtoe on ta,goon on Unda. Tue CMll approx. 155(),000 In notea. &Iller very moti- vated. WI" oontlder 111 wme on belanca lnclU- dtng tl'lldel or IMM op- tion • with ce9l't to loene -40 Nit tor 11, 195,000. OWner .. YI "Talc• ad-~.~Ihle mutt ... - WATI HI HONl llOM I "' Ille. REAL ESTATE 6Jl·1400 r,r HH.~ 11 I'1~10, 1 ,,, Loe Alllmteol oondo! Noe •• Iba, f lltOfY oondo. 'ool l apa. "•frig, ........ 6tyw lndUded. 118,000 down or Wiii .,... '°' clMlo 8'MmOo bae, MOtor home or ? °""*'='- Remodelild $ bdnn, 2 bath + 1ara9 rec. nn. tie.m Ctlllnal. fumiahtd, patioa. '420,000. u• Ill.I llYPlllT Lqoon view from e bdnn. 0 ti.th D1aYroorn. darlc rm. c1en. ao.n;;-Now ti.ioO.ooo. · II llft Spec:tacu]ar ~t view 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 be dn. 2 t>o.t .u ..••• 000.000. MllilllllYI Coronado faJand CUit. bayfnint lot. 85' *' dock. ~ avail. Red. $370,000 w/terma. lllfn ··-Stnele story end unit. expanded 3 br, 3 ba Oft 1arpst sreenbelt. ~.ooo. . BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR l 1 ~, y ·• 111 L 1 ., "11 ~ t • ·~ ;..., f1 *11UM ,. . ....,.. ...... . , ..• SenNtlondy remodeled l decorated 4 Ell home t..turlng ftlmmfng pool, bonul room, lkytlte, k.iefl ptlvtt• ~. fplc a. auumabte financing. Only 1280,000 on FEE land. 2870 Sen Miguel Or., Newport Beach. 7&8-1501 or 752·7373. I I ......-m Ju1t 70 mtnulH from Newport e..ctt, 20 8Cf9I or i.rge Otlk.e and Syge.. morM, rolling hllla and 1haded atrHm. Enter thru prlv•t• gate over Winding roecl to 1 Bdrm mobile home and M94t" ,. .. bar. Excellar)t i.rma. $230,000. c.. JMr1 Alt· ,.,, M2·1HO A PETE BARRETI . REALTY AES40ENflAt. REAL ESTATE SERVICES ......... 11,7 ..... Sweeping ocean & jetty views from this CDM oceanfront home. Newly built. Oak floors, Blk granite oounten & eecurity. Beach aoce1a. Water purifier. Seller will C8lT)' at better than market. .... IU 1Ml2-l&T 1421 ....... IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 MOUNTAINS C A S A D L L A E G D I R U L 8 0 M C S D M Y N A R C I P M Y L 0 R I D A G I I 0 E 0 0 0 I k C M T N S M k Y R M M R U K R M 0 U N T C N I 8 0 R E A 0 Y 0 N 0 T I L L I K S T A C L E L L U M N U M H A C A T S K I R A H R N L N 0 D E N S ~ ~ ~ ~ S A C T S R G I E T BAD H Tl I A IN SIM 0 KY R R C L M G M 8 L U E L N U C 0 E C G A D k 8 L U E R I D G E E 0 A U E M E I A D E 0 ft D L I A T N R M T T R T N H 8 L H D T E T L L S Y W H I T E H I I L S L L I H K C A L 8 K 0 M S U U N E Y k B L U E A I H D 0 0 H T H U 0 M R I 8 A S E M G E L L A K C A L 8 M M T ..... up,~ « ~. ~ ""' boll It 1n:1 Adlronclld c-dt Olymjllc :I AlllllttnY C..111 MoullC "°" " Ille\ Hlil ltMlty Mount Mc~Mlty • .. ... 01'1811 Mount AllMr Mmlll T•on White T-• w.ttrTfllllPOltldo11 !Jn .,,,, , ,r, . 1 1 •. 1\'-J'-JUI IAI l '.J mam 11\\1>1 I I( l\ \I l{I \l I ' =·4 n:·~ ~q~d:!! $1 0 0 0 T 0 TA L --ao. of Hwy. Only 3 DOWN yre old. Great term11 1171 ""9 ..... 2 Bclnn, 2 yre new, IM land, back bay vtew, 1---------1 prof. ctecorated. Aalng ao&.000. •1•.000 loen at 15'A VIR. Owf*' Wflt help l'lnanoe. n11ww. ....... lo41t,OOO. Oerrell PMl'I, Payment OHL Y ~ Re/Mu 75t-1221 e...ttlful 2 bdrm 2\4 bll ..... llMI 111,000 ... =· ~· :d:. ~ --------LUCERNE: I •tory 3 ~~~~~~~~ Ex.cet 38drm "F ' ptan Ofl ii wide green beft. Being redecQfated, new~ 1285,ooo, 1111,000 lo8lll at 1 U VIR. Wll NII for .. Httte .. 10% down. •-•-E/Slde 2 Br. 1 Sa. MW ... _ carpets, d,..,... 1 etcwy, •• 0 •••••••••• •••• •••• private ~lo. 1645/mo. So ' ~~Lmatr~rmr9trMt Pt9l'l'llurn duplex. • ot muter tult•. Sat/Sun ff .,...,..._,,,,... 1111 wl lfJllC, *-· a.umatlle bay1lde. Darr.ti P .. h. 12•5 call 831·3405 or :.:;;;.:.............. 1tl. FUii pttce ISeS,000 • C.il Agent tor ...... See a,gent at open hou- ...... ~ 3eO 19th. Pl. 851-9522 • ••••• ••• ••••••••••• ••• e·etde hcM'ne: 38R 2ba, 2 ~ II cwgar.~1 agt "-1Mu 7&t-1221 wHlc::l'9::0-1119 or PllYIOYI Xtnt term1, 840-8900 111111 NW Ev. 2 Secluded 3 Bdrm Lu11c Bier. ······················ ---------2'A Bit 3 Ba. furn, ocean RENT TO OWN: New 28f ... 1973 Vllta dal Oro. Sauullto Luek home on * OWNER WILL FIN home nr FUhlOn llland. ~~~~~~~~ IM land. 3 Bt. 2 Ba. IN a 12+1~. $375,000. Patrick T•· DAILY 1-5 front Hal, P•nlnaul• 2~t>a. oondo. Call FUcn. Winter •1060. 87~1246. Owner/Agt "4-8171 din rm, lg f•m rm, all 2 New Dix Cu1tom nore. 780-8702 Agt ~. lo tree lot. 8) Homee •-;.,"';f-Back Beyl 2 bdrm. ,ar, •WPllT.al , ...... ...... Owner. 13 13, 000 . 2 BR, On, 3811. OR, FP, &40-1001. Meny ammenltlea. Buy 1 _______ ,......, Of both. Mklng 1791( ... Cllt• #na 1114 11~ Santa Ana St. Call •••••••••••••••••••••• 873-0359 --------- • --· 1 ~ .... ...,.,, ... -STRIP&OIP llUT LIUTlll I No qualifying to make thla epec:teoular 3 ~rm FIVE bedroom• and pool home your own. THREE batM In thle two Ju1t •117,100. Bkr etory houM Mel SA and Me-0708 Newport F°wyL Colorfuf 1-------- front petlo and lheded ... PB -emell bedt yard. 120.000 dwn fl)( • 25% lntereet In property wltax Two of the bedroom• aflelter beneflll. OWner with one of the batn. end occupl9d OI lnv .. t01' a eeparate entrenoa melt• poeltlon avail. Call Rlctl up praotlC•I, Hparete owner/agt, "4-8171 mot h e r • I n . I a w 1--..-.------ (tffnager?) quertere. __.,, PlletN Another two bedroom• 4 bdrm, 2 be, f•nced and a bath .,.. upetaJl'9. co r n e r I o t. L a r g • Flrepleoe In LR, llldtng door1 from LR and FA exit lo covwed rMr P•· tlo. Stldlng dobr In MBR open• onto th• VERY pleuant front petto. Atklng S 149.tOO with S85,000 ~bte and we wlll cooperate In fl· n9"Clng. For Nie by ow- ner. 97~2748 (PleeMca11~6) ~HERITAGE REALTORS --. gar9119/Wlt-1h0p. Under 1100,000. &46-3388, 842-4172 TRIPLEX NEAR BEACH ANO SHOPS Country houH with 3 bedroom• and 2 b•· droom baott unit• each with ltundry room. Showl true pride or ON· nerthlp with fireplace, 1undectc1 and g1ragea. 15% down or trade for T .0 .'1 . $245,000. 844-7020 L.1111 UAL DTITI FllEI 3 '8d 2 S.-: pool, RV ec-oea & AIC. L..oc:ated In M.a del Mar. ProOate 1a1e. m•k• en offer. 831-7370 TR,\DI T 10\, \I RL\1 J) Ll'll-&.m If you WVlt to bulld your own CHU•. thle opportunity of ~~~ on Harbor Ridge, •ld•by-•ld•, With plenll for a 10,000 aquare foot home with TENNIS COURT and pool for only 12.500,000. The ~ wUf Joint venture. trade or you can take cw. the whole project. 11 ,400,000 or •••umable fl• nanctng. WOWI .... Ctle.h• 714/7M-190I 2 Br. 1 Ba. Very private rear f.•tlo, lmmaculatt, plan • 1190,000 all cafl . 845-3194 Elegant 3 Br & den. country 1tyte home. French doon. bay wtn- dowe. hrdWood noon. 3 frplc'1, very 1ge lot. owe total, 6% dwn, xJnt toc:a- tlon. 1179,too. F• lencl. lly Owner 1131-213-4 BIG CANYON OPEi IOISE 11 IH Ytrte .,.. • .. ., 11• •• .... 3 BOllM ·~BATH BEST BUY IN CANYON lo4H,000 Ownerf Bkr. 11Ml .. ltll .. NIT_.,. Charming 28r 2ba cot- tage. Huge lot. Fin. aveil. I fU,000. 548-7145, 842-8884 111-1111 ......... ftUM 1U Del\lxe 1 bdrm Condo Penthou1e. Belt loo Fountain Court, S«:ul1ty gate, pool, 1pa, gym, olubhouM. Excellent fl- nandng. Furn. •135,000. Owner "714-183-2521 Ol1ILlff Try l10K doWn on $200K ptoper1y. Max i.-ag.. Ownr/Bt1lr IM0-9011. 1•=111n LNM/ /lrMI II hug~ard : •4 S. •••••••••••••••••••••• 537-3 . Agtoflg. 3 BR, 2 ba. nr Magnolia & Roomy 3 Bf, 2 Ba., gar. Yorktown. Remod. gar Pe11 welcome. 1875. No pet• le76. 983-1777 637-3233 Agt cng . i-. .. ,.,,. II Lovely 3Bf, 2Ba, lg tam ::T•...-••••••••••••••• rm, trptc, 2 cw gar. nr ......... Llp9e College Pk. no pete. Condo. 2 bdrm, 1 be, 1700 mo. yr.~ or rent, ..... Of optlof'I to 842..f178 ~ 11.000 mo. 1350 3 --Bt-.-2-be-on-~-809--w-1~3 Aft~ 3·30 494-9378 CW ger. plue gu89I hOuo- • lU • ... ... See 2530 Senta Ana. or 4......,1..., 00 NOT DISTURB TE· ,,__,,..... IJI NANTS. 11200 mo. • .-....................... 851-6229 LIDO ISLE • 3 ~rm. fam1--------rm, 4 Ba, 1100 day. 3 BR. tam rm, Meea Verde __ H~. Grdrw. fnccl, OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm. c:hfldren, email pet OK. 1 B• 1700 mo. Biii 1715. Avl appr t/1. Grundy, Ritt, 875-8181. Ownr, 845-8100 Clean 1Bf den gar utll BEST LOCATION 1880 pd. Winter t600 m0. 0n get• 3BR 2BA. gar., 8eMhore 831-7784 built-Ins,,_ airpM and ---------1 more. chg. 537·3233 Ettate home completely AGT. l\lmlahed. 4 br, jacuzzi,~ -----R---car garage In gated ROOMS, 2 B , eerpet, community. Mo to mo drepH, fenced yerd. rentel s.4500 780-8099. Much more. ONLY I 190 -----·----1 cng. 537-3233 AGT. .,.,.. U.JualdM E.llde 3 Bdr famlly home HAV~ 4 rmt lndudlng liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 2 muter eultM, 31Aba. ---------ULlll .... lg• tamlly rm, 2 trprc., NEW ON THE MARKET. NStlc wood .,_,, Olffl, Charming oottag• w/ all In• walk to the ptlvtte huge mul« tuft•. co-beactl tocallon. The per- v• red b •• m 1 & 111 H feet f1llTllly home In the •••••••••••••••••••••• 1700/mo, 111 & 1•11 a. .... .i Ill. MC. d19. 548-9897 TllllFIO lllME Prof. decorated, warm remodeled 3 Br, L.A .. D.R., F.R., big kltch .. high i.nt oelllnge. frplo, P4u• • lrg manlc:uted yard w/a 3 cw gar. A rMI v.. lue •t 1375,000 and you own th• lend. Petrick T encn, ea 1--1298 Rf!Mt\X Brend N•w Homea & Conetoe. no money doMt ~·IJ·"· (714) ......... ~ut • newly ,.. perfect neighborhood. N9woof FeE LANO 149S.OOO. r ·new WANT: lllCOl'M property heating, copper plum-0 r r ••Id• n 0 • w / bing. New kitchen 'beth -Room to enlarae a. tubatantlal equity OR IN bulld 2nd unit. 45T lot. opt w/only !5% option eay vtew. seoo.ooo. e. money-. .... 1•11 vw1y Morphy. 844-8200 -• II: Macnab· Irvine ~"11(,[L QAll ET & ASSUCIAfES . ..................... -------- .E .. ILI , er. 2 ea. garage. frplc, "' yerd. No pet1. 848 W. Y..ty.WMl!ly-Wlnter, 2. 18th. ht plul H C. 3,4 Bdrme. 1785/mo 490-1817 .111111 IULn _.; 11 All ,... 1 BR Duplex EHt•ld• llWIDEIT 1476. llM1ll :.?: 1 BA. WHttlde --------1 4 BR W_,llde, fenced ..... /..,...... Agent 882-1700 Avell furn or unfurn, 2 BR nr SC ptza.. Adult fantHtlc location w/ condot. Pool, Jee, full vtewlpool '1122008r1'mo"°.:..U bldg, MC, carport, Lux unit. • . . '"' Greet Loe. No Pett. l550 ... "·-....._._ft/._. ptu1 1 35 utlllty. ,,_ r-"""' 556-1828. nrr2sao l!...1.,,,.. 1n1 LOV91y 4 &. gree1 peuo, ------.....,...- ...._ •••~•••••••••••••• prime locatlon, unfum, "vell. lrnmed. 4 br, 2 ba. N•llLA $800 rno. p•yment for water/gardener Incl. trplc, Meaa del Mar. Loe ti 1111 V.tJi JIU You own the land. 2,000 38', 28&. dbl c. ,..,.,...., .1!!! •••••••• ~•••••• eq ft, 3Bt, fem rm, 2~ Worth 1Hlng & worth 2Br, 28a condo. II'~ VA S1100/mo. yerd w/frult treea. ltOO owning thla brand new 3 loan, Hkl11g *94,500. ......... .... mo. 11t, ta1t plu• MC. -...,... INVESTORS Ba. wide G~belt. new 2 petloe, nag.tone trplc. pool. Far .._._.... m-... .-. bdrm, 3 1tory cu1tom _ee_1_-3380_______ 01_1_ 552-3252 Iv rneg. home. OcHn a. bay ""1,.,,. 1114 --------1 NICE 1 br owner-<iuttom btt home l5000 dwn a. S200 Pf mo .....,... ..... , 1127,000. Owner wlli negat1Yecaehflowfora3 $245,000. Wiii ..... Op-vtewt from ma8ter tulte ••••• ••••• •••••••••••• ltstl ... /hflra. w/tM utll-jld T., ;',i::... '"' :'n.!i 8:o:!.~ ~~ ~t~1on~·~·~-~844-0~~1a..~~ Ml-7iii ' ownr/agt "4-8171 New 4 BR. 8aclcbay ., ... deck•. ThermldOI BBQ IY tml Retirement •Pl • 2Br, Sharp Kitch MOtW 1325 on kitchen decll. Good Private Saech commu-clean a quiet locatton. OC-RENTALS 750-3314 mortgage loan avtllatlle. nlty. New 3 Wnn, 3~ be. Refrlg. l4001mo. __ S_TU_N_N_l_NG __ 2_br __ 13 '.OOO. Jae, root gatden. Pano-lnfrNf/ ..... IJ w/trg petlO M ramie vtew. 1370,000. 3Br §ba w/dock. Avell handy kltett, kld1 l4QO · 213-592-8897. 8-111 nowl C•ll for detell1 OC-R~ALS 7~'14 ~~~~~~~~ 1• =-3.200 eq. ft. prvt. comm., = auu• 1387,500. Wtn trade tor LI ... / .. -... IHI property. T0'1. Wiii _.,_ •••••••••••••••••••••• tea1e-optlon or low Surtllde. ()per! 2~ 11200 -------- LNe/let.n. L~~:tl.0~2: ty ~.~!!.'~!1..... Large 4Bf hOIM In good OC-R!NTALS 790-3314 ~~t>.!_BIBll.~1~ OLOIE TO OOUI down. RHdy to dHll No money down, no 0 w n • r I Br o k • r • qualltylng • own your ,_11_4-_544--08 ___ 14_. __ _ REAL ESTATE TAX IN· home on our unique·- VESTMENT I • 6 0 0 0 thared •ppreclatlon fl· cHhlll 1145,000 •hare nenclng. we have 5 purc:tiaM MINIMUM tu homel In Hunt. Beedl., 3 deduc:tlOn 11t. YMf 110, BR 2'hN. 1800 to 2100 000. Owner (lnveatOf) wlll 1q ft. Paymentl run eupply total down P•Y· 11200 to 11800 per mo. m«1t up to 140,000 In Cell Geo. Brook• et 673-7300 •-u•-• tocatlon. Avall now. F _,. , 1 t Kid equity. Share purch... 7141881-555e In new luxurlou1 2·31-------- Bdrm. 3 Ba. Condo, Cotta Me... Maximum Int. dapre., &pre. atNC· turwd fl)( buyer, ponlble 4 -1 benefit. Phone 71 4 1 831·6055 , 7141842-2000. *"m IEIHEI* OrHt term• on thl• 2 bedroom 1lngl• famlly H.8. home with edd on t•mlty room. Ftrepl~. Only 15,000 total down .' .Wiii* pymt. <>wner wtn carry * tow lntarHt 2nd T.O. • II 1 t.L II LAM than 11000 a rnontfl • '"'' ..,. total pymt1. Celt OILUIE Piii 120-03e1 • !!•_,.... !m~ ••••••••••• !.~ -M Br•nd New Hom•• l --------Concloe, no money down PIYlll lllT1H w1111e they , .. ,. <1u1 64MS22 Agt. HAVE GOOD INCOME??? TllTI.EllOI Cute 3Br/2ba home • SHORT OH Own land. Low !Hint. DOWN Mutt ... to appt9C:late. PAYMENT??? • 111, too. Owner. 714/851-3N3 __ ..., 11500/mo. en--.. n prvae. 1 Sell thing• fut with Delly~~~~~~~~ I• lall "" WATERFRONT HOMES Ok, crptd, 2 Br, tunny Piiot W11t1t Adi. j: •••••••••••••••••••••• CALL 831•1400 kltc:ti at s.475 you better L..... atwt pedllnQ. 63M1t0 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 24' x~i4·' GREENBRIER ~~ ••• !.'!! Im,.. at BEST • • HOME. lge l .R. Din. Rm. '( .... 1725 "··te 2 br ,.., ••tt W/•••aa. REDUcm $275 000 Kit open• to Fam Rm "1 ·"" • -·· -- • . ~!.~ • wetber. 2 BR 2 BA. L.lgtlt pr:Joe:••r water . tmm•culate 1 Br. pix. Ill lllYll'I .... "' Int. *39.500, •1s,ooo dn 87 • 87Me87. ~= BEST .... , • 6,000 aq.ft. of family llving, • bal at ~7 ~~. ~0~.£ l380 2 BR+ poo1 • entertainment faclUUea for •. 70 Fleetwood, 12x4v. 1 Of 2 Br & 2 Ba. f\lrnl north a bit. wttttlc frplc. en .. _ family 5 Bdrm 7 '-·•'-• EW a. u n furn, Yr I • a I• pix, gerage, patio 4 • wn:: • • uew-, • tum.. N range ,. I 13 5 0 I mo. WI n t • r bbq'1. Klde ok. Now ~ p 1 u 1 ma i d • a q u a r t er• . fr1a, Starllght VIII. 7141 1850/mo Opn Aug 21. the BEST ,__ 531M1t0 • Indoor/outdoor pool, 3 jacuzzia, • ~10~ 3 2 8 , 2 1 3 I 81~~ °' .56&-1810. Pool SMl!eral Top notdl 3 • 18' bar, 80da fountain, complete • ...,. ht ,,.. llll Cmr Bey Br, 1pltt level home, • aau.na room, enormous play ....... ~....... 11.lM Mady yd, lclde a 1575 • room and many more amenities. • Duplex on the aMCS. 80ttl 1MJMU 1111 BES'f 63t-8190 .... • '699,950. By appointment with ·· "·NB. Newtv remodetld •••••••••••••••••0 ••• l&t4I Nat 1111 Marci Coo 64f. &44 In and out. 3 bt., 2 be. 2400 •t"· 3 BA 3 Be •••••••••••••••••••••• • ,..r.r111.!y 1 .•. I • upltalrt. 2 br., 1 ba. hme, 1 oc:tc fr bMcl1 on 4Br newly redecorated llff'5'1 -down1telr1. Min. 10~ Penln. Compl UW11ded. hM, olOM to ec:N. '800 • a a.a IULn ll.ll• • down owe batanc. at 1 yr leue. a1&00 mo. mo. 2Bt f\lmlahed tsoo. .,.. .-13.9%for5yr-..O,...for -Call Dlok or Donn• 493-G202Mery • • 1ummer rentaJ1. $735, M o n • " r I • a t ooo. Armitage Realty. 21a.eee-e1n II r.. Im ••••••••••••• 714-644-2...... • ••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~-·~~-iw.. •I llM J. LAKE FORE8Tl LO¥lfy 3 ----------------llOlder Duplex new 45't1 tt. •••••••••••••••••••••• bdrm, 2 bath, ouatom NB. 3 br, 2 ba. upeWh. Spllt .'"91 28r41n bee· oar pet throughou_t1 PRESTIGIOUS lfl>A ISLE 2 br, Ht bL downatalr9. med celllng, •115 mo. dllhwather/dllpoaal. All _.~ w Wiii Mii .. le fot •100, 14CMfll only 1700. Ql(l 53'1-323a _,....,... 000 or wll buld to IUtt agt L---•-•••• tor 111e.ooo & up.<'*"" 1 aA a.., •J. vtew, MW -------_. ... H a epproval• obteln.d) pelnt & opea, •1,000 mo ........ 41 UMll W. Armitage Realty Agt 780-0807 .. 1lfl ieo c1ea. 13ay view tram uu. ma.~ 114-644-2484. ...., ""' ·····oc.·A!Hl-w····· 0700 8Q f1 edate. Encbed pool and ~J/ lnl .. 111' 1-ew"a *200 to 82000 .. Wine cellar, pier and llip fOI' ~ ft. ,,, .... ,,. leeUt. ~ time 1eo-u14 open 1.-. ' echt. ~ume exlaUq lat TD of • ••• ::::'...... wtttt 4 •A. a ••· plu• 5 -. ao OOMn. Saglnt a 1 18'""" 000 • 1-T _ .... _ --m ...-Huge C.M • OuP-I•• PoWdet ""· petf90t '°' Ir. F•mltw Am & Oen. 1UON• •• 6 19· ~ w~ ..-.-$178K/Ottw. °"'Y l30K entef1alnlnt w/wetbar, M&O Mo'' ""811 Of11t., favorable term• on balance of dwn. A11um• l141K ~~•rd, ouetOtft ,,... 2.,. ea. C.., & ...., finandnc. Broker co-op. loerl9 • 10.,~..... '°' tM ~. aun-~. dbl oat s>rV • --...... -..._eel 710oOS31, .. ~ ~!Mint.~ •U&i U-1 -._ h MM leen MUkowedl My. No ,.... ~ • UT TU/MMl11l llL -• -:mrn.:: •• !Jl'.:-r.n C'*1M'!l.;I br hOfM In 1Mfl. It..._,, • ---.. beallt. 40feoM. AYllll WALK TO alACHI a ~~~~~-~·~~·~-~~~~~~1· --UnM. ........ ::= •. ~ar.=· lt. , • .,., l•••e ee.,1. 1. Mml, t ..._ ..,, "',._, "• O 11IOO. 8o)'CI l'Mltore. 8110. A7--Atll Gflt. uo.ooo. .uo.oo ·-·-Down. l•latlnt loan -'--.....,----=-~Ura9 4 edrm,.,,. ...._, 14'4-. Wiii oany note. &.... ._. . dlil•pt queene laleM 714114 ........ ,, .• , Ow-::nr.r.ns.......... ~·POOi & .... ,. ""· ,~ :r:-'llOOO °"" am ... ., ... All 71041 '4 oplft ., °"' ..m1111. iiiilliiiiiiiiiiiiiliii .. -1-Yf--old--... ---.~ ... .--~ ..... -.,- To .... "/flAll~ ." ............ ,"' .,_.. v.. Jd, I blm hfft lidl. t7IO mo.1 ....... .. , .... ltlHll walll•UllH• wv:1en1. lit'• P.fr.!tl •••••••••••• 91•••·"""'·· Door hlfttlt't, ,......_., _ Woata.I~ -~- '1lllMllllJrlll_. =?ri F ·..::: ·~· UI'&. DO IT NOWt ~ 11 · wrt •· '"""1-.1n1 ... y_....,_.,~ ~...... ..,.. •. .,,. ...... ...... ............. ~Tm.-~lll-r1"_'111. ___ _ ,,.. ... ~ ...... .. . . ....... .. -_, noon mr.;.m;-m........ ,,_ .... iilia. ,,..... au.t. wortc. UC. 9'71•. kOW MTUt •1"*8 Trw t"""*'I I ~ ..,__ °'"°'°'Y No 1t1M11No tNimpoo QUiii, wcn. ua. ..,,.. ,._....,~etMI 8teln 9'11111••· ,... •t·IMI fllsaM ... ,., .... an dly. ,,.. •· .. ,. • 1•1n:11• 1L1~i~:;:.:;~1~·;; ~=-=--~""!":"'-~~­"OOM ADDITIONI. a1--:rr:1~ Hon..e,,...... • ~ -------- ~!!!!!!!!~~~~ ShM'!poo l "-" delin. ~ "911d/ClofMll · ""''· "" Mttm•t• on -Color bright..,.,_, Wiit UTIMATU Uo 810atl *" ot 11M11 jobe. "911d/Comm, ClaafHlo, ~ • .._ crp11 • 10 min. b!Md'I. Medll*r•IMl'I uo; .... 1. tn.GNt I.Jiii heUllflo. M6-t4M ~;-:K•••• .. ••••• liall, IW/dln. rma 811; &Ill ~ 1f10. ...... ,......ICU Conlt. Uc. ,. ..... 1141111. t74-7.... ...wn:,~ ....... --------.1 "°" K·14 •--._.._ 0.VIM'e I ltOllw. ':'::~.m•m....... Mr • ..._ .,....11• PAOFllllONAL AE· ---· DON'T AeAO THI& room 17.60: OOUOf'I 110. Mt-1t1t .-w Jo9 LIO'O ILICTNCIAN au.I. llllMdlng, 1'91Mt11baf •••••i'l'o••••••••••••• UNLEll ollf ta. Guat. ellm . .,.t 1--------OU.. WOft • "9M. ,.._ tM I ..... ,._ ,.....,._, --------• A90 MOvtNQ • You're tired of lanll od«. Cf1>t ...-. 15 yra c.,1to111 ramod•I•· ft..a •. •1-t011 Tom Nd!, 4174010 ..... ._.,_ OUldc, CW.tul ~. ~.::u~ c~1~1~ !P.fr!.gmf'!f ..... "LAC the 1un1Hr'8 In" 8tatef'Mftl• or k"P!ng ••P· Do worll myHlt. eddfttol.., "-• ~ lllOTfltOIAH Complet• Lawn car•, ....... ~........ ,,.. ..ymetee 812"°410 Bulln ... Aeoorde. Call Ai11a. 5U.0101 llty Ind to tlOM. latldlt lml JoW_.,., UO. ..OllH'I CLEANING ~-,,_,,_ Cell lunlf*'9 Window ~.............. Cteranlng. ltd. 541 1163 thl Aocurate P9ople. EXCllCA"'9TOARE Oonet. Lie 411110. tat10toC-1o. l4lol20$ OIMl::f.r1'::'ia'~. ~-~~.~7 *.!".-...--~* H&BAoctgSaMoee. ,.....,..,..._.on ·~64M21 __ 1____ -··-~ T~. c.t9 tMler ~ ... typel. ~ MontNy C*oount New teco¥W-4ecki ('714) g,q.7444 ,,,_ _ ... ..,,, ·c.-~ NM>/ COMM'l/IHD. 1-7570 In • cP· ~..hlf Cel'pet~~.,: rug ~:. .. ~=. ·~ 20Y"I-Do1"l,°"" WOft. -..... ---L.19-.. -.-.-... --"o::~*:.=:-Ho • 7I0-1SA _Uo. __ ,._,_1_t02. __ 64a-_•_™_. ·-,,,,,,.,. ....................... ~ Comput., word prooae-:':"~'••••••••••••••• ~Wort!~· ~Cell._,;;;'.:,;; Lio. tnlM1 M-11N Tr" ''":r.· clnupe, e>mo.. 540-12'7 ~:-=~~ .141 1 lltlrMtl. 842~1 .. n •11 ...... ~1-1eoi ::;::,,..•· NMd • meld or • llae-·~=-~~ bpert we11cov.,1n9 In· • eUOoET AAm•••• ling. , ... , IOCUl'ata Mf'Y. LOw "*'• llm Jot11 OK AMa. r.-. Notary. FrM 8&8 Mphlt 8'1,..198llc t!.._,lflatb,_. "111co 1itil1, llqler'd. . kMper? 1-irly or wkly? CO. UO. T124""31 etallatlon. RMI l)(ICM. ~r.;,.W. •• :. ....... Daootatcw eryte Int. bin, Uo. 422'11 ~4 Fot oornp1 MfYliCll. oall in.ur.d. 641_.,.27 Conaultant AMlgnrMnt Den Hallbaf; Oredlng CAPT/UPH. CL!ANING mentell, llbrWIM, Noh 1iDJff1it ... W Oat9nlng, llCpat, land· Vla)o hrvloa Agy. WATCH U8 OAOWI H1-IHO & P•vtna Co. Ree/coml. ~d ltyle rellld '** •• & .......... :;;J....... =:;..''::a-T~ng, 973-8000, bonded by St. ---------·-,,--~------UC 317MM 842-17110 Ouer. F,.. 9et.13M&4S _oiilll __ io_._uc_. -·-~----CUatom ........... 9-f!Um of Calf. ,,.,,_ .11!!. .............. .. I lnt9'1«e-All "9oalr. II.a~ --------•••••-::r•••••••••••••• **8 .. YANT'8** ~'!!'If••••••••••• ~,.~!4!••••• ~~••••••••••••• Cell for•· 644"42t4 ;;:;;f::tt•••••••••••• ~~ ~~~?II -,..,. WlllooYetlnQ Awno\111 LOYlna rnothlt w111 babyllt Paint thOM dirty celllngl. DecoretlY• waterproof th.~ Ban'• oonlCll«a matnt hate! Refl, M0-"'14&2 bL:!:llerd Sinor. Lio. All Typa 642-1343 ~~M~~~ & :Sf.ea~aBr hH UU. =~~ :;:~iii........ '':. :~~t MAIDS Of' ORANGE CO. ~ cUat~.of ~ I~ a.lfMd1-1nftH c..iit. ,. Flelde • 873-6171 ToppectlrwncNld. °*" cupantry, cabin•••· ~.Tr:'" ~2 Thank you, 931 ...... 10 ... !o~e PwrEP..8NO ... ......... JI........... . ...... , .... !?f!! ........ ,,, up tewn r9nOY 7514471 Plumb., Drain ~. --------•Bi.hop I 8on Palntlna NM1 patchee/t..nw. JAYS "SPEAl<EASY" Cemant-Muonry.Blodl •••••••••••••••••••••• ' • Elect.1 Tiie, Reta, General HouHcleanlng 30 yra ••P· In 8aaoti AU. TYPES Prof. Bll1endlng S«v. Wan..Cuet. work. Uc. •KATRINA'S: LIVE-IN MOWING· ClEAH UP8 He-01411 Rallabll, r.ta. 10 yn up. .,.._ Fr .. eat. M2·1718 MM251 Any occulon. Portebla #381067 Rob 5'7·2ea3 lllkPf'I, dall)I maid earv, HaullnQ • L.andlGtlPlno M0-1231 M2-0510 aft. 4 cuetorn wortc. Int a ut. -s-.1-11-no_a_n_yt_h-ln_o_w_lth-• UC.,,... 141-7881 pkup I ~ .. I.An. ..... •••••••••••••••••••••• M081U! SERVICE AllCl • lllNIW ICtWll NB/CM 642·ts52 ~!l.fJI!!':!! ••••• """" Co. ( UO' d). 8aourity •Y•t•m• for home I blMllneel. he. ~ I ettlma1• ,,. ... 645-sete For Ad Action Cd a Daly Plot AD-VISOR 642-5678 bar. IWlll-1414, 621-8141 offlc• clHnlng crpt FNa ..r. 842~9907 _._ Datty Piiot ci---... -.. Ad Concrete-•m•ll or lg• ......... , .... 931-2119 .,1 _ ___.hi .... to _,11 Cell for aml conetructton1 • Exper. Houea· Cleaning. llc'd 20 yr• In lrM. ,.... • _,_, WANT ACTION? Joba. RemoYI, ,..,ac. or --... " ... ..,.,,., .... _, rap11r1. alaotr., p um-Rellable. F\efW. Herb (714) 521-8012 an I• • llmple matter ... Cl-lled Adi M2-tse78 repair. 646-8112 Claulfled Ada 642-6878 Cia.lftad ade Clo tt Wllll. bing. 35 Y" up. 663-1175 5:30PM. JU8t call 64~tse78. Ctidlnaca to Go-Carte WMtl\llf Ille 'ad Roll 'em off the mart<et With e CIMellled Ad Call Nowt S..2-H78 Shop al home. lt'1 easy with cl...itled 142-tse78 for rour •"""'90Dd .........,.tor DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 OLLA RS INES • da}'a FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads . Call today for full details. (NM·...._.d ..... htN llftea t1..00) 3 3DAYS CLASSIFIED8642-5678 !'.~~.!~/~~.'!!'!:. .. !'.'.~!!!J~!H~.'!!'A .. !'!!!!!.!~~ •• "911!1'.'f.~ .,,,.m:J!w A";:i~~::;,,., ~-'"';::~:;;,,., ~ ~hc.~ .. J.{f! •u1&11M 111.a.. r~ 1111 "9M Lw-. 1• _,__,, ~ '''' •••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••.. ... . •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• • ... •••••• •••• • •••• •••••••••••••••••••••• B E A C H I R E I ,_.,, 3140 ·········••1•••••••••• •••••• :;:is..-......... •••"••••••••••••••••• i.lM C.11 #• 1114 ... ,,,,.,.. .. ~ .... •I ·~ ...,, IHI n n •••••••••••••••• •••••• Fwnll)I Slzadl 4 Bdrm 2'A •CHARMING 8eactl Oot· 1•1811 1111 •••••••••••••••••••••• IHI} 1141 ••• ••••••••••••••••• ••BEST.BElj•13;5•ALL•• $77/wk SUPER SPECIAL 3BR Ba get, large ywd, built leaa 1 Bt. =· Xlnt •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br. w/get. 14~. Crpt1, •••••••••••••••••••••• utM pd P'lt pncng 2BA fenced yd., gar.. ln1, wUhll'/dryat'. 1725 ref'• onf)I. Ten. Pt: 2 bdrm, Ille. Oar. -t• pd. w.fLITIU 1537-3233 chg AQT l<ltcnen.tta-Mald-Pool '5110. chg. 537·3233 chg. 1537-3233 Agt .,...,.,,.. 1• ''I I GD Sun dk, pet. laun, no 15?1 "A" Ofenge 1 & 2 Br. Dlecount on · Nwpt Blvd & Wllaon AGT. f..-ri ..... J ••••••• .. ••••••••••••• p It I • yr 'l: S 8 2 5 . 1·5 83&-4120 IOml modltl. Pool, Spa. COUNTRY CLUB UVINO Coeta M... 5'M755 Nr beach 2br, hugie gw •• -.-;r.";;•••••••••••••• l<Jda <*. A flat latOYd~ 975-0IMl3 e7 7eee G Y m • S • u n 1 • 1 I c · IN NEWPORT BEACH Vaarty on the baaetl, hotel 8-8-Q P•llO pet• 1450 OC-RENTALS thing '9ncy. ~!IE LIFE'' c-. .i.. ua 84&-0819. A total •nvtronment room, llltchan & lhowar. QC-RENTALS 750-3314 1·6br'e S200 to '2000 ontf S160 depoett. EST •••••••••••••••••••••• apartmaot community on 1320/mo. plu1 MC. da- 750-3314 opal' 7-day9 Alm-.'-· 5SM190 IH•eler a.t th• Upper Bay. Private po11t. 2308 w. <>c.an-'t'Z! 1;1~;, = :11:: EASTBLUFF: 38r, 2ba. t.l•t.lw ~ ,.. CORONA DEL MAR. 1 1142-2134, 842-3172 clubllOUH and llHlth front. Newport BHch deep p1i. earpate, famll)I Aval! Now. 11000/mo. laabW 1411 Social Acthdt111 room With~.,._ w9lk to Lerge 2 Br. 1 Ba. with ,.... beactl 2 Br. 1\.41 8& apa, 8 tennl• court•. 7 t:l•alf WI _8_7_3""_1_5'_. ____ __ at•• kid• pet• fine A 8404019 •••••••••••••••••••••• DI r •ct or• Fr•• beech, all utlt pd .• no garaoa d/W laundry rm· c:rpta. dr1>I bft.ft. trptc pooll, aoee to ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• 1..-._bl• fM Rat $.4115 ;..,,,, It today N rt c t Pl 4 Cotn'11•efV tum condo In !.!'.!.! • Y '•• II I t ch . 8 m o I'• • 14115 • • . anc:tld garig. IHOtmo' calrport. • IFaah~ . .., n-1 Bdrm. apt. • .-.... ••••••• -::: ...... · •wpo . rH · an • Woodtlttdg9. 2 bd 2 b9. ,.._ .... ,.88Q 1325/. mo., r.t. 5'9-9322 Al9o irg 2 Bf. 1 Ba:1490. Call 636-0921 · · _,,,0 1 nvUn•n .. ~~o~~ wtth built-In•. carpeting 1 Br. MMpt 4, acroa the Celltordetalls.63M190 Immaculate cond. fant. 1 yr••• S700/mo ~Ptl'9 Mon-Fri AV8Mt-1 64$-8826 :-:._· t&'"'2bd,,__, .... ":""..:;; &drepaa,laundryttdlty. etreat from beach. BEST._ ullc Ylew. AYlll. t/1 for 867-0110. AvWI t/1 mud\ more. · ARLINGTON APTS. ~~ ""---"' under roof ............ , end 12951•. 175-5088 $1200 per mo w111 con-ca It 1 AT Nice Cl•an 1 Br. 1 Ba. ''"'""-_,...., im., 3144 1 d 3 • 1 11--....__~ endld ganige ......,. No Don't ..it only 1 large 3 Quiet, 1p1clou1 town-..... ,. ~ 11000 ~'~!!!"~:OU, ~~ WlllLY .._IU ••••••••••••••••••••••I ar yr. ••••· --a1CalATIOM: ~11260·..--· 8f.IVlllwtt.h2Ba.,pa-"°'*28r.1'A8&.Near -_ • .......,_,,.., ,_,..,.. _..,, WIElll 840-8208, agent. ,..,,,... 1411 T • n n 11 •Fr•• pell. • 25 plu• 1•t. 1 Uo, In qui.t .,.., large b •a ch. I 6 2 6 /mo. 8aYer111 ~ end 1 property. CloM to -Avallabla. Agt. 875-8170 3 8clrm detached horTlll WllTIUff.... •••••••••••••••••••••• '--"-IJlro I pro laet. t200 MCUI'~. eoa PoQ1. 14176. 14W311 or eeo.Mse Bdrm unite faatut9 fine ryllllngl 1316/month. LI.IX. 281', a., 8 .C. fltaa, 1 hop)• i H •a Ith Marlgo6d. 646-2n fl7S-15t4t d~nar tumltura and AV91tabie AuQu9t 15 ona N.B. 1&2 Bf, weekly,~ In excellent-. Avail• 4 Bdrm 3'A belt\, 2 yw vu, AC. pool, ...,.. t-1. cu.-s..,.. 1480/mo. 1.,. blk• to · Deluxe poolllde Jrtra large ICOlllOl1la. Move 1n 10-or two ldUltl only a no to bctl. 1275 up_ Graet b I• Imm• d I• t e t y . old PllCIMtter axec:utlYe '675 mo. No '*8. Stlar· ~ ooean, charm 1 Br. ~ •Lg Hr 28a nr 8C Ptaa. 2br, 2 ba. bftnl. ct.wtlr, dey or ~ '°' eum-p«a. Cell owner at (7141 tocala. 764-0838. l8001mo on 1 year...... home with ltltary, famlly ry t7t-2390 d)ll ~ 1'9g1. lndry rm, 1 yr i.aa., Fralfl, MMlnY. airy, edit 4 1'_. lftllal bead\. Adutt9. mar monthl. 8mertly 642~138. •••• _,, Five othar1 to chooH room, formal dining DrMno...,. no pate, avall 1•1. plax, no pet• cpl pref no pall. t500/mo. tumlehad model• open t-------....,--t -.. _, fl'orn. Wa'r• the onae to room and 3 flraplaoae. 1 BR. So. Cal Plaza. pool, a I Au y IP u l 7 1411 8 3 • 2 7 2 3 . $525. 97t-241t, 8-1/M 63&-8312 dalt)I 1 Bf, pvt dac:tt, old world $1200 mo. avell. 8/4 to i i ...... 12100 mo. or ..... ~ tennl1, no ~ti. 1475. APAaTMIMTI: 7141337..eoee &-9PM. Large Ealtllda 1 Bf.1 Ba. 28f, 2Ba. frplc, Wf/tlf/dryr · charm. 1pactacular 10/2/82. Executive 3 \\\lodbrldge tlon. Ce ll 1gent at 642-2029 Slngl••. 1 1 2 Naw carpal•. bright 1 hc>otl..yp, new ruge, drpa On Jamb«M Rd at ocean w . walk to bMCh bdrm •nd den. ocHn &4&-6092 N9W 2 BR 1'A .,., '*'°· Badloome•F\.lrnllNCI Dupllx. 2 bd, 1 .,., CW• cneary. 1425. 851·9622. a p. In I. • 5 75 m 0 . San Joequln Hiiia Rd. 14115. Contac1 Mgr •Upt ~=n••. pool. ape. RHlflJ OUffllftl gar, '650 I 1100 dip. I Unfurnl11'1ad•Ho pate, drapae, gat, m· PINE BLUR' APT8 54CM082 aft 4PM. 14'-1100 C. 332 Encino I.II. 551·3000 3 bdrm hm wlklwk-( Ylew Ho P • t'. Cr a I g . Petl•Modela O~n clean, no pall, I 26. laall Au '"' VNlt#a laldl flll Can 18 6 545-1370 OG dell)' 9 to 8. 646-723" 1 Bf. with loft, 2 Ba. Ohlld OLD HUNTINGTON! 2 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •ntBarr111u Pllw).lr>lnt to Nature ter. 7 • . I ..__... DELUXE 2 br. 2 ba .. 2 ok. on tM BIUffl, pltlo, bdrm. ,,_. ba, ~atmaJ. BEACH/YEARLY 1 Br. Apt. CloM to 17th. & , ....... T,.I lllT&LI mo. M3-4380, 494-0395 Oceanfront ...... 2 Bf 2 la... p1t101. 420 Oold•nrod Ylew, frplc. encl 911·• gu No '*1· 1475. 1537-3233 DI x 3 Br 2 b • • g • r -Main. 1326/mo. Fumllhad 3 bdrm. 3 ba. 1 lo 5 bdrm• •tarting at l .... or IM.M option lar· =·~ .. ~= = ..... I 8 7 5 . 4 t 9 - 3 1 1 8 . atova, dlll'lwuhw. IP•. AGt dig =.og:~1::.18~s-~~ 838-0708 Atrium IP• condo ""' 1460 to S1200 g• • Br. canal front, No pat'• I 1600/mo t•n'-1"9 497·1956. lndry rm. 14195'"'°· CMn 1 Bdrm child ok ~ and putting green. . v-rfY, evall 9-1, oomrnty Sandi. . 494-0791 . '"" ·-SPMC 831-41107 All Utlll pd. Only 1375: Open a Airy, 1 Bdrm, Im 1 Br. unlurn .. ut111 pd. NDPIPER PALM De· pool• a tennl1. walk to ' agt ............ ,... C#ll #ftl lllf Graat locatlonl 1 Bdrm, 1537-3233 Agt ohg pet I dllld ok. asto. Cell l350/moe3&.9003 RT) Want Ociaantront ~~/o1!':~n:~· '~ .,,_ 880~ .. ~= ··1·ii:iai·ii:·· c;~\;3 13~0 ~ chg. • ... WU 537-3233. Agt dig. =~hofof Au~.•or ·-,, -Newly decor. 0•• pd, AG dig I -2 ... 1 .... A .... 8-Md <*llnga, lky. ltt .. A,,n.nts hraldM e ~7'"" ...... ...... ... •••••••••••••••••••••• ;:) 845-11<M encl gar dwehr pool Vwy trg 1 Bdrm. cl'llld cite. nl d .... tr ...,N kitchen, 2 frplc 1, 3 11 I/II/In '"' 7w; ... Beet bey Ylew In 8lufl9 3 NEW PS 0 RT CR E 8 r .... /... bbg. Adult1, no pate: Only '320. 1537-3233 Agt ~~ Hr:,·~~p &.ldr~ Bdrm. 2\A Bath. With all ••••••,••u·· .. ······,••••••• ~vall. Aug. 20-Labor Day. br 2'A b• s12001m'o TWNH . by bell. 4 br, 00 18th St. 642-5073. dig -,..,; IUA ....... 7. Ille axpact«I eman1ti.. Coron• d•I Mar. 2 br • • · ba.w/d pool,)ae.tenl*. ., ..,,..,..,,.._..._., Call !Of appt 537-3233 YIWIE beaut. furn. 3 blll• Wkd)ll 832·1023:...,.. & 2"A car g.,... 1 'If. tea-(Dowr at 1uth) ~ 2 Bf. 1 Ba.1425. E/Slda 2 br, 1 ba, enct C"---................. 2 BR 1'A """' -... ocean. 1325 w•• ... wknd• 17M988. ... 11300 mo. Need ta-(71.4) 842-5113 B a 76 pool -d No..... -· .... ,._..., ....,,. -.. " · mll" 1111112. Deya 1'A •· 4 · o-., •7.;~73; ..... · BA, child OK. Sm. Pet 3 8r 2 ... ....., ,..11o Dbt New 1&2 bdrm. luxury 1142-o3n0ft75-1618. 't..,3CAM .. ""f\..·levw.r. Plt'k Lido Condo, 3 Bf. 2 1 Laundry tac., pool. 1456." _., OK ONLY 1400 cho ._ ·..-. ..-· • apta In 14 p1ana. 1 B<lrm ';/' "'" ... "'""!!; Ba. "'P'C. dehw91'1, lndry, !73"'37;.n58.~~·-~~.... 54te55e12-7PM. 2 B 1\.41 B H t 537:.S233AOT • . atiepatowatw.Nopetl. lromS515,2bdrmlrOf'll lalablt.,,.,,. 4 8'. 2 ea. 18971 Antioch. rm. 3 carport•. patio. " .,. • .,,.,..._.,. OCEANFRONT • ellarp ~ •· o pa'· . 209 411t St. $725/mo. 1570 TownhouM from •••••••••••••••••••••• l1lOO/mo. 17115. 851·9522 ~ .. ..__,, ._, 6 .. ~ 2BR.wtntw1.no'*8,Q91'. F~ca. pool, ~'''Q l450/mO. 831-3171 DELUXE 3 Br. 2 Ba. In fl73-3057 H•o' +pool•. tannla, .., IH••llt Agent 541-5032 3 Yr old 2 atOfY ~ 3 ":r.;'.O:u•••!~ MIO mo. trs-3033 Oarden ~·suLo . 4 -Plu , b1t-1n1, crpt1, Spec. 3 Bf 2 BL fplc. o-. wat1r11111. pond11 Gu Contect larg .. t Oay -------·--· 4 bd 3 b th 667 84 2 bdrm twnhM. 1\.41 ba. hk-up1i drp1, dbl gar. beactl 2 bl!-. ltoo yTty. tor cooking & heating Male ~ Mfvtoe In 3 B<lr 2'A Ba townl'lornl, 0 1r1 l"'O/mrom':.4 •• •78!· C... I# Jiu nll 28t, 1S..I l5aO mo. 48r, •2 1· garage. patio. No pete. lrplc, 150. No pete. No ...... 84$-1882 paid. From San Diego So. Callf. M0-41718 fam rm. patio. AIC, up. 831.21n · " v·.. "'• ...................... 21a. 750 mo. Acron 1476. Nr 19th/Pomona 5'0 4•141 .... -Frwy drive North on iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii gradnd, pool, tennl1, De.an vi-. t>Mutlfully from bch. Sept-June. ""'2alfleld 541-8357 h:ftIN "4f Venalllal Condo Studio, S.ach to McFedden to park. 1va11 . Im med. Nawpor1 Stior. 3 Bf. 2'A =· i~t,--~· (213) 146-2282 1425/mo. 1 Br. 1 Ba. apt., •••••••••••••••••••••• ~c~!71t1Y · .... ~~mo. s u w 1 n d v 111 a g • IOIMUTE 1865/mo. 881-1543 Ba. 2 block• to beach, 8~ . mo. Newport BHCh, 31th ..... , IPTI-· frplc, lndry rm, .. built-3 Br, 1'-t Ba townl'IOma. • .. 1-. • .,.. (714)893-5118. Rea• 2 ad . 2 a•. condo. ctoee 10 sc:hool ' tennlL 8trM1 1"' t>Mroom, 'A h•utlful garden apt1. Ina. car pcirt. Patio, AIC, ff1>1C, W/D, Lge pvt apartment. Mo-,_, fM fllls.1Mt mlcfWv .. pool, Jeez, $735 ee2-eea:s. Ila,.., n• blc frOrn ...S. Off_,... Patloelcs.ckl. HIM paid. TSL Mgmt 642-9412 Woodbridge So. Llk-. darn w/bltlns. 2 BR 2t>a, ...................... Oldle1 & •.::=:ICY· mo. 494-6083. 8lulf1 Condo. bayfront. •••••••••••••••••••••• prk'g. Avail Sept 111. Ho peta. 2 chlldren ...._ poola. tennla. m5 mo. w8let 'A bllt to baadl. 2 EASTSIDE CM. Private All c:tlentl wtttl auper 3 br 3 .,._ s1200 814* Mil 1br, am <*Mt' H501mo Incl utllltlH. ooma. 2 bdnn. 1'A be. Flr...,_. Cati Danny 145-2015 car panlng. L.arga clo-turn. room a beltl. Utile. ptlotoe & 1efllt•IOI&. Super daall 4 Bdrm. 2,_. 644-33 · Yllla, courtyd, prv, 54CMll32 2 ar.2 ea. 1515 Dlll'lwUl'la!', prly patio. wHlldaya; 548-5133 ..w.O~lorllngllor2 Incl., raftlg .• 1315 mo. Credlte:Colmoe>Olltan Bath, Fm rm, gar. 1875. Agent. 11 • l400/mo. 497·70M. 391 w W"9on 131-6583 011. Ho pata. '620 mo. l\W & wtc~ couplM. Patio. Laund 873-7544. Good Morning Amenca. 1537-3233 Agt dig GrMt location 3 Bdrm 2 • =-WINTER RENTAL. 4 . 543-5'78 taci '700/mo Ind ulll --------· TM Tomonow SMw. H•-4 Bd-2 ........ 111_ Ba gw. only S750 dig. U bd~ ba. Avail Sept Soarltllna ctean. 2 Br. 1'A L .. _. II 2 .___....,. Jin ~..., 5403 River Ava: Working ,.,,,..., 2S to 40 • rt • ..,1 1 ... l...,...nl, "'"ti·..:::. 17 ... oo,""c..,. 537-3233 Agt . nfl 15. mo. t7r,.o303 8a. '4?0. F9"Cad, utlll uxu,...,.a town OUM, •••.istt.;.............. Tllen ~all 80·1771 Iv non emol<e, ~ blk bch.~ -• ...... "" "" •••••••••••••••••••••• -~ 4 peld. Rafrlna. 2 1m11t bdrme, 2'A ba. Femlly NO FEEi Apt. I Condo NB • ..,.,. 875-1708 aft 4 -537-3233 Agt. lie ...,.. 1 .... rm. patio, • chlld!W'I <* no peta. room, kitchen, gar. 1700. rent• WM Aentall. mag Of 990-5844 ',.._,, pr 0 fI1 II0 n a I Me I e LOADED 2br w/ec, ooo1 ,....... 1.1.'t F•llT =~ ~;~h, 350' 1MO w....C. 842 .... 906 S&l-3NI, 645-neo fl7Ml12 lf'otcer. V•rHlll•• luxury 1 Br., Fam. E'llda CM 3 Bf 2.,., Straight, non-•mokar, SSMl, novel llltch, 1580 3 bdrm, 2'" ba. belt oOlf ._....&late I ........ , 1 BR qula1 large G'M' "' ...... m oourtyard. HIS/mo. P'lt ant. l/p, pvt ba, gll', 2548. to lfllll 3 Bt. 2 OC·RE ...... ALS 7""~""14 oour•• view. 1acur1ty .. ~:::,· ~..o.~•1::'1'" ..... •r-.. ---,. •-• ~-au ---~·-~ '"=".:J 101i..tAcecla.84M188 1275,831-1093 B w -~ B·' I I "'' .,.,.._ at , ... 1 pool nd -mu ~"'"'" ---•11• ~ ·--Id,..., 'p·-,~ ""a;."1•"' NIW geted 20 Town-C 1 p 11 1 1 •· at ... ront ., 1 ' •Br. Unlvaralty Perk. lllOO 1Jao.•t1..00n.:0. 567_7~72 roundlng1. Tarrao•d ;•;:·;~·b:_•;••••;bJi: IPil't'liiil-cone er I t . • ... hom• VILLAO! COM· • 19 WllD ol ege er •POO may coneldar female. mo. 8 3 5 • 3 2 0 8 or JI ::';tc~~n:-ro~:.~~: ctiMdren/pet OK. '480. BMutltulfy landeca~ 537-32S3 AOT MUNITY, 2 & I Bt. 2'~ Newport 111. duptalC. 3 Bf m r(= =; "°"2471 752-11114 Harbor View 3Br, 2Ba ..-..,_ .._.._ -...e37/t74-7221 oerdln eipta. Pool I Lg 18t, fNlhl)I deool..S. 8a. 1900-1800 eq. ft. ct 2 ea. frpl. wet bat. patio, ,......155 27~ Newport 8Md'I townhelu- i.... .. •---a. ·~ EHc ~. chlldr9n/pet 8..---rooma. ......,_.. Covered pertclng. o garage. Open d•ny or pur• lu1Cury. Otragaa, gw .. b09t elp, no pet•°' ,...... • •• fully turnl•hed. Fe• ::'I'.-:::' -• ":i::-OK. Comm pool, lanntl. r• dlnll\G .,_, Wlllk-tn ~ ,. pet1. 2 ohlldren w•I• call 54a.nn. 1N~ B. •P•• In every home -~ t1200. trs-4421 Room wttti kltdlan pm. Nr mat. 2W5. Own bdrm EMERALO.BAv.·3 .. er .. i 11200 mo. 14CM1• ~ -:~ ,..:.W 00f'n9. Anartelm 81. '350 mo. mHllr awlta, dining 8 lb 1 1 d 2 8 ahopplr.'j centw I bu-and bl. Pool, 11nn11 ea. trptc, br\cik patio With UPPER BACK BAY . 381'. HuntlnQlon c... •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 •· 147S 545-3221 room•, wood burning ;~: 11:C:n utll• ~· ellna. H .• 192.7520, ~-~75 mo, \4 •P•· 1 1600. 2u1 2'~1!xacllorM.~ 18dmMurn,te0e ...,,,,_ W 13u .1lth. '*41111 ,.._.,28r.28a.Hopete.. n,._,l9CM, mtcr°':!V: '975 YH<ly.'642-1S34 ....,_##ell fl•.,,,.,__....., 91&-2255· :r;u~O:·mo.,..; l:::::::n.~-=.. v:,Y·i·-·;-.;·~: 3 Br. t Ba. .. ::-:o~:. ~~·. 1:; =a•~provt· .. =~ ....... -=~~~:-"w!:':::, l1:;s~m~~·A~~h'·&.;:,; ,._ Agt 642-3860 from llTS kl!ry. No1~ 151 L 211t St. &4a-240I MMl75• ~ ""'~ a~~~ nti wt!~ Nnt.all now IV9M. a.e. fllua.15M1to Hgt 1 , A y a 11 t I 1 . NICE 3br w/...,,.,,, pool ltEAunrrvl 2 Br. I... L.wga 1 Br. 1 8a. ...,.._, lllllnd, 7 ~to 8.C, :,. (211)170o7'is3 or 1140 I. up. Color TV. Sl'llre ~I br turn. m-t212 aft 3PM. bal!are kltdl, '"°'9 '315 ~ Yrty tna. Oetu111 I ~. Mw Verda. 1100 aq.ft. tnclry rm, cerport. WI Plau or O.C.Alrpofl. ('714)171-4109. Phonal In room. 2a74 houle. Jae, get. ltWla. HAR80R OCEAN FRONT OC-MHTAUS 7so.4$14 gar .. P'tt. Haer..... fplo, lndfy, petlo,... aide. t3IO. Avail 1-11. Juel .... or N-.rport Naowpott IMI. CM. 711-laG rr~ 11t-"'1 ww. gar, no.,.._ aeeo. .......aa &Mt. a eo. Of Ian ,_... aTIP9 TO SAHC> .,.7445 w-.... M.a...' Nu HOO' lux hm. on a br, 2 ba ~ ..._, LA QUINTA HUNOeA ' 10t4 MaDa. ......011 • ..._... 2M "'* OH&.Y MOO ..., ,_ • ._ bl11H. 180 deg. YU Of drfet, frplC. xtra -S-0 1ta11 Pnlldl LI\ 1 Illa y~ ..... 19rkaa....,...: 1 & a '* .......... 8200 I Nr ... c ....... 3er 291. :;,-~. :_.~ ~ ....:Cel::al= -=~:..a=m=' =A=O=T=CHO=::!· =Oleall==lt.d==Me=IU=.&17==8±:64=2.al-11r=====:, harbor, IUrf, mtna. 3tw, tlo. Pet 01<. S771 yrty. w. 'of a.di, a b11a 8. of ...... ••-upps dedl .,.-0 t)004. A -c-*a....... o; 3ba, H curlty. Huna. 831·1tl0 f:clnOat, mo. '1f.M12 up I. I UO He. No ctilldten/pett oei 'tat. ve.. , . ~ . • 1 • 9 5 I m 0 . 5 8dr 4 Ba. MOO lq "· Ml.W1 ..... cMdren or dogl. 133 !. t7MOll or MS.-3• UDO QILU)CR t .,, "'* You can be a I : 7009. ...,, r. WOO/mo , , WI l!f! ,. 8t. .... 42: CM I br-' Ne.·.-. fine*' n Mtall t:: °"-~ . r.-.. ....... , "" ~ ~· •b101'!.'!~~· 0,~1:! Js"an~:.r•.,:0.1• ~~ .··:=··:· .. ····.:.-:.:.::. •••• • ..... ,1 •-t• _......, ~· eu.· da{7"4-:.. •1• .. -, I oeo.. ...... WINNER .. . ;;J'i;::'e:::I'•":':'•••••••• ........... .....,., _,,.., rm aa11na, ~ ... ... • • .._....., ... -"'°· _..., _,,, .......,. mo. • 1 ., 1 ... ~ ., :.: N9"" ltlor.-ff:'_ oornm. 3 ar.a-. oomm. pool, ,.oe. 17801 ~off ,..., fr1*. ~. •r. 1ncludlno urntu,e. No ~ MOO/mo. t " - 4 br & tam ly, 2 be, ~~':a:~~ .....,, Ml>o?MI m.-1t · ~ M '31-WO wanMI a&.111 lfWMI • ./ C 1: N ::~~~· : ~=~ ~~nt:~ Q(harl. ~* t .... eec ..._. .._. na a bdrm, a .. '::.:: 1 & 2 8,, .,,. avau .. 1ar, 1~ TWMM, din Just b1 sending us your name and · 11260/mo. 7 ... 1415 11MHI °' 111-2111 ~~.r.r.;; ••• 1'l'e3 "· ~ ... ~I .... 2 pataoM, pool 9"< ln*y rm, no rm, I pett ... ba~ addreU and by Watchlftl for "0Uf ...... ..-l" •-...._ no,_,1',IOJCI pooe. Ill J. 1~ -·~~-.. ,.,.,no-· " ....,. .,..... n.1 w9'te:Mf11t,e11n,OfflC9. ,..._ --· t; _. tttmt-411t.111.f'7lt tui11hrt HAM ....... 1~iii4404 mo. , .. 1 1a'ii'+ ••P· name hi the classtfled ads of the ••••••· .. ·.-;-n •••• r:.. 2\t lie. 2 oar flW _.. = '!':...., ~~ 141 H4• ¥99/wtlnda .. ~'&"°"4 .!!_!HT......., n.,, no &:»••• tloao . .__ aa~•,.......•la .;.":W..-.:?: MIO, a Ir,""' Pd. 410IAITalOI."°"abdtln11'1 . a•...... -• • Dally Pilot. <1 -"' -"' -7 "" "• • .... -.. ..," .._ H•rdllt,, lell>H. Ho 41 ..... MY~ 9'd Oii fllw lllPt. ,_ ....... toMOO:,....~c1ea 1-437-141 call•• our Inn. Want ,..._.,. ·11M .... to.Adltl,no,... TM...,... '94M1U ..;==:a-~-.,.,--... -..,..--,11 • ., .. "· Kid• .-pet• ,_ m-11 ~ OUlet. f'9llrtnO, ._ .. ..., _ ..__ .-. __ n.a.eo 1 Ir , ....... _ ~ .,.._ 'ir."i;t, pool : petto 6 Win tlclceu lo l.M clrcu•, area am"'9met1\ etlrec ••loom• 141•1000 ••••• ~ ...... m-.i ..... ~.•MIOI -.~ ...... M for 1 .. ~_'!ltw .,..,._..,.tll. Uo11«=.n•.evtnta .1uaimloutthl1~pon1nd .-,not.. • '="'~ ~~-:; ...... MY1-.... rn.... ... 1111 • ·:."~ .. -~.-111t9'.~ • I Ir., ••.•• ~P• •• ntelllt Ylo\M· "'"'m.laMllW•Wfltl.,, tlOO. Mr'.-....... '-,...OU 7 • ,. ~~ ....... ~71 IAY T.-....... ., ..... _.... eteuin.d Dejart••&;f.:.111 .... elf~ clautfled •d. Ooc, 111-1110 or lee --'""' • ··Cl I :: /lllJI. ,_._.. Ull . .-4t·••H, ls•ll •11r.-.PMf fd:"!'•CTY IQm •W ........ .......,. ~-,CA-642 ... 7t 111-1m .-Ollll....,.. .._, •• ,,~,..... .,..... • ...,.. .. ,., ... -. ... ,.. ~·-·--- .. ~I a .. 1 ' , Prof"""· w.....--. PGOt. "°" ..,..,, no -. tttO . 111·1141; 111-4C* Mii'"" I bdrm'-I Hie bot1 H.9. MMl Mt, 1WN be. prtv .._•Id, dllhw, Cable TV. noo mo. teo-aatO WESTCLIFF Bl OG Nt wrr_,~ · · f : •• .. ..... '. (,111 Mi Hny,, •'ri 6 45 IOHJI • • • 11 llYI A lllllllflL UU• SILi (or YSd ... a.-.. hie, etc.) 1. Place your ad In the Dally Piiot ~ eectlon (It'• beet to run 3 dll)'I for maxlnftlm ••poeut9). " you PIY for your ad In advance we'll run It 3 deyt and only charg41 you for 21 2. Get your FREE G•ege Sate ~ (al you haw to do 11 come In to the o.lfy Piiot & pay for your ad In edvanoe -we wtff glYI you two 11 x 17 S6gnl -FREE of ctlarge). 3. Prtoe ~ pi.ca of meroMn<SIM. . . . For further details about how Dally Piiot boat picture ads cen worf( for you ani:i to tehedule your ad, call O·U·&e7e and Uk for Sally L•. !~ ............. ~ '11...., Air oond. 6 etereo. (23024) ... .,. Biii Maxey ToY()te 19202 8Mct\ 8tvd Hnttnotn 8dl 962.()129 '71 FORD Maverlok. Good cond. 3 new tlr•. econ. 1850. 494-3211 '11 f1111'l Low mtte1, cl••n end eharp (431VXV). Redu- ced to 12111 8111 Maxey Toyote 19202 8Mc11 Blvd. Hntlngtn 8dl 962..()829 '73 LTD 4 dr. Xlnt cood. New llf'ea. Sl75. 4311'.4 tffl!Otr~ CdM #•"111k IHT ..........•...•....... '74 Maverlcl! 2dr, 3eK ml, clean, 121 llO. &42·705e !~!!l ......... "-ff '71 BOBCAT. Augo .• moonroor. 11500. 831-t153. Leave me1-eeoa on pN>ne. '78 ~ 11. V8 eog. ~ clal Edlllon, lmmac., beat on.. 83$-1148 WASHINGTON (AP) -A fe&tral Judie retUMd today to approve the antltrwt 1ettlement propoetna th• breakup of the American Telephone & TeJ.tsnph Co. until l8YWal major chana-are mlde. U.S. Dlltrtct Judae Harold H. Greene, In a 178-P9P oph\ion, aid he b.d concluded that the requirement that AT&a t:lve up lta 22 wholly owned Bell Bymm operatln1 companle1 wa1 .. ~ in the public am.r.t;" a&t the JUda9 ...... the procam could not 10 forward "nlH1 AT&T and the Ju1tlce Department were wUUn1 to eccept aevera1 new Mlfl\W'dll. Amona them· -KEia w..t be prohibited from uat.na lta fadlltlel to offer any type of electronic information aervice "until the rt.k of lta domination of that field hu abated.'' ;t'hat reltriction had been 1tron1ly 1ou1ht by new1paper publlahen. If that chaNit ii 80Dlp.S, the Juda-Mid ATli'r could. J>etltion the court for ita removal after 1Wen ~ -The Bell System operatl.nQ compantee muat be allowed to continue marketlftl te{i£hone equipment and to pub the Yellow Pa1H advertl1tn1 ~&'I' must aai-to allow (See BREilUP, Pqe AJ) :Coastal bill advances Measure would strengthen unit's power ·By PATRICK J. KENNEDY O(" ............ ...., Commiaaion muat 10 to court before auch atop orden can be illued. .., .......... .., ......... While a Senate bill to strip the state Coaatal Commiaalon of authority over the Bolla Chica marsh was killed Tueaday, another bill to strengthen commi11lon powers was approved by the Amembly and ls on ltl way to the state Senate. That b ill, AB3:i56, by Aalemblyman Larry Kapiloff, D-San Diego, would permit the commt111on to laaue "cew and deaiat orden" In apecillc cues where commlaaionera believe development violated or threatened to violate coastal regulations or cauae irreparable environmental harm. But under AB3266, the commlmion could halt -at leut temporarily -development on lta own initiative, thua ·~ up the proce91," Kapiloff uld. Cities and countlea where' the state-mandated Local Coastal Plan hu been approved by the Coastal Commlulon have authority to 1mue stop orden. development and real eatate" intereata are lobbying agalnat the bill. but ·he contends it would protect landowners from lawaultl and. pouible fines by establlah.ing a hearing procedure abort of court action on alleged Coutal Act vlolationa. The bill was approved by a 41-33 margin in the 8().member lower house. Opponents to the blll, led by Republicans, called for reductions In the comm.laalon'a AUtboritv. FOR RENT -Trio of three-story buildings will soon be offered for lease by Pacific Mutual going up on Brookhurst Avenue north of Insurance Co. as part of a companywide cart- Slater (across from Gemco) in Fountain Valley cutting campaign. "Thia ia to atop developers from brazenly and quickly bulldozing coastal reaourcea without permits while the lengthy court procedure la being followed," Kapiloff aald. The· commiaalon "baa not struck a reaaonable balance between IJ'OWth and no growth," aald Aaaemblyman Stan Statham. R-Chk:o. He added that lawmaktta should not "allow the c.outa1 Commimion to have this kind of authority." ·Newport firm cuts bac~ ''Once a wetlands ta bulldmed, it'a often destroyed forever and this bW would put a atop to lt while a court date ia being aet," he said. Will not expand into Fountain Valley The atop orders -which would require commiaalon hearinp before being laaued - would remain ln eifect until courts ruled ln the individual cases. Currently, the Coastal Kapiloff aald "pro- Defender to train in Newport Beach I By ALMON LOCK.ABEY ot"IMD.-, ........ From Newport east to Newport west and back again. That ia the Itinerary for Defender, the newest 12-meter to be launched, and her trial hone, Courageous. Charles E. Kirsch, chairman of the Defender/Courageous Group, has made lt official that the two racing sloops will be in Newport Beach from Nov. l to March 15 for winter crew training and speed trials. It means Orange Coast waters wlll become one of the moat significant tra1nlng grounds for the America's Cup, whatwith one of the Cup's moat preatigloua syndicates operating in Newport Beach. Home baae for the two twelves will be Balboa Yacht Club, which has agreed to provide the group with two moorinp for the racers plus doc.k 1paoe and room in the parking lot for trailers. Tom Blackaller of San Francisco who has been eelected aa skipper of Defender, had hinted the two yachts WOUld be brought to the West Coast this winter. The choice of Newport Beach Wll made aftel' Bill Ficker, 1970 Cup defender, had done ~ for the group. Newport area. "Balboa Yacht Club la the ideal location for wa becau.e of ita proximity to the open ocean/' aald Kinch. "The tenders will (See COAST, Paae AJ) Kaplloff said h1a bill "faces a tough road" In the Senate becauae policy rules must be waived eo lt can quickly be heard in special meetina by two Senate committees and put on the floor before the end of thla month, which la the end of th1a year's LeOlaUve -ion. lU~ff'• bill flm bad to ... the ~ly J'm:al Committee and the Ener1y and Natural Reeow'Oe9 Canmlttee, of wbk:h Kaplloff la a member. 1'he Energy and Natural Re.owoee Committee is the aame group that deferred action 'rue.day on a bill~ltate Sen. Paul Coarpenter. that (See B0LSA. Pye By STEVE MARBLE ot"IMDelrNetatlllf In an effort to cut expenses, Newport Beach-baaed Pacific Mutual Life 1nNrance Co. ha.a decided against settling a 400-penoh insurance division in Fountain Valley. The employees were to occupy more than half the square footage in a trio of thJ'ee.1tory bulldlnp being constructed in Fountain Valley. The insurance firm employs 'roughly 1,500 people in Orange County. It won permlulon to build the 1tructurea a t Brookhurat Stteet and La Alameda Avenue last yeer after backing away from plans for a 14-stocy tower. In a related eoskUtting move, Paci.6c Mutual announoea lt haa imposed a companywide hiring Uee7.e and la considering layoffs. Tom Santley, a company spokesman. said Pacific Mutual already has laid off 250 employees across the country, about 100 of them in Orange County. School fire deliberate? Anon bu been listed as the came of a fire that destroyed rune claurooma at a Cypress elementary IChool. "It la important that crewa have as much continuity H poalble In training and apeed trlala," said Ficker . "We oonsldered .everal other sites in California and Florida, but none provided aa many a1milarities to khode laland Sound aa the , Deir ......... ..,.., --- OPERATION STING? -The wince of :Sit::r-old Todd Mcilwain proves his prowess in a Newport h bellyfiop competition. His brother was a winner, too, as shown on Page Bl. Orange County Fire Department 1pokf1man Gary Stenberc aaid today that no au1pect1 are in cu1tody, but inveatlgatora are followln1 a number of leada on the identity of the peraon or people responsible for the fire. Cypreu School Dlatrlct Superintendent William B . Calton aakl d1atrict offlclala plan to rebuild the cla11room1 destroyed eerly laat Wedne9day morning at Vessels Elementary School. He aald co1t1, includtna furniahinga, are estimated at $650,000. NATION U.S. holds A-test in Nevada LAS VEGAS (AP) -Tbe Department of Energy conducied a weapons-related underground · nuclear te9t at the Nevada Test Slte today -t6e 12th announced test this year and the third in two weeks. STATE SAN FRANClSCO (~ -Bewnlna • PolkY ll adopted aeven month• aao, the American 9ar ~Uon voted today aolnti Mlditc ~ to prohibit members of am dllCl'fm.tna1IDl'y prtyata clubl from clalmina thetr dia • tax-deductible bullnem ex11.mP911:1!1!11W81••· COUNTY Charity units burslarized Offida1a of three charitable sroups are trying to pick up the ptece1 after bh1I i1molt all their office equipment in a weekend buraJ.ary. Pace A:S. Job lair at Irvine Hiah-teoh type1 went aearchlna for Job pomtbWU. at a job fair at lrVtne'• ReptrY HOtel. l>ageBl. . I TELEVIS ION The work force that was to be shifted to Fountain Valley ln 1983 currently ia scattered to offices in Costa Mesa, Tustin, Newport Beach and Santa Ana. Santley said the group. insurance unit, notified tb1.t week of the change, now will be moved to the company's headquart.en f1 Newport Center. , Despite a reeorted glut of office apace in Orange County, Santley said the firm la hopeful it will not have difficulty leasing out the 287 ,000 square feet o1 offi~ apace in Fountain Valley. (See PACIFIC, Pase AJ) CCC trustees eye TV-course dispute Coaat Community College Dlatrlct trustees will consider adoption of a statement tonight defend.in8 the use of televlalon courses and warning against "destructive carnpaigna" ailned at e llmlnating this form of lnatructlon. In recent months the district, whlch includes Orance Coast, Golden Weft and Coaatllne colleps. has been embroiled in a dispute over the quality of the television couraea offered through Coastline. The atatement that comes before the board tonight acknowledcea that educators have the right to cl1aagree over the uae of televlaion. But }t adda that the board of trustees "will not condone the Cockpit blaze grounds airliner LI1TLE ROCK. Ark. (AP) - An American Airlines jet made an .,.µnacheduled landlna in Arlranaaaafterthefl.ightcrew put out a small fire behind the cockpit. The landing at Little Rock Munlclpal Airport Tuaday was smooth, and there were no injuries to the 110 paaengers and aeven crew members aboard, airline spokesman Del Parker aald. INDEX action of thoee in thia diatrict who aet out on a destructive campaian to destroy legitimate learning opportunities c:reeted b¥ innovative people without giving thought to the damace belnS done to earnest and serious learnen." · The board meets at 8 p.m. in the college d1atrict beadquar'ted, 1370 Adama Ave., Costa Meta. , Clark rebuts campaign fund 'violations' By PR£DERICJt SCBOEMEBL Of ............... The Orange County District Attorney's office hu been uked to determine lf county Supervtaor Ralph Clark violated a provision of a five-year-old ordinance regulating campaign f.lnancet. Clark. a 12-year member of the board of aupervilon, Aid today that the complalnt ra19ed by 11 former county plannin1 commluloner la wlthou,t substance. • And Clark aald he remaina one of the molt at.eadfaat support.en of the law under which th}! complaint WU lodaeci -the IQ- (See CAMPA.ION, Plle AJ) All 82-3 M AS M.DM Dl-4 All B6 B7 m-.:3 Al AJ ' ~~CIFIC MUTIJAL . . • • i'1opaotfle lhatual reoenlly ,.._. wtd dllllU cmcCula. com,._. a P9lr of .,_.-., .. ., 111111M tu.a Ml l9t a WH'I ln Newport Center ..., lllDllUDt lt wanfll tD IMW :,~ t to th• fl rm' 1 off and ii ecrudnlllnl .~~ -Wped ~ =of~.-. ,._ Sandey and MIU'ly hall Of .\be.... to ., what the dollar office •J)AC9 in the new twin ~ cowwa hat been ~ out to 10 1a)Offl1 Santley u.1d major tenanta. Paci ta Mutual l1 looldn• at · Santley N1d lt hu not been pulllnl beck from pwchailna determined bow much of the ecp.Ll~t llllid ~early recently completed towere th• retinmlll\. lnlurance ccmpany wW oacupy. Paclflc Mutual moved from That.,.._ couJd blnae on a Lee A.,.W to Newport BMch MMaDed apecwe level reCluctlon 10 years .,o. lt la the lar ... t report that la ex~ted to be Callfornla-ba1ed ln1urance unveded orlor to S.pt. l . The company. COAST "ERIALS · • • OQ1y haw a lO:m&nute tow from moorin9I to the 'hce coww.'' Houal .. I for the crew and support team, a1 well •• tramportation f« the boata and their tenden, la 1tlll under ~--Kindl Mid the group expects to return to Newport., R.( for fu.rUaer tnlnlng b).' May 11 1983. DINlimlnarY America • Cup trtall-ere achedulecl June 18-~ Ialand Sound. Defender /Courageou1 p one of two American syndicatel vying for the right to defend the Cup~ The other is the Fort Schuyler Foundation of the U.S. Maritime Academy which baa launched two i-wew Twelvee for the ~98:3 triala. Demut CClamr of San Dieto 1klppered the Fort Schuyler FoUndatlcll'• J'reedom. to victory aver the Awtralian challenger ln 1880. In the winter of 1979 Conner broqht •Freedom and Mr trial -... to San Dleco f« winter tralnln1, but baa not dl9cloled whether be will brtna the twO' new yachts Wen thil 'Jei!!· 'fhe America'• Cup i1 the world's oldest sporta prize and la the only trophy that has remained in the hand.a of the original winner. BREAKUP NIXED .. ~e court to review fta actual plan for dive1tina itael1 of the Bell J~ate m com pan tea and IH!()rganizing i tael.f. '" In addition, Greene said be ~ts authority to enforce the Ltfelttlement's proviaion1 and the 11-11iht to schedule hearings at V..,Uch teatimony on the actual reorganization could be taken .Jr»m third-party intervenon and ·•he chief executives of the Bell ~panies. '{ rr-AT&T must agree to spin !Cdf the Bell System oompanlet in such a way that each I.a left with 1.'t debt ratio of 45 ~n:ent. The 'Jrf ' BOLSA CHICA s ought to strip the coastal commission of power over the Bolaa Chica marsh. The bill SB493, would have approved the Orange County ... using and marina development i'lan for the marsh near Huntlnaton ~each , over the objections of the Coastal ~,i:nnu.ion. ~penter withdrew hi• bill · use county and conun1-.ion 9. hti tettlement bad not lmJ)Olted a apedfic percentaae, aftbouah AT&T had pledged to eet the companies free in good financlal shape. The judge 1aid he would consider waiver requesta and would allow a ~ percent debt ratio for Paclfic Telepho"ne & Telegraph Co., which has a larger debt ratio than most of the other Bell companies. Greene gave the Ju1tice Department and AT&T 10 daya to signal their willingness to accept h1I propoeed changes. • • • officials recently agreed to continue negotiations on disputed pointa of the plan, mainly the county's propoaal to allow development on an area identified by state offidala aa a protected wetlands. Cafpen&er'a bill, whic.b wa1 prevloU1ly rejected by the committee lut year, thus died Tuelday becau.e the committee hal no meeUnp again this year. ~ ..... ... r E It .. l*Wwala 1m. JM ,......_, '° lh• dlllrio& a~•1 oHloe to laY= the ...... WM mede by ~~ ........ by ~ Ill 18'71 to eerve on ~ aounty Plann•n, Com•&ulon. .... OrtDdJe Wt the ....,....,.. In 19'1 tD biilk TIM CUP. lbe - hu COftUAU9d '° IDOD.l&or th• ord"'-ad I•.,,_._ Ill II° ... Tb{.;.. 01IW WbidW aark camptled with TDf CUP came IDto ~ DUb11c Vlrir ~. At a board·'llllieUQs, Clark aaDounced he ... •bltal.Nna flan YOdn8 00 whe\har the county would wp withdrawal of a lepladve bill affec:tlnC 8~ Landmark Co. holdlft88 •at Bolaa Chica near HunUDltOft e.ch.. (The blll1 autb<>Nd~ataie Sen. Paul Carpenter, would haw eiocepted Bolla from Jurladlotion of the 1tate c.c-tal Commllslon. (The blll waa withdrawn Tuaday by Carpenter.) , The TIN CUP or~lnance prohibltl IUpervWon from acting on matters that could have a material flnanclal effect on contrlbuton that have given more than $1,331 to their campaignl •. Clark said he had 1eamed last fall that a $260 contribution from Signal had booated Signal'• tot.al contribution to hit campaign to $1,440 -$119 more than the TIN CUP llmit. Clark said the overage was discovered and the U 19 refunded about two weeks later. Clark said he was abstaining from voting because of a County CoUJ\lel's office opinion holding that a "grey area" existed despite the fact the $119 had been refunded. Clark said today that the county counsel's opinion was not received until late July. He said, for that reason, he did not abstain from voting on a June 29 matter lnvolvln~ Bolaa Chica, and, hence, Stgnal Landmark. Ms. Grindle, however, said Clark apparently did not see an earlier opinion -written by Deputy District Attorney Maurice Evans -which saia refunds of campaign contributions after contribution checka are negotiated do not comply with campaign f.inanclng laws. A eecretary sald Evans would not be at1work today. "I don't believe Clark intended to do this," Ma. Grindle said. "It waa an ovenight on h1a part, but ignorance of the law is no excu:ee.'' "I can't turn my head to this. It'' nothing personal," Clark's fonner appointee said. A violation of the TIN CUP ordinance ia a miademeanor. ~\' ~,:,.~ LolV clouds return ~11{ 72 86 90 aa t3 90 90 70 t2 t2 ., 13 aa 107 aa 13 d1 70 71 17 t1 .. .. t2 • t2 .. 110 74 14 43 PUenO. er. 55 PnMCMllOe 52 fWlo • AletlmOnd IM Slit \Ake 15 sen AntonlO 74 a.tu. ~ =1:. 72 St Loult :: ~~ ~ ~ecuM 71 Snow~ 11 85 " 88 " 90 .. ., 73 97 , t1 73 73 12 82 IM 48 ea 72 71 73 70 54 71 74 c~ • 118 ... Bak.,.tleld ts se SlyttM 110 Eureka ea 57 ~ .. 70 l.anc:Mtar ti • Lo.Mgelel 81 87 Marywlla 81 Mont.,., 87 .., ~mog lllf 1111111 ir. .... A ...... T ~ 14ft .., 17 1-4 ft ~ t7 ~: =: t7 17 Mft ....,...., t7 1-lft ,.., 5 Nft ...... Nft "= Nft .. • ft '=' • , .. ft .. Tides ,., ft .. • WA ,.., t7 , .. ft ·= t7 1-1 ft If Ll'fl.llPM'" Polloi Ud I'll ~ti have lnt.enatfled their ...rch tor an ·armed bank robber, ~ by·Nd Mir and. h•1beJ1 cap. who Ail~ ot OCllDlalttinj 20 holdupe dWinl the pelt three monthl. The red·halted robber hll bit prf.mU'Uy the Oranp County and Lona BMch ...... accord1na to Spedal Aaent Bill Atherton of the FBJ111Mnta Ana offJce. H1I tar,.u haw lndudecl bMlat and •vintl and loeN in Hunu.tan. BNch, :Fountain Valley and Se.I. Beech, he aid. More recently! the bandit hu appuently moved .at. Athet'ton aaid the redhead~ robber la 1u1pected of holdina up the Riverside branch of Glendale Federal Savtnp on. Monday. The FBI qent laid the robber has alwaya acted u lf be Md a gun, but bu only cllaplayed I\ once -1ut Thuraday dwina a holdup at the American Savtnp and Loan office in Torrance. Atherton aald the man ahould be considered armed and dangeroua. Bomb scare evacuates Coast bank Pollc!ie evacuated the Bank of America in dowqtown Seal Beach Tuesda;v after a man threatened to aet off a bomb unle111 he received $5,000. No bomb was found after a half-hour ae.arch in the bank at 208 Main St. Community relationt officer Cheryl Henderson said a man made the threat by telephone at 1:15 p.m. He reportedly told an empJoree to put $5,000 in cub in a telephone booth. He aaid a bomb would go off 11 his requett wudenied. Bank employees refUled to go along, 9f!1cer Henderaon said. REDll&AD ~ Bank camera phot.oe from holdups in Santa Ana (left) and Seal Beach of the man FBI wantl .. the red·IWted robber. Hia haul in the 20 robberies la belleved to be more than $15,000, accord1ng to law offlcen. The bandit la believed to be ln hit late 20a, 5 feet. 10, wef&h.lng 140 or 150 poundl, with collar- ~ red hair. In aome of the hoiaup.. Wttne.M said he had a mustache. The man usually wears a baleball cap beartng the name Aramco (a Saudf Arabian- Amerlcan oil company) or a sun vllor with the word .. Montana" on it. The man often wean plaid shirts, not tucked into his trouaen, and sometimes wears a~ta e1. the FBI agent uid. be red-haired bandit "has made no attempt to evade bank cameras and has stared directly into a camera lena on at least one occasion. Atherton said anvone with knowledge of the red-haired bandit abould contact their local police department or the FBI's Santa Ana office, 542-8825. l r pounding I Beirut 8'fte.Undn ... ,,.. lar..u .... ~-ta. tMb ud artilferi ha.-.Nd W•t Btlrut today. and U.8 . pNlkientlal envoy PhllJp Habib WM teport-1 makinc pqpw ID tallut with laraeU leaden in Jeru••l•m on evacuatlna the PLO from Lebanon. Uri Porat, 1poke1inan for Prime Mlnl1ter Menacbem Be1ln, told repor&eu ln , Jenilalem: •"lbe ta1kl were FOd- We made pro1re11. We are waltlna now for further information from Ambauador Habtb." I1rael'1 army radio aald the prindplea of the evacuation plan had been Httled, and the blueprint Md been printed up in draft tonn. "but there la no full aareement yet." It uld Habib WU expect.eel to return to Beirut alter the meeting to WOl'k on the detaill still in dispute. Begin waa quoted by the hraell new1paper Yedioth Ahronoth as aaying in an interview: .. U all goes well, the evacuation will 1et under way next week." A major breakthrough in the negotiatlona came late Tue.day when Syria revened itl earlier stand and said it would take in all Pale1tlne Liberation Organization fighters the PLO wished to evacuate from Beirut. The jet strikes on west Beirut ended about mid-afternoon, but Israeli tanks continued battling guerrillas near the museum croulng point of the mid-city dividing line. Gunboats and artillery aho blazed. Cracker Jack apologizes Youth talent CARMEL, Ind. (AP) -The makers of Cracker Jack have sweet news for a girl who sued after finding no prlze ln her box of the candied snack: She'll naceive an apology and another box of Cracker Jack free. sholV slated A spokeswoman for the Cracker Jack dlviaion of Borden Inc. sald Tue1day that the company hopea 9-year-old Wendy Potunik will drop her legal action. Wendy filed 1uit seeking a prize from Cracker Jack and reimbunement for $19 ln court 0081a. In the auit filed in the lllD8ll claim• division of Hamilton County Court, Wendy claimed the company had broken an advert1alng promllle by eelllng r box of the snack that did not contain a prize. A youth talent festival is 1cheduled at Huntinaton Center Mall Wedneaday through Sunday. young people up to ~o will be participating in a talent entertainment review, a teen-age fashion show and the <>range County Youth Art Expo '82. •Mart•• Bo•1laen, a resident of Balboa, bas been named clinical coordinator of the Pediatrics and Pediatric Behavioral Medicine Units of Huntington lntercommunity Hospital. Sh e came to the •Women college graduat.el are 1nv1tect to anena a .wnmer coffee aponeored by the Wettmln•ter-Fountain Valley Branch of the American A11ociation of Onivenlty Women. The ptbennc wW be held The talent entertainment review will be ~ed in four categoriea: mUliclan&, s1ngen, dancera, comedian• and others. The teen-age fashion show will focus on back-to- achool f.ashlona. The youth art expo will display the talent of local student artists. For more information. call 897-2533. Huntington Beach hospital from the UC Irvine Medical Center, when! she worked for five years, mo8t recently as a charge nune in the pediatrk intensive care unit. She has abo aerved as a school nurse for the Santa Ana Unified School District. Thursday, Aug ~ 26. For infonnaUon on attending, call Reba StllH, 891-1122, or Rote Howard. 963-3346. The organization is open to all women who hold degrees from accredited four-year colleges or universities. 'fuorescenf Sltop ligltf ,,,-, ~~o ..... ;a:. . -,,, R-llte, #-lttolt ~ fta Addis llf1ltf "' ~ ,.,..,... tllundr)' '°°"" #td .......... ~ ... 3 .. oord, "'*"' ,_..,,,, .., .... "' ..... j ., • ........... ,Ill~ Sole Price •12.BB R"fl. Price $19.99 ~· ' · ,.. TE JI~• T aeher& credentia '!'tie blll'I ~ lnduded. ~' of ~ ltd•*-'· to be ~ by tM 11aw'I liilabil' 1lcMwinl ~. for teechen t.o1cttcw w cndlftdill~--;;--c---" ~ Wio Mi Mhed fot c.oup.r atandardl far ....... 11 well· a. ar-ctuattnC h.tch ICbool 1tuden'8, wu unable to overcome oppol1Uon from th• .P>lhlcallL::::•· uo,ooo-member California TMc:hen tlon. Marilyn Monroe il.eath probe ordered SAN FRANCISCO -For the RCOnd time in as many years, the American Bar Aaeodat.ion hM postponed revamping the rules of ethics for the naUon'a lawyers. After five years of planri.lng and haggling - who u!d he wu coerced into •IJD~:!'" Monroe'• death cerUfJcate, which lilted u cauae ol death. Van de Kamp u.ld h1a office II reviewing material.a to trace the lut 24 houn of Mlu Monroe'• life but hu not reopened a formal lnve.tfption into the death. . including four houri ·Tueaday of what one lawyer called ''pretty-cloae-to-trivolous parliamentary debate" -the ABA's policy- making Hou.e of Delegates voted to put oU further consideration of the propoeed new rules until l\11 meeting in New Orleans next February. FirefighJers halt ·six brus!i blazes Firefighters successfully put out four blazes that sprang up across Southern California, and two more, Including one that burned 1,500 acres, have been contained. A brush fire in Cactus Valley, near the WORLD Riverside County community of Hemet, had burned 1,500 acres by mid-afternoon Tuesday, but was fully contained, Dan Proctor, a California Department of Forestry fire captain, said Tuesday evening. Fifth anti-Semitic attack in Paris PARIS -A woman wu seriously injured today in the fifth anti-Semitic attack in Paris in 10 days as outraged Jewish militants went ahead with plans for a mass demonstration despite a government plea to call it off. The woman, who was walking her dog, suffered severe face and leg injuries when a bomb exploded at 1 a.m. alongside an eight-story building housing a firm that imports fruit from lsr"1 and a bank that was under Jewish ownership until private banks were nationalized earlier this year. The police d id not reveal the woman's identity. Honduras 'on alert' against Nicaragua TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras -Citing tensions with the leftist regime in neighboring Nicaragua, Honduras has placed its armed forces on full alert, canceling all leaves for more than 27,500 army, navy and air force soldiers and police and border patrol officers, a military spokesman reported. NATION The alert will last "until further notice," the spokesman said. Relations between Honduras and Nicaragua have been increaatncl~tenae in the three yea.rs since the Sandin.l.ata1f$t revolutionaries in Nicaragua overthrew President Anastasio Somoza. Reagan defends tax-increase measure BILLINGS, Mont. -President Reagan, defending an embattled $98.9 billion tax-increase bill, said today the measure pending in Congress would have very little effect on the taxes of most Americans. In his first major speech on the bill, Reagan argued the legislation was essential to his economic recovery program. U Congress refuses to pass the bill, the nation faces bigger budget deficits, higher interest rates and growing unemployment, he said. Despite the bill's provisions to increaae taxes on cigarettea. telephone services and airline tickets, the president insisted, "It will have very little effect on the majority of individual taxpayers." Mass-murder suspect points out graves HOUSTON -A bus mechanic who "believes women are evil" and who may have killed 22 women at random in the last 10 years has led police to two unmarked graves while bargaining for a 60-year jail term, authorities said. - Police dug up the remains of a 25-year-old woman on Monday and unearthed a second woman'• body, found wearing panties and a bra. in another shallow grave Tuesday. "He just does not like women -he believes woman are evil," said State District Judge Doug Shaver, after he read a psychiatric report on Coral Eugene Watts, 28. "There's never an indication of aexual molestation or theft, robbery -anything." Watts, who moved to Texas from Michigan in 1981, agreed Tuesday to help solve the murders in exchange for a 60-year prison term on an unrelated May 23 burglary charge. Indictment sought against congressman NEW YORK -The Justice Depanment is .eeking to indict U.S. Rep. Frederick Richmond on tax charges, The New York Times reported today. Edward Korman, U .S . attorney for Brooklyn, has been conducting a federal grand jury investigation of the Brooklyn Democrat since the beginning of the year. The Times quoted unidentified officials close to the investigation as saying Korman recommended to the criminal division of the Justice Department that the indictment be 90ught. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomu P. Hei.t ~ lfld a..16-AM ~ Kay Schultz \11119 ..,.....,,. lfld~-~ Tom Mutphlne r- Mlke Harwy ~al ...... ~ ~· Ken Godd«d Olr.aor of Oper8lloftl ~ecu.n Tom MoCann ........... ..., .. CIH11f1ed ectvertJelng 7141142·M7' All other depertmenta 142-4321 MAIN OfffCE DO Wett kY St., C-. Mfta. CA. ltNM ....,_: 90ll 1JM, Coatl IMM. CA.*» c..,,.._ ,.. °".,. ce.st ~'"""' c.,.,._,. ... -· ........ lllvttratlafls. ........ n\Mitr• .. Vet'llwMeftb MfWifl ....., lie r--.C• ......,. -lel penntstlotl of c....-•leM-•. Giant tax hike bill hits snag WASHINGTON (AP) -A Senate-Houae committee has broken off negotiations on a bill ralalng taxea by $98.9 billion becau1e lt can't agree on a relatively minor change in welfare lpt'nd.lna. "We've reached a temporary impu1e," Sen. Bob Dole, R·Kan., chairman of the conference oommltt.ee, aaid Tueeday n.lgh\. "If we are not 1otn1 to cut apendlna we aren't aolnl to ra19e talCIM." We're Listening ••• What do you llkt about the D1tly Piiot? What don't you like? Call t.he number below and your mttH•• will be recorded, transcribed and deHvered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour an1wertn1 ttrvice m11 be ued to record let· tera to the edit.or on any topic. MaUbo1t eoiltrlbuton muat include their name and telephone number for nrmeauon. No circulation calls, pleue. Tell ua wbat'a on ~our mind. Hauling fee lowe ed County reduces cost tor landfill rubbish By P'IUCDEIUCK ICBODIEHL ............... Sowin1 to pre11ure trom Oranee c.ounty1 28 ddeil. county supervUon haw lowered the '" to be char1ed for commercial NIWerl and tncllviclual8 who UM county.owned land..filla. LUI month, auJ*Viion. OYer protee1al from the cld•, lmPOled a t7 per ton fee for rubbt1h depoelted at the county'• four landfilll. The cltlea re1ponded by marahallng 1u9port for Ie1al action aaa1n1t the county to blOck the so-called landfill 1ate feet. The ltrateaY apparently worked. & a reawt of Tuetday'1 action, the fee will be reduced to $4.~ per ton. The fee wlll begin Oct. 11. Superviaon said it will remain in effect until July l, when it will be evaluated ba aed on recommendations of a new Solid Waste Management Advisory Committee. Unaffected by the board's action la a $10.60 per ton fee that will be charged for material deposited at county-operated transfer stations for subsequent dispaeal at landfilla. 'the $7 per ton fee would have raised about $14 million during the current fiscal yeaP. The $4.90 fee will raise about $11 million. The $3 million loss, county officials said, wlll force the county to abandon its plan to set aside money for future waste management rrojects, such as the acquisition o landfill sites and the environmentally acceptable closure of existing sites. For ex.ample, $2 million will not be set aside this year for future acquisition o f the proposed Bee Canyon landfill in eut Irvine. Also to go under are projects to control litter and add landscaping around the county's landfills, officials said. They include Prima Desbecha east of San Juan Capistrano; Coyote Canyon in Irvine; Santiago Canyon east of Orange, and Olinda north of Brea. Until last month, Orange was the only county in the state is in which a fee wu not levied on landfill users. The county in past years has financed solid waste management programs through the gene~al fund budget. Fees w e re imposed b y su- pervisors after officials warned the county was on the verge of a "waste management crisis" due to shrinking landfill capacity. They a lso cited the cost o f opening landfill locations and developing "resource recovery" programs. What effect the board's action Farm Bureau due honors Costa Mesa Mayor Arlene Schafer and Orange County Supervisor Tom Riley will honor the Orange County Farm Bw-eau on Thursday for its w eekly farm ers market a t the fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. The public is invited to the celebration beginning at 1:30 p.m. on the fairgrounds parkin.g lot at 88 Fair Drive. Fresh produce, eggs, honey, plants, nuts and fish are sold at the fairgrounds every Thursday from noon to 6 p.m. at a lower cost. Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES Cutffitd Gemologist. AGS A HISTORIC WATCH from• memo,..ble fJi6bt When rhe fam«I aviatrix A.n»U. E.l'lur1 new the ~tWilk more chan 50 year• •10, •he wore • 11113 LCJniPns watch on her wrU1 t.o help ~ htt mVf6etlotW cakuladona.. Wrl1t wacchn were not aJJ rhar QOml1JOn In tha.e daya -but Amelia wu an uncommon W'OIDall. When fhe Inr.rn11Uon-1 Dr6•nluUon ol Women P/lor• recently held • l',,.a..l ~t · ro c:omme1JJOM1t.e NI. Earh•rt'• fllfht, they went to Amell•'• birthplace In ACchl.lon, KanMlt where Uw "'4'P malnl&flw • lonlt In Che AedUDI .,... m w llM!ft')Of')'. N put ol the~ ellort to maintain th• tNmorl•I /Of9t.. rhe IMly plloU MJd • cam.. a. of .,,. malt pn..d lr.rn. .... Chae 1113 wrlat wacdl. It bfvuPt a Udy aum ... ewn t.lon the ,,.,,,.,. wound I~ tfP and fOONI &hat It ..al lt••P• perfect time. A 1ood ~ s. ~thbW that Qin hold Jc. value -both •nllmentJ and pnctlOa1 -/or many ,..,.. And _.,.""*-11 a.n ewn ~a ,,_,., ol lt/arory. Are there an.7 fl'H1ured wak'8•• amoftl ytHAr ~· h«rfoomf, "'111 have on the threet.elied lepl action by the chle1 w11 not lmmedlately known. ObMrvert laid, however. they beUeved the dtl• would accept the board'• tllC'tJon. ... •• ., r ill ••• TRASH " . : .. I I •.l Document delayed~: • J on Mesa freewray . .. A thic k e nvironmental document on the long-awaited Costa Mesa freeway expected to be released this month has been delar.ed until November, according to Caltrans officials. Courtlandt Burrell Jr., project manager of the California Department of Transportation Route 55 study, said that a draft environmental impact statement sent to Sacramento headquarters last month should be ready for public review. by November. The single-spaced, l 1h -inch report considers environmental impacts of six alternatives ranging from doing nothing to building a $159 million freeway. "Some of the things took a little lo~er to put together,'' said Burrell. ''We're not sleeping µp here," he said. , . Also included in the documeqt are three alternatives for Improving the interchange at Newport Boulevard and Paci.tic Coast Highway, ranging from doing nothing to widening both lanes of traffic over the highway and the channel. Following review by the Sac rament o office, the environmental report will be presented to the community during various open houses and public hearings. The Costa Mesa City Council is expected to take a position on the freeway and choose one of the six proposals. Death wrish reality for convicted slayer RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - Convicted piurderer Frank J . Coppola. a former pol.iceman who once studied to be a Roman Catholic priest, asked a minister to "look after my family," embraced him and strode off coolly and willingly to the electric chair. Coppola, 38, was pronounced dead at 8:27 p.m. PM Tuesday, 61 minutes after the U .S . Supreme Court acceded to his hand-written plea for a speedy execution. The decision ended a day of frantic legal maneuvering by lawyers who sought to postpone the sentence against Coppola's wishes and state attorneys who fought to carry it out. Coppola insisted h e was innocent of killing Murie l Hatehell, ·45, whose skull w~ crushed during a robbery at her home in Newport News in 1978. T es timony revealed he repeatedly pounded her head into the floor because she refuse<J to say where s h e ke pt hef money. Others involved in thtf crime said he was the killer. -. · But Coppola, who said he was ready to die to maintain his dignity and spare his family agony of further appeals. resis~ attempts to have hia executiol\ stayed. He was the fifth peraon to '* executed in this country sinct 1976. He was the flrst sin~t Steven Judy was electrocuted ill Indiana in March 1981 and tht first to die in Virginia's electlif chair in 20 years. A carat or more. When a man's achievement becomes a woman' goo9 fortune. ..... ... .. ,,... .: _11~ ·:· : i I l~'j ] 1 • I = I tm 'j "'ii; 1~.~i'· t 1 ·1 • t: tl1,.1ft~5 •.. , Ji"~ ==': ,it ~ 1 ": ~ =1fi· !!J,.: ~·; .~ ..... :I .... Ill ........ 1Mi.. 111 *"-14 J . . ·I~·· . :: ~i '• 11 =::::: if :: ' .m.=:: ' 1t ~.:.:·" T I Iii ti ;~:~: If, 11:! ~ 1'1 •• ~·~ ... we·.~· i -i ~· 11.~.~ I~ fj J,~ • • : ·~1 ·~ w.! ~ ff + t: l6b~ • • ... ~ "' .J • "'-"' ~ . , • '"fti + -,,,,.. • il ..... Int,._ a ~ a:=• ~ •1 1. ' J--.,. I'll !I" • 11 '' -1 .,.. •rtt!I' ~.. 9 If~ 1i1o ..,.,, 1, .,. •· .~ .. •11t't1' t. c• t -\'II •... a.1 • ... 14 • 1 v.,,.1,. '"" ~r,s • ~ 110~ I .. t + .. •HO 1'12 Tl ·ir. .,..... ·~" "'. 1'11-1 ITT..... 4.. .... I"' I, 11 ""'• " , .. t WI. ,. -• • IOI&-" . ~ " i...... ia 4'r t• ?!' ... ;.; .,9o1pf '· .. a:: ....... l" ii«> s.. 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J 4 lA"' + 14 1>1111• pf ... dOD B lo•H 1 l!:r. U 4 6 6 + .. ~ ,40 .. 1 t .. .. . r '!Jl!!.4> .. JS ~ " --:::: '! 5! l:m =·=~::°" :m·· = ·~1;.: -=··~ ~~·&: ~~I~ 10~·~1:::,-~1'1 .... '·'t,• ~ ,...~.~ t ''j ii 3' ::;~ ~""' •::' J ~!:;l: ~.,;.~.~ 'Y l!~: ~~Ii :l::r ::l"" I 1tt iWI• \II Of 1' , .. la -._ ,......11111.6.S I Id ltYi-I'll f'Spu.1J .. 'O f1 + WI ~k ., -..... , .. " .. '1"..... ~, :: I "It•" i::::::itHh ,.: n:-·~ " 'ji ,~ ..... :l'tl!... ·'· • ·~· \t ~ I IJ.I 11::..... '1' .II " -16 ..... =HG 1:10 • I• 11~ Ill I.. t ~""· ~-;' t.i. 'l 1J 1lt'..:'" • .. ... It "' ;n .. -510 ~..... o•v iAloe " ··~· "' r ·~· \It ftvi""~ .. t " 7 a.,I · & ~ ~~ ~ ce"' ,If s • "4111~1~ Wit ·'° ~. t..i I~ wo .» ,t '!! '°"'·.... llwelu I ... 7 n "'8-; 11~ ' Mf ~" &Am :J..•.!.J4.!~~ ..... :::::. ·1'f "I :m:: ~ 0t l n ,:::,., ~ ,1 J JL t= -,, . ·1 w a~~·~ !i ·Jll ltt \Ii~.~ n=fl := ~ J: ilE ~ -·!! 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'I ~: .n:ll .• ~ Irvine firm gets power plant pact Ultraq1tema, Inc. of Irvine announced t.he com~ m. beml awarded a f228,000 oontrllc'l '° lMt.i1l a 1.~kOowatt ~ poww ~t at CalTech. · Coaeneratlon plant• are power 1ener•t!rJ t.dlltill which llmultaneoualy pl'Oduce electrtdty ~ltMm. . c.on.trucdan wW be by Ofcoo ConatrucUon C.o ••• tubddiary of Ultl"Uy1Jt.erN, Inc. Piper Hydro income up Revenuet of Piper Uydro Inc. of Irvine totaled $806,349 in ihe qua.rt.er ended June 30, up 2,000 percent from t13,019 ln the leOOnd quarter of 1981. However, th«e wu a Jou for the quarter of $96,840 eaual to 2 centa per lhare, compared with a J.ma of $2&;a20, or 1 cent, in the year-eatlier period. The company uid greatly improved aecond- qµart.et revenue. were lnadequat.e to ot&et lOCtelled 001tl of public ownenhip of the company and the experwe of building of. the busineaa in anticipation of improved howling marketa. Seahawk income gains Seahawk Oll lnt.ematlonal Inc. of Newport Beach an independent oil and gas exploration company, achieved lncreued gains in revenues and eaminp for the quarter ended .rune 30. Net income reached $290,836, or 10 centa per share, compared with $49,189, or 1 cent per share, tor the Uke period last year. Revenues for the quarter were $597,837, including $463,068 in oil and gu sales. vs. revenues of $145,860 with no oil and gas sales for the like period of the prior year. Primo opens HB store Primo, which calla itself the world'• largest natural food supermarket, opened a store today at Beach Boulevard and Main Street at the 5 Points Shopping Center in Huntington Beach. Real estate lecture slated An ueodate of Robert Allen and Hollis Norton, who lecture and writ.eon obtaining real estat.e with no money down. will hold a aeminar Thursday at 8 p.m. at the South Coast Plaz.a Hotel. Costa Mesa. There is no admiasion charge. Fluor unit awarded job A Fluor Corp. unit has received a contract from Abu Dhabi National OU Co. for a sulfur-handling terminal to be constructed at Ruwaia, United Arab Fmlrat.es. SIOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS DOW JONES AVERAGES WHAT STOCKS DID HEW V~K IAPI Auo. 10 w+vl AMOOIO Tu.dey .. 6tS 415 1151 s llS NEW YORK IAP) AUii. 10 T~ 22t 11• 241 751 -· METALS 1 SS ~ JOO i.. n• ' .. NEW YORI( (AP) -Spot non•r- met.i prioea todey: C.,.. ~71 oenta a pound, U.S. dattlMtiOM. Laed 24-29 cent• a pound. Dno 37-40 oanta a pound,~ • 'ftft ... 1103 Met• WMk compo1M lb • .... .._ 19-11 o.ntt • pciund, N.Y. ......., 1345.00 per lleat!. ......._ 12&4.0042H.OO troy ounce, N.Y. SILVER Handy l Harman, $8.220 1>9r '1oy ounce. GOLD QUOTATIONS I ) l ' I t I I l RIB ROASTS USDA CHOICI! •IU • LAROI END 1·~ SEEDLESS GRAPES • PLUMP tlUICY ' UJ.L •UNCHH __. ........ ~ 4t. YELLOW PEACHES PRHITONI • URKEY DRUMSTICKS MIATY HONEYDEWS 8WllT #HOLa MILONa 19~ .. ~~!e~!D QRAPl~R~~.!_._ 5 ~ 79• FRIAR PLUMS 79• ·~--• .......... -............................................... la. !!.-~~!1!!!~~~2!.~8 -·---··-·-··--4 •• HOU8! PLANTS 111 ,.._., __ "°'-·--·-·-···· ...................................... .. IT ~LL~! zu~Q.Y,ASH 31~ .. ~ 31~. FRESH BREAD IMITH'I • WHITI • IANDWICH 11-0Z. LOA' ·~· PEANUT BUTTER -.... ~ . I~ ~ [ : ·'11 ll It l .~ ) • I 'f , I ) ,. I JI '--. ·coKE, TAB, SPRITE 11-0 CAN .. 12211 'PAK ~~!c~ BUf!_!~ .......... --........... -........ 111 Bl!l!F RAVIOLI 111 e.-..., . ...,..,-.c..,. _ .. __ ........................................ - TOTINO'a PIZZA 111 1-.oa. eoa,-. -....... -............. -..................................... . ~.~~.~~!!~!~.~ ............................ _,.,_ ... 89• PRBSISR VBQBTAllLD -For the home with both fr.aer and rrdcroWaw oven, 1tora1• contalnen of proper 1lu1 can eaee food J>Nparat1on. FRESH BROCCOLI GAROINftNDU 41~. PREMIUM POTATOES PAIMIUll GMDID • PlltM llA e micro~a~ b preserving -vegetables:: · J'reah _.p,r~duce , wM&bei P'Cll*I ln yow- own ~or ~hued at a market or roadaide etand, meana enjoyable dlnin1 ln aummer and early fall. W Jth p\ooper preparation and fnezina, 101De ot that bounty can be euUy preaerved for UM on the dinner table rl&ht chrouih winter and 1prfn8. ·~ II 0 It fr U i U ID d """' UCWtik Md !'I ~can be frcmn 1YNP In~· •acoeMfull)' ift die bame .... ormlatnli'I. &ii food t.ree.r. ~ tbit Mott fruU1 s•n J few excepUon1 are ~t from dW,...... J nlad-type ve1etable1 Chit freiilia' wttti 1uch u lettuce, celery pnpuaUon. and t.omatoet. Bec::au. of V ... tablet, how~ their hlCh water content. muat be heated bef freutn1 producea freeatn1 to bah t ~ndealrable te)(tural ripenJna proce., w~t chans-. continue. aft.er~ Frultt are usually '!be heailnl J)rOCe9 pecked for freezl.nC with to pc-epa.re veptabl.I the freezer 1• call blanch1nc, . The microwave o 0 haa proved ltteU excellent blanchtna since it eUmJnatet t need for large potl bolling water and c down on work time. makes It euier to vegetablet in amCll batches throughout tlMf life of a home gardap Many newer mlcrowati5 cookbook• contaiild l n 1tr u ctlon1 fod-1 blanching vegetable., with easy-to-follaiw chart.. , 'iJ For example, here uei the recommended ·~ for blanchfr\S one ~ of a1paragus lnii'lq mlctowave oven: •hq -1. Wash vegetabhq and prepar e aa fi cooking. This should done just prior to t. ~ blanching and freezi process. . r -2 . Select! appropriately size m(crowave -1at container with a cov "' .F. For example, a pound att fresh asparagus, cut in~ one-or two-inch pi~ can be processed in''lr' two-quart container. 3qo -3 . A d d !4 cu'& water. (Amount vari~t for ~ther vegetablesrrt.) 3 -4. Cover con LONDON BROIL and microwave on power. Recommend ~ blanching time fo asparagus is 2 ~ to 3 minutes, but vegeta~l ' should be checked the minimum time. Jl pieces are not unlfo USDA CHOICI •HP• THICK CUT ROUND 1•• LB. RED SALAD TOMATOES SALADLmUCE RID • QltHN LIAI' • •UntR • ROllAINI! bright in color. Shake o tt / stir thoroughly aqd · continue heating for f4ll1 a m o u n t o f t i m tt.e Vegetables should lj~ stirred once balf-WtYs through blanching aw again afterward. .rl~ -5. ImmediatelJW after final atirriniat empty vegetables lnto,M colander and plunge~ ice water to stop th1t0 cooking process. Chill f9f(1 a p e r i o d e q u a J t ~d blanching time. 118 -6. Drain vegetabl&<J s haking off excene molature, then pat dry with paper towels. If -7. Lightly pae4lT vegetables into a pirle.GI size container, leavirtt tJ about ~ inch of heriN/ space to allow fd\!>e expansion durinto8 freezing. ·-;w 3~1~3~1 -8 . Label eactlV. contain-er to sho:wtl contenta and date. FtWn e c o n o m y a nl di' convenience, use a strfp Qf masking tape and itc1 waterproof marking ptt¥' for this purpose. :>9 1 --1-DRI TOWELS PAPllt • 81NOLI ROLL TAOPICANA ORANGE JUICE 111 .,.....-.c .................. ______ ,_,, ____ ,_ ~~T~i!2 .... ~~~,,.c11 ..... :_ ................ ,_ ....... -89• ~~!~~!,._Jc~~~--·-··-· .. -......................... 121 PARTY TIMI PO~I 1•t ,,_,,.ca.--......... ,_ .. _·--·--··----···--·--·····-.. ·· CHICKEN OF THE SEA LIGHT CHUNK TUNA• OIL OR WATIR PACK• l~.OZ. CAN -9. Place the fill~ container in the freez.e't8 immediately. For thfe' first 24 hours, store witb~ room for air to circu1atNI around the contalnel'>.d Then stack tightly, wiUi the most recently-frouln product In back or on the bottom. WO . -To rninimiz.e ~ on the freezer, treeZe RNL more than three ~ of food for each cu~l foot of freezer apa q within a 24-hour pert J Equilment shout.., i n c lu e an ampre- aaaortment of toaaa containers whlc!W' withstand temperatw\a aa low as 40 deare~ below 11ero. • al • d 8 New Y11mk1n1 C>ql appealing ~~ SAN FRAHCISCO ~ Del Monte Co~p. w • lt.ap the molt I conaumer promotion ~ lta 81-yew hilt.ory •l;i the Del Monte Coun Fair beslna nm man . q on~a:=;, -an~Uneol fruit and v•1•u~ shaped dolll known Country Yurillna. .c111f J "The Count~ Ywnldnii may be ..,._ but we btlMYe they wtl1 mottvate CGn1umen '4> t;uy more Del Mo_. .Pi'oductl." ..... ~ o .. Roth1chlld, YI.., --~-11111~-tol~ Lawyen bOxing NWW YOAK (AP) A purport.cl contract exteaalon for a 11,b, ~tween World BO~ Nmid&don hleww.t.ht chain_.. Mlb W•Y.r and llandy Cobb will forc:it •ttome)'a *k into 'federal court here to dlacua the validity of another utle bout pact, tbe court Mid Tue.ray. On Monday, U. S . Dlatrlct Court Judge WW1am C. Connor ruled \hat promoter Don King bad the rieht• to handle a fight between Weavu and top -ranked challenger Michael Dokes. which would be etaged 1ometime in October . That aettlemen t, however, waa base<t on the premise that the WBA had refused to extend the deadline for a Weaver-Randy Cobb fight. acheduled for Aug. 3 and delayed by an injury to Cobb. DEATHS · ELSEWHERE ORLANOO, Fla. (AP) - WUUam R. You1, 80, the father of •sace ahuttle astronaut an moonwalk.er John Young, died Saturday. SALT LAKE CITY lAP\ -Maade B. Campbell, 83, the first woman to buy a tlcket and fly on a commercial scheduled airline, died Friday. She made the trip J~ 10, 1926, · ln an open-cockpit wood and fabric plane, the Douglas M2. LOS ANGELES (Ap) -Jolla Coltraee Jr ., 17-year-old eon of the late Jan saxophonist John Coltrane, died in an auto mishap Saturday. te·nbre g e r ~ HJa ldre and lire roulme bu t'utw monlly .. Pf!!.,..' ~· .. ~~::. ~ lh·WILLOIUlm.n .._,~-==Jr:...J-1na: ' ~ ~--. lill-....~--:1n • .._..;JKtmm,..,Jtwmm'tmot.d • ~·•.o.... ...... 8o dwt Bronx .. "*llit IDIG M&ma1 lfoWe ~ WMn M ~DlaY.inc me .. chmn with bla ~,.::c._ w lllld wlltl lfll ~ =-~ ~:~y John mana1era1 b\lt ihere were= wtth the ~.::.:':'=:.:::: 'l'he Qiirilty Uiit ._ the v.-Plnltri~ mistrmtmlftt of the vmerable and you.r\I .,.,.._. o..wi ~ ~ ,.....ratk>QI wildlilly hM turned Into • Dim HOww. . T'llll ~ -fled wlOI u. IOW'CI ot ~. • The .._Uan wos•.S OYW the 1aR couple of eouml on of Otenoe County°"' &. Gecqe Stelnbftnw hll fired an.other y.n.; &a. Stelnbnnnw bc'Oedlned the nnp of JIJlt I • tHa. ,__,. ~ -hi.I~ manaprial chanp th1a ~. ~ubftlflecl Orano• Cout Dall th• nlnth in 10 eeuona. ·r.01,....E'N'W' ... RY ""'·Jib :u. 11, A4111 4, 11. tta Old a.or,. La at lt .,.m. t.11 1r•1r.1J l "f in J an1 But th.la ti.me lt .. men than • weary clJche. tire and Wt no one immune. PWIJC mncr The auddennell of th• IC'Ucin and the manner in ~ u-._ .......... _,_ ... _ R1 NnT1GUeM111•11 which it wu done -on the heel• of an e. ~ · n.. •niv..v PUl.l-Y wn MAim tTATmmn ... __ in d b' h--..a 1 th Ch' and Cliff JolinlCiin. bepn a public aharpehooUna Tl'e fottowtno S*ton I• dolno emuu-rua a ou 11e niuer a. to e ica,to ~ ....,_ hJa belt and most loyal playere. ~ • White Sox -added a touch ot tnpdy to tM old I Tolnmy John, who becaJM .• plt.chlna staff Pfltd~· .. ~~'t r:i,.~:t'!"31~bJ 1eenari5teoln. b-nner, a man of recc>'""'".-bualneta stalwart with a nttruciured arm, lt the lAtett. 11,. v 1 c I! a. < d 1 Mu LT 1 • ·-··~-.u1 ........ _ hol ·--!:.,._,,.into _._._ f Upeet that John hadn'~ meMUNd up to previc>UI ... A AK IT IN 0 . I• I Mu LT I· acumen. ... """'-.... n111 w e ,_.." a ·--o •tatllUce, Steinbrenner u.kl, "Tommy John iln't the ~l;::~:,;ir~ dlNrray -almost every one ot them publicly Golden Boy we thouaht he wu." He Mid John w., .,~ J. Piii. 8 Wiiow T,.. demeenecl in IOlne fuhJon. "weak" and •'needecf a crutch." 1.1ne. !Mne, Cellfofnla ta1111 The Boa wu known .. an impatient and Tommy la naiW'all~ df.8counooed, uldna to be "* ~,. ~ by an lmpetuoua man, but he outdid himlelf thia Ume --.... ll , J hn lndMOutlartdfofd Pita storming into the locker room at 1 o'clock in the traded. "I can't at.and th1a tunno .' 0 eaya. Thie •tat'"*" wM "*' wttn t.119 """""" M' ha l th t and ff ·"""... Steinbrenner complained that Dave Wintield, eoumy Clertl o1 0r-. County on morning, ..... "'6 ic e on e a poi 0 e4 ... hJa '24 million outfielder who hu been ffeldJni and June ta. 1N2. the custornen a rain check for the bad performance .... t ....... &l-..a'dly, ••can't Mll"'l"V the club the way '*'" to which they had been subjected. IU -oe ll:'INI -• oT al ,..... Publllhed Orange CoHI Dally As fiery Billy Martin and aott-ahoe Bob Lemon Reagie d." He aatd Graig Nettles wu ow .. oe Piiot, July 21. 211. Aug. 4, '~-J:!12 before him, Michael, the beloved "Stick" whom do~e has been ah.arply critical of Rk:k Cerone, "8JC NOTIC( Steinbrenner said was like a aon, became the third ,..~ r-.. -, Ken Griffey and others. He has, __ ....;..;;.;;.;;.;.;.......;..;,~~-twioe hired and twice fired. ~ ... ._..... rk '9CTIT10Ua .,.. .. I was naive. He had been awarded a made Randolph and other longtime Yankees wo · MAim ITATWmMT in i 1983 f h OUt on Off-dayt few punishment. The lollowlng per1on II doing three-year contract, start g n a ter t e In firing Michael, he aatd, "There are a lot of bu*-• faithful Lemon -"old Lem wu always there men on this team 1 would like to trade.'' Hunt~t'!is=: JA0:~:. 81·• when I needed him," Steinbrenner said -had been The team's morale la ahot probably beyond MwlM Grelln Shaw, 504 7th allowed to manage a full 1982 aeason as the Boa repair. Poor Clyde King. the new ma.nqer, a nioe 8tn:"'~ ~2t8;,,, pro~~ a promise lightly given, never kept. man -what can he look forward to but aimllar lndMdualManne G. Shaw . Michael should have known better, juat a.s indignity? Thia ll•temtnt WU flied wOtl tile ha alir.ed ha job 'th Ceo Only one man c an manage for George Couniy Clertl of Orange County°" Lemon must ve re . alt~ a ~ r~ Steinbrenner. That's Billy Martin. He takes Aug. e, 1982. Steinbrenner hangs by a e er t -to nobody'• sass. Don't count him out. ,_ snapped at the Boss' first angry whim. Publlahed Orange Cout Da!IJ It is getting tire9ome to hear the worn refrain: NIUC M>TICt Piiot. Aug. fl, 19• 25• Sept.3k,}~ "It's George's ball club. He should be allowed to do Nil.IC. NOTICt h I .. T•1al T·11141 --II' NOTICt with it what e p eases. NOTIC• OP TMllTW•·· IAU NOTICI OP ... ~ True, but with reservations. Thia is a franchise , ... ..._ •• TMllTU'e •AU '1Cnne>ua .,... .. the Sp,..;t of which has been ··~1-ed When Charlie On A ........ 25. 1982. at to:oo Lm. T.t ..... 1-41119-C MAim ITATDmNT u • w 1~ • SHEARSONi AMERICAN EXPRESS YOU AM • o.f'AUL T ~ A The loltowtno pereon 11 doing Finley ihreatened io destroy a franchise at ESCROW COMPANY. formerly oao °" TINIT DATWD ., ... ~ •: Oakland, baseball stepped in to prevent it. known .. Southam ClllM &crow ..... YOU TAH AC110N TO COMPUTECH RESOURCES. Company .. Truet ... Of $1-NOT•CT YOUR NONATY, IT 173 Btoadway, Cott• MeH, CA F ·1 ·m passes TruatM Of Subttllutect TruatM, of MAY •• SOLD AT A ~UILIC 92827. am1 y SWI thatoertalnDeeclofTruateucutect IALI. "YOU •n•D AN Timothy Slmlrd , 173 by PAAPHAI AMORNSRISAKUL. a IXJIUNATION CW nta NATUM Broedwey, eo.ta Meaa, CA 92127. N Single Woman, and recorded Ju1tt CW nta f'ROCUOtNO AGAtNIT Thia ~ te oonduclecl by an aval.lable 1•0 ewport 23. 1ee1 .. 1ns1rumen1 No. 32111. You. You IHOUlO CONTACT. lndM<IUal. In book 14 t62, Paoe 320, ol Offldal LAW'n"-TimothY C. Simard Record a ol Orange County, On Thuradey, Auguet 29, 1982, •I Thi• 1tatamant wu flied with tM Summer Family Swim Passes are available .tor Calllornta, and pureuant 10 that 9:00 A.M., Tiiie ,,,_.,_and Truat County Cltf'k of Orange eounty °" Public Swl·rruru·ng at the Newpon Harbor High certain Notte• ol Default and Compeny. •• duty appointed Aug. 11. 1982. Elec:llon to Sell Ulereunder recorded Tru1tff under and pureuant lo ,,... 50-meter pool, through the Newport Beach Parks, Aprll 7, tH2 H tn1trument no. Deed ol Trutt ,_dad~ 28. Publlthed Orange Coaet Dally Beaches and Recreation Department. 82-120029, tn book -. -, of '"°· .. tnat. No. saae. book Piiot, Aug. 11, tll, 26. Sept. 1. 1ea2 AdmLSS. 1·0 n ;. $1 per person per .,,.,.,,,.,10· n, but Offlclat Aecordl o1 Mid Couniy. wtn 13721, P•CI• 239, of Olltctat 354M2 "" """""" under and punuant to Nici Deed ol R«>ord• In the offloa Of 1119 County -----------with a Family Swim Pass, an immediate family can Truat Mii at publlc IMIOllon tor CMtl, Recorder ol Orange County, NII.IC NOTICE h 1th . ( $27 50 lawfulmoneyoftll9Unllec1Sta1Mol Callfomle. WILL SELL AT PU8LIC ___ ;...;;;;;;,;;.;;..;.;.;;.....;..;......_,,..,,..-DllrH llBTICIS use t e poo e entire sununer or • . 4__..._ •I ,..._ '-ont entrance to AUCTION TO HIOHEST BIDDER NOTICa TO CONTRACTOftl . Public swimming is held from noon to 2 p.m. ;;-~ty ~hou... 700 CMo FOACASHORCASHIER'SCHECK. CAUJNCHOlltml M o ndays thro~ Fridays; noon to 3 on Saturdays Center Ori~ WHI, Santa Ana. (payable al time of .... In lawful School Dlllrlcl: COAST and Sundays. e ........... also evening sessions on Calllornl•. all that right, title and money ol tM United Statea) •• 1119 COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT. •'" ... '" lnter•t oonwyect to Ind now held front entrance to 1119 Old Orange Bid OMdllne: 2:00 o'eioctt p.m. ol HOWBERT Mondays and Wednesdays from 6:30 to 8 p.m.. by It urder Mid Deed o1TN1tIn1119 Coun!Y Court~ located In tile the 26th day of Auguat. 1ea2. A G N E S K E L L Y A full schedule of swimming lessons are also prop«ty attualed In Hid County 200 8locll ol WMt Santa Ana BMI., ~of 8ld ~: Offloe ol th9 HOWBERT, resident of available for children through adults. Call 640-2271 ~•,:*°"b•cha: =w:r:.~~!:'~t!".!t ='."~~ch~:·~ Irvine, Ca. Paaed away on f t hed 1 of classes Unit 153 .. .,_ and defined on convey9e1 to and now held by It District. t370 Mam8 A-... Coet• Auguat 10, 1982. She is or a curren SC u e · that certain condominium plan under uld Deed ol Trull In 1119 Meaa, CA ~:le. survived~ her daughter PlllllC NOTICE NII.IC NOTICt recorded Aprll 21. 1978 In Book property 11tuatecl In uld COunty ProJact ldantlllcatlon Name: N f "'-·-'-Ca 12644. Page 9t5 ol olfklial nicord1 and State daacribed •: Orange cout College Reroollng ancy o ~ uaun, ·• a.....a ..-. of Orange County, Callfornta. ~AJIC•L 1: Lot 97 of Tract No. Pro)ecta, BIO 111085 brothers Joo Howbert, NOnca cw T9'Ua'Rl'a SAU NOT'lt'I °' TMllTlra IALI ~ARCIL t: 3433 In the City 01 Cotta M•a. ~Pl-.,. on 111e: Otllce Of Daniel Howbert both of T.I. ..._ '~ T.L ..._ T·1oo.m7 Ari undMdad 11eo tntertet 1n and County ol Or•nge, State of the Olrec1or . .Joftn Potter, PhyslQll Califomla, Don Bucher of NOTIC• ~ANT NOnca TO to Lot 2 ol Tract No. t0137, •• CellfonMa. .. per ft\9'I recorded In Faclllllu Pfenning, Coul C 1. f I · t H 1 YOU AM .. DU'AUL T ~ A ~ 0...._ lhOwn on a map recorded In bootc book 178 pagte 48 10 50 tnc:tuelYe, Community College Dltttlct, 1370 a l orn a , 111 era e en TMRD ~ Ot' TltUST, DAftD YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNC>eR A 4 2 8 . p. Cl •• 4 8 t 0 II 0 0 I of Mleoellaneoua Mapa, In 1119 otlloe ~Ave .. TratW Fadlll:y. Coate Weber and Kathryn Cassidy ~M91ER t, ,-. UNL.eU y DEED OF TROST, DATED 10-27-81, mlacellaneoua map•. rtcorda 01 ol th• county racorder ol Hid Meaa. CA 92829, (714) &&e-5707. both of Ohio and Edna TAKI ACTION TO ~ltOTIC UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO Orange Counl:y, Callfomlt. together counl:y. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhet Bucher of California. YOUll "'OfllllTY. IT MAY I PROTECT YOUR PROPEATY, IT with •II lmprov•m•nt1 thereon, ~A9'CIL I : A non•UClutlv• the~ School Dtatrlct of Slumber room visitation will aOU> AT A flUKIC MU.• Y MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE. UCIPttna lheraffom OOtldornlnlum ....,,..., tor tnor ... and egr ... Orange County, C.llfomle.. ac:tlng d MUD Mt ECJ'\.ANAnoM Of' IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION units 9'( through t58, fnclullve, from Mid Parcel f ttvough Lota ti& by and through 111 Governing be held on Wednea ay, NATUA• Of' TMI f'ROCRDIN OF THE NATURE OF THE locatadlMreon. end, .. of Tract No. 3433. In 1119 Board. Mralnatter referred to .. August 11, 1982 from 12:00 AQAINIT YOU, YOU IHOUL PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. YOU E11cepllng therefrom all 011. oil City of Coat• ....... County ol .. DISTRICT", .... receive up 10, but noon to 8:00 PM at the CONTACT A LAW\'El. SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER. rlghl1, mlneral1, mlneral rlght1, °'9:1ge, Stale of Calllomla, M per not Iller than tlte abov ... 1tated Harbor Lawn M e morial On September 3, 1982, at 9:1 On September 1. 1H2, •I tO:OO natural gH rlghll and other map recorded In boo1t 178pagea 48 ume. IMled bids tor tM -d of• f b AM Exc:henga Titlehoktafs Inc.. A.M .. CENTURY ESCROL, • hydrocarbon IUbstanote below • to 60 lnduelw. ol Mlacell•-· oontrect for tMr:!:"9.J.ofect. Ch a Pel · Ma Is O t e dU!y., appointed TNSI .. under Calllornta corpor atlon, •• duly depth ol llOO teet under IN parca1 w..,.. tn 1119 office of ttle county Bide 111a11 be In the~ ReaurTection will be held on pur9Uartt to Deed ol Truat racor appointed Trull•• under and of land herelnabove dHcrlbed racordar of Mid county. ldantlflaCI above. and •hall b• Thunda6,, August 12, 1982 January29. t981,Hln11. No.~toDeeclolTruat-~ wtthoulthel'lghtol-'-antry.• ,.A9'CIL I: Art e11clua1ve opanadlndpubllclyrMdabldat l 0 0 AM t the Holy 3258e, In book 13929, paoa 1327, November 2. 1Mt. • lnlt. No. ""'• r~ tn the deed from Quall MMment to place and maintain the a~ltatect time and~. at : a,....,__ l Loe of Offlclal Record• In 1119 ofb In.book 14277. P•CI• 1109. of Run-Northwood . a limited utlll!YllnMacr-Lots 115and 1M There wlll be 1 '26.00 depo.it Crom Cemetery ..,, .. pe ' 111a County Recorder ol Orang C>mdat Record• In 1119 office ol 1119 partne"111p rec:orCled March 30. ot 'T'rect Ho. 3433. In the City of required for ••oh HI ol bid Angeles, Ca. Services under County, S tate ol Calllornla. County Recorder of Orange 1979 In 8ootl 13087. Page 1ooe ol Cott• Meu, County ol Orange, documanltloguarant .. thelrrwtum the direction of Baltz ExacutectbyThomuLozano. County. State ol Callfornla, olfldalracor~ State ol Calllornla, u per mep In good condltk>n within 10 da'fl Bergeron-Smith & Tuthill WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCT ueouted by MOUNIR DAOUD· ~ARCIL a: 1'9Cordad In book 178 pagea 48 lo .,.., Ille bid opening dale. 646 9371 TO HIGHEST 8100£R FOA CASH MARDINI Will SELL AT PUBLIC An u clu1tve enemenl lor 50 lnclu1lva, ol Ml1celleneou1 Eacf1 bid must oonfOfm and be Westcliff Chapel. -. (payable at time ol NM In lawfU AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER par1llng and '91eled ~ owr MllClt. In IM olfloe ot the counl:y rupon1lva lo th• contr act money ot t,_ United Stai.a at t FOR CASH (payable at time of Nie that portk>n of Lot 2 of Mid Tract recotder of Mid county, to prOYlde dooumant1. BLANKENSHIP DAVID C. BLANKENSHIP, a resident of Santa Ana, Ca. Puaed away on August 8, 1982. He la IW'Vived by bia mother L. Jean Blankenship o f Fountain Valley. Ca., sister Barbara Gulewic h of Oregon . n iece Sierra Gulewich and nephew Cody Oulewlcb all of O regon. Funeral eervlces will be held on Saturday, Augu1t 14, 1982 at lO:OOAM at the Harbor Lawn Memorial Chapel. Services under the d.iJ"ecUon of Harbor L.awn- Mount Olive Mortuary of eo.ta Mesa. 54-0-55S4. front-entrance to the old Ora In lawful money ol the United No. 10137, M lhOwn on Exhibit "A" water. etec:trlclty, gH. telephone E.actl bidder lhalt 111bmtl, on 1119 County CourthouH. located o Stat•) at Iha North front entrance to ttie declar•llon Of reetrlctlonl lor and .._age MNloe lor llngl• form lurnteneo with 1119 contrec:t s • n t a A n • 81 v d . . bat w • • n to the oounty oourt~. 700 CMc the IC)tlnga condomkllutn, -dad lamfly ....idenllal ...a to Mid Parcel ~ta. • Met o1 t.119 propoeect Sycamore St. & ~oadwey, Sant Center Drive Welt, Santa Ana, Aprfl 2t. 1978 In 9oo1t 12644, Page 1. Mid --.t to be along ltle IUbconlracton on tllla projec1 u Ana. Calif .. rtght title and Int Calllornla ell right. title and lntereet 820 ol olllclal record• and re-Mt end moet oonven1ant route required by th• Sublettlng and convey9d. to and' now held by I conveyed to and now-held by II recorded May 3 , 1178 In 8oolt ~· the Mid Paroet 1 end the Subconttactlng Fair Practk:iaa Act. under uld Deed ol Truat In t under utd Deed ol Trull In tll9 1:zeeo, Page 618 of olfldal -di HrHI publlc ullllty HHment Oovt. Code Sec. 4100 et aaq. property 11tuated In uld Count pro~rty lltuated In uld County ol Orange County, Calllornla. on the map of Mid tract. E.cf1 bidder muat IUbmtt with Illa and State deacrlbed aa: and State deacrlbed aa: jh•r•lnalter referred to •• ~AllCIL 41 A non-axctualv• bid certified or ca1htar'1 check Parcel 1: That portion of Lot 1 Lot 93 Tract No. 7838, In 1119 'Oeclaretton" H cerport Sp-t owr Lot 98 of Tract 34331 peyat1ta to t119 DISTRICT or • bid of Tract No. 10491, • ~ on City ol ~ Beech. County of 153. Said HHment la luflh•r lhe City of Coata Meaa. County or bond In the form Mt forth In 1119 map recorded In book 4&11 pagae Orange. Stet• of Celllomla. • per cl.tined and deaGr1bed In AfUdM II • S'-19 of Celllomta. M par contrect ~I• In an amount and 4 1 ol Ml1cellaneou1 f.tap1, m-.i recorded In book 308. page 1 and "' ol the decfaratton. ~In boolt 178 pagte 48 not l•M then tO percent ol the racordl of Mid County. lllow<l and to 9 lnc:tualw, mlloell.,_ fMP'. PAl'CB. 4c o llO Incl~. ol MIMlell•"eovt mulmum amount of bid H • d a f f n • d a 1 u n I t 5 o n • tn 1119 otlloe ol the Counl:y Recorder A non-.ICCIUtlw _, for uae apt, In 1119 otnc. ol the county guarani• that tht bidder wilt enter ' Conclomlnlum Plan recorded June Of Mid Couniy. end enjoyment of 1119 OOIMIOll .,.. ecorder of Hid county. for the Into 1119 prOpoaecl contract If the 3, t980 In bootc 1382.4 paoa 1207, &.oepttng tharetorm al oll, GM ~ In the ~ Mid of party welle on °' HIM 11 awarded to him. In the Olflclal ~ ol Mid County. and ot11ar ~ eubetanoaa 1111 oent being f\lrthar deftned and the boundariae .,.._.. Mid _.,. of fallura to .,,,., Into Mid Parcel 2: An undMded 1/16th t>etow • dapth of 1100 IMt from ttw ~In Mldea II end m ol CM Mand Mid Parcel 1. contract. auch H curlty wlll 1>• tnt.,... In end to trial portion of Lot -1-of Mid land, but w1tt1out CM ~. The _.... ~ ot ,A9'CIL I : An undivided .'2 tOl'falt. t of Tract No. 10491, ln the County right of entry thereon, • proYlded Uld propei-ty: 1113 Streamwood, arcent lnlerHt n tenant In OISTRICT --1119 right to of Orange, State Of Celllomia, .. In an ln1trumenl recorded on IN!ne, CA $2714. In end to Lot• 1116 and 1te rejec1 any or all bid• or tow.we any ~on a map l'9COfded In booW Auguat 30, t973 In book 10877, Name and addreu ol the f Tract No. 3433, In 1119 City ol ln-agularltlM or tnformalltlM In any 411 8 . p • g •a 4 O and 4 1 of Paoe 127. Olllolal Aeoorda. benellolary at whoM requMt the 01ta M•H. County ol Orange, bide or In the blctdlng. Mlacellaneou1 Mapa. record• of Parcel 2: Non-e11cluatve ••I• fa being conducted: tale ol Celllornla, u per map Purauant to the provl1lon1 ol -----------IMld County. lllOwn and deftr'9d .. appurtenant ..-nan! fOf ~ SHEAABOH/AMERICAN EXPAESS dad In book 178 Pt10M 48 to 8ec:t1on 1773 of tlle Labor Code o1 .. c 0 mm 0 n Ar •••• 0 n • and .... ~ prtvat• lill'Mll -MORTAGAGE CORPORATION 0 lnclu1lve. of Ml1cellaneoue Ill• Stet• of Ca lllornla, th• Condominium P1911 recorded June I e I Io r 1 h In I h O I a C •rte In attomey..ln-lact few N100E ISLAND , In lll9 office of the county DISTRICT llH obtained from the ' .... Cl laOTMMS / SMITHS' MOllTUAIY 627 Main St. ~nllngton Beach S36-6539 McCoaMCI MOllTUAl•S Legune Beach 494-9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San ~ Cepisfrano 495-1ns , 3. 1980 In book t3824 page 1207. declaratlon1 ol CO.)f•n•nh. HOSPITAL TAUST NATIONAL of Mid OOUl'il:y. Di rector ol th• Department of Otftclal Aecorda of Mid couniy. condtt1on1 and rettrtollon1 BANK, 1201 E. HIGNend Ave .• San No Street addren or other lnduitrlal R•l•tlon1 tit• general The ilrHt addrH• and other recorded Aprlt 8, 197 t In book 8arnatdlno, CA 12~. Dlracttona to ommon dHlgnatlon hH been prew111ng nite of per diem ~ oommon dealgnatlon. II any, ol 1119 HM, Peoe 902, 01flc:lal "-'d• the above property may ba to the TniatM. you "'9Y and Iha general prev"*"CI,.... tor real property deacribed above 11 and nicorded N0119mber tll, 1972 In obt•lfled by req~"".!'11 ume In ~ dlreetlona to the Pf"OC*1ll by hofJday and ovwttme WOf1' In the purported to be: 2243 Pacific book 10427, page 80, Olllclal writing from the 1>aMfte1ary within IUOmlttlng a writt«"i requeet wtlhln 1oca11ty tn wNdl Ihle WOftl la to be Avenue fl A· t06, Cotta Men. Aecorde and ameudtnants IMreto. 10 ~from the 11rtt pubb11on of 10 dQ"l from the llfWC publcatlon of f*'formed tor Md\ cr.n or type of Cellfomla The ltrHt addr•H and other Ihle notice. Ihle notice to: Alfred J. ~end locajlty In -'*" ttlle wwtt 1t1 to be The u·nderetgnad Tru •I•• common dealgnatlOn, If atry, of the Seid ute will be made wlth°"'t Garllkl C. Van Der Klomp, P.O. ll!lolt performed lor Mell cnn Of type of dt1clalm1 any llablllty lor 11ny rMI pr~y deacrtbecl •bo~ 1• oov.nant Of warranty. ••l)raM or 32, FUllarton. Oaltfomla u.32. worker needed to execute th• Incorrect-ol IM 91raet addrw purported to '* ti 9urntno T,.. lmpfled, • to title, pa11111lon or Trua1or or ~ owner: DADE oontract. Tl'-nit• -on Na at and other common daalgnatlon, If l\cMtcl, N-port Beach. Celllornla encurntlr-to Mtlefy the~ ENTERPRISU, INC. IM: .,.,., lhowrl herein. 92t«I ~ ... on the note Of ~ T II• under •• 0 n •d Tr u. I.. Ol8TNCT offloe tocatad at Co.I s 'etd ute wlll be made, but Th• underalgned Tru•f•e ~by Mid Deed ot Tl'\IM, to d lactatma any lfablllly lor •ny Community C*9e Dllilr1c\. Of11oe without covenent or warranty, dl1ctalma any lleblllly lor any wn: ta8,IOO.oo, '*-tM foloWlna ~ OI IN W.. llddr• of Pt!)' Fao PlanrilnO. 1370 Adarna expr.-or Implied, regarding tlfli, lncdrreo1-of IM lfrMt ~ Hllmated co1ta, expenHa ana 'and ottler. common 6eligna11on, If A-, Coate Meaa. CA. C09IM poeMMlon, °' encumbrancea, to and oth9r oommon Clealgnatton. If adYanoal at the 11nw ot the lnlllal any, 11\0M\ Mr-. '""1 tie otllalned on ~. A oot:>Y pay the remaining prlndpal IUITI of 111'1'(. lhOwn '*1iln. pubflOdon of thla Notice OI 8* Bald HI• wlll h made, but of.,_ ralel lhall be poei.c1 at tM the note(•) MOUf'ed by Mid Deed Of ••td uta wlll b• made, but wtllN1ed tr'UIMe'• ,._and ooae. without ~ven1r11 or warranty, Jot> Ille. Tru11, with lnl•r••t thereon, H wllllout covenant or warranty, of '"2.00. plue lnt., .. t on tM ~or lnlpled. rwgercllng tltla, n .,... be mandatory llPOI' the proYlded In Mid note(•). advwwiae. ~ or lmplled, '9gardlng title, unplld prtnatpal ll>alaftol It IN, ... POil llll0111 or enoum~ to CONTRACTOR to whom '"• ft any. under the terma ot Mid Deed po1••11lon, or ancumbranoH, of 17.6 par~ Pt' aMUlll, ffOM pay th• unpaid balance of th• oontract 1a -Old. and upon any of T;uat, t•••· ohargea and lnoludtng I•••· chtrou and 1· 1·12 to date ot ••I•. plue note(a) NCUrecl bY Mid Deed of llAIOOfltrlG1or under him, to pey "°' ~ of lht Trun.. and of the _,,.,,... of IM Trultee and of the ac1v*1CM that the ~ mer TNlt. to-wit: 861.11"22.00, lnolUdfno ... ttian tM Mid apedfled rat• to tru•t• crHlad by Hid Deed •f tru1ta oreated by Hid Dffd Of l'Nkeortorto--.plualatedieroll n provld•CI In Hid note(a), 11"'°"'.,.~byV*lllnlN TNlt. TNll. 1o P"Y the~ ot ltS't.74. ~ If etft, UNMir lfll .,.,,_ ~ 01 tN OClltraat. The tOUI amount ot thl ~ M#N of the note(tl by Mid YOU AM IN DEfAUl.T UHOl9' A ol Mid Deed of Tn.lll!.._...,. ~ NO bidder rwt wlttldr .. hie '*9 belerloe ot the ~· _.. Daed of 1""' to wit "71.000 00 DUD°' TfllUIT OATID J~l~i and eicptnMa ot CM r--.llnd' of for 1 ~ ot torty.!M (46) ~ by tM P'°'*'1Y to be eotd afld wttfl lntef-.t ~from '*'*Y 1Nt. UNL!.88 YOU TAKI IWlruft IN'"'*-~ by Mid Deed ot ... thectet. ... for the ooaNno Of reuonlbl• .. umat•O co1te, '· 1H2 •t H~ P•r •Mum •• TO PfltOttCT \'OUfU•t1~1Y rr Tl\ltt, bide. ~n:ii:1 -:=::-, ":t '= ~~.~Mid-,~~ ~:C:~ ~A.;t.~~ of '"rrue":'~~°:: .:tof.,:l:t:.!ct ~".: =.: NOflOe of._ la ta U2t M. M,111.11 an0 .,.__,, • .....,,.., OF TH l! HAT U 9' I 0 -TH I Clettvereel to IM 11n8'1IOMCI • prtor 10 aeout10n of ._ oontfact • The ~ undar Mid Deed ~to be ... oeo.n -of thll ~AGAINST YOU YOU .... DH-•ttoft of ~ end _, ..... lie In ... ...,._ ... tor1fl ot Truet ~ executed and ..._ IHOUlD CONTACT A l.AWYUl DelftMCI for ..... Mel • Wfltt.,. fl ._ OOflhol dOOll •••• detl¥ered to the und•,..IOned • TM benellcMty under Mid Deed .__,,,.11K&..... Not• of o.teult and Ulctlon IO ~ to laadoft 4llO of IM wtttt.n Deolatatton of o.taillt and Of Truet Mretof-exaoutect and ...,_ C1trJ 1,, .......,_ .... The~ ... ".!_,..~~ CHueniment Code of._.._ Of DemlU!d fl>f Sate, and a written delivered fo tha under•ton•d • -..... • ......,. c:-. Notlot of --,.,__.. , .. -~ the oontraot • oonta1n Notloa ot Default and IJecltlon to ..,...,.,, Oecl#atton o1 dellult and ...,_ CU1f& u. •.,.... to be NIOOfded "' lM oounty.....,. ~· ~.,. -mtYt .... The undantaned cm..o Mid Oefftafld fOf lelt, end • wrttt~ ..... A. ...... -JM l'MI ,,..,,.. II IDaMed. Wdder to ~ _... ,_ Nottoe ot Dttaulf and IJeotlon to Nottoe Of o.t""' and .,.,..... to ._....., Tltll ...,,.,_and any n1an•r• •lllllleld by Ot• ... to be reoonltld In ._ oounf1 .... TM Uitldll ... ied _,... ... Wt I.~ A.a T,_ ~ DteTNOT to _,,. ~ lwf!-JJM~~. 1 11-._ =-: ~ ~dtcl91 ~ lww A CA... • ... T.-... Wldlr•..-.ot --~ ~ tno. wf\ef9.,,. l'Ml IH°'*1Y 11 looeMd. J:: ... -• -~ o.wll t::.'*t=. .. ....,..,NlilW CaNTUM UCM)WL P11b1111Md Orante °"'' Oafly Trwtee or patty .. ..., ........ .,........ 1N11 ~ att.c • Oattfomle oorpor .. ton ,...,.. AMI-4, 11. ll. ttta ooi 11tu11111n&... PubllaMd 0r-.. eoe.t Oel~ ~ V*'I, CA t270t •Mid truMe. .......a TlTl.l INIUllfMOI AHO ..... A1i11 4, 1 t ;\,_ {7'4).-...nt io11 Oamtno Del "lo 1.;;.~:...._..:;._ ________ -c.!""'9T~ OOtllNll't .,..,, ... lar f11011-Marl• lln••· lout~ Ben~ CA tltOI Wlllllre'lfwd., "---;_ ____ _...:;._.;.-:---t ~ "'-a--"""~':. ••••• •• ~-.. ptoe, Aue. 1', 1t, II, 1Mt~ 'rat =t:oo ':if'11 N ..... :=.:.-&.a =='!..!!!.· oe... .,..., ""--l!lflOOM-blllllll..,• .. fie ~ --..__ rn'."11. ,_ HLL Idle 1te1uwtt9' • c-Dair Not."-11, 1e,-11, ...-. ~ • ...,..... ~Not Cl ....... Ad. tMI. 14t1.a I , ' 4 ., 2 1 CLASSIFIED • D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 • · 1NDEX A-tttn1Ma Cw ..... &....a~ ._ .. ,_ ~· so.wa..a• Tta....t• SERVICES '-•~ O!rertwr Df PlOYME#T & mPAIATIDN Sr-. i11ttrwt1ea t:J,"'J"J,,."!i'."'., M£KNANllS£ ==... C:-ol AITIS. 0 AmS,ISO ~ ....... . ~~ ... . C&llue ,.. -,. ..... ,. ...... = = All ,..., ....,. ... tlMd In thl• n•w•PV." I• , ... eubject to 1~ 9d«al ·-,. Fllr HouainO Ace of 1MI 1• wftlah INllC .... = to ... , ·-adYettlle "eny ~ .. In ce. ~ 0t dlea1ml-,.,. nation baaed on race. ... I~ color, rellolon. M• or 1• national origin, or any ·-, .. lnt•ntlon to m•k• •ny IUOh pr.,erenoe, llmlta.-... t1on Of dlecrtmll i.tlorl ... imt Thia~ .... not UM .... knowln~ly eccept •ny lJOI J• adv•rt•• no f~ real .... ·-,.,. wftlch .. In llloletlOn ... ·-Of tnalew. -1111 -1111111 Advertl---DOii sere should check aw -their ads dally and ,,.. -report errore Im--medlately. The DAILY PILOT H- sumea llablllty for the flrat Incorrect lnsenlon onty. -...... ,,, i.J1 --. .•...............•.•. -en.1.i ,.J .... . ...•...........••.... 4111 .. LAST .. .. .. ---CHANCE ---to buy thla beautiful 3 y .. r old, 4 unit apart· -ment hOuae In san c... .tOit ment• with oc:een-hllla I aoia -golf COUrH view. ., • -tremendoua 11V1nga di---rect from the ~ tJe.. lore being l,.tect with brokere. Act NOWlll Can owner at (714) &42.0138. $... uu•u = IUITYI = Aaaume Joana at low rat• ,,... and Miier Wiii carry on $<Jt thl1 Harbor View Hom.. -J.i$ ,.. -•11 •u -----------wra ... ----.., ------ 3 Bdrm 2 bath on '" tandt Owner mu1t Miii Only 1214,000 -call to- day! 846-7171 THE REAL ESTAT&.:RS llYEll llLY This adorable EASTSIDE R·2 home 11 not In mul-tiple. Not only does II h•¥e 2 roomy Bdrm1, It has a work1hop w/ zoning to bulld above. Frvlt Ir-abound. Ft. xlble financing. Don't d4Uy Call Diana todayl Diana Pletenpot.Vofi>e 56$-9400 4 ... 211 ... . ... ... = REDUCED. Big, big hou- -H on comer tot. Brlci! : tiled kitchen fool. n- -carpeting. big rooma : thruout. Fretllty pelnted In and out. Owner wllt 11 •••let In financing . • 5.4&-2313 t rism1 ,,,, .... : O• llPLD :: 3 lncom .. • axtremely -good CC>M. -~~ low : price. Cell Tim AhOM, = agt 931-12M ·--:;: - THE ~EAL ESTATE RS --WITm'lllT ..... Fan'-'IO flnlndno. a Br In euper cond. Huoe S-- tlo & dtolc. Call Tim AhoM, agt 13 MIM 1n ... .nama 4 ldr"' a bet9' feMI~ pool hc>fMI T111ce °"" io..MCS .... _..,._ ry. Low .. t ptloed et I tH,000. OaH todeyl THE RFAL ESTATE RS I I . ~~.!'~~ Starcuen may have to VWltuN out of the o...n,. eo..t ..._ tonllht to view one of the .oat~ meteor~ of the )'eu'. Low clouda and foe predicted by weather forecuten for the I 0rance County CO.Ital reaion may put a damper en t,he eeleatlal dlaPlaY, ltartinl about 10:30 p.m. £veil ao, ~n aaree the belt pt.e. to vMW U'9 ... IMteor lhower la tn the mouncatna °' the dellert. where the lky la likely to be clear and tn1erference from ~~~ti would be at a 11Since they are faint ' ob~ darkne11 la ~m rtant," 1ald Oranae Cout utronomer Stev. Lattuu:lo. • OU }\ave to pt ou~ where the lky ii • dark u pomlble and a briaht li&ht lm't tn your vilton. 1l'hua your beck yard ii better than your frclnt ft,l'd." In addition to the trouble cau.Md by Mother NatUre, th• exl**f rile of the thlrd..quarwr moon at about 1 a.m. wW Ut.nlly tum the llahta out on the ne1lar 1pec1acle. The ~ vlewtna Um. are from about 10:80 ton11ht until the moon ap.,..n. Normally, Lattanzio noted, the atunnin.g heavenly dlaplay would but be viewed between ~tuddawn. Tile meteor 1hower com•• .,.,.., of the NIDMnta of the Swift•Tuttl• comet, wbteh l• ~ up • lt orblll the IW\. J'..ah year at um time, u. euth PM9ll throUlh the cWirtl. mmt of lt ,...Uy no Jaraw than a lfaln of Mnd. M the material eoWdee with the atmo.phere, the effect le a dus11na lky lhow. Meteon will lfcht up at the rate of abou~ ~ MCh minute, ·,Liberian Group opp9ses annex '!].eporting Feasibilitr of S. Laguha merger questioned I delayed .Sam Willett, the adopted Liberian son of a San Juan Cap~trano couple, now baa until Sept. 8 to persuade immigration officiala to allow him to stay in the United States. Just one week before the 26-year-old man was acheduled for deportation, he again won a delay, but his mother says his future is atUl uncertain. "It really is a terrible yo-yo," said Ruth Willett. "There's no comideration of what it's doing to ua." Last month, Samuel received a stay of deportation until next Feb. 1. But the Willetta returned from a week's vacation Saturday to find a certified letter waiting for them, ordering Sam to report to the Immigration and Naturalization Service in Los Angeles for deportation next Tuesday. The Willetts, along with Rep. Robert Badham, R -Newport Beach. scrambled to diacover a reason for the change in date. Tuesday the family received aaau.rances ~·a stay ia good at least until Sept. 8. It appears the Aug. 17 deportation date was the result of an error on the part of the immigration service, Mrs. WUlett said. Village Laguna, an environmental orpntzation, baa formally expreeeed oppoaltion to the annexation of d1e South Laguna territory between All8o Creek and Crown Valley Parkway. The organization's steering committee voted 12 to 3 thia week to inform the Laf una Beach City Council o its reservations about annexation of that portion of South Laguna into the city. Meanwhile, Local Agency Formation Commiaaionen were to meet thil aftemoon to consider a proposal to ahnex a portion of South Laguna between the city's eoutherly limita and Aliso Creek. ~hat proposal has been endorsed bf the City Council, and Village Laguna baa taken no public stand on that portion. South Lagunana living in the second propoeed annexation area still are collecting 1ignaturea supporting bringing the southerly area into Laguna's municipal fold. Norman Grossman, c~ of Village Laguna, aaid his organization will tell Qty Council members next Tuesday they have many reservatiom about pu.nutnc annexation of all of South Lacuna· "We don't want to tell South Laguna to Co to hell," G~ aaia. "But we are concerned ttu.t a najority ·of the population ih South Laguna ii not tak1na an active role in, seeking annexation!' A second concern of Village Laguna, Gnmman said, "ii that the citizen• of Laguna Beach really don't have any say in the t.ue." "Some (Lagunana) believe the added control (with annexation) (See ANNEX, Pace Al) Bash to end 'campaign' Honorary governor to be 'elected' in Laguna Beach BY STEVE MJTCllELL O(tMDlllJ ....... The IOl'Detimes frenetic -and frequently frivolous -campaJp for Honorary Governor of the State of Laguna Beach ends Saturday with a ballot-counting party and celebration. Some in tbe Art Colony might believe the end could have come'· a lbt eooner. That's when votes amused by the five candidates for honorary governor will be counted and the winner announcd, says Bill Farrell, who organized the tongue-in-cheek election to raise funds for an end-of-summer vW-se party. Tbe campaign, patterned after a .untlar event held anm•aUy up north tn Cambria, ii intended to nii8e the money neoeeeary to hold a "Lagunans-only" beach party Sept. 18' at Main Beach Park to celebrate the end of the tourist seuon. governor, are selling votes at a penny apiece, to ral8e money for the party. And, as in real campaigns, there's bound to be a few last- minute pushes by candidates for votes. · For example: -·Candidate Doa Ware, supported b)'. the Sawdust J'esttval, ii hol<IJ.bg a vot.e-buytng party 'Thunday at the Sawdust Festival beer garden from 6 to 9 p.m. Lattanllo llld. 1n PMt yeen. M hu aone to the Lake Elltnore erea to .. cape the problem• creat.d by weather and ~ta . ul)wn l WM lmprUi w,'' laid the veteran atarpser. 0 1t looked like firework.I." Becau.e the meteon appear to emanate fJ'Om the conatellatton Per1eu1 in the northea•t quadrant of the aky, the 1how haa been dubbed the Peraeid meteor ahower. Howewr, Lattansio noted appearance of the .,...._. one area la an o~ WUlklft almUar to parallel fllDroed ~ that appear to CCftWll'• at ontf Point 6\ the dlatance. ~ Thoulh the meteora will the earth'• atmotpbere In a areas, viewen will have the chance of aeeing the lhow b lookinc. toward the northerna horizon, he Mid. · I UWll ...... COOLING OFF -Gina Manchester, 4, of Costa Mesa may have eyes bigger than her stomach. Still she's found a good way to beat the heat at a Glendale ice cream parlor as temperatures hovered in the-998. Bill to strengthen coastal panel OK'd.; "He (an INS official) said it was vtrtually a mistake that the certified letter had been sent." An inaugural coronation and ~on of the Main Beach Village Party celebraticn will be held frotn 8 p.m. to midnight SaWrdal at the Laguna Beach Women a Club, 286 St. Ann's Drive. The five candidatee, who are seeking the title of honorary -Hopeful Ma11le Me111, backed by the Chamber of Commerce, will be garnering votes (i.e. cub) at a chamber By PATRICK J. KENNEDY mixer, al.lo Thunday, frOm 5:30 Of"h ~ .... ...,. commission powers was approved by the Assembly and ~ on ita way to the state Senate. The officer hand-canceled the order and set the new deportation date for Sept. 8. Sam, who entered the coun~ two yean ago on a student Vi.a '1\'hich baa expired, was adopted 10 years ago in Liberia by Dave (See UBERIAN, Page Al) Cracker Jack apologizes CARMEL, Ind. (AP) -The makers of Cracker Jack have sweet news for a girl who sued after finding no prize in her box of the candied snack: She'll receive an apology and another box of Cracker Jack free. A spokeswoman for the Cracker Jack division of Borden Inc. said Tuesday that the company hopes 9-year-old Wendy· Potasnik will drop her legal'acUon to 8 p.m. at the Laguna Beach -While a Senate bill to strip the Lumber yard. state Coaatal Commission of -David Solomon, backed by authority over the Bolsa Chica t he To p o f the W or 1 d marsh was killed Tuesday, (See LAGUNA, Page Al) another bill to strengthen Judge nixes AT&T breakup pr0oposal WASHINGTON (AP) -A federal judge refwied today to approve the antitruat aettlement proposing the breakup of the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. untll 1everal major changes are made. U.S. District Judp Harold H. Greene, in a 178-page opinion, said he had concluded that the requirement that AT&T Jdw up itl 22 wholly owned Bell System operating companie1 was "plainly in the public interest." information service "until the risk of ita domination of that. field hu abated." That restriction had been strongly sought b y newspaper publlahen. If that chanae ia accepted, the judge said AT¥f could petiUon the court for its removal after seven yean. -The Bell System operating companies must be allowed to continue marketing telephone equipment and to publish the Yellow Pages advertising directory. That bill, AB3256, b,y Assemblyman Larry Kapiloff, D-San Diego, would permit U)e commission to issue "cease and desist orders" in specific cue9 where commiaaioners bellevs d evelopment violated or threatened to violate coast~ regulations or cause IJTeparabfe environmental harm. The stop orders -which would require commtaaioa hearing, before being isaued 7 would remain in ef feet until eourts ruled in the Individual cases. Currently, the Coastal Commission must go to court before such stop ordera can tie issued. But under AB3256, the commission could halt -at least temporarily -development on ita own initiative, thua ''speedlng up the process," Kapiloff said. , Oties and counties where the state-mandated Local Coastal Plan has been approved by the Coastal Commission have authority to issue stop orden. Wendy filed suit seeking a prize from Cracker Jack and reimbursement for $19 in court cmtll. In the suit filed in the small claims division of Hamilton County Court, Wendy claimed the company had broken an advertising promise by selling P box of the snack that did not contain a prize. DlllJ .... ~..,.., ....,_ OPERATION STING? -The wince of 15-year-old Todd McDwain proves his prowess in a Newport Beach bellyflop competition. His brother was a winner, too, as shown on Page Bl. But the judge said the Proce99 could not 10 forward unless AT&T and the Justice Department were wUUns to accept eeveral new safeguards. Among them: -AT&T .muat be prohibited from Uling ita facilities to offer any type of electronic -AT&T must agree to allow the court to review ita actual plan for divesting lteetf of the Bell System companies and reoraanizing itself. In addition, Greene said he wanta authority to enforce the settlement's proviaiona and the (See BREAJtUP, Pqe A!) "This ls to atop develope~ from brazetily and quickly bulldozing coastal reaource11 without permit• whlle the lengthy court procedure la be1ng followed," Kapiloff said. ''Once a wetlanda ii bulldored, it's often deetroyed forever an4 (See BOUA, Pqe AJ) NATION U.S. holds A-test in Nevada· LAS VEGAS (AP) -The Depttrtment of Energy conducted a weapons-related underground nuclear •t at the Nevada Test Site today -the 12th announced test this year and the third in two weekl. STATE SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Revenini a policy it adopted seven month• a10, the American Bar Aaodadan voted· today qalmt uklnc c.on,re.. to prohibit memben of aome dleatlmlnator')' Ddvate dubs from c1aimina their due. ... tax-deduCdble buldnels a.w11tpe11._,.--. Utility •tocJdaolden wln Stockbolden of &m J>teao GM It l:lectric Co, b&w wan a lawadi ,,.,. a bo1CMd 061 dM1. ~ AS. COUNTY Charity units burslarized Officials of three charii.ble groups are trying to pick up th~ pieces after 1oetnc a1moet all their office equipinent in a weekend buraJ.ary. Pace A6. Job I air at Irvine· High-tech 'type• went searching for job )>OlllbUitles at a job fair at Irvine'• Reglltry Hotel. Page at. TELEVISION INDEX A4 IM-5 All All Dt-8 B6 B6 D+ A.10 82-3 Cl-12 All All SPORTS Ann Landen Moviea ·Mutual J\anda Natlonal Newa PublicN~. Sponi Dt.Steincfohn Seock Marketa TeleYWon Theawa W•ther World Newt All B2-3 84 A3 Bf,DM Dl..f All 86 B'1 m~a A2 A3 Me..Wlill ....... danlllllo ----~ ..... ---· ..................... ID GIDld ~ IM .... 11" of T..i;:cta1un1'1 lt•t• oppo81Uon came after MWral counctl membera l11t WHk 1u11•1ted the Local A1enc~ l'Wmadon Cornmill6an be Ilk.a to CONldtr awxauan of all of tb&th LllUM at one time, rather than pecem.aL That notion wu withdrawn when 1 number of~ Mid. annexation of the entire unJ.noorponted city mllh,t not be In the clty'• belt lntm'eilt. LIBERIAN SO N • . . and Ruth Wlllett, who~ then workinl for the Pe.ice C«J». ' . The family arbitrarily let the boy'• age at 16, since he had no birth record. However, under U.S. lmmigration lawa, Sam WU too old to be con1ldered an adopted child and wu therefore lpelictble to live In the United States without a spedal act of OLSA CHICA thla bill would put a stop to it w)lil~ a court date Is being eet,'' be\tald. Kapiloff said "pro- development and real estate" intereatl are lobbying against the bill, but he contendl It would protect landowners from lawsuita and possible fines by establlshl.ng a hearing procedure 'Jlhort of court action on alleged Coaa1al Ad violationa. The bill 1~ approved by a 41-33 margin ..;,,. i the 80-member lower hoµae. JOpponenta to the bill, led by :>ft~ publicans, called for rreductlons in the commission's (iWthority. '<"The commission 1'has not struck a reasonable balance i:.tween growth and no growth," raid A ssemblyman Stan Sdltham, R-Chico. He added that }fwmakers should not "allow the 6Jutal Commission to have this kind of authority." ~i_,\ta iloff said his bill "faces a ~~¥g~ road" in the Senate ~to allow Sam to remain. authored by Badham, died lalt year ln a Senate IUboommittee. But the bill la ~ ,.conlidered for recomideratklft, A 1poke1woman from Badham'• office aald the INS apparently oeYeJ" received word the bill might still be puled. • • • because policy rule• mutt be waived eo it can quickly be heard ln IPfda1 meetiq by two Senate committees and put on the floor before the end of th1a month, which la the end of this year's leglalative ..ton. Kapiloff'& bill fint had to p888 the ASlembly :n.:aI Committee and the Energy and Natural Re9ouroes Committee, of which Kapiloff Is a member. The Energy and Natural Re9ources Committee ii the same gr~ that deferred action Tu y on a ~ ~ "8te Sen. Paul Carpenter, D-Cypreea, that sought to strip the coastal commlaaion of power over th~ Bola Chica marsh. The bill SB493, would have approved the Orange County housing and marina development plan for the marsh near Huntington. Beach, over the objections of the Coastal Commilllon. LAGUNA GOVERNOR • • • Neighborfiood Association, will have an afternoon ballot-atuffinl E_Y at the end of Tyrol Drive T' 2 to 6 p.m . Saturday. Otl}er candidates In the race include John Schwartz, who ~ Pla'¢k49d by .the Lal\&na Video ~b, and "Doc" Blacketer, ported by V~e La~. u bR ~\' &···~ e11i " The lnauiw'al c:Oronailon ball -Informal attire pleue -will include music provfded by the A. Lee Harper Band. Actmmion la $2, and votes may be purchased up until 10 p.m. at whlch time ballots will be counted. The honorary governor will be crowned by Henry Cooper, honorary mayor of Cambria. NO CHANGE -Actor HeilrY Fonda remain• in 1eriou1 condition at Cedara-Slnal Medical Center In Los Angeles after being hospitalized Sunday for a heart condition. The Oscar- wlnning .ctor ii 77. From Page A1 BREAKUP • • riJ(ht to achedule hearing• at ·which testimony on the actwll reorganization could be taken from third-party intervenora and the chief executives of the Bell C<f'rlpanies. -AT&T must agree to spin off the Bell System companies in such a way that each is left with a debt ratio of 45 percent. The settlement had not imposed a 1peclflc percentage, although AT&T had pledged to set the companies free in good financial shape. The judge said he would consider waiver requeats and would allow a 50 percent debt ratio for Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co .. which has a larger debt ratio than most of the other Bell companies. School fire deliberate? Anon has been listed as the cause of a fire that destroyed nine classrooma at a Cypress elementary school. Orange County Fire Department spokesman Gary Stenberg said today that no 1u1pecta are in cuatody, but inve1tigatora are following a number of leads on the' identity of the peraon or people reeponaible for the flre. Cypress School District Superintendent William B. Calton said district officiall plan to rebuild the claurooma destroyed early last Wedneeday morning at Vessels Elementary School He said coats, Inc luding furnishings, are estimated at $650,000. 72 15 80 .. 83 80 80 70 82 82 81 83 .. 107 .. 83 17 70 71 17 81 .. .. 12 • 82 • 110 74 !4 4a 55 PUllnO. Ore 12~ 18 Rlc:tlmOnd ... Seit l.Ak• 75 Sen Antonio 74 Seettle eo SM...,.,ort 73 8loWI fib 72 St Louie 44 St P·Tempe H ~­'° ~ 71 CAL•<>RMA 11 15 ea 81 81 80 .. 81 73 17 81 73 73 Bellerlfleld 85 aa 81 71 40 70 81 70 57 71 43 82 73 58 11 12 12 &4 ... 96 72 71 7S 70 &4 71 74 It Blythe 110 eurer.e ea a1 .02 Fre.io 91 70 •• ... ~ ... Loe Angelee .. 17 M~ ff Mont~ 17 ..... :!Jmog 1111 llPIRT The Air Ou.ltty Mll!~t Dletrtct prec1tct9 llMMllf\fllt • quallty fOf Mflltthle HOOte In tome ereu today, but ·aood quellty In =:,.o~J ... ~-. . wn .... to call (toll trM) tor ... .., emoe 1ntonn111on: ...... T ... 17 t7 t7 t7 .., t1 .. .. ts ti .. .. • 17 ., .., ar.,. county. (800) 44l4l2t Lo• Ano•••• County; (100) ~42~2 Nwt1ldf ltld Sin 8'mlrdlnO oountJee! (800) "7 ... 710 AQMO ~ c.ntet: (800) ~42 .... Tides I l'Jll:Ll\t.IBLS In an effort to C\4t UJ*llMI Newport •ach-baMd Peetflc M~~ L1lt lnauranm CO. Ml deijded •1~1111r· .. nun1 a 400, .. IMuraricl dlWllon 1n Fouitaan Valley. 'nM employele wen to 'OOL'Upy more than half the 1quare footaae in a trio of th.Ne-ltory bu!ldlnp betnc conatrucced tn J'uuntaln Valley. c to out IM •7,000 111uan feet or oftloe IP'll" In J'ouDtaln ValJjy. Pacific Mutual recently ~ a .,..,. of Mwn~ tower• ID ffewport Center adjacent to the firm'• mulhloom:.eMs*I ~­Santl.y and nMtly hall.-ot the office ·~ In the new twin towen hll been 1-s out to 10 major tenan\I. Santley Mid It bu not been determined how much of the recently completed towen the inlurance oompmy will occupy. That ................. . l!Mllled ...... l9vwl r.aucaon report that ii expecWcl co be unveiled, prior' IO Sept. l. 'nle r.port wU1 ..-.0 4111& euta. &iatley aald ... flriD hM -a dollar amount It w.nta to lhaw off and ii ecnat1n1dna aeveral wayt of eccompllthlna thia. He declined to uy whli the doDar flaure WM, Beyond layotfa, Santley tald Pacific Mutual 11 lookJn1 at pulllna back from purchu1na equlpnftlt and encourql.na euly reUrement. The lmurance firm employ• rouahlY l,&00 people ln Ol'anae County. It won permluton to build the 1tructure1 at Brookhunt Street and La Alameda Avenue 1ut yeer af1er b9cldna away from plana for a lt-atory tower. Beirut battered In a related COlil.a.tttina move, Pacific Mutual announceCl it hal l.mpoeed a companywide hiring freeze and la conalderlna layoffs. as t~lks progress 'l'om Santley, a company apokesman, said Pad.fie Mutual already hu laid off 250 employees across the country, about 100 of them in Orange County. The work force that was to be 1hlfted to Fountain Valley in 1983 currently i• acattered to offices in Costa Mesa, Tuatin, Newport Beach and Santa Ana. Santley said the group inaurance unit, notified this week of the change, now will be moved to the company's headquartef!I in Newport Center. Deapite a reported glut of office space in Orange County, Santley said the firm la hopeful It will not have difficulty leaai~ By ne A110dated Preu llraell jell, gunboata, tanks and artilfery hammered weat Beirut today, and U .S . presidential envoy Philip Habib WU reported maJcina Prosress in talk• with Israeli leaders in Jeruaalem on evacuating the PLO from Lebanon. Uri Porat, spokeaman for Prime Minister Menachem Begin , told reporters in Jerwialem: "The ta1ka were good. We made progreas. We are waiting now for further information from Ambassador Habib." larael'1 army radio said the principles of the evacuation plan had been settled, and the blueprint had been printed up in draft form, "but there Is no full agreement yet." It saJd Habib was expected to return to Beirut a fter the meeting to work on the details still in dispute. The top national winner in the Landsca~e Arc!Jitec\,8 National Student Qeaign Competition la l..aJ(Una Beach resident Keuetb ll. Brokaw, a Cal Poly Pomona senior majoring in landscape arc hi tectu.re. Brokaw received his award in design excellence during an honon presentation ln June. Preeentation of the national award will ~ made during the ASLA'a annual meeting •The Senior Citiz.ens Club of Laguna Beach la accepting r,servations for trips in Sbuthem California and to 1...-a Vegas. ~c::. 15 the club will visit Ca Island. Price of $20 l,pcludea transportation from the community center and return. On Oct. 28, the club will journey to the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena. A box lunch, admission and transportation are included in the $14 fee. Begln waa quoted by the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahrono th as saying in an interview; "U all goes well, the evacuation will get under way next week." A major b~ In the negotiations came late Tuetday when Syria revened lta earlier stand and said it would take In all Palestine Liberation Organization fight.era the PLO wished tQ evacuate from Beirut. The jet strikes on west Beirut ended about rnidraftemoon, but Israeli tanks continued battling guerrillas near the museum crosslJ)g point of the mid-<:ity dividing line. Gunboats and {ll'tlllery also blazed. L ebanese state radio and television said Israeli armor a1ao fanned out in the Chri1tian hinterland north of Beirut, digging in 19 miles east of Byblos, a port 22 miles north of the Lebanese capital .. in Hawaii during November. The award-winning project, entitled '40ak Canyon Nature Center, .. will be diBplayed during the four-day m~ting. Top landscape architecture students submit entries to a jury of national experts, who evaluate each entry without knowing the name of the entrant nor what school is represented. For $57, seniors can join a gambling junket to Laa Vegas Nov. 16-18. The fee includes transportation, two nights. at the Golden Nugget Hotel, a breakfast and a dinner. The trips are available only to Senior Citizens Club of Laguna members . Membership is open to any senior citizen for $4 a year. Additional club information or reservations may be made by calling 497-2441. 'fuorescenf 51top &ighf .. / Hf-. 4lnch ~ ltte. Addi ltf1hl In lhope. ~ ~ roome Md """" ...... ~with 3 ... oord, pq,. ,,,,,.,.., ""'*' ............ .,. .,........,11a1ne...., Sale Price •r~.BB R8J1. Price $19.99 Me~eor showers light up sky tonight ·1 l'J=-~ ~ beet pt.ce to View the .. meteor beck yard II better than )'OW' mHntpt 9nd daWD. LI~, Mid. la PM& ~ M • Howww, Lettamao not.s 6'.:J 8 t b Mowei' ta in the "*°'catnl OI' thl 'ftont yard." fte met.Or 1bower COmH Ml cone to the C.U l'J.aJ10N ·~ of 1he ...... ;,:; wnu::•:.;~•~~ ... !v~ ct.ert. whme the *1 ti l1kely to In addition to the trouble .._,i:Clf tbl NDMnW. of the area to eecape tbe_,problem1 one .,_ ta an~ mu.eon: --•· ·be clear and lnterfenMe from caUMd by Mot.Mr Nature, the lwtft·Tuttle comet, which la a.fed bY -.tJMr Md Uahca. -.u.r to panlW-nG;iiM tndal ==•:rview:~ the ctty ltlhtl WOUld be at a expeetedrlatofthe\hlrd-quarter brJ '*'8UpMlt..WtatMtun. "Ewft.l WM impr111N';''1 Mid that appeer CO 001n• .. at CJnC al the -· me wen mlnlmum. moon at about 1 a.m. wU1 u..,..ny s.ch ,_.. at tl"8 dint, 1he ..nh the veteran ............. It Joobd Po(nt in the ~. I i ,,_ · "Slnce thq are faint objecta. turn the u.hta out on the 1t.ellaf ,...-~ the debrll. mmt 1llce flrewodD.'' ~ ' Low clouda and fOI pndktied darkneaa 11 h~ant,'' aald "**"8· 'ftMt belt viewtftC dmel Of lt pnerally no ia,..... than a Becau. the mNan appear to Thouah the nwt.an wtl1 .by w•ther forecuwn for the Orance C.O.. Mtronomer are from abQut 10:30 tontaht .,.in of aand. At the material emanate from the COGStellaticn the earth'• atmoepber• In a Oran1e County coaatal reaton Steve Lattanzio. • ou have to until the moon appeen.. collldee with the atlDOlphen, the Peraeu1 in the nortbeut areM; vt.wen will haw the besC may put a damper on the celestial ,et out where the llky la• dark Normally, Lattamto noted, the effect II a ct.mi~ lky lhow. quadrant of the llky, the ahow chance of wm, the 1how blf dllplay, ata.rUna about 10:30 p.m. u po.tble and a briaht IJabt iln't stunntna heevenly cilaplay would Meteon will t up at the hq been dubbed the Per1eid looklna toward the northe~ awiuo, utraanen .aree the In your vlaion. "Thua your beat be viewed between rate of about one MCh minute, meteor ahower. horUon. he uld. : -t l !Agreeing not to agree Irvine ups fee • I , • • : ' , , ! • ! l Still another site· eyed for Civic Center 81 GLENN SCO'IT Of .. .,.., ........ Irvine's City Council was expected to chooee a lite for a civic center, but imtead added *** another pomtble location to the growing lilt. The latest auggeetlon ahould be a famlllar one. Several city officials said the city could * * *. School headquarters delay a probability B1 SANDIE JOY Of .. .,.., ........ Tru8tees for the Irvine Unified School Dimict appear inclined to po9tpone a final decision on a new district headquartera site for at least another two weeka while admlnistraton conUnue 900Uting potenUal locations. "I'm going to propose we continue to evaluate all potential · site1 in some kind of orderly manner," said Trustee Gordon Getchel, "quickly, but not ao fut that we do it arbitrarily." Irvine backs • • suit against dumping I ees Irvine baa added ltl name to the growing number of Orange County cities that have lndkated support for a propoeed League of au.. lawsuit to block dumping ~~poeed at C0W1ty oWned The dec:laion Tumday night by the council came after the County Board of Supervlaon voted to lower the $7 charge impoeed July 13 to $4.90 per ton (See story, Page A.3). Material deposited at county operated transfer atatlon1 remains at $10.60 per ton, although there were indicaUona this morning that the board could vote to reduce that aa well. Members of the Orange County chapter of the League of Citiea are acheduled to meet 'Thunday night at the Anaheim Stadium club to decide whether er not to pu.nue llUgatlon. Robert Haskell, executive director for the league, aaJd that an "overwhelming majority" of the county's 26 cities have voked support for the ault apinst the county. He declined to aay whether he thought city members would vote against the suit Tbunday becauae of the reduced fee. The board of trustees meets at 7:30 tonight in Lakeside Middle School, 3 Lemongnm, Irvine, to sort out the site selection llituaUon. School officials had hoped the Qty c.ouncu Would clM>Oee a City Center aite Tuesday night ao district headquarten could be part of that complex. Since that didn't happen, school officials plan to review their alternatives tonight and make a choice 81 aoon aa poeaible to· avoid the risk of losing $5 milllon in bond allocaUona aa its funding source for the headquartent building. They need to tie up the $6 mllllan t>efCll'e applYtnc for ltate money to 'build a new IChoo1 in Woodbridge. Admlniatraton would like to apply for the.IChool ocnatruct1on money Nov. 3, the day after they predict voters will have approved a $600 million adboot constnactkm and improvemeht bond -.. develop a mulU-atoey facility at the prnent locaUn of Qty Hall, at Jamboree Road and McGaw Avenue. Faced with what they said was a lack of analyaes on coeta and other impllcaUona, council poetponed a decision Tuesday nlght on a location until at leut a Sept. 28 meeting. Between now and then, they added, Ma~ Larry Agran and Councllmaft David sw. wU1 meet with several groups to weigh proposab, coats and plannin& conaideratlona. The pair then wUl recommend a lite to the council, they aaid. The council decialon to bef pone a aelection came aa no elp to officials of the Irvine Unified School Dl1trict, who claim they need to find a location for a dlatrlct office thia week. Thua, their office1 probably won't be part of the new civic center. · The district 's ruah , admlniatratora have explained, ia paramount ao it can qualify for full entitlement& tor statewide school bonds 1hould voters pue such a measure in November. 'Jbe oouncil WU uked by city adminlatraton at the betinnlni · of the cUacu11ion to reaff trm selection Of a at• on Jeffrey &.t at Barranca Parkway m propoeed vw...,. 12 .. the location. But after ~what they said are atlll 1ketchy coat breakdowna for build1nc at that 1lte, member• seemed le11 (See avic. ~ A!) "" .... ,11111 COOLING OFF -Gina Manchester, 4, of Costa Mesa may have eyes bigger than her stomach. Still she's found a good way to beat the heat at a Glendale ice cream parlor as t.empentures hovered in the 90s. Judge nixes AT&T breakup proposal WASHINGTON (AP) -A federal jud1e refuaed today to appl"OW the antitruat aetUement propoaing the breakup of the American Telephone & Church gets Irvine OK for facility Memben of The Church in Irvine won approval Tuesday to cona1.rUct an U1embly hall and aeperate six-bedroom guest hou.e in Irvine. The group of 80 to 100 members, who have been meeting at Unlveraity High School cla11room1, received permission to build their own facility in a 5-0 Irvine City • Council vote. They plan to oonatruct their 14,200-aquare-foot hall and 3,500-aquare-foot guesrhoUle on a 2.4-acre lite at the comer of Culver and Irvine Center Drive. Tel~h Co. ~til eevera1 major chanaes are made. U.S. District Jud&e Harold H. Greene, in a 178-page opinion, aa.id he had concluded that the requirement that AT&T lfve up ita 22 wholly owned Bell System operating companies wa1 "plainly in the public interest." But the judge said the process could not 10 forward unleaa AT&T and the Juatice Department were wlllln8 to accept 1everal new aafeguarda. Among them: -AT&T must be prohibited from uaing ita facilities to offer any type of electronic information aervice "until the risk of its domination of that field has abated." 'That restriction had been strongly 1ough t by newspaper publiahen. If that change ia accepted, the judp aa.id AT&"T could petition the court foe lta removal after eeven yean. -The Bell System operaim. companies must be allowed to continue marketing telephone equipment and to pubU.h the Yellow Pages advertising on trash . ' . • . ~. By BARRY EaEaUNG or ... .,..,,...... . A $1 monthly increase in retddentlal truh collection feet wu approved by the Irvine Qty c.ound1 on Tuetlday. Each hou.ehold will now pay $4.37 per month and a total of $52.50 through next June. The i.Jlue•• coven a per too uaer'a fee which Onnle C-ounty lmp<»ed on unltatton ..rvi* uainC county land.fflll. The Board of Supervt.on •PIJIOVed the fe!ie in July. City offidala and offida1a trab Dewey'• Rubbish ServicF negotiated the increue bued ap estimates of Irvine's traap tonnage. "Our eatlmates differed by 8s much 81 50 percent," Coundlinah Bill Vardoulls said. "No one knows what it ii for sure." Dewey's wUl monitor Irvine's tonnage in the future ao that accurate filu.re9 wUl be available when next year's reaidentlal traah fee ii aet. 1be hlcreale waa lower than oriainally planned after city official• learned Tueaday morning that the county bad decreued their uaen' fee from $1 per ton to $4.90 (aee atory on Pa A3). ~ Ttill, 1rvtne wrn aupport a )>int suit aaainat the county which wUl be considered by tbe Orange County Lea,ue of Cities on Thursday. f aucceaafully punued, the suit could delay uaera' fees until next July1 v ardoul1a aa.ld. The auit would be bMed Oil the following complaints: -The U8el'S' fee ii too hiah· The county'• audden decrease will force cities to re-exarni:ni this char,e. • -Orange Cou.nty ciU. had little or no input. Vudoulla aaid that the fee wu propmed and pamed 80 fut that the hvine City Council waa unable to -ii and make recomroendationa to the county. -Ci t!:bud.et1 bad bee., adopted t prior to °::~ pemaae. a reaiult, the had to be rewonr.d. -The county hM made no plans to actually weiah trash collection vehicles to determine tonnap. lnstad, tonnace la to be estimated. Cockpit blaze grounds airliner Many city officiala objected to the fee because they felt it wu toO high and that not enough tlme had been given to study the fee before ita approval. .,.., ........... ".., ......._ OPERATION STING? -The wince of 5if::·old Todd Mcilwain proves his prowess in a Newport h bellyflop competition. His brother was a winner, too, as shown on Paae Bl. Their proposal received unaucceaaful and distinctly secular opposition from neiahbora in the adjoining Deerfield Community ~Uon. (See CHURCH, Pa1e A!) ~&'!' must .,..ee to allow the court to review lta actual plan for dlvestin1 iteelf of the Bell Syatem companies and reorpnlzina itaelf. In addition, Greene aaid he wants authority to enf~ the (See BREAKUP, Pap AJ) LITrLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - An American Alrllnea jet made an unscheduled landing in Arkanau after the fli2ht crew put out a amall fire belUnd the cockpit. The land.Ina at Little Rock Municipal Airport Tuesday WU 1mooth. · NATION U.S. bolds A-lest in Nevada· LAS VEGAS (AP) -The Department of Eneray conducted a weapom-related underground nuelear test at tJle Nevada Test Site today-the 12th announced teat this year and the third in two weeks. STATE . SAN FRANCISCX> (Al') -~ a policy it adopted aeven month• •10. the American Bar A.odaUon vot.d today ~ Conan-to prohibit memben of ane private alubl bun claim1nC their dues • tax-deductible bu8b*I ex""'"pen._,,111 .. ,. .... COUNTY Charity units burglarized Offldal1 of three charitable ll'OUPI ~ tryt.na to pick up the piecee aft.er ~ all their office equipment in a weekend . P.,e A5. Job I air al Irvine Hl1h-tech type1 went 1earchtn1 for job CbWtle. at a job fair at lrvine'a ftec1jtry Hot.el. age Bl. . TELEVISION INDEX At Your Service A4 Ann Landin All a..n-84-5 McMlia aw HerbCaen AU Mu1Ull l\mda JM Cavak:ede All Nat'ceal Newt A.a a-fled DU PUbUC~ Bt.DM c.oma 88 ~ Dl-' Cr'OllWOl'd Be Dr.Stmncrohn All Death NoUica Dt leodl Muir:eta ao l'.ditaial AlO 'NeYWan 81 J'.nter\alnment m-3 '1'1.-tan 814 Food Cl-12 w.u. M HyOwdner All World Newt AJ ~ All SPORTS 0~IYIC CENTER ••. ~ to eupport the Jomtkle. 1 •rbe lrvla-=•ny hH d•J SW. ftOWcr that wtthout tbit OODOU119a~ pr &bat Iba ~ di8ftt'1 ~an and civle oealU co\lld OGCU)f a *-"'* the Jan IMne ;t: .-uon In lta IODI· PMY ..... tn no to ~ ....... , mrrdil dewlop the ldJolnJnl vw.,. 12, center. Jt eUd d'9 ernc oenter he no ~er con1lder1 the would _.,,.•an anchor lor the Jeffrey lite u the pNmier development and would M a locaUon. -..ble part of what it Kos- "ln my mind, that lMW. ua will be tM;:;I tnM down~. 'looktnc at other ahH equally 8Ull, wteh P1uWnc •ttnctlve.'' he aald. Comml• oner Ray Catalano, Other aBea moat often noted that new aontnc tn th• dlacuaaed include land acroaa lrvlne a.tn.. Center, of which CampUI Drive from UC Irvine City Hall Al a par\ would allow and property at the entrance to muld·atcry development at th• .Crvirie Cent.er, in the ao-ealled in-nt alte. Golden 1'riancl4t· · Aaran claimed the lack ot a University offlciala have dedi\on on a location aboWdn't )>Uahed for the location near their be troubllnc. Said the mayor. "I campua, ·~ that the two think what we've beard pneent. parUea could anare certain more than coofulloft. It prment. structures. opportunltlee." CHURCH APPROVED ..• The association appealed a July 1 Plannin1 CommJaaion appreval at Tuesday's council seaaon, but found no support. Neighbon claimed a tile roof would co~traat with their wooden roofs, and said visit.on taying at the guest home would threaten their residential ~urity. "Zoning provided for a church, not a hotel," said resident Kevin Hanson. Church leaden, however, aald a church family would occupy at leaat half ttie g.ueat house, leaving room for other "God-fearing" visit.on. One member, Godfrey Otuteye, objected to bnplications that gueat hOU8e occupa.nta might tum out to be buralan. Said he: "I find It a very, very harah criticism of the church that guest. from other countries who serve the Lord would be auch peraona." BREAKUP NIXED ... settlement's provisions and the qdght to schedule hearing• at ·which testimony on the actual ,~organization could be taken 1 m third-party lntervenon and , , e chief executives of the Bell ~panies. ·~·'-AT&T must agree to apin '\irl the Bell System companies in Vt!Uch a way that each is left with a debt ratio of 45 percent. The .. ,,, . settlement had not impoeed a apecific percentage, although AT&T had pledged to aet the compa.niea free In good financial shape. The judge said he would consider waiver requeata and would allow a SO percent debt ratio for Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Co., which haa a larger debt ratio than rno.t of the other Bell oompaniea . ~Irvine Senior Citizens '< J. I l:i1. ·~parne Felton chairHJan •;•Ir Retired journalist and bustnem •,d¥ecutive James P. "Jim" Felton has bee n e lect ed the new chairman of the Irvine Senior Citizens Council. He succeeds Nick Alles, who served as chairman the last two years. Alles will remain on the council. ._,A Woodbridge resident, Felton dttired three years ago aa vice president and advertising director for Avco Finaneial ~in Newport Beach. city editor of the Los Angeles Daily News, an editor of Time Mapslne In New York and vice preaident of Foot, Cone & Beldina of Loa Angeles. Feltall currently is president of the Orange County Philharmonic Society and a director of the Newport Harbor Atta Chamber of Commerce and the county chapter of the National Conference of CbriatiaJ\1 aJld Jews. He ii a member of the Executive Committee of the Commodores Club. NO CHANGE -Actor Henry Fonda remain• tn aerlou1 condition at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Loa Angeles after being ho1pitallzed Sunday for a heart condition. The Oscar-wlnn.lna actor ts 77. New uses readied for school By JODI CADENHEAD Ofho.IJ"9tl .... Claaaroom1 at the closed Woodland Elementary achool in Cotta Mesa will be nearly full thla September with students enrolled in private school and day care programs. Trustees in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District Tuetday n!Bht approved a two-year, $52,- 000 lease for Irvine Cbrlatian School to uae eight claaarooms and the multi-purpoee room at 2026 Garden Lane. • The achoo! was cloeed in June due to declining enrollments and budget cuta, but district officials began looking tor tenants to fill the building. Last month trustees approved a two-year contract with a private pre-school, Westcliff Early Childhood Center, to use some of the rooms. The district also will lease a portion of the achool at no charge 1o the Orange C.oaat YMCA for a before-and-after-achool program begtnnlng in September. About 200 adults enrolled in the diatrict's English as a Second Language clus already have moved Into the former elementary achool. The board also approved a lease agreement with Carden Chriat1an School to use part of the c1oeed Undbergh Elementary achoo! in Costa Mesa for $90,000 a year. Following school closures district officials have generally made recommendations on how the vacant buildings should be Wied. 1.,• Before that, he had worked 45 .lj1!ars in newspapers, magazines ·~d advertising. He is a former b~ ..-.----------------------------------------------..,. ~\' ~u··~ Low clouds return n" U.S. summary .. 17 17 17 CAUf'OltNIA ,, 85 Ml ea " 90 ea 91 73 17 91 78 78 Beller•fltld 1115 ea Blythe 110 Euf<MI• ea s1 Freeno H 70 i.-...... " ee Loe AngeMI 88 17 Mll')'l"MI llt Mont-er 17 ..., ~mog TODAY a.-ict ,...,. 1:11 p.111. a-Ml loW ..... p,lft, w l il/IH Ill L'lft.111" lrvla•'• CU)' COYDCll uAMllmoualJ ..... T\Mieday nilh' to all • i.waatt _'d,,, to atop the Oran1' rCounty ~t from Cleveloplftl • new lilndml In Bee ~,Mi nonlliMt ol the ..,. ODe•cU membM had ltt llldtt ua.ooo ln dty M* lllt aunmer "*their Unat.ened laWllUit. But they didn't follow thrOuCh wlth th• mea1ure until thl1 ftek. Memben MJd they dkin't NIOrt to the le1.i action until l;aoyoa oppo ed ~:=-die~ AnoehUon, ••Id la• wa1 ~ ............. tea ~bJdMt ........ IDall llO .. • till•~ ID find _.. the........ . in,.ovatl•• 'P.'•Y• of traab Another rHhl•n•.i llllta dlliPCml. Lennm, llkt I» .... -... ·~ JAnoy A;rU, a lawnr ac!lon would torce ·~u~i and ~ proPOi14 "'~to ........ dlat ••. He said ,, IMuld ... ......... Ml'tOulH. flJed wltblR IOcta,i. Tbedea'9'aft lrvlne'1'0UJetala baYe quJddy drew nee from reaklent. COl\Unually Objected to count)' of Northwood, the Vfllaaa cJoilMt propoHlt for Bee Canyon, • to the CUJOft and IC. ~ cla1mlna the nlW landtW Would aec-. rOlld leadlna from Sand attract" hor<t.a Of ttub tnacln ~.>'?!~· that would create polhulon, Hal ~. act1na pneldent traffic and iateiy proibi.na ,,_ of the Northwood C"ommunlty thelr c:ommumtv. Newport firm cuts back Will not e1(pand into Fountain Valley BY STEVE MARBLE or .... o.1r,......,. In an effort to cut expen..ea, Newport Beach-baaed Pacific Mutual Life lnlurance Co. has decided agalnat aettling a 400-peraon b)fura.nce dlviaion in Fountain Valley. The employees were to occupy more· than half the aqua re footage in a trio of three-story bulldinga being constructed in Fountain Valley. The inaurance firm employs rouahlY 1,500 people in Orange County. It won penntulon to build the 1tructure1 at Brookhurat Street and La Alameda Avenue last year after backf.Jl8 away from plans for a 14-atory tower. In a related cost-a1tting move, Pacific Mutual announced it has lmpoaed a compa.nywlde hiling free7.e and is oonaldertng layoffs. Tom Santley, a company spokesman, said Pacific Mutwil already baa laid off 250 employees acrou the country, about 100 of them In Orange County. The work force that waa to be shifted to Fountain Valley in 1983 currently ii acattered to officea in Costa Mesa, Tuatin, Newport Beach and Santa Ana.· Santley said the group insurance unit, notified this week of the change, now will be moved to the company'• headquarten in Newport Center. Beirut battered as talks progress Deaplte a reported glut of office apace in Orange County, Santley said the firm is hopef~ it will not have difficulty ~ out the 287 ,000 square feet of office space in Fountain Valley. Pacific Mutual recently completed a pair of seven•story towers in Newport· Center adjacent to the firm's mushroom-shaped headquarters. Santley and nearly half of the office apace in the new ·twin towers has been leaaed out to 10 major tenants. By Tbe A11octatecl Presa Israeli jeta, gunboata, tanu and artillery hammered west· Beirut today, and U .S . ~dential envoy Philip Habib was reported mak1ns ~ in talks wl th Israeli l~aer; in Jerusalem on evacuating the PLO from Lebanon. Uri Porat, apokeaman for Prime Minister Menachem Begin, told reporters in Jerusalem: "The talks were good. We made progreaa. We are waiting now for further information from Ambaaaador Habib." Israel's army radio said the principles of the evacuation plan had been settled, and the blueprint had been printed up in draft fonn, ''but there ii no full agreement yet." It said Habib was expected to r e turn to Beirut after the meeting to work on the details still in dispute. Begin waa quoted by the taraeli newspaper Yedioth .Ahronoth aa aaytng ln an interview: "If all goes ~ell. the evacuation will get under way next week." A two -day athletic competition to determine Irvine's superstar tee na is echeduled Aue. 20 and 21.at the Teen Cen-.er in Heritage Park, 4601 Walnut Ave., Irvine. Sponsored by the city's Community Services •Irvine canin~s can get rabies vaccinations for $3 each at a clinic from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday in the rear parking lot of the Irvine Police Dement, 11200 Jamboree . The clinic, sponsored by the city's .Animal S e rvices • Jrvtne's future ls focus of an Aug. 17 talk by Dr. Ray Cataluo, Irvine Planning Commi98ion chairman. Catalano will talk to members of the Irvine Federation of Business and Profe.ional Women at their monthly luncheon in the Hungry Tiger Restaurant, Department, the competition will test participants' skills in basketball, track. awimming, softball, soccer and running and obstacle course . Admiaaion for the noon to 5 p.m. event each day is $2.50. Registration infonnation is available through Saturday at the Teen Center. Division and P .A .W .a (Pro motion of Animal Well-being), also wlll offer pet registration. Dogs taken to the clinic should be on leashes. Additional Information is available from Animal Services at 754-3734. Santa Ana. Reservations, which are required, can be made by contacting · Tlaa Beaaoa at 833-9704 by Friday. Catalano ls an associate frofessor of ecology at UC rvine and has been a planning commisaion member since 1978. 'fuorescenf 51top &igllf 1-m.. 4#tdl '""*~ ,,, .. Addi! """' In fltOfM, .,....... lltUltdry roome end aoot*.,.... ~..,,,,. 3 .... """'· plug, hflt"1lnll dtflln lift lrl ltw fl I II• .................... Sole Price •r2.ss Reg. Prloe $19.99 VISA. Meieor showers light up sky tonight c t I • f • t . BY JOEL C. DON °' ............. 8'ar1aura may have 'o wniun out of the Oranae ~ .,.. tonliht to view one of the molt ~ metaor lhowen of tbt )'Mr. Low clouda and '°' predicted by wn.ther forecuten for the Oran&• County c:outal relfon may put a damper on the celeldal dilplay, starUna about 10:30 p..m. Zwp IO, Mtroncmerl Ul'88 the t.t plac. to view the· meteor ahower 11 ln the mountabw or the · ~ where the lk.y II likely to be dMr and lnWfennce flocrn olty lltht• would be at a mlnlmwn. ••S&nce they are faint objlc:!tm, darknee1 l• =~ant,•• 1ald Oranae C'4Mt amonomer sieve Lattamio. • ou haw to set out where the~ ii • dark .. pcmible and a t Ucht im't in your vlelon. hue your b.ck yard II better than your lnlnt yard ... In addltlbn to tbe troubl• cau.eed by Mother Nawn, dMi expect.tel rt. of the thlrd~ moan at about 1 Lm. will uw.ny tum the liahta out on the lteUar 1pectlcle. 1'he belt vMwin8 Um. are from about 10;30 toni1ht until the moon appears. Nonnally, Lattamio noted, the llUnnJ.q heavenly display would be1•. be viewed between Newport fiFm cuts back Will not expand into Fountain Valley BY' STEVE MARBLE or .. r>e1r,...leiiiif In an effort to cut expenaes, New.port Beach-t>aaed Paciflc Mutual Life Insurance Co. has decided agalnat settling a 4()0-penon insurance divialon ln Fountain Valley. The employees were to occupy 1 more than half the square footase ln a trio of three-story buildings being constructed ln Fountain Valley. The lnaurance firm employs roughly 1,500 people ln Orange County. It won permlulon to build the structure• at Brookhurat Street and La Alameda Avenue last year after backing away from plans for a 14-•tory tower. In a related coet-cuttlna move, Pacific Mutual announoeCl it has impoeed a compan~de h1rlng freeze and is conaldertng layo~. Tom Santley, a comp'any spokesman, said Pacific Mutual already baa laid off 260 employees across the country, ' Defender to train in NelVport Beach By ALMON LOCKABEY O(' .. Dtllr ......... From Newport east to Newport west and back again. hinted the two yachts would be brought to the West Coast this winter. about 100 of them in Orange County. The work foree that was to be 1hifted to Fountain Valley 'in 1983 currently is scattered to offices in Cbtta Meaa, Tu1tln, Newport Beach and Santa Ana. Santley said the group lnaurance unit, notified th1a week of the change, now will be moved to the company'• headquarters in Newport Center. De1plte a reeorted glut of office apace ln Orange County, Santley said the firm is hopeful it will not have difficulty leasing out the 287,000 square feet ot office apace ln Fountain Valley. Pa~ific Mutual recently completed a pair of seven-story towers In f.lewport Center adjacent to the firm's mushroom-shaped headquarters .. Santley and nearly half of the office apace in the new twin towers has been leued out to 10 major tenanta. Lauam:IO Mid. li\. i-i· )'tlU'9. he hat cone to the Lake Zlllnore area to eecape 'b• problem• c:nac.d by weether end ~ti. "l:vm l waa lmprrnv .. aid the ~tieran ltarplln'. "It looked Wee ttnworb.'' IMlcau. the meteors appear to emanate from the constellation Peueu1 in the northeaat quadrant of the sky, the ahow hu been dubbed the Peneid meteor lhower. Al'Wlr ...... Howwer, lAttanDo noted_ tJMi appearance of the meti9Cll'I ~ one .,.. 11 an opUcal mutton, lllm1lar to parallel railroed ~ that appeuo to converse at on.c polnt ln the dMtanm. '. 1'houah the meteon will~ tbi earth'• atmotphere In alt areu. viewen will have the ~ chance of 1eeln1 the 1how -~ lookln1 toward the northe"l hori7.on. he ea1cl. I Planners I OKoffic ' buildings ~ By JODI CADENHEAD O('tMO.., ......... A three-year battle over a hJgh-riae project propceed for a 1lte eouth of the San Die10 Freeway alona Bristol Street neared a climax when the Costa Mesa Planning Commiaaion approved the comtruction of two five-story office buildinas· James and Andrew Gtanwi.a, owners of the four-acre aite, located between the cloa•d Montgomery Ward C.O. store aad the freeway , had tri«d u.naucceaatullv to wln approval of four other projec'll ranging from five to 14 stories. If the proposal is approv*d next month by the City ~ the developer will beg n construction this spring, sa d senior city planner Greg Shaffer. That is the itinerary for Defender, the newest 12-meter to be launched, and her trial hone, Courageous. Charles E. Kirach, chairman of the Defender/Courageous Group, has made it official that the two rad.n8 aloop. will be ln NewpQl't Beach f;r'om Nov. 1 to March 15 for winter crew training and speed triala. · The choice of Newport Beach wu made after Bill Ficker, 1970 Cup defender, bad done reeearch for the group. "It is lqlportant that crews have aa much ·continuity as pouible in training and 1peed trlala," a aid Ficker. "We ~ eeveral o&her llltes ln ~ and Florida, but none provided u many limU.aritiea to lthode bland Sound aa the Newport area. Santley said it has not been determined how much of the recently completed towers the l.r)auranoe company~ occupy. 'That dec:iaion could hinge on a IO-<lalled expeme level re<luction report that ii ex~ted to be unvelled prior t.O Sept. 1. The report will de!Ail cost cuts. COOLING OFF -Gina Manchester, 4, of Costa Mesa may have eyes bigger than her stomach. Still she's found a good way to beat tne heat at a Glendale ice cream parlor as temperatures hovered in the 90s. Nearby reeidenta who had strongly opposed past development proposala for the property, spoke ln favor of the project Monday nl&ht. Bristol Plaza'• 85-foot offices fall within the recently adopted height lim1tat1on guidelinet for the area along Brlatol Street, It meam Orange Coast waters will become one of the most lianificant traln1ni ~ few the America'• Cup what with one of the Cup's most preettctoua ayndicatee operatlna ln Newport Beech. "Balboa yacht Club la the ideal location for lD because of ita proximity to ~e open ocean," (See COAST, Pqe Al) Santley uld the finn hu aet a dollar amount it ~ to...abave off and la acrutlnUitlg several ways of acoomplilhina th1t. He declined to uy what the dollar filw'e WU. CCC trustees eye TV-course dispute south of the freeway. , Shaffer uld city offldala were concerned with the amount of a cce11 to the project, bl4t supported the propoul becauae Jt met Bristol Street Specific Plan guidelinee. Home base for the two twelves will be Balboa Yacht Club, wb.ich bu agreed to provide the group with two moorinp for the racen plus dock space and room in the parking lot for trailers. Tom Blackaller of San Fninciaco who bu been selected aa skipper of Defender, had Bandits bind ·pair, hold up Mesa station Police in Costa Mesa are aearching today for two men who tied up a service 1tation clerk before fleeing with $120 Tue9day niaht. 1l'be two walked into the Chevron Station at 3190 Harbor Blvd. at about 8 :30 p .m . pretending to be interested ln pun:baslna a tire. One 1u1pect simulating a weapon forced the clerk to hand over a key to the cash box before ~ hia bands. Dlllr ........... .,.., ...... Coast Community Colleae District trustees wlll conalder adoption of a statement tonight defending the uee of television courses and warninJl again1t "destructive campaigns"" aimed at eliminating this form of inatruct1on. In recent months the diatrtct, which include• Orange Coaat, Golden West and Coastline colleges, has been embroiled in a diapute over the quality of the tefevlalon courses offered throuih Coutllne. The 1tatement that comes •before the board tonight acknowledges that educators have the right to disagree over the use of television. But it adda that the board of 'Moderate' quake shakes Monterey HOLLISTER (AP) -An earthquake shook buildinp on the Monterey Peninsula for the 9eCOnd time ln 30 hours but there were no report• of damage, offidala aaid. The latest quake, whJch struck One suspect ia de.cribed as 25 to 30, 6 feet, 150 pounds. The other la 2~ to 30, 5 feet 9, 175 pounds with a beard. Both are black. OPERATION STING? -The wince of ~-year-old Todd McDwain proves hla prowess in a Newport Beach bellyflop competition. His brother was a winner, too, as shown on Page Bl. . Wednesd'ay, registered a mqnttude of 6.5 on the Richll'r 1cale and was described as ''moderate'' by Norman Abrahamlon of the Univeudty of Callfomia Selllmoiraph Station at Berkeley. NATION HONOLULU (AP) -An expbion was reported at the rear of a Pan American 747 jumbo jet as it approllChed Honolulu on a flight from Tokyo today. cauatnc a W. of cabin p191W'e. The plane landed at the airport, and offidall said there apparently were injuriee. STATE SAN FRANCISOO (AP) -~a Po1Jcy lt adopted seven months aao, the American aar ~tlon vot.ad ~ aplmt,ciilldna eor..-to prohibit membsl ol .,._ cllatmlnaay private clube lroai cla1rnlnl their duee • tax.:decl~ ~ ~exinrpen~ .... 11111. COUNTY Cliarity unit8 burglarized Officials of three chAritable groupe are trying to plck up tbe plece. after ~ all thelr office equipment in a weekend . Pap M. Job I air at Irvine Hlah-tech type• went 1earchtn1 for job r.:!bWtie. at a job fair at Irvine'• fteliatry Hotel aae Bl. TELEVISION trustees "will not condone the action of those ln this district who set out on a destructive campaign to destroy legitimate learning opportunities created by innovative people without giving thought to the damage being done to earne1t and serlou1 learnen." The board meeta at 8 p.m. in the college district headquarters, 1370 Adams Ave., C.OSta Mesa. The plan approved by the council May 3 rai9ed allowable heights ln the Atta from 30 to 85 feet. The entrance to the project wjll be located ln the back of the now cloeed Ward store. Shaffer called the accel8 "awkward" and said that the Holiday Inn traf&: signal ln front of Ward'• may tie used when an adjacen't developer'• plana are reviewed. Cornark's demise blamed on NY bank Newport Beach-baaed Comark, a defunct government leCUrities brokerage, reportedly ia blaming its financial.woes on a New York bank. Comark has asked it1 165 limited partners to come up with $12.5 million ln new capital, It WU Nported today. The brokerage, ttportedly ln financial disarray and facing litigation on aeveral front1, voluntarily shut.down ln June and anertedly now la in the proce18 of liquidation. In a 1tatement 1ent to lnveaton, a Los An1eles area paper ha• reported, the firm INDEX contends that Marine Midland Bank in Buffalo 1u1pended leCUritiee cleartnc operatiooa for C«nark, withdrew a key line of credit and seized C«nari's u.eta to pay off part <lf the firm's debts. Marine Midland would not comment on the alleptiona but previously aaid it auapended the securities clearin4r operadona for Comark for one clay lut June . The bank uld Comark could not cover its overniaht loans with collateral. The c.allfomia Department of Corporationa la ihvestigatlng tbe Comark oollap.e. At Your Service A4 Ann lAnden All Butlnaa B4-G Movies 82.., HerbCMI\ All Mutual J\anda B4 Cavabde All Natlooal News A3 a...w.cl ~ Public Nodcm B4,DM Comim 86 Spor1a Dl-4 Cloalward B6 Ilr'.8..mcrohn AU O..thNoex-°' Stock Marb'9 B5 Editorial AlO T9leYti6an 87 J'.l)wt.atnment 82..S ,,... .. 82..S J'ood Cl-12 W•ther A2 Hy Gardner All World News AS Horo.cope All SPORTS bulldms o o~n in faJl AST TRIALS ..•. ~ Jtlnch. ·mae ......,. w111 '•~y baw a to..ailaull tow from moariDll tO ..... c:oune." -..Hou1ha1 for the crew and 1upport team, aa well aa tnnlportaUon f« the boata and their tendera, J1 1tlll under COftlklera\iOn. Jt,lneh uld the arc>UP expecta to return to Newpol"t JU. for tu.nt. train1na by Ma~ 1, 1883. The preliminary America. Cup uiala are IChecfuled JW\8 18-2~ on Rhode laland Sound, The Defender/Coura1eou1 Group la one of two American 1yndjcat. vytna for the rt&ht to defend ·the Cup~ The other II the Fort Schuyler Foundation of the U.S. Maritime Academy which Diuil ~ of a.a ~ aklpP9red tbe J'ort Schuyler roundatioft'• Freedom '° vtctory OWi' the MwlnUan ~ ln 1980. In th• wlnter of 1878 Conner brou1ht Freedom and her uw honl '° San DlelO for wlnter tratntn1, but baa not d!ICJl9d w~ be wW brine the two new yachta w .. t thS. )'Mr. 'l'he America'• Cup la the world'• oldest lportll prlle and la the only trophy that haa remained ln the handa of the original wtn.ner. Beirut battered as talks progress 81 Tile Al1ocJated Pre11 Israeli jets, gunboats, tanka and artihery hammered west~ eirut today, and U .S .' presidenUal envoy Philip Habib .. reported making progress in ~'1ka with Israeli leaders in J.eruaalem on evacuating the PLO from Lebanon. Uri Porat, apokeaman for Prime Minister Menachem Begin, told reporters in Jerusalem: ''The talks were good. We made progreas. We are QWaiting now for further information from Ambusador .. J• • 1 ,, ael'a army radio said the , j>dnciples of the evacuation plan ,~d been settled, and the ,~ueprint had been printed up in . .. . .. .. I 10 :~esa rejects ~landfill suit v.1' 611 Costa Mesa has become the only Orange .~t city to vote ~iElnst joining a proposed ~ iue of Cities lawsuit to block ,, dumping charges impoeed at -unty owned landfilll. dralt form. "but there 11 no full agreement yet." It said Habib waa e1Ci:>ecied to return to Beirut alter the meeting to work on the detalJa ·~ in diapute. Begin was quoted by the Israeli newapapttr Yedloth Ahronoth as saying in an interview: "U all a<>ee well, the evacuation will get under way next week." Three seized in Costa Mesa store holdup A pursuit by police in Costa Mesa today ended in the arrert of three men au apected ln a convenience store robbery. Poli~e said that the men, almulati.ng a weapon, 'forced a 22-year-old clerk at U-'l'ote-M, 1178 Sunflower Ave., to hand over $15 during the 2 a .m . robbery. .,_CAmh*#AD ............. Cla11room1 at tb• ol01ed Woodland l:IRDMStary ICilOOl In eo.ca .... will be BMrly "'11 tbtl •1Mmber wtth ftUCleldl earolled ID private 1ebool ~ du1an p1rccnma. 'f~ 1n the Newpon-Meae Unltied School °'8vtot TueedtY ntsht approved a two-~. fD2,· 000 leue for Irvin. thrlatlan School to UM etp& clamooml and the rDulU·purpoM room at 2026 Garden Lant. I The ldMJo1 WU clm9d In Jww due io dec1in1na enrolln;wni. and budcet cuta, but ~ offidall bepn 1ookin1 for tenanta to fW the buildlnl· Lut month tr\.latM9 approved a two-year contract with ~ private pre-achool, Weatclift Early Childhood Center, to U8e _°' .. ,_, fte cllllrtot ... *ill 1w • pat16onollbelC:baailatno~ to the Or-. Coll& YMCA for a • ..,.......,. proerw &~.~In the dllta1ct'a ~ M a Second Lan1ua1• ola11 already have moved i nto the fo rmer ei.m.nt.ary achool. The board alao •~.Proved a • leaae •"ment with Carden ChrWd.aia School to uae pert o1 the cbed Ltndbe~ Elementary achool .in c.o.ta M .. for '9(),000 a year. J'ollowin1 achool clo1ure1 dlatrlct officiala have pnerally made recommendationa on how the vacant buildinp ahould be WN!d. But that practice may aoon end. Tuetday night tnaateea for .., CHANGE -Actor Henry Fonda remain• in serious condition at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angele• after being hospitalized Sunday for a heart condition. The Oscar-wtnnina actor la 77. BiJJ· to strengthen Clark rebuts coastal panel OK'd campaiun fund While a Senate bill to atrip the Cornmlulon must go to court e · state Coa1tal Commiaalon of before such atop orders can be ' • J • ' authority over the Bolaa Chica l.aaued. VJO ations mauh waa killed Tuesday, But under AB3256, the another bill to 1trengthen commiSlton ccli.J.d halt -at leaat co mmlaalon power• wa1 temporarily -development on approved by the Aaeembly and la its own·initlative1._thua "speeding The Orange <;ounty District Attorney's office has been asked to determine lf co unt y Supervlaor Ralph Clark violated a provlalon of a five-year-old ordinance regulating campaign finances. Clark, a 12-year member of the board of aupervtaon, said today that the complaint raised by a former county planning commissioner la without sut.tance. And Clark aaid he rema1na one of the most 11ead.1ast supporters . of the law under which the complaint waa lodl{ed -the 11<>- called TIN CUP (Time Is Now, Clean Up Politica) ordinance. It waa approved by supervisors in 1977. • Clark said he has not been contacted by the district attorney's office about Ms. Grindle's complaint. "But I'm available," Clark said. "I've been h ere 12 years and I've tried to keep the water clean. That's why I brou-ght it up yesterday. I'd rather face it head on," aa.ld Clark. on its way to the 1tate Senate. up the proceu," A.apiloff aaid. -Cities and counties where the That b 111, A 8 3 2 5 6 • bl atate-mand.ated Local Coastal Assemblyman Larry Kapllof , Plan hu been approved by the D-San Diego, would ~mllt the Coutal Commisalon have conunillsion ~ iaaue ceue and authority to ialUe ltop ordera. desi1t orders in apeciflc caae. "Thia IJ to atop developers where commiaalonera believe from brlzenly and quickly development violated or bulldozing coastal resource" threatened to violate coastal without permits while the regulationa or cauae irreparable lengthy court procedure is being environmental harm. followed," Kapiloff said. The stop orders -which "Once a wetland.a is bulldozed, would require commlaaion it's often destroyed forever and hearingB before being iaaued -thb bill would put a atop to it would remain in elfect until while a court date is being set," courts ruled in the individual he said. cases. Currently, the Coastal Irvine adds another site for center tbe flnt Ume tur .. 41 ,lo a properlJ ...... , •• , firm co l\.dde IMm ID fUlure ' d 'vw The W•"= ONU9di119 blr9d tor. -a( .... ~":f t.-*t-=:; School, unuHd .J)Ortiona of Llndb•r•h , Wakeham. Woodlanda, BUln~ ~peny and att.e at Junbalw &nd Br1mlol Alto on the lilt to be l'WY'l9wed a... 2.G acNI behind Beck Bay ~ School, vacant land near r Street headquarten and Bear Street School, whJch 11 atill open. Superintendent John Nicoll Mk! that the private eomultfna firm could PC>aibly double the dlatrict'• profit from propertla. "I no lonaer feel competent to make recommendaUona on propertle1," aaid Nicoll. · ATT breakup rejected by U.S. judge WASHINGTON (AP) -A federal judge refuaed today to approve the antitruat eettlement proposing the bteakup of the American Telephone & Telegraph Co. until several major change1 are made. U.S. District Judge Harold H. Greene, in a 178-page opinion, aaJd he had concluded that the requirement that ATt,fl give up its 22 wholly owned Bell System · operating companies waa "P~>'. in the public i;nterat." Hut t.ne JUage said the process could not go forward unleu AT&T and the Just ic e Department were willin6 to accept several new safeguards. So far the propoeed suit has pJcked up support from Orange Coast councils in Huntington Beach, Fountain Valley, Laguna Beach, San Clemente, Irvine and Newport Beach. Altogether, 13 Officer Gary Walab , responding to the call. apotted , the auapect'a car and puraued them to a dead-end street along Prospect Place. The trio then reportedly jumped out of the abandoned vehicle and fled on foot be1ore being arrested. "lt waa (.;lark in 1977 who in tr oduced for board consideration the TIN CUP ordinance after Ms. Grindle and others had received necessary lfgn.aturea to place the measure before county voters. Irvine's City Council waa expected to chooee a aite for a civic center, but instead added another poaible location to the growing list. Red Cross hoard e have indicated support for suit, with the rest expected to Thunday. ~y the Orante County .... ~ of Supervisors voted to .Jqwer the $7 charge lmpoeed July tl~ to $4.90 per ton (see story, .Jl,ge A3). bt.1· Taken into cuatody on •"8picion o{ armed robbery were Maril Anthony Hall, 23 ; Hayward Jackson, 24; and Edward Charles Napper, 21, all of Santa Ana. The TIN CUP ordinance prohibits supervisors from acting on matters that could have a mate r ial financial effect on contributors that have given more than $1.331 to their campaigns. ~\' .. b · • .tl,.\~ Low-clouds return .. 1r1• -.t! I ( U.S. su1nmary Lioht rain aprNd ec:rou the oent,., Pt11t18 to tile Ohio Vall9y on Tu.day, 'tllhlle nortMr1Y wtflde brought cooler -•thel ·to the Greet LekH region and the mlddle MlleiaelOol Valley. AeDofd bfMking cool weetlltf lllt tM Horth C«ttral ltat• ~ In tM dey, and cblCly •• and llgllt rllln continued the trend «hrough the Uy. Werm, humid weather continued acroH the louth. Ttlunderltormt were ec:ettered ltoflll the Gulf Coelt. For today. ecallered ~ ... ~­the eoutheutern third of the neaon. with .... tltundet9tOrml Offf the Aoclllee, the PlatMU twglor\ and tM Peclfto ~---8 u nny altl•• were fore o••I ......... C"lifornia ~ HunllllgtOn ...... =:~~ 40ttl8'.....,_, Uftct8'.~ ........... =::;- ECe.:,.., T~ °'*"''•,... 72 4:t 85 56 90 52 as ee 13 54 90 75 llO 74 10 eo t2 73 t2 72 81 .,. • 83 llt .. 72 107 80 .. 71 83 82 S7 82 10 54 78 41 11 .. 85 Ill 72 .. 71 .. 73 = : t2 7t .. 74 110 .. 74 llt !4 M CAUrOflNIA 11 85 18 .. 98 90 ea t1 73 87 111 73 73 Bellertfleld 115 68 ,, 71 40 70 ea 70 ' 117 71 "3 82 73 59 81 Blythe 110 Eureita 88 67 .o2 Fttene> 118 70 LencM1er 118 et Loa Anoe1e1 18 87 MeryrMe et Monterev 87 ..... ~mog SURF RIPllT The Air Ovallty Management Olatrlct oreclkU unltelltMvl .. quallty for NMIUv• people In eome ereH today, but good q11•llty In metropolltan, ~aln MO GOelt9 .,..._ Where to cen (toll lrHI 1or ...... '"'°II lnfonnllUon: ~ .... .... ..., 14" ..... 1-4" pocw-flllr ~ .. pocw ... l-4ft poOt•telr ..... " pocw.flllr 14" poClf Wft poClf Wft poClf 14 ft ,.., I ft poor 14ft ..., 14" - , °'tinoa OOllnty: (IOO) 44&-3l2t Lo• Ano•• County: (1001 A--.. 24~ _, 8an llemerdlno T=-oountlee: (IOO) M7~710 17 AQMD "'aodt C«tt•: (tOO) 17 142 ...... 17 :; Tides a a a II .. .. • The latest suggestion ahould be a familiar one. Several city officiall 1aid the city could develop a multi-story facility at the present locatin of City Hall, at Jamboree Road and McGaw Avenue. picks members Four Orange Coast residenta have been aelected as board members for the Orange County Chapter of the American Red Cross. Named were Huntington Beach resident PaaJ C1aavlra, owner of a Garden Grove restaurant; Balboa Bay Club president Tlloma1 Deemer, a •Orange Coast College clas,s sched ul es and registration material will be available Aug. 20-22 at South Coast Pla%.a in <:osta Mesa. "Community College Weekend" will include Newport Beach resident; Corona del Mar resident Wllltam E . Nellon, a Fluor Corp. vice_preaident and Irvine Cty Manager Wllllam Woolett. The Red Cross chapter re- elected Job.a Coellao, a Villa Park resident, chairman of the board of directors. exhibits and, demonstrations. Registration on the Costa Mesa campus continues from Thursday through Sept. 10 in the admiHiona office. For more information call 556-5772. testing for blood pressure electrocardiogram, treadmills ~nd blood teats. For .nformation and registration :all 543-3595. • 'luorescenf Shop &igltf ,,,-. ~~o .... ,, 2../lr.. 4Utdt worff#top JIN. Ad<# #glll In ehOI», ~ i.undry rOOtN llttd "'°'* .,..... OompMM .,,,,, J ..,.. OOt'd, plug, ,_.,,,,.,, olfelrl .-. rutnlln 11• ............. " ...... . Sale Price ''~---Reg. Price '$19.99 t \ Meteor showers light up sky tonight ~ .. .iom. • DON belt place to view the -met.or beck yard la better than JOW' ~' and dawn. Lat1anl:lo Mid. In yean, he However, Lattanzio ~ 11m..., £...., aboww ii In the moun&aina OI the front yard." TIM meteor 1hower com•• Ml 1~ to the l::!. Zlllnore appearance of the met.eon wnt!:!'!:~·U:~.!1!.veo.!: ~ where the*>' ii Wcely to In addition to the trouble ciourtllY ol tbt 1911Mftte of the area to eecape the problems one area i. an optical WUIAGDJ ~:-.-be clear and interfennee from caueed b.Y, Mother Nature, the lwlH-'l'uttle comet, which It c:ruted by we.ther and ~ta. aim1lar to perallel ra1lrmd ~ = ~.!..~.YieW ..:'9~ ctty lt1ht1 would be at a npectedrlleot the third-quarter ~up• It ol'btte the IW\. 1•Jlven l wu lmpr111n,•• aald that appear to oonvers-at one: ol the~";"-me mlnlmwn. moon at about 1 a.m. wUl 11~ r.ch ,.-at lbll dine, the earth the ~t.eran tta.rpaer. "It looked point ln the dlatanee. ' '~-· "Slnoe they are faint obJecta. tum the liahta out on the ttelJar ..... tlU'OUlb the dlbrta. IDOSt like fl.reworks.'' r Low douda and toe predicted darkne.. i• ~ant, .. -.. td ilpect.lde. 1'M best vtewtnc Umea of It pmnllf no larl'f than a BecaUle the meteon appear to Thouah the meteon will irtrtkef by w•ther forecuten for the Onnce Cout MtrallOl:Def' are from about 10:30 tont1ht IJ'aln of aand. A. the material emanate from the corwtellation the earth'• atmoephere Jn .ii Orance County coastal reaton Sceve Lat1anllo. • ou haw to until the moon appears.. coWdel with the atmotphere, the PerHua In the northeast areas, vtewen will have the -- may put a damper on the celestial aet out where the ally la u dark Nonnally, Lattanzio noted, the effect ii a dalZllnl aky ahaw. quad.rant of the aky, the ahow chance of eeelnc the mow bi, ditplay. ltartinl about 10:30 p.m. u pomlble and a brtaht Uaht iln't 1tUnn1nf heavenly display would Meteors will Ucht up at the hu been dubbed the Perseid looklnl toward the northe~ 2veft eo, Mtronomersuree the In your vialon. "'l'hua your bea•. be viewed between rate of about one etlCh minute, meteor shower. horbon. he lllkl. j , Newport firm _cuts back Will not expand into Fountain Valley By STEVE MARBLE Of" .. Dellr ......... In an ·effort to cut expenaes, Newport Beach-baaed Paclflc Mutual Life Insurance Co. baa decided against settling a 400-pereon insurance division in' Fountain Valley. The employees were to occupy more than half the square footage in a trio of three-story buildings being constructed in Fountain Valley. The insurance firm employs roughly 1.600 people in Orange County. It won permiaalon to build the structure• at Brookhurat Street and La Alameda Avenue laat year after becking away from plant for a 14-atory tower. In a related oost-<::Utting move, Pacific Mutual announceCl lt hat lmpoeed a companywlde hiring freeze and is cooalderlng layof.fa. Tom Santley, a company 1pokesman, said Pacific Mutual already has laid off 250 employees a~ the country, D.efender to train in Newport Beach By ALMON LOCltABEY Of"tlleDellr ........ From Newport east to Newport west and back again. hinted the two yachts woula be brought to the West Cout thla winter. about 100 of them in Orange County. The work force that waa to be 1hlfted to Fountain Valley in 1983 currently la scattered to offices in Coeta Mesa, Tustin, Newport Beach and Santa Ana. Santley aald the group l.Murance unit, notified this week of the chanp, now will be moved to the COlnJ>U'y's headquarters in Newport Center. Deaplte a reeorted glut of office apace ln orange County, Santley said the firm ia hopeful it will not have difficulty leasing out the 287,000 aquare feet of office 1paice in Fountain Valley. Pacific Mutual recently completed a pair of seven-story towers in f.f ewport Center adjacent to the firm's muahroom-ahaped headquarten. Santley and nearly half of the office 1pace in the new twin towers has been leued out to 10 major tenant.a. Planners j • OKolfic~ l buildingsJ By JODI CADENHEAD OfeMOallrNethlff A three-year battle over a - high-rile project propoeed for a aite south of the San Diego Freeway alona Bristol Street neared a climax when the Costa Mesa Planning Commiaaion approved the oonatruct1on of two five-story off.ice build1np. . James and Andrew Gianuliai. owners of the four-acre 1it•. located between the cloa~ Montgamery Ward Co. store a1$i the freeway, bad trie~ UNlklCellfullv to win approval. Qf four other projecia rang1nc fnxp five to 14 atorle1. , If the proposal is apfrov~ next month by the City ~ the developer will be8if! construction this aprtng, said senior city planner Greg Shaffer. That is the itinerary for Defender, the newest 12-meter to be launched, and her trial hone, Courageous. Charles E. Kirach, chairman of the Defender/Courageous Group, haa made it offictal that the two f8dna lloope will be in Newport Beac6 from Nov. 1 to March 15 1 for winter crew training and speed trials. . The choice of Newport Beach was made after Bill Ficker, 1970 Cup defender, had done re.earch tor the group. "It is important that crew• have aa much continuity as pouible in training and apeed trials:' aaid Ficker. "We comldered aeveral otber alts in Cali1omia and Florida, but none provided • many almilaritlee to khode bland Sound H the Newport area. SantJey aaid it haa not been determined how much of the recently completed towers the ~urance company will occupy. That decision could binge on a so-called expeme level reduction report that la expected to be unveiled prior to Sept. 1. The report will de~ COit cuts. _, ... .,... .. COOLING OFF -Gina Manchester, 4, of Costa Mesa may have eyes bigger than her stomach. Still she's found a good way to beat the heat at a Glendale ice cream parlor as temperatures hovered in the 90s. Nearby reaidenta who bad strongly oppoaed paat development propdeala for the property, spoke ln favor of the project Monday night. Bristol Plaza's 85-foot off.icea fall within the recently adopted height llmJtaiion guidelines for the area along Bristol Street, aouth of the freeway. It means Orange Cout waters wlll become one of the mo1t algnific:lnlt trainln8 ~ for the America's Cup what with one of the Cup'• moet prestiatoua syndicates operating in Newport Beech. "Balboe Yacht Club ii the ideal location for ~ua becaUH of ita proximity to the open ocean.'' (See COAST, Pace A%) Santley aa1d tJie firm his .et a dollar amount lt wants to shave off and is ICl'\ltinlzlnC 1everal ways of llCCOIDpliahlng thia. He decl1ned to eay what the dollar figure waa. CCC irustees eye TV-course displlte Shaffer said city offidala were concerned with the amount di acceaa to the ~/ect, but supported the pro because ts met Bristol Street Specific Plan guidelines. Home bue for the two twelves will be Balboa Yacht Club, which baa agreed to provide the group with two rnoorinf1 for the 1*len plua dock apace and room in the parking lot for trailers. Tom Blackaller of San FrancUco who has been selected as skipper of Defender, bad Bandits bind ·pair, hold up Mesa station Police in Costa Mesa are searching today for two men who tied up a service station clerk before fleeing with $120 Tue9day ~~e two walked into the Chevron Station at 3190 Harbor Blvd. at about 8 :30 p .m . pretending to be interested in purchulng a tire. One suspect eimulatlng a weapon forced the clerk to hand aver a key to the cash box before tying his handa. Deir ........... .., o.rr ...... Coast Community College Diatrict truatees will consider adoption of a statement tonight defending the uae of televiaion courae1 and warning against "destructive campaigns" aimed at eliminating thl1 form of lnstruction. In recent months the diatrict, which includes Orange Coaat, Golden Weat and Coaetllne colleges, baa been embroiled ln a dispute over the quality of the television courses offered through Coutline. The statement that comes before the board tonight acknowledges that educators have the rtcht to disagree over thle uae of television. But it adda that the board of 'Moderate' quake shakes Monterey HOLLISTER (AP) -An earthquake ahook buildinga on the Monterey Peninsula for the -=ond time ln 30 hours but there were no reports of damage, offidala said. One suapect la deecrlbed as 25 to 30, 6 feet. 150 pounds. The other la 23 to 30, 6 feet 9, 175 ~with a beard. Both are OPERATION STING? -The wince of 6-year-old Todd McDwain proves his prowess ln a Newport Beach bellyflop competition. His brother was a winner. too, as shown on Page Bl. The latest quake, which struck Wednesday, resiatered a imgnitude of 6.5 on the Richwr acale and waa described as "moderate" bY. Norman Abrahamlon of the Univenity of California Selamograph Station at. Berkeley. NATION HONOLULU (AP) -An exploeion was reported at the rear of a Pan American 747 jumbo jet as it appr'OM!hed Honolulu on a flight from Tokyo today. ca~ a io. of cabin pn!elW"e. The plane landed at the airport, and offid•l• aaUi one penon wu killed md five injured. STATE SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -lWVWldnl a policy 'it adopted aeven month• aao, the American Bar Al9odaticn voted toda)' .......... ~ to prohibit member. of.-.·~ Drlv8tit Clum from cla1mlna ..... cha M tax-deduetthle~bi•0- ..-:exintpe11llM"lta••••. COUNTY Charity units burglarized Oftkiala of three charitable groupe are trying to pick up the pieces after lCJllna a1molt all their office equipment ln a weekend burglary. Pace A6. Job lair at Irvine H ah-tech type• went 1earchln1 for jot) poeidbilitlee at a Job fair at Irvine'• fteaijtry Hotel Pap Bl. . TELEVISION trustees "will not condone the action of those in this district who aet out on a destructive campaign to destroy legitimate learning opportunities created. by innovative people without giving thought to the damage being done to earnest and aerioua learners." The board meets at 8 p.m. in the college district headquarters, 1370 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa. The plan approved by the council May 3 railed allowable height.a in the area from 30 to 86 feet. The entrance to the project will be located ln the back of tlie now closed Ward store. Shaffer called the accea "awkward" and said that the Holiday Inn traffk aignal ln front of Ward'• may bf: u sed when an adjacen"t developer's plans are reviewed. Comark's deniise blamed· on NY bank Newport Beach-baaed Comark, a defunct government securities brokerage, reportedly is blamin8 it.a financial woes on a New York bank. Comark baa aaked ita 165 limited partners to come up with $12.5 mlllion in new capital, it was reported today. The brokerage, reportedly in financial disarray and facing litigation on several fronts, voluntarily shut down ln June and aaaertedly now is ln the procem of liquidation. In a statement sent to inveatora, a L'oa Angeles area paper has reported, the firm INDEX contendl that Marine Midland Bank in Buffalo auapended aecuritiet clearlne operationa fot c.omark, withdrew a key line of credit and sel1.ed Comark'a ..,... to pay off part \lf the firm'• debts. Marine Midland wowd not comment on the allegations but previoualy aald it suspended the eecwitiea clearing operations far Cornark for one day last June. The bank said Comark could not cover ita ovemi&ht loans with collateral. The California Department of CorporaUone ii investiaatina ~ Comark collai-e. A4 84-5 All All Dt-8 86 B6 D4 AlO m..a Cl·12 All All Ann Landen Movies Mutual~ National News PublicN~ · Sporte Dr.Stielncrohn Stock Marketa Tei.vtllion 'l'bea-. We.ther All 82-3 84 AS 84,1).1,..4 Dl-4 All BO B7 82-3 .u AJ World Newa rop. 6 controls N&W'f = PATI :7::. Mlll&1£!:• I ::. ~..J':'c...r.:. !Jr -.: =r-=:-... -L-t.'C=::.: ....... -,. C.P., ""'911 II.a Propo1hlon e received tbe 1reater ~ number of vote1, eo In cue1 of conflict between .the two propaeltiona. Pt-opoldtion 6 con troll. Under =::r:tlon e. no lnherttance taxet will be • Clll the ....._ of anyone who dMI cm. or alts, June 9, 1982. The CalifomJa inheritance tax 1ystem WM the eontrol mechan'9n foi many llpecW .. of e1\ate tranlfen. For example, the ••a=I" ot the value of an estate, made. by an tmM:e tax referee, w• acmpted by tbe feCleral eatate tax authoritlea a1 ~ the value of the estate. The a.....-i aJm determlped the value of the lll'Obate -. ... Allio. ~ti to Transfer," Iuued by the 1tate Controller'• Office, pemed the releate of property which wu Owned by a decedent and other penon (s). With the repeal of the California inheritance tax. tlM9e and many other functiom must be handled by 90IOe other method(1). Anyone needfna aped& lnfonnatlon about the effect of the inheritance tax repeal should contact the Sacramento Office of the California State C.OOtroller, Division of Inheritance and Gift otor Tax, at (916) 44~-6321. ,a~ Check out realtors v:t DEAR PAT: I am a womu ln my 601. I c;, m••t eeU my lloase because of lllne11 ln tU ~· family. Altlaoatll I am /IUDlng to sell It tUMp a realtor, I woal like to bow wlaat -pneaatloll1 I .. oald take. Some time ago, I pat &M aio11e on taie market. Tiie reaUor preeated a very peeallar offer from a man 1'M wuted to uy tU laoase. Slnce tlaen, I ft.d ta.at I'm aot able to mast uy realtor. V .F ., Balboa laland A YS suggests you contact several established real estates firms in your area. Speak to the office manager and find out what .ervices the firm can o!fe.r to you. Does it have a multiple listing service? How about ~dvertlaJng? Aak to see current listinp of comparable property to make sure the asking price la neither too high nor too low. Ask for a clear explanation o1 the vari.ous types of f:lnandng that wW be propoeed to prospective buyen and 8lk to aee the state license of the reeltor you decide la beat qualified to sell your hoUle. Before you sign a llating agreement, make sure you understand every word in it. If something is unclear, ask about it. Also, remember that there la no aet sales oornmiasion in this at.ate and you do not have to sign a s.1-.llnD llldnc ....-wat. You mn diddt Oft tM...,ol tM~twlUo on the ""1_ la which~ wW be lbown (call 10'& 'llM. ....... ble U.S.. fte.); . . Newr admit an~ lhto ~-.. whO clahna to be a real letat. •nt am1 ... a bultnelt card t. pN19na.d to you and the aeeni lt wtWna to wait wblle you wrtty hit or her employment with the !'Ml eRlte ot&e. 11 you want rnore information, contact th• Newport Harbor Colt.a M ... Board of Realtors by pboab\C 646-oen °" tile state Real ir.taie Department by phonJnc (213) 820-5903. Cleaning up a cat . DEAR PAT: My eat mut laave bea roWq la dtrt tUt Md tar la It. Be's a real meaa:l1 ta.en U)' wa1 I cu pt a.Im cleu - otMr tlaaa a beta.. _..ea. aie wo.JU't tolerate? A INllPbor t.ld me IM Uioqllt IM'd read ..,.., Wa la you col1111m some time go. . C.F. B•tlapMl Be9ea. Your neighbor probably was talking about the conmarch bath 10lution. Part your cat's hair and sprinkle cornstarch into the coat, or nab it into abort-haired cats' coats. Leave it on Jona enough to abeorb all dirt, oil and (p'eale.~ brush vfaoroualy. Thia treatment generally cleans the coat and la especially recommended for removlna anall sreaae spots. Road tar can be removed by rubblng mineral oil into the fur and wiping it off with toweling or other abeorbent material. If your cat got tar on his paws, rub them with mineral oil and confine him to a small area where you have spread out newspapers. The tar will drop off within a short time. Check shop insurance DEAR PAT: Wbo woald be re1pon1lble lf I took a televlalon set to a repair 11top ud It was destroyed by fire? 'ftl1 polat came ap ID a dltcuslon at my office recently, and no one was aare aboat tbe auwer. L.E., Cotta Mesa If you take any item, including a car, into a shop for repain and there's a fire or theft that is not caused by any negligence on the part of the owner.you are not prot.ected.Unless the shop is covered by insurance, it's your loss.• There ls no law that says a businea must carry insurance. Your own penonal property insurance may cover your loa, but it's a good idea to find out if a repair shop carries insurance before you leave valuables on the premises. • Got a problem? Then wnte to Pat H~ '91-w/Ca. Pat wiJJ cut red tape, getting the - MlSWers and action you need to aolve in- equitls in government and buainss. Mall "".Y:ur q~•tion• to Pat Horowlt%, At Your Service, Orange Cout Dally Pilot. P.O. Box 1'80, Costa mesa, CA. 92626. IET mental attitude that can last for the rest of your life. Call or come In to Richard Simmons new Anatomy Asylum today \t>u can do It. Join now. URRY/ FINAL DAVS Tredit:lcMI IUmlDll' watkln II more than half over. l•t th• Irvine Unified School Dtatnct aUl1 do9n't haw a fall optninl da• for claMll. "We're aeutna clote.'' 1ald Delaine lflcharC:t11 asal1tant 1Upertntendent of echooll, 0 and 1 think the board of trulteel will do 1omethln1 about lt toniaht.'' T6e ecbool open1ni date ta tied to contract JW80Uatlona that have been under way since April between the district and Irvine Teacberw Allociation. So far, uld Richardt, "We have no tentative acreementa. no nothina." The teechen are aeekina a 12.~ percent hike ln bue salary; the dlstrict t. offerlna 3 percent. Meanwhile, Richarda aald, ''I think our students, parents, teachen and prlnclDala deterve to know when achoo[ t. opening." The IChool board wW meet at 7:30 tonight in Lakeside Middle School, 3 Lemongr .. , Irvine. Tunnel open OBERWALD, Switzerland (AP) -The world's longest narrow-gauge railway tunnel. running 9.~ miles through the Furka Pass, was inaugurated, opening a year-round Alpine link between eastern and western Switzerland. ) . . . . --- . ., . ,, ... OUT FOR BLOOD -Magistrate Wayne Willis has been called "Judge Dracula" by his legal compatriots, In the put two weeks three defendants have accepted his offer to reduce their sentences if they will donate blood to the American Red Cross in Boise, Idaho. INTRODUClllG A NEW SUPER CHECKING ACCOUNT Don't Settle For An Old-Fashioned Bank Checking Account. UNDER $2000 .•• it looks and acts like the state-of-the-art free checking account you should have! OVER $2000 •.. stand back! we "sweep" it all into a high-rate money- market investment daily! Reol chedang occount convenience ond doily occess to yoor money. Write os mony checks 05 yoo wont, whene~M you wont, rn ony omount ... we outomoticolly "sweep" ony bolonce obove S2.000 doily ond outornoticolly rnto o hrgh rote money morlr.et investment occount Your surplus funds outomoticolly eorn money morket rotes without monogement lees/without "rn ond out" paper work. To invest, simply open o "super checking occgunt" ot ony of the conveoienl Equitable offices. Equit~ble Savings & Loan (Formerly Bellflower Savings It Loan) 16 I 08 S.Ullow•r Boulevard Bellflower 213 867-7241 21552 Broolthurst Street Huntington Beoch 714 964-3424 1277 5 Beoch BouleYord St on ton (71 4) 895-1181 MORBJSON Ptbrison Showroom Sales NOW OPEN "Stocky" WE FEATURE: .. • CLOllNG T17.21 Irvine .firm gets . power plant pact Ultraayatem~, Inc. of Irvine announced the company hu been awarded a $228,000 contrect to lNtaU a 1,000-kllowatt qeneradon power plant at CalTech. Cogeneratlon planu are power generat1n1 fadllUet which 11.multaneoualy produce electridty and ~lteem. C.Onstruction will be by Ofoco Conatructlon C.O., a aut.id.lary of Ult:ruyatema. Inc. Piper Hydro income up Revenues of Piper Hydro Inc. ot Irvine totaled $306,349 ln the quarier ended June 30, up 2,000 percent from $13,019 ,in the aecond quarter of 1981. However, there wu a loas for the quarter of $95,840 equal to 2 centa per share, compared with a loes of $25,820, or 1 cent, in the year-earlier period. The company aaid greatly improved aecond- quarter revenues were inadequate to offlet i.ncreMed co.ts of public ownenhJp of the company and the expense of building of the buainesa in antidpat1on of improved houalng marketa. Seahawk income gains Seahawk OU International Inc. of Newport Beach an independent oil and gas exploration company, achieved increued gains in revenues and earninga for the quarter ended June 30. Net income reached $290,836, or 10 cents per share, compared with $49,189, or 1 cent per aha.re, for the like period last year. Revenues for the quarter were $597 ,837, including $463,068 in oil and gas sales, ·vs. revenues of $145,116<> with no oil and gas sales for the like period of the prior year. Primo opens HB store Primo, which call.I it.self the world's largest natural food supermarket, opened a atore today at Beach Boulevard and Main Street at the 5 Pointa Shopping Center in Huntington Beach. Fluor unit awarded job A Fluor Corp. unit hu received a contract from Abu Dhabi National Oil C.O. for a sulfur-handling tenninal to be constructed at Ruwais, United Arab Emirates. Fluor (Great Britain) Limited's Manchester division will perform design. englneering and managing contractor ee~ for the project. Value to Fluor was not di.acl09ed. The plant will have an installed cost of about $50 million and be capable of receiving up to 1,000 tons of. sulfur a day. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AME_RICAN LEADERS METALS NEW YORK {API -Spot ~ metel pricee todlry: C...., eei.-11 DMta e pound, U.S. o.tlnetlon .. &.Nd 24-29 cente e pound. ZllM 37....0 oentt e pound,.....,, Tift se., 100 ~ w..ic coi11P011• lb. ~ 78-n cent1 a pound, N.Y. __, 13e4.00 pal' '*"· .....,_. 1284.0042.89.00 troY--, N.Y. SILVER Hendy & Herman, te.220 per troy oi.- GOLD QUOTATIONS